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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20140608

complex. and supermarket scam. your favorite foods are shrinking in size but the prices are staying the same. what you need to know now to feed your family. "fox and friends" begins right now. welcome in to "fox and friends" on this beautiful sunday morning here in midtown, manhattan. second sunday of the morning. >> how are you? >> i'm good. >> did you watch the race yesterday? >> in the aftermath, the fallout. your horse actually won. >> i just randomly pulled out a horse. >> no, it was your superior knowledge. >> with all my expert booking over the years, totalist did win yesterday ruining the day for california chrome. he had ended up with a gash on his leg. i'm not sure when during the race he got the gash. could it have caused him to slow down a little bit and not pull it out? >> but that's not what the owner steve coburn is claiming. he went on a rant after losing last night. it has become the focus of much controversy. we'll play an excerpt right now. here's what steve coburn said. >> this is his third very big race. these other horses. they set him out and tried to go after him. i look at it this way, if you can't make enough points to get in the kentucky derby, you can't run in the other races. it's all or nothing. because this is not fair to the horses that have been running their guts out for these people and for the people that believe in them, or for someone to come up -- this is a coward's way out. >> except for steve coburn, the problem is this is the way it's always been. our producers checked on that. the way it works is you have to go into the kentucky derby and the priqueness to win both of those to win the belmont stakes to win the triple crown. but you can enter any of the races if you want to and be deemed the winner of those. that's what the horses were doing fair and square. >> so he's claiming the other horses that popped up, like tonalist, they didn't have to go through the gruel of all the races like the kentucky derby. >> that's the test of a champion. >> good point. he just sounded whiny there. i was rooting for california chrome. i said i was rooting for the matter horn because i didn't want to jump on the bandwagon, but on all good americans, i was rooting for california chrome. but that's the point, it's a massive risk. it is all or nothing, he came up short, but it was a valiant effort. >> only 11 horses have ever done it and we have not seen any horses do it since 1978. it would have been an amazing story with the unlikely story with them breeding the horse for $10,500. >> where did he end up in the race? >> fourth. >> so he wouldn't have been the trifecta either, but he had a gash on his leg, so who knows where that happened. oh, right at the beginning? janice jean was there at the yesterday race, how exciting was it? did you think he was going to pull it out? >> as he came around the corner -- >> she's wearing her purple. >> green and purple, california chrome's colors. where am i looking? over here? so they say the gash happened right out of the gate. i understand his frustration. i mean, he's never going to see a triple crown, in his lifetime. i met a couple last night that came from washington state to see a triple crown happen before they pass on. they wanted to tell their grandkids, but what i do think should perhaps happen is extending the length of time between races. these horses only have five-and-a-half weeks to try for the triple crown of the derby, the priqueness and this race. but look at california chrome and the newbies coming in more rested. that's happening more. they enter horses just so there's never a triple crown. i've heard people, sporting announcers and people who study this, that we will never see a triple crown if this continues. if more rested horses get into the race against some of the horses that want to take three. >> but they say this is the way it's always been. >> secretariat did it. if you can have two horses back to back pull this out, what is your chances a few weeks later he can do it again? >> it is so grueling on the horses. a mile and a half at belmont compared to the mile that they run in the priqueness and kentucky derby, it takes everything out of them. i mean, i heard art sherman say he was empty. and the trainer felt like he was empty. >> but beyond that, this is a valid debate for people in horse racing to continue, but isn't there value as to the earth ethical manner of losing and tipping your hat. >> i heard art sherman's wife was tugging at him saying, don't do it. i understand, it is emotional. it brought 103,000 people at belmont together. it was electric. i haven't been to a sporting match like that in my lifetime. people were just rooting for this horse. and for that, that's an amazing story. >> you still hear champions like that whining after they lose. that's the problem i have with it. >> but he was so passionate. >> the horse that won, california chrome really was every bit as restrained as he's been. >> we are all animal lovers. one of the things california chrome did that the other horses have done that is not allowed to happen at the belmont stakes is wear the nose strip. and the creator says it is a more humane way for the horses to race because they often bleed in their lungs because it is so grueling on them. so maybe we'll start to see more of this. >> it's a controversial sport, but it was an amazing race. you win some, you lose some. let's take a look at temperatures across the board. not too bad. 67 in new york city. 50 in minneapolis. you see where it is warm across the southern u.s. that's going to continue. we have the frontal boundary that's been with us the last several days for severe weather. across some of the same region that is have been hit hard with threat for tornadoes and damaging winds, we have today's threat. if you live in oklahoma city down to san angelo, jackson, mississippi, be aware of your watches and warnings. and then the rainfall is quite incredible. 4 to 6 inches is expected. watches and warnings are posted and shaded in green. and a quick look at today's highs across the southern u.s. very, very warm. and very nice across the northern tier and the northeast will enjoy another beautiful forecast. i was so happy that i could deliver a great forecast for that race. >> last year it was a mess there, sticky and hot. thank you, janice. we have a fox news alert to bring you now on tracy morgan. this is breaking news from yesterday, he remains in critical condition after saturday's deadly car wreck in new jersey. according to a friend, he's got a brace on his neck and a smile on his face. the truck driver involved in the car accident, kevin roper, has been charged. the walmart reportedly dozed off missing a slowdown in traffic. he tried to swerve and smashed into the back of morgan's limo van. walmart's ceo said in a statement, if it's determined that our truck caused the accident, walmart will take full responsibility. two of the other passengers remain in the hospital. one of them, comedian pub lired this picture right before the wreck happened. british police are looking into the disappearance of madeleine mccann. she was just 3 years old when she vanished out of a room at a por portuguese resort. a helicopter swoops in to pick up three prisoners from a quebec detention center. and this is not the first time something like this has happened. police are now looking for a green helicopter with red and white markings. all three men were jailed on murder and drug trafficking charges and awaiting trial. police warning anyone who sees them to call police immediately and to not approach them. this is the second helicopter that aided in an inmate escape in quebec in two years. happening today, pope francis is holding an unprecedented meeting today. the pope said he's not trying to get involved in middle east politics but wants israel's presidents to come together. those are your headlines. thank you, anna. well, you're probably in bed this morning on the east coast this sunday morning, what do you think of the five taliban generals released by the obama administration are doing this morning in qatar? >> are they behind bars? >> they are not behind bars but they are according to reports living in five-star villas, they are living the life of terrorist rivalry. >> and they are often to go to an office complex set up. they are able to freely take off throughout the day. >> in the terrorist community. >> in the terrorist community. take long lunches by going to the five-star villas to meet with other leaders and have discussions. the idea that qatar is watching them closely and they are an allie of ours and giving us intel back and forth seems to be a misnomer. the terrorist analyst says don't trust their government, listen. >> the taliban actually has an office in qatar. and if you look at qatar, a u.s. allie on the surface, yes, but this has been a government very friendly to radical islamists, in particular, the muslim brotherhood, so qatar has a lot to answer for. >> and the taliban can't take these guys, these five guys, right? these are the five they wanted to have the senior authority. and the guy there with the creepy eye, the second one, we heard from a relative who said he can't wait to get back to afghanistan to continue his fight to kill as many americans as he can. >> qatar hosts american troops at the american base, so i think they are doing a lot more than other gulf countries to aid the united states. i think the obama administration has something to answer for, not the government of qatar. they are doing what we asked hem to do. the obama them to take custody of these five guy that is were in american custody. if something happens going forward with the guys they were doing the battle with in afghanistan and if they attack the united states again, it won't be on qatar but on the obama administration. >> khalid sheikh mohommad also slipped through the government. here he is, creepy eyes and all. let us know what you think this morning. coming up here on the show, a grown man makes good on a promise he made to his dad when he was just 8 years old. what was the big surprise? a story that will make your sunday. and the white house handed out free lawyers to young illegal immigrants, but guess who is footing the bill? you, of course. so why is this happening and what message is it sending? ♪ [ male announcer ] we're the names you know in the places you want to be. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at how can a tablet 5% replace your laptop?s start with the best writing experience. make it incredibly thin. add an adjustable kickstand, a keyboard, a usb port, and the freedom of touch. and, of course, make it run microsoft office, with the power and speed to do real work. introducing surface pro 3. the tablet that can replace your laptop. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? 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[ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. $2 million in taxpayer cash is how much the obama administration will spend to provide free legal counsel to young illegal immigrants who just crossed the border and could be facing deportation. but could this encourage more parents to send kids across the board her? is it part of the reason we are seeing tens of thousands coming across now? we are joined this morning by chris to tell us how this works. how and why? >> these folks are immediately caught and sent back. it is called expedited remove. they are not entitled to a lawyer under the law, but this is this week's version of eric holder's lawlessness. it is illegal, tucker, illegal to use federal money to help illegal aliens get lawyers. but that doesn't seem to matter these days. so what holder wants to do is get these kids lawyers, help them stay in the united states and frankly, they have already been cut loose inside the united states when the law says you're supposed to be back home in their country today. >> there is a crisis right now on our southern border, which by the way is not mentioned in "the new york times" this morning, because i just read it, that is getting very little attention. and tens of thousands of illegal aliens, children, dropped off by their parents at our southern border. this is 100% increase over last year. clearly they are coming because they know the obama administration is not going to force immigration laws, is that fair, you think? >> it's not only fair but what is happening. this is a huge tragedy being caused by the obama administration. these children are crossing deserts. they are risking their lives because the obama administration has sent signals to central america and to mexico and that it is open borders in the united states that you're not going to be thrown out. so what do parents do? they are setting their kids loose across the desert. they are ending up in detention facilities in the united states packed in like sardines, and we can blame the obama administration for this human tragedy. their solution, of course, is just going to be to release all these people to the united states. so they are undergoing a fundamental transformation in the demographics of america by breaking the laws of america and letting these people in. >> sure, it's important to voters. so that means if people receive asylum in the united states, if they can stay, thanks to laws already on the books, they can be reunited with their family members who are not currently in the country? so for every person let in, this means many more people have a path to entry, is this correct? >> and their children. tucker, they are not asking for asylum. that's how lawless this administration has become. they are simply being freed and caught and being freed and turned over to family members already in the united states. cousins, uncles and aunts. what is supposed to happen is they are supposed to be loaded up and shipped back from where they came immediately, no lawyers, no court proceedings, no nothing. that is the law today. and that's the law that eric holder is totally ignoring. >> among many others. j. christian adams, thank you for joining us this morning. the fury of mother nature caught on camera. that is a lightning bolt demolishing a tree. wow! we'll have more on that. plus, a high school track team's trip for the title all thanks to their coach. we'll tell you what they did in the amazing story, coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't sit idle wondering how we're going to build a better truck. we get out there and walk a mile, thousands of miles, in the footsteps of the guys we build trucks for. the groundbreaking ram heavy duty with 30,000 pounds of towing and 850 pound-feet of torque. ♪ and 850 pound-feet of torque. peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. hey, everybody. good morning. a massachusetts high school track coach was reliving his team's state title victory when he realized the math didn't add up, he realized they did not win and came in third place. and the coach knew what he needed to do next, report the error. joining us next is the head coach of the boys spring track and field coach. good morning and thank you for being with us. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> explain to us exactly how this error even happened in the first place. >> well, what had happened was there was a clerical error. one of my athletes was given too many points in an earlier race. and no one had realized it until unfortunately the next day. and so the extra six point that is he received was the difference in what we thought was a championship and ultimately was our third place finish. >> so basically it was a second and seventh switch-up. but you guys had a sense of humor about it making t-shirts. what do the t-shirts say? and what message are you sending to the kids? >> so to our kids, we decided we were going to try to make t-shirts that said state champions for 12 hours to put a little humor i the situation. our kids have been great. our staff has been great. >> are any of the kids super upset? did anybody say, coach, come on, why did you do this, man? we were excited and wanted the state title? or was everybody on board with you? >> everybody was on board. all the kids have been great. we have done a bunch of interviews and they have said the same thing we said as a staff. and i'm actually more proud of them for the way they've handled all the hoopla than winning the championship itself. >> derek, do you think every other coach would have done the same thing or do you standout in the crowd? >> no, i think everyone would have done the right thing. i mean, the sportsmanship and the integrity of high school athletics is paramount to what we are trying to do as teachers and educators. and i think, when given a chance, i think more -- people would definitely do the right thing. we just don't hear enough about it. we focus on the bad and not on the good. >> derek, i understand this is your last year of coaching. you certainly did the right thing, even if you didn't get that state title. at least you got the t-shirt, right? >> yeah, thank you. >> thank you for your time today. >> all right, thank you. >> great message and less son for those kids. coming up, two high school kids banned from thebecause of picture of them smoking cigars? is the school going too far or just following the rules? and taking over yankee stadium. we'll tell you what their message is, straight ahead. upgrade to the philips norelco shaver series 8000 for the most advanced shaving experience. with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony ♪ come on, yeah ♪ i say yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ 'cause you make me feel ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony ♪ ♪ so good ♪ like a pony [ male announcer ] the sentra with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. spread your joy. