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Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20141105

clear sign of voter discontent. >> you kind of get jaded after a while. >> me it doesn't matter anymore. >> plus another theme unfolding right now, ladies night. republican women making history and sweeping victories in key races. >> for the first time, in the history of west virginia, we are sending a woman to the united states senate. >> a state sending its first female senator to washington. and another candidate becoming the youngest woman ever elected to congress. complete coverage starting now on the decisive victories, the big surprises and the angry electorate. good wednesday morning, i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm reena ninan. we begin with the republican party taking the top prize in the midterm election, control of the senate. >> huge night for the gop, picking up the six states they needed in the senate race and then some. abc's tahman bradley has the new political landscape in washington. >> reporter: it was a blowout. a victory by a couple of touchdowns. riding an anti-obama wave, republicans seized control of the senate and tightened their grip on the house. >> friends, this experiment in big government has lasted long enough. it's time to go in a new direction. >> reporter: as expected, the gop picked up senate seats in arkansas, south dakota and west virginia. but they also won hard-fought races in north carolina, colorado and iowa. iowa was a real zing to president obama, it was the state that launched his national career. >> there are a lot of disappointed people tonight, including me. >> republicans also dominated in governor's. not only winning close races in michigan, florida and wisconsin, they knocked off the democratic governor from president obama's home state of illinois. and dug into deep blue states, capturing the governor's mansions in massachusetts and maryland. >> wow. what a historic night in maryland. >> this turned out to be a national election, a national wave. senators, governors, house members. this was anti-democrat across the board. >> reporter: after the bruising defeat, president obama must now forge a new path forward, working with republicans. president obama has invited the republican and democratic congressional leaders over to the white house on friday to talk about where they go from here. t.j., reena. >> tahman, what's the fallout politically? what does this mean for president obama's agenda over his final two years? >> reporter: well, all of the leaders here are talking about finding areas where they can find common ground. mitch mcconnell mentioned tax reform and maybe doing business on trade agreement. but he has to keep the tea party leaders in check. ted cruz has brought up the fact that he would push for possibly investigating the obama administration. mitch mcconnell has ruled that out. president obama has also talked about maybe going it alone on immigration. trying to do that by executive order. but the bottom line here in washington is anything that president obama wants to get, any legislation he hopes for for the remainder of his term, he will need republicans to sign off. >> tahman bradley for us live in washington, thank you so much. and joining us here at the desk with her take on the election results is abc's deputy political director. >> shushannah walshe. thank you so much. it was a shock of the night, a race nobody was talking about. >> it really was not on our radar, the virginia senate race. right now, still too close to call. but mark warner, the incumbent democrat, he was supposed to take this easily. but right now, no call. >> big night for female candidates, wasn't it? who are the big stars? >> absolutely. historic. in west virginia, shelly capito, the first woman to got to the senate from that state. and the new york house race. stefanik, only 30 years old, the youngest woman ever in the house. >> and what can we tell from tonight, anti-democrat, anti-incumbent or just an angry electora electorate? >> absolutely an angry electorate and absolutely a sour mood. in the exit polls, 65% of american voters say the country is on the wrong track. >> shushannah walshe ending a long night, a long morning. >> absolutely. >> go to bed. thanks so much. now to a race that got a lot of attention because of name recognition. jason carter, the last name familiar. grandson of former president jimmy carter. he failed in his attempt to become governor of georgia. nathan deal managed to hold on to a commanding lead and secured a second term. >> recreational pot use by adults in oregon and washington, d.c. washington, d.c. could be overturned by congress which controls the district. a similar measure is expected to pass in alaska. voters in florida rejected the medicinal use of marijuana. and another woman making history in utah. the first ever black female to congress. a former mayor, mia love, will become the representative from the state's fourth district. love is also a mormon and a first-generation hatian-american. and the man seen threatening this reporter has been re-elected to a third term. michael grime faces a federal indictment for tax evasion. he beat his democratic opponent by a sizable margin. he was helped by the loyalty of his conservative base and the fact that his challenger ran a bumbling campaign. stay us with for the latest election results. much more, and live team coverage coming your way on "good morning america." another developing story this morning, most of the state of texas is under a flood watch warning. officials in austin are readying the emergency operations center and monitoring the radar. tropical storm vance is still packing a punch. tracking northeast toward mexico. and the lonestar state. it's dumped up to a foot of rain. accuweather's jim dickey has the latest. jim, good morning. >> good morning. heavy rains continues in particular across texas. heading throughout the morning, from the dallas area to center to houston. on to san antonio. watch out for flooding. this tapping into moisture from vance which is moving into mexico here today. into thursday, then, this rain heads towards the east coast. watch the i-95 corridor, soaking rain spreading north from new york city to new england into the overnight hours. back to you. still ahead, get your tickets out, someone just won $300 million. also this morning, an update on a story we have been telling you about. police now releasing new details in the chilling kidnapping case caught on camera. why police want to talk to this man spotted some 70 miles away from the crime. and the truth behind the fire ball this morning. what we know what was streaking what we saw across the sky. (tiffany) ask yourself what your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. when i have an asthma attack... i feel like a fish with no water. learn how to prevent your child's next asthma attack. because even one attack is one too many. recapping the big election headline this morning, the republicans have prevailed. seizing control of the senate, dealing a punishing blow to democrats and president obama. new this morning, severe tush lebs so -- turbulence so bad on board a u.s.-pound air france jet it was forced to return to paris. the a-380 superjumbo jet was headed to new york when it encountered severe weather after takeoff. four crew members had concussions. no passengers were hurt. ringling brothers being fined $7,000 for an accident in may that hurt eight acrobats. they were attached -- you might remember this video, even. they were attached by their hair to a chandelier. they were suspended in the air when that happened. it came crashing down. most of the women were severely injured. some were unable to walk at least a month after the accident despite dozens of surgeries. there was a winning ticket for the mega millions jackpot of $321 million. that's the eighth largest payout in mega millions history. it would be about $194 million if the winner takes the cash option. that winning ticket sold right here in new york state. we are getting a clearer picture this morning of just what it was lighting up the skies monday night. nasa telling us this dramatic fire ball on the right side of your screen coming down was seen over 13 eastern states was most likely a meteor. also the real deal, this fire ball caught on video streaking over japan. but this -- where is it? the slow-moving thing over chicago. not so much a meteor, sky divers carrying flares. it was a publicity stunt for an energy drink. >> the flares looked more real to me. when we come back, the close call. the group of people by themselves in the path of a car careening out of control. also an update on the republican's big night. we will check in with our reporters covering the midterm elections overnight. heck in with our reporters covering the elections overnight. a serious hairball issue. ve we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ [ kevin ] really? [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [coughing] hey amanda, sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil. the non drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head, power through your day medicine. i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. look at that shabing symbol of victory for the gop. the empire state building blanketed in red lights overnight. a tribute to the republicans as they reach their goal of picking up the seats to take back the senate. morning road conditions. a band of storms stretching 3600 miles from texas to new jersey, wet and flooding conditions. and wet roads up to the midwest and great lakes as well as the pacific northwest and the northern rockies. and flying, dallas, houston, memphis and minneapolis. you'll hear this a lot. it was an awful night for democrats. they watched republicans pick up one victory after another and shore up control of the senate. >> the gop gained seven seats. one of those wins went to mitch mcconnell of kentucky. he's now poised to become the next senate majority leader. and abc news is covering the angles. start with matt gutman in kansas. >> reporter: for a while yesterday, perhaps the republicans might lose two key seats in kansas. one is the governor's seat, the other is the senate seat, pat roberts, the three-term incumbent. both he and sam brownback pulled through with comfortable margins. this despite the fact that kansas had the lowest republican turnout since 1992. in a generation. and the fact there was tremendous dissatisfaction with the performance of both of those leaders. at the end of the day, it was probably money that turned the tide for the republicans. in 2008, $400,000 were spent by outsiders on campaign ads. in 2014, $17 million. matt gutman, abc news, kansas city. >> reporter: right here in colorado, priority election day, this was going to be neck-and-neck, down to the wire, a photo finish. but in the end it was not to be. cory gardner walked away with the senate seat. and the critics of mark udall said he was a one-issue candidate. focused too much on women's issues. a a number of people criticized him for voting 99% of the time with president obama. supporting obamacare. on the flipside, cory gardner, considered a rock star, an up and comer in the gop party. lindsey davis, denver, colorado. we have much more with live team coverage on "good morning america." and a major break in the case of a philadelphia woman kidnapped as she walked home. police released security video of a man they believe just used the victim's bank card. they say the store where he is located off an exit for aberdeen, maryland, 75 miles from philadelphia. her parents are pleading for her safe return. >> please. please give me back my child. give me back my baby. please, give me my child. please. >> whatever you're asking for, me and my family, not pressing any charges. all we want back it our daughter. >> family members say an old boyfriend from maryland was obsessed with the young woman. police won't say if there is a connection. also in pennsylvania, learning new details about how accused cop killer eric frein managed to avoid hundreds of law enforcement officials for 58 days in the pocono mountains. newly released court documents say he used a laptop. logging on to the internet, using unprotected wi-fi hot spots. one of the websites enabled him to listen to police radio traffic. a couple updates on football players. start with adrian peterson. he is avoiding jail thanks to a deal with prosecutors. pleading no contest to reckless assault for using a small tree branch for disciplining his sun. two years probation, must pay a mine, 80 hours of community service, parenting classes as well. a possible return to the field is unclear. and ray rice is appealing the indefinite suspension from the nfl. he will demand his immediate reinstatement to the league. it began when the video became public, she's now his wife. roger goodell still scheduled to testify at the hearing. trial date for hope solo of the u.s. soccer team. she will face misdemeanor domestic violence charges from an altercation with her sister and nephew as a family gathering. she has been on the national team's roster since it began. and the wild brawl after sunday's nascar race in texas. you remember these pictures. jeff gordon confronted brad keselowski, accusing him of driving like a madman out there. caused him to spin out. nascar has let both drivers off the hook yesterday. no fines or suspensions for either of them. both of them ended up bloody after this fight. however, the crew chiefs were both fined $50,000. four other crew members were fined and have been suspended. the drivers themselves without a fine and without a suspension. overseas, dramatic video out of russia that might make you think twice about standing in the middle of a traffic island. they were waiting for a signal to change, when the high speed collision spilled on to the pavement. no word on injuries yet. >> in new york, you don't think of it, not looking at traffic. looking down at your phones, your headphones are in. >> yeah. every know. >> a runner from italy, a lot to be thankful for as he makes his way home from running the new york city marathon. >> he was so cold at one point he didn't feel his wedding ring slip off his hand. he posted about the loss on the race's organization facebook page. >> ornela alexander found the ring and returned it to him. they met up, and he gave her flowers as a thank you. and so much more. >> what are the chances? >> i bet there's cynical folks out there who say he tossed it. >> don't say that. >> not me. >> you have been up too late. coming up next in the pulse. a music star wednesday to extremes just to cast his boot. >> your boy. also more election news. what happened to crooner and candidate clay aiken. not to be focusing, again, on my moderate my goal was to finally get in shape. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance on humira. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. set a new goal today. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. time for our post-election day pulse. and we begin with not a politician, but a rapper. what's his name? >> lil' jon. >> yes, no ts. >> not little. he was featured on one of the biggest songs of the year. "turned out for what." he revised the song into a rock the vote message, "turn out for what." and he turned out. >> lil jon is from atlanta. he claimed the state of georgia didn't send him an absentee ballot. not stopping him. >> the kick of crunk was waiting for this 6:00 a.m. flight from l.a. to atlanta just to take part in the democratic process. >> proud of him. >> it is. lil, not little. and even on election day, kim kardashian can't stand to not be in the limelight. >> she posted on instagram. a cartoon version of president obama and kim kardashian. the caption, riddled with spelling errors, standing with president obama in the midterm election. >> it's not clear if she knew that president obama was not on the ballot. >> she knew. she knew. >> are you sure? >> of course she knew. >> in her defense, she didn't say she was voting for him. so maybe you're right, t.j. maybe she did know. >> give that young lady some credit. let's turn to clay aiken. he can't help but come in second place, can he? defeated by a republican incumbent in north carolina. >> aiken, once the runner of on "american idol" was trying his hand at politics. a victory would have made him the first openly-gay congressman elected from the south. >> not only did he lose, but he had kind of a bad day all around. the campaign bus broke down leaving a polling station and had to be towed. probably not a good sign on that day. he can go back to singing. >> he can go back to singing. absolutely. >> it'll be fine. for some of you, your local news is next. >> for everyone else, "america this morning" continues after this. ter this. esurwhich means fewer costs, which saves money. their customer experience is virtually paperless, which saves paper, which saves money. they have smart online tools, so you only pay for what's right for you, which saves money. they settle claims quickly, which saves time, which saves money. they drive an all-hybrid claims fleet, which saves gas, which saves money. they were born online, and built to save money, which means when they save, you save. because that's how it should work in the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. you can't breathe through your nose, suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. did you know that people born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good morning at 4:20. i am kristen sze. >> i am eric thomas. >> we will get to the election results. first, weather and traffic. mike? live doppler hd shows on the left of the screen how far offshore the clouds are. the breeze has developed. today will be one of the warmest days this week. you can see how clean the air is from the east bay hills camera. it has haze. it is not a "spare the air" day. 77 to 81 inland. even the coast into san francisco is 70 to 75 and around the bay we will have middle to upper 70's. total sunshine and at the love warmth. enjoy. >> we start off with the golden gate bridge and traffic is quiet. traveling from marin to san francisco you are not going to find delays. we have construction. as we take you over to 580 in the when direction, we have a few laned closed off until 5:00 this morning and if we continue the drive to castro valley it remains clear and we have san jose in a few minutes. thank you, 4:29. the closely much withed race for mayor of the bay area's biggest city, san jose. moments ago the final precincts reported sam liccardo leading dave cortese with absentee ballots to still be counted. >> this is not over. i spoke with the registrar and they have counted all the precincts. with all reporting, sam liccardo has a slim lead of over 2,100 votes over dave cortese but it is not over. they have 1 20,000 mail in ballots to counsel. this was expected to be close. liccardo has the slim june percent -- 51 percent to 49 lead. it is too early to call. the county mail in ballot could swing the election. tens of thousands from san jose are still left to be counted. candidates spoke with us. they agree it will be a while before a winner is announced. >> last time i looked there was 1,500 votes in play. that is move back-and-forth easy. i would rather be 1 percent behind and finish the winner than 1 percent head and finish the loser. we have a while to


Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20141105

we are sending a woman to the united states senate. >> a state sending the first female senator to washington. and another candidate the youngest woman ever elected to koch. >> starting now on the decisive victories, and the surprises and the angry electorate. >> good wednesday morning, i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm reena ninan. we begin with the republican party taking the top prize in the midterm election, taking the senate. >> the gop picking up the six states they needed and then some. tahman bradley has more tonight new political landscape in washington. >> it was a blowout. riding an anti-obama wave, republicans seized control of the senate and tightened their grip on the house. >> the experiment if big government lasted long enough. it's time to go in a new direction. >> as expected, the gop picked up arkansas, south dakota and west virginia. but they also won hard-fought races in north carolina, colorado and iowa. iowa was a real zing to president obama, it was the state that launched his political career. >> there are a lot of disappointed people tonight, including me. >> and republicans won in michigan, florida and wisconsin, knocking off the democratic governor from illinois, and capturing the governor's mansions in massachusetts and maryland. >> wow. what a historic night in maryland. >> this turned out to be a national election, a national wave. senators, governors, house members. this was anti-democrat across the board. >> reporter: after the bruising defeat, president obama must forge a new path forward. he's invited the leaders to the white house on friday to talk about where they go from here. >> tahman, what's the fallout politically? what does this mean for president obama's agenda over his final two years? >> well, the leaders here are talking about finding areas where they can find common ground. mitch mcconnell mentioned tax reform and maybe doing business on trade agreement. but he has to keep the tea party leaders in check. ted cruz will push for investigating the obama administration. mitch mcconnell knell ruled that out. and president obama, maybe going alone on immigration, doing it by executive order. but the bottom line is anything that president obama wants to get, any legislation he hopes for for the remainder of his term, he will need republicans to sign off. >> tahman bradley for us live in washington, thank you so much. and joining us here at the desk is our deputy political director. >> shushannah walshe. it was a shock of the night, a race nobody was talking about. >> it was not on the radar, the virginia senate race. right now, still too close to call. but the incumbent democrat, he was supposed to take this easily. right now, no call. >> big night for female candidates. >> absolutely. historic. in west virginia, capito, the first woman to got to the senate. and stefanik, only 30 years old, the youngest woman ever in the house. >> and anti-democrat, anti-incumbent or angry? >> angry electorate and sour mood. in the polls, 65% of american voters say the country is on the wrong track. >> shushannah walshe ending a long night, a long morning. >> absolutely. >> go to bed. thanks so much. and a race that got a lot of attention because of name recogniti recognition. jason carter, son of former president jimmy carter. he failed in his attempt. nathan deal secured a second term. >> recreational pot use by adults in orand washington, d.c. it could be overturned, and a similar measure is expected to pass in alaska. voters in florida rejected the medicinal use of marijuana. and utah, the first ever black female to congress. mia love will go to the house. and she's a first generation hatian-american. and the man seen threatening this reporter is facing a federal indictment for tax evasion won by a sizable margin. he was helped by the fact that his chaerlg ran a bumbling campaign. stay with us. much more, and live team coverage coming your way on "good morning america." another developing story this morning, most of the state of texas is under a flood watch warning. officials in austin are monitoring the radar. tropical storm vance is still packing a punch. tracking northeast toward mexico. and the lonestar state. it's dumped up to a foot of rain. jim dickey has the latest. good morning. >> good morning. heavy rain across texas. heading throughout the morning, from dallas to houston, on to san antonio. and moisture from vance, moving into mexico here today. into thursday, then, this rain heads towards the east coast. watch the i-95 corridor, new york city, to new england overnight. back to you. still ahead, get your tickets out, someone just won $300 million. and an update on a story we have been telling you about. and the chilling kidnapping case caught on camera. why police to want talk to this man 70 miles away from the crime. this morning, the fire ball. what we know what was streaking what we saw across the sky. recapping the big election headline this morning, the republicans have prevailed. seizing control of the senate, dealing a punishing blow to democrats and president obama. new this morning, severe turbulence on a u.s.-bound air france jet it was forced to return to paris. the a-380 superjumbo jet was headed to new york when it encountered severe weather after takeoff. four crew members had concuss n concussio concussions. no passengers were hurt. ringling brothers being fined for an accident. they were attached by their hair to a chandelier. they were suspended in the air when that happened. it came crashing down. most of the women were severely injured. some were unable to walk at least a month after the accident despite dozens of surgery the. there was a winning ticket for the megamillions jackpot of $321 million. it would be about $194 million if the winner takes the cash option. that winning ticket sold right here in new york state. we are getting a clearer picture this morning of just what it was lighting up the skies monday night. nasa telling us this dramatic fire ball on the right side of your screen coming down was seen over 13 eastern states was most likely a meteor. also the real deal, caught on video streaking over japan. but this -- where is it? the slow-moving thing over chicago. not so much a meteor, sky divers carrying a flare. it was a publicity stunt for an energy drink. >> the flares looked more real to me. when we come back, the close call. the group of people by themselves in the path of a car careening out of control. also an update on the republican's big night. we will check in with our reporters covering the elections overnight. a serious hairball issue. ve we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ [ kevin ] really? [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [coughing] hey amanda, sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil. the non drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head, power through your day medicine. i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. look at that shabing symbol of victory for the gop. the empire state building blanketed in red lights overnight. a tribute to the republicans as they reach their goal of picking up the seats to take back the senate. morning road conditions. a band of storms stretching 3600 miles from texas to new jersey, wet and flooding conditions. and wet roads up to the midwest and great lakes as well as the pacific northwest and the northern rockies. and flying, dallas, houston, memphis and minneapolis. you'll hear this a lot. it was an awful night for democrats. they watched republicans pick up one victory after another and shore up control of the senate. >> the gop gained seven seats. one of those wins went to mitch mcconnell of kentucky. he's now poised to become the next senate majority leader. and abc news is covering the angles. start with matt gutman in kansas. >> reporter: for a while yesterday, perhaps the republicans might lose two key seats in kansas. one is the governor's seat, the other is the senate seat, pat roberts, the three-term incumbent. both he and sam brownback pulled through with comfortable margins. this despite the fact that kansas had the lowest republican turnout since 1992. in a generation. and the fact there was tremendous dissatisfaction with the performance of both of those leaders. at the end of the day, it was probably money that turned the tide for the republicans. in 2008, $400,000 were spent by outsiders on campaign ads. in 2014, $17 million. matt gutman, abc news, kansas city. >> reporter: right here in colorado, priority election day, this was going to be neck-and-neck, down to the wire, a photo finish. but in the end it was not to be. cory gardner walked away with the senate seat. and the critics of mark udall said he was a one-issue candidate. focused too much on women's issues. a a number of people criticized him for voting 99% of the time with president obama. supporting obamacare. on the flipside, cory gardner, considered a rock star, an up and comer in the gop party. lindsey davis, denver, colorado. we have much more with live team coverage on "good morning america." and a major break in the case of a philadelphia woman kidnapped as she walked home. police released security video of a man they believe just used the victim's bank card. they say the store where he is located off an exit for aberdeen, maryland, 75 miles from philadelphia. her parents are pleading for her safe return. >> please. please give me back my child. give me back my baby. please, give me my child. please. >> whatever you're asking for, me and my family, not pressing any charges. all we want back it our daughter. >> family members say an old boyfriend from maryland was obsessed with the young woman. police won't say if there is a connection. also in pennsylvania, learning new details about how accused cop killer eric frein managed to avoid hundreds of law enforcement officials for 58 days in the pocono mountains. newly released court documents say he used a laptop. logging on to the internet, using unprotected wi-fi hot spots. one of the websites enabled him to listen to police radio traffic. a couple updates on football players. start with adrian peterson. he is avoiding jail thanks to a deal with prosecutors. pleading no contest to reckless assault for using a small tree branch for disciplining his sun. two years probation, must pay a mine, 80 hours of community service, parenting classes as well. a possible return to the field is unclear. and ray rice is appealing the indefinite suspension from the nfl. he will demand his immediate reinstatement to the league. it began when the video became public, she's now his wife. roger goodell still scheduled to testify at the hearing. trial date for hope solo of the u.s. soccer team. she will face misdemeanor domestic violence charges from an altercation with her sister and nephew as a family gathering. she has been on the national team's roster since it began. and the wild brawl after sunday's nascar race in texas. you remember these pictures. jeff gordon confronted brad keselowski, accusing him of driving like a madman out there. caused him to spin out. nascar has let both drivers off the hook yesterday. no fines or suspensions for either of them. both of them ended up bloody after this fight. however, the crew chiefs were both fined $50,000. four other crew members were fined and have been suspended. the drivers themselves without a fine and without a suspension. overseas, dramatic video out of russia that might make you think twice about standing in the middle of a traffic island. they were waiting for a signal to change, when the high speed collision spilled on to the pavement. no word on injuries yet. >> in new york, you don't think of it, not looking at traffic. looking down at your phones, your headphones are in. >> yeah. every know. >> a runner from italy, a lot to be thankful for as he makes his way home from running the new york city marathon. >> he was so cold at one point he didn't feel his wedding ring slip off his hand. he posted about the loss on the race's organization facebook page. >> ornela alexander found the ring and returned it to him. they met up, and he gave her flowers as a thank you. and so much more. >> what are the chances? >> i bet there's cynical folks out there who say he tossed it. >> don't say that. >> not me. >> you have been up too late. coming up next in the pulse. a music star wednesday to extremes just to cast his boot. >> your boy. also more election news. what happened to crooner and candidate clay aiken. not to be focusing, again, on my moderate my goal was to finally get in shape. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance on humira. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. set a new goal today. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. all right. time for our post-election day pulse. and we begin with not a politician, but a rapper. what's his name? >> lil' john. >> not little. he was featured on one of the biggest songs of the year. he revised the song into a rock the vote message, turn out for what. and he turned out. >> liljon is from atlanta. they didn't send an absentee ballot. not stopping him. >> he was waiting for this 6:00 a.m. flight from l.a. to atlanta just to take part in the democratic process. >> proud of him. >> it is. lil, not little. and even on election day, kim cakardashian can't stand to not be in the limelight. >> she posted on instagram. a cartoon version of president obama and kim kardashian. the caption, riddled are spelling errors, standing with president obama in the midterm election. >> it's not clear if she knew that president obama was not on the ballot. >> she knew. >> in her defense, she didn't say she was voting for him. >> give that young lady some credit. and clay aiken. he can't help but come in second place, can he? defeated by a republican incumbent in north carolina. >> he was trying his hand at politics for the first time. a victory would have made him the first openly-gay congressman elected from the south. >> not only did he lose, but he had a bad day. the campaign bus broke down leaving a polling station and had to be towed. probably not a good sign on that day. he can go back to singing. >> absolutely. >> it'll be fine. for some of you, your local news is next. >> for everyone else, "america this morning" continues after this. esurwhich means fewer costs, which saves money. their customer experience is virtually paperless, which saves paper, which saves money. they have smart online tools, so you only pay for what's right for you, which saves money. they settle claims quickly, which saves 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showing this person of interest. we're talking to detectives right now and we'll have a live updates on that. republicans ride a wave of voter discontent seizing control of the u.s. senate. hear how president obama is reaching across the aisle this morning. democrat tom wolf will be the next governor of pennsylvania. breaking down that race, all of the big rasores, plus tracking warm temperatures for this wednesday and that d showers across the upper midwest and the pacific northwest. and finally this morning, the sights and sounds from election day and night. >> a look now at those enthusiastic victory speeches and the tough concessions from coast to coast. >> this victory is not my victory. this victory is our victory. our victory. >> as we look back along the campaign trail, this has been a truly amazing journey. as a first-time and unknown candidate, we've achieved remarkable things thanks to you. >> all of you worked so hard. it was my name printed on the ballot, but we built this campaign only because of all the friends and supporters that i have been so honored to have. >> as republicans in colorado, we have gotten used to the saying, wait until the next election. well, i've got news for you, that next election, it finally happened. >> a huge night for the gop. let's take a look at some of the headlines you'll be waking up to. >> new york times says plainly, gop takes senate. that sums up the night. >> sure does. the "miami herald" in florida, scott wins fierce fight. he was up against charlie crist who switched parties and scott still went ahead. >> the whole fan issue was hysterical during their debate. the new york daily news, simply, this one, playing on the iconic picture of obama with hope, nope. you see it there. they know how to do it in new york. >> and this is time, featuring mitch mcconnell, it's reminiscent of president obama's hope poster back in the elections, right? >> and he's gering up. say it out loud, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. expected to have a closer race in kentucky than he had. when he got the victory, that set it off. >> another big night tonight, country music awards tonight. more coverage of election day on "good morning america." have a good one, folks. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. here's what's happening on this wednesday, november 5th. devastation for the democrats. all across can country it's been a victorious night for the gop. we'll talk about the changes to the political map. >> police have new leads to follow in the search for a woman who was snatched off a philadelphia street and they have this person of interest. >> and also this morning, federal regulators have slapped the greatest show on earth with a $7,000 fine. >> hello everyone, it is 4:30 a.m. let's also get you your weather and traffic with david and karen. good morning. >> beautiful election


Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140925

fantasy character. an abc news exclusive. so does daddy know best? we have never seen this before, the duck dynasty dad weighing in on every outfit his daughter puts on. her secret weapon or going too far? good morning, america. happy thursday. you saw the rain out there on our window. we have a lot to get to this morning. let's start out with the captain of our "gma" upgrade team this morning. there's sara haines. where is she taking command? we can not tell you yet, but it's our big egest upgrade yet. don't tell them. >> wherever you are, beware. but that rain and massive flooding, in the south and now headed for the northeast. we're going to have more on that. but we're going to begin with the arrest and the disappearance of uva student hannah graham. the suspect, jesse matthew, is in custody in texas this morning after a nationwide manhunt. steve osunsami is in virginia with the very latest. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning. today virginia police are headed to texas. this is jesse matthew, seen here in handcuffs overnight after his arrest in galveston, texas. the 32-year-old charged in the disappearance of hannah graham, waiting to be brought home to virginia. >> the hero today is with the galveston sheriff's office. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows him at a gas station tuesday night. the next day he was arrested during a routine patrol, and he was camping out on the beach. >> we don't have any information as to what might have prompted mr. matthew to head to that part of the country. >> reporter: that beach is more than a thousand miles from the downtown mall where he and the missing college students were seen together just minutes before she disappeared september 13th. police say she had been drinking heavily, and he kept buying her drinks at this bar and restaurant. he was last seen saturday in charlottesville, virginia, when he walked in police headquarters to speak with a lawyer. >> the only comment is i'm his attorney. and i was hired on saturday. >> reporter: his friends and family insist he didn't kidnap anyone. >> to kill, or hurt somebody. that's not my son. >> reporter: but the hospital where he works has now suspended him without pay, and the school where he coached football says he's not longer welcome. police say the search is still on for hannah graham. >> we're asking every person to find hannah graham. >> reporter: and raising the reward to $100,000. he's charged with induction with intent to defile. a sex crime. but it could be a while before he faces charges in virginia. he has to be extradited from texas first. >> and that will happen soon. thank goodness for the deputy. and now the war on isis, a new wave of air strikes overnight taking out one of the main sources of income for the group. martha raddatz is on the ussh.w. bush. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, the fight operations on the uss bush have been constant, f-18 fighters heading for syria and iraq at all hours of the night. last night and yesterday the targets were oil refineries. mobile oil refineries that aye cities is now controlling. 12 were targeted. isis makes at least $2 million a day on these oil refineries, fueling their own vehicle and selling the oil to fund the isis organization. in the coming days, the targets will be either planned large-scale attacks or targets of opportunity. meaning if a pilot is patrolling the skies above iraq or syria and sees an isis target like a convoy or a training camp, that pilot, that airplane, will take it out. george. >> this war is taking place on many fronts. >> it certainly is, thank you. now to the terror raid overnight. police in london taking at least nine men into custody. the latest crackdown on suspected islamic militants worldwide. >> reporter: police moved in on 19 separate locations seizing computers and documents and making nine arrests as part of an ongoing investigation as the pipeline to isis recruits in syria. and they have been involved in the beheadings of two americans and one fellow britain. among those arrested, a radical muslim cleric who told abc news the beheading of james foley by isis was part of war and should not be considered shocking. >> in war, people kill each other. no matter how much it shocked the world, it has happenings. >> reporter: and this morning, outrage in fransz france aver the french government confirmed that a french mountain climber who was killed in support of isis. he was kidnapped within hours of arriving in algeria as a tourist over last weekend. moments of his execution came moments after president obama spoke about the threat of isis. >> the people of the world have been more ifhorrified by anothel murder. we stand with you and the french people. >> reporter: in the midst of all the new air strikes, no word at all about the remaining 15 western hostages, including two americans in the hands of isis. all of them have been threatened with execution. and u.s. authorities are bracing for very bad news today. >> thank you, brian. turn now to the powerful storm dumping record rain on florida. lots of flooding there. now moving up the east coast. ginger tracking it all. >> and sitting next to the coast and moving north. just south of new york city, back to northern virginia. getting in closer, it's hitting a wall of dry air. but it will make its way through much of the day. heavy rains all the way back to the texas panhandle. >> they're going to stall. >> and they did. cars stalling and stranded. >> i want to get out and help them. >> reporter: 2 inches of rain in an hour in the texas panhandle. screams from a bus as it plows through. along with the rain, hail in amarillo, golf ball to baseball-sized, puncturing this church. and in central florida -- >> this has been raining now for -- my gauge over there on the mailbox says over 5 inches. >> reporter: up to 10 inches in less than 24 hours. >> it's not often you get a kayak down the middle of the beach. >> reporter: daytona beach boating through the wettest september on record. you can see the time at the top. new york city starting to get into it now. and long island, taking the brunt. it's windy, cool and raw. we stopped it there at 6:00 p.m. there's a big game going on, we'll be talking about, i'm sure. but we will see lingering showers. much of it moving away after the midnight hour. how much? an inch or more in a lot of places. hefty as you get up into the cape in massachusetts. i'll have much more coming up in the nation's weather. and, of course, more flooding to talk about. >> thanks very much. and to amy with the rest of the top stories. >> good morning. and a defeat in court for the accused boston marathon bomber. his trial will not be moved out of boston. his lawyers claimed it's impossible to get a fair trial. the judge disagreed, setting a january trial date. and the deadly shooting of a black walmart shopper by two white police officers. it came after a grand jury ruled that police were justified in shooting john crawford in august. surveillance video shows crawford walking around the store with what appears to be a rifle before they opened fire. it was a bb gun. and terrifying moments in venice, california. trying to hide from that man who had just broken into her house. she climbed out the window, grabbing her phone to call 911. oh, my gosh, that is a scary photo. police arrived moments later to rescue her and arrest eed intruder. and a fisherman was rescued offer the coast of mexico. the crew of a pleasure boat found him floating in a giant foam cooler. his boat sank during tropical storm polo. he caught a sea gull for food and was so hungry he didn't want to let it go, even after he was rescued. and tonight, derek jeter will play his final game at yankee stadium after 20 years. the louisville slugger bat company is retiring one of its models in honor of jeter. the p-72. tickets are selling for as much as $15,000. that's crazy. but the rain maybe coming. as ginger said. i don't think the fans are going to mind. they're going to be happy to be there, and if they didn't pay $15,000. you know what they say, if it's too cute to be true, meet sherlock, the beagle. he's on klm, his job? yes uniting passengers are items they have left behind. he sniffs the phone, bag, sweater, whatever you forgot. and then he rushes to track you down. the ad campaign was an instant hit, but we're learning it's not true. >> really? >> oh. i didn't have you, robin? not once? not even in the beginning? not even a little bit? not a little bit. >> i'm still waiting for the ipad i left on the plane. where's the beagle. >> good story. >> i'd like to think it was true. >> i'd like to take him home. thanks, amy. turn now to the latest on the urgent manhunt for the cop killer in pennsylvania. police have seen eric frein and revealing the bizarre tactics he's using to stay free. linzie janis is on the case. >> reporter: each time they have spotted frein, he's been too far away to apprehend. they say he knows that. he appears to know that and is taunting them. this morning, new clues into the possible location of murder suspect eric frein. police saying overnight they believe they've spotted the fugitive several times. as recently as two days ago. always deep in the distance. and each time frein vanishing. >> i almost think some of this is a game to him. >> reporter: new evidence leading authorities to believe the alleged cop killer has been planning his disappearing act in the woods of pennsylvania for months or years. >> several items abandoned or hidden for use. serbian cigarettes and soiled diapers have been found. >> reporter: they believe he's using the diepers to stay hidden for long stretches of time. >> it's something with the sniper training that he received, or self-taught. >> reporter: police believe the 31-year-old is hiding out near where he lived with his parents. nearly 1,000 officers now searching, deply ploying this military vehicle to bring s.w.a.t. teams up into the trees. aaron foster catching footage in his backyard. >> men, dogs, more men than trees out there. pretty surreal. >> reporter: police are searching every inch of this roughly five square mile area, even kicking bears out of their caves in the process. if they see frein and he does not actively surrender, they have been authorized to shoot to kill. >> thank you. now to nascar's tony stewart, cleared of charges. this morning, the victim's family speaking out, angry about the grand jury's decision. reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: this morning the family of kevin ward jr. fighting back after a grand jury decided not to file criminal charges against nascar star tony stewart in the on-track death of their son. the grand jury considered evidence, including this video of the fatal incident in a race last month. 20-year-old ward got out of the car after an initial crash, and stewart's car hitting him. they said he tries to intimidate kevin by accelerating and slides the car, causing the tragedy. also, this matter is not at rest and we will pursue all remedies. stewart has spoken publicly only once since this incident. >> this has been one of the toughest tragedies i have had to deal with. >> he released a statement, while the process was long and emotionally difficult, it allowed for all the facts of the accident to be identified and known. among those facts, a bombshell about ward. a toxicology report showed he was high on marijuana, enough to impair judgment. ward's family saying the focus should be on the actions of tony stewt and not kevin. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> and as she said, ward's family is going to pursue other action. >> they are. wasn't he showing off the iphone. >> there's nothing wrong with the phone. but apple does have a big problem with the new iphone. a software update on sunday, caused problems. neal karlinsky has the story. >> reporter: on a week that began with apple celebrating record-smashing iphone 6 sales, this morning the hangover hit with a double whammy. first reports that some of the phones were actually bending while in their pockets. a pseudo scandal some dubbed bend-gazi. and now ios 8.0.1, to fix bugs, reportedly crashing phones instead. one after the other complaining on twitter, no service. the update disabling their connection. the stock was hit, only a bit. the bigger problems, apple's reputation. >> apple angered a few people by putting out this compromised update. in the long run, no worse for the wear. >> reporter: they said we apologize, and working around the clock to fix ios 8.0.2, and will release it in the next few days. at the same time, pulling back the update before more people run into trouble. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, alaska, seattle. >> if you have updated and having trouble, you can go to a itunes, back up the phone and reinstall the previous version. i have not sat on the phone, did not bend. i have a feeling i would break it. >> didn't update it, either? >> no. >> so you're okay. >> for now. >> still? good shape. >> thank you. rain on both coasts today. >> follow me on this one, this is cool. a half inch of rain in oregon. and one of the big fires, the onion fire, and that's the equivalent to 20,000 helicopter drops of water. know how they come, they got enough. it's a half inch, but doesn't look like a lot, but this is a big deal to the people of california. seeing the video there. there are places in northern california, oregon and washington state, almost picking up 2 1/2 inches of rain. and that storm is spinning off the coast and pumping moisture up the west coast. that's great news. lingering showers behind the front keep the temperatures down and keep us in a safer zone. your local weather forecast in 30 seconds, but first the warm cities brought to you by macy's. >> good morning washington, waking up to more rain in the forecast. the rain showers will continue this morning. there is live super doppler showing heavier mounts. cool andratures are breezy, 57 and dulles and 53 in d c. we are expecting the rain to last through the morning hours. >> and a hot spot on the map, rapid city, 91. possible highs in the northern plains. >> thank you. and coming up, a black widow murder trial. the woman charged with killing her husband, their son, shocking testimony. and the slenderman attack, the parents of the young girl brutally stabbed by her friends. speaking out, it's an abc news exclusive. caught on camera, the video of a man walking out of the airport with someone else's luggage. how to keep this from happening to you. and big buzz on the duck dynasty dad and how he's weighing in on "dancing with the stars." and there is sara haines, the captain of our "gma" upgrade group. wait until you see who she's surprising. that's coming up in just a little bit right here on "good morning america." ♪ ♪ and don't it feel good we've heard that over 4 hundred million vacation days 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benning road has the high standing water only the left lane is getting by. 66 the earlier crash eastbound is clear. ofin maryland getting north 216 toward the truck rest area, traffic on the right side of the road virtually topped. -- stopped. forecast has done it to is this morning. >> don't say i didn't tell you it was coming. it is wet out there this morning and the rain is starting to dissipate south of the city. it will hold on through the morning. 63 is our temperature. it is easy and cool. our highs will stay in the 60 drop the day. patchy fog still kind of cloudy. >> something to look forward to. in the disappearance of hannah graham is in custody. jesse matthew was captured on a galveston, texas each. with of ducks and with intent -- ♪ if you want it all look at sadie robertson, burning up the dance floor. she's the daughter of duck dynasty star, willie robinson. already one of the competitors to beat. is her dad playing too big a role in the competition? take a look at that this morning on "good morning america." >> she's adorable with mark ballas. and the police chief's daughter on the wrong side of the law, facing charges of frulg brutally attacking a couple on the street. being accused of taking advantage of her father's position. and caught on camera, this man walking out with someone's luggage. how many suitcases are actually stolen? how to protect your luggage. and the "gma" upgrade train is rolling on. cameron was paying tolls to hundreds of morning commuters on monday. tim tebow super-sized so many kids' morning on tuesday. and sara haines is on a boat. she's giving herself an upgrade before she surprises so many morning commuters. you know, she needs to upgrade herself. >> another clue. we should be watching closely. >> you saw another clue? >> i did. i'm not going to tell you what it is. >> i'm looking, going, is she on a cruise ship? i don't know what she's going to do. >> and find out in a little bit. begin with the texas woman on trial for murdering her husband. now her son is taking the stand to testify against her, saying she pointed the finger at someone else. tom, welcome. >> reporter: good morning, and thank you. this is a wild story out of texas. police believe the so-called black widow killed her rich husband to cash in on his life insurance policy. she said he committed suicide, but that's who the she told detectives at first. this morning, a look at the dramatic interrogation videos played on wednesday as the mother of four, now murder defendant, michelle williams tells detectives an intruder attacked her and shot and killed her husband, greg, back in 2011. but just over three hours later, williams changes her story. >> he was so stupid. such a stupid person for killing himself. >> reporter: a suicide she says she had lied about to protect her 4-year-old daughter. texas cops weren't buying it. >> these things around adding up. >> reporter: williams, a former personal trainer, charged with murder and tampering evidence. the local media calling her the black widow. prosecutors saying her story, a web of lies. >> but it will all point to michelle williams. >> reporter: in another twist, michelle's son testifying his mother asked him to help pin the murder on her husband's ex-wife. >> i told her i would call someone and have it taken care of. but i thought this was just her having a mental breakdown. >> reporter: before the murder, the williams lived in this upscale neighborhood. greg had a $650,000 life insurance policy that michelle was hungry for. >> the motive was money. tried and true, age-old, money. >> reporter: williams initially took a plea deal, pleaing guilty for 18 years behind bars. >> sitting there and looking at the four walls, thinking about your friends and family. >> reporter: in 2013, the plea deal was thrown out after she said she was innocent on cbs's 48 hours. >> i didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: she's pleaded not guilty, arguing that her husband was depressed and he did commit suicide. prosecutors hope to rest their case later today. if convicted, williams could spend the rest of her life behi behind bars. we're waiting to see if the so-called black widow takes the stand. >> you don't wear the same suit as me every day. >> you have excellent style. >> you got big thumb's up over here. >> thank you so much. it's an honor to be here. it really is. this is a great show. >> thanks, tom. now to the police chief's daughter in trouble with the law, pace facing charges for assaulting a couple in philadelphia. katherine turned herself in after people on social media helped identify her. lindsey davis has that story. >> reporter: she's a police chief's daughter, finding herself on the wrong side of the law. 23-year-old katherine naut, police saying they brutally attacked a gay couple. >> they're reliving it, it's tough. >> reporter: turning themselves in wednesday after amateur sleuths from across the country took to social media, using surveillance video as a starting point to identify the suspects. and now users on the same social media sites that allegedly tracked her down, are taking her to task again. claiming she's taken advantage of her father's position in the past. and a tweet like this one, a guy ran me off the road, called my dad, ran his license, got him a ticket. #lovemydad. her dad runs a suburban department and her lawyer says she has never done anything wrong. >> she's never been in trouble. has a law enforcement background. she played no role in this. >> reporter: now she could face more than just the court of public opinion as she and others face aggravated assault, simple assault, and recklessly endangering another person. >> thanks for that. turn now to the slenderman case. story that shocked parents across this country. a 12-year-old girl stabbed by her two friends, left to die in her friends. saying they were following orders from slenderman, the fictional character. and now speaking out to david muir. >> i walked into the trauma room that she was in. she was pale as a ghost. terrified, crying, she couldn't breathe. >> but she saw you there. >> she saw me and put her hand out. and i rushed over and hugged her. and i said you're going to be okay. it's going to be fine. but i could see that she was covered -- her arms and her legs and her abdomen, they were covered in stab wounds. and all i hear is, there's five on her arm, seven on her leg. and i'm thinking, seven, what? and one of the nurses says, all right, i count 19. and the second nurse said i count 19 as well. >> where on earth do you think she got the strength to crawl out of those woods? >> we asked her, and she said i wanted to live. >> the whole incredible story on ""20/20" tomorrow night. you're going to meet the girl. that's 10:00/9:00 central on abc. and now the storms, the flash flooding pictures from central florida earlier. doesn't look bad there. i'd like to wake up to that. but a stormier afternoon developing. that stationary front, a trough on one side and the other. brownsville, dealing with coastal areas seeing a lot of rain. inland, atlanta, upper 80s, lower 80s. and check this out, minneapolis, into the 80s. and 62 degrees with light rain continuing in d.c.. >> all that weather brought to you by you know how everybody blames me or praises me for the weather. i'll hide today. >> i'll praise you, ginger. always praise you, young lady. all right, coming up, a luggage thief caught on camera walking out of the airport with someone else's suitcase. what you can do to protect your bag before you fly. also ahead, what a woman's skirt size can reveal about her health. dr. jennifer ashton is here with important information for all women. come on back. how do commercials work? you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. the time has come to put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for the one you deserve. dunkin' donuts dark roast is here. bold start, smooth finish, never bitter. cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now, save $400 on our most popular mattress. know better sleep with sleep number. . a little after 7:42. and back with luggage theft. more than a million pieces of luggage disappear, but new surveillance video is raising the question, how much is actually lost? david curley has the story. >> this man entering the airport emp empty-handed, enters baggage claim, and he's wheeling a bag away from the carousel. police looking for this man, accused of taking off with someone else's luggage. escaping the scene on the airport train. we have sn baggage thieves before, this phoenix couple pleading guilty to stealing up to a thousands bags in 2009. police stacking them up outside their home. and baggage handlers going through bags in jetliners looking for cash and valuables. and fired for taking valuables. >> they have gotten rid of the bag tag checkers to save money, but charging you more. >> reporter: they have better cameras than ever before, and work to curtail the bag grabbing. >> rush to the bag claim area. you don't want someone else to get there before you. >> reporter: to make it easier to spot your luggage in the sea of black bags, mark it with something bright, a luggage tag or strap. or buy another one. and don't buy an expensive bag, thieves believe it's expensive things inside. lock your bag, might be just enough to keep a thief from walking off with your stuff. for "good morning america," david curley, abc news, washington. >> i'm proud of my beat up old bag. people make fun, but no one takes it. >> and the big buzz over duck dynasty star, phil robertson. and the heartwarming video for his sister. >> that brings up the "gma" pop quiz. who is the highest-earning hip-hop artist of 2014? jay z, dr. dre or kanye west? the answer after the break. >> trick question. >> kicky minds want to know. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. we serve our food panera ion real plates, places. with real silverware and real bowls. just like you would at home. and we have comfy seats you'd want to sit in and fireplaces you'd want to sit by. but a place is just a place... until people come in and turn it into... a home of their own. which they do, every single day. panera bread. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. now what we have been waiting for, the answer to the "gma" pop quiz. forbes said it's dr. dre. thanks to apple's purchase of his company, beats, this year, the manmade a lot of money. did he ever? he made a lot of money. and this morning's open mike. mathy b is an aspiring rapper who made a heartfelt video for his little sister, defending her from anyone who might want to treat her differently because of her down's syndrome. >> a couple things you never change -- >> reporter: he's got the mind of an mc and the heart of a champion. now defending his sister in his own music video, 11-year-old rapper mattie b may win title of best brother. >> she's an awesome sister. are you awesome? >> i always tickle mattie b. >> mattie's sister, sara, was born with down's syndrome. >> people might pick on her for her needs. but i don't think anybody should be bullied because of what they have. >> reporter: so he and his family put their pens to paper, first writing a rap and then producing a music video with sara as the star. ♪ let a person be themselves >> she does everything the family does. and i think matt's heart here was to be able to show that in a video. >> sara loves acting, she loves to be in front of the camera. she was very excited about it. >> reporter: now with almost 4 million hits on youtube, mattie's love for his sister is topping the charts. >> they can do anything, no matter if they have special needs like sara. if they work at it, anything can become real. and they can -- they can do anything. ♪ beautiful like a rainbow >> sweet, sweet, sweet story. sweet story. all right. coming up on great deals and steals, everybody -- . physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too much, or maybe when it's time for a treat. supporting your efforts, with our message. balance what you eat and drink with what you do. that's how you mixify. (coffee being poured into a cup.) ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. uh, hi. i'm here to drop off my password? . i'm sorry, i'm just here to what's the password. uh,synergy? datafication! gamification! university of phoenix has had alumni at every fortune 100 company... we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. oh, there's an energy crisis happening, alright. a human one. and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. it's how we help keep go-getters like you, going, and getting. one bite at a time. make it with milk for a boost of protein. quaker up. that's all it takes to help make a kid's wish come true. join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and great phones like the samsung galaxy ace style, and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of $1 million to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. broadcast center. good thursday morning, it is now 7:56 and it has been a tough commute. off the jack taylor in the traffic center. >> this has been a tough one. this long-standing action on the 14th street bridge is still there. now three can get by. the trip from springfield is a mess. not much better from dale city into springfield. northbound,roadways when an accident brockington -- blocking two right lanes. still a problem with a high standing water moving through the district on 295 after benning road. this is gm traffic off the beltway. belt -- the 11th up to banning. how long will this last? eventuallygo away slowly but surely. north of d.c. it will taper off. cool all day with 63 degrees and that northwind of 14 miles per hour. super doppler showing you the showers. toward mount gummer he county it is heavier and baltimore is getting hit the hard right now. we will see some rain this morning. sunshine back tomorrow. hopefully the rain moves in time for all of you fans to get to the game tonight. washington is getting ready for the game against the new york giants. 25 and theat a: metro is staying open one hour late to accommodate those plans. i live report and what you need to know for travel. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. on thursday. and does daddy know best? why "duck dynasty"'s sadie robertson is having her dad sign off on hour outfits before hitting the ballroom. and what your skirt size could reveal you and your health. we'll explain. and the super star creator of must-tweet tv, takes robin mind the debut of the sizzling hits. and upgrade week continues, could we be upgrading your week this morning? and penn that tonic is here singing adds we say -- ♪ good morning, america ♪ cadillacs in our dreams ♪ we don't care ♪ we are caught up in your love affair ♪ ♪ and we'll never be royals ♪ royals ♪ just the thing for us we crave a different kind of buzz ♪ where are you going? >> hey. >> pentatonix, performing a cover of the sing-long hit of the year. and which song do you want them to perform next at 8:30? how about "get lucky" or "radioing"radio "radioing aactive," you can find out. >> such talent. >> our morning just got upgraded. >> thank you for that. >> that's just the beginning of upgrading our morning. and now back to sara haines, about a give morning commuters a huge surprise. they just revealed it, sara, where are you? >> reporter: good morning, guys. we're in boston, massachusetts, on a ferry. and we're getting ready to upgrade the commute for very hard-working people. are you ready for this? they don't know, by the way. hit it! ♪ good morning, boston. we to want upgrade your morning. all aboard. come on, guys, come get coffee. come on, we have a band, we have doughnuts. sir, are you ready for work today? now you will be. watch your step on the cord. come on, guys, a little high five. put it there. good morning. good morning. good morning. watch your step, ma'am. good morning. good morning. good morning. good morning. ♪ >> that -- they look a little apprehensive at first. >> had to think about it. >> is she serious? they're very organized. in a single file line. they're a good crowd. >> not sure what's going on. >> once they go in there, they'll figure it out. still a little confused, george. one thing we're not confused about, challenging you, yes, you, to go the extra mile this week. how are you upgrading someone else's morning? >> lots of good ideas. and we begin with a new wave of air strikes in the war on isis. fighter jets pounding isis-controlled oil facilities inside syria, making millions of dollars a day. helping isis fund operations. and police in london, arrested at least nine men, including a radical cleric as an ongoing investigation into the recruitment of isis fighters. and the weather this morning, lubbock, texas. sudden, and fire crews were rescuing stranded drives. and the east coast has flooding rain. that's coming up. and a major break in the search for university of virginia student hannah graham, missing for nearly two weeks now. the man suspected is now behind bars. arrested on a beach in texas more than 1,000 miles away he is expected back in court this morning and sent back to virginia. there is no sign of graham. and a woman punched by a highway patrol officer will get a $1.5 million settlement. the woman was found walking along a freeway in july. a different kind of police confrontation in san francisco. take a look at this woman, accused of driving for a mile with a parking officer clinging to the hood of the car. she refused to accept the parking ticket, but maybe now has felony charges. she claims the officer harassed her. finally, after years in the making, "wedding crashers" the sequel. take a look closely at the picture. they were joined by uninvited guests. that's a herd of deers. sorry, no plural, deer. they just wanted dinner and a photo with the newlyweds. >> that's fantastic. thank you. we have health news now. a surprising study shows that a woman's risk of developing breast cancer after men pause may be tied to changes in her waist size. >> this is a dense study. but this looked at the issues of weight, weight gain, body mass index, and that central atopocity, the fat in our midsection, and associated with the risk of breast cancer. and the bad news is, that for each size increase. from a size 10 to a size 12 in a woman's skirt or pant size, in her 20s, 30s, or 40s, her risk of post-menopausal breast cancer goes up 30%. >> isn't it natural to go up over time? >> it is. and we so that over time. what's interesting, it's thought to be used as a proxy or easy to understand way to track our risk factors for breast cancer. >> what is the thinking behind this possible connection? >> the theory. it didn't show cause and effect is that that weight, that fat that's concentrated in our mid-section, sometimes called visceral fat, it's dangerous. hormonely active, can produce estrogen and trigger breast carson. >> the take away? >> exercise, eat well, and you may need screening. but we're not there yet. suck it in. >> dr. ashton will be taking your questions. "pop news" and weather coming up. >> i'm going to get some moving after what she said. get going here. yes, we're going to tell you what's coming up here on "gma." how do you get going in the morning? we're revealing the seven best ways to jump start your day before you head out. and we have been seeing all the ways that we are trying to, you know, just upgrade your morning. sara haines is in boston with the biggest "gma" upgrade yet. so many people commute, free breakfast, free coffee and more. i love this. pentatonix are here all morning. how much more? you can pick the music play play in the last half hour, coming up live on "gma." ♪ ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. we've put a twist aton classic desserts., starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using greek yogurt. then topped with fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking?t. eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. coming up, big deals and steals. tori here with some bags. and, hey, robin just stole my purse, tori. don't to want miss it. you have to think fast with this one next to you. the coffee-drinking world. the time has come to put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for the one you deserve. dunkin' donuts dark roast is here. boldtart, smooth finish, never bitter. