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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140730 23:00:00

your home. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. we have a special report online with a guest israeli ambassador to the u.s. joins us in seconds. >> this is a fox news alert, just moments ago the house voting giving speaker john boehner the green light to sue president obama. republicans accusing president obama of abusing his executive power with a quliewn lateral decision to delay the obamacare employer mandate. fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill. mike, what's the latest? >> greta, good evening. the vote was 225 to 201 along party lines so it had all republican support to authorize this lawsuit a lot of times before big votes you have passionate speeches on the house floor from lawmakers trying to drive something across the finish library. in this case you had house speaker john boehner speaking very calmly talking about the oath that members of congress take to, you know, when they are sworn into office. and asking them to stand as one institution to basically fight executive overreach, to stand up and defend the constitution and so it was enough to get republican support. he did not win over the democrats, but they were not needed in this case. bottom line, republicans all day say that they were defending the constitution; that they feel like the president has gone too far in the spread of executive power. and so they say it may be a republican president in a couple of years and democrats may have wished they joined the lawsuit because perhaps the shoe will be on the foot in a couple of years. at this point the lawsuit goes forward. republicans made it happen and he we will see where it goes in the courts, greta. >> mike, any members of congress sticking their heads in the sand and not voting at all or any republicans or democrats crossing over? >> we had five republicans vote against and there is some suggestion that perhaps they wanted to go further. they don't want to just do a lawsuit but perhaps take a deeper step. we will see. we have to reach out to those lawmakers to see if that was the case. perhaps others were not equipsed that a lawsuit was necessary. several others sat out the vote. it's not clear why. perhaps they were sick. perhaps they just didn't want to engage. but bottom line he did get 225 republican votes. he needed 218. so there were definitely enough votes to make it happen. >> mike, thank you. >> sure. >> and republicans insisting the lawsuit is an attempt to protect the division of powers. house rules committee chairman pete sessions joins us. good evening, mr. chairman. >> mr. chairman. >> how are you, greta? >> i'm very well. now that they have the vote, 225 to 201, the resolution is passed, when is the lawsuit going to be filed, do you know? >> well, the lawsuit now has authorizing speaker of the house to take under his own advisement and it work with lawyers on not only the ideas and where it will be filed but the timing of that i believe the speaker will move rather judiciously. we already understand the of the united states is not faithfully executing the laws of united states. and, in particular, related to the resolution that is the affordable care act. i believe the speaker can move expeditiously on this matter. >> i have got some thing about hefty legal bills. i still have an idea of how much this stuff should cost and rather simple matter there are no witnesses or deposition. there is no jury, there is no nothing. do you have a feeling on how much is being spent because i assume that the taxpayers will be paying this. >> in fact, they will, greta. what happens is there will be no new money that will be authorized and was not asked for. it will come directly out of the money that the speaker currently has. and, it will -- we presume, be less than $2 million. there is. >> 2 million? i could find something to do it for you for if $30,000 or less. it's not that complicated. 2 million is a lot. 50,000 would be a lot. >> i said it would be no more than that but here's the point. it is only for 60 days. this is only until the end of september. the speaker will have wide latitude to be able to move this measure now that he has the vote, and i believe the money, it will be inconsequential compared to the action that is needed. we need to find out does the president of the united states have the ability to waive the healthcare laws as he has done. that's important for americans and understand despite the fact good stewards of the american taxpayer dollars i hope when he digs into this gets a good deal on this because that, obviously is an important issue as well. all right, now, so, when you said the president -- the speaker is going to act judiciously, does that mean he is going to do it during the recess or will this probably be filed some time in september? any sort of guess on that? >> well, my guess is that he would be prepared to do it as early as tomorrow. >> all right. and so is there actually a complaint filed, do you know, i mean, prepared? >> he was never even authorized to do that until this evening. so now that that has been done, i would assume the speak would move forward with this. >> all right. if he can file it by tomorrow, there is even more of a reason to say. it doesn't take a lot of hours to put this together. we will be watching, mr. chairman, an important issue. we will see what the court say when it comes to the issue of standing. thank you, sir. >> you bet, greta. >> kucinich, "u.s.a. today" kirsten powers and national review's jim garety? >> the tool is right. not sure it's the right tool in the toolbox. feels like a gamble. people ask whether the house has the standing for lawsuit. if they win look like geniuses they managed to point out that the stopped obamacare and president isn't obeying the constitution. >> doesn't like to take up cases where it's an argument between two branches of government. they have to show they were injured by obama's actions. pretty hard thing to do. >> kirsten? >> i think there are serious