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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20141224

clock is ticking. the goal is to have it down next summer. >> they need to stick to the initial agreement and they need to mechanically dismantle this thing. >> reporter: well to the dismay of people like shirley, an implosion idea actually looking more and more like a concrete plan every single day. of course, they have to get through the environmental impact report, but veronica, the developer here already eyeing a date for that implosion. they are looking at some time between january and march. >> wow. all right. mark, thank you. meetings with the neighborhood will start at the new year so everyone is on the same page just in case implosions do happen. >> san jose has one less fire station in operation tonight. not safe for the staff to be at station house 16 because of mold. kpix5's christian hartnett live to tell us this potential health issue may not have a quick fix either. christian? >> reporter: well, fire station 16 now, firefighters working here are at other nearby stations for now. at this point, the city has no clue when it will be fully functional again. station 16 firefighters pulled into the back lot loading the last of their gear into the truck before taking off. they say mold has overtaken their station. the fire department says mold was found theory two years ago after some plumbing problems. tests showed it didn't pose a threat. but why not get rid of the mold back then? a remodel plan for next month. >> they told us not to put in pipes because the remodel was on the books. >> they were very concerned of the fact they were being housed in an unsafe environment. >> reporter: there's dane tore the firefighters and potentially the public. firefighters will take an additional ten minutes. >> the fact is to respond to life and death situations in a timely manner and not being in the neighborhood fire station and it being removed from there makes it very difficult for us. >> reporter: the fire department doesn't know how much the shut down will affect response time and at this point, they are still trying to figure out how much of a danger the mold inside poses . so tomorrow, a lab testing company will be out here at fire station 16 to take a look and see if the mold is dangerous. christian hartnett, kpix5. >> the fire department also says it is going to put emergency vehicles in the fire station in fire station 16's back lot during the peak hours in order to have a faster response to emergencies. other bay area headlines now, brentwood police have identified the person coupled on a crash on highway 4 yesterday. 17-year-old mario castro of the central valley was killed when he hit a utility truck and teat everied over a highway overpass. another teenage passenger is expected to survive. san jose police say this is the man behind an attempted sexual assault. the man trying to lure the victim into his car while she was walking and then got out of the car an attacked her. the victim got away and escaped. police believe an arsonist may be behind three car fires. the first happened at midnight. the third was set on fire around 2:00 a.m. the food and drug administration scraps a decades long blood donating ban on gay and bisexual men. elizabeth cook is joining us in the news room with the shift that some say still is not enough. >> reporter: the lifetime ban has been in police 31 years. it began in the early years of the aids crisis. the fda says the policy will be replaced. gay and bisexual men can donate blood. there is one condition, though, they can't have had sex within the last year. san francisco supervisor scott wheater says it is a step in the right direction,. >> unfortunately, the new revised policy continues to discriminate by saying that you can't donate blood unless you haven't had sex with another man in the last year. and that's not reality. >> reporter: he also says the new policy goes beyond what is necessary. hiv can be detected in any donated blood within a few weeks of exposure. the supervisor will still continue to advocate for the end to this discrimination. in the news room, i'm elizabeth cook. back to you. >> thanks. governor jerry brown has appointed a new president of the california public utilities commission. michael picker will take overment he is already a cpuc board member. the state agency has been under fire recently because of allegations of corruption over the dealings with pg&e. a conservative group is firing back at an antigun psa. the startling ad released december 13 shows a boy wandering into his parent's bedroom and finding a handgun that he shoves into his backpack. after bringing the weapon into his class, he slams it onto his teacher's desk. >> can you take this away? i don't feel safe with the gun in my house. >> conservative groups including the nra are calling the video a public disservice announcement. they say it encourages children to perform illegal activities by