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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160307 11:00:00

♪ >> that's bernie, the heat's mascot, taking out three of his buddies as he tries for the record of the longest mascot jump and fails trying to do so. >> new meaning to go, bern. >> exactly. that wraps it up for us. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. >> bye. good monday morning. march 7th, 2016. we are remembering nancy reagan today. >> i've said it before, and i'll say it again -- my life didn't really begin until i met ronny. >> this morning, we're paying tribute to the former first lady with help from the people who knew her best. marco rubio wins the gop primary in puerto rico. is that enough to keep his campaign alive? new pressure this morning could force the florida senator to drop out. and bernie sanders snaps at hillary clinton. >> some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know? >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> wow. never goes well. the senator issuing his sharpest challenge before the two face off here on "fox news" tonight. let me remind you, mornings, especially monday, better with friends. good monday morning to you as we wake up this morning. sad news yesterday. you were working this weekend and covered the news when nancy reagan died. >> it happened literally as our show was going off the air yesterday. the news, diving in, trying to remember this amazing woman, nancy reagan. >> at the same time, more now here. america mourning the loss of nancy reagan on both sides of the aisle. >> the former first lady died yesterday at the age of 94. >> we have more live from the reagan library in simi valley, california. good morning, adam. >> reporter: good morning. yes, very sad day for many americans yesterday with the passing of nancy reagan. memories coming in from all over. people who knew the reagans, knew her, or those who never had the chance to meet her in person but watched her from afar, watched her television. not only as the first lady of california, but eventually the first lady of the united states. there are still the -- the details still pending. they still haven't finalized, haven't released the finalized plans. we're told the former first lady will lie here at the reagan library, just like her husband did nearly 12 years ago. people can come here and pay their respects, and eventually she'll be put to rest next to her husband, also at the reagan library in a beautiful location that overlooks the valley. if you've never been here before, this is a stunning presidential library in its location. one that she spent a lot of time at. i saw her here myself a number of times in recent years. she would come for wounded warrior events. most receintly, she was here lat june, the anniversary of her husband's passing. luke cannon biographer, who wrote about nancy and her husband. here's what he had to say -- >> it wasn't her world. she had to learn from the ground up. boy, she did learn. she became politically astute. she became a very good political adviser. >> and president obama released this statement, "nancy reagan once wrote that nothing could prepare you for living in the white house. she was right, of course. we had a heard because we were fortunate to benefit from her proud example and her warm and generous advice. our former first lady redefined the role in her time here. later in her long good-bye with president reagan, she became a voice on behalf of millions going through the depleting, aching reality of alzheimer's, and took on a new role as advocate on behalf of treatment that's hold the potential and the promise to improve and save lives." that from president obama and first lady michelle obama. we're hearing all sorts of different memories coming in. and as the president's daughter said, the first lady's daughter said, you know, a lot of people who are giving prayers and memories never met the president or his wife. never met the flawed at all, and will be -- met the flawed at all, and will be coming to pay their respects. the final plans not yet released. she will be here for some time for people to pay their respects. she'll be put to rest next to her husband here. back to you. >> appreciate it. four minutes after the hour. let's go further, dig deeper to nancy reagan's life. >> along with her advocacy work against illegal drug use and curing alzheimer's, nancy reagan will be remembered for bringing hollywood glamor to the white house. early on in her husband's presidency, she was often attacked over her attire. >> in 1982, she showed a different side, performing a skit called "secondhand clothes" at the grid iron dinner, making light of the media's scriticism >> by her side, former deputy assistant to reagan, longest member of the staff, jose rosebush. when was the last time you saw her? >> december 7th. we had an a celebration at her home in bel air. it was emotional. she was wheeled to the front door saying good-bye. we were holding hands. she said, when are you coming back? i said, as soon as i can. she said, well, you better hurry up. i might not be here. it was emotional and a teary good-bye. >> she never said anything like that to you before? >> no. >> what went through your mind when you learned she had passed away? >> it was very emotional for me. of course, i thought about all the time that we spent together, and her legacy in a way. and everything that she had done to droibt american life. and also -- to tribute to american life and also to the leadership of her husband and what she stood for. she was the american story. she grew up basically -- >> here in queens, right? born in queens. >> born in queens. she was basically abandoned by her mother in a way who was an actress. and so she had to find her own way, which she did. and so it's very much the american story. >> showing pictures here. some memories here. i want to put this up and get you to tell us what we're seeing. meeting with the pope to talk about the anti-drug movement. what happened? >> nancy reagan was the first lady of firsts. she worked extremely hard. she was very bright. when i got to the white house every morning at 6:30, 7:00, she was already -- she had read the papers, watched the morning shows, read all the news magazines. she was very aware of what was going on. she was bright, extremely hard working. she plunged right in to her work. one of the things she did, you're seeing, was meet -- she was the first first lady to have a bilateral meeting with the pope on a serious issue. here you see she was talking to the pope about drug abuse and what they could do together. paralleling what her husband did, working with the pope on ending soviet-style communism. >> the just say no campaign was very big when i was in school growing up. i said, i will always say no because of nancy reagan. and we have her with the "different strokes" cast. what was this about? >> every year, her anti-drug campaign had a specific focus. one year it was drug interdiction. one year it was treatment. another year was using the media to promote positive role models. she appeared on a number of television shows including "different strikes," to take her message to where kids ok'd -- th-- kids and their parents were watching, what can we do to immunize our children against the ravages of drug abuse? >> a little bit of hollywood was in the white house. no one hotter than john travolta. they had a dance together. can you talk about the picture? >> so when princess diana and principals we prols were honer -- prince charles were honored at a dinner, mrs. reagan had ideas about who would come together. she had neil diamond on her list, tom sellick on her list, and john travolta. the setup, i asked the marine band to play john travolta's famous music from his great movie. i went off to find john travolta. and i found him cowering behind one of the pillars. i said, okay, it's time. and he said, for what? i said, had is your time to dance with princess diana. high sa he said, oh, no, i'm not doing that. i said, why do you think you were invited? i dragged him to the floor. that photo that you see was probably one of the most observed photos in history. >> because of you. >> hauling him out there. he was reticent. >> can't thank you enough for coming. >> sure. >> your book, "true reagan," comes out april 12th. we'll look forward to seeing that? >> thank you. sorry for your loss. for all of our loss. now to heather. >> terrific stories. could hear hold it always day. good morning. i've got a couple of headlines this bring you now. new overnight, north korea now threatening a preemptive and offensive nuclear strike against the u.s. and south korea. that move in response to the start of the annual joint military exercises that take place between the two countries. this also comes just days after the u.n. passed new sanctions on north korea in response to its recent nuclear tests and missile launch. a verdict in the erin andrews soccer case could come as soon as today. jurors meeting this morning to decide when the marriott in nashville was negligent and letting andrews' stalker book a hotel room next door to her. he filmed her through a peeprole in in 2008. andrews says her life hasn't been the same since the videos were posted on line. she's suing for $75 million. going out on top. peyton manning calling it a career. the two-time super bowl champion expected to announce his retirement today. the broncos tweet, thank you, peyton, and congratulations on your magnificent 18-year nfl career. 18 years. wow. this comes after he helped lift the broncos to victory over the carolina panthers in the super bowl. super bowl 50. he's ranked first in career passing yards and passing touchdowns in the league and tied for first in wins by a quarterback. and those are your headlines. see you back here shortly. hope you had a great weekend. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. hard to believe he's retiring. >> not really if you saw him play in the super bowl. >> you know, such an icon. we've been following him for so long. >> all right. ten minutes after the hour. there was a big debate last night and a big forum tonight. >> yeah. it's usually been gentile. hillary clinton, bernie sanders. usually nice, unlike the big gop debates. that was all bets were off last night, gloves came off. watch this moment. >> i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. i think that's a pretty big difference. >> well, i -- if you are talking about the wall street bailout, where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know? >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator sanders. >> let me tell my story. you tell yours. >> i'll be happy to release anything i have as long as everybody else does, too. >> i'm your democratic opponent. ilease it. here it is. i don't give to wall street. you got it. >> people asking about their faith. they each asked each about their belief in god. do they believe in god. we also heard -- you know, i feel like for the first time last night it was a true debate. normally it's like, my good friend hillary clinton says this, this, and this. then she praises him. it's not much of a debate. last night they really sparred. >> he was going after her for support of the obama economy. she's aligned herself the past few months with president obama. she's saying he's not getting enough credit for getting the economy back on track. he's saying, wait a second, we got into this because of the support of wall street, all these issues. gloves were off. >> yeah. i guess we'll talk more about this later. tonight, bret baier who gets to sit down with both of them at a forum tonight at 6:00. a special report town hall. a agreement moment. glad both -- a great moment. glad both will join. bernie sanders had a solid weekend also at the polls and caucuses. meanwhile 1,2 minutes after the hour. pressure mounting on marco rubio to win the flaprimary in state. if he doesn't win, will he be forced to drop out? he's trailing by 20 points. a famous family has released brand-new home video. do you recognize who they are? first, we continue to remember nancy reagan. ♪ >> from all the places i've done, how hard it is to turn your lives around. i know that. we only make this trip once, i think. and it really should make it count. hello my love! the flame is out... the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude... your mother... antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it's not working. campbell's microwaveable soups. made for real, real life. to capture investing ideas that instantly gives you stock prices, earnings, and dividends... an equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score... and $7.95 online u.s. equity trades, lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and e-trade, you realize the smartest investing idea isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪ but directv has been number one in customer satisfaction (son) pa, i know we settle for cable... over cable for 15 years. 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[ applause ] >> reporter: the problem is despite all the establishments and contests, the votes haven't been there. in boise he said, a candidate not supported by 50% of the party has no chance of winning the white house. >> we cannot win if we nominate someone that one-third of the party rejects. we cannot win that f we nominate someone that over half of our party rejects. we need someone that will unite the party. you give out the nomination, and i will unite the republican party so we can win in november. >> reporter: if the results of super have the any indication, it's the establishment candidate with the problem. three-quarters of people in kansas, kentucky, louisiana, and maine voted for anti-establishment candidates. rubio will spend the next week in florida. by most accounts, if he loses here, it's probably over for him. >> first off, there was an opportunity for you to cover how the hawaii caucuses were going with 19 delegates at stake. why you're stuck in miami. >> reporter: i was hoping to do a puerto rico, stop in miami beach, head to hawaii, but it's not going to happen. >> i'm going to try to pull for you're. in four years from now, i'll try to get you there. it's going to be exciting in miami. >> i appreciate that. >> he's got about 24 to close if we're to believe the polls, correct? >> reporter: yes. that's going to be tough. donald trump is 19 points ahead. the rubio campaign keeps saying, hey, there's polls that show the race tightening. i have yet to see those. brian, for 2020, can we please make florida the first primary? >> you got it. >> reporter: i love iowa, but -- >> on february 1st. >> brilliant. >> thanks. >> thank you very much. cruz opening a lot of offices down there, too. it's going to be an interesting race. >> he wants to k.o. rubio there. meanwhile, ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. >> the video hard to watch. a shopping cart slams into a mother and daughter on an escalator. >> gosh. >> wait until you see what happens next. plus, a fire chief fired for expressing his faith? >> we have made a great statement that you better keep your mouth shut or you will be fired. >> now he's taking the see it court. that fire chief next. your credit is in pretty good shape. chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score, thanks to kaboom... get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score. i'm spending too muchs for time hiringnter. and not enough time in my kitchen. 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"this lawsuit is not about religious beliefs, nor is it about the first amendment. the former executive failed to follow his employer's rules for outside employment. the city looks forward to presenting all relevant facts and ultimately will prevail. " what do they mean by that? >> let me answer. that what's interesting is what they're trying to say is that no citizen has a right to engage in free speech about their faith outside of work time unless they get permission from the government first. the only permission slip that the chief needs is the first amendment. >> kelvin, did you sign some sort of form that says "i will not write books on the side k" won't worse individuals to read what i satellite. >> no, ma'am. under our constitution, americans are guaranteed to express thoughts and beliefs without fear of adverse consequences. i was raised on though those beliefs and values. they're guaranteed in our constitution. >> so they're saying, the city is saying, many people are criticizing you for saying that you were r discriminating against -- that you were discriminating against homosexuals and others who don't believe what you believe. do you feel like are you being discriminated against, as well? >> well, this speaks to the whole issue of tolerance. and the united states of north america, prespeech and freedom of religion is a right to all americans. tolerance is a two-way street. it's respecting the beliefs and conscience of all americans. that's what i stood by. >> i'll give you the last word. what happens now, have we gone to court? when is that going happen? >> we are, and the good news is is the court already denied the city's motion to basically kick the case out of court. and the reason that was a proper decision is that the first amendment is all that's needed here. imagine a government that could tell you, one, you can't speak about your own faith outside of work time. and if you do, they have the authority to punish you by ending your stellar career. that type of government with that type of authority should be of conscious to everyone regardless of religious issues. >> if you win, do you want your job back? >> i want to be vindicated from the injustice committed against me by the city of atlanta. no american should be force to choose between living out their faith and their job. >> god bleth yss you both. >> thank you. what were the reagans like before they ran the white house? an inside look at their lives before and after the presidency. and the home movie never seen by the public until now. what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. with extraordinary offersmance on the exhilarating is... the thrilling gs... and the powerful rc coupe. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect 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continue to honor the legacy and life of former first lady nancy reagan today, remembering her dedication to promoting better -- a better future for america's children and her philanthropic work including working side by side with our next guest on charity awards dinners. >> yeah. they met many times. joining us for his reflection is presidential historian doug weed. thank you very much. we've got to get your point of view all of this. you've been watching the accolades come in and reflections going out. tell me the nancyerati reagan y knew. >> i wrote a blog recently called "the political genius of nancy reagan." she understood that it takes one thing to get elected. it takes another thing to govern. and yet another to establish a legacy. and i think she understood that most people what i'm missing, most journalists and mainstream media were very anti-reagan. and their stories were slanted. those same people were on television last night praising the reagans. and i had to smile. i thought, that's the genius of nancy reagan. when she left the white house, she could have spit in their faces. she understood that she needed academia, corporate america, and the mainstream kbleed if she was going to protect the legacy of her husband. and that's her genius, in my opinion. >> take us back to when you first met them when they were running for the white house at a dinner in their home. what was that like, and at the time, did you think there was any chance they were making it to the white house? >> hi, clayton. yeah. that was very interesting. i had just come back from cambodia. the famine there, polpot. i was filled with stories. we got to talking that night about having a charity awards dinner. why not something that honors heroes of volunteerism. i noticed that night, clayton, that nancy of often in a hallway, a darkened hallway whispering furtively with mike dever. and the story in the newspapers was that john sears, former nixon aide, of going to run the presidential campaign which was imminent. and that one of the prerequisites was that michael dever would be fired. >> wow. >> here was dever with nancy, and you know, when people think of nancy, they often say she was the doorway out if you were disloyal or incompetent. she would stand up to you and get rid of you. she was also the doorway in, as michael dever learned and others. >> i wanted to ask you about the "washington post" obit. i want to read this and get your reaction. it says, "nancy reagan has an undeniable mat for inviting controversy. there were her extravagant spending habits at a time of double-digit unemployment, a chaotic relationship with her children and stepchildren that would rival a soap opera plot. and the jawdropping news that she insist the white house abide by her astronomer's suggestion when planning the schedule." >> i'm gla the "washington post" showed its true colors. what's missing is how vilified they were. it's beyond description. there was no fox news then. they were portrayed as war mongers and racist. when the reagans were re-elected in 1984, the newscast, some of the most distinguished men in news journalism, were on tv and said, we lost another state, which was ohio going to reagan. it was something to behold. she won them over. she won them over. most of them. >> that's the benefit of being a historian like you. you never forget how far they've come. you wrote "reagan: a pursuit of the presidency." you said your editor told you continue to do it because -- >> my literary agent -- i said, jed, the reagans are going to give me access. i only have 60 days to do this book. there is no book out on reagan. non-exists. he says ais, i'll get back to y. he said, nobody in new york city will publish this book. they don't think reagan's going to make it through iowa. i said, i think he's neck and neck with george bush in iowa. they said, no, you don't understand what it means. they don't think he's going to live past iowa. >> wow. >> we had to go new jersey to get it published. it hold 800,000 copies because nothing else was available. >> terrible book, by the way. >> doug weed, thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> thank you. heather's standing by with the headlines. >> good morning. good morning to all of you. hope you had a great weekend. a horrified mother finds her teenage daughter naked, duct taped, and locked inside their closet in raleigh, north carolina. the girl's mother rushing to her rescue after receiving texts from her daughter saying there were armed robbers inside their home. two men are believed to have broken through the back door. it's unclear exactly what happened. the suspects are still on the loose. terrifying for that family. we are used to crashes during nascar rashes, but not by the spectators. this drunk woman crashing through the infield at daytona international speedway, leaving four people injured. police say abby kinney hit a total of six motor homes during saturday's incident. officers say she failed several sobriety tests and told them she shouldn't have been driving. she about three beers. glad that everybody is going to be okay. and caught on camera, a mother and her daughter -- watch this -- ow. sent flying down an escalator after a shopping cart rolls behind them. the impact knocked the mother and daughter down, leaving the girl's face bloodied. the chinese supermarket where it happened is blaming a young man, saying he pushed the cart down, and then ran off. there's a reason they say don't bring carts on escalators. an adorable, rare video of the british royal family has now been released. look at this. how cute is this? in honor of mother and son day in the u.k.,imate moment showing the queen playing with prince charles. the footage from 1949 when princess elizabeth was 23. as for the prince of wales, he was just 1. those are your headlines. be there before you know it -- >> so cute. >> yes. that's great. >> still not king. wasn't king then. isn't king now. all right. very true. meanwhile, donald trump likes his chances to beat marco rubio in the sunshine state. >> florida's my second home. i'm here now. i think we'll do very well in florida. >> and so what whare florida vor saying? and a hillary clinton with fiphillip levine next. and snack to help you sleep better. >> yeah. ♪ this little guy is about to make his first deposit. we'd like to open a savings account for him. yes yes. great thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. like in most families, dad's always the last to know. that's why accident forgiveness was the first thing he asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! .. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an 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there. maria molina is tracking the latest for you and your family. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. all kind of extreme weather across the nation here coming up over the next several days. we're expecting that active weather pattern to continue out across the western u.s. with heavy mountain snow and also rain along some of the lower elevations. we're talking potentially more than a foot of snow across the california see air, parts of the cascades, and also into the interior across parts of the reeks. now here's a look at the -- rockies. now here's a look at the plains that's aexpecting weather from texas to the dakotas, minnesota. large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes possible. the severe weather risk will continue out here as we head into tomorrow and also into your wednesday. the other concern with those storms will be heavy rain, potentially a half foot of rain across eastern texas, up into parts of arkansas and also in missouri. we'll keep you update on that flood threat. back inside to brian. >> all right. thanks. a place where you were born, talking about florida. eight days away from the winner-time-all primaries in ohio and florida. senator marco rubio trying to avoid the upset by donald trump in his home state as he tries a late surge. as trump recognizes in the polls there. >> florida is my second home. i'm here all the time. i'm here now. i think we're going do very well in florida and very, very well in ohio. >> according to the latest real clear average poll, trump hold a sizable 18-point lead over marco rubio. can the florida senator stop the trump train now that everyone's focused there? joining us is phillip levine, mayor of miami beach, and a guy that likes to get things done and puts politics aside. he is a hillary clinton supporter. you know what's going on in florida now. are you surprised that as of this in a moment, although he's ticking up, that rubio trails by double dij snits. >> no. -- digits? >> no. people of florida know senator rubio. you know, he doesn't show up for the job in washington. two, he betrayed our beloved two-term governor, jeb bush, the unkindest cut of all. three, he's betraying his people, the hispanic people. he wants to send 11 million people home. of course, he won puerto rico, not even a state, a commonwealth. i think he will get the participation prize. no question. >> mr. mayor, obviously you're not a marco rubio fan. in reality, he's an extremely talented politician who knows what happens if you miss your moment of opportunity, just ask governor christie that, if you wait too long. in all candidness, if jeb bush decides i was angry at him, like you were, mr. mayor, but i'm going to put it aside to help him oust donald trump, if jeb bush endorses rubio, what difference tell make over the next week? >> think i don't it will make a difference. donald trump is strong in florida. his name is around florida. his brand on buildings. i don't think it makes a difference. i think the dye has been cast. i believe people are looking for someone with a crazy thing in their background, a job. marco never had one. >> okay. mayor levine, let's go to a party you know well. your party. and now let's talk about the debate that happened last night. there's two areas of vulnerabler in ability, maybe the emails -- vulnerability, maybe the emails where she's anti-wall street. sanders went after her on that. how do you feel about that? is he helping the republicans get ready for a big fight this summer and fall? >> absolutely not. that was the most spirited, educated, wonderful debate with the american. they got to listen to real issues and facts. it was a wonderful debate. and once again, senator sanders has expanded the dialogue and narrative. when it comes to the e-mail situation, as we know, the emails have not classified years ago. once again, the republicans keep bringing it up and bringing it up. as far as speeches, we know senator sanders and -- >> the "washington post" brought up that there's over these -- over 100 emails that are labeled classified that have come out, let alone the change that are a part of that. listen to how she deflects the e-mail question. tell me if you could admire this or wonder if she put more fuel to the fire. >> donald trump says he's going to talk about your e-mails every single day if he's the nominee. if you're the nominee, how are you going to take him on? >> donald trump had received 3.6 million votes, a good number. there's only one candidate in either party who has more votes, that's me. his bullying, his bluftder, are not going to wear well on the -- bluster, are not going to wear well on the american people. >> neither that will answer. mr. mayor, there was an absence of notion tmetro station. don't you agree -- of information. don't you georgia? >> it republican party is looking for kryptonite to take down donald trump. hillary clinton will be the kryptonite take down donald trump. the e-mail scandal something that's a scandal from years ago. donald trump has so many vulnerabilities, the trump university, casinos that went bankrupt. you start with $3 hundr00 milliu would be a lot wealthier in your parents this that money. >> it's tough with smirnoff out there and absolute. thank you very much. >> thank you. meanwhile, 11 minutes until the top of the hour. a fox news alert. a plane carrying a nascar team made an emergency landing. details at the top of the hour. do you need a good night's sleep? eat some cheese. the snoox heacks to help you sl better out on the sidewalk. ♪ nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection. avo: when sends craig wilson a ready for you client: great proposal! let's readytalk more over golf. mes? craig: great. client: how about over tennis craig: even better. avo: a game changer! avo: the ready for you 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possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. welcome back. it's national sleep awareness week and all week long we're bringing you tips to get a better night's rest. without ainsley throwing pillows at me. here to show us how to snack your way in to bed is carrie glassman a nutritionist for "women's health" magazine. >> pillow fights this early on a monday morning. >> so there are certain foods that can help us. listen, they're not going to be knocking us right out. but they will help us have a better night's sleep induce a better night's sleep. and we know it's so important. when you don't sleep well your hunger hormone is increased and you crave the worst types of food the next day. >> what are the proper foods. >> almonds are excellent. great crunch. we know that almonds have a lot of healthy fat. but they also have magnesium. it's a mineral even when you're just slightly deficient you're going to have a worse slumber. >> grab some nuts. >> we love that magnesium. >> what about -- >> took me a second there. >> yes, exactly. >> all right. >> a better night's sleep -- >> and after you grab those nuts let's go to the apricots. apricots have lots of vitamin "c," okay. and vitamin "c" helps you, we all know vitamin "c" is an antioxidant. helps us recover from stress. when we're less stressed we're going to sleep better. everybody knows that. when you're stressed and your mind is racing you're not going to sleep as well. so almonds and apricots also go lovely together. >> what about asparagus. usually roasted with olive oil or something like that. you want to bring this to bed with you? >> you don't necessarily want to bring it to bed with you. but you might wan to have it for dinner because that folate found in asparagus which is good for heart health can help reduce anxiety, and reduce depression. so we know that that can just help. >> surprised to see the bananas here. usually you think breakfast food. >> you do. if you're going to have a little snack after dinner, tart cherries, and bananas. it's a great choice. a little bit sweet. but also they contain melatonin. so two of the foods, very few foods that contain melatonin, the natural sleep hormone. >> this also helps with the pains in your legs? >> the potassium, exactly. >> these are great if you buy them in the frozen food section, too. you can pop a few in a little cup, watch -- watch tv, at the end of the night. that's what i do sometimes. >> you're absolutely right. >> let's talk about tryptophan. >> tryptophan, found in cheese. >> is this real? >> that's an amino acid that helps produce serotonin which is the hormone that makes you feel good andmore relaxed. but the serotonin helps your body create the melatonin. >> i need a whole block of cheese before bed. >> that's not -- >> but an ounce of cheese, that little bit of protein can keep you satisfied throughout the night so you don't wake up. >> this is great, waf a movie. >> does not have a lot of sugar but it's fiber, you're going to digest those parts slower and the carbohydrates will make the tryptophan more available to your brain. >> you have salmon, and walnuts -- >> all loaded with omega-3s which are linked to everything from weight loss, reducing depression, building blocks for the brain. >> awesome. thank you for being with us this morning. >> you're welcome. >> good seeing you. >> donald trump is poised for another big day tomorrow as the gop establishment ramps up its attacks. is that plan beginning to backfire? >> we're going to ask former house speaker newt gingrich as he joins us next. then talk about camera hogs. the selfie craze is not just for humans anymore. i believe that's a giraffe. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if ydoctor right,op chr tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. good monday morning. it is march 7th. it's 2016. remembering nancy reagan this morning. the nation paying tribute to the former first lady as we look back at her life, her legacy, through the eyes of the people who knew her best. and bernie sanders, finally snapped. >> some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> whoo. the senator issuing his sharpest challenge yet before the two face off right here on fox news channel tonight. brian? >> yes. and this story. we're digging in to national cereal day with america's best-selling cereals and most popular. where do i side on the debate? i'm more of a kwisp man myself. >> is that a real cereal? >> of course -- mornings rused to be better with friends. >> that's a cereal? >> they're little spaceships. >> heather's saying you're obsessed. >> they're little spaceships that have the audacity to float on top of milk for 40 to 45 minutes. i mean -- >> that's got to be healthy. >> they believe in themselves. and it made styrofoam edible. >> how long ago was that cereal out? i never even heard of this? >> ainsley, it has come back with a fury. >> right. >> the last time i did this quaker oats directly tweeted back at me that quisp was coming back. certainly it is now back. it's really hard to say quisp five times fast. >> let's talk about what happened yesterday. remembering nancy reagan this morning. america is mourning the loss of nancy reagan today. >> paying tribute to the former first lady who died yesterday at 94 years old. >> and we're live at the reagan library in simi valley, california, to put it all in perspective. hey, adam. >> good morning. this is where nancy reagan will be laid to rest here at some point in the next week. we don't know the exact timeline yet. it has not been released to us. we do expect that this morning at some point. we will be here also for the public to have their opportunity to pay their respects, just like they did to the former president, nearly 12 years ago. and the pavilion we're in now called the air force one pavilion. what's interesting about the fact we're here this morning, they moved us inside because of the weather, this is one of the areas nancy really championed once the president passed away, she spent a lot of time here at the like rear at events, opening of this pavilion, for example. we saw and interviewed her one time when she presented the president's love letters to her. so there was a lot of obviously a lot of connections for her here. a lot of memories. a lot of very fond memories of her time with her husband, not only in the white house but also as governor of california, and as president of the screen actor's guild, as well. now, as the last 24 hours have unfolded we've heard a lot of memories, a lot of people paying their respects to the former first lady. also an interesting way about how this news came out yesterday morning. the family had not yet released a statement but several online publications claiming they are the ones that broke the story. doesn't matter who broke the story, what does matter was it did catch the family a bit by surprised because they hadn't even all met together to put out a statement. in fact, patty reagan eventually put out this, in part, this statement it says, quote, i appreciate the attention and prayers of people. i will probably never meet. just as when my father died there is comfort in feeling surrounded by gentle thoughts and kind wishes, often sent out by strangers. that coming from patty reagan. again, as you might imagine, guys, a lot of -- when you drive in this morning there's a lot of flowers already placed at the base of the mountain as you come in to the reagan library. we also are hearing from politicians and people that knew the reagans, not only on a personal level but a political level. the former governor of california, arnold schwarzenegger himself, also an actor, he said this yesterday at an event when he was out with governor kasich. he actually took time at that event when he was giving his support to governor kasich to say this about nancy reagan. take a listen. >> she was one of the greatest first ladies, extraordinary human being, and such a wonderful partner to her husband, to president reagan. who was, without any doubt, one of the greatest presidents in the history of the united states. and i know -- she would join him now in heaven, and the love between the two of them will start all over again. >> and that love affair included every june, nancy reagan coming here to pay her respects to her husband on the anniversary of his death. she came here for a lot of events. that one was her last appearance here, june of last year, that the staff, of course, the people that knew her well here at the library remember best. back to you guys in new york. >> all right. adam housley live for us this morning in simi valley, california. thanks, adam. the white house's longest serving chief of staff, andy card, served under three presidents but began his service in the west wing under ronald reagan often in touch with nancy reagan, as well. he joins us now. good morning. good to see you, mr. card. >> good morning. thank you for having me on. >> you're welcome. you hear these tributes, you hear adam housley, i'm reading on facebook michael reagan wrote about nancy reagan said once again she is with the man that she loved. god bless. and barbara bush has written a tribute, as well. just wonderful things that people are saying about her and remembering the love that she had with the former president. what's your reaction? >> well, first of all, nancy reagan brought style, and gravitas, and poise to the white house. she also brought tremendous respect to the white house. so, in that permeated the staff, it clearly she had such pride in her husband, but she also loved the institution of the white house. and she took very careful care of it. i remember her wearing her red dresses, and it was almost as if the red dress became contagious. because other women would start to wear red dresses around the president to catch their attention. obviously remember helen thomas standing up at press conferences, wearing a red dress, hoping that she'd be called on by the president. so she -- her influence was wide, it was deep. she was known to really care for how we served ronald reagan as president. so, she wasn't afraid to pick up the phone and see how the staff was doing, as they cared for her husband. and i was privileged to work with the nation's governors on behalf of president reagan and she had a particular love for the governors and their first ladies. so we had quite a bit of contact and i was impressed with how much compassion she had for the governors, and their spouses, no matter what their party or philosophy or whether they supported ronald reagan. she cared about them and she had empathy for the jobs they were doing, and she cared deeply about people. >> and she can be tough, too. >> if someone wasn't supporting her husband she might pick up the phone to make a phone call, wouldn't she? >> she was not afraid to express her passion for the support that she thought her husband deserved. and she also felt strongly about the work that was done on behalf of her husband. she would praise the work, and she would complement those who helped her husband carry out his important mission. so she was a good back slapper, as well as kind of a criticizer. >> right. >> she would boost you up if you did a good job, and if you didn't, she'd let you know that you had to do a little bit better job next time. >> you talk about somebody better than you, talk about how the reagans and bushes got along, and interacted, and how they might have helped each other's presidency. can you give us an idea about that? because you served 41, 43, and of course you broke in with reagan? >> well, i came to work with president reagan in 1983, and a very prominent bush supporter was already the chief of staff to president reagan, james a. baker iii who i think was remarkable. he helped bridge the gap between the bushes and the reagan campaign teams. i was part of the bush campaign team in 1979 and '80 and obviously, jim baker was part of that bush campaign team but he made the bridge to the reagan camp, and ended up being a phenomenal, i'm going to say leader, on behalf of president reagan, but also was inclusive with all the people who had supported then vice president bush so it was an easy transition for me. but yes, there was sometimes tension on the outside. but i can tell you, on the inside there was tremendous respect and love between the reagans and the bushes. and i watched how barbara bush, in particular, worked very hard to help nancy reagan. and i was a witness to how nancy reagan cared about the bushes, and especially when president bush -- vice president bush was running for president, and he ended up having the strong support of president reagan, which was very helpful. >> andy card. fellow gamecock, we are proud of you at the university of south carolina for your success. >> thank you. good to talk with you. >> bye-bye. >> all right. meanwhile, a -- we have a fox news alert now, because there's been a nascar plane that has been forced into an emergency landing. heather nauert has more. hey, heather. >> hi, brian. good morning, everybody. this information just coming in to our newsroom. a plane carrying the hendrix motorsports nascar team forced to make an emergency landing this morning. someone noticed smoke in the cabin, and that jet then touched down in memphis. this happened just a couple hours ago. the team was headed home to charlotte after a race in las vegas. no one was hurt. that plane is now being evaluated. we'll bring you more on this as we get it. another fox news alert right now. overnight and overseas. north korea threatened a preemptive and offensive nuclear strike against the united states and south korea. the move coming in response to this start of the annual joint military exercises between the two countries. this happens every year. we do this. it also comes just days after the u.n. passed new sanctions on north korea in response to its recent nuclear tests, and missile launch. a verdict in the erin andrews stalker case could come today. jurors are meeting this morning to decide whether the marriott nashville was negligent in letting andrews' stalker book a hotel room next to her, and that's where he filmed her through a peep hole back in 2008. andrews is suing for $75 million. and the selfie craze has literally gone wild. take a look at this. that is a giraffe and a camera right there. google cameras now set up all around the l.a. zoo, they'll snap a photo when an animal gets close enough to it. the giraffes apparently the ones that really love it. here's some more. they're calling them zoogle. did you ever think you'd get to see a tiger that close to the camera. and then this sweet little sloth looks like he's actually holding the camera, and those are your headlines. cute, huh? >> zoo animals are like kim kardashian. >> that's the only way i want to get close to a tiger. a selfie. >> if they take their own selfie and send it to us. 11 minutes after the hour. you know what's happening last night? i know it's getting hard to keep up, there's a forum tonight. last night there was a big debate. >> another debate. we've seen bernie sanders and hillary clinton pretty kind to each other at the debates. sort of a difference between the gop debates. but all bets were off last night. gloves came off. they were ferocious. watch this. >> i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. i think that is a pretty big difference. >> oh, well, i -- if you are talking about the wall street bailout, where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator sanders. >> let me tell my story. you tell yours. >> i will say again, i'll be happy to release anything i have as long as everybody else does, too. >> well, i'm your democratic opponent. i released it. here it is. there ain't nothing. i don't give speeches to wall street for hundreds of thousands of dollars. you got it. >> that happened in flint, michigan. so a lot of people stood up to the microphone they were asking them questions and they were upset about the water problems. >> calls for the governor to resign. >> and asking each of the candidates if they would fire the head of epa and bernie sanders says that he would if the epa were responsible for this. >> it's going to be a long battle. anyone thought it was going to be a quick knockout after super tuesday were wrong. bernie sanders still has the money flowing in. and i also think that bernie sanders is helping the republican nominee understand where her vulnerability is. brought up, doesn't really go after the e-mail situation, but even "the washington post" is, and now you even saw the networks are, because you're not out of the woods yet, but yesterday she's going after the transcript to wall street. so that's a little bit of a problem. >> young conservatives who were taking some screen grabs of recent photos at one of her campaign events tweeted this out yesterday. this is going viral. so this coming from the young conservative twitter account, getting shared and gone viral -- >> so that is an actual site? this is a picture -- >> yeah. and you know, hey, this is what they sent out. look the remaining letters that aren't there showing the fullness of her name, hillary at the top. >> you have individuals holding up the letters of "liar." >> no, no, it's actually hillary but her head blocks the bottom of the "l," and therefore it comes out like this. >> but it looks like the word liar. >> young conservatives who are not fans of hillary clinton, tweeting that out yesterday. ahead of the big debate. coming up on the show, donald trump picked up the supersaturday win in kentucky. how did the new york billionaire captivate the bluegrass state? >> yeah, he did it. and governor max bevan was another anti-establishment candidate who won there. he joins us live. that will be next. and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. kentucky, we love kentucky. thank you very much, folks. this is amazing. what a turnout. what a turnout. >> there you go. with donald trump's supersaturday win in the blueglass state what was it about the new york billionaire that captivated that state. >> rand paul's backyard. >> louisville kentucky is republican governor matt bevin, nice to see you this morning, governor. >> great to be on with you, governor. >> greit's such an interesting state. put this up, the caucus results, 82,000, record turnout across the state. he was hardly even there. hardly any radio ads, television ads. most of the candidates didn't show up there. what was it about his message that really resonated in kentucky? >> i think in fairness truth be told he was here more than any other candidate was. he came and did a rally here just a few days prior. he also was up on radio in particular, so he had some presence. i think what it is is what you're seeing across the country. you see people that are fed up with the status quo. you see people that are just tired of being played for fools. and so the electorate, on both sides, you played that clip earlier from last night's debate, the anger, the vitriol, the willingness to try to one up the next person to grasp the attention of the angry electorate is not specific to any one party. and i think what you saw here was some of that same sentiment played out. >> of course you got 79 counties of the 120 in your state. you also, somebody can relate to this because no one believed that you were going to win. you came from the outside and you won. when people want to make a comparison between you and donald trump, do you embrace it? >> i think it would be a faulty comparison to be honest, with all due respect to all parties involved. i was able to win 106 out of those 120 counties and i think the reason being is i brought to the equation in essence a balance between the top two vote getters in this state. i, too, am a business person. i, too, am an outsider. i, too, am somebody who has never been a previously elected official. all those things i would have in common with donald trump. but i'm a very conservative person. i value the constitution. i have always been conservative. i have always been a republican. and that's where i'm more like ted cruz. >> governor, but you said something's changing about this national election. what is it? >> i do -- i think you're starting to see, as we talked about briefly before we came on, i mean i think the gild is coming off the lily. the outsider rage is still very real. people want an outsider. but frankly, look at the top two vote getters in election after election around the country. it's two outsiders. one happens to already be elected, ted cruz. the other one happens to not be elected. but each of them has been an outsider, and is an outsider in many respects. and i think that's what the american people want. it's whether they want one who is more self-serving, or one who is interested in america first. and i'll leave it to people to decide which might be which. >> governor -- >> i think i know. >> governor, great to see you this morning. interesting state of kentucky. some amazing results there. thanks, governor. donald trump says he'll replace obamacare with his own plan. will it work? we're going to look at all the candidate's plans this week. the diagnosis is next. >> you know i'm a quisp man. where do you stand on the debate over the best cereal? ♪ type 2 diabetes doesn't care who you are. man. woman. or where you're from. city. country. we're just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. ♪ i am everyday people, 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your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis, which can be serious or life threatening. farxiga. we are everyday people. ♪ i am everyday people, yea, yea. ♪ ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn how you can get it for free. all right. time for your news by the numbers. the national cereal day edition. yep. what's america's best-selling cereal? in third place, honey bunches of oats. and boy is there a lot of honey. and in second place, frosted flakes. tony the tiger says they're great, but not great enough. and finally, first place honey nut cheerios. the energetic commercials certainly paid off. it's been around since 1979. when reagan took to the white house and everything changed. quisp is unranked right now but we're asking for a recount. for more on something different let's go to some people that are nice. >> what a compliment. thank you, brian. all right, well we're here with dr. siegel who is going through, we're going to have a week-long segment going through each of the candidates and their health care plans. dr. siegel joins us here now. we're going to start with donald trump. let's talk about his idea to repeal and replace the health care system, and barack obama's plan. is that even possible? >> well, that's number one here, and it is possible that you have a republican president and a republican congress. it hasn't been possible till then. everyone's talking about it. now you could have repeal and replace if a republican wins. if he wins. and he is backing getting rid of the individual mandate. he's getting rid of that in his new plan that came out over the past week. and 10 million young americans are not going along with that individual mandate and are paying the penalty. so it's not working as it is. so he's going to repeal and replace. he says, and the lines around the state, he wants to introduce more competition, and more choice by having -- you could buy your health insurance in nevada and bring it to new york. portability of health insurance. get rid of the idea that it's an interstate monopoly that you have to have it in the state you're in. he thinks that will drive down prices by introducing more competition. you'll have a nationwide marketplace. i like that idea. >> companies could sell across state lines. >> absolutely. another way to introduce choice and bring down cost is tax incentives. any insurance you buy as an individual you'll be able to deduct, just the way employers can do that. he wants more health savings accounts brought in. i love health savings accounts in the doctor's office. not only are they tax deductible but people like you and me know what we're buying. we know that if i buy an echo cardiogram it's going to cost $500. or if i buy a chest x-ray it's going to cost $300. if you know what it is you're paying for you're much more likely to be frugal about it. the fourth one is, drug prices. and this is fairly unconventional for republicans. he wants there to be reimportation of drugs as long as the quality is there to bring more competition in to the prescription drug market. >> what does that mean? bringing in drugs from other countries? >> absolutely. >> and you're for that? >> because you can see that drug prices are up 10% in the last year alone. >> how can you tell if they're safe, though? >> that's a really big point, ainsley. it's hard to do that but we'll have to institute a system to do that. he wants medicare to be able to negotiate for drug prices. we've talked on this show about cancer drugs being astronomically high when they come out. heart drugs. i like the idea of medicare being able to negotiate prices. the last point that he talks about is the immigration policy. if trump gets his wall, you're going to get a lot less illegal immigrants flooding the hospitals of the south and the southwest. there's no repayment for that visit. enormous cost to those hospitals. 300,000 increase in the heroin trade in last ten years. if we could cut down on illegal drug importation through those southern borders, the porous borders, you're going to see a lot less drug costs and a lot less health care costs in the united states. >> lighten the burden on the hospitals. >> absolutely. the key to the trump plan, and again there's been some back and forth on this, but he's becoming more consistent now, the key to the plan is more choice on the part of the individual, you buy your own insurance, less federal subsidies, and more competition introduced into the system. >> as a physician how do you feel about his plan? >> well, i like it better than the current federal overlay. i think it's very naive to think medicaid, medicare, everything that should be expanded, these programs aren't working. obamacare is flooding the doctor's office with people that have high deductibles, and narrow choices. narrow networks of doctors. i like the idea of broadening the choices, and giving people their own incentives for paying out of pocket. their own incentives for buying insurance. i like that. i think that will work better. competition will drive down prices. >> all right. thank you so much dr. siegel. >> great to see you this morning. >> we're going to continue to look at the candidates' health care plans all week. he'll have a different candidate tomorrow, and then throughout the week until friday. so we look forward to that. well, it's the mitt romney loophole everyone is talking about. would he let himself be drafted for president? >> that makes absolutely no sense for someone to say if they were drafted by their country that they'd say no. but what i can tell you is i'm not running for president. >> could that even happen? newt gingrich ran against romney and he's going to join us next to talk about that. plus, a fire chief fired for expressing his faith. >> we have made a great statement that you better keep your mouth shut or you will be fired. >> your e-mails they're pouring in on the fight for faith. we're going to read some of those coming up, as well. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. the war against drugs is a war of individual battles, a crusade with many heroes, including america's young people, and also someone very special to me. she has helped so many of our young people to say no to drugs. nancy, much credit belongs to you. and i want to express to you your husband's pride, and your country's thanks. >> we are remembering nancy reagan this morning, who passed away yesterday morning at the age of 94 years old. we want to bring in a former speaker of the house, newt gingrich, who's joining us this morning. first your reflections on the former first lady. mr. speaker? >> well, she brought a level of class to the white house. she was a remarkable first lady. the depth of their mutual love is really a storybook kind of thing. they absolutely doted on each other. they were very happy spending endless hours together. >> right. >> whenever reagan was gone, he missed her, and then at one point on a state visit somewhere turns and says, i have to get back to nancy. he'd had enough. so i think that she's a very major part of the reagan presidency, of who he was. and then of course she had the long process of his fading away with alzheimer's. and the terrible disease, and she was by his side that whole time. so she really -- appropriate, she'll be with him now permanently at the reagan library. >> it's kind of interesting because of that, and maybe other reasons, she broke with george w. bush at the time and said, listen, i'm for stem cell research and she focused so much on alzheimer's and thought maybe the key was there. correct? >> yeah, and i think she was passionate about what she had seen, and something which i frankly am passionate about, too. alzheimer's is the biggest single financial threat in public health in the country. and it's a very, very tragic disease which affects, by the way, the caregivers. caregivers are twice as likely to be sick as non-caregivers. so it both affects the patient and also the people caring for that patient. >> mr. speaker, i want to read "the washington post" obit this morning that criticizes nancy reagan and get your reaction. it says, quote, nancy reagan had an undeniable knack for inviting controversy. there were her extravagant spending habits at a time of double digit unemployment, a chaotic relationship with her children and step children that could rival a soap opera plot, and the jaw dropping news that she had insisted the white house abide by an astrologer when planning the president's schedule. what is your reaction to that? >> that is typically, utterly stupid. somebody at the "post" to get out a personal vendetta at a time when she's passed away. everything they just said is stupid. the fact is, first ladies have often had remarkable dresses. somehow if it was hillary clinton or mrs. obama, it doesn't matter. but nancy reagan was a conservative republican. she was an outsider. the city never took to her. the whole thing with astrologers was silly. i said so at the time and actually had a personal call from the president thanking me for standing up for his wife. she -- people who couldn't attack ronnie could attack nancy. and so she took a lot of the brunt of people who were petty and mean spirited particularly in this city where there were a number of people who resented her coming from hollywood and not being one of them. she wasn't a georgetown person. she was a hollywood person and she left her as a hollywood person. >> all right. so let's talk about this election if we could, and switch to what happened over the weekend. you know, a split two and two the caucus and primaries. louisiana and kentucky went to donald trump. but it seems as though cruz has got some wind at his back, and guess who's paying the price for it? it seems to be marco rubio. especially in louisiana where late breakers, they say, went to cruz. where are we heading with this? >> well, for those of you who want a really exciting summer, i think we're one step closer now to actually having some kind of contested convention. if, in fact, michigan tomorrow is going to be very, very important. there's at least two polls now that show kasich closing the gap in michigan. and you could suddenly find that as remarkable as the trump phenomenon has been, he hasn't converted from challenger to front-runner, and as a result he's losing the late deciders. boy, if that continues, no one person is going to have enough delegates to be nominated on the first ballot. >> all the journalists in washington foaming at the mouth about this idea of a contested convention. could this actually happen james garfield style? he rolls into the convention. he doesn't even know he's going to be president by the time he walks out. would mitt romney be the guy that they draft at the last minute? he was asked by chris wallace on fox news sunday about this. i want to get your take on his response. watch. >> you say you won't run for president. but you didn't rule out a draft. >> that's an absurd -- in my opinion that's an absurd thing to say. no republican should say that. that makes absolutely no sense for someone to say if they were drafted by their country that they'd say no. but what i can tell you is, i'm not running for president. i'm not going to run for president. i'm going to support one of these four people to be our nominee. i'm supporting three of them right now. and that means that we're going to get one of those people as our nominee. >> what do you make of that response? >> look, i think if mitt had really wanted to maneuver for the nomination, he wouldn't have given the speech he gave last week. because that speech was so harsh, and so intense that it virtually guaranteed that i think votes for the trump people but also for a lot of the cruz people that romney would be unacceptable. he may have been courageous on his part. it's certainly what i think he believes but it was such a vitriolic and nasty speech that it guaranteed that the guy who currently has the most votes and the most momentum would never accept a romney as sort of the draft of the convention. now the rules of the convention, which frankly every reporter ought to be studying, are fascinating. and after the first ballot, it becomes a free for all. so you could end up in a very extraordinary situation, in addition, the republican national committee's rules committee is going to meet in late april. they've got to really confront, maybe for the first time since 1952, the possibility that you could go to a number of ballots in order to decide what's going to happen here. >> and it's nobody playing with the system. you've got to go over the threshold. so you could have a big lead but if you don't have over 1200 it is game on come convention time in july. >> i think the real number is about 45%. i think if trump, for example, or cruz, and cruz has had a terrific week now, if either one of them ended up at 45%, 46%, the momentum psychologically would carry them to a majority. remember you don't want the convention to blow apart. and so you've got to manage the emotions, and the prospects of all these people in a way. but it could mean that reince priebus is going to have one of the most complicated jobs in america in the next four or five months. >> right. >> it's much wilder than i thought it would be. >> and you've been such an even commentator throughout the whole thing. taking it in with a great sense of history. newt, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, mr. speaker. >> heather nauert has hare headlines. >> good morning. nice to have you with us. seven families who suffered from lead poisoning in flint, michigan, in that water crisis, will file a class action lawsuit today. they say they want to hold lawmakers responsible for switching to the flint river, as its source of water back in 2013. and that caused that lead crisis. well, this comes as democrats call for michigan's governor to now step down. listen. >> the governor should resign or be recalled. >> what is absolutely incredible to me is that water rates have soared in flint. you are paying three times more for poison water than i'm paying in burlington, vermont, for clean water. >> well that last night at the debate. the city of flint has switched back to its original water source and has been working to replace city water pipes. after an expensive search the coast guard has now called off rescue efforts for someone who fell off a royal caribbean cruise ship. 46-year-old david mossman from texas was last seen on a tenth floor balcony on the "navigator of the seas." several passengers reported that he may have jumped off the ship as it rounded key largo, florida. he apparently had some sort of a fight with his mother. crews scoured nearly 1700 miles before they suspended that search. and faith under fire this morning. a former atlanta fire chief says he lost his job for sharing his christian beliefs in his self-help book. kevin kauffman says he's now being discriminated against and is suing the city of atlanta for wrongful termination. he joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to talk about it. listen. >> tolerance is a two-way street. and it's respecting the beliefs and conscience of all americans. i want to be vindicated from the injustice that was committed against me by the city of atlanta. no american should have to be forced to make a choice between living out their faith and keeping their job. >> well, the city denies that he was fired for his faith and said they say he didn't follow his rules on outside employment and those are your headlines. a lot of people writing in about that. when they get a chance to read some of those comments later on. >> comments were overwhelming in favor of the former chief. adrian writes in this morning the book he wrote was not during working hours. how dare he be fired for what he believes? >> he is an outstanding christian gentleman who is being persecuted for his strong faith in jesus christ. >> and nina wrote this, he did nothing wrong. i hope he wins his case. we need more good people like him. all right. we'll keep you up to date on what's happening. >> two volunteer firefighters suspended for breaking the rules to save a toddler's life. now a community rallying around them. >> and ladies do you want to look decades younger? of course we do. >> you want to look 11? >> the secret involves the sun. we'll explain next. >> stay out of it. dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. ♪uh. introducing centrum vitamints. a new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint... with a full spectrum of nutrients... new centrum vitamints. do you sign invoices likeour fathey're autographs?en, then you might be gearcentric. right now, buy two get one free on all pens, pencils, and markers! office depot officemax. gear up for great®. what backache? what sore wrist? what headache? advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. quick headlines for you. you're going to love these. just how much does the sun age you? two decades. that's right. a new study finds women, why is it just women, who avoid the sun -- you look -- you're going to look 20 years younger if you avoid the sun the story says. scientists say there's a gene in your skin that becomes more active when exposed to the sun. stay out of the sun. all right. this is my favorite story of the morning. i heard this this morning. heather was reading this this morning. sipping on vino before bed could help you lose weight. >> yes. >> yes! harvard researchers find that women who drink two glasses of wine a day are 70% less likely to be overweight because it contains a chemical that helps burn calories. so stay out of the sun, and drink a lot. >> my problem is drinking a whole bottle and then a block of cheese. >> you don't wake up. that's why you look great because you never wake up in the morning. >> that's the callback from the 6:00 hour. okay. 13 minutes before the top of the hour. suspended for helping save a life. two volunteer firefighters temporarily out of work for breaking the rules, and driving a toddler to the hospital. >> the decision now sparking outrage. "fox & friends" first co-host heather childers joins us with the reaction. good morning. >> good morning to you guys and to everyone at home. support, as you can imagine, is pouring in from every direction right now for those two firefighters. an anonymous emt worker from the same county even just made a facebook page in their defense. it is called reinstate our heroes stafford. the emt says that she doesn't know the firefighters personally, but she started the page after seeing so many people asking how think could help. another man who didn't want to appear on camera says that the whole situation is just simply unfair >> i just feel that it's wrong to punish someone for doing the right thing that very possibly saved this child's life. >> and here just a couple of examples of the reaction on that facebook page right now. brad says, i've been in the fire service for almost 30 years. i would have done the same thing to save a life. and lisa adds, they saved a life, treat them like the heroes they are. thank you for your service. they're lucky to have you. and now the problems all started when the two volunteer firefighters, captain james kelly and sergeant virgil bloom responded to an emergency call saturday about a child having a seizure. >> handed me the child. at that point, she was completely limp and flaccid. i turned around and looked at my driver without any hesitation i said turn around we're going to the hospital. >> their actions saved that little girl's life. but it also lost them their jobs, amazingly the county suspended them for using their fire truck, which is classified as a nontransport unit, to take her to the hospital. they say that fire trucks don't have proper restraints or medications like medic units have. the toddler's parents, however, thanked them for their quick reaction. the little girl is doing well. the fire chief says that he supports the two firefighters 100%. saying that he would have done the same exact thing. breaking protocol to save a life. and that's exactly what they did. and that's the story so far. we'll continue to get reactions. back to you. >> all right, heather. great recap on how we got to where we are today. meanwhile on a different note. a frightening scene caught on camera. you have a teen running to escape a kidnapper. the urgent search to find him. that is coming up. plus, about to head out the door? might want to grab a different snack. we're going to show you which ones are actually the healthy ones and which ones are not and hopefully we'll make you late for work. first i want to give you more additional information. on this day in 1978, love is thicker than water by andy gibb was the number one song in america and i've asked him to sing it from wherever he is. ♪ customers ask if all vitamins are the same. i tell them the difference is quality. gnc formulas exceed the highest standards. now buy one get one half off select fish oils, probiotics, multivitamins and more. what's right for you? just ask. we make it simple. gnc. i provide for my family. i will use my education to help my community. i will inspire our next generation of leaders. i am a college student, but i am only 1%. only 1% of college students are american indian. donate now, and help our numbers grow. ♪ hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you'll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. welcome back. grab and go eating is turning everyday foods into snacks. so how do you know what you're grabbing isn't weighing you down? >> registered dietitian and nutrition expert dr. felicia is here to break down the best and worst snack options. i can't wait to talk to you about this. we've always heard -- now we're hearing don't eat three meals a day, eat six little meals, small snacks. >> that's right. reality is that we need to eat throughout the day to maintain our blood sugar levels so that we have adequate energy, and the other thing is that we can use snacks as an opportunity to get in foods or nutrients of need that we're not getting in during meal times. >> all right. let's dive into some of the healthy fat options on the table. avocado. >> avocado and i've got avocado snacks. a cheese squeeze because it's got omega 3 fatties asits. and you were surprised i put nutella because it's good if you want the chocolate, you know, snack, and what nutella and luna have is asian palm food. and it has beta-carotene. we can have fats for different reasons. some of them are to get added nutrients in. then we have protein over here. so sometimes we think about protein as, you know, i have like meat and cheese snackers, yogurts, hummus, and i like some of these dried beans that you can get. edamame. i like things in individual packets so you can portion control yourself. >> can you eat too much protein? >> you can. you can overeat protein. i mean there are certain diet plans that lend itself to that. and that's problematic because it causes kidney damage. >> we know fiber is such an important part of our digestion, right. we know that it can keep us feeling less hungry. >> and feel fuller longer. so there are all kinds of snacks that you can have. even things like a pasta snack. a quinoa snack, and you can have beans, fruit, crackers, it's just about thinking about your snacks and what you're having. and making sure that you're choosing better for you foods. >> what are some foods you should avoid? like the fatty -- >> the fatty -- >> funyunss. >> do not eat these on a morning show. >> there are plenty of -- these are sort of the vending machine go-tos. some of these have multiples. i know i put in the high sugar. some of these have a lot of fat in them, too. >> i was surprised by this one. this is my go-to snack. >> trail mix. >> you've got chocolate chips. >> i thought it was healthy. a little built of chocolate they say is good for you. >> there's too much chocolate. >> but doctor this is so adorable. mini chocolate chips ahoy. >> and it fits in your cup holder in your car. >> it's the perfect snack on a go. >> what about these? people are like oh, a meat snack is smart. >> and sodium is really the problem with that. looking at how much sodium. really it's very individualized in terms of the amounts of sodium we should and should not be having. but there are healthier versions of a lot of the foods i brought here today. >> dr. stoler thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> we knew it was coming, bernie sanders finally snapped. >> some of your friends destroyed this economy. >> you know -- >> excuse me. i'm talking. >> and today these two will face off on fox news. bret baier hosting that town hall. join us live from d.c. at the top of the hour. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. good morning to you. i'm ainsley earhardt. today is monday, march 7th, 2016. we wake up this morning remembering nancy reagan. >> we only make this trip once. i think. and we really should make it count. >> this morning we pay tribute to the former first lady. the secret service agent, by her side, for 17 years will join us live. >> i was looking at her pictures. >> right. that's allowed. >> and, no more mr. nice guy from bernie sanders. >> some of your friends destroyed their economy. >> you know -- >> excuse me. i'm talking. >> ooh. excuse me. and tonight, the two face off on fox news. bret baier hosting that town hall. he's going to join us live in hoemts. he's going to tell us all the questions he's going to ask. >> right i learned my lesson. hey, and beyonce getting some competition this morning from a brick layer. ♪ >> i just heard that. by the way, mornings are great for him all the time and they're better with friends. let's get it together here, guys. >> sound off in the middle of -- it's a big final hour. so much going on over the weekend from the caucuses to the primaries to this major story. america's mourning the loss of nancy reagan this morning. >> tributes are pouring in about the former first lady who died yesterday at the age of 94 of congestive heart failure. >> she's going to be buried at reagan presidential library in simi valley, california, next to her husband ronald reagan. >> and now bret baier, who is now -- who did a great special yesterday was there by 1:00 or 1:30 eastern time able to do a perspective on her life. has been scrambled up to detroit because you have a big event tonight. what was your reaction when you heard and then why did you put together the collection of people you did in order to reflect back on her life? >> well, good morning guys. i think we had a great collection of folks to remember nancy reagan. and, you know, george will, who is a good friend, and confidant could reflect back on her life and legacy. sam donaldson, who covered the white house back then, chris wallace had some great anecdotes from that time, as well. and to a person, throughout the hour and a half, two hours we had remembering her life, it was all about her deg knitty, her grace, and the focus on the love between nancy and president reagan. and obviously that iconic image of her after the funeral, sitting there at the grave site. now she will be alongside her husband there in simi valley. >> well, republicans uniting around remembering nancy reagan this morning. but they are certainly not united around the gop candidates right now, as we look ahead to michigan and tuesday. of course you're out there in detroit right now. we were hearing earlier in the week john kasich, governor john kasich saying look i'm up in michigan right now. then we get a bombshell new poll just out yesterday that shows donald trump with a huge lead right now in the polls in michigan. bret, what's your take on the ground? >> well, listen, trump is well positioned here. i don't know, you know, there have been different polls. kasich closing in, there was one arg poll that seemed like an outlier that he was up by two. >> right. >> after you had some other polls showing trump up big. bottom line is it's a big state. there are 38 delegates on the republican side at stake here, and it kind of sets the tone for the midwest. the biggest prize, obviously, next week in ohio, and florida, and those two states will really tell us how this republican race is shaping up. >> now bret, speaking of the republican race, rush limbaugh was on fox yesterday talking about the hypocrisy and how republicans need to rally around one candidate and he's saying since donald trump is pulling out ahead, the republicans need to support him. let's take a listen and then want to get your reaction. >> donald trump has put together a coalition, whether he knows it or not, whether he intended to or not, he's put together a coalition that's exactly what the republican party says that it needs to win. and yet look what they're doing. they're trying to get trump out of the race. because they're not in charge of it. they're not in control of it. >> and there is a big stop trump movement out there. and mr. conservative doesn't see a problem with donald trump. what's your take on where the party stands right now? >> well, i think it's split, brian. i think there's no doubt about it. rush limbaugh says that about donald trump but he also says that he believes the true conservative in the race is ted cruz. and the cruz campaign is making a campaign a push that they are the only one who can deal with, and effectively beat donald trump, even if it takes a contested convention to do it. obviously ted cruz had a big weekend with some wins over the weekend. and the question is, what happens once we get to florida and ohio. and i think those are the big markers in this race. as far as whether trump can get to 1237 the number of delegates needed to get to the nomination. >> and his wins were in kansas and maine, and the win in louisiana and kentucky were narrower than people thought. should that be something we keep in mind when we think about michigan and what looks to be a double digit win, that things are changing quickly? >> yeah, listen. there is a never trump part of the party that is uniting. and they are getting a lot of money. there are millions and millions of dollars being spent on ads against donald trump. now, that is splitting the party. and whether it's having an effect, it may be taking down some of these leads in some of these states, like michigan. but we'll see tomorrow. >> we're hearing from republicans writing in to our show this weekend saying they're not voting for any republican. they're going to vote for hillary clinton on that never trump movement if you can believe that. and we saw the gloves come off really around this issue last night during this debate over wall street. who is taking donations, who is on the side of wall street? watch this feisty moment between the two candidates. >> i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. >> oh -- >> i think that is a pretty big difference. >> well, i -- if you are talking about the wall street bailout, where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator sanders. >> let me tell my story. you tell yours. >> i will say again, i'll be happy to release anything i have, as long as everybody else does, too. >> well, i'm your democratic opponent. i released it. here it is. there ain't nothing. i don't give speeches to wall street for hundreds of thousands of dollars. you got it. >> bret i hope you're prepared to bring some boxing gloves tonight. you're going to be in the middle of that when you're in town hall tonight with clinton and sanders. what are you going to ask them? >> well, let me just lay it all out for you here. first i'll ask -- the site of the town hall, and we'll be doing a 6:00 to 7:00 tonight. happy that both candidates will be here. obviously you're right it was a feisty debate last night. but there are many things that haven't been asked to either candidate in this democratic race. hopefully we'll get to some of those. and i'll be asking some questions. we have 300 undecided voters here. michigan ders who will be asking questions of both candidates as well. so we're looking forward to it. last night's debate there were a lot of things talked about, they spent a lot of time obviously about flint because they were in flint michigan but obviously there are also a lot of topics that haven't been touched on. >> absolutely. is the format 30 minutes and 30 minutes? are they going to be out together? >> nope. 30 minutes and 30 minutes. i'll ask some questions. we'll open up to the crowd. i can follow up whenever i want to, and both campaigns have been great, and we're excited they're both here. >> were you curious about the answers to the bryan pagliano, the i.t. guy who has gotten immunity in order to testify. she says that's good news. were you surprised by that answer? >> i was surprised by that answer. i don't think that a lot of people looking at it thought it was good news. i think there are plenty of questions to ask along that front. but listen there are a lot of topics that have not been touched on. and just like in the republican race, how we are trying to get candidates off their talking points, so that they don't have an exit ramp to their stump speech, we'll be trying to do that tonight. >> and by the way, we got your talking points here. and we didn't ask any of these questions. so good job, bret. >> that is amazing. >> totally true. >> you've been working so hard you did a great job. >> i can always count on you guys. >> all right. we'll be watching tonight. thank you, bret. >> over to heather nauert who has a look at your headlines. >> good morning clayton, good morning, brian, good morning ainsley as well. fox news alert. a plane carrying the hendrix motorsports nascar team forced to make an emergency landing this morning. someone on board noticed smoke in the cabin, and the jet was then forced to touch down in memphis. the team was headed home to charlotte after a race in las vegas. we understand that no nascar drivers were on board, and that no one was hurt but they are looking into the cause of this. we'll bring you the latest as we get it. a verdict in the erin andrews stalker case could come as early as today. jurors are meeting this morning to decide whether the marriott nashville was negligent in letting andrews' stalker book a hotel room next door to hers. that's where he filmed her through a peep hole back in 2008. andrews is stewing for $75 million. and peyton manning is calling it a career. and what a career it has been. the two-time super bowl champion expected to announce his retirement later today. the denver broncos tweeting out thank you, peyton, and congratulations on your magnificent 18-year nfl career. manning helped lift the broncos to victory over the carolina panthers in super bowl 50. he's ranked first in career passing yards, and passing touchdowns in the league, and tied for first in wins by a quarterback. wow. 18 years in the nfl. imagine that. and a video that is going viral that will make your morning. take a look at this. ♪ >> that was clayton over the weekend in that yo low tank top dancing around that like. a little bit of a tan clayton, right? looking good. >> since then i put on 20 pounds. >> well beyonce hasn't commented on this yet. the guy is a brick layer. he takes song requests and he dances for his coworkers every single friday. that would make you have a great old time if you're out there on the site with that guy. >> just been informed. we are going to send him a song. maybe get him to dance for us. >> but he's in australia, brian. >> what? >> he's in australia. >> we'll be patient. >> we have technology. >> we'll send him a slow song. >> another video, thank you so much, heather, it's a video that will send shivers up any parents' spine. a teenager's daring escape from a kidnapper. the urgent search to find that man next. >> plus by now you know i am a quisp man. but what's your favorite cereal? the debate is heating up this morning and it's tearing friendships apart. we want to get your take. but first we continue to remember nancy reagan this morning. >> standing here today in this incredible atrium, i think this building has captured that optimism and strength that ronnie talks about. after all, ronnie said there are a lot of worse things to be called than a dreamer. with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 o'clock is here. oops, hold your horses. no problem. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at laquinta! a fox news alert. this video will send shivers up any parents' spine. >> a teen's daring escape from a kidnapper and the hunt is on right now to find that man. >> all right we've got to get more details. abby huntsman is here with the latest. >> good morning, it is a horrifying thought. your child's taken on their way from school. but that's almost what happened in pompano beach, florida. that's north of fort lauderdale. and the ordeal was all caught on camera. now police are searching for the suspect. the man allegedly pulled alongside the 13-year-old who you can see in this video, asked her where she was going. she kept walking. he got out of his car, grabbed her by the waist, attempted to shove her inside the car she kicked and screamed, freed herself before sprinting away. as this video shows he followed before eventually giving up and now obviously nearby residents are calling the situation unsettling. >> in the daylight. i was even more shocked like wow, he was very bold. >> i'm very upset about it. he just looked like anybody. just looked like a nice guy. >> you wouldn't think that someone who would try doing that in broad daylight. >> take a look at this sketch. this is who police are now looking for. parents are extra worried because not only did this happen in the afternoon, but near a school park, and a day care. and so far all leads have turned up empty. you got to give it to this young woman, though, you guys. she basically saved her own life. luckily she's okay. >> i just can't believe it's right in the middle of the day. >> right in the middle of the day. >> what the heck. >> it's important for parents to teach their kids. >> don't want to scare them, they're 5 years old. >> you know these people run away from them. >> i know, right? >> we captured the nation's attention like this. remember her? she was hiccupping for five weeks straight. now she is a convicted murderer. but her next guest says you don't even know half of the hiccup girl's story. >> wow. >> plus, who approved this license plate? >> yeah. allergies with nasal congestion? find fast relief behind the counter with claritin-d. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. all right some quick headlines. meanwhile the phrase jihad 1 allowed on a personalized license plate, believe it or not. the state of missouri saying there is no legal reason to deny the plate. the muslim couple who owns it says it is inspired by their 14-year-old son named jihad. there's so much wrong there. navy s.e.a.l.s don't have enough combat rifles. federal money isn't reaching them and they face a shortage. lawyers for bowe bergdahl say donald trump may have jeopardized his chance for a fair trial. they want to meet for trump over comments he made about bergdahl being a no-good traitor. he faces charges for walking away from his post in afghanistan back in 2009. ainsley? >> thank you, brian. we all remember the so-called hiccup girl. her name is jennifer mie. >> you need help? >> the allegation is murder in the first degree. >> that young girl who had hiccups for five straight weeks went from social media stardom to murderer. our next guest, who's an investigative journalist who dug deeper into her story to find out what went so horribly wrong. the author of one breath away, here's his book, m. william phelps, joins us now and he goes by the name matthew. you already remember her and her story. i want to show a little clip and then we're going to dive into her story. and hear about why you're so fascinated with her. >> we can hear you hiccupping. live right now. it just never stops? >> never other than when i'm sleeping. >> and how long is the longest that you go between hiccups? >> i don't know, to tell you the truth. i'm really not sure. >> can you go a minute or two, or is it just -- >> no, not that long. >> i know you also said -- >> 20 to 30 seconds. >> but then what happened after that? it's pretty chilling. she was a convicted murderer years later. what happened? >> this is one of the reasons that got me interested in the story. generally i write about serial killers. what i was interested in was, here you have really one of the first youtube, internet celebrities, stars that, you know, our lives today are based on likes and hits and all of that stuff. so here you have the first one. but after that celebrity's gone, what happens to the person? and for jennifer mee, she was a child when the hiccups and all the celebrity happened. so what happens to her is, you know, she goes down a path that is just filled with drug dealing, she was even prostituting herself. she got mixed up with, i could say the wrong crowd, but it was the crowd she chose to be involved with. right? and this led to doing things that normally she wouldn't have done. but it's the back story, too, of her life that sets all this up. >> which is? >> which is, and these are some of the things i found while i investigated this, she claims that, and witnesses claim that were there that she was repeatedly sexually assaulted as a child for about a year. over and over and over by two young people. okay? i don't name them because, you know, no one's been charged. now, what i believe is the letters i received from her, talking to her, she's still stuck psychologically as that child who was sexually assaulted. so she is unprepared for the celebrity that comes to her, right? so this sets her all up for this. you know, we love in this country to see someone rise up and we love to watch them burn. >> how did the murder happen? >> the murder happened, she was communicating with a young man online. moco, myspace, communicating with him, she set up a meeting. i've heard two things, that they were going to hook up together, or that he wanted to buy some weed. both those things might be true. i don't know which one is, okay. but anyway, he comes down to meet her in saint pete, and her boyfriend, lamont newton and laron rayford are waiting around the corner for him. now jennifer mee in her defense doesn't know that laron really has a gun. and they don't want to kill him. this is not a murder. all they want to do is roll him, if you will. and he fights back. when he fights back, lamont grabs him and laron pulls out the gun and he shoots him and he dies. >> you know what's fascinating? you have focussed so much of your career lately on her. what was it that drew you in? you ended up feeling sorry for her. >> well, i wanted -- you know i looked at this and wanted to look at the back story. the story underneath. i wanted to know how does a person go from being a 15-year-old internet celebrity star to a murderer. and i dedicated the book to 25 reality stars who are now dead. >> wow. >> that's no coincidence. >> wow. >> yeah, that's no coincidence. suicide, homicide, accidental, overdose. >> you get a taste of fame and then it's -- >> and i was interested in that. and her mother was ridiculed, rachel. it's not her mother's fault. i mean, the -- the trolls that went after jennifer mee when she became the hiccup girl. the things that she was told, remarkable. >> matthew, thank you. one breath away if you want to pick up this book. right here. there's a lot of information that we don't have time to get to today. if you want to read the book here it is. thank you, matthew. >> thank you for having me. >> when we come back, remembering former first lady nancy reagan through the eyes of a secret service agent who spent 17 years by her side. what life was really like on the reagan ranch and the incredible story behind this picture. and you know, brian loves a cereal that no one's really ever heard of, it's called quisp. but what's your favorite cereal? did it make the new top ten list? your responses are pouring in. i don't think quisp is on the list, brian. sorry. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. with advil, you'll ask what backache? what sore wrist? what headache? what bad shoulder? advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil it's the world's #1 choice. what pain? advil. they said i was a fluff head. you know. [ laughter ] and all i was interested in was clothes, and shopping, and, you know, all that. >> decorating and so forth, right? >> yeah. then, then i guess after ronnie was shot, i had -- there was a kind of a quiet period there. >> they called a truce for awhile. >> yeah. >> then all of a sudden i was running the world. i was nuclear decisions and all of that. >> talking about all the conspiracy theories for people who didn't know what it was really like to be inside the white house. >> and they were friends with johnny carson. meanwhile 29 minutes before the top of the hour. >> she was just so cute. america is mourning the loss of nancy reagan who died yesterday at the age of 94. >> meanwhile, adam housley is live at the reagan library in simi valley, california. you know what, adam, they knew this day was come but no one is ever quite sure, you know, when it's going to happen. and that's what we found out yesterday. >> yeah, they've been planning this for some time. you guys mention about the memories. all sorts of amazing memories coming through from television, people who knew her. when you drive up the presidential drive at simi valley. the sign out front is adorned with flowers and cards and flags. joining me live is melissa gellar who's been here for 15 years with the reagan foundation and library. this day has been planned for some time. and nancy had a very strong say in what was going to take place. >> absolutely. the president of the united states, first lady of the united states, you start your planning for your funeral while you're in office. so they were both actively involved in their funerals. she helped determine who she wanted to have speak, her pallbearers, even the program. >> so many different memories. you talked about there's a lot of people coming here today to talk about her who used to be part of her staff over the years. this is somebody in his family who has a lot of people who just really adored them. >> absolutely. there's a big sense of loss this week, obviously, in people who worked for both of them, back on the campaign days and even before governorship. really want to come out and help in any way that they can. >> any final thoughts you have? you knew her for a long time. >> just going to really miss her for the direction she gave us for the reagan foundation and reagan line rather. she really has been a guiding force. >> what a legacy it is, too. she opened this back in 2005 cutting the ribbon where the air force one is right now. we're inside because there's a lightning and thunderstorm with massive rain here in california. somewhat appropriate, probably, for this day. back to you guys in new york. >> adam housley live for us in california. thank you, adam. few people knew nancy reagan as well as our next guest did, former secret service agent john bar let to. >> he protected the reagans for 17 years. good morning, john. >> good morning, sir. >> this day a tough day. what is the first reflection that came to mind when you heard the news? >> it was a sad day. as i was watching fox news and all the footage, and i was there, just about all of them, and it just brought back a lot of memories, and a lot of calls from my fellow agents around the world, actually. it was a shock. you know it's coming but when it comes it's still hard. >> remove the veil for us. most americans will never get to see that relationship. that intimate relationship, obviously, inside the white house. you're right there, protecting the first lady and the president of the united states. did you guys get into it ever? did she say i'd love to roll down the windows of this car and get some breeze blowing in here while we're driving up to camp david. what did you have to say no to her on a regular basis about? >> not a regular basis. once in a great while we'd say -- she'd ask to do something and if the answer was no, that's what i would tell her. and she'd ask why, and i would answer it. and she'd go, okay. and we'd go to plan "b." >> we have a picture we want to put up on the screen and tell us about it of you giving ronald reagan a seat belt. what was this about? or nancy gave you the seat belt. >> oh. i have my own horses and as everybody who rides knows you're going to get hurt sooner or later. i came off my horse and broke six ribs. it's the only time i missed work. that was my first day back. we were going some place on an air force plane and it was my birthday. and she came up to me, with this nice package, and a little embarrassing. i opened it up, and here was a seat belt and she said john i want you to strap yourself into the saddle so no more falling off. >> i was at the reagan ranch last year, and it was such just a wonderful opportunity to see inside the life of the reagans. and there was one chair when you walked into the house, there was a chair on the right, and the tour guide told us that you were the one, ronald reagan was sitting in that chair and you had to tell him that he couldn't ride horses anymore. something that was difficult to tell him because he loved to ride. and the doctors told nancy that and said i can't pass along the news, john is going to have to do it. >> that was a very difficult day. i went to her, and he was making rookie mistakes and ronald reagan was a consummate horseman. and i said mrs. reagan, i can't protect him from himself. this horse is going to injure him. she said well what do you want me to do? and she's tearing up. i said you need to tell him to stop riding. she says i can't do that. you have to tell him. and i certainly did not want to do that. but i did. i went in the house. he was sitting there reading a book like he always was and we talked about it, and in his darkest hour, because he loved to ride, i started breaking up, and he got up out of the chair and put his arms around me and said, you know, john i know it's okay. so, he was making me feel better. amazing man. >> he knew that the alzheimer's that was going to be the situation, right? >> yes. it was starting to set in. >> well, thank you, john for being with us. we're so sorry for your loss. >> thank you. >> all right. let's get it over to heather nauert, who is standing by with other news making headlines. >> good morning. we're talking about the presidential election. and a major endorsement. it is the first presidential endorsement ever done over snapchat. take a look at this. >> i want john kasich to be the next nominee of the republicans and also to be the next president of the united states. hear, hear. >> thank you, arnold. love you man. >> there he is. that is the former governor of california, arnold schwarzenegger, of course. he's been following john kasich around the campaign trail through the buckeye state, and has now endorsed him. well, president jimmy carter says that he is now cancer free. the former president sharing the news with his sunday school class in georgia. the 91-year-old telling the crowd when i went for an mri this morning they didn't find any cancer at all. in august, carter revealed that he had melanoma and that it had spread to the brain. glad that he's doing well this morning. parents listen up. more than 4500 pounds of chicken nuggets now being recalled because there may be bits of plastic inside those nuggets. the applegate natural chicken nuggets were shipped to several states, including florida and new york. they have an expiration date of september the 27th of this year. so far no one has gotten sick from that plastic. but keep an eye out for these. and happy national cereal day to you, and britain kilmeade. do you remember this? >> yeah. >> oh, my goodness. >> elizabeth is an egg. steve is bacon. but i quisp. >> and this answers the question, does quisp exist. and the answer is yes, ainsley. >> i've never seen it. can't find it. where do you buy it? >> at the dollar store? >> where do you buy it? >> listen to this -- >> okay. so the top cereal is honey nut cheerios. third place, honey bunches of oats, and then the little oaty cluster things, the frosted flakes that comes in second, tony the tiger would say it's great. but we know what's number one in brian's family. quisp. >> yes. thank you. >> and those are your headlines. >> for halloween, that was a lot of fun, wasn't it? >> not really. i don't like dressing up. i'll never do it again. >> you don't like dancing -- >> that's why we didn't date, heather. >> i don't really like to do anything. >> thank you heather. we wanted to know what your favorite cereals are. sherry tweeted cheerios, coco crisp. >> they did the rankings for us. e-mailed quisp was hands down my favorite childhood cereal. there are a couple of weird little magnets that i got in a box of quisp that still reside on my refrigerator. i never got the magnets. >> dee dee send one of those magnets to brian. >> and paul tweeted this, should i answer that question? should i? okay. you asked for it, it's spaceballs the breakfast cereal. i remember that cereal. >> really? >> what is it? >> did they make three boxes? >> i don't know. they all tasted the same, all those movie remember c3po cereal. >> you do remember that? >> my mom wouldn't buy sugared cereals for us. >> oh, i used to get the sugary cereal and put sugar on top of it. >> scrape the sugar off the bottom. >> i did that, too. >> delicious. >> just go right to the dentist there. fills your whole nouth with lead. >> there's some extreme weather that we need to talk about. it's move nothing southern states. you need to brace for this impact. major storm system. >> this comes after a wet and wild weekend in california. we saw adam housley had to go inside the reagan library. two people dead in the golden state. floodwaters wreaking havoc on the roadways. >> maria molina, what can you tell us? >> it is a mess across parts of the midwest. moisture moving in, heavy rain and also some mountain snow. this is going to be the pattern that's going to be continuing here over the next several days. so expect that you're going to continue to need those umbrellas out there, and it's just going to be a tough go on roadways and anywhere from washington state down into california we're talking potentially feet of snow across the higher elevations in california, and also across washington and oregon. now severe weather will also be possible across parts of the plains, anywhere from texas up into parts of the dakotas and also in minnesota. there's a threat for isolated tornadoes, damaging winds and even large hail and then across eastern texas up into missouri, you're looking at a flood threat this week, with potentially more than a half a foot of rain in the forecast here coming up over the next few days. let's head back inside. >> thank you, maria. >> all right, maria. meanwhile 19 minutes before the top of the hour. next guest is donald trump. three easy steps from winning. not just the nomination, but the white house. he'll reveal what those steps are only here. >> today's weather is brought to you by bush's baked beans. the veggie kids love. >>boo-yah. blow it up. bush's baked beans. slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with a hint of sweetness. they're the vegetable kids love. they're totally eating their vegetables. boo-yah. >>blow it up. whaaat? bush's baked beans. the veggie kids love. try our newest flavor, asian bbq. available for a limited time only. some quick headlines for you this morning. this is really hard to watch but just so you know everyone is okay. actually let's put up the video of the mother and the daughter hit by the flying shopping cart that was coming down an escalator. the supermarket says a young man -- wow, pushed that shopping cart down the escalator and then ran off. it hit this little girl and her mom. but they are okay, thank goodness. that could have been a lot worse. and look at this picture. the baseball bat flying straight through the sand, come on over, joel. through the stands, towards a kids face during a pirates/braves spring training game. the kid saved by the guy next to him. the fan extending his arm, blocking that bat, thankfully the kid was not hurt. good job, fans. brian over to you. >> all right. 14 minutes now before the top of the hour. donald trump's supersaturday wins putting him one step closer to securing the republican nomination. but can he win the general election if it gets by a surging ted cruz? "new york post" columnist michael good twin says trump's path to the presidency could be easy to secure with just a few steps. in fact, three steps. he's here to reveal what those are, first. but i do want to tell you, michael, good to see you in person again. the polls head to head do not look real strong for donald trump right now compared especially compared to who's left in this race. hillary clinton's got a 41% lead in the rasmussen poll, over 36. the real clear average is by three 45% to 42%. >> i don't think those polls at this stage matter. trump has to first win the nomination. and they're close enough. those polls, one gaffe or if she were to be indicted, any number of things, events could change that overnight. so i don't think those polls tell you much at this point, except that it will be a very hard election for either side, if trump is the nominee against clinton. >> all right. so let's talk about the three steps that you outlined in your column. for example he should talk less about himself and more about americans. >> right. if you listen to his speeches, a lot of them are quite boring, actually. they talk about his company -- >> his poll numbers. >> his great company. he kind of wanders off into the weeds. i call you it trump land. i think that they're too much -- too self-centered. look he's got a great following. but politics is a game of addition. not subtraction. and some of the polls show him slipping. he has not performed up to the polls, actually, in some of the later states. so i think he's got to change some of what he says on the stump about people. he has to talk to people about how his programs will help them, not that he is a great businessman or he's made a lot of money. everybody knows that already. >> also, tuesday night and super tuesday night he was actually trying to elevate it. the next one develop a brain trust that can get him up to speed with his foreign policy. >> look, he's got a lot of opposition within what i would call the conservative and republican intellectual circles. the policy people. people who have studied a lot of these issues. they're horrified by some of the things he says. i mean general hayden, i was speaking this morning to maria bartiromo just about the issue of sending troops in to do illegal things. that he would violate the law just go do what i tell them. those sorts of things, i think, just send shudders down the policy establishment who does not want to see america rudderless at a time of war. >> some guys with some names and notoriety sign on. >> he needs a brain trust to guide him through the hot spots. >> for real answers. and repair his relationship with congressional republicans. how do you do that? >> i think paul ryan is a very approachable person. i think mitch mcconnell is, too. mcconnell in particular i think is worried about losing the senate. and so, trump cannot be insensitive to those concerns. he's got to think about those candidates because he's going to need -- if he's going to be president he's going to need a republican congress so he has to start now to bridge those gop gaps, and again you mentioned the other night i think he's taken a lot of steps already. he said he would help them fund raise which would be a huge help to those candidates. so i think he's beginning to get it, that this can't just be about him. >> right. >> it has to be about the country. and to do that you need to build a coalition. you need to keep adding people. i think he's made a lot of enemies. it's time to stop making enemies and start making new friends. >> well looks like marco rubio is going to stop with the personal attacks. maybe we can stop talking about skin color and things like that. michael goodwin, great column. got a lot of attention. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> i'll talk to you on radio. are we on the brink of another foreclosure crisis. the signs the housing market could be about to collapse, next. but first, check in with martha maccallum, her house is not going to collapse. you just redid your house. >> i hope it holds up for a little while. still paying for it. brian thank you very much. we are remembering nancy reagan, of course, this morning with ed rawlins and casey mcfarland and get ready for another big primary week, everybody. michigan headlines tomorrow night. as the party battles over whether to push for contested convention. rush limbaugh weighs in on that. and hillary and bernie get ready for a town howl showdown tonight with bret baier as the e-mail scrutiny gets hotter. all right. welcome back. the real estate practice once blamed for fuelling the housing crisis now hot again. it's house flipping. it's risen by 75% in some u.s. markets with over 179,000 homes flipped last year alone. that's the highest level since 2007. of course, right before the big collapse. so could this return of risky investments cause yet another crash? so let's dive in and get some truth here. let's ask real estate expert katrina. nice to see you this morning. this is also premised around this realty track information that came out about house flipping and an article that was written about this. do you buy this argument that we're heading towards another collapse? or you think this is totally false? >> i don't. and this article is -- there's just so many inaccuracies to me. and the numbers just don't make sense. because normally, flips are more popular when people -- a large amount of people are losing their homes to foreclosures. the investors i have looking for flips can't find deals because there aren't enough deals with that margin that they need in order to make money. >> right. >> you may see in certain markets people buying homes and fixing them up and those homes probably need a good amount of work, where people would be afraid to embark on the venture. but as far as having a lot of flips right now and affecting the real estate market i just don't see it. also i think the article says that flips account for about 5%. that's a very small amount. >> right. >> and i certainly don't expect flips to cause a housing bubble by any means. >> what happened in 2007, people getting mortgages without even a job. not even no income. some were able to get mortgages without a job. that's not even what's happening here. let's go to jacksonville. we had the map of the united states. happens to be one of the number one rental markets in the country. that's because you have rehabbers buying these properties, with their own cash, they're not leaning on a bank to do it mostly and they're putting renters in there. so that's where the data is, right? >> absolutely. and many of those renters are actually people that either lost their homes, and are now trying to build up enough of a down payment, they're also trying to work on their credit. so i don't by any means see flipping being the cause of any kind of distresser. i can tell you that in south florida, because i know that that was one of the main focuses of the article, you just can't find a lot of good deals. and when you do find a louse that needs a lot of work you do have about 20 or 30 investors bidding on it. but they're all cash deals, closing in a week and they're putting a good amount of money into the home. something that many user are just not willing to do in this market. >> before anyone with a heartbeat could get a mortgage, now it's still very difficult for an end user to get a mortgage. katrina, thanks for joining us this morning. i appreciate it. no the housing market is not collapsing again. upcoming the show, never before seen video of this famous family. do you know who it is? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160702 10:00:00