people jonathan turley who they think that obama is exceeding his powers then you have to ask who can challenge him, right? and perhaps it is only the house. the response to that democrats are saying no, this is a political stunt. well, it can be both it can be a political stunt which i think it is. the timing is not coincidental. it happens to be election year. it also could be that they substantively feel that president obama has overstepped his bounds and think that he needs to be held accountable. >> i think it's a serious issue i don't know whether the courts grant standing or not. courts have changed their minds and relooked at things and different views of things. decisions can change all the time. when he said $2 million, i almost fell over. when i say this is a $20,000 case. i'm not exaggerating. this isn't complicated. >> couldn't we even get a crappy lawyer to file? >> i'm scandalized that this would cost this much. this takes some good research in a library, on the issue of standing and one pleading filed for 150 bucks. >> lawyers that work on the cheap, greta. speaking of money, one thing we know is both parties are raising lot of money off of this. i know we all had fundraising requests piling into our inbox with various creative subjects on both sides. >> president obama is impeachment thing is making a fortune. >> much stronger argument right now, feels almost like they are preparing the battle space are to the fight over potential executive order de facto, amnesty. keep hearing rumblings coming out of the white house coming at the end of summer. that be with the legal' super bowl. wait a second, now he is completely deciding is he ignore large chunks of the law and rewrite it to his whims. the public opinion on the republican side than this one. trying to do this to set up the narrative. look, obama ignores the constitution. we have been making this argument for a long time. now he has gone too far. maybe it will work out. >> i think it's an important issue. >> the executive power issue? >> where the line is. >> it's a very important issue and also a very important issue when george bush was president. >> agreed. >> a lot of violations of executive power and republicans were not particularly concerned about that. >> but that's the way politics always are. >> always different in foreign policy but always different when it's the things that they care about. i think to be consistent you have to care about both, right? >> agreed. >> and so we're consistent, greta. >> i agree. i mean, republicans and democrats should want to know what the extent of a president's power is. >> exactly. the question is what kind of power, you know, the president thinks he has power on immigration. they would argue that they have the power under the 1996 immigration law that gives the president very broad powers. but, maybe the court has to come in and weigh in on this. >> who knows if they will. anyway, panel, if you will stay with us. and developing now. dangerous threat and immigrant detention facility at our border. highly contagious disease. k fox reporter bill milligan live at the border with the very latest, bill? >> hey, greta, yeah, we are talking about a confirmed case of the chicken post office box that's putting a halt to all deportations and all arrivals at a brand new detention facility in new mexico about a four hour drive away from el paso. this pace literally opened up a month ago. a few weeks back we got a chance to look at video, the facility. it holds up to about 700 immigrants. it's a mix of adults and children. now, ice confirmed to me earlier this morning that at least one person in that shelter has a case of the chicken post office box. now, they -- chicken pox. i did talk to the public health director here for the city of el paso. is he not buying it he thinks there is a very high chance of it spreading throughout the rest of the shelter. he gave me a few reasons why. number one, he says you can actually spread chicken pox two days before you even start showing any type of symptoms. what that means is when these ice agents give medical screenings to these immigrants as they come into the shelters they may not have any clue whatsoever that they could be infected with the chicken pox, number two, he said in a closed environment like a shelter, chicken pox is one of the most contagious viruses out there. he said that airborne, it can be through skin skin contact. he pointed out something interesting. most of us get chickenpox when we are kids. it's fairly mild. if you get it as an adult it can be very -- especially for a second time. that's when it can turn into shingles and real nasty rash on your torso, very painful and severe. that's one of the reasons why ice is halting all deportations, all arrivals at this facility. greta? >> bill, in terms of any other health issues besides chicken pox with these children? >> at that facility in particular, all we are hearing is chicken pox. we know at different facilities across the southwest there have been reports of scabies, lice. that facility hearing one case of chicken pox. >> all right, good. let's just keep it at one and hope there is no more and everything is under control. thank you, bill. time is running out for the house and senate to vote on competing immigration bills. but right now republican lawmakers placing the plame blame for the crisis scarily on president obama. >> this is a humanitarian crisis. it's the direct consequence of president obama's law lawlessness. >> the president is preparing to assume for himself the absolute power to set immigration law in america. >> if in fact he gives work permits to a million or 6 million people you will see an additional surge of people coming. >> they're coming because they believe they're getting amnesty. >> he is the president of the united states. he could solve this problem today. >> we're not going to solve this crisis until we stop president obama's amnesty. >> getting to america by any method you can and you will never have to leave. >> and senator ted cruz joins us. nice to he sigh, senator. >> good to see