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Transcripts For DW DW News 20221220

a national holiday. germany calls it long of a jude foreign minister, and a lena bear bock, hands back the name bronze. as to nigeria, europeans looted the outwith more than a century ago. plus one of germany's last holocaust trials and 97 year old woman is found guilty over the deaths of more than $10000.00 people at a nazi concentration camp. ah m. anthony howard walk into the program. tens of thousands of argentinians are welcoming bo coming home that world cup, wedding football team. we're going to take you to some live pitches now from one assad is where excitement is it fever pitch, as lena murphy and his teammates parade through the city. on the return from cutoff, the president has declared and no holiday for the occasion. argentina has been party since the side one sunday final in a penalty shootout. now dw, alejandro blasio is in bonus ladies and he's back for more excitements and must be at a fever pitch. tell us what is like in the city where you are right now. above the controller see is there between people for and against the national holiday. today, here are thousands, may be ww people. it waiting to see that nationality and the war champions that people are gracie and also appreciate because the organizers of this parade are changing their route every time. so they are moving from one place to another from, from the city. they don't know where is it, where they can see the war champions, but they maintain it, the happiness laughing at drinking beer, drinking, but an it with coca cola, burnett isa. typically italian spirit is singing, they sing all the time, us it during the much is due to 19 minutes. they sing here. they're singing to they are maybe the happiest people in the war, at least or some days. a 100, as he said, the plans for the parade changed a little. it's been 36 hours that they've been waiting the plate pride has also been delayed. but does anyone really care at the moment? yes, it has started the parade in training. the center it from the argentine we will association at it at the day and day, then they're going around many highways when a site is, but they are not going to come here to there in hulu avenue at the albany. or when the site is because they're so much people that they bust and not go through everywhere with at the mines with blue and white is obviously the color at to be same. but the name on everyone's lips from the name on a lot of people's backs is, is messy to the people where you are now considered him an equal to diego, mar, donna football. god like mardina now is time to start the debate and it would last many days. men's and oh, so ears who is bigger but other than me, i think are both. i don't know, but i don't know what you are busy. i. 2 and hands were both yo in allowed and joyful want to thank you. thank you so much. thank you. i. i is a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. be friends, president vladimir soleski has visited frontline troops, backwards in the eastern dumbass region is experiencing some of the most intense fighting of the war. lensky says russia has left the city in ruins. special forces in pakistan of retaken a security facility seized by the taliban. 33 militants were killed in the operation. tell event fight as early overpowered police at an interrogation center and were demanding safe passage to neighboring afghanistan. talents, navy says it has rescued a sailor. 2 days after a warship sank in rough weather with 30 people on board. 4 bodies have been recovered. survivors have described chaotic saints when the ship went down and i be commander has confirmed rumors that there were not enough life jackets for everyone on board. but germany has formerly returned looted artworks to nigeria, foreign minister handling a backhanded back, statutes known as benign bronzes. she described the repair creation as long overdue the bronze ceremony. thousands of treasures stolen from africa by colonial powers. i can make that story, but definitely correspondent flourish chick laura. she witnessed the formalities as those statues were handed back and i asked her how the hand over with this was a historic moment, not just for nigeria, but also for germany. it was not just historically, it was also very emotional. i mean, when the minister of foreign minister for germany, and i lena bear book was speaking, you could hear audiences, you know, you could hear the voices of people in the audience making sounds. they were very moved by has statement because she said things like german, the record is, is the wrong. that has been dawn. it was wrong to take them in the 1st place was wrong to keep them, you know, so it was very moving for a lot of people here. there was also a speech by the german germany. germany is minister for culture and cloudy are rough, and has speech was also very moving. she also said that this, this act of returning the been in bronze. this is a sign, an, a statement to the rest of the world that us works need to be enjoyed in the places where they've originated from. and so everyone was really, you know, it was really captivating. usually family events. people are distracted and all of that. but this particular one was really captivating and moving. and of course, the official honda about took place to where the german foreign minister symbolically handed over 2 of the art works to the nigerian foreign minister and the niger. i mean the south culture you give us the insight about the emotion inside the room. i wonder how important is the return of the been in bronze. as for nigeria more broadly speaking? well, something that we've had resounded over and over again. not just in this room, but by historians all across nigeria, by artist brenager as themselves, is that these art walks are not just for artifacts, like they're not just appreciate art and beauty. they are a part of nigeria as identity, especially the been in kingdom where they originated from a lot of families that were bronze as associated these as walks to reach you out to the spiritual life as well. so many of them, you know, it's all a significant place in the ancestry. so for them it's a form of reconciliation with their ancestors having these been brought back to the land where they were created yesterday. one of the many says many self cultural went to be mean to see where these at walks are still being made and you know, a lot of them expressed how excited unhappy they went to receive them back. florence took, took water in a boucher thank you so much on nearly 80 years since the crimes were committed. a courtier germany has convicted 97 year old woman in connection with the murder of more than 10000 people in a nazi concentration camp. a former type of start, the stood off camp was given a 2 year suspended sentence. she was just, i think when she began work, the judge said it would be one of the last trials related to the nazi concentration camps. this report begins with a testimony from a holocaust survivor. it will delay. i wanted to live a building. i did not want to die as well. it was easy to die and it was harder to live live. maybe that's what kept me going like that. i don't know how much i was right in the end of the heck. i have 11 great grandchildren in the 11th is on the way. it is not the vase. i'm a rich man. you know, i, jama, being alive is still a miracle for about an hour. he's one of the last survivors of the show on the 94 year old regularly travels from israel to germany to tell his story of how he spent his teenage years in concentration camps. in 1944, the germans deported him and his family from lithuania to the concentration camp of still turf in what is poland to day is incompatible. still, when we're brought to cetaphil, norma, we were still half way normal. it glided through addressing our own clothes until then we live with our family in the ghetto, even though we were locked out, i just felt wrong. but instead of, we began to feel that we would no longer a family. i english isn't kind of, i mean, now or is mother hannah and his little brother, bella were deported to auschwitz and killed in july 1944. that was also the time 18 year old m got f worked in shutoff, serving as chief secretary to the camps. commander f has mostly kept silent, stating she felt sorry to have been instilled 12 but that she didn't know about the killing that was allegedly going on below her window for now or what she said doesn't matter anyway, miss aron for us. hush grimma. if she did anything wrong or that all committed a crime, oh, you're in fresh trouble. why did they wait until today? i went on give out the business. milligan, come on me and they still say you can't tell me fairy tales. digression, the figures fish mellow like of that for many survivors and their descendants. this trial is sending a signal says lawyer or visitor his copper funds for them. this is not demanding these criminal proceedings as an act of revenge. few women, it is also important to many survivors to testify. that is to stand in court and tell their story. because what they also say is, but we don't want it to be forgotten. the boy knew this for guessing good. well, if i am sort of is the director of the same on the some tell center which tracks down nazi war criminals. he says