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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140804

and beyoncé's bombshell, the superstar exploding social media with a remix of "flawless." finally taking on the infamous incident in the elevator, what's really behind the lyrics, and the new pictures overnight that show queen bey still rules the world. and good morning, america, hope you had a good weekend. we know michael strahan did. let's take a look right there, being inducted into the nfl hall of fame. what a moment for him. and they even got the gap right. in that bust. we know robin was there too. there they are, having fun together as well. spending time on his big night. we'll hear from both of them in a little bit. >> michael strahan's big smile on full display. congratulations to him. it is a busy news morning, and we want to begin with the massive wall of water and the now-deadly mudslide in southern california, stranding thousands in just an instant. abc's brandi hitt has more. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: take a look at this wall of mud that devoured this driveway and spread up to the front door. the fast-moving waters and debris sweeping the area so quickly, not everyone had enough time to escape. overnight, flash flooding sending a river of mud and debris through southern california, swallowing cars, campers and vans. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: thunderstorms brought flash floods, as much as 4 inches falling in one hour, causing a wall of debris to cut off access to two mountain towns. leaving at least 2,000 stranded. including 500 adults and children at a summer camp program. one person was killed after swift-moving floods swept their car away. in forest falls, a wall of moving mud as high as 15 feet and up to 75-feet wide. watch how quickly the flood appears. that's the sound of trees snapping. and seconds later, this torrent of water. at least five people rescued. nearby, this car trapped underwater. rescuers breaking the windows, making sure no one was inside. this vehicle empty, a small shred of hope. amongst so much devastation. >> this is the worst since at least 1969. >> reporter: that water is desperately needed elsewhere in the state. more than a dozen fires currently burning in northern and central california. there is an active search and rescue operation under way to find anyone else who may have been swept away as they clean up this mess. >> thank you. and more flooding in the forecast. six states are in the threat zone. ginger is tracking it. >> that's right, six states, spreading from california to idaho, and in new mexico this morning. watching for rainfall at 2 inches per hour at times. and look at bull's-eye. anywhere from central california all the way to jackson, wyoming. up to 3 inches. much more coming up in the nation's weather including the fire forecast. now to the ebola emergency. the second american aid worker infected with the deadly virus begins her journey home today. as her colleague is getting better under close supervision. abc's steve osunsami is at emory university hospital where they will be treated. good morning. >> reporter: that second american is expected to leave liberia this evening our time and arrive here tomorrow mid-morning. the world is waiting for nancy writebol to return home to america. soon to become the second person ever to carry the ebola virus on to u.s. soil. on saturday, her colleague, dr. kent brantly was the first. that's him in a full biohazard suit, walking into emery university hospital. >> to see him walk, which hadn't even occurred to me, was just unbelievable. >> reporter: his wife, amber, is not allowed to hold his hand, but saw him. flying him safely from africa was complicated to say the least. he was moved in a specially-designed isolation pod like this one, and an airtight tent, all disposable and good for one patient at a time. which is why they are making two trips. today writebol will travel to bangor, maine, before landing at dobbins air force base outside of atlanta tuesday afternoon. >> we have the environment and the expertise to safely care for these patients. >> reporter: they contracted the disease while treating african patients. staff members at the hospital and at the cdc next door is on alert, taking every precaution, confident they can keep the staff healthy and the disease from spreading. >> the bottom line with ebola is we know how to stop it. >> reporter: this has been quite a local story as well. the families here concerned that such a deadly pathogen being brought in. but those fears misplaced, the cdc just down the street has much more deadly bugs safely on lockdown. george. >> and we're joined by a professor of medicine and dr. rich besser. we heard steve osunsami talk about the anxiety in atlanta. are you facing any kind of a brushback from other patients or their families at the hospital concerned about the possibility that this could spread? >> we have been hearing some concern about safety, and frankly we view that as an opportunity for education. >> and rich besser, we heard from dr. brantly's wife that his condition is improving. and he received an experimental serum before he left africa. what more can you tell us about that? >> a week ago, there was discussion about one dose of an experimental serum coming, and dr. brantly said to give it to his colleague. we don't know if this is the same product, we don't know what exactly it was. look at it closely, because as you know, there's no known drug treatment or cure for ebola. >> no cure, and patients can seem to be improving and slip back. when will we know when someone is safe to go out in public? >> yeah, they will be monitoring him closely. what's normally seen in a case of ebola is, you have the acute symptoms, you are so incredibly sick, and patients who are going die, it's a downward spiral towards death. usually not able to walk and then slip back. i'm sure they'll monitor his liver and kidney function. they tend to get hit hard. but i have talked to people who have treated ebola patients, but once they're over the acute illness, they are able to go home, and no family members pick it up from the exposure. >> the body learns to fight the infection. >> that's what you're looking for. since there's no drug, the person's immune system has to fight that. the signs are promising, and he is improving. >> also promising that his colleague is now well enough or stable enough to travel to the united states. >> they are going to have to assess her again, the journey back in one of these transport planes can be arduous. the team will have to do the assessment. can she make the journey back to atlanta? >> thank you both very much. and now to the water emergency that has left hundreds of thousands of people without tap water in toledo, ohio. tox yins were found in the supply over the weekend and residents are still waiting to be told that it's safe to drink again. and abc eesz linzie janis has the very latest. >> reporter: moments ago the mayor of toledo saying our water is safe, lifting that ban for 400,000 people. who woke up for a third day unable to drink their water or even brush their teeth with it. all of this caused by toxins from an algae bloom that got into the city's water system. the algae bloom so big, visible from outer space. fueled by fertilizer off farmland into the lake. and so poisonous, it can cause liver and nervous system damage. prompting cleveland, detroit and buffalo and chicago to closely monitor or run extra tests on their own supplies. the great lakes providing drinking water for 26 million people. but harmful algae can pop up anywhere. >> oh, it hit me hard. >> reporter: this man became paralyzed just from washing his dog who went swimming in a lake four years ago. >> in 2012, we had harmful algae blooms in 21 states. i believe the number now is up to 30. >> reporter: back in toledo, lining up in cars and on foot to get safe water. trucked in by the national guard. >> to take baths and wash dishes. we got a couple cases of water to drink. >> reporter: but the bottled water just isn't enough. this morning restaurants and businesses closed again. even some hospitals canceling surgeries. just moments ago, lifting that ban on the drinking water for the 400,000 residents of the toledo area, telling people if you haven't use your water at all, you'll need to run your taps for about 15 minutes. if you're using it for washing your hands and such, you can go ahead and drink it right away. >> all right. spilled, green paint. i agree. and over to dan harris with the morning's other top stories. >> good morning, everybody. and we're going to start here with new video of the devastation caused by a massive earthquake in southwest china. this aerial view showing some of the 12,000 homes flattened. more than 400 people killed. but that death toll could rise sharply. rain is making the search for victims extra-challenging right now. and also breaking overnight, israel calling a temporary cease-fire in parts of gaza after a harsh rebuke from the u.s. government. the u.s. was appalled by the attack on a u.n. shelter, calling it disgraceful. ten civilians were killed. a second person has died from an apparent overdose of drugs at a concert in maryland. the victims were at the mad decent block party. the club drug molly was readily available. 20 people went to the hospital. and off the coast of washington state, a 25-foot boat up in flames. the owner clung to a life raft as the boat split apart. he held on for an hour until a coast guard chopper arrived. and lifted him to safety. he is being treated for hypothermia. and a flight, the woman running toward the cockpit, and the flight attendant was punched in the stomach, we do not know what set her off. and you can call this an occupational hazard. two window washers hanging when their platform fell into a nearly vertical position. these two waited patiently in the heavy wind for several minutes until help finally arrived. lots of crashing and spinning at the sprint cup race on sunday. check out the domino effect, 17 cars smashing together in this pileup at pocono raceway. happy to report that nobody got hurt here. dale earnhardt jr. came away with another win. and finally, from the everybody needs a hobby file. this is a guy from the uk pushing a brussel sprout up a mountain with his nose. it took him three days to finish, required a lot of logistics. there was a special face mask and an extra-large brussel sprout that wouldn't fall in cracks. he practiced for months in his hometown. before you write him off as bonkers, you are free today, he raised money for a hospital. he is going to push a parsnip down broadway with his thigh. >> he did raise money. >> i'm going to write a note. >> you see the other hikers? they're like, what's he doing? >> wow, that's a big brussel sprout. >> okay. >> well. >> we are going to move on to a growing mystery at one of america's most popular horse tracks, del mar, in southern california. ten horses died during the summer season. big changes are coming at the track. abc's mara schiavocampo has the latest. >> and away they go. >> reporter: this morning, major changes at california's famous del mar racetrack after a streak of dangerous and in some cases deadly falls. >> and it was very sad. they put the tarps up and euthanized the horse right there on the field. >> reporter: this horse, chattering gambler died of an apparent heart attack, the tenth to die since the racing season opened at del mar three weeks ago. three dying from natural causes, the others put down following catastrophic injuries on the brand-new $6 million turf. where this horse tumbled. >> when you have ten horses dying, and you can't pinpoint one thing or another, it is a mystery. >> reporter: track officials shut down the turf course until saturday to soften it with water and consult experts. and the synthetic surface will be replaced for next year. >> it's always about safety. >> reporter: but track officials and experts tell abc news it may not be the track at all. >> a lot of rush to get a horse here. in combination with the pressure as well as the high purses, some horses may be running that aren't ready. >> reporter: still this could be a public-relations nightmare for the track, which is a huge tourist destination and hosting the breeders' cup in 2015. >> we will continue to follow that story. meanwhile, what a weekend it was for our michael strahan. joining football's all-time greats in the hall of fame. as he highlighted so beautifully in his speech, this improbable honor was made possible with a lot of hard work and family support, and robin was there for it all. call it a pinch-me moment for our pal, michael strahan. >> this has been the best weekend of my life. i will -- thank you, thank you. >> reporter: adding a new title to his ever-growing resume, living legend. our robin roberts was by his side for it all. >> you are here in canton, ohio. you used to come here. >> yeah. >> you used to come here. >> yeah. >> now people will come and see you. >> i know. i'm going to have to come back every year just to see myself. >> how does that happen? >> i don't know. robin, i sat here and i think -- how am i here? life is about lessons. and my life is improbable. i am an absolutely improbable hall of famer. >> you may have thought it was improbable, and that's the word you used over and over. but i don't think your mom and dad thought that. >> it's amazing, they never did. my dad always would say when, when, when, not if. now as an adult, he always believed. he was a grinder, he made me the same way. i remember being in the gym, and i didn't want to be there. and my dad looked at me and said, son, one day it'll pay off. and, dad, i got to say it paid off. it really did. >> reporter: those lessons guiding michael in his favorite role. >> the most important motivation for me throughout my career and even now in my life is these four people, my babies. my beautiful babies. and of all the titles that i have, the most important title i'm really -- i'm most proud of is michael strahan, your father. >> reporter: and with the end of his speech, the beginning of the party. >> we're going to get our dance on. >> reporter: one giant celebration -- for our number one giant. >> congratulations, michael. >> thank you, baby. thank you. >> enjoy this moment. enjoy, enjoy. >> looks like they did enjoy. >> yeah. >> michael, a giant congratulations from all of us here at your "good morning america" family. he will be back here on wednesday for hugs. >> looks so emotional. wonderful to see. ginger, final forecast in the northwest. >> you see fire over here and fire over there, and today unfortunately we have the variable winds. the red flag warnings for parts of northern california, oregon, and high wind warnings to the east. the local forecast in 30 seconds, but the select cities brought to you by the university of phoenix. at home as we look at live doppler 7 hd thick clouds are moving down on the bay area keeping our temperatures on the cooler side. our highs today are cooler than year, in the 70's around the bay and 60's along the coast and lower to mid-80's inland. overnight lows are fog and possible showers and upper 50's to lower 60's. warm-up begins tomorrow into and coming up on "gma," the shocking story of a woman arrested for murdering her husband of 32 years. why police say she faked a home invasion. and a possible sighting of the oregon mother, hundreds of miles away. and beyoncé blowing up social media with a remake of "flawless." what she's saying about the infamous elevator incident. and the new pictures released overnight. about the elevator incident. less. what she's saying about the elevator incident. "flawless. what she's saying about the elevator incident. hd 4. hd 4. cheering you on... ot a lot of people download the app and start getting rewarded today. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. remind me to tell her happy anniversary. [ cortana ] next time you talk to caroline, i'll remind you. [ siri ] oh no, i cannot do that. oh, and remind me to get roses when i'm near any flower shop. sure thing. remind you when you get to flower shop. i can't do that either. cortana, it's gonna be a great night. [ beep ] oh wow! thanks for the traffic alert. i better get going. now that is a smart phone. ♪ oh, wait ♪ it's 'cause you make me smile ♪ osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, "vocce vanduccos!" 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"yummy." to you, they're more than just a pet. so, protect them with k9 advantix® ii. its broad-spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks & mosquitoes too. right now, save up to $10 on select k9 advantix® ii flea & tick products. at petsmart®. good morning. i'm eric thomas. we continue to follow breaking news in san francisco. that's where searchers hope to find two people, as many as two people missing from a distressed fishing boat. the boat got stuck right offshore. the coast guard and the fire department launched their search just after 4:00 this morning. crews have looked up and down the beach for any signs. a helicopter is assisting in the search efforts. let's get a check on the morning commute. here's leyla gulen. >> thanks so much, eric. you know that accident i was telling you about earlier in san jose, it has turned into a sigalert. it was involving an overturned vehicle. two lanes remain blocked at winchester boulevard. most of the slowing is in the northbound direction, the commute direction. but up ahead, another couple accidents that's gumming up the commute. also causing slowdowns northbound 101 at redwood dust road, an accident there, the southbound, traffic slow and go coming away from highway 116. eric? >> when we come back, l welcome back. live doppler 7-hd radar satellite, thunderstorm activity to the east of us that will make its way eventually throw the bay area overnight. might see some thundershowers. our highs today cooler under mostly cloudy skies, 70 tiegs in palo alto, cooler along the coast, 63 degrees in pacifica, overnight lows, some patchy is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. ♪ what really happened inside that elevator? you remember it. beyoncé, jay z, solange. well, now over the weekend, for the first time, beyoncé speaking out about it in a new song called "flawless." lighting up social media, and especially after nicki minaj tweeted it out early sunday morning. there's a little bit of it right there. >> that's what happens when billionaires get in an elevator. >> just stop talking about it and now -- >> we're talking about it. >> do you think the timing is a coincidence? >> there's a reason she's a billionaire. and also ahead, there's a possible break in the missing oregon mother of two. a couple reportedly sighted her and her car hundreds of miles away from her home. >> strange case. we'll have the latest on that coming up. plus, the mysterious death of a former "american idol" finalist, michael johns. the 35-year-old dying suddenly a day after visiting the doctor and complaining of leg pain. >> so sad. and we have a big "gma" live event this morning. we have a 33-year-old mom, a teacher named cassie, and she's daring to step into our "gma" time machine. there it is, very high-tech, made of solid cardboard. and she will lose ten years in 60 minutes with our glam squad led by greta and her team and we want to start that clock right now. >> where's the delorean and the dude from "back to the future"? >> we have a time machine. >> exactly. >> great. >> see what happens with all that. but right now, a shocking twist to a murder mystery that terrified an entire neighborhood. a woman who claimed that her husband was stabbed to death during a home invasion, has now been charged with the murder. allegedly faking the investigation to cover up the crime. ryan smith has the latest. >> good morning, george. neighbors thought it was a home invasion gone wrong. but according to authorities, what really happened is something far more sinister. this morning, 54-year-old sandra melgar stands accused of a bizarre crime, charged with murder in the death of her 52-year-old husband, jaime melgar. allegedly faking a home invasion to cover it up. the couple, planning to celebrate their 32nd wedding anniversary, was found by relatives tied up in separate closets of their texas home. >> she says that they were in the bathroom together, her and her husband, at approximately 1:00 a.m. this morning. and at some time, she blacked out. >> reporter: but following over a year of investigation, authorities now claiming her story is an elaborate ruse, alleging in court documents she instead stabbed her husband to death with a knife. >> it just seemed something was really strange with how it all came down, with them being tied up and just one person being killed. >> reporter: the couple, high school sweethearts with one daughter. according to reports, mr. melgar's brother says the couple seemed like the model family. >> i think we're all in shock because nothing like this has ever happened here before. >> reporter: police have not yet elaborated what led them to her, or the motive or how she managed the alleged coverup. but news of the arrest, devastating mr. melgar's family, including his brother who said we could't believe this would happen to us. her next hearing is august 12th. but the neighbors were shocked, by the allegations, one reportedly saying that there was nothing to indicate any issue between the couple. and his mother left wondering, if true, how could they do this? >> said to be a model couple. okay, ryan thanks. thanks. now to a possible break in the case of a missing oregon mother who vanished more than a week ago. a couple has reported seeing jennifer houston on a ferry in washington state. >> reporter: this morning, a new lead in the case of missing mother, jennifer houston. it's possible that she made the nearly 300-mile drive from outside portland, to anacortes, near the canadian border, hopping a ferry. the question, now, if it was her, did she take off voluntarily? police say the couple that called in the tip described the car down to the crack in the windshield, leading authorities to pull and examine new surveillance footage. >> the tip itself gives us a starting point. >> reporter: the 38-year-old mother of two has now been missing for more than a week after telling her husband she was heading out to run errands. bits and pieces have been stitched together through this surveillance video. putting gas in her lexus suv, getting a small amount of money from an atm, and buying a nonlethal dose of sleeping pills, gatorade and trail mix. but so far, no evidence of a crime and no solid tips until the ferry sighting. >> it's the first tip where they claim not only to have seen jennifer, but the car. that was something we got excited about. >> reporter: wherever she is and whatever the reason, her family just wants her home. >> the boys need you. i need you. we're going to continue to keep looking for you. we'll never stop. i love you. >> reporter: for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> we hope her family gets answers. a very different mystery now. a southern california city on edge, they fear a lion is on the loose? it's all over that video right there. this grainy video is causing the excitement and raising more questions than answers. and abc's nick watt has the story. >> reporter: a lion's gait, a man-eating countenance, the security video is spine-tingling. >> it has the pointy ears that lions have. >> reporter: but that's no mountain lion, proclaims the california department of fish and wildlife. so, what on earth is it? some are saying proper lion, african lion. the mayor's involved. >> the tail doesn't seem to match up to the physical traits of a mountain lion. it's still a mystery. >> reporter: the local zoo claims all of their big cats are accounted for. >> it doesn't belong here. what's it doing over here? >> reporter: listen, could be anything. remember that lion scare in virginia? >> and there was a lion that ran across the street. >> reporter: turns out it was charles, the bizarrely coifed labradoodle. people do strange grooming on dogs these days, but the gait of this mystery beast in california, i don't know. >> we have small dogs. and my sister just got a new little dog. so we're just making sure that everybody kept their pets inside. >> reporter: if i was a pet chihuahua in norwalk right now, i would not be sleeping easily in my bed. whatever that cat is, it looks mean to me. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> it's not a cat, it's a dog. >> it's a golden retriever. that is not a mystery. you heard it here. >> it's an old, tired dog. >> yes. >> you're right. >> we solved it here on "gma." >> what if we all get proven wrong? >> that would be awesome. >> that would be awesome. >> it happens 75 times a day. >> what do you have, ginger? >> i have fog in raleigh. we have a live look from our great affiliate, and you see almost nothing because their visibility is down to less than a quarter of a mile in many places, showing up as zero here. 1 for columbia. augusta down to 1.4. so you see that stretch of fog advisories this morning. bertha, we have been talking about, is off to sea, not worried about it in the atlantic. the pacific heating up, iselle, now a category 3 hurricane has its eyes set on hawaii. this will likely weaken, become probably a tropical storm and drop its winds. but still lots of rain, and we'll be talking about hawaii mild conditions here at home. we are expecting cooler temperatures in the 70s around the bay and lower 80s inland. overnight lows in the upper 50s to lower 60s, also the >> all that weather brought to you by walmart. and that is exactly what my old dog otis looks like early in the morning when i walk him. it's just like that, i have video to prove that. and coming up, an important warning for parents from fire officials all over the country about a dangerous new stunt called the fire challenge. they are doing it online. >> scary. and beyoncé, finally revealing what happened during the elevator incident? what's behind the lyrics behind the remix. at's behind the lyrics behind the remix. you enter your walmart receipt and then the savings catcher automatically compares prices to the top stores in the area. no more driving around town. if there's a lower advertised price on an item i bought, walmart gives me the difference on an e-gift card. money! it's so easy even a parent can do it. try the savings catcher for yourself. go to and enter your receipt. save money. live better. walmart. taco bell brought back these ronathem a question...sked would you get a breakfast burrito from a burger place? you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald mcdonald taco bell's new grilled breakfast burritos: just a buck twenty-nine. be a sound sleeper, or...l you a mouth breather? well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious. to you... they're more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll it's broad spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix ll for the love of dog even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. all right. we are back now at 7:42, fire officials issuing an urgent warning to parents this morning about a new and dangerous online trend. it's called the fire challenge. teens setting themselves on fire on purpose all for a thrill. abc's gio benitez is here with more. good morning, gio. >> good morning, lara. parents, you need to see this story even though some of the images may be hard to watch. a shocking trend so popular, there are nearly 33,000 videos online right now. this morning, the alert. they are the disturbing videos on youtube. this is the fire challenge. teen after teen posting videos after turning themselves into human torches. all for a social media stunt. watch, the teen first apply some kind of flammable liquid, like alcohol. then flick that lighter. 16-year-old fernando did it and burned his waist and neck. now he's sounding the alarm, posting video of his burns as a warning, and speaking to our station in l.a., kabc. >> i couldn't see. you can't see. you just see fire, you can't see anything. >> reporter: danger for the thrill of it. >> i saw others fail, i thought i could do the same thing but actually last longer under the flame. i can't really say nothing else besides it was a dumb idea. >> reporter: and this morning that dumb idea is landing kids all over the country in emergency rooms and sparking an urgent warning for parents everywhere. >> we're just asking parents and even other teenagers to sit down with each other and talk about what the real consequences are. >> reporter: and the trauma can be more than physical. experts say in the mind, that image of fire can be tough to extinguish. >> it can create this feeling of risk that can be exciting in the moment, but then can also make some of the kids that we see have trouble with sleeping. they then become more fearful about other situations where they might be at high risk. >> reporter: and we have seen this kind of thing before on the youtube with the cinnamon challenge, swallowing raw cinnamon powder, or the kids drinking hand sanitizer to get drunk. but the fire challenge, is perhaps the most dangerous. unbelievable video. >> to hear them laughing, nothing funny about this. >> not at all. coming up here, the mysterious death of former "american idol" michael johns. what caused him to die so suddenly at age 35. and a road trip, where are kate, harry and will step out this together this morning. and what's behind beyoncé's brand-new remix of her hit "flawless" what she's saying about the elevator incident. ncident. "flawless" what she's saying about the elevator incident. i know the tastiest fruit is the freshest fruit. and how to spot that perfect moment of ripeness. i also know that nothing's more important than your reputation. that's why my peaches go to walmart. so that you always get our freshest peaches backed by their 100% money back guarantee. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. with a splash of style. let's do modest budget major make over then enjoy the view. let's do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. for a limited time these vanities start at just $189 bucks. ♪ i woke up like this now to the social square, and the music world exploding sunday morning when nicki minaj posted the #flawlessremix along with a link to a new version. not only a new hit dropping, trending worldwide, but also a changed lyric. abc's mara schiavocampo is in the social square with the latest. good morning. >> good morning, everyone is talking about this song for good reason. beyoncé clearly addressing the elevator scuffle. the "flawless" remix went up early sunday, features rapper nicki minaj, but it's queen bey's rap that's getting all of the attention. in one key line, she makes an apparent reference to the elevator incident where it looked like her sister attacked jay z in may. let's take a listen to this new version of "flawless." ♪ sometimes go down it's a billion dollars on the elevator of course sometimes go down it's a billion dollars on the elevator. >> now, in case you missed it, of course sometimes stuff, that's my word, goes down when it's a billion dollars on the elevator. in a public statement in may, b, jay and solange said, quote, we all love each other, we are a family and we have put this behind us and hope everyone else will do the same. and in the july issue of "lucky," solange also addressed it, they are all good, but they have to say collectively in the statement they put out, and feel at peace. and speaking of feeling at peace, beyonce posted new pictures sunday looking completely at peace. with this new remake of "flawless," she had one more thing to say. >> quite a different tone from the previous statements. >> if you had a billion dollars you'd have less to fight about. >> i like the moves. >> i like that. >> it's puzzling. >> although, taking the other side, it has been said, mo money, mo problems. >> and said so well. >> yes, yes, it is. it's breakfast.nd crackles and comes from a kitchen, have breakfast for breakfast. the fresh-made, from our kitchen. the egg mcmuffin. only from mcdonald's. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ shield, sneeze, swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues are thick and absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitor's everyday tissue. pick some up today. ♪ better than the leading competitor's everyday tissue. fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup having coffee. ohh. energy! energy, energy, energy. it's inside of all of us. even gary here. [applause] berocca has guarana and caffeine to support mental sharpness. oh yeah! early morning meeting? no problem. [applause] plus, berocca has b-vitamins to support physical energy. some assembly required? awww. cherished memory. [awwwwww] i'm bringing down the house! [applause. laughs] two things. one package. beroccaaaaaaaa! foster farms chicken gets to the store in 48 hours or less. but it's 4 days to california. there's got to be another way. that could be any number of items, quite frankly. you know if this flight is less than 48 hours? i surwhat?e so.? foster farms. celebrating 75 years. always natural. always fresh. join the celebration at diverted to minneapolis... i think my giblets are frozen. good morning. i'm eric thomas. we're following breaking news in martinez. investigators want to know what sparked a pier fire there. contra costa firefighters face a tough job putting out the fire in part because their department doesn't have a fireboat. flames charred a fishing pier that once served ferryboats. leyla gulen has the bay area forecast. >> maybe a sprinkle or two overnight into tomorrow. subtropical moisture bringing our temperatures down a little bit. overnight lows in the upper 50s to lower 60s with that moisture overnight. my accuweather seven-day forecast, it starts to warm up starting tomorrow. all right. we've got this sigalert in san jose. it's involving injuries and overturned vehicle southbound along highway 85 at winchester boulevard. we have two lanes blocking most of the slowing in the northbound direction. drive time traffic, highway 4 looking clear, but i-80 to the maze 33 m every mercedes-benz is made with the highest level of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. ♪ good morning, america, it's 8:00 a.m., and we're making ten years disappear. wait until you see this woman's transformation. plus, tips you can use to roll back the clock right now. and here come the super foods. but, which ones really pack a big punch and which ones can you pass on? we'll tell you this morning. kate, will and harry hit the road this morning together for a very special occasion. what's got the royal trio reuniting right now. all that, and are you ready to go country? behind the scenes of the cma music fest as we say -- >> good morning, america. and good morning, america, to luke bryan, country super star. going behind the scenes of the cma music awards. that's just in a little bit. there we are. and looking forward to seeing him live this friday for our big party in the park. everyone is excited this morning. >> i love luke bryan. i got a chance to spend the day with him on his farm, and he is one of the nicest guys. i am so looking forward to friday. and also looking forward to about 30 minutes from now. we are about 30 minutes into our big "gma" live event this morning. 33-year-old mom and schoolteacher, cassie, stepped into the "gma" time machine. she's tired of people telling her she looks older than her age. so our glam squad is working on her right now. we're going to see the results. she's going to lose ten years in 60 minutes. >> they're working hard. and the time machine is going to do its magic. >> we're here to change that. greta monahan, there she is, and the team, they're working so hard on cassie, and we'll have the big reveal coming up. look at the scissors go. >> wow. >> is he doing anything with the scissors? >> that is a cut? >> yeah, that's a special technique. >> no more questions. >> give us the news. here's the news. good morning, start with the latest on the devastating flash floods in southern california overnight. look at this van, 4 inches of rain in one hour. is that right, ginger? >> yes. >> meteorologist says i'm correct. one person died after a car was swept way. a massive wall of mud as high as 15 feet and 75-feet wide, cut off access to two towns in the mountains, stranding thousands. and the area of the state that really needs the rain didn't get it. more than a dozen wildfires raging in northern and central california. we have breaking news from overseas. authorities in israel say they have stopped a terror attack in jerusalem. they say this man ran a backhoe into a bus, flipping it over before being shot by police. one person was killed, and the bus was mostly empty. this comes a day after an israeli attack on a u.n. shelter killed ten palestinians. the u.s. is calling that attack appalling. this morning prince william and duchess kate, attending a somber ceremony in belgium, marking 100 years since world war i broke out in europe. they exchanged kisses and curtesies. and prince harry will join them later today. new worries this morning about the ebola outbreak in africa, second confirmed has been confirmed in nigeria. business news this morning, prices at the grocery store rising, and bacon lovers getting hit hard. prices just hit a record high. the extreme drought is one reason pork prices have surged by 40% in two years. a wild scene in michigan, 2,000 people showed up for this rave, which quickly got out of hand as news spread on social media. dozens of people arrested, mostly for drug and alcohol abuse. and finally news of the weird from the world of sports. it happened on sunday. sergio garcia's tee shot going woefully off-course, hitting a woman's finger and knocking the diamond off of her wedding ring. she couldn't find it. garcia himself stopped to help search. he gave her an autographed ball and he passed along his contact information. that's what you do when you take away somebody's engagement ring. luckily they found the stone later and returned it to her. somebody else found it. otherwise an extremely expensive tee shot. lots of diamonds in the rough jokes being made. >> you weren't going to make one. >> i was attributing it. >> he's just reporting. >> yes. just reporting, george, thank you. >> other people's bad jokes. >> she got a lot out of that day. great story. >> absolutely. autographed ball too. different kind of story right now. this tragic death of "american idol" finalist, michael johns. just over 35 years old, died suddenly on friday, and they're trying to figure out why. abc's cecilia vega has the latest. ♪ carry on >> reporter: he's the former "american idol" finalist who's soulful voice won over a legion of fans. ♪ dream on >> reporter: this morning, michael johns' fans are devastated by his shocking end, an apparent blood clot in his ankle. tmz reporting johns was found dead friday on a friend's couch in southern california. just one day after the 35-year-old australian crooner went to the doctor complaining of leg pain after twisting his ankle. johns reportedly had been given the okay to go home. >> the symptoms of a dvt, or a blood clot in the lower leg, pain, which can be dull, a ropey or cord-like feeling in the leg. some swelling. >> reporter: overnight, a family friend of johns telling abc news it is pure speculation as to his cause of death until we get the autopsy results. the autopsy will be performed later today. >> putting a record out, and finally having a cd in my hands, is pretty magic. >> reporter: this morning, as former "american idol" judges simon cowell and randy jackson tweet their condolences, johns' family tells us it is devastated by the passing of their beloved michael. the singer was working on releasing a new album this year. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> so sad. and lara has the morning menu. >> george, here's what's coming up on the "gma morning menu." first in "pop news," who are you going to call? never guess who could be bringing back the "ghostbusters." and a mom defending her stretch marks. her message has gone viral. we'll explain. and then, in our big "gma" live event, we are turning back time, as cher once said. the clock too. and style and makeup tips and tricks that you can use as we head out to the time machine here in times square. it's going to be a good one. oh, wow. professor. nice to see you. virtually anywhere you go? that has free data alright, now watch. what's that? that is a taut-line hitch. what's that? that's the yellow warbler. wow! what's that? that is poison ivy. ohh... i put it in my mouth. because you need to know what you're getting yourself into, (screams) while you are getting yourself into it. get the trio tablet powered by t-mobile. just $179 with free data for life. the tech you want, only at walmart and don't be envious. be envied! new revlon colorstay gel envy™ in just two steps, i get what i want. base coat and color in one. then, diamond top coat for gorgeous, life-resistant wear. in 30 easy-to-remove shades revlon ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪ create time together. share more mealtime moments like this. save on everyday cat essentials like exclusive friskies® grumpy cat variety packs. at petsmart®. work hard for you.. give them the edge they deserve... new edge, from osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ helps strengthen your joints.° it works as hard for your joints, as they do for you. get the added benefits... of joint & muscle and joint & energy. new edge from osteo bi-flex®, so you're always ready for action. find it in your vitamin aisle. ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. i know the tastiest fruit is the freshest fruit. and how to spot that perfect moment of ripeness. i also know that nothing's more important than your reputation. that's why my peaches go to walmart. so that you always get our freshest peaches backed by their 100% money back guarantee. good morning, america. >> hall of famer. >> hall of famer is right. there is michael strahan, walking up the red carpet to be inducted into the nfl hall of fame this saturday. what a tremendous honor. well-deserved, well-earned honor for him. we're so happy for michael strahan. an incredible 15-year career with the new york giants. look at the smile. >> couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. he is such a great guy. >> he wears it well. >> he really wanted to make sure his statue had his smile -- >> right. >> yeah. it's got to be. >> yeah. >> and it was. he looks great. congrats, michael. and in "pop news" this morning, we begin with an out of this world opening for marvel studio and their latest blockbuster, gard yans of the galaxy. setting a new box office record for the month of office. made $94 million in the u.s. and canada, easily beating out analysts who estimated it would take in between 60 and $75 million. not a surprise, given the news, but a sequel is already in the works. >> fun. >> is it fun? >> worth seeing? >> yeah. >> the reviews are good. >> the reviews are good, the people love it, and the cast couldn't be nicer. congratulations. and imagine the stay puffed marshmallow man getting obliterated by melissa mccarthy. in talks to have a "ghost busters" reboot, all women, funny women. he know he has a great working relationship with mccarthy, and bridesmaids, kristin wiig? may ya rudolph? ali wentworth? who are you going to call? and then a book that was signed out in the new york public library in 1959 was just returned. only 54-years late. but maybe the embarrassment over the title. the book, "ideal marriage: a scientific instruction manual for sexual activity." it was returned by an apologetic woman. she admitted that the woman didn't have the borrowers love life, his marriage ended in zars. >> it's not just about science. >> no, it's not. thank you. and feel free to elaborate. that's "pop news." >> it just got real quiet. >> i'm still focusing on ally as a ghostbuster. heat index cup. >> it is, but first the weather. >> look at the crowd, you guys. seriously, a happy anniversary to what are your names? >> melissa -- >> richard. >> from reading, california. you are cooling off here in new york city, reading has been hot. chilling out, and in chicago. a nice start to the day. this is going to change. 70, see some sunshine this morning, late in the evening, see the storms approach. i think it's the overnight hours when chicago sees strong storms. gusts up to 50 miles an hour, even see some hail. and a lot of fuel of heat in the west, dallas, 93 today, oklahoma city, 91, and 90 as a high for lubbock. at home as we look at live doppler 7 hd thick clouds are moving down on the bay area keeping our temperatures on the cooler side. our highs today are cooler than year, in the 70's around the bay and 60's along the coast and lower to mid-80's inland. overnight lows are fog and possible showers and upper 50's to lower 60's. warm-up begins tomorrow into the >> this is a new one. she just says celebrating life events from wisconsin. it's your birthday. what's your name? >> alissa jones. >> are you 30? >> yes, today. >> because it rocks. and we're going to kick off the heat index. big weekend at the kennedy compound in massachusetts. robert f. kennedy jr. married cheryl hines. there they are. tying the knot in front of family and friends on saturday. dating for two years. anybody know who hooked them up? >> no, you do. >> larry david from curb your enthusiasm. i think julia louis dreyfus was there. there she is. and there is the man who started it all. >> very proud. >> congratulations. >> she looks fabulous. >> she did. >> i loved the dress, her choice and i hope them -- i hope them. i hope them are happy. translation, please? >> congratulations. >> it's a monday. >> yes. all right. coming up next in our heat index, you may remember this letter from 7-year-old charlotte that went viral a few months ago, asking lego for more girl power. writing, quote, i want you to make more lego girl people and go on adventures. >> and her grammar is better than lara's. >> i have had one cup of coffee. >> she got an answer. they are releasing a brand new kit with females in science, technology, engineering and math. and the new set already sold out on lego's website. they just sit around and stay at home, can you make powerful women who go on adventures. thank you for listen. >> my mom is a scientist, she just bought her granddaughter, my niece, a microscope. >> now legos too. >> and continuing this feel-good atmosphere, also in the heat index, advice from pope francis that people want to look at. his secrets to happiness. they are quite simple and lovely. his top ten list to take from letterman, if you will, this is from an argentinian mg, many focus on having a positive outlook and respecting others. carving out time for ourselves. making time for vacation. making sundays your time. and focusing a lot of attention on a better future for young people. and we want to hear from you. what are your secrets for happiness? tweet us, hashtag social square. >> dan said something about being 10% happier. >> everywhere, yes. >> oh, boy. >> yes. i'm surprised, actually, that on his list -- and i have looked on the list, you don't cy-presser or meditation. which is interesting. >> he does talk about making sundays a no-workday and family time, but he never does mention prayer. >> it is interesting he talks about respecting other people's believes and not process thetizing. interesting coming from a pope. >> there's a reason he's the people oes pope. >> they love him. and a mother of five fighting back on facebook for being bullied on the beach for wearing a bikini. so many people sharing the story right now. new yoreena ninan has more. >> reporter: this is the picture she posted to facebook, creating a media frenzy. >> i was vulnerable, they attacked me. and i just -- i was upset and c cried. >> reporter: she had not worn a bikini in public for 13 years, and tormented by strangers for the battle scars that make her a mom. her stretch marx. >> i heard the nasty words. there were two guys and a girl in my personal space and gest e gesturing they were going to kick me. >> reporter: she bit her tongue, but in her car, broke down and cried. until she started thinking about what her body really represented. >> my stretch marks are there for a reason, because i had five kids. and my kids are perfect. if having stretch marks comes with the territory, i'll take the territory. >> reporter: once home, she said the world needed to hear her story, posting this to facebook. and thanks to the local radio station, shared over 1 million times oonchts i'm sorry my stomach isn't flat and tight. covered in stretch marked. i'm not sorry that my body has housed, grown five wonderful and fabulous human beings. >> reporter: supporters posting you are beautiful inside and out. and you are an amazing woman and mother. >> this mother has gone on record to say that even though she's not perfect, she is beautiful. and she's done something amazing with her body. >> reporter: empowering mothers everywhere to be at peace with the two-piece. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> we want to know what you would have done if you were bullied on the beach. tweet us at hashtag social square. >> i can't believe that. >> who are those people? >> she handled it so well. >> i loved her words about, you know, there's pride there. that she's nurtured -- >> accepting yourself and acceptiaccept ing others. what we were talking about earlier, how people should treat others. >> absolutely. also on the heat index, super foods. the hottest trend in nutrition. but there's a question about whether they really exist or just a marketing gimmick. debra roberts is here with more. good morning. >> hello, lara. it may sound like a ploy to get you to buy for groceries. but there are foods that can give you super nutrition. the cdc came out with a new list, and some of them might surprise you. broccoli, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, oh my. just a few of the so-called super foods, which may not save the world, but may rescue your health. are there really super foods? >> there's no formal definition for super foods, but it's going to offer super nutrition and health benefits, reducing disease, improving your mood and helping with weight loss too. >> reporter: the food has to pack enough punch to offer 10% of your daily value. that's 17 different nutrients. topping the list, row main lettuce, brussel sprouts and water cress. >> i was surprised that watercress ranked the highest, invite krin c, foe late, fiber. >> reporter: who knew? but fruits and veggies aren't the only ones. salmon, om, ega threes. >> yes, heart benefits. >> reporter: how to slip into your diet? the rainbow effect. >> look at the rainbow as a variety of colors, you're pretty much covering your bases. >> reporter: and don't be fooled by super food marketing gimmicks. it came out of nowhere, it's a marketing term, not a medical term. because super food is meaningless, anyone in the united states can market as a super food. >> reporter: you have to do your own research. >> you have to know which foods contain high levels of certain nigh trents. >> now, in this case, fruits and veggies. but others have super quality ls. cinnamon, dark chocolate, we have heard of those. i want you to play the super food showdown. >> what are the benefits of snicker doolgtds cookies? >> i don't think they have a benefit. all are great foods, but there's one more super than the other. blueberries, strawberries, oranges. which one? >> blueberries. >> wrong, strawberries. and blueberries are great. don't get me wrong. they have great benefits, but they were difficult to break down and quantify. strawberries, vitamin c -- >> marketing campaign -- >> they are great. >> brain -- >> it is, great brain. but they have a high dose of vitamin c. strawberries everyone beat oranges. how about the next one, kale, tomatoes and turnips. >> now i think it's a trick. >> i would have gone kale, but probably tomatoes. >> it's kale. >> fake. >> go with your intuition. kale is way up there. packs a lot. tomatoes and turnips are great. but kale packs a great punch. and down here, you have heard of quinoa, parsley -- >> they are all different. >> you're right. this is not fair, a tricky one. >> i'll take parsley. >> and you got it. and you think of it as a garnish, but it's at the top. and start sprinkling that on the salad. george, you will be the winner of the broccoli award. >> enjoy that. >> all of these great foods. >> we're going to see what happened in the time machine just in a little bit. it's the incredible transformati transformation. good morning. i'm eric thomas. breaking news in san francisco, searchers hope to find two people believed to be missing from a fishing boat in ocean beach. that boat was stuck right offshore. the coast guard and fire department launched their search just after 4:00 this morning. crews have look up and down ocean beach for any signs. a helicopter is assisting in the search efforts as well. let's find out if you need a helicopter to get to work. here's leyla. southbound 5, sigalert blocking a lane due to an earlier crash involving an overturned vehicle. northbound traffic still heavy there as well. mass transit, we have a b.a.r.t. delay system-wide because of a problem on the tracks there. about five, ten- minute delay there. muni, everything else running on time. >> when we come back, leyla will put on her weather hat. traffic hat, weather hat. subtropic moisture. can you feel it? thundershowers to the east of us, but we've got our own cloud cover here and a possibility of showers overnight and into tomorrow. let's bring our temperatures down, going to be in the lower 80s inland, 70s around the bay, 60 degrees along the coast. our overnight lows, we will have those showers, some more fog that's going to be confined to the coast and also some cloud cover, upper 50s to low 60s. my accuweather seven-day forecast, warm-up tomorrow. now back to "good morning america." ♪ check out our time machine. there it is right there. i can't get over that time machine. i love that. in just a minute, 33-year-old mom cassie from lima, new york, will step out, transformed, thanks to our talented dream team. we cannot wait to see that. >> i know, ten years in 60 minutes. something only a time machine can do. >> don't get too close. >> it's made of pure cardboard. >> it is. and one of the biggest events in country music, take you behind the scenes of the cma music fest. all the biggest stars in nashville were there. can't wait to bring it to you. >> so love the music and the town. so much star power in times square, oscar winner helen mirren is with us. and she'll talk to us about her new movie which looks terrific. it's called "the hundred foot journey." there she is. >> and chatting with clive owen, and talking about his new series, the knick. it looks good. >> so does he. oops. it's time for the big reveal. it's the big lose ten years in 60 minutes, summer edition. cassie montavarano. did i say it right? yay! she stepped in about an hour ago, and the "gma" beauty dream team, greta, ted gibson, they have been so busy stripping away the years. before we see what she looks like now, let's hear her story with sara haines. >> reporter: of all the submissions for "gma's" lose ten years in 60 minutes, it was cassie's story that made us pause. >> a few years ago i injured my back, so my husband took me to the chiropractor. she made a comment about it was so nice of your son to bring you. and i said that's not my son, that's my husband. >> reporter: the elementary teacher from lima, new york, said she's been mistaken for older relatives a few times. >> i have been stopped by people. a lot of people ask if i'm my mother's sister. i don't think i look that old. >> she's giving a ton of hours to her school and students. as that happens, she doesn't have time to really take care of herself. >> reporter: her family saying she's constantly putting the needs of others before her own. >> she's the greatest mom in the world. >> reporter: we took to the streets to get your estimates. how old do you think she is? >> 40, maybe? >> 47. >> mid-50s. >> 50, 55. >> reporter: her real age? she's actually 33. >> oh, sorry. >> that's too bad. >> wow. >> reporter: cassie in great hands with our beauty dream team. makeup artist to the stars, nallie, ted gibson, and greta monahan. they are ready to turn her dream of looking ten years younger into a reality. >> i can't wait so see her the way she looks to me every day. >> i want to do it for me. but i guess a little bit for katie, i don't want her to think she has a really old-looking mom. >> i'm really excited to see my mom ten years younger. >> reporter: for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, new york. >> all right, sara, thank you. and it's the moment of truth. here's a shot of cassie stepping into our time machine. and now let's see her. greta, do the honors. open that door. [ cheers and applause ] there she is. >> amazing! >> should we let cassie see her new look? >> yes. absolutely. >> take her to the mirror. >> you along -- look amazing. oh, my gosh. >> isn't that -- thank you. oh. >> turn around. we can take a great look at you. i can see you tearing up. your first impression? >> i look amazing. >> i love hearing you say that. and your other half, steven, come over here. what do you think of her? >> i knew she was going to look good, but not this good, wow. >> we better make this quick, then. i'm so excited for you, and i want to say congrats to the dream team again. greta, what was the plan here? >> the plan right away was to get her to show a little skin. you have to show a little skin, strategically. covered her arms, lightened up and showed a nice like. and just like you, trendy in your accessories. really go there. you have to be modern and in the moment to lose ten years. >> i love the hair. tell me about her hair, ted. what can our viewers take away? >> ten years younger, you need to bring the length up. >> i need to do that. >> i have been telling you to come in. come see me. and highlighting the hair, a few highlights to get it a little bit of lightness. that's a hollywood secret. lighter hair, when you get older, very important. >> something about bangs? >> bangs always. bangs instead of botox. >> oh. >> let me tell you what, staring at you. i want that necklace. love the haircut. you look fabulous. and let's talk about the makeup now. >> we had to bring in her sexpot, am i right? a little smokey eye works. she has the great skin, but when you want to look younger, three words. hydration, hydration, hydration. beautiful, gorgeous skin. she looks amazing. >> and at home watching, hydration? how to get it? >> moisturizer. great liquid foundations. >> and a little bit of that -- >> highlighter. she got it. that's right, baby. that's right. >> okay, guys. i want to thank our "gma" dream team. greta monahan, ted gibson, nellie roncal. and the one and only, so young i'm going to need id, man. and steve, thank you for being with us and trusting us. and if you want tips, go to "good morning america" on yahoo!. ginger, i know you need to do weather, but first can you tell me how amazing she looks? >> the hair alone. you look so good. [ cheers and applause ] absolutely dropping ten years. and we're going to go ahead and make over a whole lot of weather. but look at this. i love the time machine. we have the scientist and the dry ice. it's been a lot of fun. doesn't she look great? >> she looks amazing. >> we love a good makeover here. and a makeover in weather, not the prettiest of sundays. some places in pennsylvania and new york getting 4 or 5 inches. this is state college, pennsylvania. much drier today. but there is a cold front back there. squeezed in between the two. enjoying sunshine. at least for the day. and philadelphia in the mid-80s. and not as sticky, which is nice. back out west. and monsoon flow, look at the bulls eye over jackson, wyoming. flash flooding in places, 2-inch per hour rainfall rates possible. this is the big picture, let's mild conditions here at home. we are expecting cooler temperatures in the 70s around the bay and lower 80s inland. overnight lows in the upper 50s to lower 60s, also the >> all that weather brought to you by usaa. and we wanted to say hello to danny dickenson, he couldn't make it from minnesota. >> hi, danny. good to see danny right there. and now behind the scenes at one of country music's biggest events. getting together for the huge, four-day party. if you brnt there, you're going to see the highlights on abc tomorrow night. abc's rachel smith has more. ♪ i got a real good >> reporter: it's the gathering of country music's biggest names, with thousands of fans flocking to music city. the heart and soul of country music, nashville, tennessee. >> everybody we want to see. >> reporter: it's the cma music festiv festival. >> it's fun to see everybody come from all over the place to see this great event. >> australia, new zealand -- >> the girls from manchester. >> reporter: country music veteran brooks took time out from signing autographs to give "gma" a quick tour of his home away from home. you have been serving up a little hospitality to this tennessee gal. you make a mean cup of joe. now four decades after the music fest began, 80,000 fans a day come to see 450 country artists play on 11 stages all over nashville. all the artists donating their performances to benefit music education. to date, donating $9 million to keep the music playing. >> everybody in good spirits. there's so much music happening in town. >> they become part of the town. >> it's a good format to be a part of, and it's family. >> reporter: while it's old hat for some, the duo known as dan and shea are hitting the fan frenzy for the very first time. you are so hollywood now, huh? >> oh, yeah, makes me feel cooler when i ride in golf courts. >> reporter: for"good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, nashville. and the cma music festival, country's night to rock, airs tomorrow night at 8:007:00 central right here on abc. and coming up right now, the central right here on abc. and coming up right now, the two super stars in thefeway unds count these days. r that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week relish the taste of summer. fresh sweet corn is 4 for just $1.00. rancher's reserve t-bone steaks are a mouthwatering $6.99 a pound. and nabisco oreo cookies are only $1.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. ♪ so happy to be out in times square this monday morning. i'm inside with helen mirren. her new film, she plays mad dam mallo mallory who's work if her life. take a look. >> last night we served this. miserable, overcooked asparagus. in this restaurant, the cuisine is not an old, tired marriage, it's a pags that the affair of the heart. >> i love saying dame. that must have been a wonderful moment. >> it's a family moment. there are all people on all different levels. dame and sir at the top. everyone coming with their families and kids, and everyone is so proud and well-dressed. it's very moving. i cried throughout the whole thing. >> your character, snooty, prickly, particular -- >> british, really. >> but you still took the role. >> there is a particular kind of frenchness, and i'm a huge francophile. i hope i'm not insulting the french. there is a pride of everything french, the cuisine, the language, the literature, the history. they're enormously proud of being french. there is in fact an organization that exists simply to protect the frenchness of the french. >> and you moved to france as a young actress thinking that's where you're going to make your career? >> yes, i wasn't so young. probably in my latish 20s. yes, i wanted to be a french actress. i had a dream of being a french actress, the sort of actresses seem to have -- i felt that i fitted better in that type of actress than i did at that time in sort of the western, american, british sort of idea of the world. >> they have another idea for you, didn't they? >> they did. the world yanked me. sometimes you can't make decisions. life sort of grabs you by the neck and pulls you somewhere else. >> this movie is also in love with food. are you a chef? >> you know, i'm very, very good at certain things. i make absolutely brilliant mar mite on toast. >> that's good. >> i do a fabulous tomatoes on toast. my cheese on toast is famous in the world. >> you have a real range. >> i'm not a great chef, no. i do a very good roast chicken for a very good reason. but -- but apart from that, i can't really cook anything. >> and i love the idea of the film, of the clashing, crossing and sharing between cultures. >> yes, what an incredible thing food is in our culture. i advise anyone who goes to see this movie, it's a great date movie. make an -- a reservation at a restaurant to go to straight after the movie because you will be starving. >> you will. >> and you will fall in love because it's -- it's the most wonderfully sweet, romantic movie and makes you starvingly hungry. >> find an indian-french restaurants. >> yes. >> and coming back to broadway, playing queen elizabeth again. >> i am. i did it in london and it was very successful. and they've asked us to do it here. so we're going to have a go. >> she's such a fascinating character. as a britt, growing up in england, do you understand why we're so fascinating with her and the royal family? >> of course i do. we all share the same fascinati fascination. monarchy, because it's behind this red velvet curtain that none of us can really penetrate. nowadays with social media, it's out there, but in fact that's one area that's sort of still unknown. ask the fact that this incredible continuity of this woman for, you know, how -- 60, 70 years it's been. it's been extraordinary. i'm very proud to have been a part of the second eliz bethan age. >> it's a pleasure to watch. dame helen mirren. the hundred foot journey is in theaters on friday. clive owen is coming back to television in a series called the nick. it's set at a hospital in 1900, when the average life expectancy was 49 years old. he's a surgeon with a few drawbacks. so excited to have you here this morning. thank you. and the nick is not your typical medical drama. how would you describe it? >> it's set in 1900. i play a brilliant doctor who struggles with liquid cocaine addiction and hanging out in the evening. but set at a time when the medical world was moving fast. a hugely exciting time, making huge discoveries very quickly. and an opportunity to have a look at new york in 1900 as well. >> so fascinating. very dark. but grips you from the opening scene. dr. john thakry, that's your character, described as arrogant and self-absorbed. you don't have a problem with that, but how do you get into character? >> steven sent me the script, and it was brilliant. and the character was original and unusual for kind of a leading character in a drama series, because she's brilliant, but she's confrontational, he's arrogant, you know, he's a drug addict who's also being brilliant at what he does. and i just, you know, the challenge of playing such a sort of unusual complex sort of wild character was, you know, i just had to do it. >> and he's also a product of the times. because it was the beginning of the 20th century when racism and sexism were overt and completely acceptable. you have an african-american surgeon who wants to work at the nick. let's take a look. >> this is where i'd like to be. if you would just give me a chance. in london and in paris i was treated as an equal. >> this is new york. this is not london or paris. you can only run away and join the circus if the circus wants you. i don't want you in my circus. >> as an actor, was it difficult to say those lines? >> it's -- i mean, there's a whole journey that goes with andre's character through the season and i know where it ends. but it does develop the relationship. but the guys who wrote the thing did an incredible amount of research into the period and the time. and at the time there were no black doctors working in hospitals in new york at all. and it's shocking, but it should be shocking, because, you know, we're looking at what life was like back then. >> you mentioned stephen soderbergh did all ten, and signed up for the second season. it's remarkable. was it like making a ten-hour movie? >> it was like that. he didn't to want shoot it ep sodically. it was like a movie. we went to a location and shot everything from all ten episodes in the location. it's a challenge, but it's incredibly efficient and smart way of attacking it. >> and just going in another direction. was that mustache yours? you grew it? >> of course. it seems that in 1900, 95% of men had some kind of facial hair. i read a book where a girl describes kissing a guy and it felt weird without facial hair. >> you weren't a fan? >> no. i finished and i went straight upstairs and shaved it off. >> our crew decided to just join clive with the mustache look. very 1900s of them. >> it's not the right shape. guys, come on. >> we want to thank you so much. we like the mustache. you have to grow another one for the second season. >> probably. >> the nick premiers this friday on cinemax. ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! start exploring at you have made my life special by being apart of it.ecenough. 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[cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140921

