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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140307

decision to voters in ten days. >> abc news reporter are carren travers wlatest in washington, d.c. >> these decisions continue efforts to impose a cost on russia. z.those responsible for the situation in crimea. >> their second sit down in two days but again, no major break through. kerry pushed for russians to speak to the ukrainins to allow international inspectors into eastern ukraine. >> our preference to get back to a place where the rights of the people of the ukraine will be respected. >> the obama administration isn't just relying on diplomacy the pentagon sent more fighter jets to the region officials from the local government are trying to break out from ukraine, joining a russian federation the president said that would violate international law and any decisions about crimia must involve the new ukrainin government. >> we're well beyond the days where boreders can be drawn over the heads of leaders >> visa restrictions were met with rare bipartisan approval. >> we remain committed to working with the administration to give the president as many tools as needed to put president putin in check. >> the white house says if russia pushes further in eastern ukraine, penalties will stiffen. >> back at home, breaking news two. big developments for safeway. >> the chain first must pay a fine after charges of false advertising and it's merging with more store in a multi billion dollar deal. >> reporter: wall street had been talking about this. now, it's official. albert son's will buy safeway for $9 billion. it's seen as a merger some say will transform the superintendent industry. the ceo of the company is bob mill yes, this is someone with 40 years experience in the retail industry. he's been with other companies such as kroeger and rite aid he is 69 years old. safeway is in one states. with this merger, they'll be operating in 28 states and safeway and albert son's both say this will benefit customers. >> this merger will improve our competitive position we'll have resources to better meet needs of local customers at providing lower prices, better assortment of products, and an imprufed shopping experience. >> safeway is in the news after being fined for pricing discrepancies, failing to honor discount coupon asks making statements some products were locally grown where when they were not. customers say this has happened to them. >> you know i check my receipt walking out of the door. then, very to to go back inside and say guess what? this is wrong. it's not something i want to have to do but i'm going to do it. >> reporter: that announcement made today by the alameda county district attorney's office now, lou customers will benefit from all of this remains to be seen. abc7 news. >> thank you. >> bay area pleas may be closing in on a series of cold case murders today, the fbi launched a new task force to investigate five murders that occurred in 1976. now, they believe those murders might be linked to another death the same year in reno. all six women in their late teens or 0s and later found dead. >> the reno murder occurred in between time frame of our five murders and recent evidence leads to us believe it's linked to several murders. >> members of the task force plan to canvas the neighborhood where victims were last seen in 1976. and where bodies were discovered. anyone with information about this case is asked to call the fbi tip line. >> marvin norwood and luis sanchez have been indicted on gun possession charges last month, they were sentenced to 4 and 8 years from n.prison for the 2011 assault on stow the gun charge carries a maximum ten year prison sentence. stow suffered severe brain damage and requires 24 hour care. >> chp is investigating the death of a teenager who may have been speeding on eastbound 24 before crashing. this accident happened before 11:00 a.m . he officials say only that the victim is 17 and perfect danville. witnesses say the car was traveling up to 100 miles per hour. >> a 16-year-old oakland boy accused of setting another teen's skirt on fire waived a rit to a preliminary hearing today. richard thomas set to be tried as an adult on the charge of aggravated mayhem with a hate crime enhancement. the 18-year-old sasha flieshman identified as agender. thomas is set to return to court march 20th. a school district is changing policies to include transgender students the west contra costa school board held a meeting today to discuss adding gender identification to its policy. the school district has been working on that policy since a november fight broke out at hercules high school. >> we have to educate our students and our parents, you know, so they're aware of what is going on and just learn how to respect each other. >> the policy will include education and training for students, teachers and administrators the school board will discuss rec mening days on wednesday. >> san francisco city leaders announced a plan to boost pedestrian safety. officials say they found just 6% of city streets account for 60% of the pedestrian accidents today, the police chief and mayor says stit will target those areas committing $17 million over five years to improve safety at 170 locations. >> rather than have years where all of us in office are saying that we're sorry for something to happen, we'd rather be saying thank you for yielding. thank you for not running a red light. thank you for not speeding. >> the improvements will include better lighting, repainting intersections and building curb extensions the plan includes awareness campaigns and increased police enforcement. >> tired of attention in the bay area, the controversial google barge high tailed it out of town this morning from its temporary digs to a new home at port of stockton. laura anthony is live now in stockton where it's apparently all the rage. this might be the most-hyped barge in history. >> well, that is right. one of the folks told me it's probably the highest-profile barge on the west coast. here it is behind me in the deep water channel here. now we know san francisco bay commission may have had its issues but not the folks here in stockton who are thrilled to have it. >> it left at 2:00 in the morning under the cover of darkness crossing under the antioch bridge by 9:00 a.m . after 10:00 a.m google barge was moored in the new home much to the delight of those who run the port of stockton. >> it was an exciting morning. >> the director told us he received a text this morning. >> got word at 2:00 in the morning that the barge was on the way. it made it here in seven and a half hours. >> reporter: a google spokesperson told abc7 quote, the barge has grown tired of the attention. we're moving it to stockton where it is have a break, enjoy delicious aspare gus and get climate before the next chapter. in the new home, locals were lining up to take a look at the barge. >> just bringing it up the river. it's moving pretty fast. all of a sudden they put brakes on and parked it there. >> as for what is inside... >> we've been told and maybe media exposed that it's a showroom for google to demonstrate their technology and visions. >> the initial contract is for six months. it's a barge! >> i know. it's not even pretty. >> it's interesting. but that adds to mystery. speaking of, which spencer christian is off. januaried patel, on the sky deck. that is what i'm going with, anyway. >> why don't we call it sky deck 7? doesn't that have a ring to it? plenty of sunshine and clouds passing through. live doppler hd not as active as last night. right now we're tracking isolated showers around the cloverdale area. so we'll keep that in the forecast throughout the evening. cameras showing sun with clouds mixed in. 60s in san francisco. it's currently in the 50s around half moon bay. views from our south beach camera, it's gorgeous. 62 in santa rosa. 66 livermore, if you're getting ready to step outside from our east bay hills camera, a little bit hazy out there. temperatures in the 50s, tomorrow morning it's fog i'm concerned about. watch out. temperatures in the 40s. in the afternoon, it's mild and sunny. temperatures coming up into low 60s to low 70s range. it's going to be another bright, beautiful day we'll have more rain if the forecast. cheryl? larry? >> thank you so much. >> coming up, this wonderful video, a salute to a veteran. the new honor he's now receiving. a 7-year-old boy suffering cancer gets an unforgettable birthday surprise from police officers aconsiders the nation. >> and airing dirty lawnedry. secrets you probably don't want to know. >> 13 minutes after 4:00 this is interstate 80 and it's ugly in both directions. right side going from emeryville to berkeley. very slow going both ways. back with more on san jose giants are stepping up to the plate to honor a 95-year-old world war ii veteran. doesn't he look great? he's got a lot of energy. runners loved it, and he was touched by it. the video has been viewed more than a million times the giants made a trading card of him. >> we're learning about bat kid's near appearance to the oscars. miles scott supposed to appear with actor andrew garfield. abc7 obtained these pictures the appearance was cancelled. today, the academy saying due to the nature of a live show, hard decisions had to be made. he drove to disneyland to spend time with miles scott and the family. bat kid stole the hearts of the people in november after make a wish granted his wish to become a super hero for a day in san francisco. >> we have an update now on a story we brought you a few weeks ago about a rhode island mom planning a birthday surprise for her 7-year-old son battling leukemia he loves police and firefighters so his mom put out an appeal asking first responders to please send him birthday cards. well today they got more than they bargained for. he was named police chief of his hometown, given a citation by the governor, driven around in a police cruiser and hundreds of firefighters and police officers from several states threw him a gigantic birthday party. >> my house is full of boxes we have a ten by 20 storage unit half full. we're, we're having a lot of presents to go through, probably until next birthday. >> that is awesome. >> gifts include cards, patches, uniforms, memorabilia and plenty of well wishes. >> a dream came true for a new zealand boy. the 12-year-old received a here yes's welcome at the celtics and warriors game. louie suffers from a rare eye disease that is going to cause him to go blind in the future, before that happens his wish was to see celtics play so there he is. he's a huge sports fan and loves basketball. he will check out their driverless car. >> so many good people in the world. love it. >> spencer christian is away but sandhya patel is here. >> we saw the sun peeking out for a few minutes. >> it's blinding me here. it's gorgeous. there are clouds. not a lot, and we're still tracking a couple showers. a little bit cooler this afternoon with the passage of the cold front. i'll show you where we're seeing a stray shower. it's quieted down from yesterday our radar watching this batch, right around the geyserville area, highway 101, that is about it. looking towards financial district, still seeing lingering clouds but it's definitely brightening up. fog developing tonight, sunny, warmer and the next chance of rain on sunday, everyone will have a possibility of seeing it monday morning. a cold front brought us thunderstorms yesterday, and rain, it was briefly heavy in pockets. now, high pressure is rebuilding. do you know what that means? temperatures going up, so we'll see very nice-looking weather out there. here is a will being at our computer animation at 5:00 p.m tonight. lingering clouds could see showers still, late tonight and then, sunny and warmer, sunday, we need rain. next chance of rain sunday afternoon and evening. into monday morning. sunday could be a little bit of a wet commute tomorrow morning you'll have to watch out for fog. temperatures running cooler, upper 30s to upper 40s. fog may be dense in pockets. tomorrow afternoon, low 60s to low 70s. 67 san jose and oakland. taking a look at the accu-weather forecast gets warmer on saturday, it's mild to warm. before you go to bed set your clocks forward. and we're looking of a chance of rain in the north bay. we're back to mild, sunny patterns tuesday through thursday of next week. so we'll have a little bit of everything for everyone. and larry? cheryl? >> thank you >> coming up next why a teacher wants will ferrell to be his guest at the prom. then, new at 4:30... >> these days you can see people wearing technology on their wrists. sensors but it's only the beginning. wait until you see what is on the horizon. that so i was basically uninsurable. now that i've got coverage, my doctor is a phone call or an e-mail away. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? visit and get covered today. >> if the shell of bacon helps drag you out of bed every morning this might just be for you. oscar meyer has come up with a bacon alarm clock. it's an app that connects with your iphone the company making a limited number of devices. thankfully. they won't be for sale, fans have to enter a contest to win it. >> we want smell-o-vision. >> there is this. a danville teacher says he hasn't heard from will ferrell after he asked the comedian to be a chaperone on prom night. >> his wife told him he wasn't able to attend. so so far, the video has 6,000 hits on you tube. >> we have the story. >> i am asking you will ferrell will you please chaperone senior ball with me? >> this video isn't just a bold invitation to a a-list comedian. . >> i promise to buy you a boutenneir from a chain grocery store. >> it's part of a high school lesson. >> just trying to find viral trends we asked some kid asked mily cyrus to prom got a response. >> the students are on the leadership team. the teacher is surprise by the response. >> i woke up with and i had no media coverage. you know? now, i have a radio station, newspaper and television broadcast helping me out. it's been a whirl wind day. >> in two days, the you tube video racked up 2,000 views. >> trooiing to make as much as possible to get will ferrell's attention. during the match up, he hooked up a quick cheer. it's clear the school is behind the effort. students, lesson is interesting. >> i think it's awesome. >> now, all they need is a response from will ferrell. >> we'll see if will comes through. community pressure is mounting. >> we have a lot more ahead here on abc7 news at 4:00 including a military battle on the senate floor. changing the way sexual assaults are handled in the armed forces >> and the murder trial of oscar pisotriuos. what happened after the shooting of his girlfriend. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. okay, it's time to setu buy two scotts fertilizers -- covered california is how californians can take advantage. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-890-7561 or go to you can also use our website to find loca to find local, in-person help. there's not much time left - open enrollment ends soon. so call 800-890-7561, or go to, and get covered. today an effort aimed at punishing rapists in the military has been blocked in the senate the bill would have taken prosecution out of the chain of command. >> it's the military's war. >> he hit me in the head and knocked me out. >> sexual assaults in ranks, a growing epidemic. 5400 cases reported last year. the pentagon says this is a small fraction of the victims >> people haven't reported because it's been the victims fauchlt we're changing that. too today a majority voted to make it easier for victims to come forward. forcing military to remove commanders from the decision to prosecute assault cases. >> the people who do not trust of chaven command are the victims i don't think ceos ought to determine whether a case of rape should be prosecuted do you? >> the measure failed. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> blocked with a filibuster led by claire mchaskill adamant the chain of command can police it's own. >> you take the responsibility from the commanding officer you're eroding his ability to lead. >> in december, congress made it a crime to retaliate against victims who report abuse. more signs of trouble in the ranks. today, the army confirmed it's suspended top sex crimes prosecutor because of groping allegations. >> congress woman jackie speier said i have always said this will be a marathon, not a sprint until we fix this system, the fight will continue. the kre kwe is not if we'll reform this system but when . she has been a outspoken critic of the military handling of sexual assaults. >> opening statements began in a a general that pleaded not guilty today. a female captain that sinclaire forced her to perform twice the olympic runner oscar pistorios covered his ears as a neighbor described the scene moments after he shot and killed his girlfriend. >> crying all the time. he tried to say please let her live, she must not die. saying he will dedicate his life and her life to god if she would only just live. >> testifying he struggled in vain to help her breathe holding two fingers in her mouth. he says pistorious told him he shot her thinking she was a burglar. >> a southern california neighborhood is on high alert for a mountain lion that killed a family pet then displayed aggressive behavior towards people. prince where hes was a friendly german sheperd. wednesday morning a mountain lion skill kiled princess outside of her owner's fontana home. >> a close part of the family. the lion was three times as big as my dog. >> officer arrived the lion cans displayed aggressive behavior towards them. a search was called off today. if they see the lion officers will shoot to kill because it's labelled a public threat and it can't be relocated. >> a woman being treat forward a hypothermia after surviving chilly waters of monterey bay 15 hours the fishermen spotted the woman in a deflated rubberized dingy. the 45-year-old had gone out to watch the sunset shechlt was wearing a life jacket. >> from the looks of her skin she had red in her and stuff. she must have been swimming. >> the coast guard pulled the woman perfect 54 degree waters. authorities say details are still fuzzy because of her condition. she's expected to remain hospitalized several days. >> coming up never a good idea to run on to the field of a sporting event. but for this young boy it turned into a moment he hill never forget. >> a man's seizure while driving ends on a good note. >> i'm sandhya patel. look at this beautiful view. we're seeing a couple inches of snow at the resort the possibility of more sunday into monday. and the rain chance coming up on sunday, details, next. >> hazy sunshine over san mateo bridge. taking a look at traffic this afternoon, traffic moving nicely in both directions. stay with us, more still to come at 4 take a look at this. those are chocolate chip cookie milk shots. it's set to debut sunday night in austin. so is the same chef inventing cronuts. >> soccer fans have been known to get wild and run on to the field thchl time a little boy ran on to the pitch. security about to take him away. brazilian super star picked up the little boy and brought him to meet the teammates. look at that little kid's smile. then, they're bouncing him up and down. this, and he's taking pictures. they're doing selfies with him. yeah this, guy is like an international super star. he scored three goals and nobody is going to remember thachl the boy's smile was the story of the match. >> that is awesome. well, a minneapolis man is thanking a mysterious good samaritan who came to his rescue. >> the 34-year-old has been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. he was driving and blocked out he found he was inside of an ambulance. a stranger left a note reading your car is parked in the tobacco shop parking lot with a location. >> if i remember right they said he. but that is the only clue i have. we decided to post a note and tell the story through that on facebook. >> well, his wife speculates he may have been stopped when he blacked out. >> let's go up to sky deck and sandhya patel. i'm going to keep pushing it. >> maybe if you say it enough it will catch on. it's beautiful here on kgotv broadcast center roof, as larry would lick to call it, sky deck. we're still tracking a little bit of moisture. it's not much but it's isolated showers up around where our radar is. around geyserville area, so we'll continue to see the possibility through this evening. now, if you're traveling, washington, d.c. looking at rain 39 degrees and snow in 83 in palm springs 76 in los angeles we're looking at sunshine there tomorrow. sunny skies here in the bay area, temperatures come coming up a few degrees. low 60s to low 70s and warmer saturday. join me and i'll have a look at the weekend and the accu-weather forecast. >> thank you. >> and still ahead at 4:00 a $7 million shoplifting scheme targeting popular chain stores how this family of criminals is caught. >> dirty secrets from dry cleaners what you need to know before dropping off your clothes. >> why it may be easier to get a table at your favorite restaurant this year, that and the first thing that came to mind is, "can i afford to go to the hospital?" now that i've got covered california, i know that if something happens to me that i'm covered. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? visit and get covered today. bay bridge flights going out tonight the lights lit up the western span one year ago and tonight at 7:00 all 27,000 lights will go dark for ten minutes. eliminate arts raising $9 million the organization hoping to raise funds and there is that bridge. i can't wait to see it when it's continuing. >> yes, one more year. prosecutors filed charges against three members of an illinois family accused of stealing millions in merchandise in a decade long shoplifting spree. they were arrested at their home outside of chicago. reports say the family targeted stores from maryland to texas. secret service agents started investigating after barns and noble and toys are us alerted them that their sustained huge alsos of merchandise. >> we identified transactions on ebay similar in amounts of merchandise and types of merchandise that were stolen from these stores. >> authorities say the daughter would wear a large skirt where a special lining and would stuff all of the stolen items into skirt then they'll sell them on ebay. >> oh, my. a study suggests e cigarettes may be leading to nicotine addiction among teenagers the electronic cigarettes promoted as a way to quit smoking regular cigarettes but found adolescents were more likely to start smoking regular cigarettes and leaseless likely to quit smoking altogether of and found the number of middle and high school students using e cigarettes doubled between 2011 and 2012 from 3% to 6.5%. >> what is when an abc news investigation to what can happen to your clothes when you drop them off at the dry cleaners >> reporter: you hand a dry cleaner your most precious garments. what do you get back? not always what you thought. annoyance at the dry cleaner is so common it shows up in tv all the time. >> you're crazy. >> they don't have the best reputation. >> today, he is letting us in on the dirty little secrets of the industry. >> makes you angry. >> it does. >> secret one... scummy solvent. let's face it. dry cleaning is a mystery foremost of us. key is this. the solvent. it's supposed to run clear, except he says when some cut corners and increase profits by neglecting to filter the solvent leaving this gunk in with your clothes. >> that is what my clothes would be laundered in? >> this is the bottom residue. >> it's like it's're taking a bath you have bath watt yes, five others took a bath before you. you got into the water, would you feel clean? >> and secret two, jerk revenge, jerry says most are great but if you act like a jerk he's heard of places that only pretend to clean the clothes. >> all right we'll have more on the dirty secrets of your dry cleaners tomorrow on 2020 here on abc 7 >> very disturbing. >> yes. >> okay. >> data breeches made some shopper as frayed to use cards. so what do you do? >> well, michael finney is here with answers. >> there are no firm numbers yet but shoppers say they've lost confidence in security systems target and neiman marcus were both hit with major breeches over the holidays. some now say they're reluctant to use their cards. . >> i don't use my card anymore. . >> i only do it at wells fargo. and if i'm anywhere else, i'm cautious about it. >> the retailer says it's developing a secure type of card. a new study says americans will spend 9% less dining out the economy is improving. the group says it's because many folks are still unemployed. a special is generating buzz the ad features an actor portraying a wealthy businessman touting america's work ethic. other countries work and take august off, off. why aren't you like that? we're crazy hard working believers is why. >> years of ads that celebrates americanism. >> cadillac's first foray into electric cars is a small niche of self involved white male baby boomers apparently terrible as keeping their pool up. >> cadillac said it knew the ad would get a strong response. it said it wanted to break through the clutter. >> the actor is hilarious. he says he he went to the moon. do you know what we got when we got there? we got bored. >> yes. >> thank you. >> coming up, our clothes and shoes getting a technology makeover. what is hot in wearable tech, coming up next. >> and i'm dan ashley. coming up at 5:00 social media captures a sex praeda tore in the bay area. a man some are calling bad elmo. he admits to things but says he should be allowed to perform on the streets. but mrus, gadget gurus. who win whuz pit preschoolers against college students? the news at 4:00 wraps up in here is tonight's prime time line up. next wave of technology in the something you're going to have to carry but going to be embedded into your clothing wearable technology. it's developing fast in silicon valley and around the world. david? >> yes. they are. inventors are inside right now making pitches to phone shall investors some, big names. we got to see what the consumers soon will be wearing. underneath street clothes is a generation of workout shirts filled with sensor that's gather your vitals blue tooth sends data to a smart phone and makes recommendations forfeitness >> we can give you data to push towards goals maybe weight loss, maybe performance goal. maybe disease management goal. >> mun of many start ups trying to catch needs of consumers. shoes are going to get a high tech makeover to stop foot pain. >> you're actually having a sole adapt to rough terrain. allowing you to be in control. sensors will be generating a massive data base. from those banldz on your wrist. it >> can could k.provide insight, buy lblg cal age. >> and that is raising new privacy issues >> i've been seeing stories. what are we doing? selling it to advertisers? an employer? to know about my health? i think it's better that we're are transparent. >> amazing. thanks for joining us for abc7 news at 4:00. i'm larry beil. the news at 5:00 begins right now. >> seeking asis stns in solving six cold cases from 1976. >> murder cases are now getting another chance to be solved why police are asking for help almost 40 years later >> plus, safeway and the deal that could change the way we shop. >> i'm abc7 news sandhya patel live on the roof of the broadcast center. sun is shining now but we have more rain in the forecast. i'll let you know when will have the best chance, coming up. >> big news for bay area safeway tonight. thanks for joining us. i'm cheryl jennings. >> the country's second largest chain undergoing a seat change. after speculation, safeway being sold for more than $9 billion at the same time the store paying $2 million for false advertising. more now from leanne melendez tonight. >> albert son's based in boise, idaho. safeway here in the bay area, pleasanton. both say this will transform the supermarket industry. now, who is going to lead this venture? the current ceo of safeway will be ceo of the new chain the ceo of albertson's will now be the executive chairman. his name is bob miller. here is what that will look like. safeway has stores in 17 states the new chain in 28 states. both say it will benefit customers. >> our customers will benefit with a stronger management team. >> and safeway also making headlines this afternoon after a a.agreeing to pay more than $2.2 million to settle a consumer protection action. among other things fines for false advertising, pricing discrepancies, failing to honor discount coupons and making statement that's some products were lobing wrlly grown when they're in the z customers say they are always very vigilant. >> they honor coupons but i check receipts when i leave the store f there is something incorrect i go in there ask tell them. i, you know, it's resolved because i make sure that i get what i paid for. >> now, one filing a claim was the district attorney's office >> the fbi launched a


