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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140803

robert f. kennedy jr. marries cheryl hines connecting cam camellot to hollywood today on august 3rd, 2014. this is "today" with lester holt and erica hill live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." i'm erica hill i'm lester holt alongside jenna wolfe and dylan dreyer. you were away last weekend. you were away and tan. >> jenna was here for me. >> we are all back together. >> what about you? >> you know ist the rules. anyway, it's great to have you here. something else special in your life we'll talk about coming up. >> every single person is going to say that dylan is pregnant. >> i realized that too. >> it was my birthday the whole time. just so you guys know. i just want to clear the air. >> i'm glad we cleared all of that up. we've got a lot of news to get to this morning. it's the return of the american doctor infected with the potentially deadly ebola virus. he shocked a lot of people watching when he walked into the atlanta hospital where he's being treated this morning. we continue to await the arrival of a second american aide worker. kate snow has the latest for us. >> reporter: good morning. his wife says he is in great spirits and extremely grateful to be here. he is the first person with ebola to ever be treated in the united states. this moment that surprised everyone. brantly, a father of two, emerging from an ambulance in full protective gear and walking into emory university hospital. his family were watching inside. when they saw his strength, they cried tears of joy. >> i was stunned but encouraged when i saw dr. brantly walk from that ambulance into the hospital. it's at least a sign of strength. >> reporter: he came from liberia on a private plane specially equipped to transport him in a sealed environment. then an ambulance for a 22 mile ride on atlanta highways and side streets. the cdc is getting hate mail from americans for allowing such a deadly virus into this current. >> the unit is staffed with experts. >> reporter: but doctors here are confident they can keep ebola isolated with strict safety procedures like burning everything used in his room. >> there's again a process in place to make sure his family can communicate with the patient but in a way where there's no risk of transmission. >> reporter: brantly's wife amber spent a good 45 minutes with him last evening. last july, kent brantly gave this sermon at his childhood church. >> god took the reigns and nothing since then has gone as i expected. >> reporter: doctors are still assessing brantly's condition this morning, making sure his organs work. meantime, the plane that flew him here is on its way back to liberia now to pick up the other american who will be treated in the united states. at major u.s. airports, the cdc is there making sure on commercial flights no one is coming in. dr. eileen far lan is a infectious disease specialist. we know you have not seen dr. brantly, but as a specialist you know a lot about this. give us a sense. when you saw that video of dr. brantly walking on his own out of the ambulance into the hospital, what did that tell you about his current condition? >> well, i was very encouraged to see that. hopefully it means he's well on the way to recovery. he's apparently been infected as early as a week or more ago. this must mean that he's in fairly stable condition that he's able to walk. it is an infection with very high mortality. so it's important to remember that although this particular strain can cause 80% mortality, some people do survive. >> we know there's no vaccine. we've heard talk about a serum, that there's one serum on the ground there. and the missionary we're waiting on her arrival back in the u.s. took that serum. what is the course of treatment at this point? >> right. so for her, it's important to remember that that serum is experimental. and theoretically, it should give an advantage to help to clear the virus from the body, but at this point, it's entirely experimental. so -- >> so dr. brantly did not have that serum. >> right. >> what is happening to him at this point. >> at this point, he's receiving supportive care. that means that the clinicians will support his blood pressure, they'll monitor and collect his fluid and give his body the best chance of overcoming this infection. >> they just have to monitor and help if they can. is there a timeline at this point as to when he could really start to show signs of more improvement? >> sure. most patients start to show signs of improvement by about two weeks when the virus is starting to clear their body. at that point, they really start to feel >> lester? >> investigators are scouring malaysian flight 717. a tearful memorial service was held for three young siblings killed when the plane was shot from the sky some two weeks ago. sara james has that story. ♪ >> reporter: idyllic long trips and simple bedtime cuddles recalled at this memorial service in perth, australia nor mo, edie and otis from grandfather nick norris. they were headed home from a family holiday. the children's firnparents to fw in a few days. >> when their innocent bodies were shot out of the sky, i stretched my arms as high as i could and screamed for them. the love in my heart will always be open for them. my arms will always be reaching for them. >> reporter: 1,000 friends and family gathered to remember the tight-knit trio brimming with humor and happiness, so full of life. >> someone said they were so close, this he were meant to be together. >> we wish you were here. >> reporter: this videotaped for a family friend in amsterdam shortly before the fatal flight has become the parents most treasured possession. >> bye. >> bye. >> bye. >> see you next week. >> reporter: a last clims of children loved so well for far too short a time. # for today, sara james, nbc news, melbourne, australia. >> that's heartbreaking. back in this country, a state of emergency in toledo, ohio, this morning. people are lining up in that city for bottled water awaiting deliveries from the national guard. this after being told the water coming from their taps is toxic. miguel almaguer has the details. >> reporter: they waited in line for hours. families across toledo, ohio, desperate for drinking water. a state of emergency after city leaders declared the tap water flowing into homes for 400,000 homes was too dangerous to drink. the branden bury family left town and drove two hours so the kids would be safe. >> we weren't sure it was safe to bathe in the water. we turned on the news and saw walter was going fast. we wanted to get some water as fast as we could. >> the scramble for water started after 2:00 a.m. saturday. within hours, lines at grocery stores stretched around the block. soon, shelves were empty. police called in for crowd control. lake erie, a major source of drinking water for toledo, may have been impacted for a harmful algae. >> don't drink it at this time. >> reporter: a precious resource so often taken for granted, suddenly, hard to find. for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news yet another deadly scene in the southern gaza strip when an air strike hit the area near the united nations school. this comes as israel's military learns the soldier they believe had been captured by hamas fighters is, in fact, dead. richard ingle is in gaza with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. israel said that the soldier that went missing here in gaza on friday was, in fact, killed. it is unclear if he was killed in the initial palestinian attack in which militants allegedly tried to capture him or by the israeli military response right after that attack. again, today, palestinians were injured and killed as they were trying to take shelter in a u.n. school. u.n. officials say israel targeted a suspected militant at the gate of a school used as a shelter in southern gaza. there were multiple casualties, dead and injured. the round exploded as people and staff were coming in and out of the u.n.-run school. israeli tanks pulled back from parts of the gaza strip and signaled more withdrawals could be coming. the israeli military said it nearly is finished with its primary mission, to destroy an extensive network of hamas tunnels into israel. hamas rocket fire into israel has slowed but not stopped. >> hamas again mistakenly believes that the people of israel do not have the will and determination to fight them. hamas again will learn the hard way that israel will do whatever it must do to protect its people. >> for most gazans, this war has given them nothing but funerals, wounded and grief. during lulls in the fighting, palestinians have been trying to salvage their belongings and search for remains. relatives were divided over how to respond to the strike that turned this house into a tomb. nabil wants vengeance. you want us to surrender, we won't. either we live in this country with peace and dignity or we will die with pride. his mother, hamdi, wants a deal with israel. we have had war after war, he said. our people want nothing more than to live in peace and dignity. israel wants more. gazans want a deal that will sg give them a better life. so far, they are not getting it. they dropped these leaflets over gaza and they say leaders of hamas and other terrorist groups are not safe. >> david gregory is moderator of "meet the press." good morning. washington has been largely supportive of israel but the administration is supporting israel for a truce. benjamin netanyahu says, don't second ges me. back off here. what's the state of the relationship between the white house and israel? >> there are elements that are tense. president obama was strongly supportive of israel. he questioned whether a cease-fire was possible given hamas breaking the cease-fire. i haven't heard the obama administration so strongly behind israel. they have had a tough relationship between obama and net tan netanyahu. >> we have seen pro-gaza demonstrations here. is there a political calculation for the white house. >> the political calculation is not so much whether to support israel but how much pressure to apply and to start thinking about where it can make a difference in the region. a calculation for israel is whether they can win win militarily, what the goal is, what the price is, even to its own security against a foe like hamas. >> let's talk about a domestic matter on the issue of immigration. congress recessed without passing an immigration bill. the president says he will go it alone if necessary. how much unilateral authority does he have? what can he do on this front? >> a number of things he can do. he can bride a temporary pass, a work pass, not to full legalization but to temporary stay. he can provide more work to children who are illegal and speed up that process. he wanted supplemental funds to be able to help. he is certainly not going to get that. he can certainly take some steps that could legalize at least for some period of time, those people here in an undocumented way which is going to make republicans pretty unhappy. >> thanks very much. we will check back with you to find out what's coming up on "meet the press." >> a look at the rest of the top morning stories. california is under a state of emergency as more than a dozen wildfires threaten homes in the northern and central part of the state. one of the most dangerous is along california's border with oregon. at least 50 square miles have been scorched so far. three houses burned and hundreds more threatened. between california, oregon and washington, at least 40 wildfires have broken out since wednesday. at least 69 people are dead and 180 injured after an explosion in eastern china. home videos show the chaos immediately after the blast at an automotive parts factory near shanghai. the plant supplies wheel parts to general motors among other automakers. former washington, d.c. mayor, marion barry, is recovering after a car crash. the 78-year-old barry was taken to a washington hospital after a collision last night. he was cited for allegedly driving on the wrong side of the road. barry has had numerous brushes with the law and served a short stretch in jail after caught smoking crack es diabetic and said he was disoriented by his low blood pressure at the time of the crash. he is not seriously injured. a hollywood wedding is big. a kennedy wedding is popular. what happens when you marry the two? >> a big, popular wedding. >> lester wasn't in on that but it was well-practiced and well-rehearsed the stars, robert kennedy jr. and actress, cheryl hines. she is 48. he is 60. his third marriage, her second. rfk is the son of the late senator, robert kennedy and nephew of john kennedy. both men died at the hands of separate asass since. family members and hollywood heavyweights gathered at the kennedy compound in high an es port. >> we are always on the top of those "d" lists. >> perfect. >> dylan. >> big, popular weather going on today. we have a soggy sunday up and down the east coast and through parts of the midwest and also back through the plain states. in the southwest, we have rain too. let's take a look at some of the heavier rain along the coast of north and south carolina. lots of lightning. keep in mind, wie could see rai with 2-4 inches possible. heavier downpours to the north of the city. las vegas seeing some rain. rain across arizona. we good morning. we are waking up to some fog, and even some cloud cover across the bay. 61 degrees right now in san francisco. don't be deceived. we have a strong ocean wind that's going to be pushing in today. that's going to mean cooler weather for many of us. even in the inland valleys where we got to the 90s. highs today coming down to a more tolerable level. 60s and 70s for most of us. we'll see a few places get into the 80s. and the tri-valley, one of the warmest. up to 83 later on this afternoon. zblf >> and that's >> that's the latest forecast. coming up on "today," all-star basketball player, paul george, telling fans he is going to make a full recovery from the gruesome leg injury. what will life be like when he returns to the court? we'll look at that story after this. each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. can we gesure!se? why not. well, aren't you being generous? it's five or eight box tops, so their school earns even more money. wow! only walmart offers five or eight box tops to help you get a smarter start to school. unbeatable prices. backed by ad match. save money. live better. walmart. but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ now on a sunday morning, there are some happy birthday dylan signs out there. in the meantime, yesterday was your birthday. >> i decided to wake up in a tropical island. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> i hope you had a great day. >> i did have a great day. >> apparently cake was out. even though i know you say it doesn't count on your birthday. since you eat one of these every single morning -- >> what's up with you? >> i don't know what it is. i'm very excited about this. i was there for the last week. i didn't eat a single breakfast treat and i didn't have any this morning, i was out when i got back. >> i don't know if i can process what you're saying. >> i think that's the reason i drink coffee. >> we couldn't seem to get the candles in them. >> well, pass them down and happy birthday. >> is that okay? >> happy birthday. hope you had a good vacation and it's nice to have you back. two birthdays in a row here. >> february 26th. >> mine's -- yeah. >> anyway. >> mine was back in march. >> anyway -- still to come, sleeping with the dinosaurs? we'll tell you about a real ♪ ♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. still to come, it was not easy to watch that gruesome injury that left basketball fans cringing. can paul george ever really come back? also the newport jazz, marking its 60th anniversary this weekend. marking its 60th anniversary this weekend. our very own lester holt was this one goes out to all you know who you are... you've become deaf to the sound of your own sniffling. your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you can clear a table without lifting a finger... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ ♪ . good sunday morning to you. 6:26 on your sunday. a live picture there of downtown san jose on a morning where some folks are waking up with a bit of a sports hangover after the opening of levi stadium. more of that to come. i'm sam brock. we have a check of your micro climate forecast. >> it's been really hot the past few weeks. 90s across the interior valley. we are talking about 70s and 80s. much more comfortable weather headed our way. you can see a wide array of cloud cover. fog across the golden gate bridge. 61 degrees in san francisco. kind of mild. later this afternoon, the strong ocean wind will inundate the bay area. very comfortable for the east bay. 70s there. in the south bay we're talking about 80s there. now we have a chance of showers, believe it or not. mainly across the sierra today, sam. tomorrow and tuesday, we could see some of that green stuff here in the bay area. this is really excellent news because the one thing that we need the most right now is showers. we'll track more of that coming up at 7:00. >> all that rain dancing we did is finally paying off. thank you. appreciate it. okay, moving on now. the dream finally became a reality last night. close to 40,000 fans witnessed history. the opening event in the state of the art $1.3 billion levi stadium. judging by the fans we talked to, it did not disappoint. soccer enthusiasts, sports buffs and just those curious to check out the new digs headed to the stadium and took in the views. quickly vaking advantage of the amenities to them. the food order app was instantly op lur. some folks skipped the line. they had one of dozens of available runners hand deliver food to them. this is the view from our chopper before kickoff. most of the traffic was near that stadium. most fans we talked to said they had little problem getting to the stadium. dozens packed to a light rail train that left from campbell. it took an hour to get to the stadium. about 20 minutes longer than anticipated because of the immense crowds. fans who drove say the blinking signs helped them navigate past lanes and reach parking lots quickly. however, the buzz following the game was a different story. many folks complaining it took them up to an hour to leave their parking lot, and the trains were completely overwhelmed with all the passengers. if you have not had your fill just yet, head to you can find our levi stadium guide. that includes a slide show of pictures sent to you by us by y fans. and how effective is sunscreen at blocking out dangerous ultra violate rays? we'll put it through a reality check. that plus your top stories at 7:00. in the meantime, we send you back to the "today show." we'll see you in a little bit. ♪ >> happy birthday dylan. future meteorologist here. >> it's my birthday too! >> and i'm 14. >> and i came all the way from london. >> and we're here for our hon honeymo honeymoon. >> i'm crossing the "today show" off my bucket list. >> we love "today"! >> everybody has something to celebrate today. we're back on sunday, august 3rd, 2014. folks with the umbrellas. thanks to all of you as well. we have pictures of you. they were taken. >> i like those umbrellas. >> i like that. >> who invented that? that term's never been used before. let's get you a look at the top headlines. the nation's -- the first american with ebola is now back in the u.s. this morning. shocking many onlookers when he walked out of that ambulance and into emory university hospital on saturday. we are now waiting the second ebola patient. there is a state of emergency in toledo, ohio this morning as hundreds of thousands on f residents being told their drinking water is contaminated. they're now awaiting water test results from federal experts. and more bloodshed in the southern gaza strip this morning. israeli forces withdrawing grouped troops. and still to come in this half hour, you remember the movie "night at the museum." the american museum opened its doors for an adults only schlumbergerer party this weekend. then the named newport jazz festival is celebrating its 60th anniversary this weekend. we're going to take a look back at the history of the revival and meet the ran running it for all that time. check this out. he's a handball lancing artist. he made the top 48 on "america's got talent." this guy's amazing. he's going to be here live with us to show some of what he can do in person. >> i walked in the studio earlier and he was practicing. >> he makes it look so easy. we do begin with that gruesome injury that jolted basketball fans and the nba this weekend. paul george has undergone a successful surgery on his right leg after that horrific moment on friday night. george told his fans he plans to come back better than ever, but realistical realistically, what are his odds? ron has been looking into that for us. >> experts say paul george has a long recovery ahead. whether his body agrees is another story entirely. some of the video you're about to see may be hard to watch. paul george's injury, obvious severe. >> paul george suffering what appears to be an injury. >> the kind where stunned players and fans wonder immediately if it's all over. but george put that to rest right away. former nfl quarterback who famously shattered his right leg, said on twitter he knows what george was going through while on his back. >> i've had people say to me, hey, did it hurt. i asked them to let me drive my car over their leg. >> george, a star with the indiana pacers suffered an open compound lower leg fracture. >> this is the tibia, this is the fibula. >> something a noted sports medicine doctor said can be overcome with time. in george's case, he says, maybe a year ago. >> it heals quicker and better. the long-term prognosis should be quite good. >> others have proven it, though not without challenges. kevin ware broke his leg last year. skier lindsay vaughn broke a bone in her leg. and now paul george is the latest athlete at an injury cross roads. a long road with few guarantees about where it ends. basketball great larry bird said they will focus on his recovery. let's get a weather check from dylan. >> lots of friends out here. want to make sure we squeeze in as many as possible. lots of umbrellas, but it's actually pretty warm, right? it looks a lot worse. i recommend you guys come out later. say hello on the plaza on this soggy sunday. we are keeping an eye on tropical storm bertha. i promise you the airport was crazy busy yesterday as everyone was trying to get out of town a little early. it is going to remain as a tropical storm for a little while longer. there's a chance it could develop into a category one hurricane. we're looking at 2:00 a.m. wednesday morning, well off the mid-atlantic coastline. not really much of a threat to the u.s. mainland. we are looking for scattered showers up and down the east coast today. good morning. 6:36 is the time right now. waking up to sun and clouds in the south bay. overall the clouds are winning out today. notice the temperatures are very mild. get out and walk the dog. maybe get a stroll in. 61 degrees in san francisco right now. later on this afternoon, the temperatures because of the strong ocean wind are going to come down. it's been in the 90s in the inland valleys for so very long. we're back in the 80s today south bay. trivalley will see a good mix of low 80s. very comfortable on your sunday. we are tracking showers. stay tuned for the news at 7:00. all it way across the country. it comes from our seattle affiliate and umojafest 2014. they enjoy gospel and jazz in the park and shoot hoops at the basketball tournaments going on. you'll get a chance to enjoy some of the best soul food in the northwest. if you're in the area, check it out. i didn't realize they had a whole soul food thing going on in the northwest. ever since the first night of the museum film debuted in 2006, kids have been taking part in museum sleepovers across the country. now for the first time adults are getting in on the fun at the american museum of natural history. >> reporter: at new york's american newseum of natural history, a night at the museum. 150 adult campers. on this night, life imitating art. and as the brave would soon discover -- >> that looks scary and delicious. >> reporter: just like in the movie, in the wee hours, things here can get interesting. >> when you look at that you say -- >> i'm going to take three steps forward. >> reporter: for the campers, dressup was optional, but everyone packed their curiosity. >> this is the end all be all nerd night. >> reporter: as they come to life, choosing where to sleep would make all the difference. as lisa and brett nodded off in their cots. we switched to night vision and discovered as did the campers, it is true. there is life here after dark. a ring tailed le murks ur, outlines, eagles. >> she's nocturnal. shet want to go back to sleep right when the lights come on. >> reporter: skeptical this was simply put on by the staff? so was i. but in the movie, the guard knows all. >> as the night watchman, what really happens here? >> they come alive. they do. >> we make a run. >> reporter: which explains the caution, especially among the dinosaur bones. we didn't see t rex come to life, but we did note moments before sunrise, everything was back to normal. kerry sanders, nbc news new york. >> night at the museum, the third installment in the movie series debuts later this year. takes place at a london museum. i'm not going to lie, i'd be freaked out sleeping in a museum. >> and i love that museum. i get creeped out during the daylight. >> i did it two or three years ago. everything was great except there was one bathroom for like 450 kids. >> that was the nightmare. >> that was the nightmare for me. >> meantime, looks like we're auditioning for the remake of mary pop pins here's. up next, the newport jazz festival is celebrating its 60th year. festival is celebrating its 60th year. i got the opportunity to help my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. but do you know what's the in your skincare? neutrogena naturals. a line of naturally derived skincare with carefully chosen, clinically proven ingredients and no harsh chemicals. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. this is one way to prevent your kids from watching shows that aren't appropriate for their age. but not very practical. use parental controls and the tv parental ratings guidelines to determine what shows to block. the more you know. newport, rhode island is alive with jazz this weekend. hosting a major celebration, the 60th anniversary of its famous jazz fest. >> ever since 1954, the outdoor band has been attracting the finest names in the industry. it's all to the credit of one driving force. it's the place where jazz came into the light of day. from dark and smoky clubs onto the newport water front. names like billy holiday signed onto play newport. but the real one was meant to be newport itself. an old money new england enclave looking to spice things up. george wein, at the time a boston jazz club owner. >> we like to do something with jazz in newport. >> today, it's considered the granddaddy of outdoor festivals. >> the people who have played here before us, they say, wow, we're on that list too? >> and 60 years later, george wein is still in charge. >> was it difficult to get big names to come at first? >> no because the big names weren't getting that much money in those days. >> in the '60s, a rocky relationship with the town and rowdy crowds tarnished its reputation. >> people had come, there were no tickets. they just started to get drunk. >> we wein's proudest moments have been watching careers blossom on this stage. >> we brought miles davis back. he was finished and then he played midnight here in 1955. the next thing you know, he was the biggest thing in the country. >> under wein's direction, they are focusing more on jazz's future than its past. >> to be here to perform here is something pretty surreal. >> as founder of the newport jazz fest, wein has been described as the most important nonplayer in jazz, which is not at all accurate. >> do you know that? >> sure. >> let's play it. >> sounds great. as i witnessed while admittedly mixing business be with pleasure, he remains a vibrant and gifted jazz pea january nis. today, outdoor jazz festivals are held across the country. >> i'm going to be 89 years old october 3rd, i want this festival to continue after i'm gone. >> we were up there on friday. it was gorgeous. got a little rain, though. >> a little bit. >> it's a rain or shine kind of event. >> he said it was soggy in 1954 when it started. >> when the sun is shining and you lay back there in your lawn chair. when you're playing and look out there, it's calming. >> just take it all in. and what a lovely man. i can't believe he was only 28 when he started that. >> he brought it to new york for about ten years. he has overseen it ever since. >> another one to add to our road trip list. still to come on to"today,"0 definitely isn't what it used to be. >> i dust irritating your eye? ♪ (singing) ♪ visine® gives your eyes relief in seconds. visine®. get back to normal. ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! ♪ this week, we're kickoff a week-long series called this is 50. age is only a number. we'll be reminding her when she turns 50 next weekend. >> she's excited about us reminding her every single day. we found people feel younger than they age. in fact, they say they laugh more than people in their 40s. >> once upon a time, 50s seemed, well, old. but oh, how times have changed. >> you feel like anything's possible. have a better perspective about things. >> 50s makes me feel young and spirited. >> i feel so much more confident. >> i just don't feel as uptight about things as i used to. >> the 50s of today isn't what it used to be. >> the whole attitude of only glorifying youth is changing. >> today's 50-somethings are conquering love. >> i never thought i would be engaged. >> previous marriaged. even taking on baby carriages. >> i became the mom to a 6-week-old baby girl. >> nearly three-quarters of the 50-year-olds surveyed, says 50 seems younger than it was in their parents' generation. >> i'm in finance and i talk to women about their finances and money all the time. everything is rocking. business is great. >> intrep pid travelers. >> i've been to australia. >> fearless survivors. >> at the age of 50 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. little did i know that you reach down and pull up inner strength that you don't realize you have or have yet to tap into. >> they're living out their dream. >> i just finished my first gospel cd. >> leading kprood anywhere lives often not has they planned. >> i thought that life was a neat story, that it had againing and a middle and an end. and that at 50 that you were in the fairy tale ending. but that's not how life happens. >> you're not 50 going into a rocking chair. you're 50 and you can do whatever the heck you want to do. >> and we're going to have more every morning this week as a part of our series this is 50, taking a look at what life is like at that age, from health, to dating to work and much more. you can tell us your favorite part. just use the hash tag, #thisis50. >> for better or worse, nothing you can do about it. >> you can change your outlook. life is going to happen. if you can tweak your outlook a little bit, that can make all the difference. >> 50 wasn't a hard one for me. >> it's a whole big thing between guys and girls. >> really? i thought 25 was the big one. oh, my goodness, i'm really out here on my own. >> i haven't found that adult age yet. i feel like i'm close. >> and i'm so sad for dylan because we've been celebrating dylan's birthday. they're going to think she must have turned 50. >> 25 is great. i'm loving it. we've got big news. kelly and jessica, you guys just got married. i'm finding that out right now. take it away. >> it's because we're happy. well, up next, america's got talent is on our plaza. we'll talk to one of the is how delicious it can be. hershey's s'mores, the unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. walmart's summer is going on this weekend. with thousands of items on clearance, walmart has everything you need to make this the best summer ever. summer may be winding down, but walmart's summer clearance event is really revving up. so hurry in for walmart's summer clearance event. carmax is the best with a quick written offer, right on the spot. perfect for jeannine, who prefers not to have her time wasted. ...and time! thank you. your usual. she believes life's too short for inefficiencies. i now pronounce you husband and wife. no second should be squandered. which is why we make our appraisal process quick and easy, and why jeannine chooses to start here. carmax. start here. we are back now on a sunday morning with a hand balancing artist. he wowed the judges on america's got talent. >> good morning. >> howard stern was speechless. howie said he thought you could actually win this thing. what's that like for you? >> it's pretty wild, to be honest. i mean, i didn't expect to hear any of this. i just went there to have a good time. whatever they said was just a nice addition to my experience. it's great. >> there's a million prize in the balance here. i understand it's not the money you're really after. >> exactly. what i'm after is the experience and the hope that the audience gets something special out of what i do or all the contestants are going. >> this audience wants to get something out of what you're going to do. will you wow us and everyone at home? >> absolutely. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we wish you the best of luck. this is incredible to watch. so great to have you here. you can catch america's got talent tuesday and wednesday nights at 9:00/8:00 central right here on nbc. you make it look effortless and we know it is not. >> we're going to check in with david gregory. >> a natural segway. if you want to see more of that, i too will be doing that lester. not really. the first ever known ebola patient is on u.s. soil now being treated at an atlanta hospital. so how is the government responding? i'm going to ask for the head of the centers for disease control. strong backing for israel from the president. we'll have the latest on that on meet the press this morning. that's going to do it for us on a sunday morning. >> i'll see you back here tonight. until then, have a great day everybody. thanks for watching. good morning. i'm sam brock. coming up next on "today in the bay." the new sports venue open ls its doors for the first time. fans tell us what they liked and didn't like about the experience. plus, mixed reviews about traffic and security. and another round of monsoonam moisture is set to hit the bay area, including showers to start out your workweek. this is "today in the bay." >> it is 7:00 on your sunday morning, this august 3rd. a live picture there as folks are just starting out their day. good sunday morning. thank you for joining us. i'm sam brock. and m


Transcripts For WRC Today 20140803

severe water advisory. just what made their drinking water toxic. and robert f. kennedy junior marries uniting camelot and hollywood. today, sunday august 3rd, 2014. and welcome to "today" on this sunday morning. i'm erika hill. >> and i'm lester holt. we are all here in our place. you were away last weekend, you were away and tan. look at you. i don't take time off. it's against the rules. anyway, it's great to have you here. something else special in your life we'll talk about coming up. >> every single person is going to say that dylan is pregnant. >> i realized that too. >> it was my birthday the whole time. just so you guys know. i just want to clear the air. >> i'm glad we cleared all of that up. we've got a lot of news to get to this morning. it's the return of the american doctor infected with the potentially deadly ebola virus. he shocked a lot of people watching when he walked into the atlanta hospital where he's being treated this morning. we continue to await the arrival of a second american aide worker. kate snow has the latest for us. >> reporter: good morning. his wife says he is in great spirits and extremely grateful to be here. he is the first person with ebola to ever be treated in the united states. this moment that surprised everyone. brantly, a father of two, emerging from an ambulance in full protective gear and walking into emory university hospital. his family were watching inside. when they saw his strength, they cried tears of joy. >> i was stunned but encouraged when i saw dr. brantly walk from that ambulance into the hospital. it's at least a sign of strength. >> reporter: he came from liberia on a private plane specially equipped to transport him in a sealed environment. then an ambulance for a 22 mile ride on atlanta highways and side streets. the cdc is getting hate mail from americans for allowing such a deadly virus into this current. >> the unit is staffed with experts. >> reporter: but doctors here are confident they can keep ebola isolated with strict safety procedures like burning everything used in his room. >> there's again a process in place to make sure his family can communicate with the patient but in a way where there's no risk of transmission. >> reporter: brantly's wife amber spent a good 45 minutes with him last evening. last july, kent brantly gave this sermon at his childhood church. >> god took the reigns and nothing since then has gone as i expected. >> reporter: doctors are still assessing brantly's condition this morning, making sure his organs work. meantime, the plane that flew him here is on its way back to liberia now to pick up the other american who will be treated in the united states. at major u.s. airports, the cdc is there making sure on commercial flights no one is coming in. dr. eileen far lan is a infectious disease specialist. we know you have not seen dr. brantly, but as a specialist you know a lot about this. give us a sense. when you saw that video of dr. brantly walking on his own out of the ambulance into the hospital, what did that tell you about his current condition? >> well, i was very encouraged to see that. hopefully it means he's well on the way to recovery. he's apparently been infected as early as a week or more ago. this must mean that he's in fairly stable condition that he's able to walk. it is an infection with very high mortality. so it's important to remember that although this particular strain can cause 80% mortality, some people do survive. >> we know there's no vaccine. we've heard talk about a serum, that there's one serum on the ground there. and the missionary we're waiting on her arrival back in the u.s. took that serum. what is the course of treatment at this point? >> right. so for her, it's important to remember that that serum is experimental. and theoretically, it should give an advantage to help to clear the virus from the body, but at this point, it's entirely experimental. so -- >> so dr. brantly did not have that serum. >> right. >> what is happening to him at this point. >> at this point, he's receiving supportive care. that means that the clinicians will support his blood pressure, they'll monitor and collect his fluid and give his body the best chance of overcoming this infection. >> they just have to monitor and help if they can. is there a timeline at this point as to when he could really start to show signs of more improvement? >> sure. most patients start to show signs of improvement by about two weeks when the virus is starting to clear their body. at that point, they really start to feel better and improve rapidly. once the virus is cleared from their body, they can be discharged home. >> hopefully we'll get some of that news. lester? >> investigators are scouring the crash site of malaysian airlines flight 17 again this morning. earlier today, a tearful memorial service was held in australia where three young children were killed when the plane was shot from the sky. sarah james has that story. >> reporter: long trips and simple bedtime cuddles recalled at this memorial service in australia and the grandfather. they were heading home from a family holiday. the children's parents to follow in a few days when mh-17 went down. >> when their innocent bodies were shot out of the sky -- i stretched my arm as high as i could and screamed for them and the loves arms will always be open for them. my arms will always be reaching for them. >> reporter: a thousand friends and family gathered to remember the tight knit trio. >> someone said they were close they were meant to be together. >> reporter: this video taped for a family friend in amsterdam shortly before the fatal flight has become the parents' most treasured possession. >> bye! >> see you next week. >> reporter: a last glimpse of children loved so well for far too short a time. for "today," sarah james, nbc news, melbourne, australia. >> heart breaking. back in this country, there is a state of emergency in toledo, ohio this morning. people are lining up up in that city for bottled water. this after being told the water coming from their taps is toxic. >> reporter: they waited in line for hours. families across toledo, ohio desperate for drinking water. a state of emergency after city leaders declared the tap water flowing into homes for 400,000 people was too dangerous to drink. this family left town, drove nearly two hours so their kids would be safe. >> we weren't sure if it was safe to bathe in the water. we saw that water was going fast at all the stores. we wanted to get water as fast as we could. >> reporter: the scramble for water started just after 2:00 a.m. saturdays. within hours, lines at grocery stores stretched around the block. police called in for crowd control. lake erie, a major source of drinking water for toledo may have been impacted by a harmful allergae algae. >> we're trying toer on the side of safety. >> a precious resource suddenly so hard to find. yet another deadly scene this morning in the southern gaza strip when an air strike hit the area near a united nations school. this comes as israel's military learns the soldier captured by hamas is in fact dead. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. israel says that the soldier who went missing here in gaza was on friday was in fact killed. it's unclear if he was killed in the initial palestinian attack in which militants allegedly tried to capture him or by the israeli military response right after that attack. today, palestinians were injured and killed as they were trying to take shelter in a un school. they say israel targeted a suspected militant right at the gate of a school used as a shulter in southern gaza. there were multiple casualties. the round exploded as people and staff were coming in and out of the u.n.-run school. israeli tanks pulled back. the israeli military says it's nearly finished with its primary mission, to destroy the hamas tunnels into israel. hamas rocket fire into israel has slowed, but not stop. >> they believe the people of israel do not have the will and determination to fight them. hamas again will learn the hard way that israel will do whatever it must do to protect its people. >> reporter: for most, this war has given them nothing but funerals, wounded, and grief. during lulls in the fighting, palestinians have been trying to salvage their belongings. relatives were divided over how to respond to the strike that turned this house into a tomb. you want us to surrender? we won't, he said. either will live in this country with piece and dignity or we die. we've had war after war, he said. our people want nothing more than to live in peace and dignity. israel wants quiet and says it will stop fighting when that happens. gaza wants far more, a deal that will give them a better life. so far, they're not getting it. and today, the israeli military dropped these leaflets over gaza. they say the campaign is on going and leaders of terrorist groups are not safe. ry is moderator of meet the press. david, good morning. >> good morning. >> washington has been largely supportive of israel in this, but they are clearly pushing them for a truce. what's the state of the relationship right now between the white house and israel? >> i think there's elements of it that are pretty tense behind the scenes. listen to president obama on friday. he was strongly supportive of israel and he was the one that questioned whether a cease-fire was possible. i haven't heard the obama administration so strongly behind israel in quite a long time as they've had a tough relationship between obama and net tanya huh. >> is there a political calculation here for the white house? >> it's not so much whether to support israel, it is how much pressure to apply and to start thinking about where it can make a difference in the region. i think a calculation for israel is whether they can win militarily, but what the price is. even to its own security. >> let's talk about a domestic matter here. congress recessed without passing an immigration bill. the president says he'll go it alone if necessary. what can he do on this front? >> there's a number of things he can do with regard to those who are here illegally, he can provide a temporary pass, a work pass to a temporary stay here. can provide more relief to children here illegal. he wanted supplemental funds to help in that process. he's certainly not going to get that. but he can certainly take some steps that could legalize for skom period of time those people here in an undocument way which is going to make republicans very unhappy. and time now for a look at the rest of the morning's top stories. >> lester, good morning, california is under a state of emergency today as more than a dozen wildfires threaten homes. one of the most dangerous is along california's border with oregon. three houses burned and hundreds more threatened. at least 40 wildfires have broken out since wednesday there. at least 60 people are dead and 180 injured after an explosion in eastern china. home video show the chaos immediately after the blast at an automotive plants fast. former washington d.c. mayor is recovering this morning after a car crash. the 78-year-old berry was taken to a washington hospital after a collision last night. he was cited for allegedly driving on the wrong side of the road. berry has had numerous bushes are the law. now a district councilman is diabetic and says he was disoriented by low blood sugar at the time of the crash. >> hollywood wedding is big, a kennedy wed something popular. what happens when you marry the two? >> a big popular wedding! >> nights. lester wasn't in on that one. the stars on this big day, robert kennedy jr. and actress cheryl hines. a lot of numbers i'm throwing at you this morning. rfk jr. is the son of the late senator robert kennedy. family members and hollywood heavy weights gathered at the kennedy compound for the wedding. lester, erica, dylan and i, not invited to that one. >> we're always on the top of those d-lists. >> yeah. yeah. >> perfect. >> big popular weather going on today. we've got a soggyarts of the mid also back to the plain states, also in the southwest. we've got some rain, too. let's look at some of the heavier rain along the coast of north and south carolina. lots of flashes of lightning, that's cloud to ground lightning. that's a little bit dangerous. we could see some flooding with two to four inches of rain possible. also look at all the rain out in l.a. we have heavier downpours just to the north of the city. las vegas seeing some rain. we he have rain all across parts of arizona. we could end up with an inch to two inches of rain in the desert southwest. that's a look at the weather across the country. now here's a peek outside your window. i'm in for chuck. it is muggy outside right now and it will be humid throughout the day today. temperature, 74 in washington. check of the satellite and radar, looking at mainly dry conditions across the area and a cloud-sun mix throughout the day today. dry through the morning hours. by 10:00 a.m., 74. chance after shower by 1:00. some scattered showers by 4:00 through about 8:00, the >> and that's your latest forecast. >> coming up, all star basketball player paul george telling fans he's going to make a full recovery, but what will life be ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. can we gesure!se? 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>> i don't know what it is. i'm very excited about this. i was there for the last week. i didn't eat a single breakfast treat and i didn't have any this morning, i was out when i got back. >> i don't know if i can process what you're saying. >> i think that's the reason i drink coffee. >> we couldn't seem to get the candles in them. >> well, pass them down and happy birthday. >> is that okay? >> happy birthday. hope you had a good vacation and it's nice to have you back. two birthdays in a row here. >> february 26th. >> mine's -- yeah. >> anyway. >> mine was back in march. >> anyway -- still to come, sleeping with the dinosaurs? we'll tell you about a real ♪ ♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. still to come, it was not easy to watch that gruesome injury that left basketball fans cringing. can paul george ever really come back? also the newport jazz, marking its 60th anniversary this weekend. marking its 60th anniversary this weekend. our very own lester holt was this one goes out to all you know who you are... you've become deaf to the sound of your own sniffling. your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you can clear a table without lifting a finger... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ ♪ on this sunday, august 3rd, good morning. i'm david culver. let's bring you up to speed on some of the top stories. in the district, police tells news4 police ticketed d.c. councilman marion barry after he was involved in a car crash along pennsylvania avenue a few blocks from minnesota avenue in southeast. he was taken to the hospital for treatment. barry is diabetic and his aides say his sugar level was low and he got disoriented. police trying to figure out what led to a stabbing on the green line. someone stabbed a man just before 2:30 this morning. he was rushed to the hospital and is expected to be okay. expect to hit closed roads today if you are driving in downtown d.c. the u.s.-africa leader's summit will shut down the street until wednesday. cloudy start to the morning. good morning. on this sunday, for the most part mostly cloudy skies across the area today, more clouds than sun, all in all. remains muggy and humid for your sunday. 74 right now in washington. satellite and radar show dry conditions across the area. we'll remain dry for the rest of the morning hours. 10:00 a.m., looking at temperatures to be in the mid 70s. about 74 degrees. by 1:00, the chance of a shower, partly to mostly cloudy skies. temperature at 79. 84 for a high temperature today at 4:00. we'll be tracking some scattered showers, maybe an isolated thunderstorm. maybe a 50% chance of dealing with a shower today. not a wash-out. plenty of dry time. we have 90 minutes of your news and worth ♪ >> happy birthday dylan. future meteorologist here. >> it's my birthday too! >> and i'm 14. >> and i came all the way from london. >> and we're here for our hon honeymo honeymoon. >> i'm crossing the "today show" off my bucket list. >> we love "today"! >> everybody has something to celebrate today. we're back on sunday, august 3rd, 2014. folks with the umbrellas. thanks to all of you as well. we have pictures of you. they were taken. >> i like those umbrellas. >> i like that. >> who invented that? that term's never been used before. let's get you a look at the top headlines. the nation's -- the first american with ebola is now back in the u.s. this morning. shocking many onlookers when he walked out of that ambulance and into emory university hospital on saturday. we are now waiting the second ebola patient. there is a state of emergency in toledo, ohio this morning as hundreds of thousands on f residents being told their drinking water is contaminated. they're now awaiting water test results from federal experts. and more bloodshed in the southern gaza strip this morning. israeli forces withdrawing grouped troops. and still to come in this half hour, you remember the movie "night at the museum." the american museum opened its doors for an adults only schlumbergerer party this weekend. then the named newport jazz festival is celebrating its 60th anniversary this weekend. we're going to take a look back at the history of the revival and meet the ran running it for all that time. check this out. he's a handball lancing artist. he made the top 48 on "america's got talent." this guy's amazing. he's going to be here live with us to show some of what he can do in person. >> i walked in the studio earlier and he was practicing. >> he makes it look so easy. we do begin with that gruesome injury that jolted basketball fans and the nba this weekend. paul george has undergone a successful surgery on his right leg after that horrific moment on friday night. george told his fans he plans to come back better than ever, but realistical realistically, what are his odds? ron has been looking into that for us. >> experts say paul george has a long recovery ahead. whether his body agrees is another story entirely. some of the video you're about to see may be hard to watch. paul george's injury, obvious severe. >> paul george suffering what appears to be an injury. >> the kind where stunned players and fans wonder immediately if it's all over. but george put that to rest right away. former nfl quarterback who famously shattered his right leg, said on twitter he knows what george was going through while on his back. >> i've had people say to me, hey, did it hurt. i asked them to let me drive my car over their leg. >> george, a star with the indiana pacers suffered an open compound lower leg fracture. >> this is the tibia, this is the fibula. >> something a noted sports medicine doctor said can be overcome with time. in george's case, he says, maybe a year ago. >> it heals quicker and better. the long-term quite good. >> others have proven it, though not without challenges. kevin ware broke his leg last year. skier lindsay vaughn broke a bone in her leg. and now paul george is the latest athlete at an injury cross roads. a long road with few guarantees about where it ends. basketball great larry bird said they will focus on his recovery. let's get a weather check from dylan. >> lots of friends out here. want to make sure we squeeze in as many as possible. lots of umbrellas, but it's actually prettyit looks a lot w. i highly recommend you guys come out later. on this soggy sunday, we are keeping an eye on tropical storm bertha. turks and caicos. the airport was crazy busy yesterday as everyone was tryin early. it is going to remain as a tropical storm for a little while longer. there is a chance it could develop into a category 1 hurricane after it crosses between the carolinas and ber mumu s tod -- bermudas. not much of a threat to the u.s. main land. we are looking for scattered showers up and down the east coast. today in the middle of the country, it will be a hot one, highs topping out close to 90s. we are looking at some scattered showers, maybe an isolated thunderstorm today but the timing mainly during the later afternoon and evening hours. another day with mainly dry conditions. 74 degrees right now in washington. 72 in leesburg. depending on where you are, how much sunshine you're seeing. a little bit more sunshine in frederick and loudoun. we'll be dry for the remainder and we are heading all it way across the country. it comes from our seattle affiliate and umojafest 2014. they enjoy gospel and jazz in the park and shoot hoops at the basketball tournaments going on. you'll get a chance to enjoy some of the best soul food in the northwest. if you're in the area, check it out. i didn't realize they had a whole soul food thing going on in the northwest. ever since the first night of the museum film debuted in 2006, kids have been taking part in museum sleepovers across the country. now for the first time adults are getting in on the fun at the american museum of natural history. >> reporter: at new york's american newseum of natural history, a night at the museum. 150 adult campers. on this night, life imitating art. and as the brave would soon discover -- >> that looks scary and delicious. >> reporter: just like in the movie, in the wee hours, things here can get interesting. >> when you look at that you say -- >> i'm going to take three steps forward. >> reporter: for the campers, dressup was optional, but everyone packed their curiosity. >> this is the end all be all nerd night. >> reporter: as they come to life, choosing where to sleep would make all the difference. as lisa and brett nodded off in their cots. we switched to night vision and discovered as did the campers, it is true. there is life here after dark. a ring tailed le murks ur, outlines,eagles. >> she's nocturnal. shet want to go back to sleep right when the lights come on. >> reporter: skeptical this was simply put on by the staff? so was i. but in the movie, the guard knows all. >> as the night watchman, what really happens here? >> they come alive. they do. >> we make a run. >> reporter: which explains the caution, especially among the dinosaur bones. we didn't see t rex come to life, but we did note moments before sunrise, everything was back to normal. kerry sanders, nbc news new york. >> night at the museum, the third installment in the movie series debuts later this year. takes place at a london museum. i'm not going to lie, i'd be freaked out sleeping in a museum. >> and i love that museum. i get creeped out during the daylight. >> i did it two or three years ago. everything was great except there was one bathroom for like 450 kids. >> that wae >> that was the nightmare for me. >> meantime, looks like we're auditioning for the remake of mary pop pins here's. up next, the newport jazz festival is celebrating its 60th year. i got the opportunity to help my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. but do you know what's the in your skincare? neutrogena naturals. a line of naturally derived skincare with carefully chosen, clinically proven ingredients and no harsh chemicals. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. this is one way to prevent your kids from watching shows that aren't appropriate for their age. but not very practical. use parental controls and the tv parental ratings guidelines to determine what shows to block. the more you know. newport, rhode island is alive with jazz this weekend. hosting a major celebration, the 60th anniversary of its famous jazz fest. >> ever since 1954, the outdoor band has been attracting the finest names in the industry. it's all to the credit of one driving force. it's the place where jazz came into the light of day. from dark and smoky clubs onto the newport water front. names like billy holiday signed onto play newport. but the real one was meant to be newport itself. an old money new england enclave looking to spice things up. george wein, at the time a boston jazz club owner. >> we like to do something with jazz in newport. >> today, it's considered the granddaddy of outdoor festivals. >> the people who have played here before us, they say, wow, we're on that list too? >> and 60 years later, george wein is still in charge. >> was it difficult to get big names to come at first? >> no because the big names weren't getting that much money in those days. >> in the '60s, a rocky relationship with the town and rowdy crowds tarnished its reputation. >> people had come, there were no tickets. they just started to get drunk. >> we wein's proudest moments have been watching careers blossom on this stage. >> we brought miles davis back. he was finished and then he played midnight here in 1955. the next thing you know, he was the biggest thing in the country. >> under wein's direction, they are focusing more on jazz's future than its past. >> to be here to perform here is something pretty surreal. >> as founder of the newport jazz fest, wein has been described as the most important nonplayer in jazz, which is not at all accurate. >> do you know that? >> sure. >> let's play it. >> sounds great. as i witnessed while admittedly mixing business be with pleasure, he remains a vibrant and gifted jazz pea j nis. today, outdoor jazz festivals are held across the country. >> i'm going to be 89 years old october 3rd, i want this festival to continue after i'm gone. >> we were up there on friday. it was gorgeous. got a little rain, though. >> a little bit. >> it's a rain or shine kind of event. >> he said it was soggy in 1954 when it started. >> when the sun is shining and you lay back there in your lawn chair. when you're playing and look out there, it's calming. >> just take it all in. and what a lovely man. i can't believe he was only 28 when he started that. >> he brought it to new york for about ten years. he has overseen it ever since. >> another one to add to our road trip list. still to come on to"today,"0 definitely isn't what it used to be. definitely isn't what it used to be. >> i dust irritating your eye? ♪ (singing) ♪ visine® gives your eyes relief in seconds. visine®. t back to normal. ♪ this week, we're kickoff a week-long series called this is 50. age is only a number. we'll be reminding her when she turns 50 next weekend. >> she's excited about us reminding her every single day. we found people feel younger than they age. in fact, they say they laugh more than people in their 40s. >> once upon a time, 50s seemed, well, old. but oh, how times have changed. >> you feel like anything's possible. have a better perspective about things. >> 50s makes me feel young and spirited. >> i feel so much more confident. >> i just don't feel as uptight about things as i used to. >> the 50s of today isn't what it used to be. >> the whole attitude of only glorifying youth is changing. >> today's 50-somethings are conquering love. >> i never thought i would be engaged. >> previous marriaged. even taking on baby carriages. >> i became the mom to a 6-week-old baby girl. >> nearly three-quarters of the 50-year-olds surveyed, says 50 seems younger than it was in their parents' generation. >> i'm in finance and i talk to women about their finances and money all the time. everything is rocking. business is great. >> intrep pid travelers. >> i've been to australia. >> fearless survivors. >> at the age of 50 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. little did i know that you reach down and pull up inner strength that you don't realize you have or have yet to tap into. >> they're living out their dream. >> i just finished my first gospel cd. >> leading kprood anywhere lives often not has they planned. >> i thought that life was a neat story, that it had againing and a middle and an end. and that at 50 that you were in the fairy tale ending. but that's not how life happens. >> you're not 50 going into a rocking chair. you're 50 and you can do whatever the heck you want to do. >> and we're going to have more every morning this week as a part of our series this is 50, taking a look at what life is like at that age, from health, to dating to work and much more. you can tell us your favorite part. just use the hash tag, #thisis50. >> for better or worse, nothing you can do about it. >> you can change your outlook. life is going to happen. if you can tweak your outlook a little bit, that can make all the difference. >> 50 wasn't a hard one for me. >> it's a whole big thing between guys and girls. >> really? i thought 25 was the big one. oh, my goodness, i'm really out here on my own. >> i haven't found that adult age yet. i feel like i'm close. >> and i'm so sad for dylan because we've been celebrating dylan's birthday. they're going to think she must have turned 50. >> 25 is great. i'm loving it. we've got big news. kelly and jessica, you guys just got married. i'm finding that out right now. take it away. >> it's because we're happy. well, up next, america's got talent is on our plaza. is how delicious it can be. hershey's s'mores, the unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. walmart's summer is going on this weekend. with thousands of items on clearance, walmart has everything you need to make this the best summer ever. summer may be winding down, but walmart's summer clearance event is really revving up. so hurry in for walmart's summer clearance event. carmax is the best with a quick written offer, right on the spot. perfect for jeannine, who prefers not to have her time wasted. ...and time! thank you. your usual. she believes life's too short for inefficiencies. i now pronounce you husband and wife. no second should be squandered. which is why we make our appraisal process quick and easy, and why jeannine chooses to start here. carmax. start here. we are back now on a sunday morning with a hand balancing artist. he wowed the judges on america's got talent. >> good morning. >> howard stern was speechless. howie said he thought you could actually win this thing. what's that like for you? >> it's pretty wild, to be honest. i mean, i didn't expect to hear any of this. i just went there to have a good time. whatever they said was just a nice addition to my experience. it's great. >> there's a million prize in the balance here. i understand it's not the money you're really after. >> exactly. what i'm after is the experience and the hope that the audience gets something special out of what i do or all the contestants are going. >> this audience wants to get something out of what you're going to do. will you wow us and everyone at home? >> absolutely. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we wish you the best of luck. this is incredible to watch. so great to have you here. you can catch america's got talent tuesday and wednesday nights at 9:00/8:00 central right here on nbc. you make it look effortless and we know it is not. >> we're going to check in with david gregory. >> a natural segway. if you want to see more of that, i too will be doing that lester. not really. the first ever known ebola patient is on u.s. soil now being treated at an atlanta hospital. so how is the government responding? i'm going to ask for the head of the centers for disease control. strong backing for israel from the president. we'll have the latest on that on meet the press this morning. that's going to do it for us on a sunday morning. >> i'll see you back here tonight. until then, have a great day everybody. thanks for watching. we're working our sources and getting new information on that crash involving marion barry. what the council member said caused the accident. plus, the legal trouble he's facing right now. >> d.c. streets shutting down right now as a number of dignitaries head here for a major summit. we'll. off what will be blocked off starting this morning. we are getting a second morning of cloudy skies. little streak going on here. but doesn't look like we'll dodge the rain like a lot of us did yesterday. >> storm team 4 meteorologist amelia segal has more. >> good morning, guys. most of us were dry for all of the daytime hours yesterday. some isolated showers around mainly during the evening hours. today just a slightly better chance that are you dealing with a shower or thunderstorm. once again we are going to feature plenty of dry time. depending on where are you, looking at variably cloudy skies across the area. the sun trying to break out. temperature right now at 75 degrees. the dew point indicates the humidity. above 65 we say it is humid. it says 67%. notice it will be muggy and humid throughout the day today. the clouds will win out. we are dry for the rest of the morning hours but getting into the afternoon hours, especially the later afternoon hours, some scattered showers. more on your forecast in ten minutes. we're learning new details about a crash involving d.c. council member marion barry. since we brought you this breakings


Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20150120

watching as they walk out of this door. they're calling themselvesless the stanford 68. 68 students that decided to show civil disobedience. >> we can organize you can drivers and get you in a car and back home. >> reporter: misdemeanor citations in hand. every student who went on the bridge got arrested. >> unity is permeating all of these actions. this is a call that ferguson put out. i think it's quite amazing that we're unified this way. >> reporter: evening commuters may have been unified in their aggravation as they sat in stopped traffic for more than an hour. one driver posted this video on instagram. idled by a line of determined students. >> it's stuff. unfortunately it's something we try to prevent. >> chp had a heads up it might happen and staged cruisers at both ends of the bridge but it was mobbed from the middle not the side. students road in cars up to the high rise section then fanned out and spread over lanes in both directions. traffic started to squeeze through when they were convinced to push themselves over to the railing. >> the officers asked them to pull over to the side. some of them did it willfully, the others had to be moved by the officer. >> reporter: eventually a bus arrived to cart them off. all facing charges of obstructing entry and movement on public lands. this isn't their first rally. students rallied in downtown palo alto but this was definitely on a bigger scale. >> its brings attention to it. it lets people know something is going on. this is sustained action. >> which the students were released. >> of course i have class in the morning. >> they could have taken you to jail. >> that's true. they could have taken us to jail. >> reporter: you were prepared to spend the night. >> yes. >> reporter: the bridge take over was not staged by any organization just individuals who rallied on campus. >> debora, thank you. about 1,000 people marched and protested today saying that black lives matter. first they went to the fruitvale b.a.r.t. station then they went to the coliseum station which had to be shut down for some time. the group showed a stark difference between generations about the best way to achieve change. >> they just don't understand the difference. that's what i think. so they're doing it the wrong way. they're going about it the wrong way. the windows and all of the you know as far as trashing stuff doesn't solve the problem. >> like i said when you implement strategies and they don't work you have to change the strategy. >> the younger protesters said they're more radical and they believe that's what's needed to fulfill dr. king's dream. we're following breaking news right now. in just the past 30 minutes crews reached and rescued two boaters who became stranded in the bay this afternoon. amber lee is live now in east palo alto where emergency crews joined their efforts. >> reporter: we're in east palo alto at cooley landing. this is where the successful rescue of two stranded fishermen who were at the alviso area san jose was launched. here with me is battalion chief jim stevens to explain to me why it was launched here and what happened. >> reporter: at approximately 6:30 this evening, the coast guard received a call regarding two fishermen who were stranded in their boat. believed to be stranded in the mud. the coast guard knowing our capabilities and the position on the south end of the bay which is for much of the day especially low tide is pretty much mud with us having an airboat, we're able to launch an-and-a-half good -- able to launch and navigate mud. we're able to pick up the main channel, 300 or 400 feet out. from there we can head south to where the parties were last reported as being. >> reporter: this fire vehicle was the one who toed this airboat to. >> our engine 77 has a water rescue location. another engine company covers their area. they go into water rescue mode. we have a couple different options we can launch. >> what is happening right now? >> right now they launched here al cooley landing. the original location was the first channel marker north of alviso slew which is closer to san jose. we began the search at that end. the parties were confused about where they are they turned out to be the most to be closer to the bay. >> reporter: who people? >> two people. >> reporter: what were they doing there? >> it's not uncommon that the fishermen will become disoriented. when the tide is up, when the tide is up they have plenty of water, when the tide goes out they find themselves sitting in the mud and stuck. >> reporter: common mistake right. >> yes it is. >> reporter: the fire chief tells me this is the second rescue in a row in just as many days. similar problems, yet last night it was the same thing two fishermen stranded. so they're asking people to just be really aware and the coast guard has a warning out for high tide through midweek. live in east palo alto. >> where are those men now? are they okay? >> i was told they're fine, they're minutes away from where they launched in al viso they should be okay. both men i was told are out of san jose. we are told they are fine. >> amber, thank you. a bomb threat forced the evacuation of two planes in new york this evening and one of them had just arrived from sfo. and an anonymous caller warned of a pipe bomb shortly before it landed at jfk airport. the pilot landed the plane and stopped on the tarmac. passengers were evacuated as authorities screened the plane and luggage. a connecting flight to tell aviv with the same flight number was evacuated and searched but no explosives were found. tomorrow night president obama will deliver his sixth state of the union address. even though his approval rating is up, the president still has to work with a republican led house. >> reporter: there are two ends of the spectrum we might see tomorrow. the president drawing a line on the stand or holding out a hand to the gop. the president appears ready to present the ideas. for the sixth time, the president will address the people of the united states. >> this gives us an opportunity to address the american people. how do we make sure everybody in this country, how do we make sure we're sharing in this growing economy. >> reporter: the recovering economy and lower 5.6% unemployment rate has bolstered the president's approval rating to 50% according to a new washington postpoll. in the past few weeks, the president has been rolling out some of the proposals expected in his speech. among those are to increase internet access and cyber security for americans. for the middle class, the president wants to provide free tuition toward community college for some students. more flexible workplace lead policies and more affordable mortgages for first time homeowners. the president also would likely propose tax changes. >> there's been talk for years about tax reform. and i think it's something we need. the tax code has gotten excessively complicated. there was hope that there would be a deal that would overhaul the whole system. >> reporter: jesse rocksteen says a deal may not be possible. >> to eliminate the step up basis for inheritances. >> reporter: those proposed taxes would come for couples earning $200,000 or less. republican officials have capped freshman senator erns to deliver the party's response to the president's state of the union address. >> she's a new face on the national scene. what can you tell us about her? >> there is a little bit of information, ernst is the first woman to be elected to congress in iowa. the first female combat veteran in the senate. so it'll be interesting to see what she has to say so far she's been very tight lipped about what will be in her speech. >> we'll hear tomorrow night. jana, thank you. the widow of sheriff deputy who was killed in the line of duty will be a guest at the president's address. susanoliver says that she hopes the president will take a moment to remember officers lost in the line of duty like danny. >> i hope he recognizes the officers like danny. >> reporter: his wife says she's starting a foundation in her husband's name to strengthen ties between the public and law enforcement. you can watch the president's entire state of the union address right here on ktvu. live coverage will begin at 6:00 tomorrow night. a royal visit to the bay area. at 10:30, the visit behind the trip and why it's putting silican valley on display. >> a beautiful winter evening over the bay area but i do see clouds and fog returning. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your tuesday coming up. >> i think i heard at this point, oh god. >> tom brady laughing off allegations of cheating. the investigation now under into whether the patriots under inflated footballs to gain an advantage. here we are with the nfl headed into the postseason and the nfl is investigating deflated balls. heather holmes is live in walnut creek where a bay area coach says that is virtually impossible. >> reporter: i spoke tonight with a head football coach in monte vista. he says the footballs are tested prior to the game and periodically tested during the game. while there are reports that a number of footballs were removed because they were under inflated he says there could be a number of reasons for that which is the weather or use. there's a lot of skepticism whether the patriots did so intentionally. the patriots roll to another victory in sunday's rout to the colts. but didn't seem cheap to get an advantage. quarterback tom brady laughed at the allegations during his weekly appearance during a boston sports show. bill belichick says he will cooperate fully with the investigation. one of vista high football coach craig bergman says there are strict rules on this. the nfl requires the balls be inflated with 13.5 of air. >> when i squeeze i can get very little compression on it. >> reporter: the accusation is the patriots let some air out making the ball easier to grip and throw. >> that make as big difference while holding the ball. >> reporter: bergman doubts the patriots could handle to pull that out of off. this controversy he thinks is all hot air. >> i think people get a little jealous what they don't have. >> reporter: if the league investigation frank determine had the the patriots intentionally deflated footballs during yesterday's game. it could result in a loss of draft picks, so serious consequences here. >> heather it won't affect regardless of the outcome the patriots in the super bowl correct. >> that's right. the patriots are super bowl bound. this would just be a reflection on what happened during last year's game and moving forward what the team can do. >> all right, heather holmes, live in walnut creek tonight, heather thank you. >> reporter: pope francis says he plans to visit new york city during his visit to the us in december. the pope made that announcement in his plane. the pope will also stop in philadelphia. pope francis is expected to cannonnize -- he encouraged responsible parenthood by regulating natural family planning. calfire is investigating a small fire tonight that happened at the governor's mansion in downtown sacramento. calfire released these pictures. a park ranger discovered this fire next to the carriage house. a small metal hand cart with several exploded butane tanks was also found. the mansion is currently closed for a renovation project. on this martin luther king day this freedom train rolled for the last time from san jose to san francisco. it's a 30 year tradition but it's ending because of lack of support and interest. but today 1,600 people packed the train which symbolizing martin luther king's march from selma to montgomery. riders said it was important to remember the sacrifices that dr. martin luther made. >> martin luther king did a lot for people in our generation now. and this is my 50th year. it feels good to be a part of it. >> reporter: one man told us he was sad the freedom train was ending but he says americans shouldn't just rely on the train to keep dr. king's legacy alive. after getting off that train, all those people on board joined others and marched from the cal station to yerba buena gardens. many of the people brought their kids to teach them about dr. king's message for equality and justice. >> in honor of the historic march from selma to montgomery, hundreds of people marched. >> we have marched and we have showed the world that we can march in peace. >> reporter: beginning the celebration of martin luther king's birthday included discussions of changes made since the civil rights movement. >> we still have a lot of issues going around. same issues martin luther king was talking about in 1968. >> reporter: what do you know about him? >> he liked help black people vote. he gave a speech about how he wanted change and things to be equal. >> those are things that katrina mitchell hoped to teach her 3-year-old daughter. >> as she gets older, i hope that exposing her to these different type of events, from going to school and the books we read at home that she will have that exposure and understanding of what happened at that time. >> reporter: marie harrison thinks it's time to pass on the torch. >> it's up to our parents to let them know about these things. >> reporter: seems samuel and kids like him already understand the importance of dr. king's legacy. >> he needs to speak up for other people and do what's right. >> reporter: like dr. king would have wanted the crowds remained peaceful. in san francisco, cristina rendon, ktvu channel 2 news. on the hills of an enjoyable weather day. we have another one coming our way for tomorrow. a beautiful look here at the bay bridge. we have partly cloudy skies. we have fog returning. and in the last few hours we've seen it develop in our valley locations. getting a look here at the satellite view. partly cloudy skies. in the last half hour i've seen it go from 6 miles to half mile. you're going to find trouble here along highway 101. napa still reporting 6 miles and the rest of the bay area seven to 10 miles visibility ahead of you. as we get into the overnight hours the low clouds are going to be coming back. i think we'll have mid- and high level clouds once again and fog start the morning. by mid-morning there we are. clearing it out once again. we'll be left with mostly sunny skies for the afternoon. and temperatures will be a lot like what we had today. tomorrow morning we get out the door, a lot of 40s and 60s. 50degrees in san francisco, upper 40s along the peninsula. 49 for you redwood city. down to the south bay, 48 for san jose and to the north bay cooler temps, 43 expected for napa and santa rosa. under partly cloudy skies, 65 for oakland, 64 for concord. a lot like what he had over the weekend for today. 64 santa rosa, 65 in san rafael. in the extended forecast unfortunately i see no rain but i see a big warm up on our way in time for the weekend. i'll have that for you coming up. at 10:30, we'll show you the powerful performances tonight by bay area students. up first, trash cans right next to a home and a truck all deliberately set on fire. people in the neighborhood think they know who may be responsible. in san francisco a serial arsonist struck again early this morning in the castro district. firefighters responded to two trash can fires. the fires were set all weeks from each other. we spoke to worried neighbors about what they saw and what damage these arsonists caused. >> reporter: firefighters pounded on a door and told the family inside to get out now. someone set two fires up in flames right outside the house. >> i saw the trash cans that seemed to be on fire below. >> reporter: the owner has lived in the castro neighborhood for 20 years and did not want to be shown on camera. >> everybody got out safe which is the most important thing. none of our neighbors were hurt. >> reporter: she and her neighbors are shaken by this fire and another set across the street at around the same time. >> about 10 minutes after they got this fire out. fire trucks were all lined up here right over there. the trash can over there went up in flames. so it's really weird and scary. you know. >> reporter: it was one of three fires set in the same neighborhood this morning. a block or two away near 19th and castro streets a pick up truck was also destroyed. >> that truck is my baby. that's how i make my living. i've had it for 15 years, and i'm going to miss her. >> reporter: last month four arsons damaged or destroyed vehicles in the mission dolores neighborhood. officers are looking at why the area is being targeted and are eyeing a visibly increasing transient population. >> you have a problem with it they move on to another neighborhood. connect the common cycles. seems right now we're on an up tick. >> reporter: the eureka county association says they're working with a program called castro cares to get an extra patrol officer. in the meantime investigators are looking for surveillance video from neighbors in the areas where the arsons took place in hopes that will lead to clues in this case. david stevenson, ktvu. a small earthquake rattled a town in plumas county. the earthquake was located 8 miles from the town of chester. it hit at 8:12 this morning. the u.s. geological survey says it was a shallow quake and no damage has been reported. a mystery in the bay. dozens of birds covered in a sticky substance others dead. where you could find the crown princess and her husband and the technology mission behind their visit. >> a reminder you can get ktvu news to go. you can watch all of our newscasts live on your mobile device. new at 10:00, special guests are getting a royal welcome in silican valley and that's fitting because in this case they're members of the swedish royal family. maureen naylor is in mountain view and she tells us why they came to the center of the tech world. >> reporter: the royal couple have arrived for a six day visit and their focus is technology and it was highlighted with an event here tonight. sweden's smiling princess victoria and her husband arrived at the computer museum for their first silican valley visit together. they're meeting with dignitaries and learning more about technology companies with ties here. >> every road leads to the bay area. they have been here before but they haven't been down to the valley. and it was time to learn about the invasion. >> reporter: the royal coupled mingled with the crowd of about 170 people. among those who got to meet the princess this stanford student. >> even though sweden is a very small country, we we have 4 million people and the number of california is crazy. but we celebrate each other and work together to move forward. >> reporter: the council general of sweden likened silican valley to roam in ancient times, calling it the hub of the world right now. >> we're equally pushing forward, not to compete with the valley because i don't think it can. but really to show that we will support in this revolution that's going on. >> reporter: sweden has joined with norway, denmark, finland and iceland to launch a resource center in palo alto to help nordic tech. >> here in silican valley they don't care if we're swedish or -- but we use if brand. >> reporter: danielson is working with phone manufacturers to launch this gesturing software next year which uses ultrasound technology. originally from norway she moved to silican valley about 20 years ago. >> i love love love building companies and i love technology. and there's just, you know if you're going to have a company and if you want to take it worldwide you have to come to silican valley. >> reporter: the royal couple is traveling with their 2-year- old daughter. the couple also met with congresswoman nancy pelosi and senator dianne feinstein at a private event in the city. the royal couple took their young daughter to the san francisco zoo and plan to visit facebook and stanford before leaving wednesday to sweden. >> that's quite an itinerary. and the touchless thing that woman came up with what a cool idea that is. >> wasn't that neat. it was a different thing. it was really interested. and she says it's going to launch next year. >> live in mountain view tonight, maureen, thank you. a u.s. trade delegation is set to travel to cuba for historic talks on restoring diplomatic relations. the focus will be to lift travel restrictions. roberta jacobson will lead the talks. two dozens hostages are free tonight after being kidnapped in camaroon by baka haram. some of the hostages escaped others were released. today african leaders traveled to berlin and called on the european union for support to battle the militants. >> get them from the au to form a regional force that has a plan to be able to deal with the issue of security in not eastern nigeria. >> reporter: german's chancellor said creating a forum was in their interest. former defense secretary and cia chef panetta is taking a seat in the oracle board. he served as chief of the cia. the pivotal moment in the civil rights movement is now depicted on the big screen in that new movie selma. >> reporter: bay area students got a chance to see the film for free on this martin luther king jr. day. >> reporter: the century 16 in richmond was more than just a movie theater today for hundreds of students it was also part classroom. more than 300 students got to watch the movie selma without having to buy a ticket. moments before it started many were excited by what they were about to see. >> it's a wonderful experience to actually see the movie itself and learn more about dr. martin luther king. >> reporter: the free showing comes courtesy of scores of african american business leaders nationwide who have raised more than $2 million to allow students across the country to see the movie without having to come up with the ticket price. >> i'm happy to see the movie because we can learn more about our heritage and how martin luther king was treated by the -- by the white people. and how now is different but racism is still going on. >> we must march. >> reporter: selma depicts the events surrounding martin luther king's march from selma to montgomery which resulted in one of the most powerful victories in the civil rights movement. the signing of the voting rights act. churches and police helped organize the trip. community leaders felt it important for the young youth to learn more with the differences going on today. >> he was aiming at something, not just out protesting. protesting had purpose. >> reporter: the young viewers say it brought home what happened 50 years ago. >> i know it was bad but i didn't know it was that bad. >> it was a nonviolent movement and it was very important to get everyone informed around the country that also caucasian people also participated in the marchs. >> reporter: the group says they're planning to have group discussions with the students about what they learned from selma and what it means to them today. in richmond, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. young people also packed a san francisco auditorium today for a king holiday annual event. the group known as youth speaks performed at the 18th annual bringing in the noise for dr. martin luther king. it filled in a poetic conversation about martin luther king. >> how dare our dream be -- let's talk about the -- the more dangerous i become. >> more than 1,000 people packed the norris auditorium in the theater district. more birds keep turning up dead in the east bay water ways. what rescue workers are doing to save as many of them as possible. >> our dry quiet pattern is going to remain locked in for the workweek ahead. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your tuesday and show you when temperature will soar well above average. and a busy highway overpass collapsed tonight killing at least one person in ohio. new video tonight from cincinnati where a highway overpass collapsed this evening. one construction worker was killed when that overpass came down at about 10:30 local time. a tractor trailer slammed into the rubble injurying the driver. the over pass was on interstate 75 which is now closed indefinitely. cincinnati fire officials say the collapse was related to work being done on that overpass. new at 10:00, the national park service today waived the admission fee at muir woods. we just saw dozens of visitors enjoying the majestic redwoods. 4,500 people came to the park today. >> it's to honor martin luther king and we don't have too many of these free days so i think it's very special that the park service decided that this would be one of them. >> reporter: parking was a bit of a challenge and there was some concern that road work in the area would cause traffic problems but in the end everyone seemed to get in and out of the area smoothly. the next free day will be over the president's day weekend february 14th through the 16th. the latest news from the ride sharing company uber is offering mind boggling figures. uber says its market share in san francisco is bigger than the taxi market. the company is on its way to making $75 million a year in san francisco. the number of uber rides is growing even faster in new york city and london. investigators hope surveillance video will provide more clues about a smash and grab burglary near fisherman's wharf. thieves drove a uhaul van on north point street at around 3:30 this morning. after ramming the store front the suspects grabbed jackets and other high end clothing and then took off. >> we come in here all the time for christmas presents and good quality outdoor merchandise. this is horrible this would happen around here like that. police briefly chased the suspects but ended up calling off that chase due to safety concerns. we now know where they live here in the bay area. the places where they are large numbers of unvaccinated children and what doctors are saying about that. >> rosemary is updating her extended forecast. she'll be back to tell us if any wet weather is headed our way this week. >> the mysterious substance covering bay area sea birds. hear why rescuers say it was so crucial to find surviving bird today. - - surviving birds today. ♪ for the first time in...♪ ♪forever...♪ ♪...there'll be music...♪ ♪...there'll be light...♪ ♪...for the first time in forever♪ ♪...i'll be dancing through the night♪ frozen fun is at disney california adventure park for a limited time. with a great room offer you'll be close to all the fun! ♪...'cause for the first time in forever...♪ ♪...i won't be alone. ♪ a deepening mystery in the east bay. more and more sea birds are turning up in the shore covered in some kind of goo. the experts are trying to fig -- figure out what that goo is while rescuers are racing against the clock to save the birds. >> today was a critical day to help the birds survive. amber lee has the story. >> reporter: there is beauty in nature. that people admire and sometimes destroy. >> looking from three feet to waters edge. >> reporter: wildlife emergency volunteers are looking for disstressed birds. >> it's right at the edge of the water line. >> reporter: stalking them like prey. catching as many as they can. not to kill, but to help keep them alive. >> start losing weight because they're not feeding and they're trying to keep warm. >> there's several in trouble. >> reporter: the birds started showing up friday in places they shouldn't be. >> so there's about a dozen hauled out on the rock. >> reporter: the birds are covered in a mysterious goo. >> friday was critical. saturday was more critical. >> reporter: today was a tipping point. >> there's more today. today we're finding 50/50 dead and alive. tomorrow there will be more dead than alive and so on. >> reporter: that formula is staging out in hayward. by 2:00 this afternoon volunteers found about 40 live birds and 40 dead wins. >> they came ashore because they were cold. we call it the golden hour or window of opportunity to get birds in time so that they can be healed. >> reporter: this appears to be an emergency caused by human carelessness. >> we'll get him tonight. >> i'll have to stay the night up here. this is too many birds. >> reporter: without human intervention now, the birds won't survive. tomorrow the state is expected to start doing necropsies to determine what is killing them so investigators can then figure out what's killing them. noelle walker, ktvu news. researchers have pinpointed some of the locations in the bay area where parents are not vaccinating their children. schools require vaccinations but parents can opt out siting personal beliefs. certain neighborhoods in san francisco. doctors say refusing to get your child vaccinated can put others at risk. some of the highest tides of the year are expected to last a few more days around the bay area. the national weather service issued a warning today. forecasters say king tide could cause flooding and dangerous rip currents at sea. the california king tide project is now encouraging people to take pictures of the flooding the goal is to raise awareness about what neighborhoods might look like when sea levels rise because of climate change. and i'll have a look at tomorrow's high tide coming here in just minutes. let's take a look at what's going on right now. partly cloudy skies. temperatures are cooling off. we're a few degrees cooler than what we were 24 hours ago. as i mentioned about half an hour ago, areas in santa rosa already seeing fog develop in your neighborhood. concord sitting at 50. san jose checking in at 50 as well. so as julie mentioned the king sides will continue for the next couple of days. tomorrow morning high tide will be at 10:46 in the morning and wednesday 11:36. this isn't just for the coastline. we have inside the bay we have our local marshes and slews so expect that flooding to continue tomorrow and into wednesday. partly cloudy skies over the bay area. i think we're going to wake up with fog as well. a look here at a very wide shot you can see the clouds continue to move through a zonal flooding. ridge of high pressure will remain in place as we go into the second half of the week. that means the dry line stays in place. we everyone have a ridge of high pressure that will not only give us -- we even have a ridge of high pressure. by tuesday a mix of sun and clouds and no rain in sight. temperatures tomorrow morning starting in the 40s. 49 redwood city. 50degrees san francisco, a chilly start in santa rosa, napa. 46degrees expected for antioch as we get into the second half of the afternoon. the clouds will clear, we'll be left with partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies a lot like today. 62 for novato tomorrow. 63 for berkeley. 60s in and around san francisco. low 60s for the east bay. oakland you will go to 64 as we get into the south bay. 62 for mountain view. 63 san jose. mid-60s the high for santa cruz. temperatures not changing a whole lot as we get into the second half of the week. we're now seeing upper 60s instead of those low and mid- 60s. by friday low 70s. at this point it looks like it's going to last into the weekends. mostly sunny skies, 70s not too bad. >> it doesn't feel like a january when you get 70-degree weather. >> i know. >> the extended models bringing us rain. maybe the final days of january. >> gosh let's hope so. >> i know. >> thank you, rosemary. almost no rain here and a lack of snow up in the sierra. and that left a lot of skiers disappointed over this holiday weekend. they say that skiing was okay at the higher elevations but that conditions deteriorated as they skied down the hills. resorts have been trying to keep runs open with their snow making machines but donner ski ranch has a warning that they will be closed this week because there just hasn't been enough snow. they're hoping to reopen by next saturday. >> a lot of rocks up there and ice. mark is off tonight. scott reiss is in. those warriors giving us more reasons to smile. it was easy for them today. >> i'm still smiling because of 70 degrees. with this team every day is like christmas. they are the gift that keeps on giving. hosting the nuggets this afternoon. the warriors running early. he will miss here but never fear. barnes to clay thompson. clay will finish. two of his 22 dubs up nine and they're off to the races. rejection of j.j. by andrew iguodala and here we go. thompson, curry filling it up with 20. warriors 52-28 at halftime. third quarter how about a 15-0 run by the warriors bench. kind of boring when all you do is bully everybody out. from the d league this morning to 11 point this is afternoon. it's a blow out. the warriors tie a record. the bench outscored denver's starters 67-37. >> it's just human nature. you think to yourself either i increase the lead to stay in the game or, if we don't take the lead up, you know, it's probably coming right back in. the time out there is precious to us and we try to take advantage of it. >> it's cliche but it's fact. you want to win, you have to defend your home field, home court, home ice whatever. the sharks traditionally do it very well. last season only seven regulation home losses. this season, they've already surpassed that number. the devils team playing without yager who was out with the flu. they didn't need him. tyler kennedy to matt nieto. it's a 2-2 game but not for long. they made it 3-2 in the third. larsson one time. travis zayack and the devils come to san jose and win it 5- 2. ahead one of the more impressive records in sports goes down and wait until you see the surprise at the end. and the raiders make a big hire for a big position. we'll have the introduction next. introducing the new subway "simple 6 menu". six of our best six-inch subs- like the italian bmt and tender turkey breast! with a 21-ounce drink and a bag of chips for just $6 every day. it's value made simple. subway! ♪ go with what you know. jack delrio going with that with his first major hire. bringing in muskgrave as his coordinator. he spent this season firmly as quarterback coach under chip kelly where he helped turn mark sanchez into a legitimate nfl qb. talk about spoil by success. the stanford women's hoops team is ranked 11th in the nation and people are wondering what's wrong. they've lost some games playing a brutal sedge yum. today down to the wire. arizona state that's charlie turner thorn coaching asu. then they come roaring back. lily thompson's lay up cuts the deficit to just two. they got it down to one. final minute it's berkeley high school grad alicia davis at 5'3" going strong. the lead is seven but then it's down to three again in the final seconds. stanford with a chance all the be it a long shot. literally. and it doesn't go to oranje. lindsay vaughn watched the olympics last year recovering from a knee injury. she vowed to come back. the historic run a super g race and a super surprise at the end. boyfriend tiger woods showed up disguised in a ski mask so he could weave himself undetected through the crowd and she was like no way. and then there was kissy kissy. >> and thank you for joining us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow. >> good night. hey! guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok... [ door opens ] jay, i'm home. did manny call? no, because he's fine. it was a slumber party not a gang fight. i just want him to fit in. i'm gonna take a shower. do you care to join me? you know, honey, there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage. if i ever say "no" to that question i want you to use it on me. [ chuckles ] [ haley speaking indistinctly ] [ footsteps approaching ] shh, shh, shh! what's wrong? [ continues speaking indistinctly ] why aren't they trying to hurt each other? i don't know but i'm afraid to move. [ laughing ] you're really good at this. thanks. what is happening, claire? cameron: mmm. mitchell: what do you think? now, that is a scone