>> lifesavers. an suv with three teens in it plunges into a river. bystanders spring into action. >> oh, my god. they just lifted that car. >> how they managed to lift the huge vehicle to make an amazing rescue. and royal replacement. prince william standing in for his wife duchess kate on an international visit right now. what he is saying about his pregnant wife, too sick to make the trip this morning. hey, good morning. we're going to begin with police out in force on both coasts right now searching for dangerous fugitives. in california, five violent offenders, these men breaking out of a county jail and there's are a lot of questions about why there was a troubling delay before anybody started looking for them. >> troubling to say the least. and then in pennsylvania the manhunt is now entering its second week. a survivalist and suspected cop killer managing to elude the hundreds of officers out looking for him. this morning, new insight into how he might be keeping under the radar. we have team coverage on these twin searches and we start with abc's brandi hitt in our l.a. bureau on the prison break. good morning. >> good morning, paula. after an intense manhunt four of the central california escapees are back in custody, a fifth still on the loose this morning. now, investigators say these are dangerous men, in fact, one is accused of shooting at a police officer and no one noticed they were missing for at least an hour. this morning, the hunt for one of five runaway inmates in madera, california, continues while overnight four prisoners were apprehended. >> this was not a violent escape. this was a breach. >> reporter: authorities say it took them an hour before realizing the inmates had escaped the jail on foot and after scouring the heavily wooded area near the detention center for more than 24 hours, the sheriff's office says the four most dangerous men have been captured. 25-year-old abel ramos was in custody for attempted murder of a police officer. ramos fired as many as 40 shots at a madera county sheriff's deputy during a high-speed chase that ended in his arrest. juan lopez and ricardo cendejas also charged with attempted murder and jorge lopez-diaz accused of strong-armed robbery escaped wtih roel soliz, facing charges for burglary and gun possession. soliz is still on the loose making nearby residents uneasy. >> a lot of kids come out, run around on the streets. my neighbors, they have kids so it's kind of scary knowing that. >> reporter: madera county officials believe the inmates are involved in local gangs. officials did not say how they escaped or where they were apprehended. >> what they did once they got out, whether they stuck together, split apart, i have no way of knowing. how they made the escape or broke out is under investigation. >> reporter: roel soliz still at large should be considered armed and dangerous. it is unclear if the five men worked as a team to escape or if anyone helped them inside or outside the jail to get beyond those barbed wire fences. dan. >> a lot of questions especially that delay. brandi, thank you. and now to the east coast and the other manhunt playing out right now. the search intensifying this morning for a suspected cop killer. a survivalist believed to be hiding out in pennsylvania's rugged pocono mountains. people living in towns nearby have been on lockdown and abc's linzie janis is in barrett, pennsylvania, with the very latest. linzie, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. overnight dashed hopes and increased frustrations as another intense night of searching for eric frein apparently coming up cold. police even lifting their shelter in place order but still urging the 7,000 people who live here to lock their doors, stay away from windows and do not go into the woods. this morning the massive manhunt for eric frein focused in the fugitive's own backyard. tactical teams racing to the scene of potential sightings. police using everything in their arsenal from helicopters to thermal cameras and on foot, officers in full camouflage proceeding with extreme caution. >> the main thing he has in his favor is it's his backyard, not the police's backyard. >> reporter: cody lundin teaches outdoor survival skills and says there's no telling how long frein will be able to keep this up. >> i don't think anyone knows how this guy is feeding himself but clearly if this was a premeditated shooting, then he probably has food stashed out there. >> reporter: as frein evades capture for a ninth day, a reminder of how long others have lasted before him, like fellow alleged cop killer, christopher dorner, the ex-lapd officer using his inside knowledge to stay on the run for ten days. police eventually finding him in an empty cabin. dorner shooting himself once surrounded. and eric rudolph wanted for a string of bombings across the south on the run for five years hiding out in empty houses in the mountains of his native north carolina. police eventually capturing him in 2003 near the grocery store dumpster he had been using to feed himself. lundin says frein's chances of lasting that long are slim because pennsylvania's pocono mountains are more heavily populated. still, he says, the area's vacation homes could provide the ideal refuge. >> the roles that the homes in the area can play are they're transitory, they're vacation homes so they're locked and loaded with food, with gear, with fuel, probably with firearms, with ammunition. >> reporter: local residents say they can't imagine living under siege for much longer and want frein caught. now, the frein family home is about a mile from where i'm standing that way. police this morning reassuring residents they are determined to find him and bring him to justice. their focus on this area, a strong indication they believe he's still in those woods. paula. >> all right, linzie janis, thank you so much for that story and how long he can survive in those woods is the concerning factor. well, from flooding to fire those wildfires in california wreaking havoc, leveling homes and closing in on thousands more. abc's aditi roy is at the one of the worst, the king fire in eldorado county, where residents are hoping for the best. aditi? >> reporter: good morning, paula. we are here at the command center for this fire. it's bustling behind me. take a look at the sheer number of trucks here, all of these locked and loaded ready to go to the front lines to fight this raging inferno. this morning, nearly 3,000 people forced from their homes marking two days since the evacuation as the king fire rages through california, growing another thousand acres in size. >> people are worried. >> reporter: windy weather fanning the flames along the west coast. more than 20 fires burning in washington, oregon and california. the king fire now burning more than 80,000 acres and is only 10% contained halting traffic, knocking down power lines and reducing these homes to ash. firefighters now attempting to redirect the expanding inferno protecting the 12,000 structures left in its path. >> we have dozer lines in place that are in front of the houses, so we have a buffer between where the fire is and where it wants to go. >> reporter: the king fire even seen from space sending plumes of smoke to the northeast. officials arresting wayne allen huntsman on suspicion of arson in connection to the blaze. huntsman pleading not guilty friday as crews continue to battle the flames with no end in sight. and these huge white trailers behind me housing firefighters. one thing on their side, by the way, is the weather. it rained here last night bringing clouds and humidity that all helped temper this fire, still raging. dan. >> good to hear that but as you said, no end in sight at this point. aditi roy, thank you. and now from wildfires in the west to wild end of summer weather in the midwest. check this out, heavy rain in ann arbor delaying the michigan/utah college football game, fans evacuated from the stadium known as the big house and meteorologist rob marciano is tracking it all. of course. rob, good morning to you. >> good morning. yeah, it was a rough day across the midwest yesterday, want to show you those pictures. flooding is going to be an issue across parts of the desert southwest with upwards of 3 inches of rainfall in the area and more rain expected as we go through the next couple of days. off to the east where those storms roll through the pacific -- the midwest yesterday, that storm will push off to the east. but here's what it looked like across the great lakes yesterday. several states surrounded by severe weather. in michigan the heavy rains flooded the big house delaying the wolverines game versus the utah utes in the fourth quarter. look as water rushes on to the field out of the stands and then engulfs the entire stadium leaving debris everywhere. by the time play resumed almost all of the fans had left. utah held on to win. accumulating hail in minnesota caused this tent to collapse outside a church. so much hail, storm drains clogged and this parking lot turned into an icy river. >> that's crazy. >> reporter: new mexico, slammed with torrential downpours. flash floods filling streets stranding drivers. even this ambulance was nearly submerged, and this oil rig was completely flooded. all right. we're looking for that storm yesterday to reinvigorate itself with more in the way of heavy rain across the new mexico area. another 3 inches of rainfall today. but that front that brought the heavy rain to the big house in michigan today pushes off to the east. it will be strong but not quite as strong hopefully,, as yesterday, but strong storms across the appalachian mountain chains and there's also a coastal low across parts of the southeast that brings rain to florida. paula, back to you. >> rob, thanks so much for that. now, the latest on that missing university of virginia student and a possible huge break in the case. this, as a big turnout of volunteers are now helping as the search enters its second week. abc's bazi kanani on the ground in charlottesville, virginia, with more. good morning, bazi. >> reporter: good morning, paula. we have seen boxes of evidence carried into the police station here this weekend, but police aren't giving any indication of whether they're close to making an arrest as this community turns out for another massive search hoping to bring hannah home. this morning, a new name associated with this surveillance video. look at the man dressed in all white walking alone, then moments later, he's seen walking the other direction right beside the missing college student. police believe that man is 32-year-old jesse matthew. they have searched his car and his apartment where neighbors know little about him. >> he just seems like a nice guy. >> reporter: police say matthew was the last person seen with 18-year-old hannah graham on the night she disappeared, but he has not been arrested, considered a person of interest after investigators retraced graham's steps. 9:33 seen here leaving her apartment to meet friends. at 12:46 she's spotted outside an irish pub on what police call a night of heavy drinking. moments later cameras capture graham running toward the downtown mall. at 1:06 walking down the mall where police say matthew took her into a bar and bought alcohol. they're hoping witnesses can tell them what happened next. >> the person that could say, you know, here's what i saw, here's when i saw it. >> reporter: and more clues in the case might come from this. >> and so the railroad tracks in our perimeter. >> reporter: an extensive search operation. charlottesville police say nearly a thousand university of virginia students and local residents are volunteering this weekend to comb over every square foot of the town and they have found items that forensic experts are evaluating for a possible connection to the unsettling case. this is now day two of the huge community search for hannah graham. her parents have asked students here to be vigilant and to walk with a buddy when they go out at night. dan? >> bazi, thank you. that community really coming together. we are now heading into a pivotal week for the obama administration in the fight against isis. the president and his team launching an all-out diplomatic effort right here in new york city trying to recruit allies at the annual meeting of the united nations general assembly. so, let's bring in george stephanopoulos, host of "this week." >> good morning. >> good morning. are we now right on the cusp of a bombing campaign? that will expands from iraq into syria. >> we know the defense secretary chuck hagel and martin dempsey have approved a plan for air strikes into syria and our pentagon sources say that could happen at any time but the big question right now is, and that's why this week is, as you say, so pivotal is, will the united states be forced to go it alone with air strikes in syria or will allies publicly join that effort? >> john kerry has been traveling all over the planet trying to gather more allies in this fight. you have a big show with a major focus on isis. your main guest is samantha power, the u.s. representative to the u.n. what do you want to press her on most? >> where are those allies? will they come forward publicly? does the united states have the legal authority to go forward into syria? there's no u.n. resolution right now, and can the president succeed without ground combat troops? the president has ruled that out but his former defense secretary robert gates this week said the strategy cannot succeed without ground troops. we're going to be asking him about that as well. he's another guest on the program this morning. >> there's been mixed messages on that. and so many people in this country worried about isis and into this fray, i want to show you an article on the front page of "the new york times" this morning and it talks about a shadowy terrorist group also based in syria that is being run by a former top aide to osama bin laden and the article alleges that this group is much more of a danger to the u.s. and europe than isis is and it raises the question, with all the focus on isis, have we taken our eye off the ball? >> i don't think so. i think the intelligence agencies and the homeland security officials who are in charge of this effort have always focused on the constellation of forces in that region who could pose a threat to the united states, not just isis who they actually say they have no specific credible threat that they could attack the united states right now but they say overall the threat is still very real. >> so many things to worry about in this region and the key question is, will we have allies? george will be talking about all this and much more and we remind you that he has a big show this morning. as we said, samantha power, the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. will be one of the guests. that's later this morning on "this week" right here on abc. george, thanks again. >> thank you. >> thanks, george. and many other stories developing overnight. so for that we turn to mr. ron claiborne. are we really going to be that formal? >> yes. >> good morning to you, dan. utah beat michigan? >> listen, it's depressing. i wish -- >> champions of the west. >> i wish the weather would have rained the game out. good morning, everyone. we begin with yet another security breach at the white house. this, as the secret service launches an investigation into how another intruder got inside the white house door the day before. on saturday, a 19-year-old from new jersey was arrested after he allegedly tried to enter a barricaded entryway to the executive mansion. the latest incident occurred the same day that omar gonzalez faced a judge on charges that he allegedly scaled a fence and crossed the white house grounds and got inside a door. gonzalez, an iraq war veteran, was armed with a folding knife. he is now being held without bond until his case is heard in federal court. that is scheduled for monday. and breaking overnight, an explosion in egypt has rocked the ministry of foreign affairs building in cairo. so far, two people have been killed, four others injured. a bomb was located right by a mosque near the foreign ministry. five schools around the bombing site have been evacuated on this the first day of school there. authorities are calling it an act of terrorism. and two new car recalls this morning. gm is recalling 2013 through 2015 cadillac xts models and the chevy impala sedans model years 2014 and 2015. gm says the brake pads can stick on those vehicles increasing the risk of fire. and chrysler is recalling some of the 2011 jeep grand cherokees and dodge durangos. the automaker says a faulty fuel pump can cause the suvs to stall. so far there have been no reports of any accidents related to those defects. both companies say they will fix the problems free of charge. and pope francis is making a first trip inside -- his first trip inside europe to albania today. during his trip the pontiff will spotlight the country as a model of interreligious harmony. the pontiff called the mutual trust between the countries, christians and muslims, a precious gift as he celebrated mass in the capital. and back here in the u.s., there was a massive train derailment in altoona, pennsylvania, saturday. in all, nine cars derailed. some of them crushing parked cars and others scattering across the tracks. the norfolk-southern train was hauling new passenger vans from ohio. residents who live near the crash site are not being allowed inside their homes until the crash site gets cleaned up. and a spacex cargo ship rocketed toward the international space station saturday. the unmanned capsule is carrying 5,000 pounds of supplies, also some fruit flies and rats, by the way. >> no thank you. >> also, the first-ever 3d printer to go into space. nasa astronauts hope to make their own spare parts for quick repairs. >> anything we can do to bring all of the fruit flies on planet earth? >> we can work on it and all the rats, too, while you're at it. and 121 people on a tourist boat cruise around manhattan had to be rescued after the vessel ran aground in the hudson river on saturday. the passengers of the 158-foot clipper were on a beer tasting tour of lower manhattan. no one was hurt and the passengers took the adventure in stride possibly because there was plenty of beer to ease their inconvenience. >> they didn't want it to end. >> yeah. and well, speaking of beer and going from newark -- new york, that is, to munich, i bet there's more than one beer at a little event called the oktoberfest. tap it. tap it. >> yes. >> with that breaking of the keg encouraged by me -- >> seems like you've said it before. >> i've seen it before too. the germans kicked off the 181st annual beer festival saturday. there was dancing, the traditional parade which includes horse-drawn beer barrels. 6 million people, germans and others around the globe, are expected to chug down mugs of beer, probably a lot more than mugs during oktoberfest, which oddly enough begins in september. it goes on for two weeks. did a little research. the reason it begins -- you may be curious -- in september is because it used to begin in october. they moved it earlier to warmer weather to make it more convenient to drink beer outside. >> they need to move it to july now. >> or they were hammered when they made the move. didn't know which month it was. all right, ron, thank you. let's get the weather now from rob marciano once again. good morning, sir. >> good morning, guys. it's like christmas, it can never start too early so enjoy your oktoberfest. washington, d.c., temperatures there in the 60s, a little bit of rainfall moving across the east coast this morning but it's going to be kind of leftover soupiness and some mugginess in the air, mid-80s so it feels like summer on this last full day of summer. fall arrives tomorrow evening around 10:00 p.m. eastern time. some fall weather will be dropping into this area over the next few days and it will go from temperatures in the 80s in some spots down into the 70s so your next three days in d.c. will feature temperatures cooler than what you're seeing today. across the southeast looking at rainfall today, especially across florida, from jacksonville into tampa, that's where the heaviest rainfall is going to fall. once we get some of those cooler temperatures to drop down to the south. also, a little bit cooler across parts of california and the pacific northwest, another day >> ron asked me during the break, is rainfall coming into california? well, just the very, very northern part eventually. a little bit. >> better than nothing. >> yes, better than nothing, exactly. >> we love the weather right now. i love sweatshirt weather in the fall. >> good stuff. feels good. and plus, it's a reason to drink beer in october. >> hey. just one. >> right back to the -- >> as if we needed another excuse, right? well, coming up on "gma," bali murder confession. authorities say a young chicago man admitted to brutally killing his girlfriend's socialite mother, so what role did the victim's pregnant teenage daughter play in the grisly crime? >> it's a bizarre case. we'll have the latest coming up. plus, the heroic rescue caught on camera. bystanders diving into the water to save three teenagers trapped in a flipped suv. we're going to show you what happened next here. and a prince instead of a duchess. prince william stands in for the pregnant kate. what he's saying about her morning sickness all up ahead in "pop news." what he's saying about her "good morning america" is brought to you by the volkswagen jetta. that's the power of german engineering. is brought to you by the volkswagen jetta. that's the power of german engineering. tdi clean diesel. oh, right, and the 48 highway mpg jetta hybrid. and if you want all that variety in another compact sedan there's... huh. nothing. right now, get a great deal on all jetta models like the 2014 jetta s for $139 a month. to get up from september 16th to the 29th. or snooze buttons because when coffee this rich, smooth, and delicious is free... it's going to turn you into a morning person. only at mcdonald's. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® is now available in flextouch® - the only prefilled insulin pen with no push-button extension. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. today, i'm asking about levemir® flextouch. (female announcer) levemir® is a long-acting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar levels. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. (male announcer) today's the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. acidity was in my diet.much i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. ♪ fireball ♪ ♪ oh, we are loving this this sunday morning getting you going. check out the new video for pitbull and john ryan's hit "fireball." the guys are suspiciously quiet right now. set in the 1950s. cuban dance hall. there's also a little hint of roger rabbit and jessica rabbit there. good morning, america. dan, can i get your chin off the table? >> no, you know, do you think it's a coincidence that paula is wearing red today? i don't think so. >> oh, thank you. >> all of us, our hearts are pumping. >> so you had the compliment and then you just took it right back. >> that's right. absolutely. that's how you play it. >> that's how you are. also coming up, check this out, the bystanders who turned into instant heroes, superheroes really. what they did to save three teenagers who were trapped in that overturned suv. what they did is nothing short of amazing. we'll show you how this thing turned out coming up here on "gma." but first, the new twist in a gruesome case really. it involves a wealthy socialite who was murdered on the exotic island of bali. >> and now we're learning about an alleged confession. abc's gloria riviera is here with more. good morning, gloria. >> reporter: good morning. this story is really has a tragic end to what started out as a mother/daughter vacation in an idyllic location. it all turning deadly after surveillance cameras capture an argument and then a tale of excuses and laying blame that investigators never fully bought. this morning word of a jailhouse confession after more than a month of silence in the case of an american socialite found murdered thousands of miles away in bali. >> no cameras. >> reporter: now indonesian authorities say chicago native tommy schaefer admits he killed his girlfriend's mother while the family vacationed at the upscale st. regis resort in august. bali investigators have confirmed both of them have confessed. tommy was the one who carried out the killing. according to authorities schaefer's girlfriend, heather mack, who is three months pregnant, has also confessed to witnessing her mother's murder and helping to dispose of her body. heather thought that tommy did not mean to kill her mother. 19-year-old mack and 21-year-old schaefer have been behind bars since the gruesome discovery of 62-year-old sheila von weise mack's body was found stuffed inside this silver suitcase left in the trunk of a taxi last month. mack previously claimed her mother died during an armed gang attack that she and schaefer escaped but investigators say surveillance video shows mack's mother and schaefer arguing in the hours before the murder. mack's attorney declined an abc news request for comment. according to local authorities, he killed her because he was hurt and offended following the argument. >> in indonesia you get credit for admitting and cooperating. so, he might think that this will save him some time if he's ever sentenced. >> reporter: despite these reported new confessions the couple has yet to be formally charged. reports are the couple was placed on suicide watch after their arrest. the couple's detention is expected to end in mid-october. authorities are working towards bringing charges against them before that. in bali, premeditated murder does carry a maximum sentence of death. this is really a sad story with a lot of questions still out there on just how it ended this way. >> yeah, gruesome. thank you, gloria. appreciate that. >> so disturbing. and for all of our other headlines and stories we're tracking, back to mr. ron. just mr. ron now. >> hi again, paula and dan. good morning, everyone. we begin in california and the jailbreak that is sparking a huge manhunt. five inmates escaped from the barbed wired fencing of the madera county jail saturday night. this morning one inmate remains on the loose. the four others are back in custody. and in the east, an all-out search for eric frein believed to have carried out the ambush of pennsylvania troopers last friday that killed one officer. police are using helicopters, thermal cameras to try to locate frein who is known to be a skilled survivalist. and florida state, the top-ranked team came from behind to beat clemson in overtime with their star quarterback, jameis winston, on the sidelines. last year's heisman trophy winner, winston was suspended one game for sexually explicit derogatory comments directed toward women. and finally, a big day in tucson for arizona's most famous baby of the moment. this 4 1/2-week-old baby elephant got to greet her adoring fans although shyly at times hiding behind her mom. >> so cute. >> online voters -- >> hiding behind her ears. >> the name for the baby elephant, the choices have been narrowed to nondi and imbula and sarah, a close third. >> i'm voting for sarah. >> the winning name will be announced this coming thursday. >> a pretty little pachyderm. >> amazing how you can take a baby of the most ferocious animal and it will still be cute. >> almost always. i don't know -- hyenas aren't very cute. >> absolutely. >> you think so? >> that's what they said about dan when he was born too. >> at one point believe it or not. >> he was cute. time for the weather. as i change the weather gracefully. rob, what do you have for us? >> your baby boy will be just as cute and probably just as ferocious as you are as an adult when he comes out in december. for a high in portland, the heat continues there at least for now. not helping the fire situation out west but it has cooled down a little bit across parts of southern california. 79 degrees for the high temperature but continued dry. we're still in the dry season there, but we're starting the transition, tomorrow the first day of fall, at least it arrives tomorrow evening and start to see more of this, rainfall across the pacific northwest. a little rainfall tuesday night into wednesday. this will help the fire situation and obviously cool things off. the heaviest rain, of course, will be north towards seattle and in through vancouver, b.c. some rains across parts of the appalachian mountain chains today. a nice day in new york after the morning showers. 98 degrees and the monsoon continues across the desert southwest and 52 degrees in anchorage, alaska. that's a look at your big picture we >> this weather report brought to you by hp. hp. >> hewlett-packard. >> t.y., thank you. appreciate it, rob. >> you got it. >> everything is an acronym for the rest of the morning. coming up on "gma," amazing rescue, the good samaritans who were springing into action when they saw these three teenagers trapped in a submerged suv. it's an incredible story. and the cast of "grey's anatomy" pays homage to "orange is the new black" in a special way. all of the details up ahead in "pop news." >> all of them. >> i want to know now. >> all of the details. >> it's a tease. >> we got to stick around and watch. >> yes. that's part of the show. . that's part of the show. how. love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. so why do they often act so naughty? imagine what they can do shoes should feel nice. grrr... ooh! it's time to tame the shoe with dreamwalk ultra-slim insoles... grrr... so you can wear the shoes you're in the mood for... ...without them changing your mood. dreamwalk by dr. scholl's. whoamy cuts all cause sarah's mom discovered neosporin. with patented technology... ...that heals cuts two days faster than store brands. neosporin. buy three johnson & johnson first aid products and get a free bag. co: until you're sure you need a hotel room bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. i don't need it right now. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. check out this incredible river rescue when an suv with three teenagers inside flew into the water and then flipped over. >> this could have ended tragically but some regular folks who saw the crash suddenly turned into superheroes, and michelle franzen is here with this heart-stopping story. >> it is. and a group of superheroes is right. i mean, take a listen. investigators say it appears the teens had been on a joyride. a move that had disaster written all over it when they crashed. this morning, though, the three are lucky to be alive thanks to the unstoppable courage of strangers. this morning, three teenage boys lucky to be alive after an alleged joyride turned disastrous. police say the teen driver speeding on this salt lake city highway when he lost control of his parents' suv reportedly hitting the brakes hard but apparently not hard enough to stop the car from veering off the cliff-top road smashing through this metal railing. >> the vehicle exploded in front of me right there. it's like nothing you'd ever see in your entire life. >> reporter: and plunging into the river below landing upside down. more than a dozen bystanders rushing to the rescue. >> get down there. go. jump, jump. >> reporter: jumping into the flowing river. >> i don't think that i had any other thought than to jump in and to save -- try to save the people. >> reporter: these good samaritans frantic struggling to free the boys trapped inside as the mangled car fills with water. they managed to pull the two passengers to safety but the driver's door refuses to budge leaving the boy stuck behind the wheel. >> we made several attempts to get him out through the windows but the car was too badly damaged. >> oh, my god, look at that. look at that. oh, my god, yes. >> reporter: watch as rescuers flip the 3,000-pound vehicle themselves with all their might. >> did they get him out? >> yeah. >> reporter: to save him. >> when we did turn the vehicle over, there was no movement from him for another five minutes. >> reporter: once fire crews arrived, they pry the young man free. this morning the driver in serious condition but a survivor of that terrifying brush with death. >> well, i think he's alive because people reacted so quickly. >> and the investigation of this horrible crash is ongoing. police have not ruled out possible charges, but the families this morning just grateful their loved ones are alive and such dramatic video watching those people at work. >> it's just incredible and moving to see so many people, strangers, and moving in such a spontaneous way in complete concert to flip that over. it is extraordinary to see. thank you. >> not giving up. >> they say that in an emergency like that, we can have such an adrenaline rush, 3,000 pounds they were able to lift, amazing. thank you, michelle for that. well, coming up on "good morning america," coffee talk. the coffee cup for people who hate to do dishes. that would be me. >> the girl from the midwest doing a new york accent. i like it. >> coffee talk. it was awful. i'm so sorry. "pop news" coming up. keep it here. i'm so sorry. "pop news" coming up. keep it here. drop it more...dr♪ ♪ i wanna know your name ♪ i wanna, i wanna know your name... ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' the cut ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down... ♪ ♪ ♪ name droppin' on them boys with the tags, don't stop ♪ ♪ me and my crew just droppin' and dancin' ♪ ♪ stop, stop and drop it ♪ you got me droppin' it up ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. to get up from september 16th to the 29th. or snooze buttons can your makeup remover do that? because when coffee this rich, smooth, and delicious is free... it's going to turn you into a morning person. only at mcdonald's. ♪ "pop news," which means we'll have to break up the ongoing during the commercial break argument between ron and -- >> ron and sara. >> discussion. >> they were expecting a duchess but they got a prince. william is on an official visit to malta. he is a last-minute replacement for the pregnant kate who is suffering from some morning sickness. the prince told the country's president that his wife was feeling so-so. malta gained its independence from the uk 50 years ago and to celebrate the prince is attending a number of parades and celebrations. >> she's feeling so -- how is that again? >> so-so which means probably really bad. >> interpretation. and next up, "grey's anatomy" showing some love for "orange is the new black." actress ellen pompeo took to social media and posted some of the "grey's anatomy" cast getting into character. referring to their scrubs she tweeted "blue is the new black," #8daystillgreys. later she posted this pick of what her hair looked like taking out all those braids. we've all been there. good way to get easy curl. and we love to treat our pets like children. i'm one of those people guilty and there's one cat who's all for it. this guy named kiyo is just loving this baby swing, he is owning it and it looks like it was made for him. how cute. he even starts to tap the toys and stuff. it might be the next million-dollar idea. but his owner admits he'll probably keep the swing for the cat even after the baby has outgrown it. >> oh, wait. so that was actually for the baby. >> it's for the baby. >> look, there's a couple of toys. the bed goes back and forth. it's amazing. >> fully functioning. >> i'm quite envious of cats. they spend their whole day looking for the best place to take a nap. >> and they can get away with being cranky. >> cats? >> yes. >> true, true. that guy does not look cranky at all. >> no, not at all. he is in blissful nap. >> yes. >> absolutely. and now, ever want to be like willy wonka? maybe you remember this scene after he shows the kids around the chocolate factory. well, someone was using their pure imagination when they invented the edible coffee cup. >> you go, girl. >> they're called the waffle shot by zia valentina in l.a. also sold at alfred coffee. it's a chocolate-rimmed waffle cup. and it's a delicious way to serve all kinds of coffee drinks. big hit for people hungry, going green or hate to do dishes. >> mm-mm. the edible coffee cup. >> is it good? do you like it? >> uh-huh. you have to stick your pinkie out, though, when you're drinking it. >> only way to drink. i'm testing mine. >> so, i don't drink caffeine and you don't have sugar. >> he doesn't eat sugar. >> so it's like half the table is completely boring. >> the bad side of the table. >> what's the verdict? >> hey, guys, what do you think about this? >> chocolate and coffee at any time of day. >> rob, jump into that. i want to hear it crack. >> come on. i'll take a bite. >> you can't crack it until you have enough of the coffee. exactly. >> we can't please this side of the table. >> you have chocolate on your nose now. >> i have chocolate on my nose? >> i need some whipped cream and a cherry. >> where? where? >> so dainty. we'll get a close shot. we're going to take a break and take a close-up shot of chocolate all over paula's nose. i promise you it's there. more "gma" after a quick break. keep it here. >> cheers. >> is it aperitif -- >> digestif. everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will our priority is...was... 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"good morning america" is brought to you by jimmy dean. it's not just for breakfast anymore. shine on. i lied when we said we'd get a shot of paula. >> you can't help it. >> fully blacked out with chocolate. >> apparently the inside of the cup also has chocolate. that's part of the problem. >> you were slow to think that out. >> thanks for watching. we'll see you later. bye. we'll see you later. bye. it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. >> announcer: starting right now on abc's "this week" -- this morning, u.s. air strikes against isis inside syria are imminent as president obama takes his case against the brutal terror group to world leaders. >> as americans we do not give in to fear. >> announcer: the threat growing but can the militants really be defeated without americans on the front lines? new nfl bombshell. embattled commissioner roger goodell breaking his silence, but can he survive the latest allegations? what the ravens really knew about that shocking elevator incident. and midterm shake-up. surprising new twists in key senate races. is republican momentum stalling? why the senate is still up for grabs. from abc news, "this week with george stephanopoulos" begins now.


Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20140922

and a good monday morning, everyone. i'm dan kloeffler. >> and i'm reena ninan. we begin with the raging wildfires in the west. 17 still burning out of control in five states. a monster fire in northern california has attracted thousands of firefighters from as far away as alaska and florida. >> reporter: the king fire is the biggest one. raging about 60 miles east of sacramento, california. for days, an army of 5,000 personnel from across the country have struggled against the blaze. overnight, they appeared to make progress. the fire is about 17% contained. >> they're making excellent progress. i expect some containment to go up over the next few days. >> reporter: but this is a monster. you can see the plumes of smoke from space. >> people are worried. >> reporter: the king fire has scorched 82,000 acres, from grass and brush to dry, tall timber. fig that hasn't burned has melted. officials worry the blaze could spread to lake tahoe. >> we're assessing all the buildings in the area, whether they have burned or not, how badly they've burned. >> reporter: at this farm, firefighters and forest rangers are looking after animals that were left behind. there's an air war battling the blaze. the most ever fire retardant used on a wildfire. the water, fertilizer mix has left many homes in a pink dust. the man accused of setting this blaze is being held on $10 million bail. tahman bradley, abc news, washington. to the other weather extreme. the flood-weary southwest is in for yet another punch from mother nature. >> after nearly a week of deluges from the remnants of hurricane odile. they're facing another day of heavy rains. some areas could get three more inches. thunderstorms farther north triggered rivers and hail. this was the scene in minnesota yesterday. that's where storms left piles of ice everywhere. high winds tearing through the town of wisecs with gusts of 44 miles an hour. toppling a church tent during sunday mass, injuring at least three people. the midwest will catch a break. the storm-ravaged southwest in for another round of heavy rain. thunderstorms will stretch across the gulf and carolina coast. and down into florida. and showers will erupt across parts of colorado, wyoming, idaho, and oregon. frightening moments for more than 200 passengers taking off from the dallas-ft. worth airport. the american airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after having a problem with cabin pressure. the 777 returned safely to dallas four hours after takeoff. the passengers will be put on another plane this morning. police in pennsylvania say they're closing in on the survivalist suspected in the deadly ambush of state troopers. after nine days of searching, they've recovered several items from the woodses where eric frein is believed to be hiding. they believe he's carefully prepared. his escape. the tables may be turning. >> up until now his advantage is that this is his backyard. he knows this rugged terrain. our tactical operations people now also know his backyard. the area he once felt safe in. >> as many as 7,000 residents are being told to lock doors and windows and keep outdoor lights on throughout the night. president obama is taking his anti-isis message to the united nations this week. he'll lead a meeting of the security counscil on wednesday. it comes as he nears a decision to launch air strikes inside syria. congress has approved a plan to train and arm militants. the top military advisers are questioning whether the job can be down without american combat troops. the man who climbed the white house fence and reason through an unlocked door is set for a hearing today. he made into it one of the most secure buildings in the world with a knife in his pocket. he may have mental problems. the secret service has increased its presence at the white house and is promising a full investigation into why they didn't stop him before he got that far. to delaware, where a tour bus overturned on a highway killing two people. the bus was returning to new york after a three-day sightseeing trip to washington. one of the passengers died at the scene and another at a hospital. the ntsb is investigating. the only witnesses are the passengers on the bus. all five inmate who is escaped from a correntral california jail are back in custody. police were tipped off before catching the other four inmates on saturday. the men were being held on various charges including attempted murder. it's still not clear how they escaped. health authorities in texas are scrambling to inform hundreds of patients that their newborns may have been put at risk for tuberculosis. an employee tested positive and may have exkoezed 700 infants. doctors are urging that they get their babies tested. overseas, the west african nation of sierra leone has declared its curfew a success. most of the country's 6 million residents did come ply with the order to stay indoors for 72 hours. some 30,000 health care workers and volunteers went door to door, visiting every household in the country. after a long journey, a nasa spacecraft is now in orbit around mars. the maven arrived last night. >> they're aboard a space-x dragon capsule. it's expected to arrive tomorrow. >> a big moment for nasa there. coming up, in the market for a car. why this may be the perfect time to buy. plus, police issue an arrest warrant linked to the search for a missing college student. are they any closer to finding hannah graham? and the incredible rescue. teams trapped inside a submerged suv as a crowd rushes to help. the apartment building where the fire was. when things like this happen, i think you find a new perspective on life. hi. red cross put us in a hotel so we were able to stay together. we're strong and, if we overcame that or if we can overcome that, we can overcome anything, so. [ sniffle ] and welcome back on this monday morning, everyone. there's more evidence this morning that gas prices are headed down significantly. the lundberg survey says the average is nine cents less than two weeks ago. much of that is because crude oil prices are lower. and ethanol is much cheaper now, too. lundberg stays average price is now $3.37 a gallon, 34 cents less than 13 weeks ago. used car prices are also falling. the improving economy and auto industry increasing supply. prices for used cars went sky-high after the economic crisis. then we started buying cars again, and many of those vehicles are coming off leases now. a glut of used cars could hurt sales of new ones. the alibaba ipo reportedly just got bigger. the shares did so well, in fact, when they first went on sale friday, more shares were issued. the initial public offering is now the biggest ever. at $25 billion. alibaba is like a combination of ebay and amazon. and bigger than both combined. a new design for the air bus 320 has 10% more room for carryon but less room in the bathrooms. the a-320 is popular with u.s. airlines for short and medium flights. you won't see the design change right way. it begins in two years. an airbus spokeswoman says every inch in an airplane cabin counts. >> sure does. >> i agree. especially for the legroom. >> oh, boy. the start of a new teen movie franchise is off and running. "the maze runner" sold $33 million worth of tickets. >> that's almost as much as it cost to make "a walk among the tombstones ." which stumbled to second with only $13 million. and "this is where i leave you" was left only with $12 million. how about a latte that tastes like a beer? >> i'm not sure about this one. >> starbucks is testing this one. >> oh, okay. >> it's called dark barrel latte. >> it has a syrup that tastes like a guinness stout. it's topped with the inevitable whipped cream and caramel sauce. starbucks says there's no alcohol in it. >> reaction online so far is mixed. >> you can put whipped cream and caramel on anything. frankly. you can put it on asparagus. it will taste great. >> beer tasting latte? one or the other. when we come back, not your usual traffic stop. one police officer truly at the right place at the right time. and it's happened again. nude photos of a-listers stolen. private accounts hacked. ♪ it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. i have a cold. i took nyquil but i'm still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. there's nothing like leaving home feeling attractive. challenge! but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! why not your eye color? new air optix® colors prescription contact lenses enhance your eye color for a naturally beautiful look with consistent comfort. find your perfect color and get a free trial offer at what's being called the biggest climate change march in history on the streets here in new york and more than 150 countries across the globe. the event coincides with the u.n. climate summit when leaders get together to push for a global climate treaty by next year. flooding conditions will again be plaguing the southwest. rain stretching up through colorado, wyoming, utah, oregon. roads west along the gulf coast, down into florida and up to south carolina. if you're flying, flight delays possible in albuquerque, new mexico. police in charlottesville, virginia, are on the hunt for a person of interest in the disappearance of a university of virginia stunt missing now for more than a week. >> 18-year-old hannah graham was last seen in the early hours of last saturday morning, levering a bar with man who bought her drinks. police say that man is jesse matthew, who now has a warrant out for his arrest for reckless driving. they stress he's not a suspect. >> i believe hannah graham left the restaurant with jesse matthew. i believe that. in fact, i believe that jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. >> this is every parent's worst nightmare. i'm certain that everybody in this room and those watching knows that what happened to hannah could happen to their child. >> nearly 1,000 volunteers turned out this weekend to help search for graham. at least three other women have disappeared in that area in the last five years, but police don't believe those are connected. one of new york's finest lived up to that title in a moment caught by his dashboard camera. the police officer saw a driver holding her throat and stopping in the middle of the road with her blinkers on. he asked if she was choking. when she managed to say yes, he turned her around, after a couple of chest compressions, a couch drop popped out of her throat. saved and relief leaved. tragedy averted in salt lake city, all thanks to an amazing rescue by a group of samaritans. three teens were in an suv that plunged into a river landi inin upside down. strangers jumped into the water and freed two of the boys. the driver was still stuck. those rescuers flipped that suv over with their bare hands. the driver was pulled out alive. residents of neighborhood in salt lake city were on edge last night while police and wildlife officials chased down a mountain lion. the big cat spent the day prowling around lawns and driveways. around 8:00 p.m. they were able to hit it with a tranquilizer gun. it was running around for another 40 minutes until the drugs took effect. the big cat will be relocated. hackers have stolen a new batch of celebrity nude photos according to tmz. among them, rihanna. pictures of her that appear to be from a wardrobe fitting were posted on reddit. and before being taken down, actress gabrielle union had photos stolen and posted. others include kim kardashian, hope solo, kate bosworth and vanessa hudgens. to the ray rice case. the former baltimore ravens star says the widely circulated video of him and his now wife is not accurate. >> sources say that he feels he was suspended on an unfairly edited version of the surveillance video. rice was released by the ravens after the tmz website put an edited video online. well, as for the nfl's week three action on the field last night, it was the steelers visiting the carolina panthers. >> pittsburgh broke it open in the third quarter. with a couple of short touchdown passes. ben roethlisberger finding antonio brown on both of them. >> then in the fourth. the panthers did pittsburgh a big favor. their punt returner has a little trouble handling it. before the play was over, the the steelers recovered the ball in the end zone. pittsburgh wins, 37-19. next up, the cowboys and the rams. st. louis went up 21-0 when they ran back an interception for a touchdown. >> that's when dallas got started. quarterback tony romo found dez bryant wide, and we mean wide open for a 68-yard touchdown. >> wow. so the cowboys took the lead for good in the fourth on another touchdown pass from romo. on the next snap, they ran in an interception for a touchdown of their own. they held on to two wins -- excuse me, 34-31 the win there, coming back from 21 down to win, matching the cowboys' biggest ever comeback for victory. the broncos taking on the seahawks in seattle. the champs looked like they had this one this the bag until peyton manning hit his tight end in the end zone to close with two points. >> an acrobatic catch on that two-point conversion. put the game into overtime. seattle won the coin toss. they got the ball first. that's when marshawn lynch ran in the winning touchdown. seattle tops denver, 26-20, a game that was a lot closer than blowout we of course all saw last february. >> do you think the boys of espn are nervous? >> i think they ought to be very nervous for their livelihoods, yeah. >> i'm very nervous for us. i hope we don't have to do this again. did they have a long weekend? >> i don't know what it was. but hey, we got through it. coming up next in "the pulse," if you think you saw all the action from the super bowl rematch, well, think again. and an ear-popping story for you. time to take the plunge into the world's deepest indoor pool. stay with us. "the pulse" is next. i hait's tough, but severi've managed.ease. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. we've put a fresh twist on classic desserts.ry, making them all new, any day treats. starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using thick and creamy traditional greek yogurt. then delicately topped with delicious fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. cause life's better with a twist. ♪ dannon! also try our dannon creamery pudding range. it's time now for the monday morning "pulse." a little more from the seahawks win against the broncos. >> in the third quarter, marshawn lynch caught a pass and got pulled out of bounds. that pulled one of the dread lox right out of his head. >> lynch picked it up. kept on playing after the game, seattle's deshawn shed proposed to his girlfriend right on the field. jessica martinez surprised but said yes. a big congratulations to them. >> beautiful couple there. >> very nice. even though summer is ending tonight, we're ready for a dip in the world's deepest indoor pool. it's near venice in italy. >> it's the equivalent of a 14-story building. the water is always between 89 and 92 degrees. >> and there is a practical use for a 137 foot deep pool. it's used for training in scuba diving and free diving. there's an underwater tunnel you can walk through. >> i would do this. >> it seems, yeah, 0 feet is a good length. 137, think you just get into dangerous territory. but any way. >> though the temperature is good, 89 to 92. it's official. oktoberfest is under way. >> they pounded a tap into the barrel and the major had a stein himself. between now and october 5th there are parades, dancing, and rides, not to mention more boor. >> and for the tech-savvy guests, more than 160 object fest apps currently available. the official one tells you where the shortest lines are for beer. drinking and technology never ends in a good way. you have some apologizing by tweeting and messaging the next morning. so -- >> you don't agree? >> i'm going to say probably not a good idea. >> i'm always for finding out the short line where the beer is. no matter what type. for some of you, your local news is next. >> for everyone else, we're back with a trip into the minds of cats. [ female announcer ] your favorite coffee-mate seasonal flavors are back. ♪ fa la la la, fa la la la and they're as delicious as ever. ♪ so add coffee-mate peppermint mocha to your favorite time of the year. coffee-mate. season's perfect mate. try new nestle toll house creamers from coffee-mate. the taste you love baked into every cup. nestle. good food. good life. before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. paired perfectly with o♪ [music] squash soup. jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ wonder if i gave an oreo ♪ what if i gave an oreo to you? ♪ live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. good monday morning. it is 4:28. i am eric thomas. now, over to meteorologist mike nicco. >> you want all of august off, now? >> and september. and october. >> with pay? >> sure. >> now the visibility shows clouds. no fog. our lowest visibility is half moon bay at eight miles. we have low clouds. they are filling in the neighborhoods. they will be gone through the afternoon. a beautiful picture from the exploritorium. more sunshine today. 80 to 86. cold and san francisco, clouds and 66 to 72. bay is warmer, 73 to 82 headed into the south bay and north bay. how is the monday morning traffic starting? >> great way to start the week. highway 37 the full freeway closing has re-opened. we will have another wave of the properties but, this morning, what is closed are southbound nimitz. northbound, headed away from 16th to broadway you will find construction crews. slow for the cone zone. 580 westbound tracy to dublin is 25 minutes and highway 4 westbound antioch to concord, and southbound into san francisco from san rafael into san francisco is 17 minutes. >> c.h.p. is investigating the debt of a pedestrian on interstate 680. the circumstances could be a caution to all drivers who find car trouble. amy? it happened here on the southbound on-ramp in walnut creek, and it was closed a couple of hours. a woman was driving southbound when she had car trouble. she get out of her car. she tried to flag down help the she was hit and killed. the driver of the other car stopped. the driver cooperated. because they have to notify next of kin the information has not been released on the victim. all lanes are now re-opened. the commute will not be impact impacted. in the south bay one person was killed and they injured in the two