hi, friends. good morning. today is saturday, the 2nd of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. and it's a fox news alert. another isis terror attack. this time at a restaurant. hostages held while they were quizzed on the quran and then killed. we have the breaking details overnight. >> after years of speculation and months of email dumps and interviews with her colleagues. word is today is hillary clinton's day in the fbi's hot seat. we are live in washington with what to expect. >> don't let this moment fool you. ♪ land of the free ♪ and the home. >> roseanne barr more patriotic than you think. morning she will revealing her plans for america if this whole hillary clinton thing doesn't work out. we will break it down for you line by line. "fox & friends" right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i've been chilling on the third row. >> happy fourth of july weekend, everybody. hope you are having a happy saturday morning. we would like to you send your photos what it means to you to be a proud american. use that #proud american. you have been exploding our inbox with these here are some good ones. >> this one is from james. he sends us this photo with the message happy fourth from this year's class of united elim nateing power line obstructers. >> photo of him and his grandson trent and great grandson david. he said he was proud to have served his country to make it safer for future generations and you see three of them there. >> anthony sends us this photo. proud american because we stand for freedom, personal liberty, and economic prosperity like no other country. >> judy sent us this message of her nephew zach currently serving in the navy and his daughter is a proud american because of his service to this country. #proud american is something we are going to be paying attention to all weekend long. last week we had so much success and it was because of you. keep those pictures coming. >> jampacked show for you. ff weekend on facebook as well. nice to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. happy fourth. >> maria molina is standing by because we have crazy weather that we are dealing with right now and it's been super, super stinking hot out there. >> happy fourth of july weekend for everyone watching at home. we had some very intense weather conditions yesterday. particularly across portions of the northeast. we want to share these images with you out of long island where some severe thunderstorms rolled through yesterday producing lightning, a lot of very strong winds. can you see there on your screen just very intense conditions. thats watt story across other portions of the northeast including parts of new york state, eastern pennsylvania, and also across portions of new jersey as severe thunderstorms rolled threw. we do anticipate more severe weather through the day today. that's going to be something to watch out for. on the radar right now, it's already relatively busy out there across portions of the rockies, colorado, new mexico. things are calming down a little bit right now. they should be picking up across parts of the central plains as we head on later on this afternoon. carolinas could be active. looking at threat for damaging winds and large ail. as we head into sunday more extreme weather possible out there. across portions of kansas and also into missouri, a concern is that we are expecting several rounds of thunderstorms. they are going to be bringing in areas of very heavy rain, potentially more than six inches out there. flash flooding is going to be a big concern. we have a number of watches that have already been issued including places like kansas city and st. louis. quick look at your forecast for monday, independence day, a scorner across portions of the southern place. in dallas and the northeast though. no problems expected. some sun, some clouds, and also temperatures. very pleasant in the ace, that's back inside. >> all right, maria molina thank you so much. what an important travel weekend. 43 million americans expected to travel according to aaa. >> it was crowded there. you know, but it's the roadways more than the skies. that's because gas prices are so low. hotel prices are low. get out there and enjoy your family this holiday weekend but watch out for severe weather. >> siege at bangladesh cafe. hundreds of police officers stormed the restaurant packed with dozens of tourists held at gun point. [gunfire] >> 20 hostages were killed. 1 rescued in a 12 hour standoff. police say six terrorist militants who carry bombs and grenades yelling allah akbar have been killed with one captured alive. so far no reports of any americans hurt. we will keep you updated as reports continue to come in. developing this morning, a massive gas explosion rocking an entire town. >> oh my god. first responder, where are you? >> look at those residents being asked to leave after this fireball erupted after 3:00 a.m. a gas lion exploded after a car crash. several people were injured. residents there say they can see the fire nearly 20 piles away. fire crews are working to extinguish the flames woman on the fbi wants most wanted list for a week captured. shanika minor allegedly shooting a woman nine months pregnant killing her and her unborn child. brutal murder in milwaukee all over an argument about loud music. the fbi offering up $100,000 reward for her capture. then receiving anonymous tip and arresting minor at north carolina motel. and this is new overnight, my friends. the mega millions jackpot jumps to $449 million after no ticket matched last night's drawing. it's the 33rd consecutive drawing that failed to produce a winner. next drawing on tuesday, seventh biggest lottery prize of all times. the odds in the millions jackpot one in 259 million. and those are your headlines. >> so you're saying there's a chance. >> thanks. i'm going to keep this one, dave. see if this is food for tomorrow. >> all right. we have got a fox news alert. also, hillary clinton reportedly schedule to do meet with the fbi today. the bureau's interview with the presumptive democratic presidential nominee blead to be the final step in its investigation into her email server. >> could be the final step. this is big. garrett tenney is live from washington, d.c. good morning. what you can tell us? >> we have been hearing for several months that hillary clinton's interview with the fbi could be coming any day. citing a source close to the investigation the daily caller that interview is today. this interview is blefd to be the final step into the fbi's investigation into clinton's handling of classified information with her private email server. while we have heard similar reports of of this interview for months. there are some differents. the fbi has now completed interviews of several clinton top aides including former chief of staff cheryl mills and deputy chief of staff huma abedin. final interview take place. thus far the fbi has tried to avoid drawing attention to its investigation by bringing in witnesses in secret. in doing the interview over the fourth of july weekend, when clinton has no campaign events scheduled would certainly help with that. abc news reports the justice department is also hoping to complete the investigation before the democratic and republican conventions later this month. and that investigators will want to have plenty of time to review clinton's interview to compare her statements to the facts that is already gathered in the case. the daily caller source also suggested the interview may take place at clinton's home here in washington, d.c. we're keeping a close eye on her home today. we will certainly keep you updated. >> garrett tenney live for us on update there all eyes on loretta lynch yesterday. why in the world did she meet with bill clinton on the tarmac on sky harbor airport in phoenix? she was finally asked that question and she addressed it head on. listen. >> so, what on earth. [ laughter ] >> were you thinking? what happened? >> well, i mean, that's the question of the day, isn't it? >> yes. >> i think that's a perfectly reasonable question. i think that's the question that is called by what happened in phoenix because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department emails. and to the extent that people have questions about that, about my role in that, certainly me meeting with him raises questions and concerns and so, believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. and because i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not, over what it will not touch. >> you notice something at the start of her answer there? she was laughing. why is she laughing? >> so was the crowd and so was the questioner. so was the journalist. >> if you are not working for the clinton campaign do you think it's funny? it's fbi investigation whether information by our enemies. secretary of defense was doing favors for her husband's donors, her husband husband who has now stepped in it. >> i'm glad she addressed it i wish there was more of an apology there. she said i regret it you don't often hear that from people in power. i was glad to hear her take that on and sort of somewhat apologize for it. >> what was going through her mind? a 30 minute meeting where reportedly the reporters were told you can't take any pictures. it doesn't look god. she should not have met with the former president when he could be a target in this investigation himself and at the very least a witness. we can't forget this also involves the clinton foundation. it's not just about the email server and her handling of classified information. it also has ties to the clinton foundation. >> was this all like a precursor to what somebody hillary clinton or bikini already knows -- bill clinton already knows no indictment is coming down? look at what hillary has said, watch. >> there is absolutely no possibility of an indictment? >> that is not going to happen. there is no basis for it and i'm looking forward to this being wrapped up. >> are you 100 percent confident that nothing is going to come of this fbi investigation? >> i am 100 percent confident. >> well, there is no basis for that it's a security review. >> if you get indicted, wow drop out. >> oh my goodness. that is not going to happen. i'm not answering that question. >> judge jeanine pirro i thought she had a really brilliant analysis of this whole process and she says what we saw yesterday this basically proves she is not going to be indicted. >> if she is not going to be indicted why are there fbi investigators questioning her. since it's a long weekend. they could extend it have some more questions for you. do they normally go to somebody's house to interview them if there is no chance they get indicted? i don't think they dooncht this all plays into the fact that the clintons play by their own rules and clintons being part of the elite and washington politics as usual is something that has given rise to the donald trump phenomenon and what you saw with bernie sanders, too. people are fed one politicians thinking that they can just steer the ship whatever direction. >> you don't have a private jet you can have meetings on tarmacs with? >> it's not like they just happened to run -- funny meeting you here at the wine bar. >> spontaneous meeting. >> let us know what you think about all of this this weekend. if f weekend you can weigh in. hillary clinton set to meet with the fbi about private emails. democratic strategist says her supporters don't seem to care. why not? that's next. in overdrive after donald trump meets with another potential running mate. who is the latest governor on the list? ♪ i can see you ♪ ♪ with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. out humira. with humira, control is possible. now it's war, they band i want them dead!lves. the fleas and ticks? 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>> democratic strategist is a veteran of the john kerr i can't understand barack obama presidential campaigns and the author of the brand new book the best worst president what the right gets wrong about barack obama. we will talk about your book in just a moment. but, mark, you've said something that think is wild. you think democrats don't buy into this crooked hillary thing. this doesn't even matter to them. >> even bernie sanders supporters which obviously we all know donald trump is trying to corral remember bernie sanders says the american people don't care about your damn emails and his sort of curmudgeonly way and i think is he on to something. >> this is no longer about the emails. this is about the clintons trying to basically intimidate the highest law enforcement officer in the country. that's what this problem is. >> that's what the accusation is. i think democrats know the clintons and what they think is that frankly there has been an effort, a concerted effort by the right to basically discredit mrs. clinton, to stoke the fires of these conspiracy theories and they know that her biggest vulnerability is untrustworthiness. in a way the critics that are trying to claim this are unifying the democrats behind hillary clinton in a way that i think is actually going to back fire on republicans. >> because where are they going to turn? here is this most recent fox news poll which is fascinating this week. which description fits hillary clinton the best? 30% honest and trustworthy. 58% say corrupt. is it americans already don't trust her. we don't trust her but we're not voting for trump. >> look, like serious party people trust her. they have faith in the clintons. they remember the prosperity and the peace of the 1990s and they want that back. people independent, on the fence who might go might go hillary clinton, this is a vulnerability for her. just like trump you have vulnerability stretching from his ignorance about foreign pel to the fact that a report just came out that his economic policies would put the american economy $10 trillion in debt each camp knows what the other camp's vulnerability is and seems to be obsessed on amplifying that vulnerability as much as they can to get the other side discredited. that's the kind of politics and personal attack and descrubsz that we have seen in this country and that's what i try to address in my book a little bit. >> let's talk about the book the best-worst president. gear around the barbecue and talk politics. >> as a liberal who comes faithfully on to fox news and really enjoys arguing minority position sometimes, i argue up, my father listened to rush limbaugh on the job site. he was a builder. in massachusetts and we would have these spirited discussions around the dinner table every night after the clintons. i was defending the clintons. i know uncle have conservative awkward family conversation. this is meant to arm issue liberals with the defense of the president and open-minded conservatives a chance to see how anybody in their right mind if they will grab me the distinction could continue to support this president. >> yeah. because you want to be able to agree to disagree with your family. >> exactly. and to argue about substance instead of these personal attacks. >> all right. happy july 4th: >> i appreciate you having me on. >> fox news alert. terror fear across the country after another attack overseas. how easy some bombs are to make. anna got a firsthand look at this growing threat. >> don't like hillary or trump? roseanne has a plan for america. wait until you hear it ♪ the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go ...except you. tried many things? still struggling to find relief? you may have opioid-induced constipation, oic. it's different and may need a different approach. opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. welcome back. the gruesome at the tails coming in by the minute following a deadly siege bangladesh. hundreds of militants storming a popular tourist cafe holding at least a dozen hostages. after 10 hours of negotiating police descending on that restaurant shooting six militants dead captures others. after being quizzed on the muslim holy book the quran. so far no reports of any americans killed or injured. >> the threat of another large scale terror attack here at home is something that we live with every day. officials fear the use of explosives like the ones used in paris and brussels attacks that may prize you is the different kinds of every day materials that our enemies are using. let's take a look at this. >> string of murderous attacks in the city of paris. >> explosions outside a stadium. >> 1129 dead. 352 injured. >> 8 dead attackers. 7 with their own explosives strapped to them. suicide vests worn by terrorists were shrapnel packed and designed to inflick the maximum number of casualties. they are made up of a compound called tatp the explosive of choice by isis its nickname the mother of satan. >> belgium under siege in what appears to be coordinated thai attacks. >> a whom so wide bomb ripped through the brussels airport. explosives rock two metro stations. >> 34 people were killed. >> 270 were wounded. signature of these devices at the airport will fit the same signature of the devices that we saw in paris. >> two undetonated bombs uncovered at the brussels airport contains 20 to 40 pounds of the deadly and unstable tatp. while searching a house of the bombers the trove of explosive materials 40 gallons of acetone and 8 gallons of oxygen per rocks side the ingredients used to produce tatp. what can startle you more anyone can easily bomb these bomb-making chemicals online or in local shops. >> what are we looking at here. >> common chemicals found in beauty supply stores. they can be found in hardware stores. they can be found in gun shops and sporting stores. all of these have legitimate uses and some sinister uses. that's what we're going to demonstrate today. >> fire in the hole! [explosion] >> the department of homeland security and newark training bomb and members of the private sector on how these common chemicals can be turned into deadly explosives. [explosions] >> how easily we can mix two chemicals together to make explosives. >> how concerned are you when you see events like san bernardino play out and brussels and turkey and paris? >> i think not only myself but all of the fbi is concerned every single day for our safety. not specifically because of those events but because of the nature of the world that we live in today. the growing trend is that people are getting radicalized online and oftentimes they are u.s. citizens. that's why it becomes even more important for if someone sees something suspicious that they say something. >> it's a great motto, see something, say something. dolls it work? the san bernardino attack, a neighbor reportedly noticed, quote, suspicious activity at a house connected with syed farook but did not want to, quote, profile him. investigators found roughly 4500 rounds of ammunition. four pipe bomb twices and pipe bombs until apartment and garage. is political correctness putting us at risk. >> the next commander and chief has to remove political correctness from the threat assessment. you don't have to carry a badge or wear a uniform. all americans are on the front line and can't be afraid of being called islamophobes. >> the neighbor reportedly said that she saw suspicious activity going on in the home of syed farook and then what happened? she decides that, oh, i don't want to be called islamophobic and doesn't call anybody and then what do we have? americans dead. >> curtains drawn. strange smell emanating from the apartment. didn't call anybody. >> that package how ease requesty it is to go a build. goes to show after a terror attack when certain people trying to make political points they say this is about gun control. fine, take away all the guns. these terrorists are going to figure out a way to kill us. >> using crock pots like in boston. >> come up here on the show vp watch is on overdrive as donald trump meets with another potential running mate. >> then we are honoring our military this weekend with a special anniversary. gabriel is live. what is it up. >> 20 years since i have been on this ship. uss arlie burk. mission here in norfolk. we are next to uss wisconsin battle ship muslim on the north of water front with live interviews with sailors. we have that coming up, guys. ♪ half the pain ♪ let it fade away. this is shaving. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not a blade. this is gillette shielding. with lubrication before and after the blades. shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. proshield from gillette. i want my blood sugar i to stay in so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can 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away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ ♪ where it is that i come from >> hey, friends. good morning. happy fourth of july morning. what makes you a proud american. make sure you send us your pictures with #proud american so we can find them. a photo of this woman hugging her army daughter. jacoby sends us a photo of her young grandson ronni on the hollywood weekend. >> start them young. >> sent us this image of her and saying there is still hope in we the people this independence day. >> chad sends this photo of him giving his best uncle sam. >> keep them coming. keep them coming. #proud american. we will put them on. >> thanks so much, guys. >> independence day weekend. we honor our military and all those who protect and serve and keep us safe and this year we are celebrating 25 years of service for the uss arleigh burke a guided missile destroyer that leads 62 advanced warships. >> leah is live on the arlie burke and she joins us now. >> this is the lead ship in a series of ships. i was on one of these types of ships back in 1996 back when i was a midshipman. it's unique to be here celebrating the anniversary what we call a steel beach picnic with incredible sailors. if you could introduce yourself. >> i'm star cox. >> parker. >> chief petty officer sean horse from columbus, ohio. >> were [inaudible]. shane hale from los angeles, california. >> i'm going to start with shane because you were telling me about what you do on the ship. >> specifically you were talking about communications can you talk about what it is to serve on the ship. >> sure. actually what i do is i deal with all on and off ship communications. >> mostly we deal with internet. it's great. we love it here. and proud to be here. >> and so for a lot of our viewers they have no ideal what it's like to be on this incredible piece of military gear deployed around the world diplomacy. what is it like to be on diplomacy on this ship. >> amazing. know that we are serving our country out there. because we know we are presenting the people going before us. freedom and democracy. great opportunity for us to get that chance. >> and such incredible to be here on the arlie burke. there was named after admiral arleigh burke. you were telling me about him earlier. >> yes. he was commander of the little beavers. has quite a few won battles and things like that. great opportunity and experience to be on board the flag ship, the arlie burke. >> the famous quote was built to fight, right? can you explain what that was real quick? basically he was saying this ship was built to fight so you better be ready fight. >> we are always ready to matter what. we love it. >> certainly answering the call here in norfolk, virginia as we celebrate. this there will be ship visits this weekend so that people here from norfolk as we celebrate independence day they can come and see this incredible ship. american diplomacy here in norfolk, virginia. >> beautiful morning. thanks so much. >> stunning. >> 37 minutes after the hour. illegal immigrant accused of killing three people have been deported six times since 2003. that's where we start your headlines. gonzalez repeatedly getting back in the country most recently 2013 before allegedly shooting four people on oregon farm. three of them dying. donald trump tweeting about the case saying these crimes won't be happening if i'm elected president. killer should have never been here. #america first. >> the bus driver killed in a pets la auto pilot crash may have been watching a harry potter movie. former navy seal joshua brown died in may when his tesla model s slammed into a tractor-trailer on the florida highway. police say a portable dvd player was found in the car at the time of the crash. lawyer for the truck driver involved in the accident claims his investigator spoke to a witness who says the dvd player was playing a harry presidenter movie after the accident. tesla now under investigation over the safety of that auto pilot safety system. >> donald trump's v.p. choice starting to take shape. the presumptive g.o.p. nominee meeting with indiana governor mike pence yesterday. is he one on lafs finalists which include new jersey governor chris christie. former house speaker newt gingrich who have both been vetted. trump is expect to do make his choice before the g.o.p. convention later this month. so come soon. roseanne barr not singing praises for any of the presidential candidates. ♪ for the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave. make it stop, make it stop. she is endorsing donald trump and making clear she is not a fan of hillary clinton saying she plans to write herself in on that ballot. the comedian not limiting it to barr 2016. saying she will be writing herself in for every election now until she wins. >> oh, yeah. shoe in. >> great strategy. >> check in with maria molina this morning. >> good morning. pretty busy out there across different parts of the country. anticipating severe weather. flash flood threat and also extreme heat on the way for many of you. taking a look at the radar. you can already see it's busy out there early this morning across portions of the west. monsoonal moisture typical to kick off this time of the year. on schedule across parts of the southwestern u.s. showers and storms and flash flood poo tenget as we head into this afternoon and also tonight there will be a risk for possible severe storms. relatively low risk. marginal by the tropical storm prediction center it is in place out there across parts of the carolinas and also into the central plains, damaging winds and large hail had be possible. and as we head into tomorrow, the risk continues from portions of illinois and also missouri extending into the carolinas. similar areas getting hit hard here by storms. multiple days and across the central plains. because of that. we have a flood threat. we have a number of watches that have already been issued and potential for more than six inches of rain. then by monday for independence day, monsoonal moisture continuing out west. you are looking at stormy conditions like we mentioned across portions of the u.s. and missouri and parts of the midwest. pretty quiet out there for the most part with temperatures reaching the upper 70's in places like egg which. let's head back noah inside. >> thanks, maria. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. big show coming up for you. >> a new fox poll says the majority of americans think profiling is the key to keeping our country safe. is it good thing or uncon unusual we will debate it? >> looking for a holiday shopping bargain. how about 40% off cool tool toys. deals. looking good maria ♪ help me get lucky ♪ red solo cup ♪ i fill you up ♪ let's have a party ♪ let's have a party ♪ i love you red solo cup and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac. e #1) when returning home from deployment, you know, you-- you have money saved up so you're lookin' for that car to drive around in, and usaa actually makes that process so much easier. you can find the car and you can find it to your liking by using their app. i'm definitely able to see savings, uh, through using the car buying on usaa. i mean, amazing savings. i was like, wow. if i can save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. (announcer) save on your next car with usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. exclusively for usaa members. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. welcome back on this saturday morning. quick headlines for you. california's strict gun control laws got even tougher. governor jerry brown signing six gun control bills into law. the new laws make owning large capacity magazines illegal. prohibits lending guns to anyone outside the immediate family. closes the bullet button loophole making certain out-of-state guns like the ones used in the san bernardino shooting illegal. the bills gained length legislative momentum after last month's massacre in orlando. orangutan on the run captured after escaping theme park enclosures. watch out the juvenile orangutan swings from branches outside its habitat and falls all while the guests are there at bush gardens tampa a few feet away. security block blocking off the area. and within an hour it was tranquilized and returned to its habitat. anna, peter? >> thanks. a quarter till the top of the hour. as threat grows and we recover from the worst terror attack since 9/11. how do we keep our country more safe? more americans say the answer is profiling. >> new fox news poll shows 59% of americans think profiling is the key to a safer america. that is more than weapons or a proposed muslim ban. but is it constitutional? >> well, here to weigh, in dr. zuhdi jasser founder and president of the american islamic forum for democracy and rod wheeler former d.c. detective and fox news contributor. dr. jasser, i will start with you. you say this should actually be called smart police work rather than profiling. what do you mean? >> well, when you call it profiling, it immediately thinks that you are going to have two lines of security. >> one for muslims and one for non-muslims. that doesn't work. the israelis have proved that the way to do this is with smart police work. yes, profile but profile the whole package. what's their behavior. what's their social media network why are they there? who are their contacts? what's the purpose their visit? where they v. they traveled before. a lot of that is part of profiling the entire person and not just a faith identified at this but not call it faith. call it a theo political ideology. i testified to the senate earlier this week that we're losing this war because of the blindness to jihadiism and islamism. so, yes, that poll shows that people are aware i think actually as a muslim bigotry will melt away if we start to look at precursors. americans get it but unfortunately our government doesn't. >>ed rorks you think some kind of profiling basically trying to i.d. bad guys before they attack could save lives but that there is a reason the administration doesn't want law enforcement to do it. what is that? >> there is a couple of things. i think my co-panelist is absolutely correct. we do need to profile. but the term that i have been able using, peter, is intelligent profiling. and simply what that simply is looking at all of the program i teres a number of variables that would identify these individuals before the crime is committed. in law enforcement, peter, historically we used what we call criminal profiling. and we develop a criminal profile after the crime. so what i'm suggesting now with intelligent profiling is let's utilize that same prickive analysis, linkage analysis and identify these individuals before the crime occur. when we look at omar mateen down at the pulse nightclub, we could have predicted his behavior before that shooting. if we would have used intelligent profiling. >> all right. and dr. jasser, of course, the left would say that profiling is not fair and that it would increase islamophobia in the united states if that were put into practice you just said a moment ago that it would actually melt away islamaphobia. how? >> well, because i think what americans would see is that muslims that are anti-islamist, that don't have anything to hide are the head of the sphere spear and the part of the. not just countering violent extremism which i don't know what that is we should counter violent islamism. you can pick up on the precursors and predict that mateen's dad is relevant. precursors so far this instability to profile ideology has left us so bear. >> and, rod, last word to you. is profiling really thatch more invasive than having tsa agents put their hands on you or go through a bag and touch your underwear? >> we could do a lot more if we were to intelligently profile versus what the tsa is doing now. we talk a lot about the tsa and their actions or inactions at the airport. i think they are doing the best job they can. real quickly though, peter, the government has got to recognize what this is in terms of this extremism. call it what it is and then let's address the problem. until president obama, because that's where the buck stops, until he recognizes that unfortunately we are going it continue to endure and see the things we have been seeing over the past few months. >> name your enemy to defeat your enemy. >> rod wheeler thank you so much. dr. zuhdi jasser thank you so much. have a great fourth of july weekend. >> today could be the day hillary clinton meets with the fbi about her emails. what can we expect. [live in washington at the top of the hour. >> are you looking for a fourth of july steal? how much off the pouch that clayton is sitting on? wake up? come on, clayton. ♪ ♪ ♪ it don't matter where we go ♪ we will always find a way back home ♪ >> this july 4th weekend join us as we celebrate our nation's birthday with abby huntsman in music city. share your pride on facebook, twitter, and instagram. #proud american. ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. incr...think it wouldotection in a pwork, but it does.dn't... it's called always discreet for bladder leaks, the super... ...absorbent core turns liquid to gel. i know i'm wearing it but no one else will. always discreet for bladder le rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. of a paragraph welcome back, the fourth of july known for fireworks and barbecues, great shopping deals. what you can save this weekend? >> we brought in anna d'souza, lifestyle contributor for ebay to give us the best deals. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with cool time. >> this is the biggest trend right now, big inflightable pool tools that you are able to toss right into the pool. having 40% off. big trend of huge inflatables. >> i'm hungry. >> really a lot of fun. >> don't pop it, anna. >> don't pop it. >> you put drinks, a drink swan. >> >> this is such a fun one. >> i was laying in this thing earlier. i saw a commercial for this and i thought it can't work. >> i was september particular call myself. >> this is called the pouch couch. it comes in a tiny wowch. all you do is you waive the pouch couch around you to just fill it up with the air surrounding you. >> you don't need a pump and don't need batteries. >> before and after. and i'm able to hit here and pop it down. >> it's great for the beach. it's great for the park. i love it. they're having 25% off sale right now. get at discount, too. >> what about this stuff? flier? >> right, exactly. this is from steven joseph gifts. also offering 40% off all their fun in the sun items. really fun items like these hooded towels for kids and fliers. you will get them at deep discount. >> the shark? >> live that, too. >> food stuff? >> let's talk ebay. they are having their summer of choice right now. crowd source your savings. woe just had one last week for fourth of july. able to vote between 70% off a grill 50% off nutri ninja one. we have another one coming up july 11th. really fun way to crowd source and pick the savings ghup interesting. >> booze, too, right? >> these are all from you can get from ebay. >> the grilling and the nutri ninja. >> >> this is really awesome, too. this is called shaker and spoon. basically the blue apron for cocktail. what they do is ship you this box that has everything you need to make 12 cocktails. three different recipes from top bartenders and mixologists around the country. all you need to do is provide the booze. go top shelf if you want or decide not to. they are having 40% off their first box. >> all right. and same with these beauty. wrap this up. >> same thing with the hampton salt a great way to flavor your poultry, your meats without all the added sugar. they are having 40% off sale too with code boom. >> all on ebay. >> thank you very much happy fourth. >> reportedly hillary clinton's day in the fbi hot seat. we are live in d.c. with what to expect. >> then what happens when you try to take a selfie with a peacock? >> that's a great question. ♪ >> "fox & friends" returns live from new york city after this. was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. you can use whipped topping made ...but real joyful moments.. are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy. at our retirement plan today. not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... (vo) it's surprising what people would rather do than deal with retirement. pressure-washing the... roses. aerating the lawn! (vo) but with nationwide it's no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. ♪ nationwide is on your side what aremaking a cake!ht now? ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering. good morning, friends. hope you are doing well. it's saturday, the 2nd of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. they were quizzed on the quran and then slaughtered. another isis terror attack. this time in a restaurant. the breaking details overnight just ahead. >> plus, after years of speculation and months of email dumps and introduce with interviews with her colleagues. word is today is hillary clinton's day live in the fbi hot seat. we are live in just moments in d.c. >> it's the moments that will make you proud to be an american ♪ red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air >> you probably saw this blowing up your facebook news feed this week. a woman becomes a sailor hit singing the national anthem at the national memorial. she is going to sing live for us this hour. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that's not silence. they're actually playing but we are having a microphone issue out there. that's the west point band outside playing. they sound fantastic. >> bring on the horns. >> they sound great and look great. >> we are asking you this morning what makes you proud to be an american. we want you to send us #. >> there they go. >> let's keep them going as we read some of these viewer comments, peter? >> arlinda sent this picture. she wanted to thank her parents for helping raise her son while she was off serving our country. >> his daughters, she says he makes her a proud american. easy for me to say this morning. >> look at the red, white, and blue this morning. >> emailed us this photo of daughter emile i can't and custom dress wounded veterans. her father served in the navy for 14 years. >> then dan september us this photo of his son zachery placing a flag on his grandfather's grave. his grandfather served in world war ii. >> powerful. all right. keep sending us your photos this morning ff weekend and also use #proud american. we will track them down whether they are on instagram or other places we will put them on the show. >> keep them coming. >> rick reichmuth is out and leah maria is in on this saturday morning. very important forecast this weekend? >> a lot of people traveling or people with outdoor plans, getting together with family. doing barbecues outdoors. temperatures are going to be on the hot side across some portions of the southern plains. something to keep in mind. across portions of the central plains. across parts of kansas and into nebraska and pushing on in to missouri. again, a very active weather pattern expected for the country and monsoonal moisture in parts of the western u.s. that rain is forecast to continue across portions of the rockies. here is a look at the areas that could be seeing some possible severe weather today. it's not a huge threat. mostly looking at threat for lightning in some of these thunderstorms and potential for damaging wind gusts large hail and isolated tornadoes could not be ruled out. now, because we are looking at several rounds of wet weather across parts of the plains, we do have a flood threat in place. a number of watches are in effect out there. potential for six inch of rain is expected over the next few days. quick look at monday's forecast could be 100 degrees in dallas and could be in the 70's in the city of chicago. it's a little cooler across parts of the midwest. let's go back inside. >> >> that, maria. >> we will start this morning with your headlines and this fox news alert because isis strikes again. this time a deadly siege in glesh. bangladesh cafe. tourists held at gunpoint. 1 hostages were rescued but not before 20 were brutally killed after being quizzed on the quran. six terrorists militants who descended on the restaurant with guns and grenades were killed and one captured alive. so far no reports of any americans hurt. developing this morning, a massive gas explosion rocking an entire town. oh my god. first responder. where are you. >> some residents being asked to leave after this fireball erupted before 3:00 a.m. gas line exploded after a car crash. this is what is left of the scene at this hour. fire crews are still there continuing to put out hot spots. >> donald trump's vp choice starting to take shape. the presumptive nominee nominee meeting with mike pence yesterday. joining a short list of candidates, including chris christie and former house speaker newt gingrich who have both been vetted we're told. trump expected to make his choice before the g.o.p. convention later this month. right around the corner. and when one rose just won't do a man surprises his wife with 500. >> how cool. >> what am i going to do with all of them? >> alyssa's husband brad want to do surprise her for her final chemotherapy treatment. so 36 faces overflowing with 500 flowers were delivered to omaha hospital. brad raised more than $4,500 for that big surprise and donated the proceeds to the susan g. coleman association. she shared the flowers with other patients at the hospital there as well. nice story. >> thanks, anna. and now a fox news alert. hillary clinton hosting fbi investigators at her home today. >>the bureau to interview the presumptive nominee nominee, what could be the final step in the investigation into her private email server. >> >> could be the final step. garrett tenney is live from washington, d.c. with more on what we can expect. good morning, garrett. >>, good morning, anna, clayton, and peter. citing a source close to this investigation, the daily caller reports the fbi is schedule to do meet with hillary clinton today. neither the fbi nor the clinton campaign is confirming the meeting. and we have heard similar reports over the last few months that haven't quite panned out. here's what's changed. with these kinds of investigations we are told the fbi will interview from the bottom going up. we know that investigators recently just completed its interviews with two of clinton's top aides. former chief of staff cheryl mills and yuma abedin huma abedin. the fbi has tried toll were circus around them by bringing in witnesses in secret. that's a tall order for the presumptive democratic nominee who typically has the entire press corps following her around. this weekend clinton has no campaign events scheduled. reports the justice department is hoping to complete the investigation before the democratic and republican conventions later this month. and that investigators will want to have plenty of time to review clinton's interview and compare her statements to the facts they've gathered. well, the fbi has stived to maintain a low profile throughout this investigation that will not be easy today. cameras outside clinton's home in d.c. where the daily caller reports the meeting may take place. anna, clayton, and peter? >> we have a live picture too of that. thanks, garrett. shear live picture outside of hillary clinton's home where the fbi set to do that interview on just a short amount of time. >> according to the daily caller. what we have seen when other witnesses have been called in this huma abedin, cheryl mills, we didn't find out about those meetings. this would be big if we know about this interview beforehand. >> another meeting we didn't find out about until much after it happened which is bill clinton walking his way on purpose on to the attorney general's plane out of sight from everyone where they supposed buy just talked about grand kids and golf even though loretta lynch is the one who includes his wife's fate. >> the question is why in the world would you do this? she actually went out and answered these questions yesterday during a bit of a press conference, sort of while she was innd take a listen to loretta lynch's comments and would she ever do this again. watch. >> so, what on earth. [ laughter ] >> were you thinking? what happened? >> that's the question of the day, isn't it. >> yes. >> and i think that's a perfectly reasonable question. i think that's the question that is called, by what happened in phoenix, because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department emails. and to the extent that people have questions about that, about my role in that, certainly my meeting with him raises questions and concerns. believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. and because i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not. over what it will not touch. >> she is not saying she is recusing herself. she is saying she is going to stay in place. she will take the recommendation from the fbi. which puts an even bigger burden on them. >> bill clinton after you survive impeachment maybe fbi investigation doesn't seem like a big deal. it is a big deal. the story is no longer just about email and serve everywhere. the story is whether or not the hillary clinton and her husband are trying to lean on the justice department so they don't indict her and she has a clear e. path to the presidency. it shows the big difference between trump and clinton. >> you can't forget that this is not just about the email server and possible mishandling of classified information but also about the ties to the clinton foundation, which he obviously would be a witness or possibly even a target in. >> judge jeanine pirro saying look if i was district attorney if someone was going to meet with me body guards would have gotten in the way and said you cannot meet with this judge or thuener at all especially if they were the target. >> they said no pictures, pleas. >> and the press got to the bottom of this. we asked mark handna, a former democratic strategist for kerry and edwards back in the day. he was on the show early this morning. democrats don't care about this investigation at all. this is not going to hurt hillary clinton. listen. >> i think democrats know the clintons and what they think is that, frankly, there has been an effort, a concerted effort by the right to basically discredit mrs. clinton, to stoke the fires of these conspiracy theories. and to, they know that her biggest vulnerability is untrustworthiness. the critics trying to claim this are unifying the democrats behind hillary clinton in a way that i think is going to back fire on republicans. >> that's an interesting question. do you remember what happened after they went after bill clinton you are during the impeachment proceedings? what happened to the house of representatives? what happened to newt gingrich losing his job? is this the same thing or different? i would love it hear from viewers. >> ultimately this is election story. what happens with the fbi could have a huge impact in fof. this goes to show the big difference between trump and clinton because trump tells the whole world i'm going to make deals and you are all going to know with it. whereas the clintons when they want to make a deal they go on to a private plane and they don't tell anybody it and they don't want anybody to know about it. >> they call it impromptu meeting. same mentality voters are so fed up with. measures are fed up with washington as usual politics and people like the clintons thinking they can make their own rules. >> let us know your thoughts on that at a lot to get to this morning. democrats held a 26 hour sit-in over gun control. and now they are taking their she on the road. one of those democrats joins us next. >> what happens when you try to take a self were with a peacock. maybe this ♪ ♪ (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing ♪ [ tires screech ] flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! ahh! this is probably more of a breakroom activity. ya think? ♪ >> lived in a house with a man that should have had access to a gun. i know what it's like to see a gun pointed at you and wonder if you were going to live. >> last week, democrats spent nearly 26 hours protesting guns on the house floor. it turns out they were just getting started. this week they took their push on the road holding a national day of action with events across the country. including a panel discussion in michigan that included our next guest. joining us now is democratic congresswoman debbie dingell. good morning. >> good morning, peter, how are you? >> fine, thanks. first question, the whole idea of this sit-in was after the orlando terrorist attack. we know that the guy was a radical islamic terrorist do you think any of the gun laws you are proposing is something that a radical islamic terrorist is going to hear and say you know what? i don't hate americans as much. they have a gun law so i'm not going to attack. >> i think this is a very complicated issue. i have toll did you i was not somebody who knew this sit-in was going to happen. it was more organic than many people thought that it would be i do think that we do need to get a no buy, no fly, no fly, no buy law on the books. but it needs to be one that's workable. i'm one of those people that very much cares about due process and civil liberties. my hometown deer born according to fbi report of a couple years ago is the second largest city with people on the watch list after new york city and we only have 100,000 people and that one person from deer born has ever been prosecuted for terrorism. i know there are issues there. i think we are going to see some kind of bill next week that's going to have proposals. i'm not sure it's work being. i don't think it would have stopped the person in orlando. my speech came at the end of the night. i didn't plan on speaking it came from a personal perspective that i do know there are people in this country that shouldn't have access to guns. >> democrats who participated obviously got a lot of attention. but days later. after this sit-in, after it turns out there. are ethical complaints because members of your party were fundraising as it was going on. do you think that was a good idea to fund raise off of something that is not supposed to be about money according to the leaders in your country. >> i'm going to be very careful here because i don't want to -- but i was very careful to not do anything like that. i didn't even talk about what i did on the floor in any kind of mailings after that you know, what i talked about was very personal and i had to go home and talk to my mother and my sister because they didn't know that i was going to do that. it's not just my story it's their story. i think what people don't understand is how organic that what happened that day was and how personal it was to people and how spontaneous it was. each person that participated that day. they were there very organically and each person did what they were going to do. >> there is word that there may be another sit-in on the way about gun laws. if this is, would you advise other democratic members of congress not to fund raise off of it? >> yes, i would. >> all right. threw have it. congresswoman debbie dingell. thank you for coming on this morning. >> thank you. happy fourth. >> you too. up ahead, a thrilling new look at combat from a soldier's point of view. >> you can definitely know how close it is by the snaps of the bullet itself and the louder the wiz, the faster you might want to run. >> the man behind the documentary "my fighting season" actor ricky schroderins us next. and then would you rather see hillary in the white house or this? america has spoken and the results are in coming up. what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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(children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. get out your abby can you say. time for news news by the numbers. 800 million is how many americans are spending fireworks this fourth of july weekend. state law has become more lax over firework use. more people are buying them. $800,000 will be spent on fireworks. next up, 1 million. that's how many immigrants are ignoring deportation. that includes more than 170,000 convicted criminals according to a new report. only a small fraction of the immigrants are even being detained by immigration officials. would you rather see hillary clinton in the white house or this? [explosion] >> 13% say they would rather see a meteor hit earth to see hillary clinton or donald trump elected to the white house. rather see the earth blow up. well, fans know him best champ and silver spoons and later an nypd blue. but now golden globe winner ricky schroder is telling stories from behind the camera. new six part documentary series my fighting season tells the soldiers from afghanistan their perspective with footage from their own cameras. >> 3, 2, 1, hit it. >> if you don't return fire, you're going to be on the receiving end of that bullet. and you can definitely know how close it is by the snaps of the bullet itself and the louder the wiz, the faster you might want to run. >> well, joining me now is executive producer of my fighting season ricky schroder, good morning. >> good morning. >> original documentary came out in 2014. you spent 102 days embedded with our troops. you said i want to go back and do something different show things from their perspective is that helmet cameras we are looking for video from. >> it is. all six hours are told 1 hearse% from the soldier's helmet cam perspective. you get to experience the war how they experience the war. you get to see it how they saw it you get to hear it how they heard it. and you get to understand the complexities that they face on the modern battlefield. it's such a complex environment with the rules of engagement that they have to live with and the enemy being -- it's a guerilla war he blends in with the local population. >> you are noight ideology. >> you are fighting ideology and you can't tell taliban be from a farmer because they dress the same. they hook the same. oftentimes they are the same until they decide to put the shovel down and pick up the gun go what type of response have you been receiving from military members. >> we have had so much great support. at first when we reached out to the army community we want your footage do you have helmet cam footage? we would like to tell the story what your deployment was. >> why do you want this? what are you going to do with it? a lot of soldiers been roared this stuff and been in 100 fire fights and never look at it again. put it on a shelf. >> very painful for them. >> very painful for them. a lot of times they didn't know what they had filmed. we would get hundreds of footag. we would have to organize the footage. >> one hour of footage almost unedited and hundreds combined sneefn. >> correct. there is one story we have a story about a guy who stepped on the ied. the guy behind him wearing helmet cam he happened to be the medic for the platoon. that story is 25-minute clip of what happens when what happens when a man steps on ied and how you get him to the hospital. >> this is documentary. sometimes when military movies hit the big screen. liberal critics saying this is glorifying war. you have heard anything like that. >> i have not heard anything like that. we are showing it the way it is. what they went through. what they felt. we don't have to come at this from a political perspective on this. we're just telling the story of what our soldiers do. what these young soldiers do in a far away land at the request of our nation. >> and this is personal for you. after 9/11. you just want to do do something. >> i did want to do something. i was to pissed, angry like a lot of americans wrnchts sure. >> i was trying to figure out what i could do to help. it took me an lo time to figure out what i could do to help. this is the end result of that. >> my fighting season premiers july the 5th. airs 2 p.m. p.m. on audience network. ricky schroder, thanks a lot. a thief steals a woman's purse while filling up her car. cautionary story just ahead. performance make you proud to be an american. woman becomes viral hit singing national anthem at lincoln memorial. she is going to be singing for us live coming up. ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air you don't have to worry about the science. you can just put it in your pie hole. planters. nutrition starts with nut. romantic moments can happen spontaneously, so why pause to take a pill? 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>> right. so this is the army -- the west point band is the army's oldest band. there has been musicians at west point since george washington established the garrison at 1778. we establish our heritage back to that time. even though the band was established in 1817 we see ourselves as the living connection. >> any of those instruments being used today from back then like in a museum area. >> we have some, actually. they are not here. >> that is really cool. >> these are relatively new instruments. >> you will be performing this morning throughout the show. >> if you allow me a plug, we have our fourth of july celebration is actually tonight atrophy point on west point starts at 1930. and if people can't get there in person, then we will be broadcasting it live on facebook live. >> awesome. thank you so much. well be back with you a little bit later. toss it inside to annaened a peter. >> #proud american as well. 17 more terrorists arrested in connection with to horrific attack at istanbul airport. a total of 41 people have been detained in series of anti-terror raids around the city. all this as we learn the identity of two of the throw suicide bombers. areboth had russian passports and lived in turkey for a month leading up to the attack that killed 44 people. neighbors complained of a chemical smell coming from their home. illegal immigrant accused of killing three people deported six times since 2003. imons was repeatedly, he has been getting back into the country most recently in 2013 before allegedly shooting four people on an oregon farm. three of them dying. donald trump tweeting about this case, quote: these crimes won't be happening in i'm elected president. killer should have never been here. #america first. brafn thieves as people pumping gas. he opens the door and take's a person wallet as she stands just feet away. whole incident happening in just seconds. unbelievable robbers are known as sliders. victims seem in surveillance video offering $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. >> check out this angry bird. [screams] >> told you. >> she had that justin timberlake song playing in the back ground. unhappy peacock lurching itself day girl at a cancun resort. can you see her rock back and for the before the bird has had enough and sending camera flying. you could hear the dad saying warned you of getting too close. >> dad told her it's like when you are at the mexican restaurant and hot plate. this is really hot don't touch it. >> told, peacock, peck your eye out. >> happier story now than the bird attack florida principal catapulted overnight after her impetroleum it you stunned crowds in washington ♪ land of the brave ♪ land of the brave ♪ it has gone viral racking up over 30 million views so far. >> the singing sensation joins us now with her incredible story. good morning. >> star. >> when your mother named you star, did she know this was going to happen. >> i'm thinking she probably did. mother's intuition. >> take me to that moment. did you have this planned out ahead of time? you were going to stand there the acoustics must have been perfect for. this yes, it was. it definitely was not planned. we were just there for family vacation just like many families do and we were talking about the acoustics there. we were having conversation about that and my friend was like, you know -- i jokingly said i should just break out and start singing like go ahead and do it? >> then he pulls out his camera i'm like no, no. i can't do it. so that's kind of thousand all started. >> the national anthem is known as a very difficult song to sing well especially as well as did you. is it something you have performed a lot before in public like that. >> i have performed it once or twice as a kid at some of the local games where i'm from. but never like this. you know. on this type of platform. >> that's amazing because as peter says there is not like really a hook to the song. a lot of singers it's difficult to remember and you nailed it. what did people around you. it looks like the crowd started forming. o say you can see. did that make you nervous. >> it did. i knew that was probably going to happen. i knew everyone was eventually going to stop and eyes be on me. this is the national be a them. you can't mess that up. >> you didn't. >> i got teary listening to that. it's powerful. >> thank you. >> were people coming up to you afterwards with like tears in their eyes. >> they were. i specifically remember one lady that was standing right behind me and she was just like thank you so much for that. it meant a lot to them. >> you got your crew. you brought entourage. >> i know. >> >> they are over there dancing a little bit. who are they. >> those are my babies aden and craig. >> you are going to be singing on that spot later in the show for us. >> yes. >> they have got to be so proud. thank you, star. >> thank you. >> all right. still ahead were the the pentagon just lifted the ban on transgender troops. >> we don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airmen, or marine who can best accomplish the mission. >> but our next guest says this will be just another distraction for our military. general lieutenant general jerry boykin joins us next. >> one gentleman's car broke down at the worst time possible. that's not a spare tire ♪ rolling like a breeze ♪ country road ♪ take me home ♪ to the place name. address. income and employment history. now rocket mortgage will pull my credit at no cost and provide a custom solution based on my financial information. and all that's left is to push this button. ♪ [whisper] rocket. ♪ see star trek beyond in theatres. when you have type 2 diabetes, like me, hi, i'm dominique wilkins. there's a moment of truth. and with victoza®, a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways-- in the stomach, the liver and the pancreas. and while it isn't for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. non-insulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. 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more for on this boynton. research counsel and former under secretary of defense for intelligence. general, nice to see you this morning. distraction? >> >> lack, our military has been at war for 15 years between program cuts and sequestration. they are losing material and troop strength and more importantly they are fighting right now without a strategy for winning they are frustrated and tired. i find it hard to believe this could be a priority. >> the one of the question too is taxpayers be footing the pill for gender reassignment surgery at the v.a.? of course this comes at a time when we are dealing with all the problems that veterans are dealing with in getting care that they need at the v.a. is this something that taxpayers are going to be on the hook for and is it important? estimate right now is that this surgery will be $50,000 per person. when a veteran has to stand in line for six months to a year to get a colonoscopy to save his life i find this incredible. other thing is. this we need to use our training time right now to prepare our men and women from all services to go to war and fight and win those wars. when you look at the fact that the navy today is punishing the boat crews for two crews that within a matter of hours were making public statements on camera thanking the iranians and apologizing to the iranians, we are going to punish the. the fact of the matter it's not there fault. the reason it's not their fault. they were not prepared for that they spent awful lot of their time doing diverse training, sexual assault. white privilege and all kinds of things that contribute nothing to being ready for that kind of situation. so i think this is another distraction that is going to take up time and i talked to a navy captain last night who told me how concerned he was about how much time this is going to take. >> now, listen to -- we have some sound actually from the vice admiral or issue. >> under command and control, the investigation found a lack of leadership, a disregard for risk management, processes, and proper mission planning standards. if the guidance provided by the fifth fleet commander had been followed, this event could have been prevented. >> could have been prevented, general? >> well, listen, it could have been prevented if they had given them the proper code of conduct training. you go back to the vietnam war and you look at video of jeremiah when he blinked torture after having been torture temperatured for months before he would go on cam rand a before then he said i don't know my country's policies but i support them. and then you look at a naval academy graduate within a matter of hours he is looking in the camera and apologizing to the iranians and thanking them for their hospitality. what's happened to our military? this is a stark reminder that this is about preparing for and being able to win our nation's wars. >> frightening. lieutenant general jerry boynton. we appreciate you joining us on this fourth of july weekend. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> a fox news alert. moments ago black secret service suvs leaving hillary clinton's home in washington. is she about to get grilled by the fbi? we will live at the top of the hour. and we just talked to this viral singing sensation moments ago. ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air. >> star swain is going to perform national anthem live for us next ♪ ♪ on independence day ♪ let freedom ring ♪ let the honey, did you call the insurance company? 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[ applause ] >> good. star swain, thank you so much. >> that was excellent. >> i'm telling you what. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> thank you so much for coming, in star. >> thank you for having me. >> happy fourth of july to all of you. that was unbelievable. can we top that. >> you can come in real quick with your mom. >> he is camera shy. >> is he over there filming you right now. >> what did you think of hearing your mom sing on tv? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> your smile said it all. >> it's fun. >> it is fun. >> you said that your entire life you have wanted to be able to have this type of moment. >> yes. >> and this viral video sends you into the moment. >> out of nowhere. >> and now you are in front of millions. >> i know. >> thank you. thank you. >> and coming up, a fox news alert. moments ago. black secret service suvs leave hillary clinton's home in washington. >> is she going to get grilled by the fbi? we are live in washington, d.c. top of the hour. they brought this on themselves. now it's war, and i want them dead! the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for 30 years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in 3 months and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. hello and good morning. i'm anna kooiman. and this is a fox news alert. they were quizzed on the quran and then slaughtered by another isis terror attack. this time in a a and the breaking details just ahead. >> and after years of speculation and months of email dumps and interviews with colleagues, word is today is hillary clinton day in the fbi hot seat and just moments ago. there you see it, suvs sped away from the clinton home in d.c. we're going to have a live report from there in just moments. >> and don't let her talent fool you. ♪ the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave have any definitely like star better, how about you? >> oh, yeah. roseanne may be more patriotic than you think. this morning she is previewing her plans for america for hillary clinton or donald trump don't work out. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm just going to pat ourselves on the back for a second. we do patriotic holidays the right way. this morning we have the west point band they are back and they are playing "washington post" there. >> happy fourth of july weekend to all of you thank you. have you been sending in your mowd american photos. susan send in this photo of her parents at the end of world war ii. she says she is so proud they served our country. >> lenny emailed us this photo of his 2-year-old granddaughter amelia who won the most patriotic prize in her class. >> up next, mike sends us this immableg of his two sons, commander andrew gillespie and chief patrick gillespiey. he says that they are both why he is such a proud american. >> keep sending them. in use that #proud american. and like this one, steve from new jersey proud american named peter. is that you? >> that was me, yeah. >> that's cute. >> and happy independence day to everybody out there. if anybody else has any pictures of me as a 2-year-old in front of a national monument send them in proud american. >> we are happy to have you on the couch. >> proud american pets too. all dressed up. >> ff weekend is our facebook page and go there and like us. >> friends, we know you are at home with the red, white, and blue, seeing the pictures of how you are enjoying the nice weather. maria mow lean that is tracking molina is tracking the weather. take a look at the radar. already a busy morning out there across parts of the central plains. quickly by the way i almost forgot i want to do share this video out of long island. across portions of the need we were dealing with severe storms. that's what it looked like out there. very strong winds and a lot of lightning and thunder out there and dangerous weather conditions. we could be seeing more of that today like we mentioned across central plains and already tracking some storms early this morning across portions of kansas and into missouri. we do have the potential for more storms as well across portions of the southwestern u.s. where we have the monsoonal moisture streaming in. quick look at the area see severe storms plains and portions of the carolinas and same areas could get hit yet again as we head into sunday and independence day. let's head back inside. >> thanks, maria. >> thanks so much. three minutes after the hour where we start your headlines with this fox news alert. because isis strikes again. this time a deadly siege at a bangladesh cafe ending just hours ago when hundreds of police officers stormed that restaurant and it was packed with dozens of tourists being held at goint. gunpoint. 1 hostages rescued not after 20 were brutally killed after being grilled on the quran. guns and grenades were killed aaptured alive. so far no reports of any americans hurt. developing this morning, a massive gas explosion rocking an entire town. >> oh my god! [bleep] fawrnsd, where are you? >> some residents in melvin dale, michigan being force to do leave after this fireball just erupted before 3:00 a.m. a gas line exploded after a car crash. right here this is the live look of what's left of the scene at this hour. fire crews are focusing on a fire at a nearby apartment building that started after the explosion. trump's vp choice starting to take chance. the presumptive g.o.p. nominee meeting with mike pence. joining a short list of candidates including nuclear new jersey governor chris christie and newt gingrich who have both been vet vetted we're told. trump is expected to make his choice before the g.o.p. convention later this month. so it could be coming soon. new overnight. the mega millions jackpot jumps after no no match last night's drawing. third consecutive drawing that failed to produce a winner. next drawing tuesday. seventh biggest prize of all times. the odds of picking the right numbers are 1 in 259 million. >> so you're telling me there's a chance. >> fox news alert now. a new report, the fbi will question hillary clinton today and moments ago we saw two black secret service suvs leaving the presidential nominee's home in d.c. >> today's interview reportedly the final step into the investigation into hillary's private email server. garrett tenney in washington, d.c. good morning, garrett. >> good morning, y'all. we have live pictures outside of hillary clinton's home in d.c. that's where the daily caller reports this interview may take place today. this past hour, we saw these two suvs you just showed leaving the home. we don't know who was in them or where they were going. there have been reports for several months now that hillary clinton's interview with the fbi could be coming any day. but citing a source close to the investigation, the tailly caller is reported that day is today neither the fbi or clinton campaign is confirming this meeting but we do know investigators just recently completed interviews with two of clinton's top aides. former chief of staff cheryl mills and deputy chief of staff huma abedin. those would clear the way for the final interview with clinton herself. there is also the holiday weekend to consider as the presumptive democratic nominee. clinton typically has a large press corps following her every move makes it difficult drawing attention to its investigation as it has by so far by bringing in witness in secret. this weekend hillary has zero campaign events scheduled which would make holding that meeting in private a bit easier. keeping a close eye on her homes both here at d.c. and upstate new york. and we will keep you updated as we find out more. >> thanks, garrett. >> in d.c. this morning. all eyeing yesterday on already let that -- loretta lynch. people were wondering if she would discuss this meeting with bill clinton sky harbor airport. nothing to see here. we were just talking about grandchildren and this and that she took it head on yesterday when asked about it. listen. >> what on earth. [ laughter ] >> were you thinking? what happened? >> well, i mean, that's the question of the day, isn't it? >> yes. >> i think that's a perfectly reasonable question because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department emails. certainly my meeting with him raises questions and concerns. so, believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. [ laughter ] and, you know, bowers i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not, over what it will not touch. >> after there were reports that the reporters that were on the ground there were told not to take any pictures which leads to you believe that they may have known that this wasn't the best idea and they thought they could control it out from getting out. >> the reason it's so significant the a lot of the folks that you hear from in d.c. don't necessarily think the problem on the serve every is going to be because of classified information it could be because of some funny business where hillary clinton is doing favors for clinton foundation doziers. bill clinton in charge of the clinton foundation that's why the attorney general admits it's inappropriate for him to be there. i have done a fair amount of traveling this season so far on the trail. you see bill clinton out there. lost his step. his voice is not what it was. what good can he do for his wife's campaign? we know now he can do damage and in the "the washington post" morning there is opinion writer kathleen parker she asks did bill clinton unconsciously trip his wife on the road to the white house. maybe he cannot imagine hillary walking in front of him and having somebody call her madam president because then all of a sudden is he not the center of attention as he has been for the last 20 years. >> he has done this the number of times. like the sixth time now where he has tripped up his wife all along the south carolina prime in 2008. this again trips her up. >> he is supporting her and he has been in the public light that long and you have a misstep from time to time. >> meanwhile rush limbaugh yesterday says this don't get your hopes in. the fix is. in we have been through this before. we are all being played, watch. >> they are making it look like and they have all along very possible hillary clinton could be indicted. they are toying with us. they're dangling this carrot. loretta lynch is another. she is not going to turn this over. she is a lawyer. the first thing they teach you at law school you never ask anybody in a case a question on the stand which you don't know the answer. these are democrats first. i know people want to believe that we still have people that will put institution above party. not today's democrat party. the whole point of acquiring these positions of power is to corrupted them with your people. now, they don't look at it as corrupting anything because they think they are god's gift. folks, we are being played like the clintons play us every time. >> you got to think that hillary clinton could do a lot of goodbye just having a press conference today. come out and say, you know what? nothing weird. my husband is not trying to get me off the hook. let reporters get it all out of their systems on a holiday weekend. no sign that is going to happen because she hasn't had a press conference since last year. >> well, she has addressed these issues at the presidential debate and over the past few months she has addressed this head on. she says, look, there is nothing to see here. listen. >> there is absolutely no possibility of an indictment? >> that is not going to happen. there is no basis for it and i'm hooking forward to this being wrapped up. >> are you 100 percent confident that nothing is going to come of this fbi investigation? >> i am 100 percent confident. >> well, there is no basis for that. it's a security review. >> if you get indicted will you drop out. >> oh for goodness', that is not happening. i'm not going to answer that question. >> does she know something that we don't know and fbi doesn't know or the department of justice doesn't know. is she trying to speak this into existence? >> she has been able to reassure democrats and donors, look, no one has talked to me about the emails. i haven't been interviewed by the fbi. she isn't a say that anymore. >> we had a democratic strategist on the program earlier this doesn't matter to their base they don't buy into this crooked hillary business. it's not just the base, it's the moderates and independents and with the honesty and trustworthy. >> whether they are their own set of rules highest law enforcement official loretta lynch. >> you just heard loretta lynch say she regrets meeting with bill clinton. former fbi director joins us next. >> one state's tough rules. new rules officially in the books. s who i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at this is a fox news alert. you're looking at live pictures of hillary clinton's d.c. home where she is expected to be grilled by the fbi today. >> this as attorney general loretta lynch promises to follow the fbi's lead on the investigation into clinton's email server. lynch refuses to step back from the investigation following her controversial meeting with bill clint. so should she recuse herself all together. let's ask former assistant director of the fbi and defense fund ron hosko. nice to see thundering no. >> you heard the attorney general yesterday during that -- that's not really a press conference but during that interview yesterday in aspen. she didn't seem to apologize at all. she says, look, i wouldn't do it again. isn't that enough there to say she should step aside from this? yeah, this is on its surface supposed to about the intersection of the fact and the law cold calculation about whether someone should be charged with a violation. but, below that, like all of your warm-up comments looked at just a few minutes ago, this is about much more. it is very much about perception. the perception about how work is done in washington, d.c. how decisions are made. and we have this totally avoidable meeting. make no mistake. the meeting was avoidable. both of these folks have security detail and handlers. if bill clinton got on to her plane unannounced that's a mistake and a failing. so, let's assume that didn't happen. she could have easily said, look, this is inappropriate. i can't have this meeting with you or i can shake your hand at the base of the stairs in front of the cameras and it would be truly momentary but, no, it was much longer than that. and it feeds our perceptions that decisions are made behind the scenes in these darkened smoky rooms by networks of friends. >> ron, if you were still at the fbi, and you found out that your boss, the attorney general, was yucking it up on a private plane with the spouse of somebody you were investigating, how upset would you be? >> well, i would not be happy at all. i will say in fairness to loretta lynch, she came into the job with really a sterling reputation as a prosecutor. as a dedicated prosecutor, a very positive reputation. there is this corrosive effect of working on pennsylvania avenue. she is now the chief prosecutor in a democratic administration. we have seen these examples of jim comey seems to be on a different page than doj or certainly the white house in some of the things that he has said. this would be very, very concerning to me if i was still inside the building. >> tell me, also, we heard yesterday from loretta lynch that she would accept the recommendation of investigators at the fbi. and then later in the day, of course, her office came out, basically her spokeswoman came out and clarified those remarks said no, no, she will still be making the ultimate decision in this. did they step in tom -- some mud with that one. >> too often comments are made and then there seems to be back pedaling. i personally believe because perception plays such a big role in the trust in our government that this was a huge avoidable misstep in what could be the biggest case prosecutorial decision in her role as a prosecutor. she ought to step back and say i ought to recuse myself in the participating in the deliberations. she is in a position to influence her staff. she is certainly going to be getting briefings every day. she is in a position to influence the discussion debate and result. she ought to step back. >> thanks, ron have. a good holiday weekend. >> you too. >> this is a fox news alert. a major development on the plane that vanished into the ocean more than two months ago. a key piece of evidence now surfacing. >> then we are honoring our military this weekend with a special anniversary. lee gabriel is live on board the uss arleigh burke. what's coming up. >> we are here celebrating the commissioning of this ship incredible war ship. we will be talking about the integrity and greatest assets. what are we? 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>> correct. one of the great things about commissioning the ship was to actually meet the legend himself. that was one of the thrills for me of being on the commissioning crew of the ship. >> i have been told that this ship has incredible crew right now. that's what makes it so unique even today. admiral burke talked about people and how they are so important. >> absolutely. yes that's exactly what he was talking about. >> what incredible honor to actually meet admiral arleigh burk. of course, you were the weapons officer on the ship when it was commissioned. it has a unique weapons system. you can talk about that? >> i can. it was great when she was commissioned we had the most important and combat system. upgraded and do things we didn't even think about. take on targets from underwater to now up in space which we didn't even think about back 25 years ago and we thought we were pretty advanced. now it's amazing and meeting the true, so the ship is built to fight. you better know how. >> i think these guys are good and better than we were. >> i have been spending time with them this morning. this crew certainly knows how to fight with the ship. it's incredible asset. celebrating here on independence day weekend. they will have ship tours later on in the day. and happy july 4th to all of you out there. back to you in the studio. >> we will take that from somebody who knows, leah gabe brilt. >> coming, the new fox news poll thinks profiling keeps americans safe is that a good thing or unconstitutional. mike baker joins us next. >> don't like hillary or trump? roseanne has a plan for america ♪ oh o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave. >> i was a young enlisted soldier in germany in 1977. on a weekend pass, i took the train down to munich, a lovely city. and despite the gray squallly weather, i walked around, saw the sights. and then i took the commuter train out to the concentration camp museum. i was alone on that gray, march, early april day. i went into the museum and looked at the photographs of what humans can do to one another. and then i turned the corner in the exhibit and there were these black and white photographs of gi's liberating concentration camp. you saw astolen nic astonishment in the faces of inmates. god, that's who we are, americans. that's what we do. >> share your pride on facebook, twitter and stain gram. #proud american. ing insulin thas even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration... twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ hi, friends. good morning. it's a fox news alert. the gruesome details coming in by the minute following a deadly isis siege in bangladesh. seven terrorist militants warmed guns bombs and grenades storming a cafe and holding hostages. after 10 hours of negotiating police stormed the restaurants. 20 hostages were brutally executed by the gunmen after being quizzed in the muslim holy book on the quran. no reports on of any americans shot injured. we want to bring in our good friend of the show mike baker. >> thank you. >> it's interesting isis came out and claimed responsibility of this immediately. different what we saw in istanbul. >> there is a lot of inconsistency into this. you never want to read too much into who is claiming for what. as always, you have to let the situation play out and then you get the details. eventually we find out who the perpetrators are in this situation, this methodology if you want to call it that where they -- it's just that the hostages takes or recites something from the quran, you know, to separate them off who decide who they are going to kill. we have done this in the past whether it's isis or al shabaab. the westgate shopping center attack in 2013. very brutal, their way of finding out who are the muslims? separate them, kill the foreigners. if they are not going into a market or another place and just bombing indiscriminately this is what they do. >> gosh, you hope we don't see more of these this weekend because the call from isis was during ramadan go out and act. >> perverse of a traditional holiday. bangladesh, a muslim majority company, traditionally very secular and peaceful. what we have seen over the past year and a half though is a rise in incidents from muslim extremists. there has been a bangladesh extremist group there that has been around for possibly a decade and a half. a little longer than that. you know, it's existed under various names. what we have seen are isis and al qaeda claimed killings of particularly certain larr bombers, human rights, gay activist. the concern is it's happening in even though it's concern. seeing any generation of jihadists that are rising up. >> for the most part because of the call from the islamic state. >> and with this attack ongoing, it's important we do not or just ended it's important we don't forget just a couple days ago istanbul airport. we're seeing now there and in brussels attacks before security. right now it's the 9/11 model. they are very concerned with three ounces of liquid and possibly box cutters getting through which is important but should they start profiling outside of the security part of the airport to weed out some of those. >> the short answer from operationals answer -- those people objecting to the idea or concept and goes against the constitution. i can't believe we're going to do this. even those folks would admit okay, from operational perspective, profiling does work. it's target-specific. we know where you're outerbelt threat for the most part comes from. so let's focus on that. the problem is as we know is it runs counter to intuitively what we believe is -- i don't know. i'm uncomfortable with the idea. but we have got to become more efficient. we have been worried about this soft targeting for years and years and years. right after 9/11 the big concern within counter terrorism wars when we are gaming out, what's the next attack. of the concern is sheshts, pluck places. touristy. what if they start targeting soft targets? head scratching why aren't they? now they are going after soft targets. the nature of the terrorist is they change, they aat that particular time and discuss. the good new is why having success. we are winning on the ground. we are destroying their revenue dreams. streams. they are erp adapting. see will see more of these in the west. >> mike baker, happy independence day. >> happy fourth of july to you, too. >> thanks a lot. 38 minutes after the hour. following other stories making headlines starting with this fox news alert. a major break in the investigation of the doomed egyptair flight that plunged into the mediterranean. the recordings from the plane's black boxes are intact meek we will be able to hear what was going on in the cockpit at the time of the crash. fire before crash that killed all 66 people on board. cause a mystery investigators have knot ruled out terrorism. self-driving car accident claims that the driver was watching a harry potter movie at the time of the crash. tesla, however, says it's not possible to watch videos on the model s touch screen. tech company now under scrutiny over the safety of the auto pilot system. former navy seal joshua brown died in may when his tesla slammed in a tractor-trailer on a florida highway. a portable dvd player was founded in the car at the time of the crash. truck dealer failed to field right-of-way. >> roseanne b.a. bar north sipping for any of the presidential cap democrats ♪ home of the agree oh youer bleeding? denies reports she is endorsing donald trump. not a fan of hillary clinton nk plans to right her recall on the ballot. not him it to bar 2016. now until she wins. inwithing strategy there. >> like roseanne's threat to the finn. if you indict hillary and she rant run. >> and i'm going to sing again. clinton is out there with. >> time to barbecue. here with us tips on how to throw the perfect cookout author of the dadgum that's good cookbook john gilmore. >> i want to hear maria say dag gum that's good. >> show folks how fourthly celeh family and friends and all about barbecue. we're going to do ribs and show you how to do a dry rub for that we also want to show folks how to pair up the right wood chips to get that great smoky flavor. >> what kind of wood chips go with burger orme powell tri. >> pecan moo. like grandma used to say. >> pecan wood that is going to give you smiled flavor great for apple and pork. >> apple wood i love. turkey coming up for the holidays. most common hickory giving you a common and mild wood chip mosquito. a lot of people could it. if you cooking fish or seafood i recommend alder wood. >> this is what don't want at home. burnt burgers and dogs. instead of having to stand over the grill and monitoring and having results like, this smoking is the new grill. master built has made it incredibly simple. so you put on your food and let it be done all at the same time. get great smoke infused flair like making the rips. >> i do this for the. it's like a paper powell. >> do that so you can get increed cents and smoke flavor. i type dry seasoning is. clayton, any local grossry store. flavoring on both sides. go the to smoker rmingt he we will show folks ribs, we're going to put the ribs on the bought of the smoke smoke. any anytime you add your raw food with you are cooking putting on the bottom. could ribs 225 degrees smoke them for three hours. take them out, wrap them for another hour. take them out, put your barbecue sauce on. close them back up and the wood shints on the side they are done. >> cooking with wood? >> yes sphemght more tips from john next hour. >> yes, we do. at fast master built we are a fun company. we did a justin timberlake side of by side video. it's going to show folks. >> yes. >> i got that how to have a little bit of fun the mike he will for there is my wife tonyaened. there is my daughter. >> check out more of that embarrassing video. wow. >> peter, anna, back inside to you. >> ♪ i got the feeling. >> i couldn't tell which one was justin timberlake. >> barbecue so good make you squeal like a pig. >> hillary clinton set to met with the fbi about private emails. next guest, democratic strategist says her supporters don't care. why not? that's next. ♪ i got the feeling ♪ dance dance dance ♪ i got the feeling ♪ just dance, dance, dance ♪ (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. good morning, friends, it's a fox news alert. we have live pictures right now outside of hillary clinton's home in washington, d.c. multiple reports say hillary is expected to sit down with the fbi today. but no matter what the outcome, will it hurt her chances at winning the white house in november? mark hannah is a democratic strategist and author of the brand new book "the best worst president" and he joins us now. you say the results of this won't matter to her base? why? >> well, i think the results of the investigation will, certainly. but i mean people who pay attention to hillary clinton, who like hillary clinton realize that she has been saying for the past, since last august that she wants to meet with the fbi. she -- they see the sort of flood of agents who are on this. as an indication that this is going to wrap up quickly. they don't have the kind of doubts that the people on the right do. they trust her integrity. they know who she is. you played a clip earlier this morning when we were on together, and she was inplaquable. she was really confident. either she is a really good an tore or, you know, she is telling the truth. >> what about the calls for loretta lynch to step aside, recuse herself in this investigation. she admitted, look, i wouldn't do it again. >> bit. >> that was probably a bone headed thing for me to do is meet with the president or the tar pack should she step asaid. >> i think she made the right move that she made the right recommendations of the fbi. the head of the fbi let's not forget is james keppley appointed for by george w. bush, a republican. this man doesn't have any strong allegiance to the obama administration. i think if she were to step aside, the person underneath her the deputy attorney general was also obama appointee. i don't think it really makes that much difference. the people carrying out this investigation, they are not political people. they see the world through lawful and unlawful. they're professional investigators. they don't see the world through political lens like we do. >> when you talk about democrats not carrying about hillary's emails. don't you think it changes the story when now it's not about emails. it's about the clintons trying to play by their own rules and the former president, allegedly, stepping in to try to coerce. >> we don't know that. >> the nation's top lawyer. she initially also said he was golfing. there is no proof of that going on right now. >> president clinton has done this with paul ryan in the past one pell months and ted cruz. >> that's different. >> which of them control his wife's faith. >> i don't think it is. i think it's a schmoozey expresident who hikes to get together. saying democrats like senator kuhn saying this was a huge mistake. >> and loretta lynch said it was a mistake as well. the point i was making before was whether democrats de they care a little bit but don't care as much as they care about the state of the economy. you're reporting on isis attacks right now. . they care about things that are more relevant to them and their families than, you know, their eyes glaze over when it's talked about. >> it doesn't help the trust worthy numbers. moderates and independents matter. >> they matter, but, you know, and who do we want at the helm hillary clinton or look at the alternative. >> we have to go. thank you so much and have a great independent day. the book is "the best worst president." >> teach you how to talk politics with people who disagree with you. deep watch on overdrive as donald trump meets with another potential running mate. who is the latest governor on the list. >> red and white, now you can have blue too. the patriotic pairings you need this holiday wine weekend. ♪ what's it like to be in good hands? 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>> yes. it's made with natural ingredients. it's also sweetened with nonchloric sweeteners. it smells really nice. >> it smells like wine. >> i want you to try it. you haven't had a taste yet. you've done the nice swirl. what do you think? >> very sweet. so -- >> maybe a dessert wine. >> yes. it's marketed to younger wine drinkers that want something a little on the sweeter side. that is what that is. >> the color its normally? >> the skins of the grapes. for instance, the skins of the grapes on the sher raz and roseas the roseas are pink because the juice is in contact with the skin a short amount of time. it's really just the skins. you can make white wine with red grapes. >> this wine is a spanish wine. is it available in the united states? >> it is not yet. just released in spain. i believe they're trying to have it in the states before the end of the summer. you can look for it. >> look for it on your grosser's aisle the next patriotic holiday hopefully. >> yes. >> thank you for your time. >> you're welcome. >> we'll get you a piece of cake or something to go with it next. >> okay. >> pound cake, cool whip, raspberries. >> a little sweet or salty. >> all right. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> happy fourth to you. >> you too. >> a fox news alert. these are live pictures outside hillary clinton's home in washington. she could be grilled by the fbi reportedly today. we're live in our nation's capital in minutes. and have you seen this wardrobe fail? a dad dresses his daughter and sends her off to day care but forgets her shirt. how did this happen? the whole family joins us live next hour. my dad did the same thing to me when i was a 3-year-old preschool in a slip. he thought it was a dress. stay with us. ♪ this is brian. every day, brian drives carefully to work. and every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. he's been paying more for car insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesn't even notice them anymore. but one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. my doctor prescribed medication- an opioid. it really helped! but it came with some baggage: opioid-induced constipation oic. sooo awkward... sounds like you're ready for movantik! movantik? yes, mo-van-tik! opioids block pain signals. but can also block activity in the bowel, causing constipation. movantik is specifically designed for oic. do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. and can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. i'm so glad i heard about movantik from my doctor! constipated by your prescription opioid pain med? ask your doctor if movantik is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. hi, friends. good morning, saturday the 2nd of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. a fox news alert. they were quizzed by the core ran and murdered. another brutal terror attack at the hands of isis. the breaking details in moments. then after years of speculation and months of e-mail dumps and interviews with colleagues, today could be hillary clinton's day in the if fbi hot seat, but what can we expect? a live report from washington moments away. have you seen this wardrobe fail going viral on facebook yesterday. a dad dresses his daughter and sends her off to day care but forgets her shirt. >> oops. >> how did this happen? i love the text exchange. you have to read it. the family will join us live this hour. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> the sights and sounds of "fox & friends" weekend on an independence holiday weekend. the west point band playing "stars and stripes". >> i was asking them, they've been doing this 200 years, and they have in the museum at west point, they have some of the original instruments played when george washington, they had like -- you sneak in there and grab the saxophone once in a while out of the case and play. sometimes we do. sometimes we do. what makes you proud to be an american? send us your pictures and stories. donna sent a photo of her son nick serving in the middle east right now. >> beth sent in this picture with her and her husband eric, they've spent 69 years combined serving our country. thank you to them. >> try top top that sending in your photo. natalie sends us this picture of her daughter gee van na excited to celebrate her first independence day. >> ashley grant sends a picture of her patriotic puppy at the capitol. >> marina is outside with an important holiday weekend forecast. good morning. >> good morning. we want to start out with this video out of arizona because out there this time of the year we tend to start seeing showers and thunderstorms kind of picking up across the region and unfortunately they do bring some flash flooding and this video out of arizona, i believe it's out of tucson, incredible flash flooding occurring across that region. usually only takes one to two inches of rain to come down to produce images like that. the forecast for today and over the next couple days is for the moisture to continue streaming in to that part of the country. across the center of the nation a storm system bringing in areas of rain across kansas, also into missouri, and there will be the potential for some storms to bring some isolated severe weather like damaging winds and even large hail and also isolated tornadoes. the carolinas could be seeing that activity today and also into tomorrow. otherwise, as we head into the next couple days, because we're going to continue to see heavy rain across kansas and missouri there is the threat for some flash flooding. a number of watches have been issued and we could see as much as 4 to 6 inches of rain, locally heavier amounts. that's why that's a concern in places like kansas city. temperature wise for monday many of you have outdoor plans, worried about the weather. it is going to be a scorcher across texas. triple-digit heat forecast for you in dallas and also in el paso. meanwhile out west, we have ban for fireworks across california extending into washington state and the forecast for that region is to stay dry, sunny and temperatures near average. back inside. >> thanks marks rhea. >> thanks. >> thank you so much. three minutes after the hour. we these to tell you about stories making headlines. isis strikes again. this time a deadly siege at a bangladesh cafe ending hours ago when hundreds of police officer stormed the restaurant packed with dozens of tourists being held at gunpoint. 13 hostages were rescued but not before 20 were brutally killed after being quizzed on the koran. six militants who descended on the restaurant with guns and grenades were killed and one captured alive. no reports of any americans hurt. a fox news alert, thousands descending on london's parliament square to match against britain's vote to leave the european union. wall-to-wall protesters in the march for europe rally. millions signing a petition for a revote, despite parliament leaders claiming the decision is final. world leaders, including president obama, warning the united kingdom of potential economic consequences as a result of the vote. and perhaps the most electrifying moment an olympic athlete may not be making it to rio. a jamaican runner usain bolt pulling out of trials after tearing his hamstring. bolt is hoping to qualify during the anniversary games in london, giving him only three weeks to recover. bolt owns numerous world records and won gold medals at the 2008 and 2012 games. a massachusetts senator is taking on apple along with some of the country's biggest companies. elizabeth warren says the tech giant is making it too difficult for smaller companies to compete, calling out apple specifically for making it hard on streaming services like spotify to get ahead. warren even comparing those tech companies to the banks that caused the financial crisis. competition is good. well, and that's capitalism. new reports the fbi will question hillary clinton today and moments ago we saw two black secret service suvs leaving the presumptive democratic presidential nominee's home in washington, d.c. >> today's interview reportedly the final step into the investigation into her private server. garret tenney in washington with more. good morning, garret. >> clayton, anna and peter, goo m. today could be the day that the fbi has its interview with clinton over her private e-mail server. citing a source close to the investigation, the daily coalle, reports the meeting is likely to take place at clinton's home in d.c. you can see we've seen movement outside her home this morning when these two suvs pulled out, we don't know who was inside or where they were going and neither the fbi or clinton campaign is confirming the meeting is even taking place. but we do know investigators just recently completed interviews with two of clinton's top aides former chief of staff sheryl mills and her deputy chief of staff houma abedin. those interviews would seem to clear the way for the final interview with hillary clinton herself. the holiday weekend to consider. clinton has zero campaign events scheduled which means she won't be followed around by her typical press corps to make it easier to hold the meeting in private. keeping an eye on her homes in d.c. and new york. we'll keep you updated as we find out more. >> thanks, garret. >> we are staking out, since we're not sure, the fbi won't tell us, the clinton campaign won't tell us, where this meeting is taking place, we also have a camera at the clinton chappaquiddick home in upstate new york and we did see activity there. we have video. this is from outside. doesn't necessarily look like an fbi agent showing up for an interview but we are monitoring both locations. >> a woman walking into the chappaquiddick home moments ago. >> pretty. >> we'll have more and watching d.c. and watching chappaquiddick and more on that. all eyes on loretta lynch should she recuse herself in the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail server scandal. yesterday she was asked this very question. of course this on the heels of her weird meeting with president bill clinton on the tarmac at sky harbor airport. for 30 minutes in phoenix. she was asked this question yesterday at the aspen ideas festival and here is how she responded. >> what on earth were you thinking? what happened? >> well, i think that's the question of the day, isn't it? >> yes. >> and i think that's the perfectly reasonable question. because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department e-mails. my meeting with him raises questions and concerns and so believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. and, you know, because i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not over, over what it will not touch. >> so loretta lynch there, she has not formally recused herself. she's said she's going to depend on whatever the fbi recommends. here now to weigh in on all this is shannon coffin, the former deputy assistant attorney general for the department of justice in the george w. bush administration. good morning, thanks for being with us. and after hearing the words out of her mouth yesterday, do you think he she should go further? >> well, absolutely. and happy independence day to all three of you. >> you too. >> look, when the attorney general of the united states says that she has cast a shadow over ap investigation, she's answered the question for herself. the ethics rules in government and its justice department require that she maintain an appearance of -- an appearance of propriety, she avoid an appearance of impropriety and that's exactly what this has done. >> you know, earlier in the morning, yesterday morning, her office came out and basically said we're going to accept the recommendations of the fbi and james comey. it seemed like putting it firmly in his hands. we were sort of applauding that move that then someone political wouldn't be at the heart of this investigation. however, later in the afternoon, a spokeswoman for her office said no she'll still decide it. we're going to accept the recommendations from the fbi. what do you make of that back and forth? >> look, that -- i mean that's nonsense. she is politically accountable for the decisions of the department of justice. so, in effectively saying that i'm removing myself from that process and leaving the decision to career prosecutors, she's effectively taken herself out of play but we have an attorney general who should be exercising that authority, who should be doing an independent review and in fairness to hillary clinton and fairness to the american people, she should be exercising that authority. if she thinks she can't do that, and she has said, you know, she has said that these are legitimate questions, if she thinks she can't do that, she shouldn't be involved in this process, she should leave this to the deputy attorney general sally yaitss who would make this decision if the attorney general should recuse. >> shan nen, as a former doj offici official, what do you make of the attorney general now saying that when the husband of the person they are investigating came on to her plane, she never thought that it might be inappropriate. do you think that reveals something about just how much time she spends thinking about the clinton case? >> have you seen the godfather? >> yeah. >> so frank's brother shows up at a congressional hearing. he didn't have to say anything for frank pantangeli to forget what he was going to testify about. that's the point. president clinton knew what he was doing here. president clinton waited around for half hour or an hour for her plane to arrive. he was simply dropping by to send a friendly message, don't forget where you came from. and even if nothing was said, even if absolutely nothing was said the appearance is the problem. >> with ten seconds left here judge pero on the show, she said this is a sign no indictment is coming. where do you stand on that? >> oh, maybe she knows that. i don't know. i wish i had that crystal ball. >> okay. >> shannen, great to see you and happy fourth of july weekend to you. >> thank you. >> have a great day. 12 minutes after the hour. coming up on the program, donald trump's vp search kicks into high gear after meeting with another governor. is there a clear frontrunner? spokeswoman katrina pierson joins us next. >> would you rather see hillary and donald trump in the white house or this? america has spoken. and the results are in. you guys like meteor impacts. ♪ and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent 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has trade as the numbers have slipped a little bit has trade replaced immigration as his signature issue? >> well, i think they're both still very key issues for a number of reasons. just for the mere fact that both of those the jobs market and the economy. i think that's really important moving forward. trade is really important simply because we do have the transpacific partnership that's currently on the table and whomever wins in november will decide whether or not the united states enters another transnational trade agreement that does not bode well for americans. >> and the big news here in new york this morning, is that indiana's sitting governor a popular social conservative mike pence, is here to get vetted by the trump campaign. what can you tell us about that? >> well, what i can tell you is mr. trump is meeting with a number of elected officials to talk about their prospects and yes, mr. trump is going to be meeting with mike pence and i can't really tell you where or when but that meeting will take place and he's looking forward to it. you know, there's a lot of people who we think would be -- would serve very well as mr. trump's vice president simply considering how he's already stated that he does want someone that has more political experience and someone that's going to hold true to conservative values. >> and to that end, he has spoken about what he wants in a running mate heavily and he mentioned something else, someone else, rather, who is rumored to be on the short list. listen to this. >> i want somebody with great judgment. i also want somebody that most likely will be in the world of politics because i have all of the business experience and i have tremendous business leaders -- >> i say gingrich is -- >> in terms of legislation -- >> gingrich is your best bet. >> gingrich -- >> he's a good man. >> trump talked about wanting somebody with d.c. experience which pens has and gingrich has but somebody else chris christie doesn't have so much of it. is it just political experience or somebody who has worked in the beltway? >> he definitely prefers someone that works in the beltway, however he also committed to looking at all of the competitors in the republican primary, simply because they did step out there and they were his competitors so he wants to consider everyone that put themselves out there and put out their vision for the country and chris christie and mr. trump are very close, they are friends and they work well together, but i think at the end of the day when the announcement is made on the republican side, i think many people are going to be extremely happy, mr. trump is committed to moving the conservative movement forward and he's very honored to be a part of what we are making history here. come november when mr. trump beats hillary clinton, we're going to be looking forward to making america great again. >> all right. well, we appreciate the insight from the trump campaign. katrina pierson, thank you very much. >> great to be here. thank you. all right. this is a fox news alert. a major development on the plane that vanished into the ocean more than two months ago. the key piece of evidence now surfacing. and, have you seen this wardrobe fail? a dad dresses his daughter and sends her to day care but forgets her shirt. how did that happen? the whole family is going to tell us next. ♪ clinton in the white house or this? a new poll says 13% of americans would rather have a meteor hit earth than see clinton or trump win the white house. clayton. >> they're masochists. thanks, peter. this is my favorite story of the weekend, by the way. come to your tvs. an indiana father is winning over the internet this morning after forgetting a crucial article of clothing while dressing his daughter for day care. her shirt. his wife posted pictures of the daddy fail on facebook and shared their hilarious text messages back and forth. joining us now is the family behind this hilarious post, jeremy and brook basso and their 7-month-old daughter olivia and 6-year-old son brady. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks for having us. >> i loves the text messages back and forth. so here's the text conversation. from you, brook. you wrote this to jeremy. did you send olivia to day care without a shirt on? jeremy writes, i sent her with that thing on. jeremy, it's a common mistake. i'm on your side. what were you thinking when you sent her to day care like that? >> i thought she looked really cute and a nice summer outfit and got her dressed and we got on our way. >> nice summer outfit. i would have made the same mistake. >> yeah. well and i thought that maybe she had spilled out of her diaper and the day care took the shirt off her. it was not what i expected. >> and dad, you saw, what this was like a tank top, right? >> right. right. there you go. >> yeah. >> this thing -- this thing is going viral. are you surprised by the response? this was trending one of the top trending topics in all of facebook. can you believe that? >> no. >> no. >> no, not at all. we never expected it to do that because it was just something that's, you know, we're funny people and it was a funny moment in our lives. apparently it's funny in everyone else's too. >> jeremy, what has been the response? have you heard from a lot of people about this? >> yeah. people that just say hey congrats for being famous for doing something dumb. >> i don't see -- i'm going to stand up for you. i don't think it's dumb at all. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> you stepped up and brook you had a job interview. you took her to day care that day. >> yeah. >> i did the same thing. i've done sort of a boneheaded thing like this. i sent this story to my wife and she said like the time that you took ava to costco with no pants on. and just a diaper and a shirt. and i'm like, well i thought that's what the outfit was. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> you know, i blame -- i'm going to blame the moms in this one. you know what, brooke, you buy them the weird funky outfits with straps and things and you're like, how am i supposed to put this thing on. >> right. well i guess in his defense he never sees the outfits when i buy them beforehand and so from now on, i just know to lay the clothes out or put it on -- make sure the shirt is on the hanger with the overalls. >> good. >> more than anything, it was just a funny exchange of texts and moment and the moment was funny and what's been really interesting about it on facebook is how much everyone else has a similar story. >> yeah. >> and i would love to -- jeremy and brooke, we appreciate you joining us on the show. you're right. here's what i want from our viewers this morning. i want you to send in your embarrassing child photos because we've all been there, jeremy. we're all on your side. send them to us this morning, facebook.comff weekend. we'll share them later in the show. have a great holiday. >> thank you. >> stand strong, jeremy. coming up the u.s. reveals thousands of isis fighters have been killed by drone trikes but lieutenant peters says to defeat them we must become as ruthless as they are. he will join us straight ahead. on this fourth of july weekend we're honoring a special anniversary for our military. leah gabriel is aboard the "uss arleigh burke." what is coming up next? >> the u.s. navy is the strongest in the world powerful ships like ""uss wisconsin"" which is a museum here in norfolk but this weekend we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the commissioning of "uss arleigh burke" with its not so small guns and other weapons. this ship was built to fight. we'll talk about why, that's coming up. ♪ i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like 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heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ multiple warfares from air to surface to subsurface warfare and with our recent upgrade we have a unique capability to be able to do simultaneous warfare capability at one time that most other ships in our atlantic fleet do not have. >> and really, it's one of the first ships with a fully integrated weapons system, right? but you know what i've heard is that the navies like to deliver diplomacy and we've been talking about isis. this ship for basically provided some diplomacy to isis in the form of 30 tomahawk missiles, right? >> we did. during our last deployment, we launched 30 tomahawks against isis targets in syria and that's what we do. we train to fight to be proficient so when we have to answer the national call for tasks we're able to do that. >> i'm being sarcastic when i say diplomacy to isis. it's amazing to be on the first ship that delivered the punch to isis in 2014. one of the things i've heard that's special about the ship is its sailors. can you share a little bit about them? >> absolutely. they all operate with integrity, they're all highly trained. that's what makes the ship "newswee unique and the navy unique. it really takes that when you have a capability like we have with integrated air and missile defense it takes highly skilled technicians and operators to make it all happen and they do. >> this is such an honor to be here this weekend celebrating this with you guys. celebrating this incredible ship. the legacy of the "uss arleigh burke." they will have a memorial service to celebrate admiral burke and the ship and its legacy this weekend as we all celebrate independence day here in norfolk, virginia. back to you. >> thank them for their service from all of us at "fox & friends." you look great. happy fourth. >> thank you. >> 34 minutes after the hour on this saturday morning. other stories making headlines. a major break in the investigation of the doomed egypt air flight that plunged into the mediterranean. the recordings from the plane's black boxes are intact meaning we will be able to hear what was going on inside the cockpit at the time of the crash. just released flight data suggesting there was a fire before the crash that killed all 66 people on board. well, the cause remains a mystery, investigators have not ruled out terrorism. an illegal immigrant accused of killing three people had been deported six different times since 2003. bonifacio gonzalez has repeatedly been getting back into the country somehow, most recently in 2013, before allegedly shooting four people on an oregon farm, three of them dying. donald trump tweetinging about the case. these crimes will not be happening if i'm elected president. killer should have never been here. #americafirst. and an orangutan on the run captured after escaping its enclosure at busch gardens in tampa. watch as the juvenile orangutan swings from some branches outside its habitat and falls to the ground all while the theme park guests stand feet away. >> oh, my god. dude. >> he's doing his own thing and left us alone. he was more afraid of us. >> once he fell everyone like freaked out. the employees, they didn't know like what was going on at first. >> well eventually security did step in and they moved people away from the primate there. within an hour it was tranquilized and put back into its habitat. and those are your headlines. clayton, peter and maria, i'm going to run and join you out there. good eatin' time. >> it's time for barbecuing. >> we are kicking off independence day weekend with the cookout on the plaza, some fox fans, barbecue fans here. back with our grilling tips is the ceo of master built and author the of "dadgum good." john is back. >> good to be here. >> we're talking smoking and we did a dry rub last hour. we're doing a wet rub this time? >> a wet rub and brine. what we want folks to realize people behind us here have been looking at this thinking, what is wrong with these hot dogs. >> this is burnt ham burgs and hot dogs the result you get sometimes when you grill. master built is going to change that up and take grilling to smoking. it's more simple. you can spend time with your family and friends and let the food come out at the same time. the ribs earlier were a dry rub. okay. now we're going to show you how to do your boston butt with a wet rub. take the same dry seasonings, completely coast your boston butt and take yellow mustard and put it in a baggy. throw it in the refrigerator and let it sit overnight. boston butt on your smoker, 225, 45 minutes to one hour per pound. once it gets done wrap it to get to a core temperature internal of 195 degrees. >> wrap with aluminum foil. >> yep. >> from the wet to a brine. this is a brine chicken quarter. hey, anna. >> hello. how is it going? great to have you. >> she knew we were smoking and wanted to come out no she wanted to come out and dance. >> this is our lemon pepper brine. we have the chicken quarters in. put the chicken quarters in the smoker set it at 225 degrees for about three hours. perfection. again, instead of standing over the grill, let the smoker do all the work. >> which one should i open? portable smoker. >> this is the new, the latest edition to the master built family. this is our portable little propane smoker. this allows you to take it camping, it allows you to take it tailgating for the season. >> what is it running on? >> the one pound throwaway bottle. this baby is available at sam's. pick it up $99. >> wow. >> fantastic. >> this is the portable. when you're thinking about the fourth of july, think about all of the food. >> yeah. >> like that? >> yeah. >> so if you want to do ribs, chicken, boston butt, you go to we have all of the videos out there to show how folks to do -- >> make barbecue to make you zeal like a pig. >> your company is fun to work for. what is this video? we were showing earlier. >> we did -- and justin, we want justin timberlake to watch our videos. we did a side by side. our entire company. >> here's a few more. >> my family, the macklemores, the team master built. >> which one is justin, hard to tell. >> joe was asking me earlier do you want me to dance with you. no way. i said get anna out here. we will dance. >> if it's not dancing, you're in your backyard, smoking great food. masterbuilt is making it simple instead of standing over that grill, spend more time with your family and friends. i'll eat to that. i want to say thanks to fox. masterbuilt loves coming here and spending all of the holiday times with you all. so from everybody at the mclemore family and team masterbuilt, fox rocks. >> thank you. >> >> thanks, guys. >> anna, show me the moves again. >> the u.s. has revealed thousands of isis fighters have been killed by drone strikes. but lieutenant ralph peters says to defeat them we must become as ruthless as they are. he will join us next. >> what happens when you try to take a selfie with a peacock? ♪ ♪ keep dancing >> oh! >> she's got the justin timberlake song in her backyard too. the viral video that will have you laughing all morning long. >> check in with david for a look at what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. >> hey, guys. good morning. u.s. airports on high alert this busy holiday weekend as our cia chief says what happened in istanbul could happen here. the time to pay up to beef up security outside our airports. after the uk votes to declare its independence from the european union the u.s. teaming up with our north american neighbors to launch new green energy initiatives. separate more dollars in taxpayers. the names rebounding after the massive brexit sell-off. the cost of freedom at the top of the hour. we'll see you there. mptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at to homes than anyone else in the country. the us postal service. priority: you the truth is the united states of america goes farther than is even required by international law to avoid civilian casualties. that certainly is a stark contrast to the adversary that we face that seek to maximize civilian casualties is to try to advance their narrative. >> the white house released figures that between 64 and 116 civilians were killed in u.s. drone strikes in the last 16 years outside of iraq and afghanistan. during the same period around 2500 militants were taken out by drones. is this just the price of war? for more on this let's turn to fox news strategic an analyst and author of the book "the dammed" it is out now. grab it. lieutenant ralph peters. what did you think of josh earnest's comments the other day? >> well, i suppose it represents incremental progress when he at least acknowledges to an extent some civilian casualties will happen but that's still -- our administration, the obama administration, certainly but even the bush administration, they don't have people engaged at the top who have real military experience or knowledge. so you get this fantasy of surgical strikes and bloodless war and the obama administration's carried it to the extent we keep apologizing and where our soldiers on the battlefield or pilot in the air have to worry about being court-martialed for making an honest mistake over a battlefield and you cannot win like that. these numbers, 116 -- 64 to 116 civilians dead, look every civilian death may be regrettable but in the scheme of things in the history of warfare that is chump change or less. we have done an amazing job of minimizing collateral damage to the extent that we're not being fully effective. >> well, the obama administration doesn't agree with you because president obama's tasked his staff with, you know, reducing civilian casualties. let's take a look at this executive order. the u.s. government shall maintain and promote best practices that reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties take appropriate steps when such casualties occur and draw lessons from our operations to further enhance the protection of citizens, basically saying let's learn from our mistakes here. >> well, that's politically correct nonsense. you can't win. i mean, i'm glad we're taking out some isis leaders, i'm glad for any gains we make, but meanwhile, because of this policy of sort of trying to modulate everything, islamic state is spread around the world and we need fundamental change if we're going to eradicate, and i mean eradicate and exterminate the threat from isis and other related organizations. first you need a real commander in chief, not an apologist in chief. you need a president who will back our troops and not prosecute them. you need a new military attitude. our military has become p.c. we need to get back into strategic raids, punitive expedition, call them what they are, and collective guilt. when a village or town welcomes islamic state or other islamic fighters you wlak the village. i don't seek civilian casualties, but in the most important thing is to win. and the greatest immorality is not an errant bomb that kills a child. the greatest immorality is for the united states and western civilization to lose to barbarians. >> you have authored a brand new book called "the dammed of petersbu petersburg." what is this book about? >> well, it's about the most savage, brutal period of our civil war, the summer and autumn fighting in virginia 1864 from a horrific massacre at a place called the crater through lesser known battles that really everyone, win or lose, drove another nail in the coffin of the confederacy. it's an exciting read, i think, but it's also very, very accurate history. you can read a novel and a narrative, but learn a great deal about the history that's no longer taught in our schools and ultimately about the courage of americans on both sides of that war. >> lieutenant colonel ralph peters, renaissance man. thanks so much. >> i'm resisting. >> most of the renaissance guys had -- >> you tried to resist but you couldn't. have a great fourth of july. >> coming up on the show many of us will be playing with our dogs this fourth of july but there are things you need to know to keep them safe in the heat like a pool toy. other cool products straight ahead. ♪ what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. sending her camera flying. she walked away with scratches to her shoulders. peacocks do not like selfies. anna and peter. >> do not like selfies. the dogs are out to play this fourth of july weekend. what are the essentials we need to know to keep our pets happy and healthy. >> christine, pet living expert, joins us with patriotic poochs. this is harley and her pooch. >> we want to make sure our dogs stay hydrated this holiday for sure. if your dog is out and about on the go i found this cool smart tool called sport. water bottle cap for dogs and has an adapter to fit all standard sized water bottles. >> a rollerball they lick it the water will come out. you don't have to remember a bowl. hook it on to your keychain. super cool under $13 for two of them. encourage your dog to drink more water if you have a fountain. >> my dog baxter gets bored with his water bowls at home and then on a walk in front of the store fronts he wants to suck it down. >> they're naturally attracted to natural water and flowing water especially. a rain drop pet fountain from pioneer pet. your dog and cat will drink more from this than the bowl. it has a carbon filter. >> it's a zen feel and pretty in the home. they come in ceramic too. this an important solution for dogs that have thunder storm or fireworks fear. it's called the calm pet anxiety relief system. >> this is very real. >> rowdy is wearing the vest over here. rowdy is our yellow lab. and this is a device that combines vibrations, i'm going to let you hold it. >> on his back right now. >> yes. >> he's wearing a vest connected to this. >> vibration tones and music. when placed on the accupressure points on his spine it increases the blood flow to the brain calming him. this is important for dogs that have this phobia because they are literally terrified. >> they'll go jump in the bathtub or hide under the bed. >> yes. >> to get away. >> 80% of vets that have tried this are recommending it to their patients. >> the remote is buzzing. >> yes. that's what he feels. you can hear the music if you put it up to your ear. >> it's like a constant cell phone ringing on vibrate. >> it's chill. >> okay. now another way to chill out your pets this holiday is to get them tired out in the water. so this makes the awesome dog water toy. pool toys. called splash bombs. you get them wet and then ready, are you ready, oh. you can catch it. >> go get it. >> they float in the water. everybody gets wet. whoever catches it. and then we have harley is putting on her life vest. i don't know where she is. anyway here we go. >> there she is. >> anyway, she has a cute pink life vest if she's going out on the water. a lot of dogs can't swim well. so make sure that they're safe. safety first. the vest with emergency hand tolgs lift them out of the water. i brought a doggy water fountain. >> the doggy drencher. >> yes. >> you don't have a pool, not going on the water, still can have fun in the water. >> is this a doggy drencher right here? >> this is actually a doggy pool i found on amazon. but the doggy drencher is on the other side and it's -- >> over here. >> it spin. >> harley get in there? >> she might. >> harley. >> give it a try. >> water. >> where can we get all of this stuff? >> all of this stuff you can find on-line or you can go to my blog at christin to find it all. >> and the wet dog maybe after the break. ♪ all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. ♪ thirsty? my friend said i had to earn my way to the cool table. oh, sweet jamie. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. so i was at the cool table all along.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160514 10:00:00

