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Trial by Water – Texas Monthly

Marathon canoe racing is the toughest sport in Texas. It’s tougher than bull riding, more grueling than pro football. The canoeists say that’s why it’s fun.


Talos Energy Announces Nomination Of Paula R. Glover To Board Of Directors

Press release content from PR Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation. Talos Energy Announces Nomination Of Paula R. Glover To Board Of Directors April 27, 2021 GMT (PRNewsfoto/Talos Energy) HOUSTON, April 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Talos Energy Inc. (“Talos” or the “Company”) (NYSE: TALO) today announced the nomination of Paula R. Glover for election to the Talos Board of Directors. Formal voting and confirmation of the appointment will be completed as part of the Company’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for May 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM Central Time. Ms. Glover is being nominated to replace James M. Trimble upon his retirement from the Talos Board of Directors.


Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 5pm 20110114

was, that my friends were bad people and that the victim her certify deserveed to be rape >> reporter: trimble was further outrageed that after being put on probation the attackers remained at the high school forcing his daughter to transfer out and move out of state. a new law is being designed to prevent similar injustices again in the future >> reporter: the complaint against the judge was dismissed but it was dismissed with a warning, that he had pushed the boundaries. i attempted to contact the judge through his office today and i did not hear back. scott broom, 9 news now >> scott, is he facing any kind of consequences as a result of this? >> reporter: no. this is just a warning about conduct and, in fact, because the transcripts, what was actually said in court are confidential, and the warning its elf and findings of the commission are confidential, we won't know anything about what the commission actually said to the judge unless he agrees to release it himself. >> okay. scott broom, thank you. tonight we are looking at allegations of civil rights violations by police. prince george's county police have increased aggressive patrolling in response to the murder spikes but some residents e-mailed us accuse being police of accusing police of overstepping their boundary. live now with the story is diehl gonzalez is delia gonclaves >> reporter: the folks we talked to tonight say they have been violated. one man says it got fizz. physical >> reporter: this man is not using his name or showing his face but he is sharing his story with 9 news now about a police stop just last night in capitol heights >> put the knee in the back of my neck. and check >> reporter: he claims police performed a cavity search three times on the side of the road while he was handcuffed. the 20-year-old is on probation for second-degree assault. still, he says police had no right to violate him >> they are trying to blackmail me, trying to get information about drugs in the area and if i don't cooperate they would send someone to my house. >> we saw the police car and the police officer was getting ready to open the door and ran down and he said why you running up? >> reporter: michele and keishaha were walking to their vehicle to meet their teenage children who were inside when police approached >> i'm just going to check the car. as long there is no guns nobody will get locked up >> reporter: no one got locked up fortunately but these mothers say police are causing the line >> they need to stop abusing >> in these cases sometimes these things do happen. sometimes it is a matter of training >> reporter: the state attorney says police can legally pull a car over and conduct a search with reasonable cause. and any complaints of violations will be investigated. >> i want to help her help our community but it is not going to work between us if we don't have mutual respect for each other. >> reporter: we contacted prince george's county police about these allegations. a spokesperson tells us that cavity searches are never allowed outdoors, only indoors away from public if it is warranted. he also tells us with about 16 officers present as alleged it is very unlikely, he says, that an officer would violate that policy. still, we are told that police, quote, "are committed to constitutional policing and encourage that young man or anyone that feels their rights are violated during these searche s to file a formal complaint with the police" >> i understand they are launchi ng new initiatives to try to combat crime there >> reporter: she just got the job. it has been a couple of tough weeks for her on the job but she has made the rounds. really wants to get her message out there for folks to speak up and out against this violence. we are going to talk more about exactly how she plans on doing that coming up tonight at 6:00 p.m. >> we will see you then. there was another funeral today for one of the victims of last weekend's shooting massacre in tucson. federal judge john roll died when he went to meal with gabrielle giffords at that public rally. she in the meantime continues to recover in the hospital. karen brown is joining us live from tucson where one of the survivors of the massacre went back to work today >> reporter: yes, that was an incredible thing today. for a second day in a row this church was filled with tears and hope. yesterday for a 9-year-old girl. today it was for a federal judge who felt his biggest accomplishment in his life was his family. family, friends and colleagues said good-bye. >> with all his great accomplishments. his family was always number 1 >> reporter: security was extremely tight. authorities checked everyone coming in. dozens of judges and lawmakers who worked with the judge were in attendance and so was one of the shooting victims. ron barber. just released from the hospital. last saturday the judge stopped by the tucson supermarket to say hello to congresswoman gabrielle giffords. jared lee loughner killed six peeling including the judge. there wasn't enough for everyone at the funeral. more funerals are planned in the coming days and as people mourn, they are also praying for the injured to recover >> reporter: gabrielle giffords continues to improve. she is opening her eyes more frequently and can respond to commands >> couldn't have hoped for any better improvement given the severeity of her injury initiall y >> reporter: people have been leaving behind cards, candles and get well wishes. some getting emotional for the first time. simon was shot twice in the attack. after several days in the hospital, she was welcomeed back by friends and colleagues >> you guys, we are a family. i never realized how much of a family until now >> reporter: besides giffords, three other shooting victims are still in the hospital and are li listed in good condition >> we