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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220806

fears of a full scale garza conflict as israel attacks with air strikes and palestinian fighters respond with rockets. ah, roberson, this is all the 0 life window hob, also coming up a 5 year old palestinian girls among 10 people killed in garza dozens more injured palestinian islamic jihad group in garza says, it's far more than 100 rockets into israel. and china continues, military drills are on taiwan enough to hospital nancy pelosi, his visit to the island. the taiwanese military is foreign flares at drones, an unidentified aircraft. ah, we're going to be getting garza, we're israel's carried out. air strikes and armed fighters have responded provoking fears of a full scale conflict. health authorities say at least 10 people have been killed and dozens have been injured. gonna, i'll say it has more from garza, let me warn you that some viewers might find some of the images in this report. distressing the darkness for kansas city flashed bright by explosions. as israeli artillery and other weapons targeted, what they said were weapons factories, a rocket launch sites belonging to islamic jihad. the moments before an aerial duel, as magical rockets were fired from casa towards israel, with most, intercepted by these rarely iron dome. anti message system is lemay. she had said they fired more than 100 rocket and she could look hard to be in a televised address. they usually prime minister. yeah, you're luck, pete said his country had 0 tolerance for attacks from gaza. but that israel had no interest in a wider battle earlier, the israel defense ministry had approved the call up of as many as 25000 army reservists and read it combat battalions sparking fears that in israeli ground invasion was imminent. the day light attacks were spread throughout god's the city . one main target was this apartment building, where a senior commander from islamic g had to see a job where he was killed is really army switches showed what the said was a suspected rocket launch side. in hon eunice among the dozens of injured and dead, the body of the 5 year old girl was carried throughout this tree. what is his child? she was dreaming of going to kindergarten and as for the father 1st pulled back and closed. what has she done wrong? this innocent child? yeah. other funeral processions were squirted by running crowds, fearful of the next attack. longer so resident described what she heard and so i heard about $45.00 loud bangs of the sleep. and i was just clicking running, wondering what happened, and people in the, in the building they just run down to the street, you know, because they fear that they're going to be other apartments targeted on slimy, she had said israel had made a declaration of war, a promise to flight back. learn how to this is a declaration of all out war against the palestinian people. we will respond to that. this is a violation and disregard for all the efforts that have been made over the past days in order to restore him comp, positively with these efforts that the enemy was as usual treacherous. these rarely action followed the closure as to port your crossings with because this trip earlier in the week and the arrest a senior islamic you had members in the occupied west bank and the office of the palestinian president mahmoud abbas called friday attack a dangerous escalation. the un cushioned against further civilian casualties, while egyptian mediators are trying to diffuse the tension between both sides. but this is calisha and it's something that we have seen time and time again. hearing garza and the heaviest price is always paid by the people. you may see al jazeera got this city john homan has more from occupied is to select the israeli military says that now there's 120 rockets been launched into the country so far. we're not him. of any reports of injuries. on the israeli side, a lot of those rockets being stopped by the iron dough, which is the israeli system against rocket to stop them even in the air. and those that have landed seem to have done so in areas where they haven't been able to to hurt anyone. there are other countries weighing in on this and other organizations. the united states is one of the earliest, a tweet from the ambassador is ro, saying that the united states firmly believes the israel has a right to protect itself. we're engaging with different parties and urge sides for come. so that was seen as quite firmly citing with the, with israel in the jewel damian foreign minister, the country li, just to the east took a different tone calling for an end to the condemned israeli aggression against the gaza strip. and the un also the special coordinator for the middle east peace process. also waited and said that he was deeply concerned the palestinian presidencies cold in the international community to press israel to stop its attacks on garza and to provide protection for people there. hundreds of people protested in ramallah to show their support for the people that garza tensions have been high in the occupied westbank. after months of raids by israeli security forces are correspondent me to abraham has more. the palestinian presidency has condemned de escalation, calling a dangerous calling upon the international community to intervene to stop what they called it. these rainy escalation. also we heard from the palestinian prime minister, how much the you're talking about the escalation saying, it's israel that started this week. people to enter love, go out in the throughout the protest. calling for unity calling for retaliation. we've also seen a 10 situation in jeanine in the north will be occupied with bank. this is we're a sam excited to senior plumbing. she had the there was arrested from and janine itself has been the epicenter of our coverage and has been the center of attention in the past few months as these really would have been conducted almost nightly and daily. we to the outskirts of the refugee camp fear we know that there are armed men, they are in the camps. there are estimated at the lower 100. they will be fight and engaged in armed confrontations would be through the courses when they twice to enter the refugee camp and arrest people fear. and we've also seen those armed men yesterday going and showing a 4th in the camp holding weapons. because as we know, ever since israel has arrested the south side, the from jeanine on monday, the climate g has, has raised its level of alert, has told its all members to be ready to europe, to basically make israel page, which is the terminology that they've been using for arresting senior flemming to had the that with them aside the from the us national security spokesmen, john kirby says israel has the full support of the united states a solution. of course we remain committed to a. busy to that, but we still want to see that the outcome both sides have to want to in washington . jordan has more than the reaction in washington d. c. the bind administration is also reaching out of what it calls the relevant parties, asking them to try to calm the situation, to not aggravate attention and to try to was stop of the of violence that has been erupt in. i'm in is in southern israel. and in the gaza strip a old day on friday and into the overnight the by didn't ministration, of course is a very much committed to a 2 state solution, but it has also been a very clear and we saw this when the u. s. president joe biden was in israel and occupied west bank recently that he knows that the situation is not at a place where the parties couldn't negotiate in good faith on trying to achieve a separate palestinian state. it's not just that of the biden administration isn't going to engage with hamas, or with as long as law mich jihad, that has been the policy of previous a u. s. administration. but the usaa government under joe biden has been rather explicit in its view that these organizations are proxies for iran. you're just not going to see u. s. officials engaging with hamas, or with islamic jihad. what you are going to seeing is engagement with the palestinian authority and its president buffalo to boss. you're going to see an engagement, of course, with the israeli government. and you're going to see engagement with other parties in the region with egypt with jordan, with other countries that may be able to bring indirect influence upon hamas and islamic jihad. but you're not going to see the americans doing it themselves. that's just an odd starter for this venice is a fellow of the institute for policy studies and she says the united states continues to be a very strong supporter of israel. it sounds very consistent with what we can expect from the u. s. if they haven't said it yet, they're going to say something like that very soon. i have no doubt. there is this constant sense of yes, we call on both sides to tamp down. but we respect israel's right of self defense. which 1st of all is not even an issue here because there was no attack that israel was responding to. it was responding to what it said could have been an attack. we expected there might be an attack. and therefore, we have the right to do anything we want, including violations of international law, such as collective punishment. the failure to distinguish between civilian and military targets. among the, the 8 people at least, that have been killed. so far. i was a 5 year old girl and a 23 year old woman. the others. we don't know yet who they were. but this notion of protecting israel's rights to do whatever it chooses against the palestinians where the palestinians have no such rights. despite president biden's rhetoric on his trip where he said that his goal is a situation in which palestinians and israelis have equal access to security prosperity, et cetera. there is no action. the u. s. takes that treats them as equals. it treats the israelis as the only country with rights. when our divisions, middle east coordinators called for the escalation of the fighting process of him, he has more form that you are in new york. there can be no justification for attacks on civilians. those are the words of middle east coordinator toward venice land in response to the recent attacks in gaza. he noted that a 5 year old child is among the dead and expressed concern that this escalation between palestinian militants and israel. and what he described as the targeted killing of the palestinian islamic jihad leader could further exacerbate tensions in the region intentions, which have been growing and brewing not only in gaza, but also across the west bank. and of course, it's the united nations that gets called in to pick up the pieces after conflicts like this in the occupied territories. and he expressed concern that civilians will ultimately be the ones who pay the worst price at a time when international support and international funding to help in situations like this is stretched very thin. so a word of caution from the middle east coordinator words released on twitter and in statements to the media calling on both sides to tone down their response and protect civilians still hadn't al jazeera, today's new constitution supposed to unite to its people. but paul suggest a majority may vote to reject it. on ferdinand macos junior has been president of the philippines for just a few weeks. spots is in from his father, is grabbing headlines with 2 movies telling very different stories. ah, richard, he has begun the faithful world copies on its way to the castle route. you will travel package to the let's go with your weather update for asia haber. one thanks for joining in beginning in india. and those mot soon ran sir, really do in a number on that west coast of india. some spots over the past 24 hours, 100150 millimeters of rain. and i think we can expect to see much of the same on saturday crusher, longer 2000 people have been forced from their homes because of how intense the monsoon rains have been there, triggering some flooding over to pakistan now, and we're seeing the rain return. we'll get into some heavier bouts here for sin province on saturday. want to take you to asia pacific. great. now some pretty intense rain is being steered into the philippines. so we'll pick up the story there, especially around the capitol region on lose on island, darker the color, the more intense the rain is and we do have some severe flood advisories in play. they're quite at soaking hong kong. got over the past 24 hours more than a 100 millimeters of rain. we heard tropical depression. that's dissipated, but still more rain to go on saturday and heat across the yangtze river valley. so we've got some weather alerts in play for shanghai seen a lot of rain for central and northern areas of honju raising those river levels. but the good news is on saturday. still some showers in the forecast just not as intense as it has been. we'll see you soon. i saw official airline of the journey, new boise heating up the airway. lot of chinese listeners. we can't really hear what they really think in their own country shifting palate, a case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how do happen? it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative fairly and went to the pole with those images front of my wallet, very much going forward out in the media, as well as on the battlefield. they're listening. dissect the media on al jazeera ah ah, you want to go to 0 reminder of our tops or is this our israel's attack, the gaza strip and armed fighters have responded racing fears of a full scale conflict. palestinian islamic jihad says, is far more than a 100 rockers. that is really cities. the 1st is really air strikes, had a high rise tower and gases city. one of those killed was taisha, also body. a commander of the are hoods brigades. it's the military arm of palestinian islamic jihad at least 10 others have also died including a 5 year old girl. us secretary of state antony lincoln's meeting, the philippines president fountain and marcos junior are expected to discuss several issues including tensions between the us and china. blank, and the said that the u. s. is committed to a mutual defense treaty with the philippines. marco said the current geopolitical environment shows how important their ties are. tie one's defense. ministry says it's fired flavors to warn offset. we're 7 drones and unidentified planes flying over its territory. tensions remain high with china, which is furious over the visit to taiwan by us house speaker dancy pelosi. they're giving individual plans the international editor of ty, one plus, and she's joining us on skype from taipei good to have you with us. so the military activity by china seems to be affecting ty, ones, outlying islands. now why is that significant? that's right, so the islands that these unidentified aircraft and drones were identified on our scene on which ty, one's military, you fired flares to warn off our inhabit is the islands and the islands on the taiwan straits, which are some of the closest to the chinese mainland kenman in particular, where those drawings flew over is only about 10 kilometers from mainland china. and i believe that would be the 1st point of contact. should there be an invasion? now these military exercises are continuing, not just around those outlying islands, but also in those waters closer to the main islands of taiwan and the ministry of defense. us troops here are remaining on high alert and we're having, i think it to day 3 of these chinese military exercises jaila people in till i one feeling about things is this is clearly not something that is gonna end anytime soon. no, that's right. and there is a concern if you speak to defense analysts here, the china will just keep extending them originally. they said it was 3 days. then they extended it in to monday was present on sunday. and the general feeling here is that the main reason china is carrying out these exercises is 2 prong. one is because they want to warn off and give us send a clear message over their sovereignty, or were taiwan saying that you shouldn't step out of line in china claims time one as part of its own territorial that's i. one is, has its own government runs itself and acts pretty much as an independent nation. the 2nd reason analysts here are saying that china is conducting these exercises. and particularly because of the weights surrounded tiwana, essentially locating it is because they want to see what it would like and check their strategy if they should conduct an invasion of the future. and they want to see how effective their drills will be to v a thank you very much and did, did via gopal on international editor of time, one plus all touching fog as a journalist based in beijing, he says, china's following through and his warning of consequences following nancy pelosi visit, so we'll state media citing analysts broke down what some the diplomatic counter measures were about to day on the issue of the cancellation of military level dialogue. that said that the u. s. had failed to hear china's warning for nancy pelosi not to go to taiwan. and that as a result, mutual trust between the 2 militaries had dive to a new lo and also noted that president biden had made significant diplomatic progress on climate change. but the u. s. wouldn't be able to achieve anything on its own. meanwhile, the chinese embassy in washington are said that the only way out of this crisis was for the u. s. to rectify its mistakes, and that it was the u. s. that is the trouble make and warned against take him relations down the track of conflict and confrontation. the war games are set to continue to day. china had in particular, notably across the median lines several times over the last couple of days. and analysts are fearing that this could be a new norm for the p l. a. in future exercises a jury in texas is ordered. conspiracy theorist alex jones to pay $45200000.00 and what are called punitive damages. jones falsely claimed the sandy hook, school shooting was a hoax. the n 4 wars host had been ordered to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation to the parents of a child killed in the shooting in 2012. jesse louis, his parents said jones comments, la to years of emotional distress and harassment for them, including death threats, supporters of iraq's, she idly them outside. i have held mass friday, prayers, and several cities sada, urged his supporters to continue their sitting in front of parliament until those he calls corrupt politicians are removed from office when the walk had reports from baghdad. yeah, thousands of iraqis to an out in the green zone for a friday miss prayer and protest. they're mostly supporters of influential shea at the leader of the southern, some in the crowd. call it over, lucian. done a lot at the well thought to be iraq has been controlled by corrupt politicians, through consecutive governments. the quite system resulted in the deterioration of the health care system, education and security. poverty is on the rise, but corrupt officials getting richer every day. drugs and weapons are spread everywhere because of those authoritarian parties affiliated to foreign powers. what me when m many have travelled here from different parts of iraq in the hopes of getting their voices heard. iraq has had on the occasion ticket government for the last 9 months, and many basic services have been interrupted, a shabby, it's just a lot more harder. linbeck dot com. we've come here from the chart. cabella had cut and bubble sheet sunni curds christians. and as it is all to say no to the constitution drafted by the americans, while we will not leave until portable is dissolved when these protesters highlight the months of political estate, me to form a government since last october's general elections. so that his supporters have been occupying parliament in protest in a televised statement. so that urged his supporters to continue their sin. i suggested dissolving parliament and holding early elections as a solution to the political deadlock. ha ha. the prayers coincide with southern supporters leaving the parliament building after one weeks it in. but they have been instructed to stay on the ground the surrounding parliament with out of no letters on mister wall. we are planning to continue here until we toppled the re jame. no matter what it takes, we have nothing to lose more than what we have already lost. our country is in ruins. the you and the special representative to iraq. disney plus heart has met smoked at a souther in. now jeff, she's been coated by local media saying the meeting was productive. but some of said was rival politicians pause a challenge including former prime minister marie l. mckee and the head of the popular mobilization forces fell hell for yard. both men insist holding early elections requires the formation of a new government. because iraq's case take a government doesn't have the legal right to hold another election. which means millions of iraqis may be facing many more days of uncertainty. i'm with up to do a head and vizier beaudet the latest opinion polls in chile such as voters will reject a new constitution in a referendum next month. some are blaming a disinformation campaign for the apartment opposition. mathematica editor the see a newman course. yes, it's the final count down to a new draft constitution that was meant to unite chileans. abra with a copy of the proposed magna carta in hand. he's volunteers sing, let's go. we must win and vote approval or a proof in september's decisive referendum. but the other thing that if you get a muscle, we won't change because our current constitution written under a dictatorship was bad. the smell will give us better health, education, pensions, and recognition from diginero nations. ah, yet the new constitution is seen by many as to radical and divisive even by some chileans on the center and central left. oh, less joined together without hatred of you know, without fear, with hope to say it on not this one. no. good. even before the draft constitution was finished last month, it was the target of an unprecedented campaign of disinformation promoted by those who oppose major proposed changes to chili's political, any good nomic systems. the purpose is to actually make you believe something that is not true. i will say that probably there is an additional intent and it's to make you distrustful, not only of youth, but about everything. disinformation fed on social and traditional media has spread fear that chileans will no longer own their own homes. that indigenous nations will have more rights than everyone else, and the justice system will lose all its independence. even the independent electoral board has come under attack on social media, presumably by extreme right wing groups. he only with outdoor people, they've invented all sorts of lies about the preliminary results and undocumented foreigners being able to vote. but many believe it. this is now chillies, number one, best seller containing the nearly 400 articles of the proposed constitution. but it's not exactly easy reading, and much of it is open to interpretation. all of which facilitates misinterpretation and confusion. add to this, the very credible reports that freight copies of this constitution are circulating on the streets in the mid to spread this information. and you have an issue that is most explosive and polarizing. what are the televised campaigns segments that give equal time to both sides may be crucial to the constitutions, passage or failure topic. they mumble, son, emotionally, everywhere in the world, an election campaign appeals to emotions. it will be the same with this official tv campaign segment for this referendum. the b o emotional effects and information over this information will likely be the deciding factors and chiles, immediate, and long term future. to see a newman al jazeera santiago. okay, let me take you back to the philippines because a new film has been released about the late philippine leader fed, an and marco senior who presided over widespread human rights abuses his son is the current president critic say the film is yet more white washing of history, bonner below, as more from manila we have finally a movie depicting the 1986 people's uprising that toppled the government of ferdinand marcus inside the presidential palace from the perspective of demarcus. the film is showing just months after the election of the former leader, son, president, ferdinand marcus junior. it is being promoted as a true story, but historian, se clothes that have been circulating on line had not been consistent with the established truth. this scene shows then opposition leader corazon aquino, who later restored democracy as president nonchalantly playing manual. while a revolution was raging, crossing the line, it's really, it's, it's really hard to say. but the invention is very clear to me already, especially with the same way back when i saw latino just saying, you know, very, very closely get them out of the philippines. and then boasted b, i. b junk table with the elder marcos ruled for 21 years, amassed an estimated $5.00 to $10000000000.00 worth of unexplained wealth and was responsible for tens of thousands of wrongful imprisonments, torture, and killings. according to human rights advocates, none of this was in the movie one another film about his administration. however, open on the same day. a tips is about student activism and how the marcus government then responded with brutality. our corporate here isn't only 20 more important and is not here to educate people and he's 3 something which is for forgotten already was the story that and revise. so we really need to.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220806

