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you that when he went inside the school, this man had no weapons. he made no threats and no one was hurt. the suspect has been identified as justin matthew beaumont. he's undergoing a mental evaluation tonight. live, pat collins, news 4. keeping children safe was a major part of the push for tighter gun laws on capitol hill today. victims calling for better tracking of gun sales. stars chris rock and tony bennett pledge d their support for gun control measures and promoted the website it supports criminal background checks for every gun sale. speakers backed restrictions on assault weapons supported by the white house. >> the president and the first lady are like the mom and the dad of the country. when your dad says something, you listen. >> assault weapons, they were invented for war. they shouldn't be on our streets here. >> to the people who say it would have happened any way or we won't catch everybody, i say doing nothing has failed. >> today's event was organized by mayors against illegal guns. the group backed by mayor bloomberg. now to a developing story. fairfax county police are trying to find the person who set off an explosion at a deli. one man remains in the hospital badly burned right now. david spoke to people who know the victims. >> reporter: doctors in a d.c. hospital burn unit are treating him right now for his injuries. behind me, you can see the scene. i'm going to show you it. the charred windows are r boarded up. inside it is destroyed. at least one neighboring business also damaged by this explosion. police say after this morning's explosion, witnesses spotted one man running from this scene. throughout the day police and firefighters tracked inside and out of what's left of sub shop. just before 10:30, this small shopping center rocked by an explosion. whatever the device was, it went off inside the shop. >> whether or not it was thrown in or carried in, i don't know at this point. >> reporter: crews found an employee outside the store. >> he was treated on the scene and transported to the burn center at washington, d.c. for burns. >> reporter: just across the street, several rows of town homes, some folks say they know the victim. >> every time i go by, he waves. >> he's very friendly. >> reporter: she feels for the man hurt, but she also worries about the impact on her neighborhood. >> it's disappointing. this area is starting to build up. we're getting new businesses in. >> reporter: wearing tactical gear, people walked the neighborhood for hours. they were looking for at least one person seen running from that explosion. >> certainly has our attention. obviously, we don't believe it was an accidental event. it has to stop. whoever is doing it, they have to catch him. somebody can die. >> reporter: now the last gentleman you heard, he says this is not the first problem that's happened in this shopping center. he says there are past incidents. at 6:00, you'll hear him describe those incidents and why he thinks they may be connected to today's explosion. i'm david culver, news 4. sunshine made a comeback today, but don't get used to it. >> we could though. meteorologist doug kammerer has a look at the storm ahead. >> this is going to a major storm for parts of the east. i don't think that includes our region. as far as we're concerned, we're looking atd clear skies right now. plenty of sunshine. a few clouds in the early hours. the sun made its way out and saw a fantastic afternoon. nice and warm down to the south. 54 in fredericksburg. 37 in frederick, maryland. what a difference to the north. much colder. washington at 45 degrees. let's head over to fairfax county. the temperatures tonight will fall into the 30s. 38 degrees around 7:00. 33 by 11:00. waking up to a temperature of 27. a little on the chilly side tomorrow. clouds will be on the increase. we'll talk about what impact the storm will have on us. a missing d.c. girl has been found safe in arkansas. her mother is in police custody tonight. the 6-year-old was missing since last thursday. yesterday her distraught father talked to news 4. he said the girl's mother was visiting from arkansas and asked to take their daughter to the grocery. that's when the girl disappeared. the d.c. department of human services is demanding the child be returned to sort through questions about who has legal custody. police were also concerned that the mother may have been with a man wanted by arkansas police in connection with another case. for the first time someone has been convicted under the d.c. terrorism act. it comes after a guilty plea from the man who opened fire inside the family research council building. the 28-year-old shot a guard there at the headquarters back in august. the guard was injured but managed to wrestle the gun away. he told the judge he intended to make a statement about gay rights opponents. defense secretary leon panetta blasted congress for failing to present the sequester. he said if congress doesn't act shs the pentagon will be forced to absorb $46 billion in spending cuts in this fiscal year. the military will also face a $35 billion shortfall in operating expenses. he says the military's ability to respond to a crisis will suffer. >> my fear is that there is a dangerous and callous attitude that is developing among some republicans and some democrats. that these dangerous cuts can be allowed to take place in order to blame the other party for the consequences. >> his remarks came during a speech. he warned that if the sequester kicks in march 1st, there will be widespread civilian furloughs, layoffs and hiring freezes. tonight historic change if z in the works for the post office. no more saturday deliveries. the agency will implement the change on august 1st in order to save $2 billion. under the plan, mail will be delivered to homes and businesses monday through friday. mail will still be delivered to post office boxes on saturdays and packages will still be delivered. the post office lost nearly $16 billion last year and another loss is forecast this year. >> our financial condition is urgent. it would be irresponsible for the postal service not to pursue this course. >> they say 70% of americans will support the cutback in service. news 4's tom sherwood talked to customers. in our second half hour, he will tell us how people are reacting to the shorter delivery weeks. this traumatic video of a robbery may have helped tleed an arrest in the case. how the investigation led police to the district. plus it's finally becoming more clear when superstorm sandy victims will get the money they need to rebuild. and sitting too much could be linked to heart disease and cancer. workers at one local (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful we continue to follow breaking news. an intruder arrested on monday. the former student is facing a trespassing charge. police found weapons at his home that were legal. richard jordan has reaction. >> reporter: investigators say this is the home the suspect lives in where they found those firearms. no one is coming to the door, but for people who live nearby, this hits close to home. not only because they share the same community, but also because many of their children go. to north county high school. >> i did just get a voicemail from the school saying they sent a letter home. once i get the letter, that's what it will be about. >> reporter: the letter says the student who spent two months at the school in 2002, it's clear there was no threat made and it sta states students were not approached by the man or in in danger. but for some, it's cause for alarm. >> i think there was like three people that live here. >> reporter: the girls both live here justin beaumont's house and attend north county high. >> i was scared when they announced it. >> i talked to the guy when he was walking his dog. that's it. >> reporter: parents are relieved the incident didn't add up to more than a close call. >> first i'd heard of anything. >> reporter: some of the students say they are not concerned. they feel the security measures worked since the suspect was stopped. reporting in, richard jordan. we like this idea. offering workers treadmill desks. t it's an effort to counteract the dangers of sitting too long. we have some new information on why sitting can be causing major health problems. >> we like this idea. between commuting in the car, sitting at our computers and relaxing in front of the tv it, it's not a stretch to say most of us spend the majority of our waking hours sitting down. but now new research is e showing too sed tear for too long could cause metabolic changes causing heart disease to diabetes. these two are working and walking at the same time. they can do it because their employer has treadmill desks. which is exactly what it sounds like. a desk with a monitor on top of a treadmill. >> who wants to sit down all day? it's great for your health. >> if it's a quick 15, 20 minutes, it feels refreshing. >> reporter: they are joining the movement to get people off their back sides and on to their feet. that's because more and more research is find iing that sittg all day can lead to a host of health problems. >> just sitting all day actually changes things met bollically such that it increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, early death and some people think certain types of cancers. >> reporter: this doctor is an obgny. she said the body is meant to be active. when large muscles in the body in the legs are sedentary for long periods of time, the hormones can decrease. >> unfortunately those risks are not e negated by going to the gym for an hour at the end of your day. >> reporter: that means you should try to get moving. devices like a treadmill or a standing desk can help counteract the effects of sitting. most people don't have access to those. instead make a plan to move during your workday. >> a couple times an hour walk down the hallway, walk down a flight of stairs. do squats like on the telephone. any little bit of what we don't consider exercise, but getting our muscles moving. >> reporter: andy rose says getting in the short walks helps her stay productive. >> it makes me know i'm doing what i need to do to stay healthy for myself and i'm not taking away from work. i'm killing two birds with one stone. >> it's not just the metabolic changes that can be a problem. sitting for long periods of time can affect the joints. sitting and staring an the computer all day can hurt your eyes. you probably already know that. it's a good idea that makes a lot of sense. >> they don't look like they are breaking a sweat. >> you're up and moving. it's not about getting to a certain target heart rate. it's just about getting up from your desk and moving once in awhile. >> it makes sense, thanks. >> could you take that to management? >> we want some treadmill desks. >> she has some power here. >> you get to get up and go over to the maps and radar every day. >> we should all take a walk to the weather center. let's do it together. a nice day out there. a nice day to do a little walking. we have not seen too many. as a matter of fact, i had somebody ask me, how many sunny days have we seen since december 1st? believe it or not, only nine. only nine days of complete sunshine. you can add in today even though we saw some clouds to start the day. right now at 45 degrees. winds at 14 miles per hour. those winds up there 10, 20 miles per hour makes it it feel cooler than it actually is. look at the numbers. what a difference. very similar to yesterday. we saw the clouds to the north. the sun to the south and with that, much warmer temperatures. 54. but 38 in martinsburg and 37 in frederick. so you can see where the clouds were. now everybody is seeing some sunshine. the clouds held in there until 1:00. that's why we're looking at colder temperature there is. radar, nothing show around our region. a few snow showers earlier into the mountains, but those are gone. we'll continue to see clear skies throughout much of the night. sunny conditions today and a beautiful afternoon. the clouds got out of here and it was really nice. tomorrow, however, we're going to see more clouds. say good-bye to the sunshine. the clouds move back in. the cool conditions move in. here comes the rain up from the south. the potential for a lot of rain here. especially to the east of washington. not nearly as much. this will be snow to the north and west. this could be a monster storm for places like new york city, places like boston. boston could pick up 1 to 2 feet of snow from this. for us, it's just going to be on the rainy side. maybe a half inch. cloudy skies for tomorrow. a cool afternoon. temperatures 39 to 44 degrees. this is the next couple days. 47 on your friday with that rain. 40 on saturday. sunday looking much better with a high of 47 with some sunshine. another couple chances of rain. temperatures above the 50 degree mark. possible snow or ice. this may include parts of the metro. we're going to have to watch out for that. rain most of the day. some of that rain could be heavy. this all means a very messy commute for friday morning. the commute could be a tough one making your way into work. we'll continue to watch that for you as we always do. storm team 4. >> get out the oars. thank you. >> my legs feel better. a man who kept to himself and didn't flaunt his riches has left behind a legacy. we'll take a look at the life of richard herman. poised to drop the ban on gays. what's the delay? the wizards showing signs of on at the maryland state house. lawmakers considering a controversial gun law and they could be debating it for hours. opponents have already made their voices heard today. >> i'm nancy jacobs. i just bought a new gun. i didn't do too bad with it, did i? >> reporter: this gun rally demonstrated in front of the state house for their constitutional right to bare arms. >> i have grown up with guns all my life. ever since i was 11 years old i started competing with ar-15s. what's this legislation doing? is it helping you? it's not helping you. it's not helping me. who is it helping? it's helping criminals. >> reporter: the governor presented his gun control bill to the senate judicial proceedings committee citing the school shootings in newtown, connecticut. >> they are about putting the focus on saving lives with a comprehensive approach that would ban military assault weapons that would improve school security and would also improve mental health services? . >> reporter: the police department and prosecutors say it's time for gun control. >> it's not taking away guns. it's making sure that we take care of each other, that we do what is necessary to protect our children. to make sure those vulnerable are not killed. >> reporter: the gun control debate has the room crowded. people in the hallway and hundreds here waiting to get inside the building with more still arriving. the debate will last into the evening. if the gun control bill passes, there's already a petition campaign to block it from becoming law by sending it to referendum to let maryland voters decide. the wizards have played better of late, but it's a tall task against one of the top teams in the nba. >> the new york knicks are in town. >> the knicks, the second best team in the eastern conference. they finally arrived behind only the miami heat. we have seen the wizards can beat good teams with john wall back in the line up. jason has been talking to players and coaches. the wizards hoping to have a key