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ mony mony welcome. anyone have a cigar? well, two seniors were booted. they were in a big celebration, it's graduation time, you're excited and graduating. lacrosse players had a big game. well, they are going to miss their final game because of this photo now that ended up appearing up on the school because they were lighting up cigars. they are 18, but up in massachusetts it's illegal on school grounds to be able to do this. >> it is just part of the school policy, no drugs or alcohol. and apparently tobacco is part of that. is this going too far? is it the literal part of this -- smoking a cigar in celebration, it's cultural and history. just take a look back. everybody's been doing it forever. when you have a baby, what do you do? you give out cigars. >> just to make the obvious point, cigars are not cigarettes. you don't inhale them. they taste great. they are excellent. i would recommend them to anyone. cigars are fantastic. i'm sorry. >> i love a good cigar. let me say the other side of this, i love a good cigar, but there's no way you are not up hailing some part of that. general sherman, you're burning ten of them a day, they are not good. you can get mouth cancer, but a cigar, the country was founded on that. >> every night when they get home, these kids when they are 18, that's what they are doing after they get home from lacrosse practice, lighting up a cigar. no, they are doing this after the graduation ceremony. they were doing it for a photo op and now will have to miss the final game. >> that's the problem, it's a photo op. they are putting it out for everybody to see. as a softball player, a lot of the baseball players out there would be chewing tobacco, which also falls under this, but they would hide it like sunflower seeds. it is so blatant and in their face, they felt like they had to do something about it. >> there are nine people in america who think cigar smoking should be illegal. the average person thinks it's fine. unless you are doing it indoors or hassling people on the airplane, there's nothing wrong with it. why go along with denying people who are against it? let's not. >> by the way, it was not their choice to put the photo out there. it was a local newspaper that ran with it. and when the team and school saw it on the front page of the paper, that's when zero tolerance kicked in and said, you will miss your final game, no more lacrosse for you kids. >> weigh in on this, what do you think? is this that big of a deal? should they play or not. >> and not just our cigars -- >> i love sunflower seeds, but they may be worse for you getting stuck in your teeth. >> i eat the whole thing. >> like a bird? you eat a whole sunflower seed? >> yeah. >> like the seagulls do. >> i don't know why i just shared that. anyway, we have other headline this is sunday morning. here is a student who took down a shooter. he is getting married next month. he and his family got their registry completely paid for and he and his fiance's honeymoon has been completely paid for as well. and this is why you shouldn't stand under a tree during a storm. watch as the bolt of lightning obliterates this tree. 50,000 of volts rips off limbs with sparks. let this be known, this is the power of mother nature. and a promise to his father is now going viral. take a look. >> there you go, right there. >> dad, no, there's one right there in the garage. there's one -- >> here's the backstory. roger became speechless and he embraces his song. his son was 8 years old when he promised to get his dad a '57 chevy on his 57th birthday. mike says he worked overtime to buy the chevy bel-aire and kept it hidden for two years until his father's 57th birthday. >> wow. did dad enjoy it? >> whoa, are you okay? >> embarrassing things are happening. >> i think i just broke the chair. >> janice? >> that's not a bad part to break. >> it was the burrito i had last night. >> i love this outdoor studio, by the way. >> can we get a swap? >> i love it. it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, otherwise you would not see them outside. you are right here, hi! come on, really? this is ridiculous. i'm over there, let's do the weather right here. >> don't shake the chairs. >> i won't. i don't want anything to break. >> there's radar. you can see the potential for thunderstorms across the great lakes, the ohio river valley and the southern plains. that will continue today as we have the frontal boundary and low pressure centers moving out to the plain states and bringing the potential for severe weather, large hail, damaging wind and isolated tornadoes. look at the line moving in on monday. that will continue. if you live in these areas, that's where you have the severe threat. tomorrow it kind of shifts toward the texas area. again, the potential for hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes for monday. and a quick look at your highs today. those are your forecasts for the northeast. looking good along the coastline, but we have showers in interior sections of the northeast. all right, back to the left of me. over to and in, tucker and clayton. and kelly! >> thank you, janice. well, back to the big apple for joel and victoria osteen. >> for the second time, the married pastors of houston's lakewood church hosted a christian night of prayer at yankee stadium. >> we are joined now for the recap. >> we'll do a recap just after i tell you this story about joe and victoria. fantastic couple. they were so received the first time they came here that they decided to come back to do it again. the osteens packing the city back in 2009. that was a fantastic night. and they told me they were humbled to return and do it again. joe and victoria osteen returned to yankee stadium this saturday to offer a night of hope as pastors of one of the largest churches in the nation. they deal with a lot of people from all walks of life. true to their faith, the couple explained their message is designed to help people rise above their circumstances through the power of hope. >> it's going to be a night of inspiration, of encouragement. kind of get people to change their perspective, let them know there are good days up ahead. >> i think people just, sometimes we all, myself included, sometimes i just have to stop and have someone speak something good in my life. >> joe believes that faith and hope can help people turn a setback into a comeback. >> this is what god has for you right now, i want to be my best, i'm going to be a blessing to other people and have the right attitude. believe that opens up the way for god to open bigger doors. >> reporter: the osteens are committed to providing valuable service to neighborhoods, by painting, landscaping and other services to help transform communities. joe says life is about giving. the message he shares is that he is blessed and therefore he should strive to be a blessing to others. the greatest way to achieve that, he adds, is to always encourage people to live their best lives now. so a fantastic night. bottom line is you can't have faith without hope, you can't have hope without faith and those equal love. >> 55,000 people bought tickets to that. sold out crowd. many entertainers were putting negative in the air, but it is refreshing that many people went. >> good stuff. thank you, kelly. >> we need divine intervention on the chairs. new photos before the deadly crash that sent comedian tracy morgan into the icu in critical condition. the driver who fell asleep has been charged. what exactly will the driver face in court? we'll tell you coming up. and a supermarket scam. your favorite foods are shrinking in size but the prices are staying the same. so what do you need to know before your next trip to the grocery store? clayton's got that. ♪ my name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix. before chantix, i tried to quit... probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my quit date was my son's birthday. and that was my gift for him and me. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. you know that dream... on my count. the one where you step up and save the day? 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[ female announcer ] call an allstate agent and get a quote now. we have some quick headlines for you, for the first time in decades, aaron and the united states will meet over a nuclear deal. iran insists it is nearly creating an energy plan to conserve oil reserves. and a teen makes a bomb threat to get his brother off work early. luke brown called to say a bomb was hidden in the food part of burger king at the mall where his brother worked. he'll be facing time in a detention center. and tracy morgan was seriously hurt in a car crash. >> now we are learning a walmart truck driver was asleep at the wheel and facing charges, including one count of death by auto. >> so what do the charges mean and what role could celebrities play in the investigation? here with insight, attorney david schwartz. good morning and thank you for being with us. good morning, the driver could face jail time if found guilty. >> five to ten years in jail for death by auto, which is an act of recklessness. if he did fall asleep behind the wheel, that's one of the ways to commit reckless driving in new jersey. and certainly the fact that a death occurred five to ten years in jail. >> i'm not trying to take anything away from the tragedy of this, but ten years in jail for falling asleep is very different from taking drugs, drinking, has that ever happened? has anybody gone to sleep for falling asleep? >> and causing a death? absolutely. and look, it could be -- there could be plea bargaining, it doesn't mean they go to jail for ten years. >> we have done a story here. in fact, i did a drowsy driving story and showed the effects of it. drivers are aware of the effects of drowsy driving. you have to get the right amount of sleep on a regular basis, but walmart came out quickly to say this. this is a tragedy. we are profoundly sorry that one of our trucks was involved. we can't change what happened, but we'll do what is right for the family of the victim and the survivors in the days and weeks ahead. >> certainly walmart has civil liability. if they knew or had reason to know this person is a reckless driver, they could be in more trouble. but there will be a civil lawsuit here and walmart will be paying for sure. >> what if walmart had overworked the driver, or what if they had known this particular driver had fallen asleep in the past, what would happen? >> right. then walmart could possibly face criminal liability because they knew or should have known that this driver was -- could be a reckless driver and were putting the driver in a position to commit this accident. >> sometimes people, i'm not defending anyone here, just struck by the idea that someone who falls asleep, something everybody does every day, does it unintentionally, nods off. >> if you are driving a 16-wheel truck for walmart and are on the roads in the state of new jersey and you are drowsy and fall asleep, it is certainly an act of recklessness. not intentional murder but the act of recklessness. and that's where this reckless homicide comes in. >> unbelievable. >> i can only imagine the guilt he or she is feeling. >> they always survive, by the way, the people who cause accidents. >> it's a tragedy, really is. coming up on the show, no sunscreen allowed on field trips. one concerned parent is questioning the school's policy after her daughter came home with a bad sunburn. and your favorite foods are shrinking in size, but the prices are staying the same. why is this happening and how can you avoid the cost? we'll let you know, next. co: i've always found you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. say "hi" rudy. 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[ barks ] welcome back. it's the ultimate supermarket scam. your favorite foods and products are shrinking in size, but the prices are staying the same. what do you need to know before your next trip to the grocery store? we'll ask our expert, nice to see you this morning. the sizes are changing but the charges are staying the same. >> absolutely. i did investigative shopping, i was the analyst undercover. and i went to rite-aid to compare the products. check out the tide here. this is something everyone has in their closet, their laundry bags and closets. this one is for 69 fluid ounces here. this one is a little bigger and 92 fluid occupations. but if you can see here, i paid the same for that. so it's a little bit smaller, but we're paying the same. >> same is true with oreos. >> less product, same sized packaging, less product. same thing with the ritz. check out the huggies at the same time. >> you get the same ounces but fewer cookies. >> if you are obsessed with oreos, you are going to get mad. >> you need the extra sleeve of oreos. so shrinking box sizes. >> shrinking products. you may get one less sleeve of ritz crackers. if you are having a dinner party and expect four sleeves, you're getting three sleeves instead. >> and huggies, how is this different? >> i went and bought huggies for about $25 as you can see on the receipt. this one, 72 pieces of product, here is 60. so i paid the same amount for less product here. i am very angry about this. >> why is this happening? >> part of the reason, you remember the drought we had in 2012, right? we are seeing the after effects with some of the products. so now it is very expensive for grain to be put into the products. so manufacturers increase the price that they don't necessarily want to pay out of pocket in overhead. so that's passed on to the consumer. and the way they are able to make sure they are making money is if they pass the cost onto consumers. same thing with plastics and exports that went up from china. so we are now paying for that. >> so what are we seeing with the products with the plastic containers, now it has a narrow neck and a waterbottle with a neck that's curved, it is easier to hold in our hand but less product inside charging us the same amount. >> watch out for redesigns as well. >> let's talk about how to be aware of these. number one, start with shopping the loss leaders. >> make sure you are shopping the sale items. some of them go to discount stores. you can go ahead and see the product that's there. another one that you can also do is buy in bulk. this is something i do all the time. when you start buying items in bulk, especially food items, they end up being cheaper. also, shop on the outside of the store aisles. that's where most of the h merchandise is less expensive. you will get the cheaper items. they put it on the outside of the aisles. >> we do a lot of shopping at costco. you buy in bulk but have to be smart about it. how do you know what to buy in bulk and what you will end up wasting if you are not smart about it? >> obviously, it is determined on what your family uses. you don't want to buy too much in bulk, but you can also buy the store brands as well. those tend to be just as good if not better quality as the brand names, but to end be cheaper. >> and a lot of the brands have their -- their non-brand name products or alternatives that are actually made by that company, they just slap a generic name on it, right? >> right. so you can buy that, too. you have to be a little more aware of this happening so you don't do what i did paying the same amount for less. >> interesting. let us know your thoughts on that. nice to see you this morning. >> nice to see you. you can catch "making money" coming up on the weekends. you can catch that right here on fox. coming up on the show, a priceless graduation gift see what brought her to tears as the cameras were rolling. and it spread like wildfire. the woman who decided to pay it forward and how it spread like waves. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ he was a matted messiley dy in a small cage. ng day.ent. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at over 150 years of swedish coffee experience.xists that's 150 years of experience in refining and perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it all for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. hey, everybody. good morning, it is sunday, june 8, 2014. california chrome lost his bid for the triple crown. and his owner is not too happy. >> it's all or nothing. it's all or nothing. this is a coward's way out. this is a coward's way out. >> we'll explain it. is he a sore loser or does he have a point? and from gitmo to a five-star resort. luxurious conditions for the taliban prisoners that the obama administration traded for bowe bergdahl. wait until you hear who they are hanging out with. that's coming up. and no sunscreen allowed on the a field trip, even to the pool? one parent's concern after her daughter came home with a bad sunburn. "fox and friends" hour two starts right now. lather up. welcome in. we have kevin mccarthy this hour talking about summertime movies and father jonathan as well. >> even if he goes to a big meeting with these guys, he still may come back three out of five stars. >> he will save you $11 every time. >> he's the money-saving kevin mccarthy. he'll be up. did you lose money yesterday betting on california chrome at the belmont stakes? probably a lot of people did who thought he would take the first triple crown in 36 years. the last horse did it 36 years ago. he didn't do it. when he broke away, he got a gash on his right leg. >> and in the mile and a half race, people thought california chrome still had a chance. but california chrome came in fourth place. one of the openers said in order to get the triple crown, you have to win the kentucky derby, the priqueness and then the belmont. here's what his owner had to say. >> this is his third very big race. these other horses, they set him out. they set him out, it's not fair to these horses that have been in the game since day one. i look at it this way, if you can't make enough points to get into the kentucky derby, you can't run in the other two races. it's all or nothing. because this is not fair to these horses that have been running their guts out for these people and for the people that believe in them or have somebody to come up -- this is a coward's way out. >> but he knew that going into it. this is the way it's been for many, many years. >> well, the question is, is he a sore loser or does he have a point? maybe the answer is both. maybe he does have a legitimate point, but he shouldn't express it the way he did. he said people complain about losing, you look like whiners and shouldn't attack those in the race and call them cowards. >> the point is, did he win fair and square? >> he followed the rules. >> right, california chrome, though, had to race in the kentucky derby and the priqueness to be qualified to win the triple crown and had to race in the races. at his point, the new horses with fresh legs that haven't raced in the previous ones are relaxed and ready to go with fresh legs. and they haven't been doing 20 squats before. >> sure. but as a champion you have to do all three. >> but he should also man it up and act nicely when you lose. >> don't you think he should have taken time to cool off and talked about it later or not? very often the attention is on him right now. that's why 103,000 people came out to the belmont stake this is year. the horse races are something people don't talk about a lot unless there's a chance we'll have a triple crown winner, as we did with another chance in 2012. there was a big crowd and big anticipation around that before the race. >> we got e-mails on this, debbie said, i have long thought it's an unfair race. it's like pay i playing in the super bowl without playing in the playoffs. i would like to have seen the owner take out his frustration in private, though. >> bill where i say, triple crown horses should have to run all three races, no last minute ringers! the horse was bent on stopping california chrome. how dare a half breed threaten their million dollar nags! >> and a tweet says this, you should have to run all races or run none. that's from criss. >> we have been hearing noises from outside our cameramen. >> from over there from janice dean who was at the races. >> i take measure with this. tucker, you are a passionate person, right? when you see something that bothers you, you tell the public on camera. so what is wrong with him saying that? i kind of have to agree. i think there are things they need to do to change things. for instance, 5 1/2 weeks for one horse with three races is crazy. that horse was spent. we have not had a triple crown winner in 36 years. there's a reason for that. so why don't we spread it out a month between so they have a chance to rebuild. >> you know much more about priqueness and the chi dkentuck derby. and wicked strong as well, he didn't win the two, but he was also very tired. so there's something to this. i'm glad we are having the dialogue because this is a controversial sport. they are putting the horses through the ringer. >> you and your husband were there, what were people saying? >> i have to tell you, i haven't been to a sporting event -- i haven't been to a super bowl like, that but there were 103,000 people there -- it was energetic. the imagine nick the atmosphere. and when the horse was running, that's two-and-a-half minutes. that's the husband and i. it's our anniversary today. so there we are. we had one of our first dates at saratoga springs. so this was a magical moment for us. but two-and-a-half minutes, people were excited. when california chrome came onto the track after he lost, everyone cheered. so it was a imagine mamagical m. it brought everyone together. >> and a lot of people saw their tickets and threw them in the trash and went home. >> wouldn't it be great to give everyone a trophy? >> you are so fair and balanced, tucker. i love it. >> we have so many e-mails on this this morning. let us know, is it valid? he's both a sore loser and has a good point. >> yeah, is it time the rules? >> you change the horse racing industry because of this situation, let us know. >> she will get to the weather later. >> janice is fired up! other headlines we want to tell you about this morning. a fox news alert on tracy morgan remaining in critical condition after saturday's deadly car wreck in new jersey. but according to a friend, he's been smiling in the hospital. the truck driver involved in the six-car accident, kevin roper, has been charged. the walmart driver reportedly dozed off and then smashed into the back of morgan's limo van. the comedian and friend of tracy morgan was killed in the crash. if it's determined our truck caused the accident, walmart will take full responsibility. two other passengers remain in the hospital. one of them is median artie hooper who posted this picture before the crash. and cleveland clinic's ceo and vietnam veteran dr. toby cosgrove withdrew his name from nomination. he said there's still work to be done at the cleveland clinic. president obama is still searching for a replacement for eric shinseki. and a helicopter swoops in to pick up three prisoners from a quebec, canada, detention center. and this is not the first time this has happened. police are now looking for a green helicopter with red and white markings. all three men were chill jailed on murder and drug charges. if you see these men, call the police immediately. this is the second helicopter that helped prisoners escape in two years. and check out this priceless gift for this teenager. jessica bolero is reuniting with her sister chelsea. the two haven't seen each other for a year and a half. chelsea has been serving overseas. chelsea knew this was going to be a difficult day because it marked the two-year anniversary of her father's death. >> this anniversary is special. she shouldn't be without her sister or father on this day. >> chelsea was granted a two-week leave for this special day. you may be wondering what happened to the five taliban prisoners that were released from guantanamo bay. is the qatari government watching them behind bars? we are getting word that's not the case. they are living in the life of luxury in luxury resort villas. these five war criminals by all accounts are living the lives of luxury and being able to live with other taliban commanders and have discussions freely in an office complex. >> they describe this area where families can come to spend time with them. these guys are seen as heroes and awarded for propaganda from theal taliban. meanwhile, we'll get a closed-door briefing on how exactly the deal came to be. the two key questions here, one, was the white house unaware of the grave questions concerning bergdahl's departure from his post? whether it was disesertion or not, but he did leave. and why didn't congress get 30 days notice of this? the president said he didn't to this because of publicity. and even democrats are angry about it. the briefers will be pressing that in the house tomorrow. >> all evidence pointed to him being a deserter within 24 hours. in fact, major rusty bradley said they knew about this years ago. take a listen. >> the report that we received within 24 hours essentially stated number one, he had left a note saying that he didn't agree with certain things that were happening with our efforts there. that he had left his equipment and we also had matching intelligence reports that stated that he had essentially made communications with some local villagers and was inquired to the location of the insurgency. >> we have a former specialist on the show coming up who was in the same unit as bowe bergdahl. and "the new york times" is slamming it calling it a rag tag group of individuals and their leaders had to be replaced because they walked around with bandannas. >> they were saying things bad about the obama administration so they had to be taken care of. it's a bad magazine and i still read the piece two years ago. this guy left because he disagreed with america. he split. we knew this, they knew this, they didn't care. they wanted to empty gitmo. they wanted a p.r. victory and did it anyway. >> it's not just that he doesn't agree with what the army was doing. but what if he is conspireing with the enemy. this could be big problems for white house. >> we'll talk to that specialist coming up later in the show. first this, the hunters become the hunted. the move to ban the legendary rock band metallica because the lead singer wants to hunt. and no sunscreen allowed on field trips, even to the pool. one concerned parent is questioning the school's policy after her daughter came home with a terrible sunburn. she is joining us live, next. ♪ you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? 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[ male announcer ] 15 minutes for auote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. a texas mother is seeing red because she says her 10-year-old daughter rachel got fried after a field trip due to the school's vigorously enforced no sunscreen policy. joining us is the little girl's mother, christy riggs, thank you for coming on with us this morning. >> good morning. >> your daughter goes on the field trip and is not allowed to bring the sunscreen because it is banned by the school district and gets a very bad sunburn as a result. what is the reasoning banning sunscreen? >> according to the school district with the northeast isd, they claim sunscreen is a toxin and children may eat it. >> okay. let's put the statement up on the screen here, typically sunscreen is a toxic substance. we can't allow toxic things to be in our schools. they can possibly have an allergic reaction or ingest it. it's a really dangerous situation, says the school spokesman. isn't hand soap a toxin? chalk is a toxin? >> yeah, i would think glue is a toxin if you eat it, but the reality is, children don't eat sunscreen. and they are not going to. sunscreen isn't a toxin or it wouldn't have been approved by the fda. the fda is there to regulate consumer products to make sure they are safe. and it's been fda approved. so i'm not sure where they are coming from. and neither are 96% of the population in the united states that have responded to this story. >> so the alternative here is to allow kids to get really sunburned. we know for a fact that kids who get bad burns are much more likely to get melanoma when they get older, isn't that the real threat? >> that is the real threat. in fact, one bad sunburn in your childhood or adolescence doubles your chance of developing skin cancer later in life. those are facts. i don't know where they are coming from with their toxic talk. >> you would think you would want to keep light-skinned kids from getting burned? >> you would think so, but it doesn't matter the color of your skin. a burn is a burn. and no matter what color your skin is, it's bad. and it increases your risk of skin cancer, which in doing this story and getting it out there, i've heard back from other schools in the district. there are 72 schools in the school district, and not all of them are following it. the school district really needs to look at this and talk to the schools and regroup and realize how wrong this is. >> so you just lost a parent to skin cancer, so this is something you are deeply aware of. >> i am. my father passed away in march. and it was too late. it was a battle that lasted six weeks. and the reality is, 3.5 million people each year are diagnosed with skin cancer. more than any other cancer. all of them combined, 3.5 million people. and is that what we want? when we have protection out there that is fda approved? we need to use it. >> christy riggs, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. fmplg if you play with fire, you're going to get burned. this arsonist's plan backfires. and the woman who started the pay it forward movement is joining us live, next. she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ♪ ♪ ♪ tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? hey, everybody. good morning. 23 minutes after the hour. a spontaneous act of kindness at a chick-fil-a drive-through in florida. sherry miller paid for the car behind her setting off the outpouring of kindness. hey there, sherry, how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. >> you go to the growth group at your church and what happened? >> well, i had the idea to one day do an act of kindness and bless somebody. and i thought, tonight's the night. i'm going to do that. pay it forward. >> so essentially you decided to pay for the car behind you that sets off this amazing chain reaction, which you don't even realize. you get home, notice that you're missing nuggets, so you head back to chick-fil-a and what do you realize? >> i said, hey, it's me, i'm back. and they said, it's you! and i noticed that they were very excited. and i found out why. and that's because i learned what happened after that. 17 people had done the same thing i did. >> so you come back in line, you're the 18th again, and then all of a sudden it happens, 37 other people take part in this with you, it makes 38, what do you say to the 39th person who stops this pay-it-forward business? >> i would say, i hope you enjoy your meal and the kindness and it made an impression on you.sw. well, this is the church car that you've got that says love god passionately, love others intentionally. when you handed over the money for the first pay it forward, you handed over the card as well. you have become a celebrity there with the chick-fil-a folks. what sort of message were you trying to send to those behind you? >> well, i was only trying to send a message to one person. i didn't know it would be so many. because many people have paid it forward like that. i'm not the first to do it in a drive-through. and this wouldn't be such a remarkable story without the many people behind me who paid it backward. >> and what other kind of random acts of kindness could the people do? little small things really do make a difference, don't they? >> they really do. and i see what god has done with is this. i think his sweet spirit went through the drive-through line and small something changed into something big. i mean, here i am. >> cherie miller, i love it. and i love me some chick-fil-a, too. >> yummy. >> love it. coming up on "fox and friends weekend," mad lynn mccann has been missing for years but this morning investigators have a big break. what they just uncovered, next. and some of the best barbecue in the country on the grill has just descended on new york city. our experts are grilling some of the sweetness straight ahead. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. 