taking their parents' guns from home. the psa was produced by sleeper 13 productions. a muslim man? santa clara says he was targeted by police. kit do on the story. >> we are here where a local muslim man is making serious allegations against the police department accusing them of racism and retaliation. they said they were just following their jobs and following procedure. mohammed monivs is a security agent at the airport a camera ended up in his possession. he claims they shoed their way into the house and questioned him about it when he didn't like the way the conversation was going. he stayed silent and asked the officers to leave, and they did. but this surveillance video shows the police raid that happened six weeks later. they showed up with a search warrant. officers had their guns drawn and arrested him. a team of officers kicked through searching the home. they did not find the dashboard camera. the camera's owner dropped the charges and moniv's lawyer says that raid was retaliation with an undertone of racism. >> it is that kind of raw police power that i see here that needs to be reigned in. >> this has been a pretty traumatic experience for our family. we have been a resident of santa clara for the past 20 years. and everybody was shocked. >> in this case, the suspect was a federal law enforcement officer believed to be armed. so snowing that, we took aprication in this case. >> reporter: santa clara police say they were taking extra precautions because moniv was senas the officer who was uncooperative who had a gun and was a suspect in a theft case. as part of the agreement to drop the charges, the camera's owner asked that $400, the value of the camera, be donated that charity. moniv wants some kind of internal investigation here. this is a surprise to the police department. they say they are thinking about it. still ahead, a bay area woman accused in a violent case of road rage. >> she just hit our car. >> what it took for officers and the other driver to finally get her to stop. >> and, the land slipping away. the effects we are now seeing around the bay area days after our latest storm. >> and clear skies following a record breaking day. but big changes are on the way. i'm julie watts in for paul deanno and i have the forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, large and destructive torna ripped through columbia mississippi this afternoon. people are reported dead. my others are hurt. a tornado also devastated a 2 dozen homes in neighboring loui >> rippeda tornado devastated about two dozen homes in neighboring louisiana a few hours ago. at least two mobile homes reduced to debris. there is no information on deaths injuries there. the tornadoes are part of a system of strong storms bringing high winds and rains to the southern united states. a santa clara woman was arrested today for a violent road rage incident in la. that suspect tried to run people in another car right off the road. >> she just hit our car. >> reporter: passenger alaney and her passenger vanessa feared for their lives saturday. they say they were targeted by the woman in the silver truck. the woman cut them off twice, but then slowed down to drive alongside their car. >> when she did that, i threw up my hand and flipped her off. >> reporter: she regrets that gesture. she called 911 and is talking to the dispatch nor the video. >> she is knocking on our window saying he is in a cop. >> reporter: the women pulled away, but the truck caught up to them again. >> she zig sagged like an officer would. >> reporter: until eventually. >> she just hit our car. >> reporter: the women were able to get away. the dispatcher told the women to get off of i-80 where an officer was waiting. >> she wantedtous get off the highway. >> reporter: she followed the women to the waiting chp officer. deirdre orozco was arrested at the scene. >> she just hit our car! >> reporter: for hiting the women's car, she is charges with assault with a deadly weapon, wreckless driving and relisting arrest. they are still shaken by the incident, but say it could have turned deadly. >> we were so scared. >> deirdre orozco was arrested for a separate incident december 17 in roseville. she is accused of ramming her suv into another car and leaving the scene. a bay area man who knows her is not at all surprised by her arrests. that is tonight. a vallejo man fed up with thieves stealing packages from his front porch is getting even. he set up a bell to ring when the thief grabbed it and set up cameras. his trap captured images with the empty boxes. he got more creative. >> i filled up the third box with dog crap. >> brian turned the images over to vallejo police. there have been no arrests made yet. he says he is done with the booby traps but will be setting up a high-tech surveillance system. a coroner identified the uc burke lee student who died over the weekend. apporve agarwal died of blunt head trauma. his body was found on piedmont avenue near 4 4:00 in the morning after