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Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20150206

♪ oh won't you stay with me ♪ will sam smith rock the music world and score a major upset with a grammy? stay with him. and good morning, america. award season is here. music on tap this sunday night with the grammys. >> can't wait for that. also talk about award season we have a huge -- i mean humongous announcement concerning the oscars. you don't want to miss that. >> that's coming up. right to this deep freeze. ginger boy, temperatures plunging all over the east coast. >> this morning we're waking up here just above zero. there are windchill advisories from west virginia to maine. if you have exposed skin it can become dangerous if you're out there for some time. numbers, 9 in louisville. 5 below, buffalo. the core of that is right in new england. burlington feels like 20 below. caribou, 23 below and boston with all that fresh snow on the ground they're hearing about a new snowstorm and yes, there will be one. saturday and sunday and sunday night through monday and early tuesday we deal with it throughout the northeast. connecticut, rhode island up through massachusetts, i think the heaviest snow is going to be just north of new york city. doesn't mean it won't snow in new york but i wanted to time this out for you and show you what we're looking for as far as snow totals. a lot of that upstate new york western new york sees some of the heavier stuff vermont, new hampshire and maine. west of boston is where the foot plus goes. robin, we certainly have a messy monday coming into tuesday. so we're setting this pattern. >> it is february. all right, ginger, thank you. to the latest in the transasia plane crash, at least 35 people killed, 8 still missing. authorities in taiwan revealing what took place in the final seconds before the plane went down. abc's david kerley has the latest for us and joins us. >> reporter: it's the black boxes and they are very telling with one engine down the pilots apparently shut down the good engine. the final moments of the transasia flight it's clear the turboprop just doesn't have enough power before clipping a bridge and crashing into taipei's river? why, trouble with one engine but a possible fatal mistake. >> looks like they may have shut down the wrong engine. >> we are collecting factual information. >> reporter: this morning, that blockbuster revelation from the black boxes of what happened in the cockpit. just five seconds after the atr-72 takes off the crew notices something wrong. ten seconds in an engine warning light, the right goes to idle and more than 30 seconds into the flight the pilots pull back the throttle on the left engine the good one and try to restart it. >> it's essentially a glider. >> reporter: that as more survivals come to light including the cab driver and hamish macdonald saw the aftermath. >> you can see where the wing smashed into it. the forensic investigator told us that if the car was any further forward or any lower to the ground it would probably have been destroyed or potentially flipped right over. >> reporter: cab driver and passenger survived. 15 people in the aircraft. now, the taiwanese have been prompt in releasing this information but they're not drawing any conclusions. the investigation continues but, george it is appearing as if their pilot error was a significant factor in the crash. >> okay david, thanks very much. we'll turn to a new measles scare in another major city. five babies from a day-care center contracted the disease. at least ten more may have been exposed. abc's chief health and medical editor dr. richard besser tracking it. good morning rich. >> these babies were too young to be vaccinated and around the country officials this morning are facing the challenge of convincing some parents that vaccination is more than a personal decision. this morning, more measles fears spreading across the u.s. this day care at a chicago suburb announcing thursday that five infants in their program have been diagnosed with the virus. up to ten other infants are at risk and in quarantine. >> these are children that are probably not vaccinated because they are -- many of them are under the age necessary to receive their first vaccination. >> reporter: major medical groups like the cdc trying to convince parents that childhood vaccinations not only protect their children but everyone else's babies from the infectious disease, as well. in the last decade rumors of a tie between autism and vaccines led parents in 19 states to legally opt out of vaccines for personal plaintiffs. those rumors now discredited. autism speaks the country's pre-eminent science and advocacy group sayingrsday "vaccines do not cause autism. we urge that all children be fully vaccinated. ." mississippi, no opt out provisions. they have a 99% kindergarten vaccination rate and has had no cases of measles since 1992. compare that to california where more than 17,000 parents refuse vaccinations last year alone. its vaccination rate just 92% with 99 measles cases since december. california resident chess said she had's rather her son from the measles than the vaccine supply don't see any reason to inject you know unknown toxins into his system. this doesn't seem necessary to me. >> this measles vaccine has been used for decades and found to be safe and effective and that wonderful thing bit, it protects not only the person receiving it but also those like the babies in this day care who are too young to be vaccinated them themselves themselves. >> and leads to the question how could it get into the day-care center? >> from a day care borkkarcare worker or an older sibling. when these workers come back they'll require that they're all fully vaccinated. >> and so many questions out there. you'll take them again on twitter. >> all morning. >> thanks very much. thousand to that deadly commuter train disaster outside new york city. new details about the final moments before the crash including a 911 call for help and questions about how that mother of three got stuck on the tracks. abc's linsey davis is on the seen in hawthorne, new york, with the latest. good morning linsey. >> reporter: good morning, robin. you see the southbound train passing through right now and investigators plan to be here for several more days. one top priority determining the circumstances that caused ellen brody to drive her car on to these railroad tracks and they plan on looking at her cell phone records. was she perhaps distracted. also the fact this was a new car for brody, if that may have played some role. as investigators carefully comb through debris and pieces of third rail inside the devastated interior of this metro north train new details are showing up. >> report of an explosionen 0 the tracks. >> reporter: including possible clues into the mystery of how he will -- ellen brody drove onto the track. as the driver right behind her, rick hope watched the whole horrifying ordeal. first he says the gate came down and he saw her get out of her car. he describes what happened next to gannett's low hub website. >> she walks and gets back in the car, slight hesitation and then moves forward and at that instant the train came. >> reporter: officials say there was an dent that night on a nearby highway which diverted traffic to this road with the railroad crossing but investigators say lights would have been flashing that they found no problems with any of the warning signals. >> the lights at the crossing the flashing lights illuminated and a few seconds later as designed the crossing arm activate activated. >> reporter: in an interview with steven small, the engineer he saw the driver drive on to the track and activated the brake and sounded the horn for four seconds. it was too late. it could not stop in time. he was later credited with helping passengers off the train. >> thank god he sprung into action. ma i wish i could have saved more he said. >> reporter: ellen brody, the mother of three, will be laid to rest this morning. robin. >> all right, linsey thank you very much. we'll go to amy with the other top stories that are developing and happy birthday amy robach. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. that means a lot. good morning to you and everyone else. we begin with questions about the security of turbotax a program used by millions of americans this tax season. this morning the state of minnesota has stopped accepting tax returns filed on turbotax because of what officials call potential fraud. they say some users logged into the site only to find a return had already been prepared in their name. similar cases have been reported in 19 other states. and china may be to blame for the massive data breach at anthem, the country's second largest health insurer. the cyberattack which compromised the personal information of up to 80 million americans is similar to the work of chinese hackers. the breach is evidence of the growing cyberthreat against health care companies. experts say many are unprepared. president obama is preparing to ask congress to authorize military force against isis. new video shows warplanes from jordan bombing isis training centers in syria. jordan has promised this is only the beginning of its campaign against the terror group. a possible truce in eastern ukraine. the government and pro-russian rebels have agreed to form a so-called humanitarian corridor allowing civilians to flee the fighting. today european leaders are in moscow presenting a peace plan to president putin. and a big headline overnight. debate is raging about an nba tar's comments to a female referee during last night's game. chris paul was slapped with a technical foul after questioning a call made by lauren holtkamp one of the league's two female officials. paul called her ruling terrible and ridiculous and said "this might not be for her." many critics calling that remark sexist. and a nasty crash for bode miller just back from his hiatus. he crashed after hooking his arm on a gate. happened during a race in colorado. he suffered a hamstring injury requiring surgery. but then he later tweeted this picture calling the surgery a success. thumbs up there. finally, speaking of thumbs up, giving that to another photo. touching moment of human kindness that shows a teenager who just bought a necktie at target and a worker he just met who showed him how to put iton. a shopper snapped this picture as the teen was heading to his first job interview at the chick-fil-a restaurant down the street. other employees then gathered to give him advice on what to say during the interview telling him how to give a strong handshake. some were teary-eyed as they sent him off and so this morning we decided to wake up the manager of that chick-fil-a -- i'm not kidding -- and say did he get the job? we're waiting. we'll find out next week. the application is in review. fingers crossed. >> you got me a little teary-eyed. >> he asked for a clip-on tie and said they didn't have one and then they -- >> he didn't know how to tie a tie. >> someone showed him. it is a good story. >> good luck. thank you. turn now to that controversy surrounding brian williams. he has apologized after veterans criticized for falsely claiming he was on a helicopter in iraq hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. david wright is here with that story. >> good morning, george. this controversy threatens to tarnish the reputation of america's number one news anchor. it's a war story, brian williams has told time and again in various forms but soldiers there say that's not how they remember it forcing williams to apologize. >> i made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago. >> reporter: on nbc "nightly news" wednesday brian williams corrected a story he ran last friday night. >> i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. >> reporter: that story paid tribute to a soldier whose platoon williams claimed saved his life at the start of the iraq war when williams and his team were embedded with u.s. forces. the news anchor took his old war buddy, now retired to a new york rangers game. >> ladies and gentlemen, during the iraq invasion u.s. army command sergeant major tim turpak was responsible for the safety of brian williams and his nbc news team after their chinook helicopter was hit and crippled by enemy fire. >> reporter: a heartwarming reunion spoiled after nbc posted the story to its facebook page. sorry, dude i don't remember you being on my aircraft flight engineer lance reynolds wrote in the aircraft. i do remember you walking up about an hour after we landed to ask me what hadhaed. mike o'keefe even called brian williams a liar. >> our colleague brian williams is back in kuwait city after a close call in the skies over iraq. >> reporter: in 2003 williams' initial reports were vague about whether his helicopter was hit. but his "dateline" version has this detail. >> on the ground we learned the chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. >> reporter: over the year however, his story has changed. on alec baldwin's radio show. >> did you think you would die? >> briefly. sure. >> reporter: and on david letterman -- >> two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one i was in. >> no kidding. >> rpg and ak-47. >> reporter: there are conflicting accounts by chopper piles who flew him and his crew. the controversy as been trending for two daysys. #brianwilliamsmisremembers. late night comedians are starting to weigh in too. >> williams said the helicopter part was true but it was a coin operated helicopter outside of a chuck e. cheese. >> reporter: nbc news has had no comment beyond williams' on-air apology for last friday's piece. on last night's broadcast no mention at all of the story. still, a lot of unanswered questions out there and we should note that stars and stripes magazine broke this story picking up comments from the nbc facebook page. >> thank you. now to a new mexico man who thought he won the jackpot and was told don't ging it just yet. see, this was a misprint on the ticket and was told, no he didn't win. with more than $500,000 on the line he is fighting back. take a look at this ticket. see that speck. that is what stands between one man and more than $500,000 he believes is his. >> he won. he matched the same 1, the number 1 on the top of this ticket. >> reporter: 65-year-old john wines, a retired sheing and air-conditioning technician thought he hit the jackpot on his ruby 7 ticket. you can see it here. according to the rules, for every number 1 or 2 he is supposed to win the prize for the amount underneath. >> the new mexico lottery has decided they're not paying it. >> but the lottery claims it is a jack not pointing this out. officials told wines that's an error on his ticket making his win invalid. >> we believe the statute is very clear that the game is about matching numbers. he matched those numbers. they need to pay or basically they're cheaters. >> reporter: but instead of trying his luck again at the lottery -- wines is now looking for luck in court suing the new mexico lottery for 55$500,625 what he believes it is worth. while lottery officials told us they can't comment on the litigation its not just about the fortune to be had but make sure this misfortune doesn't happen to anyone else. yeah so we say he's not whining. >> no. >> he's got a good case. >> seems like he does have a great case. >> we'll be watching. >> we certainly will but now we'll watch the west coast, ooh. they're going to get hammered with rain. >> especially northern bay . let me take you to some of the areas going to be concerned about this. not just all of that rain but wind advisory talking sustained winds 25 to 35 miles per hour. gusts to 60 miles per hour. that's why you see the orange on the map back that parts of the rockies. it is the flash flood watch i want to focus in on because, again, north bay up through northern california they've got the sandbags out. this is a big, big concern when you can see locally over a foot of rain in the coming days. you say, well in a lot of places this is great news farther south. we wish we could push some of it further south. the one on101 and santa rosa has to look out. record high temperatures could be broken in denver and rapid city 67 and 64. >> it is cold this morning, what a beautiful sunrise underway temperatures are 18 degrees and the windchill is 13. it will be slow to warm up throughout the morning hours, 28 by 10:00, just above the freezing mark by noon with sunshine all morning and a couple of clouds rolling in with high temperatures near 40 degrees and if that is too cold for you we have 50 >> now, amy, i did send you a gift. it's just got there a little late. see, you were in phoenix and it's 83 today. >> you're going to do it respect you? >> happy birthday. >> somebody really sent her a gift. >> just tweeted my freshman year high school yearbook page. >> we'll have to share that. also coming up on "gma," three members of the coast guard involved in a deadly shootout. the explosive incident under investigation this morning. and an abc news exclusive. the wife of a former deputy white house counsel tells her dramatic survival story the night her husband tried to kill her. >> "sports illustrated" is under fire for their most popular issue of the year. perhaps did they go too low. sam smith versus the leading ladies of rock 'n' roll. when you don't get enough sleep... and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're pringles tortillas. they're so good they don't need dip. can i have some from your bowl? please. hmmm. not bad right? think i'll have some more. that's a double dip... you double dipped. pringles tortillas. so good you don't dip 'em you air dip 'em. pringles! [music throughout] ♪because i love you♪ [announcer] this is my business. i believe in it. i live it and breathe it. i put my heart and soul... ...blood,sweat and tears into it. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... ...he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... ...he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely autiful hand-crafted ngs at kay e number e jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... ...with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. ♪ buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. >> the morning. in this 7:26 and i am jummy olabanji. we have a check on how your music is shaping up as morning. there have been a couple of issues on the roadways. >> howard county is grabbing the spotlight on 29 southbound off of interstate 70, we unfortunately have a vehicle fire just off of route 40, a single left lane getting by, the road is very icy with sand trucks requested at the scene. very slow on the southbound baltimore-washington parkway headed inside the beltway from the earlier crash that continues to block the left lane, under 10 miles per hour it is a 10 minute ride. the george washington parkway north down after the memorial bridge, slow traffic on 14 blocking the left lane of two. not attractive. [laughter] >> but it looks attractive, at least, with dutiful sunshine, but with that -- with the cold it does not feel attractive. 18 degrees downtown, a frigid friday, but that is just today with wings getting better by the weekend and a couple of clouds this afternoon with some this morning. tonight, 28 degrees with fair skies and tomorrow we have sunshine with a high near 50 degrees on sunday that i do not think will happen until the lingering into your monday morning with temperatures crawling back down into the middle part of next week. >> thank you, jackie. thank you for watching this morning and we will see you back here in [ female announcer ] business travel isn't just about the going. it's also about the going home. and being connected all along the way. whether you're working or recharging do bususiness travel on your terms. acela. take off. good morning, america. on this friday morning, right now a bitter cold blast sending much of the country into ray deep chill. now the northeast bracing for another storm this weekend. >> also right now, a violent confrontation between members of the coast guard, the gunman taken into custody at gunpoint. the wife of a former deputy white house counsel speaking out on the night her husband tried to kill her. her dramatic story told for the first time in an abc news exclusive with amy. all right. good morning america. big friday ahead including a big weekend ahead for music, the grammys sunday night. we have sam smith going head-to-head with beyonce and taylor swift. there he is right there. but look who else is here this morning, t.j. ♪ >> we can see t.j. we just can't hear him. >> you can't hear me? >> now we can. >> i was saying important stuff there. but we are goi about whether or not we'll give this crown to sam smith because he's got to take it from the queen bey first. hope you can hear me later, george. >> okay, t.j., thanks very much. a lot more coming up but right now to that rampage on cape cod where a member of the coast guard shot two fellow service members killing one of the women and then ambushed police in a wild shootout. abc's paula faris here with that. >> reporter: hello, george the coast guard is in shock trying to figure out why three of its active duty members were involved in a deadly shooting. one that authorities claim was a calculated and cold-blooded execution. the coast guard known for its heroic rescues at sea. but this morning, authorities say this coast guard member isn't a hero. he is a killer accused of attacking two women also active duty members of the coast guard before taking aim at police. >> need a rescue to 11 round house road for a possible gunshot wound. >> reporter: police say 31-year-old adrian loya drove from his coast guard base in virginia to bourne massachusetts, and stayed at this hotel for several days before allegedly shooting the two women early thursday morning. >> it was a very crazy and hectic scene. you certainlyt every day. once in a career type thing. >> reporter: according to police loya an i.t. specialist then set up an elaborate ambush on the cops setting his car on fire and planting what appeared to be bombs just outside the scene of the crime. they say he then lie in wait opening fire once emergency responders arrived. one officer was shot but thankfully survived. heavily armed with three rifles and a handgun loya finally surrendered. >> the suspect did give up and we took him into custody. >> reporter: police discovering his two alleged victims, one of those women dead from a gunshot wound. the other wounded but alive was airlifted to a nearby hospital. loya's attorney not elaborating on the nature of his relationship with those women, only saying they knew one another prior to the incident. >> it was some type of relationship and other than recognizing that or acknowledging that i wouldn't want to go any further than that. >> reporter: loya now charged with eight counts including murder and a community asking why this happened. now, court docs have been sealed but police believe he may have attacked those women because of a previous disagreement. as for the women's identities neither has been released and the surviving female in the hospital listed in stable condition but everyone wondering what the motive is. >> strange one. thanks very much. to amy. now to an exclusive on a story that rocked washington just months ago, a former white house lawyer and undersecretary of commerce was convicted and sentenced for the attempted murder of his wife and the mother of their two children. she's lived in fear ever since but is now telling her story for the first time. he was the washington power player former white house counsel. she, a prominent attorney a match of success and wealth. but what went on behind closed doors that night in january shocked a community. >> she began screaming to me. >> my husband is trying to kill me. i'm going to die. >> reporter: after 12 rocky years, mary margaret had just served divorce papers to her husband. you put the children to bed. your baby in her crib. and then you go into the master bedroom. >> uh-huh. >> and he's there in his pajamas. >> yes. >> what happens? >> he came at me. he put his hands out and he put his hands around my neck. tackled me to the floor and started slamming my head into the floor while he was strangling me. he's punching me ripping out my hair. i felt like i was being scalped. as he was throwing my head to the floor he said "i'm killing you." >> reporter: the former deputy counsel to the president of the united states begins clubbing his wife with a metal flashlight. >> and i thought, i'm dying. and then i was thinking i've got to hold it together. i have to stay conscious so i can save the girls. i have to get help here. by the grace of god or angels i just popped up and i ran to our daughters' room and i said to the car right now. daddy's trying to kill me. >> reporter: you got the baby. >> i got the baby. i held her like a football under my arm. >> the power of a mom trying to make sure her children are safe. living and hiding to this day mary margaret agreeing to come out of the shadows for this first interview. tell me why you want to share your story. >> i think when the severity of abuse getting to where i ended up with most women in that situation never get to speak out because they're dead. but i felt it was just critical to speak out and to caution women in terms of getting involved with someone who shows his abusive tendencies. >> because mary margaret told me there were warning signs from the beginning and understandably this is her passion. she wants to take something that was so horrific so devastating and nearly fatal and save lives because women need to know that they're not alone and that there is help. >> so powerful when she said she wanted to be a voice for those who are no longer here because of the abuse they faced. so much more of your interview on "20/20" 10:00, 9:00 central time. tornado in florida. we have that boca raton. strong thunderstorms moved through with this same cold front bringing all that cold air. so the temperature in boca raton in the low 60s. that's chilly even for them but look how cool it is atlanta, feels like 27. the windchill in wilmington north carolina, is 16. montgomery feels like 0 and memphis feels like 24. that cold air has sunk south but only for so long. we'll see mild air marching in as we go through the next couple of days and weekend. little rock goes to almost 70 by sunday. philadelphia because they're south of that front that's making the snow up to the north. 50 by sunday. even some rain showers, atlanta in the mid-60s. new orleans will >> a frigistart this friday, thafternoon gegets a little bit at herer, looking fofor sunshineo start th a few clolouds this ternoon and a high temperarature >> all that weather brought to you by ashley furniture home stores. i'm giving you a delayed gift of some piled air. >> people would live south of us. all right, thank you. we're extended family. coming up could drinking coffee prevent cancer? the new study with surprising findings on the medical benefits of your morning cup. it's the most revealing schwimmer cover ever. now the growing firestorm over whether "sports illustrated" finally went too far. come on back. introducing the new subway "simple 6 menu". six of our best six-inch subs- like the italian bmt and tender turkey breast! with a 21-ounce drink and a bag of chips for just $6 every day. it's value made simple. subway! ♪ at jared, we have a lot more jewelry than ordinary jewelry stores. more is good. i want to find her something special. but our jewelry is so much more than just...more. we have unique jewelry you won't find anywhere else. like our hearts desire collection crafted only with ideal cut diamonds. this is totally her. but wait...there's more. awwww... we call it "the awww moment." and that's why... ...he went to jared. the galleria of jewelry. feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out knock it out, fast. abreva. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. 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[ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® we are back now at 7:42 with the revealing new cover of "sports illustrated," the schwimmer edition and wanted to add or needed to add, frankly, a ribbon to what you're about to see there or not see there. the cover has always got a lot of bare skin but this has a lot of people asking how low can you go? abc's mara schiavocampo has our story. >> reporter: it's one of the most highly coveted covers in modeling. showcasing bikini clad bombshells from christie brinkley to kate upton to queen bey. now, "sports illustrated" handing the crown to 24-year-old hannah davis. surprising derek jeter's girlfriend on tuesday with the news -- >> oh my god. >> reporter: but this morning the steamy cover of the february 9th issue is heating up more than just the internet. it's also adding fuel to the fiery debate over how sexy is too sexy for mainstream media. at issue, davis pulling her bikini bottoms so low we can only show you this edited version. now, some claiming the photo is too risque even pornographic posting, this is "sports illustrated," not playboy. and more than a little disturbing being in a checkout line with my kids seeing a cover of a grown woman yanking on her panties. others coming to the cover's defense comparing davis' photo to past poses. tyra banks baraff yely kate upton, all the same pose get it girl. >> they've been pushing it every year and controversy sells magazines. surprisingly they actually have a fairly high female readership. >> reporter: "sports illustrated" is defending the pic telling abc news after 50 years of schwimmer, what everyone knows is that one person's risque is another's sexy. either way, this schwimmer cover is certainly making a splash. abc mara schiavocampo new york. >> they got everybody talking about it. mara thank you. coming up on "good morning america" -- fifty shades of drama. the new backlash swelling up -- really you wrote that around the highly anticipated movie. >> they wrote it but you said it. great names in music about to go head-to-head for grammy gold. will sam smith steal the show from the ladies of rock 'n' roll. but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. you need colgate enamel health toothpaste. its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... for stronger, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. colgate enamel health toothpaste. and for sensitive teeth, try new colgate sensitive toothbrush with built-in sensitivity relief pen. 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[children's laughter] i didn't know pink and silver looks good on you. ♪ [dreamy music] ♪ that was close. get free coffee all february long. just ask for a cup of our hot or iced coffee. jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're pringles tortillas. they're so good they don't need dip. can i have some from your bowl? please. hmmm. not bad right? think i'll have some more. that's a double dip... you double dipped. pringles tortillas. so good you don't dip 'em you air dip 'em. pringles! a typical male penguin shows his love by offering the female... ...a pebble. some male penguins, however... are a little smarter than others. this valentine's day... ...everyone loves a gift from kay jewelers. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. its continuous motion catches light from every angle. at kay the number one jewelry store in america... ...and, apparently antarctica. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. and coming up our epic "shark tank" live event. kevin o'leary is here about to help these newlyweds make an important choice about debt and john olver is here with us live. stay with us. >> good morning. we are going to see how the commute is shaping up this morning. a few trouble spots out there? >> it has been a tough friday. southbound baltimore-washington seems to have started it all. the crash has finally cleared out of the roadway, we have slow traffic coming in from 198. inner loop of the beltway, the crash on the shoulder is causing delays. southbound after route 40 the vehicle out on the right half of the roadway is making it very slow off of interstate 70. after the memorial bridge accident activity clearing soon. it has not been a great morning and it sounds like it will not give better. >> him him a be like yesterday when the temperatures plummeted all day long. little bit below average, 18 degrees with the windchill of 13 right now. temperatures warming to the freezing mark by noon and at 5:00 the temperatures will be a 39 degrees. 15 degrees the evening hours all day to enjoy, sunshine and rain continuing on monday morning with cooler conditions in the middle of next week. >> thank you, thank you for watching this morning, you can continue to get traffic and weather updates on our sister ♪ you make me feel ♪ good morning, america. it's 8 a.m. and get ready to get scandalized. raiding olivia pope's closet. right down to the white hat. and 50 shades of drama. the movie now under fire. the growing controversy right now around the racy thriller. ♪ bang bang ♪ hot new way to change your hairstyle in an instant. putting the beauty bar boom business to the test. the envelope please. we have a big oscar announcement right here first rolling out the red carpet revealing new details about hollywood's biggest night just moments away. all that and cody simpson live as we say -- >> good morning, america. we certainly do say good morning, america, on this friday. this is teen superstar cody simpson. remember him from "dancing with the stars." signing autographs right here. >> my girls are very excited. they love "surfboard." cannot wait for the new one. new one is called "flower" and he'll be performing that. >> look who else is here kevin o'leary from "shark tank." he'll be back in "shark tank" court. we have a newly married couple madly in love but they get into big disagreements over how to spend and save money. kevin will get into that. >> radio disney deejay brooke taylor is there getting us fired up for the weekend, tgif everybody. i mean really with total sincerity. >> what else are we hearing right now? ♪ sounds like we got a major oscars announcement coming. >> wow. >> the man with the envelope. >> thank you very much. >> you can stay. see, what do we have here? oscars opening ceremony live from the red carpet. who will it be hosted by? robin roberts, lara spencer and michael strahan. >> oh wow! >> you guys going to be joined by jest kagand joe zee ee. >> do you have a speech? >> i have nothing prepared. i'd like to -- >> we have a lot of fun doing it and we have some new things in store for this year but what's great is that we're all going to be out there and the morning after we're all together and -- >> barely made it last year. got there just in time. >> we remember that so it's an exciting time. >> so exciting. look forward to it. congratulations. >> thank you. then hey, you can decide what -- well some of the things we ask on the red carpet. be nice now. head to our "gma" facebook page and tell us what you want to know about your favorite stars and we will incorporate those questions into ours looking for the best never before asked questions so bring it on. >> love having that research help. the opening ceremony live from the red carpet airs sunday february 22nd beginning at 7 p.m. right here on abc. and right now we have to get to the news amy. >> good morning, everyone. and we begin with growing concern about the measles outbreak. new cases popping up in yet another city a day care near chicago says five babies have been diat virus. another 10 infants are in quarantine, all of them too young to be vaccinated. some parents still refusing to immunize their children but health officials insist the vaccine is safe. on wall street the dow is on track to wrap up its best week since 2011. all eyes today will be on the monthly jobs report which is expected to show 230,000 jobs created in january making the strongest consecutive months of job growth since 1994. and we now have new details about that plane crash in taiwan. indications this morning that pilot error could be to blame. the black boxes reveal the pilot reported something went wrong just five seconds after takeoff. five seconds later, the plane's right engine shut down the pilots then decided to shut down the left engine before trying to restart it. the plane crashed moments later killing at least 35 people. in medical news another possible benefit of drinking coffee. a new study found women who drink three or more cups a day are 18% less likely to develop uterine cancerthose who drink less than one cup. in florida two police officers are being honored for rescuing a pan from a burning car. you can see them smashing the window reaching in and eventually dragging him to safety. amazingly, he was treated only for minor burns. a jaw-dropping sail in the art work. someone paid nearly $300 million for this 1892 painting by paul gauguin. the new owner is reportedly from qatar. finally, if you're dreading doing your taxes -- >> yep. >> just imagine being tom brady. "forbes" reports his super bowl win could set him back $63,000 come tax time. he has to pay income taxes on the $97,000 bonus he got for winning the game and the pickup truck, he's giving it away but will be liable for the income and gift taxes on that. almost two-thirds of the truck's value but malcolm butler won't have to pay any taxes i'm pretty sure brady can handle the bill. >> we're not supposed to feel bad. >> did you see the tongue in my cheek. >> firmly implanted. >> exactly. >> thanks amy. over to lara in the social square. >> here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first in "pop news," we have a "star wars"-themed wedding that goes over the top burning up the internet. show you the pictures and explain why. kevin o'leary is here from "shark tank" answering viewer questions. tweet us with them. beauty bar business. hair extensions on the spot. we'll do that and a live reveal coming up and i'll grab a coat because it is chilly here in new york. thank you, eddie. i got to get outside because cody simpson is with us. hi, everybody. got him coming up on "gma" so don't go anywhere. 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>> you chuckle now. have you two girls. you don't know what they'll have you doing when they walk down the aisle. >> the idea was hers. she's the "star wars." don't blame him. i wanted the stormtroopers to walk me down the aisle. finally, guy, sometimes on friday you're just like this. take a look at this video. pretty kitty, just cannot be bothered. yeah she's thirsty and at 4:00 for a glass of wine but not getting up. why would she? you know, i mean she's just had it. you know what this guy can relate. he's had it too. this is chewbacca. >> a lot of animals today. >> a sloth who is all about dievening and reclining. >> and he's a sloth. >> that sounds pretty darn good for this "pop news" edition on friday. good night. >> is that the first time we've seen a sloth? >> no and definitely not the last. >> "heat index" with ginger. >> how about this crowd? let's get it going. i need your help. the windchill is just above zero. hey, amanda it's your birthday. where are you from gentleman. >> cleveland, ohio. >> she's been freezing out here with us the whole morning. you know where it's colder anything fall niagara falls and 15 but feels colder than that. snow sunday through tuesday. sunday night into monday. the heaviest snow looks to fall in interior new england so we're talking vermont, new hampshire and maine. also wanted to do this headline out west already very rainy and windy. the gusts up to 60 miles per hour. some places could see 70. dangerous on roadways too. most of the snow levels 8,000 feet or above. >> good mornrning, washington. a very cold start t this morning most of us in the teens, warming up in the afternoon hours with a lot of sunshine, clds late day wit a high temperature and are 41 degrees and tonight not quite as cold, a beautiful weekend is ahead osaturday stly sunny, 50 degrees, sunday a few clouds rolling in, a little bit warmer, 52 with thee rain h >> okay so watch this. where are you from? >> maryland tcu, texas. >> they're from texas. >> texas. >> texas. >> texas. >> texas. >> all from texas robin. tcu frogs they told me to say. >> looking good thank you, ginger. just hanging out with deejay brooke taylor and the "heat index." that major backlash days before "fifty shades of grey" hits theaters. some saying the movie sends the wrong message calling it degrading to women. here's abc's aditi roy. >> i am. >> reporter: it's the best-selling romance series that's now poised to take the box office by storm. >> mr. grey will see you now. >> reporter: the "fifty shades of grey" series selling 100 million copies worldwide and now with just one week until it's valentine's weekend release the movie version of the erotic page turner is already prompting a huge surge in advance ticket sales. >> oh my god. >> reporter: but this morning a new controversy surround the racy thriller. the national center on sexual exploitation launching a campaign against the film called "fifty shades is abuse saying it glam rises violence against women. >> when you strip away the glitz, glamour, fancy suit fancy soundtrack to the film this is really just a movie about domestic violence and abuse against women. >> reporter: that view gaining momentum on social media. another anti-"shades" campaign using the #fiftydollarsnotfiftyshades calling for moviegoers to boycott it and donate the money they would spend to women's shelters. others arguing "fifty shades" encouraging women to explore their sexuality in a healthy way. >> the beauty to me of the book is getting women and couples talking about sex and exploring fantasies and i think that's a good thing. >> reporter: whether exciting or exploitive moviegoers will get to decide themselves when it hits theaters next friday. for "good morning america," aditi roy, los angeles. >> pick it up right over here. >> i'll take it over here. time to "shark tank: your life." kevin o'leary is back chief judge in our "shark tank" court and on the docket a newly married couple and these newlyweds are dealing with a conflict over finances. not unusual at the start of a marriage. >> money is the thing that keeps marriages together and can force them apart. so important and people don't get it. most important thing every couple should do whether married or engaged or where they are in their life cycle make sure over a three-month period they're bringing in more than they spend. you'd be amazed how many couples don't know the answer to that. it ends up on credit card debt. >> once you get into that spiral no way to get out. >> number one reason people get divorce divorced is money not infidelity. >> let's learn more about what brought this couple here. meet natasha and j.p. smith. they're madly in love but are divided when it comes to finances. >> marriage is in itself a partnership which is a type of business. >> a type of business? >> it is. >> marriage is not a business. >> reporter: their dispute how to handle $8,000 of credit card debt. >> i have five credit cards. >> reporter: j.p. wants to pay off all the debt right away invest in the stock market. >> i'd like to pay off the debt immediately. >> reporter: natasha thinks it's more important to pay over time d save money for a rainy day. >> i would like to have a little nest egg versus just paying everything off and being left with zero at the end of the day. >> reporter: what will judge kevin o'leary decide? >> kevin, you are a smart man. you know who the right person is. >> okay "shark tank" court in session. today's case natasha versus j.p. how will they pay off that $8,000 debt. kevin, take it away. >> each make your case. j.p., what do you think you should do. >> kevin my wife loves the security blanket of a big savings account. but when you're bleeding interest pay off the debt invest the rest and let your money work for you is my philosophy. >> all right, natasha. >> i think kevin better safe than sorry. we both have volatile incomes. i believe paying off the debt is important but i'm a freelancer. we both don't know how much is coming in nest egg, rainy day fund. that's what i want to do. >> i have to make a ruling here. >> yeah. >> i'll tell you right away you've got out of hand with your credit card debt. it's 19% to 21%. i can't make that in the market as an investor. the best investment you can make a guarantee of 19% is pay that credit card debt off right now before anything else. that's what you've got. >> no way a savings account will even come close to match -- >> you're making less than 1% on a savings account. that's how you make a return of 19%. but on the other hand i have to say to natasha, important to save too so what i'm going to rule is both of you take 10% of your income and i know it varies because you're both contractors so there's risk in that. every time you make a paycheck take 10% and put it in a savings account in your own name and that's a one-way ticket. it never comes out. you can spend the interest but never the principal. >> they both have individual savings accounts. what other account should they have. >> one credit card each in their own names and so that that forces you as a couple to make decisions together about how you spend but you want to get out of debt right now. force yourself to save 10% and that will be there for you for the rest of your life and in your own name so natasha, you keep your financial independence and create iron credit. the agencies look at you as independent people even though you're very muchnd together. what keeps it together is a great financial pillar of stability and that's what you'll do if you follow my advice. >> what do you think? >> thank you, kevin. >> thank you, kevin. that was -- i like the fact that you said that you're a little bit more on my side. >> listen i'm both with you. >> you're convinced? >> i like the advice very much. yes. >> okay so when i see you again in a year i want to see no debt. >> yes. >> you got it. >> you got it. >> absolutely. that's wonderful. now go forward and procreate with capital. >> good luck, guys. kevin, thank you. over to lara. >> thank you very much and next in our "heat index" we have the latest beauty on the go trend. it's really taking off. this is a new business rolling out hair extensions that will make your hair look longer and more luxurious and in no time flat. linzie janis tried it out. >> reporter: from rows to blow-outs even a little air brushing and now the latest venture in speedy styling. hair extensions. typically a trend dominated by celebrities like kim kardashian megan fox and ryihannarihanna. przl a new beauty bar is now offering services fit for a princess deliver rg3 luscious long locks just like disney's rapunzel in an hour. its founders founding it after realizing there was a great demand with few solutions. >> i wanted to have fuller hair like i did in my 20s and found it was difficult to get. >> the bar offering three times of extensions. the quickest option clip ins. >> they get clipped into your head like a barrette. >> but will cost you a pretty penny, about and only last for one day but they are reusable. if you want your fast follicles to last a little longer the salon suggests tape extensions. >> a double doze of gorgeousness. >> they run about $350 but last up to eight weeks. the third treatment rpzl text. revolutioning it by using ultrasound to apply the air instead of heat. the treatment costing a whopping 550$550 to $850 and said to last three months or more. it's amazing. having worn my hair short sinces of a kid. i decided it was time for a change. let's do it. >> tah-dah. >> wow. >> total time it took. >> i didn't even know that was you. >> me either. >> i thought it was a special correspondent. >> i feel like barbie. >> so how long? i saw you come in this morning. right. >> with the bob i had forever. >> i have the clip-in kind so only took 20 minutes, together with a shampooh and blow dry, i could do it on my lunch hour. the long ones are the really advanced hair extensions. i can also bring them back and reuse them. it's real hair and put them in for the price of a blow dry. >> you look like a different person but you -- very pretty. >> normally so expensive. >> we can all look like celebrities now. >> looking good. coming up we have some great deals. stay with us, we'll be right back. >> first things first, jack taylor said it has not been the greatest friday on the roadway. >> 300 95 northbound, between duke and seminary northbound on the memorial bridge, and in howard county and ellicott city clean up from an earlier vehicle roadway fire, icy traffic going southbound. >> a cold morning in the weather department, for sure, do not worry, things will get better. we have got 20 degrees for a hot spot downtown. mid-20 possible the morning just passing the freezing mark by noon and by 5:00 we will make it up to 35 degrees. warm enough for the weekend 50 degrees for sunshine, clouds on sunday afternoon and a few showers possible, holding off until the evening. >> thank you for watching this morning. ♪ i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ oh i know i'll never be the stars up in your sky but i'll pick you a flower ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> cody simpson warming up times square. wow. >> just ahead. hey, got everybody outside. >> robin. momma robin made us all come outside. >> last week tonight with john oliver. we'll talk to him in a minute. >> so funny. radio deejay brooke taylor is with us spinning us into the weekend and want to know the nominees for the radio disney music awards announce noed friday february 27th and airs april 26th on the disney channel. robin. >> they look so warm inside. >> happy our fans are here with us. >> thank you. i'm really excited for this segment. i had the chance to go where few women have gone before. in olivia pope's closet. i went behind the scenes of one of tv's -- i love how george runs away. fleeing right now. one of tv's most fashionable shows to learn scandalous style secrets. take a look. >> in the winter premiere of "scandal" olivia pope gave new meaning to the term wonder bra. it was an unusual look for the normally glamorous gladiator on a show where the clothing takes on a character of its own. it takes a dedicated wardrobe team led a lynn palo to pull it all together. how much input does the cast have with you? how much is it you and how much is the cast collaboration? >> absolutely. it's the crypt first. we read the script and figure out what we're doing and then it's usually me and the actor in the room and then you know we brainstorm a little bit. what about this? at this point other than shonda they know this person so much better than i could possibly know them. we just talk about it and come up with these ideas. >> reporter: olivia pope's wardrobe room is a fashion lover's dream come true. >> the shoes. >> the shoes. >> oh, my. >> a whole gallery of shoes. >> what side are those shoes? >> i don't know. >> what size -- they look a little too small for me. >> they're yummy, respect they? >> yummy is the word for them. >> do not repeat this anyone. >> i like her pajamas. wine and popcorn look. we love that. all this beautiful satin and the cashmere cardigans underneath which is just her at home lounging. i'd love to lung like this wouldn't you? >> that would be nice. what is the story behind this? >> this was a gown that she wore to a white house event and it was when she was more conflicted so we went with the black and white. it's completely black lace in the pack and try to use color to express those moments ofnflict and when she's being olivia pope the white knight she's in white. when they are world gets a little muddy she's in grays and navy blues. when she's in pink that's romantic. >> five minutes. >> now clearly in peril we hope olivia gets to don her white knight armor soon. until then i'll keep an eye on it. >> season four and still talking about the white coat and the white hat which is here for your perusal. >> oh there's the hat. may i -- >> you may. >> may i approach the hat. >> may i abroach the hat. >> this is brilliant. >> this is stunning. >> it's a little bit diana ross. >> that is a little diana ross. >> i love it. it's really amazing. i hope it's going to fit you. oh there we go. a little to the side. >> yes, you've got it going on. in don't you dare! huh? >> not quitting my day job any time soon and be sure to tune in zap zap thursdays 9:00 8:00 central on abc and lyn's suggestion was if there's something you like buy multiples. you know if your favorite blouse or something, then buy that you're comfortable in buy multiples. >> i think that was your audition. i think you're on. that was really good. >> hey, next thursday portia de rossi will be here live on "gma" so we're looking forward to having portia here with us. final check of the weather. >> let's get inside. are you guys okay? are you dealing? oh my goodness. a hearty crowd and check around the nation. some of the photos you've been sending really beautiful. they say in wisconsin, we still love it. how about orange beach, alabama. looking a little warmer there. even the sun on water looking warm there. record warmth possible goodland could go to 78 denver 67. rapid city 64. who was from oklahoma? you know how warm it is back there, they said. highlights for you. milder before the snow moves >> a frigid d start thisriday, thafternoon gegets a littlbit at herer, looking fofor sunshineo start th a few cuds this ternoon ana high temperature near1 degrees,he weekend >> all that weather brought to by quaker. the d-town boogie. >> john oliver what a breakthrough first season he had on hbo making his mark with smart and surprising sketches like this one right. a supreme court played by nine talking dogs. >> uh-huh. >> "last week with john oliver" returns on sunday. where does that come from? who is sitting around the table saying i know how to cover the supreme court? dogs. >> i think first it's coming from what is objectively funny, dogs dressed up as humans. that's just a fact. >> whether they're playing poker or -- >> supreme court court justices is even funnier than shooting pool. no it was -- we just wanted to try to show how absurd it was ameras in there and then there is nothing funnier than real animals and we heard they saw it. >> ruth bader ginsburg liked it. >> i heard ginsberg saw it and liked it and i heard that scalia saw it. >> it's a start. i love the metric you have for the stories you're going to do high degrees of difficulty. >> yeah. >> or high degrees of stupidity. >> exactly. those are the two lanes we're in. we'll either do a main story sometimes complicated and doesn't seem funny at first, second or 35th or last. and if we end up doing serious we do the stupidest thing you've seen on television. >> you say stupid but people have been tuning in and what you've been doing on sundays is called investigative comedy. >> they can call it that. i think it's just comedy. i think there is an extra word at the start of that. we want to make sure that the jokes we're telling are built on facts. and sometimes we have to go truffling around for facts that are not immediately available, but, no it's comedy. >> how does it work? you're looking at some stories percolating for a long time. what happens on a week like this week this whole brian williams thing. >> i interdo know if we'll look at that. normally we like to wait. we're only on once a week so late to everything anyway so we've generally moved towards being even later and try to wait until the hubbub has died and look at it with more per perspective perspective. i don't think we'll look at brian williams. >> how about the "downton abbey," congressman who decorated -- >> that's too tantalizing. as a comedian look there is ee blood in the water. >> we might tune in for that. >> if you cut me till i bleed or put a congressman with a "downton abbey" office in front of me i don't know what you expect me to do. yes, that is catnip to me. >> when you look at it you are doing comedy and you want to make people laugh more than anything else but it's got to be gratifying that you made people think? >> i guess so that's a pleasant by-product but, you know the main thing we're doing is comedy so if you get to the end of a joke and someone is just thinking you have failed. you temperature want an audience at a comedy show to say i thought all the way through that. that was quite a contemplation for the whole time. no reallys a visceral way to judge comedy. if there's not laffer you have failed. >> amazing life on youtube. >> getting hit in the nuts by something. >> i could but we're running out of time so you're saved by that. okay john oliver thanks very much. the show comes back on sunday night. coming up behind the scenes of ginger's incredible adventure in iceland. look at that dramatic footage. >> amazing life on youtube. in iceland. ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ it's been an incredible week. so enjoyed watching the incredible footage of that live active volcano in iceland. the whole thing captured live here on "gma" earlier this week thanks to drones and ginger you were smack dab there for it all. >> what an adventure. behind the scenes of that un unforgettable trek to the land of fire and ice. hovering just above that bubbling earth. >> oh, my gosh. you can see it. look at this. we're just getting inside that crater. >> witnessing the meeting of mother nature and modern technology. it was the ultimate adventure. drones have in a responsible way a huge future in science. >> reporter: now broadcasting live from iceland above a lava field using drones is no easy feat. >> 380 feet over it. oh my goodness. so how did we get up there? let's rewind a bit to the arrival of our intrepid "gma" crew the journey began saturday when three engineers from london one producer from new york one drone operator from germany and one from san francisco all met up in akureyri iceland. the team drove 2 1/2 hours to pick up 30 cases of equipment including a satellite dish and generators that had been shipped ahead of their arrival. sunday morning it was a six-hour drive to the bardarbunga volcano. our team set up 25 miles to the northeast near an eruption site called eded eded hoularaun. >> in the cold mostly it's battery life and they don't last as longer and if you get too close it becomes too hot and the plastic could melt on these drones. >> reporter: the drones have just 12 minutes of battery life so while our team is hard at work in iceland, that arctic air is not just creeping but racing in david. monday night after reporting on "world news" in new york my race to the airport began. an hour and 15-minute delay later my plane took off for the nearly six-hour flight to iceland where an hour car ride and nearly two-hour-long helicopter ride later i made it just an hour before you heard these words -- >> ginger and our "gma" extreme adventure team are there live as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> a good unforgettable morning indeed. you can see even more of that behind-the-scenes action from my trip to iceland at our website, on yahoo! >> what will you remember mosey. >> just the crew being like i can't believe it worked. i can't we're here and it happened and the proximity, how close we got to the lava. >> so incredible to see how much work went into making that all happen. >> that's the thing. i just dropped in. seriously. dropped this and they had been working for a week. >> just in the nick of time. >> just before it happened so big thanks to all of them. it was magic what happened. >> a lot of people are wondering, anybody in danger around there, the concern for people that live will. >> there is a reason they don't allow people to get that close. we had to have special government permits because that area could flash flood very quickly. if the lava started flowing we had a helicopter to get out and get people to higher ground but you don't want a lot of folks. >> how close do people live -- >> eruptionwise they're far enough away that flash flooding is the only concern. >> ginger thanks again. safe and sound. cody simpson here live performing his new single "flower" right here in times square. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch-- upload speeds as fast as your download speededs so files go out in a snap. call today to get $200 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $200 back. just call 1.888.774.4418 today. welcome back to "good morning america." we've got singer/songwriter cody simpson with us. millions of fans as you probably know around the world and this morning he is joining us for his very first televised live performance of his new single called "flower" off his upcoming album "free" and you were saying the album title is apt because it's how you feel. >> where i am in my life branching out as now an independent artist distributing my own music and being -- truly being the singer/songwriter i always wanted to do. >> this song "flower," is it just because you love gardening? >> i love gardening. no it was honestly just a vibe that was kind of freestyle on a voice with this catchy riff and something beautiful. >> and also quite beautiful is something that's happening airing tomorrow. i have to read this, the progressive skating and gymnastic spectacular and it's airing on tomorrow and you are the musical guest for that. >> yeah. >> why is it progressive? oh the look progressive is the sponsor. >> it's different. >> but different in style, right gentleman. >> it's cool. the colgate skating series and i'm actually playing while the skaters and the gymnasts are doing their routines doing routines to my songs and i play live so it's a really cool mixture. >> nice combination. >> of art. athletics and music and think they'll like it. >> i think they will too. so you can watch that tomorrow but you guys right now have the best seat in the house, i day say. here we go. cody will perform "flower." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh baby ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the stars up in your sky but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ yeah she loves me she loves me not she says she love me has she forgotten that she loves me ♪ ♪ love me one more time i know i'll never be the apple of your eye ♪ ♪ but i can pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ 'cause i meet you down by the end of the road where the sunset glows and the garden grows ♪ ♪ one pair of shoes with 20 holes in the toes ♪ ♪ and i would walk 20 miles just to get to those blue eyes ♪ ♪ if you would smile for me to my surprise i would stay for awhile to see what comes next ♪ ♪ or we could take off our clothes and have long conversations in french ♪ ♪ uh-huh oh baby ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the stars up in your sky but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ and she loves me she loves me not she says she loves me has she forgotten that she loves me ♪ ♪ love me one more time i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ and i said roses are red violets are blue ♪ ♪ i need it if i don't have you chill up on the hill picking daffodils making wishes ♪ ♪ only for you mrs. because i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i'll pick you a flower ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, thank you so much. ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by nationwide. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ >> our thanks again to cody simpson. >> what a voice, huh. >> what a voice. [ applause ] >> i mean like that live. that was something else. he is so talented. also thank to you deejay brooke taylor for spinning us into the weekend and kevin o'leary for coming by for our "shark tank." "shark tank" tonight 9:00 8:00 central. >> i wonder if deejay brooke taylor can fire up some "happy birthday" for amy robach celebrating her birthday go ah. thank you. >> you're always hungry, amy. don't play shy now. >> i am always hungry. that's true. is that red velvet? my favorite. thank you. thank you, everyone. all right. >> have a great weekend, everybody. x good morning. i am jummy a look on g -- quite the morning. img me a labonte jack taylor's continuing to his eyes on the morning commute. -- >> i am jummy olabanji. jack taylor is continuing to keep his eyes on the morning commute. >> the crash on the inner loop of the beltway on connecticut avenue was along the left side of the roadway and hopefully that has clear the shoulder. good news in ellicott city. an early moving car fire out to route 40 always have been reopened in both directions in order to ease up on 29. jackie, it is going to be cold today. do we have anything to look forward to? >> 50 and fabulous, topping that degree mark, hang in there today. 20 degrees downtown, the windchill factor is 10, it really is cold across the region . 18 and culpeper. 14 at dulles airport. we will be slow to warm throughout the day but we will get there with a mixture of sunshine and clouds, tonight will not be as frigid, we will expect temperatures in the 30 posterior the evening hours. lots of sunshine expected with a few showers possible on sunday holding off until the evening lingering until monday morning. >> all right, thank you. thank you for watching this morning. we will see you back >> it's "live with kelly and michael." today, host of late night, seth meyers. and from the new england patriots super bowl tight end rob gronkowski. plus put on your safety gear, the mythbusters are in the building. all next on "live"! [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] >> now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [applause] ♪ kelly: hi.