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140922

david louie joins us live in morgan hill with the details. david? >> reporter: well, there's a total of nine horses in this pasture but many more further back on the property. the renter of this land and operator of this horse ranch tells me that he can explain why they are skinny and what he plans to do about it. however, horse people say intervention is the only solution. this three to four month old foal is trying to nurse but it appears mom isn't producing any milk. neighbors, some of them horse owners, are growing worried the horses are not getting enough food. they believe some of them are 100 pounds underweight. >> i look now and i see several of them out here that i see ribs and i'm truly concerned. >> reporter: neighbors have been calling law enforcement agencies but nothing seems to happen. animal control officer carla setzer says the owner has been told to feed the horses. the horses are now being treated by a vet but she doesn't consider the horses abused neglected. >> he is in compliance with the vet and following the vet's feeding instructions. we are basically watching and making sure everything continues on the way it is. >> reporter: the operator of the ranch explains why the horses are skinny. >> those horses are skinny because i have other horses and somebody gave me skinny horses. >> reporter: monica operates an equine rescue center and would like to intervene. >> if they would help us pick up these horses it would change their lives. they will be healthy. they will be fed properly. they can't be fed like this. this is complete abuse and neglect. >> reporter: another horse owner stopped by with a higher quality of hay she believes the horses need. after dropping portions of a bale into the pasture, you can see how the horses responded. they perked up and feasted on the hay. but as complaints mount, some of the horses have disappeared and no one knows their fate. david louie, abc 7 news. unforeseen problems plague a fund-raising campaign to help with recovery efforts after the napa earthquake. >> it seems getting the financial help to those who really need it is not an easy task. abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman joins us live in napa with that story. wayne? >> reporter: it was about a week and a half ago we were in napa reporting how fema was giving money back to the infrastructure, to the city and county. still local businesses don't have any federal money, nor do local people who are recovering from the earthquake. there are $10 million that have been promised by local companies for the community but so fashr, only $1 million has landed in their hands. why? it's complicated. in napa, this is an unfortunate sign of the times for small business owners. this tropical fish store owner for five more days. last month's earthquake left him with nine tanks out of 130. that's not the worst of it. here's the twist. >> i need my customer base back. a lot of my customers, up to 50% lost their fish tanks in the earthquake. they have no desire to put them back up. >> reporter: it's one small business challenge in a community stacked with them. one month after the quake, napa still has plenty of scaffolds and red tags, a few tourists. what small business owners like patricia really need is money. >> at this point there's nothing for us. believe me, i have beat the bushes. >> reporter: nothing is a bit of a surprise to many around here because shortly after the quake, the napa valley vintners association pledged $10 million but as of friday, only about $1 million of that has made its way into the community. >> we think we have about a $10 million answer to a $300 million question. >> reporter: it turns out they are handicapped by circumstances and government regulations. >> we are working as diligently as we can to get the dollars out the door as quickly as we can. we would like to be moving faster. the truth is, we have to balance that sense of urgency and compassion and care with the rules that the irs imposes upon us when we're talking about getting dollars ultimately into the hands of business owners or households. >> reporter: having lost $37,000 worth of unpaid-for merchandise, patricia trimble would love some of that money but she has to wait. she's not angry. just hopeful. >> they didn't have to do anything. they donated this money. this was donated. nobody told them they had to give it to us. we are still waiting for the feds. >> reporter: still waiting, still repairing, still napa. in napa, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. 5,000 firefighters face tough conditions battling the massive king fire in the sierra. officials report erratic winds along with a forecast calling for warmer temperatures and lower humidity. that fire has already charred 137 square miles since it broke out more than a week ago. flames have also destroyed ten homes and 22 other buildings in el dorado county. 21,000 other buildings remain threatened by the fire which is only 18% contained. >> so sad for everyone involved and fire crews need all the help they can get fighting these fires around california. especially the king fire. >> let's go to spencer christian to see if there's any help in the accuweather update. spencer? >> well, weather conditions right now are not helping matters. let's take a look at live doppler 7 hd. i will give you a look at what i'm talking about. in the bay area, pleasant conditions, breezy, but over in the area of the king fire earlier today, this was the direction in which the smoke was drifting, to the west. as you pointed out, the winds have been erratic. they shifted during the midday hours and now the winds are blowing from the west to east and the smoke is now going in that direction towards the east, out towards lake tahoe and other points east of the fire. let's look at the bigger picture here. there's a dense smoke advisory in effect for much of this area, including the lake tahoe region until 8:00 this evening. then we have a red flag warning for high fire danger in effect from the foothills and western slopes of the sierra south of tahoe reaching northward up into the mountains of the extreme northern part of the state into southern oregon. that's in effect from tomorrow afternoon until tomorrow night, mainly because of strong gusty dry winds. as you pointed out, increasing temperature expected as well so it will be hot, dry and windy. that doesn't help the firefighting effort. i will give you a look at the local forecast in a few minutes. >> see you then. sky 7 hd shows the cleanup efforts after a 30,000 gallon tank burst into flames and started leaking liquid asphalt in vallejo. that fire broke out on lake herman road after 2:00 this afternoon. firefighters put out the blaze and contained the leak within about 50 minutes. no injuries reported. officials say there is no threat to the public. the company produces materials used in road building like concrete and asphalt. san jose police are looking for suspects in the weekend burglary at the home of 49ers defensive lineman ray mcdonald. someone broke in saturday night and stole some personal items while mcdonald was in arizona with the team. police arrested the 30-year-old last month at the same address on suspicion of domestic violence involving his fiancee. the owner of the baltimore ravens today defended his team's handling of the ray rice domestic violence incident with the video that followed. steve bisciotti refuted an espn report claiming that he and others tried to persuade nfl commissioner roger goodell and the new jersey judicial system to be lenient on rice following that february arrest. bisciotti called espn's reporting manufactured and said the unnamed sources interviewed for that story are working to build a case for rice's reinstatement. >> almost everything in there is anonymous but it's clear from the subject matter that it's ray's attorney, it's ray's agent, and it's ray's friends. >> espn released a statement saying they stand by their original story. espn is a sister network of abc 7. while the nfl grapples with stars involved in domestic violence cases such as ray rice, attorney general eric holder just unveiled a pilot program aimed at ending domestic abuse. it will kick off in four communities across the u.s., including contra costa county. organizers say it will help identify people who have become violent enough that they could kill their partners. the goal is to step in before violence escalates. this afternoon at 5:00, abc 7 news reporter laura anthony talks with the people in contra costa county who will be administering the new program. big traffic change coming, starting tonight at 11:00. you might have to take a different route to exit the bay bridge in san francisco. >> the folsom street exit will close for a construction project. you can use the same off-ramp to exit the bridge, but you will have to veer to the left and take the fremont street exit. thousands of people use the onramp that connects the bridge to both those exits every day. commuters worry about possible bottlenecks starting tomorrow morning. >> probably even worse traffic than there already is. >> i think this intersection's a little wonky. i think the harrison street exit is not too bad. probably in the long run, it will be better. >> planners say the exit will reopen early next year. when it does, you will see new traffic signals, new paths for pedestrians and new bike lanes. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, the new plan from the san francisco supervisor to close the pay gap between men and women. also, the city considered the best place to live in the bay area by "money" magazine. you might be surprised. 800 rounds of ammunition, plus more. new at 4:30, what prosecutors say the man who jumped the white house fence had inside his car. 7 on your side is taking your questions on twitter and facebook. they will be answered a little later. contact michael finney at finney abc 7. approaching 4:11 on this monday afternoon, our first look at the afternoon commute. this is the skyway in downtown san francisco. as always, the jam-up heading oncoming to the lower deck of the bay bridge for folks trying to get back to the east bay. much smoother sailing on the right-hand side of your screen for those driving toward 101 south. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. women's rights organizations are rallying around a new measure in san francisco designed to help bridge the gender gap when it comes to paychecks. abc 7 news reporter carolyn tyler here with the story. >> reporter: it's been more than 50 years since the equal pay act was passed, yet there is still a huge disparity between women and men. this legislation would help close the gender gap in san francisco. ruth worked as a machinist in san jose in the '90s and says she made $3 an hour less than her male counterpart doing the same job. >> i was outraged. i thought it was very unfair. i was extremely upset about it. >> reporter: she says things really haven't changed that much. according to the latest u.s. census data, the median paycheck of a woman who works full-time is job over $39,000. 78% that of men who earned $50,000. >> power to the people! power to the people! >> reporter: these demonstrators on the steps of san francisco city hall are supporting a new equal pay for equal work measure that will be introduced tomorrow by supervisor david campos. >> our legislation is landmark legislation that is really the first of its kind that says that anyone who contracts with the city must provide information about pay, not only by gender but also by ethnicity and race. >> reporter: he believes that knowledge has the power to close the pay gap. the city's human rights commission would investigate complaints. >> there will be consequences so this is going to be -- it's going to have teeth. it will make a difference and i think it will set a model for the whole country. >> reporter: ruth filed a grievance against her old company and now works as a lawyer for the legal aid society and the bay area equal pay collaborative. with women making up more than 50% of the work force, wage discrimination can have a significant and severe impact in a high cost city like san francisco. if this legislation passes, hundreds of contractors will have to divulge their data each year. >> we are also calling upon all city agencies to collect similar information. if we're going to require that contractors with the city collect this information, then it's only appropriate that we do the same. >> reporter: keep in mind this is just a proposal. a working group composed of appointees by the mayor, the board and the commission on the status of women would need to work out the details, and there will be hearings on this measure to give contractors a chance to air their concerns. larry? >> carolyn, thank you. women have been shaking things up in the corporate world. "fortune" magazine released its annual list of the most powerful women in business. the bay area is well represented. number one is 57-year-o jenny r. number two, mary barra, ceo of general motors. number three, indra newyi from pepsi co. meg whitman, the head of hewlett-packard and cheryl shandbershan sandberg of facebook. the list of the best u.s. cities to live in is out today. rankings might surprise you. only two bay area cities broke the top 50. according to the magazine, the highest ranking northern california community is milpedas. they like the city's proximity to silicon valley, its schools and of course, the great mall. pleasanton was ranked number 31. the author liked the city's eclectic downtown area. milpedas came in number 29. rounding them out, maple grove, minnesota, mckinney, texas took the top spot. its great schools, affordable housing, mix of european, east coast and west coast culture gave it the most value for families. >> something tells me a lot of folks in atherton aren't in a hurry to move to mckinney texas. but spencer, i checked the weather in mckinney, texas today thinking it would be like 1,000 degrees with 1,000% humidity. it was 85 and sunny. i really can't bash them. >> there isn't a caravan lining up to move. not yet. let's take a look at our weather which is quite pleasant here all around the bay area. a bit breezy but certainly pleasant as fall is about to arrive officially in a couple hours. here's live doppler 7 hd. we have mainly sunny skies with a few high clouds in the bay area sky right now. more clouds are lurking offshore. here's a live view from the golden gate bridge of mainly blue skies. some high clouds off to the right there. 68 degrees in san francisco, mid 70s in oakland, san carlos, san jose, 83, morgan hill. 66 at half moon bay. here's a live view, a different view of the golden gate bridge, looking nice at the golden gate right now. 80 in santa rosa, 78 in napa, mid 80s in fairfield, concord and livermore. here's a view of just a few high clouds traveling over the ski, mainly blue sky looking southward from ocean beach. these are the forecast features. fall begins at 7:29 this evening. that's the autumnal equinox. showers will arrive wednesday night, little bit of change in the weather pattern developing. here's why. an approaching energetic storm system, we haven't had any energetic storm systems recently but this one appears to be so. approaching wednesday into wednesday night, about 9:00, we will see the first wave of rain arriving up around ukiah, cloverdale and during the overnight hours wednesday into thursday morning, we will see a more widespread area of rain and showers which means it's probably going to be a wet commute thursday morning, so bear that in mind if you are a morning commuter. there will likely be a slowdown in traffic and wet spots on the pavement. by mid-morning thursday, we will see the system beginning to break up into little pockets of light rainfall. the projection for rainfall totals by thursday mid-morning are these. quarter of an inch to half inch in the north bay mountains. lower elevations, tenth to a quarter of an inch. parts of the santa clara valley may not receive measurable rain at all. overnight, look for partly cloudy skies, low temperatures right around or just above 60 degrees. tomorrow's highs will range from mid 60s at the coast, some locations will hit 70 at the coast. mid to upper 70s around the bay and low to mid 80s inland. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. chance of rain late wednesday night continuing into about early to midmorning hours on thursday. then we will get partial clearing late thursday. thursday will be the coolest day in the forecast period. friday, we start to get a little sunnier, milder weather, then it warms up over the weekend into mid 80s inland, 80 around the bay and upper 60s around the coast. the autumnal equinox will fall on us tonight. pun intended. larry and katie? >> thank you. >> well done. all i heard was showers. music to my ears. >> yeah. speaking of music, up next, lion king the musical roars its way to a record. there has never been anything like it in entertainment history. new after 4:30, the latest research on peanut allergies and what could be the raw facts on what causes them. ♪ history for the lion king stage musical that is now the biggest grossing work in entertainment history, earning more than $6.2 billion worldwide. that makes it more valuable than any single harry potter film, "titanic" or any of the "star wars" movies. it is a production of disney, parent company of abc 7. lolo jones was the first contestant to be eliminated from this season of "dancing with the stars." tonight, 12 remaining couples take to the dance floor and they all have a common goal. >> hang on for dear life. >> reporter: week two is hear a here and the pressure is already on. the dancers have all discovered one thing. it's easier if you focus on the fun. >> every day we are as silly as we can be. that's really the key. every day it's like feeling blessed, feeling happy, being silly and making it fun. >> very goofy if rehearsal. i like to lighten it up. you need to have a good balance. at the end of the day, this is fun. you are making people smile at home. you want to have a great time and a great experience and not like get too serious. we're just dancing. we're not curing cancer. >> i think there's a lot of fun parts. first of all, the costumes are so fun. the hair and makeup, not having to do it myself, is very fun for me. it's a good experience. >> reporter: you are rehearsing a lost hou lot of hours, there's the pressure, there are injuries and bruises and pains and aches. where does the fun come in? >> i'm leaving. you just said it. bye, i'm out. no, you know what? it is all those things that you said wrapped up in a very, very fun box. it's a fun journey. that is all part of it. >> every single thing you do on "dancing with the stars" is fun. even the hard rehearsals and the soreness. it's like you go home and sit in a tub of ice every night and it's miserable because your legs are in so much pain but you're having so much fun because you're like i'm sitting in a tub of ice because i'm on "dancing with the stars." oh, my god. i'm on "dancing with the stars." >> reporter: tonight at 8:00 we will see the 12 remaining couples take to the dance floor, all performing favorite songs of the celebrities. >> here are the details again. "dancing with the stars" airs tonight at 8:00 here on abc 7. you can watch it on air or on the go on your tablet or smartphone with our watch abc app. just ahead, the white house intruder, what authorities say they found inside his car starting with 800 rounds of ammunition. also -- >> activists flood wall street making an urgent call to reverse global climate change. it is being called the zuckerberg fortress. the renovations to the facebook founder's home that are really getting on neighbors' here are the headlines as we approach 4:30. firefighters battling the king fire in el dorado county fear strong and erratic winds could whip that wildfire into a frenzy. it has already burned more than 87,000 acres and destroyed 32 buildings, including ten homes. firefighters extended their control lines around the wildfire today bracing for a possible change in the weather. the justice department announced extra funding for domestic violence homicide prevention on twitter today. it includes more than $2.5 million in grants and one bay area county will be part of a special domestic violence initiative. coming up at 5:00, we will see how this plan will help stop the violence before it happens. since friday, two intruders have made it over the white house fence and on to the grounds. one of them even got inside the executive mansion through an unlocked door, believe it or not. now the secret service is taking the heat for that after more details surfaced about one of those intruders. karen travers explains. >> reporter: omar gonzalez appeared in federal court today, three days after he scaled the white house fence, sprinted the length of a football field and made his way all the way inside the front door. prosecutors said today gonzalez is a danger to the president. they say the 42-year-old homeless iraq veteran parked his car several blocks away from the white house. inside, 800 rounds of ammunition, two hatchets and a mache machete. he had several run-ins with law enforcement this summer. he was stopped but not arrested this august walking near the white house with a hatchet. police searched his car but found no ammunition. gonzalez was arrested in virginia in july, charged with possessing a sawed-off shotgun and eluding police. at that time, 11 different guns were found in his vehicle. but perhaps most troubling, virginia state police say gonzalez also had a map of washington, d.c. with a line drawn to the white house. they say they alerted the atf and secret service. friday night's security breach at the white house came just moments after the president and his daughters departed on marine one. mr. obama was asked about it today in the oval office. >> i'm grateful for the sacrifices they make on my behalf. >> reporter: the incident raises many questions. why weren't trained dogs used to stop gonzalez? why wasn't he tackled? why was the front door unlocked? law enforcement sources tell abc news the secret service agents had to make a life or death decision within seconds and they chose not to use lethal force. the secret service will now conduct a review of the security breach and the response. karen travers, abc news, the white house. >> president obama will attend this week's u.n. general assembly meeting and part of his agenda will include rallying the world against the extremist group isis. the president is looking for the international community to approve a new u.n. resolution demanding countries tighten existing travel laws and cut off the flow of fresh isis recruits. president obama will attend wednesday's u.n. security council meeting to make his pitch but stopping the group may be in the hands of the arab world. >> with the isil threat, it actually will only be defeated from within the arab and muslim world. they have to reject it. meanwhile, the situation in iraq is growing out of control. at least 40 soldiers were killed in recent suicide bombings carried out by isis militants. the group also called for muslims worldwide to kill civilians from the u.s. and france which are carrying out air strikes against the jihadists. three afghan national army officers who went missing during military training in massachusetts are now in custody. they were found today near the u.s./canadian border. law enforcement officials say the soldiers walked up to border patrol agents and said they were seeking asylum. the soldiers were part of a 14-officer contingent from afghanistan that had been participating in training exercises at joint base cape cod. those three men were last seen saturday at a nearby mall. the united nations will make an urgent call to reverse climate change. governor brown is among those addressing the u.n. abc 7 news reporter lyanne melendez is in the newsroom with what's at stake for the bay area. >> yesterday we had a big demonstration in new york's upper west side with more than 300,000 people, the largest they have ever seen. now california will be represented at the united nations summit because being a coastal state, we will be impacted by the rising sea levels. this week's call for climate change began with demonstrations on wall street marching through lower manhattan. during the united nations summit on global warming which begins tomorrow, countries are expected to agree to cut emissions. governor jerry brown brings to that summit several environmental bills he recently signed into law, including the one introduced by state senator mark leno to reduce methane missions. >> the main component is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. >> reporter: researchers have proven these greenhouse gases are the cause of rising sea levels. san francisco is considered one of several sinking cities around the world. the san francisco tide station has been measuring the rise of the coastal water since 1854. over the last century, there has been an eight-inch rise. along san francisco bay, king tides seen in december through february flood the shoreline area. >> tparking lot in marin county is frequently under water on high tide days. there are other places in the bay that experience flooding during the king tides. >> reporter: environmentalists are especially watchful of the marshlands. a recent report by the u.s. geological survey found some of them will be inundated by the end of the century. >> one of the most important things is protecting our existing wetlands and making sure that they have somewhere to migrate so that as the sea level rises, they have somewhere to go. >> reporter: joe leclaire of the bay conservation and development commission says sfo is especially vulnerable. >> if it were to go down it would have a significant impact on our economy. >> reporter: in light of what is coming, there is talk of building a seawall right under the bridge as a possible solution. at 6:00 we will talk about the consequences of that, including a m a maritime traffic jam and damage to the fisheries. lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. >> thank you. health officials in sierra leone have lifted a three-day lockdown in this country, a desperate effort to stem the spread of the deadly ebola virus. nobody was allowed to leave their homes during the lockdown. workers went door to door to one million households to check for ebola patients and to distribute critical health information about the outbreak. world health officials estimate more than 2600 people have already died from ebola. residents in sierra leone and neighboring countries, including hard-hit liberia, are listening. >> i would die but i don't want to die from ebola. >> $6 million of medical supplies donated by humanitarian groups have arrived in west africa. 100 tons of gloves, masks and antibiotics and pain medications are headed to several west africa countries. clorox is shutting down operations in venezuela. the oakland-based company cites restrictions by the government, supply disruptions and economic uncertainty. the company says that for three years, it was forced to sell the majority of its products at prices frozen by the government. after realizing significant price hikes would force them to operate at a loss, they decided to pull out of the country entirely. still to come on abc 7 news at 4:00, he is all riled up and ready to go. >> we will start slow but we are always, always going to finish fast, no matter what the score was, we are going to finish hard. >> guy's got some intensity to him. you will hear why this high school football player may have a future as an inspirational speaker if the sports thing doesn't work out. i'm michael finney. today's 7 on your side is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. you can contact me right now. i will answer your questions here live in just a little bit. i'm spencer christian. we see mostly blue sky over the bay right now but clouds are coming our way and some early autumn rain. i will have the accuweather forecast in just a moment. you want to meet this guy. a running back for the east view patriots high school in austin, texas. >> we have to warn you, his enthusiasm is contagious. be careful. take a listen. >> i'm not going to lie. they had us. we were undefeated but they had us. but it took guts, it took an attitude. that's all it takes. that's all it takes to be successful is an attitude. that's what our coach told us. he said hey, it's going to be tough, it's going to be hard, you are a're going to go out thd battle and fight. do it for each other, do it for yourself, do it for us and you will come out with this win. >> tell you what, whatever he eats, i want some. >> i'm going to cue that up every morning. he was that fired up after his team's narrow 42-41 come from behind victory over a competing high school. >> his victory speech is gaining a lot of attention online. it's even inspired a twitter hash tag, start slow, finish fast. spencer christian joining us now. you and i start slow and fade. that's monday through friday strategy. >> exactly. this week, however, starts dry and will finish wet. it will finish wet because rain is coming our way. right now we have no rain. here's live doppler 7 hd. actually, it won't start with live doppler 7 hd. here's a time lapse, by the way, of smoke from the king fire blowing across lake tahoe. notice the increase in smoke later in the afternoon. very, very concerning situation there as the smoke continues to blow over and the fires continue to burn. here's our live doppler 7 hd. just a few light clouds over the bay area right now. more clouds coming our way tomorrow and some rain wednesday night into thursday. so here's a look at the national weather picture for tomorrow. look for showers and thunder showers in the southeast. we will see some thunderstorms up near fargo, north dakota and some over western texas and eastern new mexico. across the state of california tomorrow, mainly dry, sunny and warm to sacramento and hot from yosemite to fresno to palm springs. here in the bay area tomorrow, we will see mainly sunny skies. a few high clouds up north and low clouds near the coast. high temperatures will range from upper 60s to near 70 at the coast, mid to upper 70s around the bay and low 80s to mid 80s inland. we do have some midweek rainfall coming. fall oh fsfficially begins at 7 this evening. tomorrow will be the first full official day of fall. >> it's going to be fall, going to be fall, going to be really fall! thank you, spencer. still ahead, a warning going out to parents in texas about a hospital worker who may have exposed hundreds of newborns to tuberculosis. the renovations at st. antho anthony's dining room that will greatly improve services for people in san francisco who need help. i'm 7 on your side's michael finney. what are you supposed to do when a magazine keeps renewing your subscription and charging you without you even realizing it? that answer is coming up. alarming news for hundreds of parents in texas. more than 700 newborns at an el paso hospital were exposed to tuberculosis. a worker who worked in the post-partum facility and nursery tested positive for tb last month. he had direct contact with newborns. parents received a letter from providence urging them to get tested for tb as soon as possible. >> one cannot say that 100% of all employees at any hospital will be free of any communicable disease because that is not possible. but we do the best that is out there in terms of recommendations. >> 40 hospital employees may also have been exposed. they have been asked to get tested as well. tuberculosis can spread to the kidneys and spine. researchers may have discovered what triggers peanut allergies. a recent study suggests roasted peanuts are more likely to trigger an allergic reaction than raw nuts. chemical changes caused by the dry roasting process are not recognized by the body's immune system and that may be what sparks future allergic reactions. this study was done on mice so the next step will be to determine if the findings are also relevant to humans. st. anthony's foundation in san francisco is gearing up to open its brand new dining room next month. the dining room doubles as a job training program for men in recovery from addiction. it will also allow the foundation to eventually serve thousands more through a more flexible layout and state of the art equipment. >> father alfred, our founder 64 years ago, always insisted that this is a dining room and not a soup kitchen, and as you can see, it is really a nice dining room, a place where people can eat, share community, get to know each other and feel the respect that's due to them just because of who they are as human beings. >> for more than six decades, st. anthony's has offered a gateway out of poverty and currently provides countless services for people in need. the new dining room opens to the public on october 4th. 7 on your side's michael finney answering questions sent by facebook, twitter and e-mail. the first is from kathy g. who e-mailed two years ago i subscribed to a magazine i never asked to renew this magazine but they sent it and charged me anyway. what can i do? >> i never heard that before. actually, i worked very, very hard to change this law about five, maybe six years ago and we did. we have one of the strictest laws in the country here in california. first of all, they are not allowed to do this. you may not owe them a dime. they can't do it unless they tell you in advance there is going to be an automatic renewal and you agree to it. they have to tell you, you have to agree to it. then even if you do agree, they have to give you a toll-free number to call where you can cancel it. look up the magazine, look for that number, call them up and say they never told you they were going to do this, knock it off. they should in the state of california. >> i need that tip as well. george g. e-mailed where does the uncollected crv refund money go? >> great question. there is so much money involved here. i'm always looking around going is somebody doing something and as it turns out, no, generally not. here in the state of california we pay more than $1 billion a year for our crv tax, fee, whatever, and we get about 85% of that back. we return that much of it or the people that collect it from our curbside containers get that much for it. the rest of the money, the 15% that the state gets to hang on to, what they do with it, they spend it on youth programs, revolving around recycling and other recycling programs like curbside service. your money doesn't get ripped off, doesn't get wasted, it does not go into the general fund. >> if you are not getting it back, something good is happening. >> absolutely. >> a twitter user asks please help. air france won't let us cancel our tickets until 24 hours before we leave but the same flights have been canceled every day because of a strike. >> the pilots are on strike, if you haven't heard about it, and air france, when they have a strike, tend to last a few weeks, if not longer. they are kind of famous for this. do they have a right to do this to you? the answer is absolutely they do. they are allowed to set up any of their own rules. they are hoping that the strike ends and then you will get on the plane. what you should have done and you guys have heard me say this quite a bit, because you have got to get travel insurance in today's world. that would have covered that. i checked today to see if anybody was still selling travel insurance, because we are beginning to get some inquiries. once the strike starts, if you buy travel insurance after that point in time, even if you buy the insurance, it won't cover that strike. all she can do really is wait to the 24 hours before. >> thank you, michael. up next, a massive ongoing renovation that mark zuckerberg's mansion that won't have neighbors pressing the like button any time soon. killing them with kindness. new at 5:00, the bay area city getting rid of the welcome mat for panhandlers. plus the man who may be the luckiest person on two wheels right there. those stories and more is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. abc 7 is honoring hispanic heritage month with our post to instagr instagram. today we recognize the garza family, owner of marin county's first habitat for humanity home. they will be at the groundbreaking for a new community tomorrow at 9:30. more details are on abc 7 news bay area. >> here's a look at tonight's lineup. a new episode of dancing with the stars followed by the series premiere of forever, then abc 7 news at 11:00. visit watch for details or download the free app by searching watch abc in your app store. you will find no parking signs, hear power tools or see plenty of evidence of a building boom in one san francisco neighborhood. some folks, not happy with all the work going on at mark zuckerberg's home and other nearby houses. sergio quintana joins us with more. >> reporter: that project is the most high profile in this neighborhood right now. a local writer recently dubbed it fort zuckerberg because of all the renovations going on at that project but it's only one of nine different construction projects i counted in this neighborhood and along with all of those construction projects are a whole bunch of these signs which are causing a lot of headaches in this neighborhood. for more than a year, this house has been under constant construction. the size of the project and its duration are wearing on neighbors' nerves. >> it is a problem due to the fact that parking has always been very tight in this neighborhood. >> reporter: he owns a property nearby but didn't want to use his name. he did point out all the no parking signs to accommodate the construction crews. the supervisor scott weiner says his office is constantly fielding calls about parking in his booming district but the famous owner of this house isn't the only one raising the ire of other residents. >> mark zuckerberg is a big name so that gets focused on but this isn't about any one project. we have home projects happening throughout my district, throughout the city. >> reporter: if you take a short walk down 21st street, there is tow away sign after tow away sign after tow away sign. i counted nine different construction projects within a two block area. >> you can't park two blocks away and carry sheetrock or whatever. it's difficult anywhere in the city, if you ask me. >> reporter: robert is a contractor working on a project right next to the zuckerberg house. he says all this construction is just part of the building boom the city is experiencing. even the resident we talked to agrees. >> can you blame someone for buying a property and deciding to renovate it the way they want? >> i don't think you can blame a person. i think the reality is now san francisco has become very desirable. >> reporter: as for all the temporary tow-away signs, if there is a construction project that goes dormant for weeks, residents should report them to 311. that might get the signs removed. sergio quintana, abc 7 news. >> thank you for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm katie marzullo. i'm larry beil. abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now. the nation's top cop weighs into the debate over domestic violence. how he wants one bay area county to be a role model for putting abusers in jail. a tank containing 30,000 gallons of asphalt ruptures. hear how authorities are cleaning it up. plus a massive wildfire in northern california, containment is growing but so is the size. and -- >> it's not just a women's issue. it is an american issue. >> the plan to make paychecks worth the paper they're printed on. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. the seasons change tonight. so does the pattern this week which means when. i will let you know when, coming up. contra costa county will be in the forefront trying to curb domestic violence before it happens. good evening. i'm katie marzullo in for cheryl jennings. >> i'm larry beil in for dan ashley. attorney general eric holder announced the east bay county will be among just four in the united states selected to launch a special program designed to identify and stop potentially lethal offenders. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony joins us in concord with the story. laura? >> reporter: eric holder cited the nfl when making his announcement today but this program has been in the works for some time now. here in contra costa county, this agency stand will be among those involved specifically targeting the communities of brentwood, concord and richmond. >> domestic violence is a devastating crime that claims far too many lives. >> reporter: taking his cue from all that's gone on in the national football league in recent weeks, attorney general eric holder released a video statement announcing that contra costa county and three others in the country will receive $2.6 million for a pilot program to identify potentially lethal domestic abusers. >> studies have shown that on average, three women die every day in america at the hands of their partner or ex-partner. three women every day. from 2009 to 2012, 40% of mass shootings started with the killer targeting a girlfriend, a wife, or an ex-wife. >> reporter: the announcement comes in the wake of several high profile incidents involving nfl players, including here in the bay area. ray mcdonald continues to play for the 49ers after his arrest for domestic abuse. but others like the cardinals' jonathan dwyer and most notably, ravens running back ray rice, have been