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20140710

stadium. in july, the police arrested two suspects. in february of 2012 both men were sentenced. luis sanchez got eight years, marvin norwood, four years after both pled guilty. and continuing live, allen what are the giants saying tonight after the verdict? >> well, cheryl i was just in the clubhouse and most of the players were aware of the verdict. but most of them don't know what the verdict is, right now they're doing what most teams do, focus on the game tonight. but ever since the attack most of the family and friends rallied around bryan stowe, most of his friends and family know he is dealing with more difficult situations after the attack. one team member grew close to the stowe family. he is also a singer-songwriter and held benefit concerts raising more than $200,000 for the family. >> i just show up and play songs. for people to write checks and show up and the fan support and love of this city it has been a real experience. i think it has cahanged my life. but it will be something when i leave this place it will always be something, the great beautiful stories that i hope ends with a real good ending. >> reporter: now, back live. tim ñiflannery did say he texte the sisters of bryan stowe, and they say that they are relieved that he was not found to be at fault in any of this. but they say that the $18 million that was awarded to them only -- doesn't even cover what is owed in his medical expenses. now earlier we spoke to giants manager bruce bochy here in the dugout. and coming back at 6:00, we'll hear what he has to say. i'm allen long. and a suspect police identify as a high-priced prostitute appeared in court today. alix tichelman is charged with the death of a google executive on board a yacht last year. more on the story. >> reporter: well, the death of forrest hayes has been a mystery. his body was found here in santa cruz, and police say a woman who was a prostitute was charged with manslaughter. 26-year-old alix tichelman appeared in court in a red jump suit and pink lipstick. santa cruz police say she is a high-priced prostitute linked to the death of forrest hayes, who was found on his boat, escape, last december, of a heroin overdose. the charges are that tichelman shot him with heroin and left him to die. prosecutors say it was all caught on video. >> she was so callous that at one point she stepped over the body, and at one point she stepped over the body to find a glass of wine and finish it. >> reporter: tichelman is charged with removing the evidence from the boat to cover her tracks. investigators say that she and hayes met on a dating site. he was married. the two met overlooking the bluff in santa cruz. neighbors were reluctant to say anything on camera about the case or the family. neighbors right across the street say they never really got to know their neighbors as well. but they did have parties, kids' parties and would sometimes hear music coming over the fence. a public tribute site reflects nothing but praise and respect. one person wrote, quote, it was clear to me his family was his priority. at work he was highly respected and motivational. he had the ability to connect with anyone and had genuine care for everyone around him. alix tichelman remains in bail set at a million dollars facing manslaughter and drug charges. the district attorney says that additional charges could be filed later. >> it is sad about this prostitute who would just leave him. how could she walk over his body and leave him to die. that is another terrible thing that people would do that. >> reporter: in santa cruz, abc 7 news. and oakland police arrested two carjacking suspects after a police pursuit in which the two men crashed into at least two cars. the two men were spotted this morning but then took off after police chased them. a short time later they were stopped at myrtle street. at least two other cars were damaged and one woman hospitalized. and after a fire this morning, fremont firefighters are mopping up after a fire at the storage facility near fremont boulevard. crews had to open at least six units on one side of the building to attack the flames. no word on how it started. meanwhile, an investigation continuing in solano county after authorities found a body in the rubble. breaking out at the grapevine nursy after 3:30 a.m. firefighters say a shed was involved. and a look at new rules and major fines we could soon see, nick? >> reporter: cheryl, you know that is the south bay aqueduct, flowing into the river, and just another river that has been hit hard by our drought. >> we are meeting or slightly exceeding and we are on track to meet our water conservation goals here in livermore and throughout the city. >> reporter: livermore saw what the drought was doing and took action early on by water conservation. but other areas and communities are not as conservative, either not cutting back on water usage or ignoring the call altogether. so state regulators say they are considering new rules by all of california. >> and nothing being considered by the state -- it is not something we're already doing here throughout the tri-valley. >> reporter: if approved, the rules will come up with fines up to $500 a day for watering lawns or without a nozzle on the hose. >> half the water demand is outside irrigation. >> reporter: this transportation sign on southbound 680 serve as a reminder to commuters flying down the highway to put the brakes on the water usage. even those not old enough to drive have gotten the message that california's water situation is serious. >> not to use a lot of water. because if we don't have water like we are going to be really thirsty. >> reporter: most water agencies and consumers in the bay area have cut back some. but hardly enough to avert a crisis. >> it is irritating. >> reporter: carol believes everyone should do their part. now, those agencies without a plan would have to act within 30 days to require their residents to restrict outdoor irrigation to no more than two days each week or take other mandatory steps to conserve the same amount of water. >> if i could just get my son to take that less than 15 minutes it could help. >> reporter: agencies that don't apply according to regulators could face fines up to a thousand a day. and there is a california relief fund waiting to be spent, this is four months after governor jerry brown signed the legislation. they say $11 million have been committed to water projects, brown's office says another $200 million will be awarded for water grants and $250 million will be awarded next spring. and more on a richmond planning commission regarding chevron's refineries. they say the improvements will reduce greenhouse gases and improve safety. but today, they took the students from uc berkeley on a toxic tour, showing them parts of the city they say are affected by the pollution. the leaders say they are worried the refinery project will lead to even more pollution. >> once again it is business versus the people and it is acutely focused here in richmond. so there are people in politics and nonprofit corporations who are afraid of the money that chevron can bring to bear. >> the planning commission will hear the group's concerns and chevron's arguments at 6:30 tonight. the final decision is expected at the city council meeting july 22. and oakland city leaders have yet to improve a new lease deal for the a's. but if the raiders have their way the coliseum will be rubble next year, yet another twist in the continuing oakland stadium saga, the mayor looked into building a new stadium and urged city officials to reject a lease extension for the a's. they want the coliseum torn down by 2015 to make way for a new multi-use sports stadium. the mayor says all sides can work it out. >> they're saying they want a new extension, the other team wants to build a stadium. i believe we could do this. i would never do anything that would harm one team over the other. >> under the proposed a's lease, the team would not leave the coliseum until after the 2016 season. meanwhile, the plan is still about half a billion dollars short of the full funding. meanwhile, google is giving away google glass and cash to a few select people. we'll explain which bay area group is getting one and what they're promising to do with it. plus, satisfaction in the air. the best and the worst airlines. and why flights are getting later than ever. and taking your grill to the next level. 7 on your side's michael finney shows you some of the hot accessories to make your summer sizzle. abc 7 news at 5:00 co so why are we so obsessed with turbo? card with a new volkswagen turbo. a $1,00 because there's nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. and you can get that in places you might not expect. like the passat. and also in the fun-to-drive jetta. in fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for $219 a month. covering fremont, palo alto, north bay and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. google glass just became a bit more affordable for a few nonprofits which were hand-picked to try them out. abc reporter jonathan bloom has more on the story, looking good, jonathan. >> reporter: well, thanks, behind me is google glass base camp, yes, where people go to get fitted for one of these and learn how to use them. now, glass is still a $1500 device, a steep price but not for the winners of the giving glass contest. there were five of them and we met with one of them right here today in san francisco. >> is this right? oh, man, i feel like i'm in star trek. >> reporter: kelly coin just tried on google glass for the first time but definitely not the last. >> okay, glass, record a video. oh, my god, it worked. >> reporter: she is one of the teachers for women's audio mission, a san francisco nonprofit that teaches the art of production. >> we're training girls to do more of that because there is less than 5% in the industry right now. >> reporter: executive director terry winston has been faced with a good problem, so much interest including school groups they can't fit everybody in this tiny control room. >> there is like 15 girls, i was like you have to all crowd around. i don't know if you can see what i'm doing, but the google glass is going to be great so they can actually see what i'm seeing. remember we talked about tan? >> reporter: the projection gives the class the whole view without tying up the teacher's hands, but is in the background. >> with the environment, the young girls that is a distraction. >> reporter: women's audio serves more than 1600 a year, but now with this, she learned there will be more. >> i jumped out of my seat and did a little scream off the phone and then got off the phone. i was extremely excited. that infusion of cash for us is big. >> reporter: google is donating $25,000 to the program, enough money to start broadcasting live classes on line. out of the corner of her eye kelly can see questions from students half way around the world. she can't wait. she was a student here once. >> it has been such an important part of my life. and i really believe that more women should know about it. >> reporter: in san francisco, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. and citigroup close to a $7 billion deal with the justice department to settle allegations it sold bad mortgages. the amount is far more than the amount citigroup was offering to pay as recently as june. now, this deal apparently avoids a federal lawsuit or the mortgages. the company was accused of packaging bad mortgages during a run-up to the financial crisis. and gas prices may have finally peaked. drivers paid $6 a gallon, the highest since 2008. but now the prices are easing, according to triple a, the amount for regular gas, $3.65 a gallon. but in california, the average is $14 a gallon. and more flights on u.s. airlines are cancelling and rates are just rising, today, the department of transportation said 77% of flights arrived on time in may, compared to 79% last year in may. hawaiian airlines and alaska airlines ranked the highest, the smaller planes ranked last. and we know that summertime is barbecue time, right? >> yeah. >> and how good are some of the grills? >> that is the question that michael finney has on the answers, he partnered with consumer grills. >> with the heat coming up, a promise to take your grill to a whole new level. consumer reports showed us several to see how well they work. looking for more from your grill? consumer reports tested three gadgets aimed at making grilling even better. first up, grill great, interlocking panels that sit on top of your grill promising to help it cook more evenly and keep the food juicy while reducing flare-ups. consumer reports found that it evened the food, with one of the two grills it tested. and although the grill grates didn't completely eliminate flare-ups, it did produce grill marks. >> if you're even deciding to replace your grill this would be a special option to try. and they do offer a money-back guarantee. >> next up, this baker's stone pizza oven box to use your grill to make the wood fire pizza. after a 30-minute warmup it tons out delicious pizza s every fou minutes, and finally, the grill cleaning robot that will scrub your grates automatically. consumer reports let the grill loose on a cake with cooked chicken. it is noisy but after 20 minutes, the grill-bot cleaned up some of the mess. it took 20 minutes to clean the chicken stuck in between the grates. a grill brush is a faster, less expensive solution but it is not as fun. >> is that the best? that is so cool. to make grilling fish and vegetables easier, consumer reports likes this $17,000 grill walk that you can get at lowe's, great for grilling small batches of food. and if you like the barbecue ribs, the rack holds a full rack of roast without taking up a lot of space, about 18 bucks, at home depot. >> good information this year. all right, let's turn our attention to the forecast, is it grilling weather? >> it is li-- she is a bit bundd up right now. >> i am indeed, dan is grilling, i may be coming over. as we look out over the bay it is breezy out here. we're watching the low clouds pushing in over the bay. we'll see another round of drizzle tomorrow morning. don't be shocked if you run into slick roads. live doppler 7 hd is talking drizzle, showers and thunderstorms up in northern california by yreka, looks like thunderstorms are developing and mt. shasta had some, as well. and here in the bay area the marine layer is locked in place, cloudy, that is just what we started out with, the low clouds, fog, drizzle, watch what happened this afternoon, around 2:00 p.m., a southerly wind flow created some clearing near the coast. so places like pacifica, half moon bay actually coming up a few degrees. a little milder, inland highs, the warmest spot antioch 87 today. yesterday you were in the 90s. right now there is a pretty good seabreeze going at fairfield, travis air force base with gusts at 20 miles an hour, pushing the marine layer just over 2,000 feet deep into the inland valleys again. you can see the valley from the emeryville camera. watching the low clouds there, 67, oakland, san jose, 76 in gilroy, san jose, beautiful view, sunny, 80 the high today. same as yesterday. 74 in santa rosa, 83 fairfield and livermore. here is a picture from the golden gate bridge camera. low clouds, patchy morning drizzle from thursday, friday, turning warmer this weekend. but don't worry it is not a big heat wave in case you don't like the hot weather. cloudy skies overnight tonight. tomorrow, another round of spotty drizzle. so plan accordingly for the morning commute. temperatures in the 50s. you need to bundle up when you leave home with the cool marine influence it will feel cooler, cloudy tomorrow morning. we'll go with the clouds pulling away from the bay and inland communities but remaining near the coast. a little cooler inland, 60s to 80s for your thursday high temperature. as you look at the temperature trend for livermore, below normal for the next couple of days but returning beyond that. temperatures in the low 90s monday, tuesday, wednesday, specifically temperatures tomorrow, san francisco, 66, half moon bay, with lingering clouds, mid-70s, santa rosa, fremont, outdoor towards antioch, pretty mild day, 78 in san jose, and el paso. the low 60s, to mid-80s in the next few days. we'll warm up for the weekend, low 60s to low 90s for the second half of the weekend. and mid-90s for among, the lowest spots, the coast dropping the temperatures a few degrees as we head into tuesday and wednesday. for the time being we take a break from the heat, marine influence is pretty strong. and a warning for people concerned about spray tan on kids. and if you ever dropped your cell phone in the toilet, 7 on your side's michael finney will tell you ho [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] a piece of prime san francisco real estate is being turned into a park. i want to show you what the area looks like right now, right, not much to speak of. an area on reservoir hill, meaning there are spectacular views on alcatraz and golden gate bridge, the site was abandoned for years, but yesterday the public utilities commission gave the okay to sell the land for $10 million, groups raised millions for the purchase. and the revitalization of one of san jose's oldest parks is a work in progress. today, they kicked off a summer's worth of free activities at st. james downtown district, the idea is to lure people to the park despite the homelessness and drug dealing. summer in the park will offer music, yoga and more. and don't spray your kids, the stuff is everywhere these days. the fda is investigating potential health risks associated with kids breathing in the spray-on sunscreen. they have not seen any medical reports of a problem. but until studies are done doctors say you need to be careful about applying sunscreen. >> you never want to spray it near their face, so put it on their hands and rub it on your face, it is a good idea to control it more and reply it often. >> doctors say spray sunscreen should be replied as often as traditional lotions, never apply it in the wind because there is no way to control where it lands. >> makes good sense. well, the san francisco police department's four-legged officers will be covered when faced with danger just like their handlers. dogs and the city's k-9 unit will now wear bullet-proof vest all thanks to a program called "cover your k-9." the nonprofit group donated the custom gear along with medical packs for immediate care if the k-9 is hurt in the line of duty. the vests weigh about four pounds each but the officers say the dogs don't seem to mind a bit. >> don't look like it. well, just ahead here, gearing up for the final game at candlestick park. the heroes and legends that will be involved. and if you are a fan of the other football there are two games here saturday on espn at 1 and 2:00. the netherlands will play for third place. and germany and argentina play in the world cup finals. we're still getting great fan photos like this one of ellie the yellow lab in daily city. e-mail your pictures to ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! yeah, citi mobile. pay the dog sitter? and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. a t aires, buenos ai . coming up new on abc 7 news at 6:00 tonight, the billion dollar battle over richmond's refinery and the fight for public support taking place right now. also tonight, the gun battle at an east bay park, a campaign to close a marksmanship range that has been on public property for the last 50 years. and the head of nato sitting down for an exclusive interview. all coming up in half an hour on abc 7 news at 6:00. all right, ama, thank you. well, gearing up for the big game, the last game ever at candlestick park will take place saturday. and there will be two, the 49ers legends and the other between the san francisco police officers and firefighters. >> yeah, the san francisco police and firefighter football teams will hold their practice at the baseball field. the city firefighters will complete in the game at 4:30 on saturday. and then, abc sports anchor mike schuman deep in training for the game. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley, for all of us here thank you for joining us, welcome to "world news." tonight, sound and fury in the northeast. storms so sudden, so swift, seconds make the difference. and a child is killed at a summer camp. new target, rockets fired by hamas, aimed at the site of a nuclear power plant, how the israelis shot them down, and families running for cover on all sides as our reporters are there. and something new for the family vacation here at home tonight. the biggest water slide ever, and we take you for a ride. a good evening to you on this wednesday night. we begin with news about the powerful storms that have been arising with such startling speed and power people are racing to safety


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20140710

beating victim brian stowe, the giants fan who suffered brain damage after being attacked outside dodger stadium. >> the family is certainly relieved the jury found stowe was in no way at fault, but the nearly $18 million judgment is only a fraction of what they say is needed to cover all of his medical bills. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama dates. word of the verdict spread quickly at the giants versus a's game. alan wang is live at at&t park with the story. alan? >> reporter: dan and ama, a lot of giants fans and players talking about the verdict. the stowe family is satisfied with the verdict because this could changing major league baseball's attitude toward ballpark security. the financial award, however, is less than half of what they sought. >> were any of the following negligent, los angeles dodgers, llc? yes. >> the jury decided the dodgers did not provide enough security at their stadium parking lot when brian stowe was beaten on opening day 2011. stowe was left with permanent brain damage. >> i think it was a chain of events that happened in the entire ballgame. one thing lead to another. >> stowe who will need life long care was awarded nearly $18 million in damages. the dodgers will pay about $14 million of that with norwood and sanchez responsible for the rest. and then the dodgers' owner was cleared of negligence. >> i feel like it is a victory, and it is a big weight off of our shoulders. >> publicly the stowe family rejoiced, but the giants' third base coach said stowe's sister texted him expressing disappointment. they were asking for $37.5 million. >> they felled relieved that brian was not held responsible at all, zero percent in the attack. but yet the $18 million awarded, it doesn't cover even the hospital bills that a are owed already. >> hopefully this is a learning thing for all sports and sport franchises to help make it safer for the people who love the game. >> giants fans we spoke to hope the verdict will improve ballpark security across the league. >> you go to these ballparks and it gets out of control sometimes. i think it does set a precedent to owners and fans alike. >> the jury said the dodgers had a security plan, but somewhere along the line it broke down. in san francisco, alan wang, abc7 news. >> it has been a long and difficult journey for brian stowe and his family since the attack. it happened opening day march 31st, 2011. witnesses say stowe was attacked from behind. one year later they announced the lapd chief to improve security at the stadium. in july after an intense manhunt l.a. police arrested two people. in february of 2012 both men were sentenced. luis sanchez got eight years and marvin norwood four years after both pled guilty. to developing news now, the 15-year-old sole survivor of a family's mass murder provided includes that lead to the gunman's capture. the man who police are not identifying yet tried to speed away from the scene near houston, but officers used spike strips and cornered him. the man is accused of shooting seven people including five of his children. the lone survivor is in critical condition. his two brothers and two sisters died along with two adult relatives. the gunman a is estranged from the children's mother who is not in texas. the wounded girl told police her sphear was planning to kill her grandparents. >> he had a fluid situation of a male with a pistol to his head, literally. and he had just killed six people and it ended exactly the way we are trained to do. >> the man has his hands up in this video surrendering to police after a three-hour standoff. a marathon hearing is underway in richmond where chevron is trying to persuade the planning commission to authorize a controversial modernization project. it has been put on hold because of lawsuits and a big fire back in 2012. abc7 news reporter laura anthony is live in richmond. a lot of opposition to this plan. >> there is, dan. there are a lot of people here. this meeting is still going on. it is the first of two sessions. the next is set for tomorrow night. it is the battle over the chevron refinery, one going on for years. >> makes common sense for at least once. >> naomi williams was among 130 public speakers who signed up to tell the richmond planning commission exactly what they think about chevron's proposed $1 billion modernization project. one the company claims will bring 1,000 new construction jobs to the city. >> we lost our homes. we lost cars. >> they will say anything to save money. >> the current plan does not go far enough to reduce emissions especially greenhouse gases. >> i am tired of chevron pulling the wool over our eyes on the projects that they supposedly say are clean and safe. they are not. >> we listen to the community. >> refinery officials say the project would result in no net increase in emissions. but the attorney general wants them to go further. >> under the environmentally superior endorsed by the attorney general, it is a net improvement in air quality and health risks. >> in the end there are clearly those who trust chevron and those who do not. especially after the 2012 refinery fire. >> as far as many of us are concerned in the community chevron has zero credibility and there is no reason to trust them because they have consistently throughout the history of our lives lied to us. >> if the planning commission approves the environmental impact report it will go next to the city council. in richmond, laura anthony, abc7 news. new at 11:00, pg&e revealed 1400 workers who fused together natural gas pipes will have to be retested. the workers weren't completing requalification tests. our media partner reports that the issue dates back several years. pg&e says it has halted the work until the testing is complete. they insist that the pipes have passed the safety inspection and the system is safe ?ie. today the -- today the woman charged with giving a google executive a fatal dose of heroin appeared in court. the 26-year-old did not enter a plea. police say she is a a high-priced prostitute and met more rest hayes on-line. in november hayes was found dead on his yacht in santa cruz. police say surveillance video from the yacht shows her injecting hayes with heroin, and then he suffered a medical emergency and passed out. police say she cleaned up the evidence, finished a glass of of wine and then left, casually stepping over hayes' body a number of times. she faces man slaughter and drug charges and is under investigation after a boyfriend's death in georgia. her next court date is july 16th. new details tonight about a san leandro man who died after attending an all night rave in las vegas last month. the clark county medical examiner says he died of an ecstasy overdose. the medical examiner said he had an enlarged heart, but didn't specify if it was a preexisting condition. he attended the electric daisy carnival on june 21st and was one of the attendees taken to the hospital that weekend. president obama said congress should act now to address the wave of central american children crossing the border. it was the issue of discussion today between the president and texas governor rick perry. the two met with other officials during a fundraising stop in dallas. the president says perry raised four areashof concern and made some suggestions. >> i think the useful question not simply for the governor, but for john boehner and mitch mcconnell and the other members of the texas legal -- delegation is why not solve the very problem you say is urgent? >> the president says if congress passes his request for nearly $4 billion in emergency funding he will have the resources to take some of the steps that governor perry recommends. a loving wife and mother suddenly struck with a debilitating aneurism. next on abc7 news, how the community and even perfect strangers are helping this local family. >> plus, random act of kindness at an east bay grocery store and how it has inspired a neighborhood to lend a helping hand. >> and her team may have lost, but she went home a winner. the big break for this world cup fan. >> i am sandhya patel. gray skies tonight and slick streets for the morning commute with drizzle. i will let you know of changes coming for the weekend. first, shear jimmy kimmle. >> -- here is jimmy kimmle. >> this is the official world cup soccer ball. the l.a. galaxy sent this to me. do you want to play, 73 ♪ 737. right there? you guessed it. how do we save on operational costs? with the world's largest fleet of boeing 737's. one of the many ways we bring you $69 airfares. limited time sale fares starting as low as $69 one-way. if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now at ♪ [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] crisis tonight after a young mother suddenly collapsed from an aneurism. heidi crouch has a husband and two children and all was going well until july 4th. without warning a blood vessel burst in her head. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkley is live in stanford hospital. leslie, a lot of people are stepping up to help heidi and her family. >> you bet, dan. this is the story of a 33-year-old mom. she has a 6-year-old and a 7-year-old and like you said, five days ago she suffered a massive stroke. now it seems like the whole world is rallying behind her. >> on the fourth of july our daughter collapsed at home. we discovered that she had had an aneurism burst. >> heidi crouch was airlifted here to stanford hospital. there were surgeries and tough times for her husband who works with the sunnyvale department of public safety, and for her kids. >> i was sitting in the waiting room on friday and i just kept thinking what can i do? i can't do kneeing. then it dawned on me this is the only thing i can do is try and raise money and help them cover some of the expenses that they are going to incur. >> so she launched a go fund me page. she was stunned the next morning. >> by the time we woke up the next morning there was $22,000 in there. >> now in four day itself soared to over $74,000. >> it is way beyond the financial. the biggest response we have had is i am praying. we will be in prayer. >> messages that flowed in from the bay area from guam and from brazil and all rooting for the young mom to recover. >> there are no more surgeries planned. right now for heidi it is all about healing. >> before the kids go to bed i ask them if they would like to record a message to mommy on my phone so i can take it to the hospital the next day. i take that in and play it for her. >> i knew i loved her. i just realized that the whole community loves her and now there are people across the world that love her and are following her story. >> at stanford hospital, leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> if you would like to help heidi and her family we have information on our website, go there when you have a moment. customers at a concord supermarket were surprised by a man standing by the cash register offering something incredible. a worker there told abc7 news that a man in his late 20s went into the store and requested permission to pay for other people's groceries. he spent more than $800 on the good deed. customers say it is inspirational. >> i think it is awesome that somebody would have that in their heart and mind to woman into this store and pay for other people's groceries. there are so many people out of work. >> the man didn't explain why he did it. workers say he replied, why not? the story has inspired others to pay it forward. today other customers dropped off bags of food for grocery outlets independence from hunger drive. # heartbreak for people who use twitter. those who actively tweet are more likely to have relationship problems. the university of missouri columbia study shows twitter use and frequent arguments over that use lead to greater conflicts and had damaging affects on relationships. the study did not determine the reason why. two teams in the world cup final got there in very different ways. today argentina needed penalty kicks to beat the netherlands. it is the fifth time argentina has reached the championship game. yesterday germany steam rolled brazil 7-1 in a huge defeat. argentina will play on sunday on abc7. coverage starts at noon. she was a face in the crowd, and now this 17-year-old soccer fan from belgium has landed a modeling contract with l'oreal. on june 22nd a photographer snapped this picture. her picture went viral. when she got home she had the good sense to create a facebook fan page for herself. that page got 200,000 likes and soon l'oreal came calling. well, you don't have to be a model to show your world cup spirit. you can be a pooch if you like. e-mail your fan photos at you report at or up load them through our news app or at >> and there are two more games in this world cup, saturday at 1:00 p.m., the battle for third place. the loser of today's game, the netherlands will play brazil, the loser of of yesterday's game. you can watch it live on our sister network, espn. >> and then on sunday argentina and germany will play in the big game. watch it it on the go on your smartphone or tablet with watch abc. a big finale to an exciting world cup. >> absolutely. let's check our weather. >> sandhya patel is here. >> dan and ama, the weather is going to be changing as we hit the weekend. until then we will have to deal with the marine layer. as you look at live doppler 7hd a solid stratus deck. as we take you in closer sanly san leandro and oakland and up to santa rosa, you are socked in already. here is a view. the trans america pyramid is over the overcast conditions. 62 san jose and here is a view from our emeryville camera looking toward the deep marine layer as we go look back across the bay right now. the temperatures are in the upper 50s and santa rosa and napa and novato and concord 62 in livermore. here is a live picture from our kgo roof camera. the low clouds have been covering up the moon at times and it is a cool view here. here is a look at the forecast. low clouds inland. patchy morning drizzle on thursday and friday. a lot like this morning. turning warmer this up coming weekend. we have the low clouds around and we will see some spotty drizzle. we are going with another round. the computer animation is picking that up. don't be surprised if you run into slick streets. the temperatures are in the 50s with the cloud cover. notice some areas like livermore and fremont and san jose, you may start out with clear skies as the marine layer will only reach some areas. damp for the start of the morning commute due to the drizzle out there. the drizzle will be with us through the el morning hours. we will call for cloud cover along the coast. 60s there. 80s inland. today's high temperatures were slightly higher along the coast with a little more sunshine. cooler in our inland communities. the cooling will continue inland. high temperatures are in the midto upper 80s to the low to mid80s tomorrow. here is a look at the week ahead. livermore tomorrow 83 below the average of 87. the temperatures are about the same on friday. then we start to see a warm up as we hit the weekend into monday. recovering to at or above normal as we head into the time period. low to mid80sand a few high clouds in the north bay. mid70 sans tau rosa and napa 70 in richmond and 66 san francisco. oakland 69 and palo alto 75. 78 in san jose. san francisco, half moon bay, temperatures in the 60s and you will hang on to a little of the cloud cover. if you are going to the giants-a's game, the bay bridge series continues. it is a day game. low to mid60s. you need the sunscreen and great looking weather for the game. accu-weather seven-day forecast. warmer for the weekend. we will have our summer spread, mid60s to low 90s on monday and tuesday. ama a and dan? >> and speaking of the game? >> shu is in for larry. >> had to drive across the bridge to watch that. the bay bridge series relocated to at&t park. the last two against the g men. all of your highlights for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life. i want to do something with this i want to build something. create something. i'm only one in seven billion, but i know i can make a difference. because inside me is this fierce determination. i'm just asking for someone who believes in me. my life. what if a bank made that its job? imagine what we could do. for over 200 years, citi's job has been to believe in people and their ideas. now around the world. it's wherever people gather, wherever ideas come alive, it's wherever you are. in oakland the bay bridge series came to san francisco and what a difference home field makes. a's pitcher jason hamel takes the mound. there are similarities in fans of all ages. producing with runners on. a single to left and success -- success -- success bough ties fields it. sandoval and a sallow fly to right sen sister and coco crisp and a full sprint and full extension. and a spectacular catch. the next batter and buster posey and a base hit to left. giants go up 2-0. oakland won't go quietly. jumps on the fast ball. check out the raider fan. grabs the ball and chucks it back to the yard. it is a 2-1 game. hunter pens answers. dead center to the new sustainable garden. number 12 on the year. matt cain went for only the second time this year. his first loss as an a and 5-2 your final. giants' win coupled with a tigers' loss. matt kemp 0-21 and this would be why. the tigers are the winners 4-1. i will use my final timeout before we hit the pitch. it came down to penalty kicks for a spot in the world cup finals. come together at subway, eat flavors and great vae in our six-inch select, the spicy italian, loaded with genoa salami and spicy pepperoni. try it fresh toastedon italian h on italian herb & cheese bread for that perfect flavor blend. the $3 six-inch select of july. subway. eat fresh. star command, i'm of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks!great gl! the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! this summer with a disneyland resort room and ticket package you get the time you need to enjoy it all. there's no end in sight! i'm going to need more time. two teams for the world cup title in 2014. air a general tina -- argentina and the netherlands battle. it is a cool game throughout. head to head contact and he is dazed and confused. 90 score less minutes and goes to extra time. one of the few attempts in the game right there. 106 minutes. he takes a shoulder to the face and he says come on. call that. 115th minute and a great opportunity for air a general tina. for argentina. he heads it a foot higher and that is a goal. the game decided by penalty kicks. denied. he steps up for argentina and left side and in, too easy. he needs this. covering both sides of the goal and the keeper is coming up huge. rodriguez for the win. argentina is into the finals on penalty kicks. said. the finals here at noon. >> rough match. thanks, shu. whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at i'm ama dates. thank you for watching. abc news continues on twitter, facebook and your mobile devices with the abc7 news app. our next newscast is at 4:30 tomorrow morning. >> tune in for that. right now on jimmy kimmle, robert pat -- pattonson. >> have a great night.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20140710