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20140821

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"good morning america" brought to you by kellogg's special k. what will you gain when you lose? >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 thursday, august 21. right now karen rogers is looking at the effects of a hit-and-run in bucks county. good morning, karen. >> reporter: that's right, this accident coming to us in bristol township, bucks county. 413 new rogers road at winder drive. bath road or 13 would be the best alternates. meanwhile, we want to go outside live on 422 past trooper. we see eastbound delays at this point, but it's westbound, look at this, construction blocking the right lane, jamming westbound traffic from 23 to trooper on 422. eastbound jammed in the usual spots 29 to 23. >> the schuylkill expressway police blocking the off ramp to girard. you want to watch for that due to an accidents. >> thank you, karen. now let's look live out over the airport. it's clear right now, what will the end of the day look like? let's go outside to david murphy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam, we have showers by baltimore, they are inching toward delaware, over the next hour and a half, next hour we mitt see them popping into philadelphia. 72 in wilmington, 70 reading. 85 is the high, humid, there's a chance of a spotty thunderstorm, better chance in the afternoon and early evening, not everybody sees them, but where they manage to pop up, they will produce drenching downpours. tomorrow, showers and great for the weekend. >> coming up on "g.m.a.," who will be sitting at the judges' table for "dancing with the stars," they are adding a seat. have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change. ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life. good morning, america. it's 8:00 and the first day back to school like you've never seen from a child's point of view and it might just change the way you send them off. ♪ it's a beautiful night could a big fat wedding be the secret to a happy marriage? >> oopa. new research revealing the size of your wedding could make you happier. the key to losing weight. the mom revealing the surprising technique that mesmerized her into losing 140 pounds. wait until you see how she looks now. ♪ i got a feeling we got a feeling this could be great. the brand-new judge tangoing into "dancing with the stars" so who is joining bruno, len and carrie ann? we're revealing it live here. all that and vine superstar shawn mendes with devoted fans taking over times square as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ >> the iphones are out. everyone waiting and there he is. shawn mendes, 16-year-old singing sensation. his fans have been screaming lining up all night long getting a chance to see him. he'll be singing. taking fan questions from vine. >> long faces are outside right here also big shawn mendes fans and they're like, how did they get up there? there's only so much room in the end but we want to make sure they got on, as well so we're looking forward to that. >> he's huge. >> i know. just 16 years old. i sound like my mother right now. that's a nice young man. he really is. >> oh, oh, did you know about this? there's a new judge for the upcoming season of "dancing with the stars". >> i hadn't heard, robin. >> you never go online. who could that be? >> maks? >> how about a little clue. the judge, this person is "footloose and fancy free." >> a great silhouette. >> you can tell it's a she. >> could be either. could be deceiving. >> that's right. >> but there has been a lot of speculation. >> there has? a lot of talk of who it might be. >> we'll clear it up. >> i'm excited. ho is that silhouette. robin, look. >> ah. >> wow! >> go big or go home we like to say on "gma." we built a tennis court in times square. you may have also heard it's time for the u.s. open, everybody. >> yay. >> and the bryan brothers and victoria azarenka are all here. we'll have a little tutorial. we'll get out and do a little volleying lesson. >> we are? >> you have to do it with this. no high heels and no giant racks. >> how happy are you about the u.s. opening starting? i don't know of a bigger tennis fan than lara spencer. >> matches my enthuchl. i play moediocre all the time. >> we'll defor ourselves a little later. we turn to amy for the stories. good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news about the two americans infected with ebola. dr. kent brantly is being released and plans to make a public statement and then retreat with his family. brantley and nancy writebol were infected while working at a missionary hospital in liberia. both have been getting treatment in isolation at emory. and there is now a global effort to find the isis militant seen executing james foley. analysts are paying particular attention to what british authorities call the hooded man's london accent. military sources tell a failed attempt to rescue foley was carried out by u.s. special forces over july 4th weekend. foley's bosses say they never took it seriously. it was the demand for more than $100 million ransom to spare foley's life. well, u.p.s. is warning that some of its customers' credit and debit information may have been exposed about i a computer virus. thousands of transactions are at risk. but the company says it is not aware of any fraud due to the attack. and we are learning new details about robin williams' final resting place. the death certificate says williams was cremated and his ashes were scattered on his beloved san francisco bay according to online reports. well, tennessee high school senior kendra turner says she was suspended after saying "bless you" to a friend who sneezed in class. school officials claim she shouted it across the classroom disrupting the lesson. all right. finally, kids are apparently getting less from the tooth fairy these days. new research by visa says that on average the little ones are getting about $3.40 per tooth. that's down 8% from last year. who knew that the tooth fairy was suffering from a recession, as we. by the way, that's more than my i had c kids get. it's usually around 2 bucks. >> post -- one has a tooth. it's worth less at another house. >> wah-wah. >> i got 25 cents so, you know. >> such a wild leap. >> bringing it back. >> math. i'm just thinking. >> thank you, ginger. if you're planning your wedding, you might not want to cut back on the guest list. when it comes to your big day bigger could mean a bigger marriage according to a new study. abc's linzie janis has more. >> reporter: ah, the tress of planning a wedding. it's enough to pull your big fat greek hair out. >> do we have to go in? >> reporter: but even if a large formal walk down the aisle ends in a bride war, you may still be on the path to marital bliss. according to a new study by the national marriage project, couples with 150 guests or more at their wedding reported having higher quality marriages than those who had smaller big days. >> the number of guests at one's wedding might also reflect the amount of support that the couple has for their relationship. >> reporter: the study wasn't able to account for a number of factors like the wallet size of the father of the bride. >> is that dollars, $1200? >> reporter: or if the weddings cost as much as a kardashian's and some couples like "sex and the city" big and carrie who never made it through the front door of their wedding. >> i let the wedding get bigger than big. >> reporter: may disagree but the authors say the more wedding witnesses, the more likely couples will commit. just one more reason to consider adding some extra bridesmaids to the party. ♪ don't you know >> reporter: for "good morning america," linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> so what do you think of that? >> i think it makes sense. the whole idea behind weddings is have the whole community supporting you. >> right, right. >> and strengthening that bond. >> i agree. "pop news" and weather coming up. now lara has the "morning menu" over in the social square. >> i do, indeed. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first the remarkable story of a woman who lost 140 pounds by thinking herself thin. plus, the new fourth judge on "dancing with the stars." we'll reveal her coming up. then breakout vine sensation shawn mendes is with us. all that coming up live on "good morning america" here in times square. ♪ hi, guys. hi. how are you? hi. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you? "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by nexium. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription. ♪ ♪ ♪ car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. bananas... rice cakes... raspberries... toast! [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. coming up, shawn mendes performs live. there he is. we have one of his fans posting this question to him. >> hey, shawn, i was wondering what your idea of a perfect date is. >> we're going to get his answer ahead. he's not going to answer it right this second. we'll reveal "dance's" new judge. ♪ i'm mona and i'm beth and we raced around the world on a reality show. you may know us, we were the roller derby moms. and our families are super competitive. so when we heard walmart's clothes were better than ever, we had to put 'em to the test. i love that the clothes can stand up to the kids and this avia line is awesome. we're pretty tough, and these clothes are really keeping up with us. fit, style, performance. discover the look of quality backed by our satisfaction guarantee. available at walmart and save money, live better. walmart. not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises. surprise! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. uh, hi. i'm here to drop off my password? . i'm sorry, i'm just here to what's the password. uh,synergy? datafication! gamification! university of phoenix has had alumni at every fortune 100 company... we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. make your burgers with 100% beef. like this that i picked up at walmart. don't move 'em, and definitely don't press 'em down with a spatula. just flip it once, and you're on your way to burger bliss. try ground beef from walmart. it's 100% guaranteed or your money back. ♪ welcome back, everyone. time for that audience outside. can't wait to hear shawn mendes. that's why they are here. we hoe that to be the case. but in the meantime, let's give them some news that pops. >> news that pop, here it comes. we begin with this, it's just been announced robin williams will be honored at this year's emmy awards. the executive producer, don mischer has chosen williams' good friend billy crystal to lead the tribute saying he was the obvious choice. the first time crystal has spoken out about williams death other than one tweet he sent out that simply read, no words. the 2014 emmy awards will air this coming monday night and that is sure to be a tearjerker. >> yes, so special. >> so missed. from u.s. open to open mike. tennis champ serena williams took center stage at a karaoke aevent serving up her rendition of "dimes are a girl's best friend". >> can we hear it? >> yes. ♪ >> oh, there was some more. >> there you go. ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> she's got a good voice, guys. ♪ best friend >> oh, yeah. >> she's got the pipes. now serena will warm up her stroke, to the her volkle chords going after her third straight u.s. open title, the number one seed going into the final grand slam of the year and all the action begins august 25th and we will be talking about that coming up here on "good morning america." rob robin and i outside we have set up a tennis court and the bryan brothers are with us to give us a little preview and maybe a little lesson. >> wow. could use that. >> there they are right there. >> court smack dab -- we put everything in times square. >> that's how it goes. that's just a good life. finally, guys, you know, it's thursday, the workweek, almost over. that alarm clock. just getting on your last nerve, right? all you want to do is sleep. [ alarm clock going off [ . >> oh. >> oh, buddy, i understand. i did that same thing this morning. let's ask her. clearly not a morning dog. he is in no mood and i think we can all relate to that. >> everybody will be in no mood. >> i'm getting up? you're getting up. the video already got 400,000 views. he's so upset. >> make it stop. >> turn the alarm off already. that's "pop news." >> get get over to the snooze button. >> his paw can't get it. >> cranky canine. >> yeah, you know. >> all right, lara, thank you. the "heat index" is coming up but first ginger has another check of the weather outside. >> i keep that snooze button on my phone right on my stomach and keep hitting it. a check of the forecast. how about chicago? stormy and you can see it there but i wanted to share with you too rain in parts of the country will be heavy at times. look at the next couple of day, charleston right in the heart of it. more than 3 >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy on the terrace, we have lots of sunshine to start out, it's warm and muggy with temperatures creeping into the 70s. 85 is the high, it stays sticky this afternoon with clouds and sun. there's chance of a spotty thunderstorm. the best chance in the afternoon and evening hours, say after 2:00 p.m. or so. these will be spotty storms, but drenchers where they hit. tomorrow, cloudy, spotty shower, 80. great for the weekend. >> well maybe you caught it last week. we're starting something new, a "gma" sunshine moment. it has its own hash tag and today it has something to do with shawn mendes. can you see this? we have a live shot of what's going to be part of it. yes, someone from this crowd outside is going to be going inside to see shawn mendes. we will tell you who that is coming up in the next half hour. let's get inside to you guys. >> i love that idea, ginger. that's great. she'll be doing that from time to time surprising folks in different ways. first up on our "heat index," so many children going back to school right now as you know. this morning, we're getting a look at just what that experience is like through the eyes of a first grader. oh, this is adorable. abc's rebecca jarvis has the story. >> reporter: pop quiz, what's really going on behind those closed doors on the first day of school? take a look at this. it's the world through the eyes of 6-year-old andrew weber. >> we wanted to see what it was like to be a kid, a first grader at mcfarlane park on the first day of school. >> reporter: so his parents had him wear a gopro to his tampa, florida, school on day one. watch here as andrew walks down the hall to his classroom and here's andrew going in for a hug from his nice new teacher. >> want a hug? >> it's a little scary for the little guy. >> i was impressed with what the perspective was of a 3 foot something child, how big everything was. the furniture, how big adults were, how big some of the other kids in school and i think we sort of forget that perspective. >> reporter: here he is in front of the entire classroom all eyes on andrew but he says that gopro made him the most popular kid in school. >> my friends wanted to wear it. like, i warrant to wear it. >> reporter: for may it's a huge insight into that age-old question how was your day. >> i have that challenge every day when i pick my children up from school. tell me about your favorite part of school and i always get that one word answer. now i know maybe different kinds of questions to ask about their friends. >> reporter: andrew's teacher olersrs esxcitingogopro.f th fe. >> exheopnt.oric a,"ec jw epectiv ho>>.> r:weoudu had pahe tn and i in twhas wha andomeei was s. ad e. too earodyim for hol skeptical julie went to a r orr to try hypnosis. seminar featuring reena greenberg. >> we have a lot of old patterns bombarding the mind and we're rewriting the script. >> reporter: she says she has clients visualize pushing a plate away because you're no longer hungry and going to the game instead of binging on cookies. julie said it changed the way she ate after just one session. >> i would pause and think about what i'm putting inside of me. >> reporter: still, critics say it won't work for everyone. but it's not like you're saying hypnosis is a crock. >> not at all. >> reporter: but that you're not -- this is unproven. >> it's unproven and it doesn't work for all and the studies do show you have to believe it's going to work for it to work. >> reporter: now she's going to the gym for the first time in her life and listens to hypnosis cds when she feels she's getting off track and kept the weight off for years and to the skeptics she says, don't judge till you've tried it. >> i do think you have to have an open mind and you have to be willing to listen and be open-minded. >> reporter: for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> yes! whoo-hoo. >> don't judge. whatever works for somebody works for somebody. >> if you can change your behavior, great. we've been waiting for this moment. i know you have been too. "dancing with the stars" is changing it up this season adding a fourth judge to the table. it is finally time to find out who it is. so come on out. ♪ tonight's going to be a good, good night ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> yes. >> yay! >> hey. how are you guys? >> look at you. >> how is it going. >> good to see. >> you good to see you. >> two-time champion. you know what it takes to win this thing, the mirrorball. >> it's been a few years since i've been back but obviously the guest judging for the last couple of seasons but, yeah, it's been a while since i've been back. i'm excited. >> why did you want to do this. >> oh, my gosh, well, "dancing with the stars" is always been a part of my family. that's where it all began for me so it just kind of made sense and, you know, when i think about what derek and i just did this summer on tour with move live on tour reconnecting with the fans and just the people bruno,owha sted- ndlehawe.yes,knn a dir tople ner ibu o rnndomt'iteehereoo yism. ikd i wnnt w yon go o trtine i of ccusedppin r i hear take aorgoamng, wecint on e eam wilhsulyonru bmm.olejammed 2 u acery s starti he y,rhgfohi beryori thinkth c eses hepay i'm♪seave time beth th e fmiairs but o tenn wital out theukdo lubleookb er'rngrame y f" everyon aiae t ti>>e andulnhi aa ngomx da wou cyo>>er s witan isia med no n. gth >>theodok , u,eosyr yoli your i ttseoutoao ntses. ultim andetas of frlit' guf t'sewre ac >> wa teourierally rnus i i pt yat'rth l h anduyffre ttuhere. and yf lik iaatas n.i'dellt kw unti-c oeni we a qsnirsonies" wtkn heer fo hsle tohegege gom yo again. lfoauca w men stde tro chot str:havimu erstor85 could ur"unmeseas uewhrng iid s etgi t g on, me , .mefo on ey. avwesoouit >> sshwe up, forom ram t lehe.sso t wanttoazasues.ig ffnetand ra >> beesan. . >>oi t ofs d vfodangatng meye regudeathe i t dehe swba benc s layersyin topi nt aeboth tay bnt anerit foot hthe. yuyet.aht u. i0.s.starteso wngoere. wldtht aso alafet aot. tovourt.ththse le. ho>>,iliv y,gi gvo ao.c the tot' dket gtiatg rwice.ha. ve ov. e. >>'t>>al us a s wll ys 'rgo m.easjo>>2 a1: >>ig.60. >ea. ea ng up t. crt we t theme ern t heseebono ndpple eprac hits>>en know h e it wha nypo ye a sobl simveir erur oyb ronesel ston't er rig w yo o es whethwh peof t. di edle toerndll c w eu. , thinkrng yrocketed sumbe i in you ove afle saye wntau jt so labteleharyakt e we d na areusweon herego there de to be of i tngli yout mighas neouwa ave argo h nwho we pplhaesdi♪ng h cheers>>ysank te oth, un ma you kno p. ma nd fous feelso srtk rr d afo t f kaacat td seeme ck fle acc day a dllwebou xpule. eroayetasea b t af n w til orromi y sf a g re tl resort could be yours, n snapn


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20140825

women rule music's hottest night. show-stopping moment. >> welcome to my world. >> but queen bey steals the show. as the "vmas" turn into the bmas. and good morning, america. happy monday. only one person in the world can upstage beyoncé, there she is right there, blue ivy. with a little yeah, mommy, last night. what a way to end that show. just uncredible. >> such a sweet family moment. and miley cyrus engineered her own statement when she sent a young, homeless man to accept her video of the year award as she looked on with tears in her eyes. what a difference a year makes. >> very classy. get right to the state of emergency in northern california after the biggest earthquake to hit the san francisco bay area in 20 years, measuring 6.0. reporter: good mornin>> the governor declared a state of emergency, and downtown napa hit the haes this building behind me, this was a law office and a wine bar. this morning, a pile of rubble with chunks just dangling precarously here. 3:20 a.m. sunday, the earthquak moment caught on surveillance video, shaking people out of bed, and rocking cars and buildings. >> i woke up and thought, oh, my god, this is it. this is the big one. >> reporter: these store shelves thrashed around before the power goes out. seconds later, the shaking is over, but the chaos has just begun. the monster 6.0 quake, the worst to hit the bay area in 25 years. fires rage inhe scenic tourist town of napa. more than a dozen buildings in the historic downtown ravaged. shattered glass were cars buried in brick, and roads ripped wide open. >> the ceiling is crushed. the whole store is like that on the other t control tower wiows at the airport,blow out. g the moment the quake time, hit. t gss mirrors put shards and everyw>>epter: more than 200 people take ton local hospitals, ining aarye-old boy in serious condition after being hit by debris. >> fireplace collapsed in the home. >> reporter: power knocked out, and 30 buildings and homes too dangerous to go inside. >> stay away from buildings that look like they're leaning. >> reporter: and those allowed in, stunned by the damage. >> all the apartments pretty much look like this. >> reporter: as the cleanup begins, so too does the fear of economic devastation as countless images emerge of the famed wine and olive oil stock left on pieces on the floor and shovelled into dumpsters. authorities say this could have been so much worse. in the middle of the afternoon these streets would have been packed full of people. the price tag from the damage could top a billion dollars. >> still counting. thanks very much. you saw the fires. at least half a dozen. spread quickly, snapping gas lines, hitting a mobile home parks. neil karlinski is at one of those destroyed mobile home parks in napa. >> reporter: that's right, it didn't just collapse buildings, it started fires like the oneat. look how hot it was, melting these garbage cans next door like candles and sending residents running. at the napa valley mobile home park, this was the fiery scene moments after the quake hit, forcing residents to fight for their lives. >> fire just exploded. it was frightening, terrifying. >> reporter: snapping gas lines, sparking a fire so hot, some people weren't sure they'd make it out. >> the earth moved, the house moved. >> reporter: four of these homes burned to the ground. a another half dozen were damaged. compounded by the fact that the quake ruptured water lines, leaving fire fighters struggling to find a way to put the fires out. >> we do have two swimming pools here in the community, and they were able to siphon water out of the pool into their truck and come back several times to fight the fire behind my house. >> reporter: homeowners bill and teresa still shaken as they faced cameras, lost everything but the clothes on their backs. >> we dareryte ev alive. restoredlara.s quakes to have hit along the dor mund fault line. it could trigger a bigger quake along the major fault lines in the area. ginger is here to explain how that works. sounds like a real concern. >> absolutely. i think it helps to see it on map. the san andreas fault is closer to the coast. this is the west napa fault, only 20 only ran half of it. it could have been so much worse. the west napa fault is part of a network, they are concerned this is a precursor for aftershksup o >> thanks very much. and the latest now on the american journalist free ts syria for two years by a terrorist group. this comes as officials say they are closing in on the i even s welcome. >> i'm peter, theo curtis -- off boston had not been revealed. his good fortune was he was held by al-qaeda in syria and not isis, who seems more interested in revenge than st worst people on the face of the earth. are, in their minds, the >> reporter: today this section they are going to carry out of l raise in london. because for them, the key question is not only who is he, but also where in syria is he? >> reporter: whoever he thoriti is somewhere near the syrian city of raqqah, the isis stronghold and command center, and the location of the unsuccessful u.s. raid to rescue the hostages. u.s. authorities continue to be concerned that with their safe haven, isis will develop the ability to launch attacks on the u.s. mainland. >> there are external operations, i believe, underway. they would love nothing more than to hit the united states of america. >> reporter: this morning, the family of the released american hostage, peter theo curtis will be heading back to the u.s. as soon as he's ready to travel. and now to the strange and scary situation on an american airlines flight from dallas to san diego when fighter jets were scrambled. all of these part of a threat made on twitter involving the president of sony online entertainment. good morning, david. >> reporter: this attack seems to be connected, this cyber attack, on a gaming network with this social media bomb threat against a jet. the question this morning is why. passengers finally home after their non-stop flight made an emergency stop. >> there were police everywhere, dogs. rumors was terrorists. people in the back freaking out. >> reporter: the american airlines jet heading from dallas to san diego told to land immediately in phoenix. >> emergency 62 will need. >> 362, clear to land. >> reporter: this is the plane, and according to two sources, it was shadowed by two fighter jets as it made the landing. passenger tweeting pictures from the tarmac. >> they took us off the plane, and searched the luggage, and gave us the onboard luggage back. >> reporter: and scramblining because of this tweet, from a purported hacker group called lizard squad. we have been receiving reports, explosives on flight 362. te t laiming to take down the sony play station network over the weekend. they were saying its network was overwhelmed with artificially high traffic, denying service to some users. we asked why they might have been targeted, they didn't answer. and the fbi is investigating this case. the hacker group now says it is targeting the vatican. >> all right. thank you so much. and to amy for the other top stories this morning. good morning. good morning, and new video overnight of a fast-moving wildfire now threatening more than 500 homes and businesses in north california. at least one building already up in flames in the historic town of weaverville. at least 150 homes evacuated, and nearby roads are closed. school canceled today. crews have struggled to contain this fire because of the steep terrain, heavy winds and dry conditions. for the second time in a month, police are investigating a security breach at the brooklyn bridge. officers arrested this man who walked past security, and climbed the tower, walking across one of the cable beams. he says he wanted to take pictures. but he now is facing criminal charges. it was barely a month ago that two german artists climbed the bridge and replaced the flags. people are expected to pack into a st. louis church today for the funeral of michael brown, shot by a police officer more than two weeks ago. steve osunsami has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, amy. this guest list is very long today. movie directors, musicians, even three representatives from the white house are scheduled to be here today. the family of michael brown met with the parents of trayvon martin at a peace rally. the tensions here have eased over the past several days, and the family here is praying for continued peace in this city. amy. >> all right, steve osunsami with the latest. thank you. well, a giant sinkhole in northwest, indiana, is growing, threatening this neighborhood. it's 40 feet wide, 30 feet deep, swallowing several trees. homeowners say no one has taken any responsibility to fix it. and how do you fix this? a crash. look at that. on a los angeles freeway ended with a cadillac teetering eight feet high on that retaining wall. amazingly, no reports of any serious injuries. and before this next story, the young boy you're about to see is okay this morning. but take a look at this. he was playing in the street in china where you see him. he s see, wawy,he beten ate? é it wawi havcéy itheng and a wardrobe malfunction. nik nikki minaj forced to hold her dress shut during her performance. explaining she ran out of time transitioning from her solo performance of "anaconda." and taylor swift with this blue leotard on the red carpet before shaking it off on stage. ♪ shake it off >> i want us all to take a moment of silence for mike brown -- >> reporter: there were more serious moments too. rapper common leading a moment of silence following the shooting death of ferguson, missouri, teenager, michael brown. a 180 from rus. last"vmas" -- >> i am accepting this. >> reporter: milely cyrus having a formerly homeless runaway, drawing awareness to her campaign to end homelessness. the speech sparking a massive social media response. her facebook post about the campaign wracking up 250,000 likes overnight and counting. ♪ but perhaps the biggest moment of the night belonged to beyoncé. ♪ right away queen bey getting the pres prestigious vanguard award and performing a medley from her new album. ♪ closing the show with emotional tribute to and from h husband jay z and their daughter, blue ivy. >> i just thank god for this moment. i love ya'll so much. >> reporter: so many big names into her performance. lebron james tweeting, a lot of great artists, but none compare to bee onsay. #simply amazing. and little blue got a lot of love on twitter. omg, she waved at me. my life is over. and taylor swift had this to say, every time i see blue ivy, i cry. we want to know, what is your favorite moment of the "vmas." tweet us. >> tweets are coming in. we will have much more ahead. but now severe storms in the midwest overnight. that's what i want to start with. over two dozen severe storms. this out of minnesota, north and east of st. cloud. the tornado there, and video of it. in part the severe weather fueled by the heat. look, excessive heat warning again for st. louis today. there are nine states with some parts in heat advisory. some of the heat indices could be over 110 this afternoon. i'll tell you much more, but for now, the local forecast in 30 seconds, and this morning's select cities brought to you by walmart. . >> reporter: hi everyon morning. as we look outside, get those shades ready. lots of sunshine up over the horizon. looks like a burst of sun reflecting off the center city buildings. we'll wind up high of 84. more sun tomorrow, 85. more humid awednesdaou backmorn" >> the heat index later today fr from san antonio to chicago, just about as hot as the beyonée performance. >> well done. coming up, frightening moments caught on camera. a mother and four kids pulled gunpoint. it was t and fires shot at music mogul shug knight at a party run by chris brown. what set it off. and a toxic milk shake at dairy queen? a mother and son in the hospital. and america's favorite little league team. we will talk to the jackie robinson all-stars. and rki i get goose bumps when i find a low price. i let him know every time i save a dollar. every time. now there is a tool made for you. introducing savings catcher from walmart. it compares prices to top stores in your area. walmart will give you the difference on an e-gift card.. oh! money! every penny counts! yep! try the savings catcher for yourself. go to and enter urat pan bfl it's rene or bold, adventurous thai flavors... always get flavor that's anything but flat. and always with chicken raised without antibiotics. new flatbread sandwiches from panera... ... each 360 calories or less. try one today. i've been claritin clear for 8 days. at the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days! 14 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. yep. but it's not just a tablet, it's really a laptop. it's a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. well it can't be as fast as my mac. sure, it can. and it is. but you probably can't plug anything into it. i have a usb mini display port. plug away. and this is my favorite -- it's the kickstand. so you're saying it does more than my mac? well technically, you said it. ♪ been all fun and games, here at the harrison household.. but one dark, stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and yoeven 10 mile. ight s. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. blinds for life. >> good morning, everyone, i'm matt o'donnell, 7:26 on this monday, first day of school, buses out and about, plus construction, here's matt pellman filling in for karen. >> reporter: we have construction going on on our good buddy ben which doesn't town,sreck the the morning the pennsylvania turnpike by fort washington. because of a wreck in hatfield, north broad in the or line streets are alternates. >> outside we go to clear blue midityom a h 8e ma aoogea 8orale ha b hi ya'll, wake up this morning. i said, how did you wake up this morning? who's loudest? sing. ♪ you wake up ♪ post up ♪ round it s ad avma fashion discussion. we have all that. >> and looking forward to all that. but we also have coming up, frightening moments caught on dash cam. ae. atoceyport on teens andp hstiteny car. being a rideoorget. it's a highly-charged. traffic stop. >> te ee>> r car. this is law-abiding mom barr an the age of 10 watching as she is handcuffed. >> what am i doing? >> hold on a sec. >> what is going on? my children -- >> reporter: moments later, barr ber easter if ied son, just 6 years old, comes out with his hands up. >> makes me angry all over again. >> reporter: it started with a 911 call describing a vehicle speeding down the highway, the driver waving a gun out the wind window. >> it's a beige or tan-colored toyota, occupied by four black males. >> reporter: but barbara's car, a burgundy maxima, doesn't fit the description at all. the caller tells the police they have made a mistake. >> they say you have the wrong car back there. >> very shocking. just -- i can't imagine what those kids went through. >> i cried. i have kids. it's hard to imagine. >> reporter: in the video, the police quickly realize the passengers are children. >> do they look young to you? >> they do to me. >> a >> reporter: and that they've made a terrible mistake. >> gun down. >> reporter: they immediately start working to calm the kids. >> i'm scared. >> it's okay. >> going to jail? >> no one is going to jail. >> reporter: though police apologized, they say they acted appropriately for what they thought was a dangerous situation. >> for the nature of the call, yes. >> reporter: but she can't let this stop go. >> every time i listen to or hear or think about it, it bothers you. it's not -- i can't just say, okay, i'm fine. it's okay, it's not a big deal, it is. >> reporter: now in a statement forney police say they acted professionally on the information they were given, and adjusted their methods when the situation presented itself to be otherwise. a tan toyota and a burgundy maxima, very different cars. >> i'm glad they made up for it fast. now to a brazen hollywood nightclub shooting. music producer marion shug knight was shot at a trendy l.a. nightclub at a party with chris brown. >> shug knight is famous for working with artists like snoop dogg and dr. dre. and this isn't the first time he's been shot. chris brown's representatives are distancing the singer from the attack. over night, chris brown in attendance at the "vmas." less than a day after the party he hosted turned violent. this morning, shug knight recovering, seen here crouching after a car after being shot reportedly six times. witnesses say he managed to walk out of the club before being loaded on a stretcher and taken to the hospital along with two others injured by bullets. the melee breaking out at 1:30 a.m. at west hollywood hot spot 10. gun shots ringing out amidst the chaos and confusion, party-goers duck for cover. brown on a table after the shooting, furious at what had taken place. other club goers racing out the exit door holding their hands up, and sheriff's deputies with their guns drawn. >> not sure if marion knight was the intended target. and they may have been trying to to get out of harm's way. >> brown was unharmed his hechts told abc news, this does not involve chris. he's going to cooperate with the investigation. this isn't the first time knight was injured around the "vmas." he was shot in the leg in 2005. his family saying he is currently resting and lost a lot of blood. he's human. this morning police say no known suspects or persons of interest and don't know what sparked this confrontation. >> a busy area. very scary. thank you. >> good to see you. and ginger with the weather. start with the efforts in the southwest, there will be some large surf. getting gnarly waves, hanging out in the barrel. i learned that this last weekend. the next couple of days, really dad. tuesday through saturday, high surf advisories because there's hurricane marie, staying offshore, but the moisture is pooling up. the surf from san diego to los angeles paebeaches is rough, an the monsoon moisture extra. flooding throughout parts of the week. and cristobal is. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy standing in the sun on the terrace. what aorgeous morning. we'll go from the low 60s up to 84 under the sun. 85 and sunshine tomorrow. back to "g.m.a." >> all that weather brought you by activia. bring anything? some rough surf along the east coast. but nothing terrible. >> thank you. and a parenting experiment. what happened when a mother stopped criticizing her daughter's bad behavior and got surprising results. and how could this happen? investigators investigating after a mother and son ended up in a hospital. but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. up l high score! you get to put your name on the wall of fame! [ beeping ] whoa! game over... aww, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans. still made from our secret family recipe. so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. ean ♪ di e-g every penny counts! yep! go to and enter your receipt. hey check it out hey get that sign back up ♪when it gets cold and it feels like the end♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪there's no place to go you know i won't give in♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪no, i won't give in (sndfx: clapping) ♪there's no place to go you know i won't give in♪ there's a toxic shake and dairy queen. clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: finally out of the hospital two weeks after a single sip of tea. they say an employee mistook the chemical, lie, used to clean the deep fryers, mixing it into the drink. now it's happened again. >> it was bubbling on my tongue. >> reporter: this time in colorado, 7-year-old riley chase going to the hospital after this shake. >> it was just like you were drinking a very strong cleanser. >> reporter: lisa chase said the manager said an employee left the chemical cleaner in the sink, and filled with vanilla syrup thinking it was clean. >> it just burned all the way down. >> reporter: they accidently sold the bad batch to two other customers who also had to be taken to a hospital. federal regulations require hazardous cleaners to be stored away from where the food is prepared. and businesses are supposed to provide proper training for employees handling chemical cleaners. >> they need to be held accountable, could have cost people their lives. >> reporter: in a statement, dairy queen told abc news this was an isolated incident and the employees responsible had been reprimanded. the rest of the staff is getting new training. >> there's no reason that should have ever happened. >> reporter: both incidents are being investigated, not just leaving the bad taste in the mouths of customers, but a dangerous one. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news. coming up, arianna and miley in black leather. again stefani in hot pink. we will have the best fashion. >> yes. and the team, the overcomers from the south side of chicago, made it all the way to the little league world series championships. and we're going to talk to them live. ♪ we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. veggies you're cool... reworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. (girl) where are all the seats... excuse me, excuse me... can i sit here? ahhh... sure. (sigh) i'm maisy and i'm six. hi maisy, i'm tanner. you nervous? yeah, a little. don't be. re (vo) the co-pilots. live on espn, "sportscenter." so when the call came through, i did ask if there was any way he could call me back in five minutes once we got done with "sportscenter." >> what was it like leading this team that would just not give up? >> right now it's still unreal. i'm proud bracket and found a way to win four or five games stra who rooted for us. >> trey, this is lara spencer. congratulations. going back to your game against vegas, you were a hitting machine. 3 rbis, a homer. how does it feel to be the best team in america? >> it was great to be the best team in america because, i mean. all the time. it's supposed to be like west or great lakes is supposed to lose japan or south korea. so it's realon. to jump in. representing the south side of u are the pride of chicago, rham emanu to spet meho.iner support and happy that eryon back. tsosi rae re's going to be >>nes crets to stashape. s's tra secrets to staying in shape. t's secrets to staying in shape. on' secrets to staying in shape. eyeglassesrece with these. they are nikon eyes prescription eyeglass lenses. you get sharper, clearer vision, and unlike ordinary lenses, nikon eyes lenses resist scratches and reduce glare. repls, fersve-month and we repaioremt no charge. d s, nclarit repls, fersve-month niatkon walmart er bd,esof the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. worse and worse. intense joint pain that got new flatbread sandwich,day.with psod i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. your statement. fabulous. one-of-khi's and >> police are investigate a report of a rape and robbery in north philadelphia overnight. the scene is the rear of a home on the 200 morocco of north park avenue. le call came in after midnight. no word on the condition of the victim, or if police made any arrests. 7:56 monday morning, matt pellman is filling in for karen in traffic. >> reporter: i have plenty of traffic on the blueup media byp. extra slow on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound with speeds in the teens due in part to a crash past fort washington that is off to the side, but gave us a slower than normal go in the normal slow spots. on the boulevard southbound at f street watch out for a crash blocking the outer drive, inner drive is available. the ben franklin bridge right lane blocked for construction most of the week it is jammed. and patco trains on the ben are running with 20 minute delays. >> seeing sunshine in your traffic cameras, as well as our center city sky 6 camera. dave darve -- david murphy has the forecast. >> reporter: take a look at the numbers, 68 in philadelphia, 66 in allen up to, 6 -- allentown. high of 84 today under the sun. 85 tomorrow. hot an more humid wednesday high of 90. le there could be a late-day or nighttime shower or thunderstorm. looks like it will clear out in time for a dry thursday. thursday night looks good for the eagles. friday is good, the coming weekend looks to build the humidity back in, okay? >> some interesting costumes, from the burning man celebration out west posted at nelson: when i started high school in jersey city making it to the finish line seemed like a distant dream. mr. cunningham: i know how hard nelson works running track and he works just as hard in my honors class. nelson: i thought i wasn't good at history but mr. cunningham, he makes it come alive. now i'm heading to college-- and my teachers helped make that happen. mr. cunningham: we're not just teachers, we're mentors, and helping all our students realize their dreams is the best part of the job. oh yeah. about your dream car? [sheepishly] yeah. black with red stripes. cool! [curiously] how'd you know? you've been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yep. "muscle car money." i could win up to $100,000, or a dodge challenger rt classic. e your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. fuzzy dice. nice. [announcer] the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. school's back, studying's important, but we may want to encourage our kids to sleep in a little. what parents need to know right now. and jen ann anyton revealing a personal moment with her fian fiance, and how she's staying fit at 45. and mo'ne davis is with us live, leading her team to times square. taylor swift sizzled on stage and off. all the big fashion hits and misses of the night as we say -- >> good morning, america. that all d.j. calcutta, rocking us through the morning along with -- >> look at the moon man, go. >> that's the moon man. that moon man can dance. therf. aisorvexpe.nefre t as,wero th st.e thini h h mour cti s shome.rted drn a nthnge p but they're not exactly sure what happened to them. hundreds of beach goers in florida have gone to the hospital after being strulg strung by jelly fish. that'sy stings like this. they invaded daytona beach. and they are tiny and almost entirely clear. and uninvited guests at a surfing contest overseas recently. take a look, dolphins crashing right into one man in the surf, knocking him clear off his feet. we're going to show it to you again. boom. there he goes. the dolphins clearly not impressed by his skills in the water, so they took him down, those friendly dolphins. everyone was okay. back to you guys. >> okay. turn now to an eye-opening report out this morning on teens and sleep. and the study says starting school classes too early could hurt grades and health. and these doctors sounding the alarms. >> this could be the secret to getting an a this year for the kids. it looked at the causes of poor sleep quality, reliance of caffeine, technology use, and the normal sleep patterns, a link to obesity, drowsy driving, and poor academic performance all tied to not getting enough sleep. >> what is your prescription to fix this? >> we have to get on it now. getting ready to head into the school year. watch the caffeine, make sure they unplug from everything with a screen at least an hour before bed. >> no screens in the room. >> the flashing of the screen keeps you up. >> absolutely. and then work backwards. if your child has to be at school at 7:00 a.m., and eight to nine hours of sleep, that means they need to be closing their ice at 10:00 or 11:00 at night. not easy to do. >> this does not mean you can sleep late and be late for school. >> they want schools to start later. >> that's right. this is a call to action. school should start later, and once in a while, hit the snooze button. >> kids will like this. >> why didn't we have this? >> can we implement this at "good morning america"? i'm just wondering. thank you. >> you bet. "pop news" and weather coming up. ryan with the morning menu. >> let's take a look at what's ahead. come on over here. so much to talk about. the "vma's" red carpet, fashion. trending, everything that's going on on the red carpet. remember taylor swift right here looking great. that's just the beginning of it. okay. got something on prince. i got to get into my purple frame of mind. come on. i want my all -- okay, it's coming. but his all-female band, third eye girl, will be here live this morning to reveal it. you don't to want miss that. and jennifer aniston's trainer revealing the secrets to get one of hollywood's hottest bodies. and d.j. calcutta gets the party going right here on "gma." ♪ ♪ it won't be the same ♪ can't take it everything your mouth does in a day is building up layer, upon layer, upon layer of bacteria. and to destroy those layers? you need listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, power to your mouth. also try listerine® pocket paks to kill bad breath germs on the go. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will ♪ and if you wanna go and lick it i believe you should ♪ ♪ don't need to play that basketball to dunk it ♪ ♪ don't need to play an instrument to funk it ♪ ♪ and if you don't have any milk then there's no milk to spill ♪ ♪ there's just a little sandwich cookie and it's wonderfilled ♪ ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ ♪ and if you don't have any milk then there's no milk to spill ♪ iz summer f with twizzlers.n' rk tof unguan?wae-ne c wonderful. >> "pop news" time. ever seen. >> with jennifer a ann any ston. and posted on youte over the a no, it's -- it's the slow -- the slow draw doesn't work? >> all for a great cause. everybody is talking about als as a result. >> exactly. so she --ook at that. you have to see it again. it's always good when you do it slow. drag it out.ox exxttlha i's u ch romanhey met cratda these words from the y, will you mry me, spelled t out s spelled out incandle. look how it gls? and you saw theerson getting down on one knee. they posted photos on twitter hoping to find out who the lucky couple was. s s tulati ian,dex coming up, the weather first. >> so smart. they made a sign that they can just rewrite on so that way they can pull over anybody. i love it. keep that there, permanently. let's go ahead and check chicago. you know, chicago, a hazy, hot and humid today. they have not had a hot summer, will today. it will break in the midweek. throughout the great lakes, 91 in chicago, 91, des moines, and the cold front sinks south eventually. guess who's going to warm up? us here in the northeast. temperatures in the 60 right now, the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast it will be warm today, burr nice, lots of sunshine, high of 84. umid ol to 90 repeat ano legint gooeeke annd wh n think before smoking.powerfulg one-irta death. that cet in.eahinet.nav you'rin. >> i never thought of it that way, but i guess you're right. >> it's a hot idea. it could becom the next big thing, and we talked about it first. and speaking of fashion, it was a fashionable night at the mtv "vmas." full of red hot look welcomes and kristen cavalleri is here with the picks of the most mem able outfits. nice to see you. >> hello. >> you have said that iggy azalea owned the red carpet. >> i do. she looks absolutely gorgeous. it's unexpected, the dress. fits her like a glove, and the silver is so beautiful on her. >> it is gorgeous. look at that. she sparkled. and j.lo, looking great. >> show a little skin, why not? she gets better and amazing. i think it would have been better as a romper, and a little is t >> thas my problem. bit more coverage. she has the legs to pull it off. >> you have legs like that, why not? >> exactly. she looks great. >> and katy perry in a versace custom gown in denim. >> paying homage to britney spears, and her and that moment of justin timberlake will stick out. i love it. >> she can always pull off something a little stunning. we asked you at home, who wore it best? we have the results from our viewers poll at, and i can't h-- yahoo!. and it's j.lo at 43%. double the age of some of the others, rocking that in her 40s, as another woman in her 40s, i don't think i could pull that off. she did. thank you so much. we are going to send it back over to george. thank you, guys. next up in the heat index, the no complaint pledge. one mom is experimenting with no criticism. she's focusing on praising good behavior. lindsey davis caught up with her to see how it's working. >> reporter: all too often, parents hoping to curb bad behavior may sound like claire in modern family. >> grow up a little. i need things to change or i will. no tv or no internet. >> reporter: but one florida mom decided to put restrictions on her own behavior. >> instead of focusing on whatever they didn't do right, i decided to stop myself, stop criticizing, and instead focus on the good things. >> reporter: jeanettecap lin made a conscious effort to praise her children for being good and lay off the negativity. but she admits it wasn't easy. >> thank you for helping me. you want to keep complaining, yelling, criticizing in general. >> reporter: but she could have never anticipated her kids' reaction to the positive reinforcement. >> they started behavioring better. the more you call them out on what they're doing well, they want more of the praise instead of the disappointment that they'll get from you when misbehaving. >> reporter: but others say parenting requires more of a balance between the carrot and the stk. >> it's essential to have the positive reinforcement, not in lieu of critiquing. >> there's a need for balance. you need to let them know when they have done something wonderful or what you're not going to tolerate. >> reporter: there are times she has to draw line. >> insults and hid hitting allowed. >> reporter: she plans to continue. much to her children's delight. >> she makes me feel proud of myself. >> she says one of the main things her kids love is to be publicly praised. like when she tells family and friends something great. now they compete against each other to do more great things. we're in the same boat, we don't criticize our kids. >> no. >> babies. >> you can talk to the two of us. >> they're so good right now, right? >> exactly. >> they don't say no -- >> they just don't sleep. >> remember as an athlete, performing better when i got positive reinforcement than negative. >> it makes sense. >> you want to havecritic whot' esit. >> repter: she's the secret weapon behind jenniferke i wit are alwaysarpet shape.easure cs. >> hydration, you burn more dri don'tt much like heralre ay >> i do encourage people r: surpr md aftep te>>neiz or rec innifer is y, variety at that i will incorporate 20 to 30 minute s ardio activity five.e.enver t yo. clrl those great tips. andom their e, >> as you just heard philadelphia's favorite little leaguers will be on "good morning america" in minutes. the team is on a two day media msport. enta wke.e phillies will honor m wednesday night before the start >>eporteret o t bre 295 iurlingf ks. wel wn 85egmore sunshine, h w s and humid on aman los taney el't and fresh off their i red ccking thoth tll i eheileys, miley cyrus her hunge hamburgers. >> i wanted tobihdes o kep 70 me? all the na fields and just making it to williamsport. playing with these guys. very, very excited, andasun pla edye iouds the most, though.. y itghbensas city, missouri. >> the bond we have is strong ever since she was born. normally kids don't like the songs their parents but we like the s the >> and we can be silly. on. carefree. to it?...'s se otely,yedhi >> no, it just works really well on the waffle iron. especially great for left over mac and cheese. >> we have two people willing to taste. audience, the question? >> will it waffle! >> absolutely. >> this is fantastic. yeah, absolutely. the waffle iron cooks it with high heat on both sides. so you have the crispy outside, and the cheese is super melty inside. >> this has breading? >> you bread it a little bit. you do. it make it is a crunchy on the outside. >> does everybody have enough. waiting for the team to weigh in. >> i like it so much, i'm eating with the knife. >> aside from having that, any tricks --re other tricks? >> not really, nope. >> okay. well. -- >> it waffles. >> absolutely. >> it does. >> salmon and ravioli? >> these are super-simple. ravioli from thy store, and th nothing complicated. do you think it will waffle if. >> i have to check, hold on. audienfft ansne, apsothni.ho ala ro whe aff iron. whippedeaoueeer ayoc. shleanla , donna, hannah and eva, and they are here to make a very special announcement. we have been excited about it all morning. welcome. >> thank you. hearing right there? a new song? >> yes, this is a brand new song riby pnce called "clouds." >> very exciting right here on "gma." thish your big announceme announcement. go ahead and make it. >> prince will be releasing new music very soon. [ cheers and applause ] and so awesome because it's actually a double surprise. there's "aage," and the one is plectrum electrum. they are up at third eye and >> these are the first albums released by prince since 2010, correct? there's a lot of time to make his music fantastic. what can we expect? >> everything. >> and anything, right? >> yeah. >> i know we to want point out too because all of times square is in celebration for the big announcement. prince is everywhere. times square is purple here. what's the experience, you were hand-picked by prince. i can't even imagine collaborating with the legend that he is. >> yeah. it's been a beautiful journey. and we are learning so much, and we all love each other and we're so proud to be able to release this album with him. >> yeah. >> so many things. >> it's such an incredible learning experience. everyone knows the genius of prince. to be hand's on on a daily basis, becoming a family. we're tight like eva said, we love each other. it comes through in the music. >> the music is so good. we have our favorites. it's evolved. and we cannot wait to hear these two new albums. remember, prince's album and the other will be out septeerou remember, prince's album and the other will be out septeerou 'loustott noha l wyo fng cbane gi this he don ndusats. o i nn' t. on> hav a dunkin' wesehhthreata' y.exhe and sikey:


