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Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20191113 15:42:00

minutemen of 1776, buying time for a regular army to reconstitute. since then, more than 13,000 ukrainian versus died on ukrainian soil defending their territorial integrity and sovereignty from russian aggression. america's support and ukraines 18 defacto war of independence has been critical in this regard. by analogy, the american colonies may not have prevailed against the british imperial might, without the help of transatlantic friends after 1776. in an egg co-of lafayette's organized assistance to general george washington's army and admiral john paul joan's navy, congress generously appropriated over $1.5 million in the mast five years in equipping security assistance to ukraine. these funds include the strength and ability to fight russian aggression. ultimately, ukraine is on the path to become a full security partner of the united states within nato.


Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20091117

on saturday. we'll check in with sarah simmons live with the new information. and take a look at this. a rude awakening for a mom and her kids trapped in a house after an suv came through the front door and how this happened and w the family got out. we'll have that and more. good morning i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm allison seymour. first we'll get a check on today's weather with tucker barnes. >> a mix of sun and clouds across the area. we'll be in for a decent day today, but temperatures cooler than yesterday. a daytime high yesterday near 70 degrees. and we'll talk about the storminess to the west and seeing the rain in st. louis and chicago. that won't impact us here today. but some of the cloud cover blowing off the storm system making it's way into the washington area. so more clouds than yesterday. bring along a light jacket as high temperatures will top out in the upper 50s and low 60s. so it will feel cooler. it will feel more fall-like around here during the course of the day although not expecting any rain shower activity. 47 right now at reagan national. 47 in baltimore. nice warm up there. 50 at patuxent naval air station. and the hot spot, ocean city, maryland is reporting a temperature of 55. and today partly cloudy, cooler than yesterday. 59 here in town. and winds out of the east and northeast at 5-10 miles per hour. i'll have more details in the forecast coming up. tony and allison. we mentioned a busy morning in the fox 5 news room. we begin with breaking news this hour. there's been an arrest in the shooting death of a 9-year-old in the district. >> the suspect is accused of firing the shot that went through the door of a columbia heights apartment killing little oscar fuentes and sarah simmons is joining us live from the scene where police are gearing up to give a press conference. sarah, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tony and allison of the we hope to learn more in the next hour. there was a press conference scheduled here at the scene here on columbia road at 10:00 a.m. we expect chief cathy lanier to be here and other city leaders to give us more details on the arrest this morning. we are getting information from law enforcement who do have knowledge of the case of an arrest and after a number of interviews with witnesses and several search warrants that they were able to arrest a man by the fame of jose pena, who was arrested and locked up at about 10 after 7:00 this morning. we understand this is not his first brush with the law. he was also arrested and locked up back in september for assault on a police officer. now obviously this has been a very difficult time for the family. shortly after the arrest was announced to us here at the scene, we did notice a police officer who showed up with the family. we understand the mother and a couple of other relatives that diback here at the home and have since left this morning. now just to get you up to speed here, as i said, it's been a very difficult time but this happened on saturday night. oscar fuentes, 9-year-old boy, he was inside his home, apartments here on columbia road when we're told that apparently his three aunts had just come home, he was closing the door behind them, when apparently a bullet fired had gone through the door, hitting him. now he has been known as a smart, a well-loved boy and we've heard a lot of good things that people have said about him. his teachers have talked about him very positively but this is good news that they do have somebody in custody. we do hope to hear more from police. family members and res debit -- residents have said there is an issue here in this building of gang violence. we don't know what the circumstances were surrounding the shooting, but they have complained about this and the building being a problem before. we know that city leaders are looking intothat and we hope to have a updatof the status of this building and the arrest coming up at 10:00 this morning. back to tone -- tony and allison. >> thank you, sarah. in laurel a body was found in a trash compactor. the discovery was made on the site of encore recycle. sky fox was oar the scene as detectives look for clues. the body was found at 6:15 this morning. we don't know whether the body is that of a pan or women. and a charles county family got a wakeup call this morning. an suv crashed through the front door of their home in st. charles. the teenage driver says he lost control while trying to avoid another car. a mother and her two children were inside and no one was injured. you may need to give yourself extra time to hail a cab. in d.c. there is a 24 hour strike called for taxi drivers. they're trying to call attention to their fees. and some are on strike until 2:00 this afternoon and their complaints the conditions of the cars, the amount they have to pay cab companies and the companies don't pay health insurance or workers' comp. new this morning, a montgomery county teacher is charged with robbing a pharmacy and a bank. brendan freedman teaches science at clarksburg high school. the 41-year-old is accused of pulling out a gun and demanding xanax and oxycontin in a safeway in bethesda friday afternoon. he then held up an m&t bank. he's been hut on paid leave pending an investigation. and an officer of the law accused of breaking the law. a now former prince george's county police officer has been indicted on charges he helped mastermind a bank robbery. we have details on the cop's charge. >> reporter: for more than a decade, police officer eddie smith patrolled the streets of prince george's county. but his career in law enforcement ended june 10th at sun trust bank in temple hills. according to court documents, officer smith drove another man, earl blake, to the bank if his police cruiser. investigators say officer smith stayed outside in the police car while blake used a power saw to cut telephone lines inside the bank. >> a fire alarm was set off so the fire department responded. >> reporter: but when firefighters got to the bank, officer smith told them to leave because he had already checked it and it was secure. according to investigators, blake ran from the bank and was briefly chase bid officer smith. moments later he got in his car and left. >> our officers got on the scene and did some quick investigation and found some evidence on the scene that led us to him and we arrested eddie smith that day. >> reporter: the 41-year-old police, a 16 year veteran of the police department, was acharged with conspiracy and attempted bank robbery. >> he was suspended without pay and later left the department. >> reporter: some feel smith detrayed his badge. >> one bad cop upsets us and it's upsetting. >> reporter: 50-year-old earl blake was also charged. if convicted they face a maximum sentence of 20 years many prison. from prince george's county, wisdom martin, fox 5 news. another news now. to the army, missed warning signs about the man authorities say went on a shooting rampage at fort hood in texas. according to several news outlets that will be the focus of an internal investigation. the wall street journal says the probe would focus on nidal malik hasan six years at walter reed medical center. the president ordered a review of all intelligence related to major hasan. in the meantime we know that at least two of the 13 victims killed at fort hood will be buried at arlington national cemetery. juanita warman will be laid to rest next monday and major car saya of woodbridge will be buried november 25th. now to a shake up in the medical world. for years women have heard they needed a mammogram annually. >> now that might not be the case. a government-backed panel says once every two years is needed and that's not the only attention catching flack. gurvir is here. >> reporter: this is one people will be talking about. the guidelines have pitted the american cancer society against the government and it's causing chaos and controversy because it influences coverage for medicare and other insurance companies. a new report by the u.s. preventative task force suggests changing the way the medical community screens for best cancer. according to the data, women should get mammograms at 50 and every other year until age 75. >> we found that screening at age 50 captured the majority of benefits. >> reporter: it's currently recommended women 40 and older get yearly mammograms but the government-backed panel of doctors says the potential harm from the yearly mammograms could out weigh the benefits -- >> by well that is women undergoing biopsies and being treated for problem that's never harmed them. >> reporter: this is based largely on computer projections from six independent research groups. those researchers say screening women between 50 and 74 every other year would catch 81% of breast cancers while producing halfas many false positives. but the american cancer society says it's not buying the data or changing current guidelines. >> we feel there is not sufficient evidence at this point to warrant a significant change of the type the task force is recommending. so we continue to recommend, if you're at average risk of breast cancer, start at age 40, get a mammogram every year. >> now this new report makes it clear that these new recommendations do not apply to women in high-risk groups for the disease. it also says there is not enough evidence to support the benefits of regular mammograms for women over the age of 75. so i know that we'll be hearing more about this in the days to come. >> people are talking about it. >> they are already. >> thanks, gurvir. the task force also says that self-exams don't do any good either. you can go to to learn more about the if you recommendations and they are recommendations, and to also see the responses from other health experts click on the news tab. more fireworks between the d.c. city council and the park and rec service. >> you're saying you did not receive an e-mail from us? >> what i'm saying council member, i'm here now. >> you're here now because you were subpoenaed to appear. >> up next, the latest on the couldn't versey over some questionable contracts. and he's credited for the miracle on the hudson so why is the captain now slamming a new book about the landing. we'll bring you the details. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ (announcer) yoplait's perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy... just a peel away. explore all 25 delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. president obama continues his tour of asia today. after meeting with china's president, president obama emerged from two and a half hours of closed door talks with new determination to hammer out crucial issues. both nations still show division over economic, security and human rights issues, but some say the political power move will have an impact. >> when you he someone who believes in protecting human rights at home and who is as popular and admired of a figure as barack obama is globally, the appeal of our views on human rights is entirely different. >> president obama's tour of asia will wrap up with a trip to soul before returning home. sarah palins new book going rogue is out today. in the highly anticipated memoir, she slams john mccain's campaign staffers for not allowing her to speak more freely and she questions her interview with katie couric and the relationship with levy johnston. going rogue is seen at her shot of redemption from being thrust into the national spotlight in last year's presidential campaign. an expert on republican strategy joined us in the studio this morning to talk more about that. >> the discussion in the book about the staff, by kind of keeping her in the box, i think there is some truth to that. think there were some staff members that she was not well served by and they're approach because they didn't dig down and see where she was connected with voters and what she was all about. is there a potential for her in the future? i think absolutely. and i think what she's doing on this book tour is basically showing herself and we'll see how much of a makeover there is in terms of the eyes of the press. >> palin has not revealed her political plans for 2012. the pilot behind the mirac on the hudson is blasting a new book about the famed flight. captain chesley sullenberger says the book overstates the role of the automated cockpit and claims the technology played a major role in landing the plane. he claims the outcome would have been the same without the automation. he safely landed the plane in january after it hit a flock of geese. everyone survived. the d.c. council got their chance to grill the head of parks and recreation and this hearing became heated. >> at question is millions of dollars in contracts tied to mayor fenty pushed through without council's okay. maureen umeh investigates. >> what i'm saying council member is i'm here now. >> reporter: jimena hart stock, the woman at the center of the d.c. parks and rec controversy is finally on the hot seat. >> you're appearing now because you were subpoenaed to appear. >> reporter: council has been waiting for weeks to question the director about $85 million in questionable contracts funneled without council approve through the mayor's office to the housing authority. the contracts were awarded to companies tied to the mayor. administration officials maintain