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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20170220 00:00:00

priebus echoing his complaints about media coverage. >> the truth is we don't have problems in the west wing. you read about the stories i don't get along with bannon. actually, we've gelled as a team, and we get along great, and we're working well together, and the amount of drama and spin that you read about mostly in the washington daily gossip rags is unbelievable stuff and isn't true. and you read it every day and wonder what alternative universe they're reporting on? harris: we have fox team coverage, garrett tenney is following developments and the possible executive order on immigration coming at any time. we begin with kristen fisher traveling with the president in palm beach, florida. you and i saw each other friday when he got there. the president met with four candidates for national security job today, but may not be done interviewing, i understand? >> reporter: that's right, the white house says president trump could be meeting with more candidates tomorrow. on top of the four candidates he met with today. these four candidates were flown down for face-to-face meetings at mar-a-lago and white house chief of staff reince priebus says whoever gets the job, they will have total job over the national security council. >> and the president has said very clearly, that the new nsa director will have total and complete say over the makeup of the nsc and all of the components of the nsc. there is no demand made by president trump on any candidate for nsa director. >> including steve bannon now? it's very unusual to have a political operative in that role. >> so those reports that you're citing, those are more fake news stories that are completely untrue. >> reporter: priebus was referring to reports that two of the president's top picks to replace general michael flynn, general david petraeus and former vice admiral robert harward didn't want the job because they were afraid they wouldn't have total control over the national security council. look at what david petraeus said at the munich conference. he said whoever agrees to take the job should do so with very, very significant assurances, that he or she should have authorities over the personnel of the organization. at issue is one of the first executive orders signed by president trump which gave his chief strategist steve bannon a seat at the table at the national security council, and today on "meet the press" senator john mccain said he's worried about the president's council membership. >> there has therefore been a permanent member of the national security adviser. mr. bannon's role as member of the national security council i'm very worried about. >> reporter: i asked an administration official how the white house was planning to respond, or were they responding to the comments from senator mccain? she wouldn't say, harris? harris: you know we're hearing that the senate intelligence committee is now formally requesting that all documents, materials that might be related to an investigation on russia be preserved at the white house and through the administration. what is the response now from the white house? >> well, the white house says that it is preserving all documents as yushlgs as required by law, but an administration official wouldn't say exactly how the white house is responding to this specific request. now what happened here is these senators and these are members of the senate intelligence community, republican and democrat senators. what they want is for the white house to confirm and reassure them they're saving anything that's related to ongoing investigation into alleged contacts between members of the trump campaign and russian officials. you may remember a "new york times" report last week stating members of the trump campaign had been in, quote, constant contact with russian officials, but today white house chief of staff reince priebus shot that down. he called that report fake news and complete garbage. >> i can assure you, and i've been approved to say this, that the top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that that story is not only inaccurate but grossly overstated and it was wrong, and there's nothing to it. >> reporter: regardless of what this senate intelligence community finds, if anything, one thing is for sure, this investigation is going to take up a considerable amount of time and political capital on capitol hill. harris? harris: and at the same time, this president just rolls along with his agenda and we're going to get more of that. kristen fisher, good to see you, thank you very much. now to the expected brand new executive order on immigration. we have learned this. homeland security secretary john kelly says the new policy will not stop green card residency holders or travelers already on planes from entering the united states. and this development, internal memos from the department of homeland security have been posted online by the "wall street journal" and other media outlets this weekend. they appear to outline the plan to crack down on illegal immigration by speeding up the deportation hearings. garrett tenney is live in washington with this. the white house is not denying that the documents exist. just a short time ago, they called them draft memos, conversations taking place as leadership forms hard policies. what's in them? >> reporter: exactly, every policy has to start somewhere that works its way up the chain. they are dealing with a pair of executive orders that president trump addressed border security, and they're essentially the blueprints for how the department of homeland security envisions putting those executive orders into place and do include sweeping changes to how our immigration policy is enforced. for instance, federal agencies will be able to fast track the deportation process for anyone in the country illegally for up to two years. that's instead of the current limit of two weeks. also, if someone from mexico is caught crossing the southern border, instead of being released and allowed to stay in the country weeks or months or years while waiting for the hearing, they'll be immediately returned to mexico. and as you mentioned, the plans include hiring 10,000 additional i.c.e. agents and 5,000 for border patrol to enforce the policies. as for sanctuary cities, if cutting off federal funding wasn't enough, the memos lay out how the administration plans to go after them into what amounts to a public shaming campaign, a weekly list of criminal aliens arrested for committing a crime and the cities released them from custody. the white house tells us none of the plans are final and still reviewed and a final version will likely be released sometime this week. harris: as a veteran reporter, i've been at this a long time. when you see something like this understand and the administration pushes back with the drafts, you have to know that these types of conversations go on all the time. what is different now is that we get a peek inside. so i'm very curious to know how that peek happened? are we talking about a leak? what happened exactly? >> reporter: well, the "washington post" was the first to report on the memos and said it was leaked to the reporters. it was interesting to note when the white house was asked about the memos, they didn't refer to it that way, they were matter of fact about them. so another thing, though, that stood out in the documents and the president referred to this earlier this week is the administration does not plan to overturn daca, president obama's executive order that allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants who came into the here on work permits, and the president talked about it with the struggle with that issue at his press conference on thursday. >> we're going to show great heart. daca is a very difficult subject for me. to me, one of the most difficult subjects i have. you have the incredible kids, they were brought here in such a way. it's a very, very tough subject. >> reporter: with that being said, the white house indicated the plans are specifically for the president's two executive orders and down the road, anything to change. harris? harris: thank you very much. and the president's immigration policies were the subject of another protest today. this time in times square. organizers calling it a, quote, i am a muslim too rally. look. >> a muslim too! >> a muslim too! >> hip-hop mogul russell simmons co-hosted. new york city mayor bill de blasio was on hand. he called it a message of solidarity. the trump administration says it will be a top priority. and martha maccallum will host a first 100 days town hall event on the topic. tune in on tuesday 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. and right now, it is official. operation inherent resolve is on. the goal, to clear the isis savages from their last major strong hold in iraq. and sending more u.s. troops back into afghanistan? the secretary of defense on when that decision might come? and it will be subject of tonight's "fox report" interview. watch for that. you are watching "fox report," i'm harris faulkner. when did mixing food, with not food, become food? 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harris: kitty, thank you very much. my guest army special forces veteran and green beret ben collins is about to join me to bring inside battle lines perspective. stay tuned for that. mega mogul elon musk has reason to celebrate today. one of his spacex rockets pulled off a successful launch from a historic election. and all-out manhunt in the midwest. police are searching for the suspect you see here. you can barely see him. two people are dead two. teenaged girls. why investigators are turning to the public for help? stay close. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 50,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. do you know how your you might be surprised. stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften, unblocking your system naturally. miralax. launched from the historic moon shot pad at cape canaveral as you heard him saying, blasting off on a tree-day journey to the international space station. the first florida launch for spacex since one of its rockets exploded last year and they announced a few days ago they're going to have to delay their robotic mission to mars by two years, so that won't happen until 2020, making today extra special. will carr is following this from our west coast newsroom with an eventful weekend. i understand this one almost didn't happen. >> reporter: that's right, harris, it did today after it was supposed to happen saturday, and along with the launch today, there were cool visuals for you. spacex launched the falcon 9 rocket this morning, a short time later, the booster came back down and stuck a perfect platform landing. that's a big move because spacex plans to reuse rockets in the future which will dramatically cut down on costs. that could ultimately help with the company's plans to take humans to mars in the future. the launch was supposed to take place saturday, that was called off with 13 seconds left on the clock because of a slightly odd reading with steering mechanism. elon musk tweeting it was 99% likely to be fine but the 1% chance isn't worth rolling the dice. better to wait a day. it was a crucial decision especially after a spacex rocket caught fire and exploded last september, a major setback at the time, but no problems today, on a historic launch pad known as launch complex 39-a where apollo 11 took off, that sent the first astronauts to the moon. now spacex and nasa are teaming up together for the next generation of space travel. >> i think this is an absolutely outstanding, exciting time for our nation. for commercial space, for spaceflight in general. this is absolutely the right thing to do, and spacex is a great partner in making this happen. >> reporter: amazing to think about how far we've come, and companies like spacex continue to succeed, harris, how far we can go. harris: some of the reading for today, i follow some of the people on twitter, they were disappointed. there was a high school in bellevue, washington, counting on this happening because they had something special on board. >> reporter: that's right, you may remember in high school, i remember having the soda bottles and launching them in the air. that was the extent of our experiments. these students took it well beyond that. students from a high school took part in a nationwide program and wound up with the chance to put their experiment which tests the effects of microgravity on a mixture of corn starch and water into the payload with 1500 pounds of supplies. experiment will come back and the students get the chance to check out how space had an impact on that experiment. pretty cool stuff. harris: that is cool, yeah, just a soda bottle, that's all we had. will carr, good to see you. >> reporter: why we became journalists. harris: is that why? okay, thank you. this story we're watching, a desperate search under way as police in indiana are suspecting this man, and you'll see him shortly, of killing two teenaged girls. the alleged killer was walking the same trail as the victims and about the same time they would have been there as well. they're urging the community to help find the man in the picture whose identity remains unknown. one day after thousands of people said good-byes honoring 14-year-old liberty german and 13-year-old abigail williams. a report tonight that some democrats are trying to hold the wall on some within their own party to want to talk about impeachment and president trump. meanwhile, president trump is searching for his next national security adviser pressing on with his goals. just who exactly are the four people he met with today? we're answering that with our picture. we'll talk more. a deeper look at each of the candidates ahead. and president trump is take a break from the white house to return to his rally roots meeting face-to-face with the american people. was this an attempt at a reset for his administration or just touching those who helped him get there? 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defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. . harris: president trump is reviewing applications for a new national security adviser. the president met with at least four candidates at his mar-a-lago estate in florida today. that job is available after an early shake-up in the white house. mr. trump's former adviser michael flynn was asked to resign following word that he talked u.s. sanctions prior to mr. trump's taking office. lauren blanchard has more from washington. >> reporter: many want the job of national security adviser and we can expect a decision over the next couple of days. first, let's take a look who's in the running. former lieutenant general keith kellogg, the acing national security adviser after general flynn was asked to resign. kellogg a longtime supporter of the president serving as foreign policy adviser during the campaign. then there's former ambassador to the united nations john bolton, appointed by president george w. bush in 2005, he served over a year in the role. however bolton may struggle to gain support with libertarian leaning republicans. another candidate, army lieutenant general h.r. mcmaster, a silver star recipient and decorated officer. he has a reputation for questioning the status quo as he did in book the dereliction of duty. the other meeting at the southern white house is the superintendent of west point military academy lieutenant general robert cas lin. served in a number of wars and is a bronze star recipient. robert harward turned down the position citing family reasons, and david petraeus is no longer a finalist. white house press secretary said more names could be added to the list. the national security council without a permanent leader and embroiled in controversy after a senior staff member was abruptly fired when he was critical of the president and steve bannon during off-the-record roundtable. the white house confirmed that staffer is no longer with the nsc. harris: lauren, thank you very much. i think our satellite got cut off there. for more on, this bring in evan zig freed, republican strategist and author of gop gps and doug schoen, former adviser to bill clinton and fox news contributor. you and i saw each other friday on the fox newsdesk and it was interesting. >> you can't get rid of me. harris: let's start with what we been the four men. you said in the break, i'm going to tell everybody what you said. you said ambassador bolton should be the one, why? >> look, i think he politically and substantively and logically makes the most sense. look, the other military officers are legitimate heroes. all three. but john bolton has experience at the u.n., he has experience at the highest levels of foreign pochlts he is fluent with all the issues and he is a hawk and tough on russia and he's tough on north korea and tough on iran. he would be best in my judgment and serve america with great distinction. >> i would love to echo everything doug said on john bolton. i think he would calm the national security apparatus which is worried with k.t. mcfarland and former white house national security adviser. harris: why do you say that? >> they haven't liked how the changes occurred from obama to trump. they were ignored and waved off. h.r. mcmaster wrote one of the best books and failures of vietnam in dereliction of duty. a lot of generals took it into account particularly david petraeus, it notes the failure of vietnam because of the government being too involved. especially at the executive branch. harris: interesting, you said it changed your perspective. that's what we said watching that report from lauren. we have a quick word from ambassador bolton, and i'm curious to hear your take on it because we had him on "outnumbered" friday and talking about russia and the recent provocation that we've seen. let's watch that. >> i think the real threat here that does need a serious response is the deployment of these missiles that violate the imf treaty from the 1980s. not the first of these violations but it's very serious, it's a direct threat to the europeans. harris: how does that fit in for mr. trump? >> well, mr. trump made clear on thursday that he was re-evaluating his befriend vladimir putin strategy. he was ready now to get tough on the russian. nobody better than john bolton to do that, and the violation of the inf treat see outrageous provocation. harris: what about working with the rest of the team? that is something that the president is starting to bring his cabinet together, have you rex tillerson, you have others who -- who fits in best with that, and how important is that? >> very important. john bolton is essentially the pipeline on all matters national security. from the state department, cia. harris: if he got the job. >> if he got the job. somebody who understands how washington works but is advised president trump. that is a plus for the american people. harris: all right, now i want to get in, this will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, doug. >> sure. harris: there's a report on politico about democrats inside your party having to quell, having to puppet a wall among some of the others in your party not to talk about impeachment of this president. he's only been in office for a month. what is going on in your party? >> it's what's going on in the country. look, donald trump has had a rough and rocky start, let's be clear. he's had a lot of turmoil and turnover, but that being said, harris, the premise of your question is exactly right. the last thing we need as a nation is talk of impeachment. it marginalizes the democrats. this resist trump at all costs movement is a big, big mistake and really takes the onus off the republican failures and makes the democrats look out of step. harris: i'm reading the words backfire on the democrats. >> right. harris: i saw you do a little pivot there. and i want to get your thoughts? >> the loonie left is a wild animal, uncontrollable by the reasonable democratic leaders if there are any. when you push impeachment, you have to ask for what? i have seen zero evidence of wrongdoing in president trump's term. they think that somehow there is this big connection that russia actually hacked the election, and that donald trump is banning all muslims. he's not. he did an -- harris: he's going to write a new executive order now. are democrats afraid what's coming down the pike? in many cases they don't have the votes to get it done. >> many are afraid. the president has legal authority to do another executive order. he's going to be able to restrict immigration further, round up more illegals, do tax cuts and proceed in ways that are inimicable to democratic interests. the base wants extreme reaction and harris, the word backfire is exactly right. it will hurt the democratic party if they push impeachment rather than substantive policy. harris: what should the republicans do right now? you have a democratic party, and maybe it doesn't matter, but this president said he could make a deal. you have a democratic party who skipped many of them, the inauguration, not coming to hearings, skipping out what they were elected to do, and now there's this, well, we got to keep quiet. you call them the loonie left, and doug didn't flinch. what do republicans need to do at this point? >> aside from shaking our head in disbelief that they're coming to the table and having temper tantrums. we should have an olive branch but you need to come to the table and talk to the issues the american people put us in office to talk about. we need to talk about tax reform, infrastructure, fixing obamacare. >> that's what the american people want, they would practical solutions, taxes cut, they would their roads and bridges. harris: you say all that, but how do you account for your party? toughen up. >> i don't like the words loonie, harris, they are loonie, they can contribute to consensus. and if the extreme left of the party would just back off, and allow constructive legislation, particularly the ten senators up in states that donald trump won. democrats in states trump won, they need to cooperate where possible and unless and until that happens, they are facing trouble. harris: why do you think they're not? is there political gain? you lost a thousand seats across your state houses, bicameraly in congress and the white house since 2009. what does it take? >> they believe it's like the tea nature 2010, resist, resist. harris: they have viable members in congress. >> 50%. harris: they're in the majority now. >> their theory is they can bring him down because he's unpopular -- >> i did write in the "new york times" this could very much be like the tea party. i encourage republicans to work with them. >> as what? >> one of the points i blew up to give you an idea how crazy the loonie left, is we can make feminine hygiene products such as tampons tax exempt. when it was passed in may of 2013, it was hailed as victory for the women. the loonie left said i was condescending and perpetuating a war against women. it's hypocrisy to the highest level. >> we have issues that rise to the level of war and peace, how we finance our government. whether our roads and bridges are habitable and useable. all of these can be done and dealt with, with bipartisan effort. we need that. there's a basis to cooperate. if the democrats and the republicans can't get together, you know who loses? we all do as americans and that would be great tragedy. harris: wow. i see that you'll be buying dinner because his democratic friends may not invite him. >> i don't think the conservatives in doug's party will do that. >> we balanced a budget with bill clinton's reform. harris: we're following two big stories in the fight against terrorism. iraqi forces launching a major operation against the isis as we await a pivotal decision. new reaction from green beret ben collins, he'll be right here on the "fox report" straight ahead. let's do more. add one a day women's complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day women's in gummies and tablets. and this is they like lobster party.y, red lobster's lobsterfest is back with 9 irresistible lobster dishes. yeah, it's a lot. try tender lobster lover's dream and see how sweet a lobster dream can be. or pick two delicious lobster tails with new lobster mix and match. the only thing more tempting than one succulent lobster tail, is two. is your mouth watering yet? 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>> mosul is effectively a city separated by the tigris river, you have the east and the west. the east has been difficult because of the buildup that isis had. they had two years essentially to prepare for this fight. the western part of mosul and by the way, they started and took about 100 days or so to clear the east. the western portion of the city is a much older part of the steeshg the streets are much narrower, much more densely populateed. >> this is urban combat. >> they have to get out of the vehicles and go door-to-door to do it. harris: i remember you said we're going to kick this off in october, the dual force between the iraqi forces and us and other coalition forces. you get there and it's been a few months and what do you do with the civilians? that was the main concern, they're trapped. >> they're trapped. some of the civilians got out. we believe there are approximately 750,000 civilians trapped in mosul. they are low on food and water and basic medical supplies and the concern here is if it took essentially 100 days to retake eastern mosul, it could take three times as long. harris: that's a year. >> we could be looking at months that the civilians are stuck. harris: what is stuck? i mean we're looking at pictures now. i'm turning around and looking at this. you talk about urban. these are rooftops, what is stuck for the people. how deadly? >> correct, isis is digging tunnels in the western part of mosul. breaching wall to wall to move through homes without having to go out into the streets. so isis is using the civilians as human shields, that's where they're going to center forces in churches or mosques or schools or hospitals. harris: you know the last president, president obama, called them the jv team. there is nothing jv about what you described. are they getting better at this? >> they're certainly learning. that's the thing with isis, they're good at adapting to battlefield conditions. one thing we have to remember is they still have abu bakr albaghdadi, the leader of isis in mosul. it was in mosul here in the western part of the town where he made his grand now. the caliphate in 2014. so they're going to fight very hard to retain this thing. it will fall, but at what cost is the ultimate question. harris: how long will it take? >> this could take upwards, to be fully clear, upwards of three to five months or the iraqi military to clear and hold on. harris: do we have enough people on the ground? >> there's roughly -- we thought there was 6,000 isis soldiers within mosul. we think they've killed about a thousand, maybe 5,000 left this is a combined force of 100,000 soldiers. harris: and still going to take a year? >> not a year. it's going to take months. but, yes i think there's enough forces, the question is what happens after? because the biggest problem that they're going to have, mosul is going to fall, and as difficult as that is, what is going to happen after, in the sectarian divide between the kurds and the shia. harris: that's the question, always. let's move to afghanistan. >> certainly. harris: and the possibility we're learning from the military that we might look at putting more forces on the ground there. what does that look like and why? >> well, i know that general or secretary of defense mattis received some suggestions from general nicholson, the commander on the ground in afghanistan, that he needs a few more thousand troops to break the stale may. the problem right now is with the u.s. withdrawal we're down to 9800 soldiers left in afghanistan, and it's put an immense strain on a fighting force of afghan security that is not well prepared. harris: extra dangerous for them too, probably. >> it is, in the sense the taliban have had a resurgence over the last couple of years, and predominantly, my biggest concern is they've managed to retake 50 to 60%. harris: they are like scorpions, theyiest and you can't bridge them. >> they are focused scorpions. hellmund, the birth place of the taliban, the home of the opium, and the revenue of the opium has gone up 43% in production. they make a couple hundred million dollars a year off. that as long as the taliban have the financial ability to sustain the fight, they're going to be a problem. right now they're challenging five capitals in afghanistan. that's a problem. harris: what is our end game? >> that's a great question. for a very long time, we've had this idea that we were going to have strong centralized afghan government. we never really understood the threat on the ground. we never really understood the afghan people. i think we have to get to the point we're content with when is afghan good enough, a small central government but let the tribes dictate the future. harris: i can't let you get away, all of this has the hallmark of isis moving in. we learned last year of isis members being on the ground in afghanistan. if that happens then you've got two huge locations with iraq and afghanistan. syria. i've got to ask you, would we go in on the ground? you know it's talked about in wider circles, i'd rather come to you for the facts? >> right now we're in there in a way of training what the obama administration was calling the moderate rebels. i don't think that there is a clear decisive know what youing we're trying accomplish in syria. is assad staying or is he going? and putting soldiers on the ground is easy, getting them out is much more difficult. and we've never had a clear, concise understanding what is it that we want to do. what does success look like? harris: we are endgame constippated, seriously. i look forward to having you back. >> thank you very much. harris: we'll be right back, stay close. introducing new depend silhouette active fit, with a thin design for complete comfort. they say "move it or lose it" and at my age, i'm moving more than ever. because getting older is inevitable. but feeling older? that's something i control. get a free sample at oroville. >> reporter: it's raining again right now, which is why they're trying lower the level of the river behind the dam. we're going to push in and give you a closer look. the big plume is off the main spillway. all the water coming out of the dam, it's supposed to go straight down, it's not, it's hitting a damaged area and moving its way around. that's a damaged area. in addition to that, the merge spillway of so much concern is also damaged. however, they can't stop the water from coming out because of the rain that's coming right now. it's going to be raining from tonight, tomorrow, possibly into wednesday, up to 10 inches, what they need to do on the other side of that dam is lower the level of the reservoir, lake oroville, it's a delicate balance trying to empty out water as it's running over the damaged areas and lowering the water level of the lake and had to increase the output baufdz the rain, because it's starting. what they're trying to do is protect the communities below. you mentioned that 188,000 people evacuated on sunday. mandatory evacuation, they were allowed home tuesday. however, it came with a warning from the sheriff who said you need to be ready to evacuate again in case the fixes don't work. in case one of the spillways gives. especially the emergency spillway. if it does, a wall of water would head down into the community. the folks are packed up, ready to go if for some reason this happens. everybody watching this closely. we have video of the work that's being done, harris. they're trying to drop cement and rocks into the area so folks remain safe. harris: they're going to try to clog it up as best they can. you can't stop the rain from falling from the sky. we're coming right back. stay close. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. enjoy the relief. dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ knowing where you stand. it's never been easier. except when it comes to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts with getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. ♪ more "doing chores for dad"e per roll : : you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. i'm reading the log of the recent talk we had with the white house deputy press


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20171119 00:00:00

and technical issues. scientists say the satellite will scan for storms and provide in-depth weather reports around the world. >> maybe they will be right! >> absolutely. >> see you tomorrow. >> the president reigniting his feud with hillary clinton. as his son-in-law finds himself back in the hot seat over russia. good evening, here watching the "fox report". the white house busyness scrutiny over the 2016 election of senate investigators accusing jared kushner for several things. this despite him saying that he handed over all of the relevant documents. his attorney accusing lawmakers of playing gotcha. while they say kushner was open and honest during his testimony. kristin fisher is live with martha hamilton longest have two hand over all of these documents? >> they say that jared kushner has about one week but his attorney says that there are no missing documents. he's also accusing the committee of taking their complaints the media first before alerting jared kushner or his legal team to these alleged missing documents. the biggest one has to do with wikileaks. and to that, jared kushner is a a quote - mr. kushner had no contact with the organization along with others forwarded an email that has been widely reported and disseminated. there is no new new document concerning mr. kushner. they insist that the documents that jared kushner already handed over are incomplete. and they notice because of the emails that other campaign officials have turned over. so jared kushner clearly in a little bit of hot water tonight. but this is also a pretty big week for the attorney general, jeff sessions. he was on capitol hill testifying on tuesday and just last night, is making a pretty big joke about it at an event in dc. listen to this. >> before i get started here, any russians? [laughter] anybody been to russia? [laughter] a cousin in russia or something. >> clearly the attorney general hasn't lost a sense of humor despite all of the congressional investigations and special counsel indictments. >> the results are renewed friction if you would like to call it that between the president and hillary clinton. where is this latest coming from?>> this all stems from two interviews that hillary clinton did yesterday. in those interviews, she did two things.first she defendant senator franken for apologizing and admitting he did something wrong after the picture came out. but she attacked the president for not apologizing and for not admitting that he had done something wrong when he had his own issues of alleged sexual misconduct which he has and the white house, have continued to dispute. within the danger she did that really got under the presidents skin was, she questioned the legitimacy of his victory last november. listen here. >> i think that there are lots of questions about his legitimacy and we do not have a method for contesting that. in our system. that is why i have long advocated for independent commission to get to the bottom of what happened. >> president trump fired back this morning on twitter by saying this, crooked hillary clinton is the worst and make him disqualified for the senate seat. >> roy moore has lies and lies and lies. he has not done anything but the point of the matter is his policies are hurtful. his recent actions were hurtful years ago and powerful and still -- the woman that impacted. >> today doug jones hosted a fish fry in birmingham we tried to keep the focus on what he is calling kitchen table issues. i had a chance to ask joyce today if he is in fact an ultraliberal which roy moore supporters have accused him up and he laughed. [laughter] >> that is pretty absurd! that is their only hope. look, they're in desperation mode right now. you're trying to flip stuff blessed her for the comments calling her a hypocrite and a political opportunist. trying to capitalize at a potential run for president in 2020. >> what really was curious to me, is why she didn't, what she didn't say. not what she did say. she did not go on and say i wish i had said something earlier. i regret not saying something earlier. >> and senator gillibrand having accepted endorsements, campaign funding and support for many many years, to turn on president clinton, boy, i think there is a special place in hell for people like that. >> several of bill clinton's four accuses also are not buying this changing to and from gillibrand and others who attacked clinton's accusers when they came forward. >> is a little too late for happening again in the future. and the search is on for the killer and two police officers in two different states. investigate is now pleading for information to bring the killer to justice. >> i'm asking anybody, anybody with any information. as minute as they think it might be, please give us a call. we need to find the person that did this. shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ ♪ you nervous? 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question and continues. we still do not have a suspect description. they found a brown jeep grand cherokee related to the shooting. this happened at 815 last night in west pennsylvania. 20 miles north of pittsburgh. they say one officer was shot after a traffic stop involving suv which led to a foot pursuit. at some point, shopper five. brian shaw was shot in the caster he tried to sit up but left gasping for air as fellow officer tried to help them.he states the hospital but was pronounced dead shortly after this afternoon rest is that they received new tips. >> we appreciate the phone calls, we have had a multitude of people call in. we encourage the phone calls to continue. we have not had anything that i would construe as that information. we appreciate everyone calling. we are doing everything we can to follow the leads. >> officers accompanied the body of the officer brian shaw as a hurst moves his remains in the medical examiner's to a funeral home. this photo taken by local mother five weeks ago shows the officer with a little boy that received toy handcuffs and wanted to see the officers will handcuffs. he spent some time with the little boy. the mother writing on facebook about the officer quote - we need more of them. there is a $40,000 reward being offered for anyone with information on a lead to the arrest. >> was also a profession for the other officer today. >> yes, they lined up in two lines as they moved him from the medical examiner. there's a possibility he was killed by his own gun. the 43-year-old detective was conducting a follow-up investigation on a triple homicide when he confronted someone suspicious in a vacant lot and was shot in the head. two of the nations finest killed this week, the manhunt continues. detective suter, a husband and father five rushed to the hospital and died on thursday. >> why is this continuing mac that is the question we have to ask ourselves. these people, men and women are risking their lives to protect us. and people find their lives >> never a routine day for police officers. >> brian, thank you very much. the people of zimbabwe sending a clear message to their president. [video] >> why the countries protests are not giving way to celebrations. plus, the new actions that moscow is taking to protect the syrian regime from international investigators. >> russia will not agree to any mechanism that might shine a spotlight on the use of chemical weapons by its allies, the syrian regime. it is a simple and shameful as that. could this happen again? was my warfarin treatment right for me? my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots... eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis had both and that turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ohhhhhh, ou! guess what i just got? uh! ♪i used to be spellbound hello again. ♪i used to be spellbound hi. ♪i used to be spellbound that's a big phone. ♪in your arms. 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[video] >> the longtime leader is expected to discuss the terms of his exit on sunday when he meets with military leaders that put him under house arrest. according to the people of zimbabwe, it cannot come a moment too soon! >> i mean there's no way to describe this. i am excited. i am overwhelmed. no go transits classroom on how zimbabwe got to this pivotal moment, with enough to kitty logan in london. >> what it seems that mr. mugabe fate can be determined as early as tomorrow. today people celebrated on the streets finally confident that mugabe rule is over. they were calling for him to formally step down. this was more of a party than it protests. not long ago mugabe would have cracked down violently on a gathering with this be enough people happy to be free from mr. mugabe authoritarian rule. they march at his residence previously unthinkable. mr. mugabe is thought to still be inside the building but it is unclear for how much longer he is said to be negotiating for more time before his final exit from office. he did appear at the university graduation ceremony on friday morning. this was the only time he has been seen in public since the crisis began. but they say it will effectively sealed with military seized control is wednesday and placed him under house arrest. the army denying that this was a clue but of course it was his action forcing the president from power. these are historic times for mugabe has roots for many years but there many questions about the countries future. >> thank you. the operator of the keystone pipeline is a huge week is now under control. and it is not good to public safety. their working around the clock. $210,000 of oil has leaked out. the cause is under investigation. the presidents sunlight and senior advisor now coming under more scrutiny. for not being forthcoming with the senate committee on his contact with russia and wikileaks. a look at the ongoing investigation being conducted by congress and special counsel, robert mueller. also tax reform and a showdown in the senate. western gop lawmakers said they are not ready just yet to thro their support behind the parties plan . copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at i'm all about my bed. this mattress is dangerously comfortable. when i get in, i literally say "ahhh." america loves the leesa mattress. we have more 5 star customer reviews than any other mattress of its kind. this bed hugs my body. i'm now a morning person. hello, bed of my dreams. discover how leesa's innovative design provides an extraordinary sleep experience. then place your order. we'll ship your leesa mattress right to your door, so you can enjoy a risk free trial at home. i love my leesa. today is gunna be great. i could stay here all day. sleep on it for up to 100 nights and love it, or you'll get a full refund. returns are free and easy. go to and get $100 off. and free shipping too. you need this bed. i take pictures of sunrises, has already given the senate version of tax reform a green light. but some gop lawmakers are pumping the brakes.they say they are not 100 percent on board just yet. that is a slow down by republicans to get this done before christmas. we have more from washington. >> the senate finance committee passed its version of tax reform late thursday night. now senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is able to get to the floor after thanksgiving.the question now, can he get it through? it is almost every republican to do it. and today, he is missing about six. but they are not solid no's. bob corker, john mccain and jeff flake are concerned it will add to the deficit.susan collins and rand paul also have major concerns. no democrats are expected to vote yes. >> we certainly are very confident we will get the package past and would love to see some of the democrats come on board and support this historic piece of legislation. >> you have a democrats in the house has appertaining to the senate? >> there's always hope." bills the corporate tax rate from 35 to 25 percent and give individuals tax cuts for the senate version also repeals individual mandate of obamacare and sons is individual reduction. so who wins? >> the people's taxes he will not go for the rich people and high tax states. but again, there is one benefit to the new york economy of lowering the corporate rate to 20 percent. >> they believe that the tax base of the ridge will pay for themselves. it never has. they say they will create jobs and pay for themselves. neither is true. they never have. >> the president was a bill on his desk by christmas. but it will be tight. >> thank you. and treasury secretary steve nguyen will be talking about tax reform tomorrow he is sitting down and will be on fox news channel. and our kitchen are pushing back about senate investigators and say they failed to disclose enough about wikileaks and russia. this in law of the present maintain turnover all relevant documents but virginia senator mark warner saying that jared kushner has more explaining to do. >> again, no comment on - this is one of the reasons why we need to bring this to jared kushner. >> and you want to see him in public again -- [inaudible] >> i think the more transparent we can be, it is always good. but i also think that we have to work through a process. >> is bringing julia manchester, reporter for the hill. thank you for talking to us julia. >> thank you julie. >> there's a pattern here. the question is, is this an illegal pattern? what was jared kushner his role in this comp tower meeting for -- what is the investigation focusing on wet. >> right now coming jared kushner is really being accused of doing anything legal. actually the trump campaign and jared kushner his lawyers will say that he did the right thing when he got these emails. but he did not report reportedly did not disclose a senate judiciary committee when he got the emails. was reported to him, he said they were going to pass on this and it was inappropriate. people said that was the appropriate thing to do. however, when jared kushner did that is getting criticism is that he did not disclose all of this information. so we are seeing kushner in a bit of hot water tonight. but his attorney standing by his side right now. >> okay so nothing illegal. but despite him with this, lawmakers are upset that he didn't disclose that he saw the email and forwarded it. jared kushner maintains he was unable to see every email and obviously you can probably relate to remember every single email getting your inbox could be argued. i mean how does he defend this one? >> right, kushner says during his six hour long testimony in july that he had done so many emails during the campaign and he was inundated with so much information that he was unable to account for necessarily everything he saw. however, we see that attorney general jeff sessions essentially is of the same thing during his multiple times testimony that i don't remember, things are so chaotic at the time. however, when you run a campaign and you have such a senior level, you have to be extremely cautious with what information you say. and it is a little bizarre because jared kushner, people say that he did the right thing and not accepting the invitation and letting it go. it is interesting to see that you know, they're criticizing him for not disclosing this. >> with regard to this rebuffed meeting. it is the person in particular who invited him in the first place that is troubling. alexander -- not only close to putin, he is involved in organized crime. but aside from all that is anything more of a reason for this? >> we cannot really read too much into this right now. because jared kushner declined the meeting. however, this man is an interesting character because he is so close to putin. it is just another sign of a high-level russian official trying to get in with the trump campaign. i think when jared kushner originally responded to the my said i love these people say they have ties to these people and is probably not legitimate. however, this man had proved to be very powerful in the kremlin and with russian finances. >> so with jared christmas pattern, some public questionable. but are they enough to support revoking his security clearance? is that too harsh and too early to call for? >> it might be too early to call for that however, would not say is not too early for donald trump to climb back for additional testimony. but i think doesn't agree with democrats that have standing to call for the security to be revoked. because there is no more contact. but as i said before, kushner didn't accept the meeting in the first place. however the problem is he didn't disclose that with investigators. >> right. so democrats with calling him to return to testify was big with investigators. what more do you think they will ask him? >> i think they were probably asking to clarify all of this in my didn't give information in the first place. however, the problem is, jared pushes attorney says that he has handed over everything. i think we are at a stalemate right now. and what he and his attorney are willing to do as opposed to what they want to do. >> thank you very much. >> thank you julie. >> ryan seacrest, responding to allegations he was inappropriate with a former coworker. what is the latest in the statement after the break. -- >> i tried to fight this thing legally and i'm trying to fight it but we have one more fight. we the people have not fought yet. even if you're trying your best. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪let's groove tonight. ♪share the spice of life. ♪baby slice it right. from the makers of lantus, toujeo provides blood sugar-lowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. toujeo is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. check insulin label each time you inject. taking tzds with insulins like toujeo may cause heart failure that can lead to death. find your rhythm and keep on grooving. ♪let's groove tonight. ask your doctor about toujeo. ♪share the spice of life. our recent online sales success seems a little... strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... "people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it's william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground. allegations he engaged in inappropriate behavior with a former e news employee. the woman who is not been named yet accusingly host of misconduct nearly a decade ago. will carr john is now live from los angeles. what do you know about this? >> we know that this is coming from a stylist that worked with ryan seacrest at e news. she has waged a misconduct allegation but not a lot else. in a statement, ryan seacrest says in part, if it made her feel anything but respected, i am truly sorry. i dispute these reckless allegations. i plan to cooperate with any corporate inquiries that may result. the madman creator is also responded to a sexual harassment allegation after an employee on the show alleged he told her that she owed it to him to see her naked. he denies the allegations but adds that he was a demanding and angry boss. tonight, the guardian is reporting that before the scandal, harvey weinstein had a secret list of names that he wanted investigated to see if they were going public with allegations. since the scandal broke, more than 50 men in hollywood have been accused of sexual harassment for worse. >> what about the allegations against tampa bay bucs quarterback, jameis winston? >> part of what we have seen with the weinstein effect is that allegation is certainly not limited to hollywood. the nfl is now investigating alleged claim that winston growth and uber driver last year in arizona. winston has responded and that this is falsely accusing him of making inappropriate contact with the driver. he said i believe the driver was confused after the numbers of passengers in the car and who was sitting next to her. and added that uber has suspended his account. you may remember he was accused of sexual assault that when he played at fsu. charges were never filed in that case.winston has always made clear that it was a consensual encounter. >> thank you. a trial is now underway for cliven bundy, the nevada rancher that gained notoriety with his standoff for federal ages. it is one of those high-profile land use cases in modern western history involving the government. >> i tried to buy this lately and i have tried to fight it politically. but we have one more fight. we the people have not fought yet. >> in spring of 2014 nevada rancher cliven bundy claimed he was under attack by federal agents. they wanted to seize his cattle and take his land. during the response data federal ages tazes son and forced his sister to the ground. hundreds of protesters answer his call your heavily armed the force does the federal agents to stand down. more than three years later in court they argued that bundy tried to incite a war. he is on trial results and obstruction along with his sons, they face life in prison. >> i'm not afraid of the truth. the lies bother me. >> the judge, and a pointy of obama led him out of joe to prepare his underpants but refused to release which -- the 71-year-old. -- >> they were in custody and want the world to know. >> prosecutors understand the symbolism but they said he only sees his cattle after court orders were violated and failed to pay grazing fees. the family argues washington used the issue to turn their ranch into a federal monument. which is what it is today. >> this is a simple case. it is about a man in a family ranch the land for the family has been renting this land for 150 years. the federal government comes in, they claim a right to manage the land and the way they are managing it would have driven him out of business. >> cliven bundy is a folk hero to those that seek federal overreach in the west. washington controls when 40 percent of the land and nine western states. the trial lasted several months. in los angeles, fox news. >> thank you william carey music lovers are mourning the loss of a rock 'n' roll legend. malcolm young, the cofounder and guitarist of ac/dc has died after a long battle with dementia. young and his brother cofounded the australian rock band and 1972. he was the driving force behind such hits as highway to hell and back in black. malcolm young was 64. a 100-year-old building in flames. take a look, you will see heavy smoke filling the streets of manhattan. what do we know about this fire and the families of sandy hook victims fighting for justice. there asking the connecticut supreme court to do. >> no matter how much we wish those children and their teachers were not lost and their families had not suffered, the law needs to be applied -- with advil's fast relief, you'll ask, "what pulled muscle?" "what headache?" nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. advil liqui-gels and advil liqui-gels minis. what pain? victims fighting for justice as relatives asked the connecticut supreme court to reinstate a lawsuit against the parent company of bushmaster firearms. that is attempting to make the assault rifle used in mass shooting. we have the story. >> five years have passed since our son dylan was murdered in his classroom to request the father one of the kids killed and is standing -- his son was killed in the sandy hook massacre. they asked the state to -- the suit alleges that the weapon is a military killing machine. specifically designed to inflict mass carnage on a battlefield, not appropriate for civilian use. adding that the shooting, was troubled and is linked influenced by the marketing. >> remington never have known adam. but they had been courting him for years. >> remington says it is protected by the local commerce and arms act which provides gun sellers and makers immunity from lawsuits when one of their products is used in a crime. >> no matter how tragic were no matter how much we wish the children or teachers were not lost and their families had not suffered, the law needs to be applied. >> this has been an uphill battle for the families but they say they will continue. >> we, the families of the victims have infinite patience to see justice done. >> the panel of judges will now decide if there are grounds to 11 to go forward with a jury trial. the decision will come in the form of written opinion could take months. in hartford connecticut, fox news. present honda nothing massive recall pulling 900,000 minivans off the road because the backseats apparently can tip over if they're not latched in properly. recall covers the honda odyssey. it was made since 2011. in the meantime the japanese automaker says they are online instructions how to safely secure the seat. dozens of injuries have been reported. a fireball fills the night sky. what exactly is that light back in the distance? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20180603 09:00:00

you are talking about years of hostility, years of problems, years of really hatred between so many different nations. >> president trump met with north korean vice chairman kim yong-chol for more than an hour yesterday. the president says they talked about many things including sanctions and denuclearization. mike, the president said that he explained that removal of sanctions would only happen if they were willing to denuclearize. at this point it is still incredibly unclear if that's something north korea would ever agree to. the president did say that he hopes eventually he can remove sanctions that are on north korea. mike? mike: ellison barber leading us off from the north lawn of the white house, ellison, many thanks. >> you bet. mike: one issue that won't be up for negotiation on june 12th is the number of american troops stationed in south korea. that's according to defense secretary mattis, who says the deployment is strictly between the u.s. and seoul. garrett tenney has more from washington. garrett? >> there's an important clarification that secretary mattis made today. there are currently 28,000 american troops stationed in south korea and in previous negotiations the north has pushed for the u.s. to remove its forces from the korean peninsula. not even a month ago president trump appeared to be considering that idea as well when he ordered the pentagon to come up with options for reducing u.s. forces in south korea. today, though, secretary mattis said those options would only be considered down the road after north korea makes significant changes. >> -- we can reduce the threat, restore measures with something verifiable, then of course these kinds of issues could come up subsequently, that issue was not on the table here in singapore. >> secretary mattis also had some tough words for china today on the disputed south china sea. he promised there would be consequences. further complicating the u.s. china relationship are the ongoing negotiations over trade and the looming trade war which has been put on hold. those issues are important because china is going to play a big role in any deal with north korea. on friday, president trump said the june 12th summit with kim jong-un is likely just the start of a much longer negotiation process, and china is expected to use its weight in those negotiations to affect policy else where. mike? mike: garrett tenney reporting from washington. thank you. >> you got it. mike: let's bring in contributing editor the free beacon and the weekly standard. daniel, great to see you. >> great to see you. mike: president trump meets with a top figure in north korean regime more than an hour now the singapore summit is back on. are you surprised? >> i don't think anything really surprises me at this point but just because it is back on i'd caution doesn't mean it is going to happen as it is now scheduled. there is a lot of time between now and june 12th. this thing sort of came up out suggests there's a whole range of outcomes that we can't necessarily conceive of at this point. it could be that north korea it comes out it is no longer the hermit nation but of course it sides with russia. it could mean a variety of things that we're not able to conceive of at this moment. i do think yeah he's right to be hey what is going on there and wonder is it good for the united states or not? mike: in fact, kim jong-un has complained about possibly the u.s. having too much power and reports say he told sergey lavrov that he hopes to boost cooperation with russia. how alarmed should u.s. officials be about that? >> i think, you know, you want to be alarmed in the sense that this could mean bad things going forward, but i don't think you want to panic. panic means you go into the singapore summit and you make a bad deal. president trump doesn't want to do that. i think you just take it easy, take it slow, see how things go, but don't get alarmed. just be aware that this could have different outcomes. that seems to me the most reasonable approach. you know, take it easy. nothing is going to happen in the next few days. take it slow. mike: daniel from the weekly standard and free beacon. many thanks. >> thank you. mike: u.s. delegation back in beijing to talk trade as concerns of an all out trade war escalate. the negotiations coming after the white house moved to revive the threat of tariffs on chinese imports and slapped canada, mexico and eu with steep metal tariffs. we have more. >> commerce secretary ross is in beijing trying to substantially change the trade relationship between the united states and china. the commerce secretary is reportedly scheduled to have dinner with china's lead negotiator, vice premier tonight and then another meeting with him tomorrow. the trump administration says it wants china to dramatically reduce its 375 billion dollars trade surplus with the u.s. the president wants to cut that gap 200 billion dollars by 2020. the administration also wants china to allow american businesses greater access to its economy. earlier this week, the white house said it is moving forward implementing tariffs later this month on up to 50 billion dollars in chinese imports and restricting certain chinese investments in the united states. china responded saying it doesn't want a trade war though it is prepared to fight one. the u.s. this week also imposed tariffs on steel and aluminium from canada, mexico, and the european union. beyond economic and trade differences, the u.s. and china are also at odds over china's military construction on a disputed area of the south china sea. speaking in singapore, defense secretary james mattis urged china to change its behavior. >> there are consequences that will continue to come home to roost, so to speak, with china if they do not find a way to work more collaboratively with all of the nations who have interests. >> last week the pentagon rescinded an invitation to china to participate in a multi-lateral naval exercise. mike? mike: rich edson reporting from the state department. thank you. despite growing fears over trade, u.s. job numbers were strong for the month of may. the economy adding 223,000 jobs pushing the unemployment rate down to 3.8%, an 18-year low. but some top democrats are seemingly down playing the progress. house minority leader nan is pelosi saying this in a statement quote democrats know that the american people deserve a better deal with better jobs, better wages and a better future. we are committed to creating millions of new good-paying jobs and raising wages, lowering the soaring cost of living for families and giving every american the tools to succeed in the 21st century economy. democrats will never stop fighting for the hard-working middle class families who are the backbone of our nation. right now a day of celebration amid grief. seniors at a texas high school graduating with memories of a deadly mass shooting on their campus still fresh on their minds. how they honored the victims. plus a four-day search coming to a tragic end after a missing man is confirmed dead. how his friends made a dramatic move to find him. >> he was a good working man and he wasn't a bad person. he just wanted something better for his family. paying too much for insurance you don't even understand? well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your manufacturing business. & so this won't happen. because you've made sure this sensor and this machine are integrated. & she can talk to him, & yes... atta, boy. some people assign genders to machines. and you can be sure you won't have any problems. except for the daily theft of your danish. not cool! at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so 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your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your health care provider if you're tresiba® ready. covered by most insurance and medicare plans. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ this is the story of green mountain coffee roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters packed with goodness. mike: the body of a missing boater has been found in the chicago river. friends say alberto lopez fell off a boat on memorial day. they took a boat out yesterday after waiting for police to find him and spotted the body. chicago police say they offer sympathies to the lopez family, but defend their rescue efforts. a fire department diver also died during the search. balancing grief and memories seniors at santa fe high school receiving diplomas just two weeks after student killed 8 classmates and 2 teachers. the shooting is one of at least seven with intent to harm others at least the fourth fatal incident at a school in 2018. the call for tighter gun laws is growing across thecountry. bryan llenas joins me here on set. there were a few anti-gun rallies across the country today. >> there were. june is actually gun violence awareness month. and this weekend activists organized at least three rallies in san francisco, chicago, and right here the new york city. marchers marched across the golden gate bridge, in chicago, a peace tree was planted, people marched to stop gun violence there which has already led to 189 homicides in that city already this year. and in new york city, hundreds marched from brooklyn over the brooklyn bridge into downtown manhattan to bring attention not just to school shootings but every day gun violence that plagues communities of color in cities across the country. a parkland shooting survivor spoke passionately about her experience during the february 14th shooting which killed 17 people. >> no student should have to hide underneath their murdered classmate's body to survive but i was that student. no student should have to suffer from ptsd, but i am that student. no student should have to go to school fearing for their lives but we all are those students. >> this is about continuing momentum, keeping the debate about gun control front and center in people's minds ahead of the midterms. mike: shifting gears to santa fe high school outside houston, i can only imagine what the emotions were like at that graduation. >> bittersweet to say the least, a little over two weeks ago we had the 17-year-old student who walked into that high school, santa fe high school in texas, opening fire killing two substitute teachers and eight other students while wounding ten others. yesterday 328 seniors of santa fe high, they graduated with heavy hearts. there was a moment of silence for those lost as well as a video montage honoring their lives. the 17-year-old shooter is now facing capital murder charges. earlier this week, texas governor greg abbott recommended more law enforcement on school campuses and more mental screenings for students. >> the result of the roundtables and the result of our discussions with the victims has led to this: the governor's school and firearm safety action plan. this document that we have created here in just the past few days is more than 40 pages offering 40 specific recommendations. >> and we shall see how that goes in the state of texas. and president trump of course visiting with the families of the victims of santa fe high school on thursday for over an hour privately. mike: brian llenas great to see you. thank you very much. an important escape route for families in hawaii being threatened by boiling hot lava. strength overcoming adversity as disabled veterans compete in the games, how the competition has expanded over the years. when i received the diagnosis, i knew at that exact moment, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go...i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors that work together. when a patient comes to ctca, they're meeting a team of physicians that specialize in the management of cancer. breast cancer treatment is continuing to evolve. and i would say that ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. patients can be overwhelmed ... we really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. the care that ctca brings is the kind of care i've wanted for my 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of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ♪ otezla. show more of you. >> well, mike, we have just learned that lava is about 175 yards away from a critical and major intersection here on the big island. if that were to happen, it would likely isolate anyone in the area who hasn't evacuated yet. now, even though the flows of lava have slowed down, geologists say the volcano and its fissures are starting to expand in its path of destruction. in 24 hour period lava reached 10 more homes bringing the total to at least 87 houses destroyed. those who have evacuated are returning today and bracing for the reality that they may have lost everything. >> it's kind of scary, but it is thrilling at the same time. you know, but it's scary. she worries a lot about it. >> i've nevada been homeless, you know -- i've never been homeless, you know. >> yeah, neither one of us have ever been homeless >> the county has issued a mandatory evacuation order. what that means is if you are not supposed to be back in the lava zone, you could be fined or face arrest. if you own a home and haven't left, authorities say they are not going to rip anyone from their house, but those who stay could find themselves on their own with no one to rescue them. >> if there's, you know, an incident where we got to do search and rescue and it is too hazardous for any of our respondents to go in there, we are not going to require them to go in there. >> the county estimates roughly 2500 people have evacuated. authorities are warning those folks who are staying by, should worry about the air quality, the toxic levels of gas remain high and those levels can change with the direction of the wind really without any warning. mike? mike: the images are simply breathtaking. jeff paul live on the big island, thanks a lot, jeff. wounded warriors gathering to compete for top honors at this year's games. more than 100 injured veterans participating in sports proving that nothing can hold them back. rob roth reports from california. >> they served in the military. they're injured many severely, but for the next three days, they are athletes. >> i like to feel like i can still do stuff. >> she's one of about one hundred disabled veterans competing in the games all weekend here on coast guard island. she was once a communications officer for the navy, but she was mugged in san diego while still on active struck in the head and woke up with a severe brain injury and difficulty walking. >> i get a lot of suicidal thoughts, and it's hard to sit there and feel like you can't do anything. >> but she says she's found that sports and competition gets her out of her own head, at least for a while. >> sports help me, so i'm not thinking about any of my problems. i'm just out having fun. >> the games began seven years ago in chicago, and have since expanded. for many athletes, it is the first time they've been able to travel since they've been injured. >> we've had athletes over the past six years who this is their first chance of getting out of their house, so they haven't been out of their house until they've come here. >> they also say the games help these vets learn a new sport which they can practice at home and become more active. this former airman suffered a stroke while he was in the air force. >> when you sit alone, you are alone, but when you compete, you're with others who are going through a similar thing. >> sometimes those thoughts, they come back and stuff, but you just look forward to the next -- the next sport. >> the games are on through sunday. mike: the u.s. could become the world's largest producer of oil despite dropping prices over past few years that forced job losses and some company closures. what helped surviving businesses overcome the financial challenges? plus there's been lots of speculation about a possible sit-down between robert mueller and president trump. but a letter now revealing the president's legal team is against it. we will break down their arguments, next. this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening 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no fbi investigation was or could even -- or even could have been obstructed. let's bring back the contributing editor for the free beacon and weekly standard. daniel, are you surprised by the arguments made in this lengthy letter by the president's legal team? >> it is very fascinating and interesting but not particularly surprising. look, i think on the one hand, it does i think reveal that what we've kind of known, that president trump and the white house is not too worried about the collusion charges. that they suggest is not -- i mean, that of course is the basis of the mueller investigation, but that doesn't seem to be the real sticking point. what their concern is about this obstruction charge and what they are arguing about in this letter is that the president by virtue of him being the chief executive, the chief of the executive branch of the government under which is the justice department cannot obstruct in an ongoing investigation; right? i think that's really fascinating. obviously i don't know the answer to that. we all don't know the answer to that, but we can presume should a subpoena be issued, that it will come to the supreme court and it will be a major, major constitutional question. mike: some democrats behind you there on capitol hill are reacting saying this letter suggests the president is arguing he is above the laws of this country and he could not have obstructed justice because he's the president. new jersey democrat congressman writing quote donald trump is now explicitly arguing that he is above the laws of this nation. if today's report is accurate, trump believes he could not have obstructed justice because he's the president. he contends that his pardon power gives him blanket discretion to kill criminal investigations at his whim. your reaction to that? >> look, this is what lawyers do. don't they argue that there's no basis for the charges and they can't even bring the charges? i mean the idea that a lawyer -- i think we should separate this is president trump's lawyers and his legal team back in january who were making these arguments. it is not president trump himself. it is not a slightly different -- -- it is slightly different. i think that means something for instance. and i think president trump -- by the way they are arguing in the letter that we have been totally transparent that there's been unprecedented access throughout the white house by the mueller legal team and that there's no need for a sit-down interview. president trump we know really wants to give an interview. rudy giuliani has suggested that he would try to stop it. but i think that's kind of tough talk by rudy giuliani. i think ultimately this is president trump's decision. i think it is different than perhaps than what his lawyers are making -- or the case they made back in january. mike: daniel, i'm courses you for your take on this. -- i'm curious for your take on this. why did the letter get leaked? is it to put more pressure on mueller's team? >> perhaps, i think it is also to speed it up, give signal to what's going on. it doesn't appear to have leaked from mueller's team. we don't really know what mueller's team is actually doing. these leaks appear to be coming from the white house, and they do suggest what is going on, what is happening, at least one side of that. i would caution, you know, that there's a lot we don't know here. mike: sure. >> although these letters and these kind of leaks do shed a certain amount of light. mike: h this is a january letter. who knows where they are at this stage. in your analysis, does the president ultimately sit down with mueller or is this a sign he's really unlikely to do so? >> it is a sign that his lawyers don't want him to do. whether he does or not, and i think that's consistent, rudy giuliani has suggested it up until now, i think that remains consistent. again, this is donald trump's decision whether or not to sit down. by the way, it is his own legal risk. this is a very big legal risk that he might be taking, but it's something that he wants to do, and whether somebody can stop him or whether somebody should stop him, those are questions i can't answer and i just don't know. i think it would be slightly surprising if he did. you know, just because all this legal risk against him. mike: president trump has not been shy about expressing his frustration, even anger with his own attorney general and some folks at the justice department. do you get a sense the president is eager to see what the doj inspector general has to say and whether it embarrasses some folks at doj and the fbi? >> yeah, i do. i think the white house is really pinning a lot of hopes on that and thinks that will uncover another aspect of this letter, 20 pages, so forgive for me not getting to all of it, is that the whole collusion argument they suggest came from corruption at the justice department. so they are hoping i think that this ig report sheds some light on what that alleged corruption is and what happened. i'm not sure it will really touch jeff sessions. i don't know. i think it will go into jim comey and his actions. of course comey's been a real big critic of president trump and been on tv a lot with the release of his book last month. mike: many thanks for your analysis. >> thank you. mike: mexico, canada and the european union pledging to retaliate after president trump hit three of america's biggest trading partners with steep tariffs on metal and aluminium. the eu calling it a dangerous game while canadian prime minister trudeau making his feelings known earlier this week. >> let me be clear. these tariffs are totally unacceptable. for 150 years, canada has been the united states' most steadfast ally. mike: kitty logan has more from london. >> the new tariffs have sparked anger amongst u.s. allies in europe, many calling on the u.s. to rethink the decision. the issue has overshadowed a meeting of g-7 finance ministers in canada. the six other countries attending the meeting alongside the u.s. have voiced their, quote, concern and disappointment to u.s. treasury secretary mnuchin. mr. mnuchin says he will be passing those comments on to president trump. but he insists the u.s. is complying with international trade rules. on thursday, the trump administration imposed tariffs of 25% on steel imports and 10% on aluminium. the eu says these tariffs could be damaging to its industries. it's warning of possible retaliation with tariffs of its own on u.s. goods. >> it is pure protectionism. europeans feel aluminium exports to the united states cannot be seen as a threat to their internal security. it is unfortunate because this is further weakening the transatlantic relations. and it also increases the risk of severe turbulence in the markets globally. >> meanwhile, u.s. commerce secretary ross is in beijing on saturday for talks with chinese couldn't parts on -- counterparts on trade. those talks could be further complicated by the war of words with traditional u.s. allies over trade. president trump is expected to address the issue of the new trade tariffs at a meeting of g-7 leaders in canada next week. he's already under pressure to reverse that decision. mike? mike: kitty logan, thank you. the u.s. is poised to become the world's largest oil producer and achieve the decade's old dream of energy independence. some industry analysts say many trump administration policies will only make things better. alicia acuna has more. >> with the price at the pump at 7 year high, some may question the president when he says -- >> we're very strong on energy. we're essentially now energy independent. >> analysts say the president is correct. good news is on the horizon. >> i think it is fair to say that the overall policies on deregulation by this administration have been constructive. >> for decades the organization of petroleum exporting countries or opec controlled the price of oil prompting shortages and long lines at the pump with an embargo back in 73. a few years back, opec leader saudi arabia saturated the market driving down the price per barrel. some u.s. companies went bankrupt. but the industry adjusted becoming leaner and improving fracking technology. >> we lowered our break even price much faster than opec could lower its and so the bottom line was they blinked before we did. >> renewed sanctions on iran and unrest in oil producing countries are helping push up gas prices, but analysts say historically similar events would have shot the per gallon cost up by dollars instead of cents. >> because the u.s. are major producers now, they are creating a buffer, not just for the u.s. economy, but for the global economy. we're still on a path to be in the biggest oil producer in the world, the biggest oil exporter and one of the biggest consumers. >> detractors say the president's pro fossil fuel policies will hurt the environment. >> it seems like we're going back in time almost 100 years now to where oil and gas are king. >> the trump administration believes the strategic petroleum reserve created after the 73 oil embargo is not as necessary now and is considering cutting the amount stored there for a rainy day by half. in denver, alicia acuna, fox news. mike: meantime, pope francis meeting with oil company executives at the vatican next week to discuss climate change. the pope is likely to give them a nudge to clean up their act on global warming. the conference is a follow-up to a papal letter three years ago calling on people to save the planet from climate change. pope francis has made the issue a major concern of his papacy. after we're done don't forget to tune into watters world tonight. here's a preview. >> tonight, 30-year-old kicked out of his parent's house is here. he just moved out. we will tell you what's going on tonight. mike: watters world airs next at 8:00 p.m. eastern. a raging wildfire in northern new mexico scorching nearly 28,000 acres and forcing the evacuation of hundreds. how the battle to put out the flames is going. plus, a new tribute to even more victims who died as a result of the 9/11 attacks. how many more will be honored. with diet and exercise. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may 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[struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new mike: british actor cumberbatch embodying a real life superhero after saving a delivery man on a bicycle. he was in an uber with his wife when he saw the delivery man being beaten by a group of muggers. they thanked the actor for his speedy rescue. the national september 11th memorial and museum soon to include a special tribute to those suffering or who have died from exposure to toxins after the terror attack, as well as those who helped in the rescue and recovery efforts. and the designs for the new dedication have now been unveiled. rick elevleventhal has more frow york city. >> the 9/11 memorial and museum is one of the most powerful and popular attractions in new york city. a park-like setting on 8 acres in lower manhattan with twin reflecting pools and the footprint where the twin towers once stood. soon a section will be redesigned with a specific tribute to the tens of thousands of first responders who raced to the scene and spent nine months searching for victims and clearing rubble. and the hundreds of thousands who may have been exposed to the toxic air, many of them suffering illness and death from 9/11 contaminants. >> for these individuals and their families, 9/11 is not past history. it is a present challenge they confront every day. >> the changes will come in the southwest corner of the plaza, called the memorial glade next to the survivor tree, featuring a path where the ramp into the pit once stood flanked by large stones the architect says will be worn but not beaten symbolizing strength and determination through adversity. comedian john stewart played a significant role in making the redesign a reality. >> we'll never be able to repay that debt. but the least we can do is provide them a place of comfort, solace and community on the memorial, with their brothers and sisters, with all those they saved and helped, that they know is a testament to all they did for us and all they did for the city. >> as many as 400,000 people were exposed to the toxic air at ground zero, and more than 87,000 have enrolled in the world trade center health program, with the cdc reporting nearly 44,000 have at least one 9/11-related ailment. john field worked at the site for a demolition company until 8,000 pounds of steel fell on his foot. he's now an advocate who has been to 179 funerals. >> i can't celebrate this though because a year ago yesterday my best friend died from 9/11 cancer, and -- sorry -- i take this personal. >> this dedicated space will remind all who come here how the best of our human nature responded to the worst. how human dignity triumphed over human depravity >> they haven't actually broken ground yet, and it is not clear when the redesign will be finished. it could be months or perhaps sometime next year. the folks here say they just want to make sure they get it right. in new york, rick leventhal, fox news. mike: a massive wildfire torching thousands of acres and threatening a boy scout camp. could the weather help stop this out of control blaze? that's up next. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180728 21:00:00