Transcripts For WCAU Today 20141003

double standard? incredibly revealing social experiment, actors pretending to be a couple fighting on the street. he attacks her. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> then she attacks him zblie wasn. >> i wasn't cheating on you. >> you wouldn't believe how differently witnesses reacted "today," friday, october 3rd, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer, along with tamron hall. tamron is here while savannah is on maternity leave. natalie morales and dylan dreyer join us as well. al is making his way back from afghanistan. it seems every day this week we've had some new development in the ebola scare and today is no exception. now it's hit home. dr. nancy is with us from monrovia. how is this young man, ashoka mukpo doing? >> hi, matt. he sounded this morning well. it's been 48 hours. of course, when he realized that he had a fever and was feeling achy in this environment, the word ebola pops to the top of everyone's mind. he was quarantined overnight, 48 hours ago, got his test. it turned out to be positive and at that point, it's all been a matter of logistics of stabilizing him. he is with doctors without borders and will be air lifted out to a medical center in the united states. but he's good. the amount of virus in his body is low. he should have a very good prognosis. >> obviously there's a larger team there in liberia, nancy, with you. so the question is, how long had you been working with him? and how close was the contact between you and the other members of the team with him once he became symptomatic? >> well, once he became symptomatic, we only spent two hours together. he and i were working in a workplace and he told me that he wasn't feeling well. he joined us 72 hours earlier as an independent journalist and had been in the hospital -- had been in the country two weeks prior to that. so, my suspicion is that he was infected before we met him. and then he became symptomatic once we met him. we shared a work space. we shared vehicles. we shared equipment. but everyone here is hyper alert. we have not been in close proximity. no one shakes hands. there's no hugging. so i do believe that our team, while we are being hyper vigilant, we are at very, very, very low risk for becoming ill. >> and yet you're going to fly out today. you're monitoring your temperature quite a few times through the day. from my understanding, once you get back to the united states, you're going to self quarantine for up to 21 days? >> yes. we are taking this very, very, very cautious -- we're approaching this very cautiously and probably more judiciously than others. we will self quarantine on our own, take our temperature twice a day. if i, we, have a fever, obviously we'll then get tested. but the norm is because you must come into contact with bodily fluids, vomit, diarrhea, blood, urine or sweat directly, because we have not had that kind of exposure, even though i was in an ebola isolation unit, i was wearing protective gear. i disrobed according to protocol. we have recognized and observed universal precautions here and we're going to extend that for 21 days out of courtesy and respect to our colleagues and the united states citizens. >> that certainly makes sense. nancy, please wish ashoka mukpo our very best. the reason we're doing a phone interview with nancy this morning is because all the camera gear they've been using to bring this story back to the united states is now being disinfected and can't be used. nancy, thank you very much. >> thank you. dr. mitchell levie and diana mukpo are with us now. thank you both for joining us this morning. >> good morning, tamron. thanks for having us. >> good morning. >> dr. levie, let me start with you. i know you spoke with your son on the phone. what can you tell us about his spirits and what he has told you regarding his condition. >> i just talked to him early this morning. and his spirits seem better today. i think, obviously, he is scared and worried he has been filming what's happening in liberia for two weeks and seeing the death and tragedy and now it's really hit home for him. but his spirits are better today. he knows he's going to come home. he knows he just has a couple more days and still his symptoms are fairly mild. just a mild fever. i was really happy to hear how he's doing, walking around. more cheerful. tender but cheerful today. >> diandiana, as a mother, i ca imagine the worry and stress you are experiencing. what more did he tell you regarding the conditions there and the care he specifically is receiving as he waits a trip back to the u.s.? >> he is receiving the best care possible that they can offer him, doctors without borders, in monrovia. sti still, it can't possibly, because of the lack of resources, compare to what will be available to him when he returns to the united states. the enormous anxiety i haves a mother or we share as parents is the delay between now and him leaving on sunday. the state department has been fantastic. they've been compassionate. i cannot say how much i appreciate how wonderful the government is being. that doesn't take away from the fact that he's still going to be in liberia until sunday and i can only hope and pray that his symptoms don't worsen. >> dr. levie, when you spoke with your son, you told him how proud you are of him and that he return to that country to expose what was happening, the plight of the thousands who died and the social situation on the ground there. >> yes. he spent two years in monrovia working with a nongovernment organization and really made a strong connection to the liberian people and he felt strongly when he started to hear what was going on and wanted to go back and see if he could make a difference. i was obviously conflicted as a parent but really proud that he has the integrity and desire to do something good and went back to monrovia. i'm happy that he has that kind of integrity and also concern that he put himself in harm's way to do that. >> dr. mitchell levie and diana mukpo, thank you so much under these circumstances. >> they must be so worried. >> thank you. >> nancy writebol, one of the first americans to contract ebola, just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how sorry we are to hear the news of the cameraman that has tested positive for ebola. please know we will be praying for all of you. we are praying god will bring this deadly virus to an end. obviously, this news spreading quickly. in the meantime, we're learning more about why thomas duncan, the first person diagnosed with ebola here in the u.s., was allowed back into the community after going to the community with symptoms that have virus. and some of the people who had contact with duncan now quarantined as a precaution are speaking out. kate snow is in dallas. kate, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. at the apartment where duncan had been living, people are under quarantine and now are complaining that they're sitting inside the very place that he got so desperately ill. cleaners are expected to show up to that apartment complex to do an intensive sanitization of the place. the hospital late last night finally clarified how it was that duncan went to the e.r. one week ago today and was sent back home. the hospital says when thomas eric duncan came to the e.r. last friday he had a fever and other symptoms that could have been caused by many things. when asked, the hospital says he told a nurse he had not been around anyone ill. he said the same thing before boarding a plane to leave liberia. he did tell a nurse that he was in liberia. now disease detectives are on a frontic search to -- >> did not and he was -- check with the people in dallas and obviously as the head of the centers of disease control so concerned about the spread of this virus where -- hot zone basically to come and sanitize the place. it's unclear if the cleaning has happened yet. a food bank sent in a three-day supply of meals, leaving the boxes outside the door. down the street, also quarantined, the daughter of duncan's girlfriend, her husband and four kids, ages 2 to 11. i spoke with her by phone. her young kids spent a lot of time near duncan last weekend. >> maybe they would be like hugging him, maybe he would be kissing. we just pray to god he hasn't spread it to them or us. >> reporter: his mother record this had video message for her son. >> i want to hug you, for you to hug me, for us to see each other. >> he really needs help. this is suffering. this is not the way anyone would want to go down in history. >> reporter: the president, meantime, called the dallas mayor yesterday to make sure they have all the resources they need here. meantime, back in liberia, the government there says they will prosecute duncan for what they say he said on that questionnaire when he was leaving liberia. they say he lied when he said he had no contact with anyone ill with ebola. matt? >> kate snow in dallas. kate, thank you very much. earlier this morning, we talked to dr. tom frieden and i asked him about why the apartment where thomas duncan was staying in wasn't immediately cordoned off and cleaned. >> the details of that, you would have to refer to the folks in dallas. this is, after all, the first time we've ever had a case of ebola in the u.s. when things removed, that's done safely, that it won't be disposed of in any way that would potentially be a risk. >> you say we have to check with the people in dallas, but this was a week. and, obviously, as the head of the centers for disease control, so concerned about the spread of this virus, is it acceptable that an apartment would be in that condition, a hot zone basically, for a week after that patient left that building? >> we have had our staff working with the local authorities. we understand that bleach has been used and this is something we expect to get resolved today. >> it seemed like it took an awful lot of time to have that taken care of. >> yes, it does seem that way. we'll have more, of course, throughout the morning. natalie is here with stunning new revelations on a massive security breach. we're getting more details now. >> among the largest cyber attacks ever discovered at a financial institution. jp morgan chase disclosing a recent data breach compromised millions of private accounts and businesses. >> the nation's largest bank, jp morgan chase announcing more than 76 million consumers, 7 million small businesses may have been affected. more consumers than target and home depot's hack attacks. customers who use and jp and as well as the chase and jp morgan mobile apps. customer names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses may have been stolen. although so far there's no evidence that account numbers, passwords or social security numbers have been stolen. jp morgan chase also has not yet seen any unusual fraud activity stemming from the breach. many consider this hack attack much more troubling than the others because of the sensitive nature of financial information and accounts. natalie? >> cnbc's courtney reagan, thank you very much. could we see another bush in the white house? former president george w. bush revealed thursday during an interview with fox news that his brother, jeb, is considering running in 2016. >> i think he wants to be president. i think he would be a great president. he understands what it's like to be president for not only the person running or serving, plus family. >> former president bush says his brother is a very thoughtful man and doesn't believe jeb has made a final decision yet. stay tuned on that one. >> a wild chase ends in dramatic fashion on a southern california freeway. a man suspected of grand theft took the police on a chase through orange county, occasionally driving on the wrong side of the road. the truck careens off the freeway, goes airborne, flips on to its side. the man was uninjured and able to climb out. he did is your undsurrender to don't look down. two men were trapped on a high rise. they gave the window washers ropes and you see one of them pulling himself up the side of the building until he finally reached the rooftop where rescue crews then pulled him to safety. >> i would need full anesthesia. they would have to put me out and drag me out of there. >> my gosh! goodness. >> i know. olympic gold medal skier lindsay vaughn is back on the slopes after suffering those two debilitating knee injuries. she told "the new york times" she still has the 2018 winter olympics firmly in her sights and the world championship in february in vail. >> her hometown. good to see her in action. >> dylan has a check of the weather. >> there's not much that will stop a tv news crew. take a look at this video from texas outside the hospital. winds were gusting at 90 miles per hour. it was tossing the tents, tossing all the lights and all the cameras. and that was just a taste of some of these storms that moved through. we had damaging winds and flooding rains move through the area and it all came through right around rush hour. so, it was very nasty in texas yesterday. today, though, we're still looking at this cold front. you can see it stretching from the great lakes right down into eastern texas. and it's this area right in through here where we are going to see some of our strongest storms this morning. but they aren't going to be as strong as they were yesterday. it is still going to be that cold front that moves eastward. we'll see the rain up and down the east coast by the time we get into the start of the weekend. that's a look at the weather across the country. your local forecast is in 30 seconds. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. >> we'll get breaks of sunshine as the day goes on. a nice day into the 70s this afternoon. there's wet weather in our future. clouds move in tonight and we'll start the weekend with showers. some heavy downpours and even a thunderstorm is possible. it clears out in the afternoon. 70 degrees saturday afternoon. look at the chilly weather for sunday into monday. 40s in the morning. 63 degrees sunday afternoon. sunny skies monday and another chance of showers late tuesday. have a great day. latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you very much. a new move by netflix could transform the movie business as we know it. this guy knows all about that. >> they're changing the game. they're doing it in television, doing it with "orange is the new black," "house of cards." they just signed a four movie deal with adam sandler. you might say adam sandler in the last five years might have mixed reviews at the box office. a lot of people are saying this deal with netflix could change the way that we see movies, especially for that theater-going crowd. in 2013, 227.8 million attended a movie theater at least once. on our facebook page, 50 million now netflix members. this number is going up in 50 countries. i most commonly watch movies where? blu-ray/dvd, 47%. in the theater only 9%. take that survey at the facebook page. are you still going to the theater? >> a lot on demand. >> me, too. >> netflix, amazon. >> i heed to get this netflix thing everybody is talking about. >> you're sounding like the -- >> i think it's going to stick around. >> you should check out the internet thing. it's pretty good, too. >> and these mobile phones are life changing. carson, thank you. interesting rossen report, social experiment. if you saw a couple fighting right in front of you, would you step in? what if the woman was the one hitting the man? >> you'll want to see this report. it is so intriguing. and daring high-wire feats. now nick walenda is setting his sights on chicago. he is here to tell us about his next death defying coming up on trending, controversy over a new app aimed at women and what they're wearing for halloween. a little earlier, we all got treated to a rehearsal from aretha franklin performing in our studio. she will do dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. 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[popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. 7:26. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. we begin with an accident on the south street bridge over the schuylkill expressway. one man was hit by a car and taken to the hospital. authorities say it's not a hit and run. the accident scene just cleared. let's check in with jillian mele for an update. >> we did have about one lane blocked on south street bridge for 30 minutes this morning. it caused volume when that accident was going on. just in the last five or six minutes, that cleared. we're good to go now if you would like to use the south street bridge. this is ben franklin bridge. volume on westbound side as drivers make their way into philadelphia because of that track rehab project blocking the right lane and for drivers with volume on route 22 at airport road. >> some morning commuters faced fog this morning. let's get details on that with meteorologist bill henley. >> an issue north and west but just cloud cover over center city. mostly cloudy view from adve adventure aquarium. we'll see sunshine break through. zero visibility right now in coatesville with temperatures in most of the area in the 50s but philadelphia international is 62 degrees. philadelphia police are investigating a shooting that left three people wounded in kensington. sky force 10 over the scene after gunfire broke out last night. police told us a husband and wife and another man are all in stable condition. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes. you can always get the latest news and weather on now back to the "today" show. i'm tracy davidson. enjoy the day and the weekend. over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid." friday morning. it's the 3rd day of october, 2014. wow, look how pretty that is. >> it is. >> in washington, d.c. the sight is pretty. the music is beautiful. that is aretha franklin, doing a cover an adele hit. the queen of soul is here today. she had 20 of us here in the studio at about 6:30 in the morning, she was rehearsing. we were staring at her. she was doing this. >> 20 people got a private show. millions of you will get a private show in your home or at work or in your car. meantime, let's take a look at what's making headlines. an american photojournalist working for nbc news in liberia tested positive for ebola. the 33-year-old is being flown back to the united states for treatment. dr. nancy snyderman and the rest of her crew are not showing any symptoms. in an abundance of caution, they will also return home and place themselves under quarantine for 21 days. a line of powerful thunderstorms moving east after roaring through parts of texas. heavy rain and high winds slammed the dallas-ft. worth area, knocking out power for more than 262,000 customers. and we are learning more about this summer's cyber attack on jp morgan chase. the bank says 76 million households and another 7 million small businesses had their names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses stolen. the financial giant says other sensitive data was not compromised. and coming up, tightrope walker nik wallenda, getting ready to do it again. he has an exclusive announcement about what he has planned. i am not so sure i am excited for this one. no, it's going to be great. >> he looks so calm. >> he is so calm. he's amazing. our special correspondent joan lunden is here to answer all your questions. just send them in using the #pinkpower. let's begin this half hour with harsh reality facing "house wives of atlanta" theresa gu guiduce and her husband. i didn't get that name quite right. >> you did okay. the judge in new jersey federal court says she considered probation but in the end, in her words, the crimes, quote, merited incarceration. true reality can be a bitter pill. jail time for both theresa and joe juiduce. the stars of "real house wives of new jersey." >> you never know how strong you are until it's the only choice you have. >> reporter: both pled guilty to multiple federal fraud charges last month, including lying on mortgage and loan applications worth millions of dollars. following thursday's sentencing, the government says it's satisfied with the court's decisions and hopes the publicity sends a message. >> we hope the people who see and hear about this will think twice before doing the same things themselves. >> i know joe and i are good people. and in my heart and in my soul, i will make sure that this is right, whatever right means. >> reporter: the couple's real-life legal troubles and pleased to pleas to be saved from jail for the sake of their girls. >> i really need protection right now, joe and i, and the girls. please protect our family. amen. >> reporter: hidden from cameras just before the sentence was read, a contrite reality tv star and mother told the judge, i have heard you. i need to live to do things for myself. it's time for me to wake up. i will make this right no matter what it takes. in addition to jail time, the couple owes more than $430,000. joe faces possible deportation to italy, even though he has lived in this country since childhood, the 42-year-old is not a u.s. citizen. the judge did stagger the jail time for the sake of their young kids. teresa begins her jail time in january and when she is done, joe will follow. >> strong statement. no question about it. stephanie, thank you very much. hot button issue of domestic violence. how would you react if you witnessed it? jeff rossen is here with a real eye opener. jeff, good morning. >> tamron, good morning to you. this is such an important topic. so many people, men and women, victims of domestic violence, one in four women suffering through it, one in seven men are abused by a partner. what if you were walking down the street and saw it happening right in front of you? would you step in if a man was assaulting a woman? what if it was the other way around, a woman beating up the man? this morning you're about to see a stunning social experiment. a warning here, some of the video is disturbing. >> you could tell me the truth. why you talking to that guy last night? >> a boyfriend and girlfriend arguing on the street and it t gets violent. >> listen! >> the crowd speaking up. what they don't know, this boyfriend and girlfriend are just actors with the improv group octv, setting up a social experiment to test reactions. it's ripped from the headlines, tmz sports video of ray rice hitting his wife in the video, causing worldwide outrage but when solange knowles hit jay-z, people laughed. even comedy spoofs on tv. >> let me tell you once and for all what i think of this man. >> reporter: so these actors hit the streets and posted their video online. >> we're doing a domestic violence experiment. >> i'm going to be abusing him, he's going to be abusing me and we'll see who gets more attention. >> listen. listen. >> reporter: first the guy abusing the girl. >> wait. look at me. look at me. i'm talking to you. >> reporter: watch how people spring into action. this woman, jumping over bushes to pull them apart. >> stop, stop. >> you don't talk to him. i'm not playing. >> reporter: this man literally tackling the guy on the street. >> we're filming. >> are you all right? >> we're filming a social experiment. we're just raising awareness. >> reporter: every time they ran the scenario, bystanders ran over to help. then you switched it up and you were assaulting him? >> yes. >> reporter: were you surprised by the reaction? >> astounded. >> reporter: she's going to town on him. watch acres very different reaction. this guy in the red hat is taking video. some are even laughing. this guy walks over and joins in, slapping the man. >> i'm getting goosebumps watching it. >> reporter: we showed the video to katie ray jones, ceo of the national domestic violence hotline. >> it's really heartbreaking to see that there could be a man on the street suffering and no one offers to help. >> reporter: we do have ta double standard in society, right? we see a woman in help, we want to jump in and help her. >> when men reach out to us, they often say they tried to reach out to someone or co-workers knew and they were told to put their wife in check. no matter who the victim is, domestic violence is not okay. >> amazing video. experts say many victims, men and women, suffer in silence. we have more information about what to do if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship. go to we also have the phone number for the domestic abuse hotline. >> somewhere around 20% of domestic abuse victims are men. and that number certainly is growing, even in middle and high schools, boys are victims as well. >> some of the inaction was disturbing. you like to see that people are willing to put themselves on the line. >> and the woman who jumped over the fence. >> a lot of women jumped in, too. that was impressive. >> jeff, thank you very much. let's get a check of the weather now from dylan. >> announcer: "today's" sunday night football weather is brought to you by nfl mobile. exclusively from verizon. >> you guys ready for the weekend? >> yes! >> it's going to be a hot one in california and very cold one through the middle of the country where this dip in the jaem jet stream is creating freeze warnings. fire danger season has been relentless out there. and with more heat in the forecast, heat advisories in effect in san francisco and san diego, we also have some red flag warnings because of the hot, dry wind and that could, of course, fuel any fire that develops and perhaps make it spread. take a look at our temperatures. we're running 15 to nearly 20 degrees above average for highs. san jose today should top out around 97 degrees. saturday, temperatures will be even hotter. it looks like saturday will be the hottest day. l.a., 97 degrees. that's 17 degrees above average. and then on sunday, we will start to see some improvements, especially right along the immediate coastline, san francisco will be a little cooler. l.a. will drop to 92 degrees. still extremely hot. san francisco, we look to top out at good morning. clouds to start with. we'll get breaks of sunshine as the day goes on and a nice day into the 70s this afternoon. there's wet weather in our future. clouds move in tonight and we'll start the weekend with showers. some heavy downpours and even a thunderstorm is possible. it clears out in the afternoon. 70 degrees saturday afternoon. chilly for sunday into monday. 40s in the morning. 63 on sunday afternoon. sunny skies monday and another chance of showers late tuesday. >> just a couple of nights away. sunday night is football night in america. the bengals are taking on the patriots. can the patriots redeem themselves or will the bengals defense be too much? it will be a perfect night for football. 51 degrees, mostly clear and cool. a lot of people, especially in the eastern half of the country, will feel like the temperatures will finally be spot on for football. >> all right. >> sounds good, as a patriots fan, i know, you said that very well. >> i'm hoping they'll redeem themselves. >> fingers crossed. dare devil nik wallenda has braved the grand canyon. now he is planning to up the ante in chicago. wait till you hear what he has planned. on trending, the most adorable muscle man. yes, that little man. you'll ever meet. first, these messages. look at that tummy. hmm. trade in your old iphone and get a new iphone free at verizon. did you say something, paul? huh? no. can i route our trip? i love our trips. oh, me too. but no i'm good i know where i'm headed. how about music? nah i don't really feel like- ♪ just the two of us ♪ we can make it if we-- what a fun drive. we always have so much fun. remember that one time we- okay. sure you loved your old iphone. but you'll love your free new iphone you trade it for even more. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! this is the one. can we go for a test drive? oh sure, i'll be right back. thanks. leather, running boards... carmax quality certified, low, no-haggle price, 5-day money back guarantee ... that's great... and, a roof rack for the kayak! we don't have a kayak. we could get a kayak. ready to roll? yes, we are. with more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for...everybody. carmax. start here. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. i love bacon so much,his sub. i'm launching a line of bacon jewelry. aw, i've seen those online, but-have you ever seen bacon brows? what was that? i was just putting the finishing touches on my bacondor. everyone loves bacon at subway. try it on a bacon egg & cheese. subway. eat fresh. lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? 7:45, we're back now with the king of the highwire, which is a weird nickname for willie. actually, it's nik wallenda. he is now preparing for what he's calling the most incredible tightrope walk of his career, between skyscrapers in chicago. nik, good morning. i had a predecessor on this show who had a very simple question, bryant gumbel. why? why are you doing this? >> it's my passion. chicago, the windy city, very alluring to me. a lot of people would think the wire walker doesn't want to go to the windy city. i enjoy the challenges. i enjoy challenging myself. i've done it since 2 years old. i've done it since before i was born -- i mean, before my mom was born. >> the part of the stunt that willie and i are like, really? you're going to do this? >> two things i'm adding to up the stakes, walking from one building over 500 foot high across the river to a building that's 650 foot high. >> so you're going up hill? >> a 15-degree incline. challenges of weather. cold quite possibly. my feet slipping. we're working on a special coating on the cable. >> and then -- >> get to the punch line. >> then i'm going to cross over marina city towers and i'm going to do it blindfolded. >> why? >> you know, again, it's about challenging myself. and, hopefully, through challenging myself, inspiring other people to challenge themselves. >> not like that. >> have you tried this before? have you walked blindfolded ? >> i've trained a lot, intensively, actually, but never performed blindfolded. >> if something goes wrong, do you have to rip that off quickly? >> i want to make sure that people realize it's real. i don't want the magic feel to it, which is my concern on doing this, to be honest, from the beginning. i thought about doing duct tape over my eyes first, there's no way to see. that there is that emergency backup of where i'm going to have to take it off quick. >> natalie will be hosting this event. >> praying right along with you, nik. >> you can catch "skyscraper live" sunday november 2nd, 7:00 pm eastern on the discovery channel. speaking of scary things, carson reveals our biggest fears, right a mmmmmmm. look out. now there's even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares even more. ...and tkind of like you huffing sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread. [ male announcer ] from the farm to our fridge in just six days. philadelphia® cream cheese. made with no preservatives. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. back now with a friday fright. what is your biggest fear? you got it in your head? carson is in the orange room to reveal ours. carson? >> as we mentioned, dare devil nik wallenda, as you just saw, crossed the grand canyon. now he will take on chicago blindfolded. a fear of heights consistently remains one of the biggest fears out there as the other, public speak something huge, flying, darkness, spiders. we asked you guys, i would like to get a little clarification. matt, you said lightning but only in certain conditions. >> if there's a lightning storm now i'm okay. if i'm on the golf course, not good. if i'm out fishes on the water, not good at all. >> scares you. >> yes. >> tamron, yours is being tickled. dylan, roller coasters. mine is being buried alive. natalie, you faced your fear unexpectedly last night. >> mine is clowns. >> they dropped a clown. look, willie seemed more scared than you. >> willie's biggest fear. he was more afraid. he was levitating. look at him. >> he actually walked out of the studio, ran. >> let us know, #orange room. we'll have fun on your friday fright. >> buried alive, i'm with you on that one, too. >> buried alive, i'm with you on that one, too. >> joan lunden on pink power, my foot was destroyed when my vehicle was hit by an ied. i lost my right eye; damaged my left eye. so many of these men and women have, have sacrificed so much. through soldiers to summits, wells fargo supports our veterans by working together to climb mount whitney, these heroes begin their journey of healing. the wounds that you can't see, being with a team helps. you know if they can do it you can do it. step by step, little by little, we can do a lot. because small is huge. it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. i love bacon so much,his sub. i'm launching a line of bacon jewelry. aw, i've seen those online, but-have you ever seen bacon brows? what was that? i was just putting the finishing touches on my bacondor. everyone loves bacon at subway. try it on a bacon egg & cheese. subway. eat fresh. i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. bill? >> clouds are overhead but they're not going to be with us all day. you can see a glimmer of sunlight in the distance. you see less fog as visibility is improving in chester county and lancaster. mt. pocono is thicker. zero visibility there. it's 57 in wilmington. we will see sunshine break through the clouds and warm into the 70s later today. let's get you updated on the roads. jillian mele, what are you seeing? >> an accident on route 202 right now on northbound side. you can see the left lane is blocked and part of that right lane is blocked right now. a vehicle involved is up on the tow. it should clear momentarily. one lane of traffic snaking by and a delay approaching that scene. vine street expressway is looking great in center city. a tap of the brakes on the westbound side heading out to 76 but for the most part as you can see it's clear right now. tracy? police say a dispute between neighbors ended up with a man getting stabbed and two people under arrest. this happened last night on broad street. police say the victim is in critical condition with wounds to his face and shoulder. a fire at two row homes caused damage to upper floors of both houses. the fire broke out in west philly. it started as a cooking fire. a mother and son got out safely. no one was hurt. this morning the red cross is helping three families affected by the fire. i'm tracy davidson. another local update in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather at now back to the "today" show. have a great day. it's 8:00 on today. coming up, ask joan anything. special correspondent joan lunden answers your questions. we'll tell you how a football game changed the life of one mom. >> going to that game ended up being what saved my life. >> as we wrap up that special series "pink power." then, captive audience, emmy-winning series "homeland" we're talking to the stars, getting a look behind the scenes. and a cover that deserves a little r-e-s-p-e-c-t, the queen of soul, aretha franklin, taking on a classic performed by adele. she'll be performing for us "today," friday, october 3rd, 2014. ♪ >> good morning from new york! >> all the way from alabama. >> howdy! >> we turn 11 today! >> it's our sweet 16. >> we're back now 8:00 on a friday morning. it's the 3rd day of october, 2014. we have a huge, huge crowd here. >> this crowd is incredible. >> beautiful morning. and you know what? i think they're excited because we've also got a legend here this morning. >> yes. >> miss aretha franklin. >> i walked by her getting a little makeup done. you feel the presence of aretha franklin. >> you feel the diva-dom. is that the word? this woman, you shook her hand and she collapsed. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. thank you so much. >> my name is mara can we have our own show? >> she doesn't even know who i am. she's like give me my show. >> we have a huge show next week. the full lineup of fleetwood mac is back. they'll take over this plaza next thursday and perform a few of their classics live. fleetwood mac. join us next thursday. >> that is very cool. >> they sound better than ever. >> amazing. >> we look forward to it. let's go inside. natalie has all the headlines. natalie, take it back. >> an american freelance cameraman working with nbc news in liberia has been diagnosed with ebola. ashoka mukpo began working with dr. nancy snyderman and her team, covering the ebola outbreak. he will be air lifted to the u.s. for treatment. we spoke by phone with dr. nancy this morning. >> we shared a work space, vehicles, equipment. but everyone here is hyper alert. we have not been in close proximity. no one shakes hands. there's no hugging. so, i do believe that our team, while we are being hyper vigilant, we are at very, very, very low risk. >> and dr. nancy and her team will be self quarantined once they return to the u.s. for 21 days out of an abundance for caution. the first person diagnosed with ebola in this country remains in serious condition. the hospital treating thomas eric duncan now says he was first sent home with just antibiotics last week because his symptoms could have been caused by a number of things besides ebola and he did not reveal he had been working with an ebola patient in liberia. this morning, matt asked the centers for disease control if those who had contact with duncan should be publicly identified. >> will you release the names of the people who have been identified by those contact tracers? >> absolutely not. we release information to protect the public. at times we release patient names or other things if we have to tell people they may have been in contact. but none of these contacts are sick. none of them are a risk to anyone else. >> meantime, family members and others who had close contact with duncan are quarantined in their apartments. it's being called one of the largest corporate cyber attacks ever discovered at a financial institution. jp morgan chase disclosed a recent data breach compromised about 76 million household accounts and 7 million small businesses. the cyber attack was discovered in july, at which time it was estimated that only 1 million customers were possibly affected. jp morgan chase says only contact information was compromised and there's no evidence that customers' account numbers, passwordors social security numbers were stolen. police in hong kong have their hands feel trying to keep the peace as prodemocracy demonstrators enter a second week. clashes broke out again today and revived the possibility that the week-long standoff could turn violent. that, despite an attempt by beijing's leader to defuse the situation by offering talks with the demonstrators. bicycle accident caught on camera looked worse than it actually was. he was crossing an intersection when he was hit by a car and then pinned under it. more than a dozen bystanders, police officers and taxi drivers rushed in to lift the car and free the victim, who was hospitalized but is in good condition. it is 8:05 right now. let's get another check of the weather with dylan in for al. >> i'm going to take it for one second, natalie. we have aretha franklin and cheese and meat sticks from wisconsin? are you kidding me? what's your name? >> kathy dunbar and this is my sister, phil zblis thank you both from wisconsin. >> first time in new york. >> and you brought gifts for us. >> cheese and meat sticks? you can't beat that. we have an important question here on the plaza. what do you want to ask? >> i was wondering if claire would go to homecoming with me in san jose, california. >> she's watching, right? >> claire, we need an answer. >> the weather across the country. we are looking at really chilly temperatures tomorrow morning. take a look at what you're waking up to as you walk the dog. 12 degrees below average for all those early soccer games you got going on. it's only going to be in the 30s back through des moines. and on sunday it will start spreading east. perhaps record-breakingly cold in atlanta. 44 degrees to start off the day. 51 in virginia. new york, 49 on sunday. today, scattered showers and storms. nothing severe. they could be very strong storms, especially down through the southeast, stretching all the way north, up into the great lakes. that will spread east as we go into tomorrow. it's that cold front that w . good morning i'm bill henley. clouds to start and breaks of sunshine as the day goes on. a nice day in the 70s this afternoon. clouds move in tonight and we'll start the weekend with showers. heavy down powers possible. look at the chilly weather for sunday into monday. 40s in the morning, 63 on sunday afternoon. a chance of showers late tuesday. a have great day. >> please say yes, claire. >> we hope so. dylan, thank you very much. up next on trending, women and halloween is raising eyebrows. joan lunden is back to answer your questions about breast cancer. the great aretha franklin's remarkable new take on adele's hit "rolling in the deep." she is here to perform it live. first these messages. ♪ may your lights, always be green. ♪ and your favorite songs, always playing. ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. ♪ may things, always go your way. but it's good to be prepared, just in case they don't. toyota, let's go places. safely. needs long term relief. eucerin calming creme. it soothes dry, itchy skin with a triple-acting formula. no wonder calm, comfortable skin starts with eucerin. emma, it's simple, when you are in a place like this, the best way to capture the moment is to feel it, even if you can't see it. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. that's why choosy moms choose jif. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. charlie, the demand on this network, it is increasing by the second. it's crazy, huh? and people are relying on it more than ever. we cover more than 99% of all americans. i know, i can't imagine living without it. it's a place where people can come share knowledge and ideas. it's beautiful. that's deep charlie. my selfie just hit a hundred likes...(gasps) a hundred! at&t is building you a better network. the "r" word i want good digestive health... ... but i don't want to think about the word regularity. benefiber helps support good digestive health... and maintain... the "r" word. you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber. now in stick packs. ♪ before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread. for very dry skin, basic moyou need healing.t enough. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. we're back now. 8:12. time for what's trending today. let's start with the stars striking back after some of those nude photos of them were leaked online. an attorney who has acted on behalf of jennifer lawrence, kate upton and kirsten dunst has taken a major stance. he is threatening google with a $100 million lawsuit. he says google didn't act fast enough to pull the pictures from its websites. google is responding saying it quickly removed tens of thousands of pictures and closed hundreds of accounts. the company adding this note. the internet is used for many good things. stealing people's private photos is not one of them. this is going to get a lot of attention, you start talking about $100 million. it might prompt people to take action and prompt celebrities to think twice. >> in uk there's a law that people who don't want pictures on the internet the right to have them pulled. >> the fact of the matter is this is stealing, plain and simple. it's an invasion of privacy. it's absolutely outrageous. >> so, is subway, the sandwich chain, sending women the wrong message about their bodies? check out their new halloween commercial and then you decide. >> you guys are eating burgers? >> hey, summer's over. >> halloween is coming. you have to stay in shape for all the costumes. >> what's that? >> you know, attractive nurse, spicy red ridinghood, viking princess warrior. hot devil. sassy teacher and foxy fullback. touchdown! >> could we go over the viking lady again? >> whatever you stay fit for -- >> i'm sorry for laughing. >> despite the laughs -- >> can't help it. >> people call this ad sexist and lazy. subway wants women to stay skinny so they can wear sexy halloween costumes. subway tells us some are missing the intended humor of the ad and they never meant to offend anyone. >> carson didn't miss the humor. >> i was laughing. >> magic mike. >> where were you in that photo? you need to at least look for the humor in it. i think we may be a little oversensitive. proud new father ashton kuchar sharing baby photos. they named their baby daughter wyatt isabel kuchar. baby animals writing, can you guess which one is ours? does it really matter? all babies are really cute. >> upper right. >> baby camel. >> we don't know. >> when are they going to tell us? >> speaking of cute babies, this is just too much. sons often grow up idolizing their fathers and here is one infant who proves he wants to be just like his dear old dad. >> i could watch that all day long. that is 8-month-old hadley flexing his muscles and roaring into the mirror right before tubby time. future incredible hulk maybe. >> start lifting those weights. >> he is really working it. so cute. that is what's trending. surely, that made you smile. >> it did. up next, joan lunden. and the que 8:16. we're wrapping up our special "pink power" series, to start breast cancer awareness month. we've been very proud to have joan lunden as our special correspondent. she joins us again on this friday morning. this time with a little twist. to answer your questions. carson is in the orange room, along with radiologist dr. susan drostman to help us out as well. joan, welcome back. >> thank you. good to be here. >> are you ready for this? we've got a lot of questions. >> oh, my gosh. >> we've been inundated with people asking questions. a lot of people asked this same question. elizabeth from facebook asked you mentioned you had a normal mammogram and the problem developed in an ultrasound. why did you have the ultrasound? should i ask my doctor to do this as a follow-up? >> this is the resounding question. because i had the new 3-d mammogram, which they are great if you have what's called fatty tissue in your breast. but if you have dense fieb fiberous tissue, you need an ultrasound. >> we have a radiologist in the orange room. >> she's great. if it's more than 50% dense, you really need to have that ultrasound because they can't read -- she gave me a great analogy. she said in a snowstorm, you can't see the snowball. and if the snowball is a tumor and it's in the midst of all the dense tissue, it's literally impossible to see in a mammogram. that's the analogy. >> mammography is the early screening tool but it doesn't do the entire job. it falls short in dense breasts, as you have experienced. so, women who have dense breasts need to be their own advocates. they need to ask for a breast ultrasound. most radiologists will bring that up. but if they don't, patients need to say, are my breast dense? if that's the case, ultrasound should be our next modeality that that is used. >> carson, you're getting more questions? >> from our chicago affiliate, do you have any advice for women who recently -- they get the diagnosis, how do you get them from that initial shock and fear to ready to fight? >> well, breast cancer is a team approach. there's a radiologist that often makes the diagnosis initially. and then a breast surgeon gets involved and in some cases a medical oncologist and a radiation oncologist. but the most important thing is that patients need to be their own advocates. they need to do some research. breast cancers are all very different. breast cancers are not created equal. one person's treatment may be very different from another person's treatment. be your own advocate. >> that's really what makes this such a challenging journey for women. because you're almost like shot like at meteoric speed from the radiologist on to a breast cancer doctor and if you happen to have triple negative like me, where there are no markers, there can't be targeted therapy, you have to do chemotherapy. then you're sent to the oncologist. and i'm telling you, you can go to three different doctors, you can get three different opinions and then you're left to make -- to be your own patient advocate but you're making these decisions and you feel like i'm not the medical professional. >> by the way, it's also a diagnosis, not only for the patient, but for a family. >> oh, absolutely. >> for an entire family. i know you've had a lot of support. we have a question here we want to read you. kimberly says i'm 9 years old and my older sister just got her ears pierced. don't you think it's only fair i get mine done, too? >> you're going to switch it up on me? >> you know who kimberly is? >> yes. that's my daughter, kimberly. >> i mentioned family. >> oh, my gosh. >> we have your kids, twins kate and max, jack and kim plus your son-in-law, evan and your new granddaughter. >> oh, my gosh! >> this is team lunden in many ways. >> this is definitely team lunden and sarah, who works with me, and my lindsay who works with me, she's on maternity leave right now because she and evan just had -- stand over here. had little parker, who is 1-month-old. >> front and center. >> and jamie, lindsay and sarah, they grew up with me kind of in the land of television. and now we're all -- this is the joy, you know. there's -- you have to live in the moment. you can't be afraid of what you're going through, because you can't forget to enjoy the joy that's happening in your life. >> sarah, mom is going through this, not only as a personal diagnosis, but in a public way. she's a public figure. >> yeah. >> has that changed the way you, as a family, have dealt with this? >> yeah. we've all grown up, really, with our mom in the public eye. and to see her go through this with such strength and bravery, i think that we can really all learn something from that and take a page from her book as we fight our own battles in life. >> we are so thrilled to have all of you here. >> and you're waiting a few years for your pierced ears, sweetheart. >> that's the bad news. >> even though hers are very pretty. >> thanks for your grace, joan. thanks for your candor this whole week. i think you've helped a lot of people. all right, team lunden. we appreciate it. >> thank you, matt. and team lunden. aretha franklin has blown the lid off of this as she sings the great diva classics. and with us, the queen of soul. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> let me read a few of the things people have said about this cover. mtv "rolling in the deep" cover demands your r-e-s-p-e-c-t. that rare remake that gives the original a run for its money. even the most protective adele fans won't mind once they hear it. >> wow! >> listen, you are the queen. we call you that for a reason. did you ever expect the reaction to that cover that you received? >> i really did not. and the reaction has been phenomenal. i must tell you. but i love the original. i absolutely enjoyed adele's. and i was watching one of her promos, the kids on the school bus were having a wild time with ♪ we could have had it all they were going wild. i said i could have fun and have a good time with that, too. i love the song. she's a terrific artist and wonderful writer. very, very heavy writer. >> and i'm sure she's absolutely flattered and blown away with what you've done with the song as well. who couldn't be? you're teaming up with alicia keys as well, covering classics from alicia keys and barbra streisand. we always see people try to sing an aretha franklin song. we even heard the president try to do his r-e-s-p-e-c-t. when aretha franklin covers your song, what do you think goes through the mind of even the best artist? >> wow! >> aretha's going to own my song? >> yeah, mmm. >> they go ooh, ahh, am. mmm? >> no. just do a good job. songs are made to be enjoyed and more than one person can sing them. >> do you feel that way when people cover your songs? >> yeah, sure. especially if i wrote it and published it. yeah. i love it. >> you said in an interview that this album -- i think that you have not felt this good about an album since 1980s "jump to it." >> i think so. >> what was missing in between? >> i haven't been as excited about a cd since "jump to it," i think. and the first time i heard my music on the radio, i felt the same kind of excitement. >> really? >> yeah. >> what is keeping you so -- here you are, in your chanel shoes. you had some health delays with this album but what's keeping you so young and fresh? >> i think the love of the business, the industry and getting my rest. i'll never be accused of not getting my rest. good diet and good health regimen. >> you look amazing. >> thank you. >> you sound spectacular. there was a private show for 20 of us. millions of you, get ready for your private concert from the great aretha franklin. we cannot good morning i'm tracy davidson. it has been a foggy start for some people this morning. bill henley has been monitoring it all morning. >> the fog has been hanging in there and it just got thicker in some areas. the clouds are breaking in the distance, still mainly cloudy there. zero visibility in mount pocono, and now redding is reporting fog. the temperature is now 62 in philadelphia. being held back by the clouds that will start things off but should not last all day. we'll see breaks in the cloud i. by lunchtime close to 70 dreess. >> if you're getting ready to go out on the roads let's get a update. >> an accident right now on the boulevard northbound at langdon street. speaking of delays a slow down on 76 eastbound side crawling along near montgomery drive. both directions are 20-25 minutes. police are hoping a sketch will help lead them to a man who attacked a wok on a hiking trail. police say the woman was knocked to the ground last friday. he demanded money and sex. she managed to escape and go for help. i'm tracy davidson and we'll have another local update in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather on our website, over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid." we're back now 8:30 on a friday morning, the 3rd day of october, 2014. a lot of people getting ready for a big performance. >> love you, too. >> from aretha franklin in a second. >> yes. miss aretha franklin is here to perform her incredible take of adele's "rolling in the deep." >> should be cool. >> yes. speaking of big names in music, carson has a huge announcement about "the voice." >> that's right. seven-time grammy winner taylor swift will act as the sole mentor for all our teams during the knockout round. of course, you can watch "the voice" here on nbc. taylor swift, it was mentioned maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't. she will be back to work with her coaches and teams as the overall mentor. >> that's a pretty impressive group now. >> so intimidating to perform for them. >> dylan, how about a check of the weather? >> it's getting closer to the weekend. the weather is going to impov for most of the country. it's chilly in the plains states, 50s and 60s. kind of cold. we could see a couple of snowflakes fly in wisconsin. in the northeast, though, we will see a very damp start to the weekend, especially in the morning and it moves up into the weekend. most of the country clears good morning i'm bill henley, clouds to start with, but we'll get breaks of sunshine as the day goes on. a nice day into the 70s this afternoon. clouds move in tonight and we will start the weekend with showers. heavy down powers and a thunderstorm is possible. 70 on saturday afternoon but look at the chilly weather for sunday into monday. sunny skies ons monday and another chance of showers late tuesday. have a great day. >> and that's your latest forecast. tamron? >> now to our special series, our long series we're doing the entire nfl season called "together we make football." nbc's josh elliott is traveling the country to see how football has changed the lives of so many people. good to see you, buddy. >> good to see you, tamron. this is a remarkable story, truly remark yab. it's about a young mother named beth steele who, last year at a new england patriots game in cincinnati had something happen that would change the course of her life. >> patriots/bengals in town october 6th. tj invited his best friend to come out. and bought a ticket for him. >> due to commitments on his end, getting engaged, change of plans on his side. >> i was able to step in. so the ticket didn't go to waste. going to that game ended up being what saved my life. >> last october, beth steele was settling in for a day of football with her husband when a certain color caught her eye. >> we went into the game. noticed the pink sneakers, noticed the pink quarterback towel. i thought of that as a marketing scheme, but something about all the pink, it did make me go home that night and do a self breast exam. found a lump. so at the ripe old age of 36 i went in for my first mammogram. the radiologist said, you have massive and aggressive breast cancer. you need to be seen immediately. i didn't even check out with the nursing staff. i just walked out, down three flights of stairs where tj was sitting in the minivan, walked around the car so the kids couldn't see me and literally laid on the ground and started sobbing. >> the surgeon found three tumors and two different types of breast cancer. while her life changed in an instant, beth resolved to keep her children's routines the same. >> we decided that cancer was not the kids' fault. they would not be negatively affect bid this as much as possible. tumbling has been an important. make moms do the makeup. it was a way for me to disguise i was not feeling well, showing up at the competition. they would always come up with silly questions about hair loss, how did they glue your boob back on? appropriate things that were going on in our lives. >> beth's prognosis is now excellent. and she and her husband returned to boston for the wedding of someone very important to their story. >> tj's best friend is getting married. he is the guy who blew us off and let us go to the bengals game. >> your story is so inspirational to us, you're going to be the team captain. >> i never saw myself as a breast cancer advocate. >> thank you, sir. >> after what you've already been through, nothing -- >> i have also been given an opportunity to educate women of any age that they have a risk. had the patriots been in town any other month that year i wouldn't have found my breast cancer. i wouldn't have survived. >> beth is here with tj and her two children. adelaide and liam. you look like you had a blast at the game. how are you doing now? you look great. >> feeling great. powering through. almost the end of this battle. >> it's just wonderful to have you here, to be able to hear this story. you know, i know nfl teams like to give game balls for the big stars of the game. i think it's fair to say, you're as big a star as we've got. tj, i want to let you then do the honors here. something very special. >> yes. >> you're mvp. thank you for making it through this with us. we love you. >> thank you. >> please thank your friend for bailing on you again. wonderful thing. something very special. the little one we saw tumbling through the piece has a little something for her mother as well. so, this is a very special surprise that she's going to read. >> dear mommy, for the past year, you've carried us, our whole life, family. so the pate res want you to come to the game sunday night and lead the way in front of more than 150 women who survived breast cancer. they are going to form a pink ribbon and you will carry their banner, just like you carried us. thank you for being strong for us. i love you. >> very good. thank you. mommy loves you. >> so we'll see you sunday night then in new england. >> thank you so much. that would be great. yes. >> and thank you. thank you for sharing your story. especially in this month. how important a story it is. i can't thank you all enough. >> thank you. >> to the steele family and you're rocking that top. let me just bring it back to the girl stuff here. great job. congratulations to you. because you got engaged. >> i did. that's actually true. >> congratulations. >> she put a ring on it. >> i did. i finally did. no. yes. >> congratulations. you know, it's actually -- to see this is to see what matters most. >> what family is. >> and why it's so important. i'm blessed. >> congratulations. remember to head to to share your football stories for a chance to win a trip to super bowl xlix. football night in america, sunday night. we already know what this family is doing. we're going to have a party. the queen of soul, aretha franklin, will be back with a special live performance. first this is "today" on nbc. >> we want to cut your cooking time in half, pay attention. "new york times" columnist mark bittman is out with a new cookbook "how to cook everything fast." he is here to share his speedy recipes. this is a serious book, by the way. this is real good. we're going to get at it. if you're coming into the kitchen, set yourself up for speed. >> the book is set up that way. this is recipes the way they were meant to be written. and they are written so that even people who don't know how to cook can get into the kitchen and start cooking. and some very basic stuff. you have your work surface clean, except for the stuff you are usually going to use, oil, salt and peppers. spoons, knives. >> those are things you should always stock up on? >> a kitchen that has a good pantry, the kind of things you need, stock and grains and so on. but this is really a revolutionary way to cook. we're going to look at this here. >> we're going to do chicken parm, one of my favorites, eggplant parm, in about half the time it would take normally. where do we get started ? >> if you would slice some of that egg plant. what we're doing here -- actually, i'm sorry. we're going to -- this is one of the basic rules which, of course, i've forgotten. we're going to put some oil in our pans and heat them while we get the food ready. >> so these go in the oven now? >> yep. by the time we're ready, we're ready to cook because the pans will be hot. >> we cut eggplant and chicken? >> i'm going to cut this chicken in half because, of course, smaller pieces of things cook more quickly. that's a principle of fast cooking. >> i've sliced some eggplant. >> i've sliced some chicken. we've got sliced tomato. parmesan, bread crumbs. you can mix those together. i'll get our now hot pans out of the oven. >> fine. >> how are we doing? >> doing okay. so we've got our mixture. put that one here. do we do layers? >> we stack the chicken and tomato. you do not put the tomato on the eggplant yet. it takes tlorng cook. something like this. and then back in the oven. salt and pepper naturally. we can skip that. >> right. >> back in the oven. and then five minutes later, let's say, it looks something like this. >> i'll grab yours. >> got that? >> yes. there you go. >> and now this is pretty much cooked and we put on our mixture of bread crumbs and cheese. >> right on top? >> right on top. and some fresh basil. >> okay. and then we pop that back in the oven? >> just until that browns. >> and this is what it looks like when it's done. how long, start to finish? >> 20, 25 minutes. and i'm not kidding -- excuse me. and it's fresh. the bread crumbs are crisp. the tomatoes are not saucy. they're beautiful, fresh tomatoes. you can do a cubano type sandwich with this. >> and the book is filled with all these fast recipes that are delicious. mark bittman, as always, you've done it. thank you very much. >> thanks, matt. >> we appreciate it. aretha franklin performing an incredible cover of "rolling in the deep." first this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> 8:46. we're back. it's time for a sensational performance from 18-time grammy winner aretha franklin called "aretha franklin sings the great diva classics." are you ready? >> as ready as i'm going to be. >> me, too. ladies and gentlemen, aretha franklin. >> thanks. ♪ there's a fire burning in my heart reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out of the dark finally i can see you crystal clear go ahead and sell me out and i'll lay your ship bare see how i will leave every part of you don't underestimate the things that i will do ♪ ♪ there's a fire burning in my heart reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out of the dark ♪ ♪ the scars of your love remind me of us i can't help think iing we finay had it all the scars of your love they keep me breathless i can't help thinking we could have had it all ♪ ♪ you're gonna wish you never had met me rolling in the deep tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep you had my heart inside of your hand you're gonna wish you never had met me you played it to the beat ♪ ♪ baby i have no story to be told but i've heard one on you and i'm gonna make your head burn think of me in the depths of your despair see how i will always be there ♪ ♪ the scars of your love remind me of us i can't help thinking we finally had it all the scars of your love they keep me breathless i can't help thinking we could have had it all ♪ ♪ you're gonna wish you had never met me rolling in the deep tears are gonna fall roll nth deep ♪ ♪ you had my heart inside of your hand you're gonna wish you had never met me but you played it to the beat tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep ♪ ♪ through every open door count your blessings and what you're looking for think of me in the depths of your despair you never knew that i ♪ ♪ ain't no mountain ain't no mountain ain't no river ♪ ♪ ain't no river wide enough ♪ to keep me from getting to you there ain't no mountain high enough ♪ ♪ i'm still in love with you oh, yes i am ♪ ♪ ain't no mountain low enough oh, baby ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ there ain't no river there ain't no mountain oh, no no, no ♪ ♪ to keep me from getting to you ♪ shout out to clive davis. shout out to barry gordy. ♪ oh, yeah there ain't no river there ain't no mountain ♪ there's carson daly. >> yes. >> it is good to be the queen. aretha franklin. she's back with one more song in a little while. first on a friday morning, this is "today" on nbc. now 8:52. a lot of people are excited about this weekend's return of the hit show "homeland." the cast gave us a behind-the-scenes sneak peek where season four is being shot. here is nbc's keir simmons. >> ten seconds till impact. >> reporter: hard-hitting return of "homeland," claire danes. pregnant. she left her child at home to go fight terrorists. >> what is it to resist those maternal impulses? >> reporter: she has been raising her own son at home while filming season three, which ended with the death of its central character, brody. >> incapable of accepting her role as mother and engaging with this little baby that is a direct link to brody, who she hasn't let go of quite yet. >> brody? brody! >> reporter: now she has a new ally. >> let me give you a quick tour of our set. >> reporter: who shows us around. >> the islamabad embassy. this is the conference room. a lot of major decisions happen in this room. u.s. ambassador to pakistan, martha boyd. >> peter has just been filling me in on the well wishers gathering outside our front gate. >> this is her fancy office. >> reporter: terror attacks, air strikes, homeland mirrors the real world. >> it will be intense. i don't light the writers tell me what's going to happen. i only get it when i get the next script. i like to be surprised just like the audience does. >> names off the kill list for a living. >> reporter: in true "homeland" style you don't know who to trust. >> peter quinn is possibly the only one currently on the show with a moral compass. >> reporter: or what carrie will do next. >> she wants to do good but the process of doing good is messy. >> it's going to be a pretty wild ride. >> reporter: for "today," keir simmons, nbc news. >> a lot of people right here on this set looking forward to that season. >> i cannot wait. let's get a check of some birthdays now from mr. willard scott. hey, willard. >> you can't beat it. this is it. cornelius vanderbilt knew what he was doing. i'll tell you more about that later in beautiful newport. it is beautiful. take a look, if you will, at bernice owens smith from baltimore, maryland. 