fairs of a full scale garza conflict as israel attacks with the air strikes and palestinian faces at respond. ah, hello there, i'm still here today and this is out here at life and also coming a 5 year old palestinian gum is among 10 people killed in gaza. dozens was injured . the palestinian islamic jihad group and gases has its 5 more than 100 rockets into israel. china continues its military drills around tie one after us. how speaking nancy? pelosi is visits. the island, the taiwanese military has shop plaza drones and identified aircraft. ah ah, so we begin in gaza where israels carried out a wave of air strikes and fighters a responded provoking phase of a full scale conflict house authority said these 10 people have been killed. dozens injured in that outside report. not from gaza and a warning. some viewers may find some images in the report distressing me. the darkness caused the city flashed bright by explosions as israeli artillery and other weapons targeted, what they said were weapons factories. a rocket launch sites belonging to islamic jihad. the moments before an aerial duel, as magical rockets were fired from caused it towards israel with most intercepted by the israeli iron dome. anti message system is lemay. she had said they fired more than $100.00 rocket. and player she could look to be in the televised address . they usually prime minister. yeah. your la pete said his country had 0 tolerance for attacks from gaza, but that israel had no interest in a wider battle. earlier the israel defense ministry had approved the call up of as many as $25000.00 army reservists and read it combat battalions sparking fears that in each really ground invasion was eminent. the day light attacks were spread throughout gods. the city. one main target was this apartment building where a senior commander from islamic g had to see a job that he was killed is really army sweaters showed what they said was suspected rocket launch side in hon eunice. 6 among the dozens of injured and dead, the body of the 5 year old girl was carried throughout this tree. what is this child's fault? she was dreaming of going to kindergarten and asked her father for a school bag and clothes. what has she done wrong? this innocent child, yeah. other funeral processions where he squirted by running crowds fearful of the next attack. longer so resident described what she heard. and so i heard about 45 loud bangs of the sleep. and i was just clicking on running, wondering what happened. and people in the, in the building, they just run down to the street, you know, because they fear that they're going to be other apartments targeted on slimy, she had said israel had made a declaration of war at promise, dislike back, learn how to this is a declaration of all out war against the palestinian people. we will respond to that. this is a violation and disregard for all the efforts that have been made over the past days in order to restore him comp. positively, with these efforts that the enemy was as usual treacherous. these rarely action followed the closure as to port your crossings with because this trip earlier in the week and the arrest a senior islamic jihad members in the occupied west bank and the office of the palestinian president mahmoud abbas cold fridays attack a dangerous escalation. the un cushion against further civilian casualties. while egyptian mediators are trying to diffuse the tension between both sides. but this is calisha and it's something that we have seen time and time again. hearing garza and the heaviest price is always paid by the people. you may see al jazeera, gaza city, oklahoma have one from occupied east jerusalem. the israeli military says that now there's 120 rock has been launched into the country so far. we're not him. of any reports of injuries. on the israeli side, a lot of those rockets being stopped by the iron dough, which is the israeli system against rocket to stop them even in the air. and those that have landed seem to have done so in areas where they haven't been able to to hurt anyone. there are other countries weighing in on this and other organizations. the united states is one of the earliest a tweet from the ambassador's ro, saying that the united states firmly believes the israel has a right to protect itself. we're engaging with different sides for come. so that was seen as quite firmly citing with the, with the israel in the jordanian foreign minister. the country obviously just to the east took a different tone calling for an end to the condemned israeli aggression against the gaza strip. and the un also the special coordinator for the middle east peace process. also waited and said that he was deeply concerned. or the palestinian presidency has called on the international community to press israel to stop its attacks on gaza and to provide protections. people that hundreds of people protested in ramallah to show their support for the people of casa tensions had been high. and y'all to find west bank of the month of raids by israeli security forces correspondent need abraham, has the palestinian presidency, has condemned de escalation, calling a dangerous calling upon the international community to intervene to stop what they called it. these rainy escalation. also we heard from the palestinian prime minister, how much the you're talking about the escalation thing. it's israel that started this week, people to enter my la, go out in the, throughout the pro to calling for unity calling for retaliation. we've also seen a 10 situation in gene in the north will be occupied with bank. this is where the senior plumbing she had the there was a respite from engineering itself. has been the epicenter of our coverage and has been the center of attention in the past. few months as use radio wouldn't have been conducted almost nightly and daily. we to the outskirts of the refugee camp fear. we know that there are armed men, they are in the camps, their estimated at the lower 100. they used to be fight and engaged in armed compensations would be ready forces when they twice to enter the refugee camp and arrest people are. and we both of those armed men yesterday going and showing a 4th in the camp holding weapons. because as we know, ever since israel has rested beside the side the from janine on monday, the slamming g had, has raised its level of alert, has told its all members to be ready to europe, to basically make israel page, which is the terminology that they've been using for arresting senior flemming to had with them sadly from jan on the us national security spokesmen, john kirby says, israel has the full support of the united states before or to defend itself to state solution. of course, we remain committed to the station president strip. busy busy to jerusalem and we still want to want to profit on jordan has more on the reaction and washington d. c. the bind it ministration is also reaching out to what it calls the relevant parties. asking them to try to calm the situation to not aggravate attention and to try to was stop of the violence that has been erupt in. i'm in is in southern israel and in the gaza strip a old day on friday and into the overnight the by didn't ministration. of course is a very much committed to a 2 state solution. but it has also been a very clear and we saw this when the u. s. president joe biden was in israel and occupied west bank recently that he knows that the situation is not at a place where the parties could negotiate in good faith on trying to achieve a separate palestinian state. it's not just that of the biden administration isn't going to engage with hamas, or with as long as law mich jihad, that has been the policy of previous a u. s. administration. but the usaa government under joe biden has been rather explicit in its view that these organizations are proxies for iran. you're just not going to see u. s. officials engaging with hamas, or with islamic jihad. what you are going to seeing is engagement with the palestinian authority and its president buffalo to boss. you're going to see an engagement, of course, with the israeli government. and you're going to see engagement with other parties in the region with egypt, with jordan, with other countries that may be able to bring indirect influence upon hamas and islamic jihad. but you're not going to see the americans doing it themselves. that's just a nonstarter. well, gideon levy is a journalist and commentator at hearts. he says, israel politics on spain, these are a public is quite brainwashed and knows very little about what's going on. full days. we were told that there 1000 settlements over the both of these guys must be under a co fool because there is a danger. nobody knew what is the danger. exactly. and then all of a sudden after 3 or 4 days, israel claimed that this is unbearable. i mean garza can be 16 years on the siege and this is bearable, but some towns in the south of israel cannot spend 4 days off or look down. so here it happened. i am very suspicious. the test will do with the elections. any prime minister needs to prove himself, especially if he comes from the center list in israel. and we have a new prime minister. and he wants to show that he's in much or like, or the form of prime minister or dose, a very poor excuses for role for another circle in garza, the key question is woocommerce join or know if hamas we'd be clever enough not to join the visa and we look provoke from us to join. so then there is a good chance that for a few days, this will be over because they slammed jihad is quite a small organization with more limited capabilities. but once come up with joy and then the sky's the limit on the not united nations, not least coordinator has called for d escalation of the fighting. chris anthony has more from the you any neil? there can be no justification for attacks on civilians. those are the words of middle east coordinator toward venice land in response to the recent attacks in gaza. he noted that a 5 year old child is among the dead and express concern that this escalation between palestinian militants and israel. and what he described as the targeted killing of the palestinian islamic jihad leader could further exacerbate tensions in the region intentions, which have been growing and brewing not only in gaza, but also across the west bank. and of course, it's the united nations that gets called in to pick up the pieces after conflicts like this in the occupied territories. and he express concern that civilians will ultimately be the ones who pay the worst price at a time when international support and international funding to help in situations like this is stretched very thin. so a word of caution from the middle east coordinator words released on twitter and in statements to the media, calling on both sides to tone down their response and protect civilians. while still ahead here on al jazeera kenny is drowned, could be hurting its democracy. thousands of people may not vote and next week's election, the climate is a big factor. and fun on michael's junior has been president of the philippines just a few weeks, but his infamous father is grabbing headlines with 2 movies telling very different stories. ah, here's your weather update in a minute 15. hi everyone. thanks for joining in. so 2 areas of disturbed weather to point out here we've got a frontal system, so in through a song c on. so once again, that's going to lower your temperatures even more, and then outbreaks of rain around santiago, we've got snow over the higher ground as well for the southern andes is go further toward the north. it's our usual scattering of showers and storms that we would expect to see in this part of the world central america, a wave of rain running through the yucatan peninsula. though ken kuhn will stay dry with a height of 30 degrees off to the u. s. we go and we had flash flood watches in play for the u. s. state of kentucky. that rain is now leaking into tennessee, but really widespread showers and storms in this area. the same goes for that east coast of the u. s. as while we've got high humidity here and i got to tell you these storms are going to do little to stomp out that heat in some spots filling closer to about 40 off to the west. we go. that sounds out vancouver $24.00 and look at that. those temperatures are climbing once again in portland to $33.00 degrees and around the desert southwest. it's our usual monsoon or storms, especially for nevada, where there are some flash flood watches in play. that's it. we'll see you soon. ah, the deadly john, virtues search, racing concert halls, a dominating international competition. what makes me stop careers musical prodigies one out to 0? ah, i agree. i'll just here with hulu. ah, ah, hello there, i'm associate in dawn. let's remind you about top stories here. the salad israel has carried on as strikes in the gaza strip, an armed fight, as of responded provoking phase of a full scale conflict. palestinian islamic jihad says it's $500.00 rockets at his rating cities. while the fast israeli, as strikes, had a high rise tower in garza city, one of those killed was ta see algebra area commander of the outputs brigades. that's been military of palestinian islamic jihad just 10. others have also died, including a 5 year old guy. now us secretary of state antony, blanking is meeting the philippines president ferdinand michaels junior. they said to discuss several issues including tension between the u. s. and china. lincoln described the relationship with the philippines as extraordinary. he said, the u. s. is committed to a mutual defense tracy with the country. marco said the current, your political environment showed just how important the anti as well. well, taiwan defense ministry says it's 5 flares to one off several drones and on identified planes flying over its territory. tensions remain high with china, which is furious over the visit to taiwan by us. how speak at nancy pelosi that speaker decompile, and she's the international editor of taiwan class. and she joins us now on skype from type a to chinese drills now seem to be affecting high ones, outlying islands. how significant is that? that's right. so these islands are on the tie. 13, and they're seen as the closest point to mainland china. and in fact, one of those islands can min island is only about 10 kilometers away from would you and province in china seen as the main point. the general perspective here is that should trying to, to invade, that would be the 1st points of landing along with not so island to. so there is concern with these activity being so close by all the people are somewhat used to living with it and seeing the chinese military activity, given the fact that they can virtually feed china from their homes. but regardless, the ministry of defense expects us to activity in that area to continue and say to their remain on high alert. you say they expect them to continue. we're heading into day 3. now of these chinese checks the size of it. i believe they've also been extended. is there any sense of when they might actually end? no defense analyst here are saying that china could in fact keep extending it to you. they had more of it as a psychological tool to, to put, keep taiwan on edge. so they may, may have already plans longer exercises, but they will feed the information in dribs and drabs. now, one of the main impact of these exercises would be the psychological impact, which such a beijing is hoping not just on the upper levels of taiwan government and military, but also on people here. but people are going about their daily lives. they've heard these threats time and time again, and seen this kind of aggression perhaps not to this extent. so it's that impact is somewhat been blunted. but people i've spoken to and the general chatter on social media is they are more wary than usual and they are more aware of this threat. mainly because of the way taiwan has been blockaded with these military exercises. and part of their concern is that that could be a mishap miscalculation or mishap, that would essentially affect taiwan lambs and also the economic impacts of this blockades. and the fact that china has been goods and products from taiwan in the past few days, and is expected to continue doing so. and china is i want largest trading partner, so that is all on the mind. so many people here to think of holland, they're speaking to us from taipei, with all the latest. thank you. to v o patrick folk is a janice based and beijing. he says china is making good on its warning of consequences. following policies visit will state media, citing analysts broke down what some the diplomatic cancer measures were about to day on the issue of the cancellation of military level dialogues. it said that the u. s. had failed to keep china's warning for nancy pelosi not to go to taiwan. and that as a result, mutual trust between the 2 militaries had dive to a new lo. it also noted that president biden had made significant diplomatic progress on climate change. but the u. s. wouldn't be able to achieve anything on its own. meanwhile, the chinese embassy in washington said that the only way out of this crisis was for the u. s. to rectify its mistakes, and that it was the u. s. that is the troublemaker and warned against taking relations down the track of conflict and confrontation. the war games are set to continue to day. china had in particular, notably across the median lines several times of the last couple of days. and analysts are fearing that this could be a new norm for the purely in future exercises. and living on a new state of indiana has approved a near ban on abortion the 1st day to do so. since the supreme court overturned the landmark roe v wade ruling and cheering. the republican controlled state senate voted to restrict the procedure except in cases of rape and infest when the mother's health is all set with it who has previously allowed up to 20 weeks into pregnancy. the states governor is also a republican. he has not yet said if he will find the measure into law a jury in texas has ordered a conspiracy theorist alex turns to pay $45200000.00 and what are called punitive damages. turns a falsely claimed that the sandy hook, school shooting was a hoax. the info was host, had been ordered to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation to the parents. and the child who was killed in that shooting in 2012. jesse louis, his parents had jones, his comments lenti years of emotional distress and harassment for them, including death threats. now kenya's drought could affect this year's election. thousands of people in the driest regions may be unable to vote, and he kenyans are struggling to survive while others have been forced to leave their homes. they say they feel neglected as the country braces for a competitive and expensive poll. catherine, so i reports now from garrison. i do about these lively who depends on life stalk, but there is a drought. woodrow, after 4 field rainy seasons, millions in our areas have little to eat and the animals are dying. in a few days, voters will head to the poles, opti and he's neighbor say they are more focused on staying alive than costing their ballots. i do it. i do a credit card because it'll get up soon. about holiday options have come to look for votes, where they have not told us how they will resolve or problems. they just want votes . livestock was millions of dollars have died since october last year. conflict over resources boundaries and bond itchy are not making things easier. many harder have left their homes to look for food and water. they have gone to other areas to try and save the animals. but it also means thousands of them may not be able to vote. politicians will rob their campaigns on saturday. they're promising better living conditions that they're part of this country where, you know, nobody wants to know about it and then you know what, what goes on in that part of the. and unfortunately, the county governments have also not been very useful because the county governments of, of resources to provide her assistance to drought victims. ah, what has happened is that this county, governments have not located enough money at true livestock related activities. these community elders say their issues have not been prioritized i born here in my children's school in here. i don't have a job. my income generation is livestock. whereas school my daily food is coming from the level to see my life. so all has gone. my grandfather died. oh, my children, all that good. so example, i'm asking you if my general of income is left took and has gone wild drive for those vying for political positions in this region, have talked about ambitious plans to reduce poverty. but many people here say they want less talk and more action. catherine saw al jazeera carissa county. meanwhile, the indian government has announced new emissions targets as it tries to tackle climate change. and made the pledge more than a year after the climate change talk and glasgow. india is committed to cutting emissions per unit of g, p by 45 percent compared to levels in 2005. now that figure is more ambitious than the previous target of around 33 percent. it also aims to meet half its energy demands with renewable sources by 2030 previous target. 40 percent. india is the 3rd largest carbon producer, and the 2nd in the world for coal consumption. it's aiming for. net 0 emissions by 2070 mature. joshua is a senior associate at the climate change. think tank e 3 g. she explains what's behind these new targets. generally the 5 targets announced announcements and also the still had made a copy 6. this included essentially $500.00 a month plus capacity, 50 percent in stock capacity from renewable energy, reducing $1000000000.00 tons of c o. 2 emissions that we now need to key for 25 percent intensity emissions and density reduction or what type levels are these 4 targets with by 2030 and and the premises also announced the emissions that 2017 and these are the 5 exits are often jammed it depends on the recently updated in d. c. in india. do not take into account of several of the open genders that were announced while the in d. c. updates are definitely a welcome change. these include 50 percent, non positive capacity by 2030 and 45 percent emissions. it also has a goal that's focused on sustainable lifestyle and sustainable consumption. and so i do think that the mr. not endeavors to opportunity to sort of reiterate the premise to force, but hopefully the domestic actions are along those lines that will help achieving the vision and hopefully exceeding it that when you sons been released about the late philippine leader said at ferdinand ma casanya, the controversial politician was in charge during wide spread human rights abuses. his son is now the country's president critic say the film tries to whitewash history. fontinella has worn out from manila, so not sure yet. finally, a movie depicting the 1986 people's uprising that toppled the government of ferdinand marcus inside the presidential palace from the perspective of the marcus . the film is showing just months after the election of the former leader, son, president, ferdinand marcus junior. it is being promoted as a true story, but historians say cliffs that have been circulating on line have not been consistent with the established truth. the scene shows that opposition leader corazon aquino, who later restored democracy as president nonchalantly playing mantle. while a revolution was raging. crossing the line, it's really it's, it's really hard to say, but ben, sean is very clear for me already. especially with the same way back when i saw it latino just saying, you know, very, very closely get them out of the philippines. and then both would be but john table with the elder marcos ruled for 21 years. amassed an estimated $5.00 to $10000000000.00 worth of unexplained wealth and was responsible for tens of thousands of wrongful imprisonments, torture, and killings. according to human rights advocates, none of this was in the movie one another film about his administration. however, open on the same day. dips is about student activism and how the marcus government then responded with brutality. i'll work more full series of only to wednesday. the more important is that we're here to educate people and he's to be something which is where forgotten already was the sport that and revise. so we really need to remind our young people about the importance of these tips, which was a musical before it went on. the big screen has been earning rave reviews and reaping awards, and hailed as being more accurate in its depiction of the senior marcus's iron fist, cruel critics affording and mark the sooner. se whose victory in the election was a victory or dis information. now that this information has come to the movie theaters of the philippines, those critics will be hoping truth will prevail this hi, barnaby lol al jazeera.


Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East South Koreas Musical Prodigies 20220806

hello. then this is out of here. and these are the headlines. israel has carried out a wave of air strikes and garza and armed fighters that responded provoking phase of a full scale conflict. palestinian islamic jihad says it's find a 100 rockets. it is railey cities, including television. israel says it's i and i miss our system has intercepted them . air raid sirens hasn't had in the southern and central end of israel. while the fast israeli airstrikes hit a high rise tower, and garza city, one of those killed was, ty, say, al jabari, a commander of the, our could brigades. that's the military on that islamic jihad, at least 10 others have also died, including 5 year old gal. dozens of other people have also been injured in those strikes. the palestinian presidency has called on the international community to press israel has stopped its attacks on gaza. hundreds of people protested in ramallah, showing their support from the people of casa tensions had been high and the occupied west bank of the month of raids by his reading. security forces won't want defense. ministry says troops of 5 flares to warn off drones and an identified aircraft flying over to outlying islands. meanwhile, china's foreign minister one v has defended military drills in the taiwan strait thing in line with international law. beijing launch to the exercises after us. how speaking nancy pelosi visited the island in the white house to summon the chinese ambassador to protest against the exercises. the national security council also responded on friday, saying beijing can reduce tensions by stopping the drills. the u. s. phase of indiana has approved a near ban on abortion the 1st day to do so since the supreme court overturned the land won't grovee wade ruling in june. the republican controlled state senate had voted to restrict the procedure except in cases of rape or incest. when the mother's health is it, with abortion, was previously allowed up to 20 weeks after pregnancy. a jury in texas has ordered conspiracy theorists, alex jones to pay $45200000.00. john jones falsely came to the sandy hook school shooting the hoax. the info was host, had also been ordered to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation to the parents of a child killed and not choosing and 2012. jesse louis, his parents had comments by joins led to years of emotional distress and harassment for them, including death threats. well, there is the headlines. i'll be back with more news here after, at 11 east to stay with us on cal, the cost the widening mortgage boy caught in china could from the fact that grumbled as columbia and venezuela agree, the men ties businesses. i afraid revival bloss russia wants to pull out of the international space station wants next in all the county, the cost on al jazeera, the winner of the shopping competition 1st prize, and gold medal goes to san jean. ah, south korean performance has taken the world of classical music. why stall? with from prestigious concert hall to international competition. it was $23.00 application from cornea, for the co and companies. and we are german. who are these young musicians i and how with south korea transformed into a classical music superpower, one 018, meets those who are redefining the world of classical music. with a $630.00, i am in salt just a few hours before the vibe. recording of one of south korea's most popular tv talent shows a among the my guess is solved, yawn. she is come with her mother at only 8 years old. this young violinist is already one of the country's favorite classical virtuoso. oh okay. a j young is a roger on the show. she's invited young talent, but today's program ah, a continued young did on she don't, did each one is it didn't in terms of advantage on moody e needs is putting to puddle toi, my bank a c u. m. a video and audio. and i do a one to 2. now i know you got a lot to collect mental a . oh oh, i mean a plan that humans mother him suji thinks her daughter. but play well, i can go with it. okay, well what are your policy file because of all the cable terminals or whatever because like a good a fool chris on got them with him. oh no, i could. i don't, i don't. oh, well, you don't close to laugh this . she was 3 years old unit mother had uploaded her best performances on the username. ah, today, june is a star with more than $85000.00 followers on youtube. videos have drawn as many as 6000000 new offers to play a public event and dante bait of port in since she was very young. but her mother is determined to keep her grounded pony to willard hale or by hor, fully known. what bull since about another, until february is only pulling it hides its hunky coy about noon to wiggle more toppled what i'll do. you don't want horn your oil so bob couldn't go to it, don't and wouldn't you know clean and how you like it. for woodall or 2 hours from man dug ladle koba every morning. so jean helps her daughter prepare for another jam packed day. oh oh oh yes. in my own, do i talk about it or how was the one that goes in on the tape? i listen one ends up the lewis and the group is accurate and i had it a kitchen or probably going to it had operational law. anyway, i suppose they up at all to watch and go with all american ford. it's more, it's not as it goes into the door. i gone to the house in a little no history. so it's a hectic schedule for both mother and daughter. i alfred her to boys it, it will have until void. how one anyone, how one little taylor to put the pilot in which i think i'm gonna kill me. and katie, kato, kale hazel cutting divine is inadequate. there was on a big well known. 1 ah, oh, every month your records, a new video for her youtube channel in a studio in downtown. so here to her mother keeps an eye on every date. how long? oh oh. and you spoke with don't tell us. no from audio. technica on kyoto in okay. good. when they were logged in, diana by new sega, i'm gonna do dial tone. all marla says little hunt in all my logic. got all you. that's what i want. oh lord, let to let you go in. and hale needs it, although ha, ha, ha, ha ha, it's a long way to do that till the london. i own a little thought. paul, money, curly, who told on you could learn. oh no. there are more than $50000.00 south koreans. under the age of 18. studying music at a professional level, but only a few will ever perform on an international stage or build a successful career. as a concert artist ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. busy despite these odds, 16 year old john so has chosen to pursue a career. as a concert pianist, i saw kathy on board, the harkell anika quite as had always plan with tires. she had that with him to go to car ego. they were taught done in get a while you go that now it's on a piano that had, i wish, put her coder pennsauken to if it's it on for cooling. ah, we're not going to talk to the chicken. you some got cut out one can you will. could you tell us? yep. and john, do i'm good. how wish pin you could put dan, talk you taco and pomp? palms always from pounds. okay. toggle ah, piano and take as i said, a singer come up or down, impaled when the audio of the co audio and tommy turner has his ticket to tell the girls all are out of ban from gave them a yard of to my box id to joe tellerman awkward to on that should be a lot harder said dinner. don't one item down that giggle. i don't dance. who didn't dare court her to intention going and her to long would it? ah, since i don't so has one mealy, 50 prizes in piano competition at home and abroad like young. she has gained fame and public attention early age. but in this single minded quest for recognition these young prodigies and not safe from emotional scars and the possibility of fractured careers or hadn't did a sheet on her. took them for them, so ballanger put her to bonnie for them. well, oh ah, ah, letter and earth at the door above her am what i said, i'm very clear to quality woodson that was younger than her generic i at that. so in about another told her tim, i couldn't, i couldn't get in and i think a couple couple other questions. i took it. what's it hayton that uncle? don't worry about. monica could on down, as long as it can be a highlander guy to take it to get, put in a van, yelling with the auto care to take it to go buy the tick. i thought that's all i have fell apart to say come down here in the attic saying they thought they could on on it and i hadn't done. i'm gonna taking audio awesome . in a few days, john saw will perform one of south korea's most prestigious concert halls. she is also preparing for 2 piano competition. a busy schedule that includes weekly piano lessons, hundreds of kilometers away from home in ah, it is young. so his mother who drives her to the busy capital of soul agent on the phone. okay. then i said, i think she got an at that i saw either that and gave me your extension total credit to bucket. gonna get along at that at all. i need to order cornish to in then when it can take it. they gave them all the take it put on, i guess, and kind of deal. so. yeah, she jenna got terry thorough at that abandoning cuz i might have some time forgot. feel with chris wanted to discuss further real time considering employed with like 250 a month to do any good cuz it's not going on as long as it's in good of any man. no lawyer knows what on the back girls have got fiorella. how many of them i said it is i and in your life, it's a long while now gets old group to listen on and hadn't got any. so hunter little pu nina cookie again. she'll have to go on again. get him. mamma is indicator talking. boy, who will not turning on at all, i should not. or any of those, ask them in panini has a way in gustavo popular guys, the hall with young. so goes to the korea national university of one of the most prestigious schools to study music in the country. tie us was set up about those years ago to help south korea achieve greater autistic success on the global stage. a special training program for young adults from 8 to 18 years old has help, professes discover and train students from a young age like young. so there are a back to 100 young south koreans here through dream of a korea in classical music. so could we can talk to the total is globalization. kimberly's or not? professor kim isn't a claim pianist, and one of the country's most distinguished teacher. he often judges national and international competitions. me congress jargon that and nothing to me. and then i'll just take a whole ton you to giving daniel, my next in kim de june believes that talent alone is not enough in combining, joins on july that the good so welcome to the thing. go ahead and have a good evening, jenny. man, you know, at the collegiate medical mission and if it could have been a human that i didn't go in and 10 people in can be stated at west slayton. i'm going to tell you man is there with her dealing with any young and discipline. he said it and i did, it is clean and cool, and i ended up teaching cooking video and really bad and tell you to knuckle cold yet this clinical man and job. how cool are you doing? what did you have chose could on cobra now? is maureen, that asian boy, dr. young and to me it is our georgia has its own gauge, would over and go concrete in a minute or 2 in the new hope you don't go to any of the holy men out there to put hunger. however, that would kick the toner and then pin joni kung ginger, coming up with the new is equal to me up money and it on board and on there. so good on counting, jan. shewmaker jenny, he can come, jen, she me hung too young to get in. i told her for the last week or 2, my condition is open conga had in both tan hanging out with a simian, heard on the wall to kick up a couple more conversation. but i think you can go, ah okay, one that i just made a check or one. yep. we're doing the book. they're gonna read all cornea again. said total. you did. it says yes, janice, deb window young yet is to kim's jani canada born today or tomorrow. louis, are you today as the winner of the shop and competition 1st prize and gold medal? you goes to san jean ah 1st prize green elizabeth international gump ice cream until the price named g young korean is making its mark on the global stage. over the last 60 years, south korean musicians have taken out the top awards in more than $150.00 international competitions. ah, to hone their skills and preparation for the biggest event. many students travel to europe, the traditional home of classical music and the most sacred destination is sold but the faint birthplace of moses at the university named after the virtuoso professor gilly law is a highly sought after piano teacher. he is especially popular among south korean students to his long experience with international competition. oh, good. good. i know he has 7 south koreans in his class, a number that has steadily increased over the years. lost the vehicle. i did to press election for battle and competition, and born and her. it was 2 into 3 application of, from korea this is really kind of renaissance feeling. ah, in your age. very often the feeling that the thing that they know will this, ah, this is so, but it's not really deep knowledge is about this. and this excitement of people coming from marsha and sir make this music or octaves or fresh. ah, so my last bit owen, competition 1st prize, chinese 2nd prize, jump on is filled prize korean bomb . they toe and got that it were german for journalists. was surprising. can warranty or how it's possible dental and vision. all right, is it i think this is also very positive. it's mean that this culture is wall wide. yeah, this is not does on the ours says on everybody's welcome. ah ah kim john, who knew from salzburg from sold to study under professor gilly love? 2 years ago i did get along with a total label and i was when you're done and i gave it will give me one moment. we'll go over time and she's on the line. do you want me to renew up to you totally get it done. i saw and don't go to superior level. don't you talking to him when i was i think okay, i would go with that. it's a little hungry because on report done good. we're going to get done with that or i'm going to manipulate is all type of guy that isn't doing the year hiring that whoa whoa. is one of 16 south korean pianos preparing for the prestigious chopin competition. taking place in a few months time under it on your home, going to church on or course upon toil. she ordered a little or humbling good on it. i'm going to have one motor. don't go so cool when and so we don't get him as well. mm. all or i and to down her room and i soon and when you bowl the seller. underwear winter williams. okay. i got it all. all. oh, i saw it to the toyota howard ah, back in south korea, thanks to her many awards in piano competitions. young so received regular office to play at the country's most famous concert halls. today she's been invited to tom young for a special concert, organized the heads of the korean music industry. oh, i knew that i could look again. oh, you don't have his high school money, you don't look to know him going on and go to collections of a little bit of a sudden beautiful co op has a book was on the. ready days of the month, i almost month with a lawyer that day because homeless and that is a whole hog is willing to class on me. although me she don't kish took little consult with me to vicky guy and i should take it. john come 9 vanilla ice all children. i get a hug. law duncan, tom antonette and kiffany to go only got cut the wood, isn't them kipling, each one of them on you said to us, and if danielle just saw under complicated coming game, but i put a watching on to someone to his taste in ah, it is a dream shared by many south korean children including noon tonight, she is real to be performing at her music schools, concerts, a condo with a boy. oh a oh. 2 ah, what is life like in maximum security prison in this true park, special report, one or one east goes behind bars. it's singapore chung in prison. on out to a 0 reason the stand, the differences and similarities of culture across the world. so no matter where you call home will be the news and current affairs that matter to you. our diet, define who we are. but who are we? if we don't know what we're eating in a disturbing investigation into globalized food fraud, people empower, reveals long hidden scandalous practices that have infiltrated international wholesale markets and supermarket chains and asks, what's really on our plates. food in glorious food park, one on al jazeera, ah.


Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Timnit Gebru 20220806

theaters, the philippine those critics will be hoping to prevail this time. why don't you hear me? i hello there. this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. israel has carried out a wave of air strikes and gauze and armed fighters of responded provoking phase of a full scale conflict. how the thing is, i mean jihad says it's $500.00 rockets, it israeli cities including television. israel says it's under a missile system, has intercepted them. air raid sirens have been hard and southern and central israel on the fest, israeli strike to high rise tower and gaza city. one of those killed was ties the algebra, a commander of the could brigades the military of his vomit. she had at least 10 others had also died, including a 5 year old gone. dozens of others have been injured in the strike. what is this child's fault? she was dreaming of going to kindergarten and asked her father for a school bag and clothes. what has she done wrong? this innocent child, taiwan defense ministry, says troops have fired flares to warn off drones and other identified aircraft flying over to outlying islands. meanwhile, china's foreign minister one v has defended the military drills in the taiwan straits, saying that they are in line with international law. beijing loans to those exercises after us. how speaking nancy pelosi visited the island. a indiana has become the fast us state to ban abortion. after the supreme court overturned the landmark roe v wade, runing the decision comes into effect on september 15th with some exceptions, and means women in indiana can only get an abortion in cases of rape and incest. when the mother's health is at risk, abortion was previously allowed up to 20 weeks into pregnancy. a jury and texas has ordered conspiracy theorists, alex drones to pay $45200000.00 turns felicity claimed the sandy hook school shooting was a hoax. the info was the host, has also been ordered to be to pay more than $4000000.00 and compensation to the parents of a child killed in that shooting in 2012. jesse louis, his parents had comments by joins letty, years of emotional distress and harassment including death threats. while those are the headlines next it's talk to al jazeera, the latest news as it breaks. the country will work on monday, one or controversial constitutional rep around them, which is widely expected to grow from chrysler or toward with detailed coverage. the cost of fertilizer has more than doubled the season. that's largely due to the warren you crave. from around the world, all these cows are infected with put and belts disease, they are dairy cattle, but then milk production has dropped by more than 70 percent lose. the history of humanity has been marked by its technological advances. the discovery of fire 2000000 years ago. the invention of the wheel in 3500 b. c. all the way to the industrial revolution in the 18th century. throughout the times we have sought to make our lives easier. though many argue some of those advancements have proven destructive in modern times, our ambition for a better life has taken us to the age of information technology, programming and artificial intelligence. ai gives machines the ability to do more. they can think for themselves, learn our preferences and behaviors. communicate with us, suggest alternatives, and even do things. only humans once did. i like the order? why does a i had slowly become an essential part of our life. it's using social media has brought us closer with our families and friends, and it's proven valuable at home and at work. but some say there's another more sinister side to artificial intelligence, e p. o be an american computer scientist to meet gabriel has been one of the most critical voices against the unethical use of ai. she's been vocal about issues around bias inclusion, diversity, fairness and responsibility. within the digital space, google asked her to co lead it's unit focused on ethical, artificial intelligence. but 6 weeks later, the pick giant fired her after she criticized the company's lucrative a. i work gab ruth, considered one of the 100 most influential people of 2022 by time magazine has now launched an independent research institute focused on the hands of a i on marginalized groups. so who's behind artificial intelligence technology, and whose interest does it serve? and with such a big influence in our lives, how demo a computer scientist to meet group talks to al jazeera, to meet their brute. thank you for talking to l 0. so to start with saw right at the start and just sit the scene a little bit for people who might not think about a i in everyday life. as the technology stands right now, how much are we using ai in every day to day life? how imbedded is it right now for most people. i don't blame the public for being confused about what it is. i think that many researchers like myself, who have gotten our ph days from a i who have studying a i are also confused because the const, the conception of and that we see in pop culture is in my view, what really, really shapes public opinion about what it is and so it kind of makes me realize that pop culture has this huge power to shape people's thinking. right. so i think when people think of i, they're thinking about terminator kind of things. these robots that are kind of human, like on and or are going to destroy the world, or are, you know, or either good or bad, something like that. but that's really not what is being branded as, quote unquote, a i right now. anything you can think of that has any sort of data processed and makes any sort of predictions about people. what's your size of off calls, surveillance. capitalism is based on what is currently being branded as, as any sort of chat bought that you use, for instance, on whether it is a lex saw or siri or i guess these are voice assistance or chat bots that a lot of companies use because they want to hire less call center operators or things like that, there could be some sort of clinical and behind it. there is a lot of surveillance on in day to day life, whether it is face recognition or other kinds of tracking that go on. and that, that has some sort of a, i in it, there is recommendation engines that, that we, you, that we might not even know exist when we're watching, you know, videos on tick tock or something like that, or advertise targeted advertisement that we get or music selections that tried it and for what kind of news if we want to listen to next based on what we listen to before. so it's a very broad kind of branding, and it wasn't always the case, but i think that, you know, there's always the language to sure that people use in order to kind of sell more products or hype hype up to many of their products, in my opinion, so that is currently in my view, what is being branded as artificial intelligence. that's really interesting because i guess when you think about using like even face recognition or getting a playlist recommended to you as you say. i mean, i don't think about that being a i, i'm just like opening my phone, i guess that's something you know, people thinking about it as they use it or is this just, i guess going under the radar as, as just the future of what it means to use technology, it's very interesting because they're, in my opinion, there is this deliberate rebranding of artificial intelligence that's going on so that people are confused by the capabilities of the systems that are being billed as, quote, unquote artificial intelligence. right. so for instance, we even see these papers that say that computers can now identify skin cancer with super human performance there, and they're better than humans doing this, which is really not true. right? so scientists themselves are engaging in this kind of hype and corporations on themselves. or engaging this kind of hide. and what that does is instead of people thinking about a product that is created by human beings, whether they're in corporations or government agencies or military agencies like defense contractors, right? creating autonomous weapons and drones. so instead of thinking about people creating artifacts that we are then using, we think about quote unquote, as this, you know, some being that has its own agency. so what we do then is we don't as scribe, the issues that we see to the people or corporations that are creating harmful products. we start derailing the conversation and talking about whether you can create a moral being or you can impart your values into air or whatever. because now we are kind of ascribing this responsibility away from the creators of these artifacts like machines, right? to some sort of, you know, being that we are telling people have their own agency. ok. so that's what is, what go you into your line of work. the ethics of artificial intelligence because it hasn't always been an easy path, it's initially, i was just interested in the technical details. face recognition is a, is something that is done under the computer vision umbrella or any other kind of thing that tries to make sense of images that seemed really cool, that you could infer certain things based on videos and images. and that was what i was interested in. however, there was a confluence of a number of things. so 1st of all, when i went to graduate school at stanford, i saw this dark, the lack of any black person from anywhere in the world, in graduate school, and especially in, with respect to artificial intelligence, developing or researching the systems. so when i, when i was at stanford by then i heard that they had literally only graduated one black person with a patient in computer science ever since the inception of the computer science department. and you can imagine the type of influence that this school has had on the world, right? you can imagine the kinds of companies that came out of there, including google. so i, that was just such a shock to me. so i saw not only the lack of black people in the field, but also the lack of understanding of kind of what we go through and what systems of discrimination. we go through in the u. s. and globally, really around the same time. i also started reading about systems that were being sold to the public and being used in very, very kind of scary way. so for instance, there was a public article that showed that there was a company that purported to determine the likelihood of people committee a crime again. and unsurprisingly, of course, it was heavily biased against black people. i'm time, you know, i see the kind of drill is a systems purporting to determine whether somebody's a terrorist or not, etc. and my own life experience tell, told me, you know, who would be most likely to be harmed by those systems. and who would be most likely to be developing those kinds of systems, right? so that was the time where i started pivoting, from purely studying how to develop the systems and doing research on the technical aspects of this field. to being very worried about the way in which the systems are being developed and who they are negatively impacting, learning about the problem, the existence of an algorithm, a model that purports to predict someone's likelihood of committee a crime again with such a huge shock for me and by then it had existed for a long time. and in addition to to that, you know, and so this system judges used for sentencing for, for setting bale along with other inputs. and there are other systems other predictive policing systems. so one example of predictive policing system was something called prep poll that actually a la police lapd we're, we're using and things to a lot of activism from groups like stop lapd spy. this software stop being used by l. a. p. actually my people in my field statistician, chris dan, long and scientists are well, william isaac did a study that actually reverse engineered pretty pole and showed that i'm surprisingly, it pinpoints neighborhoods with black and brown people and says that these neighborhoods are high hot spots, right. even if you a drug use isn't one example. if you look at the national survey for drug use isn't pretty evenly distributed in for instance oakland. right. but the predictive policing systems, like print poll, they instead i kind of pinpoint black and brown with neighborhoods, saying that these are hot spots. and why is that? well, the list of new history and the current reality of us. we're not surprised by that because these systems they feed in, they have training data that are labeled and the training data does not depend on who commits a crime. it depends on who was arrested for committing a crime. and obviously that's going to be biased. i want to come back to the issues around the dos that you put into a i and, and what the results that you get in a minute. but let's go back to when you were hired at google, what was it that you were hired to do? i was hired to do the kind of work that i'm talking about with respect to analyzing the negative societal impacts of a i and working on all aspects of mitigating that whether it is technical or non technical or documentation. so i was a research scientist with, you know, the freedom to set my own research agenda. and i was also co lead of the ethically, i team with my former cozy mitchell. and so our job there was also to create, to set the. 7 agenda of our small research team, which is again focused on minimizing the negative societal impact of a i. and as you say, there's a lack of diversity in the industry. you knew that, you know, if you know that since you got into this. so what with a reality is that of, of going into this mega, huge company as a woman of cala trying to do that job. it was incredibly difficult from day one. i faced a lot of discrimination whether it's sex arranged as i'm from day one. i tried to raise the issues, but it was exhausting. you know, my, my colleague mitchell and i were just so exhausted and doing research was basically, you know, working on our papers and discussing ideas. felt like such a luxury because we were just always so exhausted by all the other issues that we were dealing with. you eventually put out a paper which led to your being dismissed or google says you resigned. but put that to the side this, this paper looks at the bias is being built into a i machines basically reflecting the mistakes that humanity has made, is perpetuating history. a foregone conclusion. when we, when we talk about ai or is there another path, i always believed that we have to believe that there is another path. and this comes to back to the way in which we discussed as just being its own thing rather than an artifact, a tool that is created by human beings, better in corporations or an educational facilities or other institutions, right? so as long as we have to know that we control what we build and for, and when we build it for and what it's used for. so there is definitely another path. but for that other path to exist, we have to uncover the issues with the current path that we're going on and remedy them and also invest in terms of research in those other paths. so for instance, on this paper that i put out called on the dangers of the cast, the parents, it talks about this huge race that is going on right now on developing what are called large language models. and so these models are, are trained on massive amounts of data from the internet straight from the internet . right? and so you and i are not getting paid for the content that we put out on the internet that, that is being switched to train these models, something just just to make it really simple. i mean, somebody that i hadn't even considered what you're talking about is, you know, giving a, i all of the information of the internet. and of course, it's going to, you know, spew out some of the, the worst parts of the internet, which are, you know, often predominant. but if we give it a small, the dos it, or if we q rate the data, then we're going to get something that might be more helpful for people. is that kind of putting it to simply actually that is one of, you know, we discussed so many different kinds of issues in our paper. and one of the issues we discussed is exactly what you mentioned in terms of curating data and using, you know, large i'm curious data from the internet with the assumption that size gives you diversity, right? and so what we say is site does not give you diversity and we detail so many ways in which that's not the case. and one of the suggestions that we make is to make sure that we carry our data and we understand our data. and we believe that the data set that we're using to train these models is too large, too daunting to overwhelming for us to understand it documented and curated, then that means we shouldn't be using that data, right? and so this is, this is kind of one of the things that we're talking about. another thing that i thought was really fascinating that i guess we don't consider on our daily lives. is that at a macro level, the funding for a lot of the technological advances that trickle down to us begin either with the military or with these massive tech giants that you know, can they have our best interests at heart? this is precisely what i talk about to with the found in our new way name institute, that distributed and research. right. so a lot of when you look at history of whether it is things like machine translation or self driving cars, right? so self driving cars are going to example, they were very much funded by dar paw and defense funding agency. right. so it's not because they're interested and on accessibility for, for disabled people. right. if they're interested primarily in autonomous warfare. so how can we assume that something that starts with that goal and that funding insight will end up being something different? and so i often give this example, you know, when people talk about and for social good, right? they talk about kind of reorienting, some of these things that we already built for clinical social good. whereas for me, it's kind of saying that, ok, we build this tang 1st and then we try to figure out how to use this thing for something other than warfare. maybe we can use it for farming. maybe we can use it for something else. but the thing is we, we already made the tank right, we designed the system so that they become a tank like for a specific goal and outcome which is warfare. so that's exactly how we've been designing our technological systems. if you look at the history of a i, when it's funded by the government, wendy fund, basic research in this space. and when they have all of these collaborations with large tech companies, when you look at really prestigious top schools like mit, they're huge military contractors, right? the lincoln lab. so i think that as human beings, we have to look at ourselves and say, what are we building and where are we going and why are rebuilding this thing? and we can have a different path. you mentioned governments there. i'm wondering in your line of work, have you seen governments use data, you know, in a way that, that if we all knew about, we would be, we would be upset to find out of all like a government in, on using data for a i in ways that perhaps we, we might not be aware there are, you know, all sorts of face recognition related uses by law enforcement, for example. and recently, my colleague joy on me, my co author and friend who also had on the algorithmic justice league, had a series of videos and all pads and other educational material describing i d dot meet read. this is a i rest is i was asking people to submit basically biometric information. so in order to log in and file taxes and do all sorts and get all sorts of government services, they were using this private company idea me to as a verification mechanism. so then this company has your biometric, this private company has your biometric information. and this is getting proliferated everywhere, like if you look at in airports and they're now using all sorts of, you know, face recognition related things to, to verify that it's, you and i don't even know exactly who they're using and how this is getting proliferated. so every day we're finding out about new uses that we never knew about. we never voted on. we never learned about we were never educated are the worst example for me is clear view. so clear view is this company that has been under fire for using so many people's face data from the internet brain. for example, i believe facebook and i do training all of these automated facial analysis tools that are being used by law enforcement and all sorts of groups around the world. and it's been sued for a number of things, right? like, for example, there use of this kind of data, and then you also find out that they have all these partnerships with all sorts of governmental agencies. and so we, because i think people will be watching this at home going, oh my gosh, i did give my biometric information or, you know, i do get scanned in the portal the all the time for people watching at home who are concerned about how their daughter is being used concerned about, you know, how that's being fit into osh official intelligence and you know, the whole thing. what can people at home do? what do you do, do you, do you avoid certain things or certain places or, you know, i'm just trying to think of some, some helpful things at home for people who are watching going, oh no, you know, i need to do something in my opinion. you know, the biggest thing we can do is that we need to advocate for regulation that puts the onus on companies to make sure that they keep people safe to make sure that they don't, they, that they prove to us before they put products out there that they are not harmful . the issue right now is that we're assuming that the onus is on the public on each one of us and how many, how many times can you do this? right? like every single thing you click on every single thing you use, you have to make sure that you know, you have the privacy settings, right, etc. and i think it just, you know, people say privacy by design, right? or we should have somebody like, i guess there'll fiddler saying fairness by design or something like that, like justice, by design, right? we in the where the onus is on the designers and implementers and not on the public and to, to go on their daily lives and make sure that they spend all their days reading every terms of service and making sure that they click on, you know, certain things and on others, we've talked a lot about about, you know, big tech companies about the vast amounts of data being collected is ai, inherently anti democratic? and that's a very interesting question. so there are, there is a segment of people in a i that whose goal is to create what's called an artificial general intelligence. what does it mean to create artificial general intelligence? it means that you're trying to create this being that knows everything can automate any tasks. so, so if you're a corporation, then you can have this thing that does all your tasks for you that you don't have to pay. i don't care about, right? and so that kind of goal i find extremely strange and inherently undemocratic. to me personally, any aspect of a i see it as a tool as a tool that we can build for specific needs of community. so if you build a tool based on the needs of specific community. so for example, i had talked about and you know, people that the table i believe radio station in new zealand. right. and using a language technology for revitalization of the mari language. right. and so that to me is, is an, as definitely a democratic goal, it is a goal that is allowing people to use their language and culture after it has been beaten out of them because of coolant colonization. so if we decide that that is what we're going to do, we can do that and we can create our funding structures, design our systems and processes accordingly. so again, you know, i think that there is a world in which we can build a tools that are beneficial to people. but that means we have to do a rethinking of where the money comes from and how we do our research and development process. however, there is this segment of people in and who have this weird goal. i an official general intelligence, which i believe is inherently, i'm democratic to make a brute. thank you for talking to al jazeera. thank you for having ah, in a post colonial wo. the scars of european imperialism run deep. nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo, where her history still shapes the president of visceral, yet intimate insight through the eyes of a whistleblower and a patriotic military commander. witness presents this is congo on a geneva. frank assessments, how much support is there at st. protests that we've seen in hotel across the rest of the country. the street has been, has been very good. that's happening into the co confound people across the country . informed opinions, we will say more of what is happening is that climate change it to making them work in depth analysis of the days global headlines draw. he is credited by some way where they were storing italy's credibility this critics would say he couldn't play the part of a politician. what do you think went wrong inside story on al jazeera? ah.