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140922

a dramatic race against the clock to save them. dozens of people plunging into a ranging river to try and save them. and you won't believe what happens next. and good morning, america. love that story about the good samaritans. they did the right thing. we have a lot to get to this morning, including a big, live event. we're kicking off "upgrade your morning." surprising people all across america. giving them something to make their morning a little better and challenging you at home to do the same. >> we have cameron mathison out and about. he's about to make the morning drive less expensive for hundreds of commuters. our team all revved up to help him. later in the program, talk about upgrades. sofia vergara and kerry washington. that's an upgrade for us here. they'll have surprises for lucky viewers here and at home. >> lots of excitement ahead. let's get right to the growing misery overnight. breaking details on the three missing afghan soldiers. they were last seen at a mall on cape cod. authorities now tracking them down as more on that chilling new isis threat comes out. brian ross is here with the latest. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, george. the three afghan soldiers failed to show up saturday night at the cape cod base where they were training and last seen in a mall in hyannis, massachusetts. in other times, this would be of little concern. but given the heightened threat climate from isis, the search is on to find them. but this morning is the more serious threat from that brutal terror group from syria. in a flood of propaganda videos and messages overnight and over the weekend, isis put on display. the training camps u.s. authorities say thousands of foreign fighters have been turned into ruthless killers. the great concern is what these jihadists would do if, or when, they return to their home countries. in a message posted online by an isis spokesman, the most dire threat yet against the u.s. and its allies, quote, if you can kill a disbelieving american or european, especially the spiteful or filthy french or australian or canadian, or any other disbeliever, then rely upon allah and kill him in whatever manner or way, however it may be. this threat comes as isis posts new pictures of some of its british recruits and president obama heads to the u.n. to seek an international effort to stop isis travelers from traveling unimpeded to spread their war on terror, but a representative from the u. u.s. ambassador's office told abc news, stopping the threat from isis and its fighters won't happen any time soon. >> we think the strategy can succeed. and most importantly, we have the greatest military in the world. they believe that. >> how long will this take? >> think the president has said it will be over several years. >> reporter: while much they do is sheer propaganda, u.s. authorities say the threat from isis is real. the latest videos underscore the importance and the urgency of the president's mission at the u.n. >> trying to build that coalition. >> let's go back to the afghan soldiers. we're concerned because of everything going on. authorities believe they are looking for a better life? >> reporter: correct. probably enjoying the joys of hyannis, may have attracted them. the search is on to find them and see what the real answer is. now to the secret service under fire. an armed man managed to make it inside the front door, one of two frightening incidents at 1600 pennsylvania avenue over the weekend. abc's senior justice correspondent, pierre thomas, has the latest and joins us from washington. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. in a few hours, the suspect will be in court to face charges. there's still the nagging question. how did a homeless man get by the secret service and inside one of the most secure buildings on the planet? with this cell phone video shot by a surprise bystander, the breakdown in security becomes painfully clear. first this man is able to scale the white house fence, then he's on the grounds running, able to travel more than 100 yards unimpeded before he gets to the front door of the white house, even getting inside. look again. there's a secret service officer watching the suspect run. but powerless to stop him. the front door was unlocked. we now know the suspect, omar gonzalez, a homeless iraq war veteran, was carrying a 3 1/2-inch knife and was likely mentally unstable. he allegedly told the agents that arrested him, he was concerned the atmosphere was collapsing and he needed to get the information to the president. the breach which came just minutes after the president and daughters boarded marine one and sent secret service agents scrambling. now congress is demanding answers. >> how anyone could get into the white house without being stopped is inexcusable. >> reporter: critical question remain. why weren't dogs used to impede him? why couldn't agents responding from the perimeter tackle him outside? and why was the front door unlocked? law enforcement forces tell abc news the secret service was left to make a life and death december in seconds. they knew the first family had just departed. they could see the suspect was not heavily armed. the decision was made not to use lethal force. the agency has been trying to overcome recent past scandals. uninvited guests making their way to a state dinner. allegations of prostitution solicitation and drunkenness on overseas trips. this morning, the secret service is stepping up security and a comprehensive review is under way. they admit this last breach, quote, is unacceptable. george? >> could see more changes. thanks very much. now to the massive wildfire on the move in northern california. raging for ten days, destroying homes as it roars toward lake tahoe. aditi roy is on the front lines. >> reporter: this morning, the sea of flames has already scorched ten homes and 82,000 acres, is now heading towards the tahoe national forest, as experts fear it could get even worse. changing weather conditions could help contain the massive blaze as early as today. it's the latest challenge for the 5,000 firefighters, some from florida, even alaska, who told us they're already battling impossible conditions on the front lines. >> we're assessing all the buildings that are in the area. whether they burned or not. >> reporter: the inferno also endangering 21,000 structures and forcing 2800 residents to evacuate. just this weekend, organizers canceling the ironman triathlon. officials say the fire was set intentionally by this man, wayne allen huntsman now being held on $10 million bail. the blaze rapidly starting here, 60 miles east of sacramento, growing more than 128 square miles in just over a week. despite several days of rainfall. firefighters now dropping record amounts of retardant, a combination of water and fertilizer mixed with red dye. some homes now covered in pink powder. their owners fortunate to have any homes left at all. for "good morning america," aditi roy, abc news. eldorado national forest. >> our thanks to aditi. now to a health scare for hundreds of families with babies. more than 700 newborns exposed to tu berk u loss i at a texas hospital over yo weirs. the children came in contact with a hospital worker that had the disease. david wright has the latest. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, robin. those anxious parents are going to be bringing in their babies for testing starting today. their newborns potentially exposed in the hospital nursery. today, the parents will be demanding answers. parents of more than 700 newborn babies, one-quarter of the infants born here at providence memorial hospital just this year, received an alarming letter. urging them to report for a tuberculosis test as soon as possible. those infants and 40 employees may have been exposed to the contagious disease by coming in contact with a hospital employee, who tested positive for active tb. >> this is an unfortunate incident we're going to get through. we're going to help the babies, moms, and dads. >> reporter: the official said the employee tested positive for tb last month during a routine annual screening. anyone that came in close contact with them in the past year may be at risk. the employee is now on leave. >> one cannot say that, you know, 100% of all employees at any hospital will be free of any communicable disease. >> reporter: tuberculosis mostly affects the lungs, but can spread to the brain, kidney, and spine. the symptoms include a hacking cough. the bacteria, airborne. spread by coughs and sneezes. tuberculosis is highly infectious and infants are at serious risk. and infants are too young to be vaccinated. the symptoms can be dormant for months. even years. the tb test will be offered for free. hospital workers also being screened. so far, all but that one employee coming up clean. the hospital responding in a statement this morning saying, we take our obligations to our patients, employees, and the community, very seriously. robin? george? >> thank you, david. now to the other top stories. we say good morning to amy. >> good morning, everyone. the developing story out of texas this morning. word overnight that two passenger planes were forced to return to the dallas airport. both were american airlines flights making back-to-back emergency landings because of mechanical problems, including a reported problem with cabin pressure. you see the passengers here. no one was injured. the planes landed safely. one was headed to buenos aires. the other to fresno. a second passenger has died after this tour bus overturned on a highway ramp in delaware. the driver and 47 other passengers were injured. the crash still under investigation. the bus was based in new york city's chinatown and was returning from a sightseeing trip to washington. a record 300,000 people protested on the streets of new york sunday, demanding action on climate change ahead of this week's u.n. summit. they're now getting a big boost from a big name. the heiress to the rockefeller oil fortune, tell "the new york times" their nearly $1 billion charity fund will no longer invest in fossil fuels. a big sigh of relief in salt lake city. this mountain lion on the prowl, going from house to house, has finally been captured. it was still on the run 40 minutes after wildlife officers tranquilized it. the big cat is now being relocated. a scary moment on this track in colorado. two cars drag-racing when one crashes and then flips over. watch as the driver of the vintage chevy ends up sticking out of the windshield. but he somehow managed to walk away from that crash. he admits he did not anchor the seat belts properly when he restored the car. and finally, it was billed at the super bowl rematch. it lived up to the hype, even after the game was over. the broncos trying to avenge the super bowl blowout rallied against the sewhawks. taking the game into overtime. but, seattle won the coin flip and never looked back, rushing into the end zone, winning, 26-20. but the big highlight was the romance that followed. seattle's deshawn shead proposing to his girlfriend on the field in front of all of the cameras. she was very surprised but after the shock wore off, she said yes. that's good. and there were hugs for everyone on the field. you can see the celebration going on there. the happy couple later posted this beautiful picture on instagram. congratulations to them. more good news from the field. we're happy to report. >> it's nice to see that. >> a much better game than the super bowl. >> that's for sure. >> more exciting. thank you, amy. we stay with football and get the latest on the nfl's ray rice scandal. the former baltimore ravens running back appealing his indefinite suspension. and our sister network, espn, reporting rice will make his case he's using the shocking videotape that got him suspended in the first place. ryan smith on the story from the beginning. >> reporter: another chapter in the ray rice saga. espn reporting that rice is claiming the nfl didn't see the full elevator video, unedited, before suspending him indefinitely. this morning, sources tell espn that ray rice plans to appeal his indefinite suspension from the nfl in part by arguing it was based on an edited version of the now infamous tape that didn't show the whole story. tmz sports, which originally post the the video, responding on their website overnight saying all it did was remove reverse frames to make the video less jerky. a point they say they made crystal clear in their original post. >> the punch is as clear as it could be. i'm not quite sure what we could hear about editing of that that would change the nation's perception. >> reporter: rice's former team also facing new scrutiny this morning. espn's "outside the lines" reporting that the baltimore ravens had a detailed description of the elevator beating hours after it happened. and that rice's attorney told the team president that the video was horrible when he obtained it in april, but that the ravens never asked for a copy. >> it's telling about the ravens' lack of aggressiveness in trying to get the video. >> reporter: the espn report also highlighting alleged inconsistencies from roger goodell. the embattled commissioner, seen attending sunday's texas game, apologized for his handling of the ray rice and other nfl sagas on friday. >> we have seen all too much of the nfl doing wrong. >> reporter: but also claimed rice was not completely truthful about the elevator incident during his june hearing. >> when the second video came out, that was inconsistent with the information we had. it was new information. >> reporter: the baltimore ravens released a statement saying the "outside the lines" report contains numerous errors, inaccuracies, false assumptions and perhaps misunderstandings. the team is going to address the report this week, george. >> it's hard to imagine how the tape might help. meanwhile, the difference between what the commissioner is saying about the meeting, what wra rice is saying about the meeting, that's going to be key. >> that's what everything is about here. the commissioner is saying he was ambiguous. he didn't tell me everything. ray rice is saying, i did. many people think, if he told him everything, the video doesn't make a big difference because we saw the aftermath. i think that's what is going to be critical in all of this. >> thank you, ryan. now to lara. george, we have a dramatic river rescue captured on camera. an incredible scene with good samaritans racing to the rescue when they spot an suv plunging into the water. >> you can't just stand here! get down there! get down there! go! >> reporter: a dramatic race against the clock, as dozens of onlookers jump into a rough current, attempting to rescue three teens trapped inside this overturned suv. >> oh, my god, come on. >> reporter: the vehicle going airborne before crashing through a barrier, landing upsidedown in salt lake city's jordan river. >> i saw the vehicle exploded in front of me right there. just pieces and parts. and -- it's like nothing you would ever see in your entire life. >> reporter: the driver trapped underwater for five minutes, as the two teenage passengers are rescued. >> we made several attempts to get him out. but the car was too badly damaged. >> reporter: watch as these former strangers, now united in a common goal, flip over the 3,000 pound suv. >> come on, lift it. come on, get him out. lift it. they can't get it open. go through the window. look at that. look at that. oh, my god, they just lifted that car. oh, thank you, jesus. oh, my god. >> reporter: authorities say the teen driver lost control of his parents' vehicle unable to hit the brakes hard enough at a red light. after speeding down the highway around a reported 80 miles an hour. this morning, the driver is in the hospital in serious condition, while the other teens are recovering. all thanks to the kindness of a few quick-thinking strangers. >> we have three teenage boys that went to the hospital. it would have been entirely different if those people hadn't been there. >> no kidding. and one eye witness told us, a couple of kids got to live because of my actions. i feel like i'm somebody. i'll say. >> absolutely. and the adrenaline -- >> to see the strength. >> to see them all pile in like that. >> in the water and really get into it. it was awesome to watch. >> thank you, lara. now to flash flooding across new mexico, is that what's going on there, ginger? >> yeah, west texas, new mexico, over the weekend, some places in west texas, picking up more than 15 inches of rain, and this is what it looks like in carlsbad, new mexico. this morning, even more rain and nearly 80 homes evacuated right there in supports of southeastern new mexico. we'll watch this for the next 24 hours. a lot of tropical moisture still hanging around. you can see another two to three inches in the red area there in southern new mexico. also watching for strong storms in parts of nebraska and kansas. there's one more huge headline, because the fires have been so wild out there in the west. look at redding as we go through the day. and by thursday, really, the cold front coming through. cooler, and a whole lot wetter. great news as far as the west goes. good monday morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. starting off with clouds but righter and warmer. the clouds come back and the pattern continues although today is the last day of summer. chance of rain open wednesday into thursday. temperatures are 60's at the cost and 70's also where. we are 80's inland. the seven-day forecast shows temperatures holding steady through wednesday and cooler on thursday with >> it's happening. the trees are changing color. just before 10:30 eastern tonight, autumn arrives. >> too soon! love the fall. coming up on "gma," new details in the search for missing uva student hannah graham. why police think a person of interest may hold the key to her disappearance. and the latest on the hot car death of a georgia toddler. we have the results of the mother's polygraph after the toddler died. her best friend is speaking out. it's an abc "gma" exclusive. "gma investigates" the hidden dangers of free wi-fi. how public hotspots could be exposing your personal information. from credit cards to photos. what you need to know. and a high school football player who will have you believing you can accomplish anything. his inspiring speech going viral right now. >> you're going to be successful because you put in all the time -- you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. your statement. fabulous. captivating. glamorous. fun-loving. wild. mysterious. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. chico's jackets. what's your cover story? at chico's and ♪ oh, there's an energy crisis happening alright. a human one. ♪ and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. ♪ it's how we help keep go-getters like you... going... and getting. one bite at a time. try quaker warm & crunchy granola for the crunchy side of oatmeal. quaker up. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at so why do they often act so naughty? shoes should feel nice. grrr... ooh! it's time to tame the shoe with dreamwalk ultra-slim insoles... grrr... so you can wear the shoes you're in the mood for... ...without them changing your mood. dreamwalk by dr. scholl's. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. (coffee being poured into a cup.) ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. good morning, i'm kristen sze. chp officers believe a woman tried to flag down help for her stranded car when he was hit and killed on southbound 680 in walnut creek. the accident happened last night just after 11:00. authorities are not sure if the woman ran out of gas or if her car had mechanical issues. the driver who hit her is cooperating with police. the woman's name has not been released. let's see if folks are being safe in their commute. here's leyla gulen. >> hopefully so. we do have a couple of accidents, one that is causing the most headache is westbound 580 right at airway boulevard. that's where you're going to find it but we're generally going to be on the brakes, mostly congestion at this hour. a look right now at the golden gate bridge. a few extra cars making it into san francisco from the north bay. northbound traffic not too bad and we're not seeing too many slowdowns as you make it into the city. kristen. >> thanks a lot. starting to see the sun out there too. we'll talk t it's a place you've been before, but it's not on any map. so go out there, lose yourself, and find the truth. ♪ we're all born wild. ♪ let's keep it that way. the 2014 4runner. toyota. let's go places. good morning. on this monday sun starting to break out over sfo. we still have an hour 14 minute arrival delays. if you're leaving the house, it's 59 in santa rosa, low to mid-60s elsewhere. now, for the next three days temperatures will be pretty close to average, even though today is the last day of summer. can't hold my breath ♪ ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable offender ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable -- [ male announcer ] an electric city car here... makes about as much sense as a gas guzzling suv here. ♪ the quick charging, zero emission, all-electric ive. smart electric drive. just $139 a month. a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. it's an awesome feeling when you truly believe that you're goik to be successful, regardless of the situation, regardless of the scoreboard, you're going to be successful because you put in all the time, all the effort, all the hard work, you know that it's going to pay off. >> you have to love apollos hester. a high school football player in texas. that speech went viral. we'll have more coming up. >> wow. >> right here on "good morning america." >> motivate me monday lives with that young man. also ahead, our big live event, surprising people all across the country as we upgrade your morning. there's cameron. live, and you'll never guess where he is, hundreds of commuters in one american city about to get a big surprise on their morning commute. >> all right. also, new detail this is morning in the case of the georgia toddler killed after his father left him in a hot car. we have the results now from the mother's lie detector test and her best friend is peek speaking out in an abc news exclusive. and wi-fi warning. what you need to know to protect your personal information from hackers. >> you have the be careful. the latest on the missing uva student, hannah graham. more than 1,000 people searching for her over the weekend. police warn of an arrest in the case but on an unrelated charge. steve osunsami has the latest. >> reporter: this story has take an strange turn. the man police are looking for walked into the police station on his own two feet, didn't get arrested, wasn't charged, then took off ina hurry. virginia police say they have issued an arrest warrant for jesse matthew. on unrelated charges. >> i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. >> reporter: piece say matthew, seen in this facebook photo, walked into their head quarters saturday, asked for a lawyer, spoke with one, and then walked out an hour later without answering his questions. he sped away from the station at high speed and they've issued a warrant in his arrest charged with reckless driving. they say he left so fast they couldn't safely chase him. >> we're pursuing a location. once we have determined that location, provided he does not sur rendinger himself, we'll go there and arrest him. >> reporter: matthew, 32 years old is the one buying the drinks. and that graham had already drank plenty. they leave together, too, police believe in his car, which they're testing for fibers. >> we do have them together after they left the restaurant. >> this is every parent's worst nightmare. >> reporter: graham's parents are speaking out for the first time. >> she's enormously precious to us all. somebody nose what happened to hannah. we don't know who that is. but somebody knows what happened to hannah. >> reporter: more than 1200 people searched the town, including this downtown mall bemind me where she was last seen. matthew's friends and family tell us this is not something that he would do. george and rob snn. >> this is a strange one. >> it is. steve, thank you. amy with new developments of the father charged are leaving his son to die in a car on a hot day. >> good news for the wife of justin ross harris. she's stood by his side since his ray rest. in an abc news exclusive interview, her best friend is speaking out. this morning, sources tell abc news that leanna harris passed a polygraph test. >> she had nothing to do with the accident. >> reporter: she had nothing to lie about? >> she had nothing to hide. rer her best friend of 15 years, angie bond is painting a different picture of ross harris. that of a devoted family man. did he ever seen disinterested or someone who was looking to be single to live a child-free life? >> he absolutely adored cooper. he was a very hands-on father. always playing with him. >> reporter: but prosecutors allege harris who has pled not guilty, purposely left his 22-month-old son in the back of the suv outside his office for seven hours in june. while inside, he was allegedly texting lewd pictures to women not his wife. how would you describe their marriage? >> it's been rocky. but through it all, they always wanted to work through things. >> reporter: has she every expressed doubt to you or anger? >> not doubt. and not anger over the accident. >> reporter: that's pretty remarkable. >> she knows how much ross loves cooper. >> reporter: but police say harris watched these child safety videos days before cooper's death, warning of the dangers of leaving children in hot cars. >> the ross that i know is always on the computer. always searching for new things. always checking things out. if these things are true, many my opinion, it would be something that he saw and he just kind of clicked on a link or heard about it and was curious about. >> reporter: a lot of people questioned when leanna said, did you say too much, to ross after he was areszed. you say there's a very easy explanation for that. >> in my mind, she was just saying, did you run your mouth? did you talk too much? did you make yourself look guilty? he's a talker. >> reporter: what do you want people to know about leanna? >> that she loves her little boy desperately. and she misses her little boy desperately. that will never change. but she stands by her husband. >> reporter: has she prepared herself for the possibility that the state will seek the death penalty? >> yes, we have talked about that. there are some things she can't focus too much on or think too much on. when she starts, the ben is fear starts. we just kind of try to take it one day at a time. >> and leanna harris has not been charged with anything in this case. her husband is expected to be back in court later this week. we anticipate she'll be there supporting him. they're constantly in communication. >> she's supported him all along. >> yes. another check of the weather now with ginger. you don't need the calendar in some places to know that it's fall, right? >> northern great lakes starts turning. they see their peak of fall color change late september, early october. we're sieg that in some places and we're feeling it. it certainly will feel more fall-like as you're getting out the door in st. louis. nashville, 56. lexington, kentucky, 50. 53 in pittsburgh. the chill is on. we have an outlook. a probability outlook to give you an idea of the probabilities of having a warmer and dryer fall ahead. so yes, on the west coast. that will keep going. cooler and wert in the southeast. great news for them. mild and close to average. when you see above average or below average, it could mean by a degree or so. this is not set in stone. >> all that weather brought to you by weight watchers. we asked people online what their favorite part of fall coming tonight is, most people are saying pumpkin spice latte. >> or doughnuts. >> pies. >> big, comfy swerts. >> people are hungry this morning. coming up, an entire town living in fear this morning. as police race to find a cop killer in a tense manhunt. and "gma investigates" how free wi-fi hot spots could be exposing your personal information. what you need to know to protect yourself. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. that's the way i look at life. looking for something better. especially now that i live 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(it's alive... it's alive!) make your halloween come to life. twizzlerize your tricks and treats with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. and we're back at 7:41 with "gma investigates" the hazards of public wi-fi. everyone is at risk. and public wi-fi can leave your most private information wide open. mara schiavocampo with what you need to know to stay secure. ♪ >> reporter: public wi-fi hotspots. providing quick, easy internet access everywhere from parks to airports. but "gma investigates" learning that free connection may come with a hidden price. the risk of a hacker intercepting your most private information. experts say one of the biggest risks, your personal credit card and banking information. an estimated 19 million americans admit to using a public wi-fi connection for a fnl transaction, including hotspots at retail stores, coffee shops, airports, and hoe tell us. experts say public wi-fi hacking is much easier than many realize. in matter of minutes, people have already logged in to the internet using your connection. >> yes. >> reporter: "gma investigates" asked caleb huff, a hacking and intrusion expert to access a wi-fi area. >> i'm sending this rogue hotspot out there as a lure. >> reporter: he didn't peek at strangers' activities. he did see mine. what with you learn about me? >> you just went to >> reporter: that's not all. he's able to see my e-mail user name and pass word as i entered it. >> from this point,ky log into your inbox. >> reporter: and he can see everything on my computer, even personal photos. that's a private photo of my daughter. you're able to open that up in my computer. >> right. >> reporter: wi-fi alliance, a trade association tells abc news wi-fi public hot spots are capable of strong security and that there is a low risk of a problem even in open wi-fi hotspots. >> the industry is trying to provide protections. there are so many vulnerabilities. >> reporter: the best way to protect yourself, vary fie the connection is legit with the host before signing in. make sure your file-sharing settings are set to private, not to public. and don't use the same password for every site, in case it is every stolen. >> there can be wolfs in sheep clothing hiding anywhere. >> reporter: for "good morning america," mar have a schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> good advice. thank you, mara. coming up, fat breakthrough. the experts say the key to dropping extra pounds does not involve working out. we'll explain. and the high school football player's speech going viral. his inspiring words to help jump-start your morning. come on back. >> all the time, all the effort, all the hard work! 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[ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® now to the "gma" social square. we've been looking forward to sharing this with you. a video of a high school football player going viral this morning. apollos hester was fired up after the team's big win turned friday night light ts. >> first, we started slow. real slow. you know, that's all right. that's okay. sometimes in life, you're going to start slow. that's okay. we told ourselves, hey, we're going to start slow. we're going keep going fast. we're always, always going to finish fast. no matter what the score was, we're going the finish hard and fast. they had us the first half. we were undefeated. they had us. it took guts and attitude. that's all it takes to be successful is attitude. our coach told us. it's going the be tough. it's going to be hard. you're going to go out there. do it for one another. do it for yourself. do it for us. we'll go out for the win. we believed it. it's an awesome feeling. it's an awesome feeling sflp wow. that's right. >> you should come into our dressing rooms each morning and say, you can do this. >> monday. >> it's not how you start, it's how you finish. >> you rock. coming up, still this morning, harry potter star emma wats watson's strong words that are buzzing everywhere. and wait until you see the surprise sofia vergara has for a very lucky viewer. here's a great improve this tip from lowe's. when cleaning your paint brush, use binder clips to clean it as it soaks. avoid bent bristols. this will make your paint brushes last longer. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. only let you earn bonus cash back at a few places. then those categories change every few months! first coffee shops... then amusement parks. i am not amused. but the quicksilver card from capital one is going its own way. because quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you buy, everywhere you buy it. ♪ don't follow the crowd. what's in your wallet? are we cool? kara: yep. paul: cool... come on-- i know that look. kara: what look? paul: that look, that says i better get you some flowers. it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." when you get any immunization at walgreens, you'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundation's shot@life campaign. thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. this year, help give even more. it's easy at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. make sure the second hug feels just as good. huggies gentle absorb liner... ...draws more mess away than pampers swaddlers. i'll take care of you. i promise. we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and good morning, i'm eric thomas. first up, a check on the weather forecast as fall is almost upon us. here's mike. >> almost there. last day of summer 7:29 this evening the autumnal equinox. low to mid-70s in the bayshore and up 70s to low 80s inland. temperatures are pretty steady but we do have rain on the way for thursday. we have a dump truck fire in martinez, southbound side of 680 as you come up to marina vista road. you can see it is causing a bit of backup there as you make your way across the benicia bridge. the rest of the drive, pleasant hull, walnut creek 10 miles an hour is your top speed. it doesn't get better as you continue westbound on highway 24 right through lafayette. the news continues now with "good morning america." another update for you coming up in half an hour. we will see you then. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and "gma" is upgrading your morning. we're surprising viewers coast to coast all week long, starting now. so where is cameron mathison? he's about to upgrade hundreds of commuters going to work. could it be you? emma watson trending big overnight. what she said that's got twitter and facebook buzzing. could her words be a game-changer for women? belly fat breakthrough. why experts are saying forget your workout. is the key to taming your tummy really inside you? and get ready for scandalous style. kerry washington here upgrading your morning with the fashion that could have you looking like olivia. all that and sofia vergara here live, as we say -- >> good morning, america! and how is that for an instant upgrade to our morning, kerry washington right there live in times square. we're so excited for the brand-new season of "scandal." can't wait to talk to her about that. she has a very special surprise for someone out there in the audience. she's going to upgrade their morning live in just a little bit. >> she's making a lot of people very happy right now. and we've been showing you cameron mathison. he's making people happy, too, all along this morning, upgrading people's morning drive. he's getting the big upgrade for everybody this morning. what exactly are you doing? >> what a great way to start the day, to start the week. we are on, are you ready, the pennsylvania turnpike upgrading people's mornings by paying their tolls. come on through. it's official. you're allowed to come through. no cash. "good morning america" paying your toll. have great day. drive safely. >> thank you. >> keep 'em coming! whoo-hoo! hello, hello. >> what are people saying to you, cam? >> the cash is for you. here you go. here you go. have a good day. >> a little confused. >> you like that? how you doing? welcome, welcome. you can keep your cash. "good morning america" is paying your toll. we're upgrading your morning. have a great day. drive safe. >> thank you. >> all right. excellent. >> all right, cameron. we're going to check in with you later. we're encouraging people at home to find something they can do to make somebody's morning a little brighter. >> wouldn't that start you week off right right there? that would be great. >> people are sending us their photos and videos using the hashtag gmaupgrade. and lara, you're heading to "the view" this morning. >> i am. going there to celebrate my new book, "flea market fabulous." i hear rosie and i are doing crafts. we're going to create something. a budget piece of art. it will be big fun. >> at 11:00 eastern. now news from amy. >> a new threat from isis directed at westerners. if militant group releasing a new audio tape overnight calling on muslims to kill disbelievers in europe and america. and bragging about newly recruited foreign fighters. and new this morning, of the tens of thousands of refugees fleeing syria, 130,000 people have crossed the border into neighboring turkey in just the past four days. back here at home, the fbi is searching for three soldiers from afghanistan missing in massachusetts. the soldiers had been training at a military base on cape cod. they were last seen at a local shopping mall. military officials insist the soldiers are not a threat to the public. and the secret service is considering a larger buffer zone around the white house after two security scares in recent days. one man with a knife jumped the fence and was able to run in the front door. he's due if court today. now to the manhunt for the trained killer on the run accused of ambushing police in pennsylvania. some residents afraid to leave their homes. police discover new clues in the search for eric frein, who is believed to be hiding somewhere in the woods. linzie janis joins us with more. good morning, linzie. >> reporter: good morning, amy. schools in the immediate search area have decided to stay closed for another day. many parents wanting to keep their children inside. it was another night of intense police activity with officials now saying they believe they're hot on frein's trail. overnight, new evidence released on the search for eric frein. finding a rifle and two ak-47 clips in the dense forest near where he allegedly shot two state troopers, killing one of them ten days ago. >> we have strong reason to believe that we're in the right area. >> reporter: police say they have not yet seen the 31-year-old self-described survivalist. but they're following every possible lead. >> caller reporting she heard six gunshots across the street in the woods from the residence. >> reporter: roman used to perform military reenactments with frein. he says his old friend may be approaching this like a war. >> if he wants to kill more cops, he's probably waiting for them to walk into his kill box. >> reporter: police reiterating they believe he is not after civilians. >> his fight is with law enforcement. >> reporter: that's part of the reason the police lifted their shelter in place ban for thousands of residents, allowing them to move freely again, but asking them to remain extremely vigilant. amy? >> thank you linzie. finally, we have another proposal here at the end of our newscast. this one didn't go as planned. one that the bride and groom will never forget. take a lock at shane. he's popping the question to his girlfriend on a paddleboat filled with friends. he has guys on the shore holding up a sign that says will you marry me? but see, that's when it all goes downhill. with one playful tap, his girlfriend knocks the engagement ring into the water. oh, oh, no, there it goes. it set off a frantic search. they were not able to find the ring. >> no. >> oh. >> i know. but they're still together. presumably planning a more traditional engagement. so waah! >> well, if they can get through that -- >> right? >> exactly. >> oh, man. >> i thought you were going to have a happy ending, like they found it. >> sorry. wah, wah. "pop news" and weather coming up. now lair ra has "the morning menu" over in the social square. moving on. here's what's coming up. you'll never believe what one fan did after he caught one of the last balls derek jeter will ever hit. you will not believe it. come on over here, belly fat breakthrough. why exercise may not be the key to dropping the extra pounds. we'll explain that. and our cameron mathison is upgrading people's mornings, he's on the pennsylvania turnpike picking up the tolls for hundreds of commuters. get on down there if you're living in the area. we have so many prizes in store. including a beautiful surprise. kerry washington, "scandal" star, talking about the new season. upbraiding one of our viewer's lives. so much coming up on "gma" live in times square. stay with us. oh, there's an energy crisis happening, alright. a human one. and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. it's how we help keep go-getters like you, going, and getting. one bite at a time. make it with milk for a boost of protein. quaker up. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. coming up next, wake up and win. the next big prize is behibd the doors. and if you're watching, you can win. we have already given away a safari in south africa. will, you're on fire this morning. we'll reveal what one lucky viewer could be taking home. it's not will, by the way. he stays here. ♪ [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. welcome back to "good morning america." we're going to get right to "pop news." we begin with this. people, people who need barbra. thank you. we cannot get enough of that voice. i mean, barbra's voice. barbara streisand on the cusp of making history. her new album, number one on the itunes album chart right now. if it tops the billboard chart, which it's expected to do, she'll being the first artist with number one albums in six consecutive decades. extending her lead as the female artist with the most number one albums of all time. that is ten and counting. robin in a nutshell, what was it like to sit down with the one and only? >> we were talking to her about this. she likes even numbers. she was very proud of what they have done to this point. it's such a beautiful, beautiful duets album. i'm very happy for her. >> me, too. a lucky fan catches a foul ball hit by captain derek jeter who is playing, as you know, the last games of his career. you can imagine this fan's excitement. he took pictures wit. it's this priceless treasure. that's not tepid of the story. the man gives the ball to a younger fan, wanted a look, and she throws the ball back on the field. >> oh, no. >> yeah. >> much to the shock and dismay of her parents. and fellow fans. thankfully, one of the players retrieves the ball from the field, gets it back up to that now really lucky fan. lucky twice over. what a moment. and then finally, how about a little eye candy. last week we told you about the beverly hills house/mansion that jay z and beyonce were reportedly looking at. you kuld call ate sweet deal if you consider this. that is a giant candy wall. willy wonka style, cascading dispens dispense dispensers. then this, the grown-up candy wall with bottles and bottles and bottles of wine. there's a home cinema. a 16-car drauj, garage. infinity pool. all of that giving new meaning to home sweet home. >> and all that for $85 million. jiginger with a check of th weather right now. >> we had a crowd out here. i thought, monday, fall. fall is starting tonight. everybody pump snd you're from where? >> i'm from chicago. my grandma is from fayetteville. >> we'll check in on south carolina this morning. myrtle beach. the idea there for a high, 81. the skies will become stormier along the front. look at this. humid south of it. where else we'll see rain and feed it would be the pacific northwest. san francisco, san jose, some places, a quarter of an inch good monday morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. starting off with clouds but righter and warmer. the clouds come back and the pattern continues although today is the last day of summer. chance of rain open wednesday into thursday. temperatures are 60's at the cost and 70's also where. we are 80's inland. the seven-day forecast shows temperatures holding steady through wednesday and cooler on thursday with >> so when i come out here to this big party in times square, i usually say, where are you from. they said -- >> louisiana! >> robin, i thought you might like that. >> i'm sorry, what was that? that's great. time for the "heat index." it starts out with a parenting strategy from the daughter of michael bloomberg. georgina bloomberg says she likes the idea of teaching hides how to lose. she says that when her 9-month-old son jasper is ready to learn to ride, she wants him to be in judged classes rather than the starter classes where everybody wins. i get this. you get to the places where everyone gets a blue ribbon. when they get to the point where that doesn't happen anymore, everybody's in shock. >> it's important for kids to learn to lose gracefully. >> i think it's the same concept of a story on homework last week. you're not supposed to overpraise your kids. you're setting expectations that are realistic. >> it's the same principle. >> we want to hear from you, do kids need to learn how to lose? sweet us at #socialsquare. emma watson's speak getting a lot of attention. she's spreading a different message at fem niz m and gender. she called on men and boys around the world to join in the movement for gender equality. it's all part of the new he for she campaign. watson says that by involving both genders, she hopes it will put an end to the us versus them mentality. this makes such perfect sense. >> great idea. >> she got a standing ovation. people very much on board with this. >> every dad with daughters is on board. >> how sweet. >> also on the "heat index." a new piece about amy cutdy and the power pose. i got to meet here a few years ago. she made the statements with her ted talk. that speech, more than 20 million views. her research shows that assuming a confident position like the wonderwoman stance, which i will do for you. i went to her lab. she say ifs you do this, whatever you make yourself big. or if you're at your desk, you put your feet up and put the arms back, it changes the body's chemistry. the cortisol levels go down, and the testosterone levels go up. if you do this for two minutes, it gives you more confidence. the worst thing you can do is this. if you're nervous, it increases your cortisol levels, makes you more nervous, you shrink. sheryl sandberg is on board. it's cool. it's scientifically proven. >> you don't go into your boss like, i want a raise! >> you could try it, though. >> let me know if it works. that makes such great sense. wow. >> you can do it in the bathroom stall if you want. if you don't want people to see you doing it. do it in private. it works. >> yes, just to be clear, it's by yourself. >> alone. >> thank you, amy. >> sure. >> thank you, lara. up next, the surprising way to jump-start the weight loss right now without going on a diet? it all begins in your belly. the secrets are revealed in a brand-new book that's out this week. "the 21-day belly fix." >> reporter: it's the diet plan promming a slimmer waist. but it doesn't involve tiny portions or grueling workouts. this fix is all about focusing on the bacteria in your belly. >> your gut, or your belly is the command center for just about everything else that happens in the body. >> reporter: dr. tas wrote "the 21-day belly fix." she says digestive health derms everything. >> if you have the wrong mix or the wrong population living if your belly, it affects your metabolic rate. >> reporter: her plan for weight loss, fo loss, four phases over three weeks. phase one, detoxification. on the menu, apple cider vinegar and green tea to aid digestion. green juice and protein shake for energy. then more foods are gradually added back in the last three phrases. rest, rebuilding, and finally an educational phase. >> nothing else i tried was getting me any progress. >> reporter: ally says she just couldn't shake those last ten pounds. until she tried the 21-day belly fix. >> this whole plan, kind of realizes how your body reacts to certain things. what to stay away from. what i'm okay with. >> reporter: not everyone is convinced. do we know enough about what's happening in the gut to make definitive statements about how it could influence weight loss or other systems? >> i don't think we can. there's a lot of research. we don't yet know the direction it's going to take. >> reporter: but for dr. tas, the secret to slim is all about trusting your gut. >> you have to fix your belly to find your health. >> reporter: for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> joining us senior contributor dr. skren jennifer ashton. >> think about this. this is a hot area. this is the premise of the probiotic trend. we have good evidence from mice and humans that there is chronic low level inflammation produced by the bacteria in our g.i. tract that can start and promote obesity. we know that. does a diet or changing your food actually change those bacteria in the short term or the long term? we don't know. >> based on what we do know, somewhat the key to making this work. >> this diet will 100% work. it's low in carbs, fat, in the short term, it will be effective. we don't know long term whether you can actually change the dna in those trillions and trillions of bacteria that occupy our g.i. tract. >> it sounds like we're trying. like it's worth trying. should anybody not? >> pregnant women? a chronic g.i. issue. for someone who wants to initiate a kind of new page, absolutely. >> any red flags to look out for? >> i have a problem with the phase cleanse or detox. our g.i. tract does it pretty well on a daily basis. >> thank you. >> there you go. >> i thought as much. jen, thank you very much. and dr. ashton will be taking your questions on twitter throughout the morning. tweet her @drjashton. we have a fabulous upgrade waiter fing for us. who could it be? sofia vergara. how are you? >> how are you. thank you for having me. >> we're so excited about the new season of "modern family." but, we have been upgrading everybody's morning. cameron is paying tolls bep have another way to upgrade the morning. you have volunteered. we're going to pick somebody out of the audience. they're going to sit. did you see the leather chairs. great leather chairs. they're going to have breakfast. see right there. you're going to occupy one of those seats. >> i can't wait to meet her. where is she? >> we have to look outside. we have had the team scouring outside. great audience members. let's see. let's see. um, how about there in the maroon striped sweater. >> that's purple, no? yes, yes, yes. >> i think robin is actually talking to you. turn around. look. >> hi, robin! >> not just me. the upgrade. sofia. talk to her. >> hi sofia. >> what is her name? >> lupe. >> lupe, hola. >> do you want to go in? >> so lupe is going to make her way inside our studio. she'll sit in the plush leather chair. have breakfast. upgrade her morning. perfect. thank you. >> no, thank you. and then we'll talk to her about "modern family." so come on back. good morning, i'm eric thomas. of the san jose home belonging to ray mcdonald is once again the focus of san jose police. police are investigating a robbery at mcdonald's house over the weekend. the home was vacant. mcdonald was in arizona for sunday's game. officers say some personal items were taken. police also came to mcdonald's home last month and arrested him on suspicion of domestic violence against his fiancee. an update on the morning commute. >> wassy take you into the east bay, 880 northbound side at marine a boulevard, bumper to bumper traffic right into oakland. two cars over to the shoulder. as we take you into san jose, the westbound side of highway 237 as you approach 101, we do have slowing after this crash occurred so it is blocking one lane. also a little tough northbound side of 101 as you come up to moffett field. >> when we come back, meteorologist mike nicco and the bay area fall forecast. i'm a doctor of internal medicine with something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. we've got a big game over at the coliseum tonight, last week of the season. 66 at 7:05 for the angels and the a's. here's a look at sfo, still an hour 14 minute arrival delays. right now we're still in the low to mid-60s just about everywh e everywhere. a little warmer today, temperatures steady through wednes [ cheers and applause ] check it out. how is that for an upgraded monday morning? sofia vergara and lupe getting an upgrade. a member of our studio audience with an upgraded vip suite. mimosas, pastries. coffee. boy, that does look comfortable. all part of our upgrade your morning. that's not all, robin. >> lupe is making herself very much at home. you're right, george, that's not all. we're about to upgrade the morning for everyone else here in times square. >> we are. hey, everybody in times square. we want to invite all of you to head over to the coffee cart. come on, everybody. come on over. free coffee. free pastries for everybody in our audience. i'll be over here serving. george? >> we're on our way over. a lot more live upgrades coming up. including a special giveaway from "scandal" star kerry washington. coming up in a bit. now, i'm going to robin. >> what? oh, i'm over here. i'm sorry. i want free coffee and pastries, too. i was lining up. um, we have been upgrading your morning. cameron mathison has been doing it the best way possible for drivers on the pennsylvania turnpike. yeah, thank you. paying their tolls. let's check in with him at the toll booth. how is it going there, cameron? >> guess how much everybody's toll has been this morning? here on the pennsylvania turnpike. it's free. "good morning america's" taking care of it. upgrading their day. i can't tell you how much fun we're having. "gma" upgrading everybody's morning. we are upgrading your morning. come on down, who's next? hello. good morning, good morning. thank you very much. you keep the cash. because -- "good morning america" is upgrading your morning. it's on us. have a great day. drive safe, everybody. whoo-hoo! [ horn honks ] come on! good morning. we're upgrading your morning. we're taking care of the toll. have a good day. absolutely. [ horn honks ] hello. you know what? you can keep your cash. "good morning america" is taking care of the toll. we're upgrading your morning. keep the money, really. it's for real. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. have a great day. who wants their morning upgraded? i'm telling you right now, to see people's reaction, a little bit of confusion. then when it hits them, it's a great way to start the day. a great way to start the week here on the pennsylvania turnpike. upgrading people's day. paying the tolls. we're loving it. >> we are. we're loving it here in times square because we're upgrading everybody's morning with some free coffee and pastries. let's go to george inside. >> we're back with sofia vergara. she'll be back with the whole gang from "modern family" for the sixth season. here's a sneak peek. >> hi. >> snazzy new cheaters. five bucks. >> wow. >> i know, right? >> my husband is an older man. but he's not an old man. but with the track suit and now the glasses. it's like he's just stopped trying lately. comfort is not everything. my toes have been numb since my quinceanera. >> jay has to step it up? >> she's complaining. she's complaining because lately, he's been, like, too comfortable with her. >> cannot take her for granted. it's been so amazing to watch this now. heading into the sixth season. five emmys in a row for best comedy. you continue to keep it fresh so what surprises are we going to see this season? >> it's like it's been such an amazing -- trip to be part of a show like "modern family." every year is a surprise. this year to win again for the fifth time, like, we couldn't believe it. such a gift. every year we come back, you know, as the actors waiting to see what the creators, what the writers are going to have. and they keep, like, surprising us. we have shot six episodes of the new season. >>. >> reporter:? >> yeah, we started two months ago. there's been a lot of crazy things for gloria. this episode was a lot of fun for me to do because i got to dress down and, and bother jay a lot. >> i cannot wait to see it. we had a social question on this. from alicia back home. she wanted to know -- when did you know you had made it with all this? >> when i started having a fat bank account. >> that will do it. >> no, it was amazing with "modern family." it was very -- it happened very fast. like the first episode aired. the pilot aired. and immediately, you know, we -- we got recognized in the streets. i got recognized in the streets. the other actors have been already in things in american television. for me, it was a surprise. i mean, after the first episode, everywhere i went, they were like, oh, you're gloria from "modern family." i was like, like, in shock. >> it just took off. you better be careful. they're going to get you on another abc show right now. i want to show you with derek hough. there you go right there. are you ready for "dancing with the stars," too? >> i think i already danced enough that night. it's like -- i mean -- i don't know how i did that. >> well, it looks fantastic. maybe they'll get you for the finale this year. >> i thought it would be two seconds of dancing. then it was like, we couldn't stop. >> he's amazing. you have so much going on. outside of the show as well. right here, we have your new perfume in stores right now. sofia. >> i'm so proud of it. >> can i take it home for my wife? >> it's for her. i brought it for her. it's amazing. i worked really hard to get like the perfect combination of scents that i wanted. it took a year of testing, trying things. i annoyed ed o'neill and showed up and go near him without him knowing to see if he liked it or not. he would tell me like, hmm, you smell delicious today. i did it with every man i knew. i wanted known like it, too. >> you have an amazing selling point for this perfume. is it true that it actually helped bring you and your boyfriend, joe, together? >> yes. he smelled me and he couldn't help himself. that's all you need if you want joe. oh, my god, maybe i'm going to pick up all the -- i'm not going to sell anything now. >> got to keep him off the streets. >> yes. >> congratulations. we cannot wait for wednesday night. you can see the season premiere of "modern family" wednesday at 9:00. right here on abc. let's go to ginger. one more check of the weather. >> let's do that, george. my new friends from livermore, california. your names are? >> emmy. >> rhonda. >> i said, what's your secret? they said it's our 50th birthday. 50, no way. how do you do that? >> wine, it preserves you. >> let's go ahead and check the forecast. >> it works. >> another one telling me it works. we have photos to share. ashland. the colors are changing. and in siesta key, a different type of fall picture. a beach photo. so nice close to sarasota. what you're looking at here is peak foliage changes. if you're in any of those areas, you can you look for the time. middle of october is the red. yellow is early november. we have to wait a little bit here if new york city. that's the tropical moisture we're watching in the southwest today. >> is it like cabernet? no, all that weather brought to you by mercedes-benz. lara? >> hey, thanks, ginger. time to cue up the wake up and win sound. ♪ oh, yeah. it's time for the new prize give away. wake up and win every monday for the next couple of months. at some point during the show, we're revealing something you might be able to win. last week's prize, it was watching will dance in a safari costume. but also a safari trip. won by daniel and danielle from idaho. now, here's today's prize. are you ready? here we go. show it! ♪ nice. here you go, will. [ cheers and applause ] oh, i love that. will, i really liked that last move. if you would please repeat that as i tell everybody this is a new tv from sharp, 70 inches. sharp aquos. the highest resolution, full hdtv out there. you can watch every inch of will, boogie down every week. once a week. this is a smart tv. it comes packed with the most popular apps and streaming platforms. to enter for a chance to win, turning your living room into a private movie theater, click on the wake up and win logo on on yahoo!. on yahoo!. enter the code remote for your chance to win. somebody will win that this week. coming up here, we all win. kerry washington is here. calling all gladiators. "it's halloween time my and disneyland is ours!" "going down!" "boo!" with haunted mansion holiday... space mountain ghost galaxy, and wicked fun in both parks, the disneyland resort just got spookier! visit "trick or treat." right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ fans of abc's "scandal," especially the ladies, probably watch it as much for olivia's outfits as the omg moments. she did not do that. few of us have olivia's fashion budget. not to worry, though, as olivia would say, it's handled. here now with a sneak peek of the new "scandal" collection from the limited are three gladiator collaborators. star kerry washington, costume designer lynn paolo and the limited's head of design, elliott staples. we welcome all three of you. what a massive power collaboration between you, kerry, you, lynn, and the limited. to create this collection. tell us a little bit about this. why don't we start with you? >> when we get together for our fittings every episode people make fun of us because lynn and i go into a room and giggle for two hours. and come up with all the looks for the show. it's an important team process. we have grown in love with each other over the years. >> and we know, congratulations, you were working on another production as you were developing this. >> all the ups and downs as it were. when elliott came along, it's like he's been with us the whole time. he's such a fan of the show. such a gladiator himself. and so when we started collaborating, we all really were on the same page with what we want this to be how we want it to look. how we want to honor the aesthetic for the show. >> so much to choose from when you're looking at olivia pope and her style and what these women have created, how would you narrow it down and how would you define this collection? >> it was so easy. kerry and lynn's work on the character has made her so consistent and so aspirational. it was easy to come up with iconic looks for her. working with the two of them, it came together in a snap. >> as operation -- aspirational yet affordable. >> affordable. >> affordable. i love all the "a" words. >> it's true. >> it is true. how many pieces are in the collection? >> 42 pieces for fall. an additional 40 pieces in the holiday collection. opening retails will be $49 up to $298. >> the great thing about the collection, there's 42 pieces. they all work with each other. we wanted to make sure that if you buy a bunch of pieces, you can put them in the closet and come up with hundreds of looks based on each item. >> we were talking behind the scenes how hands-on you have been. you wanted to make sure you got this right. >> i'm not sure that elliott knew how obsessive lynn and i are. we talk about finding a look. and then the extra 15 minutes to where it's okay, and then it's perfect and olivia pope. we were all hands on. fedexing butness to -- buttons back and forth across the country. making sure it was exactly what it needed to be. >> it's so pope-like. let's see the looks. the first model, here we go, everybody. this is sasa and tell us about this look and will we see this on you? >> yeah. >> absolutely. kerry has already worn this on the show. we feel it's very olivia pope. the black and white. the tapered waistline and the tweed. which gives a little texture. it's already on the show. >> and the fact that it's pants. olivia wears the pants. >> she sure does. next up, aliyah. in a cape. loving the cape moments. i know lynn is a big fan of the cape. show us how to translate the cape to the real world. >> i'm obsessed with the cape. this is my favorite piece of the collection. we actually repeat it later as well. plaid is on trend. a cape is seasonless. it is beautiful. it fits so well. so chic. a way to upgrade any look immediately. i have worn capes on the show. i like this one more so far. i might have to wear that one, too. >> me, too. elliott, do you feel you're the head designer for the limited. is a limited shopper going to understand how to work that cape? are we going to be able to -- >> absolutely. the great thing about this cape, too, is it looks amazing as an outerwear piece. you can open it up and wear it as a jacket. >> we have one more look. thank you so much. a dolman sleeved wrap coat over a tulip skirt sheath dress. and -- >> you look stunning. >> absolutely gorgeous. and there's olivia pope's version in the monitor. talk to me about this look, ladies. >> the palette is classic olivia. soft neutrals and a hint of color in the mix. she doesn't wear a ton of dresses except for flashback moments. we wanted dresses in the collection for sure to round it out. the dress is an olivia-inspired version. the cocoon coat. >> i absolutely love it. i think so will someone in our audience. we've been upgrading. >> we want to show everybody the dress. >> meanwhile, i have a fish bowl. because somebody in the audience will get one of these outfits thanks to you guys. i'm going to pick a number out. i'm not looking. and we're going to upgrade someone's morning with a little bit of fashion. so, how about number 15. >> 15, 15, who are you? >> number 15, come on over the. >> where are you 15? >> 15, you're going to get your own. the limited collection inspired by "scandal." coming your way. everybody "scandal" starts this week. get more information about the line and the look. i dropped my cards. i'm so excited. gladiators unite. it's back. "scandal." kerry washington, lynn, elliott. thank you so much. tweet us, #socialsquare. we'll be right back with the star of "forever." square. we at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ welcome back. and i'm here with ioan gruffudd, taking on a new role in the new abc drama, "forever." he plays new york city's star medical examiner who just happens to be immortal. when he dies, he has a curious way of coming back to life. take a look. [ gasping ] >> since that night nearly two centuries ago, every time i die, i always return in water. and i'm always naked. lends itself to some slightly awkward situations. now you know about as much about my condition as i do. >> yeah, that will bring some applause. i have to ask, is it wrong for me to ask, how naked are you really when you're shooting all of those scenes? >> i was completely naked. shooting it. >> you were not. >> yes, i was. i was hiding everything with my hands, yes, my bare hands. >> do you feel the need to work out all the time? >> well, if your thing is pasty white, thin, british men, you're going to love our show. no, but it's, i'm no hugh jackman, let's be honest. underneath there. >> oh, i think a lot of women will like what they see. you've been alive for 200 years. you're not a vampire. not a zombie. can you explain that? >> in our show, i'm a character who has lived for 200 years. yes, i'm immortal. but he sees this as a curse rather than a blessing, because if you can imagine living for 200 years and everybody else is not immortal, people come and go in your life. people pass on. it's a bit of a tragedy. so it's an interesting dichotomy. the character lives and breathes and works in a medical examiner's office. he's surrounded by death but he can't die himself. >> that is a very interesting premise. the only one who knows your secret is judd hirsch. what is it like to work with him? >> he's amazing. if you can imagine a score of a symphony. as a young actor you play the mellody. judd can play the melody, the baseline, everything in between. he's a legend. >> we cannot wait to watch. thank you so much for stopping by, ioan. two new episodes, a special preview of the premier tonight at 10:00 p.m. and an all-new episode on tuesday at 10:00 p.m. the regular time period premier. can't wait for it. we'll be right back. a broader mix of energies, world needs to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. okay. i think we succeeded. we upgraded everybody's monday morning. it's beautiful out here. we're giving away free coffee. and lara, you're headed to "the view." >> i am. upgrading my own morning. i'll be there at 11:00 a.m. looking forward to that, george. >> have a great day, everybody. denzel washington live tomorrow morning. ashington live tomorrow morning. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. good morning. i'm kristen sze. let's check out your weather to start the week with meteorologist mike nicco. >> yeah, last day of summer, autumnal equinox this evening. dropping down to 64 tonight. upper 60s along the coast in san francisco, low to upper 70s elsewhere until you get into inland east bay with low to mid-80s. a little warmer than yesterday with a little more sunshine. temperatures hold steady through wednesday. wednesday night into thursday rain is on the bay. we have katy perry in concert in san jose, acp centering, and it starts at 6:00 p.m. -- actually the doors open at 6::00 p.m. the rest of san jose, it is a packed out there. now stay tuned for announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, star of "the blacklist," actor james spader. and from the hit series, "person of interest," jim caviezel. plus, performing her new hit, "secrets," mary lambert. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20140923