are learning more about the suspect's frenzyied time line the morning of the shooting. we now know that about 3 minutes after perform of purchasing the ammunition after a local wal-mart he was pulled over for a traffic violation and let go. i'm karen brown >> what else are police saying about this new time line as information comes out? >> reporter: you know what, anita, it is really sort of filling in the pieces of the puzzle for us. the day before he dropped off film at a local walgrens. the next day he picked it up. it was pictures of him with the glob handgun. about six hours before the shooting he posted a message with one of those pictures on his myspace page. so definitely a methodical hour by hour breakdown of how the suspect went from planking this event apparent planning planning this event to actually carrying it out. >> thank you, karen, for that. >> a memorial service today for a former redskins cheerleader murdered inr murdered murdered murdered in las vegas. police say floez was murdered, dismembered and encased in concrete by her former boyfriend president obama and vice president bidden are attending a memorial for an ambassador at the kennedy officer this afternoon. he died last month at the age of 69 after suffering a tear in his aorta. he sevenned as the president's special envoy to pakistan and afghanistan breaking news. out as chairman of the national committee dropping out of the race after finishingishing second in the early rounds of voting at the committee's winter meeting at national harbor. the top vote getter is a party chair. in a bid of -- bit of foreshadowing he was making his remarks and the gop sign fell off the podium. >> you have seen the republican party is a good party and it is ready and willing to work on baffle of the american people. >> reporter: steele is a former lieutenant-governor of maryland. he has been criticized for inefficient leadership and a falloff in contributions from big gop donors. the winds finally dying outs, but it is still so cold out there >> it is. meteorologist topper shutt is dealing with it all out on the tears with your friday night forecast >> at least there is no windchill. if there were windchills we would feel like it is in the 30s which is plenty cold of enough. clouds. little bit of sun. more clouds building to the west. then we will move in tonight. all the snow showers and now flors will stay now flurries will stay in the area. 30 up in fredericks. 34 in leesburg. for tonight if you're headed out you know the drill, bundle up. lows 18 to 28. wind will be light. we will come back and talk about the chance for a little bit of snow over the weekend and next week's storm is looking more winter like. we will explain that as well >> all right, topper two people are dead tonight after an horrific crash during the morning rush. canal road north west. between fox hall and arizona avenue. our surae chinn tells us the cause could be weather related >> reporter: tragedy this morning. two lives lost. and it could have been caused by an icy patch in the roadway >> the car coming the other direction hit a patch of ice and came into their lane and hit them head on >> reporter: jim roe says they were on their way to work in a pickup truck traveling south when two people in a jaguar came into the opposite direction, slid out of control and the track broadsideed the jaguar. jim's son suffered minor injuryi es injuryi es and survived >> he said dad, don't freak out i was in a head on collision. my son drives a pickup truck. and thank god's he is okay >> reporter: the crash happened on canal road near fletcher's boathouse just before 5:00 a.m. this morning. the fatal crash forced canal road to be shut down at fox hall road and arizona avenue causing a tremendous backup at chain bridge and the surrounding areas during the rush. drivers say it can be a problem area in bad weather >> on this side of the road, the direction hat other driver was going there are always patches of ice on the parkway there >> reporter: salt trucks were deployed. >> reporter: police say they don't know if they were wearing seat belts. >> be mindful again, with the temperature and road conditions anywhere, any street. slow down a little bit >> reporter: we are now waiting to hear the identities of the victim. >> canal road reopened around 11:30 a.m. this morning. sky 9 was over a deadly accident at the train station in gaitersburg gaith gaithersburg today. he was rushing to catch the train and he was struck this morning. trying to cross the tracks at south summit avenue when he was hilt by the train. mark train service was suspended for the investigation. a standout athlete from vienna is being remembered. 18-year-old kristin kelan was found dead in her dorm room on thursday. the school said she died of natural causes. her battle with seizures was chronicleed in the washington post survived by her parents and a younger brother. plans for a memorial service are pending police want to know who is behind a series of burglaryies in frederick maryland, the thieves had been gaining evidence to first floor apartments through sliding glass doors or windows. police say the robberies, at least 13 of them, happened late at night or early morning. two brothers, jonathan and kevin woodley are charged in one burglary. police are trying to determine whether they are connected to the other crime as well. this is the prince george's county school parent calling to thank you for the call yesterday at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. still ahead. a local father gets a bit of revenge for this week's school delay robo call. but first, the chemicals our bodies are exposed to the in the modern age. especially in pregnancy they can be dangerous. what we can all do to minimize our risk next. blach blap new research out today shows all nearly pregnant women in the u.s. have potentially harmful chemicals in their body including some banned in the 1970s. what we can all do to lessen our exposure. she is seven months pregnant and trying to take care of her body >> i try to do a little bit more of organic foods, less caffeine >> reporter: but new research shows nearly all expectant moms in the u.s. have traces of harmf ul chemicals in their body, everything from banned pesticides to something in plasti cs to compounds from nonstick cook ware. the study from san francisco, california, found every pregnant woman had at least 43 of the chemicals in their body >> they get into the baby's body and then into the baby's brain and other organs of the body >> reporter: researchers say some of the chemicals they found were at levels shown to be harmf ul for children in other studyies >> they don't know very much about the possible toxicity of these chemicals one at a time and then we know even less about what happens when all of these chemicals are in a woman's body, are in a child's body all at the same time >> reporter: doctors say they chemicals show up in everybody, not just pregnant