Latest Breaking News On - Juan david ortiz - Page 1 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180916

raging cape fear river and you knew it was rising and you could see the vulnerable communities. there are vulnerability communities across the state. let's let you know where we stand. we can report a 14th storm-related death. there are certain areas in north carolina, one of the major concerns for first responders is fuel. they need it to get to people who need help and need to be rescued. wilmington, north carolina. we talked so much about it. cutoff. the mayor saying they had to turn around folks from fema because there was no safeway to get them into the city. there are major concerns about water. the local water company saying if they don't get fuel in the next 48 hours, they may not be able to continue to supply water. when it comes to the state, a number of roads closed as well. not just the local roads, but we are talking major interstates. large sections of 95 and interstate 40 have been closed. the north carolina department of transportation warping your gps may be sending you on roads they do not want you on. they are asking you to drive around the state of north carolina if you can. we will have continued coverage throughout the afternoon. our team of reporters are stationed up and down the coast. we want to begin with kaylee hartung. >> reporter: you mentioned it, the problem in wilmington as the waters continue to move and move quickly is the road closures. this city essentially cutoff as the mayor told me. if you get within 20 or 40 miles of the city and if you are trying to come in or get out, you will be stopped. highway patrol will not let you pass. they had to stop fema trucks and duke power trucks trying to get in to help the city. that being said, you mentioned also the concern for the water supply here. the problem of getting fuel. if no one can get into the city, that means fuel can't get into the city, but the mayor assures me they found a diesel reserve in the port. there is no threat of the water or sewage companies here being unable to service the people of wilmington. now, this area behind me, i should be transparent. this is a flood zone and doing what it is supposed to do to allow market street or 17 to continue to be a thoroughfare. that's one of the only ones we found open in the city of wilmington. while riskus weescues were at t the cajun navy rescues have stopped. no one is in need that was help. i can hear a coast guard helicopter above me surveying this area. i was just with the leaders of the cajun navy who spent the night helping to get more than 250 people out of their homes. they tell me now they are trying to get their resources elsewhere. count them among the people having trouble getting out of wilmington. they tell me the next need is brunswick county south of us. bolivia, north carolina is the next place we should be looking for floodwaters to rise. >> we will be keeping an eye on that. thank you. paula sandoval is in north carolina after hurricane matthew. had there been a breech of the levee? >> reporter: we are witnessing what will likely turn into the worse casey is necessaryio in lumberton, north carolina. the this is a rare look at the main point where the floodwater breached during hurricane matthew two years ago. flooding many neighborhoods and crippling the infrastructure of about 21,000 people. what was protecting that inf infrastructure and the 21,000 people who had been sheltering was this man made levee that we were able to see. we were out here about three or four days ago when the entire town, strangers and the town and the national guard caming e intr to move sandbags here. because of the torrential rains of florence, you have seen basically many of the creeks and rivers including the lumber river not far from here go back up to historic levels and the station here, what we are witnessing is the scramble by officials to try to keep more of this water from breeching this levee. they are certainly up to a tremendous challenge. the water being held back by the levee will make its way into the neighborhoods that we believe for the most part had been evacuated because of mandatory e evacuations put in place for lumberton. the main concern is for the inf infrastructu infrastructure. this water has the ability to make its way to the water plants that supplies the entire city. this is what we can expect to be a worst casey is necessaryio. they are mobilizing the personnel and positioning them for potential rescues that could happen in the next few moments. erica? >> those calls can begin coming in. we will stay with you for more developments out of the lumberton area. miguel, officials wering you they were running into issues with fuel and may not get to the rescues. where do things stand? >> they don't have enough fuel. they need more fuel desperately. part of the problem is getting the fuel to where we are. i am standing on highway 421. down that way. across that lake. this highway is now a lake. that is the road to wilmington. and elizabeth stewart has been with us. these are the homes. some of the homes that i can show you just from my vantage point and i can go any further. it gets just too deep. a national guard vehicle had to turn back and this road is impassible. many of the roads here in the corner area of pender county are impassible. they had 300 water rescues they neat to effect in this area. they have done about 172 or so, but they are having a tough time. they lost two ambulances last night in the water. they are having a very, very tough time getting to those rescues, having the boats and the vehicles and the helicopters. there is one incident where a mother and two children were clinging to a tree for much of the night. helicopters were trying to extract them. it's not clear. they don't even know whether these individuals were saved or not. there were shelters throughout the area that are still taking on people. the one closest to us is the elementary school. it is dire and critical. this is the creek that dumps down into the cape fear river. it is still rising. it started raining again. on the other side of this rise that we are on is the black river. that river is still rising as well. the roads all-around this area are cutoff. this is the makings of a major, major catastrophe. erica? >> it absolutely is and it's so important that word gets out. miguel, appreciate it. we will continue to get updates. i want to get a better sense of how much more of this is still headed the way of folks in north and south carolina. in the weather center, allison, i know from speaking with you yesterday on our drive to try to get here and speaking with officials here in town today, their concern is there is still a significant amount of rain to come. >> yeah, the system is still moving incredibly slowly and as the main center point finally begins to exit the area and it will do so in about the next 24 hours, you are still going to get the training bands out behind. watch this play out in motion. here's where you have a lot of flash flood warnings and threats. the red indicates the warnings. we know there are roads under water and flood emergencies and water rescues and things like that. focus on the red areas. this is where we had the heaviest rains. swans borough and wilmington two feet. morehead city over two feet of rain. we talk about where the rain is going. it shifts off to the north and you still have these new bands of rain that want to form over areas like wilmington, like raleigh, over lumberton and the communities that already had rain even as the main storm exits. it's still going to produce very heavy rain bands over the same places that simply don't need any more rain on top of it. that's the flood threat. the long-term concern. the streams and the tributaries around this area. we expect over the next couple of days, nearly 25 rivers could be at major flood stage and several reaching record heights. all time record heights for the rivers and nearly a dozen of them reaching moderate flood stage. while they may not be a record and for some of those reaching moderate, it has been years since they have done that. some of the people who live in the communities have yet to experience some of the rivers, creeks and streams around their homes that flooded. we heard that from some of the people who decided to stay put in the storm. they have been saying we didn't know it could flood like this. it hasn't done that. we are telling you, that is likely going to continue for some of these rivers over the next several days. >> all right, allison, thank you. one of the most important messages we are hearing for the governor to local officials, folks who either have not experienced this or feel like they are seeing a lull in the rain and therefore the determining have passed, that is not the situation and this is not the time to be complacent. listen to officials and just be smart about what you are doing and stay somewhere safe. our continuing coverage live after this short break. stay with us. does this map show the peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? 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>> yes, it was. we were clear about the situation you are putting yourself in. if you don't heed this message, help may be hard to find if you get in trouble. yeah, a lot of people are looking for places to go. we have shelters set up and additional capacity. we are encouraging them to take advantage of that and we have transportation. we will not allow transportation and logistics to be a barrier. >> the area where we are, we are on step five out of about 22. this entire area was under water with matthew and that was 53 feet of water? >> absolutely. 53 feet. this entire area was submerged. i remember that vividly. they are predicting an additional 10 feet level for the river. that is the scary part. we really have this unprecedented look at what it's like. we can't predict the impact of that. >> there is a significant staging going on. two fire stations had to be evacuated. we were told by folks there. given the closures and the issues around here, how is that complicating the terms of staging. >> any times that roads close makes it harder to move around. we are encouraging people to do this now. we still coordinate. this area has a lot of our point of operation. they are making provisions to relocate, to possible. >> where will you be? can you be in city hall or somewhere safer? >> we heard about lessons learned from matthew. what has changed in the last couple of years in terms of the way you are attacking this? >> the coordination has gotten better to get shelters open and we didn't do it as early as we could have. i have to give them kudos about getting shelters open and options available. we are getting the word out and encouraging people to download the app and into the website and we can push messages out in a mass way. that was different the last time. >> i will will ask you one more. what is your biggest concern? you talked about the importance of getting the message out, but as it gets dark and we move into nightfall, what is your biggest concern? >> what we see behind us. the pace is deadly. we need to impress upon people and make provisions along the way. that keep us us up at night. life preservation is key right now. >> you have to take care of the first responders and they can't get to you. >> i appreciate you taking the time. we continue our coverage from across the carolinas of now tropical depression florence who is not done yet with the area. stay with us. only fidelity offers two zero expense ratio index funds directly to investors. and now we have zero account fees for brokerage accounts. at fidelity, those zeros really add up. ♪ maybe i'll win, saved by zero ♪ why test a hybrid engine for over six million miles? why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class, standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. introducing the all-new lexus es. every curve. every innovation. every feeling. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. a product of mastery. ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes applebee's new 3-course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. good afternoon. we will have more on the flooding aftermath in the carolinas from hurricane florence in a moment, but first breaking news. the woman who accused brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school is coming forward publicly and telling her side of the story to "the washington post". what are you learning? >> you're right. a woman has come forward publicly accusing brett kavanaugh of assaulting her at a party more than 30 years ago when they were both in high school. according to the "washington post," the woman's name is christine ford, a professor at palo alto university. worth remembering because brett kavanaugh vehemently denied her allegations. he said i categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. i didn't do this in high school or at any time. in the "washington post" article, she does reveal more details. she said at one point he might inadvertently kill her. he was trying to attack me and remove my clothing. she only shared this later with a therapist, with her husband. that was in 2012. the husband recalled his wife using kavanaugh's name, but the therapist notes which were reviewed by the post don't. the woman declined to come publicly forward at first. you remember last week. instead she sent that letter to dianne feinstein on july 30th. the letter had a lot of these details, alex. she's in the letter according to a source, she said that kavanaugh physically pushed her in a bedroom and with another male locked the door from the inside and put on loud music. she alleges the two teens were drunk. it's worth noting the second teen has come forward and denied the allegations to the weekly standard. she said at one point kavanaugh was on top of her and in that moment he had his hand over her mouth and in that moment she said she feared she was in danger. >> extraordinarily disturbing details in this new piece from "the washington post." in addition what you just mentioned, i want to read part of it, she writes while his friend watched, kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her and attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it and put his hand over her mouth. we won't be the only ones reading it. the senate judiciary committee will be reading these disturbing allegations. how is that going to impact this confirmation? >> it's hard to say. at the end of last week, the republicans were vowing these hearings would go forward and they were puzzled because they said dianne feinstein had received these allegations back in july. feinstein had not brought them forward. she only referred the allegations to the fbi after the hearings were over. feinstein came back at the time and said look, she has been in a tough spot. at that time this woman did not want her name used publicly. that's changed today. she has come forward to the "washington post" using her name and is now on the record. >> on the record and providing a lot more details, as i said. extremely disturbing. we will check back in with you later on. thank you very much. the other major story we are following involves texas authority who is say they made stunning arrest in recent murders of four women. they are pointing to a u.s. border patrol agent. they say juan david ortiz went hunting for a specific type of victim. >> we do consider this to be a serial killer. it meets the qualifications or definition of being a serial killer. four people have been murdered. >> according to a criminal complaint, ortiz was arrested in laredo, texas and confessed to killing four people whose bodies were found over the past two weeks. authorities are not ruling out the possibility that there may be more victims in addition those four. cnn's joe johns is in laredo. joe, this is a shocking series of murders. no other way of putting it. how did investigators track down ortiz? >> well, not much of a complicated story, quite frankly. this guy confessed to four counts of murder over the last few weeks in the la redo area and is locked up here in laredo right now as the authorities figure out whether there is anything else they need to charge him with. who is this guy? there is a fifth circuit court of appeals document in which a man by the very same name who worked for the border protection was a witness. there is biographical information listed. this person was in the united states navy from 2001 to 2009 and was trained among other things in interdiction of drugs and sex trafficking around the border in the interstate 35 corridor which is essentially where we are. went to american military university, and those are the kinds of things that are used to describe him. so, what exactly happened? what happened was it all started to come unravelled on friday night here in laredo when authorities were approached by a woman partially clothed on a parking lot. she told state troopers that she had gotten into an altercation with a man named david. she had gone to his house. when she left his house, she started talking about the other women killed including one named melissa and he became agitated and pulled out a firearm. she tried to jump out of his truck. when authorities got that information, they located him finally on the parking lot of a motel here in the la redo area. the big question is are there any others? they didn't think there were others given the fact that this man confessed and now it's clear they are saying they are not sure. alex, back to you. >> laredo, texas, thanks very much. next, back out to the carolinas where florence is blamed for more than a dozen deaths. hundreds of people still waiting to be rescued. local officials stressing this is still an incredibly dangerous situation. we will take you back to the flood zone, next. when you're particular, you want things done right. that's why we test all of our paints and stains for months. or even years. we dedicate 175,000 square feet to getting it wrong... ...because you deserve paint that's done right. that's proudly particular. benjamin moore. the standard for paint professionals. only at local paint and hardware stores. so let's promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at ...ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from... ...and the paths they took, to a new home. could their journey inspire yours? order your kit at we will have more on the flooding aftermath from hurricane florence in a moment, but we are following breaking news. the woman who recently accused supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school is coming forward publicly and telling her side of the story to "the washington post." at the white house, boris, the white house defended kavanaugh when the allegations came to light. what are you hearing from them now? >> we are actually hearing what we already heard from the white house previously about the accusations coming from christine ford to "the washington post." her detailed allegations against the judge, now a supreme court nominee. the white house press secretary pointing to a statement that had been put out by brett kavanaugh, not adding anything new. writing i categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. i did not do this back in high school or at any time. i tried to confirm with the white house, but they had nothing further to add. this was the same statement they put out and i have yet to get a response. they are not commenting further despite repeated efforts by democrats to bring up a number of documents that have been missing throughout the process. it appeared that kavanaugh's confirmation as a supreme court justice was a safe becht. it's unclear how on the record allegations may affect that confirmation now. >> that are vote supposed to take place in the senate next thursday. boris sanchez at the white house, thanks. we should note that the other teenager who is alleged to have been in the room with brett kavanaugh when they were in high school, mark judge, also denied this happened. i want to bring in our senior media correspondent. she remained silent as this blew up in the media. that was her main goal was to remain anonymous. why do you think she came forward? >> through the post interview, this women's struggle with what to do. wanting to keep her privacy and not see her name and family be smeared in the coming hours. on the other hand you hear her struggling with the feeling she needs to speak out and has a duty to tell the public about this allegation. you can see that in the interview. we should go through the timeline and give people a sense of how this happened. she says in july she first called t"the washington post" through the tip lines. an anonymous tip line wanting to let the post know. that was before kavanaugh was nominated. >> the short list. >> expected to be nominated, but not officially. she wanted to alert "the washington post" and alerred her local congresswoman and at the end of july she wrote the letter to feinstein's office which we heard about. however, throughout the month of august, she wrestled with whether to go on the record and whether to stay anonymous or speak out and put her name on it. according to the post, she decided to stay anonymous. she decided she did not come to come forward, in doing so it would up end her life and probably would not affect kavanaugh's confirmation. she said why suffer through it if it's not going to matter. her story was starting to leak out anyway. the existence of the feinstein letter started to be better known. others wrote about it. there was this allegation, but not a face. not a name. just an anonymous allegation. she apparently changed her calculation and feels she has to speak publicly. part of that is because reporters were starting to call and e-mail and show up at her door. they have known her name and identity and tried to reach out to her. according to the post interview that lays it out in great detail, she said it was are in to go on the record. >> she got married in 2002. she didn't say anything to her parents or the authorities and kept it bottled up inside. she said it derailed me substantially for four or five years and was ill equipped to forge those relationships. it was only 10 years later when she was in couples therapy that she mentioned kavanaugh's name. >> 2012. that will end up being an important pivot point in this story. in the next hours and days, we heard the allegations of sexual misconduct among executives and among artists. sometimes people will say the woman just wants attention or she is making it up. it's vital in this case, there is a document from 2012 that shows she was in therapy and told a story about something like this. from the therapist, the document doesn't say kavanaugh's name, but her husband said his name came out, out loud at the therapy session. that will be an important detail. she didn't just start talking about this in july. >> the allegations was that there were four boys in that house. two in the room and two downstairs. "the washington post" reached out and have not heard back. >> i wonder what they have said. they have not responded in any way, shape, or form. we should note she is describing in this interview and admits she doesn't remember everything. she doesn't know every detail and where it happened and doesn't know exactly when. these allegations although detailed in some ways and you hear her describe what she said was trauma, that's a hole that will be poked here and what happens in these cases. to the argument we sometimes hear in the me too age that she just wants attention, i think that is contradicted by the fact that she struggled to decide whether to come forward. only now in early support did she decide to go on the record. >> when reporters started knocking on her door. the same struggle from women in this me too age, she went home and doesn't know how she got home and said well, nothing really happened to me. >> you downplay it and say this was not that big of a deal and she told herself that this was not that serious. only later realized how serious it was. this happened decades ago and this is the kind of thing you hear young women struggling with. she said she was 15 at the time. she did hire debra katz. she took a holly graph test administrated by a holly graph agent. she said she did tell the truth and it will be a key pivot point. >> so many different sides to this. also and you can't help but think about anita hill and clarence thomas. before this piece came out, they said there should be a government investigation into the allegations. >> i have to be honest, when i read the story, i cringed thinking about what president trump will say about this. if history is a guide, he will stand with kavanaugh and could demean the woman involved. that has been his history. he has not been a proponent of the me too movement and has been a detractor. that comes to mind right away. putting trump aside if that's possible, the more interesting folks to watch will be the key senators who may have already known the details, but not all of it published by "the washington post." >> thank you so much for joining us. >> we will continue to follow this breaking story after a short break. ♪ who would have thought? 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why wait? ask your doctor about prolia. welcome back to cnn's special coverage of what is now tropical depression florence. we are down a little bit from where we were when we joined us at the top of the hour. i want to give you a sense of how quickly the waters are moving. this is cross creek in a downtown park. keep in mind during matthew, this creek feeds into the river. they are expecting it to hit 62 to 65 feet. this lamp post over my shoulder, when we came to the park about four hours ago, we could see the base that was lamp post. you could walk out to it. i would not advise that now. we have seen people walking through this park and some of them doing that with the mayor here with me. this is not smart. nobody needs to be out of this and nobody should be in or near these waters. we want to give you a sense of what's going on near the carolinas. derek? >> we had good intentions and we were able to join up with a five-ton army truck -- [inaudible]. >> we are having a little trouble with that communication and we will try to get derek back up. the communication can be tough in this weather given the areas where our reporters and teams are. some of them in areas that have been cutoff. we will give you a better sense of where the areas are in the coming hours. i will bring in todd with the cajun navy. we know how instrumental the folks have been around the area and not just in terms of florence. in terms of helping out. where are you right now? what have you been a part of and what are you concerned about? >> we are in north carolina and i haven't slept in like three days. we just left wilmington and there is a lot of flooding going on there and they followed us to come in to help them. >> you were able to get out of wilmingt wilmington. one of the things you were hearing is the mayor had to turn away duke energy coming in to fix power lines and had to turn away folks from fema. they are worried about the fuel coming in. you were able to get out? >> yes, we were able to get out. we were able to get out and we had jacked up thuks that we were able to get out. it was about a foot r foot and a half, but we were able to get in. >> you can put this into perspective with the flooding you have seen with florence and other disasters you have been there to help out with? >> the disasters, the water has been high and stayed there. we are basically chasing the water. we were in wilmington last night. still most of the morning and today the water is up good and now it's like you are chasing the water almost. we have to try to stay up with the waterway going. >> that's not an easy thing to do. we have seen the water behind us here in the park where we are. that rises and the mayor said for folks who don't obey these evacuations, they should contact their next of kin. you helped first responders and you go out there on your own, putting your life at risk. a lot of people wonder why you do it, todd. >> we do it because we can. you go back to hurricane katrina, a the lot of us had big losses and we moved on. we have the boats and the damage that a lot don't have. just because we have it. we help because we can. i don't want to see people are you evering and you try to limit the loss of life as well. >> so many people grateful to everything that you and everyone else who makes that remarkable cajun navy are doing. we will continue to stay in touch. thank you. >> thank you. >> our special coverage of florence continues on the other side of this break. stay with us. you are watching cnn. the pro-look in long wear. foundation by l'oreal. matte without the flat. up to 24 hours. resists sweat, heat, humidity matte without the flat. infallible pro-matte foundation by l'oreal paris. ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes applebee's new 3-course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. wat t. rowe price, hundreds of our experts go beyond the numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand. like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer. this is strategic investing. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. hais not always easy. severe plaque psoriasis it's a long-distance run and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for over ten years. it's the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. more than 250,000 patients have chosen humira to fight their psoriasis. and they're not backing down. for most patients clearer skin is the proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems. serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask your dermatologist about humira & go. why test a hybrid engine for over six million miles? 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>> it is almost deja vu. they pointed to a statement previously put out by brett kavanaugh when he was first accused of inappropriate behavior before christine blasey ford made very serious allegations in a party in high school. the white house repeated the exact same statement they put out previously,