100 years old today. and she loves visits from her friends. and especially her family. this is rose bell. and she is from glenview, illinois. she's 100 years old today. this is walden magers, handsome fellow that he is, from springfield, missouri. and we wish him a happy birthday. he is 100 years old today. willard cohodas from san antonio, texas. wish him a happy birthday. his secret to longevity is long distance walking. that's it. that's all for now. we want to send it back to the greatest team in the world in good old new york city. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, willard. coming up in the next hour -- >> aretha and the legendary clive davis. >> she's going to sing another song, right is this. >> yes. the most beautiful song. we'll be talking about halloween decorations gone technolo technology. lots of gadgets you should have for your house. >> attract children while trick-or-treating if you let them go one or two houses down. >> there's an app for that? >> there's always an app for that. >> have a good hour. we'll see you shortly. more music ahead from aretha franklin. first a look at these good morning i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast. still clouds and fogs, not much change in the last half hour. clouds over boat house road. not much wind but certainly plenty of fog north and west where the pocono mountains are at zero visibility this morning. temperatures now up to 64 in philadelphia. temperatures are climbing north and west and the fog will disappear. it will take time for the clouds to appear. highs in the 70s. happening today in the atlantic city casino crisis, a judge will rule on whether the bankrupt taj mahal will have to make payments. this morning the red cross is helping three families that ea morning fires. a mother and son who are living in one of the homes got out safely, no one was hurt. the pennsylvania state trooper killed at a montgomery county shooting range will be remembered this weekend. he was shot by another trooper. they say it happened during a training exercise at the facility. a life celebration will be held sunday night at the givnish funeral home. another funeral mass will be at chris the king church also in philly. get the latest news and weather on our website, hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling... awwwwww scram! i'm crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. peas charty get town down. [laughter] ♪ borf a liver tute face stummy wag ♪ pow pam sha-beeps stella nerf berms. saxa-nay nay? badumps a head. temexiss gurrin. juppa left. fluppa jown! brone a brood. what? catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on a friday morning, october 3rd, 2014. i'm willie geist, along with natalie morales and tamron hall. our buddy, al, will be back from the big uso trip on monday. we can't wait to get him back. >> to see his routine and the big show. we're going to see that on tuesday. >> yes. >> good stuff. >> this is a huge morning here. >> yes. >> the queen of soul. >> amazing. >> can you feel -- >> she's sticking around. she's going to hang with us. >> i know. >> we're not worthy. >> we really aren't. >> we're not. >> it's incredible. >> she is going to talk to us, sing another song for us. i love the concept on this album, by the way. songs you already love with her voice put to them. >> mixing them with some of her favorite songs. >> and her aretha flavor. we do have to -- i'm going to tell the story. she won't get mad at me. she hates it cold. aretha franklin hates the cold. >> not her thing. >> you cannot have cold air, nothing. >> got to keep the voice -- >> that's why her voice is so beautiful after all these years. finally, natalie and i are happy. >> it's tropical. >> we've been begging for the ac to be turned off. aretha franklin comes in, says turn off the air. she does a snap. >> done. >> it's done. feels like we're in jamaica. take your sleeves off, natalie. >> we're on vacation. >> thank you, miss franklin. >> we'll talk to aretha in a few minutes. we absolutely cannot wait for that. we start this morning with ebola. a freelance cameraman working for us at nbc news in liberia has become the latest american to become affected with ebola. ashoka mukpo started with symptoms a day after he was hired. dr. nancy snyderman talks about how close she was working with the cameraman. >> once he became symptomatic, we only spent two hours ago. we were working in a work space when he told me he wasn't feeling well. he joined us 72 hours earlier as an independent journalist and had been in the hospital -- had been in the country two weeks prior to that. so my suspicion is that he was infected before we met him. and then he became symptomatic once we met him. we shared a work space. we shared vehicles. we shared equipment. but everyone here is hyper alert. we have not been in close proximity. no one shakes hands. there's no hugging. so, i do believe that our team, while we are being hyper vigilant, we are at very, very, very low risk. >> you know, nancy was on the phone there for that interview because their camera equipment is actually being completely disinfected. so they have no use of that equipment. dr. nancy and her team having their temperatures monitored. they'll travel back to the u.s. privately, not on a commercial plane. they'll keep themselves together on a private plane and be under quarantine for 21 days. >> out of abundance of caution. although nancy pointing out they've not had any symptoms of ebola virus. >> that's right. authorities plan to prosecute thomas eric duncan, the liberia man diagnosed with ebola on dallas. he lied on a questionnaire he filled out before boarding a plane on his journey to texas. it asked if he had cared for any ebola patients or touched anyone who then died. he answered that question, no. >> when, in fact, he aided a pregnant woman and her family. >> yes. >> she died. her brother died. and he assisted them at some point in time. >> yeah. >> we now know that. >> that's right. so duncan, by the way, remains in serious condition this morning at the hospital in dallas. >> i was surprised to learn, though, apparently there is no law here in the u.s. requiring people to report if they have had -- obviously, most people do it. it's sort of code of moral conduct. you expect if somebody asks you have you been sick, have you traveled to these countries with the whole foot and mouth disease in customs, they ask you. you're hoping it's the honor code that people are checking off that they legitimately are not come in contact with the virus or disease. >> i was thinking, though, yes, it's an honor code. but if you believe you're dying, as was this case -- i'm not saying he did the right thing by no stretch of the imagination. you ask yourself here he has been exposed, trying to save someone else's life and is asked at that moment to tell the truth. in the back of his mind perhaps, we don't know, thinking the people that have been treated in the united states have lived. 3,000 people have died in west africa. i mean, is it even an honor code or are you trying to survive? >> and if you're a parent with children, you're going to want to get out of there as quickly as you can and get them to the right treatment. it's hard to know what you would do in that situation. you know, your heart goes out to his family, who, as well, have been suffering with this, knowing his condition is serious still. at least he has been upgraded somewhat. >> they're doing the best they can at those airports. it's pretty rudimentary to check the fever, ask somebody to check a box and you go on your way. we're going to switch gears. >> little bit. >> take quite a turn here. have you had the rite of passage that every parent has experienced at some point in their lives yet, willie? you know what i'm talking about, right? >> lice. >> have they visited you? it's going to happen this year. i see it happening this year. it happened to us this last spring. >> did you get it? >> my kids had it pretty bad and every day i came in like -- i never told our hair people. i'm like, my kids have -- i never told laura. >> critters all over your head. >> i think because when you have product in your hair sometimes they say it sort of protects you from it. >> is that right? >> anyway the reason we bring this up, jennifer garner was on jimmy fallon, guest on "the tonight show." she told the cutest story and how ben begged her to go to a party after she put on that smelly, disgusting lice treatment. take a listen. >> your kids had lice? >> yes, they did. >> and it spreads all over the place. >> stars are just like us. >> did you get lice? >> we all got lice. >> no! >> it's make meeg itchy just to talk about it. it was years ago. i'm totally fine right now. they comb this oil -- it looks like you put crisco in your hair but you smell like sulphur and rosemary. the first person i see is george clooney. >> of all people. >> i never met george clooney and i was kind of like, he's so handsome. oh, my god! so i see him and i walk up to him, chatting with him, trying to act like it's cool. eye chose, you know, whatever -- >> to grease my hair. >> i can see that he smells me, you know. >> no, this is awful! >> but he's trying to be polite. so, anyway, people keep asking why we weren't at george's wedding and we were both working, but i think he didn't want licey there. >> she's great. >> i have to say, the whole interview was really funny. at one point she impersonates her own husband when he says let's go to this party and she does it in her really cute way as every woman likes to impersonate their husband. >> she said i do it with love. i do it with love. >> worth watching if you haven't seen it. >> speaking of love, whoo, disney has a new wedding cake out. >> okay. >> so, they're taking wedding cakes to another level. trust me on this one. the cake that disney has, by the way, they're using projection mapping, lighting images are projected on to a white wedding cake. anything can be projected on to the cake, your face. you could do a love story, a poem, anything you want. and you say, really, anything? wait until we tell you the price tag. because you should be able to get anything you want for this. the technology for the cake does exist outside of disney. as we understand it, it starts at -- guess. >> well, we know. >> i know. >> you know? $12,000. >> it's not just for the cake. it's the full disney wedding package. we don't know what that includes. i'm sure it's the whole experience. >> spoon and ice cream. when you start bringing in projectors. >> that's a big cake, though. >> cakes are expensive, wedding cakes, especially. and that's like ten tiers. >> the package goes to the cake. they are so expensive. >> didn't that mean like you ran out of time to decorate the cake? it's just a white cake at the end of the day. >> it's a projector. you could put a projector and put up tinkerbell. magical. >> it's a long way to go. if you like it, good for you. how about this? >> oh, gosh. >> october is breast cancer month. >> yes. >> in honor of that, we're launching a charity effort called pink or swim. >> this is good. >> through next friday, october 10th, we'll have a dunk tank filled with pink water, teamed up with the av on foundation of women. which of the four of us "today's take" anchors you want to see dunked. >> we get water balloons for whatever reason. >> raise $10,000 by next friday, a week to do this, the anchor with the most votes gets dunked on live national television. all the money will go to the avon foundation. >> hands up, who here wants to get dunked? really wants to? >> are there people who want to get dunked ? >> i don't mind. >> i thought you were dunking us already. >> everybody knows i'm always up for a good challenge. >> there you have it. >> we're done. >> i guarantee, al's going to win but you can vote for me, please. >> vote for natalie to be dunked. >> all yours. >> i think it's a good -- it's a great cause. i'm happy to get dunked. if it takes that -- >> and the other three guys, do we get to throw the balls at the dunk tank? >> let's see if you have a good arm. you should warm up. >> go right ahead. >> no, not right now. >> go to and vote for one of us that you want to see dunked next month. >> you know you want in. >> no. >> feels like you really want this. >> natalie has petitioned -- >> no, no, no. i'm not petitioning. >> you just said i would love to do it. >> i was just saying i'm not going to say no. >> you're up for it. >> yeah. it's a great cause. >> we support the cause. >> she wants it. >> that's not the point. >> because tamron doesn't want to. i'm using reverse psychology. >> the princess bride. >> i have a video for you to see. everyone knows how long it takes me to get my hair straight. don't do that to me. >> we know how cute it looks when it's curly. >> natalie, you're not helping. >> this is going to be a fun week. >> you're not off the hook. if willie does it, he should do it in a magic mike tank top. ladies, vote for willie. >> i think willie really want it is. >> you know you want to show those ab-eronies. >> you would create the biggest splash. >> that's an insult. >> that's a compliment. >> we have something else we want to tell you about. it's called facebook friday. take a look at this. if you've ever had an itch that you cannot reach -- >> what are we talking about here? >> one that doesn't require ointment. >> what? >> he said it. take a look at this bear. this is hilarious. it was posted to the washington department of fish and wildlife's facebook. it's already been viewed more than 2 million times, according to the department's spokesperson. >> that is cute. >> now we have a challenge for. >> you i think that's a man in a bear suit. >> it's a big dude. >> if you can make us laugh -- obviously it's really easy to make us laugh. hence the reason we laugh throughout this whole show. upload a photo or video to our facebook page that you believe guarantees that we just won't smile, that we will laugh. >> keep it clean, people. >> i'm partial to kids. if you do something funny with the kid i'm going to laugh. >> we like anything. >> i like it. >> anything. >> let us know. we'll see at the end of the show if you can make us laugh. you don't get a prize. >> and your video gets to be on our air. >> again, vote natalie and tamron. let's get a check of the weather from dylan dreyer. >> and magic mike. >> we're ganging up on you, willie. rain through the middle of the country. this cold front out ahead of it. we are going to see another line of stronger storms today. not as strong as yesterday. in chicago, it's a damp start to the day. you will see some improvements. look how temperatures drop down into the 50s for highs today. it's all this cold trofront thas going to drop. we'll see freeze warnings with temperatures in the 30s in some good morning i'm bill henley. clouds to start with and we'll get breaks of sunshine as the day goes on. a nice day into the 70s this afternoon. clouds move in tonight and we'll start the weekend with showers. heavy downpours and a thunderstorm is possible. look at the chilly weather for sunday into monday. 63 for sunday afternoon. 4 >> and atest forecast, guys. >> halloween a few weeks away now. we've got the coolest -- oh, my. >> gummy eyeballs. >> gadgets and decorations. >> look at ♪ it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. the r. word. i hate the word "regularity." yah, i want good digestive health... ... but i don't want to talk about "regularity." i don't even want to even think about the "r" word, much less say it. benefiber conveniently helps support good digestive health and... maintain the "r" word.. benefiber is clear, taste-free, and dissolves completely. you know what benefiber tastes exactly like when you put it in water? water! the only way you'll know you're taking fiber is by how great you feel. and by how little you're thinking about the "r" word. benefiber. now available in stick packs. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition... easy. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. better eggs. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. we're only three days into october. nearly a third of americans have already started halloween shopping. >> shhh, we're working here. come on! if you want to get into the spirit and outdo your neighbors we've scared up the decor to help you do it. hello, darling. you look awesome. >> thank you. this is one of my favorite holidays to decorate for. i like to out-griswold my neighbor. >> could it be any louder in here? >> the allowedest of the bunch, animated, swinging bats. i have these at my parents hanging on a tree limb from spirit halloween. motion activated or put it on a demo mode and control them with the touch of a button. very cool, life-like animatronic options. >> you just have to deal with the noise. >> ghosts here. >> set up six family of ghosts. time to conjure up the spirits. pull the tab. light an entranceway, very easy way. next to it, you have to point to our dueling banjos. >> what if i, say, wanted to borrow a hat on this coat rack? >> my favorite new gadget. coat rack in the entranceway. i've added a foot pedal to it. i'm going to have you step on the activator and -- >> oh, we got you! and she knew it was coming, too. >> yes, victory is mine! the coat rack monster, $140. >> no question what was going to happen and she still was scared. it's amazing. >> i didn't know it was going to pop out like that. >> what's going on here? >> very cool. under $20. these are new this year from spirit halloween or floating candles, sound activated. very neat. you throw three aa batteries in them. they'll run down a mantle. put them indoor. they look like they're actually floating. >> that's cool. how about shooting some webs here? >> this is a web master gun. you will need to get an air compressor with it. super professional quality when it comes to firing up the cobwebs. very neat little option to creating big time cobwebs. >> this is ice cube. >> gummy eye balls my favorite in the bunch. put water in here, freeze them and you have yourself an alcoholic or nonalcoholic gummy eye ball beverage. >> awesome. >> candy corn action. >> very inexpensive. $2.75. candy corn lights. 11 feet. 50 little lights. even if one breaks they'll continue to stay lit. inexpensive nice little option. >> safety most of utmost importance. >> tracking app on every single platform, ios, android, windows. check out glimpse. it's free. >> a trick or treater we're tracking right now. there's our trick or treater. >> we're tracking tamron. >> and my friend. what's your name? >> thomas. >> let's take a little stroll. >> if you have friends, it will show them how many miles per hour they're traveling in a vehicle. nice little option. >> save the best for last. >> what's in this car? >> transformer. >> cool. >> donna! >> you always draw these gigs, don't you? we love our donna. >> you can prank anybody with a transforming vehicle. >> you just have to walk around in cardboard all day long. >> exactly. >> it looks good on donna. that's the most amazing thing. >> thank you, katie. >> good stuff. quiet, guys. enough. coming up next, a big consumer alert to tell you about. then it does not get any bigger than these two music legends, the queen of soul, aretha franklin. five-time grammy winning, legendary producer clive davis, working together on this beautiful new album. they'll be right here in our studio and talk to them and get another song from aretha after this. the r. word. i hate the word "regularity." yah, i want good digestive health... ... but i don't want to talk about "regularity." i don't even want to even think about the "r" word, much less say it. benefiber conveniently helps support good digestive health and... maintain the "r" word.. benefiber is clear, taste-free, and dissolves completely. you know what benefiber tastes exactly like when you put it in water? water! the only way you'll know you're taking fiber is by how great you feel. and by how little you're thinking about the "r" word. benefiber. now available in stick packs. whi, how's it going?. whatever you're looking for, start by test-driving nearly every make and model all in one place. carmax. start here. a consumer alert for millions of households. jm morgan chase says there's no evidence that the actual account numbers or passwords were stolen n. health alert, a possible link between your sense of smell and overall health. a smell test to 3,000 older adults and they had to identify five odors, rose, peppermint, fish, orange and leather. five years later, 40% of those who identified just one or none of the scents were dead. only 10% of those who aced the test had died. here is a story that will put a smile on your face. today is world smile day. it's a day for everyone to make themselves feel good by doing nice things for others, all started by a man behind a very ♪ the little things that you do for me ♪ [ male announcer ] the little things we do... can make a big difference. every time you use dawn, you're using a brand that supports wildlife rescue efforts. experts trust dawn... because it's tough on grease yet gentle. ♪ you by my side makes the little things so good ♪ ♪ be a part of the bigger picture. ♪ and your kindness makes ♪ the little things that you do for me ♪ go to dawnsaveswildlife. good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins! . good morning, everyone, i'm chris cato. let's get your first alert forecast with bill henley. >> some areas are getting it, it is just cloudy where we have the cameras. that's a live view from the comcast center. we're stig looking at fog for some areas. the visibility is excellent in philadelphia but it is cloudy. temperatures are climbing, dover is 64 degrees now. a little breeze with clouds over ph philadelphia. philadelphia police are hoping a sketch will lead them to a man that attacked a wok on a hiking trail. he is described as being about six feet tall. at the time of the attack he had on a red polo style shirt with white lettering. he grabbed her, choked her to the ground, and commanded money and sex. >> smokers in wilmington are claiming a small victory this morning. the plan would make it illegal to smoke at most parts and inside playgrounds and bus shelters. happening this weekend in philadelphia, stand by for loud trucks. the monster jam show, and we just got this video in from the wells fargo center. one of the trucks is taking a test run there. tickets are still available and we'll have another update for you in 25 minutes. welcome back to "today." it's friday morning, october 3rd, 2014. i'm willie along with natalie and tamron. we get our buddy, al, back here on monday. in a few weeks, sunday night on the discovery channel, natalie and i will be hosting "skyscraper." >> dare devil nik wallenda will do it again. the grand canyon thing, we barely got through that. we'll be there and experience this live where he is now going to attempt to walk between buildings more than 50 stories above chicago. there's an incline of like 15 feet. he will be walking uphill and then he also announced earlier on the show that he's going to do the second half of the walk blindfolded. >> nervous yet? >> very. i think he made it real when i saw him here and telling us what he was going to do. >> yes. just watching that video from the grand canyon, i start getting nervous again. >> my stomach gets in knots. >> there's a delay, right? >> ten-second delay. >> for you guys. not for him. he won't need it. >> he's fine. >> he'll be fine. it will be thrilling. incredible. sunday night november 2nd, 7:00 pm eastern time. >> discovery. >> discovery channel. >> it's going to be amazing. >> last time that was on when he did it over the grand canyon i stopped everything i was doing and was right there with him, praise jesus, praise jesus. >> you can't help but watch. >> it will be fun to watch. a windy city, though. we'll see how it all goes. weather through this weekend will be a little bit of a washout especially through the northeast. scattered showers, especially in the early afternoon and midatlantic. heavier rain starts to move into new england. we could see a few snowflakes fall in wisconsin. we'll only top out in the 40s and 50s. 48 degrees for a high temperature in chicago on saturday. on sunday, it starts to warm back into the 50s. low 70s in southern illinois. most of the country actually looking pretty quiet except good morning i'm bill henley, clouds to start with but we'll get breaks of sunshine as the day goes on. wet weather in our future. clouds move in tonight and we'll start the weekend with showers. some heavy downpours, even a thunderstorm is possible. it clears out later, 63 with a chilly breeze on sunday. sunny skies on monday and another chance of showers late tuesday. >> and that's your latest forecast. guys? >> dylan, thanks a lot. this is a very special friday morning. we're in the presence of true greatness, queen of soul herself. 18-time grammy award winner, aretha franklin. >> she sang "rolling in the deep" by adele, the first song off her album. >> we are honored to have aretha franklin and clive davis. "aretha franklin sings the great diva classics." we have legend overload. how long have you known each other? >> oh, okay. >> 1979. >> '7 9? >> yes. >> you said it was 1980 when you were excited about an album "jump to it"? >> '84, '85. i had the same kind of excitement only not quite as much. it's more. it's like a hundredfold now around this cd. there's a lot of electricity around this cd or something. >> such a great album, clive. >> thank you. >> what was the pitch to aretha? >> first of all, anything you do with aretha is history. i mean, rolling stone called her the greatest singer of all time. i'm mindful of that. i'm mindful that "time" magazine at the end of the century had her with the beatles and sin at ra as one of the top 100 most influential people. aretha singing the great diva classics, female classics. so we do "people." we do "midnight train to georgia." and it comes up to "rolling in the deep" which i've got to say out of genuine excitement. she's out with it 72 hours. we've had over 2.5 million hits on -- >> not a bad pitch man. >> i love it. tell me more. tell me more. >> it's exciting. you can't blame it for being exciting. >> aretha, a lot of people they say diva and, you know, they don't think of -- they may think of you. do you mind that? >> no, i don't really. when i leave the stage, i'm just the lady next door. >> yeah. the lady next door. >> when i leave the stage. >> clive -- >> listen, my head will be so big i won't be able to get out of this door. >> aretha, have you heard from adele about this song? >> i have not. i have not. >> what does she think? >> i have not. >> i've spoken with rob stringer of columbia records and he says adele is just thrilled. >> fabulous. fabulous. >> you're also working on a whitney houston project coming up soon. >> i do. we're coming out with a -- >> live. >> dvd of all the greatest live performances. so, it's from -- when i brought her on the merv griffin show, when she was 19 years old, and it goes straight through to oprah in 2009. >> wow! >> great concerts in between. awe-inspiring performance. it's the legacy of whitney, to show how great she was. >> this living legend is with us now and your legacy -- i know we're out of time but can i tell you who had a crush on the last time we were together? do you remember who you went on and on about? >> oh, my god! >> tell him. >> what is his name? >> maxwell. >> i can't remember his name now. >> maxwell. >> maxwell, as an artist. he is far too young for me. >> but what you said was, he's a fine -- >> he wouldn't know where to begin with me. >> uh-oh. >> you heard that, maxwell. >> he's cute, though, you know. he's a nice kid. >> we'll talk more about it later. miss franklin, thank you. clive, thank you as well. >> thank you. >> of course, aretha franklin will be back singing "at last." >> thank you. the funniest sports moments -- thank you -- when we go spanning [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious. for building a crossover.d script... we decided... ♪ it needed a major rewrite. ♪ stray the course. the agile all-new audi q3. unexpected luxury starts at 32,500. ♪ dave's been working on his game... morning double bogie. hey, three putt. and starting each day with a delicious bowl of heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. how's your cereal? sweet! tastes like winning. how would you know what winning tastes like? dave knows it's also a delicious source of fiber and one more step towards a healthy tomorrow. you eat slower than you play. you're in a hurry to lose, huh? oh okay! invest in your heart health, with kellogg's raisin bran no crying today... when len berman is here, it can only mean one thing, a wild ride through the wacky world of sports. >> it sounds like a cartoon character. derek jeter's farewell. the truly the top wacky sports stories? let's go spanning the world! >> unbelievable. >> oh, my goodness. on your mark. get set. play ball. stephen strasburg is on the mound for washington and, hey, where did she come from? in korea, sure. what's a mayor get for moving the sports stadium? exactly. central florida skydiver delivering the football and missed the stadium. all right. college football in canada, they're told to run a post pack. perfectly executed. best moves of the month, the missouri football player. >> nice. >> were twerking. you know that's a penalty. >> number 76. >> backfield in motion. >> best interception. bbc guy. the spider gets the fly. hey, that's great. he's the clean-up hitter. sure. the worst moves of the month. the steeple chase winner is showboating and got himself disqualified for doing it. what a genius. and in brazil, when you score a goal sometimes you jump the fence. you really have to look out for the hole on the other side. yeah. what hole? that hole. he was never seen again. our races. in britain watch the guy on the left pull up alongside. what you do is you mess with the guy's sideview mirror in this car. hey! is that legal? in california, the sprint car race, this is the flag guy and -- >> ooh! >> nobody got hurt. >> our fans of the month, the lady in colorado in the third row, is this big galoof really going to block my view the entire game? hey, usher. and fan puts the moves on the young lady behind him. he has never met her. now this kid is smooth. >> all right. >> fantastic, as always. >> thank you. >> thank you, len. good to see you. have a great weekend. >> you, too. at last, the performance you've all been w so here's the new living room... tv, couch, pillows. nice! see, we've completely remodeled the kitchen. cozy. ♪ let's go check out the pantry! ♪ it's our dunkin' dream room! amazing! wish i had a room like this. let's make some dunkin'. one taste and you'll understand. great remodel. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. try new french roast and colombian today. america runs on dunkin'. dave's been working on his game... morning double bogie. hey, three putt. and starting each day with a delicious bowl of heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. how's your cereal? sweet! tastes like winning. how would you know what winning tastes like? dave knows it's also a delicious source of fiber and one more step towards a healthy tomorrow. you eat slower than you play. you're in a hurry to lose, huh? oh okay! invest in your heart health, with kellogg's raisin bran no crying today... some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! anncr: now you can merge the physical freedom of the car, with the virtual freedom of wi-fi. chevrolet, the first and only car company to bring built-in 4g lte wi-fi to cars, trucks and crossovers. hi mom. you made it! anncr: it's the new independence. the r. word. i hate the word "regularity." yah, i want good digestive health... ... but i don't want to talk about "regularity." i don't even want to even think about the "r" word, much less say it. benefiber conveniently helps support good digestive health and... maintain the "r" word.. benefiber is clear, taste-free, and dissolves completely. you know what benefiber tastes exactly like when you put it in water? water! the only way you'll know you're taking fiber is by how great you feel. and by how little you're thinking about the "r" word. benefiber. now available in stick packs. it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. >> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> as promised, miss aretha fra franklin is back with another song off her new album "aretha franklin sings the great diva classics." she's about to sing the etta james' classic "at last." ♪ at last my love has come along my lonely days are over and life is like a song ♪ ♪ a song ♪ oh, at last the skies above me are blue my heart was wrapped up in clover baby the night that i that i looked at you ♪ ♪ i found a dream that i could speak to a dream that i can call my own i found a thrill that i could press my cheek to a thrill that i have never known ♪ ♪ oh, baby you smiled, you smiled you smiled ooh and then the spell was cast and here we are here we are we're in heaven and you are mine at last ♪ ♪ ooh at last ♪ from detroit, right? sing, all right. that reminds me of the four tops. ♪ i found a thrill that i could press my cheek to a thrill that i have never known ♪ ♪ baby, you smile d ooh and then the spell was cast and here we are here we are here we are in heaven and you are mine you are mine at last at last you are mine at last oh, you are mine ooh you are mine at last ♪ >> wow! aretha franklin. thank you, aretha. we are back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard. because you work. now capella university offers a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath, and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know. so you can get a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn about all of our programs at our good pal, erica hill is here to preview the weekend. >> we talk about distracted driving, texting while you're driving. i'm sure you've been guilty of texting and walking. i almost walked into something while texting and dropping off my kids at preschool. teens have been said they've been almost hit by a bicycle. 18% said they were texting when it happened. we'll take a look this weekend at how distracted kids are on the street by all of this other stuff they have going on. the numbers are really starting. by the way, next week is international walk to school week. more and more of these kids could be out and perhaps even more distracted. we'll take a look at that this weekend. >> dangerous new york city, traffic passing. >> people with strollers, they're texting, they're -- exactly. >> we look forward to that. thank you, erica. earlier, we asked you to post your funniest video on our facebook page. the challenge was to see if you could make us laugh. here are some of the -- we have three. this is called potty training. take a look. the little girl is adorable. the doll in the toilet. bonnie lewis has a dog -- >> that's impressive. >> really loves coffee and hops. >> or the donut maybe. >> when your toddler has been quiet for more than five minutes. >> be afraid. be very afraid. >> all right. we want to update everyone on our pink or swim vote. tamron has exploded out to a big, early lead. 56% of you say you want to see her dunked next friday. 23%, natalie. >> jedi mind tricks. tamron said she didn't want to do t i said i'll do it. work it. >> please you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleepiq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq™ start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. good morning, everyone, i'm chris cato. it's 9:5>óa.ñ and we're in for nice friday. here is bill henley. >> some people are enjoying bright sunshine right now but plenty of clouds around right now. look at cape may, that is the view. clouds are starting to thin in south jersey, but bright sunshine in delaware, chester county. clouds over the nbc 10 studios. we'll see them break for sunshine. we have new details now about a stabbing that happened early this morning. police tell us a man and woman were arguing. another man came out to break up the fight. two other men broke up the dispute. one man was stabbed in the face and needed 70 stitches. the third man got away. police are investigating a shooting that left three people wounded in kensington. police tell us a husband, wife, and another man were shot and are all in stable condition. no arrests were made yet. the red cross is helping three families affected by this fire this morning that damaged two row homes on west oxford street in west philadelphia. a woman and her son escaped without injury. remember, you can always get the latest news and weather at now we go back to "the today show." i'm chris cato, have a great friday. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. it's friday. it is try day, friday. october 3rd. we're so glad you're with us. it is a special day for hoda, because we're talking to none other than blake shelton, like you don't know. also performing a song after his new cd. >> so terrific. also we have funny lady and "snl" alum, so hysterical, ana gasteyer. she sings too. >> she can sing her begonias off. >> and from "gone girl," she plays ben affleck's sister, twin sister in this movie. she's phenomenal. >> carrie kuhn, you'll learn all about her. >> we won't give anything about the movie away. read the book and then you know. >> it is hard not to do that. >> you like "fatal attraction," you'll love this movie. >> we want to give you a head start on the songs for the fall. shazzam has come out with the songs for the fall. here is what shazzam has predicted so you're ahead of the curve. here is the number two song, it is called "hideaway" by kisa. let's listen. ♪ you let my heart escape put my head into the clouds ♪ >> looks like the '80s, doesn't it? high waisted jeans and suspenders. now you can tell everybody, here is the number one song. "waves" by mr. probs. >> i love him. >> i know you've been wondering what he's come out with. ♪ drifting away wave after wave ♪ ♪ wave after wave >> i heard this song. ♪ slowly drifting >> yeah. >> how can that be a hit? >> wait. >> yeah. >> beautiful. okay. "wave after wave." that doesn't have the beat of the hits of these days. >> it is almost like a -- >> it is a little hip nottic. >> you liked it. >> i was expecting something i hate. >> if it is not hate, it is love. >> there is a gentleman, there say book called "lone survivor." he's a father and he has certain demands for the boys who want to date his daughter. there he is. >> his daughter is only 2. just warning you. he's a former navy s.e.a.l. everything but his name is on here, you guys. marcus. >> marcus. >> he took his facebook page to write a warning to his daughter's future boyfriend. >> okay. here's what he lists. you have to paint the house, mend some fence and cut the lawn. be a handy man. bottle up a hurricane. >> put out a forest fire with a squirt gun. >> basically no one is good enough. and he's considering having a chasity belt made for her engraved on it, ask father for the key. >> liked him up until then. i think he's an amazing hero and has a story to tell. do you have a story? >> no dating. that's how it was in our house. you had to -- you couldn't go out on dates, even though everyone else was. i remember going into my dad's room and 16 and i asked someone to sadie hawkins and i went in just to finally say, i'm going. i walked in, and i said i want this, i'm going to the sadie hawkins dance and i already asked someone and i'm going. and he said, no, you're not going and that was pretty much the end of it. >> you didn't go? >> i didn't go to that one -- >> you snuck out. how old were you? >> 16. 16, 17, all through high school. you couldn't -- >> you know, i don't know. you've told me some stories that curled my hair. it is better to just sort of introduce it nicely as opposed to you will not, you know? >> we couldn't have guys call the house. there was no phone calls like that. >> makes you want to sneak around. i can see why your parents wanted to protect. >> they wanted to protect because there wasn't lots of dating, you just got married. they didn't realize how late i would be getting married. >> they never would have sent you off to summer camp. >> okay. anyway. what about you? what was your dating experience when you were younger. >> buster looked like a member of the manson family that would show up. >> what did your dad think? >> buster is at the door. my father wanted to slam the door. >> did he ever say, no, you can't go out with this guy? >> no, he never said you can't. one time, my first love, you know that, i stayed out past -- >> curfew. >> curfew. we were at rehoboth on the boardwalk and it was one of the little things where you sit, and all of a sudden, i saw my father and my brother walking -- >> looking for you. >> i knew. we hightailed it to our house and came right around and, bye, he left and -- >> you ran from your dad and your brother? >> yes. >> you hid and you ran? >> no, i didn't want the confrontation with him there. i was, like, you get out of here, i'll deal with it. >> so you -- okay, good. that makes me feel better. because one time my dad came home and i was making out in the basement and i remember it so well and i said, oh, my god, it is my dad, i said to the guy, john, i said, get out of here. i still remember him to this day, what he looked like running in my backyard, terrified. i was like this, and my dad was upstairs and i was, like, hi, dad, what are you doing home from work? i came to make lunch. okay. my heart was pounding, terrifying. i'm having -- i was 14. i was 14. >> when did you make out? how old were you? >> i wasn't 14. >> 14 is seventh grade? oh, my gosh. >> i love the word slut, it is more fun to say than the word tramp. >> gets a much better reaction. it is time for -- >> friday funny. >> you didn't do it right. a man bought a new convertible and was trying it out around the interstate for the first time. top was down, the breeze was blowing and he decided to see what the power of this engine had. as the needle jumped up to 80 miles per hour, he saw flashing red and blue lights behind him, there is no way they can catch me and i pressed down on the gas. car went to 90 miles per hour, then 100. policeman was not giving up. he slowed down and the man pulled over. the cop said, hey, buddy, it's been a long day. this is the end of my shift and it is friday the 13th. i don't feel like doing more paperwork. so if you can give me a great excuse for your speeding, i will let you go. the guy thought for a second and said, last week my wife ran off with a cop and i was afraid you were trying to give her back. >> that's good. nice. she scores! it is time for our "today's" johnson's baby announcements where we celebrate new moms and their adorable new additions to their families. >> our first is matteau vincenzo masino born in new york city on august 31st. this is the first child and they offer this advice to expecting parents, when the baby comes, take it one day at a time. >> next to a baby born in lexington, south carolina, cane tr ex tres triplet. they chose his middle name because he's the third one. >> and next is jessica elizabeth velazquez, her parents jackie and bernardo offer this advice, don't sweat the small stuff. laundry and dishes it wait. >> our final johnson's baby of the week. hetson jack hatfield, born on august 25th. his parents say they were about to give up trying to get pregnant, and then this little miracle came along. >> that's the way it often happens. we want to congrat all our baby and their families f you want to submit your baby for our johnson's baby of the week conte contest, go to and hit the connect button. you can't get enough of, there is more of us on sirius radio, channel 108, people actually listen. >> why? >> i don't know. because they do. >> we're grateful. bobbie is in the pink, all about products that help raise money for breast cancer awareness. >> and hoda can hardly wait. we chat with blake shelton. >> he's going to perform for us too right after this. [ man ] i think this is a good time to tell you: you're doing okay, mom. i can call you "mom," right? i know we haven't known each other very long, but you seem like a real keeper. you're not perfect. but you're trying. anyway, i want you to know how much i appreciate you. you know, right? how much i love you. you're doing okay, mom. ♪ [ female announcer ] when the pressure's on... only secret offers clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel with 100% odor protection. secret clinical strength. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. the nudes palette new from maybelline new york. our curated 12-shadow collection inspires infinite nude looks! from softly seductive. to deeply dramatic. get the look. new the nudes palette. ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ ♪ at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. okay, i can't believe this is happening right here. >> right now. >> we're with the one, the only blake shelton. >> hello. >> hello, dream boat. >> you're so full of crap, i love you. i love you, though. i love you. >> i'm just saying what she's thinking. >> exactly. i got the thought bubble. >> want to do the rest of his intro. >> he needs no introduction. not only is he a judge of nbc's "the voice," but blake has been country music's male vocalist of the year, let's count them, one, two, three, four times. >> and now out with his 11th studio album. >> 11th? >> what were the other ten? >> that's what i was thinking. my god, you make records. gosh, dang, i thought i won that award three times. four times? i'm going to go with what that says. >> you probably won four. >> it never gets old, i would think. >> no. that's what i mean, it is like stuff goes by so fast, you know what i mean? and then you're-li looking like >> in the country music world now, every other week you're at another awards show. >> i know. i think there is too many awards shows myself. my gosh. there is just the right amount of -- i should take that back. there is -- i wish there was more awards shows. i sound ungrateful when i say that, but there is a lot of them. >> talk about "the voice." how are gwen stefani, who is awesome, and pharrell? how are they? >> you know what, i had met pharrell before at some award show. and so i kind of knew him. he was a nice guy. and he's actually been on "the voice" a time or two performing. i met him and i knew he was a really nice guy. and i didn't -- i had never met gwen and i didn't know anybody that knew her either really, you know what i mean. i was, like, oh, my gosh, she's going to be a freak or something. she is the most normal person i have met in hollywood yet. and i'm including carson. and carson is a little bit off. >> he's crazy. >> he's off in a good way. >> right. but gwen is like, just -- she uses the word rad. she still uses the word rad. >> she is who she is. she doesn't care. >> i know. i love her. i love her. >> you got a great album out, your 11th. "neon lights" you've been talking about all over the place. and you're going to play another one for us a little later today. >> a new song. >> a new song. >> is this a new blake that we should be excited about or -- >> same old blake that you're tired of. by the way, i was here -- not here, watching y'all, i watch y'all every morning and i was watching whenever you played boys around here and saw the look of disgust, at least pretend you like my songs. at least act. >> i like a lot of your stuff. not that one so much. you brought your guitar. is there a reason for that? >> i did. >> why? >> i want to hear some music. don't you want to hear some music? this is perfectly in tune and i heard you've been taking guitar lessons. and i have -- >> no. >> just for you, i have played for you on this show before, impromptu -- >> do you have a pick? >> no. >> okay. she doesn't need one. >> i don't remember. >> if it is a g note. >> you don't have one? >> you'll get over it. >> she calls -- >> wait, wait. down, down, up, down, down up. >> okay. >> sounds like a katy perry song. >> sing something. >> i don't remember the -- i don't remember "country road," how does it go? g. ♪ country road >> this is terrible. ♪ take me home >> wait, d, d, d. ♪ to the place i belong ♪ >> is it g? no, e minor. yes. ♪ long >> c? >> yeah, c. whoops. hold on, hold on, hold on. >> that's not right either. >> it's close. ♪ >> come on. do something. do something. >> we're on tv right now and you totally screwed it up. oh, boy. >> she's only just started about four months ago. give her a break. >> you're not going to play anything? >> hell no, i wanted to hear you play. >> that is terrible. >> come on, man. this is your big break. >> now i'm embarrassed. now i'm embarrassed in front of my fake boyfriend. >> your wife looks so darn hot these days. it is going to make her angry for me to say this, but she looks amazing. >> i told you, she looks great. >> i don't know what you're saying. she looks amazing. she looks amazing. >> congrat on everything, blake. >> we have to go. >> we have to go. >> you're going to sing for us though in a little bit. >> yes. >> that was rude. >> i didn't know the chords to my song. at least learn the chords. >> you can catch him on "the voice" monday and tuesday night here on nbc. >> we have much more. >> down up, down up, down up. for very dry skin, basic moisturization isn't enough. you need healing. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. at walmart now for october's hottest items? because you need to find happiness on rollback... every aisle. get thousands of items, now on rollback. save money. live better. walmart. oh wait, oyou got it?falling.... we need nails. with just five minutes' prep, campbell's slow cooker sauces help you cook a real dinner, right in the middle of real life. it's part of a hershey's bar. we break it. we bite it. we sneak it. we smoosh it. we savor it. we love it. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. ♪ with clorox smart seek bleach, you can bleach your whites, and mostly whites together in the same wash. clorox smart seek bleach. whitening just got smarter. not a halloween bag. box, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. applebee's let the fans put thefamous 2 for $20 menu.the i put the wonton tacos on applebee's 2 for $20 menu because i love them. and, i am old enough to know what love is! we're still talking about tacos... right? applebee's. where fans know best. crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth, and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. it is time for "bobbie's buzz." in the spirit of breast cancer awareness month, we got some goodies that will help you give back. >> bobbie thomas has some of beauty's most profitable products that will help spread the pink power. >> how are you? >> well, there is nothing better than products that give back. what are even better are products that give 100% of the proceeds back. and everything on this table, with the exception of one, this one, 75%, they all do really make a difference. and they're products you'll actually want. the first one, jane iredale, i love this, smell the roses spray. i have really been using this lately to help destress, but it smells so wonderful. >> is it just a room -- >> it is a great setting spray, it hydrates, takes care if you have redness or inflammation. this is a really fantastic spray. >> love that. sensational. >> these can be for the holidays. but suki has a great multipurpose balm for your hair, cuticles, elbows, feet and more. 100% of this gets -- the proceeds get donated to charity. >> for your hood. >> for stretch marks and all of that, breast cancer action. and then super smile, i really love this toothbrush design, it comes in other colors, but the pink will give 75% of their proceeds and what is great is that it is an ergonomic design, but stands up on its own. i love how chic this is. great girlfriend gift. >> great stocking stuffer. >> stocking stuffer. and rag and bone, high end designer that celebrities love, they teamed up to put together this keys to the cure t-shirt. both men and women can get this, $35. butter sauce, i love this. i am living in this. >> hodi would love this. >> and last but not least, just fab donating 100% of their proceeds for this amazing bow clutch that comes with a chain. i think this is such a cute bag for holiday. if you're willing to go sky high, they have these fun platforms. >> all right. >> i was a little afraid to try on. but i love the bag. there is more on our website and all month on >> thank you, darling. we're his number one fans. >> you named your dog after him. a performance by blake shelton. >> yes. and how do the box trolls square off against alexander the terrible horrible no good very bad day. >> our real moms give us their movie picks after your local news. helps you find a whole range of coverages. no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it? nope. sorry! you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. snackon it. isn't this my breakfast cereal? it's also a snack. so, then it's snackreal. clever. your favorite cereals. at any time of day. all at unbeatable walmart prices, guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. good morning. i'm craze kato. let's start with your forecast with bill henley. it's a nice friday out there. >> there's there are clouds around. but this is a live view of 202 in the west chester area. it's completely clear overhead. in fact, all of chester county is enjoying sunshine. see by the satellite imagery. a band of clouds are over philadelphia. we will get sunshine. we are following breaking news ou s out of children's hos of philadelphia. it has notified the cdc of three patients with acute muscle weakness in one or more limbs. recent reports of patients with a similar condition in colorado have raised concerns about a connection to the current outbreak of enter row vie sue r. this morning, philadelphia police are hoping that a sketch will lead them to a man who attacks a woman. he is described at being six feet tall. he was waring a red poe low-style shirt with white lettering. last friday, the woman was on a trail when the man knocked her to the ground, choked her and demanded money and sex. she managed to get away. police are urging women who use the trails to exercise in pairs or groups until the man is captured. if you have any information on who that might be, certainly call police. we have a full hour of news coming up in 30 minutes at 11:00 a.m. remember, you can always get the latest news and weather at now we go back to "today." i'm chris cato. have a great friday. we're back on friday with more of "today." and we have our popcorn, you know what that means. our real moms are back. >> dara mcnamara is a mother of three, and and fan dango. suzanne rusk, mother of two and lifestyle editor of family circle magazine. >> and liz stern has three little ones and is ceo of diva >> let's get started. "the box trolls" open now what do we think? we'll start with dara. >> i think it is a great daddy and me movie, has a lot of fatherhood topics in it. it is about this 11-year-old raised by underground creatures. it is something that is really appealing to little kids. like my 4-year-old couldn't wait to see it. it is not -- it is too dark. >> you like it? >> for 4-year-olds it is probably a little dark. it is darker, but my kids loved it. >> i think you can take an 8-year-old, 7-year-old. >> 7-year-old and 10-year-old, i recommend it. it is scary but the animation is superb. >> let's talk about the reese witherspoon movie called "the good lie". that's getting a lot of great buzz. >> a great movie for adults. it is about four lost boys of sudan who relocate to the united states just before 9/11 and they see the employment counselor who tries to get them a job. it is a story we should all know, really uplifting. >> based in truth? >> it is based on the events of the lost boys of sudan, but what is interesting about it for me is that even though it is a story we want kids to know, i have reservations about kids seeing it. there is the horrors of war but there is smoking of pot and adult stuff in it. >> it is what happened in that country. i think an older kid you share that with and expose them to what is going on. what other children had to go through. having said that, i don't think it is for small kids. >> getting great -- >> i took my 10-year-old and it was a really great experience for the two of us to see this movie together, we talked a little bit before what we were going to see, what was going to happen, prewarn him, but at the end of the movie, so beautiful, it is about a family story, how family supports one another through everything, thick and thin. >> educational. >> really educational. at the end, my son had tears. we both had tears in our eyes. he said, mommy, it is such a good movie, thank you for taking me. it is important. i don't think a lot of movies have that message. >> let's talk about the last one. >> huge book. >> yes. >> "alexander the terrible horrible no good day." >> it looks like it is a cute film. but it is a hilarious film. they made this not just about alexander's bad day, but the whole family's bad day. it was so relatable. my daughter and i laughed so hard. >> everyone can go see this. i was with -- >> it is a great family film. whole family will enjoy it. not just kids have bad days. we all have bad days. i recommend it for everybody. >> before we go -- >> no sex, no violence, totally clean. >> my life. >> before we go, real quick, tell me if you were taking home this weekend, on demand, what movie would you watch? >> chef. >> i go back to the oldie but goody, i like some like it hot and my kids love it. >> we can't get enough of frozen in my house. >> frozen. >> from "gone girl," actress carrie coon is here. >> and "saturday night live" alum ana gast hire eyer is here >> and she's singing with a new ensemble. i want a new lease on life for my skin. 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(slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! with new jolly rancher filled gummy bites? not today. bites. little greatness. we tayou keep the peace. nose, we calm your congestion and pain, you rally the team. >>you guys are awesome! we give you relief from your cough, you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve even your worst cold and flu symptoms, so you can carry on with your day. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® for six years ana gasteyer made us laugh with her amazing characters and impressions on "snl." who could forget schwedy balls or martha stewart's topless thanksgiving special. that was hilarious. >> now, ana is exercise her singing chops and boy, does she have them, with the release of her new album called "i'm hip." it is a mix of jazz standards and covers and she can still manage to get laughs with her music video for "one mint julep." ♪ i didn't know what we were doing ♪ ♪ we married a mint julep a mint julep a mint julep ♪ ♪ one mint julep it was the cause of it all ♪ >> that's the best. >> we're in love with her. >> thank you. >> mint julep it is a song on your cd. you made your own recipe. >> i developed a recipe for it. i was careful to make it weight watchers friendly. >> you did? >> it is light. >> no, i had a whole afternoon of research for my mint julep. i didn't want to do simple syrup, because it was too many -- i tried stevia and it tasted -- >> what makes it sweet? >> maple. year round orange maple mint julep. >> what were you doing on "cheek to cheek". >> for "cheek to cheek," yeah, it doesn't involve dancing at all. >> i didn't know you sang. you sing. >> thank you. >> wow. >> you know, i have sort of two careers. i'm literally -- i left "saturday night live" -- i started as a voice major in college and went to northwestern where they have a music -- a music department but i wasn't ready to be a grown-up yet and it was in chicago where all the comedy people so i got sucked in the improv rabbit hole and then i was doing comedy and just -- >> which came naturally to you too. did you know you were funny growing up? >> yeah. a little bit like an amusement, not always a good thing. >> like in school and stuff? >> yeah. all the time. i would get report cards that would say, ana and her friend amy are like laurel and hardy. so i ended up after "saturday night live" i did quite a few broadway musicals, "wicked". >> you know the soundtrack from "wicked", that's one of the most demanding physically roles in the -- the "gravity" song. >> i think it sounds a lot like that, actually. >> it is incredibly demanding. >> it was very difficult. but it was fun, fun, fun. and such a great way to make up for lost time vocally and train. i had this jazz act, to wrap that up, like for a while now, for ten years. this has been kind of a dream. >> were these songs played in your house when you were younger? >> a lot of them. this is real entertainment era, late 1950s, early '60s a lot of songs about a girl in front of a big band. >> as you're listening to the cd, i hope you all do, you can see how it would be in performance. you have a ball doing this. >> i have so much fun. and the band is so fun that i work with. i have a very horny voice, it goes well with horns. and -- >> i don't know why they want us to say you're a paid spokesperson for weight watchers. >> i'm an ambassadoress. >> have you lost a lot of pounds? >> i have and my husband lost 80. >> will you sing? >> i would love to. >> cheers. >> bottoms up. >> ana gasteyer. >> the only person ben affleck can trust. >> carrie coon tells us about her role in the movie called "gone girl". >> and blake shelton performs after this. every time. i let him know every time i save a dollar. now there is a tool made for you. introducing savings catcher from walmart. it compares prices to top stores in your area. if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an egift card. oh! money! for a limited time get two times the savings catcher reward dollars when you redeem to your bluebird card. every penny counts! yep! join the millions of people saving money with savings catcher. go to save money. live better. walmart. (boys screaming) totino's pizza rolls... ready so fast, it's scary! [cat thinking] yyou smell... nothing. [announcer] introducing the best lightweight litter for odor elimination, guaranteed. fresh step extreme... lightweight. the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> you know what it is time for? >> it is the moment i've been waiting for. >> go ahead. you read the next line. >> blake shelton holds the record for the most consecutive number one hits on the country radio charts. did you know that? >> i didn't. good for him. here he is singing "just south of heaven" off his new album "bringing back the sunshine" out this week. ♪ i never liked the taste of whiskey ♪ ♪ until i kissed it off of her lips ♪ ♪ never knew just what hitting me getting me tipsy ♪ ♪ levis on a dogwood branch ♪ ♪ yeah, she was taking me under ♪ ♪ i might have lost my innocence but she was saving my soul that summer ♪ ♪ i don't know much about eternity where somebody like me is gonna wind up going ♪ ♪ all i know is that i already been ♪ ♪ parked in a chevy by the deep river rolling ♪ ♪ and that summer night shooting star paradise ♪ ♪ might be all that i'm getting kissing and sipping that seven and seven ♪ ♪ somewhere just south of heaven ♪ she might have been a falling angel ♪ ♪ no, i didn't care at all ♪ i never thought a prayer could be answered ♪ ♪ with a whispered sweet southern drawl ♪ ♪ even now when i close my eyes ♪ ♪ i see her silhouette dance on the river ♪ ♪ the way we spent those endless nights ♪ ♪ that's the way i could spend forever. ♪ i don't know much about eternity ♪ ♪ where somebody like me is gonna wind up going ♪ ♪ all i know is that i have already been ♪ ♪ parked in a chevy by the deep river rolling ♪ ♪ and that summer night shooting star paradise ♪ ♪ might be all that i'm getting ♪ ♪ kissing and sipping that seven and seven ♪ ♪ somewhere just south of heaven ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ somewhere just beyond the jericho line ♪ ♪ little white church roll back through the pines ♪ ♪ down where the three cross river unwinds ♪ ♪ if there's a heaven on earth man that would be mine ♪ ♪ i don't know much about eternity or where be somebody like me is gonna wind up going ♪ ♪ all i know is that i have already been ♪ ♪ parked in a chevy by the deep river rolling ♪ ♪ and that summer night shooting star paradise ♪ ♪ might be all that i'm getting ♪ ♪ kissing and sipping that seven and seven ♪ ♪ somewhere just south of heaven ♪ ♪ just south of heaven ♪ somewhere just beyond the jericho line ♪ ♪ little white church roll back through the pines ♪ ♪ down where the three cross river unwinds ♪ ♪ if there's a heaven on earth man, that would be mine ♪ ♪ just south of heaven just a little bit south of heaven ♪ >> carrie coon from "gone girl" is here. >> but first this is "today" on nbc. actress carrie coon is about to have a very, very big weekend. she's one of the breakout stars in the hbo drama "the leftovers" which wrapped up its first season. >> in the feature film debut she snagged the role of ben affleck's twin sister in possibly the most anticipated movie of the year "gone girl". >> i feel sick. so bizarre. it seems like the kind of thing that would happen to amy. she always attracts -- >> drama. you can say it. it is just me and you. >> just because i don't like to be around amy doesn't mean i don't care about her. anyway, whoever took her is bound to bring her back. >> nice line. >> good ones. >> we both saw the film about a week ago and both of us said, oh, my gosh, this is so intense. and said who is this girl. >> all about you. >> that's so sweet. >> you really are so good. >> thank you. >> you play a twin sister. we don't want to give away any of the -- >> no. >> you stand by your brother, don't you? >> i do. >> do you have a brother in real life? >> i have three brothers in real life. that is a tried and tested stand by, yes. it can be really hard with boys. you know how boys are. >> the relationship you have with ben affleck's character, is there a real friendship? >> absolutely. he's very easy going, really smart, really funny. we have the same sense of humor and hit it off right away. the banter and rhythm came quickly. >> in real life, you have this adorable little bless iing, lika shadow. they tried to make that -- tell us how that happened. >> they filled it in a little bit and i did my camera test and they said, that's off center, so they took it away. >> how did you get this gig? >> i shot a self-tape in my living room in chicago and i had 22 pages of text to memorize and i was going to a wedding. a friend came over, i said, let's knock this out really fast, i bet nobody will see it. on friday, i was at the wedding in new orleans and there was a call saying can you be in l.a. -- >> to meet with david fincher. >> i didn't meet him until friday. i was driving around l.a., taking meetings. i had never been to l.a. before. i had to rent a gps. >> you're from akron, ohio. tell us what is happening this weekend. >> i'm going to akron and my friends and family have basically rented out a theater. my brother runs a regal cinema and they're coming to see the film and my parents and grandparents are getting in a limo and coming to the theater and walking the red carpet and there is a wonderful man named justin campbell who works at the museum with my dad and designed a dress for me. it is a whole sort of local premiere. and one way limo. we all have to get rides home. it is expensive in the midwest. >> come monday, you'll be able it go anywhere you want to go. >> congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> in case you haven't heard, "gone girl" opens today at a theater near you. >> next week, carol burnett, actress emmy ross and james danson. and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard. because you work. now capella university offers a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath, and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know. so you can get a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn about all of our programs at