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ maybe raining outside, but look at that partying crowd here on a thursday morning. we like to say, friday eve. one more alarm clock. we know lara's making her way back from doing jimmy kimmel last night. and you have news that goes pop? >> we have "pop news." the rain can't stop us. lara is not here, but she found a way to bring us "pop news" this morning. so much fun watching lara on jimmy kimmel last night. she got interesting intel. did you know that he used to have yard sales? take a look. >> yeah, i've had yard sales, yeah. >> oh, my god, that would be, like, mother load. >> i wasn't -- you know, i wasn't born on television. there were many years people didn't know who i was. >> would you have a yard sale today? >> no, it would be weird. >> i saw pictures of your house, you have good stuff. >> thank you. where did she get pictures of my house? you're supposed to be guarding this. >> i showed it to her. >> i did. for a kiss. >> how many of you guys would have a yard sale right now? >> i'd do it. >> i think i'd do it too. >> in a heart beat. >> my wife would. >> without you even knowing. >> would you? >> ye i would stand out there and sell it myself. i'm not a good deal maker. whatever the price is, you pay. and the real ticket to a winning edition of "pop news," get a panda involved. i'm here to deliver and then some. i bring you the pandas on the slide. this is from china. >> multiple pandas. >> sometimes down by themselves, george. sometimes they're like big groups coming down all in a pack. either way, can't beat pandas on the playground. >> and the slide, that was -- >> oh! stuck the landing. >> stuck it. that's all good. and they're tough. you see they're tough. and i travel a lot, we all do, if you're like i am, can't sleep, have the neck pillow. i have this for you. it's cumbersome to carry. check this out, wouldn't you say that's one dashing man in that scarf? yeah. it just looks classy. an then get on there, do like this -- >> oh! >> you got yourself a plane neck pillow. >> oh, wow. >> i feel like the movie "tommy boy." >> in a little shirt. >> it's really -- it's actually pretty comfortable. i'm impressed by this. then when you're done -- >> and that color really works for you, michael. >> you know what, george? so much so i'm giving it to you, my friend. they're being sold online in a variety of color options. george liked that one. but running out of them at $65 apiece. and you don't have to walk around with a big, thick neck pill pillow. i like taking care of you. >> appreciate it. i'm flying today. heat index coming up, and ginger with a check of the weather. >> you came all the way from california to see who? >> derek jeter. >> it's a rainy start on his last home game. take you to as bury park, you can see how windy it is too. there will be wind along the east coast with the rain. some places like atlantic city have seen gusts to 40 miles an hour with an inch and a quarter of rain. will it rain throughout the entire game? that's the question, no. and early showers, and tailgating before the game, it will be raining. keep >> a brisk breeze is making it feel a touch cooler than what you're seeing on the thermometer. occasional drizzle and missed this afternoon. >> these guys road tripping across -- they're from california. it's 85 at home. not here. let's head inside. >> thank you, ginger. and kick up the heat index. fast company as an article laying out seven super efficient ways to jump start your morning. advice from highly successful people. mark twain, eat a frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse can happen the rest of the day. get the toughest task done early. steve jobs with thought-provoking questions. the last day of my life, what i want to do what i am about to do today. >> powerful. >> that is powerful. ask yourself that question every morning. you can't always do exactly what you want, but it's a good thing to keep in mind. >> it's about having happiness in your daily routines. that's it. we want people to tell us how they jump start their morning, tweet us #socialsquare. and if you can't stand spoilers, brace yourself for this one. lots of buzz about a new website just launched by netflix. it's basically one big spoiler alert. it's intentionally giving away the plots of tv and movies in one quick clip. it's like a spoiler roulette. randomly selecting a clip and spilling the beans from there. >> for all the people who go to the back of the book and read the last page, right? >> that site has wracked up a million views in just 24 hours. >> i've been trying to teach harper not to do that. >> and sneaking around and trying to look. >> obviously there's an audience for this. over a million. and some of the big hit shows that they're doing. >> i don't want to know. takes away the fun. fun to guess. we're going to talk about what americans are tweeting and eating about -- they're tweeting about what they're eating. a new study from the university of arizona revealing the foods that people tweet about the most. this is interesting. it can be used to have effective health policies. start with north dakota, lots of tweets usie ining flan in that . over to california, they're really big on -- you'd think wine, but it's not true. it's actually caviar. >> i'm surprised. >> fancy. >> not so surprising, you'll get this, the south, grits. kiss my grits. >> that's right. >> mississippi's really into tangerines. would never know that. >> nevada, sauerkraut? >> a lot of germans. and in the midwest, lots of tweets about breakfast. that's what i tweet, hot sauce. that was my tweet from russia. i brought that with me. just so that it was a little better. what are your favorite foods and where are you from? #socialsquare. time now for the morning stir. something new. what's that, you're asking? what's buzzing and trending and stirring things up. 17-year-old "duck dynasty" star sadie robertson has been winning moves on the dance floor with "dancing with the stars," but with the costumes, maybe father knows best. mara schiavocampo is here with that story this morning. good morning, mara. >> reporter: one article on this, getting more than 1500 comments. "dancing with the stars" is known for sexy moves and even sexier costumes. that's why sadie's dad, known for his conservative values is keeping an eye on his little girl. the 17-year-old shaking her tail feathers. alongside her partner, two-time winner mark ballas, her dad willie cheering her on. >> we had a shot potentially wiping a tear from his eye. >> aw. >> reporter: but her dad isn't just her biggest fan, but also the fashion adviser. >> what was he thinking about this moment? he approved it. out of respect we ask my dad if it's okay. i'm a christian. it comes with me wherever i go. >> reporter: the robinsons are known for their conservative values. dad and daughter often disagreeing on her fashion choices. but now he's approving every "dancing with the stars" style before a hits the stage. even when he's not there. >> those aren't dresses, those are dish towels. >> of course there are weeks when it's a little shorter. when the dance requires it. nice leg action, correct footwork. >> reporter: he's closely monitoring her moves, making sure they don't get too racy. >> was your dad okay with tt routine? it was a little edgy and sexy. >> reporter: reaction online to her father's involvement has been mixed. some saying her dad should lay off. sadie has shown maturity and good judgment. he doesn't need to be over her shoulder and making those faces he does. while many fans continue to show big support for daddy knowing best. her costumes so far have not been revealing. it's refreshing to see that. she is only 17, so give her a break. for now, sadie seems here to stay. >> my dad texted me, he said you kicked butt last night. >> you'll be back. >> reporter: as long as dad gets the last laugh. now, surprisingly, sadie says the only place she'd ever danced before was in her bedroom. even her school band's dancing. she's doing great now. one thing a lot of online, people like the idea of parental supervision. she's just 17, and focus on the tajt a talent and not the sexy clothes. >> adorable with her father in the audience. it's like a coffee shot. >> morning chat. you never know where michael is going to pop up. michael? >> thanks, guys. i'm back here hiding a little bit. now to tory johnson who's brought us bags and bling and much more in the deals and steal this is morning. great bargains. go to our website to get the details. >> yes. and you have one of them right here. >> what is this? >> this is big love ball. so you're the giant ball of love. that's the big love ball. i love this. i found it on instagram. i think it's the most fun ever. they have a bitty size, that's the big. that's five feet tall. so much fun to send to someone, i love you. gigantic love. >> what if you send this one, not that one? >> love is love, baby. >> love is love. >> $20 to $85, slashed in half, starting at $10. >> okay, box number one. >> we have classic here. that was good. keds. these are the champion originals. canvas or leather, variety of colors, women's sizes 4 to 13, normally $45, slashed in half, $22.50 plus free ship. >> always big. >> love that. i love these. hope we have a good closeup. these are from danielle stevens. this is a new collection, the big assortment of earrings. starting at $135 with sterling silver post, slashed by 79%, 28 bucks. >> wow. >> really good? >> yeah. christmas coming early. >> i love these, perlo jewelry, 18-carat bezel set. $159, but slashed by 76%, 38 bucks. >> you're a deal maker. >> last one, one of these, thursday/friday canvas totes. this is the one. >> robin wants one. >> these are slashed by 65%, 38.50. and a bonus deal at "good morning america" on yahoo!. all these and a bonus. >> all right. amy, over to you. all right, got that bag. all right, coming up, guys, viola davis is here live. ♪ >> from the abc seven broadcast center. everyone let's get right to jack taylor in the traffic center with the latest on those soggy roads. >> it is getting a little bit better. raise of shimmering light. off and on through the 14th. northbound to 95, a long-standing pod him -- problem after long-standing water all lanes are open. those should begin to ease as well. new problems for folks on i 70. eastbound after south mountain, an accident after south mountain. favor.ast, por >> rain still on the forecast. 63 degrees and a cool morning. bit and up a little pooling up to the north. the worst of it has focused in maryland. d.c. still getting a little misty and that will continue through the morning. temperatures in the 60's tonight with patchy fog possible. sunshine did rake out by tomorrow afternoon. overcast but hopefully dry soon. new details about the man charged in three alexandria murders. surveillance video helped police link him to the crime. that is the word from the "washington post." we're another news update ♪ to give up who we are ♪ lets raise the bar and come to the stars ♪ ♪ we're up all night to the sun ♪ ♪ we're all up night to get some ♪ ♪ we're up all night to get lucky ♪ pentatonix. "get lucky" by daft punk. it's the winning song. you voted for it. oh. you know, viola was over there, she was feeling the beat over there. feeling it. there you were, i saw you. talk to viola ahead. but they're going to perform, pentatonix, the version of one of the hottest songs of the summer. >> love it when they're here. but up to boston, sara haines upgrading people's morning in boston. how is the commute going? >> reporter: hi, guys, i hope you can hear me, i can't hear you. we are having the best time. doughnuts, coffee, chanting, "gma," "gma," their commute will never be the same again. we may have to come back tomorrow. >> the party ferry, all right. wake you up in the morning. and don't forget to send the videos and photos how you're making a difference upgrading someone's morning. #upgrade. we might show them on the air. hello, doctor. >> i play one on tv. i'm not really a doctor. i was visiting the set, had this made for me. >> personalized. >> i like that. >> yes. i had a chance to talk to star ellen pompeo. and viola davis is here live. can't wait to hear about the new season that everyone is talking about. maybe get her to say it again, how to get away with murder. we have heard that over and over again. we are less than 12 hours away from tv history. a primetime lineup from powerhouse producer shonda rhimes who let me go behind the scenes of all three of her big shows. here's a look. >> i'm handling this. >> reporter: the wait is finally over. tonight's abc lineup, a shonda rhimes trifecta. grey's anatomy, "scandal," and "how to get away with murder." i caught up with the leading ladies to go behind the scenes. welcome to shondaland. >> olivia pope doesn't quit. >> i'm done. >> hope and asciates. >> reporter: "scandal"'s kerry washington gave me a peek into the world of gladiators. >> this is huck's office. it looks technologically savvy. >> reporter: this is your office. >> olivia pope's office. this is the couch where you see me interrogate lots of new clients. you need to stop calling me. >> reporter: do you get excited when it's a new season? like a first day of school again? >> absolutely. we get excited for every single episode. but particularly because we have these big cliff hangers in the season finales. we were all waiting with bated breath to know where the plane was going and what was happening. and i'm not telling you. this is where olivia pope lives. >> reporter: it is beautiful. >> it is. >> reporter: i joined kerry on the couch, but it was olivia style. complete with the wine and the plush cashmere throw. let's talk about shonda. what is it like working with her? >> there's a beautiful balance in shondaland between escapism and presence. who you are, who you want to be, who you don't want to be. >>eporter: your character, i don't know how you can talk as fast as she does. >> you don't have a choice. it's going to get cut. >> reporter: i headed to the or, catching up with grey's anatomy star ellen pam pay owe and the and the executive producer. i can't believe it's been 11 seasons. >> we can't either. the writing stays incredibly sharp. and you guys bring this amazing new energy every season. >> you -- >> reporter: i even got to play doctor. fits good. >> thank you. >> reporter: how many times have we seen the drama really unfold in the operating room? >> i got it, i got it. >> just shut up, shut up. >> reporter: a major change this season, one of grey's original cast members, sandra oh, made her final appearance. >> i have to go. you stay here, okay? >> okay. >> the cast changing all the time, gives you something to play. i play that sandra's not here. >> reporter: talking with shon drank w -- shonda who does an amazing job of casting people for her vision. >> she finds the soul in the character and casts it that way. >> reporter: viola davis stars in the latest edition to the thank goodness it's thursday lineup. >> how to get away with murder. >> reporter: she plays a cut throat criminal defense attorney and law professor who uses, let's say, unconventional tactics. >> how did you get this? >> wasn't exactly legal. >> we have to get creative. >> reporter: what's it like, tv? >> tv is a marathon. but i'm enjoying just developing this character. per power, her level of manipulation. you know? her sexiness. i have a husband and a lover. >> there she is. let me guess, your ears were burning. >> should they be? >> reporter: peter norwalk, the show's creator approached rhimes with the idea and she signed on as executive producer. how did you come up with the idea? >> i don't know. i think i like the idea of normal people in extreme circumstances. this seemed very exciting to me. >> reporter: and bringing two of the characters to life, charlie weber. >> i'm frank, and like every teacher, i believe there are stupid questions. >> reporter: what did you think of the script? >> it was incredible. i had to be frank. >> it was instant love. oh, my god. >> reporter: i don't want to put any pressure on you, because, thursday night -- abc. counting on you. >> we have all the elements to success. we have a great cast. we have great writing. we have a great crew. it's the best of the best of everything, and shonda rhimes at the helm. >> that's how you get away with murder. >> and here he's, live with us in times square. please welcome viola davis to "good morning america." >> i feel the love. >> you know what's so cool? is that i could tell you have butterflies about this. >> i do havebutterflies. >> that's what life is about. >> to excellence as an actor, in process. do better, feel better. >> you make us feel better. who isn't? >> absolutely. >> you talked about shonda rhimes at the helm, but you talk about how this role has helped you step into your power. what exactly do you mean by that? >> i do have to acknowledge that peter is the brain child also. stepping into my power. being number one on the call sheet. knowing that i have to set this tone every time i walk on that stage, you know? being a woman who's mysterious and sexy and working outside my comfort zone. and literally not being afraid of that. knowing that there's a certain amount of failure that's atta attached to that. knowing there's a certain amount of scrutiny attached to that. but saying you know what? this is a time in my life that i'm not going to live in fear. you know. absolutely. >> sets it up perfectly. that's what we feel. especially those of us who have been able to see the first piece. let's see a little bit of "how to get away with murder." >> yes. >> step three, we bury the evidence. we throw so much information at the jury that they walk into the deliberation room with one overwhelming feeling, doubt. that's how you get away with murder. see you in the courthouse at 9:00. >> you were working that chalk board. >> yea, she was, uh-huh. >> a lot of interest on social media. and they want to know, what is the most challenging aspect of your character? >> the most challenging aspect is playing someone that manipulative. and playing someone who is ruthless and has so many masks that she wears. because, basically, she's emotionally unavailable. and that's not me. you know? what you see is what you get. i'm definitely not someone who's intimidating. i don't see myself as manipulative. and so it's a total transformation that i have to do. and that's been the hardest part other than some of the love stuff. >> that can't be too hard. your husband might think so. >> i don't tell him anything. he's going to find out at some point. that's being hard, that's being private in public, which is definitely the basis for acting. exposing yourself in public. showing the vulnerability in love scenes. i wear a lot of body makeup. >> do you, now? >> put it everywhere. put it on my feet. >> i also want to talk to you about, this is being able to give you a platform to shine on things important to you. the antihunger campaign. what are you and your husband doing there? >> we have joined with the entertainment foundation and safeway foundation to eradicate child hunger in the country. 17 million kids are suffering from childhood hunger in this country. that means three out of every five kids that teachers see in school don't even -- they know they're not going to have a meal that day. and i was one of those kids. i suffered from childhood hunger. i started my days not even knowing if i would have a meal to eat. it's hard to get at the business of being you, to tap into your potential, the shame that you live with knowing that you don't have enough to eat. it's a basic need. and i joined because it's a way of even kind of reconciling my childhood. i think that there's no child who should go to school, wake up every morning in this country, the richest country in the world, without a meal. i think it's the least that i can do. >> well, i love your passion. [ applause ] and that comes from the heart. >> yeah. >> and i know cedar falls, they are proud of you. they are proud of you. where you have come. >> where i come from too. >> i know you are. and thank you for a voice. giving a voice to those who don't. and we will be watching tonight. tgit, lineup torrent, gray's anatomy, followed by "scandal" and then the premier of -- >> how to get away with murder. >> i love that. coming up, more on nightline. now ginger with the final check of the weather. >> we brought the party inside. and pentatonix, they could make weather sounds. behind the weather, tastart lik that. that's the east coast. very old school radio. but we have a new wove showing what you're going through. it's called social stream. your instagram videos, find me and give it to me. texas, it was a wreck on the roads. and the flash flooding. cooling and wetter weather headed to the southwest into the >> >> all that weather brought to you by walgreens. >> we are making the sound of rain. robin. >> thanks. can you believe what we do here every morning? >> we rely on it. >> i'm glad this you do, viola. check in with sara haines, the best moments of today's "gma" upgrade before all morning long, lucky commuters getting the ferry boat ride of their arrives thanks to sara haines. see how it's going up in boston harbor. hey, sara. >> thanks to "good morning america," we have upgraded this ride. we have been laughing, there was a shock. eventually they believed us. it was free. take a look at some of our favorite moments. ♪ we have completely decked out this commuter ferry. we have coffee and doughnuts, a dry cabar, and even live music from the berkelee college of music. get any better than that? i don't think so. ♪ good morning. i've got some coffee. >> thank you. >> reporter: enjoy those dough n nuts. how it going to change your day? >> make it brighter. >> that's dunkin' donuts new dark roast. cheer. have you ever had a blow out on the ferry? >> i have never, thank goodness. but today looks like a good one. ♪ >> yeah! >> reporter: okay, and as they say, it takes a village. so we have a couple thank yous. dunkin' donuts, boston dry bar, the berkelee college of music for providing this, and mostly thanks for giving this transportation. back to you. >> most fun ferry ride ever. pentatonix is going to perform live right after this. ♪ ♪ who the lights go down in the middle of the night we have been looking forward to pentatonix all morning. their pitch-perfect vocal blend can be heard on their now ep, ptx volume 3. and christmas is coming early with their holiday cd, that's christmas to me. maybe i was listening this morning, true story. and pentatonn ttatonix with the now of problem. ♪ ♪ i want you ♪ bop bop ♪ i want you ♪ hey you got one less ♪ i -- baby even though i hate you ♪ ♪ i want you ♪ and even though i got it i want you ♪ ♪ tell me tell me baby ♪ why can't you leave me ♪ even though i want it i got to have it ♪ ♪ listen ♪ and waiting for it ♪ i shall be waiting here with it ♪ ♪ oo ♪ one less ♪ i got one less, one less problem ♪ ♪ ♪ i think you're never gonna wake up ♪ ♪ but you ♪ shouldn't call unless you come back ♪ ♪ every time you touch me you say you love me ♪ ♪ i get a little bit ♪ i want it ♪ oh ♪ i want the clouds can be with on my shoulders ♪ ♪ i should be waiting there is the problem ♪ ♪ oh ♪ one less ♪ ah one less, one less ♪ smart money betting i'll be better off without you ♪ ♪ saying that you know but i doubt you understand my life is easy when i'm around you ♪ ♪ and i'm thinking i love the thought of you better than your presence and the best thing is to exit ♪ ♪ finally learned my lesson ♪ and you know it can't believe what you're saying, a million moves baby, i got 99 problems but you won't be one ♪ ♪ the clouds got no weight on my shoulders ♪ ♪ i should be wiser and realize that i've got ♪ ♪ what ♪ ♪ one less ♪ oh ♪ oh one less, one less problem ♪ ♪ ba, ba ♪ one less, one less our thanks again to pentatonix. you guys were great all morning long. [ cheers and applause ] great. have a great day. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is an update. get right to jack taylor in the traffic center with the latest on the road conditions. will finish out late on the top side of the beltway. pretty solid to georgia avenue. a new crash blocked two left lanes. crash onnews is the the bridge long cleared but the delay stretches back often on them dale city to the 14th street ridge. on 66. affecting traffic george washington parkway and 395. problems continue here southbound and eastbound i 70. the accident after south mountain we hope has been cleared. our forecast seems better than this. >> this time tomorrow will be like, things are just fine. we will have to watch out for patchy fog. watching for a cool one, very cloudy, 63 degrees. rain is diminishing but catchy and light. expecting this afternoon to stay in the 60's with a occasional rain possible but most of it will dry up after the noon hour. temperatures in the 70's. news, abc 7 just got new video of jesse matthew. judget appeared before a via video in texas and you're looking at that video now. the judge read the charges against him including abduction with intent to the file. more on this throughout the day. announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the hit comedy "modern family," sofia vergara. and the new host of "who wants to be a millionaire," terry crews. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20140925

a bizarre crime inspired by a fantasy character. an abc news exclusive. so does daddy know best? we have never seen this before, the duck dynasty dad weighing in on every outfit his daughter puts on. her secret weapon or going too far? good morning, america. happy thursday. you saw the rain out there on our window. we have a lot to get to this morning. let's start out with the captain of our "gma" upgrade team this morning. there's sara haines. where is she taking command? we can not tell you yet, but it's our big egest upgrade yet. don't tell them. >> wherever you are, beware. but that rain and massive flooding, in the south and now headed for the northeast. we're going to have more on that. but we're going to begin with the arrest and the disappearance of uva student hannah graham. the suspect, jesse matthew, is in custody in texas this morning after a nationwide manhunt. steve osunsami is in virginia with the very latest. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning. today virginia police are headed to texas. this is jesse matthew, seen here in handcuffs overnight after his arrest in galveston, texas. the 32-year-old charged in the disappearance of hannah graham, waiting to be brought home to virginia. >> the hero today is with the galveston sheriff's office. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows him at a gas station tuesday night. the next day he was arrested during a routine patrol, and he was camping out on the beach. >> we don't have any information as to what might have prompted mr. matthew to head to that part of the country. >> reporter: that beach is more than a thousand miles from the downtown mall where he and the missing college students were seen together just minutes before she disappeared september 13th. police say she had been drinking heavily, and he kept buying her drinks at this bar and restaurant. he was last seen saturday in charlottesville, virginia, when he walked in police headquarters to speak with a lawyer. >> the only comment is i'm his attorney. and i was hired on saturday. >> reporter: his friends and family insist he didn't kidnap anyone. >> to kill, or hurt somebody. that's not my son. >> reporter: but the hospital where he works has now suspended him without pay, and the school where he coached football says he's not longer welcome. police say the search is still on for hannah graham. >> we're asking every person to find hannah graham. >> reporter: and raising the reward to $100,000. he's charged with induction with intent to defile. a sex crime. but it could be a while before he faces charges in virginia. he has to be extradited from texas first. >> and that will happen soon. thank goodness for the deputy. and now the war on isis, a new wave of air strikes overnight taking out one of the main sources of income for the group. martha raddatz is on the ussh.w. bush. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, the fight operations on the uss bush have been constant, f-18 fighters heading for syria and iraq at all hours of the night. last night and yesterday the targets were oil refineries. mobile oil refineries that aye cities is now controlling. 12 were targeted. isis makes at least $2 million a day on these oil refineries, fueling their own vehicle and selling the oil to fund the isis organization. in the coming days, the targets will be either planned large-scale attacks or targets of opportunity. meaning if a pilot is patrolling the skies above iraq or syria and sees an isis target like a convoy or a training camp, that pilot, that airplane, will take it out. george. >> this war is taking place on many fronts. >> it certainly is, thank you. now to the terror raid overnight. police in london taking at least nine men into custody. the latest crackdown on suspected islamic militants worldwide. >> reporter: police moved in on 19 separate locations seizing computers and documents and making nine arrests as part of an ongoing investigation as the pipeline to isis recruits in syria. and they have been involved in the beheadings of two americans and one fellow britain. among those arrested, a radical muslim cleric who told abc news the beheading of james foley by isis was part of war and should not be considered shocking. >> in war, people kill each other. no matter how much it shocked the world, it has happenings. >> reporter: and this morning, outrage in fransz france aver the french government confirmed that a french mountain climber who was killed in support of isis. he was kidnapped within hours of arriving in algeria as a tourist over last weekend. moments of his execution came moments after president obama spoke about the threat of isis. >> the people of the world have been more ifhorrified by anothel murder. we stand with you and the french people. >> reporter: in the midst of all the new air strikes, no word at all about the remaining 15 western hostages, including two americans in the hands of isis. all of them have been threatened with execution. and u.s. authorities are bracing for very bad news today. >> thank you, brian. turn now to the powerful storm dumping record rain on florida. lots of flooding there. now moving up the east coast. ginger tracking it all. >> and sitting next to the coast and moving north. just south of new york city, back to northern virginia. getting in closer, it's hitting a wall of dry air. but it will make its way through much of the day. heavy rains all the way back to the texas panhandle. >> they're going to stall. >> and they did. cars stalling and stranded. >> i want to get out and help them. >> reporter: 2 inches of rain in an hour in the texas panhandle. screams from a bus as it plows through. along with the rain, hail in amarillo, golf ball to baseball-sized, puncturing this church. and in central florida -- >> this has been raining now for -- my gauge over there on the mailbox says over 5 inches. >> reporter: up to 10 inches in less than 24 hours. >> it's not often you get a kayak down the middle of the beach. >> reporter: daytona beach boating through the wettest september on record. you can see the time at the top. new york city starting to get into it now. and long island, taking the brunt. it's windy, cool and raw. we stopped it there at 6:00 p.m. there's a big game going on, we'll be talking about, i'm sure. but we will see lingering showers. much of it moving away after the midnight hour. how much? an inch or more in a lot of places. hefty as you get up into the cape in massachusetts. i'll have much more coming up in the nation's weather. and, of course, more flooding to talk about. >> thanks very much. and to amy with the rest of the top stories. >> good morning. and a defeat in court for the accused boston marathon bomber. his trial will not be moved out of boston. his lawyers claimed it's impossible to get a fair trial. the judge disagreed, setting a january trial date. and the deadly shooting of a black walmart shopper by two white police officers. it came after a grand jury ruled that police were justified in shooting john crawford in august. surveillance video shows crawford walking around the store with what appears to be a rifle before they opened fire. it was a bb gun. and terrifying moments in venice, california. trying to hide from that man who had just broken into her house. she climbed out the window, grabbing her phone to call oh, my gosh, that is a scary photo. police arrived moments later to rescue her and arrest eed intruder. and a fisherman was rescued offer the coast of mexico. the crew of a pleasure boat found him floating in a giant foam cooler. his boat sank during tropical storm polo. he caught a sea gull for food and was so hungry he didn't want to let it go, even after he was rescued. and tonight, derek jeter will play his final game at yankee stadium after 20 years. the louisville slugger bat company is retiring one of its models in honor of jeter. the p-72. tickets are selling for as much as $15,000. that's crazy. but the rain maybe coming. as ginger said. i don't think the fans are going to mind. they're going to be happy to be there, and if they didn't pay $15,000. you know what they say, if it's too cute to be true, meet sherlock, the beagle. he's on klm, his job? yes uniting passengers are items they have left behind. he sniffs the phone, bag, sweater, whatever you forgot. and then he rushes to track you down. the ad campaign was an instant hit, but we're learning it's not true. >> really? >> oh. i didn't have you, robin? not once? not even in the beginning? not even a little bit? not a little bit. >> i'm still waiting for the ipad i left on the plane. where's the beagle. >> good story. >> i'd like to think it was true. >> i'd like to take him home. thanks, amy. turn now to the latest on the urgent manhunt for the cop killer in pennsylvania. police have seen eric frein and revealing the bizarre tactics he's using to stay free. linzie janis is on the case. >> reporter: each time they have spotted frein, he's been too far away to apprehend. they say he knows that. he appears to know that and is taunting them. this morning, new clues into the possible location of murder suspect eric frein. police saying overnight they believe they've spotted the fugitive several times. as recently as two days ago. always deep in the distance. and each time frein vanishing. >> i almost think some of this is a game to him. >> reporter: new evidence leading authorities to believe the alleged cop killer has been planning his disappearing act in the woods of pennsylvania for months or years. >> several items abandoned or hidden for use. serbian cigarettes and soiled diapers have been found. >> reporter: they believe he's using the diepers to stay hidden for long stretches of time. >> it's something with the sniper training that he received, or self-taught. >> reporter: police believe the 31-year-old is hiding out near where he lived with his parents. nearly 1,000 officers now searching, deply ploying this military vehicle to bring s.w.a.t. teams up into the trees. aaron foster catching footage in his backyard. >> men, dogs, more men than trees out there. pretty surreal. >> reporter: police are searching every inch of this roughly five square mile area, even kicking bears out of their caves in the process. if they see frein and he does not actively surrender, they have been authorized to shoot to kill. >> thank you. now to nascar's tony stewart, cleared of charges. this morning, the victim's family speaking out, angry about the grand jury's decision. reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: this morning the family of kevin ward jr. fighting back after a grand jury decided not to file criminal charges against nascar star tony stewart in the on-track death of their son. the grand jury considered evidence, including this video of the fatal incident in a race last month. 20-year-old ward got out of the car after an initial crash, and stewart's car hitting him. they said he tries to intimidate kevin by accelerating and slides the car, causing the tragedy. also, this matter is not at rest and we will pursue all remedies. stewart has spoken publicly only once since this incident. >> this has been one of the toughest tragedies i have had to deal with. >> he released a statement, while the process was long and emotionally difficult, it allowed for all the facts of the accident to be identified and known. among those facts, a bombshell about ward. a toxicology report showed he was high on marijuana, enough to impair judgment. ward's family saying the focus should be on the actions of tony stewart and not kevin. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> and as she said, ward's family is going to pursue other action. >> they are. wasn't he showing off the iphone. >> there's nothing wrong with the phone. but apple does have a big problem with the new iphone. a software update on sunday, caused problems. neal karlinsky has the story. >> reporter: on a week that began with apple celebrating record-smashing iphone 6 sales, this morning the hangover hit with a double whammy. first reports that some of the phones were actually bending while in their pockets. a pseudo scandal some dubbed bend-gazi. and now ios 8.0.1, to fix bugs, reportedly crashing phones instead. one after the other complaining on twitter, no service. the update disabling their connection. the stock was hit, only a bit. the bigger problems, apple's reputation. >> apple angered a few people by putting out this compromised update. in the long run, no worse for the wear. >> reporter: they said we apologize, and working around the clock to fix ios 8.0.2, and will release it in the next few days. at the same time, pulling back the update before more people run into trouble. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, alaska, seattle. >> if you have updated and having trouble, you can go to a itunes, back up the phone and reinstall the previous version. i have not sat on the phone, did not bend. i have a feeling i would break it. >> didn't update it, either? >> no. >> so you're okay. >> for now. >> still? good shape. >> thank you. rain on both coasts today. >> follow me on this one, this is cool. a half inch of rain in oregon. and one of the big fires, the onion fire, and that's the equivalent to 20,000 helicopter drops of water. know how they come, they got enough. it's a half inch, but doesn't look like a lot, but this is a big deal to the people of california. seeing the video there. there are places in northern california, oregon and washington state, almost picking up 2 1/2 inches of rain. and that storm is spinning off the coast and pumping moisture up the west coast. that's great news. lingering showers behind the front keep the temperatures down and keep us in a safer zone. your local weather forecast in 30 seconds, but first the warm cities brought to you by macy's. >> reporter: hi everyone, david murphy here with storm tracker 6 live radar. there are yellow moving in off the ocean. as we take a look outside, cloudy, damp and windy today. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, a high of 66. the steadest rain early in the morning. and then it's spotty stuff, winds and dreary. better tomorrow. >> and a hot spot on the map, rapid city, 91. possible highs in the northern plains. >> thank you. and coming up, a black widow murder trial. the woman charged with killing her husband, their son, shocking testimony. and the slenderman attack, the parents of the young girl brutally stabbed by her friends. speaking out, it's an abc news exclusive. caught on camera, the video of a man walking out of the airport with someone else's luggage. how to keep this from happening to you. and big buzz on the duck dynasty dad and how he's weighing in on "dancing with the stars." and there is sara haines, the captain of our "gma" upgrade group. wait until you see who she's surprising. that's coming up in just a little bit right here on 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lanes are back open. looking live new jersey, 42 northbound jammed from 534 to 55. we have an accident in belmawr, here, on 295 southbound past 168, the black horse pike. you can see speeds of ten, 12 miles per hour 295 southbound. new castle county, i-95 southbound past 141 matt. >> thank you, karen. taking a live look at atlantic city, new jersey, it's been rainy and windy along the jersey shore. here's david murphy, hi, david. rainy in philadelphia, matt, take a look at storm tracker 6 live double scan we're giving you the latest images we've seen anywhere. we have heavier across highlighted in yellow creeping out of the delaware bay and one out of salem county into cumberland county. roads are wet, some northern areas will not see as much rain. 61 degrees in philadelphia. it's cool and windy. that's another part of the parkage this morning. as we roll through the day, 66 degrees, looks like the steadiest rain probably starts to wind down sometime around the end of rush hour this morning and the rest of the day is cloudy and damp at times and dreary. >> storm tracker 6 live app is essential, an essential component to your collection of smart phone apps, downloadw ♪ if you want it all look at sadie robertson, burning up the dance floor. she's the daughter of duck dynasty star, willie robinson. already one of the competitors to beat. is her dad playing too big a role in the competition? take a look at that this morning on "good morning america." >> she's adorable with mark ballas. and the police chief's daughter on the wrong side of the law, facing charges of frulg brutally attacking a couple on the street. being accused of taking advantage of her father's position. and caught on camera, this man walking out with someone's luggage. how many suitcases are actually stolen? how to protect your luggage. and the "gma" upgrade train is rolling on. cameron was paying tolls to hundreds of morning commuters on monday. tim tebow super-sized so many kids' morning on tuesday. and sara haines is on a boat. she's giving herself an upgrade before she surprises so many morning commuters. you know, she needs to upgrade herself. >> another clue. we should be watching closely. >> you saw another clue? >> i did. i'm not going to tell you what it is. >> i'm looking, going, is she on a cruise ship? i don't know what she's going to do. >> and find out in a little bit. begin with the texas woman on trial for murdering her husband. now her son is taking the stand to testify against her, saying she pointed the finger at someone else. tom, welcome. >> reporter: good morning, and thank you. this is a wild story out of texas. police believe the so-called black widow killed her rich husband to cash in on his life insurance policy. she said he committed suicide, but that's who the she told detectives at first. this morning, a look at the dramatic interrogation videos played on wednesday as the mother of four, now murder defendant, michelle williams tells detectives an intruder attacked her and shot and killed her husband, greg, back in 2011. but just over three hours later, williams changes her story. >> he was so stupid. such a stupid person for killing himself. >> reporter: a suicide she says she had lied about to protect her 4-year-old daughter. texas cops weren't buying it. >> these things around adding up. >> reporter: williams, a former personal trainer, charged with murder and tampering evidence. the local media calling her the black widow. prosecutors saying her story, a web of lies. >> but it will all point to michelle williams. >> reporter: in another twist, michelle's son testifying his mother asked him to help pin the murder on her husband's ex-wife. >> i told her i would call someone and have it taken care of. but i thought this was just her having a mental breakdown. >> reporter: before the murder, the williams lived in this upscale neighborhood. greg had a $650,000 life insurance policy that michelle was hungry for. >> the motive was money. tried and true, age-old, money. >> reporter: williams initially took a plea deal, pleaing guilty for 18 years behind bars. >> sitting there and looking at the four walls, thinking about your friends and family. >> reporter: in 2013, the plea deal was thrown out after she said she was innocent on cbs's 48 hours. >> i didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: she's pleaded not guilty, arguing that her husband was depressed and he did commit suicide. prosecutors hope to rest their case later today. if convicted, williams could spend the rest of her life behi behind bars. we're waiting to see if the so-called black widow takes the stand. >> you don't wear the same suit as me every day. >> you have excellent style. >> you got big thumb's up over here. >> thank you so much. it's an honor to be here. it really is. this is a great show. >> thanks, tom. now to the police chief's daughter in trouble with the law, pace facing charges for assaulting a couple in philadelphia. katherine turned herself in after people on social media helped identify her. lindsey davis has that story. >> reporter: she's a police chief's daughter, finding herself on the wrong side of the law. 23-year-old katherine naut, police saying they brutally attacked a gay couple. >> they're reliving it, it's tough. >> reporter: turning themselves in wednesday after amateur sleuths from across the country took to social media, using surveillance video as a starting point to identify the suspects. and now users on the same social media sites that allegedly tracked her down, are taking her to task again. claiming she's taken advantage of her father's position in the past. and a tweet like this one, a guy ran me off the road, called my dad, ran his license, got him a ticket. #lovemydad. her dad runs a suburban department and her lawyer says she has never done anything wrong. >> she's never been in trouble. has a law enforcement background. she played no role in this. >> reporter: now she could face more than just the court of public opinion as she and others face aggravated assault, simple assault, and recklessly endangering another person. >> thanks for that. turn now to the slenderman case. story that shocked parents across this country. a 12-year-old girl stabbed by her two friends, left to die in her friends. saying they were following orders from slenderman, the fictional character. and now speaking out to david muir. >> i walked into the trauma room that she was in. she was pale as a ghost. terrified, crying, she couldn't breathe. >> but she saw you there. >> she saw me and put her hand out. and i rushed over and hugged her. and i said you're going to be okay. it's going to be fine. but i could see that she was covered -- her arms and her legs and her abdomen, they were covered in stab wounds. and all i hear is, there's five on her arm, seven on her leg. and i'm thinking, seven, what? and one of the nurses says, all right, i count 19. and the second nurse said i count 19 as well. >> where on earth do you think she got the strength to crawl out of those woods? >> we asked her, and she said i wanted to live. >> the whole incredible story on ""20/20" tomorrow night. you're going to meet the girl. that's 10:00/9:00 central on abc. and now the storms, the flash flooding pictures from central florida earlier. doesn't look bad there. i'd like to wake up to that. but a stormier afternoon developing. that stationary front, a trough on one side and the other. brownsville, dealing with coastal areas seeing a lot of rain. inland, atlanta, upper 80s, lower 80s. and check this out, minneapolis, into the 80s. and new york city after. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy on the terrace, standing with the umbrella, as it is raining. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, shows a high of 66 him rain in the morning, spotty drizzle and shower pattern in the afternoon. >> all that weather brought to you by you know how everybody blames me or praises me for the weather. i'll hide today. >> i'll praise you, ginger. always praise you, young lady. all right, coming up, a luggage thief caught on camera walking out of the airport with someone else's suitcase. what you can do to protect your bag before you fly. also ahead, what a woman's skirt size can reveal about her health. dr. jennifer ashton is here with important information for all women. come on back. how do commercials work? you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. the time has come to put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for the one you deserve. dunkin' donuts dark roast is here. bold start, smooth finish, never bitter. cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now, save $400 on our most popular mattress. know better sleep with sleep number. . a little after 7:42. and back with luggage theft. more than a million pieces of luggage disappear, but new surveillance video is raising the question, how much is actually lost? david curley has the story. >> this man entering the airport emp empty-handed, enters baggage claim, and he's wheeling a bag away from the carousel. police looking for this man, accused of taking off with someone else's luggage. escaping the scene on the airport train. we have seen baggage thieves before, this phoenix couple pleading guilty to stealing up to a thousands bags in 2009. police stacking them up outside their home. and baggage handlers going through bags in jetliners looking for cash and valuables. and fired for taking valuables. >> they have gotten rid of the bag tag checkers to save money, but charging you more. >> reporter: they have better cameras than ever before, and work to curtail the bag grabbing. >> rush to the bag claim area. you don't want someone else to get there before you. >> reporter: to make it easier to spot your luggage in the sea of black bags, mark it with something bright, a luggage tag or strap. or buy another one. and don't buy an expensive bag, thieves believe it's expensive things inside. lock your bag, might be just enough to keep a thief from walking off with your stuff. for "good morning america," david curley, abc news, washington. >> i'm proud of my beat up old bag. people make fun, but no one takes it. >> and the big buzz over duck dynasty star, phil robertson. and the heartwarming video for his sister. >> that brings up the "gma" pop quiz. who is the highest-earning hip-hop artist of 2014? jay z, dr. dre or kanye west? the answer after the break. >> trick question. >> kicky minds want to know. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. we serve our food panera ion real plates, places. with real silverware and real bowls. just like you would at home. and we have comfy seats you'd want to sit in and fireplaces you'd want to sit by. but a place is just a place... until people come in and turn it into... a home of their own. which they do, every single day. panera bread. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. now what we have been waiting for, the answer to the "gma" pop quiz. forbes said it's dr. dre. thanks to apple's purchase of his company, beats, this year, the manmade a lot of money. did he ever? he made a lot of money. and this morning's open mike. mathy b is an aspiring rapper who made a heartfelt video for his little sister, defending her from anyone who might want to treat her differently because of her down's syndrome. >> a couple things you never change -- >> reporter: he's got the mind of an mc and the heart of a champion. now defending his sister in his own music video, 11-year-old rapper mattie b may win title of best brother. >> she's an awesome sister. are you awesome? >> i always tickle mattie b. >> mattie's sister, sara, was born with down's syndrome. >> people might pick on her for her needs. but i don't think anybody should be bullied because of what they have. >> reporter: so he and his family put their pens to paper, first writing a rap and then producing a music video with sara as the star. ♪ let a person be themselves >> she does everything the family does. and i think matt's heart here was to be able to show that in a video. >> sara loves acting, she loves to be in front of the camera. she was very excited about it. >> reporter: now with almost 4 million hits on youtube, mattie's love for his sister is topping the charts. >> they can do anything, no matter if they have special needs like sara. if they work at it, anything can become real. and they can -- they can do anything. ♪ beautiful like a rainbow >> sweet, sweet, sweet story. sweet story. all right. coming up on great deals and steals, everybody -- . physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too 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why "duck dynasty"'s sadie robertson is having her dad sign off on hour outfits before hitting the ballroom. and what your skirt size could reveal you and your health. we'll explain. and the super star creator of must-tweet tv, takes robin mind the debut of the sizzling hits. and upgrade week continues, could we be upgrading your week this morning? and penn that tonic is here singing adds we say -- ♪ good morning, america ♪ cadillacs in our dreams ♪ we don't care ♪ we are caught up in your love affair ♪ ♪ and we'll never be royals ♪ royals ♪ just the thing for us we crave a different kind of buzz ♪ where are you going? >> hey. >> pentatonix, performing a cover of the sing-long hit of the year. and which song do you want them to perform next at 8:30? how about "get lucky" or "radioing"radio "radioing aactive," you can find out. >> such talent. >> our morning just got upgraded. >> thank you for that. >> that's just the beginning of upgrading our morning. and now back to sara haines, about a give morning commuters a huge surprise. they just revealed it, sara, where are you? >> reporter: good morning, guys. we're in boston, massachusetts, on a ferry. and we're getting ready to upgrade the commute for very hard-working people. are you ready for this? they don't know, by the way. hit it! ♪ good morning, boston. we to want upgrade your morning. all aboard. come on, guys, come get coffee. come on, we have a band, we have doughnuts. sir, are you ready for work today? now you will be. watch your step on the cord. come on, guys, a little high five. put it there. good morning. good morning. good morning. watch your step, ma'am. good morning. good morning. good morning. good morning. ♪ >> that -- they look a little apprehensive at first. >> had to think about it. >> is she serious? they're very organized. in a single file line. they're a good crowd. >> not sure what's going on. >> once they go in there, they'll figure it out. still a little confused, george. one thing we're not confused about, challenging you, yes, you, to go the extra mile this week. how are you upgrading someone else's morning? >> lots of good ideas. and we begin with a new wave of air strikes in the war on isis. fighter jets pounding isis-controlled oil facilities inside syria, making millions of dollars a day. helping isis fund operations. and police in london, arrested at least nine men, including a radical cleric as an ongoing investigation into the recruitment of isis fighters. and the weather this morning, lubbock, texas. sudden, and fire crews were rescuing stranded drives. and the east coast has flooding rain. that's coming up. and a major break in the search for university of virginia student hannah graham, missing for nearly two weeks now. the man suspected is now behind bars. arrested on a beach in texas more than 1,000 miles away he is expected back in court this morning and sent back to virginia. there is no sign of graham. and a woman punched by a highway patrol officer will get a $1.5 million settlement. the woman was found walking along a freeway in july. a different kind of police confrontation in san francisco. take a look at this woman, accused of driving for a mile with a parking officer clinging to the hood of the car. she refused to accept the parking ticket, but maybe now has felony charges. she claims the officer harassed her. finally, after years in the making, "wedding crashers" the sequel. take a look closely at the picture. they were joined by uninvited guests. that's a herd of deers. sorry, no plural, deer. they just wanted dinner and a photo with the newlyweds. >> that's fantastic. thank you. we have health news now. a surprising study shows that a woman's risk of developing breast cancer after men pause may be tied to changes in her waist size. >> this is a dense study. but this looked at the issues of weight, weight gain, body mass index, and that central atopocity, the fat in our midsection, and associated with the risk of breast cancer. and the bad news is, that for each size increase. from a size 10 to a size 12 in a woman's skirt or pant size, in her 20s, 30s, or 40s, her risk of post-menopausal breast cancer goes up 30%. >> isn't it natural to go up over time? >> it is. and we so that over time. what's interesting, it's thought to be used as a proxy or easy to understand way to track our risk factors for breast cancer. >> what is the thinking behind this possible connection? >> the theory. it didn't show cause and effect is that that weight, that fat that's concentrated in our mid-section, sometimes called visceral fat, it's dangerous. hormonely active, can produce estrogen and trigger breast carson. >> the take away? >> exercise, eat well, and you may need screening. but we're not there yet. suck it in. >> dr. ashton will be taking your questions. "pop news" and weather coming up. >> i'm going to get some moving after what she said. get going here. yes, we're going to tell you what's coming up here on "gma." how do you get going in the morning? we're revealing the seven best ways to jump start your day before you head out. and we have been seeing all the ways that we are trying to, you know, just upgrade your morning. sara haines is in boston with the biggest "gma" upgrade yet. so many people commute, free breakfast, free coffee and more. i love this. pentatonix are here all morning. how much more? you can pick the music play play in the last half hour, coming up live on "gma." ♪ ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. we've put a twist aton classic desserts., starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using greek yogurt. then topped with fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking?t. eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. coming up, big deals and steals. tori here with some bags. and, hey, robin just stole my purse, tori. don't to want miss it. you have to think fast with this one next to you. the coffee-drinking world. the time has come to put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for the one you deserve. dunkin' donuts dark roast is here. bold start, smooth finish, never bitter. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ maybe raining outside, but look at that partying crowd here on a thursday morning. we like to say, friday eve. one more alarm clock. we know lara's making her way back from doing jimmy kimmel last night. and you have news that goes pop? >> we have "pop news." the rain can't stop us. lara is not here, but she found a way to bring us "pop news" this morning. so much fun watching lara on jimmy kimmel last night. she got interesting intel. did you know that he used to have yard sales? take a look. >> yeah, i've had yard sales, yeah. >> oh, my god, that would be, like, mother load. >> i wasn't -- you know, i wasn't born on television. there were many years people didn't know who i was. >> would you have a yard sale today? >> no, it would be weird. >> i saw pictures of your house, you have good stuff. >> thank you. where did she get pictures of my house? you're supposed to be guarding this. >> i showed it to her. >> i did. for a kiss. >> how many of you guys would have a yard sale right now? >> i'd do it. >> i think i'd do it too. >> in a heart beat. >> my wife would. >> without you even knowing. >> would you? >> yes, i would stand out there and sell it myself. i'm not a good deal maker. whatever the price is, you pay. and the real ticket to a winning edition of "pop news," get a panda involved. i'm here to deliver and then some. i bring you the pandas on the slide. this is from china. >> multiple pandas. >> sometimes down by themselves, george. sometimes they're like big groups coming down all in a pack. either way, can't beat pandas on the playground. >> and the slide, that was -- >> oh! stuck the landing. >> stuck it. that's all good. and they're tough. you see they're tough. and i travel a lot, we all do, if you're like i am, can't sleep, have the neck pillow. i have this for you. it's cumbersome to carry. check this out, wouldn't you say that's one dashing man in that scarf? yeah. it just looks classy. and then get on there, do like this -- >> oh! >> you got yourself a plane neck pillow. >> oh, wow. >> i feel like the movie "tommy boy." >> in a little shirt. >> it's really -- it's actually pretty comfortable. i'm impressed by this. then when you're done -- >> and that color really works for you, michael. >> you know what, george? so much so i'm giving it to you, my friend. they're being sold online in a variety of color options. george liked that one. but running out of them at $65 apiece. and you don't have to walk around with a big, thick neck pill pillow. i like taking care of you. >> appreciate it. i'm flying today. heat index coming up, and ginger with a check of the weather. >> you came all the way from california to see who? >> derek jeter. >> it's a rainy start on his last home game. take you to as bury park, you can see how windy it is too. there will be wind along the east coast with the rain. some places like atlantic city have seen gusts to 40 miles an hour with an inch and a quarter of rain. will it rain throughout the entire game? that's the question, no. and early showers, and tailgating before the game, it will be raining. keep that rain gear handy and just wear the >> reporter: thanks, ginger, david murphy on the terrace with light rain and roads wet across the region and pockets of steadier stuff here or there. the high is 66. rain in the morning, windy and damp and occasional drizzle and spotty shower in the afternoon. the sun returns tomorrow, nicer higher of 74. saturday and sunday, low 80s. 08 on monday, let's get you back to new york city and "good morning america"! >> these guys road tripping across -- they're from california. it's 85 at home. not here. let's head inside. >> thank you, ginger. and kick up the heat index. fast company as an article laying out seven super efficient ways to jump start your morning. advice from highly successful people. mark twain, eat a frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse can happen the rest of the day. get the toughest task done early. steve jobs with thought-provoking questions. the last day of my life, what i want to do what i am about to do today. >> powerful. >> that is powerful. ask yourself that question every morning. you can't always do exactly what you want, but it's a good thing to keep in mind. >> it's about having happiness in your daily routines. that's it. we want people to tell us how they jump start their morning, tweet us #socialsquare. and if you can't stand spoilers, brace yourself for this one. lots of buzz about a new website just launched by netflix. it's basically one big spoiler alert. it's intentionally giving away the plots of tv and movies in one quick clip. it's like a spoiler roulette. randomly selecting a clip and spilling the beans from there. >> for all the people who go to the back of the book and read the last page, right? >> that site has wracked up a million views in just 24 hours. >> i've been trying to teach harper not to do that. >> and sneaking around and trying to look. >> obviously there's an audience for this. over a million. and some of the big hit shows that they're doing. >> i don't want to know. takes away the fun. fun to guess. we're going to talk about what americans are tweeting and eating about -- they're tweeting about what they're eating. a new study from the university of arizona revealing the foods that people tweet about the most. this is interesting. it can be used to have effective health policies. start with north dakota, lots of tweets usie ining flan in that . over to california, they're really big on -- you'd think wine, but it's not true. it's actually caviar. >> i'm surprised. >> fancy. >> not so surprising, you'll get this, the south, grits. kiss my grits. >> that's right. >> mississippi's really into tangerines. i would never know that. >> nevada, sauerkraut? >> a lot of germans. and in the midwest, lots of tweets about breakfast. that's what i tweet, hot sauce. that was my tweet from russia. i brought that with me. just so that it was a little better. what are your favorite foods and where are you from? #socialsquare. time now for the morning stir. something new. what's that, you're asking? what's buzzing and trending and stirring things up. 17-year-old "duck dynasty" star sadie robertson has been winning moves on the dance floor with "dancing with the stars," but with the costumes, maybe father knows best. mara schiavocampo is here with that story this morning. good morning, mara. >> reporter: one article on this, getting more than 1500 comments. "dancing with the stars" is known for sexy moves and even sexier costumes. that's why sadie's dad, known for his conservative values is keeping an eye on his little girl. the 17-year-old shaking her tail feathers. alongside her partner, two-time winner mark ballas, her dad willie cheering her on. >> we had a shot potentially wiping a tear from his eye. >> aw. >> reporter: but her dad isn't just her biggest fan, but also the fashion adviser. >> what was he thinking about this moment? he approved it. out of respect we ask my dad if it's okay. i'm a christian. it comes with me wherever i go. >> reporter: the robinsons are known for their conservative values. dad and daughter often disagreeing on her fashion choices. but now he's approving every "dancing with the stars" style before a hits the stage. even when he's not there. >> those aren't dresses, those are dish towels. >> of course there are weeks when it's a little shorter. when the dance requires it. nice leg action, correct footwork. >> reporter: he's closely monitoring her moves, making sure they don't get too racy. >> was your dad okay with that routine? it was a little edgy and sexy. >> reporter: reaction online to her father's involvement has been mixed. some saying her dad should lay off. sadie has shown maturity and good judgment. he doesn't need to be over her shoulder and making those faces he does. while many fans continue to show big support for daddy knowing best. her costumes so far have not been revealing. it's refreshing to see that. she is only 17, so give her a break. for now, sadie seems here to stay. >> my dad texted me, he said you kicked butt last night. >> you'll be back. >> reporter: as long as dad gets the last laugh. now, surprisingly, sadie says the only place she'd ever danced before was in her bedroom. even her school band's dancing. she's doing great now. one thing a lot of online, people like the idea of parental supervision. she's just 17, and focus on the tajt a talent and not the sexy clothes. >> adorable with her father in the audience. it's like a coffee shot. >> morning chat. you never know where michael is going to pop up. michael? >> thanks, guys. i'm back here hiding a little bit. now to tory johnson who's brought us bags and bling and much more in the deals and steal this is morning. great bargains. go to our website to get the details. >> yes. and you have one of them right here. >> what is this? >> this is big love ball. so you're the giant ball of love. that's the big love ball. i love this. i found it on instagram. i think it's the most fun ever. they have a bitty size, that's the big. that's five feet tall. so much fun to send to someone, i love you. gigantic love. >> what if you send this one, not that one? >> love is love, baby. >> love is love. >> $20 to $85, slashed in half, starting at $10. >> okay, box number one. >> we have classic here. that was good. keds. these are the champion originals. canvas or leather, variety of colors, women's sizes 4 to 13, normally $45, slashed in half, $22.50 plus free ship. >> always big. >> love that. i love these. hope we have a good closeup. these are from danielle stevens. this is a new collection, the big assortment of earrings. starting at $135 with sterling silver post, slashed by 79%, 28 bucks. >> wow. >> really good? >> yeah. christmas coming early. >> i love these, perlo jewelry, 18-carat bezel set. $159, but slashed by 76%, 38 bucks. >> you're a deal maker. >> last one, one of these, thursday/friday canvas totes. this is the one. >> robin wants one. >> these are slashed by 65%, 38.50. and a bonus deal at "good morning america" on yahoo!. all these and a bonus. >> all right. amy, over to you. all right, got that bag. all right, coming up, guys, viola davis is here live. ♪ >> firefighters had to rescue a person from a burning house in derby borough, delaware county. the victim is being treated for burns and smoke. another person suffered minor injuries. 8:27 on this thursday, it's raining out there, folks. i'm matt o'donnell let's go to karen rogers for traffic. >> reporter: road are wet, traffic is slow, you're jammed from reeseville road to 113 where we had an accident that just clear. belmawr, 295 southbound is jammed near 168 the black horse pike. 14, 18 miles per hour. southbound 295 is a mess jammed from 38 to 168. a new accident involving an overturned cement truck 206 at monmouth road that sounds like a mess in burlington county. >> a lot of cement i imagine. let's go to dave daib for the rainy accuweather forecast. >> reporter: cool, windy and damp on the terrace. let's look at storm tracker 6 live double scan. we have more light rain than an hour ago. every now and then there's a speck of yellow and in philadelphia we're in the lighter shade of green, that's light precipitation. 60 in philadelphia. 60 in wilmington, as i mentioned there's a good wind blowing through the region. gusts over 20 even as high as 30 down the shore, that will continue during the day. today's high, 66. cool and windy at times damp. this current batch of rain probably subsides over the next couple of hours pushing off to the north and in the afternoon looking at drizzle and spotty shower here or there. better tomorrow, though, matt. >> okay, david, thanks. >> star wars fans need to see how r2 ♪ to give up who we are ♪ lets raise the bar and come to the stars ♪ ♪ we're up all night to the sun ♪ ♪ we're all up night to get some ♪ ♪ we're up all night to get lucky ♪ pentatonix. "get lucky" by daft punk. it's the winning song. you voted for it. oh. you know, viola was over there, she was feeling the beat over there. feeling it. there you were, i saw you. talk to viola ahead. but they're going to perform, pentatonix, the version of one of the hottest songs of the summer. >> love it when they're here. but up to boston, sara haines upgrading people's morning in boston. how is the commute going? >> reporter: hi, guys, i hope you can hear me, i can't hear you. we are having the best time. doughnuts, coffee, chanting, "gma," "gma," their commute will never be the same again. we may have to come back tomorrow. >> the party ferry, all right. wake you up in the morning. and don't forget to send the videos and photos how you're making a difference upgrading someone's morning. #upgrade. we might show them on the air. hello, doctor. >> i play one on tv. i'm not really a doctor. i was visiting the set, had this made for me. >> personalized. >> i like that. >> yes. i had a chance to talk to star ellen pompeo. and viola davis is here live. can't wait to hear about the new season that everyone is talking about. maybe get her to say it again, how to get away with murder. we have heard that over and over again. we are less than 12 hours away from tv history. a primetime lineup from powerhouse producer shonda rhimes who let me go behind the scenes of all three of her big shows. here's a look. >> i'm handling this. >> reporter: the wait is finally over. tonight's abc lineup, a shonda rhimes trifecta. grey's anatomy, "scandal," and "how to get away with murder." i caught up with the leading ladies to go behind the scenes. welcome to shondaland. >> olivia pope doesn't quit. >> i'm done. >> hope and associates. >> reporter: "scandal"'s kerry washington gave me a peek into the world of gladiators. >> this is huck's office. it looks technologically savvy. >> reporter: this is your office. >> olivia pope's office. this is the couch where you see me interrogate lots of new clients. you need to stop calling me. >> reporter: do you get excited when it's a new season? like a first day of school again? >> absolutely. we get excited for every single episode. but particularly because we have these big cliff hangers in the season finales. we were all waiting with bated breath to know where the plane was going and what was happening. and i'm not telling you. this is where olivia pope lives. >> reporter: it is beautiful. >> it is. >> reporter: i joined kerry on the couch, but it was olivia style. complete with the wine and the plush cashmere throw. let's talk about shonda. what is it like working with her? >> there's a beautiful balance in shondaland between escapism and presence. who you are, who you want to be, who you don't want to be. >> reporter: your character, i don't know how you can talk as fast as she does. >> you don't have a choice. it's going to get cut. >> reporter: i headed to the or, catching up with grey's anatomy star ellen pam pay owe and the and the executive producer. i can't believe it's been 11 seasons. >> we can't either. the writing stays incredibly sharp. and you guys bring this amazing new energy every season. >> you -- >> reporter: i even got to play doctor. fits good. >> thank you. >> reporter: how many times have we seen the drama really unfold in the operating room? >> i got it, i got it. >> just shut up, shut up. >> reporter: a major change this season, one of grey's original cast members, sandra oh, made her final appearance. >> i have to go. you stay here, okay? >> okay. >> the cast changing all the time, gives you something to play. i play that sandra's not here. >> reporter: talking with shon drank w -- shonda who does an amazing job of casting people for her vision. >> she finds the soul in the character and casts it that way. >> reporter: viola davis stars in the latest edition to the thank goodness it's thursday lineup. >> how to get away with murder. >> reporter: she plays a cut throat criminal defense attorney and law professor who uses, let's say, unconventional tactics. >> how did you get this? >> wasn't exactly legal. >> we have to get creative. >> reporter: what's it like, tv? >> tv is a marathon. but i'm enjoying just developing this character. per power, her level of manipulation. you know? her sexiness. i have a husband and a lover. >> there she is. let me guess, your ears were burning. >> should they be? >> reporter: peter norwalk, the show's creator approached rhimes with the idea and she signed on as executive producer. how did you come up with the idea? >> i don't know. i think i like the idea of normal people in extreme circumstances. this seemed very exciting to me. >> reporter: and bringing two of the characters to life, charlie weber. >> i'm frank, and like every teacher, i believe there are stupid questions. >> reporter: what did you think of the script? >> it was incredible. i had to be frank. >> it was instant love. oh, my god. >> reporter: i don't want to put any pressure on you, because, thursday night -- abc. counting on you. >> we have all the elements to success. we have a great cast. we have great writing. we have a great crew. it's the best of the best of everything, and shonda rhimes at the helm. >> that's how you get away with murder. >> and here he's, live with us in times square. please welcome viola davis to "good morning america." >> i feel the love. >> you know what's so cool? is that i could tell you have butterflies about this. >> i do havebutterflies. >> that's what life is about. >> to excellence as an actor, in process. do better, feel better. >> you make us feel better. who isn't? >> absolutely. >> you talked about shonda rhimes at the helm, but you talk about how this role has helped you step into your power. what exactly do you mean by that? >> i do have to acknowledge that peter is the brain child also. stepping into my power. being number one on the call sheet. knowing that i have to set this tone every time i walk on that stage, you know? being a woman who's mysterious and sexy and working outside my comfort zone. and literally not being afraid of that. knowing that there's a certain amount of failure that's atta attached to that. knowing there's a certain amount of scrutiny attached to that. but saying you know what? this is a time in my life that i'm not going to live in fear. you know. absolutely. >> sets it up perfectly. that's what we feel. especially those of us who have been able to see the first piece. let's see a little bit of "how to get away with murder." >> yes. >> step three, we bury the evidence. we throw so much information at the jury that they walk into the deliberation room with one overwhelming feeling, doubt. that's how you get away with murder. see you in the courthouse at 9:00. >> you were working that chalk board. >> yea, she was, uh-huh. >> a lot of interest on social media. and they want to know, what is the most challenging aspect of your character? >> the most challenging aspect is playing someone that manipulative. and playing someone who is ruthless and has so many masks that she wears. because, basically, she's emotionally unavailable. and that's not me. you know? what you see is what you get. i'm definitely not someone who's intimidating. i don't see myself as manipulative. and so it's a total transformation that i have to do. and that's been the hardest part other than some of the love stuff. >> that can't be too hard. your husband might think so. >> i don't tell him anything. he's going to find out at some point. that's being hard, that's being private in public, which is definitely the basis for acting. exposing yourself in public. showing the vulnerability in love scenes. i wear a lot of body makeup. >> do you, now? >> put it everywhere. put it on my feet. >> i also want to talk to you about, this is being able to give you a platform to shine on things important to you. the antihunger campaign. what are you and your husband doing there? >> we have joined with the entertainment foundation and safeway foundation to eradicate child hunger in the country. 17 million kids are suffering from childhood hunger in this country. that means three out of every five kids that teachers see in school don't even -- they know they're not going to have a meal that day. and i was one of those kids. i suffered from childhood hunger. i started my days not even knowing if i would have a meal to eat. it's hard to get at the business of being you, to tap into your potential, the shame that you live with knowing that you don't have enough to eat. it's a basic need. and i joined because it's a way of even kind of reconciling my childhood. i think that there's no child who should go to school, wake up every morning in this country, the richest country in the world, without a meal. i think it's the least that i can do. >> well, i love your passion. [ applause ] and that comes from the heart. >> yeah. >> and i know cedar falls, they are proud of you. they are proud of you. where you have come. >> where i come from too. >> i know you are. and thank you for a voice. giving a voice to those who don't. and we will be watching tonight. tgit, lineup torrent, gray's anatomy, followed by "scandal" and then the premier of -- >> how to get away with murder. >> i love that. coming up, more on nightline. now ginger with the final check of the weather. >> we brought the party inside. and pentatonix, they could make weather sounds. behind the weather, tastart lik that. that's the east coast. very old school radio. but we have a new wove showing what you're going through. it's called social stream. your instagram videos, find me and give it to me. texas, it was a wreck on the roads. and the flash flooding. .ooling and wetter weather >> reporter: wet and windy on the terrace. thanks, ginger, david murphy here with the umbrella. 66 the high, less rain this afternoon than this morning. and groovment tomorrow. >> all that weather brought to you by walgreens. >> we are making the sound of rain. robin. >> thanks. can you believe what we do here every morning? >> we rely on it. >> i'm glad this you do, viola. check in with sara haines, the best moments of today's "gma" upgrade before our all morning long, lucky commuters getting the ferry boat ride of their arrives thanks to sara haines. see how it's going up in boston harbor. hey, sara. >> thanks to "good morning america," we have upgraded this ride. we have been laughing, there was a shock. eventually they believed us. it was free. take a look at some of our favorite moments. ♪ we have completely decked out this commuter ferry. we have coffee and doughnuts, a dry cabar, and even live music from the berkelee college of music. get any better than that? i don't think so. ♪ good morning. i've got some coffee. >> thank you. >> reporter: enjoy those dough n nuts. how it going to change your day? >> make it brighter. >> that's dunkin' donuts new dark roast. cheer. have you ever had a blow out on the ferry? >> i have never, thank goodness. but today looks like a good one. ♪ >> yeah! >> reporter: okay, and as they say, it takes a village. so we have a couple thank yous. dunkin' donuts, boston dry bar, the berkelee college of music for providing this, and mostly thanks for giving this transportation. back to you. >> most fun ferry ride ever. pentatonix is going to perform live right after this. ♪ ♪ who the lights go down in the middle of the night where will i hide ♪ don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. we have been looking forward to pentatonix all morning. their pitch-perfect vocal blend can be heard on their now ep, ptx volume 3. and christmas is coming early with their holiday cd, that's christmas to me. maybe i was listening this morning, true story. and pentatonn ttatonix with the now of problem. ♪ ♪ i want you ♪ bop bop ♪ i want you ♪ hey you got one less ♪ i -- baby even though i hate you ♪ ♪ i want you ♪ and even though i got it i want you ♪ ♪ tell me tell me baby ♪ why can't you leave me ♪ even though i want it i got to have it ♪ ♪ listen ♪ and waiting for it ♪ i shall be waiting here with it ♪ ♪ oo ♪ one less ♪ i got one less, one less problem ♪ ♪ ♪ i think you're never gonna wake up ♪ ♪ but you ♪ shouldn't call unless you come back ♪ ♪ every time you touch me you say you love me ♪ ♪ i get a little bit ♪ i want it ♪ oh ♪ i want the clouds can be with on my shoulders ♪ ♪ i should be waiting there is the problem ♪ ♪ oh ♪ one less ♪ ah one less, one less ♪ smart money betting i'll be better off without you ♪ ♪ saying that you know but i doubt you understand my life is easy when i'm around you ♪ ♪ and i'm thinking i love the thought of you better than your presence and the best thing is to exit ♪ ♪ finally learned my lesson ♪ and you know it can't believe what you're saying, a million moves baby, i got 99 problems but you won't be one ♪ ♪ the clouds got no weight on my shoulders ♪ ♪ i should be wiser and realize that i've got ♪ ♪ what ♪ ♪ one less ♪ oh ♪ oh one less, one less problem ♪ ♪ ba, ba ♪ one less, one less ♪ o3wo our thanks again to pentatonix. you guys were great all morning long. [ cheers and applause ] great. have a great day. >> 8:56 now this cell phone video just in shows water pouring into the ceiling of delsea regional high school in franklinville, new jersey. the district is asking taxpayers to foot the bill for a new roof on tuesday of next week. taxpayers have voted down the request the previous two times. it is 8:57, thursday morning, here's karen rogers with a look at the rainy roads. karen. >> reporter: that's right we see an accident in our camera. 422 eastbound past 29 the accident is blocking the left lane, we have police and penndot on the scene. eastbound 422 jamming from royersford to past 29 and slowing to 23. north broad street is blocked at popular, tractor-trailer out there. 168 there's speeds jammed 38 to 168. 42 southbound we have an accident blocking left lane, matt. >> david murphy has been tracking the rain system all morning long, let's go to him now. >> reporter: matt, a steady rain fouling on the terrace. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we're down to lighter rain, every now and then we have a darker color here and there, cape may is starting to dry out. windy, gray cool and wet in most of the region. the afternoon call is for spotty showers and drizzle and high of 66. >> we'll have an updated forecast on "action news" at noon, sophia vegara i can't i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. pumpkin coffee for the morning, and i've got my pumpkin k-cup packs for at home. now i can have my pumpkin coffee any time i want it. pumpkin's perfect. it's dunkin' with a press of a button. bring home pumpkin or any other k-cup packs for $9.99. america runs on dunkin'. announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the hit comedy "modern family," sofia vergara. and the new host of "who wants to be a millionaire," terry crews. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140825