the 2 years suspended sentence handed down by the court is absurd. is the best sentence that we could have gotten because she's been trying to juno what's best part of the problem here. and in a certain respect, this has been saying, this is absolutely absurd because a suspended sentence means that the sense will only be able to make it suppose to repeat the crime. and obviously, she's not about to repeat the crime. the old age is not a excuse or a reason why people should not be brought to justice. and this is what we owe we all to the victims and their families, that any person who is involved in these crimes no should be, should pay for them. and i could just point out that in the previous trial of bro day, also served to shoot off the judge. she ripped to pieces all the arguments against these trials. in other words, because of the advanced age for the time that passed the fact that more serious senior people, the senior rank when i brought to justice. and she basically said in, in crimes of a tragedy like the holocaust, there's no such thing as a small car. 020 years ago a book was already written. and the title was the last night. i could tell you that more than a 100 nasty workers were convicted in the interim. so i wouldn't run or rush just to call this the last try. i know for a fact we are busy trying to find a survivors from the ravaged berg. robin's brook, excuse me, i can't say no other germany who can testify against a person who served as a guy was a mess in the woman's chair and is scheduled to be brought to justice in the coming months. and there are more additional investigations going on. a great socialist, a fact. as a european parliament vice president has apparently made a partial confession of allegations of bribery. eva kylie was arrested by belgian police investigating illicit payments to a you politicians coming many reports say she has now admitted asking her father to hire money before police. right. for our he was taken into custody on suspicion of trying to conceal a suitcase filled with cash and a brussels hotel. kelly is accused of being part of a group of you politicians who took bribes from cutter and morocco. the deputies abraham told me more about the latest developments in the class while anthony, this case just keeps getting stranger and stranger. i mean, from these media reports, it would appear that kylie has essentially used her father as a mule for these funds, asking him to hide them in a bag in a brussels hotel. and as soon as he, you know, was arrested. he was also arrested as part of these rates for it for a time. we know that she then started a warning her accomplices, that this is now happening. now, these are all according to media reports. these have not been confirmed yet. these are, you know, supposedly coming from leaks from the pending investigation and the interrogation of kylie and her associates, or she is said to she's now in pre trial detention. and as i said to appear in court on thursday, where her fate will be decided how this case will proceed further. i, we're learning more and more in brussels. but how's it guitar reacting to these allegations? well, the qatari stance really has not changed since the beginning of this scandal. they still maintain that they had absolutely nothing to do with this. they also said that, you know, why has the, why have belgian authorities not approached us at, we know from reports that this investigation has been going on for a while and as long as a year they, you know, cut very poorly. pottery officials have now been banned from accessing european permit buildings. they're very upset about that. and we sign a statement by a carrier official. you know, he's already saying, well, you know, this really threatens our cooperation, especially in the area of energy security and regional security. he is, of course, referring to europe's growing dependency on guitar for liquefied natural gas in the european union in germany, especially has in the past weeks or so turn took a tar turret to help it with the energy deficit. all because europe has to rely less on energy from, from russia. so that's how the categories are, are reacting so far. kaylee is accused of receiving bribes from carter to influence policy debates. what did they have to gain from having someone like her on they saw it? i think we have to zoom out a little bit and look at the larger context of guitar and the neighborhood if you will, that it finds itself in. i mean it's surrounded by regional heavy weights. they're also rivals, we're talking about the u. e. we're talking about saudi arabia. we're talking about egypt. these are all powerful countries around guitar that have very, very good relations. deep ties with the west, whether economically or politically, they're also rivals of guitar. our viewers might recall that a couple of years ago, all of these countries came together and decided to boycott guitar essentially. and the country found itself in essentially what's been described sometimes as an economic blockade. and so over the past years and certainly hosting of the world cup has been part of that guitar has been trying to put itself on the map in more ways than one. and what kylie has provided is essentially, you know, a voice for their talking points and advocate for how they want the world to perceive themselves a to, to perceive them in the heart of european democracy. and so of course there are, you know, there's all these talks about the visa program and so on. but really the words that she was seeing in the european parliament. these are guitar, a government, talking points about how guitar is a pioneer about how much they're making strides in liberal, liberates in the region, for example. and so it would appear that you know, that was the worth, the money for them. i abraham in brussels, thanks so much. now u. s. prosecutors are considering whether to file formal criminal charges against former president donald trump. a congressional panel has recommended for counts of trump's role. in the january 6th insurrection, trump has dismissed the referral as fike charges saying that democrat lead committee is trying to block his possible return to campaigning. oh, these images shocked the world. 2 years ago, thousands of supporters of former president donald trump storm the u. s. capital aiming to overturn the 2020 election and stop the peaceful transfer of power. 5 people died in the tank, including capital police officers, who sole responsibility was to protect the members of congress, the vice president and their staff. 6 months later, congress established the so called january 6 committee to investigate the events that led to the attack committee got straight to work. conducting over a 1000 interviews at holding 10 public hearings, they released previously unseen footage documenting the harrowing hours inside the building. and the highlighted, the former president's leg of action to stop the riot even accusing him of helping to carry chow. i gotta walk down to the capital. i hope we help make clear that there's a broader kind of accountability, accountability to all of you, the american people, the future of our democracy, rest in your hands. it's up to the people of this country to decide who deserves the public trust. january 6th, 2021 was the 1st time one american president refused his constitutional duty to transfer power peacefully to the next. and i worked over the last 18 months. the select committee has recognized our obligation to do everything we can to ensure this never happens again. the committee recommended criminal charges for former president donald trump, but it will be up to the u. s. justice department to decide whether he will actually end up in court. i told him the report is highly symbolic and it will have long lasting effect from police and vision. all i want to do is that many republicans supporting a candidate facing criminal charges. maybe a bridge too far. now, earlier i asked a w, washington bureau chief in his pole who fall that report. whether it's likely the us attorney general will actually prosecute donald trump. while anthony at the u. s . is in the very early stages of this extremely complicated process. as we just heard. the general 6 committee announced its unprecedented recommendation to reform a president from 4 or 4 different criminal charges. the justice department is already working on cases against trump and also his associates. so we do not know what stage they are in or if they plan to move forward with any charges. but and anthony, i think it is fair to say that this is still a monumental moment on capitol hill. you make the point that we don't know exactly where we are in this landscape, but if we take it to its end, the scenario would these charges, could these charges stop trump from running again for president? well, if, if the president were to get charged for inciting an insurrection, sorry, which was one of the 4 recommended charges he would be disqualified from running for office again. but at this stage, at this very moment, nothing can prevent him from continuing to pursue to hold public office in his trump has painted the investigation as a political which on another one. but could this actually help him if he does run again? that's a good question. anthony, him, i mean amongst his deepest