Transcripts For WPVI Action News 20140928

seven-day forecast. >> chris, thank you. here's the story out of east mount airy section of philadelphia. police say someone deliberately set an early morning apartment fire that sent 75 people out of their homes. the flames broke out on the 7400 block of stenton avenue. firefighters had to rescue several people trapped on their balconies. >> flames coming through the bottom of my door, i had to rescue my children and grab shoes and things like that. it was very chaotic, we don't know what's going on, we want it solved because there's children in there, because people are chaotic setting buildings on fire. >> investigators say it looked like someone poured gasoline in the first enthird floor hallways and lit it. only two people were injured thanks in part to the fire alarm also that went off throughout the building. officials say most of the residents should return to their units sometime today. >> doctors at children's hospital are working to save the arm of an 8-year-old girl rushed there after a terrifying dog attack in newark, delaware, kenneth moten has the details. >> reporter: this 8-year-old girl lost a lot of blood and she has a number of what's called soft tissue injuries to her arm. she was flown from a. i. dupont to chop for special i also to save the arm -- special i alsos save the arm. police say the family dog turned on the 8-year-old daughter. >> she loves animals and my heart goes out to the family. >> reporter: police paramedics and animal control pushed to the home on saturday 1:00 p.m. that's where the pitbull bit the child all over her body in the basement. it was a 15-year-old sister who had to beat the dog off the girl and put pressure on her wounds. >> it's heroic to step in and protect someone you love. >> reporter: once officers arrived the girls escaped and police opened fire killing the pitbull. there's no word if the councilman who was serving district two was at home. his wife's ex-hulls said his daughter -- ex-husband was in the -- the ex-hulls -- husband said his daughter was in the house at the time of the attack. >> she shawrld me the dog was locked and they would have no contact with the dog. >> i pray the best for everybody and i hope the injuries are not as severe as it might be. >> reporter: at last check the victim was listed in critical condition at chop. newark police say the pitbull attack is under investigation. reporting in university city, kenneth moten channel 6 "action news." also from our delaware newsroom a man is fighting for his life after an early early-mg shooting in wilmington. it happened outside a rite aid at 4th and adam streets. the victim was shot several times. he is in critical condition at christiana hospital. so far no arrests and no other details on the circumstances of the shooting. wilmington police are also investigating the shooting of a 16-year-old boy. he was shot in the stomach around 10:30 last night and is in critical condition at christiana hospital. three people have been arrested in connection with the shooting. >> the shooting comes hours after a rally calling for an ends to gun violence in wilmington. >> stop the violence. >> give us peace. >> give us peace. >> reporter: members of more than a dozen churches and community groups carried t-shirts representing the 42 people who lost their lives since december of 2012. the one mile march ended with a rally. the search for a man accused of killing a pennsylvania trooper and wounding another is in its third week. eric frein is on the loose in a heavily wooded section of poconos near his parents' home. else charged with the killing of bryon dickson and wounding of alex douglass on september 12. >> deplore i can't steinyou mean -- stein will be honored at rutgers university to offer more diversity in the media. roger goodell went to a domestic hot line center. ceo said he was moved to tears at one point in terms of what women encounter. >> the eagles are in california, hoping to keep their wing streak alive when they face the 49ers. kickoff is 4:25, we'll hear from chip kelly later in the newscast. at 11:30 get a rundown of the game with game day kickoff live from the west coast. ducis rogers and mike quick will have the analysis of the keys of the game. they will be back tonight with the full analysis of the game, game day final tonight after "action news" at 11:00. philadelphia will be filled with the sites and sounds of latin america with the first puerto rican parade and -- 51st puerto rican day parade and festival. be aware many septa routes will be detoured. don't forget you can catch all the excitement and color of the parade starting at 12:30 on 6abc. walter perez, diego castellanos of puerto rican pan panorama and univision 65illa garcia will bring you front row seats. >> there are heart stopping times always crews rescue people stuck on a volcano. >> japanese police say they have found 30 bodies near the peak of the erupting volcano. 4 bodies have been brought down from mount ontake. the volcano erupted around noon. 250 climbers were trapped on the slopes. most managed to get to the bottom of the mountain safely. officials say a lot of injured are staying at a mountainside lodge waiting for rescue workers to get to them. heavy storms hit arizona. strong winds tore down trees and electric lines. the storm damaged sky harbor international airport. there were no flights for more than an hour and 40 other flights were diverted to other airports. nothing like that here, chris. >> reporter: no as a matter of fact, i don't think there was a single cloud in the sky yesterday. i have folks on facebook telling me i'm heading to the shore is the beach going to be okay, the answer to that is yes. live on sky 6, it's going to be fantastic around the delaware valley. the only change is we have a few high, thin wispy cirrus clouds. the temperature is the same, the humidity is the same it's fantastic out there. 67 degrees that's the 9:00 a.m. temperature for philadelphia. dewpoint, 58. the winds are calm. the pressure is holding steady. north and west, not too booed, the temperatures are climbing quickly. 57 in quakertown. pottstown, 57. chester a mild 64. glass borough, 62. buena, 64. avalon pushing 70. satellite and radar, here's a look at the high, thin clouds right there over the delaware valley that's pushing off to the northeast. that will catch a break. a lot of afternoon will feature sunshine just like yesterday this cloud mass will sneak in overnight tonight and that will set up a gray monday. even monday is looking all right. yesterday we were watching or at least monitoring this area of moisture right here. some of the forecast models suggesting a coastal storm developing crossing over the peninsula and running up the eastern seaboard. today it's this cold front at least the latest forecast guidance this cold front is strong enough to force that low out to sea. we may not see much of anything from the coastal low. the clouds we'll pick up are from the approaching cold front. there it is on future tracker 6. tuesday morning, mostly sunny skies. tomorrow we'll see clouds increase, no weather issues out there. tuesday here comes the cold front. i'll step out real quick. there's the coastal storm, it's that far out to sea. the forecast model have done a complete 180 this, they suggest a few passing showers, most of the day will be dry. we're not being at a steady, soaking rain. today is dry, monday is dry and few passing showers tuesday that's about it. forecast today, warm one out there. 84 in reading, 84 in allentown. philadelphia, and cooler on the sand, cape may and wildwood both showing 77. atlantic city right there on the beach probably topping out at 77 degrees, as well. citizens bank park fan appreciation day, the phillies taking on the braves 1:35 start time. pack the sunscreen. 82 degrees by the first pitch, 9th inning, 84. eagles take on the 49ers, levi stadium, sun and clouds, no issues, 77 degrees, nice and comfortable out there. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 84 degrees today, no issues out there, no issues for monday increasing high clouds, 79 and then tuesday there's the threat the of showers late in the day. most of the day will probably be dry after 3:00, 4:00, west of the city you have a better chance of seeing showers. wednesday, cloudy, 73. we clear out nicely by thursday, sunny and nice, 74. friday is quiet, 675. the start of next weekend looks iffy, lots of clouds, limited sun and maybe a few showers and 72. looks good. >> don't father you -- don't ft you can take with you. the new smart design fits any device you have, whether it's your tablet or smart phone, no matter how large or small that screen. check it out by visiting anytime anywhere. >> san francisco chef has reopened his restaurant called so after temporarily shutting it down to get a break from picky customers. >> a guy came up to me, the rule is if we don't like it, we don't have to pay. he walked out and started cursing at me. >> i would shut my doors, too, ten days ago he locked the door and posted the sign saying he was fed up with customers. he said he is using msg and he is not gluten free. since he reopened the last needy customers are back and chew is apparently feeling less stressed. >> at least he got it off his chest. >> more power to him. >> a young women's ebola fighting invention gets global attention. >> babies exposed to tb test positive, but this may not be >> welcome back on this sunday, 9:18, 66 degrees, sky6 live hd taking a live look at wilmington, delaware. it has been a beautiful weekend so far. chris says it's going to be just as gorgeous today, so enjoy. >> five babies exposed to tb at a texas hospital have tested positive. however it may be a false pose tissue for some of the babies because they have vaccinated in the past. they were exposed by a nursery worker, her annual exam this summer showed she had active tb. but it wasn't until this month that the hospital contacted the parents of babies who stayed there. >> scientists have unlocked secrets of genome specifically 23 new mutations which raises a man's risk of prostate cancer. have i toldly -- individually, it doesn't raise the risk much, but men who have the mutations could have 6 times the risk of the general population. in liberia a young engineering student used her own inbegin -- ingene genius idea to care for her family. >> she made a homemade hazard suit. >> her cousin didn't pull through, but the rest of the family did, she heard about the trash bag -- unicef heard built trash bag gear and teaching it to others. >> hollywood's most eligible bachelor becomes a newlywed. >> the first couple discovers the j i'm stanley tucci and i love new york. there's no place like it in the world. one of my favorite fall activities is visiting our world-renowned wineries and craft brewers. and, award-winning distilleries and cider makers. they're located all across our great state. come raise a glass to your favorites. plan your fall getaway at there's something for everyone i.welcome back everyone, 9:23 sunday morning, you're looking at satellite and real estate the car. -- satellite and radar. a lot of people will be heading to the sprint cup in dover. it will be cooler down in delaware, the bay temperature dropped down to 68 degrees, we're expect an east/northeasterly breeze in dover. that's a bay breeze that will keep temperatures slightly cooler than what we'll see across interior sections of new jersey. 84, 58 degrees in philadelphia today, let's say 78 to 80 in dover. mostly sunny, beautiful afternoon, right now 67 degrees by 1:00. 78. eva? >> thanks, chris, it's time to unleash your inner bargain hunter. fall is the time for yard sales and flea markets. alicia vitarelli gets tips from a real pro. >> we buy low and we fix. lara spencer said she is a gold medal in dumpster diving. in her second book, flea market fabulous she makes it dyier about repurposing budget finds. with sand paper and primer you can rescue recycle and repaint anything. >> you can find pieces that are pretty ready at flea markets. they are not all frighten as the one i choose. >> reporter: to get the best bargains, start by packing a measuring tape and cell phone pictures of the room you're going to review. >> make sure you have a notebook, so unthe spaces that you have. >> reporter: bring tear sheets from magazine don't forget to bring the sun block. >> bring wipes because it's down and dirt at flee markets. pack cash you'll get better prices. >> reporter: to get the best price just be nice. >> i always like to say, please take the hag out of haggling. be polite, i love this piece what is your best price. >> reporter: for channel 6 "action news" i'm have alicia vitarelli. >> george clooney is off the market this is his last night as a bachelor arriving to the wedding. a list guests left the event. the wedding party has another big dinner planned for tonight. no word on where the couple will honeymoon. this is a picture of chelsea clinton with marc mezvinsky mez and their little girl charlotte. the proud grand parents are seen here holding the bundle of joy. they say they are blessed and grateful and happy to be grandparents. charlotte's other grandmother is former montgomery county congresswoman marjorie margolies. mark zuckerburg is connecting the world, but not doing too well with his neighbors. they say renovations on his home are ruining their weekend mornings. they accused him of hording parking spaces by hiring people to hold spaces for construction workers. the work isn't do to end until next spring. >> we know about the parking battle. there's much more to come on sunday morning edition of "action news." an outlet break of a kids respiratory virus takes a new twist when kids developing paralysis. >> new stems to fight the ebola i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. >> police and community rise again in ferguson, missouri as an officer is shot in a foot chase. >> a shooting sends four men to the hospital in north philadelphia. >> as the u.s. makes airstrikes in syria, it's mission hits diplomatic troubles. chris sowers is outside with the accuweather forecast. >> reporter: i'll tell you it's unbelievable how warm it is. the warm stretch started friday when we hit 78 degrees in philadelphia. yesterday a whopping 84. him today we're expecting 84 degrees. in some locations it wouldn't surprise me if we hit 85. it's going to be another unusually warm day. what else interesting about these numbers there were only ten days the entire month of august that were warmer than yesterday. mother nature continues to be confused, but i don't think anybody is complaining about her confusion right now. it's nice out here. 67 in millville. 67 in trenton. 67 is the number for sea isle city, dover is cooler at 62. wilmington, 63 and reading 59. the only difference today than what we saw yesterday would be a few more in the way of high, thin clouds, that's about it. yesterday was a perfectly sunny afternoon. today you'll see sunshine a few high clouds from time to time. here's the day planner. temperatures around 67 degrees, mostly sunny skies, lunchtime 78 degrees, 3:00 p.m., 84. 6:00 p.m., back down to 82. again, looks like summer as opposed to the first weekend of fall. the numbers will cool off significantly actually in the seven-day forecast. i'll talk about what when i step back inside? just a bit. eva. >> thanks, chris. there's more tension in ferguson, missouri after police officer was shot. the officer said he fired a couple of shots at the suspects. there's no indication he hit either one of them. they remain on the loose. the police chief said he does not believe it was related to the protest over the shooting of michael brown. >> it didn't happen within the proximity of the protest area. it's an area that's fairly secluded. i wouldn't have any reason to believe it was linked in any manner shape or form with the protest. it doesn't appear that way. >> there has been unrest since the august 9th shooting of the unarmed brown by a white police officer. >> here at home, police are looking for the suspects who shot four men on a north philadelphia street. the action cam was at the scene of the 2800 block of hope street. gunfire rang out at 1:30. all four victims were driven to temple university hospital in a private car. one man is in serious condition. three others are stable. investigators have not said what sparked the shooting or who pulled the trigger. a 29-year-old man is in the surgery after getting shot in the logan section of philadelphia. he was shot after midnight. the victim was hit at least three times, including once in the chest. he is in critical condition. police have not indicated whether they know of any motives or suspects. charges have been filed in friday night's hit-and-run death of a 73-year-old man in east mount airy. the victim was driving his 13-year-old grandson home from football practice when the vehicle was hit in the intersection of ardley. street. the 73-year-old man died at the scene. the 13-year-old is? children's hospital and expected to be okay. a deadly accident involving a septa bus remains under investigation. police say the bus was turning left from 15th street on to washington avenue in south philadelphia on friday night when it hit a woman and her young son as they crossed the is street. the 29-year-old woman died at the scene. a father in florida is outaged after his toddler found a loaded gun inside the rental car. he rented the car from enterprise to take his girl friend and daughter on a trip to cocoa beach. afterwards they cleaned out the vehicle to return it, the 2-year-old was collecting her toys when she made the terrifying discovery. >> she got quiet, i stopped hearing her and that's when i seen her holding like this in awe. >> well he grabbed the gun at first thought it was a fake, but then he noticed the clip and bullets in the chamber. enterprise said they are investigating the incident, including who had the vehicle last. meanwhile, the police took the gun and working to determine who owns it. >> the u.s. is trying to quell new concerns about its air campaign in syria. many rebels believe it's helping president assad despite the pledge washington is on the rebels' side. it says it hit an isis compound in syria. and two armed vehicles near turkey. turkey has called for a buffer zone separating the combat in syria from the border. the national institute of health is getting ready to receive an american doctor exposed to the ebola virus. he was exposed in sierra leone. four other americans have been treated in isolations units in nebraska and atlanta, one is still under care. >> dozens of students spent time helping to fill the needs of medical supplies to fight the ebola virus. annie mccormick said it's part of a bigger local effort. >> reporter: 70 villanova nursing students are parking to save lives. students, sister jaqulyn has been on the receiving end in other native kenya. >> times when we receive the containers back in i my country we never know how much people sacrifice to do the work. >> we have hospitals where patients are literally on the floor and no beds and equipment is needed, but missing. >> we collect from a wide area and then fill these 40-foot containers for africa, and ebola it's ignited our business. >> reporter: the amount of supplies vary it could be as simple as this, masks and mattresses and beds that hospitals need. jim harrison gathers supplies from local hospitals and with the help of organizations like villanova nursing, he packs the containers and relies on donations for shipping costs. >> funding for shipping dollars is the biggest hurdle. >> reporter: receiving one container is an enormous help and packing one is a lesson for these nursing students how much of an impact they can very beyond villanova. >> we have a global prospective of what we teach now. >> reporter: take a look at all the boxes completed with the help of the nursing program. mission relief is looking for more companies or organizations that will offer their help to sort an pack boxes for future shipments. reporting in coatsville, annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." >> the center for disease control is investigating the mysterious paralysis of 9 children in colorado some of them positive for a rapidly spreading respiratory virus. four of the nine children who developed muscle weakness or loss of feeling in their limbs have the entrovirus 68. they don't know whether the virus to blame or picked up another germ, but they sent out a nationwide alert to let other doctors know. >> township took down trees in burlington county. nora muchanic has the story. >> it's taken away the value of the homes. >> reporter: john smith of florence isn't happy as part of a grant project to replace curbs and sidewalks along the boulevard. municipality has cut down half a dozen of 70 to 80-foot sycamore and maples that have made the tree-line street so attractive. some are believed to be 100 years old. there's a giant 3-foot wide stump left in tim lloyd's front yard. >> they have to go, if they are a hazard arrested to the houses let them go. it stinks because it's destroying the old town character of the street. >> looking through the stacked pictures, town officials say free experts identified trees that had to come down. >> the tree could split it could crack or fall over, large limbs were falling. if the municipality knew that the trees that were in danger of coming down and they took no action it's a liability issue. >> reporter: some neighbors are concerned that the trees that have been cut down won't be replaced, they say that's happened in the past. but florence officials say new trees will be planted. that will happen later this fall. >> i wish we were notified ahead of time, it may have stopped the controversies. >> my house is full of sun, no shade. >> reporter: there may be fewer shade trees on the boulevard, but local officials say it's safer. nora muchanic channel 6 "action news." >> there's more to come on this sunday morning edition of "action news." the kids' fishing tournament turns into a life or death rescue when their boat flips. >> they don't have pom poms, but the cheerleaders can keep the beat. now looking live through sky6 hd at the beach and boardwalk in atlantic city, chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when we come right back. well, not that kind of fresh. on the freshness of our chicken. but i can guarantee the freshness of our chicken because we go beyond what the usda requires... with extra inspections in american family owned farms, refrigerated trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between. that's what it takes to bring your family a fresh tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. >> the coast guard says life jackets saved the lives of 7 people whose boat capsized in the gulf of mexico. the four adults and three children were thrown into the water when the the motor broke down. the vestle overturned over is an in a bell island. another adult held on to a young child in the water. held arrived when one of the men made a cell phone call before the boat flip. the group was taking part in the children's fishing tournament. glad they are okay. >> reporter: our weather is okay. that's for certain. it's lovely out there. let's go live on sky 6. we're looking at penns landing. we have mostly sunny conditions, a few high, thin clouds and very comfortable temperatures. as a matter of fact today's high temperature once again should be warmer than they don't -- two-thirds of the entire month of august. the fall foliage is getting going. you have to travel 3 to 5 hours to the north to pick up the vibrant colors. back here around the delaware valley we don't see our peak until late october or maybe the first week of november. we'll have to wait a little bit longer to see a lot of color around the delaware and lehigh valleys. but the encouraging news is that the color we have seen in new england it's strong and vibrant because of the weather pattern that we've seen over the last several weeks. every now and then we get an occasional rain. that weather in new england is similar to what we've been seeing in the delaware valley. that means our fall foliage could be strong and vibrant, as well considering it's been the same weather pattern, so something to look forward, especially if you're someone that enjoys all the fall foliage. it's nice this time of career, you get the pumpkins and the smell of cinnamon, a very love low time of year. 67 in philadelphia, dewpoint, 58. winds couple, pressure 30.19 inches. trenton, closing in on 70. lancaster, cooler, 56. satellite and radar, a few high, thin clouds overhead right now, but we have clearing to the southwest. this is quickly pushing through. the wider view suggests another bright and sunny day before more clouds approach the area from the southwest overnight into tomorrow. this system right here, this is the kicker, this is the saving grace to the midweek storm. it's getting berth organized across the gulf coast states, but now the forecast model suggests this cold front is stronger than that developing low pressure and it will force that low out to sea. we'll see clouds around here, maybe a passing shower late in the day on tuesday, same thing for wednesday. surface maps looks like, cold front well off to the northwest. lots of sunshine, a few high, thin clouds mixed in from time to time. tomorrow we'll see more in the way of high, thin clouds, it's a nice day with cold front off to the west, we'll see highs in the upper 70s, low 80. the look at future tracker 6, today is nice, tomorrow is quiet. tuesday morning there's the approaching cold front for the most part will sneak through dry. tuesday afternoon as we zoom in tighter there could showers developing out ahead of it. these are going to be limited. it's not looking like a wash. the weather pattern looks nice and quiet. sunny and warm down the shore, 77 degrees, winds out of the northeast at 5 to 10 miles per hour. the uv iran decks is on -- the uv index is on the moderate side. philadelphia, warm, 84 degrees today. overnight tonight, partly cloudy, patchy fog developing after midnight. 56 degrees outlying suburbs, 62 for center city. monday, 79 degrees, tuesday, chance of shower, 77. wednesday, shower possible, 73. thursday we clear out quickly, 74. friday, sun and clouds, 75. saturday sunshine mixed with clouds and maybe a few showers and 72. very summer-like fall afternoon. love it. >> love it. thanks vis -- thanks, chris. the ends of a frustrating season for the phillies and their fans. wherever you go don't forget to take -- take with you. the new smart design fits any device you have, whether it's your tablet or smart phone, no matter how large or small that screen. check it out by visiting we'll be right back. thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you, cable because if we never had you... we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. so join the millions who enjoy the difference fios makes and get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years. sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better. dowlower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. >> sky6 live hd taking a live look for us at philadelphia international airport. the sun is out, no need to go anywhere this weekend. it's a beautiful end of the weekend shaping up for us this first weekend of fall. japanese company has taken robotics to a whole new level. it's developed cheerleaders. they roll around in time to music and they use infared rays to avoid colliding. they will be on display at a trade show in tokyo next month. european team needs four points to win the rider cup. the phillies are winding down the 2014 season. here's jeff skeverski with more. >> reporter: eagles coach chip kelly was to sender about his players being jet lagged as soon as they got off their 6 hour flight to san francisco yesterday he had the entire team stretching on the front lawn of the hotel by the lobby. will it help the eagles stretch their record to 4-0. it's a tough matchup, the 49ers have played for the super bowl in each of the last four years, and quarterback can beat you with his arm and is leg. only two quarterbacks in the nfl have a higher completion percentage. >> we know he is dangerous in everything he can do. he has a very, very, very strong arm and obviously the added threat that he has more than anybody else we face in terms of being a runner. >> reporter: game time today 4:25 we'll get you set for show count down to kickoff at 11:30 and we'll recap after "action news" at 11:00. final game for the phillies today, one more with cole hamels on the mound, phillies with just 73 wins on the season. phils and braves last night playing their second to last game of the seasonal. ryan howard with three hits the most edna month including this home run in the second. just his 23rd it ties him up. tied at 2 in the 7th. him phils back down 2. watch closely, pitching coach comes out to talk to burnett they don't doesn't appear to be interested. bad body language. speaking of body language, braves pitcher has unique stance on the mound, fans mocking him it doesn't work. burnett loses most since 1973. burnett will have hernia surgery next week, he is not sure he will play next season. that's sports, i'm jeff skeverski. have a good day. >> the house that newt rock knee is up for sale. the entrance way was created in the newt rockney all american. family friends bought it, and now it's on the market for $500,000. we'll be right back. >> coming up on 6abc is inside story, here's monica malpass with a preview. >> reporter: hi guys, coming up later on inside story, the latest poll shows in the race for pennsylvania governor they are leaning toward the incumbent losing. turnout is key. can tom corbett pull it o. the cigarette tax passes bringing much-needed aid to the philadelphia public schools. what else county schools do to stay afloat financially. we'll talk about that coming up on inside stories in just a little bit, i hope you'll stick around and join me. >> reporter: first stop dover international speedway, the aaa 400 taking place this afternoon. mostly sunny skies and temperatures climbing into the 60s and upper 70s by 1:00 p.m. next stop takes us to citizens bank park this is fan appreciation day, sunny, temperatures around 84. start time 1:35. the eagles are on the west coast in santa santa clara taking on e 49ers, 77 degrees, sun and clouds. >> this morning with george stephanopoulos is coming up at 10:30. >> martha raddatz is stepping in for george. >> reporter: today we're coming you from the persian gulf the navy's 5 fleet. i have a key look at the aircraft carrier launching bombing on syria. we're tracking the latest in the fight against isis with the men and women carrying out that mission. are we succeeding in the fight and how long will it last. we'll take a look at khorozon and why they post a threat to the u.s. homeland that's coming up on this week. >> "action news" continues at noon. the action cam is back on the scene of that suspicious apartment fire in east mount airy. we'll get a live update on the investigation. >> the eagles are in the california for the eagles faceoff with the 49ers, ducis rogers helps us count down to kickoff. >> for eva pilgrim, chris sowers and the entire "action news" team, i'm nydia han. we'll see you at noon. have a great sunday! >> i'm monica malpass on inside story, the latest poll on the race for pennsylvania governor still has the incumbent losing, but turnout is key, can pennsylvania governor corbett pull it off? let's get the inside story. welcome to inside story, we want to welcome terry money -- madonna who did the poll. the 20 point difference between the two toms, tom wolf and tom corbett shows wolf ahead with likely voters and undecided of 12, so it would make up the gives and registered voters had an 18 point difference with wolf


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20141001

♪ and this morning, "gma" goes pink. the secrets to surviving and thriving. and what everyone needs to know about detection as our special mission takes off. amy's on board the pink plane. she's surprising a group of thrivers. it's a very special "gma." >> good morning, america! oh, and good morning, america. let's go back outside to times square. look at the pink everywhere here this morning in times square. everyone going pink for this very big, as you said, very special day here, robin, at "gma." >> october 1st. it launches the month of breast cancer awareness. and we have every shade of pink covered this morning. you should see the crew members. these big burly men wearing pink. they look great as well. >> we will talk about that. but start with the ebola diagnosised in america. the patient is in quarantine. the ambulance is out of commission, the emts are quarantined as well. it's still spreading in africa. we have full team coverage from texas to africa starting with e cecilia vega. >> reporter: the patient is isolation in a unit. and they are wearing double layers of protective clothing. the cdc has been expecting an locate case on american soil. now that it's here, they say they're ready for it. this morning a frantic community searching nor anyone who came in direct contact with the ebola patient, now in critical condition in this dallas hospital. honing in on a dozen people the man came in direct contact with. including the first responders who picked up the unidentified liberian man in this ambulance. now in quarantine. and family members in texas the man was visiting. can you tell me anything more about his condition? >> i can't tell you anything more. yesterday in the press conference, one of our physicians described him as awake and talking and hungry. >> awake, talking, he's hungry. that's a good sign right now? >> well, that's better than other things. >> reporter: the man left liberia september 19th, apparently already infected with the disease, but not showing symptoms. meaning he wasn't contagious to fellow passengers on the plane. the man likely had layovers in two or three cities. potentially in both europe and the u.s. the journey can last as long as 43 hours. he landed in texas september 20th. but on the 24th, symptoms began, triggering the possibility of spreading the virus. on friday the 26th, the man came on his own to texas health presbyterian, but was released because the illness was not unusual. this time he returned to a hospital and was admitted. on tuesday, tests confirming the man has ebola. authorities say they are confident the situation is under control. >> i have no doubt that we will control this importation, or this case of ebola so that it does not spread widely. >> reporter: while the city of dallas is on high alert. the mayor activating this emergency operation center. and the cdc has dispatched what it calls a team of disease detectives here to dallas, vowing to take every precaution to make sure the epidemic spreading through west africa does not spread here at home. george. >> thank you, joined by the director of the cdc. how confident are you, i know you have done everything you can to identify anyone he came in contact with. how confident are you you have identified anyone who may have come in contact with this man while he was symptomatic? >> we will stop this in its tracks in the u.s. but contact tracing is insensitive. we have a seven-person team working with the local health department and the local hospital. and identifying everyone who came in contact with him and monitoring them for 21 days. >> how big is the circle? >> we know of family members and people in the community and potentially people at the hospital. we will investigate very carefully over the coming hours and days to identify everyone who might have been exposed. >> but you're confident that anyone he came into contact with on the plane could not have contracted ebola. >> absolutely. that was four or five days before the first symptoms. and you're not infectious until you have symptoms. >> what should people expect going forward here in the united states. so many concerned, someone with ebola here in the united states. >> absolutely. it's the first case of ebola diagnosed in this country ever, as far as we know. what we need to do first in this particular instance is do everything possible to help this individual who's fighting for their life. and make sure that while we're doing that, not expose others in the hospital. identify the contacts and monitor them. it's not impossible they should develop symptoms and need to be isolated. >> what would it take to turn it around? >> rapidly scale up our ability to care for people in africa and safely. come in for care and stop spreading it and turn it around. >> hope that happens soon. thank you very much for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> we sure hope it will happen soon. and now to dr. richard besser on the front lines of the battle against the ebola epidemic. he's in liberia for us this morning, good morning. >> reporter: robin, ebola is so deadly, we need to keep it out of the country. but the man in texas shows us, that even when doing the right things, infected people slip through. i'm at the airport where i flew out of just last month. i went through the screening, i saw the cdc doing the training. every passenger fills out a questionnaire. have you had symptoms, take your temperature, do you have a fever? if you fail, you're pulled aside and not on the plane. but it can show symptoms in 21 days. they can get on the plane, but may not make them sick. there may be people who have contact with the man in texas who get sick, shouldn't spread from there. >> you and everyone there, take care. and dr. besser will take your questions throughout the morning, tweet him. and the secret service, under fire right now. learning about the major new breach. an armed contractor with an arrest record on the elevator with the president. this breaking as the secret service head gets a fierce grilling on capitol hill about the armed fence jumper who ran into the white house. pierre thomas is tracking the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. omar gonzalez is due in court later today to face charges and causing the huge embarrassment for the secret service. and new damaging detail this is morning about how somebody else got too close to the president. it happened september 16th as the president arrives for the centers for disease control in atlanta. mr. obama enters an elevator and encounters a security guard who sources say was taking pictures and refused to stop. the guard was reprimanded, and the secret service did a background check, he had a criminal record or charged with a crime. he should have not been close to the president, especially since he had a gun. why was he not fully vetted? >> the leadership is not right, no confidence in the leadership. >> reporter: it's a day after a withering congressional hearing about how this man pierced so many layers of security at the white house. walking into the front door and making it to the east room before being tackled by a security officer who was off-duty. >> this is graceful. absolutely displaceful. >> i believe that you have done a disservice to the president of the united states. >> stop, please. you had an agency who's morale has gone down. a series of embarrassments. >> reporter: under fire, the secret service director who could admit to failures. >> people make mistakes. >> reporter: mistakes from inu uninvited guests to the white house and prostitution solicitation. >> i wish you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation today. >> have you heard of these guys? >> reporter: i've covered police for 15 years in this town, and never seen the secret service as beaten down as it is right now. >> this is not over. and to amy for the other top stories. a tense situation unfolding overspaeps tens of thousands of angry protesters demanding democracy in hong kong are vowing to occupy government buildings unless the leader resigns. they had given china's government until today to take on election perform. new concern this morning that air strikes may not be enough to stop the advance of isis militants in syria and iraq. the british were joining the aerial assault. and new bombings now being reported near the border with turkey. but there is word that isis captured a military base just 50 miles from baghdad. a dramatic scene in a waterway. the suez canal, one loses control, steering right into the side of the other. fortunately no one was injured. an investigation, however, is now under way. back here at home, police in new mexico are searching for a brazen armed robber who held the clerk at this check cashing business at gunpoint. forces the woman to her knees, grabs as much money as he can find, and takes her purse before making the getaway. the clerk is okay this morning. pressure is building on the administers at the university of michigan after the controversial call to send the team's, back on to the field after what we know was a concussion. more than a thousand students rallied demanding the athletic director be fired. the school insists changes are being made. a playoff thriller in the major leagues. took to the 12th inning, but the kansas city royals rallied back to win their first playoff game since 1985. that's a party there. half the players on the team weren't even born in 1985. why did we have to give that depressing fact out? all right. and finally, a bear that can give the cookie monster a run for his money. here he is getting his fill after walking up to this window in russia. the brave man, or as i'd like to say, the not to bright man with the cookies. gives the bear some more. and the man withholds a cookie, training the bear to give him a high five. >> no. >> if you want to call that a high five, i could call that a possible mauling. >> the video is going viral. we don't recommend trying this anywhere at any time. >> oh, no. >> yeah, see -- i don't feel he was going for the high five there. >> the claws are fully out. that's a clue. >> and it's -- >> a gentle handshake. >> all right. well, all is okay. no one got injured. >> all is well. >> and the bear got a lot of cookies. it did. happy bear. now to the latest on the massive manhunt for the cop killer in pennsylvania. police finding pipe bombs eric frein left behind as they their row their search for the self-taught survivalist. linzie janis has the story. >> reporter: this morning, a look at the two potentially deadly explosive devices police say suspected cop killer eric frein left in the woods where he's believed to be hiding. >> piept bombs had the ability to be detonated by trip wires or lighted fuse. >> reporter: police say they were booby traps, meant to trap. they were never set, leaving police to suspect frein left in a hurry. they addressed him directly tuesday, believing he has a radio. >> i'm calling on you, eric, to surrend surrender. you are making mistakes. >> reporter: and law enforcement has spotted frein within the last two days, getting within 75 to 100 yards of the fugitive. but the woods too dense, and frein vanishing once again. the 31-year-old survivalist and war reenactor is believed to be taunting police on purpose, since shooting one trooper to death and injuring another three weeks ago. this morning, 1,000 officers scouring this one square mile of forest in pennsylvania's pocono mountains. the narrowing the search after he turn eed on his cell phone two weeks ago. local residents not taking any chances. have you thought about if he comes in your back yard? >> i don't think he stands a chance in my backyard. >> reporter: deer hunting season begins this week. no word on restrictions in the area. for now, police telling hunters if you're going to go out in the woods to prepare, use extreme caution. look out for booby traps. >> all right, thank you very much. not the kind of olympic news we wanted to share. >> not at all. new trouble for olympic legend michael phelps. the swimmer arrested for dui. going nearly twice the speed limit and he's apologizing. the newest member of our team, t.j. holmes has our story. >> reporter: this morning, the most decorated olympian in history in trouble with the law. 29-year-old michael phelps arrested tuesday at 1:40 a.m. dui, excessive speeding and crossing double lane lines in baltimore, maryland. he was going 84 miles an hour in a 45 zone and failed a series of field sobriety tests. they say the swimming super star was cooperative. telling abc news, i take full responsibility. i'm deeply sorry to everyone i've let down. this isn't his first run in with the law. arrested for a dui in 2004 and given 18 months probation and a $250,000 fine. and after this photo of him using a bong landed in tabloids across the globe. he wasn't charged with a crime, but usa swimming suspended him and he lost a major sponsor almost immediately. >> bad judgment. stupid mistake, something i will continue to learn from. >> when he was much younger, boys will be boys, youthful indiscretion. he doesn't have those excuses anymore. he's a grown man. >> reporter: on the heels of a recent come back in the pool, and winning five medals in australia. many wondering if this will factor into a potential return to his fifth olympic games. >> it's possible it would motivate him further to come back, grab more olympic glory. >> reporter: usa swimming has not disciplined fell s as of yet. but told abc news in a statement, the news regarding michael phelps is disappointing and serious. we expect the athletes to conduct themselves responsibly in and out of the pool. could face up to a year in prison, a thousand dollar fine, and what about sponsors? we haven't heard from them yet. >> i'm sure we will. hey, t.j., welcome to the abc news family. t.j. holmes. you and reena ninan get us going bright and early in the morning. >> it's not bright. >> come on. >> first week on the new schedule. >> yes, welcome. >> thank you guys so much. and ginger, this midwest storm is something. >> it's an early fall storm. already has been creating severe weather. from the dakotas to canada. that's the upper. and dig into the atmosphere, lift things up and look for winds to go in excess of 60 miles an hour. you could see large hail in orange, parts of missouri, nebraska, northeastern oklahoma. your local weather forecast in 30 seconds, but first the stormy cities brought to you by macy's. >> hi meteorologist karen rogers. watch for a spotty sprinkle. let's head outside and show you what it look like. lots of clouds above the center city skyline. we'll be keeping those clouds today. temperatures in the low 60's. a high of 73, temperatures right about average. we'll keep the lots of clouds and a chance for a passing sprinkle at any point or a shower. tomorrow breaks of sunshine, 72. friday partly sunny skies 73, only 68 on and still to come here on "gma." we have so much more. the latest on the arkansas real estate agent found dead. why the suspect says he targeted her and did he act alone? and a puzzling mystery for police after a mayor of a major los angeles suburb shot in his home. plus revealing how to make your baby smarter. and "gma" goes pink. important new research on diagnosising and treating the disease. and a big surprise for survivors on delta's pink plane. there's always a hug. you're friends for life. when i needed guidance, and i needed support, living beyond breast cancer was there. last year, 5-hour energy raised over $340,000 for living beyond breast cancer purchase a specially marked bottle now through december 31st... and a portion of the proceeds will help breast cancer survivors live beyond their diagnosis. how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. 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"wake me up." perfect song for this special morning. he is here as part of an all-star trio, smokey robinson, jc is here. >> i love me some smokey robinson. and wait until you hear the song in the last half hour. and also take a look outside. we're going pink here in times square. yes, learn the facts about breast cancer. and it's just wonderful to see how all of times square has been just completely transformed in pink. >> and our crew. real men do wear pink. >> yes, they do. >> i just to want say it. >> i like the pink shag carpet you'll see later. where they found that? i don't know. >> i hope that remains to make us aware of the breast cancer fight. we will win against breast cancer. coming up on "good morning america," "gma" investigates the food labels. what you need to know right now that could save you thousands of dollars a year. >> i've wondered about this. i was rummaging around last night and the salad dressing and the dates. >> i do the sniff test. maybe i shouldn't do that. >> i do too. i was like, cross your fingers. >> that's never good. when in doubt, throw it out. >> that is true. >> and if you read the books or seen the movie, "diary of a wimpy kids," the author coming to the rescue after their lemonade stand was robbed. there is a happy ending. >> there is. but begin this half hour with new developments in the case of the arkansas real estate agent found dead on tuesday. aaron lewis admitted to kidnapping beverly carter and not killing her. he's not remaining silent. ryan owens has more. >> reporter: why did accused killer aaron lewis target his victim? real estate beverly carter. listen to why while he was in cuffs. >> why? >> she was rich. >> reporter: he found her at this foreclosure home. detectives say he admits to kidnapping her but denies killing the 50-year-old. he's charged with capital murder. do you have anything to say to the family? >> sorry. >> reporter: early tuesday morning, officers found her body in a shallow grave near a concrete company where he worked. she was almost 30 miles from the home where she vanished. telling abc, we are devastated at the loss of beverly. mr. lewis robbed us of a wife, loving mother and grandmother. >> we are in the investigation stage of moe tiff. this was a stranger to her. and that's all i need to say. >> reporter: how can you explain what happened? >> i had a codefendant. >> reporter: he claims there was someone else. they hope he'll do the talking now. >> kept him up for 12 hours, doing the interrogation. people don't have the defendant of counsel. they say things. >> reporter: in court lewis said the words that matter most to his defense attorney, not guilty. >> i want people to realize this case is much more than what's been said in the media. >> reporter: prosecutors say they may seek the death penalty. ryan owens, abc news, little rock, arkansas. and across the country. the mayor of a los angeles suburb killed in his own home. police say it was a violent end to a domestic dispute. his wife was questioned and released. >> reporter: this morning bell gardens, california, is stunned by the death of daniel crespo, gunned down by his wife. a shocking end to his 28-year marriage. >> so sad. >> they were peaceful, very loving. >> reporter: investigators say the 45-year-old got in an argument with his wife inside their town oklahoma home near los angeles. 19-year-old son daniel jr. tried to intervene. >> after this time the wife, it is believed, retrieved a gun and shot daniel multiple times. >> reporter: several of the shots striking her husband straight in the torso. the mayor, who has spent the last 15 years as a deputy probation officer killed in his own home. the mystery this morning, what led the escalation of violence? the two were high school sweet hearts. but overnight his brother told abc news he is standing behind her and the couple's two children. >> i love my brother and nephew and niece and sister-in-law. >> reporter: investigators questioned her, but released her overnight without an arrest. it's up to the district attorney to file charges. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. and the weather now from ginger. >> october 1 wisconsin and be this is colorado. fresh pile. skiers happy with that. winter weather advisories in colorado. and the chill, and the late fall heat, chicago, they will drop. and talking drop big time. beyond sweater weather here. sunday, 40s or 30s. and same thing as minneapolis, and moves to detroit and pittsburgh. you'll be feeling it. out in west, there's a pocket with a developing heat wave. including los angeles. not just 90s. those molecules moving fast, and look for l.a. >> thanks, ginger, i'm meterologist, karen rogers, kind of cool out here, lots of clouds, too. let's check that forecast. temperature in the low 60's making it up to 73 today with lots of clouds and a brief passing shower in a few spots. tomorrow >> all that weather brought to you by jcpenny. a little sprinkle here and there for us. >> feels good. coming up, "gma" investigators the sell by dates on groceries. why you could be throwing thousands of dollars away every year. and how you can make your baby smarter. new research reveals the sounds that can improve their language skills before they can even talk. emma, it's simple, when you are in a place like this, the best way to capture the moment is to feel it, even if you can't see it. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. a hi.ty? 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[ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will our priority is...was... whefight back withes crelief so smooth....'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. . welcome back, everybody. we continue now with the "gma" investigation. food labels, or the sell by dates. you may be surprised to learn you may be throwing away thousands of dollars food that may be okay to eat. good morning, mara. >> reporter: good morning. dates on packaged food are confusing. we believe it's an expiration date. it's estimated 90% of consumers throw away food because of this confusion. throwing away groceries and money. best by, use by, enjoy by, sell by. we've all seen the labels with dates, but what do they actually mean? >> they don't mean anything. >> reporter: dr. michael hansen, a senior scientist with consumer reports said consumers mistakenly believe these are expiration dates. >> what most people think it means is the food is bad after that date. it could be hazardous. they tend to throw it out. >> reporter: but "gma" investigators learning this is not the last day it's safe to eat. but it's the last day the product is at its peak quality. the guidelines vary from state to at a time. some states have no guidelines at all. >> this is required to be labeled. >> reporter: the only product with a federally regulated date, infant formula. even the food industry recognizes that current practices do not adequately serve all consumers. and tells us there's an effort to improve current code dating practices with the goal of creating a uniform global standard. >> use by, sell by. and nothing. but just a date. >> and this is all the same brand. >> this is all the same brand. this is not only the same brand, but also the same 2%. >> reporter: so what does this show us? >> this shows there's complete confusion out there. >> reporter: organic valley says their milk comes from various suppliers who use different things. but they believe these confusing terms lead to major waste and major money out of your pocket. one author says a family of four throws out up to $2300 a year on food. how much is label confusion is not known, but experts are sure it's part of the problem. the food is still safe after that date. milk, up to one week. eggs within three to five weeks from your purchase date. and certain canned goods, like soup and green beans can be good on the shelf for up to five years unopened. as a consumer, what are you supposed to do? how do you know your food has gone bad? >> common sense. the food will smell or taste bad before it gets to the point to make you sick. >> reporter: common sense advice that never expires. experts say that sell by date shouldn't be visible to consumers because that information is really so the store knows when to move in new invento inventory. dr. hansen says the most important thing about keeping food fresh is keeping it cold until you're ready to use it. my mom said, do the sniff test. >> i'm the one who's going to the back of the thing to try to get the -- >> the latest expiration date. >> going back of the case. yeah. >> every time. >> i want to see those labels, though. more time. >> but the bottom line is you may be throwing away food that's fine. >> good information. thank you so much. all right, coming up on "gma," everybody, you might have noticed, "gma" is going pink. we have important new research on breast cancer that you need to know right now. and angelina jolie's doctor is with us live. and the real-life diary of a whifrmy kid. these two kids' lemonade stand robbed. how the community came to the rescue. ♪ now centrum silver has a new easy-to-swallow coating... so the nutrients for your eyes, heart and brain go down easier. for a limited time, get your four-dollar coupon at it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. well, it's been the number one soup in america.soup? (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! now to that heartwarming story about a community coming together to help out two boys. they ran their own lemonade stand. but when someone stole their money, their neighbors took action. abc gio benitez has that story for us. >> reporter: they're best friends with the same name, spencer and spencer. and right there with them a little dog named coconut. but wait until you hear how westie joined the group. spencerbergman asked his mom for a puppy. >> she said save up $500, and i could do that. >> reporter: he recruited his pal and set up a lemonade stand in the northern virginia neighborhood. business was booming until the unthinkable. the lemonade stand was robbed. >> we were bursting into tears. >> reporter: but the boys would make lemons into lemonade. the stand reopening and donations pouring in. >> people would hand a 20 and let us keep the change. >> then a special gift. a local music shop owner donating this book, "diary of a wimpy kid." a $15 gift and a note inside, please, don't lose faivorite in people. >> it was exciting. >> reporter: but reaching the auth author, jeff kinney, himself. he video chatted with them and send 150 bucks. >> he said you should keep going for the goal. >> reporter: finally the puppy payoff with a twist. turns out spencer was just shy of the goal when a neighbor gave him coconut for free, saving him from the pound. and all that cash they raised, it'll be used for a very cute cause. >> we're using it for food and fors it halloween costume and all these cool things. we asked the kids if they were scared re-opening the lemonade stand, they were feeling confident. they figured the guy would be more scared of him than they were of him. right? >> how about those neighbors? stepping up like that. >> amazing. >> don't lose faith in people. >> i love that. appreciate that. coming up, "gma" goes pink. amy, you were there for the big surprise on the pink plane. we will explain all coming up. n times square. the women linie ining up for mammograms. so much important information as we go pink. come on back. been voted best overall cruise line 11 years running. and will soon feature the best internet connectivity at sea. call now to be wow'ed. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. we go. eggo? one berry, two berry mixed berry, blueberry peanut butter, nothing's better gimmie jam to make it redder cream cheese, cherry please score some honey from the bees stack it up, it's what you do mix it up, it's up to you. enter your eggo recipe on facebook, you could win $10,000. padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. here's in a word and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's 5 day wow sale ends today. get up to two hundred dollars in onboard credit and a fifty percent reduced deposit during our biggest sale of the year. call 1-800 royal caribbean. >> ♪ >> reporting canadian foam brookfield asset management has won the bidding for revel casino atlantic city. brookfield had bid $110 million slightly higher than the $90 million bid from developer glen straub. the revel cost 2.4 billion dollars to build. 7:56 on this wednesday, october 1st. i'm matt o'donnell. matt pelman has a look at traffic. >> very first rush hour of october has given us challenges morning matt. wrapped up a bridge opening attack pal bridge. traffic is moving once again. good news there. not so good on the ben franklin bridge where it remains jammed westbound from the upside into eighth and vine. of course right lane is still blocked for construction. here on 42 also definitely very crowded, northbound from lower landing road up to 295. better news on 295 northbound you can access 42 northbound again. the vehicle fire that was on that ramp is now gone. had someone that struck a deer on the westbound pennsylvania turnpike by virginia drive. that's gone but delays persist and on the media elwood regional rail line half hour delays for inbound trains this morning because of power problems matt. >> thank you matt. let's go karen rogers filling in for dave murphy with the accuweather forecast. karen. >> hi, matt. lots of clouds, a little bit avenue cool breeze, too. let's check these latest numbers. we just had an update it's 64 degrees in philadelphia but now you're 60 degrees in allentown, 71 in reading, 62 in wilmington, 61 right now millville, new jersey so temperatures in the low 60's making it up to the low 70's today. 73 which is right around average. we'll have lots of clouds today, little peeks of sunshine. we could see a passing strong kell. most of the area dry. tomorrow breaks of sunshine, 72. friday partly sunny, 70 it rains overnight friday into matt. >> thanks karen. "action news" is wear pink for breast cancer awareness month. show us your good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and the latest on the first case of the deadly ebola virus here in the u.s. a major american city on high alert. how the cdc is rushing to stop an outbreak right now. and how to make your baby smarter. new research revealing that the sounds they hear as infants could make all the difference. and why is jimmy the world's most dangerous man? it's not joke. what you need to watch out for when it comes to kimmel. make it pink, baby. pink, pink, pink. >> and "gma" goes pink. the latest on research and keys to detection. and i'm on board a pink plane with a great surprise for some special women. we have a super star morning of music, and so many big names are taking the pink pledge. >> i took the pink pledge, so should you. go pink. >> good morning! [ cheering ] oh, my goodness. look at everybody here in times square with us this morning. showing their support as "gma" goes pink for breast cancer awareness month. and times square, our neighbors, going pink as well. >> i love seeing it all lit up like that. and take a look at these pink buses. there they are. donated by gray line bus tours. carrying 140 breast cancer survivors. amy surprised them on board the delta pink plane. came from all over the country. joining us live in times square. >> they had so much joy, so many smiles. they dressed up. i hope they have the wigs and boas on today. and the great crew -- >> you go, crew. >> we walked in this morning and they all had on their pink shirts. real men wear pink, as lara said. >> yes, indeed. and also coming up in this hour. it's called the angelina affect. more women taking steps for early detection and prevention after angelina jolie went public after her double ma tectmy. her surgeon is here with the new medical advances you need to know about. >> we will talk to her coming up. the news first from amy. right to the big news this morning, the first case of ebola diagnosed on u.s. soil. that patient is in isolation at a dallas hospital in critical condition. the man travels from liberia to texas and was in the u.s. for ten days before his diagnosis. the ambulance crew who brought him to the hospital has been quarantined as a precaution. and doctorsn want to monitor anyone who came into contact with the man after his symptoms appeared. what is the risk for those who came into contact with him. david kerley has that story. >> reporter: it's the worry of many passengers. you're in a metal tube for hours, wondering, could i have gotten that deadly disease? this morning we know the man now being treated for ebola was a passenger on a flight into dallas. he left liberia september 19th, apparently already infected with the disease. officials have not confirmed his route. more than one layover, potentially in both europe and the u.s. it can be a 43-hour journey. he landed in texas september 20th. do others need to be worried? >> they're not going to acquire ebola infections from this gentleman. >> reporter: many of us have gotten sick, a passenger sneezing, or germs on the armrest or tray tables. this can be spread two ways, and this man showed no signs of illness until four days after he landed in dallas. >> patients become hazardous to others when they become sick, and you need direct contact with their body fluids. >> reporter: now the centers for disease control put up posters in airports. and as dr. besser mentioned, there is screening in west africa. keeping people showing symptoms from getting on an aircraft. >> thank you so much for that. and the mystery illness affecting children. four kids in massachusetts suffered paralysis after a respiratory illness. this after ten similar cases in colorado. the cdc is investigating whether the paralysis is related to the enterovir enterovirus. and another embarrassment for the service, the president informs atlanta. he entered an elevator with a security guard who was not vetted. he reportedly had a gun. and the fence jumper is due in court today. an unusual sight from alaska today. an estimated 35,000 of these walruses stormed the beach of an eskimo village. warmer ocean temperatures left the walruses less ice to rest on so they are swimming ashore. and an interesting now study for parents, work on your baby's language skills long before they begin to talk and requires lots of noise. researchers say training infants to focus on certain sounds may build up the language centers in their brains. could lead to new early intervention in the form of noisy games. parents so excited about that. but they will promote, they hope, language development. and finally, we have a new record overnight for the world's largest pillow fight. it was set by 4200 university of california irvine students. this is great. i want to get in there. shattering the old record of 3800 participants. could have been more, but they ran out of pillows. and the fun fact, that school has two other records, the largest water gunfight and dodge ball game. >> do they go to class at all? oh, boy, haven't had a good pillow fight in a while. >> well, maybe we'll have to. all do it. >> here they come. >> ginger, i love that. "pop news" and weather coming up, and now lara the morning menu in the social square. >> and here's what's coming up on the "gma morning menu." in "pop news," why jimmy kimmel is a dangerous man. this is no joke. we'll explain. how happiness leads to success, not the other way around. what you can do to get both. and angelina jolie's breast cancer surgeon is here with what you need to know about medical advance. and these ladies, survivors and supporters. we are going pink in times square. how about a high five. ♪ like a butterfly awesome! i've been claritin clear for 8 days. at the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days! 14 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. the simple grains of rice krispies®. oooo! good. they're made with rice. they're popping! a gentle grain that's easy for little tummies to digest and fun to eat. kellogg's rice krispies®. cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now, save $400 on our most popular mattress. know better sleep with sleep number. you need healing., new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single, sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? from now on, no one's taking your seat away. i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. ♪ ♪ i guess you say ♪ what can make me feel this way ♪ we're hearing the music. a special go pink "gma" edition. smokey robinson, jc chasez. we have a live performance for our go pink supporters. don't miss that in the last half hour. one of my favorites. and in "pop news," start with wink. let's get to it. in honor of "gma" goes pink, l folks who are too cool. bob kari, who first put on a tutu years ago when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. they have a book and a yearly calendar, and support women who need financial support in their breast cancer journey. and fire fighters who are thinking pink. pink heels uses pink fire trucks to raise funds. here they are selling t-shirts in asheville, north carolina. and some of miami's bravest going pink. it's happening all over the country, guys, texas and california. we also do not want to leave out the finest police departments like this one in leesburg, florida. look to breast cancer and throw the book at it. >> that's one we like. >> you mean you don't like some of them? >> no, love them all. also in "pop news," viewers bewa beware, jimmy kimmel is a dangerous man. i'm dead serious. just got a brand new title, most dangerous celebrity to search online. according to internet firm mcafee, it gives you a good chance to land on a site that causes viruses. upon learning the news that he was a technology gangster, he had that this to say. >> you hear that every girl in the school that wouldn't go to the prom with me? which was every girl in the school. who would have guessed that a boy who carried a briefcase to junior high and ended up playing the clarinet would be the most dangerous person. >> i think our jimmy is relishing it. he feels like, i don't know, he's got a little more -- other dangerous celeb searches, bruce springsteen, christina aguilera and chelsea handler. >> is there a reason -- >> kebconnects you to bad stuff. >> good to know. and an update on a story that caused quite a debate around the desk. whether or not this dog was really screaming. [ screaming ] is that cody's voice? it was specifically george who relentlessly questioned me on this. while i was not able to get a confirmation from cody, i have further proof, george stephanopoulos, that dogs talk. you need to listen closely. >> baby. you want your mama? >> mama ma. >> one more time. >> you want your mama? >> i want you mama. >> george? >> you're doubling down on this. >> george. >> that is a very, very cute dog who can not talk. >> well you know what, george? tell that to his mama. >> i know. >> that was priceless. >> i believe case closed. and that is "pop news." >> way to go, lara. way to go. >> another investigate report from lara spencer. >> okay. heat index coming up, first the check of the weather. >> this light rain is not going to rain on our pink parade. we are in support of the american cancer society. and you told me you have a new mission, right? >> we are turning awareness into action. we are going to finish this fight. >> yes, we are. and they are all here all year raising so many funds. get right to the forecast. the rain showers will continue. look at northeast, philadelphia, 72. d.c., just short of 80 degrees. and buffalo at 74. drier eventually. but not dry anywhere from the gulf coast up to the midwest. with the severe storms, you could see rain showers heavy at times and at places more than 4 inches in missouri. watching for that. >> hey, ginger, i'm meterologist, karen rogers. 64 degrees right now. let's check that forecast. we do see its lot of clouds, a little bit of a cool breeze, a high of 73. can can't rule out a sprinkle or a passing shower at any point today. tomorrow breaks of sunshine and 72. friday partly sunny skies and 73 degrees for your high. it rains overnight friday into the first part of saturday. some areas might not clear out until saturday afternoon. 68 for your high on saturday. cooler on sunday. >> all right. we to want get all that pink. but we have to get inside -- >> lara -- >> and everybody else. >> thank you, guys. we're going to kick off the heat index. people think about it all the time, does success lead to ha y happiness? someone is saying that's the exact opposite. suggesting that in order to accomplish our goals we have to start off satisfied. it's the happiness advantage. gave a popular ted talk on the subject. and business leaders have the key takeaways, it's not a raise or promotion. maintain a good work/life balance. and take on problems as challenges, not threats. i like that idea, start out happy, then success will flow with that. >> and it's very much a choice. you can choose to be happy. >> i degree. >> and how you define success. >> that as well. >> and isn't it more fun to hang out with people with positive energy. i would assume bosses want to be around people with positivity and giving it their all. >> that's why i hang out with you guys. >> hi. okay. also this morning, a behavioral scientist with an interesting tip for dealing with tough decisions. let your friends make the choice for you, especially when it comes to what you eat. expert pat dolan saying he lets his friends order his meals for him. it's an easy way to eliminate one decision from his day. some research suggests that the more -- right -- the more decisions we make, the worse we get at making them. >> robin is shaking her head. >> go ahead, continue. >> he says you should save your decision-making energy for things that matter. so hand over the menu and let your friends choose what you eat. >> i think the more decisions you make, the better you get at making them. i think when you get into a certain situation and say you choose, you choose, you get into a habit of that. >> right, wishy-washy. >> i don't know, what do you want? >> whatever -- but whatever works for you. >> when someone orders my dinner, i get cranky. >> note to self. and also in the heat index, so happy that "gma" is going pink this morning. and we have a foundation this morning on military island, it's be beauty. refurbishes donated wigs. these aren't the wigs they do. they're having fun here. but they provide them to women undergoing treatment who can't afford a wig. what i heard from ebeauty was doing, i'm donating one of my wigs right here. this is one that i wore in 2007 when i was diagnosed with breast cancer. i wore it right here because it was about the interview with president clinton. and, you know, it's a choice whether you want to wear a wig or not. and i thought that because i was -- was in a situation where people -- i didn't want to be a distraction, that i wanted to wear a wig. and this last time, heck, i was just going to let it fly free. but it's a wonderful organization. and a lot of women, especially with children -- >> they don't to want scare anybody. >> it's great what they're doing. and i'm very happy. i'm going to miss you. but it's also a way to move on. >> i love it, thank you, robin. and we know for more than a decade delta airlines has been partnering with the cancer research foundation, raising $8 million for research. delta's pink plane brought 145 survivors to be with us this morning. i was lucky to be on board, but not as a passenger. >> fight! >> reporter: they are survivors. thrivers, a sea of pink boarding -- >> i am so happy to be here. >> reporter: delta's breast cancer one. like rachel, a mother of two who was 42 when doctors gave her her diagnose. >> we found a mass, it's going to be a cancer. >> reporter: a double mastectomy, six weeks of radiati radiation. >> i can't say i'm a survivor yet, but i'm going to be. >> reporter: she's one of 145-women strong. i'm joining them on their journey as a survivor myself. i'm ready, at least i look the part. but not as a passenger. >> good afternoon and welcome on board. i just realized we're a flight attendant short on today's flight. what's this? "good morning america" anchor and breast cancer survivor amy robach is here. >> reporter: i'm so excited to be on board the plane with all of you. after takeoff, i'm quickly put to work. taking drink orders, ice or no ice? and serving lunch. but it's the personal stories that inspire me. >> i was scared. >> diagnosed four and a half weeks ago. >> reporter: you were a survivor the moment you found out. >> a celebration of life, a celebration of beating the odds. >> reporter: the way we lean on each other and support each other and the way we let our sisters know that we're not alone. that we're in this together. and we're stronger today. ♪ i want to see you be brave we land in new york city -- ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ >> reporter: and the women are greeted by hundreds of supporters. their faces say it all, gratitude, grace and joy. ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ >> i've never had more fun on a flight in my life. it was so beautiful. joy and the energy. and just the enthusiasm for life. and it's a gift. it's the one gift you get from this awful disease that you just appreciate. >> and how about that serenade you guys got? >> it was awesome. so great. and delta -- so many people lined up with the music. and everyone had signs, their name on it. it was well thought out. some of these women have been on the plane for ten years. >> and delta does things throughout the year like this, but to have the sense of community. ain't no mountain high enough. you make a good flight attendant. >> if this doesn't work out. >> yeah, it's working out. move on now to the angelina jolie effect. one study found that testing for the mutation that puts people at higher risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer doubled after she had a double ma tectmy after finding she is positive. and dr. christie funk, and dr. jen ashton is right by her. and the recent medical advances, including the discovery of a new gene muation. making the baraka gene a household name. attention is now turning to the palb2 gene mutation. it can increase the risk of breast cancer to a 1 in 3 chance by the age of 70. this puts it behind the other as a top risk factor for breast cancer. >> it can be important. how often to be screened. even considering surgery in the most extreme circumstances. >> reporter: up next, new research underlines the role obesity plays in the disease. >> you can do things to lower your chances of getting cancer and living with cancer if you get it. >> reporter: you can decrease the risk by losing a skirt size, reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking. and on monday, promising results for a relatively new breast cancer drug, perjeta. it helps patients, breast cancer survive longer with low side effects. and joining us now is angelina jolie's breast surgeon, dr. christie funk. and abc news senior medical contributor, dr. jennifer ashton. good to have you. >> good to be here. >> that's why i look -- i love that, pink warriors and thrivers instead of just survivors. her discussion a year ago -- it's hard to believe the time that's gone by. it's continued an important conversation, hasn't it? >> it truly has. the ripple effect is not a ripple. ripples dissipate and end. what she has done to raise awareness about the mutation will never be forgotten. it's sort of like the wheel. when you know it's there, why not use it. there was a gene, they knew if many millions of women and men were going to die from this related mutation, we forgot about it. no one's going to forget. and it's really a bigot tributeo her strength to be vocal and there is an awareness. and gave so many women, the choices in fro in front of us, courage. if angelina jolie can do it. i could too. it's not the end of something, but the beginning, perhaps. and dr. ashton, you're screening women to see whether or not they are candidates to have the genetic testing. >> and we have to remember, and we talk about this all the time when we see each other, ovarian cancer risk can be up over 50% for the brcta mutation. and now all the buzz in the surgical literature is about removing the from local y-- fallopian tups. >> a commercial is going to take us away in 30 seconds. dense breasts, there are now laws in some states where patients have to be told -- >> mammograms, dirty little secret. if your breasts are dense and you have a normal mammo, may not be normal. dense breasts hide cancer. >> ♪ >> "action news" a brought to you by cancer treatment >> "action news" a brought to >> we are awaiting autopsy results on pennsylvania state trooper david kedra. police say an instructor at the montgomery county public safety training facility accidentally shot the 26-year-old yesterday afternoon. kedra was pronounced dead at temple university hospital. 8:27. it is wednesday morning. i'm matt o'donnell. let's check traffic right now with matt pelman. hi, matt. >> trying to get over the hump on this hump day with very slow traffic on the schuylkill expressway. like most mornings, this is the scene by the roosevelt boulevard. overall eastbound over a half hour to get from the blue route into the vine. ideally these numbers would be 14 minutes. westbound even a little worse at 32 minutes right now. watching a couple accidents as well. one is in wayne along swedesford road at old eagle school road. police are on the scene. they're also attending to victims in the crash in coatesville along first avenue. watch out for class on septa's media elwyn line because of overhead power problems. matt. >> thank you matt. david is off. meterologist, karen rogers joins us with the accuweather forecast. and i know you're there somewhere, karen. >> you don't have to see me. it's okay. i'll just show you the forecast. let's go ahead and take a look at it and lots of clouds out here right now and the temperature 64. we're headed up to 73 today and we could see a sprinkle or a brief shower at any point but not special to errable wet today. tomorrow breaks of sunshine and 72. friday it's going to be partly sunny skies with a high of 73. celebrate yom kippur at sundown and looks like the rain holds off until the overnight hours on friday. that means it's going to last a little longer on saturday. saturday we're going to have that rain for at least the first half of the day, 68 for your high. sunday look at that high, matt, only 64 with a cool breeze feeling like fall for sure. >> thank you karen. putting out hot spots at the scene of what was a huge blaze just blocks from the atlantic city boardwalk. more details, pictures on ♪ the story of my life ♪ look at that wonderful crowd outside with us. i know the pink wig, the pink costumes. oh. those were the women that were on the plane with amy. the delta plane. and as you know we are going pink. it is october 1st, we start the breast cancer awareness month. and we are going to continue the conversation we were having with dr. christie funk who is angelina jolie's breast surgeon. and also, of course, our contributor, dr. jen ashton. because we were talking about breast density and the importance of that. when i was diagnosed in 2007, the mammogram did not pick up the tumor. it was, thank goodness, my doctor said to also have the ultrasound. and there are now laws where doctors have to tell their patients? >> no, the letter women get in the mail says the mammo was normal, ps, your breasts are dense. level four dense breasts, it's like looking for a snowball in a snowstorm because cancer is white. we have two issues with density. one, it camouflages cancer, breast is white, fat is black. the denser your breasts, the whiter it is, and cancer gets overlapped and missed. second issue, the densest breasts have five times the cancer risk versus fatty breasts. you have more cancer risk and can't find it. >> can i ask you something else? insurance, will it pay -- because a lot of people, yeah, i'd love to get the mammogram and ultrasound too, will my insurance cover both? >> variable in different states. consider ultrasound, mri, and 3-d mammo. we have tools to see through the white. >> the mammogram caught one tumor, but not the other one. >> how do we know which one is right, if they say yes, they're dense, which step? >> i think so many doctors, if i know the patient has dense breasts, write for a ma'am dwmm and a breast ultrasound. it's not always covered. >> 50% of women have dense breasts. they all need ultrasounds. layer on top of that risk, family history, the history of a bioon si that looked weird. up it even more. >> next step in breast cancer awareness? >> it's the generation living with this woman with breast cancer. a lot of them have daughters. they are wondering is this my density? >> my daughters asked me. >> yes, and they need to be told as teenagers, avoid alcohol, exercise. if they do that as a teen and young woman, lowers their risk later in life. it doesn't have to be their destiny. >> thank you. dr. funk, thank you again for being with us. >> thank you for having me. thank you for going pink. >> we talk about this. george, where are you, george? he's running the other way. but we should say, it also affects men. yes, the vast majority is women, but also men are affected by breast cancer. we cannot believe one near ago today, amy took that brave step of getting her for first mammogram live here on "gma." just before she stepped into the mammo van, she had a video taped message explaining why she was doing it. and one year later amy shared that message with me again. yeah. here it is. >> so when abc producers called me last week and asked me to have a mammogram on live national television, my first instinct was, no way. never going to do it. i went in to see robin who is a breast cancer survivor and thriver, and she said you know what, amy, if one life is saved because of early detection, it's all worth it. i'm going to do this. so, robin, this one's for you. to know what happened in the van now is -- it's emotional to watch that. >> you know, amy, i'm -- wow. i mean, just to -- just to see you. and to see you now. >> i thought i was doing something fill lan tropic for others who might have cancer. never imagining that i was sitting in the room request two malignant tumors inside of me. you gave me the gift of knowledge. the gift of life. and for that, i will be eternally grateful. because you nudged me into the mammo van. >> and so when -- when you called me -- never in a million years that i think that you would be saying what you said. >> i have breast cancer. >> yeah. how did it surprise you? >> i watched you work through cancer, and i remember thinking, how is she doing that? why is she doing that? i didn't know why. until it happened to me. and then i realized how important it was to hold on to anything normal. >> we saw you virtually every day, still there, delivering the news for us, being there. what didn't you show us? >> any time i thought about my kids. any time i thought about them worrying about me or me worrying that i'm not going to be there for mthem. my showers were always my crying time. the water drowned out the sobs. when i cried, it was hard you have to put on a brave face for yourself and your family and want to for the other women out there going through the same thing with you. show them you're strong. but, of course, we're not always that way. >> and another lesson we're showing people, teaching people, not just the two of us, but the wonderful people that surround us every day. and how you can care for a colleague, a friend, who's going through a challenging time. >> sit in your chair was such an honor while you were battling your second bout of cancer. but then to have you walk me to your chemo chair that you had sat in. seven years prior? to sit in your chair in two completely different ways. but it was so fitting, actually. that was a surreal thing for me. to see how it all had come full circle. >> what is it that you want to get across to people? >> we have to make sure that we're vigilant about our own health. and giving women that nudge. so you nudged me. i hope to nudge other women into that mammogram exam room. >> you could have continued to put it off. and here we are talking about where we are a year later, and i'm thankful you're sitting in that chair a year later. >> yeah. >> to have that information and be able to face it. >> exactly. >> wouldn't you want to know and have a fighting chance. there are no guarantees, none whatsoever. but give me a chance. >> i'm looking forward to the day where i won't think about cancer. i'll just think about living. >> lean over, we'll probably be side by side at the desk and tell me when you have that day. >> i will. >> because it's going to happen. >> you asked me, have i had that day yet, not yet. >> but you will. >> i'm looking forward to it. i will lean over and say i had my day. >> thank you for this conversation. and i hope everyone at home, lara, how we are as sisters and discussed this. it's not just today, not just this month. thank you for the work you do. thank you, jen, thank you all. and a final check of the weather now with ginger. the sisterhood continues out here. you sigh us in our pink wigs and boas having a great time for a great cause. and the weather first. where is it hot? i'm surrounded by hot people. but we have to look at hot temperatures. 94, dallas, 93, san antonio, houston, 88. that heat into the southeast as well. but it's also fueling severe storms in part along the cold front from grand island, nebraska, to jefferson city, missouri. all looking for the potential for damaging winds. large hail. that's an inch or bigger. anyway, that's from coast to coast. this pink is -- i'm >> thanks, ginger, i'm meterologist, karen rogers. just a little bit breezy out here and cloudy too. let's check that forecast. it's 64 headed up to 73. lots of clouds today. a brief spotty shower here or there. tomorrow breaks of sun >> all that weather brought to you by capital one venture card. and we'd like to thank our wonderful neighbors here in times square for going pink with us. starting with bank of america. it's right there next to our jumbo frotron jumbotron. >> thank you to aeropostale, coca-cola, hard rock and hyundai. >> lg, lion king, m and m, nasdaq and oakley. >> prudential, reuters, samsung. >> and thank you to toshiba, the united states military recruitment and walgreens. >> and celebrating everything out here and grateful for those who support. robin. >> well done. they could take our jobs. ginger, looking good. coming up, the power of amy's message. how her decision to have her first-ever mammogram is having a ripple effect. you'll see, i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. ♪ it feels good to be strong look at all of my sisters out there. breast cancer survivors and thrivers there. enjoying times square after making that trip. many of them from atlanta on the delta pink plane. and it was one year ago where it took robin to convince me to get the first mammogram. as we saw, she did it by saying it's worth it if one life is saved because of early detection. it turns out mine wasn't the only life that i saved. >> i'm 40 and putting it off. >> reporter: one year ago i finally had the mammogram. but not the outcome i anticipated. words i never expected to hear. i was told that i have breast cancer. watching from her home in south carolina, deb greg, a former news director at the abc affiliate in charleston, south carolina, where i started my career. charleston county school haves a new budget. >> i heard your voice and ran around to watch the story and i was shocked. >> reporter: fast forward a few months, one morning in the middle of my ke moe treatments, i was opening letters of encouragement from viewers. a thank you card. i opened one card, a thank you card from deb. >> i had been driving around with my mammogram prescription for a year when i heard your story on "gma." >> reporter: i had the ma'am gra two days later -- >> a biopsy and learned i had cancer the next day. thank you for saving my life. >> reporter: i get chills, that. that card meant the world to me. i was over a year late, lost my prescription. why hadn't you gotten your mammogram? >> i did self-exams, i was very aware of breast cancer. and i felt healthy. and i was really busy. like, every woman in this country. and as it turns out, there was a tumor about the size of a lipstick tube hiding where it couldn't be felt. >> reporter: deb and her two daughters who had just lost their father to lung cancer had already been through so much. for me the hardest part was watching my daughters watch me. what was that like for you? >> i was very angry and very scared. for them. of course, you would ask something like this, but that definitely was the hardest part. >> reporter: with her girls by her side, she would have a double mastectomy on christmas eve. >> i had been feeling sorry for myself beforehand. and one of the nurses said why don't you look at things differently and instead say i'm having my surgery on christmas eve, and i'm going to wake up christmas day cancer free. >> reporter: nine months later, deb is vibrant and healthy. >> right now i feel like a fighter. >> reporter: a warrior. >> a warrior. >> reporter: we have our battle wounds, don't we? >> yes, lots of them. these are yours. >> reporter: tell me your prognosis, how you are doing, what doctors told you? >> the oncologist said last week you should consider yourself cured. >> she's so positive and strong. i feel very blessed that our mom was able to beat cancer. >> reporter: it was good to say that out loud. >> yeah. >> reporter: a gift not lost on either of us, two women who started their journalism careers in charleston and fought cancer. >> god brought us full-circle. here we are in charleston, both healthy, taking anti-hormone cancer drugs. both with two daughters and both feeling very thankful. >> reporter: >> and to take the pledge, we have taken the pledge, right? go to abc and get the details on yahoo! and "good morning america." coming up, we have sushl star smokey robinson, and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard. because you work. now capella university offers a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath, and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know. so you can get a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn about all of our programs at i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to . cannot think of a better way to cap off the "gma" goes pink with special guests. smokey robinson with jc chasez, and aloe blacc. and you can hear them on smokey's hot new album, smokey and friends up thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> good to be here. you look great. >> feeling great. look at the audience we have. talk about looking great. they look beautiful. and this music, oh, you have this motown dvd and you have this new music that's out. a lot of collaborations. >> a lot of stuff happening right now. >> how do you feel about the collaborations with these -- >> these guys are awesome. i am so proud to be singing with them. they're just wonderful. and they did a great job. as you're going to see. yeah. >> my girl, you wrote it for the temptations. you sing the song this guy wrote. no pressure, right? >> i told him i want to be a miracle. i told him. >> aloe, i know they've had a great -- >> today's the day. >> he and others have had a great influence on you and your music. >> absolutely. his music has been such a great inspiration to me. >> thank you, gentlemen. from smokey and friends, are you ready for this? "my girl." >> here we go, buddy. ♪ ♪ oooo ♪ oooo ♪ oooo ♪ i've got sunshine on a cloudy day ♪ ♪ well, well, well, well ♪ when it's cold outside i've got the month of me ♪ ♪ yes i have ♪ i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talken' about my girl ♪ my girl i've got so much hon ey in me ♪ ♪ i've got a sweeter song than the birtds in the trees ♪ ♪ ah yeah ♪ well i -- ♪ i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ i don't need no money, fortune or fame ♪ ♪ i got all the riches baby ♪ that one man can claim ♪ yeah ♪ well -- ♪ i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ i got sunshine on a cloudy day ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ she's my girl ♪ she's the girl yeah sneet she's a sweet thing, sweet thing ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ your girl ♪ my girl ♪ all night long she's my girl ♪ when it's cold outside ♪ sweet thing sweet thing sweet thing ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ well i guess you say what can make me feel this way ♪ ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talkin' bout my girl ♪ my girl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> all right, baby. smokey robinson. womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. gentlemen, that was the most perfect ending to the show we could have imagined. thank you so much. it was great. i think everybody outside loved it as well. let's wave good-bye to them, too. >> have a great day, everybody. >> ♪ >> firefighter are still pouring water on the scene of a huge multiple building fire in atlantic city. it broke out last night a few blocks from the boardwalk. high winds help fuel the flames. no one was injured but more than a dozen people were forced out. 8:57, it's wednesday morning, it is time to check traffic with matt pelman. hi, matt. >> and as always it's going to take some extra time on this first morning of october, matt here on 95 southbound. heavy delays persist from past cottman avenue through this point at girard. overall 33 minute ride southbound that ideally should be 14 minutes. also have several accidents, one in bryn athyn blocking byberry road at pioneer road. stick with county line road as a an alternate. also one on the northbound side of the new jersey turnpike approaching exit four. the bigger delays are there on 295 southbound coming south of 73 on down to the 42 freeway. and still have delays but now just soon minutes on the media elwyn regional rail line because of inbound trains because of power problems. matt. >> dave murphy is off. meterologist, karen rogers has the accuweather forecast. karen. >> hey, matt, it's 66 degrees right now. we've got lots of clouds right here. we're watching for a sprinkle or two but not seeing at the moment. lots of clouds, 73 degrees for your high and we could have a brief shower at any point. tomorrow breaks of sunshine, 72. friday we'll see partly sunny skies and 73 degrees. celebrate yom kippur after sundown and the rain comes overnight friday now into saturday. looks like it could rain the first half of the day on saturday. our high saturday, 68, cooler still on sunday, matt. >> thanks karen. coming up today on "action news" at noon highlights from the debate between the two candidates for pennsylvania governor plus the latest information on the can country's first person to be diagnosed with the ebola here he spread. tyler perry is a guest on have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, actor, director, producer and writer, tyler perry. and a performance from "saturday night live" alum ana gasteyer. ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly:


