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front line city ukraine's president the landscape. that's the intensity of fighting is only increasing. ah, i'm still gale. welcome to the program. now, jerry's electoral commission has declared bullard to novo. a president, he lacks, he was the candidate of the ruling old progressive congress party. darian said at late into the night to hear the announcements mister to new booth is now expected to take over from outgoing president bahama to power. this is what of presidency lacked to new booth had to say afterwards. this is, these are on where we are all way. i present. ha, ha, ha. ah, the during electoral commission said mr. to new blue or 18800000 votes, while his main challenger, i tico a booker took almost 7000000, but opposition parties of question. those figures and label be election. a sca dad's death quiet on the streets of nigeria. as a growing number of people calling to question the legitimacy of last weekend's presidential race. there has been widespread criticism of new electronic voting systems with technical and logistical issues. also reported during the count the main opposition parties, including the people's democratic party and the labor party, have called for fresh elections. nigerians watched as they branded the weekends vote, a scam artist alicia is not free. fair, credible is clear to all that, you know, study, selection is solid, the compromised, and therefore the duck is the wishes and aspirations. so every nigerian armies, the general appeal, the best thing to do is for us to correct it. i get it right on the streets of the commercial capital lagos, while labor, when a majority, people are skeptical about the election. amazon for the insurance, would you an advice to arise that he thought o mode? so no opinion a thing the issued due the issue, where did she do d n the she would be delicious deserts. i'll say that sam, he was in a free and you know, fair process because he was obviously rigged in every state. some international observers set the election lacked transparency. a mary fears that a contested result from this tightly fault race could lead to violence. a stone dw lagos, bureau chief of florida to cora, who's in nigeria commercial capital morning flourish, fullerton over a campaigned, under the slogan, it's my turn. now he's got his turn. what's he promising to do now? he's basically pharmaceuticals. seem you some of the policies of price then why am i to hurry, which includes big spending. and he's also from he seemed to tackle you security in nigeria. i'm one of the things that he was really heavy on during this company was a heavy focus on agriculture. so he wants to basically, he said he wants to make use of the massive resources of nigeria as used to basically use up to create, you know, to be all of our cultural systems. and so that's what we're expecting to see from the sample on it. okay. we've seen as rich we saw in the report, concerns about the way the election was run. i'm calls for a re run our election authorities taking those seriously. i to be honest, feel the out what the language and the way the out the out responding even wing at the coalition was taking place and people were complaining all part of why. again saying the sink beings. he was a very non talent attitude, and in fact, we haven't heard anything from president how they haven't said anything to the fact that anything is going to be done in terms of taking b r plays or people seriously. and that's where we're seeing the level of, you know, push back that we are getting what from b, b opposition parties and also from the people in terms of protests and people insisting that the right been done. the presidential tickets normally split between a christian and a muslim bulletin obo and he served running make to both of the muslim how is that like you to affect the perceived legitimacy, especially in such a contested result in terms of lead, you may see there's actually no law that says that the christian at the up price bank must be christina, was the more that it's, he got to be dis, yet between both religions. he just something that as that has kind of become like on, on we seem law. so i think as far as he didn't affect his legitimacy in terms of he winning the primaries in the press release, it's not going to affect the legitimacy of him being president. but that doesn't mean that people are just going to sit down and accepted. nigeria is almost $5050.00 christiana, mostly and so across the christians are going to feel like it's a big blue already. we're, we're getting that handled. the motion here where christians feel like, okay, do you mean that there is no christian? that is qualified to be that vice president, all right then that it has to be to muslims. so we just have to see how things develop about the next communities bank with our flourish. forrester cora in lagos . now to ukraine, where president savanski has warned that the fight for back marty's only increasing russian troops have been trying to capture the east and city for several months. recently, there stepped up their assault as a chinese circlet and cut off ukrainian supply of hines. the battle for back route have seen some of the heaviest fighting of this war. with heavy losses on both sides. they're fighting for every corner of this newly destroyed city. baltimore has become yet another symbol of ukraine's resistance against the invaders. its soldiers have been holding the front line for months, but russian attacks have become more intense in recent days. colon view more or less. and you could say every house and every street is covered in our blood. hilary owners, pro lights are artillery isn't managing to suppress their artillery. you own virtual need. we have a lack of ammunition. you lack of professional drones that can conduct