night. ♪ >> ariana with a problem, taylor shaking it off in a show-stopping moment. >> welcome to my world. >> but queen bey steals the show. as the "vmas" turn into the show. as the "vmas" turn into the bmas. and good morning, america. happy monday. only one person in the world can upstage beyoncé, there she is right there, blue ivy. with a little "yeah, mommy," last night. what a way to end that show. just incredible. >> such a sweet family moment. then, miley cyrus also engineered her own statement when she sent a young, homeless man to the stage to accept her video of the year award as she looked on with tears in her eyes. what a difference a year makes. >> very classy. could do a lot of good. but we want to get right to the state of emergency in northern california after the biggest earthquake to hit the san francisco bay area in 20 -- 25 years, measuring 6.0. we have full team coverage, starting with cecilia vega in napa. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning. the governor declared a state of emergency, and downtown napa hit the hardest. just take a look at this. this building behind me, this was a law office and a wine bar. this morning, a pile of rubble with chunks of that building just dangling precariously here. 3:20 a.m. sunday, the quake strikes in the dead of night, the earth-shattering moment caught on surveillance video, shaking people out of bed, and rocking cars and buildings. >> i woke up and thought, oh, my god, this is it. this is the big one. >> reporter: these store shelves thrashed around before the power goes out. seconds later, the shaking is over, but the chaos has just begun. the monster 6.0 quake, the worst to hit the bay area in 25 years. fires rage in the scenic tourist town of napa. more than a dozen buildings in the historic downtown ravaged. shattered glass, cars buried in brick, and roads ripped wide open. >> the ceiling is crushed. the whole store is like that on the other side. >> reporter: the control tower windows at napa county airport, completely blown out. and this clock frozen in time, marking the moment the quake hit. >> the glass from the mirrors put shards and fragments everywhere. >> reporter: more than 200 people were taken to local hospitals, including a 13-year-old boy in serious condition after being hit by falling debris. >> a fireplace collapsed in the home. >> reporter: power knocked out for thousands, and more than 30 buildings and homes deemed too dangerous to go inside. >> stay away from buildings that look like they're leaning. >> reporter: and this morning, those allowed in, stunned by the damage. >> all the apartments pretty much look like this. >> reporter: but as the cleanup begins, so too does the fear of economic devastation as countless images emerge of the area's famed wine and olive oil stock now left in pieces on the floor and shovelled into dumpsters. authorities say this could have been so much worse. had this happened in the middle of the afternoon this building here, these streets would have been packed full of people. the price tag from the damage could top a billion dollars. >> still counting. thanks very much. you saw the fires. at least half a dozen. they spread quickly, snapping gas lines, hitting a mobile home park. abc's neal karlinsky is at one of those destroyed mobile home parks in napa. good morning, neal. >> reporter: that's right, it didn't just collapse buildings, it sparked fires like the one that absolutely ravaged these to give you a sense of how hot it was, melting these garbage cans next door like candles and sending residents running. at the napa valley mobile home park, this was the fiery scene just moments after the quake hit, forcing residents to fight for their lives. >> the fire just exploded. it was frightening, terrifying. >> reporter: the quake snapping gas lines, sparking a fire so hot, some people weren't sure they'd make it out. >> the earth moved, the house moved. >> reporter: four of these homes burned to the ground. another half dozen were damaged. the damage compounded by the fact that the quake also ruptured water lines, leaving firefighters struggling to find a way to put the fires out. >> we do have two swimming pools here in the community, and they were able to siphon water out of the pool into their truck and come back several times to fight the fire behind my house. >> reporter: homeowners bill and teresa still shaken as they faced cameras, lost everything but the clothes on their backs. >> we really didn't know what happened. the house was already on fire. it was hard to get out. it was scary. >> we lost everything. >> yeah, we lost everything. >> but we're not everything, honey, not everything. >> reporter: fortunately, everyone made it out of here alive. power and water were out for a time, they are now being restored. lara. >> all right, neal, thank you. and this quake appears to have hit along the dortmund fault line. they're now concerned it could trigger a bigger quake along the major fault lines in the area. ginger is here with us to explain how that works. sounds like a real concern. >> absolutely. i think it helps to see it on map. the san andreas fault is closer to the coast. this happened they think along the west napa fault, it's only 20 miles long, and this quake only ran half of it. it could have been so much worse. the west napa fault is part of a network of fault lines, they are concerned this is a precursor for a lot more activity. we have seen more than 150 earthquakes in the last 24 hours. you can see some aftershocks for up to seven days after, george, go up to 5.0 magnitude. the threat not over. >> thanks very much. and the latest now on the american journalist freed this morning after being held in syria for two years by a terrorist group. this comes as officials say they are closing in on the identity of james foley's killer. brian ross is here with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. even with the release of that one hostage in syria, at least three more americans remain in the hands of isis. but this morning any good news out of syria is very much welcome. >> my name is peter theo curtis -- >> reporter: until his release was announced on sunday, the kidnapping of peter theo curtis of boston had not been revealed. his only good fortune was that he was held by al qaeda in syria and not by terrorist group isis, who seems more interested in revenge than ransom with its american hostages. >> this is a game of revenge, and revenge is sweet to them, and they want to take it. we are, in their minds, the worst people on the face of the earth. >> reporter: today, this section of london will be the focus of british and u.s. authorities looking to track the isis recruit who killed foley. >> the british authorities have identified the key suspect and over the next couple of days, they're going to carry out raids in london. because, for them, the key question is not only who is he, but also, where in syria is he? >> reporter: whoever he is, authorities believe the killer is somewhere near the syrian city of raqqah, the isis stronghold and command center, and the location of the unsuccessful u.s. raid to rescue the hostages. u.s. authorities continue to be concerned that with their safe haven, isis will develop the ability to launch attacks on the u.s. mainland. >> and there are external operations, i believe, under way. they would love nothing more than to hit the united states of america. >> reporter: this morning, the family of that released american hostage, peter theo curtis, says he will be heading back to the u.s. as soon as he's ready to travel. george? >> okay, brian, thanks very much. and now, we turn to the strange and scary situation on an american airlines flight, on its way from dallas to san diego when fighter jets were scrambled. and the flight was diverted to phoenix. all of these part of a threat made on twitter involving the president of sony online entertainment. abc's david kerley is at reagan international with the details. good morning, david. >> reporter: lara, this attack seems to be connected, this cyberattack, on a gaming network with this social media bomb threat against a jet. the question this morning is why. passengers finally home after their nonstop flight made an emergency stop. >> there were police everywhere, dogs. rumors of terrorists. people in the back freaking out. >> reporter: the american airlines jet heading from dallas to san diego told to land immediately in phoenix. >> emergency 62 will need visual aid. >> 362, clear to land. >> reporter: this is the plane, in phoenix sunday, and according to two sources, it was shadowed by two fighter jets as it made that landing. a passenger tweeting pictures from the tarmac. >> they took us off the plane, and searched our luggage with dogs, and then gave us our onboard luggage back. >> reporter: and scrambling because of this tweet, our sources say, from a purported hacker group called lizard squad. saying, quote, we have been receiving reports, explosives on flight 362. please look into it. this tweet specifically mentioning jay smedley's plane. that's john smedley. he didn't want to talk -- >> i don't to want talk. >> reporter: he did tweet. yes, my plane was diverted. justice will find these guys. >> there is a process that the airlines use, fbi, law enforcement will use, tsa will use to vet each one of these threats. >> reporter: the lizard squad also claiming to take down the sony playstation network over the weekend. sony releasing a statement, saying its network was overwhelmed with artificially high traffic, denying service to some users. we asked sony why they might have been targeted, we didn't get answer. and the fbi is investigating this case. lara, the hacker group now says it is targeting the vatican. >> all right. thank you so much. and right to amy for the other top stories this morning. good morning. good morning, and we begin with new video overnight of a fast-moving wildfire now threatening more than 500 homes and businesses in north california. at least one building already up in flames in the historic town of weaverville. at least 150 homes evacuated, and nearby roads are closed. school cancelled today. crews have struggled to contain this fire because of the steep terrain, heavy winds and dry conditions. well, for the second time in a month, police here in new york are investigating a security breach at the brooklyn bridge. officers arrested this man who walked past security, and climbed the tower, walking across one of the cable beams. he says he just wanted to take pictures. but he now is facing criminal charges. it was barely a month ago that two german artists climbed the bridge and replaced the flags. more than 2,000 people are expected to pack into a st. louis church today for the funeral of michael brown, shot by a police officer more than two weeks ago. abc's steve osunsami has the latest. steve, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, amy. the crowds are starting to gather here already for this funeral this morning. 600, 700 people outside this morning. we're told that three representatives from the white house are scheduled to be here today. the officer darren wilson who shot michael brown is in hiding this morning. amy? >> all right, steve osunsami with the latest. thank you. breaking news from virginia, reports that the ft. lee military installation near richmond is on lockdown because of a reported shooting incident. all personnel have been told to follow active shooter protocols. no details have been released. hundreds of military families live there. we'll bring you more information as we get those details on this developing story. and before this next story, we should say the young boy you're about to see is okay this morning. but take a look at this. he was playing in the street in china where you see right there an suv drove right over him. he stood up, as you see, walked away. he had a couple of scratches, that's it. amazingly, the suv was high off the ground, and where that little boy was, was right in between the two wheels. we are very thankful he is okay this morning. >> did we get a license plate? >> startling video. and finally, look at who showed up at the beginning of a soccer match. that's a black cat. >> oh, no. >> you can't tell a cat what to do. the cat forced a delay in action. a stadium worker sneaked up and got him. then he held on for a while. the team wound up winning. we believe the hex went to the visitors. and -- black cat -- >> yeah. >> excellent conclusion there. >> scientific, actually. thanks for that. it is vma time. and all the music's biggest stars in l.a. last night, beyoncé was there. and it was a night filled with some surprises. and ryan is here with all the highlights. >> beyoncé just flawless. the buzz started at the top of the show, thanks to nicki minaj on a quick change that wasn't quick enough. the "vmas," starting off with a bang. and a wardrobe malfunction. nicki minaj forced to hold her dress shut during her performance. explaining that she ran out of time transitioning from her solo performance of "anaconda." taylor swift creating her own fashion frenzy, with this blue leotard on the red carpet before shaking it off on stage. ♪ shake it off ♪ shake it off >> i want us all to take a moment of silence for mike brown -- >> reporter: there were more serious moments too. rapper common leading a moment of silence following the shooting death of ferguson, missouri, teenager, michael brown. >> miley cyrus! >> reporter: and in a 180 from last year's "vmas" -- >> i am accepting this award -- >> reporter: miley cyrus having a formerly homeless runaway, accept her vma for video of the year, drawing awareness to her campaign to end youth homelessness. the speech sparking a massive social media response. cyrus' facebook post about the campaign wracking up over 250,000 likes overnight and counting. >> welcome to my world! ♪ >> reporter: but perhaps the biggest moment of the night belonged to beyoncé. ♪ right away >> reporter: queen bey getting the prestigious vanguard award and performing a medley from her new album. ♪ >> reporter: closing the show with an emotional tribute to and from her husband jay z and their daughter, blue ivy. >> i just thank god for this moment. i love ya'll so much. >> so many big names into her performance. lebron james tweeting, there's a lot of great artists, but none compare to beyonce. captivating on stage. #simplyamazing. and little blue got a lot of love on twitter. here's katy perry -- omg, she peresonally waved at me. my life is over. and taylor swift had this to say, every time i see blue ivy, i cry. now, we want to know, what is your favorite moment of the "vmas"? tweet us. at # socialsquare. we will have much more ahead. but now severe storms in the midwest overnight. ginger? that's what i want to start with. over two dozen severe storms. but, look at this. this video coming out of minnesota, just north and east of st. cloud. the tornado reported there, and video of it. in part the severe weather fueled by the heat. look, excessive heat warning again for st. louis today. there are nine states with some parts of them in heat advisory. some of the heat indices could reach over 110 this afternoon. i'll tell you much more, but for now, the local forecast in 30 seconds, and this morning's select cities brought to you by walmart. the local forecast in 30 seconds, and this morning's select cities brought to you by walmart. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with a lot of cloud cover and sunshine slow to arrive. clouds mostly and drizzle is lets likely in the extended week. today we are in the 60, and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and upper 70's to nearly 80 in south bay and east bay. the seven-day outlook shows the warmest days: the heat is on, wednesday >> the heat index later today from san antonio to chicago, just about as hot as the beyonée performance. >> well done. >> okay, ginger, thank you. coming up, frightening moments caught on camera. a mother and four kids pulled over by police, ordered out of her car at gunpoint. it was a mistake, but why did a 911 call trigger it? also, fires shot at music mogul suge knight at a party run by chris brown. what set it all off. plus, a toxic milkshake at dairy queen? health officials investigating after a mother and a son end up in the hospital. and america's favorite little league team. we will talk to the jackie robinson west all-stars. about the biggest game of their lives. and then shake it off, people. rocking the red carpet and sizzling the stage. t and sizzling the stage. i let him know everyen i find a time i save a dollar. every time. now there is a tool made for you. introducing savings catcher from walmart. it compares prices to top stores in your area. no more driving all over town. if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an e-gift 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eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. good morning. i'm eric thomas. napa residents and business owners hope to get a better estimate on what needs to be fixed from yesterday's quake. eight buildings are retag in napa, another eight red or yellow tagged in vallejo. power remains out to 150 pger, customers down from 70,000 immediately after the quake. here's leyla gulen. the traffic lights are back up and running in napa. however, we still have closures throughout downtown napa around jackson street, between first and third, main street, a lot of old build tlgs and they all crumbled, unfortunately, so we still have some very unsafe structures and no traffic is allowed in that area. eric? >> thank you very much. when we come back, the forecast with meteorologist mike ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. 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[ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. okay, we're back, looking at four miles visibility in santa rosa on live doppler 7-hd. a little bit of cloudiness trying to dip down. most of us aren't that cloudy. 56-minute flight/arrival delays into sfo. temperatures right now, mainly in the mid-50s to mid-60s. have a good day. hi ya'll, wake up this morning. i said, how did you wake up this morning? who's loudest? sing. ♪ you wake up ♪ post up ♪ round it the song was "flawless" and so was the performance. and we are all awake here at "gma." queen bey. and twitter crazy last night while she was performing, all kinds of raves coming in from all over the world. >> i love it, someone said it was bmas, her, her husband jay z, her daughter, blue ivy. watching her perform in the audience. making a special appearance on stage. so much more ahead, and d.j. calcutta, and the hip-hop dancers live. we are in the mood for a little fun and dancing, a little vma fashion discussion. we have all that. >> and looking forward to all that. but we also have coming up, some frightening moments that were caught on dash cam. a mother and four children pulled over by police and ordered out of her car at gunpoint. it was a mistake. but why did a 911 call set this all off? and it's happened again, a toxic drink served to customers, this time at a dairy queen. health officials are investigating after a mother and son both ended up in the hospital. and then, an eye-opening new report on teens and sleep, how starting school early is hurting their grades. maybe sleeping isn't the best way to make the "a." >> kids going, yeah. >> absolutely. but a frightening moments for a young mother in a car with four kids. when police pulled them over, slapped handcuffs on the mom. but it turned out to be a bad case of mistaken identity. abc's mara schiavocampo here with the details. >> reporter: mistaken identity is right, they stopped the wrong car. that mom was just trying to get her kids and god kids home. and it ended up being a ride they won't soon forget. it's a highly-charged traffic stop. >> driver, let me see your hands. everybody, hands out the window. >> reporter: new dash cam video showing texas police officers pulling over a car just outside dallas, guns drawn. >> keep walking backwards. hands on your head. >> reporter: the problem, the police admit they got the wrong car. this is law-abiding mom kametra barber. >> what is wrong? >> reporter: in the car, four kids under the age of 10 watching as she is handcuffed. >> what am i doing? >> hold on a sec, okay. >> what is going on? my children -- >> reporter: moments later, barber's terrified son, just 6 years old, comes out with his hands up. >> makes me angry all over again. >> reporter: it all started with a 911 call describing a vehicle speeding down the highway, the driver waving a gun out the window. >> it's going to be a beige or tan-colored toyota, occupied by four black males. >> reporter: but her car, a burgundy maxima, doesn't fit the description at all. the caller even tells the police they have made a mistake. the real suspects getting away. >> they say you have the wrong car back there. >> very shocking. just -- i can't imagine what those kids went through. >> i cried. i have kids. it's hard to imagine. >> reporter: in the video, the police quickly realize the passengers are children. >> do they look young to you? >> they do to me. >> reporter: and that they've made a terrible mistake. >> gun down. gun down. >> reporter: they immediately start working to calm the kids. >> i'm scared. >> it's okay. >> no, are we going to jail? >> no one is going to jail. >> reporter: though police apologized, they say they acted appropriately for what they thought was a dangerous situation. >> for the nature of the call, that a weapon was involved, yes. >> reporter: but she can't let this stop go. >> every time i listen to or hear or think about it, it bothers you. it's not -- i can't just say, okay, i'm fine. it's okay, it's not a big deal, it is. >> reporter: now in a statement forney police say the officers acted professionally on the information they were given, and they adjusted their methods when the situation presented itself to be otherwise. you have to wonder, a tan toyota and a burgundy maxima, very different cars. >> i'm glad they made up for it fast. all right, we want to turn now to a brazen hollywood nightclub shooting. music producer marion suge knight was shot at a trendy l.a. nightclub at a party with chris brown. >> suge knight is famous for working with artists like snoop dogg and dr. dre. and this isn't the first time that he's been shot. new this morning, chris brown's representatives are distancing the singer from the attack. overnight, chris brown in attendance at the "vmas." less than a day after the party he hosted turned violent. this morning, suge knight recovering, the 49-year-old seen here crouching after a car after being shot reportedly six times. witnesses say he managed to walk out of the club before being loaded on a stretcher and taken to the hospital along with two others injured by bullets. the melee breaking out on sunday morning, at 1:30 a.m., at west hollywood hot spot 10. watch this video taken inside the club. gun shots ringing out amidst the chaos and confusion, party-goers duck for cover. brown is seen in this video, on a table after the shooting, furious at what had taken place. other club goers racing out the exit door holding their hands up, and sheriff's deputies with their guns drawn. >> not sure if marion knight was the intended target. and the other two may have been trying to to get out of harm's way. >> reporter: brown was unharmed. his representatives told abc news this incident did not involve chris. he's going to cooperate with the investigation. this isn't the first time knight has been injured around the "vmas." he was also shot in the leg in 2005. his family saying suge is currently resting and lost a lot of blood. he's human. this morning police say no known suspects or persons of interest and they don't know what may have sparked this confrontation. >> a busy area. very scary. thank you. >> good to see you. and ginger with the weather. i want to start with the efforts in the southwest, there will be some large surf. getting gnarly waves, hanging out in the barrel. i learned that this last weekend. the next couple of days, really bad. tuesday through saturday, we're looking for high surf advisories because there's hurricane marie, staying offshore, but the moisture is pooling up. the surf from san diego to los angeles beaches is rough, and the monsoon moisture extra. flooding throughout parts of the week. and cristobal is staying off in the ocean. it's a storm, it's gone. good morning. sunshine really slow today, 63 at the coast to 83 inland. check out the accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s at the coast, 80s around the bay and 90s inland by wednesday. >> all that weather brought you by activia. lara, good question, will it bring anything? yes, we could see some rough surf along the east coast. but nothing terrible. >> thank you. and a parenting experiment. what really happened when a mother stopped criticizing her daughter's bad behavior and got surprising results. and how could this happen? a toxic milkshake served at a dary queen. investigators investigating after a mother and son ended up in a hospital. but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. i think i'm getting the hang of it. 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[ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. it compares prices toatcher top stores in your if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an e-gift card. oh! money! every penny counts! yep! go to and enter your receipt. and we are back now at 7:42, with a scary episode at dairy queen. just two weeks after a utah woman was hospitalized after drinking iced tea from a local barbecue laced with chemicals, there's a toxic shake from dairy queen. abc's clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: finally out of the hospital two weeks after a single sip of tea. they say an employee mistook the chemical, lye, used to clean the deep fryers, for sugar, mixing it into the drink. now it's happened again. >> it was bubbling on my tongue. >> reporter: this time in colorado, 7-year-old riley chase going to the hospital after drinking a vanilla shake from this dary queen. >> it was just like you were drinking a very strong cleanser. >> reporter: lisa chase said the manager said an employee left a container with a chemical cleaner in the sink, and filled with vanilla sir up thinking it was clean. >> it just burned all the way down. >> reporter: they accidentally sold the bad batch to at least two other customers who also had to be taken to a hospital. federal regulations require hazardous cleaners to be stored away from where the food is prepared. and businesses are supposed to provide proper training for employees handling chemical cleaners. >> they need to be held accountable for what they're doing, because they could have cost people their lives. >> reporter: in a statement, dairy queen told abc news this was an isolated incident and the employees responsible had been reprimanded. the rest of the staff is getting new training. >> there's no reason that should have ever happened. >> reporter: both incidents are now being investigated, not just leaving the bad taste in the mouths of customers, but a dangerous one. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. coming up here, ariana and miley in black leather. gwen stefani in hot pink. we will have the best fashion. >> yes. and america's favorite team, the overcomers from the south side of chicago, made it all the way to the little league world series championships. and we're going to talk to them live. ♪ championships. and we're going to talk to them live. ♪ uh, hi. i'm here to drop off my resume. password? i'm sorry, i'm just here to what's the password. uh,synergy? datafication! gamification! university of phoenix has had alumni at every fortune 100 company... we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. veggies you're cool... reworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. (girl) where are all the seats... excuse me, excuse me... can i sit here? ahhh... sure. (sigh) i'm maisy and i'm six. hi maisy, i'm tanner. you nervous? yeah, a little. don't be. ♪ can't touch this all right, so we want to turn now to the little league baseball team that captured the nation's attention and our hearts. jackie robinson west from the south side of chicago had such an unbelievable run, making it all the way to the championship game of the little league world series before losing to south korea on sunday in a score of 8-4. we are joined now by this hero team and their coach, their leader, darold butler. and coach, is it true that the president of the united states called you and you put him on hold? >> it's going to sound like that. the time his assistant called s us, we were just about to go live on espn, "sportscenter." so when the call came through, i did ask if there was any way he could call me back in five minutes once we got done with "sportscenter." >> so, what was it like leading this team that would just not give up? >> right now it's still unreal. i'm proud of the guys. they battled the whole entire time. we came up the loser bracket and found a way to win four or five games straight. i'm so proud of the guys, i'm happy for the city of chicago and the state of illinois and everybody who rooted for us. >> trey hondras, this is lara spencer. congratulations. going back to your game against vegas, you were a hitting machine, 3 rbis, a homer. how does it feel to be the best team in america? >> it feels great to be the best team in america because, i mean, we're u.s. champions. that's real big for us. we're great lakes. great lakes is supposed to lose all the time. it's always supposed to be like west or japan or south korea. so it's real big for the great lakes and the u.s. region. >> and coach, i want to ask you, guys, feel free to jump in. representing the south side of chicago, the mayor said you guys are the pride of chicago, rahm emanuel. how does it feel to speak to the city like that and overcome so much and become part of this story we're all talking about? >> it's huge to have the mayor supporting us and throwing the watch parties at home. we had a chance to take a look at a few of the clips after winning games. and it was like watching the bulls win in '96, people were running in the streets and celebrating and cheering. we love the support and very happy that everyone was proud of us. >> well, a little birdie told us there will be quite the celebration fur you guys when you get back. you indeed are the pride of the south side, the pride of chicago, and the pride of the usa. congratulations. >> thank you so much, we appreciate it. >> take care, and thank you for not putting me on hold, coach. >> you're welcome. >> and there's going to be fireworks and a giant parade. so well-deserved. >> you outranked the president. coming up next, jennifer aniston's trainer revealing the superstar's secrets to staying in shape. ston's trainer revealing the secrets to staying in shape. 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a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. good morning. i'm eric thomas. it could cost at least a billion dollars to repair damage from the 6.0 earthquake in napa. 17 people had to be admitted to the medical center in napa mostly from injuries from falling debris or broken glass. this morning a little more than 115 customers are still without power down from 70,000 at one point. here's mike with the forecast. >> still having minor aftershocks. in fact, you can't even feel them they're so minor but they're out there. 77 in napa is as warm as it will get. 60s and 70s until you get inland where we have some 80s. warmer weather starting tomorrow. leyla? we have a problem at the maze. westbound 580 to eastbound 80, the connector there. solid delays there heading through berkeley. heavy traffic making it up to bay bridge. your drive the north bay, southbound side of 101, it's a sl ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. school's back, studying's important, but we may want to encourage our kids to sleep in a little. what parents need to know right now. and jen aniston revealing a personal moment with her fiance, plus, the secrets to how she's staying fit at 45. and mo'ne davis is with us live, leading her team to times square. taylor swift sizzled on stage and off. all the big fashion hits and misses of the night as we say -- >> good morning, america. that's not all, d.j. calcutta, rocking us through the morning along with -- >> look at the moon man, go. >> that's the moon man. that moon man can dance. >> oh, yeah. >> it's freedom of the helmet, george. >> yeah. >> you never know. >> it was a big night. we're going to hear a lot more from some of the biggest stars at the "vmas" in a minute. >> hold on, i just want to take a look. moon man? moon man. they're very, very close. we have the moon man statue right here on the set. and so much excitement outside. and the hip-hop dancers are jamming out there. we have fashions to talk about. taylor swift looked incredible with the blue onesie, i guess we'll call it. people are talking about it. i think onesie is not the right thing. it's a short -- whatever it is, it's short, taylor. and we have fashion expert kristin here to break it down. and what happens when a mother of two stopped criticizing her daughter's bad behavior. it's a surprising experiment. i'm very interested in this one. >> me too. >> heard it from the moon man there. >> getting waved off. news first. good morning, everyone. and we begin with the massive cleanup effort in california's napa valley after the most powerful earthquake there in 25 years. damage this morning estimated at $1 billion. the magnitude 6 quake sent about 200 people to emergency rooms, cracked buildings and bucked roads. nearly 2,000 customers remain in the dark and many will not have running water until next week. dozens of homes are now uninhabitable. and from the earthquake to another major wildfire spreading overnight. right now, more than 500 homes and buildings in far northern california are threatened by this fire. 150 homes evacuated so far. and the american journalist released from captivity in syria over the weekend will soon be heading home. 45-year-old peter theo curtis had been held by al qaeda in syria for two years and they're responding to possible air strikes by the isis, saying that they be coordinated with the syrian regime. the u.s. believes that foley's killer is somewhere near the isis command center in syria. the all-clear has been given at the ft. lee military base near richmond, virginia, after a lockdown the base tweeting earlier, an active shooter was on the loose. details on the incident and the suspect are still coming in. but we're told no one is in danger. the morning commute around washington, d.c. is more hectic than usual because of strangely drawn lines. look at that. this is on a highway in northern virginia, it looks like a kindergartner drew them. a contractor working on a nearby bridge put down the temporary lines. but they're not exactly sure what happened to them. hundreds of beach goers in florida have ended up in the hospital after being stung by jelly fish. stings like this. they invaded daytona beach. the unusual specie is tiny and almost entirely clear. and uninvited guests at a surfing contest overseas recently. take a look, dolphins crashing right into one man in the surf, knocking him clear off his feet. we're going to show it to you again. boom. there he goes. the dolphins clearly not impressed by his skills in the water, so they took him down, those friendly dolphins. everyone was okay. back to you guys. >> okay. we're going to turn now to an eye-opening report out this morning on teens and sleep. and the study says starting school classes too early could hurt grades and health. jen ashton is here with the details. and these doctors sounding the alarms. they want changes. >> this could be the secret to getting an "a" this year for the kids. it looked at the causes of poor sleep quality, reliance of caffeine, technology use, and just the normal teen sleep patterns, a link to obesity, depression, drowsy driving, and poor academic performance all tied to not getting enough sleep. >> so, what is your prescription to fix this? >> well, we have to get on it now. because we're getting ready to head into the school year. watch the caffeine, make sure they unplug from everything with a screen at least an hour before they go to bed. >> no screens in the room. >> absolutely not. >> the flashing of the screen keeps you up. >> absolutely. and then work backwards. if your child has to be at school at 7:00 a.m., and they should get eight to nine hours of sleep, that means they need to be closing their eyes at 10:00 or 11:00 at night. not easy to do. >> this does not mean you can sleep late and be late for school. >> they want schools to start later. >> that's right. this is a call to action. schools should start later, and once in a while, hit the snooze button. >> i think kids will like this. >> why didn't we have this? >> can we implement this at "good morning america"? i'm just wondering. thank you. >> you bet. "pop news" and weather coming up. ryan with the morning menu. >> that's right, let's take a look at what's ahead. come on over here. so much to talk about. the "vma's" red carpet, fashion. oh, my goodness. trending, everything that's going on on the red carpet. remember taylor swift right here looking great. that's just the beginning of it. okay. got something on prince. i got to get into my purple frame of mind. come on. i want my all purple -- okay, it's coming. but his all-female band, third eye girl, will be here live this morning to reveal it. you don't to want miss that. and jennifer aniston's trainer revealing the secrets to get one of hollywood's hottest bodies. plus, coming up, d.j. calcutta keeps the party going right here on "gma." ♪ ♪ it won't be the same ♪ can't take it the same ♪ ♪ can't take it everything your mouth does in a day is building up layer, upon layer, upon layer of bacteria. and to destroy those layers? you need listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth. also try listerine® pocket paks to kill bad breath germs on the go. 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(laughs) get a smarter start to school with all your dinner favorites like hot pockets, chef boyardi and jimmy dean. unbeatable prices guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz? what does it mean to drive as far as you want... for up to three years... and be covered? it means your odometer... is there to record... the memories. during the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event now through september 2nd, you'll get complimentary pre-paid maintenance and may qualify for a two-month payment credit. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. ♪ baby baby baby oh this vine is just amazing. let's watch it again. got to watch it again. a husband documents his wife's entire pregnancy in just six seconds. beginning to end. little newborn baby getting cuddled. the nine month vine, looped more than 10 million times. >> if only it were that easy. >> watching friends, it goes that fast for me. >> it is. >> and it was like six years when you're pregnant. i'm just saying. >> well worth it though. that's my favorite vine i have ever seen. wonderful. >> "pop news" time. let's start with jennifer a ann any ston. and posted on youtube over the weekend. she's accepting the challenge from her fiance, look at her, just the anticipation. he was kind enough to help her complete the task. and her reaction was priceless. >> he's doing it slowly. >> that's not nice. that's agonizing. >> no, it's -- it's the slow -- the slow draw doesn't work? >> all for a great cause. everybody is talking about als as a result. >> exactly. so she -- look at that. you have to see it again. it's always good when you do it slow. drag it out. aniston nominated courtney cox and chelsea handler. and going to make a huge donation for a good cause there. she took the pain. >> nice work, jennifer. >> exactly. next up, can't get enough of tair tayle taylor swift's shake it up. this is the durham bulls, that's right, from bull durham fame. you like that? yeah, in time, shaking it off as they gear up for the game over the weekend. look at that. >> the guy on the left. he's really good. >> got to do this on set. why aren't we doing this more often? >> go for it. >> okay. come on, george, do it with me. this is part of a rapidly growing trend, plenty of flash mobs popping up to taylor's brand new hit. i have to see that again. and a big mystery finally solved. london police have been searching for the couple behind this romantic proposal. and we learned they have been found. check this out. the metropolitan police were cruising around on saturday when they spotted these words from the sky, will you marry me, spelled out below. they believe it was spelled out in candle. look how it glows? and you saw the person getting down on one knee. they posted photos on twitter hoping to find out who the lucky couple was. look at them on one knee. isn't that beautiful? forcing guys around the world to up their game. >> or take credit. >> the couple wishes to remain anonymous. but did she say yes, right? police revealed, she did. >> congratulations. >> how could you not? >> i love "pop news" today. >> makes you feel romantic. >> thanks, ryan. heat index coming up, check the weather first. >> so smart. they made a sign that they can just rewrite on so that way they can pull over anybody. i love it. keep that there, permanently. let's go ahead and check chicago. you know, chicago, a hazy, hot and humid today. they have not had a hot summer, will today. it will break in the midweek. throughout the great lakes, 91 in chicago, 91, des moines, and the cold front sinks south eventually. guess who's going to warm up? us here in the northeast. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with a lot of cloud cover and sunshine slow to arrive. clouds mostly and drizzle is lets likely in the extended week. today we are in the 60, and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and upper 70's to nearly 80 in south bay and east bay. the seven-day outlook shows the warmest days: the heat is and a quick greeting for folks in louisiana. who are they? >> mindy and james. >> happy anniversary to you. let's get back inside. happy anniversary. and the heat index with an anti-smoking campaign getting a lot of buzz at last night's "mtv video music awards." shows all these caught on camera smoking, and the ad goes on saying they are serving as unpaid spokes people for big tobacco. it's a way of shaming them in these widely distributed photographs, encourages people to think before smoking. >> it's pretty powerful, i have to say. and they say please stop posting selfies of yourself smoking. one-third of all young people who start smoking will die a tobacco-related death. serious issue. >> nothing glamorous about it. >> no. also in the heat index, a brand new phone charger disguised as a fashion accessory. a place brais let now that unclasped and drugs into your phone, android, iphone. capable of recharging most smartphones, about 60%. the company saying they focused on the technical aspects and the sleek design, giving men and women different versions of a bracelet. we have been there, you have your charger, you're in a jam, if won't get you fully charged, but my question is it okay to have the charge that close to your skin all the time? so many questions about the phone in your ear. >> it's never sexy to pull out that cord from your pocket. lingering as you plug it in. >> searching for an outlet. >> i never thought of it that way, but i guess you're right. >> it's a hot idea. it could become the next big thing, and we talked about it first. and speaking of fashion, it was a fashionable night at the mtv "vmas." full of red hot look welcomes and kristen cavalleri is here with the picks of the most mem able outfits. nice to see you. >> hello. >> you have said that iggy azalea owned the red carpet. >> i do. she looks absolutely gorgeous. it's unexpected, the dress. fits her like a glove, and the silver is so beautiful on her. >> it is gorgeous. look at that. she sparkled. and j.lo, looking great. >> show a little skin, why not? she gets better and better. it's amazing. >> and there were risk takers for the number three spot you have taylor swift in what people are calling a onesie. is that correct? >> that's my problem. i think it would have been better as a romper, and a little bit more coverage. she has the legs to pull it off. >> you have legs like that, why not? >> exactly. she looks great. >> and katy perry in a versace custom gown in denim. >> paying homage to britney spears, and her and that moment of justin timberlake will stick out. i love it. >> she can always pull off something a little stunning. we asked you at home, who wore it best? we have the results from our viewers poll at, and i can't h-- yahoo!. and it's j.lo at 43%. double the age of some of the others, rocking that in her 40s, as another woman in her 40s, i don't think i could pull that off. she did. thank you so much. we are going to send it back over to george. thank you, guys. next up in the heat index, the no complaint pledge. one mom is experimenting with no criticism. she's focusing on praising good behavior. lindsey davis caught up with her to see how it's working. >> reporter: all too often, parents hoping to curb bad behavior may sound like claire in modern family. >> grow up a little. i need things to change or i will. no tv or no internet. >> reporter: but one florida mom decided to put restrictions on her own behavior. >> instead of focusing on whatever they didn't do right, i decided to stop myself, stop criticizing, and instead focus on the good things. >> reporter: jeanettecap lin made a conscious effort to praise her children for being good and lay off the negativity. but she admits it wasn't easy. >> thank you for helping me. you want to keep complaining, yelling, criticizing in general. >> reporter: but she could have never anticipated her kids' reaction to the positive reinforcement. >> they started behavioring better. the more you call them out on what they're doing well, they want more of the praise instead of the disappointment that they'll get from you when misbehaving. >> reporter: but others say parenting requires more of a balance between the carrot and the stick. >> it's essential to have the positive reinforcement, not in lieu of critiquing. >> there's a need for balance. you need to let them know when they have done something wonderful or what you're not going to tolerate. >> reporter: there are times she has to draw line. >> insults and hid hitting allowed. >> reporter: she plans to continue. much to her children's delight. >> she makes me feel proud of myself. >> she says one of the main things her kids love is to be publicly praised. like when she tells family and friends something great. now they compete against each other to do more great things. we're in the same boat, we don't criticize our kids. >> no. >> babies. >> you can talk to the two of us. >> they're so good right now, right? >> exactly. >> they don't say no -- >> they just don't sleep. >> remember as an athlete, performing better when i got positive reinforcement than negative. >> it makes sense. >> you want to have more praise than criticism. i don't know if it's possible -- >> who doesn't love praise. >> it's good that you're hitting your sister. >> find the positive. >> tell us what you think. is constructive criticism good for kids. tweet us #socialsquare. and work out talk. the health whiz who transforms the bodies of some of hollywood's most sizzling stars. and we found out just how she does it. >> reporter: she's the secret weapon behind jennifer aniston and kate becken sale. >> i work with people so they are always in red carpet shape. >> reporter: and now mandy, is revealing her treasure chest of fitness secrets and tips. first tip, h 2 o. >> hydration, you burn more calories. drink half your body's weight in ounces. if you're 150 pounds, drinking 75 ounces of water. so you don't need that much water, actually. you're tiny. >> i like her already. >> reporter: second tip, healthy choices. >> i do encourage people to eat protein to fuel muscles. i prefer plant-based protein. >> reporter: third, a surprise to me, meditation. >> five minutes in the morning and afternoon to ground you. >> reporter: fourth tip, yoga. >> yoga to energize or wind down. anything that is a backbend, opening up your chest, is an energizer. it's like having a couple of coff coffee, right? and anything in a forward bend is like a tranquilizer like a sleeping pill. >> reporter: and lastly, variety is the spice of exercising. >> you want to incorporate other activities into your work out routines. i have an app coming out, there's a different cardio activity, different recipe each day. like what i do with jennifer is that i will incorporate 20 to 30 minute s of cardio activity and practice yoga. >> reporter: that's what jennifer does? >> yes. >> i have to brag about this guy, five for five. >> good too. >> not five for five. but i was close. mandy has been training jennifer for over ten years. clearly it is working well. thank you for those great tips. and coming up, a national sensation fresh off their run in the little league world series. mo'ne davis and is it taney? taney little league, they are with us live. good morning. i'm eric thomas. napa residents and business owners hope to get a better estimate of what needs to be done to fix damage from yesterday's 6.0 earthquake. the u.s. geological survey believes fixing the damage could cost in excess of a billion dollars. 33 build rgs red tagged in napa, another eight red or yellow tagged in vallejo. power is still out to a little more than 100 pg&e customers down from 7,000 immediately after the quake. here's traffic on this monday morning with leyla. >> we have a couple problems across the bay area if you're trying to get to work. you'll find this accident southbound side of highway 101 at third avenue blocking one lane. as you take a ride up to the maze, we still have this accident involving an 18-wheeler westbound side of 580 to the eastbound 80 connector. two lanes are blocked and really heavy jam-up coming away from the hoffman split. >> thank you very much. when we come back, ♪ at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ hey, we're back. we've had about 50 reports of aftershocks in the napa valley in that particular fault over the last 24 hours or so. our probability of a big aftershock is now down to about 29%. rockies in town to take on the giants 64 at 7:15, dropping down to 61. our current temperatures are running still in the 50s to mid-60s. upper 50s to mid-60s. today in the accuweather seven-day forecast, it's the ♪ you are listening to prince, body logical. a new song from the all-female band, third eye girl. and take a look at this, times square all decked out for prince. he has a huge announcement coming. third eye girl is going to reveal coming up live. a lot of fun with them here this morning. >> all right, sorry, i was just rocking, george. i just can't stop. oh, my gosh. we're in times square. and d.j. calcutta and our hip-hop dancers. and standing -- hello, go, moon man, don't hurt yourself. and fresh off their run in the little league world series, star pitcher mo'ne davis and her team. hi, guys, welcome to "good morning america." >> listen up, everyone, our audience, apparently has a question for you. our audience has a question for you. >> i think that's what they're supposed to say? >> yes, this morning, testing the limits of your waffle iron from mac and cheese to salmon. trying some recipes to find out will it waffle. >> have waffle, will travel. it all works. going to see. but first, the 2014 m"mtv video music awards" had some of the most daring fashions. caught up with miley, j.lo, and joining us from l.a. this morning is cam to talk about it. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. let's -- let's face it, lara. the vma red carpet is like one big party. packing the fans in, everybody lining up, trying to snag a selfie with their favorite performer before the big show. so much action on stage. but red carpet styles we just can't stop talking about. ♪ >> it's a little bit of a mad house. but in a really good way. >> being here is a freaky experience. i have watched since i was a young, young boy. trying to take it all in. >> reporter: screaming fans begging for celebrity selfies drowned the planes of landing at l.a.x. >> this is so loud. it's not as loud in england. >> when you love something, you scream. is that right? [ screams ] >> before the show even started, winners crowned on the red carpet. the australian group five seconds of summer picking up a prize voted on via social media. >> just found out we won best lyric video. i'm still kind of shake. >> reporter: congratulations. you just found out? >> literally. >> reporter: are there any fashion rights and wrongs on the red carpet here? >> always. >> reporter: really? >> i think so. just try to be on the right side. >> i think all the wrong things are the right things. that's my attitude to fashion. >> this is right, some people think it's wrong. >> reporter: i love this. look at this. you will not lose this tonight. that guy's wearing spandex -- whatever kind of pants. >> those are sparkly. i want ten pairs. >> reporter: best-dressed couple. you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> reporter: and look at the kicks. can we have a sneaker off? put your sneaker up there. there it is. >> miley cyrus, wrecking ball. >> reporter: video of the year winner miley cyrus picked her outfit based on her hunger for hamburgers. >> i wanted to go to in and out, so wear something that wouldn't stand out too much there. >> reporter: i love it. good times at the "vmas." miley cyrus making very different headline this is morning compared to last year. >> no kidding, that was a touching moment. before we go, cam, all of us at "gma" want to say one thing -- happy birthday! back over to you, george. cam, i'm here with the stars from the little league world series, philadelphia's taney little league, and mo'ne davis, and the catcher, and the head coach. what a great run you guys have had. >> thank you very much. >> what was it like dealing with all this pressure? >> i mean, it wasn't really a lot. i know i kind of kept it a little loose, so then i could also have fun at the same time. >> and i'm glad you guys did have some fun. you were so much fun to watch. what's it like catching a 70 mile an hour fast ball? >> i have been catching it for a long time now. for six years now. so i'm used to it. >> you got it together. we could really see that. one of the things i loved, all you guys were having so much fun also with jackie robinson west. great to see them in the finals? >> it was great. we became close friends with them. probably the closest out of all the teams. and see them make it to the finals was really cool. >> and you guys haven't slept yet, huh? >> not much. not yet. looking forward to it. >> i'll bet you are. and i guess it must be just great, moe nay, to give brand new definition to throw like a girl. you showed everyone. what was your favorite moment of this whole time? >> probably playing on all the fields and just making it to williamsport. playing with these guys. very, very excited, and i was -- i was excited for it. i knew we could make it this far. i mean, it was fun playing on the fields the most, though. >> well, congratulations. you guys showed a lot of spirit. you were fantastic. thanks for being here today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> over to ginger. i'm going to take a toss from the team. you got it. and wish you a happy birthday from midland, michigan. and over here, i have been told the weather's not the only hot thing in texas. these ladies are. let's get the forecast. and start with the twitter photos. guess what, it snowed. yes, in utah over the weekend. snow bird, you have a beautiful picture there. just a little bit of snow. and then some of my fair dogs from yorkville, illinois, keeping cool. and have to today, oppressive heat in place from louisiana and texas up to northern illinois. look at some of those heat indices. the numbers it will feel like later this afternoon, and good morning. sunshine really slow today, 63 at the coast to 83 inland. check out the accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s at the coast, 80s around the bay and 90s inland by wednesday. all that weather brought to you by mercedes-benz. >> we are so excited about this. kicking offer the "gma" dance off. this is our daddy-daughter edition. we are soft yis. you remember dancing with your dad or you're a dad now yourself. we cannot get enough of the talented dads and daughters lighting up the internet with their epic dance routines. this week, two lucky daddy/daughter duos will dance to type ms square. >> yes, so many incredible entries from across the country. and they will dance it out live right here. let's take a look at our first two contenders. >> they mastered the moves and the old school classic beat. now, meet the first two semifinalists in our "gma" dance off. daddy/daughter edition. jason and lilly denney from kansas city, missouri. >> the bond we have is strong ever since she was born. normally kids don't like the songs their parents liked. but we like the same music. >> reporter: they enjoy rocking out on car rides, which helped inspire their "gma" video submission. >> we sent in a video we dance all the time anyway. >> we love to do it together. the second duo, jason and cecily johnson from florida. >> we have a natural bond in dancing. it's an opportunity to let go and be carefree. >> and we can be silly. >> that's right. >> reporter: 8-year-old cecily is a cheerleader at school and created the steps in their competition, having the acrobatic hip-hop movies to give dad a classic routine. >> it's a chance for me to learn from her. we want to win because i want the world to see what an amazing daughter i have and how much fun i can have with her. >> you are so sweet. >> that is so sweet. >> take it down a notch. >> catch up with her. >> so, head to the website, on yahoo! right now. cast your vote. both so adorable. but which of those two teams you want to see hit the dance floor live on "gma" on tuesday. we're going to check out two more semifinalists. do you remember dancing with your dad? >> i do. and even my wedding, just recently. getting down. >> it was the only time. >> you could be a special submission. we would like to see that. >> i don't know that we want to see that. coming up, testing the limits of your waffle iron. sampling, and we are going to answer the burning question, will it waffle? and then a big announcement from prince. big. you don't to want miss this. coming up on "gma." ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine look at that waffle go. and don't waffle on this. try out the latest food trend. it's our friends at buzzfeed doing it again. going viral with a video, unusual foods in a waffle iron. and the man who literally wrote the book, daniel shumpsky is here. he's asking will certain foods that you never imagined waffle, and oftentimes the answer is yes, correct? >> absolutely, yes, it will waffle. >> we have some kpachls here. and this surprised me. good old mac and cheese. is there a trick to it? >> no, it just works really well on the waffle iron. especially great for left over mac and cheese. >> we have two people willing to taste. audience, the question? >> will it waffle! >> absolutely. >> this is fantastic. yeah, absolutely. the waffle iron cooks it with high heat on both sides. so you have the crispy outside, and the cheese is super melty inside. >> this has breading? >> you bread it a little bit. you do. it make it is a crunchy on the outside. >> does everybody have enough. waiting for the team to weigh in. >> i like it so much, i'm eating with the knife. >> aside from having that, any tricks -- is there other tricks? >> not really, nope. >> okay. well. -- >> it waffles. >> absolutely. >> it does. >> salmon and ravioli? >> these are super-simple. pick up the ravioli from the grocery store, and the salmon, nothing complicated. do you think it will waffle if. >> i have to check, hold on. audience? >> will it waffle. >> that is the question. and the answer is -- a resounding yes. but should we say, how does it taste? here a piece of salmon for you -- >> dipping sauce. >> what's great about the dipping sauce, the waffle, you can collect the sauce in the nooks and crannies. it's perfect. and ditto for the salmon. fantastic, absolutely. >> it's an appetizer. >> all right. >> that's one. >> i'm waiting for the next one. >> hold on, please. the last one is on a cookie of some sort, daniel, talk to me about that. >> these are chocolate chip cookies. nothing wrong with them out of the oven. it can take a while, you have to make a batch. what's fantastic about the waffle iron, you can make two cookies in just a few minutes. >> let me confirm that. audience? >> will it waffle? >> it will. they look fantastic. >> what i love about this, you look at them, and your eyes say waffle, and you taste them, and it's chocolate chip cookie. yeah, it's fantastic. >> how long does a cookie take? >> two minutes. >> so much faster. >> much faster, don't heat up the whole house. >> i love the idea of a giant cookie. >> whipped cream. >> you can put the dough in the freezer and pop a couple on when you're ready. it's fantastic. >> answer a question we have all been wondering. let's ask it one more time, shall we? >> will it waffle? >> and daniel is the man. his book is awesome. really fun idea. a lot of people have them, don't use that them that much, and go to "good morning america" on yahoo!. and up next, prince's band, third eye girl with a huge announcement from the man in purple. ♪ ♪ do you like michael ♪ i want to kiss you is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. ♪ the moment has arrived. i am here with prince's all-female band, third eye girl, donna, hannah and eva, and they are here to make a very special announcement. we have been excited about it all morning. welcome. >> thank you. >> what am i hearing right there? a new song? >> yes, this is a brand new song by prince called "clouds." >> very exciting right here on "gma." this has to do with your big announceme announcement. go ahead and make it. >> prince will be releasing new music very soon. [ cheers and applause ] and so awesome because it's actually a double surprise. there's going to be two albums released. one is a prince solo album, "artificial age," and the second one is plectrum electrum. they are up at third eye and >> these are the first albums released by prince since 2010, correct? there's a lot of time to make his music fantastic. what can we expect? >> everything. >> and anything, right? >> yeah. >> i know we to want point out too because all of times square is in celebration for the big announcement. prince is everywhere. times square is purple here. what's the experience, you were hand-picked by prince. i can't even imagine collaborating with the legend that he is. >> yeah. it's been a beautiful journey. and we are learning so much, and we all love each other and we're so proud to be able to release this album with him. >> yeah. >> so many things. >> it's such an incredible learning experience. everyone knows the genius of prince. to be hand's on on a daily basis, becoming a family. we're tight like eva said, we love each other. it comes through in the music. >> the music is so good. we have our favorites. it's evolved. and we cannot wait to hear these two new albums. remember, prince's album and the other will be out september 30th. what is your favorite prince song? i'm going back and forth between "raspberry beret" and "little red corvette." tweet us, we want to know what your favorite prince songs are. you can't pick one, they're like your children. we'll be right back. i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns. which means managi) especially during a drought. learn to save water and money at . friday, brad paisley takes over central park in a live "gma" concert. labor day weekend kicks off crazy great with brad only on -- >> good morning, america. >> presented by claritin. we thank you to d.j. calcutta. kicking off our monday. and the amazing dancers from the alvin aley extension. look at them go. tomorrow, going to have all the highlights from the primetime emmy awards. don't want to miss that. >> have a great day, everybody. ! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. you'll connect withnte, your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ good morning. i'm eric thomas. first up a check on the forecast. here's meteorologist mike nicco. >> all right. we're going to take a look at what's going on with the visibility out there, eric. you can see that. a little bit of drizzle, a little bit of fog around santa rosa, five miles visibility, six in half moon bay. flight arrival delays around sfo running up to nearly an hour. your accuweather seven-day forecast, today's the coolest day. we have some warmer weather on the way starting tomorrow, 80s and 90s away from the coast. leyla? >> all right. ave some closures up in napa now. not downtown napa itself but old sonoma road will be shut down start agent 9:30 this morning until 6:00 between congress valley drive and bumin drive for emergency earthquake repair. thank you very much. your next announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today on "live with kelly and michael," from "true blood," anna paquin. and the co-hosts roll up their sleeves and learn to make cheese. plus, anderson cooper joins kelly for the hour. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and anderson cooper! [cheers and applause] kelly: hi! hi! [cheers and applause] kelly: wow. it's monday, august 25, 2014.