you, greta. >> obviously you blame president obama. i will get to that in a second. first, does republican party bear any of the responsibility to blame for the situation we have right now at the border. >> well, sure. look, both parties bear some of the responsibility because we failed to secure the border. we should have secured the border. we should have done our basic job a long time ago. that being said, what's happening at the border right now is a direct and proximate cause of it is president obama's amnesty. this was all triggered in 2012 when president obama unilaterally granted amnesty. >> when you say amnesty, that's sort of the code word that the republicans use. you are talking about the executive order which does, what? >> right. well, if you look at the data, if you look at the evidence, and you and i are both lawyers we are a big believer of looking at the facts and seeing where they lay. the facts here in 2011, there were roughly 6,000 unatestimony companied children apprehended trying to cross into this country. then in june of 2012, the president signed an order that granted amnesty to some 800,000 people who entered illegally as kid. even though you broke our laws and not entitled to be here. we are going to allow you to stay and give you a permit to work. it was deliberately it was directly targeted to people who entered as kids. new, the predictable consequences, the predicted consequence of that is that it created an enormous incentive for more kids to come in. if you are granting amnesty to come as kids, other kids will come. and it's gone now from 6 now, children in 2011, to it's expected to be 90,000 this year and 145,000 next year. they are coming because they believe they will get amnesty, president obama's amnesty and if we want to solve the problem, the only way to do it is to eliminate the promise of that. >> all right. so we have the situation we have. how do you sort of reverse engineer? let's say the president is watching this and senator ted cruise got a great idea. now we still have all those kids at the border. we still have that problem. what do we do? >> well, your first question about how do you eliminate the promise to amnesty the most simple and director way i have introduced legislation in the senate. it's very short just two pages. it says the president does not have the authority to grant amnesty to any new immigrants who come into this country. you know, one of the things that's really disturbing just a few months ago if the president can't do this, that lois ghost a long long way to eliminating the promise of amnesty which is why these kids are coming. >> let me go to the related topic authority of the president. he clerked in the united states supreme court for the chief justice renquist and just passing tonight the house has passed the resolution giving the green light to sue the president. the big question is whether they have the quote, standing. whether they have the ability, the power to go to court and sue. put on your legal hat. >> well, it's a difficult question. look, what has prompted the house to do this and this is unprecedented. the house as an institution has never sued the president before. what's prompted it is we have never had a president like president obama. >> that's not the question. i realize the problem. i realize the republicans' objection. is this a way to figure out the parameters of a presidential power. does the court have the authority to make that decision? >> i think there is a serious and credible argument that the house has standing. a court might agree, it might not. it's a credible argument. the reason they were farced to file and one of the things that i have done as the ranking member on the constitution subcommittee, senate judiciary committee is release a series of five reports detailing the lawlessness of this president. when the president refuses to enforce the law, the challenge is there have been very few people who have standing to challenge it. the house as answer substitution is trying to act to fix that it's making a plea to the courts to uphold the law and uphold the president's constitutional authority and responsibility to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. >> too bad. trying to figure out the breath of any president's power. we ought to be able to figure out it's got to be defined some place somehow. if it's not in the court this kay any other con vehicle to figure out the limits of this president or another one. >> sure. for any president the way you figure out the iments of the text of the law, what this president asserts is unprecedented. 28 times with obamacare. he has just unilateral live said i'm changing the law. >> there is no executive discretion. i mean, there is some executive discretion. >> there is executive discretion but there is not discretion to change the text of the law. so, for example, the text of obamacare says the employer mandate kicks in january 1st, 2014. there is no ambiguity. january 1st, 2014 is spelled out. he said no it doesn't. i'm granting exemption for members of congress. just lack week a huge decision on obamacare that concluded for 36 states across this country, that president obama's administration illegally extended obamacare to those 36 states, illegally extended the individual mandate and the employer mandate. >> the problem is a couple hours later a fourth circuit said just the opposite. so, in other words, never dull. we will find out what the courts say. >> indeed. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> developing now hamas rockets shattering even short-term cease fires in israel striking a school. ambassador john bolton is here next. also some lois lerner emails found in what is a sizzler. learner calling republicans. i don't think i should say that word on tv. maybe i will. think about it. it's coming up. that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ weit's not justt we'd be fabuilding jobs here,. it's helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i'm like, 'this is what we do.' the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i'm so proud, like, it's just amazing. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. across all of the gaza strip today while we were out doing the live shot getting ready for a live hit with shepard smith earlier in the day. we saw some of that fighting. we were taking pretty heavy small arms, artillery coming in. forcing to get down on the ground. part of the reason why we are inside right now doing this live shot because it's just simply too dangerous to be outside. now, this is the type of fighting that we are seeing really all the way up and down the whole gaza strip right now. we are still seeing hamas rockets more than 140 of them have been fired from gaza into israel, just today alone. part of the more than 2700 we have seen fired in the last four weeks. but, israeli artillery and israeli air strikes are really the big story today in two different locations. israeli artillery hitting civilian targets. at least 30 people were killed between the two of of those. 130 killed today alone. israel has been condemned by certain parts of the world. but the u.s. sticking with it to an extent. the white house condemning the incident but not blaming israel directly saying that they want to full investigation. but the white house is very angry about what is happening here. particularly the israeli tactic. we are also seeing growing humanitarian crisis here. there is a shortage of water there is a shortage of bread. we have seen long lines. the u.n. now saying that there is more than 200,000 people here in gaza now seeking assistance from the united nations. and, greta, the u.n. saying that they are simply overwhelmed with sort of breath of the entire humanitarian crisis here right now. >> conor, thank you. >> and the israeli media constantly slamming secretary of state john kerry. one israeli newspaper columnist calling secretary kerry an amateur. another saying he should be fired. so with all that backlash, can secretary kerry possibly get anything done in the mid east now. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. ambassador, nice to see you. it's not under ordinary circumstances an easy job. now secretary kerry goes in with israel being furious at him. >> i'm not here to defend john kerry's job or his record as secretary of state. people should not operate under the allusion that somehow he is acting independently. i think is he really faithful carrying out exactly what the president wants. and that is despite all the rhetoric about israel's right to self-defense, if we impose a cease-fire on israel. if the pressure of the united states and western europe forces israel to agree to a cease-fire, we will be stopping israel from taking steps against hamas' missile capability that materially aids iran in its nuclear weapons program. this battle that israel is engaged in now obviously for their own self-defense. but it's also in america's interest. >> i don't see prime minister netanyahu in any way sort of bowing to the wishes of president obama. i mean, he seems quite determined in all his statements. i don't think -- i can't imagine that he is feeling -- i can't imagine pressure from the united states having any impact on him. he will make up his own mind. >> is he very determined he has nearly 90% of the population of israel, according to opinion polls supporting this operation. i don't think the the owe obama white house quite understands that i also don't think you should under estimate the ability of the president of the united states when is he determined to do it to make israel bend the need. >> how do you do that? >> all kind of steps he can take cutting off intelligence access. holding up military resupply. allowing the europeans to it too there delegittization efforts against israel. we have seen john kerry do it already. talking about why a third is not unimaginable. why the boycott vest temperature and sanctions is. i think that pressure veal. i think netanyahu feels it. >> where would we go from here? i mean, it keeps getting worse. humanitarian crisis. water and bread. 140 today were killed. 3,000 -- i don't know how many rockets in the last couple weeks. tell me about what conversation you and i are going to be having five nights from now. >> well, my guess is netanyahu will try and continue. i think it's important to cut through the cynicism of hamasousing these civilians to shield its military capabilities. and that's what the strategy is here. hamas cannot possibly win in a military confrontation with israel. but they can create the impression that israelis are systematically targeting civilians. i think the u.n. and u.n. works administration. the deals with palestinian refugees is complicit in that. i think we have got to it expose that cynicism for people to understand these tragic civilian casualties among the palestinians of gaza are caused by hamas. >> that's where the public opinion is that shifts against israel and goes all the way over to the white house. the white house then exerts the pressure you are talking about. >> i think in the united states, support for israel is growing. i think the opposite is true in europe. i think that's where the obama administration can allow the europeans to do its dirty work for them, frankly. >> ambassador, nice to he sue sir. >> thank you. >> and republican senator kelly ayotte is disturbed by what president obama just said. what did he say? senator ayotte is here to tell you next. someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. android plan from tracfon? 