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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20200117

robert ray will be joining, that was ken starr's successor after he left the office of legal counsel. so those are three figures that the president is adding to his impeachment defense team. they are in addition to pat cipollone, the white house counsel and jay sekulow the outside attorney. it is notable, we have been reporting trying to report for days about exactly what the president was thinking about in his legal team if he was going to be adding those republican house members who people like senator mitch mcconnell told him, no, they're not the best people to add. that's not who you want making this case to the group of senators. some moderate republicans you're going to immediate on the side. president is going with three additional legal help yea weights he'll be adding to his team this is notable. we were talking about pat cipollone and pat sekulow, leading this team, one question coming up is pat cipollone the white house counsel and his tv experience. he's not someone you recognize, the average viewer or seen on camera a lot in the past. it is hard to find video of him on camera. but of course alan dershowitz is someone who just this morning the president was quoting something he said on television. that's what led to his appeal to president trump, he's someone who the president has relied on for advice throughout the mueller investigation when he was being impeached in the fall. someone the president made clear he wanted on his team. now, as far as the discussions of getting dershowitz to join the president's team, he wasn't eager to join. it was a lot of back and forth between president trump and alan dershowitz on this. as you can tell with this announcement, this news today, my colleague pam brown and i are getting, he is now going to be on the team with ken starr and robert ray. you'll see them on tuesday presenting on the senate floor. >> you see the president's hand in these decisions. kaitlan collins, thank you very much. more on the next steps of the impeachment trial, cnn senior congressional correspondent manu raju on capitol hill. manu, they have been sworn in, these justice -- chief justice of the supreme court sworn in now and starting tuesday they sit and begin to hear the evidence. >> yeah, and this weekend there will be work happening behind the scenes as the house impeachment managers prepare their first brief, written brief, laying out their arguments and then the white house, the president's defense team expected to respond, ahead of those tuesday arguments. tuesday there will be a fight over the resolution on the floor of the senate. they'll lay out the terms of this trial. the procedures going forward. democrats had demanded that this -- that procedure would detail exactly the -- an agreement up front to call in witnesses, also to provide documents blocked by the white house, republicans, mitch mcconnell, the majority leader pushed back saying those decisions need to wait until later. that fight will flare up on tuesday as democrats try to amend that resolution and try to force the republicans hand on witnesses. expect republicans to push back on that. but once that settles out, republicans have the votes to approve their resolution, then the oral opening arguments will begin, the democrats will make their case, they'll have a set a time to make their case, and the president's defense team will make their case as well. and afterwards, that big question about how they deal with matters going forward. after senators asked their questions, the senators will decide whether or not to bring forward any witnesses, whether or not to demand or subpoena any documents. four republican senators at least could join with 47 democrats and that would be 51, simple majority in the senate, to subpoena some of these witnesses or subpoena some of these documents. we don't know if those votes will be there, so a lot of unpredictability ahead of this historic trial. >> a number said they're open to it, but have not made a commitment to it. manu raju, thank you very much. joining me to discuss, dana bash, ross garber who teaches impeachment law at tulane law school and cnn legal analyst. these three names, as you said, just a few minutes ago, you see the president's very much in this choice. >> they are people we know, alan dershowitz has not just been given the president advice through the airwaves, which is a place the president likes to get advice, particularly from lawyers, but you know, in person, on the phone, they have had contact and ken starr, look, he was the guy who was responsible for the entire -- back then, independent investigation of the last president who was impeached. so he knows the other side of this. >> an aggressive one. >> an aggressive one. and robert ray also has very deep experience. the question -- and as we just heard from our incredible reporters, kaitlan and pam, the plan is for them to be the presenters, the ones who are going to be speaking on the floor of the senate, the opposing council to all the managers we saw. >> the face of the president's defense and the president seemed to be not that convinced that the others had that kind of teeth. >> there has been such a tug of war about whether it should be people like this, or in addition to people like that, or maybe instead of people like this, house republicans who were the other favorites of the president, he was watching on television, he thought they were making their case. the senate majority leader pushed back hard on that saying that's a bad idea for the people you're trying to convince in the senate. and it looks like at least based on this he was right, he won. >> ross garber, this presents an interesting