News coverage is provided. americans were working than eight years before. we have turned it all around. once again we have been the economic envy of the entire world. >> it really is a stroke because the gdp did hit four times during the obama administration. the highest was 5.1 percent. but as you say, it was something. mike: >> growth like this is something obsolete should be celebrated. with the white house and i think others have been saying is that the numbers during the obama administration may have been high but it was largely because there was a recovery phase. when the president began with the economy already, pretty decent shape and really revving it up with the agenda of deregulation and all of that. he's been criticizing the fed recently for trying to pump the brakes on the economy because he did not want them to raise interest rates. eric: meanwhile, this is been going on all cylinders in terms of the economy and the gdp. another blowback of the performance with vladimir putin then there was what was rescinded. now for the president to go to moscow. what happens next in this strange diplomatic dance? >> are two statements that we have two parts. the first is one from john bolton. a couple of days ago. he said the president has decided not to host vladimir putin in washington until the mueller investigation is over. the second was more recent statement from white house press secretary, sarah sanders after president putin said he was open to coming to washington publicly for the first time. where she said that he would be welcome after the first of the year. so, we might be able to go from there but they believe the robert mueller investigation will be over by the first of the year and that is when the president is coming. what that is when the russian president will be coming regardless of what the status of the probe is. eric: could be a reference to the election? >> there was quite a bit of concern within the house republican or among house republicans that you were going to be seeing vladimir putin a historic photo at the white house and the oval office in the fall right ahead of the midterm elections. it is not even necessarily that obviously would draw criticism but it is more than it would attract media attention away from the agenda that they have been pursuing on the economy, immigration and on trade. eric: finally, do you think americans will finally see tougher talk by the president against russian policies? against moscow's interference and against vladimir putin? >> i think the president doesn't like to criticize publicly. he has said this many times. in terms of the tough talk that they are looking for, none of us are on the inside. we do not know how he handles himself with vladimir putin. we do know the president is desperate to get a deal done on someone who likes to give into his critics on this measure. because he really firmly believes he would rather save tough talk from behind closed doors while he pursues another strategic arms reduction treaty or perhaps pursues a grand bargain in syria in order to end the civil war. in terms of what is politically palatable versus what he is going to do, as he liked to say, we will see what happens. eric: the public optics though, many are calling for this you know exactly that, publicly, not just behind closed doors. we don't know how is behind closed doors. the president met one-on-one with many past practices. >> many would like to see public condemnation from the president. i really just do not believe that is something he would like to do whenever he is standing next to a world leader, based on how i observed him on the world stage. i think people are desperate for that, it does not seem to be likely based on his behavior in the past. eric: saagar enjeti, we will see what monday brings. thank you for your analysis as always. >> thank you. alicia: the president firing back in allegations from his onetime lawyer, michael cohen. who claims that then candidate trump you in advance by 2016 meeting between members of his campaign and a russian attorney promising dirt on hillary clinton. this coming just days after michael cohen leaked a recording of he and the president discussing a payment to a former playboy model who claims to have had an affair with mr. trump. gillian turner has more from the d.c. bureau. reporter: michael cohen claim his boss approved the infamous trump tower meeting that has become a feature in the mueller probe. on june 9 of 2016, they included donald trump jr., paul manafort, jared kushner and ackerman lawyer -- a kremlin lawyer. the president said i did not know of the meeting with my son, donald junior. sounds to me someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated dram. the presidents son has also long assisted his father had no knowledge of the meeting. >> it was such a nothing, there was nothing to tell. i would not have even remembered it until you start scouring through the stuff. it was literally a wasted 20 minutes which is a shame. reporter: the claim from michael cohen comes just days after someone leaked a recording of a conversation between him and the president about hush money paid to a playboy model. now the inner-circle is speaking out on the matter. they're painting an unflattering portrait of michael cohen. >> number one, elected people about taping the president and others proved not only that, he went to self diffusion to do it. a whole little game which shows how pathological he is. reporter: looking ahead, in a few days time trial of paul manafort will kick off in arlington, virginia. insiders anticipate witnesses there will also be asked about the meeting. alicia: thank you. and for more on this, let's bring in our legal panel, fox news legal analyst mercedes and trial attorney rachel self. thank you so much for joining us. rachel, i will start with you. how worried should the president be? >> the president should absolutely be worried but denial -- two different animals on a daily basis. if a sitting u.s. president is finding himself defending how he paid off a porn star, isn't he already very behind the eight ball? >> mercedes, what is your answer? >> are two sides to the story. we are talking about the tape, and a lot of people are asking, -- he could legally take the present. the other side, when they are looking at what was disclosed, wasn't michael cohen and agent, wasn't he doing something to benefit the campaign when talking about this hush money to this playboy model? and then, the campaign finance obviously violates the laws. but the flipside is, what really is disclosed on the tapes? frankly the discussion about whether it should be cash or check, whether this, maybe this was just a personal, nothing to do with the campaign but rather just personal interaction between an individual and a about something that could be very damaging. just reputation only, not anything to do with the campaign. therefore, it is above the law. there are really two sides of it. and they're looking at this, they say lacks credibility. some say this might be the aha moment they need because of someone willing to flip on the president. >> the issue here is that we are not talking about just an individual with his lawyer. we talked about the president of the united states. and basically he has been lying and lying and he is lying so much about so many things. ultimately then tapes come out about it. everyone is just finding it acceptable. i hold my seven-year-old niece to a higher standard with regards to telling the truth versus telling a lie. i think it's very interesting. >> here's the difference, the interaction that the president had, this is before he was president. >> we are talking about a conversation between a client and attorney. that is -- >> and a client and attorney privilege does not apply to crime fraud exception. there is a crime fraud exception. bottom line is, a special master was appointed when these were seized from the office on april 9, a special master was appointed to review the they are discussing a payoff of a former playmate. then leaking the assertion that the president knew about the meeting in june 2016. mercedes, is michael cohen someone to believe? >> is a great question because frankly, as an attorney practicing a long time i've never been, and i talk to my partner. no one is ever in their actually taping a client. no one conceives of taping a client surreptitiously even though we practice in the state of new york and we can lawfully do so. that is one mark against his credibility. >> he is not playing in the same clean water. michael cohen was not playing in the same clean water is that you and i play in. >> i get that and i understand that i think there will be credibility issues but i think it goes to your point, this is one step in the process. when you look at the june 9 meeting, you have to determine what phone calls were made before the june 9, apparently there were phone calls. so there is a phone log. who was the individual? apparently there was a call made from donald junior to an unknown number. who is the unknown number? what was said by the candidate at the time, prior to this meeting?was there any statement he made publicly that said i have great information that i'm going to disclose regarding the clintons. that was a the whole thrust to this meeting. that they would be information about senator clinton in terms of the presidency.anyone representing a president and a federal probe will tell you is an exhaustive process. the federal role prosecutors are incredibly aggressive. they're squeezing and squeezing witnesses, who is in the cross harris down. it is exhaustive and it is endless and some circumstances. >> and i you want to answer this but i want to bring up the other side. some might be confused about statements made by giuliani and the president. it was just two months ago giuliani was praising michael cohen. on thursday he told cnn he would expect something like this from michael cohen. he is been lying out all week but for years. rachel? >> this is exactly my point with this. you are the company you keep. this was not just donald trump one time lawyer. this was his right hand, personal attorney, for over a decade. these two were not playing in clean waters and with ultimately going to come out, it will be very interesting. i think that donald trump should be concerned. ultimately speaking, he has had to be concerned about a lot of things and nothing has really affected him. people really do you know, let things slide when it comes to him. it was very interesting to see how it flushes out. i think they are actually concerned with other material that might be out there for him and he should be thinking about that. alicia: we have to get going. mercedes colwin and rachel self, thank you for the discussion. eric: a desperate search continues for missing college student. she vanished in iowa. we have the very latest on the efforts to find her coming up next. and wildfires in california continue. they are spinning so fast the president just issued an emergency declaration. we'll have a live report from the front lines of one of those fires just ahead. -we're in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this? -[ laughing ] ho-ho-ho! -wow. -it's a computer. -we compare rates to help you get the price and coverage that's right for you. -that's amazing! the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. what?! an unexpected ending! is if my mom were here. to and practice... kidlots of practice.tion. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. college student. investigators say they found no trace. they start to pick from sap they been using searches of her media accounts and fitness tracker. the student was last seen on july 18. jogging in her hometown of brooklyn, iowa. her boyfriend has been ruled out as a suspect. eric: a fox news alert per the president issuing an emergency declaration for california. it has been a really tough going as firefighters have been battling over a dozen wildfires throughout the state. the biggest has been burning up north where five people tragically have been killed. including a 70-year-old woman and her two great grandchildren. meanwhile in southern california a suspect has now been charged with setting at least nine fires there including the cranston fire that is raging in riverside county. massive flames have forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes. >> i miss home. and i am hoping nobody else loses their house or their life. eric: jeff paul is live in idyllwild, california. you can see it has been raging. what is going on right now? reporter: authorities just updated us on the most devastating wildfire that is burning here in california. the tell us the car fire is showing no son of showing dell. they said conditions are only getting worse and the wind remains very strong. 80,000 acres burned so far with only five percent containment. the fire has destroyed 500 structures and 5000 are being threatened. they cinema how many fires they fought in the past, federal firefighters even saying they've never seen anything quite like this fire. >> are spoken to folks that have much more experience and have been going through this from year-to-year. every single person i've talked to so far has made mention that i don't know why it's doing what it's doing. uphill, downhill. even if it doesn't have a strong wind, it is burning as if it has a wind or a strong 60 mile an hour 70 mile an hour wind. reporter: authorities also tell us they received dozens of missing persons reports when asked specifically about the case involving that grandmother and her two grandkids. they would not give us much information. only saying that they are investigating. eric: it is just so horrible. not only do you have the terrifying prospect of this devastating destruction from mother nature, but other reports that some people are taking advantage of this by looting? reporter: yeah, the law enforcement personnel updated us said that they received about a dozen or so reports of looting as a result they will be beefing up security in and around the area devastated by the car fire. they're urging anyone who is evacuating if they have time, to take things they find valuable, to do so or lock them up. in a fireproof safe. chris unfortunately there always predators out there willing to prey on victims. that is why we are beefing up patrols in this particular neighborhood.reporter: authorities and spoke with residents they said to leave the evacuation areas if they are ordered. they say the only put firefighters and police officers lives in danger when they stay behind. eric: thank you, jeff. alicia: the top administration racing to meet a court order to reunite families separated at the border. where the process stands, days after the deadline. plus, north korea fulfills a promise from the singapore summit by returning the reins of dozens of servicemembers killed in the korean war. does this prove pyongyang is serious about working with the u.s.? and eventually denuclearize in. full analysis coming up. >> coming back to the united states, these incredible american heroes will soon lay at rest. on sacred american soil. try new alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. ♪ oh, what a relief it is! that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at eric: a fox news alert of efforts to reunite the families we are told are continuing this weekend. the parents and children who were separated at the border. the trump administration claims it has met the court order deadline on unification. activists are saying hundreds of children still remain in the governments care and are continuing to be separated from their families. garrett tenney is live in the washington bureau with more. can you explain how the administration can say met the deadline while apparently hundreds of kids are still remaining separated from parents? reporter: the key here is that dhs says they reunified every eligible parent with their children. 711 kids are still separated because the parent or guardian is not eligible. dhs explained in a statement friday morning saying in part quote - some illegal alien adults are not eligible or available for unification today. including some adults that are not in i.c.e. custody and are in the anterior u.s. or home country. or who have chosen not to be reunited. the ministration will continue to make every effort to reunify eligible adults with their children. so according to dhs, some of the remaining adults are ineligible because they have criminal records and 120 are ineligible because they chose not to be reunited with their children and more than 400 are ineligible because they have already been deported out of the country. in a court filing this week lawyers with the aclu argued some of the parents either misunderstood or written misled by the government and never meant to leave their children in the us. this morning the group tweeted some 463 parents were deported without their children. and the government is not even trying to reunite them. dhs denies that and says it will continue to make every effort to reunify the remaining adults and children that are eligible or will try to find family members that can act as guardians for the kids while the court process plays out. eric: in terms of the court process, playing out, what is the timeline for those who are not yet reunified? reporter: it will be a while. one of the big reasons activists and democratic lawmakers are frustrated because did ministration is not given the clear timeline of when and how it plans to do that. some democratic lawmakers are suggesting that some parents and children and never be reunited. in a statement, cortez masto said the lack of accountability in this admission is stunning. there's no plan to reunify those i have been deported without consent and no deadline and -- they say will be challenged to track down a lot of the parents who have already been deported and reunite them with their children but they maintain they will do everything they can to make this happen. eric: it would be shocking and outrageous for those if they cannot be reunited.we hope they can do that. alicia: north korea this week releasing what are believed to be the remains of 55 american service members killed in the korean war. vice president mike pence saying in an exclusive interview with maria bartiromo, he will travel to hawaii to attend a repatriation ceremony next week. >> the fact that this president sitting down with kim jong-un to negotiate the complete nuclear station of the korean peninsula also had fallen heroes on his heart. it should tell you everything you need to know about president donald trump. and my wife and i are deeply moved and deeply honored to be able to be there when we bring our boys home. alicia: bryan llenas is live in the new york city newsroom with more. reporter: secretary of defense, james mattis suggested the return of 55 cases filled with the possible remains of u.s. soldiers is obviously a gesture of carrying forward the president trump and north korean leader kim jong-un agreed to during the one on one summit on june 12. he also said that while we have no indication that there is anything amiss here, the u.s. government is sending the cases to the laboratory in hawaii where they will be tested to make sure they are in fact humid and are in fact the remains of u.s. service members. yesterday, a c-17 picked up the cases in north korea before landing at the airbase in south korea. where the cases were received with military honors. more than 36,000 americans died in the korean war from 1950 to 1953. of those, 7699 are still considered missing in action and of those, 5300 are believed to be somewhere on north korean soil. yesterday marked the 65th anniversary of the end of the korean war and this was an especially poignant day for veterans. >> the importance of this dramatic return today is the sense that we served in the military world war ii and the korean war, will never see one- never leave one of our people behind. >> he said that this is a sign that the presidents summit with the north korean leader, kim jong-un was a success. >> what we are seeing is the fact that former presidents have tried to bring these remains back and failed. it is because of the leadership of president trump. in terms of being able to take a very difficult, complicated situation as it is in the case of north korea, work with them in order to ensure we bring back the remains of these men and women. reporter: when asked if he could foresee sending u.s. military personnel into north korea for the first time in years to conduct search missions for remains, james mattis says it is under consideration. absolutely. alicia: thank you. eric: from on the struggle to lieutenant general reese. lieutenant colonel, good to see you. thank you of course for your service. the images of those boxes, the remains draped in the un flag. as you can see there, look at is so poignant and powerful and compelling.and such a vivid reminder of the sacrifice of so many americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. your thoughts as someone who served that they are being returned? >> eric, for all veterans from all wars, this is a big day for everyone as we see these mia's coming home. hats off to your father that dealt with these and thanks for service but is to be there for the ministration to be in this phase of negotiations with north korea. eric: thank you, my father flew c 47 's. but you think about negotiations. ledges that stand and do think this is an actual sign of progress or is it merely symbolic on the part of kim jong-un? >> i do. i think one of the things that we as a nation have to do is to be more optimistic. there's so much negativity going on. we have to look at this as a positive step by the north koreans. i know the president is, the secretary of state is. and again, these are small steps that will move us towards hopefully, denuclearization. i believe we just have to be optimistic on this but we have to just watch and like i said before, it is crawl, walk, step process. it will not be overnight but at the end of this could be a great thing. eric: on a couple of things you are seeing the air force flight landed south korea with some of the remains. they dismantled one of the ballistic missile sites that may not have been used. and of course another one by the mountain that was a testing site is unusable. what else would you like to see besides the returning of the remains? declaring all the sites, coming clean completely, maybe full accounting the international atomic energy agency. what also they need to do now to show that they are indeed, potentially moving toward the ultimate goal of denuclearization? which many do not believe they will ever do. >> behind the scenes, what's going on right now is both the state department, we have to member the south koreans are a big part of this also. and the north koreans, there are staffers in the middle of this every single day working day and night to work these negotiations of what they will do. i would like to see the next step is actually targeted areas, what are those places? we want to see north korea start to dismantle. i would like to see us get inspectors on the ground that we can be there with the north koreans and i think the north koreans that we would share some of our scientific aspects. which we have done in the past with other nations and a quid pro quo that at the same time having the inspectors on the ground so that we can see, report back the intelligence and give our administration and the south koreans an idea of what's going on in north korea with denuclearization. eric: what if they say no? what if they bar american and un inspectors? it is like iran, they barred military sets of inspections and you know, guess where you have nuclear search at a nuclear site. what do we do if we run up against that? >> well, we continue to push north korea into the stone age. we continue to keep economic sanctions on them. that we know right now are hurtingthem . their economy is in the tanks. and those sanctions, i've got to believe that after all of these years, leaders in north korea have got to be looking at their people and having concern saying, we have a way to move our country along and get back into the international favor of the world and so, that is something we have to prepare for. the second and third order will come about. it is a process, it will not happen overnight. eric: but finally, you cannot have a war. you have millions potentially killed, you cannot have a war, obviously because of the dmz is so close. quickly 10 seconds. >> i do not think, we will never go back to war but it will become a dark spot again. the south koreans and north koreans will continue to go tit-for-tat. it will be a shame. and so i do not think will go to war but the worst case is you put the sanctions on harder and harder, maybe the north koreans will come back to the plate again if we cannot do it. eric: lieutenant colonel, james reese thank you. we thank you for your service. alicia: federal investigators releasing their initial report on last week's deadly duck boat accident in missouri. the tragic final minutes of the boat tour, next. plus, heavy rain and flash flooding hitting parts of the east coast this week. is the worst over now? a live report from the fox weather center just ahead. and it's only on a few categories. and when those categories change, you gotta sign up again. when does it end?! with the capital one quicksilver® card, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's like a cash back oasis. what's in your wallet? if you way too often...e moves then you might have a common condition called dry mouth... which can be brought on by many things, like medication and medical conditions. biotène provides immediate, long lasting relief from dry mouth symptoms. it is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. plus, it freshens breath. biotène. immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. humid week here on the east coast with flooding affected most of the mid atlantic while dry weather and intense heat continues to make things difficult out west. how long will these patterns stick around? for that we turn to adam in the weather center. adam: will only left a little bit longer. you mentioned the heat out west. we'll talk about that more in a moment. still temperatures right now we're looking at triple digits , still that will be more warm later today. on the east coast we had seen some rain with during the last day or so. you're still looking at temperatures along the southern portion of the country up into the 90s. it is cooling off a little along the east coast exactly where we saw the rain now pushing offshore. continuing to watch the rain push offshore in that particular region. showers moving across the plains states. off to the east in area that could see a lot of rain in the last couple of days, getting at least a brief break. here's what it looks like. the round of very heavy showers that caused some of the flooding now offshore. pay attention to the backside of this. unfortunately, there is going to be more rain in some of these areas already got heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours. these are rainfall totals. estimated in the last little bit. what are we looking at? spots up to in the last week as much as 12 inches of rain. some heavier hit spots there in maryland, portions of pennsylvania, other spots as many as eight inches. it will wind down a little bit but we start to pay attention to it. this is the future radar, the initial rain moves offshore than more spotty showers. the good news is i'm not thinking it will hit the same area we saw some of the extreme flooding in pennsylvania. but a decent amount of rain moving up the coast again. here the model forecast as far as that goes, a lot of real heavy rain then bring it to portions of north carolina up into virginia. as you wanted to pennsylvania there will be spots up to 2 to 3 potentially four more inches of rain. the ground is already saturated. it can cause a problem for some of those particular areas. the other story i talked about going into this, the heat in the west. it is just going to continue. the forecasted high temperature today spots getting up to 110 degrees, 108 in phoenix. unfortunately, this is going to be lingering. if you're looking for a break and sunday, there is sunday's temperature, monday not much cooler either. folks out west will be dealing with temperatures up to 110 here for the next three days. alicia: thank you, adam. the absolute worst thing for firefighters in california. thank you. eric: there has been a historic move by pope francis. stripping the former archbishop of washington d.c. of his title. amid sexual abuse allegations. we have details on the latest developments coming up. (avo) come with us... a new world. deeper than the ocean. as unfathomable as the universe. a world that doesn't exist outside you... ...but within you. where breakthrough science is replacing chemotherapy with immunotherapy. where we can now attack the causes of disease, not just the symptoms. where medicines once produced for all, are now designed to fit you. today 140,000 biopharmaceutical researchers go bodly to discover treatments and cures unimaginable ten years ago... ...and are on the verge of more tomorrow. is making what is seen as an unprecedented move, effectively stripping the former archbishop of washington d.c. theodore - - of his cardinal titles. kitty logan in london has more. >>reporter: the pope formally accepted the resignation and the cardinal is one of the most prominent in the american catholic church. the vatican says the resignation was received on friday. historical allegations of sexual abuse dating back more than 50 years first surfaced in june. one minute claims he was abused as a teenager and another man alleges he forced him into an abusive relationship when he was just 11. the catholic church has been tainted by sex abuse scandals in the past and is now determined to clean up its image. the vatican says the pope wants to send a strong message that sexual abuse will not be tolerated. >> what this means is that no matter how important your position or prestigious, when it comes to sex abuse, you will be held accountable. >>reporter: pope francis has ordered him to go into seclusion for a life of prayer while the allegations are looked into. he will initially remain as a priest. the cardinal denies the allegation saying he has no recollection but there will be a full investigation and ultimately a trial held by the catholic church. >> coming up, california officials will give an update on the developing buyers raging out of control. you have the latest right here on the fox news channel. how do you win at business? 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>>reporter: we are in the southern area of california. you can probably hear it overhead, helicopters right now flying above us as they dump water on those active fires. the cranston fire, 17 percent contained. within the last few hours or so, we definitely started to feel the wind gusts pick up. the firefighters are very concerned about that because of these dry hot conditions. anytime those embers go airborne, it can cause more we come back out here alive, the folks that live in this area are very appreciative of the efforts of both firefighters and law enforcement out here. we passed by one restaurant giving out free meals. making sure those officials, those authorities have at least a few minutes of peace when they take a break. which as you can imagine, they haven't been taking many out here. >>eric: it's a tough, arduous and cooling duty in those temperatures beone . >>alicia: for more on how the fires are affecting firefighters efforts we turn to - - in the extreme weather center. just very dry out there. we are talking about california, but take a look at this. each one of these individual fire icons, this is greater than 100 acres. 76 burning currently. dangerous fire weather conditions in the next couple days. anywhere you're looking in the highlighted red area means the humidity is really low. the conditions are hot and on top of that there's enough wind to add concern for some of these fires spreading. we are seeing these larger fires stretching to the north within areas of southern oregon and washington as well. further to the east, a large area there, through portions of nevada into colorado. all spots where there are fibers currently burning and will continue to spread due to these weather conditions. besides just being dry, it is incredibly hot. he advises will continue within the next couple days. southern california, stretching to nevada and running all the way up the west coast. these are advisories, watches and warnings. some of these places getting up to feel like temperatures to triple digits, around 105. dry conditions only add to the possibility of these fires spreading over the next couple days. what kind of temperatures are we talking about? phoenix will get up to 108. southern california, death valley, getting up to 122 degrees. other areas in northern california, 109 degrees in redding. staying dry and that continues into sunday with temperatures again running close to 109-110 degrees. that lingers into monday and that will continue into the next several days. it's not just that area dealing with hot conditions, also dealing with dry conditions. we have seen showers pop up in these mountainous areas but they are up-and-down californi . some of the areas where the fibers are the biggest, unfortunately, it is staying dry and will sell for a little while longer. >>alicia: the northwest has not gotten a break and we are just in july. >>eric: the possible remains of 55 american servicemembers have been released by north korea and will soon be on their way home to american soil. vice president mike pence sang in an exclusive interview that he will travel to hawaii next week to attend that very special and important repatriation ceremony. >> the fact that this president sitting down with kim jong-un to negotiate the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula also had our fallen heroes on his heart. should tell you everything you need to know about president trump. my wife and i are deeply moved and deeply honored to be able to be there when we bring our boys home. >>eric: - - is more in our newsroom with more on this. so deeply meaningful, especially for the families for those who have been mia all these many decades. >>reporter: last month, by sending 55 cases of remains with u.s. troops that died in the korean war. president trump yesterday said this is a sign that their summit was a success. yesterday a c-17 landed in north korea to pick up these remains that landed at boson airbase in south korea. they were met with military honors. more than 36,000 americans died on the korean peninsula from 1950-1953. of those, 7699 are still listed as mia. - - are still believed to be on north korean soil. the handover of remains came on the - - anniversary of the korean war. a poignant day for veterans. >> military personnel dies or parishes in another land, fighting for a cause. he should be brought home. no matter what it cost and what consequences, he should be brought home. >>reporter: defense secretary jim mattis says is under consideration for military personnel to go into north korea to conduct search missions for remains. >>eric: that would be amazing if that indeed does happen. what's the next step for these remains? >>reporter: they will be flown to hawaii to be tested forensically. vice president mike pence will be there for the ceremony august 1. jim mattis said this about the testing quote, we have no indication that anything is amiss, but we don't know. that's why we go through all of the forensics. last year, i visited dover air force base where much of the dna is tested. now during dna testing that will take the dna of remains and compared to a databank. for a lot of these 7699 soldiers missing in action, there is no dna to compare. so officials are using family members, brothers, sisters, even second and third cousins to help compare to identify these other missing soldiers. thanks to advancements made in dna testing since 2010, they are identifying more and more remains thanks to samples coming from these extended family members. >>eric: that is wonderful that the pentagon continues that effort. >>alicia: for more on this, lieutenant don kramer joins us now. he's a former navy intelligence officer and iraq war veteran. thank you for joining us and thank you very much for your service. before we get into the nitty-gritty, i want to ask you one question. i notice that there weren't american flags draped over these cases, can you explain why that is?>> what you saw were nato flags and the reason for that is not only did they not forces fight in north and south korea, but also our allies. until we go through the arduous task of testing, we don't know. these could be u.s. forces, they could be korean or our allies. >>alicia: makes sense. this move hits at the heart of americans. to see something many of these families of the fallen soldiers never thought they'd see. what does it do in terms of relations with the united states when what this country is asking for is denuclearization? how does this help? >> it's a good first step. in any relationship, you have to build a rapport.have to test the water if you will be so it's a lot about trust which is give and take. the first thing we did is we start our exercises. then the next step was that there was no more testing by the north koreans. third step, were getting remains back. so so let's see if it continues to build and see if we can finally get to that point. >>alicia: president trump thanked kim jong-un for quote, fulfilling a promise and that he is sure he will continue to fulfill his promises. is the president putting himself out there with leadership has shown to be one not to be trusted? >> as i said previously, it takes a lot of steps to build trust. i think the best part is for everyone to remain positive. it's a good thing. let's take this for what it is. 55 cases came back to u.s. soil. i think that's something we should celebrate and be happy about that, especially for the family members of the fallen. >>alicia: the president's rhetoric on north korea has made members of both parties very nervous, internationally before the meeting in singapor , and wonder what to think. take a listen to what the president has to say about that. >> i think a lot of good things will happen. without that rhetoric, and without the sanctions and all of the other things we've been doing, nothing could have happened. now you read where their dismantling nuclear areas. they've already blown up nuclear areas. they took down the propaganda that was all over north korea. >>alicia: your thoughts on that. >> we've certainly come a long way from the tweets of little rocket man so let's be proud of that. it's steps. i think the rhetoric works but most important, the sanctions work. kim's economy, his country are hurting. the sanctions are working. he needs to reach out not only to the u.s. but to our allies to see how he can improve the lives of his fellow citizens. >>alicia: pyongyang has an established history of what appears to be going down a diplomatic road only to vanish and return to its threatening ways. mike pompeo recently said americans need to be patient but that you the united states won't let it drag on forever. what is the message to pyongyang and the nuclear station and how will the u.s. backup if things drag on? >> i think you'll see an increase in the sanctions if things drag on but i also think we need to be patient. if you think just yesterday, the 65th anniversary of the armistice. that took 188 meetings to get to the armistice, two and half years just to get to that. inf treaties with the soviet union, that took over a decade. things do not happen overnight and i think we should allow the process to take its steps. trust the people at the state department and pentagon and the workers working continuously behind this is to get us to that next step. >>alicia: are you expecting the north koreans to ask anything in return for these 55 servicemembersshould we be cautious and see this as may be a negotiating tool ? >> absolutely. who knows what they've already asked for. during that private meeting, there could have been already discussions made. there's been many meetings since then so maybe this has already been done. let's look at the steps and let it happen. i'm sure it's negotiating, i'm sure we would do the exact same thing if we were in his spot. >>alicia: this is just a portion of what is still there. you have hope that we will be able to retrieve those other servicemembers? >> i think we should always have hope. when i was enlisted, i had the privilege of being an honor guard. part of the summer is that lay our fallen to rest whether there from active duty injury or family members. i think that closure is so important as we bring our family members home that you have to have hope. i think that final piece of putting their loved ones to rest. you are right, we had more than 5000 remains still missing just in north korea. maybe we can send some of our folks from pearl harbor to do more investigations. for the families that lost those loved ones, let's give them hope and hope we can do this. >>alicia: very good point. thank you for joining us today. >>eric: flames ripped through a motel overnight living when family gripped in unimaginable grief. what we are now learning about that deadly fire. plus, president trump planning to hit the road to help republicans in the upcoming midterms. we will take a look at the political prognostication straight ahead when we return. i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn't work for me. i didn't think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i can't tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. to have smoking behind me. to and practice... kidlots of practice.tion. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. children were killed when a massive fire erupted at a motel in michigan early this morning. the children ranged in age from 2-10 years old. the woman's husband and another child survived. eight other people including for first responders were treated for smoke inhalation and released from the hospital. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> i am going to work very hard. i will go 6-7 days a week when were 60 days out and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race. we think we bring them over the line. >>eric: that is president trump as he prepares to hit the campaign trail later this week. many of the most competitive races it turns out our districts where the president remains unpopular, according to the polls. will this hurt or help the chances of those republicans? - - joins us. john, the president heading out on the stump. tuesday will be in tampa campaigning for - - was running for governor of florida. when he shows up in those districts that are mixed, that certainly will help republicans but will that also energized democrats and cause a boomerang? >> that is certainly the risk on sending the president out on an aggressive plan. he is the leader of the party. other folks will weigh in. the rnc chairwoman, john kelly, mitch mcconnell and paul ryan will have a say. i would assume kevin mccarthy looks like possibly the - -. there are more cooks in this kitchen and deciding what this plan may be. he can say this for months out that he wants to be on the trail 6-7 days a week but, you did allude to what the risk is. the president will fire up that conservative base that he plays to every day. he wants to keep them engaged. wants to keep them active. he wants them to turn out because this will be a turnout midterm election. but the risk is that the president's presence in these districts and states, again hillary clinton won a lot of these places. it will fire up the democratic base. it is not popular in a lot of these places. a lot of his policies like on immigration, the tax cuts , they are not popular there. his hard-core immigration line especially. when you watch the presidents rallies, he hits the immigration message hard. that could fire up democrats. if the turnout goes the other way, then the president and republicans could be in big trouble. >>eric: historically, midterms goes against the party in power and the white house. so the democrats are ahead. so what does he do? the report say he told john kelly take 25 of the most vulnerable republican candidates. i will campaign for them. what exactly would they be looking at? >> i think they will study the polls very hard. they will also look at other races in and around those districts. if there are other republican candidates, governor races, senate races. so there will be other republican candidates who may be attractive to some of the swing voters. that's really what we are talking about. what we're talking about our white women, suburban white women. the president won white women last time over hillary clinton by 19 points nationally. if you look now at polling, that has flipped and flipped dramatically. it's a big problem for the president and republican candidates. white women now prefer democratic candidates by 20 points.that's a 40 point swing and 18-19 months. >>eric: what do you think that could mean? you've got 42 open republican seats. >> it could manger looking at speaker nancy pelosi to be be very blunt. it's a math problem. it is a problem for the president and the white house and republicans. his message doesn't really - - there's a disconnect here. they're talking about creating jobs. the president goes out and he says we've created a lot of jobs already. these republican candidates aren't really talking about the economy as something that's booming. we just on the president yesterday come out and take what amounted to a victory lap. and he deserved to take a victory lap. the economy is in good shape. gdp by 4.1 percent in the last quarter. so the president is feeling great about the economy but republican candidates, and these close districts, they don't want to overpromise. they don't want to say the economy is booming in case growth slows next quarter. in case job creation numbers which have been strong, if that flows between now and election day, and republican candidates are saying, taking ownership of the economy where the president did yesterday.then they can be in big trouble. even though the economy has been growing faster under president trump, there's still a lot of worry out there in america. >>eric: what if it continues? that's something they can certainly claim as a tremendous victory. >> that is certainly something to watch. if the economy continues to grow and job numbers continue to continue on a positive trajectory. i think it's safe to say republicans are going to talk about the economy and take ownership of it. >>eric: reince priebus, he knows something about polls. he looks at it the other way but he says the president's approval numbers are terrific and he's putting up that wall against the blue wave. here's what he had to say. >> without this good news, the president's approval number was anywhere from 8-13 points higher today than it was on election day when he won. so when he won, the president was at 37 percent. today he's anywhere from 45-50, the approval numbers alone are problematic for them. >>eric: he sang the president's approval numbers are terrific but he's not running for congress. >> i think what he's getting at is what folks will tell a pollster on the phone and what they actually do when they go vote. we definitely saw that last time. the polls were not correct. they had hillary clinton winning and winning fairly comfortably. that of course did not happen. so the republican officials are banking on the same thing happening here. that he has longer coattails than the polls show. democrats are worried about that. >>eric: i will ask you to make a prediction, what do you think will happen when it comes to the house? >> i don't get into the prediction business but this is an uphill fight for the president and republicans. i am somewhat skeptical that this will be a blue tidal wave. i don't think it is going to be maybe the washout others think. to be sure, the president and vice president mike pence and other republicans do have a lot of work to do to minimize the damage. >>eric: the democrats have gotten some women, veterans and more moderate conservative candidates and some of these swing districts. so they've got a secret sauce going on. >> that's right, in these competitive races, you won't be surprised to learn that the candidates don't sound that differently. they have to kind of tilt to the center and what they're talking about. again, there's a lot of talk about jobs, a lot of talk about how to preserve the health care system. obamacare, more americans support keeping it and fixing it then repealing and replacing. it's like 48-40 in most polls. that's what these candidates and these close districts are talking about. there aren't big ideological differences. they are very close. when the president lands on air force one and he gets behind the podium, it's a very different message than what republican candidates are delivering. it's too early to say how that disconnect will resonate. but if the economy continues to be strong, i look for some of these republican candidates to inch closer to the president. >>eric: we will see if that turns out. thank you for joining us tonight. >>alicia: president trump blasting his former personal attorney's claim that he knew about a meeting at tower in 2016 with a russian lawyer. how this has turned into a battle of credibility. plus supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh prepared to meet with joe mansion. what can we expect as other democrats and voice their opposition? 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>> i think he's probably going to do the exact same thing regarding neil gorsuch. i think he will support brett kavanaugh the way he did neil gorsuch and i wouldn't be supplies to if donnelly and the - - can't out of north dakota does the same thing. right now, the democrats are like a football team taking the field with eight players going against a team with a full squad and i don't see how they will stop this. i would like to point out, i believe the confirmation of brett kavanaugh should wait until after the mueller investigation because it's a total conflict of interest if they do decide to indict donald trump to have brett kavanaugh decide that case i think is something the american people don't want to see. >>alicia: i want to get your thoughts on senator joe manchin but in regards to the mueller investigation, we don't know how long this will last. >> to talk about joe manchin first, as previously stated, you have three senators that did vote for neil gorsuch and i'm certain they will vote for brett kavanaugh pretty soon. i think democrats are running a fools errand by trying to convince every senator to vote against this guy without sitting down with him as a conservative, i hope they do play this game because they are guaranteed that republicans will increase our majority in the senate. as it pertains to the mueller investigation, i do not think we should wait to vote, that investigation will come to an end whenever it does. the president needs to do his job and the senators need to do their job by confirming someone that is obviously qualified. >>alicia: go ahead. >> when it comes to the mueller investigation, it's interesting to have a supreme court nominee chosen by president trump was publicly said a sitting president cannot be indicted. this is not an accident.this is a character trait and quality that donald trump likes and i think it's a conflict of interest. >> that's not accurate. you're talking about a statement brett kavanaugh made in the 90s and he several years later said, during that time, my legal thinking and understanding was slightly different but i have since changed. that's not a logical or fair argument to make. >> i think it is fair to make in regards to why did donald trump choose him. >> because of his qualifications. >> there are many other judges that are highly qualified. >>. [indiscernible] >> i think he's more conservative than justice kennedy. at this point, there are a lot of things that are at risk, specifically a lot of rights when it comes to choice. it's a very big supreme court nomination and unfortunate, because it's a simple majority, i don't think the democrats have a lot of ground. >>alicia: i did want to mention, vice president mike pence was talking to - - about this. the interview will be airing's what he had to say. >> judge brett kavanaugh has met judicial philosophy. he is a proven record. that's what the president made this nomination about. that's the message we will carry to republicans and democrats in the senate.we remain confident that before the fall is out, that judge brett kavanaugh will be justice brett kavanaugh.>>alicia: i will let you comment on that. >> as a conservative, we want someone to uphold the constitution, the law. the law is blind on race and socioeconomics. i have no reason to believe brett kavanaugh will do just that. >>alicia: thank you for the conversation. >>eric: the trump administration says immigrant families are being reunited but reports say some may never be. this as there is no pushback on the zero tolerance policy. we will have new reaction on this saturday from lawmakers and on the progress, next. i've got to tell you something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. ♪ keep it comin' love. if you keep on eating, we'll keep it comin'. all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. since enbrel, dad's back to being dad. visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how your joint damage could be progressing. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 15 years. >> efforts continue to reunite all of the family separated at our southern border. this two days after a court ordered deadline to do just that. the trump administration says it reunited what it calls, eligible families. some are calling that claim into question even saying some children may never be reunited with their parents. - - with the very latest on how that progress is going. >>reporter: the - - says every eligible child to be reunited. some children are in eligible for a variety of reasons but some have a criminal record but a majority of parents were deemed ineligible because they have already been deported. the aclu is slamming the administration for allowing that to happen tweeting this morning, some 463 parents were deported without their children and the government isn't even trying to reunite them. according to dhs, 120 parents chose not to be reunited with their children before returning home. in a court filing, lawyers with the aclu argued some of those parents either misunderstood or were misled and never meant to leave their children in the u.s. and aquatic lawmakers are suggesting some parents and children may never be reunited. in a statement - - said in part, there appears to be no plan to reunite children with parents where already been deported and no guidelines as to how this administration is deciding who is eligible and who is not.dhs says it will continue to make every effort to reunify the remaining adults and children who are eligible or find family members who can act as guardians while the court process plays out. so this initial court battle may be over but this issue is far from being settled. >>eric: absolutely not. >>alicia: a historic move by pope francis stripping the former archbishop of washington d.c. of his title under sex abuse allegations against him. details next. almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Saturday 20180729 09:00:00

