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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160305

her t-bird. joanne nosuchunsky. with that stash he is a new york cop or a 70s porn star, nick mullen. she swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. unless you are guilty and then she'll lie to cop you out of jail. criminal defense attorney remi spencer. and i know his phone is turned off, but i hear the bottle calling him. michael money gnaw han. let's start the show. >> here is a new excuse to call in sick. trump anxiety syndrome. therapists are dealing with patients who are freaked out over the idea of a trump presidency. a psychologist from manhattan says that she has noticed an up tick in trump references. but she seems most bothered by the fact that trump himself would not seek out services. part of the reason he makes people so anxious is that he has no anxiety himself, she says. it is frightening. i am starting to feel anxious just talking about him. another therapist interviewed said she hadn't heard about trump anxiety from patients, but says it helps me to talk about it. i'm terrified that he could win, his impulsive tee and incomplete sentences and strange, squinty eyes. to my mind he is a loosely held together person. thank you, doctor. should she be frightened? no. i had to talk down several conservative friends after the 2012 election. they couldn't believe obama was re-elected. relax, i told them. leaders change and bad policies can be undone. but, you know what's worse than people's fear of trump? it is what they think of people who support him. who are these people? are they at the grocery store? are they next to him at gouge dodger stadium? if you can't sit by someone who disagrees with your politics, you really do need therapy. do politics keep you up at night or are you a normal person like me? >> those are two different answers. no, i don't stand for politics. i take lots of xanax and go to sleep early, and i'm nothing like you. i am not like these people either. one of the things that bothers me is i love the fact that i hate donald trump so much. but then you go and present his other opponents to me. and then i hate them more. that's an amazing thing. this idea that people have anxiety over a presidential candidate, it makes donald trump's point for him. like he says everyone's gone crazy and everyone is too pc. the response is i have to go to therapy because this guy is doing well in the new hampshire primary. he is literally making his point for everybody. >> politics makes you passionate about people who you probably wouldn't care about. you know what i'm talking about? >> absolutely. it is a topic that gets everybody passionate whether you are a supporter of trump or you are not. the issue i had with this article is they interviewed an art teacher, god bless her. she is a teacher and that's great. but she likened the trump presidency to nazi germany, and how americans are going to flee from this country if trump was elected. i think the melodrama and the outrage is manufactured, and if it is not it is a sad representative of what today's people are saying and thinking. it is stupid. >> isn't it a great way for students to learn their teacher is crazy? >> she is teaching art so at least it is not modern history. >> yes. nick, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> you look thrilled and happy over there. >> i'm sorry. i am not aware of my face. >> look, you remember when the beatles sang you can't always get what you want? shouldn't people take that to heart? >> if you have the time and resources to go to therapy over donald trump, then you are done with therapy. you are finished and you solved all of your problems. quit. go do something else. going to therapy for donald trump is pretty crazy, but going to a massage therapist for it is psychotic. >> that was part of the article i didn't mention. they had people -- the massage therapists said people were talking about donald trump, joanne, on the massage table. >> they were probably imagining his very large hands working out the kinks. >> that may have been it. what do you think? do you think it is something -- if people feel anxiety they should talk about it, shouldn't they? >> that's the thing. you hit that point in your monologue. they are just bringing more upon themselves. it is these people on facebook who are instigating the conversations and thisy are not listening and being respect and they are spewing more of the anxiety and they are forgetting that the real anxiety and the real fear is global warming. they need to remember that. >> nick is one of those guys -- i feel like your on-line presence, you put things on there to get people angry. do you do that? >> no, people just don't like me. trying to be friendly and personable and people dis-- despise who i am. >> we here on "red eye" we always try to better the show. we brought in a focus group for feedback. they were asked to describe what they saw. i haven't seen this yet, but, guys, do we have the tape? i am eager to hear what they had to say. >> sophomoric. >> embarrassment. >> disappointing. >> shameful. >> despicable. >> angering. >> low on substance. >> disgusting. >> wow. >> that's a first reaction. >> they warm to you later. >> they will warm to us as they watch the show. moving on. who won thawrs' do -- thursday's debate? a focus group said john kasich. that view was shared by the pundits. >> it was in favor of rubio and cruz. it had strong nights. >> i thought john kasich had his best debate. >> donald trump crushed it. >> i thought ted cruz had a good night. >> nobody had a disqualifying night. >> according to every poll i won by a lot. >> last night was embarrassing for the country. >> victory for hillary. >> wow. everyone agrees. on friday trump tweeted some of the polls showing he won. he also tweeted a google trends traffic revealing the most searched candidate during the debate and it was close. you see the area in red? that is donald trump. it is not even close. do we need a key for that? purple is rubio and i don't see him anywhere. trump won by a landslide. i think most googled means most presidential, don't you? >> obviously. just call it now. let's just walk away from this and give it to him. everyone is googling him. he just walked off stage and he said all of the polls said i won. i saw you like two minutes ago on stage and now you say these polls were conducted and you won. >> don't tell me seeing the future is not an attractive quality in a presidential candidate. >> i think steve hayes is right that ted cruz won, but the key point is america lost. that's what we can agree on. >> a lot of people said, remi, that it was ridiculous and the debate was shallow. aren't debates subjective? sbt that the whole -- isn't that the whole thing? isn't that the way debates have been since we were kids? i remember gerald ford and the spin room and everyone is saying oh he won the debate. they make it up. >> yes and no. yes and no. the debate should let them get offensive and who the candidate is and how they react in high pressure situations and what do they stand for and what do we hear about small hands and name calling. we didn't get the benefit of any of that. i like to think our politicians, our elected officials who are charged with protecting us and improving the country are going to elevate the conversation, they will educate the public. >> don't you think, look -- >> no, it is a disgrace. i am embarrassed for our country for what the gop has turned into , this circus, this reality show, sound byte, headline grabbing bs. >> during the attack the candidates relentlessly went at each other. here is trump describing cruz. >> great guy. everybody respects him. >> here is trump slamming the other candidates on the stage. >> i have a lot of respect for him. i generally speaking agree with what he said. he is not that much of a light weight. >> trump seems like a nice guy to me, nick. i don't know what everyone is talking about. do debates matter? does anything matter? i am not talking politics. is there meaning to the universe? >> me personally, no this is my last week and then i'm checking out. >> remi is saying, she finds it ridiculous and it is an embarrassment. ifif you want to go to policy -- >> regardless of the tone of the debate trump won because whether you like it or not it is a competition in ridiculousness. and if kasich was the only one who treated it seriously, yeah he looks professional, but that's not what it is. you don't bring policy to a pissing contest. trump is the only guy who made an affirmative statement. no one else did. and that kind of is the most important issue. >> they all could. they had ample time. he did it at the beginning of the debate. and none of them ever went there. >> it is amazing when he said that it is like, i have a being penis too. would would you let -- why would you let an opportunity like that slide by? >> mystery -- little mystery. mystery meat. >> that was my nickname, little mystery. >> trump was bragging about a part of his body. >> i have a very strong core. >> it is the center of everything. i learned that in combat classes. you move through the center. >> that's true. what is your take away from last night? everyone had a different opinion. not all were -- it wasn't just people cheering for their camp. >> we need a point system. like gymnastics. you know who the winner is based off the points. talent and all of that. we need someone who is a tabulator off stage who you get a point if you do a good job or describe a policy plan and you get more points. >> we should bring in slime from nickelodeon and slime candidates. when they answer something wrong they are slimed. >> i was mystified by the audience. earlier in the day, five people, 10 people. real americans get tickets. are those really the donors? people were shouting and screaming. >> they were mugging the camera. >> the stage is boring. >> i thought it was evenly matched for people. the last debate i felt like there were cheering sections. rubio had the woman screaming in the front row. i thought it was fair and balanced with the crowd. >> i thought there were enough crazy loud people. >> it was a wwe match minus the spandex. it seemed just as fake. there were as many punches thrown. it was pomp and circumstance. >> but were the moderators excellent? >> on friday trump announced he is cancelling his annual speech at cpac, the american conservative union who hosts the conference tweeted very disappointed donald trump decided to drop out of cpac. it sends a clear message to conservatives. the other four candidates are planning to attend. joining us from cpac is the special forces officer ben collins. ben, can you hear me? >> i certainly can hear you. >> with all that's happened with romney and the other establishment figures uniting against the front runner, is there a sense that things are divided at cpac? >> i think there is a sense of things divided. it goes to tell you things are divided among the republican party and they have been divided in the republican party for a longtime. we have part of the party that lives and breathes in washington, d.c. and you have everyday america, the disappearing middle class. tell the town in colorado who lost a coal mine they are angry voters. people are scared. there is a real sense of the finally coming to the fore here and a lot of the establishment candidates are having a hard time. there is a pretty large support for ted cruz here. we also heard a lot of support for rubio and kasich during the day. to be honest, i think this crowd expressed there is not a lot of trump support here and they were vocal about it. look, if you're mr. trump, what is the upside and the downside? do you gain anything by being here? to be honest you lose more by being here that has been ruckus and booing. i think that's why he decided not to speak here. >> trump is starting to move toward the general election. does he not need the movement conservatives anymore? >> he has been booed during debates before. it has nothing -- nothing has an affect on this man. not going will not have an affect. he will go to kansas and campaign and it is the smarter decision. those people -- i mean the sort of -- the trump april rat fuss fuss -- apparatus calls them the elite conservatives and they all hate him and are rallying around candidates that can't win. and he's right. i wish he wasn't, but he is. >> sbt this a -- isn't this a time to be unified? the convention is a long way away. why not have the fights now and then worry about unifying in the summer? >> i think if there was a general consensus we were dealing with a level playing field of equally matched candidates for the nomination, then maybe. there is no unification here. they want trump out. i don't think we will see anybody from the establishment getting behind donald trump. he is not looking for that and he is not gonna get it. >> some want him out. a lot of conservatives say whoa, right, joanne? they are like enough of this never trump. don't put all of your eggs in whatever basket it is in now. >> cpac is like a wolfpack. we have to keep to the pack. we can't have trump. really if you want the pack to thrive you need a herder. they will herd your pack to safer pastures. >> ben, i want to ask you about the downtime at cpac. is there a nightlife and do the conservatives party? >> yes, they party. this is a very young crowd. it is a young crowd. it is like any fraternity party, but everybody is in suits and ties and flag pins. that's how they rock it here. >> have a good time. what's your drink down there? are you a scotch man? >> no, miller lite. is that all right? >> very class see. see why whole foods oranges are stirring up a lot of controversy. live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. dr. ben carson officially ending his bid for the presidency during a conservative convention yesterday. the retired neurosurgeon isn't planning on endorsing any of the other candidates just yet. he does believe there is a clear checklist of requirements for being the next president of the united states. >> you need somebody who has demonstrated significant accomplishment in their life. you also need somebody whose ideas and policies are clear. >> you need to look at how they treat others and how they treat their family because that's how they are going to treat the american people. somebody who can check the box on all of those is going to make an incredible leader. >> the republican ballot has now dwindled down to four as the next round of presidential primaries is set to begin later today. meantime prosecutors believe the hotly contested iphone used by san bernadino shooter faruk could identify a third attacker. san bernadino's police chief says all of the evidence points to two attackers, but a third assailant isn't being ruled out. apple was ordered to open the pass word protected phone, but they refused citing a security risk for customers. and an autopsy report said bobbi kristina brown had a variety of drugs in her system. despite the findings the medical examiner could not determine if it was a homicide, suicide or merely an accident. 234* january of last year the 22-year-old daughter of whitney houston and bobby brown was found face down in her bathtub. she spent six months in a coma before dying last july. i'm patricia stark. now back to "red eye." you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. okay, and now it is time for -- >> organic food market whole foods is getting hammered on social media for selling pre peeled oranges in plastic containers. the fuss over fruit started on thursday after they tweeted this picture and snarked, if only nature could find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't feed to waste so much plastic on them. her tweet went viral and 70,000 retweets. and the angry on-line hoard slammed whole foods for being irresponsible. the supermarket c apologized. definitely our mistake. these have been pulled. we hear you and we will leave them in their natural packaging. they acted swiftly and the problem was solved. the response, i'm sorry you decided to do that. i have raw -- riew -- rule mad to and i can't peel the orange. >> we hear you able bodied person and will no longer make accommodations for the disabled because of your feelings. this is like real white people problems. >> the woman who tweeted it i went and found her tweet. a second tweet after it she had like a hundred followers and was not ready for this. she said that she had been accused of having white person problems and making fun of the disabled. she was getting the full social justice storm. she made a joke about oranges. apparently this is a huge problem of disabled people and oranges. my recommendation is clementines. they are easy to peel. i don't know if that is anti-ableist. >> and the ones without the seeds. you can peel them -- >> it just falls off. >> nick, look, it will save two minutes, but it will save the earth. which is more important? >> that's obvious. you can buy any packaged fruit. apples are sliced and in a plastic cup at wallgreens. that's just the first time they saw that. >> i think the distinction is whole foods has held itself up to a higher standard. we are environmentally sensitive. >> everybody knows that is a lie. >> maybe not everybody does. >> what do you think the reason is for this? why would whole foods do this? >> it is because they have too many people employed there. they needed to give an employee something to do because they are being paid. so they said here is a project. we have some extra oranges that we want to sell. we bought too many. let's peel them. let's try selling them in a different way. >> why would they do that? does anyone know the answer? i'll tell you. moms. moms are busy. their husbands are off working at an investment bank and they don't have time to peel oranges. they have all of these children running around so they take the orange and give it to the kid and off to school. >> that's the most sexist thing i have heard on television. >> it could be a father at home who doesn't have time to peel. >> that too. we are talking about whole foods . it is upscale people. >> that orange is $22. >> it is $6 a pound. >> they slice up the oranges. i think if they took the oranges and then arranged them in a staircase -- >> why don't we buy blueberries like we buy grapes. >> grapes come on a thing. unless you are buying picked grapes already which you are in cahoots with the whole foots people. >> a lot of people won't eat an orange -- it does take time to peel. your kid will not take -- >> oh laziness. >> if you have a cut cuticle it hurts and the smell lingers. >> the smell lingers and it turns your hand yellow and it is a disaster. you can put that in your backpack and take it to school. don't you see? don't you want children to get vitamin c or have them get scurvy. >> you can do things with the peel it is like half of the orange we should be paying less for. you know what i think? somebody's second cousin once we moved became a vice president that didn't have any responsibility within the company and this was his idea. nobody was checking him. nobody thought he did any work and it was that person's idea who under minded the philosophy. >> you are -- you should be glad they don't underestimate it. >> and i am playing the lounge on march 12th. go to tom for tickets. welcome back. it is that time again. tv's andy levy at the "red eye" news deck. >> people go to therapy because of trump. the country survived president nixon and it will survive president trump. >> maybe, i think. where is the xanax? jay it is in the green room. >> you'll be okay. >> okay. you love the fact that you hate trump so much, but then you hate the people who hate him even more. so you hate me more than you hate trump. >> you just turned me around. i think that's unrelated to the whole thing. i just generically don't like you. >> i was going to say, there is an obvious reason for that. >> i didn't want to admit it on tv. >> i'm sure you have before. >> i do a show. it is in german so nobody knows what we say. >> the issue you had with the article about the trump therapy is the person who likened the trump presidency to gnaw swrea swrea -- nazi germany. i believe this is a handful of losers. >> i think we will see more of this nonsense. >> you are probably right about that too. >> nicky said going