7 dollar a month email the school. call the doctor. text the groomer. find gear for soccer. send invites to a party. post karate pics. help sean with history. battle of hastings: 1066. all that with my android from tracfone for as low as $7 a month. unbeatable nationwide coverage, no contract. for a limited time, save $50 on the huawei glory. now just $49.88. tracfone. do everything for less. been all fun and games, here at the harrison household. but one dark, stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. new threat to investigators trying to reach the flight 17 crash site in ukraine. ukrainian officials say pro-russian rebels have planted land mines near the wreckage. meanwhile some u.s. republican lawmakers taking president obama to task not providing with weapons to fight the pro-russian. president obama saying ukraine does not need our weapons help. but senator kelly ayotte strongly disagrees. she joins us president obama says that ukraine doesn't need our weapons. do you agree? >> absolutely not, greta. it's absurd. first of all, they have been asking for lethal assistance from us since i was there in march and they were asking for it then. it's been months and months. and here is the absurdity. since the russian-backed separatists actually took down flight 17 and murdered over 290 innocent people, the russians and putin have put more armaments in. they have put more antiaircrafts into eastern ukraine. they put more tanks, more heavy arms. so actually since the plane went down and we won't provide the ukrainian military, who is fighting hearted for their own sovereignty, some basic lethal assistance, i mean, it's really mind boggling. >> what do you think president obama's thinking is on this? >> i really don't understand his thinking because what's happening is that the ukrainian military, they are putting it on the line. they are actually making some progress down there. >> maybe it that's it. maybe he thinks they can do it without help? >> i actually think it's not true that they can't do it -- that's why the russians are putting more and more heavy arms in for the russian backed separatists because the ukrainian people are fighting to defend their own territory. in some ways you have to wonder what is this administration doing to ♪ support the ukrainian military? they are not asking for our troops. they are asking give us some help to they gave up their nuclear weapons under the budapest memorandum and we signed that agreement for basically to respect their sovereignty and for security assurances and now here they are in a fight where russia is backing these thugs and providing them all these arms and we're not even willing to give them some basic lethal assistance. >> what do you mean by basic lethal assistance? >> i mean, think about it, the aircraft that have gone down, antiaircraft, what's happening, that antiaircraft sophisticated system, so technology that can help them combat that. intelligence, it's my understanding we're not providing realtime intelligence to them as to where this antiaircraft is so that they can prevent other planes, their own planes from going down. and also anti-tanks. russian tanks have come over the border but, basic arms, they have asked for some basic things. you know, in terms of just basic small arms to help buttress their military to defend themselves. >> what do we do this b. things like germany. germany is not going to help because germany loves the natural gas and the oil from russia. you have got the u.k. that loves their economic dealings with russia. i mean, nobody seems to want to help. >> he will with, first of all, i'm glad that they actually stepped up to put some more sanctions in place that europe did. but obviously they need to go further. but it's a matter of american leadership, too. he they are going to follow our lead and the president on this issue of not he providing some more assistance to the ukrainian military. i just don't understand it it's almost like he wants them to fight with one hand behind their back while the russians are just pouring in arms to these thugs and we are giving the ukrainian military uniforms and goggles. think about the comparison there. >> putin, too light on putin? >> you know, this president has been too light on putin from the beginning, starting with the reset policy and obviously the new economic sanctions put in place, i'm glad that those were done, but now to ignore requests that the ukrainian government have had for a long time for some basic assistance seems, to me i think it's because they don't want to incite putin. he doesn't care what we think. he is he giving these thugs more arms. >> senator ayotte nice to he so you. new hampshire busy wanting to run for about the. >> we love having them in new hampshire. nice to see you, greta. >> living the unthinkable and seeing the unthinkable. boko haram terrorists slaughtering family. same terrorists. now the brave young girl is here in the united states telling her story to you. she goes "on the record" tonight. former irs official not only has legal troubles. well, she has a potty mouth and directed it at republicans. the latest coming up. and that makes the things you're trying to move... lighter. it takes energy to move weight. the less weight... the less energy. here, the energy you save is used for speed. here, for efficiency. apply the laws of physics to things that move, and they move better, faster, safer. it's kind of like traveling at the speed of light. only a lot more fun. this is the human element at work. dow. our cheese is going thin in a big way. with our ultra thin slices, the same natural sargento cheese you love, just thinner and just 45 calories a slice. sargento ultra thin slices in three new varieties. celebrate your love of crab with gthis year's largest variety!. 