morning. it is saturday, the 14th of may, 2016. a fox news alert. a woman overboard. a desperate search underunderway for a passenger to ho fell overboard on a carnival cruiseship. who is doing the hunt and what the cruise line is saying now. >> obama's administration rule to let the bathroom of their choice. >> in texas he can keep his 30 pieces of silver, we will not yield to blackmail from the president of the united states. >> a showdown over transgender bathrooms. we will bring you the latest. >> mexico taking the latest shot at donald trump. mexico's brand new mr. to slow down the trump train. all aboard the trump train. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ get the thing started ♪ it's my kind of party ♪ >> who makes the best barbecue of the whole united states. we are on a mission. "fox & friends" plaza. >> smells so amazing in our hallway not just because anna kooiman is back from vacation it's national barbecue month. use the #fox barbecue fest. send them on facebook, twitter, et cetera. we have a big barbecue competition. >> if you are in the area come on down. it's not homeless cooking breakfast it's barbecue officials. >> 4:00 in the morning smell that. it's unbelievable. >> i was going to bring breakfast this morning and wheel of cheese. i knew we were doing this. there is no need. >> two minutes after the hour on saturday morning. we have a fox news alert. the coast guard searching for a woman who may have fallen overboard a carnival cruiseship. the crew put the book on lockdown searching the entireship for sarah. >> to see to make sure every guest must be in their room. the coast guard stepped in after video surfaced of the 33-year-old falling overboard 2:00 a.m. friday. the boat was 200 miles from galveston, texas, where it is docked year around. a man accused of shooting two cops one of them in the face is now charged with attempted murder. ian mcphearson was arrested after hours long manhunt in new hampshire after police recognized him as a suspect in a robbery and he opened fire. heroic efforts of those two officers reinhardy and matthew o'connor heard over police scanners. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> where are you? >> i've been shot. male, long hair, trench coat. >> happy to report this morning, both officers are respected to be okay. teenagers in massachusetts on the way to prom. they escape a limb know that limo that burst into flames. >> looked like it was going to explode. it was pretty big. >> head to the dance when the students inside started suddenly smelling smoke. they did all get out safely before the ride caught fire. firefighters dousing flames there. lucky for the students another prom ride who happened to be around the corner gave them a lift. the cause of the fire is unknown. thousands turning out to honor a fallen navy seal killed by isis. charlie keating killed by terrorist army n iraq as he went to the aid of military advisors during ambush. military members every branch showing up to lay him to rest in his california hometown. keating was post thom post thumb posthumous columbusly awarded the gold star. >> equal access to school bathrooms. new frontier several right duration. several states refusing to comply with the order setting up a battle with the white house. garrett at the presentee with all the details. >> tucker, anna and clayton. it's not just bathrooms. this directive could effect locker rooms, sex ed classes and athletics. the white house is defending the letter sent out to school districts across the country yesterday saying it is simply guidance that many schools were seeking. while the letter does not have the force of law, it does warn that schools that don't follow that guidance to provide full access to transgender students could face lawsuits as well as the loss of millions of dollars in federal education funding. that announcement brought swift outrage from many public officials across the country who are now pushing back. texas lt. governor dan patrick called the directive blackmail and said it's the biggest issues facing families in america since prayer was taken out of schools. >> he says he is going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. well, in texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. we will not yield to blackmail from the president. >> several states, including texas, north carolina, and mississippi have already state they do not plan on following the directive and most folks agree that this directive will more than likely end up in the courts. back to y'all. >> that's one of the biggest criticisms this morning is that this is coming down as a mandate from washington whether it's right or wrong, one side or the other, i mean, shouldn't a discussion be had? in fact, michaelware a former house staff he organized the outreach in 2012. tweeted this yesterday astounding how quickly this is moving without a national conversation on the issue. what i'm trying to say is there was more outreach done changing the food pyramid. >> the food pyramid turned out to be completely wrong. of the white house hasn't even defined what transgender means. the definition we're left with those of us watching you are what you say you are. this is massive federal contracts. u.s. gives out women own businesses confidential informant apply for a grant? how can they tell me i'm not a woman owned business. they can't. a lot is changing without any conversation about it. >> the conversation could have been handled in the courts. this is where it should have probably gone. a lot of critics of the north carolina law where this all came out of were saying, look, this sun constitutional. there is enough precedent on the books dating back to 1996 and beyond. this was going to be voted on. the supreme court is going it anile lay the north carolina law. it would have been handled in the courts. for the obama administration to step in now ahead the states rights issues is a huge problem. >> something else that seems curious about it is that the white house is using title 9 as part of the argument going against the bathroom bill and what could end up happening is it ends up hurting females. you think about if men who become women or see themselves -- their gender identity as being a female, they may be taller, they may have more muscle mass. what's that's going to do to female in sports, think about the advantage they would have in volleyball and passable. >> according to the white house they are females. there is no distinction between you and someone who says he is. you are whatever you say you are. biologically, physically, and, of course, morally, that's insane. it's not attacking anyone. that's not true. scientifically that's untrue. >> donald trump says there are people who deal with this. he said this a few months ago. he thought the north carolina law was as nine. this should have been handled at the state level. yesterday on our show he reiterated this same point. >> i think it should be a states issue. it's become a huge story and it effects. everybody has to be protected if it's one person, it's a tiniy, tiny portion of the population and it's become a massive story. i think there should be a states issue and as many other things should be by the way and states should decide. >> the saddest part is it doesn't fix the schools. i live in d.c. we can'tous the public schools here, it's terrible. doesn't do one thing to prepare the kids to compete in global economy. doesn't do one thing to make the education system better. it's pandering. >> it's a few people. i come down on this personally if there is one kid dealing with that and i'm on the side of trump with this. if there is one kid dealing with, this we should have a discussion about this. but to have a white house hand down this directive on a friday afternoon saying this is what all schools will now do, and administrations have to change their entire policy in a school from the state level, the locals, the city level, right out of the white house on a friday afternoon with three weeks left in the school year. >> their donors are happy and that's what matters. to the hill now paul ryan still has not endorsed donald trump as the republican nominee, but a lot of members of the house leadership have. yesterday, nine house committee chairman endorsed donald trump, including a couple very close to paul ryan. is he in trouble for doing this? waiting this long. all these people close to him coming out and throwing his support to donald trump. >> he seems like he is starting to melt. >> he said he had a great meeting with him. you can't hammer out these ideas in 45 minutes. what is the future of the republican party? are you the republican party that is rallying around donald trump or are you the establishment party that has been endrenched in washington this many years. >> are you going to pay attention to the voters or not? >> how awkward would it be as mentioned boy reince priebus as mentioned on this program yesterday, if he didn't endorse donald trump. >> i think he will. it goes to the core question who should decide the outcome of an american election small group in capital city or government of mexico which is now weighing in on our election. public rolingses campaign aimed at influencing the american election it includes getting mexican citizens in the united states and become american citizens and includes getting american businesses to weigh in on this. turning to traditional media, social media, and really trying to foster new relationships and stronger relationships with business leaders and say we are a great trading partner for the united states and go against all of the rhetoric they sees a damaging for donald trump. >> they're also home to a lot of american businesses now. a lot of american businesses have moved to mexico. they have been able to give all sorts of tax advantages and set up factories all throughout mexico. we saw most recently indiana companies moving to mexico that donald trump was highlighting. putting the pressure while you are building new factories. >> they lobbied for nafta and it helped the mexican economy. good for mexico. the question remains should a foreign government should be trying to influence the outcome of an american election. >> of course not. >> by the way, we try not to do that in foreign countries. i would like to see us do more of that. they resent it and why shouldn't we resent it? >> fired up this morning not only on the barbecue but here. >> we are ready for barbecue. coming up on the program a dramatic rescue caught on camera. >> you got someone in there? >> yeah. >> okay. [siren] [shouting] >> look at this, three deputies and a good samaritan saved people in a burning car. deputies join us just ahead a no good, very bad day. >> a no good very bad day for bill clinton on the campaign trail. he shows up late to a rally, gets heckled now he is under fire for funneling money from the clinton foundation to his friend. >> his friend? >> known as the energizer. we will get to the bottom of this. stirewalt is on deck with what all of this means. good morning, chris. ♪ don't even try to understand ♪ just find a place to make your stand ♪ and take it easy vo: across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. first of all. [[inaudible]] >> may i answer? >> bill clinton having yet another rough day on the campaign trail. first, he showed up late to an event only to get in heated exchange ovbill. then he was force to do deny claims that clinton foundation steered millions of dollars to a company owned by a female friend and a neighbor. >> what dose this say about the clinton campaign. politics editor chris stirewalt. good to see you this morning. >> oh god yes. >> that sound bite of bill clinton being asked about this money possibly be funneled to a for-profit friend, basically a company, a friend. this woman. this blonde who would show up at their house while hillary was away according to the "new york post" they called the energizer because she was always around. the way he answered that question to me is so telling. i don't know, the clinton foundation is handling it. they are looking into it i'm sort of separate from that. how did it strike you? >> first of all, i'm very angry at you people you finally have me on your television show on a day that you have barbecue up there but you keep me in d.c. >> we knew better. >> we may have to break up. [sigh] >> look, the reality, it was a perfect bill clinton day yesterday there in kentucky where he had a great event. he had a fantastic event. he dealt with trump protesters. he turned the crowd around. he was himself. he was his oldself. his youngerself. and had this great moment. and then as is he walking out. he is going out the hall and they say by the way what about endemic corruption in your organization and the hundreds of millions of dollars that your family and foundation and all the tentacles of it have raked in over the years and the answer is well, um, call them. and that's not gonna work, right? the reason donald trump can be successful against hillary clinton is by sticking on the corruption angle and her husband is the one who facilitated all that? okay. we know the clintons over the years. woe know the strategies from republicans going after the clintons and nothing ever really seems to stick. will this stick? will this be a problem for hillary clinton? >> we say nothing sticks. it's like nothing sticks to trump. nothing sticks to hillary, nothing matters, nothing matters. maybe that's the sense we see it you are not wiped out in saying gel day, that there is not the swift sort of vengeance that comes down. over time it's a creek, it builds up. the clinton cash book we saw before there is going to be a movie coming out about the claims and about the charges that are in that book about the cronyism and the corruption. and that's really what bernie sanders voters. it's really what donald trump voters are talking about in this cycle which is blow it up. blow up the entrenched interests. blow up washington. blow up anybody that's in there. and the clintons and there network. their corporate entity is the best reflection of that that you could imagine. >> bill clinton used to be able to speak to the middle class. hillary clinton now focused on the rust belt. we saw what she did in west virginia and what a problem that was for her shutting down coal companies and laying off coal employees what is she going to to do in pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan to grab hold of that rust belt vote? is she going to be able to pull it off? >> i'm pleased in this sense that we have gotten lazy in the political forecasting business because basically, if you tell me how frankly county, franklin county, ohio is going to vote and counties in central florida is going to voted, can i tell you who is going to win the election. this year there are states in the south and north on the map for the first time so it will be exciting. >> chris stirewalt, always funny, always smart. >> enjoy that bar barbecue,man. >> i will send some to you. thanks, buddy. the white house is setting off a transgender war across the country. county states sue to stop the obama administration? a fair and balanced debate on that is next. plus, he was fired from espn talking politics but losing his job is not stopping curt schilling. what he just said about donald trump that may surprise you. ♪ when i say i need you ♪ you say you better ♪ you better, better, you bet. tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. incredible blnow comes with protection an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. hi friends, how are you doing? i hope you are doing well. michael strahan has officially signed off live from kelly and michael. >> bittersweet. of course, you get nervous like this. i have done this for four years. this is a moment that i didn't appear anticipate being here, at least at this point. but it is here. and we are going to enjoy it i'm not dying. [ laughter ] >> i'm staying around, he says. strahan was expect to do stay on the show through the end of summer. but an unhappy kelly ripa sped up that process it seemed she only found out he was leaving for good morning america about an hour before it went public. and fired espn host curt schilling ringing endorsement of donald trump. former red sox pitcher fired for social media remarks transgender bathrooms posting this about donald trump. quote, there are two incredibly important things he possesses that neither candidate on the soviet ticket do. he loves this country, can you laugh, you can mock. you are full of crap if the current administration has ever given you the confidence that they love this nation above all else. tucker, over to you. >> thanks, anna. controversy continues this morning after the white house sent a message to schools that they must allow transgender student to use bathroom and locker room of their choice, even if the gender identity they identify with is different from that on their birth certificate. if they don't, they may lose public funding. is that a good idea? here to debate is an attorney and president of new heights. >> it's interesting the white house has enacted a policy that effects tens of millions of kids and billions of funding but hasn't bothered to define what the word transgender mean. my understanding is your sex is what you say it is. is that your understanding. >> that's the understanding that the white house would want us to believe. actually, this is a bad directive for not only the privacy rights of students, but also for the transgender community. we need to define what transgender is. and, in the case that came out last week, prirp to this ruling, josh block, who is an aclu attorney said transgender students are students who are gone through hormonal replacement therapy, they have gone through significant counseling, these students and the one in particular good afternoon grim who won this case had -- gavin grim. not saying this definition matters. which is what obama testimony that ma did. you don't have to have any medical proof or i.d. cards. whatever you wake up in the morning and decide you are, and present yourself as, that's the restroom you can use. that's very harmful and definitely violates a hot the privacy ritz of a the hough individuals. >> i don't know christie we are issuing i.d. cards suggesting you can change your sex. you can change your sex biologically? is there any evidence that's possible? >> certainly you can take gender reassignment surgery. we are talking about a bigoted law designed has no purpose than to discriminate against us in this case children who gender identity some officials don't seem to like or feel comfortable with. we have a very sad and embarrassing history in this country of singling out groups of people that we think are different and therefore less than. saying they need to use separate facilities. that's what we are seeing in laws like the north carolina law. i think this is a great move by the obama administration sending a strong signal to children saying you have worth regardless of what your sexual identity is. >> billions of dollars under small business administration to women owned businesses grants and loans. >> sure. >> what would prevent me from saying i am a woman, my business is owned now by a woman, and i qualify for grants from the federal government? nothing. >> absolutely nothing. >> are there a lot of small businesses being started in elementary schools? because i'm not aware of that. >> take my question seriously. it's a serious question. >> sure. >> sex is what you say it is. those are the new rules. why don't i apply for women owned business grants. >> i think this is a solution. >> one at a time, excuse me. tell me quick why i don't qualify for that if i say i'm a woman. >> this is a solution in search of a problem. not some sort of rash of attacks by trerntiond people in bathrooms. this is a way for people to feel more comfortable with their own homophobe i can't. sorry. >> quickly, lisa? >> what should have happened is obama took a directive locks like a law because it penalizes cool districts and takes away money if you don't follow it he uses this directive instead of presenting legislation that could be presented to congress and both sides of the aisle could come out proponents, opponents defending this issue privacy verse source the sexual discrimination issues which is what should have been done. >> that would be dangerously democratic because that would let actual voters weigh in and we don't want that thanks so much to both of you for we appreciate it a driver narrow live escapes getting crushed by a truck. allen caught on camera. watch this. holy smokes. how many times can you watch that video? a lot we hope? we are replaying it ahead. and we are firing up the grill on the plaza for national barbecue month. janice is here. send us your pictures with the #fox barbecue fest up next. stay tuned. ♪ ♪music continues [daughter] papa! [father] i missed you! [daughter]did you bring new ones? [announcer]you work hard for more than just you... [daughter]you went to montana?! [father] i did. 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the tsa is hiring nearly 800 new employees and overtime has b get passengers through lines faster. and lucky to be alive. a driver narrowly avoids being crushed by overturned truck on a new york bridge in a terrifying video. watch as the driver ironically listening to a traffic report about accidents almost becomes involved in one. police say the truck broke an axle before it flipped over sending scrap metal flying everywhere. at least one other car was hit by the debris. amazingly the truck driver not hurt. nothing short of a miracle that's what a family of 8 is calling it after claiming the 429-million-dollar power ball jackpot in new jersey. >> we had divine intervention gave us the numbers. that's the only way you can explain that. >> the family has the sole winning ticket for last saturday's drawing. the mother who purchased the ticket chose the lump sum option over the annuity making the winning ticket worth $284 million before taxes. the family family gives to 10% of their money to the church. those are your news headlines. 36 minutes after the hour. janice dean is out and about with a look what's going on in the weather world. >> anna, i have been here 12 years. this might be my most favorite day on "fox & friends weekend." it's barbecue day on the plaza. take a look at the weather first of all and show you 12 booths of barbecue. there are your current temperatures. big story today is we have got a big cold front that's going to sink into the great lakes, midwest and move into the northeast and mid-atlantic on sunday. 10 to 25 degrees below average. we actually might get some snow across the great lakes. that's going to be the big story we will be watching, and, of course, the big story on "fox & friends" for me is the fact that it is barbecue month of may. and we are going to be talking about barbecue all morning. i need a bib. so we will be getting that. for now, we are going to talk to tucker and clayton. save me some. >> thank you, janice. it's national barbecue month and what better way to celebrate than firing up the grill. restaurants across the country cooking up favorite dishes all morning long. joining me from longhorn steak house executive chef josh evans. you are a master, a genius and gem. thank you for joining us and great cook. what are you making? >> longhorn steak house. share a few tips. people are starting memorial day soon, grilling soon. couple quick tips on how to grill a great steak. >> awesome. what's the most important thing to prepare the steak. >> always start with fresh, never grofn beef. >> good. >> we have 18-ounce bone-in rib eye here. nice bull seasoning at home. home salt, onion powder garlic powder. season a really really well. >> don't skip because a lot of it is going to come off in the cooking process. start with a nice one inch steak. >> what does a stake steak like that cost retail. >> probably 15, 20 bucks for that size steak. >> we'll be grilling all morning one more tip before we go to clayton. >> absolutely. about two or three minutes on each side, flip about quarter turn going to get you beautiful, beautiful grill mark. >> three minutes, flip, quarter turn on each side. you are a genius. come back. go to clayton morris with dinosaur barbecue. >> i will raise you one here. dinosaur barbecue. we. where are your locations? >> we are here in new york and harlem and brooklyn two new opened in baltimore and chicago. >> dinosaur barbecue. what separates you from the rest of the lineup down here. >> what separates us from these guys we are pit to plate true blue barbecue joint all day long concluding barbecue. fresh. >> you have sliders here. >> texas brisket smoked about 15 hours. we will get right in the middle of this guy here. and we are looking at it there. beautiful meat. >> now, if i want burnt ends. you hear about burnt ends all the time. >> what's the secret? >> why are burnt ends so delicious? >> they sore delicious because they're the absolute end, extra seasoning on them and that fat just renders down nice and beautiful there. >> look at that let me join you for one of those there. >> awesome. >> fantastic. are you ready for the big competition? >> i am. >> delicious. tough competition, anna. >> is it time? i will see your baked beans and barbecue ends. i will raise you. i'm here with the founder of george's east side barbecue. good morning. >> good morning. >> thanks for feeding us this morning. i'm from north carolina so i know a thing or two about this. how did you get into business and where are you located? >> i started my restaurant about nine and a half years ago lower east side manhattan. southern barbecues to open up. now there is a lot. >> soul food and southern barbecue. does that mean a lot of butter and cheese and bar be cow. >> a lot of smoke, a lot of friday chicken. a elevate pork. we do it all. >> tell me what goes into this pork barbecue here. >> we do two different types of pulled pork at the restaurant. we do our traditional. it's a classic where we do a tomato catch ketchup base barbecue sauce. dark beer. do a nice dry rub on the pork. smoke that. the other side we do if you are from carolina do a carolina pepper vinegar. >> people don't understand that about north carolina there are couple different kinds. there is vinegar base and sweet sauce. >> absolutely. and since we have opened, we certainly opened with our classic but we kept getting requests for the carolina so we started to run that as wel we have been selling it out. >> southern twist in the big appear kel. thank you so much. go see at george's east side barbecue. a whole lot more coming up. three more actually next hour. don't go anywhere. keep it dialed right here. the video is frightening. woman held up at gunpoint gas station. carjackers picked the wrong woman to mess with. wait until you see how this one ends. donald trump is now looking for second in command and did you know europeans are actually gambling on his v.p. pick? we'll look at the odds and who has the best shot of being his running mate coming up ♪ must be a lady tonight ♪ luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with ♪ luck be a lady amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. all john deere compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. >> the crowd went wild. we would like headlines. here they are. talking about living on the edge, the police arrested a man who refused to leave the edge of a trump hotel in las vegas. the man caused a scene after referring to pay a bill. two armed carjackers meeting. putting a gun at a woman and wrestling car keys from her. she relentlessly fight pack forcing them out of the car. despite the fact they threw punches at her. after several minutes both of them gave up and ran away, tails between their legs, clayton? >> thank you, tucker u donald trump is the g.o.p. presidential nominee. who had will he choose as running mate? that's something people in europe are betting on right now. who has the best odds. let's ask oddsmaker and manager of east coast operations darren. nice to see you this morning. welcome to the show. brought the big boards. we got out the 1980s cheesy las vegas fonts for everyone at home. take us through here. these are your top bets here on these two boards. why are these the top bets? let's start with newt gingrich. >> obviously what this tells you is that people are buying into the idea that donald trump is looking for that political base on the bottom half of the ticket. newt gingrich 11-4. that's just a tick blow 3 to 1. not a huge favorite. it resembles the kentucky derby more than what you would think. the interesting thing to note about newt gingrich is that this is the bet fair odds. in other markets in europe is he a much more decisive favorite than. this in fact, really closing counsel to closer even money. if you like newt gingrich and in europe to bet, that is the place to bet because you are getting 3 to 1 compared to even money elsewhere. >> john kasich was a heated battle up until about a week ago. >> sure. the idea obviously being that john kasich might get him ohio. again, it's a governor of important swing state. strong political presence that he has been talking about. strong second choice. he has been near the top of this ticket pretty much throughout. >> some people have ruled themselves out of course like nikki haley. we remember the battle before the campaign south carolina primary she is still up here 10 to 1 odds. >> reflective. the odds have dropped dramatically on her. she is going to continue to fall. interesting thing to note is that paul ryan has emerged on the scene in terms of odds where he wasn't to be found prior to this meeting they had the other day. now that they have met and herb everybody seems to like each other once again. paul ryan jumped on to the odds board. 10 to 1 clearly not going to be the v.p. >> clearly not. >> he is up there and you can take that chance. ted cruz up here 14-1. any chance? >> no. >> is there a snow ball's chance that ted cruz is donald trump's vp pick. >> i would say no. 14 to 1. might get 14,000 to one might be better play than 14 to 1. these are people maybe that don't follow the polls and don't follow that closely see a big name and decide to take a chance. all right, mike. switch up the big tote board. these are value bets. what is a value bet first of all? >> value bet is perhaps odds on somebody that might not necessarily be reflective of the chances. nikki haley taken herself out. she was trending closer to 3 to 1 now up to 10 to 1. chris christie again has drifted up pause he was the favorite until a couple weeks ago when he was picked to head the transition team. people took that as idea of saying if he is going to do that he is not going to be vp. 2 to 1 up to 4 to 1. paul ryan the fact that someone not even mentioned as v.p. jumps on to the board for the first time. >> if you were a betting one who would it be. >> 4 to 1 to chris christie. maybe it's a side step to say is he going to lead the transition team. throw some people off of their game and at the last minute, you know what? chris christie is the vp wouldn't shock me. >> place your bets. could be chris christie. thanks, darren. coming up on the show, a dramatic rescue caught on camera. look at this. >> someone in there? >> yeah. >> okay. [siren] >> come on! >> three deputies and a good samaritan save two people in a burning car. those deputies join us live with the incredible story next. and a pregnant woman walks into a new york bar. start of a joke. bartenders have to serve her. it's the new rule in new york city. is that a food idea? we will debate it just ahead ♪ do a little day drinking ♪ it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. ram trucks are reaching new heights when it comes to capability and efficiency. the ram heavy duty is the most capable full-sized pickup on the road today. and, the ram 1500 is the most fuel-efficient, full-sized pickup. ever. so what does that mean? it means ram trucks give you the best of both worlds. so go big. and go far. guts. glory. ram. because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. hi, friends, good morning. a 2 minutes after the hour. dramatic rescue all caught on camera as and boy standers race to pull unconscious man from a burning car. >> you got someone in there? >> yeah. >> okay. [sirens. >> come on. >> well, joining us now are three l.a. county sheriff deputies who made that daring rescue. zachary russell. jeremy carlisle. thank you so much for your time today and for what you did. good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> deputy carlisle, let me start with you. what happened when the call came in? >> basically just got a call that the vehicle had actually crashed into a residence. so i was one of the deputies that was assign to do respond with emergency lights and sirens along with deputy seringer and deputy marshall. >> deputy marshall, when you got on scene what did you see? >> i was actually asking deputy schneger what do you need help with? and the smoke engine compartment area and he said somebody was trapped inside. >> i understand there was a bystander a samaritan who made the call and really you're crediting with helping we see him there. >> yemen. he was one of the first ones there on scene. and he gave us the extra muscle that we need to do help the individual out of the vehicle. >> want to make sure to mention his name too david perez because is he a hero as well. deputy carlisle. how did you get him out? >> i obviously as you see on the video a team effort because he was pretty much stuck in there his legs were stuck up under the dashboard and pedals there. so, deputy marshall and deputy and mr. perez there were pulling on his upper body and was able to get into a position that he could reach into the car and free his legs from under the dash and able to pull him out all the way out of the vehicle then. >> i feel like watching the video my heart rate is going up. i can't imagine what that moment was like having to go in toward the flames and in many ways risk your own lives. deputy marshall how did that feel for you at any moment did you consider not going in? >> >> there was actually quite a few moments before even what that video shows that deputy scneger. folk and fire extinguisher was pouring out at us. it was really hard just to breathe. >> i guess his legs were pinned under the dashboard there so it was kind of a harrowing effort to pull him out thereof. deputy, do you know how the man is doing, what we have is that a driver is in serious but stable condition at a hospital. do you have an update on that? >> last we heard, the driver was in critical condition and passenger was in stable condition. >> just doing what you do following your great training and we do tip our hats to you and thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> have a great day. we hope that man is all right. four minutes before the top of the hour. coming up on "fox & friends weekend." it's donald trump versus the media over his taxes. does anybody really care if he releases them or not? we're reading your emails top of the hour so keep them coming. and speaking of donald trump, i is sitting down for first interview with our very own megyn kelly. inside peek next hour. don't miss it. firing up the grill on national plaza for national barbecue month. send your pictures to fox bbq fest. more fun on the way. ♪ i got a feeling i'm not the only one ♪ all i wanna do is have some fun ♪ i got a feeling ♪ i'm not th e only one. what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13® today. to be taken care of. in good hands? 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>> it's none of your business. you will see it when i release them. >> it's none of your business is it your business? it's america's business. you got an opinion on this. your emails pouring in. >> pregnant woman walks into a new york bar. now bartenders have to serve her. it's the new rule in new york city. is that a good idea? we will debated it this morning with booze and pregnant ladies. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ alabama all summer long ♪ ♪ sweet home alabama all summer long. >> "fox & friends" barbecue fest in honor of national barbecue month we are firing up the grills with competition this morning. some of the finest barbecue joints in the country. >> sound track by kid rock in-house band. >> you are -- our buddy toba gets the boxing bells ready, ding, ding. we have a competition going out there on the plaza. who makes the best barbecue? i think it's north carolina. some people say texas, some say tennessee. >> kansas city. >> i grew up in hoya not in the running. maybe best avocado sandwich. >> new york city has come a long way in the barbecue race. so we're going to be talking to those. ken on twitter wrote us this morning and says i like my barbecue on the smoker. >> maurice brags about shoulder smoked 16 hours. >> keep sending them to us this morning using that #. we will share them throughout the show. all right. meanwhile, a firestorm igniting this morning across the country as the obama administration orders transgender students to have equal access to school bathrooms. >> a couple of states are now refusing to comply with that order. it set off a battle with the white house. >> our garrett tenney is live in washington, d.c. with the latest details. good morning, garrett. >> clayton, anna, and tucker, good morning. not just the bathrooms, locker rooms, housing on college campuses as well as athletics. the white house is defending the letter that it sent out it school districts across the country yesterday billing it as simply guidance that many school administrators have been asking the department of education for for years. now, the letter does not have the force of law but the warning is clear. schools who do not follow that guide dance to provide full access to transgender students could face lawsuits as well as risk the loss of millions of dollars in federal education funding. that announcement brought swift outrage from many public officials across the country now pushing back including texas lt. governor dan patrick who said the directive from the white house is the biggest issue facing families and schools in america since prayer was taken out of public schools. >> says he is going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. well, in texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. we will not yield to blackmail from the president. >> several states have already said they do not plan on following the director in the white house including texas, mississippi, and north carolina, which is also in the middle of its own legal battle with the department of justice over a state law restricting access to bathrooms and locker rooms. back to y'all. >> garrett teny. great to see you this morning, garrett. >> thanks, garrett. >> switch goers now four minutes after the hour and start with headlines with because we have a fox news alert for you. coast guard searching for a woman who may have fallen overboard a carnival cruiseship. the crew but put the boat on lockdown searching the entire ship for sarah broberg. >> make sure that every guest must be in their rom. >> coast guard stepped in after video surfaced of the 30-year-old fell overboard. it>> a man accused of shooting two cops one of them in the face is now charged with attempted murder. fearson was arrested after a manhunt in new hampshire after police recognized him as a suspect in a robbery and he opened fire. the heroic efforts of those two officers reinhardy and matthew o'connor heard over police scanners. >> both officers, thankfully, expected to be okay. also this morning, thousands turning out to honor a fallen navy seal killed by isis. charlie keating killed by the terrorist army in iraq as he went to the aid of military advisors during an ambush. military members from every branch showing up to lay him to rest in his california hometown. keating was considered a local hero who secretly married his fiancee just prior to his last deployment in hopes of protecting her if he died. he was posthumously awarded the silver star and purple heart for his heroism. how much does it cost if you get caught red-handed? apparently a thousand bucks. that's the fine vanessa hudgens. carved a heart vanessa and austin into the rock wall. she later posted a photo of it in her instagram which landed her in trouble. the money will be used to restore the rock wall and those are your headlines. >> a lot of people instagram their own crimes. you have noticed this? >> we should have a whole segment just devoted to that. instead we have some politics to talk about. >> yes, we do, on abc yesterday george stephanopoulos host of sunday show asked donald trump hey, why aren't you releasing your tax returns and by the way what is the effective tax rate that you pay in federal taxes. here is how trump responded. >> frankly our country doesn't know what they are doing with tax money that's the problem. i fight hard to pay as little tax as possible. >> what is your tax rate? >> it's none of your business. you will see it when i owe lease it. i pay as little tax as possible. >> i first asked but this in 2011. you said you would release your tax returns then. when president obama releases birth certificate. he did. you said you would release your tax returns when secretary clinton has turned over emails. >> she has turned over all the emails in her possession. >> she didn't turn over all. i read yesterday there is a lot missing. i know she is a good friend of hers and you worked for them and didn't reveal it she didn't turn over emails lo a lot missing. >> emails from staff missing. >> there are emails missing all over the place. >> it's an interesting question. [ laughter ] >> that was hilarious. >> i'm not going to tell you what my effective tax rate is. you will see it when i release it. mitt romney a few months ago had come out famously and said, look, release your tax returns. donald trump fired back said he called him a dope. wait a second failed presidential candidate ironic he is asking for me to release the tax returns. dent worry you will see themów look, i pay a lot of taxes in this country and the government wastes my money. that's all you need to know. >> he said right there i try to pay as few taxes as possible. governor romney even more recently than a month ago or so. >> like three days ago. >> he also said that he nodes to release them and if not it disqualifying if trump doesn't release tax returns. tell billions priorities, how much wealth he has, conflicts of interest. how much he has given to charity. hidden inappropriate association. >> of all the things i care about mitt romney's opinion at the very bottom. yet, i think it's legitimate to ask what's in donald trump's tax rushes. is he a presidential nominee. i also think george stephanopoulos worked for the clintons and gave money to the organization shouldn't be covering the campaign. right? that's not a conflict. >> that's a whole other question. let us know what you think about this. viewers writing in on it the issue. coin a phrase, what difference does it make? salary has nothing to do with his being president. >> donnie writes the irs is run boy the democrats and they would have jumped all over it if there was something there. >> diana writes to say who cares cares about trump's taxes if he wasn't in the clear, the irs would be at his door. >> speaking about tax policy, bill clinton has a massive tax exempt foundation, two of them really. he was asked about it on the campaign trail yesterday. stumping for his wife in new jersey. he showed up an hour late. he said he was caught in traffic behind an accident. is he always late. he showed up and got attacked from all sides. watch. here is part of it. >> i don't know what they are. i'm not aware of but, yes, i deny it. >> that's exactly what he said. i don't know what the charges are, but they're untrue. >> the charges are that he directed that the clinton foundation directed millions of dollars for a for-profit company. a friend of the clintons and this woman, this blonde who washoe up at their home while hillary clinton was out of town that by the security that was there at his house would call her the energizer because she was always around. >> the attractive blonde divorce ye, you mean. >> she came forward and said we didn't have an affair. that company has received millions of dollars from the clinton foundation. >> not only the clinton foundation but also bill clinton tried to sway government to give her taxpayer money, too. >> i know nothing about the relationship between clinton and the attractive blonde divorcee the "new york post" is writing. have made the clintons extremely rich and friends extremely rich and employees extremely rich while having no impact on the third word world. >> the clinton global initiative who he has put his face on, of course. you know what? they are looking into it. they totally handle it i'm separate from them, really. i'm really separate. >> you wonder how much they are shaking in their walks not just about the clinton it's very feared by many democrats ahead of this november election. >> janice dean is out on the plaza this morning. she has been out there testing out all the b@rbecue. we have your forecast. >> i love the taste of barbecue. we have a cold front moving across the great lakes and midwest and that's going to bring some rain and even some higher elevation snow as this is pretty potent cold front that's going to follow this next system that's going to push into the northeast, good news for the barbecue on the plaza. rain is going to come this afternoon. hook at lows overnight across the northern plains and upper midwest getting into the freezing advisory territory right there across many states it's going to be below freezing. i'm going to continue to eat my barbecue and do more of the celebration later. back to you guys. >> enjoy. >> thanks, janice. >> you are the best janice dean. coming up next, the commonwealth of kentucky has been considered clinton company historically democratic state. the tide appears to be turning. the next guest was a democrat. he changed his party to vote for donald trump. will we see more of that come november. >> mark zuckerberg denies that facebook expresses conservative news. his checkbook tells a different story. we're following that coming up. ♪ go on take the money and run ♪ i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at en. hillary clinton is campaigning in the commonwealth of kentucky this week ahead of the primary there on tuesday. historically, kentucky has been clinton country. hillary won the primary there by a massive margin against barack obama in 2008ment but could bernie sanders edge her out this time? is that state changing dramatically? joining us now for his perspective is david, a former democratic councilman for clark county kentucky. he just switched parties so he could vote for donald trump. great to see you this morning. have you been a your whole life a lot of people have been now you are not so you could vote for donald trump. why did you switch. >> one reason it's not working. the system we have now is not working. we are over $16 trillion in debt. i feel mr. trump can come and get us better deals. can work out. is he baseman. -- he is a businessman. i don't want my children dave and erika to grow up in debt all their lives. so i feel like mr. trump, with working deals, with especially the companies going overseas and bringing things back to sell here. we just want to be fair. it's got to be fair. he says he puts -- he is going to put 30% tax on everything that comes into this country from overseas. i think it's just fair that we have fair business. that's all we're asking. >> so, i mean, this is a big change. you were a democratic official. presumably you voted for hillary in 2008 in the primary most democrats did in kentucky. why do you think she sin capable of addressing the issues you just named? >> i just feel like we are bringing what's been in the past. i voted for bill and i voted for obama that had good ideas. obama packed the people -- he was saying things that people wanted to hear and things he did get done. i believe my strongest point for mr. trump is, he will call out congress. you have got to have a congress that works with you. and mr. trump is not afraid, doesn't owe anybody anything. he has been self--he has done it himself. i feel like he will call these people out. and we have got to work together. i mean, to work together, the deal that he can make, the influence he has and it just -- i feel like he is a better deal. >> bernie sanders could win the democratic primary in kentucky. hillary was so popular eight years agoward states. west virginia, kentucky, arkansas yet she looks like she is win to sanders. >> kentucky coal miners big business in kentucky. i know they have always been talking about cutting them out you don't expect them to support them if they are talking about that. >> traditional democrats. people whose family have voted democrat for generations in states like kentucky. do you think a lot of people will follow your lead. do you know people like you in kentucky, democrats who are switching to vote trump? >> whable is mr. trump is telling people what they want to hear. i grew up as a democrat. always heard we need a common man in there. we need a common man that votes on thing. i think you are getting as close as can you get with mr. trump. is he not politically correct every time, but he is there. and i know he is going to stand up for us. he is going to make america great. and that's his saying there is making american great. i believe he will work hard. the clintons did very well. when bill was, in i believe the nation was in very good shape. we did great. and then obama came in. we were in a mess. i think he did very good things but they couldn't work together. and where are we at today? $16 trillion in debt or more now. so, i believe mr. trump is not afraid to say what he feels and people -- there is people that comes up to me and says i'm going it vote for trump. and i don't know why they don't say it loud. i don't know what's wrong with this world that people can't say how they feel outloud. mr. trump does and we need to get behind mr. trump. >> that's a good point. david abbot joining us live from kentucky. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> well, billboard was a memorial to our fallen officers and then black lives matter protesters tore it down. that actually happened. we'll tell you where and what the reaction was coming up. and then a pregnant woman walks into a new york city bar and the bartenders have to server if she asks. it's not the start of a joke. it's a new rule here in new york city. is it a good idea or completely commented? demented? new panel weighs in on it next ♪ hey bartenders ♪ bring it till his memory fades away ♪ hey bartender. sir, this alien life form is growing at an alarming rate. growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico's been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over ten years? mhm, geico's the company your friends and neighbors trust. and deservedly so. indeed. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. welcome back, falling numbers one thing. news boy the numbers. first up, 40. that's how many cells make up drug king pin el chapo prison security area new mexico right with the border with texas. members of the cartel were moved out of his way and relocated. 40 empty prison cells. next up, 9 million. that's how many americans over the age of 65 are still working. according to the u.s. bureau of labor, that's more than twice the number of senior citizens who remain working in 1994. and 1500. that's how many mini bottles of liquor a delta airlines flight attendant is accused of stealing and turning around and selling them on craigslist. rachel trevor would hide several bottles in her bag after each flight and then sell them each for a dollar. buy that for a dollar. anna? >> all right. it's the start of a debate. not a joke. pregnant woman walks into a bar. the bartender can't deny her alcohol. that's illegal in new york city under new human rights guidelines. why? because it's apparently discriminatory. our guests are here to debate whether that's a good idea. reporter for hollywood and a bartender mixologist and dr. carla is a obgyn. good morning, ladies. you all picked coral this morning. what do you think about this chloe? >> as somebody myself who is looking to start a family, i cannot imagine at all drinking while pregnant. i say, you know, i get it if you are going to have maybe a couple sips of peer or couple sips of wine in the confines of your own home, fine. you are going to go to a bar and order a drink? i feel like the surgeon jenny amount of alcohol can severely impact your child negatively. only nine months. is it that hard not to have a drink for fine months. you are a doctor what do you say. >> leave the medicine to the doctors and leave the law to the lawyers. the law doesn't bother me one way or another. i know what i'm going to tell my patients. i'm going to tell them there is no minimum amount of alcohol known to be safe. so don't drink. you know, if the law says that they are allowed to be served, that's up to the woman to decide. >> is that right? no alcohol at all? i have a couple of friends who have had a couple of glasses of wine here and there and their doctors said if you have a glass of red wine with dinner it's okay every once in a while if you are pregnant you advise against it? >> i advise against it only because of this if you have a glass of wine pregnant probably going to do absolutely nothing. you shouldn't sit there and worry but i have to do the highest good. i have to tell you, listen, we don't know, so if you can just abstain for these nine months. >> pamla, as a bartender, if a woman comes, in she is seven months pregnant, super-showing, give me a dry martiny on the rocks, what do you say to that. >> few issues already. we can never assume that someone is pregnant. we don't know like sometimes they have big bellies. >> sometimes you know they are about to pop. >> we can't have walk into the bar and discriminate against them. only reason we cannot serve alcohol anyone under 21 years old. anybody who has been over served already overly intoxicated. anybody who is a problem to the property. to other guests who is a nuisance, we have the right to a refusal. you cannot refuse the right to drink to anybody because of their gender, their race, ethnicity, religion, so on and so forth. so, it's difficult. actually, in a six of called tips training that a lot of bartenders have across the country we have always been told if a woman is pregnant and comes in the bar you cannot refuse service. for a lot the bartenders this isn't something new. something we have been trained about. i cannot recall a time i have actually served a pregnant woman in my car. most tend to drink like mock tails or soda water. it's not my place. it's not -- you know, i can't project my morals and values on somebody else. >> doctor, that's what you say the highest standard is no alcohol at all. >> no alcohol. >> thank you so much for weighing in this morning. >> all right. >> none of us are pregnant here so let's have a cocktail. 28 minutes after the hour. coming up on the program it's donald trump against megyn kelly. >> do you think it's the journalist role to be nice to presidential candidates at a debate? >> fair. i don't care if they are nice. >> we have a sneak peek of the interview everybody is waiting for. plus, mark scrurekberg denies that facebook expresses conservative news. but do his donations tell a different story? charles payne is in studio and following the money trail coming up. also, my friends, we are firing up the grill on our plaza or grills, plural, for national barbecue month. clayton has a juicy cheeseburger. share your pictures with the #fox bbq fest. get a napkin, clayton. ♪ ♪ ♪ every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewis it's good to be in, good hands. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. no problem. that's a lot of dishes& i'll use a lot of detergent. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. >> fox news alert. teens in massachusetts on the way to prom he escape from a limo that bursts into flames. >> it start to do get really big and it looked like it was going to explode. pretty big. >> the limo was headed to the dance last night when the students inside smelled smoke. they got out safely before their ride. luckily for the students there was another prom ride driving behind them gave them a lift over to prom. >> beat that story for your prom night. wow. glad everybody is okay. 33 minutes after the hour. emotional homecoming. the tennessee girl allegedly kidnapped by her uncle returns home to her family safe and sound. 9-year-old carolina trent went-carlie trent went missing when her uncle took her out of school without permission of the community came together to search for the little girl. after more than a week two good samaritans stumbles upon carlie and simpson deep in some woods and held the suspect at gunpoint until help arrived. we're told simpson is being held on a million dollars bond. and imagine coming home only to find someone stealing packages right off your front porch. that's exactly the scenario happening in california. >> if i were you, i would put that down. >> why? because that is my stuff. i live here. this is my house. >> my mom lives here. >> i am going to call the police on you. >> well, the los angeles man in shock after the thief throws his packages to the ground and walking away as if nothing happened. the woman in the video hasn't been identified but police are now searching for her. a bulletin board battle at dartmouth, it started with this display put there by the student group dartmouth college republicans. meant to followen officers. black lives matter student activists had a problem with the phrase at the bottom. blue lives matter. well, those protesters tearing down the display, replacing it with this. 34 pieces of paper all with the same message saying you cannot co-op the movement against state violence to memorialize the perpetrators. in other words, they are saying police violence was the reason that phrase began so they shouldn't be able to use it move to your news headlines and extreme weather following. we have seen storms like this. twister wreaking havoc in mayfield, kentucky. some thunderstorms that could pack a severe punch reigniting east coast. janice dean with a closer look on where and when we can expect that weather j.d. >> good morning, anna. watching for the potential of strong storms. i don't think we are going to see tornadoes per se across the northeast but we have got a cold front moving. in let's take a look at it real quick across the country. we have got that cold front, a pea tent one that's going to bring temperatures 10 to 20 degrees employee average. look at that across the upper midwest and great lakes. we might even see some snow. sunday that dips as far as south as the tennessee and mississippi river valley in towards the northeast. that cold front that is pushing across the ohio valley will move into the northeast later on today. so we have got a nice morning, especially for new york and d.c., up towards boston. then we will see showers and thunderstorms. you know, we recollected see a rumble of thunder and maybe hail, damaging winds for parts of the northeast as well as texas. and then tomorrow, more along the texas coast line there. all right. we are talking about barbecue. virgil, thank you so much. i'm going to have one of these wings as i toss over to clayton. ready? >> thank you, janice. speaking of wings, it's national barbecue month and continuing celebration by firing up the grill. chefs serving up favorite barbecue classics here on the plaza. we are here with a barbecue with a german twist. >> nice to see you, franco. >> how are you doing? >> good. as anna steals some of your -- that's the german twist. what are and i love german food and i love wings. how do you combine them to get that twist? >> well, actually, we history german and barbecue is back in the history linked together. texas was looking for -- germans came and they made sauces making, especially the brisket. >> so what is this? >> this is a pork meat. it's called family of six or seven people. we do these in the restaurant every week. >> that looks amazing. how would you properly described. this this is our brule sauces and smoked wings. >> what's the secret to your wings? >> well, our secret is our dry rub. >> you put the dry rub on? >> dry rub, we britain -- brine. >> you like the zesty. >> i love it. >> hot and blue. this is the legendary barbecue restaurant where i live in the mid-atlantic states. mccann, sunny mcknight, the pit master. gentlemen, you have the best barbecue restaurant in my opinion. how do you do it? what's the secret? >> we are authentic. >> you are authentic. totally real. >> authentic. >> you have been standing in the pit for 27 years. >> 27 years. >> how do you add the flavor that makes you distinct. >> it takes 12 hours. it takes 12 hours cook time. >> that's a long time. >> you can't buy it in the can. it is 12 hours. >> i thought you microwaved it? [ laughter ] made fresh potato salad is made every four hours. number one complemented item. people come back. >> what does this master piece? >> this, now that you brought it up, when we cook this, determine whether or not it's done. when it gets turn easy off the bone means it is cooked away from the pony. >> pardon my ignorance and i'm not a vegan what is this. >> pork shoulder. >> you take that shot, easily it comes off. >> holy smokes. >> now what do you do with the fat calf? >> that's trash, that's gone. >> you don't give it to your dogs? >> i will tell you what, i better not say that. >> i would eat the fat calf. >> we had a president that we would cook for and they would send it over, he loved them. >> i bet that was george h.w. bush. >> that's right. >> i know my red hot and blue history. thank you for joining us. anna kooiman over at the next. >> came all the way from kansas city, kansas to the big apple. slaps barbecue. who is the older procedure. >> that's me. >> who would be the better looking brother. >> that would be me. >> america can vote. >> how did you get in the business. >> we started in the competition barbecue. competitions are big thing. out there competing 30 times a year putting our food on the line. we decided we want to put our food on the line against the other restaurants in kansas city. we did. we have grown exponentially. one of the top barbecue restaurants in the country. that gave us opportunity to partner with heinz and create a kansas city sweet and smoky sauce find in any store. >> is that what kansas city is known for sweet and smoky sauce. >> sweet and smoky that's a perfect definition of kansas style barbecue. >> let me try your baked beans. heinz sauce and everything. it's a real nice balance blend and should give you the feel of what kansas city barbecue is all about. >> you also sell your rubs. do you use a rub and a sauce? >> absolutely. kansas city starts with complex flavor profile of nice dry rub. squeal like a pig. perfect blend. >> squeal like a pig. >> you can literally put it on anything. and it will turn out your products great. >> pearce brothers, thanks, guys. >> we appreciate it. >> big show coming up. guys, don't go anywhere. we have more barbecue on the plaza and recipes and ideas for you. coming up, driver narrowly escapes getting crushed by a truck. the incredible video that will have you jump out of your seat, plus, mark zurich -- zuckerberg denies facebook is quashing conservative views. >> oh my god. [ laughter ] ♪ oh baby ♪ it's making me crazy ♪ it's making me crazy ♪ every time i look around ♪ every time i look around ♪ you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without it's charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? single-serve vegetarian? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to our secret family recipe, bush's has the variety you can't resist. did you get a can of bush's beans? yes, yes i did. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. facebook ceo responding to critics this week after coming from intense fire an report alleged that the social media giant expresses conservative content. zuckerberg denies vehemently that's happening. he has invited some conservatives to meet with hill. what about his own contributions? who has he given money to? what are his politics, this most powerful man in media? here to tell us is the great charles payne the host of "making money" on fox business a man who weeks literally seven days a week and beloved here at fox news. great to see you. >> same here. >> no one has more powerful in the media business than zuckerberg. >> sure. >> millennials get 65% of their mill information from facebook. what do we know about his politics? >> it's hard to pin him down but we do know he is the globalist guy who wants -- he is the open borders, globalist guy because, remember, facebook is a global company. 1.6 billion people. they have nor users than any country out there. and 66% of their users go to this site every single day it is undeniably the most powerful influential voice in the world. and so he wants -- he is one of these world guys. listen, he started an organization designed continue to crease immigration. legal immigration but immigration in this country at a time when americans are saying hey, what about us? >> because is he totally insulated from the effects of low skilled immigration because he is the richest guy in the world. >> the money part doesn't matter to him. silicone valley, by the way, this is where they spend 1/3 of the people who live there are immigrants. half the force is immigrants. two thirds of the kids are immigrants. if you want to talk about an example of a world view. so, here you have a presidential candidate, donald trump, who is against illegal immigration obviously but also, listen, my campaign slogan is put america first. and it's sort of contradictory. i will tell you though he did become the richest guy in the world at this young of an age by being dumb] -- he. >> given 28200 to democrats and 13200 to republicans. >> this election cycle they have gone overwhelmingly republicans. the company itself. the policemen -- the employees overwhelmingly to hillary clinton. you have two ways information gets on facebook. how it trends. you have got algorithms which are programs so they don't have any emotional attachment. also people involved. these are the same people who have overwhelmingly donate to do hillary clinton. this is where the rub comes in. this is where the question marks. >> 100 years ago carnegie incredible fortunes. measures were really concerned about that these guys have too much power they said and teddy roosevelt was elect to do respond to that no one is saying about mark zuckerberg who has more power and this carnegie and rockefeller had. is saying that. and some point they will. it's dicey situation. we know ultimately the market takes care of all of these sort of things. listen, he dovetails the mainstream media is he the ideological era of the mainstream media newspapers that overwhelmingly sort of go for democrats and liberal perspectives. >> he does have that perspective. here is his view on donald trump. he said this in april. watch. >> i hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as others. for blocking free expression, for slowing immigration. >> so we're getting a moral exercise from a billionaire child in a t-shirt and we're supposed to think that that's like not effecting the news coverage from facebook? >> not only effecting the news coverage but it is effecting the coverage of young people. people coming up in this country. people coming up in the world. remember though, he learned how to speak mandarin. is he married to a woman from china. you know, his business is growing. he is going to have a lot more people that he is accountable to outside of this country. >> i love the fact that select temperaturing trump on free expression and sucking up to the chinese dictators in russia rather in china. charles payne, it's early but you are more articulate than i am. thank you. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> coming up, what do female voters want. a lot of them don't prefer hillary clinton weirdly. >> i want one word phrase to describe hillary clinton. >> corrupt. >> liar. >> deceiver. >> opportunist. >> whoa, that's not good. we'll have more on female views of hillary clinton coming up next. and then hula cross star take as hard hit and suffers a traumatic brain injury. now her family is suing the school saying they didn't do enough to protect her. they join us next with details. stay tuned. ♪ carry on ♪ may the path sound of your feet upon the ground ♪ carry on when you've been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about how people cook. i wish i had like four different mexican cheeses but in one super melty cheese. it does exist! you still have two cheese wishes left. welcome back. her life changed with just one hit. take a look at your screen. now florida hula cross player says those paid to protect her failed and the family suing the player who hit her. the school district and the state's athletic conference. why? they say she should have been pulled from the game when she showed signs of the head injury. that hit resulted in a traumatic brain injury. joining us now with their story is lacrosse player kendall holly and her mother amy. nice to see both of you this morning. kendall, must be incredibly difficult to watch that video of that hit. take us back to that moment. what happened? >> well, i mean, it was just normal going down for a ground ball and then like all of a sudden i felt something hit my head. i heard the whistle blow from the ref. i turned around what the ref was calling and it was a rush to my head. i took off all my gear and had sudden pain. that's pretty much all i remember. >> all you remember. and everything goes dark. what happened? your coach was supportive but, did you feel that the officials did enough to help you? >> they didn't really, i guess, care enough to do anything about it. i actually stayed in the game for the rest of the game i stayed in. and no one evaluated and checked me. so i was in the parking lot after the game. >> amy, you then filed a lawsuit. what is this lawsuit -- what are you hoping to accomplish with this lawsuit? >> well, the main thing is, we, you know, everybody knows that in every state that you sign a paper stating that, you know, injuries can happen. but, i don't sign a paper saying that my child can be neglected after the injury occurs. and that's the biggest problem. especially here that we're dealing in orange county. even including this season with another player from another team going down on the field and nobody taking care of them. they need to be taken care of when they have an injury just like the boys lacrosse or boys football. they need to be taken care of. especially if they are hit above the shoulder. they need to be taken out of the play and evaluated. we had a trainer there on the field. she was sit until a golf cart thought taking care or paying attention to the game. we had two referees on the field. not taking care of the situation. >> amy do you think. >> this is a sliply slope for lawsuits. you know what you are getting involved with la crossments we hear the stories about lacrosse harder for head injuries than football and that it's really dangerous. >> most definitely. don't you know you are getting into this -- where is the slippery slope here? >> where is the what? i apologize? >> slippery slope argument on this. opening up the schools. see a mountain of lawsuits coming down the pike because of this. you know what you are getting into when you sign those forms to play. >> yes. you know what you get into. but you don't -- you are signing those forms stating there can be an injury just like in football for boys or lacrosse for boys or softball getting hit with a ball. but your child is not supposed to be neglected on the playing field. just like they are not going to be neglected. they are going to be paid attention to in the classic as well as on the field playing. >> ken drarks one of the argument on your side is that the boy's equipment is different than the girls. how so? >> well, they are a contact sport. they have helmets, shoulder pads, gloves. they use those because they are a contact sport but they -- what everybody doesn't understand is that in girl's lacrosse, we still have like sticks. we still -- we can still hit people even if it is a noncontact sport. things can happen. >> we are glad you are doing better this morning kendall holly and amy. we appreciate you joining thus morning and telling us your side of the story. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. we appreciate it. >> coming up on the show. fbi director james comey saying taking video of cops can be making police hesitant and driving up crime in this country. what does bo dietl think? he joins us next hour. mexico has a business plan to stop trump. we'll tell you what it is. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. was he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. incredible bladder prthat lets from always discreeyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give you double your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. hey there friends, good morning, are saturday, the 149 of may. 2016. i'm anna kooiman. a heart stopping moment on a highway. that tractor-trailer overturning on a bridge nearly crushing the cars next to it. >> wow. and hillary clinton thought for sure she had the female vote locked up. listen to this. >> i want a word or phrase to describe hillary clinton. >> corrupt. >> liar. >> deceiver. >> opportunist. >> deceiver? opportunist? wow. they are not undecided. that's not all those voters had to say about the former secretary of state. we have got the rest of their reaction straight ahead. >> good thing they don't do a focus group on me. heart stopping moment airmen surprises down syndrome deployment. >> he found his opening. >> dad? >> dad! >> hear their story firsthand when they join us live on the show. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ and it's a great day to be alive ♪ i know the sun still shining when i close my eyes >> we know how to party on this show. >> yeah, we do. >> beer, barbecue. and not just one barbecue company we get like 30. >> whole plaza full from all over the country. big competition using the #fox barbecue. have you been sending in photos of barbecue. celebrating may national barbecue month. >> of course it is. feeding the multitudes on the plaza 48th and sixth avenue. join us new are in midtown, manhattan. >> you know normally when you dream up something like this never quite stacks up. this has exceeded my expectations. >> even charles payne set i don't want to come inside and do this segment i want to stand outside and eat barbecue. he did. art sent photos this morning useed a #. got camera and start shooting. >> no word how that fire ended. shares the photo of the dedicated barbecue man working in the rain. you are a lucky lady aid degree ona. >> sent this in. the real deal barbecue from texas. >> everything is bigger in texas. >> that's true. if i can say, better. >> 16 hours out there. >> slow turn. >> keep sending them to us. use that #fox barbecue. >> two hours left. parents from lawmakers across this country outrage as the obama administration mandates trearnd bathrooms transgender bathrooms at all schools. garrett tenney is live in washington with all of the details. good morning, garrett. a lot of suing going on. >> absolutely. the message from the white house is clear. get on board with this policy or face the consequences. that could mean lawsuits as well as losing out on millions of precious dollars in education funding if schools choose not to provide full, equal access to transgender students. that includes access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and athletic teams to name a few. the implications of the policy could be even mover more widespread though. the outrage was swift. several states have said they do not plan on following the directive, including north carolina, mississippi, and texas. >> he says he is going to withhold funding if schools do not follow policy. well, in texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. we will not yield to blackmail from the president. >> the white house sent out a letter to school districts across the country announcing a directive saying it's simply the guidance that many school administrators have been asking for for years. >> it's actually to ensure that our schools are as inclusive and respectful and safe as they can possibly be. >> does not look like this fight will be over any time %on. several states and conservative groups have already vow to do sue the white house over this mandate. back to y'all. >> thanks, garrett. here's my question. does hillary really want to run on this the middle class is dying and they are talking about transgendered bathroom? >> middle class is disseminated. >> transgender bathrooms will fix it. >> following other stories making headlines. get straight to this one at 4 minutes after the hour. heart-stopping moment on the highway. look at this. that driver narrowly avoiding being crushed by an overturned truck on a new york bridge. police say the truck broke an axle before it flipped over, sending scrap metal flying. at least one other car was hit by the debris. amazingly the truck driver not hurt. and the coast guard searching for a woman who may have fallen overboard carnival cruiseship put the ship on lockdown searching the entire ship for broberg. >> >> the coast guard stepped in after video surfaced much the 33-year-old falling overboard. the boat was about 200 miles from galveston, texas where it is docked year around. and bad news travelers. the lines so long the tsa says waiting in long security lines, too, inevitable. this is the scene at major airports across the country this week as some security lines stretch more than three hours long. the good news, the tsa is hiring nearly 800 new employees and overtime has been approved to get passengers through those lines. and it's the interview everybody has been waiting for. it's a sneak peek of megyn kelly's special prime time interview with donald trump. >> you said you didn't feel that the moderators had been nice. do you think it's the journalist's role to be nice to presidential candidates at a debate? >> fair. i don't care if they are nice. >> you use the word nice. >> well, okay. no, i don't think so. i might have said they were not nice. that doesn't mean they have to be nice. >> you know it's not a cocktail party. >> i will tell you what, in a certain way what you did might have been a favor because i felt so good about having gotten threw. i said if i can get through this debate with those questions you can get through anything. >> don't miss it. prime time special this tuesday on fox tv. those are your headlines. >> the pressure is on this morning for the speaker of the house paul ryan. of course, they famously had this meeting this week. donald trump meeting with g.o.p. chairman in the city of d.c. to hash out the future of the republican party. and paul ryan coming out saying, hock, we are not going to hash all these things out in 45 minutes. beginning of the process. didn't come out and throw his support behind donald trump nine other house chairman are now supporting donald trump. take a look at your screen. here they are. and some of them very close to paul ryan. so is paul ryan sort of waffling, waiting too long? >> it's hard to predict the future. of course trump was just coach by republican primary voters as the nominee. of course he will get behind him. i talked to a member of congress who knows ryan well and likes him he said this does come down to one issue, immigration. not about the economic policies, immigration. trump and paul ryan have very different views. ryan is basically an open borders guy, not an attack on him but he believes in increased immigration. trump just doesn't. that's really what it comes down to. >> you think eventually, though, you think he will get behind him. >> i think both their interests align on this. it doesn't help paul ryan to be against his party's nominee and doesn't help trump to have the speaker against him. >> reince priebus was on this program yesterday and asked him he has got to get behind him if he is going to lead the convention doesn't he have to. >> priebus said it would be awkward if he didn't. >> what do foreign countries think? now you know the government mexico actively weighing in on elections in the united states. hate trump and doing everything they can to stop him including encouraging mexican citizens in the u.s. to become american citizens and vote against trump. >> so they can vote. in fact, vicente fox the former mexican president gone "on the record" saying can you count all the mexicans against the democratic party. so are they starting to even kind of try to woo and even buy votes in some ways? >> and they're influencing american businesses and mexican businessmen who work in america and have businesses frankly that have moved to mexico. they are saying that the best way to stop trump, to stop, and i'm quoting, to his xenophobic, racist or uninformed with racist. they will send out fact sheets and things like that in refuting what they say are daily attacks against mexico. >> i love this. so trump criticizes the government of mexico. can you agree or disagree. how is that racist? there is nothing racist about that. wanting secure borders. wanting to know who is in your country and who is not. wanting to limit low wage. it's not racist. whether you agree or not it's unfair attack. >> on the other side of the aisle, hillary clinton seems to think she has the woman vote on lock especially because donald trump is the presumptive no, ma'am thief the republican party physically handing out woman card. frank luntz had a panel with female voters. here is what they had had to say about hillary clinton. >> i want a word or phrase to describe hillary clinton. >> corrupt. >> liar. >> deceiver. >> opportunist. >> hillary has devoted her life, she is extremely intelligent. she spent her whole life in service to this nation and service to women. >> as a woman i didn't get any special treatment where i'm at today. i went out and earned it myself. i don't think women should get special treatment. >> is that what she is asking for. >> how about empowering women and men and women to negotiate for themselves in business. >> when a politician appeals to you as a woman, what do you say back to them. >> i'm offended. i am a person. my gender is really irrelevant in judging them or being treated. my degree is electrical engineering. i worked in a male feed. it was -- male field. >> don't treat me like a victim. >> i don't need hillary fighting for me. i will fight on my own. >> don't pander to woman. >> it will be interesting to see how all this shakes out. a couple of the women there said in that panel gender is irrelevant. when you go in voting booth when the curtains are pulled and you see a woman's name on the ballot versus a man's name, you know, what goes on? you may say publicly in focus group. what really happens behind the curtains. >> look at the numbers on the democratic side. hillary clinton is losing young, democratic voters who are women by a margin of like 70 to 30 to bernie trump. [ laughter ] i mean to bernie sanders. >> he is not doing well with women. that is one thing that hillary clinton can vote for. my generation has seen a lot of female ceos and business leaders and seen women do all kinds of great things and, yes, you want to see a female president before you die. i would certainly like to. does that mean because this is your option that's who you should vote for. >> don't you feel patronized to you she is a woman. you are a woman. she looks like you. vote for her. doesn't that mean you are dumb if you vote because of her appearance? >> elizabeth warren on the two women. >> i'm supporting bernie because is he a man. most important thing to me is the gender of the candidate. still ahead, dramatic rescue caught on camera. >> you got someone in there? >> yeah. >> okay. [siren] a burning car. three deputies and a good samaritan run toward the flames and rescue the people inside. you'll hear from those heroes just ahead. >> then donald trump is looking for a running mate. so who is the odds-on favorite? we will see how vegas is betting on the election coming up. ♪ that if you're going to play the game, boy ♪ you've got to learn to play it right ♪ you got know when to hold them ♪ know when to fold them ♪ know when to walk away ♪ and know when to run ♪ you never count your money tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. at our retirement plan today. not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... 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♪ when it's go, book with choice hotels and get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. book direct at you always have a choice. jusdoes that mean they have toer grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do? with right at home, it doesn't. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals, and most of all, staying engaged in life. oh, thank you, thank you. you're welcome. are you ready to go? oh, i sure am. we can provide the right care, right at home. sources close to his campaign say donald trump has narrowed down his list for running mate to five or six candidates. wanna bet whose made the cut? the oddsmakers have weighed in on this. there is an actual list in vegas. joining us now with oddsmaker and manager of bet fares east coast operations darren. it's great to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> vegas has a pretty good track record in anticipating events. pretty good. seems is that presidential elections are better than four super bowl. four years ago barack obama was a favored general election. hillary clinton running at the same kind of level. we will see how it changed. usually the favorite in a presidential election as we get closer pretty much accurate. >> this year is definitely anomaly. let's take a look at the list as oddsmakers see it number one is newt gingrich. 11 to 4. for those of us who don't bet what does that mean. >> slightly below 3 to 1. for every dollar you bet you would win 11. this is higher odds in newt gingrich than some of the other books in europe. loot of them have him down close to even money. so betting exchanges which is kind of like the stock market. means that if you don't like a particular candidate like newt gingrich, you can actually take the action from other people who want to bet on newt gingrich. you are essentially your own bookmaker saying i don't think newt gingrich is going to be the vice presidential nominee i will lay him to you. asking bid. >> secondary market in vp betting. john kasich governor of ohio running with trump. that's a lot on one ticket. odds are high. >> basically people support kasich think putting the governor of ohio on the ticket is probably going to win him ohio. there is a lot of talk that he wants somebody with a firm political background. obviously kasich fits the mold. co-second choice with another governor. >> yeah, chris christie of new jersey, both still sitting governors. jeff sessions, obviously the senator from alabama. the choice of a lot of conservatives in washington. premier in the center 6 to 1. >> pretty good odds for somebody who has been out in favor of trump for quite some time. trump speaks favorably of n. public as well. obviously a lot of that gets him into the top five as well. it's going to be interesting to see chris christie the favorite a few weeks ago but when he was tab to do lead the transition team for trump to win the odds then dropped because they assumed that that meant that chris christie would not be the vp choice. >> i believe we felt this way about dick cheney in 2,000. he can't be the vp he is choosing the vp. >> susanna martinez governor of new mexico. nikki haley of south carolina. both lukewarm on trump but still in the running. >> nikki haley. she had much lower odds. as the time has gone on and people have cooled to the idea of her being on the ticket her odds have fallen as well. >> where are we on the general election? hillary clinton is the favorite? >> still a strong favorite. worth noting that hillary clinton has been the odds on favorite to win this general election now for the last year regardless of who she is face will. now that we know it's essentially going to be donald trump. donald trump about 10 months ago was 100 to 1. he is now 2 to 1. his odds are naturally coming down now that the field is thinning out. hillary clinton has gone from 25 cents on the dollar to 30 cents on the dollar. now drifting to 40-cent on the dollar. while she is still a prohibitive favorite. strong favorite. she is starting to cool off a little bit. we do see so. reasons why look at the recent polling come out. ohio looks like it's in play. pennsylvania looks like it's in play and florida looks like it's in play. they are trying to see electoral math work that gets trump to a presidency. people are starting to warm to an idea holy hillary clinton no point spread. >> i get it certain reality. >> reality is starting to set in that this race for the better is closer than they originally thought. >> darren, good to see you this morning. thanks. odds from vegas. coming up, did you hear that george clooney attacked donald trump. now he is attacking wall street and capitalism himself. his film hurting. >> james director james comey says taking videos of the police can make police hesitant and driving up crime rate. bo dietl is here on that. is he wound up and eating barbecue. stay tuned. ♪ yeah, way down yonder on the chattahoochee ♪ never knew how much that muddy water meant to me. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. wrely on the us postal service? 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>> bouncing off the backseat and on to her dashboard. the woman and turtle were both okay. although likely a little shell shocked. [ laughter ] >> didn't like her friends being used as turtle wax on the car. >> there you go. >> really good point. >> i support your puns. most people attack them as the lowest form of humor. >> you can weigh in on these as well. >> nothing says romance like a trip to cosco. minnesota couple deciding the store was the per ticket back drop for their engagement photos. the pair lost everything about cosco and wanted to show themselves doing mundane activity. up and down the aisles. the father loves the store too and made a cameo. >> nothing cosco. my wife take away cosco. the bill is a few hundred dollars every time. >> i think that's sweet. anybody getting married in 2016, good for you. >> pro-marriage. >> i am. i don't care if you are having your wedding at michaels, okay. i'm for it. >> lastly, nine months pregnant and still lifting. this fitness instructor is under fire for continuing to work out while pregnant. emily is overdue and has still been lifting 200-pound weights. she says she is not letting pregnant slow her down and has gotten permission from her doctor to at this point her routine. she is going to be joining us live tomorrow morning. she is going to be sharing our story. she is actually a friend of mine from charlotte, north carolina. a fitness instructor there. she has come under a lot of fire for this. but. >> doctor says it's all right. >> you have a lot of great friends. they all look like this by the way. >> you know who exercised all through pregnancy? bo dietl. [ laughter ] >> barbecue wings out there. barbecue my cholesterol must be 600. >> bo, great to see you this morning. >> as much as we love to have you here and talk about barbecue. james comey and. this cell phone videos could be making cops hesitant and driving up crime. he told reporters he called it the ferguson or viral video effect could be at the heart of it. and a spike in violent crime. >> yeah. so he went on to say, this clayton. he said, quote: there is a perception that police are less likely to do the marginal, additional policing that expresses crime. getting out of your car at 2:00 in the morning and saying to a group of guys, people, you take videos of me arresting somebody, it ain't pretty. somebody -- arrested. if they videotape and put it on a youtube, the cops look brutal. i've been stabbed and shot at. i wrestled with a guy and threw punches. youathathathathw >> the response. >> people can't use cell phones. >> it's a bad time now with this media that we have -- immediate media youtube of getting these videos up there. it's not pretty when you arrest somebody. it's not pretty when you have interaction. also, when they know they have an audience -- you know what you the do, have somebody go up to a cop, spit in his face and slap him in the face. friend with the video camera and starting to videotape it. preplanned nice little lawsuit. settling these suits with big bird de blasio of new york like nothing. >> doesn't it have an effect when the president and attorney general say our justice system is basically illegitimate. our laws are designed to hurt a specific population. doesn't that tell people that obeying the law is for fools? >> saying one thing and black lives matter -- where are they likely demonstrating in chicago, baltimore, all these cities with african-american kids are being killed. they need the cops there if anything, they need more aggressive police on the streets to take these guns away from illegal people so that gun doesn't kill someone's child. >> i was going to say the show "cops" right? famously. you talk about it not being pretty. it's still on the air. can you still watch reruns. it's voyeurism. people want to see it. youtube is the new television. >> i know donald trump for 40 years. i said to donald. become the president, you can do something. do you know what i want to do? i want to try to bring this country together. because this country has divided the racial makeup of this country too much. we need everyone to be together. we are against one thing. we are against crime. we are against people. hurt other people, stealing other people and property. only way we can combat that is with the police. we need to support the police. are there bad ones? yeah. pick them out and get rid of them. 99% of the cops out there good, hard-working cops. backing off getting those kids with guns. i have taken guns off the street. some the searches construed why did you search them? you know why? i had a feeling he had a gun. he had the gun. i didn't put the gun on him. but i took that gun that may have killed another kid. >> we have got to make news here. what were you going to do in the donald trump administration. >> i would like to be an advisor to president trump in bringing communities together with the police. that's something i would really be interested in doing because i think it's very important. i don't want to be appointed anything. i just want to be an advisor to bring this country together. because i'm sick and tired of the division against police in this country. the police are there to protect us. that's what they are out there for. >> yep. you heard it here first. bo dietl thank you so much. >> really as media we have responsibility to not show these videos on loop and not explain what happened before and after. that can have damaging effect. 31 minutes after the hour. still to come, a dramatic rescue caught on camera. >> you got somebody in there? >> yeah. >> okay. [sirens] >> saved two people in a burning car. >> then a big change coming to pop warner football to keep kids safe no more kickoffs. what are we going to do instead? what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. ♪ because i'm happy ♪ clap along ♪ if you feel like a room without a roof. >> everybody, quick, go to your tv screen, it's your shot of the morning. our very own janice dean has been on a mission to teach children about severe weather and how to stay safe with her brand new book freddie the frog caster. >> here to share her book. janice dean is in the house. >> thanks for showing knows pictures so last week i was on my book tour and i went across tornado alley. i went to schools who have experienced or at least kids who have experienced tornadoes in their lives. we went to oklahoma, texas, missouri, and kansas. and we visited all of the schools in those districts. and the school that i really wanted to visit was pearson elementary in texas. and you guys had an impact on me because it was december 27th when i was doing "fox & friends" in the morning and we went to aerial footage of that tornado that had destroyed parts of the town and that elementary school was literally feet away from ef-4 damage from a tornado. i really felt compelled to go to this school and talk to these children about why tornadoes happen and tornado safety. i feel like i love my job here at fox. i truly do but i feel like this is part of my mission is to go out and talk to kids about severe weather. >> how does freddie the frog caster help them? >> i have been doing freddie. i have four books. the thunderstorm, the blizzard, the hurricane and now the tornado. fun story about freddie the frog caster and friends at frog news network because he loves to forecast the weather. >> clever. >> educational. that's what i want to do do is make it fun for parents to sit down with their kids and talk about severe weather safety. i think if we can educate our kids, more power to them. it takes the scare out of a potentially dangerous situation. >> are people caught by surprise by tornadoes? >> science is getting better. we have tornado watches watches and warnings for a reason. i think it can save a kid's life or family's life if they know where their safe spot is and go there right away. that's one of my big missions is to let them know that they can be proactive in being safe when it comes to severe weather. >> yeah. the message will resonate with them because it's story time and kids will repeat what their moms and dad have said. >> they say to their parents do we have an emergency preparedness kit mommy and dad? where are our emergency numbers if there is a problem or severe weather event. this is great. thanks so much for having me. >> thank you. are you kidding me? >> i love it. >> freddie the frog caster series. check them out. two more family members trying to stake their claim to prince's vast fortune. minnesota attorney filing a letter asking to represent prince's great niece saying she is entitled to part of the estate. late half-brother who died in 2011 was not listed as an heir which means his daughter and granddaughter are left out. only prince's sister and half sibling are on that list so far. on to dr.atic list caught on camera. three california deputies dragging unconscious man from a burning car. >> you got someone in there? >> yeah. >> okay. [siren] come on. >> so brave. those los angeles county deputies zachery marshall, jeffrey carlisle and jeremy reflecting on the experience just moments ago on "fox & friends." >> his legs were stuck up under the dashboard and pedals there. so deputy marshall and deputy sneringer and perez there were pulling on his upper body and i was able to get into a position that i could reach into the car and free his legs from under the dash and we were able to pull him all the way out of the vehicle then. >> wow. and as you see there the deputies say by stander and guy in the white shirt david is also a hero for helping getting that victim out alive. big changes coming. football to tell you about. pop warner now banning kickoff. the reason in the league says it's to prevent serious injuries for young children. the ban covers kids 5 to 10 years old. instead of the kickoff, the ball will be placed at the 35-yard line to start each half and after each score. and those are your headlines. all right, tucker, over to you. >> oh, yeah. it's national barbecue month and we're continuing our morning-long celebration by firing up the grill. we have chefs from across the country, really the best barbecue chefs america has produced. they are going to tell us how we can success. all the way from birmingham, alabama, one of the great food towns in america show us how to do it. what do you have there, drew? >> these are our spare ribs. >> nothing spare about those ribs. >> big meaty pork ribs. one of our signature items. some sugar and salt and spices that we season them with. smoke them for, you know, smoke them in our pit for about three and a half, four hours. fire them up on the grill. >> nobody ever admits what's in them. what is the weirdest thing have you ever seen in a barbecue spice recipe. >> after shave in there. >> sawdust. not our rub. >> jim knicks has been. i have been with jim 'in nick's. if you are cooking the barbecue it's got to be great. are you going to try a rib? >> i'm going to do it right now. clayton morris everyone, ladies and gentlemen. >> clayton morris new jersey. think about different barbecue spots. what about texas smoke barbecue in morris county, new jersey. i'm here with scott reid, chief, proprietor, chief bottle washer. what's the you do at texas barbecue. >> use a dry rub. it's just the way we cook it low and slow. we take it off just the right time. >> can i cut this? >> absolutely. >> how long has this been in there? >> 12 hours. >> holy cow. what's the secret to what you do. >> rub. >> you had it in there 12 hours? >> yeah. it's been a long night. >> how long have you been doing this? >> 10 years. >> 10 years? >> yes. >> what do you think about -- somebody says new jersey? new jersey? >> yeah. >> look at all these awards? >> yeah. >> holy smokes. >> trained by the best. >> you were trained by the best? >> yeah. >> why is new jersey shaking into the scene now? >> well, just become aware of it seeing what the south has to offer. >> south learn something from you? >> i think so, yeah. >> if you look at this brisket, i think they can learn a thing or two about it. anna, what do you got? >> real barbecue. we're going to have to get the boxing ring ding ding going again. [ding ding ding] >> you are actually located in times square. >> i feel like this is a virtual backyard event. only four block grs here. our backyard celebrating barbecue. what a great time. >> tell me how you got into cooking barbecue. you initially were in french cuisine. >> i was in french cuisine and all of a sudden i woke up a day and developing a concept for a grill company. i came back home and now we are right here in times square 22 years we have been around in manhattan. >> french spend time detail in food. same with barbecue. some of these barbecues will have to roast or marinate for hours on end. >> barbecue so technique ridden. 12 hours before cooking and four hours just to marinate everything. just like the wings we have over here. >> what about the taste of the chicken? these are amazing. more than quarter pound wings. full wings marinaded for 24 hours and smoked for four and a half. >> thank you so much from virgil's real barbecue in times square. also coming up on the program. did you hear george clooney clooney is attacking wall street. is his new film preventing you from getting rich? we're going to explain. then a heart warming reunion six months in the making. >> can i sit here? >> he found his opening. >> dad? [ laughter ] dad! >> military dad surprises his son with down syndrome and doesn't stop there the family joins us live up ahead. don't go anywhere. ♪ you and i going to be the one ♪ good luck ♪ you and i going to be the ones ♪ so hold on ♪ we're headed for a better life. e*trade is all about seizing opportunity. and i'd like to... cut. thank you, we'll call you. evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere... bob... you're a young farmhand and e*trade is your cow. milk it. e*trade is all about seizing opportunity. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. . . . if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. welcome back to "fox & friends." we have sticky fingers. >> pretty perfume today. >> it smells good. nobody is more opposed to capitalism than its beneficiary. that seems to be the lesson from hollywood which has been attacking the market system as unfair. >> recently, and george clooney has a new movie out called money monster. >> wall street, big short. >> big short, of course. talking about obviously the economic collapse and rooted firmly in the failures of wall street. here's another one. here is a clip from this new movie. watch. >> i promise. >> 3, 2, 1, go. [ laughter ] >> get some balls. man up. >> who is that guy on camera two. >> want to complain about >> who is it? anybody know? >> is it a union thing? [gunfire] >> cut the scene. >> whoever is in there. turn the cameras on. turn them on, patty. >> put it up. >> take it off. put it on. >> how do i know it won't blow up. >> i have the detonator. >> my hand comes off the trigger it will explode. >> the one with the gun here. i'm not the real criminal. it's people like these guys. >> i got my finger on the trigger. >> i'm telling you it's rigged. >> so we had charles payne on the program earlier. we asked him, you know, is he from fox business. he is the host of "making money" with charles payne. asked him why movies like this could hurt your wallet. here is the explanation. >> hollywood lecturing wall street. that's what they love. wall street for them is the symbol of capitalism. here's the problem. it gets a lot of individuals, people who watch these movies end up not investing in the stock market. the american public should understand don't let that stop you from enhancing your economic life. that's where i'm angry about is that these are people who have agents. these are people who fly private jets. these are people who make $25 million for movies that may or may not do well. let the rest of america try to enhance their life as well. >> interestingly george colony starring in this film who likes to lecture others about the problems with wall street and, yet, is he supporting hillary clinton, of course, who has gotten millions of dollars and been very. >> very cozy. >> very cozy with wall street. we still don't know the scripts of the speeches that she gave in front of goldman sachs. >> for hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> recently held a huge fundraiser for hillary clinton where millions of dollars ethics changed hands. >> you don't need to defend wall street success. i wouldn't or hedge fund managers, i wouldn't. to say that the market economy is the greatest generator of wealth anyone has ever thought of. it doesn't mean it's perfect. it produces inequality. less than equality of the other system. it's pretty decadent for the beneficiaries of that to be attacking it as they go to lake cuomo in their jets. come on. >> at least big short was a good moe in their private jets. >> you can wake ig weigh on that that. a heartwarming reunion six months in the making. >> can i sit here. >> he found his opening. >> dad? >> military dad surprises his son with down syndrome. that's just the beginning. the family joins us live, next. ♪ ♪ get ready for the rio olympic games by switching to xfinity x1. show me gymnastics. x1 lets you search by sport, watch nbc's highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. i'm getting ready. are you? x1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversal's coverage of the rio olympic games. call or go online today to switch to x1. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. hey everybody. welcome back. 7 michbs before the top of the hour. a military father surprises his son who has down syndrome at school. >> can i sit here? >> he found his opening. >> -- >> well he then surprises his daughter while she was at lunch right after that. and now the entire family joins us. tech sergeant john graten and his wife and son and daughter. good morning. thanks for being was. well, what was this like for you buddy when your dad came? did you have any idea? >> yes, i saw him at school and then i saw this. i really miss you dad. >> i miss you too. >> and. >> we have him home, huh. >> yeah. he's home. i really mismy dad. >> i bet you did. and you were gone for six months you were deployed so what gave you the idea to do this and surprise your children at school rather than tell them ahead of time. you had been facetiming and skyping with them and all that. >> a lot of families do that. it's more common these days. and cheryl decided to not tell me until we were on the way to the school that by the way i invited the press. and so it was a great surprise. and so we had a lot of fun with it. and the kids especially at jessica's school. well -- >> as a military member how proud does this make you that america is so interested in your story. 14 million views at last check? >> it is amazing. and it is not just here in america. it is worldwide. my friends out in the middle east, great people. they work really really hard. they know about it. and it's worldwide. we were amazed. i've gotten messages on facebook from friends and people in france. >> and jessica, what was it like for you to have your dad back. i know you missed him too. >> it was pretty exciting. i wasn't expecting him until the 15th. but actually we saw him two days earlier. >> oh wow. and what are we going to be doing with your dad? what are you going to be doing that you missed so much? having dinner together? >> yeah. having not so early dinners. and cheryl, thank you so much for know that when a military member serves it is really the entire family. and thank you for sharing your story online it's obviously resonated with a lot of people. thank you. >> we'll be right back. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. hello and good morning. it is saturday the 14th of may, 2016. this is a fox news alert. a deadly crash involving a pickup truck and an amtrack train. the details just breaking now. >> woe. and then backlash is growing across the country against the obama administration's new mandate which is going to force all public schools to have j d transgendered bathrooms. >> we will not yield to blackmail from the president of the united states. >> no disagreement allowed says the white house. what's going happen? we've got breaking details coming up. >> and the chances of having quinn ttuplets are one in 42 million. what are the odds of all girls? >> fighting over the bathroom in that house. >> fox and friends starts right now. ♪ not much of a girlfriend ♪ i've never seen >> breakfast in america. super tramp says it well. the fox barbecue fest on the plaza. companies from all over the country competing. >> from all corners of the earth they have come, they have descended upon the fox and friends plaza. >> good voice. >> that was my radio voice. >> we have more barbecue at 6th avenue and 48thth street like you have ever seen. we will feed you this morning. down south this we have a chili cook off or. >> i love the burn ends. >> the -- >> share your pictures this morning. fox bbq fest is the hashtag. >> mean kbhiel. across the country. as the obama administration mandates trans gender students have access to inclusive bathrooms. >> good morning. one state leader is even going so far as to call this directive from the white house blackmail. while the administration denies that, there is no denying it is sending a clear message to schools across the country, get on board with this policy or face the consequences. that could mean lawsuits as well as mean losing out on millions of dollars of education funding if schools choose not to provide full and equal access to transgender students. the implications could be even more wide spread though. the outrage was swift from many public officials. several states have already said they do not plan on following the directive. including north carolina, mississippi and texas. >> he says he's going to witthold funding if schools do not follow the policy. well in texas he can keep his -- >> the white house announced the directive and said it is simply the guidance that many school administrators have been asking for for years. >> the framework does provide is advice for how school administrators can protect the dignity and safety of every student under their charge. and that advice includes practical tangible, real world suggestions. >> and don't expect this fight to be over any time soon. several state asks conservative groups have already vowed to sue the white house over this guidance. >> thanks a million, garrett. this is, you know, their social policy is fundamentally anti-democratic. no one is calling out for this. people just don't agree with this. just like they don't agree with obamacare and a lot of these policies but the white house doesn't care just like they are supposed to be representing the public, the people of america. and they are forcing this down the throats with no mandate. >> when there is ant large national conversation. we're in the 2016 and maybe this is something that should be talked about but not just have a mandate come down from washington. >> i'm michael ware a former white house staffer came out saying this is. astounding how quick this is moving without an actual national conversation on the issue. what i'm trying to say is there was more outreach done in favor of changing the food pyramid. >> which was a disasterpy the way. they think ketchup is a vegetable by the way. the problem is this could have been handled in the courts. critics are saying this seemed heavy handed from the obama administration. you are not going to have a political solution to this. let it been handled legislatively or at the judicial level. it is not going to be handle politically. >> there's been so much change forced on the country. too much and totally te zab destabilizing the country. if they say you are a member of the opposite sex, you are. does that mean i can apply for grants as a woman owned business. i own a business. can i now get subsidies for it? >> and could it change day to day? >> exactly right. we should have a right to talk about this and debate it but a b i they don't want to hear. >> he said people should have the right to use whatever bathroom they want and said yes it is a small minority population but this should be handled at the state level. what do you think about this? >> all right. on to other stories making headlines. a fox news alert. three men are dead after a collision between an amtrack train and a pickup truck south of sacramento california. apparently the truck driver tried to bypass the train which was stopped but another train was coming and it split the second truck in half sending two truck passengers half. no train passengers were hurt. >> also the coast guard searching for a congresswoman who may have fallen over board. the crew put the boat on lockdown scouring the entire ship for sara broburg. >> the coast guard stepped in after video surfaced of the 33-year-old falling over board. and thousands turning out to honer a fallen navy seal. as he went to the aid of military advisors during an ambush. advisors from every branch showing up to lay him to rest in his california hometown. considered a local hero he married his fiancé just prior to his last employment in hopes of protecting her if he passed away. he was awarded a purple star. and officially married. he tied the knot in new york city last night and his daughter leah busted a movie out on the dance floor ♪ don't believe me just watch ♪ don't believe me just watch ♪ don't believe me just watch ♪ hey hey hey [ cheers and applause ] >> feeling the show there. well if you remember just a year ago the little girl was bedridden in her fight against cancer. you can see she's bouncing back. her father posting beautiful pictures of the reception showing the trio on cloud nine. they are friends of the show and joined u.s. just last month to talk about the big day. and those are your head lines. >> they are. but janis dean has your news from the natural world. there she is. >> national barbecue month here in new york city in may. and kyle from the rustic is here. i understand you have something for me kyle. >> yes this is our smoked brisket chili it is fantastic. >> here is what's going to happen. you are going to do the weather while i'll eat this. >> this is my first time. >> it's amazing. you will see some temperatures in a second. >> arizona is going to be hot this summer. breaking weather news. looks a little chilly. and high pressure on the west coast. >> temperatures 10 to 20 degrees. cooler than average. >> how am i doing? more importantly how are you doing? >> oh my gosh this is so good. you can do the rest of the show. this is really good. thank you kyle from the rustic. it's national barbecue month here and we're so excited here on the plaza. look at this. >> can you -- do the weather with your the mouth full. >> by bill clinton an hour late to an event there and when he arrived he became a punching bag. people yelling at him about a bunch of different things, including the behavior of the clinton foundation and the clinton global initiative. here is part of the exchange. >> no i haven't had a chance to read it carefully but i think my foundation whatever it is is answering it. >> [ inaudible ]. >> oh god yes. >> oh god yes. i don't know what the accusations are but they are all categorically possible. >> he has been of course the face of the clinton global initiative. raising millions and millions of dollars and yet he then is able to pawn it off as if the clinton global initiative is separate from him. it really took a democratic primary for the truth to come out which is what you already knew. the clinton foundation and global initiative have made them incredibly rich. have they improved the lives for million in the third world? that is debatable. >> they were dead broke and they had to pay their bills. >> they were dead broke. they had to raise half a billion dollars for themselves. >> fox news digital politics editor and he thinks that it might. listen. >> the reason donald trump can be successful against hillary clinton is by sticking on the corruption angle and her husband is the one who facilitated all of that. but over time it builds up. there is going to be a movie coming out about the claims and about the charges that are in that book. about the croneyism and the corruption. and that is really what bernie sanders voters. it is really what donald trump voters are talking about in this cycle, which is blow it up. blow up the entrenched interest. blow up washington. blow up anybody who's in there. and the clintons, their network. their corporate entity is the best reflection of that. >> and maybe the washington post will put their nose to the ground and assign 20 reporters to investigate in. >> -- change year. people want change. does hillary clinton represent change or more of the same? that is the question. what is the answer? is she change? no. she's more of the same. >> let us know your thoughts on that. friends at fox news com. >> including a new poll that shows our troops prefer trump over hillary by a massive margin. so it makes him the best person to be their commander in chief according tour troops. >> and the best video you will see all morning. >> wow. >> watch this. the driver actually narrowly escapes being crushed by that truck. not hurt. the heart-stopping details ahead. ♪ ♪ (singing) you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. are not equal especially when it comes to reducing lead in your water. zerowater's five-stage filter is the only one certified by the nsf to reduce lead lead that conventional, two- stage filters may leave behind. so, if you want the purest-tasting water and the water filter that's proven to reduce lead look for zerowater. get more out of your water. twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? 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>> not at all. people in the military overwhelmingly support trump because he supports strength. corey lewandowski and stayed by his side. and the military wants that. we want somebody who has our back. bernie. i respect the guy for what he stands up for what he believes. >> and this year appears to be the side of the outsider candidate. >> we've had eight years of barack obama and his failed policies. pull of iraq. creation of isis and number of other things that have been anti-military. and we see somebody like trump who's going to be i'm going to bomb the out of isis and we support guys like that because we know he's going to have our back. >> integrating troops into the military is one of key priorities. how important that on the war on isis. >> i would say at the bottom. the military is not a social experiment a experiment. the margin of error is so thin why add another variable of instability. it just doesn't make any sense. >> the pentagon has released a report that reveals confusion over u.s. troops rule of engagement. what does that do for morale and how damaging could that be? >> -- he was an eod explosive technician. he was told to move it to bring it back to base because it disturbs the iraqi public when the noises go off. they made him bring it back. he picked it up. he died. these rules of engagement are confusing our troops and instead of shooting first and asking questions later to save their hide people are dying and then they are asking the questions of whether or not they can shoot. it is ridiculous. >> happening a lot. >> the -- they can't keep their guns loaded. we're in a war zone. if we want to win send diplomats don't send soldiers. >> -- fighting our wars. got to effect ability to recruit good people. >> absolutely. and why what we're seeing with this recent guy who died in seal training, congress has mandated more seals so they are lowering the standards and guys are getting there and they are not prepared for the training. they are getting injured. they are getting killed. the a travesty. and we can't keep pushing new guys into the pipeline and old out through political correctness. >> is there a problem, are there holes in there. faulty or the troops are just confused? >> they are unclear. here you have a troop. the u.s. soldier is the most deadly weapon the world has ever known yet at the same time they are telling them to go other there and build school, hearts and minds, things like that. if you want to be diplomatic, send diplomats. send people to liaise but don't train our troops to kill bad guys and expect us to win over hearts and minds. >> a crisp summation this early in the morning. >> lots of coffee. >> coming up. chances of having quintuplets are about 1 in 42 million. about all girls too? a family that truly defies all odds. you will meet them next. her, af potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. it's everything you've always wanted. and you work hard to keep it that way. ♪ sometimes, maybe too hard. get claimrateguard® from allstate. it helps keep your homeowners' rate from going up just because of a claim. call an allstate agent first. 888-429-5722. accident forgiveness from allstate will keep his rates from going up. but not his blood pressure. michael james! middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. and it starts the day you sign up. so whether it's your car or home, let allstate help protect your rates. talk to a local allstate agent and discover how much more their personal service can do for you. call 888-429-5722 now. ♪ gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. and i love all -- each one of you have very special to us and it's been a true miracle. >> we're a team. we make it work. >> holy smokes. "outdaughtered." a new show documenting the live as they raise their quintuplets. here they are. olivia, eva, hazel parker and riley. is the couch big enough? >> barely. >> adam when you found out daniele was pregnant, okay. great. when you found it was quintuplets, what did you think? >> obviously the logical mind, the father brain, you know, i just start thinking about all the things that it's going take, you know, on top of the shock that i was already in and man, how are we going to do this? >> daniele this had to be a total surprise. were you expecting you might have twins, maybe triplets. was this a total shock? >> it was a total shock. i mean i have -- my sisters are darw twins and multiples do run in the family. but five? who expects that? producers, everyone in our hallway, was there any kind of medication involved? something special involved? this was a total shock? >> well we did have infertility issues and so we did the iui procedure. and so that is what we did to have blake and it took us about two years to have her. and this time it took us two months and out came five. >> oh my gosh. so adam, just thinking through the process. you are at the year stage right now with them. you have already gone through like i'm sure some sleepless nights or were all five of them sleeping through the night. >> at the very beginning it was just -- it was crazy. days and nights totally ran together. feeding babies every three hours and it took about an hour and a half to feed the baby, change them and stuff. so by the time you were finished. you had about a 45 minute break before you are preparing bottles and make waking the babies up again. non stop. >> so you got through the sleepless nights phase. are you entering the teething phase now which is fantastic? oh yes. oh it's my favorite by far. we've got some molars coming in. one year molar already. so it is even the worst of the teething. >> molars are pain free. do you think you will ever go out to see a morph the two of you at any point? >> we actually have, yeah. >> so when the baby sitters comes over for the first time and they open the door, what do they do? >> weller usually pretty nice about it and they will come over a little early. and they will help us put the quints to bed and then we'll leave. it is pretty scary having a baby sitter come over for six kids. you really need two baby sitters at least. but it is a hand full if you are not in the normal routine. so they will come over and help with the night feeding and put them to fed and then hang out with blank for a little while. >> blake. are you kpielted to have five sisters. are you helping mom and dad out? >> yeah. >> she's like a third adult there helping out. >> she is. such a great happen. >> little mommy for sure. >> are you starting to think of the dating life what it's going to be like in your house? >> it's very far off and i'd rather not think about that for at least another ten years and it keeps me stress free right now. >> well i'm glad i could be here to help remind you of that. >> i appreciate that. >> guy, great to see you. i know you have got your hands full this morning. we've had single kids on our show actually that have been less well behaved than six of your kids tigright now. thank you so much. >> unbelievable. coming up donald trump says amazon is getting away with murder. so what is his beef against their ceo jeff bezos. and does bezos have a plan to investigate trump? and a heartwarming reunion six months in the making. >> can i sit here? >> dad? >> military dad surprises his son with down syndrome and his daughter. the family is back with us to share more of their story. ♪ ♪ love lifts us up where we belong ♪ ♪ where the eagles fly ♪ on a mountain high ♪ love lifts -- if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. anyway. >> don't turn that dial. we need to tell you about the headlines. a fox news alert. overnight a group of teenagers on their way to prom escaping from a limo just before it burst into flames. >> smoke coming through like the cabin, because we were at the front and then we just got out and then it started to catch fire. >> it was actually kind of scary but we got it pretty quick. >> the limo was headed to the dance when the students smelled smoke. they got out safely before the ride exploded. and they did make it to the dance. >> and heart-stopping moments on the highway. this is insane. that driver narrowly avoiding being crushed. police say the truck broke an axle before it flipped over, sending scrap metal flying. at least one other car was hit by the degrbridebris. the truck driver not hurt. and two never before seen photos released by buckingham palace. the undated photos show the future queen as the young firl. first with a bird on her arm. and the second poolside with her father george vi. hear ye hear ye. it's the barbecue. >> look at this. what is in there. >> the monster. we're famous for the monster. guaranteed to change your life. we also brought our burnt ends. we run out of these every day by 7:00 p.m. so come early. >> where are you from? >> i'm from queens. and my heritage is greek. i'm very proud of that. >> do you want to do the weather? >> sure. let me -- we have a cold front coming through the mid east. so everybody's got to be worried and put on some heavy clothes and a bit of a cold front coming up north as well, as i can see over here. >> freeze advisories. >> freeze advisories yes. >> cover your plants. >> cover your plants in omaha. sensitive vegetables and green bay as well. minneapolis, watch out. snow is coming. >> have you done this before? >> no it's my first time. >> he can cook and do the weather. >> come on down to butcher barn. the monster. guaranteed to change your life. >> i'm going to raise you a big bowl of chili. continuing the morning long celebration, chefs from all over serving up their favorite classics. do you guys like texas chili? [ cheers and applause ] it's special. what is so special about texas chili. >> everything in texas is bigger as they say. and we do big chunks of meat. and brisket in this case. and you can little tomato, onion. i like many mine a little spicier. have some heat and have some warmth. >> how long do you cook this brisket. >> about 14 hours. >> what about a shredding process? >> we actually chop it into chunks and then through the cooking process of the chili it starts to break apart. >> and then of course you need some corn bread on the side. >> jalapeño corn bread. garnishes half the fun. onion, cheese. however you like to do it. >> and where can people learn about the rustic? >> >> all right. >> we got the butcher bar here. matthew. you guys are out of astoria queens. i don't know if you got what it takes to match up to this southern girl from north carolina. >> i know north carolina barbecue is king but we do some good barbecue in the astoria queens. we created this sandwich called the monster. it's very popular. pulled pork and brisket. but we're really famous for our burnt ends. this is the meat candy. >> how do you make burnt ends. >> this is 16 hours of smoking right here to get these delicacies that sell out every day by 8:00. >> tucker. >> amid my conflict at the outseth. they have run an amazing business outside of washington. first what's that grill? >> a piquet grill. killer, out of little rock arkans arkansas. it's coming back. >> you are famous for all your food but especially your bacon jerky. >> bacon but better. our contribution to freedom. >> how much of this do you eat. >> a lot. >> you're a pretty fit kind of guy. >> thank you. >> it has no effect. it makes you even fitter. >> yes. >> so how do you make it. >> we have an often, dry it. put in a vat where we have our different flavors added to it and then we dry it a second time. it is not that kind of jerky that you are going to wonder if you are going to lose a tooth. it is very moist. really delicious. >> and it will keep. >> one year shelf life. and over the course of the year we're going to be rolling out 7-elev 7-eleven, targets and some walgreens. >> i personally recommend it. by the way cheer wine barbecue's best friend. >> delicious. yes. >> thank you tucker. >> you bet. up next a battle between donald trump and amazon's jeff bezos is building up. >> amazon is getting away with murder tax wise. he's using the washington post for power enter so what is donald trump's problem with amazon? and does bezos have a plan to take down the republican front runner. >> and up next, did you miss this heartwarming reunion a military father surprises his son who has down syndrome. the family is back with us. they are great people. you will know that when you see them next. ♪ at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ trump's life. trump blames it on jeff bezos. >> every hour we're getting calls from the washington post asking ridiculous questions. and ill will tell you this is owned as a toy by jeff bezos, who controls amazon. amazon is getting away with murder tax wise. he's using the washington post for power so that the politics in washington don't tax amazon like they should be taxed. >> interesting. senior video reporter for the wall street journal joins us now to explain what the heck is going on. so shelby it's good to see you this morning. does the own effort to washington post, jeff bezos of amazon have a political agenda that we know about i? >> if the political agenda is closely examining presidential candidates than maybe but bezos doesn't any direction to the newspaper. the executive editor has received no information from bezos. and the post is writing a book about the life and career of trump. and trump is obviously not happy about that. >> it is my hometown paper so i read it every day. and they hate donald trump. it is unbelievable. the columnists hate them. deepically skeptical in the muse pages. some is legitimate. some a little over the top. what trump said about amazon is a very serious charge. bezos is doing this in order to avoid taxes. >> when you breakdown trump's rant, he's saying to go after political opponents to keep taxes low and to avoid anti-trust lawsuits. i read a note from gene munser yesterday and he says there's no evidence that amazon has ever dodged taxes unlawful here in the u.s. there is no evidence that it would violate any anti-trust. it actually doesn't even trigger anti-trust thresholds because of the revenue and because it sells such a broad range of products. and it is such a big company that if it were violating these things we would know about it. >> super liberal newspaper and they hate trump. >> and donald's not -- how crazy that journalists are calling a presidential candidate every hour. trump is probably not used to this level of scrutinial -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> when you announce your candidacy journalists are going to call you. >> they hate him though. >> shelby great to see you. if you aren't seen it, a military father surprises his son who has down syndrome after being six month ace way overseas. but they are back with us and they are great people. stay tuned for this. why do so many businesses rely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we've been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at morning. that is such a moment. i'm so glad that was on tape. >> yeah. 14 million views. hey josh what was that moment like when you were at school and your dad came and surprised you. >> well my dad is great guy. i really like him. best man, two jobs. air force and --. and -- >> we know you missed him a lot. and you did as well, didn't you sweetheart? >> yes. >> what was that like for you when he came and surprised you? how was your heart feeling? >> excited. happy and i was just blown away by -- i thought he was coming home on the 15th. >> well that is the question. how did you pull this off? >> well actually it was sheryl's idea. we wanted to surprise the kids but on the way to joshua's school sheryl said i have to let the cat out of bag, media is going to be there. and so they set everything up. the school faculty were so helpful in getting us set skup the kids set up right so they were facing away from me when i came in. and it was just tremendous. >> now you were away for six months. >> yes. >> i think most of us we go away for the weekend feel the pang of loss when we are not near our families. what is that like? >> well it is different to be able to see and talk to them over social media, very social video and audio media. but we missed the touch. the physical contact, the bond. and it was really cool to reestablish that in such a surprising way and to see the kids natural reactions was just tremendous. and sheryl is all to blame for world seeing it. >> you're to blame sheryl. how did you'll pull it off. a lot of moving parts. >> there were. it was just a matter of not telling people. and i got permission from the schools first. and then i went and i talked to the base to make sure we could do this on media. and i said could we join >> whe say dad. >> yeah. >> we were all like -- >> i was in the background. i was just like, because you could hear his voice breaking and he was overjoyed to see his father and they obviously love their daddy so very much. >> and six months is a long time to be away. so thank you to all of you. and we have another image we want to show you. after the big surprise you walk out and the fire department has a flag out. and sheryl, you and josh are saluting the flag. and then what happened? something you didn't even know was possible. >> we walk out and josh see it is big flag suspended between the ladder trucks. dustin, one of the grounds keepers at the high school is also a captain at christiana. and he had set that up. and we walk out. and joshua stops, see it is flag. and says i want to sing a song. and joshua can sing a song about anything. i said well, okay. and he starts singing the star spangled banner. we didn't know he knew the words of the star spangled banner. we sung with him. i he finished the song. and i leaned over and i said josh, snap that flag a salute. and that's where that comes from. >> when you discover something new about a person. >> we're going to be right back. >> brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160412 10:00:00