to therapy is crazy, but going to massage therapy because trump is psychotic. what if it is insurance purposes? you want a massage, and your insurance will pay for it if it is for mental health reasons. >> that's the smartest thing i have ever heard. >> and did you claim to be friendly and personable on twitter? >> yes. >> have you read your tweets? >> no, i haven't. i speak them to sear re-- siri and she handles them. >> debate result stuff. you said trump just stepped off stage when he said he wants the on-line polls. >> i think he said polls. >> he was right. >> he is always right because on-line polls are on-line polls. people who vote in them are psychotic. it is like the drudge poll. that doesn't mean anything. >> yeah, i just don't think he was lying. i also agree with you and steve hayes. i thought cruz had a good night. >> he is crazy too, but chafer. but whatever. >> you didn't like the tone of the debate. they will elevate the conversation and educate people. how long have you been in your coma? >> why does everybody think that is so crazy? >> because we live in this world. >> it is so bad. it is getting worse with each election cycle. >> they should bring in slime like on nickelodeon and slime the candidates. how would you be able to tell? >> you got me. >> you said you thought the crowd was out of control. may i suggest booze played a small role in that? >> there was an on-line report which i can't confirm nor deny. 10 to 15 people were thrown out of debate because they were drunk. >> can i just say one thing? people need to stop being fooled by kasich's above the fray act. he is trying to convince people he is an adult in the room and he is not. >> why would you say that? >> people have got to remember, kasich is the guy who went to fargo from a blockbuster video store. you can look it up. he hated it so much instead of doing what a normal person should do -- >> that was kasich? i remember this. >> can i? instead of just saying oh the movie is not for me he called blockbuster and demanded they remove it from the shelves. this is not an adult. >> that was not kasich. >> it was kasich. it absolute looy was -- absolutely was kasich. unless rick perly wrote the auto-biography. >> that's in libya. >> the debates are rating so well there were 16 million viewers on thursday night. they just got picked up for a second season. >> you brought up trump was a smart move for him and they call him the elitist. wasn't it cpac who got trump started down this path? >> i was at the cpac and everyone was starstruck and didn't take them seriously which is what everyone was thinking eight months ago. i have really evolved. >> you said it is like a wolfpack and a wolfpack needs a herder. >> has anyone tried? >> a lot of dead people have tried. >> whole foods gets rid of citrus fruit. the sumo mandarin are hybrid. it inning chas them. >> we can call them oranges. >> will anybody freak out about the gmo aspect? what kind oforld do we live in. >> i just want more people on the internet to be mad at that. i'm glad people are talking about how getting rid of the peeled fruit is bad for disabled people and people are arthritis. let's not over look the point it is bad for lazy people. >> so for americans then. >> or more to the point, me. >> shouldn't they have labeled it fruit for the disabled. >> if that was their response to that tweet that went viral it would have shut it downright then. >> this was a new thing. you are rooting for the disabled. these didn't exist before. >> how long was it in the store, do we know? >> just this week. i guess the disabled were not eating -- >> citrus? >> yes, citrus. >> you have never had an orange in your life? >> nobody would care if it wasn't twitter. if that was that lady in the store and she said can you believe this? people would be like what are you talking about? finish shopping. >> as you pointed out you can buy other fruit pre sliced. this woman got 70,000 retweets and isn't that what happens? they got mad at that and they just ran with it. >> recommend knee, you said the difference is whole foods holds itself up to the higher standards. they themselves have the pre-sliced food. >> if you ever gone shopping at a whole foods? >> you could have stopped after shopping and i would say no. >> everybody is so fancy and they have so much better. >> those oranges were for the moms, andy. >> my last point before i go, i enjoy your 1950s explanation for everything. they did it with the moms. this is an upscale place, people with money. >> people with money don't feed their kids. they have nannies to do it. >> i am done. >> it is time to take a break. mini so many brair -- sombreros when we come back. live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. gop presidential hopeful ben carson officially ending his white house bid. carson saying, quote, there are a lot of people who love me. they just won't vote for me. the retired neurosurgeon is planing to focus on a project to encourage religious voters to participate. he did not endorse any other candidates, but says the country needs someone who is accomplished and treats others well. ?oi president obama praising the current state of america's economy saying, quote, america is pretty darn great right now. his comments after a labor department report claiming they added 242,000 jobs. it is holding steady and obama says the numberses don't lie and he is looking forward to refuting republican doomsday claims about the economy. more than two deck -- decades after the trial of the century they are testing a knife found by a construction worker at o.j. simpson's old house. it is believed the worker gave it to an off duty police officer who kept it for years. investigators are working to confirm the authenticity. no one ever found the weapon to kill nicole brown and her frond ronald goldman. simpson was acquitted in 1995. convicted murderer james whitey bulger will stay behind bars. they denied a request for a new trial. he said his right was violated because he wasn't allowed to receive immune knees for -- immunities for his crimes. i'm patricia stark. now back to" red eye." are you watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. students are in hot water for wearing mini sombreros to a birthday party. yes, mini so many brair res, or as trump calls them, little marco size. the theme is tequilla so do with it what you may. jeer not saying it is a fee -- fiesta, but we are not not saying that. the school announced an investigation into a possible act of ethnic stereo typing and the government issued a statement of solidarity to all students to stand by all students who were injured and affected by the tequilla party. the party organizers were not expelled as i would recommend, but they were publicly shamed. i think it is the first time tequilla has lead to regret. what do you think? are you a tequilla gal, joanne? >> i didn't used to be. i am now. it is really nice if you just do it on the rocks though. don't put all of the stuff in it. >> that's what gives you the hang over. >> actually because it is from the agave plant it is one of the best liquors for you. it is not messed with. gee that's -- >> that's what i will be thinking the next time i have a tequilla. >> what's more appropriate than mini sombreros? >> unless i get a cactus. >> why didn't they do that? >> come on. it is a good school. >> i want to live in that world. >> look, remi, the school, everything is getting out of hand. what students were injured by the idea of a tequilla party? >> i think they were the ones in the photograph. they were missing their faces. >> that's what tequilla does, people. >> the regrettable things i have done have all happened while i was drinking tequilla. i'm sure there were injuries, but i don't think it was from the sombreros. >> were you drinking -- what are the drinks with the salt? margaritas. were you drinking margaritas. >> no, just drinking tequilla. >> you were drinking the wrong kind maybe? i don't know. >> did you go where the womens have the shots on their belt? >> also probably racist. >> have you ever seen where the girls from the holsters? >> i am classier than that. >> unfortunately i have. >> these are real? >> they are shot girls. >> they wear them on their midsection? >> how do they do that. >> they have the tequilla on the hip. >> i am one of the coastal elitists. >> i am a different kind of guy. >> do you realize every time they come through there is a sombrero? >> when you go to the subway have you ever seen the marriachi band? >> it is disrespectful. >> i think the whole plan is genius. you make your frat party racist. >> that's the way to hide it. >> we'll close things out with a bedtime story. when you're on hold, your business is on hold. that's why comcast business doesn't leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. great, that's what i said. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. eye" charles cook, kennedy and sam morrell. >> this case you were wondering, homemade cardboard license plates are not legal. the erie county sheriff's office had to issue the reminder to the public after pulling over a 28-year-old woman using this cardboard license plate. looks real to me, come on. she was driving with a suspended license and without insurance and provided police this copy of her driver's license. she looks different from her photo. she is charged with possession of a forged instrument and driving with a suspended registration and given a d plus in art class. remi, would you take her case dism? >> she needs a lawyer. if she is looking for representation and she can afford private council, of course. the question is what is her defense? it may be insanity and diminished capacity? i am not sure. these are serious offenses. i know it is a joke because it looks silly, but a forged identification or a fake driver's license, those are felony crimes in the post 9 lsh slen -- post 9/11 era. she is in big trouble. >> she might have just gotten fake plates. >> i think it is the perfect crime. what do they make you do in jail? make license plates. there is no punishment for her. >> it is true she just wants to make herself a plate. >> my mother did this, actually. >> she got her plates damaged and she got a wood out and she painted on the plate. >> is that real? >> we were never caught. >> i love that it shows the printers. i love the kind of hand lettering and it reminded me of we made a big board id. and you stood in front of it and took a pick truer -- picture. the painting was a lot better. >> you could go to a local bodega. this woman is not too bright. let's give her a break. >> she is bright. she didn't do it. she is not the one who painted that. that's her defense. she is not the one who made it. she has a younger sibling or there is craft time. she is killing a few birds. >> she is helping the youth. a special thanks to joanne nosuchunsky and remi spencer and michael moynihan. i'm tom shillue and i'll see you next time. need to hire fast? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160410

rule. back to you, cracker. >> thanks, andy. let's welcome our guest. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. no clef -- no clever introduction. i usually have something clever to say about you. she is fantastic. i know what you are thinking. this guy is not your high school gym teacher. it is comedian greg stone. >> welcome back, america. >> moynihan is best known for breaking the story on fabrication. to put it another way, he is unknown. >> that's true. >> columnist at the daily beast. >> and his punch lines hit harder than at a family reunion. let's start the show. >> read his lips, no funny hats. ted cruz was the big winner in wisconsin on tuesday despite refusing to wear a cheese head hat. earlier in the day while touring the mars cheese castle cruz's daughter did something unscripted. >> that's awesome. it is a little spicy so you may not like it. >> would you like to try some cheese? >> she doesn't like jalapeno. >> she doesn't like jalapenos and he doesn't like funny hats. someone asked the question on everyone's mind. >> there is an iron clad rule of politics which is no funny hats. any hat is defined as a funny hat. michael due caucus -- michael dukakis demonstrated that. i will cheer on the hats of others. >> makes sense. i think if this cheese head video had gotten out before the election, it would have doomed him. >> game over. well i would as well. what if they remove the mask he is also revealing. that would be also terrifying. >> i understand the alien reference, but what is it exactly, they live? >> did you ever see "they live"? it is great work. >> no, i didn't see. but i know it is a great film. should his -- should a dad let a daughter put a hat on his head? >> are there no rules in that family? you don't ask for permission. it is hard bringing a small child on the campaign trail. i have to given that to ted cruz. we don't see trump's kid, great. leave them behind. and kasich's teen daughters are teenagers. they are not all about it. this kid is like free food, ice cream, yay! i want to go to this campaign stop. wearing hats is not cool, but doing impersonations of the simpsons and quoting princess bride is like really cool. keep doing it, cruz. >> it is funny. he is pretty loose in a lot of ways, but apparently there is something about hats. joe, what do you think of comedians who wear funny hats? >> the only way to go. i think, well, if he put on the hat there goes the lactose intolerant folks. i think that's why they call in politic moments a john travolta moment. my hair. you can touch my hair. he needed a sheet around him. >> was that his grandmother? >> his father hit him in the head. although i think he did miss an opportunity to show support for the kurds. >> that's good. >> i think a cheese head is a masculine look. i don't know what he is afraid of. >> no, it is not a masculine look. and cruz is right. full credit for joanne to make having a verb. at my house we do have having. i thought he was totally right about the dukakis thing. and then i realized it was not a hat. it was a helmet first of all. and then he was like a midget in a tank. it is not an appropriate comparison. you don't want to be walking around with a cheese head at this point in the election. it is this close. >> but he is in wisconsin. i think you have to go local. >> you wear it like a packer's jersey. >> they love those cheese heads. they really do. >> of course many leaders have worn interesting hats and nobody cared of. take a look. they love that hat. and what about mandela? i think that hat was for spcial occasions. and let's not forget fdr. that was on his birthday. and the last one, look at abraham lincoln. just kidding. nobody would wear a hat like that. plenty of leaders have worn funny hats. it looks like the cruz campaign will use the message that won them wisconsin for the rest of the campaign. look at their new ad. >> america is at a crossroads. it needs a leader. that leader is not trump. not trump grew up in america, the son of mr. and mrs. not trump. it is a whole family of not trumps and it ends every day the same way. thank god we are not trump. >> here he is speaking to a crowd. what he is saying doesn't matter. what is important is who is thought saying it? america needs a leader who can deliver. that leader is not trump. i am not donald trump and he didn't pay for this. >> that's beautiful and inspiring. he is going to take that message nationally. >> who is doing the ted cruz voice? that's pretty good. was that you? >> i think it was ted cruz. >> it wasn't donald trump. >> that's all that matters. >> the most compelling message he can put forward is he is not donald trump. when the awarding were coming in it tells you everything you need to know. >> isn't it amazing? >> i am not really happy he won. >> we have the establishment people. obviously you have guys like romney and walker. i think walker had a comment to someone that he would support someone else. i think he said he would support paul ryan. >> he was there at the cheese related -- i think he pointed out when cruz wouldn't put the cheese thing on his head he said there is no way the republicans would vote for something ridiculous on their head. they would think it is fore shadowing. >> what do we have here? the next story and hillary clinton has had enough of bernie sanders. if you don't believe me, look at this headline. hillary just wants to move him out of the way so she can focus her attention on donald trump. during an interview with politico she questioned whether he is even a democrat. it is time to bow out. the only then he has done is win 78% of the vote in idaho and win 79% in utah. lose in arizona. 68% in hawaii and 72% in washington and 66% in wisconsin. bernie should go back to mayor of vermont or whatever he was doing. bill clinton doesn't think highly of the republican candidate. >> i like our primary a lot better than theirs. we never had a spectacle. it sounded like a rap tune on mtv. >> wow. the great thing is he has his finger on the pulse of what young people are doing, doesn't he? >> that actually seems like a bill clinton impersonator. it is like somebody who would let the air out of him. he looks horrible. >> he looks horrible, but he has a great spirit. >> i mean he would say they play rap on this. but he is way off. >> when he played -- he played the saxaphone on air sin yow hall -- arsenio hall. >> did they digitally remove his overalls? he is a larry the cable guy impersonator. >> who is very popular. >> he may bring that. we laugh at bill clinton, but hillary will need him. nobody likes her, greg. >> because she is a robot. i unplugged her a few months ago and reprogramed -- i don't know where i am going. she is a countriesy person. he is a -- she is a crazy person. he is a great guy. i love him. i don't know what he is talking about, but i love him. >> doesn't it tell you something about hillary? how entitled is she that she says i am getting sick and tired of him. he is beating her. >> that's why she is sick and tired of him. welcome to the club, hillary. you realize now that bernie is a little lest of lest. we have known this for quite some time. and the fact that she -- even politico is trying to say it is tense between the two of them and the sparks are flying and the comments she is making, it is like they are trying to create some sort of excitement on the left that we have on the right. it is not there. >> why is that? for everything he has done, he hasn't really gone after her. >> no. i don't think that is really going to work. you start sounding like a republican because this is all of the republicans talking. e-mail server ben go swree is not something you -- benghazi is not something you would like to do. >> the thing is you put the numbers up and bernie is doing amazing. they are all super white states. that seems to be the problem. he is capturing the african-american votes and she is not. >> it is totally craze -- crazy and totally wrong. she has not done anything for the black community. the only thing that is really interesting is that this is a news story. for her to say he is not a democrat, he hasn't been a democrat since he has been in the house, the senate or even when he was the mayor of burlington, verm. burlington, vermont. she is right in that way. >> she is right. >> but it is the demand for loyalty. she is criticizing him by saying you don't like president obama enough. >> and she has to show she really wants it. she is not acting like she will earn it. the gap kids are not all right. a new ad sparked accusations of passive racism. the ad is for their gender neutral line for young girls. a partnership with ellen degeneres. the idea is based around the idea that girls can do anything, but some are upset about the white girl resting her arm on the black girl's head. one critic tweeted "gap kid proving girls can do anything unless she is black and then all she can do is bear the weight of white girls." despite the backlash gap is standing firm. they issued a statement saying we appreciate the conversation that is taking place and sorry to anyone we offended. we are replacing the image from a different shot from the campaign. i guess they could have stood a little tiny bit firmer. former nfler turned film maker matthew cherry said of the pic on the left, make the pic on the right okay. let's debate. >> let's not. >> joanne, did you see