and most like loyal supporters and he continues to be extremely popular and this might actually embolden them as a trump looks to take bag the white house. but we also have to keep in mind that during the midterms in november, that the most voters rejected actually trump endorsed candidates who campaigned that the election was stolen. so it is likely that the majority of the republican party members are rather turning their back against the donald trump. you've been witness to all of this. do you think this investigation can deepen, america's political divide even further from where it is now? well, anthony, recently the tip of the capitol police testified in front of the senate and said that there were more than 9000 threats against lawmakers this past year. i think this shows how deep the dividers and how dangerous it is here in the united states. the w. washington bureau chief in his poll. thanks so much. now, one of europe's traditions in the run up to christmas is saint nicholas day in ye crime extra help was needed this year. but thanks to the national rail network and the united nations saint nick managed to bring some joy to children. they w a manual shower reports. oh, he can't use the slay this year. since katy, nikolai was saint nicholas made his way to key if central train station, because no miss isaac going to stop what ukrainians called magic knight from happening. the children must have been obedient. even this year were not carrying sticks, only happiness to the holiday spirit. since the sky is closed over ukraine, we travel by train as much as we can. oh, railway workers have been doing magic of their own since the beginning of the war. running trains on time delivering goods and people to safety, even under fire. a st. nicholas said air defense works well, but the slaves still can't fly. so the railway has become the official carrier of saint nicholas. mines of thousands of children will be expecting his visit. so saint nicholas will travel with some special guest is here. we are sisters mancha and married scott, my was, i was with that. okay. we bring special gifts that children are waiting for. gifts are meaningful and they need them. we bring not only gifts, but also magic, the give them joy during the festive days. units that he's providing over $30000.00, give bags, and $100000000.00 in cash handouts for families. a need daily legs are making electrical water tortoises a little to sovereign. so during the holiday period, the chris recently real returned to live in the normal seat, allowing something to expect from 2023 saint nicholas. his train, whizzy da regions have had keith done yet, michael i, yes. and has some bring in much needed relief and joy and it beats other christmas miracle. now before we leave, let me take you back to you on us id swear. tens of thousands of people have gathered to welcome home argentina's world cop winning team. you're looking at live pitches from the capital where the team will parade. we believe they are on parade . we can't see them quite yet. the plans have changed a little. i'm not sure that anyone really case. they're just having fun. the president has declared a national holiday argentina has been patting and doing it well since the side one sunday's final in a penalty shootout against france looks like it might continue for a while yet. i watching database news coming up next in t w. news, asia, how extreme overwork is proving deadly for japan's teaches and what's being done to help that story more coming out next in date of the news asia with my colleague brush energy station for that it's coming up after a short break. i'll be back shortly with another book with ah, with cash to the future. with an iconic car of the eighty's, the delorean, one cell flop for its manufacturer. now it is reborn as a visionary, electric vehicle. sustainable and sexy. delory. read. in 60 minutes on d w, we love euro, we love diversity and anything unusual? no mountain is too high, and no road is too long. in search of the extraordinary we are the specialists of the lifestyle europe, your ro, max. on d w. they breathe. ah, they have body and soul. the houses that daniel leaders can't construct are more than just building. ah, you have to be radical. that's a radical mean. go back to the roof. he is the son of jewish holocaust survivors. luckily that i was able to bill to just present berlin is architecture, is a celebration of democracy in one building. the biggest thing in the world is the spirit of an architect of emotions. it starts december 25th on d, w a, d w, and use a shark coming up today. japan's overworked and exhaustive teachers many are having to do more than a $100.00 of overtime for a month and some update it with their lives. we ask, can japan change its work culture and cup debts from boulevard.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221218

has become at the soundtrack. i didn't. tane is tame and meg captain, lena murphy. i ad excitement is voting for all. this is to get ready to do for team plays. why injuries and sickness full weight, 32 nations and 64 matches the quick. but footballs. ultimate prize is right here in pat writing champions, france will take on an container at lucille stadium at $1500.00. jammed a prompt selections from the foundations who successfully to find this item. since pallet's, brazil, it's thick years ago with fall to young. remember that somebody not sure it's a match that could also see leno. messy wanting to try before the 1st time in his final dance on a woke up in the middle east. first world camp is poised for a thrilling encounter. and richard then begins coverage. if football was a sentimental game, then lino messy may well have been handed, the welcome trophy already now aged 35 massey says this will be his last world cup game, a chance to win the one title that saluted him during a career of close to unrivalled success in 2000 the cheeks in the temperature find against about sort of now miss he was starting to play in the team. that's 2000 and cheeks around 2022. but 16 years later, in contest for being player, for turn them and all roads. athena leading taylor sale since it's well cut began a month ago. it's where arch and famous campaign began fog disastrously without defeat, against saudi arabia. happy memories followed for them. here. subsequently, most recently, the semi final went over croatia, the 1st on france of played this venue is where d d, a de shawn's could become just the 2nd coach in history after it, please. sorry, i thought so. back in 1938 to when to world cups. they shan't also lifted the trophy as captain in 1998. as did he go a race in russia 4 years ago. the race and his team out to stop message final shot at a well title. you need especially focus on him, but it's not only about team, you know, it's a strong team with other players with a young generation of players and you can see that they're all dedicated to to live missy preparations have also been incense for the man who be in the middle for the biggest game of his career, this is the middle of the season, not like it was before that event and of the season, et cetera. now players are fresh. to want to win. i mean, you see the fire the, i say of players and we expect verify game. yeah, that fire is burning just as broadly amongst the fans in cats. are all hoping to witness one last, when from betty. oh, on the richardson, al jazeera lucille, let's get a sense of what the moods like now outside the 2 team hotels, just hours before the final. katie r lopez, honey on his outside, the accommodation where messy and his team is staying. but 1st, let's speak to it. so how many keys at the french teams, title salem, it's all been pretty quiet there this morning. any signs of life, any signs of these french fries? yeah. well it's pretty quiet here. jemma still pretty early on in the day, but i'll tell you there's been a slow trick. hello. found a few friends coming outside, trying to talk their way into the stadium, but instead just settling for stealthy with that fine over though the french team and blue jail hope. we'll have 3 styles on it by the end of today. but for the few fans in the media, i've spoken to the mood is pretty positive, despite the virus that hit the french camp. and also the injuries from the beginning of the tournament. they have the feeling of confidence that they will retain this title. of course they've come up against big teams in this tournament. they put down england which o v c. gemma, you are probably not too happy about. but there's a feeling of confidence here amongst the french fans that they really believe that they can double up. and when this trophy again and take thou messy and ruined the party for messy and all is fans, which is going to be quite a few in no sale because it's going to be like a home state in the french fans are going to be out numbered but they're pretty confident to how you talked about people getting a selfie there with the french science, no doubt. you'll be looking to get a selfie with your favorite play alleviation. right, thank you for now. that's cross to katya lopez. howdy. and she's outside the accommodation. where messy and the agile team team staying cut to a majority of the fans around the world is certainly supporting argentina. what's the mood like where you are of