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20141212

what she says what happened at his home and when she confronted his wife. why she is coming forward now. and travel nightmare. traveling for 30 hours, the bathrooms unuseable, is this the worst layover ever? and we do say good morning, america on this friday morning. we all fly and know how frustrating it can be. even without a delay. can you imagine spending 30 hours on the plane? we'll tell you what caused the big delay. >> that's as bad as it gets. get to the powerful storm pounding the west coast. the rainest in decades for some cities. sono sonoma, that car submerged. and in the same lot, there they are, kayakers. and we start with rob marciano in san francisco. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, george. the rain has stopped, at least for now. but the record-breaking amounts still trying to drain and get out of the city. but many roads are blocked from standing water and downed trees. the entire west coast is reeling from this storm. almost a foot of rain. winds up to 147 miles an hour in the mountains. waves pounding the west coast. >> once the rains come and the mud starts to flow, there's nothing residents can do. >> reporter: three houses in this washington state neighborhood lost to the sea. >> anything can happen. >> reporter: kayaks, the new vehicle of choice in this california safeway parking lot. others opting for air mattresses to carry them to safety. drives white knuckling over the swaying golden gate bridge. engineers stood by. >> we need to be prepared. >> reporter: many northern california schools canceled, the subway system shut down. tens of thousands without power this morning. thanks to downed trees like this one in santa cruz where fire fighters raced to rescue a child. and now the attention shifts to southern california where already this morning, there have been mudslides in ventura county, and glendora is evacuated for that fear. >> it is happening now. breaking as we see it. the mudslide pictures are coming in. the video. it is going to be a rough morning outside of los angeles. this is because of a fire. you have nothing to absorb all of that rain. and strong lines of rain were moving through this morning. it is that storm. you can see it almost covers the entire west coast. let's move in a little farther and tell you how much more rain on top what have you have that you're going to get. some spots, 3 plus inches, red is 2 to 3 inches. you could see flash flooding with a half inch of rain if you have a burn scar. that gives you a perspective of what's happening here. and on top of the rain, you will have gusty winds. yesterday, 80 to 100 plus miles per hour winds in northern california. watch as it moved, nevada into parts of western arizona. it is going to gust up to 60 miles an hour. trees and power lines an issue. i have to do a silver lining. locally, near a foot. and some of the flooding such an issue, look, we're above average in san francisco for the year. this helped overall. george. >> all right, thank you, ginger. that is some storm. >> really is. now more from the fall youth from the sony hacking attack. the movie that triggered the breach, premiered last night. a low key premier. and leaked e-mails, including offensive jokes about president obama. cecilia vega has the latest for us. >> reporter: this is what a red carpet should look like. but at last night's world premiere for the interview, there were no interviews. in the wake of the massive hacking scandal, sony blocking press. >> the entire area is closed. >> reporter: at the debut of the controversial comedy about north korea. >> you want us to kill the leader of north korea? >> yes. >> what? >> reporter: even silencing actors like charles chun outside the event. >> i think at the end of the day it's going to be -- >> there's no red carpet tonight. >> reporter: meanwhile, more hollywood super stars falling victim to the stolen e-mails leaked online. one reportedly showing a top talent agent trying to land charlize theron a role at the expense of scarlett johansson, comparing the star power of the leading ladies. and bashing kevin hart for wanting more money in exchange for promoting a movie on twitter. he broke his silence. i own my own brand, i make smart decisions, i protect my brand. >> this is unprecedented. the target isn't about money. it's about just inflicting damage. >> reporter: oscar-winning producer scott rudin and amy pascal sending messages about angelina jolie's ego. they were leaked a after this event in hollywood. and showing them making racially insensitive remarks about black-themed films president obama might like. they said those were private. rudin telling abc news i'm sorry and apologize for any injury they might have caused. pascal saying they are insensitive and inappropriate, but not an accurate reflection of who i am. the damage control continues, and so does the investigation. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. >> you got to wonder if they're going do get a handle on that. turn now to the first ever live press conference from the cia. john brennan responding to the explosive report on torture. defending his agency, and calling some tactics abhorrent, promising never to use them again. this was unprecedented, and he has walked a fine line. >> reporter: he is in a tough spot. he works for a president who does not support the extreme methods used on detainees and wants to stand by the officers. but he said some of the harshest techniques were unauthorized, but the so-called eits, enhanced interrogation techniques, one of which was water board, he said they were successful. >> there was useful intelligence, valuable intelligence obtained from individuals who had been at some point been subjected to the eits. whether that could have been obtained about the use of that, is unknowable. >> reporter: now senator dianne feinstein who's committee released the report this week,ed his comments but disagreed with that characterization. insisting that the information could have been obtained through other means, george. >> yeah, she disputed that. and she was live-tweeting through the press conference yesterday. thanks very much. and much more sunday on "this week." and now to amy with the other top stories. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the crisis averted in washington overnight. house lawmakers narrowly passing a $1 trillion spending bill to keep the government running. the white house got democrats on the bill even though it rolls back wall street regulations. the u.s. navy says 12 sailors have been gikted in a plot to secretly video tape and watch their female shipmates in a shower on the submarine. they were among the first to serve since the navy integration program began. and a deadly fire on a cruise ship. two maintenance workers and a crew member were killed while the ship was docked. all 656 passengers were evacuated. no word on what caused the video. and stunning video from a soccer game in south america where a player survived being struck by lightning. it happened so quickly, you can't see the bolt. the smoke drifts away, and you see him on the ground. announcers thought he was dead. he was rushed to the hospital and now being treated for burns. he says he feels like he's born again. and cam newton admits he's lucky to be alive after a terrifying crash on tuesday. this is what his truck looked like after flipping over. he was 24 hours in the hospital, but beginning rehab on the fractures in his back. asked when he will play again, he responded who cares and it's clear someone above is looking out for him. >> i can't stop smiling. god has his hands on me, man. i'm on somebody's fantasy league. i think it's the man upstairs. >> after the big scare, newton urging his fans to live life to the fullest. and a toddler gets his first look at a set of identical twins. this is landon. he's clearly confused by what he's seeing. no matter how many times he swings his head, he can't clear up this double vision. when he looks to the adults to help him out. what's going on? why am i seeing double? all they can do is laugh, like we are. wait a minute. what's going on. >> really, mom and dad? >> and they look just alike. >> yeah. >> his head was on a swivel. >> my life is changing a lot. >> that's true. >> thanks for bringing that to us, amy. now to a dramatic standoff on a california highway. a father who was a person of interest after his sons went missing earlier this week refusing to surrender to police with his four boys in the car. aditi roy has the story for us. >> there is no movement from the vehicle at this time. >> reporter: a niail-biting scene, a black camry surrounded by police and s.w.a.t. team officer. but the real drama was inside that car. >> we have kids in the car. >> reporter: the four boys, ages 6 through 11, along with their mother,er k erica, missing sinc friday after their father, daniel perez, picked the boys up from a family member's home. the search intensifying late wednesday after erica's body was discovered in the trunk of the couple's honda accord. >> it was a dangerous situation. we knew there were children involved, possibly weapons. >> reporter: police issuing an amber alert. family members issuing a tearful plea for the boys return. >> don't hurt them, they're innocent. >> reporter: just hours later, this faceoff on the freeway playing out on live television. watch as two of the four boys run out, a police negotiator trying to convince perez to get out of the car. >> back in the vehicle, windows rolled up. >> reporter: finally more than an hour into the stand you have, he exits the vehicle. grabbing one boy, another one following him. >> we were fearful that he may try to throw the children off the bridge, or himself. >> reporter: but police shoot him with a non-lethal bean bag and take him into custody. they credited the camry's lojack, a tracking system leading them to the car. now safe after a dramatic ordeal. for "good morning america," aditi roy, abc news, san francisco. >> thank goodness they are okay. and a story for anyone bombarded by annoying robocalls. one couple sued and won more than a million dollars from bank of america. brian ross is here with the story. >> it's the law for debt collectors to use robocalls once you tell them to stop, even if you owe them money. but bank of america has been caught red handed and it's not the first time. >> at 7:41 a.m. >> this is michael with bank of america. >> reporter: the automated robocalls to the coniglio calls came morning, noon and night. >> pleasive us a call at your earliest convenience. >> reporter: 700 times in all over a four year period. unrelenting, long after the family begged the bang to stop. as they told tampa tv station. >> they treat us badly. no two ways about it. >> this is michael with bank of america. >> if i did what bank of america did, i would be behind bars. >> thank you. >> reporter: furious, they sued the giant bank, and now a federal judge ordered bank of america to pay them more than a million dollars. $1500 per call. >> the fact is, if you and a company to stop calling and they don't, every single call could be worth $1500. and this court awarded that. >> reporter: it's a problem across the country. an elderly couple in california claims they got 2,000 calls from bank of america. 350 to a woman in arkansas. and more than 600 to the phones of this man from indiana. >> i would describe it as harassment. it was constant, repetitive calls daily. >> reporter: it's not the first time bank of america has been accused of going over the line. four years ago abc news found they hired a collection agency in texas that used pro feign, racist pressure tactics. >> are you scared? is it because you are in bed with your sister? >> reporter: bank of america didn't stop using the firm until we confronted the president. is that acceptable to you? >> it would not be acceptable. >> reporter: the abusive language may have stopped, but the repetitive robocalls represent another kind of abuse. as for the 700 calls to the couple in tampa, bank of america said they were calling just trying to help them. george. >> 700 times. >> that's a lot. >> it is. what do you have were lara? >> we are going to talk about the flight we alluded to earlier. horrific experience. as if a trip from san francisco to sydney isn't long enough. they got stuck for an extra eight hours after the flight made an unexpected detour. david kerley has the details. >> reporter: it's a trip that turned into a 30-hour travel nightmare. flight 863, bound for sydney, australia, from san francisco. >> it was a comedy of sequence and errors. >> it was hot. and the way we were treated was like we were a herd of cows. >> reporter: some of the passengers sending us video from the tarmac. their ordeal began 10:30 wednesday night pacific time when flight 863 took off from san francisco. then 19 hours into the flight, the pilot announces they have been diverted to canberr because of debris on the tarmac in sydney. the pilot was unable to take off because they exceeded their flying limit. >> unfortunately by the time they sat on the ramp, they exceeded the crew day. >> reporter: frustrated fliers in their seats before they were allowed to get off and get fresh air. the bathrooms are run out of toilet paper and soap. united giving out snacks and drinks, but it was not enough to calm the frayed nerves. >> we want beer and steak, we'll be fine. >> reporter: then eight hours after they landed, relief. a backup crew arrives. the plane finally takes off, landing in sydney nine hours behind schedule. >> not much you can do about it, you know? at least we were safe. >> reporter: for "good morning america," david kerley, abc news, washington. >> it's what he just said. there's nothing you can do about it. that's the frustration. you're just stuck. >> hard to get zen when you're in the middle of it. >> absolutely. how about that weather out west? it's going to start drying out eventually, ginger. >> eventually. they're in the heart in southern california. we have new video of the mudslides north and west of los angeles. this is from a wildfire of old. put the water on it and and the debris starts flowing down into homes. we have seen reports of people trapped in their car, homes, and entire towns evacuated. this is a rough morning throughout southern california. it's going to be windy and a ton of rain. but watch this. it dries out. this is 7:00 a.m. on saturday. so much better as we go into the weekend. so as much as we need the rain, it's too bad that it's coming so forcefully. the other big headline, fog. parts of west texas, up into nebraska, and nebraska with fog and freezing fog. up around madison, 2.6. now, get to the local forecast. coming up in 30 seconds, but the weekend getaways first brought to you by toys are us. that's really good. >> reporter: hi, everyone, david murphy here with an update from accuweather looks like we'll be virtually dry today, a little bit of something out by harrisburg will stay to the west. as we look outside a fair amount of clouds later on, we're looking at clouds and sunny breaks, chilly this morning, temperatures in the 30s. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a high of 40, there will be a brisk breeze blowing feeling like the 30s at the best of times. tomorrow, not as harsh, 42 the high, 45 sunday. how about this, south dakota, 70 degrees yesterday and that's moving east. >> 70 degrees in south dakota. we'll take it. coming up on "good morning america," the latest bombshell accusation against bill cosby. former super model beverly johnson claims he drugged her. why she's coming forward now. a couple arrested for squatting in a $1 million home. what they did wrong that led police to their door. a brazen home break in and how the homeowner found out about the burglary and how she's fighting back. and the epic sweater show down. the ugly sweater dance troupe is here to get us warmed up. that's a thing? 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>> the run way. >> all of that. >> the dance troupe. >> all of it. also, the hunt right now for these men caught on camera burglarizing an apartment in georgia. what you can do to protect your home. and show you a breathtaking ski stunt. you have to see this to believe it. it's a daredevil plunging 2,000 feet between two ridges. and we'll tell you what was going through his mind. >> i don't know in i could think of anything going down like that. that's coming up. but the brand new allegations against bill cosby. this time from ground-breaking super model beverly johnson who claims she was drugged at his home in the '80s. we have the story. >> reporter: what initially kept her from speaking out was fear. that it might ruin her career. now nearly two decades later, she says it's the hardest decision she has made. she has nothing to gain other than the peace of mind that she was doing the right thing. >> the drug was very powerful. something i had never taken before. i was woozy, my speech was slurred. i knew that i was in danger. >> reporter: beverly johnson, known for being the first african-american model to grace the cover of american "vogue" says in 1986 she was invited to rehearse at his home for a part in the cosby show. >> he said part of the exercise he wanted me to do was act like you were drunk. and i thought, you know, there was a pregnant woman on the show. but i said, well, okay. >> reporter: while rehearsing, she said cosby insisted on make what he said would be the best cup of cappuccino she would ever have. >> i took a couple of sips of the cappuccino. and from the first sip, and then the second sip, i knew i had been drugged. and i had been drugged really good. at which time he called me over as if to begin the scene. he placed his hands on my waist. >> reporter: the super model says she was afraid for her life and went into survival mode. >> i just started to swear at him. and then i just continued to call him a series of names. he was getting angry. he was pissed. and he, you know, grabbed me by my arm and just dragged me down the brownstone stairs. and a taxi stopped and he threw me in the taxi. >> reporter: but if he were going to sexually assault you and you were feeling way out of it like this, what do you think stopped him from doing it? >> i think that he probably had never been called the name that i kept calling him. over and over again. i think at that point he wanted to get me out of there. that this was not good. >> reporter: shortly after the encounter johnson says she called to confront cosby, but camille, his wife of more than 50 years, answered the phone. >> i told her just tell bill i will be calling back. after i hung up the phone, i realized that this was something that i wasn't going to be able to do anything about. this was a person that was huge in the entertainment business. it could cost me my career if i came out. >> reporter: in response to the growing number of women claiming they were drugged and in many cases sexual assaulted by k eed, his lawyer called those alleges unsubstantiated fantastical stories. they have not responded to the request for comment regarding the latest claims from johnson. in the last few weeks, several women have come forward, why wait until now? >> these women gave me the courage to come forward. >> reporter: does it make it different for a black woman to come out accusing a black man? >> this was the most difficult decision that i have ever made. i am, you know, calling out a black man, a revered black man, and sometimes it's really hard to do the right thing. but this is the right thing to do. >> reporter: johnson says she has no plans to take any legal action against cosby. when i asked what she hoped the outcome of speaking out would be, that this is bigger than cosby, she hopes her voice would help all victims of sexual assault to have the courage to speak out. now to the deal that proved too good to be true. a young florida couple living in a million dollar home. they claimed they bought the property for a discount. they were squatters, and almost got away with it. matt gutman has the latest. >> reporter: 7500 square feet, 200 sprawling acres. a sprawling swimming pool. it appeared that justin and jenna dean were living the life in this mansion in keystone, florida. police say they're nothing but a couple of squatters. officials say they moved into the foreclosed mansion in september, claiming they purchased a deed at a discount. >> the quitclaim deed that was filed was fraudulent. it was made up from pieces of other deeds. >> reporter: they might have been home free if not for their facebook posts. jenna writing one. this is the house we just bought. we have a lot of work to do. and police say the pair did do some renovating of sorts. >> the locks had been changed on the residence. and some no trespassing signs had been put up. >> reporter: but when a couple from ohio actually bought the home for $1.1 million that the dean's house of cards really started to collapse. >> another couple was interested in purchasing the home. they put a down payment on it. that's when the false deed was found. >> reporter: squatting is a phenomenon that has been gaining momentum since the housing crisis. take famed squatter andre barbosa who used a loophole in the law to move into this foreclosed $2.5 million mansion in boca raton. the deans were arrested on grand theft, forgery and unlawful filing. they are out on bail. but when abc news reached out for comment they said, well, squat. for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, tampa. >> good one. just came that close. couldn't resist. so what do you do when it hits 71 degrees record high in rapid city, it is in december, that will be happening as it moves east. rapid city going to 63. denver, 623. albuquerque, 69 anticipate 61 for kansas. everybody east of that line is saying when does it get to me. detroit upper 40s, national mid 50s, monday, new york city is in the 40s and washington, d.c. will get in the 50s. not looking great for a lot of folks when it comes to getting christmassy, for the holidays, it's mild, and comfortable. here's the forecast in 30 seconds, first let's get the local forecast. >> reporter: thank, ginger, david murphy on the terrace of we have mainly cloudy skies and it is chilly, temperatures in the 30s. today's high, 40, brisk and chilly. 42 tomorrow, 45 sunday. see, guys? i can be nice too. >> naughty and nice. we like that about you, ginger, thank you. coming up, caught red handed. the startling video of burglars in a home. how homeowners are fighting back against break ins and what you can do to protect your home. and caffeine powder. what every parent needs to know about this potentially dangerous stimulant. and our viewers should see who's running this broadcast. there's the control room. everybody getting into the ugly sweater spirit. is chris dancing? this is going to be good. you do not want to miss it. >> look at lilly. >> go lilly, go lilly. - whatd'ya get? - whatd'ya get? oh, whatd'ya get, dude? whatd'ya get? what did you get? i'm stuck - what'd he get private? - what'd he get? woo hoo! whatd'ya get? what is it? what is it? what is it? oh c'mon mate, open it already! i can't wait! oooooooooh! dude. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ [ female announcer ] you've tried to forget your hepatitis c. but you shouldn't forget this. hepatitis c is a serious disease. left untreated, it can lead to liver damage and potentially liver cancer. but you haven't been forgotten. there's never been a better time to rethink your hep c. go to to register for more information. then talk to your doctor about scientific advances that may help you move on from hepatitis c. we're back now at 7:42 with a shocking burglary on tape. two criminals going through a woman's georgia apartment while she's at work. her home surveillance camera capturing it all. and she's using the video to fight back. steve osunsami has the story. >> reporter: they're the definition of brazen. this morning police are looking for these alleged burglars caught on camera robbing this home in atlanta in the middle of the day. one of them finds an ipad, the other claps his hands in joy. >> freaking out. >> reporter: watching it all play out, ayesha was at work when the camera sent the alert to her cell phone. she was able to watch the alleged thieves stealing jewelry and electronics. they were relaxed. >> no urgency. are these the maintenance guys? when i saw the computer going past the camera, i'm being robbed. >> reporter: it's that time of year, in the weeks before christmas when robbers get bold and busy. and these motion-sensor cameras could increase the chances of the crooks getting caught. >> we can clearly see the suspects. it aids our investigation. and based off that have, somebody's going to know the suspects and we're going to find out. >> reporter: now more and more homeowners are surveillance systems are fighting back, posting the videos on the internet. this one from raleigh went viral, recorded on night vision cameras. police arrested the alleged burglars. >> it sounds strange to some people, but it's not expensive. >> reporter: these guys find the camera and steal is too. but they were too late. >> they're already captured, they just don't know it yet. >> reporter: steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> it would be tough to watch that. coming up, spreading the layaway joy. the mysterious angel who paid off $20,000 in bills at toys"r"us. >> and the death defying skiing on camera. what was going through his mind as he plunged 2,000 feet? 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sure we do. why wouldn't we? >> exactly. it's a normal thing. >> guess it doesn't work without a d.j. we have d.j. pro style providing the music. >> good pro style. >> yeah. >> and -- who is going to win the big trophy? the golden suitcase? we will find out. we have hot chocolate now too. >> the coffee cups have been sweeteriz sweeterized. >> at "gma," go big or go home. don't do anything halfway. >> can i go home? >> nope. roberts, you're in. and you guys sent us photos. thank you so much for sending us your ugly sweaters. we are loving them. nothing ugly about that. those are some of our viewers. >> those are some great sweaters. >> i love that. looking good, lady the. >> what a great idea. >> do you want to see some more? go to our website on yahoo!. to amy with the news. breaking news from california. mudslides being reported near los angeles as the monster storm bears down on southern california. the heavy rains forcing mandatory evacuations in vulnerable neighborhoods that could see rain falling at 1 inch per hour today. parts of northern california had been swamped. people using kayaks and canoes to navigate streets. two people killed in oregon, and more than 150,000 homes and businesses have lost power in washington state. ginger has a closer look at the storm coming up. in the meantime, the senate takes up a plan to keep the federal government running. overnight the house narrowly passed a $1 trillion spending bill. the white house mounted a fierce campaign late yesterday to get democrats to agree to the plan even though it rolls back wall street regulations and campaign financing limits. the cyber attack against soen yiz pictures is more personal. hackers are now revealing the medical records of dozens of sony employees and their families. meanwhile, a sony executive has apologized for leaked e-mails that criticized angelina jolie and made racially-insensitive remarks about president obama. a dramatic scene on a florida beach as a man drove his truck into the gulf. two total strangers dived in, pulled him out. he had a medical episode, had blacked out. nearly running over beach goers before ending up in the water. everyone is okay. quite a discovery in queen elizabeth's backyard. and giving new meaning to the term royal highness. >> nice. >> a mushroom with hallucinogenic properties has been found growing in the garden. the magic mushroom was commonly used in rituals. the palace says it's one of hundreds of mushroom species in the garden. get it now? royal highness. and finally, a reminder of what the holidays are supposed to me. the layaway angel from bellingham, massachusetts. a complete stranger walked into a toys 'r us and paid off every single layaway balance for a total of $20,000. the people saving to buy those gifts are going to have plenty to give without any worry. how amazing is that story? >> it is. if we could keep that spirit going all year long. >> so fantastic. >> thinking of others. so great. and now a health alert for parents with teams. the mother and father of a teen who died after consuming too much caffeine powder, asking law makers to take action before someone else is killed. reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: this morning the parents of logan are making a plea to lawmakers, to pull pure caffeine powder off the market. they said it led to the death of their 18-year-old son. >> it's poison in the jar. >> reporter: the young wrestler pushing through his last week of high school when he passed away in may. the county coroner finding a lethal amount of caffeine in his system. >> overwhelming grief and shock. he thought it was nothing like the rest of us. >> reporter: it contains 25 times the amount of caffeine found in a regular cup of coffee. but doctors say this small amount can be lethal. >> it's difficult to consume that liquid, but easy to do the caffeine powder. but it is legal and readily available in bulkon line. and it's unregulated. while the packaging does recommend only a fraction of what he consumed, his parents say it's not enough. >> this product needs to be banned completely. >> reporter: this morning the fda tells abc news it will consider taking regulatory action as appropriate to protect consumers but in the meantime recommends that consumers avoid the products. >> parents should discuss this with their children just like smoking, drinking and other drug use. >> reporter: reena ninan, abc news, new york. and now to lara in the social square. >> so glad you threw to me. coming up on the "gma" morni mo menu" in "pop news," talk about your wife and why she was with jerry seinfeld. spotted in a very fancy car. we'll explain. and the high-tech sneakers that can improve your running and how to find the right fit for you. and get in here, gorgeous. it's time for the ugly sweater competition. as you can see, it is game on, people. we are back, coming up. plus one republic performing live on "gma" here in times square. come on, dancers, get in here. let's go. ♪ ♪ that's just how i feel ofte. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] vote for this year's holiday greeting at up to 27% more brush movements. patented sonic technology with get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious! . onerepublic looking especially festive today in the ugly sweaters today at the twitter mirror. take a picture, guys. all right, their big performance coming up. are you guys going to do it in the sweaters? all right. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. i to the acidity in any never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. ♪ wellllll... ♪ earlyfit ♪ latefit ♪ risefit ♪ fallfit ♪ ballfit ♪ wallfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ rowfit ♪ throwfit ♪ slowfit ♪ olliefit ♪ oopsfit ♪ otisfit ♪ thiswayfit ♪ thatwayfit ♪ daddyfit ♪ pappyfit ♪ datefit ♪ weightfit ♪ goalfit ♪ gooooooalfit ♪ stepfit ♪ stairfit ♪ smartfit ♪ heartfit ♪ spinfit ♪ bikefit ♪ hikefit ♪ yikesfit ♪ wheeeeefit ♪ wowfit ♪ whoafit ♪ findyourfit ♪ it's all fitbit this is the one. can we go for a test drive? oh sure, i'll be right back. thanks. leather, running boards... carmax quality certified, low, no-haggle price, 5-day money back guarantee ... that's great... and, a roof rack for the kayak! we don't have a kayak. we could get a kayak. ready to roll? yes, we are. with more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for...everybody. carmax. start here. wait for me! there it is. ah! hurry up. you're heavy. are you sure these letters will get to santa? yes, of course. hold still. almost there. a little bit higher. i can't hold you up much longer. ah! whoa! [ all giggle ] ♪ hi, fellas. hi, virginia. why are you on the floor? [ female announcer ] bring your letter to santa into macy's and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. together, we'll collect a million reasons to believe. ♪ i got the eye of the tiger eye of the tiger. we showed you the adorable sea otter up rescued. taken in by chicago's aquarium. but she needed a name. we asked "gma" viewers to vote on what you think it should be. and the name you picked -- luna. that's a perfect name. >> luna, strike a pose, baby. right? you're looking at me longingly. >> i always do. you know i always do. all right, and the friday edition of "pop news." ali wentworth, george's wife who's a terrific writer, actor, comedian. in a car, getting coffee with jerry sine field. she's starring in the latest episode of the web show, aptly titled just that, tooling around with him, talking about life, love and posing in a mirror. >> women in the mirror kill me. >> i know, but at least i'm not going -- what's that. >> you can't hold that face all day. >> no. >> so funny. looking very stylish in the head scarf. >> thanks for not playing the parts where she's slamming me. >> it was hard to find a part that was -- >> that she wasn't. >> that was appropriate. >> television friendly? >> but it's very funny. and ali and jerry go way back. she played his girlfriend on seinfeld. >> she does not hold back. as you know. and you're welcome. shows something else. lindsey, wagner, eat your heart out. the actresses character, you may remember, save her life in the show, bionic woman. and now there is a bionic bra that can save your back. this is engineered -- you like that term? engineered to automatically adjust the support when it feels too much bouncing going on. the bionic bra adjusts in real time. this is 17 years and counting in development. a lot of work. you hear the music? of course it's real. that means it's serious, george. it's a real bra. it's really in development. scientists say it's well worth it. why? research shows that 85% of us woman are wearing bras that don't fit correctly. this will now adjust for you. fascinating news, isn't it? >> thank you. and finally -- you know, just because you like turkeys -- go ahead, show the video. just because you like cookies doesn't mean you're a pig. except in this case. >> he smells it. >> he smells it. >> wait for it. >> and just enjoy. >> he's delicately chomping on it. >> this is a reenactment of me last night. >> the pig is sleeping in a bed. think about that. >> here you go. so there you have it. ali wentworth, bionic bras and pigs eating cookies. and you have "pop news." >> you can do it all. >> you never know. >> finish strong as always. heat index. competition today coming up. but first, ginger has a check of the weather. and we dealt with so much early in the week, now things are calmer, you can see the snow in connecticut. it almost looks pretty. it's almost the holidays, we can take all this. from the great lakes some of the freezing fog and icy roads in iowa, minnesota and wisconsin this morning. that high pressure system will move to the east. yesterday it was a chilly day for so many folks, milder by the weekend. look on the backside of the rotating high. here's a look at the west coast storm, we have people trapped in cars and homes. no injuries, but we're be lieuing for more rain -- looking for more rain than has fallen. it's not just california but arizona, we'll be tracking it all. >> reporter: let's look closer to home. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy on the terrace, brisk and cloud skies, bundle you mean. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a brisk and chilly high of 40 degrees, we'll winds 10 to 20 miles per hour. fair amount of cloud cover and sunny breaks. tomorrow, not as within and not as harsh. 42. are 45 sunday, 48 monday, 50 on tuesday! >> even nashville, 49 today. much more mild through the weekend. george. thank you. in today's heat index, toddler tantrums. all parents have to deal with them. and now one mom says she has the key to calming them down. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: it's a scene that no mother wants to witness at the dinner table. >> andrew, sit down and eat your chicken. >> no! >> don't scream at the table. >> reporter: when super nanny's not there to save your family dinner, what do you do? mom heather neil is a babble clogger and registered dietitian. but she said six months ago her 2-year-old tyler turn into the a monst monster. >> can you sit at the table, please? >> no. >> he decided he was going to do things his way. if i didn't let him eat where he wanted to, he would start throwing his food, bowl, screaming, stomping. the toddler tantrum thing. >> reporter: but instead of trying to control it, she took a hands off approach. >> i decided it was not a battle i wanted to fight. i let him do what he wanted to do. >> food issues are a common power struggle. because kids can control what they put in their mouths. >> reporter: and that's when the real trouble started. >> taking him out to restaurants and dining in public. jumping up and down on the chairs, throwing thins, looking a the people behind him. i realized that was what i was teaching him to do at home. >> reporter: heather decided there were new habits. now firm table rules. eat his maeals at the table and role model behavior with him. >> when you want to change the toddler, come up with one sentence, and one sentence only that describes the new role. >> reporter: consistency and key. mom's new approach is taking a bite out of bad behavior. >> it's definitely better than it used to be. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. well, we know we have to be strong. it's just hard to do. >> it is difficult. >> not always easy. they're strong, those little people. also in the heat index, one of the hottest holiday gifts of the season. more running shoes are sold than any other time of the year. with so many options, which pair is right for you? becky worley is on the case. >> reporter: the newest kicks for runners, stand back. shoe technology has gotten really unusual. take these from adidas, called spring blades. whoa. then there's the ultra drops. a wide toe box that lets your foot supply naturally. and finally the hoko 1s. lots of cushioning. it's like having a pair of heels on. to determine which were right for me, i head to the uc san francisco orthopedic lab. they will watch me run and video tape me. >> first thing you notice, you're right on the forefoot. >> reporter: and my pony tail is swinging appropriately. >> yes. >> reporter: and i run i my toes. first the spring blades. this doesn't feel right. it feels like i'm running on nothing. i have no cushion, my toes hurt. these shoes are better for mid-foot runners. >> you might be trying to hold yourself more firm as you're running with the shoes on. >> reporter: i look more upright? >> i agree with that. >> reporter: and the hoko 1s, forced me to strike on the heel in mid feet. that's not natural for me. >> this is where effects of footwear can change mechanics. >> reporter: and the ultra drops. they look extra big and rounded in the front and have a relatively low heel, but they feel natural to me. >> you're landing right on the front half of your foot. this is kind of your natural running form. >> reporter: and that's the point. running shoes are really personalized these days. any one of these shoes may be great for you. how do you decide? >> a lot of the running speci specialty stores, talking to other people. trial and error. run in them, make sure they're comfortable. >> reporter: for "good morning america," becky worley, alaska, san francisco. >> all right, check in with robin now. all right, lara, and everybody. next up on the heat index, never say never. barbara walters said last year's ten most fascinating people would be the last one. but she's back with the ten most fascinating people of 2014. barbara is here with sneak peek. but here is a part of her tell-all interview with taylor swift first. >> this is your first album of all pop songs. are you at all worried that you will lose some of the country fans? >> i am not worried about that. i'm really in touch with my fans and i know what they like. but what my fans were afraid of is i would start making pop music and stop writing smart or emotional lyrics. i think they were scared it would get watered down. when they heard the new music, they realized that wasn't the case at all. and ladies and gentlemen, a proper welcome to barbara walters in the studio. >> here she is again. said she wouldn't be back. i won't be here next year, probably. >> taylor swift, she was here a few weeks ago. >> a huge star. >> a huge star. and the way she is with -- she calls her fans her swifties. so accessible. >> few stars want to be role models. she wants to be and lives her life that way and invites her fans into her house. i'm not sure i would. >> but she does. and she -- it's refreshing to see -- >> it is. >> someone on her stature not stiff arm them, but let them in. scarlett johansson, she had a big year. >> few interviews and keeps her emotions very close to her chest. so close that i didn't find out until i did the interview that she was engaged. and i didn't find out, robin, until after the interview that she was not only engaged, she was married. >> she didn't tell you that. but she did talk to you about body image. >> yep. >> let's take a look. >> most women do not really like their bodies. do you like your body? >> it's an okay body, i guess. i mean, it functions. i wouldn't say it's particularly remarkable, though. >> any part you don't like? >> of my body? yeah, there's lots of parts i don't like. you know, my -- my thy thighs, my midsection. >> from where i'm sitting, it looks okay. >> who can -- i'm not going to complain. i have got thighs and a midsection, so i'm happy. >> she has a lot to be happy about. >> any woman who loves -- i look great? i'm wonderful. i don't think so. >> but you're not going to give us a hint? >> i would tell you that you would never guess. does that help you? >> not at all. >> don't even try. >> never do. barbara, thank you, thank you. >> i always love being here. i hope people will watch on sunday night. >> this is the plug. barbara walters, the ten most fascinating people of 2014. it airs sunday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc news. sunday night. thank you, barbara. oh, you might want to high tail it for this. we have the ugly sweater showdown. it's a smackdown. the big reveal is just ahead. ♪ ♪ i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ shake it off ♪ because the players gonna play ♪ >> good morning, philadelphia police say they arrested the man who attacked a graduate student in university city. police say a 38-year-old woman was hit in the head with a metal bicycle lock at 41st and pine. the victim fought back, but the suspect managed to drag her down the street. officers spotted the attackerown and made the arrest. officers thing this is the same man behind a string of similar sexual assaults in the area. let's head over to matt pellman i-95 is causing trouble. >> reporter: if drivers here nothing else, i want them to here this, don't get on i-95 it's a parking lot from the vine stret expressway to the -- street expressway to the ben franklin bridge. stick with frankford avenue or the boulevard instead because of an 8 vehicle crash. 202 a disabled vehicle just cleared out. head to 29. >> time to go outside to david murphy, clear out there, but cold. >> reporter: it's cold, no doubt about it. the temperatures are in the 30s, 36 degrees in philadelphia. as you look at the number, keep in mind that the breeze is picking up and the windchills are making it feel below freezing. 40 is the high, brisk and chilly. windchills in the low to mid 30s later today. not as harsh on saturday, winds easing down a bit, high of 42. 45 sunday, chilly for the eagles at night. >> time for a little bit of music, one republic up on "g.m.a." we'll see you in 30. things are about to get ugly around here. last year's ugly sweater showdown was, well, epic. and now on national ugly christmas sweater day, what you're about to see will leave you speechless. "good morning america"'s most epic ever third-annual ugly holiday sweater showdown is on. starting now. >> the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived. it's time for our 2014 ugly sweater showdown. d.j. pro style is spinning, our dancers are dancing, and one of the hots bands in america is here to party with us. and the staff is getting in on the fun with the seriously ugly sweaters. it all starts right now. sara? >> the ugly sweater showdown 2014. we take this really seriously. i guess you could say it gets a little ugly. you saw that coming. you are the judges. as soon as you have seen the ugly sweaters, vote for the one that you believe is the down right ugliest. time to begin. first up, the weather outside, ginger, is frightful. but the polar vortex on ginger zee is delightful. you can see the jet stream zooming around her sweater. the north pole at her neck. next to santa. notice the mylar fringe that keeps the moving silhouette going because weather stops for no one. ugly, yes, but also quite educational. thank you, ginger. and here comes amy robach. looking like the ghost of christmas past. with a turn of the century faux fur cape. please notice the dangling faux fur palms. rounding out the outfit, a muff and leggings. amy enjoys long walks on the beach and vintage clothing. next up, wait for it, lara spencer. one might think she looks a little like a leprechaun, but no, she is a rain door food salesperson. i had no idea that existed. she's sporting an outrageously patterned pantsuit with light up snowflakes. and lined with reindeer we ornaments. she doesn't mess around with reindeer games, people. but you may walk away with a plastic reindeer if you're being really nice. oh. in the head. come on. and wait for it, robin roberts! oh, my gosh. no words. no words. ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire now she always lights up a room when she walks in. this morning she is literally glowing. she is covered in hundreds of brightly lit red, green and blue bulbs. they don't need a christmas tree at robin's house. they'll merely leave the presents at her feet. robin, it looks like you just opened your lights for the christmas season. we're going too far to do a little work on this. okay. next up, last, but certainly not least, george stephanopoulos. >> notice i -- there it is. >> george came with a plus one, which is rude at holiday parties. but we allow it this one time. >> you actually followed the rules. he's a rule follower, people. the drone is a compliment and an extension of george's costume. they say the yeti does not exist, but please notice he is right there on george. now this is a special accoutrement. >> nice word. >> this is my own personal drone. >> you go everywhere with the drone. >> i do. watch out. >> tune in for "this week" with george and the drone. >> there was mistletoe. sorry, ali. i am not a judge. spread out so people can get a good look. what happens next is you have to go and choose the winner. go to our website, right now to vote for your favorite ugly sweater. will it be george? you guys can cheer. will it be robin? will it be lara? amy robach? or the zee? we'd like to give a shoutout to who decked out the audience and the entire control room and they look pretty ugly. thank you, guys. and finally a check of the weather from weather herself, ginger zee. >> i love to be in the jet stream my whole life. i am so happy. okay. so let's go ahead and start with the weather headlines without you know we do have a huge story this morning the mudslides in southern california. they will be drying out, overnight into early saturday, things will be nicer, a milder weekend along the east coast and the west coast drier. that's the big picture, let's get a look closer to home. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy on the terrace under mostly cloudy skies, we have a bit of a breeze beginning to kick up, temperatures are in the 30s, high of 40. brisk and chilly, not as windy as harsh tomorrow, 42. 45 sunday. and we have a special message. for the first time you can experience unprecedented backstage a backstage access to all the disney magic on broadway from the lion king to aladdin. and you have a great host. moerntd family star jesse tyler ferguson will be your guide. it happens the backstage with disney on broadway. celebrating 20 years. it airs this sunday, 7:00 p.m. eastern on abc. who doesn't love a little jesse tyler ferguson? does anyone have any weather questions? now that we have the map? do you understand the polar vortex? counter clockwise and above the earth. lara, they're bored with me. >> i could never be bored. you look fabulous. and i hope you can take me seriously. this is a wonderful thing. try to get past the ugly suit. we're happy to have our friends from macy's here this morning. we're partneri ining with them the believe campaign, helping make wishes come true with life-threatening conditions. we have kids here in their ugly sweeters. they're writing letters to santa. today, macy's is doubling the donations, $2, instead of $1, for every letter to santa dropped in a macy's mailbox or submitted online. and talk us to about believe. >> believe is such an important campaign. particularly at this time of year. macy's believes in giving back to communities. and this is our way of helping build the spirit of generosity and inviting children of all ages to write letters so that we can raise money for this worthy organization, make-a-wish. it is to help children with life-threatening diseases. >> and an amazing campaign, $2 today. >> up to another million dollars. in total, $2 million to the make-a-wish campaign just for this time frame. >> such a worthy cause. kids, go, drop the letters in the mailboxes there. i want to remind our viewers that each of the kids letters plus all letters dropped in a macy's mailbox will count at $2 instead of one. another million dollars could be raised. please go to on yahoo to learn more. and write the letters in honor of national believe. we do very much believe right here. we have matthew good live talking about his role . hopefully everyone can take me seriously in this hat. you can say that matthew goode has the golden touch, stars in the imdaitation game and the go wife. both just earned golden globe nominations for best picture and best series. in the imitation game, he's hugh alexander, a member of a team of code breakers in world war ii. he's married, but he's still something of a ladies man. >> he has many. >> he believes that the regulations against men and women working side by side are sad because such proximity will lead to romance. however, i disagree. >> you do? >> yeah. i think that if i were working beside a woman all day long, i could appreciate her abilities and intellect without taking her to bed. i'm sorry -- >> and matthew would like to point out he's married and not a ladies man in his real life. >> true. i love her very much. good morning. she's watch. i will have a career after the interview. promise. >> thank you. it has to feel great to work on successful projects on television and on the big screen. >> yeah. it's a very important story. if you're just alive, world war i, was ended because of a lot of the things that guy achieved. and great old friends. i've known benedict for 15 years. and i have been trying to desperately to work with him. finally it happened. >> it's a tremendous movie. a phenomenal cast. and your character, hugh alexander is a member of a team of code breakers in world war ii. another exceedingly accomplished man, hugh has a winning champ a extreme good lucks. how did you pull it off? >> a lot of makeup and went to the gym. it was a good part. and benedict and morton came up with the idea. i happened to be free. and on a serious note, it was just, you know, i think morton said he got the cast he wanted to get. as you said, we have charles, mark strong, benedict. so a lot of great actors. because it was the allen cheering story, it's incredible important to the world. >> an important one for everyone to learn about when you watch this movie. you have been free, but you have been busy, downton abbey, you're in the next season. what can we expect from you? >> well, why does everyone always want a spoiler? yeah, doing downton. i have known michelle for a long time. we meet in a pub. >> you do. >> it's a very small industry. they have been talking with them about getting me on in an earlier series. and then it's finally come to fruiti fruition. i didn't want to give it away. i was trying to keep it a secret. >> oh, no -- did i -- >> no, it was blown out of the water in england. >> it's another reason to watch the next season. >> you're desperate. >> no, thank you so much. a pleasure to have you here. sorry about the ensemble. >> i love it. >> where's your christmas sweater? >> it's at home. it's going to be bought soon. >> the imitation game is in theaters now. nice to see you. coming up, we have onerepublic performing live. stay with us. a remote that lives on your phone. more wi-fi in more places. a movie library you can take wherever you go. internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast. bringing media and technology together for you. a wonderful way to end a great day and a great week. we are thrilled to have one of the hottest bands out there with us. onerepublic. in just a moment, going to perform the fifth hit single off their album, "native." let's check in with the guys hey, give it up for onerepublic for being here on friday. earlier you were good sports with the ugly sweaters. >> we're in into that kind of thing. >> i kept the shoes on to keep a touch of it. >> those are magic. >> i was telling youhow much your music -- you know, music soothes the soul. no matter it is you're going through. i love the influence of this one. you grew up singing in church, and country and gospel, comes through in this one. >> the lyrics i wrote for my son, but it's applicable to everyone. this works for everybody. >> and the video from "i live," that 15-year-old young man going through cystic fibrosis. to hear his story. we don't have to, we just need to live. live our lives, is that it? >> it's been a long time since the late, great robin williams got the carpe diem. squeeze every drop out of every day. you're not promised another day. >> that's right. performing "i lived" off of "native," here is onerepublic. ♪ snoep hoping you take that jump you don't fear the fall ♪ ♪ hope when you the water rises you built a wall ♪ ♪ hope when the crowd screams out it's screaming your name ♪ ♪ hope if everybody runs you'll say i -- i did it all ♪ ♪ i -- i widid it all ♪ ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪ ♪ i saw so many places the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah with every broken bone i swear i lived ♪ ♪ i hope that you spend your days and they all add up ♪ ♪ oh ♪ and when that sun goes down hope you raise your cup ♪ ♪ oh raise your cup, yeah ♪ i wish that i could witness all your joy and all your pain ♪ ♪ but until my moment comes i'll say i -- i did it all ♪ ♪ i -- i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give i saw so many places the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah with every broken bone i swear i lived ♪ ♪ oh whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ every broken bone i swear ♪ with every broken bone i swear i ♪ ♪ i -- i did it all ♪ i -- i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪ ♪ i saw so many places the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah with every broken bone i swear i lived ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh ♪ [ cheers and applause ] next week, look ten years younger in 60 minutes to get holiday party ready. let the makeovers begin. and the biggest stars with bigger surprises. is that michael kicking it up with the rockettes? next week celebrate with -- >> good morning, america. all right, thanks again to onerepublic. and d.j. pro style here for iheart radio. and they have the jingle ball a little bit later on today. sara? >> we have a big winner. and last year's winner, miss lara spenser to hand off the trophy. >> thank you. >> we asked you, and the winner is ginger zee. >> oh! >> the golden fruitcake trophy, handed off from one winner to the next. and we have complimentary fruitcakes for the other participants in our contest. >> we get one too? >> and i know that robin has taken the lights off, but how long did it take you to get out of the costume? >> i wanted drink water, i was afraid i would electrocute myself. >> a victory for you -- >> next year. >> congratulations to begin beg ginger. well-deserved. >> thank you, everybody. ginger. well-deserved. >> thank you, everybody. >> good morning, a viewing will takes place later this evening for fallen philadelphia firefighter joyce craig friend and family are invited to pay their respects at 6:00 p.m. at the bachelor brother's funeral services. craig was killed in the line of duty while fighting a house higher. an 11 -- house fire, an 11 year veteran with the department. >> let's go over to matt pellman good morning. >> reporter: relief is coming to i-95. we're moving, the relief the 8-vehicle crash in the work zone is gone, but the northbound side travel time is 3 times what it should be. crashes on the boulevard are gone. there's a broken down vehicle on the platt bridge eastbound watch out for that. construction on the schuylkill expressway eastbound between vine and south will cause delays. have a good weekend, matt. >> you, too, matt, hopefully david is outside on the patio where it's chilly. >> reporter: it is chilly. 36 degrees is the current temperature, 33 in allentown and 36 in wilmington, there's a breeze giving windchills in the upper 20s. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a high of 40 this afternoon, brisk and chilly. not as harsh tomorrow, winds backing off a little bit, 42 arena partly sunny skies, partly sunny on sunday, high of 45. monday, 48. >> on "action news" at noon, walmart is hoping to entice holiday shoppers by offering a big deal on the iphone. find out the discounted price how long that will last today at noon. the harlem globetrotters are next on "live" with kelly and michael. have a great weekend! announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the upcoming new movie, "the gambler," mark wahlberg. and we conclude holiday hits week with a performance by idina menzel. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ipa and michael strahan! ♪ [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20150126