that? it was a black girl putting her elbow on the white girl. >> it is funny when you pair a tall child next to a short child and you are trying to create levels and interesting images with filling the space and you do things like that. my main issue with this entire campaign is the fact that none of these children are smiling. they are kids. you should be happy. what is with the model mugging. i don't want to see that. you're children. >> that's the model look, but you think you have to be -- >> i am disgusted with gap. not really. >> thisy should be having fun and not using other children as armrests. >> this is upsetting to me. my brother has done that to me my entire life. i am finding out now he hates me. i thought we had a great relationship. it turns out now he was a bully. >> he is probably racist too. >> look, is there -- is there anything -- obviously do we have -- i think you know where i stand on this. i think it is ridiculous. but the issue is the gap immediately caved. >> that's the thing. it is motive. has this photographer done anything racist in his life? if not who cares? you can look at any picture and say why does it grow upside down? australians are upside down people. it is like, you can find anything. they have to get over it. not saying they have to get over it. >> who is they, greg? >> exactly. it is not harmful unless you make it harmful. >> do we want to go back to the days where black people used white people as armrests? >> i missed those -- it is not like i would have done it. i would have thought about it. i don't think it was the time. but this thing going on, can i point something out? the two girls are sisters. nobody has pointed this out except the person who pointed it out. the photographer said they are sisters. >> which two? >> the tall racist and the ador girl. >> they are sisters? >> they are sisters. >> you don't mean sistas? >> no because that would be horrible. they are actual sisters. >> that solves it. they can't be racist. they are related. >> they could be actually. >> this ad is racist against short people and i am offended because of that. earlier today you put your foot on my head to tie your shoes and i took that to heart. >> but we had to get the show moving. we had to start the show. >> i'm sorry. i'm glad they caved. i tell you why. it is their own fault for playing identity politics in an ad. they said girls can do anything and they set it up like oh we are so politically correct. and they used one child as a piece of furniture. if you are going to be politically correct you can't have the black child doing anything that will be on a comparable level with the other kids she is not smiling and wearing a different color shirt. you are saying this ad campaign it was a gender neutral clothing . >> kids can do anything. it is their own fault. >> this is gender neutral and this is for anyone. you know, are you a racist. you should always apologize. they will bring you out back and have you shot. >> anything is gender neutral if you have the balls. >> he is se xist off the cuff. he does president even know how sexist he is. remember when the whole world was standing with charlie hebdow? see how times have changed. next. at pg&e, we believe solar should be accessible to everyone. our partnership with habitat for humanity allows us to provide the benefits of solar power to the types of customers who need it most. pg&e provided all of the homes here with solar panels. the solar savings can mean a lot, especially for low-income families. with the savings that i am getting from the solar panels, it's going to help me to have a better future for my children. to learn how you can save energy and money with solar, go to together, we're building a better california. works. now back to "red eye." the french satirist published a piece titled "how did we get here" which follows the recent attacks in paris and brussels. the editor said fear of being labeled easy llama phobic is eating up terrorists. people who want to speak up of them is from fear. it is the dread of being treated as an islamaphobe or being called racist. the mainstream press went on to beautifully prove their point. he is shocked with the editorial. the guardian lamented the french magazine is finding it in bigotry. thisy say charlie hebdow admits its racist prejudices. they called it the most recent expression of a collective pair no pair -- paranoia. you almost understand if somebody had come into the office and murdered them in cold blood for drawing cartoons. but that kind of thing never happens, does it? when you say charlie hebdow, stop being so racist. >> i feel like europe is worse than the u.s. >> well, i think most of the backlash is in the u.s. and not in france. this drove me crazy. and to their point i thought about writing about this. >> you said -- you said i am going to write about this. >> but i didn't because i didn't want to deal with -- i was going to defend them. i don't have the time for this at the moment. the editorial is not great. but the premise is that when we back away from criticism and it is a person wearing a headscarf, that's fine, that's fine, we will adjust. it leads to being okay with everything. i don't agree at all, but the idea is total nonsense and it has been a concerted attack. it is slightly different from what you said. what has changed? nothing has changed. there has been an attack since the bodies were lying on the floor. >> i am noticing it is worse now. >> it is worse now. what has happened is one guy who hates free speech and hates charlie hebdow and said i am vindicated. the first thing i want to point out is you are not vindicated. you called him raisist and islamaphobic. this is the previous staff because the -- they were all murdered. the previous staff you can't say because they are all dead. >> that's it. the idea of this was saying look what we can't say. we are not allowed to bring up any of this or talk about islam at all. everyone jumped on them. i feel like they proved their points. >> it is nonsense. first of all islam is not a race. it is a religion and a belief system. it has nothing to do with race. and islamaphobia, i refuse to use that term. if anyone deserves to have a fear of islamist behavior it is the editorial board of charlie hebdow. this whole thing of when people say let's have a dialogue of the conversation, but you are not allowed to criticize. that's nonsense. if you look at what happened in cologne and the grooming of the young women by immigrant gangs, and what is happening in all of these other countries, the police are actually covering them up. this is proven. this happened because they are afraid of being called racist. >> and they see it. >> they see it and they booy tray their -- and they betray their own people. we don't want to come off the wrong way. they allow criminal behavior to happen. >> greg, moynihan agrees with the article. he can't write about it because he know he will get backlash. isn't that what they want? >> i don't know. i feel like -- say what you believe. if that's what you believe, say what you believe. don't back away because you are afraid of being called something. do i think muslims are terrorists? no. people in poor communities have the most crime. are they poor people? no. like ted cruz. most people i know who look like ted cruz are sexual deviants. is he a sexual deviant? i wouldn't say that but you know what i mean? >> he is not asking questions. >> look, that's the point. some of our panelists read and disagreed with the editorial. but isn't that what the "new york times" and the guardian should be writing? we disagree instead of saying you're racist? >> and provide a compelling argument for the other side. i believe charlie hebdow should get a forever pass. they are still the target of not just criticism, but vitrial is a more appropriate word. i will say my one criticism would be they used the phrase all muslims at one point in their criticism of the religion. you have to understand that if you say that people are going to freak out. >> they actually said that everything everybody is complicit. anyone who allows the slow chipping away is all responsible. and that was taken by people who they say is all muslim. i guess it is. >> and they say -- essentially there was an article about secularism versus religion. everyone read the article. coming up, half time with tv's andy levy. everyone get excited. welcome back and time to find out what we got wrong. andy? >> hi, tom, before we get started i have to correct something i said on monday. we are talking about how the republican rule 40 says the candidate will have had to have a role of delegates. no candidate has done that yet. but i miscounted. trump has won the delegates in 10 states. needed to correct that. >> cruz is now up to six dates he has done that. that's assuming my math is better today than it was on monday. that's entirely possible. speaking of cruz he won't wear the funny hats. >> i haven't seen it and i used to work in a theater. we showed the double feature. that film came through our theater and i missed it. i heard from people that it is good so that's how i know it is good. >> please tell us more. >> have you seen "the good father"? very similar film. it ire. you brought up the fact that cruz will do the princess bride scenes, but won't wear a hat which is a fair point. i guess it is one of those things where an image is worse. you can imagine the meme's if there was a picture of him with the cheese head. >> it is easier to retweet a meme than up load a video. >> exactly. i guess. >> i don't do either. >> you thought cruz was right about dukakis, but then you realize that was a helmet. cruz did say that. you saw what happened when dukakis put the helmet on. >> we were looking at the picture in the break and he looks stupid. he is like a compact greek guy and looks like he will fall out. >> i don't think his ethnicity has anything to do with it. >> sure it does. >> he has been in the army with many fine people of greek dissent. >> i want to point out that we did discuss in the break that it is great because you can talk about greek people that way and i am clinging to what i have. bring it, twitter. >> fair and balanced, i guess. the worst thing is he has the shirt and tie -- you see the tie . >> one of the things cruz said was i will cheer on the hats of others. there is something kennedy-esque about that. >> wherever they may be. >> hillary is tired of bernie. we laugh at bill clinton, but hillary will need him in the campaign. i completely disagree. i said months ago people need to stop thinking of bill clinton as the bill clinton from the 1990s. he screwed up in south carolina in 2008. he hurt hillary. he made a bunch of gaffs this year. he is not the wiley campaigner he used to be. >> i didn't love him in the 90s, andy. >> whether you liked him or not, he was the master of campaigning. >> at least he will lighten it up. he add life and realism and silliness. >> he is not good anymore. you said if bernie starts to really go after hillarys he will sound like a republican. she eluded to that and she said he criticizes me and president obama a lot. >> he keeps on doing the obama thing like -- it is like the loyalty of can you believe this guy is criticizing obama and they can't forget they don't like each other? >> she thinks -- he is a relatively new democrat. she thinks this is a bug. for a lot of people on the left this is a feature. >> it is absolutely a feature. >> i left the graphing on monday that i forgot to delete. i was talking about how bad the controls were. >> i don't even know what that means. >> they were the clunk econ trolls. clunky controls and it stopped me from playing through the trilogy. >> i can understand. >> twitter is blowing up after that. >> i am going to hear it. don't get me wrong. the racist gap kids ad which is what we are calling it now. joanne, your main issue is none of the kids are smiling. but they're fierce. >> children aren't supposed to be fierce. we fight their battles for them. >> agree to disagree. >> you said your brother has been dhog to you your whole -- brother has dn doing this to your whole life. do you think that makes a difference? >> yeah. i mean, you can't be racist against your sister. >> you can be horrible. >> my brother put me in a hamper and kicked it down the stairs. i was okay with him putting his hand on my head. it was a "star wars" game. get in the hamper and kicked it down the stairs. great game, joe. >> you had to can sell last week's gig. >> you are lucky he didn't have access to a trash compacter. >> a quick correction, michael, it was not a photographer who pointed out they were sisters, but it was the girls's mom, actress brooke smith. >> and there was a criticism that there is a video version and the young black girl wasn't smiling. the person who shot it -- >> it was the mom again. >> she is really shy. it is not racist. you can't talk. that's what people are saying. she is super shy. >> plus, no one smiles in photos because you can't tell females to smile anymore. it is against the law. >> that's a good point. >> not allowed anymore. >> i do that on every show i perform at. it is like, what are you doing here? this joke is not that bad. >> you brought up the tag line for the ad is girls can do anything instead of kids can do anything. it is an ad for a girl's clothing line. >> that is very gender binary. they should show them wearing old navy clothes. >> i don't understand if it is a gender neutral clothing line, how is it a girl's clothing line? >> it is not dresses and stuff like that. it is shirts and pants and anything any gender should wear. >> cost more money. >> i think that's it. >> you know how in the u.s. the religious police goes after women wearing slacks and hits them with batons. you know? it is a collection of words with a cultural relevance and they throw them all in a little mixer. it is like saying this food is allergy free, but there are peanuts in it. come on. >> quickly on the charlie hebdow being called islamaphobic you said you were going to write something on it but afraid of the backlash. they thank you. >> i want to say i am the biggest coward. >> i am old enough to remember that because of the first son in iraq, cindy sheahan had moral authority. >> you can never criticize her. >> shouldn't we extend that same courtesey to charlie hebdow. >> one would think, but we don't extend that to cindy sheahan. >> time to take a break. don't go anywhere. an -- andrew wk is here when we come back. >> last week musician andrew wk said he is starting a new political party called the party party. >> many of us have lost faith in our political process. now it is time to restore our faith. over the last few years i worked closely with voters to develop a platform that really is all inclusive. a platform that truly brings all americans together. >> many people wondered if the party party is real. it is. and andrew is here to tell us more about it. andrew wk, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, tom. >> i want to ask you about the party party. people are -- on-line they are acting like it is a joke or whatever. i want to read a quote. you said you want to -- you reached out to some people in the political world who work in government or some of the surrounding industries. can you tell us who you reached out to? >> no, i would rather not for my own sake and theirs. thisy would not be happy about that. and i want to say i am not mad at them. i completely understand. who would want to be associated with me? perhaps a crazy person or fox news. partying is about coming together. if somebody doesn't want to come to your party, that's okay. >> i am going from the video of the party-party. you said you want to avoid an us versus them mentality. are you saying there is a them and they are doing something wrong? >> not in this case. this is the world's first party where everyone is invited. and believe me, that's challenging. that's a lot to ask for. there are going to be there that you may not like. we are trying to find the one thing we have in common which is a desire to be alive and a desire to have some fun. we will disagree about issues and try to approach things in a good mood with the hope that the good mood will help us solve these problems best. >> now i went to your website and again i want to address some of the cynics here. i looked under the party platform and it said coming soon click on projects and it says coming soon. is this kind of -- could this be you getting signatures for maybe , i don't know, your musician mailing list? >> the people who signed up, the whole idea of coming soon is that this like all parties is a team effort and the collaborative effort. we will make it up as we go along. the members get to design it and collaborate on it. that's the beautiful thing. the website there, the video, this was launched as an invitation. and now the party has started and we get to decide what happens. >> there will be some people that -- i am reading a party tip here. this is off your twitter feed. pea in your pants. -- pee in your pants. it feels good. are your personal views the views of the party? >> not necessarily. i would never inflict my own views. that's against the core value of the party. that's freedom and liberty to be yourself. if you don't want to wet your pants i don't want you to do that. >> thanks for joining us. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160410