consumer spending, you see the fact that we are in a historic moment in terms of our economic growth, i mean, this is the first time in four years that we've seen the gdp break at 4%. it was larry summers who said if we get to a 3% growth that it would be fair enough to say if you were to believe in tooth ferries. jon: allison barber is reporting from berkley heights, new jersey, near the president's golf club where he is spending this weekend. allison, how big a deal are these numbers for the white house? >> reporter: for the white house they seem to be an enormous deal. any time we speak to anyone from the administration or hear any interviews with president trump or even from vice president pence, what they want to talk about is the economy and gdp growth, despite warnings from some economists that the growth is not sustainable long-term. the president is telling americans the growth is here to An evening newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day. there's a lot of democratic voters there. that's why the economic message could work in those areas absent everything else. and what we just don't know is whether this message could be maintained for a week, a month, even a couple days next week. chances having else will come up and we'll be talking about something else on tuesday. jon: let's take a look at l poll numbers broken down state by state in some of the states that gave the president the white house. in michigan, 36% of voters say they approve of the job he's doing, 54 disapprove. in minnesota, 38% approve, 51% say they disapprove. in wisconsin, 36% say they approve, 52% say they disapprove. now, the president will tell you the polls are often wrong. if we believe the polls, he never would have been elected. he would i'm sure take these with a grain of salt. how do you take them? >> i don't think there are many republican whose are comforted by the president saying the polls are often wrong. they read the polls. the polls are consistent. it is true that 2016 was a surprise. that doesn't mean every election is going to be a surprise. if you go deeper into those poll numbers, the president's approval on the economy is actually pretty high. the president's approval on other things is much lower, much lower on immigration which is something the president talks about regularly. he's constantly bringing it up. it's lower on trade, another thing he talks about regularly. it's lower on foreign policy, although he got a bump out of the north korea summit earlier this summer. i think this is the president's own instincts often working against him, at least that's the view of republican consultants. if they can get an event like they had friday after that gdp number came out every day out of this white house, i think most republicans think that they'll be in a much better position than they expect to be in. jon: michael sharon, washington post. michael, thank you. we'll have more with michael at the bottom of the hour as we discuss the president's evolving legal situation as allison barber touched on with his former attorney, michael cohen, now appearing to go on the offensive. efforts continue to reunite migrant children and their parents who were separated at the southern border. it's now two days after the courcourt ordered deadline for reunification. the trump administration said they met the deadline. activists say hundreds of children remain in government care, apart from those who were trying to get them across the u.s. border. let's bring in garrett teny from washington. how many children are still separated and how is the administration defending itself? >> reporter: about a third of the kids, just over 700 are still in government care. dhs says those children have not been reunited because their parents are not eligible for a vair ryslash rye at this -- varf reasons. they say some are not eligible or available for reunification today including some adults who are not in i.c.e. cuss and -- in i.c.e. custody. the administration will continue to make every effort to reunify eligible adults with their children. according to dhs, some of the remaining adults are ineligible because they have criminal records. more than 400 are ineligible because they've been deported out of the country. dhs said 120 parents chose not to be reunited with their children before returning to their home country. the aclu is pushing back on that claim and argued in court filings this week that some of the parents either misunderstood or were misled by the government and never meant to leave their children in the u.s. the former i.c.e. director, tom homan argues that some of these parents leaving these kids here were part of their goal aall along. >> some of these people chose to leave the united states without their children because they basically got what they wanted. they got their child here to the united states to live with relatives, get an american education, take advantage of the social system and be the next daca applicant in 10 years. >> reporter: dhs says they will continue to make every effort to reunify the remaining adults and children who are eligible or find family members who can act as guardians for the kids until the process plays out. jon: how long will this take? >> >> reporter: the government hasn't given a clear indication of how long this will take. with more than 400 parents back in their country i. leland, dhsacknowledges it willg time for the process. chuck schumer suggests some families may never be reunited. hundreds of parents are faced with the painful reality they may never again know where their children are or if they will ever be reunited. we may get additional details on what the plans are on tuesday when the customs and border protection is scheduled to testify on capitol hill. jon: garrett, thanks. the white house today approving federal aid for california as that state battles 14 wildfires in northern california. the car wildfire almost doubling in size overnight, killing five people so far. in southern california, a man is charged with arson for starting a fire still tbhurng riverside county -- still burning in riverside county. the fire has destroyed hundreds of structures and forced tens of thousands to evacuate. an draw clost has more on the winds feeding the flames. we have more from southern california. >> reporter: in idlewild in the southern part of california, the kranston fire remains at 17% contained. firefighters believe conditions could get worse. that's why they've been spending a lot of time out here mopping some of these hot spots up. it might not look like much but one of the firefighters we spoke with says he spent a half hour spraying down one of the trees in the area and it just kept pushing out smoke. further up north in redding the car fire remains the most devastating fire that's burning. it's doubled in size in the matter of about a day, now sitting at 80,000 acres with 5% containment. the fire is threatening 5,000 structures, that's on top of the 500 structures it's already destroyed. thousands and thousands have been evacuated, more now being urged to leave and firefighters say they hope those folks who are being told to leave listen. >> the fire ran with such officefeosity, there were tornae winds going through. the men and women, the law enforcement officers, the firefighters, they were in there when that happened. they're in there, trying to save people. in some cases, people didn't leave when they were told to and they're putting themselves in harm's way for those people. that's why we ask, leave when we ask you to leave. >> reporter: investigators say they've received several reports of missing people up there in redding. they have resolved most of those cases according to them. they say they are investigating each and every one of those cases. jon? jon: we're hearing about criminal activity? >> reporter: yes, yes, definitely criminal activity. they tell us it's hard to imagine this not the car fire, so much devastation, they've received several reports of looting, more than a dozen cases. they will be beefing up security around the redding area where the car fire is burning. they're urging anyone who is evacuating if they have time take things that are valuable or lock them up in a fireproof safe. this where we are is part of a crime scene. a gentleman has been arrested for arson. one man accused of starting the cranston fire. he faces 15 charges of arson and is accused of starting nine fires, including this one. jon: jeff paul in california, thank you. you heard that fire official saying how hot, dry weather conditions are fueling those california wildfires. in some spots, they're whipping flames into firenados like this. the weather is not helping crews battling to contain the fires in what was already brutal summer heat. is there any relief in sight? fox meteorologist adam klotz is here with th with the forecast. >> huge areas have been hard-hit. each one of these icons, a fire of 100 acres of greater. across the west there are currently 76 of them. fires are burning across a huge portion of the country. unfortunately, the weather not cooperating. elevated fire danger, everything highlighted in the pink areas, that's around redding, one of the fires we were talking about, areas where the humidity's very low, the winds are a little higher. you're looking at spots in northern california, portions of oregon, running up into washington and larger portions of nevada, stretching to colorado as well. the fire weather, the high winds will be continuing the next couple days and, again, it's not just about the winds. it's not just about the low humidity. it's also about the heat and the heat has been intense across portions of the west the last couple days. these are our heat advisories, watches, warnings, stretching across portions of southern california, into nevada, running up the west coast, all the way to the pacific northwest currently. that's going to be lasting for a little while also. the highs for today in phoenix running up close to 110 degrees, death valley always hot, 122, and then areas like the redding area getting up close 110 also. this lingers into your sunday with temperatures again running in the triple digits for a lot of these spots especially along california. that continues also for us on monday. heat is going to be a big part of this story where you're not going to get a lot of relief. on the eastern half of the country as we look at what's happening a across the rest of the country, yeah, still in the 90s across southern tiers. you notice relief along the east coast. heavy rain the last couple of days, now that heavy rain giving us a brief break as we've seen the showers move off the coast glues the last little bit -- off the coast in the last little bit. another round of showers is expected in some heavily hit areas in the last seven days or so. how much rain have we seen? there were spots that ran up to 8 to 12 inches in portions of southern pennsylvania, running into baltimore, maryland. and there may be more rain on the way. there are areas where you could see 2 to 3 inches, more rain in virginia, more rain in the carolinas. where we could use a break, there may be more on the way. jon: that's the way it goes all too often. adam, thank you. one of the most prominent cardinals in america's roman catholic church resigns as the pope makes history by sending a strong message about sexual abuse allegations. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement 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of resignation came after two historical sexual abuse allegations emerged in june. the pope formally accepted the resignation on saturday. the letter was received on friday. historical allegations of sexual abuse date back more than 50 years, first surfaced in june. one man claims mccarrick abused him when he was a teenager and another man alleges mccarrick forced him into an abusive relationship when he was just 11. the catholic church has been tainted by sex abuse scandals in the past and is now determined to clean up its image. the vatican says the pope wants to send a strong message that sexual abuse will not be some tolerated. >> what this means is no matter how important your position, no matter how prestigious, when it comes to sex abuse you will be held accountable. >> reporter: the pope has ordered mccarrick to go into seclusion for a life of prayer while theal le allegations are d into. there will be a full investigation into the allegations and perhaps ultimately a catholic church trial. the cardinal says he has no recollection of the initial allegations jon? jon: kitty logan reporting kitty, thanks. cbs is launching an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by its ceo. les moonves. this after six women told their stories in an article published in the new yorker magazine. the piece written by roman pharaoh also claims the misconduct extended to other parts of the country. moonves responded in a statement saying, quote, i recognize that there were times decades ago when i may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. those were mistakes and i regret them immensely. but i always understood and respected and abided by the principle that no means no and i have never mis misused my permin to harm or hinder anyone's career. new reaction to north korea handing over what are believed to be the remains of 55 u.s. service members killed in the reason war. why vice president mike pence says the development reveals everything you need to know about president trump. plus, the legal implications for the president and his older son, don junior, after the president's former attorney reportedly claims mr. trump knew in advance of his son's meeting with a russian lawyer, something the president and the white house have repeatedly denied. >> if he's proven have not told the whole truth about the fact that campaigns look for dirt and if someone offers it you listen to them, nobody's going to be surprised. there are some things in politics that you just take for politics that you just take for granted. ahh... summer is coming. to keep forever. no matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. text summer10 to 500500 to start listening today. now claiming his boss approved the infamous trump tower meeting that's become a feature in the mueller probe. the meeting took place in new york city in june of 2016 and including paul manafort, jared kushner and a russian lawyer. the president reinforced the claim he made several times, saying i did not know of the meeting with my son, john don d. the president's song has insisted his father had no knowledge of this meeting. >> it was such a nothing. there was nothing to tell. i wouldn't have even remembered it until you start scouring through the stuff. it was a waste of 20 minutes. >> reporter: this claim from cohen comes just days after someone leaked a recording of a conversation between him and president trump about hush money paid to a playboy model. now the president's inner circle is painting an unflattering portrait of could you hen. >> he lied to people about taping the president and other people. he went to subterfuge to do it, a whole game. >> reporter: looking ahead, the trial of former campaign manager paul manafort kicks off in arlington virginia. insiders anticipate that witnesses will be asked about the meeting. jon. jon: jillian, thank you. for more on this, let's bring back michael sharer, covering congress and the white house for the washington post. there's been a flip-flop from rudy guliani and some others at the white house regarding michael cohen. it used to be michael cohen was a stand-up guy. now he is not to be believed. so which is it? >> when it comes to trump and his inner circle, if you're helping him you're a good guy and if you're against him you're a bad guy. it can flip in an instant. that's what's happening here. i think cohen flipping, which is an appropriate way of describing what he's doing, it's remarkable. there was nobody closer in the political realm to president trump, going back to 2011. he was trump's enforcer. as we know from the allegations that have come out, he was allegedly read into the most private parts of trump's world, alleged payments to a playmate, from may boy, alleged payments to a porn star. this claim could be really explosive because trump has tried to define the russia investigation around the question of whether there was collusion or not. the don junior meeting is a clear attempt at collusion. it's in an e-mail. don junior has not denied he went into the meeting hoping to get dirt on clinton. jon: doesn't every campaign do that kind of thing, doesn't every campaign look for dirt on the opponent. >> they do. every campaign does not try to coordinate with a foreign adversary to get dirt on an opponent. there's a big difference between those two things. i think the tradition has been if a foreign government is trying to involve itself in the democratic process, senior campaign officials find out about it, that's a line where -- that's a place where a line is drawn. that line was not drawn here. we know now that russia did an enormous amount throughout the campaign to help president trump, going to the length of stealing e-mails from the dnc, from senior clinton campaign officials. we know that trump denied regularly and consistently up to a couple weeks ago it seem, until he took it back, that russia had done anything to help him. so no, i do think this is different. it's one thing to try to get opposition research on an owe poe meant to talk to -- owe pen opponent, to talk to other people but when you have a foreign spy service coming into the campaigned and a number of campaign officials taking a meeting, it's a different category. jon: the russias did try to hack the other committee and they were not successful. >> they russian intent was to help trump and not hillary clinton. even if they had gotten russian materials, it's not clear they would have released -- if they got republican materials. jon: let me read a quote from the hill newspaper regarding president trump and his former lawyer, michael cohen. it reads, both men face significant challenges on the credibility front. trump's propensity to exaggerate or give misleading statements is legion. cohen once said he would take a bullet for trump. he also has a history of bellicose better actions with reporters and others who challenged his then boss. those who have experience with both men are often skeptical about the veracity of either one. so both pots are calling both kettles black here. >> there's a lot of evidence that both kettles have been black frequently in the past. cohen went to congress and has previously testified about circumstances. we don't know what he said in those meetings. he's been under oath to discuss this stuff. he previously denied the meeting being much of an issue on twitter. it will be up to robert mueller and his team to decide where the truth lies when you have a number of witnesses basically whose motives are easy to impugn and whose history of truth-telling is questionable. jon: so far, though, nothing from mueller regarding collusion. we'll see. >> we'll get a report one day. jon: we will. michael sharer, washington post, thank you. >> thank you. jon: for more on this, be sure to tune in tomorrow to fox news sunday as chris wallace interviews the president's lawyer, rudy guliani. check your local liss dings for the time it -- listing for the time it runs on the big fox station in your area. brave americans finally coming home after a u.s. military plane on friday makes a rare flight into north korea, retrieving what are believed to be the remains of 55 u.s. service members missing since the korean war. u.s. officials hey the move as a -- hail the move as a sign of improving relations. vice president pence spoke about the return of the u.s. korean war heroes. >> the fact that this president sitting down with kim jong un to negotiate the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula also had our fallen heros on his heart should tell you everything you need to know about president donald trump and my wife and i are deeply moved and deeply honored to be able to be there when we bring our boys home. jon: brian yenis is here with more on the story. >> reporter: the remains are believed to be part of the more than 200 that north korea has held in storage for some time. they weren't remains recently located and retrieved. this was not an exchange for any money between the u.s. and north korea. the remains under law, for instance, the defense secretary says that they can't under the law, the defense secretary can reimburse north koreans for excavating remains of u.s. troops. the state department said in this case that did not happen. that's important, because some critics believe any money sent to the north korean government will be used for no fa for nephs reasons. yesterday the remains were brought to south korea where they were met with military honors. the last time north korea turned over remains was in 2007, more than 36,000 americans died in the korean war from 1950 to 1953. of those, 7,699 are still considered missing in action and of those, 5300 are believed to be somewhere on north korean soil. yesterday marked the 65th anniversary of the end of the korean war and this was an especially poignant day for veterans. >> the importance of this dramatic return today is the sense that we who served in the military, world war ii and the korean war, will never leave one of our people behind. >> reporter: when asked if he could foresee sending u.s. military personnel into north korea for the first time in to conduct search missions for remains, defense secretary jim mattis said it's under consideration, absolutely. jon: what is the next step for these 55 cases of possible remains, they're going to try to figure out who these are, right? >> reporter: they need to figure out who they are. the 55 cases of possible remains will be sent to a forensics lab in hawaii to verify they are what north korea says they are. yesterday james mattis said this about that. we have no indication there is anything amiss but we don't know. we can't confirm one way or another. that's why we go through the forensics. we visited dover air force base last year where many unidentified remains are tested. over the years, the dna technology has improved. they're able to take bone fragment as small as a fingernail and extract dna from it. sometimes the dna is damaged. the pentagon is continuing to urge extended family members of the soldiers who were missing in action to donate dna, even second and third cousins, they should take part in this so the medical intiner in hawaii -- examine in hawaii can examine the dna. jon: president trump is counting on adding another member to the u.s. supreme court, one of the most closely watched battles in the midterms. how the race to a u.s. senate seat in indiana could come down to supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh. also up, a brand-new episode of "watters world." >> roseanne barr, he'll is bet warren and -- he elizabeth warren in the news this morning, the truth about socialism, tonight on water's world. at the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's, we carry flowers that signify why we want to end the disease. and we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor. join the 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race that's really heating up us is in a state president trump easily won, indiana. that's where joe donnelly is facing mike brahn. a big factor is the supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh. donnelly is the first democratic senator to agree to meet with kavanaugh. mike toe bin ha tobin has more. >> reporter: joe donnelly is up for re-election. he's in a pinch over president trump's pick for the supreme court, brett kavanaugh. mike brahn is in comfortable position as his opponent is caught between chuck schumer who vowed to fight the kavanaugh nomination and the will of voters who voted in favor of president trump. >> it's tough when you belong to a party like joe does where he would like to vote otherwise but he's got to check with chuck schumer on every vote. >> reporter: donnelly voting for kavanaugh would not come as a complete surprise. he is a pro life democrat and he voted to confirm trump's earlier pick, neil gorsuch. now he's under pressure, even on indiana airwaves to do the same for kavanaugh. >> will joe donnelly cave to the extreme left or confirm a new justice and protect our rights. >> the story remains the same. >> reporter: todd huff says his listeners want donnelly to give kavanaugh an unbiased look, absent of politics. >> people are tired of the vitriol. folks want a fair hearing for this guy. when you hear democrats come out and say we're against this guy without knowing who he is -- >> reporter: with the race neck in neck, indiana voters think donnelly will need to cast a trump-friendly vote. >> i think he'll have to vote in favor of the nominee. then we'll see where the chips fall. he could still lose in november. >> reporter: donnelly has been noncommit tall on this vote, releasing a statement saying he will take the same approach he did for the last supreme court veigh can circumstance adding that he, quote, will carefully review and consider the record and qualifications of judge brett kavanaugh. most senate democrats have been refusing the meeting with judge kavanaugh, demanding republicans produce paperwork about his past beforehand. senator donnelly scheduled one anyanyway. jon: facebook has been under fire for alleged political bias and for letting russian robo accounts sprea division in the d states. the same accusations are being made across the atlantic. details, next. lawmakers in new england want a national day to celebrate lobsters, as the lobster industry father fears the trader between the united states and china will rock their boats. ♪ rock lobster. ♪ ♪ you shouldn't be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. susan collins leading the effort. the state's lobster industry feels the pinch with the trade battle with china. >> reporter: maine lobster industry is becoming a tragedy in the trade war between the u.s. and china. >> the hard part is, it was an up and coming market. >> reporter: china's appetite for-mile-an-houfor-mile-an-hourn seseafood is voracious. hit with new u.s. tariffs, beijing struck back, slapping an additional 25% levy on u.s. lobsters. the changes threaten profits for dealers. >> 50% of what we produce used to go to mainland china. as of july 6, we've sent non. >> reporter: his company employs 20 people. worker hours have been cut. >> it doesn't affect just my crew. it affects the lobster catchers, their crews, the trap makers, the guys that do rope, the guys that do bouys. >> reporter: advocates fear lost access to the chinese market will hit the whole industry, from wholesalers to harvesters. >> it's about rural jobs for us. it has an impact on our rural communities, the islands and coastal towns. >> reporter: michael floyd has been pulling lobsters from the sea since childhood. >> right now the price is pretty stable. but the season has just barely started too. >> the lobsters arrive in mid-coast and whole state, we don't know how it will go. >> reporter: he's weathered many storms in the decades-long career and wonders what the latest one will mean. >> it's the old addage, we're not going to starve but i don't know if we're going to get rich either. >> reporter: the hope here is that the new chinese tariffs go away and fast before buyers in china establish new connection was lobster dealers in other countries like canada where the tariff stands at just 7%. the fear is that once the business is gone, it won't come back. in portland, maine, mo molly li, fox news. jon: if you're near latrobe, pennsylvania this weekend, look up in the schism you might see an -- sky. you might see an american flag flying at 12,000 feet. we'll plain, next. ♪ when my hot water heater 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infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. alice calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasn't. ask your doctor about ibrance. the #1 prescribed fda-approved oral combination treatment for hr+/her2- mbc. jon: the u.s. army golden knights parachute team taking to the skies including flying the american flag at 12,000 feet. passing a baton at 120-mile-an-hour and atlantaing dead center on target. vice president pike members sitting down with maria bartiromo. you can see it tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern on "sunday morning futures."." i'm jon scott. thanks for joining us. "watters' world" starts next. [national anthem]


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180728 16:00:00

washington. i'm elizabeth prann. leland: i'm trying to figure out a saturday that wasn't busy in recent memory. nice to be with you. i'm leland vittert. it's the weekend, but president trump is getting ready for the election mode. we have endorsements for republicans ahead of primary elections this year and new details for the president's plan for hitting the campaign trail for some g.o.p. candidates in vulnerable districts around the country. ellison barber travelling with the president up in new jersey at his golf club. hi, ellison. >> hey, leland, president trump has spent a lot of time on the road of late. he's set to head to tampa on tuesday for a campaign rally there. traditionally in election mid term years, the party, no matter who it is, whoever is in the oval office, their party tends to lose seats, but president trump says he is confident that this year republicans can buck that trend. >> i am going to work very hard. i'll go six or seven days a week when we're 60 days out and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race, and we think we're going to bring them over the line and i believe that because we're doing so well as a country and so well with the economy, i think we're going to be surprising a lot of people. >> the president says a big selling point is the economy. that's what the white house is trying to keep the focus on in general, the economy. but a number of other stories are muddying the messaging waters, new questions about the 2016 meeting at trump tower and the president's former lawyer michael cohen, the decision to bar a cnn reporter from an event after she tried to ask questions mostly about cohen and the oval office. and this morning i asked a communications advisor about that decision. here is a little of our explain. >> bill shinen and sarah sanders spoke with hadder and made it clear that obviously when we have a world leader in the oval office with the president, there needs to be a sense of decorum and conversation. if they say after ten times there's no questions, there's no questions. >> no regret about that concern and no concern about keeping the press out? >> no, we have constant contact and communication with the press. >> obviously, fox news was part of the group of media outlets who said that that behavior, the decision to keep collins out of that meeting was inappropriate leland. leland: all right. ellison barber in new jersey. back to you. who is with the president. back to you. elizabeth: and president trump's attorney and so-called fixer michael cohen, claims to have knowledge of a meeting with the russians. the president fighting back and calling him a liar. never a dull moment. >> on this afternoon especially, liz. elizabeth: president trump's long time lawyer and confidante, michael cohen, claims that his boss green lighted that trump tower meeting in the mueller probe. it included trump, jr., jared kushner, and a russian lawyer. he claims his father had no knowledge of the meekt. >> it was such a nothing. nothing to tell. i wouldn't have remembered it unless we scour through stuff. it was a wasted 20 minutes, which was a shame. >> the president offering confirmation of this via tweet. >> i did not know of the meeting with my son don, jr. it sounds like someone is trying to make up stories to get himself out of an unrelated jam. this comes days after cohen leaked a recording of a taped conversation that he had with trump with regard to hush money to a playboy model. News coverage is provided. he would seriously get his base behind him and have them become enthusiastic, but not great at getting out the vote in the larger sense. >> no, he's not. getting out the vote is something we have to do internally within our states and districts. that's up to us. the president has got an agenda going forward. when you look at bill clinton, everything he was going through, he won reelection and he said it's the economy, stupid. when you look at the economy for the people, their paychecks are bigger, better jobs, they're spending money and the economy is growing as you saw by the gdp. so this is something that people are going to remember when they go to the voting polls. leland: it was not only the economy, stupid. that was 1992. it's also how people feel about the time and feel how the president acts. the moral leadership is important as well. >> sure. leland: fox on rosenstein, should the president fire him? would you support the articles of impeachment? where does that head? >> i did support the articles of impeachment. he's a member of the xek if i have branch. the president is the only one who can fire him or jeff sessions, jeff sessions recused himself. >> should he fire him? >> we cannot fire him in the house. all we can do is bring up impeachment and the big one is signing onto the fisa warrant he shouldn't have. leland: i understand you're on the impeachment band wagon because you can't fire him. >> right. leland: i guess it would be your advice to the president to go ahead and fire him because it seems the impeachment resolution is pretty much doa? >> i would rather him do that. he's in a tough political situation, people are going to attack him trying to obstruct justice. when you look at what rosenstein has done, he hasn't answered the subpoena, if that were you and i in a court of law, we would be in jail. if we signed a fisa warrant that should never have been signed, that's a dereliction of duty and he should be fired. leland: the speak of the house does not support the articles of impeachment. is he not a defender of the president? where is paul ryan on this. >> you have to ask paul ryan about that. we are getting a new leader. leland: i'm asking you, where does he gotten it wrong. >> i haven't talked to paul about this. he's a great guy, and honorable guy. i don't know why he doesn't want to push this forward. i'm more upfront to say he needs to go for what he's done. leland: it certainly seems as if you were saying we're getting a new leader, it seemed there was a smile on your face about that. jim jordan, are you behind it? >> i'm for whoever can bring their best message forwards of leading this conference in the next two years to deal with mandatory spending and bring the conference together and jim certainly has those attributes as other people. leland: so short of a full-throated endorsement, but at least a positive feeling. good to see you, congressman, appreciate it. >> have a great weekend. leland: all the best. enjoy florida. liz. elizabeth: going back to the cohen tapes, it did little to rattle trump's conservative base. politically the president may or may not have a price. and an attorney joins us live. andrew, thank you for joining us. i want give our viewers a clear understanding exactly what this investigation is about. first of all, with this investigation no one has been indicted and the second distinction i want to make, it's in the hands. u.s. attorney's office, the district in new york. there's a big distinction between the investigation we're talking about with the mueller investigation and this particular investigation. and i want you to sort it ought for us. >> the two are not the same, they're not interchangeable. i think that everyone is trying to lump everything together with respect to those investigations. they're two separate tracks and i think those tracks are going to continue for a while regardless what happens with respect to the special counsel investigation. elizabeth: okay, so we're talking about a separate investigation, but the fbi did raid michael cohen. they raided his home, his office, also his hotel room. why is that important? we're learning more and more about these tapes. what can these tapes prove? >> you know, look, i'm kind of-- when i hear about these tapes, what i think of is the wendy's commercial. the argument, "where's the beef"? and there's no "there" there. i get why. you have the potential president talking to a -- about a playboy model. and these investigations aren't important because you have the president and his lawyer talking about a hypothetical payment that never takes place. elizabeth: okay. i want to make a distinction here because the tapes were made -- they cannot-- am i right when they cannot prove intent? or get-- ments they can't get admitted into court. the tapes aren't complete. you can't make a whole bunch of the conversation out and it's only half of the tape. it's a proof problem, i don't think they can be introduced in court, much less used. elizabeth: the take away, a, why do we care and also the timing. you're right. he's now the president of the united states. at the time he was running for president, so that the lines are getting blurred on where is that cash coming from, is there a conflict when it comes to campaign finance. do we need to care about that? >> no, i think ultimately this is going to blow over and it's not going to be important. i think you have to remember the motivation of mr. cohen. his motivation is, a, to get a presumptive pardon from the president or angle and get a good deal with the special counsel's office and ultimate i will, you have a president or soon to be president talking to his lawyer in conversations that are supposed to be sacrosanct. they're supposed to be protected under all instances, and you have a gentleman, mr. cohen, who's taping these conversations and that's a breach of his attorney obligations, but number two, when he leaked these tapes to cnn, that's a double breach. you have to remember his motivations. his motivations are impure and he's trying to angle for his best deal and that's problematic. elizabeth: and what is his motivation, does he want a better deal? could he be in legal jeopardy otherwise? any chance of him vying for perhaps a pardon? i don't think it takes an expert to say that's probably gone out the window. so-- has it not? >> well? >> no, i don't think it's gone out the window. i think the reason why he released these tapes and he also made that disclosure with respect to president trump's son meeting. he's very clear angling for a pardon. i call it a presumptive pardon, kind of like what ford did with nixon that's what he wants and if he doesn't get it, he is he going to rat out, for lack of a better word, the president. make no mistakes about it, i think that he has damaging information on the president. but you're with your lawyer, you're free to talk any way you want and not having to worry about that attorney turning over that information to the prosecutors and that's the most unfortunate thing about these tapes. elizabeth: thank you for joining us, sir. perhaps we'll be the same place next weekend talking about the information and the story keeps unravelling. thanks so much, appreciate it. >> any time. elizabeth: tune into fox news sunday. chris wallace will talk with rudy guiliani with the investigation and the russian investigation. check your listings for time and channel. and maria bartiroma has a conversation. and how why i kirtz will -- howie kirtz has a story, and it's fascinating how they're approaching the story differently. leland: almost like a different world out there. crazy now jobs coming because of his tariffs and a struggling because of the tariffs. look what it means for the tight senate races around the country. what they don't need, more rain. hershey pennsylvania causing flooding and continuing to add to the agony for millions of americans. forecasts coming up next. what they need in california is rain as firefighters continue to battle deadly wildfires in california. all on the ground now as those fires continue. >> yeah, firefighters are battling multiple fires across the state. the latest on the devastation as residents scramble to get to safety coming up. that damage them with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren't getting stronger isn't it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia. > >> reunifications of the families on the border continue this weekend after that court ordered deadline came and went. complicating things, many of the kids still separated belong to parents who have already been deported. garrett tenney joining us for a breakdown for what is next for some of these families. does the governor have a good plan or they're trying to figure it out already? >> that's one of the problems, we don't have a timeline when this is going to happen. that's what activists are upset about. there's a long way to go before all of these children will be reunited with parents. as of friday, they said they reunited eligible children. that's 1900 of the 2600 separated. dhs says it hasn't reunited the 700 plus children because the parents aren't eligible because they have a criminal record or some illegal aliens adults are not available or eligible, and some who are in the interior of the u.s. or in their home country or have chosen not to be reunited. the administration will continue to make every effort to reunify eligible adults with their children. now, in a court filing this week, lawyers with a.c.l.u. say that some parents were misled by the government and never meant to leave their children in the u.s., but the director of ice told our own shannon bream for at least some of the parents, leaving their kids here was likely part of the goal all along. >> some of these people had left the united states without their children chose to leave the united states without their children because they basically got what they wanted, got the child to the united states, live with relatives, get the education and be the next daca applicants in the next ten years. >> democrats are attempting to slam the trump administration over the process and a.c.l.u. tweeted some 463 parents were report without their children and the government isn't trying to reunite them. we will not back down, donald trump. you are responsible for fixing the crisis you made. on friday, democratic senator bob menendez said the nightmare is not over. the administration could not meet yesterday's deadline not when 463 parents have been deported without their children. the trump administration says its job of meeting the court deadline is over with. the critics are saying it's far from over. leland: the critics, we'll hear about this through november. garrett, thank you. a former dhs official on challenges and options not only for the separated families going forward, but for protecting the border as well. >> fire and rain are causing life threatening conditions foran americans on both sides of the country this weekend. high temperatures and dry air is fueling the flames for wildfires out west, forcing evaluaticuatin california. heavy rains pummelling states up and down the east coast causing dangerous flash flooding. we'll have much more on the flooding in the next hour, but first let's turn to the deadly wildfires out west burning all across the state of california. one of the fires is called the carr fire forcing thousands of evacuations in northern california, turning deadly, taking the lives of two firefighters battling the blaze. our own correspondent, jeff paul, is on the ground and he has the latest. jeff. >> yeah, liz, we're inside the containment lines in the town of idlewild. you can see some devastation caused by the cranston fire, a lot of burned trees and other vegetation. if you take a look beyond the tree branches, you can see hot spots that are still firing up. now, this fire so far has scorched 13,000 acres, but fortunately is 17% contained. but further north in redding, california, a car fire remains. it's already killed a bulldozer operator and a local firefighter. more than 80,000 acres right now, so far burned by the fire and it's only 5% contained. 