people had a slow start the morning. yeah, well things are pretty quiet here, but i suspect inside where the players are, there's a lot of excitement, a lot of nervousness and maybe also some anxiety going on a little bit about the location here. there are not a lot of fans, and that's because there is a lot of security tech point thing. it's a get to this point. there's a lot of gates, a lot of inspections, and it's basically not. i'm a big team and the coaches specifically wanted to stay in the campus so that fans and maybe the distractions that sometimes loads of fans can bring what kind of be kept at bay. so we do see that duality here. playing out along with also having a bit more flexibility and having the option to feel at home and have their barbecues have us here. now lucille stadium is about 10 minutes from here. so we suspect that even though there are not a lot of fans here at the moment, on the way over to the stadium, there will be a lot of fans carrying on the team and specifically messy as he gets ready to play . and his last world cup maps, no doubt at all. i'm sure they'll be sharing loud and proud. thank you very much. talk to you lopez. hardy on live for us there in doha. and joining us now is that telemundo, what will commentator edwardo viscado. he also happens to be ogden tinian, how the nerves. okay. yeah. for the whole now messy one, fine or chance celeste, the wildcat trophy that coveted trophy, the one missing from his trophy cabinet. will that be tears of joy or despair for mercy at least how, how is this long ago that we don't know, but we hope that their tears of joy like that there was there were in the and the comerica final in 2021. finally then i, it seems like messy was accepted as a team leader, team captain and, and probably, you know, finally the obama, vanessa, i guess, successor because there was always that doubt that he could be, should have the same personality and character than, than martin. i did have vowed to see the match gang, did you think favorites? i think it's very balanced game because france is, is a favour though, because they're the war champions. they, they, they been here. they, they, i think many people doubted that they could reach the final because there was that cast of doubt, of every champion coming into the war cup and then not performing well. and france had lots of problems with injuries and situations that were not favorable for them . but they did, saw them all, and then now they're here and i think they're not in the same level as they were in 2018. however, i think they're very strong team. they have a very strong, a manager. and, and, and i think because of that they, they know how to win and that's what they bring into the final. and i just wanna have you imagined that maintenance as messy scoring though, or any argentine in play for that. nasa scoring the winning goal in a well cut final is that played out in your mind if he thought about what you might say. i think many people have thought about it. but the, the fact that he has court in the round of 16 corps, filed semifinals and he might score in the file. it's something wonderful. even if argentina does not, when i think the mess is war, cup is, isn't questionable. it's, it's, it's this the best that he had had, i think he said the toner from the 1st. the 2nd game when argentina were really struggling against mexico and, and there was a very thick game, you know, argentina couldn't find its flow. and that he scored a goal would be because mexico was playing great game defensively that we're not creating anything offensively, but the he, he opened again and i think then probably he opened argentina's path into this final. how do you stay neutral now as i'm sure you're a professional? i'm not questioning your professionalism at all, but as an agent in tinian fan, how do you stay neutral? going in, say commentating, tonight's mats. and what do you do to prepare? can you give us an insight into what it's like you're home and taking a world cup? fine, i think i think you have to analyze as you know, like if, if we're called experts, then we have to try to see pros and cons on each side. and that's what we try to do . and then obviously there's our emotions. there is our heart. there's our desire eventually. but when you know, you have to it, at any profession, you have to put what's, you know, on each column then. yeah, that's what you try to do and then ice. i saw this argentinean team going into the walk up with many flaws, probably only the world, only war class, a player that the team has is mercy and seems 35 or maybe the maria the maria's is 35 to so or $34.00 then. ah, that was that question, but the coach also experienced and, and, but everything came together so far and that, and that's what, what do you have to try to see and, and then obviously emotions come to come to play a failing to tell us a little be eve covered. oh my, this is your 5th world cat. now i remember the 1st one that i saw on tv in 1978. probably you both were not warned. no, probably definitely not. not. yeah, i will definitely what not. but yeah, i mean you, that one was an argentine, it came very close to me and it was, you know, it was something that marked my, i guess my, my life and my relationship with football. i guess i just wanted to get a sense of what doha was like. the woke up for doha versus the other bo cups that you won't come in the proximity between the been you venues and under situations that happen. stadium, sun and fans. like i remember probably i will never forget the night we're, i had to comment on the crecia at stadium on the crecia, brazil game. and then i took the metro and went and sale and i because the game went to penalties. it just, i didn't arrive to watch a whole game hard and teen against netherlands, but just the possibility of, of watching 2 games of such quality and importance at the same work up at the same city. it was, it was great and i think the color that the fans brought into the city and everybody like joined in maybe. yeah. within see like, you know, such, i guess displays of other type of fashion. but everything, everything went very smoothly, much better than that. people thought that he would go on, i do, i, we know you're very busy man, and he's gonna have to say, i get on like as they say, you gotta be heading down to least i say literally, i've got green eyes and i'm very general that you're going to the fight, all of us, iowa does enjoy it, billy and have a blessed day, and i chance have a great day and thank you for taking the time, keith. now you can't talk messy without talking kit in about a francis star plan has come a long, long way since this hannah was 1st spotted as a child growing up in the town of bondi. let's cross to pool brennan, who is that in bondy for us pulling credit about $823.00 is out on the verge of winning his 2nd. wild. com is pretty incredibly net nazi of a proud day for people living that it's, it's extraordinary. i'm here at sunday market day. i here in the center of bondy, it's a satellite town of pirates is about 10 miles outside of the main city. and the people here are genuinely excited as a enormous mural on one of the buildings. you'll see to my report in a 2nd, but i just wanted to show you before that the front page of yesterday's newspaper lik keep, which is the headline a wire, which basically means their story and throwing the parallel between a teenage pele and the then teenage and buffet, now 23 years old teenager when he won the 1st of his world cup metals back just 4 years ago and the expectation that he'll win his 2nd well cup winners metal later on today. it's a, a mixed community here. it's had its fair share of social problems. so to see somebody, a local lad come through and emerge to global prominence is and matter of immense pride for the people of bondy. he is really bonnie's favorite son, killian and boppy is literally a larger than life figure here. this 10 story mural depicts and bobby, is a boy dreaming of woke up lorry and the people of his home town of bondi, love it and love him. i gentler celeste hamilton sellers. killian is the rising star. he is the star of stars, and truth be told, he's the envy of the world. he's done it every one scared of him. despite his age, he carries the team. you have to admit it. thought he carries the team. fricky monsoons used to cut him back his hair, but exactly the most challenging of jobs. a simple buzz cut, but inspired by one of them by piece and frances greatest for pauling heroes. this is maria cook, clumsy then. if, if beau, he told me to cut his hair like sir done, not too much of res work, he always told me he wants a simple cut. bondy is known for its large population of migrants from central and north africa is just 10 miles from the center of paris, but feels a world away from the glamour of the city of light. and the less and bobby's bond to his home town is strong. his parents handle player pfizer, la murray, and soccer coach, wilfrid and bobby are also household names here, and the family is known for its charitable contributions to the town. after winning the 2018 world cup, a slightly bashful looking teenager returned to a rock star. welcome, eat up ali, alaska, the flood. he hasn't forgotten his roots. but sometimes when things he that we forget admit