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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20140528

chalk like never forget. the 22-year-old bemean his killing spree in his apartment -- began his killing spree in his apartment. he posted disturbing youtube videos and i a lengthy manifesto explaining he wanted revenge on women who rejected him. >> you deserve to be annihilated. this student hopes tonight's memorial service will begin the healing process. >> reporter: flags have been ordered at half staff, allen at all 10 uc campuses across the state. >> bigad, thank you so much. we will go back to thrive pictures of the memorial service happening right now on the uc santa barbara campus. richard martinez is speaking, the father of one of the victims a few minutes ago. uc president paid tribute to the bay area victims. >> an engineering student from fremont, california who loved to play basketball with his dad. a young man from san jose who worked hard to earn his way to uc santa barbara, but also made time to volunteer as a counselor at the ymca. a young man who came to california from halfway around the world from taipei to pursue his studies in computer engineering. while attending high school in is the state present and ready, he volunteered at a nearby chinese school. >> those three victims were from the b. they came from immigrant chinese families and were pursuing degrees in computer science and engineering. kpix 5's kip doe visited the high school where the victims graduated just a couple years ago. >> from fremont christian high school to leland high school in south san jose and len brook high in south san jose are in mourning. >> just something very simple. it says i'm thinking about them. very sorry for all the families this has happened to. >> all three young men graduated high school in the same year, 2012. along with excellent math skills principal says james was a beloved member of the drama department helping behind the scenes. >> just reminded that what they did for other people is important. focus on james as a student and remember him as a person. >> students returned to school with somber faces after spending the long holiday weekend following the story on social media. >> all who graduated last year, seems like they are so touched and they feel horrible for the family. tragic to lose a child, especially someone so young. >> with eight days left before graduation, this senior is nervous and says conversations with perspective college roommates have been awkward. >> i'm in the process right now of finding a roommate. i'm talking to her. i don't know what kind of questions you could ask like do you hate me like that. i don't know. >> len brook high school can pull as many as 15 to 20 counselors around the district. they will be here on a an as needed basis. kip doe. >> in 2012 rodger dropped out of college because he didn't want to, quote, see the beautiful girls he didn't have. he also grew obsessed with winning the lottery. he made several trips to arizona to purchase power ball tickets. last summer he tried to push girl us off a 10-foot ledge at a party but he fell instead and broke his leg. for the very latest, go to our website new at 5:00, one week after police shot a man who was armed with a garden tool, his family is taking action. this could end up being very costly for the city. len ramirez has more. >> reporter: allen, there have been three officer-involved shootings in salinas this year. this one was the only one that was fully captured on video. there's a big reason why a claim was filed by an oakland attorney well versed in these kinds of cases. >> well known civil right attorney standing beside the younger brother of the police shooting victim came to salinas and filed a claim against the city on behalf of the man's family. >> unless they admit to wrongfully having killed and pay him substantial damages, we intend to file a federal civil rights lawsuit in the very near future. >> the shooting last week was captured on a teenager's cell phone and a store's surveillance video. it caused outreach in the latino community and sparked a riot in which another man was killed and a police officer injured. the. >> he was not aggressive. he was walking slowly away. the circumstances to why he got shot multiple times is a clear mystery. it raises the question about whether these officers were properly trained, whether or not they had the proper patience, whether or not they were trigger happy. >> officers were called to the neighborhood by a woman who reported the victim had exposed himself and threatened to rape her and kill her dog with the hedge-cutting sheers he was holding, but the police chief deny the accusation that he had first tried to cover up for his officers by portraying the victim as aggressively threatening with the sheers. >> we are looking at the video to determine what did and did not occur. i think the officers certainly felt threatened by his actions. >> reporter: and this is still very much a divided community. in fact, salinas police confirming to us this afternoon that the 911 call has been the victim of harassment by her neighbors who apparently blame her for what happened. people have tagged her house. reporting live in salinas, len ramirez kpix 5. >> both police officers are on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of thanages. a saw-year-old girl has minor injuries after a dave by shooting in san jose this morning. she was possibly hit by some of the flying debris. police say someone opened fire just before 5:00 a.m. the girl was streeted at the scene. so far no arrest have been made. two city college of san francisco students are taking legal action against the school, the city and the county with campus police. they say they were severely injury during this violent confrontation in march. students were protesting a new tuition payment plan and things got out of control. the students say they were left with emotional and physical scars. >> i was tackled to the ground, choked, scratched, and pepper sprayed. i was put in holding cell where i spent 12 hours deprived of food and medicine. i was beaten on the pavement and unbreathing as one officer punched me in the back of the head and against the pavement. >> the students want an apology because the officers say they start the violence. the college says they cannot comment on pending litigation. a high speed chase and a hefty challenge. a stolen dump truck takes police on a wild ride across two counties. how they finally got it cornered. >> we're losing people out of the