the process is perfectly legal. >> the general council for the housing authority has opined that the housing authority is independent and need not send its contracts over a million dollars to council. >> ms. santos is not telling the whole truth about this matter. >> reporter: heart sock says the system awarding contracts was in place before she took over and done nothing wrong. >> i don't sign con tracks because i cannot. >> reporter: the office of the chief financial officer has cut off the money, putting construction on parks and rec centers already underway in jeopardy. >> our position would be that contract should not have been signed and it is not a valid contract. >> reporter: council member harry thomas junior says the hearings will attacking hartzog but getting answers. >> they seem to be avoiding processes that protect the citizen' tax dollars and everyone wants good government and that's what we aim to do. maureen umeh, fox 5 news. >> committee wants to hear from people who were awarded the contracts. they want to know how it happened and why. that hearing is set for december 2nd. the former staff at the now de -- the now defunct washington blade is closing. they said thank you for your support. workers were told to pack up and go home. the parent company was the largest publishers of company serving the gay community. lou has spent 30 years writing for the paper. >> this is shocking and devastating news and i'm still trying to process it. we knew there was some financial issues with the parent company. we thought that the individual component would be sold but we would be retained. >> the paper had the 40 year anniversary last month. the supreme court will not hear the issue challenging the redskins name. six native americans claimed the name was insulting. in 1999 they got the trademark canceled but a local court ruled they had waited too long to file the suit. yesterday the supreme court denied an appeal. attorneys will go back to court with a new set of manufacturers in manufacturers in restarting this game. >> a woman taken as a child will reunite with family as a senior citizen. and holly is getting ready for turkey day. >> reporter: i'm here and i'm working. this is big and hard business here. coming up, we'll talk about more about the packaging, cooking tips for you and everything you need to know to make sure your bird is ready coming thursday. it's all live, later. >> holly, thank you very much. here is today's trivia question. i love this question because i don't think most people know the answer. it's weather-related. what direction does a west wind north, south, east or west. the answer is coming up later. but if you'd like to take a guess now, head to our facebook page and take a shot. you're watching fox 5 morning news, coming right back. >> that's interesting. >> yes, it is. ewouicth we have more on this awful story from north carolina. the search for a missing 5-year- old in fayetteville, north carolina, ended in tragedy. yesterday search crews found her body in a wooded area. now her mother is accused of selling the little girl for sex. that mother and a man are both charged in the case. she reported her daughter missing on tuesday and she is charged with human trafficking and felony child abuse. mario mcneil is accused of kidnapping. police believe he is the man seen on surveillance video carrying the girl into a hotel. the father raised her for years and returned her to davis when she asked for a chance to take care of their daughter. virginia state police say a missing college student was wearing a necklace like this when she disappeared last month in charlottesville. morgan harrington was last seen outside of the john paul joan as rina before a metallicca concert. police say the virginia tech student was last seen hitchhiking on a bridge near at rina. her purse and cell phone were found in a nearby parking area. the woman accused in the kidnapping of elizabeth smart will plead guilty. this is elizabeth smart going into court for a recent hearing. 63-year-old wanda barry and her estranged husband brian mitchell are accused of kidnapping her from her room back in 2002. smart was found with them 9 years later. barry is expected to enter a plea later today. a california woman kidnapped 55 years ago has finally found her family. dolly hen son says a neighbor took her from her family when she was just 5 years old old and raised her in california. the woman told her that her family abandoned her. last week one of dolly's daughters called a tv station to share her mother's story. a relative saw the report and recognized dolly. she is now back in touch with her family who has been looking for her for years. >> we're just happy we were able to find them and i'm happy to know they looked for me and i'm happy to know that they -- they all say they lover me. i feel like i've won the lottery. not that it will be a perfect family. i'm not looking for that. but it's my family. >> family. dolly has eight living siblings, including a sister she never knew. she hopes to go back to houston to get acquainted with them. an unflattering moment caught on camera. an nfl owner gives an unfriendly gesture. you can figure out who it was. who it was intended for and the trouble he's in this morning. >> i thought he was waving hello. also sometimes being single isn't easy duing the holidays and so our dating diva is giving tips on how to be successfully single. and she's brought a fella along with her. hi, fella. don't go anywhere. here is a story that has folks talking. good morning, bud. a nfl owner is facing a huge fine. >> bud adam that owns the tennessee titans he was found saying we're number one to the buffalo bills fans while using his middle finger. the league fined him $250,000. >> wow. >> now does it matter to adams? we don't know yet. he's probably still happy the titans beat he -- beat the bills. and steve chenevey mentioned this earlier, the commission of the nfl had been sitting in the box with him moments before and went down to sit with the fans and looked up and saw him doing it. >> often those of us of a certain age we blame it on a senior moment, so perhaps he had a senior moment. >> repeatedly. >> maybe he was doing what he wanted to do. >> he was. but you're the owner of an nfl team. i can't do that. he's doing it to the fans of the opposing team. >> i'm not going to defend his position. >> tony does that to me when i got the forecast wrong. i'm going to fine him $250,000. and the forecast will be cooler. it will be fall-like later on here today. we'll have a decent amount of sunshine and we're not expecting rain until thursday or so. so that's a good forecast. 50 now at reagan national. slow warm up today. yesterday we jumped 10-degree during the 9:00 hour. today not the case. 51 in annapolis and let's see if we can find the hot spot. that is fredericksberg, 52. cooler in culpeper at 48. and overnight temperatures here notice mid-40s. warmer because we had cloud cover but this afternoon will be nice. still cooler than yesterday. and finally the cooler and drier air moving in from the frontal system that came through. here is our satellite radar. a couple of things going on. more cloud cover in the forecast. it's been spun off from the area of storminess toward cincinnati and chicago. a very slow moving storm sitting here and spinning with moisture up toward the great lakes. it will eventually makes it way into the washington area but it will take a few days. so our next chance for rain shower is thursday but up ahead of it, clouds thrown into the area. partly cloudy in the course of the afternoon and cooler temperatures. and then tomorrow as it gets closer, we'll have more in the way of cloudiness in the forecast. so this forecast will be slowly changing, but again this storminess is just sitting out here and spinning and bringing snow on the west side of the storm out into eastern portions of kansas. for us, we're going to be cooler than yesterday. this area of high pressure will give us winds out of the east and northeastment so for now clouds and cooler temperatures for the next couple of days but for mid-november, this is not bad. partly cloudy there this afternoon, seasonal temperatures, high temperature of about 59 degrees. winds out of the north and east and the five-day forecast, more clouds, i mentioned it for tomorrow, 56 for the afternoon high. and the next couple of nights lows are in the 40s. and then into thursday, friday and saturday, temperatures will be back near about 60 with a chance for showers during the day on thursday. that will do it for the forecast. tony and allison, back to you at the desk. the doctor at the center of the michael jackson death investigation was in court yesterday. not anything related to michael jackson but for not paying child support. this is video of dr. conrad murray as he's arriving at the courthouse in laugh. he's accused of owing $13,000 to the mother of the sun. in court her attorney said she would wave the right to the money as long as he pays her $1,000 a month from here on out. the city of los angeles plans to fight for the money it spent on security at los angeles for the funeral and even though money was brought in for businesses. the police expected huge crowds and there was no problems. l.a. wants the staples center to reimburse the city. two conjoined girls have been separate and still face hours of reconstructive surgery. now the eggo waffle mystery has been solved. kelloggs says supply is down because of flood damage at the bakery in atlanta. they say they've been making equipment upgrades and repairs at another bakery. kelloggs hopes to have full distribution of eggo products back by the middle of next year. the holidays can be lonely for the single. >> but not to worry. data diva jj is here with her fellas to talk about some tips on how to succeed single during the holidays. first though, another look at today's privia question. what direction does a west wind blow. i would have just said west. but i don't know. >> you could still say it. >> i don't think that's right. do they blow north, south, east or west. the answer is still ahead this morning. we'll back in -- we're back in 3 minutes.  welcome back. it can sometimes be tough to be single. especially during the holiday season. but our dating diva says it is easy to be successfully sismith fellas joins us this morning with tips on -- that will help singles celebrate and enjoy the holiday season. jj thanks for coming in. and russ bell is with us. mr. perfect. thank you for joining us as well. >> appreciate it. >> and the radio show is jj and the fellas. and the book why i love men. >> why i love men by jj smith. >> and the holidays, traditionally this can -- if you're single, unattached, 's a tough time for singles. what is the -- here is what i want to ask you. do too many single people define themselves based on whether or not they're in a relationship? >> i think they do. the important thing to remember is your relationsh tatus does not define your happiness. happiness is an inside job. so no matter whether you are single or married you have to figure out a way to be happy. and right now so many single people dread the holidays because you see couples, walking hand in hand and the lights and it's a constant reminder that they don't have someone special. >> and so russ, weigh in on this. can i ask if you're single? you don't have to answer if you don't want to. >> i'll plead the 5th. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> i don't know, have you ever experienced this during the holiday period? >> let me say. this i think being single around the time of the holidays is awesome. and the best advice i could give is, go to the next corporate holiday function and just stay under the mistletoe for guaranteed action. >> there you go. and if they kick you out, go to the next function. >> you should go to a function that you're part of. >> but in all honesty, it's good to just get out and be social when you're single. it's just a great time of the year and to just have fun. it's the holidays. >> and that is your point as well. you have to -- happiness comes from within. and what are some of the other things people advise to get through the holidays? >> well one of the things that is important is i say for single people, host a holiday party, but not just any holiday party. this is a singles holiday party where i would invite four or five of my single friends and they are required to bring or five of their single friends. so it's not just festive, it's a group of single people and you might meet someone new during the holiday season. so it's called a singles holiday party and that's a great way to meet new people and still have fun and festive times in the holidays. >> and also you talk about creating unique experiences. what does that mean? >> do something different. you may have had traditions growing up that were special to you where your family maybe decorated a tree, but go on an exotic vacation, and do something unique and different that will make your holiday special for you. and so there is always kinds of creative ways to make the holidays memorable for you as an adult. >> and russ, your thoughts about that. a lot of people think they need to stay local. >> go shopping and buy something for yourself. just have fun. i mean, the bottom line is just because you're single and at home, it doesn't mean your life stops. so we're all in agreement. so it's just about having fun and keep the traditions alive. >> and you mention it's a good timeof year to donate some time to charity. >> absolutely. >> and that's for a couple of different reasons. >> right. this is one of the perks of being single. when you wake up, you don't have the dropening their gifts and the toys or you don't have the spouse to exchange gifts, get up and go to a food bank. it really gets you in the spirit of giving, it takes your mind off of you and you really begin to appreciate the holidays because you'll be out giving in someone else's le. so do that on the holidays as well and it will be much more meaningful for you. >> and it is also a situation where you meet other people in that situation and they may be in the same situation you are in. and what is the worst thing someone can do during the holiday, russ? >> sit in the house and not talk to anybody. just be closed off. that's just -- you're creating your own isolation and there is a lot to do. give your