beating victim brian stowe, the giants fan who suffered brain damage after being attacked outside dodger stadium. >> the family is certainly relieved the jury found stowe was in no way at fault, but the nearly $18 million judgment is only a fraction of what they say is needed to cover all of his medical bills. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama dates. word of the verdict spread quickly at the giants versus a's game. alan wang is live at at&t park with the story. alan? >> reporter: dan and ama, a lot of giants fans and players talking about the verdict. the stowe family is satisfied with the verdict because this could changing major league baseball's attitude toward ballpark security. the financial award, however, is less than half of what they sought. >> were any of the following negligent, los angeles dodgers, llc? yes. >> the jury decided the dodgers did not provide enough security at their stadium parking lot when brian stowe was beaten on opening day 2011. stowe was left with permanent brain damage. >> i think it was a chain of events that happened in the entire ballgame. one thing lead to another. >> stowe who will need life long care was awarded nearly $18 million in damages. dodgersl the dodgers will pay about $14 million of that with norwood and sanchez responsible for the rest. and then the dodgers' owner was cleared of negligence. >> i feel like it is a victory, and it is a big weight off of our shoulders. >> publicly the stowe family rejoiced, but the giants' third base coach said stowe's sister texted him expressing disappointment. they were asking for $37.5 million. >> they felled relieved that brian was not held responsible at all, zero percent in the attack. but yet the $18 million awarded, it doesn't cover even the hospital bills that a are owed already. >> hopefully this is a learning thing for all sports and sport franchises to help make it safer for the people who love the game. >> giants fans we spoke to hope the verdict will improve ballpark security across the league. >> you go to these ballparks and it gets out of control sometimes. i think it does set a precedent to owners and fans alike. >> the jury said the dodgers had a security plan, but somewhere along the line it broke down. in san francisco, alan wang, abc7 news. >> it has been a long and difficult journey for brian stowe and his family since the attack. it happened opening day march 31st, 2011. witnesses say stowe was attacked from behind. one year later they announced the lapd chief to improve security at the stadium. in july after an intense manhunt two arrested two people. in february of 2012 both men were sentenced. luis sanchez got eight years and marvin norwood four years after both pled guilty. to developing news now, the 15-year-old sole survivor of a family's mass murder provided includes that lead to the gunman's capture. the man who police are not identifying yet tried to speed away from the scene near houston, but officers used spike strips and cornered him. the man is accused of shooting seven people including five of his children. the lone survivor is in critical condition. his two brothers and two sisters died along with two adult relatives. the gunman a is estranged from the children's mother who is not in texas. the wounded girl told police her sphear was planning to kill her grandparents. >> he had a fluid situation of a male with a pistol to his head, literally. and he had just killed six people and it ended exactly the way we are trained to do. >> the man has his hands up in this video surrendering to police after a three-hour standoff. a marathon hearing is underway in richmond where chevron is trying to persuade the planning commission to authorize a controversial modernization project. it has been put on hold because of lawsuits and a big fire back in 2012. abc7 news reporter laura anthony is live in richmond. a lot of opposition to this plan. >> there is, dan. there are a lot of people here. this meeting is still going on. it is the first of two sessions. the next is set for tomorrow night. it is the battle over the chevron refinery, one going on for years. >> makes common sense for at least once. >> naomi williams was among 130 public speakers who signed up to tell the richmond planning commission exactly $oposed $1 billionut modernization project. one the company claims will bring 1,00 jobs t jobs to the city. >> we lost our homes. we lost cars. >> they will say anything to save money. >> the current plan does not go far enough to reduce emissions especially greenhouse gases. >> i am tired of chevron pulling the wool over our eyes on the projects that they supposedly say are clean and safe. they are not. >> we listen to the community. >> refinery officials say the project would result in no net increase in emissions. but the attorney general wants them to go further. >> under the environmentally superior endorsed by the attorney general, it is a net improvement in air quality and health risks. >> in the end there are clearly those who trust chevron and those who do not. especially after the 2012 refinery fire. >> as far as many of us are concerned in the community chevron has zero credibility and there is no reason to trust them because they have consistently throughout the history of our lives lied to us. >> if the planning commissionprs approves the environmental impact report it will go next to the city council. in richmond, laura anthony, abc7 news. new at 11:00, pg&e revealed 1400 workers who fused together natural gas pipes will have to be retested. the workers weren't completing requalification tests. our media partner reports that the issue dates back several years. pg&e says it has halted the work until the testing is complete. they insist that the pipes have passed the safety inspection and the system is safe ?ie. today the -- man charged with giving a google executive a fatal dose of heroin appeared in court. the 26-year-old did not enter a plea. police say she is a a high-priced prostitute and met more rest hayes on-line. in november hayes was found dead on his yacht in santa cruz. police say surveillance video from the yacht shows her injecting hayes withand then he, and then he suffered a medical emergency and passed out. police say she cleaned up the evidence, finished a glass of of wine and then left, casually stepping over hayes' body a number of times. she faces man slaughter and drug charges and is under investigation after a boyfriend's death in georgia. her next court date is july 16th. new details tonight about ho diedeandro man after attending an all night rave in las vegas last month. the clark county medical examiner says he died of an ecstasy overdose. the medical examde had an enlarged heart, but didn't specify if it was a preexisting condition. he attended the electric daisy carnival on june 21st and was one of the attendees taken to the hospital that weekend. president obama said congress should act now to address the wave of central american children crossing the border. it was the issue of discussion today between the president and texas governor rick perry. the two met with other officials during a fundraising stop in dallas. the president says perry raised four areashof concern and made some suggestions. >> i think the useful question not simply for the governor, but for john boehner and mitch mcconnell and the other members of the texas legal -- delegation is why not solve the very problem you say is urgent? >> the president says if congress passes his request for nearly $4 billion in emergency funding he will have the resources to take some of the steps that governor perry recommends. a loving wife and mother suddenly struck with a debilitating aneurism. next on abc7 news, how the community and even perfect strangers are helping this local family. >> plus, random act of kindness at an east bay grocery store and how it has inspired a neighborhood to lend a helping hand. >> and her team may have lost, but she went home a winner. the big break for this world cup fan. >> i am sandhya patel. gray skies tonight and slick streets for the morning commute with drizzle. i will let you know of changes coming for the weekend. first, shear jimmy kimmle. >> -- here is jimmy kimmle. >> this is the official world cup soccer ball. the l.a. galaxy sent this to me. do you want to play, they often say, "i wish i had done this sooner." don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ don't wait for totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. ahhh! wh there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious crisis tonight after a young mother suddenly collapsed from an aneurism. heidi crouch has a husband and two children and all was going well until july 4th. without warning a blood vessel burst in her head. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkley is live in stanford hospital. leslie, a lot of people are stepping up to help heidi and her family. >> you bet, dan. this is the story of a 33-year-old mom. she has a 6-year-old and a 7-year-old and like you said, five days ago she suffered a massive stroke. now it seems like the whole world is rallying behind her. >> on the fourth of july our daughter collapsed at home. we discovered that she had had an aneurism burst. >> heidi crouch was airlifted here to stanford hospital. there were surgeries and tough times for her husband who works with the sunnyvale department of public safety, and for her kids. >> i was sitting in the waiting room on friday and i just kept thinking what can i do? i can't do kneeing. then it dawned on me this is the only thing i can do is try and raise money and help them cover some of the expenses that they are going to incur. >> so she launched a go fund me page. she was stunned the next morning. >> by the time we woke up the next morning there was $22,000 in there. >> now in four day itself soared to over $74,000. >> it is way beyond the financial. the biggest response we have had is i am praying. we will be in prayer. >> messages that flowed in from the bay area from guam and from brazil and all rooting for the young mom to recover. >> there are no more surgeries planned. right now for heidi it is all about healing. >> before the kids go to bed i ask them if they would like to record a message to mommy on my phone so i can take it to the hospital the next day. i take that in and play it for her. >> i knew i loved her. i just realized that the whole community loves her and now there are people across the world that love her and are following her story. >> at stanford hospital, leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> if you would like to help heidi and her familyinformatione information on our website, go there when you have a moment. customers at a concord supermarket were surprised by a man standing by the cash register offering something incredible. a worker there told abc7 news that a man in his late 20s went into the store and requested permission to pay for other people's groceries. he spent more than $800 on the good deed. customers say it is inspirational. >> i think it is awesome that somebody would have that in their heart and mind to woman into this store and pay for other people's groceries. there are so many people out of work. >> the man didn't explain why he did it. workers say he replied, why not? the story has inspired others to pay it forward. today other customers dropped off bags of food for grocery outlets independence from hunger drive. # heartbreak for people who use twitter. those who actively tweet are more likely to have relationship problems. the university of missouri columbia study shows twitter use and frequent arguments over that use lead to greater conflicts and had damaging affects on relationships. the study did not determine the reason why. two teams in the world cup final got there in very different ways. today argentina needed penalty kicks to beat the netherlands. it is the fifth time argentina has reached the championship game. rolleday germany steam rolled brazil 7-1 in a huge defeat. argentina will play on sunday on abc7. coverage starts at noon. she was a face in the crowd, and now this 17-year-old soccer fan from belgium has landed a modeling contract with l'oreal. on june 22nd a photographer snapped this picture. her picture went viral. when she got home she had the good sense to create a facebook fan page for herself. that page got 200,000 likes and soon l'oreal came calling. well, you don't have to be a model to show your world cup spirit. you can be a pooch if you like. e-mail your fan photos at you report at or up load them through our news app or at >> and there are two more games in this world cup, saturday at 1:00 p.m., the battle for third place. the loser of today's game, the netherlands will play brazil, the loser of of yesterday's game. you can watch it live on our sister network, espn. >> and then on sunday argentina and germany will play in the big game. watch it it on the go on your smartphone or tablet with watch abc. a big finale to an exciting world cup. >> absolutely. let's check our weather. >> sandhya patel is here. >> dan and ama, the weather is going to be changing as we hit the weekend. until then we will have to deal with the marine layer. as you look at live doppler 7hd a solid stratus deck. as we take you in closer sanly san leandro and oakland and up to santa rosa, you are socked in already. here is a view. the trans america pyramid is over the overcast conditions. 62 san jose and here is a view from our emeryville camera looking toward the deep marine layer as we go look back across the bay right now. the temperatures are in the upper 50s and santa rosa and napa and novato and concord 62 in livermore. here is a live picture from our kgo roof camera. the low clouds have been covering up the moon at times and it is a cool view here. here is a look at the forecast. low clouds inland. patchy morning drizzle on thursday and friday. a lot like this morning. turning warmer this up coming weekend. we have the low clouds around and we will see some spotty drizzle. we are going with another round. the computer animation is picking that up. don't be surprised if you run into slick streets. the temperatures are in the 50s with the cloud cover. notice some areas like livermore and fremont and san jose, you may start out with clear skies as the marine layer will only reach some areas. damp for the start of the morning commute due to the drizzle out there. the drizzle will be with us through the el morning hours. we will call for cloud cover along the coast. 60s there. 80s inland. today's high temperatures were slightly higher along the coast with a little more sunshine. cooler in our inland communities. the cooling will continue inland. high temperatures are in the midto upper 80s to the low to mid80s tomorrow. here is a look at the week ahead. livermore tomorrow 83 below the average of 87. the temperatures are about the same on friday. then we start to see a warm up as we hit the weekend into monday. recovering to at or above normal as we head into the time period. low to mid80sand a few high clouds in the north bas tau mid70 sans tau rosa and napa 70 in richmond and 66 san francisco. oakland 69 and palo alto 75. 78 in san jose. san francisco, half moon bay, temperatures in the 60s and you will hang on to a little of the cloud cover. if you are going to the giants-a's game, the bay bridge series continues. it is a day game. low to you need the sunscreen and great looking weather for the game. accu-weather seven-day forecast. warmer for the weekend. we will have our spread, spread, mid60s to low 90s on monday and tuesday. ama a and dan? >> and speaking of the game? >> shu is in for larry. >> had to drive across the bridge to watch that. the bay bridge series relocated to at&t park. the last two against the g men. all of your highlights ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. in oakland the bay bridge series came to san francisco and what a difference home field makes. a's pitcher jason hamel takes the mound. there are similarities in fans of all ages. producing with runners on. a single to left and success -- success -- success bough ties fields it. sandoval and a sallow fly to right sen sister and coco crisp and a full sprint and full extension. and a spectacular catch. the next batter and buster posey and a base hit to left. giants go up 2-0. oakland won't go quietly. jumps on the fast ball. check out the raider fan. grabs the ball and chucks it back to the yard. it is a 2-1 game. hunter pens answers. dead center to the new sustainable garden. number 12 on the year. matt cain went for only the second time this year. his first loss as an a and 5-2 your final. giants' win coupled with a tigers' loss. matt kemp 0-21 and this would be why. the tigers are the winners 4-1. i will use my final timeout before we hit the pitch. it came down to penalty kicks for a spot in the world cup finals. things on purpose? youe not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] double the speed. ♪watching everybody eating ♪what they want all day ♪oh this tasteless cardboard ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. two teams for the world cup title in 2014. air a general tina -- argentina and the netherlands battle. it is a cool game throughout. head to head contact and he is dazed and confused. 90 score less minutes and goes to extra time. one of the few attempts in the game right there. 106 minutes. he takes aer to the face and he says come on. call that. 115th minute and a great opportunity for air a general tina. for argentina. he heads it a foot higher and that is a goal. the game decided by penalty kicks. denied. he steps up for argentina and left side and in, too easy. he needs this. covering both sides of the goal and the keeper is coming up huge. rodriguez for the win. argentina is into the finals on penalty kicks. said. the finals here at noon. >> rough match. thanks, shu. star command, i'm of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks!great gl! the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! this summer with a disneyland resort room and ticket package you get the time you need to enjoy it all. there's no end in sight! i'm going to need more time. they often say, "i wish i had done this sooner." don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ would you cross a street? would you cross an ocean? would you go if you could use your knowledge to teach someone and, in the process, maybe learn something yourself? life is calling. how far will you go? peace corps. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama dates. thank you for watching. abc news continues on twitter, facebook and your mobile devices with the abc7 news app. our next newscast is at 4:30 tomorrow morning. >> tune in for that. right now on jimmyrobert pat --. born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. finals, all kinds of experts are weighing in with their predictions. >> and that includes kelly ann, you know kelly ann, right? the 10,000-pound asian elephant with ringling brothers circus, the pachyderm came up with her pick kicking goals into the net. the only way to do it. >> of course. her prediction, germany. mixology isn't really exactly scientific. but she has at least a 50/50 percent chance of being right. >> that is accurate. >> previously picked netherlands over argentina. whoops. [ elephant trumpeting ] >> sorry, kelly ann. got to pick it. >> oh, boy. coming up in "the mix," disney world supposed to be the happiest place on earth, but for one family not so much. but first a dramatic battle launched by george clooney, his outrage aimed at a british tabloid website and how it was quickly resolved. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i can't go for that no, no can do ♪ ♪ i can't go for that >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. curing a yeast infection relieving the itch.... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. deterghow about... both? n skin or tough on stains. new tide pods free and gentle free of dyes and perfumes with a deep clean. pop in the best of both worlds. that's notthat's dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. all while


Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20140710

the financial award, however, is less than half of what they sought. >> were any of the following negligent, los angeles dodgers, llc? yes. >> the jury decided the dodgers did not provide enough security at their stadium parking lot when brian stowe was beaten on opening day 2011. stowe was left with permanent brain damage. >> i think it was a chain of events that happened in the entire ballgame. one thing lead to another. >> stowe who will need life long care was awarded nearly $18 million in damages. the dodgers will pay about $14 million of that with norwood and sanchez responsible for the rest. and then the dodgers' owner was cleared of negligence. >> i feel like it is a victory, and it is a big weight off of our shoulders. >> publicly the stowe family rejoiced, but the giants' third base coach said stowe's sister texted him expressing disappointment. they were asking for $37.5 million. >> they felled relieved that brian was not held responsible at all, zero percent in the attack. but yet the $18 million awarded, it doesn't cover even the hospital bills that a are owed already. >> hopefully this is a learning thing for all sports and sport franchises to help make it safer for the people who love the game. >> giants fans we spoke to hope the verdict will improve ballpark security across the league. >> you go to these ballparks and it gets out of control sometimes. i think it does set a precedent to owners and fans alike. >> the jury said the dodgers had a security plan, but somewhere along the line it broke down. in san francisco, alan wang, abc7 news. >> it has been a long and difficult journey for brian stowe and his family since the attack. it happened opening day march 31st, 2011. witnesses say stowe was attacked from behind. one year later they announced the lapd chief to improve security at the stadium. in july after an intense manhunt l.a. police arrested two people. in february of 2012 both men were sentenced. luis sanchez got eight years and marvin norwood four years after both pled guilty. to developing news now, the 15-year-old sole survivor of a family's mass murder provided includes that lead to the gunman's capture. the man who police are not identifying yet tried to speed away from the scene near houston, but officers used spike strips and cornered him. the man is accused of shooting seven people including five of his children. the lone survivor is in critical condition. his two brothers and two sisters died along with two adult relatives. the gunman a is estranged from the children's mother who is not in texas. the wounded girl told police her sphear was planning to kill her grandparents. >> he had a fluid situation of a male with a pistol to his head, literally. and he had just killed six people and it ended exactly the way we are trained to do. >> the man has his hands up in this video surrendering to police after a three-hour standoff. a marathon hearing is underway in richmond where chevron is trying to persuade the planning commission to authorize a controversial modernization project. it has been put on hold because of lawsuits and a big fire back in 2012. abc7 news reporter laura anthony is live in richmond. a lot of opposition to this plan. >> there is, dan. there are a lot of people here. this meeting is still going on. it is the first of two sessions. the next is set for tomorrow night. it is the battle over the chevron refinery, one going on for years. >> makes common sense for at least once. >> naomi williams was among 130 public speakers who signed up to tell the richmond planning commission exactly what they think about chevron's proposed $1 billion modernization project. one the company claims will bring 1,000 new construction jobs to the city. >> we lost our homes. we lost cars. >> they will say anything to save money. >> the current plan does not go far enough to reduce emissions especially greenhouse gases. >> i am tired of chevron pulling the wool over our eyes on the projects that they supposedly say are and safe. they are not. >> we listen to the community. >> refinery officials say the project would result in no net increase in emissions. but the attorney general wants them to go further. >> under the environmentally superior endorsed by the attorney general, it is a net improvement in air quality and health risks. >> in the end there are clearly those who trust chevron and those who do not. especially after the 2012 refinery fire. >> as far as many of us are concerned in the community chevron has zero credibility and there is no reason to trust them because they have consistently throughout the history of our lives lied to us. >> if the planning commission approves the environmental impact report it will go next to the city council. in richmond, laura anthony, abc7 news. new at 11:00, pg&e revealed 1400 workers who fused together natural gas pipes will have to be retested. the workers weren't completing requalification tests. our media partner reports that the issue dates back several years. pg&e says it has halted the work until the testing is complete. they insist that the pipes have passed the safety inspection and the system is safe ?ie. today the -- today the woman charged with giving a google executive a fatal dose of heroin appeared in court. the 26-year-old did not enter a plea. police say she is a a high-priced prostitute and met more rest hayes on-line. in november hayes was found dead on his yacht in santa cruz. police say surveillance video from the yacht shows her injecting hayes with heroin, and then he suffered a medical emergency and passed out. police say she cleaned up the evidence, finished a glass of of wine and then left, casually stepping over hayes' body a number of times. she faces man slaughter and drug charges and is under investigation after a boyfriend's death in georgia. her next court date is july 16th. new details tonight about a san leandro man who died after attending an all night rave in las vegas last month. the clark county medical examiner says he died of an ecstasy overdose. the medical examiner said he had an enlarged heart, but didn't specify if it was a preexisting condition. he attended the electric daisy carnival on june 21st and was one of the attendees taken to the hospital that weekend. president obama said congress should act now to address the wave of central american children crossing the border. it was the issue of discussion today between the president and texas governor rick perry. the two met with other officials during a fundraising stop in dallas. the president says perry raised four areashof concern and made some suggestions. >> i think the useful question not simply for the governor, but for john boehner and mitch mcconnell and the other members of the texas legal -- delegation is why not solve the very problem you say is urgent? >> the president says if congress passes his request for nearly $4 billion in emergency funding he will have the resources to take some of the steps that governor perry recommends. a loving wife and mother suddenly struck with a debilitating aneurism. next on abc7 news, how the community and even perfect strangers are helping this local family. >> plus, random act of east bay grocery store and how it has inspired a neighborhood to lend a helping hand. >> and her team may have lost, but she went home a winner. the big break for this world cup fan. >> i am sandhya patel. gray skies tonight and slick streets for the morning commute with drizzle. i will let you know of changes coming for the weekend. first, shear jimmy kimmle. >> -- here is jimmy kimmle. >> this is the official world cup soccer ball. the l.a. galaxy sent this to me. do you want to play, guillermo? >> [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] (birds chirping softly in background.) double the speed. (loud engine sounds!) what! how's it going? heard you need a ride to school. oh, that's pretty cool! big day at school? i know just the thing to help you get going. power up with new cheerios protein. crisis tonight after a young mother suddenly collapsed from an aneurism. heidi crouch has a husband and two children and all was going well until july 4th. without warning a blood vessel burst in her head. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkley is live in stanford hospital. leslie, a lot of people are stepping up to help heidi and her family. >> you bet, dan. this is the story of a 33-year-old mom. she has a 6-year-old and a 7-year-old and like you said, five days ago she suffered a massive stroke. now it seems like the whole world is rallying behind her. >> on the fourth of july our daughter collapsed at home. we discovered that she had had an aneurism burst. >> heidi crouch was airlifted here to stanford hospital. there were surgeries and tough times for her husband who works with the sunnyvale department of public safety, and for her kids. >> i was sitting in the waiting room on friday and i just kept thinking what can i do? i can't do kneeing. then it dawned on me this is the only thing i can do is try and raise money and help them cover some of the expenses that they are going to incur. >> so she launched a go fund me page. she was stunned the next morning. >> by the time we woke up the next morning there was $22,000 in there. >> now in four day itself soared to over $74,000. >> it is way beyond the financial. the biggest response we have had is i am praying. we will be in prayer. >> messages that flowed in from the bay area from guam and from brazil and all rooting for the young mom to recover. >> there are no more surgeries planned. right now for heidi it is all about healing. >> before the kids go to bed i ask them if they would like to record a message to mommy on my phone so i can take it to the hospital the next day. i take that in and play it for her. >> i knew i loved her. i just realized that the whole community loves her and now there are people across the world that love her and are following her story. >> at stanford hospital, leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> if you would like to help heidi and her family we have information on our website, go there when you have a moment. customers at a concord supermarket were surpred by a man standing by the cash register offering something incredible. a worker there told abc7 news that a man in his late 20s went into the store and requested permission to pay for other people's groceries. he spent more than $800 on the good deed. customers say it is inspirational. >> i think it is awesome that somebody would have that in their heart and mind to woman into this store and pay for other people's groceries. there are so many people out of work. >> the man didn't explain why he did it. workers say he replied, why not? the story has inspired others to pay it forward. today other customers dropped off bags of food for grocery outlets independence from hunger drive. # heartbreak for people who use twitter. those who actively tweet are more likely to have relationship problems. the university of missouri columbia study shows twitter use and frequent arguments over that use lead to greater conflicts and had damaging affects on relationships. the study did not determine the reason why. two teams in the world cup final got there in very different ways. today argentina needed penalty kicks to beat the netherlands. it is the fifth time argentina has reached the championship game. yesterday germany steam rolled brazil 7-1 in a huge defeat. argentina will play on sunday on abc7. coverage starts at noon. she was a face in the crowd, and now this 17-year-old soccer fan from belgium has landed a modeling contract with l'oreal. on june 22nd a photographer snapped this picture. her picture went viral. when she got home she had the good sense to create a facebook fan page for herself. that page got 200,000 likes and soon l'oreal came calling. well, you don't have to be a model to show your world cup spirit. you can be a pooch if you like. e-mail your fan photos at you report at or up load them through our news app or at >> and there are two more games in this world cup, saturday at 1:00 p.m., the battle for third place. the loser of today's game, the netherlands will play brazil, the loser of of yesterday's game. you can watch it live on our sister network, espn. >> and then on sunday argentina and germany will play in the big game. watch it it on the go on your smartphone or tablet with watch abc. a big finale to an exciting world cup. >> absolutely. let's check our weather. >> sandhya patel is here. >> dan and ama, the weather is going to be changing as we hit the weekend. until then we will have to deal with the marine layer. as you look at live doppler 7hd a solid stratus deck. as we take you in closer sanly san leandro and oakland and up to santa rosa, you are socked in already. here is a view. the trans america pyramid is over the overcast conditions. 62 san jose and here is a view from our emeryville camera looking toward the deep marine layer as we go look back across the bay right now. the temperatures are in the upper 50s and santa rosa and napa and novato and concord 62 in livermore. here is a live picture from our kgo roof camera. the low clouds have been covering up the moon at times and it is a cool view here. here is a look at the forecast. low clouds inland. patchy morning drizzle on thursday and friday. a lot like this morning. turning warmer this up coming weekenend. we have the low clouds around and we will see some spotty drizzle. we are going with another round. the computer animation is picking that up. don't be surprised if you run into slick streets. the temperatures are in the 50s with the cloud cover. notice some areas like livermore and fremont and san jose, you may start out with clear skies as the marine layer will only reach some areas. damp for the start of the morning commute due to the drizzle out there. the drizzle will be with us through the el morning hours. we will call for cloud cover along the coast. 60s there. 80s inland. today's high temperatures were slightly higher along the coast with a little more sunshine. cooler in our inland communities. the cooling will continue inland. high temperatures are in the midto upper 80s to the low to mid80s tomorrow. here is a look at the week ahead. livermore tomorrow 83 below the average of 87. the temperatures are about the same on friday. then we start to see a warm up as we hit the weekend into monday. recovering to at or above normal as we head into the time period. low to mid80sand a few high clouds in the north bay. mid70 sans tau rosa and napa 70 in richmond and 66 san francisco. oakland 69 and palo alto 75. 78 in san jose. san francisco, half moon bay, temperatures in the 60s and you will hang on to a little of the cloud cover. if you are going to the giants-a's game, the bay bridge series continues. it is a day game. low to mid60s. you need the sunscreen and great looking weather for the game. accu-weather seven-day forecast. warmer for the weekend. we will have our summer spread, mid60s to low 90s on monday and tuesday. ama a and dan? >> and speaking of the game? >> shu is in for larry. >> had to drive across the bridge to watch that. the bay bridge series relocated to at&t park. the last two against the g men. all of your highlights next in sports. after losing two straight in oakland the bay bridge series came to san francisco and what a difference home field makes. a's pitcher jason hamel takes the mound. there are similarities in fans of all ages. producing with runners on. a single to left and success -- success -- success bough ties fields it. sandoval and a sallow fly to right sen sister and coco crisp and a full sprint and full extension. and a spectacular catch. the next batter and buster posey and a base hit to left. giants go up 2-0. oakland won't go quietly. jumps on the fast ball. check out the raider fan. grabs the ball and chucks it back to the yard. it is a 2-1 game. hunter pens answers. dead center to the new sustainable garden. number 12 on the year. matt cain went for only the second time this year. his first loss as an a and 5-2 your final. giants' win coupled with a tigers' loss. matt kemp 0-21 and this would be why. the tigers are the winners 4-1. i will use my final timeout before we hit the pitch. it came down to penalty kicks for a spot in the world cup for a spot in the world cup finals. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. i'll have my usual ultimate cheeseburger. you can have that. or-two new versions of the ultimate cheeseburger. one has sliced jalapeños and creamy ranch sauce, the other has sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and grilled onions, plus double meat and cheese like the original. new versions...? two new versions! now, this was just a training video, but these twists on my ultimate cheeseburger will blow people's minds. is that guy ok? for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life. two teams for the world cup title in 2014. air a general tina -- argentina and the netherlands battle. it is a cool game throughout. head to head contact and he is dazed and confused. 90 score less minutes and goes to extra time. one of the few attempts in the game right there. 106 minutes. he takes a shoulder to the face and he says come on. call that. 115th minute and a great opportunity for air a general tina. for argentina. he heads it a foot higher and that is a goal. the game decided by penalty kicks. denied. he steps up for argentina and left side and in, too easy. he needs this. covering both sides of the goal and the keeper is coming up huge. rodriguez for the win. argentina is into the finals on penalty kicks. >>


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20140605

temperatures and below the mid '50s but by the afternoon. we will see the sunshine and probably even earlier than that. near the delta we're talking about temperatures nearing the 90 degree mark and then later on tonight we are anticipating clear conditions and that we will see partly cloudy skies and the overnight hours. fears a look at current weather if you're heading out the door this early hour in about right now 48 degrees 354 leaving your house in oakland. satellite and radar shows the low clouds there really dominating the coastline. high clouds throughout the san francisco bay. like i mentioned a lot of sunshine by the afternoon. and it looks like temperatures on the warmer side. if livermore hitting 9378 degrees in fremont. mid-60s for downtown san francisco. looking at your 7 day around the bay forecast. we will continue with this warming trend. 90s will carry us into the weekend. actually sound is going to be the warmest day getting near triple digit inland. so we're talking about the possibility of record- breaking highs before temperatures cooled back down into early next week. more details on that coming up in a moment to read it right now see if the attending to a few accidents but none of them looking to be any major to slow your ride down 3 here's a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you'll see it very light coming from new details in the beating of giants fan bryan stow. we now have the 9-1-1 calls made just after the attack. stow's family is suing the dodgers. saying there was inadequate security at the stadium. the full recording of the emergency call was played for the jury hearing the case yesterday. caltrans says a loose pivot pin is to blame for some damage on the carquinez bridge. the agency is now working on a permanent repair. caltrans made the discovery during an inspection of the bridge last month. the loose pin caused other pieces of an expansion joint to crack. in the meantime, a temporary support has been installed. caltrans stresses the strength of the bridge has not been compromised. the father of former paramedic now has brain damage and is partially disabled. the newly released emergency call describes the panic and desperation right after the brutal beating on brian stow. but he snorer right now and what is coming out of his ears. his unconscious. >>: out in all city paramedic my partner who is also permitted was punched from the side. did not see it coming. he's bleeding out of his left ear. we need an ambulance right now. his respiratory rate is three decreasing. yes nor respirations. he was struck by a fist to the head. he had the ground. also hit his head on the ground. he's the one conscious. he's not doing good. his breathing. he has a pulse >>: then the 911 operator asks the paramedic who did this. >>: the person who did this. he is gone. it was a dodger fan in a dodger jersey. there's no way to identify him. >>: if i saw him i could recognize him but he's gonna >>: and dr. san luis sanchez pleaded guilty in february to the assault. he admitted to kicking and punching stow. the entire aid in half minute 911 tape was played in court on wednesday during a civil case. stow is suing the dodgers and the team's former owner for an adequate security at the stadium on the day his life changed forever. you can listen to the full 911 tape on our website 3 it's posted a kron4 dot com. in the news room, justine waldman kron4 news 3 >>james: more developing news this morning. developing news and southern california were a marine jet crashed into a neighborhood. the carrier jets out of the letters on explode on impact and sent to homes on fire. this happened in the town of imperial. --yuma, ariznea. the harrier jet. this happened in the town of imperial east of san diego near the mexican border. the pilot safely ejected before the crash. no one was injured no word yet on why the jet crashed. exxon tracker lead police to a potential burglar. a san ramon woman was able to track a stolen phone using the " finding michael iphone app-finding my pphone app. she alerted police when she saw that the person with her phone was headed to her house. several police officers stopped and searched the suspect's car and found the victim's own purse and her house keys. the suspect identified as 34 year-old tustin from burger --dustin freiburger of 19 as was arrested on suspicion of possession of stolen property. think some of us could reach 90 by later this afternoon. let's give specific with the highs expected in your neighborhood. again is going to be a warmer day ahead. mountain view 79. for campbell to date 8691 for the aldon valley. as we had to the east bay this is where i think will see some of the warmest temperatures. livermore and 9087 degrees and antioch. mid 80s the walnut creek mid-60s over and richmond. downtown san francisco today checking in with a high of 66 and low 80s up and one country if here's a look at your extended forecast. not much change as we have into tomorrow but of things are surely going to keep up near triple digits as we head into the latter half of the weekend. temperatures will drop off as we head into early next week, more details on this up and down forecast not looking at any serious accidents. chp is attending to one southbound 880 and marina boulevard. it is evolving in the creek. but it is to being pushed off to the right hand shoulder. if you're heading to the bay bridge at this early hour. and nice and easy ride awaits you. of course the main lights are off. he will see any problems at the san mateo bridge. drive time holding steady at 12 to 13 minutes. a live look at the golden gate bridge shows a lot of space between cars. you may encounter a lot of the fog as you work your way out of marin county and over on the traffic maps drive times holding steady to 12 to 13 minutes down the e shore freeway from hercules to berkeley and was about 24 is a clear shot through the caldecott tunnel and toward the macarthur maze. >>: bay area walmart workers rally for higher wages in union city. it was part of a national day of action targeting the retailer. protestors say. it is difficult to care for a family on a wal-mart salary. and that walmart is forcing them to live in poverty and work two to three jobs. protestors say, they will not stop fighting for a living wage. a shocking attack captured on surveillance video. a school security officer allegedly kicks a disabled student in the head after tossing him out of his wheelchair. this is the second piece of video to be released by the oakland school district since the may 19th incident. the school security officer at the center of the attack. has been fired, arrested and charged with a felony. kron 4's dan kerman set out to learn how these officers are trained. and what their duties are in the first place. we're set to learn more today about why it took so long for general motors to order a recall of two point six million cars because of faulty ignition switches. the report was paid for by g-m and is expected to address just how high in the company the problem reached. documents reveal executives knew about the issue for at least a decade. during that time, at least 13 people were killed in crashes tied to the problem. today, the new veterans affairs chief is visiting the health care facility that is the focus of what's now become a nationwide scandal. acting v-a secretary sloan gibson is expected to talk about what actions have been taken to address allegations of negligent care at the phoenix veterans hospital. that includes a report that found 17-hundred veterans were being kept off the official waiting list. and that numerous veterans have died while waiting to get care. gibson took over the department last week after secretary eric shinseki resigned hoss at least two million people who signed up for obamacare have data discrepancies in their applications. each case involves a mismatch between key personal details and what the government has on record. those descrepancies could affect what some people pay for coverage. or even their legal right to benefits. the administration says it is working all-out to resolve the issues. a gunman shoots five police officers in canada, killing three of them. the shots were fired in the province of new brunswick, which borders maine. as andrew spencer reports the search for the suspect carried into the overnight hours no official homecoming party for sgt. bowe bergdahl. the american soldier who spent five years in captivity in afghanistan. officials in hailey, idaho say they've cancelled the welcome home celebration for bergdahl because of security his release led to the exchange of five taliban members being held at guantanamo bay. bergdahl was captured in afghanistan in 2009 after walking away from his unit, unarmed. critics and some fellow soldier accuse him of desertion. president obama has arrived at the g-7 summit in brussels, belgium -- as he continues his three-nation european tour. he's in belgium for a meeting of the g-7 group of industrialized nations. obama led the international effort to suspend russia's participation in the world group of economic powers. that suspension resulted in the relocation of this year's planned g-8 summit from sochi, russia, to brussels, as the leaders of the g-7 nations decided to meet without russia. president obama will meet with british prime minister david cameron after the summit today. then he flies to paris for dinner with french president francois hollande. figuring out how to respond to russia's involvement in ukraine tops the agenda. p-g-and -e is bracing more new federal charges. in connection with the deadly 20-10 san bruno explosion. p-g-and -e announced that the u-s- attorney's office intends to file what is called a superseding indictment. the new indictment would nullify the previous one issued. possibly because *new charges are coming. in april p- g- and -e was charged with 12- federal felony violations of safety laws which could carry fines of 6 -million dollars or more. the company has pleaded not guilty. eight people were killed and more than 30 homes destroyed in the explosion and fire coming up on the kron four morning news. ".worth every penny" 126-million dollars! that's how much colin kaepernick's new deal with the forty-niners is worth. and what will he do with all that money? kron 4's j-r- stone has the details. still ahead on kron 4. there have been delays on muni for the past three days. so will there be another sick-out today? we'll have an update after the break. plus. how a world war two veteran is being honored. decades after his service. and we're watching the weather this morning. we're coming up on 4-30. here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning. caltrans says a loose pivot pin is to blame for some damage on the carquinez bridge. the agency is now working on a permanent repair. caltrans stresses the strength of the bridge has not been compromised. new details in the brutal beating of giants fan bryan stow. we now have the 9-1-1 calls made just after the attack stow's family is suing the dodgers. alleging in- adequate security at the stadium. the full recording of the emergency call. was played for the jury hearing the case we've posted that recording on kron 4 dot com. and a protest in half moon bay after a sheriff's deputy shoots and kills a girl with the victim was 18-year-old yanira serrano-garcia. her family says she refused to take her medication. and they called 9-1-1 hoping a paramedic would convince her to take her prescription. a deputy responding to that call shot and killed the girl when she wouldn't drop a knife. muni's union is now facing charges from san francisco's city attorney. dennis herrera filed the charges yesterday, calling the worker sickout "illegal." yesterday marked the third day of a sickout to protest a proposed labor contract. service greatly improved over monday and tuesday service. union leaders deny that they are behind the job action. the two sides are expected to go into arbitration saturday. there is no official word yet on whether muni drivers plan to work today. the san francisco man. who led the f-b-i on a manhunt earlier this week. will be mentally evaluated. agents were investgating ryan chamberlain. for possesing explosive devices in his russian hill apartment. chamberlain appeared in a federal courtroom where his lawyer requested the mental health evaluation. cameras were not allowed. during the proceedings. he is being held without bail. and has not entered a plea. his preliminary hearing date has been set for june 17th. a dog was injured in a fire at an antioch home this morning. crews responded to the fire just after midnight on the 3-thousand block of westbourne drive. the house fire was under control 30 minutes later. antioch animal services were called to the scene to assist the inured dog. no other injuries were reported. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. hundreds of acres of open space have been donated to east bay regional parks. the land is near coyote stop to hills park in fremont. and could soon be opened up to the public. kron 4's charles clifford spoke with regional parks officials. about how they acquired the property and what they plan to do with it. the bay area is a big draw for recent college graduates. it ranks number 8 on a new list of 'hot destinations' for graduates - put together by linked -in. the career networking site tracked worldwide destination cities - where lots of new graduates are moving. paris, france was number one. but the san francisco bay area was number 8. we're right behind london - which was number 7. the information used only applies to linked-in the data is probably skewed asktoward the united states. rounding out the top three cities -- after paris -- washington d.c. and minneapolis. better late than never. what did to the weather. erica the morning. in the morning. yet another morning of some fog and mist and even some drizzle along the coast line. pretty cloudy conditions throughout most of the san francisco bay area right now. temperatures are in the fifties we will see quick warming as we head into the afternoon to the marine layer we're dealing with will burn off with plenty of sunshine will skies and yes warmer temperatures. in fact in the south bay for looks like it's getting pretty close to the 90 degree mark. in the south bay later on this evening will see mostly clear skies and then it's going to start to become cloudy during the overnight hours. and speaking of clout in the so were doing with right now. bay area live look at the satellite imagery. right now they're getting out your door here's a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. some of the car starting to slow down a bit and some of those cash lanes. mitterand lights are out right now. drive time only about 11 minutes from the maze to san francisco. over the golden gate bridge sandlots of cars. better late than never. nearly 70 years after being wounded twice in world war two, a retired palo alto veteran is finally awarded the medals he rightly deserves. kron four's philippe djegal was in mountain view where the hero was honored in this case a little help from congresswoman of paul toll. >>: this is a long time coming. seven decades after being wounded twice during world war two. fighting in northern france and central europe. retired u.s. army corporal john anchor dan is awarded the purple hearts and oakley cluster for his bravery at wednesday's ceremony at market federal air field. awards he was promised while veteran and hospital during the war. in addition to the purple hearts and oakley's cluster the seem to be not the soon- to-be ninth year-old man was also awarded the bronze star medal and combat infantry badge. it's like to bring back a whole chain of memories. police say a man impersonating an officer will face charges after pulling over a real detective monday night. the florida detective was shocked when he didn't recognize the officer behind the wheel of the other car. matthew mcmahon was charged with impersonating an officer and unlawfully displaying blue lights. he was released from jail yesterday after posting bail. the detective says he has arrested several impersonators over the years. but no one has ever ordered him to stop his car. san jose police arrested one of their own. while investigating a pot bust. authorities say, on tuesday evening, officers were investigating a claim from an employee at a rental storage facility. that marijuana was stored there. after consultation with the santa clara county's district attorney's office they came to the conclusion that they had enough information to arrest and ultimately book the officer off for basically there were two counts. felony possession of marijuana for sale and cultivation. the officer was booked into the santa clara county jail. the officer named - son vu. is a twenty -year veteran of the san jose police department. he is now on administrative leave. someone sneaked a camera into a hotel gym in poland -- and took blurry photos of a guy working out. it wouldn't be a big deal. except the guy in this case was president obama. this morning on the kron 4 morning news. kron4's jacki soap joining us live right now. that he has more on the story of what check-in with him on named it. caltran said there may be a loose rivet to blame. the agency now working on a repair. of servers including cable cars are returning to regular route tree is the 9-1-1 emergency call that followed the beating of giant's fan brian stow has been released. and worries on the carquinez bridge. as an expansion joint has been damaged. plus. a protest in half moon bay. after a sheriff's deputy shoots and kills a teenager. good morning. it is thursday, june 5th, 2014. i'm james fletcher. new details in the beating of giants fan bryan stow. we now have the 9-1-1 calls made just after the attack. stow's family is suing the dodgers. saying there was inadequate security at the stadium. the full recording of the emergency call was played for the jury hearing the case yesterday. case yesterday. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you [bl ris] [pf. bke] farrs,w lievwhatou d't kw ke wfor insud drers? t corage [rot] oh. k[pf. bke] lk tfarms t corage d gesmarr abt yo surae. ♪e arfarms bu- pa dum m - m - m - m♪ d gesmarr abt yo surae. [socr crd chting use ad fceflex, its diamd teure retcs to prent . ki it,t cataket. nature valley crunchy granola bars contain 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. 1/3 of your daily whole grains means energy to make some new ocean friends. nature valley crunchy granola bars. bulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ is fher'day, let'turnur ho into suphero let'giveim t pow. nsulwithis sekic and eqp hiwithll t per ys hneed all a md maeredudge so he n spd so quaty timeack hisair. thencomeut song and ve t day let'do ts. mo savg. me dog. that theowerf e ho dep. the husky 0-pie mechic'sool t just $99ucks araned fever is a quick look at the weather for you would start with your futurecast 4 projections as we take a look at temperatures. here it is at 9:00 temperatures at that 0.10 to be. the heart of the bay anyway. '70s by the bay 80s inland. as for some of our east bay locations. by late afternoon around 3:00 or so we look for temperatures to approach the delta margaret and for places like evergreen and all the men valley in the south bay. actually a few more places will be in the 90s today. defrauded the beach is looking for low 60s as well. with temperatures inland getting up words of 100 degrees. we could break a record on that day. beyond that point temperatures cool as we head into next week. george good morning. looks good news for many this morning the man is reporting that they are back to normal. they're putting out 555. so all routes returning to normal. cable car service as normal this morning as well. on the freeways were not tracking in the hot spots so that of course good news for you. ticket to appear at the bay bridge toll plaza of the approaches look good. for tracking all delays through the macarthur maze and 11 minute drive time. and your ride to the san mateo bridge equally good for highway 92. the six in the ride through the san ramon valley looks good. 60 minutes into dublin 3 it's lighted than usual traffic for 580 to the lot off my past. topics for ways to a great no problems. and in the city and there's a fog advisory its near daly city pacifica in and to write near protected right out there and the fog. right now it's reduced to 100 ft.. for one on southbound. >>: thank you george three officers have been killed and two others injured in a shootout with the gunmen and new brunswick canada. there are canadian fremont police. building two guns. that identify the shooter as 24 year-old justin bork. police are urging people to stay and decided to lock their homes and police are asking people not to talk about police movements on social media warning it will put even more police or risk. over 200 firefighters were on the scene of a big blaze in new york. a second look at the video that we have of this. the fire at least 29 people have been injured in this huge fire on staten island. 23 of those who were injured are firefighters. so far none of the injuries are very serious blow which is good. this place started at about one in the morning in new york no time. the fire is consuming to resident joe work. will be back with [ mike ] i wanted to do some good for my guys. so i'm trying best foods with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not best food on your sandwiches. it's best foods with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here come on. club's new cards are going to be available the card can be used anywhere as the master card is accepted. wal-mart to the owner of sam's club is expected to issue similar cards of this summer. but i love how we say it's a new chip card. >>: america's homes are getting an even bigger. the average size of homes built up last year hit an all-time high averaging 2600 square feet. during the house a bubble your homes averaged 2400 sq. ft. according to the census bureau experts say one reason is the rich getting richer and buying even bigger homes and that brings up the average square footage. extremely large houses 4000 square feet and up make four large for the homes being built. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you leme ask you queion. ifou've h chickenpox, at dyou ink the odds e ofetting shiles? leme ask you queion. ifose ds a high enough. ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. again and there is a snack here at one of the land is blocked southbound this could be a huge headache for the trip out of sonoma county and into more rent this morning. caltran tapping bridge problems this time the cortines bridge they foundcaltrans says a loose pivot pin is to blame for some damage on the carquinez bridge. the agency is now working on a permanent repair. caltrans made the discovery during an inspection of the bridge last month. the loose pin caused other pieces of an expansion joint to crack. in the meantime, a temporary support has been installed. caltrans stresses the strength of the bridge has they say where and tear from large trucks going over. not only are their joint issues. but also some intense and metal plates. as of may 29th they say they have done some temporary repairs and a plan to do a final fit. later on. a couple weeks or months. the one think of that caltrans is saying about the joints. it is it has not compromised the bridge itself. roping to get a chance to talk. he's a spokesperson to see how long before the door a permanent fix. not been compromised. thanks for the update. school officials are planning to reevaluate how their security officers are trained after the shocking attack on a student captured on surveillance video were using this to us all to boldin and elevator and also in the hallway of the school. the security officers are at the center of this attack has been fired arrested and charged with a felony. obviously it's not foolproof. the attorney for the student francisco martinez called the attack appalling. he says his client is not in school because he still recovering. >>: and bay area wal-mart workers picketing for higher wages. protesters say it's a difficult to care for a family on wal-mart salary and that wal-mart is forcing them to live in poverty and work to the three jobs. >>: i rely on a lot of people like my girlfriend. i live with my sister and i take home less than $1,000 a month which is less than 12,000 the year. >>: it's nearly impossible if i if i live by myself but this is a one nonstop fighting for a living wage. pg&e is bracing for more new federal charges in connection with the deadly 2010 several explosions. pg&e announce that the u.s. attorney's office intends to file what's called a superseding indictment and that the new indictment would nullify the previous 143 to possibly because of new charges are coming. and april pg&e was charged with 12 federal felony violations and said the loss which could carry fines of $6 million or more. the company has pleaded not guilty to that. eight people were killed and more than 30 homes destroyed in that explosion and fire >>: sam until police are searching for three suspects who rounded top of the restaurant at gunpoint on monday night. have a run to 40 in the 1900 block of salt bulk el camino real. ♪ummer daysriftg away touh o those sumr nits twizerizyoursummer f wittwizers. a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. abouyournsurce,bauseatwh youon' you arte n hu you and at pkingear streatwh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. back to the kron4 morning news. seen in a pact now to the slate oral word pro road work on all southbound. is already backing up the traffic to just north of san antonio road. and slowing the ride through sonoma county. caltran says this work is approved until a clock. and the contractor even has permission if he needs to to extend until 8. five for the right now in a california woman is trying to find the rightful owner of a camera that she found on the beach near san diego. marianne rogers took the camera home and she took a look. she found pictures of a wedding on there. and a couple of writing and tahiti for a honeymoon. so there was another picture with the names dublin and london. that's the clue she got. and it was dated june 1, 2012. the search has proven to be more difficult than she thought it would be. --- >>: i thought this is going to be easy. i want to beat find this couple, i want to seesaw market and put it on their bulletin boards and i put an ad on craigslist. >>:dillan and lauren. it's been years. she's convinced that the couple lost by accident. because of a strap. because but strap >>: there they are. the bride and groom. so spread the word in the know who they are. somebody does. social media to the rescue. will find them. a bulletin board come on. >>: here's a live look outside are a camera this morning it is a real san francisco once again but these clouds will parts. looking for another warm [ mom ] hi, we're the pearsons, and we love chex cereal. so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex! of visual farther and farther from the water. fleet of san leandro and 75 but it warms up to the mid 80s for the san ramon valley than upper 80s tenant of peace for the delta and livermore. san francisco for today you expect the mid-60s for someplace of sunshine. partly cloudy conditions will still exist along the coast. here's your 7 day around the bay forecast. temperatures down but quite a bit. conditions were cooking. was not out about the traffic out there. within a day north bay hot spot. late construction work. on one on southbound in error and a bottle of dom st and we are restricted in lanes southbound. has already backed up the ride nearly into downtown off petaluma. i just checked with the chp and see this as the have been confirmed of the chp is now reporting that all lanes in this location were opened and there were actually a out of their but 50 minutes ahead of schedule. and now you confirm that with caltran 3 if that's true then this backup will start to clear out and the ongoing major delays that were feared it probably won't materialize. here stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >>: it travels at speeds close to 80 mi. per hour. and we need a full mile to come to a complete stop even if it's something in the way. yet, you almost always find drivers stopped on train tracks. i'm in burlingame on broadway with a sign reads do not stop on tracks. of the need to explain why you should never stop on tracks well maybe you should be driving. but just in nine dimensions i watched driver after driver after a driver either stop fully on the tracks or partially on the tracks where trains blow through regularly. and this driver is operating a limo for it and see the arms to get out in the back. and that means a driver has passengers who are now sitting on active train tracks. no way now. >>: you have to wonder what's going through this woman's mind what she sits on the translating for the light to change. >>: how about this brand new chevy just getting on the tracks. according to the federal rural road administration office 3 the since january 2014 there's been 37 fatal crashes in believe it or not 133 non fatal crashes involving trains. 25 of those fatalities were of public rosten's like this. as you approach a rail crossing don't even attempt to cross unless you can clear the tracks. in fact, of the losses in the 50 ft. of distance from the nearest rail. and don't think you can move in time because people have tried and failed. i often hear on the pre scanners car vs. train. like that's even a fair fight. let's be realistic. entrain hitting a car at 80 mi. per hour is like a hot knife cutting through butter. the car and passengers always lose. by the way, this-san mateo county for stopping that's just fine for stopping on the tracks is $100 plus but tag on the fees and it jumps to 490 bucks plus a one. on your record. now does have to figure out if this does driver is behaving badly. in burlingame stanley roberts kron4 news 3 the oakland athletics athletics overcome a 41 deficit to beat the yankees 7-4. the a's get their fifth straight victory pretty honest céspedes homered twice and-donaldson up hitting a tie-breaking shot in the seventh inning. -johannes céspedes--yoenis ♪ whoa! introducg thkohl tohlestoil. hone che thiout. what up? the -tou flu foyourome. whoa get yours day e ho dep. ♪ i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters take the nestea plunge. nothing refreshes like nestea. ooh, a blt with avocado... waitress: yeah. fresh avocado, creamy pepper sauce. it's delicious. and it's a great deal. woman: sounds amazing, but shouldn't that be called a blta? waitress: sweetheart, one bite, and you're not going to care what it's called. [ bell rings ] welcome to denny's.


Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20140530

physical they take another job they would get paid the salary as they make as an officer and they if they don't want to take the job they would have their medical bills officered. reporting live in san jose, christine a r, ktvu channel 2 news -- cristina rendon, ktvu channel 2 news. >> more details, in april ktvu channel 2 news reported the department had disappointing recruitment numbers, getting just 29 applicants for 60 open positions. school resource officer is off the job and facing criminal charges in oakland accused of hurting a high school student in a wheelchair. they sent home a letter to parents calling it a disturbing incident. the letter says the staff member acted in an appalling manner. ktvu's mike mibach is here with what that court officer did to the -- security officer did to the tonight is and what led up to it. >> the officer was taken into custody by the police department and arrested. according to a spokesman that officer was charged with child abuse. now the student at the center of the story he uses a wheelchair and he is a student at oakland high school and it is at the school where this took place. the school district says it was monday, may 19, school officers were trying to get students who were running late, get them into class, one school officer grabbed the abdomenles of his wheel -- handles of his wheelchair and pushed him towards the class, the student began to spit on and slap the officer. the officer responded by striking the student and dumping him out of his wheelchair. last night at the board meeting people spoke out in favor of martinez. >> there is no way a white student in his wheelchair would have been thrown out of his chair. >> what happened was a crime. and it was a racist attack. and those students, a student in a wheel chase -- no students, a student in a wheel chase should be assaulted. >> reporter: they fired him soon after the incident. the story is still developing and we will -- developing and we will have more information at 6:00 p.m., mike mibach, ktvu channel 2 news. >> we posted a portion of the letter on our website, go to and look under hot topics. >> reporter: breaking news now, a possible sale of the los angeles clippers. former microsoft executive steve ballmer won a bidding war for ownership an hour ago. he bid $2 billion which would set a record price for an nba team. several other outlets say no deal is in place and other officers are being considered. donald sterling has tosign off -- to sign off on any deal. the clippers were purchased by donald sterling in 1981. we will update you as soon as we get any more information. for the first time since the isla vista tragedy we are hearing from the parents of the man who killed six people. through a family friend the parents of anderson reservoir dam issued this statement, it reads in part, we are crying in pain for the victims and their families. the feeling of knowing that it was our son's actions that caused the tragedy can only be described as hell on earth. anderson reservoir three of the students killed were from the bay area. one was george chen and a succinct manned -- candlelight vigil is planned tonight in san jose. the candlelight vigil is held in the main quad at a high school. girl forced into prostitution is back home safe after she escaped. chester brown is now arrested. the teen said chester brown took her two month said ago and force -- months ago and forced her to work as a prostitute and he sexually assaulted her and threatened to kill her. there were other girls with chester brown when he was arrested. a new warning tonight that food products from a company may be contaminated with salmonella. the warning includes three products from navitas natural food company. the products are suspected of making 12 people sick across the country. anyone with these products throw them out or return them for a refund. opening statements in the case of bryan stow versus the dodgers. bryan stow himself sat in a wheelchair in the courtroom facing the jurors. day one of what is expected to be an emotional trial. >> reporter: bryan stow, seen here leaving court wednesday. needs 24 hour care. can't even go to the bath room by himself. his brain forever damaged. that is according to his attorney. who tells jurors in his opening statement the los angeles dodgers are responsible for all of that. had stadium security under the ownership of frank mccourt done their job it would never have happened. >> the truth of the matter is they had three hours to do something about it and they did nothing. >> reporter: he says three hours is how long dodger fans, marvin norwood and luis sanchez who have been convicted of assault were harassing giants fans in 2011. it ended with them beating bryan stow nearly to death outside in the parking lot after the game. he wants compensation. >> when you look at the past medical and future medical, loss of earning, it is in 35 to $38 million range. that is what the experts say. >> reporter: an attorney representing frank mccourt and his dodgers tells jurors there is no disagreement that bryan stow is seriously injured however no one was the dodgers punched, hit or kicked bryan stow, it was all marvin norwood and luis sanchez and says bryan stow was loud and was drinking so much beer his blood alcohol was 2-1/2 times the limit for a driver. he says what happened is a test ostrow and alcohol fueled flash fire fight involving men who exchanged words and didn't let go and he argued the dodgers had the most beefed up security in history for an opening game. crews are making progress in the fight against a wildfire in central california. it is east of lake mcclur. it is now conduct% contained -- 60% contained. today firefighters say it burned less than a square mile. two homes were damaged but everyone who was evacuateicide now allowed back home -- evacuated is now allowed back home. bringing new jobs to the bay area. blue apron is hiring 400 new employees for its location in richmond. the positions would be in the kitchen team which gets together fresh ingredients. they are also looking for workers for its packing team that gets the boxes ready for delivery. people are raising a stink about a garbage rate increase of 50% or more. a public hearing is going on right now. ktvu's john fowler reports one business claims the bid process smells of a political fix. >> reporter: garbage rates could jump 50% or more under the plan. $30million a year would goat to the city. >> it is fine. they do a fine job. i don't think that extra money should go to the city. >> reporter: if the deal is approved rates would be the second highest behind piedmont. >> i feel i am paying enough and when i have extra they want to charge me -- to charge me and double my bill? >> reporter: one of the companies that apparently is losing the bid is furious. >> look at this carefully and not to go for it. >> reporter: he told me he plans to buy this 14 acres in west oakland and put up a $70 million recycling center employing 200 people. he said the city changed its proposal mid-process to favor current contractor waste management, he says his bid would recycle trash and not dump it and $6 million a year cheaper. >> we have to lower the rate. >> there are many unanswered questions. >> reporter: he says he is skeptical about the deal and the rate increase. >> we have to be very honest with people, what are we doing and what does the rate increase mean and where it is going to. there is nothing specific about what they plan for the extra 30 million a year. john fowler, ktvu channel 2 news. >> oakland wouldn't be the first city to have the increased trash fee. three others have done it. tonight's meeting is a first of several about the plan. like a scene from a horror movie, a woman breeding rats in her apartment and releasing them. why authorities say their hands are tied. >> dropping temperatures. details as we inch closer to the-cool day of the week and -- to the coolest day of the week. >> and a child born to a woman in a coma. see the first day home coming up. this tillamookmook old fashd vanilla ice cream is absolutely amazing. creammmmmy. it makes my tongue dance. me too. hey you two, stop that tillamook tongue dancing and get back to work! tillamook ice cream, tastes better because it's made better. new tonight this dedicated athlete sidelined after an injury she didn't realize she had. today she went to the white house pushing for better research on concussions. today president obama announced a major new effort to research the effects of concussions suffered by teens. justin gray reports on the major commitment made by the nfl, the ncaa and others. >> the president of the united states president obama. >> reporter: a week before high school graduation she is introducing the president at the white house. she is here because of something that happened on the soccer field. >> i knew i had a headache. i had a game the next day. first mistake. i shook it off and kept playing. >> she had to turn down an offer to play division 1 soccer after 5 concussion left her with physical problems. >> my doctor told me earlier this year he thought of with holding me back. >> reporter: president obama called for the summit at the white house so other teens won't have to make the difficult choice she did. >> we have to change a culture that says suck it up. >> reporter: the president committed to mew money for research to bet -- research to better understand concussions. the doctors gathered here, specialists and brain injuries, saying parents shouldn't avoid sports but should be better educated about concussions. young people make 250,000 emergency room visits because of sports related brain injuries every year but president obama says we don't know enough about the injury's lastic impacts, something -- lasting impacts something this is designed to change. reporting in washington, justin gray, ktvu channel 2 news. by this weekend they will stop tracking customers because of privacy concerns. the san francisco chain has 14 shops in the bay area. the uproar started when customers learned there were devices in the stores that gathered data about how often customers would visit and stay. they said the data was anonymous and helped it improve the customer experience but after social media lit up with complaints they said they would remove the devices. >> good if they are responding to what customers want. smart decision. >> they post stickers in the windows but customers did not agree to be tracked. ford announced four recalls involving 1.5 million cars and suvs. the biggest recalls involve steering problems. in 2008 to 2011 escape and mercury and 2011 to 2013 explorers. 20 accidents are blamed on faulty censors or connectors. floor mats are being recalled, they could interfere with the gas pedal and they are recalling license plate lamps in states where the roads are salted in the winter. a 14-year-old from the bay area is one of 12 students in the finals of the scrips national spelling bee tonight and so far she is still in the running. 10 minutes ago she correctly spelled a word that means of the color green. earlier today two former finalists were eliminated over tricky words. the winners the winner will take home a $30,000 grand prize. >> did you know those words? >> no. >> i am not alone. >> nope. now to our chief meteorologist bill martin. you didn't know those words either -- [ talking at the same time ] [ laughter ] >> i didn't know those words or how to spell them. i know the fog will be back and that will cool things off. temperatures tomorrow will drop off 5 and 10 degrees. the water is cold, the winds coming on shore. one of the models is aggressive in bringing fog back to the coast. strong sea breeze and cooler conditions into your bay area friday. this low pressure right here, just -- see it is digging? it will get further south into the weekend and that keeps things the same. no big changes. well, the big change today is no fog on the coast. that is not a change. no red flag warning. they dropped the red flag warning early because in the central valley it didn't transpire. there were some wind but the windy conditions not as forecast. the forecast for winds tomorrow will be pretty aggressive on shore winds. especially at the san francisco international airport. with fog at the coast, that will push a lot of cool air your way. today you see the warmth, the orange, the 80s, tomorrow oranges will get washed back to the eastern edges of the valleys. greens and yellows. i like this map. you will see it tomorrow when you see the push of cool, moist air. i had reports tomorrow morning -- or i had reports of temperatures in the upper 40s. that is cold. 50 degrees in santa rosa. chilly tomorrow. look out for temperatures in the north bay valley upper 40s. cool. this high-pressure system weakens. this low pressure drops down. friday will be cooler with winds along the coast. the forecast into tomorrow, then, we are looking for microclimates to cool by 5 and 10 degrees. especially inland. today's high inland, 80s. easily. tomorrow you will have trouble getting into the 80s. upper 70s and low 80s. you see clayton. no temperatures tomorrow 70wise low 80s on -- 70s with low 80s. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view more cooling on saturday. sunday warmer. we could see drizzle saturday and sunday as the low gets close to us. cooler occurs. drizzle perhaps along the coast. >> cooler than normal. >> by saturday. yeah. >> thank you. >> thank you. students outraged when their school photoshops their year book pictures without telling them. first a update about a baby born while his mother is in a coma. >> excited to take him everywhere and show hummocky. >> what this father is doing -- show him everything. >> what this father is doing. >> julie haener is here now for what we are working on for 6:00 p.m. >> the clock is ticking to save a bay area hospital from closing. >> how the camp pain to keep the doors open -- campaign to keep the doors open is spreading and neighbors say he is beyond a nuisance. >> the neighborhood is filled with people who says it is under sieged. the problem caused by one resident. >> these stories and much more coming up new at 6:00 p.m. female narrator: through sunday, it's posturepedic through sunday, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars end sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ an update to a touching story from san francisco. a baby born to a woman in a coma is now out of the hospital. the baby was discharged from the hospital on monday. dad brian says he couldn't be happier to spend time with his son. >> a joy to be with. i love him to death. just my little buddy. >> brian is a santa cruz sheriff's deputy but right now he is staying in san francisco so his son could be close to his mom. in march she suffered a seizure following treatment for a brain tumor. she never regained consciousness but was able to deliver without any major complication as week ago. >> a lot to juggle taking care of two people who need that kind of attention and care and love. but i am very, very happy to be the guy that gets to give them that love. they both deserve it. >> the baby's father is taking him to visit his mom as often as possible. the dad is also taking lots of videos and pictures so his wife can see them when she wakes up but says it is hard at night because he and his wife aren't doing it together. her husband says her condition is improving and she responding to his voice. she will be moved to another hospital next monday where he will undergo acute care. the number of measles cases in the u.s. is sky rocketing. centers for disease control and prevention says there have been more measle illnesses since -- illnesses since 1996. some of the case comes from an upbreak in amish communities in ohio. other cases are linked to travelers and those who haven't been vaccinated. for california, there are 60 cases in the state this year. compared to 6 at this time last year. counties around here, alameda, contra costa county and san mateo have four. share as has one -- scleras has one. it -- santa clara has one. coming up next, rats, hundreds of them. >> she known as rat girl. the woman breeding hundreds of rats in city apartments and parks. >> and a new deal with change what is on your phone. the app that will be there whether you want it or not. >> that is what it is like to be hit by lightning. we hear the incredible survival story from a storm chaser. my dad worked as a short order cook. right here. my parents were immigrants. and they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. i earned a scholarship to mit. and worked across party lines to get things done. i'm alex padilla. i'll protect voting rights for everyone. and make it easier to start a business. so we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. what should we order? (announcer) alex padilla. secretary of state. complete bay area news coverage continues right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news 5:00 p.m. just unimaginable filth. rats everywhere. animal control says this is a case that just won't go away. it may be hard to believe but investigators say it is true. a woman is actually breeding rats in her apartment. and when there are too many she dumps them in public parks. ktvu's david stevenson is here to tell us how hard this is to stop this from happening. >> reporter: nicknamed rat girl but this is no laughing matter. her affection for rats is endangering her health and the health of the public. hundreds of rats in a san francisco apartment. >> it was shocking. disturbing on a number of levels. >> reporter: officials say the resident, a 43-year-old woman bread hundreds of rats in this room. many you can see burrowing into her belongings. >> there is a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. >> reporter: san francisco public health department says it ended up exterminating a thousand rats. she says in the last three years members of the public reported her. >> the rats have burrowed into other people's rooms. they can carry disease, parasites. >> reporter: at one point the woman lived under this bridge feeding rats. the latest incident may 8. >> i can only imagine this situation is going to continue wherever she lives till she gets the help she needs. >> reporter: it is unclear whether she is getting that help. over the years it has been able to adopt out some of the rats. sick ones have been exterminated. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. >> we see the evidence there in the video, if everyone knows she is doing this, how is it that she hasn't been stopped? >> reporter: it is not so easy to get her to stop. they could prosecutor but they don't think that would do any good. they believe she is keeping some and refuses to have them neutered. they rather focus on getting her mental health help. >> thank you. we have breaking news now from san jose. it is a small fire that is burning near coyote creek in san jose. you can see there are a lot of houses there. i believe that the creek is to the bottom of the screens. from the looks of things it looks like they have the fire under control and that none of those homes are threatened but still a lot of concern when a fire breaks out not far from a neighborhood there in san jose. one man in critical condition after he was run over twice at a gas station by a drunk driver. police say the driver and the passenger were at a station at 24th and geary about 3:30 a.m. this morning. the victim has been loitering and at one point layed down or fell down behind the car. they told the attendant to call 911 and the driver backed up and ran over the man twice. >> when the fire department showed up he was lodged underneath the tire. in order to free his head it was imperative that they hoist the rear end of the vehicle to free his head. >> the victim was taken to the hospital in critical condition but he is expected to survive. you see police arrested the driver on charges of drunk driving. we have his booking photo here. he is 32 years old. new at 5:00 p.m. the oakland police department is under fire from people thinking they are not doing enough to fight crime but tonight police officers are being thanked by one community for the cases that they have solved and ktvu's paul chambers is there now as the neighborhood is showing their appreciation. >> reporter: people said they had to come here. they wanted to say thank you to police officer whose made arrests in homicide cases this year and remind the community they have to do their part to make arrests. >> my brother is a victim and i am a victim because it happened. he has family. if you are willing to speak to the police they will help you. >> reporter: she is here to support police police officers after they found the person responsible for the shooting death of her brother. there have been five killings this year, 4 have been solved. he was roped, shot and killed while -- robbed, shot and killed while walking home. a month later, a 24-year-old was shot and killed on 14th avenue two blocks from the hospital where he was born. last month police arrested a man who was responsible for the shooting death of both man and in april she was founds beaten to death. later that months police arrested this man and charged him with the murder. officers say they can't do it alone. >> the community knows what is going on, they know what is not supposed to be in the neighborhood. when they come forward we could solve a lot of the crimes. >> reporter: today's event was to thank the officers and officer -- paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. san francisco officially made a new offer on a site for a museum. they confirmed the site is on the embarcadero. the port of san francisco owns the empty lot. when mayor ed lee realized the site wasn't going to work he looked at every property that could host the museum. leaders say they don't know when they will receive a response to the latest offer. ride sharing with uber may be easier for at&t subcribers. this summer at&t -- subscribers. this summer at&t will embed their app in all android phones. frightening moments for a california family. the see through floor they are standing on begins to crack. what they heard and what they felt. >> and whale watchers says this is one of the best seasons they have had. we go aboard to see what all the hype is about. >> and students get a surprise, their pictures aren't what they thought. the lesson the school wanted to teach them. gridlock. teacher layoffs. and a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller. more breaking news right now. as news chopper 2 was heading to that other fire we showed you in san jose, they spotted this fire that is burning right next to 2 280. you can see the flames -- 280. you can see the flames there. it is effecting traffic. crews are trying to put this out. a fire burning right now at 280 near the 7th street exit in san jose. one of two fires that is currently burning. the other fire, excuse me, near coyote creek in san jose. that fire is not far from a neighborhood. it appears they have that fire under control. by the looks of things here it appears maybe this fire is starting to spread. we will keep an eye on this. it is a tricky situation. it could impact situation. as we get more information we will bring it to you. students say there has been a cover up when it comes to year book photos. you see she wearing a sleeveless stop but she noticed sleeves were added on to that shut. look at this photo. this is what she was wearing. take a look at how she looked in the year book. you can see the tattoo is covered up. this happened at a high school near salt lake city utah. the students say the decisions seemed arb trary. -- arbitrary. >> half of them got edited and half didn't. >> the superintendent said the school should have been more consistent. the idea is to help students learn how tadress appropriately -- to address appropriately. next tuesday voters in two counties will vote on whether to secede from the state. a ballot measure is asking voters if they want to join three other counties that already joined on to the idea. people in the northern california county whose support it say they don't get adequate representation in sacramento and they want to form a 51 state called jefferson. that move would require approval. a cheaper way to get your car fixed but is it too good to be true? the warning of a certain group of mechanics in the bay area. >> and the copy cats springs up all across the country. >> a drop in temperature coming our way as the fog wants to return to the coast. i will let you know when you can expect it and how much cooler the bay area weekend is going to be. it's almost impossible to get them to sit down to dinner. so that's why we have... [ all ] kfc. i mean he's sitting still. this is kind of miraculous. look at it. ♪ [ male announcer ] now try the new kfc game night bucket. get a free ispy game right on the bucket with a 12 piece tenders meal. deafenly thunder after a storm chaser was struck by lightning earlier this week. she a storm chaser and hit in the arm but he is okay. you can see the marks there left on the ground from the strike. the lightning also disabled his car and another car that was passing by and both cars had to be towed. nuisance or a good deal? some mechanics are fixes cars in a parking lot and they have been drawing complaints. others welcome the work and says it comes at a good price. >> they fix my car. the guy replaced the starter and everything. >> how much? >> 25. >> reporter: that is a low price. >> that is a low price. >> she told the san francisco chronicle she is working with police to end the practice. she says it is a risk for the consumer and the city doesn't get tax money. they say employees can't stop people from working on their cars in the parking lot. new at 5:00 p.m. there is a show that is happening off the california coast. whales are migrating in greater numbers than ever. due to climate or food source, gray whales, humpbacks and orcas. >> noelle walker found out watchers are guaranteed a upclose and personal experience. >> reporter: call it a board room with a view. they meet every three weeks. >> talk about our lives. and take in the sights. >> well, whatever is happening in the world right now. we see here. >> lately there has been throughout see. >> we have seen -- been a lot to see. >> we have seen. >> one of the best years for whale watching. keeping him busy. this was his view from had office wednesday. >> like jurassic park. they are big and you can hear them breathing. >> what is that noise? >> the sound of tourism. >> why do we need life jackets? >> reporter: from santa barbara to san francisco bay. >> ready? >> go ahead. hop on board. >> we will check out sea lions. >> let's rock 'n' roll here. >> i saw something right the. >> reporter: there are regulars out here like the california sea libs over there -- lions over there but the real stars are making an appearance every day. >> whale watching is beyond epic this year and it is early. >> reporter: just ask mike. >> this weekend was busy. i have seen them one time before. >> reporter: when the photographer saw orcas two weeks ago he grabbed his camera. >> great to see the whale jump. >> reporter: from 100 feet away she snapped these frames of a dozen orcas feeding on a gray whale calf. sometimes nature could be brutal. >> otter. >> otter. and sometimes it is fascinating. >> pirates on those guys. >> why are pirates cool? >> reporter: now a pirate sighting would be one whale of a tale. noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. >> pretty cute. a week ago we showed you this video. a close encounter with gray whales. at 1point you can see the whales flashing. we posted the video on the pictures of the orca, wow! that was something. >> my favorite spot in the bay area for whale watching, the point res light house. now to our chief meteorologist, you know that area -- >> yeah. i have been surfing out there 35 years and never seen more whales. up ocean beach in san francisco, pacifica. whales are everywhere right now. gray whales, they are working north and they will come back south. highs tomorrow are going to be cooler than today. these were the highs from today. you can see the numbers. where they were yesterday, where they were the day before. very consistent. now the change comes as the low- pressure system gets closer to us. temperatures will continue to drop and that will be via the fog, the main impact of the fog, tonight, tomorrow morning. i will show you that. i showed you there is no fog at ocean beach in san francisco. late tonight fog is coming back in. here is the computer model. 11:00 p.m. tonight. fog should come back to the coast. temperatures drop 5 and 10 degrees around the bay and at the coast. as the fog stretches inland tomorrow morning, fairfield, livermore, antioch, the inlen valleys, once in the 80s -- inland valleys, once into the 80s, low 80s and 70s. cool down into your bay area friday. 4:00 fog burns back. san jose tomorrow, right now 80 degrees. the high in san jose, low 80s. tomorrow san jose 77 degrees for a day time high. not cold. it is just cooler than it has been. warm week that coast. without the fog. around the bay, numberland. but that will change after midnight tonight. 83 vacaville tonight. warm spots, right? furthest away from the marine air. anywhere in here, richmond, san francisco,s temperatures drop a few. -- san francisco, temperatures drop a few. some areas inland pop -- i wouldn't be surprised if you hit 80 degrees tomorrow. this helps with the fire danger. moisture increases. the temperatures drop. firefighters who are always on high alert this time of year will get a break, which is good. we had a red flag warning but that has been dropped. into the bay area weekend, this is your five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view cooling tomorrow. more cooling on saturday. maybe drizzle. maybe drizzle sunday morning. and then as you head into sunday, slightly warmer. kind of a mild week. next week is mild too. firefighters like that when you get a week you go higher humidities, lower temperatures. >> grays come in close, they will roll in the sand. fun. interesting. >> something. thank you. a california family standing on a ledge more than a thousand feet up. when the glass underneath them appeared to shatter. now we are hearing from them. >> julie haener is here now for what we are working on for 6:00 p.m. with more on a wheelchair bound student when was roughed up by a school security officer. >> we told you earlier about that incident. >> what happened was a crime. it was a racist attack. >> coming up at 6:00 p.m. what led up to that attack and how the school is responding. plus neighbors say a man is living here illegally and keeping their neighborhood under siege. these stories and much more coming up new at 6:00 p.m. female narrator: sleep train challenged its manufacturers sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. but the mattress price wars ends sunday. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ right here. my parents were immigrants. and they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. i earned a scholarship to mit. and worked across party lines to get things done. i'm alex padilla. i'll protect voting rights for everyone. and make it easier to start a business. so we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. what should we order? (announcer) alex padilla. secretary of state. the hidden money social media craze that began in san francisco is now copied in colorado. inspired by the donor in california a group of friends in boulder started hiding money. they are putting $40 in the envelopes and tweeting clues with #hidden cash c.o. >> it has taken off more than we expected it to and it has been great to see the happiness. and people excited about exploring the city. >> they did six mobby drops today and -- money drops today and plan to do more in the future and hopes the idea spreads. today the man who started the hidden cash give aways is in los angeles and he dropped a thousand dollars today and admitted he might be giving away burning man tickets or a scholarship. he gave out $6,000 in one week and now has almost 300,000 twitter followers and one of the winners found the money live on mornings on 2 yesterday. new at 5 terrifying moments when the glass beneath them appears to shatter while they are 1300 feet in the air. a popular tourist mace remains closed today after the frightening moment. they were visiting the willis tower last night. they were 130 floors up. after taking a photo they heard cracking sounds. >> we heard a large sound and i felt it on the palm of my hand cracking and i can see it cracking, going through the glass. we immediately jumped off. >> they said the family wasn't in danger and the deck didn't crack. it was a protective coating. they are closed for repairs. now at 6:00 p.m. a school security officer arrested after police say he handcuffed and slapped and threw a student out of his wheelchair. >> no student should be assaulted. >> what the school district says led up to the incident and the action taken against the officer. >> new efforts to stop sexual assaults on college campuses. what all california colleges may be required to do to protect students. >> a neighborhood fighting illegal activity and behavior. why police say they can't do much about it. . >> ktvu channel 2 news starts right now with breaking news. >> that breaking news comes from san jose where news chopper 2 has spotted two fires burning in san jose. one sent smoke over the downtown and effected the evening commute on highway 280 and one fire along 280 near 7th street and another fire at kitchen circle. firefighters made quick work of this fire. traffic is already starting to clear as you can see. the other fire was burning south, highway 101 and the express way. no word on the cause of either fire. good evening,. i am julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> in the last hour ktvu channel 2 news obtained a complaint against a school security officer charged with child abuse for slapping and dumping a boy out of his wheel cheer. a story we broke last hour, the school district immediately fired the officer. ktvu's mike mibach is live now in oakland and mike, more details are coming out? >> reporter: that's right. not only does the school district say the student was slapped and dumped out of his wheelchair and that student was handcuffed at the


Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 600 20140814

president obama encouraged both investigators and police to take a -- protesters and police to take a step back. though he lamented with michael brown's family. >> though it's important to note how this started. we lost a young man, michael brown in tragic and heartbreaking circumstances. >> it's unclear however what caused the officer to shoot the unarmed teen or the struggle. nor is it clear how authorities will ease tension here. protests each night have turned violent. police responding with tear gas and arrests. everyone from journalists to local politicians have been caught up in the chaos. >> i asked him what am i being arrested for. he told me i was being arrested because i didn't listen. >> though the entire country is now listening it seems, wondering how to stem the tide of anger that has one group calling for a day of rage while others plead for peace. >> if individuals are in a crowd that's attacking the police, they need to get out of that crowd. we can't individually go in and say, excuse me sir, are you peacefully prootesting, are you -- protesting, are you throwing rocks, a molotov cocktail. >> by the way, police still keeping the name of the officer who fired the shots private, with concerns over his safety and possible retaliation. >> thank you, scott. the shooting death of 18-year-old michael brown has prompted protests across the nation, via the internet. one image that's gotten a lot of attention was crafted by harvard university students. the picture taken last night shows a packed auditorium of people holding up their hand in what they call the "don't shoot stance." this was the idea of a sophomore. >> that we need to do something. and when i saw that this was the stance and the pose that michael brown was in when he lost his life, that aignified a lot. >> howard university students plan to hold a vigil tonight. watch for our coverage on abc7 news at 11:00. >> new developments in the crisis in iraq. the iraqi prime minister says he will now step aside allowing the elected official to take over the post. he initially refused to recognize the appointment calling it a conspiracy. president obama voiced his support for the new prime minister and the my government. airstrikeses and airdrops have broken the siege on sinjar mountain and that makes more airdrops or evacuations unlikely. >> a soldier killed in vietnam has been laid to rest. the burial service has just ended at arlington national cemetery where major general harold greene -- for major general harold greene who was killed last week when a gunman opened fire in a military training facility in afghanistan. he's survived by his wife and two adult children. >> a lot of concern in d.c. tonight after a week filled with gun violence. in the past seven days at least 21 people have been shot in the district in more than a half dozen incidents including the shooting of an off duty police detective. sam ford is outside of d.c. superior court where one shooting suspect just faced a judge. >> yes, gordon. we are outside d.c. superior court, romeo hayes was just arraigned on two counts of assault with intent to kill of two off duty police officers. charging documents say that hayes and others were in a car stolen from reagan national airport, that they shot a policewoman's car once and then shot at her again after they realized she was following them. that they shot a police detective's car at least a dozen times. and when he rammed their car to avoid being carjacked, they shot him four times. he's in stable condition but these are violent times in the city. >> 27-year-old romeo hayes arrested yesterday after an incident in which he and two accomplices allegedly shot at a d.c. policewoman and then a male d.c. detective four times during an attempted carjacking. since friday in d.c. 21 people have been shot and wounded. it's terrorizing unsuspected residents who suddenly have to die from bullets. >> you have to go on this side. >> activist sam foster says he watched a gun battle in front of his place on martin luther king on friday afternoon. >> they picked up 18 case said out here, shell casings. >> neighbor denise barne said they laid on the floor in her office and with school starting in a couple weeks she's worried. >> the shooting that afternoon around that time. with the violence, i have some grave concerns about the safety of our children. >> amazingly no one was hit, but last week four people were hit in the 4600 block of northeast with a man on life support after being shot in the head. >> back on this case, the hayes case, the judge has ordered him held without bond. we spoke to a resident of that area where the car was finally stopped. he says he saw hayes and another man running into a backyard scaling the fence. one man got over the fence, but the other didn't and hayes came up and said to tell the police he was with them. when the police showed up, he told them that hayes was not with them. he said this other man is probable scratching a lot -- probably scratching a lot because the fence he scaled is covered with poison ivy. sam ford, abc7 news. >> back now to the breaking news from potomac, maryland. newschopper 7 is over the scene of a trench collapse that's left two men trapped in mud up to their waist. we're told the men are conscious. diane cho is en route to the collapse. we'll continue to follow this story as it develops. >> coming up on abc7 news at 6:00, what prompted a fist fight on the floor of the ukrainian parliament that led to one man being knocked to the floor. >> a website glitch that puts international destinations at the fingertips of metro users. >> why some people believe the legislation funding the american military is a haven for poor spending. >> i'm steve rudin in the belfort furniture weather center. you think it's nice out there now? wait until you see what's on the way for tomorrow and the first half of the weekend. >> when congress returns from its august recess it will be greeted by a half trillion dollar spending bill approved by the senate. >> but before the house takes action, the legislation is already facing criticism on what some consider billions of dollars in pork. >> as the president and congress continue to windal over the federal budget there's a parallel battle with states. this one involves defense spending. >> if you are a politician and you want to cover out money for your district, the best place to do that is the military government. >> he says it's a bipartisan effort to fund pet military joke he says it's wasting taxpayer dollars. even when the military says they don't need them. he and other waste critics say the motivation of congress is protecting jobs and businesses in their home states. >> those decisions i think should be made by our military commanders, not members of congress. >> i have to tell you i think we should be increasing defense spending, not cutting it. >> some looking at this issue say there are military spending projects that on the surface may appear to be wasteful but in reality their impact on the national economy extend far beyond one congressional district or state. >> andy harris sits on the appropriations committee so defense commanding comes across dace funding comes across his desk. he agrees that members of congress are simply being protectionists for military projects in their district. he says many are important to national security. >> we have countries that depend on our technology and our defense supplier and contractors, we have to keep that going. >> to that, peter switzer says. >> at the end of the day the defense budget should be protecting our national security and our fighting men and women. it shouldn't be about providing money to politically connected corporations in some congressman's district. >> the senate passed pillitary budget -- military budget still has to be pathed by the house and -- passed by the house and signed by the president. >> the prosecution rested in the mcdonnell corruption trial and there was no shortage of courtroom drama. prosecutors showed the piles of gifts that was returned to c.e.o. of star scientific jonnie williams. including rolex watch, designer dresses, and luxury shoes from a new york city shopping trip. an f.b.i. agent also testified williams gave the mcdonnell more on $177,000 including loans and the payment of the catering >> in this corner, a member of the ukrainian parliament, seen punching another member, nikolai levchenko. the winner? the legislation passed. >> metro users are seeing the world through an unusual glitch in the website. people using the street-view function of the site today didn't see washington area streets and metro stations. instead they went around the world. they were treated to images of rome and pictures of exotic beaches. and at the reston station on the silver line, the image showed a school of fish below the ocean. the interactive feature is offline while metro figures out what happened. at least they were pretty scenes. >> they were. >> like our weather today. beautiful skies and even cooler temperatures tomorrow morning. >> give us more. >> it could be the coolest morning in ten years in washington in august. >> my goodness. >> how about that? and we'll repeat it on saturday. if you like summer the heat and hudity is coming back. outside we go. there are the clouds, the cold front now off to the east of us. temperatures absolutely wonderful. it's 85 degrees at the airport. winds are out of the west at 14 miles per hour. our high today earlier this afternoon shows 85 degrees. where we are right now. 87 our average and the record, 100 set back in 1943. can get as cool as 55 degrees, that was back in 1951. no rain to speak up, it >> this is what's on the way as high pressure builds. we'll look for the skies to clear, temperatures to fall and a chilly start to our friday morning. this is all part of a cold front that moved across earlier this afternoon. now our skies clear, high pressure settles in and that will be the dominant weather-maker at least for the next couple days. we had a couple showers today south of fredericksburg. it didn't amount to a whole lot. it will stay dry for the evening hours and into tonight. here's the cold front and the area of high pressure. over the next 48 hours the high moves to the east and the winds will change direction for the day on saturday. that's going to allow the humidity and the heat to begin to build. by sunday we're talking highs here in d.c. around 90 degrees and a chance for a few showers and pop up thunderstorms. for tonight, mainly clear skies, cool temperatures. 50-60 degrees. in the mountains the temperatures could fall to the 40s. then tomorrow, lots of sunshine, low humidity and highs in the upper 70's to lower 80's. it will feel more like mid to late september rather than the middle of august. a chance for a few showers and popple thunderstorms late in the day on sunday. we'll repeat the process for monday-wednesday. nighttime lows will range from the low to mid-60's for most of next week. >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> the redskins return home in good shape? >> they do. i'm just saying this is the first day of the rest of their season because now they can get back to business as it's supposed to be. they're back on the field at redskins park and that's where they'll be at least until the end of december. the players certainly hope the season goes longer. safety phillip thomas and tight end jordan reed were back on th÷ field from their injures and with -- injuries. and now jay gruden wants to see them stay healthy and show him what they can do. >> it's important to try to get some sort of continuity with the quarterback and the offense in general. just the speed of breaking the huddle on game day and how many plays can you go in a row without getting tired. if i send them deep can they come back and dig out a forced block. so we'll see what kind of stamina they have. they look like they're doing well in practice, but game day speed is a little different and we hope they can handle it. >> keeping it real. >> the nationals have won 5 of their last seven games. cabrera was the hero. a liner into the white seats. the mets trying trying to rally. look at cabrera here. go get it. reel it in. can't stop, up and over, and yes, sir. good catch. that's still in my glove. get him out of there. nats win 3-2. i'm still hoping for a baltimore-washington world series. the orioles are free swingers and they lead the majors in 152 home runs. this is adam jones, his 23rd of the year. the orioles lead the american league east by 75.5 and the nats lead by 5.5 because the braves lots this afternoon. >> it's been two weeks since paul george broke his leg, and the team announced they will continue to rally around paul george in the practices by wearing a patch. >> remember luis sanchez nicknamed the cannibal after taking a bite out of the shoulder. he appealed and it was upheld. swarez will not be allowed to play until the end of october. >> now hear this. this has just come in. major league baseball has a new commissioner. rob manford has been elected baseball's tenth commissioner to start in january. the braves lost to the dodgers this afternoon, so the nationals' lead in the east is 5 and a half games. the nats will have stephen strasburg on the mound going for the sweep against the new york mets. >> labor relations lawyer. >> yeah, but if it's relations -- the owners. >> we have on update on the breaking news from potomac, maryland where newschopper 7 is over a collapsed trench on martindale court. in that are two trapped workers. crews are working to stabilize the trench and get the workers out. the two men are reportedly conscious, but they are stuck in mud and muck at least waist-high. we'll have more on this breaking story online and the very latest an 11:00 for you. >> thanks very much. "abc world news" is coming up next welcome to world news tonight breaking developments in a city on edge. the tear gas, the rubber bullets aimed at protestors, the molotov cocktails thrown at police. tonight is there now a change in command on the streets? the president and an urgent call, and the police chief, what he's telling world news, about that officer. the stunning new details about robin williams, what his family has now revealed, what he was facing in those final days. the explosions caught on tape, rocking an american city. several blasts, several blocks apart bursting. what caused this? the concern now a surprise for his mother, a dream come true. what was waiting for