reconnaissance. so receiving your growing of you give them only for the bureaus vehicle battle. it has limited strategic value, but his capture would be a major symbolic victory for the russian army. and the wagner's group of mercenaries which appear to have put their differences aside. essentially, we have seen that, you know, in, in the political sphere it seems that wagner tried to contest the ministry of the fans. however, as of now, we're seeing that on the battlefield, they're still trying to achieve a common military strategic objective. most of the cities, nearly 70000 residents, have long left parliament. soldiers and volunteers are still taken some people to safety. a few choose to stay with us so long as my home is intact, silly and so long as i am not hurt. quicker psalms on don't to stay here any more, grows rufus, on the scale of the destruction becomes clear when seen from above. but as bar with known as r t, your mosque during the soviet times, may be about to be taken over the seed is defenders are trying to keep their spirits high. but the with i was thinking maybe i'll turn on the radio and listen to some music. so i'm not poor turns love land on the radio. i heard ukrainian soldier will give up. art yamazik has been taken by russians. leave your positions and surrender real, spare you with and i was like the yeah, sure thing to while i'm driving through back loot and i'm going to surrender. so funny. with resources running low and overwhelming attacks these soldiers are determined to make the russians pay a heavy price for bachman. let's take a closer look at this with military unless mike martin, who's a senior fellow at kings college london, a welcome back to d w. mike, why is russia putting so much effort into gaining control of back what given its apparent lack of strategic importance? i think there are 2 reasons we need to consider. the 1st one is that this is very much within stated war range. in his words, liberating that on bass, and he needs to take back to, to complete that task. but the other is, if you look at the way the roads and the rail networks arranged, there are 2 bigger settlements to the west and still in the dumbass. slowly and synchron mentors and in order to take those biggest cities, which he needs to do to complete the c g go, he needs to take the 1st. i've heard reports for the americans have been advising ukraine to give up the fight for back because it's not worth the losses that those are for some tough conversations going on behind the scenes. yes, they will let me know. i haven't heard those reports that undoubtedly there is a sort of a continual conversation between americans, bricks, germans and ukrainians. i think the one thing i will say on that is that right from the start of this war, the ukrainians have been in the lead in terms of the goals that they want to achieve in the war. the strategy and the losses that they're willing to take. so i would imagine the americans can advise them. again, we'll do what they feel that they need to do and what sort of size of losses are we talking about and back? move on both sides. say these figures come with a huge caveats. it's very difficult to get accurate figures out to this war, but russian losses are probably in the range of 203-0000 that's over the last 6 months. was they've been trying to take back moot. i'd say you training loss is probably a half to 2 thirds of that. and the reason i say that is because if you look at the different way that the ukrainians and the russians use their forces, the russians are much more wasteful of their manpower than ukraine. right. and the report that resources are getting scarce, and we've been talking about this in the last months, can russia forward to just keep throwing men at bis? well, man, is it personnel is really the one resource that russia does have quite a lot of it's running out of artillery shows you and it's running out of more precision weapons. whereas ukraine is getting fresh injections of weaponry and ammunition all the time. although indeed for them it, even for those guys, it's tight. but yes, russia can afford to keep throwing men in. up until he looked at the current loss rates, which across the whole battlefield are up to about $800.00 losses per day for the russians. they can afford to keep going at this rate of loss to well in the summer and your crime. you claim you have a technical sort of superiority and is using it. it's is using it more effectively, but you know, how long can you keep going on to something that apparently isn't worth it? i don't think that the trains stopping points in this war is going to be running out to men and women. it's a country 44000000 people and they are defending their homeland and it seems to me that the population is behind them. i think the stopping point for this 3 trainings will either be when they, when or when the west stop supplying them with weapons. as ever very clear, thank you for that, mike mike, mandy from king's college london, will semblance parliament will vote to day on legislation that will pay the way for it to join nato. nato secretary general against ulta berg visited helsinki on tuesday, speaking alongside prime minister, santa marion. he said that now is the time to rely finland and sweden to join. the military alliance for his comment was directed to nato members. turkey and hungry off was standing in the way asti w, terry schultz reports turkey is causing the most concerned. i'm side by side. that's how almost everyone presumed nordic neighbors, finland, and sweden would travel the path to nato when they submitted their applications in may. this is a good day or at the critical moment for our security, but turkish president wretched tie a bear to one, put the brakes on the 2 countries bids, due primarily to their perceived tolerance for kurdish