shillue "red eye" staff. back to you, andy. >> let's welcome in the guests. i'm here with joanne and no clever introduction, right? i know what happened, joe app. we usual are will i have something clever to say about you. you are fantastic. i know what you are thinking, this guy is not your high school gym teacher, it is comedian greg stone. welcome back. and according to the "morning bistro" moynahan is known for breaking the stories on fabrication, or otherwise, he is better known as unknown. and his punchlines hit harder than christian bale at a family reunion, sitting next to me is comedian joe di veto. and read his hats "no funny hats." ted cruz was the big winner wisconsin tuesday regardless that he would not put on a cheesehead hat. cruz's daughter did something completely unscripted in keno a kenosha. >> that is a cheesehead. >> well, that is awesome, and this is is spicy and you may not like it. [ laughter ] >> perfect size for you. >> oh, so, would you like to try some cheese. >> well, she does not like jalapenos. >> yes, she doesn't, and he does not like funny hats. >> someone asked the question on everyone's mind -- >> why not? >> there is an iron clad rule of politics which is no funny hat, and any hat is defined funny hat. and michael dukakis demonstrated it powerfully when he put on that helmet and rode in a tank, a and so i will cheerfully cheer on other hat wearers. >> if this cheesehead video had gone out before the election, he would have been doomed. >> yes. and i mean, what if they remove the mask that he is wearing to reveal the alien that lives within? >> oh, that is it. >> i understand the alien reference, but where do they live? >> well, that is the best work. >> i didn't see it, but i know it is a good film. joanne, should the man have let his daughter put a hat on the head? >> no rules in the family? no rules before hatting somebody. it is hard bringing a small child on the campaign trail. i have to give that to ted cruz. we don't see trump's kid, great. leave him behind, and then, the twin daughters are teenagers of kasich, and they are not like it. but this kid, cheese and ice cream, fine. i want to go to this campaign stop. so apparently wearing the hats is not cool, but doing the impersonations of the "simpson's" and "princess bride" is good, so keep doing it cruz. >> he is loose in a lot of ways, but apparently something about the hats. what do you think, joe, about comedians who wear hats? >> well, i don't go anywhere without any propeller beenie, and going in and out of the clubs. >> if he put it on, there goes the lactose intolerant moments. >> yes, that is right. >> and i think that it is a john travolta moment, like, hey, don't touch my hair. >> oh. >> and he did miss an opportunity to show support for the curds. >> and i don't know what he is afraid of, because it is not masculine. >> i can't follow the kcurd jok by the washg and what aabit for joanne to is have a verb. in my house we do hatting. but i thought that he was totally right about the dukakis thing, but then i realized it is not a hat but a helmet, and he was like a midget in a tank, and so it is not an appropriate comparison, but no, you don't want to be walking around with a cheesehead at this point in the election, because it is close. >> but he is in wisconsin, and you have to go local when you are there. >> like a packers' jersey or something, but not an idiot. >> well, they love those cheesehead, they do. and many leaders have worn interesting hats, and nobody cared. look at churchill. he loved that hat as joe di veto sa said. and mandela, and thatt hat was for special occasions. >> easter. >> and don't forget fdr, and of course, that is on the birthday. and the last onings, take a look at abraham lincoln, and just kidding, nobody would wear a hat like that. and plenty of leaders have worn funny hats. okay. it looks like the cruz campaign is going to use the message that won them wisconsin for the rest of the campaign. take a look at the new ad. >> america is at a crossroads. it needs a leader, and that leader is not trump. not trump grew up in america, the son of mr. and mrs. not t m trump. he had the whole family of not trumps, and ends everyday the same way, thank god we are not trumps. here he is speaking to the crowd, because what he is saying is not going to matter, but what is important is who is not saying it. america feeds a leader to deliver, and that leader is not trump. i'm not donald trump and he did not pay for this. >> that beautiful and inspiring, isn't it? >> yes, good. >> he will take it national. >> who was doing the ted cruz voice? it is good. >> you? >> i think it is ted cruz. >> well, it was not donald tr trump. >> that is all that matters. >> the most compelling message he can put forward is that he is not donald trump, and when the wisconsin returns were coming in, and i was happy that ted cruz won shows you everything that i need to tell you about the election. i am happy that ted cruz won. i am not really happy that he won. >> yes, the establishment people, and obviously, the guys like romney and everyone, like wa walker. >> yeah. >> but didn't walker say, and i think that walker had a comment to someone off of the record that he is, he would support someone else, and support paul rye ian. >> well, he was there at the cheese-related, well, in wisconsin, everything is cheese-related, but he won out when cruz would not put it on the head, and he said nobody would vote for anybody who put something on their head, and this is foreshadowing. >> and now, if you don't believe me this is the new headline, hillary wants to move him out of the way so she can focus on donald trump. she questioned in politico if he is even a democrat. yes, bernie, it is time for you the bow out. look, all he has done in the last seven contests is win 78% of the vote in idaho, and 79% in utah, and lose in arizona, and win 81% of the vote in alaska and 68% in ha and 72% in washington and 56% in wisconsin, and with the scant support, bernie should go back to the mayor of vermont. but in the meantime, bill clinton does not think highly of the republican candidate. >> i like our primary a lot better than theirs. we never had a spectacle like they had. and remember in florida when they were calling each other liar over each other's voice, and it sounded like a rap tune on mtv, you are a liar, and no, you are a liar. >> wow. the great thing about bill clinton, he has the finger on the pulse of what young people are doing, right? >> well, that is a bill clinton impersonator and like somebody let the air out of him. he is like 1,000 years old and he looks horrible. >> and he has a young spirit, and he watches rap music. >> and b.e.t., but he is way off on that one. >> and remember when he was hip and played the saxophone on arsenio hall. >> and yes. >> that is like saying the dinosaur bone comment there. >> did they digitally remove his overalls in that? it seems that he is not -- he is like the larry the cable guy impers onator. >> he may bring it. >> look, we are laughing at bill clinton, but hillary is going to need her, because nobody likes her, greg. >> yes, she is a robot that i unplugged a new months ago and i reprogrammed -- i don't know where to go with that, but whatever he is, he is -- i lo him. he is a great guy. and he is shooting it around. >> and joanne, doesn't this tell you something about hillary, how entitled that she says, i'm sick and tired of him, and he is beating her? >> and that is why she is sick and tired of him. and like, with welcome to the club, hillary, you realize now that bernie is a little left of left? i mean, we have known it for quite some time, and the fact that she or even politico is trying to say it is so tense between the two of them, and the sparks are flying, the comments she is making, and it is like they are trying to the create some excitement on the left that we have on the right. but, it is just not there. it is like faux-excitement. >> and why is that? for everybody that he has done, and he has really been giving it to hillary, he has not gone after her. >> no, i don't think it is going to work. i think that there is stuff to go after her and you sound like a republican, because it is a republican talking, and the e-mail server and benghazi is not something that you want to go after. >> and very important topics. >> i guess. but if you put up the number, and bernie is doing amazing, and those are all like super white states seems to be the problem. like she is capturing african-american votes, and he is not. >> why? >> well, it is -- just the clinton history which is totally crazy and totally wrong, and it has not done anything for the black communities during his presidency, i wouldn't say so anyway, and the other thing is that is really interesting about this is that, it is a news story are for her to say that he is not a democrat. he has not been a democrat since he has been in the house or the senateer or the mayor of burlington, vermont, but always an independent, because there was not a strong socialist party, and she is right in that way. but it is the demand nor loyal i, and criticizing him by saying that you don't like president obama enough. >>le with, she has the show that she really wants it, but not going to earn it, but entitled to it. >> and the gap kids are not all right. a new gap kids advertisement have sparked racism because there is a gender-neutral line with the partnership of ellen e degeneres and now, there is a tweet that yeah, girls can do anything long they are black and bear the weight of white girls. but despite the backlash, the gap says, we appreciate the conversation taking play, and sorry to anyone we have offended, and we are replacing the image with a different shot from the campaign. well, i guess that they could have been a little bit tiny firmer. and meantime, a former nfler turned captionist says, is it right? it is a black girl putting the elbow on the white girl? >> well, it is funny when you pair tall child next to the short child and you are trying to create levels and interesting images, and you know, with the filling the space, you do things like that, but my main issue with this entire campaign is the fact that none of the children are smiling. they are kids. you should be happy, and what is the model mugging. i don't want to see that. you are children. >> and you think sha the model look, but you have to be grown up? >> i am disgusted with gap. not really. >> and she is right, greg. these kids should be being fun and not using other children as armrests. >> this is upsetting the picture, because my brother has done that to me my entire life and now i am finding out that he hates me, which i thought that we had a great relationshipk but no, he is a bully and giant. and dude, he is 7'2". >> he is a racist, too. >> and very big racist. but look, is there anything to -- obviously, do we have, and you think that i know where i stand on it as ridiculous, but the issue is that the gap immediately caved. >> it is motive. has this photographer done anything racist in his life, and if it is not, who cares? you can look at any picture, and say, why does the girl upside down, and the australians are upside down people, and you can find anything. you have to like get over it, and not say they have to get over it. >> who is they, greg? >> exactly. >> it is not harmful unless you make it harmful. >> moynihan, do we want to go back to the days when the white people used black people as armrests? >> i don't know what happened in those days, and maybe i would have thought about it if it were a time, but it fwhutz time. this is sort of a solomon strange thing going on here. and the two girls are sisters, and nobody pointed it out except for the photographer who said that they are sisters. >> which two? >> the racist, the tall raisist, and the adorable black girl, they are sisters. >> you don't mean sistahs. >> no, that would be horrible. no, no. they are actual sisters. >> that solves it. they can't be racist, because they are e reare lated. >> because they could be i suppose. >> this is racist against the short people and i think that i am offended because of that, and earlier today, you put your foot on my head to tie your shoes, and i took it to heart. >> but we had to get the show moving. >> sorry i am at a convenient height for shoe tying. >> i am glad they caved, because it their own fault for playing the political politics of identities, and they are like, girls can do anything, and so we are so politically correct, and they were hoisted upon their own sword when this child is used as piece of furniture. they should know better if you are politically correct in the ad, you can't have the black child doing anything that is not on the comparable level of the other kids. she is not smiling, and wearing a different-colored shirt. they set themselves up. >> and you are saying that ad campaign was gender neutral clothing, but girls only? >> yes, and showing that girls can do anything, but it is their own fault. >> i love when this happen, and i see it once a week when they are like, this is gender neutral and for anyone, and we will get ellen, and you know at the end you are a racist. you can never win. you can never win and you should always apologize and if not, you will go out back and be shot. >> and anything is gender neutral if you have the balls to win. >> this is a female on the show? >> and yes, to have balls. >> he is sexist even off of the cuff, and he didn't know how sexist he was. >> and you know when the whole world was standing with charlie hebdo? well, we will see how times have changed next. sfx: climbing sounds duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones thought i told you to stay off our turf. and what would you know about turf, skipper? let's end this here and now! let's dance! flo: whoa there! progressive covers boaand rvs, okay? plenty of policies to go around. [ grunts ] oh, oh, i'm the bad guy? you threw a fish at us, so, yeah. yeah. coverage for land and sea. now, that's progressive. wenit gave me a leafput in the names almost right away. first. within a few days, i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. i didn't know that using ancestry would be so easy. my m...about my toothpasteice. she eveand but she's a dentist so...i kind of have to listen. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again! and i'm jackie e ibanez with the latest news. ted cruz has added to the latest totals by winning 13 delegates in the state gop contest in colorado and this is on top of the 21 delegates he won yesterday. and meanwhile, vermont senator bernie sanders picking up his delegates in wisconsin and he and hillary clinton splitting the delegates from wyoming each winning 7-7. and this is new man under arrest in the attacks on the airport. meantime, brussels is going the remain at the second highest terror alert tonight. police are charging four more people with terrorist activities arrested in a raid today. police were hitting a safehouse used by is suspects connect fod paris and brussels attacks. secretary of state john kerry spent the day in afghanistan meeting with rival leaders, looking to promote cooperation of the leaders of the unity government. and the meeting was similar to one friday in iraq. meanwhile, the u.s. deployed b-52 bombers to join the air campaign against isis. it is a long-range bomber that has not thrown in the middle east since the 1991 gulf war, and the planes are will be based in qatar. and still no claim for responsibility of the bombing in istanb istanbul. the small roadside bomb injured tli people, and the bombing came a few ours after the u.s. consulate issued a warning of credible threat in turkey and especially in tourist areas. i'm jackie ibanez, and now back to the "red eye." you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox channel. . the french satirist just published a new article about "what is charlie hebdo" and he claimed that people who want to report wrongdoings won't do so because of fear. the fear of aversion of causing controversy, and the dread of being treated asn islam phobe or being called a racist. and of course, the press in europe and the u.s. went on the beautifully prof their point. the observer announced that charlie hebdo is shocked with the anti-islamic headline, and this one from the french magazine is finding its catharsis in bigotry, and charlie hebdo finally admits its racist prejudices. and come on, you would almost excuse them if somebody ran into their office and murdered them for writing cartoons. but that kind of thing never happens, so when people say, charlie hebdo, stop being so racist, i mean, the ones that are still alive. moynihan, i feel like europe is worse than the u.s. with this stuff. >> well, most of the backlash has been in the u.s. and not france. in drove me crazy, and to their point by the way, i thought about writing about this, because i have written a lot about it. >> and you said, i am going to write about this. >> well, no, to charlie hebdo's point, i didn't, because i did not want to deal with, and i wanted to defend them, and not the deal with the backlash to be honest, and i'm being a wimp and i don't have time for it at the moment, and the editorial is not a great editorial, but the premise of the editorial is that when we back away from the criticism, the if it is, you know, this person wearing a head scarff or this person is a iinge won't serve bacon in the restaurant, fine, fine, and we will adjust to it, but it ultimately e lead lly to being everything, but the idea that it is an islamicphobe thing is absurd. because when you asked if anything changed, no, nothing has changed, and there has been a concerted attack since there were bodies on the floor. >> you were saying it is worse? >> yes, it is worse. and one guy at ta "new yorker" natasian cole said, i'm vindicated and the first thing i want to point out is that, you are not vindicated because you called charlie hebdo racist and islam islamic-phobe before the staff was murdered. so you can criticize this one, but not the previous staff, because they are all dead. >> and skroe, the idea of this is that look at what we can't say, and we can't bring this up or talk about islam at all, or we are calling islamic phobic, and i feel like they proved the point, because everybody jumped on them. >> and first of all, islam is not a race, but it is a belief system, and something that you can choose to believe in or not, and islam-phobia, i refuse to use the term, because it is a fear of, and if anybody should have a fear of islamist behavior, it is the editorial board of charlie hebdo. and we should have a dialogue, but you are not allowed to criticize, so it is nonsense. it is true if you look at what happened in cologne and in other countries with the immigrant gangs, and the police are actually covering them up. it is proven and happening, because they are afraid to be called racists. >> and they see it? >> they see it and betray their people they are supposed to be portraying because they don't want to come can off as the the wrong way, and they allow the criminal behavior to happen. >> and so, greg, moynahan wans s to disagree, and he wants to talkb ate, but he can't write about it, because he is going to get the backlash, and isn't that what they want? >> well, i mean, man, say what you believe. if you believe it, say it, and don't back away, because you are afraid of being called someth g something. do i believe that muslims are terrorist, and most poor people have crime, but are poor people criminals, no. i don't like this idea that you can -- look, it is like ted cruz and most people i know who look like ted cruz are sexual deviants, but is he a sexual deviant? no, i would not say that. but you know what i mean. >> just asking the question. >> only for dialogue. >> and joanne that is the point, some of the panelists read and disagreed with the editorial, but isn't that what the "new york times" and the "guardian" should say, we agree with this rather than saying that you are racist. >> yes, provide a compelling a argument for the other side, and charlie hebdo should get a forever pass really the fact that they are still like the target of so much not even criticism, but vitriol is a more appropriate word, but my one criticism is that they use the phrase "all muslims" at one point, and you have to understand that if you say that, people are going to freak out. >> and they actually said that everybody is complicit in in and not all muslims, but everybody, everybody who allows the slow chipping away of the phrfrench secularism is responsible, and that is taken to mean all muslims, and technically it is, because they are saying everybody, and the secularism, and there was an article of is sek secularism versus religion, and anyway, please read the article. >> and it is tv time with andy, so everybody get excited. it's e always wanted. and you work hard to keep it that way. sometimes... ...maybe too hard. get claim rateguard® from allstate. it helps keep your homeowners' rate from going up just because of a claim. so protect your home and your rates. talk to a local allstate agent and discover how much more their personal service can do for you. but directv has been number one in customer satisfaction (son) pa, i know we settle for cable... over cable for 15 years. 