'cause it's crabfest at red lobster! dig into a succulent selection of crab entrées. like new crab lover's trio! with sweet snow crab legs, split king crab, and jumbo lump crab over savory shrimp. crab three ways! all on one plate. or try new jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. experience crabfest at red lobster today. only for a limited time. come in and sea food differently! a young girl's heart is broken as mother and father are murdered in nigerian home. debra peter only 12 surviving that 2011 attack. this is her first interview since telling congress of the boko haram. terror group kidnapped and holds hundreds of nigerian school girls. >> they shot my dad in his chest three times. >> folk co-haram is a dangerous, evil radical extremist islamic group, more than 200 girls and young women kidnapped by islamic extremists. last several years. >> shoot my brother that's when my dad died. i was in shock. >> and joining us debra peter and her lawyer immanuel oglebay. nice to see both of you. thank you both for joining us. debra, it's particular itly nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you too. >> you have moved to the united states last september, right? >> yeah. >> having had a horrendous experience. what happened to your family? >> on december 22nd, 2011, my dad was killed by boko haram the night before -- so, that night me and my brother, we were at home. and then we started hearing the gun shooting. so my brother called my dad and tell him not to come back home because my dad is at work. so he told my brother that he is going to come back home because he has been home like a lot of times when there is problems happening but nothing happened. so my dad just go ahead and come back home. so three people went, my dad came and then he told them that he -- he told under the circumstances that he wants to take a shower. so like after running water for him and stuff, he went to the bathroom. so like 30 minutes later, three people knock on our door and then asked my brother where's your dad? then my brother said my dad is in the bathroom taking a shower. so they wented for a few minutes. he didn't come out. they go ahead and went to the bathroom and pulled my dad out of the bathroom and then tell him to deny his faith. my dad said he is not going to deny his faith because anyone who denies god in presence of people is he is going to deny them in father in heaven. my dad didn't deny his faith. they said they would give him a second chance. he refuse the offer. then they shot my dad three times in his chest. so my dad was like i think he is about to die, then my brother now say what did my dad do to you? why did you kill him? so the three men, the boko haram, they told my brother to be quiet. then when my brother was trying to be quiet but he just couldn't hold it. so the first leader told the two -- the other two that they should kill my brother. but the guy that is like right behind the leader, he told him they should not kill him because is he a little kid and then the third guy told them that no, they should kill him because if he grows up he is going to become pastor like my dad. that's how they shoot my brother and killed him, too. so the next the soldiers came my brother and dad to the hospital. >> you your brother was how old. >> 14. >> and how old were you then. >> 12. >> boko haram for not renouncing christianity. is this getting worse in nigeria? one of the worst stories i have ever heard. >> absolutely getting worse. they don't kill women. they kill all the males in the house. we seen what happened three months ago. now they come back and they abduct the girls and take them away as slave brides. if debra had been back in nigeria when this happened in that village where she is from, she could have been taken and she just found out that one of her cousins is amongst the 200 missing girls right now. this is an evil that continues to evolve. >> boko haram is so evil. you can can see more of our interview with debra and immanuel. go to it's all there. lois lerner's emails keep gettings worse. she has a potty mouth. now the former irs official calling the republicans names. the new lerner emails next. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. 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>> i know a lot of republicans, i would not name them, though they are well known people and i have heard them refer to these people in the exact same manner. many of them are elected members of congress, in fact. i'm not sure that this necessarily shows anything against republicans per se or necessarily even the tea party. i think it's more about there are some rabid people out theren the left and the right. >> the problem she may have though, besides the fact that she is doing this on vacation, is that it does show that she is not -- if she wants to say that she is or the of independent, fair, doesn't have any problems with people. it's a tough sell. >> lois lerner cannot complain about being held in contempt when she clearly full of contempt. as irs commissioner she makes a prime time nbc host. slow lerner. >> member of congress fed up with the tea party. you know this is how they there are plenty. >> her job is to adjudicate. >> emails as well, which not exactly something that, you know -- >> -- yeah. not who has used the a word. should somebody who has authority over who gets investigated by the irs look at one said of the country sand say they are all that way. >> we don't know that she only looks at one side of the country that way. >> there are republicans who think this. >> >> but they are not running the irs right now. >> neither is she now. >> have this opinion and not necessarily be going after people. >> how about this one? this one, kirsten, here you go, kirsten. >> defamed very badly, i don't think this is the smoking gun. >> here, defend this one. so we don't need to worry about alien terrorists. it's our own crazies that will take us down. >> being sar cass -- sarcastic. i have heard plenty of republicans talk about the far right this way. i know you have too. i know you are playing dumb right now. >> i'm every bit as dumb as i seem at this moment. i don't use taxpayer email to do those things. i'm not paid by the taxpayers. i don't have authority over people to do that. >> i think that this in itself, exactly right. she also took a swipe at left wing people as well. making fun of europeans complaining about the united states. >> she can't audit your. >> if i am representing her, i would think if okay now i'm trying to make her look like fair. she doesn't have an ax to grind. executing her job. someone comes in and like dumping a truck load of manure in my lap because now i have got these emails where our taxpayer dollars looming charges u.k. on vacation and calling one particular side of the political spectrum that she has the authority to investigate all these horrible things. that's a tough sell. >> if you in fact think that's a tea party. >> if that's