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180917

continues. bizarre story. welcome to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. it is monday, september 17th. 5:00 a.m. in the east. we start with the supreme court latest. brett kavanaugh's nomination faces new concerns. her name is christine ford. now her identity is known and with the clock ticking toward senate confirmation vote, the senate judiciary committee is trying to arrange staff phone calls with her and kavanaugh. >> but already some republicans are showing signs of concern. here is senator lisa murkowski. >> there are more questions that need to be asked than answered. i think it would be appropriate to allow for that time. >> bob corker and jeff flake who are on the senate judiciary committee believe the committee should hear from ford before voting. republicans can only afford to lose one vote. >> several democrats calling for delay. including dianne feinstein and chuck schumer. she is the senator ford first reached out to. she is a constituent of feinstein. but the chairman chuck grassley calls the timing of the allegations disturbing. the committee's vote on kavanaugh is still scheduled for thursday afternoon. supreme court reporter diane duvogue has more. >> reporter: christine and dave, christine blasey ford has come forward and alleged that brett kavanaugh assaulted her at a party more than 30 years ago while both in high school. kavanaugh denies the allegations. she attended a party in 1982. in the suburban maryland home. kavanaugh and a friend were drunk. she was allegedly corralled into a bedroom. at one point she said he tried to take off her clothes and put his hand over her mouth. i thought he might inadvertently kill me, she told "the post." she shared the details years later in 2012 with a therapist and her husband. according to the article, the husband recalls the wife using kavanaugh's name. the therapist notes reviewed by "the post" do not mention him. the other man alleged to be in the room, said last week he never saw kavanaugh act that way. christine and dave. >> thank you. christine ford struggled to come forward according to a source familiar with the story. we were told late august she made up her mind not to go public fearing it would not affect the nomination. ford tells "the washington post" she reconsidered because people were repeating inaccuracies about her and her privacy compromised. >> there had already been a leak. it was done confidential allly, there was a leak. a spokesperson says kavanaugh categorically denies the allegations. and no tweets from the president. devastation in the aftermath of hurricane florence. the worst of the catastrophic flooding is yet to come. hundreds of people remain trapped. now 18 storm related deaths confirmed. latest is a 3 month old baby killed by a tree that fell on the family mobile home. >> they were doing cpr for the last 30 minutes. they just want permission to stop. i said no at first. after another 30 minutes, he wasn't coming back. >> tragic. overnight, mandatory evacuation orders for hoke county, north carolina, where there is a concern of a dam breach. in lumberton, people are bracing for disaster as the lumber river seemed to have a gap in the levee system. if the waters rise to 26 feet, it could overtop the permanent levee. if that happens, an official says all bets are off. over a half million customers without power in north carolina. state's attorney general has received more than 500 complaints of price gouging for hotels and gas and water and more than 15,000 people are in shelters statewide. transportation officials are telling people not to travel anywhere in north carolina. flooding has cut off wilmington from the rest of the state. that is where we have meteorologist derek van dam. der derek, good morning. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: dave, what i witnessed yesterday and late last night was the city's infrastructure on the verge of collapse. sinkholes forming on the thoroughfares across the city. completely flooded out roadways. parts of interstate 40 northbound, north of exit 420, was completely abandoned. void of people on any given sunday would be full of residents and tourists coming home from the beach. this time it is a river of water rushing down the highway. surreal scene to see. of course, this makes it so difficult for authorities to move critical supplies. food and fuel to the impacted areas across the region. there have been in north carolina alone 1,000 high water rescues since florence began and since the flooding rains set in which we all know will only get worse before it gets better because the rivers, estuaries and waterways are making its way inland and it has to get back to the coastline. i talked to scared people coming across flooded out roadways with a blank look knowing their friends and family was on the other side and they could not access them. flood waters continue to rise. the rain has come to an end for a brief moment, but more precipitation is in the forecast here. dave and christine? reporting from wilmington. >> derek, thank you. florence will dump more rain in north carolina over the next few days. river levels are raising. cape fear river is rising to 35 feet and expected to crest at 62 feet. water flowing into the streets. we have meteorologist pedram javaheri standing by live in the cnn weather center. the pictures are amazing. the water on water and more coming. >> absolutely. unfortunately when the sky turns blue above, it is a concern of what is happening next to you with the rivers. just toward the west, 120 miles northwest of norfolk is where the storm is centered. moisture streaming along to the carolinas. right toward eastern north carolina. heavy rainfall and going on three consecutive days in some regions. 600 roads across the state have been closed or impacted by what is happening across the area. in fact, when you go in for a closer perspective, the river gauges which are still functions, which are limited because of the water pushing through them. the instrumentation is damaged by this as well. 36 gauges reporting moderate to major flooding. that is from the rainfall that has come down. look back up stream. heavy rain into the appalachians. all of that water becomes a slow motion disaster. all of that water wants to flow down stream and derek says through the rivers andes f estus and it will rise the waters. that is a major concern. you can look at any wau-- any gauge. some of them rising. a lot of them forecast to get to record values before receding a bit for thursday and friday and hopefully better come saturday and sunday. we have the flood alerts in place. 35 million people impacted by this system. the system pushing up to the ohio valley this afternoon and new england by tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. very quickly, but bringing in a shot of wet weather to the northeast. everyone on the eastern seaboard will get rainfall before the system is done. >> pedram javaheri, thank you for that. in southeast asia, 54 people are dead in the philippines in the wake of the world's strongest storm this year. typhoon mangkhut. government officials say the deaths were caused by landslides and dozens of people still believed to be buried. in hong kong, uprooted trees and devastating homes. nearly 2.5 million people have been evacuated in guangong province. a u.s. border patrol agent described as a serial killer arrested in the deaths of four people. his capture made possible by a woman's daring escape. to tak of yourself. but nature's bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's coming up fast. nature's bounty. because you're better off healthy. nature's bounty. tremfya® is fors caadults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i'm ready. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? 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>> he said nothing to anybody. >> he left? >> you know as much as i know. i found out coming out for the second half. he said he not coming out. he retired. >> davis issued a statement about his decision to retire saying i endured multiple surgeries and played through injuries throughout my career and over the last few weeks. this was the latest physical challenge. today on the field, reality hit me fast and hard. i shouldn't be out there anymore. the bills lost 31-20. cowboys and giants renewing rivalry. dak prescott finds austin for 64 yards for the touchdown. eli manning sacked six times. his face right here pretty much says it all. giants are 0-2 after losing 20-13. chiefs second year quarterback patrick mahomes is off to the best start in envelope hnfl history. his six touchdowns and five incomplete passes. mahomes has six touchdowns through two games. that broke drew brees' record. the chiefs beat the steelers 42-37. and finally, no, that is not conor mcgregor. that is ryan fitzpatrick. he had another great game yesterday. he borrowed dashawn jackson's clothes for the press conference. >> sorry, i borrowed your clothes. >> is any of that yours? >> the chest hair is mine. >> dave, you threw for more than 800 yards in the first two games. you can wear whatever you want in the post game pressor. >> that is a harvard guy. not what you expect from ryan fitzpatrick. andy scholes. great stuff. thank you. romans. thanks, dave. serious trouble facing the president's supreme court nominee. a vote on the nomination should wait after a woman publicly accuses kavanaugh of sexual misconduct decades ago. and in the aftermath of hurricane florence. hundreds more waiting help as the ongoing threat of flooding remains in the carolinas. is not a screensaver. this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body's own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn't exist until now. and today can save your life. ♪ ♪ ♪ as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10-25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. ♪ a few problems actually. we've got aging roadways, aging power grids, ...aging everything. we also have the age-old problem of bias in the workplace. really... never heard of it. the question is... who's going to fix all of this? an actor? probably not. but you know who can solve it? business. because solving big problems is what business does best. so let's take on the wage gap, the opportunity gap, the achievement gap. whatever the problem, business can help. and i know who can help them do it. tremfya® is fors caadults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i'm ready. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. a wealth of information. a wealth of perspective. ♪ a wealth of opportunities. that's the clarity you get from fidelity wealth management. straightforward advice, tailored recommendations, tax-efficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. fidelity wealth management. to help you grow and protect your wealth. ♪ hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. we're the most isolated population on the planet. ♪ hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we're a very small electric utility. but, if we don't make this move we're going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii's economy. ♪ verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data on our power grid. (colton) this technology is helping us integrate rooftop solar, which is a very important element of getting us to our renewable energy goals. ♪ (shelee) if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in. ♪ i feared he may inadvertently kill me. the words of woman accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct decades ago. now some republicans want this week's committee vote delayed. record flooding in the carolinas in the wake of florence. the death toll climbing with rising rivers which keep the threat alive well to the week. we are live in north carolina. would you quit your job halfway through the workday? one nfl player says he ditched football for good at halftime. jimmy behind the camera says yes. he wants to quit halfway through the show. i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. it is 5:30 eastern time. we have that story in a moment. we start with the supreme court latest. brett kavanaugh's nomination faces new concerns. the woman accusing kavanaugh of sexual misconduct and coming forward explaining details in "the washington post." now christine ford's identity is known and with the clock ticking toward senate confirmation vote, the senate judiciary committee is trying to arrange staff phone calls with her and kavanaugh. >> but already senators showing signs of concern here. here is lisa murkowski. >> there are more questions that need to be asked than answered. i think it would be appropriate to allow for that time. >> bob corker and jeff flake who is on the committee believe the committee should hear from ford in person before voting. republicans can only afford to lose one vote. >> several democrats calling for delay. including dianne feinstein and chuck schumer. she is the senator ford first reached out to with the allegations. she is a constituent of feinstein. but the chairman chuck grassley calls the timing of the allegations disturbing. the committee's vote on kavanaugh is still scheduled for thursday afternoon. supreme court reporter ariane duvogue has more. >> reporter: christine and dave, christine blasey ford has come forward and alleged that brett kavanaugh assaulted her at a party more than 30 years ago while both in high school. kavanaugh categorically denies the allegations. she attended a party in a suburban maryland home in 1982. kavanaugh and a friend were drunk. she was allegedly corralled into a bedroom. at one point she said he tried to take off her clothes and put his hand over her mouth. i thought he might inadvertently kill me, she told "the post." she shared the details years later in 2012 with a therapist and her husband. according to the article, the husband recalls the wife using kavanaugh's name. the therapist notes reviewed by "the washington post" do not mention him. the other man alleged to be in the room, said last week he never saw kavanaugh act that way. christine and dave. >> thank you. let's bring in the congressional reporter for politico. good morning. last week, there was an unnamed accusation. 35 years old. murky. not a lot of detail. we have a name and specificity. here is the excerpt from the article. kavanaugh was on top of me laughing with a name redacted. theyi both laughed as kavanaugh tried to disrobe me. with kavanaugh's hand over my mouth, i fear he may inadvertently kill me. she says the two got rough. the two men tumbled off the bed. she ran out of the room and locked herself into a bathroom. then was able to leave the party. now interethere's a name to the, does it intensify the attempt to delay the vote? >> absolutely. there is a vote still on this thursday in the senate judiciary committ committee. i would predict that it will be delayed if not -- the question is how long and will it derail the confirmation? you have senate democrats saying we cannot have this now. two top republicans, corker and jeff flake want to hear specifically from ms. ford about her allegation before they move forward and vote. flake has a lot of weight on this. he sits on the senate judiciary committee. he may join democrats. he can ultimately sink the vote in committee. that would be pretty unprecedented. i don't think it will come to that. i think that senator grassley knows and is a smart politician. we are in the middle of the me too movement. republicans can't just turn away. they have to look at the allegations and hear from her. they have to address this. this is very serious. they can't just paper over it. we will see her potentially come to the hill and talk to the senators and see how it impacts the confirmation going forward. it will delay it. the question is will it derail it? >> it is not just the context of the me too movement, but the president with more than a dozen accusers of inappropriate sexual behavior of one level or another. right now it is he said/she said. the other guy allegedly in the room told "the standard," quote i never saw brett react that way. it is cynical washington politics. if it remains he said/she said, there are enough votes to confirm brett kavanaugh right now? >> we have to watch the key voters. right now the senate has 51 republicans. they can only lose one republican. they have a number of retiring senators not afraid to stand up to the president and say no when he asks them. we have a number of swing votes. susan collins and lisa murkowski. beyond the he said/she said, this woman took a polygraph test and passed. senators have to weigh that as well. listen, republicans, like i said, can't ignore this. this is the me too movement. a critical midterm election in a couple of weeks where women are a huge swing vote for republicans. they need women to keep majority. they can't just turn a blind eye. >> the me too movement of last year is the antics of the '80s and '90s at work or prep school frat boys is not tolerated anymore. one wonders what they do or don't do. you wonder what it does to women in 50 days. >> people are likening this to clarence thomas in the confirmation fight with anita hill. the me too movement changed everything. we could be in for a real battle. we have to listen in the next couple days to see if anymore accusers come forward. a lot of times sexual predators don't do this one-off. it happens a lot. we have to see if anyone else comes forward. >> it was 35 years ago. if you believe the story, it is two wasted prep school kids. how much can anybody remember? >> she mentioned it in couples therapist in 2011 and mentioned the name kavanaugh. this is a complicated week for republicans. thank you for being here, rachael. >> you have trade this week too. the kavanaugh and china trade quarrel. it is a lot happening. it is not over yet. major flooding from hurricane florence and several rivers may crest for days. we are live in wilmington with the latest. from insurance to savings to retirement, it takes someone with experience and knowledge who can help me build a complete plan. brian, my certified financial planner™ professional, is committed to working in my best interest. i call it my "comfortable future plan," and it's all possible with a cfp® professional. find your certified financial planner™ professional at to take care of yourself. but nature's bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's coming up fast. nature's bounty. because you're better off healthy. i never count the wrinkles. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. new boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33% more high-quality protein, along with 26 essential and minerals your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. the upside- i'm just getting started. boost® high protein be up for life devastation in the carolinas this morning in the aftermath of hurricane florence. authorities say the worst of the catastrophic flooding is yet to come. hundreds remain trapped right now. 18 storm related deaths confirmed. the latest fatality is a 3 month old baby killed by a tree that fell on his family's mobile home. >> they have been doing cpr for the last 30 minutes. they just wanted permission to stop. i said no at first, but after another 30 minutes, he wasn't coming back. >> overnight new mandatory evacuation orders for hoke county, north carolina. where there are concerns of a possible dam breach. in lumberton, residents bracing for disaster as the lumber river is trying to patch up a gap in the levee system. officials say all bets are off if it overtops the crest. over 500,000 customers without power in north carolina. state's attorney general's office received 500 complaints of gauging of hotels, gas and water. transportation officials are telling people not to travel anywhere in north carolina. don't go anywhere in north carolina. flooding cut off the city of wilmington from the rest of the state. that is where we find cnn meteorologist derek van dam. that is something when you hear officials say don't get in the car or drive around. it is a deadly situation. >> reporter: christine, there is 30-foot wide sinkholes on interstate 40 north of the city. you can imagine why it is virtually cut off from everything around it. just driving around, we had the fortune yesterday to have access to a five-ton army truck. we were able to navigate the flooded roadways, but our vehicle became stuck. we did see a lot of people with fear and dispspi -- desperation their eyes. we saw people staring blankly in the roadway waiting to be rescued. there were over 1,000 high water rescues in north carolina alone from the cajun navy. the evacuation centers fearing are the worst is yet to come. they know if the sun has come out, the flood waters will still rise in wilmington. people were so desperate to get their animals off their property and get them to high shelter. we came across a surreal scene going across the rural parts of pendle county. there were donkeys and horses herded to higher ground. they are anticipating the worst and bracing for it as the flowas rise. dave and christine. >> thank you, . we know hog farms and horse farms. thank you, de derek. we know waters will keep rising for the week. we have meteorologist pedram javaheri in the weather center with the latest. >> let's talk about the system. still plenty of moisture to go around. watching a bit of thunderstorm activity from raleigh to the south here as moisture lingers and pushing off the atlantic and north carolina. eastern north carolina and tennessee. we expect it to pick up forward motion as it moves to the ohio valley by this afternoon. certainly needless to say, the damage has been done. we are almost 34 inches recorded in one observation point. shattering the previous point of 24 inches from floyd in 1999. if the water stops, the water table has risen with the flooding which has taken place. additional flooding. when you look at the forecast. you go up to the appalachians. that water wants to end up back into the atlantic, of course. it comes from higher elevations to sea level, all of the rivers and tributaries and streams will begin to see increase in the flood levels over the next couple days. we have about 35 million people from the southeast and up to the north under flood alerts at this point before conditions gradually improve the next couple days. >> pedram, thank you. let's get a check of cnn money. asian stocks slid as u.s. and china trade tensions weigh on investors. the president plans to impose new tariffs on chinese imports. european stocks opened lower amid the fierce of escalating trade tensions with the world's largest economies. bmw unveiling the vision for self driving electiric car. it was prevented in new york at jfk. working versions of the technology considered. touch sensitive fabric and interactive projections. the front end with a version of the kidney grill with two rounded rectangles connected by a broad center section. the reason is to cover the front mounted cameras and sensors to make it able to drive itself. the showroom arrival is set for 2021. jamie dimon is done with politics after saying last week he could beat president trump during the election. on "abc this week" dimon believes why americans think it is unfair for the banks to be bailed out ten years ago. >> i understand the american public looks at it and it is unfair and it was. they look at it like the elite washington banks got bailed out and they suffered and there is truth to that. they did not see all justice. i understand the anger out there. >> dimon says president trump deserves credit for the economy. when i talked to him in july, he warned that a trade war could undo that trump momentum. he gives the president credit for where we are now. the confident switch was flipped when the president came in. >> fascinating run. >> it would be. the reason why he is talking about it because people keep asking him. he says no. he is done for now. the first deadly shark attack in massachusetts in more than 80 years. why there could be more sharks in the water off cape cod. next. this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. one of china's most famous actresses vanished without a trace. fan bingbing, one of china's most bankable stars appeared in "x men" franchise. she has not been seen in public since early june. let's bring in matt rivers in beijing. matt, how big a star is she there? >> reporter: we cannot overstate how famous she is in china. she is the a plus list celebrity here. she is the most famous person in the country. you could make that argument. the fact she hasn't been seen in public since june is obviously a big deal. it has a major impact in china. millions of people talking about it. this goes back to a tax avoidance scheme she was accused of being part of. signing fake contracts to avoid paying taxes on her sizable income. she was accused publicly in may. she categorically denied it. the government would launch an investigation into the fake contract in the chinese entertainment industry. fan bingbing denied it. she posted one time on social media in june and hasn't been seen or heard since. we reached out to tax regulators and ministry of foreign affairs. they all said they had no comment. we tried to reach out to fan bingbing. we were unable to get in touch. the only clue to her status is from an article posted on the state run media site on september 6th. it said in part fan bingbing had been brought under control and about to receive legal judgment. the article was swiftly deleted. if you talk about this on social media, chinese government will censor it. we don't know where this actress is right now. >> bizarre. matt, thank you. authorities in texas describing a border practiatrolt as a s serial killer. juan david ortiz confessed to the callikilling of four. all worked as prostitutes. the woman on friday escaped and ran to a gas station and found a state trooper. not clear if ortiz has a lawyer. the death of a swimmer at the cape cod beach this weekend is the first fatal shark attack in massachusetts in more than 810 years. witness -- 80 years. witnesses tried to carry arthur medici and another man to get medical help. medici was given first aid, but later died at the hospital. the statement from the bunker hill community college says medici was enrolled as a part-time student in the spring. a major study finds risks may outweigh the benefits of low dose aspirin. millions of people take low dose aspirin regularly. researchers say the regimen has no benefit for older healthy adults and poses health risks. it increases the risks of internal bleeding. researchers do not say if healthy older people taking aspirin should stop. i would say ask your doctor. the best in show at the 70th emmy awards. it features two best dramas. "handmaid's tale" won last year when "game of thrones" was not eligible. >> and "veep" and "marvelous mrs. maisel" are nominated. >> i have got to catch up on today's television. it is not the way vontae davis, a two-time pro bowl quarterback dr cornerback drew it up. retiring at halftime. he just left the stadium. the veteran says he meant no disrespect to the teammate and coa coaches. he said playing through injuries and surgeries, he said it hit me fast and hard. i should not be there any more. he signed a one-year deal in february with the bills. that is walking away from a violent game. >> caught a lot of people by price. >> you have to stick -- by surprise. >> you have to stick it out until the end of the game. >> i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. see you tomorrow. "new day" starts now. an kavanaugh. judge kavanaugh has denied the allegations. >> receding epic flooding in north carolina. >> this is what people are dealing with. a dire situation. >> people need to heed the warning. >> this is one for the record books. >> this is "new day," with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> this is "new day." it's monday, september 17th. 6:00. great to have you back here. >> it's great to be back, and is there a lot of news all


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180917

the death toll climbing with rising waters. we are live this morning in north carolina. would you quit your job halfway through the workday? one nfl player says he ditched football for good at halftime. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. good to have you back. >> good to be back. i'm dave briggs. monday, september 17th. we start with the supreme court late latest. brett kavanaugh's nomination faces new concerns. the woman accusing brett kavanaugh coming forward and adding explosive details to the claims in the interview with "the washington post." now the identity is known and with the clock ticking toward the senate confirmation vote, the senate judiciary committee is trying to arrange phone calls. >> but this is raising concerns. here is lisa murkowski. >> there are more questions that need to be asked than answered. i think it would be appropriate to allow for that time. >> bob corker and jeff flake believe the committee should hear her out before voting. republicans can only afford to lose one vote. >> several democrats calling for delay. including dianne feinstein and chuck schumer. chairman chuck grassley called the times of the allegations disturbing. the committee's vote on kavanaugh is still scheduled for thursday afternoon. supreme court reporter diane duvogue has more. >> reporter: dave and christine, the woman has come forward and alleged that brett kavanaugh assaulted her at a party more than 30 years ago while both in high school. kavanaugh denies the allegations. she attended a party in 1982. kavanaugh and a friend were drunk. she was allegedly corralled into a bedroom. at one point she said he tried to take off her clothes and put his hand over her mouth. she shared the details years later in 2012 with a therapist and her husband. according to the article, the husband recalls the wife using kavanaugh's name. the notes reviewed by "the washington post" do not mention him. the other man alleged to be in the room that room, said last week he never saw kavanaugh act that way. christine and dave. >> thank you. christine fourd struggled to come forward according to a source familiar with the story. she made up her mind not to go public fearing it wouldn't affect the nomination. she said she reconsidered after the inaccuracies and her privacy compromised. >> a spokesperson says kavanaugh categorically denies the allegations. and no tweets from the president. when people close to the president accused of inappropriate conduct, he has been forced to weigh the allegations before commenting publicly. devastation in the aftermath of hurricane florence. the worst of the catastrophic flooding is yet to come. hundreds of people remain trapped. now 18 storm related deaths confirmed. latest is a 3 month old baby killed by a tree that fell on the family mobile home. >> they were doing cpr for the last 30 minutes. they just want permission to stop. i said no at first. after another 30 minutes, he wasn't coming back. >> overnight, mandatory evacuation orders for hope county, north carolina, where there is a concern of a dam breach. in lumberton, people are bracing for disaster as the lumber river seemed to have a gap in the levee system. if the waters rise to 26 feet, it could overtop the permanent lea levee. thousands without power in north carolina. state's attorney general has received more than 500 complaints of price gouging for hotels and gas and water and more than 15,000 people are in shelters statewide. transportation officials are telling people not to travel anywhere in north carolina. flooding has cut off wilmington from the rest of the state. that is where we have meteorologist derek van dam. we are still in the earn innings of the catastrophe. derek. >> reporter: christine, there were literally 30-foot wide sinkholes that formed on the thoroughfare, the artery that se connects the city north of wilmington. there is what would be a busy i-40 with residents and tourists enjoying a long weekend at the beach and coming home. that was deserted. it turned into a rushing river of water. unbelievable. you imagine how difficult this means for authorities to get in critical supplies and fuel and gas to the region to help out with the rescue efforts. there have been over 1,000 high water rescues in north carolina alone since the flooding began. what i saw on people's faces was complete desperation. a lot of scared individuals. we all -- we actually went north of her e in pender county. now they have to move to another evacuation center because the original one was threatened by high water as well. people moving animals away from the flood waters that continue to rise. a lot of rivers will not crest until later this week on tuesday as the protected river crest is estimate for the major flooding risk here. this continues to be a difficult situation in wilmington. we are monitoring it closely. we will go out once again today. dave and christine. >> thank you, derek. stay safe. try to stay dry. we'll talk to you soon. florence with more rain on parts of north carolina in the next few days and river levels will rise for the week. we have meteorologist pedram javaheri in the cnn weather cent center. it will get worse before it gets better? >> that is right, dave. you have this play out with water eventually wanting to come right back down and flooding the communities all over again. we will touch on that shortly. eastern tennessee right now with the moisture. tropical moisture is streaming in north carolina. that is the heavy rainfall at this hour. the concern is once the rain ends, doesn't mean the flooding ends. the appalachian mountains here with the flooding. you have water coming down on the other side of the wall. that is what is happening with the clouds pushing over the appalachians. all that water into the atlantic. hundreds of rivers, streams and tributaries which draw the water back down where the heavy rain fell three days ago. we will see more flooding take place as a result. a slow motion disaster when i explain to people with flooding and the sun comes back and flooding still continues across the region. lu look at the gauges. over 30 reporting moderate flood stage. the gauges are expected to rise in a lot of the regions tuesday into wednesday before they crest at records and going into the weekend. we see conditions improve a little bit. this is a long drawn out event after the rains stop today, which we think they will later on this afternoon and tonight. the water will continue to rush to the region from the higher elevations back to the west. dave. >> thank you, pedram. in southeast asia, at least 54 people are dead as the world's strongest storm this year typhoon mangkhut lashes the philippines. many of the deaths were caused by landslides with dozens more people still believed to be buried under the mud. in hong kong, utter devastation and fierce winds broke apart homes. nearly 2.5 million people have been evacuated in guangdong province. coming up on the program, a u.s. border patrol agent described as a serial killer. arrested in the death ofs fo s deaths of four people. his capture made possible by a woman's daring escape. fema administrator brock long showing more people died from hurricane maria from the death tolls. you may remember the president tweeted casting doubt on the study showing thousands died, not dozens and inflating the numbers to make him look bad. on sunday's shows, long did not dispute the president. >> there's a lot of issues with numbers all over the place. it is hard to tell what is accurate and what's not. you may see more deaths indirectly occur as time goes on. people have heart attacks due to stress. they fall off the house fixing the roof. they die in car crashes because they went through the intersection where stop lights weren't working. >> long says he has no plans to resign among a probe into personal travel with government resources. the white house was considering replacing long before hurricane maria hit. time for an early start on your money. president is planning to hit china with a new set of tariffs. mr. trump will hit china with 10% of troiariffs on $200 billi of goods. it includes refrigerators and air conditioners and toys. these are things american consumers would feel by millions of consumers just as the holiday season approaches. the announcement could come as early as today. this move could put the proposed trade talks in jeopardy. china will respond with retaliatory measures. joe biden is sorry he gave president trump the benefit of the bought. the former vice president appeared -- benefit of the doubt early in the campaign. the former vice president says he and president obama agreed to hold their tongues early in the presidency which he now says he regrets. >> you know, barack and i agreed to remind sigh elent to give th administration a chance to get up and running the first year. god, forgive me. >> biden told the audience he could no longer remain quiet once president trump said there were fine people on both sides after the white supremacist rally last year. surprising research questions the belief that a rela regular dose of aspirin prevents heart attacks and strokes. new data suggests it could even a be harmful. t discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! know about cognitive performance? as you'd probably guess, a lot. that's why a new brain health supplement called forebrain from the harvard-educated experts at force factor is flying off the shelves at gnc. forebrain's key ingredients have been clinically shown to help enhance sharpness and clarity, improve memory, and promote learning ability. and now every man and woman in america can claim a complimentary bottle. just use your smartphone to text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. scientific research on cognigrape, a sicilian red wine extract in forebrain's memorysafe blend, suggests not only sharper recall, but also improved executive function and faster information processing. your opportunity to get into harvard may be gone, but it's not too late to experience a brain boost formulated by some of their brightest minds. just text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20 with your smartphone to claim your complimentary bottle of forebrain. do it now - before you forget. that's the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. do it now - before you forget. you'll make my morning, buty the price ruin my day.ou? complicated relationship with milk? pour on the lactaid, 100% real milk, just without that annoying lactose. mmm, that's good. i'm ready to crush ap english. i'm ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i'm trying to do some homework here. so they're ready for anything. welcome back to "early start." one of china's famous actresses vanished without a trace among tax evasion. fan bingbing is one of the most bankable stars. she appeared in chinese and western films. the film star has not been seen in public since early june. let's go live to beijing and bring in matt rivers. >> reporter: christine, this is strange. it is hard to overstate how famous fan bingbing is in china. this is an "a plus" list celebrity. equal to meryl streep disappearing and no one has any idea where she is. this started in may of the tax avoidance scheme signing fake contracts. she denied it. the chinese government launched an investigation. fan bingbing, other than posting one time on social media in june, has not been seen or heard from since. we tried to reach her unsuccessfully. we reached out to the ministry foreign affairs and no one is commenting on the story. the only clue we have to her whereabouts which was posted on chinese social media on september 6th. they wrote that fan bingbing has been brought under control and brought to legal judgment. that article was deleted. if you try to write about fan bingbing on chinese social media, you will be black listed. this is a massive talker here. fans are concerned. no answers so far. christine. >> a massive talker unless are you on social media. continue to follow that for us. thank you, matt. authorities in texas describing a supervisor for u.s. border patrol agent in custody as a serial killer. juan david ortiz who is a navy veteran confessed to killing four people whose bodies discovered the last two weeks. all victims worked as prostitutes. the case broke friday after a woman escaped ortiz and ran to a nearby gas station and found a state trooper. the agency is fully cooperating with state investigators. it is not immediately known if ortiz has a lawyer. the death of the swimmer at an the cape cod -- at the cape cod beach this weekend was the first in more than 80 years. arthur medici and another man were boogie boarding in wellfleet when the shark attacked. medici was given first aid, but later died at the hospital. the statement from the bunker hill community college says medici was enrolled as a part-time student in the spring. a major study finds risks outweigh the benefits of low dose aspirin. told they may prevent heart attacks and strokes. the regimen has no benefit for healthy older adults and may pose risk risks. it increases the risk of internal bleeding. researchers do not say if healthy older people taking aspirin should stop. it is not the way davis drew it up. the bills cornerback retired at halftime and left the stadium. the veteran released a statement saying he meant no disrespect to team and coaches. davis said after surgeries and playing through injuries, quote, today on the field, it hit me fast and hard. i shouldn't be out there anym e anymore. davis played for the dolphins and colts before a one-year deal with the bills in february. it is a violent and exhaustive game. when you are done, are you done. you like -- you are done. you like to see him finish the game. trouble facing the president's supreme court nominee. now the committee says the vote on the nomination should wait after a woman accuses him of sexual misconduct decades ago. hundreds of people waiting for help as river levels are rising which is posing a new threat to the carolinas. from the very beginning ... it was always our singular focus. to do whatever it takes, use every possible resource. to fight cancer. and never lose sight of the patients we're fighting for. our cancer treatment specialists share the same vision. experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. and these are the specialists we're proud to call our own. expert medicine works here. learn more at appointments available now. i feared he may inadvertently kill me. the words of woman accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct decades ago. now some republicans want this week's committee vote delayed. record flooding in the carolinas in the wake of florence. the death toll climbing with rising waters. it keeps the threat alive well into this week. we are live this morning in north carolina. would you quit your job halfway through the workday? one nfl player says he ditched football for good at halftime. >> dramatic way to go. >> he went out on top, i suppose. 78 points they had given up in two days. welcome to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. we start with the supreme court latest. brett kavanaugh's nomination faces new concerns. her name is christine ford. now her identity is known and with the clock ticking toward senate confirmation vote, the senate judiciary committee is trying to arrange staff phone calls with her and kavanaugh. >> but already senators showing signs of concern here. here is lisa murkowski. >> there are more questions that need to be asked than answered. i think it would be appropriate to allow for that time. >> bob corker and jeff flake believe the committee should hear ford out in person before voting. republicans can only afford to lose one vote. >> several democrats calling for delay. including dianne feinstein and chuck schumer. she is the senator ford first reached out to. she is a constituent of feinstein. but the chairman chuck grassley calls the timing of the allegations disturbing. the committee's vote on kavanaugh is still scheduled for thursday afternoon. supreme court reporter diane duvogue has more. >> reporter: christine and dave, christine ford has come forward and alleged that brett kavanaugh assaulted her at a party more than 30 years ago while both in high school. kavanaugh denies the allegations. she attended a party in 1982. in the suburban maryland home. kavanaugh and a friend were drunk. she was allegedly corralled into a bedroom. at one point she said he tried to take off her clothes and put his hand over her mouth. i thought he might inadvertently kill me, she told "the post." she shared the details years later in 2012 with a therapist and her husband. according to the article, the husband recalls the wife using kavanaugh's name. the notes reviewed by "the washington post" do not mention him. the other man alleged to be in the room, said last week he never saw kavanaugh act that way. christine and dave. >> thank you. christine ford struggled to come forward according to a source familiar with the story. she made up her mind not to go public fearing it wouldn't affect the nomination. ford tells "the washington post" she reconsidered because people were repeating inn a-- inaccuracies about her and her privacy compromised. >> a spokesperson says kavanaugh categorically denies the allegations. and no tweets from the president. devastation in the aftermath of hurricane florence. the worst of the catastrophic flooding is yet to come. hundreds of people remain trapped. now 18 storm related deaths confirmed. latest is a 3 month old baby killed by a tree that fell on the family mobile home. >> they were doing cpr for the last 30 minutes. they just want permission to stop. i said no at first. after another 30 minutes, he wasn't coming back. >> tragic. overnight, mandatory evacuation orders for hope county, north carolina, where there is a concern of a dam breach. in lumberton, people are bracing for disaster as the lumber river seemed to have a gap in the levee system. if the waters rise to 26 feet, it could overtop the permanent levee. if that happens, an official says all bets are off. over 532,000 customers are without power in north carolina. state's attorney general has received more than 500 complaints of price gouging for hotels and gas and water and more than 15,000 people are in shelters statewide. transportation officials are telling people not to travel anywhere in north carolina. flooding has cut off wilmington from the rest of the state. that is where we have meteorologist derek van dam. derek, communities suddenly becoming islands in north carolina. what are you seeing? >> reporter: we are virtually cut off in wilmington, dave. yesterday, i went around for about 14 hours just trying to help and give assistance as much as possible. what i encountered is a lot of scared people. desperate faces. people coming across impasse ab roadways and people with relatives down the road and rising flood waters between and could not get to them. they were waiting for help. we have the ability to get a civilian five-ton truck. we had supplies and gasoline and generators to bring to people who were stranded in homes. as we try to navigate the waters, we became part of the story. we had to abandon and leave the truck behind. that was the least of our concerns going forward. we saw that the flood waters continued to rise as the water filters into the rivers and bayous and creeks across the area. there were large sinkholes on interstate 40. a major artery north and southbound out of wilmington. any given sunday, that particular roadway would be littered with tourists and residents coming home from the beach. it was deserted. it was basically literally a river of rushing water. you can imagine how difficult it is for authorities to bring in critical supplies like gas or food supplies to the evacuation shelters. the feeling of desperation for people here. talking to the evacuees that the creek middle school where we ended up seeing them getting evacuated for a second time. the evacuation center was threatened by flood waters. difficult moments for people on the ground. dave, christine. >> perhaps the worst is yet to come. derek van dam, live. thank you. florence will dump more rain on parts of north carolina in the next few days. river levels will rise for the week. we have meteorologist pedram javaheri in the weather center. this is a slow motion catastrophe here. >> it is. that's why when the storm was downgraded to the category two, it doesn't matter. the water element will not change. certainly the progress and slow movement of the storm hasn't changed and finally beginning to see this move up into the double digit miles per hour of motion out of the region. we expect it to pick up further speed in the next couple hours. the thunderstorm activity still pushing where it made landfall 72 hours ago in wilmington. moisture streams up toward the area. as the storm migrates north, we see the weather pattern to improve. notice how much rainfall came down. highest observation which is 34 inches which shattered the previous state record from hurricane floyd in 1999. that was two feet of rainfall. all of the flooding and rainfall at the surface and that is now surface flooding as the soil is fully saturated. very little room left for additional rainfall across the region. of course, the rain is still forecast through at least today. what has happened with the appalachians taking the brunt of the rainfall and kwesqueezing t water out. that ends up in the atlantic and back to sea level with the rivers and waterways here will see an increase in water levels through the middle of the week. the national weather service is widespread with over 35 million flood alerts in place. a lot of flood warnings and it stretches up to the northeast because guess what? that is where the system is headed this time tomorrow. what is left will push through the northeast. it will leave behind a bit of rainfall across the interior new england. it will be a big broad story before it is said and done. guys. >> i hope people stay safe. the winds may have died down and the storm surge may have died down, but potential for loss of life. everyone should be careful and prepared. thank you. nice to see you this morning. time for an early start on money. flooding caused by florence is expected to cost homeowners damage. many are not covered by flood insurance offset to rebuild. standard homeowner policies exclude storm surge and flooding damage. property owners must buy separate policies from the government. in north carolina, 134,000 houses have insurance with the national flood insurance program. most of the policies are for properties in the special flood hazard areas. there are some people far inland who you saw p.j. showing the maps who think they did not need flood insurance. that will be a problem. meanwhile in southeast asia, 54 people are dead as the strongest storm this year, typhoon mangkhut lashes the philippines. many of the deaths were caused by landslides with dozens more people still believed to be buried under the mud. in hong kong, utter devastation and fierce winds broke apart homes. nearly 2.5 million people have been evacuated in guangdong province. more than 18,000 emergency shelters have been evacuated. coming up, a u.s. border patrol agent described as a serial killer. arrested in the deaths of four people. his capture made possible by a woman's daring rescue. it's america's most popular street name. but allstate agents know that's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? 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"hand maid's tale" won last year. on the comedy side with the winner "veep" on the sidelines which is the leading comedy contenders. netflix has the most this year surpassing hbo. and it is not exactly the way vontae davis drew it up. he retired afternot halftime. releasing a statement saying he meant no disrespect to the coaches and teammates. he said after playing through surgeries and injuries, he said it hit me fast and hard. he played for the colts before signing a deal with the bills in february. that's sports. here is money. most asian stocks slid as u.s. and china trade tensions weighed on investors. the president plans to pose new tariffs despite trade talks. european stocks opened lower. the u.s. futures right now mixed. bmw with the vision of a self driving electric car. the concept for the bmw vision was presented at jfk in new york. the executives displayed working versions. including touch sensitive fabric and interactive projections. it has a new version of the kidney grill with two rectangles with a broad center section. a major reason is to cover the cameras and sensors to allow the cars self driving ability. the showroom arrival is set for 2021. jamie dimon is done with politics after last week where he said he thought he could beat president trump during the election. he wasn't so sure of the progressives and liberals. on abc's "this week" dimon says he understands why some americans think it is unfair for banks to get bailed out. >> some caused the problem. i understand the american public looks at it and it is unfair. it was. they look at it like the elite washington banks got bailed out and they suffered. there is truth to that. they did not see all testament justice. i understand the anger. >> it is ten years this week the financial crisis. why does jamie dimon say he won't run for president? people keep asking him. bob iger who runs disney. same thing. we have a business guy, more of a celebrity business guy, in the white house. a lot of people ask jamie dimon. he says no. >> it would be nice to see the financial crisis in a debate. you take him at his word. >> i take him at his word. a lot of people around him want him to do it. "early start" continues. the latest on the united states supreme court and the latest on the carolinas. i feared he may inadvertently kill me. words of a woman accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct decades ago. now even some republicans want the committee vote delayed. record flooding in the carolinas in the wake of florence. death toll is climbing. we are live in north carolina. and would you quit your job halfway through the workday? why one nfl player says he ditched football for good at halftime on sunday. rough start in buffalo


Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20180917

welcome to "the lead," i'm jake tapper. we begin with president trump's supreme court brett kavanaugh whose confirmation was once seen as a sure bet, now it's in question. all ten democratic members of the senate judiciary committee are pushing for a delay on the committee vote. but far more significantly, four republican senators including one on the committee agree, insisting that they need to hear directly from kavanaugh's accuser, christine blasey ford, before proceeding. the president praised kavanaugh still and argued that the accusations should have been brought forward sooner by the democrats who have known about it since july. >> judge kavanaugh is one of the finest people that i've ever known. he's an outstanding intellect, outstanding judge respected by everybody. never had even a little blemish on his record. at the same time, we want to go through a process, we want to make sure everything is perfect, everything is just right. i wish the democrats could have done this a lot sooner. >> yesterday ford went public with accusations of attempted sexual assault against nkavanauh to the "washington post." until then she was anonymous, only sharing her identity with representatives in congress. ford alleges that in the early 1980s as a teenager, a drunken kavanaugh held her down and tried to undress her at a party and that she feared for her life as he put his hand over her mouth. ford's lawyer today said she felt the act was an attempted rape at the time. kavanaugh strongly denies the allegation, calling it, quote, completely false and saying, quote, i have never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or to anyone. this never happened, unquote. both ford and kavanaugh say they're willing to testify publicly. let's get to cnn's jeff zeleny at the white house. considering how angry we're told president trump is behind the scenes, those were measured comments he just made. >> reporter: they were measured comments and disciplined, as well, almost more disciplined than anything i can recall him saying, reacting with on an issue with such consequences. that is why the president was doing that. he knows how serious this is. the white house has been in touch with senate republicans all day long. judge kavanaugh, in fact, was here at the white house for several hours working behind the scenes with officials who now are preparing him for the possibility of another public hearing. the only time the president showed a bit of anger today, when he was asked if judge kavanaugh should withdraw. he said that is a ridiculous question. >> judge kavanaugh is -- >> reporter: president trump standing firmly behind supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. >> he's an outstanding intellect, an outstanding judge, respected by everybody. never had even a little blemish on his record. >> reporter: he said he would be open to delaying the confirmation vote. >> i want him to go in at the absolute highest level, and i think to do that, you have to go through this. if it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay. it shouldn't certainly be very much. >> reporter: behind the scenes, cnn has learned the president is furious and frustrated by what he suspects is an 11th hour attempt to smear his pick for the supreme court. a california professor, christine blasy ford, accusing kavanaugh of sexual assaulting her while they were teenagers in high school. kavanaugh calling it a completely false allegation. yet his confirmation now hangs in the balance. kellyanne conway, one of the highest ranking women in the white house, trying to set a tone of civility. >> on behalf of the president with whom i've spoken at length about this. she should not be ignored or insulted. she should be heard. >> reporter: sending a message to others around the president this moment is a serious one. it came after the president's son, donald trump jr., mocked want accuser in this instagram post citing judge kavanaugh's sexuality letter found by dems, will you be my girlfriend? yes, no, love brett. last year alabama republican senate candidate roy moore garnered these comments by the president la-- >> he said 40 years ago this did not happen. >> reporter: less than two months before the midterms when women voters and candidates are playing a critical conditi-- a white house is treading carefully saying kavanaugh and ford should be heard. it's an open question how long the president remains measured. with the midterms in the future some 50 days away, combined with this me too movement, the white house taking this very seriously and trying to send a message both sides should be heard. i think the question is will the president's allies, his own son included, keep on that same message, or are we about to see a new battle here in washington erupt? jake? >> i'm guessing the battle's going to happen. jeff zeleny, we're not there yet. let's talk about there with the experts. simone, i want you to listen to our own manu raju. just spoke to senator orrin hatch who had spoken on the phone with judge kavanaugh. take a listen. >> what did he say to you? >> he didn't do that. he wasn't at the party. so you know, there's clearly somebody's mixed up. i think she's mistaken. >> he didn't do that. he wasn't at the party. clearly somebody's mixed up, i think she's mistaken, what's your response? >> i'm trying to figure out how judge kavanaugh knows he wasn't at a party that ford doesn't know come party he was at. he remembers he wasn't at a party where he didn't do what he was accused of -- this is why we need a hearing. i think judge kavanaugh has been credibly accused. and senator hatch included, anyone who partiasserts that sh mixed up, mistaken iss do a disservice to -- is doing a disservice to all women. particularly making it hard to come forward with stories. >> brett kavanaugh says he's willing to talk to the senate judiciary committee, quote, in any way the committee deems appropriate. is there anything he could say that -- i know you oppose him on policy grounds. on judicial grounds. but on this issue, having to do with this accusation, is there anything he could say that would satisfy concerns you might have? >> i think that the challenge is he's already said something, right. he unequivocally denied the accusations and following up on simone's point, i think it's the strongest he could be on it. i think he has denied any wrongdoing in this way. any behavior that looks like this. i think the real challenge, it sounds like he and his friends used to get really drunk in high school. from what i understand, you get really drunk in -- i was a good christian -- i did not have my first drink until i was 24. that's about the only part of the good christian i was, though. but -- sorry, change the direction. i want to be honest. i believe in truth. even when it's damaging. >> we appreciate it. >> the reality here is, you know, he has some really big red flags to me. and this is just the latest one. this isn't the only one. and i look forward to his testimony. it's not in any form in which the senate judiciary committee deems necessary. it should be public just like anita hill's was public 27 years ago. >> listen to kellyanne conway this morning trying to send a signal to everybody in the white house, maybe even her boss, about what she thinks the tenor and tone should be about this accusation and the accuser. >> she should not be insulted. she should not be ignored. sheep should testify under oath and do it on capitol hill. that's up the senate judiciary committee, they need to decide. >> she should not be insulted. she should not be ignored. if she wants to testify, she should. is that the right tone? >> that is the right tone. that is right messaging, but it is not going to help judge kavanaugh. why? everyone that defended locker room talk from president trump is not going to have credibility before the american people. yes, he does have to defend himself on this. and he is at a significant disadvantage because he can't have the white house behind him because they are compromised on this issue. and so i think he can make it through. i think he can be confirmed if no other evidence comes up. but if there is one witness that comes out, one more story, a picture, anything, given the categorical denials that he has given, he has no wiggle room. >> you were at the white house during the clarence thomas hearings, right? the bush white house, you worked for the vice president, dan quayle. does this remind you of all that? >> i was there working with the teams reporting, clarence thomas, i never thought i'd see that again. here we are, you know. >> this allegation is more serious than the one -- >> it is more serious. they're quite different in many ways. >> right. >> i just think we need to have the testimony from both of them, and then see what -- what other con temperatutemporaneous evide witness there's are on another seed and make a sober judgment. because you think brett kavanaugh drank too much or others think that professor ford should have come forward earlier, it's irrelevant. either it's true -- professor ford says something happened, judge kavanaugh says it didn't. let's do our best to find out the truth. >> jake, i want to be clear, for me there is no debate. i believe professor ford. judge kavanaugh has lied multiple times under oath -- >> come on, that's ridiculous. that's ridiculous. >> i'm saying i believe her -- >> you think there's no chance -- >> you were convinced by one allegation about something 35 years ago -- >> i'm convinced, jake, because -- when i was in college, i was intoxicated, and a man who i had previously rebuffed his advances multiple times took advantage of the fact that i could not consent one night. the next day, he denied raping me. that's exactly what he did. and if he ever came -- came up for a supreme court nomination, president of the united states, or congressman, whatever, i don't care, it's been 20 years, 50 years, i would come forward. i don't think anyone that has ever done that, whether it was once in their life or 50 times, deserves to sit at the highest seat in power -- >> i agree. we have no knowledge whether brett kavanaugh did that -- >> i believe christine ford -- no, because to come forward, she has no -- there's no enticeme enticementleenticements for her to come forward and have her life destroyed. to have folks sit on panels such as these and others and have the senate, the leader in the senate, basically tear down her character and assert that she's a liar. so there's no incentive for her to come forward except to tell the truth. except to do her due diligence this. isn't a criminal proceeding. this is -- >> i think something happened to her. i not there's a ton. potential for gray area in this kind of scenario. if he was stumbling drunk, well, why did it stop? did she stop and maybe he stopped? >> the speculation, it's just wrong. >> the part of -- >> this is why this is such a difficult situation. if you are going to stop this confirmation, we need more information. >> i think this -- >> because we don't teach consent is the issue. >> i think what she said in her letter or what she said and her lawyer has conveyed is that kavanaugh alleged lie wly on to her and a friend of kavanaugh's, mark judge, jumped on them and knocked him off, and she was able to get out. i think that's how it happened. >> sounds like a terrible drunken situation where a lot of things could go wrong. >> no, look, the letter is compelling in the arenas that it doesn't look like something that was made up. and in fact, she puts in details that could or could not be corroborated. was mark judge in the room, they can probably try to find out if there was such a party and so forth. i am not questioning her motives or at this point saying that i know who's telling the truth. this is -- we need to have the hearing, need to investigate this. >> there are a couple of observations i have. the first is there were 65 women who signed to a letter, you know, attesting to the great moral character of brett kavanaugh -- >> women who knew him back in high school -- >> high school. and chuck grassley who heads-up the judiciary committee released this letter without telling these women why they were signing on to this letter. now, after those 65 women have signed on to it, they found out what happened, two of them have spoken up. so bill, i would say to you, someone who i enjoy being on panels with all the time, even watching your response to simone right now, the kind of this overbearing, overtalking of -- with women, is exactly the reason why anita hill had the kind of hearing she had when you were helping clarence thomas and the reason why a lot of women refuse to speak up because not only -- i do believe in the criminal justice system. but this is not a criminal justice situation -- >> i agree, and i'm not criticizing her for speaking up. i think we need to suspend judgment we learn more. >> why don't you believe her? >> i'm saying i don't know who to believe, that's correct. i tried carefully to say that. i'm saying i don't know who to believe. >> i think that's okay. the reason for even that doubt, that is exactly why this hearing, this investigation, everything about their testimony needs to be in a public format -- >> i agree with that. i agree with that. >> can we say it's brave that you came out, you did it on twitter also, and shared your story. we all know you. i believe you, i'm sure everybody here believes you. i don't know professor ford. and so i think there are a lot of people who might just be -- i want to hear what she has to say, i'm not saying she didn't do it -- >> she's got a polygraph, therapist notes from 2013 and 2012. some would say why did it take so long? i had a cousin who told us she was molested, and she's older now. what the timing is. thank god i am privileged, i've never been subject to molestation or sexual assault. i don't know what that burden is like. but i would like for us to at least give these folks to have the grace to come forward whenever they do -- >> that's something that's come out of this. i'm serious. the initial reaction when it came out, a lot of conservative men that i follow on twitter were like, that was 17 years ago, he was a kid, it doesn't matter -- >> more than 17. 35 -- >> deletedet tweets. they saw -- deleted the tweets. they saw what happened, what happens to 15-year-old girls can change the rest of their life. they said, you changed my mind. i think there's greater understanding. even though we don't know for sure, where the context was, who could have seen it, there is more understanding of the situation. >> and we'll all -- we'll come back and talk more. we'll come to you first. we want to hear more. she deserves her day in court. will republicans delay the kavanaugh vote in that's the question. majority leader mitch mcconnell weighing in moments ago. plus, the worst is yet to come. that's the warning from one city's mayor in north carolina where water is rapidly rising. ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? 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[ all talking at once ] >> you spoke to him on the phone the other day, what but say -- >> thank you. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> i want to answer this one last question. >> sure. >> please. >> last week, the judiciary committee staff informed me of this letter. i read the letter. at that point, we had no idea who had sent it, and i noticed the date of the letter and wondered why the information had not been released long ago. i asked judge kavanaugh when i had my final hour-long telephone call with him on friday about the letter and the allegations that it contained. he emphatically denied that the allegations were true. he said that he had never acted that way, not only with this unnamed accuser but with any woman. he was absolutely emphatic about that. >> thank you -- >> if this turns into a he said/she said, how do you make the decision? >> that's why it's important that we have testimony under oath with a lot of questions asked of both of them. >> should the fbi play a role here? >> thank you. >> senator susan collins, republican of maine, and one of the key swing votes in the senate when it comes to the kavanaugh supreme court nomination saying that both the accuser of kavanaugh and kavanaugh need to testify under oath about this incident that the accuser alleges took place around 1982. my panel with me. susan collins seems to have an open mind. wants to know what she says, wants what he says. your reaction? >> susan collins is a champion of women's rights, a defender of women. i can tell you that a number of folks have been disappointed in the way that she has handled the kavanaugh nomination, particularly some of her constituents. i think this is something that her constituents would like -- are happy to hear from her, but they'll be watching her. it's not enough to make grand statements and gestures if you are not going to back it up with action. what else does susan collins need to hear? and i just -- on this point that mitch mcconnell made about regular bipartisan order and process, i'd like to remind everyone that after judge scalia's death, mitch mcconnell kept the seat open, the supreme court seat that was president obama's to fill for 422 days to fill. it's been 46 days since justice kennedy retired y. are we rushing this? >> she says if -- if he's lying, that's disqualifying. that's important. what i do not want to hear, republican senators go on and on about the timing. it's about the person who makes the accusation to determine the timing that goes public. instead, they should say if anyone has information that needs to go public, we need to get it now. we're going to delay this for a week, we want to gather as much information as we can. if someone has information to change votes, come to us. then shut up and listen. >> and just to be clear, i'll come to you, but the timing is that in july dr. ford, the professor, told both her congresswoman, ann eschew, and dianne feinstein, and the "washington post" about what had happened to her, but was not prepared at that point to come forward. and, in fact, was not prepared until yesterday afternoon. and that's when the "washington post" broke the story. >> i'm with susan collins. i think mitch mcconnell does a disservice to turn this into a partisan fight. whatever's -- whether feinstein could have acted differently in therms of sharing the -- the terms of sharing the letter or differently, is totally irrelevant. susan collins' attitude is the right one. and senators and the white house should stop playing partisan games and say let's try to find out the truth. one thing i would add, i'm not sure we won't -- they'll testify under oath. they'll be pushed on various details. there are others, this is -- you know, this other man -- >> mark judge, who denies it. he it says didn't happen. >> okay. let's see him testify. let's see him talk about that. and there may be others who have con temperature rainious evidence that -- contemporaneous evidence that sheds light. i think susan collins' tone was right. i think mitch mcconnell did a disservice to judge kavanaugh who i'm told urged the white house to take the they took with kellyanne conway. to say, look, we cannot -- this is not true. kavanaugh says to his friends, this is absolutely false, but we need to treat this respectfully and let the hearing go forward. >> there's a possibility, angela, i want to say, that we had don't ever find out more beyond the testimony of these two individuals, both of whom may prove to be completely credibly saying what they think is the truth. and it's possible that there is no contemporaneous individual who remembers her because professor ford has already said she didn't tell anybody until i think six years ago in marital therapy. she finally said this, that she went decades without telling anybody, as you know. that's not uncommon with survivors of sexual assault. we might be in the same place in a week or two with two individuals and basically i hate to say the cliche but basically he said/she said. >> yeah. and one legal standard at least in criminal -- in criminal cases is standard of reasonable doubt. and right now there's reasonable doubt at least against judge kavanaugh and a reason he should not go forward. the other thing we should continue to press for are the red state democrats to speak up, to be brave for what they know is right, if partisanship was not at an all-time high and if we weren't having turf wars, i think people would say, you know, there's enough that's happened in katcher -- in kavanaugh's proceedings for me to be uncomfortable. this is the tip of the iceberg where we can not just ram this vote down the american people's throats. i think that the final point is this is a midterm election. it's already very hot. i wish they would -- >> they would what? >> i wish they would continue down the same road knowing that this man is this potentially compromised. it is very, very bad. it's in bad form. poor taste. a reason we might need the supermajority -- >> what if they withdraw and they nominate amy coney barrett, who is loved by -- i can see a scenario where republicans decide to abandon him and say we're going to bet big on judges again it paid off for republicans in the 2016 election. let's go for it. >> you've got to be kidding. does it help republicans to have -- look, if he's not telling the truth, he's not telling the truth, he will be abandoned, and he should be abandoned by republican senators. >> yeah. >> if he's telling the truth and it becomes -- the evidence is on his side, he should be supported. if, as you suggest, it really remains a genuine uncertainty and dilemma, people have to make up their own minds. >> i think they also have to think -- i hate to put it in political terms but we might as well, the midterm election will be decided by women, suburban white women, black women, latino women all over this country. if i was a gop strategist, i would not be encouraging folks to put all their bets in the basket of someone that has been credibly accused at this point. regardless -- >> start over -- >> regardless of folks can have that conversation i guess by b they want to see more facts -- guess about they want to see more fact. if i am a woman sitting in the suburb of georgia or in ohio or omaha, nebraska, district two where cara eastman is running, i am looking at this seriously saying in this day and age, is this the treatment women deserve? is this who we have put -- i want to send somebody else to congress cto have my back. >> and we'll go to break, but we'll have more. stick with us. with moderate to severe crohn's disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? i hope so. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. 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[clap clap ding] dr. ford deserves to be heard. to railroad a vote now would be a deep insult to the women of ameri america, a lasting scar on the integrity of the supreme court. >> that was senate minority leader chuck schumer just minutes ago speaking about the accusations against president trump's supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. kavanaugh forcefully denies the allegations. two of our legal experts, laura coates, let me talk to you. these allegations made by chr christine blasey ford, no charges ever brought. according to her and her lawyer, she never told anyone at the time. it wasn't until six years ago in marital therapy that she first raised the subject of this happening to her. what might an fbi investigation which democrats are calling for, what might that even look like? >> technically, this happened in montgomery county, that's maryland, which would mean there's no real limitations period for a felony sexually assault. if this is a misdemeanor level, which may be what she's going for in terms of the allegations she has ascribed of the molestation, of the groping, over her mouth, that may rise to the misdemeanor level. the fbi will have to determine the severity of the allegations. you're right to think about the delayed reporting. that's the number-one hurdle that most sexual assault victims have to overcome. why did you delay? what's your motivation? why now? and why did you choose once he was on the cusp perhaps of a greater level of prominence? this goes into the victim shaming and questioning her, but it's a real question for investigators. they don't have all the facts in front of them. memories start to fade. and they have to kind of put it in the scope of would a prosecutor now have charged this conduct. >> but -- >> go ahead -- >> well, just that there are also facts that can be determined out there in the world. she says there were four women and two men there. who were the four women? whose house was it at? those are issues that can be determined. apparently according to orrin hatch, brett kavanaugh said that he was not at that party. so he seems to know where the party took place. let's talk to the people who live -- who live there. yes, it is a very long time ago, but it's not like you have to throw up your hands and just say it's one person's word against the other's. investigators know how to do this. and they can learn more than we know. now. >> and jeffrey, there's a 1998 memo from kavanaugh who was at the time working for independent counsel ken starr. and he wrote that he was strongly opposed to giving president clinton a, quote, break in the questioning about his relationship with monica lewinsky. he wrote, clinton, quote, he should be forced to account for all of that and to defend his actions. it may not be our job to impose sanctions on him, but it is our job to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear piece by painful piece. i've seen a lot of people citing this on the web. what's your response? >> well, in fairness to judge kavanaugh, he seems to be saying, go ahead, ask me anything. ask me about this event. ask me anything about my past in terms of relationships with women. so yes, he is calling for, you know, ugly, detailed scrutiny of bill clinton when he was working for kenneth starr. in fairness to him it sounds like at least that he's willing to subject himself to the same scrutiny. >> and that's what should happen here, though, gentlemen. you're talking about somebody who's looking to fill a position for the rest of his life which means that before his entire life should be on display about who he is as a person. frankly, just as he was about not wanting to give clinton a break, it makes sense as the head of the sbexecutive branch, for him to violate laws -- a judge would have to interpret or preside judgment over somebody else. it makes sense that he would have to account for. it doesn't mean that he's guilty or innocent. he should be tested. that's what due process is. >> and simone, let me ask you. amanda talked about how some conservative men she saw on twitter were initially writing, oh, this took place when he was 17, 35, 36 years ago, and then they deleted that. they started to think twice. is there a cutoff do you think? when somebody is 15, 16, or does it depend upon the action? >> look, i think some of the same conservative folks are some of the same folks that believe in mandatory minimums. and enforcing and that believe that michael brown or trayvon martin got what they deserved. i think that if we are talking about we have to remember that we clearly are living in a broken culture. every single day. we're living in a broken culture. a culture that says boys will be boys. that sometimes that's just what happens. a culture that forces some women to say, well, you know, this just happened a lot of the time back in our day. this is unacceptable. and i am fortunate that we -- that in 2018 folks are saying this isn't how it has to be. we have to have a conversation about it. and i believe you have to atone for it. you have to be held accountable. like if i stole from a store 100 years ago, not 100, but if i stole from a store 15 years ago, i should have to answer to it. >> if you didn't steal from the store, you should be able to clear yourself. >> i should be able to do that. >> that's the point. you can not assume he's guilty because he's been accused of something. susan collins, i give her credit for saying if he's lying, it's disqualifying. he's not trying to make excuses. he's not saying it happened -- she's not making excuses, she's not saying it happened 35 years ago. >> yeah to all that. i think we should take away from this situation if it did take place, not saying it did, brett kavanaugh would probably not be in the situation he is in today because he would have a record that would follow him. and do people have different treatment who come from different kind of families with lawyers in their families? this opens a whole other conversation about how drastically his life could have changed if he had gotten charged. >> jeffrey? >> there is still uncertainty about how this fact-finding will unfold. you notice when mitch mcconnell was talking about an investigation, he didn't mention public testimony. he didn't say there would be a public hearing. susan collins was sort of vague about that. i mean, there are a lot of details to be worked out here. will the fbi be involved, will this be under oath in front of the country at large? who else will testify besides these -- you know, the two protagonists in this story? these are all very important questions, and what you could tell from mcconnell's statement is that he wants a small, narrow, private, as small an investigatio investigation as possible, and that is not going to be acceptable to democrats. >> angela? >> the fbi is already involved. dianne feinstein passed her letter to the fbi initially. i think the other part of this that we have to keep in context, of course we want to hear both sides of this story. but we need to remember what will be before brett kavanaugh if he were nominated to the supreme court on women's choice, equal pay, workers' rights. if he has a apparent and practice -- a pattern and practice of demonstrating that he can not ever side with women or that women are beneath him, i think that this is another piece of this -- >> but don't you think the professional career he's had speaks to that? >> yeah -- >> he does treat women in the workplace. >> not favorably, no. in fact, we -- >> we can look at the rulings. she's talking about his professional behavior. two different things. >> i'm sorry. i missed what you were saying. i think the other part is speaking of professional behavior, in the hearing where kamala harris was questioning him, the way in which he chose to engage her is also telling and damning. i think i do have questions about how he engages with women professionally. i have questions about how he would rule in cases about women's bodies. i have questions on how he would side with women on equal pay issues or affirmative action -- >> that's independent of what -- >> not to me -- >> what may taint the nomination today -- >> it's not to me because where i started was, a lot of red flags exist to me -- >> yeah, but you can -- you disagree with his policy. >> no, i disagree -- >> but the nomination, it's ape character issue. >> i agree. what i just spoke to was his professionalism, his character, and to this -- >> but one of the things that i think amanda's trying -- she's trying to talk about here in a lot of these me-too cases, harvey stwoweinstein, we only h 18 minutes left. there's a trail of men who have been -- fallen because of their disgusting past behavior. in almost all of them, it's a pattern. you see more than one. what if nobody else comes forward? does that change things for you? >> no, i think that dr. ford, she has credibly come forward in my opinion. i think the fact that she first came out -- first was anonymous, then came out on the record and is saying she's willing to testify speaks volumes. i hope if there are any other women out there they come forward. these women are probably some of the most powerful people on the planet. if you believe and stand on the side of justice and you don't want to see this happen to anyone else, you do not want to see two credibly accused folks on the supreme court, come forward. even if they don't, i still think that her merits stand on their own. >> thank you, one and all, for that discussion. a rapidly rising death toll in the carolinas as rivers swell. is the worst from florence on the way? stay with us. you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. is important to me so father being diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. 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(avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. authorities in the carolinas warn that the worst could be yet to come from what was hurricane florence. the now-tropical depression is making its way north while the death toll was just increased to 21. three of the lives lost were babies. because of florence, several rivers are running over their banks, cutting off cities such as wilmington, north carolina, with no way in by car right now. cnn's paolo sandoval is inland in lumberton. what are authorities worried about right now where you are? >> reporter: well, exactly what you mentioned, jake, which is access. you know, floodwaters still remain in communities throughout north carolina including here in lumberton. many interstates and also some of these roads continue to be flooded each though in this particular city the river has stopped rising. keep in mind "peoplpeople here lumberton have been through this when hurricane matthew swept through two years ago. people i've spoken to tell me it's like history seems to be repeating itself. deadly and deep. floodwaters are rushing through the carolinas as days of rainfall break 140-year records in places. deaths continuing to mount including 1-year-old kaiden lee welch whose body was found this morning. the baby was swept out of his mother's arms as she tried to pass through fast-moving water sunday. >> she was a stranger to this community. driving through this road. she did not know. the water forced her off the road and across an open field. >> reporter: there are ongoing rescue efforts across the region as water levels continue to rise. the lumber river outside of wimbledon invaded many neighborhoods still not yet recovered after hurricane matthew two years ago. images shot by cnn show the devastation at ground level. dozen who's thought they had survived the worst of hurricane florence now suddenly reliant on rescue workers as they leave their homes behind. >> some people say they've been praying for a while. some people are crying. and some people are just like, thank you, lord. >> reporter: teams searching for survivors in submerged trucks and hovering above flooded thunderstorms airlift citizens to safety. this woman was stranded in her house for days without medication. one myrtle beach official tells cnn, quote, we are slowly becoming an island as some citizens try to make their way through flooded roadways by car and even canoe. >> these are 500-year flood levels. this is a matter of weeks, months, maybe years to fully recover. >> reporter: flood watches and warnings have expanded to include ten states and nearly 30 million people all looking at the carolinas for signs of what may be coming next. >> some areas have not seen the worst flooding yet. so this is a monumental disaster for our state. >> reporter: widespread power outages continue to be a major issue. just a while ago, i walked to a nearby hotel where people have been waiting to go into their homes for the last five days. they've been waiting there in the dark. last point i should make, during matthew, some of the hardest hit were those struggling economically which means they lost whatever little they had. now here they are again, jake. >> paolo sandoval, thank you very much. erica hill is in fayetteville where flooding is posing a threat to locals. the river levels are keeping locals on edge. >> reporter: they certainly are. that's the major concern. the river is behind us, we sent our drone up to give you a sense of what we're looking at here. this issone area where the cape fear river has beyonded -- this is one area where the cape fear river has extended beyond its banks. the biggest concern, it's a beautiful day here. people have been cooped up for days with rain. one official said, you know, you should go outside. go outside, enjoy the sun while they're packing their cars to move to higher ground. there are mandatory evacuations in place for the one mile surrounding the cape fear and the little river because that river feeds into the cape fear. we're seeing a lot of the creeks that feed the cape fear river are really contributing to the flooding. the river is expected to crest tomorrow at 64 feet. when it was matthew's turn, it was only 53. >> erica hill in fayetteville, thank you very much. in our national lead, how a woman's narrow escape led police to a border patrol agent-turned-accused serial killer. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ no matter when you retire, your income doesn't have to. see how lincoln can help ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed, at oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180917