Transcripts For ALJAZ The Listening Post 20220806

cost, pardon me? at staples such as rice and milk police also detained. hundreds of congress supportive stopping them from joining the prison. i want you to do with me to heal robbery. reminder of our top stories, a residential building has been hit and the latest wave of israeli attacks on garza earlier palestinian sciences, large rockets towards israel following as strikes on the strip said to be targeting islamic to have a 5 year old girl and a senior commander from islam it your hand amongst the 11 people killed in fridays, israeli strikes more than a few more were injured. israel's defense minister says the operation is said has more engulfing these railey drones in aircraft to just above her heads. we can hear them very close everywhere in the skies of gaza. just a very short while ago targeting for the sh shells targeted the cut over selim crossing from the palestinian side of the the gods the side. another try to get a raid was in can units local sources, say that one person was killed in this, a recent raid while a number others were taking to hospital. he's ready for to say that they've arrested 19 members of islamic jihad in the occupied west bank troops rated sites in the city of janine and in the laundry area, south of ramallah. in other, these taiwan has a keys, china simulating in a town called his main island, facing large drills in the taiwan strait this week after a controversial visit to, to pay by us house because nancy pelosi and indiana has become the fence us state to ban abortion. after the supreme court overturned lamar rover, laid ruling in june, ban comes into effect in a month. women in the state will only have access to the procedure in cases of rape or incest, or when the mother's health is at risk. those exceptions are limited to 10. it takes us jury has ordered. conspiracy theories don't exchange to pay more than $45000000.00 in punitive damages to parents of the child killed in one of the worst school shootings in the u. s. it comes a day after the info was house, was told, pay more than $4000000.00 and compensation. faithfuls claims that the 2012 sandy hook massacre was a hoax. those who had lunch full of stories on a website to talk to the dot com or news in hoffman. next, it's the listening post. talk to, i'll just 0. we ask for the rebound. you speak off is clearly coming. get a high cost for airlines and the industry, what's going wrong? we listen, you were part of the army struggling in the 1970 s if you have any regrets. you know, we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on our era. ah, the media are typically seen as makers of consensus in harmony and concord and all of that. but india is actually a spectacular case of the opposite happening. the hindus were the majority of being positioned as the victims of historic injustice. and it's the minority that are being presented as their aggressive the hindu public is constantly being made to feel beleaguered. they're presented with this external threats muslims, against which they're supposed to unite. and in the process, the viewing public is actually led to a sense to whatever the political lead saying ah don't look down. but india is on a precipice. the voices of hindered fur hindu supremacy or ascended as is intolerance, hate speech. it has worked its way through the body politic, like a slow acting poison. the effect on the muslims targeted has proven toxic at times deadly. hate speech proposes violence as a solution. and in india, it is pumped out night after night. the country has hundreds of news channels, many of which have monetized conflict. they trade in hyper hindu nationalist, xena phobia name calling usually or in support of india's ruling party. the b j. p . and prime minister rand remotely. because i say, you know why, why it's like the magnitude you fight evening of on evening with all it's a didn't and cruelties and the banality of hypnotic entertainment. i think sunday morning the way you conduct yourself on television. and there's also this, this is joy that people find in the collective fleeing of ideas that are contrary and to stablish meant, or the fleeing of an individual or community is a decimal mother. so got a yoga on head start upon your he got to kind of have the problem really like when the something called reading news make, the game becomes one of viewership. and he was just trying to grab eyeball on to see, watch, watch right now, journalists got gumaro. you anything good. be in then to be of this battle for rating have made the television more and more to some extent, even irresponsible. i mean, not to have any senior panelist describe them as ban sheets because because of the manner in which they do really and this kind of dramatized tv that seems to work because already insecure down and out, middle class likes to put a face to audits, insecurities all it is to all it's anger, it's resentment. it's hate to move you to my yes, i got that. oh ok. does this have the battlefield? will you let me die? and these people give them that that face the face of the most of them. ah, who to understand how india got here and how exceptional and dangerous a moment. this is in its history. one has to go back in time ago with destiny. and now the time come. when we shall redeem out. in 1947 after almost a century under british colonial rule in south asia, the country wants independence. out of the fires of partition, india forged a constitutional commitment to secularism and multiculturalism hindus were the majority. but all of india citizens were to be treated equally under the law a bit by bit decade by decade. the b j. p has sold more and more hindus on the idea that their way of life is under siege. that muslims pose a threat. and the news media which have been transformed and effectively weaponized have been crucial to the messaging the founding fathers of in gad, this vision of the nation, which was quite different from pakistan, a state find biden. and they wanted in yet to be a state for all its citizens. but i think somewhere along the line secularism, or even the idea of democracy in general booklet dongle, everyone in india to point literally these concepts perhaps only resonate with an elite and the b g, b and it's in the twin. it will have been pushing this issue, disgraces of hindu identity for a very long time. what's happened simultaneously is a remarkable shift in television, news and the content that you see on the news to me. ah, this is there was actually news good evening and welcome to the news coach for a very long time has been stayed and boring. so the idea that you could actually be educated by what these voices on the air are saying is very new. but funnily enough, it's actually welcomed. you have a hindu community that the media doing their very best to try and unite. how do they do that? well firstly, by positioning the sense of an external enemy, right? against whom, then you are all supposed to be united. most importantly, you don't have to look inside and ask, what actually unites all of us induce together. so here you have these anchors telling people what they should think whom they should approve of and whom they should disapprove of. and a kind of works. of all these will be in the us next friday with a described of as love or number one thing himself with re keen since the be begin to power is that you have anchors who've taken quite committed. high ballpark is in positions they've decided essentially to ship for the government and damaged any other view was anti national. but it's, i've been very up asked about been i bought it my back. 2 never did that. yeah, i, yes, muslims, today, i believe the dress who they fall in love with all if there's a problem or can be a potential problem or a crime. and so for muslim use consumers, it's a pretty big scenario. you would want to june out a different age in some ways, if the news outlets that if disengaged from the stories that are hitting people, the hardest. india's agricultural sector, responsible for roughly 20 percent of its g d. p is in turmoil. it's health care sector, exposed by covert 19 is in critical condition and the unemployment rate is approaching 8 percent. that's more than 100000000 people without work. yet when the online outlet news laundry analyzed, debates across 7 major news channels earlier this year, it found that the number of programs, tackling economic problems were minimal, communal issues. hindu versus muslim debate controversies dominate the output and certain terms get thrown in like jihad and then applied to whatever grievances indians may have. that is this whole discourse of jihad which loosely references the global war and better. yeah, but it will be a good god, love job, give this somebody who was going to make you salvage loved. you had references taking off hindu women and this whole sense of honor because every communities honor seems to rest in their women. something like that. but i never got me, but i got to you, honey, it was like i land you. so just attacks the idea that most and should be buying land almost should be building houses. this was the kind of discuss that this ecosystem proliferates the government. the executive with the help of the cheerleaders has marked out not just muslims, but, but dilates the tribals and people who are generally dissenters and their labors that describe them. there's little that they still have those anti national slogans . there would all be and be nationalism your to support the break up all wind up with these terms. they attached themselves to people's imaginations very easily. many of these anchors often use the term illegal immigrants are in town, like a short handful muslims. and you saw this very recently when there was a state of losing all muslims and shops like apnic ones that don't have. and you had prominent anchors claim on top of the bulldozer in a sort of a macabre roman spectacle was what i had to put it in. got you do? yeah. get that. i got, i got good night guys. letting me go down godaddy and it was, there's no proof of them being illegal. some of them, even in fact have documents which show that they have benefited from the prime minister's housing scheme. but because you can just lever these people as illegal or call that enterprise illegal, and because it's such a spectator sport, the audience is almost numbed into thinking that these people must deserve it. the listening post repeatedly requested interviews with a half dozen of india's most prominent news anchors. none wanted to speak with us. oh, there is no larger religious minority group in any country than indian muslims. 20 percent of the population. more than 220000000 people, communal tensions, and violence. there have a long history. and given the sheer number of people involved, what is being said on the airways and echoed across social media, tolerated by the moody government and arguably, even stoked by it. our producer put this question to the senior advisor to india's ministry of information and broadcasting. when you consider how large india's muslim minority it's, are you concerned about the incessant dehumanizing coverage of that community that the government have a responsibility to deal with? this kind of hate speech you know, oh, of what you call hate speech is also it can be called a click beat speak. i would not necessarily link it to something director at muslims in india. and as you rightly said, it's not a small minority. i'm in the word might not be away. you basically means that the lesson and numbers, but they are not a living on the margins. it's not only a comment on my, on the muslims or a comment on the minorities. some awful stuff is said to won't kimble's to i would not sort of get on worked up about it. what it is, what is some worrisome but not worth getting worked up about that kind of thinking alarm as experts in the history of genocide, like gregory stanton, 5 years before through wanda's genocide of 1994, he warned the authorities there that their country was in a dangerous place, stanton was ignored. the rhetoric kept coming from the government's side and some hateful voices in their will want and meeting one radio station in particular that broadcast calls for murder. hundreds of thousands were then slaughtered. stanton stresses that acts of genocide don't come out of nowhere. they don't just happy. they are the catastrophic culmination of a process. and what india is going through right now, according to stanton, fits with the pattern. a media play a huge role in creating the polarization in a society that is necessary for genocide. they do this through dehumanizing the targeted group, accusing them of being a cancer in the society, or are a danger to this society. trade is to the society. what are you? good. okay. well i'm of it about the letter to renew your role. in rwanda, you had the hate radio and television and newspapers claiming that the tutsis were cockroaches for example. so this kind of dehumanization is something you find very frequently before genocide happens. this mit got off the st. john, it was pretty good. so with that beam up, he's got a dog go. that's got bobby said, we have the indian home minister for instance. shot using words like termites. well, doesn't that sound familiar? when you study the rwandan genocide, every genocide depends on 2 forces. it depends on popular beliefs that include prejudices against certain groups. and then it also requires leadership leadership that profits from that hatred. and that uses it to build up its own power. we see both in india today, ah, as hate in division have spread. prime minister modi has stayed mostly signed, showing the kind of discipline, some of his officials clearly law. and a ragged tucker was a junior minister in 2020. when he spoke at this b j. p election rally. 6 i that got him borrowed from campaigning by india's electoral commission for a total of 3 days or one year later, the prime minister actually promoted tact. he's now in the minister of information and broadcast when asked via report if his speech that day helped set off the inter, communal violence that followed in new delhi. this was his response. he obligated good. well, today. met them. he got don't get media. you're john gotti. tiffany: hey, just in me, john got him. i will give you the video of that speech is still online there for all to see if you go back and look at the edited footage, the minister was actually asking people to do not live such a slow multiple days. no evidence exists, of the minister raising that slogan. but just because some mention of it came into media that became the throat and that drilled god for the amplified. it's true that rock taco didn't see, shoot the treatments. but he was basically leading a john. so i wouldn't read that as him trying to stop the crowd. 6 you could see he was egging them on and even of the media soccer up as to did something and completely put it out of context. the election commission of india, they would have seen the review and they would have found something wrong with it to take that action against him. we asked for an interview with an iraq tax, but got no response. recently, belatedly, the government has had a refill and tackle has reportedly met with media owners and tv anchors urging them to turn it down. but that will have little effect on the poisonous material spreading online where so many indians go to keep informed by people like you actually noticing how not a right wing hinder. last year he helped organize a 3 day religious gathering in how did was where hindus called openly for the killing of muslims. i knew that video trended for days. all any indian has to do to take part in a celebratory culture. of violence is go on youtube or what's app. they'll find content far more explicit and disturbing than anything they'll see on tv. so now we have live streaming violence, live action, news, and so forth. that's coming the social media. recently we had a policeman beating muslim suspects in custody. this case, the policeman was suspended, but almost always individual acts of violence, simply go unpunished. many news aren't actually going to tv for the news in factories enjoy. report shows that audiences are going to huge. you primarily fallen by and you have all kinds of stock dis, information being shared on those platforms. we have people supposedly really just figures who say somebody shopping for kilmer, they're gonna run a then there are even new plans to this game who kind of impersonate news anchors. you know, they feed you all kinds of nonsense from a sort of a new studio set up. you know, you're making a lot of give bob, he but none of them got a bit odd. then he got that. but hello. got that. gone on, go up near hot. we live in on a hill, go up by hum luck on a banner, and this stuff keeps forwarded and people have no idea what the source of news is. we find many instances of violence against former untouchables against muslims who may actually be blameless. and what it suggests is that violence is actually popular. oh my god, why not? yeah. now they may be a narrative that rash licenses, as you know, administration of justice. never mind due process, never mind the lack of evidence that there is a shocking truth underneath all of this. that violence against minorities is actually popular and that's, that's difficult to digest. ah, lorenz ramadi is not tear michelle. hardly a day goes by without his p r team pumping out another video of the prime minister amongst his supporters. but mowdy has failed to condemn the toxicity online or in the media, which for many indians makes him an accessory to the hate crimes that follow. this is a prime minister who has crafted his image and his message carefully. and his frequent participation in hindu religious rituals is usually made for teasing. india is the 2nd or 3rd largest muslim country in the world. so it's absolutely crucial that the government be seen to be above religious differences. but what we have is actually the opposite. galloped towards and increasingly assertive into identity. so we have prime minister modi appearing on television, meditating in a cave worshipping in hindu temples when all of this is really unprecedented. this is insistence on demonstrating that the government is a pious government left by the st. carrying out the will of god and anybody who opposes the government was critical of it is india hater and foreign media? well, they are hating india to their against india. and of course modi's the chief hero and the story. ah, what's her international use on that? like how to sarah missing in their coverage of india right now. well, i would like to see i'm am does being very honest or well yeah, i would like to see algebra reporting news on reporting events and not being an exclusive child on muslim issues in india. so you have to decide what you wish to be. you want to be amused. outlet on you want to be an outlet for only the muslims often via but even if you wish to be an outlet for only the muslims of india. i would really want you to go and meet the vast majority of muslims in india, hul o fis, and neither deprivation nor do them. thus and legally, once his conscience gupta said similar things about the new york times and the washington post that they also focus too much on muslim issues. but spend any time watching the channels feeding news to indians. and you'll realize, somebody's gotta do it, report on the frightening trajectory that this story is taking where it may lead. you may be wondering, why aren't we anchoring this broadcast from new delhi? we tried for months, we applied for visas and were questioned by indian officials in london. and we have yet to hear back. the motor government is clearly sensitive about foreign news coverage. but if it was just news outlets on the outside making trouble. why just a few weeks ago with the editor's guild of india, heads of newspapers and magazines, condemned domestic news channels for targeting vulnerable communities by stealing hatred. and they compared those news channels to that real wanton radio station, the one that helped pave the way to genocide the, the goals for, for the boys got an extermination which are getting political currency and social gardens and which are being justified as, as just some kind of fee speech discourse that you must engage with. the just kind of hateful debate the in and the out. it's extremely dramatic because you're forever trying to engage and make sense of the very depressive discourse. there's always been violence in india. there's always been violence against the lips against the tribal people against muslims, against women. but earlier it was seen as an aberration. now that kind of violence has moved center stage. it's not happening on the margin. it's in fact constituting the new state frank assessments, the heat waves we're seeing now, are they a product of global warming? we will say more of these events. what is happening is that climate change it making them work in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera, unbelievable. it sounds like an agreement between criminal justice is slight trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place. if anyone ever comes to ask in question, they sort of throw their hands up in the air and say, i don't know, i was just nominee director, were doing a, an investigation into a ukraine. could you? i bribes, you've been corrupt. i've been caught up. i did just what is it been? c al jazeera investigations, the oligarchs, hulu. ah, safe going home and then international anti corruption excellence award boat. now for your hero.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220806