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 9 20220716

good evening and thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 9. i'm dan thorn and i'm vicki liviakis. pacifica. police are investigating this burglary and another incident where a pride flag was stolen from a high school. >> as hate crimes are countries. gayle ong reports tonight. >> this photo shows the pacific. a daycare ransacked photo show dolls found with swastikas inscribed on its heads. the location, the campus of sunset ridge elementary school can civica. police say sometime on thursday, july 14th, the suspects got inside 2 portable classrooms and that the school staff reported several electronic and computer items stolen just said. and, you know, all the hatred and stuff, you know, is. it's really said were, you know, his longtime pacifica resident says she was surprised to hear the news. i think it's it this day and age that people still have this type it's not the first incident relating to hate at sunset ridge elementary. >> back in june, a pride flag was taken down and burned on july. 13th officers responded to oceana high school where a pride flag was taken from the flag pole in front of the school's gymnasium. >> in a statement, pacifica police captain says these types of hateful incidents will not be tolerated. anyone with information regarding these incidents are encouraged to call police reporting from along kron 4 news. >> some breaking news to tell you about tonight at sfo. the bart station there has been shut down because of police activity. sam trends, buses are available right now between millbrae and sfo in both directions and directions as an alternate, they will be accepting bark tickets at as the fair. we keep you updated as we are working tonight to figure out the latest has to what is going on there at the bart station at sfl. >> oakland, firefighters say a crash between a train and a rail road car injured 2 people today. it happened near 50th avenue in east oakland, stopping rail traffic in both directions. the oakland fire department, hazmat team also monitoring the situation after reports that 1200 gallon diesel tank ruptured officials say there's no threat to the public at this time. cal osha is investigating and san francisco police responded to a crash between a pickup truck and a muni bus this morning. this happening at the intersection of hate and coal, which is just >> a couple of blocks away from golden gate park. emergency medics treated both drivers and the passenger. everyone was able to go home. police made no arrests in this crash and no one appeared to be under the influence ef drugs or alcohol. >> u.s. officials say hundreds of thousands more doses of the monkeypox vaccine will soon arrive here in the u.s. for the past several weeks around 800,000 doses of vaccine have been stuck in storage in copenhagen, awaiting fda approval yesterday the fda announced the inspection of that facility is now complete and more vaccines are on their way here. there are now almost 1500 confirmed cases across the u.s. symptoms can include a rash of pottsville lesions, along with body aches and chills. the white house says vaccines will be much easier to access by the end of july or early august. >> i think by that time you're going to have hundreds of thousands of people haven't gotten vaccinated. having had access, i think within the next couple of weeks, you're going to see a very dramatic increase in the number of tests that are up. >> also today, the white house announced a new order of 2.5 million doses of monkeypox vaccines. the administration says by the middle of 2023. the national stockpile should have around 7 mills million doses of the shots. and 2 cases of monkeypox are now confirmed in warren county. san francisco has 68 confirmed cases the most in the bay area. sonoma county has 3 contra costa county reporting its first confirmed case yesterday, santa clara county has 9 cases. >> people wanting to get the monkey pox vaccine in santa clara county will have to get an invite. the county's health department is only making the limited number of doses available to those who meet specific criteria conference. justin campbell spoke with the county's health official about who qualifies for the vaccine in santa clara county. >> i think we have enough. there is not currently enough when to expect seen to meet that need. doctor george han deputy health officer at santa clara county health department says the county does anticipate getting more vaccines from the state in the coming days. >> but for right now, they're giving out the shot. only 2 people directly exposed to monkeypox as of the cases of monkeypox have been among men who have men. >> and so that's why we're more focused on population because that risk doctor hans, as people noticing an unexpected rash or lesion should contact their doctor, the health department may also reach out to people if they came in contact with someone who tested positive. >> in san francisco, it's different first come first serve for the vaccine services kuz outbreak began a little bit sooner than ours. that ramped up much their case counts that might have up to 10 times as cases. so far, 11 people have tested positive for monkeypox in santa clara county. >> doctor hahn says he doesn't dissipate a rise in cases. >> so i actually don't think that the rise will necessarily be at a similar rate. as for example, san francisco, because our communities, our difference reporting in san jose. >> justin campbell kron, 4 news for the latest information on the disease, including a monkeypox case tracker and vaccination sites. you can just scan this qr code take you right to our website. the washburn fire in yosemite grew 300 acres overnight. >> crossing into the sierra national forest forcing more road closures. it's now scorched more than 4700 acres and began near the mariposa grove of giant sequoias. there's now a sprinkler system to help protect those ancient trees. a mandatory evacuation order remains in place for the community of wawona and the campground. the fire is now. 31 1% contained with more than 1500 firefighters assigned to it. >> contra costa county fire crews work to contain a large brush fire in san pablo this afternoon. it's video from the citizen app showing the flames and smoke. firefighters say the fire burned into the area of giant road reach. 26 acres in size before crews finally stopped the fire's forward progress. no structures were damaged and no reports of any injuries. but they did. stay on the scene. just watch out for any potential hot spots. take a look at this. this is fire crews flooding pittsburgh marshland today to put out that fire that's been causing. >> poor air quality throughout the east bay contra costa county fire says that they are working with the property owner to bring more pumps online to increase the flow. the estimate millions of gallons of water will be needed for a week. what's called the marsh fire started near bay point back in late may. it's now mostly burning peat. so fire crews say flooding the land was the only way to put it and because of the smoke from this fire, an air quality advisory for eastern contra costa county. >> is being extended through the weekend to monday. anybody with breathing problems. you know, you're being urged to stay indoors. >> for steve meteorologist to lawrence karnow joining us now with more on the air quality that we're dealing with. don't often hear about having a kind of flood that area with water. but that's because this fire, not your typical fires, not we're talking not talking above ground were talking. >> below are out there trying to soak some of that water to get down to that fire. so, quality has been an issue on off all week and then again today we're seeing that. but you see the westerly wind pushing some of that smoke eastward. now the fire located over year. then you get to rio vista. unfortunately, they're taking kind of the brunt of it right now. as you see more of that smoke headed there in that direction. now, the rest, the bay area looking pretty good. lot of green out there again this evening is that strong sea breeze kicking in the afternoon. that's where we'll see play out again for tomorrow. but it's going to be a little bit weaker because high pressure, well, that dome of high pressure begins to move in overhead and that tends act like a cap on the atmosphere. you get less wind and it also things not mixing very well in some of the interior valleys. so we're looking at the east bay tomorrow with some moderate amounts of plude's building up in the afternoon. air quality. still good and fresh as it usually is out along the coastline. looking good in the north bay and the south bay, too. all right. speaking of wind see here, the very latest in and around that fire. you see some winds gusting the 23 miles an hour in the pittsburgh. you notice the direction pushing some smoke in that direction that way. so headed on east with some of that smoke around the rest of the year. again, this is your typical sea breeze kicking in in the afternoon and the evening hours. of course, that will begin to settle down overnight tonight and then some of that smoke will also settled in right around the fire in the pittsburgh and the bay point area fog, low clouds, a little more patchy again tonight. and that means we're not going to see the extents of all that fog and low cloud covers. high pressure gets overhead. only does keep us from seeing as much wind then kind of kept the atmosphere, but it compresses the marine layer to that means less fog as we head in toward tomorrow, kind in chino. we've got an area low pressure spinning up in the gulf of alaska. that looks pretty cool. but it's really that dome of high pressure that's going to be backing up toward the bay area. that dome high pressure, the circulation around it, bring some of that monsoon. some thunderstorms up over the sierra nevada out there this evening in the clouds kind of role in now getting a little dark outside in spots. but you've got temperatures running in the 60's and live more. 53 degrees in cool, though, in pacifica with that fog moving in. 59 in petaluma and 64 degrees in santa rosa. today's highs. yeah, this where we're at today and i want you to notice this because tomorrow is going to be a lot different 60's in the san francisco 68 into oakland, 78 in san jose. 85 degrees rather mild in live more and hot. 92 degrees in concord. 87 degrees in santa rosa. but we're only going up from here. i think by tomorrow afternoon, these temperatures getting closer to triple digits in some of the interior valleys. and what a difference over 30 degree difference. and you got that patchy fog in that cool sea breeze at the coast. lawrence, thanks a lot. exactly. one week after taking on her job as san francisco's district attorney. >> brooke jenkins is reshuffling her office staff. she's announced the hirings of 3 senior team members on a gonzalez who worked in the da's office before but was fired by chasing to dean will be second in command. alameda county deputy da nancy tung, who ran against booting in 2019, will be jenkins, chief of special prosecutions and tiffany sutton, the director of the city's crime strategies division. well, take on a role that is yet to be specified. and also today, staffers were fired racial marshall and rcl hurtado responded by tweeting that they'll still fight for criminal justice. >> contra costa county prosecutors say that can pittsburgh police officers linked to 40 investigations can't be trusted that's until all criminal charges in each case are dropped. chief assistant da cy mcconnell says there are multiple officers who are subjects of an ongoing criminal investigation involving a range of offenses which constitute crimes of moral turpitude he adds to the contra costa da's office is actively engaged in evaluating these cases to determine whether the charge cases compromised or whether the case can proceed. the officers in question were not identified. san jose police are searching for a suspect involved in an early morning shooting >> at a shopping center, this happened at the plant shopping center on monterey road around 6 o'clock this morning when officers arrived on scene, they found a man with a gunshot wound. he later died from his injuries. >> time last year, we're at 24 homicides just slightly less. one homicide is obviously one homicide to many in the city of san jose. >> no word on the motive for the victim's identity at this time. this is san jose's 22nd homicide. so far this year >> petaluma police have an arrest in the city's first homicide 2017. investigators say they arrested. 23 year-old alejandro sanchez and his twin brother, luis sanchez, in connection to the death of adolfo martinez, pena. then you have died early sunday morning after he was reportedly hit by a baseball and stabbed multiple times on keller street in downtown petaluma. both suspects are in the sonoma county jail tonight. no word on what led to the attack. >> first, a knitting luh at berkeley's people's park was apparently attacked with a baseball bat today. uc berkeley police are right now investigating the park has been the focus of controversy since the university wants to build student housing. there. and they point to the fact that the park is hawhat they call a haven for crime and disruption. some members of the community are opposed to the plans. people's park is on the national register of historic places. >> in san mateo county police officers in the city of san mat can now listen to 9-1-1. calls in real time. starting this week, the san mateo police department can now live stream 9-1-1. calls through laptops in their vehicles. the goal is to give officers responding to a call as much information as possible about the situation. in addition to hearing the call, officers can now see the location of the caller on the map. but the officers will only be able to listen in not to directly talk to somebody on a 9-1-1. call. we'll here. what the actual color needs. they're able to hear what color is is feeling more or less through the call as opposed to getting relayed through the other party. >> the department says that so far the system has been well-received, was relatively inexpensive to set up a new hotline to help people with mental health problems is launchihito nationwide tomorrow and the service is free. 9, 8, 8, is a number that you can use to either call text chat in order to be connected to a trained health care specialist court. first theresa reports now on why many say the service could be a real lifesaver. >> having 90 day with those call centers and people on headlines are get really going to be a game-changer. it has been 3 years since town hall lost her son miles. hall was shot and killed by walnut creek police during a domestic incident back in 2019. >> his family says he struggled with mental health breakdowns. but when he had an acute crisis, his family could only call 9-1-1 which brought police, not health care specialists. 9 8. 3 >> easy to remember. >> but now there is 9, 8, 8, a free and confidential national suicide crisis. lifeline being launched that anyone can use. 24 7 in the united states. >> they actually just that conversation decreased discretion, anxiety, reese's hopefulness. so it's just that one conversation enough to get someone on the right >> doctor, jennifer christian herman is a clinical psychologist with blue shield of california. government data shows in 2020 the u.s. had one death by suicide. every 11 minutes in. and we does surveys looking at just like the impact of >> of concerns about climate change vertically, a new. so there's just there's the the acute, you know, covid and now monkeypox and youounow, everything that's happened in terms of racial injustice there's so many things it seems every day there's something new to worry about. and so that's that's taking its toll on him, particularly on you. >> with 20200 call centers in the united states, 9, 8, 8 will complement the national suicide hotline that launched back in 2005. >> it's it's for calling texting not. and i think that could helpful to play for you or for anyone if you're hesitant to take that steps meant send text to know that it's but it's confidential. >> the doctor says all those strides have been made to de stigmatize a need for mental health care. there is a shortage of providers. she adds with that reality on 9, 8, a call center to help those with pressing needs might make a big difference. >> and really, i'm going to be able to really give families. and loved ones just an opportunity to live theresa kron. 4 news. >> the whole family reached a wrongful death settlement with the walnut creek police for miles. the 9.88 call center officially opens up to the public tomorrow. why 16th? >> in san francisco, the city attorney's office is announcing a major development in a lawsuit against opioid makers, allergan and tv will have to pay 54 million dollars to the city. it's part of a settlement of a lawsuit claiming those companies fuel drug addiction and drug overdoses. san francisco has had a 500% increase in opioid deaths between 2015 2020 city. attorney david chiu says his office has evidence that those companies share the blame. >> what these companies did was they flooded san francisco literally millions upon millions of prescription pain pills that led to a dramatic increase in addictions. overdoses overdose deaths and also led to the illegal market when it comes to drugs like heroin and street fentanyl. >> well, greens is also a defendant in this lawsuit. the city has yet to settle with that company. about 60% of the settlement money from other companies will help pay for new public health campaigns to help people that are addicted to drugs and some of that money will be used to buy nor can which is an overdose reversal truck. >> a 15 million dollar san francisco house. went up in this is the mansion on sea cliff avenue near china beach. the firefighter was hurt after falling down an elevator shaft. that firefighter is expected to be ok tonight. several reports indicate that the mansion used to be owned by an infamous arts cameron lucky luke investigators still trying to figure out how the fire started in the first place. happening tomorrow, the family of a missing oakley woman is planning another search. alexis, gabe was. >> last seen alive in antioch in january. gabe's family is looking for the back of her phone, which they hope we'll give them more clues of where she's been in. the family is planning to meet at the lucky supermarket on main street. in oakley. they're asking for volunteers to come and join them in their search efforts. this area is where marshall jones caves, ex-boyfriend, was seen on surveillance video abandoning alexis's car on the night that she disappeared. the city of oakley is also offering $100,000 reward for direct information leading to alexa says whereabouts. >> after 2 years of virtual events, aids walk returns to san francisco this weekend. it's taking place and a golden gate park looking at video from past events, aids walk. san francisco's been around since 1987 and according to their website, the organization has raised more than 90 million dollars to help the fight against hiv and aides. the event starts at 10:00am on sunday. >> an update now on some breaking news out of that we're following tonight. we're seeing that the international terminal has been evacuated. this is video from outside of the terminal there. you can see hundreds of people right now standing outside with all of their luggage. we know that the bart station there has been shut down because of police activity and we're having a crew on the way to the scene right now and we will get you more information as soon as we learn more about what's happening. but right now, sam trans bus service is available between millbrae and sfo in both directions and they will be accepting bart tickets at the fair. be sure to stick with us on air and online for the very latest on this breaking news situation happening at sfo. >> all right. coming up, i would a restaurant by any other name. peach student. we are going to check out the san francisco institution with a new name. new chefs, whole new look on tonight's dine. and dish. >> plus, why drought years could do more harm than good. when it comes to mosquito-borne illnesses. and the federal government pouring in millions of dollars to fund a new urban park. and san francisco. details on what to expect with the new addition after the break. san francisco city and community leaders announcing their plans to build a new urban park. >> with help from funding from the federal government. this in an effort to provide green space for the community to use assistant secretary for fish and wildlife and parks. shannon estan oce was in attendance today. she says the city will receive nearly 4 million dollars in funding from the outdoor recreational legacy partnership also known as or lab to revitalize buchanan mall. the funding comes from the program's 61 million dollar investment in cities that ask for it. >> i want to underscore how important is that? the ideas, the vision, the amenities, the choices that are made for the spaces are coming from community. they are not coming from washington, d.c., they are not coming from the state. they're not coming from city government. they are being they're coming from community and that's what's going make them durable. that's what's going make them effective. >> the federal government also contributed almost $400,000 in or lab funding to the renovation of bayview park program. leaders say 4 blocks that form buchanan street mall will be revamped with community requested amenities like a picnic area play area basketball courts in a community garden. they are expected to break ground within the next year. >> the san francisco art institute will be closing after a potential merger fell through the school, announced that they're going to stop their degree programs. the art institute tried to convince the university of san francisco to acquire them, but that that didn't pan out. usf rep said that he just wasn't financially viable as f a i had its last commencement ceremonies on tuesday. the school on chestnut street on russian hill was founded back in 18, 71. and it is among the nation's oldest art schools. also creating a nonprofit foundation to protect its name, storied history and the school's archives. >> still to come here at 9 o'clock after several deaths in recent weeks, one north bay officials are recommending you do to stay safe if you're headed in the water this summer. plus, president biden's trip to saudi arabia marred by controversy by a seemingly innocuous gesture has turned into harsh criticism of the president and with at least one california county considering bringing back their mask mandates, we look at whether or not that could happen here in the bay area amid rising covid cases. >> mask may no longer be required on bart starting on monday. that's when the agency's mask mandate will expire. bart first voted back in april to require face masks on trains and all stations. at that time, they decided the requirement would be in place through july 18th officials say the bart board could decide to extend the requirement beyond the date. but for now, children ages 2 and under and people with medical conditions that prevent them from wearing masks are exempt from the mandate. violators face a fine up to $75. this course comes as the ba covid variant continues to take hold here in california and the number of cases and hospitalizations just keeps climbing. yeah. a los angeles county is now considering bringing back at their indoor masking mandate. >> and what would it take for that to happen here in the bay area? kron four's dan kerman talk with experts and has this report. >> indoor mask mandates when away earlier this year. but now the ba 5 variant he's pushed. 42 of california's 58 counties into the red or high level of community transmission. and one of those in red los angeles county is now considering reinstituting the indoor mask mandate. >> and we county, frankly, sees the pandemic in that direction. it's going in does not like what they're seeing. and that's where there's talk there about mandates. uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist doctor john swartzberg says cases are rising faster in southern california in the bay area, at least for now. but that may not last. the numbers of people that are infected but don't know it because they have no symptoms are much higher they've been right close to about one in 20 people are asymptomatic. lee infected may can transmit the virus was with facility to other decision on mask mandates will likely be determined by the number of hospitalizations so far bay-area hospitals are not getting overrun. >> right now there's still a little given system and again, give you numbers that at least the numbers i know the best, which is to up. 45 patients now at the weigh-in january? well, 150, if you think about, you know, maybe 100 patients being bad. there's still some room to go. >> ucsf, infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin-hong says the bay area is also better vaccinated than la county. but he says mandate or not, people must be smart and protect themselves when they can. i carry my mask around with me, crowded indoor areas for a long duration of time. >> definitely a mask. >> we reached out to the 9 bay area counties and the state department of public health. and while many agencies are recommending people wear masks indoors, not a single one is considering reinstituting that mask mandate at this time. in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> as california's drought continues, the city of brentwood in contra costa county is giving out free water at a recycled water fill station. it's not drinkable sense. it is recycled wastewater, but it's perfect for irrigation. now, a lot of residents say they will have to choose between taking a shower or watering the garden. >> now i can >> it's great. a lot of the residents here take pride in their homes and yards and this is a way for them to keep it. while we're in a drought. >> residents are being asked to voluntarily cut back on water use by 20%. and this will help out get the free water for people to apply for an access card and then they can simply drive up with their own containers. as many as 200 cars are coming in for water that's been reported to us every day. >> do you think the drought would keep mosquitoes away? but doctor control experts say that the risk of west nile virus actually goes up during a drought so far this year in contra costa county, one dead bird has been found that tested positive for west nile virus. and that's considered significant since the disease comes from certain types of bird says you may know hot weather mixed with standing. water creates perfect conditions for mosquitoes and birds to become infected. and then spread the virus. >> key. >> to redu e the risk of west nile virus during a drought is to make sure that residents still dump out any amount of standing water on their property because believe it or not, mosquitoes can actually come from something as small as a bottle cap full of water. >> another way to handle this problem is getting mosquito eating fish. are able to be available to contra costa county residents as well. >> biden is been criticized for fist-bumping crown prince mohammed bin salman. the man accused of orchestrating the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi back in 2018 during a meeting with the saudi crown prince. president biden said that he brought up the, quote, outrageous murder of khashoggi. the crown prince claimed that he had nothing to do with. >> he basically said that he was not personally responsible for icing the was he said he was not personally responsible for it and he tooi action against those who were responsible >> president biden's decision to meet with the crown prince has khashoggi's family outraged the murdered journalist fiance said it's in his tweet. the blood of the crown prince's next victims would be on his hands. >> the u.s. house of representatives has voted to restore abortion access nationwide, although it's unlikely to become law. the bill is now heading to the senate where it has little chance of gaining the necessary votes. this coming just a few weeks after the supreme court's landmark decision to overturn roe v wade leaving the decision to restrict abortion in the hands of individual states. the house is also voting on the ensuring access to abortion act, which would ban states from punishing those who travel out of state for reproductive health care. >> still to come tonight, working to address a critical shortage of the ease in the east bay. look at the multimillion dollar facility that's training new first responders in alameda county. >> and the water is rising. once again, the king tides rolling in flooding expected talk about that. your getaway forecast. >> coming up next. >> and we're also following breaking news out of sfo tonight. the international terminal evacuated. we have more on that coming up after the break. my tribe has lived on this land for 12,000 years. we call it oleyumi. you call it california. our land, our culture, our people once expansive, now whittled down to a small community. only one proposition supports california tribes like ours. while providing hundreds of millions in yearly funding to finally address homelessness in california. vote yes on 27. tax online sports betting and protect tribal sovereignty and help californians that are hurting the most. and help californians follow breaking news tonight at san francisco international airport. the international terminal >> has been evacuated because of police activity. go to the video that we have here from outside the terminal. you can see hundreds of people just >> standing around outside with all of their baggage wanting to know what's up. but we do know that the bart station there has been shut down as dan mentioned, because of police activity. we have a crew on the way we'll let you know this as we learn more about the situation. but there is a tweet out. yeah, yeah. we have the information that we have been learning that sam >> service in that are%, you will be able to use your barred fair. a san francisco international tweeting out tonight. i'm saying that due to this ongoing police activity that the international terminal, of course, is being evacuated. they're asking people to please avoid the international terminal until further notice air train and also the bart service there again suspended. and then if you are dropping any passengers off or picking anybody up, you can only go to the domestic terminals at this time. they aren't telling us that they will be giving us more updates on the situation there. we have been seeing a lot that's going across social media here with people with video of people outside of the international terminal. and of course, we're working speak with people who are out actually outside of the terminal right now in going this experience come. we'll be updating of this story as soon as we get new information. take a quick break, but we'll be right back. >> the pandemic burnout has led to a dire shortage of paramedics and alameda county. so fall ambulance service, which response to 9-1-1, calls is using a high-tech training program to bring emt's up to speed faster. they're using multi-million dollar computerized crash test dummies that can talk. >> praying for something my home state. and so as you know, there's a shortage of emt's and now everywhere around the nation, especially california. so this opportunity pass me a chance to be able to operate and deliver services to the community here. >> well, this program will help to quickly train 30 out of state medical workers faster so they can get to work helping the residents of alameda county. all right. we're continuing to follow that breaking news tonight. out of sfo, the international terminal, as we've been reporting, has been evacuated because of police activity. we are joined now on the phone by cindy heene. she is outside of the airport right now. city. while we're learning that there was a possibly a bomb, a bomb threat there on sunday. what what are you experiencing? >> there we go. >> and all of a sudden someone said we need to evacuate right away. >> so a guy arrested in in started sending dobson and moving us over and then what i heard was there was a guy that said something about. now they're kind of doing a search and we're just out here waiting and the security has a really good job making sure everyone's come. we're pleased to be going to fiji to date. everyone's waiting. >> all the people out here. i know you say hundreds of people. that's pretty much situation now. we don't know what to do or what's happening. >> so sunday, we did die here that that the bomb threat was confirmed. and you said you saw someone handcuffed and taken away. >> guy. zip ties. when we walk out. he was sitting on a bench with the 2 cops and then heat was taken away. so that i really now. just told us move down. it's been pretty cost. >> city did you see the person inside of the terminal where the outside of the terminal where where did you see this person? >> i sitting on ice isola outside because they're out tying us to. go outside. this is under it back to the building now. so i saw him sitting down with the police. yeah, the bench and then i think they took them away. but i have no idea. everyone says we're here early. we don't really know kind of what to do because again, we're not even from here actually work from orlando. >> so so many. >> we're actually hearing our producer and our air right now that the suspected is confirmed. he has been arrested and also it's confirmed that there was a suspicious package. so it just wasn't a threat. but there was a this is vicious package. okay. so we don't know what was in that whether it was removed. that's the latest on the of the number that are know what's happening. i think the cops on people, the fact that we're >> i see it. the police officer here. >> said, hey, i get for you, get to a safe location. you should back away from that area. yeah. yeah. thanks for talking with us. we're going to let you go. it's more important. you get to a safe spot there. okay. good luck. all right. we were speaking with cindy heene. she's a passenger. she's hoping to get to fiji instead, she got in san francisco due to a a bomb threat. yeah, the international terminal had to be evacuated because of that. >> we're going to be heading to a shor my tribe has lived on this land for 12,000 years. we call it oleyumi. you call it california. our land, our culture, our people once expansive, now whittled down to a small community. only one proposition supports california tribes like ours. while providing hundreds of millions in yearly funding to finally address homelessness in california. vote yes on 27. tax online sports betting and protect tribal sovereignty and help californians that are hurting the most. and help californians forecast to get a live shot right long as temperatures go mark end. that's the bucky ball. but he's oratory and out there. >> all right. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joining us now with a look at the flooding that we could be dealing with here. yeah, i can see beyond the bucky ball out there in the bay. the water's rising already in tonight. guess what? we're looking at another 7 foot tide out there. that's the king tides rolling again. we're going to see some localized flooding. coastal flood advisory. >> the issue by the national weather service in and around the bay. all those low lying areas once again seeing some inundation tonight, maybe not quite as high as last night, but not a lower by much. you're going forecast into the monterey bay. you're looking at 60' patchy fog there in the morning and partial clearing toward the afternoon. 71 degrees, though, in carmel valley, southern california, enjoying some sunshine and temperatures in the 70's. very nice san diego. 73. just about perfect 94 and hot in pasadena in the high country. maybe a little hazy in spots as you make your way in that direction as you're going to see some of the smoke from the washburn work its way in that direction. temperature wise, 89 degrees, very warm in truckee. 87 in south lake tahoe, 101 and hot in reno for the weekend. going to see those temperatures hovering right about the same may be cooling down a little bit into monday and a little hazy on off to the some of those wind conditions. bring some of the smoke from the washburn fire in that direction and maybe some pop-up thunderstorms in the sierra nevada a little further south as we get to monday, too overnight. tonight, we'll see just some patchy fog around the bay area's not going to be that real extensive fog developing outside just some clouds early on. then by the middle of the morning, the appeals back right at the coastline. and really, i think even some sunny breaks along the coast. so tomorrow is going to be warmer out there. in fact, it could be hot in the along the coastline there. not to be that big of a difference right out toward the beaches, mid 60's in the sunset. you got 63 degrees in pacifica. 61 in half moon bay. then you get over the hill and things start to warm up 70 in burlingame. 69 degrees in millbrae. how about some upper 70's in redwood city in woodside tomorrow about 79 in mount view, the south bay santa clara valley, filled with lots of 80's tomorrow afternoon. hot 90's in the morgan hill. then 97 degrees getting hot as you make your way into livermore. 95 in dublin about 97 in danville. 97 also discovery bay and brentwood about 93 in a ready get the idea. temperatures pretty hot away from the immediate coastline. one, 0, 3, could be that one of the hottest spots around in vacaville them back toward the coastline. we'll keep you a little bit cooler. in 30 plus degrees cooler up toward the beaches about 64 degrees at stinson beach. a hot 94 in santa rosa. 86 degrees in petaluma next few days. we're going to notice some changes coming our way. temperatures cooling down a little bit as we get into sunday. and then on monday, a little more so and then i think as we get toward tuesday wednesday, we watch as temperatures kind of bottoming up with the king tides returning again tomorrow night. probably get back to may be below 6 feet by about monday or tuesday of next week. all right. thanks, lawrence. >> all right. well, a longtime staple of chinatown is gone, but what's old is new? again, we're talking about in-person china, a restaurant. it's got a new name chef and a whole new vibe. and going to take you there tonight on dine and dish. >> from the street, you'd hardly know anything. he's changed up there. and boy has it. original in-person china was a favorite of san francisco's around for some 50 years. >> closed up. a lot of people were sad about that but impressed by move has taken its place. >> welcome everybody walk in. we did by our host sean immediately see a refresh to elegant, new and improved impressed by boom. but we have hopefully brought it back to its glory days. james, the general manager says since opening in 2021 and first by boone has recognized by michelin guide is one of the best chinese restaurants in the city with killer views and we're absolutely fornto that step. he's bringing his cantonese inspired to us here in chinatown, meet chef kochi boom of hong kong. he's a celebrity of sorts here. international people say i i do to more than the kid that is closing in on. but you can see the snow. you see the beach and you know, this is worship. boone makes his modern cantonese dishes like many kids, fastened house may trim dim sum or the sweet chili lobster. i hope people like it, you know, and they do love it. it's tough to get a reservation. i was service. excellent. the food is next. and in a way that not. >> always order dishes from the cozy lounge or the bars soak up the views and sip on cocktails created by pat the bark. and so that's the case you are right there. here's to campers by boone, real boon to chinatown. >> in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. place looks awesome video its it is this beautiful, 2 nice place to hang and enjoy the day. >> take a look at these numbers. you could be 480 million dollars richer. tonight's mega millions was the 10th, largest jackpot in the game's history. the winning numbers, 8, 2026, 53 6 before the mega ball 15. any potential jackpot winners will have the option of a lump sum payout of 276 million dollars would be nice. will take a look at this. a passenger on a flight approaching orlando. >> the airport there captured a rare view of last night's launch of a space x resupply mission for the international space station. as you can see there, the glowing rocket above the horizon. it's the 25th cargo resupply mission to the space station. the craft is expected to dock tomorrow afternoon. very cool. that's awesome. it's amazing. what what rockets and all these different spaceships can do these days aren't a lot can sing so much that it. and that wraps up kron. 4 news at 9. but ken and catherine are here now with what to expect intend to thank you very much. very busy night ahead. here's what we're following. some breaking news out of sfo where the international terminal has been evacuated. we'll have a live report coming up. also, a disturbing story in san joaquin valley. animal service officers rescuing. >> dozens of cats from a trailer that was reportedly reeking of cat urine. how the animals are doing tonight. those stories and a whole lot more. plus your weekend forecast. coming up next on kron. 4 news at 10. >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> that breaking news out of san francisco international airport where police have confirmed a bomb threat there. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm catherine heenan. you see the crowds. there are people being asked to get out of the airport. >> police confirm they've arrested a man in connection to this incident and they say they found a suspicious package. they're calling it possibly incendiary, meaning, of course, that have materials that could start a fire. kron four's gayle ong joins us now live from sfo with the latest on what's happening there. gayle. >> ken and catherine were here on the departures terminal of that up the domestic terminal, rather. so the international terminal is blocked off. we've been moved to this area. traffic is backed up. if you're hey, if you have an international flight, we want to get to some of your video of what the scene looked like about an hour ago. you can see a crowd outside the international terminal. here's what we know around 8.15. that's what sfpd officers assigned to sfo receive the report of a bomb threat officers on the scene. they located that suspicious package and out of the abundance of caution. they had evacuated the whole terminal. the international terminal of


