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Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 11 20100629

three of those arrested live here in the washington area and held secret meetings on street corners and hotels and restaurants. i'm jim vance. >> i'm doreen gentzler. court documents detailing the secret multiyear-long investigation read like a modern-day spy novel, videotaped meetings, drop locations, encrypted messages on public websites. it's not clear how successful the suspected deep cover agents were. what we do know is some of the surveillance on them goes back six years. and the arrests today come just days after presidents barack obama and dmitry medvedev met at the white house. jackie bensen begins our reporting in arlington tonight. jackie? >> reporter: doreen, three of the defendants were arrested here at river house in arlington, accused of spying in the d.c. area. according to court documents, accused spy mikhail sat on a bench in this park on saturday evening and was handed a newspaper folded around an envelope containing $5,000 by a man he thought was a representative of the russian government. he was told, quote, there is an envelope in there. there's money in it. the money has to go to a park in arlington tomorrow. it has to be there between 11:00 and 11:30 a.m. people walking by the spot this evening were astounded by the alleged tie to international espionage. >> it's crazy. it's a busy section. >> that's unbelievable. >> reporter: court documents indicate the man who passed him the money was actually an you understand cover fbi agent, and that led to his undoing. he worked at travel all russia in arlington, virginia. the owners say they are shocked by his arrest. they say he had worked there as a travel agent since moving from new york last summer, that he spoke russian, english, spanish and a dialect of chinese, and he recently appeared to have become disinterested in his job. less is known about the two other d.c. based defendants. who lived together with their two children at river house in arlington. they're accused of communicating with purported russian agents through a method not previously described in espionage cases here, by establishing a short-range wireless network between laptop computers while they were near each other in public places. one transmission intercepted by the fbi reads, you were sent to usa for long-term service trip, your education, bank account, car, house, et cetera, all these serve up with goal so fill your main mission, policy-making circles in u.s. and send intelligence reports to moscow center. all three virginia-based defendants appeared in court this afternoon, but that hearing was closed because the case against seven other defendants had not been unsealed yet in new york. doreen, back to you. >> jackie bensen reporting tonight from arlington. thank you. six of those charged in the spy ring were arrested in or around new york city. we continue our coverage now from manhattan. >> reporter: the five alleged spies from the new york area all appeared in federal court this evening although none entered a plea, they were all remanded. suspected spies were married and lived just north of manhattan on a quiet suburban blonk ck in yonkers. neighbors say they were quiet, unassuming people. she worked for a spanish newspaper. lozario told one neighbor he worked as a college professor. everyone found the news quite alarming. other defendants richard and cynthia murphy live in an average suburban home in new jersey and finally anna chapman lived in manhattan. in new york, i'm ida siegal. >> for more information on the russian spy ring, we invite you to our website, it was a rough ride home for commuters on metro's red line. the station was shut down about an hour after a man jumped on the tracks and died. when it reopened, trains were single tracking between the grover and medical center stations for more than two hours. these are pictures of the platform at the medical center station during the height. the drive home was no better for one couple from maryland. a tree branch fell right into their windshield. so why are they so thankful tonight? craig melvin joins us with the answer to that question. hi, craig. >> hey there, doreen. we were actually on our way to another story on a stretch of highway behind me when our photographer saw something two cars in front of us. we pulled over and met some folks who do not believe in luck. we spotted mary grooms alongside the road moments after it happened. she and her husband seemed pretty cool for a couple that just saw this branch up close. >> i was just driving down the street. i wasn't even speeding this time. >> the wrong spot at the wrong time. >> reporter: the grooms had just left their target nearby and were heading home. afternoon storms left trees sagging. charissa grooms knew something was wrong. >> i had called several times and she didn't answer. >> reporter: when she finally got her on the phone? >> she said she had an accident. i asked her where she was, she told me and i came. >> reporter: the paramedics were giving her mom the once-over and firefighters were chalking the whole thing up to good fortune. you'll notice she didn't say anything about being lucky alive nor did she attribute dodging death to her superior driving. they say it's one thing that saved her. >> it's prayer. that's the secret. >> this is a blessing. i am truly blessed. >> just think if it had been a little bit over. an angel. i believe that. >> reporter: so much so she didn't hesitate to depririve ho with a busted windshield. she tells me she was going to call the insurance company as soon as she got there, though. we are live in forestville, maryland, news 4, back to you. >> thank you, craig. confirmation hearings for supreme court nominee elena kagan got under way today on capitol hill. kagan said she'll be impartial and open-minded as a justice if confirmed. democrats praised her legal credentials while republicans exposed her lack of experience as an actual judge. kagan's confirmation hearings will resume tomorrow. general stanley mcchrystal told the army he plans to retire. last wednesday he was ousted as commanding general in afghanistan for his criticism of the obama administration's handling of the war. mcchrystal hasn't handed in his retirement papers yet. an army spokesman says the process usually takes a few months. >> there's no shortage of praise today for senator robert byrd. the senator from west virginia died this morning at the age of 92. >> byrd once wrote that if the question was whether to be loved or respected, he always chose to be respected. yet his real accomplishment is that in the end, he managed to be both. >> his career in congress spanned 57 years, 51 of those in the senate. it leaves democrats without a 60th vote for the financial reform bill. west virginia's governor, who is a democrat, will appoint a temporary replacement. still ahead, a teenager is found dead inside a crashed car in fairfax, and police say the crash didn't kill her. 2200-pound hydrogen gas tank exploded and blew out windows on a college campus. later on, "tie light" hysteria comes to washington once again. we are looking for a quieter weather day tomorrow and really nice weather coming up for the middle of the week. i'll give you all the details. lindsay, sports? >> at the world cup, brazil flexes its might against chile. in atlanta, the national defense and offense falls behind with steven strasburg on police in fairfax county are trying to solve a murder. they found 19-year-old vanessa in an overturned vehicle in a ditch off arlington boulevard and williams drive in annandale. they found her yesterday. but an autopsy found she was beaten to death before the car crashed. she graduated from james madison high school in vienna. she had just finished her first year at the savannah college of art and design in georgia. police have no leads at this time. a gaithersburg, maryland, family is in mourning after a teen was killed. four other teens were also hurt. the accident happened just before 6:00 last night in darnstown along river road. police say the driver of the toyota echo with all the teens inside crossed the centerline and hit a mercedes head on. 17-year-old justin dorsey was a passenger in the echo. he died. his uncle says justin was like a son to him and will be missed. >> i watched him speak his first words. i watched him walk. and to see him end up this way, it's hard. >> the four other teens in the car and the driver of the mercedes were hospitalized with minor injuries. charges are pending. >> the humane society delivered almost two dozen rescued horses to a farm in maryland tonight. 22 horses went to the paradise stables 2 in new market, virginia. they'll be there until they can be adopted. last month the humane society rescued almost 50 horses, mules and donkeys from a farm in wayne county, west virginia. officials say the animals were extremely emaciated and neglected when they were found. still to come tonight, bp's cleanup in the gulf moves forward, but now all eyes are on tropical storm alex. a lot of storms cooled us off some this evening but my goodness, it is sticky now. oprah to capitol hill. former illinois governor rod blagojevich thought an explosion in a science lab injured four people today at the university of missouri. something went wrong with an experiment and a 2200-pound hydrogen gas tank exploded. the explosion blew out windows and it melted the blinds in the building. one person suffered what are said to be critical injuries. a spokesperson at the school didn't know if the injured are studented or faculty members. congress is demanding more answers from four of the country's biggest oil companies to make sure their response to a spill is more efficient than british petroleums. responses from exxon mobil, conoco phillips, shell and chevron are due friday. meanwhile, the current cleanup in the gulf seems to be avoiding a significant hurdle in tropical storm alex. >> bad enough already without no tropical storm or hurricane. we don't need none of them. >> reporter: alex is an early warning of what is predicted to be a very active hurric season. and authorities are watching the track carefully. >> well, there's no plan right now because we haven't met the threshold. the couldn'tnd direction of alex doesn't indicate evacuation. >> reporter: if alex or another storm approaches, officials will stop the cleanup process five days before gale-force winds would hit. 38,000 workers and 6,000 vessels would need time to move. such an evacuation would mean unhooking the containment dome and halting relief well drilling, a move that would leave oil flowing freely into the gulf. for now stopping oil is on track. one of the relief wells has penetrated 12,000 feet and has made the turn to intercept the bad well sometime? august. meanwhile, on shore heavy equipment's in place, so are crews to clean up pensacola's famously pristine beach. >> the overnight cleanup is critical. it's absolutely essential. because if they're able to get it off the beach before the sun comes up, then people see how beautiful these beaches really are. >> reporter: and the costs are mounting. bp announced its tab for cleanup and claims has now reached $100 million a day. get the latest on tropical storm alex in the gulf and our weather around here, chuck. >> sure is, slippery sliding around there because tropical storm alex is likely to become a hurricane alex over the next 24 to 48 hours. take a check of it here on our graphics. the "x" in the top center of your screen there just off the coast of louisiana, that is where the deepwater horizon rig went down. that is the mark where all the cleanup efforts are taking place. meanwhile, as you see from the national hurricane center, this is the official forecast track for what will eventually become hurricane alex over the next several days. luckily for all the cleanup efforts in the northern gulf of mexico, this storm looks to be headed for brownsville, texas, or just down to the south of there. current position just 500 miles to the southeast of brownsville, texas. it is moving up now to the north at four miles per hour. again, that turn to the west is all important for all the efforts down in the gulf. meanwhile, around here today, wloo, what a day it was down on the national mall. everybody running for cover and running through some absolutely blinding rainstorms out there. thunder as well. everybody managed to get out safely, but a lot of folks had trees down in their yards and heavy rain for a time. our official high temperature today at national airport, 97 degrees. 7 out of the last 9 days here in washington have all been 95 degrees or higher. that, my friends, is a heat wave by any standards unless you live in phoenix or las vegas. unbearably high, 74. the humidity, 72%. almost .8 of an inch of rain making it the rainiest day in three months. we could really use the rain around here. 84 in town, 81 in manassas. the rainfall amounts were copious. an inch in montgomery village, an inch in herndon and crownsville, a half inch. a couple showers across northern maryland moving into the panhandle of west virginia. the severe weather threat is gone for the remainder of the evening. that is welcome news. and a series of weather fronts will drive increasingly cooler and less humid air down into the area. so the misery and high humidity is headed down to the south. that is definitely welcome news for all concerned. and by wednesday, you're going to think it's back to mother's day. nice and pleasant. the weather is going to be. so for tonight, partly cloudy, cooler. a little bit less humid. overnight lows, 67 to 75. for tomorrow, it's going to be a warm to borderline hot day tomorrow. highs, 84 to about 90. outside chance at a shower or thunderstorm. by and large, most of us will be dry. by the time you get to wednesday, thursday and friday, absolutely gorgeous. the western suburbs will be in the 50s wednesday, thursday and friday morning. as we head into the holiday weekend, gorgeous weather continues. it will be dry. sunday, of course, is the all-important fourth of july holiday. high right around 92. doesn't look like mother nature will mess up our plans for fireworks on the mall. >> it looks divine. >> thank you. still ahead tonight, a scare on stage during a speech by the vice president. in sports, brazil rolling along in the world cup. lindsay has our report. ♪ [ deb ] people don't just come to ge capital for money. they come to us for help. at ge capital, we've been financing taylor guitars for over eight years, helping them build a strong dealer network. bringing music to people... i like that. ♪ ♪ [ bob ] i didn't know you could play. i didn't either. ♪ so what is going on? >> that nationals foen s offens making me yawn, man. here's the deal, last week strasburg pitched. i haven't seen that team so frustrated with themselves for that lack of offense because they didn't score a run. i can tell by ryan zimmerman. he's normally a bubbly, pleasant guy. and he was missed. and you could see it. i don't want to imagine what they're like tonight down in atlanta. the nationals have scored run one in the last 20 innings. the slumping offense followed them to atlanta. strasburg gave up six hits with two walks, seven strikeouts, allowed four runs, three earned. no run support. and the defense basically imploded in the seventh inning with an error by ian desmond. the nationals waste a solid effort by their best pitcher. strasburg didn't rack up many strikeouts early. bottom first, no score. brian mccann loops it to left. josh willingham, heads-up play. fires it to the plate. he tags out cabrera. willingham gets them out of trouble. bottom fifth, still no score. strasburg getting better. strikes out eric hinske. he'd finish the night with seven strikeouts including five straight in the fifth and sixth innings. but things started to unravel for the nationals in the bottom of the seventh. troy glaus up with two on. grounds it to ian desmond. what is this? he can't handle it. everybody's safe. bases are loaded with no outs. should have been a double play. instead desmond's 19th error. two batters later, after the braves took a 1-0 lead on a sacrifice fly. yunel escobar lines it to left field. brian mccann would score to make it 2-0. at that point jim riggleman had seen enough. strasburg pulled after going 6 1/3, striking out 7, walking 2 and giving up 3 earns. nationals lose, 5-0, but strasburg, like a pro. >> for the most part, you know, i did well enough, you know, kept the team in the ball game. you know, things aren't working for us right now. so we've got to keep our heads up and go out there and keep working hard. hopefully things will turn around tomorrow. >> that is a classy steven strasburg because he has every right to say what is going on? i could be with the red sox. right? or back in the minors having fun. >> with an umbrella drink on the beach. the nationals have placed tyler clippard on the dl. chile can relate to the nationals' offensive struggles. they could do nothing to stop five-time world cup champion brazil. brazil played with the confidence and execution that has come to define this team. we're in south africa. brazil looking to advance to the world cup quarterfinals for a sixth consecutive time. 34th minute. no score. brazil with the corner kick. and this is using your head. brazil's juan puts it into the net just like he lined it. brazil with the 1-0 lead. it wouldn't take them long to score more because just four minutes later, brazil on the break. looks like fabian oso was offsi. he carries it home. he scores. brazil beats chile, 3-0. they will play the netherlands. i've been thinking about the nationals. >> thank you. coming up next, imagine driving down the highway and seeing ads on license plates. we'll tell you where they're cons an executive with general electric collapsed on stage as vice president biden was giving a speech today. there he goes. jim campbell was listening to the vice president at a warehouse in louisville when he fell off his stool. campbell was the head of ge's appliance division. biden called for a doctor. campbell was alert when escorted out. his collapse was apparently related to the heat and he's going to be okay. rod blagojevich, once considered putting oprah winfrey into senate. that was made today when a secret fbi tape was played during the corruption trial. he called winfrey a kingmaker and said no one could criticize him for putting the talk show host in president obama's former senate seat. california lawmakers are considering making license plates digital, a move that could make some money for the state. the electronic plates would display ads after a car was stopped for more than four seconds. it would switch back to a standard plate when the car started moving again. critics argue that the plate would be distracting and fear the technology could be hacked. lawmakers say revenue from ads on the license plates could help close a $19 billion budget deficit. hundreds of area "twilight" fans got an early look at the third movie in the series. there was an advanced screening of "eclipse" tonight at the uptown theater in cleveland park. people lined up around the block on connecticut avenue to get into the screening. those who didn't get to see it will have to wait for the movie's wide-release premiere on wednesday. he's not big with teenage girls.


Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20100629

afternoon and leaving behind a big change in our record breaking heat. a husband and father goes out to run an errand and never comes home. instead he's found shot to death in his own car. tonight his family is making an emotional plea. but we begin tonight with alleged secret agents busted right in our backyard. thanks for joining us, everyone. i'm laura evans in for brian. i'm shawn yancy. fake birth cert cat, cover names, just some of the international espionage unfolding in the quiet suburbs of virginia. roby chavez has more on how the government made the big bust. >> reporter: court documents indicate they were masters at secret inclan december teen meetings. they live in arlington while others lived what appeared to be normal lives in new york and boston. two of the alleged spies lived here in arlington in this no frills apartment complex as husband and wife. neighbors say they had children and were shocked to hear spies may be living among them here in the suburbs. >> i guess if i were a spy, i would want to live here too. you're not in the middle of d.c. you're away from everyone else and could blend in a little better. why not. >> reporter: ten people from the group dubbed illegals were arrested for being part of a deep cover russian spy ring with names like murphy, heathfield, foally and mills, their mission? become as americanized as possible. but the government says they were anything but with american birth certificates but allegedly receiving extensive training from the russian government. in arlington many are intrigued that the spy ring operated here in their backyard. >> pretty surprising to hear that actually it's going on in arlington. i walk by people all the time in this building. i've been here a couple of times. just concerned that it's actually possible. >> reporter: just last week for the so-called burger diplomacy, president obama was all smiles in arlington with the russian president but just blocks away according to these court documents lived a couple, both arlington residents are now accused of picking up by the r that was buried in new york's central park. all of the spying according to documents was caught on video and listening devices. one intercepted message from moscow's spy center read, you were sent to u.s.a. for long-term service trip to search and develop ties in policy making circles and sent intelligence reports to the center. some wonder what it will do to u.s. and russian relations after this warm moment between the two leaders. >> it's really unfathomable, knoll something that -- i know it happens but it's just unconscionable. >> reporter: court documents also indicate some of the alleged spies met with a former high ranking national security official, a person working on bunker buster nuclear warheads and also met with a major fund- raiser for an unnamed political party. many worry about the dangers of espionage brought right here to their backyard. >> roby, thank you. our other big story tonight, wicked weather is being blamed for a nasty crash on irving avenue in northwest today. rescue crews had to cut a woman from her suv after she crashed into a car and slid into a utility pole. they say she got caught in a massive downpour and was trying to stop when the accident happened. people who live nearby heard the crash and ran to help. >> just a big impact and then the kids were running down the steps saying it was an accident. when i ran out, i saw the two cars so i ran over. and she was talking and we couldn't get in the car. so we turned the ignition off and at the same time i saw another fire truck pull up. >> no word tonight on the conditions of the victims. the storms moved in this afternoon and they were fast and furious. lots of thunder, lightning and of course a whole lot of rain, too. but they're also bringing something else with them. that's relief from the record temperatures we've been having. gary mcgrady has more on that from the weather center. much cooler out there tonight. >> it's steamy, too. we still have a lot of moisture in the air. it's going to take a while to push this humidity down to the south. but we are in the transitional period now between really hot, record temperatures and actually some nice pleasant weather that's just a couple of days away. let me first go to radar. there's a couple of little lingering showers. maybe even a thunderstorm, too. i'm not getting any lightning from this particular storm down here in southern sections of anne arundel county just to the east of prince george's county. looks like this one might be headed towards deal as well. you could probably here a little -- hear a little bit of thunder and lightning. it does appear it's getting a little stronger. today another record. the record was for bwi marshall. they were up to 99. then the thunderstorms fired up and that cooled us down quite a bit. some some cases actually temperatures at national tumbled today into the 70s. a couple of quick pout we are outages. -- quick power outages. montgomery county over 5,000 without power. in prince george's county about 400 or so still looking for some power tonight. hopefully that can get turned on quite quickly. summertime thunderstorms, they signal change. and we have some cooler temperatures coming. that's all in the forecast in just a bit. >> like the sound of that. of course you can track the temperature tumble for yourself on just click on the weather tab to get a glimpse of the five- day forecast. new tonight another murder mystery in the nation's capital but this time the brutal crime is tearing apart communities on both sides of the atlantic. bob barnard has the story you will only see on fox. bob? >> reporter: shawn, his brothers and sisters say charles logan survived years of civil war in his native liberia without ever taking a bullet. he would bring his family to america to live a better life, one that ended on a d.c. street sunday morning in a hail of bullets. [ crying ] >> reporter: this is the murder victim's widow charles etta logan in her front yard in hyattsville, maryland surrounded by relatives, friends and about a hundred members of the washington area's liberian community. they're mourning the death of 46-year-old charles logan, described as a hard-working father of two found shot to death inside his car sunday morning in northeast washington. >> [ indiscernible ] to get the problem solved. we want the perpetrator to be brought to justice and tell us why he would kill an innocent man. >> reporter: d.c. police say officers responding to reports of gunfire in the 1500 block of kenilworth avenue found logan shot multiple times in his car two blocks away. >> it's a sad story because my brother made it through 14 years of war in liberia. to end up this way, it's not fair. >> reporter: logan was from the west african nation of liberia and one ever the leaders of the liberian community here. >> you can see right here he had so many friends. he had so many friends. >> he brought a large family here and he has cared for many others that he met here. it's such a sad situation that a man could escape 14 years of brutal civil war only to be shot in a miss tear joss fashion -- mysterious fashion in america where he thought he was seeking safe haven. >> reporter: his relatives say charles had gone to the store sunday morning to buy some flour flour. he bought the flour but never made it home. >> we want justice to be served. >> reporter: tonight much to his family's chagrin, charles logan's murder remains unsolved. d.c. police asking for the public's help to get the killer off the street. >> bob barnard with the story. a candlelight vigil tonight in honor of a teenager killed in the district. friends, family and local politicians gathered at 21st street in northeast where 16- year-old steven mo hag any was gunned down. he was shot to death saturday morning. so far no arrests and no word on a motive. still no sign of two missing teenagers if fairfax county. now the parents of 16-year-old tiffany ghani and -- [ indiscernible ] no one has heard from them since. the girls didn't take anything, not even their cell phones. anyone with information about the girls' whereabouts is asked to call fairfax county crime solvers. the longest serving senator in u.s. history has died. senator robert byrd passed away this morning at a hospital in fairfax. he represented west virginia in washington for 57 years. tonight fox 5's beth parker shows us how west virginia is remembering senator byrd. >> reporter: in a place where time feels like it moves a little slower, robert byrd passed the test. >> when you think of him, you think of a man whose word you can count on, who will tell you the truth, and that's not always something you find in a politician. >> reporter: residents say byrd brought jobs to the state and therefore customers to places like robert's jewelers in downtown martinsburg. >> it's good to see you. >> reporter: the store has been around even longer than the 50 years byrd served west virginia in the senate. the owner says even those divided respected byrd. >> even though you didn't agree with him, you knew you'd get a straight answer from him. whatever he said, he was feeling it from his heart and with a deep belief. >> reporter: george is the mayor of martinsburg. he owns patterson's, a pharmacy and soda fountain. she serve up milk shakes. and good conversation. he can tell you a few stories about robert byrd. he remembers a time when he leaned down to talk to byrd in his wheelchair not long ago. >> i leaned down and he pulled on my tie and he says, george, how do you get such a pretty wife? i like your tie but i like your wife better. >> reporter: now, robert byrd certainly had his share of pet projects. you don't have to look far here to see his name on the side of a building. when i asked the locals what they thought of his nickname the prince of pork, they told me they don't mind a bit. >> people have been called worse. >> i would think. >> reporter: carlos rubio's daughter received a college scholarship from the byrd family. >> she found him to be very jovial. he has many, many stories about west virginia, how proud he was of the children. >> reporter: she's now in graduate school at yale, big shoes to fill for future students. as for who might fill byrd's shoe, folks we talked to aren't sure it's possible. >> to step in his shoes, no. >> reporter: someone will take over his senate seat but they say no one will replace him. in west virginia, beth parker, fox 5 news. the d.c. summer jobs program is plagued with problems yet again. students showed up for work to find locked doors. others we're told no jobs were even lined up for them at all. wait till you see where some were told to report for duty. a murder mystery unfolding tonight. a teenager found dead after a violent car crash. police say that's to the what killed her. and all eyes on the gulf tonight as tropical storm alex churns near mexico. the storm could wreak havoc on oil cleanup efforts. we're taking you there coming up.  how many ways can you be comfortable? an energy efficient infinity air conditioner by carrier can save you up to 56% on your cooling costs, while also reducing your impact on the environment. which is better for where you live, and better for where we all live. turn to the experts during cool choices and get up to $1200 cash back on an infinity system by carrier. it's happened kids , showing up for d.c. summer jobs program being met with problem after problem. today was the first day kids were to report for work. for many it was a day of long lines and issues with their work assignments. fox 5's karen gray houston reports. let's say you're a teenager all psyched for the first day on the job and you get there and the doors are closed. a gate is locked up tight. it happened to timothy bryant. >> i came all the way up here from southeast to come work. i get here. they aren't open. >> reporter: bryant and some other students and a parent were told the catering business which also house as bar opens in the rear of the strip mall. but who would know to go there? one store employee told them there were no summer jobs. >> they said they had a contract with d.c. employment services [ inaudible ] >> reporter: beverly is a parent. she says she was disturbed to learn kids had been assigned to a job that had a bar. >> i asked the gentleman, if you had kids in here, what would happen with the alcohol that's stationed on the bar and he said that they would not have any access to this. >> reporter: she called employment services. they told her summer jobs problems were being resolved on the campus of gallaudet. she drove over with some of the kids and we stopped by. the line outside was long. parents had issues. >> i needed her transferred close to home. >> i came in here. >> reporter: a daughter who had asthma needed her transferred to a job away from a swimming pool. >> we're d.c. residents. every year it's dysfunctional like this. >> reporter: we went inside looking for answers. referred to the mayor's office. e-mailed this statement. there are over 22,000 kids in the program. some kids are being transferred to different assignments and other kinks may be getting ironed out. thus the chaos. >> we tried without success to find the owner of the catering and cafe. a woman whose daughter was assigned to work there told us the officials promised to call her soon with another job site. more trouble for d.c. summer jobs program. this time it could be criminal. coming up on the news edge at 11:00, what happened today at rfk stadium that prompted a police investigation. a 19-year veteran of the d.c. police force has been arrested. detective william wakowsky is charged with simple assault and refusing to take a dui test. he was arrested over the weekend. the lawyer for the five american men convicted of plotting terrorist attacks in pakistan has filed an appeal. the men all from the d.c. area have been sentenced to ten years in jail. their attorney says the conviction should be overturned because it did not take into account evidence provided by the defense. supreme court nominee elena kagan may have a better idea of what the week ahead will hold for you as senators closely examine her resume. we have details from day one of her confirmation hearing. >> reporter: if confirmed elena kagan would be only the fourth ever female supreme court justice. >> to be nominated to the supreme court is the honor of a lifetime. >> reporter: she's a lifetime liberal democrat. the obama administration's solicitor general arguing cases before the supreme court. >> i will work hard and i will do my best to consider every case impartially, modestly with commitment to principle and in accordance with law. >> reporter: in the clinton white house, she recommended compromise policies that worried conservatives over abortion and guns. as dean of the harvard law school she made headlines supporting a controversial wartime ban on campus military recruitment. >> her actions punish the military and demeaned our soldiers as they were courageously fighting for our country in two wars overseas. >> reporter: democrats are expected to back her unanimously unanimously. >> your judicial philosophy is almost invisible to us. >> reporter: for the most part they heaped praise on her. >> i believe that fire minded -- fair minded people will find her legal philosophy well within the main stream. >> reporter: they have not ruled out a filibuster which would require 60 votes for her to be confirmed but the word never came up today nor at any of the news conferences involving any of the senators from the confirmation process meaning they probably will forego it. >> if confirmed she'll replace justice john paul stevens. he wrapped up his final day on the bench today. he wrote a letter telling his colleagues that if he overstayed his welcome, it was only because being a justice is such a unique and wonderful job. he served for nearly 35 years. the disaster in the gulf now a major change may be coming. find out what could force boats working in the cleanup to call it quits. plus, does this little girl look like a terrorist? the government thinks so. a homeowner opens fire after people break into his home. tonight several suspects are still on the loose. not that long ago, many families were priced out of an overheated housing market. but the times have changed. get the facts at it's a great place to see all the listings in thousands of cities and towns. with lots of houses to chose from and down-to-earth prices the dream of owning a home seems more attainable than ever. find out what an experienced re/max agent can do for you. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. developing in the gulf tonight, crews continue to battle the massive oil spill 70 days after bp's deep water horizon well exploded. tonight all eyes are on tropical storm alex and the potential path that storm will take. fox's rick leventhal has the latest from the gulf coast. >> reporter: $100 million a day and counting. that's how much bp says the response effort in the gulf is costing the oil company according to an scc filing. the total cost of the spill has reached $2.65 billion. >> we will not stop until the leak is plugged, the oil is cleaned and the claims are paid. >> reporter: bp says it's received more than 80,000 claims and made almost 41,000 payments totaling more than $128 million so far. bp has lost more than $100 billion in market value since the incident began back on april 20. the rig drilling the relief well that's expected to stop the leak is within just 20 feet horizontally ever the busted well. you -- of the busted well but the rig is going to drill 900 feet more before crews cut insideways and start pumping heavy mud to try and stop the flow. bp says they're moving west dream caution to make sure everything is lined up correctly before making that final push. bp fighting the spill from the air as well. we ride along with bp contract pilots hunting massive stains on the gulf, dropping chemical dispersants to break up the oil. meanwhile overone in the gulf keeping a close eye on tropical storm are alex. it could generate waves and winds on the outer edges. gl. the concern is the waves and wind could bring oil further inland and possibly wash miles of oil-soaked containment booms up on shore. in grand isle, louisiana, rick leventhal, fox news. nearly two dozen horses rescued from a west virginia farm are now recovering in maryland. the humane society is helping nurse 49 neglected horses back to health. paradise stables in new market, maryland volunteered to take 22 animals. many were emaciated and suffering from serious health issues when they were found. once the horses are back in good health, they will be adopted out. a fairfax family desperate for answers after the bizarre death of a teenager. her body found in a crashed car but police say the accident had nothing to do with how she died. here's something you wouldn't expect to see on google street view. what in the world? we're checking out the new internet sensation known as horse boy. will? horse boy? shawn, how about wolf boy? and if i said wolf boy, vampire fella, a lot of you at home know exactly what i'm talking about. tonight we're here in uptown in northwest d.c. where hundreds of lucky fans got an early look at the movie. thumbs up or thumbs down? thumbs up. just let out. you're going to go in-line with these lucky fans as fox 5 news at 10:00 rolls on tonight. 8. an argument over a world cup soccer game led to a double murder in dallas. a group of men starting arguing over an upcoming soccer match. one man went to his car and got a gun and killed two. he is in the hospital because he shot himself during a struggle with others. new details in a murder mystery. it looked like a car crash but investigators say it was no accident. the young woman found dead was murdered. >> reporter: investigators scoured the woods where a car crashed along arlington boulevard looking for evidence of murder. police found vanessa pham's body inside the car. she had trauma to the upper body but it wasn't the kind of injuries you'd see in a car crash and there were other things that just didn't seem right. >> the steering wheel, the positioning of the instruments did not match the injuries on her body. in addition, detectives don't feel that the vehicle was traveling very fast. >> reporter: vanessa's family last saw her late sunday morning a few hours before the car crash. she was a typical 19-year-old headed out to see friends. >> she got along with her friends. she was very happy. >> reporter: then police called saying there was an accident. now her mother is devastated. >> i tried to call her from work late night but i didn't get her. >> reporter: vanessa was her only daughter, an aspiring fashion designer. she'd won awards for her artistic talent from elementary through high school and just completed her first year at savannah college art and design. she'd been home for just two weeks. >> i want to know how she died. >> reporter: a fairfax county police detective met the family at their falls church apartment trying to retrace the last hours of vanessa's life and find the person who killed her. police say it is a highly unusual case. >> i cannot think of a case that is like this at all in my ten years with the department. >> reporter: police say they don't have a murder weapon or motive and won't say exactly how vanessa died. >> in the middle of the day, you know, at noon, i don't know what happened to her. >> reporter: her mother doesn't know what motive anyone could have for killing a young woman so loved by so many. >> police don't know if vanessa was murdered first and they are body then dumped in the car or was killed inside the car. her mother said vanessa was doing well. she had just gotten a job and was planning to introduce her new boyfriend to the family. one man is dead and two others on the road after an attempted home invasion in maryland. this happened this morning at the forest village apartments in forestville. three armed men broke into an apartment there when the man who lived there fought back with his own gun. >> the victim produced his own handgun he had in the apartment and he used a handgun to defend himself. we do believe that the shooting was a justified shooting. >> police believe it was a random attack. they're investigating whether the same suspects are responsible for another attempted robbery just hours before that shooting. a maryland teenager is dead. several others were hurt in a weekend car crash. this happened last night on river road. five teens were in this car when the driver crossed the center line and hit an oncoming car. 17-year-old justin dorsey died in the crash. everyone else is expected to be okay. a little girl on the same list of terrorists and criminals. 6-year-old alyssa thomas was taking a trip from cleveland toindz ap liss when the father -- indianapolis when the family was informed she was on the no fly list. >> we have several plans for the summer and the rest of the year. i think curbside check-in and night before check-in will be effective. i'm hoping they can expunge this from her record. we'd like to go back to a normal life. >> the f.b.i. says her name will likely stay on that list and the next time she fly it is will rely on the common sense of security agents. pizza lovers beware. we have a warning you need to hear before you down your next slice. plus, going to the dogs. an heiress' millions and mansion left to three pets. you've got to hear what her son has to say about this one. definitely not the royal treatment for prince harry. his polo match tumble is coming up. the malls are filling up. >> we have more on that in tonight's business report. oil spilling, costs keep mounting. bp spending more than $2.6 million to clean the oil spill. people are making more and shopping more. personal income last month rising for the third straight month and spending up two- tenths of 1%. that was double expectations. a quiet day for stocks. blue chips now down nearly 300 points so far this year. wall street is hiring. financial firms in new york city adding to the 7,000 jobs since the end of february. that is the biggest three-month hiring spurt in two years. that's business. [ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens williamsburg, where d.c. goes to get away. maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at a consumer alert tonight for a pizza recall. marketside pizzas a wal-mart store brand are be be recalled because there could be plastic in them. it's for the barbecue chicken pizza. it was made by great kitchens shipped nationwide. you can go to if you'd like more details on which pizzas are part of the recall. a little good news if you're looking for a job. the federal government has about 500,000 jobs to fill over the next four years. virginia congressman jim moran held a today to try to fill some of those positions. money reporter melanie alnwick explains how the changes to the application process will make it easier to get hired. >> reporter: applying for a job usually doesn't require a seminar to understand the process. welcome to the federal government. >> truthfully it has been rather convoluted. >> it's challenging, yes. >> reporter: a wrap like that can discourage great candidates from considering federal employment even though uncle sam is one of the few actually hiring right now. >> there are tens of thousands of jobs that are available for the right people with the right skills at the right time. >> reporter: almost 500,000 jobs will need to be filled in the next four years so hiring reforms are in the works to make sure the process works more like the private sector. >> we're in competition with other employers for the top talent in this country. we need to make sure we have a process that's going to attract and not discourage people from applying. >> reporter: applications will be streamlined. >> we're trying to make the process more speedy but we're also trying to make sure we're notifying applicants at key points in the process where they stand. >> reporter: agencies will do more active recruitment like what's happening at this federal job fair at t.c. williams high school. though most of the application process is done on-line, events like this are important helping hiring managers and job hopefuls connect face to face. >> i think it's very important. i do. i think that you can't take away from one on one communication. >> hopefully it will lead to a position soon. >> reporter: landing a government job is a high priority for many now. >> more security in your job, good opportunities for advancement. >> reporter: but competition is tough. sometimes 500 applicants for a single position. reforms should make the process easier to give everyone an equal shot at working for uncle sam. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. >> by the way, the changes to the application process begin november 1. but if you're still interested in a federal job, don't wait until then. many agencies make their hiring decisions in early fall. long line, confusion and now a police investigation. the d.c. summer youth jobs program gets off to a rocky start. tonight on the news edge at 11:00, why some students could face chin charges -- criminal charges. it's been a brutal stretch of extreme heat. how has it affected our area's water supply? we went to find out. stephen strasburg made his fifth start on the road in atlanta. you know what that means? some bad news for atlanta. this guy can make a lay major league hitter look down right silly. i mean, that shouldn't be allowed but did he get any help? run support please coming up on the news edge at 11:00. vince neil was arrested for dui in las vegas. he was pulled over in his lamborghini right near the vegas strip. they're also investigating an incident outside a las vegas hotel. the singer was released after posting $2,000 bail. prince harry took a tumble off his horse during a charity polo match on new york's governors island yesterday. he got right back up and right back up on his horse but lost the match in overtime. event raised money for harry's charity benefiting children in h.i.v. ravaged africa. the countdown to twilight eclipse is on. just to more days to go. like the first two movie versions of this novel, this one is poised to set some box office records too. will thomas is live in northwest where hundreds of fans got a sneak peek tonight. >> reporter: you know, excited doesn't even begin to tell the story out here. he talked about hundreds of fans. try 800. they all lined up behind me here at the uptown theater in northwest to get an early look at this movie. we went inside the line to give you some of the flavor. i think you're going tone joy this, especially the -- to enjoy this, especially the dog at the end. cliff notes if you're not a twilight fan this is bell remark one of the main characters, high school student. she's in love with this guy, edward, who happens to be a vampire. her best friend is jacob. he happens to be a werewolf. guess what? these two guys obviously don't like each other because jacob likes bela too and that's the basis for a whole lot of drama. the expectation is $75 million in box office sales in the first weekend alone. >> she has right to know. >> reporter: eclipse is the third installment in the twilight series hitting theaters starting wednesday. a special washington audience is getting a first look two days before everyone else. >> well, i love how they go through so much to be together. >> reporter: promotional contests put passes in their hands and some camped out in line for more than six hours. [ screaming ] >> there's a lot of action. >> reporter: will there be any screaming when you're in there? >> maybe. >> yeah, there will be. >> reporter: rachel is a mother of three married 14 years, but on this night she's a twihard. so what makes a twihard? >> someone who just lovers the book and loves the movies and loves the actors and the characters. >> reporter: she has the permanent ink to show her devotion along with all the gear. >> i have my umbrella. i have my magazine and my action figure. i have my games in case we get bored. i have my barbie dolls in case we get bored. my bracelet, t-shirt and purse. >> reporter: it's often a family affair. 