37,000 people are under evacuation orders. the fire has destroyed at least 500 structures and is threatening an additional 5,000 structures. many right now are scrambling to get to safety. >> threw a few things in the cars in the garage, backed out and got out of here. as we pulled out right here, the flames were just, not even one block down here, swirling and noise, wind blowing. i mean, it was just, nothing i've ever heard in california. >> now, to make matters worse, the conditions throughout the areas where the wildfires are expect today remain constant, dry, hot conditions. the firefighters say they're not expecting relief anytime soon, but out here where we are in the town of eyidyllwild, they have handle on the fire and crews are holding the lane steady. elizabeth: jeff with the latest. thank you so much. leland: coming up, what options are there for stopping iran's role in syria. why a deal worked out between president trump and president putin, put the brakes on iranian influence isn't working out. the impact of the president's steel tariffs, who is winning and losing. >> we've got an audience of steel workers some of roughest,toughest people you've ever seen and half of them had tears coming down their face. i don't know if these people ever cried before in their life, to be honest. half of them had tears coming down because we opened a tremendo tremendous united states steel plant. alright, i brought in new max protein give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. new ensure max protein. in two great flavors. ♪ >> all right, this is happening right now. five family members of the folks killed during the tragic duck boat accident in branson, missouri are being laid to rest today. 11 members of the coleman family were aboard that boat that capsized in rough weather. the only two of the members are still living today. very sad. ♪ >> president trump declared tariff victory. visiting a steel plant that hired 800 workers. but those tariffs are killing some of the manufacturing jobs president trump says he cares about the most. we went to missouri for the president's visit to meet some winners and losers of the tariffs and how it will affect the very senate race the president has campaigned so much for. >> the silence at this assembly line represents 140 lost jobs. tariffs increased the cost of steel by 25%, forcing the company to raise prices. >> bad, i mean, we're in crisis mode, within two weeks 50% of the orders we had on the books were gone. leland: it keeps getting worse? >> it keeps getting worse. leland: mexican owned mid continent is the largest manufacturer, and they'll close without a tariff waiver, leaving 500 out of a job in poplar bluff, missouri. as we walked around the floor. phil's toolbox grabs our attention. this is his fiancee, she works here, too. and this is his daughter, she has a congenital heart issue. and now he's looking to a democratic contender to save his job. >> in a tight race for a third term from a state president trump won by 18 points. >> clare came here and is actually fighting for us. i haven't seen the other guy do anything. leland: the other guy is 2018 senate candidate republican attorney general. >> we need josh badly. leland: and president trump endorsee, josh hawley. >> i think they make a strong case for exclusion, but at the end of the day we have got to get better deals across the board. leland: this aluminum is coming out at 2,000 degrees fahrenheit. it might as well be liquid gold for these workers. 300 people hired sips the tariffs came in and it helps bring this plant back that's been closed for more than two years. >> president trump gave us a chance to fight on a level playing field with these tariffs. we have taken advantage of that. we're thankful for the administration for it happening. leland: we caught up with the cummings family of workers. three of more than 300 workers hired. all three of you supported president trump? >> oh, yes, sir, he's kept his word on everything he's said as far as i'm concerned. leland: no surprise the cummings family is staunchly behind president trump and his candidate, josh hawley. let's bring in indianapolis based radio host tony katz heard on the worldwide web. good to see you, my friend. you think about this, this is playing out not only in missouri, but indiana for the senate race, in wisconsin for the senate race where you've got harley-davidson. do you think this is going to be a problem for the president? >> we don't know yet. we honestly and truly don't know yet. i think one of the things is true that all politics is local. i think it's important and valuable and when you talk about the interviews you did there, which is really well done, and people saying, this is having an effect on my job, i think that's legitimate. we can't deny that's 100% legitimate. but in the main, people have faith in president trump. he's earned it. when we talk about this economy, talk about the tax cuts, which is one of the things i would say to that missouri worker. claire mccaskill didn't vote for tax cuts. to talk about her on trade, that's you being upset. leland: i was going to follow up with a question and, but i was stunned you gave me a complim t compliment. >> and what about the tie. leland: you can button my top button. and you say all politics is local, chris stire walt's note, it's the economy stupid. and are voters a rational actor. they vote their pocket book, as much as their feelings about their pocket book. it doesn't meter matter if you get a tax cut if you don't have a job. >> if you look at anecdotal evidence. if you look at the main and where people are with president trump and being supportive, they are still supporters of president trump. and they're willing to let him roll the dice on the tariff conversation. tariffs are taxes, we get this and i do wish that the president had done more in the conversation of listen, there's going to be short-term pain. we're going to do this to get to the real results and i think a good indication of that was when he was in the rose garden and there jean-claude juncker from european union. going through stealing of technology and a whole list of other things and he could have just said, china, china, china, china. that was the story, it was an absolute direct conversation and direct it to china and their trade practices and it was well done. leland: the china play is still coming out of this administration. we keep hearing that and keep hearing more pressure on china. you did get a feeling when-- and you listened to a couple of republican senate candidates who are taking on democrats in trump states. they are so loathe or scared, maybe, to criticize president trump. as we heard from josh hawley, just unwilling to say, hey, look, some of these tariffs are hurting my constituents and my people. does that put them off as a little bit too crass or a little bit too out of touch to just be like, yeah, yeah, there's pain, people have got to deal with it so we can get to better deal? >> i think that they can be honest and they should never be afraid to be honest. i'd say that mr. hawley in missouri and-- >> oh, we all know republicans-- not republicans, all politicians are terrified of telling the truth and you could say that's why president trump was elected? >> no, no, you shouldn't be afraid of telling the truth. the big one, what in the world does it mean to stand up to president trump? what you've heard from josh hawley or mike braun, president trump is trying the thing that needs to be tried. in today, andy puzder talks about the trade imbalance with china. around 150 billion dollars the first five months of this year. you can't sit around and do nothing. there has to be an attempt to make the deal better. i think the president should talk about what it's going to take to make that deal, some of the sacrifice that needs to be involved, some of the price increases that you might see in the short-term, but in the long-term we create the better world for the worker of today, the worker of tomorrow, your kids and that's how we make america great again. i wish he would take my advice on that subject. leland: well, you never know. at least you're not shy about giving your advice. >> i hear he watches, so-- >> i always appreciated you about that. good to see you as always, my friend. to be continued. elizabeth: ahead, curbing iranian influence in syria. president trump calling on russia to help in syria. why that plan does not seem to be coming together. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't let another morning go by without talking to your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. wants iranian influence out of syria. did he accomplish that? and what's your take on the situation? >> first of all, i don't think it's possible. iran runs the war in syria and the ones that motivated the russians to join in that intervention back in 2015 when things were not going well for the regime. i don't think the russians have that kind of influence over the iranians that we would maybe think they do. syria's really a problem for the administration. they were given a lousy hand because obama did nothing with this civil war, kept his hands off of it and it just spun out of control as a human catastrophe we've been talking about it for years here. we're down to very few options. and even, to give you a sense of the problems we have with russians, where the campaign is fighting-- where the pro regime forces are fighting with the iranian proxies, russian air power, is the very place where secretary tillerson and foreign minister lavrov agreed to establish a deescalation zone where there would be no fighting. and the russians have already broken that. there's major combat operations taking place there. elizabeth: what is the motivation for iran? and why do we care? >> well, we care because the iranians want to dominate and control the middle east. syria is their strategic anchor to do that. elizabeth: it's closer to israel. >> yes, and they have established clearly a shia crescent that moves from their country to iraq into their country and into lebanon. if only you can contain iran, you must confront them in the middle east. and the other thing that the administration is doing a good thing about is they're stitching together a political military alliance, kind of like an arab n.a.t.o., something we've talked about here, also, and they're in the process of putting that together and the main purpose would be to push back on the iranians, to push back on their aggressive and maligning behavior geopolitically. elizabeth: if somebody is pushing back on iran, you could argue it would be israel, am i right? >> israel has near-term concerns about it. one of the things the iranians are doing, they've got 130,000 rockets and missiles in lebanon and those missiles in there are to one purpose only to fire into israel and they've done that in the past the they're trig trying to do the same thing with smaller bases inside syria with the purpose of firing into israel from multiple locations, thus overwhelming the very good air defense system that the israelis have. and imposing casualties on tel aviv and jerusalem. that's why the israelis are so interested in establishing a buffer zone north of their border. elizabeth: they talked about and this week in particular, they're boasting this red line, they're enforcing it. they want iran out and they want weapons forces, factories, the border, the closures like you said between syria and if not mistaken, lebanon, is that right? is that red line going to be holding? no, no? >> what has happened is the russians proposed to the israelis a 50 kilometer zone north of the israeli border where there would be no iranian proxies. the iranians rejected that because that's not acceptable and they'll go back and negotiate. possibly something may come out of that, but it's going to sake -- take some time. i don't think that the united states has had a hand here that plays very strong. elizabeth: thank you for talking to us. we'll have you back because the conflict seems to be getting quite heated. appreciate it. leland: hasn't gone anywhere for 2000 years. why the trump administration says parents left their kids behind when they were deported. what does the administration do with those kids? what happens next to the remains turned over by the north koreans and why the administration says this proves that the kim jong-un summit is working. ve got to t something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. you might be missing something.y healthy. your eyes. that's why there's ocuvite. ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. it has lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3. ocuvite. be good to your eyes. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. a plan like this helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. so you could end up paying 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the very, very latest is that we're still seeing about 700 children who are not reunited with their caretakers or their parents, but there's really some nuances there because in some situations the parents have, in fact, been deported and they're not-- they didn't get their children on the way back south. is that correct? >> yeah. so of that 700, some 400-some have been deported. the government is saying they knew their children would be left behind. advocates say maybe they didn't understand what they were saying. and some the parents cannot be located in the united states or elsewhere and then there's a children number of parents the government is not sure they want to reunite the children with. maybe there's an issue with identifying whether the adult is related to the child or the adult may have criminality. elizabeth: what does it mean when you hear that a parent has left a child. >> parent are trying to look out for the best interest of their children. the whole point of a lot of them coming to the united states is trying to give them and their children, but especially their children, a better life. so-- >> if that means leaving them? leave them? >> if that means leaving them so that they can have a better life in the united states that's what they'll do. frankly, that's not new. there have been stories of children sending people to america for a long, long time and they stay behind in the home country because the child is going to have a better life in the united states. immigrant families have been doing that for generations. it's not new. elizabeth: that brings me to the next question. and this is more of a macro view, when families are separated perhaps it's not necessarily new? am i right? because the laws have been in place and families have been separated before. it's that we're getting a lot of attention not only because of the influx, the concentration and obviously, it's politically divisive. >> so there are cases previously when the parents have been separated from the child when there's questions of whether or not the adult is actually related to the child and whether the parent may have been involved in criminal activity or smuggling and when there's dorn about the welfare of the child. that's been happening for a while. the difference is the policy determination of the government separating parents from their children via the zero tolerance policy as a way of deterring other families from coming. elizabeth: a public declaration that this is a deterrent. >> that's something new, we hadn't seen before. elizabeth: any predictions over the next-- we have 700 people who have not been reunited. is this going to be a continuing saga. >> the government says they're working on this. when ice deports somebody back to their home country they know longer keep track of them. so the government's a lot relying on nongovernmental organizations placed in the home countries to try to relocate them. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. leland: millions going to farmers caught up in the trade war. is it enough to keep families from going bust? vulnerable districts hoping to shore up the votes ahead of the midterm elections. allison barber has the latest, near bedminister new jersey. >> reporter: president trump is set to be in tampa on tuesday. it seems like he's going to talk a lot about the economy because that's what he's been doing for the past couple of days. he's also saying even though historically the president or whoever the president's party is when they're in the owe l val o, their party tends to lose seats during the midterm elections, president trump says he doesn't think that will happen because of the success they're seeing with the economy. take a listen. >> i'm going to work very hard. i'll go six or seven day days ak when we're 60 days out and i'll campaign for all of these great people that do have a difficult race and we think we're going to bring them over the line. i really believe that because we're doing so well as a country and so well with the economy, i think we're going to be surprising a lot of people. >> reporter: the white house is trying to keep the focus on the economy in general but a number of other stories are muddying the messaging waters and making it a little difficult from new questions about the 2016 meeting at trump tower and the president's former lawyer to the decision to bar a cnn reporter from an open press event after the reporter tried to ask the questions mostly about cohen in the oval office. i asked about the decision. >> is that going to be a standard moving forward? i know i'm a newbie. i continue to shout questions after the same pool reporter after i was told let's leave and i didn't have a similar percussion. >> if you had seen the video, it was clear that it was ongoing in terms of asking the same question over and over again. it was clear after five or six, seven times that they told them it was time to leave the oval office. this is more of a matter of being respectful to our guests at the white house. >> no regret about that decision? >> absolutely not. we have constant contact, communication with the press. >> reporter: reporters also asked about the situation with cohen. she referred us to the president's outside counsel. liz? elizabeth: allison barber with the latest. thank you so much. leland: a little bit more about that situation. the war between president trump and his former attorney, michael cohen, is not easing up over the weekend. cohen claims that mr. trump had prior knowledge of the 2016 meeting that his son had with some russians. the president firing back, calling cohen, his former lawyer, a liar. jillian turner with the back and forth. there's a lot of it, the name calling, keeps getting worse. >> reporter: michael cohen, president trump's long-time lawyer is now claiming that his boss approved the infamous trump tower meeting that's become a feature in the mueller probe. the meeting took place in new york city on june 9th, 2016 including donald trump junior, paul manafort, jared cur nea kua kremlin lawyer. president trump said he did not know of the meeting with his son, donald trump junior. sounds like someone is trying to make up stories to get himself out of a jam. the president's son has insisted his father had no knowledge of this meeting. >> it was such a nothing, there was nothing to tell. i wouldn't have even remembered it until you start scouring through the stuff. it was a wasted 20 minutes which was a shame. >> reporter: the claim comes from cohen just days after someone leaked a recording of a conversation between him and president trump about hush money paid to a playboy model. now the president's inner circle is speaking out on the matter and they're painting an unflattering portrait of cohen. >> he lied to people about taping them, both the president and other people. not only that, we went to subterfuge to do it, a whole little game. >> reporter: in an interview two months ago with abc news guliani called cohen, quote an honorable honest lawyer. still looking ahead in a few days, the trial of paul manafort will kick off in arlington, virginia. and insiders anticipate that witnesses there will also be asked about this meeting. leland: before that, rudy guliani on fox news sunday tomorrow, we'll see what he has to say then. it will be interesting for sure. thank you, ma'am. let's bring in democratic strategist, former obama campaign regional field director, robin byro. good to see you. appreciate it. >> thank you. leland: you know that democrats keep yelling this is proof of russian collusion by the trump campaign. there doesn't seem to be a lot there, there and you've got to rely on the word of a lawyer who just a couple of weeks ago democrats were trashing as his horribly unethical terrible guy. >> i see your point. it's a good one. you have to really wonder, is he just setting himself up for a plea deal. i think yes. you brought up the lead-up to the segment, it was great that you pointed out that just two months ago rudy guliani said he was a very honest and honorable lawyer and now he's saying that he's a pathological liar and that they've known that for years. it's hard to read the truth in any of this. one thing for sure is that cohen is clearly not looking out for his former client's best interest. anyone can see the tea leaves that he's you apparently rolling on trump probably t vie for -- probably vie for a plea deal. leland: do seam democrats hava dangerous proposition going forward if they rely too much on cohen's word, and it turns out as you say it is an people say t is as a way to save his own hide, to sell out a former client, whether true or not, do democrats have a danger if they rely too much on that going up to the mid-terms and the rug gets pulled out from under them. >> i don't think we should rely too much on this. i question a lot of what's going on. i read the entire transcript of the conversation. a lot of it was unintelligible because there watt a bad record recording. there wasn't a whole lot there. donald trump is is smart enough to have not had it come from campaign funds. democrat woulds have been wise to let this play out and see what unfolds going forward. right now there's not enough to sink our teeth into on this in my opinion. leland: a measured and reasoned response from the hysteria we typically get on both sides of one lea tea leaf meaning so muc. democrats continue to double down over and over on russia and president trump's treatment of russia. being from the obama campaign, we look back in the archives, you'll remember this moment, we'll play it and get your response. >> governor romney, i'm glad you recognize that al-qaida's a threat. a few months ago when you asked what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing america, you said russia, not al-qaida. the 1980s are calling to ask for your foreign policy back. the cold war's been over for 20 years. leland: that did not age well, as you might imagine. how do democrats avoid the hypocrisy and sickening feeling when watching that and talking about russia? >> as a special operations veteran, i can say that russia is one of our foremost geopolitical adversaries. we need to keep that up. they don't have democracy in their best interest. they'll do anything to subvert that. leland: how do democrats answer for all of these times that democrats cozied up to russia, whether it be hillary clinto cln and the reset button or president obama and flexibility or that clip making fun of republicans talking about russia and saying it's so terrible president trump might have had a relationship with the russians. >> there are dangerous mine fields for democrats, make no mistake about it. we have to be careful how we proceed on that. in full disclosure, i was active duty military during the entire obama term. once i was done with the campaign, i joined the army. i'm not quite up-to-speed with everything that happened with obama during that time. i'm getting there. i have concerns about what happened during that period of time. leland: robin, we appreciate it. as things play out as you noted, we don't have all the facts, we'll have you back to talk about them, sir. >> thank you so much. leland: liz. elizabeth: let's get reaction from the other side of the aisle. let's bring in eric beach. thank you for joining us. we heard from robin, saying this is a mine field for democrats, we need to tread lightly. at the same time, so do republicans. my question to you is if there was coordination, the catch and kill the story, and we have the tapes which we talked about are kind of sexy, does that break campaign finance law? is there proof in these tapes? >> no, i don't think so. i think part of the problem for mr. cohen is, one, he probably illegally or even if he waived attorney/client privilege, at least unethically released the tapes. more importantly, the tapes don't show anything. they don't show demonstration of campaign finance going around those laws. with all of these folks that have attacked the president, what happens is they've been exposed after the facts. james comey, he says reach out and try to gwynn it for the democrats -- gwynn i go win ie democrats. elizabeth: i'm sort of curious. there's been so many lines, is cohen flipping, is he rolling on trump. what does that mean and what does the end game there, meaning what does the landscape look like three months from now if he quote, rolls or flips? then what? is it unsavory information or is a violation of campaign finance laws? what is it exactly? >> in the last 18 months, it's been how do we undercut that president. they started off by talking about collusion with russia. turns out that hasn't been accurate. they haven't been able to prove any facts on that. they seem to kind of move the goal post to try to undercut his agenda. many have been attacking his agenda, not just from the democratic sides but they're easy to see where they're coming. we know they have no agenda moving forward. we know they're going to attack. even the republicans or never-trumpers or folks that are parts of washington establishment, he railed against them. they're trying to prove a case against the president. they're coming up with nothing. elizabeth: i'm curious how you think the president will come out of this unscathed. >> i don't think he comes out of it unscathed. there are deterrents in washington, d.c. what happens here, there's overreach. there is overreach by his opponents and the problems they have is his agenda is working, economically we're doing better. even in the so-called trade war there are many facts that we've seen people coming to the table now that they haven't done so before. his foreign policy decisions and his meetings with other leaders of the world. so i think they're going to have a real problem just focusing on saying his rhetoric is bad when his policies are working for the people of the united states that he represents. elizabeth: that's why i'm curious. we can see the platform on some of the democrats ahead of the midterms focused on the latest with michael cohen, focusing on the president perhaps lying about, covering up affairs before he was president, when he was a billionaire real estate builder. so if you're a republican, where do you stand and do you take the president's side or how do you campaign on the other side of the aisle? >> i don't think you let the narrative, which is all about russia or were we attacked in russian meddling which no one cared about prior to this election and it's been going on for many years, i think the republicans look at it and say we ran on this agenda, we are proving out that we're getting results for america class, the forgotten men and women of the united states. i think the republicans would be wise to run on this trump coalition agenda. it's about standing up for what you believe in, talking about protecting our borders, talking about growing the economy with u.s. jobs. elizabeth: at times the administration is the biggest enemy because it's all about distraction. sometimes we want to talk about the agenda, instead we're talking about stormy daniels. >> you can't help it when some of the networks have 90% coverage of it, you have to respond to it and be proactive. look at some of the midterms elections that have happened, some of the 2017 elections, the results matter here. the truth is, we have a great map going in 2018 as republicans. they would be very wise to run on what they campaigned on, those core issues that got donald trump elected. if they do that, they will be elected and grow seats in the senate and house in 2018. elizabeth: to support that argument, who he has endorsed even recently, even this week, they are turning out on top. so we'll see how the midterms come along. eric, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, liz, as always. leland: wicked weather coming to the city of light. we'll tell you how paris dealt with golf ball size hail. the pope is accepting the resignation of a high ranking american cardinal. what that means. the trump administration is setting aside billions of dollars to help farmers feeling the effects of tariffs. we'll talk to a cherry farmer who sounded the alarm a few weeks ago. >> the farmers are patriots and they're saying the president is doing the right thing. woman: it felt great not having hepatitis c. it's like a load off my shoulders. i was just excited for it to be over. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. 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idea whether cherries are part of this or if it's only soybeans or soybeans and wheat. >> that's correct, leland. we do know that there is assistance package that has been announced. i think farmers at the core get a little uneasy when they heard the word subsidies or freebies. american farmers are some of the hardest working people in america, trying to provide safe food for american people and abroad. i think the assistance package sends a message to american farmers that the trump administration hears us, that they're with us, and they know that we're taking the brunt of this tariff battle that seems to be going on and i hope that the world leaders across the world are listening and they realize that this administration is not going to let the american farmer go under, take the brunt of this and be pawns essentially in a tariff trade. leland: you make a good point about did american farmers never wanted a hand-out, they want a hand up, if anything and certainly an even playing fields. ron johnson, the senator from which iwisconsin, this is become of a soviet type of economy here, the administration figuring out how they'll sprinkle around benefits. you know it's unsustainable to bail everybody out at some point. >> no, i think that's correct. i heard criticism that $12 billion may not be enough. but like you indicated, we can't bail everybody out. at some point we do need free trade, more importantly we need fair trade. we can't keep letting china violate world trade order, trade practices, and we can't let them violate intellectual property rights. we can't let turkey dump cherries into the u.s. leland: first to the issue of china, heres the president yesterday. >> china's doing a little number. they want to attack the farm belt because they know the farmers love me, they voted for me, we won every one of the states. leland: that was thursday when president trump was in iowa. is he right that farmers love the president? i know i'm going to ask you to speak for everybody. more importantly, are any farmers starting to lose faith? >> i think right now i don't think the sentiment towards the president has changed a whole lot. that's just my personal opinion. i think we knew when he was running his campaign that he was going to a very aggressive trade agenda and with aggressive trade agenda sometimes comes a bit of pain. farmers know all too much about risk and reward. it takes one night and i can freeze my crop and lose my entire income. this sends a message that the president's still with american agriculture and he's going to stand with us and try to get us some good trade deals that are free and both fair for the american farmer. leland: we know that especially in michigan the farmers need a lot of help. you talked about cherries, cherry crop this year not great, to say the least. and you've got this issue of turkey continuing to dump cherries into the u.s. market that's killing a lot of michigan and wisconsin farmers for sure, washington state as well. have you guys heard any progress on getting that squared away or any kind of tariffs perhaps to put on turkish cherries to level the playing field? i wish i could sit here and tell you that we have got a great update for you and we've solved the problem. the unfortunate part is we're still trying to work through that situation of turkey dumping in. as i indicated about a month ago with you, we've spoken with secretary perdue multiple times about tart cherries. we've spoken with wilbur ross in regard to the trade issue with turkey. we had a senator from michigan, senator peters, who mentioned it directly to the president and the president acknowledged that tart cherries need help. leland: you get the sense and maybe this goes back to what ron johnson was saying, deciding between winners and losers. at least right now, the tart cherries in the losing category. come back and let us know if there's any updates. >> thank you so much. appreciate the time. leland: liz? elizabeth: the long journey home for fallen american service members who served in the korean war may soon be coming to an end. the remains arriving yesterday at a united states air force base in south korea before ultimately making their way to a military lab in hawaii for identification which could take some time. brian yenis joins us with more. hi, brian. >> reporter: u.s. military c-17 landed in north korea friday morning to pick up 55 cases said to contain the remains of missing u.s. soldiers who died serving in the korean war. the aircraft then flu to the osan air base in south korea where u.s. service men and military honor guard lined up on the tarmac to receive the remains given to the u.s. by the north koreans. the cases are being flown to hawaii where forensic examinations will be done to verify two i thin things. one, that the remains are pugh human and two, they are in fact dead americans or allied troops. james mattis said yesterday the u.s. government has no indication that there's anything amiss but he said we don't know exactly who is in those cases. more than 35,000 americans died on the korean peninsula during the korean war from 1 50 to 19 - 1950 to 1953. 