city. a bay area housing crisis hits the classrooms. teachers pushed out of their city. their push to stay. absolutely nothing but blue skies. a little bit of a temperature roller coaster. find out which days will be the coolest, coming up. and, pink slime back in your burger. why the controversial ingredient is returning just in time for barbecue season. ,,,,,,,, the driver of this stolen dump truck is under arrest after leading chp on a high speed chase through river side and san diego counties. the truck raced dune the 15 freeway weaving in and out of traffic. because of the truck's size, the chp couldn't ram it to stop it. the spike strip was the only option. they didn't need it, though. the driver pulled into a gas station, tried to make a run for it, but he was cornered and then ration. jury selection startedded to in the civil trial over the beat of giants fan brian stow. stow was wheeled into court this morning surrounded by family. his lawsuit seeks tens of millions of dollars from the los angeles dodgers franchise. stow was left permanently disabled following the 2011 beating in the parking lot of dodgers stadium. his lawyer said stadium security had plenty of opportunities to stop the two men whoa attacked brian stow. >> these guys were doing bad acts which violated the dodgers code of security from second inning. so they had three hours and 30 minutes, basically, to do something ability ever -- about these guys. >> the defense lawyer puts some of the blame on stow. he told potential jurors stow had been drinking. president obama said it is time to turn the page on afghanistan. today, he laid out the timetable to end the longest war in u.s. history. 32,000 soldiers are stationed throughout afghanistan right now. the plan would leave nearly 10,000 through the end of 2015. by 2016, that number would be cut in half and troops would be consolidated. by the end of 2016, fewer than a thousand soldiers would remain. >> our objectives are clear. disrupting threats posed by al- qaida supporting afghan security forces and giving the afghan people the opportunity to succeed as they stand on their own. >> now, that is all hinges on the afghan government signing a security agreement. afghanistan is in the middle of an election. leading candidates have indicated they will sign the dealership. >> that's amazing. i can't believe somebody would be that stupid. he plowed into a red light camera, then had this bright idea. the picture that landed the california teenager behind bars. >> it's going to hit us. 120 miles an hour tornado in action. the damage after this monster twister tore through an oil camp. ,,,,,, gridlock. teacher layoffs. and a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. they blame skyrocketing ren. . san francisco teachers say they are being priced out of the city and maybe even their jobs. they blame skyrocketing rents and salaries. kpix 5's mike sugerman has money. >> reporter: the teachers are starting to negotiate with the district for next year's contract. the teachers are trying to make up lost time and lost money that they had during the recession. the teachers say delay should be getting some of the money. >> there are a lot of teachers like this in san francisco. she is a teach at this elementary school. she is solidly middle class, like most. the and, like most middle class people, she can't afford to live in san francisco. >> being a single parent is gist not possible. >> maybe she could afford a studio apartment, but that's not the best life for her three kids. so she lives in marin, an hour each way. >> two hours away from my children. two hours that i could be doing lots of things that i need to be doing. i also make a second job to make things meet. >> we're losing people. >> they say the amount of teachers actually living here is down from 75% a few years ago to about two-thirds now. and's not good. >> they relate to you an entirely different way. if they happen to see you at the supermarket or see you at church or in the streets of the city, they know you are different. >> teachers are asking for a 21% raise over three years. it may help the difference between living here or somewhere else far away. >> 21% raise for teachers, is that unrealistic. >> no. >> the district average salary of $62,000 a year, he says it is lower than many in the bay area. closer to oakland. far from saratoga at 92. mountain view at 102. >> does no one good if the school district goes bankrupt. so we want to be really, really clear, we're committed to being solvent. >> 8% over 3 years. >> reporter: the district is getting an extra half million dollars this year from proposition 30 which pass last year. the district says they can't give it to teachers. they have extra pension money the state is making us pay to the teachers. so it is kind of a wash. as for our third grade teach, she said she's giving up. she's quitting this week, moving back to her home in washington state. in san francisco, mike sugerman kpix 5. >> teachers plan to attend a board meeting let them know what they think of the latest offer. new at 5:00, a bold banditrying to steal hundreds of dollars of merchandise at a san francisco victoria's secret. police caught the 55-year-old anthony robinson funds ware burglar. he was allegedly caught with bras and underware hidden underneath his clothes. he was jailed in february for the same thing. and, from the completely busted file. a 19-year-old faces charges after he hit a pole bringing down a red light camera, and then trying to steal it. here is what got him caught. this picture was taken by a witness. police say manuel herrera was speeding because he was late for work. he slammed into that pole. the red light camera actually landed in the back of his truck. a woman who lives nearby really can't believe he tried to get away with this. >> a six foot big light with a camera in the back of your truck, i think someone would notice. >> and he's 19. someone did notice. they gave the picture to the police. they caught up with herrera later trying to get rid of the light at a friend's house. it will cost the city about $2,000 to replace it. an out of control wildfire has almost tripled in size and is forcing people to evacuate. the hunter's fire in the foothills has scorched 1300- acres. about 100 homes are threatened by the flames, and firefighters are facing a very difficult battle. the terrain is rugged and the temperature topped 90 degrees today. the fire is now 20% contained. >> it's going to hit us. i kid you not. this tornado touched down in north dakota. it destroyed more than a dudsen trailers in a temporary housing camp for oil workers. trailers were split in half and under the upside down. debris scattered every where. nine people were injured, one of them critically. >> yeah, paul. it was that video they took from their truck. that big, dark crowd right above them. it looked like a movie scene. what were they doing? we all love seeing great pictures like that, but not at the cost of someone's life. they're like 20, 30 feet away from an f-2 tornado. foolish. rule number one, don't stand and take video. get the heck out of the way. >> reporter: for us, the exact opposite. nothing severe out there whatsoever. a live look outside. showing you the goa bridge. a couple high clouds and that sit. 62 in downtown san francisco in the financial district. 