women. to minimize risk you can eat organic produce grown with fewer pesticides. avoid plastic containers to heat food in the micro wave and keep dust in the house to a minimum because dusts tracks in traces of lots of chemical. michele is doing what she can for her baby >> we just want him or her to be really lety lety to when they come out. >> these chemicals are all man made and didn't exist 50 years ago so what's going around? seems like half our newsroom is out sick these days. according to the center for disease control both maryland and virginia now have widespread cases of flu. we checked with clinics in virginia treating upper respiratory infections. maryland busy with sinus infecti ons and strep throat. vaccination is your best protecti on against the flu experts say and it is not too late to get a shot. a commuteer alert for metro riders over the martin luther king holiday weekend. tonight, there will be no train service on the blue and orange line. the foggy bottom station will be closed for track work. free shuttle buses but you should add an extra 40 minutes into your travel plans. that work is expected to be completed by 8:00 p.m. on monday. a commuteer alert for people driving in alexandria this weekend. the outer loop narrowed down to just two lanes at telegraph road and telegraph road will be closed at the beltway all part of rebuilding the interchange. work starting at 9:00 p.m. through monday morning. follow detour signs drivers around atlanta are still trying to maneuver around icy patches but warmer weather is on the way. temps expected to get into the 40s tomorrow. still officials are telling them they shouldn't be lulled into a false sense of security. they warn there are still many icy patches including metro freew ays and ramps. the snow may have helped a father and son walk away from a small plane crash in conneticut last night. their plain experienced some engine trouble and then landed upside down. police say the snow >> they certainly had a lot of it, right? >> yes. >> we are going to take you up to massachusetts because they really got hammered. conneticut, mass, got powered. lots of folks without power. we know what that is like after our last february storm. no fun. i called my wife a pilgrim. we were pilgrims for three days. -- they are restoring power. they had 18 to 22 inches there. brutal scene up there. for us, well, got a couple of changes in the forecast. we will start with the satellite picture and we will zoom into the plane states and great lakes. the clipper is pretty far north right now but this is what is going to pass to our north tomorrow and early on sunday. some clouds our way and maybe a flurry or a snow shower as we get into late saturday, early sunday. the bulk of the precipitation stays to the north of us. a few clouds back to the west. even a few snow showers around oakland. these clouds will kind of move in overnight. i don't think we will see flurries here. you may see flurries towards the ski resorts. right now, temps are cold but thankfully no wind. 35 downtown. 31 in great falls. 32 in bethesda. generally low 30s. 32rockville. 32 in beltsville. 31 in laurel as you head up 95 and 28 already in gaithersburg. temps falling pretty quickly tonight. more clouds than anything tonight. chilly weekend with clouds. that's the main thing. not much bite to these clouds but a lot of clouds both days. cold again tonight. clipper arriving late tomorrow. most of the snow showers will stay to the north of us. then a bigger storm arrives monday night. and that's looking like it may be a snow/mix rain snow event. winds light. silver lining i suppose no windchills windchills. 20 inrockville. 27 downtown. 21 in college park. but plenty of low 20s to the rest. 20 in sterling. 18 in leesburg and manassas and 18 or 19 for our friends at middleburg. tomorrow, mostly cloudy, breezy and cold. winds turn south westerly, 10 to 15. afternoon, clipper. may be a flurry or snow shower. highs low 40s. below free freezeings. freeze -- 43 arlington. 42 downtown. evening out to the west. 42 in reston. low 40s in sterling, leesburg and manassas. next three days. clipper passing to our north tomorrow. maybe a flurry or snow shower late saturday, early on sunday. low 40s saturday. upper 30s to near 40 on sunday. then just chilly for martin luther king but dry. now, the next seven days. stay with me here. clouds in monday night. could see a little snow late monday night. then it goes to rain on tuesday. we are back in the 40s. then indication is that the storm actually may wrap around some colder air tuesday night into wednesday. rain may go back to snow before ending wednesday morning and then we are looking at temperatures in the upper 30s on wednesday. and nothing crazy cold on thursday. low 40s. but then crazy cold on friday. temperatures around 30. the computer wants me to go 17. didn't do it. but it will be pretty cold next week >> we have had a lot of crazy cold this year. lots of crazy weather >> we are not that far below average, oddly enough. >> isn't that weird >> that is weird >> still ahead. pope john paul ii ceremony at the vatican. utility work on columbia pike in the bancroft area of arlington has hit a snag. workers found problems with pre- existing underground utilityi es. the project will now be delayed about three months and work isn't expected to resume until late spring gaithersburg's historic district commission has had a change of heart deciding a house that stood at south summit and south frederick avenues can in fact come down. a church owns the house and wants to make room for parking. initially the commission voted to save the house as historically significant >> unconstitutional avenue. we are talking about pennsylvania avenue north west between the white house and capitol. the idea is to draw attention to the fact that dc residents still do not have a vote in congress. under the proposal street signs would come down but ceremonial street signs would go up. well, this weekend the national park service is waving admission fees at all of the country's national parks. earlier this month secretary of the interior ken salazar announced admission to all parks would be free on 17 selected dates throughout 2011. and the first free date takes place this coming holiday weekend. martin luther king holiday weekend. the others in april, june, september and november. coming up next, new at 5:30 p.m. >> imagine you have five little kids and the phone rings at 4:30 a.m. in the morning and it is a some place take. what would you do? i'm peggy fox. i will tell you what one father did that is growing national attention. [ male announcer ] what's the future of broadcast tv? more of your favorite tv always. breg akinlocal news... emergency alerts... in the lmpa of your hand. higquh ality hd... tv3d . more oichces than ever. thute fure of broadcast tv? it's tv. technology, not regulation from washington d.c. check out what's next. visit thefuture.ooftvrg. a parent