9-year-old mckenna waller is responsible for getting her brother and her father hooked. >> well, i like it. it's romance and action. >> i'll stand out in line because my daughter is going to be a better reader because of loving a movie, i'll do it. >> reporter: it's here almost. you've got to love that dog barking on cue basically. let's talk about reaction. plenty of it. we were outside here as the crowd let out. let's listen to some of the feedback. >> i actually liked the movie. it was very close to the book. i was excited the whole time. i was following the story the whole time. >> there was more jacob. i really like that you got to see rosilies and jasper's story. >> it was really amazing. >> reporter: how was it? >> awesome. >> reporter: got to say we did not expect to hear any negative feedback. these are the twihards after all. again the movie opens nationwide this coming wednesday. laura, guess what? the fourth installment is set to start filming come this november. >> well, they have a lot of fans. it makes sense. will, thanks very much. have you seen it yet? >> reporter: i haven't. they didn't invite us to see it but i guarantee, you laura, there was not a seat to be had in there. >> i bet. thanks very much, will. thank goodness it's a much nicer night out there for will to stand out there. >> indeed. >> because earlier today when the rain came down and we saw the long line of people out there, it looked like it had, you know, cooled off a little bit. >> it cooled from the 90s to the 70s. when the rain came through d.c. but now it's back up into the 80s and it is kind of steamy out there. >> but a relief from what it was earlier. >> and it's going to be even nicer, especially when we get to wednesday and thursday. i don't want anybody to think it's going to be in the 80s tomorrow because it's not. it will be less humid. tonight a little on the steamy side. that will gradually start to change as we push some of this humidity down to the south. there is a little bit of shower activity, maybe a thunderstorm. i haven't seen any cloud-to- ground lightning strikes from this particular storm up to the north of us. and it is weakening. you see a little weakening cell came right across 270. central sections of montgomery county. that is really dying out quickly. and as we zoom in a little tighter here, you'll be able to see this storm just moving across i-95. it's just moving south of fulton right now. burtonsville as well. and it's moving kind of on off to the east headed toward northern sections of prince george's county. we may have a couple of these from time to time this evening. i don't think we'll have widespread showers or thunderstorms. certainly nothing is going to be severe. with this type of an air mass, it's still fairly unstable with all the moisture in it and still warm, too, so there may be a shower passing by or thunderstorm overnight tonight till about 3:00 in the morning. then i still think we start to dry out quite rapidly. in terms of highs today, more records on the board. bwi marshall 99 degrees for a high. that was a record. dulles was 94. reagan 97 degrees. in terms of the temperature, gaithersburg is 77. here in the city we're 84. quantico is 85. and the heat index right now, if you factor in the relative humidity here in town it feels like it's 91 degrees. but let me show you where the cooler air is. pittsburgh right now 71. elkins, west virginia 75. so the cooler air, it's just to the northwest of us. and it will slowly begin to start coming in overnight tonight and through the day tomorrow. then look at international falls. 57. madison 58. there's another push of some cooler, drier air farther to the north. over the next couple of days as high pressure fills in, that is going to bring some of the cooler, less humid air in here. just south of the boundary, though, it will still be hazy, hot and humid but it looks like this boundary will be able to get through us tomorrow morning and continue slowly pushing down to the south and eventually it brings in some much nicer temperatures. 83 for wednesday. tomorrow we're 91. the humidity levels will be coming down through the day. thursday will be 82 degrees. friday we start going back up. the way it's looking right now the holiday weekend we're back into the lower 90s. it's looking pretty good actually for saturday and for july 4th which is sunday. showers and thunderstorms moving to the south of us. we watch this little batch to the northwest this evening coming out of western pa but it does look like that's beginning to weaken quite a bit so i'm not too terribly worried about that. in terms of this tropical storm which is alex moving up to the north and to the west now. still forecast to become a hurricane as soon as tomorrow and make a move into the southern sections of texas, northern sections of mexico. that still keeps it away from the oil spill. overnight tonight a few clouds. very mild. 75 degrees tomorrow. not as humid. still warm, though. 91 for a high. and then it really gets nice. we've had 17 days so far in june with temperatures 90- degree plus. we've had six days 95 plus. we deserve temperatures in the 80s. >> yes, sir, we do. >> yes, we did. thank you, gary. two brand new studies are raising concerns now about the diabetes drug avandia. the research shows patients who take it may raise the risk of developing deadly heart problems. the cleveland clinic and an fda researcher both analyzed data from thousands of patients. in 2007 an fda advisory committee stated avandia did increase the risk of heart attacks but stopped short of recommending it be pulled from shelves. the package will consider that again coming up next month. the son of a late millionaire is in a court battle right now to get his mother's mother. wait till you hear who she left the money to. a sharm el-sheik attack -- a shark attacks a teenager. not just setting a record for temperatures. we have more on the growing water worries coming up at 11:00.  the gas prices are going down, they go back up again. we know saving money is important. this summer, shop with your giant card and save on shell fuel. earn one point for every dollar you spend. every 100 points earned gets you another 10 cents off per gallon. the more you spend, the more you save. i'm saving money at the store, i'm saving money at the pump, and that works for me. more savings every time you shop, only with your giant card. a day at the beach ended with a trip to the hospital for a north carolina teenager. the 13-yard was swimming -- 13- year-old was swimming with a friend over the weekend when a shark attacked. she had to get 50 stitches just to close the wound. >> i felt like something grab my foot. then it got really sharp and wasn't letting go. i pulled away and by then they had already bitten me twice. >> the doctors say she could eventually need plastic surgery but she will be able to walk and play sports within a few months. did you see it? a mystery man/horse? the man looking for an eye doctor spotted this unusual find. the picture now dubbed horseboy has become an internet sensation. now the search is on to unmask this man. another picture from further down the street shows the man putting the mask on but it's still too far away to make out. talk about a pampered pooch. this dog has her own bedroom, bathroom, even a $12,000 summer wardrobe. the summer wardrobe. but her luxurious lifestyle could be coming to an end. we have more on the filthy rich dog. >> reporter: meet the prize pup of miami millionaire gail polls near who died in march leaving behind an estate worth tens of millions of dollars. the chicago chicago and two other dog -- the chiwauwa and two other dogs got a good chunk of it. >> it's one of the minority of states that has a protection for pets. >> reporter: her only living child is fuming because he got just a measly million dollars. brett carr is not going to fight with fido though. he's sicking his lawyer. his lawyer says polsne was coerced while battling her cancer. when her employees including maids, a personal trainer and bodyguards inherited $27 million, some of them still living in this mansion along with those pampered poofes. >> the pet trust


Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 6am 20100629

river. no problems as you make your way up from braddock to 66. everything is moving well. outer loop is the same. 95 in virginia, we are not seeing any issues there as drivers make their way from dumfries. you start to slow down as you make your way all the way to lorton from prince william parkway. that's a ten-minute drive and 7100 to 644 and finally finish up with our graphic. metro no problems there. vre, everything is on time. one train on the marc line that is running late. beyond? >> right now loudoun county police are looking for a missing 12-year-old girl. she's been missing since 8 listen hundred last night. this is a picture of her. she lives along cottonham court in sterling, virginia. she was last seen in a blue t- shirt and blue da spree style jeans. she has black hair in a pony tail. if you have seen her call the loudoun county sheriffs office. it sounds like a cold war tale. the fbi says it busted a ring of russian spies here in the u.s. some of them lived in our region. kristin fisher is live from arlington, virginia with more. good morning. >> good morning, andrea. on sunday, a young couple, in fact the parents of two small children, were arrested by the fbi at this arlington apartment complex, which is where they lived. they are now accused of what the justice department is characterizing as a long-term deep cover assignment here in the united states on behalf of the russian government. it's something straight out of a cold war spy movie. a top secret multiyear investigation culminating with the arrest of ten spies living in new york, new jersey, massachusetts and virginia. now it is still unclear house successful the alleged agents have been this this country but the fbi said they were spying on a wide range of subjects including nuclear weapons, u.s. positions on arms control, iran and leadership turnover at the cia and congress. the investigation reached a climax on thursday when an agent posing as an agent of the russian government met with one of the virginia suspects in downtown dc. neighbors of the suspect say they are stunned. >> i was surprised to hear but, yeah. not what you expect to find out about your neighbor. >> of course it is surprising. it is north arlington. nice quiet, fun place to live and you don't expect russian spies to be living above. >> these arrests are one week after lawmaker shared some burgers right here in arlington with the russian president. no word on exactly how these new developments will affect the russian u.s. relationship. as of now the investigation is of course still continuing. as for the suspects they are held without bond and there is an 11th suspect still on the loose. >> thank you. police in fairfax county are now investigating a young woman's death as a murder. they originally ruled it an accident. the body of 19-year-old vanessa pham was found in her mother's car on saturday afternoon. the car was in a ditch. police say her injuries were not consistent with a car crash. they are trying to reconstruct the last hours of her life in order to find her killer. the 17-year-old montgomery county teen is dead after a weekend crash in darnstown, maryland. friends say justin dorsey wasn't wearing his seat belt. his car collided with another on river road. the car may have hydroplaned. all are expected to survive. now the lathest on the disaster in the gulf. today is day 71 of the oil spill. the underwater spill cam shows the oil going in to the water. b.p. says its contain system is capturing 1 million-gallons of oil a day. vice president biden will head head though gulf coast later today. he will visit new orleans and then to pensacola, florida. new streaks of oil are showing up in the waters off of the louisiana coast. some are miles long. state officials have plans to try to stop the oil coming in to coastal bays but say washington is stopping the efforts. >> to this day we are still, as of today, still fighting with the federal government to get approval to use rocks to help to narrow those passes. it is unbelievable. there are people in washington, d.c. that actually believe rocks in the water would cause more damage than the oil that is coming in to the bay. >> reporter: officials are also keeping an eye on tropical storm alex. it shouldn't hit louisiana but could cause rough surf along the gulf coast. five after the hour. jessica doyle is back with another "living $mart" report. you say some offers of working at home may be a little toad too good to be true. >> of course we profiled some really good legitimate work at home jobs but there are a lot of work at home scams out there. the number of work at home scams is increasing. complaints to the federal trade commission are surging almost 8,000 filed last year. that's compared to 4,000 in 2006. most of these offers promise generous profits from the comforts of your own home. if you receive an offer to work at home, check the company out with the better business bureau and the ftc before making commitments. tess la motors will offer shares to the public today. investors seem tock want a share of the action. they increased the number of shares it plans to offer to 13.3 million and priced them at the high end of the range at $17 a share. that is despite the fact tesla never turned a profit and sold one car, an electric roadster for $100,000. they will sell under the ticker symbol tsla. maybe it is the heat but starbucks is getting chilly with the instant via coffee. it comes sweetened and dissolves in cold water. they are trying to grab more drinkers outside of cafes to boost business as it runs out of room to expand the coffee chain. i wish they had an unsweetened version. >> i'm not a fan of iced coffee either. >> we'll give it a shot. we'll try. >> sure. job seekers crowded tc williams high school in alexandria, virginia. i held a federal jobs fair on monday. jim moran sponsored the free event. representatives from a dozen federal agencies took part. federal job experts were also on hand. >> we collect extensive data from job seekers, and we found that they find the process to be a little complex. particularly if they don't know anything about federal employment. so it can be intimidating and let's face it we are all competing for top talent in this country. >> reporter: among the agencies taking part in the jobs fair, the irs and the census bureau. it is 8 after the hour. in ten minutes the girl who tried to sail around the world finally gets home. in four minutes, remembering senator byrd. people in west virginia pay tribute to a mountain state hero. right now howard bernstein is beginning our focus on maryland's weather and traffic. >> good morning, everybody. we are in for the change that we have been waiting for. lower humidity levels and lower temperatures. in fact today we will start that. not going to be cool but it won't be as hot. in fact this morning we are on the warm side in many areas in the 70s to lower 80s as we approach the 9:00 hour. easton 82. frederick and baltimore 84. 