israeli jones strike garza and kellen islamic jihad commander palestinian fighters respond with rockets, but a mass stays on the sidelines. a 5 year old palestinian girl is amongst the 11 people killed in gaza, dozens more injured. ah, i'm so robin, you're watching all just her life. my headquarters here in dough also coming up. so i want accuses the chinese army of simulating an attack on its main island as beijing continues military drills for 3rd day. also the secretary of state visits the philippines on biz toll. the region cannot afford an escalation of tensions. and why the u. s. is demanding the seizure of a venezuelan cargo plane grounded in argentina. ah, look into the face of a full scale conflict between israel and palestinian groups. a growing up to a wave of israeli and strikes on garza, at least 11 people are being killed, including and islamic jihad commander palestinian fighters have logged a barrel of rockets towards israel. but thomas has stayed on the sidelines so far. you've now said reports of gaza and we do warn you that some of the images of this report are distressing. the darkness over kansas city flashed bright by explosions as israeli artillery and other weapons targeted. what they said were weapons factories, a rocket launch sites belonging to islamic jihad. the moments before an aerial duel, as magical rockets were fired from cause it towards israel with most intercepted by the israeli iron dome. anti message system is lemay. she had said they fired more than $100.00 rockets. and she could look quite a bit in the televised address. they usually prime minister. yeah. your la pete said his country had 0 tolerance for attacks from god. but that israel had no interest in a wider battle earlier, the israel defense ministry had approved the call up of as many as 25000 army reservists and read at combat battalions, sparking fears that it is rarely ground invasion was imminent. the day light attacks were spread throughout gods. the city. one main target was this apartment building where a senior commander from islamic g had to see a job that he was killed is really army sweaters showed what the search was suspected. rocket launch side in hon. eunice, among the dozens of injured and dead, the body of the 5 year old girl was carried throughout this tree. what is this child's fault? she was dreaming of going to kindergarten and asked her father for a school bag and clothes. what has she done wrong? this innocent child, yeah. other funeral processions where he squirted by running crowds fearful of the next attack. long garza resident described what she heard, and so i heard about 45 loud bangs of the sleep. and i was just clicking running, wondering what happened. and people in the, in the building they just run down to the street, you know, because they fear that they're going to be other apartments targeted on slimy, she had said israel had made a declaration of war, a promise to flight back. learn how to this is a declaration of all out war against the palestinian people. we will respond to that. this is a violation and disregard for all the efforts that have been made over the past days in order to restore him comp. positively, with these efforts that the enemy was as usual treacherous. these rarely action followed the closure as to port your crossings with because this trip earlier in the week and the arrest a senior islamic jihad members in the occupied west bank and the office of the palestinian president mahmoud abbas cold fridays attack a dangerous escalation. but we have to correspondence covering the latest developments. john holeman is not the conjunction on the israel garza border, but we'll go 1st to give now said in gaza. and you know, it seems that the area is pretty nervous. is that onto the patient that more attacks might be on the way? yes indeed. so hale, i mean these really drones in air crafters just above our heads. we can hear them very close. aah! everywhere in the skies of garza, just a very short while ago targeting for artillery dish shells targeted to the care of a salim crossing from the palestinian side of the of the gods. the side or another target to read was in. can eunice, local sources say that one person was killed in the it's a re sent to a raid while a number others were taking to hospital. we're still waiting for confirmation by the mystery of hell. ah, now as also you can see behind me, i don't know if the picture shows or not the say there are a rates are coming. are and happening right now as well. we could just hear on the sound of the explosion. it, it seems that to little bit far, but we could still hear at the sound ah, of on the other hand. so hey, and it's, it's not worth you to say that a, the fuel or the plant, unless soul, our power plant in gaza has in, now's that it is about to shut down because no fuel has enter it for the past 6 days to the gaza strip. before this tension or before this escalation, while on the it was already tense and there was a closure. there was an ease really imposed closure on the area, the check point, and the kid him of the sat him the crossing. we're a no fuel was allowed. yesterday there was an usually promise made to to the palestinian side that 4 trucks of fuel shall enter this trip because of the shortage of fuel in running the power plant. but as palestinian experts here in officials say that this was all lee and is really trick to the palestinians side. were shortly after that in now men, the israeli, arrayed on the palestine residential building here. ah and the and the beginning of the assassination and the res railey raids in the gaza strip took place and no a fuel has entered the strip again for 6 days. now, the sole power plant, a warrens that it is about to shut down and the crisis will be severe. if that happens, ah, we can hear sounds of explosions. now also a rockets have recently been started again to re launch from the gaza strip. so it seems that these explosions that we were just hearing where the sounds of marseilles and by the iron dome, the anti missile a defense system, a blocking or intercepting some of the rockets that have been launched. just a few minutes to go a go from because the strip. so are all so. so hale, i want to talk about the ministry of health, his announcement recent announcement that it is going through a severe shortage in matic. her in basic medications and basic medical equipments, and that it needs, ah, it needs a necessary and rapid help to allow the entrance of ventilators and other important equipment. the death toll still stays at 11 and over 80 people injured in. because this treat you now say 30 garza, thanks for which was crossover, john hallman. who's out these a conjunction on the israel garza baldwin, as you heard from your mother, john, her all explosions being her doesn't an easy quiet where you are. what's going on? l y yeah, we're hearing some explosions actually a over here as well. suits of though distant booms at the moment rather than things flying overhead. when you, these seabrook it's coming over from garza, they do tend to pass overhead paused there, which is a wiper at this spot. so, so far at the moment when a more than a $160.00 rockets and fight from gaza towards israel, or what is the israeli military is saying, is that very few of those of hit any points are of importance that the ones that haven't been deflected and stopped by i don't, which is, is riley's ante rocket system, have landed instead even within guards or in the populated areas. so there's no serious injuries reported so far by those rockets in comparison with what units obviously reporting in garza where they obviously don't have those same systems and where it's being hit hard by the israeli strikes. so the latest on this side is, israeli media is reporting that the defense minister at benny gans is saying that this will continue, that they're not at the point of stopping yet. these re be line on this is that they're going after islamic jihad at targets. within garza, they're also looking to hit things like weapon storage. i'm rocket launches, they say that they just here and gone after a rocket launcher at. and that's what's been happening throughout the night. so saying that they're not letting islamic jihad set the agenda here. and that's why this preemptive strike. we have to remember here that after at these railey forces at detained a member, a leader of these glam a g had in the occupied west bank. there was in 3 days and then they lent lawrence this strike into garza is important to note because usually is for israel. i prefer to wait until at least rockets have gone over and then return that sort of fire. in this case. they haven't done that. they've struck 1st the line, it's preemptive because they receive warning of a threat. a lot of people. so talking about the fact that elections coming up in november and these roles, current leader, it's acting prime minister le pete, want to be seen as strong. they want to be seen as a strong leader that someone, that's something that impresses sexes of israeli population. so that also might be part of all of the calculations around all of this internal israeli politics. twahoma others a can junction thou on the israel gospel to thank you. let's just take you straight back to god's just says images that we're seeing at the moment those plumes of black smoke coming from the strip itself. you have now said correspondent, obviously telling us about the drones that she could hear just above her head and a few loud booms. now, she assumed that they were israel's i, and don't stopping. perhaps any missiles being fired from garza into the area, we don't know what those please, what the background to is. plumes of black smoke or whether they are missiles shot from israeli positions into the strip. but we will try and get more information on that as the day progresses is ready forces to say though, that they've arrested 19 members of islamic jihad in the occupied westbank troops rated sites in the city of janine and in the columbia area south of ramallah. though in other news, taiwan is accusing the chinese army of simulating an attack on its main island on day 3 of beijing's biggest of military drills in the seas. around taiwan. tensions remained high with china, which is furious over the us house. dick and nancy pelosi visit to taiwan to pick apart from taiwan, plus, explains why the situation is a wider security threat. i'd like island say the closest point you can get to mainland china. in fact, one of them kenman. it's only about 10 kilometers away from put young, proven. now they used to seeing this kind of activity around military activity from china and seeing that kind of intimidation in that area. but this time, china is also focusing, as we know, as military drills, not just in those areas, but also on the main island. in fact, this morning, the ministry of defense said that the trying to create for the scenario with his exercises right? stimulating an attack on the main, on the fly. one, which is where the capital is. and this all comes to as anthony blanket and has confirmed and the u. s. is announced that china is broken off all communications on certain issues with the u. s. and those issues include military, that's a great worry, of course for taiwan. because the us is time want, main ally. and in addition to that, the united states why law has to help taiwan protect itself. should there be a war scenario? so having those communications broken at a time and these military exercises are taking place, it's a great concern right now. the philippines, foreign minister enrica manella, has told us secretary of state that his region cannot afford escalation of tensions than to be blinking his in manila. and has met the philippines, president said, and marcus junior, that comes as tensions in the taiwan straits, a high after us house because visit to time, pay and get china market describe your philippines times as a special relationship i relationship is quite extraordinary because it is really founded in friendship, it's force as well in partnership, and it's strengthened by the fact that it's an alliance as well. we're committed to the mutual events pretty well committed to working with you on shared challenges. but below has more from manila, this meeting is happening against the backdrop of tension happening in the pilot street, which is just north of the philippines. currently, china is conducting military drills in that area. and the other day japan's defense ministry had said that the live missiles had dropped into japan's exclusive economic zone. and so understandably, there is concern here that, that conflict there could to the area because the philippines has its own territorial with china, in the south china sea. and so understandably, again, the discussions between president president $49.00 mark was junior and us secretary of state anthony blink, and revolved around the military and security alliance between the 2 countries. the 2 countries have a mutual defense treaty. and under this treaty are a number of agreements including the visiting courses agreement and the enhanced defense cooperation agreement. president marcos had previously said that he want these agreements reviewed and possibly some provisions revised. and also there is talk of expanding us military presence in the country under the enhanced, enhanced defense cooperation agreement. still had her lot, i'll deserve as a left to see, to propose, to lead columbia. we look at how his conservative predecessor has said over the past 4 years. ah, he has begun. the, the full world cup is on its way to cattle. hoop your travel package to the well, the heat has been squashed out of germany there. check republic and austria. hi everyone, hope your weekends going well. next in line is creation. remember just a short time ago, we had a heat wave warning across the adriatic coast for croatia. so we put the colors on here dark at the red, the higher the temperature, but some thunderstorms rumbling through a, his going to cool the atmosphere. so let's focus on the capital zagreb your next 3 days. your temperature is more average by the time we get toward monday with the height 27 degrees. i've also got some heat going on for greece and turkey temperatures. in the 30 some cloud cover, a shower, me sneak into is stan ball. better bet. there will be 4 western areas of the country. not much rain for spain and portugal, but there is still some to be found for a northern portions of the country toward the northwest. nothing major, but where we do have some major storms is. as we looked toward the baltic states, sab bella roo, sent a pull in those storms in croatia as well. and he heads up temperatures in paris, and london will be climbing in the days to come. after africa we go and a batch of what weather, moving away from bama co into at the gambia. that's certainly not good news. after banjo had that soaking not too long ago, the winds will be a factor for these string kate over the course of the weekend. thanks for watching bye for now. chatter official airline of the journey. easily heating up the airway. lot of can you listen it? kimberly here, but i really think in your own country shifting policy, the rise seriously. journalism has changed everything. how do you have been it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a wall. it's very much going forward out in the media as well as on the battlefield . they're listening page to dissect the media on al jazeera with the book about what channels is there that needs to have the reminder of all the top stories, palestinian fighters of launch rockets toward israel after and strikes on guards and said to be targeting islamic to the military says it arrested 19 members of the group and rates and the occupied west bank 5 year old girl under senior commander from if i'm, if you heard what might feel like people killed in friday, israeli strikes more than 80 more injured. israel defense minister says the operation is ongoing. in other news, taiwan has accused china with stimulating in a town called its main island, facing large drills in the taiwan strait this week after a controversial visit to pay by the us house speaker. nancy pelosi. hundreds of thousands of iraqis have gathered for mass pres, calling for cultural bi, influential react either looked at or outside or southern, urged his supporters to remain in front of parliament until so called corrupt politicians were removed from office by mode, otherwise has moved from baghdad. thousands of iraqis to an out in the green zone for a friday mess, prayer and protest that mostly supporters of influential shea at the leader of the southern, summoned the crowd, call it a rover lucian. that a theory you will fall to the rock has been controlled by corrupt politicians, through consecutive governments. the quite system resulted in the deterioration of the health care system, education and security. poverty is on the rise, but corrupt officials getting richer every day. drugs and weapons are spread everywhere because of those authoritarian parties affiliated to foreign powers. what me when m many have travelled here from different parts of iraq in the hopes of getting their voices heard. iraq has had on the occasion ticket government for the last 9 months. and many basic services have been interrupted, a shabby, it's just a lot more harder. linbeck dot com. we've come here from the chat. cabella had cut and bubble sheet sunni curds christians. and as it is all to say no to the constitution drafted by the americans, while we will not leave until portable is dissolved when these protesters highlight the months of political estate, me to form a government since last october's general elections. so that his supporters have been occupying parliament in protest in a televised this statement. so that urges his supporters to continue their certain i suggested dissolving parliament and holding early elections as a solution to their political deadlock. ha ha ha. the prayers coincide with southern supporters leaving the parliament building after one weeks it in. but they have been instructed to stay on the ground, the surrounding parliament without of nurse, without the song mister mall. we are planning to continue here until we toppled the re jame. no matter what it takes, we have nothing to lose more than what we have already lost. our country is in ruins. the you and the special representative to iraq, denny plus hart has met dr. the southern in. now jeff, she's been coated by local media. i saying the meeting was productive, but some of said was rival politicians put a challenge, including former prime minister marie al malika, and the head of the popular mobilization forces fell hel. for yog. both men insist holding early elections requires the formation of a new government. because iraq's case take a government doesn't have the legal right to hold another election, which means millions of iraqis may be facing many more days of uncertainty. moved up to a head and dizzy era columbia. first left, his president, gustavo petro will be sworn in on sunday. on friday, he received an award from out going me to even do k, patrick they form a gorilla fighter as promising to reshape the country. he's put together a broad coalition to pass reforms including a $5800000000.00 tax bill to fund social programs. so his conservative predecessor leaves behind a divisive legacy. alexander on piano reports now from bucket all even do gets wet into presidents in columbia in 2000. the theme was a young little known technocrats. he was endorsed by then our former president. i believe it successfully tapped into the skepticism toward the p seal and called for market friendly policies. you promised would ensure growth for all 4 years later he is leaving a country reeling from higher poverty and unemployment. and people are angry with him for it face the terrible negative just terrible. we didn't have a president these for years have been a far as you know, did nothing for peace. there was so many social leaders in indigenous killed and he said nothing about it. despite the competent response to the covey pandemic, in a successful vaccine rollouts, the majority of colombian fields do can't show indifference to people suffering people to take him out. why don't you talking about dude? with his answer to a journalist, asking about a military bombing in which a number of minors were killed. when tens of thousands of colombians took to the streets, protesting attacks were formed that would have increased the price of food. the police responded using deadly force killing dozens. the president defended their actions, greeting them while wearing a police uniform in the spite promising law and order his ministration. so hundreds of social leader, skilled hundreds of massacres, growing force displacement and record levels of the narcotic reduction. i think president duke was insulated from public opinion for a long time. i think him and his advisors believe he did a stellar job. and that's to the point that he said, you know, he doesn't listen to radio. he doesn't listen to the news. ah, he doesn't participate in the social media conversation, but his allies say he has been unfairly portrayed, you know, so i think there have been mistakes in communicating his achievements to the citizens. and i think there are transformations and education and the environments and other issues that we will see become better in 4 or 5 years despite many achievements. i think that issues such as the pandemic are responsible for his low popularity, but in the future, he will be remembered as a great president. but in the end, the van duke, his biggest failure as president, is probably the fact that his mistakes more than anything else, people, the wave for the victory have a left this precedent. for the 1st time, gustavo fair throw in their rejection of columbia str additional right wing leaning establishment allison ramp, yet al jazeera ball got there. now the u. s. justice department is demanding the seizure of a venezuelan cargo playing grounded in argentina since june. it alleges the gent, previously owned by the iranian airline, has ties to terra groups. iran and venezuela deny the accusations donald weidler reports now from when his iris. this boeing 747300 did belong to the iranian cargo company mahan air. last year they sold it to the venezuelan firm, empress or cargo. the u. s, as it did not authorize that transaction which broke its export control laws. they want the playing confiscated. iran denies the accusations while venezuela, once the aircraft back labianca complete novel field, full numb in bel, the plane that was carrying out a fundamental humanitarian mission for venezuela has been kidnapped barge and tina . they've robbed us on the orders of an imperialist court in the united states bella, flu, venezuela raises its voice in protest and calls for unity. with the honest people of argentina, you'll get an argentine judge released 12 of the 19 crew members. 7, remain 3 venezuelan, some 4 radians among them. the pilot columbus saga semi newest believes he belongs to the cods force of iran's revolutionary guard, sanctioned by the u. s, but not argentina as a terror organization. it's a case shrouded in confusion and counterclaims. what we do know for now is that a boeing 747 belonging to the venezuelan cargo company and for the saw has been impounded here at herb when the cyrus is a say ser airport for 2 months. israel has praised the argentine authorities, written action, suggesting at least some of the crew might be involved in smuggling weapons. argentina was in the 19 ninety's, the victim of 2 attacks that said it ran was involved in one on the israeli embassy . and one of the jewish cultural center, no one's been brought to justice for either bombing and jewish organizations in argentina. one of possible future attacks. they want the plane and its crew investigated in. so just be wondering if we see a link. i don't know if there's a link with the attacks in 19929094, but it could be a preparatory motion for an attack and argentina was somewhere else in latin america. the lawyer acting for the detained pilot told al jazeera the case was political, as well as legal vault, a lot of paperwork and his, unlike keith resolved any time soon. meanwhile, the plane remains firmly on the ground. then find the al jazeera. when osiris indiana has become the 1st us state to ban abortion after the supreme court overturned the landmark roe vs wade ruling in june. then comes into effect next month. women in the states will only have access to the procedure in cases of rape or incest, or when the mother's health is at risk, abortion was previously allowed up to 20 weeks into pregnancy. a texas jury has ordered conspiracy theorist alex jones to pay more than $45000000.00 in punitive damages to parents of a child killed in one of the worst of school shootings in the us. that comes a day after the info was host was told to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation for his false claims that the 2012 sandy hook massacre was a hoax. the parents of 6 year old jesse louis said jones as comments lead to years of emotional distress and harassment including death threats, 20 children and 6 staff were killed in the attack in connecticut. police in india have detained dozens of opposition. politicians during the protest about the rising cost of living congress party leaders were trying to march on the residences of the prime minister and the president in taxes. so major increases.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220806