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140930

clooney in the dress. making headlines around the world. new details from inside their wedding. you'll never guess who serenaded them with their first song. ♪ there is beauty in the world and we do say good morning, america. on this tuesday morning. and, boy, do we have a huge morning for you. take a look right outside of our studio right there. these fans have been lining up since 7:00 p.m. 7:00 last night to see 5 seconds of summer perform live. one of the hottest bands on the planet. >> they are keeping summer going all year long. incredible crowds out here today. >> they started on youtube. and then they were discovered by a one direction band member. >> quite a twist. so that is coming up. we have a lot of news to get to this morning. including the unimaginable details of the security breach at the white house. the armed intruder made it much further inside than first revealed by the secret service. abc's chief justice correspondent pierre thomas starts us off. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, george. the secret service director will be tasing tough questions from congress on the latest white house intrusion. the more we learn, the more outrageous this story gets. >> everybody back. everybody back to the park. >> reporter: this morning, we know omar gonzalez, seen in this video running toward the white house, got inside the residence. racing free far further than the secret service first admitted. a clear and present danger. >> he got deep enough that had the president, the vice president, or any other number of individuals been walking the hallways, they could have been attacked by mr. gonzalez. >> reporter: the breach is all the more chilling because the president and his daughters left the white house for camp david only four minutes earlier. sources tell abc news when gonzalez burst through the unlocked front door of the white house, he overpowered a female secret service officer just inside. gonzalez, who was carrying a 3 1/2-inch knife, ran past a flight of stairs that leads to the first family's living quarters. next, he entered the east room, a formal setting, the scene of receptions and presidential addresses. it was just off the east room that president obama made the announcement about the killing of osama bin laden. gonzalez was finally tackled by an officer only a short distance away. that ended a cascade of failures, patrol officers not stopping the suspect from jumping the fence in the first place. no one in a position to tackle him after he made it on to the white house lawn. no attack dog released. an unlocked front door. and this morning, congress is investigating whether an alarm to alert the secret service of an intruder was put on mute because it was loud and frequently malfunctioned. the secret service suggested that the suspect was caught right after getting inside the white house. that was not the case. and there are a lot of questions why this critical information was withheld. george? >> let's take that question. thank you, pierre. to abc's jon karl in the white house. i can't believe this false cover story was out there. and stayed out there for so long. >> reporter: amazing. i asked the president directly last week if he had confidence in the secret service. he told me he believes the secret service does a great job. he's grateful for the sacrifices they make for his family. but the question is, the public was clearly misled on this. at that point, did the president know the truth? did the secret service tell the president the truth about how far that intruder got into the white house? i have asked that question of the white house and have not gotten an answer yet. >> the secret service director will be getting those questions on capitol hill today. >> reporter: this is going to be a brutal hearing. testifying before a house committee. getting all the questions. all the procedures that were not followed in this case. and of course the critical question about why they didn't tell the truth at first. >> okay, jon karl, thank you very much. >> okay, george. now to the new twist in the disappearance of uva student hannah graham. police have now linked the suspect, jesse matthew, to the murder of another young woman in the area back in 2009. steve osunsami is in charlottesville, virginia for us this morning. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. both of these women were walking alone late at night. but police aren't saying whether they're investigating a serial rapist or killer of any sort. they are looking at the man they have in custody here. >> we are really pleased to come to this day. >> reporter: the parents of 20-year-old morgan harrington have been saying this for weeks, that the disappearance of hannah graham is most likely connected to their daughter's disappearance in 2009. >> that's what it's always been about. to help save the next girl. we know where morgan is. morgan's in the box over there. hannah graham is still missing, and her family needs to know where she is. >> reporter: this morning, police are confirming they are forensic evidence possibly connecting the two cases to 32-year-old jesse matthew. but only revealing it's a new forensic link for authorities to pursue. harrington was visiting the university of virginia for a metallica concert when she went missing. police found her body on a 700-acre farm outside charlottesville in 2010 three months later. >> with respect to morgan harrington, the question is the relationship between the incidents. it's certainly a very legitimate question. >> reporter: police investigating the harrington murder say they found dna evidence that matches evidence from a sexual assault in 2005. in a d.c. suburb. the unidentified 26-year-old was walking home from a grocery store and grabbed from behind. police are looking at the rough sketch of the suspect, trying to determine if it's matthew. in charlottesville alone, four missing person cases in the last five years. the hospital assistant and former football coach has a bond hearing thursday. he's charged with abduction in the graham case and has not yet entered a plea. the last word from police was that matthew was not cooperating. police are still hoping they'll find hannah graham alive. but they're asking farmers outside the city to check their land. robin? >> everyone's hope is to find her. all right, steve, thank you. dan abrams is here with more on this. the police don't to want comment on it. the public is asking, could we be dealing with a serial murderer? >> and that's what they're looking into, that possibility. there are a number of missing persons cases in the area. so far the authorities saying they cannot connect this to any of those other cases. but no question that they're going to be looking at this. let's be clear on what we know right now. which is 2009, murder. connected to 2005 rape. for sure, it seems they have dna evidence there. now they're saying forensic link between 2009 and -- and this case -- >> what do they mean by that forensic link? >> picking those words carefully. they're saying there's a dna link between the 2005 case and 2009. and yet using the word forensic link here. a, i think they're trying to be very careful to suggest we don't have anything 100% definitive yet. but maybe it's not dna evidence. maybe it's hair, maybe it's clothing, maybe it's something else that is not dna evidence. but i think they chose that word intentionally and carefully. but they're calling this a big break. >> and they're rightfully withholding some of this information from the public. hannah graham is still missing. what can they charge matthew with? >> they have already charged him with abduction with intent to defile. but remember, they could decide to charge one of these other cases. if they connect him with the 2009 case, they could move forward and say we're going to hold off on the hannah graham case as we continue to investigate it. >> we'll see what happens here. always something every day here. thank you, dan. we're going to turn now to the ebola outbreak. a patient in dallas is in strict isolati isolation because he's showing signs of the disease. doctors are concerned based on a man's travel history, as america spends tens of millions and sends thousands of troops to treat victims and keep the virus from spreading here. dr. richard besser is on the front line in liberia. good morning, rich. >> reporter: good morning, george. this morning, they continue to test a patient in texas who traveled and has symptoms of ebola. around the globe, the death toll from the disease continues to rise. the cdc says this is the largest international outbreak response in their history. i got an exclusive tour of this ebola isolation unit here in liberia where more patients are surviving than ever. this is the first time a journalist has been allowed into the ebola ward. it's getting hotter with each layer. but feeling safer with each layer, too. suiting up this carefully, with layers and layers of protective gear. may be why they have never had anyone who works here catch ebola. >> identify one another. >> reporter: dr. jerry brown, a liberian surgeon is in charge. he prays before he goes into the ward every time. >> protect us lord from every danger. once you come here, you don't ever go back. >> reporter: we're now considered contaminated. >> yes. contaminated. >> reporter: 60 people in a ward built for 40. the wards the u.s. is building won't be here for weeks. america realizing we must stop ebola here so it doesn't continue to spread around the world. my head tells me i'm protected from the body fluids that would transmit ebola, but my heart pounds anyway. robby is a 26-year-old who caught the virus from his roommate and feels that dr. brown saved him. >> he gave me life. >> no, i'm not god. >> reporter: he gave you life? >> yeah, he gave me life. >> reporter: this patient is a nurse. here, health care workers on the mend help monitor the others. already infected, they can work in the wards without the brutally hot protective gear. after just 40 minutes inside that unit, i was dehydrated and exhausted. but something surprised me. for the first time in the crisis, i saw hope. george? >> thanks goodness for that, rich. and dr. besser will be taking your questions all morning. tweet him using the handle @dr.richardbesser. now let's go to amy with the day's other top stories. >> good morning, george. good morning, everyone. we begin with a major development overnight as tens of thousands of protesters demand democracy in hong kong. blocking streets and clashing with police. protesters setting a deadline of tomorrow for the chinese government to respond to their demand for election reform and for hong kong's leader to step down. meanwhile, police are defending their use of tear gas with the concern that tensions could once again flare tonight. also breaking right now, a spectacular fire engulfing a luxury hotel in asia. flames spreading quickly through the shangri la hotel, in mongolia, which was under construction. we're told all of the workers were able to escape in time. the faa is launching a nationwide review of the security procedures following a fire at a control center in chicago that is still causing delays. the agency hopes to have the computer network replaced by the middle of october. the man charged with setting that fire was denied bail on monday. a tense standoff on live television as a hotel worker was taken hostage in brazil. a man protesting the local government paraded the worker around a balcony, forcing him to wear what appeared to be an explosive vest. he finally surrendered after eight hours. his gun turned out to be fake. another troubling report about head injuries in sports. two years after killing his girlfriend and taking his own life, we are learning that kansas city chiefs linebacker jovan belcher likely had the same brain disease that has afflicted other nfl players. according to espn, an autopsy found signs of the disease associated with repeated head trauma. the university of michigan is promising to make changes after allowing shane morris to keep playing after taking a hard hit and then staggering on the field. overnight, michigan's athletic director revealed morris did, in fact, suffer a concussion. he apologized for what he called a lack of communication that resulted in morris reentering that game. a medical staffer will be in the press box now during games to contact the sidelines about possible head injuries. finally, one woman will think twice the next time she drives through seattle with her teddy bear. take a look. when police pulled her over, they saw this giant bear in the front seat, her excuse for driving in the car pool lane. police say she was also speeding and driving without insurance. so she and her bad news bear drove home with an $818 ticket. >> wow. >> ouch. >> whoa! >> 800? >> she had three offenses. yeah. she won't do it again. >> one big bear. >> did she really think that they weren't going to notice that was a stuffed animal? >> she was hoping. >> she should have talked to it like it was real. >> like it was someone in a costume. >> isn't there a movie? >> "ted." >> it was talking when i strapped it in. >> thank you, amy. now to actor tracy morgan, still recovering from the horrific highway accident in june when a walmart trucker smashed into his limo. now the retail giant is saying morgan is partially to blame for his injuries because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the battle between comedian and corporation taking a controversial turn. walmart arguing "30 rock" star tracy morgan and other passengers are partially to blame for injuries they suffered during a fatal highway accident apparently caused by a walmart truck driver in june. in new court documents, walmart claims the plaintiff's injuries if any, were caused in whole or in part by plaintiff's failure to properly wear an appropriate available seat belt restraint device. >> it's despicable and disgusting. it's an embarrassment that they're putting in an answer like this. blaming the victims. >> reporter: the new claims part of walmart's response to a lawsuit morgan and others filed against the megaretailer, accusing them of recklessness and negligence in the accident. police say walmart truck driver kevin roper was asleep at the wheel when he smashed into the limo van morgan was riding in on the nj tj turnpike, killing the actor's long-time friend and seriously injuring morgan. he claims they knew or should have known that roper had been awake for 24 consecutive hours. morgan was seen briefly outside his home after being released from the hospital in july. >> tracy is doing the best he can. he's still in a wheelchair. he's struggling along, fighting. fighting every single day to recover. >> reporter: morgan has not commented on these new claims from walmart. that walmart truck driver has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges. in their response, walmart wouldn't answer claims about the driver being fatigued, saying that will be determined by the ntsb investigation. george? robin? >> still a long way from being settled. but he's doing better. but still in a wheelchair. >> that's something. i'm sorry -- >> weren't you in venice? getting back from venice? were you at the wedding? >> i wish i was at the wedding. but i'm like you. i've been waiting. this is what everybody's been waiting for. all the details on george clooney's blockbuster wedding. we're getting our first look this morning of amal's dress, on the cover of "people" magazine. and we're learning more about the star-studded ceremony. lama hasan has the story. >> reporter: "people" magazine and "hello" magazine were the first look at the clooney star-studded nuptials. on the covers, george in his custom giorgio armani tux. wearing cuff links with his name inscribed in arabic, a gift from his wife. and amal and her french lace wedding gown by oscar de la renta. not alexander mcqueen as previously thought. a stunning, hand-embroidered lace grown with pearls. and "people" revealing the wedding ceremony was 30 minutes, sealed with a lengthy kiss, and included speeches from amal's mother and george's father, nick, who said, quote, love is alive and well. the couple tapping 18-year-old nora segal, a daughter of one of their friends, seen here in the youtube posting. ♪ never know how much i love you ♪ >> reporter: to sing irving berlin's standard, always, the same song george's parents danced to on their wedding night 55 years ago. as for the guests, they were all sent home with new ipods, loaded with a play list chosen by the couple. and what's next for the newlyweds after a brief honeymoon? the groom telling "people," quote, we're looking forward to everything. >> show us the rings, the rings! >> reporter: for "good morning america," lama hasan, abc news, venice. >> he doesn't sound like the old george clooney. this is a new man. this george clooney. because he said marriage feels pretty damn great. good for him. >> looks good on him, too. >> he looks great. >> like the dress. i just want to say. >> you were waiting all night for that dress. >> you were on when they showed the dress. >> i was. >> thank you, michael. now to hail in colorado. the strong storms moving east today. is that the case? >> that is exactly the case. come with me. i want to show you what's happened here. you have on the left side, wolf creek pass where it was snowing in the mountains of colorado. and just a couple hundred miles east and northeast. hail. remember hail is from a thunderstorm, a warm weather event. you know this thing is powerful. it's got cold air and warm air next to it. look what's happening, so many yards, roads, full of the hail. now the severe storms moving east. the low deepening, the energy going to let out some severe potential the next couple of days in the areas that you see highlighted here. watch your local abc stations in orange the next few days. your local weather forecast in just 30 seconds. first this morning's tuesday trivia brought to you by mercedes-benz. >> today is the last day of seasonal temperatures before the heat towns on. here is a look at live doppler hd tracking patchy clouds and fog had the not bay and along our coastline but in the afternoon the clouds will leave us with temperatures in the upper 70's to lower 80's for were of the bay area. still coog along the coast and 66 at half moon bay. lows are in the lower 60's to upper 50's under stars and the temperature turns on and still to come here on "gma," we have breaking news in the case of the missing arkansas real estate agent. her body found overnight. a suspect in custody. and the dramatic sea rescue. caught on camera. we're hearing from one of the survivors for the first time. and could your kid be a millionaire? we'll introduce you to the 8-year-old who is a big hit reviewing toys on youtube. internet connectivity at sea. call now to be wow'ed. ♪ ♪ beroccaaaaaaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. what's in a can of del monte green beans? ( ♪ ) grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. with no artificial ingredients. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. here's in a word and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's 5 day wow sale ends tomorrow. get up to two hundred dollars in onboard credit and a fifty percent reduced deposit during our biggest sale of the year. call 1-800 royal caribbean. good morning. developing nouds out of san francisco. it happened about 3:00 this morning. authorities say a man was with a group of people where he was robbed and shot. witness the say the suspect was wearing a black hoodie and black pants. >> as we start off, it looks like a drive is still quite heavy there as you pass right by university avenue. it's going to take you a little while there. as we head over to northbound 880, we have an accident here involving a motorcycle blocking lanes up ahead. we have got a four car crash in the clearing stages that is certainly causing heavy delays as you approach highway 92. after the break, she'll be back with and welcome back, this light onshore trend is going to reverse overnight bringing us warmer conditions tonight. you can expect to see 60 degrees, templeratures along th coast, 70s in the bay area. it's going to be a little bit warmer than it was jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, sburritos so big, they make severything look smaller.a warm guerrero tortilla.g, they make ♪ just standing there in my american apparel underwear ♪ ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ 5 seconds of summer, the smash hit, "she looks so perfect." one of the hottest bands on the planet. they're here now. and look who's excited, that crowd in times square. they've been lining up since 7:00 p.m. last night. they cannot wait for this excitement coming up. >> didn't i see lara jr. running around there? isn't kate here? >> yes. stalkers are forming. >> oh, sorry about that. also ahead, that dramatic rescue at sea. a fishing trip turns scary when a boat with seven peep capsized. this morning, hearing from one of the survivors for the first time. and could your kid make a million dollars? the 8-year-old making big bucks reviewing toys on youtube. he's here live this morning to tell us how he does it all. >> unbelievable. just when you thought reality tv couldn't get more extreme, the new show, tying strangers together. forcing them to survive tethered to each other in the wild. has it finally gone too far? >> we're going to talk about that in just a little bit. but first, we begin with the news breaking overnight in the case of the missing arkansas real estate agent. the body of beverly carter has been found. a suspect is under arrest. and ryan owens has the latest, joins us from little rock with more. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning, robin. very sad news to report. this is the news no one wanted to hear. and with her body found overnight in a shallow grave, the suspect in this case will face a judge here in a few hours. not just charged with kidnapping anymore, but now with capital murder. a grim discovery overnight. the body of missing realtor beverly carter. found in a shallow grave in the town of cabot, arkansas, about 30 minutes from the home where she vanished after meeting that perspective buyer last week. 33-year-old aaron lewis, arrested monday morning, spent much of the night being interrogated by police. but officers say he has not admitted to killing her. and didn't give them any information on the location of her body. >> 911. >> they're looking for a guy here that was involved in the realtor being kidnapped. and this guy looks like him. and he is nervous -- >> reporter: police caught lewis after he was spotted by an alert 911 caller. he's an ex-con with a lengthy rap sheet, mostly for theft. on active parole since august of last year. police haven't said how they first connected lewis to carter's disappearance. >> repeat your traffic. >> reporter: police spent four days hunting for a clue near this foreclosed home outside of little rock where the mother and grandmother was last seen thursday. carter was supposed to meet the buyer here, her husband of 35 years went to the house and found the door open. his wife's suv parked in the driveway, her purse still inside. >> it scared us. it's put us on alert. >> reporter: at carter's real estate office, her 65 colleagues may start requiring clients to come to the office instead of just meeting them at some empty house. >> it was nothing that beverly did that we haven't done in the past or wouldn't have done the same way. >> reporter: carter's husband and her two adult sons were notified of that discovery overnight. like so many here, they are wondering what could possibly have been the motive in this case. >> we're asking that in the studio as well. ryan, thank you. and now to the dramatic rescue at sea. seven people, including three children, saved off the coast of florida. this morning, we're hearing the 911 call from one of the survivors for the first time. reena ninan has the story. >> my husband just called me. >> reporter: this dramatic 911, capturing the frantic moments after this boat capsized off the coast of sanibel, florida, strandingsen people, including three chirnlg in the sea. >> i don't know, the boat capsized, and there's three small kids on board. >> reporter: they were in a children's fishing tournament when the 32-foot boat's engine stopped working. waves pushing it into the gulf. >> here's the stern, the bow. it went down, down, down, like that. >> reporter: and carlos was on the boat and speaking out, describing the frantic moments after the vessel capsized. >> grabbed the kids. the boat was going down very fast. jumped out of the water. treaded water for a while. >> reporter: in the stunning video, you can see one of the adults, with a young child, holding on to floating debris. another pulling the two other children on top of the overturned boat. >> we said it's being in a pool except with the waves. >> reporter: after 40 minutes, the boerts were able to dial 911. and rescuers got on to the scene, sending a lifesaver into the water. pulling them to safety. all seven escaping unharmed. thanks to the rescuers' quick work and the flotation devices. >> they had life preservers on first, foremost. and held on to them for dear life. >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan. new york. >> they did everything right. >> they certainly did. let's get the weather from ginger. >> big-time fog issues in the southeast and pennsylvania. visibility is close to zero in raleigh. bradford, pennsylvania, zero there, too. and harrisburg, 2 miles. in raleigh, low 60s. it will eventually blow off. i heard from people in the southeast, they said, can we please get some sunshine? they've been dealing with that stationary front. it will die out and move on. check out the warmth, 88, little rock, 86, st. louis. remember, there's a lot of cold right between. and that's why we're talking about severe weather in the middle. today it stretches from north dakota into nebraska. damaging wind, hail, and of course you could see the you will have mostly sunshine with democrats in the mid-70's around the bay up and more 70's in the south bay and the low 80's inland. the seven-day forecast will be >> all that weather brought to you by mcdonald's. and let me tell you, chicago was 81 yesterday. three hours later, 57. >> oh, wow. >> whoa. >> that cold is coming for some others. and we're talking about it, coming up. >> thanks, ginger. and coming up, the latest on the virus causing so many kids to get sick. what you need to know about scary new symptoms and the investigation underway right now. plus when you thought reality tv couldn't get more extreme, the new show tying strangers together to survive in the wild. and the powerful new message for moms. how the things you say and how you feel about your body can have a lasting impact on your sweet daughters. what you need to know, coming right back. know, coming right back. 3- dollars. you're playing for greatness. the game you love is back. play monopoly at mcdonald's for your shot at millions of prizes, including a one on one experience with lebron james, patrick kane, jamie mcmurray or alex morgan. so what are you waiting for? 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one berry, two berry mixed berry, blueberry peanut butter, nothing's better gimmie jam to make it redder cream cheese, cherry please score some honey from the bees stack it up, it's what you do mix it up, it's up to you. enter your eggo recipe on facebook, you could win $10,000. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. we are back now at 7:41 with an extreme new reality show. two strangers struggle for survival in a remote area. and here's the twist, they're tied together by a six-foot rope. and some are now questioning, as if they need to, has reality tv finally gone too far? lindsey davis is here with the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lara. let's face it. reality tv is in its own competition of pushing the envelope. this is not just about enduring the environment, but about the individual you are bound to for every waking minute for nearly two weeks. just when it seemed reality tv producers couldn't dream of anything more extreme than this. >> i'm naked in the land of venomous snakes. >> reporter: or this -- >> i didn't even get to buy you a drink yet. >> reporter: look at this. >> say good-bye to freedom. >> reporter: discovery's new series, "tethered" has two strangers bound together with a six-foot rope as they try to survival in the world. >> we are contrasting people. see if we can make it work. >> reporter: competition in the ratings race is now heating up to the point that it's not enough to merely survive extreme circumstances like the first generation of reality tv. >> the tribe has spoken. >> the desire for something new, fresh. >> reporter: consider the ante upped. the premise -- six duos, keith, the navy vet, and willow, the free-spirited yogi. >> it's a pain in the [ bleep ]. i would say it's being married to the worst woman you can think of. >> reporter: navigating challenging terrain and near-death experiences. but will this latest tactic be enough to rope in viewers who are harder to impress in the realm of so called reality tv. >> this is a six-foot tether. >> now that viewers are gravitating to scripted shows, they have to come up with something that is really going to stand apart from the krocrow and generate a lot of buzz. >> reporter: nielsen ratings say that young tv viewers consume less reality and more scripted programming. which means these days the reality show executives are the ones playing their own real-life game of survivor. >> i think my partner is a [ bleep ] and doesn't want to get in the water. we don't have time right now. we don't have [ bleep ] time right now. >> reporter: these daring duos are dropped with the tether, a basic premise, and the show premiers october 6th. there's no prize. satisfaction that you have survived is enough. >> that's crazy. >> there's a ball chain. >> oh, my gosh. >> all right, so, "tether" premiers, in case you're interested, sunday night on discovery. we want to know what you think. have reality shows gone too far? tweet us using the hashtag socialsquare. plus a big shakeup on "dancing with the stars." "pretty little liars" star, they are taking the lead. and the booted couple is going to join us here live. and could you kid make $1 million? well, we'll meet the 8-year-old making big money reviewing toys on youtube. he's here, live. ♪ if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ like happiness is the truth lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? now we're getting somewhere. (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! ewhere dragons roam,d of small wonders guinea pigs play, and fish show their true colors. let your curiosity go wild! now at petsmart, save up to 25% on select new national geographic™ pet products. i love bacon so much,his sub. i'm launching a line of bacon jewelry. aw, i've seen those online, but-have you ever seen bacon brows? what was that? i was just putting the finishing touches on my bacondor. everyone loves bacon at subway. try it on a bacon egg & cheese. subway. eat fresh. step up now to "the open mike." >> all righty, it's time for "open mike." and today we have the pint-sized powerhouse who's making big money on youtube. 8-year-old evan loves toys and games. and his reviews have been watched hundreds of millions of times. >> this is evan, and welcome to my channel. >> attention parents -- >> here is the helicopter. >> you might to want think twice before telling your kids to put away their toys. >> so let's open this up and show you guys what is inside. >> meet 8-year-old evan from evan tube hd. he makes a whopping $1.3 million a year. his videos garnering 760 million views a count. >> my first video, i made a little stop-motion. and then we made these clay models. and we got a bunch of views on that. so let's make it a lot. let's open this up and see what's inside. >> try 52 million views for his critique of angry birds dough. >> i am talking a little funny today because i just lost my tooth. i would probably eat the cherry. >> and over 18 million hits just to watch him snack on a giant gummy worm. >> you can make a pretty good living from the youtube videos if you can get the viewership. so we've been able to pretty much take all the proceeds that come from these videos and save them into investment accounts for the kids. >> reporter: proof that it pays to think outside the toy box. >> you could make your own videos if you put your mind to it. >> and i tell you, he's a generous kid too. after filming, he donates many of those toys to charity so other kids get a chance to play with them as well. and let's meet the mastermind of evan tube hd. come on out, evan. what's up, bud? let me help you. let me help you. there we go. how did you get started making videos about toys and games? >> i watched youtube, and i just asked my dad if i could start a youtube channel. >> what's your all-time favorite toy? >> it is legos. >> very simple, legos. i want you to take a look at my all-time favorite toy and give a review. can you guys bring it out? this is the green machine, evan. now, i want you try this, evan. come on. jump down. try the green machine. this was, like -- this is everything to me. you can spin. it's like being on a roller coaster on the ground. give it a spin. let's see what row got. let's see what you do. look at that. look at that! all right, what do you feel about it, evan? do you like it? it's not better than the legos? that's what you're trying to tell me. it's not? >> no, it is. >> it is? let me help you. here we go. evan and i, i'm trying to sell him on the green machine, but i don't have to sell anybody on 5 seconds of summer. they are here. the girls are outside screaming. before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. father impersonating ♪ drdarth vaderc children, i am your father! we all have a disney side, and the best place to show it is disney parks. so come to the place where the entire family can laugh, let loose, and play together. disney parks. come on. it's time to show your disney side. over 12,000 financial advisors. so, how are things? 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>> i think you guys. here they are. luke, michael, calum and ashton. these are the four australian teens taking over the charts right now and also wrapping up a blockbuster tour with one direction. come on up here, guys. what's up, man? their fans can't get enough as you can tell. we're going to talk to them coming up. plus they're going to perform live for us. and maybe get a little background. until then, to you, lara. >> he's got the moves. he's got the moves. >> we know you can, michael. we know you can. and more star power in the social square. "dancing's" -- unfortunately, the booted couple. randy and karina are with us. flew all night long after saying good-bye to the dance floor. and lena dunham is with us. she's got a brand -- hi, lena! she's got a brand-new book out this morning. can't wait to hear from here her. >> so much fun. big show today. first to amy. good morning, and begin with tough new questions today for the director of the secret service. julia pearson will face a grilling on capitol hill as members of congress question how a white house fence jumper managed to overpower a secret service agent at the front door and then run down two hallways into the east room before finally being tackled. pearson is also being criticized for the agency's failure to initially disclose the seriousness of the incident. a patient at a dallas hospital is being kept in strike isolation, being kesed for ebola, after showing signs of the virus. in addition to the symptoms, the travel history is causing concern. but doctors aren't saying where that patient traveled. meanwhile in west africa, a 25-bed u.s. military field hospital has arrived in liberia to help treat more patients in that country. the new ultimatum overnight, tens of thousands demanding democratic reform in hong kong. they have given the chinese government until tomorrow to respond to their demands. among the protesters, a group of musicians, playing one of my favorites from "les miserables." "do you hear the people sing?" and rescue workers have suspended their search on the volcano in japan where 24 climbers have been missing since saturday's eruption. another eruption may be imminent. 12 bodies have been recovered so far. and super market customers are on alert. hackers may have struck again, stealing credit card data. malicious software was found on networks that process payments for albertsons and supervalu supermarkets. they include more than 1,000 stores operating under those names as well as star markets, shaws, acme, cub foods, and jewel-osco. and finally the high school senior with the unique graduation photo that i hope you'll remember. getting his way, kind of. we told you a couple weeks ago about draven rodriguez, in upstate, new york, wanted to use his photo with his cat, mr. bigglesworth. he didn't give up when the school said no. he collected 7,000 signatures for a petition, and the principal agreed to a compromise. yes, that is the principal appearing on a special page with her dog alongside draven and mr. bigglesworth. i love their faces. it's like they're looking onward and upward. it's an inspiring photo. wouldn't you say? >> i love the principal's sense of humor. that's fantastic. >> and for a great cause. rescues. >> exactly. >> a happy ending. and with that, we will switch gears now to the health scare that has parents on edge all across the country. doctors fighting enterovirus in at least 46 states and looking for a link to pararlysis in som kids. clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: doctors around the country are on high alert for strange symptoms seen in colorado. children with serious respiratory illness now coming down with signs of paralysis. >> they may have trouble lifting their arm to get their fork to their mouth. and that's a muscle weakness. >> reporter: there is no confirmed link, but health officials say a leading suspect is enterovirus d-68, inflicting symptoms all the way from a cold to severe respiratory problems. it's been spreading rapidly. just three weeks ago, in 11 states. two weeks ago, 27 states, now 47 states with confirmed or suspected cases. >> kids have a difficult time breathing. you notice something is wrong. those are reasons any parent should access care for their children. >> reporter: hospitals nationwide tell us they are on the lookout. in kansas city -- >> we have three cases we are focused on that have limb weakness as a presentation. >> reporter: doctors say the colorado patients are now getting physical therapy. >> the question is if any of them will have permanent neurologic damage or not. >> reporter: for some young patients, the road to recovery may be very long. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> they've got to get this under control. >> mm-hmm. they do. and "pop news" and weather coming up. now to michael in the social square. >> all right. now here's what's -- here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" and the social square powered by samsung galaxy. how you can get amal's gorgeous look for less from her blockbuster wedding weekend with george clooney. and we have so many 5 second of summer megafans here. happy -- it's your birthday. happy birthday. what is your birthday wish? you want to meet the band. well, you know what, we're about making dreams come true. come on. let's go. they want to meet 5 seconds of summer. we're going to give them tickets. check it out. there you go right there. there are the boys. >> hey! >> don't be scared. don't be scared. go in there and say hello. they don't bite. you know what? >> what's up? >> we're dreammakers here at "gma." >> happy birthday. >> good to meet you. >> 5 seconds of summer. >> well, here we are. without it falling flat? moisture ♪ some moisturizing products can weigh hair down. ♪ dove oxygen moisture is different. it provides lightweight oxygen--fused moisture for the moisture you need and the volume you want. so you can enjoy moisture with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. you're unpacking already? yeah. help me find some mugs? ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ [ beep ] hey. 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"fire' by firenze" "sir?" start your search online with over 35,000 carmax quality certified used cars. carmax. start here. ♪ i just came to say hello hello. that is our canine cam, worn by a lovable golden retriever. honoring the 139th annual westminster kennel club dog show at madison square garden from february 16th and 17th. and look, there's lena. she can't get enough of them as well. and that gentle giant -- >> where is he? >> he's a leonberger -- >> leonberger? >> named mr. america. >> yeah. >> two new breeds, the wire-haired visla, and the number one-ranked one in the u.s. and the -- >> excuse me? >> the cute delair? >> where is it? we haven't caught anything? >> we're back on the canine cam. find him, he's the number one-ranked dog in his breed. >> there he is. >> that little guy? >> the little guy with the blowout? >> with the blowout. >> oh, my gosh. that guy is coming home with me. >> tickets on sale now to one of the greatest traditions in sports. it's "pop news" now. what are they called again? coutontoulaire. begin with magic michael. >> end it there. >> turns out strahan has a role in magic mike xxl. and this is no camcameo. it's a meaty role, distancing alongside channing tatum. good thing michael has had some practice. can we roll that video? >> the thing is, this was just a joke that has turned into -- >> a role. >> a role. >> of a lifetime. >> but i've been told there are people here on the desk who can give me some lessons. who can help me out. >> do you have that video queued up? i did not call for that video. >> i'm calling for that video. that's in the theater, i'm the first one in line. >> if you're looking for some tips. >> that's a very themed situation. >> yes. i was a cowgirl with a mustache. >> but it -- >> why did you do this? >> i had no choice but to do it. >> no choice? >> channing would come on. and we would go back and forth. i'd mess around, yeah, i'll do it. then he calls me and says, are you ready? drinks or dinner or something? no, you ready to take it all off. here we go. s s see what happens. >> you real are shy. >> i am shy. when the cameras are off, i'm shy and misunderstood. >> good things the cameras are on. >> you said the wardrobe person called and it was a short call. >> short call. there's not much wardrobe out there. watch the movie, enjoy it. i'm going to try to enjoy it. hopefully everyone else does too. >> we will indeed. the movie hits theaters july 2015. we're talking about it a lot until then. and then moving on in "pop news," it was a back to school night like no other. neil diamond returned to his high school in brooklyn for an incredible surprise concert. maybe something in the school lunch, it also delivered us barbra streisand. yeah, that's a serious musical education. >> my bff. >> totes, robin. diamond spread the news on twitter. it was the first time there since hitting it big time. and he did it big time. singing -- ♪ sweet caroline ♪ good times never sfoelt good >> and his new album drops next month. >> we're not on it. ♪ so fine so fine and finally in "pop news," a dog this can't keep her tongue in her mouth has become an internet sensation. meet marney. this is a musical video. >> oh, wow. >> just watch her for a moment. my daughter, kate, helped me discover her. >> is her head too heavy for her? >> i don't know. but she's very happy. according to her tumblr page, she's a former rescue. now enjoys long walks, parties, and greek yogurt. she has 175,000 followers on instagram. that is "pop news." >> can she bark? that's my question. >> i don't know. but she can make a smile. >> that's some "pop news." >> it's a poo-poo platter. >> head index coming up, ginger with the weather. yes. and good morning and all these girls from california. we haven't seen these clouds in l.a. they told me it was partly cloudy. increasing clouds. chicago is where we'll begin. they have some fog rolling through. yesterday, remember, i told you, dropped so many degrees. 81 to 57 in just three hours. waking up this morning in the >> today is the last day of seasonal temperatures before the heat towns on. here is a look at live doppler hd tracking patchy clouds and fog had the not bay and along our coastline but in the afternoon the clouds will leave us with temperatures in the upper 70's to lower 80's for were of the bay area. still coog along the coast and 66 at half moon bay. lows are in the lower 60's to upper 50's under stars and the temperature turns on >> and we're saying good morning to winnie, and happy anniversary, 30 years. where are you from? >> we're from gains, michigan. >> and your names? >> chris and don. >> so great to have you here. get inside. >> thank you for stretching there so i could get in my seat. i was over there, and they were yelling, working over here. kicking off the heat index, a story getting lots of clicks on our website overnight. a couple leaving a big tip nor a waiter in iowa. it was awful service. they waited 20 minutes for the glass of water, longer for the food. but it wasn't the waiter's fault. he was manage, 12 tables at once. they left $100 on the $66 bill with a note that read, we have been there in your shoes. paying it forward. the photo of the receipt now approaching 1.57 million likes on facebook. they were there for their anniversary. they have worked in restaurants. they realize -- and, again, they said the waiter was overworked. >> working hard. >> yeah. and maybe -- let people understand. >> not to get so frustrated. put a smile on people's faces. >> 1.5 million likes, too. over to lara. thank you so much. and we have been talking a lot about george clooney and amal's wedding, mrs. clooney, and people are talking about her amazing style. how to get her looking without breaking the bank. she wowed in the dolce and gabana dress, and the alexander mcqueen evening gown, and stepped out in the mini that was so dreamy. and those gams for days. this was the civil ceremony, the pantsuit. and lori is going to show us how to get two of the looks for less. hi. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> you found a look for the alexander mcqueen gown. >> it's custom, we're talking thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars. if our model will come on out. >> come on out. >> come on out, amber. we found a shift dress and reinterpreted the same red and black motif. it was at bloomingdales, under $300. way more wearable if you're not going to george clooney's bachelorette party. >> i could wear that for work. it's a lot of money, but still -- >> a fraction of the thousands and thousands custom gown. >> and the pantsuit. come on out. >> ashley, so the pantsuit was stella mccartney. a really hefty price tag. the thing to look at here are the clean lines. we got this from bloomingdales, under $375, not cheap, but the winter white trend is huge for fall. it's a great investment. and let the hems hit the floor, the longer and leaner you look. >> the longer the hem, the longer the leg. and white is okay in the fall. >> it is. it's a trend. thank you so much. you look beautiful. back to george. and "dancing with the stars" night. it was movie night last night, but no happy ending for randy and karina. take a look. >> on this third week of competition, the couple leaving rights now is -- randy and karina. >> oh, no. and they flew all night long to be here with us. randy couture, karina smirnoff. we are not happy about, but happy you are here. >> how could you be booted off, ran randy? >> that's the way it goes, i guess. >> you guys looked like you gave it your all. >> that was the point. we had fun. five weeks together, i learned a ton. and you can only focus on the things you have control over. that practice time that we spent together and going out there and just putting it on the line on the dance floor. >> and you also had to change so quickly. you guys were the first ones out twice. that kind of has -- >> i think we definitely have set the record with being first two weeks in a row. but i'm watching it, we haven't had a chance to watch it back yesterday. you killed it. that was his best stake. and i told him go for it, be ferocious, be like this mean guy. and he was doing knee walks and screaming and that was like, oh, get out of the way. >> yeah, it was great. i really liked it. i want to ask you, though, who would you of the judges most want to bring into the octagon? >> it wouldn't be like that. >> all four. >> maybe all four at once. that's interesting. >> good show. >> that's did. >> ultimate fighting. >> it's a lot different from mma for sure. and that was the point. i think do something outside the box. you know? expand people's view of who i am and what i'm capable of. . >> you showed that. who goes all the way? >> we have front runners with janel and val and derek and bethany. every week we might have a new leader. it's that -- >> it has been that way. >> yeah, it's been interesting. i think early on,alfonso, and the dances he had were amazing. last night, two perfect scores. >> a lot of tens last night. >> and as well -- and that was literally the first time he went like from beginning to the end, the whole dance. >> with the tango. thanks. thank you. over to amy. time for the morning stir. what's trending right now. and this morning, a first look at a powerful ad showing how much a mother's feelings about herself can impact her daughter, especially when it comes to body image. farr fa paula favor arise has the story. >> reporter: it's the internal monologue in women's heads. >> my number one hate is -- >> my eyes are wonky. >> i have big legs. >> reporter: dove's buzzy new film, legacy, asking women to share how they feel about their bodies. >> i'm not keen on my legs, but focus on the fact that they're very strong and i'm a very good runner. >> reporter: then posing the same question to their daughters. >> oh, she said her thighs, too, didn't she? >> don't like my arms and she doesn't like her arms either. >> reporter: the powerful ad showing mothers just how much their behavior can leave a lasting impact on their daughter's lives. >> cause i go running. >> really? >> how i feel about myself really affects how she feels about herself. >> i love your hair. >> reporter: it's an issue blogger janette experienced firsthand. the naturally curly-haired mom says she straightens her hair for special occasions. a simple fact like in the film has made her daughter question her beauty. >> she said straight hair is beautiful, curly isn't. any time you want to look pretty, you straighten your hair. >> >> reporter: it one the only one, she picked up on her efforts to lose a few pounds. >> i don't want her to be obsessed about her weight. >> reporter: she's more careful about the comments she makes about her appearance. >> i realize i'm not doing a great job as a mom if she's feeling these contradictions and it's making her doubt her own duty. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. and let's bring in parenting expert from cafe mom, erica souther. and everything they say, they're little sponges. >> every word. kids pick up social cues from their parents. it's the reason we don't swear in front of kids, have bad behavior and they mimic it. there are unconscious things we are doing that kids are picking up on, especially girls. we talk about, oh, i look fat. i hate my legs, my thighs. little kids listening to that and think this is normal. >> and they're there. whatever your issues are, become their issues. what advice for mothers who are grappling with this issue and how they choose their words? >> you have to be very careful. because, of course, kids are picking up bits of information from their friends, and their friends older siblings. you have to intervene. reflect a positive body image. tell them they're gorgeous and beautiful. celebrate the unique things about them. and listen for teachable moments with their friends. chatting, that issue will come up. i'm always eavesdropping. great advice. appreciate it. and coming up, we have lena dunham here and 5 seconds of summer performs live. stay with us. good morning, a young woman is in cust dpi after a police pursuit that led to a rollover crash. police attempted to pull over the woman's car around 8:00 last night when she didn't stop. she led police on a short pursuit before losing droll and crashing into a median. two teenaged girls believed to be 16 or 17 were injured. the driver was taken into custo custody. the car she was driving had been reported stolen. >> the fog is rolling to the south and not real impeding your visibility that much. we do have this new crash that's blocking two lanes involving three vehicles. it certainly is causing delays througre's an idea. start shopping a new way. start maximizing. at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. maxx style. maxx savings. keep you standards high and your spending low. fashion, family, home. maxx life at t.j.maxx. nds] fashion, family, home. the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. we have got a cloud layer and a marine layer that's pushing through the san francisco area. it's going to be a little bit warmer than yesterday. the clouds should eventually burn off, mid 70s to low 80s. my accu-weather forecast shows ♪ ♪ hello! >> 5 seconds of summer. hey, guys. you guys liking this? there they are. you just heard it, "she looks so perfect." these guys have some of the best fans in the world. and the preview of the fans right here. we have a lot more from them coming up in just a little bit. >> i think that the girls are just a little excited. you guys, thank you so much for being here. before we get to the boys, we are going to have -- amy is behind the scenes with the look at "nashville," making her acting debut along luke brian. can't wait to see how you do. >> i play myself. hope i do it well. >> she nails it everybody. >> pretty sad if i didn't. >> downstairs to robin. >> lena dunham is the star, creative force behind the hbo sensation, "girls." and can't wait for january. she's an author. and adding that to her list of accomplishments. her brand new book, "not that kind of girl," a young woman tells what she's learned. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> you got rave reviews. and george is blushing because you said he's handsome. >> i'm not the first one to have said it. george is a sexual icon. >> i wish he was down here. is it true blonds have more fun? >> i was a blond child. i feel connected to being blond. but what happens when you're blond, there's some prehistoric reaction in stupid men where they start holding more doors open for you, hailing cabs. i have had a lot of services rendered to me that did not avail me when i was a brunette. >> i have learned more about you. doesn't surprise me hearing that. it's beautiful. >> thank you. >> it's a conversation with you all over the place. and it's who you are. what inspired you to write this? you have so much going on. >> you know with television -- i love my collaborators at "girls" so much. it takes a village to make a television show. it's interactive and social. i wanted to get back to the intimate relationship with the page as a writer of prose. it's like me going back into my bed as a teenager and journaling in a slightly-more evolved form. >> the illustrator is good. >> we have been friends since i was 3 years old. you wanted her to do the art project for you. and get rave reviews from the teacher. now it's a bigger scale. >> it's a beautiful book. >> thank you. >> you share some of the journal. we're not going to make you read what you ate in one day in particular. >> that was the worst day of my life. thank you. >> not make you relive that. young women, concerned about body image, and you have come to peace. >> that was in some ways the hardest chapter. the sexual humiliations, the challenging relationship. but it's being clear about the fact that i have spent a lot of time thinking about food. i spent a lot of my career trying to break down some of the negative -- the negative forces that the media exerts on women in trying to control their body image. so for me, it felt very -- it felt very sort of, you know, anathema to what i am to admit that i too have struggled with the concept of sort of perfection. and i think it's something we're all dealing with every day. but i have to say when you love your job and you love what you do and you're sort of engaged, you really feel like a tool being put to its proper use, you think of food as fuel. and you think of it as a way to get to where you need to go and less sort of your demise. >> i agree with you, diet is a four-letter word. >> diet is a four-letter word is something i learned from my grandmother. i will take it to the grave. >> therapy and me. that's a chapter that really resonates with a lot of people. and you talk about from a young age that you were afraid of -- just about everything. and you still are dealing with that in some ways. >> yeah, you know. one of the reasons it was so important to talk about the relationship to therapy and the fact i have obsessive-compulsive disorder, there's a conversation about mental health that needs to happen that we are just at the beginning of. and i think all of us share our struggles with the world inside our heads, whether big or small, can help other people to normalize their experiences. and, you know, i definitely have struggled with anxiety, with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and i was lucky to have parents with a forward-thinking attitude. putting me into therapy at a young age and giving me tools to move forward. it's part of the reason we see so many shootings in the country. there's a conversation about mental health that is just as important as the other dialogues nationally. >> and you go there in so many different ways in the book. i love your folks. they come shining through in this. >> i love them too. as i said before, they had the foresight to put me into therapy, encourage me to create. and i feel the book is dedicated to them, for good reason. >> i can't wait for the fourth season of "girls." the "girls." >> the "girls" are back. new hair cuts and guest stars. ready to rock and roll. >> we were talking to our writer, mitch, who fell in love with you. >> love mitch. >> and "guys and dolls" and singing in a musical. >> any secret talent? pafrm perform in "guys and dolls." my accent is not great. it's like -- ♪ a person has has a cold >> ladies and gentlemen, lena dunham. >> that's the most you are going to get for that. >> you are a delight. >> as are you. and thank you for talking to me. and i hope that you enjoyed the book. >> i'm glad you're that kind of girl. knot th"not that kind of girl" stores today. and back up to ginger. robin, i have never felt more invincible. are you excited to see them? yes, just slightly. here they are, 5 seconds of summer. their favorite weather, i asked them, a light drizzle. let's just look at hail that happened around denver quickly. that storm moving to the you will have mostly sunshine with democrats in the mid-70's around the bay up and more 70's in the south bay and the low 80's inland. the seven-day forecast will be >> all that weather brought to you by carmax. and you said what? >> it is raining doughnuts. >> raining teenage girls. thank you. the hit show "nashville" is back for the new season. you don't have to love country music to love the show. packs so much drama. i went behind the scenes and made my acting debut on season three. take a look. ♪ whenever you're with me for two seasons, tv sensation "nashville" has won over music lovers ♪ your words sharper than a knife. >> reporter: and drama loefr lovers. and along the way, there were a few "good morning america" ca o cameos. >> can we expect a debut album any time soon? >> reporter: now with the new season promising to satiate our nashville needs -- >> try to explain why i am the way that i am. >> reporter: it was my turn to tap into my acting skills. we are behind the scenes of a nashville shoot. alongside luke bryant. >> this is my first endeavor in this. >> reporter: luckily, we had help from a pro. >> i'm connie britain from nashville. and we're about to shoot a nashville scene in the park. >> reporter: she plays rena james, she brought her a-game. >> you ready to get this show on the road? >> reporter: what was that like up there? have you done anything like that? >> we record concerts for the show, but it was definitely nerve-wracking. i have. >> reporter: i have to say, season three, twists and turn? >> always. but i'm not going to give it away. >> reporter: but the real question, how did us amateur actors do. i played me, if i was bad at it, i have a major problem. >> yeah. >> reporter: you played you, what are you talking about? >> i hope i was me good. >> reporter: you were great. >> nice. you? no, just kidding. >> ah. that's about right. "nashville" airs tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. eastern on abc. coming up, 5 seconds of summer, live. ♪ and i k is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. intrying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. okay, the moment is here. 5 seconds of summer making their first appearance ever on "gma" with "amnesia." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted ♪ ♪ i thought about our last kiss how it felt the way you tasted ♪ ♪ even though your friends tell me you're doing fine ♪ ♪ are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you ♪ ♪ when he says those words to hurt you do you read the ones i wrote you ♪ ♪ sometimes i start to wonder was it just a lie ♪ ♪ if what we had was real how could you be fine ♪ ♪ cause i'm not fine at all ♪ i remember the day you told me you were leaving ♪ ♪ i remember the make up running down your face ♪ ♪ and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them ♪ ♪ like every single wish we ever made ♪ ♪ i wick that i could wake up with amnesia ♪ ♪ and forget about the stupid little things ♪ ♪ like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you ♪ ♪ and the memories i never can escape ♪ ♪ cause i'm not fine at all ♪ the pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone ♪ ♪ i'll admit i like to see them i'll admit i feel alone ♪ ♪ and all my friends keep asking why i'm not around ♪ ♪ it hurts to know you're happy yeah ♪ ♪ it hurts that you've moved on ♪ ♪ it's hard to hear your name when i haven't seen you in so long ♪ ♪ it's like we never happened was it just a lie ♪ ♪ if what we had was real how could you be fine ♪ ♪ cause i'm not fine at all ♪ i remember the day you told me you were leaving ♪ ♪ i remember the make-up running down your face ♪ ♪ and the dreams you left mind you didn't need them ♪ ♪ like every single wish we ever made ♪ ♪ i wish that i could wake up with amnesia ♪ ♪ and forget about the stupid little things ♪ ♪ like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you ♪ ♪ and the memories i never can escape ♪ ♪ if today i woke up with you right beside me ♪ ♪ like all of this was just some twisted dream ♪ ♪ i'd hold you closer than i ever did before ♪ ♪ and you'd never slip away ♪ and you'd never hear me say ♪ i remember the day you told me you were leaving ♪ ♪ remember the make-up running down your face ♪ ♪ and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them ♪ ♪ like every single wish we ever made ♪ ♪ i wick that i could wake up with amnesia ♪ ♪ and forget about the stupid little things ♪ ♪ like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you ♪ ♪ and the memories i never can escape ♪ ♪ cause i'm not fine at all ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i remember the make-up running down your face ♪ luke, cal lum, michael, ashton, they are all here. they have just rocked out. the song, "amnesia" is a breakup song. a lot of your songs are about heart ache and love. are you guys lucky or unlucky in love? >> definitely unlucky with all girl situations. >> really? >> yeah. >> really? >> i mean, sometimes, you know, calum gives us a bit of love, but other than that -- >> calum, what do you think of the crowd? >> these guys are so awesome. lucky to have you here. touring with one direction. and then their own headlining tour. let's hear another song. 5 seconds of summer. ♪ head's up >> good morning, america! you want to sing this one? ♪ hey ♪ hey ♪ hey ♪ hey ♪ hey ♪ oh hey oat hey ♪ ♪ hey ♪ said darling ♪ sit her down say we're too young now to amount to anything else ♪ ♪ but look around we were too there for this just to give it up now ♪ ♪ if you don't swim you will drown ♪ ♪ but don't move honey ♪ and that american underwear ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ ♪ your lipstick stain is a work of art but you need tattooed out of heart ♪ ♪ and i know now and i'm so down ♪ ♪ hey ♪ oh hey ♪ oh hey ♪ oh hey ♪ oh hey ♪ let's get out cause you said to me let's get this down ♪ ♪ when i was down i found myself alone ♪ ♪ you're thinking if i showed up with that again and came down here ♪ ♪ but you want to run away too because all i really want is you ♪ ♪ you look so happy on the internet and my american apparel underwear ♪ ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ ♪ the lipstick stain is is there for and the jeans lying on the floor ♪ ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ ♪ hey ♪ oh hey ♪ oh hey ♪ oh hey ♪ hey ♪ look so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear ♪ ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ ♪ your lipstick stain is a work of art ♪ ♪ your name tattooed on the outer part and i know now that here we go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you look so good standing there any my american apparel underwear ♪ ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ ♪ hey ♪ lipstick stain is a work of art ♪ ♪ i is it -- ♪ and i know now that i'm so down ♪ ♪ all right ♪ [ cheers and applause ] 5 seconds of summer, everybody. 5 seconds of summer. thank you, guys. >> thunk so much. what a great day on "good morning america." everybody, we'll see you tomorrow. >> have a great day. . good morning, first up, the bay area forecast. >> it's going to be a bit seasonal today, that's going to change tomorrow. our temperatures really going to be in the upper 60s along the coast, lower 70s in the bay, overnight lows, starry skyes, not so much of a marine layer. temperatures are going to be in the upper 50s to lower 60s. hot over the weekend. a problem in san jose, northbound on 101 right before you get to 680. a look right now at the bay ridge tolls, it's packed 18 minutes to cross into san francisco. >> time now for liv announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, star of the drama the drf mark harmon. and from the series "the good wife," taye diggs. plus, a performance from singer songwriter melissa etheridge. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141002