83 in annapolis. as we go throughout the day i want you to notice garrett couldn't think in the low 70s. camp springs 87 with 88 in southern maryland. we will top off 90ish or so. but staying in the 70s in the mountains. how's the maryland traffic looking? >> things are looking good in the state of maryland right now. a live look at new hampshire avenue and adelphi. no problems in the area. checking over to river road, one of the busiest roads in the morning. wilson lane as you make your way to the district. things are looking good here. finally a fly 50 westbound as you come through annapolis or bowie area. right now no problems as you make your way to the beltway this morning. 9 news now will return after these messages with more news, weather and everything you need to know coming up. a walking example of the kind of america that i believe in and a living test amount to the values that made west virginia my own home forever. >> many other senators shared their memories of robert byrd they also held a moment of silence. senator byrd served his home state for six decades and it's hard to escape his legacy there. we see how he is being remembered. >> this is a sad day for west virginia. >> he will be greatly missed in this state. >> reporter: as a giant flag flies at half staff over the eastern panhandle of west virginia, residents mourn the loss of senator byrd. as do medical students in the byrd health science center. >> i knew from the beginning i wanted to stay in west virginia and it is a blessing. >> we owe a lot to him for him providing this environment for us. >> reporter: the facility which opened in 2006 serves more than 100 west virginia university students. senator byrd secured $6 million in federal funds to make it happen. >> we can honor him by doing our best. as he always expected us to do. >> reporter: miss in his record long career he funneled money from washington to pay for projects like roads, bring c-5 to the air national guard and improve the v.a. hospital. critic -- supporters say this center is responsible for countless jobs. county commissioner ronald collins says the 92-year-old senator was a fierce advocate for west virginia. his projects helped to improve the lives of many and while he hopes the governor will appoint himself to succeed the senator he admits it will never be the same. >> he stood up for west virginia. he loved his state. and he brought everything here that he could. >> reporter: in berkeley county, west virginia, 9 news now. somehow governor joe mansion will appoint himself to the senate but cbs news reports he won't do that. however he has been raising money for what some believe will be a run for the seat in 2012. senator byrd has been replaced as the president pro- tem. 86-year-old daniel innoway of hawaii was brought in yesterday. he served since ' 63. he is third in the presidential line of succession behind vice president biden and house speaker nancy pelosi. here's what is in the news now, supreme court nominee, elena kagan goes back to captiol hill today. she will face question actress the senate judiciary committee. monday elena kagan said if approved she would rule with an open mind. in a 5-4 decision the supreme court said the second amendment limits severe again laws in cities and states and the justices did not rule out less restrictive gun laws in the future. here's some oaf the damage left from yesterday's storm in our area. this is in fairfax county, dominion still has a handful of outages this morning. we want to say good morning to the dress for success worldwide leadership conference meeting this morning in washington, d.c. i will be the emcee at their banquet dinner this evening. >> you always dress for success so of course you would be chosen to be their emcee. >> look good, feel good, work hard. >> it wasn't just fairfax county but storms came across the district and straddled route 50 and anne arundel county with gusty winds and branches down and power outages we have been dealing with. very heavy downpours. weather headlines this tuesday morning one more 90 plus day. that's today. make it the 18th time this month. never had that many in the month of june going to the 1870s a we have been keeping records here in washington. the .79 inches of rain yesterday was the most in three months and it has been dry and i have concerns by sunday, you know, we will be talking fireworks and very dry conditions. don't like the combination when you think of potentials for accidental fires to be set. 93 today. breezy and less humid. 83 tomorrow. and 80 on thursday. a couple of great days. in fact three or four great days coming after today. this morning, with the forecast first, partly cloudy and warm. 70s to mid-80s the next few hours with a west find at -- west wind at 5:15. partly sunny and breezy and hot and less humid. low 90s. and then tonight, comfortable. 50s and 60s. north wins 10 to 15. you will be able to open the windows and turn up the ac, save a few bucks. we have clouds this morning. these will be drifting to the east and southeast as we go throughout the morning. more nine this afternoon. 60s in cleveland and pittsburgh. 72 cumberland. 80 here in town with 77 in arlington. and 71 in reston. still 78 from crofton and andrews air force base. columbia is 75. 76 in sterling. 75 in rockville and a couple of 73s for springfield and ft. belvoir. officially 80 with a heat index of 82 and a west northwest wind at six miles an hour and the dew point, lost another degree. look up here. not much going on. that's the dry air moving toward us. a lot of shower and storms and these clouds in the gulf, those are with tropical storm alex headed to northern mexico near south texas. here's the front coming through with the drier area behind it. we will continue to watch the drier air filter in and any chance of showers is well off to the south and east in to the carolinas and points south over the next couple of days. the seven-day forecast, 93 today. only 83 tomorrow. even cooler on thursday and friday. great weather to finish the workweek. we warm up to 90 by the 4th of july. sunny and dry. it is 6:17. here's kris with the travel. >> we will start in virginia this morning. 66 eastbound, we are seeing two slow downs from 234 to 28. slow five to ten extra minutes and then again back down to 50 over to 123. moving to 395. right now the delay is from the beltway all the way up to seminary and again you start to back down as you pass the pentagon across the 14th street bridge. going in to the district, we are live from 15th at new york and pennsylvania avenue. you see everything is looking good here. we have no major issues throughout the district this morning. now we will check out travel times for drivers. the outer loop in maryland is a 14 minute drive. route 50 to 295 going season five minutes and then the toll road, we are seeing a slow down from 674 or 495, you are six minutes there. over to you. our time is 6:18. the southern california teenager forced to abandon her dream of sailing around the world is waking up in her own bed this morning. 16-year-old abby sunderland hoped to become the youngest sailor to circumnavigate the grown. she ran in to fierce storms in the indian ocean. >> she would have made the whole thing if it hasn't been for a rogue wave that snapped the mast but as she said, that is sailing. you get in toe storms. >> reporter: sunderland was rescued by french fishermen after she was spotted by a commercial jet. the 16-year-old says she plans to try it again. brett haber has the morning sports report up next. another outing with no run support for strasburg. in three minutes reaction from the nationals phenom. we'll be right back. le busch gardens williamsburg, where d.c. goes to get away. maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at [ clattering ] what did you say? no, no, no. [ speaking indistinctly ] [ blowing continues ] [ male announcer ] when you're all out of good ideas and you've moved on to the dumb ones, it's time. american standard heating & air conditioning. a higher standard of comfort. and then there's most complete, like what you get from centrum ultra women's, the most complete multivitamin for women. it has vitamin d, which emerging science suggests supports breast health, and calcium for bone health. centrum ultra women's. good morning. i'm brett haber with the wakeup sports. the other shoe has officially dropped on strasburg. that's what happens when you are the number one pick and play for an imperfect team. stephen didn't know it would be imperfect to the tune of one run of support if in his last three starts combined. he made his fifth start against the braves last night and the first six innings he was cruising along. he pitched out of trouble a couple of times. never surrendered a run and scoreless in in the 7th inning. that's when the wheels came off the wagon. he put two on to begin the seventh. had a chance to get out of it with this double play but desmond boots it. everybody is safe. bases loaded. nobody out and all three of the runners would score. that is escobar with the rbi single and knocked strasburg out of the game. he allowed four runs and three earned and takes his sec big league loss. >> i understand. i'm not going to have lights out stuff every time out. i'm human. i was really focused on trying to go out and overcome the obstacles don't really know what the obstacles were but i want to go out and battle. >> he did battle. just that the kid has been slately less immortal lately -- still pretty good number and wouldn't be a big deal if he had any support. i'm brett haber have a great tuesday, everybody. it is 6:24. ahead, general petraeus heads to captiol hill today. while the doctor who saved president reagan nearly 30 years ago gets ready to retire. we'll hear from him. and here's kristin in for angie watching the roads. -- here's kris sneed in for angie on the spots to avoid. >> we are outside on the weather terrace. there is something different going on. we have changes heading our way. can a smart phone reach the four corners of the earth ? can it make unlimited skype-to-skype calls to any country ? without using any minutes ? im anyone on skype. droid can with skype mobile. one of thousands of apps that can run with other apps. from the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. right now buy one droid by motorola and get a second one free. only from verizon. ♪ plug and play. now understanding my diabetes is that simple. [ male announcer ] the contour usb meter from bayer. [ nick ] look at this. the software's built right in. how cool is that? [ male announcer ] it's the first meter with plug-and-play technology, helping you transform ordinary testing information into deeper understanding. [ nick ] a meter that plugs into my nonstop life -- that's my simple win. [ male announcer ] the contour usb meter. only from bayer. [ static ] for fartherring your tuesday with us. i'm andrea roane. howard bernstein is on the weather terrace do you feel a change. lower humidity levels will be moving in. a pretty shot out there. the memorial bridge in the distance. a great morning out there. get out and exercise, to problems this morning. but it will be even better over the next few days. on our weather computer, we can show you the showers and storms. yesterday afternoon they were down in southern maryland. a couple of newer ones behind the main line did hit the area here and there during the afternoon and even around 9:00, 10:00 we had a few. this morning partly cloudy to mostly cloudy out there. 80 reagan national. fredericksburg is 80. 70 easton. look at garrett county, far western temperature, oakland 61 in the mountains. they are in the 70s today. we will be hot, breezy and less humid by this afternoon for sure. highs once again should top 90. that will be a record setter. get an update on the traffic approaching 63 o. here's kris. >> like the weather the traffic is looking good from 95 over to georgia on the outer loop in maryland. we are seeing a slow down. this is typical this time of the day and you are 10 to 15 extra minutes right now from this point at new hampshire over to georgia. all right. going to the graphics, route 4, rout 5, 301 no incidents out there right now. everything is looking good. checking out the beltway in virginia. the outer loop from van doren to the wilson bridge is looking good. inner loop, slow around braddock to little river and clear up past 66. 95 northbound in virginia, however, we are seeing a decent slow down. prince william parkway to 123 and then lorton up to the mixing bowl. that's an extra 10 to 15 minutes there. a story that's happening today. the senate a takes up the nomination of general petraeus. he's president obama's pick to become the commander for the war in afghanistan. he could be the -- he would be the top u.s. and alternate general there and replace stanley mcchrystal. the president removed mcchrystal from his job last week following harsh comments he and aides made in a lowelling stone interview. he announced his plans to leave the army. day two on the confirmation hearing for elena kagan. senators will get a chance to question the supreme court nominee. sandra endo is on captiol hill with a preview. >> i do. >> reporter: now the tough questioning begins. supreme court nominee elena kagan will face lawmakers eager to find out more about the solicitor general. some are critical about her record and the fact she's never been a judge. >> miss elena kagan has less real legal experience of any nominee in at least 50 years, it's not just the nominee has not been a judge. she has barely practiced law. >> today it is welcome solicitor general elena kagan. i believe you are imminently confirmable. >> reporter: the 50-year-old former harvard law school dean would be the youngest member on the high court. elena kagan explained her judicial philosophy yesterday during opening statements. >> it means that everyone who comes before the court, regardless of wealth or power or station, receives the same process, and the same 0 protections, a fair shake for every american. >> republican lawmakers are skeptical. they are scrutinizing her work when she served as a clinton aide. the second day of the confirmation hearing some lawmakers are taking a tough stance. >> i will look forward to trying to better understand how you will be able to take political activism, association with liberal causes and park it when it becomes time to be a judge. >> reporter: it is unlikely elena kagan will not get confirmed but until that happens lawmakers will get a crack at her first. on captiol hill, sandra endo for 9 news now. today the judge in the robert wone murder trial will announce her verdict. he