american sniper chris kyle set to face justice. what happened at the texas gun range and why his killer is saying the film could help getting a fair trial impossible. can these two daredevils float into the record boots 15,000 feet above the pacific ocean? no sleep, little oxygen and where will they land? even they don't know. and good morning, america. . the national weather service calling this a crippling potentially historic blizzard. the snow has been falling up and down the east coast. >> just the beginning. president obama is traveling abroad and briefed about the storm. states are preparing for the worst. our entire extreme weather team is out. you see them up and down the east coast covering it all and ginger starts us off in times square. >> the light snow has just begun. this is the storm we knew was coming. it should have moved off into the atlantic but it hit a block. now it is going to sit and drop snow for the next 24 to 36 hours and that is why we have blizzard warnings from new jersey up through parts of connecticut, rhode island massachusetts and maine and this is a much bigger storm inland. everyone there affected. the snow totals we will get into. the heaviest falling in massachusetts and worst found in boston. that is where my teammate rob is this morning preparing for this storm. >> reporter: ginger they are geared up here in boston for what is going to be a beast of a blizzard. this isn't snow. this is salt. look at this. 35,000 tons of it. it's going to take this and more to try to keep these roads clear. it's not just boston preparing, much of the eastern third of the u.s. has been impacted by this storm. over night highway whiteout. stranded drivers in ohio feeling the first bitter blast of this likely historic blizzard. emergency personnel on the scene assisting this driver stuck in a ditch. this after a weekend already full of dangerous winter weather. in massachusetts at least three dozen spinouts. this tractor-trailer jackknifing. another overturning. and in baltimore four children rescued after plunging through a frozen pond leaving two in critical condition. but all that just a preview of what's still to come. the mayor of new york city warning don't underestimate this storm. >> prepare for something worse than we have seen before. >> reporter: as what could be the nastiest storm. more than 50 million americans bracing for the worst. >> trying to get in the parking lot was insane. >> reporter: a frenzy in this supermarket in boston. shelves in new jersey stripped bare and at trader joe's a 30 minute wait to get inside. salt trucks on the east coast out in full force expecting to dump 30 inches in some areas with winds up to 60 miles an hour. and coastal flooding. residents boarding up and hunkering down. >> we're using two by tens to protect all the glass. >> the east coast preparing for one monster of a storm. it's been two years since they have gotten two feet of snow and at that time it brought this city to a stand-still. the record here in boston is 27.5 inches. could see three feet. robin, there's really no amount of salt that can melt three feet of snow. >> no. all right. thank you. the storm already causing chaos for air travelers. thousands of flights cancelled today and tomorrow and that number will only increase. abc's david kerley is at reagan national airport. >> good morning, if you want to fly it's going to be a mess and ripple through the entire system. if you're in dallas los angeles or chicago you're feeling the affects as well. this is a blizzard. that means big winds. 35 miles an hour. gusts up to 50 miles an hour. that could make it difficult for aircraft to land. it slows everything down. now the biggest hit is going to be in the northeast. the regional carriers being hit pretty hard. most have activated wavers. it's going to be two days not just today, winds again tomorrow. robin. >> explain why so many flights are being cancelled right now this early. >> well the reason they cancel all those flights as you saw the numbers is because they know that they're not going to be able to operate at normal operation speed. they're going to have to cancel flights. so why bring the passengers to the airport? let them stay home rebook them and once the storm passes, we'll get them to where they want to go is what they say. >> thank you so much. i'm booked on a 10:00 a.m. flight tomorrow to dallas. >> that ain't happen. >> we'll see. >> we will see. that is air travel. trains affected as well. amtrak getting ready right now. abc's linzie janis for more on that. >> good morning, george. you can see the light flurries coming down now. crews have been out treating the roads around the philadelphia area and across parts of pennsylvania where the storm is expected to hit. there has already been an accident northbound interstate 81 is closed due to a multi-vehicle accident. that's according to the department of transportation. officials are warning anybody that doesn't have to go out, as this snow storm picks up to stay home. they're expecting between one and three inches between now and about 6:00 p.m. tonight and then the steady snow fall is coming overnight. there could be as much as 12 inches of snow here in the philadelphia area. schools are closing early. all public schools in the philadelphia area as well as catholic schools closing at noon. as far as the roads are concerned, a warning to be careful. the governor in massachusetts asking people to stay off the roads if they can. same thing from the governor of new york. robin. >> thank you so much. so much of the northeast being affected. back to ginger outside for more on the forecast -- oh you're inside. >> i am. this is the part everybody is waiting to see. the actual snowfall the wind and i need to emphasize the timing. the worst of the storm happens late tonight in through tuesday. there will be light snow and southwest to northeast it starts to increase numbers-wise. washington d.c. one to three. philly at the line between three and six and six to 12. i think they'll see the half foot. to the east of them and certainly in coastal new jersey up through connecticut you'll see the numbers from 12 to 18 and 18 to 24 plus massachusetts on up. i think there'll be local spots seeing three feet or close to and that is what makes this a gigantic storm. wind as david was saying a huge part of it. the wind gusts, let's take it through the timing through tuesday. 67 mile per hour wind. nantucket, 53. boston in the 50s. the gusts can reach up to 80 miles per hour. you worry about the power lines and the heavy snow with the branches coming down and the timing of it worst is overnight tonight through tomorrow. the tight bands could reach two to four inch snowfall rates. that's how you audit up that quickly. it starts overnight tonight, worst tomorrow and wednesday night we start to say goodbye. >> we're ready right now. breaking news new security breach at the white house. a drone lands on the white house lawn. abc with the latest. >> good morning, george. we have just been told by law enforcement sources this was a drone, a tiny aircraft landing on the white house lawn. the sources say it was not weaponized and was immediately discovered. make no mistake, this was a serious, serious issue. in the hours just before dawn unusual commotion at the white house. secret service and emergency personnel descend on the north lawn a device discovered. >> a device has been recovered at the white house. it does not pose any sort of ongoing threat to anybody at the white house. >> president and first lady were not there traveling on an visit to india. unclear whether the daughters were home. lots of questions this morning. how did the device get on the property? who put it there? a key concern is it got on to the property in the first place and how do you prevent that from occurring? the secret service is in a middle of a security overhaul with leadership changes. add this to the list of disturbing items that will be studied. the fact it was discovered in the middle of the night is raising eyebrows. among the things we want to know did the device have a camera on it? was someone spying on the white house. >> the snow is not the only thing snarling traffic. a troubling new trend, three flights forced to evacuate sunday because of threats made online. five flights in total. abc has that story for us. >> reporter: overnight three planes evacuated at two major airline hubs. the fbi investigating an orlando delta aircraft from los angeles after receiving an internet based threat 179 passengers and 8 crew members forced off the plane to undergo inspection. >> it got scary. >> we knew what was going on. >> also subbednday two planes searched and more threats. all flights searched and cleared. apparent hoaxes. >> we landed and immediately stopped and the captain came on the speaker and told us there had been a threat specific to our own flight. >> reporter: all this after two flights. one delta and one southwest searched on saturday following a series of threatening messages on social media. two f-16 fighters scrambled and the airport nearly shut down. >> you can look out the window and see people with machine guns and bomb sniffing dogs. >> reporter: saturday someone tweeting at delta assist, i have a bomb on one of your planes but i forgot which one when i left the airport, can you help me find it. these threats are hoaxes and real terrorists don't typically give a heads-up. >> reporter: at last check still no arrests and these are so far all hoaxes nothing is funny about the prison time. if convicted, up to 29 years behind bars. >> nothing funny about it at all. >> now to politics gop hopefuls squaring off last night in california organized by the conservative billionaire coke brothers. what has been a closed door show case for candidates and john carl was the mod rater. you got sparks flying on foreign policy. >> reporter: this will be a battle in the republican primary. there are stark differences between these candidates on foreign policy. this was true on iran defending the presidents effort. >> i do think diplomacy is better than war and we should give it a chance. >> this is the worst negotiation in the history of mankind. >> are you ready to send 100,000 troops? >> do you want to bomb iran? >> nothing should ever be off the table. >> reporter: senator paul defended the president and said he would support him in blocking sanctions voting against new sanctions against iran. >> any sense of what kind of role they want to play throughout the 2016 race that they might pick a candidate? >> reporter: they're trying to at least narrow the field down to somebody who believes in their libertarian views. i think they want to play a role. >> thanks. let's go withto the other top stories. >> video just coming in from a dramatic rescue at sea. coast guard rescuing four people including an infant that landed in the waters off of hawaii. the pilot ran out of fuel and ditched 11 miles from maui. all of the victims safely back on land this morning. earlier sunday a pilot flying from california also had to make a water landing after running out of gas. some terrifying moments inside a home depot in new york. the store packed with shoppers stocking up for the blizzard when gunfire erupted. a store worker shot his supervisor to death before turning the gun on himself. the two men had been arguing, screaming shoppers ran for the exit but no one else injured. president obama became the first american leader honored as chief guest at india's republican day celebration. the festivities marked the birth of the world's largest democracy and the president and indian prime minister announcing new deals on defense and nuclear energy and president obama promising tougher action in ukraine. the worst violence in months. a video showing one rocket attack killing at least 30 people. ukraine's president says he hopes to revive the peace process. finally, didn't take long for police to catch a suspected burglar. as he was being led out of a family dollar store, moments earlier he fell into their arms. because of some bad timing on his part. good timing for police. police say he had been trying to break in through the ceiling. when police were coming in to see what was going on he fell through the ceiling into their arms. there he is lying on the ground shortly arrested. he had to put his arms behind his back guys he was in the perfect position. >> he was already down. >> we haven't had one of those in a while. >> good one, right? >> it was. >> as soon as we see a story like that we know it's going into the file. >> the criminal file. >> thank you, amy. to the countdown to the super bowl. the seahawks already in arizona for the big game. the patriots arrive this evening and deflategate not going away. the coach holding a press conference defending his team and giving the media a science lesson. gras's cecilia vega has that story. >> reporter: deflategate threatening to let all the air out of super bowl xlix. seahawks facing off against the new england patriots. >> will they be pun pished? probably not. not as long as roger goodell are still taking pictures of their respective homes. >> reporter: seahawks quarterback russell wilson staying above the fray. >> all the distraction has nothing to do with us. >> the nfl telling abc news its review continues but patriots quarterback tom brady telling espn sunday night the league still hasn't contacted him. >> i believe they're going to do it after the season. we'll deal with it after this game. >> reporter: brady posting this patriot's video sunday intending to get fans pumped for the game. writing who is with us? >> being perfect is not about that score board out there. >> reporter: but notably missing any mention of football air pressure. belichick defiantly defending his team maintaining they did nothing wrong. >> we followed the rules of the game to the letter. >> reporter: his explanation for the deflated footballs, climb condition. >> air pressure is a function of the atmospheric conditions. there is variance there. >> reporter: twitter calling him bill bilichek the science guy. but the real science guy bill nye refuting his explanation. >> to really change the pressure you need one of these, the inflation needle. >> reporter: the super-sized controversy making its way into "saturday night live's" spotlight. >> i assume the air in the football was inside the air in the pig when it died. >> reporter: this is where sunday's game will be played. the patriots will be taking questions from reporters today and there will be questions about deflategate. >> and snl opens that. >> of course they did. we should point out bill nye is a big seahawks fan. >> he is. >> let's go to ginger. winter weather in california? >> winter weather advisories for riverside including big bear. looking for four to eight inches of snow. nothing like the east coast but something to note. rain from los angeles east of your local weather forecast 30 seconds away, first this morning's select cities brought to you by royal caribbean. is >> reporter: hi, everybody david murphy here, we have lots of snow shower activity out there most of us it fairly light and spotty. rain to the south. as we go to the airport it will get windier as the day goes on and snowier tonight. we're going for a high of 32. light to moderate snow during the day one to three inches. heavier snow overnight tonight into tomorrow morning depending on quickly a passing nor'easter intensifies back to "g.m.a." # coming up the blockbuster trial of the man accused of killing american sniper chris kyle and the defense says it is hurting their case. >> the georgia couple missing after going to meet someone to buy their dream car. >> plus "gma" investigates house fires. and what you need to know that could save your life. e the rest recharge is the most important box in the world. crispy flakes, sons of the sun itself. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow ♪ a magic formula of protein and grain, that helps turn little boys to soccer players. moms to super moms. tomorrow is yours to claim. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow ♪ kellogg's. see you at breakfast™. i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair skin and nails it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge visit for details. in delicious gummies too! with my android from tracfone, i can... order safety goggles. play music for seedlings. post science fair projects. schedule guinea pig feedings. video chemical reactions. take pics of mr. bones. time the next launch. calm down principal jones. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. the samsung galaxy centura android smartphone. tracfone. do everything for less. i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and it was a real easy switch to make. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. at chili's, fresh is now. now chicken smoked in-house, and no more waiting for the check. new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:26 monday morning we're getting ready for heavy snow and there are school delays at or at the bottom of the screen. let's go over to karen rogers good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam we have minor he needs to on the roads at this point. live chalfonte bucks county. stump road. a little slush on the roads. nonetheless we have accidents. sumneytown pike. another problem in east norton germantown pike pot shot lane. we have an accident a nasty one in new jersey involving a vehicle that ran off the road. the shoulder is blocked. look at the speeds we're looking at 10, 12, miles per hour, 15 miles per hour 295 northbound approaching route 70 in cherry hill. 42 heavy traffic here, as well. tam. >> thank you karen. let's take a live look out across penns landing. it's gray out there already we've seen flurries come and go, let's go over to david murphy good morning. >> reporter: storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we have snow showers moving through the region. i have one on the terrace and there's a change rain farther south. between now and 6:00 p.m. # -- # -- 1 to 3 inches. and the heaviest snow 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. heavy snow on the way in all likelihood. >> we'll sends you back to "g.m.a." and see you back here in 30. # woman: i was tired of my chronic constipation and the way it made me feel the discomfort the bloating the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating abdominal discomfort hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. . good morning, america. . right now we're tracking the monster storm. 50 million americans bracing for three feet of snow on the east coast. the man who killed american sniper chris kyle getting set for his day in court and raising questions about whether the movie will impact the trial. >> house fires burning faster. experts say more challenging than before. >> good morning, america. on this monday morning. hope everybody had a wonderful weekend. what's coming? the monster storm making its way to the east coast right now. the blizzard hitting -- ginger later this afternoon? >> yes. worst of it early tomorrow for new york and it moves on. >> and it's going to be feet and feet and feet of snow? >> the coast of new england is where the heaviest will snow. >> what you know to stay safe before you head out to clear your driveway and sidewalk. >> my kids are following ginger's instagram because they want to know about school. >> i feel good about saying that. >> the man who shot and killed american sniper chris kyle. jury selection beginning next month. with the blockbuster movie braking all kinds of records. questioning whether or not he can get a fair trial. "american sniper" number one for the second weekend in a row already bringing in more than $200 million in the u.s. >> she's got a grenade. >> the blockbuster details the life of navy sale chris kyle. the deadliest sniper in u.s. history played by bradley cooper. when it comes to the day he was killed back on american soil the oscar nominated film fades to black. so what did happen at this gun range near fort worth, texas almost two years ago? >> he said he killed two guys. like he's all crazy. >> that's the sister of eddy ralph the marine veernt accused of gunning him down. ralph will go to trial in two weeks. he's pleaded not guilty and his attorney tells abc news he will mount an insanity defense arguing that pstd made him shoot at point blank range the man he idolized. kyle's widow doesn't buy that defense as she told our dallas station, wfaa. >> somebody taking the lives of two people there to help them, that's not ptsd in my opinion. >> ralph's attorney says the film's success will make it impossible to find a impartial jury. the judge has a request to move the trial. >> a lot of prospective jurors will know something about but but doesn't mean you can't find a fair jury. >> potential jurors have been summoned. ryan owens abc news dallas. >> now to the desperate search for a georgia couple who vanished last week. disappearing while meeting someone to buy a car on craig's list. abc mara has that story. >> reporter: a search for a devoted grandparents disappearing after going to buy a car after someone they met on craig's list. >> whoever has them we hope they let them come home to us. we miss them. >> reporter: police say the pair posted this ad seeking to buy a 1966 mustang convertible. they say it was the couple's dream car, one they wanted to buy since they were first married decades ago. after finding what they believed was a seller they reportedly set out on a road trip approximately 180 miles. their three daughters haven't heard from them since. their worry turning to panic when they never showed up to baby-sit the grand kids friday. >> my mom would never miss an opportunity to be with my kids. >> reporter: the morning police are looking for a suspect, 28-year-old ronny j. towns. police say the couple's last calm was to towns, a call they believe was about that craig's list ad. >> at this time he's charged with giving false statements to our investigators and criminal attempt to commit theft by deception. >> reporter: now the runyon family set up a facebook page with about 100,000 supporters. a growing group desperately searching for the couple whose quest to buy their dream car has turned into one family's nightmare nightmare. now, we reached out to craig's list for comment but did not hear back but they note to be especially careful when buying high value items. they say never go alone and this couple did that right. >> yeah they went together. >> yeah. >> certainly hoping for the best. >> yes, we are. thank you. >> thank you. now let's go to amy in social square with the speed feed. >> this is a big shocker. trending on facebook and twitter, an avalanche of posts about the blizzard on the way with blizzard of 2015 and snow magetton melting down with twitter. tweeters getting creative about the storm of this season. this woman apparently to blame authorities, this woman for questioning, elsa right there. and we have new york mayor bill de blasio going game of thrones announcing winter is coming. i love the face on this woman. pretty much sums up the hysteria of what i saw in the store last night. if your arms are full in the stores you may be channeling homer simpson facing the sophie's choice of staples. bread or wine? tweet us with the #social square. two things always open are starbucks and irish pubs. so the alcohol is covered. >> you got that right. amy, thank you. >> thank you, amy. back to ginger. i see the snow. >> i thought we would go back to this. to make it into the top ten snow storms for snoerksnew york city we have to get more than 18 inches. i thought i would get in here and have more time with this. three to six inches is the white on top of the snow i can promise you wind, the wind gusts will go 50 to 0 miles per hour. the worst up to coastal connecticut and rhode island and the cape. that's the big picture, let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: thank ginger, storm tracker 6 live double scan showing snow showers pushing up from the south. today, 1 to 3 inches today. heavy snow overnight tonight and into tomorrow morning. elsa. >> elsa did it. >> if you're hungry in new york city. >> chinese food is always open. doesn't matter. any kind of weather. >> it's hard to get to. >> see. >> okay. >> coming up "gma" investigate why home fires are more dangerous than ever before and what you can do to help you and your family get out safely. >> and "birdman" wins big at the sag awards last night. >> is it now the movie to beat at the oscars? we have all the highlights from a big night in hollywood. helmet dad! thanks buddy. does he know what he's doing? he knows what he's doing. ready star command prepare for launch this should be good! to infinity and beyond!!! we all have a disney side. everyone in the car. let's go get him. and the best place to show it is disney parks. so come to the place where the entire family can laugh, let loose and play together. disney parks. come on. it's time to show your disney side. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. your puppy -he's a bundle of energy and curious about everything! keep him going strong with a wide selection of the best puppy food brands at petsmart. right now, save up to $5 on select puppy food. petsmart®. ♪ edward jones. with nearly 7 million investors oh hey, neill, how are you? you'd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away on the go. a deliciously fresh and satisfying taste with 12 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ meet one today. visit adopt. we're back at 7:42. "gma" investigate house fires. new homes with modern floor plans may be more vulnerable. what can you do to avoid a disaster? abc's alex perez has the story. >> reporter: raging flames ripping through your home. a terrifying sight we hope we'll never have to experience. last week a five-alarm fire destroying this apartment complex in new jersey leaving more than 1,000 people without homes. that fire ruled accidental but experts say fighting fires are more challenging than before. fires burning faster. >> you used to have as much as 17 minutes to get out of your home. now we're looking at 3 minutes or less. >> reporter: experts point to the synthetic material in our homes as one reason. >> today our homes are filled with synthetic materials burning faster. >> reporter: and open floor plans. >> as you have line of sight, the fire does too. >> reporter: "gma" invest gates as the fire investigators does a series of tests to determine how firefighters can better battle blazes. on this day testing scenarios on two different homes. first the traditional ranch one-story and the smoke moving from room to room and each wall delaying the fire's progress. now the modern open floor plan. smoke quickly rising to the second floor. you can see flames shooting from the window in nine minutes. the temperature, 1,400 degrees. dozens of firefighters from across the country. the task giving them important data and you one important message. >> the critical component is the oxygen. as soon as you close that door you cut off the fire source of oxygen. >> reporter: one of the biggest mistakes is not shutting the door behind them. if you don't close a door it's burning your own house down. >> you need to remember to close your door at night. >> if your children are sleeping at night having the closed door could save their life. >> reporter: and check the tags to paying sure products go under fire testing before you purchase. when buying building material the more dense, solid and heavy, the more fire-resill subsequent and always have a designated escape plan with two exits in every room and meeting place outside. for "good morning america" alex perez, abc news chicago. >> shut that door. >> good advice. >> coming up up in the air 15,000 feet above the pacific ocean. daredevil balloonists attempts to set two world records. >> and katy perry spilling secrets about her super bowl show. how she's bringing -- i'll let her say it -- the fireworks t ♪ ♪ ♪ i discovered a convenient way to moisturize every day. new nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes instantly. and lasts for more than 24 hours. then i quickly rinse off. my skin feels amazingly smooth with no sticky feel. so, i get dressed... ..and go. now i enjoy smooth skin every day. new nivea in-shower body lotion in the body lotion aisle. everyone knows weight watchers works, this is a whole new way to do it. you can do it completely online. pull out your phone and just say, uh, help! i've been there, i've lost the weight and i can help you do it to. the all new weight watchers. join for free. one month free. are your joints ready for action? 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>> thanks t.j. >> you got it. >> coming up "gma's" winter concert series brought to you by hilton. ready for you at over 2,000 cities. take a weekend getaway with hilton, and be deliciously out of your comfort zone. be there for once in a lifetime. or be the vp of splash. hilton. 12 distinct brands in over 2,000 cities. book now. our tent is falling... you got it? we need nails. anncr: with just five minutes' prep, campbell's oven sauces help you cook a real dinner right in the middle of real life. 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"good morning america" is brought to you by hilton. ready for you in over 12,000 cities. >> how soup might be the secret to slimming down and the big fashion winner from the red carpet at last night's sag awards. ♪ >> good morning 7:56 monday, you're looking at sky 6 out across penns landing. we've with an seeing light snow, the heavier stuff will be coming in tonight. we have school delays and closing at the bottom and the screen and this is bucks county, route 1 at route 32. the main roads mostly wet, you have to watch for the slush and snow especially on the sides of the road that is starting to creep in. tacony-palmyra bridge scheduled to go up around 8:20. head to the betsy ross bridge instead. on the ben franklin bridge we're seeing slow traffic from the down side to 8th and vine. we're not seeing speed restrictions on the ben franklin bridge just yet. cherry hill, 2955 speeds at 10, 11 miles per hour a vehicle ran off the road. it's a little slick there. >> let's head over to the man of the hour that would be david murphy with the latest track. >> reporter: let's go to storm tracker 6 live double scan we have a band of snow coming up from the south. when you're underneath this it could make road conditions slick. we're expecting 1 to 3 inches between now and dinnertime. at some point this afternoon steadier bands are possible. heavier precipitation between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. before we taper off. we have a blizzard warning to the east, a good snowfall coming in tonight tam into tomorrow morning. >> that's it for us. on "g.m.a.," they are looking at soup is that the key to a good diet? we'll see you in 30. # narrator: gas prices are down helping middle class families. but now, the white house wants to impose title ii regulations on your internet meaning new government taxes and fees. every month: you'd pay more. 11 billion dollars a year in new taxes and fees. internet freedoms can be protected with the white house and congress working together, but imposing new tax increases through public utility style regulations will hurt middle class families let's protect the internet we love without regressive taxes and fees. no to title ii. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and the major winter storm taking aim at the northeast. more than 50 million americans bracing for the worst. how you can stay safe battling the blizzard. it's the super weight loss trend shifting to your home. say goodbye to the juice cleanse and how you could trim down with soup. katy perry breaks down her game plan for the super bowl. i'm be a little tingly inside. >> what she's saying about her halftime snow. "gma" at the sag awards and we go one on one back stage with the winners. and n tyo live here performing as we say -- >> good morning, america. i like how you said that. yes, he's cool. and all that. he's a grammy winner and hanging out with the fans and has a brand new album out. you'll hear from him today. >> also a big night for viola davis last night at the sag awards. what a speech she gave trending big right now. >> and what a dress she wore george. we're going to get into the fashion winners of the night. editor and chief of yahoo style jose and fashion designer mimi lakes are here to talk about the hottest looks on the red carpet. >> she's taking it from you jose. also the epic super bowl bet between chris pratt and chris evans, taking it to the next level. >> that is all coming up. let's get news from amy. >> i bet you can guess what i'm going to lead with. the blizzard. millions of americans bracing for what's being called a potentially historic storm. up to three feet of snow possible in parts of the northeast and abc is in boston where they are bracing for the worst. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, amy. look at what's happening behind me. this is salt from mexico being upload and downloaded from this cargo ship. 35,000 tons of salt trying to keep the roadways clear in boston as the snow arrives. so far it's been relatively quiet winter season but this is about to change. this morning the northeast is bracing itself for a whiteout. snow expected to blanket americans. likely a foot from philly to maine. possibly two feet or more from the new jersey coast up through new england. the blizzard conditions expected to disrupt road travel. schools. potential airport closures and states of emergencies likely from new jersey to maine as everyone braces for the worst. emergency rooms may be bracing themselves as well. nearly 12,000 people treated at emergency rooms for medical emergencies related to shoveling snow each year. and in the u.s. approximately 100 people die shoveling snow every winter. >> when you go outside, the blood vessels to your hands and legs they clamp down. that makes it harder for your heart to pump blood. it pumps against all of the pressure. that raises your heart rate and blood pressure and could be the worst thing for someone with heart disease. >> experts advice taking your time and avoid alcoholic beverages, avoid eating a big meal and try using a smaller shovel to avoid lifting heavy-weighted snow. and you may want to get your car off the street because you know when those plows come through, they're going to bury a vehicle making you have to dig out even more. snow is coming later today and boston is ready. >> another reason to stay inside indoors. thanks so much. the investigation into how a small drone was landed on the north lawn of the white house this morning. the unarmed drone landed before dawn. the secret service and police finding it right away. president obama and the first lady were not home. they're in india. investigators are trying to figure out who was controlling that drone and whether it had a camera to spy on the white house. and new security concerns for commercial airliners. five flights disrupted in recent days because of online threats. the latest a delta flight from los angeles diverted where it was inspected before continuing to orlando. a jetblue and sky west flight had to be evacuated after landing in seattle and earlier this weekend fighter jets scrambled to escort two atlanta bound planes after someone tweeted a bomb threat. no explosives found and no arrests in connection with the threats. the new england patriots try to arizona for the super bowl with deflategate showing no signs of resolution. tom brady says he still hasn't been contacted by nfl investigators and doesn't expect to speak with the league until after the super bowl. finally, this one is being called pizzagate. the head honch choe of papa john's caught red handed. controversy, because it was not papa john's pizza and perhaps even worse, he is eating it with a fork. can you believe that picture, guys? >> i eat it with a fork. >> he was trying out the competition and didn't want to get his hands dirty. >> i'll give him a pass. >> i love the bread sticks. >> i like that garlic sauce. >> yes. >> thank you. robin is of in the social square. you guys are making me hungry. a look at what's ahead on the morning menu. katy perry, what she's revealing about her big half time show and how chris pratt and chris evans are upping the stakes in the bet for a good cause. how soup may be the new secret to slimming down. yeah soup for you. and the hottest looks. look at how hot mimi and jose. come on in here. >> hello. >> you were hanging out. we saw -- well we're going to talk about the sags and the fabulous fashion and you know who is fab laws? nyo is here. she knows. she knows. >> she knows. >> we know. come on back. a lot more to come. ♪ >> "gma's" morning menu brought to you by nexium 24 hour. make better choices, jane! farewell, cookie dough ice cream. what's that you're drinking? it's trop50 with calcium. it has delicious new taste and has 50% less calories. with this taste? 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seven days, and we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours. but if i decide to buy a convertible? the offer is exactly the same either way. nice! aaanndd... here it is! we'll take it! terrific. sell your car the fast and easy way, with no strings attached, at carmax. start here. ♪ i'm in the mood for love ♪ ♪ simply because you're near me ♪ ♪ funny but when you're near me ♪ ♪ i'm in the mood for love ♪ >> exclusive reveal ahead of the super bowl. the victoria secret -- >> emphasis on reveal. >> gearing up for the big game. brand new ad featuring their valentine's day line. oh that's what they were doing. angels in 2008 they had the super bowl ad and it broke records for the highest audience for a commercial and perhaps this year they will top it as well. t.j. holmes said he was going to be here monday because we promised we would have the big reveal. and we have sara in for lara spencer. >> in addition to the blizzard we have the super bowl coming up and katy perry has her game face on gearing up to perform at the super bowl halftime show sharing the cover of espn's issue with superstar jj watt and talking on "sportscenter" to give a few hints what to expect when she hits the stage. >> i'm squeezing in as many familiar hits as possible. so that the whole crowd can sing along. i just want people to have fun and bring incredible joy to the show. >> that sounds like a karaoke in my living room. we know that grammy winner lenny kravitz will be a special guest during her performance. >> can't go wrong. >> you got to go with the hits. >> you're going to the game? >> i am. i'm looking forward to the halftime show. my favorite part. >> and the food are my highlight. i shouldn't say that next to a sporty. >> c'mon, seahawks and patriots. >> i can't wait to hear about it the next day. and jennifer lawrence exercising honesty during her speech at the producer's guild awards saturday night. presenting an award to the ceo of lion's gate which is the studio behind the hunger games franchise. >> i normally don't see these things on account of my anxiety and unbreakable bond between woman and couch. but i had to say yes. i assumed i was contractually obligated and when i found out i wasn't i had already picked out this dress. >> how much do you love her? she says what we're all thinking. we would rather be on the couch. the dress was beautiful. >> she nailed it. >> she nails everything she does. not many actors feel comfortable in their skin. i rather watch being her than anything else. and finally, a superhero face-off. guardians of the galaxy chris pratt challenging chris evans to a super bowl bet. pratt taking to twitter. seahawks win, you fly yourself to seattle and visit the children's hospital waving the flag. evans agreed under the condition pratt must visit a boston nonprofit as star lord wearing a tom brady jersey and the digs keep on coming. tweeting out this chicken-themed picture of brady. i'm going to predict this. pratt visits hospitals all the time. i bet they do it regardless. >> win-win. >> don't they get more adorable and funnier with those types of bets? >> it's good. >> what do you have for me? >> whatever you want sara. great job. ginger now to a check of the weather. >> i have the best group out here. the gymnastics team. they're from georgia. you're bailey. >> bailey. >> how much snow have you seen in your life? >> four inches. >> i said you have to stick around. tomorrow a whole lot more here in new york the worst of it starts overnight tonight and through the day tomorrow. tuesday, 11:00 p.m. it's going strong in boston and coastal main and rhode island and then it moves out to the northeast. not everybody is cold. where there's a trough in the east. denver goes to 67 on tuesday. that's the big picture let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: all right ginger, thank you. david murphy here with an update from accuweather. we have snow working their way back into the region. we have a changeover to rain down to the south. we're looking at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast we're looking at light snow on and off through the rest of the morning and a good portion of the afternoon. one to three inches accumulation from round one. overnight tonight bands of heavy snow is expected from a passing nor'easter. >> yeah. >> you're okay now? she's good. we have got tough ones out here. >> today's heat index. lots of people trying a diet trend, souping. how to kick-start a healthy lifestyle. abc has the details. >> we have all heard of juicing and what celeb hasn't been spotted drinking their fruits and veg jis hoping to reboot their bodies? but could souping be the new juicing? >> that was fun. that would wake you up. >> this woman, the founder of l.a. based arena. soup can keep you full and even help you lose weight. soupelina offers a five day cleansing plan totaling around 1,500 calories. on the menu options like don't squach my dreams. >> where's dessert. >> this is your dessert. >> add some broth. >> you can diy, too. >> you have put nuts and veggies veggies. >> she says there's no evidence that souping or any so-called cleanse helps rid the body of toxins but she says souping can kick-start healthy habits. >> you're keeping all the fruits and vegetables and nutrients in. >> another positive the heat. >> some vegetables when you heat them you're releasing the nutrients. the heat actually makes those nutrients more an orbablebsorbable. >> she says watch out for sodium. >> soups have a tendency to have a lot of sodium. that's what's going to punch up the flavor. >> still eliminating solid foods can take getting used to. but if you can do without the chew slurping your supper is definitely not so bad. for "good morning america," abc news los angeles. >> made me a little hungry. >> that's fine. it keeps happening. >> mario is coming up. >> it really is soup weather. >> yes, it is. or pizza. >> or pizza. the countdown on to the oscars and those in the know consider the screen actors guild awards the best be ram ter of what to expect. the sag awards making the oscar race even tighter. and abc's chris connelly was there and has all the highlights for us. >> the cast of "birdman." >> "birdman" is back in the oscar race with its best movie cast win at the actors sag awards saturday night. >> to win as a team feels really good. >> it's been great. it's been hard and amazing. >> think what would mryyl do. >> she would laugh and shonda rhimes with her series how to get away with murder. >> when i tell my daughter stories she says mommy can you put me in the story. and you know it starts from the top up. so i would like to thank pauly, shonda rhimes. betsy beers and peter nowalk for thinking a sexualized messy, mysterious woman could be a 49-year-old dark skin african-american woman. >> this role has been a challenge for me. and it's woken me up like any challenge wakes someone up. >> do you have your speech or are you going to wing it? i don't see a purse. >> you know i never make assumptions. >> julianne moore earning a best actress win for her work as a alzheimer's patient. and thanks to the theory of everything stars mind-blowing wins. >> it's kind of weird -- it's like -- kind of like a youeuphoric white noise. >> patricia arquette thanked her family after her best supporting actress award. >> i can't tell you what this means to me. my daughter texted me and it means a lot when you get an 11-year-old girl to say i'm proud of you mom. >> no one seemed happy yr than the orange is the new black cast and their comedy cast win. some on the red carpet were wonder rouse in white. maggie gyllenhaal and reese witherspoon. for "good morning america" chris connelly abc news los angeles. >> the favorite part fashion. we're going to talk fashion with our style team. happy to have celebrity stylists and tv personality and fashion designer both here with us. >> thank you. >> i love who you picked last night. felicity jones was spectacular. >> i love her. i mean don't you think it was a very sophisticated evening? it was very grown up and we always say all award shows are all hollywood. it was channeled last night that was so sophisticated and elegant like all the gowns, like i loved the criss-cross which was a huge trend. and all the sophisticated hair and makeup. the hair slicked back. the low pony. and the long -- >> clean-look. >> my favorite thing is she's not wearing much jewels. she looks very clean. that's very good. >> people packed away the diamonds. no necklaces which is kind of a nice relief. >> viola davis who won best actress. >> love. >> she looked gorgeous. >> she looked amazing. >> beautiful. i loved her. i thought it was a very flattering shape for her. the halter was a big trend. everything about it was so simple and easy and how awesome do her arms look. >> i was going to say her shoulders and arms. >> if that's what you want to show off, this is the best shape for it no doubt. everybody, let's give props to her natural hair. >> i was going to say it too. >> right? >> yes. us girls love a weave and a wig. i'm so happy that she wore her natural hair. she looks great. >> but she did it on the show and everybody just jumped out to see what she did. for her to do it on the red carpet was so brave and smart and fun. >> loved it. >> i always love your next choice. julianne moore has been a big winner and she won with this dress. >> i love her. she's been winning everything. she's winning for me on the red carpet. i was saying this dress on paper, if i were to say to you a green dress with beads for a redhead you would say i don't know it could be brides made, christmas, red and green. this delicate train and everything about it is so simple and elegant. >> her pale skin yeah. >> the way she carried it off. for me queen julian. >> i love it. i love it. >> that's it and her earrings. >> mimi you have a wild card pick? >> i do. i hope you guys won't die. >> i won't die. >> i have a wild pick. nene has a wild pick. you will never guess. >> i julian margulies. >> wow. >> julianna. >> i do like it. i loved all the bright bold colors on the carpet last night. >> i think she looks great. i love her hair pulled back. you guys always talk about the same people. she looks great. >> i get money for that. >> you do. >> she looks great. it has a little poof but i think she looks great. she barely has on any jewels which we saw nobody was wearing jewels. she looks great. her makeup is clean. >> how did they all know to ditch the accessories? >> i don't know. did they call everybody? >> do they all talk to each other? >> they must be running out. they're saving themselves. >> this is a part of the big trend. the bright color. we saw that last night. >> we did. a lot of red and white and silver and a lot of jewel tones. the blue and yellow. and the bright yellow. >> i love sophia last night. >> she could wear everything. let's be honest. >> she especially looks good in that. >> she was looking like she was very in love. >> oh. >> have you seen her fiance? >> it's not quite the red. >> nene thank you so much. be sure to tune into the oscars february 22nd right here on abc. we'll tell you what everyone wore. we'll be right back. >> "good morning america's" countdown to oscar sunday is brought to you by jcpenney. when it fits you feel it. >> good morning, it is 8:27, monday, sky6 live hd taking a live look philadelphia international airport. look out for flight delays and cancellations. already a number of them especially as you get further up the eastern seaboard because of the winter storm that comes in later today. we have school closings or delays radio lated to this this morning's snow at or running at the bottom of the screen. let's go over to karen rogers. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam the snow is light and sticking to roads. delaware county route 1 media bypass. there's not many out there. which is a good sign. we're seeing people move okay at this point but some of the roads starting to get snowy. in upper dublin we saw a disabled vehicle welsh road chapel hill west. we have an -- we have heavy traffic on 42 northbound. low visibility, we're looking at the ben franklin bridge. no speed restrictions on the ben, but we're seeing speed restrictions in the area bridges. >> let's get the latest from accuweather and david murphy, good morning. >> reporter: snow falling on the terrace, tam. isn't that correct double scan showing we have another band of snow that marched in from the south and pushing toward allentown and the northern suburbs fairly decent snow putting down a bit of coverage on untreated surfaces. from now until 6:00 p.m. we're looking at light snow showers. 6 to 11:00 p.m. steady snow bands build in and depending on the behavior of the off the coast nor'easter between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. is when we'll see the heaviest snow. >> we'll send you back to "g.m.a." see you in 30. ♪ one, two, three ♪ ♪ ooh, i want the time of my life ♪ ♪ oh baby ♪ ♪ ooh, give me the time of my life ♪ ♪ hey, hey hey ♪ >> that's ne-yo performing time of our live off his new album "nonfiction." he's singing for us in a bit. she know is the title. >> can't wait for that. mario batali is cooking up a meal inspired by music. he's here and you can smell it all morning. >> i know. >> my stomach has been growling. it is monday and that means the new episode of "the bachelor." tonight. jay gets ready to go for a date with chris. >> hey. >> hi. >> we have to get you ready for your ball tonight. >> they whisk me away to this transformation room. >> i want to go on a date and dress up like a princess. >> i can't even look in there. it pains me. >> nobody in this house would appreciate this date more than me. it's like cinderella getting tended to before the ball. >> the best part of the earrings you get to keep them. >> i can't describe how frustrated i am. >> i feel the sort of jealousy that i have not felt before. >> i'm going to freak out. >> evil step-sisters in there. c'mon. >> yes, indeed. you can find a deleted scene from tonight's episode on our website "good morning america".com on yahoo and tune into "bachelor" right here on abc. i can't wait for the next story. >> are you excited? now to oncy julia roberts turned heads last night with her black jumpsuit. it's back. becoming all the rage. >> reporter: from red carpet ready rompers to one-pieces. jumpsuits are all the rage. what if you wanted to give up the high fashion in favor of a more casual couture look without sacrificing style? the oncy. celebrities like rhianna are fans and katy perry are too. >> when you think of a oncy i think of a couch, a pint of ice cream. we're seeing celebrities putting on heels and jewelry looking elegant. >> this is taking the jumpsuit to the more comfortable level. >> anyone can get in on the look from $25 at forever 21 to this $200 number. every price point is represented and no print is seemingly off limits. >> these are another great way to show people who you are and what you're into. >> express yourself. >> exactly. >> how practical are they for every day wear? i suited up and hit the streets of new york city to find out. turning some heads along the way. >> would you wear this? >> yeah. >> use three words to describe me right now. >> loud cute and pink. >> what did you think when you saw me? >> even though it's camouflage not liking it. >> do you like it? is there a right way to wear it? >> you have the zippers going on and the tags. i wouldn't add anything. >> you're okay with it? >> yes, sure. >> as long as you don't have to wear it? >> exactly. >> who better to give me some advice on how to rock one. >> hi sweet baby. >> something tells me they have a little experience in the onesy department. >> hands in the air like you just don't care. who is in the onesy. >> i brought some other onesies here and we're jamming. we ran into ryan smith's little twins, the little onesies and they were wearing them better than i was and probably more anyone -- age appropriately. >> a very good morning to everybody out here. it looks pretty now. like a snow globe. where are you from? >> new jersey. >> your name. >> christian. >> you want more snow? >> no. >> he may be not alone in that but unfortunately it's portland, maine, you have to get above 22 inches to get above your top five. i think you can do that. it's not just us seeing the snow, some of the mountains east of l.a. will pick up snow above 7500 feet. phoenix 68 today. that's the big picture let's check closer to home. >> reporter: thanks, getter staying warm on -- ginger, staying warm on time square. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows rain to the south and light to moderate snow 1 to 3 inches. heavier snow tonight into tuesday morning. # tracking the storm all day. >> we're switching gears to a story that's very serious and we want you to be aware if you have children around. our diane sawyer teamed up with nicholas kristoff for a look inside the world of sex trafficking in america. it's part of kristoff's upcoming documentary series "a path appears". >> by night and day across the country young american girls controlled by pimps are sent out to make money with sex. >> they congregate over here and they wait. >> at new york's port authority two plain-clothes officers tried to get to the vulnerable young kids before the pimps do. >> you're in a race against the pimps? >> absolutely. they see -- your left-hand side. walking to the greyhound. >> right. >> one of the pimps, recruiters. they watch. >> last year they recovered 69 kids. a huge number are foster kids longing for family and a huge number have been sexually abused. >> so she was taken to new hampshire. >> this journalist who documentary appears in his broadcast tonight on pbs. >> it's seen as a public nuisance issue rather than a human rights problem. the person the police and prosecutors go after is the victim rather than the perpetrator, the pimp or the customer. >> that's her. we have to make sure -- >> it's [ bleep ]. >> okay. that's her. >> kristoff just helped this woman find her daughter who ran away from home when she was 15. >> now we have her. now we have her. >> i want to see her. >> savanna was looking at websites when she was lured away. >> i don't know how i came across like this website for like you know like sugar guys and guys would pay for your stuff and you would have sex with them. i didn't know i would have to have sex with them. i thought they would buy me stuff just because i was pretty. i don't know. i still did not understand what was happening like completely even when i went to the hotel room until it happened. >> savanna's mom went through the same thing a generation earlier. if we don't intervene, then savanna's daughter is going to be going through the same thing. >> what gives you the most hope? >> i'm optimistic. i think law enforcement is beginning to change its attitude and i think the public is beginning to understand that the victims in this case are these girls on the street. >> for "good morning america" diane sawyer abc news new york. >> the documentary appears tonight on pbs. and it's always good to see our diane. >> sure good to see her back. >> this is tt2wút3nú!d! bt@qv+( tt2wút3nú!d! "a@qf'l tt2wút3nú!d! bm@qm,@ tt4wút3nú!d!" dztq ) lzt& 0eh d . we're back with our friend mario batali hard at work and he's got a new video series called feed that kitchen. i love the idea of this. you get together with a musician each week and you have a talk about creativity and you cook a bit. we're showing you josh groban right up there. what was his favorite? >> a dish i made for him. he's a simple and cool guy. we share a similar love for wine. it all came out really fun. each of the shows has a different musician and i make lunch and we sit around and have a chat and they make me a song. there's josh groban and patty smith. >> this is patty farrell's. >> he doesn't eat meet so he wanted wanted veal. we took pork loin instead and pounded it with a piece of pro shoe toe in the middle so it has the porky flavor. whisk the eggs for me. we're going to do a classic breading. so i'm going to go first in flour and your done egg. and i have a little bit of sage which i'm almost burn. >> i'm smelling it after i put it off over there. >> i'm going to toss it and then we're going to cook it. saute it just like that. my coproducer and i -- >> two minutes aside. >> right. flip and then it comes up like this. you take it off like so. nice and crisp. dump a bit of the oil out. deglaze the pan with a little marsala. and extra virgin olive oil and salt and you have a simple pan sauce that doesn't take any trick at all. go like that. >> oh great. >> go like that and go like that and go like that. >> thank you. >> i worked with this crazy director and my production partner and we came up with this idea very simple. we shot it in a warehouse and it turned out to be so much fun. we had a blast. it's on you can watch them as a binge if you feel like it. >> you also got something for the edge? >> absolutely. that's a linguini and salad over the top and beautiful pork cutlets with this magnificent grilled or pan-roasted rodiccio which taste so good. >> beautiful. >> a little bit of salt and you're gold. >> these guys did they do a song? they don't write a brand new song? >> no. they play whatever they felt. i didn't give them tips. and they show up and edge plays two sojsngs and patty smith played something i heard before. >> it's based on rodiccio? >> well i make the dish and they play whatever song they want. they didn't necessarily rehearse it but they're professional and good at what they do. >> that is really good. >> the con influence the way music and food is made and there's a parallel to it. that's what the whole show is about. we get to discuss it with them in ways we haven't seen in magazines or the other shows they have been on. >> all five episodes streaming live on dailymotion. you can get the recipes at "good morning america".com and yahoo. mario, thank you. ne-yo is coming up next. ♪ he is a man of many talents. grammy winning singer, song writer ne-yo is here. he has a album out tomorrow called "nonfiction." he's going to be performing "she knows." we know you did a quick change. we were worried weren't we? no we weren't. >> no. this is what we do. wait. >> go ahead. you want to get it on. there you go. "nonfiction" is the name of it. we know you have collaborated with some of the biggest names in the industry. for this you went to your fans on social media? >> yeah yeah yeah. i wanted to tell my story and also wanted them to tell their stories. i know the reason i'm still here ten years later is because of the people. >> yeah. >> appreciate y'all. i wanted to make them part of the process this time around. >> these are real stories. >> yeah. i'll be telling the truth. >> this music -- it just hits on so many different genres. it's r and b and -- >> it's quality music. i want to get to the place where people don't consider genre. it might be dance or r and b and poker. >> you heard it hear first at "good morning america." and i loved you in red tails. my father was an airman and you're so multi-facetted and talented. and you have a special guest jessie j. >> yes, i do. jessie j is here. shout out to the producer of the record. this is our first time working together and definitely not our last. yeah. >> you want to put that little mike on. i'll hold this for you. you got that. all set? all right. >> you other not supposed to see this. >> no. you got it all set. here we go. here's ne-yo and special guest juicy j. are kidding me. performing the new song "she knows q knows, she knows." ♪ you know the moment she turns around ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ she knows how to back it up and drop it down ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ she knows she wants all the fellows looking ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ because they know it's a rap ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ because she loves the attention ♪ ♪ she gets when she moves ♪ ♪ show her now where the girls hypno ties ♪ ♪ she knows ♪ ♪ she knows ♪ ♪ hey, hey, she knows ♪ ♪ she knows ♪ ♪ i know hey ♪ ♪ ooh she knows ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ ♪ she back ♪ ♪ oh hey ♪ ♪ so bad, i just couldn't let her pass me no ♪ ♪ no no ♪ ♪ i told her you're so right but you're so wrong, so wrong, so wrong ♪ ♪ she said daddy, i'll be back after this song ♪ ♪ and you take me home ♪ ♪ i know she loves the attention ♪ ♪ she gets when she moves ♪ ♪ showing now with the home girls ♪ ♪ she got me watching too ♪ ♪ she knows ♪ ♪ turn it up now ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ and she knows ♪ ♪ no one knows she knows ♪ ♪ and no one knows she knows ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, show your love for juicy j. ♪ you got my attention baby ♪ ♪ do what you do ♪ ♪ now you're going to have to make a move ♪ ♪ all this ice, no wonder i play it cool ♪ ♪ i ain't teams but i got my eyes on you ♪ ♪ when she walks she licks her lips ♪ ♪ when she talks ♪ ♪ get some little legs she can walk on the ceiling ♪ ♪ she loves the attention she gets when she moves ♪ ♪ show her now with her home girls she got me watching too ♪ ♪ she knows ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ oh she knows ♪ ♪ hey, and she knows ♪ ♪ no one knows she knows ♪ ♪ that i know she knows ♪ [ applause ] >> "gma's" winter concert series is brought to you by hilton. ready for dunkin's new white chocolate raspberry lattes are topped with heart-shaped sprinkles and made with rich white chocolate and fruity raspberry flavors. get a medium hot latte for only $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. thank you. happy valentine's day. i love you. uh, i mean thank you. you're welcome. share the love with dunkin's heart-shaped donuts. indulge in cookie dough or brownie batter today. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ >> the snow beginning to fall. thank you, ne-yo and juicy j. you're ready to go. >> we are ready and can't wait for more proposals. now is the time "gma" will help you. go to "good morning america".com for more information. >> she knows. she knows. >> breaking news from gloucester county new jersey 25 students are heading to crowser chester medical center after an accident, the injuries are not serious. let's head over to karen rogers for traffic. >> reporter: the roads are getting slick in spots this is delaware county. the blue route in villanova. the snow is falling visibility issues and now you've got an accident northbound on the schuylkill expressway on the blue route approaching villanova. a few accidents in norristown, green street and butler pike and ridge pike. we have a vehicle into a pole bensalem bucks county. state road. an accident involving an overturned vehicle another sign that things are getting slick. smithville road 5:37 here in burlington county. >> let's get the latest in accuweather and go over to david murphy. >> reporter: light snow on the terrace. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows you we continue to see bands of light to moderate snow off the ocean. it's changing to rain south. 28 degrees in philadelphia. 19 in allentown. we're expecting one to three inches of light to moderate snow up until dinnertime with a high of 32. after 6:00 p.m. the snow gets heavier and overnight into tuesday morning heavy bands of snow, a snowstorm for the first part of tuesday and drying in the afternoon. tam. >> thank you david. coming on the expanded "action news" at noon, light snow this morning, but the heavier snow is coming later today. we'll have live team coverage ahead on "action news" at noon. we'll send you now to "live" with kelly and michael. upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. for taking longer to upload my files to the cloud. thank you cable... thank you cable, because if we never had you... ...we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability - 8 years running. plus, fios has the fastest wi-fi available from any provider and the most on demand titles to your tv. so join the millions who experience the difference fios makes. get a fios triple play at an amazing price online, guaranteed for two full years. and only fios gives you upload speeds as fast as your download speeds. plus, get a $300 bonus with a 2-year agreement. so don't wait, get fios now at this amazing price, plus a $300 bonus! go to today. announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the new film "still alice," kristen stewart. and the flash himself, actor grant gustin. plus, your questions and comments when the co-hosts open up the inbox. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20150202