paparazzi to protect baby george. saying his son is being hounded during his walks with his nanny. and the original blond bombshell, the fight to bring back a virtual marilyn monroe using movie magic. will fans get to offer their applause one more time? and good morning, america. let's get right to the two crises in public health. we are learning a lot more about the ebola patient in dallas. fears there the virus has spread. as we mentioned, several schools being scrubbed down. health officials alerted the family of that patient to stay home. so many parents worried right now. >> rightfully so. and also a 10-year-old girl, the newest victim of the enterovirus rapidly spreading around the country. we're going to get to the latest of that rapidly developing outbreak. creating a lot of concern. cases in almost every state now. >> our abc news medical team is covering it all. we begin in dallas where ebola has the city on edge this morning as we learn more about the man infected with the deadly virus. how he entered america. liberia to brussels and to dallas. and cecilia vega has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. that patient still in serious condition here, and health officials now saying he may have come into contact with many more people than previously thought. overnight, new details about the ebola patient thomas eric duncan, a father and former chauffeur from liberia. friends telling abc news that on wednesday, duncan prayed by phone with family members from the confines of his quarantined room. his nephew speaking overnight, to wccb in charlotte, north carolina, expressing concern for his uncle. >> we're hoping and praying that eric survives the night. and we have our hopes up for him. >> reporter: this morning as investigators race to stop this deadly disease from spreading, serious questions for texas health presbyterian hospital. officials now saying the sick patient was initially allowed to leave the e.r., despite telling the nurse, he had come from a stricken african country. from there, he went back to the community before being admitted two days later. >> regretfully, that information was not fully communicated throughout the full team. >> reporter: officials now saying up to 80 people may have had contact with duncan, about 5 being closely monitored, including children, receiving regular checks for fever, a symptom of ebola. even local schools scrubbed down and alerted. the children and the adults live in the apartment complex where duncan visited all ordered to keep away from work and school for 21 days. a disease with no vaccine, ebola has an incubation period of up to three weeks. humans are not infectious until they develop symptoms. "the new york times" now reporting duncan contracted the virus in liberia after helping an infected woman to the hospital just four days before he traveled to the u.s. and there are new worries there could be a second ebola patient in hawaii. the virus has not been confirmed. but that patient is being held in isolation. robin? >> all right, thank you. we're going to bring in abc's dr. richard besser now. he's on the front lines in the battle against ebola. he is in liberia for us again this morning. explain the tag that you have on, what does that mean? >> in liberia, they're focused on prevention. to get into the compound where we're shooting, they took my temperature, and they put this tag on to show that i don't have fever. everyone walking around with this tag, you know you're safe. >> and what are the conditions on the ground right now? >> reporter: it's much better than a month ago. there's a lot more international relief people here. they're scaling up the response. there's more treatment available. but so many more units that are needed. and that's part of what the u.s. is trying to provide here. >> so many people are asking what exactly is ebola and why is it considered so dangerous? >> yeah, i mean, this is the most deadly virus that we know of. and outbreaks in the past were limited. they never left the village. this one is spreading wildly here in west africa. and as we're seeing with the person in texas, a big disease outbreak, an epidemic anywhere in the world puts people in america at risk too. so stopping it here is so critically important. >> and frankly, are you concerned? i mean, you have been right there on the front lines. you will be returning here to the u.s. is there concern where you are? >> reporter: well, yeah. going into the places that i have been, going into an ebola isolation unit. i went in because i'm an infectious disease specialist, i know what i'm doing. i was totally protected. but there are so many people here that don't have that gear. when i come back to the united states, i will be monitoring my temperature twice a day to make sure i don't develop a fever. that's a very important thing to do. but i was not exposed to ebola that i know of. but i'll be checking the fever curve just to be sure. >> we know you're taking every precaution. and you want to be there to help 5?to help us understand better. dr. besser, thank you very much. all the best to you and everyone that is there. and dr. besser is answering your questions throughout the morning. tweet him a at dr. richard besser. and we'll turn to the other major health scare that has parents concerned all across the country. it's in 47 states and washington, d.c. linked to four deaths. and lindsey davis has more on that. >> reporter: good morning. just six weeks after the virus was detected in kansas city, the outbreak has spread to just about every state in the country. until now it was causing a massive number of sick children. this morning we are learning more about the first deaths associated with enterovirus 68. this morning, new concern that the respiratory illness striking children across the nation, may be deadlier than first thought. officials revealing that samples collected from four patients who died tested positive for interrow viinte enterovirus d-68, though the role the virus played is unclear. among the victims, emily otrando from rhode island, a girl scout. and artist, just 10 years old. >> her parents took her to the hospital, and by the time she was there, it fell apart. >> reporter: her condition deteriorating in less than 24 hours. she not only had ev-d 68, she also had a staph infection, a very rare combination. now a crscramble to get the wor out to emily's parents who were initially told that her death was not related to evd-68, they received an e-mail saying that all classrooms and buildings are cleaned. >> make sure your kids are washing their hands five or six times a day. make sure that anyone with asthma has it under control. >> reporter: the cdc confirmed cases of the virus in 42 states at the district of columbia. doctors in colorado feverishly trying to determine if the enterovirus d-68 is to blame for the ten cases of paralysis like symptoms in young patients with prespiratory illnesses there. and four patients with polio-like symptoms are being tested for enterovirus-68. and overnight, brand-new cases of partial paralysis reported in michigan too. the cdc says these complications are rare. emily was a big sister who loved animals, writing, and playing with legos. doctors say she didn't have any other underlying health issues. >> so unimaginable. but the cdc is not saying anything about the other three deaths. >> right. they are not saying where or when the other three deaths occurred. they'd like the states to take the lead in making the announcement. >> okay, linzie, thanks very much. now to the latest on the turmoil in the secret service. this morning, director julia pierson is out, resigning after coming under fire for a series of breaches, including a fence-jumper, who made it all of the way into the white house. pierre thomas has been tracking the story since the beginning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. my most accounts, her appearance before congress was a disaster. the secret service had been keeping secrets from the white house. that sealed her fate. julia pierson offered her resignation wednesday afternoon in a private meeting with her boss, homeland security secretary jay johnson. sources say a frustrated johnson and the president agreed, she had to go. she became secret service director in the wake of a sordid prostitution scandal. now a series of security fiascos has forced her out of office. johnson named joe clancy as the acting director. he was in charge of the president's security detail from 2009 to 2011. >> over the last several days, we have recent and accumulating reports raising questions about the performance of the agency. and the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was required. >> reporter: in the end, she could not survive revelations about two extraordinary breaches. a man with a knife piercing all layers of white house security, walking through an unlocked door. and this week we learned a security contractor with a criminal record and carrying a gun was allowed to stand next to the president in an elevator. the secret service did not tell the white house about the breach until two weeks later. >> the white house first learned of that incident yesterday afternoon shortly before it was publicly reported by a news organization. >> reporter: not telling the president, sources say, was a fatal blow. and her resignation came as members of congress, republicans and democrats, gave her a vote of no confidence. no confidence from congress and no confidence from the white house was a deadly combination for a once proud government career. robin. >> thank you. now to amy with the other top stories developing. good morning. >> good morning. and we begin with a developing story from buckingham palace. prince william is about to take legal action against the paparazzi for chasing his young son, george. lamb ma hassen is in done lon, lama. >> prince william will be taking legal against a couple of photographers. this is the most serious warning on the paparazzi so far. he's taking a legal crackdown by sending final legal letters to two free-lance photographers. he believes he's been pursuing his son during walks with his nanny in london parks. william and kate want george to have as normal of a life as possible. and they believe a red line is being crossed and and they need to do this to protect george and other children as well. amy? and back at home, a tragic story adding to the concerns about head injuries in youth sports. a high school football player on long island, new york, has died after colliding with another player and then collapsing on the field during a game on wednesday. doctors say the 17-year-old suffered a head injury and was rushed into surgery, but he died a short time later. according to espn, he is the third high school football player in the u.s. to die in just the past week. an explosive new allegation out of ferguson, missouri. a possible leak from the grand jury investigating the police shooting of an unarmed teenager, michael brown. in a tweet posted wednesday, a twitter user claimed to know one of jurors, and wrote there isn't enough evidence to arrest darren wilson. if the investigation reveals that a juror discussed the case, they will have to start over with all new jurors. and the search is on for a u.s. marine missing in the persian gulf. he bailed out of a helicopter that lost power as it was taking off from a deck of an american warship. a second crewman was also ejected but was rescued. the helicopter was landed safely. and china's government is promising serious consequences from pro-democracy protesters in hong kong if they follow through on the threat to occupy government buildings. the protesters are demanding hong kong's city leader step down by the end of the day. military special forces in mexico say they have captured a notorious drug lord. the u.s. government offered $5 million reward for hector beltran leyva whose gang tracked cocaine, marijuana and heroin. eight cartel leaders have been captured orb killed since 2009. but the heroin crisis in the u.s. is getting worse, overdose deaths have doubled in two years. and finally, i think we're long overdue, actually, for another report from the stupid criminals file. they're being called the beer run bandits. but they don't have much street cred. here's why. the two of them run into this florida convenience store, each grabbing three cases of beer. they run into a problem, their hands are so full of beer, they can't open the door. you see this one guy, he finally has to put the beers down, kicks the door. then they run, but guess what. they have trouble walking. maybe very already had some beer. so they fell and tripped, dropped most of the cans of beer. they got a few of them. but good luck opening those. >> the keystone cops -- >> that's so funny. >> i have a feeling they'll catch them. that guy looked at the camera, gave the name, social security number and everything else! >> just follow the beer. >> so you have an interesting story, michael. yes, i do. we have seen many celebrities who have been brought back to life thanks to hollywood magic, and it's big business for the estates. and now there's a legal battle brewing over marilyn monroe. there's one company fighting for the right to create a virtual mare marilyn. and t.j. holmes is here with that story. >> strahan, stay with me for a second. >> i'm with you. >> you can buy a concert ticket to see a dead musician perform live. >> yeah. >> yeah. we actually have technology out there that exists that will allow this. question now is, will the courts allow it? ♪ revolutionary rapper. technology breathing new life into celebrities long gone. dazzling fans and raking in big business. but this morning, the fight over a digital marilyn monroe may be headed to a real life courtroom. >> it's the same thing all over again. see what i mean? not very bright. >> reporter: the california company virtual marilyn suing monroe's estate for the right to reanimate the original blond bombshell who died in 1962. >> i was going to tell you but i know how upset you get about little things. >> little things? the lawsuit concerns whether the company has the right to market a virtual marilyn character, an impersonator of marilyn monroe. at stake, big bucks. monroe's estate earning $30 million a year in licensing fees. virtual versions could add to that. >> concerts, appearances, you can make money off the virtual version of a dead movie star. >> hey, what is this? are you trying to kid me? >> reporter: now it's up to the courts to determine if virtual maryland will be joining the king, or other late stars on the stage, any time soon. >> it's quite all right. i'm enjoying my own company. >> reporter: abc news reached out to the attorney for the monroe estate and we were told, we don't comment on litigation matters. well, i don't know, guys. who would you want to go see? this is cool technology. i would want to see elvis. but we all know he's still alive. but who would you want to see in concert? >> i don't think there's anybody -- you know what i'd do? i'd create one of myself and take a few days off a week. >> that's smart. >> why not? >> don't worry, i'd be here live a couple days a week. but the other days, let it be somebody else. let it be a hologram. >> is it live or memorex. >> a weird one. do you wonder, is the character allowed to do new things? can they make them speak new lines? that doesn't seem right. >> it's like what we saw with michael jackson which was really cool but kind of creepy. >> do you have a vote, t.j.? >> i would to want see elvis to answer your question, though, george, they do. it's new technology. they use an actor's body to move around. and they just put the person's head there. it's new movement. it's a thing. that's creepy. yeah, you have one sitting right here. >> for all the wrong reasons. go now to the severe weather in the midwest. damaging hail, torrential rain, powerful wind and more in the forecast, ginger. >> yes, there is. of course, there is. and i'm with t.j., by the way. i would see the king. be a fan girl of elvis. talk about the mid south and beyond. in parts of the midwest, 60 plus mile per hour winds. you see this building wrecked here. more than 60 severe storm reports including hail. and we have video of that right here from parts of kansas. so what happens today? severe storms to the east, and a much broader area is included in this. look for potential damaging winds from south of chicago to austin. right there through the ozarks. you could see a brief tornado and certainly some large hail. that's the big picture. let's get your local forecast after this message brought to you by walgreens. hello, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast, with a dangerous heat developing fed but the air quality is okay. the heat be subside and by next week we have the marine layer back with morning clouds and afternoon sunshine and seasonal temperatures fought like the mid-80's along the coast into san francisco nearly 90 around the bay shore and low-to-mid 90's inland but we will cool off with a lot of 50's and 60. th >> that cold front hasn't only produced severe weather, but flooding rains right here in this area. we're watching for it in the next 48 hours. >> we know you will. all right, ginger, thank you. and coming up on "gma," the dramatic fbi rescue of a girl missing more than a decade. the tip that helped end the father's worldwide search. and the wife charged of murdering her h husband, why she's walking free for now. and on the lookout. how to protect your home from invader. we put one family to the test. and what we can learn from their mistakes. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. ...and tkind of like you huffing sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or 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perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. i love bacon so much,his sub. i'm launching a line of bacon jewelry. aw, i've seen those online, but-have you ever seen bacon brows? what was that? i was just putting the finishing touches on my bacondor. everyone loves bacon at subway. try it on a bacon egg & cheese. subway. eat fresh. good morning. i'm matt keller. developing news in the south bay. santa clara police believe a man was attacked when he surprised a suspected thief in his home. they stabbed him several times during a scuffle around 3:00 this morning. the victim is being treated at a hospital. officers found the suspect hiding at a home. that man remains in custody. now a check on the morning commute. >> all right, we're going to start off with the bridge that's very heavy. the dunbar bridge is better. over to walnut creek, we have a stalled vehicle blocking one lane. but you can see the backup coming away from 242. so right out of concord you're going to be on the brakes. and your immediate drive away is sluggish to pleasant hill. >> all right. thank you, good morning. about noon today through friday evening at 9:00, we have rain. it includes all of our neighborhoods, even the beaches. it cools off pretty nice at night. 40s in the north. 50s and 60s for the rest of us. we'll be back in the 50s and 60s tonight after being in the 80s and 90s. if you're heading to the coast, temperatures are running in the low re's an idea. start shopping a new way. start maximizing. at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. maxx style. maxx savings. keep you standards high and your spending low. fashion, family, home. maxx life at t.j.maxx. ♪ story of my life ♪ i'd drive all night to keep you warm inside ♪ one direction, story of my life and they gave one young fan the story of his life last night. it's trending on twitter right now. helped make a dream come true. and we're going to tell you about it on "good morning america." >> can't wait to share that with you. and also this morning, an incredible story of a father who never gave up hope of finding his daughter. she was just found by the fbi more than a decade after allegedly being kidnapped by her mother. more on that dramatic rescue ahead. and on the lookout, how you can prevent an intruder from getting into your home. one family put to the test, how they failed. but we can learn from it. >> as long as we're learning. and a paralyzed woman's miracle recovery. cheered on by the love of her life. what she's doing now. defying the odds. >> that's an alert, do not put on your makeup at home until after this story. tears of joy. but begin with the dramatic rescue of a texas girl missing for a decade. finally found across the border in mexico. the girl's mother has been charged in her kidnapping. paula faris is here with the story. >> reporter: good morning. and after 12 years, a confidential informant helped them break the case, leading a team of authorities to a small apartment just outside mexico city. this is 17-year-old sabrina allen today. this is her more than ha decade ago. the last time her father saw her. >> sabrina, i've been looking for you. you don't know how hard. >> reporter: the saga began in austin, texas, in 2002. greg allen had custody of a then 4-year-old sabrina when her mother, dara allegedly kidnapped her during a custody battle. >> when you're in that place, the whole world is black. >> reporter: her disappearance setting off a worldwide search. her story featured twice on america's most wanted. she was added to the most wanted kidnappers list. and then allen hired philip klein. it was klein who received an anonymous tip last month that they were in mexico. >> we were able to bring in federal and state authorities to get confirmation on facial recognition. >> reporter: they watched for two weeks until they swooped into llorens apartment. >> she put up a fight. minor injuries to the agent who took her into cuss di. >> reporter: she had plastic surgery and moved several times over the years. >> that's no way for a child to live their life. overseas, constantly on the run. >> reporter: brought back in handcuffs, sabrina flew back. klein by her side. >> she has goals and dreams. she wants to be a ballerina. >> she's alive. has a lot of work to do. but she's physically okay. that's a good starting point. >> reporter: but after years, she is not quite ready to see her father. the man who searched for 12 years says he's willing to wait. hopeful they'll be reunited soon. >> i just to want know her. please, please, open up yourself to come home. >> reporter: the mother has been booked on aggravated kidnapping and held on bail. the father took multiple trips to mexico over the years searching for his daughter, vowing to never stop. as for sabrina, she is getting therapy. she needs emotional help. >> and physically, she's doing well. he's grateful for that. and hopefully a full recovery. >> reporter: never stopped. >> never did. thanks very much. and the murder trial to the california mother accused of killing her school teacher husband. she was found not guilty, but could face other charges. >> reporter: this morning california mom julie harper is a free woman. >> not guilty. >> reporter: for now. a jury acquitting her of first-degree murder in the death of her husband, high school teacher jason hafrper. prosecutors argued the 41-year-old shot and killed her husband in the bedroom, and then took off with the kids and a getaway bag. >> they're downstairs watching cartoons when they heard a thud. and they heard their dad yell, ah. >> reporter: prosecutors saying the couple argued frequently about her weight gain and finances. five days before the killing, prosecutors say she filed for divorce and withdrew nearly $20,000 in savings. she said it was self-defense. maintaining she was a victim of domestic abuse. >> he was in an absolute furry. yelling and screaming. >> reporter: and also heard recordings she made during the alleged rants. >> you're putting our kid in day cake and making me pay for it and you claim you're taking care of them. >> reporter: on the lesser charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter, the jury deadlocked. the judge declaring a mistrial. now they can retry the case on those charges. for "good morning america," tom llamas, abc news, new york. and now the weather from ginger. >> new cool look. the mountain and the santa ana winds off shore. 95 in los angeles. we were talking about the heat headed to the southwest. that's why. the air comes down, compresses, and the molecules move faster and you get hot. up to 45 miles an hour. that's the west. but, of course, right in the middle, we're talking snow. isn't it funny to see that already? yeah. snow right there in rocky mountain national park. not so funny, lara says. how about this? chilly air. whether you like it or not, it's way. indianapolis, just above freezing. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, warm sunshine and dangerous heat coolest at coast in san francisco and low-to-upper 80's and low-to-mid 90's inland. the seven-day forecast shows the heat >> all that weather brought to you by vasiline intensive care. >> it's hysterical, right? thank you, ginger. coming up, do you know how to protect your home from an invasion? we put one family to the test. what you can learn. and a health warning you don't to want miss. the new study linking stress and alzheimer's disease. >> how one woman defied the odds after being paralyzed. you will not believe what she's doing now. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically 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on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil and we're back now. 7:40 with "gma" on the lookout. and this morning, how to keep your family safe from a home invasion. gio benitez explains. >> reporte ♪ >> reporter: violent attacks, forced entry, and intruders lurking in your home. home invasions are what some of us fear the most. home robberies happening nearly 60,000 times a year. men dressed up like ninjas breaking into a central florida home earlier this year, tying up the homeowner and his friend. >> it was horrible. i've never had a gun pointed at me. >> reporter: so how can you protect your family? don't answer the door for strangers. it's straight-forward. but have you drilled it into your kids? "gma" on the lookout putting them to the test. mom knows we're coming, but her 8-year-old son doesn't. watch as i walk up to the house. hi, is your mom home? yeah? can i talk to her? he answers the door, and the child leaving it wide open. for tiffany, the results are scary. we have never met, i'm a total stranger to you and your family. he answered the door. what do you think? >> makes me second guess everything. >> reporter: she needs a security makeover. we're bringing in former detective, nick. first order of business, a security mirror. when you open the door, immediately you can see if there's somebody standing there. >> exactly. the more you can see, the safer you are. >> reporter: and the flood lights -- >> the sensor may date back to moses and the ark. nick says exterior lights are key. >> the key to security is to keep the outside illuminated and the inside dark. >> reporter: low basement windows could be an easy access point for an intruder. go right into the finished basement. this is where the kids play. >> i think they should be replaced and a bar across them. >> reporter: next tip, always run from dirganger. but have a safe room. >> we recommend an outdated cell phone that can get 911. >> reporter: and keep your car keys right by your bed. that's because if you hear an intruder in the house, set off that car alarm. now tiffany promises to upgrade her security and make sure her kids don't open that door for strangers again. hi, and your hom homom home? >> i think we're going to have a very large stranger danger talk tonight. >> reporter: an important talk indeed. and one more tip, keep your house key on a separate key from the car key. allowing a parking valet to take a picture of the house key and order a duplicate within a matter of minutes. >> never heard of that. >> it's out there. >> you heard it here first on "gma." that's unbelievable. also coming up on "good morning america," inside the divorce hotel. where couples check in married and check out split up. yikes. and those celebrities victimized by a hacker stealing their photos, threat tong sue google for $100 million, claiming the company is benefitting from the scandal. and one woman who defied the odds after she was paralyzed. doing what doctors said was impossible. whefight back withes crelief so smooth....'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. 4 hundred million vacation days go unused every year. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. they're paid vacation days. if you guys agreed to travel more we'll all do better in school. we'll have a better understanding of other cultures. i will learn to parler français. oui oui. we're not asking for much we just want one more day. 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>> if you're heading out the door now, we have a brand new crash. three cars involved here in san pablo. it's blocking middle lanes and causing delays. all the traffic is in the westbound direction. absolutely packeded from highway absolutely packeded from highway 4 to the de it's the opposite of evolution. the absence of improvement. and the enemy of perfection. which is why you can never stop moving forward. never stop inventing. introducing the mercedes-benz gla. a breakthrough in design, aerodynamics and engineering. because the only way to triumph over decay... is to leave it in its own dust. ♪ jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, sburritos so big, they make severything look smaller.a warm guerrero tortilla.g, they make good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. on thursday, and the new research revealing that the stress you're under could put you on the path to alzheimer's. should you change your lifestyle starting now? and a new way for married couples to save time and money if they're breaking up an exclusive look inside the divorce hotel. and trending big overnight, one direction makes dreams come true. the fan who reached out to the band to help him pull off the proposal of a lifetime. and wait until you see what happened. all that and jennifer garner and emma thompson here live as we say -- >> good morning, america. and right out there in times square right now, ty pennington, our buddy. getting everyone revved up. here with emeril, trying to set a guinness world record. the world's tallest pancake stack. >> move that pancake. >> emeril is with the guinness official who will be making the final measurement. the stack will have to be more than two feet, five inches high. got a lot of cooking to do and get out there. >> i love it. going to be eating -- >> i want that. and tory johnson is here for a very special pink edition of deals and steals. and a percentage of each purchase going to breast cancer charities. love that. >> you got to love that. great deals. starting at just under $10. up to 79% off. how does she do it? and just for the "gma" viewers. we're talking about bracelets, bags, so much more. >> bargains every thursday. that's coming up. first the news. good morning, everyone. and begin with new details about the first ebola patient on u.s. soil. this morning the family of thomas eric duncan has been ordered to stay at home and not have any visitors as duncan fights for his life. 80 people may are have had contact with duncan, that's up from 12 to 18 people yesterday. that includes five children. local schools have been scrubbed down. but no one monitored is showing any symptoms right now. meanwhile, the virus continues to spread in west africa. an average of five people are infected every hour in sierra lyonne. and now enterovirus which starts like the common cold but can turn series. a 10-year-old rhode island girl is the fourth death linked to the virus nationwide. but officials are not sure what role that virus played in three of the deaths. and past allegations against a man charged with kidnapping university of virginia student hannah graham. jesse matthew was twice accused of assault when he was a student at two colleges. they have linked his dna to a 20-year-old student murdered in 2009. he is awaiting his court date. a police officer in tallahassee, florida, has been placed on leave after tasing a 62-year-old woman in the back as she was walking away. the woman fell face first on to the street and charged with resisting arrest. she approached the officers to ask about someone who had just been arrested. a lawyer representing more than a dozen female celebrities who's nude images were hacked is threatening to sue google for $100 million. it's the biggest celebrity hacking in history, with jennifer lawrence, selena gomez, and they are accusing the internet giant from removing them from youtube and blogspot. no word from google. when you have an intch, you have to scratch it. this black bear has all the moves. he's enjoying himself. that sturdy tree, the best back scratcher in the woods. they posted this on facebook, and it's already gotten a million shares by people watching it. >> he's getting after it. >> got an itch. >> and in human world, we can just do this. when you're a bear, you have to rely on -- >> i was looking at the bear going, "magic mike" moves. watch that video and steal a little something. >> the back scratch. >> the back scratch. that's my new movie. >> signature movie, michael. i like it. >> eye on the prize. >> it's a long few months until that movie comes out. >> sure is. switch gears to health news. stress is tied to increased alzheimer's later in life. mara schiavocampo has the details. >> i can't believe ridiculous people -- >> reporter: stress for so many of us and for "modern family's" claire dempsey, part of life. >> who would take the kids to practice and recitals and keep them from burning the house down? >> reporter: but more than just an annoyance? a new study finds increased stress for middle-aged women is associated with increased risk of alzheimer's disease. following 800 women between the ages of 38 and 54 for almost four decades. overall, 104 women developed alzheimer's disease. but the rate was much higher for women who were stressed out. of the 63 with the highest levels of stress, 16 eventually developed al swriemers. in the more laid back group, half that number. eight women developed the disease. >> they're just looking at this association between it and alzheimer alzheimer's. it is not causation. we need more studies to look at risk factors. >> reporter: researchers note that personality could affect exercise, nutrition and social interactions and may lead to alzheimer alzheimer's. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> a lot to think about there. "pop news" and weather coming up. but robin is in the social square. >> here's a look at what's coming up on the morning menu. how one direction, i'm telling you, the story of one young man's life. the video trending big right now. and the divorce hotel. how couples are saving big on splitting up. and deals and steals going pink. a good cause, going to breast cancer charities. and we have ty and emeril coming up. it's the pancake stack. here's some of them. you have to go higher than that. that's a short stack. maple syrup, anyone? it will all make sense live here on "gma." ah! mpkin pancakes. first of all, they're light and fluffy, topped with pumpkin whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and only $4.99. second of all, they're light and fluffy, topped with pumpkin whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and only $4.99. [bell rings] waitress: welcome to denny's! enjoy more playtime, and help keep him healthy with solutions at petsmart. now, buy any dog or cat gnc® pet supplement, get the second one for 50% off! only at petsmart®. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleep iq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98 know better sleep with sleep number. ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. [ girl ] there are man-eating sharks in every ocean... but we still swim. every second, somewhere in the world, lightning strikes... but we still play in the rain. poisonous snakes can be found in 49 of the 50 states, but we still go looking for adventure. a car can crash... a house can crumble... but we still drive... and love coming home. because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life... they can't stop us from making our lives... good. ♪ ♪ . okay. bradley. we would like to -- we would like for your girlfriend -- go ahead. [ cheering ] >> i love that, everybody. there's one direction, harry styles. he stepped up to help one lucky guy propose to his girlfriend. and this video is trending big online right now. it's fans watching bradley pop the question at the concert wednesday, and she said yes. yes. good job, bradley. he got the ball rolling tuesday. he tweeted the band to help him out. then he posted this photo after the show. there he is with his new fiance, his sister and harry styles. the man who helped them. he popped that question. and i'm asking you -- >> i like that. that transition was lovely. i'll tell you what's popping. here we go. some very exciting baby news to report this morning. ashton kutcher and mila kunis popped out a baby girl. welcoming her on tuesday. people magazine confirming the wonderful news that the little girl is here and healthy. that's a quote from the parents. the former "that '70s show" co-stars are engaged. kunis planning to scale back on work once the little one arrived and planning to be a full-time m mom. no word on the name. but a loly young couple. but in pop news, a case of lost and not yet found. they found an engagement ring in melbourne, australia. if you were in melbourne, please listen up. an engagement ring found. nobody has claimed it. no one's come back looking for it. so the airline took to social media, asking their 150,000 twitter followers if they had lost anything. they're not sharing a picture of the sparkler. a good thing. the unlucky passenger has not been found. one twitter follower found an idea for a script. now writing a romantic comedy called "terminal love." if you know the ownering with contact virgin australia on social media. >> maybe they lost it on purpose. >> i was going to say that. >> why bring that up, michael? why you of all people? >> i look at everything. i'm a full-circle thinker. >> this is an investigative reporter. looks at the facts. >> yes. this one's for you, strahan. and joe, tough enough to get the blocking, hands so soft, he can catch the ball and take a all the way. but that's not sidelined mr. fauria last weekend. he has a soft heart. he was taken down chasing his puppy. when the team doctor was not able to come to the house, he went to the engineer, and the cat was out of the bag. there's the culprit. he said the pomeranian and husky up couldn't hold it. he said come here, you little nugget. and he did not come ply. he fumbled, down the stairs. he's got a hurt ankle. the up has an instagram page. my popularity was inevitable, just wish it wasn't because i peeed in theo house. >> my daughters wanted one of those. >> any time you get hurt and not on the football field, go to work and act like you got hurt there. walk in like it's normal, whatever pain. oh, my ankle. do it at work. >> that would not make a better story. >> yeah, the little four-pound puppy. >> and on the field, it got escalated. you got hurt by a puppy? come on, man. >> inside picture. >> lie. >> heat index coming up. ginger has a check of the weather right now. >> i do. and great lakes coming on this morning. i found ladies from wisconsin from what part? >> veroqua. >> oh, i thought you were going to say green bay. that's a suburb of it. check on downtown dallas. go south. and this morning, the temperatures in the upper 70s, the dew points are in the upper 70s. dallas is included in the severe storm threat risk area today. going up to chicago. and as far east as memphis. that's an area that you want to watch out for. someone just tweeted me and said i'm in boston, i want to take my dog out, when is it going to hello, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast, with a dangerous heat developing fed but the air quality is okay. the heat be subside and by next week we have the marine layer back with morning clouds and afternoon sunshine and seasonal temperatures fought like the mid-80's along the coast into san francisco nearly 90 around the bay shore and low-to-mid 90's inland but we will cool off with a lot of 50's and 6 >> you know one of my favorite things out here is birthdays, of course. but she has the statue of liberty on her nails. >> nice touch. thank you. kicking off the heat index. the best job perk you have never heard of. i never heard of it, a pre-ca trt ion. offering new hires before starting the job. >> a start date -- >> got to like that. >> you get paid. >> that was the big difference. slate, breaking it down, one ceo says it helps new employees feel refreshed and ready to get to work. americans work longer days and take less vacation than anyone in the industrialized world. >> management. >> but the ceo finds his employees are more productive when they feel their boss cares about their well-being. it is a little bit different than starting your start date a little bit different. but to have vacation, and your boss says glad to have you here. >> nice bonus. >> wonderful bonus. >> i would be happy. >> one month in, then doing it. just to regroup and assess what you needed to focus on. i don't know. whnc >> when you go from one job to another, you need the transition time. >> exactly. >> lara is asking for a vacation a month. also this morning, turns out being creative up against the clock is not a good combo. new research to be published in the journal of personality and social psychology. those who work under a time crunch are less creative and happy. people with strict schedules were more efficient, but felt the clock was external, making them feel less in control. even the presence of a clock at the office can get in the way of creative thinking. that's interesting. i feel like i'm always with the phones, i'm always looking at the time. i always feels that puts me in control. >> when you have to get it done. >> we want to hear from you. working with a deadline? tweet us #socialsquare. and the heat index this morning, amal alamuddin's custom wedding down getting so much buzz. and now a version for those who want to dress like her. isabelle armstrong, featuring an off the shoulder dress called andrea. the look-alike will be available in select department stores starting saturday. that's quick work. nicely done there. her version is not cheap, guys. it's still pricey, oh, wow. it's still $7,000. who's paying $7,000? >> for a knockoff? $7,000? >> i was thinking we were going to say $700 maybe. i'm a fan of $199. you're wearing it once, people. >> my -- it's like the guy with the suit here, and it was a good idea until he said it was like 400 bucks. >> sir. >> it's a special one. >> oh, well. and now for the morning stir. today with an exclusive look inside the divorce hotel. exactly what it sounds like. a resort hotel for couple chores going to split. >> reporter: good morning. you check in married, and check out divorced. all for a flat fee. divorce hotel is a concept that began in the netherlands with a reality show. now it's here. and we were there for their first mediation on u.s. soil. we've seen some of hollywood's hottest married couples dissolve into hollywood's hottest uh-ohs and have lengthy divorces. demi moore and ashton kutcher, eight months to finalize. and kim kardashian's marriage. and gibson losing $425 million to his ex-wife. annually it's tens of billions of dollars on divorces and takes up to a year. but does divorce need to drain so much time and money. for jonathan and katherine, married 20 years with four kids. wedded bliss. >> it was great, bought our first car and house together. >> reporter: soon led to wedded woes when he started working seven days a week. >> i wasn't happy. he's there, but he's not there. >> reporter: but instead of heading to the courtroom, they're off to the divorce hotel. the first and only in the country. call it the go-to program for quickie weekend divorces. >> we want this negative situation to be as positive as possible. so divorce hotel was just a good fit. so pretty. >> reporter: and while it may seem like the perfect couple getaway, at this hotel you check in married -- >> welcome to divorce hotel. >> reporter: and check out divorced. >> i want to keep the truck. >> i'm not paying for a truck i'm not driving. >> reporter: over the next two days this colorado couple will try to dissolve the marriage with the help of a mediator. just minutes before the session, i caught up with them. how did you sleep? >> really well. >> reporter: are you ready for the process emotionally? >> i don't think anyone can be ready for the process emotionally. >> sell the house and both move. >> reporter: it's off to a rocky start. >> i'm pick aupg debt on a truck that i think should be sold. >> but we didn't say you're picking it up yet. >> reporter: will this unprecedented approach have a successful ending. >> you look uncomfortable. to want take a break? >> okay. >> reporter: now the mediator navigates the process, making the decision when they can't settle. they have to agree to the process beforehand. i was in the room, a lot of tense moments. >> they are in separate rooms at the hotel. >> travels together, didn't stay together. >> if they know what they want, can be a lot cheaper. >> between 3500 and $10,000. for the couple that wants to settle it amicably. >> see how it ends tonight on "nightline." and now to robin. for breast cancer awareness month, tory janiohnson is here h deals that give back. at least 15% going to cancer charities. >> at least. and all the details and the charities at >> the people you work with are wonderful. >> you're going to save a lot of money and support a great cause. this is a big assortment of pink, variety of pink, five different options. depending on the style you like. and amazing prices. normally 38 to $95, these are slashed by 50 to 71%. 19 to $28. aren't they beautiful? >> they're beautiful. also a big hit. what do we have? >> another big hit. the company we love, genuine leather, buttery leather. so soft. >> like butter. >> it's all in blush. it's the big blush collection. big assortment of accessories to choose from. normally 45 to $425. these are off by 79%. $9.50 to $89. isn't that beautiful? >> great there. >> gorgeous quality. another "gma" favorite. forever princess. what i love about these, it's a little girl's outfit and the doll matching outfit. how adorable is that? it will fit your girl. the equivalent of an american girl doll or a similar-sized doll. so precious, matching. there's a big, big assortment of styles to choose from from extra small to extra large. the prices on the website. huge savings. normally, $79, slashed by 75%, 20 bucks. >> and now -- >> okay. the nest fragrance. they are amazingly generous. they give 20%. this just won a prestigious award from this impressi ivive fragrance foundation. the candle or the diffuser, slashed in half, $14 to very 19. >> and before you come up there -- >> and it lasts a very long time. >> last but not least. >> delicate one there. cozy bags. these are embellished totes. you get to mix and match the color of the tote and the embellishment of your choice. five options. starting at $58. isn't that one? that's a fun one. we didn't show here, but on wednesday we wear pink, but on thursdays too. normally, but slashed, so just $20 to $22 for a big assortment. >> you have done it. and you are great in pink. thank you to the companies for providing these great deals. head to coming up, we will be back. now from abc 7 news. >> good morning. developing news in the south bay. santa clara police surprised a suspected thief inside his home. the victim is being treated at a hospital. officers found the suspect hiding near the victim's home on cabrio avenue. that man remains in custody. let's get an update on your morning commute with leyla gulen. >> we have an accident still causing big problems here. this is in the the east bay. a lot of fluid is dumped in the roadways. also as we take a look at concord. we do have a pedestrian hit here at the intersection. a lot of activity. good morning. the big story today, the heat advisory. most dangerous heat will start around noon and last through friday evening at 9:00. that's when it will start to subside. everybody, even out to the beaches included in this heat advisory. 80s and more 90s will take over tomorrow. you can see the 80s, mid 80s along the coast in san francisco. throughout the bay shore and low 90s inland. check out the accuweather 7 day forecast. the heat will reach 100 tomorrow inland. and then we'll see the cooling hit the coast look at that. times square has been taken over by pancake stackers. emeril lagasse and ty pennington, flipping and stacking with their friends attempting to break the guinness record. >> exactly, right? >> tell about the new show which is called "on the menu." and i know it's about stacking and not taste. but i did have a taste of those -- oh. >> yum. >> tasty, tasty. and we also have multi-talented emma thompson in the social square. so happy to see her. the oscar winner is here to talk about her other job. she moonlights as a children's author. i love peter rabbit. i love those books, and my daughter too. now bringing this character to life that we grew up. but inside to george with a special guest. actor jennifer garner, bringing a kid's classic to life. "alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day" on the big screen now. in this version, everyone's having a bad day. take a look. >> things were a little bad today. >> i know. what is it? >> it's marker. it's fine. how did it go? how was the reading? >> it was awful. i think i pretty much flushed by career down the potty. >> what happened? >> never mind. can i have the wipes? >> uh-uh -- >> sorry. >> dad. >> sorry. >> i told you the day was cursed. >> sorry. >> and jennifer garner with us now, every parent watching that, i have been there. >> for sure. >> not a real stretch to play this role, right? >> no, i could so relate to the chaos of this family's lives. they're all getting ready one morning, and the baby's not wearing a diaper. and you know what happens there. and the orange juice falls out of the fridge and they're late for school and work. when we were shooting it, i thought, yep, i can go deep right here. >> we have all read this book to our kids. it's so great. >> such a great book. i've read it to my kids. i've read it forever. and, you know, obviously it's not a tome. so you wonder how is going to be adapted? but the writers did such a great job taking the idea and expanding on it and making it something everyone can relate to. >> and you finally got to work with steve carell. you wanted to for a long time, right? >> i wanted to work with steve. people were saying to me, you are going to love steve carell. and i worked with him and he was better and more than i hoped. little he's such a nice guy. >> he is just the coolest, nicest guy. and hilarious in the movie. >> you did your best to get a rise out of him on set. ics you guys both share something. you both went to dennison? >> yes, we both went to dennison university in granville, ohio, at different times. i called the bookstore and had anything printed that had dennison on it and hide stuff all over the set. and steve was just -- one day i had the whole crew wearing dennison sweats, caps. he doesn't see anything. >> and what a treat to work with dick van dyke. >> such a treat. he's a legend. he did "chim chim cher-ee" with me between takes. which is a real highlight of my life. yeah. >> we have a lot of questions coming in on twitter. there he is right there. kristen wanted to know, how do you balance work and motherhood? >> i'll let you know when i figure it out. i don't think there is such a thing as balance. you have to go easy on yourself and be where you are. today i know in my head that my kids are going to wake up soon in l.a. and start to get ready for school. but i know that they're taken care of. i'm going to be here and have a good time. >> you know they're going to be okay. i know you're not a big fan of social media. you're not on twitter, you're not on instagram. but you're in another movie called "men, women and children" that looks at what's going on with that. >> it's directed by jason wrightman who did "juno" and "up in the air" and "young adult." he's such an incredible guy and great director. this movie is very different from "alexander." it asks you to look at how you are relating to people and connecting to people. now that social media and the internet and everything else is in your life. >> i can not wait to see it. your whole family has a lot going on. you have two movie this is month, ben has "gone girl" coming up this weekend. >> you cannot escape the afflecks right now. >> and we don't want to. and cannot wait to see this as well. "alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day" opens next friday. thanks a lot for coming in. >> thank you. >> you can go to "gma" and enter the "alexander" sweepstakes to win a family trip to hawaii. it's on "good morning america" on yahoo. now to ginger with a final check of the weather. >> see all of these pancakes? i have been eating the whole morning. skipping ahead. so we got people -- look down the line. how many have you made so far? at least a couple dozen. or more. they all wait in line. this is great. let's get straight to the forecast. i'll give you some pancakes. what's happening in missouri. heavy rains and severe storms in some places. more than 60 reports. today we showed you the severe weather threat. but there's also a flood threat. especially where you see red or yellow. some of the storms could have rain. over 4 inches when they come through quick like that. from missouri and arkansas up to michigan. that's the big picture. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, warm sunshine and dangerous heat coolest at coast in san francisco and low-to-upper 80's and low-to-mid 90's inland. the seven-day forecast shows the heat >> now you call it a flapjack or a pancake? pancake, robin. we got that settled. >> yes, you do. thank you. we appreciate that very much. the best-selling memoir about surviving breast cancer, "the silver lining," has a companion guide. and the best news is it's absolutely free. author holly jacobs and the chairman and ceo of allstate, tom wilson, are teaming up to give it to any person in the u.s. diagnosed with breast cancer this year. both here to tell us about it. great to see you, holly. wonderful to meet you, tom. we're talking about 250,000 people on average in the u.s. are diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and they will get this beautiful guide free. first of all, how is recovery, holly? >> thanks for asking. i'm great. i'm doing so great. so happy to be here. >> good to have you back. you were here in the spring, and telling us what you were doing. and the beautiful book that you have with your photographer. >> exactly. >> tell us about the companion guide here. >> the companion guide is a condensed version of the original book, and it provides all of the really valuable lifelines and practical matters that anyone who is facing breast cancer will be helped by. >> and you come from, you know -- as a thriver, because you know we like to say thriver. survivor is great, but thriver. a social worker, nurse, you come from it in all different directions. and you have teamed up with allstate. you are approached all the time, what was it about holly and this project in particular? >> i want us to be a different kind of company. be a force for good. so when you can help women not be alone during this cancer journey. that obviously fits. with holly, our success is all about people. you know, she is just fabulous. she's motivated and gone from finding her own silver lining to helping other people find theirs. how can that not be a success? >> i remember when she was here, she wanted to give it away. and her publisher is like, no, no, no, you have to sell. you wanted to do this because it is invaluable. it's like a workbook as well, isn't it? how does it help people who are diagnosed? >> it provides the information you don't necessarily hear about. it's kind of like your girlfriend that can be a companion with you throughout every step of the process. it includes information like the questions to ask at your doctor's appointments. what to pack for chemo. how to talk to your children. what to do with hot flashes, which i might have in a minute. all of the really valuable things that you don't necessarily hear about are in this book. i use my professional experience and my personal experience to try and channel all of that information here. >> and when you read the book, it's like you're talking to holly. you're just -- you know, i've known her for a while. but you read it, and it also has lessons which go well beyond breast cancer. it's how to be the real you. how to open up to people. and i think that's applicable to all kinds of things. >> that's a really good point. and how people who are going through something like this are not going to feel alone, and neither are the people around them. tom, that was something that struck you too. it's not just for the person going through it, but those who are their support system. >> everybody. if you have a family member or friend with breast cancer, you should read the book. it's not just 250,000 people. they probably each touch 10 or 20 other people. it's available free to everybody. you don't have to do anything. just get on the website and get. >> some people are saying, how do you find the silver lining? how have you done that? >> silver linings are in small and big ones. for me, it was the hummingbird outside my window because i was too sick to stand. to the ultimate silver lining, being able to help people who have to follow me down this path. and i think there's no better silver lining than that. but silver linings provide the balance and perspective and hope to get through some of the most difficult of circumstances. >> and we have seen that. we saw that yesterday. we had our go pink program. and it was wonderful to see all these men and women who are going through it but finding that silver lining in some kind of way. and you are going to provide that for them. tom and holly, wonderful. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> perfect timing to do that. and "the silver lining companion guide" is available on allstate's website. check that out. coming up, oscar winner emma thompson is here live. come back for that. great morning. jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, sburritos so big, they make severything look smaller.a warm guerrero tortilla.g, they make just sitting here talking to the one and only emma thompson. the only person to win academy awards for both acting and writing. not too shabby. she also does a different type of writing. her third book for children about the world's most beloved bunny. the "spectacular tale of peter rabbit." and there he is, the one and only peter. i can't tell you how thrilled i was to see you brought back this character who i remember reading with my parents, and kate and i love the naughty fox. that's what we have in common. >> and mr. today. >> yeah. >> i know, well i know them all very well. >> yes. >> and love them so much. because my dad used to read me -- but he used to edit quite conspicuously. he'd be quite wanting to get downstairs for a beer. he'd cut. you left out the bit about the bow. he'd go back. but you know how it happened? peter rabbit wrote to me personally. >> i was reading that you got a letter from peter, via the publisher. >> yes. in a little box. it was in brown paper with half-eaten radishes. i wouldn't have dared to follow beatrix potter and pay this kind of homage to her if i had been sent a proper letter. but they were so clever and creative, all the correspondence i have in relation to the book is with peter. and i kind of think he really exists, you know. >> well, it seems -- i was a big fan of beatrix potter. i've read books on her. and she felt he existed and he does to so many of us. so in this new book, how you advance the story. with his pal, benjamin bunny, i think his cousin, and they're told not to go to the fair. and what does that mean? like any good child, they go. >> they wouldn't actually go, just passing it. and then, of course, they go and get into terrible, terrible difficulty. >> that's what we love. and you are naughty too. you and i have spoken off camera. is that what attracts you to this character? >> yes, he's anarchy. you know? he's basically anti-authoritarian. and so am i. >> you don't say. >> yeah. and so -- he's just -- i love him. and benjamin bunny is slightly more timid and following peter. >> when you go into readings, tell everybody, you have a specific question to ask children. >> what's the naughtiest thing you have ever done? >> and you have great answers. >> great answers. well, i tell them that the naughtiest thing my mother ever did was to whittle into the laundry basket once. an act of -- she was very young, obviously. she was 7 or something. i told a little girl yesterday morning in manchester. and she said i pulled up a wall. i pulled up a wall -- i said that's more of a talent, i would have thought. how on earth did you manage that? fantastic stuff you hear. >> it is. it's magical. the other thing we to want congratulate you on is your success in "sweeney todd." i want to -- we have some video. this is you with brin terfel and you are singing at lincoln center. >> don't make me watch this. >> do you not to want to take a look at this? you're amazing. your reviews were amazing. >> do it and i'll just -- ♪ was the word ♪ yes, yes, i love ♪ we played -- >> you can sing, you can write and we know you can act. i can't wait to see what's up next. i was reading, you've got your plate is full. and thank you for bringing back one of all of our favorites. >> oh, you're so welcome. >> make him naughtier, even. >> really. >> it's emma thompson. >> right. >> so joining the occupy movement. >> whatever you're feeling. >> that would be good. >> bring it out. >> i mean, -- >> we love you. >> thank you so much. >> great to see you. >> god, i'm really -- i'm so traumatized. >> stop it. the voice is incredible. everybody, emma thompson has written "the spectacular tale of peter rabbit" on sale now. and up next, pancakes. are you hungry? emeril and ty, cooking it up. >> yeah! >> oh, yeah! checked bag. i love having a fe with my united mileageplus explorer card. i have saved $75 in checked bag fees. priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. i love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the us. when i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family which means a lot to me. ♪ ♪ look at this. serious pancake operation here in times square. i mean, this is big business here. pancake business. we have emeril here, he doesn't need a last name. emeril is just the singular. emeril. and ty pennington as well. you are stacking pancakes -- >> trying to break the record. >> on top of pancakes, all morning. trying break the guinness record for the tallest pancake stack. over two feet five inches tall. you are almost there. it looks like the leaning tower of pisa right now. >> it's tilting too much. it's scary. >> we have to get that up to the world record. do that in just a moment. you two are here, though, because you have a new show together, "on the menu." tell me about it, ty. >> it's a competition show where every day home cooks get a shot at not only a $25,000 prize, but also putting their dish on the menu of america's favorite restaurants. and the cool thing is, it airs friday night, you can go to the restaurant on saturday and order it. >> isn't that cool? >> that's so cool. >> you can taste what you see on a food show. it's never happened before. >> you know what i want to taste right now? what you have been making all morning. >> they're good. >> these are pumpkin pecan pancakes. one of my favorites. and very simple. all-purpose flour. you can get the recipe on "gma." so don't worry about that. you don't have to stress out about -- >> i'm going to go there now. >> ty is going to break the record right now. >> right now. >> we're making the pancakes. >> cinnamon, spice and brown sugar. a little bit of baking powder, baking soda. and just some regular -- start with the dry ingredients first. okay? >> yep. >> mix all of that in there. then to two eggs. what we're going to do is whisk a little bit of melted butter. >> okay. >> and then if you would like to pour the buttermilk for me. >> i would tlof pour that but r buttermilk in. >> nice and rich and creamy. now we're going to add the liquid to the dry. and we're going to add our pumpkin filling in here. and that's our batter. and basically what you want to do is either on a griddle or basically in a pan with butter, yeah, we're going to start right here. look at that. there's the batter. and cook them until they're nice and golden brown on both sides. absolutely delicious. >> i have already had one, as you can see. "on the menu" premiers tomorrow on tnt. and you can get this recipe on on yahoo!. stick around to see if ty and emeril can break the world re is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. ♪ all right. we're about to make pancake history. world pancake history. ty, you're going to put the final pancake. >> yes, here we go. going on right now. >> easy, easy. >> whoa. >> i think we got it. we got it? can we get a measurement? here we go. >> she is measuring the stack. >> guinness record. >> yes. >> that's a record. >> we broke the record? >> yes. so the previous record stands at two feet ten inches. today, after much anticipation, i verified that tnt's "on the menu" team broke the record with two feet ten and a quarter inch. >> all right. >> all of these pancakes will be donated to the soup kitchen as soon as we're done. that's right. >> thanks so much. congratulations. have a great day. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. now from abc 7 news. >> good morning, i'm matt keller. meteorologist mike nicco has the bay area forecast. mike? >> big story, matt. dangerous heat will develop today at noon through 9:00 friday evening. and it does include our beaches, where the the 90s should make it there tomorrow. 80s and 90s. today mainly 80s at the coast. san francisco and san mateo. the relief hits the beaches saturday. starts to move through the bay sunday, and finally inland by tuesday. leyla? >> mike, we have a multi-vehicle crash in san jose. this is in the southbound direction on 280 own saratoga avenue. it is blocking a lane. you can see the traffic northbound. westbound 580, there's a crash out there. announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." day, from the new film "alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day," jennifer garner. and a performance from country superstar blake shelton. plus, your questions and comments when the co-hosts open up the inbox. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141003