question, does it not, ken starr and robert ray, they were leading the impeachment investigation of bill clinton, they called witnesses, senate trial. there were new depositions, right? they had access to a whole host of documents and so on that the white house blocked. does that not open something of a vulnerability in the president's defense here? >> you're right. there were depositions. i think the bigger issue is i think what is going to happen now is everybody is going to go through all the past statements of ken starr and robert ray and find lots of comments about, you know, how significant impeachment is, and how important the office of the presidency is, because remember ken starr was on the other side of an impeachment before. and so, yes, you know, i think you're going to see that. as dana noted, these guys are very good on tv, which is what the president is looking for. and they can potentially speak to those republican senators in the middle who are at issue not really for removal of the president, but for calling witnesses. >> let's talk about that, dana, a vote on witnesses. so looks like we're headed toward a two stage process here, listen to the arguments, giving republicans something of a potential out to say i may call for witnesses if i hear something that convinces me that's necessary after hearing the initial arguments from both sides here. are you convinced there will be a meaning vote? >> i'm not convinced of anything. we're heading into the wild west. there are rules and parameters, but we don't know how it is going to go because as much of a road map the founding fathers gave on how to deal with a president, who the congress as part of the checks and balances thinks is not doing right by the country, how to get there is subject to the rules of the senate and the rules of the senate are subject to the senators who are there. so what we know is the democrats who going to be prosecuting this case, they want witnesses, they're going to clearly try to push for witnesses and there will have to be votes on those witnesses. but the majority leader has a lot of power in how to craft those resolutions and so that's a long way of saying we don't know. >> yeah, yeah. i don't know, democrats want witnesses, republicans may want to undermine the case. ross garber, timeline here. senator john barrasso on yesterday, he said from his perspective, this may take weeks. this idea of two to three weeks, is that a guarantee like dana said, like i said many times, dispense with the idea of any guarantee, i imagine, but how long can this go on? >> you're exactly right. the big question is witnesses. we'll see a couple of days of arguments by the house managers, the prosecutors, and the president's lawyers and a period of q&a from the senators through the chief justice, the chief justice asking the questions of the senators, you know, that might go on for a day or two. and then the question is witnesses. if there are no witnesses, they go to closing arguments and we're done in a couple of weeks. if there are witnesses, though, then who knows how long it might take. in clinton there were depositions of the witnesses, and then there was the discussion about whether the witnesses would actually testify at trial. so then, yeah, we could be looking at many weeks if there are witnesses. >> dana bash, ross garber, thank you very much. >> absolutely. >> this morning, the secretary of state mike pompeo says that he was not aware of possible surveillance of the former u.s. ambassador ma roy yovanovitrie . from zero casualties to multiple injuries, what we're learning about u.s. troops hurt during the missile attack on an air base in iraq. and three suspected neo-nazis arrested ahead of a pro gun rally at virginia state capital. we'll have more. need a change of scenery? kayak searches hundreds of travel sites and lets you filter by take-off time, layovers and more, so you can be confident you're getting the right flight at the best price. ♪ kayak. search one and done. here's another cleaning tip from mr. clean. cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. there's an easier way. try mr. clean magic eraser. just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum... 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his first comments about the allegations this morning in a radio interview. denying knowledge, really, have a listen. >> do you know lev parnas? >> never met him. >> all right. until this story broke, were you aware that ambassador marie yovanovitch was being surveilled while serving as ambassador? >> yeah, never heard about this at all, hugh. >> okay. now -- >> until this story broke, to the best of my recollection, i had never heard of this at all. >> ukraine, as i said, is conducting a criminal investigation into the matter. no word yet whether the u.s. will conduct an investigation of the surveillance of the u.s. ambassador. i'm joined by david gergen, former adviser to presidents nixon, ford, reagan and clinton. you've been pursuing this repeatedly with the state department and the secretary's office here. here you know how the secretary saying he wasn't aware of it, to the best of his recollection he wasn't aware of it. how about the answer to the simple question is the state department investigating this? >> in that question was not posed to the secretary in this interview this morning with hugh hewitt. he did say as you said the first comment that he has made on these revelations that ambassador marie yovanovitch was allegedly being surveilled by the giuliani associates. he said it is something he did not know about to the best of his recollection. but he did not take an opportunity there to go any further and talk about the fact that -- >> but the state department, what have they have they given