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>> one of the classics of american cinema? >> well, andy, i kwuzed to work in a theater and we showed double fetures and that film came through the theater, and i heard it is good. >> please, tell us more. >> and have you seen "the godfather"? >> yes. >> very similar films. >> that is good to know. >> and joanne, you brought up the fact that cruz will do the "princess bride" scenes, but won't wear a hat which a fair point, but it is one of the thi things where the image is worse. and you can imagine the peoples if there were a picture of him with the cheesehead. >> and yeah, it is easier to retweet a people than to upload a video, i guess. >> yes, exactly, i guess. >> i don't do either. >> yeah, me either. and moynahan, you thought that cruz was right about dukakis, but then you said it is a e helmet. cruz did say that >> he did? >> yeah, he said that we saw what happened when dukakis put the helmet on, so it is similar. >> and we were looking at the picture in the break, he is, he looks so stupid, because he is a compact greek guy sitting in the gun turret looking like he is going to fall out of it. >> but the ethnicity does not have anything to do with it. >> oh, sure. >> i have served in the army with many fine people of greek decent. >> i haven't, but i want to point out that in the break, we also pointed it out that you can talk about people that way, so i am clinging to whatever i have, and like, i also hate albanian, and bring it albanian twitter. >> fair and balanced, i guess. and the worst thing about the dukakis thing, you can see the shirt and tie. >> yes, that is really bad. >> doesn't really work. all right. yeah, i love that nobody has talked about, th this, but one g that cruz said that you said, "i will cheer on the hats of others." and there something kennediesque about that, and maybe ch churchillian. and you said that we laughed at bernie, but hillary clinton is going to need bill clinton. >> and i think that we need to stop thinking of bill clinton, because he screwed up in south carolina and hurt hillary and a bunch of gaffes already, and he is not the wily campaigner that he used to be. >> i didn't love him in the 1990s, andy. >> i know, but whether you liked him or not, he was the master of campaigning. >> but at least he going to lighten it up, and adds some life and silliness. >> not anymore. and now, you said that, moynahan, if he goes after hillary, he is is going to sound like a republican. and she alluded to that and bring bringing up, well, he criticizes me and president obama a lot. i think that she is trying to make that connection. >> and she is doing the obama thing like the loyalty oath, and can you believe that this guy is criticizing obama, and then nobody for gets that they don't really like each other, obama and hillary. >> there and she keeps saying that he is relatively a new democrat and i'm not sure that he is one, and she thinks it is a bug, but for the people who like him, this is a feature. >> yes, they like the socialism thing. >> yes. >> oh. >> i left this old graph in from monday that i forgot to delete, and talking about how bad the controls were for the game. >> what? >> there were clunky controls, and stopped me from replaying through the trilogy again. >> i can understand. >> twitter is blowing u after tha that. >> well, i am going to be hearing about it from twitter. don't get me wrong. and the racist gap kids' ad we are calling it. and joanne, you said that the issue with the campaign is that they are not smiling. but they are fierce. >> yes, children are not supposed to be fierce. okay. we fight their battles for them. >> agree the disagree. >> okay. >> and greg, you said that your brother has been doing this to you your whole life. >> hmm. >> and that leads to the point that moinman brought up that the two girls in the picture are is sisters, and does that make a difference? >> yes. you can't be racist against your s sister. >> all right. >> i mean, you can be horrible. >> my brother put me in a hamper and kick med down the stair, and i was okay with him putting his hand on my head. and kick the brother down the stairs in a hamper. what a great game. >> yes. >> and you are lucky that he didn't have access to the trash co co compactor. >> and so you said that the young girl was not smiling. >> yes, and the young black girl -- and the person who shot it -- >> the mom again. >> and she is real i shy, and not racist. and they were saying, you can't talk, but she is super shy. >> and you know, in america, you can't tell the fee mails to smile anymore, because it is against the law. >> well, they are kids. >> it is a child labor issue. >> i do that on every show i perform in, and you have to laugh. what are we doing here? this joke is not that bad [ laughter ] >> joe, you brought up that the tag line for the ad is "girls can do anything" rather than kids can do anything, but it is an ad for the girl's clothing line. >> it is gender binary, and they should though them wearing old navy are's clothes where nobody can tell what body type that is for. >> and if it is gender-neutral what is that? >> well s, it is no dresses and stuff like that, but shirts and pants and things that either gender could wear, but they are made for girls. >> and cost more money, i am assumi assuming. >> and ties and spats. >> and you know how the rl religious plis goes after women wearing the slacks, and the kids with the louis vuittons. >> and it is a collection of words that they believe has cultural relevance, and they throw them in the mixer and hoping something comes out. >> it is like saying this food is allergy-free, but it has peanuts in it. like it is for women, but anybody can wear it. >> and on charlie hebdo being islam phobic, and charlie hebdo thanks you for proving their point. >> well, i want to thank myself for being the biggest carrot in america. i am old enough to remember the first death in iraq, and cindy sheehan had supreme authority. >> and shouldn't we extend it the to charlie hebdo? >> no, we don't extend it to sip di sheehan who now lives in c curauco because she is a lunatic. >> thank you, andy. went up the. down came the rain... ...and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. (singing alougetting to know you. getting to know all about you... getting to like you. getting to hope you like me... is someone getting to know your credit? not without your say so. credit lock lets you lock and unlock your transunion credit report with the swipe of a finger. getting to know you. getting to know all about you... get one-touch credit lock, plus your score and report at get in the know. and from america's news h d headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez. the texas senator winning 13 additional delegates today from colorado where they held their state gop convention, and this is on top of the 21 that he won yesterday. in wyoming, it is a win for vermont senator bernie sanders. he bested democratic frontrunner hillary clinton, and sanders has now won 7 of 8 contests, but the delegate win in the state will be split evenly among the two candidates. clinton still holds the total delegate lead. in europe, a terror suspect arrested friday as he is the so-called man, and he says that he is the so-called man in the hat, and that man was caught on surveillance cameras at the brussels apoirport before it wa attacked by suicide bomber, and four more arrests of suspects connected with the paris, and brussels attacks. >> and b-52 bombers are being deployed to qatar, and the planes have not been flown in the gulf since 1990. and john kerry promised to ramp up efforts in the region. >> and there is a shooting in lackland air force base was a murd murder-suicide. he and the squadron commander were found dead in the base room, and a motive has not been released. and supreme court justice sonia sew otao tomotomayor want diversity on the court. and this comes as the president is seeking garland merritt to the supreme court, and she did not mention him by name, but judge merritt is a graduate of harvard. i'm jackie ibanez for fox news. last week musician andrew w. kay said that he is starting a new political party called the party party. >> many of us have lost face in the political process and now it is time to restore the faith. over the last few years, i have worked closely with the voter to develop a platform that is inclusive and one that brings all americans together. >> many people wondered if the party party is real. it is. and andrew is here to tell us more about it. andrew w. kay, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, john. i want to ask you about the party party because people are, you know, on line, they are acting line it is a joke, but i want to read a quote from you when you launched the party. you reached out the to some people in the political world who worked in government or some of the surrounding industries. can you tell us who you reached out to? >> no. i'd rather not for both my own sake and theirs. they would not be happy about that. i want to say that i'm not mad at them. i completely understand who would want to necessarily be associated with me? only perhaps a crazy person or fox news. but in this case, partying is about coming together and if someone does not want to come to your party, that is okay, they can go off on their own. >> and you said, again, and i'm going are from the video that when you announced the party party, and you said that you want ta avoid the us-versus-them mentality, but by starting the party, aren't you saying that there is a them, and they are doing something wrong. >> not this case, and the world's first party is where everyone is invited and that challenging, and a lot the ask for and people there that you might not like necessarily, and we are trying to find the one thing that we have in common which is hopefully a desire to be alive. a desire to express happiness to have some fun. we are going to be disagreeing about the issues, but try to approach it in a good mood with the hopes that the good mood will help us to solve these problems best. >> okay. i want to the website, and i want to address the cynics here, and we have full screens of the website here. the -- i looked under the party platform and it says coming soon, and then we have -- >> yes. >> and i clicked on the projects and again coming soon. >> okay. >> and what do you -- what are you thinking? what is going to go in there and the one thing that is working is sign here. is this kind of the you just trying to get some signatures for maybe, i mean, your musician mailing list? >> well, the people that have signed up, i didn't expect the numbers that we have gotten, but the whole idea of coming soon is that this like all good parties is a team effort and a collaborate effort. so we will make it up as we go along. the members of the party party get to design it, and create and collaborate it with me and that is the beautiful thing. the website, the video, and this is launched as an invitation, and now the party has start and we get to decide what happens. >> and now, again, there are some people who, i am reading a party tip here, and this is off of the twitter 2350ed. party tip, pee in your pants and it feels good and shower and put on fresh clothes. are your personal views going to be the view of the party? >> no, not necessarily, because i would not inflict my own views, because it is going a inst the core value of the party which is the freedom and libber the toy be yourself. and tom, if you don't want to wet your pants, i would not force you to do that. >> thank you so much for joining us, andrew w.k. and we will close out with more stories. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (whispers rocket) say they'll save youfor every by switching,surance companies you'd have like a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um..." or "no comment". then there's esurance - born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save: hassle, time, paper work, hair tearing out and, yes, especially dollars. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. next "red eye" matt welsh and nick mullin and nick lowry. george mason university was going to rename their law school antonin scalia school of law in honor of the late supreme justice, but after twitter realized the law school's acronym would be lsasla. this is not the first time it has ruined a tribute. we remember the steve tyler financial union? that's not something you want to tell clients. and then the allen iverson day school. i can't believe they kept that one. >> he is so good to the kids though. >> that's why it is worth it. michael, a.s.s. law is on the books in tks text. >> the -- dash it is not even a gap ad. people are changing it because of idiots on twitter. it spells ass. i mean scalia noticed that sometime in his life. this is the weirdest thing in the world. george mason just like the gap they caved. this is political correctness gone mad. >> you can solve this. you can hire a comedian before doing it. they will look through it. >> and we go for the butt humor. i think they should have left it ass law, but they should only deal with cases regarding ass law. you are hearing a trans vaginal case? you are on the other side of the building. >> you noah lot about a.s.s. law? >> i live by one law. >> i think they should have kept it, but don't use the acronym. >> no, keep it. use the acronym. change your life. become the ass man with the ass law. >> joanne, you look a little disgusted. >> i am. do we not care about george mason? he will no longer have the name of the school. does no one care about the bill of rights? do you not care about your personal freedoms? i get scalia was a great guy, but george was wonderful. >> joanne nosuchunsky, greg stone, michael moynihan. i'm tom shillue and i'll see you next time. you know we said we'd take a look at our retirement plan today. not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... 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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20190207

the secretary of state admits threats remain. live in the middle east. and former top editor of "new york times" now says that she will review passages from her new book after being accused of plagiarism. good morning, well can cocome t start." sglo a sg . house democrats starting to gleks their new power in earnest. adam schiff announcing an aggressive investigation into whether president trump's business and financial interests are driving his decisions. the probe will beyond contact between trump's team and russia, it will include whether foreign interests hold any leverage, whether any of the people is at risk of manipulation from abroad and whether anybody tried to obstruct the current investigations. >> the american people have a right to know whether the president is acting on their before and that pertains to any credible allegations of leverage by the russians or saudis or anyone else. >> the president dismissed the new investigation saying shiver o schiff had no basis for it. >> he is just a plig hack trying to build a name for himself. it is called presidential harassment and it is unfortunate. and it really does hurt our country. >> the move came less than 24 hours after president trump warned in his state of the union against democratic probes. >> if there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. it just doesn't work that way. >> only about 18 months ago the president gave a similar signal against investigation gating e his finances. >> looking at your family's finances unrepresented to russia, is that red line? is that breach of what his actual -- >> i would say yes. >> worth noting federal prosecutors in manhattan may pose a bigger threat than robert mueller. the southern district of new york specifically looking at mr. trump's guyne e's finances and already enlisted cooperating witnesses like his former lawyer michael cohen and alan weisselberg. democrats circling the president in other ways, house hearings on his family tax returns, and a session set for tomorrow to question acting rudy giuliani magiuliani -- attorney general matthew whitaker. jerry nadler says that he will have a subpoena in his pocket just in case whitaker refuses to answer questions. and also house financial services chair maxine waters says her panelle is in talks to bring in steve mnuchin. they want to talk to him about the listing of russian sanctions on companies connected to oligarch. a bipartisan group of 17 lawmakers is making progress on a deal to head off another government shutdown next week, but a source says no one is certain what the president will sign. the white house stating out of t the -- staying out of the talks to this point. but they want a deal done with enough time for the president to process it. mick mulvaney is scheduled to meek with the group this weekend at camp david. he is still warning that the president could use executive authority. >> if it comes to this, find the money that we can spend with the lowest threat of litigation and then move from that pot of money to the next pot that maybe brings a little bit more threats of litigation and then go through the budget like that. >> the 17 lawmakers met with customs and border protection officials on wednesday. they agree the best way to secure the border is to marry new technologies to additional personnel and new barriers. but they disagree about how to do that. one interesting note, cnn learned the government shutdown ended after just ten air traffic controllers stayed home on january 25th, the 35th day of the impasse. the absence of those few workers, six in northern virginia, four in florida, temporarily shut down travel at laguardia while causing delays at other major hubs. tension at a congressional hearing on preventing gun violence. republican matt gates of florida using the hearing to actively campaign for the president's border wall in that is a hearing about gun violence. and this did not go over well with some in attendance. >> hr 8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances i raised, but a wall, a barrier on the southern border, may have. and that is what we're fighting for. we have an immigration system that allows people to come here violently. we engage >> there will be no comments or demonstrations, please. >> he angered fathers of two of victims in pacrkland. >> and they posed this question -- >> is thereany committee rule that rye vents a member of congress from reciting false statements in a committee hearing that are unsupported by the evidence -- that are unseptembered by the evidence or are members of congress entitled to just make things up? >> the house judiciary committee has been hearing testimony on a bipartisan measure that would require background checks for all gun sales and most gun transfers. to virginia now where the political crisis there is taking another ugly twist. attorney general mark herring admitting he appeared in blackface at a party in 1980 dressing up as a rapper when he was 19 years old. he calls it a one time occurrence caused by an inexcusable lack of awareness. that is three scandals weighing down democrats in that state now. governor northam refusing to resign over this racist photo. initially he said that it was not him in that picture on the right, he said -- first he said it was him but he wouldn't say which person he was. and now he says it is not him. >> all this unfolding as we learn more about sexual assault allegations against virginia's lieu ttenant governor, justin fairf fairfax. his accuser says that he sexually assaulted her at a democratic national convention. she told bobby scott about the allegation a year ago. aides to scott tells cnn the congressman did not learn the full scope of the allegation until wednesday when tyson released a graphic statement about her encounter with fairfax. more now there ryan nobles. >> reporter: we had thought that things couldn't get much worse here at virginia state capital, but wednesday proved us wrong. dr. vanessa tyson released a very lengthy statement where she talked in specificity about the alleged incident in which she says that the lieutenant governor who was then an aide to senator john edwards forced her to perform oil sex on him. the lieu ttenant governor says this is not tree and he has been vehemently denying the claims and launched into an expletive laden attack against tyson and her supporters. but a very influential congresswoman who was just recently elected in the wave of democratic women to congress, she was once a state senator here in virginia, she tweeted yesterday, i believe dr. vanessa tyson. meanwhile state lawmakers attempt to find some way to get the business of this goevernmen complete. >> thank you so much, ryan. if somehow the scandal brings down the top three government officials, a republican would take the state's highest office, kirk cox is fourth in line for governor. >> what a mess. planet earth just emerged from the fourth hottest year ever record. according to the nasa and national other thand noaa, the warming driven largely by increased carbon monoxide emissions and other greenhouse gases caused by human activity. many countries suffered through extreme weather and climate es in 2018, but the united states was hit particularly hard. there were 14 separate weather and climate disasters that caused $1 billion in damage or more last year. wall street waiting for the federal reserve to decide when and if it will raise interest rates in 2019, the former fed chief janet yellen told cnbc yesterday that the federal reserve could decide to cut rates next. >> if global growth really weakens and that spills over to the united states or financial conditions tighten more and we do see a weakening in the u.s. economy, it is certainly possible that the next move is a cut. >> that got a lot of attention. her remarks come after the fed floated the idea it might be done considering any rate hikes this year. two had been on the table. so what does that say about the global economy if they can't keep raising rates? yellen mentioned several risks that could affect the u.s. including weak economic data from china and europe and uncertainty about trade policies and brexit. jerome powell recently said that the decision on rates requires patience and he denounced any idea that the fed was caving to political pressure by