awakened at 4:30 a.m. by school delay robo calls gets some revenge pope benedict digit saying pope john paul ii a hero. your void stoke ac z zodiac may not be the right sign a man got even. new at 5:30 p.m., peggy fox has the story of the robo revenge after getting called at 4:30 a.m. >> reporter: the phone rang at 4:30 a.m. at the home on wednesday. jennifer was already up feeding their newborn but her husband aaron was startled out of sleep. >> i thought who is dead. that was my first -- >> then you rushed to get it. why? >> because i wondered who was dead and my second thought was gee i need to make sure i keep my five kids asleep >> reporter: fortunatel y none of the children woke up but aaron couldn't go back to sleep so with his insomnia he hatched a creative plan >> i thought, you know what, maybe they are just following the golden rule. maybe they are treating me the way they would have me treat them. if they can send out robo calls then i can do it too >> reporter: this is the robo thank you call he sent to the superintendent and nine school board members the next morning at 4:30 a.m. >> while i know the school district wanted to ensure i dropped my child off two hours late on the snow day i already knew that before i went to bed. i hope this call demonstrates why a 4:30 a.m. call does more to annoy than to inform. >> >> reporter: his wife says what her husband did wasn't very nice by it did accomplish more than if he had just written a letter or called to complain. >> they do a good job. it is not like we are out to get revenge on them. we are just, hey, guys, that was really dum >> reporter: the prince george's county school system admits they didn't mean to call thousands of people at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. somebody entered the data wrong. they say it has never happened before and it will never happen again. >> reporter: aaron says he is planning to unplug his phone for the next few nights. in forth washington, peggy fox, # news now >> tus said he got lots >> a spokesperson for the school said said they only god a few complaints about their way too early call this week. pope benedict difficult 16 said pope john paul ii performed a miracle. that declaration paves the way for the pope to become a saint >> reporter: pope benedict is fast taking a pope to sainthood sainthood. hood. the process usually takes years, in some cases centuryies. but mourners at the beloved pope's funeral in 2005 made their desire clear chanting a chanting sainthood now. bennett difficult and catholic church they decided he should get the credit of healing a nun of parkinson's disease. that paves the way for john paul becoming a saint on may 1st. his coffin will be moveed from moveed from the vatican and placed under an alter to pilgrims can pay their respects. the ceremony is expected to draw hundreds of thousands. this man says it will be an extraordinary event. he really deserves it. he was a man who did great things. john paul led the roman catholic church for 27 years becoming one of the most popular popes in modern times especiall y among his polyish country >> reporter: this woman p o l y country >> reporter: she says he carried poland in his soul. charlie d'agata, cbs news. >> john paul's ceremony will be the quickest on record coming just over six years after his death. and it beatsmother t beats more they are he'sa by a few days. d ays. >> john paul ii had a vision of human solidarity and human dignity >> i think it is a wonderful testimony to the extraordinary witness of pope john paul the great. one of the reasons why people all over the world flock to him as they did everywhere he went just because they recognized he call us to a realizeation. we are all capable of a relationship with god. >> he was ordained at bishop by john paul ii at st. peter's basilica a state of emergency declared in the north after can nation of africa. they are demanding the resignation of the president. police opened fire today. president obama condemned the violence today and called on the government to respect human rights. australia's third largest city is cleaning up after some of the worst flooding on record. views show water subsiding around brisbane. 19 people were killed and another 60 are still missing. tens of thousands of homes have been unu ndated by the flood waters that began last month. michael douglas says the tumor that threatened to kill him is gone. the 66-year-old actor and his wife made their first public appearance last night at the palm springs film festival. he said he gained back 12 of the 40 pounds he lost during an aggressive regiment of chemotherapy and radiation for throat cancer and says he has a new appreciation for life >> it has made us, i think, closer. there is a depth of emotion and an appreciation of your daily life that you didn't have before >> reporter: doctors caution that douglas -- >> reporter: he needs at least two more monthly checkups buffalo they are convinced that he is completedly out of the woods a close encounter with a dog has martha stewart in you stitche s literally. the talk show host and author needed stitches >> that may be a little tough to see. now you know. after lean down to whisper to her french bull dog. the an map jumped up jump an -- the an ma'am jumped up on jump animal jumped up. >> some people don't knee to see everything >> not everything an officer pulls over a drunk driver to find a big surprise in the front seat. we are going to talk about that. then coming up new at 6:00 p.m. >> i'm bruce leshan at federal court in alexandria. a tough sentence and deportation for a garbage man who ran over and killed a bicycleist in dew upon the circle dupont circle we are always on at stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ [ female announcer ] why choose between delicious or 100 calories? ♪ with yoplait delights, now you can finally have both. ♪ it's the perfect parfait, with two indulgently rich layers of chocolate and raspberry yogurt and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or." individual vote shows two men show -- video shows two men dressed up as women. they were met by employees and produced pepper spray and attacked workers and customers. cross-dressing robbers and two accomplicees were eventually caught and charged with robbery and aggravated robbery also on tape a spectacular high speed crash in wichita, kansas. driver of an suv right there passing a trooper in wichita, crashed into the center median. sparks an debris flu as it skidded to -- sparks and debris flew as it kidded. they are waiting toxicology reports to determine whether he should be charged with driving under the influence now to a rather bizarre story from california where a man is accused of dui along with possible ghost nap goat napping. this nanny goat was seen in a vehicle earlier this week. let's get clear here the goat is in the front seat. during questioning both he and the driver deny the goat was there. >> it was like