you a simple answer? >> no, they haven't. we asked repeatedly about any reaction to the news and to what the state department is going to do about it. if they say it is wrong, they should be defending the security of the u.s. ambassador, and as i mentioned to you earlier this morning, they have said they made comments about the safety of u.s. ambassadors in the past. so this is noteworthy they're choosing not to say anything specific by about the safety of ambassador marie yovanovitch, when she was in kyiv. >> david gergen, you advised repeated multiple presidents here, what is the response? why not investigate and be very public about investigating the surveillance of yovanovitch, we know she testified under oath she was worried about her safety at the time. >> she should have been worried about -- should have been worried about it, jim. listen, i think the whole way this ambassador was treated was shameful. we now have abundant evidence there was a smear campaign led by rudy giuliani that to bring her down and it was part of a quid pro quo, different from the quid pro quo we have been talking about all along. and this case, it was the ukrainians telling the americans we will help you on biden, but you first have to get rid of yovanovitch, got to get her sent home. what happened? they sent her home. under a cloud. and with legitimate fear about her safety. so it seems to me at this point, enactuarialturirely credible thy pompeo did not know about this, but you would think at this point that his state department would be coming to the defense of their person, of their ambassador, that they would -- they lift the cloud that has been over her, make it clear she's going to protected and all these other things. because we have -- we saw in the previous impeachment hearings there are very fine people who are working as foreign service officers. they're first rate professionals and yet we also know that applications now to join the foreign service after all of this -- applications are down 50%. >> david, just to -- on another point, this is the testimony now or the commentary of lev parnas here. questions about his credibility, he's under indictment, it strikes me it is a similar situation with michael cohen, here is someone under indictment, but testified, gave information that in cohen's case u.s. attorneys took seriously here. how should the senate trial, how should the house, howgations he? >> on the face of it, he is not a credible witness. in particular, you know, he has -- there is a lot of dark sides to parnas, indicted on other charges, by the federal government, so we would typically say, not -- doesn't rise to the level of taking seriously. however, the documents give a lot of support to what the tale -- the tales that parnas is telling. and therefore, the issue coming up for the senate is not simply whether they get the witnesses, but also are they going to admit documents because the document trail is pretty important here and shedding new light on the story and it has strengthened the case that the house is bringing. >> yeah, we should note that ken starr, robert ray, they were involved in the trial of bill clinton, they called witnesses in the senate trial. there were depositions including the president. first question might be asked of them. kylie, back to the question of pompeo, i know the official answers you're getting on this, you speak to a lot of people in that building, a disappointment among u.s. diplomats in terms of the public response and lack of a public defense of a sitting u.s. ambassador? >> well, there is certainly disappointment, especially among former u.s. ambassadors who are basically disturbed by this. then there is also the fearful nature of some u.s. officials, diplomats i have talked to. one that i spoke with who served in ukraine said to me, this is a threat and so there are folks who are reading these text messages and just alarmd larmede fact that they're not defending the u.s. ambassador's safety, but they're also fearful because they really don't know about what the state department is doing to look into this and the authenticity of the possibility that these giuliani associates were tracking u.s. ambassador. >> listen, ukraine is a country where there are some folks wandering around that might pose a threat there. even some reference to that in the text messages. thank you, kylie. david gergen, one final question before i let you go, you look at the president's defense team, alan dershowitz, ken starr, robert ray, what does that tell you about the president's approach here to the senate trial? >> i think he's going to bring people who have a lot of experience. but there are also -- they can be very -- they can be very hard hitting on television. and they -- apparently they can talk after the day -- each day's work while the senators must stay quiet about what they heard. sitting as jurors. so i think he's gone for frankly -- more of a circus with them, alan dershowitz, of course, has been out there for a long time, taking up a lot of controversial clients over the years. he was in the studios at cnn here not long ago, jim, and at that time he had been talking to the president, that was a few weeks ago.bating whether he should do this or not. i think it is a case that naturally lends itself. he was trying to search his soul, did he want to do this or not do this. these are big leaguers the president brought in. but they do tend to be on the -- especially alan has a lot of flair and, you know, a lot of questions about circus. >> david gergen, thanks very much. mush apprecia much appreciated. >> okay, jim. 11 service members were injured by iran's attack on an air base in iraq last week. why we're learning just now about those injuries and known as traumatic brain injuries resulting from