time, go to church and do secret santas even through the church. get in the mix and have fun. you don't have to be loney. >> and then you tend to wallow in your own problems if you're alone. >> and you focus on what you don't have. and so go to the parties, if you like to buy gifts then buy them for family and friends and if that's the thing that made your holidays memorable, still do the things meaningful for you. >> stick with the tradition. >> and don't focus on your self- >> very good. we thank both of you for coming in. jj and the fella here today. we'll have me on another occasion. check out the radio show and the book as well. if you go to our website,, we'll link to you jj's website. thank u very much. and if we don't see you before then, have a great holiday. >> thank you. police officers are training to deal with difficult situations but one officer was at a loss when he encountered this risky feline. more on the video coming your way next. and they are very popular this time of year. holly is checking out a local turkey farm. much more ahead this morning. don't go anywhere. we haven't done this for a while. we're going to tell you about the albums dropping in stores and online today. you can pick up the new music from john mayer, releasing his new album called title studies. and kris allen, he released a self titled album. leona lewis is hoping echo will continue her success and it is also available. now to the dvds. great stocking stuffers. pick up jj abrams action packed star trek. i want to see that. and laugh a little with bruno which is not for the whole family. you will also be grossed out. and you can pick up the special 70th anniversary edition of gone with the wind with an alternate ending. >> oh, really? >> i'm just kidding. does she know something about birthing babies? remember that line. >> yes. a great honor for paul mccartney. the lbrary of congress is awarding the former beatle for the gershwin prize. he will come to d.c. next year for an all-star tribute in his honor. he was here over the summer for a stop in his five-week tour. stevie wonder, paul simon are the onlyther musicians to be awarded this prestigious prize. >> and i'd like to offer myself up as the host for that festivity. >> and that would be a no brainer. >> and paul mccartney has a cd at citi field, the new shea stadium from earlier this year. and police officers deal with some intense situations every day. >> bt one texas officer showed he could keep his cool when pestered by a frisky feline. our sister station in austin has more. >> reporter: on a routine traffic stop, off mf 112 in taylor, an unexpected visitor prances on the scene. >> this is a cat saying i want to get more involved in this. so you have this cat climbing up, he's already given up a little bit and says i'm going to finish this citation and go back to work. >> reporter: at least that's what officer keith urban thought. all caught on dash cam, he notified his supervisor of the climbing kitten after the day's work. >> he said, look, i might be in trouble. he goes, i kind of pushed away a cat on my last stop and i'm afraid someone might say i hurt the cat. >> reporter: officer shooed the kiden several times and you might see why. during this stop, the cat continues to push the officer's buttons. climbing up his leg, his arm and eventually -- even his supervisor cracks up to find the cat on top of the officer's head. but the officer is all about business. and he continues to write a speeding ticket while eventhe driver he pulled over offers to help. >> if you need some help, i'll help you with the cat and the officer politely said no, thank you very much. >> reporter: and you'll never guess who we ran into when we came to scout th place out, the little kitty and he is happy and purring and friendly as can be. >> very friendly. >> reporter: carl owns the land where these vacant barns sit and he says he's not surprised. he might just have the most daring cat in taylor. >> well he did that to me too. he would climb up about so far and i would shoo him off. >> reporter: the little guy immediately made friends with our news camera and when it was time to leave even i had the same trouble officer urban had the night f november 12th. >> that's rather odd. that is cute. from a frisky feline to tom turkey. thanksgiving is next week and this morning holly morris is learning about raising turkeys. >> she joins us from the maple lawn turkey farm this morning. i notice you went from the bird to the bird in the package. >> you skipped something. >> we're thankful, trust me. >> reporter: we'll leave that to your imagination. or maybe we'll add another hour to our show and we can cover that. no, we're not doing that either. okay. so listen. here is the deal. yesterday i had on my pie apron and today i have on my turkey apron. and we are here packaging the turkey. chris is taking me through the process and these look like turkeys see in the store, what we're using to seeing. so let's talk about what is going on here. >> right here we're taking the giblets to put back into the turkeys and being packaged in our turkey bags and being sucked out and packaged so they can be sent to grocery stores. we sell some of our turkeys at grocery stores. >> reporter: what stores? >> whole foods. and we sell quite a few to whole foods. >> reporter: what are the giblets? >> they are the gizzards, the heart and liver. >> reporter: and you want to use them or take them out? >> people use them for gravy. and the necks are in the turkey and you can use that to put in your stuffing to give it extra flavor. >> reporter: so i'll try to put one in the back here and if i can, and you'll help me to do it. >> i'll try to show you. see its just like that. make sure the wings get in. >> reporter: get in there, wing. i think i just flung turkey juice in my face. slippery little buggers. that almost slid off the table. >> one down. >> reporter: and how many will they do today? >> about 1500 to 2,000 turkeys a day. you have a few more to go. >> reporter: they're doing such a good job i'll step away from the bagging table and come over to this table because you also package them in paper? >> yes. for customers that -- for our walk-in customers monday, tuesday and wednesday before thanksgiving, we'll package them in our butcher paper. this is how we started to package turkeys that we were selling to individuals. >> reporter: this is a good- looking bird. and in more ways than one. but this is how many pounds? >> about 22 pounds. >> reporter: and how do you know what size turkey to get? >> reporter: we recommend a pound and a half a person. i always say two pounds because i leftovers. >> reporter: and you nt your turkey to be sexy. and why? >> because it has to have good cleavage. and we'll wrap it, roll it, hold both sides and then this bird would go into a bag, a shopping bag for a customer. >> reporter: and those are the people that come here to the farm. >> exactly. >> reporter: and so for people that want to order turkeys from you, do you have a time limit or a deadline? >> we like to have the orders -- we'll stop taking orders by the internet and on the on sunday and the evening. we need to know how many turkeys to prosser per day. >> reporter: and how much are they? >> $1.75 for toms and less for hens. the difference is in the size not the hen. >> reporter: which is more expensive? >> the hen is more expensive. >> reporter: because of the meat to bone ratio. >> because the peat is better quality. i'm just saying. >> i don't know about that. >> reporter: i threw that in there. so quickly before we go. a few cooking tips? >> the main thing to do is not ok it too long. they cook ft. our turkeys cook 10 minutes a past. so for this 22-pounder, 220 minutes and at 350 and the most important thing is the in ternal temperature of at least 165, we recommend 175. >> reporter: and a fresh turkey is always better than a frozen turkey. >> i believe so. >> reporter: i can see why you do. is our website. we have a link to maple lawn farms website. if you want to get your order in. and on this thanksgiving, i'm particularly going to be thankful for people like these, that do this process so i can go buy it like this. back to you. >> you got that right. >> you're absolutely right. >> thanks, holly. we'll be back with the answer to today's trivia question next. don't go anywhere. time for the answer to today's trivia question. as we hear the music from gone with the wind. what direction does a west wind blow? the answer is east. >> why? >> because the west wind blows from the west to to east. we say it's a north wind it's out of the north blowing south. and i'm glad we asked that question, because i think a lot of people don't get that. >> so it's the end of the wind blowing. so it starts here and it ends. >> it's the direction it's coming from. when i say we have a west ind, that means it's coming out of the west and moving into the east. >> right. >> so which direction is out of the southwest going? >> northeast? >> is that i


Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20091023

we're less than two weeks out from election day. we'll meet democratic candidate for attorney general show shannon. you probably know her best as cloe, but she started up in comedy and we'll be joined by her. and the big names keep coming. at 9:00 we'll talk with hillary swank about her new movie amelia, about amelia air hart. and my three girls will be here later for pumpkin carving. >> i should have started with that and ended big. >> save the best for last. >> for me. let's check in with tony perkins. >> they'll be the cutest of all of the guests. >> thank you. good morning, everybody. we have clouds out there this morning, but mild temperatures. primarily in the 50s. here is at the satellite radar. cloudy skies, but if you're driving south toward rich mand on 95 you'll find some sunshine as the sun comes up and the clouds begin to build in. out to the west, that's where the rain it. you can see that's moving to the north northeast. that will make it's way in here, probably the leading edge with scattered showers this afternoon. current temperatures around the region look like this. it is 54 degrees now. we've just dropped off to 54 degrees here in the district. 54 in annapolis. 49 up in baltimore. manassas remains at 46 degrees and in martinsberg, west virginia, it's 50 degrees. your day planner for today, clouds, scattered showers during the afternoon, more rain moves in tonight, particularly late tonight. highs today in the mid-60s, about 64, our average for this date 65 degrees. that's a look at the weather. julie wright is here with a look at the morning traffic. julie wright. >> i have three people in my air. i have two producers and you. all of a sudden i hear my name. all right here we go. we were looking for the crew in sky fox. they were over on the top stretch of the beltway where we had the earlier crash at connecticut avenue. that's moved over to the shoulder so the lanes are open once again. top side of the beltway westbound 495 along the right side of your screen, this is the commute from new hampshire avenue working around towards the exit at connecticut and toward 270. again the accident activity has been moved to the shoulder so all lanes are open. no accidents to report southbound 95 as you travel out of beltsville down to the beltway. back inside, elsewhere, southbound along 270, lanes are open out of rockville and 270 on the slow side. delays sth of 118 toward montgomery village avenue and below speed at shady grove. story is on 95 northbound, where we had an accident at the occuquan. look for delays leaving potomac mills heading north. lorton, to accidents northbound toward the springfield interchange. 66 slows in separate stretches, fair oaks to manassas, nutley street to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. our big story this morning, metro riders can soon breathe easier now that metro is testing a new train detection system. >> it is in the wake of the crash back in june and sherry ly is live with details this morning. >> reporter: good morning allison and steve. metro has been scrambling to come up with a backup train detection system. now after the crash investigators discovered that the current automatic control system failed and now they do have a prototype that is ready for testing as early as next week. nine people died back in june when one train crashed into another. investigators say a track rcuit failed to detect the stopped train. so for the automatic control system it was as if that train wasn't there so long. since then metro has tested every day and that only showers trains hours later. this new system should identify failures immediately. >> you have a train coming down the track and the system will be working and picked up in our control centers and you can see and then we'll be able to send the maintenance people, if it's an a or c track circuit and determine it from there so our maintenance personnel can see what the problem is. and then they verify the problem and they can repair it. >> reporter: now metro has set aside $150 million to help pay for the system. before the accident metro and federal investigators said a backup system like this did not exist so it had to be made up from scratch. and this could be used from other transit systems who also face other similar problems. sherry ly, fox 5 news. back to you. >> sherry ,thankk sherry, thank you. a news conference is scheduled for this afternoon. >> health officials will be grilled on shortages of vaccine and startling figures and how many people, cluding kids, may be sick. gurvir has the latest. >> good morning. the headlines can be scary for parents. one in five children in the united states, that's 20% of children, had flu-like illnesses in the past month, that's according to the new cdc survey. about 7% of adults said they felt like they had the flu and health officials say most of the cases were likely the swine flu. that's why the push is on to get so many people vaccinated. look in arlington this morning. a handful of people in line to get the vaccine on wilson boulevard. those vaccines will be given out at 8:30 this morning and will go until 1:00 this afternoon or as long as supplies last. so it could be shorter. pregnant women and young people take priority, although arlington said they don't have vaccines to ccinate children under 2. and numbers will be given out at 8:00 