underprivileged students but lived a privileged life with a loving and caring father who worked hard to support my mom, me, and my sisters. >> winston tweets, i'd like to try it. >> thank you very much for vo g joining us this morning. >> "fox & friends" start right now. have a good day. >> bye. good morning. it's tuesday, it's april 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. brand-new surveillance video. it has just surfaced in the shooting death of former super bowl champion will smith. >> been shot! >> the chilling new clues and the search for a motive this morning. meanwhile, donald trump continues to rail against what he calls a rigged system on the republican side. >> in colorado and in other places, this is not a democracy. we're not going to have rigged elections. >> is somebody cheating, or is the establishment taking advantage of mr. trump? we'll report, and you will, as always, decide. and a travel tantrum caught on camera. >> i'm sorry -- use lied to me! you lied to me! i'm sitting here since 8:00 with a 9-year-old who's waiting for her vacation! i'm sorry, you lied to me. >> ooh. >> did she overreact a tad? let me -- or has this happened to you? >> have you been there? >> we probably have. we'll try ton overreact here all morning. mornings better with friends. ♪ when your plane is delayed 1 12 hours. >> and you just want to get on the disney cruise -- >> you've been waiting all year. a 9-year-old is cry, we'll miss the boat. >> the faces of the people next to her are hilarious. >> everyone got out their cell phones. >> they did. thank you very much for joining us. it's kind of a wet day in new york city. yesterday we had pete, and todd today we have repeat. >> you worked on that all day. >> yeah. thanks for joining us. in headlines, heather joins us. >> good morning. good morning, everyone. i've got news about the story in new orleans right now. we start out with a fox news alert. two new videos offering clues into the murder of the former saints player, will smith. the first one appears to show a hit and run. you see a hummer driven by the alleged killer stop abruptly. it then gets rear-ended by smith's mercedes suv. a second chilling video also showing smith's wife then pleading for help. >> nationwide i need an ambulan! >> the saints' head coach, sean peyton, says new orleans is broken and speaking out on gun violence. in a "usa today" interview, he said, "i find myself leaning to the right on some issues. but on this issue, i can't wrap my brain around it." he goes on to say, "i hate guns." new overnight, the after dan taliban prom -- the afghan taliban promising new attacks in a spring offensive. something that happens every spring. the declaration marking the launch of a violent summer as the terror group says waging jihad is a holy obligation for them. this year's campaign expected to incorporate homicide bombings, assassinations, and other tactics to fight american and afghan security forces. when it comes to banning books at home, absolutely fog? sacred including the bible. for the first time in ten years, the holy bible makes the library association's top-10 list of most challenged books. it's ranked number six because people concerned about the separation of church and state. in some cases, calling for it to be removed from public schools and also libraries. what do you think about that? >> hotels -- >> that could be next. the gideons. look out. a detroit tigers fan becomes a legend at the ballpark after not catching not one but two but five foul balls in one single game. take a look. >> bring it on -- made the play there. good hands. that's five. let's take a look. >> bill dugan happened to be the right place at the right time. over and over again. this guy's a stadium pro. he once caught four in one game but broke his own record yesterday. >> i never would have thought it would happen. never in -- maybe two. that would be great. but never five. people were taking self yes and stuff. they -- selfies and stuff. they knew the count at four. once the fifth came, it was kind of pandemonium really. >> this is nice. after each catch, he gave the ball away to a different child. love this guy. after the game, he immediately went to a casino to try his luck. what do you think happened? suspense? he broke even. at least he didn't lose. way to go. i love him sharing the balls with the kids. >> great. he had the lucky streak going. makes sense to buy a lotto ticket. >> thanks. meanwhile, donald trump and john kasich still complaining about a rigged system in colorado over the weekend. ted cruz defending it after all. he got all the state's delegates. >> kristin fisher is live in washington, d.c., with the latest. what do you have, kristin? >> reporter: last night at a massive rally albany, new york, trump called the republican party system of selecting delegates crooked and corrupt, especially after last saturday's convention in colorado. ted cruz, who as you said, won all of the delegates in colorado, is firing back telling trump to quit whining. >> donald has been yelling and screaming. a lot of whining. i'm sure some cursing. late-night fever tweeting. all the characteristics i would note we would want of a commander in chief. >> i'm millions of votes ahead which they don't mention it. they talk about delegates. i'm hundreds of delegates ahead. but it's a rigged, disgusting, dirty system. >> and the since-deleted tweet from colorado's republican party is only adding fuel to trump's accusation. it was posted saturday after cruz won. it was since deleted but reads, we did it, #nevertrump. again, it was deleted minutes later, but the damage was done. now the colorado gop chairman is insisting his staff had nothing to do with it. they posted a followup tweet that reads, "the last tweet was the result of unauthorized access to our account, and it in no way represents the opinion of the party. we are investigating." that statement clearly begs the question if they didn't send it, who did? and how did that person have access to the twitter account? pete, ainsley, steve? >> thank you very much. that's right. right after it happened, they said, we've got to look into this. it looks like we were hacked. they weren't hacked. it sounds like somebody who likes ted cruz and was happy -- >> somebody forgot to toggle it the other twitter account. >> that's right. yesterday and the day before, people have been talking about what exactly went down in colorado over the weekend. colorado's got a system, and because all the primaries are essentially closed because on the republican side and democrat side they can choose whatever rules they wanted to. the rules are the rules. people knew the rules, but they're -- every single state, though, seeps to have different rules. >> yes. >> well there were probably a lot of people in colorado who thought i'm going to go and vote or caucus on saturday. turns out, the party,lease set it up where they essentially picked the delegates, and the delegates all went for ted cruz. rush limbaugh was on his show yesterday. he said, look, the system is not rigged, but it's -- here's rush. let him explain. >> they have rigged it over on the democrat side. they're using their superdelegates. it's not rigged on the republican side. this is just the establishment taking advantage. you know what they've done, everybody, is -- is fake everybody out here. they're serious about winning. the cruz team is serious about winning. they have made themselves fully aware of how the process works. and they've been out working it for quite a while. >> they did -- they absolutely had a great ground game in colorado. there are a number of people saying why exactly would the republican party of colorado last july or august decide we've done this presidential straw poll for years. let's don't do it this time because we don't want to be bound to those people. that would have given people a voice. >> the system, cruz did understand the system. he went in, got the delegates he needed. however, i think a lot of people do agree with donald trump that the people need to decide who's going to be the next president. >> not the party elites. >> not the party elites. that's exactly what's happening in this election. people are against the establishment. so this year, especially this year, donald trump, what he's saying is resonating with the people. maybe this will change in colorado going forward. >> he's playing the optics the way he needs to. if you're not winning the system on the inside, you've got to play the outside game and try and change the perception. 65,000 colorado republicans did if to caucuses, though -- did go to caucuses, though. any republican could have taken part in the process. the people, if you will, the system was built, if it was rigged for anything, it was made for a jeb candidacy or -- >> trying to kick ron paul out. >> that's exactly right. the ironic part, now an outsider like ted cruz and an outsider like donald trump are the ones fighting that system. >> right. >> it was -- you know, it was -- the system was rigged against candidates like ron paul. they didn't want the insurgent eight years ago, ron paul. fast forward to now. you got follow colorado's going to change. this is just blown up in their faces. >> right. >> a catastrophe. >> this is a local republican party problem. they'll lose their credibility. >> "the denver post" said they'd had an op-ed in the paper a while back and said the republican party made a mistake in colorado by abandoning the poll. steve house, the republican chair out there, suggested that one of the reasons they did that was too many republicans would flock to their local caucuses which, you think about it, thousands of additional people taking part in one of the most interesting races in years would have been a good deal. >> i don't get that. >> except it takes the power away from the elite. >> donald trump is the front-runner in this election. many people wondering if he does get the nomination, who will his vice president be? and yesterday he addressed this with our friend kirsten powers. he did say that he has people in mind, he just hasn't told anyone. then when pressed about marco rubio, this is what he to say, "yes, i like marco rubio. yeah, i could. there are people i have in mind in terms of vice president. i just haven't told anybody names. i do like marco. i do like john kasich. i like scott walker. actually in a lot of ways." >> you know, here's why it makes perfect sense if he would say he likes marco rubio. >> why? >> marco rubio's in third place. he's -- he has 171 delegates. if donald trump was 150 delegates short, it would be great to have marco rubio on his team or john kasich. about the same -- >> in fourth place. they both happen to come from important states. >> yeah. that's true. >> florida and ohio in the general election. the question that if he becomes the nominee that he would try to repair the bond. the question is would the other folks reach back to donald trump. >> the elections, they go after each other. gosh, it was a bloody fight for a while. now they're talking about teaming up together. >> politics. >> trump said to kristin powers, politics is a crazy business. >> it is. it was political last night. we heard from our correspondent in our nation's capital about donald trump was in albany at the times-union arena. he g51-minute speech. i think a preview of coming attractions. if he is the guy who is the standard bearer on the republican side, this could be the way he goes after hillary clinton who is just guilty as hell he says. watch. >> talk about liars, i think hillary might be worse than ted! i think what's going to happen, and you're starting to see it because polls will be phenomenal when they start coming out. once i get rid of the first two and we can focus on whoever the enemy is, again, it's a rigged deal. it's probably going to be hillary. she's being protected by the democrats. it would take anybody else down, but she's being protected by the democrats. everybody knows that she is guilty as hell, okay. everybody. her whole life has been a big, fat, beautiful lie. it's been a terrible, terrible lie. let's see how she does. >> that's just funny. >> well -- >> hear that. >> he also says he agrees with bernie sanders that she does not have the judgment to be president. >> right. >> talked about foreign policy. he'll be -- very effectively be able to go after that -- >> do you remember when he was on the show a while ago, he's on a lot, but a few weeks ago. he said he's not going to let this die. if he's up against hillary clinton, this is going to be the one thing he goes after her for. >> absolutely. that's a little bit of what's going on in politics. meanwhile, ahead, coming up, a fox news alert. the centers for disease control sounding the alarm on the zika virus. >> everything we look at with this virus seems to be a bit scarier than we initially thought. >> scarier than we thought. how concerned should we be? dr. samadi is coming in next. and it's one of the most famous rock songs of all time, but did led zeppelin steal the river riff for "stairway to heaven"? listen. ♪ when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. 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let's ask our fox news medical ateam's doctor, dr. david samadi. good morning. pretty scary. >> we've reported this beginning of this year, january of this year, we reported one of the first cases of zika in this country. over the last two months, we see about 600 cases in the u.s. there's nothing to panic now. a lot of times this virus is not lethal and symptoms are mild. for pregnant women, obviously it can cause premature birth, blindness, and microcephaly. those are the ones. the other issue is that we thought maybe we'd have this in 12 states, it's spreading in about 30 states. >> the red states are states to worry about. >> exactly. puerto rico -- >> florida, texas, california -- >> those are hot states could especially puerto rico, seeing doubling in numbers every week. so people have to be careful about this. >> doctor, why is it spreading so quickly? it took a while even to get to south america. why here so quickly? >> that's one of the big concerns. took years for it to go from africa to south america. eight years to travel in south america. now very quickly. part of it is because we just didn't know enough about this mosquito. we didn't know about the virus. the other thing is people travel a lot. now we're finding out that this is not just from mosquito but can be transmitted sexually. that's very important. if you're a pregnant woman and you have boyfriend, husband, someone from those areas that have come, make sure you use protections because that can save you from getting this virus. the majority of the time, peter, this virus is very mild. it just causes favor, maybe joint pain, et cetera. and it disappears after a week or so. for people, don't need to be worried. if you're having sexual activities with someone who's pregnant, that's a huge concern. and you'll have to be careful. >> it can be extreme. some babies can be born with smaller heads than normal. >> yes. microseveral she a huge, huge problem -- microcephaly is a huge, huge problem. in puerto rico, a major problem. that's one of the reasons why cdc and the white house is asking congress for about $1.9 billion. they're taking about $500 million from the ebola dedicated funds to go after this. the idea is that before we hit summer and before this, about 40 million people that are going to travel globally to those areas and bring this to us, we want to stop this immediately, a lot of research has to go to this. there's no medication, there's no vaccine. and i really don't think this is going to become a major epidemic, something like ebola. but i think we need to be aware of this. >> when you're pregnant and want to do everything you can to keep that baby safe, stay -- stay put. don't go to states where it is a risk. >> that's the big message. if you're pregnant, don't go to the hot areas. >> thank you. >> where zika is becoming a big problem. bruce springsteen and brian adams canceling concerts over controversial laws in two states are. they doing the wrong thing by boycotting? a fair and balanced debate coming up. most college students spend financial aid money on textbooks. what would happen if you brew that on a vacation instead? this guy tried it. see how it worked out for him. ok team, what if 30,000 people download the new app? we're good. okay... what if a million people download the new app? we're good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we're not good. we're total heroes. scale on demand with the number one company in cloud infrastructure. ♪ no, you're not ♪ yogonna watch it! ♪tch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. we've got quick headlines for you on this tuesday morning. happening today on capitol hill, supreme court nominee merrick garland will have one of the most important meetings yesterday. senator chuck grassley, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee, and a republican, has invited the judge to have breakfast. that committee is in charge of holding hearings on the president's nominees. and a hearing is set for today on protecting taxpayer information. the goal, to examine how the irs is keeping our personal information safe from the bad guys in cyberspace. irs commissioner john koskinen is one of six people expected to testify. we'll keep you post. ainsley? >> thank you very much. brian adams is now the latest music star to get political over laws opponents are calling anti-gay. canceling a concert in mississippi over its religious liberty bill, issuing a statement saying, "i cannot in good conscience perform in mississippi where certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation." that coming on the heels of bruce springsteen doing the same. are these celebrities, are they getting it wrong? here for a fair and balanced debate is tammie bruce, radio talk show host, and tamera holder, attorney. both fox news contributors. great to see you ladies. i'll start with you, what was your reaction when you learn good the celebrities canceling concerts? >> it argument that civil rights are being violated is untrue. as a gay woman, gay civil rights movement is important. it was a movement about being left alone. it was about not being punished for who we are. that's what seems to be happening here. that you've got both bills certainly in mississippi, also being completely misrepresented. this is about being able to co-exist. that we can have gay marriage, gay civil rights without having to punish people of faith in the process. look, i'm not quite sure. i think that perhaps they don't know what really is in the bill. there's no civil rights damage going on. you can get married, get what you need shopping. this allows people of faith to be able to run their businesses and not be under threat if they're not conforming to the gay demands, if they disagree with gay marriage. that's okay. this country is filled with the diversity of people. i think gays in particular have a responsibility to -- to not punish people who don't conform. this is what that's about. >> tamera, what do you think? should celebrities be getting so sflil. >> i think that's your question -- are the celebrities getting this wrong. the great thing about america is that we can have the freedom of religion, and also have the freedom to do business in states based on whatever, travel restrictions, money for making enough money, if we're not making enough money, or if we don't believe in the laws of the state. and so these celebrities have a voice to millions of fans and millions of people who are listening to them, who may not understand what the issues are going on. then they see finally bruce springsteen or bryan adams has a statement. >> now, bruce springsteen -- >> that's the problem is that they're misrepresenting the nature of what's occurring. they're saying they're boycotting because -- we would all not want to have civil rights violated, right? that's not occurring in mississippi or north carolina. and it gives this impression that people of faith are bigots, the equation of the two are the same. that's not what's -- >> this has nothing to do with that. it has to do with the fact that these celebrities do not believe that whatever the law represents in your idea, i think maybe the intent is something that you believe, but the effect -- >> who got it right? bruce springsteen has this concert, he cancels it. lots of people bought their tickets. families who worked really hard to go see him, they're out. there is talk that maybe the state will reimburse. that hasn't happened yet. then jimmy buffett came out and said, i have two concerts planned in north carolina. i'm not going to cancel. i don't agree with what's happening in north carolina. i'm not going cancel because i don't want my fans to have to worry about paying for tickets. >> that's the appropriate way especially if you want to have an influence. you participate. i think it's about are you going to be a bully and cancel and go home -- >> canceling is not bullying -- >> or are you participating? when you're canceling and arguing something that's not true, then you are bullying an entire set of people, entire state. >> what about the people you're letting down, the people who wanted to go the concert? >> i think that it's unfortunate people are being let down by celebrities, but they believe in something. this is something that bruce springsteen and bryan adams believe in and don't want to go into a state where they feel that there are certain fans of theirs that are actually being discriminated against every single day. >> they're wrong. >> you feel they're wrong. i feel that they're right in their message. >> this is what's great -- >> this is what's great about america. we can have differing opinions. >> let us know what you think at home at i'm anxious to hear thoughts from people in north carolina, mississippi, and around the country. thank you very much. listen to this, have you seen this -- a travel tantrum caught on camera. >> i'm sorry you lied to me! you lied to me! citementi -- i'm sitting here since 8:00 with a 9-year-old waiting for a vacation! >> we've all been there probably. maybe you didn't react that way, but we know her anger and frustration. her flight was delayed. did she overreact? has that ever happened to you? let us know. then, does this picture offend you? it could get one firefighter in serious trouble. we're going to explain why. first, happy birthday to author beverly clearly, who turns 100 today. you're down with crestor. alright! now there's a way you can get crestor for $3. adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing,pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. ask for the crestor $3 card. ask your wbr id "wbr18699" doctor about crestor. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our wbr id "wbr18997" nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. /b get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. this... i can do easily. i try hard to get a great shape. benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement.... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. bernie sanders is on a hot streak. his out meal is bubbling. he's won eight of the last nine states. some experts say figure this momentum continues, it is possible that bernie sanders might lose to hillary clinton by slightly less. >> even though he wins, she winds up with more delegates. how -- how does it work over there? >> want to talk about a real rigged system that couldn't be more rigged on the democrat side. >> seriously. superdelegates, what are they? one thing that's not rigged, the weather. you can't control the weather. that was the problem with american airlines flight 2240. it was supposed to be arriving in new york city a couple of nights ago at 9:00 p.m. that's when people were going to get on and fly to their tropical destination of miami. one woman felt she was going miss her disney cruise. as it turns out, they were delayed by 12 hours. at 2:00 a.m. in the morning, somebody took out a phone when this woman was chewing the ear off of one of the people behind the counter. listen to this. she's upset -- >> you lied to me! you lied to me! i'm sitting here since 8:00 with a 9-year-old who's waiting for her vacation. and my 13-year-old -- there's no flight, just say there's no flight! say there's no flight! this is a way of getting what we want. we're waiting all our life for this. >> i am, too. i'm sorry. >> i'm waiting for the disney cruise for a year already! >> she's waiting for the disney cruise for a year. >> you know, maybe she didn't handle it in the nicest waste -- nicest way. but we've all been us from fraught trait -- been frustrated. it was the weather. she's saying what i'm feeling. she's like mama bear, my daughter's got to get on this cruise. >> steve, you said this before, how much fun will it be being on vacation with her? >> here's the thing, you know, what -- >> there's a daughter, there's anger simmering underneath there. >> we all understand it, though. >> we've all been there. so frustrating. when you are at a gate, what was supposed to happen, the plane was supposed to arrive at 9:00 p.m. but was diverted to philly because of bad weather, high winds out of lagarde yampt the plane got there at -- laguardia. the plane got there at 2:00 in the morning. they took off at 9 clinic in the morning. she wanted -- 9:00 in the morning. she wanted american airlines to pay for the cruise. they gave everyone a $12 voucher -- >> not enough. >> did she make the cruise? >> she did. >> i heard she did. >> the plane arrived at 11:42. according to the port of miami, the disney cruise left at 5:10. she had about five hours -- >> she was panicking. she was tired, panicking, excited about the vacation. things weren't going her way. you know, this is -- has this happened to you? >> welcome to new york. >> has it happened to you? i remember, i was going my honeymoon, and i took the week off and got to the desk with my birth certificate because you didn't need a passport. the seal was not raised. she said nowadays you have to have a raised seal. i started crying. i was frustrated. his -- i went on my honeymoon two or three days late. >> is that right? >> i had to get a new birth certificate. there was one flight out to the island every day. i was so frustrated. >> i'm sorry you missed your disney cruise. >> it worked out better because the island was expensive, and we would have run out of money. >> it worked out. >> perfectly. >> what do you think about the mom's reaction? e-mail us,, tweet us or facebook us. meanwhile, let's go to heather who has never raised her voice. >> certainly not to my kids, right? good morning. oh, boy, what a tough mess that lady was in at the airport. i've got a couple of headlines to bring you now. we start out with some extreme weather this morning. making a mess in texas, softball-sized hail pummelling the state, pounding cities near dallas. take a look. you see the water this that pool, wow. the damage so bad in some areas that some schools are closed today. the they will hail coming down so hard social media lighting one images like these showing car and home windows totally shattered. look at that, baseball-sized hail. rock-sized hail now. lightning storms in the area and tornadoes to blame for a fire that burned a church to the ground in southern arkansas. there was the picture of that now. the severe storm system is now set to head east this morning. we'll keep following the story throughout the day. a firefighter is under fire this morning for this picture. and it's sparking outrage on line. a mother in new mexico, take a look, she was posing with her newborn while she was wearing her husband's uniform. the fire department says it may violate its uniform policy, and her husband could be in trouble for it. the department is investigating this. the photographer says the mother was standing as a model for all the firefighters' wives and moms. she looks beautiful. i love it. and one of the most iconic songs in rock and roll history. you know it -- ♪ those opening chords to led zeppelin's "stairway to heaven," landing the band in court so many decades after the song came out. a judge is ruling that a trial is needed to determine whether or not led zeppelin founders robert plante and jimmy page ripped off the classic riff from a lesser known band called spirit. take a listen to their version. ♪ wow. what do you think? similarities or a lot of differences? that trial is now set for may to decide whether or not plante and page are liable for copy right infringement. and who needs textbooks? a college student took the financial aid check and took a romantic vacation with his girlfriend. the filmmaker documented the ten-day trip to thailand and posted it on line. we're hoping it was worth it for him. shortly after returning home to california, the school called asking for all the money back. no word if he ever got the textbooks. those are the headlines. we'll head outside. looking at grilled cheese. ainsley? >> that's right. we are eating our favorite sandwiches. national grilled cheese day or, as we call, it tuesday. we're celebrating with a little fromage & friends. >> that's right. the owner of gorilla cheese food truck. good morning, james. >> good morning. >> we love grilled cheese sandwiches. come on in here quickly. these are the most beautiful sandwiches. >> a classic american bacon melt served with tater to the, tomato soup shooter on the side. >> beautiful. >> mixed vegetables with munster and an herb aioli. barbecued pulled pork, cheddar cheese, caramelized onions. >> love it. >> spicy buffalo chicken melt with smoked masel are amp my favorite, triple creambu brie wh pro-shu prosciutto and tomatoes. >> what's the most popular? >> the number five, the pulled pork with carmelized onions and cheddar cheese. >> i'd never heard of that, pulled pork grilled cheese sandwich. >> a good one. >> cheese and pulled pork? >> where weather do you come up with new ideas? almost anything can be good between bread and cheese. >> i'm not really a recipe person. i create in the kitchen. it seems to come naturally. >> you were the first grilled cheese truck in the city, satellite. >> i was. i was. >> then you had competition, but you ran them out of town. >> we had a couple more trucks which are no longer in business. >> you're the only grilled cheese guy truck. >> we're the remaining grilled cheese truck for now. >> i can attest to why you're the only remaining grilled cheese truck. >> may i have a bite? this is your favorite -- >> the buffalo chicken one is fantastic. >> excellent. glad you like it. >> where can we find you on line? >> and on twitter, gcnyc1. >> excellent. >> happy grilled cheese month. >> thank you for serving our city. you're a good man. >> thank you. when we come back, big news for anyone who drives a pickup. >> pay attention, even if it's a gorilla cheese truck. then, donald trump says that the colorado election was rigged because there was no voting. bernie sanders wins the wyoming caucus. but hillary clinton gets more delegates. now, voters are wondering what else is going on here. judge napolitano who loves a grilled cheese is next. ♪ if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. all john deere compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. quite like the human foot. introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. . . cars built before march 36th, tesla cars have to have seats replaced because they could fold forward in a crash. and ford's 150 super cab crowned the safest truck in the industry according to the insurance institute for highway safety. in crash tests the f-150 was the only one of nine full-size pickups tested to earn a good rating. good for ford. steve, over to you. >> thanks. donald trump outraged over delegates after senator ted cruz took all 34 delegates in colorado state convention. trump took to twitter writing, "the people of colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. biggest story in politics. this will not be allowed." trump going on to say what's happening to he and bernie sanders is nothing short of corrupt. >> so i watched bernie. he wins, wins, keeps winning, winning, winning. then i see he's got no chance. they always say he has no chance. why does he have no chance? the system is corrupt. it's worse on the republican side. i say this to the rnc and i say it to the republican party. you're going to have a pbig problem, folks. there are people who don't like what's going on. >> and some voters have had it. one trump supporteder there taking to youtube to burn his republican registration on camera. poof. there it goes. judge andrew napolitano live now. judge, what do you make of what mr. trump is taking about? >> here's what the courts have said. the republican party is a private club. the democratic party is a private club. they are not the government. even though when you vote in a primary, it looks like an election, it feels like an election, use the same equipment where you go for an election, then you go to the same place. it's not an election. it's not run by the government. and these private clubs can run the organizations however they see fit. >> yeah. the rules were made known eight or nine months ago, available for anybody to read them. >> who looks up to the state party rules? >> if you're going to complain that you didn't like the outcome, you ought to -- you ought to know what the rules are. would i have enacted these rules? would the court is enacted the rules judge are they consistent with fairness? probably no, no, and no. the courts are not going to interfere with the rules any more than they would with the running of the nfl or moose lodge. >> it does appear, though -- let's look at wyoming and take a look. you know, bernie sanders as you see beats hillary by 12 points, right. that is the vote total. then you look at the number of delegates he won, and she actually wound up with more. she wound up with 11 because she got the superdelegates. >> the people that trump is railing against in both parties, the elites that run both parties, have a certain fear. the fear is that somebody outside the mainstream, out of their thinking could be nominated. the democrats -- >> outside of their power. >> correct. outside of their power structure. so the democrats in order to prevent a jesse jackson from getting nominated -- >> or ron paul. >> or the republicans to prevent a ron paul getting nominated, constructed and crafted rules so those who run the party always have a residual of votes to neutralize the votes of those these candidates got. >> it does appear that the parties in certain states are tone deaf given the fact. >> yes. >> this is one of the most exciting, interest iing races we've had. in colorado, all but a fraction of the people have been sidelined. >> yes. >> votes taken away. >> yes. to the extent that trump and bernie want to present themselves as anti-establishment candidates, this helps them do that. these are smart guys who can read the rules and who can hire people to read the rules. and they sometimes take advantage of it themselves. like in south carolina, trump got 38% of the vote but 100% of the delegates. you obviously don't hear him complaining about that. these complaints i think help him and help foster his image as somebody who will bust the establishment and change things if he gets elected. >> as for ted cruz, he knew what the rules were. he played by the rules and -- >> took advantage of them. in many instances, he prevailed. >> judge, thank you very much. >> you're welcome, steve. >> thank you, sir. what do you think about that? e-mail us, coming up, michelle obama's secret plot to keep hillary out of the white house? wait until you hear about the blockbuster new book. and meet the police officer who saved not one, not two, but three lives in ten days. how did he do that? that hero joins us live next. ♪ olay total effects a skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. olay. ageless. talk about going beyond the call of duty. this new jersey police officer being hailed a hero for saving three lives in a matter of ten days. officer brian strongbrine saved a badly beaten woman and then pulling a man from a burning car. >> he joins us from philadelphia. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm doing great. you're doing fantastic. how do you explain this turn of events where you were in the right place at the right time for these three people in need? >> i'm not sure if there is an explanation. something things just work out the way they're supposed to and they happen two or three times. >> you were ready. you had the training and you knew what to do. >> that's right. >> how often have these things happened? have you saved a life before? is this new to you? how often? >> this is new to me. i mean, the opportunity to save somebody's life is there every day we go to work. but it doesn't always happen. if it does happen you hope you do what you're trained to do and that did happen. >> i know you saved a woman who you say was on her front lawn, had been badly beaten you say by another individual, a man in her life. and the woman's son confronted you. i think we have some of that. let's see this and get your reaction. >> here's the video, actually, of him -- what is he doing here? is he reading you a letter? >> i can't see the video, but when he came in he read a letter he had written, expressing his gratitude to me and to every other law enforcement official that was involved that day. >> and how -- he shook your hand for saving his mom's life. >> hugged me, yes. yes. >> you know, these days, officer, in many cases there's so much anti-cop stuff out there. but just to see you doing all of this, what's been the reaction from folks in south jersey to what you've done? >> very, very -- it's overwhelming the amount of support and congratulations, you know, friends and family, complete strangers. it's -- it's unexpected. i never in my -- you know, wildest imaginations did i ever expect something like this to happen. it's amazing. i feel honored. >> three stories could have been a lot different this morning. thank you for doing the hard work you do in putting your open life on the line every day. >> everyone hopes someone of your courage and character is there when they need it the most. >> thank you. >> god bless you, sir. thank you. >> thank you. >> great, good story. straight ahead, hillary clinton's e-mail scandal has been brewing for a long time. how does the president get his updates? >> the president's knowledge of this situation is based entirely on public reporting. >> yep. they're using that one again. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. good tuesday morning to you. it's april 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. two new clues in the murder of super bowl champion will smith. brand-new surveillance video and another showing the chaotic aftermath. >> i've been shot! >> you can hear his wife there. but are police any closer to finding a motive. then, donald trump continues to blast what he called a rigged election system. >> and in other places this is not a democracy. we're not going to have rigged elections. >> is it rigged or just the rules? we report, you decide. don't be afraid, delicate snowflakes. but your very important weather bulletins will be delivered in lower case letters. >> thank goodness. >> because felt the weather service was yelling at them! >> we were offended. >> it's true. >> wait until you hear that one. we have another hour coming straight to you live from new york city, this is "fox & friends." ♪ >> look there, there's prince harry. prince harry presented will reynolds the invictus game competitor with the flag. and that arrives on american soil and you will see it on "fox & friends" for the very first time. >> very cool. >> that is amazing. captain will reynolds he's a great guy. we've met him before. he'll be back. >> sounds like harry might go to the games in orlando. >> oh. >> pretty cool. >> maybe we should take the show on the road too. right, heather? >> ainsley, let's go cover that one. >> send us, please. >> happy to do it. all right, i'll take it away, good morning. i hope you're off to a great day. a fox news alert. two new videos offering clues into the murder of former saints player will smith. the first appears to show a hit and run. you can see a hummer as it strops abruptly and then -- it stops abruptly, and it was rear ended by smith's mercedes suv. and then smith's wife was then pleading for help. listen. >> i've been shot! >> saints head coach sean payton says new orleans is broken. and he's now speaking out on gun violence. and in a "usa today" interview he said, i find myself leaning to the right on some issues but on this issue i can't wrap my brain around it. he goes on to say, i hate guns. we'll keep you posted on this story throughout the day. an alarming new warning. the threat of the zika virus to the united states. >> we absolutely need to be ready, you know, as dr. fauci was saying, everything we look at with this virus seems to be scarier than we initially thought. >> scarier than initially thought. the cdc sounded the alarm after mosquitos found carrying the states were in 30 states. it's linked to a broader set of complications in pregnancy. the place with the biggest concern is puerto rico where there could be hundreds of thousands of cases. dr. david samadi says the u.s. needs to act fast. >> the idea is that before we hit summer and before this -- about 40 million people that are going to travel globally to those areas and bring this to us, we want to stop this immediately, a lot of -- there's no medication. there's no vaccine. >> the cdc is asking for billions to fight the vie. the taliban is promising large scale attacks. it happens every year about this time. a violent summer as waging jihad is a holy obligation. this year's campaign expected to incorporate assassinations and other tactics to fight american and afghan security forces. back here at home, the national weather service says it promises it will stop yelling at you in the text alerts. the agency has issued a forecast in all capital letters but obviously it's not through text message, but some consider the use of all caps yelling. so starting next month, the meteorologists will lower it except in dire emergencies. we're getting some nasty weather in texas with all the hail they had. >> absolutely. indeed. >> well, the reason they have done it for years -- it goes back to 1849 or something like that. then they used the teletype machine which only spoke in all caps. but i have news for the folks who are offended by it. if there's a tornado coming at my house, i want it all in capital letters! i'm from kansas. i want it big. >> i think they might still do it for emergency weather situations. >> they will. >> are you losing any sleep over this? >> a lot. >> who ever reads that site anyway? >> another guy not sleeping a lot -- donald trump. still complaining about a rigged colorado system. but ted cruz defending it after sweeping all the state's delegates. >> kristin fisher has the latest for us. >> good morning. so listen to some of the words that trump has used over the last 24 hours to describe the republican party system of selecting delegates. he's called it rigged, disgusting, dirty and corrupt. this after the tweet is only adding fuel to the accusations. it was posted on saturday after cruz won the state's convention, it reads we did it, never trump. it was delivered minutes later. but the colorado gop posted this -- quote, the last tweet was the result of unauthorized access to our account and in no way represents the opinion of the party. we are investigating. well, last night, trump headlined a massive rally in albany, new york, and he blasted the republican party for what went down in colorado. listen to this. >> i'm millions of votes ahead which they don't talk about. they talk about delegates. and i'm hundreds of delegates ahead. but the system, folks, is rigged. it's a rigged, disgusting, dirty system. >> donald has been yelling and screaming. a lot of whining. i'm sure some cursing. and some late night fevered tweeting. all the characteristics i would note we would want of a commander in chief. >> as for john kasich he's not saying the system is rigged but he is saying it's not well suited this year to ensuring the republican victory in november. today, kasich will deliver a major speech in new york city and cruz is taking the day off. he knows that new york is not terribly friendly to him. in fact he's pulling a distapt third where you guys are. in new york. >> okay. john kasich doesn't think it's rigged but judge napolitano was on with us a little while ago and we were talking about this and how out in colorado people didn't -- you know, people across the state didn't get to vote. it was the party elites who picked the delegates. the judge says it's rigged to protect the establishment. >> here's what the courts have said. the republican party is a private club, the democratic party is a private club. they are not the government. even though when you vote in a primary, it looks like an election, it feels like an election. you use the same equipment where you go for an election and go to the same place. it's not an election. not run by the government and these private clubs can run their organizations how ever they see fit. so the democrats in order to prevent a jesse jackson from getting nominated -- >> or ron paul. >> or the republicans to prevent a ron paul to get nominated construct and crafted the rules so that those who run the party have a residual of votes to sort of neutralize the votes that the candidates got. >> unfortunately, because this is an anti-establishment season, given the fact that this is going on, it looks to a lot of people like, oh, the establishment is trying to put their thumb on the scale for somebody. >> right. donald trump says it's robbing him of convention delegates. >> yeah, you have two anti-establishment candidates running in a system built to protect the establishment. if you have winner take all later it's meant to filter out the lesser candidates so now here we are. i think donald trump has been outorganized in some states. he's trying to shape the perception to say i'm in losing it's because i'm rigged. he's creating an appetite for a longer fight. >> it would be nice if there was a national standard. every state could have a primary. caucuses are hard, and every state -- >> their own system. >> it's a pesky -- >> it's unique, but given the fact that the federal elections are so easy to understand, why not the state stuff too? meanwhile, donald trump sat down with kristen powers who wrote in "usa today," kind of a headline this morning. remember when marco rubio was really going after trump for a while, well, as it turns out he says that he actually likes marco rubio. >> that's right. donald trump sat down with kirsten yesterday. this is what he said to her. yes, i like marco rubio, yeah, i could. there are people i have in mind in terms of vice president. i just haven't told anybody names. i do like marco, i like john kasich, i like scott walker actually in a lot of ways. >> yeah. he's going to start this outreach. floating those kinds of names i think is part of what he's talked about trying to become more presidential, create the impression that he'll come to the middle. >> he told us yesterday it will not be ivanka. there were some rumors spreading about people who wanted her to run. she would be 35 years old this november so she could run. he says it's not doing to happen. >> keep in mind, marco rubio has 171 delegates, that would be handy if trump is short and john kasich. >> the question will be if they ultimately reach back to trump or not, right? will the healing process happen? >> i'm sure it will if he says will you be my vp? >> maybe. >> who would turn that down? >> a good question if they felt they were empowered enough, i don't know. >> there's a new book out by kate anderson brower, about first ladies. she'll be on tomorrow. after the run between barack obama and hillary clinton, eight years ago, it was -- the rivalry was so deep and it was so tense the clintons -- >> you can't tell here. >> they really hate each other essentially. the rivalry is so bad, left deep scars. michelle obama hoped that joe biden would run this time and beat hillary clinton. >> and michelle obama also goes on to say, you know, i'm sick of all the headlines about my hair cut. when i got bangs that's what everyone wanted to focus on. what about policy, or what about the things i have been doing? the cover of the book is beautiful. it got my attention. >> sure. she also says she refers to the white house as a really nice prison. but she hates it. she says keep in mind, back in the day she used to make about $275,000 a year working for the university of chicago medical center. and she can hardly wait to get out of the white house and start racking up money, writing books and also speaker fees. >> you're going to get more scoop on this tomorrow because the author of the book will be here. >> and you know what the first lady watches on tv? >> what's that? >> "real housewives of atlanta." that's what it says in "the new york post" today. >> everybody's got to unwind with something. >> i would be lying if i said i don't watch those shows. >> i love flip it or fix it. >> yeah. >> that's only when the fox news channel is not in my mind. isis has recruited members from at least 80 countries. how do they do that and how doe with stop that? dr. gorka is back with the week long series on isis. brace yourself, beer lovers. why the price of your favorite brew -- >> no. >> set to go up? >> no! i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i always came back to smoking. i was absolutely frustrated, absolutely. i did not think chantix would work as well as it did. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at the numbers are staggering. isis has recruited members from at least 80 countries from around the world. that's according to the united nations report. how do they do it and how the we stop them? examining isis is dr. sebastian gorka, the chair of military theory and author of "defeating jihad, the winnable war." i sure here it's winnable. thank you for being here this morning. reciruits to isis, how do they use media to reach out? >> so isis has an incredible media range of products. they have platforms that are in arabic, they have the english language products to recruit people around the world, estimated between 80 and 100 countries have recruited. of the 80,000 fighters, at least 36,000 are foreign fighters. very slick media. >> absolutely. you say upwards of 55,000 postings a day. >> yeah. >> how? >> they're crushing it on social media. >> show us an example. >> yeah. so they have got all kinds of platforms they're using. they have the english language magazine dabiq they have put out. they have only been doing it for two years. they are basically providing very short enticing messages of why to be a holy warrior, how you have to attack the infidel. >> instructions, targeting a certain group of people. let's talk about the next folks -- what type of -- >> we have the famous individuals that we know, abdeslam. we have individuals that we know they're exploiting, and they have individuals who are coming out of on the war zones, that either have freedom of movement because they have passports of the region or are already on the path to radicalization. they give them something on social media. give them instructions and these people are hiding out in the enclaves in europe as we saw in brussels. >> so you have targeting of oftentimes second generation, sort of more vulnerable disillusioned muslims. how do we stop this? >> well, we have to start fighting the war of ideas. we're not doing it. you know as a vet, when it comes to applying force, nobody comes close to us, but we have to stop people wanting to become jihadis. like during the cold war we have to have counterpropaganda. we have to push back in that domain. >> talk about a massive problem we haven't addressed also -- refugees and migrant crisis. how do we go about addressing their ability to infiltrate? isis has used that effectively to hide amongst those. >> we have to deal with the refugees and whether it's disillusioned muslim, let's take politics out of it. trump got a lot of exposure when he talked about the rives. if you were in the middle east and you see the footage, there's 800,000 coming out of the war zone, what would you if you're bad guy. you're going the say, wow, that's an opportunity. i'm going to put my people into the refugee floods and i'm going to put my operatives into america, into the west. we have to think like the bad guys. >> some of the reports say they have been thinking ago that for a long time. it's not just they saw that and they responded it, but they have utilized it. >> they have a long term strategy. it's not about 24 hours or a month in advance, they're thinking years or a decade in years as a good strategist does. >> thank you, dr. gorka. you'll be here all week enlightening us on isis. the president insists that hillary clinton didn't leak any national secrets by using her private server, how does does he know? >> the president's knowledge on this subject is on public reporting. >> josh earnest talks, we report, you decide. and the dream wedding, are the couple ready for the big day? they'll be here to check it out with their flower girl lea. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? 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it will cost you. maybe you should watch it on tv. we have a great story this morning. his story touched america's hearts, devon still putting his professional career on hold to take care of his daughter as she battled cancer. he earned the jimmy v perseverance award where he talked about her and his fiancee, ashah. >> we got engaged after her birth. i didn't want to do anything, until i knew my daughter could walk down that aisle as a flower girl. thank you for being so unselfish and i promise you that i'm going to try to give you the wedding of your dreams. >> well, those dreams are coming true. ashah and devon joined us in october to say they had been chosen as the knots dream wedding. >> devon still is here and his fiancee and beautiful daughter lea are joining us. >> how are you feeling? >> good. >> you have been through a lot. are you excited about the wedding? >> yes. >> what do you have planned for the wedding? >> practicing your flower girling? >> yes. >> and you have a designer that you're working with? >> yes. >> and what is she doing? she's creating this beautiful dress for you? >> yes. >> what does the dress look like? >> um -- >> a dream -- >> we have to wait for the wedding. >> it's pink. >> oh, her favorite. >> all pink. >> devon, in your wildest dreams did you ever think when you gave that speech, it was so powerful and so emotional at the jimmy v perseverance awards you mentioned you'd give the woman in your life the wedding of her dreams. >> right. >> somebody was going to say, you know what, we'll pay for that stuff. >> i had no idea. i said don't run up the budget too much, and to have them step in we're grateful. >> because now you can run up the budget. >> exactly. >> how has it been going through this process? with america choosing and watching and taking part alongside. >> it's amazing. i'm excited. every week voting on the different aspects of the wedding, see what america chooses is very exciting. >> let me ask you about that though. from a woman's perspective, america is choosing your invitations. your dress. >> do you have -- >> the flowers and the cake. >> do you have veto power? >> the dress is important. you need some sort of an input. do you have an input? >> well, i picked the four options. >> your four favorites? >> mm-hmm. >> tell us which one you want us to vote for and we'll get everyone to vote for the same dress. >> yes. secretly. >> are you excited? >> i'm very excited. i can't wait. >> you have been through a lot. now you can finally breath because this precious little girl of yours is cancer free. i know from the parent's perspective it's an answer to prayer. >> for the past two years it's really hard for us. with me getting back to -- back for the texans, things are definitely turning around. >> you deserve that. >> definitely. definitely. >> and you're heading back to the gridiron pretty soon? >> sunday. >>re you ready for the heat in houston? >> no, i get ready, i get used to it. right now i'm not used to it. >> what do you think is hotter, the humidity in texas or getting ready for this wedding? >> i don't know. i think i'm going to sweat the same on both. >> good man. >> exactly. >> tell us about the wedding. where are you getting married? >> new york public library. >> oh, like carrie and big. >> coming up shortly. >> real shortly. >> is this going to be live streamed so we can watch along? >> i think the knot is working with different people to see if we can stream it live. >> you'll come here the morning after the wedding, right? >> whatever you all want to do. >> during your honeymoon? >> now, these are your flowers for the flower girl thing, right? do you know what you're supposed to with those? >> i don't know. >> will you teach me how to do that? every little girl wants to be a flower girl. i was never a flower girl so now i'll be one today. >> she knows -- >> it's okay. excuse me. >> what do we need to keep in mind? smile the whole time? >> throw them to the right. should we throw them to the left too? you can't -- you have to get this side of the church too, right? very good. >> church? >> very good. we'll keep walking in the library. >> library, not the church. keep walking. amazing. >> you know what, she's got good wrist action. >> did you practice? >> yes. >> you're wearing a cute little outfit. beautiful. she's doing a great job. okay. we're told we'll go this way? come back in. you want to come back in? you have a few more left. it looks so pretty. this studio has never looked so pretty, guys. >> it does look very nice. well done. >> well -- >> i love this little girl. we followed her whole story. god bless you, god has plans for your life, sweetie. >> are you ready? >> definitely. >> we know she's ready. thank you very much. >> well done. thank you for being here. coming up, in other news a travel tantrum caught on camera. >> you lied to me! you lied to me! i'm sitting here since 8:00! with a 9-year-old who's waiting for her vacation. >> not so happy. all because her flight was delayed. did she overreact a tad or has it happened to you? your e-mails are pouring in. >> it's a disney cruise. she doesn't want to miss it. i don't blame her. prince harry presented will reynolds with the flag for the invictus games and that comes to american soil for the first time on "fox & friends," next. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at p?p?h ♪ he has a sharp wit. a winning smile. and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. from buckingham palace to the "fox & friends" plaza the official flag of the 2016 invictus games for wounded warriors just handed off by prince harry himself. it's ready to fly over to the host city of orlando. >> before orlando we get to see it for ourselves, right now ainsley is with it right now. the games will bring together more than 500 competitors from 15 countries next month and ainsley is as you can see driving up in the car on the plaza. good morning. >> for first time in my life i didn't have trouble finding parking in new york city. come on, guys. isn't this car beautiful? it's a jaguar. the official invictus car. come on, guys. we'll walk into the studio. here's the flag. the invictus game flag. it's amazing. will, what kind of flag? >> this is the invictus games flag we brought over from the united kingdom transferring it to the u.s. >> amazing. mitchell, tell me about this event. what's happening? >> well, it's going to be a number of different countries from wounded and ill service members competing in adaptive sports. >> is it so much fun? >> it as a blast. >> what's the best part of it? >> seeing the growth in a lot of the athletes. when they start, they're not too energetic and then they come into their own as the time goes on. >> it's amazing. captain, you just received this flag from prince harry. >> that's correct. >> i understand he's going to be here in america soon. >> absolutely. this was his brain child so he's very close to the endeavor and he wants to see it through to its second occurrence. >> what was it like meeting him? >> it's amazing. the passion he has behind the event and how much caring and concern he gives to every aspect of the logistics is amazing. to see how personally tied he is to it, it's just, you know, really humbling. >> great. ken, tell us about your role in this. >> i am the chairman of the organizing committee that led the group to bringing invictus games to america. >> that is so great. well, this is steve, well -- >> you know pete and heather over here. welcome to our family. >> ainsley, everybody -- come on in, guys. >> good to see you. >> when everybody talks about t the fisher house this is mr. fisher. this is him. great to see you. captain. captain. let me ask you this. when harry gave you that handoff, didn't he say something like i'll see you in orlando or i'll see that flying over orlando? >> that's correct. he's going to come to orlando. he won't be caught missing it for anything. >> now it's a sellout. because ainsley and also heather i think have already planned their -- >> yeah. i hear he's a nice guy. you said that the last time. >> he's very personable and really nice. >> really committed to the warrior generation for sure. >> absolutely. you know, we're a part of his population. he has had personal friends who were wounded and ill and he wants to help take care of them. >> a fantastic cause. like the fisher houses that do so much for wounded warriors. >> it's wonderful. thank you very much for honoring us. it was over at buckingham palace, now it's here. next stop, orlando. all right. coming up next, pete and ainsley will put to the test -- will be put to the test with a very unique game. >> i have a feeling who is going to win. >> in the next hour. in the meantime -- >> other than me. >> we turn to heather who has some news from the white house. >> good morning, i played volleyball in high school. i should come on out with you. >> yes, you should. i need help. 38 minutes after the hour. the white house says that president obama only knows about hillary clinton's e-mail scandal from the media? listen. >> the president has neither sought nor received a confidential briefing on the ongoing investigation. it's based entirely on public reporting. >> well, there you have it. this comes after our own chris wallace's interview with president obama on "fox news sunday" and the president seemed to down play the use of the nonsecure e-mail server to conduct official state department business. a school police officer caught body slamming -- oh, goodness, watch that right there. a 12-year-old girl, on concrete. this happened last month in texas. that resource officer has been fired. the school district is calling officer joshua keen's use of force, quote, absolutely unwarranted. the school says that keen was required to report the incident but didn't. the girl suffered cuts and bruises. a 17-year-old girl rescued off the coast of florida after getting stranded in her kayak. watch this. she was on a two mile trip with her family on sunday when her arms got tired. so she decide to turn around but on the way back she lost her paddle. that's when she started to drift. yeah, you have to hang on to that one. the teen was rescued four hours later by the coast guard. way to go. they do an amazing job. well, caught on tape, anger boils over at the airport. >> you lied to me! i'm sitting here since 8:00. with a 9-year-old who is waiting for her vacation. >> travelers stunned as the furious mom blasts american airlines staff on her vacation nightmare. her flight was delayed five hours and then cancelled at 2:00 in the morning. it wasn't long until others joined in on the frustration. police were called in to control the crowd. the flight eventually left at 9:00 a.m. the next morning. that was 12 hours late. the woman though did eventually make it to her cruise on time with her two children. i think the ages were 9 and 12. we're getting a lot of e-mails on this. what are folk writing in? >> pam writes, i understand that the mom is tired and upset. but taking her anger out on the airline employees does no good and it wasn't even their fault. and it definitely was not a good example for her kids. get a grip. >> and melissa says as a former employee, i can understand the delayed flights. if you pitch a fit, the airline can prevent you from boarding all together. >> if you were unhappy with airline decisions, do what i did. i bought and fly my own plane. now it's my decision. >> i want to be andrew k. >> that's the technique right there. >> that would be very nice. no more security, no more ziploc bags. >> you can't control mother nature. it was too windy to fly. >> give her a pass. she wanted to go on vacation. >> now she's very famous. >> infamous. >> indeed. all right, straight ahead on this tuesday, donald trump is crying foul over ted cruz's win in colorado. >> we've got a corrupt system. it's not right. we're supposed to be a democracy. >> and a republic. and now rumors that kasich is teaming one trump to stop ted cruz. how would that affect the battle for delegates? we'll tell you what happened in michigan. true or false -- you can claim your pet as a dependent on your taxes? maybe if they're as cute as this little guy. we separate financial facts from fiction just ahead. >> interesting loophole. but first, born on this day in 1987, she's best known as a "sports illustrated" and victoria's secret model. >> who is she? >> heather nauert! >> e-mail us. the first vote is in for heather nauert. ♪ can't afford to let heartburn get in the way? try nexium 24hr, the #1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. get complete protection with the leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection. quite like the human foot. introducing the 255 horsepower lexus is 300 all-wheel-drive. with twenty-five percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. donald trump crying foul over ted cruz's win in colorado over the weekend. >> we've got a corrupt system. it's not right. we're supposed to be a democr y democracy. we're supposed to be -- we're supposed to be you vote and the vote means something. >> the latest thing he seized upon is when people vote against him, they're stealing the election. >> but is trump starting to learn the delegate game with the help of john kasich? in michigan, kasich seems to be forming an alliance with trump to lock in convention committee posts that would have gone to cruz. here to weigh in, former communications director for the rnc and a delegate expert, doug hyde. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so tell us how kasich has teamed up to block cruz in michigan with trump. >> well, it's one of more surprising things that we have seen and it shows that it's almost like a professional wrestling battling royale. every man is for himself, unless you have a strategic alliance that allows you an advantage. for john kasich this is about getting any delegate that he can. >> okay. so they have formed an alliance to do what? >> to deny ted cruz a big win in michigan. as we saw, ted cruz did very well in colorado this weekend. where he wasn't necessarily expected to. but that all goes to organization. >> absolutely. ted cruz won them according to the rules. but here's the thing, doug. so many people are saying, well, the rules in colorado are kind of screwed up. different than the other states. a lot of states on primary day, you go and vote. some states you go and caucus. in colorado, as it turns out, you really didn't get to do anything. >> look, every state does it differently. no better example than what we see in iowa and then a few days later in new hampshire. every state does this differently but the rules are clear. reince priebus tweeted last night, these rules have been in place for a year. if you look at trump's rhetoric over the past few months as opposed to the past few days, he's told us nobody knows this game better than i do and that's why i'm going to be victorious. i think now he's at least trying to set some expectations that if he doesn't get the nomination, he still might obviously, but if he doesn't not that he lost fair and square. it's that it's been taken from him. >> here's the thing, people are looking in and saying, well, the establishment is for out for the guy. because ted cruz isn't really an establishment guy, although some are thinking he is now. he's not. ultimately. but this is the ultimate anti-establishment rule and for the -- anti-establishment year and saying these are complicated rules. >> if this is a 50-state complicated board game it appears that trump not only doesn't have the organization to do anything about it, whereas cruz certainly does in all 50 states. but that trump didn't read the instructions before hand. that puts him at a disadvantage when it comes to getting the delegates that you need moving forward to cleveland. >> man oh, man, crazy system. doug heye, thank you for joining us. coming up, it's the video going viral just in time for the end of tax season. >> it's called the btd deduction. >> that is that? the baby toy deduction? >> that's right. the baby toy deduction. >> the baby toy deduction may not actually exist, but do you know what you can deduct from your taxes? we'll separate fact from fiction coming up next. did that kid have a mustache? >> yes. >> okay, first on this day in 2001, janet jackson's "all for you" was topping the charts and we were singing along. ♪ i take these out... put in dr. scholl's active series insoles. they help reduce wear and tear on my legs, becuase they have triple zone protection. ... and reduce shock by 40%. so i feel like i'm ready to take on anything. youto get the help you'refar looking for. that's why at xfinity we're opening up more stores closer to you. where you can use all of our latest products and technology. and find out how to get the most out of your service. so when you get home, all you have to do is enjoy it. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. well, now for your answer to the "fox & friends" trivia question. it is brooklyn decker. and our winner is katherine from texas. thank you. you're going to be getting a copy of brian's new book, "thomas jefferson and the tripoli pirates." well, as you know, tax day is less than one week away. and if you're still confused about all your deductions, you are not alone. >> what kind of deductions were you thinking about? >> i think just the standard -- you know, i highly recommend that you deduct all baby toys that you bought. >> baby toys? >> yeah. >> you can deduct baby toys? >> called the btd deduction. >> what is that the baby toy deducti deduction? >> yes. >> it has a point, the right deductions can save you a fortune in taxes. here to separate fact from fiction, for your tax write-off, financial expert and author nicole lathon. thank you for being with us. >> thank you so much, nothing gets a good out of bed in los angeles like some tax time. >> i know. so fascinating, we love tax time. let's go through the first one. i'm going to say something you let me know if it's fact or fiction. i can write off -- >> deal. >> i can write off my car lease as a business expense. >> yeah, you sure can. so that is fact. if you have a lease and you own a business you can write that off. but if you own a car, you can write off depreciation or you can write off mileage. >> very good. number two, my medical expenses are tax deductible. fact or fiction? >> it is fact. but you have to exceed 7.5% of your gross adjusted income. so if you have more than that, it can take a lot of medical expenses but you can absolutely deduct them. >> okay, we can claim our pets as dependents, fact or fiction? >> that is fiction! even though they feel like children sometimes. or they feel like dependents, they could be super expensive, that is absolutely fiction. unless they're a seeing eye dog or a guard dog. >> what about home office deductions, fact or fiction. can you write off a room in your house as an office? >> you can. but only if you use it as your primary off us. there's no such thing as an instant audit, only 1% of folks earning less than 200 grand get audited. if you legit use as your primary office, you should be good. >> how about my diet program is tax deductible? >> you don't need a diet program first of all, but if it's not juice cleanse or anything like that, it has to be a legit diet prescribed by your doctor for obesity or if you need to lower your blood pressure. so it has to be prescribed by a doctor. >> sounds good. i'm surprised by that one. how about if you have to file late, a lot of us, we have reasons why we'll file late this year. what are some valid excuses? >> so it's an extension to file and not an extension to pay. that's really important. an extension to pay costs much more about 0 .5% and of course that adds up. so it's much different cases. remember that. >> we will. thank you so much, good to see you, nicole. have a good one. >> good to see you. breaking news this morning from the white naacp leader who told the entire country she was born black. reaction to that and the top political headlines of the day when laura ingraham joins us at the top of the hour. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. it is tuesday, april 12th. i'm ainsley earhardt. we start with this, fox news alert. brand-new surveillance videos are surfacing this morning in the shooting death of the former super bowl champion, will smith. >> i've been shot! >> the chilling new clues and the search for the motive this morning. and could there be a trump/rubio ticket on the horizon? the republican front-runner dropping a big hint and his possible short list should he win the nomination. laura ingraham here to react in moments. then, remember her, rachel dolezal? the white woman who lied about her race saying she was black. well, she's speaking out this morning and what she is saying, you're not going to want to miss it. you don't want to miss this couch, we're glad you're with us this morning because mornings are better with "friends." >> oh, my word, women, come to the tv because guess who is going to be on this morning? >> pete hegseth? >> kevin costner. >> wow! >> yes. >> are you really excited about kevin costner? >> of course. are you kidding? i can't wait to meet him. i never met him. >> he's a nice guy. >> "field of dreams" -- >> forget about it. >> talking golf with him. remember that movie? >> absolutely. >> aren't you excited? >> he's a great guy. a great guest. i don't think i have seen a bad movie he's ever made. >> how are you feeling, heather? >> oh, passion in that one. >> all right. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the good day. we start off with the fox news alert. we have two new videos offering clues into the murder of will smith. it appears to show a hit and run, a hummer stops abruptly, then it's rear ended by smith's mercedes suv. a second chilling show videos the wife and you can hear her as she pleads for help. listen. >> my leg has been shot! >> well, the saints head coach sean payton says new orleans is broken. and he's now speaking out on gun violence. in an interview with "usa today," he says quote, i find myself leaning to the right on some issues but on this issue i can't wrap my brain around it. he goes on to say, i hate guns. overseas now, police in brussels arrested two more suspects in connection with last month's deadly terror attacks there. both charged with renting the apartment believed to have been a safe haven for the subway station bombers. we are also getting a first look at the paris terror suspect, salah abdeslam as he sits in prison. it's been shared by a dutch newspaper. i shows the 26-year-old french national looking tired and scruffy. in the first picture we are seeing since he was arrested. abdeslam is described as a model prisoner, but despite the behavior a guard checks his cell eight times an hour to prevent him from escaping or harming himself. a dramatic end to the kidnapping of the little baby in new mexico after she is found abandoned inside a minivan. just nine months old, the little girl was in the back of the van when her mother's boy friend lorenzo benali took off yesterday afternoon. she was dehydrated and had a fever. but she'll be okay. the mother -- he was found later and was arrested. and keith olbermann, he's about to lose a whole bunch of money thanks to donald trump. he says he's willing move out of the trump palace in manhattan. he is pulling the trigger. the nearly $4 million apartment is now on the market. olbermann stands to lose about 3 hundred thousand dollars on the sale but he says it's worth it. there you go it. >> he has a $4 million -- wow. >> that probably buys him two bedrooms. >> in this town. >> laura ingraham joins us from the nation's capital. >> i'm sure donald trump is just devastated to lose that tenant. >> what? he's moving out. >> let's talk a little bit about donald trump. you heard donald trump, he's been railing over the last 48 hours about how the system is rigged in colorado. ted cruz on the other side says, you know, donald trump is whining. how does it -- you know, the rules were the rules. people who wanted to know the rules, you know, knew last summer what was going to happen in colorado. but for the average person, just tuning in and seeing, laura, that the people of colorado did not get to vote -- >> they don't vote. >> right. >> they don't vote. >> one of the primary states it looks like it's favoring the establishment. >> yeah, there are two things we can have in our minds at the same time. number one, these were the rules. >> right. >> if you're going to take on the establishment, and you're going to take them on hard, you have to do that -- >> play by their rules. >> it's tedious work on the ground. it really is tedious. you have to have an operation in place. that's all true. you can hold the idea in your mind that it doesn't look good. it doesn't look good when you have more than 1 million republican voters in a state and they never -- they don't really have a say. i mean, they vote for the delegates it's an arcane process. again, those are the rules and you should try to win the delegates over to your side and trump is smart to say, this isn't the way that our framers intended. that this would be a representative democracy, sure it's not a pure democracy. but the people should have some say at some point that at least seems meaningful. when they sent that tweet out, the never trump tweet i think they revealed themselves in colorado for who they were. i had the former gop state chair on my show yesterday, and he was sounding a lot like trump in what he was saying. this is like -- your vote doesn't matter in colorado. that's what trump is saying. so, you know, i think you can hold both ideas in your mind at the same time. >> he did say that donald trump did say -- he's the front-runner, if he's the nominee, he was talking about who his vice president might be. he doesn't want to name names but there's a chance it could be marco rubio. he said to kirsten powers, yes, i like marco rubio, i haven't told anybody names. i do like marco. i do like john kasich, i like scott walker actually in a lot of ways. what do you think? >> well, i don't think we should make too much of this. i think just looking at marco rubio at this moment, i mean, trump needs someone with a lot of experience. i think executive experience he has. but the nitty-gritty governance. rubio has only been there for one term in the u.s. the number one piece of legislation brought down his own campaign in florida. so i don't think that would get hitch very much. he's going to win florida against hillary. he'd have a good chance. he doesn't need marco. someone like kasich would make much more sense problematically for donald trump. he does have that long term experience, budget surpluses, balancing the budget and working with democrats. so i think kasich makes a lot more sense. but i think trump is kind of throwing out the names and reacting. i wouldn't make too much about the rubio suggestion. i would be surprised about that. >> laura, speaking on vice presidents on the other side of the aisle, the fir lady, michelle obama in a new book it's revealed or is told that she wanted joe biden to run so that he could beat hillary clinton. how deep and how lasting right now is this obama/clinton feud? >> deep. >> i think this never went away. the bad blood after bill clinton talked about -- this is the biggest fantasy ever. remember back in south carolina in 2008? i don't think that ever went away. i know, you know, we heard president obama with chris wallace saying she was the best secretary of state, but you don't see that affection between the clintons and the obamas that you would expect to see. i mean, real deep affection. i have never seen it. back when i wrote "the obama diaries" that was half satire, half real commentary we kind of joked about the nasty relationship between the clintons. and the obamas. i don't think it was ever really repaired. >> i don't see it. >> the body language -- no. >> what about this picture? can you see this picture, are you in front of a monitor? they're like about to kiss. i mean, they're staring in each other's eyes. >> yeah. that looks so fake. i mean, that's -- we need the body language expert. don't you want the subliminal -- like on "saturday night live," do the subliminal thoughts. >> yeah. >> well, you know, if the clintons and the obamas really do hate each other so much so, you know -- >> or dislike. >> dislike, okay. that's a good word to use. >> your mom would be happy. >> there you go. >> you weren't allowed to use the hate word. >> exactly. >> so obama can't be too thrilled about having hillary clinton take over if she were to win. >> well -- >> that's the only way to -- his legacy. >> well, who can figure out what goes in the minds of barack obama sometimes, but he wants to beat the curse of a two-term president turning over the white house to the opposite party. you know, we saw reagan do it and in -- in 1988 with george h.w. bush and then they lost the white house to bill clinton. he wants to break a traditional bad run for the party after two terms. i think as best he could, he'd like a democrat in there. but remember, the clintons are to the right of obama on most issues, despite hillary's dance to sanders in this. the era of big government is over. he did do welfare reform, his comment to black lives matter, i think obama is way to the left of where bill clinton is, growing up in arkansas. they have a sense of the heartland, even if hillary's moved a bit over to stage left in this primary season. >> all right. meanwhile, let's talk about this story, it's hard to believe it was only a year ago, the story was revealed regarding rachel dolezal who was running the naacp in spokane, washington. she as it turns out was white, but had presented herself as black. here's what she said at the time. >> are you african-american? >> i don't -- i don't understand the question of -- i did tell you that, yes, that's my dad. and he was unable to come in january. >> are your parents -- are they white? >> well, she didn't want to answer those questions, but she was just on another morning show and now she's got a book coming out and she's got a lot to say. listen to this. >> do you feel now that you have any regrets about some of the things you said about yourself, that have now been revealed to not be true? >> i'm not sure what you're referring to with that, but definitely i don't have any regrets about how i identify. i'm still me. and nothing about that has changed. i do wish that i could have really owned -- you know, given myself permission to name and own the me of me earlier in life. it took me almost 30 years to get there. but certainly i feel like, you know, it's the complex issue. how do you just sum up a whole life of kind of coming in to who you are in a sound bite. >> all right. >> is it a complex issue? >> i just want to explore the me of me. i want to get back to the me of me. she has a career in politics, you do realize that, right? she is perfect, she won't answer questions. and then she bends definitive concepts that have an objective determination. you are white or black unless your parents, one is why would or one is black. she just continues to speak about this as if we're living in a parallel race universe here and if she were a conservative, trying to pull this off, imagine that? imagine if a conservative white woman started saying, i'm black. you'd have like jesse jackson and al sharpton chaining themselves to the studio doors. this is just -- it's bizarre. i think she's frankly probably needs a little help. >> well, she's got a book coming of out so i can hardly wait for that. >> doocy, remember the three dog night, the child is white, the child is black. she's got to have a theme song. she has to produce the identity, we're bending gender and race and politic, anything we have a not bending today? there's no definitive anything. anything goes. so why not? >> three dog night. >> first person who's quoted that on the channel this year. laura, go do your radio show. editor in chief of lifezette. >> good to see you. up next, a fox news alert. the cdc sounding the alarm on the zika virus. everything we look at with this virus seems to be a bit scarier than we initially thought. >> one major city is really at risk. we're live on the ground, next. plus, you know him, you love him for "field of dreams." so guess what we did? we built a curvy couch and kevin costner is coming to live on it. >> what? >> coming here. >> we build it, he will come. there he is in our greenroom. >> he's thinking twice about it now. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones to help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. with the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a non-greasy collar... seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. seresto®. from bayer. ♪ ♪ ♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance works around the clock... to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that can be life-threatening. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are genital yeast infections, kidney problems, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for more information, visit jofor their wedding one searching place oh! yurt. yes! earthy... just rustic. [laughing] oh my gosh. wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uh, how about an island? island, yeah. yeah. yeah. [laughing] were you laughing in your fantasy? yeah! me, too. [gasps] we are back with the fox news alert. an alarming new report about the spread of the zika virus here in the united states of america. >> we absolutely need to be ready, you know, as dr. fauci was saying everything we look at with this virus seems to be a bit scarier than we initially thought. >> as we learned more than two dozen states are now at high risk of the outbreak. >> rob lew from fox 26 is here live with more. good morning, rob. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. it's especially a concern here in houston where we have already been seeing 80-plus degree weather on top of humid conditions and we're not even in the summer mosquito season yet. the health department is reporting a confirmed seven case of the zika virus and that's in addition to the six cases reported by the county health department. it is important to note though that the 13 people did not get the virus here. it's believed they contracted it while traveling through south or central america around the end of the year. now, the health information website recently released a list of cities most at risk, houston came in at number seven. not only because of the warmer weather and population, but those arriving from the countries where zika is most widespread. they're bringing the virus here and then they're bit by mosquitos who transmit it locally. houston cleaned up illegal dump sites in the hopes of reducing the mosquito population and its breeding sites. while four out of five people who get zika don't experience any symptoms it's of particular concern for those who are pregnant.n linked to still births and miscarriages. new research suggests its could be linked to autoimmune disorder including similar to multiple sclerosis. federal health officials are pleading for more money. and even those funds are running out. back to you. >> all right, rob wu, thank you. a stunning admission from the head of the tsa. hundreds of airports don't screen their workers. how are we supposed to feel secure. >> yeah, no kidding. then many people say jordan spieth's masters meltdown reminds them of a classic movie. remember this? >> give me another ball. >> what does kevin costner think of the comparison? we'll ask him next. come on in. question, are my teeth yellow? ...have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow...what do you use? crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten... ...25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten make sure it's ano maintelligent one.. ♪ the all-new audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. ♪ ohomestyle sounds good.. country style, not without it's charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? single-serve vegetarian? sure! there are no rules here. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? hitting six -- >> what the hell is he going to do? >> why would he hit it from here? >> give me another ball. >> dropping the seven. hitting the eighth shot. now he's dropping nine. hitting ten. >> oh, man. that was kevin costner in "tin cup." wait a minute, it looked like what jordan spieth did sunday at the masters. >> yeah. >> between the bunkers, scaring him if he goes long. oh, my goodness. this is -- this is unbelievable. >> in the water. in the water. >> water to the water. joining us now, on the curvy couch, kevin costner. >> thank you for joining us here. >> how many times have the people made the comparison between you, your character in "tin cup" -- >> yeah, i have seen that. you're watching what sports is all about, it's not predestined. this guy is a great player. turn the tv off, watch that what happens. >> remember in the movie rene russo was saying, do it again. do you think his girlfriend was saying, do it? >> oh, my -- >> can't blame her. >> i think the women in our lives die a thousand times sometimes watching us. we nod heads, i don't think that's going on with him. >> is there any sport you're not good at? you're a golfer? >> i can't ice skate. >> okay. >> man, good. >> i wouldn't be in that movie. >> speaking of sports, how many kids do you have, seven? >> mm-hmm. >> you like them to play on the same team. >> regardless of age. >> right. right. >> you know, it just so happened that hazy was good enough to play, a little bit older. so honest to god, anybody watching understands what it's like. they need to be on this side of the town and two practices and to have them on the same team, maybe it's not fair to haze, but it's good for my wife and i. >> is it good enough to get up with the older brother -- >> they need to succeed. that's really important. i wouldn't put him in the situation where he couldn't succeed. so much confidence comes out of sports and so much fun and to, you know, it's not our schedule. but boy, what i was really saying was, we really beat this into the ground, it worked out for us better when they're on the same team. >> that's what happened when you were growing up. >> exactly. >> i think the headline is kevin costner is in the car pool line, right? >> yeah. i mean, by the way that's a phony movie too. i didn't come in second at the u.s. open. i mean, i had this big fat lie where things go wrong and they do. >> to go back to that, you're an 11 handicap. you're a great golfer. >> great baseball player. >> have you been in a moment like that in real life? >> i'm a little stubborn. i play golf once or twice a year. that's it for me. >> you have an 11 handicap and you only play twice? >> i don't think it's 11. i think it's more than that. but yeah, it's just -- it's always taken so much time away from the family. it's a -- if you're a weekend guy, there's 10 or 12 hours away from the kids. like what goes on with mine. >> you have a great life. being a movie star, you can spend a lot of time with your family. occasionally you have to go away and make a movie. you have made a new movie called "criminal" coming out on friday. tell us what it's all about. >> i play a pretty violent guy. but he's kind of almost hard not to watch because he's a life long criminal. our big leap of faith in our movie which is there's some information that only one person has and they're going to play with memory transfer. we know they're doing it with animals in this instance the stakes are so large. i mean, it's not a cliche anymore, somebody wanting to blow up the world. that's what's a little bit sad. >> unfortunately. >> it's always -- no. there are people that want to that. but this information, they go ahead and they take the chance. then i'm basically uncontrollable person out there on the street. because he just reverts back to his kind of survival instincts. all he knows. >> kevin, we have a clip from the movie. here you are where you -- being explained on how this knowledge transfer thing is working. >> yeah. i don't know. let's see what it is. i think -- i think i'm -- >> we'll explain it after we watch it. >> yeah. >> did you work with billy? >> i don't think. anyone like him would have went for someone like me. they stopped billy in my head. i got a scar, see? all this stuff that he knew, all the stuff that he could do, i got it all scrambled up inside me. >> okay. so they have implanted a chip in your head. >> i don't know what they did. i'm not sure. but i'm getting -- i'm getting these flash backs. some of them are tender. some of them are intimate. but all of them are experiences that this -- that my character is unfamiliar with. so that's part of the fun of the movie. and it's -- it's really spontaneous. he's really resourceful out there as he is -- as he finds himself experiencing freedom. >> i mean, i can't believe we're sitting here with you, because i have seen so many of your movies. out of all of them, what's your favorite? >> you know, it's really been impossible for me to drill down, but i think probably the most gratifying thing to me is that when people do come up to me, it could be any one of 12 movies that is for some reason is their favorite. i always feel like i would feel bad if it just drilled down. but, you know, making those cowboy movies, they're always fun. pitching a perfect game at yankee stadium, it doesn't get better than that. riding with the buffalo, something that people haven't done for over a hundred years. so i have had these things i'll never let go of. >> you coach men on how to get women? because in every movie, you have this thing of where you are just like -- you're slow. you're calm. you're collected. you act like nothing going to bother me. every woman loves that. >> yeah. you know, sometimes underneath there's a gigantic panic. especially -- even, you know, when you talk to your kids. what am i going to say about this? later on your kids -- when they're older, go why is you knew what to say? really i didn't as i walked in the bedroom. i was so mad at you, but you always feel like you have said the -- i think that's universal. >> you're a good actor. >> check out the brand-new movie, "criminal" opens on friday. >> he was getting nervous being around us. can't tell. >> thank you. >> thank you. kevin. >> for me it was "dances with wolves." >> good one. one school district made history in their state. they're allowing staff members to bring guns to campus. >> given the situation you will protect staff and students with your firearm. >> is that a good idea? i don't think kevin costner thinks so. from guns in schools, to pot in schools. one state can allow medical marijuana in the classrooms. look at this. it's another round of legal insanity coming up next. >> it's the battle of the bald guys. when you wanna put allergies with nasal congestion on notice, find fast, all-day sweet relief behind the pharmacy counter with claritin-d. [ upbeat music ] strut right on past that aisle... ...and tell your stuffed up nose to stuff it, with claritin-d. a non-drowsy allergy medicine combined with the best oral decongestant. it starts working in as little as 30 minutes. so you can get back to living the good life. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. this summer, an all-american idealist faces off against a diabolical billionaire. >> the american dream is an american nightmare. >> the american dream is dead. >> big money buys the election. >> i'm really rich. >> our campaign does not have a super pac. >> i'm in for $35 million right now. >> excuse me. >> excuse me, i'm talking. >> bing bing bong-bong. [ laughter ] >> america, civil war. >> can somebody tap me please. >> hilarious. >> okay. not a real movie. unlike kevin costner, a real movie star. when i come back i want to come back as kevin costner. >> amen to that. cool dude. >> i can't believe it. i am just -- >> we're all starstruck. >> ainsley said whoever booked him, gets a raise. >> i'm going to find you downstairs and give you a big hug. >> heather agrees. >> i know you're happily married with a new little baby, but i think you have a crush on him. >> he's cute. i'm sure you feel the same way. good morning to you all. i have a couple of headlines. we have a major insecurity taking place at airports. the head of tsa confirms that three american airports require employees to be screened before they get jobs. staff in miami, atlanta and orlando airports under go screens but 297 airports do not require them. homeland security reports 73 private employees have been flagged for terror links since last june alone. hundreds of dueling rallies in north carolina over the so-called bathroom bill that would require people to use bathrooms based on their birth gender. this as another musician joins a ♪ we're talking about jimmy buffett refusing to cancel two sold out cancels saying he doesn't want to let down his fans unlike bruce springsteen. and there's a school district, it's in kings burg, california. near fresno. they're working to stop active shooter situations by allowing certain staff members to carry their guns to school. now, the staff members have to have a concealed carry permit and they will be chosen on a volunteer basis. listen to this. >> the expectation of the superintendent is that given the situation, you will protect staff and students with your firearm. >> those guns also have to be locked up. the school board unanimously approving that new policy making it the second district in the state to do that. what do you think about that? and this fisherman thought he caught the big one, but he landed something much more pointy. take a look. >> we have a -- be careful. oh, my gosh! that's a big [ bleep ] -- >> that was a gator. he was fishing with his twosons in louisiana. instead of finding a tasty little treat, he pulls up a massive jaws from the algaiter in the murky water. oh, the little boys start immediately crying and they say the gator is bigger than the boat. i'd be scared too. those are your headlines. ainsley, over to you. >> thank you so much. colorado might soon allow weed in grade school classrooms. seriously. a bill requiring school nurses and parents to administer medical marijuana prescribed for treatment is being considered by a colorado house committee. currently it is up to the school districts' discretion to decide if this is allowed. but none have allowed it so far. should schools be forced to allow cannabis on the campus? let's bring in dr. keith ablow and dr. arthur aidala for legal insanity. normal or nuts? >> here's the thing. if this is in colorado a legal medicine and that horse left the barn. they decided that. i don't advise that, but they decided it. then the bottom line is it's a medicine like any other. you can't discriminate -- >> like taking tylenol. >> like taking ritalin or adderall. it short circuits the fda because doctors can approve medicines for one use, any use. but this medicine was never approved for anything but the fda. it's legislators deciding they're fda in the state. bizarre. nuts. >> it's up to the doctors. what i'm afraid of here, any kind of abuse, an abuse of the system. so in other words, these medical marijuana in california, right, when i have been to california, a bunch of people i know, they got a little prescription bottle because they have anxiety. now, it's one thing if a 30-year-old person is doing it, but if it's a 15-year-old -- but the flip side, i know the cannabis patches are being used on children to treat cerebral palsy. if this is a legitimate aid to this child, then it should be administered. >> how do you -- >> if the doctors have approved it. >> walking around campus high. >> i don't know what a patch does. opposed to smoking it or ingesting it -- >> it gets you high. >> i have never partaken in a marijuana patch so i cannot testify to that. >> well, you won't be our laboratory. however, here's the problem, why is it marijuana that states legalize. let's say there's another molecule and people start raving about it and they put forward a bill, we think this should be legal in our state despite the fda never looking at it. >> so let me ask you this, we have heard if you smoke too much marijuana, then it kills brain cells. >> i'm absolutely convinced -- i'm sorry to step on your line. for some people it's helpful. but for other, it causes depression. >> just so we're clear, they're doing it in the state of new jersey, they have allowed medical marijuana. they're allowing children who are prescribed by the doctor -- ainsley, again, you're a parent, i'm a parent. the issue, if you went to the doctor, that you and your husband believed in, you and your husband trusted. they said for your child, whatever this is, this is going to help them, and then the school sees, no. we won't let you do it, you'll be annoyed if you trust and believe in your doctor. >> we have a short circuiting of the medical system that we have built and applauded like the fda via legislators and lawyers and you know what? that's not a good -- >> but the legislation and lawyers are relying on the doctors to say this is a medicine. >> another lawyer who never lets it stand in the way -- >> ainsley will be the referee, you will be defeated. >> gladly. >> for the first time. >> i'm waiting for my first defeat. >> keith, arthur, thank you. all right, and have you seen this travel tantrum? have you seen this? look at this. >> you lied to me! you lied to me. i'm sitting here since 8:00 with a 9-year-old who's waiting for her vacation. >> dr. ablow, you think she needs marijuana? >> marijuana patch. >> all right. >> i'm sure she'll be fine. >> all of that because her flight was delayed. did she overreact, or has that happened to you? your e-mails are pouring in. and you saw him bring in the invictus flag earlier today. war hero captain reynolds and his team challenge us to a volleyball game like you have never seen before. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises. she's still talking about kevin costner. >> i know. i'm not alone. heather -- help me out here. >> all right. meanwhile, let's talk about something that has lit up the internet and that is this. american airlines flight 2240 was supposed to leave laguardia at 9:00 p.m. not long ago. as it turns out, because of lousy weather at laguardia the flight was diverted. the plane landed in philadelphia. everybody was delayed 12 hours and one woman who has been waiting a year with her family to go on a disney cruise had had it up to here and let everybody in terminal "a" know about it. >> you lied to me! you lied to me. i'm sitting here since 8:00 with a 9-year-old who's waiting for her vacation and a 13-year-old, and there's no flight -- to say there's no flight? there's no flight! right, we're getting what -- we have been waiting all night for this. i'm waiting for this disney cruise for a year already! >> what's ironic, the mom yelling, and then they're going on the disney cruise. >> the happiest place on earth. >> she's going to be a real happy camper. >> here's the thing. they were so lucky that they didn't actually cancel the flight because ultimately all those people had to go to miami. and the good news is, that plane did arrive in miami at 11:00 in the morning. she was able to get on her cruise along with her shell-shocked family by 5:00 in the afternoon. >> joyful family. >> come on, we're going to have fun now! >> i feel for her. you want to scream or cry. >> we asked for your opinion and we got plenty of them. >> ray e-mails we all need to show some empathy. we don't know what led up to that incident. >> that's right. >> andrew writes, if you're unhappy with airline decisions, do what i did, i bought and fly my own airplane. now it's my decision. andrew, i love that idea. if only we each had millions of dollars. >> sure. >> that would be wonderful. >> adam was here yesterday, he took that option. next up, you have never seen volleyball like this before. invictus games captain reynolds are going to challenge ainsley and pete to a match. oh, man. but first let's check in with bill hemmer. >> those invictus games are going to be something to watch. we have a good old one in the republican race. what you need to know today. also more developments in the murder of the pro football player in new orleans. and rand paul reacts to the president's biggest regrets. and the concerns over the zika virus are much greater than before in the u.s. what changed? martha and i will see you 11 minutes away here on america's newsroom. ♪ i could get used to this. now you can, with the luxuriously transformed 2016 lexus es and es hybrid. ♪ the power of sport inspiring recovery and respect for our wounded warriors, the paralympic style event for sick, injured or wounded service members and veterans was prince harry's brain child. now the third annual invictus games are just weeks away in orlando and for the first time, they're going to be held here in the united states down in florida. last hour, you saw them drive the official flag of the games and arrive here at 1211 avenue of the americas. >> we're inside because it's raining outside. joining us are will reynolds and retired air force captain kiefer. and ceo of the fisher house foundation, ken fisher. all great americans and thanks for joining us today. >> thanks for having us. >> how do you -- captain, how do you explain the invictus games for people who have not heard about them? >> it's all about empowering. basically, the wounded, ill and injured service members that come back from fighting overseas or who have their own difficulties here at home, they have difficulties get backing to the new normal. this is what it's all about. finding the goal again. doing the day in and day out training to find that joy in life again. >> does it really help you? >> absolutely. it's another way to do your physical therapy. it's another way to get that outlet of, you know, relieving stress and another way to set marks and for you to achieve and just help yourself rehabilitate mentally and physically. >> one of the events you do is the volleyball. you want to get into the position? >> yeah. >> sure. >> all right. >> whose team are you on? >> all right. ready to take them down, will? >> there you go. >> back here, i have ken fisher, the ceo of fisher house. one of the founders of the invictus games. all right. and action. >> get at it. >> oh. >> am i supposed to go forward? >> come on, ainsley. it's a team effort, come on. >> that's right. >> how important -- >> i don't think -- >> oh. >> celebration, on the road to recovery. >> yes. >> setting me up. >> also the family impact on it. these games are as muc families >> one of the great things for a lot of these guys, you know, they may have felt i'm never going to be able to participate in -- ainsley, come on. >> i know. >> getting after it here. >> that's right. just, you know, five or ten years ago they were being told what they'd never do again. so this has given them purpose or something to shoot for. it's really a great tool. >> there we go. >> right. this is not an easy sport. i can attest -- i'm tired. [ laughter ] >> oh, man. >> will, did you play? >> i did not. >> no? >> all right. >> this is great. >> there we go. >> and it does sound as if harry is going to be in orlando for the games coming up in may, right? >> yes, he will be there. the first lady will be down. the opening ceremonies are going to be just amazing. >> because harry is there, ainsley and heather will as well. >> we have the invictus flag will be going to orlando. >> there we go. >> we'll roll on live from new york city. pete -- >> pete is doing it the right way. >> we'll be right back. jordan and chelsea were searching for the perfect place for their wedding on oh! yurt. yes! earthy... just rustic. [laughing] oh my gosh. wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uh, how about an island? island, yeah. yeah. yeah. [laughing] were you laughing in your fantasy? yeah! me, too. [gasps] i'm bushed! i've been on my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. can this much love be cleanedrlin' by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. and to help you accelerate,ast. we've created a new company. ♪ one totally focused on what's next for your business. a true partnership where people, technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. ken fisher, the website for the invictus games? >> go to our site and buy tickets. they're going fast. >> prince harry is going to be there. >> go down to disney and watch the games. bill: delegate drama between donald trump and ted cruz escalating by the day. both exchanging accusations of rigged politics. martha: donald trump has been on a war path against what he calls a rigged, corrupt primary process. he says voters are not being heard in this, and ted cruz says that's not what's happening. >> in response, donald has been yelling and


Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20160817 10:00:00

struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future. >> reporter: trump addressing the violent protests in milwaukee, after police shot >> those pedaling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society, a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent, shared directly in the responsibility for the unrest in milwaukee and many other places within our country. >> reporter: he's placing the blame for inner city unrest squarely on what he calls failed democratic policies. >> the african-american community has been taken for granted for decades by the democratic party. it's time for rule by the people, not rule for the special interests. hillary clinton backed policies responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities. >> reporter: with only 83 days until the election, trump is digging in on his combative style, in hopes of turning around his slide in the polls. >> i am who i am. it's he. you have to be you. if you start pivoting, you're not being honest with people. >> reporter: and in just the past few minutes, donald trump has been addressing the additions to his team, putting out this statement, saying, i believe we're adding some of the best talents in politics with the experience and expertise needed to defeat hillary clinton in november and continue to share my message and vision to make america great again. paul manafort also talking about it, saying the team is adding top-tiered talent, not talking about a shake-up, instead addressing this as an expansion. as for donald trump, he'll be receiving his first national security briefing today. it's the first time he'll have access to classified information. alisyn and chris? >> jessica, thanks so much for all that background. let's talk about it. we want to bring in our panel. we have cnn political director david chalion. we have cnn reporter rebecca berg. and cnn political commentator, errol louis. hot off the press just 23 minutes ago, we get this press release announcing this shake-up. what do these changes mean? >> it means the campaign is not going according to plan and not going very well. that's what it means first and foremost. you're 80 days away from a general election. that's not normally the time you're going to shake up the upper echelon of your campaign. as you noted, alisyn, just two months after you already did so. to me, it's a clear recognition that the last two months did not work. >> under paul manafort's leadership. >> i also think we have to remember at the top of this is the candidate. staff matters. i've covered a lot of presidential campaigns where there's a lot of skilled staff, not so skilled staff, and that makes a difference. nothing matters as much as the candidate. when you see him two nights in a row stick to the teleprompter, give a speech that's on message that causes some of the concerns inside the republican party to be assuaged, in addition to make these staff changes, people will start saying, hey, maybe he's putting something together that can get us through to november 8th. >> here's what we know. what david just said, donald trump hates. the idea that -- >> we already know that. >> him being on message and being a good little boy and getting patted on the head by people he doesn't respect and he's been successful against literally makes him physically ill. that was something that had to change. this is not an unusual situation because of where we started. paul manafort had big problems. in his first interview here, w b went right to it. donald trump decided to bring him in. so he brings in one guy who's been telling him he's been doing it wrong. and he brings in somebody who's proven to him that she knows how to do it right in kellyanne. that makes a lot of sense right now. keeping manafort does as well, you could argue. why get rid of him? it only makes it more true, the speculation about him. >> that's true. he wasn't charging the campaign, so there's no expense to keeping him there. he's got a lot of wise counsel to offer. it looked like they've got something of a team. i think kellyanne conway referred to what she called the core four. we know the candidate will make the final decision in this case. having kellyanne conway is important, not just in that there's been a shake-up, but she runs a polling company. she doesn't talk in the language of numbers, but she deeply understands the numbers. >> they give him a nice balance. he's got the old hand in manafort. he's got a real polish eed pro kellyanne conway. then he's got that breitbart pedigree. he's got a mix of all these different things now. you want to bring in rebecca berg? >> yeah, what do you think, particularly about the steve bannon addition? >> well, it's a really interesting choice. if you think about some of the problems that donald trump has right now in terms of his campaign, it's pretty simple. he doesn't have a ground operation. he hasn't been advertising. and he hasn't been staying on message. i'm deeply skeptical that bringing in any new blood is going to fix those problems. steve bannon obviously understands politic, but he hasn't led a political campaign. so he's not steeped in ground operation, advertising, in the way that a more experienced political hand would be. and of course, the issue of donald trump not staying on message, it goes back to what david was saying. that's up to the candidate. that's ultimately donald trump's decision. what donald trump has indicated is he's not really interested in pivoting to a toned down message or changing the way he speaks on the campaign trail. so what i'm curious to see is whether adding steve bannon, adding kellyanne in this new role is going to make any difference in that regard. >> right. so this morning we should be talking about his law and order speech that he gave last night that was supposedly outreach to black voters. again, he's eclipsing his own news this morning by the timing of these announcements. that gets back to the let trump be trump philosophy that he seems to be moving back to with steve bannon. >> but he is eclipsing it with news of trying to right the ship, not with some off message. >> it's also leaked. i don't think they wanted this news to come out when it did. i think it leaked. so he has to deal with it when it falls into the media. but you're right. it does overshadow the speech. then again, is that a good or bad thing? >> yeah, the speech was one that was not only easily forgotten but one that perhaps he would have done well to sort of step on and pretend it never happened. >> because? >> because what did it do for him? so much of this campaign really comes across as an infomercial for people who have already bought the product. you go to an all-white suburb and you talk about law and order. well, is this getting new voters for donald trump? is this actually outreach to the black vote? >> he said it was. he said, i'm asking for the vote of every african-american citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future. >> and i will not set foot in a 40% black city to tell them that. that seems to be what the message is. i think people can read between the lines. frankly, taken from his speech, if there's a choice between a politician who will pander to you and one who will ignore you, i think most voters will make the choice that at least somebody who's pandering is offering us something, even a hope or a promise that we can call them on later. donald trump in the republican party generally has not done that. this is why the high point of black voters for republican presidential candidates was gerald ford with only 16%. >> but i would argue it's not just the direct appeal to african-american votes that was the goal of last night's speech but also to appeal to independent republicans who may be reluctant to the trump candidacy that he's willing to try to do some outreach. i think there are two things going on there. remember, he still has work to do with the republican base. that's not completed work. his numbers of republican support compared to hillary clinton's number of democratic support in the polls, he has work to do with his own party. so i think some of this is aimed at doing that work, not trying to get his 1% up to 5% necessarily. >> 1% is the number of trump support that they see in the new poll. put it up there. >> for african-american voters. >> this is hard to believe. >> only 1%? >> yeah, that it's only 1%. you're saying it's much too high? 1% has got to be artificially low. but it does show the discrepancy issues. rebecca, the virtue of donald trump returning to what got him there. yes, all the big brains have said what he did in the primary won't work in the general. he can't just go with this one faction of his party. he's got to expand his base. at the end of the day, if you're donald trump and you look at your best chances to win this election, how do you turn away from yourself? >> you can't be suddenly a totally new person. i mean, we've seen in past elections how that tends to fail. you come off as a flip-flopper. donald trump doesn't need to completely reinvent himself, but it does help to moderate your tone a little bit. you are generally speaking to a completely new audience. a republican primary audience is not the audience you're going after in the general election. now donald trump needs to be appealing to suburban, college educated voters who are undecided at this stage. they have completely different interests, completely different values, completely different priorities than the republican electorate in a primary setting. so it's not really saying that he needs to become a new person and a new candidate, but he does need to direct his message, target his message, and try to speak to these new people and bring them into the fold, but he hasn't really done that yet. >> and it sounds like with this ship that that's not what he's doing. he's returning to what got him here, and he wants the let trump be trump, shoot from the hip, the success of the primary, and that got him 13.3 million voters, but hard to know if that will get him more now. >> it can never hurt to bring in quality, right. kellyanne was already in there doing the polling, but having her more involved, that can't hurt you. i don't know what bannon offers in terms of expanding the base. breitbart has been determined to be one specific thing in this campaign, and it is not a broad based building coalition outlet. >> panel, stick around. we have much more to talk to you about. coming up in our next hour, trump's former campaign manager corey lewandowski joins us live to talk about this latest campaign shake-up. and another development. congress now has its hands on the fbi's report to the justice department explaining its recommendation of no charges in hillary clinton's use of private e-mails as secretary of state. now, the clinton campaign is blasting republicans, arguing that the classified report should be made public for you to see as well. that's an odd turnabout in play here. cnn investigative correspondent chris frates live in washington with more. their initial reaction was this shouldn't be released. now they're saying everyone should have it. >> that's exactly right, chris. hillary clinton's e-mail problems really continuing to dog her campaign. yesterday the fbi sent congress a classified report explaining why it recommended against charging clinton in connection with her use of a private e-mail server as secretary of state. the report contains notes from interviews with clinton and other material related to the investigation. the decision to release the information in a case where charges are not brought is extremely rare. in a statement, the fbi said it provided the report to congress with the expectation it won't be made public. but the news drew a sharp response from the clinton cam pap, who said republicans were only looking to second-guess the fbi. in a statement, the campaign said this. they said, we believe that if these materials are going to be shared outside the justice department, they should be released widely so that the public can see them for themselves rather than allow republicans to mischaracterize them through selective, partisan leaks. top republican senator chuck grassley seemed to agree with clinton, saying much of the material in the report is unclassified and should be made public. in a letter to lawmakers, the fbi reiterated director jaemes comey's opinion that her actions were extremely careless but it did not warrant prosecution. judging by the fireworks the report generated on capitol hill yesterday, the political battle over clinton's e-mails is far from over. alisyn, back to you. >> okay, chris. you've given us a lot of food for thought there. our political panel will weigh in and debate all of that coming up next. tempur-pedic mattresses is that they contour to your body. it keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. change your sleep, change your life, change to tempur-pedic. learn how you can change your sleep by requesting a free sample of tempur material. call or click today. by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems. hillary clinton's e-mail problems may not be a legal issue, but they're certainly a political issue. even more so now with the latest turn of events. an fbi report with notes on clinton's interview with the bureau over her private e-mail is now in the hands of congress. the clinton campaign is making an interesting play here. they're saying everybody should see it, make it public. let's bring back david chalieon. federal agents, they do not put you under oath. they do not transcribe. they do not record very often in the context of these kinds of interviews. >> voluntary interviews. >> but they take notes. so what could be in there? >> well, the notes of the different topics that got discussed in that interview that jim comey gave us a window into when he held his press conference and went to capitol hill about what was discussed. this carelessness among the e-mails seems to be something that was discussed in the interview with secretary clinton. then what we don't know yet is what i would love to know the most out of these notes. what in the notes, in the portion of the conversation about the markings of classification that she didn't seem to know to be classified material. to me, those little -- >> they were misclassified. didn't we get that explanation? >> but we don't have the readout of the interview about how she responded. from her telling of it, she has spoken publicly just the way that she spoke privately with the fbi. >> errol, the clinton campaign basically is suggesting this is a fishing expedition, that director comey put this to bed. the fbi went through it. they heard all the testimony. this is the clinton statement. we believe that if these materials are going to be shared outside the justice department, they should be released widely so the public can see them for themselves rather than allow republicans to mischaracterize them. so what more is congress doing here? >> i think there's some truth to this. they want to find -- and i think we all heard this. the reaction to comey's press conference was immediate. from people who had long praised him an the fbi, all the sudden a complete reversal. there's something wrong here. there's something that's not quite on the level, comey should resign, all kinds of things started coming out of the mouths of the partisan politicians on capitol hill. they want to be in this game. they want to control and be part of this whole discussion. what the clinton campaign is y saying wisely, look, let's give this to the voters. let's not decide this in yet another ten-hour hearing on capitol hill or on the steps of capitol hill or in commercials being cut by different republicans running for re-election. she wants this in the political realm, nowhere near the legal realm. what we're going to see is people are going to seize on something. there will be something in those notes. some notes, some suspicion. >> a discrepancy. >> not even a discrepancy. just a reference to a possible crime. let's keep in mind, that's what the fbi is about. they want to find out was some kind of a law broken. there will be something in there saying, i wonder if a law was broken. people are going to jump on that and say, a-ha, the fbi knew she was breaking the law, lock her up, and the whole thing starts to tumble down the same hill we've seen it go down for months now. >> the republicans are right about one thing. the fbi is what eerrol just sai. they're in the job of proving fault. this time comey did both jobs effectively. rebecca, ultimately the political reality is what we see in the polls on this issue. let's put up some numbers and talk about how this is playing, what we see in the state of play between the two candidates. florida is a big battleground state. a few weeks ago, it was knotted up, which was a great indication of how tight this race could be. now, not so much. hillary clinton up nine points there. gary johnson and jill stein somewhat irrelevant. what do you see in those numbers? >> she's having a very good month. make no mistake about it. when you dive down a little deeper into these polling numbers, you see that hillary clinton is still consistently under water on the question of whether she is honest and trustworthy. that's where these e-mails and the continuing discussion about them is really going to hurt her in the long run because this is an issue she and her campaign, unsurprisingly, would love to be able to move past, turn the page on, move on to something they would like to be talking about. the fact that congress is getting this report, that new e-mails keep surfacing, this conversation keeps going on and on, it's really damaging for her campaign in the long run because it reminds voters about these misgivings that they already have about her. >> but at the same time, it's not affecting her sort of overall numbers in the battleground states. let's look at virginia, david. clinton said 52% to trump's 38% in virginia. so i hear what rebecca is saying, that the trustworthiness continues to dog her. but at the end of the day, seems like voters might be able to get past that. >> we should not forget it was just eight years ago that barack obama was the first democrat to flip that state to democrat. >> since, what, 1964. >> to chris' point, i totally agree. it is baked in, i believe. i don't think hillary clinton can take on more damage on the e-mail issue. i think the damage is there. it has been a huge part of this campaign. by the way, there's no getting past it. this is going to be with her and the campaign all the way through november 8th. i don't see the honest and trustworthy numbers, or the favorable/unfavorable numbers getting dramatically worse or going down some slide. it is bad and baked in. >> the problem that trump has, the reason he's behind -- look, my personal opinion is 80% of it is because he attacked the gold star family. that's where you started to see a precipitous slide. people aren't necessarily going to forgive that, but he has time to get around that. some other percentage of why he is behind is that he has not been advertising. if you have 40-something million dollars worth of unanswered attacks from your opponent, you've got to the get in the game. or the numbers will go against you. that's what we're seeing. m >> they just announced a major buy. that's one of the headlines that's going to be under water today because of the big headline. they are starting to play more of that game. we know why trump hadn't done it. rebecca, trump hadn't done it because we were doing it for him. he got an unparalleled amount of media attention, so he was able to get his message out there. he's not happy with the tone of the coverage as what's been coming out of his mouth has been getting him in more trouble, so he's got to do ad buys. >> exactly. donald trump as we've seen has a small frame of reference when it comes to politics, so he keeps looking back to his success in the primary and saying, okay, what did i do then that worked? we should apply that to the general election. i think most of us in politics would say that's not really how it really works. because he was successful in the primary without advertising, he's thinking, well, let's see how i can do the in general election without advertising too. but as you mentioned, we see some ads coming down -- al thoerks though, i haven't seen what the reservation is going to be. how much is he actually spending? these are really big questions and really relevant to how successful it's going to be. >> okay. rebecca, errol, david, thank you very much. >> quick programming note, it's not just about the democrats and the republicans. you have the libertarian and the green party. they haven't had their shot at a town hall yet. they're going to have it tonight. you get to meet the ticket. it's going to be hosted by me at 9:00 eastern. as always, the questions come from the audience, people who are living issues, who care deeply about it. >> all right. meanwhile, the death toll on the flood waters keep rising in louisiana. nearly a third of all of the state's parishes are now approved for emergency aid. we have a live report on what's going on there next. [ ghost voice ] the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. oh -- ohhh! she slimed me. [ laughs ] all right. we're going to take you to louisiana now because it is far from over and in many regards it is worse. the death toll is now up to 11. flood warnings have been extended in baton rouge and other affected areas. cnn's boris sanchez live in louisiana with more. boris, this situation lacked the initial violent impact that we see with a hurricane, so for some people outside louisiana, it's been easier to ignore. but it's not getting any better there. tell us about it. >> reporter: exactly, chris. that's what's so unprecedented about this. this wasn't a named storm or a very powerful storm, but it was one that was consistent and dropped almost 7 trillion gallons of water on the state of louisiana. in some places, fortunately, the water is receding. in others, like where i'm standing right now, it's not going anywhere. you can see behind me there are homes that are inaccessible right now. you simply can't get inside. there are also still dozens of highways and roads that are closed. i should point out, as a matter of fact, on the other side of the street, you can't see it now because it's dark, but the ascension parish courthouse is also inundated. it's not just homes, it's also government buildings that are shut down. more than 60,000 people have had to request assistance from fema. they will certainly need it because there are tens of thousands of people that are displaced in shelters right now. there's also a curfew in place here in ascension parish, partly because of safety, also because of crime. ten people were arrested last night because of looting, alisyn. >> oh, boris. my goodness. it just looks like the chaos there is not yet getting any better. tens of thousands of people displaced. boris, thank you very much for all of that. so donald trump is just hours away from getting his first national security briefing. what will intelligence officials tell him? we have two former cia members here to tell us. that's next on "new day." ...clear for take off. see ya! when you're living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. and i'm michael howard. we left on our honeymoon in january 2012. it actually evolved into a business. from our blog to video editing... our technology has to hang tough with us. when you're going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. the touch, combined with the screen resolution... a mac doesn't have that. we wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. once you take that leap, that's where the magic happens. 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"credit karma. give yourself some credit." breaking political news this morning. donald trump shaking up his campaign staff again, naming a new chief executive and campaign manager. this announcement comes just hours before trump will receive his first classified national security briefing from intelligence officials. so here to explain what goes on in those briefings is the author of "the president's book of secrets." he's a former cia intelligence officer, as well as phil mudd, a former counterterrorism official. gentlemen, great to have you here. i can't think of two better guests to walk us through what's going to happen today. david, let me start with you. you did this for a living. you briefed the attorney general and the nsa adviser, the top of the national security bureau, about the intelligence briefings every morning. so how does it work? what do you say to them? how is it delivered? >> yeah, there are different kinds of briefings, alisyn. you've got the president's daily brief, which goes to each president and whomever he designates to receive it. that's the job i had, delivering the pdb downtown. these candidates are not getting the president's daily brief. they're not getting the crown jewels of u.s. intelligence. they're getting, no kidding, classified briefings, but they don't contain the intelligence sources and methods and all of the in-depth information about intelligence. >> okay. so phil, what kinds of things is donald trump likely to learn today? >> look, the conversations, as david said, will be broad. the conversations about things like iran and the iranian threat from things like ballistic missiles, stability in north korea, where we are in the south china sea, where we are with russia and europe and crimea. these aren't whatever mr. trump or secretary clinton want to talk about. this is what the white house says can be discussed by intelligence officials at a broad level. one quick comment, as david mentioned, if for example you have a conversation about north korea, it might be about the state of stability in the country. it's not going to be about what kind of access u.s. intelligence has to the north korean inner circle. that's the difference between these briefings and something the president of the united states might get. >> david, any fear that one of these candidates, because hillary clinton will be receiving this same information at some point, that donald trump or hillary clinton will inadvertently release some information that they're given? >> that has never happened before. this is a tradition that's gone on for 70-plus years. we've never had a candidate who's gone out and talked about the explicit information within the briefing. it's always a possibility, but there's a safeguard against that. usually in the campaign, there's a series of briefings for the presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate. if someone were to be go out and blurt classified secrets, chances are those briefings would be rolled back. that's always an option the sitting president has. >> you know, phil, it's sort of interesting this is going to happen. one of these people is going to lose. so one of these people is probably most likely going to become president and one of them is not. so why are they both privy to such sort of special information? >> look, they're going into a situation where they're talking to the american people and preparing potentially to be a president elect in november about some of the most important issues facing america. issues like how we confront russia and syria, issues about how iran is involved in places like iraq where american soldiers are in conflict zones. so i think you've got two stages here. how do you prepare candidates to talk to the american people, including in the debates that are coming up, and then quickly, you've got to transition, alisyn, in november to potentially daily conversations with a candidate that are presidential. i don't think you want to start that from 0 to 60 in november. you want to build up as you're doing now in august, september, october for that day when one of these will be the president elect. >> let me amplify on something phil said there. >> yeah, go ahead. >> the purpose of the briefings is to prepare them for the duties of the presidency, but also to prevent them from inadvertently saying something catastrophically stupid on the campaign trail. when i got information from jimmy carter for my book, he said he relished these pre-election briefings because he did not want to say something that would put then-president ford into a bad situation on national security, nor did he want to box himself into something stupid when he became president. >> oh, that's interesting. sort of the flip side. when you have more information, you can actually be more quiet about it. phil, donald trump is bringing, we understand, chris christie and general michael flynn with him today. will those guys also be privy to the same intelligence briefing? >> we'll see. my judgment, alisyn, would be yes. let's take those names out, off the table. i know in some circles, they're controversial. let's make this anonymous. a presidential candidate wants to turn across the table and talk to key advisers about information he or she is receiving. should that individual, that presidential candidate, a nominee of a major party, have the right to bring somebody into the room so it's not just a one on one with the candidate. my answer would be a clear yes. it can be chris christie, it can be somebody else, but i think a candidate should have the right to have somebody in the room to speak about what he's hearing. the alternative to have a one on one with a briefer sounds odd. you've got to have a group of people to talk. those advisers in this case are chris christie and a former general. >> david, can the candidate request specific things, something they want to build on or know more about? can they ask questions? >> absolutely. and previous presidential candidates have done this. it can happen in two ways. one way is in the briefing itself. they can receive information about something and then ask the briefer for a follow-up, for details, for implications. the other way is when they're setting up their next briefing because there can be more one of these briefings during the campaign. often the candidates will submit lists of questions. back in 1976, i believe it was, jimmy carter submitted a list of dozens of questions that he wanted his briefers to cover. an important point, when that happens, that information is also provided to the other candidate because these intelligence briefings are scrupulously neutral. the objective is not to politicize. the objective is to equally inform the candidates. >> guy, thanks so much for peeling back the curtain on all of this for us. david, phil, thank you very much. >> thank you. all right. let's get to the good news. the summer olympics in rio. the real winners today might be two runners who finished dead last. what a story. this is what the olympics is all about with a twist at the end, next. what if a company that didn't make cars made plastics that make them lighter? 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credit karma. i wish i was that on top of it. you could be. totally. it's free okay i'll try it. ah credit karma. give yourself some credit. may i? uhhh. yeah. ok jane? text me sometime okay to the olympics. team usa crushing the competition. simone biles clinching another gold medal. she took the floor last night, and that is the place where she is at her best and did not disappoint. how do i know? cnn sports anchor coy wire told me. that's how i know. live in rio with the right shirt on today. >> reporter: yeah, red, white, and blue, chris. team usa down here with more medals than led zeppelin. just continuing to dominate these games. let's get you caught up. usa adding nine more medals yesterday, extending that lead over china, who's in second. look out, get britain in third by only one. we have to talk about this amazing finish for the final five, as they've been called, america's sweethearts. the usa women's gymnastics squad leaving rio as the most decorated team in u.s. olympic history. america's golden girl is back. simone biles tumbling, flipping her way to her fourth gold medal, this time the floor exercise. her score nearly half a point higher than her nearest competitor. biles' teammate aly raisman also giving a stunning performance. her parents nervously watching as their daughter takes the silver. their medals making the final five the most successful women's u.s. gymnastics team in olympics history. the three biggest stars of team usa gracing the cover of "sports illustrated." biles, michael phelps, and katie ledecky. on the track, jenny simpson taking home bronze in the 1500 meters. she's the first american to ever medal in that event. and usain bolt easily winning his heat in the 200 meters, advancing him to the semifinals later today. >> it's been good. can't complain. i'm tired. i can tell what shape i'm in, i'm feeling. i knew the first round was going to be rough. in the sun, i'm not a morning person. >> reporter: and a collision on the track during the 5,000 meters, new zealand's nikki hamblin taking down d'agostino. both women going on to finish in a moment of pure sportsmanship at these olympic games. all right. huge upset last night, guys. kerri walsh jennings and april ross lost to host nation brazil. they play for bronze tonight. what else today? women's 200-meter final, women's long jump, and also, alisyn, men's basketball. win or go home time. they have had some close ones. it's argentina in the quarterfinals. >> so exciting, coy. we love how you break it down for us. anybody who can work in led zeppelin to a sports report, i like it. we'll talk to you later in the program. all right. time for cnn money now. health insurer etna is dropping out of obamacare exchanges in 11 states. what does that mean for you? christine romans is in our money center. >> good morning. the latest big health insurer to drop out here. it'll operate now in just four states next year. delaware, iowa, nebraska, and virginia. it had 838,000 customers at the end of june in its obamacare exchanges. so now many of those people have to find new plans. they say they lost $400 million on obamacare policies since 2014. its policyholders are sicker and costlier than expected. other insurers are feeling that as well. united health care is exiting most obamacare exchanges next year. humana also dropping coverage in certain areas. several blue cross blue shield companies are also scaling back. the challenge now is making sure there are enough choices for consumers. the critics of obamacare say this all shows the law is not working. you'll see this is going to become campaign fodder, guys. >> all right. appreciate it, christine. let's take a quick break. two huge moves in the election. donald trump gave a big speech last night about law and order that may or may not have helped him broaden his base. we'll tell you why. and then, this political blowout shaking up his team, bringing in a really controversial person. who is it and why, next. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. the surface pro 4 is the most powerful computer i've ever used everything that i do is really fast, and this is the best tool for running my business. perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if 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doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at law and order must be restored. the problem in our poorest communities is not that there are too many police. the problem is that there are not enough police. >> is that a message from donald trump that will appeal to black voters and his law and order speech last night in a suburb of milwaukee after unrest in that city. now, he also argued that clinton is against the police and accused her of betraying the black community. how will that play? let's discuss. cnn political commentator and author of "nobody: casualties of america's war on the vulnerable" from ferguson to flint and beyond. marc lamont hill. and former secret service agent. good to have both of you this morning. so there aren't enough police, that's the problem with these poor black communities. your take? >> two problems with that. one, empirically it's just not true. second, it doesn't resonate with black people. when black people hear law and order, according to studies, it doesn't suggest law and order. it suggests get tough, crack heads, divide the community, all the things you don't want when you want to bring the community together. >> so dan, another piece here. the sheriff there said you people keep trying to want to fix the police, fix the ghetto. and then there was a piece of sound that many people jumped on to say, hey, this is an inaccurate portrayal of what's being said down there. let's play one of the family members of the victim. >> y'all burning down [ bleep ] we need in our community. take that [ bleep ] to the suburbs. burn that [ bleep ] down. y'all want to hurt somebody, take that [ bleep ] farther out. don't do it here. don't bring the violence here and the ignorance here. >> now, there's significance of two levels. one, you had somebody speaking to their community, telling them to be better than what they were seeing. the other part is the first part of the bite was take it to the suburbs. that part of the bite was not widely used. your take? >> yeah, listen, chris. we view everything in this world on the margin, right. what she said on net was awful. i don't care if she opened up in the beginning with some nice comment about be better. telling people to go bring violence to the suburbs where i live, burn my house down and take violence to my kids, you know, she can go pound sand. her message was one of hate. it was filled with hate. and on net, i don't really care if she opened it up with a good thing. charlie manson may have picked up gum off the sidewalk once in his life. it didn't make him a good guy. you don't call for violence in the suburbs to innocent people and to burn their house down and then get some kind of a pat on the back for being some social justice warrior. i'm sorry. she can go pound sand. terrible message. >> is there any mitigating what dan just said? >> i think it's a little more complicated than that. i think it was an argument to say, look, why destroy your own community. i think it was less her advocating destroying the suburbs and more stop destroying your own communities. but i agree, the ultimate goal here shouldn't be to destroy anything. it should be to build something. that's what i want to see happen. >> let's talk about that, dan. you know what donald trump said last night. there's a new poll up that i believe has to understate the support he has in the black community because it says african-americans, 1% of them, are going to vote for him, and 91% are going to vote for hillary clinton. we've never heard of a number like that. historically the gop winds up about 12%. i think once it was 17%. so this was an area that was identified, especially after the 2012 elections, as we need to expand our base. we have to make an argument that democrats have ruled these communities and kept them the way they are. why isn't that translating through the trump campaign? >> yeah, you know, chris, this is one of the great mysteries of my life. if i was granted omnipotence by the lord tomorrow to change one thing, it would be to be able to walk into the black community and largely in inner cities and say, please, look at what's happening here. i mean, these communities have been ruled monopolistically by far left big government liberals for decades. in some cases since the '20s and '30s. these communities have been driven into the ground. i mean, you don't have to be a scientist to look at the evidence, the correlational evidence right in front of you. liberalism correlates with poverty and high crime every single place it's been tried. yet, you have some members of the black community which support the democratic party, which continues to bankrupt them. i wish i could change it. i wish the trump campaign could as well. >> first part of that statement drew a wince. why? >> there's nothing far left about chicago, baltimore, philadelphia. these are, i agree, democratic machines -- >> what? >> i'm going to tell you. they're democratic machines but they're not far left. michael nutter was the mayor of philadelphia. no one would call him far left. it's not exactly cuba there. the other piece of, this and you said you're not a scientist, and i'm glad you said there, there's a different between correlation and causality. there's a connection between these very poor places and democratic machines, but being democratic doesn't cause you to be poor. there's a lot of top-down policies that enable this to happen. in a place like ferguson, for example, the flight of jobs is far more important, the destruction of public housing is more influential than who's the mayor. same thing in baltimore. we need a new way out, but the new way out isn't just to crack down on democrats and bring republicans in. we need new policies that bring in jobs, that bring in investment, and that change the relationship between police and community. that's not a partisan issue. >> gentlemen, good conversation to have. appreciate it as always. there is some huge news coming out of the campaign. let's get right to it. good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day." we begin with breaking news. donald trump shaking up the top of his campaign again. trump naming a new chief executive as well as a campaign manager. >> trump insiders say that the candidate is fed up with being boxed in, and he has brought in a real fire cracker, somebody from the political fringe. we're going to tell you about it. the change is supposed to be making trump even more of himself. remember, they've been trying to get him to be his best self. now it's going to be hammer, hammer, hammer. we have this story covered the way only cnn can. let's begin with jessica schneider live at trump tower in new york. this is a big story because of who he's bringing in and because of what they're going to do, jessica. >> reporter: yeah, you know, chris, the campaign is actually trying to spin this as an expansion rather than a shake-up. this really does change the balance of power on this campaign. paul manafort's role will be diminished. instead, kellyanne conway will step in from senior adviser to now be trump's right-hand woman, if you will. she'll be traveling with the candidate. steve bannon will be stepping down temporarily from his role as executive chairman of breitbart news. he'll be moving in as what they're calling ceo of the campaign. trump is terming it as a way to bolster the business-like approach to his campaign. donald trump shaking up his campaign leadership team again for the second time in two months. >> people want to criticize donald trump. >> reporter: senior adviser kellyanne con way confirming she's been promoted to campaign manager. the executive chairman of breitbart news, steve bannons now the campaign's chief executive. the campaign's embattled manager, paul manafort, will stay on, despite his relationship with trump going sour in recent weeks. >> the campaign is doing really well. it's never been so well united. >> trump is very plugged in. he's very connected. >> reporter: manafort is under investigation by ukrainian authorities for allegedly receiving millions in illegal payments from the country's former pro-russian ruling party. this is the second major shake-up for trump's team. back in june, he fired corey lewandowski, weeks before the republican convention. >> he's a good man. we've had great success. he's a friend of mine. but i think it's time now for a different kind of a campaign. >> i had a nice conversation with mr. trump. i said to him, it's been an honor and a privilege to be part of this. >> reporter: the news comes as trump tries to appeal to black voters in wisconsin, but the audience was mostly white. >> i'm asking for the vote of every african-american citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future. >> reporter: trump addressing the violent protests in milwaukee after police shot and killed a black man saturday. >> those pedaling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society, a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent, shared directly in the responsibility for the unrest in milwaukee and many other places within our country. >> reporter: he's placing the blame for inner city unrest squarely on what he calls failed democratic policies. >> the african-american community has been taken for granted for decades by the democratic party. it's time for rule by the people, not rule for the special interests. hillary clinton backed policies responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities. >> reporter: with only 83 days until the election, trump is digging in on his combative style, in hopes of turning around his slide in the polls. >> i am who i am. it's he. you have to be you. if you start pivoting, you're not being honest with people. >> reporter: and donald trump releasing a statement this morning about how he's viewing these campaign changes, saying, i believe we're adding some of the best talents in politics, with the experience and expertise needed to defeat hillary clinton in november and continue to share my message and vision to make america great again. now, meanwhile, donald trump will get his first national security briefing today. it's the first time he'll have access to classified information. chris? >> all right. but the most important information this morning is unclassified, and it is this change. let's discuss. corey lewandowski, cnn political commentator and former donald trump campaign manager. yes, he's still receiving severance payments from the trump campaign. corey, bringing in bannon, breitbart, citizens united, doing thiad work there. this makes manafort look like a puppy, you like a kitten. breitbart has writers who call trump hitler. bringing him into the campaign, a surprise to you? >> no, i think what you have is you've got a candidate who wants to win. this is a clear indication of that. if you look at steven bannon and what they built at breitbart, it's win at all costs. i think that makes some people on the left very afraid because they're willing to say and do things that others in the mainstream media wouldn't do. they've attacked the mainstream media on multiple occasionoccas. i think that's the type of mind set the campaign wants to prove to the clinton people, that they're going to take this fight directly to her. >> yeah, but how matters. this is part of the criticism. if you do it by lying and saying things are wrong, by being crude and mean, you're actually playing into his weaknesses, not his strengths. how do you view it? are you afraid? he's going to take it to her twice as much as he has and it's going to get personal. >> first off, i'm always up for new deck chairs on the trump-tanic. the problem is trump. it was never corey. it's not mr. manafort. it's not these new people. corey didn't go to donald trump. i know, believe me. he's too nice. he didn't go to trump and say, hey, i have an idea, let's attack p.o.w.s. manafort didn't say, let's attack a gold star family. this is trump. i know this because i'm advising a super pac that's attacking him. if you did a word cloud of people's descriptions of trump, the biggest word would be temperament. they worry that he doesn't have the character, judgment, temperament to be president. if this new team is a bunch of flame throwers, like you say, that's going to worsen his problem, not make it better. he needs to bring his team together and say, look, i know i have my base, your job is to get me voters i don't already have. i don't think that this guy from breitbart, very successful, but they're successful in the same pool of voters trump already had. >> but they're very different animals in terms of where they come from. the good news may be, corey r kellyanne conway. she's the pollster there now. she will travel with trump. big sacrifice for her. she's got young kids. so she's going to be with him. that may help leaven this. might that balance it out ? >> it's important that kellyanne is with him as often as possible. number one, it's a woman. he needs a high-profile woman he can listen to and understand what the gender gap is. she's an excellent person when it comes to message development. she's done this for a long time. she had a very successful polling company. she also brings a sense of calmness to donald trump. she understands that when things are fired up, she has this calming effect on him and allows him to manage and message him in a way he wants to do it and he's comfortable with, not trying to tell him what to say, but highlighting some of the message points that will resonate better with specific items. her being on the plane is something i think that's been lacking which is that senior leadership. >> so you see this as a check and balance. bringing in breitbart, you know, is a decided thing. they will start putting out attack pieces on me and on this show and on this. you'll see exactly what their full flavor is. then on the other side, you have somebody who does not play that way. kellyanne has been very effective, but not that way. no concern from you about trump doubling down on being all out, scorched earth, attacking clinton. . >> i think you have what is he's building up that leadership team. he wants to have people around him who want to win at all costs. >> what does that mean, at all costs? >> i think you have with donald trump a person who wants to be true to himself. that got him through primary process, by being true to himself. now what you've seen over the last 60 days is his poll numbers have deteriorated following the republican convention. some of that has been blamed on the fact that people continue to tell him to do things he doesn't feel comfortable doing. you saw him say yesterday, i'm not going to pivot, i'm going to be the same donald trump. that's the right thing to do when you're running for office. you want to tell the people who you are and let them make the decision when they go to the ballot box. that's what the american public is all about. >> he was whooping up on hillary clinton in polls early on when he was in his most fullsome representation of himself. >> when he's his true self is when he attacks a man's disability. when he's his true self is when he attacks the entire immigrant population or the entire muslim faith. that, it seems to me s the real donald trump that voters are seeing. a staff shake-up doesn't cure that. it might even worsen it. that's the real donald trump. people keep saying, when is he going to get back on message? the hateful division is the message. >> so what does this do to his relationship with the party? this is the opposite of what they want, right. everybody in republican leadership or at the party has been saying to him, stay on teleprompter. i know he hated that advice. i know he thought it was wrong on some visceral gut level. but if he comes out and now says he's going the full scorched earth policy, this is who i am, i'm not pivoting, what does that do to those relationships? >> i think what you saw last night was donald trump gave a speech on the teleprompter last night, talked about law and order, talked about how to make our city safe again, did outreach to the african-american community. >> by saying you need even more cops? >> you know what he said? he said there's an alternative. he said the democratic party has taken advantage of you for the last 30 years. you're not better off today than you were eight years ago. hillary clinton's approval numbers, trust and honesty, are at 11%. we saw a candidate from new hampshire yesterday not be able to answer the question if they thought hillary clinton was honest and trustworthy. she's the sitting governor of the state. that includes democrats and republicans have a question on her honesty. donald trump is authentic. he's a change agent. if you want change and you look at congressional approval ratings, it's at 11%. congress is in the wrong direction. if you want change in washington, there's only one candidate that's going to bring that. >> if the ultimate downside to donald trump is crass and the ultimate downside to hillary clinton is can't be trusted, who wins that race? >> well, look at the polls. p hillary does. >> maybe that's because he hasn't been playing his game. >> there's been two things happening. i don't think the problem with trump is he's being too disciplined. i think the problem is he's being himself. i am for corey's strategy of let trump be trump because the country hates trump. yeah, they're angry with hillary too, but it's not that close right now. hillary is laying out policy ideas and people like it. she had a very successful convention. it was not just flame throwing at the other side. it was a lot of ideas, a lot of policies. here's what i'm going to do to revive the economy. here's what i'm going to do to try to improve our standing in the world. trump doesn't seem to be comfortable in that mode because it's not really his mode. his mode is really the division and the nativism and the stuff that people hate. that's the real donald trump. >> this requires a little realtime thinking. let's play on the idea of is correlation causation. when the polls were knotted up between trump and clinton, and i think he even edged ahead, he was full on hammer, taking it to her personally. all he talked about was her trustworthiness. do you believe that's the magic sauce for him? >> i think you have to put lead on the target. there were missed opportunities about the fbi's investigation that weren't talked about. there were missed opportunities about sheryl mills doing work for the clinton foundation or volunteering or whatever she was doing. i think there are missed opportunities from the campaign over the last two to three weeks that have not had the trump campaign responding directly to the mistakes that the clinton campaign has been making. now we're going to see that change. >> what's your take on it? >> the trump campaign is a dumpster fire. donald trump is inside the dumpster. now he's decided he's going to pour more gasoline on his own head. trump's problem, it's that most people don't think he has the judgment and character and temperament to be president. you don't cure that by doubling down on the thing they're worried about. he needs to find a way to reach out to younger people, to people of color, to women. none of this suggests that's what he's going to do. >> the real problem here that we have going into it is first of all, you guys are going to come back next hour so we can keep talking about this conversation. you know who i'm worried about this in dynamic is the voters. if trump doubles down on going after the personal and integrity issues and trust, you're going to have to respond. she's not going to be able to elevate and talk about economic policy and her ideas to make america better if she's getting attacked all the time and the voters wind up making a choice between who is less worse. >> our super pac has done negative trumps on ad. her campaign is not doing that. never interrupt your opponent when he's destroying himself. hillary is not answering in kind. she's not attacking trump. >> there's plenty of personal stuff. >> nonsense. >> come on. >> his plan stinks. that's what a campaign should be about. >> his first commercials will be on friday. what we see is a super pac is puling back in some of those states to shepherd their resources for later on. they have a lot of rich donors. hillary clinton is going to be an extension of tgsion of the o administration, which means nothing is going to change. >> all right. let's pick it up in the next hour. alisyn? historic flooding now cla claiming 11 lives in louisiana. flood warnings are extended in baton rouge and other affected areas. boris sanchez is live in louisiana. he's right in the thick of it. boris, what's the latest this morning? >> reporter: hey, good morning, alisyn. there is good news. the water is receding in some areas, but in others, like where i am now, it is simply not moving. you can see behind me there's still many homes that are inaccessible. dozens of roads are shut down. as a matter of fact, not far from here, neighbors were digging out a ditch in order to route the water out of this neighborhood. across the street from us, you may not be able to see it now because it's still dark out, but the ascension parish courthouse is also inundated. it's not just residents that are having a hard time assessing just how extensive the damage of this flood was. more than 60,000 people have registered with fema to receive some kind of aid. there are tens of thousands of people who have been displaced, many of them having a hard time with what we're seeing right now. there was a curfew put in place in ascension parish yesterday, not only to help those people stay away from the dangerous situation on the streets but also to prevent crime. about ten people were arrested last night for looting, chris. >> all right. thank you very much, boris. there's no question we should not be underestimating the despair down there. we'll stay on that story. the other big story this morning comes from the election. donald trump bringing in new blood, putting people in new roles. what's it going to mean going forward? will he go back to his bombastic style? the answer is yes and more than ever. will it work? next. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes 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on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at a major shake-up this morning in donald trump's campaign. what does this mean for the next 83 days until the election? let's bring in cnn political commentators. ladies, great to see you this morning. the news broke overnight. something like 1:30 in the morning that donald trump has done this campaign shake-up again. first he removed corey lewandowski, as we'll remember, put in paul manafort. now he's seemed to have sidelines paul manafort and replaced him with kellyanne conway, who we all know. she's a political pollster. she's now his campaign manager. and steve bannon, who's been called, quote, the most dangerous political operative in america. >> well, he's affiliated with breitbart. it's appropriate they would be brought on board at this point. i think kellyanne has a great history a conventional history as a pollster. she specializes in polling women. i think that's an interesting skill to bring to this campaign in particular. i think it's interesting he gives this big speech, which was a prompter it speech and something he wanted to give air to, and then they come out with this the next day, which takes all the air out of it. so that's one of those things where there's not a ton of strategy to the timing of these things. >> the background reporting on this basically says that donald trump didn't like feeling hemmed in. he didn't like being on prompter. he didn't like the things paul manafort was suggesting, in terms of becoming a more traditional candidate. >> look, i think what this is you have different campaign managers or different executives on a campaign corey did an absolutely fe no, ma'am -- phenomenal job. then you look to the next phase, which was securing the delegates. paul manafort was brought in to really secure the delegate, get past the republican establishment, and bring home this win. now you have kellyanne, who wants to broaden the base, appeal to women voters, turn to a more conventional strategy. i think it's a mix of letting trump be trump but also doing so in a way that's going to be palatable to the american public, which is being on teleprompter, as we saw last night, and bringing home a very good message in a very kind of, i guess, not scripted way but a very real way. >> but you're not mentioning steve bannon. isn't that the wild card here? isn't he a return to the rogue sort of bare-knuckle style? >> sure, you have both. i think you have kellyanne conway, who's going to do a great job making sure that trump drives home the message that made him skyrocket in the polls, the message he put forth at the convention. but you also have bannon to say let trump be trump. >> but i think the delicate balance means this campaign always has a quarterback controversy. that's not a healthy situation to be in. it's a delicate marriage to make work. >> but how do you explain what donald trump has just done last night? the change he wanted to make. robert costa from "the washington post," who's been leading this reporting and breaking some of the news, tweeted out that what this means to him is what he hears, huge rallies will start again, gloves off, brutal fights with clinton, heavy emphasis on nationalism and populism. that's the bannon strategy. what can we expect? >> that sounds largely like what they've been doing. >> wasn't he hemmed in a little bit with paul manafort? >> i think there were attempts at that. but i think every time you see a prompter speech, the next couple days you see a return to the corey lewandowski or the bannon style because that is trump. the problem i think, is that although nationalism and populism creates rallies and rallies are fun and big, rallies do not necessarily translate into a ground game that gets people out. that's what they're missing. >> i think what's important is you saw in that tweet nationalism and populism. it's important to let donald trump be trump, not be this e hearsed politician as we see with hillary clinton who focus groups her every word. letting him be trump but in a way that stays on message. populism, bringing home that message of we're here to dethrone the elites. politics isn't about personal enrichment. if he can stay on that message in a way that's not rehearsed, not scripted, but is trump being trump on message >> that's the end goal. >> let's talk about who donald trump surrounds himself with. we have paul manafort and his dubious connections to ukraine and the former pro-russian leader there. steve bannon, who has a very brass-knuckle style. there's also reports about roger ailes, that he may be sort of coaching informally donald trump before the debates. roger ailes, whom all three of us interestingly worked for at one time or another in our careers, was the head of fox news and left amid sexual harassment allegations. what does this say about the trump campaign? >> i think it's this tendency the trump campaign has to take something that's a strength. so ailes has strength with prep. but there's this giant liability, which plays to the idea that trump is not terribly friendly to women. i think the candidate and the campaign have a tendency to do that every time they have a strength. they neutralize it with something else. >> how does that play with female voters? >> roger ailes is not part of this campaign officially or unofficial. he knows donald trump. >> they were out at the golf club together, and they've had many conversations that they've both talked about. it does seem to be in some informal way he's coaching him. >> this is not something that hillary clinton wants to get into. her husband, bill clinton, was accused of sexual assault twice and sexual harassment twice. the only official sexual harassment we have on a campaign is bill clinton, not roger ailes. >> is that how you think they'll play it? >> i think it's tricky for hillary to bring this stuff up, not only because of the comparison, but because trump won't be afraid to talk about it as another candidate would. i think it's tricky for her to bring it up, but i think there will be media coverage of this kind of thing, and it will -- i'm not sure it changes a ton of voters' minds, but it adds to the idea of who does he surround himself with. >> thanks so much for breaking all of this down with us this morning. we have a quick programming note for you. you can join us tonight for a cnn town hall with the green party candidate. it's going to be hosted by chris cuomo tonight at 9:00 eastern. cannot wait to tune in for that. chris? >> it should be fruitful. that's what we're hoping for tonight. the questions will be coming from you. so preparations for the first presidential debate are well under way. now with this big change in trump's design of his campaign and now roger ailes helping him to prepare five weeks out, what can we expect in that debate? we have some insight next. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. 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policy. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. we just saw a huge shift in the trump campaign. not just in personnel, but in what this is going to mean for strategy and tone going forward. how will this play out in the first debate? let's discuss. it's good to have you both. david, this is not just about personnel. roger stone, roger ailes, and now steve bannon, having them all involved in trump's head is basically in italian what we do, this, to the party, to the big insiders. that's what just happened. >> that means i don't care what you think. >> they're brawlers, right. donald trump is a brawler. this is going to play into his most basic instincts about how to engage in day-to-day combat with hillary clinton to be a brawler more. so i think it's interesting you say it's not going to give comfort to the republican establishment that's been desperate to sort of get him to a place where he can start really building his coalition in terms of who the people are, chris, but i do think if indeed this means that he takes a fight every single day to hillary clinton, i think that will give some comfort to reluctant republicans who have been concerned about his candidacy. >> brian, your reporting is that roger ailes, former head of fox news, who left amid reports of sexual harm, is talking to donald trump about debate prep. what does this mean for the first debate in september? >> yeah, ailes helping trump, even in just an informal way. no sort of formal campaign role here, nor would there be. ailes doesn't need the money from the campaign, and the campaign doesn't need the trouble from ailes, given the cloud he's under. however, ailes can be a great assistant to donald trump. even when i joined cnn, he gave me some of the best advice about tv i've received from anyone. ailes is a tv mastermind, say what you will about him. i see it almost as a proxy war between ailes and clinton. >> but it's just that, you know, at the end of the day, it all comes down to trump. you can put as many different people around you. trump makes the decisions. it's what's come out of his mouth that's caused his problems. but it's about what encouragement he's getting. we keep saying prompter. that's really code. doesn't matter if he's on a teleprompter or off the cuff. it's what is your message. how much of it is clinton is and then listing ten horrible personal attributes. or here's what i'm going to do for you. it sounds like from this, especially with a breitbart guy. breitbart is scorched earth, win at all costs. and by costs, we mean the worst things we can do. what can that mean for building a coalition? >> again, if it is -- clinton is x, y, z. that could be beneficial to donald trump. that's a lot better than taking on a gold star family or going after judge curiel. if indeed it is a daily fight geared towards hillary clinton, if that's what's in his ear, that could prove to -- >> this is an outlet that says cnn is hitler. you think that kind of stuff coming out of donald trump's mouth is going to help him? >> some of these men are the masters of the political dark arts. that what people should understand. when i saw this news overnight, my first thought was, okay, nothing is off limits now. nothing in this campaign is off limits now. we're going to see the most fringy ideas, the most right-wing ideas bubble up to the surface in a way we haven't seen before in this election. >> we saw what he was doing with hillary clinton's health recently, bringing that back into the fray. >> that's the kind of conspiracy theory that starts in what i call the fever swamps of the right wing. it bubbles up on facebook and twitter, eventually reaches sean hannity and reaches donald trump. we're going see more of those. it's only august. i can't imagine what they'll be saying by october. >> i'm confused about the math here, david, about how that brings in more voters. traditionally. so he won a huge amount of voters in the primary. 13.3 million. it sounds like donald trump wants to return to that strategy of what got him to the party in the first place. but does that brass knuckles, massively right wing conspiracy theory bring in other voters? >> conspiracy theories are not going to bring in many voters. there's no doubt about that. but we don't know yet if donald trump -- we know that this is who is going to be around him now, but again, as chris said, this is about the candidate. he's going to have these voices, but he's also going to have the voice of kellyanne conway, he's going to be presenting the numbers to him on a daily basis, as she's been doing. >> established political hand with a good track record. >> exactly. so i don't think it's just one thing. here's what i believe in terms of adding voters. the first place he has to add still is still within his own party. that is a problem that we're this late in the game for him and he's still not having the level of support among republicans -- >> but moderates? >> he needs to bring them in. he needs to try to bring them in. right now his support just among base, core republicans is not at the level it needs to be. that's where he has to start. that's not sufficient in and of itself. he's still going to have to try to add voters beyond that. he still doesn't have a locked in base of republican support at the level it needs to be. >> i thought five words he said in his last interview with a local station yesterday are the key five words between now and november. i am who i am. i don't want to change. i don't want to pivot. it's a version of what corey lewandowski used to say. let trump be trump. let's think past november for a moment. if trump's strategy here, if he's thinking past november, if he's thinking he might lose the election, what he might want to do is launch a new television channel or launch a new giant website a new subscription service. he might be thinking about a media enterprise. if he is, roger ailes and steve bannon are the men you want in your corner. perhaps we should already look for signs that trump is thinking beyond november. having a plan "b" in case he doesn't win. >> boy, oh, boy. this is the moment. there have been lots of moments in this election, many more to come, but this will be looked back on in terms of where it went in terms of donald trump's fate. this is a very, very key moment. >> without a doubt. >> but who cares what i think. what do you think? tweet us @newday or post your comment on russia is launching air strikes from iran to fight isis. what does this mean? should the u.s. be concerned about those two countries teaming up? we're going to talk to the secretary of the u.s. air force next about this. you inherit lots of traits from your family. my ancestor, lady beatrice, introduced the elizabethan ruff. great-grandfather horatio went west during the gold rush. and aunt susan was a a world champion. i inherited their can-do spirit. and their double chin. now, i'm 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business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow- today at russian war planes have begun launching air strikes against isis in syria from an air base in iran. now, both those countries are staunch allies of syrian president bashar al assad. so what does this connection mean for the u.s.? joining us now is debra lee james, the secretary of the air force. secretary, great to have you here. >> thanks, alisyn. great to be back. >> when you hear that russia and iran are teaming up, what does that mean to you? >> well, first of all, it's another complication for the campaign against isil or daesh in the middle east. it's been a complication since day one with respect to russia. this latest move where they're launching air strikes from iran essentially brings them closer to the fight. it allows them to strike with greater intensity. it's another complication, but not all that surprising. >> why is it a complication rather than seen as helpful? >> first of all, they're not striking daesh or isis in iraq and syria. instead, they are attacking the forces that are attempting to prop up bashar al assad. you see, russia has had a gap from the beginning. they say they have entered the fray to fight isis, but what they're doing is they're attacking other forces. >> where does this lead the u.s.? is the u.s. trying to negotiate with russia about this? is the u.s. going it alone now? >> well, the u.s., of course, is leading an international coalition in this fight, which is taking place in both iraq and syria against daesh on the ground. where this leaves us is we're going to stay the course. we're going to continue to do what we're doing, and we have communications with russia to include the safety of flight to make sure that we deconflict ourselves in the air. beyond that, we are not coordinating with russia. >> we have some numbers about the air strikes that have been used to fight isis in iraq and syria. there have been 14,439 total. those are divided between iraq, 63% in iraq, 33% were in syria. do you think that -- i mean, honestly, that has been the preponderance of the fight against isis, air strikes. that's been the strategy. do you think that's enough? >> well, it's really been air strikes which have enabled the movements on the ground. thanks to the iraqi security forces, thanks to the democratic forces in syria, as well as the peshmerga and other indigenous groups on the ground, the coalition has enabled their movements through air strikes. and they have been very successful. it's a several pronged approach. we're moving up the euphrates river valley. we're on the road to mosul, which is the final stronghold of daesh in iraq. soon it will be on the road to raqqah, which is the so-called capital of the caliphate. >> we talk about this a lot on this show, the difference between territory and then the fighters and sort of the ideology and the strength of the movement. where did you think we are today in terms of fighting isis? >> i think there's no question we have made enormous progress on the military front and of course since we are the military, that's what we talk the most about. but i do want to remind everybody this is a much greater matter than military alone. we need political solutions. we need economic support in this part of the world so that when there is a lasting military defeat, i underscore the word lasting, it needs to remain. for that we need political solutions. >> there are reports that the air force, which you oversee, of course, is 700 fighter pilots short. what's happening with that lack of man power? >> well, it's a question of we need to produce more fighter pilots to begin with, and then we need to retain those that we train. we're facing a very large hiring surge from civilian airlines, and that is they're able to sometimes attract our fighter people pilots to civilian life and away from the air force. so we need to do a better job of retaining the people that we have. >> what's the problem? why aren't you retaining more people? >> well, the airlines are able to pay higher salaries. of course, we in the air force have frequent deployments. we have frequent family separations. so some believe that the quality of life in the civilian world could be better. and it is true, our airmen are working very, very hard. we're going to try to do a better job on quality of life as well. >> what's the strategy? i mean, they need to be deployed. that's their mission statement. so what's the strategy? >> we're going to try to give them a little bit more time at home when we can beef up the ranks and we have more of them. there will be more people to do the amount of work that needs to be done, and we hope that will provide a bit more time at home. we're looking to provide greater bonuses. we're working with congress to get approval for that so we can increase compensation for our pilots. and finally, we're looking to produce more. we're upping our training base so that we can produce more pie t pilots. >> we're happy to let you get the word out about that. secretary james, thank you so much. nice to talk to you. let's get to chris. >> so gymnastics phenom simone biles capping off her gold medal run with another gold, but it's where she did it, the floor routine. this is her strength. wow. does the performance stack up with the best ever? we'll discuss. but first, sportscaster craig seger is in the fight of his life after battling cancer for 2 1/2 years. his never give up attitude is winning the hearts of people everywhere. cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay groupta has his stor in this week's "turning points." >> reporter: craig seger is probably best known for his vibrant interviews and colorful outfits during nba games. >> they call this handkerchief, all that. burn it, okay? >> something about getting up and being lively. >> reporter: but the upbeat sportscaster was dealt a devastating blow at a game in 2014. >> i ran into the doctor for the mavs. he looked at me and said, seger, what's wrong? you got to go to the emergency room. >> reporter: it was leukemia. seger needed a bone marrow transplant. his son was a perfect match. but the cancer came back. his son saved his life again. >> i didn't really even think of it as donating. we were in it together. >> reporter: sager recovered just in time for the start of the nba season. >> i didn't miss a game. i felt great. >> reporter: but then in february, another relapse. even through treatment, sager never stopped working. he covered the first nba finals of his career in june. >> just a tremendous night. >> reporter: now he's back at the hospital, preparing for a rare third transplant from an anonymous donor. last month, sager was awarded the jimmy vee award for perseverance at the espy awards. >> time is something that cannot be bought. time is simply how you live your life. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. i was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. stage four cancer. and i was shocked. the plan at that point was to start chemo. every three weeks i would get my chemo infusion. it would work for a few months then would quit working again. my oncologist ordered the genomic testing. if they've exhausted all of our standard agents, then we offer advanced genomic testing. in lynn's case, the result of that testing showed that her cancer had two actionable mutations. an actionable mutation is a genetic abnormality in that particular patient's cancer cell for which we have a targeted therapy. i feel great, i've just basically put cancer in the back of my mind. i think it was the best decision of my life to go to cancer treatment centers of america. it feels good to get your life back. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn how advanced genomic testing is changing the way we fight cancer at appointments available now. u.s. gymnast, simone biles, a phenom, making history, winning her fourth gold medal. let's discuss with coy wire and christine brennan. great to see you two down there. christine, simone biles came back with a vengeance. tell us about it. >> you know what, after -- if anyone doubted her after the balance beam stumble, this woman has guts, so talented, she has the great brain of an athlete and just nailed it. the floor exercise was beautiful. that's what she is known for. the pressure was extraordinary. this notion that she could end with say two failures, so to speak, hardly a failure, instead, she just nailed it. as you said, goes on in history. just showing one when the pressure is on, coy, this woman is able to attack just like the toughest athletes in the nfl or nba or major league baseball. >> absolutely. you're always judged by how much you can come back from adversity, right. you almost, as i mentioned yesterday, it was in a way good to see her fall on that balance beam. it reminded us how difficult the maneuvers she was performing, she did have that lapse, but comes right back, 24 hours later, whatever it was, and she crushes it against cementing the legacy as certainly the most dynamic olympic gymnast we've ever seen. she is doing things that no one has done or tried. she has moves named after her. i was out here, and there way a young gymnast, and she said simone biles has inspired her so much. she wants to go to college in the united states and compete because of simone biles. she has left a worldwide impact of what she has done in these games. >> beautiful. it is just beginning. you guys have a lot of sirens. not unusual in a big city. certainly not in rio. let me ask you something, usain bolt, we've never seen a sprinter shut it down in races and still win the way he does. but it did look like he was working a little bit more, just as it did in the 100. did you discern a difference, or just the weather? >> no, i think he is. he is turning 30 on sunday, the day the games end. 30 is not 20. he is going against younger men. what we saw in the 100 meters, where he was not able to prance and dance and turn around like we're used to, because he had to catch justin, and then power to the finish and shut it down, i still think he'll win the 200 easily, chris. i really do. but what coy just said about simone biles, seeing an athlete have to work, seeing adversity, usain bolt is just a little adversity, but seeing them as more human, it is very compelling. >> i have interesting insight. i talked to someone who works with usa track and field, and the one thing around the gatlin/bolt, the trials are a much more grueling trial than any where else in the world. they have to run many more race, and you have all the prep for each race. so gatlin coming in in the final, you saw him run in the 9-9s. remember, usain bolt had the time off, remember, gatlin called it a medical pass. he basically rested. that's like missing training camp in the nfl, chris, so you know, you're seeing now bolt, he is having to run these races, and maybe he is getting a little more stressed and strained physically. so it might turn out to be an interesting 200-meter final. he is going for the triple-triple. >> i think we have the new "sports illustrated" cover to show our viewers. these are the phenoms of this rio olympics. you have phelps, ledecky and simone biles. would you argue with that triumph? >> no, i would not argue at all. i saw it on twitter yesterday, and i smiled. i said that's perfect. i mean, look at that picture. you've got michael phelps, 31 years old, around the two 19--year-olds. those two were born three days apart, in march of -- 1997. yeah, they're 19 years old. so march 14 for simone biles, and march 17 for katie ledecky. three days apart. it is like the big brother with the two kid, and three of the greatest athletes we'll ever see. >> a happy farm there, like three goats on the "sports illustrated" cover. greatest of all time. >> just quickly, coy, tell us about this other olympic moment we saw. we celebrate those who are at the top, but all from what you see with those who are at the bottom who really brings home the spirit of competition here what did we see in the marathon trial? >> yeah, the 5,000 meter trial, i loved the way you said it earlier. the two runners who finished dead last that are the highlights. you had a runner from new zealand could g down, and an american trips over her, injuries her knee, but tells the runner from new zealand, get up, this is the olympics. we have to finish this race. they start running, but she didn't realize how badly her knee was injured. she falls down. now the new zealand tells her let's finish the race. they both do. they finish last, but what a great story of sportsmanship here at these olympic games, guys. >> that's beautiful. seeing them hug at the end, you know. all competition is over. they were just having that sort of human helping moment. that was really nice. >> awesome. >> yeah, guys, thank you so much. always great to talk to you and get your updates. we'll see you soon. all right, from the best in humanity, to a change in play in the election that may well bring out the worst. there is big news out of the race. let's get to it. >>announcer: this is cnn breaking news. you are just joining us, good morning, welcome to "new day," it is wednesday, august 17th, 8:00 in the east. donald trump shaking up his staff again, installing a new campaign manager, and chief executive. >> so insiders say that trump wants to do things his way, planning to run the rest of the race on his own terms. this is the second major overhall of trump's campaign in less than two months. who is advising him now and what does it mean for the next 80-plus days. cnn has it all covered. let's begin with jessica snyder, live outside trump tower. jessica. >> reporter: alisyn, we're learning all of these top tier changes were effectively set in motion by donald trump's son-in-law, ivanka's husband, jared kushner. he came back from vacation yesterday afternoon, putting into place an emergency meeting right here at trump tower around 2:00 in the afternoon. as we've seen, jared kushner has effectively donald trump's top advisor, having his ear. it was kushner who effectively orchestrated the ouster of corey lewandowski back in june, and it looks like he is orchestrating these changes that rocked the balance of power in this campaign. donald trump, shaking up his campaign leadership team. >> people want to criticize donald trump. >> reporter: senior advisor, kellyanne conway confirming she has been promoted to campaign manager, and steve bannon is now the chief executive. the campaign's embattled chairman, paul manafort, will stay on, despite his relationship going sour in recent weeks. >> the campaign is doing really well. it has never been so well united. >> trump is very plugged in. he is very connected. the campaign is working, contrary to what the media is saying. >> reporter: manafort is under investigation by ukrainian authorities for allegedly receiving millions in illegal payments from the country's former pro russian ruling party. this is the second major shake-up for trump's team. back in june, he fired corey lewandowski, weeks before the republican convention. >> he is a good man. we've had great success. he is a friend of mine. but i think it is time now for a different kind of a campaign. >> i had a nice conversation with mr. trump, and i said to him it has been an honor and privilege to be part of this. >> reporter: trump tries to appeal to a black audience, but the audience was mostly white. >> i'm asking for the vote of every african-american citizen struggling in our city today who wants a different and much better future. >> reporter: trump addressing the violent protests milwaukee, after police shot and killed a black man. >> as a racist force in our society, a narrative, supported with a nod by my opponent, shared directly in the responsibility for the unrest in milwaukee, and many other places within our country. >> reporter: he is placing the blame for inner city unrest squarely on what he calls failed democratic policies. >> the african-american community has been taken for granted for decades by the democratic party. it is time for rule by the people. not rule for the special interests. hillary clinton backed policies are responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities. >> reporter: with only 83 days until the election, trump is digging in on his combative style in hopes of turning around his slide in the polls. >> i am who i am. it's me. you have to be you. if you start pivoting, you're not being honest with people. >> reporter: donald trump releasing a statement this morning, talking about how he views this shake-up, saying i believe we're adding some of the best talents in politics, with the experience and expertise needed to defeat hillary clinton in november, and continue to share my message and vision to make america great again. donald trump, also talking about the addition of steve bannon as ceo, saying this will bolster the business-like approach that donald trump has taken to his campaign. also, happening today, donald trump will receive his first national security briefing. it is the first time he'll be getting classified information. alisyn. >> jessica, thank you very much. you've given us a lot to talk about, so let's get to it. we want to bring in corey lewandowski, cnn political commentator and former donald trump campaign manager. he is still receiving severance payments from the trump campaign. how long are those going to last? and paul migellaa, and senior advisor for pro hillary clinton super pac. gentlemen, you are the two best people to talk to this morning. corey, what do you think of this change? paul manafort basically sidelined, steve bannon, now coming in as ceo. >> it's exciting for the trump campaign by bringing in kellyanne conway, who has been part of the campaign, and now naming her the campaign manager. she has been part of the trump world and/or bit for a long time. she has been someone very loyal to trump. even back when he looked at potentially running for governor of new york. she was part of the original conversatio conversations. she does a good job of understanding messaging, repositioning messaging as it relates to specific audiences, she'll help with gender gap problems he may have. so it is a good step growing that team is important. >> interesting. why aren't you talking about steve bannon. >> i know steve well. he has had unparalleled success in the private sector. he is a person who like myself is a bit of a street fighter, willing to go right at his opponents, and make sure that they know that in politics, all is fair and war. >> that's exactly what it is. this a return to the corey lewandowski style. >> i'm here. >> so corey, don't you feel vindicated this morning? >> i don't. you know why, because at the end of the day, and i know that you know this, because you've demonstrated, i'm still being paid severance from the trump campaign, i want to see donald trump win. i want to see him win because it is the right thing for the country, because washington is fundamentally broken. for my children, they need a different children. >> but now that it has returned to the corey lewandowski, bare-knuckled, might you return to the campaign? >> no, look. they have a great team of professionals. i have a lot of friends over there, they know what to do. the strategy from donald trump is similar to what you saw last night. he laid out a very specific policy for the last two days, monday and tuesday. >> and then eclipsed it with a campaign change, breaking news. >> he reached out to the african-american community and said the democratic party has taken advantage of you for 30 years and i can be that change. >> paul -- >> i don't even need to be the story. i'm loving -- >> what this means for your side is it is going to get nastier and more bare-knuckled. >> donald trump started in the gutter and he'll go down in the sewer. this is what he does. the problem was never corey. the problem is not paul manafort. the solutions, i know kellyanne, she is a terrific pro. she is not the solution. the guy from breitbart is not the solution. the problem is right there. the image, the guy with the orange here, he is the problem. you can't fix trump. they have tried. it is like you have dog that keeps running off, they get the electric fence, it is not working, he plows through the fence, or the pow, disabled folks, people from mexico, muslims. this is all about trump. what is astonishing about this, and it is unlovely, but it will fail, so maybe as a democratic, i should be happy, he is doubling down on what has made him the worst republican nominee in history. >> the most winningest. >> it is like the olympics. the decath lon. the first is a javelon, beats a world record, beats 16 guys. >> yes. >> whoa, this is the greatest we've seen. the second is a pole vault and he throw it is across the same way. no, you have to lift, you have to soar. he goes against the paul and chases the mexican judge and stabs him with it. no, it is a disaster. >> running with the metaphor. >> too olympic hyped up, i think. >> corey, well, hold on. to paul's point. was donald trump feeling too tethered, too hemmed in? >> i don't think donald trump will be participating in the decathlon like john kerry rode the bike and broke his leg. donald trump's message has not changed. i'm the outsider. washington is broken, i want to bring back the message that if you elect me as president of the united states, donald trump, i'm going to bring a fundamental and wholesale change to washington. >> wasn't paul manafort trying to make him more establishment, trying to tone down his message as the outsider? >> i think you could argue that that was part of the strategy, but the strategy in that regard doesn't work, because people have an 11% approval rating of congress. 11%, which means it is not working. >> so the paul manafort strategy did not work in your estimation? >> i think if you look at the last two weeks, the poll numbers have indicated in the swing states that the message was not working properly and i think what propelled donald trump to success in the primaries was we don't want a typical politician. we don't want a person who will give the same speech everywhere. we want change to washington. that message permeates long outside of the republican primary process, and goes to the general public that says washington takes care of washington. there are two separate sets of rules. donald trump cannot be bought by lobbyists, he is funding his own campaign, he'll change washington for the better of the country. >> are you worried, paul, if trump gets back to what made him win the primary, that it will get harder for hillary clinton? >> it will get harder. you know what i'm worried but they're putting up a major ad buy, which is late, but smart. this big league that hillary has is not going to last. it is not. it will be a dead heat race. every democratic needs to know that. >> why does she have such a big lead now? >> well, because trump has limited himself. this is his challenge. i don't think this move cures his problem. he got 13 million plus votes, the most any republican ever got. to be president, he needs 65 or 75 million. in the path from 13 to 70 littered with women, college educated folks, people of color, younger people. all the folks he is busy alienating. you can't get from 13 million to 70 million without reaching out to those folks. i know, like last night, well, i'm reaching out to the african-americans. he went to an all white suburb. >> why did he go to an all white suburb? >> i don't think it matters. >> it was all white. >> it was a broadcast to a national audience. look, it is like saying if you're going talk about the problems in washington, d.c., you have to do inside the belt way, that's prep-- >> hillary went to scranton, that's not her base, she is reaching out to trump's base. he should be going to the naacp. he should be going to the national association of black journalist, which he did not. he needs to reach out to voters he does not have, and those are not the voters who are reading the breitbart website or watching fox news. he needs to grow behind that. >> i hope he is not watching. >> voters are concerned about making sure you're safe at home, making your children are safe. two major companies are pulling out of the obama care, disaster. we know people want security and want jobs. throws things that donald trump will bring. he is going to keep the home front safe. he'll keep the domestic front safe. he'll create jobs. you do that, the economy works, you're elected president of the united states. >> what is roger ailes role in the campaign. >> roger, the campaign was clear about this yesterday. roger has no role, whether formal or informal whatsoever. >> isn't he talking to donald trump? they just were at a golf course on sunday together? aren't they having meetings? >> i don't know who was at the golf course. i wasn't there. a lot of people play golf. it doesn't mean they're helping the campaign. maybe it was a relationship. look, i think donald trump has had business relationships with, you know, executives in the media industry for 30 years. >> sure, but if roger ailes gives him advice on how to debate, he'll take it. >> that's not what he said. the campaign was very clear on this. mr. ails hes has no formal or informal relationship. >> always a spirited conversation. thank you, gentlemen, very much for being here. let's get to chris. all right, on the other side of the ball, the clinton campaign, congress has the fbi's report to the justice department, explaining why it recommended no charges in hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server as secretary of state. that has the clinton campaign blasting republicans, arguing that this classified report should be released to you. the public. cnn investigator correspondent, chris frates, live in washington with more. an interesting turnabout in play here. the clinton campaign didn't want this to come out, now they say if it's going to come out, everyone should have it. >> that's exactly right, chris. the other thing we're learning, the e-mail problems are continuing to dog her campaign. so yesterday, the fbi sent congress a classified report, why it recommended against charging clinton in connection with her use of a private e-mail server, as secretary of state. now, the report contains notes from interviews with clinton and other material related to the investigation. the decision to release information in a case where charges are not brought is extremely rare. in the statement, the fbi said it provided the report to congress with the expectation that it would not be made public. now, the news drew a sharp response, and saying the republicans were only looking to second-guess the fbi. in a statement, the campaign said we believe that if these materials are going to be shared outside the justice department, they should be released widely. so that the public can see for themselves, rather than allow republicans to mischaracterize them through selective partisan leaks. now,top republican, chuck grassley, seemed to degree with clinton. saying much of the information is unclassified and should be made public. and in a letter to lawmakers, the fbi reiterated director james comey's assertion that clinton's handling of highly classified information was indeed extremely careless, but did not warrant prosecution. but judging by the fireworks this report generated on capitol hill yesterday, alisyn, the political battle over clinton's e-mails, that's far from over. >> it sure sounds like it, chris. thank you for the update. another top story, the death toll from historic flooding in southern louisiana, rising to 11. the magnitude and devastation is only beginning to come to light. there are also tens of thousands ever people outside of their homes today. cnn boris sanchez is live in gonzalez, louisiana, with more. what does it look like today, boris? >> reporter: hey, alisyn. the good news is the floodwater is receding in some areas. the bad news is that in other areas like here in ascension parish, it is not going any where. it looks like a huge lake. the water, certainly cutting off these neighborhood. our truck started smoking on the way over here, we had to get it out of here. there are dozens of roads closed across the state. there are tens of thousands of people out of their homes, more than 60,000 people have requested aid from fima. there is a curfew here, and not just to prevent people from being on the street and finding themselves in dangerous situations, but also to prevent crime. yesterday, about ten people were arrested for looting, chris. >> all right, boris, thank you very much. we have to stay on this story. it didn't have the spectacular beginning of a hurricane, but the problem is real, and it is going to be there a long time. another weather story disaster, wildfires in southern california, burning out of control. more than 80,000 people are out of their homes. this is happening in rural san bernardino county, east of los angeles. an entire ski resort had to be evacuated, interstate 15, it was spreading in different directions. firefighters are afraid it could get worst today. there is an all-out manhunt to find the son of el chapo. jesus guzman, the kidnapping is a blow to el chapo, who suspected to maintain the drug cartel dom nanls in tinance in . >> >> the el chapo thing will be interesting. if they knew they were taking him it, could have deadly consequences, and quickly, not just for his son. so this big intrigue on the clinton side of the ball this morning. this fbi report is coming out. this is the report that shows the notes and thinking that went into their conclusion, not to bring a case. the clinton campaign didn't want this to come out. they said that it is a bad precedent. but now they want all of you to see it. why? we have one of her supporters, next. boy: this is the story of a boy who was very sensitive to lights and sounds. so he built secret hiding places where nothing could get in. the boy didn't like looking people in the eye. it made him feel uncomfortable. one day, he found out he had something called autism. his family got him help. and slowly he learned how to live with it better. announcer: early intervention can make a lifetime of difference. learn the signs at all right, so big headlines. donald trump shaking up his campaign, kind of making a pledge to go more full throated in his attacks of hillary clinton, he has this new chef executive and campaign manager overnight, changes. but it is not going to be about the personnel. it will be how it impacts what trump does and says. let's discuss this, the fbi report coming out about why they didn't bring charges against hillary clinton, and the state of play in the election with congressman adam schiff, perm n -- permanent house committee. how concerned are you that bringing in that breitbart element, that fringe element into trump and his acknowledgment, it seems, with these moves, he'll come at you guys as much and more than ever? >> well, i'm not that concerned about it frankly, because there is no changing donald trump. he has made that abundantly clear. i don't think the team will be able to control him or steer him in the right direction, any more than the old team. he'll continue to be inflammatory and reckless, and that concerns me a great deal in terms of our national security interests, because a lot of what he said now being repeated by the likes of the leader of he hezbollah. it feeds into the narrative that isis and others have maintained against the united states, or al qaeda or hezbollah or russia, and i think that's deeply damaging to the country. but politically, i don't see much change in the campaign. >> he is also making argument, though. let me play some sound from his law and order speech. i want to get your take on it. >> the democratic party has failed and betrayed the african-american community. the democratic party is taking the votes of african-americans for granted. they've just assumed they'll get your support, and done nothing in return for it. they've taken advantage of the african-american citizen. >> now, right now, the polls have clinton at 91% in african communities, and donald trump at 1%. i don't think we've ever seen a number like that. he has got nowhere to go but up, and this is a saleable argument to many in the communities, congressman. you guys have been in control in a lot of big cities, life is not better there, so why should they stick with the democrats? >> well, because they see the democrats fighting to improve the quality of life in these communities, and they see republicans often standing in the way. that's been a big challenge during the obama administration. it is not that the president hasn't tried, and in many ways succeeded, but often where he has run into difficulty, it is because of the obstructionism in congress. it is going to take a lot more than a few statements like that from donald trump that he is suddenly a champion of the african american community. i don't think he is going to be able to make that case any more than he is the champion of latino community or the champion of working poor families, or the champion really of anyone, except for a few billionaire elites, like himself. that's all really donald trump has stood for. >> but one more beat on that. yes, policies are top down on the federal level, certainly. but we're talking about local governments here. i know that this isn't what donald trump's exact impact s he wants to impact his own election, but down ballot, baltimore, ferguson, a small place, but flint is a big place, philadelphia is a big place. these are all democratically controlled places, in some cases for decades. and life there is not what it needs to be. why reward the democratics with more tenure? >> you have to determine what are the democrats offering. what is secretary clinton proposing to improve the quality of life in these communities, and i think if you look at her policies in terms of trying to raise people up, breaking down barriers, increasing wages, dealing with criminal justice reform, all these policies are in line with what these communities want to see take place, and then you look at someone on the other side of the aisle, donald trump, who is divisive in his rhetoric, often hateful, bigoted and i don't think that's an option for any of these communities. >> another big development here, the fbi report justifying no charges against hillary clinton. now in the hands of congress. initially, the campaign, her supporters, did not want it to come out. said it was bad precedent. now they want everyone to see it. what's the play? >> i'm still frankly coming grips that the fbi has sent us the materials. i said before that i think it is a serious mistake and i'm concerned it will have a chilling impact on people's willingness to cooperate if they know their private interviews or private statements will become political fodder for congress. where does it stop, chris? why doesn't the financial services now demand the closed investigative files on any high ranking banking officials who are not indicted after the financial meltdown? why don't we look at any political sensitive investigation, where charges were not brought, and demand those closed investigative files. what will the bureau say? well, we're not going to do it this time, because we don't want to. that's the problem with establishing this kind of -- >> i've got to tell you, though, congressman, that sounds good what you're saying, though. especially when you talk about the banks, nobody going to jail for what happened in 2008, and beyond. why not? i mean a lot of these things are politically motivated. people do get out of situations that maybe they shouldn't. why not have it more of a public and open review? >> well, it does sound good until you contract fact does this mean that congress will get into the decision-making on who to prosecute. people that are willing to give and cooperate and be interviewed because they think what will be said will be maintained its privacy, the grand jury secretary res ssecrecy, congress will leak everything, as indeed is our history, at least in the last five or ten years, so it will have a real chilling impact on the investigations. it also, i think, will have an impact on the deliberations in the departments if they know congress will be digging through their files in a way that they have never had access before. so while it is attractive on the surface, it is a real mistake and won't ultimately serve the interests of justice. >> this case, it has happened, so the question now becomes what is in there and what impact it has on the election and obviously we'll know that when it comes out. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, chris. all right, so you can talk about the politics, but what you always say you want is more discussion about the policy. ideas for you. not just why one candidate hates the other. so programming note. join us tonight for a cnn town hall with the green party candidates. you have dr. jill stein, and her running mate. it will be hosted by me, 9:00 p.m. eastern, and it is all about you, you asking real questions. you'll have to know what they have to offer tonight. >> looking forward to that. what do republicans in congress think about trump's campaign shake-up, that conversation, next. hhis stellar notebooks 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acceptance life insurance. call massmutual today at this number. call now. donald trump, shaking up his campaign staff for the second time in less than two months. what will this mean for his strategy and his tone and his campaign. let's discuss with republican congressman mike pompeo of kansas. he has endorsed donald trump. thanks for being here what do you make of this news that was announced at 5:30 this morning of this campaign shake-up? >> well, good morning, alisyn. thanks for having me on the show this morning. look, i don't know. i know ms. conway. she has been a steady hand. she's been in this business a long time, conveying messages, enormous change that needs to take place, supported candidate whose have tried advocate for that change and this is an election we're going to decide four more years of barack obama as policies, and a different direction and i think she'll be a great addition to the campaign. >> in october, bloomberg politics referred to steve bannon in an article as the most dangerous political operative in america, because of some of the flame throwing that goes on at breitbart that he heads up that website. and other things. so what do you think this does for the campaign? is this a return, or i guess i should say a reenforcement shoot from the hip brass knuckles style? >> well, i mean, it remains to be seen exactly what changes will be made by these two leaders in the organization, but seldom staff directs how campaigns go. leaders get in front of their campaign, i'm confident mr. trump will continue to do that. and we can't tolerate four more years that we've had for the last eight. he spoke last night about what is taking place in america's inner cities all across the country. democratic controlled places for an awfully long time. he is offering a different direction, one that provides opportunity forei an entire society. >> do you think paul manafort's connections to ukraine, victor yankovic, do you think it is time for him to leave the campaign? >> we should look into the campaign that are in every campaign, including secretary clinton herself, who has deep ties to the clinton foundation, to the russians as well. that's far more important. >> let's talk about hillary clinton. yesterday, the fbi handed over their classified notes from the interviews that they did with secretary clinton about her e-mails. what are you hoping to learn from those notes? >> yes, ma'am. unfortunately, i can't share much with you. the intelligence committee i serve on did receive an extensive set of materials from the federal bureau of investigation, but i can tell you almost nothing about even the scope what's in there. highly classified programs. e-mails that were sent and received by secretary clinton that were indeed marked classified. but the substance of those, today, even today, remain so highly sensitive, that they can't be released. this is from a presidential candidate who has told us she wants them released, even today. that's reckless, beyond imagination. to argue that the materials that we were sent yesterday be released to the public. they are highly classified information. i find this at least a little hypocritical, knowing we're not going to release them. >> hillary clinton says that she wants them released, because she basically says that the republicans, you included, are politically grandstanding, and this is another fishing expedition. to that point, you don't have to tell us anything about the substance, but in terms of your strategy, what will you do? if you see something in there that raises your eyebrows, since the fbi director says he doesn't think there is anything prosecutable, what will you do? >> yes, ma'am. you don't have to wait until i see something that raises my e eyebro eyebrows. i've seen something in there na was in a private server in the former secretary of state's home. accessed by iranians, chinese. >> how do you know they've been accessed from her server? >> ma'am, i've been at this intelligence effort for several years. i can tell you that hostile nations, and even rogue actor, can just get into every private server today. and so i know this would have been an enormous target for them and i'm highly confident they had access to this information. >> so is director comey wrong when he says that -- >> yes. >> no evidence of that? >> ma'am, i think what director comey said is that the security level in this private server didn't rise to the level of someone's ordinary gmail account. i think director comey would agree with me that the likelihood that folks who don't mean well for america have access to that information. it is very, very high. i think we are nae perfect agreement there. >> since you've already seen things that are causing you alarm, what is your plan? >> yes, ma'am. not my plan. my duty. the duty of the int intelligenc committee, make sure actions like this don't happen again. there will be a series of changes within the state department how they handle classified information. we'll never again see a secretary of state that doesn't have an official e-mail account, and never a secretary of state who lies to the american people about the nature of the information that was contained, information like this should never have been. those are congress' responsibilities, and we'll continue to execute them. >> congressman, mike pompeo, thank you for taking time for "new day." >> thank you, alisyn. what is this big shift in the trump campaign mean? how will it help him turn things around, or will it make things even worst? we're going to talk to the former chief of staff to president george h.w. bush, ahead. n 1% of verizon. and sprint saves you 50% on most national carrier rates. can you hear that? don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. switch to sprint today. when this busy family... a cracked windshield... ...their dad went to the new safelite-dot-com... ...and scheduled a replacement... just a few clicks. with 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(girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. what will happen now? that's the provocative question, after the second major over haul of the trump campaign team in less than two months. it seems to be a doubling down ongoing straight at clinton and how. this is the same day that he set to receive his first national security briefing here in new york. let's get perspective on what the changes mean and what the briefing could mean for trump. former new hampshire governor, governor john sanono. someone from breitbart talking to donald trump on how to behave in an election? >> the most important part of that change was kellyanne conway. kellyanne understands polls. she knows voters. groups segmentsed, she knows how to look into polls and decide what additional commentary or positioning has value. and i think in the long run, people are going to find that that probably will still be a strong part of the trump campaign. she is the campaign manager now. and i think it will be a balance, a slight tug, but not too severe a tug, between kellyanne's analytical perspective and recommendations and bannon's more commitment towards heated rhetoric. i don't think it is as dramatic a change as the press has made it out to be. >> all right, well, let's unpack that for a second. i agree with you about kellyanne, she is certainly a pro. she is doing something in addition. she has never been a campaign manager before. >> that's true. that's the only concern i bring to it, chris. she hasn't had that responsibility yet. >> right, but i don't know what that means. sometimes it is just a title. if she goes to be out on the road with donald trump, which is what we understand, there is a plus/minus on that. certainly a minus as a campaign manager, because that's central office management matters. i don't know how much that matters here. being with him everyday may be the best news for donald trump to become president, because she might be the last stop before he goes out on the podium, because if breitbart and roger stone are in donald trump's head telling him you need to go all out, scorched earth. >> that on point analysis shows you've got good political genes. >> what happened to you when you heard that, okay, roger ailes is advising him, he is a political genius? we know he has been an advisor to trump. fine. kellyanne, good move. but according to the reporting on this, donald trump has been charmed by bannon, believes that his pitch to him about being an outsider, coming full throated in his attacks as an outsider, reject what the party wants to you do, that's the way to go, does that give you concern? >> well, i'm always concerned that candidates don't talk about issues. and so i think what you're going to see is a blend. bannon may set the level of intensity in the rhetoric. he may encourage him to be aggressive against mrs. clinton. but if kellyanne and others can introduce into that strong conversation the issues, the things that the middle segment of voters need to here in order to lean republican rather than democratic, i think it might be able to work. as i said earlier, i think the most important component in here is giving that role to kellyanne. i think bannon will certainly try and ramp up the rhetoric. but if the rhetoric is focused well by kellyanne, it may be a double plus. >> now, there is something that could be a good arrow in the quiver to keep donald trump than doing nothing other than bashing the media. the editors there, very elevated rhetoric, she has this intel briefing that will be given to donald trump today. you've seen the impact that an intel briefing can have on a candidate. how it can sober them. how it can make them think differently. tell us. >> well, there is really three levels of intelligence briefings. the briefings that donald trump and hillary clinton will get as candidates between now and the election will sort of be top line. sort of the headlines. heads up, if you will, that these are the key issues that are evolving around the world. once one of them is elected in november, there will be a different level of briefing between november and inauguration day, and then when they become president after taking the oath, then the briefings become more of a two-way street. they will get briefed and they will then be able to send messages and if you will, homework back to the intelligence community to pursue other things. it is the last level that is obviously the critical level within the presidency. and frankly, it is my biggest concern with obama has been that he only gets about 40% of his briefings face-to-face and so he loses that opportunity for interacti interaction. the candidates will not get to that level until after they're elected and then to the highest level when they take the oath of office. >> governor john sununu, insight and perspective, appreciate it as always. >> thanks, chris, have a good day. olympians, simone emanuel and brian murphy breaking records in the pool. how do they feel about breaking history. we speak to them next. this week sharpie twelve-packs just three dollars. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand. and best overall brand. 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>> it means a lot. i mean, just, i don't know, i mean, it is super exciting, and just to make history is, i'm humbled by that. >> i mean, did you go in thinking that that would be a possibility? >> no, i didn't go in, i didn't have -- i didn't try to put too much pressure on myself, and i think that's why i performed the way i did. i wanted to go in and enjoy the process and journey that these four years has taken me. i think that's why i was able to perform the way i did. >> whatever it was, it worked. simone, what do you think that means for young black girls or women of color around the world who have been watching? >> i think hopefully it encourages them to get in the water and gives them an option to try swimming, because they see someone like themselves in me, and just inspiring them to believe that if i can do it, they can do it too. >> okay, so ryan, you're no slouch in the swimming pool yourself. you also broke a world record. >> thank you. >> on the first leg of the 100-meter medley relay. how did that feel? >> yeah, i mean, the race was phenomenal. the crowd was great that night, just with it being michael's last race. i started to take the energy from the crowd, use the adrenaline of my excitement for being on a relay with michael. i think that's what really propelled me to that. >> do you feel like you're carrying michael phelps at this point? >> no, michael has been carrying us for his entire career. so you know, it was great to get a leap for him, he could come out on top for the relay. >> your other teammates, you allowed your teammate, cody miller, and michael phelps all to get the preliminary pick record for the relay. so tell us, i mean, tell me about that moment, when you realized you had broken the record. >> yeah, well, i mean, it was just right when nathan finished, you know, he had a great split. i wasn't -- i honestly, i didn't know what the olympic record was going into the race, i don't think any of us were really like thinking about it. we were just trying to do our thing, follow our process, and you know, luckily for us, it turned out in the olympic record. >> i know it is particularly poignant for you, because you used to watch michael phelps as we all did, but when you were a young boy, like 9 years old, you watched him. what's it like to be sharing the podium with him? >> yeah, i mean, like you said, i was that little nine-year-old kid jumping up and down on the couch for michael and the rest of the usa swimmers. so just, you know, just be kind of part of that shift, you know, from the michael era to the post michael era, that was super cool. >> simone, i heard you have an interesting place where you now store your medals, because there are so many, that they bump into each other. what do you do with them? >> yeah, i put them in socks. it kind of keeps them from scratching, and you just roll up the ribbon and it is a convenient place to put them. >> perhaps your mantle in the future, when you get home, would also be a nice place for them. but simone, what is next for you? i know that you're going back to stanford and i was very alarmed to hear that you would like to major in communications. are you coming after my job? >> i'm not coming after your job. i'm not sure if i want to do broadcasting, but i love communications, and just moving forward, i'm going to take a break, enjoy some time with my family and i'll be ready to get back to classes and swim for stanford. >> ryan, what's next for you? >> similar to simone. we start classes the 23rd or 24th, i'm going straight from here to berkeley. same plan. just going to take a little bit of time off, and get back into the swing of things. >> well, guys, you've made us all so proud back here at home. you are such an inspiration to kids and adults everywhere. simone manual, ryan murphy, thank you for being on "new day." >> thanks so much for having us. the good stuff, next. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ♪ time for the good stuff. today's comes from oklahoma city. that's where matthew and a group of his friends decided to help strangers. this go to the grocery store, come up on people shopping, and they pay their bills. what they didn't realize is that they were even gooder than good, because some of these people really need the help. >> first person, it was her birthday. she was low on cash, and so when we did pay her bills, it was a big deal for her. ♪ happy birthday to you >> love it. they paid for more than a dozen bills, and are not stopping there. being good, being charitable can be contag contagious. >> time now for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> you guys are ridiculous, but i like it. >> speak for yourself. >> i know, thanks so much. have a great day. "newsroom" starts now. and good morning, i'm carol costello, thank you so much for joining me. donald trump, announcing a major shake-up overnight, a move to bolster his sagging campaign. paul manafort keeps his title, but the team at the top is growing. kellyanne conway, a familiar face here on cnn is promoted to campaign manager. the conventional voice and ceo steven bannon will be


Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20160827 10:00:00

he has supporters like david duke connected with the ku klux klan. >> do you want white supremacists to vote for you? >> no, i don't. >> ku klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump are not american values. whoever committed this act, i pray for that person. >> rodney earl sanders charged with two counts of murder in connection with the death of two nuns. >> they live their lives to make the world better for people who have nothing. at least ten water rescues occurred overnight in kansas city as a flash flood emergency was issued for the metro region. good morning, we're so grateful to have your company as always, happy saturday, i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to be with you. we're starting with the arrests this morning as what mississippi authorities describe as a heinous crime, two nuns stabbed to death in their homes. police say this man, rodney harrison broke into the house and killed them. authorities are trying to figure out why that happened. they were serving one of the state's poorest countries. when they didn't show up for work, their co-workers called police. their car was left abandoned more than a mile away from their home. friends and family say they're going to remember these two as outgoing and compassionate. >> it's sad, my aunt and sister margaret, they lived their lives to try to make the world better for the people who have nothing. >> now, a wake is going to be held tomorrow for sister held and sister merril. and a memorial mass is for sunday as well. >> a national day of mourning meanwhile in central italy just days after this earthquake hit that area. >> right now, funerals for dozens of victims. italy's prime minister and president expected to attend services for just 40 victims. just today, the death toll now 290. >> the depth of devastation was sinking in as the critical window to find more survives alive passes. here's what we're dealing with. hundreds of aftershocks. you can imagine how that's hampering the ongoing recovery efforts here. 2100 people are living in make shift tents right now. we'll continue to follow this throughout the day. let's turn to the flash flooding that has put kansas city, missouri, there under water. we've got the pictures. let's show you the pictures here what people are dealing with. the national weather service calling this extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation here. and when you look at the video, you can understand why it's getting that classification. the roads obviously impassible. you see the roofs of some vehicles here, anyone who tried to drive through it, they watched their cars sink through. ch crews have been working around the clock to rescue people trapped by those floods. to make matters worse, much of the power is out. >> they go into the cars they wade into the water with flashlights looking in to make sure nobody is inside. this flash flood is part of a severe water system that brought tornado and hail. for residents reporting downed tree limbs and branches in the streets. no sign of any damage to buildings, and so far, we're told that no one is hurt. again, when you take a look at those pictures, you have to feel for those people there and what they're dealing with this morning. tim kaine is launching a bold new line of attack against donald trump linking the gop nominee to the values of the kkk, watch. hey, good morning, victor and christi, donald trump advisers always seem to invite a little controversy. this time, trump's campaign chief is in the headlines. >> reporter: trump's campaign chief steve bannon is drawing fire. >> latest shake-up was designed to, quote, let trump be trump. to do that, he hired steven bannon the head of a right wing website called >> reporter: now bannon was charged with domestic violence stemming from a 1996 incident involving his then wife. according to documents obtained by cnn an argument over money allegedly got physical an bannon's then wife said she wanted a divorce. it wrote she appeared as if she was upset and had been crying. i saw her eyes were red and watery. she first said, oh, thank you, you are here. the report says she fought back, got away from bannon and dialed 911. neither a trump campaign spokesperson or bannon returned a call for comment. and with the corey lewandowski and the defending rape accusations, and the trump attorney michael cohen argued, quote, of course, understand by the very definition, you can't rape your spouse. trump friend and unofficial adviser roger ailes left fox news that he founded following allegations of sexual harassment. i asked trump's campaign manager kellyanne conway if this could affect the trump campaign, she gave me a definitive answer, no. and that was it. and when asked if trump knew about the domestic case against bannon, he said, quote, i don't know what he was aware of a 20-year claim when the charges were dropped. >> let's bring in cnn our political commentator, and scotty nell hughes and a. scott bolden. good morning. >> good morning, victor. >> after the speech from hillary clinton thursday, we heard this last night from her running mate tim kaine about donald trump and his values. >> he has supporters like david duke connected with the ku klux klan going around saying donald trump is their candidate because donald trump is pushing their values. ku klux klan value, david duke values, donald trump are not american values. they're not our values, and we've got to do all we can to fight, to push back and in. all right. donald trump is pushing their values, ku klux klan values. david duke values. i want you, scott, to listen to what tim kaine said in his first joint interview after joining the ticket about the rhetoric of this campaign. let's watch that from "60 minutes." >> when i see this crooked hillary or lock her up, it's ridiculo ridiculous. it is ridiculous. it's beneath the kind of character of dialogue we should have. and most of us stopped the name calling thing about the fifth grade. >> he was there criticizing donald trump. do his comments last night meet his own standards, scott? >> i think so, because there wasn't any name calling. and remember, i don't like the rhetoric about bigotry and back and forth. donald trump is a dangerous candidate, not because of innuendo or conjecture but because of who he has surrounded himself with the ceo of breitbart, because of statements that are offensive to muslims, mex anicans and african-america. i think that's fair game, especially since he's unfit. and he doesn't have the temperament. 70% of americans believe he's a racist and a bigot. you can't run from both numbers. you can't win the presidency with those numbers. >> scottie. >> well, what's bad about all of this, we've had the race card on this. is this a horrendous week for hillary clinton starting off with where donald trump showed leadership going down to louisiana and helping them on the ground. while she's doing fund-raisers in maine and barack obama playing golf. that's how the week got started off. and the fbi e-mails. none of that we're talking about right now because she gave the speech and introduced the emotion of rape into it. >> had donald trump not introduced that before, especially with the judge saying that he's a mexican, although an american of mexican heritage, that he could not be objective. had donald trump not introduced race months ago? >> if you don't think it's obviously to distract what's going on. now that she's opened up pandora's box. let's talk about pandora's balk, the grand dragon, kkk, will craig endorsing hillary clinton going to rallies. talking about why he supports. and 2010 saying he was noble and her mentor. >> scottie, i hear you here, let me ask you about this, scottie. i don't mean to cut you off. we'll have you here throughout the morning but i've got to get this number in, because it's not just what we're hearing from the clinton campaign and clinton and kaine, voters in the quinnipiac poll on thursday, 59% polled said they agree the way donald trump talks appeals to bigotry. this is not something that is created by the clinton campaign, is this not a real problem with voters, with what donald trump says at least? >> it's not just donald trump, this is a broken record of the democrats. they do this every election cycle. they paint republicans as being racists. at this time in 2012, mitt romney was polling zero with the african-american community and being termed a race the. george w. bush say racist. this is what they do. it works because it pulls to the emotion. if you think that it workforce the communities, obviously when you're looking at more people now on food stamps. less home ownership within the african-american communities, there's a problem. why don't they look for a solution to be pandering which is exactly what she's doing. >> scott, let me come to you, after the clinton speech on thursday, there was no huge rush of republican lawmakers of conservatives not committed to the campaign, to defend donald trump against this. but after these comments by tim kaine we are seeing that. has senator kaine stepped on the clinton message? >> no, i don't think so at all. listen, those 60% of the voters are -- those 60% of the voters are not getting these racist and support of bigotry from anyone but donald trump. he has brought this on himself. because if you look at the citation information the report in his own words, he's bringing it on himself. what's more telling is, is that after he's been accused of all of these things, not one republican leader has tweeted or come out to defend him. the report in "the washington post" that raised that question. so, now, i don't think tim kaine is stepping on the message. he's carrying forth the message that hillary clinton laid out a couple days ago that is, again, documented, it had citations and reports. and used donald trump's own words against him. and republicans going forward against him. and we're going to -- >> can i get -- >> hold on, hold on. >> without the teleprompter he -- >> hold on. hold on. scottie, we'll bring you back first after the break. we've got to take a quick break. we'll be right back. 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(avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. did you know people can save over $500 when they switch to progressive? did you brush your hair today? yes, mom. why? hmm. no reason. scott bolden. and scottie nell hughes. scottie, go ahead with your answer. we had to go to break. >> we love to pay bill. >> i wasn't done, by the way. >> we'll get back to you, scott. >> and republicans are trying to get involved because it's such a problem nowadays and we're trying to get solutions. but you're not seeing any democrats step up to defend hillary clinton on the bigot either. it has a large connotation with race, it doesn't just have to do with race, guys. it has to do with someone who is small minded and draws hate from a group. whether you agree with it or not, hillary clinton's speech is very bigoted towards conservatives, right wing, tea partiers. but you don't have team standing up and saying, hey, she's not a bigot among the republican party. >> the week started with clinton facing scrutiny over her e-mails. with the state department speech. she changed the narrative connecting donald trump to conservative group, the alt-right. let's go to brian stelter to give us details. >> reporter: while donald trump says he's seeking minority voter. >> i think we're going to do great with african-americans and hispanics -- >> reporter: hillary clinton is trying to draw trump to alt-right. >> propelling the term alt-right into the national spotlight. >> explain to us what alt-right is. >> reporter: the answer depends on who you ask. >> it's just a dressed up version of the american neo-nazi movement. >> reporter:, the website shared by steve bannon has proudly led the charge. last month, bannon told mother jones, we're the plat for the alt-right. clinton is seizing on the connection, calling the alt-right disturbing and extreme. so what is it, exactly? >> it's a home, a place where we can be with people like ourselves. >> reporter: video blogger says the movement which started online several years ago is about ethnic nationalism. race that is under assault fuels the alt-right which stands opposed to both progressive and mainstream conservative thought. supporters say they're not racist or divisive but that's what critics charge. >> i spent 20 years trying to say conservatives are not racists. we're not misogya soggenists. >> reporter: trump is a favorite of the mostly young mostly white men who identify as alt-right. >> we cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. >> reporter: nativism and even racial separatism are themes of alt-right websites that embrace trump. but some of the loudest adherents say they're just being provocative. milo has been the face of the media with stunts though he's now been banned from twitter. >> he represents the best hope we have. breaking taboos, allowing real debate to be had again. >> scott, let me come to you. before we ran that package, scottie brought up a point. and i'll put it to you, is it fair to make donald trump, or hold him responsible, for the views of the alt-right, considering he says he doesn't want the votes of white supremacists, white nationalists. is it fair to hold him accountable for all of their views? >> well, of course, it is. because he feeds that narrative. it's one thing for them to say i don't want the white nationalists or the ku klux klan vote even though david duke and the alt-right are big supporters of his, they are because he feeds that narrative. and he's not afraid because that expands or rather energizes his base. you can't have it both bways. and say i'm part of the nazi party and then feed the policy of immigration on building a wall on the religious test for muslims. on african-americans being unemployed and poor and being shot in their communities. this all feeds that negative narrative. and then you combine the breitbart with his campaign, you defend it and say, listen, i want to expand my base. you're not going to expand your base, you energize it. and there's not enough of that base to get him to the political end zone of the presidency. he's only got 70 days left. he's run out of time. he's dug himself a hole. but he's going to have to live with breitbart and the neo-nazi conservative issues that he's into their narrative. he denies that. >> scottie, if donald trump brings in steve bannon to be the ceo of his campaign, a man who ran breitbart, breitbart claimed proudly to be the platform of the alt-right, does he not deserve all of the criticism that comes, if you choose steve bannon to run your campaign? >> exactly. >> i honestly know steve bannon and breitbart. it's a popular website. >> popular not meaning it's ethical or right. just to claim numbers doesn't mean much, does it? >> i'm telling you the numbers on it to come out and claim the whole group is neo-nazi and racist. that's like wee turning around calling the alternate left that they are bombers. none of that. and that's not fair to do. >> hold on, scott. >> may i remind you, where i said the grand dragon of the kkk in california is endorsing hillary clinton. she has more of an outspoken support from the kkk than donald trump. whether you don't want to hear it -- >> that's ridiculous. >> it's true. you've got robert bair who is using the "n" word on interviews with tony snow in 2001 repeatedly saying it. and on e-mails making fun of an african-american woman's name. these are staffers. >> scottie, e-mail whatever your claim is about the grand dragon of the kkk. i'd push back against it if i had more details. i simply don't know. i don't know that the grand dragon of the kkk is endorsing anybody. give me that name and details. >> scott, you've got 15 seconds. >> the whole idea of hillary clinton being a bigot, she's walk the wall with diversity advocating for african-americans and children and women historically. so she really doesn't need to be defended by democrats and i've never heard of this grand dragon endorsing her, if he has, that's ironic, because trump has driven it that way. >> every time we've had -- >> you can't do both at the same time. >> hillary clinton is not a bigot that's why that claim by him falls to a thud, if you will. he is the height of pronouncement. he just makes he's pronouncements because he's narcissistic about it, he wants you to believe it because he believes it. he can't get it done. he doesn't even know how to sustain bigotry or talk to people of color. this is ridiculous. >> i'll be looking for the details. >> send it to me, too, by the way. >> thank you, both. all right. listen, we want to talk about the cousin of an nba superstar was killed in chicago overnight. and we've been talking about what's happening in chicago for months now. but this really hitting home for one mr. dwyane wade. >> yes, it's a heartbreaking story. chicago bulls star dwyane wade's cousin shot and killed while she was pushing her baby in a stroller. we'll have the latest on that investigation next. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here. t-mobile's coverage is unstoppable. we doubled our lte coverage. and, with extended range lte, it reaches farther than ever. now you can stream video and music free in more places without 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joined chris paul, carmelo anthony at the espys where they pleaded for an end to racial profiles and gun violence. on thursday, wade took part in an espn roundtable on violence in chicago. wade shared his heartbreak tweeting my cousin was killed today in chicago. another act of sensele gun violence. four kids lost their mom for no reason. unreal. enough is enough. her mother spoke about the straddy. >> just sat on a panel yesterday, talking about the violence that's going none our city of chicago, never knowing that the next day we would be the ones that would be the ones actually living and experiencing it. >> investigators say a littldri was not the intended target in the shooting. police are questioning two people. >> that's the problem. >> they were in the movement. nothing to do with the family. >> yeah. turning back to politics, this week, we've seen and we've discussed it, it's an especially rough politics between the trump campaign and the clinton campaign. this is not new. there's a history of nasty campaigns. we're going to examine that, when we return. the right things working together can give you an advantage. like trubiotics with immune support advantage. its unique formula supports immune health in two ways. with probiotics that work in your gut. and antioxidants that work throughout your body. trubiotics from one a day. burning, pins-and-needles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble 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scheduled for monday. so, you think this political seen is getting out of hand, one of the nastiest presidential campaigns in recent memory. some say it's reaching a new low. the candidates spent this week debating who is the bigger bigot. >> that's where we are, folks. and now clinton's running mate tim kaine said trump pushes ku klux klan values. >> reporter: gross hypocrite. godless atheist, who said it, trump or clinton clinton? well, neither. it was associates of thomas jefferson and john adams. >> a man you can date with a tweet. >> lying crooked hillary. >> reporter: the fact is all this name calling and dirty campaign is nothing new. take the election of 1828. john quincy adams versus andrew jackson in another political brouhaha. adam takes in jackson asserting that jackson didn't know how to spell was too uneducated to become president. while newspapers portrayed his wife april as a short fat dumpling. >> and adams shot back. and another political slugfest. this time, abraham lincoln and steven douglas. douglas accusing of hypocrisy claiming that lincoln himself once operated a grocery store serving hard liquor, causing quite a stir. lincoln's reply, if that was the case, surely douglas was his best customer. and theodore roosevelt called taft a fathead. and taft in behind causing roosevelt followers neurotics. and moderates have seen their fair share, too. 1972, senator edward muskie of maine, then a front-runner for the democratic nomination that is until the conservative manchester newspaper ran two pieces, one accusing muskie of moving racial slurs. the second implying that muskie's wife enjoyed drinking and cursing in an unlady-like way. >> by attacking me, by attacking my wife has proved himself to be a gutless coward. >> reporter: it's also reported that muskie broke down and cried sending a message that he couldn't handle the heat and sending his campaign into a tailspin. in 1988, george w. bush let lose onmichael dukakis. saying he couldn't support the military and stating that dukakis thought a naval exercise is something you'd find in john fonda's exercise books. and his daughter bridget was actually adopted from bangladesh, but the false rumor had its intended effect, stalling the campaign's momentum. and bush, of course, went on to win. another example of even though it's ugly -- >> hillary clinton is a bigot. >> this is someone who retweets white supremacists online. >> reporter: it can work. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. all right. we've got some stories we want to share with you on the other side of the break. the stories of survival. and they are emerging now from the rubble in italy. cnn travels to a hospital near the epicenter of this week's deadly quake. wait till you hear this. stay close. italy's president is attending a state funeral for 35 of the earthquake now. the death toll 281. >> the death toll finally sinking in here. hundreds standing by to recover some of these folks. we know 2100 people are living, as you see there, in these makeshift tents right now. >> cnn's fred pleitgen joins us from one of the most devastated towns there. fred, show us what you're seeing there, and tell us what you've learned. >> reporter: well, victor, i mean, the devastation here is just absolutely stunning. we're in amatrice, you were just saying that the updated death toll is now 290. of 230 of those known to be killed were right near amatrice. i can tell you that the search and rescue efforts are still very much ongoing by the italian authorities. they do have a large team on the ground here. they have search dogs. they also have some heavy equipment as well to try to help them pry people out of the rubble if indeed they find any. the problem is, they really haven't found any survivors in the past day or so. there were some people pulled out alive in the rubble in the first hours after the quake, first day and a half, maybe after the quake, now it's become very few and very far between. they are, of course, pulling dead bodies from the rubble. it's something that has devastated this community. you see the folks that live here, virtually every single family in this town is affected by the quake. they've had some family member either injure order killed in this. then you have the other big problem which means you still have aftershocks here in the region. and one of those aftershocks has caused a building that has already damaged to collapse. of course, it makes it difficult for the rescue crews to continue their work, because every time there's an aftershock, they need to evacuate immediately because of the rubble shift, and there's a danger of rescuers getting buried underneath. the italians are doing very good job coming to terms with it, but of course, a devastating event touching everybody in these communities here, victor. >> no doubt. the president and prime minister attending that state funeral for 35 of the 290 victims. fred pleitgen in amatrice, thank you so much. amidst the stories coming out of italy, there are stories of survival. and we've got some of those for you from cnn's atika shubert. she went to a hospital near the epicenter. shea here's what she learned. >> reporter: a little girl plucked from the rubble alive. rescued 17 hours after the earthquake. many of the victims here were children. enjoying their summer holidays with their families. 4-year-old georgia rinaldi, survived because her older sister julia shielded her from the rubble, sacrificing her own life for her baby sister. this is the hospital where that little girl pulled out of the rubble was brought to for treatment. 99 of those injured were brought here. this is where family members wait for word of their loved ones, still living the trauma of their ordeal. here, georgia's father is coming to terms with the loss of one daughter and the survival of the other. he told doctors he was not yet ready to speak to media. but others talk to try to make sense of the destruction. giuseppe was lying in bed with his wife domenica when the earthquake struck. now, he's waiting for her to come out of a lengthy surgery. for us, it's the end, he told us. it's a house with so many memories, so much life, we're finished. we're scared. we saw death, we felt it, my wife -- and then he breaks down in tears. he said we prayed. the madonna wanted to save us. this 19-year-old was sleeping on the top floor of his family's summer house. his mother in the room next door when the house collapsed. >> my first thought was my mother. my mother is here, but i can't help her. >> reporter: he was buried in rubble. it took an hour for his uncle to find him and dig him out with his bare hands. >> when i came out, i kissed him, and i said to him that he was my life. and but, my thought, i still love my mother, because she passed away. she gone. she gone now. >> reporter: he survived, but hairline fractures to several vertebrae. his greatest pain is the loss of his mother. >> i am like this because my mother teach me to be a person like this. >> reporter: be strong. >> be strong, yes. >> reporter: given new life, survivors of italy's devastating earthquake are healing slowly. atika shubert, cnn, italy. >> i know we watch those things and so often we want to do something. well, we want to help you do that. go to slash impac daucn. there are resources there on how you can indeed help. for more buffalo cauliflower. 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could make it a fun experience. >> you're including all humans but missed the pets. >> who are you thinking about? >> well i'm thinking about cats, obviously. >> we'll see what the future holds. he has supporters like david duke connected with the ku klux klan. >> do you want white supremacists to vote for you? >> no, i don't. >> ku klux klan values. david duke values, donald trump values are not american values. whoever committed this evil act, i pray for that person. >> rodney earl sanders charged with two counts of murder in connection with the deaths of two nuns. >> they lived their lives to try to make the world better for the people who have nothing. at least ten water rescues occurred overnight in kansas city, as a flash flood emergency was issued for the metro region. >> so grateful to have you on this saturday. i'm christi paul. >> good morning to you, i'm victor blackwell. >> i'm going to tell you about an arrest we're learning about in what mississippi authorities describe as a heinous crime. two nuns stabbed to death in their home. >> police say this is the man responsible. rodney earl sanders. they say he broke into their house in lexington and killed them. margaret held and paula merrill workeded as practitioners serving the poorest communities. >> are police revealing how it was they were led to him? >> at least not quite yet. >> it's interesting we don't know a whole lot of who this individual is. we know he was arrested, as they continue to piece this case together. what we do know, a 46-year-old man identified as investigators as rodney earl sanders who was arrested and charged with capital murders, investigators believe he broke into the home of these two sisters two nuns, who you mentioned served the community and provided needs for those in the poorest counties. and they were found in their home when police officers showed up at the home and found signs of forced entry. eventually, though, their bodies found inside their home. the question here, what is the motive? no information has been released on any possible link between sanders and these two sisters. officials at the mississippi bureau of investigation have only said he was a person of interest early in the investigation, christi and victor. what's interesting here, this community, now coming together in prayer, not just for the families of these two women, but the suspect himself. i think what it does is speak to the sense of community and unity in what say very small community. again, investigators have not released a whole lot of information yet. they did recover the vehicles of one of the victims but they're calling this a robbery short of that yet. >> thank you. let's turn to kansas city, missouri, the metro area there, under water. look at this. people are struggling to deal with this. the national weather service calling this extremely dangerous. life-threatening situation. you understand why. look at the cars here. just the roofs of this one. roads impassible although people tried and they found themselves in situations like this. high waters there and some people having to be rescued. >> emergency crews. you see them here, working around the clock. the rescue people trapped by the floods and you see what some of that takes wading into that waist deep or more water, looking in vehicles to make sure nobody is trapped there. and the power is out which only makes things worse for those folks. the flash flooding is part of a severe weather system that brought down tornadoes and residents reporting tree branches in the streets. no signs of any buildings so far no reports of anyone being hurt. democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine is launching a new line of attack against donald trump linking the gop nominee to the challenges of the ku klux klan. >> donald trump is their candidate because donald trump is pushing their values. ku klux klan values, david duke values. donald trump values are not american values. >> well, kaine's comments come just a day after hillary clinton gave a major speech, linking donald trump in his campaign, the new ceo to the politically volatile alt-right movement. but republicans, some of them are firing back, calling the allegations repungent lies perpetrated by a desperate clinton campaign. cnn national correspondent diane gallagher is following the story for us. and this is, i don't know whether to say it's ramping up or sliding down into new depths of heights, diane. >> you know, victor, it's really interesting to watch how this is playing out here. as the candidates trying to cast the other one agency the most racist. tim kaine doing what they most often do the attack dog here. this is taking what hillary clinton said is in that thursday speech quite a bit further in the rhetoric. the rnc, of course, jumping on that very quickly, victor. i can tell you they issued a statement pretty immediately afterwards saying that tim kaine went to new lows. of course, the clinton campaign had issue with donald trump calling hillary clinton a bigot in this piece. so they've been trading these barbs back and forth. but with the rnc spokesperson called for in a tweet, democrats who denounced the tim kaine comments. trump surrogates have taken issue with it. donald trump himself has not weighed in on kaine's particular comments but you may recall after hillary clinton gave that speech saying that trump is running a campaign based in prejudice, well, he said that she was casting his supporters in a negative light saying that she was trying to, quote, smear them. victor, it's not just two candidates right now, but two parties trying to cast a doubt on minorities here. >> diane gallagher, we'll get that answer from our political panel standing by, we'll talk about kaine's comments and whether they really will have an impact on this campaign. stay with us. ♪ is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. tthe whitenessmy wasn't there as much, my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing so it's nice to know that it was as simple as that. all right. 11 minutes after the hour now. let's get you on the top political story we talked about just a minute ago. tim kaine turn as a political attack dog, saying that donald trump pushes the values of the ku klux klan and david duke. to discuss, we're joined by cnn political commentator and donald trump support jeffrey lord, danelle mclaughlin, also a clinton supporter. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning, i want to start with you, danielle, after we heard hillary clinton's speech on thursday about donald trump and the alt-right and steve bannon. you watched it. our viewers watched it. there was not this rush from the rnc to attack those statements and 20 donald trump but after what we heard from tim kaine on friday there was. did tim kaine go too far? >> as you said, victor, he's playing the role of the attack dog which is what a vice presidential candidate does. as michelle obama said, when they go low, you go high. and it's been one of unity. she's talked about love and a very positive campaign. so, i think that the comments that trump made about her, that she was a bigot, you can't just take it lying down but i think it goes back to the issue that's the way they're going to run. >> do you think it was a mistake? >> i don't think it was a mistake, but i think they need to leave it behind. >> let me cut to you, jeffrey. we've heard from supporters of donald trump who are calling this out of bounds. the statement from the rnc tim kaine sunk to new lows with the dirty, deplorable attacks. this comes from the rnc who is obviously supporting donald trump who just days earlier called hillary clinton a bigot. and during this campaign has called her several other names. so is this appropriate for them to now, or donald trump to be so surprised by this, or the rnc to be so offended by the statements? >> victor, i had to say, when i heard tim kaine say this, i laughed because this is so unbelievably cynical. in 1964, i've gone back and looked at these things. in 1964, the democratic party had a commercial featuring the alabama wizard of the ku klux klan saying quote/unquote i like barry goldwater, he needs our help. in 1980, jimmy carter, they said he was tied to the ku klux klan. is it racist, is it terrible? yes, but at this point, it's been tried so many times. it's just cynical. laughably cynical. and they ought to be embarrassed. >> let me come back to you, danielle. you said they need to get back to the issue. this is a proverbial where we're now, no, you're a bigot, no, you're a bigot. you push the kkk. at some point, do we get back to -- i would love to have the immigration conversation or the gun control conversation. but this is what people are following and we're discussing. can we make that pivot back to the issues, the policies? >> we have to. he has campaigned on division and name calling and the immigration plan and so many days after the election, this should be about the issues, it's what people on main street want to hear about. they don't want to hear about name calling. i think clinton is right to punch back is obvious. he's been from the very get-go, not only get the primary opponents but certainly against her. we should have a conversation about immigration. i would love to know what donald trump wants to do about immigration which is to build a wall. which, by the way, 60% of americans don't want that to happen. >> we're going to talk about that later in the show. but jeffrey, it's difficult for some voters to get to the policy proposals from donald trump because they hear rhetoric which is disturbing. they brought it up. and i'm going to bring it up with you. the quinnipiac poll just out on thursday, 59%, to be precise, of the voters polled said that, quote, believe that the way donald trump talks appeals to bigotry. does he have to do a better job of articulating these positions? and does he need to come out and be a little forceful of not wanting the votes of white supremacists? >> first of all, he does want the vote of the white supremacists. i think we need to have the discussion what is bigotry, when you take african-americans for granted as the democratic party has done. victor, the ku klux klan, i don't know if you know this in 1924, they couldn't even pass a resolution at the democratic national convention condemning that. >> frankly, we do this all the time -- >> hold on. hold on. jeffrey f jeffrey, finish. >> the new deal was built on racism. franklin roosevelt boasted to jackson who was a klan member that a lot of his friends were klan members. race plus progressivism equals political power. if we're going to have a discussion about bigotry, we ought to have a discussion how it's used in the modern day democratic party with al sharpton and all of that kind of thing. >> danielle, i'll let you finish it up. >> jeffrey, you do this over and over, you paint the democratic party, and it's simply not true. hillary clinton is running, she's talked very forcefully about issues that we still have in this country, about the problems we have racism. there are so many ways this manifests itself day to day. everyone, african-americans, everybody wants equal opportunities wants education. she's planned other than random ideas of how to do that. >> hopefully, we'll get to some of those plan. this was something that wasn't part of an interview. this is something that tim kaine introduced as pushing their values. the ku klux klan values. the david duke values, as you say, danielle, you suspect this will continue. thank you both. >> thank you, victor. >> thank you. >> christi. still to come -- dozens of earthquake victims are being honored today and laid to rest, as italy pauses for a national day of mourning. slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think 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here at this service. the death toll now at 290. that is a new number this morning. many more are unaccounted for as well. the depth of devastation that we're seeing across this region maybe now is when it's really sinking in here because this critical window to find more survivors alive is just ticking by. hundreds of aftershocks, too, we should point out, are really hampering ongoing recovery efforts there. and look at these pictures coming in from a makeshift camp there. 2100 people living in some of those tents right now. cnn's fred pleitgen is on the phone with us from one of the most devastated towns. actually, he's with us there. with the rubble behind him. fred, as we talk about the fact that this is finally sinking in with many of these people, help us to understand what they're going through today and what their most urgent need is. >> reporter: right now, christi, the most urgent need is trying to see if there are still some survivors. certainly, there's a lot of rescue cruise out here. big assets out here as well, including dogs. trying to see under the rubble. unfortunately in those cases all they can retrieve is dead bodies. i want to show you why. this is one of the houses, one of the big houses that came down in the earthquake. finding somebody alive in something like that. surviving that would really have to be a stroke of luck. that's what many buildings in this town look like. we're also talking about the aftershocks here. this is really probably the biggest risk to the rescue and recovery efforts going on right here. i want to draw your attention to something. you see that ancient church tower over there made of stone. that has major cracks in it already. authorities fear that could come down if there is another major aftershock. and we've had hundreds of aftershocks that have done exactly that. they've brought buildings that have had damage down completely. every time that happens. the rescue crews need to stop their working and evacuate immediately because of course, all of the other rubble there starts shifting as well. and they're in danger of getting buried themselves. it's very difficult work for the rescue crews. they're trying to bring in more assets. and taking care of those rescued. i can tell from you place like amatrice here, the most affected town, pretty much other family having people traumatized and very much afraid of these very strong aftershocks happening as well, christi. >> especially from the 2100 people with the makeshift tents are you getting any indication as to where those people will go, living in those conditions? >> reporter: yeah. you know, that is -- it's actually a real big debate here in italy right now as to how you move forward from something like this, a lot of those people, more than 2,000 people have lost their homes. a lot of them at this point in time are afraid to stay in any hard structures because of the aftershocks going on. in the long term, the question is going to be with some of these ville avenues. are you going to rebuild them where per before, on a seismic fault line, where you have the earthquakes where that happens. authorities are saying maybe some of these villages may have to be given up completely and they may have to relocate these people to other parts of the country. that's the long-term thinking. they say they want to rebuild all of this but that's a discussion going on right now. this area is called an emergency area, therefore, funding is available to help the most immediate needs. but for the long term, there's very big questions that the italian politicians and italian society are going to ask themselves what they're going to do with places like this which are very ancient, very beautiful but also very prone to seismic activity. >> fred pleitgen, thank you so much for bringing that. >> for ways to help earthquake victims visit i'm sure you heard about this, brutal crime in mississippi. well, authorities now say they have captured the 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>> i know, certainly, to my observation, he is in great shape. >> yeah, but you're not a medical doctor. this guy is and took four or five minutes to write four or five lines that they would be happy with. how -- >> well, anybody who's been to a doctor, i mean, i certainly, like most people have been to a doctor. it doesn't take them long to write up a report on your physical condition here. it can take that long. but as to the contents and his credibility, i mean, i just -- i don't know. >> all right, danielle. let me come to you. how much do you think we'll hear about this from the clinton campaign? >> i honestly don't think that much. honestly, when this first came out, it looked to me like donald trump wrote it with the hyperbole and the descriptive and add adjectives used. did donald trump write this? i think from clinton from a transparency perspective. and from this idea that with our elected presidented who he may be beholden to. >> okay. that's enough of that. let's turn to immigration. jeffrey lord, can you tell us, and we're -- >> let's go back to the doctor -- >> no, no, let's talk about immigration. let's put aside for a moment, those who have committed additional crimes in the country who are here illegally, undocumented peoples in the country. the estimate, latest one is about 11 million. could be more, could be less. coming to you, you can articulate what donald trump's position is for those people in this country? >> sure. i understand what he said to anderson cooper the other night, they don't all go back at once. that's impossible to do. but that they, in general, the policy is they've got to go back, and then they can be allowed in if they stand in line sand come in in normal fashion. victor, the larger point about this is a very good one. you cannot have a country in which people are allowed to just walk in the door en masse and stay. whether it's this country or any other country. and certainly, in reverse when poor sergeant tahmooressi made a wrong turn, they put him in the cli clink and held him for months. >> as donald trump said he's not going to deport -- >> he said we'll see. >> we'll see is not a plan. >> well, this has been done once in american history by president eisenhower. very popular in the day. "the new york times" kept pushing it on there, going back and looking at heir are kiechiv that eisenhower did this. >> the popular argument is not always ethical. the popular argument aside, let me ask you about if donald trump is not going to do this mass deportation, and he said we'll see that people have to leave on their own, does not equal the self-deportation plan that he derided from 2012? >> no, i don't think so. i mean, i think he will make a very serious attempt to get people to do exactly as he says. beginning with criminals. i mean, when you see that the people, the killers of jameel shaw jr., the african-american student killed by an illegal. when you see the killer of kate steinle in san francisco. those guys should never have been in the country in the first place. they should be gone. >> danielle, to you, even the supporters who may not be happy with the changes in his immigration plan, the latest quinnipiac poll shows that nearly two-thirds of trump supporters are simply voting against clinton. do you expect that even this ambiguity will lose support? >> well, the whole campaign there's ambiguity and equivocation. i think his core supporters will be with him regardless. i want to stick a little bit to the eisenhower deportation. when we had japanese camps, it seemed like a good idea at the time. >> that was a democratic policy. >> but getting back to immigration, there's a lot of talk here. it's simply not true. i think what trump is proposing very much like rubio and rusbus. you could pretty much argue it's what obama is trying to do is prioritize the criminals and would give them legal status that would allow them to become a citizen to people who ought to have children who are citizens oar citizens do have noncitizen children. he's sounding a lot obama. >> they get to stay as long as they don't get to vote for 25 years. >> we'll wrap it there. jeffrey lord, danielle mclaughlin. thank you. there's been this rash of heroin overdose that is sweeping the midwest. and police believe, and this is probably the most shocking elements of this, that the drug was tainted with elephant tranquilizer. we're going to take a deeper look at all of this -- next. if you have allergy congestion, muddling through your morning is nothing new... ♪ introducing rhinocort® allergy spray. powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. ♪ try rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no more®. the earth needed to find a new waytury, to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? 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>> yes, definitely. absolutely. because you -- you stop getting high. that's it. you stop getting high. so when you know that somebody has overdosed or you hear about crazy new drugs, you know, you're thinking, well, all right. it's about time. i'm trying to get high. that's all you've been trying to do. >> reporter: does that mean that this new strain of heroin that's cut with an elephant tranquilizer. >> i am very sure that there are heroin addicts who are actively looking for it. and thinking that the people who are dying are doing it wrong. they're doing too much. they're not -- you know what i think, they're just thinking that they're going to find a way to get really high and not die. or if they die, they don't really care. but they're definitely looking for it. i would be. >> my friend's on drugs. i think he's overdosed. >> is he awake? >> he's awake but barely. >> he's breathing. >> what's he od'ing on? >> heroin. >> reporter: this firehouse in cincinnati responded to nearly two dozen overdoses in a single day last week. more than ten times their daily average. and they don't know when the calls will stop coming in. but april's mom is worried about a different type of call. >> you know, we're hearing an ambulance, and we always wonder if it's someone that we know or for our child. and that's something that we live with every day. you know, we go to bed at night, wondering if we're going to get that phone call. >> reporter: april and her mom know better than anyone how difficult the struggle with opioid addiction is. >> i'll do any drug you put in front of me. so, it's definitely a struggle. it's really hard. >> it's difficult because we can't like love them out of it. you know, so, we love them so much, and it doesn't -- there's nothing that we can really do for them. >> reporter: april says getting sober is a daily struggle. but in her eyes, not using heroin is progress. even if other drugs are taking its place. >> i'm definitely not -- i wouldn't say i'm using. but i've used twice since i've been out. i've been out for a month. >> how has heroin changed your life? >> well, i'm 22. i just did 11 months incarcerated. i'm back on probation with more time. when in reality, i probably should have been applying for med school this summer. you know, that is what i wanted to do. that's where i should have been. >> reporter: rachel crane, cnn, cincinnati. >> and that health crisis there we'll talk to people in cincinnati later on this morning. old domestic violence charges coming to life for donald trump's new campaign ceo. what the campaign is saying about steve bannon and his future. before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. mr. brady, we've been expecting you. will you be needing anything else? no. not a thing. beautyrest black. get your beautyrest. donald trump's newly appointed ceo facing controversy this weekend in old domestic charge against steve ban non has surfaced. it was 1996 and the police report details an altercation between he and then his wife and how he abused her physically. here are the details now. >> reporter: donald trump's advisors always seem to invite a little controversy. and this time it's trump's new campaign chief in the headlines. stephen ban non is already facing criticism. >> to do that, he hired stephen bannon as the head of bannon is charged with domestic violence stemming from an argument with his wife in 1996. allegedly an argument over money got physical when his wife said she wanted a divorce. the responding police officer wrote, she appeared as if she was very upset and had been crying. i saw that her eyes were red and watery. she first said, oh, thank you, you are here. the report went on to say bannon grabbed her by the neck and wrist and leaving red marks where he grabbed her. the report said she fought back, got away from bannon and dialed 911. neither the trump campaign nor the bannon spokesperson returned to comment. former campaign chairman paul manafort and former campaign manager lawandowsky was in trouble as well. as soon as roger ailes left fox news, that was following sexual misconduct. now, in an interview conway was asked if trump knew about the domestic violence case against bannon and she said, i don't know what he knew about a 20-year-old case when the charges were dropped. so it doesn't sound like bannon is going anywhere any time soon. >> thank you so much. it's that time of the year, hitting the gridiron for college football. two u.s. teams are doing it not in the u.s. >> we have all the details after the break. eth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ♪ is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. college football season officially underway. >> it started half a world away. rashaad ali has more. >> reporter: this is my favorite time of the year. the american game of football is starting down under in australia. the california golden bears will rein in the warriors at sydney's olympic stadium. davis weber threw four touchdown passes and ran for another score in his debut. he has big shoes to fill replacing the number one overall draft pick. 51-31 was the final. and tom brady makes his preseason debut. he came in off the bench and immediately connected to set up a field goal. second quarter, brady lands a beauty. this time to chris hogan for the touchdown. new england is undefeated in the preseason after a 19-17 win. remember, though, brady is suspended for the first four games of the regular season as punishment for deflategate. and finally, olympic gymnast and massachusetts native aly raisman threw out the first pitch at fenway park last flight. there was one problem, what to do with all the olympic medals. david ortiz was there to lend a hand or a neck in this game. he held her bling and caught the ceremonial first pitch. check out her stars and stripes shoes and socks combo. such a cutie pie. >> that is awesome. they were so heavy. >> so, so heavy. >> rashan, thank you. see you in a little bit as well. well, when it comes to recent presidential pitches, sometimes the biggest show is the one happening right behind the podium. that group there behind the candidates. >> nobody could explain this better than cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: what happens behind trump doesn't stay behind donald trump. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. >> reporter: he goes viral. the latest trump supporter to react with shock was passed on by a critical road, we are all this woman's face. >> that was a classic. >> that was hilarious. >> this lady -- eeh! >> just over two weeks ago it was daryl vicker's face that dropped. >> when the donald ripped on how gun supporters may stop hillary. >> i can't believe he said it. it was a joke. >> reporter: daryl says he's still voting for trump. we have seen one guy befeed another guy chips behind donald. what are the different nicknames you've had? >> sticker boy, sticker man, idiot. >> reporter: at a trump rally in texas, we watched a hyped up supporter display his trump shirt giving the thumbs-up and thumbs-down signal, pray when prayer was mentioned and even climbed -- >> to restore the ladder of success. >> reporter: his own invisible ladder. sometimes it's hard to tell genuine supporters from pranksters that manage to sneak in that clown for the cameras. pranksters like the guys that got behind clinton. >> i'm incredible grateful. >> reporter: wearing settle for hillary shirts. at a trump rally, the same pair showed up wearing arm bands. >> trump arm bands. >> reporter: the donald may say -- >> hillary clinton is a bigot. >> reporter: but trump is a spigot of startling statements. this woman's face was more mobile than her hands who managed two claps. when he's not provoking funny faces, trump is no slouch at making his own. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. he has supporters like david duke connected with the ku klux klan. >> do you want white supremacists to vote for you? >> no, i don't. >> ku klux kl arksklan values, trump values are not american values. whoever committed this, i pray for that person. >> rodney earl sanders charged in connection with the death of two nuns. >> they lived their lives to try to make the world better for people who have nothing. and police said ten water rescues occurred in kansas city as a flash flood was issued for the region. so grateful to have your and. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. we'll start with the arrest in mississippi. authorities describe this heinous crime, two nuns stabbed to death in hair home. >> paul sandoval is following this story. wondering what you're learning, if anything, how police got to this man, in particular? >> reporter: victor and kristy, that is the question. how investigators led to this man. he was a person of interest early in the investigation, but we do know this morning that the community of lexington, an hour's drive north of jackson, is left mourning the loss of two women that gave so much to their community. >> margaret and i have worked together for many years. we just see patients and do what needs to be done. this is one of the poorest counties in all of mississippi. it rivals the bottom place of all sorts of statistics. >> martha and marilyn were found stabbed to death in their rural mississippi home on thursday. police say there was evidence of a break-in. the car that belonged to one of the victims was found on an abandoned road less than a mile from their home. this morning 46-year-old rodney earl sanders is under arrest facing two counts of capital murder. police say he was identified early in the investigation as a person of interest after what they call an exhaustive interview, he was charged. authorities have not revealed a motive in the killing or described a relationship between sanders and the nun, but they do say this heinous crime has been solved. >> it's sad that people come to this, whatever motivates them. i mean, you know, my aunt and sister margaret, they lived their lives to try to make the world better for the people who have nothing. >> reporter: those in the community who knew the two nuns described them as outgoing and compassionate, always willing to lend a helping hand. >> everybody was the same in their eyes. all you had to do is go to them, ask them for help and they would help you any way they could. it really pained the community. >> reporter: and so now the community prepares to say good-bye and to remember the two women. we understand there is a wake scheduled for tomorrow and a memorial mass is expected to happen on be monday. meanwhile, the lingering question is a motive. what is it? at this point investigators say it's too early to call it a robbery. there are still pieces to gather of the evidence. they are still going over the evidence. evidence was recovered inside a stolen vehicle that belonged to one of these women. but for now the community is focusing on the legacy of the two women, not so much on the man arrested yesterday. >> paul, appreciate it. republicans firing back, the republican national committee is charging that the clinton campaign is, quote, sunk to new lows after the democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine linked donald trump to the values of a white supremacist group. >> donald trump is their candidate because donald trump is pushing their values. ku klux klan values are not american values. >> donald trump's spokesman said they are repugnant and social lies. diane gallagher is following the story. diane, it makes you wonder, hillary clinton does have a lot of drama around her already. when you talk about the clinton foundation, the e-mails, we wonder why donald trump would go this route. >> well, tim kaine is kind of assuming the traditional role of running mate as the attack dog here. obviously, he's taking the clinton campaign sort of a new route that they are going, saying that donald trump's campaign is one that is routed in prejudice. tim kaine taking it quite a bit further in those comments there. of course, as you said, the rnc jumping on it to say it's a new low. trump surrogates call it an outrage. shawn splicer tweeting if the republicans don't denounce this, they are come police it. the trump campaign said initially the statements are not true and they feel like this is just the clinton campaign's way of trying to distract from their own issues. but really, christi, this is something the clinton campaign tried to hammer on the last couple of days. on thursday the campaign released a video trying to link donald trump to the kkk again. and also trying to show that video from before when jake tapper tried to get donald trump to disavow the support of david duke. now, for what it's worth, donald trump did say to a television station in new hampshire, wmur, when asked point-blank if he wanted white supremacists to support them, he said, no, i do not want their support. but this is probably going to continue to play out as a back and forth trying to cast the other campaign as racist here. >> historically do we know if this kind of argument plays well with voters? i mean, let's be honest, races is a very personal issue to people. >> it is. and i think right now it appears what the clinton campaign is trying to do is take comments that donald trump has made and take comments that people who support him, whether donald trump wants that support or not, and try to play it as if it is the way the campaign operates. what the campaign wants to do. cast his campaign in a light that makes him appear racist. the donald trump, his campaign trying to do the same with hillary clinton's campaign. saying it is her policies that hold down minority groups and make it impossible for them to get a foot up. some of that tactic has not gone so well for donald trump. there's been a lot of push-back on that. but historically a lot of people have said they want to hear less anger and more policy at this point. >> all right. well, we'll see how that happens. diane gallagher, we appreciate it, thank you. we'll take you now to the kansas city, missouri, metro area. look at this. this is what people are dealing with. flash flooding there, the nation mall weather service calling this an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. roads impassable. and you can see people trying to, the car here, the suv covered up to the roof. police here searching to see if there is anyone stuck in this car. people are trying to pass. you shouldn't drive through the roads and don't know if they are passable. emergency crews are working around the clock to find people and to make matters worse here. much of the power is out. the flash flooding is part of the severe weather system that brought the threat of tornadoes and hail early yesterday. and the people who live there are reporting downed tree limbs, branches. no signs of any buildings damaged. good news here, no one hurt in the reports so far. listen to what we're hearing about the next rescue. two mariners have been saved after being stranded for a week on a remote uninhabited island in the pacific. they wrote s.o.s. in the sand. look at that. the u.s. navy spotted them and sent a boat back to pick them up. they have been missing for a week after their boat failed to reach their destination. a research team searched 17,000 miles for the pair before the plane got a glimpse of the s.o.s. what a story, i'm sure, they have to tell. libertarians hoping a major ad-buy can help them make the debate stage. we'll speak to bill weld just moments from now. and a rash of heroin overdoses is sweeping the midwest. police believe the drug was tainted with elephant tranquilizer. the question is, how much of that batch is still out there? soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. 11 minutes past the hour, a major push to launch the libertarian candidate on the debate stage. the super pac is airing this new ad. i would like to punch him in the face. reporter: one candidate offends other one. wbr id "wbr79048" the other one denies everything she said. 110 e-mails contain classified information at the /b time. reporter: america deserves better. gary johnson is the government that stays out of your pocketbook and of your bedroom. here with us is the former governor of massachusetts, thank you for being wbr-id "wbr79348" with us, we appreciate it. it's my pleasure. do you think the dislike of two candidates can truly catapult you and gary johnson onto the debate stage or gary johnson onto the stage himself? well, i think what will catapult us onto the stage is that we represent a combination that neither of the other parties does. we both balance the budget as two-term governors. we are socially inclusive which certainly the republican party is not these days. and polls show that 62% of people in the united states want us in those debates. so we have been running around the country, we just got back from a four-day western swing. we are gearing up for a four-day new england swing. we are spending money to get out gary's name recognition. but the commission on the debate is a nonprofit taxing entity, they have to be non-partisan. we are pretty sure we are going to be in those debates. and once we get there, we think we've got winning arguments. >> if he's in the debate, there's no telling what might happen. is this an effort to better establish, obviously, your party on a national level, on the national front? or how confident are you truly that you and gary johnson can pull this off? >> oh, we're in this to win. i think if we get to say 20%, 25% in september, we're very dangerous to win the whole thing. because we'll have the momentum. we'll be at 25% and three months ago we were at 5%. and the other parties will have come down because we seem to be drawing fairly equally from both parties. you know, we see at our rallies that people are very responsive to our message, that we cut taxes, we cut spending, we set the fiscal and budget house in order. at the same time, on the social side, we are not in anybody's face. whatever your position, that's great. we are not going to have government force position on anybody. gary is running number one among 18 to 24-year-olds. and close in 18 to 34-year-olds. millenials really respond to this. frankly with all respect, i don't know why any republican would vote for donald trump. he's essentially, as he said, a new york liberal and he doesn't seem interested in studying up on foreign policy. he's got some very interesting, crazy ideas like rounding up and deporting 11 million people whose papers aren't in order and building a major mexican wall. fidel castro's cuba multifullied by 100 off our border, not 90 miles offshore. >> bill weld, you are a former republican. boston magazine did an article on you very in-depth and made a point of mentioning say, when johnson suggested abolishing the internal revenue system, weld raised an eyebrow and said he wouldn't go that far. when talking about the new fbi task force, how aligned are the two of you with policy? >> we are very aligned. we both self-identify as small libertarians. having said that, i'm running as myself and running as the same guy who is a two-term governor of massachusetts and who changed the budget. gary is running as the former two-term governor of new mexico who changed the budget and created a lot of jobs. the unemployment rate went way down. we both think radical tax reform is necessary whether it is a single national consumption tax, that is gary's leading position. i think we might want to have a look at steve forbes' flap tax, which could be either 17% or 19%. i was very interested in that when steve forbes ran for president. but we're going to get there. there's no question. otherwise the national debt will sink our economy, $20 trillion when president obama leaves office. half of that is his. if mrs. clinton is elected, that will accelerate with all the promises the democrats have made, not decelerate. >> so if you don't make the debate, what is the strategy then? >> well, we'll make as much noise as we can. but really more people are going to watch the first debate than the super bowl. and top point is that the people want to hear from us. people this year are thirsty to have it explained to them, why should they have to vote for only an "r" or a "d." 50% of the country is independent now. that was not true 20 years ago. so this is the culmination of a trend. and i think the time has come to open the doors in a little area. >> you told the portland press, harold, your campaign was pulling in a million dollars a day in donations. at what point did that start happening? did you start seeing that kind of money? >> well, the whole thing started changing about three weeks ago as i could feel the adrenaline move into my stomach in a meeting. >> what do you think is pushing it? >> it's the bernie sanders money, $32 here, $72 there. and i noticed on my own telephone, instead of $500 it is $2500 for high donors. it is gelling for us. and we look forward to a robust debate in the fall. i mean, we're going to to ask the republicans why they are socially inclusive in a social nanny state, and we'll ask the democrats why they are spending so much money. it's almost like they want the government to have people live their lives which is the opposite of what libertarians say. >> gary johnson was on "new day" this week and he said, he would embrace immigration. these are hard-working people taking jobs that fus citizens don't want. get a system in place, get a visa to make it easy to cross over the border. what specifically is your policy? and how does principal johnson crack that technology that the best people who come over the border are those who want to work and not someone who has nefarious intent. we are in the middle of national security concerns. in a recent poll it showed the electorate, that is their second biggest concern, national security. >> i get that. so you have a background check on everybody that comes across the border from south near mexico, and you give them a social security card to pay taxes on the money they make so they won't be lost. they will be in the system. and then when their work zee virginia expires, they go back to their family in mexico. it's not as though everyone gets a visa in this country is on a path to citizenship. so gary was a southwest of the border state governor. and he understands that immigration is and important part of our labor force down there. and you ask anybody from the southwest who understands the system, even if they don't particularly like immigrants or immigration to round out the workforce. and they are hard workers and not rapists and murderers. that's something mr. trump made up. they commit less crimes that the public at large, in fact, statistics show. >> governor bill weld, appreciate the time. you can catch mike pence live on cnn tomorrow morning. he's said to join "state of the union" at 9:00 a.m. eastern. still to come, dozens of earthquake victims being laid to rest today as italy pauses for a national day of mourning. jamie foxx here for verizon. did you know verizon has more than three times the 4g lte coverage of sprint? and i'm jamie foxx for sprint. pretty much the same coverage if you squint. you are not jamie foxx! sprint is last nationally in 4g lte coverage. well, who is going to notice? what about the left side of the country, huh? this part of texas, california, new york, et cetera? (announcer vo) don't get fooled by cut rate networks. get the best. and now get up to four free samsung galaxy phones, four lines and sixteen gigs for just one-fifty. only on verizon. when you think of saving money, what comes to mind? your next getaway? connecting with family and friends? a big night out? or maybe your everyday shopping. whatever it is, aarp member advantages can help save you time and money along the way. so when you get there, you can enjoy it all the more. for less. surround yourself with savings at it is a national day of mourning in central italy. a state funeral is being held for more than three dozen of the earthquake victims. italy's prime minister and president are attending the service for the people who were laid to rest there today. and just 35 of the now 290 who have died in this earthquake. aftershocks hampering search and recovery efforts as the death and devastation across the region is sinking in. we've got cnn's fred pleitgen there. you arrived just hours after the earthquake struck. give us an idea of what is happening and what you see there now. >> reporter: it was a total scene of devastation. we keep saying, this is the hardest-hit village. have u.just to illustrate, 291 people are dead. 230 were killed right here. i just want to show you around here a bit. this house is one of the main buildings in the sector. it is flattened and the rescue workers are trying to see if survivors are in this building. and there are many more like this in the city. and in the beginning stages, in the first day and a half, they did find a few survivors in the rubble. but now in the past one-and-a-half days, very few and far between. now that the 72-hour time period where the chances are the greatest to find survivors has passed, it really now would be a miracle if they found anymore. nevertheless, the rescue crews are not giving up. you can see back there right now there's a handover going on right now and the rescue crews are having a meeting to coordinate efforts. of course, they are working in many different areas in the town. and one of the things they have to watch out for are the aftershocks that have been taking place. because the after shocks are also very difficult for the folks sifting through the rubble trying to find people who are still alive. because every time aftershock happens, the rubble itself starts shifting and can bury some of them underneath it. very difficult for the rescue crews. they have been soldiering on. with the population here, it is an absolutely tragic site to see people with tears in their eyes. almost every family in this village has had a family member killed or injured. the facilities are there to help the people, but the psychological scars is something that will be very difficult to deal with. and also the fear that a lot of the folks have right now with the aftershocks going on, victor. >> the scars that you don't see are often the ones that take the longest and most work to heal. fred pleitgen there in amatrice, thank you. for more ways to help the victims, visit we are hearing now from donald trump's personal doctor. yes, the one who wrote the letter declaring trump "astonishingly excellent health." just edging toward the half hour here, and donald trump's personal doctor is explaining what he meant when he said that trump would be the healthiest individual ever elected. he wrote the letter saying that trump was in excellent health. in just five minutes while a limo driver was waiting outside his office, here's what he told msnbc news. >> i thought about it a lot, and at the end, i get rushed and get anxious when i get rushed. so i tried to get four to five lines done as fast as possible. his health is particular. he thinks he's the best, which it works out just fine. >> all right. there's the doctor, plenty to talk about this morning. here with me to do that, amy cramer, a donald trump and regional director for president obama's 2012 campaign. and a hillary clinton supporter here. amy, come on. he says he could be the best doctor in new york. but he said he gets anxious when he gets rushed. so i try to get four to five lines done as possible that they would be happy with. so if he's just writing to make the campaign happy, is this an objective opinion of donald trump's health? >> well, i don't think he would write something false. he is a doctor and has to be licensed. i don't know how long he's been donald trump's physician, but he is a little e centric. i think it is kind of bizarre since he let the media in there. most doctors wouldn't do that. so he is a little ecentric. >> aside from the ecentricities, he says donald trump will be the healthiest individual to be elected to the presidency. he didn't exam james monroe, so how can you say that there? >> i think he's talking about a current living president. i believe that's what he's talking about. he said that, you didn't play the clip, but -- >> i've got the whole track here. he says, i think he would be fit. i think his brain is turned on 24 hours a day. >> you know he only sleeps three to four hours a night. >> let me tell you again, how much is this worth to democrats even with the interview from the eccentric doctor? >> i think when donald trump said hillary clinton sleeps all the time and he's tired. he wants his doctor to come on to say he's in great health. the donald trump campaign says some of the most outlandish things. the doctor wanted to basically tell the american people, these things you're hearing from the guy's mouth who has been one of the most unconventional candidates in history, he's mentally sane. i just think the democrats will have a field day with this. i think you'll see a commercial. >> is it worth that much? >> i think it is. this is your doctor. i mean, this is a people who basically work hard to get their licenses and sort of come out and basically rebuke your own statement and admit that he sort of was kind of pressured to write the letter in the time when his limo driver was waiting downstairs. i'm not claiming he did anything inaccurate. >> i don't think he did it -- >> the date was december 4, 2015. >> last fall. yeah, he wrote it. he is a physician. you know, he's worked hard to be a physician. i mean -- >> the question is what is the impact? what is it worth and you think the democrats will make hay of this. speaking of outlandish things that candidates say, some are saying, using those phrases to characterize what tim kaine, the democratic vice presidential nominee said yesterday. watch this. >> he has supporters like david duke connected with the ku klux klan who are going around and saying donald trump is their candidate because donald trump is pushing their values. ku klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump values are not american values. they are not our values and we have to do all we can to fight to push back and win. >> there are some groups that once you introduce them to the conversation, it's often seen as a bridge too far. the kkk is seen as one of those groups. nazi is one of the groups, hitler another character. did kaine go too far here? >> absolutely not. that's the role of a vp to do things on the campaign that the presidential candidate cannot say. but we'll talk about what he said, he was at a historically black college and university talked about the education plan of hillary clinton. they will continue to fully fund hcbus. but when donald trump made his failed appeal to african-americans, he was not talking at us, but he was talking to white moderate women. one of the debates was to soften his image. but the thing is, amy, the difference between what tim kaine just did versus what donald trump did, tim kaine was in a predominantly african-american historically black college university. donald trump was in a 98% white town talking to a 98% white crowd. donald trump had an opportunity during the primary to denounce david duke. he's the same candidate who re-tweeted the white supremacy group. you reported that for a long time. if donald trump wants to stop being labeled and tagged as a person who supports the values of the kkk, come out to denounce your relationship with the kkk. >> he has said he doesn't want their vote. >> but that is not an official denouncement. >> this has happened before. this race card was pulled on the tea party. we saw it again in august of 2012 with romney. i think that this is because hillary clinton is concerned that donald trump's outreach to african americans may be affect a little bit. and it is deflect from her scandals going on right now. just yesterday there are e-mails in the 15,000 e-mails, those were deleted and there -- >> i don't want to talk about the e-mails. donald trump now has 2% and that depends on whether ben carson is asked to -- he won't do that well with african-americans. >> we don't know. >> i guarantee it, amy. >> good to have you both here together. thank you. nearly 80 heroin overdoses in the past 48 hours. this isn't just about numbers, this is about people here. cincinnati police trying to track down the source of a batch of heroin going around the city. the heroin, they say, most likely laced with elephant tranquilizers. >> they will throw it in people's cars and say, hey, i'm your dealer, i have my package marked. come back to maine i'll give you the good stuff. this is how calloused the dealers are and who knows what is in the substance they are giving people? they are hoping people come back to buy more. investigators in several states are dealing with an alarming outbreak of heroin overdoses that seem to be sweeping the midwest right now. >> in just the past few days, scores of people in indiana and kentucky, ohio, west virginia have overdosed. several have died. >> sheriff's deputies in marion county, indiana, for example, released some of the 911 calls related to the overdoses. i want to give you a heads-up, this is disturbing to hear some of this. but apparently the department wants to show how dangerous this drug is becoming. take a listen. >> i found a resident passed out on the bathroom floor and then i finally woke her up and everything. i found some paraphernalia, some spoons, some syringes, she told she she was just shooting up heroin. >> is she awake now? >> yep. >> is she breathing? >> yes, she is. >> let's take you to cincinnati. police say almost 80 people have overdosed in just two days. and they are afraid a batch of heroin laced with elephant tranquilizer could still be on the streets. our rachel crane is following the story from cincinnati this morning. this is -- i want to say, unbelievable, sadly, it isn't. >> reporter: well, victor, the problem continues. by midnight last night in cincinnati alone there were 36 overdoses. and in order to better understand the impact that this opiod epidemic is having on people's lives, we spoke to a family who has been caught in the addiction cycle for years. >> terrified. it terrifies me. >> reporter: a recent spike in heroin overdoses. nearly 100 in the last week alone have lori arian fearing her for daughter's life. >> i would love to get high. i would. i'm a drug addict. that's what i do best. >> reporter: april is 22 years old and has been using heroin for the last six years. in those years she says she's lost about a dozen friends. >> one of my friends died yesterday morning. she left four kids behind. >> reporter: officials suspect a batch of heroin laced with elephant tranquilizers is to blame for the latest spring of overdoses. but april says that's not enough to scare away regular users. >> when you are addicted to heroin, when you're using, you don't care about dying. you're just chasing the next high. and for a lot of people, hearing that there is a souped up strain of dope on the streets, that is appealing. yes, definitely, absolutely. because you stop getting high, that's why they call it chasing it. because you stop getting high. you are staying well, you're staying not safe. so when you hear that somebody's overdosed or when you hear about these crazy new drugs, you know, you're thinking, like, well, all right. it's about time. i'm trying to get high. that's all you've been trying to do. >> so that means that with this new strain of heroin that's cut with an elephant tranquilizer -- >> i am very sure that there are heroin addicts who are actively looking for it. and thinking that the people that are dying are doing it wrong. they are doing too much. they are not -- you know what i mean? they are just thinking they are going to find a way to get high and not die. or if they die, they don't really care. but they are definitely looking for it. i would be. >> my friend's on drugs. and i think he's overdosing. i think he's overdosed. >> is he awake? >> no, he's awake but barely. >> he's not breathing. >> okay, what is he od'ing on? >> heroin. >> reporter: more than ten times the daily average of calls have come in. and they don't know when the calls will stop coming in. but april's mom is worried about a different type of call. >> we hear an ambulance and we always wonder if it's someone we know or for our child. and -- that is something we live with every day. you know, we go to bed at night wondering if we are going to get that phone call. >> reporter: april and her mom know better than anyone how difficult the struggle with opiod addiction is. >> i will do any drug you put in front of me. so it is definitely a struggle, it is really hard. >> it is difficult because we can't love them out of it. so we love them so much and it doesn't -- there's nothing we can really do for them. >> reporter: april says getting sober is a daily struggle. but in her eyes, not using heroin is progress. even if other drugs are taking its place. >> definitely not. i wouldn't say i'm using. but i've used twice since i've been out and i've been out for a month. >> how has heroin changed your life? >> well, i'm 22. i just did 11 months incarcerated. i'm back on probation with more time on the shelf. when in reality, i mean, i probably should have been applying for med school this summer. you know, that was what i wanted to do. that's where i should have been. >> reporter: and while april is not in med school, we do want to point out she is in recovery. she says that she's receiving treatment about three to four times a week. and right now she's focused on getting through life one day at a time and staying clean. victor? >> rachel crane there for us in cincinnati. thank you so much to that mom and daughter for being so candid. rachel, thanks. it takes strong people to talk about this. that's why we want to talk to louise vincent. good morning. thank you for being with us. i know you have used heroin in the past admittedly. and my condolences to you because i understand that you also lost your daughter to an overdose. help us understand the struggle for your family with this drug. >> well, it's a complicated -- it's a complicated problem. one of the problems is we talk a lot about the problem and i just heard it said, there's nothing that can be done. and that's not true. we have harm reduction that we can use. i have worked in harm reduction and have worked in harm reduction for the last ten years. and i watch as we fight against it, when it is an evidence-based philosophy that we can use to help. meloxone can reverse overdoses. we know we can reverse overdoses. and if we give heroin users this, at least if we train them in overdose reversal, then at least we're giving them some tools and can give parents this. >> when you say harm reduction, what specifically do you mean? because i know that you've made this emission, you work with a health educator for the north carolina harm reduction coalition, but what exactly does that mean? >> what does harm reduction mean? >> yeah, what is the process? the policy, the program? >> one of the policies is syringe exchange. working with people who are actively using and providing them with strategies and choices. and not just telling them that getting clean is the only, is the only option, is the only outcome that is desirable. you know, we have to work for any small change, any positive change. it's what changed my life. when i stopped trying to always get to the very end goal, and i started being okay with me and accepting small, you know, any kind of -- any kind of reaching a goal is a success. so we have to really work with people instead of telling people they have to be all the way well or they are all the way safe. >> how do they respond to your advice or counsel that they can make these gradual baby steps? and how determined are they to do it? >> it's a beautiful thing. people have been -- drug users have been told for so long that they're terrible, that they can't do anything, that they're pourless and unable to make choices and are unable to do anything. that if they are using, they might accept jails, institutions and death and not even fight for their lives. i'm telling them they can make changes and do these things and then they do them. and it's amazing. we have -- i work with people whose parents have left them, they are unable to get jobs, they are unable to work because of stigma and because of all of the way society treats drug users. and really, when you show them some love and you give them an opportunity to be part of something, it's amazing. we do drug user organizing, we have community organizing. >> do you think any of those things could have saved your daughter? >> drug policy is what we need. drug policy has to change. drug policy is the reason people are dying. i don't blame the heroin. heroin is not good, but drug policy is really what is killing people. that's what would save my daughter. anybody that works with opiod-involved clients needs to be trained in reversal. and even in places where we don't think people should be using, so jails, rehabilitations, when people leave rehab, they are 12 times more likely to die because of tower exchanges. yet rehabs don't want to give people the drug upon release because it muddies the message. >> louise vincent, i know that it is a hard thing to talk about. but i appreciate the time that you talked to us. our condolences to you in the loss of your daughter and we appreciate the help you're trying to give other people. louise vincent, thank you. coming up in the cnn newsroom hour at 10:00, we'll talk to the surgeon general about the rising heroin epidemic. he's taking this issue very seriously hitting the road to change the way doctors use opiods to treat patients as the pain medication sometimes leads to the heroin addiction when they can't get the pain medication anymore. that is all coming up. we'll talk about zika, the epipen, it's all coming up in the 10:00 hour. get back to great. sixteen gig lexar flash drives just three ninety-nine. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. sports and fitness, swimming, arts and crafts, music classes for newborns, even things like chocolate pizza making or building a robot. >> variety, flexibility and a chance to try out classes without commitment are attracting members. >> your child wakes up one morning and you don't have anything planned for that day, what are you in the mood for? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160726 10:00:00

we'll see if that changes. taking the stage tonight, former president bill clinton hoping to use his popularity among democrats to clean up the mess left by the e-mail leaks scandal. we'll see you tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. "fox and friends" starts now. no one is more disappointed than i am. >> to the bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous. >> people get it. the system is rigged. you know, for me, this choice -- >> i've been a democrat my whole life it will be the first time i cast a vote for a republican. >> don't let anyone tell you that this country isn't great. this right now is the greatest country on earth. >> i look forward to your votes tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> watch it. >> brian, duck! >> all right. >> hi, everyone, good morning. >> we're home. >> good morning. >> hi, everybody, live from the dnc day two officially. we thought we'd make a great entrance. it's not raining which is good. >> if it's not raining you're sweating. >> all right. >> good morning, everyone. >> this is the "fox and friends" area right here. >> these are all the people behind the scenes, lanny, you're on tv. hey, everyone. good morning, jehmu. >> good morning, guy. >> the one thing about this venue, more than any other venue, you actually need some way to get to the gate, because it's 105 degrees. when you leave the tent, it becomes a furnace. >> it does. >> that golf cart is absolutely key to surviving in philly. >> it's been very helpful. if you're reading some of the blogs, there was a "new york times" columnist who said a lot of people who are complaining about the republican convention this is like paradise. they said the sites are too far apart. there is my wi-fi. yesterday we were in this tent during a thunderstorm. we were supposed to be evacuated because it wasn't safe. nobody told us that. >> evidently it was getting close to the point where we would have to go to the wells fargo arena. yesterday going through the arena itself. i thought the crowd was bigger than day one that i can remember from the republican convention. it was hot and the lines were long. the media could bring in water but the average person was waiting in line the whole day. >> a lot of people that were out there protesting, the bernie supporters, a lot of them were having problems with the heat, passing out. >> the worst thing is to go to a protest and pass out. >> then you end up with press coverage. the few places that were selling water were selling water for $4.50. these poor people who had been out there the whole time. maybe that's why every time somebody mentioned hillary's name yesterday they started booing. >> anything but unified this party, right? >> look at the cover of the newspapers we got here in the hall, dems seek unity with ouster. >> there was drama, division. >> the dnc chair pushed out over e-mail leak. turmoil at the top. this was not the first day they wanted. by at the end of the day everybody was on stage and on the same page. >> from the invocation to michelle obama speaking to bernie sanders speaking, people were getting booed because the bernie supporters that were out in the crowd, they weren't happy with bernie suppo last night. >> i thought the most amazing thing when we heard debbie wassermann schultz face the florida delegation she couldn't get through it. invocation, we want god to bless it and she made the mistake of hillary clinton. one place started -- one half of the place started chanting hillary the other started chanting bernie. then, we're trying to get a blessing over with. you can't interrupt the blessing. >> they were booing during the blessing. if you missed bernie last night he finally took to the stage. >> our job is to see a strong democratic platform put force by a democratic house and a hillary clinton presidency. hillary clinton will make an outstanding president and i am proud to stand with her tonight. >> it's funny, the bernie people were so confident that there was going to be trouble during the evening, the bernie people had an emergency meeting with the hillary people and said we don't know if we can control our supporters. bernie put out a message don't put out a protest of any kind. a number of dnc staff members went out and confiscated each and every bernie sign they could possibly fine. >> security guy is saying hand me that sign. and the person hands him the sign. someone tweeted that video last night upset because they were watching it happening. if you're a bernie supporter, we're don't want you here, telling them if they bring them -- if they don't hand them over they lose their credentials for the next day. >> i don't understand the whole theory of it. bernie sanders is in your party, they've agreed that he's going to get the nomination, and of course this sign was out there because if you black out certain letters it becomes stop her as opposed to stronger together. as innovative as it gets. >> there was another one rise together and they changed it to make it look like rise to get her. there were a number of people with tape on their mouths. blue tape in some cases according to one of our producers. there is some of the blue tape right there according to the folks over in the georgia delegation. >> those people feel so betrayed based on everything we learned about in the wikileaks e-mails that the dnc was supporting hillary and doing whatever they could to stop bernie from winning. >> somebody who is behind bernie sanders was comic sarah silverman. she was one of the presenters last night, one of the people who was talking along with al franken. it's interesting because she's been so far behind bernie and then she -- last night was the night for her to endorse hillary clinton with gusto. she angered some of bernie sanders' die hard fans by saying you die hards -- she didn't say die hards. you are being ridiculous. and that inflamed the people who love bernie. >> she said you people who are bernie or bust voters, speaking to them, saying you're being ridiculous. people fought back against that comment on twitter. >> and it also gave birth to a hashtag you're being ridiculous. making your own judgment, #dncin phl. >> if you think sarah silverman is funny or intelligent in any way, #you'rebeingridiculous. >> she is funny but she's ultralefty. >> midday donald trump was on the stage i believe in roanoke virginia. >> he is loving every second of this. >> absolutely. what's he doing? democrats day one, he's trying to get in their face. and he made the most political hay he possibly could of the fact that debbie wassermann schultz who wanted to gavel in yesterday and make a speech, she didn't get it. she was essentially fired by her party. the last thing they wanted was a bunch of booing. anyway, here is trump yesterday in virginia talking about the mess the democrats had on their hand on day one. >> debbie wassermann schultz. i always knew she was highly overrated. she got fired. they said debbie you're fired. get out, debdebbie. how about that for disloyalty? these politicians, there's no loyalty there. there's no loyalty. none whatsoever. it gets a little heat, and they fire her. hillary clinton knew what was going on. she knew everything that was going on. she knew it's a rigged system that bernie sanders never had a chance. okay. he never had a chance. and if you look at it, look what's going on, they're having a lot of people marching. a lot of those people are going to vote for us. >> do you know what he's referring to is hillary clinton's 60 minutes interview when she was asked in the overtime section because it didn't make the final cut. what's going on with the e-mails and the dnc putting their hands on the scale. i didn't know what was going on. really? could you tell me about this i don't know. she always doesn't know. >> she's learning about it in the news. >> so i think that this whole thing of not knowing and unsecuring servers are becoming a sad joke on the democratic side when it found out today and we'll get into this later in the show, it turns out the fbi told the dnc that you guys might have been infiltrated by a hacker almost a year before they took action in april. these hackers were inside the dnc system for a year. do you want the dnc inside running our governmental system with that cyber security vigilance or lack thereof? >> doesn't surprise anyone, especially after the news we learned about the wikileaks e-mails from the dnc. the whole party -- >> those are from the russians. >> right, exactly. the whole party, this is the feeling we're getting here on the ground. the whole party is divided. you're either for sanders or hillary clinton. >> yeah. >> one or the other. >> bernie sanders did get emotional and tried to get his supporters to back hillary. >> e-mail us at >> good to see you. good morning to all of you a manhunt is underway for two suspects after a texas sheriff's deputy is murdered in his own back yard. sergeant craig hutchinson who was set to retire in september was shot and killed. he found two men trying to rob him, take some things out of his shed. he called for help on his radio but it was too late. the travis county sheriff says the case is personal. >> he was my field training officer. this guy was a big teddy bear. everybody loved him. i think he was about 6'4", weighed 275 but he was a gentle bear. he taught me everything i know. >> sergeant hutchinson was on the force for 32 years. he's survived by his wife, two children and three step children. their homes burned by the flames these firefighters are trying to fight. a pair of ferocious los angeles area wildfires gained strength overnight destroying several firefighters' homes and burning nearly 50,000 acres. firefighters say that the fire is racing down steep hill sides, they describe it like a freight train. and the band florida georgia line trying to set the record straight about their feelings for police. ♪ ain't nothing wrong get my sundays on ♪ >> all right. here's what happened. a wisconsin county sheriff claimed the country music stars asked for police not to provide security back stage during their performance at a music festival. that sparked rumors they were anti-police. band says that's not the case. they posted on facebook this, we want you to know we have nothing but love and respect for the police. we're bummed anyone ever got a different impression. and those are your headlines, i'll see you back here. >> set the record straight. thank you, heather. some protesters are feeling the bern in a much different way, lighting up joints outside the dnc. >> do you believe in legalizing marijuana? >> yes, i do believe legalizing cannabis. >> but you want to legalize marijuana. >> hell yes. >> you understand we're taking you all down. it's not a threat, it's a promise. >> pete hegseth braved the clouds of smoke to hear their message. wait until you hear what they said. ♪ share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. or building the best houses in town. or becoming wbr-id "wbr10262" the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. the dnc opened yesterday in philly and the crowd went wild with the mention of hillary clinton. of course, they were booing. >> hillary clinton and tim kaine want to build an economy that works for everyone, not just for people at the top. excuse me. excuse me. [ crowd booing ] >> it was crazy. many bernie sanders in the audience yesterday booing in anger at the mere mention of hillary clinton. the clinton supporters will yell back. is this the idea of unity? here with some -- i can wait for this spin -- the former special council, despite them canning debbie wassermann schultz, tell me about a great day you had yesterday. >> it's great to be with you guys. i love with you even though you're almost wrong about everything. >> right. >> look, we started out with some controversy by the end of the day you forgot that part. it's one of the great evenings in a democratic party which is usually pretty divisive. it was great night and especially michelle obama. >> i agree, great speech. especially when she said she loves america which was refreshing. when you talk about the speeches that led up to that. when the invocation gets -- >> booing during the prayer. >> when elijah cummings can't get through it. he's a worship figure after what he's been through. how do you settle it down? >> been there and done that in '08 i was in the audience and i wa wanted to vote for hillary clinton. they got their moment last night. by the time bernie sanders spoke, and certainly by the time michelle obama spoke, there was no more booing. >> former president bill clinton is going to speak tonight. any idea what he's going to say? >> i'm in my 47th year of friendship with this game before the name rodham got changed to clinton. there is nobody like him. he's one of a kind, barack obama is a great speaker, hillary clinton, holds her own. but he has -- >> what if the people like him better than her? >> well, it's hard for anyone to follow him. but she'll do very well. >> he does spar with bernie sanders hecklers over the last six months today. do you expect that if he starts to hear what the invocation speaker heard and what elijah cummings heard? >> bill clinton is going to be the smoother over. in the past he's gotten ornery. i know that side of him. tonight he's so happy after last night of that i'm sorry. there's a whole mood starting this morning. we had a tough day in the morning which you captured i think we're in a better place. >> we'll have corey booker today. >> the best speech i heard was corey booker. thank you guys. coming up, elizabeth warren channelling donald trump. we'll put the great moments to the dial test, next. when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepar for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. good morning, and welcome back, 24 minutes after the hour. some breaking news coming in from overseas today. police shooting and killing two men who murdered a priest and held two nuns hostage. this unfolded in normandy, france at a church there. another hostage in critical condition at this hour. right now there's no word on the suspect's motive. we'll follow that story. two more people arrested in connection to the terror attack in nice, france. five suspects tied to the truck rampage already in custody. more than 80 people were murdered in that attack. and two suicide car bombs send a cloud of smoke into somalia's skyline. the blast occurred outside a un office. somalia's islamic terror group al shabaab claiming responsibility for that attack. those are your headlines. i'll see you back here shortly. thank you so much, heather. last night at the dnc, first night bernie sanders kicks off the convention with a simple message to his supporters. hillary clinton must become the next president. was it enough to sway the bernie or bust crowd? how did the rest of last night's speeches resonate with the voters in that audience? lee carter is a pollster and she put the night's biggest moment to the dial test. >> good to be here. >> let's talk about elizabeth warren. she took the stage and said the gop is rigged. listen to this and look at the dials. >> now, look, i'm not someone who thinks that republicans are always wrong and democrats are always right. there's enough blame to go around. but there is a huge difference between people fighting for a level playing field, and the people fighting to keep the system rigged. >> so this is really interesting to me. you can see democrats only gave this a b. it wasn't that high for them. independent republicans reacted similarly they gave it a c minus. what i think was so fascinating is that independent story. what they said the system is rigged and it seemed to be rigs on the dnc side. this message was sort of a ricochet message where it -- >> i don't think that's what she meant but that's what people heard. so many bernie sanders' supporters in the crowd. totally divided the party. amazing how it can shtage. w when he took the stage and said get behind hillary. look at what the dial did. >> by these measures any objective observer will conclude that based on her ideas and her leadership, hillary clinton must become the next president of the united states. >> that's interesting. those independents. >> those independents. i think that is the story to be watching. independents are the ones that will make the election. you saw there, as soon as the mention of hillary clinton happened, the dial dove. with independents and republicans, which wasn't -- independents there surprising. democrats gave it a b. independents and republicans gave it an f. that's not good news for hillary clinton. >> eva longoria was introducing corey longoria, she was talking about her family being in the country a long time. >> like many of you this election is very personal to me. i'm from a small town in south texas. and if you know your history, texas used to be part of mexico. now, i'm ninth generation american. my family never crossed a border, the border crossed us. >> so i'm not sure what to make of that. neither were voters. they gave it democrats a b, independents a c. republicans a d. i think they were confused. they thought she was going to get to an immigration message. it didn't make sense. we're not sure what her point was. this didn't do anything to help anyone, frankly. >> thanks so much, good to see you this morning. >> great to be here. coming up, what happens when pete hegseth ventures into a propot rally. >> do you believe in legalizing marijuana. >> yes i do believe in legalizing cannabis. >> but you want to legalize marijuana. >> hell yes. >> we're taking you all down, it's not a threat, it's a promise. >> pete is here, and so is tucker carlson. it's a jam packed show. please, stick around. if you love crab and who doesn't then seize the day already. crabfest is back at red lobster with so many kinds of crab and the most crab dishes of the year. so dive into whatever floats your crab-loving boat. like crab lover's dream. crack open tender snow and king crab legs, and twirl creamy crab alfredo. or try the new alaska bairdi crab dinner. sweet and straight from the icy waters of alaska, you've gotta get it... to really get it. but it won't last forever, so hurry in. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not a blade. this is gillette shielding. with lubrication before and after the blades. shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. proshield from gillette. donald trump's son, donald jr. told cnn he hasn't ruled out running for mayor of new york next year. when she heard that hillary clinton turned to chelsea, clear your schedule. >> all right. live back here at the dnc in philly. we're joined by pete hegseth and tucker carlson. i'm sure you heard lanny davis with a -- saying it was great night. tucker carlson, however would like to respond on how great a night it was. >> it was the most disorganized event i've ever covered in 25 years. it was the most badly organized bizarre event. it's reflected in the coverage. hillary has been savaged by the press. you can see it. >> how dare they? >> trail blazer. >> it's not fair. >> what was it about last night that you didn't like? >> the whole thing was bizarre starting from the gender neutral bathrooms which were disgusting. i guess we're liberated by this. everyone should visit it and see the reality. to the screwed up security situation outside. to a line of people urging americans to break the law. it was like an alternate reality. >> no american flags, no pledge of allegiance. how do you feel like that? >> leftism on full display. nothing about the military. one small attributes to pow's. this was the bernie agenda on display. >> when ted cruz came out and said vote your conscious. on the most part it was i won you lost. the problem with the people is they saw the corruption was exposed through the hacking, the corruption on the scale has people outraged and reinvigorated the movement called the bernie sanders socialist movement. >> a lot of them are sincere, bernie sanders not among them. bernie sanders turned out not to be a revolutionary but a obedient party guy who does what he's told. i think he betrayed the ideals of the people who supported him and revealed himself not as a free thinker but someone who is a puppet of people in power. >> how about michelle obama? she came out and said she changed her mind. she's proud to be an american. >> indeed. first of all, to bernie, tucker, she's -- he's been that way. he's been a goalong get along in the senate. michelle obama gives a speech and decides she's proud of her country when before she made it very clear only at that very moment when her husband was ascended was she proud. now she's always been proud. >> you have set that up perfectly. we're going to hear both from she said last night and what she has said in the past, here is michelle obama. >> don't let anyone ever tell you that this country isn't great. that somehow we need to make it great again. because this right now, is the greatest country on earth. >> and let me tell you something, for the first time in my adult life, i am proud of my country. because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback. >> i thought it's always been great. >> that's what i thought. part of that is the fact that donald trump last week painted a grim picture. >> he did. >> so did democrats last night. the racial demagoguery. i was here last night i watched it is overwhelming. every speaker wielding the race against the population, this country hate anyone that doesn't look like them. that was the message again and again. >> a couple of days i heard the chanting of black lives matter throughout the whole night on and off. i thought corey booker was more positive than negative. i thought he was an anomaly there. he'll be here in a little while. >> blah blah. i'm sorry i guess i'm in a state because i had to sit in the whole thing. it was the same speech i've seen a thousand times. it's the speech that obama gave in 2004 in boston. we're going to bring everyone together. the opposite happened. is anyone taking track of this? people hate each other more than when the government started. >> you said no americans flags. no mention of terrorism. that's a big issue for a lot of people going to the polls. >> they said they were going to be positive not like the republicans. it was all trash trump all night. with no mention of our military. no mention of the fight against isis. no mention of radical islam. huge issues on the forefront. we're having terrorist attacks in real time. as tucker said it's gender, race politics. >> do you know why there was no talk of that? it's not a good topic right now with what's happening in orlando, the stabbings in germany. the attacks in paris. the 200 to 300,000 dead in syria. that's the policy of the last eight years. >> right. >> yeah, what do you say? >> sure. >> when you tell the population that global warming is the real threat, as our secretary of state said just the other day, you don't really have much of a message on isis. >> that would have got cheers in that audience. >> one other thing hillary clinton when she was appearing before the vfw trashed the idea of cuts to the post 9/11 gi bill that is supported in the senate by her running mate, tim kaine. did you miss that? listen to this. >> unfortunately, there are some republicans in congress chipping away at it. that's not just wrong, it is short sighted. >> right. tim kaine, step out here and explain yourself. >> one of those republicans is democrat tim kaine who there are twice as many democrats on the bill she's referring to than republicans which is the veteran's first act. we've talked about on this program which is not a veteran's first act at all. it shows they're willing to use that issue. they use veterans as pawns. they have always obfuscated veterans. you never hear about rebuilding the military. i talked to bernie supporters about that. they don't want to do that. they want to gut the military. >> they want to give everyone huge wage increase. we're going to continue to jack up the debt. bernie sanders' speech is a carnival of falsehoods. >> it's santa claus falsehoods. go to the military and get the gi bill -- >> it's still better than encouraging people to come here illegally and then attacking anybody who doesn't like it. i came away thinking who do they have more sympathy for, an unemployed machinist from cleveland or an illegal coming here. they have more sylmpathy for th latter. >> did you hear that pete went to a marijuana festival today? >> what are we going to see? >> we went out there to talk about the pot legalization but also socialism. i put on my capitalist tee shirt and hit the streets. a lot of hot air, not as many facts. here's what they had to say. >> we're in downtown philly at a legalized weed rally where they're rolling joints behind me. we're here to talk about legalization of pots and what they think about their other favorite cause, socialism. >> c . >> cannabis. >> you're here for the cannabis rally? >> i needed some. >> do you believe in legalizing marijuana. >> yes, i do believe in legalizing cannabis. >> not only that i want to decriminalize marijuana. there are many people that are non-violent crimes today. >> i think a lot of people would use marijuana if it was not illegal. >> you're making cannabis more dangerous by making it illegal. okay. >> do you know, it's like a glass of wine, you drink if you're good after a glass of wine. >> it's safer if it's regulated. it has lots of medicinal purposes. it inspires us. >> you do understand we're taking you all down. and it's not a threat, it's a promise. >> this is a system that basically let us down. >> it's like the soviet union. >> it's kind of been, evolving towards plutocracy. >> why would you fight for something for this flag. >> you want today make the stage this is a republic not a democracy, republicans say. >> you're talking about two different things, republicans and democrats are different than a republic. >> you consider this a simpble of racemisismracism. >> feel the bern, bernie supporter, i don't know the difference between a republic and a democracy? >> what where do know the current system is absolutely brok broken. >> i'm a social worker. >> we're done. we are done. this is our country. this is not the mass media's country. this is not hillary clinton's, we're done. we're done. >> you really won her over. you're done. >> good job. >> we were friends by the end of it. >> i asked her, how much should the 1% pay. she said i'm not an economist i don't want to talk about this. >> who gets all angry? >> you mix pot and socialism, and tough questions. >> where did you get the tee shirt? >> i got it in boston a couple years ago. >> was there long line? i've never seen two. >> pete and tucker thank you. >> thank you guys. coming up, the spotlight might be on the dnc but donald trump and his running mate are making headlines this morning. we have the details coming up straight ahead. the dnc e-mail scandal is not going away. and clayton morris has proof. >> it violates my vote and obviously i'm angry. >> the dnc was in the tank to support hillary all along? >> you know, i had that feeling all along. >> the thing is, the dnc to expect any vote right now -- i don't know it's like believing in santa claus. >> we have the e-mails that you have not seen this morning. >> that's the wells fargo arena. it's going to be hot in there inside on the stage and stands. i'm out of stuff to say, let's go to commercial. tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. 100% of our food will be clean by year's end. every bite will be food as it should be. ♪ i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e*trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the... get off the computer traitor! i won't. (cannon sound) mobility is very important to me. that's why i use e*trade mobile. it's on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle and it keeps my investments fully mobile... even when i'm on the move. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. gee all right. the spotlight might be on the dnc, lan dnc ainsley. >> donald trump and his running mate are holding their first big rally. >> trump wasting no time taking aim at the dnc for rigging the results against bernie sanders. >> it turned out that debbie flamed out. honestly whether you like her or not she worked very hard to rig the system. why did hillary get rid of her middle name? hillary rotten clinton. it's too close. mike pence is like the most perfect human being. bernie has given up. his people are going to throw bernie overboard. we have been ripped off on trade for so long. >> it's true they were chanting anti-tpp yesterday. by the way, the president obama is for it. trump seeing an opening for sanders' supporters to get on his team amid the e-mail scandal, which we're still in the middle of. >> trump and pence are heading to charlotte this morning for their next stop on the campaign trail a. day after clinton rallied for veterans' support in the same exact spot. >> after that it's off to scranton where they're going to have another major rally over here in pennsylvania about two hours from here. >> right. >> nate silver the guy who does the polling, he says if the election were held today donald trump would actually win. 57.5%. would go to trump. >> 22,000 democrats have passed out collectively. >> sorry. >> meanwhile, please, if you're working at the wells fargo center put some freon in. coming up, the democrats would like the e-mails to go away but it's not happening. >> it violates my vote and obviously i'm angry. >> do you think the dnc was in the tank to support hillary all along? >> i've had that feeling all along. >> for the dnc to expect any vote -- it's like believing in santa claus. clayton takes the e-mails to the streets to find out what people out there think. he's going to join us next. >> excellent. ♪ i had that dream again -- that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized... i'm allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. well, the dnc would like their latest e-mail scandal to go away, just like debbie wasserman schultz did yesterday. but that ain't happening. >> no it's not. clayton morris taking to the streets. taking those e-mails out to find out what the people are thinking. take a look. >> all right. we here at the bernie rally. going undercover right now. it's 110 right now. sunscreen, glasses, a hat. check this out. >> i can't figure out what they're saying. >> [ indiscernible ]. >> hell no, dnc, we won't vote for hillary. >> i don't think these are hillary supporters. let's go find out. >> are you familiar with the hacked e-mail scandal, right? >> absolutely. >> this was from dnc -- i'm wondering if there's a good bernie narrative for a story which is that bernie never had his ability together, his campaign was a mess. that from the dnc. >> it violates democracy, my vote. i'm angry. >> will you vote for hillary? >> absolutely not. >> trump suggests that bernie supporters will come to him. what do you think? >> i seriously doubt it. >> this is for debbie wasserman schultz, the former head of the dnc. i think i met you briefly. i'm planning a trip with my college roommates. can you help me get seven tickets to see "hamilton" on broadway. she didn't get the tickets. do you feel bad for debbie wasserman schultz? >> not at all. >> are you glad she didn't get to see "hamilton"? >> no, pretty happy. >> bernie said that the system was rigged. and donald trump says that. >> i agree 100%. >> it's unpatriotic and un-american to vote for her. >> one of the e-mails seems don firm what bernie sanders has been talking about all along which is that hillary clinton's policies wouldn't move this country forward. in fact, it said this. while secretary clinton would not worsen the fiscal situation, she does not offer concrete proposals for improving it. do you think the dnc was in the tank to support hillary all along? >> i had that feeling all along. ♪ >> one of them targeted hispanic voters specifically and their strategy internally for courting hispanics. basically saying that hispanics are generational in their loyalty and that hispanics like to hear a story being told t strategy for bringing them into the party. do you think that the dnc expects your vote? >> i mean, i think the thing is -- for the dnc to expect any vote right now is -- i don't know. i think it's really like believing in santa claus. >> there have been e-mails that have been leaked by wikileaks about the dnc. one of them seems to be making fun of the black woman's name within the dnc. >> wow. >> going back and forth, her name is waquina and rob smith said, wow. that is name, i'm soriary, boo, hope you get a raise with that title. >> this is disturbing, this is supposed to be a party for the people. by definition democracy is for the people and that is not -- that's atrocious. that's just the first time i have ever heard that e-mail specifically. wow. >> well, clayton morris, good to know that the dnc is working hard to get "hamilton" tickets on broadway. >> seven of them. >> that's right. so much love, these guys. these are the signs i pulled, i used to be with her. wrong together instead of strong together. >> wow. >> a lot of love with the bernie supporters. >> great move putting sunscreen on. i could barely recognize you. >> there you go. >> thanks so much, clayton. >> going talk cheese steak in a little bit. he's a retired u.s. general accused of plotting a coup in turkey, but one problem -- he didn't do it. he was drinking with geraldo at the time. from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? 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the party is totally split. >> well, you know, when -- a couple of things happened to me, ainsley, yesterday. number one was in the streets interviewing the bern for bernie. this bern is out of control. like the wildfires in malibu right now. it is -- he's let the revolution -- i don't think he can contain this flame anymore. >> they're not listening. >> then he got the four-minute standing ovation. hillary clinton better get something comparable. >> he got emotional. >> should have been emotional. i mean, he worked so hard. he did so well. then with the e-mails revealing that maybe the deck was stacked against him. >> well, you look at day one, when we were doing the show yesterday, it was all about debbie wasserman schultz, would she gavel things in. she was pretty much canned. then you've got every time somebody would mention hillary, they would start booing. started during the prayer yesterday. that was bad. then we saw elizabeth warren where she's speaking about voting for hillary and you can hear the people who supported her and bernie, we trusted you, you're a sellout. >> you know what i heard, that advances the story one more step, jill not hill. jill stein is the green party candidate. remember, ralph nader got 10% on the green party ticket in 2000 and he was the all difference between bush and gore. that's the real story. people forget because of the closeness of the recount of the florida vote. >> the green party would like to have bernie. >> the green party would like to have bernie. >> jill stein said she'd step down and let bernie do that. if he'd do it. i walked up to the bernie rally, if you don't vote for -- are you going to vote for hillary, absolutely not. going to vote for trump? no. we're going to vote for jill stein. >> i've got a couple of trumpsters. i heard no gary johnsons in the big rally. >> me neither. >> gary johnson wasn't there. he's his only supporter. and -- >> well, he's stoned in new mexico anyway. >> exactly. i have to bring you to this. it's just day one. remember there was an uproar around 4:00 when the cruz people went out there and people threw their credentials down. do you think they'll begin to sing off the same hymn sheet? >> i think what happened last night was significant, besides from the rousing reception that bernie sanders received. one was the first lady of the united states in all her elegance, whatever you think of barack obama or the democrats you have to remember that the first lady of the united states is one of the most popular figures in the country for good reason. i think she made a terrific speech. bernie's speech in endorsing hillary really at the end of it the bernie holdouts, what do they call them? bernie or bust crowd seemed to be mollified a bit. he gave reasons he's supporting hillary over donald trump. it would be interesting to see, i was out all day as ainsley was yesterday, with the demonstrators. interesting to see how emotional and committed they are to bernie today in the wake of bernie's speech. >> well, taking away the signs on the floor! >> well, they were doing that. it was kind of embarrassing. i mean, craig and i, my brother craig and i, we were out there shooting all day with the demonstrators. so we're watching the dnc from a bar actually, waiting to go on "hannity". >> they had air conditioning. well, the bar comes into play later when you're a -- your second story and the coup in turkey and the general. but watching it on tv it seemed embarrassing to me when you heard the chanting in the background -- >> unbelievable. >> particularly elizabeth warren who is the darling of that set. here she was -- we trusted you, we trusted you. that's the chant going on as she tries to make her very strong attack against donald trump. >> they had the sign police and the poster police out confiscating anything that might say bernie or bs. >> let's look at it. >> people doctored the signs too. look at this one. it used to say stronger together. now it says stop her. >> it will be interesting to see if it amounts -- if you take johnson right now and jill stein the green candidate together it's over 10% which should be troubling to both sides because you don't know -- >> people are mad, frustrated. they feel silenced. >> this is not security -- security is not doing that. >> look at that. >> all right. geraldo, let's talk about this. we heard a couple of days ago that the best spin that the hillary people could put on the wikileaks embarrassment was, yeah, it's the russians. and they're trying to help trump. julian assange said yesterday that that was completely false, it's a diversion. watch this. >> there's no proof of that whatsoever. we have not disclosed our source. and of course this is a diversion that's being pushed by the hillary clinton campaign. we have published 20,000 authentic documents on behalf of the dnc which is now turning the convention upside down. >> so he says there's no proof. to me -- >> the most intriguing thing about julian assange and the involvement of wiki leaks in the e-mails, i haven't heard much about this. doesn't it beg the question about -- >> what about hillary's e-mails? what about the private server? >> about a month out from the election, you know they're going to -- >> well, it seems that the russians -- you could have it both ways. i think the russians probably were involved in hacking. but there's no doubt the bigger story is what the e-mails contained substantively and they reveal -- >> it's a total distracktion. >> but what about the larger question about why would putin want to help trump? >> well, i'm not machiavellian enough to figure that out. maybe they just like messing around with us. we certainly have messed around with them over the eras of the cold war. maybe it's just some nerdy guy in his mother's basement with a hot computer. i don't know. i don't know how the actors work. >> keep in mind that the dnc was told -- >> i never send out nude photos of myself anymore. >> notice anymore. but they have been in the dnc computer for a year, they didn't act until october, so they have what's coming to them. regardless of who got in there they cannot secure anybody's server on the democratic side. now let's talk about you and a turkey coup. i had no idea it would rhyme but i'll embrace it. why would erdogan's lackeys say that general campbell, your buddy, who was in afghanistan running things had anything to do with the turkish coup and how do you play into that? >> first of all, let my say that general j.f. campbell i call him america's spartan. he is or was until the recent retirement our best fighting general. i began chronicling his rise in the military when he was a colonel, with the 82nd airborne. i tracked him through the first star. he got the second star and command of the legendary 101st airborne. then he went into afghanistan, he was the commander of all forces in afghanistan. by all accounts he was the second most powerful man in afghanistan. he's a superb american hero who was forced to retire because he and president obama disagreed over the residual strength of troops left in afghanistan. >> is that true? >> let me say that that is my take on why general campbell was not as he should have been chairman of the joint chief of staffs in the united states military. i'm praying he will come to fox news as military commentator. >> then he can tell us the reason. >> the reason i know specifically and to the bottom of my heart that he had nothing to with the coup -- remember, he had not travelled outside the united states in months. secondly, and much more importantly, during the heart of the coup he was with me physically in dell friscos -- >> in manhattan? >> in manhattan on 48th street and 6th avenue. we have numerous witnesses. >> are you saying you can't run a coup from dell friscos? >> we were swapping war stories. i know for a fact he had nothing to do -- >> but who were the people saying he was behind the coup? >> erdogan, the president of turkey is a man who understands now that the way to keep his islamists coalition together is to blame the big boogie man, the united states of america for the attempted attempt. if he would have been in charge of the coup, it would have succeeded and he had nothing to do with it. he was with me, 100%. >> that coup seems to be a set-up for him to consolidate power and president obama's good buddy on the world scene is turning into the oppressive islamists. >> i agree that erdogan is diverting from the secular democracy that made modern turkey great. and i lament the fact that he is taking this turn. >> the moral of the story, you like the bar. >> i do my best work there. >> last night you were with your brother at the bar. >> if you go to dell friscos say you know geraldo. no stranger to beer is heather nauert. >> what is your favorite? >> i like a lot of them. old milwaukee, of course. i have some headlines to bring you. we start off with a serious story from overseas. breaking right now in france, police shooting and killing two men who murdered a priest and then held two nuns hostage. the interior minister now saying that this is being treated as a terror attack. all of this unfolding at a church in normandy, france. another hostage is in critical condition at this hour. the vatican condemning the quote, barbarian killing of a priest saying it's even more heinous since it happened in a sacred place. we'll bring you the latest as we get it. zika fears, doping allegations and now expressed kidnapping? it's the latest disaster in the olympics in rio. jujitsu fighter jason lee said men dressed in police uniforms kidnapped him and forced him to take $800 out of atm machines. he was freed after that. so called express kidnappings in rio are common. all of this is happening after a paralympic athlete and team official were rob at gun point. another horrible attack on a police officer. this time a suspect shooting rounds at an oakland, california, police officer after the two got into a car accident. the officer was able to radio in for help and a distressing call. listen. >> i just got shot. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. i can't get out of the car! >> the suspect firing several more times as the officer was in her car. it was a female officer. miraculously she wasn't hit by any of the bullets but she was hurt in that car crash. we'll told she'll be okay. that suspect on the loose this morning. and it started as an impromptu plea from the dallas police chief after a sniper opened fire, killing five heroic officers and now 500 people are stepping up to the challenge, applying to the struggling police department, following the police chief's call for action. >> don't be a part of the problem. we're hiring. get out of the protest line and put in an application. >> seeing an unprecedented 344% spike in applications for those jobs. and those are your headlines. he's such a class act. >> yep. >> i love him. >> listening to the chief. people responded. awesome. >> thanks. coming up unity isn't the only problem here at the deke. there are chicken nuggets on the floor. the place is a pigsty and we have the dirty details. >> oh, wow. i explained how the revolution was won in george washington's secret 6. but do you know how it started? i'll take you back in time because i like you. our feet for comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. dr. scholl's work insoles. well, the democrats have more leaked stories than just the e-mail stories. >> the torrential rains not doing much to wash away the controversy or all the trash. left over from day one at the dnc. >> sorry for jumping on you. doug mcelway is on muck patrol all morning long. he joined with more. hey, doug, how's the muck? >> reporter: well, much better than an hour ago. i can't say this is any worse than cleveland, because i wasn't in cleveland, so i don't have anything compare it to. you saw this an hour ago. kudos to the philadelphia clean-up crew because they have done a wonderful job. but we did snap a few pictures, take a look at a couple of these. here's town hall's guy benson working hard at 4:00 a.m. aamongst the muck. he said he was operating on one hour of sleep, so kudos to him as well. a bizarre little scene, a pile of unbeaten chicken mcnuggets and an e-mail address i will not read this on the air. this was all cleaned up, so good for them. so this is all prompting not just here but across the entire venue a lot of complaints percolating up from reporters. one of them writing in the hill says this, to be totally nonpartisan, but squalid hotels, sweltering workplace, no directions, chaos. just for example it takes an hour and half to get to this venue to some of the media sponsored events during mid day. even though it's seven miles away, it's because of all the protests and all of the road closures. in addition to that, it takes some reporters an hour -- i should say to walk a mile from their parking places to this venue. that in sweltering heat, a heat index of 109 degrees yesterday. the kind of heat and humidity which can provoke terrible thunderstorms and one opened up on us last night at about 8:00 p.m. it prompted a flash flood warning. thunder and lightning. people were ordered to evacuate the media tents. few paid heed to that warning, but you can see the shaking and rattling going on. then the other storm -- the one over the e-mail scandal that prompted one "washington post" reporter to wrote, quote, i long for cleveland. back to you guys. >> we all do, kind of. it wasn't nearly this hot. doug mcelway reviewing the clean-up. >> speaking of heat -- >> i found cleveland so much easier to get around. >> yep. absolutely. >> let me tell you what's coming up now. i explained how the revolution was won with washington and the aspiring secret 6, but do you know it all started? i'll take you back in time because we're in philadelphia where it all started. >> what else could go on wrong at the dnc? a lot, here comes karl rove and joe trippi in a golf cart and pete hegseth is giving directions. >> uh-oh. >> that doesn't look good. (guy) oh man, the show's pretty much over. (friend) wish we could start it from the beginning. (jon bon jovi) with directv, you can. you see, we've got the power to turn back time let's start over, let's rewind and let's go back and not quit the gym and have a chance to say goodbye to grampy tim oh, that's the power to turn back time. (vo) get the ultimate all-included bundle. call 1-800-directv. good morning. welcome back. it's 24 minutes after the hour. and it's time for you "news by the numbers." first, 100 days. that's how long tim kaine promises it will take for the clinton administration to pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants. next, 1,819. that's how many illegal immigration cases are pending per federal immigration judge. each judge in the united states. and last 6,726. that's how many syrian refugees the obama administration has ushered through our borders this year alone. that's your "news by the numbers." brian? heather, thank you. >> thanks. did you know that philadelphia, where we are right now, was the nation's first capital? >> that's right. not d.c. the city of brotherly love is full of fascinating historical sights. many of which still stand and are used by hundreds of tourists today. >> it's a great place to learn about the american -- about american history. you have read how the revolution was read in the secret 6 and i wanted to learn more about how the american revolution started and took root. and what role philadelphia played in it. it was a big one. watch. ♪ welcome to independence hall. philadelphia. this is the birth place of america. this is the cradle of liberty. here's why. in this very room the declaration of independence would be signed by 56 separate people representing 13 colonies. oh, i love independence hall. every american has got to see it. but to be honest, i have seen it before. i have been to philadelphia before. i need someone that's going -- >> do you need an historian? >> i need an historian. >> anthony from revolutionary tours. >> you have some time? >> i do. >> can you show me the city? what if i found three kids who want to learn -- what if it's sophia and melissa and jason? >> yeah. >> can you go? >> yes. >> did you tell your parents? >> yeah. >> let's go. >> anthony, why have you brought us to this open air building? >> this is the president's house. from 1790 to 1800, this is where the president of the united states from washington to adams resided. >> what about the white house? >> the white house wasn't under construction yet. >> you can see they found the old foundation there. you see the floor plan as it existed when it was originally built. all right. the next stop on our tour, carpenter's hall. >> this is the site of the first continental congress. where 12 colonies gathered together to redress grievances. it was actually 12 because george is not represented. >> 1774 was the year. september 5th. >> september 5th. this is where the idea of nationhood really came into being. >> welcome to christchurch. >> it's great over there. james wilson. do i know him? >> you should. because he was famous as a signer of the declaration, but more importantly he's the creator of the constitution of the 3/5 compromise and the electoral college. >> the electoral college which we're still dealing with today. >> absolutely. >> what's significant about these pews? >> well, these pews do not look like the 18th century pews. but they do have markers on them. for example, benjamin franklin's family pew. >> which is? >> number 70. >> a big book on the altar, has to be important. >> it is, it is perhaps christchurch's most important historical document. it is the chaplain of the continental congress' book of common prayer from 1776. >> can you see this, sophia? what are you seeing here? >> it's just -- i don't really know why. >> someone -- we don't know who, has crossed out the prayers for the royal family. and in the margin notes, you can read the prayer that has been substituted. >> new country, new prayer. new allegiance. anthony, we have a washington square park in new york. but this is a different washington square park. the original really. >> this is the home to 2,000 continental army dead. >> they're buried here? >> buried here, 2,000 unmarked graves. >> 2,000 people are buried there? >> absolutely. all the fancy words from the declaration of independence, they had to be made true somehow. >> hence the eternal flame that burns right in front of george washington's statue. we don't know the names of anybody here, but we know what they did, and we know what they sacrificed. think about it. no conventions. no elections. no america without what they did. >> absolutely right. and these are the work horses of the revolution. and the republic that would f l follow. >> you had a good day? >> no, we had a great day. >> thank you for being here. i think you guys earned some breakfast. >> a great tour. did the kids get credit? >> it was summer. they came down. those are home schooled kids, they enjoyed it. so much more to see in the city. >> i love that was ben franklin's church, that was the actual pew he sat in? >> right, you can set up a picnic table in them. you can get more than just four people across, because you can basically set up a little stack table. >> isn't it fascinating when you walk in the spot where the constitution was signed, walking the grounds of where our founding fathers -- >> franklin talks about seeing this water and it was the exact spot where his office was. you can see exactly what he saw prior to the revolution. >> the great thing is it's all in a little district -- historical district right over by the liberty bell. you can make a day of it and learn so much about the country. >> fascinating city. you can grab a cheesesteak on the way out. >> i don't know if they had them then. >> but which is better? >> pat's or geno's? >> exactly right. we sent anna and clayton to settle the score. th they are at pat and geno's right now. >> and the dnc is getting off to the rocky start. so what is next? hillary playing the victim card again. is that going to work? karl rove, joe trippi and governor bill richardson on that, next. ♪ you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. maybe... the skate park today? you can make it gr-r-reat! ♪ kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat! all right. let's have a nice conversation about politics. look at some great guys to talk to. karl rove, joe trippi and former governor of new mexico, bill richardson. >> what's so special about you, governor, you spoke to saddam hussein and tried to broker a deal and you ran the national democratic committee. chaos, what is going on? >> look, this is a typical political democratic convention. there's got to be a little drama. >> wait a minute. you didn't get fired the first day. this not typical. >> look, this was a very intense campaign. bernie sanders was very gracious last night. i mean -- >> he was. >> i know you're talking about the divisions but he was gracious. he endorsed hillary. he was positive. and i think she's going to acknowledge that. michelle obama, the obama coalition, with hillary. so, all right, there was disruption. >> yes. >> this is typical of conventions. >> typical -- you they interrupted the invocation. >> they started to scream during the invocation when hillary clinton's name was mentioned. that happened in the convention and they mentioned grover cleveland. >> we have some video of that. >> go to the video. look, this was an unusual democratic convention. a political revolution has been started by bernie sanders. and the revolutionaries are not going to be quiet after the -- >> but bernie might have been gracious, but the people in the crowd that were his supporters or are his supporters they were booing. >> every time i have been to the democratic convention we have had that hard fight. and there were two people going at it, you had the people on the floor, the delegates are the last people to get there. you see bernie start to make the transition. it's very tough when you're a true believer and -- and particularly when it may be the first person you ever got involved in politics for. >> sure. >> so it's a slower process. it doesn't get solved in, you know, minutes. but i that sense last night was typical of the first night. democrats do things where we try to get all of the troubles done in the first night. and then start -- >> first fire the dnc chair and then get the substitute who forgets to hit the gavel and then interrupt the prayer. >> then have the runner-up speak that night. get that over with and then turn into the narrative of hillary clinton versus trump. >> sure. >> that's how we move forward. >> part of the narrative tonight it will focus on the fights of her life. trying to paint her as a struggling woman apparently. is this reminiscent of yeah, when we left the white house we were dead look. >> look, as first lady, she pushed and got done the health care for kids. under 8 years old. as senator from new york, a great record on homeland security, the senator from the devastated city. as secretary of state, you know, i know a little foreign policy. four years she stabilized our role overseas. she brought the europeans back, the third world back. she did that effort with iran. >> brought the third world back, what do you mean? >> yeah, africa, asia, latin american. >> single-handedly? >> well, not single-handedly. she had a little help. >> as first lady she brought up the disastrous hillary care which got absolutely destroyed in congress. she has no accomplishments of great nature as a united states senator and what she did with foreign policy has left our nation weaker, less safe and with less respect by our adversaries and more concerned by our allies. anyone who thinks that the obama foreign policy has been a success is not looking at the real world. >> joe, what can we expect from bill clinton tonight? >> well, he's going to be great. well, in a democratic convention -- first of all, he's still one of the best communicators out there in either party so i think he'll speak in a personal way about how he's seen hillary clinton -- that whole trip that they made together from when she was first lady in arkansas through the secretary of state. but i think he's going -- remember in 2008, you know -- >> 2012 when he was -- >> 2012, excuse me, yeah. when he knocked it out of the park. >> best speaker of the week. >> everyone said he was the explainer in chief. so i think he's going to be able to put some of the exclamation -- make that connection. >> at that time, though, karl, you remember this. that was part of the deal. bill clinton, you go out and give that speech and barack obama will endorse your wife and fast forward to now, that's what what's happened. even though bernie sanders was wildly popular. >> how about tonight, hillary clinton will be the most qualified person to seek the presidency. >> he'll say it and you were on the outs with the clintons for a while. you had the courage to say, i'd rather have barack obama and you're a family friend, we're never speaking to you again. but you've worked your way back. >> i was in the wood for seven years. >> you were good to us when you worked with howard dean and you were with john kerry. if someone had hacked your e-mail account, would anyone have your hands on the scale to make sure that dean won? is that the excuse? >> i'll being serious -- it shouldn't have happened. but the fact that we know -- >> does it outrage you? >> this was no offense, staff chatter. this is not principles or voters. >> it's extremely -- if you listen to some of them, clayton went on the street to read some of these specific e-mails. they're racist. they're homophobic. sexist. take a listen and then we'll talk about it. >> this is from the dnc press secretary he said, wondering if there's a good bernie narrative for a story which is that bernie never had his act together. his campaign was a mess. that from the dnc. >> it violates democracy, it violates my vote. i'm angry. >> one seems to be making fun of a black woman's name in the dnc. going back and forth. her name is laquina. one of the spokesperson for the dnc writing back to her, saying, wow, that's a name, i'm sorry, boo, i hope you get a raise for this title. >> there's disturbing. this is supposed to be a party for the people. democracy is for the people by definition. that is not -- that's atrocious. that's the first time i've ever heard that e-mail specifically. so wow. >> one of them targeted hispanic voters specifically. and their strategy internally for courting hispanics. basically saying that hispanics are generational in their loyalty. and that hispanics like to hear a story being told to them as a strategy for bringing them into the party. do you think that the dnc expects your vote? >> i mean, i think the thing is for the dnc to expect any vote right now it's -- i don't know. i think it's like believing in santa claus. >> so clearly embarrassing. >> well, you know, that's the same guy that had the sign at the republican convention. latinos for trump -- it's bad language. i don't think trump has too many problems not getting the hispanic vote. so, look, -- i'm going to stand up for debbie wasserman schultz because this is the toughest job in the world. you've got every senator, every governor wanting to be president. you've got state parties, you have all these interest groups. you know, she took the hit, she took the fall. she's a good congresswoman. >> was she even handed in the -- >> isn't that her job, to be even handed? >> nobody is perfect in state politics. look at your state chairman. look at the national chairman. look at the republican national chairman. he wasn't for trump. i mean -- >> see, that's -- >> that's a credit to him. yeah. >> he put his hand off the scale and said may the best man or woman win. >> he said -- >> trump was strong enough to overrun the party. when you're an insurgent, you're not an insurgent if the party is not trying to stop you. when i ran the dean campaign, the party was trying to stop us. that's just -- a lot of those out there were trying to stop us. >> i mean, i was chairman of the convention. >> he was iron fist, the gestapo guy. >> the democratic national chairman and the democratic national committee were trying to get hillary clinton nominated. this was an institutional failure. in that part of the country, they'll think he was an atheist, that was objectionable and that was evident in the entire dnc. how did they reward her? they made her the honorary chairman of clinton's campaign. >> you underlined the whole thing. this is what's different -- ambassador, you have so many titles, governor. i know, you're great at a lot of jobs that's your problem. the problem is the e-mail thing came out, bernie sanders people were done, they were going to be compliant until this broke. >> that's true. >> well, look, it's over. now we're going to have three good days. unifying days. >> after yesterday, i'm not sure that would be the case. >> but it will be positive. >> karl, governor, joe. thank you for being here. coming up, brand-new video just in to "fox & friends." the fences are getting higher. what is being done right now to keep things from getting out of control here in philly? and clayton and anna are taking on a cheesesteak debate. which is better? well, you have to wait for that one. we're at 9th and -- this is the nexus of the cheesesteak universe. the street that rocky ran down. i lived a few blocks from here. we're teaching the southern girl how to make a cheesesteak. wbr id "wbr62913" we have more cheesesteak showdown after the break. /b good morning. welcome back. 47 minutes after the hour. some headlines to bring you right now. peyton manning in the clear. the nfl saying there is no credible evidence that he used performance enhancing drugs. the league launching a seven month investigation after al jazeera reported that his wife had received shipments of hgh. new york's top cop is ditching the liberal mayor, bill de blasio. bill bratton says he'll retire by the end of next year. they have disagreed on a number of issue, most recently black lives matter black lives matter. see you back here shortly. >> thank you, heather. thousands of protesters storming the barricades outside the dnc. this morning, new fencing being installed to keep them out. they were too close. >> leland vitter is live in philadelphia with a look for us. >> reporter: good morning. the crews have been working overnight to install this new fencing. they call it no scale fencing. which means it's about eight feet tall and it makes so it that the protesters can't climb up it at all. you see what was there, the little bike rack barricades and that was not enough yesterday as the thousands of pro bernie supporters marched down the street towards where the delegates normally come in. they were chanting at the delegates and then they'd climb over the fence in acts of what you might call civil disobedience. more than 50 of them were put into handcuffs, although they weren't technically arrested. they were just issued iations during this -- citations during this protest. chanting bernie or bust. what we heard out during the protests, they didn't care what was said at the convention. they didn't care what happened to debbie wasserman schultz. they were going to be out protesting all week. the big question is is this new fencing, these new check points they're putting in going to be enough to separate them from the delegates or are we going to see more arrests this afternoon? back to you guys. >> yeah. all right, leland vitter out where they're building another fence. funny, the democrats -- >> they don't want a fence. >> they want bridges. actually, they built a fence around the podium last night so bernie people couldn't storm the stage. >> reminds me of when hillary was campaigning and she had the guards carrying the rope -- >> with the lasso. in case they got too close. >> and mexico didn't pay for it, but they're building the wall. he was president obama's economic adviser, austin goolsb -- austan goolsbee is here and tucker carlson is arguing with him. >> he's not in a good move today. a never ending argument here in philly, which cheesesteak is better? pat's or geno's? clayton and anna will settle it. bp wind farms are monitored 24/7 at our remote operations center, so onsite teams can count on early warning of approaching weather. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. your business needs bbetter technology never being satisfied. to drive better performance. so you need it to be reliable and fast. really fast. introducing the comcast business summer savings event. fast internet speed to drive performance, plus cutting edge wifi for your employees and customers, and voice mobility so your calls find you wherever you are. get some of our most advanced products at a great price with over $500 in savings. call today and ask how to get these savings plus a $250 prepaid card. comcast business. built for business. well, it is a philly debate that's gone on for half a century. >> yep. >> no, not which party to vote for. we're going to put politics side for a moment. or what exactly a philly fanatic -- >> we'll never solve that mystery. >> who has the best cheesesteak, geno's or pat's? we sent out "fox and friends weekend" co-host philly native clayton morris and anna kooiman to settle it for us. clayton, you're at geno's, right? >> yeah, i'm at geno's right now. to give you some perspective this is the italian market down here. this is the street that rocky ran down. which here with gee -- we're here with geno and you were named after the store, not the other way around. >> yeah, we started in 1966, my started with $6 and borrowed $2,000 off my grandfather's and now you see it. >> what goes into it? >> you have onions and a choice of cheeses and on a soft italian roll. >> i would come down to see the celebrity pictures up here on the wall at geno's. what did you promise me? >> i think we have to put you over there. right next to anderson cooper. >> yes. yes. >> maybe we can take anderson cooper's off of there and slide me on top. i'm going to send it over to anna, over at pat's standing by. take it away. >> hey, good morning, this is the originator. the inventer of the cheesesteak. i'm with pat's, the owner. good morning. so tell me what we can order here and what makes you guys the best? >> well, what makes us best is the people say we're the best. we never say we're the best unlike that guy. >> uh-oh, fighting words. >> but it's a normal menu. but for the dnc we thought we'd do something different. >> so check this out right here. the hillary and the bernie. what's the difference? >> the hillary is called the heart attack and the bernie one has mushrooms, peppers and whiz. >> why the heart attack? >> i don't know. it sounds good. >> there's been so much history that's happened here. >> oh. >> i had to get over here. >> because the battle is about to brew. southern girl. she wore the perfect white dress to make -- >> did you see the pictures on the wall though? don't let the white dress fool you, i brought a change of clothes. donald trump is up here, bill clinton, the lone ranger, jay leno. >> white shirt, perfect for grilling, right, pat? >> well, we have a change of clothes, we're good. >> who do you think is going win the battle? anna or myself? >> anna. >> the southern girl will steal the show. >> so many people are honking. not looking at me. >> what's up, ainsley? >> clayton did come next door to your territory. so what does that say? >> well, we have to start here. we're starting over at pat's. >> sure. >> then we'll move over to geno's. >> that's coming up in the next hour. we're making cheesesteaks. how the king of cheesesteaks does it. >> we can't wait. >> thank you very much. the key when you order one, order cheese whiz. >> not the prove alone. >> john kerry ordered it with swiss cheese which caused an international -- >> then he went windsurfing. coming up, we have a packed hour straight ahead. austan goolsbee is here and tucker carlson is hot on his heels. hot off his performance last night, the young man with the big voice, bobby. he'll sing for us live. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ♪ god bless america land that i love ♪ ♪ stand beside her and guide her ♪ ♪ through the night with the light from above ♪ ♪ from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam ♪ ♪ god bless america my home sweet home ♪ ♪ god bless america my home sweet home ♪ >> fantastic! ladies and gentlemen -- >> i have to give you a hug for that. >> 14-year-old young man who sang for pope francis when he came to town last year. >> great job. wow. >> i'm great. how are you? >> great. you were on the show a couple of months ago. what's new? >> you were great yesterday. >> thank you so much. i just finished the convention. i haven't been home yet even though i live in philadelphia. we flew in from l.a. >> you hadn't been home. where did you go overnight? >> they put it in a hotel. >> how old are you? >> 15. >> you're going into ninth grade? >> tenth grade. >> i know your life has changed. >> tell us people you had a chance to meet? >> yesterday, i got to meet bernie sanders. he was backstage. so i met him yesterday. donna brazile. i met -- i saw demi lovato. >> did you see the first lady? >> they had a security service. -- i mean the secret service like cordoned off like -- >> what did you think about it, your first convention, i assume? >> yes. it was amazing. >> what got your heart fluttering the most. singing for the pope -- >> singing for the pope was the most exhilarating, but like here i just had more comfort like all of the backstage crew were just there to help me and they had everything i needed. it was great. >> tell the circumstances how you ended up singing for the pope. it was a last minute switch, right? >> yeah. so they needed someone to sing and the set changed from aretha franklin and the fray so i ended up in between it. so they said we had an extra minute. we need someone to get on stage and my choir director said, bobby can do it. then they said no. then they said, later, okay. then they gave me a microphone and put me on stage. >> wow. >> you sang -- >> i sang from the andrew lloyd webb webber's requiem. >> the pope loved it. >> you can tie a tie at 15. i just learned. >> all right. very nice job. >> you sang last night for all of us. and joining us right know, a couple of people who are in the hall. we have austan goolsbee, former economic guy for president obama and tucker carlson who was not. >> that's true! >> so austan, how do you explain yesterday? it started out very badly. debbie wasserman schultz got fired. then during the prayer people were booing every time people said hillary's name. but by the end of the night you're going to say it turned out fine. >> i thought it turned out well. we started off bumping, i won't deny that. even getting into the hall we had some bernie supporters and crazy people. >> they were laying down, wouldn't let you in. >> but by the end of the night, i thought the first lady was amazing. certainly in the hall that was really resonant. i thought senator sanders did a great job. >> but the wasserman schultz stuff was embarrassing. >> in the afternoon, but by the evening it was two guys -- >> the people in her own state, she got booed and had to be escorted off by security. >> i'm not -- the democratic party has always been a very big tent party. we're a raucous crowd. and bernie sanders and hillary clinton had a close-fought contest. went a long time. i can see why they were upset. >> the e-mails said, i think he was mollified and so with the supporters, if not for the e-mails. tucker you hated last night. you don't mind telling us. >> look, the contest between hillary and bernie -- by the way on the issues i'm closer to hillary to be clear. bernie is a socialist, i'm not. but really -- >> by the way, austan is not a socialist. >> he's very much not a socialist. it was a contest between between campaign to seek power. and the bernie people whose goal was to seek a series of actual policy changes. so it was a contest between a deeply cynical group and an it listic one and one group cheated. what an obedient little revolutionary bernie sanders is. >> tucker, you're sitting in ainsley's child's booster chair. >> yeah. >> hot air inflates -- >> oh, right. >> i tell the truth. >> guys in case -- our folks at home missed some of the speeches last night, we have a recap for you. >> 24 seconds. >> feel the bern, feel the bern! >> no one is more disappointed than i am. >> we have to settle down, please. >> hell no, dnc, we won't vote for hillary. >> to the bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous. >> bernie, bernie! >> people get it. the system is rigged. you know, for me, this choice -- >> i have been a democrat my whole life. and it will be the first time i have ever cast a vote for a republican. >> don't let anyone ever tell you that this country isn't great. because this right now is the greatest country on earth. >> feel the bern! >> i look forward to your votes tomorrow night. >> okay. >> he wants people to ring in. he wants his delegates to ring in for him. >> that's fine. he it was to get the votes that he earned. from his delegates. he was saying and he conveyed a pretty strong message i thought, i want you to vote for me tomorrow. and then i want you to vote for hillary in november. and look, the polling suggests that though you want to find the loudest yeller in the crowd, the polling suggests the overwhelming majority of the bernie supporters are on board with hillary clinton. let's remember i was there in cleveland. last week. >> yep. >> the opponents to donald tr p trump, many of them didn't even show up. you had governor kasich, the governor of ohio in cleveland, he wouldn't even go to the convention. >> you're right. >> the runner-up got up and condemned the nominee from the floor. so -- >> so al gore is not coming. >> al gore is not coming. okay, great. >> from your party. >> but what a phony bernie sanders is. is anyone -- like if he was sincere about -- he would have told the truth. everyone feels an obligation. that was inspiring. >> what do you disagree with that? >> donald trump represents the exact opposite of everything bernie sanders campaigned for. on climate change. climate change is a joke. he is for a multitrillion dollar tax cut for high income people. he embodies the exact -- >> it's rigged. >> have you been to the bernie rally? he talks about the undue influence of the banks and trade. >> rigged. >> what does trump -- >> trump is now having fund-raising dinners with the very billionaires that donald trump was making fun of everyone for taking money -- >> where's the wall street money going to? trump? hillary clinton has taken more money -- i'm just saying. >> you know what's missing from last night's speech? >> what? >> from everybody's speech for the entire speech. pledge of allegiance. >> i heard the pledge. >> number three is national security -- >> that was one. who was two? >> national security. >> national security. and military. >> and working bathrooms. >> how can you say that on the day that donald trump literally proposed that the united states would withdraw from nato, how would you criticize the democratic party for national security? i mean -- >> day one -- >> a threat to national security. >> can i ask you a question, what do you think about the gender neutral bathrooms, what do you think about them? >> i went to the bathroom. >> the nasty, disgusting bathrooms. >> they weren't nasty and disgusting. what do i -- the bathroom? >> like that's insane. >> family restroom. >> no no no. the main bathroom, catering to the demands of a small group of unhappy people and now we have to pretend that's okay. i mean -- >> that is not a description of -- >> why the bathroom obsession? >> you know what? >> who has a bathroom obsession? >> only on day one. >> go to the bathroom. have that discussion. >> thanks for having me back, guys. >> good to see you. >> tucker -- >> it's weird! >> let's go over to heather who has some headlines for us. good morning, we have some breaking news to bring you right now. come out of normandy, france. the two attackers who slit the throat of an 85-year-old catholic priest and held two nuns hostage claimed to be members of isis before they were shot dead by local police. french president francois hollande calling them terrorists and saying that isis has declared war on us and we must fight. the three others who were taken hostage were not injured. the vatican condemning the barbarian killing of the priest. saying that it's even a more heinous act since it happened in such a sacred place. we'll bring you more on that as we get it. another fox news alert. this one from the home front. a sheriff's deputy murdered in his own backyard and now a manhunt is under way at this hour for those killers. sergeant craig hutchison was set to retire this september. he was shot and killed after he found two men who were trying to rob his shed. he called for help on his radio, but it was too late. the travis county sheriff said this case is personal. listen. >> he was my field training officer. this guy was a big teddy bear. everybody loved him. i think he was about 6'4". he weighed about 275. but he was a gentle bear. he taught me everything i know. >> sergeant hutchison spent 32 years on the police force. he is survived by a wife, two children and three stepchildren. zika and doping allegations and now express kidnapping. it's the latest thing we're hearing about for the olympics. jujitsu fighter lewis said he was kidnapped and he was forced to take $800 from the atm machine. he was freed after that. a government official says reports of so-called express kidnappings are common in brazil. this happened after a paralympic athlete and team officials were robbed at gun point. the rnc taking over the dnc? reince priebus took brian on e tthe the tour and then each game is then rigged for hillary. check it out. >> there's only three bernie sanders planks available. so you can't actually win the connect four. then here is the wheel. it's all hillary except for maybe one spot where you might be able to win. >> i love that they have corn hole too. well, it's all located in the fight training facility. they have the boxing ring. the rnc will be here through thursday. those are your headlines. looked like you had fun out there. >> war room. everyone in the war room is under 30 years old. >> i'm sure. >> they work through the night. for very little money because they're committed to the cause. >> looks like our newsroom. so many people are awesome. those millennials that help write our show. >> but not playing games. what happens when pete hegseth when he ventures into a pro pot rally? take a look. >> i just think that marijuana is so good. >> it's like a glass of wine. you know what i mean? you're good after a glass of wine. >> feel the bern. bernie or bust! >> well, pete is up next with more from this rally. you have to see it. stick around. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you've never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i'm feeling you. yeah you do! let's do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee... woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la... quinta! yeah! this is supposed to be hillary rodham clinton's week to shine, but her convention seems to be going up in smoke. >> so we sent pete hegseth to a pro bernie protest in philadelphia to see how high a priority pot is to the people. >> quite high. a lot of people high on cannabis, but also high on socialism. not a lot of facts, but a lot of hot air. here's what they had to say on the streets yesterday. we're in downtown philadelphia at a legalized weed rally where they're rolling a joint behind me as we speak. we're here to talk about the legalization of pot and talk about the other favorite cause -- socialism. >> cannabis. >> cannabis. are you here for the rally? >> no. i just needed some because i'm not from in area. >> do you believe in legalizing marijuana? >> yes, i do believe in legalizing it. >> you want to legalize marijuana? >> oh, hell yes. not only that, but i want to decriminalize marijuana. there are way too many people for nonviolent crimes in jail today. >> i think that marijuana is so good. i think a lot of people would use marijuana if it was not illegal. >> you're making cannabis more dangerous by making it illegal, okay? >> it's like a glass of wine, you know what i mean? drink -- you feel good after a glass of wine. >> -- regulated and that's a good time to have lots of medicinal purposes. ♪ >> you do understand that we're all -- we're taking you guys all down. it's not a threat. it's a promise. >> you think that the system has let us down. >> it's a game of the soviet union. >> who -- the gulag? >> it's kind of been evolving towards plutocracy. >> why would you fight for something different than the flag that's meant oppression and death to millions instead of -- >> you want to make a statement that this is a republic, not a democracy. you're talking about two different things. republicans and democrats are different than a democracy. >> do you consider this a symbol of racism? >> yeah. >> shouldn't people be worried about the fact that feel the bern, i don't know the difference between a republic and a democracy? >> well, what i do know is that the current system is absolutely -- >> we're done! we are done. this is our country. this is not the mass media's country. this is not hillary clinton's. this is not -- we're done. we're done. >> what's the matter with you? legalize pot, america will be better. >> there you go. she was done. i was wearing a capitalist shirt and i asked her how much the 1% pay, she said, i'm not an economist, i don't know. i'm done. i'm out of here. on socialism they had no answers. and we're all going to pay for it. you, brian, especially double. >> she seems like a delight. i hope i run into her. >> wonderful and approachable. coming up, bernie sanders pulling out all the stops to convince his backers to vote hillary, but will they listen? frank luntz is here to analyze that coming up next. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. good morning. welcome back. 24 minutes after the hour. a couple of quick headlines to bring you now. their homes were burn by the very flames that the firefighters are trying to fight. a pair of ferocious los angeles area wildfires, gaining strength once again overnight. destroying several firefighters' homes and burning nearly 50,000 acres. firefighters say that blaze is racing down steep hillsides like a freight train. this scene was electric. stunning video showing the moment a lightning bolt strikes the empire state building. it was the result of a brief but very powerful storm that moved over new york city yesterday. lots of storms out there. lots of heat. those are your headlines. see you back here shortly. >> i serve with her in the united states senate. and know her as a fierce advocate for the rights of children, for women and for the disabled. hillary clinton will make an outstanding president and i am proud to stand with her tonight. thank you all very much. >> bernie sanders taking center stage last night in philly, pushing hard to rally his supporters behind hillary clinton. but they weren't biting. what does frank luntz think of what we saw yesterday? well, frank yesterday, it started off with debbie wasserman schultz. she got fired. then she went to the florida delegation, she got booed. then last night, every time somebody would mention hillary, the bernie people would boo them too. >> i was on the convention floor. >> yeah. >> two things. i want democrats to know that they were incredibly kind to me and they recognized me from fox. and everyone was polite, everyone was engaging. it was good to be there. my surprise. the idaho delegation, the main delegation, the california delegation, not just vermont, on the floor there were at least five different places where the sanders people were booing every time clinton was mentioned an in fact it actually even took control of the convention when al franken and sarah silverman were trying to do this unity thing. it got ugly. >> wasn't part of the fact they went off script? the stuff on the teleprompter was probably fine, but then when she said to the bernie fans, you're ridiculous. that's not going to ingratiate them to you. >> but the mainstream media said that the republican convention was chaotic. >> yeah. >> because for 30 seconds, they booed cruz. all night, this was happening. and cory booker gave one of the best speeches of the convention and nobody heard it, nobody will remember it because they were continuing to boo all through it. >> they were just waiting for somebody to mention hillary so i can boo. >> and instead of unity, what it shows is chaos. >> sure. >> at a time when she has to bring the party together. the polling shows that 70% of sanders' voters are voting for her. 15% are undecided and 15% voting for trump. >> you know what will be very telling if tonight when bill clinton gives the big speech if when he mentions hillary they boo. what do you expect? >> i don't think he'll deliver the same speech as in 2012 as for obama. he's much weaker now, he doesn't have the same energy. but the emotion and the passion behind him, this is the most important speech of his career. because if he doesn't bring the people over, then you have to wait until thursday night for her speech. by the way, wednesday with tim kaine he's going to get booed as well. my sources tell me that they can't wait to challenge him because that's their way of being heard. >> because the bernie people hate him because he's not lefty enough. >> he's to the right of hillary clinton so they're hostile because it wasn't sharrod brown of ohio or elizabeth warren or bernie himself. >> okay. real quickly, we saw yesterday that donald trump wound up on the top of three different polls where -- and the nate silver average if the election were held yesterday, he would win with something like 57.5%. what's going on? >> well, you asked me that question on the final day of the convention and what i said at that time was he was going to get a bounce. this is his bounce. and it's a significant bounce. >> it is. >> not as high as ones that have -- not as high as george herbert walker bush and the numbers will climb even higher. the democrats have not had a good opening day. >> we'll talk to you on the final day to see what you say. he's the retired u.s. general accused of plotting that coup in turkey. one problem -- he didn't do it. he was having a beer with geraldo at the time. we'll talk about this. and mayor cory booker had some strong words for donald trump last night. he's now of course a senator. >> we've watched him try to get laughs at other people's expense and try to incite fear at a time we need to inspire courage. >> well, this morning, donald trump responds, but cory booker is getting a last word. the senator joins us live right here from the dnc. my experience with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. well, he works in new jersey full-time. first in newark, new jersey, and now he's the senator from new jersey. he had a great speech last night, extremely well received. he is cory booker, he's in our studio. senator -- >> thank you for having me. now you have the chairs and everything. >> well, we heard you were here so we moved the whole set down the road. >> i brought the purple tie, the right and the left coming together. >> the country can heal. >> we can. >> so senator, what was your approach to the speech and do you feel you got your point across? >> i really wanted to expand on the ideas of love. you know, our declaration of independence, they say -- in order to make the country work, at the end is one of the greatest sentences about interdependence ever. we must mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes and sacred honors. we are a nation that's got to be about sacred honor. that's what i wanted to talk about. >> i liked the fact you were talking about love. there was ant lot of love starting yesterday. debbie wasserman schultz got fired. >> yeah. >> you know, they had to have somebody else gavel it in and then you had the protests laying down. so the delegates couldn't get in. signs -- >> i might lay down right here. >> every time, even starting with the prayer every time somebody mentioned hillary's name, a bernie supporter booed. >> yes. yes. >> there was ant lot of love in that will. >> well, there was. i'll give you the moment. but before that, i want to say, look, we are a big tent party. we crammed everybody in. they were bernie and hillary people, and sometimes there's friction. but i got no -- really kind notes from the republican senate colleagues. 22 of them would don't to their convention. we brought people in and of course there's that friction. one of my favorite moments if i had to say the top three favorite ones, when bernie sanders tried to speak and he couldn't at the beginning of the speech because people were yelling and cheering. if you looked around, it wasn't just the bernie people, but the hillary people. i was sitting next to bill clinton who was cheering and cheering. that shows you know what, this guy he's not our nominee. but he changed the national conversation. he changed our platform. and we appreciate that. we're going to go forward together. >> so you want this party to be more liberal? >> no, no. >> because he has pushed you guys way to the left. are you happy about this? >> i'm confused about what even the spectrum of liberal versus conservative is. i see donald trump slamming trade deals swms -- as well as democrats slamming trade deals. i have to really focus as -- >> always changing. >> just say, look, this is about real things. if you're a hard working american, you know, i sat in the diner with secretary clinton. a woman comes up, mother of two kids, single mom. making $2.13 an hour, she starts to talk to hillary about having to work another job and -- >> of course. waiters live on tips. >> but this is a new jersey diner. you're not making enough tips to get over the poverty line. >> if you upped the minimum wage they go out of business. >> well, they look at the data, the cities that raised the minimum wages, they don't lose more jobs. in seattle the restaurants are doing better there. so all i say, i know we often get into the philosophy. i was a mayor, i worked with the manhattan institute. i worked with aei. i'm working with the koch brothers on criminal justice reform. i don't care what your party is. i want to solve problems and analyze the data and find out what's going to help with the middle class. >> what was your reaction when hillary clinton close tim kaine as the vice president. i know you were on the list. >> first of all, i was blown away to be in the consideration. but tim kaine is someone i want to be the vice president because he does belie this partisanship of this country. one of the favorite things about tim kaine he presides over our prayer breakfast. he's one of the guys that wednesday morning, not all of us go, but a bunch of republicans and democrats come together. >> he goes to the church -- >> there's a decency and mercy about him. before you tell me about the religion, show it to me how you treat other people and that's what he does. >> senator, there was a story in "the new york times" that said that choosing him was a political calculation because she is suffering -- >> surprise, surprise. >> she's got a problem with white men and so they decided you know what, let's put a white male in that job. >> i don't know if it was white male or not. it was obviously a political calculation and it's a calculation about -- and by the way, any president who doesn't take this seriously, i think donald trump did as well, this is a person that could be president. so i think there were a whole bunch of things that went into the algorithm and when it spat out, it spat out the best person for the job. you polled 100 united states senators and say, rank the people with the presidential timber, right and left, he's the man. >> i heard he knows his stuff when the cameras aren't around. so you're pretty tough on trump last night. he tweeted back to you, i know more about cory than anybody else. >> i love trump, i love his family and his kids. i won't match his hate with hate, but with love. >> you don't love him in the tweet last night. >> no, i don't want him to be my president. demeaning john mccain, prisoner of war. demeaning a person because of their disability. what i just told is i'm not hating on him. i love you, donald trump. my point is, you should not be president when you talk about other americans that way. people who have military service. people who have disabilities. so i'm not going to answer his tweets and stuff like that. i'm not going to hate on him. >> what do you say to the voter who wants a president not to be so pc and to really speak their minds? >> i think we have gotten to this point -- i don't know what pc means anymore. the reality is we want -- i don't mind if you say, hey, cory, you're a black guy. i don't mind talking like that. but if you have a disability, to demean somebody, to mock them? >> you know, just so you know, he said he wasn't. he was mocking what they were saying about him. i'm -- >> but anybody -- >> john mccain, he went on the next day, he said he is a war hero. >> i'm glad he corrected himself. but anybody watching the tape of mocking somebody -- i was a niece, she's in grade school. the way he talks about women, women on this network. unacceptable. you don't want that in the white house. >> but you know he employs more women than anybody else -- >> that's like saying my best friend is a black guy, i don't mind using the names. >> right. >> ridiculous. i love ivanka. she's done fund-raisers for me. an incredible woman. >> you cannot love trump if you believe he's a bigot and a sexist. >> no, that's not true. my faith, i'm taught to love unconditionally. jesus loves people who are sinners. loves people who did very bad things. >> right. >> so love is so important. i'm not going to stop loving him even though he -- >> so senator, you love him. but you're not going to vote for him. that's why you've got to talk last night because it's hillary clinton's week. >> yeah. thank god. >> cory booker, thank you. >> the senator from my state of new jersey. >> i'm glad you put some jersey love out there. >> who knocked it out of the park last night. thank you so much. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> i have to come on the couch and hang out. >> please do. you're invited any time. >> he likes her better than both of us. >> i don't blame him. 20 minutes before the top of the hour and we have headlines with heather. >> good morning. developments on the nice, france, terror attack. police arrested two more people. the paris prosecutors' office not revealing how they're tied to the rampage just yet. but they're investigating how the attacker was able to organize and plan that attack. five people suspected of being accomplices are already in custody. isis has claimed responsibility for the attack that killed more than 80 people including three americans. well, just inches separated life and death for this little girl. take a look at this picture. and you will understand just what i'm talking about. a metal pole slamming right through a windshield of a car. this happened in coral springs, florida. it stopped just inches from the 4-year-old little girl. she was trapped in her car seat. her mom was the one who was behind the wheel. she's okay as is the little girl. and if you thought this story could not get more bizarre, it just did. the former nato commander accused of being the mastermind of the recent failed coup. he has an alibi, an interesting one too. he couldn't have masterminded that. >> i know specifically and to the bottom of my heart that he had nothing to do with the coup. remember, he had not travelled outside the united states in months. secondly, and much more importantly during the heart of the coup, he was with me physically in dell frisco's. we were drinking stellas -- >> in manhattan? >> in manhattan. >> they were having a beer summit. well, general john campbell hasn't travelled outside the united states since march he said and he has no idea where that theory came from. those are your headlines. >> all right. >> see you back here soon. >> geraldo and the budweiser alibi. >> over a beer. coming up, elizabeth warren wasted no time lashing out at donald trump last night. >> what kind of a man cheats students, cheats investors, cheats workers? well, i'll tell you what kind of a man. a man who must never be president of the united states. >> but did her speech resonate with the voter? while you were sleeping we asked the voters what they said. coming up next. we did. and which cheesesteak resonates with the folks in philly? anna and clayton will serve up the answer. we'll have a tasteoff straight ahead live in philadelphia. when my doctor told me i have age-related macular degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look... i'm reminded to stick to my plan. including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd... after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. well, bernie sanders kicking off the convention last night with a simple message to his supporters. hillary clinton must become the next president he says. but was it enough to sway the bernie or bust crowd and how did the rest of the speeches resonate with the voters in the crowd? lee carter's a pollster and partner of maslansky & partners and she put the biggest moments to the dial test. >> good morning. >> let's talk about some different sound bites, this is from bernie. he's talking about donald trump's tax breaks for the rich. look at the dials as he talks. >> well, donald trump he has a very different point of view. he does not support raising the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, a starvation wage. while trump believes in huge tax breaks -- huge tax breaks for billionaires. he believes that states should actually have the right to lower the minimum wage below $7.25. >> well, so this is really interesting. this is one of the weakest moments in bernie sanders' moments. democrats gave it a c-plus and republicans and independents a "d." some said this isn't true. donald trump never said he didn't support that. he said $7.50 isn't a living wage, but he said it should be left to the states. some people said this isn't a fair statement. and then there were others who said it's too wonky. get to your point. >> and elizabeth warren took to the stage, it looked like she was in tears she's so fired up, she does not want donald trump to become president. >> what kind of a man acts like this? what kind of a man roots for an economic crash that caused millions of people their -- cost millions of people their jobs, their home, life's savings? what kind of a man cheats students, cheats investors, cheats workers? well, i'll tell you what kind of a man. a man who must never be president of the united states. >> so this is one of the money lines from a democrat's perspective. what kind of man would do this, a man who should never be the president of the united states. the independent and republicans disagreed. the independent line is going to be what decides this election. elizabeth warren did a great job of shoring up the base last night. she had to unify the party and she did that. but she has to bring in independents, and she didn't do it with this message. >> thanks so much, lee. have you gone to geno's or pat's yet? >> no. >> i haven't either. we'll go together. so pat's or geno's, what's the best philly cheesesteak? well, we'll find out next. but first, here's bill and martha. >> we made the cheesesteak tour. two big things today, the roll call vote will happen later today and that means the bernie sanders fans are not finished yet. and trump is live in north carolina, what will he say after night number one? we'll carry that live for you yet. >> and look ahead to night two of the democratic convention. bill clinton is the headliner this evening. everyone will pack this hall to hear from bill clinton tonight. also watch for there to be a lot of black lives matter signs in the audience this evening because we'll hear from families who have family members who were killed by police officers and that is expected to be a major focus tonight as well. so we'll see you coming up here at the top of the hour. >> big show. >> coming up. back to you guys in new york. in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. 80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. well, when you think about philadelphia what do you think ago? cheesesteaks, right? >> absolutely. anna and clayton introduced you to the owners of pat's and geno's, the most famous cheesesteak joints in philly. >> now they're back to settle the score. what is the best? clayton's at geno's and nan's t at -- and anna's at pat's, king of steaks. all right. what have we got? what have we got, clayton? >> well, we're going -- and the competition begins. >> ready to make some sandwiches? >> yeah. let's go, anna. you and me. action. >> geno -- the meat. >> put the steak on first. oni onions. >> cheese whiz last. >> like a deck of cards, anna. >> were you nervous when geno's opened? >> no, absolutely not. i was 3 when they opened. but we weren't nervous. competition is healthy. we play off of each other. my line is long, they go across the street. when their line is long, they come over here. >> it's a tourist destination. >> geno is showing me a little point to the hand. >> pointer finger we call it. >> uh-oh. i'm -- i was doing better a few moments ago. >> get right underneath it. don't be afraid. >> i'm not afraid, geno. i'm not afraid. i was born to do this. >> yes. >> i even got the pencil. i even had the pencil behind me ear. how are you doing over there, southern girl, in your white dress? >> i'm doing well. i'm learning how to order. is it with or without? >> with or without is the onion part. the cheese is cheese whiz. cheese with or without. the cheese -- >> how much cheese whiz do you go through? i understand in day it's about 175 pounds? >> somewhere around 175 pounds. we sell -- we can fill up an olympic sized swimming pool. >> fill up an olympic sized swimming pool in a year. >> how many slices of meat do you put on a good cheesesteak? >> about six or seven. >> and not chopped. good rib eye. ready for a sandwich? let's pull it out here. >> all right. so with a little pointer finger. one -- >> all right. >> look at that. >> want some onions? >> yeah. do some onions too. >> oh, daddy. now we're talking. >> put more on. >> guys back -- oh, yeah. back in the studio. we sent some geno's and pat's to you guys. >> yeah. >> what do you think? >> and we have been -- we have been taste testing them. all right. which one do you like better? >> pat's. >> i like geno's. i'm just saying. >> i like pat's because they put a lot of the cheese whiz on there. >> clayton and anna, what do you like better? >> it's like -- at home. comfort food. >> the originator and the inventer. >> both pat's and geno's, what do you like better? e-mail us. >> back in a moment to wrap things up. maybe we'll just drive away. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. give up the mike. >> time to say good-bye for today. we'll be back tomorrow. day three. >> all right. ♪ bill: isis struck yet again, claiming responsibility for a gruesome attack in normandy, france. a priest killed during morning mass. police say the priest's throat was slashed while the attacker shouted allahu akbar. one of the hostages is said to be between life and death as we speak. with the war and terror raging overseas, we are awaiting donald trump.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160815 10:00:00