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20150213

university. sony pictures was hacked, compromising date yaf executives and employees. north korea denied being behind the hack. before that, the victim was retailer target. 40 million records were stolen. president obama says enough is enough and wants to heighten the response to cyber attack s and to coordinate intelligence gathered. tomorrow mr. obama will sign an order directing the government and private sector to share more information about cyber security threats. the ceo of red seal cyber security firm will be at the summit tomorrow and says it's a good defense against breeches. >> best way to defeat that is sharing information so that those can be employed to protect them. >> the white house says the summit is the first of its kind a who's who of leaders plan to attend this event. this after many are hesitant about supporting more information sharing without reforming surveillance practices the electronic fronteer foundation. >> we have heard how the government has been gathering information. and fbi, often times without courts and without warrants. that now it's time to make it easier for the government to obtain information about the american people. >> mr. obama is pushing for limits on any legal liability for companies that share too much. but the white house says only congress can make that happen. vic lee, abc7 news >> patrol doesn't give us the president's exact route but here is the skyway which we presume is on his motorcade route. you can see traffic about standard moving just slightly better heading south. here is a look at the traffic map. >> let's show you a live picture of the motorcade near the fairmont hotel. for security purposes they don't announce where the president is staying but no signs went up today on the streets and a crowd has been gathering there. everybody figured it out, obviously. . the president has no events during the stay. the powell street car lines have been halted until the president leaves town. >> well, here is where the president will be having dinner. we want to show you this house. this will be tomorrow night. the home of sandy and jean robertson, the oldest house in san francisco, tickets going for $10,000 a piece. lower than past fund-raisers. the democratic national committee says the event is sold out we'll keep an eye out to bring out new pictures. >> looks fancy. >> yes. >> a 7 on your side investigation uncovered horrendous customer service for bay area fast track users >> yes. transit authorities have slapped a $330,000 feen on the operators of the toll system. >> yes. michael finney has been investigating for months and is here with what he has found out. >> the $300,000 penalty for bad customer service just scratches the surface of what i've uncovered thousands are getting hit with penalties. if you don't have a account you may be in for a fight. >> for a $six ticket it was horrible. >> derek reid supposed to get an invoice for crossing the golden gate bridge he got this. >> a toll evasion notice saying we did not pay the toll. which was impossible to pay because there is no toll takers. >> fast track agreed it was a mistake and the fee jumped to $79 he had to pay in order to register his car. derek isn't alone. dozens of drivers complained, saying they're unfairly hit with penalties. this after the golden gate bridge eliminated toll takers >> we know this is a frustrating process >> one reason is because of a major blunder by fast track, saying 16,000 drivers are violation notice last year. fast track is apologizing. as for derek, fast track did remove the fine only to put it back on a year later. >> i'm begging you to let me talk to a supervisor. >> you'll see how long he was on the phone and whether he got this problem solved. how many of us are hit with the penalty? who is operating the system? that is tonight at 11:00. >> wow. >> well vigils are being held to remember the three muslim college students murdered in north carolina. there are so many people the service was held in a field across the street from the mosque. the sister of one victim works and a vigil about to get underway tonight. carolyn? >> san francisco general hospital has a lovely memorial garden. this is where friends and colleagues are gathering now. she's a sister of one of the victims >> funerals for three college students. newlyweds and his 19-year-old sister. all shot to death not far from the university of north carolina campus. >> college town has been rocked by shootings. >> the host of airack talk a radio show in san francisco. he says the murders come after a rise in racism and islam phobia. the neighbor has been charged with murders. reports say the fatal shooting stemmed from an argument over a parking space. but the fbi is now joining in the investigation as many muslims insist it was a hate crime. >> if a muslim were to kill three white americans would that have been reported? an incident over a parking space or a terrorist attack? something else some we do not believe, i mean by the muslim community this was anything less than a hate crime. >> victims have bay area connections including baracat's sister, suzanne. a doctor at sf general. there are vigils including scena. >> as a young person living in the united states this, i think this really hit hard. >> the vigil begins at 7:30 tonight. and she says it's time for the community to unite. >> the president is in town and might want to study up on what's happening on the west coast port. this video is if long beach. the busiest in the country. the same thing happening tonight in the busy port of oakland. that is where we have laura anthony for us tonight. >> quiet here dan the president's secretary arrived ahead of him here. she says the administration is watching developments and not yet ready to take action. >> john dankerbeck says the work slow down at the port is causing a huge backlog. >> the beer is stuck on the warehouse, reducing space for beer packaging for domestic businesses. >> u.s. secretary of commerce says administration is watching developments. but the situation doesn't warrant use of the taft-heartily act, allowing the president to intervene in labor disputes that threaten national interests. >> taft-heartily is a complicated, long process. it's betty if parties were to come to a resolution. >> negotiations are ongoing. >> the president made it clear he wants everyone to resolve this in the negotiating table. and have made available a mediator. >> truckers don't know how much longer they can wait. >> do you think it's time for the federal government to get involved? >> definitely. we're just on the side lines. >> now i'm waiting here to get my box out of the terminal. it's closed. how can i get it? the port supposed to reopen with limited activities but close for the remainder of the long holiday weekend. >> there is still more still to come a local man about to get a trance pant. a heart warming valentine's day gift from his wife. >> record warmth in the bay area. where the records were and where we expect them, tomorrow. >> thank you, spencer. tonight, cheryl jennings reports from kabul and shares outlook for peace there. >> google taking street view to a new level tonight. mapping the bay, only state fish and wildlife are getting closer identifying mystery goo that soiled several hundred birds. they don't know exactly what it was but say it was a mixture of nonpetroleum fats and oils. it was difficult to remove. 300 birds died and 200 others, contaminated. survivors were released back into the wild today. 100 are still being rehabilitated after three weeks. >> are you worried about what to do for your loved one this valentine's day? wayne freedman found a love story with a life changing twist. does this resemble your desk? you might relate to sarah brewster counting down to the romantic holiday. >> i know what i'm getting mine. >> he knows, toochl but sarah and jesse married for better or worse, trusting they had a perfect match. never knowing how prophetic. >> is it a romantic transplant? >> i think it is yes. >> why sarah will not return to work six weeks. she'll donate her kidney to jesse. >> it's not about doing something for him as it is for me. and our family. i don't want to do our family without him. >> it's a second most common hereditary disease in the world. if your parents have it you stand a 50% chance of getting it. his father had it and his brother died of it. if he doesn't have the operation now? >> i probably would have started dialysis this year. >> it has been said when you truly love someone, you give of yourself this would be the multi multimitt twist. >> first she gave me her heart, then her kidney. >> it's something amazing. >> for your spouse? >> that much more special. >> just beautiful. >> yes. we'll follow progress and wish them well. an 8-year-old boy with leukemia is on the road to recovery. his mother sent us this photo. she says he's doing well now. the 8-year-old created this lion named symba out of gauze and tape and hopes to paint it. look how cool that looks. disney is the parent company of abc7. so proud. >> absolutely. >> doing grit great. he loves his room. it's awesome. >> yes. looks good. >> weather looks good, now. we've got clear skies and had high clouds around. skies mainly clear. taking a look at highs oakland 79 degrees. 73 in moffett field and other locations highs into 70s. so there is warmth around. if you do go to the beach be careful there may be large breakers. warm throughout the holiday weekend, more record highs likely, and hazardous beach conditions. it's important to remember that. weather bringing us warmer than average. we have stormy weather, several centers of low pressure not able to break through they're generating a big swell producing our beach conditions. starting with the date, looking ahead about ten days and notice moisture going into pacific northwest. this is no rain between february 12th and washington's birthday. so a dry spell between presidents. tomorrow, sunshine, warmth and possibly highs. 72 in redwood city. another record high for mountain view. 68 in pacifica. downtown san francisco, 70 degrees tomorrow north bay numerous locations above 70 degrees. east bay 73 in oakland and inland east bay, we'll have highs into low to mid-70s up to about 74 in livermore, here is the accu-weather forecast. this pattern and a reminder, we're going to have heart warming weather. >> there you go. >> thank you. >> some day your camera could capture evidence of a crime. >> how to find out the bulldog: what what? mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day! ♪ mattress discounters ♪ xñyñ5ñ i love my shows, but i can't just sit around all day. that's why i have xfinity. their cloud based dvr lets me take everything i recorded, anywhere i go. which is perfect for me, [whispering] because i have responsibilities. ...i mean that's really interesting, then how do you explain these photos?! [people gasping] objection your honor. sustained. with the x1 dvr library you could take anywhere, xfinity is perfect for people on the go. bart is not ready to drop criminal charges as protestors known as the 14th against demonstrators in november. ' request was withdrawn the decisions came at a meeting repeatedly interrupted. >> we're going to have order or clear chambers. one or another. >> we're going to have order or clear the chambers. >> let's move out. >> attorneys asked a judge to dismischarges arguing they're overbroad and too vague. the judge has not issued a ruling on that yet. >> the city of san jose is launching a tool that relies on the cooperation of its residents that allows them to notify police they have security cameras if a crime occurs investigators will be able to tap into systems to look for video evidence. >> it will not allow police officers to view live feeds this, is a program people are willing to offer videotape of past events. >> idea is arming police with a accessible data base. fremont had a similar program two years. police were twice as likely to solve a burglarly last year. >> just ahead the changing mission in afghanistan. cheryl jennings goes to kabul. >> thinking he's an honorable man. >> two more women come forward with accusations against bill cosby. >> and ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! the general in charge of the nato mission in afghanistan wants more flexibility in keeping u.s. troops there. there are 10000 american troops in afghanistan. the president promised to cut that number in half by the end of the year. general campbell told the armed services committee he asked for permission to adjust that timetable. >> i believe we're in a critical point in our campaign. many challenges reveal before us. . >> here is footage in afghanistan. meeting with abc7 news anchor cheryl jennings. >> a week ago, working with farmers in afghanistan. >> i might have said this a couple years ago i'm excited about the future of afghanistan. there is a government about the people that understands a great vision. >> that big vision comes from knewly elected president who met for the california based roots of peace founders. his main focus, developing the agricultural economy. >> the armed general in charge of resolute support told me they're fighting hard fro detective it's only people. >> they have a lead for security. they're quite proud of that. >> when they die, their memories are honored here every week. >> you saw a member from the afghan army here. under this government they've embraced the international community. >> general campbell understands improving the economy and followed work of roots of peace they plant aid cherry tree as a symbol of hope. i went to afghanistan in 2005 to see a pilot project by roots of peace to raise grapevines and now, it's linking farmers and traders after the market. >> general campbell's personal roots trace back to san francisco bay area. >> i grew up as an air force brat. my dad was in marin county. so i went to elementary school and junior high school. >> he wants to come back for a visit but his nato mission has a lot to do to help afghanistan move into the future. >> the people want to be able to have education for their kids. with continued support from coalition and people like gary and heidi. >> he told me he never dreamed he would be doing the kind of work he's been doing now. the new president promises to work with roots of peace. you're going to see my interview with the president in the next few days. >> just amazing. >> nice to see. >> with good works it must be dangerous. >> it is. and every day, they say goodbye to families don't know if if they're going to come home. >> looking forward to hearing your report. thank you. >> well, general campbell has a new boss at the pentagon. ashton carter will be the president's fourth defense secretary in four years. >> two more women are accusing bill cosby of sexual assault tonight. three dozen women have come forward to claim the comedian assaulted them. so far statutes of limitations kept allegations out of court. in los angeles today, two women said they were drugged by cosby decades ago. . >> i was shocked and had no clue how i got there or why mr. cosby was beside me under covers i can't move or speak. >> bill ]/hby appears to think rape is a joke let me tell you something, bill i'm not laughing. >> cosby postponed a show this week in bakersfield, the 77 cancelled a dozen shows since allegations resurfaced. >> the family of a man shot and killed by police in san jose last night say that he didn't need to die. family members say the 23-year-old was depressed when confronting officers outside of a home on sherman street. he was killed by police responding to a call about an intruder in the home. according to family members watkins made that call. >> my daughter and myself >> officers are on leave. family members say he had no history of mental illness. >> turning your attention to something different. last night three power ball winners are not in a rush to come forward. one customer matched five of the six winning numbers. he's a regular customer who bought a single ticket. >> we make a million here. you be the next one. hey! >> he's got the marketing pitch down. the store gets $7000. >> coming up next, street view becoming in our house, we do just about everything online. and our old internet just wasn't cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. >> you probably know about google street view. soon you'll be able to get a new perspective on the bay area. >> yef. jonathan bloom went for a boat ride today. >> it's just an ordinary boat but getting a lot of attention. >> it's a google boat. >> armed with cameras and batteries, this cata marchan is taking street view beyond the edge of the pavement. >> coolest thing is that everybody is going to see the shore line from the bay. >> are you good at it? >> no. it's done with this device the trekker on loan from google. >> the groups are working in areas they care about. >> it wasn't long before figuring out there is more they can do with it. this is the latest hack. >> now on this one. >> they'll cover between 400 and 500 mooin miles of shore line. >> i noticed wetlands are more. a lot of those will be flooded. >> if you'd like to look at the view they say that is okay too. >> i'm just interested in getting people connected to the bay. >> in san francisco abc7 news. >> pretty slick. >> yes. >> did you see how nice it was? it's awesome. >> don't wait for bad weather to down load the weather app. it's free at app store or google play. >> could you give up the devices you've come to depend on? >> i don't bulldog: mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ facebook is making it easier to plan your online after life. your account is locked when you die. your family can't even delete it but now you can have someone manage it for you once you're gone. all you have to do is call a legacy contact. >> try this at home. ask your kids to give up all their tech just one evening. >> get it give it. >> students pledged to put away smart phones and stay off the internet three days. what it means to be mindfully disconnected. >> this is what down time looks like today. students played card games. you might be asking what is this world coming to? >> a lot of us are just so obsessed with phones. it's too much. we just needed a break. >> at 8:00 this morning, students fourth grade through high school asked to put away their smart phone was a tamper proof patch. >> there it is. >> yes. >> kind of frightening first. now i look and think it's going to benefit me. >> texting and face time. >> students made a pledge to take a text time out 72 hours. >> we're going to have conversations in person. with our friends. >> at home, they're expecting several eye opening moments. >> we're allowed to use land lines to call and use a phone book. >> a study showed kids are spending more screen time and that may be affecting their personal growth. resident of the schools of the sacred heart said she's learned that from students. >> if i'm at a table and don't feel connected to the conversation, or who i should sit at lunch with i have to pull out my phone. i have an excuse not to be connected. >> having some down time without electronic devices is necessary for the brain to process information. so parents also took the pledge to disconnect. >> i opted to say i will disconnect beyond working hours. >> most here are betting on the kids. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> yes. let's talk about this warm weather. >> yes. spencer has the latest. >> yes. here is a live clear skies. let's take a look at the there has been improvement near the north coast. that region has gone from dry to severe drought and no rain in sight for a while. highs into mid-80 s. and saturday is valentine's day tomorrow through monday, highs into mid-70s, around the bay and inland sh low 70s on the coast with cooling next week. >> thank you, >> mr. beil is on assignment. >> we're talking all star game already. >> yes. >> getting pumped up. >> yes. >> we'll hear from (vo) at jennie-o, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. proof of how far the warriors have come in recent years. the coach steve kerr will coach sunday. media frenzy began today, bouncing from one interview to another, some solo, and competitors in the three-point competition saturday night. he admits it's a huge deal for him. >> just an example, this is my favorite part. i just want to hit threes and show up and it's going to be fun. >> i think he's going to do well. colleague i'm most jealous of is larry beil in new york city with the splash brothers you can catch his reports at 11:00. after the all star break will rum assume reigns in sacramento. they fired former warriors assistant. tyrone corbin took over the coaching lifer and a winner. tiger woods world golf ranking has fallen but daily has game in order. perfect scoring and everything. how about fishing? sun bathing? surf's up. short game not very good. he's a hive long fan. buster posy and matt cane putting for birdie. this is how to get up and down. chipping in for par. he told me the repaired elbow is feeling good. there is proof. birdie putt on 17. two off the pace here is daily seventh birdie of the day comes on 18. he shoots an eight under 64 as did this guy. so it's kicks and holmes. including daily and everyone is talking about daily though. one of the best opening rounds in the career. >> it's been a long time since i played that well. >> now i mentioned tiger woods not on a golf course today he was in vail showing support for girlfriend lindsay vaughn perhaps trying to figure things out mentally before he can do it physically. so many things wrong with this last video. the party kins for broncowski getting in dodge ball you're out. that is abc7 sports report. >> thank you, collin. >> why one state lawmaker wants to ban yoga pants in public. >> then at 11:00 big problems for golden gate bridge's new toll collection. michael finney investigates the flaws and why drivers are paying the price. >> >> and that is it for this edition of abc7 news our coverage continues on twitter at abc7 news bay area. >> i'm ama daetz. >> from all of us we appreciate your time. have a good night. we'll see you at 9:00 and 11:00. (mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. i love my shows, but i can't just sit around all day. that's why i have xfinity. their cloud based dvr lets me take everything i recorded, anywhere i go. which is perfect for me, [whispering] because i have responsibilities. ...i mean that's really interesting, then how do you explain these photos?! [people gasping] objection your honor. sustained. with the x1 dvr library you could take anywhere, xfinity is perfect for people on the go. this is the jeopardy! teachers tournament. here are our three finalists -- a third-grade teacher from longmont, colorado... a high-school science teacher from wyandotte, michigan... and a middle-school math teacher from st. louis, missouri... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. i predict excitement ladies and gentlemen. we have primary-school middle-school, and high-school teachers represented in this final. at the end of tomorrow's program, one of them will be at least $100,000 richer. will it be adam, cathy or jennifer? good luck to all three of you. you get to deal with these categories today. not "heroes." uh-oh. alex: adam, start. she-roes for $200. jennifer. who is anne frank? yes. she-roes, $400. this woman helped liberate 300 slaves before the civil war. cathy. who is harriet tubman? right. she-roes for $600. adam. what is a hospice? yes. she-roes for $800. cathy. who is maria von trapp? correct. she-roes for $1,000.


Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20150213

holding babies and greeting supporters today. >> yes, on a mission to step up the nation's response to the threat hackers pose to cyber security. >> the president arrived about 45 minutes ago or so accompanied by three bay area members of congress. >> the white house confirmed he will sign an order encouraging share are the threat information. >> abc7 news reporter vic lee is live for the arrival tonight. vic? >> that is air force one, of course, behind me. the motorcade took the president to san francisco and he should be at the fairmont hotel by now. this is a secure area of sfo. the president walked to the crowd from the plane. he shook hands with people and held a baby. he's not even running for office. president obama has a full day tomorrow attending a cyber security summit at stanford university. sony pictures was hacked, compromising date yaf executives and employees. north korea denied being behind the hack. before that, the victim was retailer target. 40 million records were stolen. president obama says enough is enough and wants to heighten the response to cyber attacks and to coordinate intelligence gathered. tomorrow mr. obama will sign an order directing the government and private sector to share more information about cyber security threats. the ceo of red seal cyber security firm will be at the summit tomorrow and says it's a good defense against breeches. >> best way to defeat that is sharing information so that those can be employed to protect them. >> the white house says the summit is the first of its kind a who's who of leaders plan to attend this event. this after many are hesitant about supporting more information sharing without reforming surveillance practices the electronic fronteer foundation. >> we have heard how the government has been gathering information. and fbi, often times without courts and without warrants. that now it's time to make it easier for the government to obtain information about the american people. >> mr. obama is pushing for limits on any legal liability for companies that share too much. but the white house says only congress can make that happen. vic lee, abc7 news >> patrol doesn't give us the president's exact route but here is the skyway which we presume is on his motorcade route. you can see traffic about standard moving just slightly better heading south. here is a look at the traffic map. >> let's show you a live picture of the motorcade near the fairmont hotel. for security purposes they don't announce where the president is staying but no signs went up today on the streets and a crowd has been gathering there. everybody figured it out, obviously. . the president has no events during the stay. the powell street car lines have been halted until the president leaves town. >> well, here is where the president will be having dinner. we want to show you this house. this will be tomorrow night. the home of sandy and jean robertson, the oldest house in san francisco, tickets going for $10,000 a piece. lower than past fund-raisers. the democratic national committee says the event is sold out we'll keep an eye out to bring out new pictures. >> looks fancy. >> yes. >> a 7 on your side investigation uncovered horrendous customer service for bay area fast track users >> yes. transit authorities have slapped a $330,000 feen on the operators of the toll system. >> yes. michael finney has been investigating for months and is here with what he has found out. >> the $300,000 penalty for bad customer service just scratches the surface of what i've uncovered thousands are getting hit with penalties. if you don't have a account you may be in for a fight. >> for a $six ticket it was horrible. >> derek reid supposed to get an invoice for crossing the golden gate bridge he got this. >> a toll evasion notice saying we did not pay the toll. which was impossible to pay because there is no toll takers. >> fast track agreed it was a mistake and the fee jumped to $79 he had to pay in order to register his car. derek isn't alone. dozens of drivers complained, saying they're unfairly hit with penalties. this after the golden gate bridge eliminated toll takers >> we know this is a frustrating process >> one reason is because of a major blunder by fast track, saying 16,000 drivers are violation notice last year. fast track is apologizing. as for derek, fast track did remove the fine only to put it back on a year later. >> i'm begging you to let me talk to a supervisor. >> you'll see how long he was on the phone and whether he got this problem solved. how many of us are hit with the penalty? who is operating the system? that is tonight at 11:00. >> wow. >> well vigils are being held to remember the three muslim college students murdered in north carolina. there are so many people the service was held in a field across the street from the mosque. the sister of one victim works and a vigil about to get underway tonight. carolyn? >> san francisco general hospital has a lovely memorial garden. this is where friends and colleagues are gathering now. she's a sister of one of the victims >> funerals for three college students. newlyweds and his 19-year-old sister. all shot to death not far from the university of north carolina campus. >> college town has been rocked by shootings. >> the host of airack talk a radio show in san francisco. he says the murders come after a rise in racism and islam phobia. the neighbor has been charged with murders. reports say the fatal shooting stemmed from an argument over a parking space. but the fbi is now joining in the investigation as many muslims insist it was a hate crime. >> if a muslim were to kill three white americans would that have been reported an incident over a parking space or a terrorist attack? something else some we do not believe, i mean by the muslim community this was anything less than a hate crime. >> victims have bay area connections including baracat's sister, suzanne. a doctor at sf general. there are vigils including scena. >> as a young person living in the united states this, i think this really hit hard. >> the vigil begins at 7:30 tonight. and she says it's time for the community to unite. >> the president is in town and might want to study up on what's happening on the west coast port. this video is if long beach. the busiest in the country. the same thing happening tonight in the busy port of oakland. that is where we have laura anthony for us tonight. >> quiet here dan the president's secretary arrived ahead of him here. she says the administration is watching developments and not yet ready to take action. >> john dankerbeck says the work slow down at the port is causing a huge backlog. >> the beer is stuck on the warehouse, reducing space for beer packaging for domestic businesses. >> u.s. secretary of commerce says administration is watching developments. but the situation doesn't warrant use of the taft-heartily act, allowing the president to intervene in labor disputes that threaten national interests. >> taft-heartily is a complicated, long process. it's betty if parties were to come to a resolution. >> negotiations are ongoing. >> the president made it clear he wants everyone to resolve this in the negotiating table. and have made available a mediator. >> truckers don't know how much longer they can wait. >> do you think it's time for the federal government to get involved? >> definitely. we're just on the side lines. >> now i'm waiting here to get my box out of the terminal. it's closed. how can i get it? the port supposed to reopen with limited activities but close for the remainder of the long holiday weekend. >> there is still more still to come a local man about to get a trance pant. a heart warming valentine's day gift from his wife. >> record warmth in the bay area. where the records were and where we expect them, tomorrow. >> thank you, spencer. tonight, cheryl jennings reports from kabul and shares outlook for peace there. >> google taking street view to a new level tonight. mapping the bay, only bulldog: mattrends presidents day? get up to four years interest-free financingmpur-pedic cloud collection! ing set ♪ mattress discounters ♪ state fish and wildlife are getting closer identifying mystery goo that soiled several hundred birds. they don't know exactly what it was but say it was a mixture of nonpetroleum fats and oils. it was difficult to remove. 300 birds died and 200 others, contaminated. survivors were released back into the wild today. 100 are still being rehabilitated after three weeks. >> are you worried about what to do for your loved one this valentine's day? wayne freedman found a love story with a life changing twist. does this resemble your desk? you might relate to sarah brewster counting down to the romantic holiday. >> i know what i'm getting mine. >> he knows, toochl but sarah and jesse married for better or worse, trusting they had a perfect match. never knowing how prophetic. >> is it a romantic transplant? >> i think it is yes. >> why sarah will not return to work six weeks. she'll donate her kidney to jesse. >> it's not about doing something for him as it is for me. and our family. i don't want to do our family without him. >> it's a second most common hereditary disease in the world. if your parents have it you stand a 50% chance of getting it. his father had it and his brother died of it. if he doesn't have the operation now? >> i probably would have started dialysis this year. >> it has been said when you truly love someone, you give of yourself this would be the multi multimitt twist. >> first she gave me her heart, then her kidney. >> it's something amazing. >> for your spouse? >> that much more special. >> just beautiful. >> yes. we'll follow progress and wish them well. an 8-year-old boy with leukemia is on the road to recovery. his mother sent us this photo. she says he's doing well now. the 8-year-old created this lion named symba out of gauze and tape and hopes to paint it. look how cool that looks. disney is the parent company of abc7. so proud. >> absolutely. >> doing grit great. he loves his room. it's awesome. >> yes. looks good. >> weather looks good, now. we've got clear skies and had high clouds around. skies mainly clear. taking a look at highs oakland 79 degrees. 73 in moffett field and other locations highs into 70s. so there is warmth around. if you do go to the beach be careful there may be large breakers. warm throughout the holiday weekend, more record highs likely, and hazardous beach conditions. it's important to remember that. weather bringing us warmer than average. we have stormy weather, several centers of low pressure not able to break through they're generating a big swell producing our beach conditions. starting with the date, looking ahead about ten days and notice moisture going into pacific northwest. this is no rain between february 12th and washington's birthday. so a dry spell between presidents. tomorrow, sunshine, warmth and possibly highs. 72 in redwood city. another record high for mountain view. 68 in pacifica. downtown san francisco, 70 degrees tomorrow north bay numerous locations above 70 degrees. east bay 73 in oakland and inland east bay, we'll have highs into low to mid-70s up to about 74 in livermore, here is the accu-weather forecast. this pattern and a reminder, we're going to have heart warming weather. >> there you go. >> thank you. >> some day your camera could capture evidence of a crime. >> how to find out the camera in our house, we do just about everything online. and our old internet just wasn't cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. bart is not ready to drop criminal charges as protestors known as the 14th against demonstrators in november. ' request was withdrawn the decisions came at a meeting repeatedly interrupted. >> we're going to have order or clear chambers. one or another. >> we're going to have order or clear the chambers. >> let's move out. >> attorneys asked a judge to dismischarges arguing they're overbroad and too vague. the judge has not issued a ruling on that yet. >> the city of san jose is launching a tool that relies on the cooperation of its residents that allows them to notify police they have security cameras if a crime occurs investigators will be able to tap into systems to look for video evidence. >> it will not allow police officers to view live feeds this, is a program people are willing to offer videotape of past events. >> idea is arming police with a accessible data base. fremont had a similar program two years. police were twice as likely to solve a burglarly last year. >> just ahead the changing mission in afghanistan. cheryl jennings goes to kabul. >> thinking he's an honorable man. >> two more women come forward with accusations against bill cosby. >> a fele announcer: through presidents' day, get 36 months interest-free financing, and save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. this special financing offer ends presidents' day at sleep train. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the general in charge of the nato mission in afghanistan wants more flexibility in keeping u.s. troops there. there are 10000 american troops in afghanistan. the president promised to cut that number in half by the end of the year. general campbell told the armed services committee he asked for permission to adjust that timetable. >> i believe we're in a critical point in our campaign. many challenges reveal before us. . >> here is footage in afghanistan. meeting with abc7 news anchor cheryl jennings. >> a week ago, working with farmers in afghanistan. >> i might have said this a couple years ago i'm excited about the future of afghanistan. there is a government about the people that understands a great vision. >> that big vision comes from knewly elected president who met for the california based roots of peace founders. his main focus, developing the agricultural economy. >> the armed general in charge of resolute support told me they're fighting hard fro detective it's only people. >> they have a lead for security. they're quite proud of that. >> when they die, their memories are honored here every week. >> you saw a member from the afghan army here. under this government they've embraced the international community. >> general campbell understands improving the economy and followed work of roots of peace they plant aid cherry tree as a symbol of hope. i went to afghanistan in 2005 to see a pilot project by roots of peace to raise grapevines and now, it's linking farmers and traders after the market. >> general campbell's personal roots trace back to san francisco bay area. >> i grew up as an air force brat. my dad was in marin county. so i went elementary school and junior high school. >> he wants to come back for a visit but his nato mission has a lot to do to help afghanistan move into the future. >> the people want to be able to have education for their kids. with continued support from coalition and people like gary and heidi. >> he told me he never dreamed he would be doing the kind of work he's been doing now. the new president promises to work with roots of peace. you're going to see my interview with the president in the next few days. >> just amazing. >> nice to see. >> with good works it must be dangerous. >> it is. and every day, they say goodbye to families don't know if if they're going to come home. >> looking forward to hearing your report. thank you. >> well, general campbell has a new boss at the pentagon. ashton carter will be the president's fourth defense secretary in four years. >> two more women are accusing bill cosby of sexual assault tonight. three dozen women have come forward to claim the comedian assaulted them. so far statutes of limitations kept allegations out of court. in los angeles today, two women said they were drugged by cosby decades ago. . >> i was shocked and had no clue how i got there or why mr. cosby was beside me under covers i can't move or speak. >> bill ]/hby appears to think rape is a joke let me tell you something, bill i'm not laughing. >> cosby postponed a show this week in bakersfield, the 77 cancelled a dozen shows since allegations resurfaced. >> the family of a man shot and killed by police in san jose last night say that he didn't need to die. family members say the 23-year-old was depressed when confronting officers outside of a home on sherman street. he was killed by police responding to a call about an intruder in the home. according to family members watkins made that call. >> my daughter and myself >> officers are on leave. family members say he had no history of mental illness. >> turning your attention to something different. last night three power ball winners are not in a rush to come forward. one customer matched five of the six winning numbers. he's a regular customer who bought a single ticket. >> we make a million here. you be the next one. hey! >> he's got the marketing pitch down. the store gets $7000. >> coming up next, street view becoming bulldog: what what? mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day! ♪ mattress discounters ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote. >> you probably know about google street view. soon you'll be able to get a new perspective on the bay area. >> yef. jonathan bloom went for a boat ride today. >> it's just an ordinary boat but getting a lot of attention. >> it's a google boat. >> armed with cameras and batteries, this cata marchan is taking street view beyond the edge of the pavement. >> coolest thing is that everybody is going to see the shore line from the bay. >> are you good at it? >> no. it's done with this device the trekker on loan from google. >> the groups are working in areas they care about. >> it wasn't long before figuring out there is more they can do with it. this is the latest hack. >> now on this one. >> they'll cover between 400 and 500 mooin miles of shore line. >> i noticed wetlands are more. a lot of those will be flooded. >> if you'd like to look at the view they say that is okay too. >> i'm just interested in getting people connected to the bay. >> in san francisco abc7 news. >> pretty slick. >> yes. >> did you see how nice it was? it's awesome. >> don't wait for bad weather to down load the weather app. it's free at app store or google play. >> could you give up the devices you've come to depend on? >> facebook is making it easier to plan your online after life. your account is locked when you die. your family can't even delete it but now you can have someone manage it for you once you're gone. all you have to do is call a legacy contact. >> try this at home. ask your kids to give up all their tech just one evening. >> get it give it. >> students pledged to put away smart phones and stay off the internet three days. what it means to be mindfully disconnected. >> this is what down time looks like today. students played card games. you might be asking what is this world coming to? >> a lot of us are just so obsessed with phones. it's too much. we just needed a break. >> at 8:00 this morning, students fourth grade through high school asked to put away their smart phone was a tamper proof patch. >> there it is. >> yes. >> kind of frightening first. now i look and think it's going to benefit me. >> texting and face time. >> students made a pledge to take a text time out 72 hours. >> we're going to have conversations in person. with our friends. >> at home, they're expecting several eye opening moments. >> we're allowed to use land lines to call and use a phone book. >> a study showed kids are spending more screen time and that may be affecting their personal growth. resident of the schools of the sacred heart said she's learned that from students. >> if i'm at a table and don't feel connected to the conversation, or who i should sit at lunch with i have to pull out my phone. i have an excuse not to be connected. >> having some down time without electronic devices is necessary for the brain to process information. so parents also took the pledge to disconnect. >> i opted to say i will disconnect beyond working hours. >> most here are betting on the kids. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> yes. let's talk about this warm weather. >> yes. spencer has the latest. >> yes. here is a live clear skies. let's take a look at the there has been improvement near the north coast. that region has gone from dry to severe drought and no rain in sight for a while. highs into mid-80s. and saturday is valentine's day tomorrow through monday, highs into mid-70s, around the bay and inland sh low 70s on the coast with cooling next week. >> thank you, >> mr. beil is on assignment. >> we're talking all star game already. >> yes. >> getting pumped up. >> yes. >> we'll hear from female announcer: get 36 months interest-free financing, and save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. and of course, free same-day delivery. but only through presidents' day at sleep train. what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit bulldog: mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ proof of how far the warriors have come in recent years. the coach steve kerr will coach sunday. media frenzy began today, bouncing from one interview to another, some solo, and competitors in the three-point competition saturday night. he admits it's a huge deal for him. >> just an example, this is my favorite part. i just want to hit threes and show up and it's going to be fun. >> i think he's going to do well. colleague i'm most jealous of is larry beil in new york city with the splash brothers you can catch his reports at 11:00. after the all star break will rum assume reigns in sacramento. they fired former warriors assistant. tyrone corbin took over the coaching lifer and a winner. tiger woods world golf ranking has fallen but daily has game in order. perfect scoring and everything. how about fishing? sun bathing? surf's up. short game not very good. he's a hive long fan. buster posy and matt cane putting for birdie. this is how to get up and down. chipping in for par. he told me the repaired elbow is feeling good. there is proof. birdie putt on 17. two off the pace here is daily seventh birdie of the day comes on 18. he shoots an eight under 64 as did this guy. so it's kicks and holmes. including daily and everyone is talking about daily though. one of the best opening rounds in the career. >> it's been a long time since i played that well. >> now i mentioned tiger woods not on a golf course today he was in vail showing support for girlfriend lindsay vaughn perhaps trying to figure things out mentally before he can do it physically. so many things wrong with this last video. the party kins for broncowski getting in dodge ball you're out. that is abc7 sports report. >> thank you, collin. >> why one state lawmaker wants to ban yoga pants in public. >> then at 11:00 big problems for golden gate bridge's new toll collection. michael finney investigates the flaws and why drivers are paying the price. >> >> and that is it for this edition of abc7 news our coverage continues on twitter at abc7 news bay area. >> i'm ama daetz. >> from all of us we appreciate your time. have a good night. we'll see you at 9:00 and 11:00.


Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Morning News 20150504

and chilly to cold for some. temperatures upper 50s and low 60s and a couple very low 70s. all right sal mccarthur maze. >> that crash is gone. we're looking at the east shore freeway. we all start there and 80 westbound. traffic is quickly backing up. task backed up through berkeley and now it's backed up to the el cerrito area. 26 minutes. still not a bad drive. when you get to the toll plaza it is backed up to the mccarthur maze. we have been looking at the 580 commute as you drive think. a little bit of slowing on the at mont pass as usual. road is sensors are firing up here on westbound 580. it does get better after the altamont pass and we are looking at the commute here on the south bay freeways. i just want to mention there is a crash reported on chp we will be watching that for you as well. 6:01 let's go back to the desk. memorial in livermore keeps growing for a mother and 14- month-old daughter hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver. alex savidge is joining us live now to tell us more about what we are learning about that driver. >> the driver in this case is free on bail this morning and police do now confirm he was at the livermore wine country festival on saturday just hours before this horrible crash happened here at the apartment complex. police say the family was here at the apartment gathering for a confirmation party when the suspected drunk driver plowed into a apartment building. the mother and father were walking along the path. >> i feel sorry for the family. they lost a wife, a daughter and now they have to be strong for that. >> reporter: and along with the mother and daughter who were hit and killed, there were also two other young children injured during this crash. they were hit by flying debris. now the man police say was behind the wheel on saturday was arrested on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter and dui. he was booked into jail but then posted $350,000 bail yesterday and he is now free but dave he's expected to make his first court appearance in this case tomorrow. >> alex savidge in livermore, thank you. a busy walnut creek intersection is open after a water pipeline flooded the area yesterday. water ran down north main street around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. crews needed several hours to fix that broken pipe. but the jolt may have been a wakeup call for many people living in the bay area. ktvu fox 2 reporter tara moriarty is joining us from concord near where the quake was centered. he said it was a small but good reminder that we live until earthquake country. a lot of people felt it. >> if you live in the east bay you most likely felt it. you really need to pay attention. even though this was small, seismologists say it is an important reminder to be prepared for an earthquake. >> it's really one of the major actors in the bay area. >> seismologists say the concord fault is just as active as the hayward fault to the left. yesterday's quake struck just after 3:00 in the afternoon. we found one at target that says one aisle was taped off out of concern that ceiling tiles were -- one says he was lucky that thousands of bottles were spared. seismologists say the concord fault is is often ignored. >> we think it can produce a 6- 7, a 6-8. thinking that mapped around here will really, really shake this area. >> reporter: the fault runs about 11 miles. right underneath downtown concord. and the last time concord saw damage allock that fault 64 years -- along that fault 64 years ago. live from concord i'm tara moriarty back to you. >> you can find out more coverage of the earthquake on our website statewide study shows san jose's crash injury rate is the second lowest of any big california city. now the city wants to reduce that even more. the new plan aims to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. it's based on a plan used in sweden. that is where road depths will be cut in half. it will include reducing speed limits on dangerous roads. replacing amber colored sodium lights with white led lights and installing more traffic signals. there are several reports that steph curry will be named nba mvp as early as today. that came after the warriors took game one with the memphis grizzlies. curry led all scores with 22 points. green also hit three, three pointers in the first six minutes of the game. the bench scored 30 points in that 101-86 victory. coming up at 6:30 we will hear from steph curry reacting to the report that he will be the first warriors mvp in 55 years. and what did you think about what happened? it appears that memphis grizzlies guard tony allen is public enemy number one at oracle arena. well fans were not happy. they loudly booed allen every time he touched the ball. it's all because of that. he walked out on to the court through the warriors junior jam squad as they were performing during a time out. it appeared he didn't really realize that looked like an angry mom to me. he didn't get to see her daughter finish the dance. he realized he didn't realize what was going on around him and shook hands with one of the young dancers. >> it was hilarious. i just started laughing the entire time. >> it was slow motion because i don't think they realized where he was walking. he was just locked in the moment and they were still dancing and our fans obviously are protecting the warriors ground and in all sorts of ways. >> after the game allen said at the time he heard the horn and went back on to the court. he said he was focused on the play and he thought the kids were done with their performance. game two tomorrow night back at oracle arena. the series then moves to memphis. game three saturday afternoon. game four will be next monday. >> all right. time is is 6:08. still ahead more people announcing they are running for president in 2016. coming up at 6:30 the announcements this morning including one from a candidate that has never held public office. >> the continuing search for answers after a deadly shooting outside of a controversial art contest. >> we are looking at a commute that is getting a little busier now almost everywhere. we'll tell you a little more about this commute coming up. >> a lot of low clouds until place it will be a cool breezy day. temperatures will struggle to get over the 70s. ♪ when you just can't seem to escape... another sneeze attack... you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief, now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. zyrtec® dissolve tabs. muddle no more™. bulldog: get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. don't miss the memorial day sale. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ hi. hi, we're here to look at a camry. we just came from a birthday party. ohh, let me get you a new one. camrys are so reliable. yeah... and you gotta love that bold new styling. here you go. whoa! wow. those balloon towers don't make themselves. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit thanks jan. thanks jan. now you both have camrys. yeah! toyota. let's go places. welcome back to mornings on 2. new information from texas about one of the men accused of opening fire outside of a controversial prophet mohammed art contest. there are several reports that one of the men was part of a terror investigation in the past. this video hoes the chaos. the two gunmen they were killed. a security guard was wounded. nearby businesses were evacuated. >> then organizers had a lot of security in place including metal detectors at the door and perimeter set up around the building. it was hosted by the american freedom defense initiative which was offering $10,000 to the artist with the best cartoon depicting the prophet mohammed. >> a lot of the businesses that are in baltimore city they were losing a lot of money. >> maryland congressman elijah cummings says he will ask president obama and congressional leaders to send a bipartisan delegation to look at what is going on in baltimore. u.s. senator says she doesn't believe the u.s. military is telling the truth about sexual assaults happening in the military. in her analysis of 107 sexual assault cases involving members of the military punishments were too lenient and the word of the assailant was more likely to be believed than the victim. in its annual report, the defense department reported the number of sex crimes is dropping. the senator says civilian women are the victims in more than half the military sex assault cases yet those numbers are not included in the defense department report. the u.s. senate commerce committee says personal information about a lot of americans may have been compromised or stolen during a white house data breach last year. the head of the committee wrote to president obama saying like any entity that handles personally identifiable information the white house has a responsibility to notify americans about security breaches. now the committee chair senator john says people had to submit personal information before they could even enter the white house. the white house says it did take immediate steps to reduce the damage caused by that security breach. a calm air traffic controller is being credited with convincing a former flight student to bring back a small plane that he stole from the north las vegas airport. evan grant took off from the airport just after midnight on saturday. the controller started a casual conversation with the 27-year- old and inviting him out for coffee and even to his home. after about an hour in the air grant said quote, since you've kept me company, i will make it easier for you,ly come down. grant landed and he was taken into custody. time is 6:15. let's check in with sal. steve is pretty quiet this morning. >> yeah we had a crash dave and pam at the mccarthur maze. i'm a little short. let me sit up here. this is one of my pet peeves. i'm not that short but people think i'm 5'2". let's go to the bay shore. traffic moving along pretty well. it's a little bit of slow traffic here but it's not fully loaded. i want to show you the maps of this area. you can see the slow traffic in bay point just a little bit of it right there. but that is about all. 680 looks good from the benicia bridge all the way down to walnut creek and 24 is not bad either. sol we are off to a good start. you you have traffic on 680 and the road sensors are firing up westbound. let's go to the toll plaza. at 6:16 steve let's go to you. thank you shorty. [ laughter ] >> you are not. it will be a cool pattern. in such a dramatic change. tweeted me and said steve what in the world of sports is going on around here? what is going on with this bizarre weather? it feels like a 20-degree drop in santa clara. there wasn't a 20-degree drop from last friday. i'll tell you what is going on low pressure finally moved in. we've had high pressure for months, months, months. well above normal temps and now we get colder ocean temps. we get a baggy trough over us. and that combination along with heat in the valley cranks up the fog machine. 59 san francisco. some mist, drizzle being reported as well. there will be more tonight into tomorrow. oakland downtown not much warmer. we'll go 63. these are well below average and san jose starting off cloudy. a high of only 68 degrees. there will be a breeze behind that as well. 54 right now. thunderstorms up in the sierra. there will be more later this week and a lot of low clouds going around. up and down the coast east to wrest. 40s and 50s. temperatures i doubt they move too much but 50 half-moon bay. west 24 gusting to 30. that is a rip roaring delta breeze. west at napa. west at concord. west at oakland. that is a cold pattern. west at livermore. gusts to 22. and west at sfo. water temps came up a tiny bit since friday. 56 in monterey. it was 48. it was 50. it was 52. we'll keep an eye on that. last june is when the water temps went up, up, up. and they stayed there until about three weeks ago. that certainly helps the fog forming. 32 up in truckee. 40s and 50s for many. this little system will give us some drizzle. kind of enhancing the fog. this low moving into the pacific northwest and drops into northern california. that will give the northern part of the state and the sierra some thundershower activity. maybe us. i doubt it. it will be confined to the higher elevations but the fog is large and in charge this time. and a cool pattern on tap for most of the week. 50s and 70s almost across the board. big fog bank cool and breezy or down right cold. 70s for many or 50s. 60s it's just a cool pattern. when the low clouds make it to fairfield that is a strong push. not much change. the fog will get chewed up but then we keep an eye on partly to hostly cloudy skies. even up toward about ten days looks pretty cool. >> wow. okay. 6:19 is the time. the world's number one golfer rory mcilroy celebrating his 26th birthday. one day after winning the match play championship until san francisco. mcilroy won three matches to take the title at harding park. it was the tenth victory of his career. now the only players in the past 75 years to reach double figures in wins before turning 26. >> hold is he pam? >> 26. he barely made it before his birthday. more homeless people are being punished because they are camping out in san francisco. coming up in 15 minutes why the city says it's issuing more citations. >> and reports of food and medical supplies not reaching earthquake victims in nepal. the two big airport issues being blamed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i wear my clothes like this ♪ ♪ because i can, ♪ ♪ i wear my hair like this because i can, ♪ ♪ i walk around like this because i can, ♪ ♪ and i do my thing like this cause it's who i am ♪ ♪ and i do my thing. ♪ maxx your thing... at t.j.maxx! brands that help you express yourself at prices that look good on you! keep your standards high and your spending low. maxx life! at t.j.maxx. to return home. officials say major rescue work in kathmandu is now complete and the remaining work can be hand led by local workers. the death toll now stands at close to 7,000 but yesterday three more survivors were pulled from the rubble. officials also put weight restrictions on planes. a 22-year-old woman from texas who was trapped in nepal after the earthquake finally back home with her family. there is the reunion. danielle banks -- and while there she decided to climb mount everest. ha is when the quake hit. she texted her mother about the avalanche but it wasn't until two days later after being air lifted to the u.s. embassy that she was able to send another message saying she was okay. >> people were clapping and screaming and it was like a war zone. when we finally helicoptered out i realized how serious the situation was. >> she plans to return to nepal next week to continue her work. castro valley couple used social media to collect supplies for those in nepal. they starred collecting donations a couple days ago asking for clothing, blankets, sleeping bags and medical supplies. at first they only had one location for donations but so many people want the to help they expanded to more than 45 locations. >> there was no other nepal relief drive going on that it just grew from my 100 friends. >> several volunteers transported hundreds of pounds of supplies to the quake victims in nepal. they hope to distribute the goods to world areas where no other aid has reached. safeway has decided not to reopen its downtown napa store. the workers at that safeway have been reassigned to other stores but people who work in the downtown area say they relied on that store as a place to get lunch. city leaders say they will work to find a replacement grocery store to move in. a phenomenal relief for a -- a financial relief for a south by ambulance company. but it would cost patients and insurers more. >> we are live in concord where a 3.6 earthquake gave people around here quite a jolt. >> good morning. we are looking at the approach to the bay bridge from sky fox. you can see traffic will be busy down there as you come up to the mccarthur maze. >> it's not fault if concord doesn't hit 70 today because of a big fog bank. force ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. good morning. welcome to a brand new day it's monday, may 4th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. it's almost 6:30. steve says we just got that a little late. it's not your fault. you are a little slow on monday morning. >> but we're with you. >> it's monday morning, steve. [ laughter ] >> i probably entertained only myself on that one. it's going to be a cool pattern. my point is even inland locations will be below average on temps. there is a lot of low clouds in place. it looks like a very cool week here. in fact, there is fog as far as the eye can see up yonder all the way down south and making a strong push inland. it's up around 3,000 feet so it has no problem clearing the hills. if you're in the mountains it's probably foggy and cold. upper 40s and 50s on the temps and a no doubt about it fresh breeze gusting over 30 for travis. west almost every location. south at santa rosa but that is a cool direction. low 50s. they came up a tiny bit. but if they start to go up that means things will go back to normal. 40s and 50s to 60s. that loamies in the pacific northwest and drops into california around wednesday or thursday. so low over cast breezy to windy. temperatures today will be in the 50s and 60s and a few 70s. all right sal we had one issue on mccarthur maze. that has cleared up. anything new? >> we do have slow traffic out there, steve. we will go right to sky fox looking at this commute from the sky. you can see traffic is going to be busy at the bay bridge toll plaza. nice picture of the toll plaza. those metering lights are on. once you get past the metering lights, that is good. there is plenty of waiting to do. you can see the backup extends right from the mccarthur maze as we pull to the left you can see in case you are ever wondering what it looks like from the sky. there you are. let's move along and take a look at another live picture and that would be a look at where are we going to next? this is a look at 280 northbound. that traffic is moving along well. as we go to the maps, we do have a problem in the livermore valley. it's working as a bottleneck to hold people back. 580 is is slow in livermore as well. and you will see slow traffic on ever 80 heading south out of the dublin area. the magnitude quake still has people talking about it this morning. ktvu fox 2 tara moriarty is joining us live. you're in concord. you're near the epicenter. you said this was really big on social media. >> facebook and twitter were all abuzz after this quake struck. some say i felt this big jolt. others saying i didn't feel anything at all. one said their cat started acting funny 15 minutes before the quake some scientists believe that animals can indeed sense earthquakes. >> it was like a rattling. when someone is doing construction. >> reporter: yesterday's quake struck just after 3:00. we found a mom at a target store that said one aisle had been taped off out of concern that ceiling tiles might fall. at her own job in walnut creek the sales floor fell. >> everybody starts screaming. >> reporter: right underneath downtown concord. and it doesn't get as much attention. this fault. the concord fault. but sizologists say it is not asleep. although the last time concord saw damage along the fault was 64 years ago. live from concord i'm tara moriarty. back to you. >> that quake may have caused the walnut creek water line to break. over night one was closed but this morning they are completely back open again. the pipe that ruptured was more than 50 years old. the pipe break occurred four mills from the epicenter of the quake. fiorina becomes the first to seek the republican nomination for 2013. losing those two democratic to barbara boxer. her business background would make her an effective president. >> think i'm the best person for the job because i us how the economy actually works. up understand the world who's in it. how the world works. i understand bureaucracies and that is what our federal government has become. a giant bloated unaccountable corrupt bureaucracy. >> ben carson says he intends to make his white house bid official today from his native michigan. carson has never held public office but he says many people have encouraged him to run precisely because he's not a career politician. it hasn't happened in more than 50 years and at the time the warriors were not even playing in the golden state. today steph curry is expected to be named the nba's most valuable player. brian flores is joining us on the set right thousand. if this haps, he could beat out pretty big name players. >> he can. >> and i expect it to. >> steph curry coming out of high school going into college he wasn't even selected by the major colleges. look at him. unbelievable. what can we say about steph curry? he's amazing on the court and off. now multiple reports this morning say that curry will beat out houstonen rocket james harden for the mvp award. we are hear curry will receive the award before game two tomorrow night. we all knew he was talented point guard coming out of davidson six years ago. but the way he's played is simply amazing. he was even asked about the mvp he said he's all business. >> in the middle of the playoff series it's hard to separate yourself from other things that may or may not happen. knowing what the situation is and trying to focus on the game. >> congratulations coming from all over the sports world. first teammate green tweeting out mvp. mvp. congrats to steph curry well deserved. and oakland a josh saying congrats my man. steph curry on being the mvp. hatastud. the last time a warriors player won was back in 1960 and that is when they were known as the philadelphia warriors. >> he is such a class act too. >> yep. >> i'm excited too. make sure you stay right here with us for all the continuing coverage of the warriors and the possible expected announcement on steph curry's mvp. if it comes out this morning, we'll have it here as well as on twitter, on facebook, and at santa claire rap county officials will approve a plan that will provide millions of dollars in relief for ambulance company rural metro. will cut franchise fees as well as fines paid. rural metro would be allowed to raise its rates for patients and insurers. it would save the company $7 million over the next year. rural metro took over ambulance service in the county. the board of as much ass says it will seek new bids from other ambulance companies when the rural metro contract expires next year. the number of citations being issued for people sleeping or camping out in san francisco parks has skyrocketed. in the past four years the number of illegal camping citations has increased in 2011 there were 165 citations. in 2012 that number increased to 529. and by last year 963 citations were issued. the rec and parks department said as the staff has grown, they have seen an increase in citations of all types. time is 6:38. a developing story out of texas involving a shooting and drawings of the prophet mohammed. we'll bring you an update on the active investigation going on including reports one of the gunmen was the target of a terrorism investigation in the past. >> a community mourning the loss of a mother and her 14- month-old baby. both of them hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver this weekend. we'll tell you some of the details we are learning about this crash and why the driver involved is now free. >> good morning. we are looking at a commute in the east bay that is getting busier as you drive on the san mateo bridge. the traffic here is okay. but you will see slowing getting into this point. >> low clouds make it to parts of lake county. hi. looking for a prius, i bet. it's high-tech too with the latest safty features. and available entune app suite. and, i'm sorry... i don't mean to drone on. honey, stop messing with jan. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2015 prius. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit enjoy your prius. thanks, jan. look out people, coming in hot. toyota. let's go places. we are learning more information about the mother and little girl who were killed by an alleged drunk driver in livermore over the weekend. ktvu fox 2 reporter alex savidge is joining us with more on the investigation and the reasons driver is no longer in jail. alex. >> reporter: pam, good morning to you. livermore police say the driver involved here in this case had been at the livermore wine country festival on saturday just a couple hours before this horrible crash happened at this apartment complex. we can tell you that driver now free on bail. this is where the accident happened. you can see a memorial has been set up they are mourning the loss of this mother and her baby daughter. both of them hit and killed as they were walking along a pathway here on saturday. they were struck by this car. a memorial set up here. the crash was saturday night just before 7:00 and we want to show you photos here of the two victims from a go fund me page that was set up to raise money for their funeral. the san francisco chronicle identifies them as 40-year-old morales and her 14-month-old daughter julie. police say the family had gathered here at the complex for a confirmation party when the suspected drunk driver plowed into the apartment building. the mother and daughter were again walking along a pathway and they were pinned underneath that out of control car. >> and then when i look up there was already pieces from the bumper flying everywhere. they took him out of the car. he couldn't really walk straight since they said he was drunk. >> reporter: along with the mother and baby daughter and her baby daughter who were hit and killed, there were also two other young children injured during the crash. we're told they were hit by flying debris. the man police say was behind the wheel was arrested on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter and dui. investigators say brian jones' blood alcohol level was nearly twice the little limit. he was booked into jail but then on sunday yesterday he posted $350,000 bail and he is now free although he is expected to make his first court appearance tomorrow. >> all right. that will be an emotional. a wrongway driver has killed himself and three others in the sacramento area. the latest crash happened along interstate 505 on saturday night. that driver was going 85 miles an hour when he slammed head on into a car carrying a family. the mother and two daughters were killed. the four was the only one to survive. officers suspect the wrongway driver may have been under the influence just moments before the crash. he nearly hit a chp patrol car. >> the car was approaching him and hit in the fast lane of northbound 505. he turned on all of his lights. he went to the right shoulder. turned on all of his lights and hoped the car would see him and slow down. the car went right past him. >> less than two weeks ago four other people died at the hands of a wrongway driver along highway 50. a traffic safety bill is headed for the state senate that would direct cal tran and the highway patrol to conduct a study on how best to reduce the wrongway crashes. pretty scary moments in san francisco for people on a double decker tour bus that caught fire. it happened yesterday morning sneer slidder -- near slider. everyone that was on the bus got off safely. the bus is owned by big bus san francisco tour company. still no word on what caused that fire. it is now 6:46 let's check in with tori campbell for a look at what is coming up in our next hour. >> coming up in our next hour protests in oakland over the weekend were seen as the first big test of the city's new mayor. so what did libby schaaf think of the vandalism and violence? something she said would not be tolerated. pam will talk live with the mayor. >> after three years as a couple tiger woods and lindsay vaughn has split up. what brought them together ultimately drove them apart. plus what did she really think about the sport of golf? those are some of the stories we are working on for the next mornings on 2. time is 6:46. let's bring sal back. you have sky fox working now. >> that is right we are looking at the east bay commute with the help of sky fox. you are looking at a live picture of 580. we will go check things out there. sometimes it gets pretty busy over there. right now 580 without the trucks nice as you drive out of castro valley. in fact, if you look up there at the very top of the screen it looks like he is just now reaching the castro valley y. and it does look pretty good there on the castro valley y. there is 238 heading north from left to right. and that looks good. it's actually a nice picture to see a good start to this monday morning here. all right let's go out and take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it is backed up to the mccarthur maze. the metering lights are on. there are no major problems here as you drive on to the bridge. there is a lot of waiting to do here. and if you are driving in san jose we've had a little bit of slow traffic on 101. it's not as bad as i thought. we had a couple earlier crashes. traffic was a little slow and the usual spots. but not bad yet. you might have an opportunity to beat the crowd. 6:48 let's go to steve in the weather center. >> it is a blue time monday, sal. >> it sure is. >> see when two guys find out they are wearing the same thing you're like buds. >> and we didn't plan it. not at all. we do have well fog making it way into lake county. what? yes. and even out toward antioch. that tells me, that tells you. that will be a cooler pattern. khloe up in lake county it will be the best. sent a picture that says currently 53 degrees. fog rolling in with the sunrise and clear. that doesn't happen very often in may. or june. that is a big fog bank. so thank you for that. that means even lake county will cool down. the fog is everywhere up and down the coast. well not everywhere. but you know what i mean. 50s on the temps. upper 40s and 50s. it is a cold one. clouds out in antioch i said can you see the low clouds to the west? says yes, they are starting to move in. it looks like a cooler week ahead. a low dropping in around wednesday, thursday, and friday. water temps are still cold they come up a little bit. we finally cooled off. last june is when they warmed up. they stayed there until about three weeks ago. also the fog has no problem forming when it get or 90s -- gets 80s or 90s. a couple reports of drizzle along the coast. that is the low fore mentioned. it goes here and drops straight down there. that will keep thundershowers up along california and also into the sierra. maybe for us but also in a cool breezy pattern. there is a lot of low clouds that go around. it's not going anywhere until about wednesday. highs are going to be in the 60s and 70s for even inland areas through the rest of the week. big fog bank out there. cool and cold. breezy to down right windy and chilly near the coast. 50s and 60s. around the bay and even antioch checking in at 76. and 60s for santa rosa and napa. and san jose at 68 degrees. that is a cool day. more of the same tuesday but then we get a little bit more. that system drops in. possibility of thundershowers north and east. probably just a cool, breezy pattern for us. >> thank you. 6:50 is the time right now. curfew in baltimore has been lifted. city leaders say it helps restore peace but not everyone is happy about the outcome. coming up in 25 minutes the complaint about the curfew. >> the world is still waiting to find out the name of the newest member of the british royal family. we have new details on bets being made which name is considered the favorite. welcome back to mornings on 2. this morning police out there searching for two suspects who ran away after their car crashed during a wild police chase from san francisco to oakland. it started yesterday morning early when san francisco police saw the suspects in an suv shoot at another car in the bay view. the suv sped on to the freeway, took police on a chase over the bay bridge. the pursuit ended when the driver took the fruitvale exit in oakland and crashed into a utility pole. two people jumped out and ran off into the neighborhood. police say a third person was arrested and taken to an oakland hospital. it is the story a lot of people were talking about over the weekend. floyd mayweather, manny pacquiao went head to head in what is being called the fight of the century. be in the end it wasn't much of a fight. floyd mayweather won by a unanimous decision. pacquiao disclosed he had injured his right shoulder in training and nevada boxing commissioners rejected his request to take an anti- inflammatory shot before the fight. mayweather under contract to fight one more time until september and he may retire after that. tickets to the fight were in huge demand and expensive. the fight was sold out which created traffic jam unusual one at the airport. take a look. this is photo on twitter by mark jay. it shows dozens of private jets parked at the airport during the fight. they had to shut down the private area because they had nowhere room. bets worth more than $1 million pounds will be placed on what will be the newest name of the british royal family. she delivered a baby girl saturday morning in london. yesterday prince charles, his wife camilla, and kate middleton's family met the new princess for the first time. the baby's name could be announced today after the queen meets her great granddaughter. british bookmakers now say alice is the number one name but charlotte is a close second. new this morning a nine- year-old from san jose won a national nutrition competition ellie madell. one of the five finalists featured in the 2015 future chefs challenge. her winning recipe for super fun apple nachos sheafed more than 18,000 votes. the recipe has just five from thes. apples, peanut butter, strawberries, yogurt, and coconut. the giants host san diego tonight after coming off a sweep of the l.a. angels. the giants took a quick lead in the first inning yesterday. he hadn't hit a home run since august and then joe panic came up and followed that with his own home run. it's the first time in 51 years that the giants hit back to back homers. lincecum pitched eight shut out innings. giants won 5-0. gray pitched six and two-thirds scoreless innings allowing two hits and striking out ten. catcher steven vote helped out his battery mate. and the a's won 7-1. they now head to minnesota for a four- game series against the twins. some people in the bay area still feel a little shaky unsettled after a string of earthquakes. what seismologists are saying about the tremors along a lesser known fault. >> and steph curry he can get a pretty importance phone call today. what he's saying about reports that he will be named this season's nbamvp it was like a rattling -- like when something is doing construction. >> a string of earthquakes damage earthquakes around the area. damage and the reasons why geologists say this should be a wakeup call. shaking in the east bay. contra costa county, rattled several times by a quake and aftershocks. >> it felt like a freight train coming. it got louder with a scraping sound and then it went -- thump. >> coming up, what seismologists are saying about them. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> you felt it? >> yes. >> i did,


Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20150421

the force of this listeria contamination. >> blue bell issues a recall. >> getting slammed with the rain, the next storm system in texas, oklahoma missouri. >> baltimore, six officers have been suspended as protesters rally against the death of another black man in police custody. >> we are a community on edge. the penalty phase of the boston marathon trial starts today. >> this is the hardest thing i think i've ever had to do. when i crossed the finish line i took my life back today. aircraft carrier "theodore roosevelt" is heading for waters off of yemen. >> they could have the ship. >> and the boat capsized in the mediterranean. hillary clinton in encourage encourage calling the new book clinton clash of destruction. >> people are going to read the book and say my goodness how do storms and hundreds of thousands without power. in a california restaurant out of nowhere, a giant fish tank exploded sending 100 gallons of water rushing out. >> all that -- >> a fan got hit with a powellfoul ball in the head. she was carried off in a stretcher. "all that mattered" -- >> an intruder was arrested at the white house after trying to jump a fence. on "cbs this morning" -- >> "full house ""making a comeback. >> will there be olsen twins on the show? >> if we can't get the twins, we're going to dress you up. [ laughter ] >> announcer: this morning "cbs this morning" is presented by toyota, this go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." one of the nation's most popular ice cream makers issued a sweeping recall overnight because of fears of contamination, blue bell says it cannot guarantee the safety of its products. the 108-year-old company has voluntarily pulled all of its ice creams and treats. elaine elaine quijano joins us. good morning. >> good morning. texas-based blue bell creameries has but a freeze on the oklahoma and texas production line. the company is stopping all manufacturing until they try to find out how listeria has contaminated their facility. two containers recently tested positive. their product is sold in supermarkets and convenience stores in 23 states and some international retailers. if you have any in your freezer, don't eat it. customers can return the products to the store and get a full refund. in march the centers for disease control reported three deaths in kansas linked to listeria. five other people in kansas and texas were sickened. blue bell recalled ten products as a result. blue bell's president and ceo said last night he is quote, heartbroken and will take all of our products off the market until we can be confident that they are all safe. the astros and rangers sell it in their ballpark. blue bell has begun an advanceded cleaning process. gayle. this morning, wisconsin is gopher a state of emergency over a growing bird flu outbreak. the highly infectious outbreak. iowa is getting hit the hardest. 5.3 million hens must be destroyed. experts say your eggs are safe. infectious disease expert dr. schapner. and this is what it looked like live of washington, d.c. the system produced funnel clouds and dumped rain and hail. mark strassmann is in atlanta where the storm left extensive damage. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. check out the street. the 60-footer came toppling down during last night's storm. and here's where it gets harrowing. it crashed down on the dodge station wagon just as the driver was pulling in. he is going to be okay. toppling trees killed at least two people and damaged dozens of homes. pounding haim and rain flooded roads and toppled trees on monday damaging car, and homes. and in some cases, slicing right through them. >> pretty much total destruction. >> reporter: this is what's left of 92-year-old yolanda rossi's house in roswell, georgia, after a tree crashed through her living room monday. >> a terrible crash but i didn't think it was in my house. i usually sit in that corner over there and do some reading. thank goodness i wasn't there. >> reporter: tornado warnings forced some atlanta area students to ride out the storm in the haul ways of their schools. the storms that hit sunday destroying building flooding driveways and shattering windows. >> we can barely see about ten feet when it was really coming down. >> reporter: rossi says the damage may be extensive but she's not leaving. >> i don't want to go anywhere. i've had many offers but i'm going to stay right here in my house. >> reporter: the forecast gets better today and tomorrow temperatures sunny and in the 60s and 70s. more rain and storms in the forecast for thursday there could be more problems like what you're seeing right here. >> what a sight. mark, thank you so much. protesters in baltimore are demanding answers over the death of a black man while in police custody. lawyers say 25-year-old freddie gray suffered a spine injury during his arrest captured on cell phone video. can chip reid is at baltimore city hall where an investigation is under way. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, yes, that is city hall and this is where angry protesters have been gathering in addition to several other locations here in baltimore. they want to know what happened to freddie gray that caused a fatal injury while he was in police custody. protesters took to the streets again on monday. >> we are a community that's on the edge right now. >> reporter: seeking answers but getting few. >> is there any broken bones on mr. gray? is there any evidence of kicking? punching strikes of any type upon his body? >> reporter: police say they don't know what caused the spinal cord injury that killed freddie gray. deputy police commissioner jerry rodriguez. >> i know that when mr. gray was placed inside that van, he weighs able to talk he was upset. and when mr. gray was taken out of that van he could not talk and he could not breathe. >> reporter: in an attempt to provide transparency police released surveillance video from city cameras showing the moments before freddie grey's arrest. but it's this amateur cell phone video that continues to grip this city. police critics say it shows he was already severely injured before he was placed in the van. >> police are often in the most challenging cases that a forensic pathologist sees. and that's because so much going on all at the same time to try to dissect what really happened and what really caused the death. >> reporter: the mayor blake echoed the frustrations of the community dealing with a long history of distrust between the police and its people. >> i'm angry that we are here again. that we have had to tell another mother that their child is dead. >> reporter: baltimore officials plan to present the findings of their investigation a week from friday. but many people here say that is too long. and during that period the anger here is only going to continue to grow. gayle. >> thank you, chip. convicted boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev returns to court this morning for the sentencing phase of his trial. a jury will decide whether he should get the death penalty or friend'ing spend the rest of his life in prison. don dahler is in boston where those affected by the attack are sharing their opinions don, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. the fill phase is pretty much a foregone delusion with the fact that the defense team told the jurors that their client took part in the bombings. but the result of the next stage is much less clear. boston is a city divided when it come to the question of whether this 21-year-old man should be put to death. in their fight to save dzhokhar tsarnaev's life the defense is expected to paint him as a troubled teenager under the influence of radicalized older brother tamerlan. the team will likely put tsarnaev's family members and friends on the stand. but prosecutors are expected to remind the court of the brutality the now 21-year-old helped mastermind two years ago leading to the death of four people including 8-year-old martin richard. tsarnaev can be seen setting his bomb down feet away from the child. ed days was the boston police commissioner at the time. >> this is massachusetts do you think there's a jury in this state that is going to be able to hand down the death penalty? >> i think there is. i'm not a big advocate of the death penalty. i'm never been extremely supportive of it i think it has its play and i think this is the place. >> reporter: in a governmenten globe essay martin richard's family urged prosecutors to take the death penalty off the table. and these who each lost limbs say -- >> there are certainly teams where we feel angry, or we have frustration. and we have vengeance on our mind. but i don't feel like that's of great use of our energy. >> reporter: the jury's decision must be unanimous. if there's one holdout, then dzhokhar tsarnaev spends the relevant of his life in prison. the process could take up to four weeks, gayle. >> thank you. today's proceedings come one day after boston showed its strength again. 80-year-old billiverig returned. and rebekah gregory ran the final three miles with her new limb. she had her leg amputated while getting injuring watching the boston marathon three years ago. that was one of the most touching things at the finish line. i took my life back today. >> she fell to the ground right at that finish line. so happy for her. very heroic. and we have new information about six men in minnesota accused of trying to join isis. one of the suspects allegedly tried to board a flight to turkey heading for syria. prosecutors say he applied for a passport while under fbi surveillance. all six suspects face another court date later this week. they are described as friends in their late teens and early 20s. officials say they were recruited by another friend who joined isis last year. this morning, an american aircraft carrier is headed towards yemen. "u.s.s. theodore roosevelt" is prepared to intercept any weapons ships with to rebel forces. david martin is at the pentagon. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, the carrier roosevelt had been operating in the persian gulf flying air strikes against isis. taking it out of the persian gulf and sending it around the gulf of aden sends a message that the u.s. considers the civil war in yemen, as important as the war against isis. and there are really two audiences for that message. one is iran which has been supporting the rebels who have chased the legitimate government out of yemen. the other are the arab countries who noticeably saudi arabia, who are conducting an air campaign against isis. now, at the same time a convoy of about eight iranian ships is also making its way toward the gulf of aden. some of those ships are believed to be carrying weapons for the rebels. the u.n. security council has passed a resolution forbidding the supply of weapons to the rebels. and pentagon officials say if any of those ships try to enter yemeni territorial waters they will be boarded and searched. so that of course sets up a potential confrontation between the u.s. and iran. norah. >> we'll be watching closely, david, thank you. two accused smugglers are under arrest this morning after what may be europe's most migrant sea disaster. 800 are feared drowned in the mediterranean. more than 1500 immigrant mace have died just this year. holly williams is tracking it from catania, italy. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, survivors were brought here late last night. human smugglers had promised to get them to europe but only 28 people made it to safety after their boat sank 17 miles off the coast of libya. many of the survivors came from africa hoping for a better life in europe. instead, they narrowly escaped death. they were met in catania by italian officials and protesters. they're demanding that europe open its doors to more refugees so that desperate people don't place their lives in the hands of smugglers. two men accused of being the boat's crew members were arrested by italian police. with more than 800 people feared drowned, including up to 300 women and children. this disaster has forced europe to confront the deadly business of human smuggling. galley adan told us he made the crossing from libya a week ago on a 15-foot boat and is now sleeping on the street in italy. 18 people died in the boat's hold he said. i was praying to god to save us. he told us he fled somalia after militants killed his family members. people arriving on boats are troubled people from troubled places, he said they should be allowed to come here. the italian coast guard rescued more than 600 people yesterday from six different vessels. and today, there's an ongoing rescue operation. 700 migrants crammed on to a fishing body. charlie. >> holly williams in italy. presidential candidate hillary clinton wrapped up a two-day campaign swing in new hampshire today she spent part of her first day rejecting criticism from republican rivals and the new book. nancy cordes is in concord where clinton meets this morning with college students. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, clinton actually came over and spoke to the press for the first time here in new hampshire yesterday, she took a couple questions and that's where she brought up all the jazz being leveled at her by her gop rivals but she was less interested in addressing their latest accusation. clinton disrupted questions monday about a new book called "clinton cash" "that examines foreign donations to the clinton administration when she was secretary of state. >> therefore, we will be subjected to all kinds of distractions. >> reporter: in an interview last night on the charlie rose show, the chairman of her presidential campaign john podesta called the book inaccurate. >> he's cherry picked information that's been disclosed. and woven a bunch of conspiracy theories about it. >> reporter: clinton arrived here in new hampshire just as 19 republican hopefuls were leaving. >> hillary clinton -- >> hillary clinton -- >> hillary clinton -- >> i could have sworn i saw hillary's scooby-doo van outside. >> reporter: some even tweeted photos of themselves being more accessible to the press than the public. >> i don't know what they'd talk about if i weren't in the race but i am in the race. >> reporter: wisconsin governor scott walker mentioned herd half a dozen times in a speech. and again on fox last night. >> this is not someone connected to everyday americans. >> reporter: larry sabato said it's no accident even though they face each other in the primaries first. >> it's a tryout to be the nominee. one thing the republican nominee has to do is not be afraid to take on hillary clinton in a very blunt direct way. >> reporter: it's no fun to be a target, of course. but sabato says there is one potential upside for clinton. and that is all these attacks in different directions could help unify democrats around her. even democrats who may have been hoping that someone else like senator elizabeth warren from massachusetts might get in the race. up next a guilty plea threatens the lineup of one of the biggest bands in rock 'n' roll history. ahead what ac/dc's drummer now says -- back in black, believe me, i know >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by petco. what we feed them matters. tv personality and dr. oz plans to give critics a dose of his medicine. >> ahead, how he will answer demands for his removal from a faculty job. >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by fastsigns. more than fast. more than signs. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist 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changes everything. jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. now at chili's new top shelf ranchero chicken tacos. stop in for lunch and tap, swipe, and go. chili's. fresh is happening now. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ahead, new plans on how our pets can make us sick. plus skiing great lindsey >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". some storms roll through the region earlier this morning, katie with the latest on your forecast. >> thankfully, see things clear out quickly than they did yesterday this same time. we had just complete mess, out on storm scan3 still finding some signs of life, but far more scat nerds nature. we take you on out there to the tri-state sweep so get a sense of exactly where any pockets of rain are still located. thunderstorms are over, nothing but rain at this point. so coming down locally somewhat steadily, but it is clearing out. and even though you've got gray skies to start things off, the whispy necessary of the clouds, definitely, helping to sort of just indicate that we're going to start to eventually see skies clear. 50 degrees outside kutztown area middle school, damp grass for everyone obviously we clear out for the sun hit 66 for high. more showers tomorrow. specially in the afternoon. >> few of the traffic cameras spotty showers may move through the next hour, so almost at stand still right now. this is 76, just past city avenue. again, merging on from route one there typical bottleneck right there. so have to have the patience if you're headed on into the area. in the next hour or so, look at the ben franklin bridge, inbound, into the city, stack up pretty good. out bound no problems headed into jersey actually seeing little sunshine right now in the city. that's a look at your ride. ukee, back to you. >> thank you let's take it again at 7:55, up next, controversy surrounding doctor oz. we're on the "cw philly". good morning. ♪ there's a guy inside. he's unconscious. she's still s who still breathing. >> newly released dash cam video a heroic rescue from a burning suv. two officers and a bystander pulled 25-year-old hector valles to safety. he's okay. very lucky. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour television's dr. oz today plans to address the growing controversy over his medical advice. what he's likely to say to critics who want him removed from his position at columbia university. plus, a dramatic change in the way google displays search results on your phone. digital expert nick thompson on the impact of the new strategy that shakes up online searches and why it's happening now. that's ahead. but first time to show you the morning headlines from around the globe. brit an's "guardian" said sakes more than the recommends dose can be harmful. those who took a high dose of beta-carotene raised the risk of heart disease. reporter said pope francis accepted the regular nation of bishop finn. he was accused of suspected child abuse with a priest. it's the first known case of a pope cracking down on a bishop who cover up for a pedophile. and the u.s. is sending illegal immigrants back home on expensive charter flights. immigration officials spent about $116 million on these charter flights. these planes were less 80% capacity. the buenos aires herald said spain has dismissed cover-ups. they accused the president of helping shield the dent ties of a bombing of a senator. and "the new york times" says dr. oz used criticisms to advance his products. . opponents want him ousted from columbia university. vinita nair shows us how dr. oz plans to answer this. vinita, good morning. >> good morning. ten doctors and professors from across the country who signed this letter to columbia university's dean of health sciences and medicine say oz has, quote, an egregious lack of integrity. dr. oz is set to taper the criticism set to air thursday. more than 9 million people tune into the dr. oz show for health tips and advice. >> i've got the number one in the bottle to burn your fat. >> reporter: they've faced the criticism. >> it's called seabuckthorn. >> reporter: like his endorsements. senator claire mccaskill publicly scolded him. >> i don't know why you say this stuff because you know it's not true. >> in attempt to engage viewers i use flowery language. language that's passionate. >> reporter: last week doctors sent a letter to columbia university asking them to remove oz. it says in part dr. oz has repeatedly shown disdain for science and evidence-based medicine southwest baseless and relnts optician to the engineering of food crops. miller has been a vocal proponent of genetically modified foods or gmos. >> genetically modified foods, have you ever heard of them? >> despite the concerns of g mcht o foods, the u.s. government has approved the sale. >> reporter: yesterday, dr. oz told cz, quote in a sea of inaccurate complaints we notice one specific accusation gmos. although they misrepresent our stance, we have supported gmo labeling. >> gmos are important. >> reporter: dr. amen is a frequent host to the dr. oz show. he describes the host as thoughtful and empowering. >> to say that someone should be fired because they say what they believe on television i think is just ridiculous. >> the university has not removed dr. oz from its faculty. in a statement columbia says it is admitted to the principle of academy freedom and upholding academy members to freedom of expression to statements they make in public discussions. there were scary moments last night for a fan taking in a baseball game. this one in pittsburgh. we should warn you here that this video might be tough to watch. >> ooh good swing. >> oh my. >> yeah a fan right behind home plate. >> we saw it there, a woman standing behind home plate during the pirates/cubs game was struck in the head by a foul ball. the ball did hit the protective net, but as you see, she was standing a little too close. the woman was conscious and alert where she was put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital. you would think if you're behind the net you're okay. >> she turned around and her back was facing it. if you're on google this morning with a smartphone expect a big change on the way your search results are unveiled. it's a blurow to small business. nicholas thompson is editor of "new yorker" magazine website why are they doing this? >> did you ever get to the phone you search and the font is tiny and you have to pinch it? >> yeah. >> they're trying to end that. they're saying any website that has a bad display and doesn't work on mobile devices, we're going to downgrade you. the reason they're doing that we all search with mobile devices. >> so we should be happy about this? >> we generally should be happy about it. people who shouldn't be happy about it people with websites who don't have mobile -- >> can small businesses do this? >> it penalizes businesses. web sign are all going to get jobs tomorrow. >> i thought it was a problem with me being technically challenged not knowing how to adjust my fonts. i'm glad to know it's not just me. why is it just on the smartphones? >> what's happened search used to be 90% on desktops. now, the amount of time on search has surpassed that. google isn't making as much money because people don't search on mobile devices and partly because the websites aren't good. they're trying to push everybody to get to the websites and make more money. >> how hard is it to make your website mobile friendly? >> it's getting easier and easier. you should do it. that's where everybody is accessing the web. from years from now, it's going to be even more so you should do it more. >> but norah raises a good point about small businesses. >> i'm on seamless all the time. where you can click on to order from restaurants. i click on the menu and the menus are pretty bad. >> it's trying to drag you into an app. but it is a penalty for people who don't have web developers on call. absolutely. it's important to know it's one of many many factors that can go bad. my favorite example is with the european union which of course is in a big antitrust battle with google, not mobile friendly. >> all right. >> it's punishing the opinion -- >> is that what this is really about? >> you're in the web design business, this is it. this thing is for you. >> yes. >> thank you, nicholas thompson. >> the drummer of a legendary rock band taking the stage in court. ahead why the ac/dc drummer phil rudd is changing his tune admitting he did threaten to kill a former employee. if you've got everything done you're taking your kids to school. covered everything -- >> or maybe you just want to go back to bed. >> you can watch "cbs this morning" anywhere, anytime you like. we will be right back. i grew up in louisiana. i went to school here. i've been with bp ever since. today, i lead a team that sets our global safety standards. after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company. we've worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we've toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training... and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i'm proud of the progress we've made both in the gulf and inside bp. does all greek yogurt have to be thick? does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the 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hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. ♪ that's "back in black" we hear that song legal troubles may threaten the future of one of the world's biggest rock bands. ac/dc drummer phil rudd pleads guilty to threatening to kill a man. anthony, good morning. >> phil rudd looked every bit the rock star arriving at his hearing in a sports car monday but his stage isn't with the band that helped to make him ledge dear instead, it will be in a courtroom where he's facing up to seven years in prison. ♪ >> reporter: ac/dc's opening performance at this year's grammys highlighted the resurgence of one of the most successle bands in rock 'n' roll history but there was one notable absence. as the group gets ready for their much anticipated rock or bust world tour they'll do so without longtime drummer phil rudd. on tuesday inside a new zealand courtroom, rudd pleaded guilty to charges he threatened to kill a man who used to work for him. >> i was very surprised to find out that he pled guilty because he actually was changing a plea from a couple months ago. there has been no reason given for the change. >> reporter: according to court documents last year after the unsuccessful solo al lum "head job" an alleged rudd called an associate saying he wanted him taken out. >> i'm going to come over and kill you. i'm going to kill you you [ bleep ] ♪ >> reporter: with the european leg of ac/dc's tour already sold out, rudd's role in the band he's been part of on and off for 40 years remains unclear. >> as far as everyone knows phil rudd is just on hiatus. this is not a permanent departure. these are guys who tour relentlessly. when they tour they rake in the money. yes, phil rudd wants back in this band. >> reporter: ac/dc's already overcome adversity to sell over 2 million album, bon scott died from alcohol poisoning. >> this is a band of survivors, whatever happens with phil rudd, whether they have to find a permanent replacement for them they're going to be fine rock or bust. >> new zealand law allows a judge the discretion not to enter a conviction even in case where a defendant has pleaded guilty. if the judge feels the consequences. conviction outweigh the seriousness of the time the defendant can walk. so there is still the possibility rudd will actually avoid prison time. >> likely? >> you know the lawyer for him seems to be playing it that way. i think they believe the judge will be merciful here since nothing actually happened but the threat is there. >> of course, he denied it. maybe he just got caught up in the heat of the moment. >> a very heated moment. >> very heated. bleep. bleep. thank you, anthony. was a muppet getting caught up in a music fight? >> yeah oh oh! >> even the muppets like taylor swift's "shake it off." elmo is the new flash point in this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by international delight. leave a little room for delight. if you struggle with type 2 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protect, you from the rain a helmet protects you from hitting your head a vaccine protect you from germs. ♪ 'cause a player's gonna play play play ♪ >> but doctors don't see anything cute about this video after the controversial of the measles outbreak over the weekend. it tells cbs, quote, it is inappropriate for the federal government to market pharmaceutical products directly to children who have no concept of the risk." ahead, jon stewart reveals when he'll say good-bye to "the daily show." you're watching "cbs this morning." with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge visit for details. in delicious gummies too! i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber helps 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yesterday but seasonable. that's the story even tonight. heading into tomorrow, still mid 60s when new round of showers moves in. and that will help cool us back down by thursday. justin? >> good morning, everyone, much better driving conditions with that heavy rain gone. like we had yesterdayment look at the vine street expressway. actually looking okay in both directions. >> little more volume toward center city but moving this hour. different story 95 cottman heading into the city slow, roads well, at least drying out, trying to get sunshine, northbound looking okay, mass transit, airport also looking okay, as well, erika back to you. >> justin, thanks. up next your next update at 8:25, next on cbs this morning, highlights from yesterday's boston marathon. your local news weather and traffic continues with us, on these channels, on the "cw philly". have a great day. ♪ well it's tuesday, april 21st 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, including new evidence that your pets can make you sick. dr. tara narula has good advice to help you lower that risk. but first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. company is stopping all manufacturing while they try to determine how listeria was introduced to their facility. on the street a 60-footer came toppling down. storms across the south caused issues like 3is. >> officials plan to present the findings a week from friday during that period. the anger here is only going to continue to grow. boston is a city divided when it comes to the question of whether this 21-year-old man should be put to death. the u.s. considers the civil war in yemen as important as the war against isis. >> at sea here late last night, human smugglers had promised to get them to europe. >> and they're saying any website you can use it with mobile devices and you can optimize mobile devices. >> the stage band isn't where it helped him had be legendary, steld instead, it's in a courtroom where he's facing up to seven years in prison. >> the kid -- >> come here ben. >> want to come out? no? all right. [ laughter ] >> maybe we got a place for him on the staff. [ laughter ] i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. a jury will begin hearing arguments this morning in the sentencing phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. the same jurors who convicted 21-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev will decide whether he should be put to death or spend the rest of his life in prison. >> those deliberations could take as long as four weeks. the jury's vote must be unanimous for tsarnaev to get the death penalty. a recent poll shows most bostjans are defense the death penalty. more than 32,000 finished the boston marathon. 1 million people cheered them on. don dahler is there that made the morning unforgettable. don, good morning. >> reporter: i'll tell you the rain was pounding the cold wind was blowing but nothing could dim the spirits a place where two years ago they felt it may be a dark situation if the city actually ended the event returns to normal. >> look at this look at rotich rotich pulls away. >> reporter: for caroline wroterotich rotich winning the boston marathon was a dream come through as was with amy sennett who received a marriage proposal. >> i think i blew it the first half but it worked out well. >> reporter: jeff glaser was nervous, too. nervous about telling his wife he lost his wedding band on the 23rd mile. >> it was on the course they figured someone must have lost it. >> reporter: a fellow marathoner recovered the ring along the route and glaser reunited with the keepsake after the race. for many runners crossing the finish line was a personal victory. bill iffrig was only 20 feet from the finish line in 2013 knocked to his feet in the blast. the 80-year-old returns to run for the first time since the attack. for lelisa desisa gave him the time to do something he gave up. he donated his medal to the city of boston as a gesture of support. this time he says the win is for him. >> the man who gave his medal back to the city for the bombing can put it on display now, going to achieve greatness again. >> reporter: nowhere is this more true than for rebekah gregory whose amputated leg reminds her of a daily reminder of what happened here. >> i took my life back again today. crossing the finish line was the hardest thing i've ever had to do. >> reporter: gregory completed the last three miles of the race with her new prosthetic limb. >> just don't give up because the finish line is the great place to be. >> reporter: she ran those three miles in extreme pain. now, the last runner amanda venezuela crossed the finish line just a few hours ago. >> thank you,don dahler i think rebekah said it best the finish line is the best place to be. i admire anyone who can do that. run a marathon. >> i'm so inspired by her. we did a story, don did, last week, she had like 17 surgeries to save her leg. then he amputated her leg. kudos to you, rebekah. really great. >> boston strong. it's really true. >> thank you again. jon stewart said he's going off the air sooner rather than later. >> my last "daily show" program will be august 6th. i'll be wearing a suit. i will more than likely be showered. [ laughter ] >> i'm sorry, i'll be wearing overalls and i won't shower. [ cheers and applause ] >> jon stewart's making way for the new "the daily show" show host trevor noah. his starts date has not yet been announced. stewart said earlier this year that he would step down somewhere between july and december. i know a lot of people are hoping it's closer to december. >> i'll miss him. >> me too. a theater drama is playing out in los angeles. the country actors union to getting the minimum wage many say getting the minimum wage will do more harm than good. >> reporter: this is labor of love. they get paid nothing for rehearsals at this 50-seat theater and as little as $11 per performance. >> we do it to work on shows like this. >> reporter: justin okin is an actor. many actors say they don't want the money. they fear getting paid will mean curtainens for many of l.a.'s small theaters. >> the choice of $9 an hour or acting for free. it's a choice of acting or not acting in a state like that. >> reporter: the union's governing body will vote today on a plan to end a deckades old thing. perry ojeda supports a minimum wage. >> it's unethical. there are instances in a 99-seat plan where everyone else is paid except for actors. but actor producer noah wyle said big profits are impossible in a theater with fewer than 100 seats. >> you're cutting into what is no profit margin anyway. >> reporter: working in 99-seat theater did open doors for "criminal minds" actress kirsten vannganess. >> i did this and made very little doing this. and it's the very thing that got me the job i have now. it's the very thing that keeps me having that job. >> we couldn't have to go through all of this. >> reporter: to borough the off-quoted words of shakespeare to be or not to be. hey, that is the question that will be answered later today. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, los angeles. >> interesting. to be or not to be, that's always the question. that's right. you already know that your pets give you lots of affection. but did you know the skiing star lindsey vonn has her sights on more olympic gold. she also found time to get to the masters this year. ahead, see what she thinks about tiger woods' big return. you're watching "cbs this morning." for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but the citi double cash card doesn't end there. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. what if getting ready was this easy? 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ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. ♪ in our "morning rounds" the science of how our pets can actually make you sick. americans own more than 150 million pets but a team led by ohio state university shows the importance of choosing the right ones to bring into your house, based on your own family members' health and age. our dr. tara narula is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> people love their pets so much they say, if they make me sick, it's okay. this is something that we should think seriously before bringing a pet in the home. and what kind of pet are you talking about? >> we're going to go over that. pets really bring up help and unconditional love. we don't think about the fact that they can make us sick. researchers in the study reviewed 300 previous studies to give us recommendations how do we choose the right pet and the relationship with our pet. we know that animals are potentially responsible for over 700 types of human diseases. those diseases can be based on back tear yashgs virusese tack beeria, or funguses. for the mental population they're not at risk. very, very low. >> is it because we're kissing our pets or our pets are kissing us. >> certainly that's a route of transmission to make out with your dog. you should definitely not get slobbery kisses. the oral cavities of cats and dogs have a lot of bacteria in them. but the groups that the research pointed to that are at risk kids under 5, immunocompromised people pregnant women or elderly, groups over 65 years old. those are at risk. it's important for those to potentially pay attention to what type of animals they. and there are higher risk animals? >> such as? >> reptiles and amphibians. >> give up my snakes? >> yeah. lots of kids have reptiles and lizards. they can transmit salmonella. rodents and hamsters. >> the best way is to protect yourself. we're not going to give them up and stop petting them. >> exactly. handwashing. prepare handwashing. making sure that your cleaning surfaces are disinfected. that you're taking the pets to the vet. have an open dialogue with your vet and your doctor about the health. >> i have seen what bucky does with his mouth. i have no interest in kissing him. >> thank you tara. >> more on that later. >> dr. tara narula thank you. mark phillips is examining a nazi war crimes case. >> reporter: the accused is a 93-year-old frail man a former member of the s.s. who admits he was at auschwitz who admit he is doesn't kill anybody. a court will decide whether he's had also guilt as an accessory to mass murder. ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: cbs morning rounds sponsored by pronamel toothpaste. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself. so in this crash test, one thing's missing: a crash. the 2015 e-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. do you have nutritional gaps in your diet? 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>> yes no question. >> reporter: that the justice system has failed? >> yes no question. no question. i can answer, yes, yes. it's a big, big failure. >> reporter: there's an irony in this trial. the defendant has never denied that he was part of the nazi's final solution. but he has denied his guilt. that self-serving fiction is now what will be tested at this trial. gayle. >> mark phillips reporting from luneburg. it's always tough to hear those stories. i like the part in mark's piece, cog in a machine, but without those cogs the machine doesn't >> i'm ukee washington be woman accused of abandoning her disable son has extradition hearing today. nia is currently in the custody of maryland police. she had been receiving medical treatment, there and police say left her quadriplegic son in the woods near cobbs creek park, and took off. for maryland, to be with her boyfriend. >> let's get your forecast with katie in the weather center. good morning. >> hey everyone, things are really starting to clear out and brighten up no less. and we are really just left at this point with some residual showers, very scattered in nature for the most part confined to the eastern third every our area, bulk of them actually sweeping up toward portions of northern new jersey. and up toward say the new york city area. so things are really going to clear out for us. as they have we have some rainbow shots came in just now from the eyewitness cam. one of the top notch producers cat sitting out in traffic at adams and the boulevard took great shot of rainbow blue skies northeast philly, going forwards if the nor cast banking on nice bright sunny day, even though not here yet. just give it time. it is on the way. but the breeze picks up with this too something you will really notice. tomorrow more clouds, few more showers, and another nose dive on the thermometer by thursday. justin? >> looking forward to that sunshine. all right, let's take you up to the sky. chopper three, looking live, at disable train in haddonfield, camden county. now police department is on the scene they're going to get the rescue train in here, so passengers will be transferred, but again doesn't look like anyone is hurt or reported injuries so far. but there you go, disable train, in haddonfield this hour. all right 76, past 202 heading eastbound again stack up pretty good. so slow volume. at least the rain showers coming to an end. starting to seat sunshine, sends it back over to you erika. >> i'll take it, no problem. next update at 8:55, up next on cbs this morning conversation with olympic gold medal scare and tiger woods girlfriends lindsay vaughn. we're on the "cw philly" on these channels. good morning. ♪ you're unbelievable ♪ that could describe our guest this morning. welcome back to "cbs this morning," coming up in this half hour, she is unbelievable, that skiing superstar lindsey vonn. with the e-y, she said spelled the right way in the green room. with her sights at more olympic gold ahead. first the headlines around the globe. "the washington post" has just learned the charges against one of its reporters imprisoned in iran. jason rezaian is charged with spying and spreading propaganda. rezaian's brother said his family will keep fight for his freedom. >> we know they don't have any evidence that he had access to those things. the charges are baseless. >> rezaian met with his lawyer for the first time nine months ago. he faces 10 to 20 years in prison if convicted. chinese billionaires account for a record one-fifth of the world billionaires about 370 billionaires this year. they each had $1 billion in assets. 57% from mainland china. "rolling stone" said willie nelson announced his own marijuana brand. it's called willie's reserve. >> willie's reserve kind of fell together as evolution wants it to. you know colorado's legalization, along with other states and washington, d.c. it's just a matter of time in this country, already in other countries. but i felt like i bought so much, i might as well give it back. >> makes sense to me. the pot will be grown and sold in colorado and washington. seems like that would be pretty good. seems like willie would know what he's doing. and newly revealed ship wrecks on lake michigan. crew captured the photos of maritime history as the winter ice retreated. the winter wrecks are from the 19th and 20th centuries. one is more than 150 years old. beach erosion, wind and waves make it viewable. and the sequel to "full house" will be called "fuller house." john stamos and uncle jesse. deals reportedly going to sign mary-kate and ashley olsen. lindsey vonn won gold. her continued success makes her one of the greatest female skiers ever. the olympic gold medalist comes back after a pair of knee injuries in 2013. she now holds the all-time world cup record for women with an astounding 67 wins. she's a seven-time downhill champion. a five-time super-g champ. and holds 19 world cup titles. that is more than anyone in history. folks, she's here in studio 57. lindsey vonn welcome. >> welcome. >> you're what's known in the business as a bad -- in all areas of your life. after two possible career-ending injuries, did you think yourself i'm not able to make it this time or did you think, huh-uh this is just a setback, i'm coming back? were you worried? >> i was worried, of course. i'm a pretty determined person. i thought that a lot of people thought i'd never come back. and actually told me to my face that i'll never come back. i worked extremely hard. have a great physio. have a great doctor. yeah, it was a long road but i never gave up. >> what is it about your skiing that makes you so good? >> i don't know i ski on men's skis. i feel like i'm a really aggressive skier. i'm pretty dynamic. i get interesting angles with my body, with my hips that maybe other people don't get. i don't know i thought i was given a talent from my family from my parents. and i just use that to the best of my ability. >> you said your parents worked hard and made a lot of sacrifices to make sure you could do what you did? >> yeah, i'll the oldest of five kids and my family all moved out to colorado when i was 11 so i could ski. my parents pretty much gave up everything cashed in their retirement. a house. it was a huge sacrifice. of course, i knew that growing up i wanted it more than anything, for myself and also for my family to be able to succeed. >> it's so tough watching them in 2013 when you were injured. the olympics were just around the corner and we were rooting for you. you're going to be in the next winter olympics? >> yeah, that's my goal. once i made the decision not to do sochi i committed myself to pyeongchang. >> you ski differently. i remember watching the first time when you were coming back. i was sitting at home feeling nervous for you at the top watching you to go down. do you still feel this? is there still a little part of you that's a tiny bit nervous as you go down? >> no. >> not at all? or afraid? >> no, i love going fast. that's something inside of me. i always love going fast. just because i'm injured, i don't feel any different. i'm the same person. that's why i'm able to continue winning. i'm not afraid. it's a passionate part of the sport. and i just expect it and dough downhill. >> what are you afraid of? >> insects. any like critters, centipedes. >> when you're coming down the ill, the difference between you and everybody else it seems to me you know more precisely how fast you can go to make the turn? >> yeah i'm pretty calculated with what i do. it's kind of like a high-speed chess match. you know what you have to do you also have to make adjustments on the fly. for me i visualize the course a hundred times before i go down there. every roll every bounce i know what i can do and where i can make up time if i make a mistake. i'm not worried about making mistakes or plan "b" if necessary. >> we know you're good on the slopes but how's your golf game? what do you hit, lindsayey? >> i don't have a handicap. i had a hole in one. that's all i can say. >> when? >> it was my first round of 18 holes. and i was playing for a charity. i was on a team. we were doing a scramble my teammates were half excited and half hated me because they were probably 45 years old and never gotten a hole in one and played for 20. and never gotten one. >> jack nicklaus got one at the masters. >> yes. >> it is fun to watch you and tiger together. a lot of people are cheering you on. i'm curious about how you met when you told your family and friends i'm going to be dating him, what did they say? >> yeah i met him at his -- the tiger jam. you know he has a foundation. he's done some incredible work with that. i met him there. and i don't know -- >> you clicked? >> we talked almost for a month before we ever started dating. but definitely people were surprised. >> yeah. >> when i said i was dating him but everyone in my family loves him. he talks to my mom all the time. he texts my dad when i'm racing. he's a sweet guy. everyone fell in love with him. >> i am curious. people know him one way, you know him another. tell us something about him that would surprise us that only you would know. >> he is a great father. he loves his kids. >> we saw a bit of that. when they were playing. >> yeah. he is a sweetheart. he's really tough on the golf course. he's a great father and does a great job. a lot of people are cheering him on. can they ski? >> i think he's a better zeer than i am golfer. that's up for debate. we're competitive. >> two athletes in the house. >> how much of the conversation between the two of you is between competition and winning? >> like 80%. we compete at everything. even if we're not talking about golf or skiing we are playing ping-pong and pool and whatever we can do to compete. >> you don't let him win, though, do you? >> he's really good. it's really hard. >> congratulations, we are cheering you on lindsey vonn. >> bring the gold back. >> thank you i will. >> hopefully, we'll see you before that. lindsey vonn thank you. tens of ♪ caress presents the world's first body wash with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. new caress love forever. it's springtime. so bake cookies with someone you love. and country crock's fresh, buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like 'em... extra soft... ... and extra special. welcome to crock country. ♪ i have a great story. a little girl who is in a drawing when she was 6. the teacher said this little girl never paid attention. the teacher went over to her and she said what are you drawing? and the girl said i'm drawing a picture of god. and the teacher said but nobody knows what god looks like. and the girl said they will in a minute. [ laughter ] >> that is so great. >> that is from the 2006 from ken robinson. creativity, it is ted's most watched presentation with more than 32 million views. robinson began meeting with governments and school systems to discuss reform decades ago. his new book is called "creative schools: the grassroots revolutions that transforming education." everybody wanted reform but they want it better. you say culturization will not get you there. >> it is. the reason is anybody watching this whose got children know that. people with two children or not, they're completely different. we've got two children they're completely different. i'm one of seven is we're all different. and now it's all about s.t.e.m. >> clearly you struck a nerve here just the fact that that ted talk has been watched 32 million times. over 300 million people have seen. in the book you point out miley cyrus videos are seen more because you don't twerk. >> i don't twerk. >> we could like to see that sir ken. what is the message that you want people to know. you said that schools are killing creativity. they don't mean to but you say that's what they're doing. >> i've never blamed teachers or schools. i've worked with teachers my whole life. there is this deadly culture that's being pushed on them politically. and the message is you have to personalize the situation not standardize it. but they have to find that talent and cultivate it. >> i think there's a problem with your microphone. we're going to fix that. >> let me ask you this what sounds good, a teacher will say, i have 30 students i can barely get them to be quiet. how can i personalize a classroom for 30 different children? >> well, it's one of the reasons i wanted to write this book. the book is full of examples of people people ask me what my theory is. i say it's not a theory. it is what works. if you think of people sitting all the time and talk to them it's very hard to control them on that basis. if you engage them about imagination, philosophy teams, it's a very different part of school. my wife used to in liverpool, she taught 40 children in the same classroom and the pace was bustling because they were working collaboratively. much of that is about the art of teaching. the problem with the standard is that it seems that teaching is part of that. teachers have got to engage and motivate and inspire people. and great teachers do that. >> where does this philosophy standardsization come from? >> well i think it's partly that governments quite likely see the importance of strategic education. years ago, the government took no interest. now they're looking at education as defense strategies. it's a strategic influence. i should say i live here. i've got to make this clear that i just didn't pop over to make this. we live here. and the thing is most governments are in control mode. they think the answer it's mostly a position that's led to a huge industry. as i say in the book testing industry in this country is bigger than hollywood. it's bigger than the nfl. it's massive. >> one of the bright spots you talk about boston academy. it's an inner city school who focus, and engages students with arts. 90% of their students end up going to college. i mean incredible rate. what are at the doing right there that could be replicated? >> well, a lot of the schools in the book follow the same principles. children have varying talents it's important that they should math and science and so on. but music and theater and dance are just as important for talent to engage kids. and an approach to science. it's a broad curriculum and they have flexibility in the way they teach individuals. >> one last word what's the responsibility about the parents? >> a whole chanter in the book about parents. parents should be partners with schools. parents know their children than anybody else. >> you got your daughter and son here, i asked them what they learned from you about education. your daughter said you taught them that kids can be more in control of their education than they know. >> let's try that in school. yes, teacher, i want to be in control of my education. >> thank you ken robinson. and crave schools goes unfailed today. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. (laughing) well that does it for us be how did denny's put the magic of dreamworks into their new kids' menu? that's a secret... kind of. introducing dreamworks to the new denny's kid's menu. denny's. welcome to america's diner. kids eat free on tuesdays 4:00pm-10:00pm. ♪ ♪ ♪ chase freedom. the card is for the essentials. the cash back is for the fun. chase. so you can. >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning i'm erika von tiehl. vice president joe biden will visit philadelphia today. the vice president and the us secretary of energy will tour peco headquarters, in center city. once the tour is over, the vice president will stress investment in america's energy infrastructure. biden's last trip to philadelphia was democratic policy retreat back in january. well we're hoping we have nice weather to welcome the vice president, how is it looking? >> a lot better with every passing hour, breezy day unfolding for us in the wake after cold front, for sure but we can expect to see any wet weather completely retreat. and all that's left, you know what, even at this point now that we're seeing the freshest loop on storm scan, done with the wet weather those are clouds, and will continue to thin out if you have them at all. still out there. skies are clearing quickly for sunshine. breezy, and very seasonable day, when it comes to these area temperatures. we drop it down to 47 tonight also typical temperature for the overnight low on this particular day of the year. and as we look forward in the forecast specking eventually another front to roll through tomorrow. with additional showers no where near the severity of the last front that rolled through, but it is going to be responsible for sending us into the upper 50's, at best, for the majority of the next seven days. justin? >> all right, good to see the rain get out of here on storm scan3, because now we're setting to up see much better ride compared to yesterday at this time. vine st. expressway, approaching the broad street exit slowing up just little bit. at least moving. no problems leaving the city. so to have a trip planned into the itsy from new jersey little later this morning maybe hold off if you can because there is a line-up here on the ben franklin bridge, from jersey, into the city. so, very slow, just high volume. still dealing with high volume in the normal typical rush hour spots 9-mile per hour drive, basically from academy all the way down into the vine street expressway, on 95. leaving the city, past city avenue on the schuylkill, 37 miles per hour, very slow, south philly looking pretty good on 9a that's a look at your ride this morning erika we send it back to you. >> that's "eyewitness news" nor now. talk philly is coming up at noon. i'm erika von tiehl. hope you have a great day. 32, 1. >> if it's happening we are covering it on the doctors. >> could be super-skinny become a crime? >> anorexia models banned from , the runway. >> that's not a criminal act; that's a medical emergency. >> announcer: then, what legendary news man tom brokaw is revealing about his brave medical struggle. and why modern family star sophia was slapped with a lawsuit. >> this acts as a waist cincher. all new doctors! ♪ ♪ [ applause ] ♪ ♪ >> let me ask you this: how thin is too thin? should waist -- waifed mo be banned from the runway. >> dieting to death trend, it's finally be laid to rest in europe. style conscious brands is deled looking