outraged, ask you, could you feel safe returning? woody allen's wife breaking her silence. the first interview in more than 25 years. and now, making allegations against her adoptive mother, mia fair roe, and mia fair roe's other children tonight responding. the deadly shark attack off cape cod what we've learned about the young man who was killed. his friend on what happened on that boogie board the moment the shark struck. and tonight, diane sawyer and sally field. what we never knew. what she endured as a child in her own home, and the strength to carry on. good evening. and we are back from the hurricane tonight, though florence, that storm system, still raging. deadly tornadoes late today. and we'll get to that in a moment. but first, the other breaking story as we come on the air tonight, the accusations involving supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. his accuser ready to the and now judge kavanaugh says he will testify, too, both in front of the american people. that hearing now set for a week from today. just days before the committee was set to vote, his nomination thrown into peril. she says kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school some 35 years ago. this is an image of her from that time. she says at one point she was afraid he would inadvertently kill her. kavanaugh allegedly saying he was not at the party in question. and what the president is now saying tonight. terry moran, who has covered the security for years, leading us off. >> reporter: today, with his supreme court nominee in peril, president trump backed brett kavanaugh to the hilt. >> he is one of the great intellects and one of the finest people that anybody has known. >> reporter: and the president, uncharacteristically calling for patience and process to resolve the swirling questions. >> i'd like to see a complete process. i'd like everybody to be very happy. most importantly, i want the american people to be happy, and i think to do that, you have to go through this. if it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay. >> reporter: kavanaugh's accuser, christine blasey ford, a psychology professor in california. this is what she looked like in her high school yearbook in the early 1980s, around the time she says she was assaulted. she told her story in a july letter to senator dianne feinstein and in an interview with "the washington post." kavanaugh and a friend, she claims, were kwl stumbling drunk" at a party and forced her into a bedroom. she alleges kavanaugh "pinned her to a bed" and groped her. "he was trying to attack me and remove my clothing," she says. "i thought he might inadvertently kill me." and she told "the post," when she tried to scream, he put his hand over her mouth to muffle her. she says she managed to escape. kavanaugh issued a categorical denial -- "this is a completely false allegation. i have never done anything like what the accuser describes, to her or to anyone." and in a phone call with republican senator orrin hatch, he went further. >> what did he say to you? >> well, he didn't do that, and he wasn't at the party. so, you know, clearly, somebody's mixed up. >> reporter: in his confirmation, kavanaugh was asked about his high school years. a softball question that now seems weirdly on point. >> you ever get in trouble? were you more of a john boy walton type or a ferris bueller type? >> i loved sports. first and foremost, i think that i worked hard in school. i had a lot of friends. i've talked a lot about my friends and they've been here, so it was very formative. and when i think back on it -- >> you left out the trouble part. i was waiting for it.>>, that'sd under the friends, i think. >> reporter: now, christine blasey ford's lawyer, debra katz, says her client is ready to testify. >> she's willing to cooperate. what she's not willing to do is to be part of this bloodletting that happens in washington. >> and terry moran with us live tonight from the white house. terry, judge kavanaugh said he's ready to testify late today. and this hearing with the accuser, as well, will be next monday? >> that's right, david. next monday, the accuser, christine blasey ford, and judge kavanaugh. the white house issued a statement at the end of the day, where he said he is ready to defend his name and testify. david? >> terry moran leading us off tonight. terry, thank you. and of course, there is so much at stake for the court, for the american people and for both parties, and what will a handful of key senators now do? three democrats up for election in red states, states that president trump won. heidi heitkamp, joe donnelly, joe manchin. will they support kavanaugh? and two republican women, lisa murkowski and susan collins. collins was followed through the airport by reporters, and so many were pressed today, where do they stand on the accusations and what should happen tonight? mary bruce on the hill, asking the questions tonight. >> reporter: for 24 hours, the pressure has been building on republican senators like susan collins. all eyes on her as she arrived back in washington, saying she had read the letter by brett kavanau kavanaugh's accuser. >> i did read the letter last week and asked the judge in a telephone conversation on friday about it and he was very emphatic and -- in his denial. >> reporter: today, collins became the first republican to call for kavanaugh and christine blasey ford to appear on capitol hill, fweeting "they should both testify under oath before the judiciary committee." later, collins swarmed by reporters. is the allegation disqualifying? how do you adjudicate something that's almost 40 years old? >> well, that's why impoanthathere be thorough interview and that we see both individuals respond to the allegations. there are an awful lot of questions, inconsistencies, gaps. obviously, if judge kavanaugh has lied about what happened, that would be disqualifying. >> reporter: collins and her republican colleague lisa murkowski of alaska will be crucial votes. but a number of democrats running for re-election in states president trump won are also under enormous pressure. today, one of them, senator heidi heitkamp or north dakota, tweeting, "we need to respect professor ford by listening to her and hearing her story." tonight, a growing number of republicans want to hear from her, too. >> to not at least hear the person out before it's voted out of committee is very problematic. >> and mary bruce just minutes ago, that news of a hearing now, judge kavanaugh and the accuser and the american people will hear from both of them a week from today and those senators you spoke with today facing real pressure now from constituents on both sides watching this very closely. >> reporter: david, the pressure is tremendous. and now we've learned that both kavanaugh and ford, the accuser and the accused, will both appear before the same panel on the same day, one right after another. tonight, the republican chairman of that committee saying anyone who comes forward as dr. ford has done deserves to be heard. david? >> and mary, on a personal note, mary is a new mom and it is great to have you back, not a moment too soon, mary. >> reporter: thank you. we're going to turn on now to other news and to the developing story on florence, still wreaking havoc as we're on the air tonight. deadly tornadoes, one near richmond, virginia, ripping off roof tops and taking one life. while in the floods, devastating north carolina at this hour, the high water too much for this military vehicle right here. four people, including a marine were rescued. it was a remarkable scene. abc's chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas with the story behind that moment, and the tornadoes just touching down. he's outside wilmington, north carolina, tonight. >> reporter: tonight, florence's deadly march inland, triggering tornadoes near richmond, virginia, ripping through the center of town, shearing the roof off that building. debris flying through the air. officials say at least one person killed. >> it might be a little scary, but we got you. we're going to take care of you. >> reporter: a coast guard chopper hoisting out this woman in need of medical attention. our station right there when four people, including a marine, had to be rescued from their humvee. the water so deep, they had to dive for their belongings. dams bursting. this freight train derailing. the bridge under this tractor trailer giving way. and the city of will mung on the now virtually cut off. we tried getting there from the south. this is highway 17. we're just 15 miles from wilmington. but it is impossible to drive into wilmington from the south, and you can see why. there is water as far as the eye can see. this man looking for gas forced to crawl along a railing because of a road collapse. also stranded by the water, charles lundy, pleading for help. anything you want to say to people who are watching this, government officials? >> if you could get some food down here, some mres, it would be nice. >> reporter: inside wilmington, long lines for supplies. >> close to two hours, so, i don't want to give up now. >> reporter: many saying they have not seen any disaster assistance teams in their neighborhoods. >> looks like the water is still flowing over here. >> reporter: and from the air, in some parts, devastation everywhere you look. our eva pilgrim flying with customs and border protection. >> you can see a lot of the rivers are very much swollen. >> reporter: record-breaking flooding in the town of chinquapin. that church, surrounded by water. and outside of charlotte, tragedy. officials finding the body of a child, just a year old. his name, kaiden lee welch. >> you know, this momma has suffered tragically. >> reporter: the toddler swept away by floodwaters after the car he was in got pinned against trees. his mother able to free him from his car seat but lost her grip as they tried to escape. just a horrific accident there in charlotte. and there is another crisis unfolding at this hour. there are towns and cities like wilmington, virtually being cut off because of all this water. and even when that water recedes, they have to check the highways. we have seen road collapses all over this area. david? >> just devastating wherever you look. tom, thank you. and let's get right to ginger zee, who was with us for days in the hurricane. and now there are watches tonight all the way up through new york and new england because of what's left of florence. ginger? >> reporter: and tonight, here in washington, d.c., we have a tornado watch and a flash flood watch. let me take you to the maps what's left of florence is really creating quite a few problems. those cells moving north and east have already had at least ten reported tornadoes, and those all near richmond. tonight maryland is in the tornado watch, as well. the flash flood watch goes through central pennsylvania, western new york and massachusetts, rhode island and connecticut. tomorrow, we could pick up one to four inches of rain. rivers and creeks from the mid-atlantic to the northeast can't handle that, david. >> ginger zee, thank you. and next this evening, unanswered questions in that deadly outbreak of home explosions in massachusetts. i 00n three towns outside boston returning home tonight after the series o bltsaused 80 homes to catch fire, destroying 1 of them and killing an 18-year-old. the ntsb confirming tonight a spike in gas pressure was the cause, but the utility company says they didn't cause it. many residents tonight saying they still do not feel safe. and to the breaking news from the white house tonight. president trump taking the unprecedented step of declassifying documents having to do with the russia investigation from people he believes are biased against him. the documents include text messages of fired fbi director james comey and from lisa page and petter struck, the two former fbi officials who wrote negative messages about donald trump when he was a candidate for president. we turn next tonight here and for the first time in more than 25 years, woody allen' wife, soon-yi previn, breaking her silence about their relationship. is tonight, many of fair roe's other children are defending their mother. here's abc's erielle reshef. >> reporter: the story rocked a family and made tabloid headlines. director woody allen caught in a relationship with the 21-year-old adopted daughter of his longtime partner, mia farrow. 26 years later, soon-yi previn is breaking her silence in an explosive interview with "new york magazine," saying farrow emotionally and physically abused her, including slapping her "across the face and spanking her with a hairbrush, and calling her 'stupid' and 'moronic.'" but previn adds, "i was never interested in writing a 'mommie dearest.' getting even with mia -- none of that." she's also defending her husband of 20 years against allegations he molested farrow's then 7-year-old daughter, dylan. allen was never charged and has always denied the allegations. >> he's lying, and he's been lying for so long. >> reporter: previn telling the magazine, "what's happened to woody is so upsetting, so unjust. mia has taken advantage of the me too movement and paraded dylan as a victim." in the piece, the author acknowledging she's a long-time friend of woody allen. tonight, seven of farrow's nine children are standing with their mother, including son's ronan. he's calling his mother "a we voted mom who created a loving home," adding, "but that has never stopped woody allen and hid allies from planting storie that attack and vilify my mother to deflect from my sister's credible allegation of abuse." >> reporter: no one is parading dylan around as a victim, and she slams the magazine for what she calls a one-sided piece. and the magazine says this is previn's chance to tell her story. >> erielle, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. that deadly shark attack off cape cod. what we've now learned tonight about the victim engaged to be maried and what his friend witnessed in the water. also tonight, the suspected serial killer, authorities going before the cameras just moments ago. what they're now saying about the u.s. border patrol agent and what he allegedly did. that incredible rescue in the flood zone after he left the hurricane, this story that captured so many of us and our attention, the dogs that could not get out on their own, wagging their tails when rescuers arrive. and diane sawyer with sally field tonight. what we never knew. what she endured as a child in her own home. this is power. . and she reveals the strength to carry on. on. ory. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. this is my cousin george. discover your story. start searching for free now at take new dayquil severe with vicks vapocool.asty cold, (acapella) whoa! 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or how is it not always connected to danger? it's always connected to danger, shame and loss. >> reporter: loss? >> well, kind of the loss of self. >> reporter: she says she was saved by fighting for the things she loved, the serious work that would arc across the screen for 50 years with rare power. >> why? why? your life is never one thing, and the times when you feel absolutely slammed to the ground with defeat or disappointment or loss, just hopeless, it's up to you to be this pain and pain ann and stand up and move again. >> and later tonight on "nightline," what sally field waited for years to ask her mother, and what her mother said to her not long before she lost her mom. it is powerful and moving and it's tonight on "nightline." when we come back here, the u.s. border patrol agent, now a suspected serial killer tonight. what authorities have now revealed. and what we now know about that deadly shark attack off cape cod. bu has plans today. so he took aleve this morning. hey dad. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. tylenol can't do that. aleve. all day strong. all day long. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief with just one pill. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? 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(announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. after bill's back needed a vacation from his vacation. so he stepped on the dr. scholl's kiosk. it recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain so you can move more. dr. scholl's. born to move. finally tonight here, we witnessed so many moments reporting from the hurricane zone, and tonight, one more. in leeland, north carolina, and it's america strong. it was the image so many of us could not get out of our minds. the volunteer walking up to the dogs trapped in theuer, they begin to wag their tails. two volunteers would get them out, opening the gate. >> come on, come on. >> reporter: those dogs rescued right into the floodwaters, eager to get out. >> come on, puppy, it's okay. >> reporter: one of those rescuers telling abc news the dogger were wet and happy and happy to see us. the family had gotten out with their children and other animals. they got them to the church and were forced to evacuate again. when they tried to get back for the other dogs, authorities would not let them, telling them it was too dangerous. tonight, they say they are grateful to those rescuers, just as those dogs were, wagging their tails, jumping through that water and right into so many hearts. cannot beat those pictures, the dogs are safe. i'm david muir. now from