taking the more dovish approach. and by political pressure, there is pressure from the united states, there is also pressure from the markets. there are those who say that the markets with that his s fit in december. >> are there fears that the president did bull hy his way t what he wanted with the fed chiefs? >> the fed is an independent body and if you are appointed by donald trump, you have to know that there is going to be twitter tirades about it. so from all appearances, the fed is going to wait to see what the data looks like before it decides to raise rates. ahead it looks like a serial killer in toronto is nabbed with his next victim already tied up in his home. the stunning twist ahead. ♪ you asked for something ground-breaking. something epic. so, we took all our engineering experience... a hundred years-worth of learning from impossible projects all over the planet... the heart and soul of a cat... and found a way to fit it all... ...right through that gate. this could be huge. it should be formally announced sometime probably next week that we will have 100% of the caliphate. >> president trump touting territorial gains against isis in syria and iraq, praising the u.s. military and its allies in remarks to the global coalition to defeat isis at the state department. president trump did not mention though the diplomatic and policy implications of his sudden decision to pull american troops out of syria. the secretary of state did. >> isis remains a dangerous threat in territory it does not control. >> let's bring in arwa damon live from istanbul. and i'm curious what the region is in the region. we know there are countries who have some 800 foreign fighters in syria, they don't want they said to come home, they don't know what to do with them and there are concerns that there could be attacks on american troops and american allies as the u.s. prepares to withdraw. >> reporter: and those concerns are very real and very valid. in fact trump's own military intelligence circles have been saying that isis does still pose one of the key threats to not just security in the region or against the united states, but globally speaking as well. not territorial speaking inside syria, sure, they only control one small sliver of land, but you heard there from the secretary of state mike pompeo emphasizing that point that it really isn't necessarily about the territory that isis does control. the ideology is still very alive and well especially amongst those diehard supporters. and there is some concern among many analysts that isis has actually been preparing for this very moment all along. the top isis leadership was anticipating the fall of the caliphate and they have a plan in place to be able to still carry out attacks and terrorize the world. as for the whereabouts of isis' leader at this stage, that is unknown. it is not expected that he is still within those few lands that isis does control, but he is presumed to be alive. and when it comes to america's pullout from syria, very little has been said as to actually how the u.s. plans to secure that territory once they are gone. >> so many questions. arwa damon, thank you. ahead, marijuana is legal in oregon, legal in colorado, but a truck driver is facing drug charges this morning from moving the cannabis between those two very states. dicine kept wearing (coughs) ah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. mucinex releases fast and lasts 12 hours, not 4. let's end this. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get 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network along with complete reliability. then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in's and pins. to one-touch conference calls. beyond traditional tv. to tv on any device. beyond low-res surveillance video. to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. a stunning revelation in the case of a serial killer in toronto. when police moved into arrest bruce mcarthur last year, they found a man tied to his bed alive. searching his hard drive for evidence, they found eight folders with names of different men, each filled with photos of his victims. a 90s was label ninth was labeled for the man tied to his bed. he strangle d dismembered them and buried them in garden plantars in a ravine. he pled guilty last month. the company he bought the cannabis he was carrying says it was perfectly unlegal, tlegal. the driver was stopped for a routine inspection. 7,000 pounds of cannabis was on board and the plants were positive for thc, the substance in marijuana that he helps people get high. >> the colorado company says it is legal hemp, but because of drug sentence where it is illegal, he faces five years in prison and a fine. he was released after posting $100,000 bond. teachers in denver plan to strike. colorado's governor is hoping to overt it saying both sides are close to a deal, but teacher salaries remain a major sticking point. the union says its proposal could be funded if some of the $4 million slated annual floinu invested in teacher salaries. officials in key west, florida are moving to ban the sale of popular sunscreens connected to coral reefs. a city commission voted to ban those containing chemicals shown to damage the reefs. about 10% evof sunscreens conta the product. the ban does not take effect until january 2021. the city can't keep visitors from bringing the banned sunscreens to beaches, it can only discourage them. scary moment in missouri, a school bus overturning in kansas city as it was dropping off students. the school district spokesman says it may be due to freezing rain and icy roads. first responders recused the three students and driver on the bus. no major injuries. one student who was in a wheelchair had to be removed with a gurney. amazing. ozzy osbourne was admitted to the hospital wednesday after suffering complications from the flu. his wife sharon saying doctors felt it was the best way to get a quicker road to recovery and she thanked everyone for their concern and love. last week ozzy osbourne announced that he was postponing the european leg of his tour due to illness. late last night jill abrams says she is reviewinging passages in her group after being accused of plagiarism. she had rejected the claim that she lifted part of her new book from other works. the allegations were made by a vice news correspondent, he tweeted out several examples where the language was a close match to phrasing that first appeared elsewhere. he stumbled on the issue while fact checking the book which profiles four outlets. vice, buzzfeed, "times" and "washington post." 26 past the hour. the president used his state of the union to warn with against investigations. and now democrats calling his bluff. new probes in to trump, his inner circle, his tax returns, his policies and a lot more. tremfya® can help adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis get clearer. and stay clearer. most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. tremfya®. stay clearer. janssen can help you explore cost support options. tremfya®. stay clearer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and everywhere i go ♪ there's always something to remind me ♪ ♪ of another place and time ♪ ♪ the american people have a right to know, indeed have a need to know that their president is apcting on their behalf. >> it is called presidential harassment. >> the unity push did not last long, democrats saying there will be new investigations after the president warned against it. we have an immigration system that allows people to come here violently. >> a congressman uses a gun violence hearing to push for a border wall. parents of parkland shooting victims were not having it. >> the loyalty of the venezuela military is at stake, a tense exchange between john bolton and nicolas maduro as desperate citizens search for supply, we're live at the venezuela border. and the former top editor at the new york times accused of plagiarism, jill abrams now says that she will review passages from her new book. welcome back to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> and i'm christine romans. 31 minutes past the hour. let's begin here in washington where house democrats are starting to flex their new power in earnest. house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff announcing an aggressive investigation into whether president trump's business and financial interests are driving his decisions. the probe will go beyond contacts between team's team in russia, it will include whether foreign interests hold any leverage over the president or anyone in his orbit, whether any one of these people is at risk of manipulation from abroad, whether anyone tried to obstruct the current investigations. >> the american people have a right to know that their president is acting on their behalf and not for some pecuniary or other reason. that pertains to any credible allegations of leverage by the russians or the saudis or anyone else. >> the president dismissed the new investigation saying schiff had no basis for it. >> he is just a political hack who is trying to build a name for himself. it is called presidential harassment. and it is unfortunateme and it really does hurt our country. >> the move is less than 24 hours after president warned in his state of the union against democratic probes. >> if there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. it just does not work that way. >> only about 18 months ago the president gave a similar statement against investigating his finances. >> looking at your finances, your family's finances unrelated to russia, is that red line? would that be a breach of what his actual -- >> i would say yes. >> federal prosecutors in manhattan may pose a bigger threat than robert mueller. the southern district of new york specifically looking at mr. trump's finances and it has already enlisted cooperating witnesses like his former lawyer michael cohen and trump organization cfo alan weisselbe weisselberg. house hearings are scheduled on mr. trump's tax returns and family separations at the mexican border and a session is set for tomorrow to question acting attorney general matthew whitaker. democrats will ask about miss decision not to recuse himself in the russia probe, among other things. jerry nadler says that he will have a subpoena in his pocket just in case whitaker refuses to answer questions. also house financial services chair maxine waters says her panel is in talks to bring in steve mnuchin, they want to talk to him about the lifting of russia sanctions on companies connected to an oligarch. and closed door testimony scheduled for friday has been postponed until later this month. intel chairman adam schiff said mysteriously that michael cohen's appearance was put off in the interests of the investigation. schiff did not elaborate. meanwhile there is another sign that the mueller investigation may be wrapping up, we're learning that prosecutor scott mizler has returned to work at the justice department, he is fourth of 17 who joined the team to leave. and bipartisan group of 17 lawmakers is make progress on a deal to head off another goe government shutdown, the white house staying out of the talks to this point. the deadline is next friday, but negotiators want a deal done this week to give congress and the president enough time to process it. acting chief are staff mick mulvaney scheduled to meet with the group this week, he is still warning that the president could use executive authority. >> if it comes to this, find the money that we can spend with the lowest threat of litigation, and then move from that pot of money to the next pot that maybe brings a little bit more threat of litigation and then go through the budget like that. >> the 17 lawmakers met with customs and border protection officials on wednesday, they agreed the best way to secure the border is to marry new technologies to additional personnel and new barrier, but they disagree about how. cnn learned the government shutdown ended after just ten air traffic controllers stayed home on january 25th, and six in northern virginia and four in florida, and that was now temporarily shut down travel at laguardia causing delays at other major hubs. tension at a congressional hearing on preventing gun violence. matt gates of florida using the hearing to actively campaign for the president's border wall. and it didn't go over well with some in attendance. >> hr-8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances i raised. but a wall, a barrier on the southern border may have. and that is what we're fighting for. we have an immigration system that allows people to come here violently. we engage in -- >> there will be no comments or demonstrations. >> gates' comments angering the fathers of two victims of the parkland school massacre. >> at one point a rhode island democrat posed this question. >> is there any committee rule that prevents a member of congress from reciting false statements in a committee hearing that are unsupported by the evidence,supported by the evidence, or are members of congress entitled to just make things up? >> the house judiciary committee has been hearing measures that would provide background checks on most gun sales. and the planet had the foirt h fourth hottest year ever recorded. that means 18 of the hottest 19 years have occurred since 2001, a warming driven largely by increased carbon monoxide and other green cause gases caused by human activity. the u.s. was hit particularly hard with climate events. there were 14 separate weather and climate disasters that caused $1 billion in damage or more last year. the u.s. trade difference s deficit is shrinking for the first time president trump started putting tariffs on chinese goods. the gap shrank to $49.3 billion from $55.7 billion. that drop follows five straight months of growth in the trade deficit, worsening in the trade deficit. the tariffs began in july as duties on foreign steel and aluminum started in march. now, a lower deficit, that is good news for the president. but foreign bankruptcies are not. the "wall street journal" reporting bankruptcies in three regions covering major farm states last year rose to the highest level in at least ten years. that's right. highest farm bankruptcies in ten years. the president's trade negotiators will head to beijing next week to continue trade talks. robert lighthizer and steve mnuchin will travel to china for a third round of negotiations after the critical talks last week. the president has threatened to jack up tariffs if the two sides cannot reach a permanent truce in this trade war. you're not done with me just yet. the words of long time michigan congressman john dinkle. former dean of the house is in hospice battling cancer. his wife has left washington to be at his side. he served 59 years in the houts. wednesday he tweeted his wife has agreed to keep up his twitter account while he dictates messages. dingell thanked all his supporters for their prayers. and today there is a goal to coordinate efforts in empowering women in foreign countries. it was spearheaded on ivanka trump. ivanka trump says the plan is to empower 50 million women by the year 2025. you may have to change what sunscreen you use if you visit a major beach town in florida. ha? (vo) automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. (danny) every day you're nearly fried to a crisp, professionally! (vo) you earned it, we're here to make sure you get it. quickbooks. backing you. a lot will happen in your life. wrinkles just won't. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair's derm-proven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. making wrinkles look so last week. rapid wrinkle repair® pair with new retinol oil for 2x the wrinkle fighting power. neutrogena® 4:44. as the political crisis in venezuela escalates, u.s. national security adviser john bolton and embattled venezuela president nicolas maduro clashing with bolton tweeting that the u.s. will consider sanctions off-ramps for any venezuela senior military officer that stands for democracy and recognizes the constitutional government of president juan guaido. maduro hitting back saying his military is loyal and would never defect. meantime venezuelans trying desperately to survive, things are going from bad to worse. he es isa suarez with more. >> reporter: you see here it says welcome to colombia. and directly in front of me is venezuela. and what we have been seeing is an influx of people coming here every single day. they come with trolleys, they come with push chairs, anything stuffed with money. money that is worth nothing because of hyperinflation. and they come here and they buy really groceries, they buy flour, eggs, milk, toilet paper. the basic staples that you need for every day. they do this every couple of days because it is so expensive first of all to get food on the other side, but also to actually find food in the first place. meanwhile 15 minutes or so away from here, a bridge that is brand new but never opened, the government of venezuela has blocked that bridge, blocked their side of the bridge. one oil tanker, two blue containers, and they are doing that to stop any eventual humanitarian aid to come through there. [ speaking foreign language ] food, chicken, flour. so some of the basic staples. and worth remembering once they get to the other side, they still have a long journey to go. [ speaking foreign language ] just food, that is all i have, he says. and when i ask everyone walking down this corridor back to venezuela who they blame, so many have told me time and time again there is only one man and that is madurnicolas maduro, th that has said this is not a humanitarian crisis, this is not an economic crisis, we are not a country of beggar. but just look around. people are in need of food. eggs, so many people desperately trying to make ends meet. back to you. >> and the desperation mounts every day. almost every kid's favorite video game fortnite crushing its competitors. stocks taking a hit. cnn business taking a hit. ♪ you asked for something ground-breaking. something epic. so, we took all our engineering experience... a hundred years-worth of learning from impossible projects all over the planet... the heart and soul of a cat... and found a way to fit it all... ...right through that gate. this could be huge. does your customers connecting to the wifi ever slow down your business? yes, it does slow things down. aggravating. it's a nightmare. so our gig-speed network is fast. and we go beyond fast by making it easy to create separate networks for your business and your customers and even control how much bandwidth each of those gets. so your business won't miss a beat. this is a big game changer. this is the new wave, and whoever doesn't get on, i think they would be left behind. just one more way we go beyond at&t. right now get fast, reliable internet and add wifi pro for a low price. comcast business. beyond fast. the milwaukee police officer killed in the line of duty wednesday has been identified, the officer 35-year-old matthew rittner. the suspect is in custody. ritner was a 17 year veteran of the milwaukee police department, he is the city's third police officer killed in the line of duty in just the past eight months. a new cold case getting new attention in san francisco. they released an age progression sketch of the doodler. and they released audio of a 911 call hoping to jog the pin's memory. a $100,000 reward being offered for information leading to the killed are killer's arrest and conviction. he killed at least five gay men in the 1970s and attacked several others. he was dubbed the godoodler aft saying that he was -- when police moved in to arrest bruce mcarthur last year, they found a man tied to his bed alive. searching his hard drive for evidence, they found eight folders labeled with the names of different men, each filled with photos of his victims. a ninth empty folder was labeled with the name of the man tied to the bed. the details revealed mcarthur lured the men to his home, strangling and dismembering them. he also worked as a mall santa. he pleaded guilty last month. teachers in denver plan to strike are monday, but com co s colorado's governor saying both sides are close to a deal. salaries remain a major sticking point. the union says its proposal could be funded if some of the $4 million