we're, we're from. well let him know now he's not like that. going into the world cup final and boppy is 2 days short of his 24th birthday. no longer the bashful teenager. he's now the star. and there's a powerful sense of pride and expectation surrounding bonnie's favorite son. lydia long lived killian lily. good luck and bring back the cup, god willing, bring back the cup, put simply bondy beliefs. one of the things that i have found from speaking to people here is a strong sense of social responsibility that killian unbaptized house for this home town of his. and he took some children, or he funded that a trip for some children to go to new york ana kind of sporting exchange in the recent past. and he is, you know, his family connections. they are very, very strong as us, massive sense of pride and all eyes will be looking at this afternoon's match. a certainly well a program and i in monday. thank you for that. right. our report is following all the fan action across content. yes, our hi wrath. is it a barbecue policy organized by argentine, fans in bolivar, which will speak to her shortly. but let's bring in victoria gates and be fuss, who's at their house and walk. if toria, we've been following your progress that morning. i can see some odds and tv and phones behind you just how's the atmosphere that right now. a just caught us as a sort of face off between the argentinian and the french frances, i just finished up an argentinian fan chanting, messy singing songs. and then that's been the french trans, countering by saying, i'm back a and then singing the french national anthem. now there are an incredible amount of argentinian fans down here in the soup as always. but the french team is the defending champions. there are a few french friends down here. we'll just talk to one of them. now he's flown in from paris. the well cut, omar. sorry, if i can just interrupt. hi, how do you think your team is gonna? and i think that we have a down at the see kids today. so how do you think about they will play tonight with today? we have big chest, the when i come here to enjoy the final all good. that must be in the schedule. so it's been an amazing atmosphere, so it's really heating up now between the argentinian and the french friends, obviously that will be going to the stadium bit later on. but for now the down in the looking like great fun or it is. thank you for now. let's go to sarah high right now, who's among argentinean fans at bow village is. sorry, it's lunchtime now in kata. how a fans preparing for the match the barbecues will find out, ready to go. i still haven't a, [000:00:00;00] a dream footboard. really a very much part of the and the pre game post says, why is that, what does it mean a fax, i don't know if not, most of the name of the people are a friends out home sites. i visit with the one thing, the united a what we do every saturday, the games every sunday before the games. we got a before you in a, i always do bond with would be part of stuff you hear the afford. this is not cynthia, mit yeah. with lower best, a good result. they walked. yeah. what we found here. new one on the farm. we put it on there. barbara, you are then we are covered with it and, and you've had so many donations. they've had people low polls, categories of in their names, in box used to them so that they can cabinet a together, going to meet a community. i have something i read the ball. we probably all my life. oh, they really in amazing at msu. thank you very much of pending that picture for us clara hierarchy to live for us. they enjo, while in just a few hours, many a phase argentinean founds that with a full stomach will be heading into at least i will stadium, which will be packed with more than $80000.00 fans. santa honey, she joins is live now from the venue. all for the world cup, final sound that you are at the place to be that stadium is going to be absolutely rocking in a few hours time. isn't it? yes. della off the $63.00 matches. it all comes down to one match the final, which is happening right here behind me at this iconic flu sale stadium. as you mentioned, 89000 fans. and i'm so show we're, we will hit that number, but this, but the curtains will set down on the cutoff. the 1st, the middle east will cup and i'm joined the here by a professor dared akin this from the southwestern university to talk to us about he's been here for a few years, dared to talk to us about cutoff and it's leg in the whole tournament. then you've seen, you've witness to build up to this big event. a video play it? yes, i will spot over to supreme court meeting with did use institute, which is a legacy program. and our objective, oh dear miss john, obey institute was to build a human capacity for their workup and beyond and true education and training and research. how so weakness led to believe both the programs, the o tournaments, but of course i left in 2020 and called the legacy was within place very early. what is very important for the difference if legacy is not in place before, is to lit up, but it's too late when you get into haley, they'll finish or not, but the probation and then gotta did very well with this spring committee. they had just were institute, which was my institute, a donation. i'm missing school board. what development agenda or so challenge 20 jew at seemed at sit it out with dine, but all this way had the mission to make sure that they'd walk up live a sustainable legacy. no, just the legacy. and now we talked about the arrest that distinction, body roles of certain ability challenges. and so that's an ability philosophy that's thinking through the whole process or preparing for it. and it won't go eh, all lisa lemons with very important. and the already have for me a legacy legacy is already there. now is going to just be love. and girl with quotes would be dawn after the tone of my dad was seen, not move on to the african teams and how they performed that this woke up specially, morocco was the 1st big arb, nation, an african nation to make it to the semi finals and an arab nation who's hosting this at well, how do you think it will now give them a chance to bid for a while cop, i mean, they've already did 55 times and they failed. yes. i think that performance is a major milestone for africa. football because the 1st time it's been 50 years, africa had been consistent. but speaking there was a couple of free from now we can maybe put a semi find out that is really major morocco and for african football, if we're going to gun football. now, how is he going to affect africa football sending out operate, john? we don't know yet, but for me is already done. when i say is done, it is mostly because in the subcontinent and caution of people african team is capable of belonging to a war globally, is capable of making it so fast, which is, depends on very few, very tiny details. and that's really and that you've meant for, for morocco, for africa, and for the yeah, for the world, but also for what i call the global africa. because that's what i was the 6 region of africa and union is very instrumental. inactive ment over the performance of model because of the origin of the place. thank you very much for that. so history was made that this woke up and more, we're expecting more tonight. you see the argentine all france and it's kicking off at 15, gmc 6 pm, locals time. so that's out there in that good job. baffling the elements i resolve . she's all right. and if you watched any of containers matches, you would have heard what showed trusts. michel, i almost had it, which i yes, that's the railings on that became the team's anthem, and i had it once or twice in the stadium. it's been following the plaza and found that wherever they've gone through it. but i have from what i was. ah allison dina, the song has become argentine as anthem for the world cup. it celebrates the land of vehicle madonna and unit macy, and the young men who died during the 1980 to conflict with britain or the islands known here as the marinez. ah, it's sung by an art is known as lamb, aka, or the fly. it was written by ferryman, the romito, who is a teacher, him when aside, se, okay, look a me the door frames you may think. what inspired me was the pain that we all felt by the death of diego marrow donna in 2020, and how important he was for us as we all celebrated when we won the corporate america. and now we need to celebrate leonor missy, and how grateful we are of having him. oh, this song is being chanted in stadiums on the streets, in the subway. ah, and even by the national team players, it's called mitchell's and describes the argentine dream of winning the world cup. once again, there's euphoria and argentina with the world cup final and with the national team look at what some people have done. very vehicles on the song is playing almost everywhere. people say that it makes them happy that he gives them hope argentine is in the middle of a huge economic rises and the world cup has provided a destruction to many people here. people like after constant beanie, who runs a campaign to help children in any way, there were some other would outdoors and recognize that we're all going crazy with this. we painted the car and then we lost a saudi arabia and i was like, what do we do with the car? now we're happy and children in