israeli gent, strike garza and kill in his lamp. she had command palestinian fighters respond with rockets, but tama stays on the sideline. a 5 year old palestinian girl is amongst the latin people killed in garza dozens more injured. ah, hello. how robin watching over there like my headquarters here in also coming up. so i wanna keys as the chinese army of stimulating an attack called its main island . as patient continues military drills for a 3rd day plus can use to main presidential candidates, hold a final rally the head of choose days vote will be like from my ruby. ah, welcome to the israel has laws and strikes on garza for a 2nd day. at least 12 people having killed and dozens injured during the start of the operation said to be targeting the palestinian armed group islamic jihad. it's fighters have lewis rockets towards israel, but thomas has stayed on the sidelines so far in the unsaid reports garza, we warn you that some of the images in this report are distressing. the darkness of ford cars, the city flashed bright by explosions as israeli artillery and other weapons targeted, what they said were weapons factories. a rocket launch sites belonging to islamic jihad. the moments before an aerial duel, as magical rockets were fired from caused it towards israel with most, intercepted by these rarely ironed, dome anti message system is lambda. she had said they fired more than $100.00 rocket. and player she could look what would be the in the televised address. they usually prime minister. yeah. your la pete said his country had 0 tolerance for attacks from god, but that israel had no interest in a wider battle. earlier the israel defense ministry had approved the call up of as many as $25000.00 army reservists and read at combat battalions sparking fears that in each really ground invasion was eminent. the day light attacks were spread throughout gods. the city. one main target was this apartment building where a senior commander from islamic g had to see a job that he was killed is really army switches showed what the said was suspected rocket launch, side in hon. eunice among the dozens of injured and dead. the body of the 5 year old girl was carried throughout this tree. what is this child's fault? she was dreaming of going to kindergarten and asked her father for a school bag and clothes. what has she done wrong? this innocent child? yeah. other funeral processions where he squirted by running crowds fearful of the next attack. longer so resident described what she heard, and so i heard about $45.00 loud bangs of sleep, and i just clicking on running, wondering what happened. and people in the, in the building, they just run down to the street, you know, because they fear that they're going to be other apartments targets are slimy. she had said, israel had made the declaration of war at promise dislike back. learn how to this is a declaration of all out war against the palestinian people. we will respond to that . this is a violation and disregard for all the efforts that have been made over the past days in order to restore comp, positively with these efforts that the enemy was as usual treacherous. these railey action followed the closure as to port your crossings with because this trip earlier in the week and the arrest a senior islamic she had members in the occupied west bank and the office of the palestinian president mahmoud abbas cold fridays attack a dangerous escalation. the un cushion against further civilian casualties. while egyptian mediators are trying to diffuse the tension between both sides. but this is calisha and it's something that we have seen time and time again. hearing garza and the heaviest price is always paid by the people. you may see al jazeera, got this city to hold and has more from these akim junction on the israel guard. a bulls are so far at the moment when more than 100. 60 rockets fired from gauze it towards israel. what is the israeli military is saying, is that very few of those have hit any points of importance that the ones that haven't been deflected and stop by and don't which is re lease and the rocket system have landed instead even within goes are in the populated areas, so there's no serious injuries reported so far by those rockets in garza where they obviously don't have those same systems where it's being hit hard by the israeli strikes. so the latest on this side is israeli meter is reporting that the defense minister benny gun is saying that this will continue that, that not the point of stopping yet these re be line on this is that they're going off the islamic jihad targets within garza, their room, so looking at things like weapon storage. i'm rocket launches, they say that they just hit and go after a rocket launcher. and that's what's been happening throughout the night. so saying that they're not letting islamic jihad set the agenda hit is ready for his say. they've arrested 19 members of his loving 200 in the occupied west bank, now troops rated sites in the city of janine and in the columbia area, south of ramallah, united nations and middle east coordinators call for a deescalate of the fighting. kristen levy has law from un headquarters. there can be no justification for attacks on civilians. those are the words of middle east coordinator toward venice land in response to the recent attacks in gaza. he noted that a 5 year old child is among the dead and express concern that this escalation between palestinian militants and israel. and what he described as the targeted killing of the palestinian islamic jihad leader could further exacerbate tensions in the region intentions, which have been growing and brewing not only in gaza, but also across the west bank. and of course, it's the united nations that gets called in to pick up the pieces after conflicts like this in the occupied territories. and he express concerned that civilians will ultimately be the ones who pay the worst price at a time when international support and international funding to help in situations like this is stretched very thin. so a word of caution from the middle east coordinator, or words released on twitter and in statements to the media, calling on both sides to tone down their response and protect civilians. nobody's toil is accusing. the chinese army of simulating an attack cone, its main island told de 3 of beijing's biggest of a military drills in the seas. round taiwan. tensions remain high with china, which is serious over the u. s. how speak nancy pelosi visit to taiwan to vick apollo. of taiwan plus explains why the situation is why the security threat. those i'd like islands are the closest point you can get to mainland china. in fact, one of them can min, it's only about 10 kilometers away from put you on province. now they're used to seeing this kind of activity around military activity from china and seeing that kind of intimidation in that area. but this time, china is also focusing, as we know, it's military drills bought just in those areas, but also on the main island. in fact, this morning, the ministry of defense said that the trying to create for the scenario with these exercises, right? stimulating an attack on the main, on the fly one, which is where the capital is. and this all comes out onto the blanket and has confirmed and the u. s. is announced that china is broken off all communications on certain issues with the u. s. and those issues include the military, that's of great worry, of course for taiwan. because the us is taiwan main ally, and in addition to that, the united states why law has to help taiwan protect itself. should there be a war scenario? so having those communications broken at a time and these military exercises are taking place of great concern right now. philippine foreign minister and rica manella has told the secretary of state his region cannot afford her escalation of tensions. antony blink and his in manila and has met the president said, and marcus junior marcus describe the philippines times as a special relationship on relationship is quite extraordinary because it is really founded in friendship. it's force as well in partnership, and it's strengthened by the fact that it's an alliance as well. we're committed to the mutual events pretty well committed to working with you on shared challenges. bobby low has more from manila. this meeting is happening against the backdrop of attention happening in the pilot street, which is just north of the philippines. currently, china is conducting military drills in that area. and the other day japan's defense ministry had said that the live missiles had dropped into japan's exclusive economic zone. and so understandably, there is concern here that, that conflict there could to the area because the philippines has its own territorial se with china in the south china sea. and so understandably, again, the discussions between president president and mark was junior and us secretary of state anthony blinking revolved around the military and security alliance between the 2 countries. the 2 countries have a mutual defense treaty. and under this treaty are a number of agreements including the visiting force, this agreement and the in has defense cooperation agreement. president marcos had previously said that he want these agreements reviewed and possibly some provisions revised. and also there is talk of expanding us military presence in the country under the enhanced enhanced the base cooperation agreement. still had him out there, a kenya's drought could be heard against democracy. thousands of people may not vote him next week. election and climate is a big factor. also as a leftist proposed to lead columbia. so the 1st time we look at how his conservative predisposition has said over the past, we give the story and there are a disturbed weather on either side of southern australia. hi, everyone, hope your weekends going well. so here's what it looks like. a disturbance moving across the w way that spreading some showers in when to perth and still that legacy of cloud cover and showers for the southeast of that soaking we saw in camera. months worth of rain within 24 hours. quite the soaking, as well for the south island of new zealand snow over the southern andes, a number of weather alerts in play here. and look at that batch of rain for the northland region, including auckland, on sunday, with the high 17 degrees, got to talk about the potential. we could see a tropical disturbance cook up here so that strike all the energy away from sumatra, java and borneo. look at all this weather spinning around. it's not good news for the philippines. we go in for a closer look, some flood advisories around the world. so princess rate through into manila got to be on the lookout for some flooding. sure, temperatures are on the rise across the yang see and the yellow river valley, ranging anywhere from about $38.00 to $40.00 degrees. and we've got a line of storms coming out shift for harbin rate through to beijing. that energy is going to move into the korean peninsula. otherwise, just some showers for japan. thanks for watching bye for now. ah. on cal, the cost the widening mortgage boy called in china could from the fact that grumbled as columbia and venezuela agree to men ties businesses, i at slave revival bloss russia wants to pull out of the international space station. what's next in all, vic? counting the cost on al jazeera, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media spread on out is era. government shut off access to social media. ah ah, welcome back. you're watching. i'll just bear with me, said robin, a reminder of all top stories. israel has lost and strikes on garza for a 2nd day. at least 12 people have been killed and dozens injured since the start of the operation set to be targeting the palestinian armed group islamic jihad, israeli forces say they've arrested 19 members of islamic jihad in the occupied westbank troops rated sites in the city of janine and the columbia area, south of romanella and other hughes. taiwan is accusing. the chinese army of simulating in a town called its main island tensions ruins high of the aftermath of the u. s. how speaker nancy pelosi. his visit to taiwan kenya's leading presidential candidates are making the final appeals to voters ahead of tuesday's election. my loading is making his 5th attempt for the country's top job, his rival, as deputy president william router, widespread corruption and the economy dominating the election campaign. other important issues include unemployment, inflation, and foreign debt of correspondence or covering the election rallies in the capital . nairobi will go to her room, tulsa, shortly. the 1st. let's start with malika webb, who's at riley, i think is valley and what issues will the candidates be tackling you might say in the final push, before the vote. both of them have been talking about the silver in cost. their living heal. prices are going up about 60 percent of the pub since the beginning of the similar story for the price is the many food staples crippling. the millions of kenya. and many people who lived on 2 meals a day down to one meal a day. by the main candidate, promising to address this, but that will likely prove very difficult. the government of outgoing presidents who can yacht there, is subsidizing fuel and some food stuff at the moment. but the, i'm after that subsidies have to end in the coming month. kenyatta is backing it a long time home or phone and write it in guy is going to be speaking here in just a short while to the, to the crowd growing, right as promising that who got the living on corruption with the corruption is also something that the last government, which kenyatta was president and royal as main opponent william root, was that the president, not government criticized very excessive borrowing. public debt. here is now a record level. whoever takes power. you're going to have the significantly cut public spending. they may find themselves ruling the millions of kenyan who are increasingly hungry and possibly quite disappointed about some of the promises that have been made at the inaction. riley's life is going to talk about 2 goals. when that rally started, because i have to hire him a task, he's covering william retail election rally and heracles. he too will have some very tough questions to answer about the economy of the cost of living and many presume that's what he'll be addressing at that riley will. deputy president william will calls himself a hustler and he's been reminding canyons about how he grew up poor. how as a child, he would sell chickens on the side of the road to raise money for school fees. how he'd go to school without waiting shoes because his parents couldn't afford, in his way of reminding you that he understands the struggle and that in he wins these blades. maybe they need to address poverty and inequality in kenya. but some of the support to say that the other big mountain decline, he's been the high and he had most of the opinion halls people out with the president would have been yeah, no, i know exactly what happened between the 2 men. and he's also being to write to me talking about how he feels that this election has not been a level playing field yet. do that the, our meetings going on across the country of senior public, a mission to manipulate the vote, having to savage, like the vote madam to make to assign people in that part of the country don't evolve either on allegation is that they deal. that's not going to be at the right . the country has strong holes, tried to undermine him. now when i loud dingus avoided saying these. i do have engagement. they denied them. they said that it's just a william rooted, probably of play that is going to leave the elections. now ingredients goals, they're being disputed, some of them. and there's been some bylaws or some of the lives in the general been from the areas that we have been loses. the legend when people go to board one likely or go to border. you see what happens that rally through the day will dip in with you. how do we toss a? thank you. that all fears the drought in tenure could effect this resolution. thousands of people in the driest regions may be unable to vote. many canyons are struggling to survive us, as harry mentioned, and while others have been displaced, catherine saw he has more from garrison. i do up these livelihood depends on livestock, but there is a drought. what you're after for field rainy seasons, millions in arid areas have little to eat and the animals are dying. in a few days, voters will head to the poles. abdi and his neighbors say they are more focused on staying alive. in casting their ballots had a, the coca cola that absolutely about politicians have come to look for votes where they have not told us how they will resolve our problems. they just won't vote livestock was millions of dollars have died since october last year. conflict over resources, boundaries and banded. she are not making things easier. many harder have left their homes to look for food and water. they have gone to other areas to try and save the animals, but it also means thousands of them may not be able to votes. politicians will wrap their campaigns on saturday. they're promising better living conditions that they're parts of this country where, you know, nobody wants to know about it and then you know what, what goes on in that part of the. and unfortunately, the county governments have also not been very useful because the county governments of, of resources to provide her assistance to drought victims. ah, what has happened is that this county, governments have not located enough money at to livestock related activities. these community elders say their issues have not been prioritized i born here in my children a school in here. i don't have a job. my income generation is livestock, whereas my daily food is coming from the livestock to see my life. so all has gone. my grandfather died. oh, my children, all that good. so example, i'm asking you my gender, listen income is left and gone. why do i pay for those vying for political positions in this region? have talked about ambitious plans to reduce poverty, but many people he has said they want less talk and more action. catherine sawyer al jazeera gary sat county ukrainian president of his lensky has caused the sanctions on russia's nuclear industry. following the shelling of ukraine chaper reach a power plant, kevin moscow have both accused each other of firing on europe's largest nuclear power station. it's occupied by russia but still operate by ukrainian employees. defense for agencies that a nitrogen oxygen unit of the high voltage power line will hit residents near the plant fair. the fighting could lead to a disaster, similar to cia noble. so when you, once today, the occupies created another extremely risky situation for everyone in europe. they fired at the upper region nuclear power plant twice in one day. this is the largest nuclear power plant on our continent, and any shelling of this facility is an open brazen crime, an act of terror. the police india have detained dozens of opposition. politicians during the protest about the rising cost of living congress party leaders were trying to march on the residences of the prime minister and the president. they blame taxes for major increases the cost of staples, which is rising milk. please also detained. hundreds of congress supporters stopping them from joining the protest. indiana has become the 1st u. s. state to ban abortion after the supreme court overturned the landmark roe vs wade ruling in june. the bank comes into effect next month. women in the states will only have access to the procedure in cases of rain, for instance, or when the mother's health is at risk, abortion was previously allowed up to 20 weeks is a pregnancy. columbia says left as president guest over, petro will be sworn in on sunday. on friday, he received an award from gang leader, even d. k. petro, a former gorilla fighter, is promising to reshape the country. he's put together abroad coalition to pass reforms including a $5800000000.00 tax bill to fund social programs. is conservative pre defense, the leaves behind the divisive legacy. many accuse him of not doing enough to protect social activists and indigenous leaders and those who been killed in record numbers on a son from pierre. he has more from bucket on even do, gets wet into president in columbia in 2000. the theme was a young little noun technocrat. he was endorsed by then our former president. i believe it successfully tapped into the skepticism toward the p seal and called for market friendly policies. he promised would ensure growth for all 4 years later he is leaving a country reeling from higher poverty and unemployment. and people are angry with him for it face the terrible negative. just terrible. we didn't have a president. these for years have been a far as i did nothing for peace. there was so many social leaders in indigenous killed. and he said nothing about it. despite the competent response to the coven pen demik in a successful vaccine rollouts, the majority of colombian fields, do cast, showed indifference to people's suffering when they came out. what are you talking about? dude? with his answer to a journalist, asking about him a terry bombing in which a number of miners were killed. when tens of thousands of columbia stuck to the streets, protesting attacks were formed would have increased the price of food. the police responded using deadly force, killing dozens, for the president defended their actions, greeting them while wearing a police uniform and despite promising law and order his ministration. so hundreds of social leaders killed hundreds of massacres, growing force displacement and record levels of narcotic production. i think president took, it was insulated from public opinion for a long time. i think him and his advisors believe he did a stellar job and that's to the point that he said, you know, he doesn't listen to radio. he doesn't listen to news. he doesn't participate in the social media conversation, but he's allies say he has been unfairly portrayed. you know, it's just, i think there have been mistakes in communicating as achievement to the citizens. and i think there are transformations and education and the environments and other issues that we will see become better in 4 or 5 years is by many achievements. i think that issues such as the pandemic are responsible for his low popularity. but in the future, he will be remembered as a great president. but in the end, the van lucas biggest failure as a president is probably the fact that his mistakes more than anything else paved the way for the victory of left this precedent. for the 1st time, gustavo fell through and the rejection of columbia traditional right wing leaning establishment. i listen that. i'll just see it. i will go there. the us justice department is demanding the seizure of a venezuela cargo, playing grounded in argentina since june. and elijah's the jap, previously owned by an iranian airline, has ties to terra groups. iran and venezuela deny the accusations, jungle shameless as more from foreigners iris. this boeing 747300 did belong to the arabian cargo company mahan air. last year they sold it to the venezuelan firm, empress or cargo. the u. s, as it did not authorize that transaction which broke its export control laws. they want the playing confiscated. iran denies the accusations while venezuela, once the aircraft back labianca completely novel, helpful, numb in bell. the plane that was carrying out a fundamental humanitarian mission for venezuela has been kidnapped by john tina. they've robbed us on the orders of an imperialist court in the united states. bella flora, venezuela raises its voice in protest and calls for unity with the honest people of argentina. an argentine judge released 12 of the 19 crew members. 7, remain 3 venezuelans and 4 iranians. among them, the pilot columbus took a semi us believes he belongs to, the cuts force of iran's revolutionary guard, sanctioned by the u. s, but not argentina as a terror organization. it's a k shrouded in confusion and counterclaims. what we do know for now is that a boeing 747 belonging to the venezuelan cargo company emperor saw, has been impounded here at herb. when osiris is a say, sir, airport, for 2 months. israel has praised the argentine authorities, writs action suggesting at least some of the crew might be involved in smuggling weapons. argentina was in the 19 ninety's, the victim of 2 attacks that said it ran was involved in one on the israeli embassy . and one of the jewish cultural center, no one's been brought to justice for either pullman and jewish organizations in argentina, one of possible future attacks. they wanted the plane and its crew investigated is he missed. so just we will, if we ceiling, i don't know if there is a link with the attacks in 992, a 994. but it could be a preparatory mission for an attack, and argentina was somewhere else in latin america. the lawyer act seems for the detained pilot told al jazeera the case was political, as well as legal vault and lots of paperwork, and it's only like you could result anytime soon. meanwhile, the plane remains firmly on the ground. daniel swine, there al jazeera one cyrus a texas jury has ordered conspiracy theorist on exchange to pay more than $45000000.00 in punitive damages to parents of a child killed in one of the worst of a school shooting for the u. s. it comes a day after the info was host was told to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation for the full claims that the 2012, sandy hook basket was a hoax. the parents of 6 year old jesse louis said, jones, his comments lead to years of emotional distress and harassment including death threats, 20 children and 6 staff were killed in the attack in connecticut's. ah .


Transcripts For ALJAZ Counting The Cost 20220806

don't you just there with me. so hill, robin doha, reminder of our top stories. israel has lost and strikes on gaza for a 2nd day. at least 12 people are being killed and dozens injured. and the stars for the operation said to be taught to be palestinian armed group islamic to have israeli forces say they've arrested 19 members. always let me jot in the occupied west bank troops rated sites in the city of janine and the columbia area. south of ramallah. l said has war from garza, these rarely drones and aircraft who's just above or heads. we can hear them very close everywhere in this kinds of gods. just very short while ago targeting for the shells targeted the kid over selim crossing from the palestinian side of the or the gods the side. another target read was him. can eunice, local sources, say that one person was killed in dis, a recent rate, while a number others were taking to hospital? taiwan is accusing. the chinese army of simulating an attack on its main island on day 3 of beijing's biggest of a military drills and seas around taiwan. anti was defense ministry says it's fine, flat to wall of 7 drains and identified planes flying over its territory. china is furious over the visit to taiwan by us. how speaker nancy pelosi, philippines, foreign minister and re cavenella, has told us secretary state that his region cannot afford an escalation of tensions . and the blinking is in manila and has met the president said none bulk of junior your credit. and president of ms. lewinsky has called the sanctions on the russian nuclear industry. following the shelling of ukraine shop, reach parkland, kiva and moscow have both accused each other of firing on europe's largest nuclear power station is occupied by russia, but still operated by ukrainian employees. ukraine nuclear agency said a nitrogen oxygen needed to the high voltage power line. we're hit, indiana has become the 1st us day to ban abortion after the supreme court overturned the landmark versus wade ruling in june. the button comes into effect next month. women in the states will only have access to the procedure in cases of rape or incest, or when the mother's health is at risk. those exceptions on limited to 10 weeks. you follow those stories on a website that out there, dot com someplace it through the day, more news and a half, and i with emily, but next it's counting the cost to stay with us. let's get to the bottom line. what does a new forever proxy war mean for america and nato? it's very hard to say where the escalations stopped. is it a mistake to open up? is that a pandora's box? if you want to be ready for the next pandemic, you figure out this plan, the bottom line, your weekly taken us politics in society. i . hello, i'm sammy's a than this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you're with the look at the world of business and economics this week. running out of patience, chinese home buyers are holding payments on unfinished projects. will the property sector crumble and how would that impact the economy? also this way, columbia has a new president and he wants to reset relations with neighboring venezuela. what would that mean for bilateral trade and russia intends to pull out of the international space station off the 2024? can moscow afford its own project? what does that mean for space exploration? ah, i now real estate has been one of the biggest drivers of economic growth in china. i counting for one 3rd of the countries, 18 trillion us dollar g, d p. but it's not just the broad economy that relies on it. households due to up to 70 percent of their wealth is tied up in the sector. but strict corona virus restrictions and the debt crisis among developers have slowed down the property market and halted construction on thousands of projects. homebuyers the now in short, frustrated. they're refusing to pay the mortgage on properties. they've bought. the boy involve more than $300.00 housing projects across more than 90 cities. it puts up to $350000000000.00 of payments at risk. more than 85 percent of chinese houses are sold through pre sale in which buyers have to start repaying their loans long before construction is complete. and declining sales, adding to the pressure on the property market. china has taught $100.00 developers sold their sales hobbs in the 1st 6 months of this year. sales plunged almost 40 percent in july from the same period last year to the equivalent of more than $77000000000.00. they went down 28.6 percent from june, ending a 2 month recovery and month to month sales growth. s and p global rating agency expect china's property sales to drop by around 30 percent this year. that would be worse than in the 2008 financial crisis. the chinese government is stepping in to rescue the real estate sector efforts include a grace period on mortgage payments, and the central bank back fun to lend. financial support to developers. business is struggled to obtain financing, and the last 2 years is aging cracked down on their line, some debt. well, joining us from singapore is raji. this was, he is the asia pacific chief economist, that s and p global market intelligence. thanks for coming. roger. first of all, let's start with the courts. how serious are the mortgage boy called, how serious the thrice holiday? well i, i think their focus very much on property developers who have been facing difficulties and have delayed their projects. so it says certain subsection of total borrowers who have arranged contracts with property developers that are facing difficult circumstances. and often that's manifested in delays to projects. so it is relatively subsector of the total number of borrowers. what's going wrong for developers if home buyers paying up front in advance of the completion of projects? i think one of the difficulties that has faced the industries, there's always been a subset juror for pretty developers that of been highly leverage. so even in normal times, you do have some property developers in many countries around the world that face financial distress and affects the borrowers. but in this particular case, china's regulatory authorities back in 2020, wanted to reduce macroeconomic vulnerability to high leverage and the realist state sector. they were worried that could create financial stress in the system. and so to reduce that high leverage back in 2020, they introduced what was called 3 red logins. and that policy put limits on debt from property developers in relation to a number of metrics that were then looked very closely in terms of the company's cash flows, their total assets and also their capital levels. so after the introduction of those new regular sri policies that did put more constraints on real estate developers. and so for those who are highly leverage right, difficulties with their balance sheets that created for financial stress. so i think some of the problems are, we're seeing are related to those efforts by the chinese regulatory authorities right now. in addition to red lines, they're now trying to put together a fund to try and help some of these over leveraged firms is not enough. or they're trying to walk, you know, balance between continuing to maintain their efforts to reduce leverage, which is an important crate number priority over the medium term and set out as a high priority, not only for real estate, but also more broadly for the corporate sector back in 2020 and also of course to try to manage the risk. now as occurring with some developers, and that's been evident, even in the 2nd half of last year. it's the combination of those sort of 2 sides of the equation where they don't want to just provide huge amounts of stimulus and let problems again resurface. but on the other hand, they also don't want to create a crisis. so they're trying to manage the situation, particularly with the borrowers in mind, so the projects can be completed. and so i think that is the intent there is to ensure that they're doing the best they can to ensure the projects are somehow completed even through restructured arrangements where other developers may have to play a role and also local authorities. i was about the issue of mortgage defaults, right. what does that mean for banks? again, because when we talk about the amount of loans at risk because of this situation, it's a relatively small share of the total bank lending for the property market. so it's not, well, bank sun, well, it's always a cern for banks. when you see ronnie seeing distress in certain segments of their loan books. and in particular, it's not only about the borrowers facing risk, but it's very much about the developers as well. so it depends on the individual banks and how much exposure that they have to particular property developer. i think that's certainly an area of concern. but if we look at the total loan book of the banking system, the total number of mortgages that are at risk would be relatively small. and the big banks and china are voss. i mean, they're amongst the biggest banks in the world. so, you know, they have very large asset bases and they have the ability to deal with a certain amount of distress. so at the moment in the total picture of the overall banking system in china, this does seem like a relatively small share of the total loans. however, one point to bear in mind is that if the price of property markets show significant declines, that does created different equation as in any other country. if you have full in prices and the property market that increases potential distress. but at the moment, that's not the situation that's facing china as moderate to clients and price is now still everything that you said. and i'm wondering what's the bottom line here? what does it mean for those concerns, which we have heard about the possibility, the real estate crisis could drag down the entire economy which is already slang of those then those concerns then overblown. so i think when we look at the 2nd half of this year and also into the early part of next year, the outlook for china certainly does face headwind. not only from the pandemic restrictions and the 0 current policy, but also some headwinds. now from the property mar, residential construction is clearly slowing down quite significantly. all the metrics are showing not. and then also with the us and you slowing down export outlook. it's also going to be slowing down in the 2nd half as well. all right, thanks so much for sharing your analysis on that. reggie's. thank you very much. columbia and venezuela have been political foes for years of a range of issues including an increase in the number of venezuela migrants crossing the country shad border. but the thought has a new left wing president andy's promising to men ties with correct us now. because of a, petro was also announced plans to resume trade and reopen the often lawless border between the 2 nations. alexander on pierre reports from the border city of co kuta, the catalina morris, co owner of a bio degradable detergent company in cooper proudly shows off her cleaning products. but when she's missing these days, our clients, economic hardships meant she had to let go of 21 or 23 employees. she says only the resumption of trade with venezuela will save her. no offense. okay. it is extremely important if not vital for us. i think this could offer us a lifeline. we could reach markets and clients again. it's a big opportunity and we need to take advantage of it. the border between colombian, venezuela has been closed to all but pedestrian since 2015. the neighbors severed relations. 3 years ago now left his president gustavo, it through his promising to normalize size and get goods moving again. and i, annual trade was worth more than $7000000000.00 us dollars back in 2008. last year it was just a 155000000 business leaders. hope that will change quickly or we can regain the 120000 jobs we lost in a short time in just a year. and we think this is an historic opportunity for the gist takes geography costs and agriculture. we could be the venezuelan pantry for food and raw materials . i mean, we've been victims of political fight last been bitter divisions among political foes, the left, the region in tatters. this is a bridge of indeed as a state of the art overpass with 3 lanes in each direction, warehouses, offices, and everything that's needed to facilitate trade between the 2 countries. it was completed back in 2016 at a cost of $36000000.00, but it has yet to enter into service. years of closure of also led to an increase in crime, venezuela. businesses of resorted to buying colonial goods, smuggled 3 legal crossings, raising costs and empowering criminal gangs is diarrhea, a stomach, jesse at $3.00 agents and that was man show as the few supply stuck in our warehouse waiting to cross legally. she says, restoring trade will take time as rules need to be re established by federal while a while it will have to be very gradual because we need to regain confidence before 2019 we had between 12 and 15, licensed public warehouses for international commerce under duty fries own, today we have none 0. but one thing everyone here agrees is that reopen the border, is the 1st step to providing opportunities for both sides. allison, their m p a t t l just, you could write, joining us from georgia in the u, a. e. is hire a local candle, he's the dean of the college of communication at the university of georgia and the latin america analysts good to have you with us. so hire to reopening the border. of course, that's good news for people on both sides. but how easy is it going to be to get around some of the challenges to try talking procedural challenges and security issues and so on. it's going to be a big challenge for both sides, for one on the one hand, of course, as well as economy, although i somehow recover a bit, it's still still in 3 for most people, hardly make ends meet. and the company, the company has a really hard time getting hard currency to pay off on the other side. hello. yeah, i'm sure, with that security, a lot of the guerrilla groups at the dc didn't and b, e, l, n, operate widely on the borders in between columbia and, and it's both in the north through added the heat, our region as well as in the 1000 cook, with and so the guarantees that each government can, you will be limited to their own ability to act on those very structural issues, which in both cases have been very difficult to deal with. how much do you think opening the border will be worth in terms of an increase in trade value? well, i can't really put out a number. busy but i can tell you that in the early 90 ninety's, when the president paid made up big for to create a synergy with between both countries. beat includes went broke from half a $1000000000.00 a year to add nearly $5000000000.00 a year. so, you know, would that happen again? well, of course, not necessarily because in that time been, it's, well, it was a robust economy even though have a problem. we had lots of things to act along by 1st, but they were there. what types of you can been, it's well important out of the mark i will lake to both import and export rather from the north region in columbia. all those conditions are no longer there at the moment. i'm going to mention this, let me pick up an appointment that you mentioned and off this though, i'll venezuelan goods companies, are they able to compete with the colombian counterparts or is an opening of the board? are going to lead to something of a routing of some faxes in the venezuelan economy. no, no vintage companies are not going to be able to compete in the moment the, the level, bureaucratic control from the central golf and then the obstacles, the uncertainty which is probably the best, the worst part makes it very difficult for companies to vanilla, even to produce to satisfy the demand in been as well. it fell, let alone to export. now some companies have been well on our export, like a pump beta rum add some very control industry the oil industry. but that's it. you know, we don't really have lost to export at the moment. one thing, while columbia has developed a very diverse and strong industrial cap ability, we can overlook to ask the important question of how would reopening and reactivating the board. a wall of that mean for the migrant crisis, for the movement of people be open on the board, it doesn't mean a free pass for my ad. there's nothing in the leasing agreement that says that. now ben is one of them can, can, can move without the proper documents. and the other thing is, and the post called the era columbia, there's a huge problem with on employment. so now the minutes are throwing competing with columbia and sell for specific jobs. in certain areas and the informal economy which is already big enough in columbia, it doesn't make it that welcome, you know, that re 6 receptive tube. and so that might also be economy. i don't think so. i don't think that we should expect the open in the bottom is that all the, all the image will go through. and remember the portion of the initial and do not stopping, but they both belong to the value in, in panama. and they're looking at walking or hiking all the way to the united states, which is the final destination with many of that. so i don't think that we should expect mrs. i opening of the border will make it easier for the, for the migrate or more secure. what it can allow us in that depends on be the colombian government, on their style pedals is that they are the relapse the measures. so when is when a migrant can go on in an illegal way? what? and i think that's, that's the necessary steps to take. now, i've been a great chat. thanks so much higher. i q. the international space station is all through the bava for more than 2 decades, and it's been used to conduct thousands of scientific experiments. well, that was thanks to russia in the u. s. overlooking their hostilities on earth, along with cooperation from canada, europe and japan. of course, but now the future of the i s s. looks on certain russia announced to withdraw from the station after 2024. if it follows through that could speed up the end of a project about cost, nasa around a $100000000000.00 over the last quarter of a century. moscow says it wants to build its own space station and plants cooperate with china's town. gong. nasa has other plans to it's funding 3 private companies to develop commercial space stations. the space foundation says the global space economy grew last year, the fastest annual rates since 2014 hitting a record of almost $470000000000.00. total output by the world's governments and corporations in the fields of rocket satellites, and others expanded by 9 percent hero via the u. s. remains the biggest spend with a $60000000000.00 space budget. that's almost quadruple china's space cache, which is the next largest spend private space investment has seen a slow down this year. but at least 90 percent of more than a 1000 spacecraft launched in 2022 have been backed by commercial firms. well, joining us from the strasburg in france is cloud to so he's the research direct northern sky research good to have you with us. so 1st of all, is russia really going to pull out of the international space station? well, at this point is still a big question. apparently it has not been confirmed. there were mentions in the press that they would do so, and i believe that's probably a direct retaliation of the american position versus russia in the current war in cream. or would it mean for the i s s a fresh don't pull out. can nasa continue to operate on its own? well, on a technical basis, they will need to find a propulsion module to replace the russian modules that would be no longer operated. they could probably keep the russian miles that means probably by them, or they could find a commercial solution of their own. but that wouldn't have to be before 2030, which means another 8 years or 46 years, depending if the russian spot in 2024. so it is technically difficult. now, politically, will that be done by the other members? member states of the us. we don't know about that. now russia says it wants to build its own space station, does have the money for that. and if that's what's been reported right now, it's probably using a lot of it's fund to go towards the war and ukraine. a building a space station is not a very small capital expenditure. it's a very big capital expenditures they've done it in the past. technically, we can certainly do it now. what will be happening for them is will they be able to divert money from the war effort to building a space station and rather quickly to replace their current capabilities that remains to be seen? the i assess was going to retire anyway, by 2030, wasn't it? what does the future of space exploration look like? how might you evolve with so many different plans on the table? well, actually this is good news. there are so many plans as you probably know, china also has a space station that it's building. now. if the russians go on their own, there will be another space station and the partners of the current space base station if they all want to continue having some capabilities up in why would it be our goodness by themselves so many different separate efforts instead of a joint one, well, these efforts will also require require funding and there's a lot of private funding that's going into those space stations now, which means less government expenditures for what is actually a very, very expensive infrastructure to put into space. and therefore, that will probably mean also more opportunities for science in space as well as probably more flights for astronauts to go into space, into the space stations and eventually space tourism, which is also a budding market for space stations. there's also been concerns that all of these commercial plans, they're not going to be ready by the time the i s. s, retires. are those concerns well founded? somewhat founded well founded indeed, but the technology has moved so fast now that it takes the less testing and assembly and less than for testing assembly or putting something together in space now. so that's good news. what is less good news as well? the inflation have an impact on the funding of those commercial space station. there may be a short term impact. space is fraught with delays, but eventually we believe that they will continue and they will have commercials. why mean in the short term things are going to be, i don't know in space, free fall, no pun intended, not free fall. there will be bumps in the road. i would say rather. and those are going to be throughout the industry as you know, it's not just the space, it's also for other areas of activity, economic activity. but i think they will recover because this is a long term endeavor. and we've seen in the past the government has that to either subsidies or funding or enabling technologies. and we believe that that's going to help them actually get over those bumps and about i now i'm going to ask you to try and get out that crystal ball and look ahead for us a little bit because last year the space economy grew, didn't it? do you think 2022 is going to be a bumpy a to called? well, it may be a flat year, maybe bumps in the road. indeed. but i think government as usual have always supplied enough subsidies or in italy enabling technologies to help grow the space economy. so i think that after this year we'll get back into a more positive outlook. all right, well i like a positive ending, so let's end on that night. thanks so much. claud. my pleasure. that's all i show for this week, but remember, you can get in contact with our fire twitter, use the hash tag, ha, ctc. when you do or drop us an email, counting the cost, but i'll just share a dot net is our address is more for you online at al jazeera dot com slash ctc. that'll take you straight to our page, which has individual report links and entire reference. those for you to catch up on that for this edition of counting the cost on family se than from the whole team here, thanks for joining us and use an al jazeera is next a i'm russell beard in southern england, where 2 farmers turn safari park point is a bit attractive, put nature in the driving seat. i was just absolutely astonishing the life, the poor back even that very fast so much. and i'm again sophia, cynthia taylor. when one by you mirroring companies revolutionizing, that was the thing you think fund an artificially been hearing site. you have science, you have a technology. both fries owner jazeera in the early hours of the morning. these palestinian families are being forced to leave their homes and belongings. these are the military sometimes uses this area in the north of the occupied west bank as a training ground explosions like these often break the piece here. i feel for the children they get scared, bombing, i tried to calm them down there, but we are scared to these really are me told them just either that it takes measures to protect civilians during back the sizes. but there's really officers previously said that trainings are used to push palestinians out 48 families once lived in this village called z. now, there are only 20 people here, say they have nowhere else to go. so they have to stay out until they're allowed to return to their home after midnight. the military drill will continue for 3 days, which means they'll have to go through this again twice this week. ah.