and a good tuesday morning, everyone. begin with the breaking news. president obama ramping up america's fight against isis. >> overnight, the u.s. leading a group of arab allies and launching air strikes inside syria. targeting as many as 20 locations. trying to inflict maximum damage on isis. >> we have alexander marquardt in turkey near the syrian border. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. the pentagon saying just moments ago there were 14 strikes early this morning in four general areas including the northern city of raqqah which has become isis's base of operation. among the targets were isis fighters, training compounds, headquarters and command and control facilities. now those strikes were a combination of tomahawk missiles fired from the red sea and drones as well as attack and fighter aircraft with other countries in the region. the u.s. was the only non-arab country taking part in this morning's assault. and interestingly, syria is now saying this morning that they were told yesterday that the strikes were coming. there has been no confirmation from the american side which said it would not coordinate in the fight against isis with the assad regime. >> that's what's happening now, but what do we know about future coordination from other countries? >> reporter: the u.s. has assembled a coalition with five arab countries. jordan, saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar, and the united arab emirates. they did not just take a role in terms of support. they are actively dropping bombs as well. their aircraft are in the sky. we could see this coalition enlarge to include western partners as well. we already know that france and australia are helping fight in iraq against isis. britain has said it's willing to fight against isis. none have committed to fighting inside syria just yet, but that is obviously a possibility. >> alexander marquardt on the syrian border. alex, thank you. stay safe, as usual. the u.s. military making good on president obama's pledge to attack isis wherever it exists. >> for details about what we're hearing from the administration so far, we go to washington and abc's tahman bradley. >> reporter: good morning. the pentagon decided early yesterday to go ahead with the strikes. and president obama who has been receiving regular updates last night phoned speaker of the house boehner. vice president biden has also been working the phones, reaching out to senior lawmakers. we're all but certain to hear from the president when he travels to new york today for the u.n. general assembly. we may even hear from him before he departs. these were mr. obama's orders, expanding the military campaign against the islamic state. republicans have criticized the president's strategy. some have said it's a mistake to rule out sending in u.s. combat troops. but overnight, republicans expressed support for the strikes. house homeland security chairman michael mccaul in a statement saying, "when in times of war and of peace, it's important to come together as a nation. to defeat isis, we must cut off the head of the snake which exists in syria." in the coming dae inine ining dt will meet with the leaders of iraq, israel and egypt. mr. obama insists the u.s. cannot wage this fight against isis alone. dan and reena. >> tahman bradley reporting from washington this morning. thanks so much. and count on abc news for the latest throughout the day. coming up later on "good morning america," and, of course, any time on the son-in-law of osama bin laden learns his fate today. that's in a new york city courtroom. sulaiman abu ghaith was convicted in march on charges to conspire to kill americans. in his role as a voice of those al qaeda recruitment audio/video tapes. abu ghaith testified that his role was strictly religious. he's facing a possible life sentence. the secret service is tightening security around the white house in the wake of the latest breach. omar gonzalez who hopped the fence and made it inside without being stopped was in court yesterday. documents reveal that the secret service and police tangled with him twice this summer. finding weapons and a white house map on him. last night the secret service added a small fence outside the larger permanent one apparently in an effort to deter further fence jumpers. three soldiers from afghanistan trained in cape cod disappeared after visiting a shopping mall. they are in canadian custody this morning after showing up at the rainbow border crossing near niagara falls. the three may now be seeking asylum in canada. schools in pennsylvania's pocono mountains are reopening today for the first time in nearly a week adam word that an intense manhunt may be coming to an end. police say they are closing in on eric frein. the fugitive accused of killing a state trooper and wounding another. they found an ak-47-style rifle and ammunition believed to be left behind by frein. the search has now been narrowed to an area near the home where he lived with his parents. a mid-air scare on a virgin american flight from boston to los angeles. a passenger tried to open an exit door while in the air. other passengers quickly jumped into action, including an off-duty police officer who managed to subdue him. the pilot diverted the plane to omaha where the man was taken into custody. police say the passenger was on drugs and experiencing what they describe as a mental episode. well, on the ground in florida, a 25-year-old woman has become the 11th person to die this year in a tampa area interstate in what's called a wrong way crash. police say jessica rey mahn was driving the wrong way along i-75 in the early morning hours yesterday when she struck the side of a tractor-trailer trying to avoid her. she careened into a concrete wall. the truck driver is okay. police believe alcohol may have been a factor. california fire fighters are bracing for trouble today. strong and erratic winds are in the forecast. the same conditions that caused the massive king fire to double in size just a week ago. the fire is now close to the size of the city of atlanta. nearly 3,000 people are still under evacuation orders, and that fire, just 17% contained. and in el paso, texas, a flash flood watch is in effect a day after a woman drowned after driving into a flooded drainage ditch. that area got as much as 5 inches of rain in a matter of hours and has more falling overnight. rain along the border with new mexico has caused the picos river to overflow its banks. the drought plaguing california for three years is being blamed for a massive mudslide down mt. shasta over the weekend. part of a glacier melted, and brought down a flood of mud and picked up huge boulders and locks along the way. with more rain in the forecast, that cleanup could take even longer than expected. and on this first full day of fall, northern california and the northwest get heavy rain, a help to fire fighters. severe weather around denver. those flash floods in texas and new mexico. thunderstorms from oklahoma to the dakotas. rain from the florida panhandle to the carolinas. >> 70s in the northeast and the midwest. 80sed in rockies and along the gulf. triple digits in the southwest. coming up on this tuesday morning, the number one best place to live in the entire country. >> plus breaking overnight, a huge fire at the busiest port complex in the nation. fire fighters still on the scene. and we'll update our top story, the u.s. expands its fight against isis overnight. launching attacks on targets inside syria. the very latest just ahead. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. . and welcome back on this tuesday morning. the air strikes in syria don't seem to be having an effect on the markets just yet. u.s. stock futures are only slightly lower. asian markets mixed, european mostly down, but less than 1%. the dow fell 107 points yesterday on worries about china and the price of oil. the treasury department is cracking down on companies that move overseas to dodge taxes. it's called inversions, a u.s. company is acquired by a foreign company in a country with lower taxes. jack lew wants people to think twice before considering the invegs versions and remove the incentives. money magazine looked at 800 cities with populations between 50 and 300,000. kirkland, washington, suburb of seattle. castle rock, caramel, indiana, and maple grove, minnesota. but tops, mckinny, texas, north of dallas. it has a good school system and a thriving art scene. no word on night life. budweiser is pulling on our heart strings to keep us from drinking and driving. it shows a labrador puppy and a boy growing up together. we're not going to tell you how it ends, you have to watch it to find out. thousands have. the ad has been on youtube a few days, already going viral. >> the emotional bond right there. hopefully it will -- >> for a good cause. >> make a good impact as well. >> yeah. when we come back here, a surprising new allegation against miss america. it stems from her days on campus. and baseball may be in for a big change amid attempts to speed it up. [ female announcer ] your favorite coffee-mate seasonal flavors are back. ♪ fa la la la, fa la la la and they're as delicious as ever. ♪ so add coffee-mate peppermint mocha to your favorite time of the year. coffee-mate. season's perfect mate. try new nestle toll house creamers from coffee-mate. the taste you love baked into every cup. nestle. good food. good life. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread. . fire lit up the skies over the port of los angeles last night as a dock went up in flames. it took fire fighters two hours to bring that massive blaze under control. battling from the air, land and the sea. hundreds of workers were evacuated, and boats moved to a safe location. fortunately there were no injuries, and port operations should be normal today. morning road conditions, a wet commute in the northwest. route 10 in new mexico and texas, trouble, rainy in the dead center of the country. and trouble on the roads from the florida panhandle to the carolinas. airport delays possible in denver because of severe storms and lightning. recapping the top story, america has entered the next stage in the fight against i.s.i.s. >> launching air strikes inside syria, hitting as many as 20 locations. president obama is set to address the united nations tomorrow, hoping to build a broader coalition. much more coming up later this morning on "good morning america." the search for university of virginia student hannah graham has led police back to the apartment of a person of interest. >> they scoured jesse matthew's home for a second time now. he was the last person seen with the 18-year-old. he showed up at a police station, but sped off before they could question him. and hundreds of families worried this morning after babies came in contact with a hospital worker who tested positive for tuberculosis. >> reporter: sebastian martinez is a month shy of his first birthday. he was born in el paso, texas, last october, where his mom and dad found out he may have been exposed to tu beer cue low sis. >> it's scary. >> reporter: they are learning that a hospital employee tested positive for the contagious disease. >> it's a female nurse in the nursery. >> reporter: the employee, now on leave, tested positive for active tb last month during a routine annual screen. >> one cannot say that 100% of all employees at any hospital will be free of any communicable disease, that is not possible. >> reporter: tuberculosis mostly affects the lung, but spreads to the spine. it's spread through coughs and sneezes. more than 40 hospital employees may also have been exposed to tb. the symptoms can be dormant for months, even years. a rapid fox terrorized a connecticut neighborhood. it attacked a 7-year-old boy. it latched on to the second grader. his teacher wrestled the animal away and trapped it under a recycling bin. but she and another teacher were bit as well. earlier, that fox attacked two others in nearby homes. the victims have been treated for rainies. a bear killed a college student. the victim and four friends were hiking in a forest preserve when they noticed a bear following them. they split up and ran. about two hours later, they found that victim's body. the bear still guarding it. the police later shot and killed that animal. well, the new miss america isn't perfect. pageant officials say she was kicked out of her college sorty. won't say why, only she has been completely transparent about the incident. but the gossip site says that she was hazing pledges at hofstra university. and major league baseball answering complaints that the games are a little too slow. >> so a committee will look to make it shorter and faster paced. bud selig says it's great just the way it is. but they are looking for ways to improve the game. it's been running longer in recent jeyears. and steve bishot tee says he should have asked to see it. but denying the team knew how bad it was. the ravens are accused of a cover up. it's part of the campaign to get rice reinstated in the nfl. as for the nfl on the field, week three is done, and the nfc central is no friend of the new york jets. >> an explanation from baseball from the guys at espn. >> he's stan, i'm neil, i'm sweaty right now. >> football, you do baseball. >> all right. >> jay cutler and company. 2-1, but so are the jets. and a couple touchdowns, bears up 24-13. and cutler all fired up. later in the third, geno smith, looking for david nelson, finds kyle fuller instea. and fuller with his third interception in two games. third quarter, last chance for the jets. eight-point game. one possession, a touchdown and a two-point conversion, they can tie it. but out of the end zone. bears win it 27-19. >> you know where i'm going after the show? >> where? >> tommy louisiaasordlasorda's . hang on for me. brandon crawford, puig. oh. there is no running on route 66. brandon belt out at home. top 13, two on, two out, and andrew susac, the rookie out of michigan state. the giants get three in the ining and win it 5-2. >> all right, so have a race. not done yet. >> the birthday party is going to be smoking. >> smoking huh? >> yes. up next in the pulse, a leisurely ride in russia. not for long. >> really. and lamp shades dancing. have some fun showing what is possible with drones. stick around. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of what i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. time now for the tuesday pulse. we start with another harrowing incident on the roads of russia. this guy going viral as the world's luckiest cyclist. >> there he is, slowing pulling into that intersection, a truck approaching. and then bomb. the red car roars in, hits the truck, falls on its side. the cyclist appears unhurt, gets up and walks away. >> it's like a choreography there. that brings to mind this classic from last month. motorcycle hits the back of a sedan and flips on to the top of it. right? we think he's okay as well. >> and one more. >> yeah. >> a tractor-trailer swerving across the road, getting hit by an oncoming truck. the driver being ejected out of the front windshield and walking away like nothing happened. pretty incredible. >> i don't know if i'm ever going to drive in russia. >> you're right, walk. take the subway. do they have a subway? >> i think that might be the safest. exactly. while we're dealing with the crashes. a shoutout to none other than mike tyson. >> tyson? >> yeah. >> that's him in las vegas last week where he stopped to help a motorcyclist who had been knocked over. the injured motorcyclist took that picture. >> so the guy says tyson was yelling at people telling people not to touch him. then when help arrived, tyson disappeared, quote, like a super hero. so he sent the former champ a fruit basket as one would do. and a nice thank you note. >> good manners. >> very nice. >> and nice diction as well. nicely done. >> there you go. go for the selfie when in doubt. >> iron mike the proof right there. finally, we know there's plenty of controversy when it comes to drones. but here's what they can do when used by truly talented people. >> this video put out by the folks at cirque du soleil. those flying lamp shades, they're actually quadcopter drones. >> they're what? >> yeah. >> the guy conducts them like an orchestra, even though they seem to mischiefously bypass him at one point. then a knock, the drones settled down and go back to normal. it's neat. >> i'm always just fascinated. are your fingers never going to get caught in the blades of the propeller? not to be a debbie downer, but you have to think safety first. for some of you, your local news is next. >> for everyone else, we'll be back. >> for everyone else, we'll be back. you, your local news is next. >> for the rest of you, we'll be back. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. 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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140923

hazing, claims she was kicked out of her college sorority for verbally and physically abusing pledges. she's here this morning telling her side of the story. and good morning, america. let's get right to the breaking news. the first american air strikes in syria. a new front in a long war. missiles fired from warships dropped by air. most targeting the isis stronghold of raqqa. but also a new terror group inside syria called khorasan. we have breaking details on how that active plot targeting america was stopped. >> surprising developments. and our first, our news. our abc news security team up all night tracking this story. and let's start with martha raddatz who is in washington. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is a major escalation in the fight. it may not have been shock and awe, but the wave of air strikes that hit syria last night was the biggest we have seen in a single day since the u.s. began attacking isis in early august. we did not do it alone and not just attacking isis. the strikes were launched from the air and the sea. missiles and precision-guided bombs from u.s. stealth bombers, stealth fighters, and armed drones pummelling 22 targets in syria with 47 tomahawk missiles fired from navy warships in the persian gulf and red sea. >> very different from what we've been doing in iraq. this is almost like a desert storm. where we went in with lots of fire power, everything the united states has, all our best gear is going into this fight. because we have to treat it like a very high-threat environment. >> reporter: 14 of the targets were aimed at isis headquarters, supply depots, command and control centers, and finance centers. stretching from the isis stronghold of raqqa where the americans and british hostage were executed and across the east to the iraq border. but eight additional al qaeda targets were hit to disrupt what the u.s. called an imminent attack against the united states and western interests by the khorasan group. war planes from five largely sunni nations, jordan, saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar and the united arab emirates helped with the attacks against isis. >> this is the first time we have had this much participation from sunni arab nations dropping bombing on other sunnis. it's quite remarkable. >> reporter: the u.s. has been flying surveillance missions, picking out the targets for the unique coalition of partners to attack isis. it was not a mission without risk. syria has sophisticated anti-aircraft systems. but it is unlikely the assad regime would want to fire on the u.s. or arab countries since assad, too, would like to get rid of isis. and we learned this morning the syrian regime was notified of the attacks, which would have been to help deconflict those aircraft and send a warning to syria not to strike. george? >> and more from jon karl. we know the president met last week with the generals. when did he give the final green light to strike? >> white house officials aren't saying when it precisely was. but their they're saying he made the decision to do this way back on september 10th when he addressed the nation. and when he visited with his generals down in tampa, he went through the specifics and the details of the plan carried out last night. and then throughout the night, i'm told, the president was kept informed of the progress of the air strikes. but in terms of when he precisely gave that green light, white house officials aren't saying. >> we heard many times from the white house there would be no coordination with the government of syria. but there does appear to have as martha said, some notification of the syrian government. >> yes, they're also being squishy about when and how it was transpired. the syrians claimed that secretary of state john kerry sent a letter. white house officials deny that, saying there was no direct notification coming from the secretary of state. but they did notify them through a third party, i'm told. and the important detail here is they did not coordinate with the syrians. didn't give them any details. it was simply a notification that the air strikes were about to start. >> thank you, jon. and joined now by the pentagon spokesman, admiral john kirby. admiral kirby, thank you so much for joining us this morning. was this mission a success? >> yes, we believe it was, george. we're still assessing the effectiveness of the strikes that took place over several hours last night, as you know. but all indications are that we were successful at hitting what we were aiming at. >> what did you take out? >> well, we took out command and control facilities, depots, training areas, some vehicles and trucks, that kind of thing. mainly we were going after this group's ability to sustain itself, to resource itself, and to frankly command and control and lead their forces. >> were there americans on the ground in syria assisting with these strikes? >> there were no americans on the ground in syria during these strikes. >> we have had several weeks of strikes in iraq, but isis is still hanging tough there. how long should americans expect the strikes to continue? >> they're going to continue for quite some time. it's hard to put an end date on it. but the guidance from the a commander in chief is pretty clear. we're going to take the offense to isil inside iraq. you will continue to see as yesterday, more air strikes inside iraq in support of iraqi security forces. >> and separate strikes against another al qaeda affiliate. in another part of syria. khorasan. what can you tell us about that? >> khorasan is an offshoot of al nusra, an al qaeda affiliate. we had very good indications that this group, which is a very dangerous group, was plotting and planning imminent attacks against western targets to include the u.s. homeland. it was on that basis that we struck those targets inside syria. >> let me press on that. you knew of a possible attack against the united states homeland? >> we knew there was active plotting going on for an attack on the u.s. homeland. i won't be able to go into much more detail than that, but we were aware of it. >> but do you believe that that threat was eliminated? >> we believe that the individuals that were plotting and planning have been eliminated. and we will continue to assess the effectiveness of our strikes going through today. >> admiral kirby, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> big headline, plotters taken out. >> really takes your breath away, thinking about that. but as you and the admiral just mentioned, the other threat, the terror group that many believe is a bigger threat to the u.s. abc's brian ross is here. he has many more details on that. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, robin. khorasan is a shadow we group of 50 sfigtefighters that the u.s. admiral kirby said, considers far more dangerous than isis. officials believe they are using a facility in syria near aleppo to attack american aviation using a new generation of undetectable explosives. the u.s. alone carried out those eight air strikes against that group, including training camps, explosives, ammunitions, and communications facility, and command and control facilities. the group my grated under the command of a wanted terror leader with a $7 million u.s. bounty named muhsin al fadhli. >> you said undetectable explosives, what more can you tell us? >> reporter: they were in the final stages of putting them in toothpaste tubes or clothing dipped in liquid explosives that could explode on an airplane and not be detected. unlike isis, this group tried to keep their existence and hideout secret. news agencies, including abc news, were diskounched frcourag reporting on this in the last few days for fear of showing them how much information that the u.s. had about them. >> but it's reassuring how much information the u.s. did have on this group? >> yes. absolutely, inside the operation. and amy with the other stories. >> we begin with more breaking news from the middle east. word that israel shot down a syrian fighter jet. we're braking into programming right now. the president about to speak on the air strikes in syria overnight. let's pause so the rest of the country can join us. >> announcer: this san abc news special report. attack on isis. now reporting, george stephanopoulos. >> and for those of you just joining us, president obama about to address america's first air strikes in syria. launched overnight. the u.s. pummel over 20 targets. and another terror group, an al qaeda cell called khorasan. officials tell us they were actively planning a plot on u.s. soil. the planners were killed. >> george, you can expect the president to underscore the huge significance of the fact that five arab allies took part in air strikes overnight. the white house is saying proves it is not matter of the united states being at war with isis. but isis being at war with the world. and most importantly, the arab world. the timing is extraordinary. the president leaves immediately after he speaks today to go to new york to the meeting of the united nations general assembly. he'll be pressing hard for a resolution of the security council to force people to crack don on foreign firgts moving from country to country. >> there was information given to syria before the strikes. the ambassador to the u.n. telling her counterpart. the united states officials stress there was no coordination with the government of syria here. the united states has been very much opposed to assad's regime. here's the president. >> good morning, everybody. last night on my orders, america's armed forces began strikes against isil targets in syria. today, the american people give thanks for the extraordinary service of our men and women. in uniform, including the pilots who flew these missions with the courage and professionalism that we have come to expect from the finest military that the world's ever known. earlier this month, i outlined our strategy to confront the threat posed by the terrorist group isil. as part of the campaign, i made clear the united states would take action against targets in iraq and syria. so the terrorists cannot find safe haven anywhere. i said america would act as part of a broad coalition. we have been joined by saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, jordan, bahrain, and qatar. america is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with these nations on the behalf of our common security. this is not america's fight alone. above all, the people and governments in the middle east are rejecting isil and standing up for the peace and security that the people of the region and the world deserve. meanwhile, we will move forward with our plan supported by bipartisan majorities in congress to ramp up our effort to train and equip the syrian opposition, who are the best counterweight to isil and the assad regime. over 40 nations have offered to help in this effort to confront this terrorist threat. to train and equip iraqi and syrian opposition fighters. to cut off isil's fitnenancing. to counter its hateful ideology and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region. last night, we took steps to stop plotting by seasoned al qaeda operatives in syria known as the chorasan group. it must be clear to anyone who would plot against america and try to do americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists that threaten our people. i'm pleased that there is bipartisan support for the actions weir taking. america is always stronger when we stand united. the unity sends a message to the world that we'll do what is necessary to defend our country. over the next several days, i'll have the opportunity to meet with the prime minister of iraq and with friends at the united nations to continue to deal with the threat to obvious peace and security. the overall effort will take time. there will be challenges ahead. but we're going to do what's necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group. for the security of the country and the region and for the entire world. thanks, god bless our troops. god bless america. >> are americans in danger living in the united states? >> the president will leave the white house now, come to new york, for a meeting at the clinton global initiative this afternoon. the united nations general assembly. i want to go to martha raddatz. martha, the president saying the united states will do what it takes. it will take some time. u.s. officials do believe that the strikes last night were a success. >> they believe they were successful. 22 air strikes. we don't know how many missiles or bombs were involved in that. there were about 50 tomahawk missiles. how many the bombers released is unknown at this time. it was a significant strike to the swath of territory in syria. and they do believe, again, that it was successful. not only against the isis targets but the khorasan targets as well, the al qaeda-affiliated cell. >> the president saying that was a group plotting against the united states. the plotters were eliminated. martha, thank you very much. we'll return to leg lar programming. much of the country, that is "good morning america." you can get the latest on and on "world news" with david muir later tonight. >> announcer: this has been a special report from abc news. >> and this morning, new information about who police think is behind some of the troubles. >> there were two rival groups of mainly chinese men and women who were trying to one-up each other up to their place in line. it escalated. and the fight became quite large. >> reporter: investigators say it's part of a scheme to buy phones here in the u.s. and sell them for five, even ten times as much on the black market this china, where they have yet to go on sale. vendors on the streets of beijing reportedly selling an iphone 6 for $1034, seven times what it costs here. an iphone 6 plus even pricier at over $2,400. one even reportedly going for $3,250. >> the united states saying many times they would not coordinate with the government of syria. there was some notice to syria and u.s. officials tell us that the syrian fwochlt did not interfere with the american air strikes at all. >> that's right. u.s. officials defensive about this. they say they were not asking for permission from the syrians. they were telling the assad regime, really warning them not to interfere with this operation, giving that notification. they were not asking permission. not coordinating. they didn't give details about where the strikes would be. it was a notification by way of a warning transmitted, george, by the u.n. rep -- the u.s. r representative at the u.n. >> the president going to the united nations. the u.s. saying they don't need u.n. authorization for these strikes. >> to robin. more flash flooding across new mexico and other areas. >> yes, el paso, texas. 5 to 15 inches of rain. another half foot or so falling. one person at least has died in the floods. and look at the pictures. from carlsbad, new mexico, it's not just water. but mud and debris. a lot of damaged homes in that area. this is the water vapor satellite, the moist air ahead of the trough. here's the brown, the drier air that's going to filter in, already happening. that's why phoenix to 102. some showers left today, but by tomorrow, much drier in those areas. i'll give you a look at the west coast, too. where much-needed rain is coming in. as far south as san francisco. good for the fires. your local weather forecast in just 30 seconds. >> hello, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. the first day of autumn is like the last day of summer: warm and sunshine. light rain on wednesday night through the thursday commute and brighter and warmer weekend on the way. today, 70's at the coast around the bay and up to 80 in napa and san jose and mid-to-upper 80's inland east bay neighborhood. seven-day forecast shows the coolest day will be thursday with the rain. have a great >> lara, lara, give it to me. give me that -- >> i was just playing with it. >> we got it now. >> oh -- >> hey, at least everybody knows it's not me if something bad comes out. it's ginger. >> you're going to have to fight her for that. >> never to be seen or heard from again, ginger zee. coming up here on "gma," new details on the search for the missing uva student, hannah graham. new evidence taken from the home of the man last seen with her. and the prominent cancer doctor accused of poisoning her lover, his secret recordings in court. plus, the hero gym teacher who risked her own safety to protect students from a rabid animal on the loose. >> oh, my. and the five simple things you can do starting this morning to dramatically decrease your risk of a heart attack. it's tebow tuesday. the big "gma" upgrade event. tim getting ready to make one town's morning. big "gma" upgrade event. wow! thanks! join dd perks 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[ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and good morning, i'm kristen sze. many of you just saw president obama speak about the overnight american and arab air strikes against isis in syria. he said the strikes showed this is not america's fight alone. it illustrates other nations are standing up to isis. five arab nations, including saudi arabia and jordan, participated in the air strikes. the president reaffirmed that america will not tolerate a safe haven for terrorists. let's check out your morning commute with leyla gulen in the traffic center. >> hey there, kristen. it looks like traffic is moving into san francisco just fine despite the fact we have the folsom street portion closed. i want to take you to san jose where we have a couple of problems, the first is a motorcycle accident northbound 280 and then the southbound side of 880 at stevens creek boulevard, another accident there blocking one lane. we are looking at backups. very heavy traffic throughout san jose. >> thank you so much. we'll check out your good morning good morning. angels and a's again. 67 to 65 so pretty much the same weath weather. 49 in santa rosa and napa, the rest of us in the 50s and 60s. microclimates during the overnight hours for this first day of just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at ♪ look at alfonso go. there he is with witney on the dance floor last night, dazzling on "dancing with the stars." he is turning into the one to beat this season. he's got it all so far. and we're going to hear about it later this morning. last week's finalist, last seasons, i should say, flying to new york from the ballroom, candace cameron bure. she came to talk all about it. >> very good, but does not top the leaderboard. we'll find out. and new details in the search for missing uva student hannah graham, searching the home of a person of interest for the second time. and allegations this morning facing miss america of hazing. reportedly kicked out of her sorority for verbally and physically abusing pledges. she is speaking out here. it's an abc news exclusive. and the new study suggesting five simple changes that could dramatically reduce the risk of a heart attack. what you can do starting right now. >> dr. richard besser will be here to talk about that. and somewhere in america, we are ready to upgrade your morning. check out the children in the gym. they had no idea that tim tebow, look at him, just outside the door, about to pull off our huge, live upgrade event part of our all-week long extravaganza, where we challenge all of you to go the extra mile. share with us how you're upgrating someone's morning using the hashtag gmaupgrade. >> they have a lot of energy for 7:00 in the morning. that's all coming up. but begin with the latest on the missing uva student hannah graham. police now searching the home of a possible suspect for the second time on monday. jesse matthew is wanted on an unrelated charge. and steve osunsami has the story. >> reporter: this morning the search is on for this 32-year-old nursing assistant, seen with hannah graham just minutes before the university of virginia student went missing. do you have any idea where he is right now? >> no, i wish i did. i really wish i did. >> reporter: here's his want poster that police are putting out. jesse matthew. he's not charged and not a suspect. the warrant for his arrest is for alleged reckless driving after he showed up ready to talk about the missing student. but police say he talked with a lawyer instead and then sped away dangerously when he realized they were following him out the station. >> we to want talk to jesse matthew. we want to talk about his interaction with this sweet young girl that we can't find. >> reporter: we also saw people with a moving van taking things out of his apartment. then come police with another search warrant. here they are taking away clothing, but they wouldn't say whose. there were shirts taken from the house. >> there were articles of clothing. i specifically don't know what they were. >> reporter: after appearing together in a handful of surveillance videos shot after 1:00 a.m., police say matthew and graham walked into this restaurant and bar together. and believe they left together in matthew's car, seized friday. police are now testing it for fibers, hoping the results come back today. for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, charlottesville, virginia. >> and our thanks to steve. now to the bombshell trial of a cancer doctor accused of poisoning her lover and zsh her former lover and a doctor with an ingredient found in anti-freeze. they got the hear from her for the first time. >> reporter: she's been stone-faced and silent throughout the trial. but the jury hears the voice of dr. ana gonzalez for the first time yesterday. >> i'm not a crazy person. we were friends, i feel pretty betrayed. >> reporter: the intimate phone calls secretly taped by her former lover, dr. george blumenschein. >> george. >> reporter: just months after his coffee was allegedly spikes with a chemical found in anti-freeze. dr. gonzalez was the leading suspect then and is now charged with aggravated assault. but in the tapes, she is trying to convince his long-time girlfriend is the one who poisoned him. >> why in christ would i ever hurt you? why? >> why would evette hurt me? >> i don't know. i don't know you two. i would've run away a long time ago, but it's different. i mean, you just seem to know things better. you seem to know her better. you trust her. >> reporter: the jury also hearing from the third person in this twisted love triangle monday, evett toney. tearfully recounting how she miscarried while her long-term boyfriend was carrying on an affair with gonzalez. >> he said i'm not attracted to her whatsoever. she's simply my work colleague. >> reporter: and the doctor was on the stand again monday. >> it's hard reliving this, i almost died. >> reporter: he believes that dr. gonzalez poisoned him because he picked his girlfriend over her. >> she had a colombian coffee for me to try. >> reporter: if she's convicted, she could spend the rest of her life in prison. for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, houston. >> we'll wait and see what happens. time for the weather again. you did come back. when last we saw you, you were running out. >> i came back and i gave it back. >> thank you. >> you could upgrade my morning by just giving it over. #gmaupgrade. let's talk about fall. happy autumn, everybody. first full day of fall. the equinox last night. and this is new hampshire, my favorite part, looking over the trees, the leaves changing colors. it's nice and happening in the northern great lakes too. and feels like it, some of the numbers, 40s in detroit and cincinnati. michigan, 51, minneapolis, 51. the cooler air pouring down. saranac lake, 41, and boston in the low 50s. that's not going to last forever. we'll be peaking back up to what feels like summer. look at new york city. 65 on thursday to 80 on saturday. the warmth filtering in for washington, d.c., kansas city, will get a taste of summer briefly. it's not going to last long. >> all that a weather brought to you by again, #gmaupgradeginger's morning, michael. >> you just extended that hashtag, didn't you? thank you. coming up, a hero gym teacher helped save a second grader attacked by a rabid animal. also ahead the five simple changes you can make now to reduce your risk of a heart attack. and, the brand-new miss america under fire for allegations of hazing in her college sorority. she's speaking out in an abc news exclusive. she's speaking out in an abc news exclusive. how do commercials work? you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. oh, there's an energy crisis happening, alright. a human one. and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. it's how we help keep go-getters like you, going, and getting. one bite at a time. make it with milk for a boost of protein. quaker up. i've been claritin clear for 8 days. at the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days! 14 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® we're back now at 7:40 with a wild scene at a connecticut elementary school where a fox running on to the playground. he attacked a second grader and a hero gym teacher came to the rescue. taking on the fox with her bare hands. reena ninan has the story. >> i think there's a rabid fox in our yard. i was bit by one. >> reporter: listen to the dramatic 911 calls. >> a fox? >> i think, yes. >> reporter: a connecticut community shaken, a rabid fox running through town on monday. >> i think the child was bit by a fox. we don't know the details. the other nurse ran outside. >> reporter: the fox racing to the playground at the elementary school, attacking a second grade boy and two others outside. >> the fox came out and just bit my leg. i was thinking that miss danielli would help me. >> reporter: phys ed teacher alyssa ripping the fox off of 7-year-old evan, then getting attacked by the fox herself. >> it was trying to gnaw at his wrists and at his ankles. i had to pin the fox down to get it away from my students to keep my students safe. >> reporter: she was teaching class outside when she noticed a fox sneak around out of the woods and grab her student. immediately springing into action, wrapping a neck brace around its mouth to prevent it from biting and trapping it under a recycling bin. >> thank you for saving my life. >> reporter: authorities believe the same fox attacked danielle bacco earlier that day. >> almost came in the house. >> reporter: all the victims have been treated for rabies and are expected to make a full recovery. a positive prognosis thanks to a p.e. teacher turned hero. >> i don't see it as heroic. i just wanted to keep my students safe. i do that every day. >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> it was heroic. >> you don't take on a rabid fox every day. >> pinning it down with a recycling bin. >> whatever it takes, good job. coming up, alfonso and witney, a big night on "dancing with the stars." but are they the favorites to win it all? and two medical headlines. a new study linking iron deficiency in pregnant moms to autism. and the five steps you can take to reduce your ricsk of a heart attack. and coming up on open mike. the musician making a big name for himself. the video going viral. he's here live to perform for us on "gma." trips. 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how sweet is that? here he is, let's meet 6-year-old jordan bijan and his father, daniel bijan. come on in, you two. ♪ >> yeah! >> let's go! >> all right. >> yeah. >> there you go. great job, jordan. hay, daniel, how you doing, daniel? >> good. >> how long has jordan been playing instruments? >> just seven months. >> he started on the basic drums. i showed him a few chords on the piano. and he's just been obsessed and picking up everything that i throw at him. >> you have been learning yourself. who's your favorite artist, by the way? who is your favorite musician? >> michael jackson. >> michael jackson. >> good choice. >> well, i like it. can you dance like michael jackson? >> yes. >> you can do the moon walk? >> yes. >> okay. i like it. he says yes to everything. he's good. he's very good. he's only 6 years old, been playing for seven months. you spliced the videos. what gave you the idea to put them together and put them online? >> he originally did a rap video. how to write a rap song in 30 seconds. we had this quick idea. i came up with the lyrics and he had the music and he improvised. that went viral. he was like, dad, when are we going to do the next video? and he's just been obsessed. he's been watching michael jackson videos, wants to be just like him. and doesn't to want stop. >> you're off to a good start. do you want to sing for us? can you sing for us? i'm going to step back. >> coldplay! >> i'm going to let you sing whatever you would like to sing. ♪ la bamba ♪ la bamba ♪ oh de poca de gracia ♪ arriba arriba >> yes, that was awesome. jordan bijan, everybody. now coming up, the five simple changes you with make right now to dramatically reduce your risk of a heart attack. amy, what do you have for us? get the "gma" live event rolling in a moment. cameron was in a toll booth yesterday surprising thousands of people paying their tolls. and tim tebow, going to give a room full of kids the surprise of their lives. and we'll be right back. >> you're going home with me. their lives. and we'll be right back. >> you're going home with me. al. ♪ fa la la la, fa la la la and they're as delicious as ever. ♪ so add coffee-mate peppermint mocha to your favorite time of the year. coffee-mate. season's perfect mate. try new nestle toll house creamers from coffee-mate. the taste you love baked into every cup. nestle. good food. good life. the taste you love baked into every cup. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work please choose one oh, based on the cover.that. here we go! whoa... no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but trust me. are you kidding me? at university of phoenix, we think you should be able to try before you buy. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period. so you can commit to your education with confidence. get started at iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. good morning, i'm eric thomas. let's get right to today's weather, the first day of autumn. >> good morning, everybody. thank you, eric. here's a look at our weather window from the east bay hills. it's partly cloudy to mostly cloudy down in the south bay and along the coast but we'll be sunny this afternoon. a few high clouds. 70s everywhere except for north bay. the south bay we'll get some 80s. accuweather seven-day forecast, still going to be coolest thursday with that rain in the morning. >> we're going to be starting off with a look at the bay bridge as you come away -- as you push toward treasure island. this is a look from our emeryville camera and it looks like traffic is moving as it normally does. we do have a closure at folsom street. here's a look at this drive along the westbound side of 80 at pinole valley road. there is a dump truck on fire and heavy backups. the news continues now with can't hold my breath ♪ ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable offender ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable -- [ male announcer ] an electric city car here... makes about as much sense as a gas guzzling suv here. ♪ the quick charging, zero emission, all-electric ive. smart electric drive. just $139 a month. ive. smart electric drive. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and it's tebow tuesday. and from times square to america's highways, tim is taking over an entire town. it's the tebow-sized surprise that you have to see to believe. where in the country is he right now? is tebow outside your door? abc news exclusive, miss america under fire, facing hazing allegations and claims she was kicked out of her college sorority. now she's here with her side of the story. ♪ i'm glad you came and kerry's back and dishing on "scandal." what will she say about the question every superfan wants answered? where in the world is olivia pope? ♪ i got a feeling all that and alfonso and witney dominated "dancing." former contender candace cameron bure was there live, flying all night to join us here as we say >> i'm here with my buddies at station 31, good morning, america. and that is a nice crowd out in times square. but the question is, where is tim tebow? we know he's part of our live "gma upgrade" event this morning. about to upgrade for all the folks inside that school. we'll tell you where in just a minute. tim, tell us what's going to happen? >> reporter: well, this has been an awesome week of "gma" upgrades. and we're superexcited. there are a bunch of kids going crazy right inside these doors. and we are excited to give them the surprise of their life. >> and you're the one to do that, tim tebow. that is just ahead. we are looking forward to that. and we want you to join in. all week long, our extravaganza, where we're challenging all of you to go that extra mile. do that little something extra and share how you're upgrading someone else's morning. using our hashtag gmaupgrade. we want to hear from you and see what you're doing. >> who doesn't love tim tebow? great guy. great guy. and also coming up, an abc news exclusive, miss america under fire right now. a new report claims she was kicked out of her sorority for what's being called exceptionally harsh hazing. she is going to join us live this morning. >> she is going to get into that. and then you're not going to want to miss this. our george making a cameo on the hit abc show "marvels agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.," take a look. >> let's see. oh! >> you said you have s.h.i.e.l.d. personnel and weaponry locked there, can you say the agents and hydra have been defeated? >> the corrupt institution has been dismantled. yes. we cut down the tree. we pulled up the roots. let's just say i'll rest easier when we throw it all on the bonnfire. >> so you didn't get them all? >> i think i just did that interview an hour ago. >> i was wondering who you were talking to. love that show. see it tonight. >> yeah. guys, be sure to tune in. the season premiere of "marvel's agents of s.h.i.e.l.d." tonight, 9:00 eastern, abc, george, share with us how you got into character. >> it was a real stretch there. how about we get to some real news now from amy. >> good morning, george. we grin with the breaking news. president obama confirming the u.s. military, joined by five arab nations, has launched the first air strikes against isis militants in syria. the president emphasizing that with arab support, america is not alone in this fight. >> once again, it must be clear to anyone who would plot against america and try to do americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists that threaten our people. the u.s. also launched air strikes in western sere yarks targeting a terror group that u.s. officials now fear even more than isis. it's called the khorazan group, it includes al qaeda veterans. the group was plotting imnant attacks using explosives in tooth paste tubes and woven into the fabric of clothing. a second fence is going up around the white house following the security breach over the weekend. a congressional hearing could be held as early as next week on how this man, armed with a knife, was able to jump the fence and run in the front door. he reportedly had 800 rounds of ammunition in his vehicle and was arrested back in july with a map that had a line drawn to the white house. "the washington post" says the secret service has known for 20 years that the white house fence was vulnerable to jumpers. and have been hampered by staffing shortages and high turnover among officers. well, in medical news, a new study linked iron deficiency in pregnant mothers to autism. saying women who do not get enough iron through food or supplements are five times more likely to have a child with the disorder. the research was conducted by the university of california. and another big medical headline, researchers have identified five steps men can take to dramatically reduce their risk for a heart attack. here's what they are. a healthy body weight is key. so is physical activity. moderate drinking. no smoking. and a healthy diet. researchers claim these simple changes could prevent up to 80% of heart attacks in men. and finally, there's nothing like breaking through that giant banner to get a football team all revved up. the fans all excited for the first big game of the season. but sometimes things don't go quite so smoothly for these little guys. the final sign was way too strong for their 50-pound physiques. look what happened, crashing down like dominoes. the oversized helmets didn't help their balance there. it's ironic considering the name of their hometown, wallkill, new york. they killed that wall, just in a different way than they were expecting to. they tumbled over it instead of through it. >> how about the banner? >> pull it tighter. help them out there. >> made for a cute video. >> it did. "pop news" and weather coming up. let's go to lara in the "social square." >> i could relate to that, george. but let's get to the morning menu. here's what's coming up on it, everybody. in "pop news," superstar surprise, taylor swift shocks fans in a wonderful way, they can't shake it off. plus "scandal" star kerry washington is here live. she is spilling secrets with robin on the new season. gladiators, listen up. and big night on the dance floor, alfonso, witney, are they the favorites to win it all? we have last season's finalist, candace cameron bure to break it down for us live in times square. hi, everybody. choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious. introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at ♪ wonder if i gave an oreo ♪ what if i gave an oreo to you? ♪ coming u coming up, we are just moments away from our huge live "gma" upgrade event. tim tebow with a big surprise. he's about to upgrade kids' mornings in this school. they have no idea he is there. tim, we cannot wait to see the reaction. >> reporter: i can't wait either. i'm super-pumped. they're pumped. they have no idea what's about to happen. but it's going to be an awesome "gma upgrade." these kids are going to love it. >> all right, we'll be right back. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. your statement. fabulous. glamorous. fun-loving. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. what's your cover story? at chico's and oh, there's an energy crisis happening, alright. a human one. and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. it's how we help keep go-getters like you, going, and getting. one bite at a time. make it with milk for a boost of protein. quaker up. hey, everybody, 8:12, welcome back. right into "pop news" this morning. begin with the surprise of a lifetime for a group of taylor swift superfans. the "shake if off" singer herself inviting the lucky bunch to a secret listening party at chez swift, her own house in los angeles. the event lasted five hours. these fans got to enjoy taylor swift's brand-new album, "1989." they ate taylor's homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, she made herself, and they danced with the pop star. one fan said they had zero idea what was in store when they got the invite for this gathering. >> when you said chez swift, i thought it was some new restaurant i needed to write down. >> much cooler than that. >> she does things like this all the time we don't know about. we have no idea. she is so kind. >> the only reason we know is from her fans posting those. really cool. she wanted to get a little idea of how that album is doing. i would say it's all right. also, the humble paper airplane, the tried and true pots and pans, could soon be acknowledged as the legends that they are. if you are a parent of very small children, you know what i'm talking about. they do come in handy. they are on the list to be inducted into the national toy hall of fame. other 2014 contenders range from timeless little green army men to cult favorites like "operation." and bubbles. and american girl dolls, already on the list, my little pony, and teenage mutant ninja turtles. hess trucks, rubik's cubes, also on the list. a national committee of history, toy, and education experts all weigh in. and they choose two from that group. >> there's a good one, slip and slide. loving that. >> slip and slide is going to be a contender in my book. if i get a vote, going with the slide. >> i like "operation." >> i know, i do love "operation". ♪ operation >> good stuff. discuss amongst yourselves what they should pick. while they do that -- i would like to share with you a video we thought was adorable. this dog really wants to share his master's food, doesn't want his master to know. so watch. oh, i want it, but don't look. i really -- i want -- i want -- oh. i'm going to pretend i don't see it. i want it -- >> that's a cruel master there, come on. >> i want it, no -- just one more time. i want it -- busted. and everybody, that's just a little smile on this tuesday in "pop news." >> big smile. >> bigger smile if he got the treat in the end. >> he doesn't. >> wow. >> no, he does, he does, he does. "heat index" coming up. but ginger has a check of the weather first. and right out here, the class of 1976 from the philippines. came to celebrate in new york city. we're celebrating a nice start. but storms on the way for orlando. already in the low 70s, but the skies fill up. by this afternoon and evening, chances for showers and storms explode along the front in the southeast. and the low along the coast >> hello, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. the first day of autumn is like the last day of summer: warm and sunshine. light rain on wednesday night through the thursday commute and brighter and warmer weekend on the way. today, 70's at the coast around the bay and up to 80 in napa and san jose and mid-to-upper 80's inland east bay neighborhood. seven-day forecast shows the coolest day will be thursday with the rain. have a great [ cheers and applause ] >> so this is exciting. i thought, what are you celebrating? and they said we are the -- >> queens. >> just the queens, robin. >> that's enough. that's enough, ginger, thanks. and now to the new allegations against the new miss america, fighting charges she was kicked out of her sorority for abusive hazing. she is here exclusively to tell her side of the story to lara. but first abc's mara schiavocampo has the story. >> miss new york! >> reporter: newly crowned kira kazantsev wowed the judges with the happiest of performances. ♪ clap along if you feel like that's what you want to do ♪ >> reporter: her platform, domestic violence. but this morning she is the one facing allegations of abuse. miss america and her sorority alpha phi admitting monday that kira kazantsev had been kicked out of her sorority at hofstra university for exceptionally harsh hazing. the website jezebel reporting she and another sorority sister were forced to leave the alpha phi sorority in april 2013. it was alleged that under kira's supervision pledges were called names and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion. >> hey, i'm walking here. i'm walking here. >> reporter: the miss america organization saying kira has been fully transparent with the miss america organization about her termination from the alpha phi sorority. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> and we're joined now exclusively by miss america 2015, kira kazantsev. good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> we have heard the allegations of hazing at hofstra university. in your experience, what happened? >> first of all, these allegations are not true. i'm incredibly hurt that someone has said these things. under the broad definition of hazing, yes, i was involved with some of those activities while i was at hofstra. i came in as an impressionable freshman. everybody wants to be a part of something. and at the time, unfortunately, that was just the culture of the university. and i was hazed. and i was kind of brought up through the organization thinking that was appropriate behavior. when clearly, i'm two years removed there the organization today. and i understand that that's not true. >> what did it include? >> it included something like you would stand in a line and basically recite information. or a few sleepless nights crafting. things that -- that were like menial tasks. and you were told that if you could learn the information and participate in the traditional things, then you would be a member of the sorority. >> why did your sorority, alpha phi, decide to have you leave in april of 2013 after an investigation? >> i was asked by a new member educator when i was a senior to reach out to the alumni base to have an event of sorts. and in the e-mail, i basically made a joke and that was taken out of context and forwarded to the national office. >> what was the joke that you made in that e-mail? >> that we would make the evening scary for the pledges. when that event never came to fruition. none of those things that i have been accused of ever happened or were ever intended to happen. >> so of the accusations, which are the most inflammatory? which ones do you absolutely 100% know never happened? >> all i can do is sit here and be honest and share that, yes, i was involved under the broad definition of hazing at some point. but never, ever in a million years what this is claiming to hold. >> will you make hazing part of your platform now? will you include that in your anti-female violence campaign? >> well, i think now that, obviously, this is all -- this is all out in the open. and i think it's very important for me to address it. i'm going to take this negative and turn it into a positive. >> one last question. i know my 9-year-old watched with wide eyes. what would you say to young girls who look up to you as miss america? what would you say to them about this? >> i would tell them it's okay to make mistakes. that's life. >> all right, thank you so much. thank you for addressing it. >> thank you for having me. >> all right, lara. i know you have to come over here in just a moment. but it was a great night on the dance floor. we are joined by none other than candace cameron bure, finished third last year. with her great partner, mark ballas. thank you, you traveled all night long to be here. >> i know. >> but you were there in the dance room, on the dance floor. so what did you think last night about the dances? >> i didn't want to miss it. it was so much fun. it's such a great season. wonderful people. i think it was a girls' night last night. i thought the women rocked it. >> and mark ballas, of course, you can't be totally objective, that's your guy. >> for sure. >> but with sadie, what did you think about their dance? >> she's just so adorable. those dimples. she just shines out there. i thought they had a great dance. i don't know that the judges loved the country, but she did a fantastic job. >> you said it was women's night, but what about alfonso? i mean -- >> well, i mean, alfonso is is the exception. i was put -- i will bet that he's going to take it all. he's such a great performer no matter what he does, he makes it look so cool. >> and an entertainer, he just plays to the crowd like that. >> yeah. >> and you were posting photos on instagram. want to take a look at them. give us the inside scoop. what was going on behind the scenes? >> you know, it's just such a fun atmosphere. especially when this early in the game, because everybody is still there. i got to talk to betsey johnson for awhile last night. and she had the most amazing night. she said she truly felt beautiful for the first time in her life. which is so surprising. she did look beautiful, and she was just in tears over just how proud she was. and i was so proud of her. she was one of my favorites last night. she had the wardrobe malfunction last monday. and then she just came out this week and was so elegant and graceful. i loved seeing her like that. >> so if you think she had a good night, who do you think is in jeopardy? >> unfortunately, i think it might be michael. i think he was at the bottom of the leaderboard. he has such a joyful personality, so the fans could pull him through. he's so -- [ laughter ] >> he's having a good time with it. he is. candace, thank you for your insight in everything. really do appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> now you can get some rest. tune in tonight for the "dancing with the stars" results show. 8:00 p.m. eastern. and tomorrow morning, the couple asked to exit the dance floor will join us here live tomorrow morning. right now, upgrade your morning. all week long, going across the country to make your day better. our cameron mathison surprised drivers in pennsylvania. remember this yesterday, paying their tolls. and this morning, tim tebow is ready to surprise some lucky people. let's reveal where he is. he's in his hometown of jacksonville, florida. and he has been busy delivering some very special upgrades to folks there. see for yourself. >> reporter: what's up, everyone? we're at fire station 31 in jacksonville, florida. and we're ready to give these guys an upgrade they'll never forget. come on with me. let's go say hey to some heroes. good to see you, man. these guys help thousands of people every year. now it's time we help them. y'all serve the people of jacksonville every single day, but you're also people that don't get thank yous a lot. we want to say thank you and upgrade your morning. we actually have whitney, a celebrity chef. she won "master chef." she's cooking for y'all right now. >> buttermilk helps to tenderize the chicken. >> reporter: tenderizing the chicken. what's up, man? your hair looks just like mine. >> chicken, you can put it on your biscuit. sweet corn grits and barbecue shrimp. >> reporter: just another part of the upgrade is a 65-inch samsung tv. my man kevin from samsung was nice enough to bring it over. so can we give kevin a hand? >> pretty sweet. >> reporter: but there's no resting for these fearless heros. >> oh. >> we'll be back. >> reporter: always ready to spring into action, we were there when duty called. fire call. let's go. >> go, go. >> reporter: so what's happening right now? >> going on a chest pain call right now. >> reporter: this is real heros heading to go save someone. do your thing. so they just ran into the house. it's amazing. even when we're trying to hang out and give them a good time, they have to go. they have to rescue and serve. but we were just getting started. we're outside of kimberly howard's house. a single mom with three kids, unemployed. this is a woman that's an inspiration. let's go upgrade her morning. hi. >> oh! oh, my god. oh, my, god bless you. you are so handsome. >> reporter: just heard so many amazing things about you. >> oh, why thank you. >> reporter: absolutely. what a great mom and inspiration you have been. >> thank you. >> reporter: so we wanted to come by and say thank you for everything. we got a whole bunch of groceries for you. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: we know that your kids like playing at dave and buster's, so a gift certificate there. >> yes. >> reporter: and a bunch of toys from dave & buster's. and you love going to movies, these are gift certificates to go to a bunch of movies. >> yes, sir. >> reporter: so you might wand to hold on to that. and this is for publix. hold on to that. >> y'all made me feel so special. >> well, you are. >> because you just really made me fool good. this is truly a blessing. thanks for the upgrade, "good morning america." >> you are more than welcome. and, tim, we all agree, you so handsome. you are, tim tebow. i know you love being there in your hometown. and you have something else in store for us in a little bit, tim? >> reporter: well, these "gma" upgrades, they have been amazing. being at the fire station with true heros that very rarely get thanked. to be able to be part of that was amazing. and to be with the howard family was an inspiration to me. and we have the best coming up in about five minutes. we are at timberland creek elementary. and they are superpumped. they have no idea what's going to happen. >> we'll show it. ll show it. good morning, i'm eric thomas. president obama says the overnight air strikes against isis in syria proves the fight against terrorists is not america's alone. the president made a statement before leaving for new york and a meeting with the u.n. general assembly. five arab nations, including saudi arabia and jordan, took part in the air strikes. the president reaffirmed that america will not top rate a safe haven for terrorists. let's get an update on the tuesday morning commute. here's leyla gulen. >> as we take a look, this is your exit coming off the bay bridge. that's the fremont and folsom street exit, but you can see foal slsom street is blacked ou because it is under construction until march, 2015. but the good news is you can see how free flowing traffic is. not seeing any backups whatsoever. just your usual 21 drive away from the maze. when we come back, it's the first day of autumn. we'll get start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. good morning. if you listen really intently, you can hear it. there it is right there, angels and a's and the giants and dodgers down in l.a. 67 degrees. cooling only to 65 between 7:30 and 9:30. here's your weather window, still partly cloudy conditions out there and temperatures today in the 70s and 80s in most neighborhoods, so a nice day for some warm weather this first day of ♪ starships were meant to fly now look who's at the twitter mirror this morning. there is kerry washington with candace cameron bure. "scandal" is going start this week. blockbuster drama, and robin's going to talk to kerry about that in just a minute. >> we want to know where she is. we have no idea. when last we saw olivia pope, she was on the plane. and maybe we'll get her to dish. >> help me, jake, president, president, jake? can you help? >> i don't know. >> get some answers out of her. >> and denzel is here to tell us about his brand-new thriller. we cannot wait to talk to denzel washington. >> it's some movie. >> it is something. and the first look at the all-new version of the hugely popular video game, "disney infinity." it features all the characters from your kids' favorite disney movies. and now some superheroes are joining the mix, george. right now, tim tebow, taking over his hometown, jacksonville, florida, all morning long, upgrading their morning. let's see him bring special surprises to hundreds of people right this second. tim, take it away. >> reporter: this has been an awesome week so far. and we're ready for the big surprise. america, come with us while we make some kids superhappy. let's do this. what's up, timberlake creek elementary? [ cheering ] what's up, guys? how we doing? are you excited? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! >> reporter: i can't hear you. are you excited? [ cheers and applause ] okay. shh, shh. thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you, everybody. what's up, buddy? how are you doing? it is -- it is such an honor for me to be here with you today. shh. shh. let's use our inside voices. it is such an honor for me to be here with you today. and on behalf of "gma" we have some awesome upgrades for you this morning. are you excited? >> all: yeah! >> all right. shh. shh. all right, guys, shhh. guess what? when we finish, we have an awesome breakfast from edgewood bakery. and it will be delicious. and guess what? your teachers might let you eat some dessert. but the surprises aren't just for you students. we have some awesome surprises for you teachers because we know how hard it is sometimes and how stressful it can be. so massage envy, come on out. we have some massages from massage envy. but you're also getting gift certificates to massage envy for any time you'd like. shh. hey, guys. shh. and for all you students, all of you also get sports -- sports authority $25 gift certificates that you can use for anything that you want. [ cheers and applause ] principal stefan. principal, thank you so much for what you do for helping the next generation of americans. we appreciate it. you love being at this school. you make such a difference. >> thank you. >> tell us, what is the big surprise for these kids? >> no homework! [ cheers ] >> reporter: awesome. thank you. how about that, guys? >> surprise for the kids in jacksonville. thank you, tim tebow. let's go inside to robin. >> george, thank you. i think the best upgrade, no homework. i think that tops the list so far. well, two days to go until tv's hottest political drama, "scandal," gets going again. for gladiators, we last saw olivia pope on a plane. we didn't know where she was going. quit her job. quit the white house. quit fitz. or has she? we are so excited to have kerry washington back with us again. >> hi. i'm going to stay here. i love it here, love you guys. love waking up with america. >> and our audience loves you. when you walked out, they went absolutely nuts in seeing you. but you have so much that's going on. last night, your officially launched the clothing line you talked to us about. >> that's right. the "scandal" collection for the limited. now everyone can go and dress up as olivia pope, go home and watch the show as olivia pope. it's meta. >> i think these women out there. they'll be doing that soon. let's get down to it. >> okay. >> you're on a plane when last we saw you. you have to give us something before the premier. >> oh, gosh. see? see how it is? you guys are our true gladiators. >> yes. >> i can tell you you will know where the plane is going. you will -- in the very first episode, you will find out. honestly, you love to watch because you love the shock and surprise. and i don't want to make it less fun for you. >> so we will know where the destination -- >> yes. >> that will be revealed. >> i heard you call me k-dub. trying to get signals out of me. the old nicknames. trying to soften me up. >> that's what they call you on the set. i had fun hanging out. there were a lot of betrayals last season. >> there were. >> shonda rhimes says there's a lot of changes because of the betrayals. >> that's right. we got to sort of see the unraveling of olivia pope. the breakdown based on her parents being around. a lot of us go back to our adolescent selves when our parents are around. we got to see part of her past. she's trying to be somebody new. she's trying to press the reset button. >> how much are you allowed to know? >> nothing. episode to episode. i know more than you because we're shooting episode five. but that's all i know. i have no idea where the season's going to end. i have no idea what the full arc of it is going to be. i'm on this wild ride as much as anybody else. >> how much have you been enjoying? when i talked to you last week, had so much fun -- >> thank you for coming out, we loved having you. >> and it was great hanging out with shonda. and you alerted me, and we read "the new york times" article. took everybody aback, people who know her so well, when she was referred to in this article as an angry black woman. and a lot of people weighed in, you work with her every day, what did you think of the article? >> i think it's so important to focus, to not give the piece too much attention and to really focus on the fact that she is extraordinarily creative, and brilliant, and compassionate. she's doing something historic. this thursday night of television belongs to shondaland. it's so fantastic. i feel so honored. to be a part of it. i'm excited for "how to get away with murder" at 10:00. i'm really excited for everybody else to see it. i have seen the first episode, it's unbelievably good. and to see "grey's" at 8:00. i'm thrilled. it's a fun thursday night in america these days. >> you're changing #tgit. >> that's right, thank god it's thursday. >> how excited are you about it? i mean, you know how the public is. what is it like around the studio? >> there was so much gratitude. we feel grateful to be part of something so special. when you love what you do, never work a day in your life. it doesn't feel like work because you're with family and doing what you love. for us to do that and do it with such talent, with an amazing team captain. shonda rhimes is a blessing, she is. >> courageous. that's the word that people use over and over. thank you. >> can you. >> k-dub. and i thank you. didn't bob iger challenge olivia pope in the ice bucket challenge? >> no, it was olivia pope, a bunch of the disney superheroes. and olivia pope was one of them. >> you explained that very well there. hey, kerry, sincerely. you have been so generous of your time with us and we appreciate it. and season four of "scandal" premiers thursday night. etc. -- its new time. >> 9:00. >> that's right, 8:00 central right here on abc. and "gma" went behind the scenes on shonda rimess' other hit shows. and you can see that on on yahoo!. and now a final check of the weather. good morning, everybody. you know you work at "gma" and you walk in and this is what greets you. seriously, i walked in, like, whoa, hello. good morning, friends. you're all from -- >> kansas. >> that's not where we're going to start. we're starting with twitter photos out of the southwest. the flash flooding and the really rough weather down there. some good news. some areas needed it. you get a shot of a rainbow out of a storm cloud. and some of the lakes and basins filling up that have been dr home. and all that weather is brought to you by h and r block. amy, a lot of friends here. >> explain that right now. it's a very exciting morning here in times square. we're surrounded by some of your favorite characters in the disney and marvel universes. two worlds about to become one, thanks to "disney infinity," the top-selling game that's about to greet some mighty new characters. take a look. ♪ this morning, the launch of a game-changing marvel. 16 heroes from comic books, movies and tv are for the first time joining disney characters in an interactive toy video game called "disney infinity: marvel superheroes." >> players can take some of their most favorite characters, create their own adventures. customize their own worlds. >> you're going to need a game console. a playstation 4, xbox one or wiiu. >> reporter: the new game box for sale includes software and a new base to plug into your console. plus three superhero figurines. >> take one of the collectible figures, and they appear inside of the game when you put them on the base. >> reporter: these discs have different virtual environments, including, check this out, "good morning america." i can already see my kids planning this already. so much fun. and i'm here with jonathan, one of the creative brains behind "disney infinity." john is going to show us how to combine this disney game with marvel. i'm going to switch out mickey right here for -- >> iron man. >> that's the one. and as easy as that. >> as easy as that. and we're inside of the "good morning america" toy box right now that players can download starting today totally for free. >> wow. that's the ironman i just put on? >> yes, absolutely. >> this is incredible in terms of the graphics. i love it. >> thank so much. our team at avalanche software in salt lake city worked their butts off to make this amazing. >> look at ironman, flying through times square. and "gma," your favorite super heros join the characters you love, and you can download it to play in times square. it's available starting right now. thanks so much. >> thank you. and coming up, we have two-time oscar winner denzel washington here with us live. so stay with us. oscar-winner denzel washington is back in "the equalizer." he's an all-too-human hero on -- drawing on a dark past to defeat some bad guys. take a look. >> the men i killed, your men. i gave them a chance. they made their decision. i'm giving you the opportunity to make yours. done some bad things in my life. i promised someone that i loved very much that i would never go back to being that person. but for you, i'm going to make an exception. >> and denzel is here right now. and what we just saw right there, that's the dark mccall, in that scene. >> yeah, he was in denial about his past. didn't to want go back to it. but circumstances dictate that he -- that he must. >> he's such a complicated character. when he's not being kind of a superhero, he's living this ordinary life alone, insomniac, a lot of ocd. >> a lot of ocd, yeah, yeah. >> what was that about? >> you know, the script gave me certain clues. he kept checking his watch all the time. so that made me think about obsessive behavior. i did research and decided, okay, this is what he's got. opening and closing doors. >> same tea bag. >> seam tea bag, folds the napkin a certain way. you know, just like we do at home. >> he's a killer when he wants to be. this is a throwback to the show in the '80s, "the equalizer." >> i didn't watch it either. >> no? not at all? >> no, no. >> weren't you curious? >> when i decided to do the movie, i didn't to want see it. i didn't want to pick up any -- i wanted my ideas to be original. if i tried something and saw it on the show, might not do it. >> you worked with one of our best young actresses, chloe grace moretz. mark online wanted to know, what was the experience like? what's special about her? >> she's a talented and wise young lady. very professional and just a very good actor. >> and you work with one of your favorite directors. you have worked together before. >> yeah. >> now you're working on "magnificent seven"? >> next year. so it will be out in a couple of years. a western. >> you have a lot of range. anything else you want to do that you haven't done? >> i have to start riding horses next week. that'll be fun. >> thank you for coming in. today, "the equalizer" is exciting. a lot going on there. it opens this friday, september 26th. and coming up, bethenny franke [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to "good morning america." so happy to have our friend bethenny frankel here. a little chilly outside on this fall morning, the first full day of fall, i believe. >> yes. >> feeling like it. not only a successful businesswoman in so many ways, now a successful author. wanted to share her first children's book, "cookie meets peanut." it's about a diva dog that must learn to share her human mommy with a brand-new baby in the house. this hits close to home, you said. >> i once met a woman who said when she had a baby, the dog became a dog. your dog is your baby. then you have a baby, and your dog has to kind of take second position. it's such a relatable dynamic. and you worry about it. bringing a baby home from the hospital. how they're going to get along. they kind of turn into snoopy and woodstock. >> they do. it's adorable. tell me, you have written fitness books, health books and kids book. why? >> i write about what inspires me. my dog had been in my life for 14 years. she's a complicated canine. and then my little girl came around and i was really concerned. cookie rules the roost. ellen once say, they don't get along. it would be hard if i had to give away my daughter. because cookie is the main -- >> so now here we are, brin is how old? >> 4. >> 4 years old, how is cookie handling it? >> they get along really well. the dynamic actually reversed. initially, cookie didn't want anything to do with brynne. and now, it's a beautiful friendship. there's a lot for parents too. a lot of tongue in cheek jokes in the background. >> it's naughty, funny, cool. >> parents have to want to read it. >> the illustrations are so pretty. >> thank you. >> like you, they're fresh and fun. >> scrappy. >> i think it's a great -- scrappy is a good word for it. i heard we were going to get a guest appearance from cookie today, she's too much of a diva? >> you guys wouldn't pay her enough. she didn't get handlers. she's complicated. she's a diva dog. she's in the limo driving around. i'm hoping to get a ride. >> unbelievable. before you leave us, tell me what's next in the bethenny frankel empire? >> i'm talking about tv projects. and writing books. the skinny girl products. the non-alcoholic beverages, the chips, the dips. >> this is the reason that we won "shark tank," everybody. my girl. a force to be reckoned with. >> you're amazing. >> no, you are amazing. finding time to write this, i understand, on your iphone. >> i write all my books on -- it used to be my blackberry, now it's the iphone. congratulations on your book. >> thank you. a lot of book love. it's "cookie meets peanut," it's in bookstores today. it is a great story. so do check that out. we love you. >> thank you. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. up here, guys. >> we have a correction. no, you tied in the "shark tank" with somebody. you did not win, you tied. >> robin is correct. i tied. >> thank you so much. it was our math that was bad. >> i'm glad we cleared that up, you are both winners in our book. tomorrow, the losing couple on "dancing with the stars." they're going to be here live. see you then. you'll connect withnte, your doctor any time, ♪ anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ good morning, i'm eric thomas. first up, a traffic update. here's leyla gulen. >> as we take you into the san ramon valley in san ramon, there's a sig alert in effect. just one lane gets you by in the northbound direction at bollinger canyon right after a cement barrel emptied onto the roadway. we had lanes blocked off on the southbound side. all lanes have reopened there but just one lane remains open on the northbound side. right off the bay bridge looks nice and clear into san francisco. solid win last night for both teams against l.a. our home team, the a's are going to be around 67 degrees at 7:05, dropping down to 65. let's take a quick look at that accuweather seven-day forecast. the rain comes in wednesday announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael"! day, from "scandal," kerry washington. plus bill o'riley. and your questions comments when the hosts open up the inbox. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20141104