the country are happy. and this is it. even if we don't when we're happy that we got here. ah, who'd been sons i celebrated in argentine, be not only praised this beautiful game, but also its history and culture. and the see one song of managed to unite argent times from all sectors of society. to show support puleo nail messy and the national team. the media, i just see that when a faded so jim, that's the latest we'll cup news. it's going to be about what 6 and a half hours until the match gets under way. i have had the pleasure of saying front and i didn't teen and beat the certainly insides and they certainly were fabulous to watch even though we were losing. and particularly those to stand out plays. will these old leave up to the high? do you think tonight, while on paper it should be a fantastic match. we have lino massey is fine. what we've got killing them back. they. the age of 23 could become a 2 time well, when you'd become the youngest to achieve that, since that pele, back in the back, in the seventy's say on paper it should be an absolute prostate, but sometimes this isn't always the case seems can come from each other out with a kind of attacking talent on display. of course not only must be fraught and see that we have had alvarez. he's been fantastic as well. the young manchester city, 22 year old strike and for from not alien by fire. they also have that man living room, he overtook terry on re in the solomons as from his all time leading scorer. so there was attacking talent all over the pitch. what hoping, lots of goals and this one, but tonight we're looking forward to it and certainly joe has put on a spectacular performance as well. thank you very much jim. i will see you at the top of the hour. all right, let's get some other world news now and vote. so being counted in tennessee is parliamentary election. the 1st under a controversial new constitution turn out has been a stream lay low, just under 9 percent. your position which boycotted the vote, says president,


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221209

running a secret mass abortion program. downtown hong kong sees more people rely on charity, but even the groups themselves are now on depression to provide. ah, and i welcome to the program american basketball player brittany griner has been released from a russian prison. she was freed as part of a prisoner swap. you as president j bought and says she is safe and now on her way home. a white house correspond kimmy hawker reports. president biden announced the news in a tweet, releasing a photo of himself, vice president comma la harris and brittany grinders wife sharelle, speaking to the basketball star, as she flew back to the united states. she said he's on a plane, she's on her way home. after months being unjustly detained and russia, rider was arrested in february at moscow airport for drug possession and smuggling after authority found trace amounts of cannabis oil in her luggage. she was convicted in august and sentence to 9 years of hard labor in a russian penal colony. us officials, led by the president condemned her sentence as disproportionately harsh for months . the u. s. has been negotiating with russian diplomats to release her was happy. but comb the to the never mind, harrison will define. she endured miss treatment, showed attitude a show trial and russia with characteristic grid. the white house won't say what suddenly changed only that this week brought a breakthrough on thursday. grider was sent to the you a is part of a prisoner swap for russian army dealer. victor boot referred to by some as the merchant of death serving 12 of a 25 year sentence in the u. s. federal prison for conspiring to kill american, acquiring and exporting anti aircraft missiles and providing material support to a terrorist organization. before his arrest, who had built a business, allegedly supplying weapons to support wars and uprisings around the world, from africa to afghanistan at the white house grinders wife expressed relief, her ordeal was finally coming to an end. months you all have been. i'm so privy to one of the darkest moments of my life. and so today i'm just standing here overwhelmed with emotions. but the most important emotion that i have right now is just sincere gratitude, but biden still faces questions about american poll wayland left behind, and currently serving a 16 year sentence in russia and espionage charges. his family says he's innocent, sadly, for totally legitimate reasons. russia is treating paul's case differently than brittany's and while we have not yet succeeded securing paul race, we are not giving up. still, there's fear about president biden's decision to swap a convicted arms dealer for an american convicted of drug possession. their fear, as it could encourage further hostage taking and send a global message about the price, the white house is willing to pay for american lives. kimberly hell can al jazeera, the white house or the russian alms de la vic to boot was arrested in a special operation in 2008 by the u. s. drug enforcement administration. mike vigil is a former chief of international operations for the d. e. a. he says what verona was fat. victor boom was the russian arms dealer that operated for many, many years, selling weapons to terrorists organizations around the world. and da, conducted a sting operation where they used to confidential sources to penetrate victor boots organization and they post as fork members your the are revolutionary forces of columbia. they told them that they wanted to buy weapons to be used against american, in american aircraft that were operating in columbia. the exchange, as far as i'm concerned, is a when we have to stop the noise. you know, i've seen a lot of individuals that also come from the 8th and they talk about bite and because they don't like bite it. but they completely ignore that. trump had 5000 hello bon released and then met with their leader at camp david. when it comes to victor, bow, you know, he is ye operate with us in the shadows. he's no longer going to be able to do that. there's going to be numerous intelligence services around the world that are going to be monitoring his movement. i don't think that this is gonna cause a situation where more us citizens are taken into custody and foreign countries. they just have to make sure that they don't do anything that goes against a loss. however, minor they baby, tina buddha, watts, has been sworn in, is peruse into rem lisa all to congress, impeached the president pedal castillo. he was arrested just hours after saying that he would dissolve congress by presidential decree among the countries. constitutional court said was to tap the law is the country's 1st female president and his aust peruvians for unity. marianna sanchez has more or less the kind meet groups of people that are slowly joining it to support very little gusio people who have been there's a, he's supporter for these the 18 the 60 months that he was in office. people who are angry at the fact that he has been in prison and people who are demanding more than anything that they want. not the, not only a feel to be freed, but they want the government to close congress and for everyone to leave. most of the people, most of peruvians, it up, we didn't pull say, they want a mule, general electric because we've been in a political turmoil throughout now. that's why the new president of the novel, new out of the has asked for a truth, gemini says that it expects more arrests and rates in connection with a fall right plot. overthrown government lease waited a $130.00 sites across the country. on wednesday, a small town and the east was out the center of the plan. dominic came reports from bennett. bot lorden stein is a sleepy town in the eastern german state of 3rd year. and yet in this castle, police say the alleged plotters would meet to discuss their plans and stole their weapons. it belongs to hi, miss weiss, a minor aristocrat who styles himself as prince heinrich, the 13th, but who investigators believe is the ringleader of the group. a man long denounced by his family and by other towns people for espousing conspiracy theories either built often by all citizens of bad lunchtime received a letter this past summer in which we were told that we were not german because our passports were not german. we were then given the opportunity to apply for a german origin documents with, with the sender called the voice administration. the driving ideology of the royce group is from the far right rice book tradition. it would do away with democracy and re impose the imperialist rule by a monarch or kaiser. many thousands of people have a loose and not criminal affiliation to the wider principle. but very few have actively plotted to bring it about. convince people can be very sanctioned, germany can be very radical and can be violent. we have seen that in our history, and this is the very reason that the big majority of the people say not against certainly the mood among many germans is one of incredulity. this is michelle huff bar. it's not really comprehensible you hear, but such lands and other countries. but for this to happen outside my front door to the government, we have is not ideal, but probably better than what they had plan which was not going to be honest. i