87 in santa rosa. 25-degree spread. san jose, you're at 71. livermore 79. san bruno, 68. we did trend cooler today. this is where we were yesterday. 89 in concord today. you were 6 degrees cooler. the biggest drop was in san jose. 82degrees yesterday. today, only 73. although we all cooled down with a slightly stronger on shore flow. it will be a cool to chilly night tonight. upper 40s in fairfield, vacaville. low 50s else where, including 51 in fremont. that ridge of high pressure which snuck out of here allowing for a stronger on shore flow today will quickly come back tomorrow. 47 building back in. less of an on shore flow means a continuation of the sunshine and temperatures going back up. what we lost today we will gain back tomorrow. the weekend there will be a pretty significant change. that ridge will get kick way down over arizona. that's where the center of the high pressure being allowing a bigger storm system to move in. it will get close enough. this low pressure area will be stronger southwest and also cloudier. this weekend will likely be the cloudiest and coolest weekend we will have for the next several days. we stay sunny and mild in the immediate forecast. over weekend, noticeably cooler. wide-spread morning cloud cover on both saturday and sunday. but tomorrow, hump day, will be very, very nice. san jose back up to 79. concord back up to 83. campbell will hit 79. morgan hill, gilroy, low 80s for you. mid 70s for san mateo and union city. walnut creek, 80s. 70 in san francisco tomorrow with sunshine. mill valley 79. nice for petaluma. windsor, 78. just about perfect. bay area weather both tomorrow and thursday, perfect. we trend cooler on friday and the weekend. weekend it will be cooler. so nice to say that the coolest weather we will have for the next week, mid 60ed, mid 70s. >> perfect. the return of pink slime. not a horror movie. why the cone reasonable ingredient is back in burgers -- controversial ingredient is back in america. ,, safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, get a taste of summer with fresh sweet corn, 8 for just $2. grill up rancher's reserve ribeye steaks, only $6.99 a pound. and arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. there's more savings to love... at safeway. appliances by simply walking into a room. on the consumerwatch watts says - there imagine automatically controlling your light, security system, even your home appliances by walking into the room. >> on the consumer watch, julie watts says there may soon be an app for that. >> reporter: yeah. apple is reportedly setting a new app that will allow an app to control your home and phone. the home automation technology will be built into the ios devices allowing third party gadgets to work on apple's automated system. many others like intel and microsoft has tried to launch similar home connectivity devices. the better business bureau recently became the victim of a scam. the bbb reports a fake craigs list posting for jobs. promising 25 to $40 per hour with no experience or resume needed. when victims called the number, scammers requested a copy of their state id or social security card. now, the bbb warns con artist commonly target desperate job seekers asking for personal information and even money up front. >> these scammers are looking for their identity so they can steal from you in a lot of different ways. you should not be paying on the promise of a job. employers pay you. it shouldn't be the other way around. >> high paying job postings with no experience or no resume needed should rate a red flag. always go to the -- raise a red flag. always go to the company's website to verify if the job is for you. apparently pink slime is making a come back thanks to rising beef prices. pink slime is made from beef scraps. it all but disappeared two years ago when consumers were grossed out by reports that it was much of the ground beef sold in the u.s. beef prices have risen 27% in the past couple of years. one major packer reports it is about 400 retail food service and food processing companies. that is more than before the controversy. and, remember, if you have a consumer problem or story idea, head to and send us an email. >> will i know that is in my ground beef? >> good luck. but it may be in the burger sold at your favorite restaurant, fast food chain. >> harder times coming. put them on the grill. >> yeah. >> we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] to celebrate, visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase. disputes, the rent board is a backlog of cases any at 6:00, sky high rent. the flood of evictions. there are so many housing disputes the wet board is drowning in a backlog of cases. it's a story you'll only see on kpix 5. plus. >> i heard the term smart phone. well, i call them smart hearing aids. how hecknology is helping people get their hearing back. >> all that is at 6:00, in 30 minutes. thanks for watching us at 5:00. the cbs evening news is next. >> o'donnell: tonight, ending the war. >> this is the year we will conclude our combat mission in afghanistan. >> o'don e president sets the timetable for bringing home the troops. major garrett on what comes next. a campus in mourning after the santa barbara massacre. >> i personally feel attacked and violated. >> o'donnell: danielle nottingham has the message the suspect sent a friend right before the rampage. ben tracy on why police didn't see his online threats until it was too late. floods and thunderstorms in the nation's midsection; a tornado in the upper midwest. manual bojorquez has the extreme weather. >> five, six, seven, eight. >> o'donnell: and jim axelrod on a way to learn algebra in a few easy steps. >> roll, roll, roll, clap.


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