this morning and vaccinations will begin at 8:30 and this is for nasal shots, for healthy children and adult between 2-49 but pregnant women cannot get the nasal vaccine. they say the short supplier has delayed delivery. i'll head out there and bring you updates throughout the morning. again the swine flu vaccine clinic taking place in arlington and alexandria. and we'll see if the supply is there. >> that's key. thanyou, gurvir. the lines were long as folks were lining up to get to the clinics throughout the area. and you see this is northeast d.c. at elliott hine middle school. one of two clinics held yesterday in the district. there was enough vaccine for everyone, but some d.c. residents complained they were people from maryland and virginia. nobody was turn add way but d.c. health officials remind folks that clinics in d.c. are for city residents only. d.c. does have more clinics planned for tomorrow. you can find a list of the local vaccine clinics and a rundown of symptoms on new this morning, lawmakers on capitol hill th working on the health care option. democrats say the public option is vital to any form as it would let the government compete against private insurance companies. the president also wants it but says it is not a central part of his health care plan. it is official, the u.s. does want roman polanski extradited from switzerland. the 76-year-old movie director is wanted for having sex with a 13-year-old child back in 1977. he pleaded guilty and then pled the country. he is still in jail in switzerland after swiss police arrested him last month. aviation investigators still trying to figure out why an airplane flew past an airport. they flu 150 miles before turning around. the pilots realized what was happening when a flight attendant called them over the intercom. the crew says they got distractioned during a heated discussion over airline policy, but they are also considering pilot fatigue as a reason. fairfax county police are hoping new surveillance video to track down suspects for a jewelry heist. the surveillance footage showing the crowbar breaking the glass and stuffing jewelry into the bag. they escaped from the mall. police are aski anyone who saw anything to give them a call. a crash in southeast d.c. a vehicle slammed into a house on martin luther king avenue. the driver lost control and slammed into the house. the suspects ran off, fortunately no one inside the home was hurt. with just over a week to go now, some big names are joining the campaign in the virginia governor's race. rudy giuliani, lou holts and others campaigning for bob mcdonnell. al gore and former president bill clinton, and barack obama is getting help for deeds. and this week we talked with ken kutchinely. in half an hour we'll sit down with attorney general candidate steve shannon. coming up right after the break, why administration officials found themselves in a standoff with the washington press core. and he was a comedy icon who shared lunch with children. we're remembering sowpy sales. i thought it was crazy feeding in the fall. i always feed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots. that's when the roots sorta want nutrition. i give my lawn scotts winterguard. it's like a root building machine. it builds your lawn from the roots up. next year you get this! the stronger the roots, the stronger the lawn. all year long. the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there is no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it's the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard. i'm steve shannon, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. in this attack ad, ken cuccinelli says, "it's a study in contrasts and judgment," and it is. steve shannon was a fairfax county prosecutor who convicted hundreds of drunk drivers. ken cuccinelli has no experience as a prosecutor. and ken cuccinelli opposed tougher penalties for repeat drunk drivers. he said, quote, "a suspect might not recall a previous dui arrest." that's the true contrast. here's to discovering that the little things in life are often big things and the time well spent doesn't always mean money must be spent people everywhere are building their lives on more solid ground through sound choices and a smart approach to their finances and they're turning to suntrust for easy ways to save money and take more control over it live solid, bank solid. suntrust. [ sound of gunfire ] those were the loudest gunshots ever. he built his career on pies in the case. soupy sales has died. he did thousands of live tv series for half a centuries and the pie toss became so famous, celebrities wanted to come on the show. >> i did not foe he pioneered the pie in the face. for a mass consumption. >> see that bit there where he was at the door. >> alice cooper. >> that was alice cooper. >> he's about to get a pie in the face now. count it down. [ laughter ] >> here is the thing. if you're a younger person in, your 20s, you have likely no idea who we are talking about. but on 60s he was all over tv, on game shows, had his own kids show in the 50s and one of the things we hen't mentioned but one of the big things he did, on his kids show, he jokingly said to the kids, your parents are probably still asleep, here is your chance to go into your parents' bedroom, get out a dollar from your daddy's wallet and send it to me. and kids did it. they didn't realize the power of tv at that point. >> and he seemed like a nice guy too. >> a funny man and a pioneer. >> that's funny. i hadn't heard that before. how much money did he get? >> i don't know. just really quick, the other thing, he would open a door on his show and a guest would come out. well a moose came out. well his crew surprised him as a joke, had a knacked woman behind the door that you couldn't see on the air, but his reaction is hysterical. opening the door and seeing this naked woman. and he can't say what is going on. he's going back and looking in again. >> the old stump the coedian trick. >> exactly. let's look at what is going on with the weather conditions. we'll start with hd radar. and i want to show you the rainfall out to the west, it's well out to the west, move ago cross indiana, kentucky, tennessee. there are thunderstorms embedded in that the southern end of that system. now we will see some of this rain move in here but i think it will be late today. i think the bulk of the day will be rain free. so not bad. look at the forecast for today, as a matter of fact. and then we'll take you through the weekend. mostly cloudy this morning, some rain moves in, scattered showers this afternoon and then more rainfall during the night and particularly during the overnight hours. looking at the weekend, tomorrow and saturday not a washout, it will be cloudy and periods of rain and thunderstorm activity, but it won't rain all day long. but there will be periods. sunday we begin to dry out. sunny and warmer with a high of about 70 degrees. so there you go for the weekend forecast. >> going to be nice on sunday. >> i'm not sure if it will be 70 on sunday. i think more in the mid-60s. my apologies about that. >> it's okay. we'll take it. >> thanks, tony. let's check in with julie wright and get a look at traffic. >> new accident reported now on the beltway near 214, central avenue. callers are saying there could be an overturned vehicle involved in the crash. that would be the beltway, 214 central avenue in prince george's county. keep your eyes pealed for that. and past university boulevard to connecticut on 95, a slow roll from 95 college park through silver spring. 95 slows 212 through the beltway. 395 heavy across the 14th street bridge but all lanes are open. 95 northbound slowing out ofdale city toward lorton and 66 on separate stretches, manassas and nutley street through the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. making headlines this morning, a new war of words in the white house. but it's not about the economy, it's not about helth care or even afghanistan. it's all over the obama administration acting out against one cable news network. but now other media outlets are helping to fight back. doug luzader has the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: this may have been a bridge too far for the white house but it brought to the surface what has been a long, simmering dispute. it started as something that should be routine for the white house. executive ken fineberg has made a decision to reduce payouts and the white house made him available for round robin interviews where one reporter gets a chance to sit down with him but this time the white house wanted to exclude fox news. >> the administration promised during the campaign that they would usher in an era of post partisanship here in washington, but what they're doing is really flat out despicable. >> reporter: and among those taking issue with the white house were the washington bureau chiefs of every major tv network who banded together and refused to conduct any interviews unless fox was included. the white house quickly backed down. but as a inal gesture, lited fineberg's interviews to just two minutes apiece. david zer wick writes for the baltimore sun. >> i think it's outrageous that the white house tried that. that's number one. and my second reaction is i'm really cheered by the other members saying no, if fox can't be part of it, we won't be part of it. >> reporter: but this is part of an ongoing spat with fox and the white house has taken issue with fox opinion shows issued by glenn beck and shawn hannah. >> i have watched many stories on that network that i found not to be true. >> reporter: critics say this is similar to having an enemy's list, which is close to the nixon administration. the president ignores interview requests from fox but he did tell nbc this dispute is not something he's losing sleep over. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. >> thanks, doug. 7:20 right now. and a mother's desperate plea as the search for her 7-year- old daughter's killer is on. a quick action to save a man's life who is sinking is coming up next. it's now 7:21. ♪ ♪ find your favorite brands from head to toe. all the looks you love and the colors you crave. for an affordable unforgettable fall. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney. still no sign of a missing virginia tech student who vanished during a concert last weekend in charlottesville. she is morgan haring ton. she was last seen outside of the john paul joan as rina saturday night. her purse and cell phone were found in a nearby parking lot. last night dozens of people held a vigil in her home town of roanoke. her parents thank everyone for support. the search for the florida girl has ended. the hunt is on for her killer. she disappeared after walking home from school with her sister and a group of friends. they are calling her death a homicide after her body was found in a landfill. her mother asked for support. >> please, you don't have to tell them who you are, you don't have -- you're not going be in trouble if you give the answers just help us find who this is. don't let another -- i never thought in all of my life that i would ever have to do this. even know anybody. i don't want to see another parent feel empty. >> an autopsy has been completed but the sheriff is not saying what caused the death or if she was sexually assaulted. an elderly man in new jersey is lucky to be alive after a fishing trip gone wrong. he got stuck waist deep in mud while trying to catch fish and used his cell phone for help. police arrived to find him sinking fast. it tookrescue crews over an hour to get him to rescue. he is now expected to be okay. it is 7:25 right now. the white house continues to hold meetings about the next move in afghanistan. and the country is bracing for a runoff election. we get insight from a challenger after the break. and we continue to meet the candidates. we'll sit down with the democratic candidate for attorney general steve shannon.  you wanted more. you wanted videos and photos... email and broadband. you wanted to run your business from anywhere... and instant messaging to stay in touch with everyone. you wanted apps to find music, news, or the way home. ok your wireless companies... grow your world. the white house and senior senators working on the health care overhaul. the senate has not supported the public option but some top senate democrats are now thinking of included it. today the top u.s. military commander in afghanistan will talk to nato officials about troops. mcchrystal is expected to brief defense administrators on his ground war. they're focused on turning over power to afghan security forces, giving them control over the war. mcchrystal has asked the obama administration for up to 80,000 more troops. afghanistan is also preparing for runoff presidential election following the dispute of an election earlier this year between karzai and abdullah. and there is a rare interview with abduhl a by chris wallace this weekend. good morning. what an exclusive coming up on sunday. >> we'll talk about this from all aspects. the reason they're having the runoff is because there was such rampant fraud, and so much vote stuffing for the current president, karzai, that they ended up stripping him of a million ballots in afghanistan, which is why we're going to have a runoff. we'll be talking to abdullah on sunday and talk to the head of the senate committee that deals with troop levels and a republican critic about this long strategic review. the president is involved in it and when will he make up his mind and what is he going to decide. he has everything on the tail to sending a few thousand more troops to 60-80,000 more troops. we'll talk to the senators about that. and we'll talk about this continuing battle not just with fox news and the white house targeting other institutions that it believes is an opponent or enemy of the white house, the chamber of commerce, the health insurance industry, talking to leaders from both of those organizations about the white house targeting and trying to isolate them. >> the media becoming the news, if you will. >> we had a very interesting development yesterday where the white house made the pay czar, the fella who decided to have the big cuts to the wall street companies and they said fox news couldn't be included. thankfully our colleagues in the media, nbc and abc, all said no, if fox isn't included, we won't do any interviews. the white house backed down. so one more in the continuing batal. >> things are definitely heating up on the hill and all over washington. thanks for joining us this morning. >> you bet. >> and you can catch fox news sunday at 9:00 right after fox 5 morning news. >> getting interesting. that on sunday morning. 