groups, he considers enemies. the 3 countries made a deal at the nato summit and madrid to work out their differences. but only finland has succeeded in sweden where the officially designated kurdish terrorist organization, the p t. k is more visible. activists have targeted or to one personally, and burned the qur'an stoking anchor as animosity the garage. oh, we do not have relatively a major problem with respect to finland on that. we are always on the learning that sweden should take. concrete steps is the, this has led to a distinct change in nato's emphasis that the nordics joined together. the main question is not whether the feminine sweden or r rectified together are. the main question is that they are both ratified as full members. as soon as possible, there's been a shift in helsinki to finish president sally mister says joining together is his preference, but our hands, sorry, no, wait tight. we have applied for membership should be now say that know we cancel our application, know that we cancel with fins, are thinking more about their other neighboring now decades of opposition to nato membership, evaporated after russia launched warren crane will be very hard for decision makers to justify the people war, i think over 80 percent in favor of nato right now. and also we're seeing over 50 percent offenders now in favor of going in in aid. so at this point, even if we're not read it by, the swedish prime minister of kristen has reacted angrily warning that leaving sweden outside nato even temporarily would compromise both of their security. henry vaughan and disagrees. sweden would be a nato invites each surrounded by nato members. and have would have finland on its eastern neighbor a, nate, so i won't say would be the worst possible scenario at the moment. it's the most likely scenario with finland, holding parliamentary elections in april. the current government would like to see a finished flag raised at nato. under its watch and there still a sliver of possibility for a tandem accession, as stalled talks with turkey resume in march. his little bits of all sorts making headlines around the world. moscow's regional governess as a military drone drone has crashed during an attempted strike of civilian infrastructure near the russian capital pictures circulating on social media suggested was ukrainian made in that attack was one of several to pull to the regions across western russia. on tuesday. keith does not comment on the talks inside russia, greece at least 32 people have been killed and schools more injured. after 2 trains collided, the passenger and freight trains crossed with the city of larissa, destroying the 1st 2 carriages. hundreds of passengers have been safely evacuated. medic say, sudanese security forces shot dead protested during a demonstration against military rule. he was the 100 and 25th person to be killed in the weekly protest that have been held a sense of military coups. in october 2021. please also 5 tier gas at protesters marching towards a central palace in the capital hot to the kurdish special forces are trying to keep control of northern syria amid arising attacks by the militant islamic state group, the group so called calif. it was brought down during civil, serious, ongoing civil war, even though the group itself was not completely wiped out. our next report is from the city of, i'll hoc sir. i'll, i'll has soccer in the kurdish region of northern syria. the region was spared of widespread destruction during the recent devastating earthquakes, but many here now a fear resurgence of r i s i can't show who it has experienced 1st hand what the so called islamic state is capable of this video shows him and other hostages being held humiliated and tortured him. it's been a year since his capture to stick one in santi, people who did this to us have no humanity over. they slaughtered my friends before my eyes. shut it, what kind of people do this? i'm scared to try to choose on average al her soccer, northeastern syria. for a long time the tine of 200000 inhabitants was one of the more peaceful in area. but not anymore. a car bomb explodes nearby terrible, but unfortunately nothing special says a journalist from a local t v station. he says i ass is very active here. b, i didn't know budman. we all feel very threatened to have that come on, cut into thought as soon as i as either chance, johnny dodge, i'll be spread there. terror using every kind of chaos and disorder. monte co dash on just like the earthquake in our country. amaya hobby, f. monica, the recent natural disaster has been seen as an opportunity. the quake has shaken up politics and syria. president bashar al assad regime is hoping for an end to international isolation and forging you relations. even with turkey, experts say that i ass and other terrorist groups. i trying to exploit that political shift. we have a nicer tuition, i guess i would, i want to escalate attacks that wants to present itself as i major or that i can we're inferior here in the countries. ne kurdish groups patrol the al has soccer region in recent years, they have been able to suppress the terrorist script militarily here. but in some areas, islamist ideologies have flourished college of ohio. i is everywhere here in this camp on the villages over there covered and in the mountains. ah, my dear, murdering people in their homes. josh, um this whole area is full of them out. hello dash o. these kurdish soldiers are getting ready for a major offensive. i care to who'd says he is specially wants to keep fighting against i ass one year on from almost losing his life. a scientists say we're still a long way from being able to travel on air planes about harming the environment. an infrastructure is built entirely around fossil based, jet fuels, which a key carbon emitters, or if we hope to face these out