maybe, okay, i just got buste d for maybe drunkin driving i don't want to get butt ed for goat napp ing but they were sort of sheepish about their answers. >> sort of sheepish. really. animal control officers are looking for the goat's owner or at least somebody to adopt it. okay, so what if you woke up to the startleing realizeation that you might not be exactly who you thought you were. believe it or not your zodiac sign might be wrong. we will explain coming up winds died down but plenty cold out here. we will take you out with temperatures. temps in the 30s downtown. but 20s popping up at gaithersburg. the possibility of a few flakes flying this weekend when we come back. switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. we all want to know what will we need this weekend? >> yes. >> fairly medium to heavy jacket. nothing crazy cold this weekend. you might see a couple of flakes but not a big deal. next week's storm, tuesday, wednesday, looking a little more interesting. >> okay. >> we might see every form of precipitation possible. >> let's start with the satellite picture. putting this into motion for you. you see plenty of clouds off to the west. clipper on the way. see a few snow showers switching into garrett county. they will stay to the north of us. clouds will roll back in here tonight. that will keep temperatures up a little bit. not much a little bit. right now plenty cold. 28 in gaithersburg. 32 in arlington and 35 at national. pretty chilly. 31 out toward reston. 32 in fairfax. even 31 over in 31 heading up to baltimore. mostly cloudy, cold, not -- not windy though. temperatures will speak into the upper teens in the burbs. in fact, rockville 20 but gaithersburg 19. frederick about 18. 27 downtown. 21 in college park. 20 in bowie. looking at temperatures around 20 in fairfax and reston and sterling. but 18 in leesburg. 18 or so in manassas and 18 also in middleb urg. now, tomorrow just mostly cloudy, breezy, cold. showers in the mountains tomorrow. 20s, 30s, winds southwest at 10, 15. by afternoon, run the risk of a flurry or snow shower late in the day. highs though low 40s. winds southwesterly at 10 to 20 and kind of gusty. next three days. clipper passing well to our north tomorrow. maybe a late snow shower, early flurry on sunday. low 40s on saturday. near 40 on sunday. martin luther king day we will keep dry but chilly. high temperatures in the low 40s. now, the next seven days. gets complicated. moisture gets in here late monday night. early tuesday morning. could be just barely cold enough to support some snow. that snow will probably go to a mix. that mix will probably go to a rain event on tuesday. we are still thinking primarily rain event but now we are thinking also we may see colder air move in and end snow late tuesday night and wednesday morning. back in the 30s on wednesday. back in the low 40s on wednesday. and maybe 30 if we are lucky -- >> maybe >> >> for a for a high on friday >> what happened to the 50? >> there was a 50. knocked down to 44. part of the problem is the storm track is now 400 miles east >> okay. >> all right. things change >> lost a couple degrees >> that's why they call it a forecast >> all right, topper. stocks into the week. higher on wall street. the dow finished up 55 points at 11,787 nasdaq climbing 20 points. s&p rising nine points. the thaw of consumer spending continues as retail sales rose for a sixth month in a row in december. the commerce department reports big gains in auto and furniture purchases and, of course, the new year brings an uptake in exercise equipment sales. so if you are in the market for an olympic an elliptical machine, check out which ones are better for you >> reporter: looking for the best elliptical exerciseer for you, well consumer reports tested 31 rangeing in price from 460 to $3600. measuring how much force you need to move the pedals at various resistance levels >> with the smaller range of resistance settings you can't mix up your workout as much with a machine that has a large number of resistance settings >> reporter: testers also measured the position of your arms and legs as you are working out to assess a machine's ergonomics. >> that's important because we don't want you to be exercising on the elliptical and be pulled out of alignment or extended too far >> reporter: panelists also work out on the elliptical and it turns out there are big differences >> i found myself leaning forward on it. so i was very close to the controls and such. was not very comfortable for me. >> easy to use. the buttons were big >> reporter: one of the lowest rated the best fitness dse1. >> it wasn't smooth. you felt as if you were being pushed forward and that's a problem >> reporter: in the end, top ratings went to the diamond back 1260ef for $2200. it is well constructed with very good ergonomics and you can adjust the incline to get a greater variety of workouts. a real plus. for far less consumer reports named a $750 machine a best buy. the nautilus e514. no incline adjustment but is well constructed with very good ergonomics. both recommended elliptical machines come with a heart rate monitor which is a pretty good feature to have. the monitor is a strap you wear across your chest then wire wire -- uses wires. you might pause a moment and think when someone asks you your sign. >> what you think about the zodiac an astronomer said. he said the orbit has changed the way it is aligned with the stars and that means things aren't lining up the way they used to when the zodiac signs were first conceived. its news is catching a lot of folks off guard. >> i have always thought gem nyinies sit pretty well. i will have to make the switch now. >> sure, why not. a change is always good. >> that's not more fun. i was never a fan of being a crab >> reporter: i should be an acquireus because i have been believing i was aquariu soviet union over the past year -- aquarius. so why change that >> people taking that very seriously. >> a spokesperson says the theory doesn't change your astrological chart at all. >> whew. >> that would be devastating >> i know this. >> but that is not keeping folks from voiceing their concerns online. so we put the question to you on facebook and dozens of you responded. diane writes i always thought i should be a leo instead a virgo anyway. >> while another wonders don't people have something to do better than this? you can join the conversation on our wusa9 facebook page >> sang tareus, -- cap corn. >> are you asking me what my sign is? >> i'm the commissione r of love. >> what's your sign? not your pick up line >> the only sign -- no, i'm an aquarius. by the way, my son is all crude up about mutto not being d plutul p -- pluto not to be a planet any more. you know what it is like to be eaten out of mouse and home with a boy. chances are you don't have a 15- year-old boy who is 215 pounds. that's what kyle snyderer is and as it is reported in tonight's high school campus report, kyle knows how to