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because the lead guitarist likes to hunt. he's an nra member and has voiced over on a history channel show called "the hunt." this has made him -- >> there are a lot of photos of him hunting and laying next to bears he's shot and killed, but he loves it. they are on his facebook page. they don't want him there. >> he said he missed his son's birthday to go hunting in russia. they are upset about that or just because they are a hippie crowd and a progressive crowd. metallica says this is like the holy grail for us. and if people are upset about it, maybe they will respect it. but when you start to talk about online decisions and facebook pages against us, there's a point when this becomes ridiculous. >> i love great britain because its california. if you want to know what trends we are looking at the 20 years from now, look at what we are doing for great britain. the welfare state has been in the midst of this in the rural lifestyle for 50 years. it has extended since then. the real attack on traditional rural values in great britain, and this is part of it. they don't like this guy because he represents a way of living they resent. >> he said i'm conservative. very often when we are out there hunting, we are preserving nature. we are doing more than what meets the eye. we are doing more to preserve nature in keeping the ecosystem going. >> who knows more about the out of doors, about actual animal species and the land? this guy who spends a lot of time out there or a staffer at the nrdc? >> he says, in fact, look, i love being outdoors. in fact, i like being out among the animals more than humans because humans lie to each other. animals don't lie to you. i would rather be out in the outdoors because i hate people, that's what he said. >> but do none of these people eat meat? >> if you like the outdoors, you aught to support hunting and fishing, at least in this country. the only reason we have a national park system is because of the greatest hunter, teddy roosevelt. he preserved wildlife because he hunted wildlife. >> go to facebook page, ffweekend on facebook. should they let metallica play? >> let metallica play. here are other headlines this sunday morning, thousands of illegal immigrant children being shipped to arizona by the federal government. the state now is providing supplies to the children. the texas border patrol says they are being bombarded by illegals. the former doj whistleblower j. kris chapedchristian adams join earlier to tell us why. >> these children are crossing deserts. they are risking their lives because the obama administration has sent a signal to central america and to mexico that it's open borders time in the united states. that you're not going to be thrown out. >> the feds also launching a program to get free counsel to young illegal immigrants facing deportation. and a cold case getting new life. british police investigating the disappearance of madeleine mccann have been given permission to interview eight possible suspects in portugal. meanwhile, the search for her body continues to new areas. and a burglary suspect in utah is caught speeding through busy intersections taking police on a wild ride. the man ramming several squad cars during the chase, nearly running down an officer, a spike strip was put down to stop the suspect's truck. he was taken into custody. and he's not very bright. an arsonist tries to burn down a building but sets himself on fire instead. watch this. he's caught on surveillance video attempting to throw a brick wrapped in a flaming rag through the window of the masonic temple in toledo. look for the man with the burned hand that is on the loose. >> that is poetic justice. what a moron. >> i love a good moron. that was not a toss to janet! that was somebody running the graphics who opened to janice. i love you, janice. i know. let's take a look at temperatures across the map today. this is across the northern tier of the country, cooler than average temperatures. then across the south we have some warm and sticky air masses. potential for showers, thunderstorms and severe weather, even severe storms across the central u.s., the high plains into the deep south, today through monday, some of the same areas that have gotten hit hard by severe weather. there's a look at how much rain you can get in texas and oklahoma. several inches of rain, great for the drought, but it will cause flooding. there are the temperatures and a look at the rain across the central u.s. the west looks good. very warm over parts of the desert southwest. now what happens when you take some of your best pit masters across the country and bring them to new york? >> you bring them to us and we get breakfast, that's what happens. this is the block party and we have some great pit masters here. joe dunkin is here and owner of bakers ribs in dallas, texas. how are you? >> great. good to be here. >> it's a two-day event there, right? >> yes, sir. >> what are you doing down there? >> we are cooking about 5,000 pounds of ribs. and 6,000 of our fried pies. >> joe, what you're telling me, this is one of the biggest sellers at the big event. here it is, a fried pie. what is this? >> that is a peach fried pie right there. yep. >> there's meat in some of these? >> yes, this is a brisket right here. >> chop it up, joe! >> the best brisket you will ever eat. >> breakfast of champions here. >> so now we are both eating and can't do the segment anymore. tell us about the jalapeno, how do you make those? >> those are the hajalapenos, w clean out the outside. these here we stuffed with jack cheese and brisket. some have cheddar and pulled pork. so they are really good. >> when i walked by and saw jalapenos wrapped in bacon, i just wanted to hang out with you. >> it's hot. is it hot? will we need water after this? >> you will need some chocolate milk. >> do you have chocolate milk? >> nicely done. >> this is delicious. >> we have to talk about the ribs, the meat on the plate here. >> all right. >> what is the secret to your ribs? >> well -- we have our own rub here that we make up. >> rub the ribs. >> janice loves a good rub. >> no comment. >> apply this liberally. let it slack up for 15 minutes. >> where are you from, joe? >> dallas. >> how long do you want to rub them? >> that right there, we'll let them sit for a while. >> not like actually rubbing. >> you can. >> gentle rubbing. >> look at this bad boy. >> look at this machine. i can just put my hand in there and grab them. >> it wouldn't be for me. >> thank you, joe. check out the annual -- what is it called? >> big apple barbecue. >> do you guys smell that? it is wafting down to you, tucker. >> it smells like barbecue! next up, two americans jailed in one of the most dangerous countries in the world all because they had a bible. where is the global outrage? father jon is here with details. and could the sun be the reason you pack on a few pounds? the latest study that sheds light on why we gain weight. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. oh, no, i'll get it! let me get it. uh-uh-uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! 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[ female announcer ] call an allstate agent upgrafor the most advanced norelshaving experience.00 with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50. ♪ ♪ ♪ ben! well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's welcome back. some quick headlines for you. you don't want to be in the dark about this. a new study finding bright bedrooms after sunset could be linked to obesity. that's right. researchers say artificial light messes with a person's internal clock. throwing off a person's eating schedule and how the body handles food. even sitting there with an ipad is bad news. medical marijuana going to the dog's owners that claim their four-legged friends are helped with pain and croppic illness. the hemp-filled capsule only has traces of marijuana. 44 minutes after the hour. american citizen jeffrey thou has been held catchtive in north korea for having a bible. >> he has been held since 2012. >> what is happening to religious freedom around the world? and why do we never hear anything about these americans being held? where is the obama administration on this? hear is father jonathan morris. seems like this should be on the front page of the paper. >> he has been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for having an expression of faith over there. what does this mean in terms of religious freedom or rights? it shouldn't matter one bit. the state department has not been talking about it. and this is another example of whether he left the bible there or not, we don't know. and it is hard to get information out of north korea, of course. >> a human rights violence, there's a laundry list of human rights violations. you see satellite images of the country, it's completely in the dark. they don't have rural electricity in the country. what can we do? is there anything we can do to get people in there? >> obviously it is very complex because we are also trying to provide food for the people that the north korean leader is starving and offering aid. and also protecting our relationship with south korea is not easy, but i think john kerry could have a legacy as one who has stood up for religious freedom. and we look, we see what lengths he went to to try to free bergdahl, right? one person. one person. and we sacrificed a whole lot. what about, for example, the christian pastor, the american pastor in iran. why are we not hearing the government talk about his imprisonment and torture, from what we understand? we hear very little, and it has been social media that's been pushing these causes, which is an awesome, great thing. but i think john kerry and the obama administration could do a lot more. i hope they begin to do it. >> yeah, because this is an all too familiar thing. so it would be great to have that legacy of standing up for religious freedom, but a side note, why are people going there as tourists anyway? in the first place, are they on some religious idea that they want to spread christianity? >> it's a great question. and i don't know for sure. but a lot of people have gone to great lengths of personal sacrifice, even death, in order to spread the faith. that is a tradition of our christian faith. that is something that people have been going to put on the line for a long time. whether this guy left a bible on accident in a hotel? i don't know about that. >> what is so interesting, hillary clinton was asked yesterday, what do you make of the bowe bergdahl situation? she said, it doesn't matter, he's an american. that's the stance the obama administration takes in this case, but not in the case of these guys. they are americans, isn't that the point? >> i think it is a little bit different, tucker, that we are talking about soldiers. that is a prisoner of war at this time, or that the military has the great tradition of not leaving anybody behind, right? so i think there is that urgency, but yes, you're right. that an american citizen in prison for just being a christian and saying what he believes, we have the responsibility to not leave them behind either. >> it's a tough one when you have a dear leader who is the spiritual leader of the country. >> religion is used for good and bad. in this case, it's ridiculous. >> father, thank you. 48 minutes after the hour. california chrome fails to take home the crown, but his owner is not losing in silence. >> it's all or nothing, it's all or nothing. this is a coward's way out, in my opinion. this is a coward's way out. >> we'll explain this. and we want your feedback. is he a sore loser or does he have a point? and what summer blockbuster should you spend your cash on? kevin mccarthy is here with the breakdown. >> can he do a review with ribs in his mouth? >> that is amazing! seriously. i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. hey, everybody. happy sunday. it was a shake-up at the box office this weekend. >> the movie "fault in our stars" is expected to gross $52 million. can you believe that? outshining the tom cruise action film "edge of tomorrow" which grossed $30 million. >> that is unbelievable considering what they spent. joining us now with his summer movie review, fox news contributor and founder of is kevin mccarthy. >> as of tomorrow, it will cost close to $12 million to make. "edge of tomorrow" has the imax advantage. >> so they have already made their money back. >> 100%. this summer we have great movies coming out. "22 jump street" is the one i'm looking forward to, jonah hill and channing tatum. generally sequels are not the same unless it is "the empire strikes back." but there are some out there. phil moore and chris miller are back to come up with this story. i talked to jonah hill about this movie. check this out. >> for a whole day i'm hanging upside down on this thing, okay. and then i hurt myself and i'm like, i can't hang upside down anymore. they are like, it's okay, we'll turn the camera this way and you can lay normal, flat on your back. and they put the camera above me and twisted it around. and i could have done that the whole time. in looking back, it literally looks the exact same. do you remember that? i literally put something on the floor, i laid on the floor and they turned the camera upside down. and i was like, ah! and it looked the exact same thing as when i'm hanging upside-down. >> and this is onset. >> apparently. that move see comes out next friday, friday the 13th. and along with "how to train your dragon 2." this movie is incredible coming out on friday. the 3-d is amazing, you feel like you are flying the whole time. great for the kids. >> it is not like an age restriction. >> there are deeper themes here, but i feel like it goes over their heads. so it's for adults and dragons. >> do you they teach you how to find your dragon? >> they do. >> all right. now, what about "transformers 2"? >> i think that's one of the worst movies ever made. >> i agree. i'm a big michael bay fan. i cry at the end of "armageddon" every time, i'm okay if you make fun of me for that. but "transformers: age of extinction" has a new cast that opens on june 27. it released in imax as well. i'm excited to see it. "transformers 2" one of the worst movies ever made. and i have to bring this up. "garden of the galaxy." this trailer is amazing. this is from the marvel comic book series. look at him back in the day. now after he worked out on the set -- >> yes, please! >> anna, he's sweaty. >> they probably sprayed him with glycerin or something. and bradley cooper's new movie comes out on july 1st on imax as well. tweet me @kevinmccarthy and i will answer your questions you have. >> thank you. appreciate it. more "fox and friends" coming up in two minutes. don't go anywhere. wh let erectie dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. 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[ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. hey, everybody. it is sunday, the 8th of june, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. he failed to take the triple crown, but was california chrome tarnished by his owner's post interview. >> it's all or nothing. it is all or nothing. this is a coward's way out. >> we explain what he means. and is he a sore loser or does he have a point? and from gitmo to the four seasons? almost. the luxurious conditions for the five prisoners traded for bowe bergdahl. wait until you hear who they are hanging out. and here's a hint, they are probably living better than you are. and some students banned from their last lacrosse game after this graduation photo of them smoking cigars. is the school going too far or are they rule followers? "fox and friends" hour three starts right now. welcome to "fox and friends." >> come on in. do you guys smell like ribs? >> we do. >> it's in my hair. we are having a cookout on the plaza all morning today. >> i'm covered in rib juice. >> you are ridden with the smell. >> this is not going to come out for a couple hours. >> this is a guy that doesn't like to get dirty. >> slather me up, i don't care. we have a barbecue going on out here. it's the big apple barbecue. the pit masters are in town cooking up stuff from dallas, all over the place. >> rib tips. but first, the drama of it all. california chrome. the horse that came oh so close to win the triple crown win last night at belmont. many reasons for this with janice dean here to fill us in on exactly what went wrong, but the horse's co-owner has his idea of why his horse lost. the system. listen to this. >> this was his third very big race. these other horses, they always set them out. they set him out to upset him. it's not fair to the horses that have been in the game since day one. i look at it this way, if you can't make enough points to make it to the kentucky derby, you can't run on the other two races. it's all or nothing. because this is not fair to these horses that have been running their guts out for these people and for the people that believe in them. to have somebody come up -- this is a coward's way out. >> so does he have a valid point? or is he a sore lose her? we asked this question, here's one we just got on twitter, one viewer writes, why do you call him a sore loser? he has a valid point, meaning that these other horses are just coming in at the last minute. they get to race in just the belmont and race in just the priqueness but didn't have to go through the grueling trial of going through all of them. >> that's why it is called the champion's race. you have to be able to do all three. that's why we have not had a winner in four decades. it's supposed to be hard. we can't go to change the rules in everything. are you going to start saying, marathon runners that hit the wall at mile 21, let's change it. maybe it could be 20 miles instead of 26.2 miles. that's the way it's always been. the producers checked, so you knew the rules going into it. i wanted california chrome to win just like most of america. we need some hope right now, but sorry. other horses were playing by the rules. >> i think i agree with both of you. the rules probably should be changed. and i understand in this case they lost fair and square. my view is, now is not the time to whine about it. it is your job as a man to keep it inside, to push it deep down. let your therapist deal with it. >> now is the time people will listen to him. while the iron is hot. >> stop the whining. say, my congratulations to the man who won. >> that was not wiping. he started out by saying, this is my opinion. so why are we still politically correct? why can't we talk without a filter all the time? when you are excited about something, this guy put blood, sweat and tears into this horse and probably won't seen a triple crown. i don't blame him for saying there's something wrong with this game, we need to change it a little bit. and how many of the horses were fresh