was stabbed in northwest in 2006. three men are on trial for allegedly covering up what happened. defense attorneys say the three roommates just tried to help a friend who had been stabbed to death by an intruder. all three men face more than 30 years each if convicted. ten people are in federal custody accused of being spies for russia. three live in arlington, virginia. kristin fisher is live with the story straight out of a spy novel. good morning, kristin. >> you got it. well, all ten of the suspects, including the couple that lived right here in these apartments in arlington. all ten were in federal court yesterday. they were not charged with espionage but were charged with conspiring to act as unauthorized foreign agents and conspiracy to commit money laundering and all ordered to be held without bond. now, if this arlington couple living here at this apartment complex, that means their two small children are in child protective services. according to court documents, the two suspects conducted covert meetings over a period of several years all over the dc area, in parks, restaurants, street corners, at times blocks away from the white house. neighbors of this arlington- based suspects say they are shocked by the allegations, but not sorry about the arrest. >> oh, well they should have been arrested. i'm sorry. yeah. this is america. they should not be getting information to send back to their country to do harm to us. i'm sorry. >> reporter: now, it is still unclear exactly how much harm these alleged agents could have done to the united states. that is under investigation but the alleged spies were supposed to be looking at matters involving u.s. arms control, iran and various leadership issues within the cia and congress. and keep in mind this is all taking place just one week after president obama met with russia's president right here in arlington. they enjoyed burgers and called it burger diplomacy. now with the latest revelation it is unclear how the u.s. and russia's relationship will be affected. andrea? >> thank you. the families of the nine people killed in last year's crash on metro's red line are eligible for a $50,000 insurance benefit. metro officials say its excess liability insurance carrier decided it would cover claims connected to the 2009 crash. they were remembered during a ceremony last week. the benefit is available to four other metro workers and a contractor killed on duty after july of 2008. the doctor credited with saving president reagan's life in 1981 will retire tomorrow. he spent 42 years at george washington university hospital. he's best remembered for his actions in march of 1981. president reagan was brought to the hospital. no one knew he had even been shot but doctors realized he had a shredding lung and was losing boulevard. he had a long career but doesn't mind being remembered for this one moment. >> saving of president reagan's life was a singular achievement and had a profound affect on history. you can't ignore that and say i want to forget about that. that was wonderful. but it was one day in time. >> he will spend part of his retirement in guatemala helping medical teams for assisting under served areas. we want to check in now with jessica doyle. she's in the information center. what's in the next "living $mart" report? >> today's the day you can try again to get your hands on apple's new iphone 4. i will tell you how coming up. but first howard begins the focus on weather and traffic. >> it's just a phone. we are looking a lot better as we get through the afternoon and the next few days. get the forecast for you on this tuesday. it is a cool phone with a lot of neat things, okay. 70s and even 80-degree readings early this morning, especially by 9:00. we are looking at 81 manassas, leesburg and fairfax around 80. as we go through the midday hour, mid to upper 80s for lunchtime. a lot of sunshine and a good breeze from the northwest. that will push highs 90ish if not the lower 90s. richmond a little hotter. 94 if you are heading south. kris sneed how about the virginia road report? >> everything is looking great. no incidents reported. a quiet morning so far. we are seeing delays but not here at route 29 and 50. everything is looking good. arlington, checking out lee highway and glebe road no problems as you make your way to the district this morning. and finally take a fly on southbound gw parkway from the beltway past 123. all the way to the key bridge. everything is looking good for drivers. 9 news now will return after these messages. it is a cool 80 degrees outside at 6:37. we'll be right back. we go to the top of the charts and a new list out this morning from forbes. it's the most powerful celebrities in the world. oprah winfrey ranked number one this year. beyonce is in second place. james cameron, lady gaga and tiger woods round out the top five. arlington's sandra bullock ranked number eight. it is 6:42. in 18 minutes the "early show" begins and harry smith is live with a preview of the show. he is in grand isle, louisiana. good morning, harry. >> reporter: you know i was convinced i was going to come in somewhere in front or behind lady gaga and i'm so disappointed with that news [ laughter ] >> work harder. >> we're in pensacola beach, florida and we have been here a could of days and yesterday the winds were so severe because of the shards coming off of that tropical storm alex that it really closed down booming operation and skimming operations. but we have good news for folks who are concerned about the gulf coast here. these cleanup crews were out here all night long last night. these are the shovel brigades. they are out with shovels and rakes and cleaning up the little tar balls, almost one at a time and it really creates a dilemma for folks because at one.they said, okay, the water down there is safe to swim in on the other side of the beach, for instance, to the west to my left they said last night that for health reasons the water wasn't safe enough to swim in. so if you are trying to figure out i want to come and support the people in the florida panhandle. should we come and go, what are we supposed to do? that dilemma has left the tourism business here shattered. we will have more on that story and all the coverage from the gulf in a bit here on the "early show." >> thank you very much. we'll be watching. time for another "living $mart" report. jessica doyle is here to talk about baggage. is this something i can carry or something i need to shed. >> we all have our baggage and for the airline industry people carrying a lot of baggage, that's been a good thing. major carriers brought in a wind fall from baggage fees. revenues from fees shot up 33% in the first quarter. $769million just for that and the airlines collected $500 million in fees to change reservations, another $500 million from fees for services such as processing frequent flier mile and flying pets. analysts say passengers are more willing to pay some fees and airlines reason about to give them up. with new banking rules kicking in, financial institutions are looking everywhere to make money off of you. some have already disclosed plans to start charging fees to customers who don't meet balance balance requirements. to avoid the fees, consider opening a checking account at a credit union and another option is opening a rewards account with free checking. today is the day you can try to get your hands on the apple iphone 4. at 7 a.m. customers should be able to walk in to at&t stores to purchase the phone but supplies aren't expected to last. the iphone 4 is the hottest telling product launch ever in a a's history. it sold more than 1.7 million in the first three days on the market. another option you have today, at&t is now offering on-line orders of the iphone. don't have to wait in line, if they last. >> we'll wait. jessica, thank you. congratulations to virginia tech this morning. it won the solar decathlon europe competition with its eco friendly building called lumon house. it took ten days to assemble the house. they beat 16 teams from across the globe. to learn more on what made the design to special go to and click on the living green page and learn more about the hokies victory. way to go, hokeys. >> i saw this house. it was on the national mall. we did a story on this. and a guy christian was there. really cool house. a little small but quite green and energy saving. so god for them. >> very good. get to weather. we have tropical storm alex likely to be the season's first hurricane, maybe even later today. show you the satellite and color enhanced. colder colors are brighter than means tall thunderstorms are wrapping an the center and it is strengthening in the gulf gulf of mexico heading to the west northwest and the computer guided in good agreement now. looks like it will head to northern mexico or south texas here and hurricane warnings for parts of texas, south texas coast and northern mexico cost expecting land fall tomorrow night. latest advisories have winds on alex around 70. gusts to 85. and puts it 450 miles from brownsville, texas. here's the forecast track for the hurricane center. by 11:00 on wednesday, strong category one. talking about winds 100 miles an hour. land fall midnight or so tomorrow night and weaken as it moves on shore. but problems with this in extreme south texas. hot today and breezy. not as humid. 93. nicer on wednesday and thursday. highs in the low 80s. some spots in the 70s for july 1st minding return to cooler weather. partly cloudy and warm this morning. 70s and 80s. the next couple of hours, breezy and hot, less humid. northwest winds 10 to 15 and a comfortable night with lows in the 50s and 60s. this morning we are looking at clouds leftover from the shower and strong storms we had yesterday afternoon did some damage. temperatures in pennsylvania and ohio in the 60s. drier, cooler air will head our way. 70s and even 80 degrees that we have at reagan national are going to turn out to be our last hot day for probably four or five but yesterday will probably be a less rainy day for a while, as well. here's the seven-day forecast, very dry, hot 93. nice cool, dry weather through friday. a little hotter on july 4th. corn is needing rain and, sorry, farmers it is not looking good. here's kris sneed with the traffic. >> a quiet commute this morning. no accidents to report. we are seeing slow downs. that's typical, though. 66 eastbound, 234 to 28 and 50 to 123. moving to 395, that usual slow down from the beltway to king street and the pentagon across the 14th street bridge. going to inbound new york, we are seeing a slow down here from the times building to bladensburg. and they are clear from florida although way though third street tunnel. finally we will check out 270 southbound. that's the slow down from father hurley to the split. you are about an axe from 15 minutes for drivers there. andrea? our time is 6:49. today the public is invited to say farewell to manute bol. he former washington bullets star died ten days ago in charlottesville, virginia. after his nba days, manute bol became active in charities to heal the wounds in his native sudan. his funeral begins at 10:00 this morning and held at the national cathedral in northwest washington. life just got better for 22 horses. they were found living in deplorable conditions in west virginia. they were also moved to paradise stables in new market, maryland on monday. nearly 50 horses were found starved and near death at a near near wayne county, west virginia. the 20 but moved to new mark will stay there until they find permanent homes. >> we had their feet attended to, teeth, vaccinations, all the things a responsible horse center would have done for these animals had they been in a good situation dollar. >> the man pleaded guilty to 900 -- to animal cruelty and was fined $900. washington is hoping to snap a five game losing streak tonight. strasburg pitched six strong innings last night but things fell apart in the seven. the single was the last pitch of the ninth. the nats lose 5-0. it is 6:50. 80 degrees here in northwest washington. change is proposed to burgers, steaks and other kinds of meat. in three minutes what the fda has in mind. [ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens williamsburg, where d.c. goes to get away. maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at on this tuesday morning, here's what is in the news now, maryland gubernatorial candidate bob ehrlich will announce his running may on facebook. he post the decision in the next couple of days. in 2006 he ran with kristin cox. the food and drug administration wants meat producers to use fewer antibiotics. the fda is concerned the rise in drug an antibiotic use is having an affect on humans. an outbreak of vandalism in ocean city, maryland. the target, life guard chairs some are buried, hacked up or toppled in to the ocean. the beach patrol says it is making it hard for life guards to do their jobs. we are in for a change for the better. it will be breezy and hot but less humid this afternoon. i think we will crack 90 for the 18th time this month. that will be a record setter. 9 news now returns. [ static ] ♪ plug and play. now understanding my diabetes is that simple. [ male announcer ] the contour usb meter from bayer. [ nick ] look at this. the software's built right in. how cool is that? [ male announcer ] it's the first meter with plug-and-play technology, helping you transform ordinary testing information into deeper understanding. [ nick ] a meter that plugs into my nonstop life -- that's my simple win. [ male announcer ] the contour usb meter. only from bayer. [ static ] i get to sleep faster, stay asleep and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. unisom sleep melts. the twilight fans were out in force last night. they lined up to teethe the twilight saga, ellipse. it the they are in the movie based on the book. some fans caught it thanks metromix. it debuts nationwide tonight. and there are theaters with 12:01 showings. find out which ones by going to roads are looking good right now. a couple of slow downs, outer loop in maryland from 95 to georgia, 15 minutes there. the beltway in virginia, inner loop, slow braddock to 66. ten extra minutes and 95 northbound in virginia seeing a good slow down from lorton all the way to the micking bowl and that continues on to 395. >> we are looking better and better. today hot and breezy and less humid. that's the case. 93. 83 tomorrow and 80 on thursday. it is beautiful stretch of weather to finish out the workweek and we warm up again. and back to 90 by july 4th. watch with the fireworks and the dryness. not a good combination. wall street can't get out of the summer doldrums. wall street is looking lower again this morning. the "early show" is next with tips on exercising outdoors safely when it is so hot outside. >> our next news is at noon. until then visit our website they are the latest news, weather and traffic at we will see you tomorrow morning at 4:25. have a great


Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20100629