Transcripts For ALJAZ The Stream 20220806

the 6 year old was killed him in 2012 sandy hook massacre when 20 children and 6 staff were murdered in one of the worst of school shootings in the us, the damages come a day after the info was host, was told to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation for his false claims that the shooting was a hoax. ah, hello, are you watching al jazeera? these are the headlines this our israel has launched a strike some gaza for a 2nd day. at least 15 people have been killed and more than 100 injured. at the start of the operation. the army says their operations will last one wait is round, has says it's targeting the palestinian armed group is lemme jihad, but civilians including a 5 year old girl had been killed along with the commander of the group. the palestinian health ministry says the targeting of civilian areas has increased the number of casualties i'm putting up in the left. analysis label is riley aggression and attacks focused on residential areas. this leads to more injuries among civilians. some of them are extremely critical injuries as a result of the continued seat of garza by israeli forces, which now runs to 15 years. we have a 40 percent shortage in basic medical supplies and israeli forces say they've arrested 19 members of islamic jihad in the occupied west bank troops. writing science in the city of janine and the south of ramallah to other world news in taiwan is accusing. the chinese army of simulating an attack on its main island on day 3 of military drills in the seas around time. one type of defense ministry says it's 5 plays to warn off 7 drawings and identified planes flying over the territory . china is furious over this wave visit to taiwan by us. how speaker nancy pelosi philippine foreign minister on re k macnado has told the us secretary of state his region can not afford an escalation of tensions. antony lincoln is in manila and has met with president feder then michael junior and anti government protest. his intro lanka had gathered in colombo, in defiance of the crack, down by security forces. the angry about an economic crisis showing no signs of ending decided change in government. all right, those are the headlines i'm emily, angling. the news continues here on al jazeera after the strain to stay with us. talk to al jazeera, we ask for the rebounds. you speak off is clearly coming, get a high cost for airlines and the industry, what's going wrong? we listen. you were part of the arm struggle in the 19 seventy's if you have any regrets. you know, we meet with global news makers. i'm talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera ah al jazeera. when ever you. oh, thank. hi, i'm from you. okay. and you're in the stream to day is women's football in africa at a turning point. we have an all star lineup and we'll be talking about growing the sport in popularity. make a place money and increasing participation on the international stage by some of the app because i nice football players my son and i'm a father of africa mixed with bull because it's exceptional. there's a lot of talent, little skill, and i watch it because that is how i show up. i want to contribute towards the development of the group of women's football. and i feel like we at that stage in africa where the girls have it booked. and that's how i show up as starting line out today. janine usher 10 the deseret. what an all star cast of players. thank you so much. janine, please introduce yourself to our global audience. hello everyone. i'm did he not been yami broadcast that i'm fond of media mazda does everything africa, man, football, i'm happy to be a spot in data here on a district. oh, to say hello, i shall welcome to the stream. introduce yourself. thank you so much for having me . say me, my name is ashley alicia. i am an african with go expert, even though i cover football across the world. fantastic. hello tandy, congratulations, may yada, yada. please introduce yourself. you'll mute save yourself to all of that. i'm bet you i'm you take a minute yourself to be one more time guy. i live in atlanta and i'm an african 10 pm. oh my goodness, the coach with the most hello dads arrive. welcome to the stream. tell everybody who you are, what you do. good. evening everyone, i my name is dave ellis, i'm the head coach of banana banana. and i'm also an african champion. i. congratulations. alright. we are talking about the state of women's football on the african continent. you can be in that conversation as well. what do you want to know about african football from a women's perspective, how is the sport doing comment section right here. be part of today's show. i'm going to show you a picture of deseret working quite recently at the women's african cup of nations. deseret. what were you doing here? what was going for your head? that is a moment when i'm not happy. when i'm not happy and i'm just looking and seeing where i can contribute. you know to him, he's laughing because he knows exactly what, what that picture looks like. 10 b. tell me when your coach looks like this. what, what is she yelling out at the place? it depends. it depends on what we have done. but i think it would be a moment today. she's expecting us to be, you know, screen or in a moment where we're supposed to not be getting a call again. so i know that look and it's not a really good look. yeah. so we, can we go from serious deseret, very serious here to this desert. articulate that small, those thoughts got energy. it was, it was a moment that i very difficult to describe when you have just become an applicant champion. we so many things are going your mind where you actually showing people back home and thanking them for the support. thank you everyone that the support that you and i still have a very big smile. i can't stop smiling. i sometimes people with my middle right next to me and i want to pinch myself, you know, is this really true? it's something that we have worked for for the last 4 years and it's finally to come through. so yeah, something that you, you almost tell someone pinch me, pinch me. so i am thinking ayesha angenie this moment here where there was so much pride from south africans that their national female football team came out as champions. what does that mean? is that a big meaning to where football is on the african continent for women? usher, you start? well, honestly, when you think about the investment that south africa as a country has put into women's football over the years, and especially in the last 30 years, it only be fitting that the one this year's westcan. it's a story that replicates. and that shows that there are no shortcuts to success for very long time. so africa was the almost team, you know. but finally they turned on that switch. and you know, you could feel even at half time, busier and know you could feel that, you know, that africa have an edge of moral grade that final. and i'm so happy for everyone that has contributed to that journey. it's just a clear message, you know out there that you have to invest and when you invest in women's football you'll get the results. it's just as simple as that jenny, i'm just wondering about who the best female football teams on the african continent. can you do 1234 for us please. up the pad, who bought things on the continent. nigeria, thought africa queen at the moment. moral. co, an edge in that as well. zombie come, our own funds will not like what i said. oh ok. so in the last few years, that has been real strategy, real efforts to improve african football for winning tempe. what if you seeing what difference is it now as a player on the african continent? because i tend to, somebody will come back to you. we need to do some playing around, but you'll have friends who may come right back to you. and let me just pass that along to your coach, deseret. what's changed in the last few years? i that has been a campaign, a strategy from the confederation of african football to really ruin up the state of women's football on the african continent. what have you seen? why, i think it started with a capital wins champions league coming on board. i think that was a huge shift, was a huge change. you can see the shifting the clouds now, everyone wanting to win that league to go out and take things out. with regards to westcan. it was an amazing westcan was organized. i mean, if you look at the, the stadium that was packed out for the final morocco organize the really fantastic tournament. i also looked at, you know, all the new club, new countries that have come on board. and none of them went any way. you know, the schools were, were not that big, so everybody has gone and done the work a lot in basement has been done by morocco and they wouldn't, they would that, that. 6 they're not in the final by chance. you know, they put in a locked in basement. you look at the, the youth teams also going to the, to the walk up the main seems going to the woke up. and that, that's when you put in the investment. you look, molly was not, they total guinea was not day and you had, you had 4 different towns and you know, way where they out of place in the competition either. so they putting it, why is a come on board improved? we even have a female the pre going to the means, we'll cup and i think she was fantastic in the final as well. the organization is been talking about the development of the game in africa for women's football. this is barbara talking. she's, she's a zombie. and whether it's barbara talking to years ago and then denise, i'm going to come back if you and, and just wondering if things have got even better since barbara said this, he, she is part of the african players. women is now playing blood. everyone wants to hide and play proficient way. think now it's no people coming to know that. okay. and then the only other level. so i think it's up to her. i says we may have to commit ourselves whatever we want to confidence there. but all the players ready to go on to a bigger stage that goes outside of the african content. if you're truly honest, janine what else is needed? what is needed is improving our speech in africa. i mean, my teacher had one that 9 times up until the last few years. been my g o m s. premier league at this point in time is one of the oldest women lead for bowling in the world. so are we will come back to jenny because we've just lost her. she just froze in there. so i'm going to just cut for that question. acosta. usher, usher, help me pick up here. what else is needed to improve the sport? not just in one part of the content but all over so that we've got a continent wide game for women that is really worth watching and spectacular and brings up the young people as well. it's interesting you asked this question 4 years ago in 2018 in marcus marco i was very honored to be thought of walking group was at the cashed women football symposium, the very fast of its kind. and in this walk ship that had all you know, administrators and everyone was very passionate about limits. football from the african continent came together to put up a strategy. and this strategy, one of the 1st things that indeed was to have a women's football department at the concentration of africa, football in egypt. and in this department you have people work up every day to think about women's football. that means creating programs for fema referees creating programs for you know, female coaches and then walking together with the regional association. then when i say the general and for example, south africa is in the region which is in the southern parts of africa. and you're talking about, you know, stuffy coaches, sick alpha, one for which is west african region is a and beach. and then you have, you know, which is north africa and unified, which is central africa. so when you have consistently tournament, you know, for on the 17 and the 20 goals and you have a yellow competition for the senior national teams. these, you know, brings together players and they continue to get these exposure that then can be transformed into the national team. at the end of the day, and that has played a huge role in getting, you know, teams to understand what it means to compete at the highest level. we can talk about course f, like to be very specific with africa and banana, banana are. and in this region, it's not by mistake. the 2 teams from cor safa medi to the semifinals center, africa and dumbbell. and also trying to who are playing for the very 1st time got to the quarter finals. you know, so this kind of set up helps everyone holistically and specifically focus on who have insisted for the past couple of years that for you to come to the course after turn i meant you have to have a female head coach. and that sort of brings perspective to the whole development program. i've got some new to questions here. i see you nodding, so i'm just going to pick up with some of the questions from our audience. so divider says that today's topic is really essential, especially after watching the u. a for women's league attendance wasn't impressive until the finals for funding africa have to patronize the women's games. deseret, thoughts on that look. it was only morocco that had peptide stadiums for the rest of the competition. it wasn't really peck taught. and i think if we're talking about supporting, we also need to support in this 10. you know, people are passionate, but they need to support in the sand because it's not just on the field where the game needs to grow in the field where the game needs to grow as well. but i think also this westcan, i think they'll be more friends in the stadium. one other thing that i wanted to add as well is if we need to improve on the african continent. i think kathy needs to make sure that all inmates structured leaks, and then the next step after that, used to professionalize the sport because we can only compete with the rest of the world if we are doing similar things to the rest of the world. and at the moment, most of the leagues in africa is played on an amateur basis. we play as work and train off to work with teams, maybe practice twice. i got back into the conversation, jenny, ask you chief question, which i know that you will be out to answer here. a k says, improve the officiating. i stop watching. well, that is a shame. but if the officiating so bad on some games, that the women have to play on the african continent that people would start watching today. people always need to have reason and improve the quality of football. then they're doing like fantastic formations. i'm calling to see if that does re on the like do. and then there's one more complete and you are never going to win when it comes to fun. and i'm wondering what is the valid consent that should not be the reason why? tens of thousands of young girls in africa will not get the opportunity to show kids exactly what they have an investment that's putting to them because of a handful of people. and that's what companies to improve. what it does need to improve is not make the biggest speed of women, football or women sport on the continent. the learning calls for mistakes to be done. if that has been cool when funds like i'm the comment on youtube and many more what, there is a step and that can be improved for sure. let me just share this. if you can be, this is, these are your, your, your 40 mates here. i love this video, okay, this is a celebration video of you and your teammates here and the dance is on fire. i am wondering though, when you are in the locker rooms and you're talking about some issues, this pe parity come up and me because, but y'all, a banana has, i'm better than the font, the font which is a mouthful. 14 you for glory. back to south africa, extraordinary football players, but you don't get paid the same amount. thought the 1st question actually no, between this interview for the discussion. what, oh, should women do in order to get your commission guinea shirts and they do the crowned woman to mexico. and the woman who bought in the euro hasn't even reached what the national to present sort of because we just have been media learns best. but still that doesn't present what the national team you know, play and what we did know what then with, with my nana picking up. so there's one questionnaire. is that what morrison will maintain the woman football as have to do in order to be taken seriously? and this goes out to federations, to sponsor, to even family good, and all in other countries, girls are not allowed to play football. girls are not allowed to sit in sports. what else are we supposed to do? why are we being put in this box or what we can do and what we can do is amazing. can be there in 2022, there still sexism involved in women's sport and particularly in football. how do you combat that? how do you tackle that? it is a little difficult question, but i think from where i'm standing, we just need to perform. we just need to be in the south and eventually, you know, the world can not noise long time. we look at the champions league or the european may choose with the best long stadium refilled. not even men could fill up just again. so someone has to, you know, take charge and, and be able to say no we, it's time we need to support women. but it's time we need to bring a lot of opportunities for when football is and is the same in africa. we. so if you where the african is being held stadiums been, you did mention that in morocco, so make sure that we're doing all people watching. but only when the home team was playing. so how do we make programs way? either teams can go to different countries to support because it's not only, you know, finances that have to stop. i mean, can cannot get the sponsors in the countries building. i an area a way that people can be able to clean and fund so that when it's time for big tournaments you have support the team fuel they have support, then we don't have to rely on the local your friends to go. so fourty shall guess. i feel like there's at the moment with a cast, the confederation of african football. that there is a carrot in a stick approach. ok. so the current approach is the for qualifiers from the women's african combinations. they get to go to the well cup. boom, they're there. and then the stick approach is if you don't have a female football team, you can enter their competitions as a male football team that is intense and bold. and we bring in another idea for how there can be more coaches, more women in the game of football on the african continent. and this is from a coach cord easy. and she coaches a s k gully. he, she is in february of this year. when, when of jobs i am i able to foresee what motivated me to become a coach? was the governance policy of encouraging women to take an interest in sports, especially soccer. the women who were high up in the government were leading by example on the field, and we were following. so i became a coach, young realty. how are you? well, there's a range. there's almost like a 2 point approach to how you get the game of football for women on the african continent up to a certain standard, how to keep it growing. have you seen that idea of the government helping fund in the women's game? is that helpful? in that you know, you need to put yourselves on the, by the biggest thing is being given the opportunity. i remember i'll go ahead a female coach. i'm not going to mail coach uganda at a female coach. you know? so it's been giving that opportunity and trusting them, and that is what goes off or does well they implement that the, that the female coach might not the head coach must be a female. even you have a mo coach assisting. and in that way, the coaches getting expedient, but it's been given that opportunity that track and i think not me if they are doing that. and i think it's important because when you look on the continent, the minute quality, female coaches, but they're not being given an opportunity. and i'll see the ration took a bold step to, you know, give oppertunity to, to all our national teams. are you? 17 is coach by a former captain. some people do, do you 20 coach by a former player, a job, a little boy. and we sort of interact all the time, but it's being given that opportunity. but i think when i look at the narrative is changing the competition in cape town called the coca cola cup. and before you've got the under 18 boys, you've got senior women and senior men and the senior woman's prize money was less than the you. 18 boys, but all of a sudden the prize money has jumped and it's not the same price money as the mold team. so we don't realize the magnitude of our victory, all things change and all things are going to change. i also, you the, you, you, you nice. our university in south africa is now given birth to all 23 plays that qualified. you know, that one though the westcan. so slowly but surely things are changing, but i agree with tim b. i don't know what more we've been there to do, what more we have to do to get the sponsors coming on board. and maybe somebody works in sponsorship will regularly goes out and mix with sponsorship for winning sport can tell us what is missing. today. let me put this, i all right, go 1st and then jenny and you go 2nd, make it, make it brief, lady. all right, go ahead. okay, i'll go 1st. so for me, i never really get to understand the issue about the difference in pay because here's the thing. if a player and the coach and then the entire team is representing a country, the sus of son is the government because you're wearing, in this case for example, you're wearing this, i've african flag you wearing the flag. so why is it that the women not getting the same amount as the men? i think you don't just ask that question. you can call every sorry, it's a return. correct. and i'm next. next question. all right, there you go. janine, you knew the answer to that finish? go ahead. no, i was going to tell pen, be that women don't need to do anything on the work. do not interested anything. you're not the one that the 5, the, the meet the millions of dollars every other week development before the women as couple of every country that can women couple of nations didn't do much marketing within the country for people who will fly from the country to the stadium to feel the fact that the people will lead the moral cool. that means to me does his job and the countries me to do bed. so don't do anything. women sit down as queen do nothing. some interesting thoughts hear from you chip, i'm guy is not impressed with women soccer guy. what century are you living in? and then we've got look, let's see. sponsors need to come to the party and support the ladies a manual manual untasted. yes, women's football is rapidly gaining momentum in africa. this is how you appreciative the african women and the african continent as a how cost, as whoever loves soccer knows very well. what african women with that sport can do . it can be profitable as well. they should have done it already. there's a thought here time be about what you want for the younger generation coming up. if you had to leave them with one piece of advice or inspiration, what would you tell them heavy my advice to the young ones will be to fresh look opportunities. if you don't have, would you go to school because my football is growing? and if you where you're the school always be there and, and i think it's one thing that in africa as a whole. yeah, we can read, you know, go, goes hand in hand with school. so you won't be able to be a person that goes well, you won't be able to develop that will tell me i can be and deseret, an usher and jeanine for talking about women's football on the african continent. i'm gonna leave it with 2 journalists who are very encouraged about where the sport is right now. i, sam and julie. my cellphone, it's player, is taking notes fatima 1st and the 6 if player makes an exception in game with national to morgan. i ching about her talents and her liver of play with her to play in europe. i found the woman african curb shouldn't be a good living to make us very broad. her or old continents, we me for bull dust, change perceptions us years of that i've been here for so long, you know, about what women can do, african women can do, and will african girls going to do what they can do. and so, well women from what does best these show us it all women can do almost anything. they won't put their minds to. it'll the show has been produced by maya gar. she is the senior producer of the stream. i don't normally tell you who produces the stream because it is a team effort like women's football. it takes a whole team, but there's always an m v p and that most valuable player is senior producer, my agog who's last show is to day. thank you, my god, your spectacular. we wish you every success for where you go to next. good luck. ah, ah, did the young virtuosos pricing constables and dominating international competition? $1.00 i wanna make south korea's musical prodigy, one out to 0 revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to our planet on al jazeera, assassination is decided destabilizing the democratic process. you will, you will lose it. it will be a loss for holding a documentary explorer. how autocratic leaders undermined democracy to consolidate their power through the eyes of those who dare to stand and defy it. our country deserves so much better than being ruled by a cleft aquatic dictatorship, opposing autocracy. democracy maybe on al jazeera, ah, as country prepares to host an estimated 1000000 fans for the 1st world cup in the middle, east, security is paramount. the c e. o of the international center for support. security says katara has been preparing for more than a decade and has a track record a posting smaller tournaments such as the income the successfully, the man thought the strife of cut off. is that the, the walk coughing up. he's a part of a bigger vision. katara has been staging, stimulation, and conducting training exercises for security forces. never a global safety indexes, right. cuts are at the top. last year, 200000 fans attended the air a v for copy. there's hope that perhaps this november's world cup will someday be a kind of dry rod for hosting the olympics ah.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220806