slated annually for administrator bonuses was invested in teacher salaries. denver public schools says it has added a 10% average salary increase for teachers next year. we're also keeping an eye on oakland where another teacher strike could happen. talks are under way to avoid it. a twruk driver is facing drug trafficking charges even though the company that bought the cannabis he was carrying says that it is legal. this unfolded when the driver was stopped by an idaho state trooper foroutineinspection. the colorado company that bought the cargo in oregon says it is legal hemp but because of mandatory minimum drug sentences in idaho, the driver faces five years in prison and a $15,000 fine. the driver spent four days in jail and was leased after posting $100,000 bond. the colorado wildlife trail remains closed after a runner fought off a mountain lion to save his own life. wildlife officials say the 80 pound lion bit the man's face and writes, tsts. the victim managed to choke the animal to death. he was running by himself and he was taken to a hospital, later released. rangers will reassess the safety of the trails tomorrow. officials moving to ban the sale of popular sunscreens to probability the coral reef. the city commission voted to ban those containing oxybenzone. up to 70% contain oxybenzone. the ban won't take effect until january 2021. now, the city can't keep visitors from bringing banned sunscreens to its beaches, but it can only discourage them. a scary moment caught on video, a school bus overturning in kansas city, missouri. it may be due to freezing rain. >> first responders rescued the three students and drivers on the bus. no major injuries. one student who is in a wheelchair had to be removed with a gurney. the family that runs the chicago cubs apologized after a news story revealed racist e-mails from owner skrmer joe r. he expressed fear of muslims and shared jokes. in one he said christians and jews can have a mutual respect for each other to create a civil society. as you know, islam cannot do that. ricketts who is not directly involved with the day to day operation of the cubs now says sometimes i received e-mails that i should have condemned. other times i've said things that don't reflect my value system. i strongly believe that bigoted ideas are wrong. late last night jill abramson tweeted that she is reviewing pass annuages in her after claims of plagiarism. the allegations were made wednesday by a vice correspondent michael moynihan, he tweeted out several examples where the language was a close match to phrasing that first appeared elsewhere. moynihan says he stumbled on the issue while fact checking the book. ozzy osbourne waking up in a california hospital this morning. the 70-year-old rocker was admitted wednesday after suffering complications from the flu. his wife sharon sharing the news on twitter saying doctors felt it was the best way to get him on a quirk road cker road to re and she thanked everyone for their concern. last week oz noursbourne announ that he was postponing his tour due to illness. trade talks between the u.s. and china on wall street, taking a look at futures there, they are down slightly. i would call that directionalless after the dow closed down 20 points wednesday. the nasdaq fell a bit as well about that snap was up 22%, it came a day after it reported the number of daily users on snapchat was holding steady at 186 million. general motors has found new jobs for many of the workers at soon to close auto plants. nearly 950 workers at lords democratic tow town and in detroit will take jobs at other plants. back in november gm announced that 8,000 salaried workers and 6,000 hourly workers will either lose their job or be resigned to other plants. layoffs started monday as part of ongoing cost reductions. fortnite is crushing the competition. shares of electronic arts and take 2 interactive tanked more than 13% after reported weaker sales and profits because of competition from fortnite. it has become a cultural phenomena. the dances, the skins, the games. oh, my god. it is free to play, but it is not free because it makes its money on in-game purchases and they have done a really good job of sort of havingic the must-have editions that cost money. take 2 interactive ceo highlighted the success of its game red dead redemption two. it is a sign that the gaming industry can handle more than just one hit. it doesn't have to be just fortnite. >> the super bowl just passed and the nfl is focusing in on fortnite and how it can grow their audience. it is taking on over the globe, folks. so just allow it. "early start" continues right now. american people have a right to know and indeed have a need to know that their president is acting on their before. >> it is called presidential harassment. >> so much for unity. >> that's right, democrats defy the president with aggressive new investigations after the president warned against it. the system allows people to come hereengage -- >> a violence hearing to push for a ballistic missile. parents of parkland shooting victims not having it. and secretary of state admits that the threat of isis remains. we're live in the middle east.


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20190207

"new york times" accused of plagiarism. and in case you didn't know, long slogan in the state of virginia, virginia is for lovers. the new york "post" has a new twist on that, virginia is for losers. we'll have the latest on the debacle facing the democrats there. good morning, welcome to "early star start". >> it is thursday, february 7, 5:00 a.m. in the east. house democrats now starting to flex their new power in earnest. house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff announcing an aggressive investigation into whether president trump's business and financial interests are driving his decisions. the probe will go beyond contacts between trump's team and russia, it will include whether foreign interests hold any kind of leverage over the president or anyone in his orbit. whether anyone is at a risk of manipulation from abroad. and whether anyone who tried to obstruct the investigations. >> the american people have a right and indeed a need to know that their president is acting on their before and not for some pecuniary or other reason. that pertains to any credible allegations of leverage by the russians or the saudis or anyone else. >> the president dismissed the new investigation saying schiff had no basis for it. >> he's just a political hack who is trying to build a name for himself. it is called presidential harassment. and it is unfortunate. and it really does hurt our country. >> the move came less than 24 hours after president trump warned in his state of the union address against democratic probes. >> there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. it just doesn't work that way. >> only about 18 months ago the president gave a similar signal against investigating his finances. >> mueller was looking at your families, your family's finances unrelated to russia, is that red line? would that be a breach of his -- >> i would say yes. >> federal prosecutors in manhattan may pose a bigger threat to the president than robert mueller. the southern district of new york is specifically looking at mr. trump's finances and it has already enlisted cooperating witnesses like his former lawyer michael cohen and trump organization cfo alan weisselberg. democrats also having house hearings today on mr. trump's tax returns and family separations at the mexican border. and a session set for tomorrow to question acting attorney general matthew whitaker, they will ask about his decision not to recuse himself in the russia probe among other things. jerry nadler says that he will have a subpoena in his pocket just in case whitaker refuses to answer questions. also house financial services chair maxine waters says her panel is in talks to bring in treasury secretary steve mnuchin, they want to talk to him about lifting the russia sanctions on companies connected to an oligarch. a bipartisan part of 17 lawmakers is making progress on a deal to head off another government shutdown next week. but a source tells cnn no one is certain what the president will sign. the white house staying out of the talks to this point pnt d. d the deadline is next friday, but they want to get the deal done this week to give congress and president enough time to process it. mick mulvaney is scheduled to meet with the group this weekend at camp david and still warning the president could use executive authority. >> if it comes to this, find the money that we can spend with the lowest threat of litigation and then move from that pot of money to the next pot that maybe brings a little bit more threat of litigation. and then go through the budget like that. >> the 17 lawmakers met with customs and border protection officials on wednesday, and they agreed the best way to occur secure the border is to marry new technologies to new personnel and new barrier, but they disagree about how. the government shutdown ended after just ten air traffic controllers stayed home on january 25th, the 35th day of the impasse.absence of just ten temporarily shut down travel at new york's laguardia while causing delays at other major hubs. tension at a congressional hearing on preventing gun violence. republican malt gatt gates of fa using the hearing to actively campaign for the president's border wall. and it didn't go over well with some in attendance. >> hr-8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances i raised, but a wall, a barrier on the southern border may have. and that is what we're fighting for. we have an immigration system violently. we engage in -- >> there will be no comments or demonstrations, please. >> gates' comments angering the fathers of two victims of the parkland school massacre. at one point rhode island democrat posed this question. >> is there any committee rule that prevents a member of congress from reciting false statements in a committee hearing that are unsupported by the evidence? that are unsupported by the evidence or are members of congress entitled to just make things up? >> the house judiciary committee has been hearing testimony on a measure that would require background checks for all gun sales and most gun transfers. all three top officials in virginia all democrats now embroiled? scandal. attorney general mark herring admitted that he appeared in blackface at a party dressing up as a rapper when he was 19 years old. he called it a one time he occurrence caused by a lack of awareness. governor ralph northam still refusing to resign over the racist photo on his med school yearbook page. he met with black leaders yesterday. >> and lieutenant governor justin fairfax facing sexual harassment allegations. vanessa tyson claims he assaulted her at the national convention. he told bobby scott about the allegation a year ago. aides say the congressman did not learn of the full scope until wednesday when tyson released a graphic statement about her encounter with fairfax. more now from ryan noesbles. >> reporter: we had thought that things couldn't get much worse here at virginia state capital, but wednesday proved us wrong. dr. vanessa tyson released a very lengthy statement where she talked in specificity about the alleged incident in which she says that the lieutenant governor who was then an aide to senator john edwards forced her to perform oral sex on him. the lieutenant governor says this is not true and he has been vehemently denying the claims and launched into an expletive laden attack against tyson and her supporters. this is rocking the capital. but a very influential congresswoman who was just recently elected in the wave of democratic women to congress, she was once a state senator here in virginia, she tweeted yesterday, i believe dr. vanessa tyson. meanwhile state lawmakers attempt to find some way to get the business of this government complete. >> ryan, thank you for that. if the scandal brings down virginia's top three government officials, a republican would take the state's top office. house of delegates speaker kirk cox is fourth in line for governor. planet earth just emerged from the fourth hottest year ever recorded. according to the nasa and noaa, 18 of the hottest 19 years have occurred since 2001. the warming driven largely by increased carbon monoxide emissions and other greenhouse gases caused by human activity. many countries suffered through extreme weather and climate events in 2018, but the united states was hit particularly hard. there were 14 separate weather and climate disasters that caused $1 billion in damage or more last year. wall street waiting for the federal reserve to decide when and if it will raise interest rates in 2019, the former fed chief janet yellen told cnbc yesterday that the federal reserve could decide to cut rates next. >> if global growth really weakens and that spills over to the united states or financial conditions tighten more and we do see a weakening in the u.s. economy, it is certainly possible that the next move is a cut. >> her remarks come after the fed floated the idea it might be done considering any rate hikes this year. two had been on the table. yellen mentioned several risks that could affect the u.s. including weak economic data from china and europe and uncertainty about trade policies and brexit. jerome powell recently said that the decision on rates requires patience and he denounced any idea that the fed was caving to political pressure by taking the more dovish approach. single digit wh-- several when e market was falling apart in december, one concern was rate hikes. and now the stock market is sort of telling you maybe the fed will stand back. ahead, it looks like a serial killer in toronto was nabbed with his next victim already tied up in his home. the stunning twist ahead. it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey. so chantix can help you quit "slow turkey." along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, 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remains a dangerous threat in territory it does not control. >> arwa damon is live for us in istanbul this morning. is there daylight between what the two are saying or are they lined up? >> reporter: you know, there is daylight between a lot of unfortunately what comes out of this current white house which is why so many allies' heads are spinning at this stage. and really questioning how much they can rely on the united states when there is so much conflicting information coming out of it. pompeo's comments most certainly were much more nuanced and exhibited a greater ending of the threat that isis can pose. even though it will lose its territorial footprint, it still maintains a digital one, it still has sleeper cells not just in iraq and syria, but potentially spread in europe and asia and elsewhere. the caliphate has been readying itself for this very moment, the moment that it would be eventually losing its territory, it has a plan in place to continue to be able to terrorize the world, continue to go after and exploit vulnerable populations. and the issue right now is with the loss of territory to isis inside both iraq and syria, you have created dynamics where you have vulnerable population who need to be supported by the u.s. and military officials at the upper echelon will tell you that right now actually when you win the physical battle right now, that is when you really have to gear in for the bigger fight. and at this stage it doesn't seem as if president or america has a plan to do that. >> pompeo reminding everyone this is not the end of america's fight in those comments yesterday. arwa damon live for us, thank you. kevin durant blasting reporters claiming they can't be trusted. what is bothering him? coy wire has this morning's "bleacher report" next. one hour pickup order? got it. ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. and 2 boxes of twizzlers... yeah, uh...for the team. the team? gooo team... order online pickup in an hour. and, now save big 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(vo) switch to the network awarded by rootmetrics and j.d. power. now get $300 off our best phones. heyi'm craving somethingkin! we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. they help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture... and keep us protected. we've got to have each other's backs... and fronts. cerave. what your skin craves. a business owner always goes beyond what people expect. that's why we built the nation's largest gig-speed network along with complete reliability. then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in's and pins. to one-touch conference calls. beyond traditional tv. to tv on any device. beyond low-res surveillance video. to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. a stunning revelation in the case of a serial killer in toronto. when police moved into arrest bruce mcarthur last year, they found a man tied to his bed alive. searching his hard drive for evidence, police found eight folders labeled with the names and photos of mcarthur's victims, and a ninth folder had the name of the man tied to the bed. he ha mcarthur also worked as a mall santa. he pleaded guilty last month. officials in key west, florida moving to ban the sale of popular sunscreens to protect the coral reef. they voted to ban those containing oxybenzone or octinoxate. up to 70% of sunscreens on the u.s. market contain oxybenzone. the fan wonban won't take effec january 2021. jill abramson tweeted that she is reviewing passages in her new book after being accused of plagiarism. hours earlier she shed a -- she rejected the claim. michael moynihan tweeted several examples where the language was a close match to phrasing that first appeared elsewhere. moynihan says he stumbled on the issue while fact checking the book which profiles vice, buzzfeed, "times" and the "washington post." time for the "bleacher report." the nba trade deadline is this afternoon. mavericks couldn't wait until their game was over to make a move. coy wire has more in the "bleacher report." >> hate to tell you this, but right now you are done, you're going somewhere else. life comes at you fast if you ask harrison barnes. he was in uniform for the mavericks win over the hornets while the front office was working on a deal to send him to the kings. they came to an agreement during the second half while he was on the floor on his way to 10 points on the night. he was told during a time-out. after that, he stayed on the bench while his now former teammates finished out the game. barnes didn't talk to reporters afterwards and the in-game trade caught lebron james' eye. he wants the narrative to change around the trade deal. he posted in part when a player wants to be traded or leaves a franchise, he is selfish, ungrateful. but when they trade you,waive, it is best for them. rumors have been swirling that the warriors have already made decisions about superstar kevin durant's future with the team. he is a free agent after the season and many speculate that he will go to the knicks. he ripped reporters for the rumors. >> come on, man. grow up. grow up. i don't trust any of y'all. every time i say something, it gets twisted out and thrown out in so many different publications trying to take me down. so when i don't say nothing, it's a problem. i just want to play ball. i want to go to the gym and go home. that's all. is that problem? all right then. >> how is the team playing last couple weeks? >> i'm done. >> that's it. i'm out, i'm done he says. all right. finally, what do you do if you know your wife is going into labor but iyou're supposed to pn the biggest game of the year? if you are joe day and you have your wife's blessing, you take the chance that you will make to the hospital on time. as soon as the cup ended, he high tailed it to the hospital. but his wife lizy and his beef twin girls couldn't wait. dad's team won 2-0. mom says that is two for two girls. and they will now take on manchester city a week from saturday. dave, you're no longer there. >> you said i got traded, but apparently no one would take me. they tried to trade me, there were no takers. sorry, boss. >> sorry christine, you're stuck with dave. >> i don't know what i would do about -- >> not going back to bed yet. >> i don't know about the babies. i don't know if i'd let my husband not be there for the babies. >> coy, thank you. 26 past the hour. the president used his state of the union to warn against investigations and now democrats are calling his bluff. new probes into trump, his inner circle, his tax returns, his border policies and more. staying at hampton for a work trip. oh no. your new boss seems cool, but she might not be sweatpants cool. not quite ready to face the day? 