falling down the stairs. alcohol may have been a factor. there is a reward for the help of solving the murder of a teacher found on an oakland park last month. david ruenzel was killed last month in the park. do you recognize this man? he robbed a bank on south el camino real. he handed the teller a note. he was armed and the teller handed him all the money. the dow jones set new records on wall street closing above 18,000 for the first time in history. today's record close comes only two months after the dow jones was at an eight month low, the s&p 500 closed at a record high. the nasdaq closed down because of sell-outs by tech companies. tesla may be upgrading. elan musk revealed a new sports car. the original was revealed in 2011. the roadster's battery life. it should extend the car's range from 245 to 400 miles. google just introduced its new self-driving car to the world. it is fully functional, but is deaf signed not to have a steering wheel. there are plans to test the car on a private track. it is interested in launching a pilot program for the cars in the coming years. popular trail at lands end park in san francisco will be closed because of landslide. chopper 5 taking a look at the hillside which started sliding yesterday. the ocean front cliff continues to move and it is not safe for people to use the trail. the 200-foot long slide also toppled two tall cypress trees. saturated soil from the rain is probably the reason for the slide. >> but on the flip side of things, we started to clear out, dry out, and it was absolutely gorgeous today. i was confused. i was like this is christmas on the west coast. >> indeed. >> welcome to the bay area. i will say this. things are about to change slightly. in fact, temperatures are drooping, we have a little rain on the horizon, not a whole lot. i do want to get back to that saturated soil. we have some wind concerns coming up. take a look outside. let's take a look at ha you guys are talking about. record breaking temperatures today, folks, every temperature you see here, that broke a record. 71 in oakland. 69 mountain view. 67 san rafael. san francisco tied a record at 68. needless to say. it was a very mild day. but changes, they are on the way thanks to think. an approaching cold front going to be zinging south throughout the day. gradually spreading south. here is the deal. as it passes to the south. we are going to see winds picking up with the passage of the cold front. gusty winds in the afternoon hour because of that saturated soil, he could see problems with toppled trees. also, again, not a lot of rain associated with this system, but likely enough to prompt some possible delays at sfo tomorrow. not only incoming flights but outgoing flights as well. take a look at weather elsewhere. if you are traveling, we have showers in boston, rain in new york, and a rain snow mix in chicago and that could present some travel delays as well in and out of sfo. temperature wise here, still mild. just not nearly as mild as what we saw today. highs topping out in the mid to upper 50s to low 60s and some of the warmest spots but cooler temperatures are on the way just in time for christmas. in fact, we are going to drop temperatures, topping out in the mid to upper 50s on christmas. overnight hours in the 30s and the 40s . we will stay dry and we will stay relatively mild. but cooler as we move on through the extended forecast. here's the good news. if you are ready for a dry spell, it looks like we are staying dry at least through new year's day. >> at least. >> could be longer. >> i'm so confused by this. normally julia is on this side. >> a little double duty for julie watts. thanks for filling in for paul. well, it only took 28 years but now a 67 ford mustang has been returned to its rightful owner in salinas. it has taken decades. linda's car was stolen just a year after she bought it. a highway patrol trooper was performing a vin inspection on it and noticed it was a stolen car. after a lot of investigation, it was returned to linda. >> i don't want to say i gave up hope. but i did. it was a wonderful memento. but now, having my first car back, it is a phenomenal feeling. >> linda says she is keeping the car in a safe and secure place. her garage. the person who recently bought the mustang had no idea it was stolen. chp says it is a remind tore do your research when buying a car. what a great christmas gift. >> it is not in bad shape. wasn't like they stripped it down. and she was all set to buy the google driverless car. now she has to stick with the classic mustang. still ahead, holiday delivery demands are so high, people have to get creative. >> and how cool is this? the special gloves developed in the bay area that let you scale walls like spider man. >> i don't those. i want those. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, season. they are turning to pedal power in some cases. m wait reports from riverside on how delivery persons on bicycles are >> well, ups is pulling all stops turning to petal power. how these deliveries on bicycles are backing up the big brown trucks. >> reporter: zanger works for ups. by the power of his legs, he is making sure we all get what we want this holiday season. >> is it heavy though? >> yes. very. [ laughter ] >> reporter: zanger's big smile is infectious, especially when people realize their presents are in his cart. >> i have never seen it before. i thought it was a guy collecting recycles. >> reporter: when people think ups, they don't usually think bicycles. they will deliver 185 million packages. this week is the peak with 394 packages delivered per second across the globe. bicycle delivery may be a drop in the bucket, but that doesn't mean it isn't important. zanger makes sure everything gets delivered in time. >> i doesn't sure if it was legit or not. i keep hearing everything on the internet. >> reporter: zanger is used to the skeptics. the people waiting for the classic brown uniform. >> i think of the big brown truck and the guys would jump out an run up with packages and drop them at your front door. not on a bicycle. >> reporter: while the job is seasonal, zanger seems to enjoy it delivering holiday magic by bicycle. >> bicycles are especially useful in hilly neighborhoods where it is difficult for big trucks to navigate. >> great in san francisco. kids of all ages could live out their dreams of becoming spider man. students at stanford have created paddles that can help us scale glass walls. they call them gecko gloves. in 15 minutes, no. [ laughter ] the students have started negotiates with toy companies. >> scary though. >> i want those. >> we know what to get allen for christmas. it is coming to a theater near you. sony's controversial movie the interview. the company's decision to show it after all and where you can catch it in the bay area. >> this one is hard to believe. loaded guns smuggled onto commercial flights. >> and which cars will keep you and your families safe in a crash? experts weigh in with their top pick. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> you're watching kpix5 news. >> now at 6:30, an about face from sony. the production company decides to release the controversial movie the interview after all. and some bay area theaters are getting on board. welcome back. i'm veronica de la cruz. >> and i'm allen martin. sony pictures announced today it will go ahead with screenings of its comedy about a plot to kill the north korean dictator. cbs's danielle nottingham says a lot of people are applauding. >> reporter: the people spoke and sony pictures listened. the interview is coming to select theaters christmas day. sony was hit with a fire storm of criticism after it canceled the release of the controversial comedy about the assassination of north korea's leader. the studio pulled the film after threats of violence from hackers that the fbi linked to the north korea government. sony says we are proud to make it available to the public and stood up to those who would oppose free speech. seth rogan, one of the creators agrees. freedom has prevailed and it will be shown. sony is working to get more platforms to show the interview so it can reach the widest possible audience. that is good news for movie houses. >> we are excited to be able to show it. >> reporter: the interview was projected to earn $30 million in its opening weekend of wide release. that number will be smaller now, but the controversy has generated greater interest in the movie. >> president obama is applauding sony for deciding to release the film. he called the earlier cancellation a mistake. >> and you can catch the film right here in the bade area. but as kpix5's da lin is showing us, the theater has extra safety standards for the movie goers. >> reporter: they just put up the poster here at this cinema in livermore. the first showing will be at 1:30 christmas day. because there were previous threats made online, this theater here will have extra security patrolling this theater. >> only purses, yeah. no backpacks. no shopping bags, nothing of any sort of any type of bag that you would use for carrying anything around. that is just for added security reasons. >> reporter: we don't know if other theaters have extra security. fairfax, petaluma, martinez, sonoma, and berkeley are showing the movie on christmas day. it opens in san jose friday. other cities are added to the list by the hour. a lot of movie goers are excited that sony changed its mind and released the movie. they plan to be here christmas day with tickets in hand. >> i am proud of our livermore theater for showing it. >> how come? >> because i believe in expression of free speech and we shouldn't cave to anybody. >> it doesn't deter me personally from seeing the movie but it is scary any time you think that your safety is at risk. >> reporter: some people say they will wait for the dvd release. even with the extra security, they are concerned about their safety. in livermore, i'm da lin, kpix5. >> and