the wacko wing of the republican party then you are right. then this would be a smoking gun. tough decision to be in jury to the congress when she meant wacko she didn't mean tea party. the people that she is targeting. it's just a tell tough sell. >> we are not in disagreement this is bad for her and looks really bad. i think that -- i don't think-i think there are plenty of people who say this kind of stuff who would not then go in and investigate people. >> i think it's fair to say when lois lerner is back in the news it's not good for lois lerner at this point. >> i just like the term potty mouth though. >> so much other evidence, frankly that you don't necessarily need this to nail lois lerner. there is enough evidence that she was, you know, not behaving in a fair manner. >> i agree that this is not -- these emails are not evidence of a crime. they are evidence of bias, which is very unhelpful to her. anyway. i'm taking the last word. pam. thank you. coming up, what has women all over the world, including the two women sitting here with me outraged and probably laughing? they are laughing at the same time. i'm going to tell you off-the-record, of course next. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. deadly ebola virus spreading in east after from can a. isolated for exposure to the virus and the peace corps now evacuating other volunteers from liberia. guinea. aid workers for ebola. sources telling fox news adam housley that high level talks are underway to bring the two americans back to the united states. few facilities in the u.s. equipped to treat ebola patients. let's all go off-the-record for answer in. what are these women laughing about? [ laughter ] >> >> that's a great question. [ laughter ] >> >> what is so funny? i don't know for sure. but chances are they could just be laughing at the deputy prime minister of turkey. they may have heard what he thinks. he says a woman should not laugh outloudly in public and quote preserve her decency at all times. men who laugh in public are decent and women who laugh in public are, well, not decent. that's what the deputy prime minister of turkey thinks. that is funny. [ laughter ]


Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20141121 11:00:00

welcome back. let's get a check on the day ahead. president obama will follow up on the immigration announcement with a visit to nevada.announce. and the capitol christmas tree arrives in washington, d.c., the tree hails from minnesota this year, and it will be lit on december 2nd, that is it, "morning joe" starts right now. >> if you register, pass a criminal background check and you are willing to pay your fair share of of taxes you will be able to apply to stay in the country without the fear of deportation, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law, all we are saying is, we are not going to deport you, the critics of this action call it amnesty, it's not. it's the immigration system we have today. >> good morning, it's friday, november 21st, and welcome to "morning joe," can you believe it's friday? it sort of has been a long week. that was president last night. amazing speech. we have political analyst and visiting professor at nyu, former democratic congressman, hear old ford, jr. did you do wiell? >> he gave a good speech. >> controversial? >> no doubt. >> and morning. good to have you on board for just this reason. and the host ofof -- before we t to immigration and the big conversation about that, we want to start this morn onning in up-state new york where massive snow storm is going wrap up finally after pounding the buffalo region for the last few days. it has been breaking news over the past 36 hours. it has been blamed for ten deaths after dropping up to 7 feet in some area of snow. roof collapses are a major concern, with warmer temperatures this weekend expected and flooding will be an issue as well. lester holt has more on this . >> reporter: more than 100 patients had to be evacuated when the roof showed signs of weakening. >> there's potential for collapse. >> reporter: two dozen people driven from the roads by white-out conditions and deep snow has been holed up in the wall mrt store since tuesday. >> could not ask for a better place to be stranded. >> reporter: from the air, we could see the area painted in white, rooftops looked like they are slathered in whip cream. we can count dozens of cars that were stopped in their tracks, buri buried in snow, the roof is barely visible. even as road crews make progress, there's neighborhoods still can cut-off, surrounded by chest deep snow. we went down one street on foot where we could only shout a conversation. have you ever seen it like this? >> i have never seen it like this, i have lived here my whole life. >> reporter: the officials are doing their best to reach those with emergencies and are reminding hope-bound residents to take precautions. >> you are looking theity buffalo bills stadium. it's covered in snow, the schedule game on sunday has been moved to monday night in ford field in detroit. they were trying to get people to shovel it out, it's impossible at this point. let's bring in bill with the latest, bill? >> the snow totals are off the chart. the highest total we have in is over 7 feet of snow in this three-day event. it's really two storms that were separated by one day. all through theier, hamburg was 80 inches, orchard park where the stadium was cloelocated, it was -- a front end loader dug this woman out, and this is just from her driveway, you can see her son went out to climb the mountain of snow in her front yard. this is what they will deal with all winter long, it will be there all season. we will melt considerably, we will up to 61 on monday, it will be humid out there too, so that melts the snow faster. a half inch of rain, we are worried about flooding. worse damage was done by the snow and the wet of the snow. we will watch it as with we go through the weekend and good news is over the weekend, warm air builds across the country. we are two weeks of january type weather and it's over with after today. >> all