legs? that's what i would like to know. i mean, the triple crown, obviously, it is a big race. you have to win three races. and the belmont is a mile and a half, the hardest track to run. but something has to change. i'm glad we are having the dialogue. this is a grueling sport on horses. and maybe if they stagger the races, so a month between, and that gives those horses that are running all three time to repair themselves. this horse was spent. and i don't mind seeing the owner spouting on tv. >> but the horse was too, back in the '70s. >> the secretariat. >> but how many of the horses back then were fresh-legged horses? >> you were there, 103,000 people packing into this. and the belmont stakes race is not something people pay attention to unless there's a chance of the triple crown. unless you are in the horse community. was it just electric? >> it was. i have never been to a horse event where everyone was cheering for the underdog. and everyone was sort of in unison on it. it was electric. and the two-and-a-half minutes were the most exciting moments in sports history. it's too bad we don't have a triple crown, but i don't blame him for spouting off. in the heat of the moment, his wife was tugging at the coat tails saying, don't do this. but this is america. >> i totally agree. i love the honesty and agree with tucker. more like my father's generation, keep your emotions inside and bury it deep. >> and let it explode later. >> wait until you are in the bar to talk about it. >> e-mails this morning, larry wrote in from kentucky saying all the kentucky derby winners ran under those conditions and no one complained until he came in last place. he is a sore loser. >> you don't send your kids out to compete in an unfair playing field, it is time to change the rules. >> and a tweet here says, let's say there's a triathlon and someone does the last event and wins, is that fair? >> wow, the intensity of the response. >> this debate for the triple crown is pretty unbelievable. >> let us know your thoughts. go to ffweekend and read through the twitter stream. >> no one is more intense on this than janice dean. she is really -- she is like a tuning fork, she's vibrating with intensity. and our viewers are fired up about the next story, which is what happened to the taliban soldiers that we released last week in the trade for bowe bergdahl? we thought maybe the qatari government would keep a close eye on these guys, and maybe they are, but now we learn they are living in luxurious resort villas right now. >> yes, they are five-star villas. these guys have been described as four-star generals of the taliban. so if you really think this is where they aught to be, these guys, this is a victory for the taliban. all five of these guys, and one of them, the second one there with the eyes going off to the side, al-nuri has a relative who spoke to the media and says he can't wait to get back to afghanistan to cause as much carnage as he can against the united states. >> some of the people say qatar has a lot to answer for this, but we are the ones that have to answer for it. the u.s. government, the obama administration voluntarily gave up custody of these guys. we have no reason to expect they are going who to be monitored. the obama administration gave this up voluntarily. i'm not defending qatar's government. but the point is, this goes back to a choice the obama people made. some other interesting angles, bowe bergdahl is recovering. he weighs 160 pounds. they are doing mental evaluations on him to see what his mental state is. they say as people go in to talk to him to discuss and see how she's responding to questioning, it's a tenuous situation. they are worried about realigning him to his family too quickly. his parents are back home waiting for him to return. they have not been reunited at this hour. >> but one thing just -- put a bow on the package, one thing we learned about his state, he was not in danger of the imminent death. they broke the law in not telling congress because he was diagnose. turns out that was completely false. >> they said his health was failing and had to rescue him before he dropped dead. and then it was because they were going to kill him. the narrative has changed. >> for those of you keeping score at home, add another check to the box. if you live in the american southwest, you know this. if you are paying any attention at all, you may know it, too. there's a massive humanitarian crisis taking place in the southern border with tens of thousands of immigrants from central america dropping their kids off at the border and leaving them. >> alone. >> exactly. and the kids have basically filled every hospital on the border. and this is a result of the obama administration's failure to enforce immigration law. and the word has gone out if you drop your kids off, they will be taken care of. >> and now couples are spending millions of dollars in grants to hire lawyers to help the kids go through the court system. but this is just -- this is such a tragedy as humans, period. these kids are running across the border alone. do you think that's safe? >> here you go, make it on your own. we are dropping you off at the border and the american taxpayer is footing the bill to make sure the kids are okay. they didn't do anything wrong. the parents are dropping them off. we had j. christian adams on the show earlier. listen to what he had to say. >> this is a human tragedy caused by the obama administration. these children are crossing deserts. they are risking their lives because the obama administration has sent a signal to central america and to mexico that it's open borders time in the united states. that you're not going to be thrown out. so they are sending their kids loose across the desert. they are ending up in detention facilities in the united states packed in like sardines. and we can blame the obama administration for this human tragedy. >> let us know your thoughts about this, especially if you live in the southwest. comedian tracy more michigan is in critical condition after saturday's deadly car wreck in new jersey, but according to friends he's smiling in the hospital. the truck driver involved in the six-car accident kevin roper has been charged. the walmart driver dozed off and smashed into the back of morgan's limo van. the comedian and close friend of morgan james mcnair was killed in the accident. walmart says, if it's determined that our truck caused the accident, walmart will take full responsibility. two others are in the hospital. one of them is a comedian who posted this from inside the limo van before the wreck happened. the department of veterans affairs needs to keep searching for a new secretary. the cleveland secretary and vietnam veteran toby cosgrove is withdrawing his name and says there's work to be done at the cleveland clinic still. they are still looking to replace eric shinseki who resigned last month. ty chow and his fiance lindsey got engaged a couple weeks ago. a gal tracked them down via facebook to send them photos of it and the bride-to-be started crying when she saw the photos. a grown man makes good on a promise he made to his father when he was just 8 years old. >> oh. >> what was the big surprise? 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(crowd) oh no... introducing verizon xlte. hey guys, i got it right here! we've doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. so take on more. with xlte. for best results, use verizon. good morning, everyone. more fallout on the five prisoners released from gitmo. >> i make no apologies for it. >> this is a young man who volunteered to serve our country in uniform at a time of war. that in itself is an honorable thing. >> here to discuss this is the host of "fox news sunday," chris wallace. does congress have a point here? the reports were out within 24 hours, but congress has to wait to do an investigation? >> well, yeah. i look at this happening very differently if the white house handled it differently at the onset. the widespread feeling in washington is that rose garden celebration, and that is what it seemed when the president came out saturday afternoon last week with the bergdahl parents, it was a big mistake. because, again, et made it seem like it was a celebration. a lot of people watching said the president should have issued a paper statement saying there are a lot of questions about bowe bergdahl. he will face the appropriate discipline actions if necessary, but we should bring our soldiers home however they left the battlefield or are still in afghanistan. and the other mistake was susan rice on a sunday talk show last week saying he served with honor and distinction and had done neither. if they had played it starter from the start, there were always going to be controversies about this, but it wouldn't have played out the way it has. >> but congress could have said no, is that why the president went around them? the president warped of deals in the past and they said, this is not a good idea. is that why the obama administration did this? >> there are a lot of questions whether congress has the right or the ability to restrict the president in this area as commander and chief. we are going to be talking at the top of the hour with a former bush attorney general, michael mucasey, and does he think the president had to notify congress 30 days before he did anything. is that legal or an unconstitutional infringement on the president's executive powers. they are looking into a rush, but they had this live video since last january. they said they were worried it would be leaked. that's kind of an insult to the intelligence committee, which knew months ahead of time about the bin laden raid and never leaked it. as they said, with the president in a statement, we think as commander in chief, there would have been an argument but i suspect less of win. >> chris wallace, thank you. justin bieber claims to have seen the light thanks unconventional pastor. and he's not the only one. carl lint is joining us live with his take on faith. and two high school seniors banned because of this graduation photo showing them smoking cigars. guess what? they are 18 years old. is the school going too far or just following the rules? ays trs from the best angle i could. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better? my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. 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[ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at now some headlines around the world. egypt's new president is sworn in. he's taking over a year after the first elected president mohommad morsi was ousted. and iran and the u.s. will engage in direct talks over a nuclear deal. the west has accused iran correctly of building weapons, but iran says they are creating an energy program. and after three months after a malaysian jet has vanished, family members are raising $5 million for a whistleblower reward. the leader says somebody somewhere knows where the plane is what happened. and that person just needs incentive to talk. 24 minutes after the hour. every sunday thousands of people flock to hillsong church in new york city, but it is not your traditional church. it's attracting a whole new audience. celebrities like kevin durant and justin bieber have come to worship. so what is the secret? here with us is the pastor of hillsong church, carl lentz. good morning, thank you for joining us. you are joining us between your five services that 6,000 people come to. >> if you make it through the parade, yes, we have a 10:00 a.m. service that we'll be at, yeah. >> there are strobe lights and people are wearing skinny jeans and have cool haircuts and all that. what is it, do you think, is bringing people in and bringing people to christ? >> well, i don't know. i think our church is kind of a place where we are trying to let people know you come as you are. so you have people who are not in skinny jeans, don't have tattoos and don't look like a new yorker, but the whole point is to come as you are. and that's who jesus is and what our faith is about. so it will make sense to have church where you recognize it in new york, we have lights and stuff, but a place everyone can come. >> the principles you stand on, are they different than your average church? >> no. i mean, i don't know every average church, i can't speak on that behalf, but there are some things different. if you were born in an old school church where you have to look a certain way, say a certain thing, our church is different than that. so there are aspects different for sure. >> certainly it looks emotional just watching it like, this but people talk about going on a retreat or something and you have this mountain top experience that lasts for a while, but then you go home and it starts to fade. how do you make sure that you're holding on to people and nurturing them and not just affecting them emotionally for a few moments? >> we put tracking devices on everybody. >> obviously there's humor there. >> there's no way. it is people's responsibility to follow god. and a church can't make you do that. our goal is to be a place where you can come and get refueled and get encouraged. sometimes church beats you down. and we want to be a church that lifts you up. so if you have that experience all the time, church is what it should be. church shouldn't be everything in your faith. it should be an aspect of it, but if church is doing its job, it is pushing you into a daily walk, not a sunday moment. which is typical for a lot of christians that go to church on sunday and live my other life monday through the next saturday. and we are just trying to let people know it's an every day journey. and our church will help you. we are more interested in your monday than sunday. >> a lot of people say, oh, man, i was so bad last night, i need to go to church tomorrow. >> i hear that all the time, i need to come. it is what it is. everybody in there has had issues or problems. >> and i i have one final question. is there something to be said for tradition, it is nice to go into a sanctuary and see the altar and the cross. and some people go, this is not good. >> as long as tradition isn't forced on you, i mean, some tradition is good. but often tradition can lead people into a relationship that's not real. so we have traditional stuff, but it is not normal. >> carl lentz, thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. 27 minutes after the hour, the fury of mother nature caught on camera. that's a lightning bolt you are watching demolishing a tree. it's a controversial debate this time of year. charcoal or propane for your grill. chris lily says he knows what is best. he's next. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ it is sunday morning, june 8. our message for "fox and friends" viewers is god has you in the palm of his hand, he has great things in store for you and just believe that 2014 will be the best year for you so far. >> and we sat down with joel osteen as over 50,000 people packed january key stadium to watch him last night. pretty cool. we are out here on 48th street this morning, good morning, everyone. >> good morning. >> up in massachusetts, see if you guys agree or disagree with this. take a look at this photo, the kids didn't know the photo was being taken. they were graduating from high school and the two lacrosse players have been banned from playing in the championship lacrosse game because they were smoking cigars. they are 18 years old, but the education board says no smoking at all. zero tolerance. >> and it makes sense. we are against smoking cigars because it is bad for your health, so to punish you, we are going to prevent you from exercising. the lacrosse game, let's keep in mind, cigars are not cigarettes and don't have the same effect. people don't up hail them and smoke them all they dong. there's probably no harm in this at all. >> you can get mouth cancer and you can inhale. >> but you don't burn them all day. >> this was a celebratory thing. the father of one of these guys says, take a look back in history. when you have a baby, people often give out cigars and you celebrate around 18 holes later. it is something engrained in our system. >> you don't think high school cigar smoking is all right? >> no. no. >> it's dangerously masculine, that's the point. >> it happens, it is only frat boys that smoke cigars, let's ban it! >> but a lot of the viewers -- >> in the newspaper, the school sees it and says, we need to follow the rules. >> a lot of the viewers agree the kids should have been booted from this. and charles writes in to say, we have carried p.c. too far for a free country, we don't have the freedom i had when i was growing up. charles did agree but the other folks didn't. >> bob writes, what is the bigger problem, willfully breaking the rules, or not, understanding there are consequences if those rules are broken. if you fail to protect your health, the rules will be exercised. >> and melody says schools have athletic policies forbidding tobacco use. cigars are tobacco, age is irrelevant. some players chew tobacco and pretend they are sunflower seeds. >> when you were playing croquet -- let us know what you think and weigh in on all that. here are other stories making headlines. hillary clinton is taking a shot at carl rove in and interview with "abc news." the former secretary of state is responding to comments of her suffering brain damage after a concussion that led to a blood clot back in 2012. >> what could you like to say to carl rove about your brain? >> that i know he was called bush's brains in one of the books written about him. and i wish him well. >> clinton adding she will likely be on blood thinners the rest of her life. and the world is showing gratitude to the heroed shooter who took down the shooter. his wedding registry has been fully covered along with his honeymoon. iowa democrat bruce b brayley's ad is being called sexist. >> when joni ernst is asked to do something, we didn't hear a peep. >> they are comparing ernst to a chick. if a gop candidate did this, they would demand the ads to be taken down. braley's campaign says this is in regard to a pork ad. and look at this video that is going viral. take a look. >> yes, there you go. >> dad, no, there's more right there in the garage. there's more. >> oh. >> so he's the story. roger became speechless and teary-eyed as he embraces his son who was just 8 years old when he promised to get his dad a '57 chevy on his 57th birthday. mike worked overtime to buy the chevy bel-aire and kept it hidden for two years until his 57th birthday. lo and behold, there it is! there's janice dean standing by with the forecast. >> what a well-behaved crowd. if i was back there i would be going, hi, mom and dad! how are you? very nice. we'll take a look at the forecast today across the country. we have the potential for severe storms over the southern plains. parts of the mississippi and tennessee river valley as well. we have a stalled frontal boundary that's been there for days. not only the threat for severe weather but flooding. several inches of rain. there's your threat today. and it kind of exists into tomorrow and on into tuesday where we could see hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. look at the potential for rain. 4 to 6 inches. they really need the rain out there. however, it could be a big flooding situation. so just keep that in mind. and tucker, i'm so excite stod be over here with you. we are going to talk about more barbecue. >> it is chris willie, author of "fire and smoke." one of the greatest barbecue pitmasters in the world, ever, telling us -- >> good to be here. >> what do you have? what are you doing? what can we learn?