have no words so far away from what i personally believe in anything. so i find it hard to grasp. one central question being asked is how some of the alleged plotters could have reached positions of relative power and influence in society. have another question is what the country should do to remove such people from office earlier. this is just a consequence of allison. the most important consequence of this is that everyone knows that we have a true state and a defensive democracy, which is able with its security authorities to tort such violations of the law and repel them with all its might. bryce borders have a love hate relationship with this building. as the bond is target federal parliament, it's a demonstration of a democratic germany. they would abandon. but as the old rice tags building, it's a reminder of the imperial germany. they would bring back for now. ministers say they've sworn in that ambition. dominant cane al jazeera berlin. the us secretary of state says he's confident that finland and sweden will soon be nato members. the foreign ministers on washington, d. c for talks, rushes invasion of ukraine, push them to apply to join the military alliance been delayed by consent from turkey, of the kurdish separatists in both countries. and some lincoln says those issues have been addressed. their military is work nearly seamlessly with alliance forces. finan sweden will bolster our alliance, not only through their military capabilities, but also through their values, an abiding commitment to democracy, the rules based international order, respect for human rights, respect for human dignity. ahead on al jazeera trade unions, and so i could get involved and nationwide to writing cost of living an outrage among the victims as mom, the on the 2002, the bombing is fully funded. ah, here's your weather in a minute 15. this is the addition for the americas. great to see you, still breezy through the great lakes. we've got a shield of snow across the midwest, but for chicago, i think it's going to be a bit of a rain snow mix. nothing major there. briefly through the ne, in that rain starts to push away from halifax gutter next, whether maker in the pacific that's going to slam into the west coast of the u. s. over the course of the weekend. so it means another saki weekend for a northern california ahead of it. gloomy conditions, s f, with the high of 13 degrees. now for the u. s. gulf states the southeast got this rain running across northern georgia, as we looked toward tennessee as well. it's where cool and warm air colliding can really see the difference between the carolinas. right. charleston, 22 and raleigh. just 11 degrees. the high for you on friday. tradewinds. not as strong. suggest the odd shower here. bursts of rain on that border with believes and guatemala bigger storms are really east of the paid ruffian andes, through the amazon basin coming out to the east coast of brazil. but to the south of this, it is all about the heat. so we paint the colors on dark or the red. how are they temperature port to lake rate 40 degrees. you could match a temperature record for the month of december on friday. we'll see if it happens. take care. ah. the rest of the warranty kramer sent shock waves across the globe with what does it mean for its neighbor, georgia, or decided not to to ross toller, dollar coast road, and much pro brochure with the country. still, partly under russia, multiplication, an influx of russian citizens underneath with moscow connections, many ga, see the conflict as a barometer for their future. this window for, for tony t, old punk be quite healthy, and of course ukraine fight our fight as well. georgia stuff choices on a, j 0 lou ah, back you watching al jazeera reminds about top stories. this al russia has free the basketball player, brittany rhina, in a high level prison as well. with the u. s. she was exchanged for the notorious alms theda victor boot. dana, bill watts has been sworn in as perry's into him. lead out to congress impeach president petto castillo. he was arrested just hours off the saying he would dissolve congress by presidential decree, move the countries constitutional, cold, cold, acute more arrests and raids are expected in germany in connection with the far right close to a threats government lease way too hot and fatty sites across the country on wednesday the nigerian army has been accused of running a secret illegal abortion program among victims of armed groups. reuters reports that at least 10000 pregnancies have been terminated in the countries northeast since 20. 13 report says many of the women and girls have been kidnapped and raped by members of armed groups. like boca rum, many of the abortions were importantly, carried out without the women's consent. the nigerian military is denied that the program existed. in the beginning, we were in our town buckle her arm came and attacked. they grabbed us and took us away to the bush. after that, we were in the bush in their hands. soldiers came and took us. after that, they took us to give our barracks and they are boarded our pregnancies. trade unions in shall lanka, are leading several protests against the spiraling cost of living. it follows the president, renelle victim of thing is decision to privatize some state institutions. shlang has been going through, it's was economic crisis in decades, at least $22000000.00 people struggling to pay for the essential goods. you know, it's a nation says that haiti is facing a worsening humanitarian crisis with one in every 2 haitians. now food and secure cholera outbreak and gang violence in the comes country has prompted the prime minister on the u. n. to call for an international rapid response security force. no countries have committed and negotiations is still ongoing. we are going to close to more than $1314000.00 now and suspected cases of cholera throughout the country. and what we are seeing effect is not only the continued increase of cholera cases, but also the spread to the regions. and there is no in 8 of the 10 departments, there are confirmed cholera cases and this is a worrying trend for us and for the country temperatures in the u. k. as that to fall below freezing it comes at a time when energy prices are high. charities and community groups are responding with the creation of so called warm banks, a spaces where people can go to avoid the cold if they can't afford to heat their homes. the bank i travel to oxfordshire, where volunteers helping vulnerable people. rural england on the coldest day of the year. so far. picture perfect villages. but for some increasingly rustic living standards, saint mary's church is opening its doors every week during winter, for those seeking warmth, comfort, and company, and i am certain times everybody is affected. we had it so easy to nay. you know, you've turned the tap has been hot water. i'm have money to pay a bill, so any term heating on, there's only been very, very lucky in this country. very lucky and we always rate how others. now, we need the help across the country, thousands of public buildings are being turned into so called warm banks, where people can go to heat up for free, especially if they can't afford the soaring cost of energy bills, which have doubled its down to charities, businesses a community groups to step in amid a worsening cost of living crisis. this is an affluent part of the country. chocolate box, england for this crisis is affecting a broader spectrum of people than ever before. every one is getting poorer, every one's wages are being squeezed. and every was costs are going up of for those people who've been just about managing money, couldn't be any tighter. and now, increasingly poverty is embedded within communities. warm banks operate on the same principle as food banks like this volunteer joe peyton is packing surface goods destined for people who can't afford to feed themselves all their families. it was seen again the last month is we're seeing people that are working or people who've been on benefits, but they've coped and now they've got to stages that there's nothing left. there's nothing left me to put on the matter. i comp heating on because i hadn't got any money left this week. you can is the only g 7 country with a smaller economy. the before the pandemic, and inflation is at its highest and 40 years the pandemic and warn you crate are undeniably a fault. but breaks it and recent political mismanagement of stifle hopes of a fast economic recovery. the result, more people relying on the kindness of strangers to meet their basic needs, needs, parker, al, jazeera oxfordshire. cousin 19 restrictions in hong kong may not be as severe as they on mainland china, but a full reopening of the city and economic revival could still be some way off. a downturn, a seen people living under hardship increasingly reliant on charity groups and social enterprises to make ends meet this patrick fuck reports. and he such groups themselves have been struggling to survive. ah, once a month, social workers from hong kong charity group chicken soup foundation paid michelle my visit at her, her. michelle is a single mother struggling to get by on a meager income in one of the world's most expensive cities. she can barely afford the basics for her and her or to stick daughter, the