we posted a list of all bay area theaters showing the interview. the u.s. government has not had much to say publicly about the sweeping internet outage in north korea. yesterday's outage cut off north korea's online access. it happened days after the fbi blamed the country for a cyber attack on sony pictures. the hack led the studio to initially pull the plug on the interview. there is speculation this outage may have been retailuation from the u.s. or china. community leaders honored two new york city police officers murdered over the weekend. a moment of silence was observed in city hall. mayor bill de blasio paid respects to weinjin liu and rafael ramos. the mayor has been under fire lately. >> you point out to me one mayor who has not been battling with the police unions in the last 50 years? name one. name one. >> the mayor is asking for protesters to hold off until the funerals are complete. guns have been smuggled onto planes, many of them loaded. two men are accused of hutting hundreds of plane on a flight from atlanta to new york. a delta employee took bags full of guns into secure areas not screened by the tsa. a second man passed the gun to the employee in restrooms after an eight month investigation, the operation was busted. tonight, there is new office which cars may be the safest for you and your family. we look at the top picks for the best protection in a crash. >> three, two, ... >> reporter: despite recent headlines about recalls and exploding air bags, researchers at the institute of highway safety report crash protection is actually improving at a rapid rate with 71 cars winning top safety pick honors. nearly twice as many as last year. >> cars, suvs , pickups are safer than they have ever been before. >> reporter: gm and ford did the best among american models but trailed international models overall with subaru, toyota, and honda leading the pack when it comes to crash safet small overlap crashes when a car's front corner bangs into a fixed object or vehicle have been a big safety hurtle for car makers. toyota won high marks for upgrades. the dummy in the rav 4 on the left was damaged less previously than it was in the pictures on the right. the subaru outback, accuramdx and chrysler 200 won top safety for additional automatic braking systems and crash safety. cbs news, dallas. still ahead, talk about your christmas spirit. >> that's right. from trees to trains to toys. we will show you one woman's house just bursting at the seams with holiday cheer. ,, ♪ ♪ to a whole new level. halls a whole new level. kimberly fruits from acampo more than 50 trees decorati he >> there is someone taking the phrase deck the halls to a whole other level. >> kimberly has more than 50 trees decorating her home. >> 15? >> 50! she has a large collection of trains and toys from the 40s and the 50s . they have been collecting the decorations since the 80s. >> in the 80s , we started putting trains on the trees and we ended up outgrowing the trees so we put them on the roof. out here, we overflowed because we had more room and we added more and more. >> oh my goodness. seven generations of christmas antiques going back to the civil war. i wonder how long it takes them to do the cleanup after. you know? >> new year's day. >> right. >> but you make the special dessert for christmas. a fruits cake. still ahead. [ laughter ] >> hiting the $1 million mark. i'll be here all week. >> but not for himself. how this bay area man is coming up big for others this holiday season. >> oh yeah. >> it was another beautiful day throughout the bay. in fact, we broke records bay area wide. all that is about to change. i'm julie woods in for paul deanno and i have the forecast coming up. >> straight ahead in sports, a really special day for jim harbaugh. a raider called out for his pride and poise. and it took more than regulation for stanford basketball against a top-ten team. highlights in ten minutes. a hot chocolate? ho ho ho... we'll all have hot cocoa! ma'am, need a strong pot of joe. the all new keurig 2.0. tonight: the life-saving rescue. and the hero - isn't even human. that story on bay area nightbeat.. at 10:00 on our on, kbcw. 44 >> pearl on the train tracks. tonight, the life saving rescue and the hero is not even human. we will have that story and more on bay area night beat at 10:00 on our sister station kbcw. and what a spectacular day today. as i mentioned, we broke records area wide. temperatures remaining mild. here is a look at sfo where we will likely see weather related delays. right now, clear skies and mild temperatures are the story area wide. all that is about to change thanks to this. we have this cold front approaching sinking south throughout the day and it will bring scattered showers. also in the afternoon hours, breezy if not gusty winds behind cold front. a cold air mass moves in that will replace the extremely warm temperatures we have been enjoying. it is a more seasonal temperature. let's time out the rain for you. if