>> saying people can't be mean to his ex-girlfriend. if you can't handle it, stop posting pictures. >> drama. drama, drama. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. >> have a good monday. it is monday, august 15th and i'm ainsley earhardt. we start with a fox news alert. several officers injured as riots are raging again overnight in milwaukee. cars are being set on fire. protesters are throwing rocks at the police there. the national guard has been activated as we learn brand-new information about the shootings sparked all of that view owelines. we are live from milwaukee. >> meanwhile, ryan lochte robbed at gun point in rio. people posing as cops. apparently with a badge surrounding the swimmer and three other american olympians. the dramatic new details just in. he's robbed in rio. >> yeah, right outside of the olympic village. donald trump ready to lay out his plans as he focuses his fire on a brand-new target. >> i'm not running against crooked hillary, i'm running against the crooked media. >> wow. does he have a point? what do you think about that strategy? we have some great guests to discuss that. we also want to get your advice and keep in mind mornings remain better with friends. >> now live from mid town manhattan, good morning, everybody. come on in to the tv show. ainsley, look who's back. >> so glad to have you back. >> special thanks to everybody that filled in. steve, you did that in a way, welcome in. like captain kangaroo. >> mr. rogers. >> welcome to the show. put on a sweater, enjoy it. >> welcome everybody to the program. >> i was in montauk. >> 20 miles. >> not far from your house. >> i could use the roadway. >> pack the car instead of a plane. >> let's get to the fox news alert this morning. riots raging in milwaukee since saturday actually. gunfire exploding, officers in riot gear are pelted by bricks. >> that's not good. the violence escalating following a deadly police-involved shooting. rich is live with brand-new information just revealed from the officer's body camera. i assume we're going to see this body camera footage soon, right, rich? >> ainsley, brian and steve, we are looking to get that body camera footage. police say they are still doing their investigation and they are not yet releasing it. the mayor has seen a still shot photograph essentially of that footage that shows, he says, someone raising their arm, the suspect who was shot at the moment police shot him another law enforcement officer says that the shooting and the body camera show that that shooting was within lawful bounds. they continue their investigation with the police chief noting the police officer and the suspect are the same race. >> normally i like to think that doesn't matter. there are a number of people here who want to do that. happens to be african-american and he has several years of experience and he's a very active officer and we are concerned for his safety. >> last evening, an evening of car fires, gunshots. one officer was struck by an object and taken to the hospital. another person was shot. police took him to the hospital in an armored vehicle. they've cleaned up the streets here. the street cleaners were here a couple of hours ago. you really can't tell much has gone on here. of course, aside from the building behind me, that's that gas station that was on fire saturday night. police preparing for yet another day here in milwaukee. back to you. >> let's bring in david webb, a friend of the show. been watching what's going on out there. is it a racial thing? >> no, it's not. what we have is a criminal with a gun who goes against a police officer, doesn't follow a lawful order. but you brought this up in the break while rich was doing his package. this is not black, a black cop, a blackman. so now the narrative is going to be cops killing blacks. if it was a white cop it would be white cops killing blacks. it's not about the facts, it's not about the fact that there was a cop shot and killed in new mexico, cop shot and killed in georgia doing his job. i think that's 36 police officers now killed in the line of duty. when you look at the predominant amount of incidents, it's with blacks. the crime issue in the black community has to be dealt with. whether we have a black lives matter that is entorsed by obama, clinton, by dnc. >> it's gone international. >> they're having black lives matter marches in germany. >> let me read you his rap sheet. he has been arrested, ticketed nine times for shooting, rob bring, carrying a concealed weapon, theft, possession of heroin and more and now you have people in the community, protesters, who are targeting white people, white people driving through the crowds, targeting their cars. let's see what some of the people are saying. the sister of the guy who was sh shot. >> black power. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. we need [ bleep ]. i don't wear it, but we need it. >> i asked if it was racial. >> no, that's not it. >> there's so much race in it. this points to such a larger problem with the total destruction of the black family. this young woman is part of the problem. the fact that you have a family structure that doesn't exist anymore or to the level where that they think that there was a time when you turned in the bad person in your family. you had somebody who was on heroin or dealing heroin, illegal weapons, stealing a gun which apparently he did according to earlier reports, you've got something like that, you don't want him in your family. now we have families backing them up. this is wrong. wait until they roll out the picture of him in the high school. he was such a good kid. he wasn't a good kid. he was unlawful. >> he pointed a gun at the police officer. what was the police officer supposed to do? >> two dead cops new mexico, georgia. what if this cop didn't do what he did? would he be number three? >> we don't know. we do know this. there is video. anxious to get the video out. you do pose a different problem, the cops are becoming the disciplinarians in the inner city. you're never the good guy when you're providing the discipline. but then when cops come in and refereeing domestic disputes and providing the type of enforcement that's not coming from home. >> >> it's not only coming at home, it's actually the bad behavior in some homes, not all, are being reinforced. the black community is not one monolithic block. there are many people in america who are black who hate this behavior. it puts them on edge just as much whether they're in an urban environment, suburban environment. this has become much larger than race. this is the narrative from breaking down the culture, the black lives matter crowd. obama's endorsed them. think about who their endorsements are. obama, democrats. the democrats have given them the voice and the platform and the community, by the way, they pay the price. burned down buildings. they're not going to be rebuilt. >> absolutely. >> not the way they should be. they're going to be probably destroyed forever some of them. >> it takes a while. i read in i think the milwaukee newspaper this morning that one of the places that was burned out, o'reilly auto parts, ten employees out of work there so they tried to move them to other locations in the area. >> that's not the people that need the work. one business just reopened two months ago finally since august of 2014. >> let's talk about a little bit of politics. as we know, the trump campaign did a message and focused on hillary clinton's problems. all pushed back against a "new york times" story yesterday that said they're fracturing on the inside and frustrated with a candidate who seems sullen. these are unnamed, anonymous sources. here's manafort yesterday slamming the media. >> she laid out her plan which is frankly what this administration is doing, raising taxes, raising spending, increasing the national debt. there fs a debate that could have had there. instead the media chose to take the clinton narrative and attack donald trump. donald trump in the course of this week was very focused about what he did in a number of battleground states. you didn't cover it. the campaign has to move forward and it's very strong. >> donald trump is right though, most of the media wants him to lose, but they wanted both the bushes and reagan to lose, too. >> this is not news. look, i gave a speech this week in spokane, actually in idaho. somebody asked a question. what would you do if you had 30 minutes with trump? i'd pull manafort and a few of his advisers in there and ask why they're not staying on message. i get it. in the next 90 days the media is not going to change, but when you give a great speech on the economy and you don't reinforce that with day after day of talking to the economy and going to the next policy point or the things that got you wins, you get off message, thank you that the "new york times" is -- i'm a little pissed off at donald trump because he's better than this. >> he did send a message. >> the media's not your target. they're not in the ring with you. hillary clinton is the one in the ring. think in boxing terms. hillary clinton is your opponent. >> what does he need to do in milwaukee? this is a free standing event. he's going to milwaukee tomorrow. what does he need to be doing there? >> he talked in the convention about being a law and order president. talk about why law and order matters to the american culture, the community, what it means to have a true law and order society. here's a moment where he can focus that message and have it mag any feud by the horrible events and he has sheriff david carr doing his best to bring some calm to that community but do it by law and with law and order. also talk about the economy. the failed economy is in an inner city environment and the black community. >> maybe run an ad, any ad. >> yeah. >> abby huntsman, thank you very much. >> you've been asked to do double duty, triple duty. >> i love it. welcome back. great to have you back. >> great job the other day. >> thanks, brian. appreciate that. we have some headlines to get to this morning starting with this. active shooter overnight at jfk airport. planes taking off again after two reports of gunfire in the terminal. >> get down! get down! >> everybody down! show me your hands. >> police conducted a nearly three hour floor to floor search before giving the all clear finding no evidence of a shooting. now to extreme weather. the death toll rising from the flooding in louisiana. five people are dead with more than 20,000 people pulled to safety. one of the worst affected areas is baton rouge where right now about 10,000 people are packed wall to wall as you can see in the shelters there as their homes are now underwater. >> come on. come on. >> the torrential rains flooding hundreds of roads stranding many for more than 24 hours without food or water. and robbed in rio. officials ranting at security after olympic security ryan lochte and three of his teammates are held up at gun point dressed up as police. the terrifying ordeal saying one of the men cocked the gun as he put it to his head. these dangerous men still have not been caught. lochte is thanking fans for their support tweeting what is most important is that we are safe and unharmed. the olympians are so inspiring. >> why are we having them in rio again? between zika and this. >> having the games there is a mistake but the athletes have been great. >> coming up this morning, donald trump expected to outline his plan. john roberts is out on the trail with a plan. >> caught on camera. incredible rescue. saving puppies locked in a hot car. the dramatic moment that will restore your faith in humanity. >> hot dog. ♪ rescue me so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gebreoorse.your doc could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven wbr id "wbr9447" thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. /b talk politics in just a couple of hours. donald trump heads to ohio, youngstown in particular, to outline his plans to defeat radical islamic terrorists. >> yeah, fox news national correspondent is in youngstown, ohio, with the latest. john, never boring? >> reporter: never boring. welcome back, brian. steve, ainsley, good to see you as well. 2:00 we'll be at youngstown state university, home of the penguins, to deliver a speech on how he would defeat radical islamic terrorism, in particular at isis. here in ohio, big battleground state where hillary clinton leads him by a narrow margin. she leads by 2.6%. trump will unveil a three pillar policy this afternoon to defeat isis and radical islamic terrorism beginning with an explicit statement that anyone who wants to work with the united states will be our ally. he'll also illustrate a policy of no more nation building. no longer seeking to remake the middle east into one democracy. pillar number two, change immigration policy. stop issuing visas where they cannot effectively screen applicants and apply a test to immigrants to determine if they support u.s. values. the third pillar, he will declare a cold war like struggle against radical islamic terrorism, spread a better message of life while at the same time militarily degrading and destroying isis in other terror networks. this is going to be a big idea speech not so much in the details. he is expected to go after hillary clinton and barack obama very hard. policies that they pursued in iraq, libya and syria have laid the foundation for isis to thrive in that area of the world. brian, just before we leave you here at youngstown, one quick sports question. youngstown state university is famous for inventing what? >> inventing what? >> a sports question. >> ray mancini. >> no, the penalty flag in football back in 1941. >> look at you. >> they are the founders of that. >> the coach here was sick and tired of the refs blowing whistles and said it was confusing. he invented a simple piece of cloth. >> he's covering politics, he's diving keep in trivia as well. john roberts live on the trail in youngstown. john, thank you very much. >> in terms of invention, take that, edison. this is bigger than thomas edison and electricity. >> i think i prefer the light bulb. >> i like that. now you know something that you didn't. >> there you go, folks. >> and john roberts is smiling. meanwhile, a bombshell in the real life making a murder case that you saw on netflix. captivated the nation. brendan dacey, a 16-year-old. his conviction has been overturned. does that mean a killer just walked free? what does that mean for his uncle steven avery who is still in prison. our reporter who covered it from the beginning is still here. they were embarrassed by iran. this morning one of these sailors fights back. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't just eat. mangia! bertolli. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. hey, you're yes, sir. clarence! you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that's no good... stevent! that's just vandalism. whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a one-thousand dollar volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on a new 2016 passat. a fox news alert. the man wanted for killing a georgia police officer has been caught. royheem deed was just caught. he shot and killed officer tim smith. smith was a five-year veteran of the eastman police department. he would have turned 31 years old today and he leaves behind a fiance and two children. >> that's terrible. meanwhile, huge news for anybody who is following the wildly popular netflix series called "making a murderer." a federal judge has overturned brendan dassey's murder. >> he and his uncle were convicted in the rape and murder of a young lady called theresa hallback. >> many believe dassey didn't deserve the life sentence. they claim police coerced him into the confession. >> here is aaron keller who covered the case from the start. are you surprised at this? we have heard and you have been on the program before talking about this dassey. he was 16 at the time. it looked like when you read the transcript and you watched the video, it kind of looked like the prosecutors were leading him down the road. >> that's what the federal judge found. if you studied this as i went to law school after i covered the case, the decision that came down on friday late in the day really didn't surprise me under the due process clause analysis that the judge applied. >> here's what they -- a statement from the judge said overturning the conviction said, quote, these repeated false promises when considered in conjunction with all relevant factors, most especially dassey's age, intellectual deficit and the absence of a supportive adult render dassey's confession involuntary. >> it has to do with whether the police were shoving him beyond the ability to incriminate himself. it's tricky to describe but basically the u.s. supreme court has said in order to have a voluntary confession someone has to have spilled the beans. >> sure, which he did, kind of. kind of. >> yeah, for people at home that didn't get to see it, just so you know, the younger guy, the nephew of the uchkle -- the uncle is still in prison. the younger guy, his conviction was overturned because they're saying he was coerced, low iq. we have that confession on tape. watch this. >> this is going to help you, brendan, no matter what you did. we can work through that, okay? we can't make any promises, but we'll stand behind you no matter what you did. >> told me not to do it. told me. >> i'm going to come out and ask you. who shot her in the head? >> he did. >> okay. so do you have -- so now the question is whether or not they're going to retry it. >> they'll decide that. if they do retry him and parts of this confession are going out the window, it's going to be really, really hard. >> what are your thoughts on netflix putting this together and the fact that it is changing this case? because you lived the case. >> it's -- well, a couple of things. this part of it, this petition in federal court was filed long before the story came out. to say this decision came out because of the netflix show, i don't think that's true. >> do you think his uncle did it? >> knows are tough questions to answer. i never said whether i think he did or didn't commit the crime. as a journalist, which i was at the time, i don't like to give opinions at the time. i was much more concerned about whether he did or didn't do it. am i happy about this? i'm happy that a federal court took 91 pages to go through this and dig deep into what dassey said and didn't say. he changed his story so many times when he was being interrogated. how many theresa was shot? it was two times, three times, ten times. where was she shot? he changed his story four or five times. it was here, it was over there, it was over there. we can't really tell what happened based on this so called story. >> because they interviewed him after he had seen so many tv news stories they thought maybe, you know, he saw the tv, got confused. it's all part of the case. now it's up to prosecutors to figure it out. >> aaron kelly, thank you very much. >> back to your new life. great to see you. >> congratulations on your law degree and moving here and dating a girl that lives in this area. welcome to the new york area. >> meanwhile, let me tell you what else we have planned in the next 90 minutes. what does bill clinton have to say about his wife's e-mail scandal? >> this is the biggest bull i've ever heard. >> that's the fbi that put out that load of bull. why is the mainstream media debating that? >> the patriotic bride and how you at home can help. >> first, happy birthday to ben affleck. he's got 44 candles on his cake today. >> happy birthday. >> took something that doesn't belong to you. the world is not polite. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. my wife and i are now participating in your mutual fund. we invested in your fund to help us pay for a college education for our son. we've enclosed a picture of our son so that you can get a sense there are real people out here trusting you with their hard-earned money. ♪ at fidelity, we don't just manage money, we manage people's money. ♪ ♪ >> wow. what a medallion. a road trip across america in support of our troops. >> this wounded warrior family support mustang is here on its annual high five tour rallying americans to thank all the military families out there. >> that's right, ainsley. it is on a four month mission driving at least 26,000 miles for more than 100 cities with the goal of raising $1 million. and our buddy, fox news contributor david webb is back. he also -- >> in addition to talking about the news of the day he is on the board of directors for the wounded warriors family support. today he starts his week on the tour. now this is separate? >> this is a separate organization founded by kournl bolson, $1500 started it off with marines coming back. now we do mobility equipped vehicles. an explorer f-150 we've adapted. if you've lost your legs or use of your legs, we do that. we also give help to the indian tribes. we've given our 20th vehicle to indian tribes across the country. we do it with the help of americans. >> how much does it cost to adapt a vehicle? >> it can range from 50 to $70,000. >> whoa. >> depending on the needs of the vehicle. but i'll tell you, it's americans who make this happen. it's the people who really do this. >> that's incredible. so individuals who have lost limbs that can now drive a car thanks to your organization, the organization you're part of. i'm reading the car. people have signed it in the tour across america. >> right. >> some of the messages, god bless bernie. >> who signed it? >> americans. americans come to us. >> i drive from here to detroit. we stop at ford dealers, we stop at different veterans organizations. we're going later on to a municipal town, municipal hall here in new jersey in scott' plains. i'll be working my way down to trenton. people come out and donate, go online and donate. high five this is a shelby mustang. you have volunteer drivers. >> we're all volunteers. mustang clubs, veterans. phil bradford over here with me, one of our guys. again, people come out. you could be a volunteer driver. i'll put you in it and let you drive it. brian i know likes to drive. >> my first car was a mustang. this is nicer than i have. >> you're running out of space for people to sign. >> time for a new car. >> i like that plan better. >> really, seriously, this is about helping the warriors. we're a four star rated charity. we put our money and the money americans entrust us with into these vehicles whether it's an explorer or f-150. >> you have two outfits. the logo here. >> and i have something else for you guys. >> thank you very much, steve. >> thank the organization for your support. >> this is our coin. purple heart and flag on the other. >> if you would like more information go to thank you guys. >> keep the motor running. >> abby huntsman keeping her motor running all morning long. >> that is a hot looking mustang, you guys. we have other headlines to get to. a suspect now being questioned in the murder of a new york city mom. brand new surveillance video showing the men run up and shoot two men outside of their mosque. police calling it a hate crime. there is no motive yet. police released this sketch of the shooter. it is not clear as of now if he is the man who is now in custody. remember the american sailor who said this after being captured by iran? >> it was a mistake that was our fault and we apologize for our mistake. >> now the navy lieutenant is appealing his punishment. the navy reprimanded his role saying he failed as a leader. they did not reveal the exact punishment. they have 30 days to decide on his appeal. well, a swirling inferno caught on camera. battling a field fire coming across combined with a blaze known as a firenado. you can see the dust devil spinning up flames as it moves across the field. this happens when the heat from a wild fire is so intense it's able to create its own wind. that is crazy. crews put out the fire tornado without anyone getting hurt. incredible rescue. strangers rush in to save puppies trapped in a hot car. >> here we go. >> two puppies found panting both dehydrated desperate for a tase of wat taste of water in a parking lot in michigan. she was in the mall getting her nails done. she was arrested and charged with animal cruelty. the puppies luckily are okay and are now at an animal shelter. those are some of your headlines. i'm going to toss it over to maria on the plaza. another week of crazy weather. >> we're anticipating more flooding. i want to share with you some of the reported rainfall totals from parts of louisiana, mississippi, even extending into portions of florida. they were very impressive and historic out there with some areas picking up more than 30 inches of rainfall. the reason for all of this rain is that we had an area of low pressure lingering out here, very slow moving. tapping into some tropical moisture across the gulf of mexico and producing the historic rainfall totals. right now we have heavy rain coming across portions of eastern texas. right now a bit of a break across parts of louisiana. take a look at what happens here with a forecast, several more inches of rain are expected out there. that will make matters worse. river flooding forecast to happen out there. we have a number of warnings extending farther north as it keeps moving northward into portions of the midwest and great lakes. quick look at your forecast. they are forecast to be into the triple digits across places like philadelphia, also into d.c. and in parts of the carolinas. now let's head over to steve. >> all right, maria. thank you very much. meanwhile, straight ahead. what does bill clinton have to say about his wife's e-mail scandal? >> biggest load of bull. >> why is the mainstream ignoring that headline? the woodhouse brothers are here next for a fair and balanced debate. that should be good. and it's a terrifying new report no parent should miss. the one thing parents are doing wrong and the tips that do save your baby's life. ♪ ♪ you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. what's up guys? we're dude perfect. make sure you don't miss out on the bass pro shops fall hunting classic. we'll see you there. now at the classic get huge savings. extra trade-in savings of up to $40 on hunting wbr id "wbr25058" boots. and, up to $100 on game cameras and optics. plus, free seminars. /b (announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern wbr-id "wbr25358" on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. spread some quick headlines for you. scary new study for families. it turns out most parents put their babies in unsafe sleep positions without even knowing it leading to an increased risk of death. the risky positions include putting our babies on their side or stomachs using soft sleep surfaces, loose bedding or sharing a bed with a parent. one small change could make drinking a little more healthy. ♪ red solo cup ♪ i fill you up ♪ let's have a party >> according to researchers, drinking weaker beer helps reduce alcohol's harmful effects like accidents, injuries or diseases. that is because most people are not going to drink more to compensate for the lower alcohol content. steve? >> good to know. thank you, ainsley. meanwhile, donald trump says he has a new opponent in the race for the white house. >> i'm not running against crooked hillary clinton, i'm running against the crooked media. >> he says as he points out at all the cameras. that after the mainstream media generally overlooked this comment. >> the fbi director said when he testified before congress he had to amend the previous day's statement that she had never received any e-mails marked classified. they saw two notice with a c on it. this is the biggest load of bull i've ever heard. >> does trump have a point? brad woodhouse and his brother the executive director of the republican national committee. dallas, let's start with you. why did the mainstream media for the most part not even cover bill's bull comment? >> well, a couple of things. i think that, number one, the media and to some degree the american public has accepted that the clintons don't tell the truth and they didn't tell the truth and that this issue of the e-mail and how she destroyed public records has been settled. she wasn't arrested and put on trial, but she was indicted by the fbi director. and the real danger here is people know -- people know she lies to the american people and they're either going to accept it or they're not, but what's really scary is the clintons lie to themselves. the clintons looked like, i've said before, baghdad bob denying what comey said to chris wallace and now baghdad bob's gotten married and bill clinton is just denying things that everybody saw plain as day. >> brad, your brother makes a good point. there is a large majority of the country that does not trust her when it comes to whether or not she's honest. >> well, look, steve, dallas has never made a good point. let me just pick it up there. >> some brother you are. >> some brother i am. i mean, look, with respect to this one measure of trustworthiness, you see probably in every poll that comes out, the american people increasingly trust hillary clinton, partly because, look, they're looking at the dumpster fire that is -- >> but when you start at zero. >> the trump campaign. >> when you start at zero it's not hard to go up. >> dallas, look, if you want to sit here and talk about your candidate, you want to suggest to me that he's never made a mistake or never lied, he has worse numbers in the poll than she does on trustworthiness, she has worse numbers on approval and by the way he's losing in every battleground state including north carolina, dallas. you're the executive director of the north carolina republican party and he's down by 10 points in north carolina. >> that poll -- >> you tell me, is that because the american public or the north carolinans trust donald trump. obviously they don't, dallas. >> i do think that donald trump needs to get on the message and go after hillary clinton every day about how she lies and how she has these e-mails that came out this week show that she was just willing to sell american safety and security -- >> what e. snails what e-mails are you talking about? what are you talking about? >> the e-mails that show -- >> involving her. what e-mails? what e-mails? there's no e-mails involving her that came out this week. >> here's what we know. >> you're making that up. you're making it up. >> fellas, one at a time. one at a time. >> here is what we know, that the whole reason she did not want her e-mails public, the whole time, the whole reason the server was set up was to keep their dirty business of the clinton foundation secret. >> what dirty business? what dirty business, dallas? what dirty business? >> two brothers are not going to agree on this. bradley, let me go into something else to talk about. >> sounds like a number of dirty deals here. >> don't interrupt steve, dallas. >> it's okay, you're brothers. >> but the moderator, please. >> brad, you know, you were talking about the polls and stuff like that. trump is now down in. but you've got to look at the -- when you look at the mainstream media coverage, it does look like they are in her corner rather than his, and that's i think one of the reasons he's picked a fight with the "new york times" yesterday. he was talking about, hey, they made up a story again where he called the report fiction on tweets and stuff like that, but the mainstream media for the most part, and you wouldn't admit this, leans to the left, is going to help her out. >> well, look, steve, i know you lean to the left, but i'm not sure about the rest of the mainstream media. no, i'm just kidding. >> ow. that is just wrong. >> i didn't hear it. the producer was talking to me. >> steve, i think the issue here is donald trump has run a campaign where he has wanted the media to come out and cover his rallies and cover what he says. i think the only thing that you've seen recently is they've covered what he says. they cover his attacks on a gold star family. they covered his second amendment comments. they covered his comments about hacking into her -- russians hacking into her e-mail. >> right. but they don't seem to cover her comments the same way they cover his with wall-to-wall coverage. >> i don't think she's saying something stupid every time she steps on stage. her rallies are fairly scripted. she delivers a very crisp message and he, you know, goes off tang gets. >> she's very boring. who wants to listen to her. my lord, if we have to listen to that -- by the way, steve, i don't believe you lean left. i'll climb up to the nearest water tower to defend your honor. >> dallas and brad, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> your mother must be a saint. we actually know your mother and she is a saint. speaking of donald trump, what's really going on with his campaign? rude did i giuliani's been campaigning with him. he has the inside scoop coming up. before the kids go back to school, we have the lunch pack that even the pickiest eaters are going to love coming up. ♪ abc easy as 123 ♪ hhis stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week sharpie twelve-packs just three dollars. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. awwhawhwhawh ... this! this is why i love it here. that fresh air all up in your face. my cousin wilbur in the city has to wear a leash just to go for a stroll. i'm sorry, but with propane, you can live where you want and how you want. and since it's both clean and reliable, you could say propane is "man's best fuel." she knows what i'm talkin' about therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. that can be quite a challenge if your a a pussy parents we we all are. >> sometimes parents forget and kids open it up and they have absolutely nothing. >> we want to save that and give them some money. >> chef diane hendricks is here. she's a culinary nutrition and chef of health inspired safety. are you ready to impress the da network. always ready to impress? >> always ready. >> here i have five great creative ideas, something different and interesting. bento boxes. i was doing bento boxes with my kids before they were cool. it's kind of a smorgasbord like separated compartments for the kids which is great. proteins, vegetables, fruit. a good balance. here are some other options. makes it easy. >> and fun. you can buy the separate disposable container. >> right. >> it has its own compartment. looks like you put a lot of time into this. >> kids love shapes, especially the little ones. you can use it for cheese and sandwiches and fruit. little hugs and kisses and -- >> so much more fun to eat a sandwich in the shape of a camel. >> absolutely. >> keeping it in line with the shapes, these are some organics -- they're little shaped take on a cheddar snack. >> healthier version. >> all organic. they just hit the shelves. it's awesome. >> you can say we can put stuff in a pocket. kids love to put stuff in a pocket? >> you can put it in the pocket for them or put it all separately in the bento box. this is 100 calorie, whole grain. they're wonderful. to get fruits and vegetables into your kids, try the individual vegetable cups. they're wonderful. >> we did state fair a lot of coverage. everyone at the state fair walked around with sticks. kids love things on a kebab. >> they love things on a kebab and they love to dip. >> this is? >> cucumber wraps or sushi. i created that for adkins for the low carb lifestyle which is wonderful. a good balance of protein. it's wonderful for kids too though. this is what i love. kiwi. this is really a cool hack. you take a kiwi. i'm using kiwi, because it's awesome and it's green and gold. you can scoop it out. give it to the kids like this. then they can scoop it which is really delicious, packed with vitamin "c" and potassium. >> she sliced the apple, so when the kids get to school it's already sliced. >> you can put lemon juice or true lemon on there. put it back together and put the rubber band on it. >> keep it from turning burn. >> fill them up and eat healthy. >> great, thank you. all right, we have a fox news alert to tell you about. more unrest in milwaukee. cars were set on fire for a second straight night. we'll there at the top of the hour. and trump's plan to take down isis. what can we expect? rudy giuliani has a preview for us. he's here right now. what will steve tell us? a car, and i feel good, confident, because i'm at a truecar certified dealership. now i'm even more confident because truecar just received this j.d. power award for their website, so i know i can expect a great experience and a fair price. this is truecar. mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here. good morning to you and to your family. it's monday, august 15th. it's the start of school for many people around the country. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. milwaukee erupts for a second night. >> black power! >> [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! >> the national guard has been activated after a second night of violent riots in milwaukee. demonstrators are clashing with police throwing rocks as at least one person is injured after gun fire erupts in the crowd. rudy giuliani is here to react to it in just a few moments. then ryan lochte the athlete right there, robbed at gun point in rio. people posing apparently as cops. they had a badge. surrounded the swimmer and three others. the dramatic new details just in coming up. and there could be changes coming to the white house intern program over fears that a future occupant, the former president, might have trouble keeping his hands to himself. that's presumptuous. still a lot of fighting left to do on the right and the left to find out who will be in 1600 pennsylvania avenue. two hours left. let me remind you, mornings are better with "friends." all right. thanks for joining us today on a monday. ainsley, as you mentioned a moment ago, you're right, today is first day of school. palm beach county, a lot of counties in florida, today is the happiest day of the year for many parents. >> my sister is a teacher over charleston, south carolina, and they start today. a lot of mothers are crying after dropping their kids off at college. >> it's hard to say good-bye to your 18-year-old. >> game show host family in durham? >> no. my friend todd, the car guy. not the quiz show -- >> okay. >> of course. >> cut off relationships with them. >> i don't blame you. you had to make a stand. >> a lot happening in the news this morning. we'll start with a fox news alert. riots are raging on in milwaukee overnight. the national guard on stand by right now after protesters hurling rocks and bricks at police officers. destroying patrol cars and actually hurting the officers. >> wow. rich edson is live with more. on what we're learning right now about the cop involved in the deadly shooting. hey, rich. >> reporter: hey, brian, ainsley, steve. right now the police and city officials are discussing the body camera a video that he had on him. the police chief says it makes it clear that the shooting was one lawful bounds. the mayor saw a still shot -- essentially a photo of that video that shows that the suspect did have a gun on him. now, the police have yet to relet's the video. a number of the protesters said they want to see that video. police say they're still conducting their investigation and not going to do so. last night, more rioting, not as bad as the night before. one police officer was hit with a rock and another one was shot. and another armored vehicle, police vehicle, escorted him out of here. that person out of here and took them to the hospital. so last evening there were more gunfire. more gunfire, there were rocks thrown at police officers. cars damaged. this after the evening before which was the day of the shooting where you saw much of the damage across this neighborhood in milwaukee. the building behind me is that bp gas station that was caught on fire and destroyed. so all waiting to see what happens as we go into day three here. back to you. >> rich, live outside that bp gas station, thank you. rudy giuliani is joining us. what do you make of the sheriff and the governor activating the national guard, just in case? >> what i make of this is how bad things have come in america and we have a riot in which we don't know all the facts yet. first of all, you should never have a riot. even if the facts were bad, never presume anyone guilty. here the police chief has told us and there seems to be some witnesses that this guy had a gun, he was running away. turned around and pointed the gun at the police officer. >> right. >> we have two black men, the black perpetrator running away and a black police officer. what was the black police officer supposed to do? wait and get shot and then shoot back? doesn't his life matter? doesn't the fact that he had to take action in self-defense matter? otherwise, instead of talking about this man being -- this other man being dead, we'd be talking about a black police officer being dead? where is black lives matter defending him? he took action in self-defense. i'm sorry, if a guy runs away with a police officer and the guy turns around and points a gun at him, -- >> you're in trouble. >> it's a new rule i have to get shot before before i shoot back? of course it isn't. if they can riot over this, it makes donald trump's point that law and order is out of control in america. it's out of control not because we've having bad weather. from the very top we have had anti-police rhetoric. anti-disgusting comments. hillary clinton proclaimed all the police officers in baltimore guilty. they turned out not to be guilty. three found to be not guilty by an african-american judge. she everyone in apologized that. they were found gill by before they were found innocent. it's supposed to work the other way around, ms. clinton. i'm sorry. and that atmosphere created by the president, mrs. clinton, first holder, now the justice department. the four police officers get cleared and the justice department puts baltimore police under arrest. ferguson situation. the guy had his hands up. never happened. seven witnesses. i have read the testimony some of some of the witnesses, some were african-american, and they say he was charging the police officer. never had his hands up. that officer is found not indictable. obama's own justice department which we know is anti-police officer -- and they brought a lot of cases against police officers, found no charges. yet nobody apologizes for saying hands up. it's fair to say they have created an atmosphere in which this kind of rioting can happen when a perfectly justifiable shooting happens between men of the same race. >> how important is it for the body -- body video camera that was on the officer, how important is it for to be released? the governor of the state, scott walker, is asking for them to release that. >> i released -- i saw two big riots in new york before i was mayor. one was a drug dealer named kiko garcia. she was supposed to be -- he was supposed to be an altar boy, turns out he ran a drug gang, had been arrested 38 times. there was an audiotape with the police officer calling for help as he was being killed. didn't put it out for four or five days. >> big mistake. >> my rule was i put out everything right away. >> i want to talk about what donald trump is going to be doing today, but first let's talk about what happened over the weekend. he clearly is going to war with the media, which oftentimes is not a wise thing. but the new york times story say they talked to 20 unnamed staffers, trump insiders who say that donald trump is preoccupied with slights. he's beginning to acknowledge that he will lose. he still talks with corey lewandowski and is described as exhausted and frustrated. >> one of the names in the article is you. actually. >> i saw just the opposite in the article. i say the opposite with him. i played golf with him he's in great shape. i spent the whole day with him. he was -- he is in better shape than anybody else in the campaign in terms of focus, in terms of being totally optimistic that he's going to win. does he kid around and tease and nobody can do that anymore in politicians sometimes, yes. but the reality is he's determined to win and his effort against the press is not for him. it's nothing against -- his effort against the press is fight for the american people. >> that do you mean? >> look, donald trump is a successful man. how much damage can they do to him? the press by being one sided and writing an article like that which is largely untrue and putting three articles the day before, anti-trump, imagine that on the front page. the american people are not getting the facts they're entitled to. they're not getting both sides of the story. you pointed out the language about bill clinton, what he used. >> you're a good friend of his and a skilled politician. you also know what needs to be said on the stump. how -- why is heiding saying the things that need to be said to point out his opponent as opposed to saying things about isis being the founder of isis and then keeping that going for three days? you must be able to talk to hip and say, how does that help you? >> i like that debate. i'll tell you what. if all he said was that both hillary clinton and barack obama played a material role in the development of isis which they did, no one doubts that -- >> we get that. >> founder of isis, that cracks through. >> it's shorthand. it's donald trump short hand? >> it's way of getting attention in the press that goes after him. >> what can we expect today? >> i think he's going to talk about how to deal with islamic terrorism. i think maybe two big takeaways he'll use the word radical islamic terrorism unlike the president and hillary clinton has who has only used it reluctantly once. and he'll talk about the war of ideas. not only are we not fighting the military war, we'll talk about that which we should be. but not fighting the war of ideas. we are 234not doing what we did during the cold war. we are not sending in the values of our country, the values of our civilization. we're not talking about what happens to women in these countries under shari'ah law. how they're stoned, how they're hurt and harmed and how they're misused. i would like to hear hillary clinton talk about that. she's a so-called feminist but she's taken a lot of money from the countries. maybe she can't talk about it. >> we'll have the coverage from youngstown on the channel later on. >> a good speech. >> you said you played golf with donald trump yesterday. who won? >> our team won. i played with him. >> okay. our team. team america. all right. america's mayor, thank you. let's go over to abby huntsman. >> good morning. we do have this headline this morning. an active shooter scare overnight. this at jfk. planes are now taking off again after two reports of gunfire in the terminal. >> get out! get out! get down, get down! get down! >> police conducting a nearly three-hour floor to floor search before giving the all clear. find nothing evidence of a shooting. and robbed in rio. officials rammiping up security after ryan lochte and three teammates are held up at gun point. he detailed it saying that one of the men cocked the gun as he put it to his head -- can you imagine? even more chilling, these dangerous men have not been caught. he thanked fans for their supporting, tweeting we're safe and unharmed. and hillary is in the hot seat again today. could be the day that the lawmakers learn what the democratic nominee told the fbi about her e-mails. well, fox news learning that the fbi will hand over some the files to the house oversight committee. last month, the agency recommended no charges after speaking with clinton for hours over the use of her private e-mail server during her time as secretary of state. if hillary clinton is elected president, she has to decide whether to allow bill to interact with the interns. the program would have to be restructured to prevent harassment if he becomes the first gentleman. this is because of his affair with then white house intern monica lewinsky. a little bit awkward. probably the first time that's happened or would happen. >> yeah. a lot of firsts. >> yeah. >> abby thank you. more than 20,000 people rescued from the deadly floodwaters in louisiana. >> get my dog -- >> they went after the dog and got the dog. >> wow. incredible video. saved her life and the dog's life? >> yeah. >> with more on the way today we're live with more. >> there's the dog right there. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. you can use whipped topping made ...but real joyful moments.. are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy. i'm drowning! >> we're coming. we're coming. >> we're breaking the window. breaking the window. >> get my dog, get my dog. >> get my dog. and they did. fox news alert. that incredible video of a woman and her dog being rescued from the flooding in louisiana as they rip open a soft top convertible that was submerged. >> he saved her life and her dog's life. six people are unfortunately dead with more than 20,000 people pulled to safety. one of the worst affected areas is the area of baton rouge. >> yeah. will carr has been there the whole time and he has the latest. hey, will. >> reporter: good morning, guys. more than 10,000 residents are in shelters this morning, hotels across this area are sold out. major thoroughfares, i-10 and 12 are shut down. many are still waiting to be rescued. in fact, last night we went out with search crews on military vehicles. take a look at what we saw. the police department is going street by street, block by block in east baton rouge looking for any residents who have not left their homes or cars so far. homes like this, they have several feet of water going up, water going halfway up to cars where the driveway used to be. over the past couple of days thousands of residents have been rescued by boat, by vehicles like this. some even rescueed by helicopter. take a listen. >> i'm heartbroken. i'm heartbroken. my home -- this is where i grew up. my grandmother and my grandfather and my aunt lived in that house. just trying to cope with it. >> disbelief. shock. that you know it can happen anywhere, but you never think it's going to happen in your neighborhood. i know everyone says that. but it's happening. >> reporter: to help, president obama has issued a disaster declaration. but so many here have lost everything. and i was talking to one resident yesterday, she was fighting back tears. she said the only thing she can ask from people across the country right now is simply for their thoughts as they continue to battle through this disaster. guys? >> wow. will carr, reporting live down along the gulf coast. a real good chance nor rain today. >> pray for those families. so sad. 20 minutes now after the hour. straight ahead, we work to help others beat cancer until another disease forced this doctor to fight for his own life. his incredible story of survival. what's the man who nearly changed the course of american history, john hinckley, what is he doing right now at a subway? t coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at but thanks to to everything turned out perfect. 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[ bleep ]. >> all right. the city of milwaukee devastated by weekend violence after police shot and killed a young black man. but we just learned the officer who pulled the trigger also black, does that change anything? we'll talk about that next. and this is what freedom looks like. how did this man who changed the course of history by shooting the president, how did he celebrate his newfound freedom? she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. well, here we are go. a fox news alert now. the national guard activated after a second night of violent protests. milwaukee on edge after angry mobs trashed cars after a shooting suspect by a police officer. many are asking how do we stop this again from happening and at least stop it in milwaukee for now? joining me now to talk about this is a fine panel. he's from free think, camille foster is back with. demass who wrote a great book and a perfect guy for this segment as well. retired nypd lieutenant and founder of watch guard 24/7 john rafferty to get the law enforcement perspective. we have a fleeing career criminal even though he's 23 years old and the body camera will reveal in the mayor and governor are correct, that the suspect had a gun. and it was suspect with his ammo -- actually out on the cops. >> absolutely. >> so what has happened since then that might surprise you? >> well, it's sad. unfortunately we have developed a society that's become the judge and jury. we have to put an end to that. we have to stop people from judging these cops. we have to allow just like we do for every other citizen is allow the evidence to come out, let it go to trial. we can't allow this behavior. we're ruining our own society. >> demass, i guess you're something that was on the wrong side, you found the right side so you have been on the law enforcement side. as an african-american, you see what happens, an african-american cop is chasing the african-american suspect and we have the same result, which could be a ferguson or a baltimore situation. why? >> you know, i want to share something that i have never really shared and, you know, i had death threats on my life and it was police that stepped in and helped save me. and i know they are great, incredible cops. to me as a former king pin and street god, i want to say the police are my heroes. but one of the situations that's so troubling, if i get shot and murdered today what's coming out on the screen, drug dealer has gone rogue even if i don't have a gun. but it would take friends like you, brian, or someone that would have to step in in order for me to be able to get a fair shake. but if a police is killed, let me just say this. if a police is killed, the force of the united states will come pouring down and we know whoever did it will certainly be gone. >> well, i mean, there's a situation -- there's two of you. wrote your book "street god" because you were dealing drugs and you were in prison for a while and you grew from it. a law enforcement would protect you as well as me. am i wrong? >> no, i think that's generally correct. look, i think most of the folks who are on the streets enforcing the laws of this society are good and decent people. it is an unfortunate reality for reasons real and imagined that out there in america, there are plenty of people that have a tremendous amount of distrust for law enforcement and i think we do have to ask some pretty tough questions beyond this particular event about what's going on. >> what do you think -- gwhat's going on? >> well, there's clearly a deficit of trust. one thing that to can happen to mitigate that, having transparency, the body cameras and any time there is a police shoot, that coming in. there are real lives here that are being damaged by the riots. never forget about the human tragedy happening. >> and you know what happens -- we have the chants of them say, go get white people. we don't know what happened yesterday, the sun is not up yet and that's the goal. >> here another problem they're not dealing with. if i was killed, i can't find a black person or hardly a person in white america that would feel like the force that would come in to capture or call on the justice for the officer is killed would not be the same if an african-american is killed. i believe all lives matter, i'm down with that. all believes matter, but the truth is in america blacks feel like some lives matter more than others. >> nobody looks at the color, nobody looks at they were killed. those police are the only ones out there protecting the communities. the politicians don't care. but it's the homicides when they happen, it's the police they go there and they try to solve the crimes. they don't like at -- look at race or what the circumstances are. they want to get the bad person off the streets. because it's only a small group of bad people out there that are ruining the communities. >> you're a hero, but what the black community is looking for is when is some heroes going to stand up, like captain stephen katz and darnell, that said we are responsible for the death of darnell thompson. why didn't the guys who killed freddie gray, i choked a man to death? >> they didn't choke a man to death. >> it's important that we not argue with anecdotes here. there are serious significant problems that have hand but we can't take from the one circumstance or even five of them and string them together and create a single narrative. >> i'm talking about the castile -- >> no. >> i served families. i served those victims' families. it's not an argument. i served the families. i'm there crying with diamond reynolds and crying next to them. and we've got -- never. >> that's what's wrong -- >> in milwaukee. they're saying we're sick and tired -- >> they're saying we're sick and tired -- >> exactly. >> look what happened in ferguson. it's the same thing. something that the cops did nothing wrong. they're out there policing the neighborhoods. they should commend this cop, they saved somebody else's life. >> this is a disenfranchised community. there's frustration in that city, and if it's race related people should go in there wi with -- because how do we do get the people more economic opportunity? so it happens it's not an explosion. >> like dontre hamilton who was shot 14 times and killed. look at the reports of documentary -- thank god you did a documentary, but people there are tired of feeling like they're oppressed. >> do you think in the big picture the problem is the cops? >> yeah, i -- >> i will tell you, he asked me, is it a problem with the cops, no i don't think it's a problem with the cops. i think it's the problem with nobody being held responsible when a million cops in america and some of them make mistakes. we go on like the cops are -- like they don't make mistakes. if the heroes would step up and say, we made a mistake, it would be great. >> thanks so much. we just scratched the surface. we should have you back later. >> a longer segment would be awesome. >> i say that every day. thanks, guys. when we come back, with third party candidates climbing in the polls are independent votes more crucial than ever this november? emily eakins is here to answer that question. and she's one of country music's most respected female stars. ♪ ♪ when i die, i may not go to heaven ♪ >> tanya tucker here live. this singer rose to fame as a member of the boy band with his brothers kevin and nick. be the first at with the correct answer and you'll win something special. allergies distracting you? 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emily eakins has the answer. good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> you're welcome. we know that the independent vote is the most important, but which one will they support? >> right now, breaking towards trump if you look at the most recent polls. the main reason why is that they trust trump to handle the two issues that the independent voters care about, which is national security and terrorism, as well as growing the economy and jobs. >> so they're not voting against a candidate. they're voting for him? >> well, what we see, they dislike both candidates but they dislike hillary clinton far more than trump. to be fair, independent voters trust her temperament. they think she cares about the issues in their lives but are not the independents' priorities. they want a candidate who not going to sugarcoat -- won't sugarcoat the threats that are facing our country in keeping our country secure. they think that donald trump is more likely to do that. >> you know, it's interesting, even if you throw in the liberty candidate, gary johnson, you can see they still choose trump. clinton gets 29%. trump get 35% and then gary johnson 22%. >> that's a high number. that's interesting about this election. the independent voters don't always matter in elections. if you look at 2012, mitt romney won the independent vote. he lost the election. john kerry won the independent vote in 2004 and he also lost. winning the independents isn't necessarily decisive in winning the election, but in this cycle, 2016, it might be different. because of gary johnson, a serious third party candidate. he's taken about a quarter of the independent vote. what we want to see, is he going to disproportionately take votes from hillary clinton or donald trump? right now, he's taking about equally from both. >> but what's interesting he's little bit more conservative. so you would think a lot of the independents that don't like the conservative movement would all go to hillary and maybe she would be winning when you look at the three candidates, but that's not the case. donald trump is winning. >> so you might think that. what's happening is there are two main groups in the independent cluster. there are a lot of disaffected bernie sanders supporters who are very upset with hillary clinton. they don't necessarily want to vote for donald trump. so they're either not going to turn out or vote for johnson. there are a lot of fiscal conservatives in that independent group that don't really have a candidate to choose from. because neither hillary clinton or donald trump are fiscally conservative, so they might be attracted by a johnson candidacy. >> thank you for joining us. have a great day. >> thank you. well, she is one of country music's most respected female stars and after the break, tanya tucker is going to sit down to talk to us about how you can own a piece of country history. you're not going to want to miss this. a violent weekend in milwaukee, but newt gingrich said that's not the real story. what the media isn't showing when he joins us live. but first on this day in 1945, the allies proclaimed vj day, sparking celebrations over the end of world war i and in 1969, the woodstock festival opened and elton john and kiki dee topped the charts with "don't go breaking my heart." there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. but thanks to to everything turned out perfect. [crying] weird, but perfect. [flute] all right. now time for the answer to the "fox & friends" trivia question. joe jonas. our winner is karen from virginia. you're getting a copy of brian's newest book, "thomas jefferson and the tripoli pirates." she is one of country music's most respected female stars. ♪ ♪ and the jukebox is jumping, to turn his heart around ♪ ♪ i may be wrong, but i don't have no doubt ♪ ♪ well, it's a little too late to do the right thing now ♪ >> well there you go, a piece of tanya tucker's personal history from her massive checktion of -- collection of memorabilia. after four decades in show business. >> i already have her outfit. joining us right now is country music pioneer tanya tucker. >> pioneer. >> you got the pioneer award. >> hitch up the wagon wheel. >> you have so many items that are up to benefit the sweet relief musician's fund. how hard was it to say, you know what, maybe i should auction this off to help somebody but i really would like to keep it in my closet? >> oh, no it's constant. i mean, even one -- one of the auctions started -- well, we have several. started at 2:00 this morning and it's a ten-day event. i still look at the pictures of things like last night i was going through some of the pictures of things that are up for auction. i'm thinking oh, gosh, i'm going to miss this. >> yeah. >> but, you know, it's highly emotional, but i have a 15,000 square footwear house of stuff. >> what are you auctioning off? >> all kinds of things. motorcycles. i have -- my '65 mustang. >> the bids start at a dollar. >> yeah. >> these are pictures of things to expect on the auction block? >> yes. >> what is that outfit? >> actually, i believe that is david allan coe's outfit. i don't think that's mine. like i have glen campbell's jumpsuit on stage. >> how do you have glen campbell's stuff? how did that happen? >> that's another story, honey but a lot of the clothes -- most everything i have worn on stage somewhere. >> it's such a great cause. don't you have people that actually pick it out for you? >> well -- >> do you have to shop? >> i do my own shopping. but that's something that my accountant hates for me to do. >> do you go to the gap? >> i do. i do. i always love a deal. >> tell brian how women are. women can find something everywhere. we love a sale. >> so i enjoy it. we have a lot of things. you know, people might enjoy some of those things. >> sure. great. >> you know, just sitting in a ware house getting old. >> so this runs until august 28th, 8:00 p.m. go to our website. we'll link to >> everything but the house. i'll sell the house if you want it. and i picked out that organization because, you know, we all know. musicians run into tough times and it's great to have some relief. you know? >> right. thank you so much for dropping by. >> i love you guys. i don't get up this early for anybody. >> you won the pioneer award. >> thank you. coming up, live at top of the hour, newt gingrich is here. >> wow, that's going to be great. the latest breaking news about adele. will have she a last name? before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. my new mascara katy kat eye hi! welcome to the katy kat collection. it's the all-day 360 cat eye ten times volume, darkness and no smudging katy kat eye and new katy kat matte lipstick from me and easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl good monday morning to you and your family. august 15th, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. one person shot and at least one cop injured in the second straight night in milwaukee. what we have just learned about the man shot by cops, live from milwaukee. and ryan lochte robbed at gun point in rio. like that. >> a guy pulled out his gun. he cocked it, put it to my forehead and said -- i had to put my hands up. >> i would too. the dramatic new details coming in from rio. >> especially because he was a cop. you think what did i do? donald trump takes on a new target. >> i'm not running against crooked hillary clinton. i'm running against the crooked media. >> is that a winning message? newt gingrich knows all. he'll join us in a matter of moments. i look at the rundown right before this segment. mornings are better with "friends." hello, everybody. welcome to studio "e" as in election. we'll have some campaign stuff in a couple of minutes. but right now we start off in milwaukee. >> yeah, we have a fox news alert this morning. the city on edge there as riots have been raging all night. the national guard on stand by. as the protesters were pelting police with rocks, with bottles, with bricks. they were all bragging about it. >> hey! one down [ bleep ]! >> five cops hurt in all, forced to stagger away, following two nights of violence. >> rich edson is live in milwaukee where the sun is coming up. and he has the new details about the officer involved in the deadly shooting. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. and city officials and police officials who have reviewed the body camera said that the officer acted properly. that the video shows and according to the picture reviewed of the suspect holding a gun at the time and so they're saying that the shooting was warranted. however, riots and protesters are demanding that authorities release that video. police say they are still reviewing it for their investigation. this after another evening of gunshots, throws of rocks and stones here. more destruction. one police officer injured and taken to the hospital. another person shot and taken to the hospital. governor scott walker of wisconsin is calling for peace. >> the bottom line is there are good, decent people who live not only in milwaukee, but in this specific neighborhood and it's imperative that we do all we can to keep them safe and part of keeping them safe means holding respect for law enforcement, allowing them to do their job. we need to do more of that. >> reporter: couple of hours ago, street cleaners came in here. no more bricks on the road. the indication that went on is this destroyed gas station behind me. back to you. >> all right, rich edson outside the bp gas station, thank you. >> unbelievable. >> let's bring in newt gingrich, former speaker of the house. he was with us at the end of last weepg -- week talking about the op-ed he had written for "usa today" -- or and you talked about how people deserve safety in their lives and now sadly, in many places, now milwaukee, you can't find it. >> and tragically brohm has -- barack obama has contributed to the tone and we had false narrative and false narrative. in milwaukee, the police officer was black and the person that the policeman shot was facing the policeman with a pistol. after having been warned. now at what point do we say the people have an obligation to respect , but furthermore, why are we tolerating this level of rioting and violence and really attacks on our very civilization? we have plenty of video cameras. we could video every single rioter and the next day or two pick them up, charge them with breaking the law. at a minimum put them away for 50 or 60 days to say we won't allow you to go on the street without facing a significant consequence. we don't have to the allow the rioters to take over our cities. >> same day in milwaukee this that this happened, nine people were shot, five of them were murdered and yet this turns out to be the big story. >> i don't understand the black lives matter inability to see innocent people killed who aren't involved with the policeman. in chicago, in the last week we have had 1 -- 99 people shot. 24 people dead. we have had over 3,500 people killed in chicago since barack obama became president. this is his hometown, it's hillary clinton's hometown. 3,500 americans, more than died in iraq and afghanistan and everybody is just blase. nobody pays attention. not a national scandal. we're not ruthlessly, we're focused on baltimore which turned out to be a false narrative by the way as every policeman was exonerated. and in chicago, american citizens are being murdered. why aren't black lives matter concerned about black innocent civilians who are killed by other folks in the neighborhood and why aren't we insisting on safe neighborhoods and then candidly i share the sympathy of people who have lousy schools where the unions won't fix. they're in a situation where there are no jobs. when the dominant figures are making money on drugs and there's endemic violence. but this type of riot makes it harder to create jobs. >> should donald trump go there? >> i think trump in the near future -- hopefully by the end of the week, make a major speech, whether it's with sheriff clarke in milwaukee or in chicago or in baltimore. i think he ought to pick a major city. if the mayor says, look, this situation is so tense, really it would be dangerous. it would go volatile, then no, don't go to milwaukee. but on the other hand, sheriff clarke has been very solid and understands the importance of law and order to protect the innocent. it's the weakest among us who are protected by the law and order. >> he does have a preplanned trip to milwaukee tomorrow before all of the riots happened. he's doing a town hall there with sean hannity. what should he be talking about? >> well, if he's -- i didn't know he was going to milwaukee, if he's going to milwaukee tomorrow he ought to talk about the inner city. they have a very big speech today on the whole issue with how you defeat isis and islamic supremacists and i think it's -- from what i have seen so far it's an important speech and a good speech and it draws a sharp distinction between the confusion of clinton and obama and how trump would deal with it. they want to stay on that topic, which everybody told them to be doing. if you do decide -- again, if sheriff clarke thinks it's good for him to come to milwaukee, then i think he ought to actually open his talk tomorrow night talking about milwaukee. all the of the inner cities in america. because all are suffering from a similar pattern of no jobs. terrible schools. teacher's unions opposed to any kind of reform. high taxes, too much regulation. those are across all of our major inner cities and a as a result, people live in a sense of frustration and poverty and fear. >> let's talk about something else that might be on donald trump's agenda and his teleprompter. that is the fbi possibly releasing the notes from hillary clinton's long interview that she gave, not with james comey, but with officials working with the fbi e-mail interrogation of her. how important are those notes, do you think to understanding what she was saying? because she was not under oath. >> who knows? i think we have to wait and see what the notes are like. this is a person who has lied repeatedly. she lies about lying and now she lies about having lied. i think you have to understand this is the clinton model which is to drag it out, to lawyer it up. to say whatever you need to do get through the next interview. i think she wasn't under oath, i think it's kind of weird with a figure who's this important nationally to do -- it's a multihour interview in their home without taking exact notes, the exact transcript, and without having her under oath makes me wonder. what's the advantage of interviewing somebody like that after months and months and months of research? i mean, it's one thing to have a casual, general conversation going into the investigation. but i would have thought they would have wanted to put her in the position if she lied it was perjury. i'm puzzled by the fbi's decision. but it's interesting to see, just as somebody who is curious about how the country works. it's interesting to see what she says about things that are clearly illegal. >> all right, newt gingrich, always a pleasure. thank you for joining us from the nation's capital. let's hand it over to abby who has some headlines for you. >> thank you. we begin with the story. could the olympics be to blame for the active shooter scare at jfk airport? well, a police source saying people clapping and banging during the olympics triggered the false alarm. it came one minute after bolt won the 100 meter dash. there were reports of gunfire in the terminals and as you can imagine caused some panic. >> get down, get down! get down! >> everybody down. >> scary. well, police conducted a nearly three hour floor to floor search, find nothing evidence of a shooting. well, now to the fox news alert. a man wanted for killing a georgia police officer has just been caught. the man was arrested in florida after a massive manhunt. he shot and killed officer tim smith after he responded to a 911 call. smith was a five-year vet. he would have celebrated his 31st birthday today. he leaves behind a fiancee and two children. and ryan lochte and teammates are held up by thieves dressed as police. one of them cocked the gun as he put it up to his head. >> no nothing. they pulled us over. they pulled out their guns. they told the other -- others to get down on the ground. they got down on the ground. i was like we didn't do anything wrong. so i'm not getting down on the ground and this guy pulled out his gun and he cocked it. put it to my forehead and he said get down. er said whatever. >> the dangerous men have not been caught. lochte thanking fans for their support. what is most important we are safe and unharmed. and bad news for adele fans. ♪ ♪ we could have had it all rolling in the deep ♪ >> we love adele but she turned down the chance to perform at the super bowl. >> i mean, come on. that show is not about music. no, i said no. >> but the nfl and sponsor pepsi deny making adele an offer to perform. those are your headlines. i don't know, you guys. i think that might have been the right decision. can you see adele performing the halftime show? >> it's different. but she's fantastic. >> amazing. >> hello. >> come to new york at the end of september. >> sounds like you have tickets. >> i hope i do. >> i've made some requests. >> thank you. >> thanks. all right. coming up straight ahead, a fox news alert. more than 20,000 people rescued from the deadly floods in louisiana. >> i'm drowning, i'm drowning. >> we're coming. we're coming. i'm going to break the window. >> breaking the window. >> a live report from the ground. that'll be next. >> unbelievable. brand-new trouble this morning for debbie wasserman schultz. the latest on the disgraced democrat's fight to keep her seat. that's next. guess what i just did? built a sandcastle? ha, no, i switched to geico and got more. more? 24/7 access online, on the phone or with the geico app. that is more. go get some mud... all that "more" has to be why they're the second-largest auto insurer. everybody likes more. mhm, i think so. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. we're coming, we're coming. >> i'm going to break the window. >> we're breaking the window. >> get my dog. get my dog. >> your dog. >> get my dog. >> get my dog, she says. as her car goes under. that incredible video of the woman and her dog being rescued. one of 20,000 being pulled to safety. >> six people are now dead and more trouble is expected as rivers rise over next several days. one of the most affected areas ask baton rouge. >> will carr has the latest there. unfortunately, looks like more rain down there today. >> reporter: yeah. it does, guys. good morning. as the sun is coming up. the water has started to recede, but there's definitely more bad weather in the forecast for the coming days. and this is still a major search and rescue operation. we went out with crews last night as they were patrolling these flooded streets. take a look at what we saw. street after street, block after block looks just like this. really more like lakes or rivers than neighborhoods here. you can see the water going halfway up homes. for the past couple of hours, we have been tagging along with the police department as they have been going through and rescuing residents who wanted to stay here, but at whatever point had realized that things had gotten out of control and they needed to get to safety. there are thousands who have been rescued over the past 48 hours. people rescued by vehicles like this, also by boats and by helicopters. we spoke to several. take a listen. >> i'm heartbroken. i'm heartbroken. my home -- this is where i grew up. my grandmother and my grandfather and my aunt lived in that house. just trying to cope with it. >> disbelief. shock. you know it can happen anywhere, but you never think it will happen in your neighborhood. i know everyone thinks that but it's happening. >> reporter: president obama has issued a disaster declaration for an area that's already gone through so much lately. you have the police officers who were shot and killed here and now this historic flood. leaving some residents wondering aloud to me how much more this community can take. guys, back to you. >> no kidding. will carr, thank you very much in baton rouge. meanwhile, in other news, businesses burned to the ground, officers injured trying to keep the peace and the message from our president -- look, i just made it to the fairway. dr. alvita king, niece of dr. martin luther king will join us next. and how one little girl escaped the jaws of a mountain lion and lived to tell the story. >> oh, man. it's been a wild ride to jordan & chelsea's wedding. but thanks to everything turned out perfect. [crying] weird, but perfect. [flute] if you'try clarispray.emes to escape your nasal allergies. new, from the makers of claritin. and nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world. try clarispray today. all right, quick headlines now. today could be the day that lawmakers learn what hillary clinton told the fbi about her e-mails. the fbi expected to hand over some of the files to congress as early as this week. last month, the agency recommended no charges over her use of the private e-mail ser r server. but these are just notes. no transcript. and remember this sailor, what he sad after the capture by iran? >> it was our mistake, we apologize for our mistake. >> well, navy lieutenant david nartker is appealing his punishment. the military said he failed as a leader. the navy has 30 days to decide on his appeal. steve? we have a fox news alert. one person shot, at least one officer hurt in a second straight night of mayhem in milwaukee. protesters lighting cars on fire. businesses. throwing rocks and bricks at cops. they are angry over the death of a 23-year-old man by the name of sylville smith. he was shot dead by police saturday after he refused to drop a stolen gun he was carrying with 23 rounds in it. here right now with her reaction is dr. alveda king, the niece of martin luther king. she is a fox news contributor. good morning, dr. king. >> thank you so much. and good morning. i would like to point out first that we are dealing with a flawed system, not a broken system, but a flawed system. in the 1950s and '60s we faced the exact same types of terror rise reactions of fear and anger, but the solutions of course are going to be different. so i believe we can work on t s ththis system, ask the people not to be frightened and to direct the anger into solutions instead of just fear and anarchy. >> absolutely. but, you know what, dr. king, we have had so many different messages from people in places of prominence over the last couple of years. you would like to see our nation's leaders -- spiritual leaders and political leaders get on the same page. >> we need to be on the same page, whether near the education world, the medical world, certainly the spiritual world, the political world. my dad and my uncle had a powerful scripture. led righteousness -- let righteousness roll down the waters and justice like a mighty stream. so justice and righteousness will need to come together and encourage the people not to be fearful and reactive. we do not need martial law with the federal government sending soldiers into communities and shutting everything down. but i believe our leaders and all of our people of america, because we live in a great nation. so the answer -- it's not even racism all the time. because we're one human race, act 17:26. so we need to come together, realize we are brothers or sisters or we need to become brothers and sisters. i believe our leaders can help us to do that. >> the president of the united states we understand has been made aware of what was going on. yesterday he was golfing and some of the reporters were close enough to bark out some questions. did they ask him about this? let's listen. >> there were two that came into play. got one on the road back up here. the titlisist one -- >> that's me. neither of them are mine, that's the most important point. >> you on the fairway? >> that's me. >> good for you. >> so the reporters and the president talking about how they were searching for some of his golfing companions' balls. he was in the fairway. would have been nice to get a question about what is going on in milwaukee. is the president on the right page when it comes to milwaukee and other things regarding this, dr. king? >> i believe that the president really should take a page from the book of a.b. king, martin luther king jr. and as a national leader. he's the president. but to come to a point of some spirituality and encourage the people not to be fearful. we should not be divided into separate races because we're one human race. so, you know what was remarkable to me, i heard a chant not black lives matter, but black power. that's from the '50s and '60s when that same type of attitude tried to divide america. well, what about human power, what about americans coming together fixing a flawed system together, putting america back to work. good education, good values. that can really happen. i think the president would have an opportunity as he's -- hitting away at the balls to think about that. >> well, he is on vacation. alveda king, thank you very much. what do you think about that? e-mail us at you thought this was bad? >> thank you all so much. [ crowd booing ] >> well, as it turns out, getting booed and fired as the dnc chief was the least of debbie wasserman schultz's worries. that's coming up next. moving your kids into college. how do you go from this empty dorm room to this? it doesn't cost mom and dad a fortune. lifestyle expert will be here to spruce up your kid's dorm room, coming up. he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week sharpie twelve-packs just three dollars. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. what headache?in? what arthritis pain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. after 26 years in the u.s. air force, retired colonel gary west has made it his mission to bike on this bike that i've got right here 2,500 miles honoring u.s. military families by presenting them with a flag. today just two weeks into his patriot honor ride, colonel gary west, also known as gumby is making a difference to our country's heroes. he joins us live. >> play he is to be here. >> where did you get the nickname gumby? >> every fighter pilot gets a name when they become mission ready. i guess i'm flexible, i don't know. >> not green. although 2,500 on this bike you might wind up green. >> yeah. yeah. >> so tell us about where you started, where you're going and what you hope to raise. >> we started in maine, on the coast of canada, and we're tracing route 1 all the way to key west. mile marker zero in key west. it's a 60-day trip and we hope to raise $60,000. and arrive on the 1st of october and we're raising money for folds of honor. >> which major dan rooney's, the best charity out this. so you're on the bike. you have the chase car with the two women behind you. >> yeah. they go ahead and prepare the next public engagement and i have someone who stays close to me, make sure i stay hydrated, don't make a wrong turn, get a flat tire. >> why did you decide to be on a bike and do this for folds of honor rather than go fishing or sit at home or do something else? >> i felt like as i entered the senior years of my life i could give back. i could think of no better group than those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. i discovered folds of honor and their mission to give scholarships to children and spouses of wounded and disabled and fallen people. i wanted to help with that. i came home from three combat tours. my boys have a normal life. you know, i got to send them to school. there are so many families that have a whole different scenario than me. i just want to come along and bless them. i think what folds of honor is doing is tremendous. >> fantastic. if you'd like to help, go to home miles have you gone so far? >> 516 miles. >> which part of you hurts the most? >> thighs. but we're working on it. >> what are you doing, ice baths? >> a little bit of icy hot spread and a lot of advil. >> sounds great. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much for your service. all right. well, let's see, it's about 27 minutes before the top of the hour and abby huntsman has some news right now. new developments in the murder of the new york city imam. the person they questioned overnight is no longer the suspect. police hoping this new surveillance video helps them find the killer. it shows the gunman run up and shoot both of the men outside of their mosque. community leaders calling it a hate crime and police say there's no motive yesterday. you thought that this was bad? >> thank you all so much. [ crowd booing ] >> all right. so now there's more trouble this morning for disgraced dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz. the florida congresswoman getting into a heated argument with her primary challenger, this one about the iran deal. listen. >> that $1.8 billion part of the iran deal won't be used to finance terror against israel? >> what we -- >> can you gaern guarantee -- >> you can never guarantee anything. what we need to do is make sure -- >> oh, well, recent polls give her a strong lead in the polls. and drivers could soon see this license plate on the road. a woman taking her case to court with atheist being spelled out with the 8 in place of an "a." she argued her first amendment right was violate and the judge agreed, ruling in her favor, awarding her $75,000. and a mother says her daughter is alive this morning after she was dragged by a mountain lion, thanks to her guardian angel. >> it bit her on the side and tried to drag her a little bit. but like it couldn't pick her up. didn't have a good hold. she was clinging to me, sobbing. i knew -- i just had a comfort and i knew she was okay. and i felt like angels were there protecting there. >> wow. well, police say the 93-pound mountain lion viciously the little girl during camping trip. the cat snatched kelsi. the mother started to chase the cat. kelsi has a few scratches and bite marks by luckily she is okay. wow, one incredibly brave mother. brian and ainsley, out to you. >> thank you so much, abby. meanwhile, back to school week and we're focused on how to transform your dorm room if you're going off to college. >> take a look at how this standard room gets totally transformed into the amazing dorm that feels more like home. take a look again at the before and the after shot. >> because some look kind of like prison. how can you recreate this dorm makeover? joining us is the expert, amy sewell and the founder of shop with let's bring some affordable style to the kids. >> those rooms you just showed, those are at lipscomb university and we went from drab to fab. you want to do some planning, before you go shopping, check with your roommate and make sure you're not doubling up on things. and see what you can do in student housing and what's prohibited. that way you don't buy stuff you have to return later. >> when i went to college, my roommate thought i was crazy because i wanted to coordinate. >> this is the girl's room, i'll do the guy's room. >> you said sort it out. make sure you know about the specifics -- specifics of the room before you buy everything. second tip, make it out. what do you mean? >> start with the bed. that's the big point of the room. you'll never wear that -- that's been around for a while. completely enclose the mattress. get a bed in the bag. the one we have here is less than 100 bucks. you don't have to think much about it. then you want to think about planning the space. you don't have room to spread out. use every bit of space available to you. you can get the bed lifts which are great. >> plug them in. >> yeah, gives you ton of storage space. you can get things like over near the guy's room we have dorm space saver. you know, so you have a shelf that will go above the bed. think of how to use every bit of space from floor to ceiling. >> you have to put it together yourself. also, the desk, keep it simple. >> right. set your computer on top of that. get something that has shelves up there as well. think of using every bit of vertical space. >> you said dress it up. >> dress i this is blank canvas. the first time you have a chance to decorate a room on your own. throw rugs, throw pillows. and probably in your room you have only a bed and a desk chair. but we have the great folding seat here. >> these fold up. >> like tailgating. >> that way whenever you don't need it in your room, you can put it under your bed or put it in the closet. >> what do you mean gear up? >> so many gadgets, you want a good surge protector power strip. a laptop lock. keep that computer secure around campus. also, a space. if you have some small valuables as well. bed, bath & beyond, they will have it boxed up and ready for you at the store closest to the college. >> i just went there for my son's room. get there early because every parent and every kid especially the freshmen will be there early. >> exactly. don't leave until after the show. >> exactly. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> if you want to get some rest, go ahead and do it. it will be 95 degrees in ten minutes though. coming up, donald trump preparing to lay out his plans for taking down isis. kristen fisher has a preview of the speech coming up this afternoon, today. she has a live report. that'll be next. when this nypd officer got down on one knee he never wanted to forget this look on his future bride's face. >> oh, my god. >> so sweet. coming up, the happy couple is here with the gadget that helped them make sure that gadget would last forever. they're engaged. she said yes. >> ring cam. ♪ i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at in just a few hours, donald trump heads to ohio to outline his plan to defeat radical islamic terrorism. >> kristin fisher has details on what he'll talk about. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. so today donald trump is expected to say that any country that wants to join the u.s. in the fight against isis will be our ally. that could include russia and these are come on day when trump's campaign manager is coming under fire for his alleged ties to the country. he is expected to declare an end to nation building and replace it with what aides described as foreign policy realism. focussed on destroying size and other terror groups. he is expected to announce a new vie visa group. and proposing creating an ideological test for all immigrants to determine if they share u.s. values. so these will be tests about their views on religious freedom, gender equality, even gay rights. yesterday, mike pence came to his defense on "fox news sunday." >> i would say, stay tuned. this coming monday you'll see a vision for confronting radical islamic terrorism. last week, you heard about the growing the economy. it's still early in this campaign. i just -- i'm very confident. >> reporter: now, today mike pence will be campaigning alongside trump in ohio. while the current sitting vice president joe biden will be campaigning alongside hillary clinton in pennsylvania. brian, ainsley and steve. >> i think their first together. thank you very much. donald trump will be talking today at 2:00 in the afternoon in youngstown. you will see it live right here on the channel. >> we will be watching. >> i think it will be really important for him to not only say this, like he did his economic message on monday, but build on it during the week. don't distract through things that might create controversy. keep his eye on a different ball. >> well, radical islam is the topic he'll be focused at the town hall tomorrow. first, hannity will be live with us tomorrow morning to give us a preview. >> fantastic. coming up -- >> when this nypd officer got down on one knee he never wanted to forget the look on his bride's face. >> oh, my gosh. >> the happy couple is here with the gizmo that helped them make sure that moment would last forever. but first, let's check in with martha maccallum. >> hello, good to see you. so donald trump is about to give a speech on how he would attack isis if he were president. can he turn the tide starting today? that's big question for the trump campaign. and the fbi is about to release the transcript of their questioning of hillary clinton. what did she actually tell them, and does it line up with what we know? and in milwaukee, the latest u.s. city in crisis. louisiana under water, the latest when bill and see you at the top of the hour on "america's newsroom." ♪ don't just eat. ♪ mangia! bertolli. oh, my god. oh, my god. >> the video. >> we're engaged. >> oh. he's an nypd officer, capturing the moment that he popped the question to his girlfriend, now fiancee in a brand-new way. using a tiny little camera built inside -- >> it's called ring cam. joining us right now is the ceo of ring cam, sam zow, and with chris napolitano and monica houseman. good morning. >> good morning. >> well, we'll get your story in a moment. but let me show folks this thing. where did you come one this idea, sam? >> it started as a college engineering project. >> here's the button. >> absolutely. >> there's the camera. >> really started and idea, how can we help people get engage and then -- without having somebody else there to record the moment. >> just doing it yourself. you rent these off your website for 100 bucks. >> and then you realized it was more than a project, but a business. how is it going? >> going good. we're at over 500 locations around the world. the majority of the business is helping chris and monica have been a incredible -- have an incredible experience. >> how much is it, what does it include? >> it's $100 to rent. we ship it right to you. they propose, upload the video. we turn it around in 24 hours. >> enough from you. let's get their story. how did you meet? did you know it would end up with on a -- on a ring cam at some point? >> we were friends in high school. we hung out with the same group of friends. >> farmingdale, new york. >> and then in junior year he asked me to be his girlfriend and now eight years later. >> a couple of proms in the books. >> yeah. graduation. >> how did you wind up getting the ring cam? >> i basically saw another couple get engaged and someone was in the background recording it. i heard her say, it was really nice to see that. i punched into google ring camera, you know? assuming that one would exist because it was a great idea. the first thing that popped up is i looked at the website. >> unbelievable. >> video editing, i rented it. too easy. >> so you always wanted -- there's a castle out on long island, what happened? >> we were eating dinner. he said if we went up to the forest floor of the castle there would be a beautiful garden. we went up the fourth floor, there was no garden. i opened up a door and there was a heart of rose petals. >> then he turned on the camera box. did you know you were being recorded? >> no. i had no idea. i said -- after i said yes -- >> after all this stuff. >> after all this stuff, then, he said this is at the camera. i couldn't believe it. >> when are you getting married? >> november 4. >> a lot of ring cameras will be at the wedding. >> yeah. >> if people would like more information go to our website -- >> or >> best wishes. >> thank you. >> awesome. >> all right. more "fox & friends" in a moment. don't go anywhere. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. the search for relief often leads... here... here... or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. and helps you get back to things like... this... this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. (announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. all right. here we go once for the road. it's michael phelps's death stare immortalized now as a tattoo. a fan got the angry face tattooed on his leg. the best part about it? he's not even from this country. canada is where he is from. and good-bye green. finally back to blue in rio. look at that. the crews finished job just in time for the first competition. >> try chlorine. >> officials had to drain and pump in nearly a million gallons of water. the pool contractor added too much hydrogen pie red sox i'd. >> bad for your hair. >> martha and bill are next. bill: milwaukee is. >> city on evening after a black man was shot and killed by a police officer. police say he tried to leave the scene of a traffic stop and was armed. donald trump will deliver a speech on foreign policy today in ohio. we'll see what his ideas are all about as we say welcome back. we left off where, in