that left passengers stranded again. four teenagers killed on the roads in days. the message from two survivors as two brothers are remembered. captioned by the national captioning institute we began with a story you would expect to see in a movie. nearly a dozen people are under arrest for spying for russia. the fbi arrested 10 people in four stage. -- in four states. they were trying to -- john gonzales has more on this story. >> we understand the group used cold war tactics like morse code. 10 russian spies, three of which were reined in alexandria today. they would conduct their meetings everywhere from restaurants to random d.c. street corners. this person is shocked to learn and she has been living next to a couple that had false identities. neighbors know them as they russian parents. >> i talked to them and it sounded like they had a russian accent. >> they believe they were running undercover assignments to obtain the permission on nuclear assignments. -- obtain information. most of them were arrested in new york and new jersey and in arlington. >> you don't expect to hear this. >> the other local resident arranged to meet with an fbi agent posing as an official in this parking lot. >> there were like 10 fbi agents. >> defendants have been charged with conspiring to commit money laundering. >> we don't know anything about what goes around in international spies. >> the fbi interrupted a message saying we were sent for the u.s. for a long-term service trip. your education and your accounts to fulfill your main mission, to search and develop ties in the u.s. we understand the children have been placed in protective services and the main facilitator for the group is still on the loose. no doubt more developments in that story will be coming. moving on to the weather. what a crazy day we have had. temperatures are no longer in the 90's, but a little bit of a relief. >> we have to be patient. by this time tomorrow it will be an aha moment. our temperature downtown was 96 in washington. 102 degrees in richmond for the record. right now is still 84 degrees. arawn cleveland and detroit is what we will notice with much lower humidity. tomorrow, it will still be muggy. are still a few lingering showers in southern maryland, but the big story will be an extended period of delightful weather. i will tell you the latest in a minute. an unexpected disruption leads to frustrations for rail commuters after someone jumped on the tracks at the grosvenor- strathmore trysta up. this comes after issues on the marc line last week. >> a difficult and time- consuming commute for passengers at this station. that man that you talked about, it was a fatal fall. they had to close the tracks and some major delays. a very visible police presence at the grosvenor-strathmore metro station. dozens of frustrated stranded passengers. >> there were a few older people that were passing out. >> these service shutdown began after 6:00 when a man jumped onto the tracks. >> he fell from the walkway. >> it was fatal. they shut down tracks in both directions. passengers were stuck inside a crowded trains for a 35-45 minutes. >> it was very crowded and hot. they took us all of the train. >> some passengers say they switched trains several times before waiting for bus services. >> they had at least three ambulances. >> the buses can only carry about 50 people. >> metro began a single tracking trains on the southbound track, but no shortage of delays on the red line. >> it didn't seem to me they were prepared for something like this happening. >> you can only imagine what it was like. most passengers say they ac was working come up but they were crammed with people. they managed to get the tracks working in a couple of hours. they will be working for the morning commute. the families of the metro crash victims from last year will be receiving financial compensation. the families of the nine people killed will receive $50,000. metro says the benefit is unrelated to any pending lawsuit filed. a bill named in honor of one of the victims has reached the house floor. it could authorize permit funding for higher education of members of the d.c. national guard. eleanor holmes norton sponsored the bill. he and his wife were killed in that crash. coming up, and x-ray worth $45,000. a certain aplomb bombshell makes it worth that much. -- blond bombshell. >> this summer is getting off to a deadly start for teenagers on. ♪ stinky! ♪ stinky! ♪ stinky! ♪ stinky! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! hefty bags with unscented odorblock technology help neutralize odors and stop the stinkies. ♪ stinky! stinky! ♪ stinky! stinky! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! ♪ hefty! remembrances for two brothers in what has been a deadly string of accidents for young adults. four teenagers have died in accidents on local roads. two survivors speak out about the dangers. this is a story every teenager and. needs to sea. >> school let out and there have already been three deadly crashes cleaning runs -- claiming the lives of four young people. this auditorium was filled with friends and family members and the crash survivors who wanted to remember their friends and share a message about safety. they are battered and bruised, but these two are thankful to be alive. last week they were riding in the backseat of this car when it crashed. >> all i see is the light and then is black again. >> the driver was muhammed. >> i am screaming their names and they are not saying anything. >> the brothers did not survive. hundreds of their friends and family members killed the high- school to remember them. one was a freshman at morehouse college and responsible young men with bright futures cut short. >> there have been so many accidents happening. what is this? >> on sunday, justin dorsey died on river road. last week, another teenager died. he can only hope something positive will come out of this. >> the one thing their friends are learning is when i get in my car i will put on my seat belt, two hands on the wheel. >> if it is not worth it. i lost two good friends. >> beyond the enormous grief of losing two sons, the mohammad family is having to bear the cost of burying them. a fund has sent -- fund has been set up. an account has been set up under the brothers mother's name. we put more information on our web site at that is the latest tonight. we hope others learned a lesson from this family's pain. a showdown in fairfax county over the future of a beloved elementary school. that issue is the proposal to close clifton elementary school that needs extensive renovations. dozens of students testified to keep the school open. clifton needs millions of renovations and the water source tested positive for contaminants. this will be voted on on july 8. coming up, the $45,000 x-ray. the famous star who posed for this photo. apple pie is big business boom, how much the company is making -- apple's big business boom. round one for elena kagan. -- apple's big business boom. round one for elena kagan. hey, volley for serve. friendly competition runs on dunkin' with our refreshing coolatta flavors. enjoy an icy boost today. america runs on dunkin'. it heard what happened to the vcr and the cassette player. and the answering machine. it knows what happens to obsolete technology around here. what you need to help your tv understand is it's not the one that's obsolete. it's the cable technology that's obsolete and fios is the one making it obsolete. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities visit at 800-974-6006 tty/v. the weeks of waiting are over for the senate and the woman looking to become the next supreme court justice. elena kagan was on the hot seat for the first time. she received praise, criticism and a lot of questions. after weeks of the silence imposed on supreme court nominees, elena kagan had a chance to speak for herself. >> i will work hard and i will do my best to consider every case impartially, but the court must recognize the limits on itself and respect the choices made by the american people. >> she struggled to keep a poker face as republicans called her endearing -- inexperienced political partisan. >> she is the right person at the right time. >> the top republican suggested she is unqualified. >> she has less real legal experience of any nominee in at least 50 years. >> and condemned her decision on the idea to ban military recruiters from harvard. >> her acts demeaned our soldiers as they were fighting. >> but lindsay graham offered in vice. >> it is ok to disagree with us up here. >> she will be back with more questions answered confirmation hearing continues. the white house and constituents in west virginia are remembering the life of senator robert byrd. >> there has not been more of a person that protected the constitution and robert byrd. >> he died today after serving in the senate for 51 years, longer than anyone in history. white roses were left on his desk in the senate. president obama said americans lost a voice of principal and reason. he was 92-years old. the financial windfall apple is taking in with the new iphone 4. apple makes $321 from each iphone and 399 from the other model. that includes the cost of the phone and subsidies. apple sold 1.7 million iphones in its opening weekend. we had a very costly look at a side of marilyn monroe you have never seen. this is one of three x-rays taken back in 1964. they went up for auction and the winning bid was $45,000. it is not known why these x-rays were taken. during the same auction her final photo shoots sold for $35,000. $45,000 for that. >> p.t. barnum said it right, he hit the nail on the head. it has been a wild day today. in this feeling like the middle of july. is very unreasonable. we get these kinds of storms. the good news is that we needed the rain, i don't know if we needed it with those gusty winds. we did not need it with another 95 degree day. our high temperature was 97 degrees. while we don't want to see another 90 degree day, if is going to be a record breaker we may do it tomorrow, but it will be more comfortable. here we are in washington. folks around laurel, you still have a few showers. there are still some in the chesapeake bay. it is moving off towards the east. the tomato plants getting a little drink. over 1.5 inches in gaithersburg. sunspots' picked up almost two inches. alexandria -- summitt pot -- some spots picked up two inches. here is what alex is doing now. the winds are now up to 65 miles per hour. the tracks still keeps it well to the south of the central gulf of mexico. unfortunately, you can see the cloud of circulation. the waves will not continue to increase. the waves running 3-5 feet are around a disastrous area. unfortunately, that will be handling things. for us, look at the temperatures to our west. minneapolis with a high temperature of 78 degrees. that is the kind of air coming our way. our winds will be returning to the northwest, so even though tomorrow morning it will still be muggy, by tomorrow afternoon, while we will see temperatures near 90 degrees you will notice the difference coming home from work tomorrow evening. really a big difference as we get into wednesday. low humidity. when was the last time we said low humidity? i think it seems like march or april, but refreshing air coming in. that will last into the big fourth of july weekend. for all the fireworks and everything on the mall it looks great. >> no excuse not to enjoy it. they're fishermen, they're shrimpers, they're laborers, they're deckhands, they're people who work in restaurants... these are the people of the gulf coast who need our help. i'm darryl willis. i oversee bp's claims process on the gulf coast. bp has got to make things right and that's why we're here. part of that responsibility is letting you know what we're doing to make it right. we're replacing the lost income for fishermen, small businessmen and others who aren't able to work until the spill is cleaned up. our claims line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. people can call or go online and we'll help them figure out what information they need to file a claim. we've got about 900 people handling claims and 25 walk-in offices in 4 states. so far we've paid eighteen thousand claims, at no cost to taxpayers. more than fifty one million dollars. i was born and raised in louisiana. i volunteered for this assignment because this is my home. i'll be here in the gulf as long as it takes to make this right. the bride was not wearing white and the groom was not wearing a tuxedo, but this couple got married wearing camouflage. they are avid hunters. they married on a tree stand and the bride's gown was especially made in camouflage from louisiana. give it to me. >> i am not touching that one. the world cup closes in on the top eight witte classic matchups. stephen strasburg gave another impressive performance, but was it enough to over come - ( music playing ) - now's the time to invest. in lumber. in rubber. in bellies. and precious metals. it's time to put everything you have into your 10k. your 5k. and even your 1k. and, of course, you can never go wrong with futures. kaiser permanente. thrive. >> the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers, moving you forward. >> stephen strasburg pitched another great game and got no support from his ball club. he took a scoreless game into the seventh inning but suffered a loss. let's pick it up in the first inning. he takes this to left field for the single. here comes the eighth blow -- here come the throw. stephen strasburg threw 92 pitches with seven strikeouts. the national's committed four errors behind him. that is the most in baseball. the floodgates opened. that cost five atlanta runs. the braves batted around in the seventh and beat the nationals 5-0. >> when you have those adding is where your stuff is not there, the top pitchers in the league will get through it. for the most part, i did well enough to get the team in the ballgame, but things are not working for us. >> our play of the day comes from the diamondbacks and cardinals. he takes chris carpenter to deep right field. he will jump the wall and not only does the ball go over but his glove goes over the wall. they win the game 6-5. andy roddick was up set today at wimbledon. he was upset by the player from taiwan. he has been knocked out at wimbledon the first round the last four years. he sealed the deal today against roddick. at the world cup, brazil had an easy time with chile three more wins and brazil will be hoisting the cup. this was the play and brazil beats chile 3-0. it was just a clean up by brazil. the wizards will not make a qualifying offer to randi ford and he will be an unrestricted free agent, while the former georgetown star has been invited to play on the wizard's summer league team. this will give them a chance to show their stuff. that is coming. >> not as hot, 90. much more comfortable air coming in as we get into tomorrow night, but some spots in the 50's coming up. >> that looks good. see you tomorrow.


Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now Tonight 20100628

video store. >> reporter: an -- an arson dog was found in. but investigators will pull in surveillance video for the possibility the fire was set. >> my neighbor's stores are burned. >> reporter: and he owns the jewelry business farthest from the fire. the building has to be rewired and there may be structural damage. >> the fire department said the roof trusses over the effected part are bowing. >> reporter: investigators may determine the cause of the fire by tomorrow. i'mel ex trevino where a dead plant could be the blame for a fire. rosemary dire found her deck damaged. >> the plant holder was a material that catches fire very quickly. >> reporter: frederick county fire marshall said her rectangular plant holder resembled this one. the dry grass-like material inside ignited. >> excessive heat and it's believe the straw type material heated up enough it was ignited. >> its plant was dried because we were on vacation for a week and when i came back the plant was dry and hanging and apparently around 1:00 when the sun was really hot it caught on fire and thank god somebody called 911 and they were able to maintain the fire. three burglary suspects picked the wrong apartment to invade today. police say they broke into an apartment on reno road but the man that lived there was home plus he had a gun. he shot one intruder and the other two ran away. the wounded robber died. right now police believe that he acted in self-defense but are checking to confirm his gun is registered. a 17-year-old boy is dead following a head-on crash in darnestown. justin dorsey riding with four other teen-agers in a toyota echo yesterday on river road when the car crossed the center line and struck head on into another vehicle. initial reports say the car may have hydroplaned on slick roads. friends in the car said dorsey did not have on his seat belt. 9 news now spoke with the victim's mother. >> he loved cars. cars was his passion. his absolute passion. there isn't anything to do with my son that didn't have cars attached to it. >> none of the other injuries were life-threatening. and an he is pee and only ring broken up. 10 have been arrested. three of the alleged spies live in arlington. now this video was shot by cbs news of the suspects leaving federal court in alexandria today. the three charged locally have been identified as michael zit olie, patricia mills and michaele simenco. a huge supreme court victory for gun rights advocates. high court ruled that americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense where they happen to live. now the case was spurred by chicago's handgun ban which will now likely be struck down. >> we're still reruing the entire -- reviewing the entire decision but it means that the current handgun ban is unenforceable. >> i would suggest that the mayor take the millions of dollars that he spent in litigation or continues to spend in litigation and use that to improve his educational system if the city of chicago. and supreme court senate hearing for ellen kagen is well under way. she praised stevens and his proven commitment to the rule of law. if confirmed she would become the court's fourth female justice. and we are on storm alert tonight. still heavy rain and thunder rock the area for hours earlier today. this video is from tenleytown in northwest. the welder on that rooftop just got whipped by the rain and the wind and topper is down in the weather center with more off what is on doppler. and it got sunny later on. you would almost not know it rained. >> no. we had a line between 2:30 and 4:30 and now the severe storm is gone. we talked about that at 6:00. we're not out of the woods completely. here is live doppler 9000. there are storms out there. one is south, north of la plata in charles county and a heavier storm out of prince william county into fairfax county and this has heavy rains with it. nothing severe, but around 12 and over toward 95 between lorton and springfield, this storm is heading your way. so heavy rain possible as it crosses 123 but don't see anything severe with that storm. let's go to the computer. look at the satellite picture, radar combined, the storms did move through this afternoon and crushed the beaches too. that's off shore. and now the cold front is still back to the west but all of the storms now will stay to the north of us. temperatures have rebounded. 97 was the high and we're back up to 88. even after we were rain-cooled. >> temperatures still in the upper 80s. culpeper is 93. we'll come back and look at a weather pattern change that everybody will like and we'll talk about tropical storm alex. well we know the weather was the cause of power outages at the forest glenn metro earlier. patranya has a back up there. >> you mentioned the problems at grosvenor station and right now trains are being delayed. they are being turned around at medical center and white flint. so this is a big problem for the red line for folks trying to get on the rain on the redline. and also on greenline, a problem at concord heights station where the power is out, escalators not working but the station remains open this evening. now let's hit the roadways where much better news out there, if you can see the sun is out and the rain -- showers are gone for now any ways for drivers heading home, so no big problems down to the mixing bowl. and on 270 for folks heading north, right now you can see all lanes are open. everyone moving at speed. that is good news. derek, back to you. the families of the nine people who died in last year's crash are eligible for a $50,000 insurance benefit through metro. and that is available to the families of other metro workers and the contractor who died in the call of duty when the particular insurance policy took effect. 20,000 young people went to work in d.c. today as part of the mayor summer jobs program. bruce johnson reports there may have been a good start but there were also plenty of glitches. >> how important is a summer job to you? >> it's important, you know what i'm saying, because of the fact it's money. >> reporter: the need is great in a city where unemployment rate for adults can be 50% in some neighborhoods, the district might be running the most ambitious youth programs job in the country. >> it's very important. it's supposed to show you and give you -- >> work experience. >> work experience. >> reporter: joe walsh runs the summer job program. >> 20,000 of those young people are out working and landed in their jobs today and out there working right now. >> reporter: but the first day on the job was a frustrating day for 800 teens and young adults. >> they messed up my summer job and they sent me to the wrong location and i had to come back down here. >> reporter: those who were not matched jobs with the right assignment ended up here at the fieldhouse in northeast. >> it was like, what's your name and my name wasn't even on the roster. >> my first situation was they put me in summer school and i'm not supposed to. >> you showed up at the job site and there was no manager there for you? >> correct. >> and then what did you do? >> i left. my mom came and picked me up. >> and if not embarrassment for administration, it occurred after a few young workers reported to the rfk stadium. and acourse cording to our -- according to our sources three 19 years old showed up and after they went through the metal detector knives were reported and then some ipods were found missing. and though these were terminated and now there is a police investigation. we can't get a comment from the summer jobs program or the construction office. >> and the summer jobs program runs for ten weeks and next year it will be cut down to six weeks because of money problems. and beach-goers safety at risk. >> ghost sights, could this place be haunted? i'm lindsey mastis and we take a trip to the railroad museum to find out. the senate desk used by robert byrd is draped in black tonight. the 92-year-old democrat died earlier today. his senate career lasted 51 years and that is longer than anyone else in history and included the most votes ever cast. he was known for steering federal doctors to west virginia, one of the nation's poorest. flags at the white house and the capital are fly -- capitol and white house are flying at half staff. delia gone solves spoke to the constituents he fought for. >> this is a sad day for west virginia. >> he will be greatly missed. >> reporter: mourning in west virginia. >> to me he was more than just a man, he will be a legend. >> reporter: robert byrd a fierce advocate for his home state has died at the age of 92 but his legacy lives on through the funds he careers throughout his career. >> this coast guard is one of the 50 venues bearing the name of rob erd bird. these are some of the direct beneficiaries studying here at the robert byrd health science center. >> we owe a lot to him to provide us with this. >> reporter: in berkeley county, west virginia, delia gone salves. we have an important consumer recall to tell you about. the product may be in your medicine cabinet as we speak. plus details on why ocean city life guards can't do their jobs so effectively this time around and people's safety could be at risk. you'll want to stick around for that, along with toppers full forecast. we'll see you in a minute. it's the little things in life that make me smile -- spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum, and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in. it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try super poligrip free. the latest on the breaking news out of bethesda. we have a picture from sky 9 looking live at the metro. power was shut off of the train as a body was spotted on the tracks. they found a man but he was deceased. obviously a lot more to know about this. how he got there and where he came from and who he is, we'll have the details hopefully when we get to the whole story at 11:00. meantime a train is stuck there. a lot of passengers on board and no air-conditioning. as we said, more updates as we get them. and there is mystery in brunswick, maryland. people there want to know whether one of the museums is haunted. some real-life ghost busters are investigating. lindsey mastis spent some time -- spent some time in the 104- year-old buildy and she has more on the spooky situation. >> reporter: some strange things have been happening inside the brunswick railroad mosey um. >> i had some volunteers thinking they are hearing voices. >> reporter: curator rebecca o'leary said it started last spring when they installed an elevator. >> the crew were talking about something someone dressed in white. >> reporter: others are afraid of the basement. >> one of the volunteers felt someone was watching her. >> reporter: real life ghost busters were called to investigate. >> they had found interesting things they couldn't explain. >> reporter: they won't know what they found until tonight. but the answers may lie in the building. >> this building opened in 1906 it was redman's hall, a social organization. but it served many different purposes through the years. >> during prohibition, you could obtain illegal liker here. >> many people died working on the railroad and some of their belongings are inside the museum,. >> we do have a wicker victorian body basket and that was used to remove body parts to the nearby funeral home. >> reporter: a spirit could have been brought here or disturbed by construction crews or it's just people's imagination. o'leary said soon we'll all know. in brunswick, i'm lindsey mastis, 9 news now. >> so do you believe in ghost? lindsey will meet with the company tonight and we'll share them with you tonight on 9 news now at 11:00. and a consumer alert on a mouth wash recall. there is a recall of 35,000 bottles of scope original mint mouth wash. they say the cap does not meet child resistant child standards. it can cause serious injury or death if ingested by children. those if ocean city are dealing with vandals. life guard chairs are being destroyed or buried or toppled or thrown out to sea. the city carpenters fix the chairs as fast as they are being knocked over. >> it makes it really difficult for our guards to do the job if they can't be above the crowd. they need the visibility to do the job effectively and when you mess with the life guard stand, we're making it hard for that guard each day to do their job. >> the life guards are close to not have enough chairs to monitor the 9.5 miles of beaches. they think college gradates could be responsible. i was driving to work in the afternoon and it was just a monsoon out there. and after i get to work and i mail a letter when i go out and it's just fine. >> it's still bright and sunny. and there is one storm on doppler that we are semi concerned about. but the watch is over and we're in good shape. and you're going to love the extended forecast. now for the next three days, hot tomorrow but less humid. 90. but it's better than the 97 today. 83 on balance and 82 on thursday. and when we get temperatures in the low 80s, we'll be in the 50s in the suburbs next week -- or early this week. upper 70s in the morning. mid-80s with sunshine at lunchtime. and still warm to hot with temperatures around 90. but less humid and that is a good deal. it will feel much more comfortable for tomorrow. for tonight a thunderstorm is still possible and otherwise partly cloudy and muggy. lows between 70 and 75 and winds turn northwesterly after the front goes through. let me show you live doppler 9000. and there is one lonely storm here and for the most part we are in good shape. and this has gotten morein finance in the last 30 minutes but heavy rain from burke, south of springfield and crossing 95 and head over toward 1. and we'll put this on future cast and the storm will move off to the south and to the east across 1 and eventually across the river. we'll track that for you. that's the only one we have any concerns about at this time. we'll go back to the computer. temperatures have rebounded. they were in the upper 90s before the storm and then fell into the low 80s and now 88 at national, 88 at gaithersburg. generally 80 but a sprinkling of 90s. 91 in leesberg, 92 in winchester. and now tomorrow morning partly cloudy and warm. 70s and 80s. winds northwest at about 10. air quality code yellow which is moderate which is good for this time of year. by afternoon, partly cloudy and breezy and hot. but less humid. high temperatures around 90. winds northwesterly at 10-15. we'll take you down to the tropics. this is tropical storm alex and he'll become a little better organized and he'll intensify as he moves into the open waters of the southern gulf of mexico. where is he going to go? well all indications are he's going to make landfall probably late wednesday afternoon or wednesday evening south of brownsville. winds right now are 60 miles per hour, gusts are to 70. so it's a high-end tropical storm and it will make landfall with winds of about 90 miles per hour. nothing is written in stone. all of this information is on our website at go to the weather tab and follow the drop down menu to tropics. here is what the computers are forecasting. notice the confluence, everything is between tampico and brownsville. with one outlier taking it over to houston. we won't discount that completely but we are seeing signs that we are fairly confident it will hit south texas or mexico and not interfere with the cleanup. but we do have a watch south of bath and bay, and a hurricane warning is in effect. 90 tomorrow and hot but not humid but then we'll call it cool because it will feel that way, low 80s on wednesday and thursday. nice on friday and saturday. mid to upper 80s. and then for the fourth, we'll throw a thunderstorm in there but it looks pretty nice. isolated storm possible on sunday and monday. temperatures in the low 90s by monday. >> nice. >> not bad. >> not bad at all. should be cool. well from our weird news file tonight, a story just too strange not to use. to a village in indonesia where nagura was being forced to marry a cow. it's kind of a shotgun wedding. he was found standing naked in a field with a cow and he believed it was a young woman who had seduced him. of course he became a widower as his new bride was drowned as sea. >> what? >> it was all funny until the last part: for your comments go to mail bag at 9 news now will return in a moment. my husband is very much a meat and potatoes guy, and i'm kind of the healthy one. i like to eat as healthy as i can, and i like to know that i'm serving good food. when it comes to shopping, it is an art of balancing. we know good food is important. at giant, enjoy quality meats and the freshest produce at prices you can handle, like sweet cherries, $1.57 a pound, and porterhouse steak, $4.97 a pound. this week only. feeling good about what i'm making -- that works for me. well the new twilight movie doesn't get started until later in week but there is a special showing in northwest d.c. at the uptown and look at the twi- hards. they can't wait to get inside. and the weather, the weather is doing them a favor. well that's our report. topper and brett and i will be back here tonight at 11:00 and we're working on digging up more info on the alleged spies arrested in arlington. we'll see you then. bye-bye. angelina's new brad confession. this is "entertainment tonight." >> angelina jolie's hot pants photo spread. is the sexy mom ready to wed. >> she's lucky she found someone she would like to grow old with. >> kids, pregnancy and marriage. angelina tells all in the new vanity fair blowout. >> breaking sandra bullock news, the divorce is final. >> marie osmond on the death of her son. >> the chris brown breakdown. why some critics are calling his bet tears totally fake. >> madonna, oprah, beyonce, johnny depp and lady gaga. forbes reveals the most powerful stars of 2010. who is number one? >> she garnered more press than anyone else on this list.


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