6,799 are listed as missing in action, 5300 are believed to be on north korean soil. yesterday's handover of remains came on the 65th anniversary of the end of the korean war and especially important day for its veterans. >> the importance of this dramatic return today is the sense that we who served in the military, world war ii and the reason war will never leave one of our people behind. >> reporter: on friday, president trump thanked north korea's leader kim jong un for fulfilling a promise he made to the president during their one on one summit on june 12th. the administration hailed yesterday's move as a sign the summit was successful. on "sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo," in an interview that will air tomorrow, vice president mike pence said this. >> the fact that this president sitting down with kim jong un to negligence other yates the complete -- negotiate the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula also had our fallen heroes on his heart should tell you everything you need to know about president trump. my wife and i are deeply moved and deeply honored to be able to be there when we bring our boys home. >> reporter: the state department tells fox news that in this instance, north korea did not ask for money and no money was exchanged between governments to hand over those remains. by the way, liz, vice president mike pence will be there for the ceremony in hawaii when the remains arrive on u.s. soil on august 1st. elizabeth: what a story. brian, thank you so much. and a programming note. if you want to see that exclusive interview with vice president mike pence, you can see it in its entirety tomorrow on "sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo," that's right here at 10:00 a.m. eastern. leland: coming up, will the gop fracture over their next leader? our political panel on you how republicans can stay together. and severe flooding in pennsylvania gets worse as more rainfalls. meteorologist adam klots with the forecast. hi, adam. >> currently we're looking at some of the heaviest rain moving offshore. unfortunately, there's going to be another round of rain moving in. i'll have all those details coming up in the full forecast after the break. elizabeth: jim jordan's run for house speaker pits him against what he calls the establishment republicans. >> it's the town, it's washington the swamp is the swamp. they don't like someone like donald trump coming in and changing the swamp, changing the way the town works. there's reluctance to ever change. elizabeth: they're both running. they're both republicans. they're running on different platforms. let's bring in our political panel more insight. josh kimball and kevin whaling, thank you for joining me. kevin, i think i know where you stand on this. we're going to get to nancy pelosi. josh, i want to start with you. these are two very different i guess you could say fractions of -- factions of the republican party. will they be splitting the vote? >> they'll split the vote until we agree on somebody that's going to h beat nancy pelosi or whoever the democrats put forward. i like what jim jordan is saying, we've got to drain the swamp, change the establishment. what i would say to kevin, we have kevin mccarthy on the republican side, nancy pelosi on the democrat side. they're yesterday's news. we need to put new candidates forward, make congress work again. elizabeth: i want to bring you in the conversation, kevin. jim jordan is speaking on behalf of the freedom caucus for those who know politics, that's about 30 members of the republican party who by and large really do a lot to block if you will, to block votes, let's be honest. are you running on blocking? how does that work? >> we are 1 -- we are 101 daysm the midterm election. it's interesting to see the conversations that are going on in both parties. parties are like big families. to see the fact that jim jordan is out, vocal, the first announced candidate for republican leadership in november, the freedom caucus torpedoed kevin mccarthy's bid for speaker last time which is how we got paul ryan. now to see an announced member of that freedom caucus running it will be interesting heading into the fall. elizabeth: how would he get support from establishment candidates, talking about jim jordan. how will this play out? >> we've got to focus on making sure republicans retain the congress in november. elizabeth: right. we can't be talking about -- we're making assumptions here. we haven't even gotten to the possibility of a speaker pell low c we're making assumption as that the republicans will keep the house, which they may not. >> i believe they will. they're going to have to focus. right now if you look at what's happened, we've had almost two years, a year and-a-half of the trump president c we'v presiden. we've had republican control of both chambers. we've got obamacare as the law of the land. republicans, we're not thrilled about that. what the congress needs to do right now instead of fighting over who will hold the gavel is make sure the party will be able to hold the gavel, continue to pass the conservative agenda, work with the president, try to get rid of obamacare. we've got to roll back regulation, streamline spending, eliminate agencies, reduce the definitdeficit and they can figr will be speaker. elizabeth: that involves congress getting things done, am i right? so kevin, i want to get your response too. we're making some assumptions on the republican side. we also can assume that there's a possibility of nancy pelosi, you can't tell me she will have a smooth ride to the top. >> that's music to my ears, what josh is saying, taking the fight to the republican leadership that has been ineffective delivering on republican proposal. obamacare is still the law of the land. they're talking about a second tax cut. we have a short time line in the next 101 games we're face -- 101 days. we're also facing a potential government shut down. elizabeth: she has candidates that are winning primaries. >> you've seen enthusiasm on the democratic. elizabethside.what nancy pelosie raised $87 million so far this cycle. kevin mccarthy raised about 40. she's symptomming for her candidates. when she said what's your reaction to so many democrats say they won't support you for speaker, she said just win and we can have the conversation once the democrats take back the house. elizabeth: i'll give you the last word. we're getting the time cue. >> don't get too excited yet, kevin. >> we have a lot of work to do. >> your party's a disaster. you have ocasio-cortez who is saying she's a straight-up socialist. she's the party of bernie san determines don't get too excited yet. i think the republican congress needs to govern better. your party's strategy right now has been obstruct and block. that's not working either. >> you guys control both claim burkes it's your position -- both chambers. it's your position too. elizabeth: we don't know what's going to happen in the next 101 days. we'll be talking about it before and a thank you, gentlemen. thank you. leland: a fox news weather alert, as more rain is headed to pennsylvania where floodin flooe flooding as killed two people. the race against time to save what property folks can and get out before the water rises again. >> we saw some of the aftereffects of damage to foundations, but what we also saw was a lot of good people pulling together to do whatever they needed to do to make sure lives were saved, property was protected and it was really heartening. leland: meteorologist adam klotz ha at the fox extreme wear center with more. >> a ton of rain on the east coast the last kim days, specifically there in pennsylvania, starting to see darker colors. we're getting spots up to 8 to 12 inches. we're getting a break right now. that's good news. the heaviest rain moving off the coast. there are going to be another round of showers moving through the area. good news, spots like pennsylvania where they saw the heavy rain, they may get more but they won't get the heaviest of the secondary round of rain. here's the future radar. you see a spin of moisture up the east coast. these are isolated pop-up showers, something we'll play close attention to. the heaviest of this rain will fall farther to the south, areas of virginia getting up to another 6 to 8 inches, as you run up the coast, more rain, another 2 to 3 inches on areas that don't need the rain. it's not the real heavy rain that will head in this direction. that's something we'll be watching very closely here the next couple of days, leland. leland: they would do anything for any rain out in california. adam klotz at the weather center. thank you. elizabeth: the u.s. economy hits a high note and the president is seizing on the strong gdp growth. how the market could fare as president trump's trade war escalates. >> if economic growth continues at this pace, the united states economy will double in sizemore than 10 years faster than it would have under either president bush or president obama. - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged with better this year. leland: joining us now, founding member of capitalist pig hedge fund, john hoenig. good to see you as always. you listen to the administration. we were on the brink of epic economic disaster and now it's time to pop the champagne and order more. fair? >> well, look, it is time to pop the champagne. no matter what you think of the president, leland, this is a tremendously strong economy. there's no way to get around it. both in terms of gdp as you pointed out, 4.1% and in terms of unemployment also historic lows. this is reason to celebrate. you also i think have to put it in context. the economy has been growing for the better part of 10 years straight and in fact we have seen that 4% gdp number before. we saw it four times under president obama. no reason to denigrate today's rally and today's strong economy but the question now what is do we have moving forward. a lot of the economists and market investors are pretty concerned about some of the efforts from the president when it comes to trade. that's the big fear. there's no question we can have growth. trade is the sticking point when it comes to investors. leland: give us the pluses and minuses here. what's different now versus q2, q22014 when we had growth numbers better than what we saw yesterday. >> more than anything it's the fangs. if you want to say what's been powering the economy going forward, it hasn't been steel, not the only economy stuff, it's been the high tech stocks, what they call the fangs. leland: there's a difference between the economy and stock market. >> i tend to think the stock market tends to be a good leading indicate leading ender . -- indicator of the economy. the stock market was at an all-time high under president obama. after that, the economic numbers really started to excel. i think the market tends to be a good leading indicator. i have to say, 10 years into the growth cycle, with a lot of these fang stocks, the facebooks, down so sharply on friday, this is a reason to worry. if technology can't continue to lead the market forward, it's one reason we could see tougher times ahead. leland: we toss up gdp growth 2014 to tight and w 2018 and wet by the quarter as if it was over the whole year. we see that we have the potential as vice president pence was saying about having something greater than 3% in 2018. you talk about facebook got absolutely trashed over the past couple days, their stock. amazon, though, record earnings, apple still doing well. are these tech stocks that really aren't providing a huge amount of jobs and a huge amount back into the economy, are they the drivers? because if you listen to president trump when he was at the steel factory on thursday, he says u.s. steel is coming back and that's what's going to drive the economy. >> look, there's no question, it's been the tech revolution. that's where the jobs are being created. it's companies like facebook, amazon, netflix, that's where not only the growth has been. that's where the investment has been. that's where the interest has been. it's a global economy. there's no reason why the economy can't continue to grow. i think the only impediment if my opinion could be trade. the president said we lose money on trade. that's a unique way of looking at it. a lot of economists bodies agree. if -- would disa. leland:agree.leland: i lose a y to amazon and apple every quarter. >> you get a lot too. elizabeth: after the break, a major shake up in the vatican this morning as a high-ranking cardinal resigns in the wake of sexual assault allegations. the car fire has resulted in the death of at least two firefighters, killing them as they tried to save so many others. the president's action authorizes the department of homeland security and fema to begin coordinating all of the disaster relief efforts as the fight continues. elizabeth: a high ranking catholic cardinal has stepped down from his position today, resigning in the wake of a decades-old allegation of sexual abuse by at least four people. kitty logan joins us from london with all the details. hi, kitty. >> reporter: pope francis formally accepted the resignation today. the cardinal is one of the most prominent members of the american church, american catholic church, to lose his position in this way and living memory. a statement from the vatican said the resignation letter of the cardinal was received on friday. the 88-year-old cardinal was removed from public ministry after historical allegations of sexual abuse surfaced in june. those allegations date back more than 50 years. one man has come forward to claim that he abused him when he was a teenager and another man alleges that when he was just age 11, he forced him into abusive relationship. the catholic church has been tainted by sex abuse scandals in the past and is determined now to clean up its image. the vatted can says the pope wants to send a strong message that sexual abuse will not be tolerated. >> what this means is that no matter how important your position, no matter how prestigious, when it comes to sex abuse, you're going to be held accountable. >> reporter: pope francis had ordered mccaric to go into seclusion for a life of prayer while the allegations are into. the cardinal has denied the allegations against him, saying he has no recollection of the incident. there is of course also an investigation ongoing. elizabeth: kitty logan with the latest, thank you so much. appreciate it. leland: we all remember bonnie tyler, total eclipse of the heart. how liz feels about me all the time. anyway, it was a totall total cf the moon -- eclipse of the moon, we'll show it to you coming up. ♪ it's a marvelous night for a moon dance with the stars above in your eyes. i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix. or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. my favorite role so far? being a non-smoker. no question about it. talk to your doctor about chantix. leland: welcome back. if you did not get a good night's sleep last night, you have an excuse. it was i hear a full moon and a red moon due to the lunar eclipse. there it is. the longest lunar eclipse of this century, the earth and moon lined up, casting our planet's shadow onto the moon during the one hour and 46 minute eclipse. north america was in daylight during the eclipse. if you missed it, that's why. our continent will see another blood moon come this january. elizabeth: i know you that don't believe me, but you really -- you sometimes don't get a good night's sleep. leland: i don't believe you about most things. i should believe you about this? elizabeth: yes. if i didn't get a good night's sleep last night i would blame


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Journal Editorial Report 20180728 18:00:00

Weekly news commentary and features from the editors of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page. Weekly news commentary and features from the editors of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page. Weekly news commentary and features from the editors of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page. later. would you say that all of this now can be attributed to the decisions made in washington by the president? >> i think what's fair to say is that as they move along and move further away from the obama administration, we're more than 18 months in, it's harder to democrats to make that case. at this point, you see how democrats have talked a lot about other issues, talking a lot about health care, that's their main issue right now, especially as they chug toward the brett cavanaugh confirmation. the democrats are talking about health care, talking about russia, talking about issues that aren't the economy. that's something that the republicans have in their back pockest. as long as the economy is moving forward, this tariff issue could slow them down but we'll have to wait and see about that you mentionemention -- julie: you mentioned the democrats are talking about health care. it was supposed to be repealed and replaced. that didn't happen. that was a huge disappointment for the trump administration. they moved on to taxes. they won there. wide range of topics, including the economy, tariffs, the gop strategy for the midterms and confirming brett kavanaugh, democrats have been trying to block that and the vice president's planned trip to hawaii to receive the remains of americans killed in the korean war, that is tomorrow, 10:00 eastern on fox news channel. mike: the trump administration said they met the deadline to meet families left at the border. the administration can confirm they reunified all eligible parents in i.c.e. custody with children. the administration continues to comply in good faith with the court's request while protecting the safety and well-being of all children in our care. garrett teny is live in washington. hello, garrett. >> reporter: immigration activists and democratic lawmakers argue the administration have not met the deadline. more than 700 children are still separated from their parents. those parents have not been reunified with their children because they are not eligible for reunification due to a variety of reasons. some have a criminal record. 120 parents chose not to be reunited with their children. more than 400 have already been deported. this morning the aclu tweeted some 463 parents were deported without their children and the government isn't even trying to reunite them. we will not back down real donald trump, you are responsible for fixing the crisis you made. dhs denies the allegation, saying the administration will continue to make every effort to reunify eligible adults with their children. in a court filing this week, lawyers with the aclu said some parents were misled by the government and never meant to let their kids -- rather, never meant to leave their children here in the united states when they left but the former acting director of i.c.e. told shannon bream this week that for some of these parents, leaving their kids in the united states was likely part of the goal all along. >> some of these people had left the united states without their children, chose to leave the united states without their children because they basically got what they wanted, they got their child to the united states to live with relatives, get an american education, take advantage of the social system and be the next daca applicant in 10 years. >> reporter: while the administration says they plan to continue to work towards reunifying all of the separated children, at this point it has not given any kind of time line for when it plans to have that done. mike? mike: garrett, thanks a lot. julie: a fox news alert now. two massive wildfires on the right of your screen, raging in california. there is one in the south and another one in the northern part of the state, that's called the car fire with the flames already destroying 500 structures. >> this fire is scary to us. it's something we haven't seen before in the city. if you hear an evacuation order on your phone, home phone or cell phone or if you see an officer on p.a. telling you to get out of there, please get out of there. julie: jeff paul is live in idlewild with the lat latest. >> reporter: we're right inside the containment lines in the town of idlewild. you can see the firefighters out here, mopping up the few remaining hot spots in this particular area. investigators say this particular fire, the scranton fire, was started as a result of arson but is now at 17% containment as crews start to gain up ther hand. further up north, in redding, california, the car fire remains a huge threat. it's killed a bulldozer operator and a local firefighter. some families are reporting they're missing loved ones. redding police have received 90 phone calls regarding missing people. most have been resolved. they tell us right now they're looking into reports of 16 missing people. that number is very fluid. as far as damage, the fire has burned more than 80,000 acres and is only 5% contained. 367,00367,000 -- 37,000 people e under evacuation orders. the fire is threatening 5,000 structures. the wildfires are becoming the new normal. >> what we're seeing not just here in this county but literally state-wide fires that are growing exponentially. we're averaging 45 to 50 fires a day throughout california. >> reporter: back here further south in idlewild, crews say they seem to have a good handle on the kranston fire. they are dropping water on remaining trouble spots. we've seen a lot of firefighters moving around as they look to find more important areas that need their help. coming back out here live, you see crews are in the mop-up state. they tell us they conditions to get worse -- expect conditions to get worse. that means the wind is starting to pick um. they're trying to douse the embers, make them go out. once the wind picks up, basically tiny little fires in the air and once that hits some dry vegetation, of course it's dry and a hot out here, those fires can start again. julie? julie: jeff paul, thank you very much. mike: a deadly fire at motel in michigan killing a mother and her five children. several others were injured including first responders. it happened this morning in benton harbor in the southwest part of the state. the cause of that blaze under investigation. julie: red state democratic senators to meet with supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh ahead of the nomination hearing. why are breaking with party -- why are they breaking with party leadership? our political panel will debate, next. >> we are on the moral side of history. >> if a president can say hey, i can do anything i want to do, then you throw in the constitution -- then you're throwing the constitution out the window. that is what is at stake right now. there is no bystanders. you are either complacent in the evil, you are either contributeing to the wrong or or you are fighting against it. for years i've trained dogs for the marines like me, some of these dogs have seen many tours of duty. and for the past 15 years i've been a navy federal member. thanks to their fast approval process, when it came time to buy a new car, we got everything we needed to transport my wife's little bundle of joy... ...who i just adore. navy federal credit union, our members are the mission. if yor crohn's symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn't worked well enough, it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. this condition has not been reported with entyvio. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's treatment isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? 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>> a very smart tactical play by a very smart democratic leader. i don't say that because i used to work for him. it's smart politics and smart poll civil i'm sure they'll get a lot of angry calls and tweets about this. while public disclosure especially for something as important as the supreme court confirmation process is important, and vital for the public policy and public conversation, i think the nominee's role in the white house as a staff secretary controlling and managing and overseeing the flow of paper into the oval office is an executive function and not a judicial function which is what is going to be deliberated here. however, let's have the conversation, let's see what it produces. mike: president bush is backing judge kavanaugh's nomination. is that outreach a sign of desperation? >> first of all, i'm in absolute shock that michael and i agree on something here. this is a move of desperation by the democrats t to stonewall and end up stopping confirmation of trump's supreme court pick. they can't assassinate his character. they can't assassinate his impeccable record as a judge. so what do they do? they try to come up with procedural hiccups. the reality is, like michael said, being a staff secretary in the white house is a very important position but, look, you are pushing paper and millions of pieces of paper. you're not issuing opinions. look, i think this is a stonewalling tactic. i think at continued of the day, those three senate democrats that are in trump country are going to end up folding. if they go against this supreme court pick, that will cost them the reelect. mike: we know joe donnelly and joe mansion are going to meet with judge kavanaugh. how difficult will it be for leader schumer to keep the red state democrats from supporting judge kavanaugh. >> red state democrats are in a pee cure y'all situation here -- pepee --strange situation here. it depends on the issues around the state's priorities and issues. it's noteworthy. it's significant that red state democrats are meeting the nominee. i think ultimately two or three of them will vote for the nominee. it was always going to play out this way, the heat and the energy of the democratic party. let me just say, the democratic party is not just one thing. it's a lot of different ideologies, it's a lot of different priorities. it's a lot of different approaches towards politics and government. so to say that democratic party is not a monolithic thing. a lot of the heat and energy is on the far left with the activists. that's different than what we're seeing with red state democrats. this was always going to happen. ism happy to -- i'm happy to discuss it. mike: it would seem to be a tricky spot for leader schumer, if the democrats lose in november, he becomes further away from becoming majority leader, right, john? >> the democrats are between a rock and a rock. they're dammed if they do, dammed if they don't. the heat of the democratic party is so far to the left that it's essentially the nomination of judge kavanaugh to them is like nominating hitler. right? so the base is saying that these democrats can't vote to nominate. on the other hand, i think one thing we know and i'm sure michael will agree with me, at the end of the day tigses care about one -- politicians care about one thing and one thing only, themselves. i think self press preservatiol win out. i think they're going to play a cat and mouse game. the other key wrinkle here is the confirmation isn't likely to actually happen until the month of october. that's right before the critical midterm vote. this may be the last thing that's on voter's minds before they walk into polling booths in some of the critical states. >> president bush is a different republican than president trump. i think appealing to that sense ability and that part of american recent history is an interesting contrast between the two. mike: the republicans i've been speaking to on capitol hill sound very happy, they don't believe democrats have been able to do anything to damage kavanaugh's nomination. is his confirmation pretty much inevitable, michael? >> nothing is done until it's didn't done. i would think ultimately the nominee is confirmed. i think along the way a lot of important policy discussions and a lot of important political positions and narratives are going to be advanced. some i believe very successfully. because the no nomination is liy to be successful, doesn't mean the conversations along the way can't be fruitful and can't be important. i'll just come to my colleague's defense here in a different studio. referencing hitler in the context of supreme court discussions and nominees, we'll pretend you didn't say that. mike: fair enough. >> no, i did say it. mike: some republicans have not formally committed to supporting judge kavanaugh. john, is there any way a senator rand paul would be the one to kill the kavanaugh nomination? >> i think, again, he's going to play this interesting little game probably to get his 15 minutes before the november elections. but i don't think senator paul wants to be responsible for derailing republicans' chance to slid phi a conservative -- solidify a conservative majority for the next years in the supreme court. i don't see any way that senator paul doesn't vote for kavanaugh at the end of the day. mike: thanks for the debate. enjoyed it very much. julie: house republicans deciding not to move forward to impeach deputy attorney general rod rosenstein but the battle over his future isn't over as top republican lawmakers hold his feet to the fire in their request for those documents they've been waiting nine months for. plus, president trump blasting claims he knew about a meeting at trump tower in 2016 with that russian lawyer. how this could impact the russia investigation moving forward. serious infections, which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren't getting stronger isn't it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia. leland: new reaction from capitol hill as president trump's personal attorney, michael cohen, claims the president knew about a meeting between his campaign officials and a russian lawyer in 2016. the president blasting those claims, tweeting, quote, i did not know of the meeting with my son, don junior, sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam, taxi cabs, maybe. he even retained bill and crooked hillary's lawyer. gee, i wonder if they helped him make the joyce. choice. jillian turner has more. >> reporter: michael cohen is claiming his boss approved the trump p tower meeting that's become a feature in the mueller probe. the meeting took place in new york city on june 9th of 2016 and included donald trump junior, paul manafort, jared kushner and a kremlin lawyer. the president taking to twitter yesterday to reinforce the claim he's made several times saying i did not know of the meeting with my son, don junior. sounds to me like someone's trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam. the president's son has long insisted his father had no knowledge of this meeting. >> it was such a nothing. there was nothing to tell. i wouldn't have even remembered it until you start scouring through the stuff. it was a waste of 20 minutes which was a shame. >> reporter: this claim from cohen comes days after someone leaked a recording of a conversation between him and president trump about hush money paid to a playboy model. now the president's inner circle is painting an unflatter portrait of cohen. >> he lied to people about taping them, the president and other people. he went to subterfuge in order to do it, a little game which shows how pathological he is. >> reporter: looking ahead in just a few days, the trial of former trump campaign manager paul manafort will kick off in arlington, virginia. insiders anticipate the witnesses will be asked about the meeting. mike? mike: jillian, thank you. julie: congressman jim jordan and mark meadows backing off their push to impeach deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. they accuse him of withholding documents related to the russia investigation but may take a different approach to get them. >> all we've done is file it. it's still there. it's extent the judiciary commit at this moment it can be brought up at any time. the only way we've gotten documents and information that we're entitled to get is when we put pressure on them. julie: emily kompanu joins us now. this was a whirled win whirl wie week. just up until wednesday they were hell bent on forcing a contempts vote. why did mo meadows back down by giving the doj and fbi one more chance. >> he claims because his strategy worked. i want to point out a few factors that affect the strategy so that viewers understand why he pulled this quote, unquote nuclear option. in the house, a privileged resolution means you have to vote on it within two days. for contempt, the entire house judiciary committee needs to do so but for impeachment, only a single member can. basically, that automatically becomes a privileged resolution. basically he is a single member, moved for this, it forced the hand of the other committee and house republicans. some in the middle are saying that negotiating was working or simply if the doj and fbi would comply, we wouldn't need to go through these kind of strategic tug of war. and obviously they're reconvening september 4th. the hope is that the fbi and the doj would comply enough to satisfy that entire spectrum by then, so this kind of circus can stop. julie: you mentioned the two days. i was going to bring that up. they have two days if they're going to force a vote, by tuesday, wednesday, they hadn't done so and they were taking recess on thursday. yet meadows still seemed like it was still a possibility. what do you think ultimately, though, got him to back down? obviously house speaker paul ryan wasn't on-board. that spoke volumes. you call it that maybe he had a come to jesus moment? >> yes, i think with the other house conservatives absolutely, i think behind closed doors, he even referenced i've had meetings with the other republicans here, we've come to an agreement, we negotiatessed something. i want to point out what happens if they vote to hold roseen time in contempt. that's referred back to the doj for prosecution. that gets us into the situation we saw with eric holder where the doj declined to prosecute him. the last time an executive office official was prosecuted was for perjury in the early '80s. at that point they can only move for civil charges. i want viewers to understand that as well. julie: i want our viewers to understand how long house republicans have been asking for the documents related to the doj and fbi's handling of the investigation into the russia interpheneinterference in the 26 election and the alleged collusion with the trump campaign. they waited nine months. they claim rosenstein blocked those documents from going out. for what other reason would there be than to hamper an investigation to block documents from coming out? that's evidence that's needed in order for an investigation to be properly completed. >> exactly. the argument on the other side is we are still investigating and this might hamper that investigation that ison going at this point. remember, who does that answer to? it's the oversight. it's those branches are in place so there is oversight by congress. while that tension continues to play out, that plight sig is whs frustrating. the integrity of the investigation has been called into question and certainly more by now the refusal to turn over the documents. yes, nine months is far too long to wait and this entire situation could go away if they would comply. julie: you talked about the difference between being held in contempt and impeachment proceedings. there are several republican whose agree with meadows on the impeachment. they want him fired. they believe rosenstein should be fired including florida congressman ted yoho who sits on the house freedom caucus. listen to what he had to say this morning. >> when you look at what rosenstein has done, he hasn't answered the subpoena. if that were you and any a court of law we would be in jail. if we signed a fisa warrant that should never have been signed, that dereliction of duty and for that he should be fired jf what julie: what will happen if the doj doesn't produce these documents? will meadows stand by his word? >> that remains to be seen. he has to come to pressure or negotiation tactics of the other republicans. who knows they there could be more -- if there would be more pressure that comes into play. a different strategy might be called into play by everyone. know that part of the opposition of this within the conservatives is that look, they say this isn't a high crime and misdemeanor. that doesn't rise to this level. while we agree he's been noncompliant, it's still not to the level and we shouldn't use this tactic. so i do believe that ultimately it results in that collective opinion but note he can still move for it. it doesn't mean that it will pass. even if he stays true to his word, again, an impeachment is unlikely. julie: emily, thank you very much. we appreciate seeing you and for you coming on. mike. mike: kim jong un keeping his promise to president trump as north korea delivers the possibility remains of 55 american soldiers from the korean war. what this says about the regime's willingness to deliver on the ultimate goal of denuclearization. plus, two officers shot while responding to a disturbance call, what we're learning about their conditions. >> it's obviously the police that are over there including chief dunn, they're just very grateful right now. imagine being grateful when two of your police officers . welcome! hi there. so, what do you look for in a vehicle? 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>> first, let me say it is a poignant day and i think every american should remember having worked on a few of these cases in the past, that these people -- this is a really significant moment for those families and we should be very happy for them. some perspective on the larger picture. we americans, we love instant gratification. we want to just hit the app and get the answer that we want. nuclear diplomacy is the anti-thesis of that. it takes a long time. it's painstaking. it will take years. but that having been said, i think this discussion needs to be grounded in fact and this particular action fits within the context of some larger actions that are occurring at the same time and are utterly unprecedented. at this moment in time, donald trump has scored the following things. he has stopped or there has been a cessation of missile launches, a cessation of nuclear testing, our american citizens have been brought home. we have a dismantling of a nuclear -- of a launch site and we have the return of these remains. i will just say as a matter of context, it appears to me that this president is doing exactly what we would want. there is a framework agreement under discussion for nuclear -- denuclearization, we know that we're trying to empower a transformational leader here. in due time, we will see a win-win where north korea sees advantage in getting rid of the nuclear weapons because theyen danger its future and gets integrated into the international order. we will get a nuclear-free peninsula. this takes a lot of time. this is not something that happens overnight and i think people need to keep that perspective. mike: what about the concern that the north koreans are going to demand more concessions before they return more remains or provide the u.s. more information? >> they're in no position to make any demands. we have our full kinetic response capability available. nothing has changed. the military options are still there. i think what this president is trying to do, for the first time ever you have -- actually for the first time at least since reagan, you have someone tacking up into the wind. they're not denying the wind, they're not running from the wind. they're tacking into the wind. if you're a sailor, it takes time. you need to get small advantages. this is a trust-building exercise and what we are going to do is we're going to give him recognition. we're going to give him every opportunity at every turn to make the right choice and for his people and for himself and maybe for his military command, just to understand that there is no other real way forward for him. hee endangers himself by not getting rid of nuclear weapons. he's got the fourth largest conventional army in the world. nobody's going to toy with him once he gets rid of the nuclear weapons. he gets the economic advantage of inclusion. this president, one of the reasons he's trying to get closer to russia and china is to keep a unified front against the north korean sort of back-sliding. i see this as an exceptionally strong strategic move. i see everything moving in the right direction. but recognize, i'm not a poly anna. you're going to get back steps. this is a multiyear process. i hope americans see the value in what this president is doing. leland.julie: i covered the fia -- mike: i covered the final years of the obama administration. there were efforts to get something down with the north koreans that seemed to fall apart. you're convinced this time they're serious. >> i'll tell you what is different. there has not recently been -- maybe harry true man was such a -- truman was such a president but there has not been such a president that had anything on the table and everybody believes i'd. jim mattis and others have contingency plans if things go south. there's a willingness to believe on the north korean's part that this is their moment. he's got a young leader in kim jong un. he has time to create a trans formational opportunity -- transformational opportunity. kim jong un could have a bright future if he does the right thing. he could have a dark future if he does the wrong thing. mike: mike pompeo was asked about north korea. he was asked about this. >> we're engaged in patient blow ma any. we will not let this drag out. i emphasize the conversations i had with the vice chairman. mike: that's the pes an from the administration -- message from the administration. do you think it's being received in pyongyang? >> i do. i believe we wouldn't have these developments if it weren't being received. it's about deterrent and credibility. the president has done what he said he would do at every turn. some people don't like those decisions. he's calling out international accountability and he's calling it out with kim jong un. i feel as though this is a president who walked into a room and somebody had kicked over the march l belles and he's -- marbles. he's got a mess to pick up in every corner. he's trying to get trade back on track, trying to get north korea and russia and china to be accountable. this is a long process. i think there is method to the process. mike: robert charles, we thank you for your time and your service. have a great day. julie: a properly innocent cardinal resigning amid allegations of abuse. we'll have reaction from the vatican, next. i don't keep track of regrets. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. the most high profile church leaders to lose his position. the vatican says the resignation was received on friday. the 88-year-old was removed from public ministry after allegations of sexual abuse surfaced in june. those allegations date back more than 50 years. one man has claimed - - abused him when he was a teenager and another man alleged he forced them into an abusive relationship when he was 11 years old. he says he has no recollection of that initial allocation but the catholic church has been tainted in the past by sex abuse scandals and is now determined to clean up its image. the vatican says the pope wants to send a strong message that sexual abuse will not be tolerated. >> what's this means, no matter how prestigious point when it comes to sex abuse, you will be held accountable. >>reporter: pope francis has ordered - - to go into seclusion for a life of prayer while the allegations are looked into. he will remain a priest for now but there will be an official investigation and the church later be holding - - >> kitty logan, thank you very much. >> that's it for us. >> we will be back in one hour so be sure to tune in then. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180804 16:00:00

election tuesday even though the columbus suburbs in surrounding world areas have been to-1 republicans. the latest monopole shows 44% support for balderson and 43% for o'connor with 11% undecided, three days to go. mike pence campaigned for balderson earlier this week. >> we have someone who has stood even in his role in the state house, strong with this president, strongly with the president's agenda, supported his agenda, the people of ohio voted for every step of the way. >> reporter: this morning the president tweeted we are going to ohio to campaign for the big congressional special election tuesday. early voting is on. troy is strong crime, the border and loves our military, veterans second amendment. his opponent is a up at of nancy pelosi, high taxes, we can expect fired up remarks from mister trump who went off in wilkes-barre at another rally calling out the media for not delivering his successes in office including a strong economy and he attacked his potential democrat opponent in 2020. >> say i am running against pocahontas or crazy bernie. i got to hand it to bernie. i saw him up there the other day, that hair is getting wider and wider, he is getting crazier and crazier. >> reporter: if there is a night is our guide, tonight will be must-see tv at 6:30 eastern. elizabeth: as the gop tries to take ohio by storm. i want to focus on this race. are you surprised we are talking about this. >> thank you so much. himself as a democrat who wants to reach across the island >> in the democrat party but when you push them on the issue he comes back and says i will support nancy pelosi if democrats take control of congress that vote for her to be the next speaker. that is not change, not what he is describing himself to be an voters see through that and i think voters will show up tonight, republicans will shop tonight and be excited to see donald trump back in ohio, supporting troy balderson who was a conservative who has worked to lower taxes in the state house, defend life, protect the second amendment, cut unnecessary burdensome regulations which is what i have done for the past 71/2 years. that is who troy balderson is, when he presented the opportunity. o'connor on the other hand when is pushed you see the true democrat that he is. he is for nancy pelosi. elizabeth: he had a lot of pushback, almost 7 times about how he would feel about nancy pelosi. what is going to push balderson over the edge? what is the deciding factor? folks in ohio are getting tax relief, reaping or not reaping benefits? what is going to give him the final push for success to win the seat? >> having donald trump in ohio will be a fantastic energizer going into the tuesday election, republicans will be energized. at the end is a we cut taxes, troy was part of that, the president cut taxes nationally and ultimately people are thinking about their pocketbooks. can they raise their families and provide for kids and their families the way they want to and because of what is going on nationally and what we have done in ohio for the past 71/2 years many ohioans are in a better position and troy is an important part of that in 12th congressional district, voters member that when they show up on tuesday and ultimately vote for support, troy balderson will be successful tuesday. >> obviously we know you won't get much rest, we will see what happens this week. leland: week 2 of the paul manafort trial starts on monday ending with an accountant who said she falsified tax documents for the former trump campaign chair before his time on the trump campaign. all this as special counsel's russia investigation widens and the president is doubling down on his rhetoric, will likely do that tonight at his rally. jillian turner joining us with the intersection of both of these. >> the latest events in paul manafort's trial at a courtroom in arlington, virginia outside the nation's capital. manafort's former accountant testified she filed taxes she believe may have contained false information and acknowledged doing so amounted to collectivity. reporter admitted she had a sense that manafort lied about where money being traced into his political consulting business was coming from, first time a witness in the trial admitted to potential wrongdoing. the mueller team is trying to prove manafort lifted millions of dollars of income in loans to avoid paying income tax and it was kept hidden from the irs in illegal overseas accounts. donald trump creating russia investigation news when he escalated his attacks on what he calls the mueller witchhunt. he took to twitter and called for jeff sessions to stop the investigation right now. that we'd prompted media outcry from journalists and lawmakers on capitol hill accusing the president of adopt -- obstructing justice, he responded by doubling down. >> we are being hindered by the russian hoax, it is a hoax. i will tell you what. russia is very unhappy that trump won. >> reporter: the same evening he defended his highly criticized trip to nato claiming his motives were pushing nato member countries to contribute more of their gdp, all about russia. here is the president recounting a conversation with the secretary-general. >> she said last year alone because of what i did the previous year we took in $44 billion more. this is money to guard against russia. >> reporter: the president hopes to meet with vladimir putin, national security team put that meeting on ice until after the investigation concludes. leland: less then 100 days to the midterms. more on the russia investigation and how it plays into the midterms. john garamond, nice to see you. we are watching the trial right now with paul manafort, the first trial coming out of the mueller investigation. is it a problem for democrats the two years in, all the discussion of russia russia russia, you are nowhere close to a smoking gun that attaches donald trump to anything the farias with russia? >> i think there is a whole lot more to this than whether the president was involved or not. there have been 32 indictments, 5 guilty pleas. that investigation goes on. at the core of all of this is what happens and how can we protect our democratic processes as we go into the next election. just four days ago, three days ago, five of the top national security folks from the fbi to the director of national intelligence and mister bolton and secretary neilsen. all of them said we are under attack. >> if they were all saying that and there was rare bipartisan agreement in washington. what is the problem related to the director of national intelligence and the fbi, they are attacking this issue. >> there are a couple problems. what are they doing? they recognize there is a problem, what are they doing? a second problem is republican congress this past week, two weeks ago removed $280 million that was supposed to go to states and counties to upgrade the election system so they could be more secure. >> are you saying the republicans are actively trying to allow the russians to sabotage our elections? >> i didn't say that at all. money that is needed, money that is needed to protect our election system was removed. the secretary, the general from the cybercop are hopefully doing their work. he said he is prepared. has he been told to act? >> the person who told the director of national intelligence and members of the intelligence community and cyber community not to act during the 2016 elections was a democrat. isn't that a problem now for democrats to be sounding the alarm bells when it was president obama who allowed the russian interference in 2016 to go unchecked? >> i don't think it is accurate to say unchecked. it did go on -- leland: there was no public shaming, no active measures by cyber command. it is well documented the options on the table, president obama said no. >> that is not exactly unsuccessful in stopping the russian involvement in that election. what was the role of the trump campaign? that is what the investigation is all about. what i want to focus on is today we have a very serious problem today and we need to focus on what russia is doing today. leland: there is agreement on that. speaking of today what is happening in the democratic party leading up to the midterms there is this continued drumbeat, whether it be about russian interference or the state of the country to ramp the rhetoric up on both sides. you are a democrat and you need to answer for the other democrats. cory booker this week, the soundbite that caught everyone's attention. >> if this country hasn't broken your heart, then you don't love her enough. there are things that are savagely wrong in this country. leland: really? >> you can talk to most people and they will say there's something wrong in this country. leland: i guess the question, is there a danger when everything is an outrage, every politician is trying to find the next most outrageous adjective to use, is there a danger for the country? i am wondering how you feel about this. >> you might start with the president and his campaign speeches if you want to talk about outrageous rhetoric. it starts at the top and it will be reflected all the way down the line and that is a serious problem for our political discourse because we really need -- leland: i will ask you -- >> very poor dishes. leland: two wrongs don't make a right. we learned that in kindergarten to turn the other cheek. is a time for democrats to set the example rather than in your words stoop to the president's level on rhetoric? >> i would hope all of us, it is very important because it does lead to name-calling and bullying on both sides here. we really have some critical issues we need to talk about and some of these are on the table today, one of which is the protection of our election process. when the president says, what are his most recent words? it is a witchhunt, it is false. leland: the mueller investigation protecting 2018 are different things. we always appreciate it. your rhetoric is not only always thoughtful but is measurable. >> if it gets out of line i hope you tell us so. leland: good to see you as always, all the best. elizabeth: a blow to the trump ministration's efforts to end daca as it was ruled he must fully restore the program. allison barber joins us with details. >> reporter: not a surprise, it is 25 pages long from judge john bates who says the administration failed to justify the decision to end deferred action for childhood arrivals known as daca. the department of homeland security provided a memo called the neilsen memo explaining their decision but the memo fails to elaborate meaningfully on the agency's rationale for its decision. the policy was unlawful and unconstitutional, the judge goes on to say while the memo offers several additional policy grounds for daca's recession most of these repackaged legal arguments previously made and are independent from the agency evaluation of daca's legality to preclude reduce judicial review and support the agency decision. john bates is an appointee of former president george w. bush. in april he became the third judge to rule against the administration's decision to ease daca giving them 90 days to appeal the decision. the latest ruling upholds an equal ruling. in the april opinion the court did not say dhs lacks statutory or constitutional authority to rescind the daca program, the court is not saying that with this ruling but if dhs wants to rescind the program they have to give rational explanation for its decision. they did not do that and it was unlawful to rescind the program. the administration said when president obama started the program it was constitutional overreach, judge bates said claiming a prior policy was illegal was a hodgepodge of the lockable -- illogical policy assertions is not good enough for the court. the it ministration has 20 days to appeal. elizabeth: we will see what they do. coming up, sorting through hundreds of tips in search of a missing university student. we go live to iowa for the latest. plus mother nature is working against hundreds of firefighters in northern california. we give you a live update. water released today from a flood filled dam in virginia. our own adam clock as a preview tracking the latest storms in the area. >> reporter: all that rain the cause flooding continues to move up the coast. we are talking flooding from new york city all the way to boston to new england. details in a little bit. high protein to help get us moving. and help you feel more strength & energy in just 2 weeks. i'll take that. ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure® wfeeclaritin and relief fromwsy and 4 grams of sugar. symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. you are looking live at pictures outside nra headquarters in fairfax, virginia were groups on both sides of the gun debate have gathered to shut down parts of roads, one side favoring stricter gun laws, part of the national march on the nra. nra supporters making up the other side of this peaceful saturday demonstration. leland: hot for everybody. new video coming in, high wind and low humidity making the wildfire fight in california harder. red flag warnings out as blazes continue to burn. jeff paul, los angeles, with the latest, 9:25 in the morning. >> reporter: we got back from the front lines of the most devastating fire in california, the destruction is hard to put into words. thousands of homes are threatened across the west but more fires are igniting and growing and it is just the start of wildfire season. according to the government agency, grews are battling 89 wildfires across ten states, the hardest hit area is northern california where firefighters are preparing for dry, hot and windy conditions, in california alone, 14,000 firefighters are working on wildfires that have burned 450,000 acres. >> a lot of us are saying our prayers that this escapes mother nature. she decides to come this way, the firemen don't have much to say about it. >> reporter: because of the extreme fire danger new evacuations were ordered for areas north of san francisco. fires to burn 450,000 acres. the single most devastating fire, the carr fire has got six people, destroyed 1000 homes and is considered one of the worst wildfires in state history. california governor jerry brown set to tour the damages. leland: we will keep an eye on that, thanks. >> new video of emergency spillway, the gate at the lynchburg dam in virginia being opened to release more floodwaters. 150 homes downstream have been evacuated as officials worry the heavy rain could fill the lake and cause more flooding, it would flood parts of lynchburg with 17 feet of water, the dam is considered safe and stable but they have not been given the all clear to return home just yet. at the fox extreme weather center, hi, adam. >> coast-to-coast extreme weather, where they really really need that rain, not getting it. we are continuing to watch wildfires, temperatures back close to 100 °. only getting hotter the next couple days, this is sunday, back to 97, by monday we are back into triple digits, it stays dry and windy and that will continue to fuel these fires so you have red flag warnings from northern california across nevada, large portions to the south as we battle these wildfires. all the rain that caused the flooding has worked its way farther north and we are tracking heavy showers and flooding in new england as we continue through the afternoon, stretching from pennsylvania to new york and farther north. the place we need the rain is not the place getting it today but there is a lot of rain. elizabeth: if there is more whether we will check in with you. >> house candidates in a dead heat before donald trump arrives to stump tonight. we will break that down. authorities still holding out hope for this iowa student as the search continues. >> reporter: the family thinks she's alive and being held captive and there is a growing reward for her return. the latest in this mystery after this break. to be their best, kids need good nutrition. and practice... lots of practice. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. >> reporter: police have been extremely tightlipped in this investigation, not releasing any new information since the university of iowa student went missing july 18th. she was last seen jogging here in brooklyn, iowa wearing a pink top and black shorts. the family told fox news she's alive and being held captive. so far investigators have not released new information, they are pleading with the public that they don't want to release information that might end of the wrong hands. they wake every day -- it is basically nothing. here is one of the lead investigators explaining the latest in this mystery. >> it is frustrating for everybody, for the investigative team, for us and for the family and friends of mollie tibbetts. nobody wants to find mollie tibbetts more than these folks right here. >> reporter: the family has partnered with crimestoppers of central iowa and raised $220,000 for a reward. they told us this is an incentive to pay off anyone who might be holding mollie tibbetts captive. police and the fbi are keeping their eye on a pig farmer not far from here who says the fbi has visited his property twice and asked to search it and he is on the radar of police at this hour. leland: donald trump has his golf -- that is what it says in the teleprompter, at his golf club tweeting this morning early this morning, going to ohio to campaign for troy balderson for the congressional special election tuesday. early voting is on, troy is strong on crime, the border loves the military vets and second amendment, a puppet of nancy pelosi/high taxes. the home of greater ice cream, we bring in brian thomas. thanks for being with us. think about ohio, this district john kasich used to represent, donald trump won it by 11 points, o'connor and balderson are tied won't. why is this a race? >> we have been giving a lot of thought to that, thanks for having me on today. leland: we tried to ask only legitimate questions, appreciate your acknowledgment of that. >> the idea, the successful anti-trump sentiment the left has been able to wage since he took office, o'connor is 31 years old, has a sketchy relationship, with a part-time basis, out of law school and after that. not a whole lot of experience compared to balderson but a welcome experience in various capacities. it shouldn't be a race. this is a reflection of successful social media effort that various anti-trump groups have one thing in common, they don't like this president. this is more a race about donald trump than these two candidates. leland: if you look at this as a referendum on donald trump in a district he won by 11 points he is in the, having to leave certification to show up for saturday afternoon or saturday evening rally, that doesn't say much about the opinion of donald trump, a critical district for anything. >> i talked to them every day on my program. those that used to support trump. i call myself a switzerland on trump, my political philosophy, i love the success of the trump administration economically. the jobless numbers, the economy booming. there is a wealth of positives. how is it this man could be so unsuccessful in pointing that out? he does it to himself. his twitter feed, constant criticism of things that seem so inconsequential, that feeds this sentiment. leland: in terms of how the race is being played out, you can tell a lot from the ad, this is one labeled dangerous danny. we will get your reaction. >> nancy pelosi and washington liberals are dangerous. they can't be trusted to uphold ohio values. liberals in washington will repeal the middle-class tax cuts, implement socialized medicine and tighten taxes on working families. danny o'connor is just as dangerous. >> we are the talking points from the ohio lieutenant governor a couple minutes ago. how does that play? is this district able to be scared by that ad or is there an immunity to that? >> they are not necessarily scared by that ad. o'connor started this himself and it is reflective of the struggle in the democrat party. republicans parlay that to their advantage which is why o'connor is running of the clinton democrat. he distanced himself from abolishing ice and made more centrist democrat arguments. that is what they need to win. i don't believe these far left pushes will do anything for the democrats but voters think o'connor is an pelosi's pocket? he tried to distance himself from that message. >> but hasn't repudiated it. he hasn't pushed himself away from it. over there kind of sort of. it is not connor lamb i will not vote for nancy pelosi, she is not the future kind of statement. >> he is closer to lamb than the one from new york. leland: we have got to run, appreciate it. >> thanks for the time. >> a russian helicopter crash leaving 18 that in siberia. we have all the details. how the trump administration says they will protect the 2018 election for many russian meddling. ♪ when i touch you like this so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at 3 crewmember, 15 passengers flying north of the arctic circle around the oilfield there. the russian airline the flu the helicopter confirmed the rotors scraped another's on the same helipad during takeoff. the company said the pilot had 8000 hours of experience. elizabeth: as we near november 2018 midterm election the trump administration has made it clear stopping any meddling in the upcoming election is a top priority. >> the president has specifically directed us to make the matter of election meddling, and securing our election process a top priority and we have done that and will continue to do so. elizabeth: a very intense press conference, theresa payton joins us to discuss our cyber security risks and what steps the us needs to take to protect our elections. >> thanks for having me on. elizabeth: you saw the press conference. there are a lot of ways, the social media giants, we talk about twitter and instagram. and three resource campaigns, how are they protecting themselves end-users for that matter ahead of the midterms. >> they have a lot going on. we heard about facebook shutting down more accounts that behaved like the account leading up to the 2016, the russian accounts linked to the internet research agency. the other piece is in some regard what we are seeing, adding moderators, artificial intelligence, facebook leading the way, making commitments to do that, helped shut down these accounts and as for the campaigns themselves, largely on their own to figure out the authentication, what email accounts versus my actual campaign account and they are getting some help from that part of homeland security but it is largely on them to figure out the right digital hygiene practices. elizabeth: how do you maneuver but in an election system, and every county, in the minutia, and at the federal level, there is a lot of risk for state and local. >> you are right about that. for the states they can work with the department of homeland security, they can apply for grants to bolster their security but we are in a labor shortage for cybersecurity, negative 10% unemployment for cyber security, even if you have the money to spend it is hard to find a professional to help you but a lot of work has been done at the state level, and to bolster their defenses to understand from third-party vending machines, voter machines, outsourced support of that, to understand how is that being secured to make sure the support is done by certified technicians and remote support can be kept in a dangerous way. elizabeth: watching that press conference they will do everything they can but i didn't get a sense there's an iron dome over the midterm elections. what goes along with the fact that are we dealing with censorship? are there fears and uncharted territory that we could be taking away the ability of free speech at this point? >> that is the fear, based on how the artificial intelligence is created for social media platforms to flag account that could be fake personas and thousands of human moderators make the call, you have to be careful personal biases don't play into saying this much be a fake persona because this is a ridiculous point of view. that is where companies need to set up governance bodies to say we will have somebody verify censorship is not accidentally or potentially on purpose happening and that is a real danger, ai depending on how it is built could accidentally silence groups of americans. elizabeth: thank you for joining us. it is a topic we will be speaking about until november and thereafter so thank you. leland: new tensions with russia. the united states issuing a stark warning regarding international sanctions against the north koreans. since my stroke, he hasn't left my side. with the right steps, 80% of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. a bayer aspirin regimen is one step to help prevent another stroke. so, i'm doing all i can to stay in his life. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.'re on the hook for the rest. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. a plan like this helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. so you could end up paying less. and these are the only plans of 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international community to keep the pressure on north korea to enforce the denuclearization deal, and confident the deal will work out in time. >> we are determined to do it, chairman kim is determined to do it. i'm optimistic we will get it done in the world will celebrate what the un security council has demanded. >> north korea is under international sanctions and according to a new un report pyongyang is continuing to develop its missile program. those sanctions as long as it develop those weapons, the north korean -- the government is determined to honor the denuclearization deal but while they handshake, criticizing the us for insisting on keeping sanctions in place and accused the un of not sticking to what donald trump agreed to in the june summit. the delegation elected to north korean leader kim jong un from donald trump, the details of that in response to a different letter from kim jong un. secretary of state mike pompeo is expected to talk with north korea in the future. elizabeth: kitty logan with the latest. leland: turkey will retaliate and freeze the assets of trump administration officials if they have any assets in turkey in response to the us imposed sanctions against turkish officials over the detention of andrew brunson. turkish president is accusing the united states of hypocrisy for demanding brunson's release while their government has alleged links to terrorist groups that brunson and his supporters deny. elizabeth: when we return we have more on the alleged russian spy who attempted to infiltrate american colleges and the nra. we have more. ♪ if you have recurring constipation and belly pain, talk to your doctor and say yesss! to linzess. yesss! linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. see if you're eligible to get 90 days for as little as 30 dollars. do not give linzess to children less than 6 and it 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a special election to face danny o'connor in the republican leaning district with a race too close to call according to the polls this morning the president tweeted to say balderson with a candidate that was just got caught lying with a relationship with nancy pelosi. and with the second amendment and wants to raise your taxes by a lot boat tour troy on tuesday if thursday night was a guide to the president will attack democrats what he calls fake news to celebrate his success in office including a thriving economy. >> the jobs are booming. the jobs are coming back into our country from all over the world. we are protecting our constitution. >> the president flies from new jersey to ohio that rally is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. tonight. leland: life coverage before during and after. thank you rick leventhal. elizabeth: week one of the paul manafort trial is wrapping up. there is the accusation that she falsified documents for the former chair. and the russia investigation is widening the president is doubling down on the rhetoric at rallies across the country. so with attacks and bank fraud trial just outside the nation's capital yesterday taking to the witness stand to testify she has tax returns that may have contained false information. that will probably amount to criminal activity and confess that manafort was lying about his income and where the money transferred into and the money from his business and where that coming from the first time a witness admitted to wrongdoing on the team is trying to save in a four improperly listed millions of dollars of income as loans to avoid paying income tax and to keep it hidden from the irs in the overseas account. and then to escalating his attack. on wednesday he took to twitter to call for attorney general jeff sessions to stop the investigation right now that prompted immediate outcry from journalists and lawmakers on capitol hill accusing the president of obstructing justice. but he says he is just venting. >> the president is fighting back not obstructing in stating his opinion clearly and there is no reason he should not be able to do that. elizabeth: he also defended his steps with nato that to push the members it is actually all about russia. here is the president recounting a conversation he had with the secretary-general. >> he said last year alone, because of what i did the previous year, we took in $44 billion more. this. this is money to guard against russia. elizabeth: the national security team now says the forthcoming meeting will be after the russia investigation wraps up. elizabeth: thank you. as the terms top national security chief we are in the crosshairs of homeland security director has multiple government agencies work together to stop russian election meddling. joining me now the campaign director and great american tax cochair, thank you for joining us you are a friend of the show. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: these are two pieces of sound on a timeline regarding vladimir putin and then a second and then i want your reactions. >> president putin did you want president trump to win the election and did you direct any officials to do that? >> yes i did. because he talks about bringing the u.s. russia relationship. elizabeth: we digested this piece after helsinki now fast-forward to pennsylvania. >> now we are hindered. russia is very unhappy that trump one that i can tell. elizabeth: of the voters may be getting mixed messages. >> putin always lies and he always lies. russia always tries to meddle in our elections. but understand and the more chaos they can create the better it is. the best chaos that they can do and to give back the democrats the house of representatives. their goal is chaos. >> so the last couple of rallies so do you suspect we will hear that tonight? is that what he should be talking about? the medication talk about those positive things with the great job i think this is a bone in his throat he thinks it is unfair but at the end of the day the voters out there are intensifying if the democrats win this election on tuesday they get 22 house seats there are 60 competitive races and five on the democratic side so if they win 22 or 23 that is not a great number so democrats have to be slightly favored to full this out. the president talked about his accomplishments house number should talk about the presidents accomplishment. >> your point is right now more than ever why were talking about the trump district of ohio. so we are curious about the timing if he does wrap up the investigation there are outcomes that could come out of that clearly but it could be a talking point or a distraction ahead of november. we don't know that but it could be. >> absolutely. it has been a distraction since inauguration day into a set agenda forward that is with constant scrutiny and attacks on the people so anything that energizes democrats we have to energize our voters the key thing today is who has the more energized base? the 30 democrats that give every indication they will be intensified. >> so what issues should candidates be focused on? we've and have the lieutenant governor of ohio who did talk about the economy -- economy should never did once bring up the russian meddling in the election. >> nobody can understand all the confusion with the russians. we know they were involved in under indictment but americans are going back to work in record numbers the economy is moving with the bid tax that that is what matters to ordinary people. those midyear elections it is a question to get your voter turned out in hispanic voters are doing better and higher employment rate for hispanic workers those are the target. >> there was focus and direction in your answer. thank you so much. >> a former campaign aide is at the center of the investigation washington post reports former national security director for the trump campaign in the head of the 2016 elections others will recognize you from other input as well but contact? do you make. she did what people in washington do. they went out for drinks and after attending an event and went out to a sticks concert. and and left. leland: you make it sound fun and innocence but it is clear that she was trying to ingratiate herself to get involved in american politics. >> she was networking. that is something americans do they go to concerts and events. leland: how was her networking directed only helping her? >> good question it was benefiting u.s. relations also benefiting her nothing at the direction of the russian government. leland: so she was doing all of this? >> it is part of the network you don't know when jobs are coming from. leland: i don't and a lot of time networking with russians not at the congo embassy party to better those relations. >> those who had a focus on u.s. russia relations. leland: is she a patriot of the motherland? a diehard russian who has love for mother russia? or where is her motive? >> she loves the motherland. but she is oppositional and we are not directly in line. leland: you said something interesting nothing happens that they don't want to happen vladimir runs that place. and this woman who is very connected to the kremlin at the same time and to take a pretty hard stand. >> and they also support that writes in russia that is not a popular position that i doubt putin would sign off at the end of the day. leland: could the argument be made that is exactly why he is signing off without operation to begin to gain influence? >> that is reading too much into it. the reality is with a five-year operation to take a few snapshots. you can do that without any operation at all. >> bed a big part of your defense is she would have been an idiot if she was a spy but she used twitter and was haphazard. >> there wasn't. then it would be haphazard. but when you document on facebook and instagram any publicly talk about everything you do then that isn't very consistent with a covert operation. leland: there is an interesting op-ed on the hill that the sb sba -- fbi gave her enough rope to hang herself to go around to document her meetings on facebook then pull the rug out just before the midterms. surprise. surprise. >> the broader question at stake is that criminalization is networking. she came to the u.s. a couple of times on a visa to say i'm going to the nra event then she went to the nra event. when she comes back over as a student goes to another event that at what point is this criminal? it is something the government is aware of. leland: a different question. is it criminalizing becoming friendly with the russian government because there are certain parts of the justice department that wants to make russians a big bad actors? is this political? with those other calculations? >> i don't think it is partisan politics of the russia angle affects everybody. and then with the democratic or liberal side. >> who knows what motivates people to know that a national would be treated the same way. with the u.s. in the country. there will be more developments. >> the trump administration got news on friday and they must restore the program. that this is 25 pages long and detailed they would not say that this is good news. then to fail to justify the decision for childhood arrivals. that provided a memo to explain the decision. with the primary rationale. that is unlawful and unconstitutional to say that while the memo offers several additional policy to repackage the legal arguments that is insufficiently independent from the evaluation of t5 legality for judicial review or to support the agency's decision. the judge bates is an appointee of george w. bush became the third judge to rule against two and t5 calling it unlawful giving the government 90 days to appeal that decision with a ruling from april. >> there are several ways to digest this opinion you can report somewhat fairly that this judge is giving a stinging review on t5 itself but that the court is not holding that dhs cannot handle the program. >> judge bates told the administration with a prior policy is illegal and that is not good enough the administration has 20 days to appeal the most recent ruling. leland: thank you so much. we will speak with the former president of chrysler about president obama's fuel efficiency standards will help or hurt consumers. and dealing with some major flooding and we have a preview from the weather center. >> there rain is never ending now going up into new england this will cause flooding we'll talk about this coming up in a little bit. elizabeth: what is stronger and suv or the angry rhinoceros? of beachgoers flocking to the water trying to stay cool with the deadly heat wave 114 degrees already killed two people in nearby spain they are issuing a red alert with extra medical staff and firefighters on standby and extra beer for those at the beach. elizabeth: those in sullivan county pennsylvania seeing more rain this weekend that the parks are looking more like lakes those conditions are slippery well over 2 inches yesterday and still more to come over the entire weekend. now with more with the rain and the northeast with the fox extreme weather center report. >> talking about more soggy weather it has been going for days and some of that rain has moved off running to the northeast with those big heavy showers from portions from new york state all the way to boston in the entire northeast is receiving very heavy rain right now. and we have had some flash flood warnings apparently those are winding down a bit and you will get a break a little bit later in those overnight hours. obviously the big story is what we see out west that is where they need though rain unfortunately but this is a red flag warning with the humidity and the temperatures are high and the wind is strong. this is fire weather across portions of northern california. all lots of wildfires across the western half of the country in the bad news is it stays hot the next couple of days. getting up close at triple digits and staying that way on sunday and then hotter on monday with a high on monday 102 degrees with that humidity if it stays low stomach and wish they could take some rain from the east coast. we appreciate it. the president has the campaign trail this week and fear in ohio. as the protest against religious discrimination law have full swing during what this means for the big democracy in the middle east. claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. willy davis, who has alzheimer's. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at >> democrats say the midterm elections are on their side with job reports and dropping unemployment rates and some hefty tax breaks we have our panel including our democratic strategist. thanks for being here. there is a lot of things to talk about. but you play a soundbite from the president take a listen. >> the last quarter of the united states economy grew by 1.4% in% unemployment recently fell to the lowest rate in almost 50 years. elizabeth: there are some things to brag about but hearing a lot about russia and other issues. >> i think every candidate running for congress with 127,000 more manufacturing jobs that is more to 12 month more to 12 month period than the last 50 years and you have the lowest unemployment rate this is what the american people care about if you remember james carville it is the economy stupid and looking at what these policies have been doing and then they will want more of it. that is a ticket for all of the republicans across the country. elizabeth: i want to hear your response because democrats say this isn't enough or that it is stagnant or they are hurt right now. >> first let me say this is the most consequential midterm election in our lifetime because there are so many things up and down the ballot that this will determine how we chart a path forward. i think it is political malpractice for the republicans to assume the american people are satisfied with some of the things this president does. forget about his rhetoric or the tweets but he wants to play ftse and cut all. but from a fierce policy standpoint he has failed on immigration and simple things that matter to the american people now they will receive a $12 billion bailout because the president wants to play political games. and that is why the momentum is on the democratic side going into the midterms. elizabeth: you said this is one of the consequential midterms of your life so that being said the party that is not in power usually ahead of the game and they have an advantage so that being said how are you getting people energized to care about those issues but for some people they may go out and vote. >> people are frustrated 3.1 gdp does not mean it's good for us that does not translate to middle-class working families that were slapped in the face for that tax cam jabbed outline -- dam down their throat by the republicans we have to have a consistent message to connect with voters in this country and that policy and just to be anti- trunk will not do that. of course issues like health care is important and national security and that is the right to vote. elizabeth: it is not my job to respond but 4.1 gdp doesn't translate to the middle class? >> it translates to those people who have the lowest employment rate in the history of the united states. african-american unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been the hispanic unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been 830 new jobs in the last 19 months. during the craziest 19 months of obama administration that number was 20000. that is a different of 804,000 jobs because of the tax reform and capitalism in the free market actually working rather than the socialist policies of the last eight years. elizabeth: you have 15 seconds the bottom line is this president has been working for the economy set forth by barack obama without record job growth. >> please. 26000 jobs to 803,000? elizabeth: i appreciate it you both. there were quite a few facts thrown around there. i appreciate it. [laughter] nobody listens to me at home either i'm used to it. staging for the latest on the russia investigation we have an exclusive interview with marco rubio. check your local listings for time and channel as of 11 am eastern tomorrow the former trinity trump campaign manager. >> some good news for those in lynchburg virginia the evacuation is lifted for the area surrounding lynchburg virginia. locals can return to their homes 150 homes were at risk to be covered and 17 feet of water. the dam was opened at 9:00 o'clock this morning and they are already in the process i mean i guess the definition of dewatering the level is going down? repairs will be done on the dam and on the roadway on monday. elizabeth: the president's administration is releasing new standards for fuel-efficient for our cars and how that could impact your family. and moving images of a state trooper who lost his life in this one -- line of duty he will be in my heart forever. ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? jobs in manufacturing in ohio and michigan and wisconsin and in car country to these deregulation policies by president trump. is that fair? >> it really is it helps the consumer as well in the short term. it freezes the fuel efficiency required at the 2020 level instead instead of escalating is the obama administration had planned it at 54 miles per gallon at 2025 so by stabilizing that the cost of adding omission controls and the technology is the frayed and will save money for consumers in the short-term. that is a benefit. leland: but the flipside especially with the car industry is terrence. a number of the auto companies are ringing the alarm bill blonde -- bell. do consumers and up on the losing or winning end? >> that is a good question. with the fuel economy on the short term it is a benefit that the long-term it prevents us from being as competitive as we should be globally with technology. that is a bridge that also includes a tariff discussion because they build a wall around the u.s. market and u.s. automakers will not be as competitive to compete in other markets. the fact is right now the u.s. auto industry as a 17 million rate that is stable but the growth is exports overseas. the market in china is 24 so new technology has to be developed. leland: there is the irony talking about jobs throughout the country with the southeastern part of the united states in south carolina and bmw and volvo. it is not chrysler and chevy or gm and ford this is where the u.s. economy is this week this job number is out. 192,000 manufacturing jobs lost 373,000 manufacturing jobs and under president trump. how much can you link to that broader pushed by the trump administration? >> i don't think it relates to deregulation is much as the expansion and investment with the growth of jobs and consumption. consumers are at an all-time high. that the tariff is a tax. leland: we have had many discussions on this program about that. we will be that for another time but related to deregulation it makes american companies less competitive overseas because they are not forced to have the same type of fuel efficiency standards. so how do you bring that together with the business benefit of deregulation and that the same time the incentives for technological advancement? is that up to the market? >> this is an appropriate stand the president has taken with mandated standards based on required technology it is necessary to check and see if that technology is advancing at the same level as anticipated. if this is a chance to absorb what we have and still have additional standards for the future to push us forward when we see what technology really is and is a benefit that it is a moving target cannot just be one number that the last administration created. i think it is a good move. leland: we appreciate it thank you for staying up late and enjoy your time overseas mac i appreciate it. while pursuit of the man accused of killing a doctor we have all the details we will show you how this one trip to the zero means you're greeted by one of the world's largest animals.ok ent than warfarin, i'm up for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. so what's next? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180804 18:00:00