big house. what they said in court that may have sealed their fate. and why is one of the sexiest men alive turning so many women off right now. adam levine under fire for his graphic new music video. will turning it into an animal make it hard to be loved? and good morning, america. we have a lot going on this friday morning. let's get right to the urgent fight against ebola on two fronts right now. in africa, that american journalist right there and his team being evacuated this morning. >> and at the same time that first american patient with ebola fighting for his life in a dallas hospital as health officials are racing to track down as many as 100 people who may have been exposed to the deadly disease in the dallas area. and we begin with the latest on the american journalist exposed to ebola. dr. richard besser is in monrovia right in the middle of the hot zone. >> reporter: this morning, ashoka mukpo, working in liberia for three years hired by nbc news as part of a four-person team reporting on the disease. very next day he was feeling tired and achy with a slightly raised temperature. he tested positive for the virus 12 hours later. he is from providence, rhode island, his father, a pulmonary critical care doctor. >> whatever i do with my life, i want it to be about making the world a little bit of a better place. >> reporter: has been working in liberia for three years. reporting on the ebola epidemic ravaging this country. like this post he wrote about patients at the very place he was treated. the next day he wrote on facebook how his time in monrovia showed him how unpredictable and fraught with danger life can be. >> and joining us now, as you said in the piece, he's been in liberia for three years. do we know how he might have contracted ebola? >> reporter: we don't have that information. we have learned that he seems to be stable, to be doing well. but he has been here for a long time. he has been covering the story pretty intensively for many different news outlets. it's different than the situation we have been in. where we have been here for the past week. >> and the entire nbc crew will be coming back, quarantined for 21 days. you're going to be leaving the country in a couple of hours as well. tell us the precautions you're going to take as you return. >> reporter: well, you know, it doesn't start with when we return. i have expertise in this. the entire time we've been here, i have been following the recommendations. so when we were covering patients with ebola, we were wearing protective gear in those units. let my cameramen or producer go into the areas. we never went in the home with ebola, never shook hands with anyone or touched anyone here. we have been very careful about that. but we'll be screened at the airport. make sure we don't have a fever on the way home. the important thing to remember about ebola, it's very different from things like the flu or even the common cold. this doesn't spread unless you have symptoms. and then only with contact with body fluids. what we do when we leave, we come back and follow those cdc recommendations. we'll take our temperature twice a day to see if we're developing a fever. if we do, we know what to do according to the recommendations. call a health care provider. we wouldn't go anywhere without them being ready. don't call for quarantine, but they call for monitoring. so we'll do that. and by doing that, we'll be able to keep ourselves, but as importantly, with everyone around us safe. >> no quarantine unless you develop symptoms. >> reporter: exactly. exactly. and that's why ebola can be wiped out. it's a disease that people have so looking for very early signs. that's what they'll do in texas, looking for any early signs of the disease. that's when you isolate, you test them, and that means the disease doesn't spread from that person to anyone else. >> thanks very much. travel safe. amy. thank you, and now the latest on the intense effort to prevent ebola from spreading here. the first victim's family is under quarantine, the police watching over the home. and the number of people who may have come in contact with him has grown. abc's cecilia vega is in dallas with the very latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning. that web of potential ebola victims growing out here. health officials say as many as 100 people may have come into contact with the man who has this potentially deadly disease. disease detectives now in a race to find out how many people might have been infected by the ebola patient fighting for his life in this dallas hospital. >> this is an emergency message from the city of dallas. >> reporter: warnings going out by phone to more than 11,000 residents. >> while this may be concerning, no ongoing danger to your health. >> reporter: now a police officer stationed outside the apartment complex where thomas eric duncan stayed after arriving from liberia. miss family quarantined, ordered by law to stay inside after they tried to leave. losing power during a storm thursday night, walkways hosed down. duncan's wife under quarantine, expressing frustration to cnn saying the sheets duncan slept on while he was contagious remain inside the apartment. >> only the tulle is in the plastic bag. but the rest of the stuff is on the bed. everything is on the bed. >> reporter: his brother calling him courageous. >> intelligent, loves to help people. very open. he is just kind of a courageous person. >> reporter: and this morning, even more children potentially exposed to ebola than previously thought. texas school officials saying as many as eight children had contact with duncan. this e-mail going out to parents overnight saying the school district is operating at a heightened awareness. also, overnight, the hospital treating duncan, revealing it has identified a flaw in the way duncan's medical records were handled. the glitch causing the travel history from liberia to not be revealed to doctors when he came to the hospital sick. and the airlines notifying as many as 400 people possibly on the planes, referring them to the cdc in what the airline calls an abundance of caution. and liberian authorities with plans to prosecute duncan, accusing him of lying about not having any contact with an ebola patient in order to leave the country in the first place. health officials had a difficult time getting a cleanup crew to go inside that apartment where duncan has been staying. a hazmat crew has been hired but the toughest part is the family that is quarantined inside may have to be relocated, first. george. >> thank you. and now the director of the cdc dr. freiden joins us. why so difficult to get a cleanup crew there? >> it's the first time we're having ebola in this country. the challenges are real, what to do with the waste, how to dispose of it. and we want to make sure everything is done correctly. i'm confident that will get sorted out today. >> we have heard about a hundred people may have come into contact with the patient. what can you tell us about this universe and what you're doing? >> you can't get it from a person unless he's sick. from the 24th to the 28th, and all the community contacts and the health care-associated contacts. we have found around 100 people who not had contact but who we are assessing and finding some who may have had either a little or more than a little contact with this individual and therefore may be at risk. and every one of those individuals will be monitored every day for 21 days. >> and is any sign of ebola shown up in any of these contacts? >> no, absolutely not. the incubation period is usually around 8 to 10 days. it can be as little as 2, as much as 21 days. we know we can stop it by rapidly isolating anyone showing symptoms and getting them treated as well. >> there's so much fear out there, what do you say to americans why are we letting anyone travel here from west africa? >> i understand that. if we tried to seal the border, first off, it wouldn't work. second off, it would backfire. it wouldn't work, people are allowed to travel. americans returning, people transiting through, from other places. and it would backfire. making it harder to provide the assistance to stop the outbreak. we want zero risk, but the only way we'll get to zero risk is by stopping it in africa. that is where the battle has to be won. >> going forward, more ebola cases here in the united states? >> it's certainly not impossible that other people would come back from having been exposed and having developed ebola here. but what we're doing is making sure everyone who leaves is screened for fever before they leave and alerting doctors throughout the u.s. and health care teams to think about ebola and ask about travel. >> thanks very much for your time this morning. >> thank you. and we will have more sunday on "this week." amy. now to the severe weather overnight. powerful storms slamming the midwest. wind gusts as high as 100 miles an hour. causing major damage. this is a live look at arlington, texas. hit hard. ginger is tracking it. >> fierce storms. not just in texas, you're in your car, stopped in your tracks. you see the construction cones, just barreling across. it was a rough one, not only there in texas but more than 200 severe storm reports anywhere from oklahoma, kansas, all of the way up to western kentucky, parts of illinois, so much damage including the ones right there in arlington, texas where the roofs are ripped off, schools are closed, and we saw most of the damage. check it out. >> wow. look at the damage. >> reporter: violent winds tearing across texas. reports over 100 miles an hour in some parts. in arlington, the skyline lighting up, transformers blowing. nearly 300,000 people wake up in the lonestar state without power. >> i was scared. i didn't know what to do. so i just closed my door. >> reporter: this morning, arlington baptist college, roofless. cars crushed, debris littering the parking lot. the storm snapping and tossing branchs in dallas. rain falling so hard highway driving nearly impossible. in fort worth, a brick wall crashing down, demolishing cars. >> by the time we took cover, it was all over. >> reporter: and in waco, windows blowing out, stores destroyed. winds tossing the semi. people at the county fair scrambling for cover. this morning the lines still strong storms from new orleans up to chicago. it will move through parts of michigan right there through the mid-south. and as we go into friday night and early saturday morning, it makes its way into the northeast. so anywhere from north carolina up to the i-95 corridor. look for that. early morning travel is going to be rough on saturday into saturday afternoon. now the chilly weekend that comes behind. thought i had to mention it. because, yes, it's that cold. 30s, for so many people, we'll be in the 40s in new york city. but still, put a little wind on that, it's going to fee raw. >> don't. >> all right, thanks so much. now to "gma" weekend anchor dan harris with the other top developing stories. >> hey, guy, good morning. happy friday. we're going to start with america's largest bank revealing what could be this country's worst financial cyberattack. jpmorgan chase saying 76 million household accounts compromised since a data breach over the summer and 7 million small business accounts. hackers stole e-mail addresses and phone numbers putting those account-holders at risk for scams. but customer money is safe. no evidence of account numbers stolen. look at this high-speed chase in california. a man driving a stolen truck leading police through four counties for nine minutes he crashes over and flips before finally surrendering. turns out he was wanted in connection with ten bank robberies. president obama is now promising that immigration reform will come this year. overnight he told the hispanic congressional group he will use his executive authority to overhaul immigration policies sometime after the mid term elections but before the end of the year. good news for the millions of americans looking for work. the economy created 248,000 jobs last month. far more than analysts predicted. the unemployment rate dropping to 5.9%, which is the lowest in more than six years. a possible break through this morning in hong kong. crowds demanding democratic reforms. the city's leader has agreed to hold talks, but refuses to resign. and some protesters have threatened to occupy government buildings. in well, well, well news, looks like us little people aren't the only ones who run afoul of the big banks. ben bernanke recently tried to refinance his mortgage. and he got denied. the lender questioned his credit because he changed jobs recently. you step down from the fed and that counts as a credit demerit. bernanke says banks have gone a little too far in setting such credit conditions. you think? and finally this morning, every time i fill in for amy, i feel it is my duty to include an animal story. behold, the bear cubs stuck in a tree. there are two of them in there. this happened in wisconsin the other day. when wildlife officials arrived, they used a chain saw to cut a window. this cub suffering the indignity with the whoood chips falling o his snout. i wanted to get snout in this morning. they backed off and watched the cubs scamper off to freedom. and animal psychologists tell us the reason the bears ran away is they were embarrassed having become a cliche straight out of "winnie the pooh." >> bear stories are always -- a great way to end the news. >> huge winners. >> you worked hard on that one. >> i really did. all morning. i didn't have much else to do. thank you, thank you. >> dan harris, everybody. >> i'll be here the rest of the morning and monday morning. come on back. >> try the meat loaf, everybody. >> yes. meanwhile, in royal news. the royal family is fighting back against the paparazzi. we are learning this morning about the photographer who prince william is accusing of hounding his little boy. and lama hasan has our story. >> reporter: this morning, the photographer accused of monitoring, following and harassing little prince george and his nanny is revealed as naraj tanner. his lawyers hitting back, denying he broke any laws. >> he will do his job to report on issues of public interest. he will do so, however, entirely within the bounds of the law. >> reporter: william and kate releasing a statement saying their boy george should be allowed as normal a childhood as possible. >> this is to do with intimidation, harassment, and persistent pursuit. >> reporter: it's not the first time the royal couple have complained about the prying paparazzi. remember french magazine "clo r "closer" printing topless images of the duchess? taking legal action and win. they are no stranger to being hounded by photographers. their images are worth big bucks, especially off-duty. >> the prince determined to protect his children and family. and of course you can never forget what happened to his mother and the tragic accident in paris, in which she died being pursued by photographers on scooters. >> reporter: william is determined to not let his family have the same press intrusion. and william feels very passionately about his family. he's experienced a very bitter lessen in the past. and he is the ever-doting father and wants to make sure he's making ever effort to protect his wife, his son george, and their future children. >> thank you so much. he is very clear about that. and yet that's not stopping them from living their life. which i think is very important. they still to want go out. they still want to be with their little boy and have him live a normal life. but photographed on their terms. >> seems reasonable. >> protect the kid. >> protect the kid. you said that -- future king, people. >> possible future king. ginger, talking about the cold weather in the east, different story in the west. >> yes. had to warm everybody up. and we're going to warm folks up a lot. and san francisco, the high today, because of the offshore flow, a heat advisory. 90 there. and there are pockets of heat advisories to san diego, 88, palm springs, 102. fresno, 98. and remember wind gusts, especially in the canyons could reach 45 miles an hour. this will spike the fire danger. they are all prepared and watching for that. heavy rains and storms, of course, moving through the east. this will give you an idea how much to expect. more than an inch or two in a lot of places. the heat will stay inland this weekend as we start to cool the coast. all of that will hit our neighborhoods by tuesday. for today, near 90 along the coast. low to mid-90s for the rest of us. some upper 90s around gilroy and morgan hill. tonight, back in the 50s and 60s. i want to quickly emphasize again, this is today, this is tomorrow. tomorrow is the wettest in new england. >> movie weekend. and coming up on "gma," the raeal housewives stars heading o prison for fraud. what may have sealed their fate. and the man who murdered his wife. prosecutors say it did it to collect almost $1 million in insurance money. adam levine has been called the sexiest man alive, now they'll be turning a lot of people off. i hear it's better to do most of your planting in the fall. what are you, a plant whisperer? maybe. [ male announcer ] select mums now just 3 for $12 at lowe's. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. oh wait, oyou got it?falling.... we need nails. with just five minutes' prep, campbell's slow cooker sauces help you cook a real dinner, right in the middle of real life. dry skin heal it... want to hibernate? ...with nivea extended moisture body lotion. it intensively moisturizes for 48 hours. that's twice as long as the leading lotion claims. soft and smooth all winter... ...with nivea. it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. sze. breaking news inçó san franciscg bayview district. crews are working to clean up afterb. aw3q water7çú at least half a dozen okhomes. i pipe broke around midnight and officials are not sure why. the friday morningjf commut is itó[ friday light? we'll checke1ñi in with d5la gu. >> it's been a busy one as wexd look at the golden gate bridge. we do have a three-carxd crash the left lane going in theg northbound direction so as you leave san francisco you're on the brakes. as you're entering san francisco, we have another three-car crash here%little closer to vermont, but you can see the skyway, it is packed there coming away from bayview 1 boulevard, so very slow going.e1 it'sñi alsow3 sluggish coming o the bay bridge. slow w3everywhere, kristen. >> thanks a lot. all those cars and it's a spare the air df;] we'lllp talk to meteorologis good morning. everybody off to a sunnyçó stbb like we're seeing down here on 87 in san jose. this isr eñ all of us under a tensexd spare xd . all of us going to seew3 90s, en out to the i]xdcoast.çó that's until 10:00 today. right now we've got 40s in the >> choose kindness. to find out how you can make a difference go to inspired. ♪ ♪ that's the brand-new video from maroon 5. he was one of the sexiest men alive. causing controversy and will his reputation as the sexiest man alive take a hit? >> a lot of womens groups speaking out about the video. and the real life drama with the "real housewives" stars. what they did in court that set off the judge. >> they didn't flip over a table, did they? >> no. >> that's a bad idea. >> didn't make the judge happy. 'ñ a big question this morning. who is happier? parents, or people who don't have kids? >> what time of day? >> that should have been in there. what time of day, george. but depends on who you ask. new research breaking it down, and the results are surprising. >> these studies are fascinating. look forward to that. and matthew mcconaughey, giving another oscar-worthy performance on the playing field. >> can't wait for that. >> i love when he does that. >> yeah. we begin this hour with those real housewives getting a bitter taste of reality. a judge sentencing both teresa and joe giudice to prison for fraud. t.j. holmes is here with that story. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: appeared to have it all, living lavishly. for all of the world to see. but that reality was a fake. a judge saying that teresa deserves to be in jail. >> i'm, like, crying. >> you know, i wished we didn't have these little issues that we have. >> reporter: their personal and legal battles have played out for year on the "real housewives of new jersey." >> i hate us being in the newspaper, i hate us being on the news. >> reporter: now they are heading to prison. >> watching orange is the new black? >> reporter: teresa, 15 months, gentlemen to just under 3 1/2 years after pleading guilty to multiple counts of fraud, and joe failing to file tax returns. they must pay $14,000 in restitution. teresa sobbing, telling the judge, quote, i am so scored, but i fully take responsibility for my actions. that judge saying she believed she shown genuine remorse. but her gut says she should be in jail. specifically taking aim at the failure to properly disclose all assets. the judge calling it a direct affront to the court when she asserted her jewelry was worthless, furniture cheap, and the business ventures valueless. >> it's so me. so gold, swarovski crystls. >> reporter: their lavish lifestyle often on display on the "real housewives." this morning, they're facing a much starker reality. teresa will begin her 15 month sentence on january 5th. west virginia's federal prison where martha stewart was in prison, or the one in danbury, connecticut, the real-life inspiration for "orange is the new black." the wakeup at danbury, 6:00 a.m., uniform, khaki pants and shirt. no makeup or excessive jewelry allowed. >> i cry myself to sleep sometimes. >> reporter: the one piece of good news, the judge allowing joe to start his sentence after teresa is released so one parent can be home to take care of their four daughters. the girl, ages 5 to 13, fixtures on the "real housewives." the judge said during sentencing, it should also serve as a lesson to them. your four daughters need to understand discipline. she said if you don't have it, you shouldn't spend it. they spoke with amy robach earlier this year. >> i can't just be upset and curl up in a ball and just go in a room and lock the door. i can't. i'm a mom. i have four daughters. >> but when the door is shut and they are in bed, do you get to do that? >> yes. and i do do that. i would be lying to say that's not happening. >> >> reporter: this morning, they are getting their own dose of reality. judge said she considered probation for teresa and thought she showed genuine remorse. but the couple had the judge fuming when they failed to properly disclose finances during sentencing, assailing them for what she called a continued pattern of lies and deception. maybe they had a chance to get probation, but blew it at the sentencing. >> i feel for their children. it's a tough situation for everyone. thank you so much. we're going to turn now to this utah man on trial for murdering his wife. prosecutors say he did it to collect nearly $1 million in insurance money. the police interrogation tape was played in court thursday. and neal karlinsky has the story. >> you are a jerk, man. you are a jerk. >> reporter: in court thursday, 34-year-old conrad truman, watched himself on video, an uncomfortable and rambling police interrogation about his wife's death. >> is there any chance that you shot your wife? >> i've nothing to gain from a dead wife. >> reporter: he's accused of ing his wife, heidi truman after a night of drenching, and watching the tv show "dexter." about a serial killer. >> open your eyes and look. >> i really don't know what happened. i swear to god. >> reporter: that was truman's 911 call. they thought it was a suicide initially. >> she went in the shower and i heard a pop. and there was blood. >> reporter: but when police arrived, truman was behaving oddly. >> the defendant is asked what happened. and the response from the defendant is -- is if she dies, i will kill you and everyone you know. >> reporter: truman told police there was a chance his wife killed herself by accident, or someone outside the home shot her through the window despite there being no bullet hole. his attorney said he was upset and had been drinking, and that is why his story changed. >> not greatly educated. kind of a country boy who's drunk. who's trying to react to what he sees. >> reporter: prosecutors claim truman killed his wife to collect nearly a million dollars in insurance benefits. he has pleaded not guilty. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. thanks. let's get the weather from ginger. talking about that line of storms now moving out of chicago into michigan down into parts of kentucky and tennessee. and right here just close to atlanta. atlanta, if you're getting up and ready to go out the door. some of these storms could eventually become strong. probably not severe, but lightning in there. take extra precautions. just wait it out for a bit until they pass. they will. along the cold front, parts of the carolinas, west virginia tonight. and then you see charleston there, 85 for the high. the cold front is going to sit right there. miami and orlando, skipping out on the cold. staying in the 90s. atlanta, 77 for a high today. and it feels like november. yes, i said november. and we are only in october. look at what -- >> slow it down. the windchill in denver this morning, sub-freezing. >> all that weather brought to you by macy's. and lara, believe me, you don't want me to slow this down. got to get through it. >> really? >> yeah. >> good stuff on the other side. >> yeah. >> that wasn't very convincing. >> say it like you mean it thank you. and coming up, the deadly enterovirus across the country, some victims paralyzed. what parents need to know. and adam levine taking heat for their brand-new music video. why so many womens groups are speaking out against it. physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too much, or maybe when it's time for a treat. supporting your efforts, with our message. balance what you eat and drink with what you do. that's how you mixify. before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. moisture without it hair falling flat? 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[ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... it's less of a race... and more of a journey. so carry on... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. whefight back withes crelief so smooth....'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. ♪ and we are back now at 7:41 with a big controversy for maroon five. the band and the lead singer, adam levine, under fire for a graphic new music video. just came out. it's something that critics are calling a stalker's fantasy that glorifies violence against women. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: rock band marine five is no stranger to pushing the envelope with edgy songs and videos. but this morning many feel their latest single has gone too far. the song "animals" catching criticism, some even describing it as dangerous. the video depicting front man adam levine as a butcher by day and stalker by night. obsessed with hunting a beautiful blond played by his real life wife. some of the scenes so graphic and bloody we can't show them to you. the lyrics ♪ baby i'm preying on you tonight hunt you down eat you alive ♪ ♪ maybe you think that you can hide ♪ ♪ i can smell your scent for miles ♪ >> reporter: rainn says it's glorifying stalking and a dangerous depictions of a stalker's fantasy. never confuse stalking with romance. the national sexual violence resource center says he treats his wife like a piece of meat. reinforcing male dominance and sexual entitlement. and reaction on social media has been swift and harsh. >> what is everyone doing? talking about maroon 5's "animal" video. it's increasing the viewership, increasing the awareness of the album. >> reporter: we reached out to maroon 5 and the record label, and they are not commenting. but some will continue to hunt maroon 5 until the video is pulled. >> i think the best thing to do is stay silent. let the music and the videos speak for themselves. again, artistic expression. where do we draw the line? >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> and the controversy not stopping people from watching the video. it has more than 8 million views since it was posted on youtube just this past monday. >> which is why they won't pull it down. >> we'll see. we will see. all right, coming up, everybody, how exercise may help fight off depression. this is one of the most e-mailed stories overnight. we'll explain. and matthew mcconaughey, how he pumped up his alma mater's football team, when we come back. creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. ok who woh, i do!t rolls? 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(electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. guys, check this out. ♪ how do you like me now guys, check this out. this is a pretty cool homecoming. matthew mcconaughey showing up for football practice at his alma mater, giving a speech to match any he's given on the big screen. so many people are watching and sharing this video right now. check it out. >> you all know who it is, matthew mcconaughey. >> reporter: just like a scene from a movie. >> you all like that. >> reporter: oscar winner matthew mcconaughey offering much-needed encouragement to the texas long horns, recovering from a shattering loss the week before. >> you have to ask yourself, why are you playing the game? >> reporter: life imitating art, channelling his football coach role in the movie "we are marsha marshall." >> at the end of the day, every single one of you has to be playing for one person. >> reporter: getting philosophical like his character in "true detective." >> why should i live in history? why do i do what i do. >> reporter: at this point, he gets encouraging, just like he does in "tropic thunder." >> he cries, you do it harder, man. look in the mirror, that's right, i earned that. >> reporter: while he didn't show off any of his majestic moves from "magic mike," he led the team in the now infamous chest bump chant from "the wolf of wall street." >> hmmm. ahah. >> reporter: pumping them up before leaving them with a few final words. >> it feels a whole lot better after a "w" than it does now. they left their rivals the kansas jay hawks dazed and confused with a score of 23-0. >> all right, all right, all right. >> that video is really blowing up online. the longhorns network page had 30,000 likes overnight. on thursday, more than 450,000. i think the chest bump thing is awesome. >> the greatest. >> not sure that pumps up the team. maybe a little weird for that. seems to have worked. >> better that than the moves from "magic mike." more intimidating. >> maybe. but in terms of a career move, maybe "magic mike." >> that's true. >> thanks, dan. coming up, "shark tank" your life. how to make over your life in business right now. and who's happier, people with or without kids. we have a new study coming up. it's d.j. friday, with d.j. kiss. j kiss. ergy . kiss. cancer purchase a specially marked bottle now through december 31st... and a portion of the proceeds will help breast cancer survivors live beyond their diagnosis. shop late fridayall at kohl's! and early saturday and warm up to half off outerwear. find extra savings on pants. and save on new boots. all while earning kohl's cash. at kohl's 2-day weekend sale. friday and saturday. find your yes. kohl's. cozy or cool? 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the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. ♪(theme soners) stan! ! ! hey guys! stan the man! hey, how's it goin stan? can i get $55 on pump three? you got it, stan! gas stations. just that.nobody knows a where nobody knows your name. the chevrolet cruze eco. with an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon highway. it's the new efficient. trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and the latest on that deadly enterovirus. children sick across the country. some paralyzed. what parents need to know this morning. and cracking the parenting code. who's happier, people with kids or without? the surprising research revealed. and bathroom confidential. where are the germs really lurking? help you wash your hands and the whole bathroom the right way. and ashton and mila reveal the name of their brand new little girl. but it's the baby photo ashton posted that's got everyone guessing right now as we say -- >> good morning, america. hey! and that's not all. daymond john, all fired up this friday morning. "shark tank" your life this friday morning. see that young woman, she's about to get something of a makeover from him. >> 25-year-old kyra nicole young. and she can hold her breath. >> i can't believe it. >> she's going into the transformation tank. she's a young entrepreneur who has her own line of hair and skin care products. and he is going to help her boost her personal brand. she's got moves. she's swimming, amy. >> you're right. she's swimming. >> awesome woman. anyway, we also wanted to tell you, in case you haven't heard, it's d.j. friday. our good friend d.j. kiss is with us. taking us into the weekend. and we want you, if you can hear me, to pick the playlist. go to our "gma" twitter account and retweet, "latch" by disclosure, or "sing" by ed shereen. oh, i would love to hear that. we'll hear the winning song in our next half hour. >> i love seeing d.j. kiss here. she always has a huge smile on her face. lights up our friday morning. but right now, "gma" weekend anchor dan harris because amy moved in. >> don't i light up your friday morning? >> that's between us. >> he's giving me a very skeptical look. more on that later. and big new developments in the ebola outbreak. a fourth american is flying back to the u.s. right now after testing positive for the virus in liberia. he's a journalist, ashoka mukpo. he was working as a freelance photo journalist. he had been in the country for three years reporting on ebola. here at home, police are stationed outside the apartment in dallas where the first ebola patient diagnosed in the u.s. was staying. the hazmat cleaning crew was delayed. and returning today where thomas duncan's family is quarantined. health officials are monitoring a hundred people who came in contact with duncan. meanwhile, a dallas hospital is saying it was a flaw in the computer system that led doctors to release duncan after the first hospital visit last month. a lot of people criticizing them for that. and the weather. the transformers in the distance, blowing out one after the other as severe storms battered dallas and north texas. 300,000 homes and businesses losing power. winds up to 100 miles an hour shredding buildings, knocking down trees and leaving a trail of damage. now moving east, and ginger's forecast is, of course, coming up. encouraging news about the economy this morning. monthly jobs report is out. it show 248,000 jobs in september. that lowered the unemployment rate to 5.9%. that's the lowest since july of 2008. in georgia, two bold robbers on the run after this bizarre chase. they stole nearly two dozen chain saws and weed trimmers. as they closed in, they started hurling them at the squad car. they missed every one of them. the suspects ditched the stolen suv and got away. some scary moments for a pair of window washers in oakland, california. they got stranded -- look at this -- 19 stories up after their motorized platform stopped working. i have had nightmares about this. hanging there two hours in 90 degree heat until fire fighters rappelled down from the roof, went down the side of the building to pull them up and rescue them. please stop showing that video now because amy robach is freaking out. and finally -- and finally proof that humans are not the only species to find their children occasionally frustrating. this 6-week-old baby elephant wandered a little too far from her folks at the zurich zoo. down she went. lucky for her, loving parents who ran to the rescue. lending a trunk to help her back on her feet. unfortunately for her, they never forget, so she has been grounded for a decade. but they're cute, nonetheless. >> i love seeing that. >> really cute. elephants are amazing, amazing animals. >> almost as good as bears. >> almost as good. >> for television. >> for news kickers. for news kickers. >> so this is your thing. it's an animal at the end. yes, that's my trademark. i would do all animals. but they -- >> you would do all cats if you could. >> i like all species. particularly -- >> you know i love. i like talking animals. ask george. >> talking animals? >> she talks to them and they talk back. >> do they really? >> yeah. >> and george doesn't believe a word of it. >> there are, i believe, medical specialists who might be able to help with that. >> okay. move on. and stay in medicine. switch gears. this is more serious. that deadly enterovirus spreading to children all across the country. paralysis in some of the victims. abc's lindsey davis is speaking with the family of one boy who is fighting for his life. >> reporter: just over two months ago, 11-year-old brian was playing football. this morning, fighting for his life. his mother living a nightmare. >> i can't believe this. >> reporter: after testing positive for enterovirus, brian and his family now waiting for test results to see if it is in fact evd-68. that particular strain linked to four deaths and spreading around the country. he's also one of more than two dozen patients in seven states suffering from paralysis as well. >> i see just getting worse and worse and worse. >> reporter: brian is now going through intensive physical therapy at children's medical center in dallas. he's now too weak to speak. and doctors believe the respiratory illness is the reason he can no longer lift his right arm. >> when he got sick, i never thought about that he would be like that. >> reporter: at one children's hospital in michigan, seven cases of limb weakness and paralysis. sop of the patients just infants and toddlers. >> we do see these problems of limb weakness with viral infections. too early to say if they will be okay in the long run. whether to get all the strength back. >> reporter: but as the virus continues to spread, confirmed now in 43 states and washington, d.c., some reassurance this morning from families directly impacted by the virus now on the road to recovery. >> i'm feeling much better now. >> just like a virus. just like a cold virus. it needed to run its course. >> i'm back to how i was. i had to catch up on some homework. but. >> reporter: yeah. >> so what, i didn't die. >> reporter: for "good morning america," lindsey davis, abc news, new york. >> there's the attitude. glad he's back. "pop news" coming up. amy with the morning menu in the social square. that's right. and coming up on the "gma" "morning menu." in "pop news," ashton kutcher and mila kunis revealing the baby's name and why fatherhood hasn't changed him yet. give it time. how exercise may help fight off depression. and look who i see. and "shark tank" expert daymond john answering your questions. getting ready to reveal his big grand transformation. all of that. and we have colby caillat, here she is, coming up on "gma" in times square. nice to see you. looking forward to it. i save a. every time. now there is a tool made for you. introducing savings catcher from walmart. it compares prices to top stores in your area. if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an egift card. oh! money! for a limited time get two times the savings catcher reward dollars when you redeem to your bluebird card. every penny counts! yep! join the millions of people saving money with savings catcher. go to save money. live better. walmart. finally, the purple pill,hr the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and whi, how's it going?. whatever you're looking for, start by test-driving nearly every make and model all in one place. carmax. start here. ♪ i'm on the edge of glory welcome back. look at this glorious video. perhaps the only thing cuter than a chihuahua playing with bubbles is a chihuahua playing with bubbles in slow motion. look how cute. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is audrey. having a blast chasing bubbles. you like the popping in there? that's for you. >> i believe that is any cue, amy robach. dan is smiling ear to ear. >> i can't get enough of animal videos. i didn't pick that one. clearly someone else agrees with me. >> i might have a prize in "pop news." begin with baby news. ashton kutcher revealing the name of his daughter. and he's writing on the website, welcome wyatt isabelle kutcher to the world. and sticking to the punk ways, fatherhood has not changed him yet. posting several baby photos along with one of a get and a dog. saying on his facebook page, here's your baby photo. well, one of them is. now can a helicopter please stop hovering over a house. there is a baby inside and she is super-cute. >> she is super-cute. >> we don't know, he posted several baby photos. >> not all the same baby? >> that's definitely not the baby right there. >> but that's what he did. it's like where's waldo? one of those babies is wyatt. he's back to his punked ways. and i think it's a very clever way to do it. so congratulations. >> get rid of the helicopter, however. >> no. >> probably not. >> until he just does it. congratulatio congratulations, guys. a new rapper making waves in chicago, not on the stage, on on the cubway platform. joseph lane, goes by solo redline. he is homeless. makes about $40 a day, trying to make ends meet for his kids by performing on the red line platform. he says he's been doing it for years. but all it took was that one lucky break. this week a music executive spotted him and recorded this performance. take a listen. ♪ be a bore rapping and wanting more ♪ ♪ standing down her on the subway when i should be on tour ♪ >> in the subway when he should be on tour. it could happen. that video already has 4 million views since tuesday. posted by the music executive to see how it would do. a bit of a litmus test. and now solo red line's song will be available on itunes. and a gofundme page has been set up to help him. >> great for the kids, especially. >> so great to see the tenacity, do what you love, pays off. >> and we can help. if you like the sound of it, check it out. and finalfully in "pop news" a flock of sheep so happy to hear someone speaking their language. who is it? >> baa. >> baa! baaa! >> baa. >> baa! >> repeat after me -- >> baa! >> one more time, kids. >> baa. >> that is so great. >> baa. >> baa! baa! >> and that is "pop news," everybody. the beautiful, glorious friday. >> that was a great "pop news." >> that was good. >> great "pop news." >> this idea that animals can talk is so powerful. >> george, you just witnessed it. >> the heat index couple. ginger with the weather. >> you're just like pocahontas. speaking with the animals. and hell oh lowe -- >> davy. he turns 12. and my little sister is behind me. this is her, everybody. and celebrating so much here at the party in times square. not a party in new orleans. the camera is shaking, the wind gusts high, storms blowing through earlier this morning. along the cold front. the heavy rain into parts of northern michigan the heat will stay inland this weekend as we start to cool the coast. all of that will hit our neighborhoods by tuesday. for today, near 90 along the coast. low to mid-90s for the rest of us. some upper 90s around gilroy and morgan hill. tonight, back in the 50s and 60s. seven-day forecast, tuesday >> i think it's really great. people from wisconsin. i have a hard time saying where they're from visiting again. let's head inside. thank you. and first up on the heat index, hot button issue about air travel. the moment that the person in front of you reclines their seat. the people at slate told people that an airline was allowing people to pay their fellow passengers not to recline. on average people said they would only pay $18 to prevent the person in front of them from recli recline. and on the flipside, it would take $41 to not recline. >> not going to work. >> exactly. but the problem with the study, now the airlines just got an idea. let's charge for recline. >> getting on a plane is the only time i'm glad that i'm short. bring it on, recline. not going to get in my way. >> how much would you pay the person in front of you not to recline their seat on a plane. tweet us at #social square. depends on how crowded the flight is. >> what it would take you to recline -- >> not to recline. >> not to. >> see what it shows. >> looking forward to hearing from you. >> bring those in. and one of the most e-mails stories on new york times says that exercise can safeguard us from depression. we knew exercise could boost moods. but understand why that is. there's an enzyme that builds up when we exercise, and the specific protein diffuses the potential for depression. and it does work. >> the runner's high. i get it every time. >> makes you much less crazy. and the other thing that helps, meditation. >> it does. >> has been shown in study after study to help depression. >> weirdly i find meditation harder than exercise. i have been frietrying. i read the book. it's the clearing of the mind and not having the noise in. >> give yourself a break. get lost, start again. >> no, you get lost. movie on to the next item on the heat index. >> hold on, stay with me. ohm. >> thank you. and moving on to george clooney marrying amal alamuddin, breaking hearts around the world. but it was rough for jesse taylor ferguson and his pattern from modern family. check out how they shared their pain on instagram. i'm happy for him, but today is going to be hard for me. #oldlovers. and eric with this beauty, quote, there is always another side to a story, #george and cam. very cute. >> love that. >> very cute. >> it reminds me, the premier of "modern family" was wednesday. still has it. >> still laughing. >> the writers are spot on. >> and "blackish." that's good. good season. >> there's a promo for everybody. >> you're welcome, boss. that was for you. >> those are all abc shows? oh. we're going to move on to the morning stir. the big debate, who's happier parents or people who don't have kids. a new survey has results that may surprise you. >> dad! >> hey. >> we're not quite there yet. >> it's a hot button question seen in the film "friends with kids," who's happier, parents or non-parents? john dick, a pittsburgh father of two put that question to the test. analyzing data from more than a million consumers age 25 to 54. among the questions addressed, whether non-parents get more sleep than parents. they do. the study found non-parents are 75% more likely to get more than eight hour was sleep a night. as for whether non-parents are really healthier than parents. they are. >> it would appear that non-parents are far healthier than parents. much more likely to work out in a gym. much less likely to eat fast fo food. >> reporter: and stress? non-parents are 23% more likely to say their lives are not stressed. does that mean they're happier than parents. surprisingly, says the study, no. the parents surveyed may be exhausted, but more likely to say they're very happy. and non-parents were 27% more likely to say they were unhappy or very unhappy. >> despite all of the sacrifi sacrifices. maybe it's worth it. don't have to get the sleep to be happy. >> and dr. robin silverman joins pups break it down, it works. >> it does. nobody is surprised that non-parents are less stressed, less worried. but some people would be surprised to hear this parents are happier at the end of the day. >> you get that fulfillment from your kids. it's a richer, deep irlife even though it's harder. >> that's right. non-parents, they don't have that kind of chance to connect with somebody on that level. of a child. and when you're with a child, it fulfills every part of you. you're exhausted, but it works. >> and do you think the same would be true for single parents? >> well, i think if you are not going with the idea that having an easier life means you have a more fulfilled life, if you scratch that, and you say it has to do with connecting with a child, then single parents should have every opportunity to be very happy. i mean, i sit before you right now, i am exhausted. my child was sick last night. my other child had a nightmare. i am so tired. but i think of my child and i feel so warm inside. and i think of the child in terms of the love i can give that child and the love that that child gives to me. >> it's great when you can reach down for that. but what other tips for parents who as much as they love their kids are feeling overwhelmed? >> i think that parents need to go out and make sure that they can check in with a friend. that they have a little bit of me time. that if you have a spouse or a friend or a mother-in-law and you can say, could you take the children for a couple of minutes? or a couple of hours? because i just need to get away for a little bit. and distance makes the heart grow fonder. >> appreciate them even more. >> that's right. >> thanks very much. you want to know, what do you think is happy, parents or non-parents. tweet us #socialsquare. and now to bathroom confidential. uncovering the hidden dangers in your home. the germs that may be making you sick. and our abc's mara schiavocampo has more. >> reporter: germs. when it comes to the bathroom, they are ever where. >> you have your toilet and your sink right next to each other. it's kind of this perfect storm of bacteria just waiting to pounce on us. >> reporter: and those bacteria can live on your toothbrush, mouthwash cup and razor. experts say these items need to be cleaned or replaced more often than you might think. toothbrushes may be one of the dirtiest. how dirty do the toothbrushes get? >> they are there to remove the plaque and the bacteria. think about it, the dirty bacteria and possibly virus on the toothbrush. >> reporter: and a cut in your mouth, a dirty toothbrush could make you sick. >> sometimes back tear yoo gets into that and gets infected. >> reporter: replace your toothbrush, including the head on an electric toothbrush every three to four months or it if it starts to look like this. it's no longer working. >> the bristles are frayed and fanned out. >> reporter: what about the cup we use to rinse out our mouths? we brought one that's seen a lot of use. >> i don't want to touch this. this is gross. not touching with without a glove. >> reporter: wash it after every use, and don't share it with other members of the family. or use a disposalble one you can toss. next up, your razor, if it's rusty get rid of it. >> this blade is ready to go a few shaves ago. it's overused. >> reporter: as a rule of thumb, dermatologists say replace it aver seven shaves. and change the multi-use one after 20. >> the risk backs with breaks in the skin or unhealthy skin. then the bacteria and germs have an opportunity to enter and cause a lot of problems. >> reporter: keeping germs out of your bathroom and away from you. for "good morning america," shooe shomara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> great tips. slightly disturbing. but great tips. and coming up, the big reveal on the "shark tank" life event. daymonday john is with us. good morning,?; i'm kriste sze. we havee1 breaking news in san francisco's bayview. crews3cpe working to clean up after açónbó[i]ó[ water maood half ac dozen homes. aé@ sinkhole hasko startedñi avenue. our mornings7ñi commute hasn anything but light? >> absolutely. as far as the area is concerned as far as the water main break, while we do have some street closures there, it's not affecting 101, which is good xd news. affecting 101 is this earlierñk we'll talk welcome back. check outçó the hazei] we're se from mt. tam, that's one of ther reasons for why the spare the 9ñ greatestñi amount of air pollutn in the santa clara valley. temperaturest( qtoday, 90s everywhere, beaches included, that's why the heat advisory is out until xd9:00, so be careful today. temperaturesçó running in the 5 and 60sçó right now. about as cool as it's going to getçó because by the afternoon hours we're 89 at half moon bay and low to mid-90s elsewhere, even some upper 90s aroundq morgan hill and gilroy. accuweather seven-day forecast, some relief from the heat hits the coast saturday, the bay su ♪ you don't have to try try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try try try try try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try you don't have to try try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try ♪ you don't have to try try try ♪ love that colby caillat strong, "try." biggest hit, song is viral. very powerful message for women. can't wait to hear from that grammy winner in just a minute. >> i love that song. >> we to want hear more. that's coming up. and it's the weekend. time for football and tailgating. and john tapper from "bar rescue choi will show us how to throw your best tailgate party ever. go dogs! >> and we have d.j. kiss spinning us into the weekend. taking a break from touring with oprah's the life you want weekend. and she's playing ed shereen's hit, "sing." that was your choice this morning. good choice. the moment is here. we have the big shark tank. like a really big shark tank. earlier this morning, we watched her stepping into the transformation tank. and daymond john diving in to help her personal brand. we want you to know a little bit more about her before she comes out. >> hi, i'm kyra nicole young, i'm 25 years old, and it's kyra's shea medley. ucla grad left college with a degree and a dream. >> i started making them out of my dorm room. >> reporter: she couldn't be happier with the line which hit the market last year. >> organic, with the most benefits. we have our one year anniversary. and it has been amazing. >> reporter: now time to start pedaling, while the product is perfect, the overall brand image is not. >> on a daily basis i'm in sweats, my t-shirt. sometimes my apron. should i be more casual, relaxed, business casual or upscale? >> reporter: it doesn't stop there. >> i still think that we can do more. our social media presence. trying sell the product to beauty supply. how to change the way i approach different opportunities. i want to show how awesome kyra shea medley is. help me boost my brand. >> all right. this is the time. let's get one last look of kyra's before picture. there she is. we have seen her in the transformation tank. now time to swim on out. kyra, let's take a look. kyra. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> wow. >> looks great. >> you look great. >> amazing. >> transformation is great. tell me why this look -- how did we transform her? >> well, obviously, kyra was in sweats. in a time where people judge you as soon as they see you. now look at her. amazing, look how beautiful her hair looks. >> hair company, everybody is going to be looking at your hair. most women do that. do i like the way your hair looks? that's crucial. it's about personal brand, right? >> the personal brand is your brand before anything else. people invest in people, not in companies. however you represent yourself personally is important. >> and let's talk about body language on kyra. >> while we were speaking, body language is great. she has her hands closed, put your shoulders back and hands to the side here. our your hands in a power position like that. exude power and confidence. >> are you getting all that. >> people judge -- 80% of communication is really body language. >> yes. >> hey, over here, body language. so, what message do you want to give the people that you want to attract as customers to buy your hair and skin care line? what is your personal message and your brand in your opinion? >> well, kyra shea medley is about being natural, being organic. we want to offer you the best product that i hope that this makeover can show you that i'm offering you the best of me. so, please, try our products. you'll love them. we have everything that you need, in one jar from head to toe. >> you have to be able to put your personal brand in two to five words, what represents you. and people are visual. also, understand, this is my harvard tie. i didn't go to harvard. sure, like he went to harvard. it opens up questions. and you did a great job. you are truly amazing. >> thank you so much. >> everybody, the wonderful kyra. tell us the name of the brand. >> kyra shea medley. i mean, you can't get better advice than interest this guy. thank you, we love "shark tank." >> "shark tank" is on tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central on abc. send your questions to "gma" #sharktank. and we will answer your question on friday when we "shark tank" your life. george, you're up now. play this theme song right now -- big news for "star wars" fans. the next episode in the saga kicks off tonight. abc's chris connelly has the story. >> reporter: set five years before "star wars iv: a new hope." "rebels" chronicles the first stirrings of the battle against the empire. with an hour long disney channel movie and a subsequent series. featuring freshly imagined characters from lucasfilm, and a tone reminiscent of the beloved franchise's finest hours. >> i'm about to let everyone in on the secret. >> reporter: described as a cowboy jedi, he has the light saber, bolstered by the original 1977 sound effects. he's got a rag tag posse, with as toled-haired teen named ezra, and tara, she's the ace pilot. >> i can't maintain position. >> reporter: and a creature named zeb. >> this voice acting, it's a microphone. you have to really kind of find tricks in your head to pull this off. visualize how he looks and find what i do best and bring a lot of that. >> reporter: freddie prinze jr., the voice of canaan sounds like he's about to make the jump into emotional hyper space. >> it's definitely a show for everyone who loves that world. i don't think it's just for kids. it's really rewarding. i never expected it in a million years. >> reporter: for millions of fans in a lather as they await the december 2015 release of "star wars episode vii," this could be the thing. >> do you have a better option? >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. and "star wars: rebels" premiers with "star wars: rebels" spark of rebellion. it's monday on disney xd. we want to know, who's your favorite "star wars" character? tweet us using #socialsquare. and i found this beautiful group of women from pittsburgh. what does moms gone wild really entail? >> we're a group of friends from pittsburgh originally. we travel together and love each other. just go wild. >> it's a good wild. let's get some -- not so great wild. that was the lightning in college station, texas, or excuse me, state college, texas. and san francisco, the temperature just short of 90. in a heat advisory. >> this weather report brought to you by union pacific railroads. and october is national bully prevention month. let's kick off an initiative important to our parent company, disney, and to us, at "gma," it's called disney's choose kindness campaign. >> every single person has their own thing. >> so be strong. we kind. >> be daring. >> wear it. >> own it. >> choose kindness. >> and together we can stop bullying. >> you can see all my friends, the beautiful shirts they made here. we want to thank our partners, pacer and glad for helping us inspire positive actions and choose kindness to be the best every day. #choosekindness. i went with be sunny. it only makes sense, george. >> love that campaign. and coming up, extreme tailgate rescue with "bar rescue's" john tapper. ♪ ♪ i ♪ >> we are so delighted to be joined by john tapper, the sponsor of the segment. john is a renowned expert on all things food and beverage. it's great to be an expert on. >> it's great. it's football season. and time to learn about food. we're going to do a twist on john's show. we're going to create a tailgate rescue. for the tailgaters who need help. john's going to show us how to host the easiest, tastiest tailgate party ever. >> before we get started, give us the idea of a bar rescue and how it works? >> "bar rescue" is a show where small businesses are in disaster. literally weeks from closing, house on the line, marriages on the line, partnerships op the line, families on the line. and i go in and save them at the last minute, rescue their business and rescue them. >> save us from our hunger. >> one of my favorite shows. i love the show. absolutely love the show. >> let's do it. >> there are a lot of grills on the market. this is a special grill. what's so special about this one? >> it is. when you cook, science is key, michael. this is an infrared grill. 30% faster cooking, and lines it cooks 30% faster and look how it lines the meat. a lot of grills, gas cook the meat gray. and, of course, you want to char your meat. it's faster, chars it better, juicier. >> and infrared -- >> it closes up and locks up. it's a great portable grill even as a carrying case. the trick is, use infrared at a higher temperature for better food. >> you are a proponent of marinating your meats. >> i am. >> do tell. >> the greatest thing about steak, marinate it, and flavor the burgers. the tailgate is a reflection of you. it's not only the game, it's the party around the game that matters. so we'll use a great asian marinade, which we'll inject right into the meat. we'll inject mustard, inject chipotle cheese into the hot dogs. make it fun. >> where do you find these? >> any kitchen store. simply marinade syringes. >> you don't need a degree? >> no, and don't have to wear the gloves. you like to -- what do we call it -- you like dressing your buns. what is dressing your buns? >> you like dressing the buns. what's dressing your buns? >> using a great artisan bun. we have an onion roll here. why use a regular white bread bun? i don't dress it, have fun. marinade the meat, use great bread and you have flavors not at a normal tailgate. it's easy to do. >> what's next? >> what's next is keeping food cool. and if you watch "bar residue" you know i'm a nut case about safety. a common mistake is we put beverages and food in the same cooler. >> not a good idea? >> not a good idea. then you're getting proteins, raw meat juices all over the can of soda that you're drinking. so you want to separate raw product from the things that you touch. one cooler for meats and foods, another for the beverages. this is a really cool ice cooler. it's electric. so this you can plug into your cigarette lighter in the car and it stace cold. that one is ice-driven. and then, of course, down on the end -- >> this can rescue any tailgate. >> my favorite of all, michael. when you have a tailgate, you got to have some punch. so we make a signature punch at every tailgate we do. here's the trick. make it out of your team colors. this is the "gma" punch. so it's blue and yellow. >> i love that. i love the cups too. >> and tell you what, watch the season four premier of "bar rescue," airs sunday on spike. and to get all ofñeañ these taie tips and more, go to our website, on yahoo!. we'll drink to that. >> great show. we'll be right back. ♪ never going to walk away it is so great to have grammy award winning singer/song writer colby caillat here. she just wrapped up a north american tour, and her grand new album "gypsy heart" was just released. and i'm so excited about this song, "try." i have two daughters who love this. and it is an anthem for women to show who they are and be comfortable showing it. the video, 25 million hits shows you and other women without makeup. >> yes. >> why was that so important to you? >> i wanted people to see the transformation that someone can go through, and the unrealistic ideal of beauty that most people compare themselves to. >> what do you want fans to get out of "gypsy heart"? >> i want you to take messages in these new songs to just accept yourself and embrace your imperfects. >> we need a lot more of that. thank you for singing that out loud. and speaking of singing, let's have a listen to colby caillat with "try." [ applause ] ♪ ♪ what you make of get your nails done curl your hair run the extra mile keep is slim so they like you ♪ ♪ so they like you ♪ get your sexy on don't be shy girl ♪ ♪ take it off this is what you want to belong so they like you ♪ ♪ do you like you ♪ you don't have to try so hard ♪ you don't have to give it all away ♪ ♪ just get up get up get up get up ♪ ♪ you don't have to change a single thing ♪ ♪ you don't have to try try try try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try try try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try try try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try ♪ no you don't have to try ♪ no, no, no ♪ no, no ♪ get your shopping on at the mall max your credit cards you don't have to choose buy it all so they like you ♪ ♪ so they like you ♪ wait a second why should you care what they think of you ♪ ♪ when you're all alone by yourself do you like you ♪ ♪ do you like you ♪ no you don't have to try so hard ♪ ♪ you don't have to give it all away ♪ ♪ you just have to get up, get up, get up ♪ ♪ you don't have to change a single thing ♪ ♪ try so hard ♪ you don't have to bend until you break ♪ ♪ just get up, get up, get up, you don't have to change a single thing ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try, try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try, try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try ♪ no you don't have to try, try, try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try, try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try, try ♪ ♪ no you don't have to try ♪ no, no, no ♪ no, no, no, no, no, no, no ♪ you don't have to try so hard ♪ ♪ you don't have to give it all away ♪ ♪ you just have to get up, get up, get up, get up you don't have to change a single thing ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try, try, try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try, try, try ♪ ♪ you don't have to try ♪ no you don't have to try ♪ take your makeup off let your hair down take a breath down ♪ ♪ look in the mirror at yourself don't you like you ♪ ♪ 'cause i like you [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. ♪ ♪ colby caillat, thank you. lovely way to send us into the weekend. >> thank you. >> a big monday, two tims. tim tebow and tim mcgraw. and d.j. kiss is going to take us right into the weekend. do it, d.j. ♪ the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. good morning, i'me1 kristen accuweather seven-day forecast. you can see the cooling at the coast tomorrow. the bay sunday. some of it leaks inland by monday.jf leyla. >> backup is moreé@ intense in livermore because of thisçó acu"ent westbound on 580 ató[ airway boulevard. 15 miles per hour will be your top speed. now as wes7 >> thank you. now it's ti announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael"! today, award winning actress claire danes. and "gone girl," emily ratajkowski. plus, your questions and comments on another edition of the inbox. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141008