component back tonight. do we think it's going to happen? >> reporter: yeah, dan, the number 2 overall pick. he's been sitting out the last four games. he's going to be a game-time decision. this morning's shoot around i had a chance to talk to bradley about the wrist injury he suffered a few nights ago. >> it's getting better. i can't guarantee i'm going to play or when i'm going to be back, but i'm going to see how i feel at shoot around. and just see how it goes. >> how difficult has it it been sitting out? >> it's always been tough. as a competitor, i hate sit iti out and watching my teammates. i'm still supporting them they have. been doing well wont me. i'm going to keep supporting my teammates. >> a few other guys have come back from injury. what's been the biggest difference on the floor for you guys? >> just the way we're playing. it feels good to have everybody back. we were lacking pieces we needed. now we have everything complete and the ball has been moving. we have been playing great team difference. everything is coming together. >> you have beaten some good teams in this building. miami, oklahoma city, another great challenge tonight against the knicks. what are you expecting? >> the same results. we're going to get a win. just a mind set. we're not coming in with a losing mentality because we're always going e to compete. we have beaten some of the top teams. we can play with anybody. we have to keep doing what we're doing and keep playing until the the end. >> reporter: after this morning's shoot around, bradley stayed on the court for about 20 minutes with assistant coaches shooting by himself. he will come out in a few minutes to have another shoot around with coaches. if he feels good, he will play. >> so we can expect an answer from you on if bradley is going to play for sure at 6:45? >> reporter: absolutely. hopefully he does play because this team is better with him. he's averaging over 13 points a game. it should be a good game either way. >> sounds great behind you. jason down at verizon center. knicks at wizards tonight. between the antique stores and caves, men with guns storm a jewelry store. tonight we learn how police were able to crack the case. and a sex scandal rocks a high school in virginia. why some say this shouldn't be a criminal case. using your iphone, ipad, black berry fast forward through our headlines. police say they took weapons from a man's home after he trespassed. this happened monday afternoon. the weapons are legally owned but the suspect is charged with trespa trespassing. no threats were made to students. pat collins will have another update in a few minutes. police searching for a suspect behind an explosion that injured a deli worker in virginia. the windows were completely blown out. police tell us after the explosion witnesses spotted a man running from the scene. the deli employees being treated now at a d.c. hospital burn unit. now let's fast forward to the weather. >> take a look at this. the sun beautiful today. we finally saw some sunshine. now the sun making its way down. a nice sunset at 5:36. you can see some of the higher clouds there. contrast off in the distance. 45 degrees in washington. only 37 to the north in good faith ers burg. taking you to montgomery county, a little farther through your night, 36 by 5:00 p.m. going down to 30 degrees. dropping below freezing by 11:00 at night. we'll see clouds on the increase tonight. and we'll watch our storm move in starting tomorrow afternoon. we'll talk about when it moves in, what to expect coming up in a minute. they walked into this it frederick, maryland, jewelry store guns drawn and they were spla splashing displays and grabbing jewelry. >> it happened yesterday. 24 hours later there's an arrest tonight as jackie bensen reports. a witness helped police crack this case. >> reporter: the security camera video from colonial jewelers shows a frightening scene. three men, one of them armed with a handgun, entered the store yesterday afternoon. they ordered everyone down on the floor. they smashed a display case, grabbed handfuls of jewelry and sprayed employees and customers with pepper spray. but they were unaware that a passing motorist saw what was happening through the window. he flagged down a police officer. >> the detective who was in the passenger seat got out of the seat and had to run against traff traffic. went down to the jewelry store as our robbers were leaving the jewelry store. the detective chased them to an alley way where they entered a black pickup truck. that truck then came at the detective who had to get out of the way. he was able to get the tag number. >> reporter: detectives worked through the night and arrested 31-year-old alonzo meadows in the district early this morning. police in virginia confirmed they are looking into the possibility that it the crime is connected to a similar smash and grab at the zail's on monday. colonial has been in business 65 years and considered a land mark in the frederick community. >> frederick is just a quiet, beautiful town. it's just too bad this evil came in here. it's not going to defeat us. >> reporter: inside the store, they are using fans to blow out the remains of the pepper spray and unpleasant experience they hope they never go through again. jackie bensen, news 4. after days of deliberations, today a guilty verdict in a a high profile baltimore murder trial. a jury found maurice johnson of second-degree murder. fi lee sha barnes went missing and her body was found in the susquehanna river four months later. johnson dated her older sister for nearly a decade. he killed the 16-year-old and hid her body before dumping it. we're learning more about an officer-involved shooting. police say 46-year-old david young stabbed an officer in the back. when police responded to a report of stalking last night, it happened here at a home along 13th street just off of piney branch road. investigators say after young stabbed the officer, another officer shot it. both the suspect and officer went to the area hospital. neither had injuries considered to be serious. a popular cafe is going to be shuddered for some time now. the d.c. health department closed dean and doluka. they found a presence of vermin inside. there's a sign that reads closed until further notice. they apologized to customers saying closed for cleaning. parking rates could be going up in popular d.c. neighborhoods this year. the department of transportation is thinking about adding per mans parking in 12 more locations. performance parking means prices are raised when demand is highest like on saturday nights. this it program is already in effect in other neighborhoods in the city. the goal is to encourage more turnover. the agency plans to hold public hearings on the first of next month. an update on a story first reported by nbc news. the boy scouts of america will not be dropping its ban on gays participating as members or scout leaders. the organization announced today it needs more time to e review this policy. pete williams joins us live. why the delay? >> the scouts say a couple things about this. first of all, they have had an outpouring of feedback that shows how deeply care about scouting and about this it issue. it's complex and need more time for what they call a deliberate review of the membership policy. there was to be a vote today before the 33-member board. by postponing it to may, they will have it before the national council. so both sides of this hope the time will work in their favor. people who think the change should happen, and remember the change under discussion, the scouts would remove the national ban from their membership rules and leave it up to local units to admit gay scouts and gay scout leaders. the advocates of the change think time is good for them, but opponents think time is on their side. we're told that there's a civil war within the scouting organization and they need time to sort it out. >> it it this because so many churches and scouts are sponsored by churches? was it a pushback from the religious community? >> well, yes, in part. i think it's fair to say they didn't have the votes before the board today. because if they did, they would have voted on it. the greater salt lake council wrote a letter saying they represent half a million young people. they wanted more time. they opposed this. 99% of the scout organizations in the greater salt lake council are sponsored by the mormon church and took a dim view of this. >> pete williams, thanks so much. a charity gets $28 million from a washingtonen who most knew little about, until now. >> reporter: i'm tom sherwood. you've got mail. our wednesday child is trying to figure out what to be when she grows up. >> we first met her three years ago. she's still waiting for a forever home. barbara harrison with her story. >> reporter: we were bedazzled by the beautiful beads here. there were boxes of them and bowls full of amber, amethyst and al baster. she chose the purple beads because she liked the color and the rough shapes reminded her of the rocks she studied in school. >> how is school going? >> good. >> do you have a favorite subject now? >> science. >> science was her favorite subject when we met her three e years ago as a wednesday's child. at 16 now she's still in foster care still hoping for a forever family. >> she nigh ya has been in care for quite some time. she was brought around age 3. so she's been in care ever since. >> reporter: she decided to make a bracelet from the beads she chose and the manager showed us how to begin. >> she enjoys an array of activities. she loves to sing, listening to music, she loves to cook, playing basketball. she also loves animals too. >> reporter: what does she want to be when she grows up? >> a professional organizer. >> what does a professional organizer do? >> organize people's houses. >> i need you in my house. >> reporter: now she found something new she might like to do some day. make beautiful jewelry. >> you'd like to do that as a job? >> yeah. >> she was proud of the job she had done. >> i'm serious. this is gorgeous. now you get to have them. >> reporter: hopefully soon she will have a family to appreciate just how special she is. barbara harrison, news 4, for wednesday's child. >> if you have room in your home and your heart for shania, call our special hotline. or log on to and search wednesday's child. metro riders need to be on alert. why some people are being targeted during their commute. it's a long road to recovery for superstorm sandy victims. find out how new action could help the people who really need it. and those same people could get hammered by our next storm making our way up the coast. it's going to affect us. i'll break it down hour by hour and show you what to expect over the next three high school students are facing charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. the 15 and 16-year-old students are accused of taping teenage girls in sex acts and distributing the video. but their attorney tells "the washington post" today that although their behavior was stupid, it it does not warrant criminal charges. police say sixteen age girls from high schools around the area have been identified as victims. a well-known former swim coach set to make a plea agreement today in the child abuse case against him. the state attorney's office says documents have been filed to indicate an agreement has been reached in the rick kurl case. you'll recall curl is accused of abusing a child he coached 25 years ago. that child accused him of abusing her 20 years ago. a hearing is set for february 21st. curl was banned from usa swimming for life last summer. it it happens very fast. before you know it, you're a victim. some people call it apple picking because riders are being targeted for their iphones, ipads and even the blackberries. we have reaction. >> reporter: evening rush here at the metro station, you see is so often. people using their electronic devices waiting for the train. there's been a recent spike in the number of these devices stolen right out of the hands of riders. everywhere you look on metro, it seems everyone, everyone is using some sort of electronic device. don't think the bad guys don't notice that. dozens of devices have been stolen in recent weeks. some riders have stories to tell. >> i noticed someone. i saw someone behind us timing with her walk trying to maybe get -- i kind of looked them in the eye and they wept away. >> i'm pretty paranoid. i try to grip it tightly. >> metro is very familiar with the issue. >> we would like to reiterate to riders, keep aware. >> he's deputy chief of the police. he gives us a window into the criminal mind. >> they might see a woman or individual using a device near a train door. as the train approaches a station, they time it so as the doors open and the device is in their hand, it happens quickly. >> from january 13th to 26th, 31 electronic devices stolen on metro. an average of just over two per day. that's an increase from the first two weeks of the year. this is the area it happens the most. right here by the door. but transit riders have gotten smart to the idea. they deploy officers by the door. riders are playing games, sending e-mails and using lapto laptops. >> i don't not trust people, but i haven't seen any reason to believe that my phone is in dang danger. >> reporter: metro encourages riders to have their devices tracked which will make the device useless if stolen. metro tells us these thefts seem to be happening at transfer stations and women tend to be targets more than men. reporting live, adam tus, news 4. new restrictions on texting behind the wheel. the new rule passed the house and senate by comfortable margins. it makes texting a primary offense and raises the fine from $25 to $250 for the first offense. $500 for the second. some lawmakers say the bill doesn't go far enough. >> i think you should not be able to play angry birds while you drive or browse the internet. the statute only covers manually entering text but it does not cover browsing, playing games, and things like that. >> some lawmakers believe a hands-free mandate is ultimately the way to go. victims of hurricane sandy's devastating hit on the northeast should begin to be getting some help soon. officials are releasing $5.5 billion today. new jersey will receive $1.82 billion. new york city, $1.77 billion. new york state, $1.71 billion. tonight jim rosenfield takes us back to some of the areas he visited right after sandy hit. >> he joins us with a look at the slow rebuilding effort. >> our first stop we go back to coa coastal new jersey, a state that saw $30 billion in damage. we wanted to see the progress, or lack thereof in the recovery. some towns like this one on the jersey shore are just this week allowing residents to move back into their homes if they have homes to go to. we revisit keenesburg, new jersey. we saw this area slammed by sandy. we found the owner determined to get the place open, at least partially by spring. he admits he is leveraged to the hilt. >> it's a broad leap of faith we're doing the right thing. there's no federal money, there's no state money, there's no local money here. >> common complaint we heard about the slow pace of help in a stays of 40,000 still unable to move home. you'll hear from some of those people on our special report at 11:00. jim and wendy? >> thanks. the northeast could see more rough weather the end of this week. >> that storm that's going to move through our area overnight tomorrow night into the day on friday is going to just give us a glancing blow. places like new york, the new jersey shore could see 50 mile an hour winds from this storm. a lot of rain. so that's an area that does not need to see another big storm. they may have one on their hands. we're looking at temperatures at 45 degrees at the airport. not bad. when you add in the wind, we're getting a windchill. 