you are going temperatures head out and get some last minute shopping done, we are try in the morning hours. fog to keep in mind. but in the late morning hours, we will start to see showers beginning up north making its way south throughout the day. not a lot of rain. we are talking a few tenths up northment a few one-hundredths of an inch up south. but enough to get the presents wet as you take them in and out of the car. winds, that's likely the bigger story. we have saturated soil. wind gusts upwards of 32 miles an hour. 25 in livermore. that could lead to some toppled trees. so just something to be mindful of tomorrow. and if you are headed over the mountain and through the woods, carry the chains with you. we could see snow levels drop to 4,000 feet. delays heading over the mountains as well. as we look at the weather headlines, the story, mild temperatures continue overnight tonight. patchy dense fog tomorrow tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon, the showers pass through. some gusty wind for you in the afternoon hours. dry days and cool nights from christmas and beyond. temperatures dropping, beginning tomorrow, highs topping out only in the upper 50s to low 60s . cooler still on christmas day. take a look. our highs are going to top out in the mid 50s . overnight christmas night. could see the temperatures drop down into the upper 40s . even some 30s in some of the cooler spots. we will stay cool. but we stay dry through the extended forecast. looks like we are staying dry at least through new year's day. >> thanks julie. a lot of people say they get the spirit of the holiday giving to charity. >> one bay area man has made it his life's mission for the last 20 years to help hungry bay area families have food on their tables. liz cooke has the story. >> his drive has raised $1 million. >> reporter: it has been a big year for dan mcclawsky. he is picking up a check for $1 million, but it is not a sales bonus. it is a symbol of the money he has raised for the bay area food bank during his holiday dinner drive. >> this is an incredible achievement to see it grow year after year after year. it really speaks to the infectious dedication that dan has to this cause. >> reporter: it all started 17 years ago when he read a small article in a local paper. alameda county food bank didn't have enough donations for thanksgiving. he went to his family and friends and raised money for 55 turkeys. next year, he went to a bigger family. his congregation. when that was a success, he then turned to more than 20 other synagogues and churches throughout the bay area. >> it bothers me when i see people in need. >> reporter: he received a jefferson award and sat down with kate kelly to talk about it. still moved by very reason he got involved. >> if i can help people, i want to help them. there but for the grace of god is i. >> if we had a community of danes, we would end hunger. >> and in keeping with the spirit of the season, it is time for food for bay area families where local companies step up to fight hunger. joining us tonight, paul lowrie along with regina rogers with black rock, and paul ash of the san francisco marin food bank. paul, i will let you do the honors. >> thank you liz. it is a privilege to be here this evening representing black rock along with my colleague regina rogers. we are proud to present this check to the san francisco marin food bank. >> this is huge, days before christmas. >> this could be as much as 600,000 meals that we can provide food for, for people throughout next year. it is a huge amount of food. >> 600,000 meals. how did you raise this money? >> we have a program involving the whole employee base and we actually have some business partners that join us and it is a whole week of essentially raising funds for charitable organizations. worthy charitable organizations like the san francisco marin food bank. >> wow, what a gift. $200,000 providing 600,000 meals for needy family ins if by area. thank you very much. and happy holidays. for more information how you can help. go to our website, we'll with right back. femall those who helped make a difference last year for thousands of california foster kids. thank you for helping foster kids. thank you for the school supplies! thank you for the new shoes. thank you, secret santa! and thank you for donating money. announcer: your generosity proves that while not everyone can be a foster parent, anyone can help a foster child. thank you! thank you! ¡gracias por su ayuda! [baby cooing] thank you. ...happy 51st to 49ers head coach jim harbaugh... he was asked today how he was going to celebrate.. " " >> birthday salutations up top. happy birthday to jim harbaugh. he was asked today how he was going to celebrate. >> practice. [ laughter ] yeah. great day. meetings. and practice. >> yeah, what a shock. harbaugh's big day didn't go unnoticed. michigan tweeted birthday wishes out this morning. interested timing in light of the reported $49 million contract