ferocious white shark, baring its teeth. the incredible story behind this picture. how did she do that? and good morning, america. let's go straight to los angeles. big payoff for getting up early this morning. there it is right there. blood moon, lighting up the sky. this is the shot from the griffith observatory in los angeles right now. gorgeous. [ howling ] >> that is gorgeous. >> a little more later on. >> we look forward to that. but start with the urgent manhunt for the isis terrorist that, as you just said, george, the fbi thinks is an american. the agency asking the public for its help to identify the masked man. and abc's pierre thomas is in washington with the very latest. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning. who is the man behind the mask? the fbi is launching an international manhunt to find out. and they're asking everyone at home to help. the fbi believes the man in this isis propaganda video is a cold-blooded killer and they worry he might be an american. take a listen as the man behind the black mask, presides over the execution of men digging a ditch behind him. >> you can see them now digging their very own graves in the very place they were stationed. this is their end. >> reporter: they say it's a distinctly american accent. they are approaching informants worldwide to see if they know his voice. but they are also turning to the public for help. the fbi is posting a plea on its website. we're hoping someone might recognize this individual, and provide us with key pieces of information. no piece of information is too small. the fbi's concern, if the killer is from the u.s., he may try to return home from syria. and if he's american, sources say the fbi want to identify all of his associates. and it's bigger than just that one killer. the fbi is asking all americans to contact the agency if they know of anyone planning to travel to syria to support radicals. robin, george. >> the fbi director calls them lone rats, not lone wolves. overseas, isis is gaining more ground. and now the nation's top military leader fears the terror group is about to take control of a key city in syria. general martin dempsey speaking exclusively to chief international affairs correspondent, martha raddatz, with the information from washington. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning. general dempsey says he thinks kobani, on the border with turkey, will likely fall. isis fighters tried to capture the kurdish city for weeks and thousands of residents have fled into turkey. the u.s. has been conducting air strikes on kobani about a dozen. but it has not stopped isis. if isis takes this town, it will control most of the northern syrian border area, george. >> martha, as you said, the air strikes are conditioning, but it's getting more difficult. >> it is. the general told us they strike when they can. but it's more difficult to target isis because they are changing tactics. >> they're becoming more savvy in the use of electronic devices. they don't fly flags and move around in large convoys the way they did. they don't put -- they don't establish headquarters that are visible or identifiable. >> reporter: and, george, they are now hiding in the population, which makes it even more difficult. >> and that means we need more cooperation from our allies in the region, especially turkey. >> reporter: that's exactly right. we're getting some, but not quite enough at this point. >> okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. okay, george. we're going to move on to the battle against ebola in this country. the u.s. on edge. a passenger was pulled off a plane and rushed to a hospital last night after showing flu-like symptoms as hospitals run safety drills to prepare for an emergency. abc's cecilia vega is in dallas and has the latest for us this morning. >> reporter: good morning. the passenger pulled off the plane after someone mentioned the word ebola, as thomas duncan is still in critical condition here, we remain a nation on high alert. overnight emergency responders racing to midland international airport after a female passenger fell ill on an american eagle flight. >> this patient was violently ill. they've got the passengers on board with mask and gloved out. >> reporter: the passenger, from turkey, displayed flu-like symptoms but no fever, and was transported to the hospital using hazmat procedures. while authorities say it's unlikely the patient has ebola, the incident showing how tense the fight to keep it from spreading here has become. this morning the cdc and white house announcing plans to potentially increase passenger screenings at airports at home and abroad. the coast guard saying it will contract ships traveling from ebola hot zones to ask if passengers have symptoms before they are allowed to port. >> the enemy here is a virus. the enni is ebola. >> reporter: and now, after a spanish nurse's aide treating ebola patients became the first person to contract the virus without traveling to west after fa, hospitals are practicing ebola drills. our dr. besser in one new jersey e.r. >> ebola patient in five minutes. >> they just got a fake call in, and they're going through a drill as if this patient coming in had ebola. they are putting on full body protective suits. reducing the chances of getting sick. >> reporter: this as two ebola patients recover in american hospitals. journalist ashoka mukpo, who contracted the virus in liberia, now in a nebraska hospital, receiving the same experimental drug given to thomas eric duncan, still on life support in dallas. thomas' family spoke publicly overnight, showing signs of improvement. doctors here are hoping the experimental drug they're giving him works. and, robin, you'll remember, it has never before been used on humans before, so it is a real test. >> yes, it is. and speaking of the family members and the people he came in contact with in dallas, what is their status this morning? >> reporter: they are being watched closely. 48 people in all. some of whom had direct contact with duncan, some of whom may have had contact with him. cdc workers taking their temperatures twice a day, checking on their health. if they start to show signs of ebola, now would be the time. this is the critical time. they are being watched closely. so far, robin, no signs of any symptoms yet. >> that's great news. thank you. >> let's hope we make it through the week. we're going to turn now to a plane crash in yosemite national park. a tanker going down, killing the pilot. brandi hitt is in yosemite with the latest. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: good morning. this entrance to yosemite is close this morning because feet beyond that police barricade, there's a deadly wildfire burning right now. fire fighters tried using one of the biggest tools, air support, when something went horribly wrong. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: black smoke rising just seconds after an air tanker crashed while battling this wildfire in yosemite national park. rescue crews reaching the rugged crash site near a park entrance where the lone pilot lost radio contact, finding him dead. >> it was obvious to me what happened right away. i went outside and saw a black column. i knew it was a helicopter, plane or something. >> reporter: it's the first death this year in california's already dangerous wildfire season. fueled by extreme heat and drought. the veteran pilot of the st-2 air tanker no. 81 was carriage 1200 gallons of fire retardant. trying to protect 60 homes under evacuation orders. >> it's not just like cal fire lost a family member, the entire air fire fighting fleet lost a pretty important person today. >> reporter: this morning, cal fire has grounded the remaining 22 of its tankers for inspections. as tuesday's fire, which has grown to 150 acre, turns to spread. investigators with the ntsb and the faa are expected to arrive later this morning to determine what caused this deadly crash. george? >> okay, brandi, thanks very much. let's go to amy with the is other top stories. good morning. we begin with a tense, six-hour standoff between police in chicago, and a fugitive wanted for three murders. the suspect tracked down to this apartment building, opened fire, shooting a police captain in the head and chest. officers moved in, taking one man into custody, finding another man dead. they wouldn't immediately say which man was the fugitive, but the police captain thankfully is expected to survive. a federal court declared virginia's congressional map unconstitutional, saying it is racially biased. the court said lawmakers packed too many aftrican-americans in the state's third district to protect republican incumbents in largely white districts. a similar case in indiana will be heard by the supreme court. and adrian peterson is facing charges that he abused his young son. ryan smith is in houston with new details in the case. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: aim my, a month ago, adrian peterson was getting ready for his second nfl game. today, he's getting ready to appear in this courthouse facing child abuse charges that put his career on hold and his freedom at stake. this morning, minnesota vikings star, adrian peterson, playing defense. peterson's lawyer telling abc news the former mvp will plead not guilty to felony child abuse charges for allegedly hitting his 4-year-old son with a tree branch, leaving welts and bruises. and the six-time pro bowler, benched from the vikings while the case is pending, may be looking for a quick trial date. this coach, cautious. >> if things get resolved and it's a good thing, then more power to him. we'll worry about that when the time comes. >> reporter: despite the controversy, peterson, still collecting $11.75 million in salary from the vikings this season. but the charges could cost him his freedom. if convicted peterson could face between six months to three years in prison. in a statement, peterson tweeted in september, i never, ever intended to harm my son. i would say the same thing once i have my day in court. adrian peterson's lawyers are hoping for a quick trial date to get back on the field. but the first assistant district attorney here says sometimes trials don't have for 9 to 12 months, in which case, his season would likely be over. amy. >> thanks very much. and a train carrying hazardous material has derailed in canada, triggering a massive fire. flames rose 100 feet into the air after a petroleum product leaked and then caught fire. dozens of residents were forced to evacuate. and a strong earthquake in southern china overnight. hundreds of people are injured and authorities fear there could be many casualties. tens of thousands of people have been displaced. it is the same region where 600 people were killed in a major earthquake back in august. opening bell one of the worst days on wall street in moss. investors feel good about the u.s. economy but they're worried about europe's which seems to be stagnating. and finally, a very important update on that woman holding a sign in the stands. you may remember, this all happened during the kansas city royals playoff game. it reads, if we win, he's buying me a puppy. and against all odds, in the 12th inning, you see kansas city royals must have won. because katie kastens got her the puppy. this is a 4-year-old corgi. her faisst breed. they were overwhelmed with offers after the royals won in the 12th inning. they were all looking to find homes for dogs. and an amazing coincidence, the pembroke welsh corgi is a favorite breed of the other royals in london, so she has good taste. lucy is the dog's name, and i love lucy's middle name, rally. because that's what the boys did, they rallied. >> i know. well, you know, 1985 was the last time they were in the post season, and here they are, going on to play the orioles. >> they play the orioles, what does she get if they beat -- >> maybe a wedding ring. >> he is raising the bar up there. >> i like how you brought it up, we didn't. you brought it up. >> sorry. >> thank you, amy, we will have to follow up on that. >> yes, we will. now to new charges of police using excessive force. this time in indiana. a family of four pulled over for a seat belt violation ended with police smashing a window and using a stun gun on a passenger in the front seat. abc's steve osunsami has the story. and we to want warn you, some of the video is tough to watch. >> are you going to open the door? >> reporter: police in hammond, indiana, facing a federal lawsuit for this. what began as a traffic stop for seat belt violations turns violent september 24th when the family inside refuses to leave the car. >> all my windows is up. i feel like my life is in danger. >> reporter: the mother, lisa mahone, is on the phone with 911. off-camera, she hands the officers her license. but now, they're demanding identification from her passenger, jamal jones. his own i.d. is a traffic citation. when he reaches for it, police think he's pulling a weapon. what happens next is tough to watch. the officer fires a stun gun into his back and he screams out in pain. they drag him out of the car. the kids are crying. now they're suing. >> i feel like my civil rights was just thrown out the window, along with my body. >> reporter: in a statement, police say they were at all times acting in the interest of officer safety. and when jones put his hands in places where the officer could not see, officers' concerns for their safety were heightened. the family says they were on their way to see a dying mother in the hospital. the officer in this video last month made a similar argument, but the unarmed man was only reaching for his wallet. the officer has been charged with aggravated assault. he's pleaded not guilty. >> why did you shoot me? >> reporter: both officers in the indiana incident have been sued in federal court before for allegedly using excessive force. with no admission of wrong doing, the city settled each case. for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> it is tough to watch. >> it is very tough to watch. and it was the 14-year-old son in the backseat that had the presence of mind to roll the video and share that with everyone. we'll see what happens going forward. but on another note, there, michael strahan -- >> there's something for you. listen -- >> is jaws nearby? >> jaws is not here. it's not shark week. but it's something like it. it's an incredible close encounter with a great white. this was shot by a school teacher visiting south africa who says she was just in the right place at the right time. but it's a true hundred-one in n shot. it's the jaw-dropping photo even scarier than jaws itself. and it's going viral this morning, bigtime. over 350,000 likes on instagram. over 78,000 likes on facebook. and the brave soul who snapped the too close for comfort pic, says it was just luck. >> i went with the gopro camera in hand, and one day, it was a perfect storm. >> reporter: amanda brewer is an elementary school art teacher in new jersey, but she spent her summer vacation doing something decidedly more dangerous. interning for an animal conservation group in south africa. she had the camera set to take a stream of rapid pictures one after another hoping to catch something. and, boy, did she. >> in the cage, the shark came up out of the water, and i got the shot. >> reporter: this morning, the photo not just making a splash on the internet, it's also earning a special place hanging in her classroom for all of her impressed students to see. >> they see the picture in the classroom and they're all so excited about it. it's been an amazing experience to share with my students. >> reporter: she hopes that the photo will get people talking about sharks and help conserve the beautiful animals. i agree with that. but i will not be swimming in the ocean any time soon. >> you do like bringing that music back. >> get going in the morning. get the blood pressure up. >> but you can agree with that. with shark week, and you talked about that. >> i did. the great whites get that gummy look. they are some weird animals. >> kind of jim carrey, fire marshal bill, remember that? >> i do remember that. can't get that image out of my head now. >> anyway. >> okay, we have some rain in the ohio valley? >> hopefully my lipstick is not all over my face. we have some video now. >> look at that tree crashing down in west virginia. more than 80 severe weather reports reported anywhere from tennessee to massachusetts in the last 24 hours. and that included pictures like this. so possible tornadoes. all of the things we had to see later from the national weather service going to survey. we'll be waiting on the information there. but behind the front, much calmer weather. all the storms off to the north and east. and we're going to see much calmer and cooler weather behind. your local forecast in 30 seconds, first the rainy cities. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. above average inland. below average at coast. cooler highs tomorrow and friday. the sun and warmth comes back this weekend. today is mid-60's loan the coast into san francisco and low-to-mid 70's and 80's inland and 90's even. the seven-day forecast is two to six degrees cooler before the welcome the strongest storm in the the strongest storm in the world so far this year, super typhoon vongfong headed to japan. fortunately it looks like it's going to dwindle in intensity. >> thank you. coming up, we have the latest on the shocking allegations against one of the most beloved tv dads, "7th seven" star, stephen collins. and the husband accused of killing his wife for insurance money. the audio from the climb scene played in court. plus a shocking kidnapping story had a whole town on edge. two teens claiming they were abducted, now turns out it was an elaborate hoax. wow! wow! made with superfoods. superfoods sound good to me. there's uh... quinoa, barley i can definitely taste the quinoa. good! i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. to help you truly shine. this is a way to be good to me. nurturing yourself. what will you gain? ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think 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thousands of items, now on rollback. save money. live better. walmart. your relaxing sideside is calling... your let's do it all side has arrived... and an unforgettable disney vacation is all within your reach. and right now, you can create a 7-day package including a select walt disney world resort hotel room and theme park tickets for as little as $78 per person per day for a family of four so come on. show your disney side, this year at the place where dreams come true. good morning, i'm katie marzullo. we have breaking news out of san francisco where the fire department has evacuated an apartment building in the sunset district after a carbon monoxide alarm went off. firefighters swept the building this morning at 23rd avenue and found carbon monoxide levels. they have treated some people for medical conditions. it's not clear if those conditions are related to the carbon monoxide. pg&e crews have been called to the scene. let's get a check on the morning commute with abc 7 news traffic center's leyla gulen. >> thank you, katie. we do have one accident in san francisco on 280 involving a couple of vehicles. the northbound side right at mariposa street. we are looking at a little bit of a slowdown as you leave king street and try to make it to the freeway. farther to the south, the northbound side of highway 101 at woodside road we have a solo crash blocking one lane and heavy delays just behind it. >> thank you. mike nicco has your bay area foreca visibility three-quarters after mile in santa rosa. temperatures hanging out in the 50s in most area. los gatos temperature is about 1800 feet. check out the cloud cover. the marine layer is deeper and the temperatures are slowly dropping again today. it will be only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. ♪ ♪ god only knows what i'd be without you ♪ got to love that beach boys classic. look who's singing it right there. what an epic collaboration. 27 artists. you have one direction, lorde, stevie wonder. and teaming up for a great cause. that's coming up in "good morning america." >> something tells me that's going to be the lead on "pop news." i just sense that. and also this morning, the shocking allegations against actor stephen collins who played the wholesome father on "7th heaven" for so many years. why police are investigating him. and the teens sending police on a wild chase for a suspect, admitting it was a hoax. how did they do it? and jennifer lawrence, calling the phone hacking scandal a sex crime. what she says is the worth part of it all. but start with stephen collins being investigated this morning. the secret audiotape getting him fired from his latest movie. tom llamas is here. >> reporter: he was one of the sweetest tv dads. but fans of the actor stephen collins are seeing him in a different light. all because of disturbing allegations involving children. overnight, police responding to reports of a single gunshot at the home of stephen collins. the home was empty, collins, safe at another location. this after a day of bombshells surrounding the actor known as the wholesome minister father on "7th heaven." tmz posting this tape of collins allegedly admitting to acts during therapy with his now-estranged wife. >> the exposure happened a couple of times. >> a couple of times? you told me once. >> no, i said on the list, it couple of times. >> reporter: it appears he says he exposed himself to two young girls and molested a third. >> yes, there were about three incidents over three years. >> reporter: tmz reporting grant made the secret recording in 2012. the same year collins filed for divorce. >> you have to understand that -- >> i got it. >> reporter: in divorce documents, she said she reported the alleged crimes in police in los angeles and new york and handed over the tape to the authorities, not the media. >> all the privileges, attorney/client, they're all out the window if that conversation is covering up crime. >> reporter: lawyers say even though the alleged crimes happened in the '70s, collins could be prosecuted. the actor has a daughter in her 20st, and acted with seven children, including a teenage jessica we'biel. just last month, this photo with a reunion. >> he's linked in the minds of many people. that's why it's coming as such a shock. >> reporter: since the scandal broke, he has been fired from the cast of "ted 2," and resigned from the national board of the screen actors guild. we reached out, and so far no comment. we have been pouring through the divorce documents. his estranged wife says she believes there are other victims out there. >> thank you very much. and the utah man on trial for murdering his wife. prosecutors say he did it for a million dollars in insurance. the defense says it was an accident. and the jury heard dramatic tapes from crime seen. >> reporter: a gun, blood splatter everywhere. this video was taken by investigators inside heidi truman's home after her mysterious death. what happened? in a utah courtroom this week, the focus is on conrad truman, her husband and estranged killer. >> he was kissing her feet, saying he was sorry. >> reporter: both agree he and his wife heidi were drinking and watching the tv show "dexter," about a serial killer. >> i guess i'll live to see another day. >> you're still going to die. >> reporter: after that, heidi was killed by a single gunshot. police say it was murder for nearly a million dollars in insurance money. but conrad says she accidently shot herself getting out of the shower or was shot by someone outside the home. >> enough is enough. seriously, knock it off. >> reporter: the court hearing audio recordings made by police. officers thought they were responding to a suicide, but turned their attention to conrad because of his odd behavior. allegedly threatening to kill officers if they didn't save his wife. >> i have been in law enforcement for 20 years and never seen anyone until this time threaten to kill the officers. >> reporter: but conrad's attorney says he was in shock and had been drinking. and he tried to show that police didn't have control of the crime scene. as the family dogs walked amongst the evidence, and conrad was allowed to go to the bathroom alone. >> when i was outside the bathroom. i didn't go in with him. >> reporter: conrad truman has pleaded not guilty. neal karlinsky, abc news, los angeles. >> thanks. now to the two utah teams who claimed they were kidnapped and held for a day before escaping. police have been investigating since they placed a frantic 911 call last month. now it's a hoax. the girls made up the whole story. clayton sandell has that story for us. >> reporter: this morning, the kidnapping this terrified the town of bountiful, utah. >> they took us in their car. >> someone took you in the car? >> yes. >> reporter: turning out to be nothing but an elaborate hoax. police searched for three suspects, believed to have forced two girls, age 16 and 17 at knife point in the middle of the night. the girls told everyone they were held for 19 hours, finally breaking free. >> are you still in the car? >> no, we got out of the car zblsh but their story has now unravelled after detectives discovered a new clue. >> found convenience >> found convenience store video of the two girls, sitting, having lunch on the day they were taken. >> reporter: even police believed the story. >> they inflicted injuries to make it appear they had been physically abused. >> reporter: this morning one of the mothers says the teens are sorry for faking their own abduction. what everyone wants to know is why. >> neither one would elaborate. >> reporter: the girls are now facing charges of making a false police report and this morning, their community is traumatized for a second time. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> you hate to hear this. the families trying to get attention, and they can't. because police fear this kind of thing happens. >> good no one was wrongly accused. >> that's true, but for more than a month, they were searching for them. >> and it's monsoon season? >> it's been wet, but how wet? phoenix, second wettest record, 4 inches above average. flagstaff, fifth highest. 8.31 and 12.73 is what they got. we know it was that way and more to come. the remnants of simon passing over arizona, and embedded, 2 plus inches of rain. so, we'll watch for flash flooding there, also on flood watch in kansas city. down to northeastern oklahoma, into southern illinois into early saturday morning. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, the heat is slipping inland. 80 in the north bay and 90 in the east bay and 62 to 68 and cooler-than-average at san francisco and the bay is breezy, in the 70's. seven-day forecast is coolest to >> 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[ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. we're talking movies here. 7:43, jennifer lawrence speaking out since her personal nude photos leaked on the internet. calling the hacking a sex crime. revealing the hardest part of the whole experience. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: jennifer lawrence is known for playing strong, outspoken characters. >> i opened up and you judged me. >> reporter: this morning the actress is speaking out about the leaked nude photos for the very first time. in a candid new interview, the 24-year-old telling "vanity fair," it's not a scandal, it's a sex crime. adding, anybody who looked at those pictures you're perpetuating a sexual offense. you should cower with shame. what was her emotional state talking about this? >> she was angry and upset. but philosophical about it. she's intent on putting the shame and the blame where it belongs. >> this is a surprise. >> the nice guy. >> reporter: several intimate photos were posted on 4chan in august. the oscar winner telling "vanity fair" the photos had been taken for a longtime boyfriend and when the private moments went public, the worst part was having to tell her father. i don't care how much money i get for the "hunger games," having to make a phone call to tell your dad something like that has happened, it's not worth it. now she's threatening legal action. a lawyer representing lawrence and more than a dozen other celebrities who's pictures were hacked telling google they may file a $100 million lawsuit against the search engine because google has taken little or no action to stop these outrageous violations. in a statement, google tells abc news, we've removed tens of thousands of pictures, and we have closed hundreds of accounts. lawrence says she's ready to close this chapter. i can't be angry anymore. i need to find my own peace. a fighter on screen and off. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> fascinating to see the possible legal actions play out. coming up, target facing backlash. the mom taking on the retail giant, claiming the store has a double standard when it comes to clothes for young boys and girls. and what is j.k. rowling really hitting at? is the boy wizard about to return, and is he headed for new york city? and the blood moon lighting up the sky right now. the story behind the stunning phenomenon this morning. (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! i thought "so what?", but now "cai can't stop playing.rst that's not how it works. i mean it's so simple. it's like my car insurance. i saved 15% in fifteen minutes. well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. three in a row! sweet! 15 minutes for a quote isn't so sweet. level 2! start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance, backed by allstate. click or call. padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. ♪ now to that amazing site in the sky that's burning up the web right now. it's blood moon and lunar eclipse, the top trends on twitter overnight. and there it is live over los angeles. look at that. the moon turning an eerie red color. people getting up early and holding blood moon parties to see this rare sight. ♪ there's a bad moon on the rise ♪ parties popping up all over the u.s. this morning, celebrating a blood moon rising. >> everyone loves real astronomy. >> reporter: if you looked out your window this morning, a rare lunar eclipse took place. the moon fully covering the earth's shadow making it appear a reddish-orange. so weather you're moonstruck -- >> snap out of it. >> reporter: -- an r.e.m. fan -- ♪ if you believe they put a man on the moon ♪ >> reporter: -- or a honeymooner, it's easy to be over the moon on this phenomenon. unlike the first in april, during this one you'll be able to see the sun and the moon at the same time. >> it's just a wonder of nature. and the people out here getting a chance to see it. >> reporter: but for some, it appears that houston, we have a problem. they are linked to major historical events, like the fall of constantinople, and in 2004 >> the boston red sox are world champions. >> when the boston red sox broke the curse of the bambino. when i heard about this blood moon trending and all of that, i worked all night to get the perfect shot for you guys. i wanted to dig deep, and here it is -- >> the lighting is so -- >> wow. that's amazing. >> i told you. i worked all night. even put on a suit for this picture. you can send us your blood moon photo. tweet us at #socialsquare. >> thanks eat right. not less. gorgeous grains at your service. hi, this looks interesting! special k nourish hot cereal. made with superfoods. special k? i can definitely taste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. nurturing yourself. what will you gain? some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's for 15% off special order windows and doors. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's you need healing., new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm for a better am. good morning, i'm eric thomas. the giants advance to the national league championship series after they defeated the nationals 3-2 in game 4 of the nlds last night. this is the giants third trip in five years. they take on the cardinals saturday at 5:00. here's mike with the forecast. good morning, everybody. here's a look at the thickest fog around. look at the golden gate, a west wind at 10 miles per hour. temperatures will continue their slow decline today mainly inland. accuweather seven-day forecast, coolest tomorrow and friday. much warmer everywhere saturday, sunday, monday. we do have an accident right at the parkway tunnel right outside of the golden gate bridge. southbound side of 101. so we do have folks that are outside of their vehicles trying to exchange information so just be careful, there might be a lane blocked there. there's a crash westbound 80 at san pablo sculpting the sleek body of the all-new mercedes-benz gla took nearly 600lbs of high- strength steel. setting industry-leading safety standards took 20,800 crash simulations. and perfecting its engine took over 1.1 million miles of extreme driving. but, this may be the most impressive number of all. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gla. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. the mom taking on target. claiming there's a double standard when it comes to clothes for your kids. and why top restaurant chains are cutting calories. inside the big changes at your favorite places to eat. and it's all about looking gorgeous. a makeup artist to the stars revealing secrets to looking like gwyneth, rihanna, or the new mrs. clooney in five minutes or less. ♪ god only knows what i'd be without you ♪ and what has them all singing together, god only knows, trending huge, as we say -- >> good morning, america! a great tune and a great crowd here on this hump day. times square. can't wait to get out there. >> there's some excitement. >> oh. that's a group from louisiana. they were in earlier. yeah. she's back -- she's back from new orleans, that one right there in the middle. so anyway, we will be heading out there. right now, a look behind the screen. a unique wedding gown like you've never seen before. one of the bridal gowns inspired by some of the most popular disney movies, with including elsa from frozen for that true fairytale wedding. >> hence the music. and everyone has an idea they want to turn into a business. you want to see this. a woman who's helps a thousand entrepreneurs start a business. she's called the entrepreneur whisperer. >> and what is j.k. rowling hinting at? is the boy wizard about to make a comeback? and if so, is he headed to new york city? >> we'll find out. all of that and we'll talk to robert downey jr. but first, some news from amy. we begin with the fight against ebola. word overnight that american journalist ashoka mukpo, infected in liberia, will get an emergency blood transfusion from dr. kent >> brent: brantley, the first american to survive the disease. they hope the antibodies will kick start his immune system. and the hospitalized patient has improved, but it in critical condition. also breaking overnight, official word coming in that the pilot of the air tanker fighting a fire at yosemite national park has been killed in a crash. the plane slamming into the wall of a canyon. rescuers had to hike through steep, rugged terrain to reach the wreckage. isis fighters are taking ground in syria despite fierce fighting on the ground. officials fear the town of kobani along the turkey border will fall to isis. it comes, as the fbi launches a global search for the isis militant seen in this propaganda video, speaking perfect english. the fbi believes he may be an american. and new allegations of police brutality here in new york. this teen drug suspect running from police appears to stop and surrender when an officer then punches him in the face. a second officer appears to pistol whip the 16-year-old, breaking several teeth. one officer has been suspended, the other placed on modified duty, as that case now goes to the grand jury. a contentious school board meeting last night at the new jersey high school where football was canceled amid hazing and bullying allegations. parents argued that everyone should not be punished for the actions of a few. but the board decided with the superintendent's decision to call off the season, saying the hazing was wide spread, and in some cases, sexual in nature. a major reversal by facebook is purr portlandedly in the works right now. the company does not allow you to use anything but real names when you post. but facebook is working on an app to allow pseudonyms just in case you need to preserve your anonymity. and finally, a 4-year-old autistic boy from san diego with dreams of becoming a police officer just wanted a sticker. but a kindly san diego police sergeant did one better, making alexander sanchez an officer for a day. wearing his halloween costume a few weeks a little early. and alexander was given a parade by the department, they even gave him an official pad to write out tickets. we have been told he has been handing out citations to his aunt and grandmother. watch out. he's got handcuffs too. don't cross little alexander. >> that is one neat motorcycle. thank you. and health news, and a new study showing the top restaurant chains are cutting calorie counts. people say they want it, the chains are delivering. abc's juju chang has the story. >> reporter: some of america's favorite family restaurants that are easy on the wallet have not always been easy on the waistline. >> endless shrimp it here. every day one-third of americans eat at a chain restaurant. now a new study finds that some of the most popular restaurants have given their menus a makeunder, of sorts. >> new york and seattle beginning in 2006 started mandating that they post calorie information on the menus. our thoughts was they might start voluntarily posting information about calories and as a result reducing them. >> reporter: the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health examining menus at 66 of the 100 largest chain restaurants in the u.s. and found that in 2013 these chains introduced newer food and beverage options with an average of 60 fewer calories than traditional offerings. weed at menus from five of those chains, olive garden, chilies, apple-bees, and ruby tuesday. there's a large calorie difference between the decadent and health-conscious options. in some cases a 1,000 calorie differential. some of the low-calory options don't hit the 200 calorie mark. >> giving consumers options to eat a lot healthier. not necessarily talking about a salad or a yogurt parfait. lobster, shrimp cocktail, and steak so you can enjoy some of your favorite foods, just in smaller portions. for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> okay. these are our thoughts. >> we all like the calorie counts. >> like it. >> if you're on the fence. you're just not sure. >> and on the days you don't care, you just don't care. "pop news" and weather coming up. let's go to michael right now. now here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" powered by samsung galaxy. in "pop news" god only knows why one direction, lerde, and so many others got together to sing a beach boys classic. and the mommy blogger taking on target. why she says there's a double standard with boys and girls clothing. and super star makeup secrets. from gwyneth to rihanna, how you can look like your favorite celebrities in less than five minutes. i need to pay attention. all of that coming up on "gma" here in times square. fired up crowd. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> fired up crowd. snackon it. isn't this my breakfast cereal? it's also a snack. so, then it's snackreal. clever. your favorite cereals. at any time of day. all at unbeatable walmart prices, guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. do it...take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. visit for details. ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away enough to fill the empire state building...twice. toss the tube for good with scott naturals™ tube-free. when things go bump in the night,, inspire daring pursuits that thrill and delight. for 5 days only, at petsmart, save 50% on hundreds of halloween items, like costumes, toys, dog treats & rawhide! petsmart®. campbell's® fiesta chicken sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® whatwas this easy?ady now teeth whitening is! with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. just brush, whiten, and go! its stay-on formula deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. brush, whiten, go! this is the one. can we go for a test drive? oh sure, i'll be right back. thanks. leather, running boards... carmax quality certified, low, no-haggle price, 5-day money back guarantee ... that's great... and, a roof rack for the kayak! we don't have a kayak. we could get a kayak. ready to roll? yes, we are. with more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for...everybody. carmax. start here. ok, if you're up there, i coulsmart sarah.elp. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there. you don't have to go it alone. e*trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. are you type e*? ♪ i may not always love you you hear that, you guys? yeah, this is how we're kicking off "pop news." >> i like that. >> watching this video trending huge. it is a galaxy of the biggest names in music. all teaming up for the epic cover of the beach boys classic "god only knows." part of the bbc music. it's the all-star lineup, the impossible orchestra. >> everybody in there. pharrell, stevie wonder, lorde, chris martin, one direction, and the song writer, brian wilson and the tract will help raise money for the bbc's children in need charity. >> fantastic. >> one of my favorites. >> i think of "love actually," the movie. >> one of my favorites. because i'm a sensitive man. now to a "pop news" exclusive. why are you laughing at that? now our "pop news" exclusive. and kerry washington's guide to life. opening up to bobby brown. what it's like to play olivia pope and much more. now get this. you know how olivia has a real taste for red wine, the most expensive of read wine. she's really downing a whole lot of grape juice for those scenes, leading to a crazy sugar high. and dance, learning from jennifer lopez. both attended the same boys and girls club growing up. you can catch the full interview on yahoo! beauty. i'm going to the boys and girls club that denzel washington went to. i'm going to be an actor. >> magic mike. and finally, less than one month out from election day, and rock the vote is out with a new star-studded new video. very encouraging for the younger generation. encouraging younger people to head to the polls. and little john experiences an awkward celebrity run in at the voting booth. so everybody take a look. >> occupied. we're in here, voting. >> wait, you're lena dunham, and you're celebrity fitness trainer tracy anderson. >> this is how we do it in hollywood, we vote with our trainers. >> i can't wait for the season four of girls. >> you're not the only one that wants to see season four of girls. >> the video was caught, turn out for what. i'm all fired up. seriously. i have been in the club too much. i'm still not ready to turn it down. but turn out for what. it is packed with celebrities. and all the celebrities are talking about issues which matter to them. which i think is really important to show these celebrities have something behind wanting to vote and encourage the younger generation to get out and vote. >> you were ready to vote. hit it one more time. >> turn out the what? >> to the weather with ginger. >> i want to hear it again, michael. we'll do that later. and a very good morning to all my new friends from baton rouge, louisiana. you are here for what? >> shopping. >> shopping. usually it is a celebration, but that is a celebration, too. >> let's get started and see the heat. dallas tied a record at 98 yesterday. that was the hottest october day in 35 years. today, slightly cooler, 91. 88, houston, and fog in florida and parts of the gulf too. and a cool end to the week. especially as we look at chicago, boston, new york city, dropping into the 50s as we start the weekend. good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. above average inland. below average at coast. cooler highs tomorrow and friday. the sun and warmth comes back this weekend. today is mid-60's loan the coast into san francisco and low-to-mid 70's and 80's inland and 90's even. the seven-day forecast is two to six degrees cooler before the welcome i have been talking to this group. and let me tell you, we are all so excited about the highly anticipated movie, "birdman," starring michael keaton. keaton, the entire cast, is going to be on "gma" and "entertainment weekly" has a sneak peek in the latest issue that hits stands this friday, october 10th. get a check in on that. robin and george. >> he's amazing. >> i'm sure he is. and kicking off the heat index. j.k. rowling getting a lot of buzz for posting several cryptic tweets about the wizarding world. it starts with this one. quote, very busy at the moment, working on a novel, tweaking a screenplay and being involved in the lumos campaigns. back when i've finished something. and sometimes we're wondering if harry potter will be making a comeback. one was an anagram. a devoted fan cracked the code. looks like the magic is coming to new york city as part of the harry potter spinoff series. it'll touchdown right here. >> maybe to "good morning america." see what happens. next on the heat index. the eiffel tower lighting up the internet for its brand-new feature. it's a glass floor, almost 200 feet above the ground, giving tourists a new view. the city unveiling it to celebrate the eiffel tower's 125th anniversary. visitors already testing it out, having fun with some entertain ing -- roses and things like that? but, yeah, 125 years. >> ginger wants to rappel off of it. >> do a back flip. >> she's going to do it whether they let her or not. >> that's true. in the social square, tony reali, he is the host of espn's around the horn. shot right upstairs here. and here's here. tony, what's burning up the heat index? >> good morning. trending on the fast company website overnight, the movement to keep majors and minors, like in college at work. your major, of course, what you do during the day, what they pay you to do, your minor, your passion, what you truly love. and it's allowed to come out at work. the idea behind this, if your complete self is out there, it will translate to good business. consider me sceptical. i don't think anyone wants to hear about my love for fabreje eggs right now. and working on a client on a campaign, started rapping and got hired by the client for the commercial. ♪ homey tell the stories cause my category ♪ you will not get my rapping on the first day. promise you that. is the work place the right place for this? should you get paid to play at work? >> i say yes. >> first of all, tony, you do that -- >> i do that every day. that's right. >> i love you, but you know that's what you do. >> kind of depends on the job, doesn't it? some places it works. >> if the boss sees you on the computer researching your passion, that it shouldn't be discouraged. that you should be allowed to have that creative outlet at work. you're right. it depends on your past time. you don't want me singing here. >> yes, we do. >> almost got tony rapping on his first day. >> yesterday, i texted my parents that i was going to be debuting on "good morning america," and it auto corrected to debunking grandma. so, grandma, i'm on to you. love you. >> what's the worst auto check? >> work on that tomorrow for social square. bye, guys. >> great to have you here. >> thank you very much. time now for the morning stir. the morning -- this morning, one mommy blogger taking on target. she's not happy with the differences in sizing between girls and boys clothes. and she's calling out the major retailer for having a double standard. lindsey davis is over there and has more for us. good morning, linzie. >> reporter: it's no secret there's a big difference between the way boys and girls clothing is cut. but this blogger is pushing back. and it appears that thousands of moms have her back, when she complained about how other thing, how toddlers girls' shorts were made with half as much cloth as those for boys, turns out target was listening. with three growing kids, stephanie giese is constantly at war with their wardrobes. >> it's hard to juggle. >> reporter: so the pennsylvania mom turns to stores like target for affordable clothing. but she noticed as her daughters got bigger, target's clothing styles for little girls kept getting smaller. >> just going into the store, and noticing things are starting to be cut a lot shorter. >> reporter: in her now viral open letter to target, giese asking the company to sell clothes that aren't exposing our daughter's precious assets. and thousands of parents agree. one mom writing, shirts are cut too tight, and shorts, too short. another added, we shouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg to avoid sexy clothes for our children. >> i think it's ridiculous. >> reporter: to see just how different they were, we went to target and bought the shorts, t-shirts and jeans for boys and girls. the girls shorts were about 3 inches shorter than the boys. the jean, tighter, and the t-shirt, more body-hugging. but some parents say at the end of the day, it's their responsibility to say what they're wearing is decedent. >> the tee is, don't pick a 5 t because they are a 5 t in their mind, the key is to pick something that fits them. >> reporter: now target it taking the offer seriously. >> they offered to set up a meeting between me and one of the designers. they also offered to send me samples of children and i can given them feedback on that. >> reporter: target saying we'll take her feedback into consideration and hope our response helped address some of her concerns. stephanie says she is now in talks, target to get more of what moms and girls want into the stores. good for target for listening. this is an age-old discussion about oversexualizing girls too early and the role that clothing plays. >> didn't she go back? >> reporter: what's interesting, when she compared apples to apples, girls extra small, and girls shorts, the girls had a 1-inch inseam, the boys had a 7-inch inseam. in order to make it even, to get the 7-inch inseam, go to a girls large compared to a boy's extra small. that explains it, so cut and dry. >> it does really explain it like that. i'm sure a lot of people at home are like, really? >> reporter: you know it. but when you see the actual ruler and take it out. >> that kind of difference. thanks for getting into that. appreciate that. amy? >> i didn't know it was that big of a difference. thank you. it is super star beauty secrets week on "gma." george is really excited about this one. >> this morning, we have the secrets from some of the biggest names in hollywood. any one from gwyneth, to rihanna to mrs. george clooney. the celebrity makeup artist who works with these and so many more. paula, you were a lucky candidate. >> and then she had to do me. >> she got to do you. >> are you sure you're ready for the story? things you can show your daughters when that time comes. how to get some of the hottest looks in just a few simple steps. and if you don't think that you have time, you only need about five minutes. from kate moss to sara jessica parker to victoria beckham, celebrity makeup artist, charlotte tilbury has done them all. working with amal alamuddin on her wedding day. what is it about her look that makes her so unique. >> i think she's gorgeous. and a dream. >> reporter: and not only the face, but the legs. >> she's got the best legs. >> reporter: did you contour her legs? >> i used to contour the body. >> and now she's showing us how we can get gwyneth's glow, and rihan rihanna's eyes, and penelope's look in just five minutes or less. >> what i'm going to do is bring backstage secrets and tips. >> reporter: it's about the defined cheekbones. >> suck in your cheeks and follow the hollow. and that will give you the amazing contoured cheekbone. >> reporter: just a few brushes of bronzer, a dusting of eye shadow and on to the lips. >> get a lip liner that mimics your natural lip color and cheat your way to fabulous, fuller lips. >> reporter: she is a golden goddess. >> and the rock star look. and the smokey eye. >> rimmed with black and take this pencil, scrub it on and blend it in. and a tiny bit underneath the eyes. >> reporter: for luscious lashes, load on mascara and finish with a strong, sexy lip. you're looking fierce. so you're going to give me the penelope look. first up, a cat eye called the feline flick. >> draw along the eye and then create a dot on the outer corner. and then just join them up. and that gives you an instant eye lift. >> reporter: then bronze-toned eye shadow for a mesmerizing shimmer. >> back and forwards like a wind screen wiper. all over the eyes. this is not complicated. >> reporter: i don't recognize myself. a little blush and lip gloss, voila. hello e-penelope. i should apologize to penelope, that's the closest i get. feline flick and follow the hollow. didn't take long. >> can you repeat it? can you do it yourself now? >> um, no. that's why she's a professional makeup artist, and i'm not. >> when you walked out, you had attention you didn't have before. >> i got unsolicited feedback. and compliments i never had gotten before. give a girl the right makeup, and she can conquer the world. >> i agree. 100%. >> we have robert downey jr. here live. talking about his family, his new movie and the big question we all want to know, will there be an "iron man 4"? stay tuned. good morning, i'm eric thomas. a bay area scientist has won the nobel prize in chemistry along with two others. william merner from stanford on the left won along with two others. the trio won the honor for a development that allows microscopes to see finer details than they could before. let's get some details about the traffic. here's leyla gulen. >> we have an accident involving a jeep westbound along 580 as you approach 680 in dublin and that is certainly causing delays because it is blocking one lane. plenty of red just behind it. as we head over to the other side of the bay along the peninsula, northbound side of 101 right at the embarcadero there's a crash locking a lane. heavy delays approaching highway 84. when we come start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. good morning. temperatures still cool ets up north. 48 in santa rosa, 50 petaluma, 51 at napa, the rest of us in the mid to upper 50s. above the clouds, it's 72. you can see the bay bridge getting swallowed by the fog but it will be going away pretty soon. temperatures anywhere from 1 to 4 degrees cooler from san jose to about petaluma. let's take a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. darrelle afternoonly -- today . ♪ big, happy crowd out here in times square this wednesday morning. lots of cheering going on. and look inside, robert downey jr. is here. he has a movie called "the judge" with robert duvall. robin is going to talk to him. >> saw it last night, it's a good one. plus "people" magazine is celebrating a big anniversary. 40 years. and this friday you can get your hands on the special anniversary double issue featuring taylor swift on the cover. did you see that? re-creating people's inaugural issue from march, 1974 featuring mia farrow. here with a sneak peek, jess kagel, editor of "entertainment weekly." boy, a lot of people are talking about the cover. excuse us. sorry about that. who came up with that idea with taylor? >> it was our creative director andrea dunham who thought, let's do her like mia farrow on the original cover. i didn't think i was going to use it on the main cover. i love the photos so much. martin shuller was the photographer. he did an amazing job. you're seeing the subscriber cover right there. which is very, very close to the original -- the original cover. the news stand cover is more conventional. >> she was so into it. >> she's so lovely and grown up into an amazing, quirky, graceful woman. i loved having her on the 40th anniversary. seemed like the perfect person. >> re-created some great scenes, thelma and louise. >> we had sarah silverman and chelsea handler to re-create thelma and louise. >> there they are. >> sarah silverman is on the set. they wouldn't go over a cliff. they'd end up on an island somewhere. very, very happy. >> and then you re-created a great scene from "twins." you have shaquille o'neal and kevin hart playing arnold schwarzenegger and danny devito. >> shaq, who's 7'1", and kevin hart who's 5'4". and they are happy with their height. shaq says i command a room, and kevin, i'm small by my body is perfect. that's what he says. >> he's humble. >> full of humility. >> and hair styles. favorites over the years. do you have a favorite? >> oh, my gosh. here's the thing about hair styles. the best, most memorable in the last four decades. it doesn't matter what hair style you have. in five minutes that hair is embarrassing. we will watch a rerun of this tomorrow and be like, what were we thinking? i barely have hair. >> the pictures of ones that were -- that don't have hair now that we forget about. like tyson beckford? >> yes. they did a whole. liz is a mad genius who does these special issues. she did a section, before they were bald. it's the best thing that happened to tyson beckford and larry david. tyson was basically marge simpson before. now he's a super model. now he's paid to look good. >> thank you. and how to turn your budding business into a big one. the guru they call the entrepreneur whisperer has helped hundreds of startups take their brand to the next level. and now helping three moms that started as a kickstarter campaign. rebecca jarvis has the story. >> reporter: these three mom-trepneur friends just opened their own mouth-watering business. b cakeshop in brooklyn, new york. >> we have each other's back. >> reporter: there's the visionary, the pastry pro and the numbers girl. they want to not just be a bakery, but a party space and a culinary classroom. >> i wanted to stand out. >> reporter: but with half of all new businesses failing within just the first five years, trouble may lurking just beneath the icing. >> when we were friends we weren't talking about money every day. >> reporter: enter linda rottenberg, known as the entrepreneur whisperer. she's mentored a thousand entrepreneurs. and her new book "crazy is a compliment: the power of zigging when everyone else zags," covers two decades of her mogul mastery. >> they are at the big phase, about to hit challenges they don't know they have. it's wonderful to start with friends and family. here's the problem, at some point not everyone's ideas align. >> reporter: her first tip, have a startup prenup. >> create a plan of what will happen if either someone wants to leave or someone's skills are no longer the right skills. >> reporter: next, pick one leader. >> there has to be one boss. cos never last. >> reporter: linda's final tip, close doors and go all in. >> it's okay to be doing things on the side. but at a point, keeping too many doors open causes confusion. entrepreneurship is about taking that leap of faith, giving yourself confidence to do what's maybe unexpected. >> reporter: important lessons that really take the cake. for "good morning america," rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> "crazy is a compliment" in bookstores right now. and ginger, it's a beautiful day here in new york. you are headed to alaska? >> yes. headed to alaska. our friends with the deadliest catch. i have a lot more coming up on monday. never get an alaskan forecast, why not? from new york to alaska we fly. here's the anchorage five-day. which i will be either enduring in some places or enjoying in many others. you can see it there. and one other headline, watching the remnants of simon coming through. tonight, already through parts of it. through the southwest, drenching rains >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, the heat is slipping inland. 80 in the north bay and 90 in the east bay and 62 to 68 and cooler-than-average at san francisco and the bay is breezy, in the 70's. seven-day forecast is coolest tomorrow and >> so we have something special. that's why i'm coming into the social square. if -- i didn't know there would be a person in it. this is exciting. if you have dreamed of being a princess or a snow queen on your wedding day, you have the chance. our parent company, disney, teaming up with fashion designer alfred anglo for a new line of bridal gowns based on the iconic princesses. they make their runway debut tonight. and we have an exclusive sneak peek for you. it's "frozen's" elsa. this is really pretty. this is gorgeous. can you turn? is that possible? the sweetheart neckline, beautiful train. just meant for royalty. but if elsa is not what you are into, there are so many others. eight other options including dresses inspired by princess tiana. you can see this one is, of course, from "princess and the frog." and iconic snow white. this one comes in lilly. in different colors. three of the eight, the embroidery is so beautiful. if you dream of being a princess, you have your chance now. all right. all these gowns, amy, are going to be available starting in january. do you think we should make it available for our friend sara, maybe? >> you never know. you know, she's got to have them by november. too late for sara. but i'm sure other lucky brides will be excited. you know who i have with me? cristela alonso. one of the comedians to watch in 2014. and you'll be able to watch her new show, "cristela," on friday. she stars and is the co-creator and co-executive producer of this very funny show. i have to ask, because obviously, the character has the same name as you do in real life? >> yes. >> is it slightly auto biographical? i can't talk. >> yes. it's 90%. we have seven episodes so far, and each episode is based on a real story that happened in my life. >> your mom went to the well to get water? >> every day. when i went to visit her village when i was 8 years old, i had to go to the well as well to get the water for the day. double wells. >> you said that tv was your best friend growing up. >> yes. >> now you are the first latina to write, create, produce and star in your own show. tv turned out to be a pretty good friendship. >> i love tv. and i'm so proud of the show. i wanted to honor it and do a throwback to the shows that i grew up with. and tv shaped me into what i was. and i love it. >> you said when you were a kid, your mom told you not to dream because our family couldn't afford to have an imagination. dreams were the rich, and survival was for the poor. you have proved her wrong and you're an inspiration to so many other young latinas out there. that has to feel incredible. >> it's amazing. and honestly, you know, i think coming from a humble beginning made me so fearless. it made me want to be courageous enough to try anything. because i knew i had nothing lose. i started out with nothing. and i think having that kind of point of view that my mom had helped me. being willing to try everything and not be scared. >> i love the heart you have to go along with the incredible humor. it's a perfect combination. cannot wait to watch you. "cristela," catch the premier at 8:30 eastern, 7:30 central this friday right here on abc. >> yay. we have robert downey jr., here live. ♪ can't stop -- is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. now, americans everywhere are discovering that galbani ricottm inspires moments that are simply better. mmm, galbani (sfx: kiss). italy's favorite cheese brand. always great to have robert downey jr. you're not looking here. you're looking here. and he has a new movie "the judge," and he's on the cover of two major magazines. "vanity fair" and "hollywood" with his wife and business partner, susan. give it up, ladies and gentlemen for robert downey jr. we love it when you come by here. >> yeah, it's fun. >> yeah. as i was telling you, and i want to say this in all sincerity. our condolences. you lost your dear mother a few weeks ago. what you wrote on facebook, it's beautiful. >> it's odd how social media is part of the grieving process nowadays. you know? but it's just so weird art/life. because the whole film starts with hank's mom passing away. and i wanted to let that in. before we start promoting the movie. i wanted to get something out so folks knew a little bit about her. >> i'm glad you shared that with us. >> thanks, robin. >> when i saw the movie. oh, my gosh, the movie starts with the passing of your mother -- your character's mother. and you go back home. you're a high-powered attorney going back home after 20 years. and your father, the judge, played brilliantly by robert duvall. >> one of his best. >> and you were estranged at the time. and he is accused of murder. setting up the clip. >> oh, good. >> and here we go. "the judge." >> nice. >> a firm defense. get the charges dropped and make it go away at the preliminary hearing. never go to trial. >> there's no we here, henry. this is an accident, period. any decent lawyer can argue this. and by decent, i mean honest. someone from here. someone with integrity that an indiana judge will respect. i wish i liked you more. >> oh, gosh. it's so raw. there are a lot of people who are going to watch this and, you know, robert, it's going to resonate with a lot of different folks. >> what i appreciate too is that it's a very balanced piece of entertainment. hilarious stuff, but we do that before we punch you in the stomach with the evocative, personal stuff. >> the humor comes through. and you need it because i would imagine people in the theater, you're laughing one moment, you're hugging your family at the other. you and susan, those are the kind of movies -- i like a good action flick. don't get me wrong. >> thank you. >> the one that you have to between the ears really think. >> and audiences are so savvy nowadays and think they're able to differentiate between, you know, what is something that is genuine entertainment as opposed to something that's marketed that you feel like you have to go see. because your kids want to. i'm part of the problem. this is my -- this is my condolences card to the industry. >> no. the cast -- and we were just watching there in that clip. you have two brothers. robert, but let's give bobby some due here. >> yes. >> he is just -- boy. i haven't seen him in a role like this for some time. >> yeah, it's amazing. it's great up there with lonesome dove, this is one of the great roles. he's not a spring chicken anymore. but this is why acting is a great profession. you can be in your 70s and 80s and still absolutely in your power. >> that was a big question on twitter. somebody was asking you, he's an oscar winner. what was it like for you to share the screen and work on this movie with the robert duvall? >> it was easy. by the time we started shooting, we were acting like a family with vince delaware november -- playing my big brother. and jeremy strong, people are starting to talk about him a lot, playing dale my younger brother. and his old high school sweetheart, billy bob thornton is the lawyer he's going up against. vince and i got to talk at the strausberg institute where he teaches a masterclass. and it's kind of like, for me, carlinville, indiana, is new york city. this is my hometown. so i'm just -- i'm just thrilled to be here talking about it with you. >> you should be thrilled. and i know this is -- this is the debut for the production company. you -- >> right. >> i do love the logo, though. that was a nice touch. >> yeah. >> does it feel different because this is your baby? >> you know, it's still -- we're doing the morning shows and running around. and there's all these other movies and all this stuff. it just feels like a junket it'll mean a lot to get the audience reactions. people are loving it at the theater. you know. yeah. and i think we'll make pretty good dough. >> i think you're going to be just fine. >> probably not "avengers" money. i'm not sure right now. >> oh, come on, think big. and the other baby is coming too in november. you and susan, a girl. >> i know, we're having a girl. more girls. >> girl power. ♪ what the world needs now >> someone asked if you are going to cut another album. >> maybe someday. i'm a little bit busy. i'm probably going to -- you know, double diaper duty and then back to the studio. >> okay. all right. always have an eye on you. thank you. >> thank you. >> all the best to you going forward in all that you do. "the judge" opens nationwide on friday. coming up, mario batali. oh, mario's here live. they love you, robert, they love trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. our good friend mario batali, just published his tenth book. "america: farm to table." this is great. this is your tribute to the rock stars of the food movement, the farmers. >> it's been the chefs getting the credit. but if you're really wondering how to make the food at your house the most delicious as opposed to buying our saute pans, buy the ingredients we are buying. and we can capture the flavor of the region we're in by supporting local farmers and having them grow stuff specifically for us. >> you sent out some of your chef friends and then -- >> told the favorite farmers. and jim webster went out to the streets, talked to the farmer, got the ideas, talked about the crops. they sent us the list. i made recipes and we made delicious things. >> what are we going make today? >> this is from northern illinois. this is a guy that obsessed about braising greens. we're taking some raw kale or spigarella. >> spigarello, what's that? >> a cross between kale and broccoli. it's a delicious leafy green. we're going to make a spicy currant vinagrette. white balsamic vinegar, hot sauce. and a lemon zest. and lemon juice. and then extra virgin olive oil. that's the dressing that would make just about anything, including our shoes, taste really good. then what we do, take fresh farm eggs. hold on, i'm going to take this and put a little bit like that on each one. now you're going to crack an egg with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil into the pan. right? how is your cracking technique? >> we're going to find out. >> put it in a little bowl in case it wasn't the prettiest egg we ever saw. and dump right in like that. immediately sprinkle with salt. hit it with a little pepper. got that. and then we take our greens. and this is interesting. in spain they serve eggs as main courses at dinner all the time. so i'm a big fan of serving an egg as your entree. >> okay. >> so this can be a dinner salad. i'll show you how to do this. there you go. >> i was watching my egg over here. >> being very careful. now we get it on the plate. we take some toasted pinenuts, sprinkle over, and the egg over the top just like that. and all of the soft, beautiful yolkiness, falls on to the dish. no, you're right. this is yours. >> okay. >> there you go. then a little tiny bit of parmesan over the top. >> there we go. >> and there you have it. >> so, guys -- >> so good. >> how does it look? so far so good? >> a little bit of a spice. >> there's a little bit of chili in it. and a couple other ingredients. this is chicken inspired a la caccitore with fennel. and we have a brown butter cherry coffee cake inspired by a farm in traverse city. that's it. help yourself. >> "america: farm to table" in book scores. or bookstores right now. and get the recipe on and mario is on "the chew" every day at 1:00 on abc. >> woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. hey mom! welcome home! it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. ♪ how happy are we? wonderful, mario. >> have a great day, everyone. ♪ ♪ it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. fighting for a plan that you have made my life special by being apart of it.ecenough. (everyone) cheers! you made it buddy. glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. good morning. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. still tracking some fog, especially around the golden gate and along the coast. most of it in the north bay is now missing our stations, but check out some of the cloud cover that's hanging around as the marine layer is deeper and the temperatures are going to continue their slow slide back to near normal levels. we'll be in the mid to upper 60s coast and san francisco, 70s and the bay, 80s inland. even 90s possible inland east day. accuweather seven-day forecast, coolest tomorrow and friday. we have a three-car crash in that's taking one lane at 80 highway 92 causing backups coming away from 238. as we slide down, this is your drive ou san jose, eastbound side of highway 237 right at great america parkway. we have a crash there that is also blocking two lanes. now "live with kelly & michael" is next. yip it's "live! with kelly & michael." -- announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from the new film, "the judge," rob gronkowski. and film, broadway, and television actor, alan cumming. plus, performing her new single, "all about you," hilary duff. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141111