in the coming years, then what are the alternatives? i'll our next report takes a look around 3 percent of global c o. 2 emissions can be traced back to aviation, and the sector is expected to grow in the coming decades. there are no simple or fast solutions to the climate related problems the industry poses. it is one significant emitter off on truck with genex greenhouse gases. it is not the biggest as the sector, but it is certainly significant. and here we need to act swift to maintain technology, transition of this industry sector into a sustainable future. when it comes to mitigating the climate damage, aviation causes 3 different approaches. hold promise. one is to electrify plains, running them on giant batteries, so they don't directly burn any fuel at all. basically employing the same technology used and most smaller drones. but electric powered aircraft running on today's batteries can't carry much weight for long distances. and they would have to be built from scratch to replace the 10s of thousands of kerosene powered plains that currently make up commercial fleets. so they're still at best a long term option for shorter hall flights. then there's the idea of powering planes with hydrogen instead of jet fuel, either by burning the element directly or using it to drive a fuel cell. but here volume is an issue to provide enough energy to power flight. the hydrogen has to be cooled and liquified to concentrated. the gas is tricky to handle and airports everywhere would have to alter fueling infrastructure. so also a longer term proposal, which is why most efforts in the field at the moment are aimed at creating sustainable alternatives, known as drop ins, liquid synthetic or biofuels made with carbon taken from non fossil sources like plants, or even from atmospheric c o 2. what's key is that they can be transported, stored, pumped, and handled, just like fossil based kerosene. but it will take time to make them available on a wide scale. i think it would take 25 to 30 years to at least one life time off a plane development and considering that or the lifetime of the plane is a lot longer than you conventional call the roast. although sustainable evie ation fuels can therefore contribute to the carbon izing flight over time. the challenges remain immense on the line of sport, the president of a french football federation. no, the grant has resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, but rather than condemned the 81 year old major male figures in the french football, i've been praising him him suggesting he should keep his other job with footballs. wool, governing body fever. no. le, great help master mine, france is 2018 world cook triumph and is a powerful figure in the global game. but now the 81 year old president of the french football federation has been forced to resign. at the allegations of sexual harassment. he denied wrong doing and was praised by his successor after an emergency meeting to announce he was quitting during your visit, but it was a very important meeting for french soccer. it started with a very dignified statement by president like right. who i believe has once again shown through the decision, he took that he's one of the great leaders of french football, the gold, the regional, the football hall. instead of criticizing the outgoing president over the harassment allegations, a top figure from french club football also had cottonwoods for the grid. who is expected to continue was head of fif as paris office. south said u b o maybe fif, i can help, noel. i would at this difficult time. i've always had a lot of respect for men and women who make lifelong commitment. so i think this will be good for noel focus if it was i could tell he appreciated fever. reaching out to the teacher, chris sheila, mental due to all is not well in french football, women's national team coach co indiana is also under pressure to step down at the captain, wendy center. and 2 other players said they would skip the world cup in july. french media reported the cry now had refused to play again under the aca because of her methods. big problems in the french game, a coming home to roost. this is w i d w. so bellini is reminder of our top story at base. our bullet to november of nigeria is ruling old progressive. congress party has been declared, president elect after the electoral commission, say one more than 8 and a half 1000000 votes. but the 2 main opposition parties are calling for a fresh voted allegations of election for the future up to date, a lot more world news at the top of the our next here on the w close up looks at the race to make profit on space, travel and what can be done to protect it from private insurance with with you know, what happened to the infinite beyond those days are in today . private companies are conquering space. what about money into it and control to profit and walk to the consequences. new space, the new revolution, close up next thought d, w, nieto, india, you're just reducing the amount of water that sitting around and a nod reduces the amount of methane that's being produced in the field. rice, a food staple, and a kyla killer. asian rice farmers are conducting experiments with more environmentally friendly agricultural methods. pico india in 60 minutes on d. w. o. gen these had 1111 north single woman. mission is to send the 1st female jannen astral, his face the gender gap in space exploration. germany's 1st female astronaut, it has been waiting for years to get her turn. a private initiative is pushing to make it happen. to me personally, it's just a dream. i've always had of always wanted to see the us for destiny for space starts more, jason on d w o died. oh, said mister 6 on february 6th 2018. the falcon heavy rocket took off on its maiden flight.


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