that they recently offered the former quarterback. now, jim's brother john, the ravens coach has kept quiet through all the speculation. the ravens need a win sunday for a chance to get into the playoffs. john did take a moment to talk about his brother's situation in baltimore. does it sound like he knows the end is near? >> you know, he has done something absolutely historic and amazing there. it has never been really accomplished in the history of football before in terms of what he has done for the city and the fans there and the players there. and i'm proud as heck of him. and whatever is next for him, you know, he will do a great job there, whatever it is. he will be fired up and excited to do it. >> all right, we have the nfl pro bowl selections. they are out. three low kales named as starters. make iupati. joe staley. the raiders have marcel reece going for the third straight year. more team awards. raider defensive line man antonio smith was given the craig long pride and poise award for his congenial relationship with the press. frankly, he is just a funny dude. >> i'm really just being myself, you know. i'm naturally funny, cool ... relaxed, you know. i could take about anything. so feel free to come talk to me any time you want to. >> i have never seen an award acceptance speech like that. on the college hardwood, the stanford men up against texas. oh, bloody battle. the cardinals in overtime. stanford holding onto a lead and jason randall, big moment, big shot. cardinals by three. texas now with a chance at the buzzer. demarcus holland shot, no good. time runs out. stanford holds on. pretty nice resume win. for the cardinals. look at him work. on the sidelines for santa clara. the broncos playing cal poly. santa clara. 69-58. and now, a holiday story that is certainly living up to its name. if it is this time of year, one thing you can count on is a holiday hero's party at at&t park. benefiting undeserved children. and it doesn't happen without the winter weiss foundation. >> keep being a hero. take at risk kids and take them into risk takers. >> amy is the founder. >> i just know we are able to reach a lot of children that normally wouldn't be able to have a holiday experience app they are able to have one here. >> reporter: speaking of a lot of children, 300 tonight. 300 the benefit of all of this. wow. that is something. >> yeah, we sponsor 300 children from different bay area charities to be here and we have people who write letters to us and different organizations that reach out to us throughout the year trying to see if their kids can be a part of our event in the fall. >> reporter: celebrities from the bay area sports world came and donated their time. >> what has this off season been like for you man? >> a whole lot of this. having fun. trying to relax and enjoy it. >> all right, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> getting ready for next year now. >> when ever you get blessed to do what you love to do, you want to give back. especially to our kids. an expression in the holiday season, it is tremendous. >> yeah, amy and her group started the wender wise foundation a long time ago. they have been helping out needy kids all that time. over 20 years. >> yeah, that is amazing. >> that is terrific stuff. >> good deal. >> it looks like a lot of fun. the wac-a-mole. >> way to get the frustrations out. >> i'm going to get you the gecko gloves. [ laughter ] >> all right, for news throughout the evening, the latest on >> we will see you at 10:00 on the nightbeat on the cw. >> have a good night. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, joey fatone: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for e harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: thank y'all very much. appreciate you now. thank you very much. thanks, everybody. i sure appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today. we got a family here returning for their fifth and final date with a total of 21,815 bucks. from woodbury, minnesota, it's the reed family. amd from rome, georgia, it's the willis family. everybody is here trying to win their self a lot of cash, and remember, today, folks, if the reed family wins today's game, they're driving home in a brand-new head-turning ford fusion hybrid. you ready to play "feud"? let's get it on. give me marpassa. give me rebecca. ["family feud" theme plays] ladies, here we go. top 8 answers on the board. name something of yours that you like even though it's kind of ugly. marpassa. >> my bed. steve: my bed. >> oh, ok. clothing. old clothing. steve: clothing. >> woo! steve: pass or play? >> we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. >> all right. steve: hey, little mary, hi, darling. name something of yours that you like even though it's kind of ugly. >> maybe your pet. steve: your pet. >> woo! >> good job, mary. steve: charlie, my man, name something of yours that you like even though it's kif


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