throw that weight around. >> reporter: good council freshman kyle snyder has been wrestl eing for as long as he can remember >> kinder garthen when i garthgararden. his father got him started >> i remember wrestlei ng in some tournaments and just learning the basic moves. i'm glad i started that early. it helped >> reporter: it also helped. in fifth grade he was facing tough competition. it has helped him to an undefeated record this season and become one of the top 15 wrestleers in the country according to several national publications. >> considering the weight class he is at, 215 pounds, that is pretty incredible. when most people in that weight class are juniors an seniors >> last month kyle competeed in a tournament at the university of delaware. he captured first place winning all five of his matches but grabbing the title wasn't enough. >> i didn't really go out there to attack >> reporter: but he knows he beret tack when facing his older brother steven. steven a senior and outweighs kyle by 70 pounds by brings out the best in his younger brother both in practice and when they mix it up at home >> i don't want to let him win or anything like that. he is a freshman. so i don't want to let that happen. >> he doesn't like lose to go me of course because then i can go upstairs and tell my dad that i just beat my older brother. but he doesn't let that happen >> reporter: kyle takes the same mentality as his brother when the matches really count. it is what motivates him every day. >> i know there is someone out there working just as hard as me to be better than me and i'm shy not to go out there. >> the senior is 285 pounds. what are they feeding the boys in the schneider home. >> the pantry, refrigerator. >> everything. >> up next in tonight' s cool school report we will show you how they are giving a leg up for kids in the local college coming up at 6:00 p.m. tattoo artists from around the country are in cyst crystal city. i'm britany morehouse. çgpapabñ?tñw imagine getting your high school diploma and associate degree at the same time. >> wait until you meet one of the teachers who makes it possible for students who wouldn't have a chance at this kind of opportunity otherwise. we go to washington's school without walls in tonight's cool schools report. >> reporter: more than four decades in the classroom and she still knows how to connect >> you know, you guys, lol and bff and all that stuff, okay, i'm there. aren't i? >> yes. >> because i got mine. >> right. and that means what? >> outstanding >> reporter: she teaches math at schools without walls of dc but -- >> more than a teacher. for me and a lot of other students, actually >> reporter: she is an extra parent for some of the students. one of five kids living in a small apartment a long list of family tragedyies to ensure and somehow tyreke finds a way to stud and she is a big reason why >> she wants you to learn more than just giving you a grade >> reporter: from quilting their way through geometry to learn triangles. to explaining why math is important the way manhole covers are made >> why round? why not square? what do you think? >> if you turn a square at an angle it could fall through >> you got it >> reporter: barbara makes math meaningful >> so that they are not afraid to try. that it is okay to make a mistake much it is okay. it is okay to fall down >> reporter: but it is through that pitch and hard work on his own -- >> i will be a person to go to college. it is a wonderful thing >> reporter: and because of a deal school without walls has with local colleges tyreke will -- >> graduate from here with a diploma as well as a associate an associate' s degree >> reporter: free of charge is the emotiona l connection. as well as the free associate's degree. >> i give myself to them and then they give me back more. >> she works with students on the weekend as well and makes learning cool. if you have a cool school e- mail us at cool schools at and maybe we will be featureing your school next friday. >> thank you for joining us for 9news now at five. 9news now at six starts right now. news in high-definition. this is 9news now. it has been 2.5 years since a garbage truck driver ran over and killed a


Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Katie Couric 20100525

the country is heading in the wrong direction and half say they expect the future to be worse for the next generation. when the public is unhappy, the government often gets the blame and the president's job approval rating has fallen to 47%. those are the numbers, now listen to some of the people. here's anthony mason. ♪ we want a single, just a little single... ♪ >> reporter: at a softball game in crestwood, new york, in the roar of the crowd, you could hear the sound of the country's frustration. >> i believe the country moving in the wrong direction. >> seems like you work harder, you make less money. >> reporter: a new cbs news poll finds americans increasingly dissatisfied with washington and the way congress and the president have responded to the economic crisis. less than half now say president obama shares their priorities, down sharply from last year. and 77% disapprove of the job congress is doing. >> this is it, you know? right here. >> reporter: "honk if you're fed up." >> yes, fed up of everything. an overreaching government, an antibusiness climate. >> reporter: 39-year-old gary murphy runs a maid surface in valhalla, new york. he's become politically active for the first time in his life. >> we're spending more than we can afford right now and we're putting it on the backs of our taxpayers and our children. >> reporter: and americans are losing their trademark optimism. six in ten say the country is headed in the wrong direction. for linda fedrizzi, whose daughter played in the softball game the biggest concern is... >> the future of my children. >> reporter: but half of those polled-- 50%-- now believe the future for the next generation will be worse. just 32% said that last year. and only one in five thinks things will get better. >> i have to say the best times are yet to come. i can't be that negative. it's got to get better. >> reporter: but carol johnson, a software developer in detroit, is tired of all the fighting in congress. >> i think they're just totally dysfunctional and what angers me is they have a job to do, they need to do the job and put their personal opinions and their personal goals aside. >> reporter: and americans hold both parties to blame. the approval ratings for democrats and republicans are at or near record lows. and only 13% of americans say president obama's economic programs have helped them personally. >> i think it's not yet really fulfilled his promise. >> reporter: 40-year-old paula cresti of north hollywood, california, voted for president obama. after losing her job in the film industry in march, she's now trying to start a chocolate business but sees only slow improvement in the economy. >> i don't know that