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180916

writing i categorically and unequivocally deny the allegation. i did not do this in high school or at any time. the white house feeling that that is sufficient in light of the new detailed accusations coming from blasey ford. according to the polygraph test administered, she passed. as you recall, senate republicans put out a statement, a letter from dozens of women who knew him during this phase of his life saying he had been nothing but respectful towards them. i did want to point to a statement put out by dianne feinstein, key member of the judiciary committee who received this letter from ford before she went forward to the "washington post." she is suggesting that a confirmation vote on kavanaugh in terms of him being confirmed should be on hold until after the fbi completes a probe into these allegations. i also wanted to point to something that doug jones of alabama said earlier today on state of the union with jake tapper. he said specifically that he would ask kavanaugh about these allegations, but at that point this was still an anonymous letter. doug jones saying it's hard to pinpoint questions with an anonymous letter. now that the person has come forward, christine blasey ford came forward, it will be interesting to see how democrats use this as they attempt to sink kavanaugh's nomination. >> we know that the senate judiciary committee was due to vote on kavanaugh's nomination on thursday. we will see whether this disrupts the timeline of that. the white house standing by brett kavanaugh for now. we have not heard from the president which we always may be able to when he decides to pick up his phone and tweet something. on the north lawn of the white house, thank you very much. let's go back to arianne. we have known since this story broke and we have a lot more detail in this "washington post" report. direct quotes from blasey ford. what is she saying. >> she attended the party in the suburbs of maryland in 1982. kavanaugh and a friend were stumbling drunk. she said she was corralled into a bedroom and he tried to take off her clothes. another point he put his hand over her mouth. at that moment she think he might inadvertently kill me. he was trying to attack me and remove my clothing, she said. she was able to escape the room and keep in mind, brett kavanaugh denied this. it's worth noting she only shared the details of this later in 2012 with a therapist and with her husband. her husband called the wife using kavanaugh's name and the therapist notes reviewed by the post don't mention his name. it's worth noting that the other man or the teenager at the time who is mentioned in the article has come ford say he has no memory of this. it wasn't like brett kavanaugh to act that way. that's what he told another publicati publication. >> the big question at least as far as the senate judiciary committee is concerned, how could it affect the vote on thursday? >> here's what's interesting. dianne feinstein received a letter from this accuser all the way back in july. she didn't release it not even to her colleagues. feinstein later said the woman didn't want to come forward. feinstein a few minutes ago released a statement and said she supports the woman for coming forward and now feinstein is calling on the fbi to induct an investigation. that's a different move. before the fbi didn't have the woman's name. how it affects the vote that is supposed to be on thursday, republicans are saying that vote will occur, but this may have a big impact. >> it's going to have a huge impact and set the tone right out of the gate tomorrow morning for what happens in this confirmation hearing. in washington, thank you very much. i want to turn to cnn's correspondent and host of reliable sources. an extraordinary report and we should start off by saying this was a bombshell when it broke and the woman was unidentify and wanted to remain anonymous. why do we think she decided to come forward now, publicly to "the washington post." >> she said she struggled with this choice practically all summer long. in july she first reached out to "the washington post" through an anonymous tip line that to say this happened to her and said she did that because kavanaugh was on the short list to become a supreme court nominee. he had not been nominated, but he was on the short list. she reached out to the post and her local congresswoman and to feinstein's office. throughout the month of august, ford declined to speak on the record as she grappled with concerns about what going public would mean for her and her family. she is quoted as saying ining what happened with reporters knocking on her door are the ills she was trying to avoid. now i feel like it's my civic responsibility that is outweighing my fear. not wanting to speak on the record, but feeling now she has to because reporters for the last few days have known her name and trying to get her to speak. >> in no uncertain terms, she is calling this a rape attempt. >> she has assumed kavanaugh would be confirm and her allegation would not make a difference. now i think we are in uncharted territory and we will see what the key senators say about this in the hours ahead. we want to go back to the feinstein statement that was mentioned. it's interesting to see how feinstein is handling this. she said it has always been mrs. ford's decision whether to come forward. sharing an experience of sexual assault when it involves a man with influence and power is difficult. from the outset, i believe these were extremely serious and bear heavily on his character. as we have seen and come at a price of the victim. i hope the attacks and the shaming of her will stop and this will be treated with the seriousness it deserves. it is disappointing that we are in 2018 and yet there are immediate concerns about this woman being smear and attacked for coming forward. she is a professor and has been published in many journals. she has maybe a small sense of what public life is like, but certainly not anything like this. it must have been difficult for her to speak out to "the washington post." >> speaking of effects on the victim, ford goes into great detail about how she was feeling at the time with the emotions and she was just 15 years old. she was a sophomore and kavanaugh at the time was a 17-year-old junior. she went home and said she didn't tell anybody. she didn't tell her parents or the authorities and didn't think it had an impact on her until later on. she said here in the post, it derailed me substantially for four or five years. i was ill equipped to forge those kinds of relationships. she only told her husband in couples therapy 10 years after she was married. >> in 2012. >> this is a pattern if you have been paying attention with prominent men in various industries. people sometimes deny and push back and suppress the memories. try to forget that something happened. only years later does it come forward. this time it's a supreme court nominee and it will be important in this ongoing conversation and the debate over what will happen that she did talk about this in therapy and according to her husband, kavanaugh's name was said out loud in 2012. that will be an important data point with people saying she is making it up now because kavanaugh is the nominee. one of the things it's important is to kavanaugh's denial. i categorically and unequivoc unequivocally deny this. i didn't do this in high school or at any time. if that statement is true or false, that's a statement he made a few days ago. there will be a dispute about what happened in the party, but he's coming out a few days ago saying she's lying. that will be the test. >> here we are on suspected afternoon asking how the president will respond, but if we are taking the cases for any sort of guidance, he beat out roy moore in the special election. there were serious allegations there that he had sexually molested underage girls and the president stuck by him. remains to be seen. thank you very much. i know you will stay with us. while florence is just a tropical depression now, flooding in parts of the carolinas is causing huge problems and could bring out the one of the in at i moment. ment . from insurance to savings to retirement, it takes someone with experience and knowledge who can help me build a complete plan. brian, my certified financial planner™ professional, is committed to working in my best interest. i call it my "comfortable future plan," and it's all possible with a cfp® professional. find your certified financial planner™ professional at find your certified financial planner™ professional named 'park' in the u.s. ninety-six hundred roads it's america's most popular street name. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? of america, we use diagnostic tools that help us better understand what drives each person's cancer. like christine bray. after battling ovarian cancer for several years, her test results revealed a drug therapy that targeted her tumor. today, christine's metastatic cancer is in remission. we're not just fighting cancer. we're outsmarting it. visit appointments available now. i'm erica hill live where the rain continues. the river levels continue to rise and the concern is rising right along with it. mandatory evacuations were with it yesterday in the area where i am in parts of fayetteville, cumberland county and wade. police officers and firefighters are going door-to-door driving through neighborhoods and telling people they need to get out. the mayor saying if you decide not to go, you need to notify your next of kin. this is not done with the carolinas. we can say that the death toll has been increased to 15. 15 storm-related deaths reported in south carolina. there are hundreds of thousands of customers without power. parts of not just smaller primary or secondary roadways caught off, but major portions of interstates. i-95 and i-40. communities cutoff due to the flooding. fuel can't get in to help first responders with rescues. in some cases, the water plant there is saying they f they don't get fuel, they may not be able to continue water service for residents in the area. our reporters are stationed across the region and we want to begin at rocky point with kaylee hartung. >> i'm in wilmington. they are on an island at this point. the mayor told me you can't get closer than 40 or 20 miles to the city and surrounding areas at this point and roads that are impassible. this is a cautionary tale for anyone trying to come back to the property to see how it was damaged in the storm. they must stay away and will be stopped by highway patrol if they try to pass the roads deep under water. it's also pointing an arrow to a big problem that you mentioned. getting fuel into this city. i can say that the mayor said there is no threat of the water plant or the sewage treatment plant being shut down. they found a storage of diesel fuel in their port that will help those operations continue to run as planned. you mentioned rocky point. that is just north of where i am now. in pender county under mandatory evacuation. as we try to understand how quickly the floodwaters are moving, they want to show you the two pictures. i was on this family's property as they packed up their belongings and evacuated and afraid with the cape fear river, they would lose everything. about 20 hours after i left their home yesterday where we were standing in about ankle deep water, they sent me a photo. the water almost rising to the second story of a home that was built after the home that previously had been there and it was destroyed by hurricane floyd nearly 20 years ago. the pictures help us show people how quickly the waters are moving and how quickly that threat is escalating. erica? >> absolutely. so important to get that context and to see in less than a day what has changed. appreciate it. i want to bring in polo sandoval in north carolina, a little bit south of where i am. polo, just before we spoke to you in the last hour, an important development and it was a worst case scenario. where do we stand with the river and flooding there? >> it's a source of so much concern at this hour for about 20,000 people who call lumberton home. the main point is that the main levee along the banks of the rising river is okay. that is very important to keep in mind. however, in the last few days, we have seen the secondary system that was built by members of the community and the u.s. national guard and also the community members here comprised of gravel, sandbags. this is a makeshift levee put in a different part of the city. the main access point for the floodwaters in the 2016 hurricane matthew. what we saw in the last hour as we were riding along with members of the coast guard was the breech of this system that had been placed there as you might be able to see from the video we shot earlier. only within the last hour. the system was compromised. what does this mean? we can't expect further flooding in nearby communities. one bit of news is that the majority didn't evacuate. the majority of the homes that were affecting are hopefully empty. however the infrastructure is what is at extreme risk two years ago. it supplies the resident and they left him with that water for up to a month so the concern now that this water is flowing, more of it coming from the lumber river and it could have a negative effect on the facilities that are crucial. they are statemented and they are choosing to stay put. some of them are seeing the dangerous flooding potential. it goes to show. only just beginning. i want to bring in south carolina and also being significantly impacted by the storm. what do you see? >> hey, erica. we are starting to seat first bit of flooding about 15 miles inland and a roadway and a bridge. this has been this way. and get higher with the water up to that top step at the door. there is this truck, this older truck that did not fare so well. you can see a pool that is covered over in floodwater. this is before this is said and done and gotten about 13.5 inches of rain and expected to get another inch or so before this is all done. and eventually working down into the watersheds and the one rear is expected to rise a couple of feet meaning flooding will get worse. we are preparing one of the things they will do in the national guard. they are lining one of the main thoroughfares between conway and myrtle beach if n preparation for the water rising. they are taking issue with it and filed within the last two hours an emergency injunction to try to get that work paused. they are concerned that is clogging up the area and not allowing the water to pass through. they are working with the state to get that resolved before they give their blessing. that will crest later this week and beyond that. whoever swork done or not done perhaps will need to be done quickly. >> appreciate that in conway, south carolina. joining us now with a closer look at how much longer this will last. obviously that impacts the flooding stages and the swelling of these rivers and creeks as well. >> you have to understand it's hard to gaming where these rivers and creeks will crest. we don't know until it stops raining. the problem is with that. it's not going to stop raining for a while. a brand-new tornado warning is valid until 4:00 eastern time this afternoon. we have been seeing that happen the last couple of days. the sporadic warnings that come through in addition to the heavy rainfall. notice as we push into monday, look at the new bands that want to form around myrtle beach in lumberton. even though the main storm is expected to push off to the north, we will have redevelopment of the outer bands of that storm that produce heavy rainfall. as of right now, we have eight rivers at major flood stage and eight at moderate stage. watch how it becomes in a couple of days. tuesday and wednesday when a lot of these are expected to crest, you have about 25 majors and over a dozen moderate flood stages. right now gauge about 24 feet. it's expected to jump an additional 10 feet on top of where it is right now. the record is 32 feet. we expected it to be about 2.5 feet above where the previous record was. the cape fear river at fayetteville, this is the one that likely about now barely under 40 feet. that puts it at minor flood stage. it will crest likely about 62 feet in major flood stage. keep in mind this was about 10 feet. it will eventually jump about 50 feet total before this finally crests. the reason for that is all of the rain that we have seen these last few days. take a look at this. again, this is impressive. 33 inches in swans borough. they have over two feet. while the numbers are impressive, the key take away is they are still going to rise before the rain comes to an end. >> allison, thank you. we should point out, we are still under flash flood warnings here where we are in fayetteville. the threat is as allison pointed out, it is ongoing. there are ways that you can help. cnn put together a list of organizations that you can find at stay with us. we are back with continuing coverage on the other side of this break. ♪ who would have thought? who would have guessed? an energy company helping drivers pump less. reducing emissions is our ongoing quest. energy lives here. . there are so many stories of rescues and so many stories of flooding and a story of need that is developing as well. as we continue to cover this developing story of what is tropical depression florence. we are here in fayetteville, north carolina. we want to get a sense of how things are in murrayville. we are having a little trouble getting derek so we will keep looking at that. let me give you a sense of where we are. this is cross creek in downtown fayetteville at linear park in the area. we have a picture that we took at 10:45 this morning when we first came upon this park. in that picture, i will move out of the way so my photographer can get a better look for you guys. what's remarkable is how little water there was despite the fact that there was flooding. we could see the base of that lamp post. beyond it, there is a bench. we saw the full bench with its legs. there plants that are just a little bit in front of this lamp post here. that area is completely flooded. we could see the sidewalk and this is this moved up in the span of a few hours. the mayor was here and we showed him our picture from 10:45 and he said that water is moving so fast. keep in mind, during hurricane matthew, the cape fear river had 53 feet of water. it is expected to crist between 50 and 55 feet. we were able to establish contact with derek and he filed this report out of murrayville. >> imagine if this was your home and your car. this is what people are dealing with in murrayville, north carolina. we are very close to the closed interstate, i-40, a major artery for this location. we just got on to the scene here. i will double check to make sure that nobody is in this house. the doors are locked and hopefully they have been evacuated, but a dire situation for people here. floodwaters rose very quickly last night. homes behind me are also flooded out. residents telling me they have never seen flooding this bad, even with the benchmark storm, hurricane floyd in '99. this will be for the record books. florence already setting state records for tropical rainfall well over those levels. back to you. >> as derek mentioned is the fact that they are not done yet. north carolina governor roy cooper saying today at a press conference a short time ago, the storm has never been more dangerous than it is now. the mayor warn figure do you not heed these mandatory evacuations, you need call your next of kin. if that is not sobering, i'm not sure what is at this point. cnn's live continuing coverage of florence is on the other side of this break. when you're particular, you want things done right. that's why we test all of our paints and stains for months. or even years. we dedicate 175,000 square feet to getting it wrong... ...because you deserve paint that's done right. that's proudly particular. benjamin moore. the standard for paint professionals. only at local paint and hardware stores. ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes applebee's new 3-course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit smoking for years on my own. i couldn't do it. i needed help. for me, chantix worked. it did. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix, without a doubt, reduced my urge to smoke. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, 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to "cnn newsroom." the other major story we are following this hour, texas authorities say they made a stunning arrest in the recent murders of four women. a u.s. border patrol agent. investigators say juan david ortiz went hunting for a specific type of victim. >> we're do consider this to be a serial killer. it meets the qualifications or definition of being a serial killer. we have four people who have been murdered. >> according to a criminal complain, ortiz was arrested in laredo and confessed to killing four people whose bodies were found. they are not ruling out the possibility that there may be more victims out there. we bring in joe johns in laredo. joe, four women that we know of killed by ortiz. what more do we know about the man authorities are calling a serial killer? >> let me put a finer point on that, alex. five victims total. four women and one man. one of the women actually got away. there is still apparently a signature to this. the suspect is alleged to have taken all of his victims out to the outskirts of town, used a firearm, shot them in the head. one woman got away and that was the undoing of the suspect. this was a woman who told authorities that she went to the home of juan david ortiz. after that, they left and started talking about another woman who actually died very recently, a victim of the gunshot wounds. that is when she said ortiz became agitated and pulled out a firearm. she escaped and he pulled her top off and she ran to a state trooper and that is how it unravelled. we are expecting a news conference tomorrow for a little bit more information about all of this. it's not are inially over yet. there are questions about whether there could be other victims. then there is the larger question of who this man was. who we know essentially at least according to a court document that was released some years ago about a person who was of the very same name. juan david ortiz who worked for the border patrol. apparently he went to american military university. he worked in the navy from 2001 to 2009. he was very closely associated with and learned a lot about interdicting both drugs and sex trafficking here along the i-35 corridor where all of these events have taken place. a lot more information and what we are hoping to learn from the authorities. >> still a lot of questions in a truly disturbing story. joe johns, thank you very much. we will stay in texas. demonstrators rallying in downtown dallas protesting the police shooting of botham jean. the officer who shot and killed him they are asking to be charged with murder instead of manslaughter. a white off duty officer mistakenly entered his apartment thinking it was her own. ryan young got an exclusive look inside jean's apartment. >> unit 1478 was botham jean's apartment where the 26-year-old's young life was cut short when he was shot by a police officer in his living room. a small memorial of flowers and a photo with his mother adorn his front door. >> at 26 years old, he had done so much. >> with permission from the family, we are getting a look in botham's apartment. it's a typical single man's apartment except for the bullet hole in the wall indicated by an evidence marking. there is a pool of blood on the floor which we will not show you. laundry is on the couch and his half eaten bowl of cereal that still had milk in it. he may have been reading one of the many books in the apartment before he was shot and killed. this is video of amber guyger pacing around moments after the shooting. she told investigators she shot him after she mistook his apartment for her own. after work, she parked her car on the belong floor, walked to the wrong apartment and the door was slightly open. in a statement to police, she gave verbaled commands before firing two shots. witnesses tell a different story. >> they heart a knock followed by a female voice saying open up, let me in. they said it sounded like someone who wanted to be let into the apartment. she said that was shortly followed by the sound of gunshots and a man's voice saying what she believed to be oh, my god, why did you do that? >> the attorney and the family are upset by the leak of a search warrant that indicates they went in looking for drugs. officers say they did find and removed several items including a small amount of marine. the warrant does not indicate who the items belong to. it's unknown if a search warrant was executed at the officer's apartment. >> 26 years on this earth. he lived his life without blemish. it took being murdered by a dallas police officer for him to become a criminal. there is a sbeer intent to smear the name of botham jean. >> during a moving funeral service we learned much more about jean and his accomplishments. family and friends talked openly about his love of people, for singing and being a high achieving employee on a partnership track at the accounting firm, p with wc. >> pwc is hurting. not just in dallas, but all across our country. >> he was so joyful and we know how much he loved to sing. you know, he was the biggest extrovert you would ever find. >> amber guyger is on leave during investigation and they will take the case before a grand jury to determine the next course of action. cnn reached out to the officer's attorney and they have not received our calls. his heartbroken mother wants officials. >> i am calling on the dallas officials. please, come clean. give me in justice for my son. because he does not deserve what he got. >> cnn, dallas. >> horribly sad story. thanks to ryan young. still ahead, updating conditions in the carolinas as flooding for hurricane florence continues to be a major concern. that's coming up after the break. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost 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going to be difficult. it could be days away and they don't know what they may find when they get there. kaylee hartung who has been doing excellent reporting here knows of one family who was so concerned, they got out saying that they didn't know what they would find when they came back. i know you went back to their house not even a day later. not much left there. she is in wilmington, one of the areas especially hard hit and at this point really cut off. >> reporter: it is. this is an entirely different phenomenon. this is something we haven't experienced before. that is how wilmington's mayor described the situation. the city of wilmington and the surrounding areas within this county are in right now. you said it, wilmington essentially cut off right now. the mayor telling me you can't get any closer than 40, maybe 20 miles to the wilmington area before you run into roads that are impassable because of the water that has overtaken those roads. that points to a problem for anyone who is trying to get back into wilmington, as you mentioned people living up to get back in to conway. and that is something people are trying to deter everyone from doing because you you donu you what you will find when you get home. not only are streets flooded, but also downed trees and power lines. and we know the damage that the storm will do and it is far from over. and we came across this family, you mentioned them. rocky point, north carolina, a family who thought they could lose everything in this storm. and yet today less than 24 hours after we last spoke with them, they sent me go tophotos of the home with water approaching the second story. >> kaylee hartung, thank you. also want to bring in now state senator who you actually put out a call yesterday on social media asking for folks to come out and to help especially in the areas of lumberton and residents responded. >> yes, we had an issue on i-95 where we had catastrophic flooding in south lumberton, west lumberton. caused loss of life, caused loss of property to hundreds and hundreds of people. and he were with twe were tryine could to prevent that. >> and we've been monitoring the situation with our reporters on the grounds there. where do things stand at this hour and what is your biggest concern at this point? >> well, right now the barrier that we built, we had to kind of do it last minute. we were informed by csx that they would not concesent to us putting anything on the track. and so we had to act fast. we placed sand, jersey barriers. i put a post on social media and had close to 80 to 100 civilian volunteers. i also asked north carolina national guard support, city support and myself and the county emergency management director worked hard. and we placed those 5,000 sand bags in less than four hours. and right now it is doing its job. it is flowing the flow. but there is now water starting to come over the sand bags. we are hoping that it flows slow enough that it does not cause the same damage that it did last time. what it has done absolutely is that a it has allowed enough time for those folks who live in that community to have plenty enough time to evacuate. >> and we are hoping that they are listening to those evacuation orders. senator, appreciate you you taking the time. thank you. florence may be a tropical depression, the storm is not done. rain expected to continue at least through the next 24 hours. and that is not what folks want to hear obviously. there is also concern people could be lulled into a false sense of security that they could go outside, but that is the wrong attitude. the key message today, do not become complacent. cnn live special coverage of florence continues. stay with us. if you're waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it's time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don't die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the 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hurricane florence in a moment, but first our other breaking news. the woman who recently accused supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were in high school is now coming forward publicly. christine ford is a professor in california and she is sharing the disturbing details with the "washington post" even saying, quote, i thought he might ibe d inadvertently kill me. some lawmakers are calling for