>> we'll taou specialties. our barbecue chick within white sauce. we have been doing it since 1925. my wife's great grandfather has been doing this. we have mayonnaise, we have lemon horse radish, whip it good, girl. we salt and pepper the chwhole chicken and put it on a car coal grill. you have to stay away from the propane. so much more flavor out of the charcoal grill. i don't touch the propane. i love the charcoal. >> not only charcoal, but what is that? >> yeah. that's hickory chips and kingsford charcoal. that's what we are grilling with today. i'm telling you about the white sauce chicken because that's our specialty. when the chicken comes off the grill, it's time to -- >> why does that look burnt to me, though? >> we'll get to that in a second. that's something special in itself. but we take the white chickens and submerge them in the barbecue white sauce. and not until you do that are they ready to go. >> oh! >> and they are so tender they are just going to absolutely melt. >> so that goes on after they have been barbecued. >> so where is the fork? >> you don't need forks with barbecue. if you want a wing, grab a wing. this brings us to the pork shoulder. this shoulder has won the world championship in memphis eight times, including four grand championships including 2014. >> this looks like something i would burn in the oven. >> that's the mark. that's the most flavorful that is right. that's where the dry rub meets the smoke, meets the fire, and you tell me that's burnt? you tell me that's burnt. >> come on. >> dig in. >> come on, now. look at the moisture inside of there. >> you've got to try the burnt part, too. >> i don't mind if i bring the burnt stuff home. >> our pork shoulder does not need sauce, does it? >> it doesn't. >> that's just right off the grill. >> you are a genius. i have said that for years. >> we have the recipes for all this. >> the book is "fire and smoke." we'll take it back. i think we'll throw it right back to clayton. and anna. >> i'm drooling over here. >> come on over! >> we are on our way. >> our tails are wagging. can i prove it to you? our tails are wagging. hey, guys. have you guys seen doggies in a stroller? you never know what you are going to see on "fox and friends." >> you never know. coming up on the show, he was in bowe bergdahl's unit and said there's no doubt bowe's actions got people killed. he joins us live, next. and from day one their special bond is easy to see. meet the special parents who had the twins born holding hands. ♪ [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. .. .. how are you doing? hope you are doing well. pope francis is holding anceden. the pope says he's not trying to get involved in middle east politics but wants the leaders to come together to pray for peace. he invited them to the holy land last month. and surveillance video shows a bolt of lightning obliterating a tree in sarasota state park in new york. the 50,000 bolt rips off limbs, branches and causes sparks. today retired army specialist sam matsumitso says it still haunts him. the search for bowe bergdahl's captors turned deadly when sergeant curtiss was shot and killed. he's speaking out today that the truth come out about bergdahl who should not be praised as a hero. sam, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> what do you make of the attacks on you and other members of your unit? we saw another in "the new york times" say they are coming from the left making the case that bergdahl left because everyone else in his unit was substandard and disorganized. how do you respond to that? >> you know, i would not want to speculate on why they are saying that. i could certainly understand if they are looking at it from a political perspective, the skepticism that they might have, but as far as us being dysfunctional or in some way responsible for that happening, i think it's a completely false allegation. that's just kind of my opinion on it. >> you were there and i agree with you completely, it's likely a political maneuver. the other allegation you've seen coming from the obama administration is that nobody died in the pursuit of bowe bergdahl on his captors, that nobody actually died. you say that's not true. >> correct. i do say that's not my true. that's my understanding on the mission that i was on when staff sergeant curtiss was killed. we were doing something directly connected to the attempts to find information and get bergdahl back. again, i don't know why that would be being said nor would i really care to speculate on that being that the kind of political side of it is not the reason for us coming out and speaking on the matter. >> but you can verify unequivocally that a man, curtiss, whose picture was on the screen, was killed in a mission connected to bergdahl's disappearance? >> i can, in fact, verify that to my understanding the mission we were on was to get an individual who supposedly had connections to the group that had captured bergdahl. as far as the outcome of that mission, i never saw the intel on it, so i don't know if the individual actually did or not. >> i read other members of the unit said they suspected that given the behavior of the taliban after bergdahl left that they believed it was possible he gave strategically significant information to the taliban. had you heard that? did you suspect that? >> i had heard that and i wasn't with him in captivity. so i don't know what information was or was not given, whether it be other than accord or because he was coerced and wanted to save his life over it. it is certainly possible, not outside the realm of possibility at all, but i wouldn't really be comfortable saying yes or no because i wasn't there with him during that time period. >> do you believe he deserted? >> yes. i absolutely believe he deserted. >> do you think he served with honor and distinction? >> no. no, i do not. by virtue of the facts that i believe he did desert, i think that inherently goes against serving with honor and distinction. i do believe those of us in my unit, the 501st and those involved in the efforts after we were gone and while we were there to get him back and find out where he was, i think those people definitely served with honor and distinction. >> yes, it sounds like they did. sam masamitsu, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, sir. get ready to be bombarded with political ads as the midterm elections get closer. frank luntz is picking them apart. who is whipping the ad war? he joins us next hour. and from day one their special bond was easy to see. we meet the parents whose twins entered the world hand in hand. ♪ my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. this picture captures the nation's heart. newborn twins, jenna and jillian faced a rare and dangerous health condition born holding hands together. look at this. and now after a month in the hospital they are finally home and doing well. how are they doing? let's meet them. the happy parents, sarah and bill and newborns jenna and jillian. nice to see all four of you this morning. how you guys doing? >> wonderful. >> great. thank you. >> so how are the little girls doing this morning? >> they're doing really good. they're a little fussy right now, but other than that they're doing awesome. >> so, i'm sure that whirlwind of having the twins on that morning must have been crazy. were you aware that they were holding hands at the time? or what did you think when you saw that image afterwards? >> well, at first we didn't because they had the screen up, so we didn't get to see the c-section, whatever. and then, as soon as they had popped them up the first thing that we saw was the girls together, and holding hands. so it was -- i was quite taken by the whole thing. >> sarah, what did you think when you saw that? >> my gosh my heart just melted. at first it took awhile for me to even be able to see them. they kept having to hold them up a little higher but i kept hearing the doctor say oh, my gosh, they're holding hands, they're holding hands. like i said it just melted my heart and i was so excited just to see them and to see them holding hands. it was just beautiful. >> well, and they had been through at that point they'd been through a lot together already. >> yes. >> taking care of each other. they had a rare condition. tell us about what they went through. 1 in 10,000 babies have this. >> yeah, they are in the same amniotic sac so the whole time they're touching. in one of the ultrasounds one of the babies was grabbing the other one's foot. you could see them. they touch all the time. which is awesome. but with that, they can wrap umbilical cords, and it's just a very high risk pregnancy. we can get cord compression, and it's a lot of babies don't survive. so -- >> bill, what's been the response from people when you're just out and about in the community? >> it's been unbelievable. you know, everybody, the entire city has just, anywhere that we go, somebody we always see somebody, and they're always so happy to see us and so happy to hear about the girls, and how everything's going. i mean, it's-it's been awesome. >> wonderful. bill you ready to be a dad of two girls? can you handle it? >> i'm going to have to be. >> yeah, that's great. so they are able to come home now, finally, and how much do they weigh now. they got their weight up, right? you're able to get some food in them. >> yeah. jenna weighs almost six pounds. she's five pounds, 15 ounces, and jillian is 5 pounds 9 ounces. >> wow. unbelievable. sarah and bill, congratulations to you both. pleasure to meet the little ones this morning. >> thank you. >> thanks, guys. coming up here on the show, it's a prison escape pulled right from a hollywood script. inmates vanish out of a prison with the help of a helicopter. how is that even possible? upgrade to the philips norelco shaver series 8000 for the most advanced shaving experience. with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50. ♪ ♪ ♪ until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. how can a tablet replace your laptop? start with the best writing experience. make it incredibly thin. add an adjustable kickstand, a keyboard, a usb port, and the freedom of touch. and, of course, make it run microsoft office, with the power and speed to do real work. introducing surface pro 3. the tablet that can replace your laptop. i'm saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for auote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. hey, everybody, great to be with you. it's sunday the 8th of june, 2014, i'm anna kooiman. he failed to take the triple crown, then was california chrome tarnished by his owner's post-race interview. >> it's all or nothing. it's all or nothing. this is a coward's way out in my opinion. this was the coward's way out. >> we're going to explain what he's talking about and ask you is he a sore loser or does he have a point? you report, we decide. >> from gitmo to a five star villa in the sand. new details this morning about the luxurious accommodations the taliban prisoners are enjoying. the ones traded for bowe bergdahl. they're living better than you are. details in a minute. >> do they get little soap and chocolates on their pillow at thiet? and a legendary band's favorite pastime putting them under fire. the move to ban metallica from a music festival because the lead singer, well he does something outrageous. outrageous. he loves to hunt. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. you guys ready? let's roll it. >> summertime out here on the plaza. >> we were all cooped up all winter we were cooped up. you guys excited for summer? >> yeah. >> for the free barbecue later. >> that's right. welcome in to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. >> if you're ever in midtown manhattan on the weekends. >> right. >> 6:00 to 10:00 you can always get free snacks here. it's like a soup kitchen kind of. >> we're going to have coffee. we're going to have some barbecue in just a moment. first let's talk about the big story everyone's talking about this morning. the belmont stakes. and what happened with california chrome yesterday couldn't pull it out. right out of the -- right when he started he got a gash on his leg. and then couldn't pull it out. tonalist ended up pulling out the big vick dry. but it might not have been the horse race itself that has everyone talking. it's what the co-owner of california chrome had to say afterwards that really has everyone talking. take a listen to what he said. is he a sore loser or not? >> this is just a very big race. these are the horses, they always set them out. they set them out and try to upset the apple cart. it's not fair to these horses that have been in the game since day one. i look at it this way. if you can't make enough points to get in the kentucky derby you can't run in the other two races. it's all or nothing. because this is not fair to these horses that have been running their guts out for these people, and for the people that believe in them for have somebody to come up. this was the coward's way out. >> unfortunately the way that the rules are and have always been our producers did some research is that you have to win the kentucky derby. you have to win the preakness. you have to win the belmont stakes but you don't have to keep in all of them. tonalist had some fresh legs. there were some other horses competing that had fresh legs that came in ahead, and of course california chrome taking fourth place. and maybe he'll kick late at the end that's typically what he does in the first place. but he lost and that's why the whole deal is that if this is a the test of a champion you have to be able to do all three, win all three of them. >> but does he have a point? >> here's the point. the test of character is how you behave not when you win but when you lose. he knew the rules going in. he may have an entirely valid point but that isn't the point in this case. the point is if one of my kids said something like this after losing a soccer game i'd be outraged. i'd ground him for bad sportsmanship. >> but does he have a point? >> whining about losing and attacking the people beat you as fair and square as cowards. it's ridiculous. >> the other thing is -- >> he shouldn't be attacking them. only three of these horses ran in the previous races during the belmont stakes. so they were up against all of these fresh-legged horses. >> but if one of your kids acted this way after losing a game how would you respond? >> at the same time -- >> some people would say because the belmont stakes we don't typically even talk about the belmont stakes unless there is a chance for the triple crown. right? we talked about it two years ago when i'll have another was up for it and ended up scratching just before the race but this is not a race that we talk about typically so the issue might not have been fresh like it is right now. maybe he had a point. maybe that's why he felt like he -- >> this morning in a recent interview he doubled down on his comments and called his rivals out again saying basically they're cheating the