20 miles an hour across the area. 39 degrees in rockville. 40 in reston. you add in the wind, coming in at 29 degrees. 39 in rockville. the district coming in with a windchill of 39 degrees. it's a little on the cool side, but not bad for the first portions of february. 8:00 tonight down to 40 degrees. windchill about 35. 35 degrees for our current temperature. mostly clear skies. then we'll see the clouds move in by tomorrow morning. temperatures around the 29 to 30 degree mark. a chilly start to the day. that's when things start to change as our next storm moves in here. our future weather, one thing you notice, we're socked in with the cloud cover. watch how the clouds continue to develop. we're looking at rain along the i-95 corridor. it will be warm enough for rain here. notice along here some snow. this area could see some snow. maybe a couple inches before it changes over to rain, even back here. stanton, maybe starting to have some snow. but it's to the east where this will be all rain including the d.c. metro. i think you folks will see the biggest area of rain. maybe upwards of a half an inch. depending on the track of this storm. if it's farther inland, all colors move inland too. a lot of rain around d.c. this is 1:00. we're still seeing moderate rain getting out of here by friday afternoon. so once again, we'll be watching this play out over the next few days. 47 on friday. 40 degrees on saturday. the weekend looking dry, but saturday it's going to be a cold day. windchills in the lower 30s. 47 on sunday. now looks like the best day before a couple chances of rain next week. one of the district's oldest charities says it can keep operating for another century with the gift of a long-time washingtonian. >> richard herman lived here in d.c. he died at the age of 100 last fall. he loved the arts. since 1967 he also gave to family matters of greater washington. formerly known as family and child services. after his death family matters was surprised to learn he left them $28 million. >> overwhelmed with gratitude and knowing that this was so much bigger than anything that we could have ever planned for, thought or imagined. >> family matters has established the richard a. h herman charitable trust to continue funding its mission of helping families in need. it will also establish a series of art programs in mr. herman's honor. she's surprised. jacqueline jims was awarded the milk in egd tor award. she also got a $25,000 award for teaching excellence. school officials had a surprise assembly in southeast d.c. the third grade teacher has been there for 13 years now. administrators say thanks to her, math and reading scores have soared there. we continue to follow developments out of anne ann run dell county. swrooel more on the case of this school trespassing. >> reporter: you've got mail. but don't expect your local you may have heard that saturday mail delivery will soon be a thing of the past. this august in fact. >> tom sherwood was out today asking customers what they think of the cutback. >> reporter: postal workers handle over 550 million pieces of mail every day. much of it delivered by hand to private homes and apartment buildings six days a week for individuals and families and businesses of all types and locations. but with increased competition on the roads, and growing electronic services online the u.s. postal service has struggled financially to keep up. like even selling greeting cards to a captive audience in line. now that the postal service is ending saturday delivery to save money, many customers like those on 18th street seemed unruffled by the change. >> it doesn't make any difference whether i get it on saturday or monday. doesn't matter. >> when i think about it, i think it's okay. >> do you get much mail on saturdays? >> no, not really. >> no first class home delivery of mail. >> i think that's okay. i think they probably should have stopped it awhile ago. >> competition has changed. >> i think it's something we can give up. >> the no saturday delivery is expected to save $2 billion a year. in the district, tom sherwood, news 4. right now at 6:00, a developing story. a case of trespassing at a local school that led to the arrest of a 25-year-old man. the search of his home and the recovery of a bunch of weapons he owned. police are looking for whoever set off an explosion inside a northern virginia deli. a massive crowd of


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20160620

it reading satcher, what your name. omar mateen, my name is i pledge allegiance to redacted. dispatcher, okay, what's your name? mateen, i pledge allegiance to redacted. may fox protect him on ball of reticketed. earlier today the fbi explained why the transcript was not complete. >> part of the redacting is meant to not give credence to individuals who have done terrorist acts in the past. we're not going to propagate their violent rhetoric and see no value in putting the names out there. >> the pressure to release the full version started to build and came up at the white house briefing. >> the decision about the release of the transcripts is one that was made solely by the department of justice and the fbi officials. they're doing that consistent with their assessment.the best way to advance the investigation, and so the question about the transcripts refer to them. >> by this afternoon the fbi and justice department issued a statement about why they had reversed course. it reads in part, quote: as much as this information had been previously reported, we have re-issued the complete transcript to include the references in order to provide the highest level of transparency possible under the circumstances and the statement went on to say the questions about the redactions of the 9-1-1 call had become a distraction from the most important thing which was the fbi investigation. >> thank you very much. the question now who is made the initial decision not to release the shooter's pledge to isis. to fox news southeastern judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano. inthis is a new twist. >> i wish i could answer the question, but in his interview with attorney general lincoln yesterday, chris wallace asked her that. she didn't say she made the decision but said we are releasing not actual sound recordings, and will be redacted and gave the same explanation that catherine ran from the fbi agent on the seen he gave today. so, from that i can conclude that the decision to redact was either made by or agreed to at the highest possible level, which i the attorney general herself. >> it's interesting in one of the releases they said the purpose of releasing a partial transcript -- go on to say -- to provide transparency. it's so disingenuous on its face. >> this was an effort to rewrite history. this is an effort to keep from the american people the knowledge to which they are entitled and about which and from which they can make their own judgment. the government is not required to release evidence mid-stream while it is still collecting it, while it's still analyzing and figuring outhat exactly happened, who else may have been involved. once they do release it they have to release it completely. this is a democracy. people are entitled to form their own judgment of the government's behavior. the government is not permitted to rewrite history. >> we should acknowledge when the happened the fbi, comey came out and talked about the phone call and talk about how the -- to his words how not only was it inflammatory but some of the contradictions within the calls being made to 9-1-1. >> four phone calls. this is the first one. the one made at 2:02 a.m. before he killed anyone. there are three more calls. there are no transcripts from those. there was a one-paragraph summary of those three. those are the conversations he had with the orlando police department's host negotiator. and then they decided to raid the place and people start dying. >> you cannot speak for the administration but the idea they didn't want maybe al-baghdadi's name mention in these transcripts or whatever else. is it because they're trying so hard to control any negative aspect with respect to the failure of the administering on this? why chant they be straight with us. >> i wish i could answer why they can't be straight itch think they weren't straight because the removal, the redaction of al-baghdadi's name and the relax of the word -- redaction of the words, allah, replacing it with the word, god, fits in with the president's paradigm. with al-baghdadi actually named there and with allah utterred rather than god this does not fit in with the president's paradigm, the president's paradigm is, this is a gun control issue. the president's paradigm is, take guns a. from people and this won't happen. that's crazy. a single one of those victims had had a gun might have been able to stop this guy. >> judge napolitano, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> he faced islamier headen during the uss cole bombing. how does the make of the u.s.' handling of the terror attacks. you have had in the chance to see the latest in the saga, their terrible handling of the release of the 9-1-1 phone call. the judge talked about the administration and its reluctance to talk about radical islam. this of course lends creed dense to the idea this was driven by radical islam and an idea to appease or help isis' fight against america. >> well, charles, what it certainly shows is when a little pressure is applied, it's amazing what sunshine can do for the administration. when it comes to transparency. so it was really good to see they're finally coming out. as tragic as it may be, and even though some of the families may be hurt by it, it is the right of americans to know what this individual said before he went on this rampage as a terrorist, as a radical islamic terrorist and killed those people in that orlando nightclub. we have to know what we're up against as a nation. >> president obama spent last week really taking a couple of opportunities, one in on op-ed and then when we went to sew the victims' families, turn that into a stump speech and attempting to make the narrative about gun control and dismissing the notion that radical islam has anything to do with this. >> you're right. he works within what is only his comfort zone and what he believes is true. when he asks his advisers what they think think tell him what he wants to hear, not what he needs to know. this is clearly a continuing result of the fact that a very renowned chinese strategist from centuries ago said know your enemy, know yourself. in 100 battle you will not be in peril. we're still get eight tacked because we as a nation have yesterday to -- yet to define who the enemy is. he says no one in the military is telling him this. perhaps if some of these military officers understand true strategic thought, and the fact that when you know who your enemy is, you declare who your enemy and is identify them, then you begin to target them and defeat them. until then we're still going to be behind the power curve. >> of course referring to the book "art of war" which is not only a military class yuck but in business everybody reads it. do you think, then, president obama, gaving himself an a pat on the back, 13,000 air strikes, taken out certain control from isis, in fact we're closing in on major cities at this very moment. he is saying that they've had a large -- pretty fair amount of success without having to say radical islam. if they had uttered that or identified the enemy sooner and with more conviction, would we be further along in this fight? >> charles, we're 15 plus years into this fight. if you go back further than even uss cole, the embassy bombings, world trade center, we have now been in it for a couple of decades. the american people are tired of it, and i think that they really deserve to have an administration that comes in, defines who the enemy is, looks at how we're going to capture the key operatives to gain the intelligence, target them, and take them out. unless we want to die of a thousand cuts, bleeding this out over more years into the future, we're going to have to dedicate the national resources necessary. that doesn't mean one aircraft carrier or one air force win. it means we deploy, go over there and in coordination with allies in the region, who primarily bear responsibility, we need to go after and crush isis. not mess around, not do it in these few bombing runs every day, but throw our national will and power at the enemy and kill them. >> sir, commander, before i let you go, on that note hillary clinton has uttered the phrase, raid cal islam. not with much conviction but. in the presidential race who do you have the most confidence to take this fight to isis the way you described? >> well, clearly you have one who is a secretary of state who is reluctant to use it but clearly saw that the will of the american people is pushing and wants the enemy defind. you have donald trump who is clearly articulating who the enemy is, albeit in a very plate clay incorrect manner. so, at this point in time you have to good with who has been most consistent in defining who the enemy is how we're going to defeat them. and while ill mate be politically incorrect, donald trump appears to be more out on that leading edge to be able to define the enemy and defeat them, not just short term but long term, and if you come after americans, if there's one thing the take on cole taught us, go after the enemy and make them pay a heavy price. >> most polls agree with your assessment. thank you for your service to this country. >> thank you, charles. >> now i want to shift to wall street. polls over the weekend started to show growing support for britain to stay in the european union. the dow jones industrials climbed 130 points, still a pretty good day. european stocks surging in fact london having it best day in ten months. to ashley webster in london where the battle over brexit continues. ashley? >> reporter: charles, this is the longest day of the year in the u.k., the summer solstice. the sun is just going down. it's 9:15 in the evening. the question is, is the sun going down on the leave the eu campaign. a couple of polls showing that perhaps the leave effort is losing its moment. nye the head of the unite kingdom independent party and has been a strong proponent of the u.k. get ought the european union, released a poster just in the last several days that has become very controversial and may happen helped those that want to stay in eu. the poster shows a long line of might grabs making their i would through europe and then the breaking point. this is howl the eu has failed. that's accuse old being racist and bigoted and perhaps has helped at the people who want to stay in europe. the anti-establishment -- that's fair to say -- the antiestablishment sentiment is starting to grow, not only here with the rise of maurice johnson and in italy we just had the 37-year-old attorney in rome who relevanted the five star party which is very anti-establishment and just won with 60% of the street take over as the first female mayor of the city of rome. certainly interesting political times in europe. as for the u.k., now it appears they may be staying in the e.u. but the vote instant until thursday. many things can happen. >> the pendulum is swinging wild and crazy. after the trump campaign shakeup, senator scott brown on what he cease going down and how is the administration working world refugee day. well, you're about to find out. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? 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on the phone former massachusetts senator scott brown. senator brown, this kind of stuff has been in the rumor mill a long time but is shocking. corey lewandoski has been on television, gave an impressive interview and expressed loyalty bit seems to most out outsiders that the trump campaign is in disarray. >> i don't agree. it's moving in a positive direction. it was obviously all wanted to go one way, corey wanted to go another way. he had others who want him to go a different way. the fact that he is now getting everything under one roof, i think is appropriate, has the backing of the children and manafort has been there and done it. take nothing a. from corey, taking this fledgling campaign and make him be the nominee, thought was brilliant, but like any business, and like any campaign, going to adjust and adapt and grow and that's what they're doing. >> so the very issue of adjusting and adapting and growing to some degree, is admission that things going the way you plant it to go. particularly more recently with the polls beginning to slip. what is the difference? what does manafort bring that corey wasn't getting done? >> let's talk about the polls for a minute. if people think this is election is over they have never run a race and never participated in close border in a race, and they really don't understand where donald trump in particular and how he has always been underestimated. corey played a very important role. no doubt. but there are others there that can jump in, almost like the new england patriots -- >> i want to -- i'm asking what is the difference? what skill set does manafort have -- >> well, experience. pretty obvious. experience. he has been doing this for a long time. he knows how to get down in the gutter and get things done, and knows how to really reach out and build bridges. it's experience, period. >> you are talking about some people now writing off the trump campaign. would think at this stage of the game, everyone knows that is a huge mistake but no doubt the democrats are sensing blood in the water. take a listen to elizabeth warren, your old nemesis, had to say about you and donald trump. >> i hear that donald trump is floating scott brown as a possible running mate. and i thought, oh, so donald trump really does have a plan to help the unemployed. think of it as the perfect reality tv show. "celebrity apprentice" "the biggest loser." >> ouch, senator brown? >> she used that line about 30 times, and at some point, charles, she spent half the time at the convention in new hampshire hitting on me, it's getting a little creepy to be honest with you, and then you put in the fact that she is obviously using gender based jokes to hide the fact she has done nothing compared to my record which is a record of accomplishment. it's sad but i get it. obviously i -- still bothersome to her. >> you struck a chord. thank you very much for calling in, and we'll talk to you real soon. >> all right. >> coming up the administration's pledge today -- by the wait it's world refugee day -- and big money donors on wall street ignoring hillary clinton there's one person if she picks for vp, they're out of here. a hint, she jules told a not so funny joke. we'll be right back. hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. squuuuack, let's feed him let's feto the sharks!sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. squuuuack, it's what you do. and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. vice-president biden stepping up criticism of trump's refugee plan. to jennifer griffin with the latest. >> reporter: charles, vice-president joe biden never mentioned donald trump by name in his speech in washington, dc today. but it was very clear that is who he was referring to. >> 1.4 billion muslims in the world. some of the rhetoric i'm hearing sounds designed to radicalize all 1.4 billion. >> reporter: it was more evidence that the clinton campaign will be coordinating its message with the white house. vice-president biden delivered a sternly word speech on foreign policy and national security at a washington think tank today in which he rebutted a trump president si and responded to what trump said about how much he respects vladimir putin, russia's strong man and earned about the insecurity of bullies, never mentioning trump by name. >> putin as a time of renewed russian aggression i believe would call into question america's long standing commitment to europe, whole, free and at peace. but neither is a time to dust off the cold war playbook. >> reporter: meanwhile, the white house reiterated today, world refugee day, that they plan to admit 10,000 refugees from iraq and syria every year the u.s. admits 70,000 refugees. the white house plans to increase that to 85,000 refugees this year and the president plan holiday host a mid-at the general assembly in new york at the u.n. general assembly in september. we just got word here at clinton headquarters in brooklyn that hillary clinton and her husband, bill, have left the hospital where their daughter, chelsea, and their new grandson, aiden, moments ago in new york. back to you. >> actually looking at the video of that right now. the first video of the proud grandparents and the second child for chelsea and her husband. let's get reaction from one of donald trump's key foreign policy advisers. wally, when joe biden says that someone, of course referring to donald trump -- would like to radicalize all 1.4 bill, the suggestion is made over and over by this administration and of course hillary clinton that any effort to stop refugees from coming into the country actually creates more terrorists. >> charles, what we understand or at least what the vice-president seems to be arguing for is that mr. trump's statements basically are radicalizing 1.2 or 1.5 billion muslims around the world. if the vice-president knows what is going on inside the muslim worm, when he realize there are 57 countries with 20 conflicts, five raging civil wars, millions of people have been killed over the past years, million others are leaving their countries, ethnic cleansing, minorities are persecuted. they not worried about statement biz an american politician in primaries so many the concern the muslims would have would be the policy of the obama-clinton administration, including what's happen in libya, iraq, sir, -- syria and the listing long. >> would you add credence to those statements about -- temporary ban on all muslims impacting or creating home run threats? would that be bait for a disenfrance is cheesed kid that had resentment, despite the fact they were saved from a war-torn nation they were still upset from the american people. >> that's the way the opposition wents to -- that a jihaddist is a normal person who overnight after listening to a couple statements by mr. donald trump becomes a jihaddist and the next day go to orlando and kill people. this is legend. this is an urban legend to become a jihaddist you have to be indoctrinate for mongooses are years to actually takes' action, some authority, isis, al qaeda, others, have to validate the action. it's not a direct result of statement. otherwise the whole planet would be exploding today. >> i know you were one of donald trump's first picks for his foreign policy team. last week it seemed to me that he was zeroing in on countries where we have seen threats, we have seen massive radical islamic terror, war, and not necessarily a ban across the entire religion. is there some sort of change going on? is he starting to morph or redefine his position here a little bit? >> absolutely. this is natural. his initial statement made back in 2015 is not the first segment that is i would like to put a ban, but the second segment, nothing we know what is going on. the more he is educated. gets the briefing, evolving in his thinking and get little actual information, the more he is zeroing in on the actual threat, and the actual threat are areas where the jihaddists are in control, where the triggering coming from, and the second matter which he mentioned in his speech last week, the ideology, radical islamic terror jim he has mentioned. once you have that, then you are in business and can do the fight and then make sure that the radicals are isolated and not the large community. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we don't know if the orlando shooter's wife will be charged with a crime but we might see -- might be seeing signs of a possible legal defense and it's not what you think. we'll be right back. >> did you know your husband was going to do this? 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the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: the citi double cash card. she had a hard item cop singualizing things and understanding them. are we ready to see that as her defense strategy if she is charged with a crime? attorney doug burns says, yes, it could be a good case. attorney lisa says it's weak. lisa? the american public is watching this and the more comes out, she spent a lot of time with her husband, feels like staking out the joint, talking to him in the midst of committing a crime, urging him on. love you. those kind of thingsful how could she walk away without being charged. >> it's going to be interesting and the defense they're choosing is even more interesting because it's weak. this -- >> we don't know the defense yet but they're setting it up by she didn't understand english. >> right. the school she was in disability classes, special ed classes, indicate that somebody with a learning disability can't form intent or doesn't know right from wrong. ridiculous. a girl was enrolled in a regular school, regular high school, graduated, was living a life in america, and now all of a sudden this is an issue. we're going to hear a lot of different things but certainly those overt acts and the history that we're seeing come forward is making a lot of people very skeptical, and i would think we would see stronger assertions of possible defenses. >> doug, you're just saying from a legal point of view, this is smart. this setting up -- not that you're condoning anything but if she is going to be charged with a crime, this is smart, setting this up early. >> people say that criminal defense is the mother of invention. so given the horrific nature of this case, if in fact she is deemed to have aided and abetted and assisted him in scope ought locations they have to do something. so not a pure insanity defense and that's an uphill battle. but at the same time want to throw it into play as some mitigation of intent, and then try to get an expert -- i'm not so sure a judge would allow it -- to come in with expert testimony and say this dim minimum issue herd able to form intent. >> what's talk about what she could be charged in layman, i'm watching on tv. seems like she could be chargedded ac -- accessory to mass murder, throw the book at here. >> and also accessory before the fact, we were talking about that earlier. that is just concealing knowledge of this crime. there are a litany of things. accessory after the fact, terrorism, conspiracy. think honest lilly if she is charged she'll be charged on a litany of offenses. she is being charged in federal court, not in the state court of florida, which has a lesser standard for conspiracy. there's no overt action required in florida. >> but in terms of accomplice, a quick point, she get charged with the crime itself. not charged with being an accomplice. gets charged with murder and the theory is place and you hang that on the about but she is charged as a principal. >> so the confidence level she will get the worst or the best, however you want to look at it, charges against her, how do you feel at this point? is there a possibility she will have to pay for these crimes? >> there's always a possibility. right now -- >> but scale of one to five. >> three and a half. >> i'll go six. >> six? >> that's what the american public wants to hear. >> that's a good point i want to make. this is going to be very little jury appeal on defending because of the horrific nature of it. hard to defusband and wife. talking -- people with nothing else want her to have some accountability or culpability for helping to prevent -- issue -- if not the notion of justice will -- we want as much justice as possible on this one. so far this fiscal year more illegal immigrants crossing the southern borders than the entire previous year. why sheriff paul babeu says you ain't seen nothing yet. . . even gives me advice... ...about my toothpaste and mouthwash. but she's a dentist so...i kind of have to listen. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? 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how about putting our families, our children, who are u.s. citizens first, we're treating these refugees and asigh resume seeker better than we treat or elderly citizens and veterans, whyn't they making americans their top priority instead of shouting us down and making us -- saying that we're unamerican for not wanting to allow them in? and we allow more legal immigrants than any other nation in the world. one million legal immigrants every year. >> our compassion knows no bounds and we know that, but how is this stretching your budget? there's no way in the world you can be ready for this. your offers -- how can the state of arizona be ready for this deluge, the avalanche of illegals. >> it's so true. i can't screw up as a sheriff yet. we have accepted the leaders in washington, president obama, to screw up every day, every turn. my budget has been cut 8%. millions of dollars. and i have to do more with less resources. just want barack obama to do his job, to secure the border to protect america because it's no longer about these children. it's no longer about the cartels that my deputies and local border patrol are fighting. this is about terrorism. this unsecurity boredders is the locally avenue of approach for terrorists to sneak into america and has to be secured. >> have you had a chance to briefly -- have you caught any of these illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border with questionable backgrounds that weren't necessarily central america, you can make ties to the middle east? >> we haven't directly but i can tell you that hundreds of people from countries of interest, and that's where i had a local reporter say, well, sheriff, there's only two from sudan or from syria, and i says what does it take? only takes one. when we have had hundreds and hundreds from places like afghanistan, iraq, and other places, that is the problem here. >> sheriff paul babeu, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> an american accused of being an isis fighter, popping up on the internet, praising their orlando terrorist. why can't we stop this propaganda videos once and for all? to life-saving medications. in fact, it kills. one hepatitis c pill... can't get it. million in november drug prices. that's obscene greed. price relief act. registered nurse... paul ryan just releasing a