and swimming with sharks. wait until you see this. a reporter dives into these shark-infested waters, surrounded by dozens of the man-eaters trying to pull him under. the secret to surviving the impossible. and good morning, america. on this veterans day. a day for all of us to pause and pay tribute to those who have served our country. >> we salute you. and michael will have a story coming up later of a retired sailor bringing down the house in the monday night game in philly last night. >> it's amazing. we think about the veterans who protect us. this guy is going to make you cry. it was amazing to see another talent of one of our soldiers. >> he's going to share that. so we'll have that in just a bit. we want to get right to the one-two punch of very cold weather. a powerful storm bringing heavy snow, dangerous conditions with an arctic blast of frigid air right now right behind it. ginger, you're tracking it all. >> yeah, this snow was big. in some places, from omaha, nebraska, to wisconsin, slipping and sliding. check out that drift. this is in cambridge, minnesota, where they had more than 16.5 inches of snow. st. cloud, a daily record, over a foot. minneapolis, 2.6. spooner, wisconsin, 14 inches. it's not just the snow or the ice on the roads, but you have that cold that's going to keep it in place. these are actual air temperatures. 5 in billings. and in casper. and in minneapolis. and we find alex perez with the snowy story. >> reporter: good morning, ginger. part of the problem is how much snow and how quickly it fell down yesterday. there are huge mounds of snow like this piling up all across town. this morning, millions of people are waking up to feel-like temperatures in the single digits. this was the scene across much of minnesota. [ horn honking ] car after car sliding. and crashing into one another. >> just a landslide of cars. everything slid down the hill. >> reporter: minnesota highway patrol responding to nearly 500 car accidents on monday as this winter storm roared into the midwest. >> i have been here for two hours. >> reporter: in duluth, a 16-car pileup, backing up traffic for hours. this semi sliding off the road and flipping over. the same for this suv. >> go ahead and drop her in gear and see if she'll come forward. >> reporter: tow trucks pulling car after car back on to the road. at minneapolis-st. paul international airport, the runway shut down. 175 flights canceled. this woman finally making it back from a cruise. >> we were in belize, it was what, 80? so, welcome home. >> reporter: this time-lapsed video shows how quickly the storm came in. dropping nearly a foot of snow in five hours. in denver, they started the day at 69 degrees but ended up in the teens. now this morning the digging out and cleanup begins. >> might be a long winter. >> reporter: and here in the minneapolis area, they are preparing for the long haul. temperature here are expected to struggle to get out of the 20s all week. george? >> get the snow out of your hair, alex. thanks very much. and the new firestorm over who killed osama bin laden. for the first time, we're seeing and hearing from the navy s.e.a.l. who claims he fired the fatal shots. a claim that's tradrawn fierce criticism from other s.e.a.l.s. abc's martha raddatz joins us from washington. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, george. he has been criticized for breaking the s.e.a.l. code of silence. but rob o'neill who says he fired the shots to bin laden's head, as decided to tell his story anyway. it was a dangerous, daring mission. going after the most-wanted terrorist in the world. but navy s.e.a.l. rob o'neill says in a special airing tonight on fox news channel, that when s.e.a.l. team 6 first started training for the mission, they were not told who they would be targeting. >> they told us a couple of things like, we're going to read you in to this eventually. here's who's going to be there. they said a few names that didn't make sense. a few of us were talking a couple days later, this person, this person, why would they be there? it's bin laden. they found him. we're going to get him. >> reporter: and on that may day in 2011, the team moved secretly to do just that. but moving into pakistan under the cover of darkness, o'neill said the team members thought this mission might be their last. >> the more we trained, the more we realized this is a one-way mission. we're going to go and not come back. we're going to die when the house blows up. we're going to die when he blows up. or we're going to be there too long and be arrested by the pakistanis and spend the rest of our short lives in pakistani prison. >> reporter: that, of course, did not happen. but special operations commanders are not happy about s.e.a.l.s who talk about secret operations. a reminder went out to that community emphasizing the core values, including behaving as a quiet professional, not one seeks public notoriety. >> thank you very much. what a story. >> it really is, george. now to the emergency evacuation in a florida neighborhood. families forced from their homes after a sinkhole opened up on a driveway, swallowing a car. steve osunsami is on the scene outside tampa florida in holiday. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, robin. scientists tell us now is the time when families across florida start to see more of these sinkholes as the rainy season ends. this is as close as we can get to this one. it's sitting underneath this tree. authorities keeping us at a safe distance. >> i was like, holy crap. not that word but that's what i was like. holy crap. >> reporter: this morning, authorities are closely watching a ten-foot-deep sinkhole that's threatening this florida neighborhood, swallowing this hyundai and part of the driveway. >> one minute you're comfortable and thinking what you're going to do with the day. the next minute, homeless like that lady. >> reporter: anna says it took the ground just 15 minutes to destroy the car. her home is condemned, all of her belongings left behind. six other families next door leaving their homes, too, spending the night in hotels. worried the earth could swallow them whole. >> i don't know how safe my house is going to be. right now i can't go home. we're all in the same boat. >> reporter: this is an early start to the season. the earth caving in after summer rains, causing the limestone to give way under ground. >> how far is it sinking? >> it's just cracking. the whole house and the floors are cracking. >> reporter: last year, people just 13 miles away watched ed e sinkhole eat their home and pool. outside orlando, a 100-foot sinkhole swallowing vacation villas with families sleeping inside. the geologist who works for homeowners believes this was an old singhole from the 1940s that had yet to give way. and scientists tell us there are many more like these across florida waiting to be discovered by homeowners. george? >> we've seen so many of them. steve, thank you so much. and the investigation now into the death of joan rivers. a damaging new report reveals a series of major mistakes during a normally routine medical procedure. most shocking, photos taken while she was under anesthesia. mara schiavocampo has the story. good morning, mara. >> reporter: george, good morning. the report notes that several of the clinic's own policies were not followed, putting joan rivers at risk. melissa rivers is responding to the revelations. this morning, new details about joan rivers' death. a report finding the yorkville endoscopy clinic failed to follow protocol while the comedic legend was undergoing a scheduled procedure for acid reflux in august. she suffered cardiac arrest and died one week later. in the highly critical report, the u.s. department of health and human services found the clinic failed to identify deteriorating vital signs, and provide timely intervention, including blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. and they did not obtain consent for all of rivers' procedures, including one conducted by a surgeon not even authorize to work at the clinic. and a staff member proceeded to take pictures of rivers with his cell phone, while she was sedated. she was put under with propofol the same drug that michael jackson overdosed on. the report stating her dose of propofol was inconsistently documented in the medical record. and rivers' body weight was not recorded. a critical detail in assessing proper dosage. now, rivers' daughter, mel lyss sarks responding to the report through her attorneys. she is outraged by the misconduct and mismanagement now shown to have occurred and will direct her efforts towards ensuring that what happened to her mother will not occur again with any other patient. which experts say could include a lawsuit. >> if the facts in the report are true, the clinic would probably come to the table and work out some kind of settlement so they don't get hit if front of a jury for a much larger number. >> reporter: the clinic says all of the staff members named in the report are gone. and they're committed to addressing the problems outlined. if they don't, they could close in january and have their medicare and medicaid funding taken away. george? >> that would be a big penalty. okay, mara, thanks very much. let's get today's other top stories from amy. good morning. breaking news overnight about the ferry disaster that claimed more than 300 lives. the captain of the ship that sank off south korea in april has been sentenced to 36 years in prison, avoiding a death sentence. he was convicted of negligence after he was caught on video fleeing the ship in his underwear as it was sinking, leaving hundreds of passengers behind, most of them teenagers on a school trip. a possible breakthrough in talks between president obama and the president of china this morning. the president announced an agreement to expand a trade deal that could eliminate tariffs on certain high-tech products. but the big news may be on the sidelines of the summit, where president obama and russian president vladimir putin were appearing to warm up to each other, briefly talking about the issues like the iranian nuclear program and the syrian civil war. hackers frare being blamed r a breach at the u.s. postal service. 800,000 employees' personal information may have been compromised. but most postal customers are not affected. warning to anyone using an iphone or ipad. a security flaw could allow hackers to install fake apps on your mobile device that impersonate real apps, allowing them to steal your personal data. the best advice, avoid third party app stores and never install an app from a pop-up ad. new video this morning of the lava flowing from hawaii's kilauea volcano. claiming its first home. the first house has been burned to the ground. they had evacuated a long time ago. it could take weeks for the lava to reach the next home. a frightening emergency landing near houston. the landing gear on this plane was not working. so the pilot had to swoop in for a belly landing. bouncing and skipping on the runway. the cessna ended up eventually tilting on its nose, but everyone inside, okay. and finally, we all know bachelor parties can get fairly wild. but one guy's friends pulled off a very clever prank. they blindfolded him and told him he was going bungee jumping. he trusted his friends, not knowing what was in store. he prepared himself for the free fall of a lifetime. his friends cheering him on, calming him down, and instead it was a belly flop into that lake. preparing him for marriage. and all the surprises that brings, right? just kidding. i'm not saying marriage is a belly flop. >> i hope he didn't belly flop into love. i mean, wow. >> just saying it's not what you expect sometimes. that's all. >> he was so calm on the way down. >> he thought he had a long way. >> oh, no, not so much. not so much. all right, amy, thank you very much. now to one of the biggest divorce settlements ever. a top oil executive paying his ex-wife nearly $1 billion. and that's actually far less than her lawyers were asking for. rebecca jarvis has the story. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: hi, robin. good morning. and these numbers are mind-blowing. her lawyers were going for half of his nearly $18 billion fortune. and still the settlement is so large that news of it hit her husband's company's stock price, continental resources. >> tell me, j.r., which slut are you going to stay with tonight? >> what difference does it make? whoever it is, it's got to be more interesting than the slut i'm looking at right now. >> reporter: it's the most talked about divorce battle since "dallas'" j.r. and sue ellen ewing went toe to toe over his oil fortune. this time it's oklahoma's richest man, harold hamm, an oil maven and the man behind one of america's fastest growing energy companies, continental resources. he's just been ordered to pay his former wife, sue ann, $995 million in what's being called one of the most costly divorce settlements ever. it ended with the ruling he has to pay her $322.7 million by the end of this year. after that, she'll receive $7 million a month. so what does $7 million a month buy you these days? how about 140 2015 bmw convertibles. 70 kentucky derby contenders. or a little getaway like this in the hollywood hills. the couple had been married since 1988 and had no prenuptial agreement. hamm's fortune is estimated at $17.6 billion. which means he drops a few positions on the the forbes reichest people list. and she's now on it. she's one of the richest women in the world as a result of this. and she worked for the company as an attorney for continental resources. that's the argument there. she helped build it. >> you should have seen michael's face when he heard a billion dollars. >> $7 million. >> i should have married him. >> which one? you know. >> that's all i'm going to say. hey -- i don't know if there's a congrats in that story. but this is a story. a great story at that. a mother, she's truly lucky to be alive this morning after doctors almost declared her dead. she suffered complications after childbirth and had no pulse for 45 minutes. what happened next is hard to explain. but reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: what happened to 40-year-old ruby is being called a miracle. >> you can't even explain it into words. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: clinically dying after a seemingly routine and successful c-section, her heart stopping for 45 minutes. >> there was no pulse, no blood pressure. and the patient was not breathing on her own. >> reporter: doctors placed her on a ventilator, unable to breathe on her own for three and and a half long hours, as they frantically tried to resuscitate her. ruby says she experienced a glimpse of the afterlife. >> i remember seeing a spiritual being, who i think was my dad. i remember another spiritual being. i wasn't walking, i was kind of flowing. it's peaceful. i mean, there's nothing to be afraid of. at one point it was like a force, almost. it was like, you're not going any further. this is it. and you know, that's when i -- when i understood, you're not going to stay here. you're not. this is just a little bit. you're going to go back. it's not your time. >> reporter: doctors out of options, they began calling her family in to say good-bye. but then incredibly, the blip of a heartbeat. >> it was, indeed, something we don't see. i have never seen, myself. the whole family and -- a big majority of the medical team believe this was at least some kind of divine intervention. >> what? you only want mommy? >> reporter: mother and 7-week-old daughter happy and healthy and savoring every new day. >> i'm a normal girl. i'm sure a lot of other people maybe deserve it more than me. i don't know. but i was chosen to be here. >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> i love how the baby girl is looking up at her like that. the doctor said, divine intervention. how else can you explain it? >> wow. >> just an incredible story. ginger, you are easing us into the cold in the east. >> i like the show nice pictures. all the mild air ahead of it. gulf shores, alabama, that's awfully nice. and all the way up into new england, cooling down very soon. i thought why not focus on what's mild today? how about new york city. going to 63, boston, to 61. washington, d.c., will be just short of 70 degrees. and, you know, the change is coming. but let's just focus in on the greens and yellows of jacksonville, 78. 79 tallahassee. oblg, i can't wai okay, i can't wait. i gotta show you that. and how soon it will be here. new york city, 63 today, 45 by the weekend. and you know you wake up sub-freezing in a lot of the suburbs. and chicago, high of the freezing mark on thursday. atlanta, even dropping below 50. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. this veterans day we will be partly sunny and cooler. especially inland areas drop a lot today. wet weather on wednesday night into thursday morning and dry this weekend and possibly another storm next week. 50's along the cost today and low-to-mid 60's elsewhere and inland east bay, upper 60's for you. we will have drizzle tonight and some clouds and big rain on wednesday night into >> i honestly expected more boos. no boos? nobody got anything for me? what's your threshold for boo? >> we just -- you're wearing us down. we're getting used to it. >> okay. coming up here on "gma," hostage drama. the young mom held at gun point for hours, speaking out in an abc news exclusive. how she got out alive. the suspicious death of a promising young weatherman. new clues from the chilling 911 call. plus, swimming with the sharks. our reporter in shark-filled waters. the secrets to surviving the seemingly impossible. and on this veterans day, the blockbuster rendition of the national anthem on "monday night football." what he said after bringing down the house. >> i want to hear him sing. and a big night on "dancing with the stars." alfonso scoring huge with his daring dance. is he the favorite to win it all? when we come back. dance. is he the favorite to win it all? when we come back. ♪ the world is your snowball see how it grows ♪ ♪ that's how it goes, whenever it snows ♪ ♪ campbell's® fiesta chicken sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? 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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ ♪ turn down for what and what a night for alfonso and witney. a little help from lindsey as well. and look what they picked up. four perfect 10s for that paso doble. someone had to go home. it's lea. she's going to be here this morning. they had a great dance on their way out. we say good morning, america. >> come on, michael. turn down -- ♪ turn down for what >> now all is right in the world. and a young mom held at gunpoint for hours. now speaking out about her ordeal. it's an abc news exclusive. and then, what does it take to go swimming with the sharks? our reporter's diving into infested waters surrounded by oh, dozens of maneaters trying to pull him under. no big. this is serious. we have the secret to survival. >> yeah. don't go in the water. and on this veterans day, the rendition of the national anthem by a required sailor that you have to hear. it brought down the house last night. >> got chills. ♪ o say can you see >> and we'll share it with you later. but we begin with the terrifying hostage situation with a happy ending. a gunman is in custody this morning after holding people in an office building for four hours. a woman held captive helped negotiate his surrender and spoke to abc news exclusively. ryan owens joins us from norman, oklahoma, with this story. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning, robin. i can't wait to share this courageous young woman's story with you. she has nerves of steel. what she did in the office building behind me ensured the hostage drama ended peacefully. dozens of workers flee after a gunman storms into an oklahoma office complex. but four hours later, two hostages remain. >> i just felt that, the more i could get him to like me, the less he would hurt me. >> reporter: jennifer may redefine grace under pressure. while her male coworker was locked in his office, she spent hours face to face with the gunman who shot his way into the awe office. >> i dove down as soon as i heard the shots. underneath my desk hoping he hadn't seen me. he's like, ma'am, please get up, stand up. i'm not going to hurt you. >> reporter: 29-year-old devin rogers kept his word. but he also kept this wife and mother of two hostage. >> i was scared. i think my emotions shut down and you just go into survival mode. >> reporter: throughout the ordeal, she texted her family and friends, trying to assure them she was safe. there's a gunman in the office, please call mom. this is no joke. >> reporter: remarkable, she said rogers was kind and courteous, even asking her permission to smoke a cigarette. he said he was a veteran who served in iraq and afghanistan. >> he had no more value to society. he came back and could not find work that would pay him above minimum wage. he wanted to go to jail but wanted to negotiate the terms. >> reporter: so this young paralegal went to work. helping to negotiate the hostage-taker's surrender. this morning, she has sympathy for the man who pointed a gun at her for all those hours. >> i think he needs to get the help he needs. i did not feel like, you know, he was a psychopath. he was just a person who just snapped. >> reporter: jennifer said the gunman told her he picked the building behind me completely at random. he's from california and doesn't even know anyone here in oklahoma. police here will be working hard to confirm that today. meanwhile, there's a certain paralegal here, george, that will be taking the day off. and i think she earned it. >> i should say so. thanks very much. and the mysterious death of an aspiring weather man. it was reported as a suicide, but a newly released 911 call is adding more questions about what happened. tom llamas has the story. >> beautiful day out there. climbing into the low 80s. >> reporter: that's timothy englehardt, delivering one of the last forecasts before his mysterious death. >> my friend shot himself. we think he's dead. he shot himself. >> reporter: the 22-year-old shot in the head while hanging out with friends in september. it was first reported as a suicide, but this morning, police calling the death suspicious, something his parents have believed all along. >> timothy definitely did not do this to himself. >> reporter: for starters, the gun was found nowhere near his body. >> the incident took place in the front porch area of the home. the gun was inside the house, it had been moved into the house. and that's where the officers located the gun once they arrived on scene. >> reporter: and his parents say they have questions about the 911 call which police are still evaluating. take a listen as the caller speaks to another one of timothy's friends at the scene. >> no, you didn't. you didn't kill him. relax. >> reporter: according to the police report, she says timothy and her boyfriend were handling the gun, and friends observed the magazine being removed from the weapon. she saw timothy take the weapon, place to it his head, and pulled the trigger. a bullet apparently left in the chamber. police have no persons of interests, but his parents say their son, an honor student at florida's embry riddle aeronautical university had no reason to commit suicide. he was so close to reaching his dream job as a weather man, and interned at abc's boston affiliate. a dream cut short when someone pulled the trigger. and the friend who made the 911 call tells us she's devastated but cannot comment until the investigation is over. timothy's parents said he just made plans to come home for thanksgiving. his grandmother promised to pay for the ticket. george? >> thank you, tom. a lot of work to do on that investigation. now let's go the ginger. >> look right behind me. fall colors. that's not a big deal. look where it's from, beverly hills, california. yeah, take you to southern california. on-shore flow at the coast will keep san francisco at 63. los angeles, 67. go inland and it's plenty warm. 5 for yuma. palm springs, 83. and 63 for reno. the cold started to settle in. missoula, montana, that's a high temperature today. remember, we were looking earlier. and a lot of places in montana are starting the day sub-freezing as actual air temperatures. spokane, 26. and we wanted to look at the freeze line through next week. we wanted to give an indication of how not warm it's going to be for this long. that is next tuesday. yes, waking up to 16 in cincinnati. kansas city, only 21. and look how far south, even tallahassee in the 30s. >> i am meteorologist mike nicco with cooling that hit the coast spreading inland up to 69. rough serve at the beach at 62 and partly sunny, up to 67 around the >> all that cold weather brought to you by pronamel toothpaste. >> boo. >> there we go. amy's got it. there's the spirit. >> i like that. all right, coming up, we'll have it the laest on the young girl snatched from her bed in the middle of the night. we spoke to her parents yesterday. what you need to keep your home and your children safe. and a frightening shark attack caught on camera. the one thing a surfer did that probably saved his life. and see what happens when "gma" takes you swimming with the sharks. s not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. ♪ warm up to winter with a white chocolate delight from 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unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase every day. tis the season to ask... what's in your wallet? all right. back now at 7:41 with "gma" survival week. just this past weekend, a teenage surfer was badly bitten by a shark in south florida. he was lucky to be saved by other people on the beach. but survivingen the attack is not just about luck. as abc's matt gutman is here to tell us about, this time with an incredible demonstration to boot. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, lara. this time i had to jump into the deep end to fend off sharks, my hands and feet. we had a number of safety precautions, including chain mail armor. this is probably one of the most terrifying experiences i have ever had. >> get out of the water! shark! >> reporter: this is the terrifying moment a great white attacked swimmer steve robles just off a beach during an early morning swim. >> you could hear it crunch. i was staring at the shark eyeball to eyeball. >> reporter: he says he jabbed the narc's nose hard and it let go of him. >> it was the most frightening thing anyone could ever experience. >> reporter: there were 51 shark attacks on u.s. coasts last year, but according to this survival expert, surviving a shark attack isn't as impossible as it may seem. to show us, he took me to an especially shark-ridden part of the bahamas. where the natural beauty belied what's beneath. first, a quick scuba dive to get our bearings. >> there are sharks everywhere. >> reporter: we're in a frenzy of reef sharks, up to ten feet long. less aggressive and with a less lethal bite than great whites. >> we're right in the middle of it. >> reporter: we're about to do what they tell you not to do. float on the surface, most dangerous to humans. to the sharks, our flapping hands, legs and feet look like food. >> everything down there is going to smell like food, including you. >> reporter: we are simulating a person dumped in shark-infested water. the trick is, we have chain mail to protect us. don't try this at home. >> ready? >> reporter: no. >> let's go. >> reporter: gallantly, i let terry go first. ah! i just landed on one. they are just bumping us right and left. and in the midst of this school of 25 sharks that my lesson begins. whether it's great whites or reef sharks, terry says the advice is the same. >> let's try to get back to back, and link arms. now we have each other for protection. we're on top of the water thrashing, that's potential food. >> right. >> they come in, and it becomes an attack -- >> reporter: yep. >> you're going to have to strike them, quick, fast, punch down. that way, you guarantee you're going hit them somewhere around here. they don't like that. >> reporter: so it's the eyes, the gills, the nose, the snout. >> exactly. all the sensory stuff is concentrated there. all you can do is fight and let them know, i'm not going down easy. >> reporter: within minutes, the sharks are all over us. and it's a fight to keep them off. the best thing for me right now is fending them off with my feet. kind of like that one. >> yeah, do the best you can to keep them off of you. >> reporter: but it doesn't always work. the sharks keep coming. you're saying, good morning, america. watch this. one going right over my head. let's get in. and that was enough for me. >> that was? >> yeah. >> sorry, that was enough for you? >> that was enough for me. sharks don't eat people. most of the attacks we have seen are cases of mistaken identity. sharks often mistake hands and feet. they don't have hands, so they use their mouths to taste things. so, you know, what's remarkable about this is that they didn't bite us. we were in the water. we gave them every opportunity to chomp on us. and they're smart enough to know -- laughter here -- smart enough to know the difference between fish and man. >> was there a point where you went, what am i doing? >> the entire endeavor was. i let him go first. i was terrified. >> you did it. >> i'm afraid what you're going to teach us to survive next. >> plane crashes and boat crashes are next. a caveat here. we did not hurt the sharks. just pushing them off. >> you volunteered for this assignment, right? >> i did. i chose it. may be the last one, though. >> you and ginger should do something together. i think you would make a great team. >> i think so, too. >> you win the insane anchor of the month. that was -- that was very impressive. thank you. if i ever find myself in that situation, i now know what to do. i'll be thinking of you. all right, everybody. and coming up, a powerful rendition of the national anthem bringing down the house at "monday night football." stick around. best foods and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious best foods. bring out the best foods. bring out the best. save 30 to 50% on great and cold-weather accessories... starting tuesday at kohl's. you'll earn kohl's cash too. find your yes. kohl's. but the stainmaster petprotect 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"you'll lift me up, for we are free, v/o: "wherever life takes you, take it with you." pandora: unforgettable moments. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. back now with navy petty officer first class retired generald wilson. he delivered a very special national anthem at monday night's eagles/panthers game. and everybody listen to this. ♪ oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave >> beautiful show of patriotism. in our former u.s. capital of philadelphia. >> wow. >> power. >> beautiful. >> you felt it in your bones. >> yeah. >> inspiring for anybody. everybody. ye- yes! we have the new iphone. cause everyone's coming in for the new iphone. wh-what... kind of service plan can you get? well right now if you select the 15 gig plan we'll double your data and make it 30 gigs for the same price. well that - great! you'll take it. are you inside my mind right now? nope where was i... albuquerque who was the porcupine what is my fave- hollandaise sauce no way... the new iphone is here. and now you get 30 gigs of data to share starting at $160 dollars a month. ♪hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem♪ ♪to say, throw care away. ♪from everywhere, filling the air♪ chex party mix. easy fifteen-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like chocolate caramel drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. ♪ ♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, ♪ it's a whipped cream day ♪ i wait for it all year round ♪ in winter it's a marshmallow world! ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. when we sit down together and talk.ay. more and more, we're having conversations about the food itself: how good it is for us. how good it is for the planet. at monsanto, we're working with farmers to make balanced meals accessible to everyone. while using natural resources more efficiently. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at good morning, i'm kristen sze. a 4-year-old boy is recover after a dramatic fall off a 230-foot cliff. he fell near bodega bay around 5:00 yesterday. authorities say he was with his family on a trail and was throwing rocks off a cliff when he slipped and fell. crews had to use ropes to get to the boy. he's now stable at the hospital with broken bones. finding him was tough because it was so foggy. no such fog this morning, mike. >> no, look at live doppler 7 hd, just a low cloud deck in the marine layer that's much thicker this morning. temperatures from upper 50s along the coast to upper 60s our inland east bay neighborhoods. rain still slated for wednesday night and thursday morning. for the most part traffic is fantastic. we're looking at a little slowing on the western span of the bay bridge. this is the san mateo, there was an earlier crash on the flat portion that has cleared. it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and shocking details on that chilling child abduction in utah. now security experts showing you how to make your home safer. ♪ am i wrong and sizing you up. what's really a perfect 10 when it comes to your clothes? the new calvin klein ad under scrutiny and igniting a frenzy over what it means to be a size 10. ♪ carry on and on this veterans day, we're celebrating two american heros. a friendship borne on the battlefield. >> never quit. that's the old saying. even from day one selection. never quit. >> why they're the face of bravery and brotherhood this morning. and -- ♪ so it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames ♪ >> taylor swift trending big, for "blank space." she's here with a huge exclusive announcement as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> good morning, america. great crowd with us here on tuesday. there they are. lea and artem, sent home from "dancing with the stars" last night. surprised a lot of people on "dancing with the stars." i love how they did that -- right there in social square. so happy they flew overnight to be with us live this morning. thank you, both. >> surprised. they were so electric last night. >> they were. >> and a great dance. and excited to have taylor swift back this morning. her new album, "1989," sold more than 2.5 million copies. in two weeks. >> wow. >> wow. >> hello, taylor. she's got another announcement coming up in just a little bit. >> good for her. and it's veterans day, and celebrating the men and women who courageously serve our country. we are fortunate to have some in our audience right now. look at the soldiers. you know, i got a very special story coming up about two of our heroes, two of our veterans. >> it's a great story. stay tuned for that. and celebrate robin for a second. very special night for our girl. robin was honored as one of "glamour's" women of the year at last night's awards gala. women celebrating women. this event celebrates women from entertainment, politics, fashion, you name it. and robin roberts at the top of the list. and wow, the gun show. >> i was just going to say can we celebrate those? >> call the vet. the puppies are sick! >> yeah, i know, michael. welcome to my world. every day. but i really was honored. and to have shonda rhimes, she's a little busy, good thing it wasn't on a thursday night. she wouldn't have been available. but she was available last night and she was very kind to present. and chelsea clinton, lupita nyong nyong'o. ambassador power. >> you were telling a story. you and ambassador samantha power, your intern. >> she ended the speech, she remembers 25 years ago, someone with an impact on her life. why is she so familiar to me? she was my intern. >> oh, wow. >> my intern. and i knew then. girl, get out of here. i knew she was going to go places. little did i know she was going to be as powerful as she is. >> you can read more about it in "glamor." >> and the others. >> they are amazing. that's on news stands this morning. >> thank you. >> great. now to amy with some news. >> good morning, everyone. and begin with the milestone in the fight against ebola in america. today, new york doctor craig spencer is ebola-free. there are no ebola patients in the united states. also today, kaci hickox is free to tral as much as she wants today. her 21-day monitoring period ended at midnight. president obama began two days of talks with whichina's president, saying he wants to take their relationship to a new level. they've agreed on a trade deal to drop tariffs on high-peck products. but there are cyberthreats and greenhouse gas emissions to discuss. a new step from the vatican to address child sex abuse in the catholic church. there is a new appeals process. the panel will be made up of seven bishops selected by the pope himself. and a 4-year-old boy had to be placed in a basket and hoisted to safety after falling 230 feet off a cliff on to a beach. rescuers found him conscious, though suffering from several injuries. he's now in the hospital beginning his recovery. and in florida, authorities are closely watch this is ten-foot sinkhole that opened up and swallowed that car in that driveway in just 15 minutes on monday. nobody was injured, but six families had to evacuate. and police in philadelphia are looking for an angry husband in the middle of a divorce accused of deliberately driving his estranged wife's corvette into the delaware river. it took divers three hours to pull it out of the 30-foot water. and finally my pick for father of the year. yes, indeed. he found a way to communicate with his teens and entertain us all. so we have this video on youtube, where father gives a very instructional how-to video on how the hang your towel up after you shower. it's like he walked into my bathrooms. this isn't his first video. he had one on instructing teenagers, his sons, on how to replace a roll of toilet paper. i suggest the next one is how to throw away a box when you take out the last item. how many times have i opened a drawer and been like, oh, come on, people. i thought i was going to get a brownie. they're all gone. that's what happens in my house. thank you for helping our teens do the right thing. >> and he speaks in their language. >> yeah, just very step by step. fold the towel, hold it up. all the things they don't know how to do, apparently. >> ours is the nice bottle of cold water in the fridge, reach for it, empty. >> who puts that back? our children. >> exactly. and now to the chilling kidnapping in utah. a little girl was snatched from her bed and saved by quick-thinking parents. remember, they were here yesterday. so many lessons to be learned here. so we asked abbie boudreau to tell us what to do to make sure you know your family is safe. >> reporter: 40-year-old troy morley will appear in court later today after allegedly going into the edsons' unlocked home and taking 5-year-old laney from her bedroom. >> her bedroom door was open, and the light was on and the bed of the empty. >> reporter: talking about the nightmare in an exclusive interview with robin. >> the next thing i heard was not the front door opening or closing but the screen door, when it closes. >> reporter: her stepfather catching them in the driveway. while this couple's swift actions saved her, this expert shows us what to do to make your home more secure. starting in your child's bedroom. >> this is an emergency doorstop. turn the device on. place it on the ground behind the door. if the door opens when it's not supposed to, trips the alarm. >> reporter: arthur says, visible deter renents are a mus. >> just like having a dog bowl visible, by a front door. keeping a nice, big leash on the doorknob. this is a fantastic deterrent. >> reporter: and it works? >> absolutely. >> reporter: if someone does break in, protect yourself with common household objects, strategically placed near the front and back doors. >> a candlestick, wouldn't think of it as an improvised weapon, but it is. >> reporter: but one thing that might stop an intruder in its tracks, it's a screaming child. >> we really need to empower kids to yell and scream for help. not just specifically screaming. screaming clear, concise, action words. help, 911, stranger. >> reporter: simple words that could save a life. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> important reminders right there. "pop news" and weather coming up. but let's go to michael in the social square. thank you, george. here's a look at the "gma morning menu" in the social square, powered by samsung galaxy. what's got one direction and bono banding together? can't wait to find out about that. and what's really a perfect 10 when it comes to your clothing size? good question. and a big surprise on "dancing with the stars." lea and artem were sent home. they're here live. how does that happen? how do they send them home? we'll find out. that's coming up on "gma" here in times square. ♪ ing up on "gma" here in times square. ♪ [ stylist ] hi! welcome. hi! i have a boyfriend jean... [ woman ] i definitely like the dark. they don't have sizes. no sizes? can i measure you? sure. you are radiant. oh! confident. i'm size strong. [ woman ] i like that size! [ woman ] i got a compliment from jeans today. i feel so good. [ woman ] to feel amazing i think that's what makes a woman beautiful. ♪ i think that's what makes a woman beautiful. a homemade dinner in thirty minutes. go! your method? new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes! dinner accomplished. try new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. (mac) (surface) so...whatit's my surface pro 3. it's a tablet and a laptop. but it couldn't have the power of my mac ? this has an intel core i5. this does too. runs office. full adobe photoshop. and it's got a touchscreen. i have a touchscreen too. hm.. well, this my favorite thing, i can write with a pen. well, so can i. wow, i've got a lot of stuff to carry. you are more powerful than you think. ♪ finally, the purple pill,hr the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ toasty or frosty? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now save $400 on the c4 mattress set. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. silent night not so silent? elk bellow sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. where you'll find our lowest price ever on the c4 queen mattress plus 36-month financing. know better sleep with sleep number. welcome back, everybody. it is 8:12. time for "pop news." and we begin for -- yes, it's finally time. "the hunger games" it's here. the third installment, "mockingjay, part i." last night, the cast took on london for the world premier. jennifer lawrence in a stylish white dior dress. and heaping praise on her pals and co-stars. josh hutcherson and liam hemsworth. the oscar winner calling the guys her angels and her kittens. the movie's out november 21st. they will be here first. donald sutherland on deck. wednesday he'll be here. then josh and liam and jennifer lawrence, all together. that is a trifecta of movie madness on thursday. do we have a picture? queue up the picture of the ladies? >> there we were. >> doing the symbol. a little sneak preview, thumbs up, ladies? >> it's like a jarring movie, is it not? on the edge of your seat. >> can't take your eyes off it for a second. >> really. >> people were also taking -- >> girl scouts? girl scouts? >> hey, george -- leave us out. hey, george. you too, george. >> that's part seven. >> george and i are always in the future. always ahead of everybody. >> one step ahead. >> that's right. cutting edge. >> they are. hey, on the third -- we're going back now. 30th anniversary of the song "do they know it's christmas." ♪ do they know it's christmas time at all ♪ look at the cast. some of the biggest names in music are coming together to remake it. this time, the money raised is being used to fight ebola. and the announcement is coming from musician and philanthropist bob geldof. bono is back, joined by one direction, chris martin from cold play. ed sheeran. >> sheeran. >> i love you, ed. and so many more. people will be able to buy the new track as a physical record or download it. the recording set to take place this coming weekend. it's going to be great with ed. >> you just made me snort. >> no one can ever stay mad at you. >> ed. i do love that song. >> i do. >> you know the one. >> absolutely. i got it. finally, talk about getting an earful. >> again? ♪ >> that's right. >> dancing ears? >> i thought he was going to talk. he's just dancing with his ears. >> the musical. >> what? oh, no way. ♪ looking at her >> no. >> low, low, low. >> listen, everybody gets their groove on in different ways. ♪ >> look at that. >> no special effects. he's doing that? >> yeah, they must have some strings hooked up to the ears. that's too -- and on beat, too. >> exactly. >> no, there's not someone standing behind him doing that. george, that's really his ears. >> i'll buy that one. >> oh, george. >> that you bought? >> i'm not buying that. >> that dog has more rhythm than more humans, most humans that i know. to be honest with you. that was very good. >> do you think he had a little help? >> yes. >> no. >> george -- >> show of hands. yes. >> i'm the skeptical one. going with real. we're going to get some weather now. >> that's real. oh, let's do some weather. we have a little cutie peeking over there. and we are here saluting veterans with the u.s. air force honor guard. these are all active duty. but we are looking at the vets and looking at the veteran forecast. look at these numbers. was put a couple of cities that >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. this veterans day we will be partly sunny and cooler. especially inland areas drop a lot today. wet weather on wednesday night into thursday morning and dry this weekend and possibly another storm next week. 50's along the cost today and low-to-mid 60's elsewhere and inland east bay, upper 60's for you. we will have drizzle tonight and some clouds and big rain on wednesday night into >> and one more out here. this is my grandpa, grandpa's a vet. let's get inside to george. >> thank you. first up, a firestorm sparked by the calvin klein ad campaign. it features a size 10 model, not the size you usually see on the runway. it's sparking all kinds of questions and conversation. lindsey davis has the story. >> shout goes out to my man, calvin klein. >> reporter: black and white and known for tuning people red all over. calvin klein's ads created a buzz, but the newest underwear ad is under scrutiny for a very different reason. and model mala is right in the thick of it. >> for fashion industry standards, straight size models are from 0 to 6. and for plus-size models, they are from citizen 10 and up. >> reporter: yes, plus size. while calvin klein never billed the perfectly fit as a plus-size product, it's come up several times since the ad was released. sparking a bigger conversation about what plus-size really is. in a new article, "elle" magazine calls it surprising that the fashion industry would still designate the model as a plus-size model. many on the internet are outraged. one person tweeted, it angers me so much what the fashion industry thinks is plus size. >> so used to skinny models, when someone is a healthy size 10, we don't know really how to handle it. >> reporter: in a september campaign for style like you's what's underneath project, the model addressed her place in the fashion world. >> we're like not skinny enough to be a straight size. and not large enough to be considered plus size. >> reporter: whatever she is, calvin klein says she's just right for their ad. saying it was intended to communicate that our new line is more inclusive. for "good morning america," lindsey davis, abc news, new york. >> all right, thank you. next up on the "heat index," and they are hot. but it was a shocking elimination last night on "dancing with the stars." six couples on the ballroom floor. and the dancing judges called it an exquisite performance. they were sent home. lea and artem. you were told that, exquisite performance. and yet -- >> thank you, thank you. it was a good night. great night. we had two hot different kinds of dances. >> you guys were wild. it was fantastic. >> yeah, we had really a great time. you know, look. i'm in a tiger leotard. yeah. i lost ten pounds. >> did you really? >> you did seem so pumped up after that first dance. >> yeah, it was really exciting. we haven't watched it yet. >> look how good you look. >> thank you. yeah. we had a good time. >> i want to ask you, as we watch this, how was this experience for you, your first time out as a pro? >> i loved it. and having lea as my partner was phenomenal. i loved every minute of it. too bad it's -- >> it's over. >> -- over. >> and what a ride. and lea, you said you set out to challenge yourself, but also to be a role model for moms and other women. you accomplished that, yes? >> i think so. a lot of people came up to me and said they were inspired. it's a little bit hard to do when you're not a day over 25. when you have been in this business for 40 years. it's a little more challenging. but artem made it a great experience. and we had a blast together. sometimes they didn't show it in the packages. they kind of had us arguing all the time. which was like -- >> oh, tv. >> they did last night. >> i know. it was like we were always laughing and having a great time. he's an amazing choreographer. for being the first time on the show, he did an amazing -- >> all because of you. >> no. >> love is in the air. >> did the bug bite you again about dancing? we know that you did that before. >> yeah, it was really great to feel like my body was like my body again. because i never worked out. and i got so much stronger. and i feel like just, just, better than i've felt in 15 years. >> wonderful. >> go out there and keep doing it. i'll call up artem. hey. go away. >> let me just tell everybody, abc's "switched at birth" abc family's -- you've been doing great job. >> shooting that while doing this. there's a christmas special on the 8th of the december. i'll be directing again. >> good for you. thank you to you both. hey, michael. >> all right, thanks, guys. and on this veterans day, i wanted to share a story with you that is extremely close to my heart. i first met sean clifton and mark walton, two elite delta forces three years ago in a car on the way to walter reed medical center. just a chance meeting. and i found their story to be incredible. i hope their story of courage and friendship will touch you as much as it touched me. two american heros. their friendship borne on the battlefield. for army sergeants mark warner and sean clifton, this is a reunion that almost didn't happen. i met with them just steps from the 9/11 memorial to honor the ones they were fighting for when their lives were changed forever. the special forces unit brought you two together. that's how you met. >> yes. >> was it an immediate friendship? >> we were on the same specialty cell within our team. it just worked out perfectly. >> worked together, eat together, train together. and just come -- you know what the next person's doing. >> reporter: the elite green berets, protecting the most dangerous corners in the world. on may 31, 2009, it was one mission that challenged their faith and sealed their bond. where were you on that day? >> we were in southeast afghanistan. ghazni province. >> we had targeted a taliban commander. we knew that he was there that day. and we rolled out. and we ran into a hornet's nest, really. >> mm-hmm. >> around the corner, that's when sean kicked the door and the guy, point blank -- just took his a.k. and shot right up sean. he was hit. i saw his eyes, they were just big. help, i need help. and he collapsed down. >> reporter: sean, gravely wounded, visions of his wife and sons flashing before him. >> i'm just thinking. lord, let this be a dream. please, lord, let this be a dream. but you know visions of those boys and trying to fight back to get back home to them and to my wife, to my family. >> reporter: bleeding out, sean approaches his final breath. that's when mark, a medic, takes charge. diving through bullets to treat sean's wounds. convincing a medevac pilot to defy his orders and land inside the firefight. >> mark's my hero, as well as a lot of the guy on the team. >> there was a higher power that day looking out for us. as much fire power on the battle field that day. and the wounds that sean had. >> reporter: the mission over, sean's personal battle just beginning. over 20 surgeries in five months. his room at walter reed medical center, the new fox hole. >> in our minds, we think we're these big, bad green berets. to be at the point where i can't even sit up in my own bed under my own power, that was a humbling e experience. >> reporter: from mark's courage and action, to sean finding his strength. ending at a marathon finish line. >> i took the next nine months plus and went from kicking the walker away, dropping the cane, and walking. and jogging. and then, october, 2010, i finished that marathon. that was a big deal. >> never quit. an old saying from day one selection. never quit. >> it wasn't just for me. these guys risked their lives. so, you know, the best thing i can do is get back up on my feet. and that's my thank you back to them. >> reporter: and so on this veterans day, we salute sean and mark. brothers in battle. who like all our veterans have taught us so much about what friendship and courage and resilience really mean. what an incredible story. i met these guys. never forgot the story. and three years later, happy to be able to do this piece on them. mark earned a silver star, and sean earned a purple heart and a bronze star. and i have to give a shoutout to my friend, josh, who sent these guys out more a much deserved dinner when they were here in new york city, from the lure fish bar. >> what a way to honor veterans day. you see the humility. people who have done extraordinary things. >> they don't want the recognition. but we do. we honor them and recognize them today and every day. >> yes, that is the truth. makes you realize what they do for us. very humbling. >> thanks for bringing that to us. >> and, we want to hear from you out there. everybody, leave your message of thanks #honoravet. and we're going to show some of those when we get a minute. it would be great to hear your stories. and coming up, taylor swift is here with a big, exclusive announcement. live. can't wait to hear what she has to say. big, exclusive announcement. can't wait to hear what she has to say. hd 8 good morning, i'm kristen sze. a potential new clue has emerged in the search for a san francisco tech worker who has not been seen in more than a week and a half. friends searching for 26-year-old dan haas say they may have spotted him in surveillance footage in a whole foods supermarket. the video shows a man they think is ha and then leaving. he disappeared on halloween. it seems to be mostly holiday light out there. let's check in with leyla. good morning, everyone. here's a look at the san mateo bridge where there's a beautiful drive as you make it over to the peninsula. the metering lights are turned off at the bay bridge as well. we do have one accident on the transition between westbound 580 to 680. it's a solo car that hit the k rail. we are looking at a little delay as we approach 680. the rest of the drive is a breeze as you head into castro valley. >> we'll check on good morning. we have clouds but no fog on this veterans day so let's talk temperatures. they're warmer than they were this time yesterday. upper 50s to low 60s already, but with the cloud cover out there and the sea breeze, look at this, we'll be a couple degrees cooler around the bayshore and out to the coast where we saw bigger drops yesterday. santa rosa to livermore, about 13 degrees cooler. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. rain is coming wednesday ♪ ♪ play, play, play ♪ and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate ♪ what a great moment that was in times square. shouting down times square. super megastar taylor swift performing shake it off during her epic "gma" concert. excited to have her back here in times square this morning. and miss swift has a big announcement. >> not wait one more second. here she is. >> hello. hey, guys. >> hello. >> welcome back. >> how is it going? >> great. >> thanks for stopping by. >> you must be enjoying this wave. >> yeah, it's good. thank you so much for being so welcoming and always having me over. i really appreciate it. >> you have sold so many albums so quickly. and in this time and age, taylor, you know how people were trying to say, oh, people can file share. it's not going to happen. but you have proven that's not the case. >> i have been very optimistic and enthusiastic about the state of the music industry. and thankfully so have my fans. they have proved and they are ready and willing to invest in music and pay their hard-earned money to buy music. i think it made an incredible statement especially in this time in music. >> i think you're right. >> yeah. >> let's talk about your new video. the new york times gave it a rave review. said it has humorous smarts and a few oscar-worthy breakdowns. >> i didn't know they said that. >> yes. right here. oscar-worthy. >> yeah, this -- yeah, wow. there's a lot happening there. >> tell us about it. >> basically we shot this music video, joseph kahn directed it. we shot it in these mansions in long island. and essentially it is a song i wrote about basically the fact that the media has kind of portrayed me to be this crazy, desperate serial dater. so i decided i was going to continue the joke and take back the narrative. and so i wrote "blank space." we decided to go absolutely crazy with the video. >> you did that. >> i had a feeling it was going to be special. so we ended up creating this 360-degree app experience for the fans. >> yes. >> which is so fantastic. >> so neat. >> i love the one part of it where you can go into rooms. but i pushed on the portraits that you sort of defiled of the ex, and on the back you have written something on each. >> i didn't see that part. that's cute. >> this is something i worked together with american express. we created this 360-degree experience for fans. you can go to the app store. it's free. and you essentially get to play around this story land and explore the mansion. >> it's great. >> it's like you're in it. >> yeah. >> all these hidden little clues. click on doorways, go into the next room. >> right. >> if you close up on -- if you -- that takes you to another room. if you go to a clock, it'll close up and you can unlock little hidden messages and clues. >> there's the portraits. >> you know, you're going to click on -- >> i love going into doors. you don't know what's going to be in there. >> very cool. >> and you can see us acting and acting out the scenes depending on what room you're in for what part of the song. >> a perfect day. >> absolutely. >> you got the clue that you could find if you click on the right thing. it's really fun to have fans that actually do care about videos and story lines and lyrics. and so the fact they're so engaged makes me want to create cool little things for them like this. >> is this something you'll do for more videos? was it a good experience? >> it was an amazing experience. it's the first time this has been done for a music video. so i really hope that -- >> so neat. people are comparing it to gone girl, actually. i saw that comparative. yes. because how well you portrayed crazy, i guess. >> thank you. i try. >> you did stop short of murder, right? >> just shy of murder, actually. >> that's true. >> okay, everyone. >> one thing, can i give a shout out to your brother. that was so sweet. you went to notre dame. he was in the play. >> he was acting and got incredible reviews in the play he did. it was really great. at his school. >> you could have been over in europe accepting awards, but chose to be there for family. >> yeah. it was the day of the emas, and my brother had a play. he's actually just started to fall in love with acting. >> uh-oh. >> he's at notre dame. i know. but he's really good at it and loves it. so it's awesome. i was really happy to see it. amazing job. >> great sister too on top of it all. >> thank you. >> thanks for coming back. the unstaged taylor swift, go to the app on itunes and the google play store. now ginger. and we're playing too. this is little charlie, a big taylor swift fan. hanging out in the mansion, enjoying it. but we're also enjoying this mild weather out ahead of what will be not mild at all. and some coming with a front that did that in colorado. that's dust. not clouds, dust along the front. and so the big dust storm there. and the cold front slipping through chicago. starting in the 50s. by this afternoon and evening, going home, it's just above freezing. windy and, oh, so winter-like. des moines, 28 for a high today. minneapolis with that fresh snow >> i am meteorologist mike nicco with cooling that hit the coast spreading inland up to 69. rough serve at the beach at 62 and partly sunny, up to 67 around the bay. and all that weather brought to you by band-aid. our friend, garth brooks, has a brand new album out today. he was just here last week. and a special message for all of you. >> to all the great people who watch "good morning america," are you ready? it's been 13 long years since i put out a new studio record. now hearing it from me. those days are done. "man against machine" is for the people who dream, work and fight for what you believe. life is too short. don't give up on your vision. let me know what you think about "man against machine." how it speaks to you. thank you. >> i love that man. you know, garth brooks has sold more albums in the u.s. than anyone except the beatles. isn't that hard to believe? but not hard to believe. i'm sure this new album is going to help to narrow that gap. so great to have new music from our fave, garth brooks. lara. >> thank you so much. two episodes left before "scandal" hits the winter hiatus. please say it ain't so. fans will have to hold on two more days for the first one. a fix for you right now. darby stanchfield, otherwise known as abby, is with us. and taken over the "gma" instagram account. here is one of those pictures. here i am getting ready, there you go. and darby is with us right now, live. how are you, my friend? >> i'm good. that was pre-coffee. >> yeah. i was looking at the camera. i have so many questions, not a ton of time. and really it is all about abby this season. let's talk about the last episode. we met the ex-husband. >> yes, charles putney. >> if you're in the a gladiator, just listen up. you have to get involved. this is serious. chip, charles putney. we see a side of her that i have never seen before. >> sure. >> very vulnerable and taking things -- taking matters into her own hands without remorse. >> well, she was a, you know, domestically abusive relationship in her past marriage with chip. and so you get to see this -- she goes through ptsd when she sees him again and completely collapses. for the first time you get to see just in his name being mentioned and then her seeing him, how vulnerable and her underbelly. we have never seen before in the show. >> she's always the one who has it kept together. and how is that for you to play this side of abby? to show the vulnerability? >> it was really -- fun may not be the right word. but rewarding to get to know more of this character. shonda rhimes and the writers, it was like -- they wrote every -- it was like a road map. they wrote every nuanced detail, the talking softly, and lack of eye contact and needing to hide. >> and i love how olivia is there for you when you need -- yeah. you guys have both really been there for each other. >> for each other. sure, yeah. >> and watching your pain and going through that ptsd. that's so well-put. that's hashtag we have been seeing online. won't be long until we start hearing ablivia. >> so true. >> it's nice to see you back together. >> olivia is the only one that she has consistently in her life. they have fought over harrison, stef, and her leaving, olivia leaving opa at the beginning of the season. but nothing can break the friendship. >> yeah. i want to ask you, darby, what would abby want for olivia, fitz, the president, or jake, the rogue? i don't even know what to -- >> captain ballard. >> yes. >> i think abby would just want olivia to be happy. abby is quite a moral compass. so i think abby has like ideas what have this is. you need the guy to be faithful and divorced and available. >> those are clues, everybody. if you want to know where abby would lean. >> totally. but she certainly would want her happiness. and it's been great to see she hasn't been too judgy about any of it with olivia. just really compassionate in terms of olivia's love triangle. >> before we go. can you give us, will we will angry, sad, shocked -- >> in the next episode. there are a couple of bombs that are dropped. cyrus gets into some huge trouble. >> this has been brilliant. >> yeah, but it gets really bad. >> okay. >> even more. >> oh, my. >> and abby's personal life gets a little -- before the season finale. abby's personal life -- a little more complicated. >> i saw she was smooching with somebody i would not have thought she would -- >> who knows where it goes. >> all right. so much to cover. love having you here, darby. love to shonda and the whole "scandal" gang. you can watch a brand new episode of "scandal" this thursday night, 9:00/8:00 central right here on abc. somebody described it as an addictive drug disguised as tv. i disagree. and tim shriver, opening up on a struggle that's inspired food is more than just a meal. ♪ food is love. at monsanto, we believe everyone deserves a healthy, balanced meal. and a future that sustains us all. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at we're now an . we're now to educator, tim shriver grew up a kennedy. harboring a secret about one family member's lifelong challenge with disabilities. now revealing this and a whole lot more in his memoir. it's beautiful. it's called "fully alive: discovering what matters most." chronicling his lifelong quest to make a difference in this world. i had an opportunity to sit with him. what inspired you to write the book? >> i was surrounded by people with special needs in my work and my life and my family. these people have a real insight into what matters most. i need to try to share it. >> is that what you mean by fully alive? >> fully alive is here i am, i love who i am, i have a dream, vision and passion to share. and i'm ready to give it to the world. >> in your family, a lot of special needs. people who had challenges. your aunt rosemary. ask your earliest memory of knowing there was something different. how did the family handle that? >> it was a very difficult time. at some points they almost tried to fixer her. see if they could make it go away. but in the end i think she taught them all something. i think she taught them that power isn't something you get, it's something you give. that real power comes from giving yourself to someone else. and that's the lesson that shaped them all and as a result shaped my generation too. >> think of the wonderful family and all that you have accomplished, when it's said and done, people are going to remember this part of your family's legacy. >> it's amazing to me that rosemary kennedy inspired some of the most powerful and lasting changes in this country and other countries. >> can i have the -- >> that's a -- >> yes. >> the good hands here. >> the special olympics. you are the chairman and have been. it's something that goes back to your mom. >> yeah. you see there, play unified. >> yes. >> play unified. don't play angry, don't play distracted, don't play for just defeating other people. the message of this movement, 4 million athletes, 170 countries, so many millions of volunteers. >> teaches kids today how to not be afraid or not understand those people who are not exactly like them. >> i hope some day that every school in america will have a special olympics team. and when the band plays and the cheerleaders dance and the crowds cheer, they will see a person with downs syndrome, a person with autism, as an icon of the school's values. i think this little ball can be a real weapon in the fight for a more inclusive future. >> all of us being fully alive. >> fully alive. >> fully alive. so when people pick up the book and close it, what do you want they want to feel? what do you want them to know that they didn't? >> i hope they'll see the stories of people in their own families. you know, it's a story about my family, but i hope it's a story about your family too. the reader's family. let go of the secrets and the fear. you'll find yourself feeling very much like a special olympics athlete who runs their best race, raises their arms on the finish line and just goes, that's the best i can do. i'm a champion. >> hey, tim, thank you very much. always a privilege. >> thank you. >> we're going to be spending a lot of time between now and july. >> i hope so. thank you. >> he is a special man. fully alive is in bookstores starting today. and the 2015 special olympics world summer games open july 25th, 2015, in los angeles. i'll be there. coming up, fitz and the tantrums performing live. come on back. a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. right here in san francisco. whether it's helping local businesses like the fruitguys grow and prosper, supporting nonprofits like juma ventures as they fulfill their mission or helping neighborhoods like the tenderloin become vibrant communities. if there's a way to help the people of san francisco thrive and succeed, we'll find it. that's the power of local connections. that's bank of america. hey, we're so excited to have pop sensation fitz and the tantrums with us this morning. fresh from selling out shows on their u.s. tour. and with the latest single off off their smash second album, "more than just a dream." which is out now, by the way. here's "fools gold." fitz and the tantrums. ♪ ♪ oh, maybe i just wasn't good enough to blow your mind you know i tried ♪ ♪ them silver lines they cut like blades of glass ♪ ♪ not worth the blood we've shed for love ♪ ♪ so give it up, start beating, hearts have gone cold ♪ ♪ and not repeating it's all been done before ♪ ♪ give it up start beating hearts have gone cold ♪ ♪ hey now when we gonna wake up ♪ ♪ but fools gold shines like diamonds in our eyes ♪ ♪ thought we had a million but baby we had nothing ♪ ♪ but fools gold shines like words that make us cry ♪ ♪ we just keep on digging, find us something better for the next time ♪ ♪ next time ♪ for the next time, next time ♪ oh, baby i just wasn't strong enough to tow the line ♪ ♪ read through the lies ♪ now it's all up to us ♪ we lost the key how to believe ♪ ♪ so give it up stop bleeding hearts have grown cold ♪ ♪ had enough repeating it's all been done before ♪ ♪ give it up stop beating hearts have grown cold ♪ ♪ hey, now ♪ when we gonna wake up ♪ fool's gold shine like the diamonds in her eyes ♪ ♪ thought we had a million but baby we got nothing ♪ ♪ fools gold shines like blood and makes us cry ♪ ♪ we just keep on digging man there's something better for the next time, next time ♪ ♪ for the next time, next time ♪ oh, oh ♪ oh, baby i just wasn't good enough ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ cause baby i just wasn't drunk enough ♪ ♪ fools gold shine like diamonds in our eyes ♪ ♪ baby we got nothing ♪ fools gold shines like words that make us cry ♪ ♪ we just keep on digging find us something better ♪ ♪ fool's gold shine like diamonds in her eyes ♪ ♪ thought we had a million but baby we got nothing ♪ ♪ fool's gold shine and make us cry ♪ ♪ we just keep on thinking man there's something better for the next time, next time ♪ ♪ something better for the next time, next time ♪ ♪ something better for the next time, next time ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! hey! welcome home! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. hey mom! it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. big thanks to fitz and the tantrums. that was great. livened up our tuesday morning. >> thank you. big day tomorrow, steve carell and donald sutherland. so long. tomorrow, steve carell and donald sutherland. which means it's time thfor the volkswagens here, sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the well-crafted all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. good morning, i'm kristen sze. it looks a little cloudy on this veterans day. let's talk to mike about it. >> most of the drizzle is gone except for near the coast maybe for the next hour. the cooling is going to spread inland today, temperatures up to 13 degrees cooler in the north bay and south bay and also inland east bay. 57 at the coast, 61 in san francisco. we'll have mid to upper 60s just about everywhere else. accuweather seven-day forecast, wednesday night through thursday morning, good chance of rain and another one monday. hopefully commuters won't get too lonely as they approach the toll plaza here at the bay bridge. empty conditions but there is one accident over the santa cruz mountains. this is a vehicle versus a mountain lion, unfortunately, southbound side right at idyllwild road. thanks for joining us. have a great day. we'll see you on the midday news at 11:00. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, recording artist and author, alicia keys. and host of "watch what happens live," andy cohen. plus, dake his new single, "something big," shawn mendes. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly: hi. hi. hello!


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