explosions. we'll have more. big thing i recently learned as a parent? baby's skin is absorbent. her skin could actually soak up wetness her diaper doesn't. that's gross. that's why i use pampers. pampers absorbs quickly to trap and lock wetness away. keeping your baby's skin drier and healthier. for a diaper that stays drier, count on pampers. the health of your baby's skin starts with the pampers they're in. when youyou spend lessfair, and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. shop everything 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[ roar ] you win this round. what's the worse that can happen? i'm too beautiful to die. step away from the light. ah, there is no light i'm alive! several u.s. troops are now being of concussion or traumatic brain injury as the pentagon described it. cnn learns 11 u.s. service members were injured. this during iran's missile attack on the al asad air base in iraq last week. let's speak to barbara starr. to be fair, they didn't know about this right away, the symptoms emerged afterwards. but it took some time for the pentagon to reveal this. >> well, that -- the pentagon is saying that the symptoms took a couple of days to emerge. back to the iranian missile attacks and when they actually happened, the pentagon within a day said there were no apparently injuries. but protocol is that whenever service member is near a blast site, they are evaluated for traumatic brain injury or concussion injuries. that took place and 11 service members apparently had these types of injuries. and they now have been in the subsequent days evacuated. eight of the 11 have gone to the u.s. military hospital in landstuhl, germany, three over to kuwait because these are places that have the proper medical facilities to fully evaluate them and care for them. the pentagon says it believes they all will be able to return to duty. but the question is, you know, is how soon do the pentagon really let this all be known? no indication that it was anything other than perhaps a kind word as bureaucracy, that took them a while. it was not until late last night that the pentagon, the u.s. military put out a full statement with all of the details, jim. >> understood, barbara starr, always on top of it, thank you very much. with me is william cohen, he served as president clinton's secretary of defense, also former republican senator and u.s. representative. mr. cohen, do i call you senator? thank you very much for coming on. on this issue, this is a serio one, is this a case of the positive misleading or the bigger issue that the iranian missile strike was a nearer miss than originally advertised by the trump administration? should that be a concern. >> that should be a concern. the iranians have a much greater capability. this is one thing they maintained, they didn't try to kill americans, just to send a signal. we saw that the attack, the saudi oil facilities, great precision, they were able to land their missiles exactly where they wanted them. so it lends some credibility saying we could have put them on x, y and z, we didn't, we want to send you a message. the other thing is i think we tend to minimize when we say that there were no casualties. when we say seven killed or eight killed, ten wounded, the wounded can be just as serious, go out to walter reed or bethesda and see the damage done to them, we need to start saying, well, there were casualties, they were wounded, seriously wounded. that's something we have to take into account when we ask the men and women to go over there and serve. >> i met a lot of people who suffered tbi from exactly attacks like this and it is a serious thing. i want to talk about impeachment. you served as republican in the house, and in the senate here. what is your reaction when you see the vast majority of republican senators, only a handful that say they're open to it say, i don't see any need to call any witnesses or see any new evidence. that was the house's job, i'm ready to move on. >> well, john gene wrote a book called blind ambition about what took place during the watergate years. this is a case, i think, of blind loyalty. almost of hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. we don't care what the facts are. we don't care what the evidence is, we made up our mind. we are not going to give any credence or credibility to this process. so it is over as far as we're concerned. i think that's wrong. i think they will be embarrassed ultimately more and more information is going to come out, going to be quite critical of how this has happened. we need to go back and focus on what really happened. get rid of all of the circus atmosphere we have been talking about, and think, when the president was running for office as a candidate, he said russia, if you're listening, well, they were, and they helped out. they said, china, are you listening? i would like your help on biden. he went covertly. ukraine, i want you to do us a favor, though. and then it was all covert. and the evidence is very clear he systematically tried to take out those individuals who believe in the rule of law. that this was something very nefarious, this was something done off the books, this was done something by his personal attorney and done in a way that was designed to put extraordinary pressure, you can say it is a breach of honor on our part, if you say can you help me in my election against joe biden, if joe biden is the candidate. now you're not going to get any money if you don't. to me, the evidence is very clear, i would like to see more of it, i would like to see lev parnas in -- even though thinks credibility has been challenged because he's been indicted, i watch the last two interviews, he has corroborated many of the individuals testifying under oath before