statement on the justice department's be-face on a redacting of the orlando terrorist pledge to isis in the 9-1-1 call, quote: i'm glad the administration reverse versed its decision and has now shared the full transcript with the american people but this should anniversary have been an issue in the first place. the attempt to let the record reflects a broader problem. this attempt down play and distract the threat of radical islam -- we have to be clear eyed about whom we are fighting. this alleged isis fighter in a new video. propaganda videos that inspired home grown terrorists. why can't we stop them from popping up on the internet in the first place. a senior adviser, i understand it's not hard to make these videos and put them up. it feels like there's algorithms and other defense mechanisms to find a lot of other things. they permeate the internet and seem to be effective. >> your question hits it nail on the head. we have seen the videos go viral. we have seen them on twitter and facebook. we have seen violent content to threaten people on the platforms. while the companies have taken a lot of content down, they have done it manually. actually, on friday, announced the new technology that we have been proposing the tech companies adopt and has been successful in keeping off child pornography and filtering out that content looking at photo dna. we hope it can be adopted so algorithms can be used to take down the content, which violates the terms of service the companies already have. >> some people say, speaking of violations, there's a violation of the first amendment. there are no rights for people who aren't citizens, but the home grown types, are they afforded some extra constitutional protection for the video that is go out and ask people to wage war on america? >> you pose a great question. to be frank, it's not a first amendment. when you sign up for facebook and twitter, you sign on to be part of a community. the platforms have terms of service. you sign you are not going to violate the terms of service. this applies to all sorts of behaviors online. all we are doing is getting technology that makes it easier to take down posts that they already remove manually in a systematic and technologically savvy way. >> i applaud what you have done. you have to wonder why they haven't put the kind of effort in to create it themselves. is there reluctance on their part to do more? >> i think we saw this problem, initially, back in the day when, you know, the same problem was happening with child pornogra y pornography. they were resistant with the private sector and academia. i think now you have seen the white house come out in support of this on friday. supporting the new technology saying she supports insz dents like this. i think, over the next few weeks and months, if the private sector and the government and nonprofit come together, i think that's how you end up seeing the most innovative sectors in this one tri. >> thank you very much. hopefully they will take it and adopt it right away. it's effective. it plays a major role in the radicalization process. glad you are fighting it at the forefront. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> hillary clinton getting the heads up, one running mate will have all her wall street donors running away. closing the stage this afternoon for auditions? 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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190822

activists of starting the blazes critics say the president's claims are outrageous . and iran's president talks tough on the world's oil supplies he says if international sanctions stop iran exporting its oil shipping lanes need not remain safe. plus plastic in the wilds oceans is a growing problem among the worst offenders are the nets discarded by fisherman now a dutch company has come up with a novel way of using the material. and unwelcome. british prime minister barak johnson is holding talks and brags that the french president emmanuel both leaders said they believe a solution for the u.k. to leave the e.u. with a deal should be possible but a number of obstacles remain johnson says there will be no deal unless the backstop be insurance policy to prevent a hardboard on the island of ireland is taken out of the bags. but look toward repeated just position and the position of the e.u. that this was out of the question. that the good in europe and the good the e.u. has negotiated at length i withdraw all agreement with the united kingdom that i will not get into details and it's not for any member of the e.u. alone to negotiate or renegotiate this agreement but i would like to say that the key elements including the irish backstop are not just technical constraint or legal quibbling but are indeed genuine indispensable guarantees to preserve stability in ireland to preserve the integrity of the single market which is a fine nation of the european project when you look at the border with northern ireland just repeating a point that bears repeating under no circumstances will the u.k. government be instituting imposing checks or controls of any kind at that border and we think i understand your desire to protect the integrity of the of the single market of course we understand that but we think that there are ways of protecting the integrity of the single market and allowing the u.k. to exit from the e.u. whole and entire and perfect as it were. and it obvious max huffman isn't bad is covering the story for us like 1st of all we heard one boris son boris johnson just had to say it was anything new in what he's saying. well that quote you just it is fairly new he started i think that tune probably on wednesday when he went when he met. in berlin so insisting that the u.k. no matter what happens on the 31st of october no deal bragg's it or drags it with a deal the u.k. will not impose border controls on that infamous border between northern ireland which is part of the u.k. and the republic of ireland which is part of the european union this puts the pressure on the e.u. because the question of course is if there really is no deal drugs at a so-called hard drugs it will the e.u. enforce those border controls to make sure that the integrity of the single market is appelle theoretically they have to do that but given the history of the border the violence of the last decades will they really do it or will they not do it does the e.u. basically want to be responsible for more violence on the border and then how did this spawn what was his message to maurice johnson. the message was the one that we've known before saying that basically the backstop was indispensable to safeguard the integrity of the single market maybe slight nuances there are like i'm going to medical on wednesday very similar saying that the solution that they will have after 30 more days of negotiating shouldn't be too far away from what was already in the go she added so too far away is different from exactly as it was before it might give a little wiggle room in my view of more you know my cut boris johnson as the new prime minister of just a tiny bit of slack but it probably also means that the e.u. if call has his way will not reopen that withdrawal agreement the divorce agreement the legally binding part of bragg's almost johnson i had talked to. the day before and he said he came of it very encouraged by those talks and what he described as a can do attitude is that any difference i'll have to sign is that if what does it take away from that mitch mcconnell could not give him. well boris johnson you have to remember is a spin doctor there's really no other way to put it he also was a journalist in brussels so many of my older colleagues still know what he did back then so of course he took that when i got back and said sure we can still negotiate for 30 days why not find a solution which is very pragmatic and why shut the door if there is still some time he took that he put it in his camp to try to interpret it in a way that's positive for him but a man whom i called the french president was sure to remind him that he thought was said was totally in the ballpark of what had been decided earlier and i think it's safe to say that back on it might have been a call talk beforehand to make sure they have the same strategy. right max in front of the palace for the 2 leaders are having a working lunch right now thank you very much for that update. but some other stories making news around the wind at least one person has been killed and several others injured after a fire to code of a building next door to the henry monde or hospital in paris to be spread through the 10 floors of the building which housed some of the hospitals and chloe's. thousands of high school students in hong kong have turned out in the square and the city center to rally for political reforms student leaders announced a 2 week boycott of lecture as hong kong has been gripped by a more than 2 months of sometimes violent into us led by young people demanding more democracy. around 100 west papuan students have demonstrated in the indonesian capital of jakarta the students were protesting against racism and called for independence for their region they've been a number of protests this week triggered by the arrest of dozens of pop and students in java. iran is what it calls a domestically myside state media showed president hasan rouhani and other ministers. comes at a time of rising tensions between iran and the west after iran shot down a u.s. military drone. and staying with iran president hassan rouhani has been talking tough about the once oil supplies he said that if the u.s. kept up its pressure to stop iran exporting its oil then international waters would no longer be secure as he put it there john has said in the past and it's threatened to close the strategically important strait of hormuz much of the was oil supplies passed through that waterway last month iran seized a british flag tanker in the strait did obviously reserve trouble went to the island of the street and sent us this report. it's early morning in the sun beating down on the island of relentless there's no natural water source and few other resources for that matter despite that the island has been highly valued for centuries as a strategic location portugal for instance constructed this fortress spec in 57 to control mara team traffic in the persian gulf today the strait of hormuz is once again witness to conflict as the standoff over british flecked tankers seized by iranian authorities continues. a fisherman takes us out into the strait past the island of la rock the iranian military uses the island to monitor the area which includes the narrow passage ships must pass through to reach the largest oil ports in the region. like this a quarter of the global oil consumption passes through the strait of hormuz making it a very strategic location for international trade and an important leveraging point for iran republican. international. but so far it hasn't done so but the detainment of the british tanker is already a. trade in this area. currently very few international tankers use iranian waters to navigate the strait many fear being swept up in the conflict between washington and tehran and the iranian military is not alone as it petrols these waters the u.s. has also deployed ships into the persian gulf the u.s. wants to strengthen its presence here to guarantee the passage of international cargo ships which has angered the iranian government as well as the iranian people . i don't think they would welcome any sort of you know military presence from the region itself that's a part of iran's political culture not to you know ally with. you know non. actors in the region iran try to reach out to again to you know many countries in the region kuwait. and they are open of course to the u.a.e. and i think saudi arabia as well to discuss these kind of issues. there's been no movement on the issue so far iran's neighbors seem unwilling to offer support. few people on the island of seem interested in politics they're just hoping there will be a swift end to the regional standoff. if the tensions are resolved the entire economy may improve and we're part of that. everyone is out of work here in hormuz i don't know what to do with my wife and kids we can't all live on fishing alone. things would improve for tourism more tourists would pay a visit to this island and that way it could develop. without stability turning homo's into a popular tourist destination remains a distant prospect and to brazil and the right president it was not oh he's accused non-governmental organizations of deliberately starting wildfires in the amazon rain forest he says that they're doing it to embarrass him and his government environmentalist save us of those accusations are outrageous there's been a record number of fires in the amazon this year. more than $72000.00 fires this year and 80 percent increase over the same period last year smokers cover nearly half the country e.u. satellite data show as well as parts of neighboring countries president has a theory about the fires cause. i am under the impression that it could have been set by the n.g.o.s because i had asked for money. a stunning accusation he had no evidence for environmentalists have called the charge sick and pitiful the real cause they say is both in our own policies which have slashed environmental funding and dismantle protections. when brazil space research center reported an 88 percent increase in deforestation in june compared with june last year its director lost his job those who call the amazon home are the 1st affected by the destruction. indigenous groups suffer with the impact because if enough food source begins to change. hunting is further away which forced us to go to the city for industrialized food. these groups may be the canary in the coal mine the amazon produces one 5th of the world's oxygen and absorbs one quarter of all the c o 2 taken in by earth's forests losing the amazon could mean losing one of the world's greatest natural defenses against climate change. a new push to repack korea drawing the refugees from bangladesh to me and mine has apparently ended and after no one turned up to board debating buses meanwhile has given the go ahead for more than 3000 refugees to return to the country and issued them with documentation but none of them have yet chosen to follow through with it fearing what might happen to them on their return this is bunk a vicious 2nd affectation attempt after a previous bush in november. nearly 750000 of the persecuted muslim minority fled to military offensive in 2017 in. state. and conrad is at the main refugee camp in the bangladeshi city of cox's bazar along the border with me and ma she told us more about why the refugees are refusing to return to me and ma some people here told us that if they were forced to go home they'd rather kill themselves 1st because they don't trust the government of myanmar to actually provide them with safety to give them their land back you have to remember this might face muslim minority has gone through what some people close to ethnic cleansing their villages were bombed in some cases women were right they simply don't trust the government backing me and ma to provide the safety and provide the human rights that they want a lot of people say once. a month have been fulfilled they want to go back but at this point they all prefer to stay here and no one we talked to and no one has talked to the un so far wants to go