. israeli gent, strike garza and kellen islamic jihad command, the palestinian fighters respond with rockets with hammers face on the sidelines. they 5 year old palestinian girl is amongst the 12 people killed in gaza as a strike continued for a 2nd day. ah, watching all their life my headquarters here in also coming up probably won't accuses the chinese army assimilating an attack on main island. the beijing continues its military drills. first 10 years to main presidential candidates hold a final rallies ahead of tuesday. folks. ah, welcome to the program. israel has launched as drugs on garza for a 2nd day. at least 12 people have been killed and dozens injured since the start of the operation. the drill said it was targeting the palestinian armed group islamic jihad, but civilians including a 5 year old girl have been killed along with the commander of the group policy and fighters of law to barrow of rockets towards israel, but to massa stayed on the sidelines. so far israeli forces say they've arrested 19 members of islamic jihad and the occupied west bank. him as a full soften garza. we do well knew that some of the images in this report artist stepping the darkness over kansas city, flashed bright by explosions. as israeli artillery and other weapons targeted, what they said were weapons factories, a rocket launch sites belonging to islamic jihad. the moments before an aerial duel, as magical rockets were fired from cause it towards israel with most, intercepted by the israel. the iron dome anti message system is lemay. she had said they fired more than 100 rocket and player should keep local to be the in a televised address. they usually prime minister. yeah. your la pete said his country had 0 tolerance for attacks from god, but that israel had no interest in a wider battle. earlier the israel defense ministry had approved the call up of as many as $25000.00 army reservists and read at combat battalions sparking fears that in each really ground invasion was eminent. the day light attacks were spread throughout gods. the city. one main target was this apartment building, where as senior commander from islamic, she had to see a job that he was killed is really army switches showed what they said was suspected rocket launch side in hon. eunice among the dozens of injured and dead. the body of the 5 year old girl was carried throughout this tree . what is this child's fault? she was dreaming of going to kindergarten and asked her father for a school bag and clothes. what has she done wrong? this innocent child? yeah, other funeral processions were squirted by running crowds, fearful of the next attack. longer so resident described what she heard. and so i heard about 45 loud bangs of the sleep. and i was just clicking on running, wondering what happened. and people in the, in the building, they just run down to the street, you know, because they fear that they're going to be other apartments targeted on slimy, she had said israel had made a declaration of war at promise, dislike back, learn how to this is a declaration of all out war against the palestinian people. we will respond to that. this is a violation and disregard for all the efforts that have been made over the past days in order to restore him comp. positively, with these efforts that the enemy was as usual treacherous. these rarely action followed the closure as to porter crossings with because the streets earlier in the week and the arrest a senior islamic she had members in the occupied west bank and the office of the palestinian president mahmoud abbas called fridays attack a dangerous escalation. the un cushion against further civilian casualties. while egyptian mediators are trying to diffuse the tension between both sides. but this is calisha and it's something that we have seen time and time again. hearing garza and the heaviest price is always paid by the people. you miss c l to 0. god, this city is ready for says continue to target residential areas. in garza, these images show the moment and israeli jet struck a 5 story building. israel says their operations in garza will last a week. john holland has more from the conjunction on the israel garza border so far at the moment when more than $160.00 rockets fired from gaz it towards israel. what is the israeli military is saying, is that very few of those have hit any points of importance that the ones that haven't been deflected and stop by and don't. which is israeli ante rocket system have landed instead even within gods or in the populated areas. so there's no serious injuries reported so far by those rockets in garza where they obviously don't have those same systems where it's being hit hard by the israeli strikes. so the latest on this side is israeli major is reporting the defense minister benny guns is saying that this will continue that, that no the point of stopping yet these re be line on this is that they're going off the islamic jihad target within garza, they're also looking to hit things like weapon storage. i'm rocket launches, they say that they just hit and go after a rocket launcher. and that's what's been happening throughout the night. so saying that they're not letting islamic jihad set the agenda hit. that is ready for us to say they've arrested 19 members of islamic jihad and they occupied westbank troops rated sites in the city of janine and the columbia area south of ramallah. well that he is now in taiwan, is accusing the chinese army assimilating an attack on its main island on day 3 patients, biggest of a military drills in the seas are on taiwan. tension remain high with china, which is serious over the us. how speak and nancy pelosi visit to taiwan, to pick up harlem of ty, one plus, explains why the situation is a wider security threat. the cycle outlying islands are the closest point you can get to mainland china. in fact, one of them kenman is only about 10 kilometers away from, for john province. now they're used to seeing this kind of activity around a military activity from china and seeing that, that kind of intimidation in that area. but this time at china's also focusing, as we know, it's military drills, not just in those areas, but also on the main island. in fact, this morning, the ministry of defense said that there's china's created a scenario with his exercises where it's simulating an attack on the main island of taiwan, which is where the capital is. and this all comes to ass. anthony blinkin has confirmed and the u. s. has announced that china's broken off all communications on certain issues with the u. s. and those issues include military, that of great worry, of course for taiwan. because the u. s. is time, once main ally, and in addition to that, the united states why law has to help taiwan protect itself. should there be a war scenario? so having those communications broken at a time and these military exercises are taking place. it's of great concern right now philippines, foreign minister era, enrique manella has told us secretary of state as we can, cannot afford an escalation of tensions. anthony blinking his invalid and has been present ferdinand macos junior described us philippines times as a special relationship for our relationship is quite extraordinary because it is really founded in friendship. it's ford as well in partnership, and it's strengthened by the fact that it's an alliance as well. we're committed to the mutual events pretty well committed to working with you on shared challenges you're creating president to ms. lewinsky has called for sanctions on russia's nuclear industry, following the shilling of ukraine's reach a power plant. keith and moscow have both accused each other of firing on europe's largest nuclear power station, occupied by russia, but still operates by ukrainian employees. defense nuclear agency, setting nitrogen oxygen units, and a high voltage power line with his residents near the plant. fear the fighting could lead to a disaster, similar to cia noble. so once today, the occupies created another extremely risky situation for every one in europe. they fired at the upper region nuclear power plant twice in one day. this is the largest nuclear power plant on our continent, and any shelling of this facility is an open brazen crime, an act of terror. ukraine is supplied larger by western weapons and has little ammunition spur. so it's military has teamed up with a video game maker in the past months. soldiers have been training on virtual firing ranges to 100 report, so keep the, this is modern warfare, ukrainian style. it might look like a video game. in fact, it is made by a ukrainian gaming company, but it's serious business since july, ukraine's military who started setting up arcade style centers to train its troops . soon they hope to have a virtual training center like this in every brigade. a lot of shifting range has, has been targeted by russians, rockets, so, and these are very mug while you can set the said them up in any room or on the wrong facility. and it saw a lot cheaper, this next generation light anti tank weapon, for example, cost more than $30000.00. and it's a single use item. use it once it's finished. when i was training that i it, it took me 4 shots to finally start getting into the target. ah, which has a lot of money. it's not used expensive. ukraine's army doesn't have that kind of ammunition to spare. so more time on this range reads more accuracy down range weapons designed to take out large targets like this tank are often expensive and require a lot of space to fire. so laser training makes sense, but when it comes to urban combat with close up small arms fire, there's really no substitute for the real thing. live fire on a shooting range. these ukrainian territorial defense for soldiers are aiming for constant improvement. they have fall. how much of ation this is a volunteer hours, all of them. ah, and this is not a conscript like taken from the street, but ross has a. everyone can hear. aah! on jag, good vill to protect our homeland. they are battle hardened, having proved themselves against the russian army here in keith and in the russian occupied eastern ukrainian provinces of lou hans condone yet for some of them, it may be hard, especially when they come back here through the civil life. but they're all remember, lies lies. they perform well. yeah, they perform well, and they ignore the to they have to do this work. these civilian soldiers are finishing this work so they can return home to their regular work. john henderson al jazeera keith school still had hill l. desert ah, protest. as you turn to the streets, this relinquish capital to buying a government crackdown plus authorities in nicaragua, trying to silence government critics within the catholic church. ah, he has begun the faithful world cup is on its way to cattle hoop your travel package to day or can to your world's weather update. hi, everyone, hope your weekend's going while we're going to kick this one off in southeast asia where it's very likely we're going to see something tropical cook up here. it's drawing all that energy away from smarter javert in borneo. so not as white as it has been, but around its activity. so for example, in the philippines, we're getting driving rain here, dowse with rain for breath. so princess a rate through into manila where we do have some severe fight advisors and playing from manila around manila will have to keep a close eye on the mar akina river. hong kong still some showers seem likely in the forecast and temperatures are on the rise across the yang see and the yellow river valley shanghai at 38 degrees. some storms are rumbling through harbin into beijing and that energy is eventually going to slide into the korean peninsula and where we've been soaked with rain on japan's main island of han, true at central in northern portions, just some showers in the forecasts. we know more than half a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes monsoon reins for india. really big story here. we may have a disturbance develop in the bare been goal, so that is going to amplify rainfall amounts for entrepreneur dash into me and mar what's got quite this. so keen and gang gone over the past few days that you're up day bye. for now. i saw official airline of the journey. let's get to the bottom line. what does the new forever proxy war me for america and nato? it's very hard to say where the escalation stopped. is it a mistake to open up? is that a pandora's box? if you want to be ready for the next pandemic, you figure out this the bottom line we can take on us politic in society. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering reports are we brave bullet bomb and we always include the views from all sites, ah, ah ah, look about what you have there with me to heal robinson dough. reminder of all hope stories. israel has lost and strikes on garza for a 2nd day. at least 13 people are being killed and doesn't injured that the start of the operation said to be targeting the palestinian group islamic to have israeli forces say they've arrested 19 members. all the major heard in the occupies west bank troops rated sites. the city of jeanine and also south from taiwan, is accusing the chinese army of simulation going to tackle its main islands. pensions remain high in the aftermath of the us house. speakers hello scenes visit to taiwan can use leading presidential candidates on making the final appeal to voters ahead of elections on tuesday. while i think it is making his 5th attempt for the country's top job. his rival is deputy president william router, the widespread corruption and the economy dominating the election campaign. other important issues include unemployment, inflation, and foreign debt. welcome web has more relo dingus rally in the very be rider again, gonna be speaking on this stage here in a short while he was prime minister in a power sharing government from 2007 to 2012 that had his fair share of corruption scandals these being backed by outgoing president, a who kenyatta murray, kenyata government in which i think is main rival william root i was deputy president, they've been power for the last 9 years. and anti corruption actors say corruptions been worse than ever on that is government. and it's been funded by growing public debt on that borrowing is reached record i and it's on sustainable data. my, my food and fuel prices are storing in kenya at something that both candidates have promised to tackle. some of these things is subsidized. at the moment, the i m f is saying the can you needs to stop these subsidies. so as much as the politicians are promising to make the cost living easier, it's quite likely in the months ahead of the price of fuel at the pump and the price of some food stuffs gonna go up. ah, that's gonna me no ever comes out on top of his electric contest. they find themselves rolling over millions of canyons. you are increasingly angry and possibly quite disappointed about some of the promises made rallies like this one hurry, which also is it william rooters campaign rally also in my robi president has been saying over and over again. and he's telling you that he knows what it's like to be poor, and he's told them that he's grown up with to sell chickens on the side of the road to right school. see these go to school without a pair of shoes because his parents couldn't afford to buy him a pair of shoes. so he's trying to drop that message home that he knows what it's like to struggle with whatever he can provide public. he added it in kenya. what to some of his support to say he has a big mountain decline in most of the opinion. home a with canada is now back to the opposition leader. people don't even know what happened between the 2 man, but one thing it keep driving also to people this past week has been he feels that this has not been a lot, but the country senior public officials were trying to disrupt the vote, manipulate the vote, tried to miss the people in your stronghold, i'm able to vote on tuesday when you go to one of the old allegation and people from the fact that it's not true. absolutely, just afraid of losing these electrons. canyon's on those changes a few in the with them have been violent. but general been saying that we've been using this medicine wouldn't likely go to court government protest as it is for lanka, have gathered in columbia in defiance of a crack, done by security forces. oh wow. it comes down to one of our main chem size was dismantled, but angry about an economic crisis showing no signs of ending despite a change in government, shoreline because financial ways of coal, severe shortages of sick goods, the pushing millions into poverty. the rights groups are accusing nicaragua of cranking darlin government critics. within the catholic church, police and wall knowlton said he kept a bishop blocked in his parish for several days and forced the closure of 8 catholic radio stations. a latin america editor, lucy newman, has more. ah, billy surrounded monsignor orlando, albert is his parish to stop him from celebrating mass. and then you are by cathedral, the bishop of my god. that is the latest catholic leader to come under attack by nicaragua, government b. c. yourself. who are the ones who are agitating the fight? who the people of god? oh, police patrols an agent versus ordinary god loving people, respected. she is please, our lives are freedom and our fights are oh, in west africa, msr, albert is, has been an outspoken critic of the government. ah 30 kilometers away in saint michael, another priest father, who deal by your horse had been hold up in his parish for 4 days, surrounded by riot police without food medicine or electricity. this incident follows arrayed by authorities who broke into the parish to confiscate equipment belonging to the churches radio station, one of 7 that was ordered closed by the government on monday. authority say they did not apply for a license to operate, which the diocese strongly denied. getting nearer, you're afraid, where denouncing the injustice you want to silence us with the majority of government opponents now in prison or in exile, the catholic church has become the mean voice of dissent against president daniel ortega and his wife, ro, side yamil, who's also the vice president, the european union, the international human rights commission, and the biden administration have criticized the attacks. the us under secretary for him is you're at the fairs. brian nichols has tweeted, ortega moody use google assault on catholic clergy, radio facilities and community members in cervical is another blow to religious freedom in nicaragua, as well as the freedom of expression. in march, the government expelled the vatican. stop diplomat. and last month, 18 nuns from mother that is of cal cut, his order will also forced out. both moves were criticized by the vatican. but some priests and human rights activists are calling on pope frances to speak out himself on the latest crackdown. it also gave you the galley in it because the pope is maintaining an inexplicable silence. we don't understand what's happening. is he trying to dialogue secretly with vice president murray? you and while he silent, it feels as if nicaragua, catholic church has been cut off by the pope right now. oh, so far the pope has no commented upon seeing these images, vice president moody your repeated charges that some priests are, quote, servants of the devil and yankee invaders until yankee. neither she nor her husband, the president has offered any proof to see a newman al jazeera. now columbia's 1st left his president, gustavo petro, will be sworn in on sunday. on friday, he received an award from outgoing me, the even decay letter. a former gorilla fighter is promising to reshape the country . i has put together a broad coalition to pass reforms including a $5800000000.00 tax bill to fund social programs. his conservative, prepossessing leaves behind a divisive legacy. many accuse him of not doing enough to protect social activists and indigenous leaders who being killed in record numbers. alexander from pierre to has more from bucket off even to get swept into president in columbia in 2000. the theme was a young little noun, technocrats. he was endorsed by then our former president, i believe it successfully tapped into the skepticism toward the peace deal and called for market friendly policies. he promised would ensure growth for all 4 years later he is leaving a country reeling from higher poverty and unemployment. and people are angry with him for it face the terrible negative just terrible. we didn't have a president. these 4 years have been a foss, illinois. i did nothing for peace. there was so many social leaders in indigenous killed and he said nothing about it. despite the competent response to the covey pandemic, in a successful vaccine rollouts, the majority of colombians, fields do can't show indifference to people suffering people to take him out. why don't you talking about dude? with his answer to a journalist, asking about a military bombing in which a number of minors were killed. when tens of thousands of colombians took to the streets, protesting attacks were formed that would have increased the price of food. the police responded using deadly force killing dozens. the president defended their actions, greeting them well, wearing a police uniform and despite promising law and order his ministration. so hundreds of social leader, skilled hundreds of massacres, growing force displacement and record levels of narcotic production. i think president duke was insulated from public opinion for a long time. i think him and his advisors believe he did a stellar job and that's to the point that he said, you know, he doesn't listen to radio. he doesn't listen to news. he doesn't participate in the social media conversation. barry allies say he has been unfairly portrayed, you know, it's just, i think there have been mistakes in communicating that shipment to the citizens. and i think there are transformations in education and the environment and other issues that we will see become better in 4 or 5 years is by many achievements. i think that issues such as the pandemic are responsible for his low popularity. but in the future, he will be remembered as a great president. but in the end, the van lucas biggest failure as a president is probably the fact that is mistakes more than anything else, paid the wave for the victory of a left display. students for the 1st time, gustavo pe throw and the rejection of columbia traditional right wing leaning establishment. i listen that and i'll just see it. i've gotta india that has become the 1st state to ban abortion to the supreme court overturned. lunmark roe vs wade ruling in june. the ban comes into effect next month. women in the states will only have access to the procedure in case of rape or incest. when the mother's health is at risk, abortion was previously allowed up to 20 weeks into pregnancy. the texas jury has ordered conspiracy theorist alex changed to pay more than $45000000.00 in punitive damages to parents of a child killed in one of the worst of school shootings in the us that come to day after the info was host was told to pay more than $4000000.00 in compensation result claim that the 2012 sandy hook massacre was a hoax. the parents of 6 year old jesse louis said, jones is comments that 2 years of emotional distress and harassment, including death threats, 20 children and 6 staff were killed in the attack in connecticut. the 2 films offering competing versions of recent history. again, head to head of the philippines box office, they can vote different accounts to the time when late president voted, a mark of senior was empower father below has mo, from manila, on my last year, we have finally, a movie depicting the 1986 people's uprising the top of the government of ferdinand marcus inside the presidential palace from the perspective of the marcus's, the film is showing just months after the election of the former leader, son, president, ferdinand marcus junior. it is being promoted as a true story, but historian, se clothes that have been circulating on line have not been consistent with the established truth. the scene shows then opposition leader corazon aquino, who later restored democracy as president launched loudly playing magic. while a revolution was raging, crossing the line, it's really, it's really hard to say. but the invention is very clear to me already, especially with the same way back. and i saw latino just saying, you know, very, very guilelessly get them out of the philippines. and then goes to b, i. b junk table with the elder marcos ruled for 21 years, amassed an estimated $5.00 to $10000000000.00 worth of unexplained wealth and was responsible for tens of thousands of wrongful imprisonments, torture, and killings. according to human rights advocates, none of this was in the movie. one, another film about his administration however, opened on the same day. a tips is about student activism and how the marcus government then responded with brutality. i'll work for a series of lee to wendy theme. more important is that we're here to educate people and he's to be something which is where forgotten already was the sport that and revise. so we really need to remind our young people about the importance of these booty, tips which was a musical before it went on. the big screen has been earning reviews and reaping awards and hailed as being more accurate in its depiction of the senior marcus's iron fist, cruel critics. affording an.


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