officers but at this point, they say they don't expect to charge anyone else. in the meantime, harrington apologized to his family, to other police officers and to the victim. with his attorney at his side, former chp officer sean harrington surrendered at the contra costa county main jail in martinez, charged with two felonies. the 35-year-old harrington is charged with stealing semi-nude photos from the cell phone of the woman he had arrested. >> this is a horrendous invasion of privacy but also, because he's a law enforcement officer, it really undermines the public trust in the criminal justice system. this whole thing only works because the public trusts us. >> reporter: after checking into jail in a suit and tie, harrington promptly bailed out and made his first court appearance a couple hours later, with his wife at his side. >> his wife was sitting there, she's supporting him? >> yes, his wife was sitting there and she supports him. >> reporter: his attorney asked the judge to postpone formal arraignment for a couple of weeks and told reporters his client does not dispute the charges against him. why would an officer want to throw away his career over that? >> that's a good question, what was he thinking. probably the honest answer is he wasn't thinking. he used the word game and i have said this before and i will say it again as his lawyer. this is no game. >> reporter: harrington will be back in court november 14th. if convicted he faces several years in prison. in martinez, laura anthony, abc 7 news. san francisco police say they have arrested one of three suspects in a string of blessing scam robberies targeting elderly chinese victims. u.s. customs officers detained a 61-year-old chinese national as she was trying to leave the u.s. to go back to china. investigators say the woman ran the scam at least twice in san francisco, once in los angeles and once in new york city. a south bay animal rescue group is offering a cash reward hoping to find the person who shot a blue heron with an air rifle. the wounded bird was found last week huddled in the corner in someone's backyard. x-rays show pellets from an air rifle lodged in the bird's chest. the nonprofit wildlife emergency services says it's raised more than $5,000 for information leading to an arrest. the heron is being cared for at the international bird rescue in fairfield. in san francisco today, firefighters trained to respond to an ebola outbreak for the first time. they set up a fake quarantine zone at fire station number 7 in the mission district, staged drill involved a person posing as a patient with symptoms of ebola. firefighters learned how to secure scene and protect a patient based on guidelines from the centers for disease control and prevention. >> we have to go ahead and look at this as an emerging disease, obviously. it's had contact in the united states. san francisco is a city that is obviously well traveled. the chances of having an exposure up here are definitely on the rise. >> the department believes it will be ready if ebola comes to the bay area. it may purchase new equipment including new haz/mat suits. firefighters will continue to train hoping to improve communication and speed. it is the final hours of campaigning before tomorrow's election. >> the stakes are very high in the south bay where a high profile campaign for the 17th congressional district could be determined by undecided voters. the incumbent congressman mike honda is in a battle with his opponent. >> abc 7 news reporter david louie is live in san jose at the board of elections. david? >> reporter: as you can see, the voting is already under way here in santa clara county. walk-ups as well as drivers coming by can turn in their absentee ballots. the big concern for tomorrow is voter turnout. voter turnout could be a major factor that determines whether seven term incumbent mike honda keeps his seat. polls by both candidates indicate there is a substantial number of voters who are undecided, ranging from one fourth to one third of those surveyed. volunteers and the candidates themselves have been spending these final days of the campaign on the phones and canvassing neighborhoods to get enough voters who support them. i asked both how low voter turnout might impact the results. >> there is a real excitement among our voters, young folks who are excited, folks who want to bring change. so i think our folks are going to go to the polls. we are seeing people excited to vote. and i'm confident that we are going to have the folks out there to win. >> reporter: honda believes efforts to boost turnout will be beneficial to the outcome. >> we have made about 500,000 contacts through phones, knocking on doors and walking precincts as we did yesterday. so my expectation is that we will get our votes out. >> reporter: incumbents often benefit from name recognition but because of redistricting, some voters in fremont and milpedas have never seen his name on a ballot before. conna's name is also new to them. both candidates are asian americans in a district that has the largest percentage of asian americans outside of hawaii. >> i think the jury's really out on this race. we've had conflicting poll results and the honda campaign had a poll showing he was ahead and his opponent had a poll showing that it was pretty close. so a lot of it will come down to voter turnout. >> reporter: david louie, abc 7 news. they are expecting a good turnout in san francisco. the department of elections expects about 60% of voters to cast a ballot. they already reached 21% turnout just from mail-in ballots. election officials expect that figure to double by tomorrow. that's because most voters prefer to turn in their ballots at their polling place on election day. election workers are already busy checking ballots with voting errors. >> people write in the names of candidates who are listed or printed on the ballot and then they mark the arrow as well. so it creates what's called an overvote. that gets kicked out. >> voting machines also have problems reading ballots with stray marks so do be careful making your choices. many cities like san francisco will have drive-through ballot drop-off stations to help voters cast their ballot. you can get information on the candidates and issues in tomorrow's election on your smartphone or tablet with the abc 7 news app. look for our voter resources page. a power outage left a lot of people in san francisco without power. the outage stretched from north beach to just north of union square. pg & e says about 1,000 customers were left in the dark for several hours. those customers included office buildings around levi's plaza. one dentist was working on a patient when suddenly the place went dark. >> luckily we have these glasses with lights so that we can do some -- finish up some cleaning, anyway, but we had a little bit of air in our compressor to polish the teeth for the last patient. >> boy, that's tricky. pg & e says the outage was caused by an equipment problem in an underground vault near lombard and sansom street. electricity was restored within the past hour or so. you can see in the video, such a nice day outside. >> it gets dark earlier all of a sudden. things changed dramatically on us. >> it will get dark quite early this afternoon, 5:09 p.m., to be precise. there's no shortage of solar power. we have bright skies. a look at live doppler 7 hd, it is getting cooler after a relatively mild day. temperatures are dropping right now under skies that are mainly sunny with high clouds, as you can see in the western sky here looking from emeryville. beautiful picture right now. it's 61 in san francisco currently. 64 in oakland. mid 60s in san carlos and san jo jose. 68 in half moon bay. check out this view looking down on the bay. 65 right now in santa rosa and napa. petaluma, 64. upper 60s, fairfield, concord and livermore. looking at the golden gate, mainly clear skies with high clouds above. this is the first forecast. we will see mostly clear skies this evening, high clouds will increase overnight. it will be chilly in some spots in the early morning hours. mild tomorrow afternoon, though. highs under sunny skies ranging from mid 60s at the coast to mid 70s inland and guess what? we have a warming trend coming our way this first full week of november. i will show you how high the temperatures will rise in just a few minutes. dan and ama? >> thank you, spencer. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, the federal government lowers the boom on kia and hyundai, hitting the auto makers with a record fine. also, cancer patient brittany maynard's decision to take her own life. why it can be a lesson for all of us. new at 4:30, why billionaire richard branson is telling people not to rush to judgment following the virgin galactic disaster. 7 on your side's michael finney is taking your questions on twitter and facebook and will answer them live a little bit later. let's take you outside for a look at traffic. you are looking at the san francisco skyway. tricky getting on to the bay bridge, those are the folks on the left-hand side heading towards you. we'll be right back. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. the suspect in a hit and run incident that killed three teenagers on halloween was driving on a suspended license. authorities arrested joaquin bell yesterday following an investigation that led them to a motel 6. he is accused of hitting and killing three 13-year-old girls who were out trick or treating. police say the 31-year-old fled the scene and had his two children in the vehicle with him at the time. the dmv says bell's license was suspended for excessive alcohol back in august. hyundai and kia will pay a record $100 million fine for overstating fuel economy estimates for many of their vehicles. the penalty is the largest in the history of the clean air act. the epa and u.s. justice department accused the twin south korean auto makers of misleading customers about emissions by inflating the gas mileage estimates on many of their models. >> this will send a strong message that cheating is not profitable and that any company that violates the law will be held to account. >> the government says hyundai and kia inflated gas mileage estimates in more than a million vehicles. the auto makers are jointly owned by hyundai, which says it makes honest mistakes in interpreting complex epa mileage test requirements. now to brittany maynard, the alamo resident who reignited a passionate debate about terminally ill patients and assisted suicide. >> reporter: so full of life and vitality, 29-year-old brittany maynard lived her life to the fullest, teaching in orphanages in nepal and traveling around the world but her life and how she chose to end it has made news around the world. >> my goal of course is to influence this policy for positive change and i would like to see all americans have access to the same health care rights. >> reporter: diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor on january 1st, she would soon learn she had only six months to live. together with her husband, maynard would move to oregon, one of only five states with an assisted suicide law. on saturday, maynard self-administered medications legal under oregon's death with dignity law. consumer reports recently surveyed americans and found that the health care system is poorly designed to deal with end of life concerns. brittany maynard's story is unique to her but it's also a reminder that we will all face the end of our lives some day, perhaps not so tragically young, but some day, and that we really need to think as she did about how we want it to end. >> reporter: it was a decision maynard struggled with in the last few days. it seemed she may be changing plans but when the time came, she did what she planned to do. >> so if november 2nd comes along and it's passed, i hope my family is still proud of me and the choices i made. >> reporter: since the passage of oregon's death with dignity law, more than 750 people have used it. part of what makes maynard's story so unique is how few of them, less than 1%, have been under the age of 35. abc news, new york. >> maynard's story could lead to a new push in california to have an assisted suicide or death with dignity law. we will talk to a state senator coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00 about this. a terminally ill college basketball player is vowing to return to the court following her triumphant appearance this weekend. a sellout crowd of 10,000 cheered as mount st. joseph freshman lauren hill made two baskets in what was her first and likely only college basketball game yesterday. her courage along with her campaign to raise awareness about her rare form of brain cancer has resonated nationwide. hill says she's not giving up even though doctors have only given her weeks to live. >> i don't want it to be my last game and i don't plan on it being my last game and even if i can't play, you know, if i'm in a wheelchair by then or anything that happens, i'm still going to try to be there with my team and be there to support them, because they have always been here to support me. >> the ncaa allowed the schools to move the game up two weeks to allow hill to play. her story helped raise money for research of her rare form of pediatric brain cancer known as dipg. >> she is so brave. >> certainly is. >> so young. it's awful. let's turn our attention to the weather forecast. nice and crisp out there. >> that's right. spencer christian's here with the latest. >> it's getting cooler by the moment, after bright skies today and relatively mild conditions, temperatures are settling into more autumn-like pattern. a look at live doppler 7 hd, we still have mainly sunny skies, a few high clouds around. it's a lovely late afternoon here in the bay area, as evidenced by this view of the western sky from the east bay hills camera. high clouds will thicken a bit overnight so cool conditions overnight with high clouds. warming trend builds in this week right into the weekend and we will have a dry pattern, of course, into next week as well. here's a look at the satellite image showing a big ridge of high pressure that will bring us both the dry pattern and the warmup that we will experience this week with high temperatures getting into the 80s in some inland locations by midweek. as we look at the long range precipitation forecast, long range for the week ahead, we see no rain expected in the bay area. it will be a dry week through next tuesday, which is november 11th, and it's going to be quite a mild to warm week. look at the seven-day high temperature trend in san jose, which has an average high of about 70 degrees this time of year. we will see mid to upper 70s throughout the week ahead. in san jose and other inland locations, we will see highs in the low 80s during the week ahead. again, very atypical november weather certainly for the first week of november. actually, this would be less typical for the last week in november as we look ahead to overnight conditions. mainly clear skies early, increasing high clouds overnight, low temperatures mainly in the mid to upper 40s. then tomorrow, under filtered sunshine, look for highs in the south bay in the mid 70s up to about 73 at san jose, on the peninsula low 70s for the most part. 72 will be the high in redwood city. mid to upper 60s on the coast. downtown san francisco will have a high of 69 tomorrow. up in the north bay, nice and mild, mid 70s from santa rosa to sonoma to napa. east bay highs, 71 in oakland and san leandrleandro. 74 apiece at walnut creek and livermore. 75 pleasanton. 73 at fairfield and antioch. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. tomorrow, election day, so we posted our vote icon there reminding you that the weather will not be an excuse for not getting out to vote. many people have already voted but many, i think most probably choose to vote the old-fashioned way. look at the warming trend coming our way. we will see highs at or above 80 in our inland areas wednesday through next monday. looks like sunday will probably be the warmest day with inland highs in the mid 80s. upper 70s around the bay over the weekend. 70 degrees on the coast. if you like mild to warm weather, enjoy this weekend coming up because we may not see many more weekends like this in the months ahead. we are going to have a little bit of gloom settling in as the sun sets earlier and the cloud cover gets thicker. >> spencer, thanks very much. up next, high-flying romance. two frequent flyers get a one of a kind wedding. new after 4:30, the new device being tested that could one day allow you to bring water bottles through airport security. how about that. at 4:20, checking your traffic on the san mateo bridge. on the right-hand side is traffic heading to the peninsula. little bit smoother than coming to the east bay on the left-hand side. stay with us. bay area fans can soon catch taylor swift perform her hits live but they won't be able to hear them on spotify. the singer pulled her songs from the digital music service. many have complained the rise of streaming services has made a big dent in sales. meanwhile, the multi-platinum star is announcing a tour that includes a performance at levi's stadium next august 15th. this is video of her during a performance last tuesday. tickets for her upcoming concert go on sale to the general public december 12th. a random target employee has suddenly become a social media sensation. this is alex from target. someone posted his picture on twitter and his boy band good looks are getting a lot of attention. it's been retweeted over 821,000 times. there is now a hash tag alex from target. target is even getting in on the social sensation with this tweet, writing we heart alex, too. it appears he attends high school in texas but little else is known about alex. >> he does look like a boy band. call it a case of non-stop love. donny danced down the aisle moments before she married keith stewart 32,000 feet in the air on a southwest airlines flight over the weekend. the couple met two years ago. they travel so much for work they decided hey, let's get married in the air. stewart wrote a letter to southwest and the airline agreed to that wedding request. it was the first time they have ever done it. >> i, dotty, choose you keith, to be my husband in front of our friends, our family and random but very special guests. >> the couple has so many rapid rewards points, they were able to buy 30 tickets for family and friends. another 110 passengers watched kind of inadvertent wedding guests but they didn't mind. they seemed just fine sharing the moment. everybody toasting. in case you're wondering, the destination of this flight, love field. in dallas. >> that makes sense. >> peanuts for everybody. >> honey roasted. i hope there is no turbulence to come. just ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, a new phase begins in a legal battle against two san francisco police officers accused of stealing money, drugs and other items from people they arrested. also, election day could be a big day for republicans. we will show you how democrats could spoil the party. later, an old strategy san francisco could be bringing back to keep traffic flowing at key intersections. here are your headlines at 4:30. a former chp officer in dublin surrendered today on charges he stole nude photos from a dui suspect's phone. sean harrington faces two counts of computer theft. he quit his job and is now out on bond. if convicted, harrington faces nearly four years in prison. election day is tomorrow. abc 7 news reporter lyanne melendez is covering one of the hot issues on the ballot and she tweeted this. if there's one issue that young people are talking about, it is the soda tax. lyanne will have a live report on abc 7 news at 5:00. federal trial has begun in the case of two san francisco police officers accused in a major corruption case. jury selection started today. abc 7 news reporter vic lee is in the newsroom with the story tonight. >> they started selecting the jury today in a courtroom at the federal building in san francisco. the two veteran officers are accused of corruption under the color of authority. the reported abuses happened between 2009 and 2011. in february, a federal grand jury indicted the two of criminal conspiracies that included stealing money, drugs and other items from suspects. a former officer ronaldo vargas seen in this security video pleaded guilty to similar charges and has promised to testify against his former colleagues. the department fired vargas for unrelated violations of department policy. the three-year federal investigation started when public defender released security video showing undercover police from southern station in residential hotels. three officers were indicted for violating suspect's rights under the color of law. the investigation extended to separate allegations that mission station officers were violating suspects' civil rights, resulting in the indictments. the public defender says the case is important and the public should know officers are not above the law. >> it's important to hold police officers accountable when something like this occurs because it increases the level of trust between the police and the community. >> reporter: martin halloran is president of the police officers association. he says the group is standing beside the officers. >> they are anxious that this is now in front of -- will be in front of a jury, fair and impartial and they are eager to have the truth come out in court. this is what they want. >> reporter: officer robles' lawyer says vargas is trying to get leniency by accusing her client of wrongdoing. >> the department did the right thing, got rid of a very bad apple and now he's essentially the star witness for the government in this case. >> reporter: brian getz says his client is a good cop and has done nothing wrong. >> in the 20 years he's been in the force, he has been shot, he has been stabbed, people have tried to run him over all in the line of duty. >> reporter: if they pick a jury by end of day today, opening statements are supposed to start monday. with regard to the other case, the case involving the three officers at southern station who were on the security videos, that trial is expected to start in january. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> thanks. we are learning more information today on that fatal crash of an experimental rocket ship. federal investigators say a lever on the spacecraft was moved earlier than it should have been. abc news reporter john ehrlichman has the latest. >> reporter: investigators say 39-year-old co-pilot, who died in the accident, unlocked the rocket ship's wings called feathers. >> after it was unlocked, the feathers moved into the deployed position and two second later, we saw disintegration. >> reporter: the national transportation safety board has not yet determined the cause of the crash. but observers say deploying the feathering system before reaching the right speed suggests human error may be at play. >> i don't think we should point the finger at virgin galactic just yet. it's an experimental flight. there are risks taken with that. >> reporter: investigators hope to learn more from the pilot who survived, parachuting to safety before being taken to a hospital for treatment. virgin galactic is offering to refund the $250,000 paid per person for the hoped-for future commercial flights. that group of 700 includes celebrities like angelina jolie, brad pitt, katy perry and leonardo dicaprio. richard branson says safety has guided every decision the company has made in the past decade. >> i find that people who know nothing about what they're saying can be saying things before the ntsb makes their comments. >> reporter: while the test flight recorded a tremendous amount of data, federal investigators still say it could take as much as a year to find out fully what caused the crash. john ehrlichman, abc news, los angeles. very big day in new york city. we will try to get the picture for you. the new number one world trade center opened its doors to its first tenants today. this milestone comes a little more than 13 years after the terrorist attack that took nearly 3,000 lives, of course. the building soars 104 stories above the city into the air, making it the tallest building in the united states. >> we brought it back. we built it even higher than it was before. and now we just have to tell the world we're back. >> the new tower took eight years to build at a cost of nearly $4 billion. developers say it is the most secure office building in america, made with reinforced concrete that's seven times more durable than traditional concrete. they also claim it's designed so that even if hit by an aircraft, the people at the top should be able to exit safely. the employees of publishing giant conde nast are the first to take up residence with many more expected to follow. voters go to the polls across america tomorrow and the voice of the people will sound loud and clear. polls suggest it may be music to republican ears. it's your voice, your vote. abc news reporter karen travers has more from washington, d.c. >> reporter: candidates across the nation hit the trail for one final full day of campaigning. republicans feel the weight is breaking in their favor. >> they would be bitterly disappointed if they didn't take it. >> reporter: they need to pick up six seats to do that and their chances look solid. three states look certain to switch from democrat to republican and arkansas seems to be tipping gop. that means republicans could hit their magic number by winning just two of the ten competitive seats now held by democrats. kentucky republican senator mitch mcconnell's in a tight re-election battle but if he wins and republicans take up six, he's the new senate majority leader. >> we intend to be a responsible governing republican majority if the american people give us the chance to do that. >> reporter: in the house, republicans are expected to expand their majority. but there's one potential bright spot for democrats on what could be a very bleak day. republican governors in florida, wisconsin and pennsylvania who swept into office in 2010 on the tea party wave -- >> several of them are actually in danger this year because there is such an anti-incumbent sentiment. >> reporter: one analyst says both parties may misread tuesday's results. >> republicans will think it's a vote for them when it's not. they are still viewed negatively by the american public. i think democrats will try to isolate and say it's only about this election when they still have brand problems. >> reporter: several key races may not be decided tuesday night because of slow vote counting and potential runoff elections. republicans may not need these races to win the senate but if they do, the balance of power here in washington may not be known for several weeks. karen travers, abc news. capitol hill. stay with abc 7 news and tomorrow night for complete election coverage. we will have live real-time results from national races beginning at 7:00 p.m. and from local races when the polls close at 8:00. we will also have complete coverage at 9:00 p.m. and on abc 7 news at 11:00. coming up next on abc 7 news at 4:00, the rare cloud formation from down under. plus, the dangerous stunt by an australian swimmer. the reaction he's getting after getting on a dead whale. i'm michael finney. today's 7 on your side q & a is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. i will answer your questions here live in a little bit. spencer christian, here with a great view of the setting sun from the emeryville camera. sun is setting earlier these days. nonetheless, a warm week is coming our way. the accuweather forecast in just a moment. the sun is setting soon and it's gorgeous over the golden gate bridge. traffic moving wonderfully in both directions here at 4:37. oh chris, di? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it. should we? no. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more, visit people around the world are questioning the judgment of this australian man who jumped into shark-infested waters to climb on top of a dead humpback whale. you see him there. harrison williams said he did it because one of his mates thought it would be funny. they didn't mind that several sharks were nearby, saying they were too busy chomping on the whale. williams managed to climb on to a boat and to safety. criticism was swift. one tabloid labeled williams mobi-thick and called the stunt stupefying. he admits he won't be doing it again and it was a stupid act. his parents didn't find it too amusing. quite a sight in the sky down under. people living near melbourne, australia got a view of a rainbow colored cloud known as a hole punch cloud. isn't that weird? the cloud formation occurs when part of a cloud of water droplets freezes into ice crystals. the phenomenon can be brought on by an aircraft flying through it. some people on social media wondered if it was the end of the world while others saying it looked like a portal into space. >> if it's the end of the world it looks pretty good, almost like a rainbow in there. >> lot cooler than jumping on the dead whale. >> i think so. let's check on our weather and our skies out there. >> spencer christian is out there. you don't have a streak up ahead or anything like that? >> no, nothing like that. may not have been the end of the world but it was out of this world. kind of cool-looking. put on the heavy coat, it's getting chilly out here. here's live doppler 7 hd. we have high clouds and sunshine right now but the sun will be setting in just under a half hour now. national weather picture for tomorrow will be mainly dry but we will see a line of showers n from the great lakes through the mississippi valley. deep in the heart of texas. and a few scattered showers in the pacific northwest. across the state of california, mainly sunny and dry, especially down south. in the northwestern corner, a few showers and in the bay area, mainly sunny skies tomorrow with a few passing high clouds. i mentioned earlier and will tell you again, it will be a mild to warm week. the warming continues tomorrow with inland highs reaching into the mid 70s. we will see mid to upper 60s around the bay and by midweek to late week, we will see inland areas hitting or topping 80 degrees this week. the first week of november, that's pretty warm weather. >> thank you, spencer. still ahead here, long lines at some bay area gas stations as prices take a dive. we will tell you about the new lows at the pump. plus, the new device being tested so you don't have to throw away that water bottle at airport security. i'm 7 on your side's michael finney. what are your passenger rights for delayed flights? we will be talking about that next. a remote that lives more wi-fi in more places. a movie library you can take wherever you go. internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast. bringing media and technology together for you. drivers are lining up for gas today as prices dip to a level rarely seen especially here in the bay area. abc 7 news reporter nick smith has more from san jose, where prices went below $3. >> reporter: high supply and low demand has pushed gas prices to an all-time low. >> going to go down even more. thank you, thank you. >> reporter: it's become a treat for drivers. the national trend has averages at $3 a gallon for the first time in 2014. >> even lower, 99. we got to claim it, right? >> reporter: claim it and you shall receive it. we found drivers in this line trying to do just that. lines so long, finding an empty pump has become a virtual game of musical chairs. still, these drivers believe it to be worth the wait. we were at this san jose gas station when prices plummeted, falling another 12 cents before our eyes. >> even better for delivery drivers, man. delivery in the bay area, cheaper gas. >> reporter: why is it happening? demand is low, gas supplies are up. analysts chalk it up to increased u.s. oil production. more fuel efficient cars and refineries switching to production of less expensive winter blend gasoline. that's made for an unprecedented 34 cent per gallon drop since july. >> it does add up over the weeks and months. >> reporter: this driver commutes seven days a week and is saving anywhere from $10 to $20 a fill-up, leaving extra cash in her pocket. >> i do look for the best deal. it is the best deal in san jose. been coming here about two years now. they have always had the best gas prices. i come all the way out here to get gas. >> reporter: according to aaa, without any natural disasters or man-made incidents, gas prices will continue to fall just in time for the holidays and thanksgiving. the busiest travel weekend of the year. >> right before the holidays, hey, you couldn't ask for a better blessing. >> reporter: just to give you an idea of how long this line is, it goes out the parking lot, up mckie road to the exit of highway 101. the owner tells me he expects lines like this to continue for as long as he has the cheapest gas in santa clara county. nick smith, abc 7 news. that isn't the only place seeing a dip in gas prices. in san francisco, some spots are charging $3.19 a gallon. in concord, we found gas prices as low as $3.03 a gallon. mill valley, prices are clocking in at $2.99 a gallon. vallejo, $2.93 a gallon according to for a look at gas prices where you live, go to >> i don't know about you. i never thought we would see below $3 again. dominoes pizza in australia has launched a marketing campaign. here's the deal. customers use an app to design their own pizzas and market them on social media. if they sell, the customer gets a slice of the sale. participants can earn anywhere from 22 cents to nearly three bucks per pizza. some wacky combinations have been submitted including one called the fisherman's dirty wife, a pie topped with anchovies, spinach and chili lime drizzle. it's selling, apparently. this dominoes is not owned by the u.s.-based dominoes but does operate in several european countries. british researchers have created a device that could one day allow you to bring a bottle of water into the airport. here's a look at the insight 100 liquid bottle scanner now being tested at 65 airports in europe. security puts your liquid inside and just five seconds later, the device processes the contents, checking for any threats such as propellants or bomb-making material. it is not being tested here in the u.s. liquids larger than 3.4 ounces have been banned since 2006. 7 on your side's michael finney is here answering questions sent to him by facebook, twitter and e-mail. a twitter user tweeted flight delayed over four hours. what are my passenger rights? >> slim and none. here in the united states, you know, there are no federal requirements for this at all. the different airlines will sometimes offer a meal or maybe a cup of coffee but they won't give it to you unless you ask. they really don't have to do anything. if you are flying overseas, that changes everything or just to a different country. then the international rules go into effect and you have up to $4400 coming to you. it depends on what it has cost you. if you had to cancel a hotel, if you missed a meeting, all of that kind of stuff. >> say you lost time, too. a business person. >> a twitter user tweeted 34 political ads from this last week. are these recyclable or just landfill? >> are these things obnoxious? do they work? look, when they are those slick ones, you think they're not recyclable but the majority of those are nowadays. here's how you tell the difference. the slick colorful even shiny ink, that is still recyclable. what isn't is when you can peel it off and it's almost like a plastic sheet. remember that? you don't see that much anymore. almost every one you are seeing is recyclable. >> dirk m. e-mailed is it legal to sell a used car with a non-functioning odometer? >> interestingly, yes. you cannot even have an odometer. when you sell a car, you have to fill out a form that says what's going on with your odometer, so if it's not working, if it used to work, and you have to write that down and tell the truth. as long as you do that you're fine. now, coming up at 11:00, i want you to look at this key. look at that key right there. a locksmith didn't make it. an app is making my key. you simply take a scan of the key and the copy is sent to you. should you be concerned if the bad guys will take pictures of your keys? we take a look at all of this on abc 7 news at 11:00. up next, an end to traffic congestion. one bay area city's plan to crack down on drivers who cause gridlock. new at 5:00, how a woman says a 20-minute uber ride stole her 26th birthday. plus -- >> why this sight and sound is happening a lot more in the city of berkeley. >> that's next. here is tonight's prime time lineup on abc 7. at 8:00, a new episode of dancing with the stars followed by the countdown to the country music awards. robin roberts at 10:00, and of course, join us for abc 7 news at 11:00. tune in if you can. san francisco may bring back a strategy it used decades ago to try to calm gridlock on city streets. >> it's called don't block the box. abc 7 news reporter carolyn tyler joins us live from one of the worst intersections in the city, second and bryant. hi, carolyn. >> reporter: hi, ama. you wouldn't know it right now, it looks really good, very good, in fact, but anyone who drives or walks here on a regular basis knows this is one of the hot spots. at a city hall hearing today, the supervisor who represents this district says the congestion is becoming very dangerous to pedestrians. one city official says south of market is the epicenter of san francisco's gridlock. it's here that many motorists heading to the bay bridge or the freeway try unsuccessfully to make it across the intersection just as the light turns red. it's called blocking the box. they block the flow of traffic and sometimes the crosswalks, forcing pedestrians to weave in and out. >> i fear for my life every time i leave work, seriously. when i tell you it's like people, it's as if no one's even walking. >> we can't have enforcement resources at every intersection all the time. so we want to be strategic and really target the ones that have the biggest impact. >> reporter: san francisco's municipal transportation agency conducted a pilot program focusing on two busy intersections, main and harrison and second and bryant streets. between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m., they had parking control officers write tickets for two days, then on two more days, direct traffic as well as issue citations. >> what we really want is compliance, not a bunch of tickets. >> reporter: the results showed a dramatic change in behavior, especially at main and harrison. an 82% drop in blocking the box. at second and bryant, a 27% decrease. >> i would like to see more enforcement of the traffic intersection. >> reporter: there was a public awareness campaign back in 1987. no one's sure why that ended. but the sfmta is now recommending a restart. enforcement combined with education. in san francisco, carolyn tyler, abc 7 news. that will do it for us here at 4:00. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now. stay tuned for that. a former chp officer walks into jail, charged in the scandal over stolen pictures. what he's asking the judge to do now. a vivacious bay area woman reignites an old debate. >> a personal and intimate decision. >> the new push in california for the right to die with dignity. and the drink that is cheaper to buy than milk, tea, even water, but maybe not for much longer. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. temperatures trending higher this week. i will show you how warm, coming up. if november 2nd comes along and it's passed, i hope my family is still proud of me and the choices i made. >> just heart-felt words from the bay area woman who just may have changed the debate over the right to die. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz in for cheryl jennings. >> i'm dan ashley. brittany maynard went to school here, lived here before moving to oregon so she could, as she said, die with dignity on saturday. today, brittany's mom, debbie, says she feels blessed to have watched brittany work hard at everything. right now, only five states allow physician-assisted death, oregon, washington, vermont, montana and new mexico. so will california adopt such a law? abc 7 news reporter sergio quintana is in the newsroom with a look at that question. >> well, the last time a law like this was considered in california was in 2007. brittany maynard's case has certainly stirred conversation about revisiting the issue here. brittany maynard graduated from uc berkeley and lived in the east bay before moving to portland, oregon to carry out her end of life plans. her situation is creating new awareness. >> the fact she had to move from her home in california to a state to the north that afforded her an important right that her home state didn't, this, yes, has become a much more discussed issue. >> reporter: the state senator says he has been in close communication with the group called compassion and choices about possible legislation in california. though maynard's decision to take her own life this weekend sparked conversation and debate, any legislation in california may not be drawn up immediately. but when it is, advocates against these laws are ready. >> we are in a society with a broken profit-driven health care system. and it's dangerous to make assisted suicide an alternative medical treatment. >> reporter: bill may is with californians against assisted suicide. he says people facing these end of life issues like maynard are already in fragile situations. he's worried these laws could be abused. the state senator leno says there is an easy way to determine if that's happening in other states where it's legal. >> this kind of fear manifests itself, other kinds of fears manifest themselves so there is a body of data that we can look at carefully as we, california, proceed with considering such