back willingly. that is 14. now to the latest controversy over immigration in the u.s. the trumpet ministration wants to give authorities the power to hold migrants and their children indefinitely while the asylum requests are being considered and the democrats say the proposal of monster child abuse and a planning to fight it in court and. keep families together this was the protesters edict when the trump administration began separating micra children from their parents at the us mexico border people across the u.s. took to the streets to protest the policy now the u.s. president has essentially said ok we'll keep the families together in detention indefinitely. reporters press trump over concerns about the negative effects the tension could have on miners. that. they're there. but we're big bird strong at the border you see the numbers are way way down and i want to i want to go. to new rules replace the previous court decision that put a limit on how long immigration authorities can detain migrant children it will mean that because they cross the border with their parents they can be held for much longer the administration has insisted all families will be released as swiftly as possible there's no intent to hold families for a long period of time in fact we have the prior experience of shows we were able to average under 50 days that is your term for but expeditious immigration proceedings . but an asylum claim can take an average of 5 years to be processed this means that people could potentially be kept in detention camps for even longer. but this new facilities which suggests that micro plastics in the water we drink do not pose any significant risk. i had its 1st study of the issue of the was health organization has found that most particles off through the body without being absolved but the findings got with the big caveat the dumb to h. o. ses further research is urgently needed to obtain a more detailed assessment of the potential impacts on have. now fallen for more on that story i have with me derek williams from science to us welcome day quest to forward what is the significance of this latest finding well this this study was was built on the back of the discovery about a year ago that there are large numbers of of micro particles micro plastic particles in bottled water and to some extent also tap water so that posed a potentially major health threat ended up gauge you had to look into it now they've come back in year later and they've said ok we've we've we've done the science we've looked at it and to the best of our of our understanding and knowledge it doesn't pose a major threat to human health most of it does pass through the digestive tract but we definitely need to do more work exactly the forceful urgent recession what in what direction will this research be going and what they're trying to establish a lot of it is about standardization because the studies that have been done in the past used different parameters for example one study group might have used filters that have pores of a particular size in another study group of a different size so the size of the micro particles in particular also what makes up the micro particles there's a great deal in plastic is not plastic is not plastic so micro plastic is not microprocessors not micro plastics different substances will be toxic possibly in different ways and many of them will be inert and won't be dangerous in the least but we know very little about that and the 3rd aspect is actually the size of these micro plastics interesting lee when it comes to digestion of these at least the the larger pieces of plastic appear to be really not much of a problem but we don't know much about very tiny pieces of plastic when you get. into the nanometer range so that could also pose a potential danger where we really definitely need to do more research and how much of a threat or a problem do micro plastics posed to the environment will the most of the threat that they pose in the marine environment anyway i mean we've also came last last week we had we had the story that they discovered micro plastics and snow in the arctic so it's also in the atmosphere it's not only about in the oceans but most of what we know about it in the oceans is that it causes problems in the food chain in particular for marine plankton so small animals in the food chain eat these mice micro plastics thinking that their food and they become mechanically stuck in their diet in their gut in their digestive tract and that can actually lead to the starvation of the animal because it's not able to digest enough food to keep up its energy needs so that's that's also another area that we need more research as to what extent micro plastics are really having an impact at a very fundamental level in these food chains in the in the environment in the marine environment in particular right dave williams from les sciences thank you very much well let's have low on the plastic littering of the oceans every year hundreds of kilometers of plastic fishing nets discarded in the seas but now a dutch company has teamed up with fishermen in india to retrieve the nets and recycle them for a totally different. than obama. these fishermen in southern india are getting ready for a day out at sea but they're not looking for fish instead they're on the lookout for abandoned fishing nets floating in the indian ocean. but i wanted to get out by extracting these nets from the sea where no way creating with the earning some money. might be also helps in enhancing our catch your values nets get stuck in the propeller and damage the boats when we go fishing or do. not learn netting not only snags but propellers it also traps marine life and degrades into micro plastics fishing nets can take hundreds of years to break down and fishing gear and makes up up to 70 percent of surface debris in the world's oceans but now a dutch company is working with indian fisherman to retrieve discarded fishing nets and with these women to recycle them. we don't have money for our family by working here this is our livelihood. once the nets have been cleaned and cut up that turned into plastic granules one of the companies that uses them is the surfboard make us stop a lot in bangkok thailand. then we try to see where we can place to meet great places the civil places in our products from force 15 wherever a people can see them and understand that actually recycling is i can index training. the indonesian island of bali is a surfing mecca that's also battling a tide of plastic waste choking its rivers and beaches the owner of a surfing school on the islands now only uses eco friendly boards. it's pushing others to do the same. we need to educate the riders the surfers and we also need to educate the companies themselves that they can create sustainable programs and be responsible for the products they are using in this or avoids recycling initiatives like these are just a drop in our increasingly polluted oceans though the world produces hundreds of millions of tons of plastic waste every year. and if you've seen the movie the sound of music you remember julie andrews yodeling to our heart's content and some of the songs not the unique out fine form of singing was originally a way of communicating between the mountains of sit still in austria but it's now evolved into a sophisticated musical form and one that has true staying power have a listen. really puppy to puppy to puppy. puppy totally meaningless and lal. we don't know when the 1st point terry farmer let rip with the 1st. warning. perhaps the most plausible explanation courting the scattered herd of cows in for milking but would so much artistic creativity be invested into such a monday in toss. her. rather hard to imagine now but there was a time when yodeling was considered revolutionary. you could even say there was a kind of republican yodel for example in switzerland one of the 1st democratic countries or role of the was to free it from the code in at the beginning of the 19th century. these countries were associated with freedom in the eyes of the rest of europe. so the euro songs that came down from the still europe were transformed into songs of freedom. nature string theory where the battles of just great p.r. measures for alpine folk music well christoph doctor's research does suggest that there was a yodel at that time one which gripped the whole of europe and soon produced its 1st superstar. family from silicon. in addition to the rhinos hundreds of alpine singers and even opera divas took yodeling to the living. overseas postures near 0 balance yards at the new york metropolitan opera their views were not great but that didn't stop yodel mania gripping the us. the whole world met in the usa in the 19th century as we were in a mix of languages were spoken my idea is that yodelling was the lowest common denominator the clothes to good man some in need no. no no no no no no no no no. in the usa yodel mania lost its luster in the 1950 s. . but joe decades ago yodeling was liberated from being solely the preserve of german folk music t.v. shows indeed folk music fans and everyone's guard vocalists have breathed new life into. and why not what could be more beautiful than transforming those cries of distress into a positive heartfelt yeah that echoes around the world. you're watching the deadly news here's a recap of the top story that you're following feel you can't climb this embarrassed johnson and french president in money and looks on holding talks on the breaks it in paris johnson said he believed it was time to find a solution to the irish border problem mcconnell said the e.u. had to protect the integrity of the single market. coming up next conflicts with tim sebastian and don't forget you can always get the latest news and information around the clock on our web site that's d w dot com for me and with that she left spice and. the funny. thing. to. enter the conflict zone with to sebastian the song east european state of moldova has a new coalition government my guest this week is not the mature but scottish feist's president of the outgoing democratic party and a former justice minister cooed moldova now how far he would go corruption is he ashamed the peace talks he's raechel in conflict so from now on d w. o. earth home to millions of species it's a home worth something. global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas that protect the climate boost green energy solutions and the. forster should be using interactive content to inspire people to take action on global audience and series of global 3000 on t.w. and online. i'm not laughing. well i guess sometimes i am amazed and nothing happens thanks to you consider jam a culture of looking at stereotypes question in here think if you are the kind of kid that i not. even seen if it is grandma. it's all about who they know i'm rachel join me to meet the gentleman from beat up your post. do you think the rest of the world is really that stupid is he a crook of course not and it's going to be rather uncomfortable for jews who know it's not that old uncomfortable we will see who is less corrupted and who is better managing governing become for the time east europeans very few of moldova has a new coalition government united it seems only in its dislike of the previous of minister.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report With Jon Scott 20191215

this is such a monumental vote using the process of impeachment, is one the most serious things that the house of representatives can do. even speakers policy said should be bipartisan. the only think bipartisan about this process is the opposition of impeachment. >> marquez leaves now from washington. >> good evening john, lawmakers will return to washington could be one of the most consequential votes of their career. the house rules committee will meet on tuesday to decide how to debate on the inpatient logo. in the vote will likely there come out wednesday or thursday. and remember, all it takes is the majority for impeachment to move over to the senate. democratic leaders said they are not look at those and is up to each member to help how to proceed. the key democrat since lawmakers see they have a clear-cut case in front of them. this president's conduct is far worse than anything nixon did. for more sweeping in its destruction of accountability. far more damaging to our national security the cover of that was watergate. the question is, why are republicans placing this president above their oath of office. jon: so far they can impede here unite against impeachment. the gop members will vote with democrats on the articles of impeachment like obstruction and abuse of power. and tonight we are still waiting to find out if a democratic congressman from note from new jersey to switch parties because of the impeachment. congressman news jeff met with president trump friday to discuss intentionally switching parties. he is facing a lot of criticism from democrats over that consideration. is surfing his first term in house. not following the household of impeachment, is the senate, the majority missed mcconnell see he excessive trial to begin in january. they see they are eager to see a quick tire trial. i've nothing but disdain for this. i'm trying to make myself clear. what you are doing in the house, is that for the presidency. you are impeaching the president of the united states. in a matter of weeks, not months. >> senate democrats staying that they are troubled in the white house was been coordinating with senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell. type foxes lord that some democrats in the house are considering acting former republican congressman justin a must to work with and the trial in the senate. he will be there as a rep. for the democrats in the trial. however nothing is been confirmed at this. this is simply discussion centered in process of getting started. it is going to be a busy week ahead here in washington. >> busy and well, that is just one word for it. and more thank you. jon: meanwhile senate judiciary lindsey graham inviting the president's personal attorney, giuliani, testified before the panel on his recent visit to ukraine. >> i don't know what he found that if you want to come to judiciary committee, ready if you want to come to tell us what you found that it would be to talk to you. >> giuliani had loomed large in the impeachment ballot in the brawl of the presence dealing with ukraine. graham says giuliani news test her name would not be part of the senate impeachment trial. former fbi director james conley says he was overconfident in the face of process. in an interview with chris wallace on fox news sunday, only adds that he agrees with parts of the ig report released this week. and that there was quote real sloppiness in the fisa applications. but he also defended the fbi staying there was no intentional wrongdoing. joining us from the white house is kevin. >> evening john, and the enemy of the former fbi director said yes, there we're mistakes that happened. and that finds application process visit but it doesn't mean that the bureau is correct. it will he did.out the fact that there we're several instances and names specifically that the ig report by michael horowitz, reflected poorly on the bureau. >> i was overconfident in the procedures that the fbi and justice, and built over 20 years. i thought they were robust enough produce incredibly hard to get a fisa. i was overconfident in the spring he is right, there was real