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guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundred of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. the american people have a right to know, indeed have a need to know that their president is acting on their behalf. >> it is called presidential harassment. >> the unity push did not last long, democrats saying there will be new investigations after the president warned against it. we have an immigration system that allows people to come here violently. >> a congressman uses a gun violence hearing to push for a border wall. parents of parkland shooting victims were not having it. the loyalty of the venezuela military is at stake, a tense exchange between john bolton and nicolas maduro as desperate citizens search for supplies, we're live at the venezuela border. and the former top editor at the new york times accused of plagiarism, jill abramson now says that she will review passages from her new book. welcome back to "early start." >> we'll also have the latest on the debacle for virginia democrats. but we start with house democrats now starting to flex their new power in earnest. house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff announcing an aggressive investigation into whether president trump's business and financial interests are driving his decisions. the probe will go beyond contacts between team's team and russia, it will include whether foreign interests hold any leverage over the president or anyone in his orbit, whether any one of these people is at risk of manipulation from abroad, whether anyone tried to obstruct the current investigations. >> the american people have a right to know that their president is acting on their behalf and not for some pecuniary or other reason. that pertains to any credible allegations of leverage by the russians or the saudis or anyone else. >> the president dismissed the new investigation saying schiff had no basis for it. >> he is just a political hack who is trying to build a name for himself. it is called presidential harassment. and it is unfortunate and it really does hurt our country. >> the move is less than 24 hours after president warned in his state of the union against democratic probes. >> if there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. it just does not work that way. >> only about 18 months ago the president gave a similar statement against investigating his finances. >> looking at your finances, your family's finances unrelated to russia, is that a red line? would that be a breach of what his actual -- >> i would say yes. >> federal prosecutors in manhattan may pose a bigger threat than robert mueller. the southern district of new york specifically looking at mr. trump's finances and it has already enlisted cooperating witnesses like his former lawyer michael cohen and trump organization cfo alan weisselberg. house hearings are scheduled on mr. trump's tax returns and family separations at the mexican border and a session is set for tomorrow to question acting attorney general matthew whitaker. let's bring in zach wolf live in d.c. this morning. good to see you. the president said there cannot be legislation and investigation. here's what his vice president told cbs yesterday. >> we don't object to oversight. that is the proper role of committees in the congress. but when it takes on a papartis tint, when it seems more intent on becoming a form for invective against the president and against the administration, the american people expect better. >> are they against oversight, did the democrats just call trump's bluff? >> i think they can clearly against oversight of themselves. you know, that is essentially what he's saying there. because democrats came into power, they took control of the house and that is like the main thing that they can do with that new power is oversight. what we've seen so far is essentially the house essentially protecting the president from democrats. and now democrats have control, they can subpoena people, they can -- there are a number of committees that can do investigations. you just went through a couple of them there. i don't think we've seen the tip of the iceberg with a lot of this stuff yet and we haven't seen any of the hearings that will actually happen. it is going to be an incredible thing i think that we're about to witness. >> one wonders if nancy pelosi and leadership are conscious of not overplaying their hand, of feeding into the presidential harassment. >> i think pelosi in particular might be conscious of that. you have a lot of democrats who want to impeach the president. they have tried to walk people back from that. but oversight is not quite that far. and, you know, i don't think that it is the kind of thing that you can control because you're never really sure what you're doing, how that will play essentially in peoria or wherever. >> some have learned what happened with clinton and republicans in going too far. i want to ask you about the debacle for democrats in virginia. the "washington post" says ralph northam must resign, virginia is for losers, lovers being the original slogan. so northam is under fire and now the number two lieutenant governor, sexual assault allegations and that woman made a very graphic statement. and number three, the attorney general admitting that he too wore blackface as a 19-year-old. who can survive all of this? >> i'm not sure. honestly, these things keep coming and every single one as a virginia resident myself full disclosure, it is pretty shocking when you put all these things together and nobody is really sure what is going to happen i think. that is what is sort of incredible here. usually it is one politician under fire. now we have three for different reasons. and obviously the fourth person in line for the governorship is a republican. so one of those three people will have to make them survive unless they want to hand over the govern the governor's mansion. >> and what is amazing the series of events that started unfolding all this was the unartful comments the governor made about late term abortion, that really raised the scrutiny from conservative bloggers and conservative outlets who were starting to scrub his past, rig right, and i think it is fascinating socialism and late term abortion two things that the president talked about that i think will be real lightning rods in the next years. >> and those will be things that trump comes back to. he essentially accused the governor of murder in his state of the union address which was a pretty remarkable thing. and it wasn't just bloggers, it was an old class mats mate of h was turned off by those comments. >> was it? >> i believe so. we'll have to check that. >> but it was the abortion comments that began the whole series of events. >> precisely. and it has created this house of cards and it was the procespectf the lieutenant governor maybe becoming governor that led to the woman coming forward. and nobody knows where this will go. >> and to your point, abortion and socialism, two things that really resonate, the president hit on something in the state of the union regarding that. but let's talk about the shutdown, another deadline coming next friday. mick mulvaney will have all the 17 lawmaker group at camp david over the weekend. are we nearing a deal and what will the president sign? >> here are the things i will say to you. if they aren't yelling at each other, that is a good sign. if they are talking to each other, that is a good sign. if they are behind closed doors and we don't know what is going on, that is probably a good sign to reach some sort of compromise. the other thing i would say is nancy pelosi and donald trump aren't really involved with these -- or at least we're told they are not really involved with these talks right now. it is when those two start getting involved that everything i think could fall apart particularly with trump because we still have to figure out how exactly somebody is going to retreat from those positions they have had, wall, no barrier. so how they kind of square that hole is still i think very much up in the air. but it is a good sign that they are talking to each diridiculou will come down to semantics, will it have wall in it our not. how do you please your bases. good to have you here, thank you, sir. tension at a congressional hearing. republican hmatt gates of floria used the hearing to being a differencely campaign for the president's border wall and it didn't go over well with some in attendance. >> hr-8 would not have stopped many of the circumstances i raised, but a wall, a barrier on the southern border may have. and that is what we're fighting for. we haven a immigration system that allows people to come here violently. we engage in -- >> there will be no comments or demonstrations, please. >> the comments angering the fathers of two victims of the parkland school master. >> at one point a rhode island democrat posed this question. >> is there any committee rule that prevents a member of congress from reciting false statements in a committee hearing that are unsupported by the evidence? that are unassumed supported by evidence. or are members of congress entitled to just make things up. >> the house judiciary committee has been hearing testimony on a bipartisan measure that would require background checks for all gun sales and most gun transfers. you may have to change what sunscreen you use if you visit a major beach town in florida. that is coming up on "early start." ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want to know why people you have to start by asking... could listening to audible help you find the secret to a stronger relationship? sometimes it doesn't take anything at all for us... just say "alexa, give me my free audible book," and your first pick is on us. does your customers connecting to the wifi ever slow down your business? yes, it does slow things down. aggravating. it's a nightmare. so our gig-speed network is fast. and we go beyond fast by making it easy to create separate networks for your business and your customers and even control how much bandwidth each of those gets. so your business won't miss a beat. this is a big game changer. this is the new wave, and whoever doesn't get on, i think they would be left behind. just one more way we go beyond at&t. right now get fast, reliable internet and add wifi pro for a low price. comcast business. beyond fast. u.s. trade deficit shrinking for the first time since president trump began putting tariffs on chinese goods. commerce department shows the trade gap shrank to $49.3 billion in november, that is down from 55. $7 billion in october. it had been going up for five months in a row. now shrinking. the president's tariffs on chinese goods began in july. a lower deficit, that is good news for the president. but this isn't. farm bankruptcies are on the rise. the "wall street journal" reporting bankruptcies in three regions covering major farm states last year rose to the highest level in at least a decade. the president's trade negotiators will head to beijing next week to continue their trade talks as the clock runs down ahead of the march 1 deadline. robert lighthizer and steve mnuchin will travel for round three of negotiations. president trump has threatened to jack up existing tariffs if the two sides complaint reachar permanent truce. john bolton and nicolas maduro are clashing with bolton tweeting u.s. will consider sanctions off-ramps for any venezuelan senior military officer that recognizes juan guaido as president. maduro hitting back saying his military is loyal and would never defect. for venezuelans trying desperately to survive rng things are going from bad to worse. isa soares with more from colombia. all right i . >> reporter: i'm standing on the main pedestrian bridge. you see here it says welcome to colombia. and directly in front of me is venezuela. and what we have been seeing is an influx of people coming here every single day. they come with trolleys, they come with push chairs, anything stuffed with money. money that is worth nothing because of hyperinflation. and they come here and they buy really groceries, they buy flour, eggs, milk, toilet paper. the basic staples that you need for every day. they do this every couple of days because it is so expensive first of all to get food on the other side, but also to actually find food in the first place. meanwhile 15 minutes or so away from here, a bridge that is brand new but never opened, the government of venezuela has blocked that bridge, blocked their side of the bridge. one oil tanker, two blue containers, and they are doing that to stop any eventual humanitarian aid to come through there. [ speaking foreign language ] food, chicken, flour. so some of the basic staples. and worth remembering once they get to the other side, they still have a long journey to go. [ speaking foreign language ] just food, that is all i have, he says. and when i ask everyone walking down this corridor back to venezuela who they blame, so many have told me time and time again there is only one man and that is nicolas maduro, the man that has said this is not a humanitarian crisis, this is not an economic crisis, we are not a country of beggar. but just look around. people are in need of food. eggs, so many people desperately trying to make ends meet. back to you. that milwaukee police officer killed in the line of duty on wednesday has now been identified. the officer matthew rittner was fatally shot while executing a search warrant for illegal firearms sales and drugs. the suspect is in custody. ritsn ne rittner was a 17 year veteran of the police department. he is the city's third police officer killed in the line of duty in the past eight months. in missouri, a school bus overturning in kansas city as it was dropping students off. the school district spokeswoman says it may be due to freezing rain and icy roads. first responders rescued the three students and driver on the bus, no major injuries. one was in a wheelchair and lad to b had to be removed with a gurney. a truck driver facing drug trafficking charges even though the company says it was perfectly legal. the driver was stopped by an idaho state trooper for routine inspection en route to colorado where marijuana is legal. 7,000 pounds of cannabis was on board. state officials say field tests show the plants were positive for thc. >> the colorado company that bought the cargo in oregon says it is legal hemp, but because of drug sentences in idaho where it is illegal, the driver faces five years in prison and a $15,000 fine. the driver spent four days in jail and was released after posting $100,000 bond. and there is also a federal prohibition still. so you have crossing state lines from one state where it is legally purchased sent to another state where it is legal with a state where it is illegal in between. >> you will always have this issue with federal versus state. we'll be right back. 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(ringing) ( ♪ ) the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. the future only happens does your customers connecting to the wifi ever slow down your business? yes, it does slow things down. aggravating. it's a nightmare. so our gig-speed network is fast. and we go beyond fast by making it easy to create separate networks for your business and your customers and even control how much bandwidth each of those gets. so your business won't miss a beat. this is a big game changer. this is the new wave, and whoever doesn't get on, i think they would be left behind. just one more way we go beyond at&t. right now get fast, reliable internet and add wifi pro for a low price. comcast business. beyond fast. officials in key west are moving to ban the sale of some popular sunscreens to protect the coral reef. city commission voted to ban those containing oxybenzone or octinoxate, chemicals shown to damage coral reefs. up to 70% of sin screens on tun oxybenzone. the ban will not take effect until january 2021. the city can't keep visitors from bringing banned visitors to its beaches, it can only discourage them. continuing revelation in the case of a serial killer in toronto. when police moved in to arrest bruce mcarthur last year, they found a man tied to his bed alive. searching mcarthur's hard drive for evidence, police found eight folders labeled with the names of his victims and the neeinth folder with the name of the man tied to his bed. last night jiab jill abrams says she is reviewing parts of her book after allegations of plagiarism, they were made by correspondent michael moynihan, he tweeted out several examples where abramson's language was a close match to phrasing that first appeared elsewhere. moynihan says he stumbled on the issue while fact checking her book which profiles four outlets, vice, buzzfeed, the times and t"times" and the "was post." ♪ ozzy osbourne waking up in a california hospital this morning, the 70-year-old rocker was admitted with comply kagtss fr complications from the flu. doctors felt it was the best way to get him on a quicker road to recovery. last week he postponed his european leg of his tour due to illness. global stock markets are mixed. on wall street, futures coming off of a little bit of a down day with a bit of a negative search for direction here. the dow closed narrowly lower yesterday. the s&p fell slightly snapping a five day winning streak. the nasdaq fell a bit as well. snap had a big day up 22%. the rise came a day after it reported the number of daily users on snapchat was holding steady at 186 million. general motors has found new jobs for some of the workers at its soon to close auto plants. nearly 950 in lordstown, ohio and in detroit have accepted jobs at other plants. most will take jobs in flint, michigan and spring hill, tennessee plant. in november gm announced 14,000 workers will either lose their jobs or be reassigned. at the same time, they announced plans to close five plants. fortnite crushing the competition. shares of electronic arts and take 2, their shashares tanked competition from fortnite. the skins, the dances, it is free to play, but it makes money on in-game purchases. take 2's ceo dismissed fortnite's dominance highlighting the success of its own game red dead redemption two, he says it is a sign that the industry can handle more than one hit. >> and of course netflix saying they were more concerned about fortnite. >> it is more than just games. thanks for joining us. >> get better. octinoxa . the american people have a right to know that their president is acting on their behalf. >> it's called presidential harassment and it's informant. it's just a political hack. >> we can't allow the administration to stonewall us. we came in and we mean business. >> we're having a moment of reckoning. this is doing to be really painful to both parties. >> the democratic party has to speak with moral clarity on all these issues. >> the question is not whether these people can't move on from their past, the question is wlob they should be in a position of public trust. >> announcer: this is new day with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, this is new day. it's thursday, february 7th, 6:00 here in new york. alisyn off, poppy harlow star of stage and screen joins me now. >> thank you, my friend. >> host of a big cnn talent hall next week with howard schultz. >> no pressure. >> that's a big deal. >> tuesday night. it's going to be interesting. he hasn't declared a run for president but he's got everyone up in arms about it. we're going to ask him the questions and mainly the audience is going to ask those questions. >> he's the one thing of running, just to be clear, not you, yet. >> that's correct. new this morning, the president has a red line and democrats aren't just crushing on it, they're jumping on it, stomping on it and dancing on


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