7:32. and we'll check in with tony for our forecast as we look forward to sunday, saturday, fridaythe whole weekend. >> oh, yeah. and there are some part that's some are looking forward to and some parts folks aren't looking forward to. but we ave very pretty skies out there right now. quite a bit of cloud cover across the region but no precipitation at this hour and mild temperatures. so that is a good thing. let's take a look at the temperatures that are being reported across the region. and we'll show you what is going on out there. first of all, 54 degrees here in the district. dulles airport is 52. cambridge is at 55 degrees. quantico 52 and in gaithersburg it is 48. now there is some cold air in place up to the north. binghamton, new york, 39 degrees there. allison spent some time there. that's where she started her career. or was it where you started. >> utica and then binghamton. >> let's go to our true view radar. i'll show you what is shaping up outside. rain off to the west, moving across indiana and into ohio, across central portions of kentucky and tennessee. we've been seeing thunderstorm activity, it looks like that has dissipated now. all of this rainfall out to the west but making it's way east northeast so we'll get some showers working in here. i expect a couple of stray showers to pop up during the course of the afternoon. i think particularly to the west. and then tonight the real rainfall begins to move into our area. let's go back to the graphics and we'll show you the forecast for today as you take a look at the surface map. mild temperatures again. not in the 70s. that frontal system pushes the rain into our area and for tomorrow we could see some scattered thunderstorm activity up and down the eastern seaboard. here is the forecast then for washington for today. we're looking for a high today of about 64 degrees. this is the projected future cast for the rest of today and the weekend with those rain showers coming through here again this evening during the overnight hours and into saturday. with the possibility of some heavier rainfall, not so much during the day or early in the day saturday, but later in the day during the evening and afternoon. 64 for your high today. rain developing later. we told you about saturday. sunday 65 with improving conditions for the big marine corp marathon. although a damp start. monday 67 and sun. clouds and the possibility of rain on tuesday. that's a look at had a is happen -- what is happening with the weather. now to julie wright. on southbound 95 south of 214, central avenue, we had the crash involving the car into the guard rail. it was not overturned but on its side along the guard rail, leaning over to the left. so southbound delays from 202, outer loop rubbernecking from ritchie marlboro road. 95 south as montgomery village avenue, hitting the brakes in rockville, and below speed on the split. no accidents on 395. the pace is slow leaving duke street and across the 14th street bridge. outbound rhode island at south dakota we have a crash. follow police direction to get by. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. thanks very much. in just 11 days to go until election day and in virginia the race for virginia governors grabbing the headlines but the commonwealth also selecting the new attorney general. today we have steve shannon. >> thanks for having me. >> and i'll ask you the same things we had this week with ken kutchinely. i know you have to represent the entire state. for our viewers we want to know what is happening in northern virginia and how do you plan to address their needs. >> my wife and i and our kids, we live in fairfax and i got involved in public safety many years ago it was a saturday morning in the 1990s and my wife learned about the first amber alert which was started in texas, a child safety initiative that looks for any child reported abducted. northern virginia didn't have that sort of plan. and we worked with officials in fairfax, loudoun and other areas to put together the first interstate amber alert program. i became a state prosecutor working in fairfax county and i was involved in violent crimes for children. i represent tysons corner and vienna and oakton as a official. i represent people who are mainstream and want people in public life focused on bringing folks together and taking on big issues. i think what they don't want is somebody with a cultural agenda or a social agenda. they want people in the mold of mark warner and tim kaine and i've over the past six years focused on bread and butter public safety issues, focused by keeping everyone in the community safe. >> it sounds like you're talk about your opponent. there was a story in the examiner, you were calling your opponent too extreme. >> the washington post have followed our careers and mr. kutchinely has focused on cultural issues, social issues, fighting washington, d.c., talking about the 10th amendment and state sovereighty. and if you're going to be the top law enforcement officer of the state, focus on practical ways to keep the community safe. instead he's talking about things about denying global warming, saying it's a conspiracy theory and referring to people that care about the environment as communist. that's not about keeping the community safe. that's expressing a personal or political agenda. i think we should take care of everybody. making sure every family and kid is safe in virginia. >> is there more to the position of attorney general than just fighting crime in virginia? >> it's two-fold. it's a very big job when you look at our model of attorney general versus the model in other states. you are the top law enforcement officer. so you actually handle all of the criminal appeals that come from the commonwealth attorneys offices in addition to prosecuting certain types of cases. the other things that your general counsel to the state agency, the governor upon request, the legislature, you appear before the state corporation commission as the advocate for the consumer, you represent our universities and community colleges. and you want somebody who is mainstream. you want somebody who is central and focused on providing good legal services as opposed to promoting a personal agenda. and the washington post said one of the concerns was that good lawyers would leave the office because of that and the office would be ridiculed because he would promote a personal political agenda. so we want somebody doing good lawyering who is trying to make sure our communities are safe and providing good legal counsel to our agency clients. >> now in virginia, you do have a republican leading in the governor's race and the lieutenant governor's race. if you are elected, you can work with that? >> absolutely. my obligation of course is to be the lawyer for the governor and the executive agencies and the departments. i take that role quite seriously. to me, it doesn't matter, particularly public safety, if you're a republican or a democrat, i just want common sense ideas that work. and i'm really focused on trying to bring people together. that's what being a centralist is all about. my agenda is keeping families safe and that is something that most people in elected office have a vested interest in. >> about a week and a half now until election day and the polls do have you behind. what is the strategy for the stretch run. >> the only poll i care abou is on november 3rd. my focus is on keeping virginia families safe. i'm promoting a positive message. i have my commercials running on fox news. i talk about the am better ahart, my work representing kids in the courtroom when i was a prosecutor. my focus on every day keeping families and kids safe. in contrast, i'm not focused on promoting a cultural agenda, i'm not focused on attacking people for caring about the environment, i'm not one of the people who says global warming is a conspiracy theory. i want people to know there is a difference in the race on november 3rd. >> we'll find out in 11 days. steve shannon, thanks for joining us this morning. best wishes. >> thank you, steve. and 7:41 on this morning. and high drama in game five of the american league championship. did we have another walkoff in this post season. and plus redskins new play caller sherm lewis makes its debut. how jim zorn plans on fighting his urges to chime in. that's coming up next. meet the volkswagen jetta. it gets an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon, and was named an iihs top safety pick. all for just $189 a month. and like all new volkswagens, it comes with 3 years or 36,000 miles of no charge scheduled carefree maintenance. it's all part of why the jetta is the top-selling german engineered sedan in america. i always feed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots. that's when the roots sorta want nutrition. i give my lawn scotts winterguard. it's like a root building machine. it builds your lawn from the roots up. next year you get this! the stronger the roots, the stronger the lawn. all year long. the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there is no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it's the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard. game five last night, the yankees nick swisher with the chance to become the next great yankee hero and wrap up the american league championship. but with the based loaded in the 9th, he popped out and the angels get the win. the yankees still lead the series 3 games to 2. and that means the alcs is headed back to the bronx. game six set for saturday night. angies can close it out with a win, the angels are hoping become the next 2004 red sox. >> you know why? because they came back from a 3- 1 game deficit from the yankees. >> who we're rooting for. >> you can root for whoever you like. as for the redskins turmoil -- the nationals, not the capitals. and this is the redskins now. >> what are you talking about? >> sherm lewis -- >> you shed i could root for whoever i wanted. >> sherm lewis is taking over play calling. jim zorn will have game plan responsibilities and that boils down to deciding weather to punt or go for it on the fourth down. >> i'm going to be on the headset, but i'm going to led -- sherm has to do his thing and i don't want -- >> i don't want any temptation of overriding him. >> the way we're kind of set up, it's just -- it is what it is. but you have to see how they make plays. we bank on and account they're going to be doing it. it's just a little -- it's a process. >> that is so hard. >> so sherm is going to be in the booth? >> i believe so. >> and relay the plays to zorn and zorn relays the plays to the players? >> perhaps. >> that's a lot. >> let's hope zorn is not the vindictive type. he could say, i don't know. i can't hear him. >> or it could be if the play doesn't work, well -- >> i think this is sad right now in the redskins. >> it's a little mixed up. and i'm sorry, i didn't follow you. i would love to use the words nationals and a world series in the same sentence. >> it could happen. we're getting the weather now. let me hear the occur -- here are the current temperatures around the region. 54-degrees in washington. manassas is 46. stevensville 54. frederick, maryland, 48 and in fredericksberg, it is 52 degrees. here is a look at the satellite radar. and i'm going to give you a couple of different views here. first of all, here is the big view. there is a cold front out to west, associated with the cold front, rainfall and including areas of heavy rain and thunderstorm activity. now that is what is going to be our game changer here in our region. right now we have cloudy skies. there is moisture out to the west but the bulk of that rainfall is still quite a ways away. so maybe a scattered shower or two during the afternoon and rain tonight and into tomorrow. here is your forecast for today. it's going to be cloudy today. and like i said, the rain moving in with showers in the afternoon. the rain begins in earnest later on tonight. high today 64 degrees. and i want to mention. i have an e-mail from cynthia mcclain who wants to know for the howard university homecoming tomorrow around 1:00, can we expect rain at game time. i would say yes. be prepared for scattered rain showers during the course. >> if hampton gets rain, howard gets rain. >> and where do you live now? >> she's going to the hampton home. >> you get the e-mails and phone calls. >> i love it. she's going down to the 757, baby. love it. i'll te my momma to keep an eye out for you. if you're traveling along the top stretch of the beltway and the lanes are open toward connecticut avenue where earlier there was a crash. that's been cleaned up. traffic is still very slow at this point leaving 650 toward silver spring. southbound 95 traffic slowing at 212 out of beltwaysville down toward the beltway. had the crash out bound at north dakota avenue, a toe truck removing accident vehicle. that is a live shot of 395 northbound from the pentagon. below speed across the 14th street bridge. a lot of the travel is slow on 395 leaving the beltway towards king street. that's where we have two cars stopped on the left shoulder and that's the focal point of the northbound delay. no accidents to report on 66. the pace is slowing in centreville and then again 7100 to 123 after nutley street to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. halloween is a week from tomorrow. >> and that doesn't leave you much time to find that costume. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, steve and allison. you said it, halloween is what, only a week away. but we're having halloween this morning here at tysons corner mall. take a look behind me. a lot of the cute kids all dressed up. this morning, we'll talk about the latest outfits that you can dress your kids up as and we'll talk about how to save a little money this year. everyone is looking to save some cash this halloween and we'll tell you how. that's coming up when the fox 5 morning news continues. stay with us. one of the ways we're saving some money is doing a big family dinner. my sister cooks for both families one night and then i do the same. we make a lot of lasagna. that way, everyone has leftovers to take home and they have dinner or lunch fothe next night. i'm always looking for deals and specials. i'm always keeping my eye out to save a little extra money. we understand saving money is important to you. that's why at giant, we've created thousands of new deals storewide. we save money, and we have extra time to spend with the family, and that works for us. it is getting down to crunch time to figure out your costume this year. >> some costume prices can be scary too. but you don't have to spend a fortune to look great. matt acland is with us this morning. >> reporter: have your girls picked out your outfits this morning. >> they have. but what about me? >> reporter: first i want to introduce you to lauren rothman with style la >> good morning. >> reporter: so many outfits out thre. >> we have so many cute kids hanging out in the background in adorable costumes. >> reporter: mom and dad are at home thinking what am i going to dress up my kids as. >> most when they think about halloween, they forget about coming to the mall and tysons corner has some amazing options. so a couple of my favorites, we have sophie here. hi, stovey. what are you today? you look like a kitten. >> yeah. >> this is a fabulous costume. this is old navy, $22.50. >> reporter: that's not bad. >> it's fleece, it's warm, it's cozy and will be nice for the season. and it's adorable. >> reporter: i used to get them in a box. there would be a little thing. >> there are so many different options. you have the ones in a bag but you have different sizes, cost omized fits, this is great, because it's two pieces it covers. >> reporter: it's easy to get in and out. i like emily. >> this is adorable. this is our bumble bee princess. >> reporter: emily, i like your outfit. >> and dore little twirl for us. this is a great costume. this is from pottery barn kids. and then we have sophie the kitten from old navy. and we have such diversity from our retailers. >> reporter: is it all together. do you have to put this together yourself or does it come as a package. >> what came is her dress and her head band and her wings and then her treat bag and this is a great turtle neck and little leggings so this is something you can do from home, but we got this from gymboree and this is from h & m. and most kids have a black t-shirt or turtle neck. and if you don't have leggings, you can take a pair of tights on the cut off the bottoms and they become leggin. >> reporter: i have a pair of leggings around. >> i know there are moms out there saying i don't have leggings. >> reporter: and you say most popular year after year is the pumpkin. >> this is ethan and this is another pottery barn kids costume. and we love this, because every year mom has a pumpkin and ethan is a pumpkin. and this is such a great costume. and again, he has his own turtle neck and leggings on and these are great because you can -- >> reporter: he's chatty this morning. we're running out of time so she me some of the outfits you have here. those are more for toddlers. >> this is newborn. so this is a drat little drag on costume for your zero to 6- month-old. this is old navy. and then we also have some dog costumes. and that is just one of my favorite looks because everybody wants to dress up their dog. i know my dog is getting dressed up. >> reporter: and in our next segment we'll talk about saving some cash. and some things to do at home. maybe you want to be creative or do something different and be different from the kids down the block. >> right. who got their cost oms. >> some of these are mass produced. >> and you don't want to show up being exactly like your neighbor. so we have some tricksism we'll see you in about an hour. >> sounds good. >> reporter: allison, what are your kids dressing up as? >> a military girl, one is a cute drake you'lla and the last is a spidery witch. >> reporter: did you buy them in a box or are you making them? >> make them? >> reporter: you went out and bought em. put it on the card. >> we'll see you next hour. coming up after 8:00, we'll check out the weekend events around town. and then. >> actressand singer mary lynn rice cub is here from the fox hit 24. she'll tell us why she's in town this weekend and where you can see her perform. did you know she's a comedian? >> i did not. >> fox 5 morning news will be right back. i thought it was crazy feeding in the fall. i always feed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots. that's when the roots sorta want nutrition. i give my lawn scotts winterguard. it's like a root building machine. it builds your lawn from the roots up. next year you get this! the stronger the roots, the stronger the lawn. all year long. the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there is no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it's the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard. wait, christmas? didn't we just carve pumpkins? - they have layaway! - genius. exclusive kmart layaway! get the hottest gifts on your list now, pay a little each week and pick them up in the nick of time. there's smart, and there's kmart smart. four months after the metro crash, the transit agency has come up with a way to prevent future crashes and hopes to have testing next week. then a northwest airlines full of passengers missed the minneapolis airport by 150 miles. why? the pilots say they were in a heated discussion. we'll take a closer look coming up. and then new numbers about the swine flu and who it is hitting and where you can get a vaccination today. good morning, i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. and she plays cloe on fox's 24 but this weekend mary line rice cub will take on a different role. >> she'll be joined by a number of comedians you can see around the d.c. area this weekend. and we'll get the scoop on that from here. and we want to check in with tony perkins who has a nice forecast us today. at lea it will be nice the first part of the day, because we might have a little bit of rain apparently coming in later on today. right mr. perkins. >> and what is it with that? >> i thought i was doing it over there, but it's over here. >> i like you leaning into the shot. >> thank u very much. i'm going to do that from now. i don't know what you said but we're going to get some rainfall later on today. we'ltake a look at hd radar and show that to you. it's nowhere near here right now. it's out to the west. and here is what i think will happen. maybe a couple of scattered showers during the afternoon but the rain moves in in earnest tonight i believe. there it is right now. moving into ohio as we speak. portions of west virginia, western west virginia seeing light rain, heavier rainfall and even some thunderstorm activity in central tennessee at this hour. here are the teams across the region. let's see what the new temperature is here. 55. there you go. 55 here in d.c. it has dropped off to 55 in new york city. 39 up in binghamton new york and 65 in raleigh, north carolina. today a lot of clouds around. we will see a couple of scattered showers in the afternoon and more rain tonight and into tomorrow and tomorrow will be a fairly rainy day. high temperature today about 64 degrees, well below yesterday's high of 73 at national, 77 at dulles airport yesterday. that's a look at the weather. more is coming up in just a little bit. >> tony, thank you. let's check in with julie wright with a look at traffic at 8:00. >> busy ride foreshows shaping up into downtown. 95 at king street, activity moving to the shoulder but delays back to the beltway. south on 270, pace improving for those leaving 28 toward the lane divide. outer loop still very slow. college park to connecticut avenue with an accident on the shoulder is now cleared. if you are traveling the beltway near 214 central avenue, accident on the shoulderwith the inner loop delay from 50, the john hanson highway, outer loop slow of route 4. this is a live shot of 66 inside of the beltway past falls church. again all lanes are open, no accidents all the way in toward the bridge. out bound 7 at countryside, two separate accidents there. stay throat t -- to stay throat to get by. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. metro has undergone some major updates. four months after the deadly crash that sparked an investigation to the safe ty procedures. metro is on the verge of testing a new train detection system and we find out how it works from sherry ly. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, steve. this train detection system can find a problem realtime. so if there is a failure on metro, they would know about it immediately. and that is something that the current anti-collision system could not do. and the result as we saw in the red line crash were deady. now when the crash happened, killing 9 people on june 22nd, metro had been under pressure -- or metro has been under pressure to develop a backup detention system. metro admits the automatic control system failed when the trains derailed. now metro has a prototype ready for testing and the agency has set million to pay for it. now since the crash, metro has tested it's system twice daily but that only detects oblems hours later. new system should detect failures as they happen, a critical change that could save lives. >> it will be immediate. and once that track circuit is determined and we'll know it right away buzz i said it's in realtime, so we'll know right away and we'll be able to send the maintenance personnel out. we worked extremely hard to get to this point and we'll keep going because we wanted to get a device that would be realtime and so we'll start with the test in process and see how far this takes us. >> reporter: now the ntsb recommended back in july that metro create a backup alert system like this that could detect failures on a realtime basis and at the time both the ntsb and metro said no such system existed. it's taken threes months to find someone to create this prototype and develop it and it could be tested as early as next week we're told. and if it works, there is no word yet on when this system could be put in systemwide. live from takoma park, sherry ly, fox 5 news. and we have more metro knew. as a braking system caught on fire last night on the rockville station. passengers have been off load. but while the empty train was on the way to the rail yard, the train caught on fire. everything is back up and running on the red line this morning into there were problems on the road. an out of control stolen car slammed into a house. d.c. police tell us officers were following the car when the driver lost control and slammed into thehouse. you see what was left there. the people inside the stolen car then ran off. police are still looking for them. no one inside that house was hurt. federal officials want to know if pilot fatigue was a factor after a northwest airlines flight missed a minneapolis airport by 150 miles. >> i don't know what to make of it. >> reporter: passengers are in disbelief. >> are you going to tell your pilot to pay attention when you board today. >> i'm going to pray. >> reporter: wednesday night the tower lost communication for more than an hour with a northwest airline flight with 144 passengers and 5 crew on board. a flight tracker showed how flight 188 from san diego to the twin cities flu right past the airport. at 7:58 p.m. an into wisconsin, overshooting the airport by 150 miles. the plane didn't descend from 30,000 feet until radio communication was restored around 8:15. the flight turned around and landed safety. airport police and the fbi interviewed the crew and made a stunning discovery. the ntsb says the crew stated they were in a heated discussion over airline policy and they lost situational awareness. >> that's pretty silly. and they should certainly get reprimanded for that, if nothing else. i find it hard to believe in this day and age that pilots can be that ignorant of what is going on in the cockpit. but stranger things have happened in the cockpit, you know. >> reporter: in a statement, delta which now owns northwest says the pilots have been relieved from flying pending an investigation. they say safety it the top priority. but given the merger passengers might question how friendly the skies may be. >> i would have some concerns flying that airline. thank goodness i'm waiting for someone from midwest. >> this incident didn't just delay the flight, there were big concerns the flight had been hijacked. there were fighter jets ready to examble before they were contacted. the flight data recorder is being sent here to washington for analysis. one service member is dead, eight others are injured after an army blackhawk helicopter crashed on a navy ship during a training exercise off the coast of the virginia. this happened aboard the usns arctic north of virginia beach. the victims name has not been released and the cause is being investigated. it is friday morning, 9 minutes past 8:00 and up next -- >> the latest swine flu stats and more on where you can get vaccinated today. and then the celebration of the 100 anniversary of herbert block. we'll get more on the free exhibition and the companion book when hanes johnson joins us live coming up next. if you want to know why your 3g coverage works so well on verizon wireless, thers a map for that. or why you can watch videos at 3g speed, almost anywhere, there's a map for that. and if you want to know why some people have spotty 3g coverage, there's a map for that, too. yep, with five times more 3g coverage than at&t, there's lots of reasons to switch-- to verizon wireless. come in now for great new samsung 3g messaging phones, starting at 49.99. come in now for great new samsung 3g messaging phones, you all excited? kids, you all excited? all right, well, hang on, you're going to experience fall like never before. [ all cheering ] nothing says fall like dunkin' donuts. try our pumpkin lattes, muffins, and donuts. like the fall season, these flavors won't be here forever. dunkin' donuts. america runs on dunkin'. try any of our authentic hot lattes, including our pumpkin latte, for just 99 cents. i'm steve shannon, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. in this attack ad, ken cuccinelli says, "it's a study in contrasts and judgment," and it is. steve shannon was a fairfax county prosecutor who convicted hundreds of drunk drivers. ken cuccinelli has no experience as a prosecutor. and ken cuccinelli opposed tougher penalties for repeat drunk drivers. he said, quote, "a suspect might not recall a previous dui arrest." that's the true contrast. scary news about the swine flu as lest government survey finds more children are getting sick. 20% of kids have had a flu-like illness this month. and most of the cases are h1n1. 