sloppiness. seventeen thanks, it should've been in the applications or at least discussed printed and characterized differently. it was not acceptable. so he is). jon: former director coming on fox news and he said for his part prison trump accused his predecessor for being in the loop. many of the white house a citizenship shop in ossetian. as for the fbi in others, it is really bad and remember that ig, horowitz was appointed by obama. he doesn't see this in the suite, there was tremendous bias and guilt exposed so obvious. horwitz couldn't get himself to see it. it credibility loss. it is with this. obama knew everything. however over and capitol hill democrats as you can imagine, and committee chair adam schiff rejecting that he testified before the senate and if the democrats impeach the president, in the house. >> i'm not a fact witness in any way grasp right in the president knows that brady also was to call the speakers, and witness. this is merely his common tactic and that is, you can defend his gross misconduct pretty can defend his abuse of power. he can't defend - >> if i may interrupt. >> the fact that did have [applause] doesn't make me a fact witness. but nonetheless, nor does it make the speaker a fact witness. this is in about a fact witness for there are in fact, members of congress who are witnesses. >> fox news poll suggesting the nation ranks split on impeachment with no change practically since early october. the majority of those surveyed, do believe that the president and the phone call with ukraine's leader, abused his power. i should also.out that the data reflected and the following, does make more heavily towards democrats. of course national john as you know, there are more democrats and republicans and for that matter, there's more independence than both of them. here the white house, looking forward to what promises to be a very busy week ahead. back to you. jon: hathaway thank you fred you can catch chris wallace's entire interview with former fbi director james coming tonight at fox news sunday. he was also get the white house perspective from special advisor and funny. and no one-on-one with house intel committee chairman and jeffrey fox news sunday airs tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern right after this program here on fox news channel. jon: the united kingdom but pressing ahead with brexit. boris johnson hoping to begin the push book for parliamentary approval of his bike to deal before christmas. so we can hathaway. he was conservative government is coming up a landslide victory in the general elections. the deadline for the united kingdom to leave the european union, is january 302,001st. adil now reached, between the u.s. and china. the two nations agree to phase one of trade deal. preventing terrorists that would've gone into effect today. jackie joined with more on what this means for us. that hope is that the two sides will meet in january. but today, the both sides are off. china announced suspending retaliatory tariffs targeting corn and wheat and u.s. auto parts. the u.s. has it's been tariffs on nearly hundred 60 million in chinese electronics and toys. ms. miss also agreed reduce economic penalties imposed on china in september putting them in half. in return china reportedly agreed to import at least 200 billion in additional u.s. services over the next two years on top of the amount of purchase in 2017. he also promised increase access to chinese markets and a crackdown on intellectual effect. white house economic advisor talked about it this morning about the impact this will have on americans. so we are going to be doubling american experts whether it is farming and agriculture in machinery and technology, but never seen anything like this before. until the economics consequences are going to be so positive from the standpoint of virtually the entire american economy. the critics of the deal rather, is the details of that agreement still unknown. they doubt it will have much of an impact already hit hard by the trade work. you are also unclear about exactly what china is going to do to address intellectual property theft. senator chuck schumer said president trump seem like the only president to tackle this challenge but now according to reports, a solo for a temporary unreliable promise from china to purchase some soybeans. before this sign is from china before. analyst gordon yesterday. >> we give up a lot. response to going tomorrow. working in half other tariffs and hundred $20 billion in chinese goods. we are performing on our deal, even before there is a signed agreement. i don't think this make sense. smith beijing on friday said the work of the agreement with the final deals long way off. negotiators announcing idi. start up recent different. jon: will have to see what phase one brings about. thank you very much jackie. noah went to a fox news exclusive. dozens of any pilots playing with lawmakers and military to allow them to carry firearms basis. coming after two deadly shootings enable basis just the last month. lucas tomlinson has details. it's not fox news, man was armed on bases and write quote, reprehensible, much less its war fighters base there. meet the mercy of off-base law enforcement and faced with an immediate front threat to live. bases across the united states and become quote, soft targets and on-base securities often provided by contracted civilians. physical fitness requirements and specialized training fall far short of the standard service members. one of them was a recent graduate of the naval academy. you are patch in honor of the victims. the loan points out some irony quote, and joshua was a small arms structure. capital of the rifle team at the u.s. naval academy. when he was standing much music with with nothing more than a logbook and a pen. he was asked by fox about the base security that the armies in philadelphia. >> these communities, that went out a balance of the interest. we should and can do better. service secretary and chief, to get the right. >> the new york times is reporting to chinese diplomats we're able to drive in the base using special operations forces a few months ago outside of norfolk, virginia before being caught. the first time in more than 30 years in u.s. pickup chinese diplomats accusing them of being spies. jon: thank you lucas. one is freaking out yet again between police and anti- protesters. this began after demonstrators smashed glass and damaged shops at the newtown mall. loud screams we're heard as police used pepper spray and made several arrests for the rallies marking the latest and ongoing unrest in hong kong. it erupted in juniper a proposed extradition law and sent peasants snowballed into an antigovernment. anyone claiming today that it defused another major cyber attack against his government servers. i see the assault likely was launched by a foreign government. the nation news telecommunications administer said that this is the second attack within week. here's the story. >> iranian fink they stop eight cyber attack is to come on, that today by the minister of tele- communications as is the hackers started the government computer systems. experts linked a separate cyber attack on wednesday against iran to chinese speaking individuals. that attack was described as massive and it reportedly affected millions of iranians bank account spread the news comes in a rapidly increasing attentions with a run and of course today that iranian troops during a rock possibly quell antigovernment demonstrations. and in iraq, they are in part by anti- iranians much like demonstrations across your unless month but according to the state department left over a thousand people dead. this weekend in a conference in the hall, yes secretary of the treasury digit he reinvented american support for iranian protester. soon if we think there's a terrific opportunity for the iranian people prayed we love nothing more than his seat really agreement that creates regional stability and peace. and join they are ready, we will take off the sanctions. >> the agreement between the two countries, they do appear to be at a stalemate after the united states put up a veterans nuclear deal last year. says an rn has violated key terms of the agreement is met the sanctions. >> c1 un climate collapsed today in madrid. and certainly over the u.s. brawl in combating climate change. president trump has punch to pull out of the paris of course nothing he can unofficially do until after the 2020 election. many smaller nations appear to be taking a wait-and-see approach and whether president trump will be able to follow through on the promise. the 16 -year-old swedish climate activist it was just named time magazine news person of the year, is apologizing for a comment she made friday. she told the crowd of young supporters in italy while speaking in english, the politician should be put against the wall pretty quote unquote. critics claim she was advocating for violence in his world leaders who do not fight climate change. and she later explained that she was making the literal translation from swedish indicating the phrase in her native language means to hold people accountable. police arrest upon john boehner in connection to last week's mass shooting in new jersey. plus, 2020 democratic hopefuls urging the dnc to do away with the eight roles claiming the big stages becoming less diverse. in the d&c is responding. i'll get that later. dylan! but the one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with homeowners insurance. what? switching and saving was really easy! i love you! what? sweetie! hands off the glass. ugh!! call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. i love her! a peaceful night sleep without only imagine... frequent 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investigated as a case of domestic terrorism. new york city remembering a teenage college student killed on a park by digging. a candlelight vigil for tessa majors was held this morning morningstar park. the 18 -year-old from virginia was fatally stabbed last week in a suspected robbery attempt and police arresting a 13 -year-old in connection with her murder. for now the reports of majors might have gone to buy marijuana. and britney sanders, hitting the campaign trail in iowa today. as former new york city mayor michael bloomberg opens his campaign in charlotte. dmc pushes back against request from presidential hopefuls to change rules to include more candidates. marianna dorian property joins us more. >> hi john up a lot today shows joe biden still believed among democratic voters. 77 percent chance think that he'll be a good chance to beat trump in 2020. what a judge of 40 percent from october. meanwhile at the urging of new jersey senator cory booker who did not qualify for the next debate, another democratic candidates signed onto a letter urging the dnc chair to lower the correctional qualifying for upcoming debates. i know candidates must meet requirements for pulling in campaign contributions and the standards agreed to the onset that some are now staying it is creating an unintended consequence limiting diversity in the debate stage. elisabeth warren thinks that lowering the debate threshold is the good idea. >> i believe that while we are still in democratic primary debate, that we ought to have in a more open field in here for more places. narrowing it is it too soon, one away to hear from everyone. i am sorry to see that. >> the d&c is calling a fair and noting that the requirements will get tougher as the race continues. responding to booker news letter, the right in part that the d&c will not change the threshold bringing one candidate back to two consecutive nights with more than a dozen candidates. our qualification criteria is extremely low and reflects what we are the race. now the debate, ongoing union negotiations threaten to derail thursday's debate at the last minute. representatives of the cafeteria at workers union at the merritt university sang hoping to reach an agreement before the debate on thursday. and despite all the debate, candidates are on the trail. britney said there's in iowa today focusing on was becoming a important issue for minor-league baseball and making a plea to preserve the organizations that relationship. small town teams across the country and keep my legs intact. sandra sang there's a recent to america's favorite pastime. john. jon: thank you. the judge in wisconsin ordering to earn 34000 voters to be taken off of that stage registered voter list. in center of goleta that the state elections commissions sets enough voters in october asking them to respond if they were still at that address or to update their registrations if they have moved. in the decision stay on and could have an impact on the 2020 presidential election and 2016 president trump one was caused by fewer than 23000 votes. new england patriots find themselves in the middle of yet another spot a scandal and plus, the basement heading to a full houseboat, conservative groups are targeting democrats and trump districts. lawmakers ponder the growing likelihood of a senate trial. she went and angers it general desire for a lot of senators do not turn this think into circus. i understand presents frustration by being shot of the house but i need to do what i think is best for the country. jon: that's judiciary graham, he wants to make it die quickly in the senate. the site president trump staying he wouldn't mind a lengthy trial. republicans are calling nancy pelosi in the bidens as witnesses. good evening i'm jon scott and this is the fox report. senate trial appears more likely with a full houseboat on impeachment expected to come this week. meanwhile conservative groups are turning up the heat on vulnerable democrats in districts carried by president trump. we talk about it, the white house reporter, jeff mason. jeff, let's take those look right now at the number of democrats who are surfing in districts that president trump carried. not 29 of them. there are 233 house democrats in hundred 97 republicans plus one independent. so if even all of 29 of these we're to a vote against inflation impeachment which doesn't seem likely democrats still have the vault to carry) samantha specht on. i don't think the big ? over whether or not there's going to be enough democratic votes in favor of impeachment. democrats can are confident despite staying they're not looking votes that are enough people in their caucus that will bring it over to the finish live for them. as you see then, the likelihood of a senate trial is very high and the senate is preparing for now. jon: your lindsay graham, he's fighting to make it die a quick death in the senate. i guess, one can ask what is the point there's no going to be the attitude to convict in the senate. white house going through with it. >> the democrats have responded to that. the leaders of the impeachment process on the democrats i have said they're doing this because it's a constitutional duty. and despite the fact it is unlikely to be lead to a conviction since they still have a responsibility to their oath of office into the constitution to do with the hard doing. so that is there response republicans on the other hand for this entire process very political and president trump has dismissed it as a witch and a sham. jon: posting a look at the latest fox news polls on whether americans believe that this impeachment process should begin. there's really been very little change since early october. it's about 50 percent