>> the best commercials. >> you don't want to kiss just to make sure? >> absolutely not. >> no. >> and behind the scenes at the hottest party. we have got your covered in our "gma" super bowl blowout. >> good morning, america. i just won the super bowl, woo! there's got to be a morning after. the biggest happiest patriot fan sitting here. >> you missed this george. on friday lara spencer and michael strahan accused me of not knowing anything about sports and there was one person who got it right. and his initials are dan harris. >> is it true you would have called in sick if the seahawks converted that? >> that's right. two weeks. >> it came down to the final seconds. the play people are going to be talking about for some time to come. malcolm butler with the int and we're going to talk to him later this morning. >> and amy in arizona. i'm sure she didn't get any sleep last night. there's a smile on her face and look at the smiles in boston. here's this morning's boston globe. the headline return to glory. the patriots fourth title. the first in the decade. >> first the powerful winter storm hitting over 100 million people across all the states from nebraska through maine and blasting through the midwest. our extreme team is tracking it all with ginger starting us off. >> reporter: robin we have gone from snow to sleet to freezing rain and rain. this new york we'll let you know what you're about to run into, slop. in a lot of places. it's freezing at the surface. you'll see icing on roads and bridging. i want to take you to where the heaviest snow fell likely to make it in the top five for chicago. top three for detroit. kalamazoo, michigan more than 20 inches and still snowing. you can see the radar pulling into the northeast. the rain only in the long island and parts of jersey. but connecticut up to massachusetts and rhode island. all snow for now. that is where our rob marciano is again in boston because unbelievably more snow. rob. >> reporter: ginger look at this. we have got visibility about a half a mile. the snow is blowing sideways andbly sard conditions. people have had to dig their cars out and squeeze them in if you're lucky to find a spot going to and from work. this guy right here he didn't bother digging his car out maybe because he knew this was coming. here we are, it's groundhog day. it's happening again. this morning the northeast hammered by another winter storm. a caravan of plow trucks in long island. snow-coated roads and train tracks into the early morning hours. in boston snow on top of snow. the city facing what could be a brutal round two anticipating up to a foot of snow less than one week being buried by two feet. most of the region nowhere near from digging out under last week's blast. outside of pittsburgh the wintry mess turning hazardous even sending this vehicle slamming through the front porch of a home. >> this is the third time in a week the fourth time in a year our house has been hit. we're terrified. >> reporter: snow emergencies declared in connecticut and massachusetts and bracing for another hard hit. new york city's mayor defending his decision to play it safe urging people to stay inside if necessary. >> i make decisions for a living and always air on the side of safety. you don't need to walk around don't walk around. >> reporter: from state to state one thing is clear, their weather weary and hoping this storm clears out quickly. so far here in boston expecting over 10. and george considering last night's big win for the patriots even with this weather, i haven't met many people in a totally bad mood which is tough to believe with the snow blowing sideways. >> they're going to be sleeping late this morning. out in the midwest digging out from the snow and wind causing damage. knocking out power for tens of thousands. abc's gio benitez in one of the hardest hit cities. ho ledo ohio. good morning. >> good morning to you. we've got about a foot and a half of snow all across the midwest, schools closed. we have got businesses closed. a major diggout is under way right now overnight the upper midwest pummeled. a blizzard like storm dropped a foot and a half of snow across illinois. parts of the region getting up to 18 inches or more sunday. >> like heavy mud. >> one of the biggest snow terms in chicago's history. wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour. derailing drivers and causing more than 45 accidents alone. the storm leaving 44,000 customers without power. chicago's public schools closed. keeping nearly 400,000 kids home for the third time this year. more than 1,800 flights cancelled or delayed at the city's two major airports. employees setting out hundreds of cots for stranded passengers. >> they announced our flight is delayed. so i'm relegated to sitting in a terminal watching the super bowl. >> reporter: in ohio the chaotic conditions responsible for the death of one police officer suffering a heart attack while shoveling snow. this morning the city's mayor in critical condition after suffering cardiac arrest while inspecting road conditions. crashing his suv into a pole. and back here live in toledo they have a level 3 snow emergency. officials want people to stay off these roads, george. you can see this wind picking up here. >> be careful. thanks very much. back here in the east messy morning commute for millions. linzie janis. good morning. >> good morning, george. here in new jersey with officer tim reid and we are right at the freezing ryanline watching it switch between freezing raun and snow all morning causing a mess on the roadways. they're icy. they're slushy. the officer telling us they responded to several vehicles driving off the road and expecting more accidents as we get deeper into the morning commute. there are speed restrictions in place and the governor's office is asking people to stay off the roads. robin. >> thank you very much. from the roads to the air. more than 2,000 flights already cancelled today. as always, that creates a ripple effect across the country. abc has the latest. good morning david. >> reporter: good morning, robin. 26 flights cancelled. nothing is getting out this morning. when is the last time you saw this. the tsa lines on a monday morning nobody is in. 2,300 flights cancelled. biggest hit, new york chicago and boston continuing throughout the day. out on the tarmac clearing the snow and making some progress here at laguardia. they're worried that it's going to turn to ice. slick runways. those boston fans may have to celebrate another day in phoenix. they may not get home today. >> another victory for them. to be able to celebrate there and not have to come back to the cold. david, thanks. let's check with ginger. >> i'm glad that david said that wet area will freeze again. that's my concern here. what you're seeing is a future cast. the yellow rain. pink is the mix and white is snow. we'll go through the timing. it pushes to the north and east and lose a lot in new york city and wrap-around snow showers. everything is clear by early tomorrow morning after midnight. a quick moving storm but behind it is quite a bit of snow. 12 to 18 inches. when i say cold i mean cold. windchills, subzero tomorrow morning. >> thanks very much. moving on to more on the spectacular super bowl. right up to the stunning finish that gave tom brady and the patriots their fourth championship. amy was there for every second. good morning, amy. >> reporter: good morning. they predicted it would be a close matchup. were they right. the crowd reacting to every twist and turn. fans here in phoenix on the edge of their seat until the last minute of the game overnight arizona playing host to one of the year's most dramatic super bowls in years. the patriots taking on the seattle seahawks in a matchup that went down to the last second after a scoreless first quarter. >> touchdown? >> reporter: point for point in the second. >> lynch, touchdown? gronkowski and a touchdown? >> reporter: the first half an unlikely star chris matthews who wasn't on the roster two months ago and was working at foot locker to make ends meet making his first two nfl catches ever. tying the game for halftime. after katy perry roared in her halftime show. ♪ you're a firework ♪ >> reporter: the fireworks taking off in the second half. the seahawks quickly taking control. >> brady over the middle and picked off. wide open. >> reporter: jumping to a ten-point lead with the patriots right on their tail retaking their lead and heading to the game's final moments. >> brady. >> touchdown. >> reporter: with the clock ticking down. the seahawks making one last stand. jermaine kearse with an incredible catch. >> somehow he winds up with the football. still not on the ground. still not on the ground. look at that. >> reporter: bringing them yards from the goal line. but instead of using superstar marshawn lynch the seahawks shocked everyone calling for a pass stealing their fate. >> intercepted at the goal line! >> reporter: the patriots unlikely star malcolm butler with a game-stealing interception. brady literally jumping for joy. seahawks quarterback richard sherman shocked. >> i just had a vision that i was going to make a big play and it came true. >> the new england patriots are the nfl champions. >> reporter: wiping away all whispers of deflate-gate so solidifying their dynasty with a fourth lombardi trophy. >> unbelievable. dream come true. >> reporter: and brady proving age is just a number with his third mvp trophy. >> i love you guys. this is for you guys. >> reporter: third mvp trophy. also his fourth super bowl ring. tom brady joins the ranks of joe montana and terry bradshaw. not a bad legacy indeed. >> he's in great company as you know amy. thank you. we'll check back in a bit. for more on the big game we're bringing in jessie palmer and you heard what amy -- good morning first of all. you heard what amy said about mr. brady. third time he's the mvp. he said he wanted to win this game more than any other and that the team was able to do it but the distractions and drama and they just played football. >> yeah. robin, tom brady cemented his legacy. one of the top two quarterbacks to play in the national football league. debatable whether him or joe montana. watching him was as good as i have seen him play in a super bowl. to throw the football 50 times against the nfl's best defense. the patriots put it in his hands to win or lose this game. he was accurate and poised. he played his best football down the stretch bringing his football team back in the fourth quarter. that's the fourth time tom brady has led a game-winning drive in a super bowl. remarkable. a team that had to battle lu adversity all season long. all we talked about was a deflate-gate and the leaders in the locker room kept the distractions outside of that team. they were able to play their best football when it mattered the most. this was a magical season. one of the all-time great super bowls ever played by the new england patriots. >> especially the finish. the acrobatic catch to begin with and you think the seahawks are poised. the one yard line. they don't give it to the beast, they don't give it to lynch. they go with the pass. a lot of people raising their eyebrows about that play call. >> robin, it was a terrible play call by the seattle seahawks and the most important play of the entire game. i give them credit. in the two minute drive they were aggressive throwing the football down the field. but you're on the one yard line. you have got a time-out in your back pocket and arguably the best short yard damage goal line in the entire nfl. you have to hand the football to marshawn lynch. he's one of the best offensive lines in all of football. that will haunt him for all of time. >> this may haunt you as well. dan harris is sitting next to me and i was told yesterday you said something on the air -- you said is the patriots going to win and he said -- i quote it. you said you were going to laugh in his face. is that correct? >> you know dan, i was really hoping you were going to take this morning off from work. but i'm glad to see that you actually came in. >> yeah. >> i feel like i was robbed of my moment of glory to see how to just run the ball on tv right now and just to prove to you i'm a good sport i wore my new england patriots tie just for you. >> i think it would be unbecoming for me to gloat. i really do. especially since you're a former nfl player and i'm maybe 5'8" on days of using my wife's shampoo. but i will say this. in your face. in your face. >> yeah. we still love you jessie. >> i'm ashamed. >> no need to be. >> next time dan, you're mine. >> thank you, jessie. well with amy there -- >> let's do the news. we'll start with security involving the white house days after a drone crashed on to to lawn. this time it was a man who tried to climb a temporary bike rack on pennsylvania avenue outside the white house. he was quickly arrested by secret service and charged with unlawful entry even though unlikely he could have accessed the white house grounds, secret service not taking chances after a series of recent breaches. the faa looking into a drone citing spotted by united airlines pilot saturday afternoon. the 737 was 7,000 feet up, about eight miles from the airport. a health alert about the measles and the waiting game. officials confirming thousands of people exposed to the highly contagious disease when a student traveled on an amtrak train headed for niagara falls. at least six cases have been confirmed. measles can spread for days before symptoms appear. check this out. a giant boulder rolled down a hill in san diego and smashed directly into a commercial building causing serious damage and natural gas leak. it happened in the middle of the night and nobody was there. finally, a stunning example of bad behavior at a beauty pageant that happened in brazil. the first runner up snatches the crown off the winner's head and storms off. the runner-up justified her actions by claiming the winner bought her title. we don't know if the crown snatcher will retain her title but we do know she will not win ms. congeniality. i do not condone unsportsman like behave. i think it's unacceptable. >> nobody would snatch that hat off. >> absolutely not. >> no. >> no. >> she almost got it. >> did you have to go back to ginger. the story out in california the drought. >> yes. the driest january on record for san francisco. this is not great news. they have been in an issue for three years. san diego has low numbers. not only the driest we've got to the local forecast brought to you by royal caribbean. # >> reporter: good morning, everyone, david murphy here with an update from accuweather him rain starting to break up to the south of philadelphia. it has changed over to rain in allentown, but overnight we did get light snow and light slushiness on roads the farther north you go in the region. temperatures are in the mid 30s in the immediate region. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows high of 45 with rain ending this afternoon of temperatures crash and late this afternoon it could get cold enough to refreeze any moisture that hadn't dried. hard. >> i don't know. >> stuff of here. >> coming up on "gma." the hero of last night's super bowl has unlikely rolled to super bowl champment the story of malcolm butler standing by. >> and katy perry's halftime show. >> plus whitney houston's daughter bobbi kristina found unresponsive in her bathtub. the very latest on her condition. >> this morning we're going to hear from chris kyle's widow about the love of her life. keep it here. much more "gma" coming up. al question that needs to be asked, as well as answered, is what is it that we can do that is unique, that is impactful. i am estella pyfrom and this is my brilliant bus. we are going to empower every individual and every organization to do more 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the jack knifed tractor-trailer has the northbound lanes blocked, it went halfway down an embankment, stick to 309 instead. a new accident on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound slowing things near mid county. expect a slow go there. slushy conditions at norristown markley at main street. the traffic lights are not working either. it's wet and the rain is on top of the slush so it's slimmery. >> the snow is coming down in the lehigh valley and the poconos. rain is soaking philadelphia. let's get the latest on where things stand and where they are going, good morning. >> reporter: all right tam we have rainfall on the terrace. be careful on sidewalks and side streets. up north in northern bucks montgomery county and toward the lehigh valley, it's raining but you have more snow accumulation that's being washed away. 36 in philadelphia. well above freezing, this afternoon's high, 45. by dinnertime we'll be back below freezing and there could be a refreeze of anything that hasn't dried. >> punxsutawney phil made his call, there will be # more weeks of winter. he saw his shadow. # yolanda indrosonovich can appreciate a simple name. that's why she likes pick 5 from the pennsylvania lottery, they've given all your favorite numbers games new, simpler names. and for something really simple, play the all-new pick 2. easy to play. simple to say. gwendolyn schnellinghoffer can appreciate a simple name. that's why she likes pick 3 from the pennsylvania lottery, they've given all your favorite numbers games new, simpler names. and for something really simple, play the all-new pick 2. easy to play. simple to say. good morning, america. . a powerful winter storm coming. heavy snow sleet and rain creating dangerous driving conditions. >> whitney houston's daughter bobbi kristina in the hospital after being found unresponsive in the bathtub of her home over the weekend. >> the new england patriots making super bowl champs after their win to the seahawks. the hero of the game is standing by. lot to get to this morning. katy perry had the halftime show last night. had a lot of people roaring. want to know is that a lion or a tiger? whatever it was it was great. >> that was a great opening. lenny kravitz and missy elliot taking the stage. that was something. of course, it is groundhog's day. punxsutawney phil yes, he saw his shadow. >> all the storms he saw his shadow. >> ginger loves groundhog's day. >> yeah. >> six more weeks? >> yes. >> do you buy that? >> yeah. yeah winter forever. i'm going with it. >> either that or the farmers' almanac almanac. >> many more snow days to come. we are beginning with bobbi kristina brown in the hospital after she was found unconscious face-down in her bathtub over the weekend echoing the scene of her mother's death. we have the latest. >> reporter: this morning bobby christinerease christina is reportedly now needing a ventilator to help her breathe. the emergency at her town home north of atlanta. >> 21-year-old female in the bathtub face down. >> reporter: around 10:30 saturday morning her husband and a friend found her unresponsive in a bathtub similar to the circumstances of her mother's death three years ago. this morning her father is asking for privacy and to give my daughter the love and support she needs that time. it was nearly three years ago when her mother was found unresponsive in a bathtub at the beverly hilton. the late whitney houston loved her daughter so. she told diane sawier that her dream for the future would be looking at my daughter becoming a woman of god. they shared lullabyes together ♪ i love you ♪ >> after her death brown visits her mother's grave. >> the way she talks the way she walks. >> reporter: in this interview with oprah in 2012 she said she was recovering shortly after her mother's death. >> i'm getting through it. dealing as good as i possibly can. >> some days harder that others? >> very much so. >> what's getting you through it? >> my family. and the love and seeing her all the time. i can hear her voice and spirit talking to me and telling me you know keep moving baby. you know i'm right here i got you. >> reporter: the investigation into what happened at the town home continues. we're still waiting for police to say if they found anything in their sister which could come today. >> so sad. let's go to dan harris in the social square with the speed feed. >> this was the busiest super bowl on twitter and facebook ever. and not only the on-field action, it was also the ads. one of the most talked about was this one from nationwide insurance. have a look. >> i never learned to fly. or travel the world with my best friend. they won't ever get married. i couldn't grow up because i died from an accident. >> a lot of people stunned by the darkness and sadness of that ad. many upset and taking to twitter to talk about it. on a more heartwarming note this ad was a winner of the night with the puppy finding his way home with the help of the famous budweiser horses and another ad people are talking about is an ad for fiat involving a blue pill that falls out of this guy's hand and ends up falling into a fiat there it is and then you'll see the car grows into a much larger car. little bit of a racy theme there. which ad did you like the most? tweet us at "gma" and tell us. back to you guys. >> i liked the coca-cola one. >> that was really nice. >> yeah. >> pretty funny. >> yeah. i was trying to move on. a check on the weather now. >> i liked the this is what it it was looking like in nebraska just the blowing snow. after the storm passes, it doesn't mean troubles are over. you'll see two feet in drifts along the northern plains and great lakes. in the southeast it's getting cooler. look at the temperatures, 10 to 150 degrees below normal from dallas to new orleans. >> reporter: florida is looking good georgia. storm tracker 6 live double scan, the rain is clearing south jersey and delaware. there's a lot of slush on the roads. hoo is the high -- 45 is the high, dropping below freezing around dinnertime. were sweet. obviously targeting the audience. still, they were -- they weren't jovial. >> i know. >> and then the nationwide. >> and then the nationwide. >> scary. >> yeah. >> on that note a warning for parents coming up. why those package meals could be bad for your toddler's health. >> and the hero from last night's super bowl he's from the state of mississippi. we'll talking malcolm butler. he is standing by. come on back. mom usually throws a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. 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"good morning america" is brought to you by carmax. search for your next car at carmax. start here. >> good morning, it is monday, 7:56. you can see here up in allentown, they are going slow and they have the snowplow dealing with the ice on the roads. good morning, let's go over to karen rogers with an accident this morning. >> reporter: we have an accident southbound on i-95 involve a pick up truck and dump truck. it's jammed from woodhaven to approaching cottman. we saw people swerving in the northbound lanes making us wonder if there was debris that fell from the accident. an accident involving a jackknifed tractor-trailer has the northeast extension northbound shut down between quakertown and lehigh valley. stick to 309 in this area instead. on the ben franklin bridge you can see the clouds out reducing visibility in the jammed traffic westbound from the span to 8th and vine. thorndale delays. >> let's go outside to david murphy. >> reporter: we have rain on the tears and slush on the terrace swell. storm tracker 6 live is showing we're drying out in delaware and south jersey. i do think most of the rain is done dwrawld during the -- gradually during the late morning and afternoon hours. be careful of slush and snow-covered roads. even up north where we have the rain changeover. 40 degrees in philadelphia. today's high, 45, we'll be crashing back to freezing around dinnertime. >> punxsutawney phil made his call he saw his shadow, we'll see 6 more weeks of winter. we'll see you in 30. good morning, america. . it's 8:00 a.m. and millioning digging out of a major winter storm. heavy snow piling up across two dozen states. what you need to know about the dangerous conditions right now. ♪ >> and "american sniper" winning big at the box office again. now the wife of chris kyle opening up. >> my strength is my faith and love for chris. that's it. i love him. >> what she'll revealing about her husband's life and legacy. ♪ >> and parenting confession. a mom admitting she still sleeps with her 6-year-old son. sparking a debate about how old is too old to sleep with your kids. ♪ >> and michael strahan rolling vip style u outout of a super bowl celebration and bringing you the best moments of the game as we say -- >> i just won the super bowl. good morning, america. ♪ >> good morning, america. monday morning. the celebration from last night you're seeing again and amy smack dab in the middle in arizona. hey, amy. >> reporter: so much celebration on the field and then if you can believe it all the players went from the university phoenix stadium to the separate parties. the seahawks were partying with snoop dog and patriots with pit bull. i did not get invited but i was okay because i'm partied out. >> i bet. >> yeah she was like -- >> out. >> michael strahan threw a party and showing us the highlights. >> and breaking down more on the super bowl commercial. which ones scored and which ones fumbled coming up. >> everybody is talking act those and the countdown to the next big event. the release of "50 shades of graib grey." selling out. people buying tickets up. hard to get a ticket. we're going to tell you about steamy scenes that were too much for the movie. >> okay. >> another big event, it is groundhog's day. yes, we saw phil and he saw his shadow. six more weeks of winter. you know what? we're bringing our own "gma" groundhog. that's gary the groundhog from "gma." we'll find out if he saw his shadow. >> gary is petite. >> yeah. >> very mellow. >> he's so cute. >> i love they give them real people names, too. gary. >> gary, phil. >> coming up in a little bit. dan harris let's get news. >> good morning. we're beginning with a brutal winter storm bearing down on the northeast after slamming the midwest. thousands of flights cancelled and schools closed. new england getting the worst with two feet from last week. abc's rob marciano is in boston. good morning, sir. >> reporter: good morning, dan. we have got a quarter mile visibility. heavy snow and winds gusting over 30 miles an hour. that is very close to blizzard conditions and on this street in south boston. just like many streets here cars have been dug out. but now they're getting buried again. in some cases, the banks are feet high and the snow is coming down one to two inches an hour and last we measured is four inches. unofficial measurement is about five and change. we expect to see ten inches or more. the schools are closed an no official ban on travel. we may get some mixing in later on today. over a foot expected. if that happened we'll get more than we typically get for the entire year and here we are only february. with all the misery this morning, dan, i haven't met many bostonens that are very unhappy. >> i'm smiling as well. rob, thank you. by the way, the patriots return to new england and the victory parade may be delayed by the snow storm or storms i should say. but overnight fans took to the street to demonstrate their joy. police report no arrests, injuries or damage. and in case you missed it. it wasn't decided until julian edelman caught a touchdown pass to put the patriots ahead and seconds on the clock malcolm butler intercepted a pass. final score new england, 28 seattle, 24. and much more from amy on "gma." this morning a warning for parents about the toddler meals. many contain unhealthy levels of sugar and salt. about seven in ten toddler dinners contain too much salt and extra sugar in cereal bars and snacks for infants and toddlers. to utah a special roadside delivery. the mom to be decided to drive herself. she called 911. she pulled over and police got to her just in time to catch the baby as it was born. mom, the baby and the cops are all doing just fine. yes, catch the baby. i think it's a technical term. moving on now, building demolition doesn't get much cleaner than this. an office building in downtown dallas had to make way for a new shopping center. when the dust cleared, the concrete and iron was left in a tidy pile. i'm going to keep talking just in case we get to see a shot of it. apparently there was yet -- [ whistling ] >> thank you, robin. when the smoke clears you'll get to see a tiny pile of iron. i don't know. >> tiny. >> i promise you. finally, celebrities are just like us. they ride the subway. ellen miran taking the r train. tom hanks dressing down and blending in last week. a while back he said nobody looks like anybody on the subway. i don't know if i would have recognized him. >> a way to get a around. >> best way to get around. george over to you. >> thank you. dan. over to lara. >> here's what's on our "gma" morning menu. scenes that were too hot to make the shot for the 50 shades of grey movie and "american sniper" is the hottest movie now. chris kyle's widow opens up. and the mommy who admits she gets her 6-year-old to bed by sleeping with him. how old is too old? "good morning america's" own groundhog. we'll find out if gary saw his shadow. was it the shadow of his teeth? we'll find outcoming up. oh, this is bobby. i'm not supposed to touch you. 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without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. next. ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ she sees the world a little differently. if she could she'd rescue every dog on the planet. and, by some miracle... she actually said "yes." to me. tell her everything you love about her with charmed memories from kay jewelers. hundreds of charms handcrafted in italy with collections like open hearts and new, disney frozen. at kay the number-one jewelry store in america. and she will be the best mom...ever. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. ♪ welcome back everybody. time for "pop news." we begin with chris pratt and chris evans. they're not just superheroes. they're also super fans and together at the super bowl. the two made an bet if you remember. pratt going for the seahawks and evans proudly supporting his patriots and they agreed the loser would go to the charity of choice in their marvel costume. they spent the week leading up to the game encouraging fans to donate to their causes. although the patriots came out on top they agreed that they chose the hospital facilities. talk about winners. >> you called it. you said it. >> i'm really glad. they did it. everybody mark your calenders. 11 days. >> 11 days. >> of valentine's day. the release of "50 shades of grey." the new trailer premiered during the super bowl. new details emerging as well about the movie. ticket sales sky rocketing already across the country 11 days before the releasement turned out 1/5 of the movie features rather steamy scenes between anna and christian. so just to do the math in the "pop news" investigation. that was 20 out of 100 minutes. however, the craziest one in the novel is not included in the scene. i don't even know what that scene is because i think they're all pretty crazy. use your imagination. we will see plenty of shades of christian grey. >> "pop news" investigate. >> yes. and then finally, i love this story. i so hope you do. i want to do this with my four sibling. three pennsylvania brothers wanted to give their mom a special gift. they went through family pictures and recreated the exact scene two decades later. go slower. they have nearly 120,000 likes. go slower. they're so amazing. look at that. the day the baby comes home. there he is 20 years later. they went to thrift shops searching for outfits to get as close as they could taking dozens of shots to get the expressions just right. they put the photos in a calender. the end result had their mom in tears of joy. >> that is a great gift. >> price less. >> i think we should all try to do that. i think of some of the awesome '70s moments and i think i say we go for it guys. >> okay. thanks lara. >> you got it. robin. >> let's go to ginger. >> george can you hear this? that's the wind and some sleet. it's a beautiful morning here in new york city. that's full sarcasm. this is kaley from -- >> d.c. new hampshire vermont going to pick up 12 tow 18 inches. philadelphia will have freezing after the wet stuff late tonight. that's the big picture, let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: thank you ginger, storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we have rain falling in philadelphia drying to the south. up north snowfall across the region. the farther north you go through the region, the better chance you have of seeing the slush on the roads. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast high of 45. it will be dipping back to freezing and we could have a refreeze of anything that didn't dry out. in there. >> bring them on in. >> first up on our "gma" index. chris kyle this is the two year anniversary of his death and his widow speaking out about his life. abc has that for us. >> reporter: this morning "american sniper" dominating at the box office for a third week in a row. now the highest grossing movie of all time. >> hold on i got a woman and a kid 20 yards out. >> reporter: this morning marks a somber anniversary officially named chris kyle day in texas. it is exactly two years since the most lethal sniper in u.s. history portrayed by bradley cooper in the film was murdered. >> baby come home okay. you know we miss you. >> okay. >> reporter: now as kyle's memory is honored, his real life wife is speaking out. >> there's so much. he's incredible. >> reporter: telling people magazine saying we had our moments where we felt like we were less important than the military and he felt like i didn't understand his sense of duty. his struggles grew but seemed to melt away as he spent more time with his two young children. >> you kind of expect something different than what you would get. even though he was going through all that we always found a way to laugh, always. >> reporter: also telling people stfs kyle's work with fellow veterans struggling with ptsd that helped him come back to his faechlt it was one of those veterans who allegedly murdered kyle. his wife chooses to remember the man who is a silver screen legend. a man she'll love even after the box office hype goes away. >> the major strength is my faith and love for chris. that's it. i will love him until the day i die. >> her focus is her two young children who she says talks about their dad every day. and as for the man accused of shooting him, he goes to trial at the end of this month. >> so sad. >> and helping those veterans get back into life here. >> his memory continues to thrive. >> next up on our "gma" heat index and insider look at the biggest party of super bowl weekend. of course, you know we were there. strahan hosted the most buzzed about event before the big game. he gave us the vip access. ♪ >> touchdown super bowl central and you'll find the world's most largest block party. wall to wall events concerts fundraisers, it's the ultimate a-list affair. and the biggest bash before the bowl, the direct tv super saturday night party. since i may know a thing or two about a super bowl celebration. i'm stepping off the turf and on to the carpet hosting the weekend's most epic event. i'm at the saturday night bash. rhianna is going to perform. i'm excited. wiz khalifa is here. everybody is here. let's go inside and get the party started. ♪ >> this crowd of thousands all here to watch rihanna rock the house. ♪ >> along with one super sized surprise guest kanye west. every super bowl party packed with athletes actors even a "gma" anchor. but on the super bowl street you don't need a vip ticket to spot a face. >> nice to see you. >> like my dear friend drew brees. >> you never know who you're going to run into. you come out and see all the guys you played against. you beat me more than i care to remember. >> this is the opportunity for a lot of guys to take their helmet off and show their personality. >> for you it was to do with your foundation. >> the green tree foundation has had the opportunity to partner up with the super service challenge. we're proud to say we were able to get $2.5 million contributed around the country. we had over 2,000 teams serve over 700 charities served over 213,000 hours of charity service. >> so you're quarterbacking quite a few teams now. drew is not in the super bowl this year. it's hurting both of us because we both have the itch to play. >> you won one here though. >> i won one. you won one, too, but you're still playing. he's going to win another one because he's that kind of guy. it's amazing what you're doing, man. always a pleasure. keep on doing the good work my brother. >> great seeing you. >> thank you. >> michael was here friday and he predicted the seahawks would win and i was hoping he would be here this morning so i could gloat in person. it's just more delicious in person. i'll see you later, michael. >> moving on to the morning stir. today all the questions about the debate about how this woman sleeps with her 6-year-old. when is it to much? >> i'm scared. can i sleep with you tonight? >> it's every parents' bedtime predicament. >> absolutely not. >> the i can't sleep, come here moment. >> i used to stress about how he used to fall asleep. >> until recently babble blogger michelle horton chalked up sleeping with her 6-year-old son noah as a parent fail writing i have the sleep training books, i read the warnings and guidelines and eventually stopped caring so much. as it turns out, our intimate sleep time moments just him and i alone in the dark have become some of our most tender. >> with details about his day that i wouldn't have gotten otherwise. not that he doesn't talk during the day but there's distractions. this is like him and i, one on one, no distractions. >> michelle says on average she's with noah for about 10 minutes. when he drifts off, leaves the room. >> there are nights when i'm like oh you know. but every single night i always leave feeling like oh i love him. my baby. i enjoy and i'm going to miss it tremendously when he doesn't want to sleep with me anymore. >> a lot of parents feel the growing pains. one mom writing there was a point in my life where i was shy to let my friends know that i co-sleep with my son then i realized i don't have to be ashamed of this kind of parents. my son needs me and i will be there for him. >> there's something about holding your child who is sleeping you physically feel more peaceful and calming. i love watching him fall asleep. >> for as long as she can she'll saver those sleepy time snuggles. abc news new york. >> parenting expert. welcome back. >> thank you. >> one point at the end. a lot of the times the parents love it. >> yeah. we love cuddling with our kids. but this is a issue with parents all over the country. if you wait too long. dealing with a 6-year-old or 7-year-old. 8-year-olds, you wonder they should be able to soothe themselves to sleep and get through the night without having mom or dad by their side. >> is there a cutoff point where it's just wrong in your opinion? >> every family is different and every child is different. you have to do what's best for your kid. if you wait until they're older, 10 or 12 you have to wonder what they're risking. can they go to sleep without you being there? are they able to go asleep? co-sleeping can also sacrifice couple time. you know a lot of parents are anxious to get their kids into their own room so they can have one on one time at night and get back to themselves. >> what are the big risks for the kids if they're doing this for too long? >> they become too dependent on mom and dad. can't go to sleep by themselves. anxiety at nighttime. although it's great to sleep with your kids and give them comfort, they should at that age be able to do it. a lot of parents tell us that you know, talk to your kids prepare them. don't cut off co-sleeping right away. let them know this is coming and this is what big boys and girls do. also you want to create a sleep routine. you know let them know that okay after dinner we'll play a game and brush our teeth and get our pajamas on and read and then it's become this comfort routine for them. lastly one of the most important, you have to commit to end the co-sleeping. a lot of parents like it as much as the kids. but they have to want to do it as wet. >> coming up, the super bowl ads. tt2wút0l@qt0 btún$j0 tt2wút0l@qt0 "aún4ft tt2wút0l@qt0 bmún?mx tt4wút0l@qt0" dzlq :-x tt4wút0l@qt0" enlq j)8 tt4wút0l@qt0" gzl& s.@ >> good monday morning it's a snowy morning in allentown the lehigh valley and the poconos are getting the worst of the wintery weather. let's go live on sky 6. there's the airport, it's a good idea to call ahead if you have a flight going out or in. i'm tamala edwards let's get the latest in traffic with karen rogers good morning. >> reporter: good morning, we're looking at jammed up traffic on 422. the road is wet eastbound jammed from 29 to 23. on twitter steve telling me, 422 westbound approachingism-176 is a parking lot. that's the earlier accident i warned you about in berks county. an accident involving a vehicle that overturned into a creek avoid the area in west pikeland township. northeast extension northbound remaining closed because of the jackknifed tractor-trailer between quakertown and the lehigh valley, tam. >> thank you karen. >> reporter: you can see what the conditions look like now david murphy there's cause for concern throughout the afternoon. >> reporter: that's right, we have rain and slush around. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing a lull in south jersey and parts of delaware. i think we have to plan for rain until the early or mid afternoon hours and on and off. 37 degrees in philadelphia. allentown is above the freezing mark. we're trying to chew through the slush. the high is 45. the problem is this afternoon we'll be back below freezing with cold air rushing in from the north and west and anything that didn't dry could refreeze. >> punxsutawney phil made the call. he saw his shadow and we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. we'll send you back to "g.m.a." and see you in 30. ♪ >> hi guys. >> right here in new york a sloppy morning but clearing up right now and getting pretty cold here in new york as well. we welcome you back right now. and we have been talking about drones for a while. >> yes. >> we're kicking off our game of drones theory right now. >> game of drones. >> celebrating this all week long and even gotten one here in our studio. special delivery. >> special delivery. >> wow. look at that thing. >> okay. incoming. >> whoa! whoa! >> wow. >> all right. >> thank you. >> well done. >> very well done. >> i like it. this week we are bringing you some out of this world drones making our lives so much easier bringing you coffee on the set and other amazing things they can do. >> and tomorrow we have got a live event. ginger is taking a journey to one of the most unreachable places on earth via drone. >> i'm going to hang from it. >> you're going all the way to iceland bringing us footage of an actively erupting volcano less than a mile from the center. the largest in iceland in 230 years. >> we are going to get as close as you can safely get. we all have to have gas masks in case the wind shifts. there's a level of fear many me there. this is such incredible science that can come from these drones because we're seeing things we have never seen before. >> and that footage looks like something out of game of thrones. >> i can't wait. >> let's give a shoutout to the drone guys. thank you very much. well done guys. thank you. we really appreciate it. >> let's go over to lara. >> thank you so much george. it wasn't about the patriots and the seahawks last night, but it was all about the commercials. our post game commercial announcements we are going to play a game called audit up and we have our experts, contestant, comedian chuck knight and michelle butoy. i got to give you guys some love. >> some love. >> honey, i love seeing you guys. i also love the fact you're head to head. we're going to play a part of the ad. ask a question and buzz in when you have the answer. now that you have kissed the guns. here we go. here's the part of the bud lite add where a lucky guy got to be a pacman. take a look. ♪ >> so now, you seen the ad. that's like a dream. i love pacman so much. this bud lite was one of the top three advertisements commercials of the night. go. michelle. >> false. >> false. >> yeah. it's a beer commercial and there's no girls in bikinis. >> i'm going to go with false, too. >> guys then you would both be correct. >> yeah. >> the top commercials of the night were the budweiser lost dog, number one. and number two was by always like a girl campaign and number three was the fiat the blue pill. >> what was the blue pill for? >> that was the pill that killed kennedy believe it or not. >> on that note this nissan ad tries to tug at your heart strings. take a look. ♪ i arrived just the other day ♪ >> so you just saw it. it was a real tear jerker. what was the name of the song? chuck. >> was it your bad dad, you know it so go ahead and buy a nissan. >> i'm sorry. of our favorite ads of the night. roll them. >> we're both over 50 years old and both used to own a pontiac and both have experience with drugs. sorry. pharmaceuticals. so say my name. >> what does the woman say? chuck. >> ooh. >> help! somebody help me please? my pharmacist is trying to kill me! >> i am sorry but creative. michelle. >> i believe she says who is kim kardashian because she is everywhere. >> true. but not correct. neither one of you gets points. she says sort of gray. >> sort of gray. >> sort of gray. i liked both of your answers. >> people who don't know english know who kim kardashian is i'll just say. >> our next question is this ad for a website builder called wick. take a look. >> [ bleep ]. >> what 11-letter product is going through brett favre? >> do you carry a size 14. because i got lady parts. >> no you're going to hurt yourself. the answer is sharcruterie. neither one of you win. however, you're both winners. give it up for our contestants. not very good at the game show thing. >> come on. >> very, very creative. great to see you both. thank you for your energy. >> thanks. we'll take this back to party city and get my $6 back. >> we'll check with ginger on the weather. >> how about some fun out here. get loud guys. >> yay! >> from nashville. what's happy birthday to you i got you sleet for your birthday. let's go to new jersey, 8 inches in west milford. des moines almost a foot. parts of northwestern indiana close to 20 inches. that is moving north and west. look at the timing. coastal you'll see a mix in sleet to freezing rain. early tomorrow morning better, but definitely cold. so anything that is wet will refreeze and that's concerning. the windchills tonight single digits or subzeros. margarete i got you that for your birthday. let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: all right, ginger we have rain falling across philadelphia and north. 35 degrees is the high today. we'll plunge back to the freezing mark by late afternoon and maybe a refreeze, so be careful later tonight a special bachelor. chris has something special for the ladies. he shows up late and their jaws drop. check it out. >> where is he? >> guys is he going to show up at some point? >> we have been waiting for it seems like an hour for chris. and everyone is starting to wonder if he's even going to come. >> do you think he got bad news from home? >> i can't see why. >> who sit? >> he's coming. >> here he is. >> here he comes. >> who? >> who? >> no. >> oh no. okay. "the bachelor" is on tonight 8:00 on abc news. be sure to tune in on who that was. back inside with you. >> gifts. >> no gifts. >> she already sent it back. more than one big game yesterday. a titanic battle taking place. puppy bowl xi. the highest puppy bowl of all time. now dogs are here this morning. roscoe duncan and katie. and the owners. welcome them all. dan, how are you? >> good to see you. >> we should explain the puppy bowl was in october. >> yes. >> they have all grown. >> these guys have grown into adult dogs. they did great. >> any other surprises? >> our highest scoring game ever. 19 puppy touchdowns and one field goal. pretty impressive. >> and rose mary is here with roscoe. a pit bull? >> labrador. >> and you run the new jersey animal rescue. all three of these dogs were discovered there. you wanted to keep roscoe for yourself. >> yes. he fits in with my family so well. we can't part with him. sweet dog. danielle danielle you have duncan and your mom adopted him for you. how does it feel to have a champ? >> feels lucky. i loved him before then but now he's on tv so special. >> a frisky like champ. and you have got katie. she looks like she knows she's a champion. >> absolutely. she's been prancing around since the puppy bowl. >> what kind of awards did they get for being the champ. >> a lot of treats. we had a big party yesterday. a viewing party with people who came out to support us to watch the puppy bowl. >> such a good cause. you get all kinds of rescues. >> we have a nearly 100% adoption rate every year. >> 100%? >> yeah. >> that is fantastic. and one more note right here what was the thing that made the difference? >> this year i think they had multiple puppies with multiple touchdowns. we keep track of this. you can create your own puppy fantasy team every year. four puppies with back to back touchdowns. some had four touchdowns in a row. incredible game. >> congratulations guys. coming up ditch it for dollars. saving time and money it is time ladies and gentlemen for ditch it for dollars. if you're tired of blow drying your hair you might be able to ditch it and save money and time. abc's becky worley tested it out to see if she could survive without her hair dry ir. that's a great look there. wonderful there. go ahead. >> i like many of our watchers right now am out of the shower with wet hair. what comes next is this bad boy. there's one problem. blow drying your hair is a waste of time. so the experiment. could i ditch the dryer? blown dry. it's a look. but does five minutes a day of flipping and brushing -- yeah if i could skip it awesome. day one of ditching the dryer. >> let it dry completely natural. >> looks beachy. natural. a little granger though. i think it's too messy for work. now day two of my blowout ban. i wet comb it. ouch. better but still a little frizzy. so i hit the beauty shop and i find the anti frizz shampoo, conditioner and serum. result -- >> definitely not as frizzy. not straight. >> but what do the experts say? by experts, i mean youtube beauty stars of course. >> what you're going to do is continue wrapping this hair around the head this way. >> seriously? all this pinning took me like 20 minutes and i'm supposed to leave it like this for a few hours? >> keep it 12 inches from your hair and should take 20 minutes from beginning to end. >> no. i don't even have time for five minutes of blow drying. final option i'm trying the serum by big rollers. >> it defeats the purpose. ten minutes to get in them. almost an hour and my hair still feels wet. >> it wasn't as straight as my blow dried hair. but not bad. fast air drying and the beachy look would work for me some of the time. and air drying might really work for different types of hair. that would meantime saved per week 30 minutes and if you skip the $40 weekly blowout at the salon, money saved per year 2,000. i'll present let it air dry more often. i am embracing my beach surfer girl hair and salt spray. i'm going to go with that. i think it's worth experimenting with what works for your hair. you can save time and money. and that's always good robin. >> big time money. big money. you're from hawaii. you can hang loose. that's a great look. >> i am a surfer girl. >> and we can tell by the clock you're on west coast time. it's early there for you. hope you didn't wake up the twins. >> they're still sleeping. >> we'll see you soon. coming up academy award nominated director here to talk about i love the taste. always smooth, never bitter. my cup of coffee is always awesome when i go to dunkin'. man: i see the steam rising off the cup 'cause you know it's a fresh pot. man: one cup a day for sure. two if need be. and it's usually "need be." dunkin' -- your place for coffee. thank you. happy valentine's day. i love you. uh, i mean thank you. you're welcome. share the love with dunkin's heart-shaped donuts. indulge in cookie dough or brownie batter today. america runs on dunkin'. . the multimillionaire real estate robert durst made headlines when his wife disappeared and since then he's answering all the charges for the first time. after a look back at a very strange story. the heir to a new york real estate fortune. the middle of suspicion and murder for over 30 years starting with the disappearance of his first wife in 1982. never officially a suspect. marital problems fueled suspicion. >> she lived in fear and didn't know what was going to happen next. >> 19 years later authorities believe he may have been involved in the 2000 murder of his friend who contacted the police and his wife's case reopened. durst moved to texas and began cross-dressing to divert attention and lay low. until the incident with his 71-year-old neighbor. he admitted to shooting his neighbor in self defense and cutting his body up before tossing the pieces into the bay. he was acquitted of murder in 2003. sentenced to five years for evidence tampering and bond jump. >> he's never going to be one of us. isn't that great? >> his story inspired the film all good things starring ryan gosling but never told his side of the story until now. we are joined by the director. the new documentary is called the jinks but you directed all good things. after that movie comes out you get the phone call. >> yeah. it was very surprising. we had made this movie, "all good things" and felt carefully trying to make it accurate. i remember saying i would like to make a movie that the real bob durst can see and have an emotional reaction to and the movie was finished and he called me and said i would like to see it. >> he starts to talk you and he actually wants to sit down with you and go through everything. >> yeah. well he called me and said i have seen the movie and cried three times. i thought it was very carefully done and i would like to talk about it. i never talked about my life before. so over 30 years he had been approached by everybody telling his story and he said there was no reason for him to do it. i think after he saw the film and we were painting a picture of a human being as opposed to a headline he felt more comfortable. >> one of the amazing things is you're watching it and this is a man who is seemingly very candid open and who knows himself. let's show a bit of it right here. >> she was very outgoing and social. got along with people real good. it was perfect. because i don't get along with people. most people don't get along with me. >> she is dead now. we talked about the neighbor and the friend also dead. he was acquitted on the charges. been through all this and you would think a guy after going through that wouldn't want to relive it and wouldn't necessarily want to take the chance of reopening all this. >> i met with bob and his neighbor in new york not long after bob contacted me and his lawyer said bob you asked me to get together with andrew i understand what you're thinking about doing. i have an opinion. i think this is the worst idea i heard in my life. this is terrible. you have been wrongbly accused of three murders over 30 years. you're a free man. there's nothing that's going to do to improve your life. since you have told me you plan on doing it all i can do is give you the limitations on what you should do. he listed a bunch of things about what we weren't going to be able to talk about and bob said job if he puts it in a billboard in times square, let him do what he wants. >> what do you think at the end? do you reach a conclusion on whether or not he's responsible? >> i think that what the audience will find at the end is they're not scratching their heads. when they get to the end of six episodes they will know what happened. >> that's a great tease. thanks. hbo's the jinks, sunday february 8th. we'll be right back. thank you, cable for taking longer to upload our family movies. for fewer video on demand options. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. for taking longer to upload my files to the cloud. thank you cable... thank you cable, because if we never had you... ...we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability -- 8 years running. plus, fios has the fastest wi-fi available from any provider, and the most on demand titles to your tv. so join the millions who experience the difference fios makes. get a fios triple play at an amazing price online guaranteed for two full years. and only fios gives you upload speeds as fast as your download speeds. plus, get a $300 bonus with a 2-year agreement. so don't wait, get fios now at this amazing price, plus a $300 bonus! go to today. "good morning america" is brought to you by nationwide. nationwide is on your side. >> let's check in with "gma's" groundhog groundhog. did he see his shadow? >> yes, gary did see his shadow to this morning. >> gary is upset about it. >> six more weeks. >> i'm with you, gar. >> you're only with him a little while. you're on your way to iceland right now. >> on my way. >> travel safe. >> thank you so much. i will see you from iceland. >> so amazing. have a great day. gary we love you, our new correspondent. have a terrific day. >> good morning the flakes were falling earlier this morning in northeast philadelphia. the lehigh valley got a heavier snow, good morning i'm tamala edwards. 8:56 now. let's go over to karen rogers, looking slow on i-95. >> reporter: the trouble is we had a little bit of snow, the rain on top so you have slush here. this is i-95 at allegheny. we're jammed from bridge to girard because of that. all morning long, northeast extension has been shut down between quakertown and the lehigh valley because of the jackknifed trailer. stick to 309. we have a vehicle that overturned into a creek west pike handle township, 401. an accident that has valley road closed near swedesford road. stick to 252. disabled vehicle block be the right lane, lots of issues out there, tam. >> let's head over to david murphy, what a day david. yucky out there. >> reporter: cold rain continuing to fall on the terrace. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing rain across the region, blue mixing in up north but in allentown mainly rain. the problem we had snow overnight and we're waiting for the rep nants of slush -- remnants of slush and snow to get washed off the road. we're up in 38 in philadelphia. close to the freezing mark in lehigh valley. the high is 450 by dinnertime we'll be back to below freezing and that means a refreeze for anything that didn't dry up. >> a philadelphia man who shared his grief over the co-worker of "action news" has been charged with her murder. we'll have the latest on the kim jones investigation coming up on "action news" at noon. has some school closings and delays, have a great monday announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, academy award winning actor jeff bridges. and from the comedy "cougartown," busy phillips. plus, a performance from recording artist diana krall. also, we want you to predict the winners, and possibly win $10,000. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] snounssnouns now here are kelly ripa -- announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20150206