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180916

our top stories, two massive storms causing serious problems simultaneously but have a world apart. monster typhoon mangkhut is bearing down on china after leaving a trail of destruction in the philippines. we'll have more on that story in a moment, but we'll start here in the united states. florence was just downgraded to a tropical depression. it may be weakening and moving away from the carolina coast, but the danger is far from over. this storm has already killed 13 people. and officials warn the massive flooding could just be getting started. florence is dumping enormous amounts of rain as it moves inland. and all of that water is pushing rivers to record levels. the city of jacksonville, north carolina, is warning people who evacuated their homes ahead of florence to stay away for now. widespread power outages, impassable roads and flooding are making it dangerous for them to return home at this moment. cnn's ed lavandera says people who did not evacuate are worried the flooding could get worse. >> reporter: we are along highway 258 in a neighborhood north of jacksonville, north carolina. this is an area where throughout the course of the day about 30 people had to be rescued from their homes by coast guard helicopters flying overhead. all of this because there's a river running through the city or into the city called new river. and the water from that river is spilling into many neighborhoods. we have spent the day in this one particular neighborhood where residents had told us earlier today around 7:00 in the morning they noticed the floodwater started creeping into the neighborhood. and it didn't take long for several dozen homes to be under 3 to 4 feet of water. obviously, on a third night of rainfall here in jacksonville and along the north carolina coast, many people huddled in their homes going to bed once again wondering about what exactly it is they are going to be waking up to. we interviewed several families who said they never expected this neighborhood to be threatened by floodwaters. that it has withstood heavy downpours from tropical storms and major hurricanes in the past. they thought they were going to be high and dry here. nonetheless, we saw several families loading up their cars and packing up as many belongings as they could and heading to higher ground here to avoid the floodwaters. the good news is here as night fell, it started to recede a little bit. but it is, again, raining and many people expect the river won't fully crest for a couple of days. and they won't feel for certain that they are out of danger until that happens. so that anxiety and the tension of what exactly the damage that this storm is bringing to this part of north carolina is still sinking in. and many people coming to terms with what it is that they're dpopg to be dealing with here in the weeks ahead. ed lavandera, cnn. and take a look at this road that has been washed away. the governor warns people to stay off the roads as much as possible. and this is why. much of the state is dealing with rising floodwaters from florence. a woman in spring lake, north carolina, did drive on the roads there. she ended up losing control of her car when she hit water. the car was swept off the road into the woods. the driver did manage to kick out a window and escape. >> the water is so high that it drains my car, drains the battery, everything. so i call my cousin and am like, hey, can you come and get me. then the water keeps building up it's like titanic stuff. you could see the water coming up. so i'm like, boom, and pushed the window out. as i pushed the window out and tried to swim out, the current just takes me down. >> reporter: how far from the main road are you? >> far. far. at least a half mile. >> officials have warned citizens to stay off the roads because that very thing can happen quite easily. well, the town of lumberton, north carolina, is especially vulnerable to flooding. and florence presents a huge challenge. officials there say first responders have been rescuing people nonstop from the rising floodwaters. our polo sandoval has that part of the story. >> reporter: we have been seeing today so far as to the situation there along the river that it continues to worsen, something similarly to what i witnessed two years ago when hurricane matthew made for an extremely dangerous situation in the same area where many people lost their homes. we are seeing, we have been witnessing the lumber river continue to rise. currently flowing at 17.5 feet. and it is still going up, expected to crest possibly tomorrow. still hassed a least 7 more feet to go -- still has at least 7 more feet to go according to my colleagues today as we traveled. it's been a while, at least i can't remember the last time i saw water, floodwaters rise so quickly in neighborhoods and in businesses. some of the footage we're showing you is some of the footage we shot off our vehicle with some of the equipment we have, especially for this vehicle, to be able to drive through the vehicles. but eventually it did get simply too dangerous, so we turned back. that's what authorities recommend the people do, simply stay indoors. there is something that authorities have been noticing lately, and that is people assumed the worst is over because there's no more high winds. so many of them deciding to perhaps leave shelters. authorities saying it is not a good idea. there are several rescues that have already happened in lumberton. hundreds, in fact, according to authorities. and they will continue into the night as the lumber river continues to rise. >> again, the storm is affecting both north carolina and south carolina. we turn to myrtle beach in south carolina where some say there's not much damage, but worse flooding is likely to come. a few hours ago scott maclaine and his team drove around to show you the conditions there. >> myrtle beach has not seen much in flooding, but if you move south of here, garden city beach did see some related to the storm surge. the peak of that surge was around high tide. around 1:30 today. that's when water managed to get into some homes near the water. i spoke to one man who was returning from being evacuated. and i asked him about what he found, which was a little bit of water in his front room. listen. >> so when you first heard of florence, what was your initial thought? >> oh, no, not again. >> reporter: so far, what is your reaction so far? >> i am very pleased with what we got. i came down here to see my brand new furnishings wet after replacing them a couple minutes ago. and i replaced the heat pump, so i'm pleased with how it turned out. >> reporter: the big story here in south carolina is going to be flooding over the next couple of days in places like conway, about 50 miles inland from where we are. the river there is expected to have record-setting flooding. that may not come until wednesday, thursday or beyond. >> and karen maginnis is joining us from the severe weather center. karen, you warned of the catastrophic flooding. it seems that is what is happening. >> yes. and it is ironic that the national hurricane center was just sent out a 5:00 a.m. advisory that said this is the last advisory they are sending out on now, tropical depression florence. but that doesn't mean the story is over by any stretch of the imagination. we knew there would be epic catastrophic flooding. and, indeed, across coastal north carolina. that's been the case where rainfall totals have been staggering. well, the winds associated with florence now down below tropical storm strength. so it's a tropical depression. but take a look at some of the rainfall totals. swansboro just below cape lookout. and the rainfall total there shattered any previous record. they saw over 30 inches of rainfall. myrtle beach saw just over 7 1/2 inches of rainfall. this is a multi-day event. but the stories coming out of north carolina, even in the long-term, are going to be staggering. i mentioned people are so concerned about their homes being destroyed. their businesses, their livly hoods -- livelihoods, agriculture, livestock, the roads have been so compromised, if not damaged or destroyed. but still this long fetch of moisture still being drawn up from theed a land tick -- from theed a land -- from the atlantic and moving across the west. if it does, the rainfall is going to be heavy at well. so natalie, the story is not over, even though the national hurricane center says we have sent out the last advisory. we all understand this is not it. >> yes, absolutely. still need to be very careful. thank you, karen. appreciate it. another major storm is planned for the western hemisphe hemisphere. typhoon hangkhut is bearing down on hong kong. we'll take you there, next. and a deadly shark attack for beach goers in massachusetts leaving many on edge. ace to be reckoned with. only botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown 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power lines. but after the worst apparentlies paed through, some people -- worst apparently passed through, some went outside to swim in the streets. others traveled to hong kong just for the storm. >> translator: i wanted to come here and see how severe the typhoon is. but now they came here to the pier, it is not as wild as i had expected. >> well, i came here to actually catch the typhoon. i have, like, a helmet with a camera mount. and i have my waterproof gear for catching good footage of the storm. >> our kristie lu stout is out there. you have been out there for a while getting blown around. are conditions getting better? we just saw some people heading outside. some people took a little swim in the floodwater. that's crazy. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. it feels like conditions are starting to improve a little bit as typhoon mangkhut continues to sweep past hong kong. it is continuing to rain, not the pounding we were experiencing earlier in the day. there's a little bit of wind, but not the major gusts of wind we were experiencing firsthand and being confirmed by the hong kong observatory. at one point, winds up to 230 to 240 kilometers clocked here in hong kong, that means the threat of storm surge. victoria harbor as well as peak storm surge reported in outlying and low-lying areas of hong kong. no stranger to typhoons. we experience typhoons every storm season, but mangkhut is the most powerful storm of the year. and the meteorologists here in hong kong were warning of this being one of the most powerful storms to hit hong kong since recording typhoon activity five decades ago. the danger is not over yet. as the rains continue to pick up here, we know mangkhut is a rainmaker. at the peak, it has the rain bands about 900 kilometers wide. this thing is going to churn up more rain, and that will introduce the risk of landslides and flash flooding. we have been monitoring social media activity. and we are still getting pictures of some flooding in areas, for example, here in hong kong in the southern and eastern part. we're finding to continue to report on that as well as the aftermath of the storm. so keep it here for cnn. we'll keep you updated on all elements of the story. back to you, natalie in the newsroom. >> kristie, thank you so much. and my colleague spoke to james reynolds earlier who is in the philippines right now following the typhoon. here's how he sees it and how it impacted the philippines. >> reporter: hi, it has been an exhausting and long 48 hours here. the storm absolutely battered the northern area of this city and all the way up to the coast. ferocious winds hit in the early hours of saturday morning. and today i drove from the extreme north coast down to the main coast to check it out, and there was damage to buildings, power lines blocking the roads, trees down, power lines everywhere, a real mess right now, anna. >> what is the biggest problem? obviously, where the storm made landfall, thousands of homes were destroyed. and now we're looking at your picture where is the winds and the rain have devastated, obviously, certain parts. but what are the major problems? is it flooding? is it landslides? >> reporter: right now from what i saw, the flooding situation wasn't too bad in the area. there's a lot of wind damage as the storm made landfall as a category 5 typhoon. so all the cell phone towers have been knocked out. obviously, electric is down over large portion of the country up here. but right now, the damage i saw earlier was created by the wasn't. >> james, the people you have spoken to, did they heed warnings and evacuate and get out of harm's way? or did they decide to sit and wait? >> reporter: well, the reality of a storm leaving the philippines is that not everyone has the means to get out of the way when. many people live in shacks and huts, and i'm sure that was repeated across a large portion of the country as well. so it remains to be seen just how many people have been hurt. >> yeah, we're getting conflicting reports. there are some government agencies reporting as many as 25 deaths. the official death toll still remains at two. what are you hearing from the officials? >> well, unfortunately, i haven't been here that long. but this is mostly because of the -- the people can't talk to each other. people are trying to contact their loved ones with no success. i don't think the government will be having issues communicating with people and getting in touch with regional towns. but i think it will be a while until this clears out. >> so many areas are still cut off. charles reynolds, many thanks for your update. so we just saw hong kong threatened, china is next, and we just saw what happened in the philippines. so yet again, another deadly typhoon. karen maginnis is back with more on this. karen? >> we look at the satellite imagery and the winds associated with typhoon mangkhut is now at 90 miles an hour. the equivalent of a category 1 hurricane. but boy, the last couple of hours, some of the wind gusts reported around hong kong, right around 173 kilometers per hour or just 100 miles per hour. but with gusts at 220 kilometers per hour. and now that seems like it has eased up, but there's still a storm surge that could be 3 to 4 meters high. we have seen lots of waves crashing ashore. the airport pretty much was at a standstill. we were looking at flight tracker. and there were no flights landing or taking off. the major international carriers, korean, singapore, delta, we were -- they all had flights canceled. but it looks like that may be tapering off. still kind of a rain shield around this region. and gusty winds, some occasional heavy rainfall. so that t-10 alert is in place because the danger is not over. but this system is going to be ringing itself out over the next several days across south central china. there's the wind gusts reported here so far, but looking to the interior, it's going to weaken rather rapidly. the call centers, people calling for help, has been overloaded. there was also the coastal dangers. also the shipping channels, one of the world's busiest shipping channel is there in victoria harbor. with wind gusts like that, it made it for very treacherous conditions. the hong kong international airport, the third busiest in the world, has already seen 124 millimeters of rainfall. it's not finished yet, but that gives you an idea how stragerring the precipitation is associated with the outer bands of what used to be super typhoon mangkhut that moved across china and is wreak havoc there. but for hong kong, along the pearl river delta, natalie, 120 million people live in that delta. it's one of the densest populations in the world. and they all got to heed this warning. >> okay, thank you. and a man died from a suspected shark bite. and shark sightings are on the rise in the area. reporter jim smith from wbc has more about it. >> all of a sudden somebody yells, shark! shark! >> there were a ton of people asking for help. >> reporter: a nightmare at a beach where a young man is bitten by a shark and it is fatal. the victim was boogie boarding and suddenly attacked. >> they were waving to us. and i ran up. somebody had him by -- underneath his arms sitting in the surf. they had him supported up, his head up in the surf, and other people came up and wrapped his legs in towels. >> part of an unknown shark bite. >> we have an unconscious male with leg injuries. >> around noontime i received a 911 call about a possible shark attack in the water, a male in his mid-20s was brought out of the water and cpr was in progress. >> reporter: the man's family has been notified. a long-time surfer where people said they did everything they could but there were severe leg wounds. >> there were a half dozen people trying to stop the bleeding with towels. and i guess the cord from the boogie board. they were amazing and did a great job. >> reporter: the police closed this to swimming on one of the prime weekends of the september season. even long-time cape coders realize things have changed thanks to a surging shark population. >> it's happening all the time. so it's scary and really sad. my heart goes out for that family. coming up here, president trump has the busy week ahead of him after a not-so-great week last week for various reasons. we'll have a report and a live report about that. plus, an arrest is made in a texas killing spree. the identity of the suspect may surprise you. listerine® cleans virtually 100%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ ahoy! gotcha! nooooo... noooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. bounty, the quicker picker upper. benjamin franklin capturedkey lightening in a bottle. over 260 years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it. as the nation's leader in energy storage, we're ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it. this is our era. this is america's energy era. nextera energy. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. this is moving day with the best in-home wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. and this is moving day with reliable service appointments in a two-hour window so you're up and running in no time. show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving... simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. welcome back to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm natalie allen. here are the top stories. typhoon mangkhut is battering hong kong with heavy rain and winds. look at this hitting a house in hong kong. the storm passed through the southern edge of the city and just made landfall in southern china. the storm has weakened since plowing into the philippines on saturday damaging homes and leaving thousands of people without power. and in massachusetts, thousands of people are returning to their homes after deadly gas explosions and fires in three towns on thursday. many homes just burst into flames after they exploded. meantime, the national transportation safety board is investigating a pressure increase in a natural gas pipeline as it tries to determine what caused the incident. theresa may is defending herself as critics speculate about her future as british prime minister. mrs. may told the bbc she's a little bit irritated by it. in an interview to mark six months until britain leaves the european union, the prime minister says she's focused on the u.k.'s future, not her hundred. tropical storm florence is now downgraded to a tropical depression, but it is still dangerous and causing widespread problems. at least 13 people have died due to the storms. rivers throughout the carolinas continue to rise due to the rerelentless rain. and it will take days and possibly weeks to assess the damage florence inflicted on coastal communities. north myrtle beach in south carolina was on the southern edge of the storm. cnn's nick watts says the beach town appears to have come through in good shape. >> reporter: 9:00 a.m. sunday morning, the evacuation order that covered north myrtle beach will be lifted, which suggests local officials, state officials are confident that north myrtle beach has already seen the worst of this storm. there is one more high tide in the early hours of the morning. and north myrtle beach survives that, then it has survived hurricane florence relatively unscathed. there were power lines down, some trees down. some localized flooding, but not what people feared this storm might bring. people will start coming back, they have already started coming back on saturday. and one woman who saw her house standing said you up don't understand the feeling and joy it is to see my home standing, particularly when i have been through devastation before. her house was completely destroyed in 1989 by hurricane hugo, hurricane florence and then tropical storm florence did not bring the devastation here that some might have feared. it is an area very prone to flooding. it has flooded many times. and this time, just localized, they really dodged a bullet here. now, the story is finding to move further inland, it's going to be fresh water we're talking about, not tidal surge. that's to do with the rain, this huge storm has dumped over north carolina and south carolina. the river that rises in north carolina flows down into south carolina, trillions of gallons, a record fell in north carolina. the water has to go somewhere and some of it is heading south as the storm moves west and away from the coast. nick watt, cnn, north myrtle beach, south carolina. u.s. president donald trump is likely to tour some of the storm damaged areas this week. back in washington, he's dealing with a rough week. his former campaign manager paul manafort who has already been convicted of bank fraud and tax evasion has now pleaded guilty to other charges in a deal with special counsel robert mueller's office. also, mr. trump's pick for the u.s. supreme court also hit a possible snag. an anonymous woman claims brett kavanaugh assaulted her when they were in high school. kavanaugh denies the allegation. and mr. trump continues to insist that 3,000 people did not die in puerto rico from hurricane maria one year ago. he tweeted the new death toll was cooked up to make him look bad. let's talk about the developments with political analyst scott lucas joining us from birmingham, england, where he teaches international politics at the university of birmingham. we always appreciate you coming on. thanks for coming here, scott. let's begin with paul manafort's plea deal. the white house is saying this has absolutely nothing to do with the president or his campaign. how are they so certain? >> apparently donald trump said paul who? i don't know the guy. and rudy giuliani, of course, who can turn day into night, is trying to claim that the investigation in paul manafort could have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he was campaign manager for donald trump for several months in 2016. so the short answer is, they're not certain. they are not certain about what exactly paul manafort may have already told special counsel robert mueller has part of the plea deal. they are certainly not certain of what manafort may say in additional interviews with mueller's team. and their line is, of course, that anything paul manafort had to do with the consultants or the activities before 2016, nothing to do with him, the problem is paul manafort as campaign manager knows the inner workings of the trump campaign for that period before the ex-will. he knows particular details of finances around the campaign. so yes, they are worried about what he might disclose. >> manafort is something that is on the minds of people as they go to vote in the midterms. they are approaching, that is. when it comes to president trump, what issues will be at the forefronts of voters' minds? the chaos in the white house or the great economy and low unemployment, which would work in his favor? >> i don't want to speak for any individual voter, because you have to remember as congressional elections, these issues vary state to state. but you'll see a shift in the republican strategy, including that of donald trump, given the uncertainty over the elections. at one point the trump administration was going to fight this on the very tough line of, we're tough against immigrants, that was sort of undermined or jeopardized because of the controversy of separating children from parents. at one point they were going to fight it on tariffs and being tough and other countries can't push us around. that's being undermined by doubts about whether tariffs will hurt the u.s. economy. so i think they now are on the line that the u.s. economy has shown growth during the first 18 months of the trump presidency. they will try to prevent the idea of course as this part of the long-term growth, for example, in the last 18 months of barack obama's presidency had more job increases. they will try to say that this growth is not based and is not based just on tax cut that is will burst soon, but it's a long-term economic miracle. what will voters make of that? i think it really depends on whether they see the glass half full or half empty regarding their own prospects and whether they think this is due donald trump. or if it is part of a wider development, in which other people including the obama administration have some responsibility. >> well, another issue that came up this week, the president's supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh, an anonymous woman alleges he assaulted her years ago. could that have an impact on whether he gets voted onto the supreme court? >> i don't want to comment on the details of the case, because it is subject to dispute, but what i would say is in broader context that as long as the letter is just at the letter of an anonymous letter where you don't have a specific accuser, i don't think it will carry enough weight to make a difference in the hearings. what i would say, however, two things, one is don't forget that i think there are standing issues that are arguably more serious. and that is there are some on the committee who say that brett kavanaugh gave misleading answers. for example, over the improper acquiring of democratic party documents about 15 years ago. and whether he had any involvement in that. there are questions about his answer regarding his contents with a law firm that represents donald trump. and whether that is a conflict of interest. and secondly, all of this has come about, and the question you asked me is really supercharged because this nomination is being rushed through. all legal concerns have been super seeded by the political imperative that the republicans want kavanaugh confirmed before november. when you let political concerns override the legal basis of what the hearings should be, then you're finding to get these kind of -- let's call them complications. >> yes, and we'll certainly see political concerns at the forefront of many of the issues there in washington, don't we? also this week, scott, the president attacked democrats for the higher death number reported in the puerto rico hurricane. it talks about perhaps changing the numbers, but researchers at george washington university, penn state, they all agree on the 3,000 that died. so why is the president seriously debunking this story? >> because he doesn't want any blame for the fact that almost as many people died as a result of hurricane maria have died in the attacks on 9/11. because he initially tried to proclaim that he was winning over this disaster when the death toll was only officially around 32. and because even last week he was proclaiming an incredible unsung success and that he was still winning. i'm going to drop the objectivity here for a minute. i don't mind the president going after his critics, that's part of politics, but in this case what has happened is donald trump has reduced a tragedy, more than a tragedy, a preventable tragedy in which thousands of people died into saying, oh, no, no, they just simply perished of old age. nothing to see here. he's den graded medical -- denigrated medical reports to say these are people spouting off because they are my political enemies. look, we should honor those who died in me a rea -- maria. puerto rico is suffering because nothing was done as we face another hurricane on the east coast. >> scott lucas, we always appreciate your insight, thank you. >> thank you. we turn now to the u.s. state of texas. authorities say they have caught a serial killer there. the suspect is a u.s. border patrol agent. he's been identified as this man, juan david ortiz. he's accused of murdering four people before being arrested in laredo, texas, on saturday. the case broke when the woman he allegedly tried to kidnap escaped. she called police and described the suspect. the suspepolice say there could more victims. a new round of demonstrations could challenge the government of russia's vladimir putin. we'll have more on what this is about coming up. crest 3d white removes... ...95% of surface stains in just 3 days... ...for a whiter smile... that will win them over. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. tremfya® is fors caadults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i'm ready. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer 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simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. more protests are set for russia where rallies against russia are expected in st. petersburg. this after tensions clashed last weekend. people are furious at proposals to raise the retirement age. police cracked down and a monitoring group said more than 1,000 people were detained. the protests have been called for by supporters of opposition leader alexi novaldi. even traditional backers of president putin are angry about this, aren't they? >> yes, they are. and actually, these protests that are expected to be held in st. petersburg today have not been called by alexi novali but by other opposition groups in russia that want to distance themselves from alexi novaldi. but the communists have staged protests in this country. last week it was, indeed, alexi novaldi that staged protests in 19 cities across the country, which quite rightly were detained. it's ordinary traditional putin supporters as well that expressed their anger about the proposed pension changes raising the pension age for both men and women five years by five years. it is an issue which has -- one of the rare issues in russia that has cut across the political divide. the part of the nationwide protest being held in russia to oppose the reform of the pension system in this country. the key issue is the retirement age and the plans by the russian governments to push that back to 65 for men and to 60 for women. it is angering people, not just among ordinary putin critics, but among the general population. ordinary russian workers who normally support the government across this country. at 59, this should have been his last few months of work. after a lifetime of back-breaking labor carrying in the construction industry. >> translator: i'm really feeling my age, he complaints. and my joints hurt, especially in the morning. >> reporter: but his dream of taking it easy has now been shattered. the russian government's decision to raise pension ages from 60 to 65 for men means his retirement has to be pushed back, particularly galling where the life expectancy in this country is just 67. >> translator: i'm not just upset, i'm outraged. now i'll be forced to work even longer, depriving my loved ones and grandchildren of my attention. >> reporter: evgeny is just one of the many russians adversary affected by the controversial pension reforms. in fact, the issue has united young and old in opposition across the country. raising concerns in the kremlin that the plight of ordinary workers could actually undermine the popularity of the country's president. amid nationwide protests and plunging approval ratings, vladimir putin made a televised address to soften the reforms, specifically for women, but also to insist that they must go ahead. >> reporter: in the long-term, if we hesitate now, it could threaten stability in society and enhance national security. >> reporter: it's not going down well with those affected most. the government says and putin says that they have no choice. they don't have enough money to pay the pensions unless they reform the system. do you understand that? do you believe the government when they tell you that? >> translator: no, i do not believe it. comparing the incomes of high-ranked officials, they have simply unimaginable salaries. i do not believe that there is no money. it's a lie. >> reporter: for many russians, the pension issue has further undermined their trust in the kremlin and its leader. there you have it. that's the nub of the issue, a breakdown in trust between the country's leadership and its people. the big question, of course, is whether the protests across the country are going to gather momentum and pose a serious challenge to the russian leadership and to vladimir putin himself. and at this point, we're not at that stage, but certainly we're watching it very closely, as are the russian authorities. >> and we'll continue to monitor that story, of course. coming up next, one small sip for a man, one giant step for mankind. how champagne is rocketing in the space age. that's why capital one iss feel the building something completely different. capital one cafés. welcoming places with people here to help you, not sell you. with savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. that are easy to open from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. no smoke. no mirrors. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? at at&t innovations, we give you more for your thing. here were adding tv and movies from our unlimited plan to the powerful new samsung galaxy note9... ...the perfect device for entertainment & productivity. so, it's essentially the ed helms of devices? how so? well he's both very entertaining and very productive. you think? yeah, i do. and that's my completely unbiased opinion. buy a galaxy note9 and get one 75% off. more for your thing. that's our thing. forget the jet set. private companies are looking to dominate tourism, and one champagne maker wants in on the action. cnn's melissa bell has the story floating somewhere above france. >> reporter: weightlessness is the most extraordinary feeling. up until now, astronauts were the only ones to experience this, but that could change. a new space race is on. not only for super powers aiming for control, but for businessmen looking for profit. >> really, the key is making this affordable to almost anyone that wants to go. >> reporter: with the stellar champagne and the designer believing there's much to celebrate. >> we are the dawn of the new era in space. many companies are trying to send men into space. you could say that the next big challenge is how to live in space, not only to bring our -- what we need to supply, but when we need to come line rituals. that's what makes us human. >> reporter: nearly 50 years on from the first moon landing. >> that's one small step for man, one big leap for mankind. >> reporter: it is mankind that will celebrate with bubbles. up here, you have no sense of what is up and what is down, so the design of the bottle was crucial. just getting the champagne to pour. if you can catch it, the champagne actually tastes different up here. its texture and taste just fill your mouth quite differently than they do on earth. the champagne took three years to develop. how much did it cost? they are keeping mum on that. so was it worth it? or will it fall flat? this astronaut helped with the project. >> the best way to move forward is like captain kirk said, to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life, boldly go where no one has gone before. >> reporter: this experiment certainly has provided that, whether or not it will translate into champagne any time soon is unclear. but it does at the very least provide a sparkling vision of the future. melissa bell, cnn, france's champagne region. >> what fun there. i'm sorry melissa had to do that story. i'm sure it was painful. before we go, i want to give you an update on typhoon mangkhut that devastated agricultural areas wiping out crops in the philippines that many people depended on for their livelihood. now the storm is battering hong kong with heavy rain and wind gusts. it passed through the southern edge of the city and just made landfall in southern china. the storm has weakened since plowing into the philippines on saturday. and we have new numbers on the death toll. and we have not been given specific numbers before because communications were just so bad in the area and they couldn't get the latest. but now we are learning that 40 people have died in the storm. those are the latest numbers we have for you. and i'm natalie allen. for our viewers next, "new day" is coming up for viewers in the u.s. for everyone else, "african voices." your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes 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yelled, shark! shark! >> a nightmare at the beach where a young man was bitten by a shark. >> someone had him underneath his arms sitting in the surf. >> the 35-year-old veteran of border control. he was a serial killer targeting his victims.


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180918

outraged, asking, would you feel safe returning? woody allen's wife, soon-yi previn, breaking her silence. the first interview in more than 25 years. and now, making allegations against her adoptive mother, mia farrow, and mia farrow's other children tonight now responding. the deadly shark attack off cape cod. what we've now learned about the young man who was engaged to be married who was killed. his friend on what happened on that boogie board the moment the shark struck. and tonight, diane sawyer and sally field. what we never knew. what she endured as a child in her own home, and the strength to carry on. good evening. and we are back from the hurricane tonight, though florence, that storm system, still raging. deadly tornadoes late today. and we'll get to that in a moment. but first, the other breaking story as we come on the air tonight, the accusations involving supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. tonight, his accuser now ready to go public, ready to testify, and now judge kavanaugh says he will testify, too, both in front of the american people. that hearing now set for a week from today. just days before the committee was set to vote, his nomination thrown into peril. christine blasey ford went public with her claim, she says kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school some 35 years ago. this is an image of her from that time. she says at one point she was afraid he would inadvertently kill her. tonight, kavanaugh allegedly saying now he wasn't even at the party in question. and what the president is now saying tonight. terry moran, who has covered the supreme court for years, leading us off. >> reporter: today, with his supreme court nominee in peril, president trump backed brett kavanaugh to the hilt. >> he is one of the great intellects and one of the finest people that anybody has known. >> reporter: and the president uncharacteristically calling for patience and process to resolve the swirling questions. >> i'd like to see a complete process. i'd like everybody to be very happy. most importantly, i want the american people to be happy, and i think to do that, you have to go through this. if it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay. >> reporter: kavanaugh's accuser, christine blasey ford, a psychology professor in california. this is what she looked like in her high school yearbook in the early 1980s, around the time she says she was assaulted. she told her story in a july letter to senator dianne feinstein and in an interview with "the washington post." kavanaugh and a friend of his, she claims, were "stumbling drunk" at a party and forced her into a bedroom. she alleges kavanaugh "pinned her to a bed" and groped her. "he was trying to attack me and remove my clothing," she says. "i thought he might inadvertently kill me." and she told "the post," when she tried to scream, he put his hand over her mouth to muffle her. she says she managed to escape. kavanaugh issued a categorical denial -- "this is a completely false allegation. i have never done anything like what the accuser describes, to her or to anyone." and in a phone call with republican senator orrin hatch, he went further. >> what did he say to you? >> well, he didn't do that, and he wasn't at the party. so, you know, clearly, somebody's mixed up. >> reporter: in his confirmation, kavanaugh was asked about his high school years. a softball question that now seems weirdly on point. >> you ever get in trouble? did you -- were you more of a john boy walton type or a ferris bueller type? >> i loved sports. first and foremost, i think that i worked hard in school. i had a lot of friends. i've talked a lot about my friends and they've been here, so, it was very formative. and when i think back on it -- >> you left out the trouble part. i was waiting for that. >> right, so, that's encompassed under the friends, i think. >> reporter: now, christine blasey ford's lawyer, debra katz, says her client is ready to testify. >> she's willing to cooperate. what she's not willing to do is to be part of this bloodletting that happens in washington. >> and terry moran with us live tonight from the white house. terry, judge kavanaugh said he's ready to testify late today. and this hearing with the accuser, as well, will be next monday? >> reporter: that's right, david. next monday, the accuser, christine blasey ford, and judge kavanaugh, in the senate. judge kavanaugh was here all day at the white house, and they issued a statement at the end of the day where he said he is ready to defend his name and testify. david? >> terry moran leading us off tonight. terry, thank you. and of course, there is so much at stake for the court, for the american people and for both parties. and what will a handful of key senators now do? three democrats up for election in red states, states that president trump won. heidi heitkamp, joe donnelly, joe manchin. will they support kavanaugh? and two republican women, lisa murkowski and susan collins. overnight, collins was followed through the airport by reporters and cameras. and so many senators were pressed all day today, where do they stand on the accusations and on what should happen next? mary bruce on the hill, asking the questions tonight. >> reporter: for 24 hours, the pressure has been building on republican senators like susan collins. all eyes on her as she arrived back in washington, saying she had read the letter by brett kavanaugh's accuser. >> i did read the letter last week and asked the judge in a telephone conversation on friday about it and he was very emphatic in his denial. >> reporter: today, collins became the first republican to call for kavanaugh and christine blasey ford to appear on capitol hill, tweeting, "they should both testify under oath before the judiciary committee." later, collins swarmed by reporters. if this continues to be a he said/she said, is the allegation disqualifying? how do you adjudicate something that's almost 40 years old? >> well, that's why it's important that there be a very thorough interview and that we see both individuals respond to the allegations. there are an awful lot of questions, inconsistencies, gaps. obviously, if judge kavanaugh has lied about what happened, that would be disqualifying. >> reporter: collins and her republican colleague lisa murkowski of alaska will be crucial votes. but a number of democrats running for re-election in states president trump won are also under enormous pressure. today, one of them, senator heidi heitkamp of north dakota, tweeting, "we need to respect professor ford by listening to her and hearing her story." tonight, a growing number of republicans want to hear from her, too. >> to not at least hear the person out before it's voted out of committee is very problematic. >> and mary bruce, just minutes ago, that news of a hearing now, judge kavanaugh and the accuser. and the american people will hear from both of them a week from today. and those senators you spoke with today facing real pressure now from constituents on both sides watching this very closely. >> reporter: david, the pressure is tremendous. and now we've learned that both kavanaugh and ford, the accuser and the accused, will both appear before the same panel on the same day, one right after another. tonight, the republican chairman of that committee saying anyone who comes forward as dr. ford has done deserves to be heard. david? >> and mary, on a personal note, mary is a new mom and it is great to have you back, not a moment too soon, mary. >> reporter: thank you. we're going to turn on now to other news and to the developing story on florence, still wreaking havoc as we're on the air tonight. deadly tornadoes late today. in fact, a tornado near richmond, virginia, ripping off rooftops and taking one life. while in the fod north carolina at this hour, the high water too much for this military vehicle right here. four people, including a marine, were rescued. it was a remarkable scene. abc's chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas with the story behind that moment, and the tornadoes just touching down. he's outside wilmington, north carolina, tonight. >> reporter: tonight, florence's deadly march inland, triggering tornadoes near richmond, virginia, ripping through the center of town, shearing the roof off this building. debris flying through the air. officials say at least one person killed. >> i know it might be a little scary, but we got you. we're going to take care of you, okay? >> reporter: a coast guard chopper hoisting out this woman in need of medical attention. our station, wtbd, right there when four people, including a marine, hae rescued from their humvee. the water so deep, they had to dive for their belongings. dams bursting. this freight train derailing. and the bridge under this tractor trailer giving way. and now, the city of wilmington virtually cut off. we tried getting there from the south. this is highway 17. we're just 15 miles from wilmington, but it is impossible to drive into wilmington from the south. and you can see why. there's water as far as the eye can see. this man looking for gas forced to crawl along a railing because of a road collapse. inside wilmington, long lines for supplies. >> yeah, close to two hours, so, i don't want to give up now. >> reporter: many saying they have not seen any disaster assistance teams in their neighborhoods. >> yeah, looks like the water is still flowing over here. >> reporter: and from the air, in some parts, devastation everywhere you look. our eva pilgrim flying with customs and border protection. >> you can see a lot of the rivers are very much swollen. >> reporter: record-breaking flooding in the town of chinquapin. that church, surrounded by water. and outside of charlotte, tragedy. officials finding the body of a child, just a year old. his name, kaiden lee welch. >> you know, this momma has suffered tragically. >> reporter: the toddler swept away by flood waters after the car he was in got pinned against trees. kaiden's mother able to free him from his car seat, but lost her grip as they tried to escape. just a horrific accident there in charlotte. and there is another crisis unfolding at this hour. there are towns and cities like wilmington virtually being cut off because of all this water. and even when this water recedes, they still have to check the foundation of these highways. we've seen road collapses all over this area. david? >> just a devastating scene everywhere you look. tom llamas, thanks again to you tonight. and let's get right to ginger zee, who was with us for days in the hurricane. and now there are watches tonight all the way up through new york and new england because of what's left of florence. ginger? >> reporter: and tonight, here in washington, d.c., we have a tornado watch and a flash flood watch. but let me take you to the maps, because what's left of florence is really creating quite a few problems. those cells moving north and east have already had at least ten reported tornadoes, and those all near richmond. tonight, maryland is in the tornado watch, as well. the flash flood watch goes through central pennsylvania, up through western new york and even massachusetts, rhode island and connecticut because tomorrow, we could pick up anywhere from one to four inches of rain. after a super saturated summer, rivers and creeks from the mid-atlantic to the northeast can't handle that, david. >> ginger zee with us again tonight. thank you, ginger. and next this evening, unanswered questions in that deadly outbreak of home explosions in massachusetts. some 5,000 families in three towns outside boston returning home tonight after the series of blasts caused 80 homes to catch fire, destroying 12 of them and killing an 18-year-old. the ntsb confirming tonight a spike in gas pressure was the cause, but the utility company says they didn't cause it. many residents tonight saying they still do not feel safe. and to the breaking news from the white house tonight. president trump taking the unprecedented step of declassifying documents having to do with the russia investigation from people he believes are biased against him. the documents include text messages of fired fbi director james comey and from lisa page and peter strzok, those two former fbi officials who wrote negative messages about donald trump when he was a candidate for president. we turn next tonight here and for the first time in more than 25 years, woody allen's wife, soon-yi previn, breaking her silence about their relationship. its made headlines for years. and tonight, new allegations against her adoptive mother, mia farrow. and tonight, many of farrow's other children are defending their mother. here's abc's erielle reshef. >> reporter: the story rocked a family and made tabloid headlines. director woody allen caught in a relationship with the 21-year-old adopted daughter of his long-time partner, mia farrow. more than 25 years later, soon-yi previn is breaking her silence, in an explosive interview with "new york magazine," saying farrow emotionally and physically abused her, including slapping her "across the face and spanking her with a hairbrush, and calling her 'stupid' and 'moronic.'" but previn adds, "i was never interested in writing a 'mommie dearest.' getting even with mia -- none of that." she's also defending her husband of 20 years against allegations he molested farrow's then 7-year-old daughter, dylan. allen was never charged and has always denied the allegations. >> he's lying, and he's been lying for so long. >> reporter: previn telling the magazine, "what's happened to woody is so upsetting, so unjust. mia has taken advantage of the me too movement and paraded dylan as a victim." in the piece, the author acknowledging she's a long-time friend of woody allen. tonight, seven of farrow's nine children are standing with their mother, including son ronan, whose investigative reporting helped spark the me too movement. ronan farrow calling his mother "a devoted mom who created a loving home," adding, "but that has never stopped woody allen and hid his allies from planting stories that attack and vilify my mother to deflect from my sister's credible allegation of abuse." >> reporter: and dylan farrow, who came out with allegations against woody allen, tells abc news, no one is parading her around as a victim, and she slams the magazine for what she calls a one-sided piece. and david, the magazine says this is previn's chance to tell her story. >> all right, erielle reshef with us tonight. erielle, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. that deadly shark attack off cape cod. what we've now learned tonight about the victim engaged to be married and what his friend witnessed in the water right there beside him. also tonight, the suspected serial killer, authorities going before the cameras just moments ago. what they're now saying about the u.s. border patrol agent and what he allegedly did. that incredible rescue in the flood zone after we left the her cape. hurricane. this story that captured so many of us and our attention, the dogs that could not get out on their own, wagging their tails when rescuers arrive. and diane sawyer with sally field tonight. what we never knew. what she endured as a child in her own home. this is powerful. and she reveals the strength to carry on. about my family history. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing 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or how is it not always connected to danger? it's always connected to danger, shame and loss. >> reporter: loss? >> well, kind of the loss of self. >> reporter: she says she was saved by fighting for the things she loved, the serious work that would arc across the screen for 50 years with rare power. >> why? why? your life is never one thing, and the times when you feel absolutely slammed to the ground with defeat or disappointment or loss, just hopeless, it's up to you to be in pain and feel it and stand up and move again. >> and later tonight on "nightline," what sally field waited for years to ask her mother, and what her mother said to her not long before she lost her mom. it is powerful and moving and it's tonight on "nightline." when we come back here, the u.s. border patrol agent, now a suspected serial killer tonight. what authorities have now revealed. and what we now know about that deadly shark attack off cape cod. but he has plans today. so he took aleve this morning. hey dad. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. tylenol can't do that. aleve. all day strong. all day long. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief with just one pill. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? 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(announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. after bill's back needed a vacation from his vacation. so he stepped on the dr. scholl's kiosk. it recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain so you can move more. dr. scholl's. born to move. finally tonight here, we witnessed so many moments reporting from the hurricane zone, and tonight, one more, in leeland, north carolina, and it's america strong. it was the image so many of us could not get out of our minds. the volunteer walking up to the dogs trapped in the floods. two of them there with their front paws up on the fence. and when they see the rescuer, they begin to wag their tails. two volunteers would get them out, opening the gate. >> come on, come on. >> reporter: those dogs rescued right into the flood waters, eager to get out. >> come on, puppy, it's okay. come on. >> reporter: one of those rescuers telling abc news the dogs were, quote, wet and hungry, and very happy to see us. and today, we learned the family had gotten out with their children and other animals. they got them all to the church and then were forced to evacuate again. and they say when they tried to get back for the other dogs, authorities would not let them, telling them it was too dangerous. tonight, they say they are grateful to those rescuers, just as those dogs were, wagging their tails, jumping through that water and right into so many hearts. cannot beat those pictures, the dogs are safe. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. she came