the house intelligence committee. so i think that there are a few good men and women that are open to it. and i think that they need to speak up on this and make sure that the witnesses are heard. >> i'm not going to play this again. i think it is just -- it is just gratuitous. but you may have seen republican senator martha mcsally attacking my colleague. and immediately attempting to fund-raise off of it. you served in the house and the senate as a republican, when you see that kind of language, that kind of vitriol, what is your reaction? >> comes from the top. the president sets the tone. he has sim mystematically used inflammatory language, degrading people, calling them names, suggesting you are an enemy of the state, unpatriotic, you are someone who hates america, so when you have the president of the united states saying that, it filters down to those who support him. saying the president can say it, i can say it, and i will say it. it may play well back in arizona, may play well with the conservative base, to me it doesn't play well as far as civil service, public service, and being a trustee and a fiduciary of the american people. >> we have an interesting story in the washington post just now that speaks about how this president has spoken to his senior military leaders. this is president who wrapped himself in the banner of the military, described his generals, et cetera, when it serve his interests. i want to quote from this piece in the washington post describing what the president said directly to senior commanders, you're all losers, you don't know how to win anymore. i wouldn't go to war with you people. you're a bunch of dopes and babies. talk about the way this president has brought down the national conversation. you served as defense secretary. what is your reaction to that? >> it is an insult to every man and woman who has won the uniform. the fact is that he didn't wear the uniform. deliberately so. >> made a big effort to avoid it. >> was it because they were all dopes and babys? they were fighting in a really horrible war in vietnam. and the notion that he has come in, in the past three years and now he he has fixed a broken military, that's an insult to everybody who has been wearing that uniform, secretary of general, sorry, secretary of defense jim mattis, general mattis, was he a baby? was he somebody who was broke? i wouldn't fight beside him? i would go beside jim mattis any day of the year, any day of the week to be with jim mattis saying you got me, you got my back. so i think he's insulting the military. now he's claiming i have rebuilt -- only i could do this, i have rebuilt this military in three years, before i came along, it was all broken, you were all babies, all incapable of carrying out the mission. i would take great offense, certainly as secretary of defense, i would take great offense as an american. >> senator, secretary cohen, thank you very much for taking the time. appreciate it. virginia's capital bracing for what it is concerned would be a dangerous gun rally as the fbi arrests three alleged white supremacists planning to be there. more on the growing tensions there, the concerns on the ground coming up. what's going on? 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download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. you don't need to go anywhere dad, this is your home. the best home to be in is your own. home instead offers personalized in-home services for your loved ones. home instead senior care. to us, it's personal. there are three suspected neo-nazis now under arrest ahead of a gun rights rally in virginia that is expected to draw thousands of people on the martin luther king jr. holiday. temporary gun ban now set to take effect on state capitol grounds tonight, a judge upholding the order issued by the government who says he wants to prevent a repeat of the deadly violence in charlottesville. i'm sure you remember in 2017. jason carroll joins me now with more on this controversy. what are you learning and will this gun ban order on state grounds stand up? >> right now it is in question. what you have is several gun rights groups, jim, who are appealing that judge's order. they say it unfairly targets what they say are law abiding citizens who want to carry guns. what you have is groups such as gun owner of america inc., the virginia citizens defense league, as well as three private individuals who have now filed that appeal. but, look, you have the governor, governor northam who says this temporary ban is necessary. that's why he says he declared this state of emergency, he says as you remember during that briefing that it is based on what he called credible threats from out of state groups, some militia groups, some white supremacist and then you remember what we had from the fbi, the fbi arresting as you mentioned three individuals who are alleged white supremacists who were -- what they say, were planning to attend this event. that's why you have the governor declaring a state of emergency. why he says this temporary ban is necessary, but on the other side, you have law abiding gun rights groups who say, look, you're unfairly targeting us. right now we're at a stalemate, but for now it looks as if at least for now that temporary ban still very much in place awaiting to see what happens in the court. >> was it deliberately chosen to have this rally on martin luther king day as a connection there? >> that seems to -- look, it is part of a lobbying day that the state has, happened to fall on the day of mlk day. but obviously you got white supremacist group, you look at some of the chatter online, they know it is mlk day. they know that it creates a lot of tension, this is what a lot of these groups want. this is part of the intelligence also that