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20141106

>> to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. for the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. >> the midterm election has drastically changed the political landscape. now it's time for some in washington to face new realities. for the next two years, republicans will control both the senate and house. >> abc news reporter karen travers live in washington, d.c. with the latest on the changes and the impact they will have on congress. karen? >> reporter: good evening. four years ago, president obama called his party's midterm losses a shellacking. today he wouldn't take the bait and said republicans had a good night last night. that's a bit of an understatement. he also said the focus now needs to be on making the next two years as productive as possible and the way to do that, is to work with republicans. president obama did not sugar coat it. >> obviously republicans had a good night. they deserve credit for running good campaigns. >> reporter: while republicans declared a decisive sweeping victory. >> we won in red states. we won in blue states and we won in purple states. >> reporter: republicans picked up seven senate seats last night, more than they needed to claim the majority. that number could go up. there are still three races too close to call. kentucky republican mitch mcconnell is now poised to be the new senate majority leader. today, he said he will try to work with president obama. >> the american people have spoken. they have given us divided government. the question for both the president and for the speaker and myself and our members is what are you going to do with it. >> reporter: the republican tidal wave didn't just sweep the senate. the gop held on to win key governors' races, even in typically democratic strongholds like maine, massachusetts and maryland. they expanded their majority in the house, giving them their biggest advantage there since herbert hoover was president. new jersey republican governor chris christie aggressively campaigned for candidates across the nation. >> the president took a beating last night. >> reporter: but some analysts say republicans shouldn't take last night's victories as a mandate. >> it was a rejection of the president and a rejection of the politics that's been practiced the last couple years in washington, d.c. >> reporter: president obama boiled down his agenda for the next two years to this. get stuff done. he says he'll try and do that through executive actions when necessary, but acknowledged that republicans may not like that. he also said that republicans are going to send him bills he will not sign, so the goal here is to try and find some way to reach common ground. live from capitol hill, karen travers, abc 7 news. >> thank you. last night's election also placed the 100th woman in the current congress. here is north carolina democrat alma adams being hugged by a supporter after winning last night's special election. she will become the 100th female member of the house when sworn in next week. next year's congress will include at least 101 women. a slim lead and claim of victory today in the race for san jose mayor. while absentee ballots are still being counted, councilman sam lacardo declared victory. declaring an official winner in the race could take several days. mail-in ballots representing roughly one-third of the overall vote count will be counted over the rest of the week. lacardo says he is looking forward to improving the city as its new mayor. >> i'm making this announcement because i think it's time for us to move beyond the election day battles. it's time for healing in this city. it's time to rebuild bridges. >> a short time ago, his opponent released a statement saying in part, although i congratulated him on winning a close campaign, the race is too close to call. >> the race for oakland mayor is still too close to call. the elections office has run the ballots 15 times so far and libby schaff is declaring victory with 63%. however, kaplan is not conceding yet. laura anthony joins us to explain exactly why. laura? >> reporter: well, actually, the rank choice system is ongoing, it is complicated, but at this point, the registrar tells me they have 120,000 ballots still to count here county-wide, about 25% of those would be from oakland. still, they have run that formula enough times to eliminate all but two candidates, one of them with a commanding lead. the flames were from a snail car made in oakland. while there was no symbolism intended they seemed to indicate the mayor-elect is ready to take on her city's issues head-on. >> the very first priority is safety. as you all know, i bring a very holistic view about safety. absolutely we need more police but we also need better policing. >> reporter: she gave her victory speech moments after the current mayor e-mailed a statement conceding the election. quote, i have been proud to be oakland's first woman and asian american mayor, and i thank oaklanders for the opportunity to bring the city through these tough times. >> i'm very humbled to have received a phone call from her today suggesting that we hold a joint event tomorrow to talk about a smooth transition. >> reporter: while her huge lead over the second place finisher rebecca kaplan appears insurmountable, the registrar says results are not official and won't be for some time. >> it's not official until i certify and i have 28 days to go through that certification process. >> reporter: kaplan's team have not conceded the election and her campaign did not return calls for comment. in oakland, laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> find real time results where you live on our website, time for a check on the weather. another beautiful fall day. >> spectacular, spencer christian. >> the hits just keep on coming, don't they? a lovely day. here's live doppler 7 hd giving you a different view from above the clouds. we have mainly clear skies but notice the surge of high clouds into the north bay and beginning to push through the golden gate and out over the bay as well. here's a view looking northeastward over san francisco. mainly clear skies there. 72 degrees in san francisco. oakland, 69. san jose, 74. 79, morgan hill. 72, half moon bay. here's a lovely view of the clouds coming in looking west from the east bay hills camera. lots of color in the sky there, 74 in santa rosa. napa, 70. fairfield, 73. 74, concord. 73 at livermore. as we look at the golden gate with a few high clouds above, this is the first forecast. mostly clear and cool this evening, mostly sunny tomorrow morning, chilly in some inland valley spots and then we will see coastal clouds tomorrow afternoon. a little cooler than today but still a mild day with highs ranging from mid 60s at the coast to upper 70s inland. i will show you when we might expect some rain or not in my accuweather forecast a little later. larry and ama? >> thank you, spencer. sky 7 hd is over breaking news in antioch, where a security guard has been shot in the arm outside a starbucks. this is a street and 18th. police say two groups were shooting at each other and the man who was guarding the starbucks either got caught in the middle or tried to intercede. it is unclear at this time. but this is the same place where three teens were arrested around noon on sunday for shooting outside that same starbucks. a woman who did not appear to be part of either group was wounded in that shooting. about 320 kids at alamo elementary school in contra costa county were let out of school early today. construction crews struck a four inch natural gas line near that school around 9:00 this morning. sky 7 hd was overhead as pg & e worked for more than three hours to cap the leak at wilson road. the students shelt eersheltered and most went home about an hour early. san francisco schools are paying a price for last week's giants parade. about 3500 students played hookie to celebrate the team's victory. that compares with an average daily absentee rate of just over 1600 so far this year. the absent students cost the school district an estimated $140,000 in state funding. though it's not as bad as the 2012 parade, when about 4100 kids skipped class and the schools lost $160,000 in attendance money. more sports news. the 49ers visit new orleans on sunday. not a must-win game mathematically but the niners are 4-4 and with every loss, there is more and more noise and questions about the future if the niners fail to make the playoffs. this week, hall of famer steve young, former niner great, expressed concerns about the niners' overall energy level and their body language, while fellow hall of famer jerry rice says he thinks jim harbaugh will be gone next season. today, the coach said his focus remains only on the saints. >> i really don't comment on anything that's coming from outside. >> jerry rice also [ inaudible ]. i'm just curious, do you agree with his theory that your uncertain future is impacting how the team's performing? >> you know, again, keep the flack on the outside. we're training. we're preparing. we understand the challenge in front of us. we are attacking. >> attacking. there has been speculation that harbaugh's alma mater, michigan, wants him to replace brady hoke. jim harbaugh will have a lot of opportunities. we have to see how it shakes out. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, victory is sweet for anti-soda activists in berkeley but remarks by the soft drink industry are turning them sour. also, what clay thompson said that has people laughing at an oakland fast food restaurant. what a 90-year-old homeless activist plans to do after being arrested for feeding hungry people. 7 on your side's michael finney taking your questions on twitter and facebook. he will answer them here live in just a few minutes. contact michael at 7. let's check traffic right now. this is a live look at 101 in san rafael. oncoming traffic is northbound. you can see it's a little thicker at the top of the screen on the right side heading toward the golden gate bridge. stay with us. hey john,whoa!k it out. yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. and the tablet worked just fine. but i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel is live just like on tv. but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. download the xfinity tv app today. and you're eligible for san medicare, area anthem blue cross can help you get a great plan at a great rate! our new medicare advantage plans pay for many of the costs original medicare doesn't. so you can focus on other important decisions. anthem plans help protect you from high medical costs. and, we've built stronger partnerships with trusted local doctors and hospitals, to bring you special benefits like... and vision, prescription drug coverage, plus free memberships at participating gyms. now's the time to switch! if you live in san francisco county, there are new plans with zero-dollar monthly premiums available this year. plans also include zero-dollar preventive care. the medicare enrollment deadline for san francisco is december 7th. so call anthem today at 1-844-331-7996 to learn more or to schedule an in-person meeting. breaking news that we started the newscast with and it's happening now in philadelphia. police announcing this a woman that was kidnapped right off the street has been found alive in maryland. her kidnapper has been captured as well. police are conducting this news conference. they say tips from the public led them to the suspect's car near baltimore. 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither does have some injuries but police say she is doing well, all things considered, and again, the suspect, a man by the name of delven barnes, is under arrest. we will keep you posted. berkeley will be the first city in the nation to tax sugary drinks. >> measure d got 75% of the vote. only a simple majority was needed so people will now pay a penny per ounce. former new york mayor michael bloomberg will help fund the campaign and says he's ready to do the same thing in other cities. >> abc 7 news reporter lyanne melendez is live from berkeley with what's next. >> reporter: well, a lot of people asking this morning why did this pass in berkeley, not in san francisco. as you pointed out, berkeley only needed a simple majority. san francisco needed more than 66% of the vote. but in a few months, this two liter bottle will cost me an extra 68 cents but all i have to do is walk to albany, for example. no soda tax. big soda is downplaying berkeley's victory over the beverage industry. >> berkeley is berkeley. they are going to do what they're going to do. >> reporter: the no on d people said soda tax activists have been venue shopping for more than five years. berkeley was low-hanging fruit. it doesn't look like mainstream america. city hall officials were outraged by that comment. >> we are not like las vegas. las vegas, whatever happens in vegas stays in vegas, you know. the history shows that what happens in berkeley many times spreads to other communities. >> reporter: at least 30 other cities and states have failed to pass measures to tax sugary drinks. the soda industry spent more than $2 million on the no on d campaign in berkeley and more than $9 million in defeating san francisco's measure e. the industry believes other cities will not take berkeley's lead. >> as for what you saw with the outcome of the national election, it doesn't seem like the voters have an appetite for more regulation and taxation. >> reporter: roger salazar of the no on d campaign says while they look at other options, they don't think they will fight this one in court. but berkeley officials are sure they will. >> i don't think it's a concern. i think it's just a reality. they are going to do it. they feel -- i think they feel if they can stop it here either at the ballot box which they couldn't or in the courts that that will be a victory that will shut other people down. >> reporter: people here had much to say about last night's results. >> i'm not excited about the tax because i'm going to have to pay for it. i'm from richmond. we rejected it in richmond. in berkeley i'm still going to have to pay when i go to lunch. >> it's really important we do something because kids are being put in a position of making decisions influenced by big companies that are going to take away the whole quality of their life and their health and wellbeing. >> reporter: the law goes into effect on january 1st. in berkeley, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. yesterday's election was extra special for one southern california woman. >> the 102-year-old voted for the very first time. guadeloupe has lived in the u.s. for more than 30 years but only became a u.s. citizen last year. >> she says voting was a dream come true. she is an advocate for immigration reform and says she will use her right to vote to make a difference. she also hopes her excitement about voting will help spread to the younger generation. >> what's your name? >> the sound cuts out there but warrior fans know it's the other splash brother, klay thompson who was poking fun at a fan who had no idea who he was. a few fans wanted to take his picture. the woman behind the counter didn't quite recognize who he was, knew he was somebody but not sure. she didn't find out until much later that her video was of klay thompson. thompson, a name you want to know. he just signed a $70 million contract with the warriors who tonight will be playing the clippers in what should be a fun game. the warriors 3-0 going in. >> spencer christian has been looking forward to that. he was talking about it yesterday. >> going to be a great matchup. can't wait to see it. if we ever get rainfall maybe i can join the splash brothers. all the splash brothers don't look alike. let's take a look at live doppler 7 hd. we have high clouds around the bay area right now. mainly clear skies and it's getting a little bit cloudy up in the north bay. we look south of southeastward from the rooftop camera, you see mainly blue skies along the embarcadero, out over the bay. the forecast features, mostly clear tonight, mild through the weekend and we will see a cooler pattern next week. here's the pacific satellite image showing a big ridge of high pressure, we have been telling you about this all week long. high clouds have been spilling into the ridge of high pressure but still mainly clear skies ahead during our next few days going into the weekend and during the next seven days, it looks like another week without rainfall. here's the forecast animation starting 7:00 this evening. notice the passage of high clouds overnight and some low clouds near the coast tomorrow, bringing us a little bit cooler pattern tomorrow than we had today. temperatures will drop off just a few degrees, not dramatically so. overnight, look for low temperatures generally in the low 50s near the bay and coast. we will see mid to upper 40s in our inland valleys and then tomorrow, mainly sunny day as a few thin high clouds passing over and a few low clouds in the coast. look for highs in the mid to upper 70s, 76 in san jose. on the peninsula, we will see mid 70s, 76 at redwood city, 75 in mountain view. mid 60s on the coast at pacifica and half moon bay. downtown san francisco, high of 69 tomorrow. in the north bay, highs on the coast in the mid 60s, inland mid 70s from santa rosa to sonoma to napa. on the east bay, high temperatures will range from about 70 at berkeley up to 74 at union city, 75 apiece at fremont and castro valley. the inland east bay will have highs in the mid to upper 70s, about 77 at walnut creek and antioch, 76 at livermore. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. nice mild pattern remains with us through the weekend. weekend looking great, by the way. sunny skies saturday and sunday, slightly warmer than thursday and friday. highs up to 80 inland. then we get a few more clouds coming in early next week and a cooler pattern by a few degrees. it will be more seasonal and autumn-like monday, tuesday and wednesday but still, we see no real chance of rain at least in the next seven days. we are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping but so far, i will not become a splash brother at least in the next week. larry and ama? >> i will talk to stef and klay about making you an honorary splash brother. >> what about the honorary contract? >> you might be pushing a little bit. i will inquire. i will ask. we are kicking off the abc 7 thanksgiving food drive today. this month, abc 7 and our parent company disney will give $75,000 to local feeding america food banks but they still need more help. research shows one in six of our friends and neighbors here in the bay area goes hungry every month. tomorrow, spencer -- >> splash brother. >> there he is. will be live in san jose at the second harvest food bank of santa clara and san mateo counties. we hope you will join us and give where you live. you don't even have to leave the house to make a $10 donation. just text the word feed to 80077. up next, the red carpet rolled out for tonight's cma awards. we go live to nashville and hear from some of country music's biggest stars. new after 4:30, parents have a new resource to tune in when trying to find the best toys for their children this holiday season. tonight is country music's biggest night. carrie underwood and brad paisley host the 48th annual country music association awards. >> abc news reporter marcy gonzalez live on the red carpet in nashville with a preview. >> reporter: it is a star-studded night already. darius rucker is standing right next to me. already having a ton of fun out here. still a little ways away from the start of the show and already we know two of the winners of the cmas, announced this morning on "good morning america." today's countdown to the cmas kicking off with keith urban, rocking the "gma" stage in nashville. before taking home the first cma award of 2014 for musical event of the year. >> wow. keith urban. featuring miranda lambert. >> reporter: they were nominated for entertainer of the year, one of the big honors going out during tonight's star-studded event hosted for the seventh time by brad paisley and carrie underwood. >> it's always exciting. that's the cool thing about it is, every year it's different. >> reporter: it's already proven to be a bit different this year for dirks bentley. getting the other award handed out this morning, music video of the year for "drunk on a plane." it's his first win since 2005 and now the most nominated male artist this year is hoping for more of the same in four other categories. >> i'm used to being the guy that puts on the brave face and collap claps for their friends, not used to winning. >> reporter: the stars are rehearsed and ready to bring down the house and hopefully some wins on country music's biggest night. >> everybody wants to be part of this. everybody wants to win. >> reporter: that was one of the best new artist nominees. he said he is also really excited about all of the performances he will see tonight. it's not just country stars taking the stage. there are a few surprises in store for this year's cmas. marcy gonzalez, abc 7 news. >> thank you, marcy. you can catch the cmas at 8:00 right here on abc 7. then join us for abc 7 news at 11:00. just ahead here on abc 7 news at 4:00, reaction to the arrest of a 72-year-old alameda man who has been charged for what he says was the mercy killing of his wife. also, a big challenge for ray rice. he squares off with the nfl today trying to win the right to play again. the former baltimore ravens cheerleader charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy. we do go back to the breaking news we first told you about at the top of the hour. the 22-year-old nurse abducted off the street in philadelphia has been found. carlesha freeland-gaither was found alive and well in maryland. this is surveillance video of her when she was taken sunday night and just minutes ago, police spoke about the case and how that surveillance video and tips from the public led to the capture of the suspect tonight in jessup, maryland. >> a task force from our baltimore fbi office consisting of u.s. martiashals and fbi age located the car. when the subject exited the vehicle, he was apprehended and that's when miss freeland was recovered. >> thank you so much. thank you for keeping me up. thank you for being there for us. i'm taking my baby home. thank you. >> the suspect has been identified as 37-year-old delven barnes, who is also wanted on attempted murder charges in virginia. freeland-gaither has minor injuries and was taken to the hospital to be checked out. she is expected to be okay. back here in the bay area, a 72-year-old alameda man has been charged with murdering his wife. >> the man says it was a mercy killing. a promise he made to her to take her out of pain. >> abc 7 news reporter vic lee live with the story. >> reporter: this is where jerry and joanne canfield lived. that apartment house over there. neighbors who know them are absolutely devastated by this news and not one neighbor we spoke with doubts his story. >> you know you have heard of being in love? well, they were that. >> on a daily basis, a continuous, they were continually with each other. wherever he went, she went. >> reporter: jerry canfield is charged with murdering his wife joanne. they were married for 37 years. you heard their neighbors. they were very much in love. but joanne had developed dementia and it was growing worse. next door neighbor jose knew the couple well. >> jerry said you know, she's seeing little demons and demons are chasing her around the house because she had bruises from like falling. she was running and tripping, whatnot. >> reporter: canfield had to place her in this nursing home. >> he would be up at 7:00 in the morning, out the door, spend the whole day with his wife at the facility, would come home 9:30, 10:00 and he did this every day. talk about love. >> reporter: two weeks ago, canfield was finally able to bring joanne back home. that was saturday, october 25th. he wheeled her up the stairs to their apartment. neighbors say she was disoriented and unable to recognize anyone. jerry canfield's lawyer says he promised his wife he would take her life if she just couldn't bear the pain anymore. on that sunday, october 26, he kept his word. canfield placed a dozen red roses by her bed and shot her in the head. rod baker is a neighbor. >> my wife saw jerry leave sunday dressed up, more so than normal, got in his truck and drove away. >> reporter: canfield drove to the police station and turned himself in. jose once asked canfield about his wife's deteriorating condition. >> i said you know, how are you going to take care of her, what are you doing. he goes we have made arrangements. i had no idea it meant to help her not be in misery. >> this might have been the last kind thing that he could do for her. and i'm sure that's what it was. nobody would ever convince me other than that. >> reporter: vic lee, abc 7 news. >> there are resources available for caregivers who may feel overwhelmed. we have the number for the family caregiver alliance, 415-434-3388. this group works with people all over the bay area and nationwide. their representatives will even visit your home to see how to help you best. 415-434-3388. we also have a link to their website at the case in alameda has some people wondering how things might have been different if california had a so-called death with dignity law. oregon has such a law. it's been in the news this week following the death of brittany maynard. maynard suffered from a terminal brain tumor and moved to oregon from the east bay so she could legally get help ending her life. former nfl star ray rice is appealing his indefinite ban from the nfl after video surfaced of him punching his now wife. the ex-baltimore ravens running back entered into an arbitration hearing in new york holding hands with his wife, whom he assaulted in that elevator. the league initially suspended rice for only two games and then changed that to an indefinite suspension after the video surfaced showing him hitting his then fiancee. rice believes the nfl violated his due process under the collective bargaining agreement. that hearing is expected to conclude tomorrow. a former ravens cheerleader is in trouble with the law. 47-year-old molly shaddock is charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy that she met on instagram. she made headlines back in 2005 when she became the oldest cheerleader in the nfl at age 38. today, she pleaded not guilty to two counts of third degree rape, four counts of unlawful sexual contact and three counts of providing alcohol to minors. shaddock is the mother of three and the estranged wife of a maryland oil company executive. authorities in fort lauderdale, florida find themselves in a showdown with a 90-year-old man. on sunday, police arrested arnold abbott and two ministers for giving food to the homeless. the arrests came two days after the city enacted an ordinance that essentially bans public food sharing. >> one of the police officers came over and said drop that plate right now. so i was carrying a weapon. these are the poorest of the poor. they have nothing. they don't have a roof over their head. who could turn them away? >> abbott prepares hundreds of meals each week for the homeless and vows to continue to defy the ordinance even though he faces up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. fort lauderdale's mayor says police will continue to enforce the new law. coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, an abandoned baby sea otter pup getting a second chance at life with very special care. what if a bike had wheels made of ice? we will show you how it works next. i'm michael finney. today's 7 on your side q & a is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. you can contact me right now. i will answer your questions here live a little later. i'm spencer christian from emeryville. here's a beautiful view of the setting sun reflecting off the bay waters. how will the clouds affect tomorrow's forecast? find out in just a moment. that is a lot prettier picture than this. this is the skyway in downtown san francisco. bumper to bumper in both directions. back with more. a remote that lives more wi-fi in more places. a movie library you can take wherever you go. internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast. bringing media and technology together for you. hard it can 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giant panda triplets are doing well as they turn 100 days old. starting today, these cubs will be displayed to visitors in china for limited periods. each weighs only about 11 pounds but that's up from 3 1/2 ounces at birth, if you remember what they looked like. they were so tiny. >> look at that face. >> they started teething at around 80 days old. they have two small teeth each. they are also taking turns living with their mother. locks like they sleep a lot. that looks like our sports department. >> very similar. >> officials say the cubs are doing very well. >> that's the sound of a five week old sea otter pup found alone on a beach. it's getting special care at the shedd aquarium in chicago. officials are teaching the orphan how to be an otter. she is enjoying that water. the six pound female pup arrived there last month after being cared for at the monterey bay aquarium. she was only two pounds and had been separated from her mother. she is now more active and enjoying her new family. pup 681 gets around -- >> catchy. >> with the help of marine specialists. check out this skillful high five during a jump. two members of the norwegian free ski team took a break from training. you saw the high five right there? they travel a lot for training and competitions. they say it's important to enjoy their time on the mountains. noosely done. british inventor colin is at it again, this time making an ice bike. >> why? >> check it out. he first tried it out on the street but the ice wheels didn't last very long. it did last a bit better on a skating rink and very well on top of a glacier. interesting. if you haven't heard about him before he's known for ridiculous and insane inventions which he loves to show off on youtube. >> i don't know if i want him around fire. >> i don't think so. keep that ice bike away from the fire. we are not going to see ice any time soon. spencer christian? >> i'm afraid not. we will have a mild pattern and dry one for awhile. here's live doppler 7 hd. certainly dry right now. skies have been mainly clear all day but we are getting an increase in high clouds right now, especially near the coast and up in the north bay. on we go to a look at tomorrow's national weather picture. showers up in the northeast and over the great lakes. a few in southwestern texas and southern new mexico and in the pacific northwest, the usual showers around seattle and portland. some regions in northwestern california will be wet around eureka tomorrow but most of the remainder of the state will be sunny and dry. yosemite, highs in the 70s. 86 in los angeles. pretty warm any time of year in l.a. 88 in palm springs. in the bay area, mainly sunny skies tomorrow with a little bit of increase in clouds near the coastline. highs will range from mid 60s at the coast to low to mid 70s around the bay, mid to upper 70s inland and still no rain in sight in the foreseeable forecast future. larry and ama? >> thank you spencer. still ahead, the emotional night coming for cincinnati bengals player devon still. what will happen tomorrow for the first time. need help finding the right toy for your child this holiday season? the newest critics weigh in. i'm 7 on your side's michael finney. if a retailer makes a marketing mistake online, do they have to honor it here in california? my answer coming up. it's amanda. hey sweetie. what? [phones rings] okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. an 11-year-old cancer survivor is being hailed for an invention she believes will make the treatment process easier for other young patients. kylie simons is healthy after battling soft tissue cancer. she went through radiation and 46 weeks of chemotherapy. she hated it, especially the sight of the i.v. pole she had to drag around. so she came up with the idea of putting the i.v. and other equipment inside a backpack. >> even when i was in treatment i was like this could be so much easier. then i got, i use backpacks for school and i know how light they are. treatments would be so much easier and not as scary for them because just seeing the i.v. pole is scary. >> she raised $52,000 through her go fund me page and are looking for a company to make the backpacks. she wants them personalized for boys and girls so they include different colors and themes. >> cute. it will be a big night tomorrow for another young cancer patient. that's when 4-year-old leah still will get to see her dad devon play in person for the very first time when his cincinnati bengals play the cleveland browns. doctors say she is now strong enough following surgery and chemotherapy to leave the hospital in philadelphia and travel to attend a game. >> it's going to feel real good just to know she's in here in the physical and being able to watch me instead of having to watch me on tv. >> devon says his daughter is hoping he makes a big play and does a robot dance. still's story made national headlines during the summer. you recall the bengals cut her dad but brought him back for the purpose of ensuring that he received health care benefits to take care of his little girl. tomorrow, the bengals will honor leah by presenting a $1 million check for cancer treatment and research. great job. >> absolutely. what may seem like child play has become serious business for some kids who create online videos. >> this is remarkable, actually. they will probably have a big influence on what toys your kids want this holiday season. >> the toy reviews have become online sensations. 8-year-old evan and 11-year-old audrey's videos have more than a billion views combined. some parents are also getting in on the act like the mommy and gracie show that reviews dolls. >> something about the mother/daughter team makes it seem balanced and not biased. kids have a very different view on things. parents have a very different view on things. >> that's for sure. a billion views? toy companies are now going and striking endorsement deals with some of the young reviewers. i'm 8 years old. i will endorse your product. 7 on your side's michael finney is here answering questions sent to him by facebook, twitter and e-mail. the first comes from linda h., who asks my friend says my homeowner's insurance premium will go up 18% when i put a claim in. no matter what. is that true? >> no. but i know where this information is coming from. your friend just saw a recent study i reported on here and talked about on my radio program saying that in california, if you make one claim, the average insurance rate goes up 18%. if you make two it goes to 22%. in some states, it can climb up to 60% for filing a couple claims. that's when your friend is thinking of. however, that is not written in stone. all the insurance companies can do whatever they want. here in the state of california, your homeowner's insurance is regulated but that's only the base rate, not these add-ones for filing claims. >> mary s. asks i want to do all my holiday shopping online this year. do you have any suggestions about keeping it safe? >> i do. shop at the stores you know. if it's a little tiny store, you might want to think twice because you haven't heard of them. do not go through any e-mail, there is going to be all kinds of phishing e-mails and they will make it look like you're with the store when you are actually not. check the privacy policies if you are really getting into it. i said that knowing no one is going to do that but i feel i had to say that. also, when you are putting in your credit card information, you want to see the https, the s at the end means secure. >> angela d. asks if the walmart website offers a $100 gift card for $10, don't they have to honor the mistake in california? >> if it was bait and switch, if you thought they were really trying to pull a fast one like get you into the store or get you on to the website, then they say you know, i can't give you that, i got to do this other thing instead, then it would be illegal. bottom line is this was a mistake and the law makes allowances for a mistake. you are allowed to make a mistake. they are allowed to make a mistake. i'm getting a lot of grief over this opinion. it's not my opinion. it's the law. >> obviously they put in an extra zero or didn't have one. >> right. they didn't have a zero. as a matter of fact, they came back and said we will give you your money back and $10 gift certificate. >> thank you, michael. up next, inside the world of the grateful dead. what abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman found when he took an academic approach to the band's impact. i'm dan ashley. coming up new at 5:00, a bay area man heading into one of the deadliest places in the world. you will find out why. plus the experimental ebola vaccine getting a first-hand look from a bay area congresswoman. and rarely seen images surface in a new exhibit. the people who make the bay area a very special place to live. all of that and more when we see you for the news at 5:00. hey john,whoa!k it out. yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. and the tablet worked just fine. but i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel is live just like on tv. but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. download the xfinity tv app today. we are marking a milestone here at abc 7. thanks to you, we now have more than 500,000 likes for our abc 7 news facebook page. thank you for liking us and for making us part of your day where you live. if you would like to see our stories in your facebook feed, go to 7news and like us. san jose state university this week are exploring the meaning and impact of the band the grateful dead. >> as abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman tells us, an entire generation is grateful for it and another fairly clueless. >> reporter: the stuff they study in college these days at a place like san jose state university is enough to make your head spin. >> history 170. >> foreign policy. >> social statistics. >> history 170 was the study of? >> i can't remember because i didn't go to class. >> reporter: so on the student union through saturday, here is another subject. >> i know there are particular archetypes associate d with the grateful dead. this is a serious academic study. >> reporter: wait. did she just say grateful dead as in jerry garcia and the band that became a traveling cultural phenomenon? she did. for the next four days, this conference will draw devotees from around the western world. eric silverman from boston, for instance. >> sort of a quintessential representation of many of the tensions in american society. you could absolutely look at the lyrics as literature. >> very rich area of academic study. >> reporter: a college campus is the perfect place to talk about the literary, cultural and historical significance of the grateful dead and jerry garcia in american culture. >> i never heard of the grateful dead. >> jerry garcia? not the ice cream. >> baseball player? >> all the great people that -- >> reporter: you are teasing, aren't you? you are goofing on me, aren't you? >> about the grateful dead? >> reporter: yeah. >> i have no idea. >> i'm a college professor. in i'm disappointed at everything my students don't know, it would be a very grim occupation. >> reporter: or not, because at an event like this, teaching a new generation about the grateful dead can be a pretty good living. what do you like? >> you said what do i like? i like french fries. >> reporter: from san jose state university, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. >> nice. >> yeah. >> if only they had a class about french fries. thank you so much for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm larry beil. abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now with dan and cheryl. this could hold the key to preventing future ebola outbreaks. they are getting the congressional treatment. plus -- >> berkeley is not any town usa. >> what happens in berkeley many times spreads to other communities. >> it already is. find out who is planning to spend big bucks to tax away the soda habit. and have the nail biters really ended the candidates declaring themselves winners as their opponents say not so fast. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. hope you enjoyed today's warm weather. we have changes coming as we get closer to the weekend. details are straight ahead. the white house ups the ante in the fight against ebola. the administration is asking congress for $6 billion in emergency funds to fight the disease in this country and in west africa. today, our first look inside the bay area company that could have a vaccine to stop the disease. good evening. i'm cheryl jennings. >> i'm dan ashley. as ebola continues to spread researchers at a bay area company are speeding up efforts to develop a new vaccine. abc 7 news reporter chris winn is live in south san francisco to explain why their product is so unique. >> reporter: good evening. the company hopes to star clinical trials by early next year and instead of using a needle to administer the drug, it would be taken as a tablet. inside the laboratory, a handful of researchers are hard at work. now in a race against time, they hope to create a tablet vaccine to help prevent the spread of ebola. >> we have no reason to believe that our tablets would be inferior to the ingestible. ultimately, if the vaccine works, it's available for everyone. >> reporter: democratic congresswoman jackie speier toured the facility today and says the company could be key to preventing any future ebola outbreaks. >> what goes on in africa is as important to us as what goes on across the street. >> reporter: the tablet can be kept at room temperature for more than a year, a big advantage over vaccines that need to be kept cool, especially in areas with limited infrastructure. the company actually began its ebola vaccine program two years ago but shelved the project due the a lack of funds before reviving it this summer. >> we rushed to make our own resources available and move this program forward. we don't have government funding at the moment. >> reporter: as they wait for funding to come in from various sources, there is no timetable as to when the vaccine would be readily available but many people will keep a very close eye. >> it's important for us in congress to understand what the hurdles are and where we should be putting our resources. >> reporter: in south san francisco, chris winn, abc 7 news. a san rafael man is en route to liberia on a humanitarian