people buying more stuff is necessarily going to translate into more jobs. it isn't, at least, right now i feel. >> reporter: but americans are less worried about losing their jobs. only 28% are very concerned, down from 34% just a month ago. and even with the unease over the economy, american optimism has not entirely eroded. nearly nine out of ten people in our poll say they expect to fulfill most of their hopes and dreams. katie? >> couric: anthony mason. anthony, thank you. from those dreams to the nightmare in the gulf. just 35% of americans approve of the obama administration's handling of the oil pill. b.p. gets even lower marks. tomorrow it will try again to stop the gusher. mark strassmann is in grand isle, louisiana. mark, are people down there optimistic this new approach will actually work? >> reporter: no, katie, they're not. case in point, this shrimp boat which stayed docked all day today. there's a fishing ban on all over this island and most people expect it to stay docked for some time to come. as the a group, those people have little confidence in b.p., they see the top kill as a long shot at best and they see their own crisis deepening. >> they've got to be totally covered with oil. >> reporter: in barataria bay, chris hernandez and floyd lasseign stared at ruin. their family oyster crop, tens of thousands of them poisoned by oil. >> you can see the sheen on the oyster shells as we're picking them up. >> reporter: not just some oysters, all of them. is. >> who's going to east oysters that take like oil? >> reporter: with all this oil in the water, every last one of these oysters is contaminated. no good. this is a 92-acre oyster lease and a half million dollar loss. as a conservative estimate, seven million gallons of oil now flowed float in the gulf. this new underwater video shows the part of the disaster you can't see: fish swimming through globs of oil 20 miles offshore that pourd from this well b.p. hopes to plug tomorrow. the technique's called a top kill. there from a drill ship, engineers will pump a heavy mud mix a mile underwater and hope to clog the gushing well. >> we need to be realistic about the issues around operating in a mile of water. we rate the probability of success of somewhere between 60% and 70%. >> reporter: but b.p. has already made critics angry again. when the top kill begins, the company plans to turn off its realtime underwater cameras. in jackson, mississippi, family and friends remembered the 11 crewmen killed when b.p.'s rig exploded. men like gordon jones, his second son was born a month after his death. back in the oyster beds, the lasseign have no idea what to do next. >> i'm mad as hell because my children have no future now. >> reporter: they have fished these waters for five generations. how do you recover from that? >> you don't. you don't. >> reporter: this is called a live well. it keeps fresh catch alive like this crab. it was caught on saturday, the last day before the fishing ban went into place that has so crippled this area's economy. unless b.p.'s top kill succeeds, this could be one of the last crabs caught in these waters for some time. katie? >> couric: mark strassmann. mark, thank you very much. frustration over the spill has been simmering for weeks, even in the oval office. we learned today that in the first days of this crisis, an angry president obama snapped at a meeting "plug the damn hole." the president will head to the gulf coast on friday, his second visit in about four weeks. the president is likely to get an earful from people there, just as i did when we gathered six local business people in a grand isle restaurant to talk about the disaster and the response. are you frustrated as day after day goes by and this leak still isn't plugd? >> that's the most frustrating part of it is find a way. somebody has to know an answer to that to plug it and as long as it keeps spewing, we here in trouble. we're many more and more trouble everyday. up? who are you angriest at? >> whoever's in charge of not plugging it. (laughter). >> couric: who do you think that is? >> well, b.p. or one of the oil companies that's involved with all the drilling. >> couric: what about the government? some people are getting angry at the federal response? >> well, i guess it's a trickle affect. you're just upset at every one of them that has anything to do with this. >> couric: what about you, lani? how are you feeling now that it's been more than a month. >> there's a numbness that... we're all very angry, i know that. >> couric: how would you like the federal response to this disaster to be different? >> i think the response to the disaster has to be taken out of b.p.'s hands because they're oilmen, they know how to drill for oil, they know how to get the oil out of the ground. they're not in disaster response. they have no experience in that. >> couric: what is your biggest frustration about this effort and the way it's being conductd? >> i feel like there's a lot of leaders and not a lot of followers and, as he said, the buck is being passd from one person to the next. we kept coming up with ideas but it seems like we're not moving forward fast enough. this oil just keeps coming out and gets closer to our beaches. >> couric: what do you think about the way b.p. and the government is handling this? >> number one, the government is totally incapable of handling it because this is at the business and i think they're at the edge of their technical abilities right now. i'm not an expert in subsea drilling but i have nephews and sons that work in that business and they're telling me, you know, this should have been done differently from the beginning. it's b.p.'s responsibility. they call the shots. that's all there is to it. >> couric: do you think the government should be calling the shots more now, though? now that it's turned into an environmental disaster? >> who out of washington can come to the gulf of mexico and tell them how to run a drilling rig? that's the problem. >> couric: so they don't have the technical expertise. >> right. washington doesn't have that capability. >> couric: the deepwater horizon exploded five weeks ago. today it was one of about 3,500 oil and gas platforms in the gulf regulated by the minerals management service, a branch of the interior department. president obama has complained about that agency's cozy relationship with the oil industry. and sharyl attkisson tells us a new report today reveals just how cozy. >> reporter: government inspectors at the dysfunctional mineral managementment service-- m.m.s.