86 american children have died after coming down with the h1n1 virus. in an effort to help kids healthy. howard county public schools will vaccinate with the parents permission. 1300 elementary school students will be vaccinated today. middle school students will get the vaccine next week. young children and parents of young children can get the nasal vaccine at the health department. numbers were given out at 8:00, about 13 minutes ago. arlington county also vaccinating residents at the department of human services. the clinic runs from 8:30 to 1:00 while supplies last. and tomorrow in fairfax county they will hold a vaccination clinic from 9:00 to 5:00 at the government center for children age 6 months to 36 months old and pregnant women. it's 8:14. we want to check in with tony perkins who is finding some sunshine for us today. and if you can't find it in the skies. >> we'll find it with the cuteness factor of the day. >> absolutely. and let's get to it. this is time now for the my first 5 photo of the day. take a look. this is -- this is 2.5-year-old joshua who recently had a little fun finger painting as you can see. >> really cute. little body art. >> as a neat nick, i'm not a big fan of the finger painting. >> it looks cute on him. >> it's fun if you get involved too. >> but they do love it. it's a lot of fun. so joshua, keep up the great work. he is a budding artist. if you want to send in your child's picture, go to and click on the mornings. let's take a look at the radar. we can show you across the region what is going on outside. there you go. we are seeing clos around our area. that's it. no precipitation. we do have some rainfall out to the west. that is well out to the west, across ohio. just beginning to work it's way into west virginia, light showers there. heavier rainfall is across western ohio, central kentucky and north central tennessee. so it will take some time for that to get here. forecast for d.c. for today shapes up like this: looking for a high of 64 degrees. mostly cloudy skies, rain moves in, beginning this afternoon with scattered showers but the bulk of the rain i think holds off until tonight for most of the viewers. when the rain does come in, it will move in from the west to the east so for example, if you're in leesberg, you'll get rain sooner than we'll get it in washington and washington will get it sooner than annapolis. here is a look at the weather forecast for those of you with out door plans there is the howard university homecoming, the hampton university homecoming and on sunday the marine corp marathon. tomorrow a high of 70 but periods of rain maybe even thunderstorms in the afternoon. sunday we dry out, we'll see more sunshine and a temperature of about 65 degrees. that's a look at what is happening with the weather. now let's get an update on traffic and to that we go to julie wright. >> on any given friday or saturday night, my hair stands up like that when i come home, just like joshuas. but i never look that cute. >> but we would like to see if, if you could bring a photo in. >> let me tell you. make is all smeared down the side of my face. even the dog goes whoa. on the road, top side of the beltway, slowdowns leaving college park past university boulevard toward georgia avenue. all lanes are open. and i have to tell you, i just checked out 270 when tony was going the weather, and the pace good to go. clear to the split. westbound in loudoun county, 7, accident affectiveity cleared. eastbound traffic is good all the way into tysons. 395 at seminary, pace is improving quickly ' s work across the inbound 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. the men fighting to be governor of virginia with pulling out the big guns with a help of boost of high profile name. and rudy giuliani and mitt romney and mike huckabee and bruce smith and notre dame football coach lou holts giving support to mcdonnell. creigh deeds is getting help from al gore, bill clinton and the president. according to the washington post, they say deeds ignored advice from the white house and ran a poor campaign. democratic strategists are disappointed that he didn't listen to tim kaine that said to stop at tack adds on mcdonnell. and for his work for the library of congress, the cartoonists who work was known in congress, twisting the nose of many. hisco author hanes johnson joins us to talk more about it. it's a pleasure to meet you. >> thank you. i'm glad to be here. >> and this is the book. before we started talking, you said you're so proud and it's nice to hear an accomplished journalist proud of something. >> i'm enormously proud of this book because herb was a great man and cartoonist but it's so relevant. if you look at these cartoons, i'm not just trying to sell the book, i am, but it tells you about the history back to the depression and look at the scenes then and now. you're seeing people out of work and the problems of the economy, the problems of fear in the world and war. and then you go all the way through, hitler, world war ii, vietnam, the mccarthy era, right up just before 9/11. and you look at these cartoons annual find it eerie how pertinent they are today, and they're done in chronological order. >> and it alsos a dvd of all of the cartoons that you have here. >> thousands and thousands of cartoons. >> some 18,000. >> it's unbelievable. and there are 200 in the book of the cartoons. >> and we were showing some of them. let's get to those. let's look at some of those. you showed the one of the economy. and history just repeats. and there is another one of somebody being held hostage at the gas pump. and there we see the one that we were talk about with the economy going downhill and gerald ford in the drivers seat. tell us about this one. >> the economy was in terrible shape and herb would draw these cartoons that brought you into the moment and that was his genius. and he could look ahead and forecast what was going to be happening in a way that is really strange. >> look at pitch forks waiting. this one is called the getaway. and this one is a recent -- this one is a more recent cartoon. >> that's the supreme court nomination vote that gave the presidency to george w. bush. and this is at the end of herb's 13th president. he had covered every cartoon for a president starting with hoover. it's unbelievable. >> it's amazing. that one speaks for itself, hitler. and next one is called hostages and that's when the gas crisis of the 1970s -- i remember that pain, sitting in the long lines with my parents. >> and we still have the same problem about energy and oil and being held hostage by america. we haven't done anything about it still. >> next one shows nixon. and i imagine mr. block had a lot of fun during the nixon years. >> he did. from the very beginning, they were mortal enemies. but look at that. that's wonderful. >> and the last one is a good way to end because it shows the genius at work and this was taken in office, in 1980, last picture there. >> that's herb. that's a lovely man. he was soft-spoken, gentle kind and you put him in the cartoonist pen and co be dead lick and di. >> and i remember that we studies this in high school and but now the younger generation doesn't know as much. how would you like him to be remembered. >> i would like him to be remembered as a great commentator on human life and calling us to be better and these have a sweep of history that brings you to back where you were. if you didn't study out of this book, you get it here. >> and it was just contagious about having this book come out. and we want to say you have another book as well. >> well, yes. we did a book on the election called the battle for america 2008 that we just finished. so i'm promoting two books at the same time. but this herb book, i love it. >> hanes johnson, pulitr prize winning journalist and the book herb block, the life of a journalist. thank you. some musicians are upset after finding out their music may have been used to torture prisoners at guantanamo bay. and we'll take a look at some extravagant costumes out there and some that you can make from things at home. stay tuned. fox 5 morning news is coming right back. ♪ home is where i want to be. ♪ the only place that feels like me. ♪ ♪ the world outside just melts away ♪ ♪ relax, unwind, wrap up the day. ♪ ♪ where i spend the night and start the day. ♪ olympic premium paint, environmentally preferred. zero vocs. and a best buy rating. all this at a great price, starting at $17 per gallon. home begins with an olympic finish. early this morning the u.s. government filed a formal request to extradite roman polanski fr switzerland. the movie director is a u.s. fugitive wanted for having sex with a 13-year-old back in 1977. back then he pled guilty and then fled the country. he was arrested when he showed up to attend a film festival. he is in a swiss jail waiting on extradition back to california. musician are trying to figure out if their music was used to torture prisoners at guantanamo bay. [ music ] >> pearl jam one of the groups demanding the names of groups on the list. there are 35 group that's want the list. george washington university helped the bands file a freedom of information with the government. >> it's your own work being used in a technique that maybe you disagree with completely. and i'm sure they feel very strongly about that with a broader issue on torture and how the u.s. uses different interrogation techniques to get the information they want and now it's hitting the fan. >> the government has 20 days to respond to the request. the comic world sad after losing a famous faces. we'll have details coming up next. and then she plays cloe on fox's 24 but this weekend may rice cup is here in d.c. we'll talk to her coming up. it is now 8:27. stay with us here on fox 5 morning news. for seniors, a doctor can mean everything. independence hope security. and medicare makes it possible. but every year, congress must make a temporary fix to the medicare payment plan so seniors can keep their doctor and the care they depend on. we need a permanent solution --to protect medicare and ensure seniors get the security and stability they've earned. call your senators today. ask them to pass s.1776 to protect seniors' access to quality care. my sunglasses! ♪ ♪ people say i'm forgetful. (horn honks) ♪ maybe that's why we go to so many memorable places. the all-new subaru outback. love the road you're on. it is now 8:30 on a friday morning. it is 55 degrees out there. taking a look at stories making headline this is morning. fairfax county police looking to surveillance video and tips from the public to track down two men theysay robbed a store in tysons corner monday night. surveillance video shows the men entering the store and escaping with thousands of dollars in diamonds. the drama continues over the michael jackson memorial in los angeles. the owner of the staples center says the l.a. city attorney bullied and threatened him trying to recover the money they spend for the $3,000 on duty. aig was asked to pay about $6 million. los angeles struggling with a major budget deficit for the city. and hollywood is mourning soupy sales this morning. he pioneer children's shows. he died last night at a hospice in the bronx. he made over 5,000 live television appearances. his big shtick was giving the pie in the face. he was hit with 20,000 pies by his own account. soupy sales was 83 years old. >> never got old. >> that's a lot of pies. >> and they seem to be hard thrown. but that's our opinion. hi, gwen. >> hi. changing of the guard here. >> what is going on in weather? >> cloudy skies out there this morning. can't give you sunshine if we tried. and the clouds are going to increase. let's begin with a look at radar for you because you need to keep the umbrella handy. we have rain in the forecast. looks like we'll see some showers moving in the later part of this afternoon and into this evening. we have a frontal system out here to the west and a lot of this is embedded with thunderstorms and heavy rainfall as it starts to makes it way toward us. but plenty of clouds, that's for sure, as far as the early part of the day is concerned. a look at temperatures. 55 at national airport, we have 51 at dulles. gaithersburg at 52. 