News coverage is provided. pretty much even is a big deal and it's actually a very interesting district, you have well-off suburbs of columbus and you have places where i spent some time and it's a former industrial power house that's on hard times right now, the average income there is about half of what it is in the rest of america, so, you know, it's reliably republican district with a lot of people that have different concerns and, yeah, the republicans are very worried right now and his approval rating in this district is 46% approved, 49 disapprove and, of course, as you know, midterms are often a referendum on the president and so it's a very tight race and i think republicans are very nervous because this is the last special election before the midterms and so everybody in the country is watching this race to figure out prediction of what will happen come november. >> is it risky for the president to go in there, what if the republican loses, will people be eager in washington to blame the president for it? >> well, people are always eager to blame anyone but themselves, mike. maybe president trump has something to do with it, but you also have to look at how enthusiastic the republicans in this district are and fundraising, danny o'connor is way outracing troy balderson, the democrats way more enthusiastic and look at early voting, this is one of the reasons republicans have to be nervous, in the previous elections, republicans cast the majority of early votes, right now it's looking like people registered as democrats have cast the majority of early votes, so, you know, the momentum is not with the republicans you know e trump has to do what he can and he's going to go there and, of course, everyone will be watching, the question is will he make an argument for troy balderson or will he talk about other things and i have to say, you know, danny o'connor campaign asking quite clever, donald trump mentioned the tax cuts and -- in his two tweets, well, danny o'connor has interesting argument to make, he's a moderate democrat, this is a a bit of moderate seat, he's not focusing on hey, the president is giving you some of your money back, no, no, this adds to debt and it's going to drive up taxes for your kids, for your grandkids, this is not an argument democrats tend to politic, it's an argument you normally hear from conservative republican, so it's a very interesting race all around i have to say. >> the winner won't have much time to celebrate, they'll face off again in november, right? >> and it's interesting you have the same two candidates facing off in november because the primary is early this year, they counted for both and so we are going to see a bit of a repeat of it and it's interesting to see what republicans think is going to work and what democrats think is going to work, republicans they're not really able -- not focusing on the economy and i can't figure out why, as you know the numbers have been incredible, instead they are trying to paint danny as pelosi puppet, he said he will not vote for nancy pelosi as speaker. chris matthews on hardball asked him in 7 times and if push came to shove he would vote for pelosi, it's a pretty weak argument. why do on the defense, go on offense and talk about the economy, talk about the job's numbers and i don't know why republicans aren't doing that. mike: listening very carefully to the president's message carefully in battleground ohio, tharchción for your -- thanks for your time. >> thanks mike. mike: we will be in ohio for the president's rally schedule today begin at 6:30 p.m. eastern time then we will bring you live reaction right after with a brand-new episode of water's world at 8:00. >> well, the paul manafort bank fraud trial wrapped up first week yesterday, along going on with testimony from one of the accountants who said she falsified tax documents for the former trump campaign chair and as the special's counsel russia investigation widens, the president is doubling down on his rhetoric. gillian turner has more on this. >> latest development in tax and bank fraud trial played out yesterday in courtroom in arlington, virginia outside of the nation's capital, she filed tax returns she believed may have contained false information. she also acknowledged that doing so probably amounted to criminal activity. admitted she had a sense that manafort lie today her about where money being transferred into his political consulting business was coming from. this is the first time a witness in the trial this week admitted to potential wrongdoing, the mueller team now trying to prove manafort improperly listed millions of dollars of income as loans in order to avoid paying income tax and that it was kept hidden from the irs in a legal overseas account. meanwhile president trump creating some russia investigation news of his own this week when he escalated his attacks on what he calls the the investigation concludes. laura. >> thank you so much. for more on this we want to talk about attorney, director of national security law of policy program at george mason university and former chief counsel and senior adviser for the senate foreign relations, great to have you here on this very important topic. >> thanks, laura. laura: a lot of legal observers have noticed how quickly and prosecutors calling more than a dozen witnesses to the stand since it began tuesday and i was reading over the weekend that the courthouse pushes out rocket dockets because of how quickly they move through cases, is that what's happening here s this case unique? >> well, look, judge elliot is putting pressure on the prosecution to move the case along, they made it clear they shouldn't focus on the trappings of mr. manafort's lavish lifestyle but the charges at stake which are the bank fraud charges. we haven't seen the defense case. they will focus on rick gates and his role that's cooperating with the prosecution. we will see what they have to say about rick gates when they get a chance to make up their case. laura: some of the allegations predate the presidential election, president trump voicing frustration on twitter just this week calling manafort's prosecution a hoax going as far that he's being treated worst than al cra spoken, still underlying that there was possible access and opportunity for influence from the prorussia ukrainian officials that manafort was in contact with while working as lobbyist and political consultant and want to reset that point. how do you think prosecutors will do with that part. we are talking about tax charges, what about that part? >> look, the tide to the russia probe is tangent and focus on bank and fraud charges, that being said, the prorussia party as you mentioned, the sources income, why was he hiding it. all that being said, the president is really the one himself who is drawing the tide to this and unfortunately bringing this into the russia orbit, i think the president's focusing on his own agenda instead of getting involved in mueller investigation. the president is going to be out there tonight, we will see what he does. i predict against his own sort of -- against own benefit he will talk more about the trial and more about the investigation. laura: i bet you're right. let's talk art richard gates for a minute who call prosecution's star witness, manafort's long-time business society and former trump campaign adviser as well. what can he -- what will the impact of testimony bring to all of this, a lot of people wait to go hear what he has to say? >> he was right in the middle of the whole thing, he was involved in bank accounts and all the money coming from ukraine. that being said, you know, the defense is going to say, look, he was involved, it was his fault, he's the one and how cooperating to get a sweetheart deal. we will see how that one against the other thing plays out. but i expect rick gates to be credible witness and the defense will undermine him. laura: i want to thank you so much for your time and expertise on this, we will keep you in mind because this is going to keep going, thank you. >> thanks, laura. mike: firefighters in california working latest on efforts to contain the flames and what nature has in store out west when it comes to the long-term forecast, plus kim jong un holding up promises he made to president trump at the singapore summit? new images seem to suggest that north has not stopped nuclear program, we are live with reaction next. >> the process of achieving denuclearization in the north korean peninsula is one that i think we have all known will take some time but i must say, through my meetings here, the world is united in seeing this achieved alright, i brought in new max protein conference in singapore. >> any violation will be something that america would take very seriously. laura: kitty logan live in london with the latest, hi, kitty. >> essentially this is all about fine-tuning the details of the denuclearization deals which agreed back in singapore in june, now today secretary of state mike pompeo wants international community to keep up economic pressure to enforce the agreement, he said he was confident it would eventually work out. >> we are determined to do if chairman kim is committed to doing it. i'm optimistic that we will get this done in the timeline and the world will celebrate what the un security council has demanded. >> so north korea is still under sanctions over nuclear program and according to a new un report pyongyang is continuing to develop weapons despite ban and as long as that is happening those sanctions will not be lifted and this is what has angered north korea and foreign minister said that his government and after the meeting today, he then criticized the u.s. for not relieving the sanctions, something pyongyang desperately wants to happen, now the u.s. delegation handed over letter to north korea and neither kim jong un or president trump, didn't disclose details but we are expecting there to be more talk for north korea in the future in the weeks and months to come, laura. laura: live in london, thanks so much. mike. mike: fox news alert, more evacuation orders in california as devastating wild fires continue to burn across the golden state unrelenting heat and dry weather make making it harder to put out the flames, we have fox team coverage, jeff paul following the story from west coast news room and adam klotz with the forecast, first let's go to jeff paul live in los angeles with the latest. hi, jeff. >> hi, mike, yeah, home after pretty much home burned to the ground throughout neighborhoods from the carr fire, within a few minutes jerry brown will tour the damages in that area and meet with crew who is are battling on the front lines of the flames. according to government agency that tracks major fires right now firefighters are battling at least 89 wild fires across ten states, the hardest hit area at the moment is in northern california. that's where the carr fire killed 6 people, destroyed more than 1,000 homes and now considered one of the worst wild fires in state history. carr fire estimates in california alone more than 14,000 firefighters are working 17 large wild fires and if so far burned half a million acres. >> there's a lot of us that are saying our prayers that this escapes us. mother nature's, she decides to come this way, that's -- the firemen don't have much to say about it. >> now due to extreme fire dangers that weekend, new evacuations were ordered for areas north of san francisco, a pair of fires known as the complex fires have burned more than 150,000 acres and at the moment it's only 27% contained. we are also hearing there's so much smoke from the ferguson fire the air quality and parts of yosemite seemed to be worst than beijing china, sections of yosemite could open monday that's only if conditions improver, mike. mike: jeff paul live from los angeles, let's hope and pray they get relief, looking ahead at the fore cost meteorologist adam klotz live from extreme weather center, hi, adam. >> what you really want in a situation like this is some kind of rain here is your satellite and radar and things are mostly clear, really across the entire western half of the country and it continues to be hot. you get the low humidity, you get the dry conditions and the heat and you start to see the red flag warnings and we have them from northern california where a lot of the fires are but stretching back to nevada all the way to colorado, entire area, windy, low humidity, fire danger with warnings in place and the temperatures just continue to stay high, the highs today up and down the state of california close the to the 100-degrees. gets hotter in monday forecast, so 102-degrees in redding, unfortunately for poll incomes western half of the country, no relief in sight. the story across the eastern country too much rain, that rain lifting a little farther to the north and looking at heaviest showers following in new england where there's been off and on flooding system, it's training and dropping a bunch of rain as it moves and as a result, mike, you're seeing some of the areas where we have flash flood watches in place. you're in this area, all of this rain pushing offshore, you should be clearing off here about 7 or 8 this evening and we are going to be clear here through overnight hours, mike. >> let's hope the rain stops in dc area soon. laura: suspected gunman suspected wanted and killing cardiologist, what we are learning about his motive ahead. plus the trump's administration effort to end daca coming to a standstill after a federal judge ruled that the government must fully restore the program. we will look at the fallout next. >> our immigration system is completely broken and he's begging and has been more congress, politically democrats in congress to step up and stop kicking the ball down the field. get your groove on with one a 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(giggles) get symbicort free at if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. court is not holding that dhs cannot terminate the program, it's holding that you didn't give us a sufficient reason. >> the administration claims then president obama did not have the constitutional authority to start the daca program, that claim is not enough, that claiming a prior policy is illegal with the, quote, hodgepodge of i logical policy assertions simply will not do and if the department of homeland security wands to rescind the program it must give a rational explanation for its decision. dhs provided memo explaining their decision but that the memo, quote, failed to elaborate meaningful on the agency's primary rationale for its decision, the judgment that the policy was unlawful and unconstitutional, goes onto say that while the memo offers several additional policy grounds for daca, most of the simply repackaged legal arguments previously made and hints are insufficiently independent from the agency's evaluation of daca legality to preclude judicial review and support the decision, the administration has 20 days to appeal the ruling, beats is a republican appointed judge in april he became the third judge to rule against the administration's decision to end daca, his most recent ruling upholds his other ruling from april. mike. mike: ellison barber live in nation's capitol, thanks a lot. laura. >> president trump hitting campaign trail in special election house race that's drawing major national attention from both republicans and democrats this as the trump administration faces mounting pressure from conservative supporters to fullfill campaign promise to build border wall. here is the president on thursday at a rally in pennsylvania. >> we started the wall, 1.6 billion, we are fixing walls all over the border and we will start to get nasty over the wall. the democrats, anything i want, it's not even the republicans, i don't know they care about -- they care about me, they are very concerned. anything i want they want to oppose. you know, i justifying youred out how to do the wall, i will say i don't want to build the wall and they will insist on building it. we will be taking some very tough actions, i don't know if it's before the election or after the election, a lot of the republicans say and they are good, they are good, we need more republicans but their friends of mine, they say, president, you know, some of them are really tough guys and they said, sir, we are better if we wait till after, i said it's better before, i'm torn myself, i would certainly prefer before, whether it's before or after we are either getting it or closing down government. laura: all right, let's bring in our panel to discuss, doug, former u.s. senate candidate and executive director at restoration pack and also with robin, former obama regional field director and democratic strategists, welcome to you both. okay, well, doug, what do you see as the true political consequences of the president's threat of shutdown before the midterms if conditions are not met on border security and the wall, pretty big talk there? >> it really is, i think it's important to make the point to conservatives especially the base that this is one of the main reasons that president trump got elected and we have to conservatives have to deliver on this and i think president trump knows that and it's important too that just last month cbs put out a poll, 51% of americans are in favor of the wall, so this is something that most americans want and understand it's needed and if we go to government shutdown, the other thing most americans understand is any time there's shutdown talk, the liberal media and the democrats talk like the sky is going to fall, well, it doesn't, a lot of things continue on inside, military gets paid, social security checks, different things will happen regardless of a government shutdown and when we get back to business as usual but i think it's that important that we work on this wall because it's something that obviously the president's base wants and i think a majority of americans want as well. laura: it's been a top priority, for sure, robin, what if he could get the wall started and prove to voters that he's able to keep promise, many say he's doing? >> and he is, i don't disagree with it, it's something i agree with doug, it's something that he has to deliver on his base, the only problem i see for him specifically and republicans in the house and senate is having this push right before the midterms. i honestly genuinely feel this would hurt them in midterms if there's government shutdown, it won't hurt donald trump, but it would the -- everyone down ballot and if he loses majority in house or senate that will actually hurt donald trump. i'm genuinely concerned here. laura: a lot of people have been looking at that point. gop leaders in congress have been warning that standoff would bring more chaos, the timing couldn't be worse ahead of midterms, why not just wait? >> well, i think that the argument is definitely out there but i think that president trump has the right instincts on this, this is what it looks like when you elect a businessman as president, he needs to get back to the core of really one of the main reasons he got elected and i think this is it and i do believe too with the economy going so strongly now, there's been a lot of policy success that is the president has had and do think the independentance recognize that and whether we go to a government shutdown and he gets what he wants in that way or not, i think that there's a lot of momentum on our side that just really isn't being reported on. he has to look at the economy, it's going very well, foreign policy, things have been more quiet in a long time, a lot independents will say, it's one way during obama, republicans are in charge, looking pretty good, we had a government shutdown for a little bit, we came back, nobody wants the shutdown but you have to be willing to do it, i think now is the time. laura: you bring up a good point, a lot of people are also saying why not just focus on the economy for right now because it is going to well and there are numbers to back that up, of course, robin, the president, you know, worried that the democrats -- could he worry that the democrats would turn back on him if he does not deliver on the promise? , i i mean, continuing question that a lot of people want an answer too. >> there's a lot of finger pointing and i don't necessarily like that. he made so many promises on the campaign trail that méxico would pay and to us democrats he seems that he's holding the american taxpayers hostage unless we convince the american taxpayers to pay, so that's where we've got a problem and we are trying to work through some things, he proposed some really good ideas to maybe work with us on nonmonetary issues such as the -- end rg diversity lottery visa program and maybe working on chain migration, so i think that's somewhere where we will work with him on. laura: do you think he's taking the route because it's his only shot because the democrat could be the next speaker, he wants to do this so that he can make this last volley? >> go ahead, robin. >> yeah, i do think that's kind of the pitch, i think they are worried about losing the majority, so this is a tactic. it could work but it's, you know, it's a tactic and kind of a scary one to me. >> i think that maybe part of the calculus here but i think he's had good success moving forward as quickly as he can, a lot of things that have happened and he needs to keep on that momentum and if the base will stick with them and independents will be fine with that. laura: thank you so much for being with us today, we will keep talking about this as the days and months progress, see you later. mike: the man suspected of killing a houston cardiologist is dead, investigators saying the suspect shot himself when he was cornered by police in southwest neighborhood of the city. bryan llenas live from new york city news room with details, hi, brian. >> two week-manhunt for shooter suspected of murdering doctor in broad daylight is now over, 62-year-old joseph shot himself in head in front of home on friday after police officer confronted him. he was wearing a bullet proof vest, backpack and talking about suicide, a second officer arrived at scene and that's when he shot himself in the head with a reinvolver, police believe he was riding back as he shot doctor on july 20th hitting him three times, the doctor who once treated former president george h.w. bush killed while riding back to work as houston methodist hospital. police had been searching for shooter for the last two weeks, on tuesday they searched home and they found boxes of 22 caliber ammunition, the same kind found at house connect's murder scene and they found a detailed file on the doctor, pappas collected personal information about his home and work. police also found a last will and testament left behind by pappas at his home and list of flames, doctors and employees that worked at the hospital though investigators would not call it a hit list, worked as peace officer for more than a decade in houston, they believe he targeted doctor because of possible 20-year grudge. >> the only connection we have found and the only explanation we can -- that we have found to date and we put a lot of work into this is the fact that doctor operated on suspect's mother over 20 years ago and she died in operating table. >> surveillance played role in henning manhunt. surveillance captured fleeing murder scene and surveillance from metro bus captured the entire murder, doctor was described as humble and generous man who practiced for 40 years, he was 65 year's old, mike. mike: bryan llenas, thanks a lot. laura: u.s. intelligence officials presenting a united front sending a clear message that they are ready to block any attempts of interference from russia or outside forces as the administration looks to meet the threat of election meddling ahead of november's election, how they plan to boost election security coming up next. >> our democracy itself is in the cross hairs, free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and it has become clear that they are the target of our adversaries who seek to discord ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? 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>> so i called this the most dangerous but not the most likely scenario in cyberspace. if there was any doubt about the nature and credibility about the cyber this week than has certainly been, what we are seeing is two lines of operations that are being, they are playing out in parallel by the russians, the first is strategic influence campaign, right, this has been well documented to begin way ahead of the 2016 presidential elections, it is an effort, strategic effort by the russians to discord doubt and division among the american electorate, it's obvious that the united states is more divided then that's an advantage for russia, second line of operation that's being stuck is cyber campaign targeted at industrial control systems, the lifeline sectors that provide energy, the telecommunications, water services to our citizens and our governments, so you have two very different campaigns, as far as the possibility of a cascading electrical blackout that was discontinued earlier this week, possible, not likely. we know the russians have the capability to disrupt electric generation and distribution power, they have done it in the ukraine, the question is do they have the intent to do it in the united states, do they have the capacity technically to do it on a scale that would result in cascading blackouts and the latter we are not quite seeing yet. >> this week facebook shut down accounts, facebook publicly wasn't calling out the russians, maybe they were behind closed doors but a lot of law make eshes i talked to on -- lawmakers i talked to on the hill are saying russia, et cetera. >> a slightly different situation than in 2016. in 2016 the efforts were focused on a single office, the oval office. >> sure. >> in midterm elections we have much more hyperlocal campaign cycle and election cycle, we are talking about legislative districts and that's going to involve different tactics than the russian. there's been a lot of attention on facebook, a lot of attention on twitter and rightly so over the last couple of years, indeed that was the primary battleground for the russian influence campaign. i expect to see the russian shift tactics a little bit away from the traditional social media forms, after all that's where everybody is looking, and facebook has done great deal of work to increase platform and more towards local forums, vlogs, things that influence voters on very local issues that we are seeing play out in midterm cycle. mike: so you talked about the efforts to go after key infrastructure, what are we doing to stop? >> we are doing a lot. as you said at the top of the segment, the administration came out in full force today earlier this week on monday in new york city, the secretary of homeland security hosted an event ahead of cyber command and secretary perry of the department of energy, it's clear that all hands are on deck to recognize this threat where it is and deal with it in a common posture. here is what's happening right now, i call it kind of short of war activities and the pentagon calls this intelligence preparation of the operational environment, right, which is in cyberspace and also in the realm as well, the russians are analyzing our systems, gathering intelligence, traditional operations -- >> probing. >> kind of probing and prepositioning assets within our critical infrastructure in the event of heightened tensions between the u.s. and russia. as i said earlier, i don't think they have the access now to be able to effect cascading blackouts but we did learn earlier this week that they had direct access to controlled panel at electrical distribution site. so it's real and it's in their interest to continue to expand their access. >> and in remaining time, what is being done to secure midterm election where is the focus is not the white house but all the congressional races across the country? >> thankfully a lot. as the secretary professional this is really where the rubber hits the road, when i was cto of new jersey i personally worked very closely with the department of homeland and our state and local officials after all elections are administered at the state and local level, there's a lot of information sharing taking place between those levels of government and actual hardening of the systems, that is the election systems themselves as well as the voter registration databases which we know are prime target for the russians. >> thank you, thanks for your time. >> well, the same for missing college student enters its third week as investigators comb through evidence related to disappearance, we are live in iowa with the latest details next. moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis was intense. my mom's pain from i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. and if that pain could mean something worse. joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop further damage enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. since enbrel, my mom's back to being my mom. visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how joint damage could progress. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 18 years. - (phone ringing)a phones offers - big button,ecialized phones... and volume-enhanced phones., get details on this state program. call or visit with the very latest on the search. >> hi, laura, 20-year-old university of iowa student was supposed to be at a wedding in dominican republic this week. this afternoon the reward for molly has risen to $220,000, family has partnered with crime stoppers to raise the money because they tell us they believe molly is alive and being held captive somewhere. police and family acknowledging that molly could be anywhere right now especially because of the small town's proximity to interstate 80. she was last seen jogging on july 18th, molly's mother describes how she's making it through this ago -- agony. >> sometimes i feel her sitting on my shoulder and molly was an incredible strong young woman and i don't know that i have the strength in me but molly's lending me her strength every day, every night and, yes, i have my moments of complete meltdowns. >> police have been extremely quiet in this case. as of this afternoon, there are no named suspects and no leads in this case right now. back to you, laura. laura: all right, thank you so much for that report, we will continue to keep our thoughts and prayers going for this case, thank you. mike: that will do it for us, it was fast, wasn't it, laura? lauren: we got a lot of news to get to, back at 4:00 p.m. eastern for more news. the journal editorial report is next. mike: see you later. claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.


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News coverage is provided. they have 11 percent of voters at this point undecided. the ohio lieutenant governor told elizabeth prann earlier today how important the president's role here will be. >> i think voters will show up tonight. republicans will show up tonight. they will be excited to see the president in ohio in the buckeye state supporting troy balderson is a conservative who has worked to lower taxes. to defend life, protect the second amendment to cut unnecessary burdensome regulations. >> this will be the president's third rally this week. in support of republican candidates and he has made plenty of headlines with his remarks during the rallies often directed at democratic political rivals or what he calls the fake news media for underreporting his successes in office including the economy. >> our economy, is soaring, jobs are booming, factors are pouring back into the country. they are coming from all over the world. we are defending our workers. we are protecting our constitution. >> we will likely hear more about that tonight michael. we do not know if we'll hear more about the president's twitter feed with lebron james who is on another network lesson i talked about a new school he's opening in the akron area. the president criticizing lebron james who criticized the president. we will have to see what happens next. we'll have more on that coming up in the next hour. mike: thank you, leading us off from charming new jersey. laura: for more on this would go to jack torrey, the washington bureau chief. for the dispatch. a lot to talk about today, jack. thank you for being with us today. to talk about what we are about to experience here in the next few hours. i was reading in your paper that voters in ohio are being inundated with the presidential election, the special election. millions of dollars being spent for both sides today as you're watching here on the split screen. the president is heading there for troy balderson. what are voters saying ahead of this going into the polls? are they reacting to this type of advertising so far? >> is a very good question and a hard one to answer because no one really knows what's getting through here. i think a lot of voters in the district didn't know until couple weeks so that there would be a special election next tuesday. all of these ads are aimed at firing up enough people on the base to show up and vote because of the special election. it is strictly turn out. if you get your voters to show up you will win. so far, from the early votes and early absentee request the democrats are, danny o'connor, appeared to be doing much better than the republicans. >> voters are getting all types of text messages and from both candidates and their campaigns, the door knock campaign going on all week. if you are not going to the polls they are coming to you kind of a feeling there from what we are hearing. voters in ohio haven't gone to the polls in august and quite a while. how do you think it will go, i know it is hard to predict but what are your people saying? >> most people say it will be very close. i would say this, republicans are acting like they are in trouble. the congressional leadership to the group connected to speaker ryan has put in about $3 million in television ads and on the ground. they are sending in the president, the scent and the vice president in the eastern part of the district earlier this week. they are acting like they have a problem. democrats on the other hand a fired up. the key is going to become a delaware county which is north of columbus, is home to suburban wealthy. suburban republican voters. the county has the highest median household income in the state. it also has the highest number of percentage of college graduates. this is the demographics that the president has had trouble with. you are seeing if troy balderson loses on tuesday, i think it will be a backlash against the president by suburban republicans. particularly suburban republican women. laura: you bring that appear medical this largely symbolic head of the midterm elections. these two will face up again in november, this is a preview to what we could see across the country. in this case we brought that up with the suburbans. give a republican district with a pumped up democratic base. so at polling ohio shows voters are frustrated with the president's leadership. what advice at this point could both candidates use? >> the best thing for both to do would be stay on message. which is very hard for troy balderson to do. because he is a president who should be coming in talking about the economy. instead, he is launching a twitter war against lebron james. it is just, it's not a very understandable strategy.the other problem is going to be at the event tonight, governor kasich was also endorsed troy balderson this is his old congressional district. i'm not sure he will be there. in fact i'm pretty sure he will not be there. as a result of a mixed message going on. it is almost a proxy sheet between john kasich and donald trump.and the two of them have made it clear they are not crazy about each other. laura: and get a word in my ear that the president has just tweeted about tariffs. what are voters in ohio saying about tariffs? how are they responding to the rhetoric on twitter? >> actually, tariffs are not all that popular in ohio. although people think they are because they think of it as the rust belt. but if you look at ohio it is a huge agricultural state. the expert like $600 million worth of soybeans to china. warmers in ohio are going to be hurt by a trade war with china. they will be hurt if nafta is not renegotiated. ohio is a nature export state. and they you know no matter how much it sounds good, to have people talking about tariffs, typical voters want to have good prices and they want to be able to export their goods. and you just, this rally will be held not that far from the plant in ohio. honda did not want to have a trade war. the workers do not want a trade war. laura: you know i want to go back to something. reports this week the democrats have cast 71 percent of the early votes so far. 2016 general election republicans in the district, the three biggest counties accounted for 65 percent of the early vote. this is a district that has been held by republicans as 1980. how worried should they be? you are seeing the republicans act like they are worried. >> well i think he just ask yourself the obvious question. think of where half the audience was in 1982. the last time a democrat won the sea. a lot of them were not born yet. this is a real problem. if the republicans lose on tuesday, and then i am not saying they will, but no one knows for sure. this does not go well, the columbus business community has made it pretty clear. the winner of the race will probably end up supporting in the fall. there certainly not run against that person. this raises the stakes for this election. and if the republicans lose a race like this where they put all this morning and all this time and all of this organization, it is not a good sign for the november elections. everybody knows what is at stake here. like i said, they should be normally a republican seat. and we do not know what will happen on tuesday. laura: i want to draw our viewers attention to the other half of the screen as we watch for the arrival of the president in ohio. of course it is not for a little while. but the president factor is one that cannot be ignored. his ability to spike the intensity of his base, at these rallies we have seen. and we will see more of this. he told sean hannity an interview recently he plans to campaign 6 to 7 days a week during the final two months before the midterms. but some say it could overshadow, it could distract. what do you think for the folks in ohio on that one? >> i'm puzzled by his selection of going in the delaware county. the truck district stretches all the way out to zanesville in the east and there are a lot of trump voters out the print delaware county which is places like dublin and westerville and worthington, these are modern upscale neighborhoods and they are probably, they like the economy, they love the economy, what am i saying? i'm sure they don't like the noise that goes with it. and as a result, the voters they are trying to appeal to, because they have been having john kasich, senator portman doing radio spots, those sponsors aimed right at that particular voter. that is the voter that donald trump has been having trouble with. and so it's going to be an interesting thing to see if he can connect with them somehow. i'm not sure he can. laura: jack tori with cultist dispatch, we appreciate perspective. obviously will be a big night for you all there. thank you so much for being with us and sharing. >> glad to be with you. laura: stay with the fox news channel tonight. we will be in ohio for the president's rally scheduled to begin 6:30 pm eastern time. then we will bring you live reaction right after with a brand-new episode of "watters' world" at 8:00. mike: paul manafort tax and bank fraud trial, his accountant said she helped alter financial documents even though she believed records were false. yesterday's admission coming as the president ramped up calls to end the special counsel, robert mueller 's russia investigation. sufficient reason. i mean this is really a congressional matter. the irony here is that the argument is president obama did not have the authority to put the program and by way of executive order. i personally agree with that. >> the administration has 20 days to appeal the ruling. laura: ellison barber, in washington, thank you. mike: after mass manhunt the suspected killer reformer presidents heart dr. is found. authorities believe that they now know his motive. we have the latest on the investigation. butfirst, secretary of state, mike pompeo out with a storm warning stern warning. how north korea is responding. and morristown new jersey where president is right now, on the right screen ohio where he is heading for a campaign style rally ahead of a special election on tuesday. you can catch it right here on fox news channel. ely clip a passing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? 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>> north korea 100 percent. the trump administration has been completely clear. waterford crystal clear. no sections will be relieved from the united states until the north koreans dismantled the nuclear program. i have not even allowed us into the country to actually see what they have. there has to be a sequence of things that happen to fully denuclearize north korea. and they have not done step one yet. they've done things we appreciate. sending back some of the reported remains of america's war heroes and some of the things but that is not our number one priority. the number one priority is to finally and fully dismantle the north korean nuclear missile program. mike: what would happen if president trump let up sanctions pressure now? >> he would be doing exactly what every previous president has done and who has failed. what the trumpet ministration is doing that is completely different than previous administrations is to say, i am going to continue to pressure as hard as we can. that is why the tough words from secretary pompeo towards china and russia, that is why we are saying this because they relieving some of the sanctions enforcement. that has to stay in place. what we are keeping a place, meanwhile president trump continues to show kim jong-un what could be north korea's future should he choose it. and that is where you are saying all of this. the comments going back and forth, the nice talk, showing them there could be economic prosperity but none of it happens unless he makes the decision. mike: topic ministry officials have made clear there are limits to their patients with north korea. is that we are picking up as well? >> absolutely. all my conversations between the u.s. officials privately, publicly, what i'm hearing from them is consistent across the board. there is a limit to this because the to ministration wants to have progress, real dismantlement progress before the end of the presidents term. assuming he is one term we have to get that done. he might have two but you can't count on that. so that means, i'm looking at the feeling that i get is after november, we looking at december, january, if the north koreans have not clearly made that strategic decision to move in another direction, there's going to be maximum pressure part two and it will be the forest in the first round. mike: break out your crystal ball. the question from all folks is, will this time be different with north korea? >> you know, i think the thing that -- is hard to predict with the trump administration because of such an unconventional president. one thing that gives a little increased help for the administration is that president trump is determined to actually dismantle and he seems to be. he is not really interested in relieving the status quo. he is not interested in the north koreans expanding the program. part of that is you have to have a credible threat of military force. previous presidents have said all options on the table but have not met it. i really get the sense that president trump is willing to flip the switch and say we tried diplomacy, that didn't work to resolve the strongest most capable military in the world and we are not willing to allow you to continue to threaten the united states with nuclear missiles. i am more hopeful than have been in the past. that this is a very stubborn north korean regime and really the ball is in their court. mike: goodness so far is that they are not rockets being fired off around 4 july or other american holidays to say look at us over here, right? >> that's right. the testing of the missiles, that is one piece of missile program that gives them an increased sense that the missiles are reliable but they can actually get them where they want to send them. but it is just one piece. you've seen the un report coming out and other reports say that the north koreans can still build out their capacity. they can still expand their capability, expand the number of missiles and capabilities they have without testing. we cannot allow them to do this cat and mouse diplomacy and while they are building more missiles behind these or inside these mountains and so that is why the patient's other trump administration has its limits. >> thank you so much. >> thanks.laura: supreme court justice nominate brett kavanaugh is gearing up to me with senate democrats. what they are requesting about him. and we are waiting the president to leave new jersey to go to ohio. for a campaign style rally ahead of a special election on tuesday. we will be right back. that might help. show me the carfax? 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>> i agree with the congressman. he needs to be properly vetted, the senate is to take seriously its role to advising consent. but it is advising consent role. i think we have to be careful. already there has been $10 million raised and spent by outside groups to pressure not only be democrats in red states but moderates, murkowski and collins, and so if we are already at 10 million raised and spent my guess is we will be somewhere north of 52 may be $75 million spent to see if someone is worthy to be confirmed on the united states supreme court. i think that is a big problem we need to address in the country. i also think we need to recognize that as we get towards the hearings, with everything we're seeing now in the lead up we need to remember in order for it to be a hearing, someone has to listen. and unfortunately both in the house and in the senate, hearings, most of what we see these days from both sides of the aisle, is a lot of spin, love trying to get their own 30 seconds in the evening news. so i think we need to take a step back and say okay, the senator should ask very short, very precise questions with lots of very short and very precise follow-up questions. if we want to have a real vetting process. as it relates to the qualifications of judge kavanaugh. that is the key. mike: good luck with that! john, thank you very much. great to have your time and analysis on this saturday. have a great day. >> thank you. laura: a fox news alert. dozens of fires happening out west. the hardest hit areas northern california. unrelenting heat and dry weather making it tough for firefighters to put out the flames. jeff paul is live in los angeles with the very latest. i was just there two weeks ago, my family is there there opening up the doors and smoke just hits them. it's like getting his mouth full of smoke. it is terrible everyone in the region. reporter: it is absolutely horrible. part of the reason why the governor there is speaking while touring some of the hardest hit areas that we spoke about, telephone or governor jerry brown analyses asking president trump for a major disaster declaration. there battling the relentless fires with herculean efforts for their 14,000 firefighters battling 17 major wildfires here so far the fires have burned close to half a million acres forcing 40,000 to evacuate. the most devastating fire is a carr fire which killed six people and destroyed more than 1000 homes. it is considered one of the worst wildfires in state history. when asked about the likelihood of president trump approving the relief requested governor brown says he is hopeful. >> tragedies bring people together. we rise to the occasion and so our interests converge at a higher and deeper level. that is what's happening here. i am confident the president will respond. reporter: if the disaster declaration is approved it would bring in much need of federal assistance to help prevent further threats to people and their homes. no word yet from the white house on any decision. the government agency that tracks major fires reports at the moment, firefighters are battling at least 89 wildfires across 10 states, half of the 28,000 firefighters responded to all the fires right now are in california. laura: all right, we saved almost every summer. i wish we could send the rain that we get on the east coast over there. thank you for your report. mike: let's take a live look. there is ohio where the president is heading. but there is new jersey where we understand marine one has just touched down. the president is about to make his trip to ohio to make a pitch for a house runoff. a critical house runoff here just 90 or so days from election day. what's fascinating about the race of course is whoever wins, they will run again in november against one another. and so will be interesting to see if the president can use his influence in battleground ohio to sway the voter base and get the election swung one way or the other. moorestown, new jersey will expect president trump to leave anytime now for a rally in ohio. this evening and of course will have full coverage here on fox news. we will be back in a moment. ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? 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mike: david lee miller, great to have your experience over there. thanks a lot. laura: also in middle east, tehran bracing for restored u.s. sanctions as president trump says he is willing to meet with leadership without preconditions. is it a good idea? we will talk about it next. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure? you won't find relief here. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms... claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. it's league night!? 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