favor impeachment and removal of the president. versus 41 this is shouldn't have been and 41 percent i should see who should happen. democrats, they don't have the votes in the senate, you need two thirds majority, they won't have the votes to convict. does this become an effort and political damaging. >> clinic that's a great question. i don't think will really going to note the question or answered about that dr.. certainly republicans are staying vulnerability democrats, and some of those districts that voted for president trump in 2016, and then lyft in 2018 and voted for democrats to go into the house. so those particular districts are being targeted. and president trump and his campaign is shown quite a bit of confidence. even president trump in the oval office on friday, was in the pool. we was speaking that and he said most of the impeachment but it appears to be good for me politically. nursing a lot of her name for president trump news campaign offers. they also believe that it's really energizing his base. so stephen has the opposite effect on the same effects we're democrats. can't forget that there is some democrats from the left on the party who believe the lawmakers in congress waited is it too long to do this. they should've done this during or after the results of the molar investigation prints out there are very polarized deepening and which are urine and which side to support. >> molar investigation rings up the investigator inspector general report this week. on the origins of, the fica application spying on the carter page, and the conclusions of the report we're pretty damning and here's james comey reacting to the findings today on fox news sunday. >> the fbi was accused of treason. avail legal spying and tapping pets trumps wires. and that went out justification of criminal defeat in nc president. all of that was nonsense. but, he also found the things we we're never accused of which the real sloppiness. >> real sloppiness is the fbi, and that in itself, is the pretty damning conclusion. >> and he acknowledged that. i think it's important to remember the ig report not find that the investigation was done for political motives but it did lift 817 areas machine applications from the plaza report was not handled correctly and that is certainly, not a positive conclusion for the fbi. our fortune, he was leading the fbi at the time. signal into an interview with chris wallace. clearly something that the fbi will need to address that will address going forward. jon: seventeen significant accuracies and omissions, all of this went against the kit president's campaign and carter page in particular. thank you. jon: with a 2020 election year, now only weeks away, social media tech giants are cracking down on political at why others see, is just not their job to censor such assets. kristin fisher has the details. >> is the part of our digital department. sue is frustrated by google news new political and policy. would be an understatement. soon it is free speech. on suspicion activity is like shutting off a phone number to us. >> knows all about attracting a buzz online. to do that, almost all campaigns have been using the tactic, called micro- targeting allows them to aim as a very specific upset people. based on the political affiliations for public but it records. it is a tactic that was perfected in 2016 join the trump campaign. but now, the largest search engine in the world, which also on youtube which only allow campaign to target users based on their edge gender and general location. even if those users have asked the campaign to [applause] them. >> knows almost be like at&t said, you know it or not able to call any trump phones. the at&t said, no you can't dial their phones. it's crazy. >> democrats also dislike google news new policy but for different reasons. senator elisabeth warren tapping calls of change, just lip service. amazon actually solves the problem of misinformation on the platform. and 95 democratic digital operatives, sign the post on mediums sinkholes and changes disadvantaged democrats more than republicans. >> do you think it hurts republicans what are democrats. >> i think it hurts america. >> google says it knows both sides are upset 'i believe the balance we have start, allowing political ads to remain on our platforms while limiting in a row targeting can reduce the visibility events and trust and processes it can throw them. sue mcginnis such as google, twitter has gone even further by deming all political ads. but that has less of an impact because is much smaller platform. the question now is will facebook book, the biggest pot forum follow. in washington, fox news. jon: the announcement of two major trade deals, coming as the impeachment unfolds in a roaring economy. what influence might all have on the 2020 elections. jon: we are going to be doubling american exports, whether it is farming and agriculture, and machinery and technologies in the economic consequences are going to be so positive from the standpoint of the entire american economy. >> this white house economic advisor telling the administration phase one trade agreement with china. that announcement along with nancy pelosi news endorsement of the u.s. and ca trade deal, marking to economic victories for the administration this week and we're arguably eclipsed by impeachment. there to talk about it economist john jordan, is the forum of naval intelligence officer attorney and overseer at sanford news uber institution. john you heard what larry kunkel had to see is he overselling it. >> >> know he is underselling it if anything for the federal reserve is predicting a 2.1 percent growth in gdp next year. with u.s. seem join placed, you probably add another half-point singer now you you are probably 2.6 closer to three, and this is before the phase one deal with china really kicks in. so with president trump is going into an election year, with a booming economy, unemployment historic lows including that from latino americans and african americans. so the democrats going to have a hard time making this case that they should be in charge freda news back to what a booming economy and an economy that appears poised to as you see take off even higher. >> absolutely, and it this year we had 3.1 percent increase in hourly earnings. that is a real benefit to a lot of americans. and it's going to be very popular. the democrats are going to be forced to ask the american people to vote against their own economic interest. that historically is the big seller in the democrats know that there looking at and 1984 dive boat situation we're president reagan one and landslide in the very aware of this and scared to death. on the make a change for i don't know. jon: they are also scared of the election maurice johnson in the uk and what that could mean and some headlines in the newspapers around the world and the guardian says democrats be where in the uk and election would actually terrible of interest. political says blowback from election burns, warren and sanders and the independent, joe biden words democrats that uk election shows what happens join candidates move so far to the (you see it that way. smoke absolutely, we just look back at 2060 with the brexit vault, and that did happen in the election, a president trump heard the lease didn't see it coming. this is could be very easily misunderstood. everyday people in the uk and united states you don't want to be told what to do by the year that are sent london and washington and new york, they don't like it. they want to be able to run their lives and keep as much of the her name as possible and none of the government tell them that are in the healthcare democrats want to do. they want to tell them what they should or shouldn't do so this against the elites and their exercise of political power. >> let american people want it keep the her name unless they figure the neither has the least at least $50 million. elisabeth warren and some others are proposing wealth stacked. 2 percent stacked on anybody was a personal fortune of $50 million. 60 percent of americans see they like that idea. jesus raise you. >> it does. there's always been a popular street. it is certainly the democrats want to soak the flames a bit me because that's really all they have. somebody has more so that means you have less. some of the magi quote. there's two problems of the wealth stacked. it's arguable be, is unconstitutional. in the second of all, of course been dead, and you're up, it's been a disaster. hard to administer and has had a terrible drag on a lot of european economies. it hasn't worked anywhere. jon: for instance if you had a 50 million-dollar fortune, you could dole it out to others in your family. all of us and you got five or 10 million-dollar fortunes that you don't get stacked. >> exactly and that he evaluate these assets anyway. seventy of these are in family businesses are in smaller businesses. they are not all marketable securities. so how does the government measure the value. how's that stacked assessed for there's all kind of administrator problems with the not the in addition to the fact that historically, doesn't produce the revenue or had good provided economic benefit that even supporters of this act see, most of and economic disaster everywhere it's on. >> despite the fact that the house appears to be moving for towards the impeachment of the president. his poll numbers have kicked up. the job approval rating than people are giving them. what is this idea. >> while this the height one mark for the democrats. if had to control the narrative in the floor, very carefully and they've spoke to center in the last few weeks but as you pointed out, president trump news job approvable went up two points that since late october. so this is the best the democrats have, and it looks like it is because now the process is going to shift to a republican controlled senate where the president, if there is a trial will be able to president witnesses and cross-examine those people who we're called by the democrats in the house. it looks like that is the high tide mark in the water is going out in the democrats political fortunes for trying this. we met john jordan former attorney office thank you very much. >> thank you. . jon: the wall street journal staying boeing is considering cutting or halting production of a 737 max jets. sources telling the vapor that announcement could come as early as tomorrow. this after regulators told the company news expectations for i can take a plane preapproved, preapproved art rate unrealistic. the fleet of about 800 jets we're mounted after pair of crashes and killed nearly 350 people. next we have an exclusive look at video from fox for craig alleged showing new england patriots illegally spying on the cincinnati bengals. when it comes to using data, everyone is different. which is why xfinity mobile is a different kind of wireless network that lets you design your own data. choose unlimited, shared data, or mix lines of each and switch any line, anytime. giving you more choice and control compared to other top wireless carriers. save up to $400 a year when you switch. plus, unwrap $250 off a new samsung phone. click, call or visit a store today. jon: new video out today dealing with the converse over the new anglian patriots against nfl rules. fox sports exclusively obtaining video at the bangles talk, showing join the patriots cameras pointed. watch. >> this is what you are filming. >> yes. come on guys. [inaudible conversation] student i don't see the advance scout in the switch. jon: the patriot video, producer was suspended. the nfl is still investigating. patriots any that belichick had no involvement in it and that the video buffer, and subsuming feature for the team news website on the job. tiger woods leading the u.s. golf team to a 16 - 14 president cut victory down on. the first captain to also play in the tournament in 25 years. this is 27 the match win. meanwhile president trump reacting to the wind tweeting congratulations to tiger and the entire on a great comeback and tremendous men. true champions. the next president cup will be at quail hollow club in charlotte north carolina, in 2021. join the christmas season means it's time for the annual sent tectonic event in new york city. men and women dressed as santa attending a parade and pub crawl all over me time midtown manhattan. i started in 1994 and came to new york city, four years later. dozens of cities across the world have their own sent icon event. jon: affords pirate, steals a of package and leave something unusual behind. initiatives pollinate grinch neighborhood. the comment by surprise. >> it is 11 deal, i do. check out the united export. learn more at the explorer card dot com. [sneezing] ♪ you don't want to cancel your plans. [sneezing] cancel your cold. news one minnesota package they've took a crime to whole new level. heller smith of st. paul were brought arrived home to expecting to find a package she ordered on her porch. instead she had a letter from the expected they've expressing gratitude for the chief and signed the new owner of your package. the police said package theft increase during the holidays. now a heartfelt story on the solid. mick kaitlyn harley who sprang into action after hearing some of her fellow classmates were paying off and lunged at. merrily moore has more on this young girl's act of kindness. this shive 5-year-old girl has a big heart. and a worthy cause. >> so they can have lunch, and snack. >> but lunching and snacking take money. so caitlin hardy has to plan. >> i give money to the lunch people before they know. it. >> it all started when she overheard another student's mother saying she was a hard time paying for something. that's of the wheels in her young mind started turning. >> she's very inquisitive in she asked me about it and i tried to answer is much as i could without too much for a 5-year-old. i tried to explain to her that some people aren't as fortunate as us. so caitlin decided she wanted to help. >> she wanted to do hot cocoa. >> it was cookies and a snowflake on them. >> so she priced that out there for about three hours and go through all the cookies and hot cocoa. >> but even after three grueling hours of peddling their cookies and hot cocoa. they still had to find out if donating was even possible. >> i just left a note saying my daughter don't did a hot cocoa fundraiser over the weekends and ones and of my daughter could donate. >> it paid off a hundred and 23 students. and right before the holiday season caitlin is seeing firsthand what her good things have done. >> marilyn moore from ks wb. you've got ten days to get your christmas shopping done. i'm scared to see you this weekend will see you again. girl. chris: imchris wallace much the house of representatives set to vote on impeachment this week. the fbi faces fire from an inspector general's review of the trump russia investigation. ♪ >> so many basic fundamental errors were made by three separate hand-picked investigative teams on one of the most investigative investigations. chris: ig finding no political bias opening the probe of the jump tam cain. but laying out plenty of blame. we'll discuss findings with former fbi director james comey who says the report clears him. it's a "fox news sunday"


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Boynton Beach man arrested in deadly 2023 hit-and-run crash - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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