55 in annapolis and 53 at baltimore. and today it will be cooler than it was yesterday. what we're keeping an eye on with the storms is this frontal system to the west. that will gradually slide it's way toward us. and for saturday, wet weather in the forecast for you. even a chance of a thunderstorm popping up. so do keep your eye to the skies if you're planning on being out. and cooler air behind that as well. saturday will be into the 70s but as we move through into sunday, things will cool down. but we have the sunshine back. so we finally get back to dry conditions, that means the weekend is not a total wash without which is good. by monday we have a few clouds rollinin at 67. tuesday we're back into showers again at 66 but for later on today or tonight you'll need your umbrella and saturday is a day where the wet weather will be around. let's check in now with steve chenevey. >> gwen, thank you so much. mary line rice cup is known as cloe o'brien. she may like people skills, she is jack bowers fight against terrorism but she's in town for a comedy festival and we're happy that you're in area. >> there is nothing like waking up and being called crazy, grumpy. >> and talented. and a lot of people know you from 24 and people might not realize that you did standup comedy when you started out and you're still doing it. >> i started doing performance art and then making fun of earnest art and i did it in earnest and then i made a comedy act out of it. >> you knew you could do something with it. >> and then somehow ended up on 24. >> and you have been getting movie roles that people have seen. is there a difference in the way that you approach things, whether you're doing the serious role on 24 or doing a movie role or the comedy? >> great question. i approach it the same because i'm always in some state or another. a lot of my comedy act is more about me being in a certain state of mind than me standing this and telling jokes. i'm always somewhat of a character, if that makes sense. >> if people go to see you do your comedy, do they expect it to be like, well now i've seen 24 and it's dry and that's the way they expect to to come across. >> yes. and it's strange, because there is a mix of people, that only know me from 24 orphans of the show, so i never know what i will get and i recently did a guest spot for it's always sunny in philadelphia, and i played gail the snail and they asked me that. >> and as long as nobody calls you crazy, grumpy, talented, or crazy talented? >> yeah, they're all compliments, if they're not, i make them into one. >> and this is a big comedy festival going on in d.c. are you excited about that? >> yeah. it's really cool. a comedian from los angeles who i met who isvery funny and very lovely person, took it upon herself to organize this county festival and there is tons of great shows and a lot of great people. >> and we are sarah silver man, paton oswald and yourself. and i think i read something like 50 different comedians are taking part in this this weekend. >> it's really cool. come on out and catch the shows. >> where are you going to be? >> i'm going to be at the studio theater tonight and the black cat back stage. >> and what do we expect to see when you do a comedy show? >> crudeness and rudeness. and sometimes i talk about my baby. >> oh, well, just throw that in there as well. so you're doing this now. are we still going to see you on 24 next season? >> yes. we're in the middle of shooting right now. i wasn't supposed to be able to come out. i got here yesterday so that i could do a tour of the city today. i wasn't supposed to arrive until this afternoon but i got a break in shooting so i came out so i could tour your wonderful city. >> considering that we saw so much of our wonderful city on 24 last year, it's nice to come and check it out. so enjoy your time here and hopefully folks can check you out tonight. you said tonight and tomorrow. two shows. >> yes. come on out. live comedy. >> come see cloe on stage or fr sun in philadelphia or whatever else you are working on. anything else as far as movie roles. >> not right now. 24 right now. >> and i understand you're an established painter. >> yes, i am. >> and check it out. we'll put a list of the performers and the time on allison. >> it's nice to have her here. thank you so much. it is 55 degrees on this friday morning and up next we have an important recall to tell you about. a piece of clothing that has been linked to nine deaths. details coming up. and if you're looking for work check out our job shop on our job of the day is at bright beginnings, looking for a full time teacher in the district. for more on this job and in others, go to and click on the job shop tap near the top of the home page. we'll be right back. 8:38 now. welcome back. it's 8:40. we have an important recall to tell you about. blair, a pennsylvania company, is recalling these robes that are highly flammable and catch fire easily. they have been linked to nine deaths so far. most of the victims were me. now the consumer product safety commission is expanding the recall to include jackets and tops made by the company. you see the jackets on the right there. and now time to turn things over to tony to look at what is coming up in the 9:00 hour. >> what isn't coming up. we have a jam-packed 9:00 hour. we'll take a closer look at the possibility that a local teenager died at the hands of her family in an ancient religious ritual. was it an exorcism. we'll look at the vaccines in the area. and hillary swank joins us. she portrays amelia air hart in a film out today. and also with us, columbus short, he joins stars in the upcoming movie armored. he's in d.c. this weekend to celebrate and we'll find out why. steve and allison, i'll see you at 9:00 with allison's girls. >> that should be top this morning. >> pumpkin carving for a good cause. it is 8:42 on this friday morning. coming up next we'll check out weekend events taking place around town. >> and we're helping out you halloween procrastinators. we'll check out costumes you can make at home, if you have that kind of time. >> right, allison. i'm steve shannon, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. in this attack ad, ken cuccinelli says, "it's a study in contrasts and judgment," and it is. steve shannon was a fairfax county prosecutor who convicted hundreds of drunk drivers. ken cuccinelli has no experience as a prosecutor. and ken cuccinelli opposed tougher penalties for repeat drunk drivers. he said, quote, "a suspect might not recall a previous dui arrest." that's the true contrast. welcome back to fox 5 morning news. here is a look at events taking place around town this weekend for you. it's time for a boo at the zoo. tickets still available for today and sunday. the cost is $15 for members, 25 for nonmembers. now saturday for free, it's scare night at the air and space museum. the event takes place from 2:00 to 8:00. and also free, the patuxent free life center. and sunday it's the 13th annual del ray halloween parade. for more information on all of these events, go to and look under web links. well from restaurant openings to fall festivals there is a buffet of options for foodies in the area. nicki nellis joins us with all of the dish. we are putting it all in there. good morning. >> how are you doing? >> good. happy friday. and it will be a great weekend to get out and get something new and wonderful to eat. >> there is so much going on in the city. it's unbelievable. and i saw this thing on the comedy festival right on that street where a lot is going on, 14th street is exploding with new restaurants and one just opened last week. this is the hoff child of richard sandoval and they're doing this latin-asian fusion restaurant. it's all small plates. gorgeous space, urban and big and spacious. lots of beautiful people. really good prices, great place to go with a group and share lots of yummy dishes like pork buns and sea weed salad. just a gat fun place. >> is that different -- is that different from the -- we shoulded two different pictures. >> it's all one big room. >> and there is another restaurant opening up, called collary. >> also opened up net week. this is a new york transplant. it's a greek restaurant up in new york city and this is the first one here in the city. it's on k. street but we're talking seafood. a local chef is executing the menu here, his name is anthony and he's doing fabulous greek dishes, a lot of seafood and they have an an incredible wine selection, a lot of greek and international wines as well. >> it kills me how all of these restaurants are ening up. i feel so encouraged about our economy and all of that. the next is birch and barly and churchki. we're going back to 14th street. this is a restaurant that a lot of people have been waiting to open so there was a line down the street last night to get in. it's two restaurants in one. birch and barley is downstairs and church key is upstairs. i got to go there last night. church key is the bar. 500 beers. anin he had sill array set up by a beer guru. the chef team is a husband and wife team, kylbailey and his wife tiffany mcissac, that are putting out new american cuisine, it's a beautiful dining room space with candles and lighting and she's serving up a cookie plate with a hostess cup cake thing on it but it's much better. and her desert of fresh toast with oatmeal ice cream is great. >> and this is chocolate la tier. >> yes. and this is in george, a little gem of a chocolate shop. they were producing chocolate but didn't have space. if you're heading over there, chocolates, art isan kinds of stuff, gooey carmels and good chocolate. >> and there are two festivals, we ran out of time but we can get the information on our website, one with wine and great italian food. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> no excuse not to have a great weekend. over to you. >> thanks, allison. halloween just one week away and one day. if you're still looking for a costume, you are in luck because this morning matt acland iwith a style expert showing him you might not have to leave home to put together a creative outfit. matt, your outfit looks smashing this morning. you put a lot of work into it. >> i have a mask, i don't know if i like it but that might be my outfit. we're at tysons mall this morning. look at ethan and emily. they're getting to dress up early and they're happy about it. today we're talking about all of the costumes that are the latest and greatest this year. and how you can save a little bit of money, joining me now is lauren rockman with style la did i say that right? >> yes you did. good morning. >> we're talking about saving. people are trying to save. it's a tough year for most everyone. and when it comes to halloween, how you can save a few bucks? >> we have so many ideas. everything on this table is under $10. and if someone is coming to the door and you don't want to dress up but you need halloween spirit, this is a great little head band. 6:50 from clares. and for the guys, halloween express. these are gre little gifty items that can instantly give you a little halloween spirit. we've got the -- a couple of my favorites here. so we have how do you become a instant shop my closet and get a costume. well ladies if you have a cocktail dress, in stand flapper for 6:99. if you wa to be a angel, in stand wings and grab a white outfit, add some wings, done. we have instant devil and you can shop at home. >> it makes me feel old but you were saying this yr, the 80s are in. i remember the 80s. >> we have a couple of hot clothing trends. that are really translating into halloween this season. so my two top picks this season are the 80s and being green, eco friendly clothes. so for the 80s, ladies, little girls, go home, black leotard and tights, i love this tootoo. this is $5.50. and then legging and a little clutch and hat and head band, nail polish, knee on colors and face makeup and everything on here is under $10. >> reporter: and you were saying let's go green this halloween. >> will the's go green. so i have to say, i'm loving this trend. this is one of my favorite costumes and i call it it's easy to be green. and we're seeing eco friendly fashions this season and how do we translate that to halloween? dress in all green and then just add, wore $2.50, this fabulous eco friendly bag from the disney store or if you're eco friendly fashionista, green and loving it. and then add some pins to your all green outfits. this is $4.50. >> reporter: and these are things to spice up the home. >> you saw in our setting, pottery barn kids has some fantastic accessories for the home. so we have great stuff, all of our table settings and place mats and cobb webs. and how to build a pumpkin. and this is great. little ice cubes. this is very fun. and of course -- >> reporter: the easy mask. >> it would not be complete without the crazy mask. so we've got some top favorites. barack obama is definitely a good one to have this season. and i think matt might have a secret up his sleeve. steve, allison, i'm going to that is back to you, but take a look at this mask. now who is probably the most beautiful woman in d.c.? >> allison is. >> oh, right. i have no idea. who? >> i would say michelle obama? >> now take a look at this mask. michelle obama, really? i don't think she's going to be too happy about that. >> no. >> not so good. >> should i put it on? >> of course. >> not so cute. >> wouldn't even know who you were. >> barack looks like the president. >> more like him. very smiley. >> and i want to see you look presidential, matt. >> i won't be wearing these. but michelle, i think they did her wrong this year. >> isn't she supposed to be scary. >> that's true. hopefully she's not watching. you just called her scary, steve. >> no. >> matt acland, thank you very much. >> fox is already in enough trouble at white house, we don't need to add more to the fire. thank you, matt. see you next hour. >> we'll be right back. hello, fks, good to see so many of you back here again. you all excited? kids, you all excited? all right, well, hang on, you're going to experience fall like never before. [ all cheering ] nothing says fall like dunkin' donuts. try our pumpkin lattes, muffins, and donuts. like the fall season, these flavors won't be here forever. dunkin' donuts. america runs on dunkin'. try any of our authentic hot lattes, including our pumpkin latte, for just 99 cents. i wayseed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots. that's when the roots sorta want nutrition. i give my lawn scotts winterguard. it's like a root building machine. it builds your lawn from the roots up. next year you get this! the stronger the roots, the stronger the lawn. all year long. the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there is no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it's the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard. what doctors recommend for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers... and big bodies on high blood prsure medicine. tylenol works with your body in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever. it is 8:58. that will do it for this hour but thins ting toward 10:00 and we turn things over to tony and alliso what are you working on for this hour? >> steve, thanks a lot. we have a lot coming up during the next hour of fox 5 morning news. first of all, police think an ancient religious ritual could be claimed for the death of a local girl. i think it's called a kut. it's basically an exorcism. and it may have led to the death. >> it's not uncommon. so we'll talk about that. and topping national news. did you hear about this one, a plane misses it's destination by 150 miles and overshot the destination. we'll hear from passengers and where the investigation is now. you'll be surprised when you hear what might have happened to make that plane miss the airport. >> it's not something you want to hear, if you're flying any time soon. then we have a special guest, a couple of special guests. hill annie stwo-time academy award winner. she's coming in to talk about her


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