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141106

banging down the doors of the cma awards. from ariana to meghan trainor, look who's getting together. but it was brad and carrie who really stole the show. "gma" is live from nashville. >> what's up? good morning, america. and good morning, america. boy, what a night for country music. got to love those two acts. >> absolutely. and there were so many of them. the one that struck with me, when loretta lynn stepped out on that stage with kacey musgraves. that was really, really a special moment. >> how about that voice? >> i know. >> still so strong. and they were having some fun with taylor swift who was not there. saying that they'll always save her a seat in nashville. she's more in a new york state of mind these days. always a seat for miss taylor swift. >> well, that's coming up. we're going to begin with that dramatic rescue. carlesha freeland-gaither is free three days after being snatched off the street in philadelphia. suspect under arrest, and abc's mara schiavocampo has the latest from philly. good morning, maura. >> reporter: good morning. carlesha was released from maryland hospital overnight and police brought her here to a relative's home. her alleged kidnapper is in custody, and law enforcement officers are being hailed as heroes for saving her life. after three days of agony following the chilling abduction, the moment of relief. >> carlesha freeland has been rescued. her abductor has been arrested. >> reporter: 22-year-old nurse's assistant carlesha freeland-gaither rescued in maryland wednesday night, three days after being violently kidnapped off a philadelphia street. police say one of the first things she did was call her mother, who then spoke to us. >> tell me what you said to carlesha, and what did she say to you? >> i love you. i love you. are you okay? i love you. she was like, come get me. >> reporter: now 37-year-old delvin barnes is in custody, arrested after police tracked his car and found it idling on the side of the road. carlesha inside. he is now being held on an outstanding warrant for several charges, including attempted capital murder and abduction of another female allegedly snatched off the street in virginia last month. barnes, seen in this video from a separate arrest in 2005 showed the female in virginia pictures of other women he claimed to have abducted as well. this morning, we've learned police were able to identify barnes, largely with the help of surveillance video. just hours after the abduction, caught allegedly using her atm card at a maryland bank. minutes later, buying a drink as a convenience store. then, a receipt found in maryland, leading them to this video of the suspect at a philadelphia supermarket, hours before the kidnapping and police in virginia who were looking for barnes, recognized his car, and then contacted the dealership where he bought it. and with other agencies, were able to track it down, using its gps. >> we got a very dangerous predator off the streets. >> reporter: carlesha, now reunited with her family has no physical injuries but is shaken up. >> a lot of support and love, as everybody can see. she's going to be fine. >> reporter: now celebrating her freedom and her family. police say there is no evidence carlesha knew her alleged kidnapper. experts say stranger abductions are extremely rare, but that appears to be exactly what happened in this case. robin? >> all right, thank you very much. and joining us now from philadelphia, the city's police commissioner, charles ramsey. commissioner, it's very good to speak with you today under these circumstances. can you tell us the latest condition of carlesha? how she's doing this morning. >> she's back home. we brought her family down to howard county hospital last night to reunite with her. she was released from the hospital. we brought her back to philadelphia and she's resting at home right now. we'll complete interviews with her a little later on. but we want to give her a little time to kind of settle down. >> commissioner, what details can you share with us about how she was rescued? >> well, first of all, this was a case that really had us very, very concerned. it's very rare -- in fact in my 46 years i have never seen a kidnapping on video. so it really added to the sense of urgency we had to find her as quickly as we could. we had a lot of different leads we followed up on. but what really broke the case is when we were able to put video out through the media. they maintained a surveillance, he exited the car and they took him down at that point in time. they didn't want to have a hostage situation, so they used very, very good judgment in deciding at what point in time should they try to take him. and they waited until he exited the car. at the time we didn't know her condition or anything else. but we didn't to want put her in any more jeopardy. >> as you alluded to, commissioner, so many law enforcement agencies working together. the public, the video, all that coming together. and your department in philadelphia, you've had good results in using social media and getting video out as quickly as possible. >> oh, yeah. we do it all the time. we put stuff out on youtube as fast as we get it. we've had a very, very good success rate. and it really helped us out this case and probably saved this woman's life. had she remained with him, i don't know what the outcome would have been. >> i know we were all shuttered to think what possibly could have happened and that video we keep referring to, and the way she was fighting. and we know she even kicked out the window of the car that she was abducted in. what does that tell you about her fighting spirit? >> my understanding is, even after she was in the car and bound, she continued to fight and struggle with this guy. so she's got a lot of fight in her, and probably helped keep her alive. >> it was a joint effort all the way around. as i said, it's good to see you under these happy circumstances, commissioner ramsey. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. and good to know she's home with her family right now. >> great to see the point you made. everyone come together for such a good cause. and we'll move now to politics and the fallout from the historic republican sweep. president obama took his medicine wednesday, but stood his ground too. telling reporters he's ready to work with the gop when he can but may still act alone when he must. and, jon, the president got a date with the senate's new leader. >> reporter: that's right. the president once famously had a beer summit at the white house. now that republicans have taken over the senate, he's talking about a summit with a more potent drink. the president said he got the message. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: and he's ready to spend more time with the republican who will soon be leading the senate. long-time adversary, mitch mcconnell. >> will you drink with mitch mcconnell now? you joked about at white house correspondent's dinner. you know, actually, i would enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. >> reporter: but just last year, president obama ridiculed the idea of having a drink with mcconnell. >> why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell? >> reporter: on social media, it's been branded the bourbon summit. with distillers and bourbon makers offering to host the party. drinks, maybe, but the president signalled he's not changing course. suggesting democrats lost control of the senate primarily because so many people didn't bother to vote. >> to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. >> reporter: the president also says he plans to move ahead with a controversial executive order on immigration in defiance of the newly minted republican majority. >> i think the president choosing to do a lot of things unilaterally on immigration is a big mistake. it's like waving a red flag in front of a bull. >> reporter: while there's no time set for a bourbon summit with republicans, congressional leaders in both parties will be here at the white house tomorrow for a working lunch. george? >> see if they can work it out. thanks very much. and now to the arctic blast, a massive storm in the pacific bringing cold temperatures here. sending temperatures plummeting here in the midwest and east. ginger tracking it all and you brought the rain back with you from nashville. >> i did. now looking at japan, the typhoon, that's shot, fast, towards alaska. what it means to my friends on the dutch harbor on the bering sea, my friends at "deadliest catch," it's waves of 50 feet and a really strong storm. what it means for us here, watch this. the ridge of the jet stream will build very high. it enhances it a little bit. and digs even farther south. parts of the gulf in the arctic temperatures. what? yeah. by next week, we thought we would give you a sneak peek next wednesday morning, what it will feel like walking out the door. it will feel like with the windchill, 5 in minneapolis, 6 below in rapid city. so that's cold. don't say i didn't tell you. >> duly warned, right? good to have you back from nashville. amy has the other top stories. good morning. we begin with a major expansion of u.s. air strikes in syria overnight. for the first time, coalition air strikes targeted a conservative group not linked to isis. it's expected to fuel more anger among the syrian people. the u.s. also launched the first air strikes since september against the khorasan group of al queda. that is the group that was said to be in the final stages of plotting an attack against u.s. and western targets. also breaking overnight. israel is now accusing palestinian leaders of fueling this recent violence outside of jerusalem's holiest site. they launched stun grenades to disperse protesters wednesday. the crack down to recall the ambassador. hamas is praising the attack. a van plowing through crowds of people in jerusalem, killing a police officer. nfl star, ray rice, will tell his side of the story today, as he appeals his suspension in football, which has been in place since videos of him attacking his then fiancee was made public. ryan smith is following the case closely. good morning. >> good morning, ray rice is arguing double jeopardy. he's saying the nfl can't suspend him twice for the same incident. he walked in hand in hand with his wife. he's saying to increase the suspension from two games to an indefinite ban after the release of the video of him beating his wife. goodell was testifying for over two hours wednesday. the hearing is under gag order, so his answers have not been revealed. rice said he told goodell everything in that meeting up front well before the video was released. but the commissioner denied that. now a decision could come in the next several days. rice was already cut from the baltimore ravens. so, if he is reinstated for now, he would be a man without a team. amy. >> thank you so much. a frantic scene in houston as an suv crashed through this restaurant, sending people running for their lives. look at that. the driver said she was trying to park but hit the gas pedal instead of the brake. nine people were injured but remarkably, no one suffered any serious injuries. and new video of a man lost at sea for two days clinging to a foam cooler in the middle of the pacific ocean. he had apparently gone fishing with a friend but their boat capsized. coast guard sailors who were running drills found that man floating off colombia. he is dehydrated but expected to recover. incredible. and finally, a sheep farmer in england came up with a genius idea. instead of relying on dogs to herd the sheep, why not make this. a car that looks like a ginormous dog. the farmer spent thousands of dollars, covered the car in fur to look like his old sheepdog. and guess what? it completely works. the sheep don't notice, and they happily let a giant dog herd them around the farm. and, strahan, this next little bit is for you, because we heard, your favorite movie of all time, "dumb and dumber" reminds us of this vehicle driven by jeff daniels and the gang. yes? am i right? >> i thought it came straight from the movie. >> right into it. >> yeah. >> also, ginger's favorite too. >> so you're saying i got a chance? love it. >> can't wait for the new one. thanks, amy. we're going to turn now for a holiday travel alert, just three weeks before thanksgiving. a new report predicts flying this year could be worse than ever. more people, less space on planes, major headaches. david kerley has the story. >> reporter: get ready to join millions of others winging it home for the holidays. the airlines association, saying this morning, it expects 24.5 million of us to fly. a 1.5% increase over last year. and there won't be just more people. expect troupe, too. the folks at fair compare crunched the numbers and found that in the past five years, there's a 15% to 25% chance that if you travel wednesday and return sunday, there will be a weather delay. that's as high as one in four delayed. >> flying this thanksgiving is a slow slog. there's going to be a weather event somewhere. it's going to be an all-day experience. >> reporter: and on the plane, the airlines say they're adding more seats but get ready for a lack of elbow room. >> there will be no empty middle seats. we haven't seen empty middle seats for a couple of years since the airlines started to recover. >> reporter: for the airlines, as we saw last year -- >> so the pressure is kind of on? >> the pressure is on. >> reporter: they'll be busy for the 12 days around thanksgiving. but it is that sunday after thanksgiving that turns out for most airlines to be the busiest day of the entire year. >> this is kind of like the super bowl for you guys? >> this is the super bowl. >> reporter: now i'm just the bearer of bad news this morning. if you're flying this year, orbitz said you're going to pay 2% more. george, if you don't have a ticket, fly on thanksgiving, don't come back on that sunday, you might get a deal. >> okay. some good advice there. thank you very much. >> or just stay home. and watch shows like this. let's talk about it. country's biggest night, everybody. and what a night it was. pop and country mashing it up at the cmas. so many big names joining forces on stage. ♪ born in the usa the night may have been all about country, but first it was -- ♪ i'm all about that bass ♪ no trouble ♪ i'm all about that bass country superstar miranda lambert teaming up with pop princess meghan trainor. helping to start off the 2014 cma awards with a -- ♪ bang, bang into the room ariana grande and little big town joining forces in another epic country-pop mash-up. the biggest names in nashville lighting up the stage all night long. ♪ i'm driving home those honky tonk hunks, keith, luke, blake. ♪ and the boys of florida georgia line. not to mention country's leading ladies. ♪ give it all that i have ♪ if your eyes are on me ♪ you're looking at country host brad paisley and carrie underwood who juggled nearly a dozen costume change, teaming up for the seventh year, and not afraid to go there, singing about everything, from that nurse with ebola -- ♪ quarantine ♪ quarantine ♪ what part of stay inside don't you understand ♪ -- to taylor swift, who wasn't at the award. ♪ new york's gain is nashville's loss ♪ ♪ but country music's just gonna have to shake it off ♪ >> luke brian. >> reporter: luke bryan picked up the night's big prize, entertainer of the year, his first ever cma award. >> we're going to have a good time tonight. woohoo! >> reporter: and blake shelton nabbed male vocalist of the year. but it was his lovely wife who really cleaned up. miranda lambert taking home three awards. solidifying her place as the new queen of country. love the hair too. looking good. >> looking great. >> brad and carrie were so funny. it's the sixth year they have been the co-hosts, and the timing is something. and luke, to win his first one, being entertainer of the year? >> so good. >> and i got to see the sound check of ariana teaching little big town her moves. that was something. that was cool. >> were you teaching ariana with halloween? >> no, i will not, miss grande. >> and you had a good time, despite the weather, which is here now with us. >> it is here now. and it is all connected. so, i will be showing you when it's going to leave. how about we try to figure that out? you have a wet day along the east coast. certainly this morning in new york city, it's going to become a little more scattered as we go through the afternoon. but right behind it, quite a bit cooler. there are actually winter weather advisory, and storm warnings for parts of vermont, maine. but we want to check in on this. because this is still happening in texas, more rain this morning. heavy, some could be 3 to 4 inches on top of what you have. good morning i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast off to a murky start but partly cloudy and not so warm today but the warmth comes back on saturday and sunday and it will be cooler but the transition is dry next week. we will have mid-60's along the coast and upper 60's along san francisco and home 70's through most of the bay and upper 70's in the east bay and down around morgan hill. the seven-day forecast shows 70's to 80's with total >> and so l to c >> and so still to come on "gma," shocking murder for hire plot. the rock and roll hall-of-famer, charged with trying to hire a hitman. and a real life master in disguise caught. how a bank robber wanted for a string of heists fooled the fbi. and the shocking new reality show testing the limits. man versus anaconda. how was jimmy kimmel in two places at once last night? the secret behind virtual jimmy. >> that was something else. >> and back stage at the cmas, our man, tim tebow was there on the red carpet and behind the scenes for country's biggest night. i hewhat are you? a plant most of your pwhisperer? the fall. haha (whispering) maybe. this black and decker 20-volt blower now $79 at lowe's. before fii kept on top i was onof things. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain i feel better, and can be more active. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use 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e-gift card. i used this circular to make a turkey...gobble gobble! really? join the millions who are saving with walmart's savings catcher. for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. good morning, i'm eric thomas. students at the ten university of california campuses are looking at the possibility of steep tuition hikes. university officials want to raise tuition 5% each year for five years. they say the system is $125 million in debt and that the state is not providing enough money. if approved, tuition will climb to almost $16,000 by 2019. see how the traffic is going this morning. >> we're now recovering from an earlier crash involving an overturned vehicle on i-5. the backups it's caused certainly spectators slowing. you can see a long string of taillights as you push toward the hoffman split. san jose, 101 almost sold out. when we come back, meteorologis ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. pfr. >> good morning. low clouds and visibility. the thickest fog is in the central valley. watch down, a quarter mile in some kbras. temperatures in the 40s to 50s in most neighborhoods, just a touch milder than yesterday. look at the murkinesmurkiness. a day where we'll be at least ten degrees cooler in places along the coast. ♪ i've seen no place florida georgia line on jimmy kimmel last night. they won duo of the year at the cmas and performed in hollywood thanks to cutting edge technology. and check this out, jimmy kimmel in two places at the same time. never done his show that way. we're going to tell you how. we have a lot more behind the scenes at the cmas coming up. >> remember when they had the michael jackson hologram like that? it was similar. very good, especially with kimmel. and the hollywood heist, a man wanted for a string of bank robberies. how the fbi cracked the case and unmasked the criminal. and the wild new reality really testing the limits. this scares me to death. eaten alive. why a man is suiting up to be swallowed by a giant anaconda. >> that's just silly. >> such a great idea. >> we'll see what you say in a little bit there, lara. but we're going to begin this half hour with that bombshell accusation against a rock 'n' ro rock and roll hall of famer. a member of the iconic band, ac/dc, accused of hiring a hitman to kill two people. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: good morning. breaking overnights, raiding phil rudd's home, and arrested him. he's had security guards watching over his house for a month. now the accusation he's behind a murder plot. ♪ dirty deeds done dirt cheap this morning ac/dc drummer phil rudd stands accused of his own dirty deeds, accused of putting hits out on two men. ♪ the 60-year-old rock legend, seen here leaving a new zealand courthouse wednesday after being charged with attempting to procure the two murders. a charge punishable by up to ten years in prison. along with threatening to kill and possession of illegal narcotics. police raiding his waterfront esta estate, searching for evidence and any correspondence with potential hitman. ♪ back in black the shocking charges coming just weeks before the iconic band's release of "rock or bust." rudd, not included in the band as promotional cover or the filming of two recent videos. ♪ party time >> reporter: this isn't rudd's first run-in with the law. in 2010 he was arrested on possession of drugs. those charges were later dropped. he left the band in 1983, moving to new zealand, but rejoined 11 years later and inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2003. he was released on bail without entering a plea. he'll be back in court on november 27th. ♪ i'm on the highway to hell and abc news reached out to the lawyers on this case, and ac/dc's representatives, but we have not heard back. authorities have not revealed the identities of the alleged hitmen or intended victims, george. and the details in the pittsburgh murder trial. the doctor on trial for killing his wife, also a doctor. accused of lacing her drink with cyanide after telling her it was a fertility treatment. tom llamas has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the pennsylvania scientist hoping that his decision to take the stand in his wife's murder trial will convince the jury he's no killer. dr. robert ferrante said he loved his wife. spent an hour testifying. she even gave him a peck on the cheek before collapsing in the kitchen. >> he appeared very calm and certainly prepared. the jury was leaning forward. they were listening. >> reporter: prosecutors claim ferrante, a former researcher at harvard medical school, mixed up a deadly cocktail for his neurologist wife, dr. autumn klein, convincing her it would help her get pregnant. the alleged poison, cyanide. >> sweetie, raise your arms above your head. please, please, please. >> reporter: he ordered the toxic chemical two days before his wife died. but said it was for a stem cell project he was working on. the expert for the defense, famed pathologist, dr. cyril wecht, told jurors her death is a medical mystery. >> two extremely widely divergent toxicology reports. and one is within normal range. you don't have the foundation to say that dr. klein died from cyanide poisoning. >> reporter: ferrante, who's pleaded not guilty, testified that just before his wife's death in april of 2013, they had rejuvenated their relationship. but before that, they had marital problems over what he describes as flirtatious e-mails his wife sent to one of her colleagues. closing arguments start today. ferrante, who is charged with criminal homicide, could face life in prison, if convicted. for "good morning america," tom llamas, abc news, new york. >> thanks to tom. now to michael. now to the bank robber who almost got away with it. he allegedly wore a mask that was so realistic that it fooled the police, until the man who made the mask, recognized his work. take a look at this bank robber, caught in the act. a 60-something white man. and take a look at this. that's 35-year-old dion jordan, the fbi's prime suspect who fooled the feds with the elaborate mask. >> when i looked at the picture, there was no doubt to me. it was actually our mask. >> reporter: ian is the master mask maker behind the different disguises. when the fbi sent out this alert following a string of bank robberies this summer, he recognized the false face immediately. a custom version, i said, of this $1500 mask he called the neighbor. he also knew who he sold it to and called the police. >> we sent all e-mail communication between me and mr. jordan to the fbi. that guy actually received that exact mask at his home address under his own name. >> reporter: with his help, the cops tracked down jordan for questioning. while he is jet to be charged in the bank robberies, he's in jail on other charges. they also say he confessed to murder since his arrest. >> if convicted, he will be going away for a long time. >> reporter: a tough reality he may have to face. >> it's the first time for us that something like that happened. i sincerely hope it will be the last. >> well, you know, the maker of the mask said he knew people could use them for bad purposes. but this is the first time. they have made thousands of mask. most of them for high-end halloween costumes and things like that. what an incredible way to try to pull off a bank robbery. >> good for him for contacting authorities. >> i know that work. >> yes. that's it. and let's check the weather with ginger. >> i may need a mask next week. this is coming. >> it's not your fault. >> tell everybody. tell everyone, please. this is minnesota, north central minnesota, just wealth of duluth. but you also say, okay. this is the time of year that this type of snow happens. but the cold air pushing in and slaps you in the face by early next week. we thought we would look through friday morning, northern michigan, going to get it, and parts of the northeast, new england, upper tier, along the canadian border. that's something to be looking for. and then the other side, much hotter, the fire danger is high than normal. 84 for san diego with the off-shore flow. vegas, 77. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with a sea breeze bringing cooler weather at coast and mid-to-upper 60's and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and mid-to-upper 70's inland. the seven-day forecast shows it will be warmer at the coaste >> all that weather brought to you by massage envy spa. and the first push of cold in behind the rain. i thought i would take off to florida for the gopro thing. >> good thinking there. coming up, the florida pastors punished for their good deeds. why they were arrested for feeding the homeless. and the man versus anaconda. the shocking new reality show that's pushing the limits. at's pushing the limits. it's probably too far away! but with the note 4, you can always get the shot. check it out! eight times digital zoom catches every detail. woah! with optical image stabilization, you get it even in the bounciest castles. woah! isn't that amazing? and a front-facing camera so wide, you can selfie with like everyone. do you think you could send that to me? you gotta give me your number though. ok... ok! haha, oooooh! the new samsung galaxy note4, with the best 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barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® but the stainmaster petprotect carpet and cushion system helps prevent pet stains, reduce pet odor and easily release pet hair. so get petprotect and let your pets be pets. and we're back now at 7:42 with the shocking new reality show that has people asking if television may have finally gone too far. this is a show called "eaten alive." and we believe that says it all. abc's reena ninan has our story. >> reporter: ah, remember the good old days when reality tv was all about learning survival skills? >> the tribe has spoken. >> reporter: meeting the love of your life. >> will you please kiss your bride? >> reporter: or learning how to cope when people stopped being polite and started being real? >> are you going to hit me? >> reporter: times are a-changing. >> i'm paul rosolie. i'm about the first person to be eaten alive by an anaconda. i don't expect anyone to believe us until we show it. >> reporter: yes, you heard that correctly. the discovery channel is promising to go where american television has never gone before with the premier of "eaten alive." the name, pretty much sums it up as the network is promising filmmaker, paul rosolie will indeed be eaten alive by a giant snake, after covering himself in pig's blood while wearing a custom-built suit. >> it's going to be a challenge. >> now viewers are gravitating towards scripted shows, they have come up with something that's going to generate a lot of buzz. >> reporter: discovery is leading the way with "shock reality" with naked and afraid, and "tethered." mtv joining in with "sledneck," a wintery hit like "buck wild." canceled after one season when one of the stars was killed mudding. fortunately, mr. rosolie, reality does seem to have some limits. the special has already been filmed and the filmmaker is believed to have survived, along with his snake. for "good morning america", reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> believed to have survived? >> that's good news. >> stay tuned. >> but how do you get out? >> oh, no. i don't want to know. >> turn to scripted. couldn't you have scripted that and done a fictional shoot? >> i'm with you, amy. >> is every episode a didn't anaconda? >> i don't know. i'm going to jump out there, see the anaconda, i'm going to swallow him. >> good luck, anaconda. >> a little smaller target. i would imagine. i'm just saying. >> on that note, coming up, we have some good news if you're looking to get rid of wrinkles. a new study revealing how some popular cosmetic procedures really work. these actually are great, you guys. >> okay. and jennifer aniston opening up about her makeunder and why she says it's empowering. and jimmy kimmel in two places at once last night for a ground-breaking show. we're going to see how he pulled it a i hewhat are you? a plant most of your pwhisperer? the fall. haha (whispering) maybe. this black and 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at the same time. and t.j. holmes has more in the social square. good morning. >> strahan, this one is for you. people always say they like to be two places at once. in your case, strahan, it's like three, maybe four, or five. i can't keep up with all of your shows. the point being, kimmel set the stage last night. and could set the stage for beam me up. >> tonight, making television history, this hasn't been done before. >> reporter: jimmy kimmel with the ultimate double feature overnight. >> here i am. >> reporter: you're not seeing things. that's kimmel hosting his show from l.a. and beamed to the show in nashville as a hologram 2,000 mile as way in realtime. >> i'm either a hologram or i died and i'm haunting the theater. >> reporter: he wasn't the only one. country music star kacey musgraves was digitally transported cross-country to be interviewed on his show. >> can i have a high five? >> sure. >> reporter: along with cma-award winning vocal duo, florida georgia line. appearing live as holograms from nashville. >> i don't know if you're aware of this, but you're speaking to a hologram right now, i'm not here, i'm in hawaii. >> reporter: talking to us about the cross-continental experience last night. >> it was very cool. >> reporter: and joins the ranks of other hologramed celebs. >> michael jackson, elvis, tupac and me. am i dead? tell me if i'm dead. if ryan seacrest finds about this hologram thing, he's going to host every show. i mean, this could be dangerous. >> reporter: so, of course, guy, this technology has been around a bit. we actually talked about it on this show before. it was such a high-profile success, it could be beamed to kelly to the nfl studio. this is you, man. >> never leave your bed. >> thank you, t.j. >> yeah, that would be awesome, t.j. we're going to work on that. coming up, deals and steals, with some of oprah's favorite things. stay right there. ♪ you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists make it easy for you to save on your prescriptions. so you can keep your money where it belongs. swing by walgreens... ...where you could save even more with medicare prescription copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. ghirardelli squares peppermint bark.zvous ♪ rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. good morning. i'm eric thomas. rain, heat, what's in store today? mike nicco has the forecast. >> it's not a kitchen sink forecast, but definitely high clouds out there. i wish we had some rain. the heat will return, cooler weather 60s along the coast, the rest of us in the low to mid-70s. accuweatherseven-day forecast. richmond and fremont, equipment problems on b.a.r.t. we have a big crash involving an overturn vehicle westbound on 24 right at broadway. sounds like there are injuries involved. with that vehicle blocking lanes expect heavy delays as you head into emeryville. the news continues now with "good morning america." we'll ha start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. food is more than just a meal. you deserve it. ♪ food is love. at monsanto, we believe everyone deserves a healthy, balanced meal. and a future that sustains us all. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. ♪ what a feeling good morning, america. "gma" goes country. tim tebow behind the scenes of country music's biggest night. >> reporter: i'm here with an absolute legend, garth brooks. tim tebow. >> to hunter hayes and kacey musgraves, wait until you hear what they all told tim. jennifer aniston's big makeunder. why the star is trending tops on facebook for ditching the makeup. calling it dreamy and liberating. glnk and you're parents of teenage girls, raid raising them to get what they want and negotiate their way to success. and robin sharing a story you don't want to miss. two brothers, one coach. and what they discovered they were truly thankful for. as we say -- >> good morning, america. what's up? this is meghan trainor. i'm here at the cmas, it's pretty crazy. good morning, america. ♪ i'm all about that bass and in times square today, you know her from housewives -- real housewives. but guess what? she's coming to broadway, starring in cinderella soon. can't wait. >> she's taking the role sherri shepherd played so well on broadway. and more of the biggest night, live to nashville. tim tebow was there for it all. he was a presenter. and look at him on the streets of music city usa. he's going to show us things we didn't see last night. thanks, tim. and tory johnson is here with one of the best deals and steals of the year. oprah's favorite thing for the holidays. >> oh. thank you -- oh -- >> serious stuff. >> i'm always -- it looks that way, doesn't it? dibs on that. >> done. got you. and then also we have a really interesting study for anybody looking to get rid of wrinkles. what you need to know before you visit the doctor. >> that's -- >> i'm going to have to go to the doctor if this song doesn't turn off. >> oh, boy. >> it was going in my head around and around. now it's going to be doing it again. >> that's the editorial, now the news. >> we have serious stuff to discuss. i couldn't help myself. we begin with the dramatic rescue of a young woman caught on camera as she was brutally abducted off a street in philadelphia. 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither is back with her family after three days. they used gps to track her down. finding her inside a car in a maryland parking lot with the man accused of kidnapping her. and he's facing an unrelated attempted murder charge and charged with abducting other women as well. she's straik shaken up, but no physical injuries. we are so happy for her and her family. the other big story is overseas, the u.s. military expanding air strikes in syria. coalition air strikes targeted a group not linked to isis. and targeting veteran al qaeda fighters who were said to be plotting attacks on western targets. and despite the coalition air assault in neighboring iraq, the fighting rages on in the north. president obama is asking congress for $6 billion to help fight ebola in west africa where the death toll is now approaching 5,000. some of the money would support new u.s. military hospitals. and breaking overnight, the body of a hollywood movie executive missing for two and a half years has been found. hikers found gavin smith's remains in a remote spot north of los angeles. he was gone in 2012, and they found his car in a storage facility belonged to a drug dealer. he's now a person of interest. it's a homicide. and two pastors in florida and a 90-year-old volunteer are facing jail time after they were arrested for feeding the homeless. arnold abbott served meals to the homeless for decades. but he was detained for defying a new city ordinance to keep homeless people from overrunning parks and beaches. that does not seem right. no. i agree. a dispute over a parking space at a shopping mall turned into dangerous road rage. it's posted on youtube. an angry driver gets into the car and backs up at full speed, crashing into an suv. and oh my gosh, narrowly missing those two men. no word if police have caught up with him yet. but that video is chilling. and extremely disturbing. >> yeah. >> let's switch gears. something happy. finally, timing is everything. but when a couple got married at a water park in florida. they had no idea they could get this lucky. just as they kissed, a dolphin jumping out of the water as if it had been choreographed. cue the dolphin. the photographer said it couldn't have been more perfect. later both of the dolphins peered over the tank to get a closer look. seriously, the luckest couple on the planet. their marriage is blessed. >> in many countries that's a very good sign. >> i've heard that. i've heard that. >> thank you. thanks, and turn now to a new study for those looking to get rid of wrinkles. non-surgical treatments are safe. reena ninan has the details. >> botox and laser treatments, they're the non-surgical procedures people swear by. >> it's the best out there. >> reporter: and now a new study shows they're safer than you might think. >> the safety profile has gotten better over the years. >> reporter: the study examining more than 20,000 treatments across the country, including various lasers, facial fillers and botox. finding only less than 1% of patients experienced negative side effects. most were minor. >> all these procedures, fillers, lasers, botox, they come with some risk. knowing how to use the devices properly will minimize that outcome. >> reporter: it's good news for women. >> it makes me feel amazing. >> reporter: she started botox ten years ago and now gets lasers and fillers. shying away from surgical procedures because of the cost and complications. >> i'm afraid of the surgical, afraid of the knife. >> reporter: she's not alone. these types of non-surgical beauty procedures are on the rise. more than 13 million last year, up 3% from the year before. >> it's less expensive. your down time is a week. it just seems like the right way to go for me. >> reporter: and now safe too, she says that's one more reason to smile without those pesky laugh lines, of course. for "gma," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> thanks for that. "pop news" and weather coming up. now to robin in the social square. over here. what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" and "pop news." robert downey jr. and his beautiful wife, susan, welcoming the newest member of their family. and jennifer aniston, the make under. why she called it a dream. tory johnson, this is one of our favorite things. deals and steals from oprah's favorite things for the holidays. >> yes. and nene leakes is here as well. >> how are you? >> kisses. so sweet. >> making hour debut on broadway. we're going to talk about that and a whole lot more here on "good morning america." want to do the can-can? moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. we'll start looking for an suv... 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well, what if you could see what we see. tomorrow, you can. we're strapping on go pros. for the first time, see "gma" through our eyes. and what you'll see is gopro amazing. hey, ginger's even jumping out of a plane, live. >> i'm about to go mad with gopro. >> you'll be with her all the way down. tomorrow, "gma" goes pro. >> and go big or go home. >> yeah. >> we are so excited about "gma" goes -- what are we saying? >> gopro. >> gopro. >> maybe go away. following all of us. >> you're going to see it tomorrow. to get you ready, check out these skiers in the french al s. the first skier off the cliff on purpose. >> ginger's like, whatever. >> what's so great about this, we don't have to do it now. somebody else did. perfect. a pair a chute right there. does the same thing on the way down. see there? the pair a chute? >> and then the avalanche. >> they caught that on the gopro. >> would you do that? >> yes. >> why do you even ask anymore? >> what are you afraid of? >> driving a car. >> it's probably one of the most dangerous things you can do. >> right after the show, you and me. meet me mt. parking lot. >> it's all statistics. >> that's right. hey, "pop news" time, everybody. >> let's do it. >> gopro tomorrow, "pop news" now. begin with robert downey jr. and his wife susan welcoming their new baby girl. avery roe well. they announced that after nine months of intensive development, principal photographer has commenced on 11/14, and continue until she says you're embarrassing me, i'm 30. i believe that's number three for them. very happy for them. now to the states really living the high life. and i want to ask you guys, what states do you think the gals wear the highest heels? >> new york. >> l.a. >> l.a., new york, you'd think. >> down south? >> how about arkansas. guilt, the fashion site, crunched the numbers for the highest heels. and topping the list are arkansas, nevada, florida and puerto rico. close to 3 inches in those places. kansas, nebraska, delaware, maine, lower end. not quite as surprising. but the stiletto spem trum broad. i just thought you needed to know this. >> george and i are riveted by this study. how did we miss that answer. >> some morning are slower than others. some days have to you have to d you have to do. which brings me to this. come on, robin. ♪ exciting and new don't we have it in the studio? oh, there we go. ♪ we're expecting you come on, now. this is all you, george. ♪ the love boat ♪ we'll be making another -- >> you know all the words? >> yes, i do. love this. this and fantasy island. oh, yeah. the plane, the plane. >> wanted to let you know the reason for that diddy was the stars of the love boat have reunited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of princess cruise lines. six of the original cast members from the beloved tv show got on board. captain stubing, and guest stars from favorite episodes, florence henderson there. and even aaron spelling represented through his daughter, tory spelling. >> and helped the cruises, the show. people weren't going on cruises before that. >> "fantasy island." >> a riveting edition. heat index coming up, go to ginger. ♪ love boat we're all singing. >> all of us know every word to the love boat. you all are good sports. where are you in from? >> new mexico. >> from new mexico. we're cherishing until this morning. nice sign. almost looks like some sunshine we're going to be talking about eventually. but not in the pacific northwest. this is there, high wind advisories and warnings. that comes along with moisture. rain in some places could be over 2 inches. the gusts could be over 55 miles per hour. you heard me talking about the cold coming. but this is how chilly into the weekend. that's the cool part. staying through the weekend, that's cool. next week, down right frigid. okay. good morning i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast off to a murky start but partly cloudy and not so warm today but the warmth comes back on saturday and sunday and it will be cooler but the transition is dry next week. we will have mid-60's along the coast and upper 60's along san francisco and home 70's through most of the bay and upper 70's in the east bay and down around morgan hill. the seven-day forecast shows 70's to 80's with total >> and we don't ever mind seeing a couple men in uniform. thank you for everything. what are you doing here? >> we're here with the air force health professionals recruiting. >> recruiting for the air force. okay. get back inside. and the prospects. now time for the heat index. and recent research suggesting that women don't negotiate for things they deserve. offers tips on how to raise girls to do it successfully. experts say it's girls feel less confident as teams. reinforce their worth, good idea. and get them comfortable in negotiating, coach them in finding common ground. school fundraisers, bedtime, allowance, sleepovers. my girls have learned it. >> they can outnegotiate me. >> they're tough. >> that the stay with them. >> i hope so. >> good advice indeed. and also this morning, jennifer aniston opening up about the make underfor the role in "cake." hardly any makeup at all. and she was on a panel, and being without makeup was, quote, so fabulous, so dreamy, empowering and liberating. adding that the only time in the makeup chair was to have the scars drawn on. it hits the theaters in 2015. oscar buzz. she got a standing ovation. that says it all. >> good for her. also in the heat index, the cmas, you know the big night in nashville. country music's biggest superstars coming together. tim tebow was there, kicking off on the red carpet. timmy joins us from nashville. good to see you, tim. >> reporter: we missed you here, robin. it was an awesome night. we had a lot of fun. a lot of friends and stars. and we enjoyed it. it was awesome to be backstage. take a look. ♪ >> hey. >> it's tim tebow. >> couldn't have picked a better guy. >> you're interviewing me? >> reporter: yeah, not him. florida georgia line. florida/georgia game last week, who were you rooting for? >> florida. >> i'm a seminole. zblsh nobody's perfect. get a look at the shiny shoes? a lot of confidence right there. rocking the tux look. no bow tie. >> every time i do a tie, it chokes me. i don't think if it's a singing thing. >> reporter: you have the most amazing voice. >> thank you. >> this is a party. >> reporter: who are you looking forward to see perform? >> mcgraw. i saw him backstage. i wanted a pushup contest with him. >> reporter: out of your songs, my favorite is "we rode in trucks." >> that's archival, old school. >> we're ready to play. >> reporter: seems like you're always ready to play. >> i love what i do. >> reporter: i'm here with darius rucker. we have been friends for a long time. you are presenting tonight, don't to want make you nervous. >> tim, i always have been and will be team tebow. except that time you whooped me in golf. that wasn't cool. >> reporter: more nervous bout the show or the red carpet? >> ask me five seconds before i go on. >> reporter: but the one person i didn't get to meet found me, heir row smith legend steven tyler with a photo bomb. >> looks like a good time. wonderful to see you presenting there. i understand you have a story about miss musgraves? >> it was a lot of fun, she chose darius over me. but he's been going since 1986 with hootie. i would have chose her as well. >> the gentleman. you were there in case she needed you. you were there. glr thank you. >> glad you had a great time. see you this weekend, football, s.e.c. to see what the stars wore, go to on yahoo!. and now, oh, my goodness, talk about all-star collection right here. a big treat for this morning's deals and steals. everything comes from oprah's all new favorite things for the holiday. tory johnson and adam glassman are here to reveal this year's o specials. you know these deals are going to fly. go to our website right away to get everything. >> it's an extra special day because it's adam's birthday. happy birthday, adam. >> really? should we get started. >> yes. i was telling everyone how she loves her chai. this is the oprah chai tea set from teavana. you get a maker and big mugs. >> nice size. >> she helped design them herself. and the splash of almond milk is not there, her favorite finishing touch. >> normally ranges from $8 to $90, slashed in half, 4 bucks to $45 for the big kit. really nice. >> it's really delicious. >> i've had it. >> you've had it. >> how about something to go with the tea? >> who doesn't love bark on the holidays? this is remarkable bark. it's a great gift set. fabulous about it, it's part graham cracker, part toffee and part chocolate bar. >> what i love, you get the tins, some of the plain chocolate, the peppermint chocolate. i have been sharing the wealth around here. it's good, right? >> it's good. >> when you freeze or refrigerate it, it's extra-special. and hand-made in california. normally $42, slashed in half. 21 bucks for the two tins. >> i like the chill. >> it's great right out of the freezer, even better. >> how about this? >> monogrammed cufflinks from moon and low la. it's a great gift. look at the monograms. yes, you can get them in 32 different colors in silver or gold. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> oprah loves a white shirt and anything that jazzes it up. these are perfect. >> what's the deal? >> really good deal, normally $68 online. but today only, slashed in half, $34. really pretty. and so many different colors to choose from. >> the tea -- we have so much -- >> this is going to be your favorite. >> this is going to be your favorite. from peace, love world, this is the i love sundays sweatshirt. feel it. the most delicious sweatshirt in the world. >> what's it made of? >> this is cotton. oprah watches this every sunday. >> super soul sunday. >> yes. everyone will wear this. unbelievable. >> it's a beautiful company. everything they make is phenomenal. inspiration inspirational, fun messages. not inexpensive, normally $98, slashed in half, $49, plus from peace, love, world, free shipping. >> it's slashed in half. so you get a good deal. >> you will live in this. >> i plan on it. >> yes. >> and last but not least. >> oh, wow. >> this one, the perfect tote bag from nine west. >> lara spencer was eyeing that orange one. >> every woman needs a tote bag to take you from the weekday to weekend. this is super-luxurious looking, and the faux leather. a lot of bang for your buck. >> the faux leather. >> eight different colors, three here. but eight different colors, i love it. normally $79, slashed by 51%, $39 plus from nine west, free shipping. two bonus deals from this amazing issue at "good morning america" on i canyahoo. >> thank you for being here. you can see the links and codes at our website. nene leakes when we come back. >> announcer: now from abc 7 news. good morning. breaking news in san francisco. we'll show you a live picture over the scene at vanness and lum bard. a woman was hit by a bus. the pedestrian was hit when the bus was turning left, there is no left turn at that intersection. we'll have more on the midday news at 11:00. more on traffic now. >> in the east bay we have serious traffic accidents here as well. it's westbound on 24 at broadway. i told you about this a whole ago. an overturned vehicle. two lanes are taken away. your top speeds as you start leaving lafayette, 19 miles per hour into the caldecott. down to 13 miles per hour, bumper to bumper traffic. eric? when we come back, meteorologist these guys should've gone to my place, cuz right now, i have two breakfast croissants for just four bucks. they're both made with a freshly cracked egg and melting cheese on a buttery, flaky croissant. try the supreme with bacon and ham, or the sausage. they'll fill you up for - whoa hey! what are you doing? you can't make a commercial for your restaurant at my restaurant! not if you keep interrupting me, i can't. very hazy out there, almost murky with the thickest fog in the central valley, up near napa as well and clouds along the coast. 50s and 60s, off our morning lows, no more 40s out there. you can see the haze hanging around. it's not a spare the air day. temperatures around oakland half moon bay, san francisco 8 to 10 cool ♪ over my head and out of my mind ♪ good morning, america. a hearty crowd in times square this morning. hardy and happy. and we have nene leakes here this morning. >> hi! >> she has so much going on. real housewives, here for her broadway debut, clothing line. we could go on and on. and a wonderful story leading up to thanksgiving. it's going to be here before you know it. how one man in the philadelphia -- i should say pittsburgh area -- a boxing coach, two young boys he has fostered. and now adopted. he has really changed their lives. >> they have some good form. >> really good. great story. >> thankful thursday. >> excited to share that with everybody. and a remarkable story about a 12-year-old girl who lost 100 pounds and found her way to happier, healthy life. and now tony reali in the social square with the speed feed. >> it's trending anywhere, it's the speed feed. get right to. on youtube, and melting our hearts, the story of the record-setting panda triplets. cuties set a record, only known set of surviving giant panda triplets in the world. surviving their 101st birthday. it's a tradition to wait 100 days before naming the panda cubs. i think the social media games can begin, i see a george, michael, and gio. benedict cumberbatch sharing the news he's marrying h ining girlfriend the old fashioned way with a newspaper add. they have been known to call themselves cumber i know babes. they are brokenhearted he's off the market. and the big screen, google, alex from target. we brought you his story yesterday. the picture of him was posted on twitter and the 16-year-old instantly trended and got his fair share of marriage proposals. he jumped from 144 twitter follows to more than 650,000. there's questions how the story came about, but it's real for young alex. he hit the ellen show yesterday to make sense of it all. here's his theirries about the contributing to his fame. >> i can dance. not well. it's embarrassing. >> then don't. and gopro day coming up on "gma." watch your back on the set, robin. i'm coming for you. >> see it from your point of view. super man. >> super man. >> thank you so much. ellen is so fun, when sits down, gets to it. now an inspiring weight loss story, a young girl who tipped the scales at 265 pounds and had the ah-ha moment, changing her diet and her life. abc's sarah haines has the story. >> reporter: for hannah, weight was a lifetime struggle. >> i tried different programs and nothing worked for me. >> reporter: a self-proclaimed overeater, she hit her heaviest at 265 pounds. but then an unexpected turning point her junior year of high school. >> all of my friends were trying on their prom dresses. they felt so confident. and just loved their dresses. and i just longed for that. >> reporter: more determined than ever, she went on an inspiring two year weight loss journey. >> i have lost 110 pounds. >> reporter: no short cuts. the first major change, her diet. >> in the morning i usually have any overnight oats. for lunch i like to have salad with different veggies. for dinner i like to have chicken with different sliced tomatoes, feta, different marinades. >> reporter: she doesn't belong to a gym, walks three miles a day, workout videos, and the secret strengthening tool? >> the thy master on my arms. it works well. >> reporter: she admits the journey is not without its challenges. >> i have my off days. everyone does. but it's important to get back on track and the off day doesn't define your weight loss journey. >> reporter: hannah, now armed with the self-confidence she never knew. >> so many people are inspired by my story. that builds my confidence so much more knowing that i was able to help somebody just think about or take the first step in their own weight loss journey. >> reporter: for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, new york. >> very happy for her. thank you for bringing that to us. we were trying to watch the piece, and you, tony, with the g gopro in our face. >> i got it. >> easy on the camera work. >> you look like a detective. >> dramamine for everybody. >> it all leads up to the big reveal tomorrow. oh, nice. >> everybody has cameras now. >> we are now transmitting from mars. >> hey, thanks again, tony. let's get outside where it's safer. final check of the weather with ginger. >> making you stick with that. we will be celebrating a 30th anniversary, this beautiful couple from st. louis. >> we met someone from st. louis, we're from toronto. >> ontario. >> exactly right. somebody is saying, ontario. st. louis today. you're not a ginger, i'm a ginger. give me the jazz hands you promised. that's how to start weather. i have a sun halo. samantha was going down to homestead, florida, where we are going to be jumping tomorrow with the big gopro show. miami today, 82, dry. nice in florida. not the same as the rain moves >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with a sea breeze bringing cooler weather at coast and mid-to-upper 60's and low-to-mid 70's around the bay and mid-to-upper 70's inland. the seven-day forecast shows it will be warmer at the coast this >> all that weather brought to you by carmarx. can you from st. louis? anybody? all right, amy, let's get inside. christopher nolan, moe men to, and the blockbuster batman trilogy set his sights on space with interstellar. it stars matthew mcconaughey, a farmer and former restaurant called on to save the world. >> you're the best pilot we ever had. >> i barely left the stratosphe stratosphere. >> they have never left the simulator this was the mission you trained for. >> without knowing it. an hour ago you didn't know i was alive. you were going anyway. >> we had no choice. >> how long will i be gone? >> hard to know. years. >> i've got kids, professor. >> get out there and save them. >> and we are thrilled to have director, writer and producer chris nolan here this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> it's a remarkable film. it's rare to go to a theater and feel like you're in a different place and a different time. it was truly an experience. is that what you were hoping to achie achieve? >> yeah, we wanted the intense audience experience. we mixed the sound in an intense way. the rocket taking off. it was designed to be immersive. making people feel they're on the journey with these characters. >> as a mother it moved me. it was unexpected. and you felt this father's anguish and turmoil. my husband's going to kill me for saying this, he kroied. it brought it home emotionally. it was difficult to do in the space fantasy. >> i'm sure it was manly-man tears. >> of course. >> quite allowable. it's based on an emotional journey. a lot of extraordinary things in the film. a big adventure. but i felt the emotional story was key. >> and instead of relying on cgi or green screen to fortray the incredible images from space, you worked with it to make it more fully realized. tell me what you did? >> we didn't to want use any green screens. i wanted the actors to sit down in the cockpit of the spaceship and be in a simulator, not the set. we put the views outside the windows, ships that could react, feel like they were flying. >> we have a lot of "gma" fans who have posted questions on our instagram. krista wonders, after the films are released and well-received, do you find things you wish you could change or watch it a year later and think it's perfect. >> it's not about it being perfect. i try not to worry too much about what i could have done differently. because the truth is, it's an imperfect process. i try not to look back too much. >> christopher nolan, thank you so much for joining us. and "interstellar" opens nationwide tomorrow. and coming up, the incredible story of a police detective who helped change the ♪ you know what? we're not waiting. we're going to celebrate thanksgivithank thanksgiving all month with thankful thursdays honoring people with big hearts making a difference. this morning, a police detective who rescued two procedures, changing their lives forever. in this old, retired fire house in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, an unlikely story of hope between the ropes. >> jab. >> reporter: inside, a boxing gym. >> they wanted to learn how to box. >> reporter: where josh and his brother, jesse, found much more than a workout. they found something to be truly thankful for. two years ago their coach, jack, noticed that something was terribly wrong. >> they looked peal. josh had bags under his eyes. >> reporter: and one day the boirs living in a foster home stopped coming. >> we were concerned. >> reporter: jack tracked them down and discovered something painful. their existence spiralled into a living nightmare with no beds and no parenting. >> josh's words were, i'm trying to sleep my life away. what do you mean? i get home from school, fall asleep until i have to get to school again. can you help snus. >> he said you're coming home with me now. that was one of the greatest moments of my life so far that i could think of. >> reporter: jack took them in as foster dad and adopted them. the judge so moved she had a photo taken. >> he's teaching me how to be a better man in life. >> reporter: the boys hit the lottery of fatherhood. he's a gulf war veteran, proud of his years with the army's 82nd air borne. and a narcotics detective. that's his day job. and he can cook. kind of. >> everything he does is for a purpose like he likes to say. >> reporter: this isn't the first time he rescued someone. he took in his niece and launched her into adulthood. >> i remember at 18 years old working at a restaurant, he would iron my shirts, teach me stuff. >> reporter: now a mother herself, she's grateful and in awe of what he's doing for these two beautiful boys. >> they are so happy. i mean, we would give anything just for them to never feel this pain again. he's a hero. not just in the boy's eyes, but, you know, mine, my family's, his friends. everybody can see it. not many people would change their lives like that. and just turn everything upside down at the drop of a dime and just, you know, take on a new life. >> reporter: and ladies, listen up, this human super hero is single. but he is focused on the children. building his family one step at a time. >> i'm all right with dinner and maybe drinks. and that's as far as it's going to go. >> reporter: my mother often said with family you may not have it all together, but together you have it all. we thought we'd end with a message from the kids to jack. >> coach, i just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done. >> and i just wanted to let you know that you're the best father in the world. >> we want to thank you detective jack for opening his heart to the two brothers who's lives he has changed forever. >> what a stunning example. >> thank you for bringing us thankful thursdays. >> people are bringing them to us. we want to say if someone you know is worthy of a "gma"-size thank you, go to on yahoo. tell us their story. we'd love to share it. it's lead up a special thanksgiving night. "thank you america." celebrating unsung heros like jack. it'll air thursday move 27th. that is thanksgiving night at 8:00/7:00 central. when you have your turkey sandwich after a long day. sit down with the family and watch this. >> get even more of a glow. >> that's right. we hope you do. and coming up on "gma," nene leakes is going ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. well, think. nene leakes, everybody. i'm getting blond advice from the blond and beautiful nene leakes. brand new season of the real housewives of atlanta. set to kick off. she's set to make her broadway debut in rodgers and hammerstein's cinderella. you have a clothing line. >> i do. >> you are a busy, busy woman. start with the housewives. >> yes. >> here we go again. >> okay. >> where are we picking up? most surprised by in season seven? >> i think the episode one, you're going to see me in vegas hosting cirque du soleil, and this is the seventh season. i'm the o.g. on the cast. >> o.g.? >> the only original housewife. >> yep. love it. >> so the relationships have definitely changed on this show. and we have a lot of new girls around. >> yeah, how is that for you? do you want to give them advice? >> no, i don't. you know nobody gave me any advice. >> nope. >> they don't give you a handbook that comes with this. you have to learn as you go. and so it's kind of different when the new girls come around. it kind of changes the dynamic. >> of the new girls, what is the one you're most like watching it in slow motion? >> i say that about every new girl. >> are they making mistakes that you're able to see and go this is not going to end well? >> i don't like when they come on and they're just doing so much. it's like -- it's a lot. it's a lot when they come on. >> it's like they're trying to manufacture -- >> trying so hard. yeah. really disturbs me. when we started with me and kim way back, we were just being ourselves. and these girls now come on and they do so much. you know, just to be on camera for a few minutes. >> do you call them out? >> i do. i say how much did they pay you now? >> yeah. this sounds like good tv. i don't know about you guys. and we love your -- you've become a bit of a cultural force with your sayings. i think we have a picture to show everybody. you customized your bag. >> i did. >> tell me about this picture. what am i looking at in. >> that is the bag with the nene--isms since i have been on the housewives. bloop, i'm rich and wig. >> i love bloop. i remember that. that was the early days. >> and plunk, and so nasty and so rude. all those things. >> and you were none of those things as you make your broadway debut, my friend. what an awesome experience that must be. >> isn't it great? i was just so blown away when they called and asked me to be a part of it. >> sicinderella, taking over th role of sherri shepherd. >> madame. >> are you -- you're a little naughty? >> well, yeah. i am. she has a very big personality. she sort of tells it like it is. she said a lot of things. >> i don't know how you got cast in that role. it's weird. >> i don't know how i got cast either. she asks for an apology at the end. i love the character, she sings, she dances, bosses people around. >> i feel like i'm listening to an episode of house wives. all good. and you talk about the clothing line too. which seems so natural. you have become such a stylist. >> this is actually a nene leakes collection piece. it's at hsn. it's size 2 to 24. it's an affordable luxury line that i wanted to do for every woman every size and every age. >> you know what i have to say to that? >> yeah. >> bloop. >> it's really great. i love being a designer, by the way. >> and an actress. >> i love being a housewife. >> we love having you on the show. i had a game i wanted to play. but there's never enough time. >> why? bring your girls to cinderella. >> i will bring my daughter and a friend. my son i cannot promise. >> bring the girls. >> nene leakes, everybody. season seven, the real housewives of atlanta, on bravo. and cinderella, starting november yeah, enough for two. gosh. try four, buddy. hmm, i'll take a dark roast. chai tea, please. honey, text the man what you want. french vanilla, make it strong! the all new keurig 2.0 is here. brew for one, brew for all. this is how you see "gma," what if you could see what we see? tomorrow you can. we're strapping on gopros to see "gma" through our eyes. ginger is jumping out of a plane live. >> i'm about to go mad with gopro. >> tomorrow, "gma" goes pro. that woman right there, jumping out of a plane tomorrow. >> we love you, ginger. >> love you. see ya'll later. hopefully. when we sit down together and talk.ay. more and more, we're having conversations about the food itself: how good it is for us. how good it is for the planet. at monsanto, we're working with farmers to make balanced meals accessible to everyone. while using natural resources more efficiently. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. >> announcer: now from abc 7 news. good morning. looks like it's getting warmer out there. mike nicco checks out the forecast. >> morning lows of 40s and 50s, but today arp oakland, half moon bay and san francisco, the sea breeze will drop us about eight to ten degrees, rest of us will be within a couple of degrees of yesterday. most of us still above average. mid to upper 60s along the coast in san francisco, low to mi mid-70s, upper 70s in antioch, livermore. warmer for all of us this weekend. we have a tragic accident at l lumbard street announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the comedy "dumb and dumber to," jeff daniels. and the star of "the theory of everything," eddie redmayne. and paw-pect pet week continues all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause]


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