-- with often little more than consorts of the industry they regulated according to the. >> reporter: g . inspectors even went so far to let oil companies literally fill out their own inspection reports. they used pencil, m.m.s. inspectors would write on top of the pencil in ink and turn in the completed form. m.m.s. is also supposed to investigate accidents and make recommendations to prevent their recurrence. but we dug through reports involving b.p. or transocean dating back to 2006. in every case but one, m.m.s. made no recommendations at all. >> too cozy a relationship, in many cases criminal activity by getting too close and taking favors from the industry. >> reporter: the cozy ties included workers who moved between industry and government jobs with ease. friends who've often known each other since childhood. m.m.s. staffers accepted gifts from their oil industry friends: trips to the peach bowl, invitations to skeet shooting, crawfish boils, hunting and fishing vacations. one employee inspected a company four times while negotiating a job there. another may have been on crystal meth while he was conducting an inspection. others had inappropriate humor and porn on their government computers. with possibly months to go before the gusher is plugged, there's more wrangling over liability. on capitol hill, outrage was directed at the rig's owner, transocean. it plans to pay out a billion dollars in dividends to shareholders. >> they want to give a billion dollars back to their shareholders at a time when i think there might be very substantial liability questions. >> for a company that said it did nothing wrong, this company has s working pretty hard to insulate itself from being held responsible. >> reporter: assistant attorney general pirelli reminded congress that b.p. has promised to pay all the bills. >> you may be the last person in america who trusts or believe what b.p. says, it doesn't matter. >> reporter: the obama administration has already announced plans to fix m.m.s. the misconduct happened before 2009, but now the inspector general will look at the conduct since 2009. katie? >> couric: sharyl attkisson reporting from capitol hill. thank you, sharyl. now to another hot-button issue, illegal immigration. republican senators had a contentious meeting with the president today. they've been pushing for an amendment that would send 6,000 national guard troops to beef up security along the mexican border. today, in a preemptive strike, the white house said the president is sending 1,200. it was quickly denounced by republicans who said it's not enough. in kingston, jamaica, the hunt for a suspected drug lord turned into a bloodbath. 30 people, mostly civilians, have been killed over the past three days in clashes between security forces and supporters of christopher coke. he's wanted in the united states on drug and weapons charges. and coming up next here on the "cbs evening news," letting high school students cut not just classes but their entire senior year. 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[ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. 100% natural nuts and granola in bite sized clusters. it's a little bit of nature... a little bit better. and nature approves. granola nut clusters from nature valley. >> couric: as many of us know, teen aingeers are always in such a rush to grow up. and now some high schools plan to help with that by letting students skip their senior year. but is early graduation a good thing? ben tracy has tonight's "eye on education. ". >> reporter: kyle is in the home stretch of his four year high school race. a senior at cottonwood nigh salt lake city, he's headed to yale next fall. what has senior year meant to you? >> it's allowed me to take a.p. class which is has really prepared me for yale as well as just the camaraderie with my classmates, knowing it's my senior year, final year. >> reporter: by the time that final year came around... you've got a little compression. >> reporter: jim trimble was so over it. with enough credits to graduate early, he skipped half of senior year, opting to gain work experience in the orthopedic lab at the university of utah. >> the senior year has become meaningless. >> reporter: at many high schools, senior year is synonymous with slacking off, because many colleges only look at students' grades through junior year. so a utah state senator proposed eliminating 12th grade all together. he says the cash-strapped state could make it optional, saving $60 million. >> educators have worried about it for probably 40 years, what to do with 12th grade. >> reporter: at the ames academy in salt lake city, al church found an answer, give students a jump start on college. >> you've got nitrogen there. >> reporter: juniors and seniors take classes from university of utah professors, earning on average 15 college credits. that can save a graduating student more than $3,000 in college tuition because they've already completed many required courses. >> some of our kids call themselves freshmores. because they've earned enough to be a freshman and maybe a little bit of sophomore. >> reporter: some n some states, overachieving students will be able to graduate really early. next year, eight states launch a pilot program allowing high school students to graduate after their sophomore year. they would enroll in community colleges if they pass rigorous examinations. it's based on a model used in countries such as england, france, and denmark. >> let's go to a system where if you finish early, you can go and if you need more time you can stay. >> reporter: but the question is even if a student is academically prepared to go to college early, do they have the emotional maturity to handle the experience? >> that's huge. >> reporter: anne harrison has been teaching high school english for 34 years. >> i certainly am keenly aware of a lot of students who are not mature enough emotionally to go off and take care of themselves. at 18. at 17. heaven help a 15-year-old. >> reporter: and senior emilio camu said he's still learning. >> i need senior year because i'm trying to connect all the things that i've learned from my last three years of high school. >> reporter: showing that for some students the senior year of high school is still time well spent. ben tracy, cbs news, salt lake city. >> couric: in health news tonight, the f.d.a. put out a warning today for popular heartburn drugs like nexium, prilosec, and prevacid. it says high doses or long-term use of what are called proton pump inhibitors can lead to an increased risk of bone fractures. previous studies have linked these drugs to an increased risk of pneumonia as well. we'll be right back. hey what's going on? doing the shipping. man, it would be a lot easier if we didn't have to weigh 'em all. if those boxes are under 70 lbs. you don't have to weigh 'em. with these priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. no weigh? nope. no way. yeah. no weigh? sure. no way! uh-uh. no way. yes way, no weigh. priority mail flat rate box shipping starts at $4.95, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. transform plain old ribs into these fall-off-the-bone honey bbq ribs. the secret's in the sauce, made with campbell's french onion soup. for these delicious ribs and dozens more sizzling summer recipes, visit


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