June 1, the state's General Assistance Hotel Voucher Program, which gave thousands of people shelter in Vermont hotel rooms the last few years, is coming to an end
If you were stuck in traffic on Interstate 89 South through Winooski and Colchester late Tuesday afternoon, this might be the reason why. According to Vermont State Police, a car caught on fire around 3:45 p.m. between exits 15 and 16, eventually becoming completely engulfed in smoke and flames. Police say a 44-year-old woman was […]
Six weeks after filing for union election with the National Labor Relations Board, the group ‘Scoopers United’ can now officially say they are united. Tuesday afternoon, a significant majority of the 39 workers at Ben & Jerry’s flagship store on Church Street in Burlington voted in favor of forming a workers union, making them the […]
Monday afternoon, Vermont's biggest Memorial Day parade continued in the state's smallest city, with hundreds of families and veterans alike coming to Vergennes to celebrate the tradition.