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20160515 23:00:00

with donald trump. that's on your local fox station. and that's it for today. have a great week. and we'll see you next "fox news sunday." \s fox urgent. hours of heavy police presence and fear. a terror scare at a major european sporting event. a suspicious package forcing the evacuation of a manchester united sorber match, and now new information about that package. it turns out it was a fake bomb, a sophisticated look alike. now we know why it was so convincing. it was a training device left behind by security experts. the breaking details on this in minutes by a reporter who's in london. we begin by president obama opening up on the state of the politics, with harsh words, giving a long-awaited commencement address at rutgers university, but at times it sounded. he talked about the vulgar tone of the 2016 presidential election with thinly veiled jabs at republicans and their agenda. >> facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science, these are good things. these are qualities you want in people making policy. >> if you were listening to today's political debate, you might wonder where this strain of anti-intellectualism came so -- so -- so class of 2016, let me be as clear as i can be -- in politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. and while he was taking those jabs, how about the growing division among democrats? has the president seen this? brand-new video that has a lot of people talking? it's from the democrats' state convention last night. chaos broke out. party leaders tried to restore order. [ shouting ] >> it's really -- it's not good. >> did you hear the woman who is rolling on this with her phone apparently? she said, it's not good. delegates for both hillary clinton and bernie sanders argued over yule and chanted "recount." bernie supporters not happy with the process that gave hillary clinton a victory, and they would not leave. stuck around we're told for some three hours after it was supposed to end o police had to moved in over security concerns reportedly. hillary clinton is the clear democrat front-runner, it's clear it may take more than friendly words to win over the sanders reporters. peter doocy is covering donald trump, and given the crackup in nevada that you just saw on video there, let's start with mike emanuel who's in louisville, kentucky, tonight. listening to the voices of the bernie supporters, clinton may have her hands full. i recall her team originally saying they were not going to spend primaries in may and june, yet they're fighting it out exactly where you are, in the bluegrass state. >> reporter: that's right, harris. good evening. after losing indiana and west virginia to bernie sanders, hillary clinton's campaign is trying to stop his momentum, slammed the door on sanders here in kentucky, hillary clinton spending two days here in kentucky ahead of tuesday night's primary. she's also running some advertising here as well. she took a lot of selfies earlier at a union get out the vote event in louisville, after saying back in march a lot of coal companies and coal miners will be put out of business, she tried to fix that today. >> we can and must not walk away from them. you know, i feel such a sense of only base, and we're going to do everything we can to help them, you know, get through this transition. >> reporter: bernie sander campaigning here for a second day. he says he can also win independenting. sanders again talked today about his party's system for picking a nominee. >> what we are going to those those super delegates if they want the strongest candidate to beat donald trump, bernie sanders is that candidate. >> reporter: there's limited polling here in kentucky, no nobody is quite sure how this will play out, since thinks coal country here, hillary clinton needs to drive turnout of african-americans and also union members, harris? >> that's been a sticky wicket for her of late. she made some families very angry with early comments and then tried to clean it up, as we know. i had caught just a little while ago that the clinton campaign team is looking at a vp pick that would kind of more appease bernie sanders supporters. how contentious has it gotten between those two, clinton and sanders? >> harris, things have gotten really rough. it was really on display this weekend. you had sanders supporters turn out in big numbers, trying to win him more precious delegates, but only five of clinton's were. when hillary clinton was benefiting, a scuffle broke out. sanders supporters rushed the stage and security shut down the state party quepgs. this must be alarming to dnc officials, and also leadership of hillary clinton's campaign, worried that similar frustration could spill over on the national level at the national convention this summer in philadelphia. it's a big reason why there's a whole lot of buzz that hillary clinton needs to pick a running mate who will be pleasing to sanders' supporters, as democrats try to find a way back to unity. >> without, you can't take anybody for granted, hillary clinton, at this point. who would have thought we would be at a point where she would have enough delegates to get to the nomination, but he's racking up millions of dollars of support from supporters giving in small amounts, which amounts to what? a lot of people. mike, always good to see you. thank you. some high-profile republicans reportedly searching for an alternative to donald trump who would beat hillary clinton. peter doocy is live in philadelphia. what could that look like? >> i tell you, harris, the rumors of the promise nent intellectual conservatives are trying to convince a well-known person, whether a celebrity or another republican to run as an independent and challenge trump, are something that rnc brass are taking very seriously and they're candid about the reason why. they think an independent run by anybody would hasn't the election to hillary. >> they can try to hijack another party and get on the ballot, but look, it's a suicide mission for our country, because what it means is you're throwing down not just eight years of the white house, but potentially 100 years on the supreme court, and wrecking this country for many generations. >> the owner of the dallas mavericks, mark cuban, was quoted in today's "the washington post," saying he's been courted by folks trying to find a new independent challenger, but he shot them down. it's interesting to see how long this talk will continue, because rhine priebus said today he thinks that trump and speaker paul ryan line up 80% of the time. >> i look forward to talking to the insiders about this point, but they may want to hold for a bit. could you even see a bernie sanders as a third-party candidate? i don't know, it's just a question. real quickly, i understand there's new word of a short list for donald trump's potential vice president. what is that this. >> it's very surprising, harris, ben carson, aiding the trump team in the search told "the washington post" today that somebody on the short list is sarah palin, which we hadn't heard before. carson also rattled off a few other names, marco rubio, john kasich, chris christie and ted cruz, and former speaker of the house newt gingrich, that if trump asked, he would probably do it. >> if he can convince calista and me that it's forable, serious and we would in fact contribute, i think we would be very hard-pressed not to say yes. >> the man who's been a vp the last seven jeers, joe biden is at u-penn, at the same graduation ser myoas donald trump. he's watching his granddata getting a diploma. trump's data is about to get an diploma. i was inside when trump and most of his -- there were some cheers, but also sound some u-penn parents may be donating to the clinton campaign this time around. >> thank you for that. we'll unpack the political news at the bottom of the hour with the political insiders, and a programming note for you. this tuesday megyn kelly present a new debut document. she'll sit down with donald trump for the first time since the presidential debate. you know it. here's a preview. >> you said you didn't feel the moderators had been nice. do you think it's the adjournists' roles to be nice? >> fair. i don't care if they are nice. >> you used the word "nice." >> i don't think so. i might have said they weren't nice, but that doesn't mean they have to be nice. >> you know it's not a cocktail party. >> no. in what you did might have been a favor, because i felt so good about having gotten through -- i said if i can get through those debate with those questions, you can get through anything. >> you can watch who have of that this tuesday, 8:00 p.m. eastern on your local fox station. and a knocks fuss 'letter. it is where we started this hour. a terror scare shut down a major soccer match in manchester, englund, thousands of fans poured out of the stands to saved, but it turns out it was all just a tremendous mistake. this was the scene after the suspicious package was discovered inside the stadium before the manchester united game. bomb squads found it, detonated it. it was fake, a very convincing replica. in fact, it was a training device accidentally left behind by a private security company. >> everything is -- but as albert said, it worked like clock work, everybody was fantastic about it. it's just a pity that it has to happen. it's ridiculous. senior foreign affairs correspondent is live in london for you. i can only imagine, and then it turns out it was a mess. >> absolutely. a bit of a complicated story, harris. at the very least it shows how nervous people are, not just in the states, but over here in europe about terrorism. the whole thing went down about 15 minutes before the start of a game. the suspect package was found in a stadium bathroom, reportedly was made to look like a pipe bomb. officials issued a code red alert. they evacuated the stadium. 75,000-person capacity, attached a charge to this package. it didn't ignite. at that point they knew it was a fake. yes, it turns out it was a dummy device, left over and forgotten about from another terror training exercise, which was conducted at the stadium on wednesday. that drill was a part of several mock attacks conducted by the manchester police department over the past week, including an elaborate exercise at a shopping mall not too far from the stadium. authorities were already taking flack for that. if you might recall, fox reported on it for apologizing for a fake terrorist yew the abe bick phrase of "god is great." now more red faces all around for this terror blunder, harris. >> we did cover that security mission or practice, if you will at the mall, and what was said about it was they were trying to actually re-enact events that happened. people took exception to that in the muslim community and police actually apologized for it. but the threat is real. that is why they are training. >> well, that should not distract you from the score mission and the core threat and concern right now, harris, absolutely the threat is real. we were there in paris last november when a soccer stadium was targeted by a series of suicide bombers, that a part of that terror spree which left 130 people dead. next month, the same country france will hole a huge soccer -- all across the country under extremely tight security. i guess, harris, the one positive thing we can try from today abotchup in manchester, england, according to authorities, the crowds handled it very well. the evacuation, listening to the announcement. they were calm, no panic, no anger, no overreaction. they have said, in a way it was a perfect terror exercise, it just wasn't planned. >> wow, nobody hurt. thank you very much, greg, for buttoning that up for us. a wave of attacks in iraq. a shift in the terror army, from the battlefield to suicide bombing. enjoy from the obama administration says isis is shrinking, how is that possible? and growing outcry. one senator's proposal to speed things along. will it work? stay close. it's true what they say. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration. duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me... it's aleve. 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>> conor, thank you. he says it will help reduce the staggers delays. right now the average wait time at jfk is up by 82% from last year, while nationally airlines report having to hold flights due to crazy long lines. >> senator schumer says using highly trained dogs and additional workers could cut down on time while improving security. he predicts without the dogs, wait times at america's bus just airports will only get worse. a sea of blue, as law enforcement officials gathered in our nation's capital. ♪ for the ramp parts we watched ♪ they are honoring other police men and women killed in the line of duty. and hundreds of racer, a tribute to those who died on 9/11. whoa. what's going on here? oh hey allison. i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. val from voya? yeah, val from voya. quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house? we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? 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>> as the sun was coming up over new york city this morning, about 1,000 people came from all over the world to race to the top of one world observatory. this is the annual tunnel to tower climb to honor those who lost their lives saving others on september 11th. it's not an easy climb, especially at 5:00 in the morning. about 104 floors. to get to the very top. as we talked to the runners at the finish line, they want this is nothing that first responders do every day. >> i'm hot. i don't have 70 pounds of gear. they have oxygen tanks, life support to other people. though think they carry people up and down these stairs. >> it was especially emotional for michael burk, who lost his brother who stayed behind to save others. his brother never made it out. >> you get to the 40th, 50th, 0th floor, you hear billy, keep going, i'm right behind you. that's what i'm thinking about, and you're thankful. >> tim brown was one of the first responders who made it out alive, but many of his friends were left behind. >> i found strength through them. they were the strength in my lengths and the wind in my lungs and under my wings to get me here, $300,000 have been a. gives scholar ships to firefighters' children. it was an emotional day and one i this lever forget. harris? >> it's said to be some of the mor candid he political analysis, and obama's strong words cass for a third-pared candidate. which side would it be? we'll talk about it, and a breakdown of the nomination contests that lie still ahead. stay with me. woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. this just got interesting. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information. and you may now be covered. oudairy or artificial flavors., so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. hey, baby, make it your first word! 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[ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. part of the award-winning golf family. i'm harris faulkner, the bottom of the hour, president obama seemed to slam republicans, especially presumptive nominee donald trump. he called out many of his stances. >> the world is more interconnected than ever before, and it's becoming more connected every day. building walls won't change that. as we set up for the fox news political insiders, let's go to kristin fisher in washington. >> hey, harris. he never mentioned trump by name, but it was very clear who he was talking about. first he went after the campaign slogan saying the good old days were not all that great. >> when you hear someone longing for the good old days, take it with a grain of salt. in fact, by almost every measure, america is better, and the world is better than it was 50 years ago, or 30 years ago, or even 8 years ago. >> the president then went after some of the trump's favorite talking point by saying the system is not rigged, and experience does matter. >> it's not cool to not know what you're talking about. that is not keeping it real, or telling it like it is. that's not challenging political correctness. that's just not knowing what you're talking about. >> president obama did defend another republican, former secretary of state condoleezza rice, you may remember she was invite to do speak two years ago, but she backed out amid protests from students and faculty. today the president called those protests misguided. he said he didn't great with a lot of her policies, but democracy works best when we're all willing to listen to all sides, at the same time, he said he admitted today, quote, there's not much i'm afraid to take on in my final year of office. harris? >> i hope he's ready for those bernie supporters. let's bring in john and doug schoen. pat, i'm going to start with you. >> well, first of all, he is now politicized this week commencement speeches, which were never really political attack speeches, and bathrooms. so he's having quite an effect. look, what we're watching is a president who just made a statement that 78 -- excuse me -- that 70% of americans disagree with. over the good old times. people who believe the country is in decline. even bill clinton just reminded me attacking his legacy of the last eight years and where he's left us around the world. he has managed to get his approval rating up to 51% in the last several months, because he's been out above the fray. he wants to get in the frayed, and that was -- >> why does he want to get into the fray? >> because he's a politician. he was elected, harry, with the promise of unity, bringing the country together. he even has said that that was and is his goal. he said he hasn't achieved it, but he's one of the chief polarizers, wouldn't work with the republicans. this is proof positive that we are descending to a new lowr low. >> pat, what you were saying was you feel like he hurts the party? >>ual, one of the important ingredients is how an incumbent approval rating is. he's going to enter this context and trump is going to be all over him. he is bringing -- coming down. the most latest thing on the bathroom thing -- >> the tran gender bathrooms? >> it's the locker rooms and sports -- it's the overreach. i don't know where -- >> is it federal overreach, whatever your position, pat? >> even people who favor it. >> john, i want to come to you. we started this hour with shall video that, you know, we see the mainstream media. you guys are saying, aren't you part of that? we see certain members really focus on whether there's a crackup with the republican party. those of bernie versus hillary supporters. thee disagrees about the process in their party. it got so heated that police broke it up and cleared the place. this was nevada, the democrat state convention last night. >> so i think the theme really, harris, tonight is both parties -- the whole political process is descending into chaos where the leadership, the establishment that favorites hillary, and not the establishment in the republican party, we'll talk about that, but they both are manipulating things and ticking off grass-roots people and driving them out of their party, what is this, may 15th or something? it's just going to get worse are more chaotic as the weeks go ahead. >> we covered this earlier, hillary clinton said he didn't expect to be spending money on primaries and contest this is far into the primary calendar. what is going wrong? what's happening inside your party right now? >> our party is dividing the way people anticipated the republicans would. hillary is going to get the nomination, but there's a big but. i have ton honest as a clinton supporters, she's getting more unpopul unpopular, you are numbers against trump are sinking, bernie remains strong, because he's authentic, an outsider with a message of change that the democratic left likes. >> as i've had said all along, both he and trump have been out of the same trough at opposite ends. they represent the revolt in the country that we're going to see. they're the under 45. they see a system that is seriously rigged, which it is, and a main street media that's decided in port of hillary clinton, not even to mention bernie sanders. >> is it conceivable that sanders supporters, if hillary is the nominee, could a substantial bit of the sanders vote end up vote fog trump? >> hard to say. >> the exit polls suggest -- >> or they'll stay home. >> you're talking about the exit polling that wam out of the west virginia. it showed a very healthy number, you're saying a third. >> they're going to vote for trump. >> they would consider vote fog somebody other than hillary clinton. if there's only one other person, that would be donald trump. real quickly, third-party candidate is being talked about. it's so interesting. it could be from either side. we'll talk about that right after this. stay close. our political insiders are pack. elaine on twitter says -- the rhinos and democrs will do anytg to take back their power. >> rhino assistants for republicans in name only. in facts it's mitt romney, stewart stevens, these are longtime republican establishment people actively out recruiting candidates to be president and vice president, not to win the election, just to suck 5% of the vote away from trump, tilt it to hillary. that's what they're doing. they say that. >> open. >> which is incredible. >> of course they're raising money, because you have three -- stu stevens who destroyed romney, he got into the stop trump moeismt to make a load of money. they want to proceed mott their business and bring them down. all of this is very bad, but all it is is suicide. that's what reince priebus said. >> i said it before he did. >> but pat, this is not -- >> that's not what we're talking about. you get a candidate, either a bipartisan ticket of people o. or -- you know, a bipartisan ticket or better a nonpartisan ticket, and if you don't like these parties, which a large jersey of americans adopt, vote for it. that's the one that could really affect this selection. >> i want to go to you, because of that video, because of what we're seeing happen. bernie sanders was in paducah, kentucky, about 4:00 eastern time this afternoon. he said something. look, you can look at the numbers, i don't see where he's going to get it. he's not all that worried that he can't get what he needs to win the nomination. how is that possible? >> two things, harry, first, he is alluding to the fbi primary, the investigation. >> are you saying he's waiting on the fbi and hillary clinton? >> he wife has made that absolutely clear. he's also going to rule changes to take the super delegates away -- >> will he get it? >> i don'tening so now, but this is then. that's a long way from now. we don't know. the video suggests his supporters are mobilized. >> we had a news story that is has this no coverage, that the state department announced they cannot find any of the e-mails over a four-year period of this guy brian paddigliano. >> the guy who has murnt. they can't find it on the server. no, no, they've been able to triangulate and find those e-mails other places. >> because someone took it out and it's called part of a cover-up. when it happens to a republican, it's front page and a cover-up. when it happens to a democrat, it's page 18, and it's -- bureaucratic snafu. >> pat, you're not arguing? >> no, it's worse. what they did -- look with rosen, where those -- where he questioned about but iran, once the ben rhodes piece came out which has shown the entire iran deal from day one has been lie upon lie. think of a wall street store on the clinton foundation. that is what with will -- the ewill exis about how bad is the federal government. do you believe pat caddell, do you believe the government is corrupt. >> 89% of americans believe the government is corrupt. >> i asked about -- >> i'm good et to that. >> the nominee of the democratic party has this all over her, where her husband gets federal fund put into the clinton foundation and shovels it to an alleged mistress, you don't think that will hurt her? >> that story that was in the "wall street journal," i didn't see it on any of the talk shows this morning. i was jumping back and forth, but i didn't see that raised. it's not been picked up by anyone. on top of that, the new documentary on clinton cash is coming out, which i saw the preview of, and -- >> that's why bernie is not going away. >> doug schoen, in your title for the insiders, people know you worked with the clintons, but you're also friends with hillary and bill clinton. so you've got a connection. >> i do. >> you still say this is why bernie sanders is not going away? >> i do. i want hillary to win. >> this race is much closer. >> go back to the fact that a week ago the media had decided this race was over, then these polls came out. now they're panicked. we watched bob woodward this morning, or at least the alien clone from "invasion of the body snatchers." >> oh, my goodness. >> who said we have 20 people on trump, we don't have that many on her, but they're high quality. he said "new york times," "the washington post" would be on top of this clinton foundation stuff. not a word. the american people know this. the media is all out to kill trump and elect her and ignore bernie sanders. they are making themselves the enemies of the american people. >> did you judd says your friend bob woodward is a shape shifter in human form? that's what i got. >> you have to you "invasion of the body snatchers." >> in august when no one reads the paper "new york times" did their big front-page story on the clinton foundation. what they basically said is it's a bureaucratic mess. >> i remember that. people were watching. >> but no scandal, just badly run. >> is this a scandal now? >> it is becoming one. >> on the clinton foundation. ar we're going to hear from the fbi on the -- >> absolutely. >> the fbi is very busy. >> 147 agents by last count. >> they have to be. there's no way you can deal with the fact that somebody pays bill clinton $750,000, makes a multimillion dollars commitment, and she then pushes a regulation that it -- from the iran list boycot boycotts. >> a lot of questions, a lot of questions about what the money and the foundation did, did it buy favors. we're coming right back, stay with us. man, my feet are kill' same time tomorrow, fellas!? new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. they massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit all right. so i just tweeted this out. doug, you said that the republican party right now is on the cusp of taking the white house. >> correct. >> that the race is close. why do you say that? >> well, key polls came out in ohio, pennsylvania and florida showing the race deadlocked. other national polls showing the race within single digits. this is the republicans' race now to make a breakthrough if they're to make a breakthrough. the only problem, harris is they're divided. paul ryan and donald trump got together. it isn't clear whose party it is the they agreed to disagree for the week. unless they can come together it will be hard for trump to capitalize on the advantage he now has. i think wavering republicans will get on the bandwagon, which he is -- and he needs to raise a billion and a half. mr. reformer killed public -- we had eight elections in which we had public financing. they weren't billion dollars campaigns and they worked effectively on both sides. this is all to pay consulteants and drown the people. >> think of citizens united. >> it is -- >> what does it mean to say this? we have so much welt floating around in this country. some of the stuff that people are bothered about are real, but whether it's on the issues, the republicans are in the driver's seat. >> hillary has $2 billion at her disposal that will be spent exclusively and totally on negative ads, on donald trump and the republicans. don't underestimate that. >> don't underestimate also, the president for whatever reasons through in this bathroom/transjerchder ruling. >> our viewers on twitter are saying it's a distraction. >> it's not a distraction. this will be a mod investigator for republicans voters to come out. obama is trying to make it i barack obama is running against donald trump. >> it didn't sound -- at rutgers university today, it does sound a bit like a campaign speech at time. i will say this, they're just going to say, look at the reality. this issue, that issue, the country -- you have a country in revolt against decline, against their children's future being destroyed, and about a rigged political system. >> don't underestimate the clintons. >> do not underestimate message. this is a presidential election. you can have all the money in the world that cannot -- >> i don't underestimate. i think the smartest brain in this campaign is bill clinton, who i believe is sitting around all day pondering -- what is the approach we've got to take to beat trump? >> let's talk about the money for just a second. you could $2 billion with hillary clinton. we have not yet seen what will happen the dollars that will come for donald trump. >> first, i think donald trump has hired a guy to raise money for him, who raised money for george soros, he gave money to hillary clinton and now raising money for trump. it's odd, voters are wondering why are we having that guy? but anyway, i don't think money matters in this race. >> who are you talking about? >> steve manucci. >> it wasn't money -- >> you said jeb bush would win because of the money. >> the takeaway for the night, when we come back. stay with us. audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. and now much of that same advanced technology is found in the new audi a4. with one notable difference... the all-new audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our inflammatory substances that ky cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. more complete allergy relief. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and eventually you land a grown-up job with a 401k and you meet your wife. and you both work constantly... so you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. sometimes you fight about stupid things. then you move on. but you feel like something is still missing. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day lying around watching monster movies on tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. no matter who you are or where you end up in life, with the right financial partner, progress is possible. olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation -without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love... with lightweight spf 30 introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. [ chanting ] >> that was last night at nevada state's democrat convention. hillary clinton walking away with a victory there in their contest in nevada. pat, i queued that up for you, because you said you wanted to see it again, because? >> it's a preview of what we'll see in cleveland and philadelphia. >> both conventions? >> both conventions. donnell will get the nomination, but they will control the rules, the floor, the platform, and the regulars. >> and trump is changing his positions for the general before the convention, right? and cruz and the conservatives are looking at that and say, we told you so. we told you this guy is not a conservative. >> we have said all along we do not know what will happen in this election. we are learning more and more that we ultimately know less and less. >> a new paradigm. >> a paradigm shift election. >> old rules are dead, the new


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160913 10:00:00

she stuck her thumb out, a good samaritan stopped, dropped her off at her big day along the bridesmaids. >> that's not fair to do to a bride on her wedding day. >> yeah. but she made it. "fox and friends" starts now. bye. good morning to you and your family. it's tuesday. it's september 3rd. i'm ainsley earhardt. >> why she tried to hide it from the american people. >> i didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. >> the only problem, she can't remember how many times she's collapsed. >> well. then, after hillary clinton calls half of trump's supporters deplorable, trump introduces the deplorables to the world. here they are, folks. >> my wife and i represent non-deplorable people. >> i'm a wife, a mother. i work full-time. i am voting for donald trump. >> after all the horrible scandals that hillary clinton has been involved in and that she has the gall to call us deplorable. >> dance floor drama. i'm not kidding. ryan lochte, protesters storm the stage on live television during a "dancing with the stars" debut. security was able to tackle these idiots and took them down. we got more angles from this dramatic video coming your way. even "dancing with the stars" is not safe anymore. no wonder i didn't do it. mornings are better with friends. that name looks familiar. that face looks familiar. >> what's his name? >> that's newt gingrich. he's going to be on our show. >> the bill o'reilly has a new book out today and laura ingram joins us with long with sandra. >> christian singer, natalie grant. >> by the way, that's larry gatlin. that's a -- >> it's one of his songs. he doesn't have a microphone on. it's killing him. he's tapping out. >> oh, my goodness. we love larry gatlin. we're going to have him twice on the show today. >> he might have pneumonia. >> i was going to say something like that. >> down on the sofa. he just needs water. >> get some water. >> let's clear his schedule. >> in the meantime, we'll talk to you about the race to the white house. >> that's right. but she says her pneumonia diagnosis is no big deal. >> live in chappaqua new york. mike? >> brian, steve, ainsley, good morning to you. even democratic allies say it is not the cough, it is the cover-up that has made this a major issue for hillary clinton and her campaign. her campaign team only came clean that she's suffering from pneumonia after this released of her stumbling, struggling leaving the 9/11 memorial in new york on sunday. clinton insisted in a phone interview last night that she did not faint. >> no, i didn't. i felt dizzy and i did lose my balance for a minute. but once i got in, once i could sit down, once i could cool off, once i had some water, i immediately started feeling better. and mine daughter lives nearby. so i went over to her apartment and spent time with her and my grandchildren. >> hillary clinton is off the campaign trail again today and the rest of this week is really up in the air. she's being replaced out on the campaign trail by her husband, former president bill clinton, who will appear at several finance events in california and do a speaking engagement in las vegas. clinton and her key aides acknowledge they could have handled this pneumonia issue better. >> if we weren't fast enough, you know, i've talked to my staff, we take responsibility for that. but the information is out there. you can't say the same thing about donald trump. >> clinton now says she will release more medical information. fellow democrats saying this is a rough patch for the clinton campaign just eight weeks from the election. we heard hillary clinton talk about how she got in the scooby van. they took her to chelsea's apartment. on the cover of the -- that's the video that's caused all of this. on the cover of the new york post today where they've got kind of a modified version of the operation game, look right there. according to the post, she skipped the e.r. to dodge the media. that's according to the new york post. apparently what happens is protocol for see kret service is to -- if this happens, take the person to a level 1 trauma unit. they were going to take her to the hospital but a campaign aide instead said, you know whark let's not do that. instead, they took her to chelsea's apartment even though they broke protocol. >> seems like a risk to take. >> they didn't want to do a lot of explaining. >> what are they, doctors? how do they know, the woman just passed out. she basically got tossed into a car and then some aide decides we'll go to chelsea's. >> she probably said i don't want to be seen at the hospital. that would not look good. let's get the doctors to chelsea's apartment to look at me there. she's been running for this position for her entire adult career. she's not going to let one thing ruin it for her. >> we're not talking about a bad party. if i'm surviving there without medical training and incompetent see a friend of mine or a a co-worker or my boss passed out, i would say, it's not up to me to bring it to her daughter's apartment. i got to make sure you're okay. >> brian, maybe this has happened a lot before. yesterday they were trying to put out the fire. the campaign admits we blew this whole thing. andrea mitchell asked her spokesperson, did she lose consciousness. he said i don't think so. don't think so? >> hillary clinton called in to anderson cooper and said this about what she recalled from the incident. >> how often has this happened? >> oh, i think really only twice that i can recall. you know, it is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life. and i'm aware of it and usually can avoid it. >> bill clinton interviewed with charlie rose and charlie rose was indicating that does this indicate your wife has serious issues? he said it's a mystery to me and to her doctors. then he walked it back. not frequently. rarely but on more than one occasion. the same thing has happened to her when she was severely dehydrated. >> the big picture, they say pneumonia is got a big deal. >> her type of new moan yachlt walking pneumonia. >> seeing somebody pass out in weather that's not considered suffocating summer weather and nobody is having problems. >> we all wish her the best. but we want transparency. when you're going to the polls to vote for the next president of the united states and someone who will lead our troops into wars possibly and have at that capability, then you want to make sure they're healthy and you want to make sure we have transparency and that things are not brushed under the rug. >> it's like the e-mail server. she has a penchant for privacy. she wants to keep things private. she tried to keep this private and it looks like she's hiding something. donald trump was on our show yesterday. he said nothing except nice things, get better, hope to see you at the debate. he does have a problem about what she said, calling 50% of his voting base as he labeled -- she labeled them, deplorable. >> a basket of deplorables. well, he was on stage down in asheville, north carolina, yesterday. you know what he did, he asked his supporters, the so-called deplorables as hillary clinton has labeled half of them, to come on up stage so folks could meet them. here they are. >> my wife and i represent non-deplorable people. >> do i look deplorable? >> no. >> what? >> no. >> i'm a wife, a mother, i work full-time and i am voting for donald trump. >> after all the horrible scandals that hillary clinton has been involved in and she has the gall to call us deplorable, unbelievable. >> as a black female american, i say let's get out and support donald trump. >> are they really running with -- it's been pretty funny, people in social media have been -- that site where you can buy merchandise, they're selling t-shirts that say -- >> coffee mugs. >> like fraternity of the basket of deplorables. these are bracelets. >> love deplorables. >> i'm a trump deplorable. >> unexpendables. on the movie, the expendables, the deplorables. donald trump, jr., tweeted that out. go to his twirt. and see that. >> proud to be a deplorable. proud member of the basket of deplorables. >> she's going to be off for a few days and bill clinton will go in her spot. he's going to go out to los angeles to some celebrities, i think mcfarlane's house. >> family guy. >> they're going to go to his mansion and gets tens of thousands of dollars. he's out of money. i'm being sarcastic. how much money does one woman need? >> bill clinton is stepping in for her until gets better. >> there's lots of other news and for that we turn to heather nauert. >> good morning to all of you. this is a tragic story. there is an intense manhunt under way at this hour for the man who shot and killed a shelby, north carolina, police officer. officer tim brachen was shot in the stomach while searching for a wanted man over the weekend. his accused killer, irving fenner, jr., seen right there is the man that the officer was looking for. there's now a $25,000 reward leading to his arrest. please call police if you have information. overseas, iran is threatening to shoot down american spy planes over international waters. the iranian military warning two navy planes to change course or risk being shot down. the pilots ignoring the warning and continuing on with their mission. this is the latest in a series of confrontation between the u.s. and iran. plus boats harassed navy warships at least five times. >> a plane full of fuel skips on a runway when the landing gear comes off. the sort of crash landing caught on camera. take a look. wow. that was an indonesian cargo plane. it scraped and smoked for nearly a mile before it finally stopped. that plane was carrying 14 tons of fuel to that airport. wow. thank goodness that didn't explode. the landing gear, look at that there, left sitting on the tarmac. not clear why it snapped off. no one was hurt. ryan lochte, upstaged by protesters at his "dancing with the stars" debut. security tackling two suspects as they rushed the stage shouting "liar." watch this. >> ryan, you're right. this is the place for second chances. swimming is -- excuse me. excuse me. hey, back off. >> lochte was a little shaken. he responded after the show, was forced to make a commercial break. >> here's what he said. >> so many feelings are going through my head right now. a little hurt. but you know, i came out here, i wanted to do something that i'm completely not comfortable with. i did. >> the two men were wearing no lochte shirts. they were arrested and charged with trespassing. he's faced harsh criticism since he talked about being robbed at the olympics. those are your headlines. unbelievable. >> from dancing to the bars to "dancing with the stars." >> he was hurt in the heart -- >> i think his feelings. his big debut. still ahead on this tuesday, more on the fallout from hillary clinton's health scare. our next guest wonders if her campaign was hiding this. what else aren't they telling us? >> one child gets brutally honest about his first school assignment of the yeefrmt writing this. my first day was bad. i did not like it. at least it was a half a day. it was still a bad day. >> more coming up next. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises. everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. everyone said it's so hard to be a musician, but i can't imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i'm always hopping on the train, running all over portland. i have to go wherever the work is. trains with innovative siemens technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. i'm booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. as soon as i got into the air-conditioned van, i pulled off, got some water and very quickly i felt better. so i felt fine, but i'm now taking my doctor's advice, which was given to me on friday that i ignored, to just take some time to get over pneumonia completely. >> hillary clinton says she just -- it's just pneumonia and she did not think her diagnosis was a big deal. but with the way the campaign has handled the situation so far, should we look for closely at her past medical records? let's talk to dr. -- a clinical associate professor at the nyu school of medicine. good morning to you, doctor. >> good to see. >> this is all anybody is talking about. she says she has pneumonia. she knew it on friday, didn't tell anybody. what do you think? >> i think she probably has new moan yachi can't. the doctor said explain the symptoms. you can get dehydrated. your blood pressure could drop, even lose consciousness. if you're not taking in at many fluids. if you're burning up more fluids because you're fighting an infection. with antibiotics, if you're nauseated and vomiting, all of those things can cause your blood pressure to drop. >> sure. i think a lot of people feel the same way, she probably does have pneumonia, but they wonder whether or not it's something else, there's an underlying condition or something else we don't know about. she's not going to tell us. >> sure. i'm not treating her. normally in a doctor/patient relationship, the patient tells you the different symptoms. they're trying to get diagnosed and treated. it's a little difficult because we don't necessarily know all the symptoms. first they said overheating. >> it turned out that wasn't true. >> dr. oz is going to be reviewing donald trump's, some of his records on his thursday telecast. hillary clinton announces she's going to be releasing more medical records. what do we need to see from the candidates, both of them? >> i think, with any job, right, we have to see if they can perform the job function. normally if i was a worker, somebody with disability, we figure out the job functions and test them for that. disability versus death, in that age group, you look at cardiovascular fitness. >> she's had a concussion with a blood clot in her head. maybe a neurologist should weigh in. >> i think it's reasonable for a neurologist, neurosurgeon, somebody with expertise in that area could take a look. i think she has had that in the past. but the issue is sometimes -- personally, i think an independent medical evaluation might be helpful for both candidates. >> like what happened with john mccain. he had a thousand pages of that. >> exactly. nice to see you. >> good to see you. first they covered up wait times now a new bombshell for the v.a. until until you hear what's going on there. colin kaepernick kneeling for another national anthem during monday night football. larry gatlin has plenty to say about that. he's doing something about it, too. he joins us live coming up. hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. quick headlines this morning, the v.a. is under fire once again. the department of veterans affairs no longer sharing data on the quality of care at its medical center on national health care website. it was required do so after the wait time scandal. the v.a. says the health and human services department told them to stop until they could find a new way to share all the data. president obama set to veto a bill allowing 9/11 families to sue saudi arabia for their possible involvement in the attack. the white house confirming he will strike down the bill that congress passed days ago. colin kaepernick who started the national anthem protest a couple of weeks ago once again kneeling in protest. he's turned it into a trend. broncos brandon marshall doing the same thing on thursday. >> several dolphins on their knees on sunday, 9/11. and peters holding up a fist. our next guest says this is dividing our country. country music legend and grammy award winner larry gatlin joins us now. >> hi kids. how are you y'all? >> you're outraged by this. >> my 89-year-old daddy wouldn't go for this if we tried to do that. he's 89 but big enough to kick us in the rear end. >> land of free, home of the brave. if they want to do it, obviously it's their right to do it. i think it's my right to never watch him play a down of football again. that's not going to hurt his feelings at 20 million a year. i have a great friend, political cartoonist, did you see that, he was -- he had an interviewer on the sidelines and said, well mr. kaepernick, since there's so much income inequality, would you consider sharing some of that with your lessers to kind of bridge that gap? so i'm sure the young man meant well. my grandma said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. you meant to do something well. here's my question. by what metric will he judge the political and economic and racial situation -- >> you mean progress? >> progress, how is he going to judge that in order to stand back up for the national anthem? will it be -- should be if there were too fewer killings in chicago black on black killings next week or in san francisco or people not killing people of color or anything else with all the other things going on. i would say being dead is something to stand up. if that's what it's going to be, you go to that community, go to some of those black americans, white americans, whoever, who are killing each other in the state where you can't own a gun to protect yourself. that would be a nice metric. too fewer deaths. >> if you see what happened to colin kaepernick after he sat during the national anthem, the only players who high fived him and fist pumped him are black players. the locker room, ultimate coming together place where everyone became a team, to me in the long run this is going to divide a team. it seems to be on the outside on racial lines. here's what arian foster said two days ago now. i make one thing clear, it's not about the symbology that people are mad about. it's about the message and it's about who is saying it. if it's about a knee people are upset about, people of faith take a knee to give thanks to the lord. what you're doing is sitting out the national anthem which salutes our country. >> larry, what does the national anthem mean to you? >> i tell you this, if i ever had a political office, the one i want is this. i want to be the one for whom you have to sing the national anthem before you get to sing it on the national tv. we're going to have you stand out there. if you make it a career move or an audition and if you make it about yourself, there will be a trap door nobody will ever see you again. it is not a career move. it is not an audition. the very one most important thing it is not, it is not about the singer. so as a musician, francis scott key wrote it when all hell was breaking loose and saw that we were winning. it needs to paint that picture respectfully. it doesn't need to be four minutes long with trails and flourishes. o say can you see ♪ >> i got a little too high for 6:00 in the morning. it's our national anthem. it's not your career. that's the way i feel about it. paying respect to the song, what it meant, how it was written. plato and socrates said we might want to kill the musicians. yes, it should stir us for the right reason. >> i'm sorry? >> socrates ultimately kill himself. >> thanks for bringing it down, brian. >> because he's killing the truth of the young people. >> will you stick around and sing for us? >> you're going to sing later on. >> the brothers will be here, we'll do it. meanwhile, coming up on this tuesday, it doesn't get any closer than this. >> [ bleep ]. >> that's what i say. what was that guy doing on the track while the race was still happening? you'll find out coming up next. that guy is lucky. >> it's being called one of the craziest elections of all-time. she's been covering it from the very beginning. maureen dowd is here with why november 8th decision is unlike any other. the year of voting dangerously. >> happy birthday first to tyler perry. 47 today. hold onto your forks. endless shrimp is back at red lobster. that means you get to try as much as you want... ...of whatever flavors are calling your name. seriously. like new garlic sriracha-grilled shrimp. it's a little spice... ...a little sizzle... ...and a lot just right. and try new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. helloooo crispy goodness. and the classic... ...handcrafted shrimp scampi... can't get enough of? 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then we move on. she wins or loses. >> it's an unhealthy sim biosis. >> you look at both candidates in this book. let's look at donald trump for a second. who is the donald you know in '930 and compare and contrast that to the one running. >> i started covering his would-be presidential bids in 1999. he went down to cuba and approached a presidential rope line. he was shy about t he sort of jumped back. i don't know. he wanted to do it. but i think he thought he could never do t i think no one is more surprised to find himself where he is than donald trump. he was stunned that he was able to stand on the debate stage and somehow come out the winner. >> and he did. he gets the nomination. he's going to against hillary clinton, someone went to his wedding and saw before. >> nethey were friendly. >> is had hard to be critical in this book? you've cited positive and negative things and you've got to be critical but knowing that you know them both. >> i think even hillary said this as a fundraiser recently, that she's the only thing standing between us and the abyss, meaning donald trump. a lot of people think that trump deserves more reproach for his bigoted comments than hillary. just because you can approach donald when he does something wrong doesn't mean that ilori is above reproach. they both have to be examined. >> the clear average in terms of who the candidates are and unfavorabilities is extraordinarily high. how much are they -- how much is that they're responsible for? is it their behavior or perceived behavior? >> well, i think in trump's case, because he went from this new york happy huckster on the apprentice to people comparing him to hitler. that was not a good progression. in hillary's case, she has these patterns which are very self-destructive and the clintons get you in this situation. even democrats, even their most loyal fans in hollywood say they get you in the middle of a campaign and all of this stuff starts blowing up that no one knew anything about. what fresh hell is this? >> democrats get mad. really quick, what was the thought behind getting your brother and sister involved? >> my family are conservatives and my brother always writes a column around the holidays to get the view from inside the belly of the red state. i think they are writing essays about voting for trump and my sister jumps off the train sometimes at trump, retweets stuff about heidi cruz. i think it gives you a feeling for how paul ryan and mitch mcconnell are thinking, which they can't say now but will say after the election. >> the book is as creative and interesting as the title. the year of voting dangerously. maureen dowd. congratulations. >> thank you. heather nauert, you have more breaking news. >> i do. good morning. a school bus packed with children explodes into flames. this incredible video coming out of maryland. it shows that bus. how terrifying. completely engulfed with thick black smoke pouring into the sky. two dozen elementary school kids were on board. thankfully, they got off safely. that's thanks to the hero bus driver who did that. a witness says she helped get one of the students out. one by one and then went back inside to make sure no one was left behind. that happening in maryland. thank goodness they're okay. a man narrowly escapes death on a slippery racetrack. there was a coolant spill and caused the cars to swerve out of control in germany. one driver gets out the of car to warn others about the danger when a bmw heads straight toward him. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> wow. that race car barely missing the guy as he leaps over the guardrail in the nick of time. he is okay. >> school officially back in session. sometimes that means homework for kids and big laughs for parents. take a look at what 7-year-old jack wrote about his first day of second grade. he wrote my first day was bad. i did not like it. at least it was a half day. >> this is a first grader's response. a develop as owe raptor. >> my son will be disappointed. send us pictures of your kids. e-mail us at friends@fox those are your headlines. my son peter wrote math bad on the top of the assignment. >> i write that across my checkbook. >> thank you, heather. straight ahead. >> thousands of american flags taken off a college campus and thrown in the trash. displaying them could trigger micro aggressions. the outrageous story coming up next. the latest addition to the english dictionary is going to make you squeal? 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(announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at test test test test. test test test test test. it's a disgrace to disgrace the honor of a 9/11 -- flags of nearly 3,000 victims tossed in the trash can. some of them broken. this all happened at occidental college outside of los angeles in california. the reason for this? some say displaying them could trigger micro aggressions. here now the president of the occidental college republican club and one of the organizers of the 9/11 memorial is mr. allen bliss. thanks for being with us, allen. >> thank you for having me, today, ainsley. >> i want to get your reaction. just so the viewers know, on saturday night you put out nearly 3,000 flags around the campus. by sunday morning they were all gone. you found them in the trash can. what was your reaction? >> just complete heartbreak. i had friends putting up flags for family and other friends lost in the event. i had a friend put up a flag for her mom on the 103rd floor. think about how she saw that flag representing her mom in the trash bin. >> good point. i want to read to the viewers at home what the signs that were posted next to the trash can said. rest in peace the 2,996 americans who died in 9/11. rest in peace, the 1,455,590 innocent iraqis who died during the u.s. invasion for something they didn't do. clearly, this is someone who was not for the war and the reaction that the u.s. had. >> absolutely. completely insensitive to politicize this event. this was meant to memorialize those americans. other citizens working in the united states on september 11th who were victims of this terrorist attack. they're detracting from what 9/11 really means and trying to advance their political agenda. >> allen, how did we get to this point. speaking from a millenial, someone in college, what do we need to improve this feeling about the american flag that some people unfortunately, do have? >> well, it all goes back to big government and education allowing for safe spaces and trigger -- and micro aggressions to -- we can remain hostage to that or truly embrace holistic educational experience by opening up to intellectual conversation and debates and open ideas. i mean, people coddled nowadays and their ideas aren't refuted because it triggers them. they get emotional. i mean, the only ones that fall are the schools. not just occidental. but schools across the nation. something has to change about that. this is just completely disrespectful. it's heinous what happened. >> allen, we applaud you. our country needs more millenials like you. thank you so much for what you're doing. we wish you all the best and hope you'll continue this next year. >> thank you so much, ainsley. thanks for having me on the show. world war ii vet who earned three purple hearts is now fighting a new battle. >> they're asking for money all the time. it struck me on the side of my shoulder and head. >> and he's not the only one. leah gabriel is here with a shocking trend that's hurting our heroes. come on in, leah. your car got rear-ended and you needed a tow. did your 22-page insurance policy say, "great news. you're covered?" no. it said, "blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. liberty mutual insurance. experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. : . ♪ the numbers are staggering. more than 8% of adults 65 and older experience some sort of consumer fraud and sadly older vets seem to be some of the biggest targets. >> fox news correspondent lea gabe bree he will -- sat down with one. >> it's a sad statistic. aging veterans tend to be a larger proportion of those victims. i met one. here's the story. >> these are six months of service for each part. >> dennis is a war hero and not just any war hero. he fought off the japanese as an army infantryman in world war ii. >> purple heart wounds. the worst on this is on my left eye. i had built us a deep trench about four feet deep and as i jumped in, i saw the bomb explode and fell the -- felt the concussion. i would never regain central vision in that eye. >> he receives money for his service and his disability. he's fighting a whole new value. the people he hired to take care of him and his daughter were robbing him. they were actually stealing some of your va money. >> they were asking for money all the time and, of course, that's where it's coming from. >> it wasn't just money that was being stolen. it was dennis's dignity as well. >> he struck me on the side of my shoulder and head, and i got away from him as quick as i could and every time i went back i always made sure that i was clear of him. >> it wasn't until late 2015 that dennis finally asked for help. he approached fellow church member gil march continuous who was the -- martinez for help. >> he said will you protect me? he needed protection and there's only one answer i could give him. that was yes. >> i don't know where i would be if i hadn't found gil. >> he began going through dennis's finances and found something was amiss. >> three months when after his wife passed away, i noticed the increase going out to their benefit. when that ran out, the monthly income, they went after the life insurance policies. when they ran out, they went after 16 credit cards in his name. when that rant out, they went out for a loan against his house, and one day i asked him, sergeant, can you open your wallet and show me how much you have. >> and nothing. >> i said sarge i'm going to take you home. i call the santa fe police department. >> after seeing $69,000 was taken from his savings and $42,000 was charged to credit cards under his name, the police issued arrest warrants on the two on charges of fraud and they are on the run. >> they abused him in more ways than one, financially, verbally, morally. a total breakdown on a man and his daughter. >> are you afraid they might come back? >> i'm afraid of them and i'm trying to be very careful to make sure that i'm clear of them and if i ever see them, i drive away, i get away as quickly as possible. >> it was such an honor to meet him. i asked both gil and dennis if the va advisers or doctors noticed anything was amiss, both of them said no. that's why it's important for us to watch out for our veterans. >> unfortunately that people would be that awful and go avid's money -- after individuals money. >> it makes them targets for that type of abuse. >> lea, thank you very much. still ahead on this tuesday, we've got, as you can see, from screen left, judge napolitano, bill o'reilly, and newt gingrich. you are watching "fox & friends." but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. it's scary when the lights go out. people get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. so many things can go wrong. it's my worst nightmare. every second that power is out, my city's at risk. siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. priority number one is keeping those lights on. it takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. 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>> and that is not the judge laughing in the background. he knows that would be inappropriate. this morning, brand-new reaction from the swimmer and those two guys are anti-swimming, it looks like. they don't like to swim. mornings are better out of the water unless you are aquaman with friends. ♪ ♪ guess who is going to be on our show today. >> she is an awesome christian singer. her name is natalie immigrant -- grant. >> bill o'reilly has got a brand-new book today out about the japanese. and saddie robertson has a brand-new show. >> smile and wave if you think brian is a nut, is crazy. what goes on in your mind. >> we were told to get through those pictures as quickly as possible. even though it makes no sense. >> it's a busy day. the judge will be with us in a minute. we're talking about all sort of stuff, including the fact there could be a contingency plan if the democrats have to pick a new candidate for president of the united states. >> the democrats are talking about that. >> they came up with a plan by 6:00 last night. first, we hand it over to heather with developing news. an intense manhunt is under way this hour for the man shot and killed a shelby, nok, police officer. he was shot in the stomach while searching for a wanted man over the weekend. his accused killer, irving fender, jr, was the man the officer was looking for at the time. there's a $25,000 reward for his arrest. please call police if you have information. a power outage at one of the nation's busiest airports causing delays over night. united airlines losing power, one passenger showing a picture. she waited for hours and hours on the runway. flights are back to normal. olympic gold medalist upstaged by protesters at his "dancing with the stars" debut. security tackling two suspects as they rushed the speed shouting "liar." >> ryan, this is a place for second chances. excuse me. back off. >> he responded after the show that he was forced to take a commercial break and here's what he said. >> so many feelings are going through my head right now. a little hurt, but you know i came out here. i wanted to do something that i'm completely not comfortable with, and i did. >> the two men were wearing no lochte t-shirts and they were arrested and charged with trespassing. >> no lochte shirts. >> i guess they made them up. more than 1,000 new words making their way into the oxford dictionary, including these, gender fluid, yolo, and forgetaboutit. >> hey, forgetaboutit. >> no rs. >> the dictionary is updated every new month with those new phrases. >> the judge is from new york. he can do about it. >> forgetaboutit. >> there you go. >> let's go out not from hillary clinton's house in chappaqua in new york. is mike emanuel. she didn't think it was a big deal. that's why she kept pneumonia a secret. >> eight weeks from election day and hillary clinton is off the campaign trail again today recuperating from pneumonia, they only revealed she had pneumonia after video showing her stumbling into the van after the 9/11 memorial. clinton insists she didn't faint. >> no, i didn't. i felt dizzy, and i did lose my balance for a minute, but once i got in, once i could sit down, once i could cool off, once i had some water, i immediately started feeling better. and my daughter lives nearby, so i went over to her armt, and, you know, spent time with her and my grandchildren. >> before that interview, clinton tweeted late yesterday afternoon like anyone who has ever been home sick from work, i'm just anxious to get back out there. see you on the trail soon and signed it h. the first indication we had of a health issue came in cleveland on labor day. [ coughing ] >> every time i think about trump, i get allergic. >> clinton says she didn't think her health issue was that big of a deal. she's had some of these dizzy dehee dratd issues over the years but did not give a precise number. okay. that's troubling. >> it's good when you have a husband that's former president that can fill in for you. that would certainly keep the money come in. >> some people would rather see him than her at some of these events. >> no doubt about it. >> look who is here. judge napolitano. we started this chatter yesterday, some democrats are worried about hillary, whether or not she's up to snuff when comes to healthwise. now apparently a former dnc chair by the name of don fowler said i think there should be a contingency plan developed by 6:00 this afternoon. >> the person who said that was appointed to the dncb by her husband. the dnc has all the authority of the democratic national convention when the convention is not in session. they could this afternoon if they wanted to by a simple majority vote replace her as they did with senator tom eagleton in 1972 for medical reasons. there might be a political uproar. there would be a battle between the bernie sanders and joe biden people. >> what about tim kaine? it would not automatically be tim kaine. >> no, it would not automatically be tim kaine. if it's joe biden or bernie sanders, they might want to choose their own vp candidate. >> it's never going to happen. >> i can't say it's never going to happen. it depends how sick she is and how much time she's off the campaign trail. donald trump will make hay, and rightfully so, while she's at home in chappaqua. as they see the poll numbers change, they have to do something. >> we'll see if she's able to get out there. if there's more than just pneumonia. she is right, it's minor and she's being treated, unless there's something else going on, because of her credibility gap, we don't know what to believe. >> that's the point our colleague charles krauthammer made last night. the credibility gap is getting worse. another example of the cover up, the refusal to tell us and the press the truth is far worse than a simple case of pneumonia. >> she spoke to her staff. >> they are dropping like flies. >> she has enough time to recovery before the debate. >> if she lays low between now and the debate, they can't do nothing. trump would take off. >> if she would faint again. >> senator eagleton agreed to leave. if a simple majority says you are out, she would be out. >> there was some drama yesterday. something you've been studying as well. jason chafs called in fbi agents and said you got to give us this material and i want it unredacted. let's listen. >> the fbi provided congress the full file with no redactions of personal identifiable information. >> i cannot do that today. >> i'm going to issue a subpoena and i'm going to do it right now. i signed this subpoena. we want all the 302s and we would like the full file. you can accept service on behalf of the fbi? >> certainly. >> you are hereby served. >> wow, he was planning for that. >> 302s is the federal government terminology for the individual reports made by fbi agents as they interviewed each witnesses. we saw some of those 302s when they released them -- the friday before labor day, but they were heavily, heavily redacted. while that was going on, what you just showed in the house, senator chuck grassley in the senate was blasting the fbi for doing the following. the fbi sent classified and nonclassified material to the senate secure room. the people running the senate secure room are told to treat everything in there as if it's classified, including the nonclassified. senator grassley goes in. reads the classified, reads the nonclassified. wants to discuss the nonclassified in public -- >> they won't let him. >> they won't let him. he says if i could reveal what i saw, it's earth shattering, but they won't let me reveal it. how can the fbi commingle classified and nonclassified. >> was it by mistake? >> i don't know if it was by mistake. senator grassley said it was not by mistake, and they violated the law. you have the fbi preventing the legislative branch from doing its job. >> will the fbi be obligated to cough up the unredacted stuff? >> unless a judge interviews. then you have the fbi giving grassley and chafs everything or going to a federal judge. >> that means it's not going to happen until after the election. it's going to take a long time. >> there are judges sitting in an emergent capacity for applications like this. i wouldn't be surprised if it's resolved by the end of this week. >> cha ves said the same thing. there were two copies of the document. he had to go reread them all because the fbi gave him two different versions of the same thing. >> here's what we have heard from people who have seen this stuff. that the fbi is attempting to create a false impression of what they want us to think they found by selectively releasing all information. if all of it had been released people could form their own opinions about the wisdom and lawfulness not to prosecute mrs. clinton. >> i hope you are wrong about that because the fbi would look very terrible. >> this is starting to look like a blackeye for them. >> moving on, on this tuesday. first they put our sailors on their knees, then they taunted our ships, now iran says they will shoot our planes right out of the sky. the latest from washington next. and you have to see this. ♪ ♪ no landing gear on that plane because it fell off. the insane video and then what happened next. >> is sully flying that plane? 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[cellphone vibrating] do you want to answer that? nah, i'd never with a kid in the car. it's ok. i'm not here. [phone vibrating multiple times] i'm there. a bold threat in the middle east. iran now threatening to shoot down american spy planes over international waters. >> great. this is just the latest in a series of confrontations between the united states and the country of iran. >> how much more are we going to take? kristin fisher joins us live with the latest. they keep calling us out and we keep looking the other way. >> brian, tensions between iran and the u.s. navy has really been scplating for some time. so much so that the number of dangerous interactions at sea have doubled over the last year. this latest happened on saturday. two navy surveillance aircraft were flying on a recon mission over the persian gulf. 13 miles outside of iran. asked why they were flying so close to iran, u.s. official says we wanted to test the iranian reaction. the reaction was to threaten to shoot down those two u.s. jets. the pilots ignored the warning and continued to fly. when you add it up, you can see a dangerous pattern here. in august, iranian posts harassed navy warships in the persian gulf on five occasions. one time they got so close that the navy fired three warning shots. defense officials are worried it would take only one misstep, one human error for these warnings and provocations to turn into the real deal. >> thank you very much. totally disrespected. >> no kidding. straight ahead, he like his candidate so much he voted for him not once, not twice, but three times. no such thing as voter fraud you wonder? we got proof coming up next. you see her around the robinson dinner table when you watch "duck dynasty" now she's coming to your town. sadie robertson is coming up. ♪ i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. this is for real. i'm a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. time now for news from the numbers, a shamed wells fargo executive is walking away with $125,000,000. next, he liked his candidate so much he voted for him three times. the tennessee man busted for voting in three separate states in tennessee, north carolina, and florida. he's been charged with voter fraud. you think so? >>. $190,000 is how much alec baldwin for a fake painting. he didn't realize it was a copy of the original painting until recently. he's now suing. >> i bet he got mad. >> if he called you and said i got a fake, bring it back. i'll give you back all your money. don't hurt me. as you can see right there, dinnertime, robertson family, "duck dynasty" fame, they make no secret about their faith. >> we saw that firsthand when we went to visit them in louisiana. they have never been the same. now, willie and corey's daughter is taking the stage and she's touring the country to inspire all of us. >> spending an evening with us, we're going to share our stories and there's going to be videos that tie in the show, spoken word. >> so cute. here now to tell us about her live original 2016 tour is sadie robertson. congratulations. >> so excited to be here. >> how did you get this idea? >> well, actually, i know i talk about my faith a lot but it was literally from god. it's a different thing, new thing. i don't know how i would have came up with this without him. a lot of the older generation is speaking to a younger generation and is awesome and we need that wisdom. it's another thing to hear it from somebody your age and going through it with you. that was the idea behind you. >> you put together a show, a variety of show? >> it is. we're going to have live music and speaking and doing spoken word. >> it's going to be traveling across the country. >> yes, it is. >> kicking off september 17th. >> september 22nd. >> who is involved in. >> myself, my brother, two guy cousins, missy and jase's son. >> where do you get the knowledge that you want to portray? a lot of people say you are 17, 18, what do you know about the world. you traveled with the world and you've also done "dancing with the stars." >> my dad used to call me the original. that was my nickname. you need to confident and express that. i wanted to share that message with other people that didn't hear that. >> young people need that message because they don't all have dads at -- like your dad telling you to be original. >> brian a moment ago mentioned you were on "dancing with the stars." the big headline out of hollywood this morning is that ryan lochte who was on the premier of "dancing with the stars" last night at the conclusion of his number, apparently a couple of guys in anti ryan lochte tee shirts stormed the stage. they had to be wrestled down. this is what the folks at home actually saw on the east coast feed but we also have some other video that shows somebody phone. what are your impressions? >> i can't imagine. it literally broke my heart when i saw that. i know a lot of people have not the nicest things to say about him. at the end of day, we're all human. it would be so hard to pressure and stress and have that on top of it. this makes me so sad to think about. >> everybody who sat on the coach said the same thing. it's the hard of the show to do. this is his first night and he is jumped on stage. i'm sure that wasn't fun for him. >> for two week he's been practicing and preparing and he's been nervous about the dance and that was the last thing he had to worry about last night. >> now you got to bolster up security even on "dancing with the stars.". >> folks would like to know more about your tour. >> >> tell your family we said hi. we know they are watching. >> thank you for being an inspiration and role model to young kids. yep, what she said. coming up on tuesday, president obama loves to remind us he gave the go ahead, kill bin laden order, but one presidential candidate say that's a bad idea. instead of three shots to the body, he deserved a day in court. and pumpkin spice season is upon us. you don't need to go to starbucks. sandra lee is cooking with friends making a pumpkin spice dessert you can even have for breakfast. she's really good at cooking. ♪ ♪ ♪ approve this message. i know more about isis then the generals do. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war wbr id "wbr53205" hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. /b i've wbr-id "wbr53505" had tremendous success, i think... those are sacrifices? with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be...and more. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. you told me i had pneumonia and i told you i'm going to california, it's 3,000 miles, i got three appearances on friday a what would have told me as my doctor. >> if i were asked, i would warn you the pneumonia was to rest to recover. >> i invited mrs. clinton and mr. trump. >> his last doctor who told him the healthiest man to run for president should he win. >> dr. oz is nervous. he's like in the middle of the presidential campaign. >> on thursday, donald trump's physical specimen will be revealed on the dr. oz show. >> they tape it wednesday. he does not know what the doctor -- he's not doing the exam. he's going to analyze what the doctor did. >> then interview donald trump about that. >> wednesday to air on his show thursday. he will be with us on thursday. yesterday, he talked about that and we talked to donald trump, he says we're going to do it and he hopes to get hillary clinton to do the exact same thing. >> is donald trump's doctor that's examining him now, is that the same doctor that said he was totally fit, the most healthiest to run for president? >> that is a great question. i do not think -- it's a different doctor, but i know this that donald trump will turn over those records right to dr. oz who will analyze it and to many it will be a surprise to donald trump what dr. oz is going to say. >> you mean, donald trump is not going to eyeball it. oh, my goodness, look at my cholesterol. >> he does take lipitor, we know that and he has low blood pressure, not high blood pressure. >> what is lipitor? >> high cholesterol. >> here's heather nauert. >> good morning. >> if she had her way, the terrorist behind the deadliest terror attack would still be alive. the green party presidential candidate jill stein says it wa laden. the man who pulled the trigger, rob o'neill says broken families find closure knowing he's dead but not just captured. >> i admitted that i saw him and i shot and killed him. >> the o'neill killed pin laden during a great in pakistan in 2011. a plane fueled with fuel skids down a runway when its landing gear snapped off. this unbelievable landing caught on camera. watch this. it happened in indonesian. that was a cargo plane. it scraped and smoked for a mile before it stopped. it was carrying 14 tons of fuel to the airport. the landing gear sitting on the tarmac. no one was hurt. how lucky. it has happened again. another samsung phone explosion and this time it happened in the hands of a six-year-old boy. >> it caught on fire, then the battery exploded so he threw it on the floor and it was just like fireworks in the house. >> folks, if that's not a reason to ditch that phone, i don't know what is. this happened in new york city with wurns on his hands and body. he was watching a video on the galaxy note 7. this is the latest report of exploding samsung phone. please be careful. those are your headlines. let's head outside to you right now, steve and ainsley. >> the things that go on behind the scenes. she's fixing my dress. >> the summer is coming to an end, which is not a bad thing, but it's time to get cozy. we're going to change our wardrobes. the food gets warm and hardy. >> sandra lee is here with her favorite recipes. what is priceless city and what it means? >> master card comes out with this list of cities. i've done a couple of series i've curated. i'm on tour with sur le table. it's my first tour in seven years, i'm announcing it here right now and i leave tomorrow. >> where are you going? >> i'm going to l.a., miami -- all the priceless cities. >> we're glad you are good and healthy so we're pulling for you. >> i am. >> there's two priceless things you have to go and get. >> two of them, harry's cafe, food and wine experience. private reserve wine from harry's cafe and bar. fabulous. in the private grotto. we're going to be the rainbow room and have champagne. your anniversary, i'm going to remake the top of your wedding case. give you moet. >> where do we find it? >> >> this is from sur la table? >> you are terrible. yes. this is going to be our pumpkin spice bundt cake. here's the mix. this is by the way the mini standmixer that is the gift on the tour. >> this is great. it doesn't take up as much room on the counter. >> you are doing scoens, baby. this is going to be cold, cold butter. you are going to be cutting it into this. here, you come on over here. you are cutting the cold butter in. scones are easy. don't cut yourself. this is going to be cut into tiny, teeny weanie balls. >> this is how steve does not bake. >> my wife does all the baking. >> that's the finished product, steve. you are doing a great job. >> keep going. >> put some muscle into it. >> this is delicious. >> the recipes are on our website, guys. if you want to learn what steve is making, go to our website. >> these are delicious. one for ted the cameraman. ted. >> you want one? >> here's lori gatlin. >> we just need to save one more. >> no, no, no, come with me. we need to save two more. we need one for bill o'reilly, sandra, one for newt gingrich. >> here's lauren. she's responsible for the entire show. she's the vice president of mornings here at fox. >> thank you very much. delicious. >> i love you. >> check out her website and get the recipes. bill o'reilly coming up straight ahead. >> newt gingrich and donald trump intertroe deuces -- introduces to the global -- deplorables. >> she rose to fame with her strong faith and beautiful voice but now she's helping others find their voice too. singer natalie grant joins us live. she's getting ready for us. ♪ ♪ what muscle pain? what headache? what arthritis pain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. ♪ don't just eat. ♪ mangia! bertolli. to be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? they are racist, sexist, homophobic, islamphobic, you name it. >> my wife and i represent nondeplorable people. >> i'm a wife, a mother, i work full-time, and i am voting for donald trump. >> after all the horrible scandals that's hishling has been -- hillary clinton has been involved in and she has the gall to call us deplorable. >> that went on and on and on. steve hilton is the ceo of a company and steve is in america. congratulations for launching your business. this is exactly what you were talking to us on the couch last week, trying to label people who around in the elite deplorable. >> yeah. it's just unbelievable, brian. they just keep doing this stuff. when i saw this, i can't believe the hypocrisy of it. she's standing in front of a sign, saying stronger together. her whole campaign is kbas based on the idea that donald trump is hateful and divisive. all these people she's insulting, they are the victims of the policies that she and the rest of the establishment have been pushing for decades, that have put them out of work and cut their incomes and destabilized their communities. they should be apologizing for these people. >> look where she did, in an elite restaurant the average american will not get into. and then she was in the hamptons, she was with paul mccartney. what does the average person think about this? >> they know this is what they think of them and she's done us all a favor by being clear about it and exposing the slogans and i'm going to bring the country together and all of that is just pure spin. they don't mean it. they really look down their snooty noses at regular americans who are wanting simple things like a better life for their families and a job that pays well. that's not good enough. they look down their noses at them. that has been exposed and people can feel that all along and they feel it. you've got this incredible support for donald trump and bernie sanders on the left and people are challenging the ruling elite that have been in power in decades, actually, ir respective of who has been in charge. >> one of the things that you think is very similar to the brexit feeling inside england, we wouldn't know being that we're here is that they were no longer embarrassed to say we're britain first. where donald trump says we're america first and we're not embarrassed to say that. we have to look out for our own interests and we're not -- that's something the american people have been waiting to hear. >> i love the reaction from the kind of inat the at the -- inat the electric tule -- inetellectual elites, and the reaction was oh, my gosh, and regular people were yes, we should put our country first. that's out of touch these elites have become. i was there. working down the street with the prime minister david cameron. i saw myself how people got out of touch. >> he's a conservative, correct? >> that's right. exactly. i decided the time of the brexit vote that it was such an important issue, i came out for brexit against my friend and former boss, david cameron, because i felt it's time that somebody stood up to this ruling elite that's been in charge and have made so many mistakes and messed things up for so many people here in america and the uk and around the world. >> i can sure you can appreciate trump did not comment on the shiny object which was health, he commented on policy. it's going to be an amazing 50 days. >> i think so and what's really clear, it was even before these remarks from clinton, this race is very close, and people who have been assuming, again, the people in new york and d.c. and over here in california been assuming there's no way trump can win. people aren't going to vote for him. they are dead wrong. people really want a big change and he's the candidate that stands for that kind of change. >> right. steve hilton, giving us the analysis 3,000 miles away and he was of course across the pond for quite some time and refuses to wear a collar in our country and for that i really respect you. >> thanks for making me get up early. >> you love it. you are going to be so productive today and not off in your soup at 6:00 p.m. still ahead, laura ingram, bill o'reilly, newt gingrich. they are all live unless you know something different. plus, she rose to fame with her beautiful voice. natalie grant is here. ainsley is talking so loud i have to scream through the prompter. what's going on here? i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. ♪ ♪ >> christian singer natalie grant has inspired millions of people with that beautiful voice. >> now in our brand-new book, "finding your voice" she's teaching others how to identify and follow their calling. >> she joins us live and we should point out earlier when we walked in the studio we were laughing at ainsley because you were looking at an image of your daughter. why is her hair like this? >> my husband is panicking because it's school picture day and for all the daddy's out there, help, i don't know how to do their hair. i washed their hair last night, brushed it. all he was going to have to do is run a brush through it. sent this to me. help. >> i didn't know school pictures were today. we're going to be doing a retake. >> this is one of those years where you don't keep those pictures. >> we were on vacation. >> if we can't sing, how do we find our voice? >> you know what? all of us have a voice. that doesn't mean you are supposed to be a singer. we all have something that we were zin and design to be. i think so often we listen to so many other voices that keep us from being our full potential. >> who are those voices from? >> well, i've got 14 voices right now going in my head. it is our inner voice that's telling us we're not enough, we're not living up to what we need to do. >> the doubts. >> it might have started from a school teacher, a parent, some negative voice that implants from us in a young age and keeps it -- i call it the voice of lies, constantly telling you that you are not enough. >> your music is awesome. i've been listening to you for so long. love your music. how did you go from there to writing a book? >> when you just introduced me as an author, a sat up a little taller. >> on social media and interacting with so many people who like my music, especially women, i hear from so many how do i, you know, i feel less than, i feel like i'm disqualified, i'm on the sidelines, i'm being a voice for so many others that i've actually lost who i actually am and being the glue for everybody else. >> so many people think that resolves fame. but that's not the case. >> it revolves around purpose. i'm talking about finding your strive zone. >> what about the voice of god? >> in any life, i found my voice when i heard his voice. i never heard some big booming voice. you recognize that gut instinct. you understand who he says you are, enough, qualified, cherished, valued, created in his image. i am more than who i think i am. >> how old are you when you had a relationship with god? >> oh, six. thanks, mom and dad. >> thank so much for blessing all of our lives. >> thanks for having me. >> the first time i saw god, george burns. that was a fantastic movie. >> you are right. he was genius. >> heather is over there shaking her head. >> he made a lot of sense. the movie version. >> the book once again, "finding your voice." still ahead on this program, laura ingram joins us live. newt gingrich. there's newt. bill o'reilly is going to be here. larry gatlin is coming back to sing for us. who else? >> we're going to feature your daughter on picture day. woah! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. woah, woah! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. whmade plastics that tmake them lighter?rs the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that's who. we're working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. helping you save money and reduce emissions. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. always has to be who sat your desk? phone now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. (announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at good morning to you and your family. it's tuesday, september 13th. i'm ainsley earhardt. new overnight, hillary clinton comes clean about her illness and why she tried to cover it up. >> well, i just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. >> was the cover up worse than the crime? newt gingrich and bill o'reilly both here live this hour. plus, meet the deplorables. >> i am probably a lot of things. deplorable is not one of them, i sure you. >> on donald trump's response to hillary clinton's insults. as you can see right there, a lot of people are cashing in figuratively and literally on the deplorables comment. laura ingram joins us in 30 seconds. >> reality shows becomes way too real. storming the dance floor because ryan locht es was dancing. watch this. he is upstaged during his "dancing with the stars" debut. the takedown, the bizarre charge, the t-shirts and the arrests. those stories and more. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> i'm going to stand up and say so. >> that's a great shot of laura ingram. >> it is. she's going to be with us really fast. >> we also have newt gingrich live this hour, and -- >> bill o'reilly. i'm reading his book and i'm just about done. it is probably his best book. >> oh, you think so? we're going to talk to him about it. >> meanwhile, larry gatlin is with us this morning. he will be with us singing the song at the conclusion of this here hour. >> yesterday, laura ingram joins us. yesterday, hillary clinton was on with anderson cooper and this is what she said. >> no, i didn't. i felt dizzy and i did lose my balance for a minute, but once i got in, once i could sit down, once i could cool off, once i had some water, i immediately started feeling better, and my daughter lives nearby, so i went over to her apartment and, you no he, spent time with her and my grandchildren. >> how often has this happened? >> oh, i think really only twice that i can recall. you know, it is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life, and i'm aware of it and usually can avoid it. >> so measured terms. what is going on? >> what does that mean? i found the ending of that especially to be just wild. first of all, bill clinton said earlier in the night in an interview with charlie rose, i guess he taped earlier, that rarely on more than one occasion hillary has had this problem before over the course of i guess several years. >> and doctors have to figure it out. >> and anderson cooper asks her, well, your husband said this on charlie rose and she says well, not that i can recall more than two times, and we usually can, i guess, get it under control. what is this condition? the follow-up question that he did not ask is what is this diagnosis and is it just -- you have perpetual dehydration. hillary clinton is a smart person. she would drink more water i guess, but what is this underlying condition? why wasn't protocol followed for a presidential candidate to virtually collapse. she said she didn't lose consciousness but to virtually collapse. why wasn't she brought to the nearest hospital? why wasn't that done? >> to your question, "new york post" has a an inclusive, she skipped the er to dodge the media. the protocol is to take them to a level i trauma unit. someone said let's go to chelsea's apartment which is not that far away. they didn't want the doctors and nurses figuring outlet what was the matter with her. >> which is the question that's been dogging hillary for all this time since the initial concussion in 2012. what is the underlying condition? why don't we know what the current state -- and why don't we have a media that have been curious to the point of really investigating this and demanding answers? anderson cooper did not demand an answer to the question of why did you keep this from the media for 90 minutes after you collapsed? why was everybody kept in the dark? he did ask the question you were diagnosed supposedly on friday? i didn't think it was a big deal. how is it not a big deal. has anyone checked on that little girl who just popped out of the sidewalk and, you know, talked to hillary. >> the spin is laughable. they say we all have pneumonia. >> oh, really? >> she quickly pivoted to why won't donald trump release his taxes as if she can get her balance back if donald trump releases his taxes. >> that was laughable. >> dr. david shiner who was barack obama's former physician said this. i think she thuf a neurological examination. she should have it in 2016. we know what happens when people players who have had concussions, how they begin to lose some of their cognitive ability. i think both of them should have their records revealed. so this is barack obama's doctor saying that. >> there is something going on. i mean, we're not doctors, but we've heard from enough physicians who are not political people to say there is something going on and they compounds -- she spounds the public's distrust of what she's already released by doing that weird scoot out of the event, and thrown into the van. they disappear. they come back for the shoe. cinderella gets her shoe back and goes over to chelsea and emerges for this phony looking deal with the girl -- it always look -- it looks all phony. i mean, her comments last night seemed phony. she's obviously reading something, trying to get back to trump and trump's problems. this has been going back to the arkansas days of the clintons. i said this in a piece i wrote yesterday, she has an allergy to transparency, they both do and it's like they have add-d. it's attack, denial, and deflection disorder. every time they are asked a question that's inconvenient, it's attack the questioner, deny, deny, deny, and deflect to something else, you saw her do that last night during the anderson cooper interview if that's what you can call her. >> everyone wishes her the best and we want to believe it's pneumonia, but with everything that's happened, it's hard to trust what's actually happening and what the truth is. let's move on. a former dnc chair who was chair of the dnc firefighter 1995 to '97, he's friends with bill clinton. he said by yesterday 6:00 yesterday afternoon, we need as a democratic party come up with a potential successor just in case hillary is not healthy. the question is would it be tim kaine? he says this about her stamina. >> i've just been on the campaign since july 22. hillary clinton has been on the campaign trail for 18 months. her energy staggers me. i have a hard time keeping up with her. and we know she's going to be fantastic. >> he's elephant his balance -- he's lost his balance too. >> what do you expect tim kaine is going to say? it's only practical, pragmatic for the democratic party to plan for what if, what if, what if, we do learn something else about hillary clinton's condition? we hope she's okay and we hope trump has the right tone yesterday. we want her back on the trail and we want her back. >> the problem with the clintons, unless you have a court order, dna evidence or video from multiple angles, you literally cannot pull the truth. it's like the jaws of life going in there to pull the truth out of the clintons. that's the problem. if she didn't have all this history are benghazi and the emails and troopergate, this wouldn't be a problem with this. >> what if we didn't have the video? >> no video, hillary's people would say she was there for the whole ceremony. >> tim kaine currently is the vice-presidential candidate, but god forbid she passes out again in public, there's video, and they decide to do something, bring in a replacement, it's not going to be tim kaine. it's probably going to be joe biden, right? >> yeah. again, i don't think hillary is going to drop out unless she's forced to drop out. i don't see that happening. the clintons fight to the very end. if all the early voting that's already happened, the votes that havegun to her, those are lost votes if she does drop out. those votes are gone. so the democrat party has the ability to select with a new convention of sorts a new candidate if they want, and they can write their own rules on this. it's upthem. they could decide that, whether it's ki -- tim kaine. elizabeth warren. >> sanders wouldn't roll over if there's an opportunity. he wouldn't do that again. >> and check it out, allergy to transparency is the column laura wrote. lots of stuff. a lot of news stuff going on. good morning to all of you. we're starting with a fox news alert. there's a chilling tip that stopped a deadly plot link to the paris terror attack. isis sent three men disguised as syrian refugees to carry out its latest mission. they were waiting for orders from the terrorist groups about when and where to strike but these men are under arrest. the tip claimed isis is planning to pull off a major massacre in germany similar to last year's slawr -- slaughter in paris. an intense manhunt is under way this hour for the man shot and killed a shelby, north carolina, police officer. he was shot in the stomach while searching for a wanted man over the weekend. his accused killer, irving fender, jr, was the man the officer was looking for at the time. there's a $25,000 reward for his arrest. did you see this one? security had to tackle two protesters as they rushed the stage and shouted "liar"? >> this is a place for second chances. hey, back off! >> lochte was a bit shaken after. the show was forced to take a commercial break once this happened. listen to this. >> so many feelings are going through my head right now. a little hurt, but you know i came out here. i wanted to do something that i'm completely not comfortable with, and i did. >> the two men were wearing no lochte t-shirts and they were arrested and charged with trespassing. ryan lachte has faced pretty harsh criticism since lying about being robbed at the olympics. refusing to stand during the national anthem again. colin kaepernick taking a knee against the season opener against the los angeles rams. watch this. ♪ well the safety, eric reed joining kaepernick on his knees as teammates antoine becka and eli harold raise their fists. but it wasn't all politics on monday night football. a doubleheader, a blow-out, the 49ers crushing the rams 49-0 and -- 28-0. i think the redskins were some of the players who helped hold up the american flag. >> so there were protests and a little football was played too? >> it's unbelievable. people are talking more bsh -- monch br that than the scores. our big final hour continues this morning with bill o'reilly and newt gingrich both join us live. stick around. >> it's not over! we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. let's talk politics. donald trump is battleground bound. >> the gop nominee wishing hillary clinton well while storming key states amid her health crisis. >> fox news senior national correspondent john roberts is live on the trail in des moines, iowa with the latest for us. >> good morning to you. it always seems like we're back in iowa again. just when we thought we were out, they pull us back in. donald trump has got a big rally at noon eastern -- noon local time, 1:00 eastern where he's expected to go hard on hillary's comment on basket of deplorables. bringing a bunch of people on stage denouncing her comments, saying she should be disqualified to describe americans in such a way. >> when my he opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable. i call you hard working american patriots who love your country and want a better future for all our people. >> later on today, donald trump going to make another news on another front, a big policy event where he will unveil his plans for childcare. here's the things that donald trump is going to propose today. he will propose to deduct childcare expenses for up to 4 children for people who don't don't have earn income tax credit for $1200 per child. a deduction for stay at home parents. he would also create dependent care savings accounts that would allow tax deductible contributions, the money can be used for childcare, after school education and tuition. and lastly, and this is a big one, he would provide six weeks of maternity leaves for mothers not covered by their employers plan. he would do that under the framework of the unemployment insurance program. this is something he worked on with his daughter. this is outside of philadelphia. there's going to be a lot of families with children in childcare who are going to love that. >> exactly. if you don't get time off when you have a baby, you have to have a few weeks at least, more than that, i mean, three or four months would be ideal but six weeks is better than nothing. >> so many times we see a negative thing happen for a candidate, whether it was ted cruz, in this case it was hillary clinton and donald trump would trump the news that would help his candidacy by doing something, now you've seen him talk policy for three straight days, at the same time not bringing up the health. >> maybe he's proven that he does have the temperament to be president of the united states. up next, one of donald trump's deplorables, newt gingrich is going to be joining us live next, from a basket probably. the instructions use purpose to color the letters. do you see the problem here? 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>> chuck, chum -- chuck shumer has pneumonia too. >> apparently after it was diagnosed on friday, hillary clinton decided to tell only family and close aides that she had pneumonia, but her penchant for privacy, whether it's this or the email server, back fired. >> well, first of all, it's not a penchant for privacy. it's a penchant foresee correspondence -- for secrecy. deleting 30,000 emails is a function of secrecy. she lives in a world in which secrecy and dishonesty are the hallmarks, having her staff routinely lie about her health fits her staff lying about everything else. why would they start telling the truth now? tom brokaw offered very good advice when she won't take, she probably needs a very serious medical work-up to find out what's going on. it's not like yesterday was in isolation. or rather monday. if that had been the only thing that had happened on sunday, her collapse sunday, people wouldn't be rushing to this level of concern, but it's the duality that they have been secret about everything and they have been stifg the news media so liberal reporters are even getting irritated. at the same time she's had a series of health incidents that when they accumulate, you begin to go what's going on here? >> and you contrast it the way donald trump has handled this whole situation, it might be at the ideal time where he seems very measured and direct with the attack leaving the health away, because nobody wishes for poor health for a candidate, but i want to ask you in the big picture, when people say it's like bush 41 throwing up in japan, how is this different? >> i'm not sure that that helped bush get re-elected, which he didn't. i think here's the challenge and then i've known hillary for 24 years. she's in my prayers. i hope she's fine, but anybody who wants to be commander in chief, this isn't like running for the u.s. senate or governor. the commander in chief, the president of the united states, every single day for their entire presidency is at the forefront of protecting this country and you don't know in a given morning what's going to happen. she after all is the person who ran the 3:00 a.m. telephone call ad as an attack on barack obama in 2008. if to run the same radio ad, literally take her footage and run that telephone call and say, gee, we're not sure if she's going to be available either because she's busy doing something secret or because she has a health problem or she can't remember, you know, look at her fbi interview when she kept saying i couldn't remember because of the concussion. that doesn't encourage you to think that at 3:00 in the morning she's going to instantaneously know what she's doing, and i think that's the -- that's the challenge she has to meet. we don't have to meet it. she has to meet that challenge. >> maybe that wasn't a dodge. she was saying a lawyer thing, i don't remember. maybe because of the concussion she really didn't remember. >> that raises its own questions. >> it does. a lot of people are saying they are happy with the way donald trump has responded to it. he's wished her well and moved on. he did talk about her deplorable comment. she called 50% of his supporters deplorable. he was speaking in north carolina yesterday. >> and unredeemable. >> and he had a bunch of supporters on stage and they were saying i guess we're those people. we're not racist. we're normal farmers and voters, doctors. we're ordinary people. >> his son, don jr actually put out an image, i think from midland, texas, on instant gram, looks like we're going to need a bigger basket. keep america great again, newt. >> i was in georgia yesterday and three women walked up wearing deplorable t-shirts which i suspect will be getting sold all over the count made the point in my whole talk yesterday which is available on facebook was about the notion if you look at the list of what she describes as deplorable, it tells you the democratic party's desperation. you go to detroit and you go to milwaukee and you say -- you really want to help people, and you must be a racist. you try to protect the country from potential terrorists coming in, you know, you must be the islamphobic or xenophobic. it's an absurdity. the left cannot debate and defend the failures of their policies so all they have left is nasty words to shame people to shut up. this will turn out to be dramatically bigger than mitt romney's 47% comment because it engages people in an active fight with hillary over what she meant and whether or not you can say to a retired general or a retired marine sergeant you are deplorable because they happen to be supporting donald trump. >> it's interesting. i watch sunday shows, david brooks, a big critic of trump as well as tom brokaw said the same thing in different ways about what those deplorable comments could mean. thank for joining us, newt. 30 minutes to go in our show unless you know something different. outrage under the friday night lights after these students are accused of being racist all because they brought a trump flag to the game on red, white, and blue night. bill o'reilly is back with a new book from his killing series. he's here next. live preview of killing the rising sun. on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you 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>> sure. i mean, it would have killed millions of people if we hadn't, millions more would have died. you know, japan wasn't going to surrender and they were arming kids with sticks. we would have had to gun down 8, 9-year-old japanese kids in the street. the bombardment on japan would have been unbelievable and few people know this, but the conventional bombing on tokyo killed far more people than the atom bomb in hiroshima and nagasaki. it was a very gut wrenching decision and very few people knew what was going on. eisenhower didn't want to drop the bomb. he was a dissenter. >> and mcarthur too. >> mcarthur wanted to invade so he would get the glory of the victory but tactically eisenhower said starve them out, blockade the place and they will starve them out. there was a lot of stuff going on but a book is a lot of new things in it and people are amazed when they read it, they should know it because it pertains to today. how does it pertain to today, i'm sending this book to kolen kaepernick. he needs to read "killing the rising sun" and wise up. the united states freed millions and millions of people all over the world at world war ii at a tremendous sacrifice. don't be kneeling down in front of the flag, in the national anthem when you don't know anything kaepernick. you know nothing. i'm sending my book with a little inscription, read every single word and we'll talk. >> good for you. >> this guy is now in the limelight and he's a big hero to the people who don't know anything, the basket of uneducables. i'm so mad i didn't think of the basket of deplorables. i'm so mad i didn't think that up. people need to know what this country is really about. the reason i wrote this book is because of jeremiah wright. obama's preacher. when i heard him say. >> goddamn america. >> chickens come to roost for nagasaki and hiroshima. >> how did you choose -- this is your six in the killing series nonfiction. how did you choose to write about this? >> it was so emotional for me. i wouldn't be here if the bomb wasn't dropped. when i asked three presidents, and they would have. bush and carter was in the theater. president obama wouldn't write a letter to me. wouldn't answer, and this is speculation, i don't think the man would have dropped the atom bomb. >> judging by the way he did not even mention pearl harbor. >> he doesn't have that kind of -- he doesn't have the harry truman grit. >> they wrote you back and said they would have dropped it. >> what about bill clinton? >> i think he didn't answer because of the politics of hillary running for office. that's speculation, but he wouldn't do it. >> here's what you said harry truman said that's quoted. this is after he got word that the bomb has been dropped. >> right. he says this is the greatest thing in history. he proclaims it's time for us to get home. meaning the war -- the world war was over, europe, and now it's time to end this one in japan. >> and they wouldn't surrender. >> it wasn't like the germans who surrender. the japanese wouldn't. the other part of the book is very few people know what happened on iwo jima and saipan because reporters weren't allowed to be there. nobody took any prisoners and nobody -- the u.s. authorities, douglas mcarthur didn't want anybody to see it. >> we put you on the ground and we told people don't read the book if violence upsets you. do not buy this book. i'm putting you right on the ground when that bomb drops on hiroshima and you are going to experience through words what those people -- what happened to them and the same thing. i'm putting you right on those islands when the marines are going hand to hand on the japanese. >> this is when you went for victory instead of fighting a war. >> then we have north korea testing their fourth time -- the fourth time they tested their missile. it could happen here. very scary. >> so is iran. so people ought to know what this danger is because these bombs that we have now are 10,000 times more powerful than the bombs that were dropped on jap. >> check it out. it premieres today. "killing the rising sun". >> it's going to be another best seller. >> thank you, guys. >> thank you oh, king of cable. larry gatlin sings straight from the heart. he has a brand-new song from "hillary's america, and we're joined by desou zua ♪ one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. . school is officially back in session and that means homework for your kids but sometimes it also means big laughs for parents. this is from julie's son first day of kindergarten that says use the color purple to fill in the letters. the kids all started working before the teacher gave instructions. take a look at this nine-year-old's math homework. when it came to using what strategy they used to get the answer. they wrote my brain. katie sends us this hilarious picture of her son. she says his first day of school, excitement wore off by day three. we all know how that goes. stay up late and watch "house wives" and we're all exhausted next day. the hit documentary takes on the democrats as the party of corruption. it's about to come out so you can watch it if you haven't on dvd soon. >> the film is making an hit out of an original song by grammy winner larry gatlin. >>. ♪ i know you are lying because your lips are moving ♪ ♪ it's time you should back up and go ♪ i'm going to stand up and say so. >> here to tell us about their collaboration is larry gal -- l -- dsh gatlin and dinesh d' souza. >> i was in nashville. we met and we hit it off. i told him i was from an immigrant from india and i was talking about the democrats kicking out the ladders of opportunity for ordinary americans. he said i'm behind you 100% and he said if i can help in any way, i'll be love to. the movie is a horror movie and i didn't want to leave them scared, i wanted to leave them fired up. >> larry, when you were charged with writing a song about hillary clinton, what were you thinking to yourself, what rhymes with rose law firm, things like that? >> i can rhyme claw hammer and dirt clod. you can figure out a way to do it. i've learned from the greatest song writers in the world to have dinesh me to except him. i've known him about for 15, 20 years, one of my dear friends from the cable business years ago introduced me to his work. i thought he was railroaded on the deal with whatever his little kerr fufle. >> it's in the movie. >> realizing that the clintons before their first cup of coffee on monday morning they do more illegal crap pole la -- crappola. that's a technical term, steve. i believe she's a criminal. i believe that she has been one for 30 years and her whole bunch of sickco -- sycophants. the man who loves a job is always on vacation, so i'm thankful to god for the job but i really can't be fired. i'm getting my social security. i a few royalty checks and a few people are still coming to hear our old songs about doggies and horsies. i don't care what they say about him. i'm going to do it. i'm not afraid of them. i'm going to do what i think is right. >> we know about the email scandal. we watch your movie and you see the scandals she's involved in there too. when she comes out and she says she's got pneumonia and she's continue to campaign and bill clinton says we don't know what's wrong with her and trying to figure it out, we're baffled by all of this. how do we trust that it really is pneumonia based on all the other scandals and lies? >> that's a good point. the clintons have been such pathological liars, lying from how they got their name and incidents you don't have to lie about, and therefore when it comes to a case where they may and i i tal i size they may be telling the truth, we have a chief executive order that we can't trust. >> what is her end game? because you do discuss that in your film. >> i think the end game quite frankly is hillary wabts to be the female mob boss of america. she wants to do to america exactly what al capone wanted to do with chicago. he wanted to loot the treasury, give contracts to his buddies and cronies. he wanted to get rid of his opponents and wush them to the side. he wanted to walk in the stadium and hear the crowd chant big al, big al, big al. that's what hillary wants for america. >> joining us from san diego, thank you very much. >> bye, friend. dvd on october is he -- 11th. >> coming up next and what do we have? >> we have larry gatlin and his brother. he's going to perform the song "stand up and say so." >> hi, martha. >> question is preparing -- congress is preparing to question three people connected to the destruction of hillary's burglary -- blackberries and her email. rnc chief reince priebus and kelly ann conway both on deck with their reaction to the latest hillary clinton health issues and that whole basket of deplorables when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. ♪ (duracell slamtones) therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. >> if you know larry gat lynn, you know he's very direct. >> we know our parts. ♪ i've got so sick and tired of listening to what you got to say ♪ i decided i just got to stand up and say so ♪ sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and dierd of being treated this way ♪ ♪ so i made my choice, going to raise my voice and say it's time for you to pack and up go ♪, you know who you are, you're lying so and so. so i'm going to stand up and say so i'm going to stand up and say so ♪ i'm going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ ♪ i know you are lying because your lips are moving ♪ there's no use trying because you ain't improving my opinion of you it's time for you to back up and go. i'm going to stand up and say so i'm going to stand up and say so ♪ i'm going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ i've gotten sick and tired of you stealing my money to pay for jetair planes and limousines. for crying out you think it's funny you and bubba living above my means ♪ in chappaqua like kings and queens ♪ i'm so sick and tired of hearing what you got to say. i decided to stand up and say so. sik and tired of being sick and tired of being treated this way ♪ i've made my choice ♪ going to raise my voice and say it's time for you to pack up and go ♪ you know who you are you're lying so and so ♪ so i'm going to stand and up say so ♪ i'm going to stand up and say so ♪ i'm going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ we're going to stand up and say so ♪ [ applause ] houston: mission allergy escape. for those who've gone to extremes to escape their unrelenting nasal allergy symptoms... houston: news alert... new from the makers of claritin, clarispray. ♪ welcome back. clarispray is a nasal allergy spray that contains the #1 prescribed, clinically proven ingredient. nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world with new clarispray. how cute is this? >> oh. >> congratulations, guess what, clayton and natalie have a new daughter and she is 7 pounds, 11 ounces. do we have a name? >> her name is eve morris. they have two little girls and a boy. >> congratulations clayton and natalie. >> when you have a child, when your hold your child for the first time, there's nothing like it. >> the reason the baby is crying, dad has to work weekends. >> tomorrow, ivanka trump joins us and david clarke. >> who is with us now? >> the gatlin brothers. >> if there was one more gatlin there would be no room for you. >> get bill: a hearing set to get under way in just about an hour from now where we should hear from the people accused of wiping hillary clinton's email server and destroying phones with a hammer. hillary clinton said she thought her pneumonia was no big deal and she would power through, as we see new criticism about her secrecy within her own


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