system. that they're just trying to stack the deck against you know, having a winner. and they don't want to see a triple crown. will probably never see a triple crown again. should we go right to the heart of america right now? >> heart of america i think would be probably on 47th street. >> 47th street? >> oh, you -- >> 48th? >> did you guys watch the race yesterday? >> i missed the race. but i felt really bad for the owners and i felt bad for america, because it's america's horse. >> so you thought he should have won? how did you feel about it? do you think -- do you think that he has a point, the co-owner of california chrome, is the deck stacked against him? >> i almost do think he does just because the three races -- i mean, if you're going against the same -- i don't know, i feel like if you continue -- i don't know. i think -- >> stumped you. >> i mean there's two sides i think of course because if you're competing against the same three each race is it really also a challenge for -- >> for new people to come in? >> the new racers to come in and the new horses that are there fresh legs? you guys agree with the fresh legs part of this? >> well i mean you know the rules going into it. which he understands how the rules work. they shouldn't have a problem after the fact. >> this wasn't a surprise. this is what we're saying this is a long history of horse racing and he knows about it, right? >> they're kind of all about changing the rules though, right? the nose strip was something that was banned in new york. they had that changed. and his argument was, it's more humane to the horse actually keeps the nasal passages open, reduces bleeding in the lungs and a lot of people say it's not good to do this to these animals to do all three races it's unhealthy for them and too much to ask especially with belmont stakes being the longest leg of this race. >> your primary concern is the horses. horse racing itself. >> but let's be honest, right? >> the life span of a race horse -- >> but the point is should he behave like this? and kids are watching this and it's a message you know if you lose you get to attack the people who beat you fairly? under the existing rules you entered into voluntarily? >> i don't see -- great question because i -- when you brought up the point we were talking about is he a sore loser it sounded a little winey. i don't recall wayne gretzky doing that. when he would lose would he wine and complain about other teams? when michael jordan would lose would he whine and complain about the other teams? >> show some dignity. suck it up, show some character. doesn't anybody suffer quietly anymore? >> suffer quietly with alcohol and a cigar. and just -- >> different kind of quiet suffering. >> stew in your own filth. >> folks at home let us know what you think. facebook, twitter, e-mail. we want to tell you about fox news alert now. comedian tracy morgan remains in critical condition after saturday's deadly wreck in new jersey but according to a friend he's been smiling in the hospital. the truck driver involved in the six car accident has been charged. the walmart driver reportedly dozed off and then smashed into the back of morgan's limo van. a cliff friend of morgan james mcnair was killed in the crash. walmart's ceo said in a statement if it's determined that our truck caused the crash, walmart will take full responsibility. two other passengers remain in the hospital, one of them comedian arte fuqua who posted his picture inside the limo van just before the wreck happened. the troubled department of veterans affairs will need to keep searching for a new secretary. cleveland clinic ceo and vietnam veteran dr. toby cosgrove withdrawing his name from consideration. saying there's still work to be done at the cleveland administration. they've been searching for a new secretary since eric shinseki resigned last month. and it sounds like something out of an action movie. >> go, go, go! >> what happened? >> welcome to con air. >> yes, so here's the zeal. helicopters swooped in and picked up three prisoners from a quebec, canada, detention center, all three men were jailed on murder and drug trafficking charges and awaiting trial. police now looking for a green helicopter with red and white markings. warning anyone who sees them to call police immediately. this is the second helicopter-aided inmate escape in quebec in two years. >> you see a helicopter with these markings. >> it's probably getting painted at the moment. >> an italian flag floating around quebec right now. >> so many of them. and a priceless graduation gift for one massachusetts teenager. >> keep going. thank you. jessica bolero was reunited with her sister chelsea. the two haven't seen each other in a year and a half. chelsea has been serving in the navy overseas in italy. chelsea said she knew the day was going to be difficult because it marks the two-year anniversary of their father's death. >> i know graduation is special but the anniversary is special. she shouldn't be without her dad or her sister on this day. >> chelsea was granted a two-week leave for the visit. isn't that sweet. >> thank you, anna. >> the house of representatives will be beginning a closed door briefing tomorrow from representatives from the executive branch. that would be the obama administration on what exactly happened with the bowe bergdahl deal. why, for example, did the administration not obey the law and tell the congress they were planning this deal? and did the administration know about his background. did he likely deserted his post before they traded him for five high level taliban operatives. >> right, so why are they waiting so long to get this information out? we knew about this report almost 24 hours after he had deserted and walked away from the base. why did we have to wait, why did congress not get this information as you pointed out, and when we talked to chris wallace a little bit earlier on the show the intelligence committee, all of this information is kept behind closed doors secret. we knew about the bin laden raid. they were tipped off about the bin laden raid well ahead of time but they wouldn't be let known about swapping these five soldiers out. we've talked to a specialist on the show earlier this morning and he said he was there and he said they knew when he walked away, listen. >> the report that we received within 24 hours, essentially stated that number one, he had left a note saying that he didn't agree with certain things that were happening with our efforts there. that he had left his equipment and we also had matching intelligence reports that stated that he had essentially made communications with some local villagers and was inquiring to the location of the insurgency. >> part of the problem with all this anyway is spin. there was this elaborate ceremony in the rose garden, with the parents, and all of that acting like this was a huge victory when a lot of critics say this is actually a huge victory for the taliban, not for the united states, in a lot of ways it's kind of a dark day for the united states. and the other issue is they were saying, well we had to rush in and get him because his health is failing. he was about to drop dead. and then they spun it again and said no, it was actually because they were about to kill him. he had to go rescue him. >> interesting the villains in this story from the perspective of the white house are the other men in bergdahl's unit. they've been attacked relentlessly from the left twice in recent days from "the new york times." we interviewed one of them this morning and asked him, you know, you were there. what do you make of bergdahl's behavior in combat and here's what he said. >> by virtue of the fact that i believe he did desert i think that kind of inherently goes against serving with honor and distinction. i do believe that those of us in my unit, first the 501st and those who were 1r068ed in the effort afters we were gone and while we were there to get him back and find out where he was, i think those people definitely served with honor and distinction. >> what i don't get is why do you have to athotack these guys. they want to defend the bergdahl deal, that's all right. why are they attacking the guys who served with bergdahl who were just american soldiers doing their job. why are they villains? >> they're trying to defend the obama administration. trying to defend this was a smart decision that this guy was an american hero. but sure he wandered away occasionally. he was out there and he'd wander off but he'd always come back. he'd done it a couple of times. by the way, his platoon kind of accepted that. it was very accepting platoon. they were ragtag. they used to wear bandannas. >> some of them died searching for him. it seems pretty outrageous to attack them. they were just saying i was there when one of them died. >> and meanwhile, we're supposed to believe that these four star generals as they've been equated to the five of them from the taliban are living in four star villas. so how does that make any sense? >> well let us know what you think about it. friends get ready to be bombarded with political ads as the midterm elections heat up. >> charlie crist sure does love obamacare. >> health care bill, how would you have voted on that? >> i would have voted for it. >> frank luntz already picking them apart. who's winning the ad war? he's going to join us next. >> and it's a good thing he was the king of pop. wait until you hear the amount of money michael jackson's kids burn through every year. coming up. >> spitting image. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. welcome back. as we move closer to the crucial midterm elections you'll be ambushed by political ads. are you ready? some of the spots are already making an impact. pollster frank luntz reviews the hottest ads so far. good morning, frank. >> the ads are coming fast and furious. most of them aren't pretty good but i picked out three of them that are having an impact in the stays that they're playing in. >> let's start with charlie crist, an obamacare ad. let's roll it and get frank's reaction. >> charlie crist sure does love obamacare. >> health care bill, how would you have voted on that? >> i would have voted for it. >> disthe position on health care? >> i support it. it's very important that we get it implemented and i think it's wonderful that we have this. >> i believe that the plan is a good ran. >> it's the right thing to do our country needed to do it. i'm glad he did it. i'm glad we have it. i think it's the right thing to do. i stay with my friends. >> obamacare isn't working and instead of staying in florida charlie crist -- >> shown to a group of swing voters, frank. what was the reaction? >> what's interesting is that the democratic line was higher than the republican line. if you want to show voters where you stand, it can't just be one or two sound bites. the reason why that ad worked is we got to see seven times charlie crist endorse obamacare. as you know it's not particularly pop in florida. even democrats said that that ad is credible because crist has said again and again, seven times, that he supports the legislation. >> all right. let's take a look at this next one about a breast cancer survivor ad from put alaska first. take a look. >> i was born and raised in alaska. i'm a mother. a runner. and a breast cancer survivor. i was lucky. i beat cancer. but the insurance companies still denied me health insurance, just because of a pre-existing condition. i now have health insurance again. because of mark bagich. because he fought the insurance companies so that we no longer have to. >> put alaska first is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> does that do well for mark begich? >> it did. very effective. and even republicans were dialling it up. the key there is if you want to support or oppose obamacare, it's essential that you personalize it, individualize it and humanize it. that story of that woman with breast cancer was very moving and you didn't even know it was a political ad until the last ten seconds. that's key. if it's immediately political, we won't watch. >> all right, how about this one. goose and gander ad from u.s. senate candidate tomcaten. take a look. >> i'm tom cotton. i approve this message. >> what's good for the goose ought to be good for the gander. but not in washington. mark pryor cost the deciding vote to make you live under obamacare. but pryor votes himself and everyone in congress special subsidies so they're protected from obamacare. exemptions and special subsidies from mark pryor, higher insurance premiums for you. mark pryor, voting with obama. voting against arkansans like you. >> what did you see frank? >> one of the best ads, humorous ads that we've seen in a campaign and the reason why is we hate politicians who pass laws for everybody else and then live under their own laws themselves. any senator who voted to exempt either himself or his staff from obamacare is in deep trouble in this election, because the american people won't appreciate that. >> thank you, frank luntz. i know you pull everything, frank. did you get a poll yet on the beard? >> yes, they've told me to shave it off. but if you want to participate in one of those polls go to this morning. and sign up. >> i think it looks great. >> that's my poll. >> thanks, frank. coming up here on the show. have you ever heard of secondary drowning? it can happen hours after playing in the water. this is something that every parent needs to know before their kids hit the pool this summer. it is scary. and a legendary band's favorite past 3 time putting them uner is fire this morning. the move to ban metallica from a music festival because the lead singer, well he loves to do some hunting. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ what happened? life happened. stress. fun. bad habits. kids. kids. kids. now what? not milk. not sheep. not that. let's think smarter. let's get some science in here. let's build a bed. another bed? no, a smarter bed a entirely new sleep number bed that tracks your movement, your heartbeat, your breathing - sensors working directly with the dual air chambers - yeah you need the air chambers. introducing the sleep number bed now with sleepiq technology. it tracks your sleep patterns and tells you how to adjust for... a good night's sleep, a better night, and an awesome night. so what sleep number adjustments make the difference? try cranking it up? adjust it down? a little bubbly? or nix the late night flicks? wait, you'll know what works, cuz sleepiq™ technology tells you. and all you have to do is sleep. which is easy. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98 because everyone deserves a great night's sleep. know better sleep with sleep number. hey, everybody. here's your news by the numbers. first, 5,000, that's how many convictions prosecutors across the united states will revisit amidst growing concerns over false verdicts. an average of 68 convictions are exonerated per year because of case reviews. next, 8 million dollars. that's how much michael jackson's three kids get in an allowance each year. prince, paris, and blanket spend the money on special schools, lavish trips, gifts for friends and more. finally 40 miles. that's how far 14-year-old hunter gandy is carrying his younger brother braden to raise awareness for cerebral palsy. the two should finish the journey later today. taking the kids for a summer swim is fun, really fun, but it can turn deadly in a matter of hours even after you leave the pool. it's something called secondary drowning. it's terrifying, it's something every parent ought to know about. >> he's not blue, you know, he's choking up the water. he seems fine. she said you need to take ronan to the e.r. right now. you literally can't even turn your back five seconds. >> so how does something like this even happen? here to tell us more is nurse practitioner erin tolbert. nice to see you this morning. i think this is one of the more important stories of the morning because parents see the kids, he's fine. he may be under there a little too long. you get the kid home, maybe coughing a little bit. and then this is when this happened hours after you leave the pool. what is it. >> this is called secondary drowning. which is a very serious complication of a near-drowning incident pfr your child falls in the pool or jump in and they're having a little bit of trouble, they get out, cough a couple times, happens to kids all the time. with secondary drowning what happens is your lungs are damaged from inhaling a little bit of this water. and when the sacs in the bottom of your lungs are damaged it impacts the way they can deliver oxygen to your bloodstream. your bloodstream is not getting oxygen, your heart and brain aren't either and so eventually your heart can stop pumping. >> there's nothing scarier than this. as you said it happens all the time. kids suck in water in their lungs all the time. how do you know when it's serious and worth going to the hospital or not? >> the difference between traditional drowning incident and a secondary drowning is the time between the onset of symptoms. and so that lung damage doesn't really start to manifest itself from everywhere from 1 to 48 hours after the actual near-drowning incident. >> on our screen we have some symptoms like lethargy. >> right. coughing. lethargy is more than oh, i've been