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180915

they've move the inland, that's part of the problem. there are other dangers, too. we've just been placed under a tornado watch. tornadoes can often responsible out of a weather system like florence. that is just one more thing that the people of north and south carolina have to contend with in the evening hours. cnn's ed lavendera is in jacksonville, north carolina. ed, you're in a neighborhood that has been flooding since this morning. i saw you earlier and the water is coming up fast. >> reporter: this is a neighborhood along highway 258, north of jacksonville. it's a neighborhood where you look out here into the distance, where people are really just holding on and bracing for the worst. that is all they can do at this point. many homes here, just to kind of give you a lay of the land, if you look back there in the distance, that tree line, there is a river that cuts its way through, and all of this water that is flooding into this neighborhood is coming out of that neuse river. if you look back in the distance, the water started creeping up there, those first row of homes to the river, about 7:00 a.m. they've already made their way in, 10, 12, 15 houses into this neighborhood. we spoke with one family earlier who was loading up belongings into their car to go up to higher ground in the neighborhood. they tell us that this is a neighborhood they never expected to flood. it has withstood flooding and downpours in previous tropical storm systems and hurricanes in this part of north carolina. there say sense of disbelief of just how much rain is falling here, marty. they're kind of coming to terms with that, hoping that the skies will relent a little bit and that rain will stop falling to give this water a chance to recede and be able to spare as many homes as possible. as you look out here, there are already a number of homes, dozens of them in this particular neighborhood, that have already taken on perhaps several feet of water, marty. >> reporter: it's interesting, ed, i look at the house behind you there, and one of the things you notice is that it's all boarded up. clearly that person who owns the house thought that it was the hurricane winds that was the threat. you looked at at it now, and ie water, which will do substantial damage unless the water begins to recede. ed lavendera, thank you very much. we also want to look at where florence has already been. on top of the rising rivers, the rain that keeps on fall, there have been the problems that existed in some of the coastal areas. cnn's miguel marquez is in carolina beach, north carolina. we were out there earlier in the week. he's been out in the high winds, the heavy rain, and the violent surf that has been slamming that area for two days. people go there because of the beautiful beaches and now all of that has changed. what are the conditions there like for you now, miguel? >> reporter: these are as lovely conditions as we've seen in the last 48 hours or so. but it looks like another band of rain is just coming in. you mentioned the economic impact. people do come here for the beaches. we're standing on a boardwalk that was built a couple of years ago here in carolina beach. the beach is now up on the boardwalk. this is about a foot and a half of sand or so. the dunes are inundated with sand as well. perhaps the saddest part of all this, what's going to be very difficult for them to recover from is, two days ago sand came up to here. now there is no sand at all. it's all the way up and down the beach. you can look down this way and see all the debris on the beach and see just how much erosion there's been. the seas are a little colder right now. the wind is coming down here, thankfully. rain still comes in in big bands. for the most part it seems done. but boy, there's going to be a long cleanup ahead. trees are down throughout the entire area, power lines down everywhere. as you know, there's one road in, one road out of this area. until these winds come down a little more, until they get the streets cleaned up, until they get the power lines back up and in working order, it's going to be hard to get people back in here, get them into their homes and get life back to normal here in carolina beach, kure beach, all these different areas along the coast here. it will be a long, hard slog. the storm, marty, may have been the easiest part of all this. back to you. >> reporter: miguel, real quick, there was a real concern that the sand on the beach would get washed into the main roadway and serve as a road black. did that happen? >> reporter: it didn't. they didn't have the sort of flooding and that sort of activity as they were worried about. the main lake in town, which they had drained before all of this, so it could absorb all the water, that is now overflowing and cutting off about a foot of water on the other side of the island. but that is kind of the worst of it when it comes to flooding. but it's just -- all of it, the entirety of it, it's going to take a long, long time to get this place back up in working order, marty. >> reporter: it's a slice of paradise for those who live there. miguel marquez, thank you very much. we now have a brand-new advisory on florence from the national hurricane center. cnn meteorologist allison chinchar is in the weather center. what are we learning? we know the storm is headed elsewhere and there are other people that ought to be aware. >> yes, we've got to pick up that forward speed to really get this moving out of these same areas. at this point it's not looking like it's not going to do that anytime soon. forward movement is only two miles per hour to the west. this system is basically crawling. the average human being can walk three to four miles per hour. you can essentially walk faster than this storm is moving. sustained winds have not changed. it's still 45 miles per hour gusting up to 60 miles per hour. likely power outages, trees c e coming down, that's still going to continue, because we have to bring the winds back down. the main concern is the flooding. not just the short term from the moisture that is falling but also the long term flooding potential. when we look at how many rivers and creatieks and streams are flooding now, we have six in major flood stage now, five in moderate flood stage. let's fast forward a couple of days. once the water makes it back into the rivers, creeks, and streams, we'll see the numbers jump. we'll eventually be looking at 20 rivers in major flood stage and nearly 30 of them in moderate flood stage. notice how it spreads out too. the concern is no longer just right along the coastal regions of north carolina but now pushing inland and also adding states like virginia and even south carolina to that list as well of where we are going to see that rain. we do still have some very heavy rain bands across portions just north of wilmington and to the south of wilmington. those rainfall rates are two to three inches an hour. you have to remember, you have to add that on top of what has already fallen. and we've had some very impressive amounts. elizabethstown, 20 inches. emerald isle and morehead city, both nearly two feet of rain. swa swansboro has picked up 30 1/2 inches. the key factor for a lot of these cities is it's still raining, they could pick up an additional six, eight, or ten inches of rain on top of what they've already had. the biggest difference is that that rain is pushing further inland. so cities like charlotte and raleigh are going to start to see some of those heavier bands move in. even when you start going into the higher elevations, places like asheville, hickory, those places further up in elevation, the main concern there, martin, is not only do you have the threat for flooding but the elevation will play a role in the potential for landslides as well. >> reporter: allison, that's what the governor of north carolina was talking about. they feared that those landslides could begin as early as tonight. allison chinchar, thank you very much. amazing to believe that the storm is slower than a person can work. the hurricane danger has passed. but what's coming afterward may impact far more lives. cnn's nick watt is on the sands in north myrtle beach, south carolina. some people are returning and relieved by what they found. >> reporter: yeah, since we last spoke, martin, the wind has picked up. the rain is a lot heavier. i've spoken to somebody else who has just returned, he lives on the next block beyond where we are. he said, listen, this place will flood at the drop of a hat. the problem here, it's actually from both sides. we can get the storm surge and the surf from this way. there's also the intracoastal water way which runs a couple of blocks back in town. if that inland fresh water flooding, if some of that water makes its way down here, these people could get hit from both sides. these houses on the beach, a lot of them are built on stilts so the surge can't go underneath. further back there, there are a lot of homes, a lot of condos right on the ground that are ripe for flooding. listen, we've been predicting another ten inches of rain for this weekend. those predictions may be right. but hopefully, hopefully, we will not see the storm surge. we have another high tide in the middle of the night tonight. if that coincides, again, with these very strong onshore winds, with he may see some inundation. i think in terms of dodging the bullet, we have dodged that situation where a high tide comes in and the onshore wind is so strong, the water can't retreat so every new tide piles on top of it. we've avoided that. that was the big fear for this little town which is really badly protected from this ocean. there's not much you can really do about it. there's a tiny little dune. it will take another couple of feet up from the last high tide and water will be in this town. but so far, so good. just some trees down, power lines down. the other thing that is helped is they've sunk a lot of electricity lines last year, they put them under the ground, so power has been out to about half of this town on and off. but it could have been a lot worse. the whole place could have lost a lot more power. those lines being put under the ground apparently has helped. so here in north myrtle beach, people are still very much hoping, praying, and i think maybe seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and thinking that the worst has passed. but that's a dangerous position to be in. we could still see a surge tonight, martin. >> reporter: we'll keep an eye on it, thanks to you, nick watt, very much, we appreciate it there in north myrtle beach, south carolina. we should point out there is a real problem with electricity throughout much of north carolina. it doesn't have to be the beachfront communities. wilmington is not directly on the water, and yet in many parts of this city they are without electricity, including right here. this is a problem that is many-fold, ana. there are still a lot of people who are still trying to cope with what they're facing or what they've been through. >> martin, we'll come back to you, of course, the carolinas continuing to be pounded by rain. our ryan todd handwriting alos along with marines. our special coverage of the hurricane continues aof this. for over six million miles? -- after this. why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class, standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. introducing the all-new lexus es. every curve. every innovation. every feeling. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. a product of mastery. a few problems actually. we've got aging roadways, aging power grids, ...aging everything. we also have the age-old problem of bias in the workplace. really... never heard of it. the 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with some of the rescues in the carolinas. the agency has already helped with at least 50 air rescues in north carolina. joining us now, the coast guard atlantic area commander, vice admiral scott bushman. thank you, admirabl, for being with us. what can you tell us about the rescue efforts under way now. >> the united states coast guard is part of an effort supporting the state of south carolina as part of this response to this very devastating storm. we've been very busy here rescuing folks. >> do you expect the number of rescues to ramp up or slow down tonight? what is the prospect going into tomorrow? >> i have to remind folks that while weather is slightly improved in some areas, this is still a very dangerous storm. there are several days of very, very significant rainfall, additional flooding to happen. today we've participated in more than 50 rescues. in one we used our helicopters to rescue folks that are really in distress. >> the people you're responding to, how are you prioritizing? >> we are working with the entire federal government as well as the state of north carolina. those calls go to the state of north carolina emergency operations center and they're doing a fantastic job of prioritizing all the rescues. so the people who are the most distressed can get response as quickly as possible. >> and what is it that triggers you as opposed to somebody else coming to the rescue via boat, for example, you know, why would you bring in a helicopter instead? are there ways that you are determining what to respond with specifically? >> one of two different ways. we get a request from the state of north carolina emergency operations center, and we have the right capability to help someone. when you're flying a helicopter you obviously have a huge vantage point. as you're flying around, you might see something that someone else may not see that's really in distress and you're in a position to rescue them. >> i know one of the concerns for coast guard efforts have been the strong winds. have the winds died down enough for the coast guard to be able to use all its resources if needed? >> the winds have died down in some areas. i was out flying today doing a damage assessment. there were certain areas we can get to, certain areas we can't get to. it's very treacherous in certain areas. one of our helicopters with very experienced pilots talked about rescuing folks in 40-mile-per-hour winds, rain coming in stay with us, coming into the helicopter and interrupting their communications system. >> wow, it sounds challenging. if people chose to stay behind and now need rescuing, what should they do? >> my advice to anyone in the storm's path, and there are a lot of people in the storm's path, listen to your emergency responders, your local emergency responders, first off. they know what they're doing. the second thing is, don't go outside until it's safe to do so. if you're in distress, call 911. if you need to get to higher ground, sometimes people will go in the attic. i advise people not to do that. if you need to get up that high, get out on the roof and have a way to signal a first responder. >> vice admiral scott bushman, good advice, thank you for taking the time and thank you for your efforts and the coast guard that's working on this storm and the rescue efforts. we're keeping an eye on other breaking news today. in texas, i u.-- a u.s. texas border patrol agent is under arrest, suspected of being a serial killer. in cape cod, a man has died in a suspected shark attack. both these stories coming up next. ♪ it is such a good time to dance ♪ ♪ it is such a good time to [ laughing ] ♪ scoobidoo doobidoo ♪ scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] ♪ [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. ♪ progressive helps keep you out there. ♪ essential for the cactus, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell you doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some things. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". breaking news out of texas where a u.s. border patrol agent has been arrested for allegedly murdering four people and attempting to kidnap a fifth. the bodies were found in webb county. authorities say they have very strong evidence that agent juan david ortiz is behind the killings. we're working to get a picture of him. in the meantime, let's go to cnn's boris sanchez following this breaking news for us. boris, officials say this border patrol agent is a serial killer. >> reporter: that's right, ana. the district attorney in webb county described him as someone who was hunting for his victims. over the past two weeks in webb county, four different bodies have been discovered, three women, one man, all of them, according to authorities, believed to be prostitutes. when a fifth person was attempted to be abducted by this suspect, she fought him, even at gunpoint, she was able to get away. she provided authorities with a description of the suspect, his tattoos, the vehicle he was in. earlier today officials arrested 35-year-old juan david ortiz. they spotted him at a gas station. he apparently ran into a nearby hotel. he was hiding in the bed of his pickup truck. it turns out, ana, he is a ten-year veteran supervisor of the border patrol in texas. cnn has reached out to cvp for comment but they didn't have one available. deputies tell us ortiz will be charged with four counts of murder and an additional count of kidnapping. they believe this is their man, ana. >> boris sanchez, we know you will be on top of it. more breaking news, off the coast of cape cod. a swimmer has died in a suspected shark attack. this video was taken near the attack site just a short time ago. you can see there at least two sharks swimming in the shallow waters, so keep that in mind if you're near cape cod. officials say beachgoers carried the man down the beach. they performed cpr but were unable to save him. the victim's name has not been released. we're told he's in his 20s. tropical storm florence continues its slow churn across the carolinas. this just in to cnn, a photo of president trump and vice president pence receiving an emergency preparedness update call on the impact of hurricane florence in the treaty room. the president has already made a disaster declaration for eight north carolina counties. more live coverage right after a quick break. i get it all the time. 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well you cooperate as a team, maybe even more so than how fast you and your donkey are. >> the negotiation you have to do with this guy, the terrain, the trails are brutal. but they're so sure-footed. these critters have a good work ethic. they can run a four-minute mile if you can hang on. >> they're humble beasts. they'll change your life. >> reporter: this year's winner, kirk, finished in over six hours. completing the race can present one last challenge. >> burros are color-blind. there's a white line on the street, they don't see it. the donkey stops. >> when you cross that finish line, i don't care if you're the last ass, it's an exhilarating feeling to know you got your partner across the finish line or they got you across the finish line. >> reporter: hello, i'm martin savidge in wilmington, north carolina for cnn's special coverage of tropical storm florence. slow and deadly, florence is living up to its forecast. it's bringing down at least two feet of rain so far and still more is on the way. at least eight people have been killed. and hundreds of others have been needed to be rescued from much of the rising water. plus we have more than 700,000 customers now without electricity in northern and south carolina. and remember, florence is moving at a speed that most of us could outwalk, just about two to three miles an hour. it is crawling toward eastern south carolina as the floodwaters it has caused are rising faster than many forecasts predicted, forcing even more evacuation orders. listen to the mayor of fayetteville, north carolina this afternoon. >> if you are in these areas, this is a serious life-threatening matter. if you are refusing to leave during this mandatory evacuation, then you need to do things like notify your legal next of kin, because the loss of life is very, very possible. so please adhere to this. this is not a talking point. this is not a script. we are saying this because we're concerned with you. the worst is yet to come. >> reporter: let's check in now with cnn's polo sandoval in our roving vehicle. he's in lumberton, north carolina. polo, describe the conditions where you are. >> reporter: maternity, if there's anybody who is familiar with the damaging potential of floodwaters after a hurricane, it's the people in the city of lumberton, north carolina. we are driving the streets of the city, giving you a view of what the situation is like. you can see some ponding on the streets. two years ago i was here, covering catastrophic flooding after hurricane matthew. that is when there were many people who were displaced from their homes. the floodwaters after hurricane matthew basically ravaged the area here. you can see people are, again, out and about, driving right now. it really did cripple the infrastructure here in lumberton two years ago. and according to the forecast, we are expecting even more rain right now. the main threat is coming from the lumber river that is expected to go about a foot higher than what people experienced here during hurricane matthew. this is already leading to some road closures. the interstate that runs through this city, a part of it is closed. i-95, a major thoroughfare, is closed. 20 miles of interstate between u.s. 64 and portions of i-40. what officials are recommending right now to the general public is that they simply stay home. even though the clouds of florence may eventually dissipate, the very real threat of flooding still remains. and finally, martin, i can tell you that there is a concern now that there are some people who think that the worst is over. the mayor pro tem of the city told me that what they had seen is that there were people who were leaving the shelter, thinking that the worst was over, and he is pleading that they simply stay at higher ground. wait for the flooding threat to be over. that could take potentially days, martin. >> reporter: that's the problem, many people just don't want to be in a shelter, and on top of that they want to be home and see what's left. yet, as you just said, the governor and officials are saying now is not the time to get out there, they need the roads open for emergency responders. polo sandoval, thank you very much. we're taking a look at the memorable sights and sounds of the storm so far. ♪ >> reporter: the wind is whipping stronger than it has in the last 24 hours. >> reporter: the eye did make landfall at wrightsville beach with a wind speed of 90 miles per hour. >> reporter: this isn't just water that's coming this way. the ocean and the wind are forcing sand up into the air. >> reporter: if you look all the way down beyond those people, you may be able to make it out. that is the ocean. it's not supposed to be there right now. ♪ >> reporter: power is out all over the city. that tree over there to my left, your right, looks like it's about to be uprooted. we're getting strong gusts of wind. >> reporter: we're in river bend, experiencing an extraordinary amount of flooding there. a lot of people said they weren't expecting it to flood like this here. ♪ >> reporter: just some of the sights and sounds of what was hurricane florence. when it's a hurricane, it is all the fury that many people look at. but we're into another stage and that is the flooding. and that flooding is far more insidious and potentially far more dangerous. let's go back to ana. >> all right, martin, we know you are enjoying this rare moment of dry, calm weather where you are. but that weather is not letting up just yet. we know the rain is still coming. thank you for your reporting. dramatic new video from the scene of a deadly shark attack off the coast of cape cod today. i'll talk to an expert who is concerned about shark attacks coming to massachusetts, next. i! you see, now verizon lets you mix and match your family unlimited plans like you mix and match your flavors. so you get what you want, without paying for things you don't. number 6. i know. where do i put it? in my 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president trump's popularity is on the decline. it now stands at its lowest point in the last six months. several polls in fact show the president's approval below 40%. that could spell trouble for republicans in left-leaning parts of the country. we went to virginia's tenth congressional district, a swing district that went for hillary clinton but also republican barbara comstock for congress. the key to victory could be winning over suburban women. here is part of my conversation with a group of moms fired up for the midterms. how would you grade this current president? >> it would be an "f" for me. >> i agree, "f." >> "f." >> "a" minus because of his handwriting. >> incomplete. i think the jury is out on donald trump. he's done a lot right, a lot wrong. there's a good chance he'll have a primary in two years. we don't know yet. >> you haven't made up your mind about him at this point? >> he's done some things really well and some things horribly. i disagree with him on immigration. i disagree with him on tariffs. those are huge issues. >> what do you see as him doing really, really well? >> i believe his president has delivered. his deliverables have been quite good. tax reform, filling out the judiciary. some of the albeit difficult relationships, international relationships, he's reforged. he's delivered things that are good for our nation, to that extent he gets an "a" minus. >> you disagree? >> he's divided our country further apart. charlottesville was huge for me. to see the president of the united states get up and say that there's good people on both sides, really, really hurt. i don't want my kids looking up to that. i don't want my kids thinking that racism is acceptable. >> my daughter was criying on te couch when she saw my friend -- from sterling, virginia have to jump out of the way of that car. >> you knew somebody who was there? >> yes. no one in the commonwealth of virginia should ever have to fear for their lives when they are at a rally supporting diversity. >> do you believe that this president has done anything that is considered an impeachable offense? you're an attorney, what do you think? >> i don't practice that area of law. i do believe and support robert mueller's investigation into the russian interference. and of course if there is anything that is uncovered by robert mueller in his investigation, of course we should pursue any everyone else that a-- any avenues that are ot there if the president has colluded with russia. >> do you think democrats should be running on impeaching this president? >> i -- i don't believe so. >> look at bill clinton. it was a huge distraction in the '90s. at the end of the day, nothing changed. they can impeach donald trump but nothing's going to change. we should focus on making the country a better place. >> do you support how the president has handled the russia investigation? >> there's lots of reservations with donald trump. no. some things he said well, some things he said horribly. i wish he would just stop tweeting. >> we have seen support of the special counsel investigation on the rise over the last few polls, even though the president has continued to go after robert mueller and his team and that investigation, calling it a witch hunt and a hoax. there have been a number of indictments. there have been a number of convictions. and i think any suggestion that this is a witch hunt, that's obviously the president can speak his mind and he can tweet all day long if he would like, but the facts speak for themselves. >> the president has called it an illegal investigation. does anybody here believe it is an illegal investigation? >> no. >> no. >> no, not at all. >> i couldn't possibly answer that. i mean, that is ongoing, and they're finding the facts that need to be found out. our neighbors and friends are fact-based folks. >> do you believe this president is telling you the truth? >> i don't speak with him, so i can't answer that. >> do you trust the president? >> i -- the office of the president is created, it's a function of the politics of our nation. and america selected donald j. trump to be our president. he serves in that capacity. it will be a measure on his ballot about whether america agrees with him. for my part, i like the work that he's doing as president. >> do you trust the president in that he's being truthful with you? >> no. but did i trust obama, did i just george bush? no. they're politicians at the end of the day. >> are you willing to overlook the facts? >> no. facts are facts. one plus one is two. so there is nothing >> like alternative fact. he has lost the ability to communicate with allies because we are no longer trusted. >> i know your husband is in the service, lana. does that influence your perspective about this administration? >> absolutely. >> in what way? >> well, you know, i fear he might make a grave mistake. tweeting back and forth with korea is unacceptable. there are people that are putting their lives on the line. i feel mr. woodward's book coming out that he's unfit to be president and congress needs to act on it. >> all of those women are from virginia's tenth congressional district. barbara comstock is polling 10 points behind her opponent and jennifer wexton, if wins, the first democratic representative in that district in nearly 40 years. back to our breaking news now. off the coast of cape cod this afternoon -- a swimmer has died there in a suspected shark attack and new video just into cnn showing beach goers carrying that man down the beach. we are told people performed cpr but unable to save him. we also have this video of two sharks swimming near the attack site just a short time ago. so keep that in mind if you are near cape cod today. in the meantime, let's talk with george burgess. are you surprised by this attack? >> actually, i'm not, unfortunately. for some time now, we've known that the white shark populations are increasing along the united states east coast as a result of conservation measures and more importantly, the things they like to eat the most, their populations have also been increasing since the administration of the 1972 marine mammal protection act, so more white sharks in the water and of course, now more humans in the water and so as we return to a natural situation closer to what we had in the 1800s, there's going to be more interactions. >> we've been showing the video that was taken near that attack site today where we see at least a couple of sharks swimming around. i don't know if you've seen that video. you did mention white sharks but can you tell what types of sharks these are in the video or what do you know about what sharks are in that area? >> well, the video is showing white sharks and that is the largest of the predatory sharks in the u.s. waters and the one we're most likely to see along the coastline in massachusetts this time of year. while we haven't got the actual evidence from the attack yet, the odds are probably 99% that's a white shark. >> is that great white shark? or different? >> it's a white shark. the media add the great for a little. >> we read a lot about sharks. i think about it the great white sharks, that's what i know as a mom. >> it's a service based on their size. >> they look really big from the video, no doubt. what would cause a shark to attack a swimmer? >> you know, this particular shark is looking for large prey items and unfortunately, humans fall into the correct size category, although humans, of course, are not a normal part of the food chain, they're not normal parts of the diet of white sharks or any other sharks but in the case of massachusetts and the white sharks and the fact that there are seals nearby, we and the seals are about the same size. they're looking for a general size class and unfortunately, a human probably approximates that of a swimming seal. >> we just have a short time left for this interview, but we are told that shark attacks are up in this area. they've actually added warning signs along the beach there. what precautions should people take to avoid being attacked? >> of course, that's very appropriate and not just after the fact. those beaches in massachusetts are now areas that are hosting sharks as well as seals and humans and from now on, anybody who enters the water needs to be fully aware that there's an outside chance that they're going to encounter a shark. the main thing is to try to stay out of areas of white shark abundance. folks should be checking in with the scientists in the massachusetts area as to where areas of white shark abundance are found and obviously, from a no brainer sort of standpoint, avoid areas near seals that come out of the water and land for part of their daily activities and one wants to avoid those areas because white sharks are patrolling right off of the colonies. >> good information, george burgess. thank you very much for joining us. >> glad to be with you, ana. >> i'm ana cabrera in new york. thank you for being with me. my colleague continues our live coverage witheafter a quick bre. i can't believe it. that everything sticks to stefon diggs's hands? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20180917