the governor's office was receiving. >> yeah, sometimes they want to spark confrontation, jason carroll, good to have you on the story. >> something much less serious now. i got to come clean. my name is jim sciutto. i'm a new york mets fan. feels good to get that off my chest. there is mets news today. true mets fashion. they fired their manager before he managed a single game. we'll explain why. genuine questions about integrity here. that's coming up. if you live with diabetes, why fingerstick when you can scan? with the freestyle libre 14 day system just scan the sensor with your reader, iphone or android and manage your diabetes. with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose levels any time, without fingersticks. ask your doctor to write a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at in a matter of minutes, president trump set to celebrate lsu's national championship team at the white house. andy scholes has more in this morning's bleacher report. quite a moment for that team. >> it will be. president trump with the two lsu games. this time lsu coming to him, the tigers made the trip up to the nation's capital yesterday. had a nice team dinner at the kennedy center and went on a tour of washington, d.c. this morning the team was at the national museum of african-american history and culture and made their way to the white house. the team arrived. they posted the picture of the national championship trophy and joe burrows' heisman sitting outside the white house. the president tweeting he was excited to see the team. another day, another turn in the sign stealing scandal in baseball. social media buzzing alleging the astros used wearable conceal devices to notify them when certain pitches were coming. major league baseball tells cnn in a statement that they explored wearable devices during the investigation of the astros but found no evidence to substantiate it. that didn't stop twitter from pretty much going crazy over this. many people pointing to how jose was pointing to teammates he didn't want his jersey ripped off. scott boris releasing a statement to the new york post saying i have never warn an electronic device in my performance as a major league player. the commissioner's report released on monday, he stated the investigation revealed no violations of the sign stealing policy by the astros in the 2019 season or 2019 post season, which is when that home run occurred. but the fallout continuing yesterday as the mets and new manager carlos beltran mutually agreeing to part ways. he was the only player named in the report on the astros sign stealing scandal. he didn't even end up managing a game for the mets. in a statement, beltran said in part i always have taken pride in being a leader and doing things the right way. in this swiituation, i failed. i'm very sorry. he joins hinch and corp cora to fired. they're still continuing to investigate the red sox use of -- illegal use of technology to steal signs or in that 2018 world series season. this is clearly not over. >> spring training around the corner. three teams don't have a manager and my mets in particular. >> right there with you, jim. >> goodness. all right, andy scholes, good to have you on the story. the film joker has overcome controversy to become an awards season favorite. now nominated for 11 academy awards. we will get a preview this weekend of how much oscar gold "joker" takes home. stephanie elam joins me from l.a. about the screen actors guild awards. >> for the reason why we say this say predictor, the actors are the largest block of voters for the academy. this is all about the screen actors guild. this will give you a preview of what we should see this weekend. >> brad pitt. >> brad pitt. >> brad pitt. >> this year's best bets, like brad pitt. >> anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight, they go to jail. >> reporter: and renee zellweger as judy garland will get their first major oscar test at the screen actors guild awards since these voters also make up the largest block of oscar voters. >> how was it for you taking on this role? >> my mom didn't like the language. but -- >> reporter: the violence? >> she didn't mention the violence. >> reporter: he will go head to head with "the irishman." "once upon a time" grabbed the momentum so far. but the sag awards could bring a parasite upset. the korean film is paving its way to history and could be the first international film to win a best picture oscar. >> i think it shows that it has overcome the language barrier and the barrier of subtitles. >> reporter: it is a hill "roma" couldn't climb last year. but the academy keeps growing the international base. >> things that might have deterd the academy like subtitles may not bother people who are used to watching american movies with subtitles. >> reporter: the oscars shutting out female director candidates and many actors of color. >> i think they're aren't enoug roles for us yet. i think that causes upset. >> reporter: sag continues the robert de niro snub. his disappointing awards season evident when he finally took the stage at the critics choice awards. >> i wasn't expecting it frankly at this point, but it is great. >> reporter: still the sag awards come with consolation. de niro will get a lifetime achievement award. now, on the tv side, one show he people thought would be nominated would be succession, it is not in there. a lot of people keeping their eyes on this last ballot for "game of thrones" and "fleabag," the new cast of "crown" and also the morning show with three nominations for actress there. we'll see you on sunday. >> "game of thrones, " thank you very much. president trump adding to his legal team. stay with cnn. i'm jim sciutto. 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