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time the muhammad art exhibit and cartoon contest was wrapping up. but attack just beginning. >> little further away, from the front of this billing. >> urging us quickly to get back inside, as fast as we corks and of course we followed their instructions. >> swat team moved a tenth east out of harms way inside, about 200 people were safely evacuated. police say two armed men pulled up in a car and in front of curtis in texas and opened fire. >> officers close by saw what was going on, engaged the two men shot and killed them both there at the scene, by the their car. >> an unarmed security guard was shot in the ankle, treated and released from the hospital. to many muslims sunday event promotes practice islam forbids. >> they wanted people to make cartoons. depicting the profit muhammad, in a negative light sends in those drawings have an art exhibit, and the win letter win thousands of dollars. >> the event was back by the american freedom defense initiative. last month, new york based group ran controversial anti-islam ad campaign on septa bus featuring photo of adolf hitler and pakistani activist. >> there were additional offers that were hired for this event. >> police left the two men's bodies next to the car as they checked it for explosives as a precaution. >> now the again men have not been named nor has their motive. the shooting has echos of january's paris massacre at the charlie hebdo headquarters, that magazine has a history of printing cartoons with a profit muhammad and 12 people were killed in that attack. live in the sat center, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> thanks for, that we will get back to you. police rush to save little boy as they say his own mother through him off a bridge. it happened in allentown along the hamilton street bridge above the lehigh river. the mother jumped in herself right after. police say the child and his mother, fell in a section of the the river filled with rocks. the 19 year old mother made it out of the water then collapsed. the baby meanwhile was no where to be found so officers began to search. >> took him out of the stroller dropped him off the side of the bridge. witnesses say that she then climbed over the guardrail and jumped in herself. it took us about four minutes of trying to locate where this baby might be. he was eventually found about 700 yards down river. >> an officers jumped into the river to save him and perform cpr. the baby and his mother remain hospital in the serious condition. the parent of slain pennsylvania state trooper brian dixon say they forgive their son's accused killer. brian and darla dixon made the revelation sunday during church appearance in the pocono mountains. eric frein is charged with killing corporate dixon and injuring trooper alex douglas back in september. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. 5:33 and 61 degrees and getting warmer? >> absolutely, it will do it thing, help warm things up easily. barely going to see any cloud cover initially. temperatures will spike and rebound very very efficiently here throughout the day. meantime, the moon continues to set even as the sun is just about ready to rise over the horizon. we have great shot of it for you here. talk about moonlit sky through the overnight. now that the light of day is showing up it, will continue to fade. but, that moon is very bright right now. as we actually have "skycam 3" overlooking it here from our center city studios facing generally just off to the southwest here. meanwhile, at 57 degrees, currently, at philadelphia international airport. very, very modest breeze right now out of the southwest, and that southwest flow, that sends our temperatures on such a spike throughout the day. storm scam, empty helping to keep things nice today. there is a xfactor comes with this forecast. we have red flag warning will take effect at 1:00 p.m. today for everyone except the state of delaware and the immediate shore line in new jersey. so what that basically means, just a refresher course for you, we do have the low enough relative humidity, enough wind as the day progresses to elevate the fire risk. that's all red flag barge is. as the day goes on, heating up by noon, should make good run for the low 80s, add couple of additional extra degrees onto that for you the expected high today 84, hey might as well be summer at this point. justin, over to you. >> exactly, low humidity not good for the fire danger there, but certainly good if you're outside to enjoy t because we will be dealing with comfortable conditions with temperatures mid 80s. let's hit the road, so far so good as far as the volume is going, early this morning and again, skies looking nice and bright with the moon and then the sun will be up in just a few minute coming in at 5:58. we take you to the boulevard right now. both directions looking okay. we head into that schuylkill merge. little more volume heading south. that is certainly stacking up little bit. vine street expressway at eighth street, we're looking east here with the headlight. both directions, no problems, camera shaking just little bit. bit after breeze to deal with this morning. that's what's going to help bring the milder air into the delaware vale. accident christianna delaware, at 273 at 95. and then we have another accident just north and west of wilmington lancaster pike at center ville road. vehicle struck a deer earlier this morning. and then we have to deal with construction as well on 202 northbound at 95, this is taking out the right lane. that construction zone should go until about 7:00 this morning. also on the turnpike, we are dealing with some construction, this is eastbound, before ft. washington the two left lanes are blocked mass transit report nothing delays. erika, ukee, back to you. >> thank so much. 5:36n business news this morning, what's making gas prices rise? >> and how to make chip oley, guacamole. money watch's jill wagner up at the stock exchange in new york. hey, jill? >> reporter: good morning,rika. see if the mark coats keep up friday's more mentum. jumped 183 points to start the month. nasdaq gained about 64. drivers now paying the highest prices of the year at the gas pumps. national average is 2.62 a gallon, triple a says prices usually go up in the summer, as refineries, more expensive blends there is year crude prices are also climbing. because of fighting in yemen. american express is rolling out new loyalty program today. it is called plenty. combines major brands like macy's, exxon mobile, rite aid, hue lou at&t, so if you by new shoes at macy's you could use points to get a discount on your at&t bill. program free. and it is not connected to a credit card. and, fans of chipotle's gang mole can i now make it at home. the company posted the entire recipe, start to finish, on line. it is pretty simple. all you need are avacado, lime juice, cilantro, onions, kosher salt. they say tasting the guacamole over and over to adjust the seasoning. >> love me some guac. >> because the ingredients, it is the portions, right just to get that right. >> i'll bring the chips. >> you guys bring the guauc. >> that's what the taste tests are for. >> thanks, jill two. more republican candidates throwing their hat into the 2016 republican race. neurosurgeon doctor ben carson revealed his candidacy last night during cable news interview. carson says that society has become too devisive, calls himself reluctant warrier. carson will make it official at rally in detroit miff -- michigan later today. >> carly fuorina expected to announce her candidacy later today. will be the first woman don't err the race for the 2016gop nomination. us senator ran paul, marco rubio, have all previously announced their presidential candidacies in recent weeks. well, before you walk out the door, we'll update today's top stories including what it was like in baltimore during the fishes night in almost a week without a curfew. >> also, new on stack nel nepal, crews try to bring some much needed aid to the devastated country. >> and the avengers battle new village, and history. we'll have the word on the huge debut for the superhero sequel. be right back. there's over two hundred thousand students in philadelphia. jim kenney and tony williams are fighting over public schools versus charters. i think they're both's making sure they all get a good education. teachers should have their contracts respected. they also should be held accountable. and it's wrong philadelphia gets less school funding than other parts of pennsylvania. i'll work with harrisburg to change that. but if they refuse i'll take them to federal court. as mayor i'll do what's right for them. calling today melanoma monday, as the weather gets warmer and people start wearing fewer layers, the dermatology group is trying to watch your back. they're recommending you find a partner to help apply sunscreen on your back and look for suspicious spots. all of that since the back is the most common area for melanoma. >> ♪ ♪ >> big shrek really break up. >> tiger woods and lindsay vaughn calling it quits. couple dated for three years they shared their admiration for each other over the weekend calling this break up mutual. they say their hectic lives and demanding sports carreers force them to spend most of their time apart. >> no brain err, marvel's new after inning err movie knocks furious seven out of the top spot at the box office for the first time in four straight weeks. avengers pulled in almost $188 million, the second biggest opening weekend in us box office history. that number trails only the first avengers, which grossed more than $207 million, when it opened back in 2012. >> serious seven, yes, pulled in 6.1 million. paul, mall cop two and home round out the top five. glad a lot of people getting out to see the age of add line. yes, previwed it. >> had the director here on the set, too. his mom from wynnewood. countdown on until david letterman's big finale. he only has what 13 late shows left right here on cbs-3. >> lard to believe. tonight cbs celebrates letterman's long and storied career with a life on television special. and what a life on tv it has been. check it out for 33 years david spent late with us hosting more than 19,000 guests put together about 5,000 top ten lists and shared dozens and dozens of stupid pet and stupid human tricks. love those. tonight host ray roman owe will look back at letterman's legendary run. we'll have to dvr that. >> it is the comedians in 82 that were on. the actors, tom hanks from 1982, bumm murray, the crazy antics, you know, davon the street, and then it is some of the poinent stuff. you know, it is dave after 9/11, you know, how great he was after that. and some of the great interviews did he that were casino of emotional. and when drew barrimore stands on the desk, then you do this to your kids, tell them to go inside and get the cheerios. >> forgot about that moment. tune in tonight at 9:30, 9:30 for david letterman life on television. that's followed by "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> pretty darn good for a guy who started as a weather man in indianapolis. >> never know where it can go. >> my man. >> he is so funny so quick i mean everyone lovers letterman. >> i would love to meet himment once did satellite interview and he invited me to up see his show. >> take him up on. that will he has only 13 more shows. >> time is running out yes. >> right now just past 5:43. we want to check in with katie and our terrific weather watchers. >> up bright and early, i do mean bright and early because the moon shine is very bright for this morning. eyewitness weather watcher network, temperatures all over the place lower 40's, in some of the lower remote suburbs 47 degrees, sent in to us from william powell. he has nice clear sky this hour. very much breeze, but notice the direction it is coming straight in out of the south. that's going to be what really helps us spike on the thermometer later on today. we take you little around on a zoom here, 49 degrees, was sent in from bill. he too has clear sky, cart inning ton summer preview today, love. that will and also mentions not to forget to stay hydrated. very important if you work outside. because these temperatures, are little atypical to say the least. so you will definitely need to make sure that you have got stuff to drink throughout the course of the day. meanwhile, keith sent in clear sky, up in sailors berg, he too has good the the sun glare headed east this morning will get you because it is going to be such bright day. high pressure currently anchored right off of the carolina coastline here. and what that is going to do is round the flow, bring in that southerly push of air so nice and warm here is the next front eventually crosses through the area, comes along tomorrow. and it will bring with it some showers and thunderstorms generally later into the day. so as we quickly look to future weather, tomorrow morning, already see some signs of life. but somewhat after slow mover. so i would say not again until late afternoon, that we start to see any activity on the radar. about there could be heavier embedded thunderstorms some could get feisty v to keep an eye on it, for now not in severe weather threat zone. meanwhile eventually get to the overnight those skies start to clear out. and that will be the case throughout the day wednesday. clouds, yield for sunshine, and while it is technically cooler, our high is 70. the fact that we're dropping often degrees and still above average, that's that says something. every other day, at least 80 degrees, and pretty much every other day looks pretty nice. justin over to you. >> that's right, looks like the summer like, just wants to hold strong for the next week or so. yep, like you saw expect the temperatures to remain on the warm side. here you go. ninety-five just north of cottman, we did have earlier disable vehicle, just left, looks like he was changing his tire, all good now, just north of cottman. heading north, so smooth sailing. southbound volume picking up little bit. ben franklin bridge, from the new jersey side, headed into the city. looking okay. both directions, and over toward new jersey, so no problems this morning. there are your area speeds. everybody's in the green. moving pretty good. pretty much at the speed limit this hour for the boulevard, the vine street expressway, new jersey looks good, the pa turnpike, no mt. laurel road between union mill road and hainesport-mt. laurel road, downed utility polls here. elbow lane or walton avenue will get you around that scene. also in wilmington, an accident lancaster pike at center ville road. vehicle struck a deer, earlier this morning and 202 north at 95 in wilmington, right lane blocked due to construction goes until 7:00. back to you. >> justin, thank you. leer headlines this morning mother and her one year old son are in a hospital in allentown, after apparent murder suicide attempt. the two rescued from the lehigh river the 19 year old mother, and her son are in serious condition but expected to survive. a developing story now two gunmen were shot and killed by police, near dallas, texas, after they allegedly opened fire at art show. the show included a contest of cartoons of the profit muhammad, but police don't know if that triggered the gunfire. >> officials report less unrest after criminal charges were filed against six police officers, the officers were involved in the arrest, of freddie gray, who died in police custody last month. runway damage forcing nepal to close the main airport near kat man du to large air crafts developing aid. officials say more than 7200 are confirmed dead following the april 25th quake. meanwhile us military helicopters have arrived with supplies. them as says volume un in villages and remote areas. peaceful protest turns violent, in israel. >> police use stun gun stun grenades rather to break up protesters in tel-aviv. total of 57 police officers and 12 protesters were injured. police say the pro he is had been fees full for hours organizer want to call attention to mistreatment of ethiopia juice. well kansas waitress turns state government nor when he stops in for dinner. server crossed out the line for gratuity on l bill. instead, the governor has come un fire, for sharp cuts to he hadding in resented years. path tress has special needs sister and says she lost several teachers because of the funding cuts. >> i think education is the foundation for a better country, and more progressive society. >> now, the facebook post of the receipt went viral. coincidentally that was the server's last day on the job. she quit after working for about a year there. but certainly, a lot of talk about spending on education. >> sure did. >> coincidentally her last day on the job before or after? >> nicely done. >> we'll be right back. checking on traffic and weather together. good morning. >> not everyone can say they work with a hall of famer but i can. ukee induct dollars into the pennsylvania association every broadcaster hall of fame last night. very special night in hershey, where uke's long tile colleague pat ciarrocchi presented him with the awards. and in true ukee fashion he accepted the honor with style and class. >> i'm truly honored and bless today do what i do washings great team beside me. that's important. and it is so true. if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. i am proud to say i have been on vacation for three decades. >> ukee joined the "eyewitness news" team back in 19 blah blah blah. >> nineteen blah blah blah. >> parting in sports working your way to the anchor desk, so happy you did. so happy for you. great little flashback. >> oh, yes. wiped off dust, many thanks to pat ciarrocchi, as well, went in last year in 2014. all of us, we can't do what we do without all of you out there to inspire us, we have great team in front of the camera and behind it. i'm just so happy when it started back in you say 19 blah blah blah. >> nineteen blah blah blah? >> people need not know. like you said, you really feel like you love what you do, because never take answer sick day, i'll have you know, never. >> well, i want to be here. i want to be here. that's what we do. that's how we roll up in here. >> how we do, all right. >> thank you so much. i'm truly honored. if you ever get to up hershey or haven't been the to hershey, beautiful place. >> much more than just chocolate. >> exactly. time is 5:53. gets' get our traffic and weathering. >> did anyone else realize ukee hasn't age add day? >> please. >> i know, i know. >> please. >> look, actually the same. >> mustache changes, that's all. >> tell that to my left hip. >> you would never know t proud of you, so much congratulations from all of us. we take you on out to beautiful weather. very quickly, we only are looking here, guys, at about 21 days until memorial day so, you know, we will do little better here for you. pretty great beach weather here today. starting off with a little bit of a haze, eventually full sunshine, mid 80s the expectation in philadelphia, just great summer like day. unfolding, justin? >> love it. great shot of the shore right now, but his is not great shot of the blue route. this is just past broomall, headed south accident looks like they just cleared it, blocking the right lane. so now it is getting betterment some improvement around broomall, if you are headed south on the blue route. there go. there is the accident scene just past broomall, upper darby, right lane was block but now looks like it is reopened again. ninety-five delaware county, 452, both directions looking pretty good. watch out for the sun glare sunshine out there. philadelphia hosed a 36 annual run yesterday. estimated 40,000 people took part in the country's largest 10-mile run. in addition to those runners 5,000 volunteers also lined broad street from fisher avenue, to the navy yard. congratulations to all of those who took part. i'm always impressed when you can run 10 miles. >> they could from all over the city, all over the country, all over the world. thanks for being in our area. we'll be woman: i was tired of my chronic constipation and the way it made me feel thfort the bloating the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating abdominal discomfort hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> in the news, mother accused of doing the unthinkable trying to kill her baby by throwing him over a bridge. >> now, that baby survived as did his mother who jumped over after him. eyewitnesses saw it unfold in allentown yesterday along the hamilton street bridge above the lehigh river. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now in allentown, with the latest information on this. jan? >> couple of fast acting allentown police offers recalls the guts and the know-how jumped into the river to save this little boy's life. he had floated just about 700 yards downstream, from where police say his mother through him over the bridge, and into the river. >> in the middle of the hamilton street bridge over the lehigh river where 19 year old mother stopped her stoler and through the young we are over -- year old dropped him off the side of


Transcripts For WPVI Action News 5PM 20150408

bald spot where her hair was pulled out. >> any animals that put their hands on a kid like that, is wrong. >> the girl's mother laronda cook is outraged, that people posted it on social media and egged the fight on. >> i got the best video. >> this is wrong and going on and they keep video recording kids getting beat by adults -- >> trenton police confirm that the cooks are working to identify the juveniles and adults seen in the video that are seen beating and kicking the girl and larhonda wants them prosecuted. >> the men i consider that sexual assault. >> we could have died with them stepping on our head and we were out there by ourselves. >> why did the mob attack the sisters and why did no one stop it and who are the people pinching and kicking the cooks that is what police are trying to find out. so far there are no arrests but cops say that people who are identified in that video hitting the girls could face charges. i'm nora muchanic channel 6 "action news." >> okay nora thank you. a chester county photographer and dj faces hundreds of charges after being accused of sexual assault. >> they found a human size cage in the basement and investigators are worried there could be more victims. anybody with information is asked to call pennsylvania state police. dzhokhar tsarnaev has been convicted on all 30 counts on the 2013 boston marathon bombing, three people were killed and 260 hurt in the bombing, they will decide if the 21-year-old should be sentenced to death or get life in prison. we'll have a live report from boston coming up in the next half hour. >> to south carolina now where a north charleston police officer is charged with shooting an unarmed man to death. >> this shows the officer firing eight times at walter scott after he ran away from a traffic stop. katherine scott is here with more. >> reporter: good evening monica and shory. the lessons of ferguson missouri, were seen in every aspect of this story the mayor and police of north charleston condemned the shooting and the officer was quickly fired. the community is grieving and demanding answers. >> monica and sharrie, the mayor of north charleston said that the city will order 250 body cam trooz make sure every single person on their police force is equipped. karen traverers, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. there will be more on the deadly police shooting coming up on world news tonight with david muir at 6:30 after "action news" at 6:00. a community is mourning a bus driver after she was crushed by her car. bonnie jean novak wrapped up work, and she had trouble starting her car and her coworkers say that was an ongoing issue she left the car in neutral and went out to inexpect it. she slipped trying to stop it getting caught between her car and another vehicle. >> it's a tragedy that impacted somebody that devoted herself to our students and community and was an extremely hard worker. >> today school started on a two hour delay so drivers could grief and speak to counselors. >> a high rise in philadelphia had to be evacuated because of a fire this is the scene on north 11th street, smoke can be seen on the top floor of the building fortunately nobody was hurt in the incident. turning to the weather it has been a dreary day, cooler temperatures and wind and some rain too lets look live at sky 6 hd a gray scene in atlantic city, it doesn't feel at all like spring, meteorologist, cecily tynan is at the big board. >> hi monica feels more like february than april. our wind analysis shows what is going on we see the winds converging and that is low pressure offshore, we have the winds out of the northeast, 41 in philadelphia and there is a stationary front and south and west of the front you get the winds out of the southwest roanoke virginia it's 79 and that air mass is heading our way on friday, but until then get used to this, a lot cooler than yesterday. 26 degrees cool under philadelphia, and we have clouds and occasional drizzle and tomorrow is a repeat performance. live double scan not showing a lot of rain but pockets of light rain and drizzle but the pockets are on and off through tonight and if you are headed to the phillies game, i don't think the rain will be heavy enough to cancel the game and it's damp and chilly and raw first pitch 41 degrees and by the ninth inning, temperatures really holding steady this evening. we have another case of the drearies tomorrow more clouds and scattered showers and drizzle and temperatures will begun be on the cool side stuck in the 40s. friday we have a lot of different weather problems the morning commute, dense fog causes a lot of problems and it's a warm day and an approaching cold front brings the possibilities of late day thunderstorms and gusty winds and behind that system a big change that i think you'll like for the weekend, i'll have details on that in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you cecily. video reports from our team of meteorologists will keep you updated on the damp weather at, can you also check out street level forecast with our live storm tracker 6 radar. >> the evening commute is well under way and time to get a check of the traffic report. >> it's definitely underway but not going very quickly, as we look live at the schuylkill expressway as we look at this wet wednesday afternoon it's not wild but slow, this is the scene approaching gulph mills starking up from 202 the 19 minute ride should be five minutes. 95 southbound by academy we still have the crash on the shoulder but that is not where the delay ends, it's slow approaching the work don't at cotman, if you are headed to the phils or sixers game it's a slow go on 95. in limerick a crash to avoid at swamp road and hatfield one to steer around at county line, and one along cow path. and a crash in burlington, southbound side of 130 approaching federal street and one in magnolia along the white horse pike at warwick road. and a crash to avoid in west depford along red bank avenue. lots of things to steer around, we'll deep you updated in the next half hour. >> never a dull moment. coming up a new study shows a popular weight loss and workout substance could contain a supplement that could pose health dangers. and the tall of the building in the u.s. will soon be open to the public the observatory at the top of one world trade center. we want to return to a story we tried to bring you moments ago and there are new video from an incident in south carolina an officer has been charged with murder. karen traver has the stories. >> the police chief did not mince words. >> i was sickened by what i saw. >> he is talking about the cell phone video talking about the final seconds of the video, with michael flagler and 50-year-old walter scott. >> it started with a traffic stop for a broken taillight. until the video came to light the north charleston police said he opened fire because he felt threatened. and that he grabbed his stun gun. >> the fbi is investigating the shooting but flagler already lost his job and the police chief and mayor met with walter scott's family. >> this is a horrible tragedy within our community. >> scott's devastated mother said she almost couldn't watch the video. >> it just tore my heart to pieces i pray this never happens to another person this has got to stop. >> the message is loud and clear from north charleston, a familiar sight after other police involved shootings. >> that was car and travers reporting. airlines have canceled hundreds of flights in and out of france because of an air traffic controller strike it's part of an ongoing dispute overworking conditions and plans to raise the retirement age from 57 to 59 and this is a to day strike and they warn they will do it again in the coming weeks. tickets are on sale for the highest view in the country, it sits on top of one world trade center 100, 101 and 102 are the floors it spans. special elevators get you to the observatory in less than one minute. it opens on may 29th. president obama is talking about climate change, how the warming of our planet affects our health. registered nurse and reporter ali gorman is live at the big board. >> it's a new way to talk about climate change linking it to health that is what president obama did today he joined the surgeon general and the epa for a round table discuss at howard university. they saw more health problems related to the environment, such as allergies and asthma and the president spoke from person experience on how the environment affected him i weren't to college in 1979 in los angeles, if you went out side for a run you would feel your lungs burning in five minutes. because the smog and pollution was so bad. >> he did recognize improvements have been made there since that time and told abc news medical editor dr. richard besser that malia's asthma attacks brought home the issue of climate change and health. many public health efforts say that the fda is not doing enough to protect consumers the supplements contain a chemical calls biema it's almost identical to methamphetamines, and it has been pulled from shelves in canada even though the fda found the chemical in nine supplements it never gave the specific names of the products and now the researchers of harvard medical school has the products names and many are still on the market. so we have the product names on interestingly none of them in the ingredients list that bepma some of them do have this plant ingredient, so it's a red flag you want to be on the lookout for. as with any supplement talk to your health care provider before starting to take one. >> thank you ali pennsylvania governor tom wolf is allowing state police to car why a drug to reverse the affects of drug overdoses and delaware county is touting their success with a similar program already. they have saved 32 lives since december using the alox zone, they received the life a 22-year-old girl that od's. get ready to gas up and go we'll have the detailed next. go to facebook and like the 6 abc "action news" facebook page, it has all the top stories we are following and weather updates and breaking news, and the best and current viral videos. no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer. it's back. the philly cheesesteak pizza. get our philly cheesesteak pizza. with original philly cheesesteak company steak and garlic parmesan sauce. a large for just $12. better ingredients. better pizza. music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪♪ ♪♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. the energy department says that drivers will see the lowest gasoline prices this sum under years, the national average price is forecasted to fall from 32% from a year ago drivers should expect to pay $2.45 a gal from april to september that is when americans do the most of their driving, the gas price would mark tractor trailer lowest in the summer since 2009. meantime camden is looking cleaner and more beautiful tonight thanks to volunteers, residents and counsel members gathered at whitman square park for the whitman clean campaign. residents can get free exterior paint to spruce up their homes. montgomery county officials kicked off phase two of a major road project and crews are working to connect norristown and lafayette street the project started 18 months ago and the next phase completes the link as well as widens ridge pike. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to time for accuweather at the "action news" big board cecily tynan is joining us so it's back to umbrellas and heavy coats. >> what a change from monday 75 and sunny and you want to get outside and go running and enjoy the weather, today is good for napping, stormtracker 6 live double scan showing pockets of light drizzle, no heavy, steady rain but we are stuck in the clouds and drizzle and we are stuck in this cool air temperatures right now with the winds out of the northeast philadelphia only 41 degrees and 42 in wilmington and allentown 43 and trenton 39 and sea isle city 39. we are talking about windchill when you factor in the winds the windchills are in the low to mid-30s, like sharrie says you don't just need the umbrella you need your winter coat. a live view on double scan live, a stationary warm front and sigh the boxes the yellow are severe thunderstorm watch boxes and the read is severe thunderstorm warnings. that could cause a severe weather outbreak today and tonight from the ohio valley to the plain states, the possibility of wind gusts of 60 miles per hour and a good chance of hail, more than 2 inches of diameter for oklahoma city to st. louis and there is also a moderate risk of tornadoes it could by stronger an ef 2 tornadoes, that cold front is moving through here on friday afternoon than could bring us some gusty thunderstorms. tonight just a very drizzly and damp cool night. 40 degrees is the low in philadelphia, allentown 47 and wilmington 40 degrees, as we head through the day at midnight actually we'll see showers working up from the south currently over western pennsylvania through the day tom, we won't see a lot of rain but we'll have plenty of clouds and the mist and again temperatures stuck in the 40s. the five-day at 5:00 showing tomorrow almost a carbon copy of today. another day stuck in the dearies with the misting and cold air a high of 46 degrees, tomorrow morning fog could be a problem for the commute and then a warm day 75 degrees and the cold front brings us afternoon storms with gusty thunderstorms possible. the good news is all of this is out of here in time for the weekend saturday on the breezy side and tuesday 66 and sun and clouds with a high of 62. the weekend is looking great. >> we are looking forward to that. more to come in the next half hour of "action news" at 5:00, a woman swipes a backpack from a philadelphia restaurant but what was inside has police asking for your help tonight. drivers were stopped their tracks in montgomery county and a boat gets into a sticky situation at the jersey shore. we'll have those stories and more when "action news" comes right back. "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph rick williams and monica malpass. >> hello again rick is off tonight and sharrie williams joins us 11 hours that is how long it took a jury to convict the boston marathon bombing on all counts. a man is shot in the back while driving on the schuylkill expressway tonight his son is facing criminal charges and philadelphia firefighters responding to a call stumble on a sad situation in mantua more than a dozen horses crowded in a barn. now the details, accused boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev is found guilty on all counts and now that jury will decide if he gets life in prison or the death penalty. marcy gonzales is live now with more. what jurors must now consider against this 21-year-old man. >> reporter: this is an emotional day for so much people across boston inside of the courtroom, some victim's family members and even one of the jurors wiped away tears as the verdict was read. >> guilty on all 30 counts boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev slumps after learning he could face the death penalty. they deliberated for 11 hours over two days coming with a conviction. finding him guilty of three people as well as the violence that followed including the murder of mit police officer, sean collier survivors responding jeff baumann who lost both of his legs in the attack tweeting today's verdict will never replace the lives lost but it is a relief. and someone step closer to closure. the defense team led by joanie clark will try to keep dzhokhar tsarnaev off death row. >> they knew he would be convicted the question for them is could they save his life. >> the other -- is life in prison. if they can convince the jury that he was influenced by his older brother. >> i don't think he was driven to that by any means. >> the sentencing phase could start as soon as monand is expected to last several weeks his attorneys have not yet said if he will take the stand. >> back to you. >> thank you marcy. world news tonight with david muir will have more on today's boston bombing verdict including the next phase of the trial, watch that following "action news" at 6:00. can you fine the latest on the boston marathon bombing verdict at see a timeline as well as photos from the boston marathon scene. we are learning more tonight about the final tragic moments of a massachusetts plane crash that kills lewis katz. we learn words from the cockpit recorder, one said the lock is on and then i can't stop it and oh, no no. as the plane charged down the runway, it crashed and burst into flames. they reported a possible problem with the gust lock system that protects the plane from wind damage and the tail flaps were still locked that suggests that the pilot did not perform a pre-flight check. and now the schuylkill expressway shooting a 21-year-old man is facing charges for shooting his own father driving the family car. john rawlins live near the family home in south philadelphia with more. >>. >> reporter: monica there must have been a lot of tension inside of that car as it headed to a drug and alcohol rehab center, there was an argument and a gunshot at close range. >> at his arrangement the 22-year-old defendant denied he had a role in the shooting of his father. >> did you shoot your father? >> no. >> state troopers called to this seen last night the bleeding driver in the white buick 22-year-old eldwin corbett was shot and police say that told them that he shot her and she ran for her life. they were driving him to the drug and alcohol rehab center and there was an argument over the older man's role in the younger man's life when the younger man produced the gun and then he first denied being involved at all and saying he shot himself and then later recanted but that the gun discharged when his father went to grab it. the 22-year-old seemed polite and alert asking the judge about bail and appeared shaken when he heard it was set at $500,000 cash. >> reporter: corbin faces a number of charges including aggravated assault he failed to make the bail at $500,000 cash is he in the montgomery county prison and his father remains in the surgical icu trauma unit, but he is expected to recover. john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. philadelphia east detectives are searching for the woman that stole a backpack containing a gun from a kensington restaurant this is surveillance video from outside of the restaurant on the 900 block of north second street the suspect outside walked into the restaurant and grabbed the red backpack off the chair and then returned to her table as if nothing happened. inside was a loaded semi automatic handgun a knife keys and glasses. if you recognize the woman call police and we post aid video on our website at the voorhees police department are asking the public to help locate the man in these surveillance pictures they believe he is responsible for several car backins witnesses told authorities he is driving an early 2000 model jeep cherokee tan in color. and has led head lamps. remember that when you see breaking news or unusual weather happening, join the action become part of "action news" team by emailing your photos and videos to you can also use the #6abcaction on official media. a surprise for firefighters responding to a fire at the mantua section. they discovered about a dozen horses and ponies behind the home. crews were able to quickly able to contain the blaze, no word if any of the animaled were injured and now animal control is called to investigate. a fishing boat is still stuck on the shore in ocean county after it ran aground early this morning it happened at 5:00 a.m. near point pleasant beach, three people were on board at the time and nobody was hurt, sources tell "action news" that officials plan to keep the boat anchored in high tide tonight. when a barge will try to pull it out to sea. valley forge casino officials were called in front of the pennsylvania gaming official board today. the license supfor renewal for the first time, and since then the casino is fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for several violations including not following the terms of its license, they laid out their vision for the future of the casino. police in montgomery county handed out dozens of tickets on a crack down of aggressive driving, on the dannehower bridge heading into king of prussia, in all 20 drivers were ticketed. this is part of a statewide attempt to stop aggressive driving. lets head over to matt pellman in the traffic center. >> speaking of stopping we have plenty of drivers doing that on the highways with dense traffic and a few accidents. one new one on southbound 1 approaching academy, the left lane is blocked and extra heavy and a 40 minute ride, should be 14 minutes from woodhaven to the vine. south philadelphia, speeds are really slow with double games tonight in south philadelphia both the phils and the sixers. still the gas main break in pennsauken approaching the 38 split and the left lane is out and we expect that to be the case the next few hours and a crash along clifton avenue and a crash at the blue route southbound to 95 southbound and this truck is involved as well address north vehicle. the left lane is blocked on the southbound side of the blue route and extra crowded on 422 westbound because of a crash near 29. good luck getting home. still to come on "action news," an nba player and his wife are attacked by a knife-wielding stranger outside of a nightclub. and rap mogul suge knight is wheeled into the courtroom on a stretcher what he asked a judge. we are dealing with windchills in the 30s and we are watching a batch of steadier showers moving in from the west and the time of that coming up. >> also, the phillies trying to make up for monday's disappointing season opener. a woman who was convicted of killing her 5-year-old son by poisoning him with salt is sentenced to 20 years in prison. lacey spears could have gotten 20 years to life but the judge says it's clear that she suffers from a mental illness. the illness makes a person crave attention for a child's illness. indiana pacers forward, chris copeland and his wife are recovering after leaving a new york nightclub. >> video obtained showed copeland sitting on the ground investigators say he and his wife were arguing when an unknown man tried to interfere 22-year-old suspect allegedly pulled a knife and attacked the couple, he was later arrested and atlanta hawks players were also at the crime scene and they were arrested on obstruction charges after police said they blocked officers from starting their investigation. switching to sports the phillies are hoping for a much better outing at citizens bank park, that would be nice. >> jeff skversky is live now. >> lets forget about the opener the worst opening day shutout loss the phillies look to put it behind them and pick up their first win and first run of the young season as their series resumes again the red sox. jaime apody is live at the ballpark. hopefully this is easier to watch. >> i'll tell you this much, it will be harder to watch at least from the ballpark that is because it's like 30 degrees colder what happened to that opening day sunshine it's freezing, ben revere says he is going to play in the ski hat even if he gets fined he is kidding of course. it's october weather in april. it may be the only taste of october they ever get, well you never know. >> i think you bounce back the way you bounce back any time, whether it's opening day or june 20th flush it when you leave the park and come back fresh and new pitcher and new situation and flush it and get better and go play. >> i was upset on monday but today is a new day and i'm feeling good and definitely focused on you know the main thing, my nickname was firecrackers, because when i get going the alcoholwhole show is going to happen. i hope that happens tonight. >> ryan sandberg says he could be a spark plug. >> they have changes in the lineup darren rough starts in left, and carlos ruiz is at the bat. jeff back to you. find me some gloves now please. >> we have to get her a hat. >> four more games left in the sixers season against the wizards, they are trying not to lose seven straight. if you turned off the flyers game after their big lead, same finish islanders come back to tie it with 28 seconds left, steve mason thinking we are going to overtime but here comes the flyers 3 seconds left, brayden schenn shoots a terrible shot and it goes in flyer win and that kept new york from clinching the playoff spot. >> day before the masters and tiger woods big return he is on the course for the par 3 contest with his kids and girlfriend lindsay vaughn. how about the putt in there and there you go a big hug from daddy. the shot of the day doesn't come from the shortest on the course jack nicholas at 4:00 on the t shot. this is 140 yard as way, how about the bounce back? get in the hole! look where it is going -- got it. the 75-year-old nicholas is the six time -- phillies fans are used to getting popcorn thrown at them by the phanatic and a fan catches the foul ball in the tub. i hope he knows that guy by the way. buying a baseball guys may be cheaper than the popcorn there. >> those tubs are expensive. >> thank you jeff. former rap mogul suge knight was in the courtroom tonight, he was she'lled in and chained to the wheel chair he said could walk but he was put in the wheelchair to humiliate him. he was arraigned on robbery and criminal threat charges after accusations that he stole a paparazzi's camera, and he is accused of running over two men back in january and he told the judge he wanted to fire his current lawyer and that request was granted. oh, yes, breaking news into our newsroom, philadelphia police investing an abduction with a 1-year-old child the vehicle that was used to take the child was tracked here to the 3700 block of north 16th street the 14-year-old girl believed to have been taken the 1-year-old and the child is at philadelphia's hospital to be evaluated and the teen was taken into custody, it started at 5:00 at the east section of clementon street. this is where it started and this is where it ended. there was a man at the home where the teenager and 1-year-old was found no word if he play aid role in the incident. to our forecast now adam is joining us i think we are in a bit of shock right now. >> unfortunately it unfolded the way we expected. windchills in the 30s and on and off drizzle and one more day and then we bump the temperatures up. not everyone is seeing the rain and it's patchy and drizzling and all locations we take a closer look, it's solid or concentrated and it's pushing northern and east of the northeast extension towards quakertown and 611, making an aim towards new hope and trenton, that lifts away and not much behind it another round of showers, moving towards the midnight hour. its brutal out there for april standards. 38 in trenton and 39 in beach haven and 31 in philadelphia and 43 in dover you factor in the wind between 10 and 20 miles per hour and we've dealt with a huge change from yesterday, when we had a more southerly wind we are 20 degrees colder than yesterday at this time. same thing for millville and dover and at the shore 18 degrees colder from cape may to beach haven as well as areas along long beach island. there is a gap here a lull, and then another batch of showers that brought severe weather, you can see the bow echo that brought severe storms through west virginia it will weak and and pull showers in here during the latter part of the weekend hours and the night hours. the severe storms are nothing but a batch of showers at the midnight hour, temperatures are not dropping all that much tonight, pretty much staying steady to where they are right now upper 30s to around 40 42 degrees and millville, patchy light showers for the morning and areas of drizzle and that continues into thursday afternoon, it's not a washout and dreary with the raw northeastly wind and windchills again much of the day only in the 30s and then the front lifts to the north as the high pressure that brings the cool air pushes out over the open water of the atlantic and we get a southerly wind here on friday, temperatures soar into the mid-70s, early morning fog and showers and some breaks of sun early friday afternoon and then a cold front arrives late in the day and it could bring downpours and gusty severe storms in a couple of spots the exclusive accuweather forecast, another case of the drearies here on thursday, 46 degrees and cooler with the wind and morning fog breaking for afternoon and sunshine on friday. the storms are set to arrive with downpours at 4:00 and 6:00. this is the snapshot of future tracker it's close to philadelphia and trenton and everything pushes off the coast in time for the weekend, it's windy saturday and sunny and clouds and much cooler but average for this time of year, 62. and we go back above normal on sunday, full sunshine and 66 degrees with less wind and a stretch of 70s, monday tuesday and wednesday and it looks like a great day, clouds building for wednesday with 72 degrees, we go from 70s earlier this week to 40s and back to 70s. all over the board. >> a roller coaster thank you. more "action news" coming your way after the break. ♪♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. right now jim gardner and the "action news" team is standing by with these stories next at 6:00. a photographer and dj is facing charges of sexual assault and child pornography. those stories and more coming up next. for rick williams, adam joseph jaime apody sharrie williams i'm monica malpass have a great night. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rogers, meteorologist, cecily tynan, and jim gardner. wednesday night a lehigh valley bus driver is killed by her own car and a reward is offered to find the suspects in the abduction and suspects in the assault of a worker. and the big story is the verdict of guilty 30 times over, a jury found dzhokhar tsarnaev guilty of all charges in the boston marathon bombing. one after the other they came -- all guilty verdicts including counts of conspiracy and deadly use of a weapon of mass destruction. 17 of the 30 counts are punishable by the death penalty. three people were killed and 264 were injured when two bombs exploded at the finish line of the boston marathon in 2013. a survivor had this reaction. >> we are obviously grateful for the outcome today not a happy occasion but it's something we can put one more step behind us it's difficult but we have got and through it with each other. >> there is no specific word when the penalty phase will begin but word is it could be as early as next week, dzhokhar tsarnaev will get life in jail or death.


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