tables and chairs in her home with donated by the charity mahonnan and the young delica. lemme to other people. they may be ordinary things, but to me and my daughter, it makes us feel fortunate that somebody shows us love article. oh, sure, they got chicken soup foundation main support, the single parent families providing counseling as well as necessities, including medical supplies is washing machine was also a recent donation. since the start of the coven 19 pandemic, many of hong kong poorest are facing unprecedented hardship. now i have see, seeing people face such difficulty has an emotional effect on us t. as the last 3 years, there's been a big rise and people seeking relief for charity workers. it's been particularly demanding. i see s sam burn out on staff her dare, especially during the faith wide cast. at that time we have more than 50 percent of our staff got covered as well, but we still have to serve our family. and that's not the only reason. many charities are facing staffing challenges, according to the hong kong social workers general union, as many as 28 percent of social workers quit their jobs in the last year. many of them left the city altogether because restrict pandemic curbs and political uncertainty forming a crack down on the pro democracy movement. hong kong struggling economy. as a result of the panoramic is made fundraising more difficult. also, one survey conducted by a local agency found a 5th of the organizations interviewed, had shuttered or suspended operations. so that an upright is a, is a platform for the people to help the society to do good in over community. so without his pad form, i think there will be a feel opportunity for people in hong kong to, to have a channel to, to, in order to do good for this was i t and the loss of such organizations means many who have been struggling here. and rely on their help will find it difficult to get the support they need. patrick for al jazeera hong kong. indonesian authorities have given early release to one of the men behind the 2002, bali bombings but call reports. do more pack tech was released on parole after serving just half of his 20 year prison sentence for his role in the 2002 bally bombings indonesia, the worst ever attack he was convicted in 2012 after almost a decade on the run of mixing bombs which read through to nightclubs in one of the valley's busiest tourist areas. 202 people were killed and hundreds of others injured, a local archive. the link group was blamed. citizens from 22 countries who are among the dead. 88 of them were australian tourist. there the news of whom architects early release has caused outrage that i care about a straw that i care about. the people that dart over here that i care about. the other 21 countries that were involved at the top, i don't kid. the only care about the people that they try to think in terms of their own mind is to directly claus which is crazy. australia hazards indonesia government not to release pa, tech bus authorities there say he has been reformed thanks to a di radicalization program in prison. fast hasn't convinced cambrai my thoughts today very much with families and communities who have lost a loved one. this is a person who was in the nation justice system. my personal view is his actions are inexcusable and completely apart. we don't control the innovation justice system and that's, that is the way the world for local victims to the bombers. early release brings a sense of unease there, unconvinced that he's a changed man. he possibly get caught by long soon as the victims directly impacted . we have our own opinions and these people cannot do good. they might have behaved in jail, but after they fried by the authorities guarantee that they will not re offend tours, still flocked to the island which hasn't seen an attack since a monument to its victims reminds visitors of what you more partic and others did. here, 20 years ago, for the a car, al jazeera cut all has held its 6 anti corruption awards event recognizes those have contributed to the global campaign to uphold the rule of law. 7 organizations and individuals who are recognized during the ceremony here in town home to me, these in babylon journalists hopeful she no, no as the recipient of the international anti corruption excellence award. he spoke to us about what this meant to him. the journalist, a quote that i've been doing in zimbabwe, which is focused on exposing ah corruption, particularly the looting of public funds and the abuse of natural resources in zimbabwe. the situation is so bad such that the biggest was middle his barber, one lives, one metallic theatre which was built in 1977 by the colonial government. and as a result of that, $2500.00 is robin women die every year. ah, giving birth thus the equivalent of about 14 jumbled years, crushing every year and killing only pregnant women. ah, the gay time. now of all the latest news from the world comp, he is far as smile at heart doha waterfront. dear lena murphy's emotional world cap story continues in the quarter finals on friday against the netherlands after a t one when in the last 16 against australia, argentina thesis team with high hopes of ending massey's final run. and he richardson report whether he likes it or not. selina massey is the focus for most camera lenses. when argentina hit the training ground, competing at his last well cup that he 5 year old, messy is closing in on his 1st global title. tens of thousands of fans of travel to cattle from argentina, hoping to witness one of the gangs all time greats cap, his international career with footballs. biggest price, commercial zone where the ford is again, casey, don't we see the effort that everyone has made to come here? and be part of the games and also that people enjoying it from argentina. i know that all of our gen tina would like to be here, but that isn't possible. the unity that we have enjoyed for a while is very beautiful at every match. it's incredible how they are living each game and transmitting so much passion and energy. i thank them because it's incredible. missy. okay. ah, the netherland female face in the quarter finals certainly enjoyed the new account when against the usa. at the last world, cup of parents in 2014 dutch fun came to an end with defeats against staunch and sina. in the last 4, we know that you are 3 games away from glory. you could be 3 games away from glory . and we are in this position right now. we want to show we want to perform and get, leave it all on the page and hopefully get success. and this is opportunity. touch coach louis van hall is another rallying point for the players. he returns the job for a 3rd time last year, the 71 year old, guiding the team through world qualification, while also being treated the prostate cancer. she's a very good guys where you can speak to a normal and i think everyone is good for with him. and i think also because this will be the last one, wants to fight for women duelfer argentina sends hoping it will be their team that can bring the netherlands 19 game unbeaten run to an end. and the richardson al jazeera, our football analysts won rango is with me now. and one can the nebling stand in the way of argentina reaching the final for a could be a rematch of what happened in 2014, when both teams really went down to the wire and had to define things. and finally kicks. it looks and things tend to be in that direction, but with messy and the way he's been playing in this tournament, he just needs a couple of moments of magic to really make things turn around against. it does say that maybe aren't the best as a as individual names, but collectively they show that they are motivated to be able to make their, their coach very proud, but also very motivate to get really deep into this tournament. now brazil are the favorites of so many people that live here in katara by. do you think probation can cause an upset? the crazy could cause an upset against any team that this is probably one of the biggest challenges are going to have. if you date back to the world cup final in 2018, as a matter of fact, against france, they haven't seen a team as deep as talented as motivated, but also in sync with what they look to do and what they need to do on the picture to, to me, when you start seeing brazil. yeah, they are going to have a hard time against a crucial side. that's very competitive. that's always looking to get the, the results necessary and also do whatever it takes to do so. okay, and what's your prediction for the 1st semi final line at all? you got me here for the 1st one. it would be brazil, croatia, i think we're brazil will get through now as far as the as far as the netherlands and argentina up pick argentina. okay. her ain't paying so much one after 2 rest days, that this is how fridays action legacy education city is the venue for the opening quarter final between croatia and brazil. that's at $1500.00 gmc and it's followed to add to 1900 g m t by the netherlands and argentina from lately sales stadium supp plan. he to look forward to hearing katara and our team will have it all covered right here on out is their act. ah, as is out, is there any top stories? russia has free the basketball player, brittany corona, and a high level prisoner.


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