thank you for giving us this chance. i'm so glad you're here, my friend. let's get to it. there's a lot of news this morning. >> it's great to be here. thanks for welcoming me. we will get right to it. major new developments in a critical supreme court nomination that had seemed, after months controversy, almost in the bag. psychology professor in northern california has put her name to a sexual assault allegation from the early 1980s when she and judge brett kavanaugh were both in high school. now, the lawyer representing christine blaise-ford tells cnn that ford is ready and willing to repeat the allegations she first made in a letter to her congresswoman in july, to repeat that allegation under oath before congress, in public. and moments ago, two sources close to the process say that brett kavanaugh, as well, is not opposed to answering more questions and providing more information. that could be through committee staff interviews, closed or open testimony. have a listen to ford's attorney this morning a few moments ago on cnn. >> will your client, christine ford, be willing to testify in front of the judicial committee? >> yes. >> has she been asked by any of the lawmakers to do that? >> that's interesting. the answer is no. >> judge kavanaugh, and i quote him, categorically and unequivocally denies ford's account. there's every indication the white house is sticking by him, which make these remarks -- listen closely to these remarks from kellyanne conway, counselor to the president, makes those remarks all the more intriguing. >> on behalf of the president, with whom i have spoken at length about this, put aside all the nonsense on tv and in print from people who couldn't possibly be a source familiar with his thinking, she should not be ignored or insulted. she should be heard. i talked to senator lindsey graham and he said that could be done tomorrow so that we could proceed forward. and that's really -- we respect the process and are watching the process. >> let me read to you a portion of the letter that miss ford wrote to her senator, dianne feinstein on july 30th. this was after brett kavanaugh was tapped to succeed justice kennedy. she describes a party when she was 17, she can't remember the exact years, she was about 15 years old, that kavanaugh pushed her in an upstairs bedroom and, i quote, kavanaugh was on top of me laughing with, the name is redacted, but we know who that is now. they both laughed as kavanaugh tried to disrobe me with kavanaugh's hand over my mouth. i feared he may inadvertently kill me. >> it's an alarming account there. >> yeah. >> and sounds like me may be hearing it on the hill soon. legal, moral, ethic al shock waves just beginning. we begin with manu raju. remarkable developments now in the last couple of hours. republicans coming out and raising questions, is this nomination in danger now? >> reporter: potentially. this is a late hour development that has upended the process. senator chuck grassley still wants to move ahead with a thursday committee vote. the question is, can he? and can he do that without hearing from the accuser, christine blasey ford? that's what grassley and others on the committee are doing in the next day or so, having staff-level discussions with the accuser, with the judge himself and make a decision on how to move forward. ultimately, that decision on whether he gets confirmed will probably come down to some key republican senators, including two moderate republicans, lisa murkowski and susan collins, whose votes on the senator floor will be critical to determining whether he gets that lifetime spot. cnn caught up with senator susan collins as she returned from maine and this is what she said. >> should the committee vote coming up here this week? >> i'm going to be talking with my colleagues but i really don't have anything to add at this point. as said. i did read the letter and asked the judge about it and he was very emphatic in his denial. >> do you believe the accuser? >> i don't know enough to make a judgment at this point. >> similarly, lisa murkowski, she was asked by cnn about this as well. she also said she has more question questions. >> there are more questions that need to be asked and answered and i think it would be appropriate to allow for that time. >> the math here is critical. if those two republican senators were to vote know and all the democrats were to also stay in unison in opposition to this nomination, he would not get confirmed to that lifetime spot. so that means that kavanaugh, undoubtedly, would have to answer more question questions, privately, potentially publicly. whether they can schedule that hearing before thursday, whether they can answer it to the satisfaction of republican senators and whether they can get him through to the senate floor next week, all major questions that we may get answers to in the next 48 hours or so. guys? >> okay. manu, stay with us. we do want to get some reaction, what's going on at the white house. this morning, still no word directly from the president, amid these growing calls from democrats. >> silence on twitter this morning on this issue. remarkably. >> exactly. that's a good point. abby philip joins us this morning. there was a lot of talk yesterday about the white house strategy. what was it going to be? how aggressively would the white house go after miss ford's credibility here? this morning from kellyanne and others, we're seeing a marked change in strategy. >> absolutely, poppy and jim. we're hearing more from the white house about how they want to approach this. the message is pretty clear. we want to hear from this accuser. there is no desire in the white house right now to publicly slam this accuser, given the political climate, both the me too movement and the political realities on capitol hill where you have potentially two gop senate women who are pivotal votes in this process. at the same time, our sources are telling us that president trump is annoyed by the perception that his nominee is being drug through the mud by democrats for what he considers to be old allegations. this is nothing new for president trump. in the past we've seen him side with people around him who have been accused by things in their past. he questions whether it's valid to ruin someone's reputation because of what happened a long time ago and to officials he's voicing those same concerns but as you pointed out, he hasn't tweeted about this. that's notable. the white house now saying they want kavanaugh and his accuser to testify before congress in some capacity and the white house is also reiterating a statement issued by kavanaugh on friday that sasz this. on friday, judge kavanaugh categorically and unequivocally denied this allegation. this has not changed. judge kavanaugh and the white house both stand by that statement. the white house standing by their nominee right now. there's no plans to withdraw his nomination. there are really open questions about how long this will go on and what the impact of these allegations will have on the timing of how quickly kavanaugh's nomination goes forwa forward. jim? >> our chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin also back with us on capitol hill, manu raju. remarkable developments on this with the accuser willing to testify in public, the accused now probably with little choice saying he's willing at least to offer more information. and the white house changing their strategy. help us understand how seismic those events are. >> it seems inconceivable at this point that there will not be public testimony from both ms. ford and judge kavanaugh at this point. how can you have an allegation of this magnitude and not hear from them? that seems to me impossible. how that testimony comes about and when is very much an open question. obviously the republicans would like this to take place in a way that the vote can still take place. so their argument that this has to be done this week, i think, will be a little tough to make. >> most of the republicans, right? not flake, not murkowski. >> they haven't said what schedule they want it to be. and maybe they will say i want to hear but i want to hear tomorrow. it's hard to imagine that things could go that quickly, especially since wednesday is yom kippur. >> good point. >> senators will not be participating so it would have to be tomorrow. it seems inconceivable that this could all be pulled together that fast. people can do things fast when they want to. >> joan, you have a fascinating piece on this morning, echoes of anita hill, right? there are similarities and differences here. remember, clarence thomas called those allegations a high-tech lynching. this is also the me too movement and moment. walk us through it. >> sure. i remember so vividly. i'll mention those briefly. it was a woman who did not want to come forward initially, encouraged to come forward after there was a leak, sexual allegations, both of them, and the senate was approaching a key vote. what's different now, poppy and jim, is the fact that the me too movement atmosphere, also the nature of the allegations. anita hill and clarence thomas were both adults at the time of the alleged misconduct and here we have teenagers back in the early 80s. that's also different. and to stress the very partisan atmosphere that we have today. back in 1990, in the end, clarence thomas was confirmed, 52-48 with the help of 11 democrats. it's really hard to think that democrats would switch over irrespective of what allegations come forward. >> to be clear, in fairness, folks have made comparisons to thomas or clinton, those were multiple allegations over years. this is a very serious one. we don't know but we have no evidence of a pattern here. that's a very important distinction. manu, it's been a fascinating change in the white house strategy here. yesterday our reporters were saying the white house was going to go hard, possibly, after the accuser. and you saw some of that, using this child-like letter here to diminish and dismiss ms. ford's accusation. >> right. saying hi, cindy, will you be my girlfriend, yes or no, love bret. >> a couple of republicans coming out saying, listen, we have to hear from this woman, flake, murkowski, red state democrat in doug jones as well. >> no question about it. if the white house and the president began to aggressively attack this accuser, you'll see handful of democrats to push back and that may be enough to deter collins or murkowski for voting for kavanaugh ultimately. allow her to have her testimony heard, probably the one thing they'll have to do at the moment because it's still a very difficult. they'll have to walk the next day or so to hear her testimony, make sure that they don't overreach and discredit her and still want to move forward by this nomination by a thursday vote on the senate floor next week. it's going to be challenging for the republicans to not go after her credibility. the question is, can the president lay off twitter? >> that sometimeline unrealistic? a public testimony on an allegation of this gravity by monday and thursday you still have a vote in committee? is that at all realistic? >> the republicans pushing this through, it is realistic. the question is, if they get enough pushback from their rank and file, do they change that schedule? uncertain yet. we've not also heard from senator mcconnell, majority leader, about his plans. no signs he's changing them yet. >> what will mitch mcconnell do is a huge question this morning. jeffrey toobin, the polling cnn did for kavanaugh wasn't good anyways. he had 38% of americans overall irrespective of party. 31% of women believed that kavanaugh should be confirmed. >> remember, too, that the issues that came up in his confirmation hearing, chiefly among them roe v. wade, and the claim that he will be a vote against roe v. wade by democrats, he did not take a position one way or another. the idea that the government can allow states to ban abortion is not one that's popular and that's one that democrats tried to associate him with very significantly. the idea that the democrats would pay a heavy price for opposing him, giving polling numbers like this, seems incorrec incorrect. >> makes you worpd if that gives them more wiggle room. >> makes it hard to imagine that this makes kavanaugh more likely to be confirmed. he may well be confirmed but this certainly doesn't help. >> you know, you live and breathe this stuff, as does jeffrey. >> yes. and i remember so well when anita hill then did come forward with her testimony in a very steady voice, graphically detailing these pornographic comments that her boss at the time, clarence thomas, was making toward her. he came back and you read that comment earlier about the high-tech lynching. but he also said this is a kir sus. this is a circus and i shoulder to think what's in store over the next 48 hours. but this is real. and i think both individuals need to tell their stories in a public way. >> that may very well be what we see this week. >> don't go very far because this develops minute by minute. manu v rchlt aju, joan biskupic, jeffrey toobin. more rain to come in the carolinas. it's being blamed for more than a dozen deaths and we're on it. u.s. border patrol agent turns alleged serial killer. how one woman narrowly escaped his grasp and alerted police. waze integration- seamlessly connecting the world inside... with the world outside... making life a little... easier. introducing the well-connected lincoln mkc. ahoyy! 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>> reporter: john, poppy, it's been an eventful 24 hours for people here. as we now know, they've been with this two years ago with hurricane matthew. history seems to be repeating itself in some ways. businesses under water, will stay that way several days. we were with the united states coast guard as a makeshift levy began to fail. yesterday afternoon it was basically set up to try to keep the floodwaters at bay. however, we witnessed the water begin to seep through the rocks and sand piled up. it was compromised, that at least bought 1300 residents in this city some time to head to nearby shelters where they remain today. the main levy along the lumber river, the source of all this water, is still holding up. according to sources at last check, it is still doing its job. the lumber river is cresting, as we speak, according to the information coming n it's expected to drop about a foot shortly after that. but it will stay there. until it keeps dropping these floodwater also ranl, jim and poppy, and that could possibly remain several days. >> thank you so much. >> homes and communities entirely under water. officials in fayetteville warning there that the worst is yet to come. erica hill joins us there with the latest. you see these pictures, particularly from the air, and it looks like communities have become islands in a river. what are you seeing where you are? >> reporter: yeah, and in some areas they certainly have. that's the case in wilmington, north carolina. in fayetteville, the road behind me was closed when we came down here this morning. it was open last night. people have been driving around these barriers all morning. police officer came by and dragged these signs back across the road and said people have been moving them this morning because they want to get where they need to go. that's a major concern here for folks in fayetteville. there's welcome respite, obviously, from the water but the threat is really now just only beginning. the mayor telling me his biggest concern is how quickly the water is moving. we're focused specifically on the little river and cape fear river here. folks within a mile of those rivers are under mandatory evacuations and matthew is also really top of mind here just as it is for folks in lumberton. they learned a lot with the flooding there with matthew. cape fear river crested at 53 feet. it is expected to crest at 62 feet tomorrow morning. that means a much wider area for potential damage, for flooding. and that is why officials are clear this morning. they are just as concerned as they were yesterday and this is not the time for folks to become complacent because the flooding is really only just now going to kick into high gear. >> erica hill, that's wise advice. we can only repeat that. listen to the warnings. don't move warning signs, road signs. they're there for a reason. >> of course. >> thank you for being there for us. >> brett kavanaugh is facing sexual assault allegations from when he was in high school. his accuser's lawyer says she is willing now to testify in public before congress. what happens next? 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last night there was open discussion about how the white house pushes back, attacks the accuser. this morning, the accuser said listen, i'm willing to testify in public before the senate and soon after that, brett kavanaugh saying he's willing to tell his story. although he did not specify in public. he said perhaps to staff or behind closed doors. he walks in his car there, a very different monday morning than what he expected 24 hours ago. >> let's listen to ms. ford's attorney this morning, responding to criticism of the timing here. >> in this moment, victims need to be able to control when and whether their stories become public. she went to her senator because she had information that she thought was very important, that had bearing on the fitness and character of this nominee. and throughout that period of time, senator feinstein's office was eager for her to come forward, if she felt comfortable coming forward. there was no effort to dissuade her from coming forward. this was entirely this woman's decisio decision. >> alice, i want you to listen to one other portion, something that struck me from alisyn camerota's interview with ms. ford's attorney, ms. katz. listen to what she said about the time that she is alleging 30 plus years ago. >> the reason she thought he might inadvertently kill her is he had her hand over her mouth and she was having a difficult time breathing. is he larger and was pressing his weight against her and so inebriated, he was ignoring the fact that she was attempting to scream and having a difficult time breathing. she believes but for his inebriation and his inability to take her clothes off, he would have raped her. >> a woman, an accuser that says she would publicly testify to this, believes that she would have been raped if he were not so inebriated. at one time she feared for her life. brett kavanaugh denies this. how do republican senators, especially female republican senators handle this now? >> it's disturbing to hear that and to understand that she's been having these thoughts and feelings for all this time. the best way to handle this is take out their partisan hats and take a look at this from a human standpoint. women deserve to be heard and have their full airing of what's going on. it's important for us to do so. she deserves to be heard. at the same time, judge kavanaugh deserves to face his accuser. in my view, the best way to move forward with regard to this nomination process, i think we can still have markup and vote on thursday. we need them both to go before the committee. both need to get both sides out there and let the members of the judiciary committee make the decision based on the evidence at hand. it is unfortunate, however, that senator feinstein had this information for months and didn't disclose it. when she talked directly to judge kavanaugh, when she testified at the hearing, now we're at the 11th hour. in my view, what appears to be a character assassination that could have been dealt with and discussed throughout the process, now we're trying to make amends and rectify this in the best way possible so that the me too movement can make something positive happen out of this in regard to giving women a voice in this difficult situation but also getting to the truth. >> alice, i have to push back on that to look at the timeline here. to be clear, this came out. the accuser called a tip line at the washington post in july, then went to her congresswoman. her congresswoman referred it to senator feinstein. senator feinstein has said she didn't go public with this because the accuser -- keep in mind the details that poppy just shared of at least her account of this interaction with kavanaugh. the accuser did not want her name out in public. then what happened was that name leaked out. is it -- i understand why, your point of view and others supporting kavanaugh see this as 11th hour character assassination. is it possible there's a more innocent explanation here? the primary motivation of protecting this woman's identity. >> jim, i fully support senator feinstein wanted to protect her identity. and she did a great job of doing so. that being said, when she had the opportunity to talk privately with judge kavanaugh and address these issues and ask him these questions, why didn't she do it? why didn't she do it in a timely manner and get to the bottom of this much sooner than we are now? the information wouldn't have to be disclosed. the identity of ms. ford would not have been made public. for feinstein to have this private conversation with judge kavanaugh, that would have been the appropriate way to do that. that being said now we are at the eleventh hour and serious discussions are being had as to how to proceed. the most important is to get all the information out there, let ms. ford tell her story and let judge kavanaugh respond in a public forum. >> that may take time. eleventh hour, according to the schedule that exists now but, you know, as republicans showed with merrick garland, frankly, you don't need to have this vote on thursday, right? erol lewis, to you, you have senator collins and lisa murkowski squarely in the spotlight now, right? we remember how critical they were of senator al franken when numerous allegations surfaced against him. the latest allegation adds to a disturbing list of allegations. i think it would be best for the senate if he followed the advice of his democratic colleagues. murkowski said we're seeing a culture of harassment and assault being exposed on a daily basis. senator franken must know that and that is why he must step down. >> it complicates matters for everybody. we must be clear, there's going to be no perfect solution to this. statute of limitations has long since passed. there won't be a criminal investigation or even the possibility for civil judgment. what we'll have instead is this political discussion and everybody who comes up will be open to accusations, as you just suggested, possible hipocrisy. it's only the eleventh hour because the republican congress has decided thursday is the 12th hour, trying to get him approved so they can sit when the supreme court meets for the next term in october. that's the deadline they've been pushing against. there's a political deadline in terms of the november 6th midterm election. >> sure. >> the reality is a public discussion is going to happen. based on what the accuser's attorney has said, she's going to tell her story. she'll tell it on cnn or on "60 minutes" or some other public forum. the right forum is in the u.s. senate. >> alice, if i can ask you, part of this is how we, as a country or society are dealing with accusations like this today as they come into the public forum. as you said, alice, the accuser has a right to have her voice heard but so does the accused. what's more important, that thursday deadline more important or is a public discussion of both sides? because just as democrats can be accused of politics on this, republicans can be accused of politics for pushing for that deadline, as errol laid out here, a lot of that is about getting that guy sitting on the bench before october 1st, before supreme court session starts, before midterm elections. in your view, what's more important, thursday deadline of the vote or getting a fair airing of both sides? >> the thursday deadline is important, because that is how the judiciary committee has had this set up. but this is a lifetime appointment -- >> set up for a political reason, right? >> my point is, if i can finish, this is a lifetime appointment. that being said, knowing that, knowing the issues at stake and the gravity of these accusations and what this job entails, i think we owe it to ourselves as a nation and in this me too movement, if we have to delay the vote, if we have to delay the markup, we owe it to ourselves as a country to fully vet this story, get all the facts out there and move on according to all the information out there, not just the timeline that's been designated by the committee. >> we don't have time to play the sound but errol, steve bannon giving an interview over the weekend, and let me quote him. he said i believe it is the single most powerful potential political movement in the world and certainly when you frame it around what's happening right now. >> there is evidence for that. i mean, the analogy to what happened with the clarence thomas nomination, which most of us are old to remember. 1992 was considered the year of the woman. barbara boxer got elected, moseely-brown got elected. bailey hutchins was the recipient of that. they all come into the senate, in part, because of this discussion. not a court case. never stopped the nomination. judge thomas is there to this day. the reality is that hearing all the senators talk about what they think about this issue, it made that movement gel, real and relevant. people carried their thoughts about that movement into the voting both and i think we could see the same thing this year. >> thank you for the discussion. you have highways and neighborhoods unrecognizable because of the flooding caused by hurricane florence. for some storm victims across carolina, the worst may still be in store. we'll give you a live update in some of the worst-hit cities next. ♪ take us downtown, waze. waze integration- seamlessly connecting the world inside... with the world outside... making life a little... easier. introducing the well-connected lincoln mkc. in your gut, you feel confident to take on anything. with benefiber, you'll feel the power of gut health confidence every day. benefiber is a 100% natural prebiotic fiber. good morning mrs. jonhson. benefiber. trust your gut. yno, i'm paying inmy brother backs? 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serious side effects. with the botox® savings program, most people with commercial insurance pay nothing out of pocket. talk to your doctor and visit to enroll. florence has killed some 18 people, trapped hundreds, made parts of north and south carolina impassable today. and authorities say the worst of the flooding may still be yet to come. >> that's a scary thought. transportation officials are telling people not to travel anywhere in north carolina. really, don't hit the road, et cetera. floodwaters have already cut off the coastal city of wilmington from the rest of the state. think about that. cut off wilmington from the rest of the state. let's go to kaylee hartung at a shelter there with the latest. they warned us this would be a story of persistent, prolonged rain and flooding. what are you hearing there? >> reporter: poppy and jim, the sun is just starting to come out for the first time in really four days, but that flood threat continues there. is no way in or out of wilmington. it's a peninsula but now it's basically an island. you can't get 40 miles before you get to an impassable road because of floodwaters that have risen. anybody who has left, coming back to survey the damage to their home, don't even try. you will be stopped by highway patrol. some vehicles are being allowed to pass by officials as gas stations are open in this area. we've seen two of them with lines down the street and around the corner. an increasingly problematic situation is arising in this county because they have five shelters open in this area before the storm. they have now consolidated into one at this high school, a brand new facility with a large gymnasium. i spoke to a man who shared with me his experience. >> the reason why i lost my car is because there was a girl who hadn't had food and i wanted to get her food. lost my vehicle. came back, my vehicle is gone, it is what it is. i can't change that. i have to accept that and move on. as far as other people, people in here have lost houses, relatives. it's hard to see that. but at the same time you have to be grateful for what you have right now. to a certain extent i feel like that's what's happening to a lot of people. we haven't been so grateful for what we have so it's being taken away from us. >> reporter: emotions are running high outside the shelter, jim and poppy. james himself has been at three different shelters. first two he was put in actually took on water. this shelter has more than 600 people in it. they have capacity for 1300 if anyone else is in need of refuge at this time. >> kaylee, thank you. wilmington, an island essentially, cut off from everything else right now. appreciate your reporting. kaylee, you and all the teams were great through the storm and the aftermath. >> the danger has not gone away. >> not at all. >> keep listening to first responders. >> yeah. meanwhile, border patrol agent has been accused of hunting down and killing four people. coming up, how a fifth woman led to his arrest in this killing spree. natural healthy looking teeth are white. natural enamel, dentin, which is that second layer of the tooth is yellow. consumption of very acidic foods can wear away your enamel. once they start wearing down, your tooth is going to look yellower, more dull. i recommend pronamel toothpaste because it helps protect and strengthen your enamel. it's going to make them more resistant to the acid erosion so that your teeth are not bothering you and you feel good about your smile. it's pro enamel. it's good for your enamel. it's a positive thing. your insurance rates skyrocket you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ we believe 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her top, pulled it off. she ran off and talked to a state trooper. they began to backtrack, but also important to say that at least according to the affidavit, as written, after ortiz took off, when police tried to find him, during that period of time, he apparently killed two other people. so there was a lot that happened between friday and saturday night here. and the chronologist is not quite clear. we're hoping for authorities who have scheduled a 2:00 p.m. local news conference to give us a few more details. also a critical question, he's being described as a serial killer. this is a supervisor at the border protection. accused of being a serial killer, and the question, of course, is whether there could be more victims. jim and poppy, back to you. >> that's just remarkable. you know, someone meant to protect, accused of this. incredible. thank you, joe. update us. also this. a deadly shark attack. a swimmer at cape cod beach died over the weekend after be attacked by a shark. it's believed to be the first fatal shark attack in massachusetts in more than 80 years. >> just a real shock there. witnesses say the 26-year-old arthur mudeechy and another man, they were boogie boarding about 30 yards off shore saturday when the attack happened. the victim, you see him there, was given first aid, cpr at the scene, but later pronounced dead at the hospital. a statement from bunker hill community college said mudeechy was enrolled as a part time student in the spring. >> all right. we're going to get back to our top story because the calls are growing to delay the vote for the president's second supreme court pick in as many years, judge brett kavanaugh, after his accuser goes public and said she's willing to testify. kavanaugh is also willing to answer questions. >> stay with us. waze integration- seamlessly connecting the world inside... with the world outside... making life a little... easier. introducing the well-connected lincoln mkc. ♪ as moms, we send our kids 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about a decades old sexual assault allegation that now threatens to derail his nomination to sit for life on the bench of the nation's highest court. that's not all. the lawyer for dr. christine blasey ford, a psychology professor living in california, said ford also is willing to testify openly in public about claims she first reported to her congresswoman dianne feinstein in july. these are about an event she alleges happened 35 years ago. let's listen. >> will your client, christine ford, be willing to testify in public to the judiciary committee? >> the answer


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