will they have to shake it off? ♪ oh won't you stay with me ♪ will sam smith rock the music world and score a major upset with a grammy? stay with him. and good morning, america. award season is here. music on tap this sunday night with the grammys. >> can't wait for that. also talk about award season we have a huge -- i mean humongous announcement concerning the oscars. you don't want to miss that. >> that's coming up. right to this deep freeze. ginger boy, temperatures plunging all over the east coast. >> this morning we're waking up here just above zero. there are windchill advisories from west virginia to maine. if you have exposed skin it can become dangerous if you're out there for some time. numbers, 9 in louisville. 5 below, buffalo. the core of that is right in new england. burlington feels like 20 below. caribou, 23 below and boston with all that fresh snow on the ground they're hearing about a new snowstorm and yes, there will be one. saturday and sunday and sunday night through monday and early tuesday we deal with it throughout the northeast. connecticut, rhode island up through massachusetts, i think the heaviest snow is going to be just north of new york city. doesn't mean it won't snow in new york but i wanted to time this out for you and show you what we're looking for as far as snow totals. a lot of that upstate new york western new york sees some of the heavier stuff vermont, new hampshire and maine. west of boston is where the foot plus goes. robin, we certainly have a messy monday coming into tuesday. so we're setting this pattern. >> it is february. all right, ginger, thank you. to the latest in the transasia plane crash, at least 35 people killed, 8 still missing. authorities in taiwan revealing what took place in the final seconds before the plane went down. abc's david kerley has the latest for us and joins us. >> reporter: it's the black boxes and they are very telling with one engine down the pilots apparently shut down the good engine. the final moments of the transasia flight it's clear the turboprop just doesn't have enough power before clipping a bridge and crashing into taipei's river? why, trouble with one engine but a possible fatal mistake. >> looks like they may have shut down the wrong engine. >> we are collecting factual information. >> reporter: this morning, that blockbuster revelation from the black boxes of what happened in the cockpit. just five seconds after the atr-72 takes off the crew notices something wrong. ten seconds in an engine warning light, the right goes to idle and more than 30 seconds into the flight the pilots pull back the throttle on the left engine the good one and try to restart it. >> it's essentially a glider. >> reporter: that as more survivals come to light including the cab driver and hamish macdonald saw the aftermath. >> you can see where the wing smashed into it. the forensic investigator told us that if the car was any further forward or any lower to the ground it would probably have been destroyed or potentially flipped right over. >> reporter: cab driver and passenger survived. 15 people in the aircraft. now, the taiwanese have been prompt in releasing this information but they're not drawing any conclusions. the investigation continues but, george it is appearing as if their pilot error was a significant factor in the crash. >> okay david, thanks very much. we'll turn to a new measles scare in another major city. five babies from a day-care center contracted the disease. at least ten more may have been exposed. abc's chief health and medical editor dr. richard besser tracking it. good morning rich. >> these babies were too young to be vaccinated and around the country officials this morning are facing the challenge of convincing some parents that vaccination is more than a personal decision. this morning, more measles fears spreading across the u.s. this day care at a chicago suburb announcing thursday that five infants in their program have been diagnosed with the virus. up to ten other infants are at risk and in quarantine. >> these are children that are probably not vaccinated because they are -- many of them are under the age necessary to receive their first vaccination. >> reporter: major medical groups like the cdc trying to convince parents that childhood vaccinations not only protect their children but everyone else's babies from the infectious disease, as well. in the last decade rumors of a tie between autism and vaccines led parents in 19 states to legally opt out of vaccines for personal plaintiffs. those rumors now discredited. autism speaks the country's pre-eminent science and advocacy group saying thursday "vaccines do not cause autism. we urge that all children be fully vaccinated. ." mississippi, no opt out provisions. they have a 99% kindergarten vaccination rate and has had no cases of measles since 1992. compare that to california where more than 17,000 parents refuse vaccinations last year alone. its vaccination rate just 92% with 99 measles cases since december. california resident chess said she had's rather her son from the measles than the vaccine supply don't see any reason to inject you know unknown toxins into his system. this doesn't seem necessary to me. >> this measles vaccine has been used for decades and found to be safe and effective and that wonderful thing bit, it protects not only the person receiving it but also those like the babies in this day care who are too young to be vaccinated them themselves themselves. >> and leads to the question how could it get into the day-care center? >> from a day care borkkarcare worker or an older sibling. when these workers come back they'll require that they're all fully vaccinated. >> and so many questions out there. you'll take them again on twitter. >> all morning. >> thanks very much. thousand to that deadly commuter train disaster outside new york city. new details about the final moments before the crash including a 911 call for help and questions about how that mother of three got stuck on the tracks. abc's linsey davis is on the seen in hawthorne, new york, with the latest. good morning linsey. >> reporter: good morning, robin. you see the southbound train passing through right now and investigators plan to be here for several more days. one top priority determining the circumstances that caused ellen brody to drive her car on to these railroad tracks and they plan on looking at her cell phone records. was she perhaps distracted. also the fact this was a new car for brody, if that may have played some role. as investigators carefully comb through debris and pieces of third rail inside the devastated interior of this metro north train new details are showing up. >> report of an explosionen 0 the tracks. >> reporter: including possible clues into the mystery of how he will -- ellen brody drove onto the track. as the driver right behind her, rick hope watched the whole horrifying ordeal. first he says the gate came down and he saw her get out of her car. he describes what happened next to gannett's low hub website. >> she walks and gets back in the car, slight hesitation and then moves forward and at that instant the train came. >> reporter: officials say there was an dent that night on a nearby highway which diverted traffic to this road with the railroad crossing but investigators say lights would have been flashing that they found no problems with any of the warning signals. >> the lights at the crossing the flashing lights illuminated and a few seconds later as designed the crossing arm activate activated. >> reporter: in an interview with steven small, the engineer he saw the driver drive on to the track and activated the brake and sounded the horn for four seconds. it was too late. it could not stop in time. he was later credited with helping passengers off the train. >> thank god he sprung into action. ma i wish i could have saved more he said. >> reporter: ellen brody, the mother of three, will be laid to rest this morning. robin. >> all right, linsey thank you very much. we'll go to amy with the other top stories that are developing and happy birthday amy robach. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. that means a lot. good morning to you and everyone else. we begin with questions about the security of turbotax a program used by millions of americans this tax season. this morning the state of minnesota has stopped accepting tax returns filed on turbotax because of what officials call potential fraud. they say some users logged into the site only to find a return had already been prepared in their name. similar cases have been reported in 19 other states. and china may be to blame for the massive data breach at anthem, the country's second largest health insurer. the cyberattack which compromised the personal information of up to 80 million americans is similar to the work of chinese hackers. the breach is evidence of the growing cyberthreat against health care companies. experts say many are unprepared. president obama is preparing to ask congress to authorize military force against isis. new video shows warplanes from jordan bombing isis training centers in syria. jordan has promised this is only the beginning of its campaign against the terror group. a possible truce in eastern ukraine. the government and pro-russian rebels have agreed to form a so-called humanitarian corridor allowing civilians to flee the fighting. today european leaders are in moscow presenting a peace plan to president putin. and a big headline overnight. debate is raging about an nba tar's comments to a female referee during last night's game. chris paul was slapped with a technical foul after questioning a call made by lauren holtkamp one of the league's two female officials. paul called her ruling terrible and ridiculous and said "this might not be for her." many critics calling that remark sexist. and a nasty crash for bode miller just back from his hiatus. he crashed after hooking his arm on a gate. happened during a race in colorado. he suffered a hamstring injury requiring surgery. but then he later tweeted this picture calling the surgery a success. thumbs up there. finally, speaking of thumbs up, giving that to another photo. touching moment of human kindness that shows a teenager who just bought a necktie at target and a worker he just met who showed him how to put it on. a shopper snapped this picture as the teen was heading to his first job interview at the chick-fil-a restaurant down the street. other employees then gathered to give him advice on what to say during the interview telling him how to give a strong handshake. some were teary-eyed as they sent him off and so this morning we decided to wake up the manager of that chick-fil-a -- i'm not kidding -- and say did he get the job? we're waiting. we'll find out next week. the application is in review. fingers crossed. >> you got me a little teary-eyed. >> he asked for a clip-on tie and said they didn't have one and then they -- >> he didn't know how to tie a tie. >> someone showed him. it is a good story. >> good luck. thank you. turn now to that controversy surrounding brian williams. he has apologized after veterans criticized for falsely claiming he was on a helicopter in iraq hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. david wright is here with that story. >> good morning, george. this controversy threatens to tarnish the reputation of america's number one news anchor. it's a war story, brian williams has told time and again in various forms but soldiers there say that's not how they remember it forcing williams to apologize. >> i made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago. >> reporter: on nbc "nightly news" wednesday brian williams corrected a story he ran last friday night. >> i want to apologize. i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. >> reporter: that story paid tribute to a soldier whose platoon williams claimed saved his life at the start of the iraq war when williams and his team were embedded with u.s. forces. the news anchor took his old war buddy, now retired to a new york rangers game. >> ladies and gentlemen, during the iraq invasion u.s. army command sergeant major tim turpak was responsible for the safety of brian williams and his nbc news team after their chinook helicopter was hit and crippled by enemy fire. >> reporter: a heartwarming reunion spoiled after nbc posted the story to its facebook page. sorry, dude i don't remember you being on my aircraft flight engineer lance reynolds wrote in the aircraft. i do remember you walking up about an hour after we landed to ask me what hadhaed. mike o'keefe even called brian williams a liar. >> our colleague brian williams is back in kuwait city after a close call in the skies over iraq. >> reporter: in 2003 williams' initial reports were vague about whether his helicopter was hit. but his "dateline" version has this detail. >> on the ground we learned the chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. >> reporter: over the year however, his story has changed. on alec baldwin's radio show. >> did you think you would die? >> briefly. sure. >> reporter: and on david letterman -- >> two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one i was in. >> no kidding. >> rpg and ak-47. >> reporter: there are conflicting accounts by chopper piles who flew him and his crew. the controversy as been trending for two days. #brianwilliamsmisremembers. late night comedians are starting to weigh in too. >> williams said the helicopter part was true but it was a coin operated helicopter outside of a chuck e. cheese. >> reporter: nbc news has had no comment beyond williams' on-air apology for last friday's piece. on last night's broadcast no mention at all of the story. still, a lot of unanswered questions out there and we should note that stars and stripes magazine broke this story picking up comments from the nbc facebook page. >> thank you. now to a new mexico man who thought he won the jackpot and was told don't go spending it just yet. see, this was a misprint on the ticket and was told, no he didn't win. with more than $500,000 on the line he is fighting back. take a look at this ticket. see that speck. that is what stands between one man and more than $500,000 he believes is his. >> he won. he matched the same 1, the sheing and air-conditioning technician thought he hit the jackpot on his ruby 7 ticket. you can see it here. according to the rules, for every number 1 or 2 he is supposed to win the prize for the amount underneath. >> the new mexico lottery has decided they're not paying it. >> but the lottery claims it is a jack not pointing this out. officials told wines that's an error on his ticket making his win invalid. >> we believe the statute is very clear that the game is about matching numbers. he matched those numbers. they need to pay or basically they're cheaters. >> reporter: but instead of trying his luck again at the lottery -- wines is now looking for luck in court suing the new mexico lottery for 55$500,625 what he believes it is worth. while lottery officials told us they can't comment on the litigation its not just about the fortune to be had but make sure this misfortune doesn't happen to anyone else. yeah so we say he's not whining. >> no. >> he's got a good case. >> seems like he does have a great case. >> we'll be watching. >> we certainly will but now we'll watch the west coast, ooh. they're going to get hammered with rain. >> especially northern bay area. let me take you to some of the areas going to be concerned about this. not just all of that rain but wind advisory talking sustained winds 25 to 35 miles per hour. gusts to 60 miles per hour. that's why you see the orange on the map back that parts of the rockies. it is the some of the spots that always flood, look out. record-high temperatures could be broken in denver. your local forecast is 30 seconds away, first the weekend is brought to you by roil caribbean. >> reporter: not exactly crews weather around here, david murphy with an update from accuweather. we're dry on storm tracker 6 live double scan. as we head outside sun is coming up over the horizon, it's cold, temperatures in the teens and windchills in the single digits. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a chilly high of 33. not as windy, but cold. tomorrow 46. looks like we will not get much precipitation on sunday high of 50. 44 monday, rain/snow mix. # # it's 83 today. >> you're going to do it respect you? >> happy birthday. >> somebody really sent her a gift. >> just tweeted my freshman year high school yearbook page. >> we'll have to share that. also coming up on "gma," three members of the coast guard involved in a deadly shootout. the explosive incident under investigation this morning. and an abc news exclusive. the wife of a former deputy white house counsel tells her dramatic survival story the night her husband tried to kill her. >> "sports illustrated" is under fire for their most popular issue of the year. perhaps did they go too low. sam smith versus the leading ladies of rock 'n' roll. when you don't get enough sleep... and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're pringles tortillas. they're so good they don't need dip. can i have some from your bowl? please. hmmm. not bad right? think i'll have some more. that's a double dip... you double dipped. pringles tortillas. so good you don't dip 'em you air dip 'em. pringles! [music throughout] ♪because i love you♪ [announcer] this is my business. i believe in it. i live it and breathe it. i put my heart and soul... ...blood,sweat and tears into it. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... ...he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... ...he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... ...with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. ♪ buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. >> good morning chopper 6 flew over the scene of a water main break in kensington this morning. crews have shut off the water now the streets are icing up near howard and north hope street. let's depot over to karen rogers -- let's go over to karen rogers. >> reporter: you have howard and hope street that are freezing. a number of streets are closed, including howard and berk, use hancock and diamond to avoid the problems. we have a multi-vehicle on 422 eastbound one vehicle off to the side eastbound traffic extra heavy past 29 to 23 where you had the multi-vehicle accident. we had debris in the right lane. a vehicle fire bucks county street road, watch for emergency workers coming to the scene. we have a problem yet another water main break this is new castle county, 132 eastbound. sun rising over camden, looks like you'll need the sunglasses, but you step outside -- >> reporter: you need the the sunglasses, but it's cold. 14 in trenton. 8 degrees below in allentown and 3 in philadelphia. the seven day from accuweather shows a high of 33. fair amount of sunshine, but clouds, cold not as windy. tomorrow, 46 sunday not much pretip of sip sayings -- precipitation, the model shifting milder air in. monday is messy. "g.m.a." looks at the grammys which are coming up and we'll see you back here in 30. narrator: gas prices are down helping middle class families. but now, the white house wants to impose title ii regulations on your internet meaning new government taxes and fees. every month: you'd pay more. 11 billion dollars a year in new taxes and fees. internet freedoms can be protected with the white house and congress working together, but imposing new tax increases through public utility style regulations will hurt middle class families let's protect the internet we love without regressive taxes and fees. no to title ii. good morning, america. on this friday morning, right now a bitter cold blast sending much of the country into ray deep chill. now the northeast bracing for another storm this weekend. >> also right now, a violent confrontation between members of the coast guard, the gunman taken into custody at gunpoint. the wife of a former deputy white house counsel speaking out on the night her husband tried to kill her. her dramatic story told for the first time in an abc news exclusive with amy. all right. good morning america. big friday ahead including a big weekend ahead for music, the grammys sunday night. we have sam smith going head-to-head with beyonce and taylor swift. there he is right there. but look who else is here this morning, t.j. ♪ >> we can see t.j. we just can't hear him. >> you can't hear me? >> now we can. >> i was saying important stuff there. but we are going to talk about whether or not we'll give this crown to sam smith because he's got to take it from the queen bey first. hope you can hear me later, george. >> okay, t.j., thanks very much. a lot more coming up but right now to that rampage on cape cod where a member of the coast guard shot two fellow service members killing one of the women and then ambushed police in a wild shootout. abc's paula faris here with that. >> reporter: hello, george the coast guard is in shock trying to figure out why three of its active duty members were involved in a deadly shooting. one that authorities claim was a calculated and cold-blooded execution. the coast guard known for its heroic rescues at sea. but this morning, authorities say this coast guard member isn't a hero. he is a killer accused of attacking two women also active duty members of the coast guard before taking aim at police. >> need a rescue to 11 round house road for a possible gunshot wound. >> reporter: police say 31-year-old adrian loya drove from his coast guard base in virginia to bourne massachusetts, and stayed at this hotel for several days before allegedly shooting the two women early thursday morning. >> it was a very crazy and hectic scene. you certainly don't see that every day. once in a career type thing. >> reporter: according to police loya an i.t. specialist then set up an elaborate ambush on the cops setting his car on fire and planting what appeared to be bombs just outside the scene of the crime. they say he then lie in wait opening fire once emergency responders arrived. one officer was shot but thankfully survived. heavily armed with three rifles and a handgun loya finally surrendered. >> the suspect did give up and we took him into custody. >> reporter: police discovering his two alleged victims, one of those women dead from a gunshot wound. the other wounded but alive was airlifted to a nearby hospital. loya's attorney not elaborating on the nature of his relationship with those women, only saying they knew one another prior to the incident. >> it was some type of relationship and other than recognizing that or acknowledging that i wouldn't want to go any further than that. >> reporter: loya now charged with eight counts including murder and a community asking why this happened. now, court docs have been sealed but police believe he may have attacked those women because of a previous disagreement. as for the women's identities neither has been released and the surviving female in the hospital listed in stable condition but everyone wondering what the motive is. >> strange one. thanks very much. to amy. now to an exclusive on a story that rocked washington just months ago, a former white house lawyer and undersecretary of commerce was convicted and sentenced for the attempted murder of his wife and the mother of their two children. she's lived in fear ever since but is now telling her story for the first time. he was the washington power player former white house counsel. she, a prominent attorney a match of success and wealth. but what went on behind closed doors that night in january shocked a community. >> she began screaming to me. >> my husband is trying to kill me. i'm going to die. >> reporter: after 12 rocky years, mary margaret had just served divorce papers to her husband. you put the children to bed. your baby in her crib. and then you go into the master bedroom. >> uh-huh. >> and he's there in his pajamas. >> yes. >> what happens? >> he came at me. he put his hands out and he put his hands around my neck. tackled me to the floor and started slamming my head into the floor while he was strangling me. he's punching me ripping out my hair. i felt like i was being scalped. as he was throwing my head to the floor he said "i'm killing you." >> reporter: the former deputy counsel to the president of the united states begins clubbing his wife with a metal flashlight. >> and i thought, i'm dying. and then i was thinking i've got to hold it together. i have to stay conscious so i can save the girls. i have to get help here. by the grace of god or angels i just popped up and i ran to our daughters' room and i said to the car right now. daddy's trying to kill me. >> reporter: you got the baby. >> i got the baby. i held her like a football under my arm. >> the power of a mom trying to make sure her children are safe. living and hiding to this day mary margaret agreeing to come out of the shadows for this first interview. tell me why you want to share your story. >> i think when the severity of abuse getting to where i ended up with most women in that situation never get to speak out because they're dead. but i felt it was just critical to speak out and to caution women in terms of getting involved with someone who shows his abusive tendencies. >> because mary margaret told me there were warning signs from the beginning and understandably this is her passion. she wants to take something that was so horrific so devastating and nearly fatal and save lives because women need to know that they're not alone and that there is help. >> so powerful when she said she wanted to be a voice for those who are no longer here because of the abuse they faced. so much more of your interview on "20/20" i want to start with a tornado in florida reported yesterday. we have the video. there were strong thunderstorms that moved through with the same cold front that is bringing all that cold air. the temperature in boco raton in the low 60s. it's cold for them. montgomery feels like 20 and memphis feels like 24. the cold air has sunk south but only for so long. we'll see mild air marching in the next couple of days and the weekend. look at philadelphia because they are south of the front. that's making the snow up to the north, 50 by sunday and rain showers. atlanta in the mid 60s. new orleans, it is 7 in the 70s. you're right ginger, things are getting better over the weekend. we're dry and cold. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast we've got switches in the single digits. winds are not as strong, but high of 33. raw, better over the weekend though. # of some piled air. >> people would live south of us. all right, thank you. we're extended family. coming up could drinking coffee prevent cancer? the new study with surprising findings on the medical benefits of your morning cup. it's the most revealing schwimmer cover ever. now the growing firestorm over whether "sports illustrated" finally went too far. come on back. introducing the new subway "simple 6 menu". six of our best six-inch subs- like the italian bmt and tender turkey breast! with a 21-ounce drink and a bag of chips for just $6 every day. it's value made simple. subway! ♪ at jared, we have a lot more jewelry than ordinary jewelry stores. more is good. i want to find her something special. but our jewelry is so much more than just...more. we have unique jewelry you won't find anywhere else. like our hearts desire collection crafted only with ideal cut diamonds. this is totally her. but wait...there's more. awwww... we call it "the awww moment." and that's why... ...he went to jared. the galleria of jewelry. feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out knock it out, fast. abreva. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. [ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® we are back now at 7:42 with the revealing new cover of "sports illustrated," the schwimmer edition and wanted to add or needed to add, frankly, a ribbon to what you're about to see there or not see there. the cover has always got a lot of bare skin but this has a lot of people asking how low can you go? abc's mara schiavocampo has our story. >> reporter: it's one of the most highly coveted covers in modeling. showcasing bikini clad bombshells from christie brinkley to kate upton to queen bey. now, "sports illustrated" handing the crown to 24-year-old hannah davis. surprising derek jeter's girlfriend on tuesday with the news -- >> oh my god. >> reporter: but this morning the steamy cover of the february 9th issue is heating up more than just the internet. it's also adding fuel to the fiery debate over how sexy is too sexy for mainstream media. at issue, davis pulling her bikini bottoms so low we can only show you this edited version. now, some claiming the photo is too risque even pornographic posting, this is "sports illustrated," not playboy. and more than a little disturbing being in a checkout line with my kids seeing a cover of a grown woman yanking on her panties. others coming to the cover's defense comparing davis' photo to past poses. tyra banks baraff yely kate upton, all the same pose get it girl. >> they've been pushing it every year and controversy sells magazines. surprisingly they actually have a fairly high female readership. >> reporter: "sports illustrated" is defending the pic telling abc news after 50 years of schwimmer, what everyone knows is that one person's risque is another's sexy. either way, this schwimmer cover is certainly making a splash. abc mara schiavocampo new york. >> they got everybody talking about it. mara thank you. coming up on "good morning america" -- fifty shades of drama. the new backlash swelling up -- really you wrote that around the highly anticipated movie. >> they wrote it but you said it. great names in music about to go head-to-head for grammy gold. will sam smith steal the show from the ladies of rock 'n' roll. but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. you need colgate enamel health toothpaste. its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... for stronger, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. colgate enamel health toothpaste. and for sensitive teeth, try new colgate sensitive toothbrush with built-in sensitivity relief pen. 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"good morning america" is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. and coming up our epic "shark tank" live event. kevin o'leary is here about to help these newlyweds make an important choice about debt and john olver is here with us live. stay with us. good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 on this friday, february 6. let's head over to karen rogers, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, a multi-vehicle accident has cleared, eastbound is jammed from 29 to 23, we're looking at a 19 minute ride eastbound. we have an accident that's closing germantown pike eastbound. you can cruise ridge pike to deal with this accident causing a problem that's new. we have an accident over here and a couple of things in bucks county one at act with -- aqutong road. street road and bucks county emergency workers on the scene. a water main break is closing cleaved avenue. expect it to be icy tam. >> good to keep in mind. let's go to sky6 live hd and take a look out across philadelphia international. and then we'll go outside to david murphy. it's bitterly cold today. >> reporter: it is tam, we have sun up over the horizon we're in the teens everywhere else in the region. allentown, 7 degrees and 8 in reading. when you factor in a light wind it's 6 below in allentown and a windchill of 4 in philadelphia. bundle up. this afternoon winds not as bad as yesterday. a fair amount of sunshine, high of 33. milder over the weekend saturday 46. sunday looks like we'll not get much precipitation at all high of 50. so mild. monday, 44. rain arriving through the region. up in the northern suburbs a little bit of a mix is possible. >> that's it for "action news," we'll send you back to "g.m.a." and see you in 30. ♪ you make me feel ♪ good morning, america. it's 8 a.m. and get ready to get scandalized. raiding olivia pope's closet. right down to the white hat. and 50 shades of drama. the movie now under fire. the growing controversy right now around the racy thriller. ♪ bang bang ♪ hot new way to change your hairstyle in an instant. putting the beauty bar boom business to the test. the envelope please. we have a big oscar announcement right here first rolling out the red carpet revealing new details about hollywood's biggest night just moments away. all that and cody simpson live as we say -- >> good morning, america. we certainly do say good morning, america, on this friday. this is teen superstar cody simpson. remember him from "dancing with the stars." signing autographs right here. >> my girls are very excited. they love "surfboard." cannot wait for the new one. >> his new one is called "flower" and he'll be performing that. >> look who else is here kevin o'leary from "shark tank." he'll be back in "shark tank" court. we have a newly married couple madly in love but they get into big disagreements over how to spend and save money. kevin will get into that. >> radio disney deejay brooke taylor is there getting us fired up for the weekend, tgif everybody. i mean really with total sincerity. >> what else are we hearing right now? ♪ sounds like we got a major oscars announcement coming. >> wow. >> the man with the envelope. >> thank you very much. >> you can stay. see, what do we have here? oscars opening ceremony live from the red carpet. who will it be hosted by? robin roberts, lara spencer and michael strahan. >> oh wow! >> you guys going to be joined by jest kagand joe zee ee. >> do you have a speech? >> i have nothing prepared. i'd like to -- >> we have a lot of fun doing it and we have some new things in store for this year but what's great is that we're all going to be out there and the morning after we're all together and -- >> barely made it last year. got there just in time. >> we remember that so it's an exciting time. >> so exciting. look forward to it. congratulations. >> thank you. then hey, you can decide what -- well some of the things we ask on the red carpet. be nice now. head to our "gma" facebook page and tell us what you want to know about your favorite stars and we will incorporate those questions into ours looking for the best never before asked questions so bring it on. >> love having that research help. the opening ceremony live from the red carpet airs sunday february 22nd beginning at 7 p.m. right here on abc. and right now we have to get to the news amy. >> good morning, everyone. and we begin with growing concern about the measles outbreak. new cases popping up in yet another city a day care near chicago says five babies have been diagnosed with that virus. another 10 infants are in quarantine, all of them too young to be vaccinated. some parents still refusing to immunize their children but health officials insist the vaccine is safe. on wall street the dow is on track to wrap up its best week since 2011. all eyes today will be on the monthly jobs report which is expected to show 230,000 jobs created in january making the strongest consecutive months of job growth since 1994. and we now have new details about that plane crash in taiwan. indications this morning that pilot error could be to blame. the black boxes reveal the pilot reported something went wrong just five seconds after takeoff. five seconds later, the plane's right engine shut down the pilots then decided to shut down the left engine before trying to restart it. the plane crashed moments later killing at least 35 people. in medical news another possible benefit of drinking coffee. a new study found women who drink three or more cups a day are 18% less likely to develop uterine cancer than those who drink less than one cup. in florida two police officers are being honored for rescuing a pan from a burning car. you can see them smashing the window reaching in and eventually dragging him to safety. amazingly, he was treated only for minor burns. a jaw-dropping sail in the art work. someone paid nearly $300 million for this 1892 painting by paul gauguin. the new owner is reportedly from qatar. finally, if you're dreading doing your taxes -- >> yep. >> just imagine being tom brady. "forbes" reports his super bowl win could set him back $63,000 come tax time. he has to pay income taxes on the $97,000 bonus he got for winning the game and the pickup truck, he's giving it away but will be liable for the income and gift taxes on that. almost two-thirds of the truck's value but malcolm butler won't have to pay any taxes and i'm pretty sure brady can handle the bill. >> we're not supposed to feel bad. >> did you see the tongue in my cheek. >> firmly implanted. >> exactly. >> thanks amy. over to lara in the social square. >> here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first in "pop news," we have a "star wars"-themed wedding that goes over the top burning up the internet. show you the pictures and explain why. kevin o'leary is here from "shark tank" answering viewer questions. tweet us with them. beauty bar business. hair extensions on the spot. we'll do that and a live reveal coming up and i'll grab a coat because it is chilly here in new york. thank you, eddie. i got to get outside because cody simpson is with us. hi, everybody. got him coming up on "gma" so don't go anywhere. 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>> you chuckle now. have you two girls. you don't know what they'll have you doing when they walk down the aisle. >> the idea was hers. she's the "star wars." don't blame him. i wanted the stormtroopers to walk me down the aisle. finally, guy, sometimes on friday you're just like this. take a look at this video. pretty kitty, just cannot be bothered. yeah she's thirsty and at 4:00 for a glass of wine but not getting up. why would she? you know, i mean she's just had it. you know what this guy can relate. he's had it too. this is chewbacca. >> a lot of animals today. >> a sloth who is all about dievening and reclining. >> and he's a sloth. >> that sounds pretty darn good for this "pop news" edition on friday. good night. >> is that the first time we've seen a sloth? >> no and definitely not the last. >> "heat index" with ginger. >> how about this crowd? let's get it going. i need your help. the windchill ischill is above zero. hey, amanda it is your birthday. where you from? >> cleveland ohio. >> it's freezing out in cleveland, ohio. it's colder in niagara falls. heavy snow looks to fall in interior you would vermont, new hampshire and maine. out west, already very rainy and windy this morning. the gusts up to 60 miles per hour. someplaces could see 70. dangerous on the roads too. that's the big picture let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy here, storm tracker 6 live hd double scan showing we're dry and it is as your sunny. we have windchills in the teens. bundle up as you go outside. high of 33 windchills in the low to mid 20s for the best of times. 46 for the saturday, we have a shot of 50 on sunday, not much precipitation, more of that on monday. # texas. >> texas. >> texas. >> texas. >> texas. >> all from texas robin. tcu frogs they told me to say. >> looking good thank you, ginger. just hanging out with deejay brooke taylor and the "heat index." that major backlash days before "fifty shades of grey" hits theaters. some saying the movie sends the wrong message calling it degrading to women. here's abc's aditi roy. >> i am. >> reporter: it's the best-selling romance series that's now poised to take the box office by storm. >> mr. grey will see you now. >> reporter: the "fifty shades of grey" series selling 100 million copies worldwide and now with just one week until it's valentine's weekend release the movie version of the erotic page turner is already prompting a huge surge in advance ticket sales. >> oh my god. >> reporter: but this morning a new controversy surround the racy thriller. the national center on sexual exploitation launching a campaign against the film called "fifty shades is abuse saying it glam rises violence against women. >> when you strip away the glitz, glamour, fancy suit fancy soundtrack to the film this is really just a movie about domestic violence and abuse against women. >> reporter: that view gaining momentum on social media. another anti-"shades" campaign using the #fiftydollarsnotfiftyshades calling for moviegoers to boycott it and donate the money they would spend to women's shelters. others arguing "fifty shades" encouraging women to explore their sexuality in a healthy way. >> the beauty to me of the book is getting women and couples talking about sex and exploring fantasies and i think that's a good thing. >> reporter: whether exciting or exploitive moviegoers will get to decide themselves when it hits theaters next friday. for "good morning america," aditi roy, los angeles. >> pick it up right over here. >> i'll take it over here. time to "shark tank: your life." kevin o'leary is back chief judge in our "shark tank" court and on the docket a newly married couple and these newlyweds are dealing with a conflict over finances. not unusual at the start of a marriage. >> money is the thing that keeps marriages together and can force them apart. so important and people don't get it. most important thing every couple should do whether married or engaged or where they are in their life cycle make sure over a three-month period they're bringing in more than they spend. you'd be amazed how many couples don't know the answer to that. it ends up on credit card debt. >> once you get into that spiral no way to get out. >> number one reason people get divorce divorced is money not infidelity. >> let's learn more about what brought this couple here. meet natasha and j.p. smith. they're madly in love but are divided when it comes to finances. >> marriage is in itself a partnership which is a type of business. >> a type of business? >> it is. >> marriage is not a business. >> reporter: their dispute how to handle $8,000 of credit card debt. >> i have five credit cards. >> reporter: j.p. wants to pay off all the debt right away invest in the stock market. >> i'd like to pay off the debt immediately. >> reporter: natasha thinks it's more important to pay over time and save money for a rainy day. >> i would like to have a little nest egg versus just paying everything off and being left with zero at the end of the day. >> reporter: what will judge kevin o'leary decide? >> kevin, you are a smart man. you know who the right person is. >> okay "shark tank" court in session. today's case natasha versus j.p. how will they pay off that $8,000 debt. kevin, take it away. >> each make your case. j.p., what do you think you should do. >> kevin my wife loves the security blanket of a big savings account. but when you're bleeding interest pay off the debt invest the rest and let your money work for you is my philosophy. >> all right, natasha. >> i think kevin better safe than sorry. we both have volatile incomes. i believe paying off the debt is important but i'm a freelancer. we both don't know how much is coming in nest egg, rainy day fund. that's what i want to do. >> i have to make a ruling here. >> yeah. >> i'll tell you right away you've got out of hand with your credit card debt. it's 19% to 21%. i can't make that in the market as an investor. the best investment you can make a guarantee ofings account will even come close to match -- >> you're making less than 1% on a savings account. that's how you make a return of 19%. but on the other hand i have to say to natasha, important to save too so what i'm going to rule is both of you take 10% of your income and i know it varies because you're both contractors so there's risk in that. every time you make a paycheck take 10% and put it in a savings account in your own name and that's a one-way ticket. it never comes out. you can spend the interest but never the principal. >> they both have individual savings accounts. what other account should they have. >> one credit card each in their own names and so that that forces you as a couple to make decisions together about how you spend but you want to get out of debt right now. force yourself to save 10% and that will be there for you for the rest of your life and in your own name so natasha, you keep your financial independence and create iron credit. the agencies look at you as independent people even though you're very much in love and together. what keeps it together is a great financial pillar of stability and that's what you'll do if you follow my advice. >> what do you think? >> thank you, kevin. >> thank you, kevin. that was -- i like the fact that you said that you're a little bit more on my side. >> listen i'm both with you. >> you're convinced? >> i like the advice very much. yes. >> okay so when i see you again in a year i want to see no debt. >> yes. >> you got it. >> you got it. >> absolutely. that's wonderful. now go forward and procreate with capital. >> good luck, guys. kevin, thank you. over to lara. >> thank you very much and next in our "heat index" we have the latest beauty on the go trend. it's really taking off. this is a new business rolling out hair extensions that will make your hair look longer and more luxurious and in no time flat. linzie janis tried it out. >> reporter: from rows to blow-outs even a little air brushing and now the latest venture in speedy styling. hair extensions. typically a trend dominated by celebrities like kim kardashian megan fox and ryihannarihanna. przl a new beauty bar is now offering services fit for a princess deliver rg3 luscious long locks just like disney's rapunzel in an hour. its founders founding it after realizing there was a great demand with few solutions. >> i wanted to have fuller hair like i did in my 20s and found it was difficult to get. >> the bar offering three times of extensions. the quickest option clip ins. >> they get clipped into your head like a barrette. >> but will cost you a pretty penny, about $250 and only last for one day but they are reusable. if you want your fast follicles to last a little longer the salon suggests tape extensions. >> a double doze of gorgeousness. >> they run about $350 but last up to eight weeks. the third treatment rpzl text. revolutioning it by using ultrasound to apply the air instead of heat. the treatment costing a whopping 550$550 to $850 and said to last three months or more. it's amazing. having worn my hair short sinces of a kid. i decided it was time for a change. let's do it. >> tah-dah. >> wow. >> total time it took. >> i didn't even know that was you. >> me either. >> i thought it was a special correspondent. >> i feel like barbie. >> so how long? i saw you come in this morning. right. >> with the bob i had forever. >> i have the clip-in kind so only took 20 minutes, together with a shampooh and blow dry, i could do it on my lunch hour. the long ones are the really advanced hair extensions. i can also bring them back and reuse them. it's real hair and put them in for the price of a blow dry. >> you look like a different person but you -- very pretty. >> normally so expensive. >> we can all look like celebrities now. >> looking good. coming up we have some great deals. stay with us, we'll be right back. >> police are searching for a robber who shot and killed a 51-year-old man overnight it happened before midnight on south paxton street in southwest philadelphia. the gunman shot the man 17 times, at pointblank range. 8:27, friday morning checking traffic with karen rogers. hi karen. >> reporter: hey matt, we have sunshine, it's cold out there traffic is moving okay. we're jammed on i-95 southbound from cottman to girard. we have an accident germantown town pike eastbound shot down between evansberg road and skippack pike. lots of problems with mass transit. they are having switching problems wilmington/newark outbound no service at churchman's crossing. 20 minute delays media/elwyn. market frankford line no express trains, everything is local. new schedules go into effect on sunday and monday for a lot of lines and area buses and city and suburban buses. >> it's cold out there. >> reporter: we have sunshine up over the horizon but we're dealing with chilly temperatures. single digits in allentown and reading. feels like 4 in philadelphia and below zero in the lehigh valley. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a high of 33. not as windy as yesterday but coat weather. better tomorrow, gathering clouds we have a shot of 50 on sunday, very little precipitation, monday messy but largely rainy. >> see the girl scout troop that may have set the record for the most girl scout cookies sold in one day at ♪ i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ oh i know i'll never be the stars up in your sky but i'll pick you a flower ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> cody simpson warming up times square. wow. >> just ahead. hey, got everybody outside. >> robin. momma robin made us all come outside. >> last week tonight with john oliver. we'll talk to him in a minute. >> so funny. radio deejay brooke taylor is with us spinning us into the weekend and want to know the nominees for the radio disney music awards announce noed friday february 27th and airs april 26th on the disney channel. robin. >> they look so warm inside. >> happy our fans are here with us. >> thank you. i'm really excited for this segment. i had the chance to go where few women have gone before. in olivia pope's closet. i went behind the scenes of one of tv's -- i love how george runs away. fleeing right now. one of tv's most fashionable shows to learn scandalous style secrets. take a look. >> in the winter premiere of "scandal" olivia pope gave new meaning to the term wonder bra. it was an unusual look for the normally glamorous gladiator on a show where the clothing takes on a character of its own. it takes a dedicated wardrobe team led a lynn palo to pull it all together. how much input does the cast have with you? how much is it you and how much is the cast collaboration? >> absolutely. it's the crypt first. we read the script and figure out what we're doing and then it's usually me and the actor in the room and then you know we brainstorm a little bit. what about this? at this point other than shonda they know this person so much better than i could possibly know them. we just talk about it and come up with these ideas. >> reporter: olivia pope's wardrobe room is a fashion lover's dream come true. >> the shoes. >> the shoes. >> oh, my. >> a whole gallery of shoes. >> what side are those shoes? >> i don't know. >> what size -- they look a little too small for me. >> they're yummy, respect they? >> yummy is the word for them. >> do not repeat this anyone. >> i like her pajamas. wine and popcorn look. we love that. all this beautiful satin and the cashmere cardigans underneath which is just her at home lounging. i'd love to lung like this wouldn't you? >> that would be nice. what is the story behind this? >> this was a gown that she wore to a white house event and it was when she was more conflicted so we went with the black and white. it's completely black lace in the pack and try to use color to express those moments of conflict and when she's being olivia pope the white knight she's in white. when they are world gets a little muddy she's in grays and navy blues. when she's in pink that's romantic. >> five minutes. >> now clearly in peril we hope olivia gets to don her white knight armor soon. until then i'll keep an eye on it. >> season four and still talking about the white coat and the white hat which is here for your perusal. >> oh there's the hat. may i -- >> you may. >> may i approach the hat. >> may i abroach the hat. >> this is brilliant. >> this is stunning. >> it's a little bit diana ross. >> that is a little diana ross. >> i love it. it's really amazing. i hope it's going to fit you. oh there we go. a little to the side. >> yes, you've got it going on. in don't you dare! huh? >> not quitting my day job any time soon and be sure to tune in zap zap thursdays 9:00 8:00 central on abc and lyn's suggestion was if there's something you like buy multiples. you know if your favorite blouse or something, then buy that you're comfortable in buy multiples. >> i think that was your audition. i think you're on. that was really good. >> hey, next thursday portia de rossi will be here live on "gma" so we're looking forward to having portia here with us. final check of the weather. >> let's get inside. are you guys okay? are you dealing? oh my we have to check around the nation, some of the photos you've been sending, rally beautiful. even -- really beautiful. how about orange beach alabama looking warmer there. record warmth in kansas, 78. denver 67. rapid city, 68. here's a look across the nation across weekend. milder before the snow moves in new england. that's the big picture, let's get check closer to home. >> reporter: it's looking better for the weekend but for now we have sunny conditions on storm tracker 6 live double scan, looking out the window, this afternoon's high, 33. 46 saturday, 50 on sunday. the d-town boogie. >> john oliver what a breakthrough first season he had on hbo making his mark with smart and surprising sketches like this one right. a supreme court played by nine talking dogs. >> uh-huh. >> "last week with john oliver" returns on sunday. where does that come from? who is sitting around the table saying i know how to cover the supreme court? dogs. >> i think first it's coming from what is objectively funny, dogs dressed up as humans. that's just a fact. >> whether they're playing poker or -- >> supreme court court justices is even funnier than shooting pool. no it was -- we just wanted to try to show how absurd it was there weren't cameras in there and then there is nothing funnier than real animals and we heard they saw it. >> ruth bader ginsburg liked it. >> i heard ginsberg saw it and liked it and i heard that scalia saw it. >> it's a start. i love the metric you have for the stories you're going to do high degrees of difficulty. >> yeah. >> or high degrees of stupidity. >> exactly. those are the two lanes we're in. we'll either do a main story sometimes complicated and doesn't seem funny at first, second or 35th or last. and if we end up doing serious we do the stupidest thing you've seen on television. >> you say stupid but people have been tuning in and what you've been doing on sundays is called investigative comedy. >> they can call it that. i think it's just comedy. i think there is an extra word at the start of that. we want to make sure that the jokes we're telling are built on facts. and sometimes we have to go truffling around for facts that are not immediately available, but, no it's comedy. >> how does it work? you're looking at some stories percolating for a long time. what happens on a week like this week this whole brian williams thing. >> i interdo know if we'll look at that. normally we like to wait. we're only on once a week so late to everything anyway so we've generally moved towards being even later and try to wait until the hubbub has died down and look at it with more per perspective perspective. i don't think we'll look at brian williams. >> how about the "downton abbey," congressman who decorated -- >> that's too tantalizing. as a comedian look there is ee blood in the water. >> we might tune in for that. >> if you cut me till i bleed or put a congressman with a "downton abbey" office in front of me i don't know what you expect me to do. yes, that is catnip to me. >> when you look at it you are doing comedy and you want to make people laugh more than anything else but it's got to be gratifying that you made people think? >> i guess so that's a pleasant by-product but, you know the main thing we're doing is comedy so if you get to the end of a joke and someone is just thinking you have failed. you temperature want an audience at a comedy show to say i thought all the way through that. that was quite a contemplation for the whole time. no reallys a visceral way to judge comedy. if there's not laffer you have failed. >> amazing life on youtube. >> getting hit in the nuts by something. >> i could but we're running out of time so you're saved by that. okay john oliver thanks very much. the show comes back on sunday night. coming up behind the scenes of ginger's incredible adventure in iceland. look at that dramatic footage. life's morning multitasking. it's multiple ideas for growing families and drawers with many layers to show exactly what you need. life's the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. >> amazing life on youtube. in iceland. ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ it's been an incredible week. so enjoyed watching the incredible footage of that live active volcano in iceland. the whole thing captured live here on "gma" earlier this week thanks to drones and ginger you were smack dab there for it all. >> what an adventure. behind the scenes of that un unforgettable trek to the land of fire and ice. hovering just above that bubbling earth. >> oh, my gosh. you can see it. look at this. we're just getting inside that crater. >> witnessing the meeting of mother nature and modern technology. it was the ultimate adventure. drones have in a responsible way a huge future in science. >> reporter: now broadcasting live from iceland above a lava field using drones is no easy feat. >> 380 feet over it. oh my goodness. so how did we get up there? let's rewind a bit to the arrival of our intrepid "gma" crew the journey began saturday when three engineers from london one producer from new york one drone operator from germany and one from san francisco all met up in akureyri iceland. the team drove 2 1/2 hours to pick up 30 cases of equipment including a satellite dish and generators that had been shipped ahead of their arrival. sunday morning it was a six-hour drive to the bardarbunga volcano. our team set up 25 miles to the northeast near an eruption site called eded eded hoularaun. >> in the cold mostly it's battery life and they don't last as longer and if you get too close it becomes too hot and the plastic could melt on these drones. >> reporter: the drones have just 12 minutes of battery life so while our team is hard at work in iceland, that arctic air is not just creeping but racing in david. monday night after reporting on "world news" in new york my race to the airport began. an hour and 15-minute delay later my plane took off for the nearly six-hour flight to iceland where an hour car ride and nearly two-hour-long helicopter ride later i made it just an hour before you heard these words -- >> ginger and our "gma" extreme adventure team are there live as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> a good unforgettable morning indeed. you can see even more of that behind-the-scenes action from my trip to iceland at our website, on yahoo! >> what will you remember mosey. >> just the crew being like i can't believe it worked. i can't we're here and it happened and the proximity, how close we got to the lava. >> so incredible to see how much work went into making that all happen. >> that's the thing. i just dropped in. seriously. dropped this and they had been working for a week. >> just in the nick of time. >> just before it happened so big thanks to all of them. it was magic what happened. >> a lot of people are wondering, anybody in danger around there, the concern for people that live will. >> there is a reason they don't allow people to get that close. we had to have special government permits because that area could flash flood very quickly. if the lava started flowing we had a helicopter to get out and get people to higher ground but you don't want a lot of folks. >> how close do people live -- >> eruptionwise they're far enough away that flash flooding is the only concern. >> ginger thanks again. safe and sound. cody simpson here live performing his new single "flower" right here in times square. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. welcome back to "good morning america." we've got singer/songwriter cody simpson with us. millions of fans as you probably know around the world and this morning he is joining us for his very first televised live performance of his new single called "flower" off his upcoming album "free" and you were saying the album title is apt because it's how you feel. >> where i am in my life branching out as now an independent artist distributing my own music and being -- truly being the singer/songwriter i always wanted to do. >> this song "flower," is it just because you love gardening? >> i love gardening. no it was honestly just a vibe that was kind of freestyle on a voice with this catchy riff and turned into something beautiful. >> and also quite beautiful is something that's happening airing tomorrow. i have to read this, the progressive skating and gymnastic spectacular and it's airing on tomorrow and you are the musical guest for that. >> yeah. >> why is it progressive? oh the look progressive is the sponsor. >> it's different. >> but different in style, right gentleman. >> it's cool. the colgate skating series and i'm actually playing while the skaters and the gymnasts are doing their routines doing routines to my songs and i play live so it's a really cool mixture. >> nice combination. >> of art. athletics and music and i think they'll like it. >> i think they will too. so you can watch that tomorrow but you guys right now have the best seat in the house, i day say. here we go. cody will perform "flower." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh baby ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the stars up in your sky but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ yeah she loves me she loves me not she says she love me has she forgotten that she loves me ♪ ♪ love me one more time i know i'll never be the apple of your eye ♪ ♪ but i can pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ 'cause i meet you down by the end of the road where the sunset glows and the garden grows ♪ ♪ one pair of shoes with 20 holes in the toes ♪ ♪ and i would walk 20 miles just to get to those blue eyes ♪ ♪ if you would smile for me to my surprise i would stay for awhile to see what comes next ♪ ♪ or we could take off our clothes and have long conversations in french ♪ ♪ uh-huh oh baby ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ i know i'll never be the stars up in your sky but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ and she loves me she loves me not she says she loves me has she forgotten that she loves me ♪ ♪ love me one more time i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i'll pick you a flower if you like ♪ ♪ and i said roses are red violets are blue ♪ ♪ i need it if i don't have you chill up on the hill picking daffodils making wishes ♪ ♪ only for you mrs. because i know i'll never be the apple of your eye but i'll pick you a flower ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, thank you so muc thank you, cable for taking longer to upload our family movies. for the slower internet upload speeds. for taking longer to upload my files to the cloud. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. and for never upgrading to 100% fiber optics thank you cable... thank you cable, because if we never had you... ...we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability -- 8 years running. plus, fios has the fastest wi-fi available from any provider, and the most on demand titles to your tv. and only fios gives you upload speeds as fast as your download speeds now's the best time to join the millions who experience the difference. get a fios triple play online for just $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two full years. and now, through february 21st get a $400 bonus with a 2-year agreement. don't wait -- get fios now at this amazing price plus a $400 bonus. hurry, this deal ends february 21st. go to today. h. ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by nationwide. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ >> our thanks again to cody simpson. >> what a voice, huh. >> what a voice. [ applause ] >> i mean like that live. that was something else. he is so talented. also thank to you deejay brooke taylor for spinning us into the weekend and kevin o'leary for coming by for our "shark tank." "shark tank" tonight 9:00 8:00 central. >> i wonder if deejay brooke taylor can fire up some "happy birthday" for amy robach celebrating her birthday go ah. thank you. >> you're always hungry, amy. don't play shy now. >> i am always hungry. that's true. is that red velvet? my favorite. thank you. thank you, everyone. all right. >> have a great weekend, everybody. an apartment fire in center city overnight left a resident injured. the blaze broke out on the second floor of the building on south 17th street before 1:30 a.m. firefighters brought it under control in just ten minutes. 8:57 on this friday, let's turn to karen rogers for a look at the roads. matt. we have an accident in a bad spot, they blocked all labels on route 73 -- all lanes on 73 southbound between 295 and the new jersey turnpike. that's a busy area maybe you're getting off 295 so get on the turnpike. they have all lanes blocked. traffic is moving at 10 miles per hour. atlantic countyster road. >> we were in the teens in philadelphia now. the latest number is 20 degrees. 13 in allentown, when you factor in what is a much lighter wind we're at 7 degrees with the windchill in philadelphia. allentown is out of the of the negatives. zero in the lehigh valley. the search day from accuweather fair amount of sunshine. 33 not as windy. 46 saturday, 50 on sunday, monday looks messy rain philadelphia south a bit of mixing up north. >> police is searching for the killer that shot his victim 17 times at close range in south philadelphia. plus, troubling details about the plane crash in taiwan. word that the pilots may have accidentally turned off one of the engines after the other one failed. seth myers "live" with kelly and michael. i'm matt o'donnell. have a great weekend! tiberius lauderwink can appreciate a simple name. that's why he likes pick 2 from the pennsylvania lottery, the simplest numbers game yet. they've given all your favorite numbers games new, simpler names. play pick 2. easy to play. simple to say. yolanda indrosonovich can appreciate a simple name. that's why she likes pick 5 from the pennsylvania lottery, they've given all your favorite numbers games new, simpler names. and for something really simple, play the all-new pick 2. easy to play. simple to say. >> it's "live with kelly and michael." today, host of late night, seth meyers. and from the new england patriots super bowl tight end rob gronkowski. plus put on your safety gear, the mythbusters are in the building. all next on "live"! [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] >> now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [applause] ♪ kelly: hi.