at the pool all day i'm a little bit tired. it's a profound fatigue. shortness of breath, also vomiting. particularly if you have symptoms after your kids are swimming especially if they've had an incident like this it's really important to take them to the emergency room to get checked out. >> we always hear kids can drown in as little as an inch of water. >> exactly. >> something like that. so is it just swimming pools? could this phenomenon happen just after a bath or a shower for small child? >> it can happen in any body of water. swimming pools are the most common offender especially for kids. kids one to four are most at risk. it's actually drowning is the second cause of death in kids ages 1 to 4. be really careful if you've got toddlers. they don't know the pool rules yet. they're not steady on their feet. so do a touch supervision. always be within arm's length, especially at the pool. but bath time too is important. a lot of times you get distracted. when you think of drowning on tv you see a lot of screaming and yelling for help. essentially that's not the case. if you can't breathe you can't yell for help so you need eyes on your kids all the time. >> can doctors do anything about it so you notice the symptoms in your child after he breathes in water five hours later? the child can be saved? >> oh, certainly. we saw in the case of this mom who spoke earlier her child is perfectly fine now and so what we do in the emergency room is take a chest x-ray, look for fluid in the lung. put the child on oxygen with an oxygen mask. usually that's enough to treat it. more serious cases you might have to be on a breathing machine. but it is curable. you can be treated for it. >> if you know about it. like this mom called her pediatrician and the pediatrician who is normally calm said get him to the e.r. right now. >> exactly. >> so parents pay attention to those symptoms that we just showed you especially after a day in the water. you don't want it to turn tragic. >> thanks. >> erin, thanks for the education. no sunscreen allowed on field trips. even to the pool. one concerned parent seriously questioning a school policy after her daughter came down with a very bad sunburn. she was fried. that girl's mother now speaking out ahead. >> and father's day is just a week away. do you have a gift? you ought to. but if you don't stick around. clayton has a gift guide for you. ♪ ♪ all she wants to do is dance >> that's the theme soall she w. >> that's true. >> in case you're planning on going to the festival in great britain which i think is the biggest one in the ish isles, you're probably following metallica, the american metal band is facing a controversy. 18,000 people have signed a petition trying to band them from the music festival. why? because the lead guitarist likes to hunt. they say he should be banned because of it. >> he's a well-known hunter. he's done television shows related to it. he's got photos of himself after he shot some bears. this is the first time metallica was going to be playing at this festival. so it was a big deal for them. they said no we don't want him there because of the fact he's out there killing animals. >> you know what, this is known to be kind of a hippie concert and you know, a very progressive crowd. but do these people not eat meat? are they all vegetarians every single one of them? >> that would be an interesting poll. >> especially if you eat what i kill. is there really a problem with it? we're carnivores. >> but you're being logical anna. stop. this is not about reason. this is about culture. these are people who hate american culture. these are the ones who are always calling bush a cowboy, hating the idea that there are americans running around the woods with guns because people shouldn't be allowed to do that. only authorities should have guns. >> you also bring up the good point that a lot of hunters are could be servationists. >> most of them. >> some of the best conservationists are hunters. they know what it's like to keep an ecosystem going. right? they know man versus nature. they keep it clean. they're the ones that are aware of the streams and rivers. >> ducks unlimited has done more for wetlands than the epa has ever thought of doing. hunters and fishermen keep america clean and keep the outdoors intact. >> we asked what you thought about this. janet tweeted and says if you don't like him don't go to the concert. thank you. >> and janette says they are musical talent and what they do in their spare time is not our business. >> also is this the worst thing that heavy metal fans do in their spare time? i don't think so. scott writes wonder if they'll ban any band that eats meat next? if i was hetfield i'd cancel the gig. >> the only band would be morsi's band. they're all vegans. >> let me know what you think. >> our facebook page as well. >> we have some other stories making head lines. hillary clinton taking a shot at karl rove in an interview with abc news. the former secretary of state responding to his comments she may have suffered brain damage after a concussion that led to a blood clot back in 2012. >> what would you like to say to karl rove about your brain? >> that, i know he was called bush's brain in one of the books written about him. and i wish him well. >> clinton adding she will likely have to be on blood thinners for the rest of her life. and the world showing its gratitude for john please, getting married later this month. supporters not only bought every single wedding gift on the couple's registry they paid for their honeymoon, too. the 22-year-old was hailed a hero after taking down the suspected gunman with pepper spray. one person was killed three others hurt in that shooting. a 10-year-old texas girl suffered severe southernburn during a field trip because of her school's no sunscreen policy. the school's spokesperson saying sunscreen is toxic and that students could eat it. so the little girl's mother, christy joined us earlier this morning. >> the reality is children don't eat sunscreen. and they're not going to. and sunscreen isn't a toxin or it wouldn't have been approved by the fda. when we have protection out there that's fda approved, then they need to use it. >> christy says other schools in the district do not follow this policy. and years later, a son makes good on a promise to his father and now this video is going viral, watch. >> there you go. >> dad, now there's one right there in the garage. there's one -- >> happy birthday. >> playing and all of a sudden the surprise of a lifetime. teary eyed as he embraces his son mike king. at the age of 8 years old he promised he would get his dad a 57 chevy on his 57th birthday. mike worked overtime to buy it and kept it hidden for two years. >> how do you keep that hidden for two years? >> pretty nice. pretty really nice. >> speaking of pretty nice. really nice. on the scene. somewhere. >> look at this crowd today. this is the best crowd i have ever seen! oh, my gosh! where are these fresh faces from? >> these kids are traveling here from idaho falls, idaho. they're eighth graders going to boston learning about american history from global travel alliance. >> who wants to do the weather? >> i do. >> what's your name? >> benson. >> put the maps up for you and you can read some temperatures for me. >> all right. >> can you see the temperatures? >> yeah. >> give them to me. okay, well, seattle is going to be 55. >> yep. >> so is san francisco. los angeles, 63. >> got it. >> and miami is 82. >> showers and thunderstorms? >> we have some showers and thunderstorms across the plains states. >> and moving into -- >> and moving into the great lakes. >> oh, my gosh. how great was he? okay. one more, one more question. what channel do the students in idaho watch? >> fox news! >> will you be able -- >> love it! >> oh! >> all right. >> is she done with the weather? is she done? okay. you mind if i do some gadgets now? can i do some gadgets? >> yeah. father's day is right around the corner and clayton's got some ideas for us. >> did you guys get your father's day gadgets yet? did you buy gifts? >> no. >> then this segment is for you. i've got some great gadgets for father's day. dads love gadgets, and they love coffee. this is like the mercedes of coffeemakers from nespresso. in 25 seconds this bad boy heats up, has the coffee pods you pop right in the top, you pop it down. you can make lattes, cappuccinos, 25 seconds and you can use the single use pods and it's got a touch screen on the top. >> holy smoke. >> how about these covers here? >> these are fantastic from zazle. if you go to you can get your family photos printed out. here's my little family. you get them printed out for iphone cases, different smartphone cases. here's an ipad case. plus tucker you can get your dog, anna, you can get your dog thrown on a mouse pad here. >> that is absolutely key. the folks over at deal for fathers is the code you get 15% off if you go to >> did you make this one for yourself? >> yeah. so what is this? i-home. i see these in hotel rooms. >> the i-home docking station have a great line of products and they do fantastic streaming music setups. so this is great for the father's office. take phone calls over speaker phone. pop on your device and does the charging as well. you can wirelessly send your music right to it. so it does the speaker phone, charges your phone. great for father's home office or take it to work. >> how much are they? >> they range in price. from $79.99 on up. this is a docking station. you can throw your ipad on top of there, as well. and your iphone. also on my arm, new smartwatch. tucker was asking me this morning what in the world i've got on my arm. this is the pebble steel. it's the pebble steel. which is a brand-new watch from pebble and you can get notifications, alerts, tell the time, change the watch faces. all of those things. it pairs with your smartphone and has five to seven days of battery life. you can see it out here in the bright sunlight in new york city right now and you can still see it really well. >> that's so cool. it looks pretty normal. >> absolutely. >> so what am i holding in my hands? >> that is the i-grill. and you can monitor your meat from afar. can you sit on the coach, you can drink a beer and you can throw some steaks on the grill and you can monitor the temperature and know when it's time to go outside. >> this steel cable you plug it into your phone. >> no you plug it into the meat and it wirelessly over bluetooth will send you an alert. >> isn't some of the fun hanging out there around the grill with the beer and talking? >> you can go downstairs and play with the kids in the backyard. and then alert -- >> my meat is a medium rare and that's the way i want it. finally, baseball lovers, golf lovers, the dad who lovers to get out there and play tennis, this allows users to actually track their movement and get better at golf. you put it on the bottom of your golf club and it works using your smartphone. you just launch the app and it will tell you oh, you sliced. you went too far like our producer gavin who hits offer into the forest all the time. you'll be able to see exactly what you did wrong. >> it criticizes you? >> and helps you get better. >> what if you don't want any more of that in your life? >> then you don't get yelled at by your teammates when you're out on the golf course. >> this really works? >> this really works. pairs with your smartphone. you download the app and it's really great. >> can you get one that just compliments you no matter what you do? >> you're amazing. >> i want to get one that's passive aggressive. >> thank you, clayton. >> sure. >> go to fox& >> maria bart roma is standing by. inches from us. >> guys, have you seen this strawberry pie over here? >> oh! >> oh, i'm just saying, o.m.g. okay. fresh strawberry pie. upgrade to the philips norelco shaver series 8000 for the most advanced shaving experience. with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50. be a sound sleeper, or...l you a mouth breather? well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? you know that dream... on my count. the one where you step up and save the day? make it happen. (crowd) oh no... introducing verizon xlte. hey guys, i got it right here! we've doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. so take on more. with xlte. for best results, use verizon. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ] 1200 bucks. that's how much the epa regulations on greenhouse gases could cost your family per year in utility bills alone. >> according to new research from the heritage foundation the new regulations would also cut jobs. >> so who would be hurt the most by these regulations. here to break it down is the host of sunday morning futures maria bartiromo. of course the idea is to cut down on carbon emissions. but, i mean, also 600,000 jobs could be lost according to this new research. that's a big problem. >> it's a big problem. and one of the big issues here is the fact that what is this going to do immediately? immediately, it sent electricity prices higher. so the consumer at the end of the day gets hurt holding the bag because their prices just went up. in terms of job creation, chamber of commerce came out with a report, as soon as these new rules were released, saying this is going to cut at least 225,000 new jobs a year until 2030 and then, of course there is the fact that it's really not moving the needle in terms of cutting carbon emissions. because that's really a global phenomenon. and they estimate that it's only actually cutting emissions by 1.8%. a lot of stuff hurting business, cutting jobs -- >> anybody who knows anything about the electrical grid laughs bitterly at this. there aren't enough wind farms and never will be to make up the difference. coal supplies about half of all electricity in the united states. >> unfortunately coal is incredibly important, and impactful in the u.s. economy, and by eliminating these you're cutting jobs, and as you just said, it's going to be more expensive. because, you cannot move the needle in terms of actually cutting emissions and actually using wind and solar for our electricity needs. >> and it's going to hit low and middle income families the worst. >> exactly. they're the ones that are going to be paying more for electricity and they're the ones going to see their jobs getting impacted. it just feels like job creation is not the priority. if it were the priority a lot of these things, i don't think, would be front and center. for example the keystone pipeline. delaying that decision. that's like an immediate job creator. if job creation was the priority, i think that would not be the case. and now this is the same thing >> if we're trying to bring manufacturing back to the country, there's over 300,000 jobs will be lost in the manufacturing base alone. >> yeah. >> i don't know how you're going to move the needle on that. >> we're talking about the economy. you know that 95% of all packages shipped are shipped in cardboard boxes. okay. paper boxes. we're going to talk with the ceo of international paper. he's got a direct read on how this economy is doing. in addition we're talking about bowe bergdahl. we've got a member of the arms committee, senate arms committee on today, representative randy forbes to talk about the white house not informing congress beforehand with those -- that swap of bergdahl and five detainees. we're going to talk to the former ambassador of nato about the same subject. and of course, then, interesting commentary from the head of a company called task light, he's come up with a way for all of us to know exactly how much stuff costs in our he has come up with a way for all of us to know exactly how much stuff costs. >> black pepper biscuits and strawberry pie. maria said she might cancel her show just to get some of that pie. ♪ quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor our doctor aboy history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take 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trick, if you don't have a brush, a little scrape there. >> you're a charcoal guy? >> how long you keep it on there. >> we just want crispy skin. >> a minute and a half on each side. you cannot get the flavor from anything that you can from charcoal. if you can help me prepare the chow chow. one scoop of each. >> what is that? >> a mix of vegetables, it's been pickled. this is the start. it's just a great condiment for the sausage. >> you're not going to put the whole thing on a bun are you? >> just for y'all. got a nice color there. >> it's looking pretty good. >> janice and ann. >> put it right on our plate. >> here we go. >> my goodness. >> move this just for a second. >> you know what? >> we're going to have some strawberry pie after the break. >> look at that. >> looks incredible. right back. more coming up. andouille sausage. ♪ [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. >> we have got the biggest bbq block party happening right now. how's the pie? >> mmm. >> see you next week. stay tuned. >> welcome to sunday morn futures. the white house under fire today for not informing congress of a five for one swap of gitmo detainees. a member of the house armed services committee joins us today. >> a great jobs report for the month of may so why isn't the country feeling it? one big word,


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