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20160419

>> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt reporting tonight from the middle east. good evening from the air base in the united arab emirates. we returned just a few hours ago from a day in baghdad where secretary of defense, ash carter, who said 200-plus americans will be deployed to iraq, and some additional firepower will likely join the fight in addition to these fighter jets based here that are part of the ongoing campaign. the breaking news from iraq and exclusive interview with the secretary in just a moment. but first, to the breaking news back home. a record flood emergency in houston. people are trapped in homes across the city, pulled from cars swallowed by flash flood. at least two are dead. nbc's janet shamlian starts us off from houston and the major rescue operation there tonight. >> reporter: a flood for the ages. the nation's fourth largest city at a standstill, submerged by as many as 16 inches of rain. >> i was not expecting that. >> reporter: major highways under water, public transit shut down, schools closed for 1 million students. >> i'm a little bit nervous. >> reporter: and on test day, people urged not to make a run for the post office. >> please stay at home. stay off the streets. >> reporter: a big rig driver nearly swept away. he disappears under water before being pulled to safety. >> leave the car. swim. >> reporter: a reporter for station ktrk rescues another trapped driver. it's all captured live. dozens of houston neighborhoods tonight look just like this one. they are filled with floodwaters. many of the people who live in them can't get out. already more than 1,200 high-water rescues, as authorities struggle to keep up. >> it was scary. what if you fall in? >> reporter: this couple walked to safety through high water with their newborn daughter. and tommy woodward borrowed a boat to save his disabled and elderly parents. >> i'm not doing good. >> reporter: amid the rescue, a boatload of family pets, and more than 70 horses moved to higher ground. more than 1,000 homes flooded. built around bayous that often overflow their banks, houston is flat and flood prone, leaving nowhere for all that water to go. tonight this is not over. there are scattered storms in the forecast through wednesday. even a small one could trigger more of this. flooding on hundreds of houston streets. roads turned into rivers, making them both dangerous and impassable. lester? >> all right, janet shamlian in houston tonight, thanks. now to the climbing death toll in the powerful earthquake that rocked ecuador over the weekend. one american has been confirmed dead, nearly 400 people in all killed in this disaster, with many others still believed to be trapped under the rubble. nbc's miguel almaguer is there with more on the desperate race to rescue them. >> reporter: nearly 48 hours after ecuador's largest earthquake in decades, magnitude 7.8, survivors are being pulled from beneath piles of concrete, brick and debris. they yelled, careful, careful. many are children. home with their families when roofs and walls came crashing down. i've lost my family home, she says. they are asking for quiet, to hear the calls for help from beneath the rubble. the cries are fading with every hour. heartbreak is everywhere. hospitals are full, cemeteries are filling up. luis sanchez lost five members of his family. the powerful jolt rocked ecuador saturday night. bridges and buildings close to the epicenter have collapsed. buckled roads are slowing relief. ecuador's quake comes on the heels of two major tremors in japan. the countries part of the so-called ring of fire. the quakes are not related, say experts, but are a warning to be prepared. >> in california, we also have the faults capable of the 7.8. so when that earthquake happens here, and it will, we're going to have more intense shaking than what's received in ecuador. >> reporter: tonight in ecuador, there have been more than 200 aftershocks, each jolt hampering the rescue effort and shaking any sign of hope. here where the ground continues to occasionally shift, many are living in fear. they are sleeping outside under tents, because they are worried their roofs will collapse on them. it's believed up to 500 people in this area alone may have been killed. the u.s. state department confirms one american is dead, and we know two canadians were also killed in this massive quake. lester? >> an awful scene there tonight. miguel, thank you. now back to the major story that takes us here to the middle east. defense secretary ash carter on an unannounced visit to baghdad today where he revealed hundreds more americans will be deploying to support the war against isis in iraq. they will join an estimated 5,000 other americans, mostly advisers, already in the country. i accompanied the secretary to baghdad today where in an exclusive interview he told me the troops and new firepower do not signal a change in u.s. strategy. 1,000 feet over baghdad on his third visit here in just over a year, defense secretary ash carter said the u.s. is increasing its role in a fight against isis in iraq. once on the ground, he met with iraqi prime minister abadi, formalizing a new plan that will bring in 200 additional u.s. troops as advisers, and authorizes advance u.s. army mobile rocket launchers, and apache helicopter gunships to help the iraqis retake the taken city of mosul from isis. >> these are capabilities that will continue the process of accelerating the defeat of isil. >> how do you respond to those who say the incremental approach just doesn't get the job done? >> well, we are going to accelerate this campaign every time we find an opportunity to do so. i'm very comfortable that our operational approach is the right one. >> reporter: tonight just released gun camera footage of u.s. air strikes underscores the pace of the ongoing american-led air campaign. but despite today's announcement of more troops and war fighting equipment, carter is adamant the u.s. will not fight a ground war. >> in the end, iraqi forces have to do the defeating, sustain the defeat. we can help them, we can't substitute for them. we're not looking to. >> reporter: the distinction between combat and support roles has been blurred over the last six months with the battlefield death of two americans. marine staff sergeant lewis cardon killed last month at a fire base near the front lines by an isis rocket attack. and army master sergeant josh wheeler, a member of delta force, killed in october during a hostage rescue mission that was officially being led by kurdish troops. he leaves behind a wife and four children, including a new baby. >> he was a very humble person. very proud of his country. and his service, but still very humble. >> as you add additional personnel, and they are advising lower down the chain, doesn't it put more americans at higher risk? >> americans are at risk today. every single day here. as secretary of defense, i take that more seriously than anything else. >> reporter: the pentagon says isis territory has already been shrunk by 40%. in part, thanks to u.s. bombing. zeke, his call sign, flies those missions in an f-22. >> what we're doing here absolutely matters. and is going to matter to this region, it matters to the united states, and to all the nations in this coalition. >> is this making us any safer, san bernardino, brussels, paris, you name it, what happens on the battlefield here make the rest of the world safer? >> it does. it is necessary to destroy isil in its parent tumor of this cancer, which is here in iraq and syria. that's where this thing arose in the first place. and we need to destroy it there. physically, but also we need to destroy the idea that there can be a state based upon this evil ideology. >> secretary carter said the iraqis have momentum against isis and that the u.s. will continue to look for opportunities to accelerate the campaign, but short of deploying americans in ground combat roles. amid this ongoing battle, nbc news has gotten rare insight into the inner workings of isis. this valuable intelligence comes from purported secret files stolen by a man claiming to be an isis defector. as nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel explains, they appear to reveal exactly who isis is targeting for recruitment. >> reporter: just over a month ago, in southern turkey, we met a man who called himself abu muhammad, claiming to be a former isis fighter who stole thousands of top-secret isis personnel files. why exactly did you steal it? so one day i could expose isis, he said, and the documents did. they are registration forms of more than 4,000 isis fighters from 71 countries who arrived in syria in 2013 and '14. tracking details like real names, countries visited, even emergency contact numbers. with thousands of documents to read through, we needed help from experts. >> broken down by the country of residence of the fighter. >> reporter: we brought all these files here to west point, the u.s. army's premier academy in new york, also home to the combating terrorism center. do you think they're real? >> absolutely. certainly the largest cache of documents of their type that we've seen in certainly the public domain. >> reporter: a team of analysts and translators worked around the clock to create a profile. many of the fighters were, as expected, young, educated, underemployed, and frustrated arab men. but there were also doctors and lawyers, flight attendants, even a former starbucks employee. >> everywhere from teenagers up until men in their 60s. >> so isis has had a very wide appeal. any indication why? >> certainly, i think it ties back to what they're selling. they're trying to establish a pure islamic state. and they're sending a message of winning. >> reporter: saudi arabia, tunisia, and morocco were the top suppliers of fighters. 14 came from the u.s. but when taking population into consideration, the u.s. dropped to near the bottom. new arrivals were asked to choose fighter, suicide bomber, or suicide fighter. only 12% of recruits chose to die in suicide attacks. the rest wanted to live under the black flag of the so-called islamic state. >> many of these individuals are buying into that message and they're going there to live, not die. >> the data shows about 30% of the fighters were married, many brought children. it's a very different profile from al qaeda. lester? >> richard engel, thank you. terror in jerusalem today, where a bus exploded into a massive fireball. wounding at least 21 people, including two onboard that bus, and others at a bus nearby. authorities say there is no doubt it was a terrorist attack, though they say it's too early to know who the attacker was. the supreme court today took up one of the biggest cases of the term, one that's been a hotly contested issue in the 2016 race. it's a fight over president obama's immigration policy that could shield more than 4 million people from deportation. nbc's pete williams has more on the battle inside and outside the court. >> reporter: hundreds of demonstrators came from around the country, jamming the sidewalks, dramatizing what's at stake. the court's decision will affect the future for people here illegally nationwide, including peter and marlene of maryland, who came to the u.s. two decades ago from chile. he's a construction worker, she's a nanny. their visas expired long ago, but they're hoping they can stay to support their children. one was born here. >> my daughters can go to college. i can go to college maybe one day. >> reporter: he wants to let millions of adults like them stay if their children are american citizens. with 11 million people in the u.s. illegally, the administration said it's focusing on deporting criminals and letting others come out of the shadows, get work permits, and pay taxes. but 26 mostly republican-run states led by texas sued and blocked the plan in the lower courts saying president obama went too far. >> one person doesn't have the unilateral authority to change the law or make new law. >> reporter: today the administration did not seem to have the vote. justice anthony kennedy said it's upside down to order such big changes without approval from congress. chief justice john roberts suggested the states have the right to sue because it will cost millions to issue driver's licenses to the adults who would be allowed to stay. if the court ends up tied 4-4, which now seems possible, that would be a feat for president obama, it would leave a lower court ruling in place that blocks him from enforcing the plan. lester? >> all right, pete, williams. thank you. tonight we're just hours from the polls opening in a critical new york primary. donald trump hoping for a resounding win in his home state, trying to get back on track in a path to locking up the nomination before the convention. all of it, as the fight between clinton and sanders just took another nasty turn. over big money. nbc's peter alexander with details. >> reporter: donald trump today looking to tie a bow around tomorrow's potential home state sweep. rival ted cruz already looking beyond new york. >> maryland is going to have an outside voice. >> reporter: still, the loudest voice tonight, the american voters, unimpressed by all the leading candidates. our new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll showing nearly 70% couldn't see themselves supporting trump. 61% opposed to cruz. hillary clinton nearly as unpopular. cruz today insisting trump will be defeated at a contested convention. >> donald cannot win. >> reporter: on the road to 1,237, new york's just the starting point. in a crucial two-week stretch winding its way through the mid-atlantic and northeast before wrapping up in indiana, that could reshuffle the delegate race. as trump protests his new nickname for his presumed democratic rival -- >> it's crooked hillary. she's as crooked as they come. >> reporter: our poll shows clinton would crush trump this fall, winning by 11 points. cruz trailing clinton by a hair. only john kasich beats her by a 12-point advantage. late today is the sanders campaign lashing out, accusing clinton and the dnc of fund-raising malpractice, arguing the serious apparent violation should cease immediately. tonight the clinton campaign is firing back, blasting the sanders attack as baseless and misleading. this democratic slugfest reignited just hours before the new yorkers vote. lester? >> peter alexander in brooklyn tonight, thank you. still ahead, scary moments in the sky. a passenger plane struck while coming in for a landing. the mid-air danger pilots encounter at least three times a day in the u.s. we're back with a scare in the sky and growing alarm over how close drones are getting to planes. the pilot of a british airways jet reported his plane as being hit by an unmanned drone while trying to land in london. the plane landed safely, but it's exactly the kind of incident authorities have been warning about. here's nbc's tom costello with more. >> reporter: it was 12:50 p.m., final approach into london heathrow, when the crew of ba flight 727, an airbus a-320 arriving from geneva with 137 people on board reported it had been hit by an unmanned drone. the plane landed safely. in the u.s., 2.5 million commercial and hobby drones are expected to crowd the skies by the end of the year. if operators fail to steer clear of airports and planes, aviation experts warn there's a potentially serious threat to passenger planes. >> there is obviously a core of people breaking the law. they don't know they're risking a prison sentence or they don't care. >> one of those radio-controlled helicopter things went right over the top of us at 4,000. >> over the top of you at 4,000? >> roger that. >> reporter: in 2015, the faa reported more than three close calls each day between planes and drones. 1,400 for the year. researchers at virginia tech have created a computer simulation of an 8-pound drone striking a jet engine. the result? the total loss of the engine and potential crash. >> if they impact an airliner or other airplane, they'll do the same amount of damage, or more, than birds. >> reporter: it was a double bird strike that forced the miracle on the hudson river landing seven years ago. the threat posed by drones is so serious, some experts want to require software that keeps them away from airports and other sensitive locations. tom costello, nbc news, washington. up next, a young woman who rose from tragedy to accomplish something amazing today in boston. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. a triumphant day in boston as survivors from the 2013 marathon bombing competed in this year's race, including adrianne haslet, a ball room dancer who lost a leg in the blast. the patriots tom brady posted a picture with haslet call her his inspiration. mark fucarelli also lost a hand and took one of the top honors. roberts won four academy awards. roberts was 90. h up next, more about where we are in some of the americans engaged in the fight against isis. ===jess/take vo=== the danger they say they'll face even before stepping out of the new s-f-o station. ===raj/cam 156=== plus, record-breaking heat across the bay area. how long will this last -- before the rain comes? ===raj/next close=== the news is next. ==jess/take vo== right now at 6. we can't leave you without acknowledging where we are in the people behind a very important mission in the fight against isis. the 380th air expeditionary wing, its commander is brigadier general daniel orcutt. thanks for being with us, general. the f-15, f-22, the global hawk drone here, what's their involvement in the war on terror? where are they going? >> they're going up over iraq and syria, and we have the humbling privilege of being part of a 19-nation air coalition. we're one of the many air expeditionary wings that are part of this fight. we're joined tonight by the airmen behind us, who they're really the engine behind the mission. the airplanes are neat, but the airmen are compelling. when i asked what they would like to pass back to their loved ones back home, they want to say the real heroes are the moms and dads who pass their prayers, and the single parents who are holding the families together. >> general, well said. thanks for your mission. thanks to all of you for what you're doing. and thanks to all of you for watching tonight. we'll be back in new york. that's "nbc nightly news" this monday night. i'm lester holt. have a good night. # # accused of taking advantagea patient. detective release new information about a well- known chiropractor -- right now at 6:00, accused of taking advantage of a patient. detectives release new information about a well-known chiropractor facing serious charges. good evening thanks for joining us. i'm jessica aguirre. i'm raj mathai. we're running new details about a story we broke on friday. an east bay chiropractor faces charges of sexual battery after a patient says he groped her during a massage. elise kirschner is in concord. what's the latest? >> reporter: raj, we're learning that that patient came to headquarters and said the doctor had touched her inappropriately during a massage. the doctor had no interest in addressing those allegations. >> if you've been in an accident or having pain, you already know you should see dr. moon. >> he's very public in commercials. all over facebook and on yelp with several positive reviews. >> i'm looking for dr. moon. >> dr. moon stayed behind the door of his clayton home this afternoon. >> definitely surprised. >> reporter: on friday, we were there exclusively as the popular chiropractor was arrested outside his concord office. he's facing sexual battery charges. >> dr. moon held the gown down and touched her breast. >> reporter: authorities say a long-time female patient went in to his office for a deep tissue


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