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20150219

after getting a restraining order against racing's outlaw. what she says about claims of being a government assassin, only on "gma" this morning. the driver was armed with a blue steel handgun, six dogs are in the van. >> and dognapped. these six pooches stolen at gunpoint swiped in a doggie day care van. the desperate search right now for them and the men that stole them. and good morning, america. to our viewers in the west. we want to begin with that developing story in los angeles. the health scare at ucla meld call center where seven people have been infected with the potentially deadly superbug. 200 more at risk. sececilia vega has the latest. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. this superbug is extremely dangerous and it can be deadly. already linked two deaths here at this hospital. the cdc said they don't want to see it spread anywhere in this community. this morning, nearly 180 patients treated at ucla's ronald reagan medical center warned they may have been exposed to a potentially deadly bacteria. >> it's a very potent virulent organism that can cause, you know, death. >> reporter: in a statement overnight the hospital revealing seven patients have tested positive so far and they say an internal investigation found the outbreak may have been a contributing factor in two deaths. the drug-resistant superbug known as cre likely transmitted to patients by contaminated medical scopes. >> if it's not cleaned out, quote/unquote cleaned out appropriately, then it can spread from one person to another. >> reporter: ucla saying it g to the manufacturer. but that it is now using a decontamination process that goes above and beyond the manufacturer and national standards. the new fear, more confirmed cases of a bacteria that by some estimates can kill half of those infected. a similar outbreak from contaminated medical scopes infected more than 30 people in seattle from 2012 to 2014. other confirmed superbug cases in cities like pittsburgh and chicago. in los angeles, federal, state and local health officials are now investigating sending out warning letters to those potentially at risk. those letters offering patients a free at-home testing kit to determine whether they are infected. these patients who are at risk whould have this procedure done between october and january, george. so many questions out here this morning about how this could have happened. and let's get answers from dr. richard besser, thanks, cecilia, very much. you know, rich, you hear this word superbug, sounds so scary. what do we need to know? >> it is very concerning. this isn't the first outbreak that's linked to a scope. cre is one of the worst bugs that we know about because you're almost running out of antibiotics but a couple points people need to know. many people can have this in their body and it won't cause any problem. but you need to identify those people, one, because they could get infected but also if they come into the hospital, and most of these people are in the hospital a lot, you have to use strict contact precautions so they don't spread it to other people. >> i was so surprised to see that these scopes can transmit even though they're sterilized. >> one of the things about it as they've looked in many of these outbreaks they can't find a breakdown in any of those cleaning procedures so there's something going on here, whether they have to change the procedures or not, but there's a reason that scopes are spreading this in hospitals. >> meanwhile, you got very positive news overnight on breast cancer, the treatment for breast cancer. >> yes, so this is very exciting news. one in five women with breast cancer have a type that's called her2-positive, very aggressive. what they found is, in treating women who have this cancer that is spread in their body adding one drug can extend their life by more than a year, to about five years, and with that very few additional side effects. >> and this could have potential for getting cancers earlier, as well. >> yeah, what they're finding is that if you can understand why a cell becomes cancerous and target that, you can come up with treatments like this that improve the outcome, improve lives and have far fewer side effects than many of the treatments we're using. >> love that encouraging news. rich besser, thanks very much. now to record-breaking cold in the east. temperatures more than 30 degrees below zero in some places. take a look at this incredible picture. imprint of the jeep after the driver pulls away. just a sampling of how cold it is. our extreme team covering it all. let's start with you. >> reporter: 15 here. wind chill zero and this is almost 15 degrees warmer than it will be tomorrow. the core of that cold air is sinking south and east. wind chill advisories all of the way to south florida. record possibles in key west. it's not just the northern plains anymore. chicago, this morning, feels like 28 below. st. louis, 10 below. little rock 12. 6, nashville. so many records to be broken and then tomorrow morning, it sinks even farther south and east. the wind chill in miami will be just above freezing. it has happened before. it doesn't happen often. 28 will be tampa then for the northeast, records can break from d.c. to philadelphia. right now, all of that cold air has settled in in the mid-south and that's where we find our matt gutman this morning. >> reporter: that's right, ginger. pretty cold. this thermometer tells part of the story. the steam coming off tells the rest of the story. dangerous in the northeast. including this shopping plaza. >> i don't think had any warning. >> reporter: five people pummelled by snow buried chest high. >> i just saw people buried in the snow. two of them transported to the hospital. >> i moved my head so i could scream for help. there was other people. two other guys were screaming for help too. >> reporter: high winds and white-out conditions changed multiple chain-reaction crashes. black ice blamed for a series of pileups. >> the salt mix is going to be off the table. >> reporter: kentucky i-65. this may look clear, but there may be rough patches. >> here and there, yeah. >> reporter: lake michigan frozen. the delaware river so choked with ice the coast guard had to deploy an ice-breaker. that arctic cold piercing deep into the south. that nashville, it was cold enough for ice hockey on the streets. in these conditions frostbite can set in in just minutes. the problem is it's only going to get colder here. this miami boy takes it very seriously. i have about seven layers on -- one, two, three, four -- you get the picture. george. >> you can stop right there and put that glove back on. cold keeping kids home from school and we're going to go to abc's alex perez in chicago. good morning, alex. >> reporter: hey, good morning, george. it's so cold parts of lake michigan freezing over. the waves creating these huge ice boulders. now, for the fourth time this season chicago public schools and a number of midwest school districts have canceled classes today because of the bitter cold. here in chicago we will struggle to get out of the single digits today and the feel-like temperature will be hovering around 20 below zero. of course, authorities taking no chances, warming centers are open for those who need help escaping the cold and authorities say, if you don't need to be outside today, stay inside. it's simply too dangerous. lara. >> alex, you get inside. thank you so much. we do want to go now to upstate new york and an incredible image for you this morning. niagara falls nearly frozen over creating a spectacle of snow and ice and gio benitez is there for us this morning. and good morning to you, gio. >> reporter: lara, good morning to you. you know, this is the first time i've seen the niagara falls in person and i got to say, this is a spectacular sight. there happens to be a lot of mist right now, because the temperature here, it feels like 17 below zero right now. let's see if we can get the camera to come over here. and you can see the niagara river and you can see all of this ice piled up there. the falls itself, over there, you can see those powerful falls, those aren't going to freeze over because there is so much water. that powerful water coming up from lake erie. this ice building up because that ice is just falling off from that lake. over here, if we can just zoom in real quick, there we go, the mist has come off. you can see those frozen icicles there in the distance, at the niagara falls, and we have a photo right now of what this looked like yesterday. really, really incredible images here at niagara falls, lara. >> gio, i can tell it's hard to talk it's that cold. get inside. we thank you for those images. >> ginger will have more later. now to politics. jeb bush slowly starting to build his case to be president making his first big foreign policy speech wednesday. abc's jon karl is at the white house and, jon, the one thing jeb wanted to make very clear he loves his father, his brother and he even said he loves his mother but he is his own man. >> reporter: indeed, and, you know, being part of a political dynasty that's already produced two presidents has obvious advantages but jeb bush wants people to know he is not just another bush. his brother was president. his father too. and if jeb bush runs and wins, we'd have three straight republican presidents named bush. so when it comes to family, jeb bush wants to make one thing perfectly clear. >> look, just for the record one more time i love my brother, i love my dad, actually love my mother as well. i hope that's okay. [ laughter ] and i admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions that they had to make. but i'm my own man. >> reporter: to make that clear bush acknowledged that his brother, who left office with some of the lowest approval ratings of any president, got some things wrong. >> there were mistakes made in iraq for sure. >> reporter: but it's not that clear-cut. just five years ago, before he was thinking about running himself, jeb bush declared he would support his brother, quote, till death do us part. >> i'm the only republican that was in office when he was in office as president that never disagreed with him and i'm not going to start now. >> reporter: and even now bush has released a list of 21 of his foreign policy advisers, all but two of them worked for either his brother or his father. there's one place where jeb bush is more than happy to plan on the family name, and that is fund-raising, he's tapping into the bush family fund-raising network with great effect. in fact, lara, i expect that he will raise more money in the coming months than all of the other republican presidential contenders combined. >> and, jon, i expect you are right. we thank you so much and now lets turn to amy with this morning's other top stories. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with new concern overnight about rising gas prices after a massive explosion at this exxonmobil refinery near los angeles. the blast so powerful it was equal to a 1.7 magnitude earthquake melting steel and coating buildings in ash. four workers were injured. gas prices could spike as much as 15 cents in california because of production delays. and drivers across the country already paying more to fill up. overnight, aaa reported a 21-cent increase since this time last month. and now to the war against isis. president obama addressing criticism for not using the term islamic extremists. at a white house meeting the president insisted isis fighters are not religious leaders but rather terrorists who have perverted islam. he called on moderate muslims to speak out against terrorism. and hundreds of people attended a vigil for slain hostage kayla mueller in her hometown in arizona. the american aid worker was killed while being held by isis. mueller's brother says he has a hole in his soul that will never be replaced. and new trouble in the standoff with russia. ukraine's president is calling for an international peacekeeping mission in eastern ukraine after pro-russian rebels captured a key town despite their cease-fire agreement. and the las vegas family at the center of a deadly case of road rage is now returning thousands of dollars in donations. they actually shut down the website set up after tammy meyers was shot and killed as outrage donors called them liars. the family initially had said that an angry driver followed meyers home but now police says meyers was shot after she dropped off her daughter and went looking for the driver with her son armed with a gun. well a manhunt is under way as an inmate escaped from a jail caught on camera. watch as the prisoner runs out of the cleaning closet just as a worker opens the door. there he goes. police say he had crawled through the ceiling. he was facing burglary charges. the sheriff blames budget cuts for a lack of guards. well, if you want to feel good about your health and your family and your job, apparently you should head to alaska. the annual so-called well-being study ranks the frontier state number one. hawaii was second. south dakota, third. researchers define well-being as how people feel about their daily lives. and finally, an incredible bird's-eye view. take a look at who walked in front of this webcam at levi stadium. you think that's funny. wait, it gets funnier. the camera was set to track construction work but instead it chronicled this raven. very nice. only we could hear those pipes. no word if this raven was inspired by this seagull we recently showed you who likes to walk behind news anchors. >> it was just an excuse to show that. >> those birds are hams. >> it was just an excuse to show that. >> so funny. >> giant seagull. >> i had a spider behind me before which is fun and frightening. >> scary. >> you just freaked out my daughter ellie. you know that story was for the birds, this story is for the dogs because police, yes, police in chicago are hunting for two men who stole a doggie day care van with six dogs inside. their owners are desperate to get the dogs back and abc's reena ninan has the story. >> the driver was armed with a blue steel handgun and they fled southeast on milwaukee. six dogs are in that van. >> i just want my dog back. >> reporter: this morning an all-out manhunt for these six dogs and the men who stole them leaving their owners worried sick. >> i was so surprised that someone would take a van full of little dogs. >> reporter: police say the pups were inside a van like this one when two armed men stole the van, sped off in the river west neighborhood of chicago. >> everybody's heart is just aching right now. >> reporter: joseph giannini owns urban out sitters and says the driver was taking the dogs home for the day during rush hour traffic when the robber struck. >> it was just that fast. >> reporter: the dogs, scarlet, jaydn, kayla, mochi, busy and even a cutie named brad pitt. >> i got a text from my wife saying that our dog had been kidnapped and i'm like -- i couldn't even comprehend what that meant. >> reporter: their main concern. >> i'm worried about him in this cold weather. >> we really want the van to be left somewhere in an area that people will hear the dogs barking or even see the van. >> reporter: hopeful that these dogs will have their day. >> we'll find their dogs and get their dogs back to them. >> police say a witness actually tried to stop the two men but backed off when one man flashed a gun. police at this hour on the hunt for a 2002 silver chrysler town & country van with illinois plates. >> get those dogs back. >> heartbreaking. >> who does that, really? >> thank you, reena. so, ginger, we're coming back to you and we know what it means, another storm. >> i can't get over that. otis used to go to urban out sitters. i hope they get the dogs back. places are in the midsouth imprisoned by ice and another storm coming. let's take that picture. this is north carolina and that is all ice. you can see it on the bottom of the bench there in the foreground but all the hills rolling behind and hendersonville, north georgia, a lot of pictures coming in like that, and winter storm watch, arkansas through memphis, nashville and just north of atlanta and into north carolina. more coming for friday through the weekend. so how much more? we're worried about ice through most of tennessee back through northeastern arkansas especially. your local weather forecast coming up in 30 seconds. but this morning's cold cities brought to you by royal caribbean. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. we have low clouds and fog until 11 o'clock and sunshine and high clouds and warmer-than-average today through saturday. cooler for oscar sunday. but no rain with the transition. possibly rain next week in the forecast. as far as today, mid-to-upper 60s and a sprinkle of 70s inland and low 60 at the coast. the seven-day forecast shows we are warm. until oscar sunday and we are four to six degrees >> and i had to leave you with this. fall streaks is the name. but fonzie just gave me an idea to stand here. i look like an angel. do i? >> oh, you do. >> or birdman, one of the two. >> thank you, ginger. >> go with angel. coming up, the latest on the american sniper trial. the killer's former girlfriend testifying about his behavior the morning of the murders. also ahead, kurt busch's ex opening up for the first time. what she's now saying about his alleged violent outbursts. it's an abexclusive. plus, vanilla ice arrested accused of burglary. and the behind-the-scenes secrets of that "saturday night live" special revealed. day night live" special revealed. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away on the go. a deliciously fresh and satisfying taste with 12 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ one of the best things about vacation, is that you get to be your best self. so at hilton, we say be deliciously outside your comfort zone. be there when once-in-a-lifetime appears. be promoted to the senior vp of splash. or be the one to make her feel weak in the knees all over again. hilton. ready and waiting for you at 12 distinct brands in over 2,000 cities. explore now at introducing the citi® double cash card. it's a cash back win-win. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. at subway, a great meal starts with a 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good morning i'm eric thomas. developing news in san jose. police announcing a short time ago they made an arrest following a double shooting inside a sports bar. that it happened around 10:00 last night. paramedics rushed two men to the hospital. there's no word on their condition. detectives are still work rg to find out what led up to the shooting. let's get a check on the commute. >> so close to friday, but no. weekend for us here. we can see that we have some brake light brake lights up ahead. we're going to swing the camera around and look at the northbound traffic. not too bad. let's go to the maps because we have a problem here right at 680. it's gumming up the commute there. when we come back, me yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. or the weather window is open from the east bay hills cam. you see absolutely gorgeous sunrise. but we can't. look how thick the fog is. we have about 65 minutes of flight arrival -- that's how long the delays are. 48 in danville. low to mid-50s until you get to hayward at 57 degrees. now if you're coming into san francisco to enjoy the kickoff to the chinese new year it's going to be 59 degrees with guess what goes really well with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. here's a new trick for the same old dinner. try unsloppy joes. pillsbury grands biscuits. ♪ make dinner pop. ♪ we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. right now find our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress starting at $599.99. know better sleep with sleep number. good morning, america. right now, more than half the country under the grip of bitter cold. 27 states on alert this morning. windchills more than 30 below. also right now, the sister of chris kyle's killer taking the stand in the american sniper trial. nascar champion kurt busch's ex-girlfriend opening up about her restraining order against him in an abc news exclusive. good morning, america. so much to get to this morning. and more than 24 million people tuned in on sunday night to watch that "saturday night live" anniversary special. we've been talking about it all week. it was really funny but we are now learning some behind-the-scenes secrets and amy's got them for us in social square. >> that's right. one of the big mysteries of the night was eddie murphy's appearance. we're going to tell you why it was so short and so somber. we know why this morning and we'll have that for you in just a bit. >> a lot of information coming in on twitter. thank you, amy. we'll begin with the american sniper trial. the killer's sister and former girlfriend took the stand yesterday detailing eddie routh's history of erratic behavior. abc's ryan owens has the latest. >> my brother just came by here. he told me that he's committed a murder. >> reporter: the frantic voice behind that call belongs to this woman and wednesday she testified for her younger brother's defense. laura blevins telling the jury eddie routh came to her house just after he killed american sniper chris kyle and his friend chad littlefield two years ago. she testified when she asked why he was driving kyle's pickup he told her "i sold my soul for a new truck." she responded, i love but hate your demons. she and her husband both called 911. >> he says that he killed two guys. they went out to a shooting range. like he's all crazy. he's psychotic. >> he was recently diagnosed ptsd. >> okay, okay. >> reporter: routh, a marine veteran is pleading not guilty by reason of insanity and his ex-girlfriend jennifer weed who testified wednesday may have done more to help that defense than any other witness. she says she argued with him the morning of the murders. the night before she sayshe was paranoid and hadn't showered in weeks. they are listening to us he told her. and asked her to write down her thoughts so the government wouldn't hear them. weed also told the jury that two weeks before that routh held her and her roommate hostage with a decorative ninja sword and butcher knife and said people are out to get us. we need to stay in the apartment. routh was arrested and put back in a mental hospital. he was released the week before the murders. for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news stephenville texas. >> ryan, thank you. michael, i know you have that big exclusive with kurt busch's ex-girlfriend. >> yes, you know kurt busch is one of the top drivers in nascar who earned the nickname the outlaw. in a court this week a judge granted a restraining order to his ex patricia driscoll after she accused him of domestic violence. this morning she's speaking out for the first time. >> i never saw some of the warning signs. >> reporter: it's a case that made national headlines, patricia driscoll claiming her ex-boyfriend nascar star kurt busch assaulted her in september. busch testified he was the one that should be afraid. busch's defense team showed this and testified driscoll boasted of being a trained assassin. he said some things about you in his testimony to the court and said you were a government assassin. now, i'm here to ask you are you an assassin? >> do you feel threatened by me right now? >> it's a big accusation. woo avenue heard people be called a lot of things. >> i'm from west texas. i grew up shooting guns. i own a defense company. you know, i heard some of the most ridiculous accusations in the four days of testimony and it was just -- i can't -- i can't even describe to you how hard it is to sit there and listen to these lies being told about you when you're sitting -- and you can't say anything. >> reporter: the he said/she said court battle was spurned by that court battle in september but driscoll said that wasn't the first time. was there ever any prior incident of violence between the two of you? >> yeah. 2012. 2012 is really bad year. >> reporter: driscoll told me and testified in court that busch had been violent once before in 2012. >> we ended up working it out. >> reporter: busch's attorney told us that allegation of violence in 2012 is quote, flatly untrue. driscoll said their relationship was fine for two more years until this past september on the 26th she drove to see busch with her 9-year-old son after she claims he texted her an her son was in the front of the motor home while she and kurt were alone in the back. >> he didn't look like himself and long story short he was saying some really weird and crazy things very paranoid and he grabbed me by the throat with one hand with the other hand he grabbed my face and he smashed my head into the wall three times. >> was there any warning something like this could happen? >> no way because if i had thought for one second that he was still angry or crazy i never would have even come there. not even if he's sending me these distressed texts because i'm not going to put myself or my son in a situation of danger. that's not the kind of mom i am. >> what was going through your mind after this happened to you? >> shock. you just can't believe that someone that you love who you spent four years with could hurt you like this. it's unbelievable. i pushed his hands away and i ran out of there. >> reporter: busch has denied the assault allegations all along. his attorney tells us did not commit domestic violence and he plans to appeal the order of protection. he's also planning on competing this weekend in the daytona 500. one of nascar's biggest races worth more than $1 million to the winner. nascar issued a statement after the court's decision saying it would await the full finalings of the commissioner and any actions by the attorney general of delaware related to the allegations against busch and that it fully recognizes the serious nature of this specific situation and the broader issue of domestic violence. let's talk about the nascar's reaction to this whole incident. >> as a sport and the statements that they've made i'm very disappointed. >> you don't think -- >> in their reaction. >> what do you want and hope this all ends up being? >> there's got to be a way to protect our victims better and the other thing for the sports to take a stand. it's the biggest highest rated shows that are out there. why not take that as an opportunity to say, no more. like the nfl has and say, we are not going to accept domestic violence in our sport. >> this story is a long way from over and, you know nascar she wants a big reaction from nascar. nascar is waiting to see if the delaware attorney general is going to press criminal charges against kurt busch so this is a long way from over. >> similar situation in the nfl for nascar. big decision ahead. thanks very much. ginger i like what you got there. you're always hitting us hard at 7:00 then give us relief at 7:30. >> don't forget. never forget because this morning chicago, louisville lexington all breaking record subzero temperatures but not in san diego. this is -- jim grant gives us a plethora of pictures. so thank you. this is fog and this will change the pattern into the weekend. as we head there things are changing. you will run into dense fog advisories from anaheim down to chula vista and mild though in the southwest. san diego will go to 66. yuma to almost 90. las vegas almost 80 and reno 68 so that's where you find some of the warmer weather then through the weekend the fog bills so too does the cloud cover. even a few showers san diego up good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco and it is a gray start but we have high clouds to end and hazy sunshine, and low 60 at the coast and low-to-upper 60s for the rest us. the seven is warmer-than-average until oscar >> all that weather brought to you by almay and the next question when does it end? and it looks really long. all the way through the end of next friday we're below average east of the rockies. >> no? >> we'll get braced for it. >> i'll keep bringing pictures. the new health alert with people with peanut allergies. the spice that could trigger a deadly reaction. vanilla ice arrested for burglarizing a home. what he's saying now. almay celebrates the true spirit of american beauty. which rises from the heart of our great country... dreams are born. hopes fly high... we love this country with a passion. you can see the pride in our eyes. read the joy on our faces. hear the love on our lips. we create products that deliver an effortless beauty look. genuine and glowing with confidence. almay. simply american. 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really. straight talk. now based on your strategy i do have some other thoughts... multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. we're back now at 7:43 with rapper vanilla ice free on bond this morning after being arrested in florida on charges of burglary and grand theft. theft, the dyi expert accused of stealing bikes, a pool heater next to a home he was renovating. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> and now we're making it watertight. >> reporter: on his show for the diy network rapper -- ♪ ice ice baby" -- turned renovator vanilla ice spruces up and sells houses but this morning he could be headed for the big house arrested wednesday for burglary and grand theft. >> listen guys i can't talk about that now. it's just out of proportion. >> reporter: ice whose real name is robert van winkle speaking with reporters after being released on bond. he was involved in the theft of several items from this foreclosed home adjacent to a house he was renovating. according to police furniture, a pool heater and bicycles were snagged from the home in florida, sometime between last december and this month and that several of the stolen items were recovered at a residence under his care and control. >> it'll all get cleared up. you'll see. >> reporter: is this part of the reality show at all? >> i wish it was. ♪ if there was a problem i'll solve it ♪ >> reporter: the rapper who shot to fame in with his hit "ice ice baby" has had legal issues in the past. but has recently made a name for himself on reality tv with a love for real estate and renovating homes. a passion he shared with our lara spencer. >> never in a million years did i think i would even be doing this and i don't care. no shame in my game. i love it. >> reporter: police says ice has been cooperative and will appear in court later today. in a statement the diy network tells abc news it has been made aware of this situation and is currently looking into the matter. this ice now in hot water. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> all right, so a lot of questions to be answered there. we will find out. but coming up here why your girl scout cookies may arrive a little late this year. and it's all about the thin mints. >> it always is. >> it really is. >> that's kind of upsetting me already. and those behind-the-scenes secrets from the "saturday night live" special. the mystery of eddie murphy's appearance revealed. that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. this is me this is me ten years ago. fifty pounds ago i was over weight for a really long time. and now i'm not. i'm a weight watchers coach, all of us have lost weight with weight watchers and are now helping other people do the same. you can log into your computer or your phone anytime and you can chat with me. we understand, we've been there. we're still going through it. you are not alone and you can do it. you can definitely do this. i know you can do it because i did it. let's get you feeling awesome! join for free and loose 10 lbs. on us. americans... 57% of us try to exercise regularly. 83% try to eat healthy. yet up to 90% of us fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more, together. add one a day. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus, for women, physical energy support with b vitamins. and for men, it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. take one a day multivitamins. why do i cook? 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>> wow. >> he'll be great. coming up "good morning america's" "deals & steals" brought to you by bank of america. use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda®... calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda® to kill germs deep in my mouth i used to think a mouthwash had to burn. then i went pro with crest pro-health mouthwash. it's scientifically proven to kill 99% of germs so you move to a healthier mouth from day one. no pain. all gain. go pro with crest pro-health. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ when i wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky ♪ ♪ turn up the music when i hop in the ride ♪ ♪ i'm the bomb and about to blow up... ♪ the new work collection. perfected. by white house black market. physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too much, or maybe when it's time for a treat. supporting your efforts, with our message. balance what you eat and drink with what you do. that's how you mixify. 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(mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and it's our ultimate countdown to oscar sunday. we are celebrating throwback thursday with the stars so can you guess who these academy award nominees were before they hit the big screen? plus, what oscar host neil patrick harris says is his biggest fear about sunday's show. ♪ am i wrong ♪ and actress kristen bell taking on parents who don't vaccinate their kids. the serious measures she's going to to protect her own children. ♪ we'll be safe and sound ♪ major medical warning. the fda issuing an important peanut allergy alert. the common spice contaminated with peanuts. what you need to know right now. ♪ it started with a whisper ♪ and behind the beauty counter. cosmetics samples that could make you sick. we investigate and tell you why you should think twice before using those try-me testers. ♪ bang bang the room ♪ all that and our oscars game show on the go rolls on as we say -- >> one, two, three. >> all: good morning, america! >> whoo! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and a good crowd out there in times square despite the cold, and, boy, there's cam mathison. doesn't matter how cold it is wherever he is, he's with "gma" on the go. he is hyped up wearing his oscar tux. >> yeah. >> we'll be talking to him in a little bit. >> he has a little something his step. looking good. he took over for t.j. holmes who hit the road earlier from times square bringing our oscars excitement to viewers who got on board to test out their movie knowledge, take home prizes and he handed the baton off, and nowcontinues the movie magic. >> that's right. cam has actually taken the wheel bringing the red carpet to those excited fans and we can't wait to find out where he is and why he chose that location. >> and there's tory johnson, tory johnson is here. she's in times square out there hanging out with the crowd trying to stay warm trying to look warm, but i don't think it's working. she has incredible "deals & steals" so you can give yourself the star treatment just in time for oscar sunday. >> that is coming up in a little bit. let's get some news first from amy. >> good morning. good morning, everyone. we begin with that dangerous arctic air ginger has been telling us about spreading from north to south. the mercury reading 13 below in parts of minnesota. windchill advisories have been issued in 27 states. schools from chicago to cleveland to pittsburgh are all closed. even florida is expecting record low temperatures. in new england, the big worry is roof collapses with more snow and rain on the way near boston, snow fell off the roof of a skating rink burying five people up to their chest. thankfully they are all okay. and the extreme cold forced 500 students at the university of buffalo to sleep in this basketball arena overnight. cots were set up after a power outage left the dorms without heat. our other big story this morning, nearly 200 patients at a los angeles hospital have been warned they may have been exposed to a so-called superbug bacteria. the patients at ucla's ronald reagan medical center may have been contaminated through contaminated medical scopes. seven tested positive and two deaths linked to that bacteria. home testing kits are being offered to determine if others are affected. and an alert for millions of americans with peanut allergies. the fda is urging allergy sufferers to stay away from cumin because several shipments of that spice have tested positive for peanuts, and it wasn't listed on the label. cumin is often used in tex-mex and indian dishes. severe peanut allergies can be deadly for kids and adults. some new insight into the modern american family. a survey finds this morning that about 15% of today's stay-at-home parents are dads and the survey found big changes in the average family with men now spending an average of four hours more per week on child care than they did back in 1965 and 5 hours more on housework each week. all right. well, a big mess in hollywood after a water main break sent 100,000 gallons of water gushing through the street streets submerging cars and flooding basements. the pipe that burst, edgeinstalled back in 1926. one of many aging pipes across l.a. well, fans of girl scout cookie may have to wait a bit longer to get their deliveries. the scouts say there is a shortage of thin mints in some areas and that is delaying all cookie orders to those customers until the bakery catches up. thin mints account for about one-fourth of all sales. and finally, we can't help but give a big congratulations to one of our own. george took home the top award at last night's national press foundation dinner. he was recognized for his extraordinary energy and insight. i would like add to that intellect and wit. >> wow. >> yes. >> thank you, guys. [ applause ] that was some picture too. hu huh? >> you look really happy. >> it captures the moment. >> it did. >> in a way i can't describe. >> you just did. the national press foundation they do great work training journalists all over the world. thank you very much. "pop news" and weather coming up. michael in the social square. >> congratulations to you on that award. nobody deserves it more than you, my friend. now, here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" in the social square powered by samsung galaxy. in "pop news," one thing making neil patrick harris nervous about hosting the oscar. i never thought he would get nervous doing anything. plus, actress kristen bell taking a stand on vaccines. what she's doing to protect her kids. and can't wait to catch up with cameron mathison. he's bringing the red carpet to some lucky viewers with our "gma" game show on the go. it looks like he's got some serious star power with him right now. all that and becky worley is here. she takes us behind the beauty bar coming up live on "gma" in times square. behind the beauty bar. not in front. 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>> robin is talking to him for tomorrow's show. ? yeah, she is. >> find out a lot more. we heard a lot about oscar nominee bradley cooper's incredible workout routine to get in shape for "american sniper." now the star's acting guru is sharing how cooper mentally prepared telling "the hollywood reporter" that her techniques helped the actor get through the inner layers of chris kyle and one way she helped him open up over the years of having him record his dreams for a week, which seems very -- it's hard for me to remember my dreams but had him record his dreams for a week hoping one of his dream ss might come true this sunday if he dreamed about the oscars if he receives one at 7:00 p.m. eastern here on abc. >> no. i always think i need to. right away when you make up you might have a glimpse. >> sometimes you'd rather not. >> more in naps than at sleeping at night. >> just don't talk in your sleep or your spouse will remember. getting james bond's license to kill is like having a license to succeed in hollywood and rumors are swirling about who will be the next 007. former bond pierce brosnan said in a recent interview he thinks idris elba would be a good fit. as the debonair super secret agent. super service agent and he was great in "luther." he's incredible. i think that's a good choice or he said perhaps colin salmon, brosnan's co-star from "the world is not enough" and "die another day." very interesting choices but in the meantime, while we figure that out daniel craig isn't handing over the mi6 gadgets just yet. he is currently filming "specter" and is expected to complete one more bond film after that. >> hard thing to give up. right? >> hard thing to give up. >> he does it well. >> he's good at it. >> yeah. >> but it's a very physical role and i can see how guys after doing so many say, hey, let somebody else take over. >> i can think of someone who would be a good bond too. >> george would be incredible. >> exactly what i was -- >> george, give us one of these. just one time. that's "pop news." >> that's as close as it's going to get. >> you tried. >> ginger has a check of the weather. >> let's hear it. yeah, i'll get them started because it sounds -- i need the energy. we needed to stay warm. what's your name? >> mackenzie. >> mackenzie says this is nothing. she's from rochester, new york. and a lot of people are waking up and saying doesn't it kind of feel like siberia with this air? guess what, places in minnesota are 42 below and the air is coming from siberia, so you're not -- you can actually say that without joking. it's called the siberian express. it's how that air moves over the pole and look at this the temperatures these are temperatures this morning, 1 for st. louis. nashville tied a record. we're going to check on that. louisville certainly broke one. detroit is 5 below this morning. chicago did drop to 8 below and pittsburgh, 0 at this hour. it's like siberia and this is nothing. this is 15 degrees warmer than we are tomorrow so enjoy. all right. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. we have low clouds and fog until 11 o'clock and sunshine and high clouds and warmer-than-average today through saturday. cooler for oscar sunday. but no rain with the transition. possibly rain next week in the forecast. as far as today, mid-to-upper 60s and a sprinkle of 70s inland and low 60 at the coast. the seven-day forecast shows we are warm. until oscar sunday and we are four to six degrees >> okay, we have michele from dayton here. she has a question. >> brandon, want to go to turn about with me? >> no pressure brandon. okay, let's get back inside. >> turn about? >> must be a dance or something. >> good luck. >> we'll see what he's going to say. >> we'll kick off our "heat index" now. kristen bell taking a strong stand on vaccines. the mother of two kids under 2 says she won't let friends hold her new baby unless they're up to date on their shots. abc's abbie boudreau has the story. >> that's the beauty of blackmail. >> reporter: actress and mother of two, kristen bell not holding back about her pro-vaccine beliefs. >> i just don't want to leave moaning on the table because you can't get past it. >> reporter: the "house of lies" actor telling "the hollywood reporter" she won't allow her unvaccinated friends near her babies. bell who gave birth to daughter delta in december telling the magazine over the weekend that after the birth of her first daughter "we simply said to friends you have to get a whooping cough vaccination if you are going to hold our baby." >> the whooping cough epidemic was on the rise and wasn't interested in taking any chances. >> reporter: the star adding she and her husband comedian shepard plan to do the same thing with their newborn baby telling the magazine it's a very simple logic. i believe in trusting doctors, not know-it-alls. the 34-year-old straight talker taking her frustration to twitter recently retweeting this pro-vaccine comment which says something for anti-vac parents 2 think about. if there were a peanut allergy vaccine created would you give it to your kids? the outspoken funny parents clearly seeing this as no laughing matter. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> thanks to abbie for that. dr. richard besser is back, and you approve. >> i do. we vaccinate for a couple of reasons. one is to protect ourselves or our children but also to protect those around us who can't be protected and children when they're first born, they're too young to get a lot of the vaccines, and they're protected by those who are taking care of them being vaccinated. >> we're getting a lot of questions on twitter as you know and all coming out of the measles outbreak. jennifer green wants to know, my 3-year-old was vaccinated against mmr but how protected is she. >> after that first dose 90% of kids protected against measles. not until the second dose do you get up to 99%. if you're in an area where measles is going on, you don't have to wait until you're 4 as long as it's 28 days after the dose of the first you can get your second measles shot. >> space it a little and brenda's question, is there any merit to splitting up the 12-month shots for babies? >> a lot of parents have been thinking about this. they don't like the number of shots a child gets and no one likes to give a lot of shots to a child but when you space them out what you're doing is saying that your child is going to be at risk of this disease longer than they need to be. measles, the reason we wait until 12 months, before that there are protective factors from the mom that interfere with the vakts seen, so that's the earliest where you start to get vaccination. you start to get protection. if you wait beyond that you're putting them at high risk. >> you're turning one bad day into four bad days. >> exactly. get them over with. give them medicine for the pain and fever and then maybe the next visit they won't get any shots. >> okay, and you're going to take questions throughout the morning on twitter. >> i will. >> to lara. next on our "gma heat index" we're going behind the beauty bar, putting those makeup testers at the cosmetics counter to the test. so, when you try out that sample lotion or the lipstick, you may actually be getting more than you bargained more and abc's becky worley is here with all the details. i'm almost afraid to ask. what did you find? >> good morning, lara. makeup is notoriously hard to buy, should i get this foundation, or is this one the correct shade for my skin? well, you should go to the makeup store and try them on to find out, right? maybe not. makeup, 50 shades of everything. should i buy cranberry red or petal pink? well, that distinction you can see, but with makeup testers, it's what you can't see that could actually make you sick. we went undercover to six locations from high-end department stores to discount retailers and swab testers, lipstick, mascara, foundation, and face creams to see if there are any worrisome germs and bacteria you may be putting on your skin. this says, try me. people have definitely tried it. i asked this salesperson how i could test a lip gloss color. >> you could try it. >> okay. >> reporter: she used a separate applicator but from a tester off the floor that she admits others could double dip in. >> so we never know if someone does try it so -- >> reporter: the salespeople generally practice good hygiene. >> we don't double dip. >> reporter: but another sent us home with samples of face cream that she dug out of the half empty tester that was out on the floor. >> thank you. we thank you. >> reporter: yuck. we sent all our swabs to the microbiology lab at new york-presbyterian columbia. >> makeup are all perfect opportunities for bacteria to grow. >> reporter: eew. of the 25 samples, 9 tested positive for bacteria. it looks gross. it's mostly bacteria that we would find in everyday life that could be harmful to some people. but three other results got doctor wittier's attention. would any of these make us sick? >> we found three samples that were only growing yeast so that was worrisome. if you're putting a product on your face that has yeast, that could definitely cause some kind of skin infection. >> reporter: she says infections like rashes and the dreaded pink eye. these three concerning results come from lotion samples. imagine you rub it on in the store on your hands, and then a few minutes later you rub your eyes. yikes. dr. wittier's advice, leave the testers alone. >> i would never use a free sample in any kind of makeup store, whether it's high-end, whether it's low-end, you just don't know who's had their finger in there. >> that just sounds gross. you just don't know, but then how do you find out what color is right? how do you test? >> well i just want to let you know i brought some here for you to test right here. no? no you don't want it? good girl. you listened. here's what you got to do. first of all, you know, there are a lot -- when you go to the beauty place, ask a sales associate. that's why they're there, they're trained in hygienic practices, and they have their own makeup stashes behind the counter. then you want to use single-use pumps if you're going to try a foundation, not something that's like in a flat thing where you put your fingers in it. >> yep. >> you want to definitely try and stay away from the eyes and the mouth. that's probably the most important thing if you have to try something on. >> try it on your hands. >> try it on your hands but then don't use that lotion because then you rub it on your face. >> all right. a lot to think about. great tips. becky, we thank you and we're going to michael now. >> all right. thank you, lara. this week is all about hollywood with the oscars coming up. and if you want to feel like a star, these "deals & steals" are for you. tory johnson has found the celebrity favorites that will help you shine. so, tory, how are you, first of all? >> i'm great. >> what do we have? >> so first up don't you love our fancy set, by the way. very fabulous around here. >> we're branching out. >> okay, so spin this around. now, on the red carpet you'll see it's all about the bag. you'll see lots of clutches but for everyday -- >> i heard it was all about the bass. but, okay. >> exactly. that too. so bags, tote bags, there are so many amazing ones you'll be able to choose from here from thursday friday. really amazing prices, as well. not just the assortment you see but a big assortment you'll find online, normally $40 to $114, slashed by 65%. so really $14 to 40 bucks. >> 14 bucks. >> wow. >> really good. >> so next up, who needs harry winston when you can have alex and ani? is this what makes you feel like a star every day? one of the hottest jewelry brands in the country. it is a "gma" favorite and what i love is today we have the biggest selection that we have ever offered of alex and ani. so you'll really get to go to town on this. huge assortment. all about radiating positive energy. i love it. normally $28 to $98. with this selection slashed in half, so just starting at 14 bucks today. got to love that. okay. >> wow. >> so give your hair the royal treatment. this is from carol's daughter. there are four different products that have in it this monoi oil that's made from gardenia. it's restorative, repairing, does all kinds of good things for your hair. shampoo, conditioner. there's an anti-break ageage spray, a mask. really you can give your hair the royal treatment with that. normally $20 to $32, slashed in half, 10 to 16 bucks. love that. so this one is the big talk of the studio. this company is called feeling smitten. it is a bath and body bakery so all of the products are baked goods inspired or sweets inspired like that little cupcake. so you just peel off the paper, plop that in the bath and -- >> you peel off the paper. >> peel off the paper. you can do a little bit of work. you can do a little bit of work. there's amazing salt ss and sugar scrubs, bath balms. fun stuff for yourself or to pamper a friend if you're interested. amazing prices on these too. normally $6 to $21 slashed in half, so $3 to $10.50 for some gorgeous pampering. it was an oprah favorite. it'll be a "gma" favorite too. >> all right. >> then last but not least, from -- so activewear, right. so every tar is working out before they're walking that red carpet. you can do it every day too. you do it every day already. right? you don't need any more of that. leggings, capris, exactly. big assortment from heather thompson. perfect. >> it's a lot different. i do like the band at the top. >> oh you do? excellent. >> i'm not going to wear it. i was just saying. >> starting at $38, these are slashed at least in half so $19 to $39 plus free shipping. >> it's amazing. you continue to do this, tory. thank you and thank all the companies out there for providing these great deals. you can get the links and codes for these deals, plus three bonus offers that are only on our website so all that you have to do is go to on yahoo! and that's it. you're in the bonus. coming up, we're counting down to oscar sunday with a look at some of the nominees before they were stars. you don't want to miss that. this is great. ♪ let me take you there ♪ "good morning america's" "deals & steals" is brought to you by bank of america. use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. developing news in san jose, police revealed this morning they made an arrest following a double shooting inside a sports bar. that shooting happened inside the sports bar around 10:00 last night. paramedics rushed two men to the hospital. no word on their condition. detectives are still working to find out what led to the shooting. we're using our 360 cam now. looking in the rear view mirror let's go to the maps and talk about your drive here. thinning out as you can see as it trickles in. that traffic is starting to empty out. southbound 680 some fog with delays. we'll check out your good morning, the fog continues to blanket the area. livermore and santa rosa, a quarter mile. dangerous visibility there. if you're coming into the city at 11:00, we'll have lunar new year. it's at port smith square. 59 degrees warming to 61 by noon. temperatures will be around 63 in san francisco for a high. mid- to upper 60s for the rest of us. 70s around livermore. ♪ i know your lies ♪ everybody out there in times square what are they pointing to. 2 degree windchill. it's above zero and they're a hearty bunch out there in times square this morning. >> they are hearty. thank you for being out there. thank you, cam mathison with our "gma" game show on the go. helping some lucky viewers along the way. they're all getting in on our movie-related games as we count down to oscar sunday. cam's spinning the wheel. it's called the swag wheel to be exact. and it'll determine this morning's big prizes. we will find out where he is just ahead, as well. >> we'll stick with the oscars right now because, you know we're all going to watch hollywood's biggest names on sunday but what were they like before they were stars? abc's chris connelly went back to find the performances you may have missed. >> yeah people know who i am. >> reporter: proud pittsburgh native michael keaton began his career on "mr. rogers's neighborhood." in 1968 he was a $2 an hour stagehand for the kids show before winding up on camera. >> race cars and rattles. >> reporter: in 1999 bradley cooper's "sex and the city" character went from zero to 60 in his parked porsche with sarah jessica parker's carrie bradshaw. best actor nominee eddie redmayne pushed the limbs in "savage grace" opposite julianne moore. >> i was starting out. i had sort of no value as far as getting films made was concerned and she was very strong. she sweetly fought for me. >> reporter: she had to be strong to play twins on the soap opera "as the world turns." >> who are you? >> my name is frannie >> steve carell's the most eligible bachelor. >> reporter: 20 years before "foxcatcher" earned him a best actor nod his "second city" skit included this. >> great. whenever i tell anybody this it's oh you're going to kill me. you know. >> reporter: this will kill you. >> why do you suppose i hurl the chair? >> reporter: "whiplash's" j.k. simmons from 1995 "the pirates of penzance" back in college. >> wasn't sure whether i was going to be a music teacher or this or that. >> i had private flying lessons. >> reporter: after her time in "the worst witch." felicity jones turned up in this uk ad. >> look at my skin. [ screaming ] >> reporter: look at the state of his and that is best supporting actress patricia arquette back in 1987 getting chased by freddy krueger, another supporting actress nominee chasing oscar gold. >> as good as i am -- >> reporter: the little girl peeking over her shoulder with the ice cream cone. that's laura dern in martin scorsese's "alice doesn't live here anymore" beginning a 40-year journey that will bring her to the oscars on sunday. for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> yeah dig deep for that. that was obscure. steve carell looks exactly the same. >> he does. >> can't wait for more on that. tumblr are in the oscar spirit too and searched for the most talked about movies and rm poers and came up with ace user-favorite list. benedict cumberbatch as their best actor for "the imitation game." rose mupdz pike for "gone girl" and it goes to budapest hotel." now ginger with a final check of the weather. >> they're saying it best right here. y'all, it is warmer in new york city than it is in tennessee right now. >> yes. >> you're from nashville and you know that's true but only for so long because if you stay tomorrow you'll get plenty cold. it's going to come right here. some of the photos this morning, david kahn from chicago always makes chicago look good even if it's subzero. how about that from hart. by the dunes and you see those wave clouds over -- so pretty. how about this do you think this is pretty everybody? see what that says below normal temperatures through next week and above average staying -- earlier this week seattle was breaking records and still pretty mild in the southwest. getting a little cooler as we go. look high today in rochester, 5. i can't even good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco and it is a gray start but we have high clouds to end and hazy sunshine, and low 60 at the coast and low-to-upper 60s for the rest us. the seven is warmer-than-average until oscar >> i love taos new mexico. your name? >> matthew. >> hello. matthew. we're so happy you're freezing with us. guess what it is time to catch up with cameron mathison in our "gma" game show on the go. our red carpet surprising viewers with a chance to show off their movie knowledge and then win some great prizes. cameron, i see it's snowing where you are. you want to reveal where you are? >> yes, absolutely guys. let me tell you something, we could not think of a better place to bring our red carpet preparty than bernard's high school here in new jersey in honor of the person who's got more oscar nominations than any actor or actress in history. take a look. ♪ the "gma" oscar movie mobile moves on. arriving at bernard's high school in bernardsville, new jersey. this is it. this is where meryl streep went to high school. where is everybody? come on out and join me? i brought the red carpet mobile. come on. [ bell rings ] now that's more like it. bernards high where she was homecoming queen and a cheerleader before becoming the most nominated actor in oscar history. >> who's ready for me to roll out the red carpet? [ cheers and applause ] here we go. walk the red carpet. sure. strut. >> now is your chance. one, two three. >> all: meryl streep! ♪ if you are one of the people to pull out a gold ticket you get to be a contestant in the game. >> all right. >> two faculty members joined the lucky tickets. robin nichols who works in the office all three of her kids went to school there. how does it feel being on the red carpet. >> i love it. >> guidance counselor ashley janoski known as miss j. >> i'm an "american sniper" fan. how is my hair look? he's behind me. famous flashbacks. i'll pull out acting skills. i feel the need for speed. >> oh, my gosh. >> "top gun." >> yo adrian. adrian! >> getting very close. here we go. my momma always said -- >> "forrest gump." >> i didn't even finish the line. robin coming out on top scoring some jewelry and rapid-fire trivia with students for a chance to win a free movie theater. reese witherspoon starred in "wild." which one did you star in also "selma," "gone girl" or "into the woods." true or faust, george clooney is nominated for an oscar this year? >> false. >> false is correct! and it was time to hit the road. i love giving away prizes. what can i tell you? i love it. in fact i'm having so much fun we have one more prize to give away and it is indeed going to be a flat screen tv, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> that is awesome news. i'm here with cameron who is u.s. history and economics teacher at bernards high and if you win it i hear it's coming at a good time. >> my tv has a huge crack in it so this is desperate. >> no pressure. you might have a tv to watch the oscars on. we'll play word scramble. i'll show you an oscar-themed scrammed word and give you a clue. you get that right, you are watching the oscars on a new flat screen tv. are you ready. >> i am. >> listen carefully. if meryl streep wins this year it will be her fourth oscar. what category is she nominated in? and here is the scrambled word. what category? >> supporting actress. >> supporting actress! is correct. congratulations! cameron, this tv is yours. you're watching the oscars on a brand-new flat screen. congratulationses. >> thank you. >> so much fun here guys. back to you. >> congratulations to her. thank you so much cam. and by the way, head 0 tour website on yahoo! to test out your own movie knowledge with a very fun online quiz and coming up next the latest bridal trend making their way down the aisle. stay with us. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains. so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy to help your dog have his day. think the tree we carved our names in is still here? 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if we're going to go with shorts this is very -- looks like beautiful lace. >> it's -- i would say so. otherwise it will be so laid back. alencon lace and could put a chiffon bolero with it and dress it up with accessories and wear a statement piece are a necklace or make it as sparkly or dressy as you want. >> maybe destination wedding. >> i think so. beautiful. >> there's one option america. then another option that's really you said selling very well which is the crop top for your wedding day. >> well you know these looks are about separates. what's really great when the bride invests in them they can reincorporate them back into their wardrobe. this is moonstone. haley page it's called cory which i think is beautiful so this trop top could be reincorporated back into her wardrobe worn to a cocktail or new year's eve which is absolutely stunning. i really love this look. >> it's very beautiful. looks very expensive too, i might add. i want to ask you a question about the back because i particularly it's lovely. is this for a younger bride? >> i would say for the most -- at least a bride in really good shape confident about her body. but i think it's really about the bride who feels like this is her sense of style. brides now i think are pushing the envelope because they have more options than ever. ten years ago it was always about wearing a white dress and more tra tigsal but that's where the options lie. now they have options everywhere and have the chance to really express who they are. >> as you can see, options galore. thank you guys. shorts jumpsuits, crop tops you name it the bottom line is it's your day, anything goes. terry, we thank you. you be you. >> be you. >> you be you. that's terry from kleinfeld. we always having you guys. stay with us coming up how to eat like an oscar winner. cam mathison showing us what wolfgang puck is cooking up for this year's governor's ball. hey, gracie... you know how our family has... daddy and mommy... and me! yeah, that's right. pretty soon... you're going to have a baby brother. ♪ ♪ and... a puppy. ♪ ♪ [ chuckles ] deal. ♪ ♪ and we are keeping that countdown going right now with wolfgang puck. superstar chef always caters the famed governor's ball. cam mathison back working hard for us. what's on the menu so you can eat like an a-lister too. >> reporter: for over 20 years chef wolfgang puck has been feeding hollywood's brightest and hungryiest stars at the academy annual post-oscar celebration, the governor's ball. >> we all love your soup. >> i'm looking to feed a smaller crew oscar sunday, my family. >> smells good? so i took my wife vanessa to meet the master himself. >> oh, my god. look at that. >> nice to see you. wolfgang puck a sneak peek of the meal. crispy potato galette, smoked salmon chicken pot pie and chocolate mousse for dessert. >> we make it into the oscar shape. see that there. >> oh, my god. >> just a little like that. do you still feel pressure preparing this meal? >> i cook everything at the last moment so an hour before they come out of the theater i get really nervous. >> can i have a bite? >> you can eat them all. mm-mm. next wolfgang's famous chicken pot pie. >> everybody wants it. i remember barbra streisand told me make sure you have your chicken pot pie. >> i have no excuses not to be helping at home. >> i totally agree. >> i'm going to add potatoes carrots is always nice because of the color and then some peas. we also add truffles. can you see this is a black truffle. we are in the luxury here. >> shouldn't have left us alone. should we steal some of this? >> can we just take that truffle home? >> don't take it. don't take it. >> now for dessert. >> now show you how to make a simple chocolate mousse. >> melted chocolate whipped cream. >> i like when you give all the cooking tips you look to vanessa here. >> how am i doing? >> better. >> okay. so vanessa. >> look at that. >> what is a big celebration without champagne? >> got it. >> all right. got it. >> an oscar meal so easy that i'm not afraid to try to make it at home. >> yeah. >> look at that. you are a master chef now. look at the chicken pot pie. >> with a little help from my wife vanessa. for "good morning america," cameron mathison, abc news, los angeles. >> cheers. >> thank you, guys. we have the chicken pot pie right here. this is really good. >> really good. >> thank you, wolfgang. unless you made this, cam. >> and the salmon. >> also potato pancake. this is really hot but it's good. salmon. >> it's not going to stop us. >> it will not stop us. get the recipes, wolfgang's recipes and all the dishes from the governor's ball on yahoo! and the oscars are sunday night starting at 7:00 6:00 central on abc. "gma's" countdown to oscar sunday is brought to you by jcpenney. when it fits, you feel it. female announcer: through sunday, save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. and of course, free same-day delivery. but hurry! sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. it's just weird, okay. weird. tomorrow on "gma" we're counting down to the oscars. robin is with neil patrick harris and we'll have predictions. >> friday eve, everyone. have a great one. 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[captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] >> now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [applause] ♪


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