right, bill, we will be in touch with you, we have the big news now this morning out of w with a, in the words of president obama, we were strangers once too. last night that speech to the nation the president made the emotional case for wide ranger immigration reform. but with a nod to the political blow-back that lies ahead. he heads to las vegas today to curoccucurry favor for the acti. it is intended to protect human trafficking victim. it will remove barriers for foreign workers to come here and work and stay longer, especially in the high tech industry. and the center piece will prevent the deportation of 5 million americans. he has argued that every president since eisenhower has taken action on immigration, it is clear that he is aware of the politics aa head. >> don't let the disagreement on a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. it's not how the democracy works. >> okay, javier, let's look at how the "new york times," first line, president obama chose -- >> you know, i think first and foremost, our association, the 3.2 million hispanic in the country that collectively contribute billions of dollars in the economy stand in support of the president's action. it's not the action that anybody hoped for. >> i understand that, you and i are on the same page, could he have waited? could he have given them a deadline? what would have changed this this deadline? >> he could have, but the reality of it is, there's a bipartisan bill that has sat in congress now for over a year. and we prefer some action versus no action at all. >> ray suarez, when do you think? >> there was risk involved by the president, but it may have been a bigger risk to way longer. the president has been calling for congress to act on this for a long time, for years in fact. congress could not even fas dream act, which for a long time was considered the low hanging fruit of immigration reform. if you could not take the most sympathetic immigrants, people that were brought here as babes in arms in many cases and make them safe from deportation, what could you accomplish? the house had a long time to do something on it and did nothing. the president was advised by many to act earlier and he didn't. the clock was running and he was under pressure too. >> and the republicans are sounding the alarm. >> they are insensed about this. the top leaders are using the president's own words against him now. >> the president said before, he is not kin. and he is not an emperor, but he is sure acting like one, and he is doingi ining it at a time wh american people want us to work together. >> he was talking about immigration, and i know that some wish i could by-pass congress and change the law myself. but that is not how democracy works. indeed, mr. president, it isn't. >> previous comments were looked at on executive author aity, an they said it's false that his position has changed. it will embolden more desperate people to make the often deadly crossing from the united states -- to the united states from mexico it is said. and there's division on how best to respond to the president. some are pushing for budget strikes and others are dangling the idea of a shutdown and some are not fully ruling out impe h impeachment. >> we can defund areas of president obama's lawlessness, so we should do so, use the power of the purse. >> are you worried about the political blow-back on the republicans if they do that? >> not if it's targeted and limited. what are we talking? it's not government shutdown or anything drastic. >> third would be kuth out the appropriations bill. i don't want to could the last thing. nobody wants to do the "i" word, the president has thrown us in to the situation. >> you hear caution. lindsey graham is cautious saying if you make it about us, then it's not about the president and immigration. they can pass their own law that the president can vito. >> and the president said do it. pass the bill. >> first of all, i think the substance of what the president said, spot on. these are steps that should have been taken, his timing is wrong, however. i think it would probable have been better to give the republican new congress three months to act to it, and lay it out, and if they didn't, the president could still act on executive action. you have to wonder, there will be ramifications for this. the republicans warned before this happened and the president is taking a big risk on other parts of other important parts of the agenda being enacted. now this issue is important. and it may end up being the only issue that gets done over the next several months. hopefully the republicans are not equally silly and shutdown government or try to impeach the president. the democrats in the congress could have negative blow-back from this. >> do you feel the timing was provocative? putting the republicans in a place where they always do, trying to knock down what he has always done, instead of doing something productive. which he could have given them time to do. >> no doubt, it's provocative. >> the reality is that there's an amazing hispanic electorate that is growing by leaps and bounds. many turn 18 and become an eligible voter. every 30 seconds, a hispanic turns 18 and becomes a voter. the republicans have a chance here to illustrate leadership to this electorate, and finish what has begun long before president obama came along. >> ray, do you think the republicans will see it as an opportunity? >> no, but in some ways the president painted them in the corner. it's true when the president said that what he has done is limited. it is only in effect for the life of his administration. it can be rescinded by the next president or over ridden by legislation. but do the republicans want to aggressively move to break up families and start sending people home by using their legislative tools that they have been reluctant to use so far. do they want to do that? the president cannot make them legal, and he didn't do that last night. all he did was move them to the back of the line for waiting to be deported. he the cannot regularize their status, he didn't do it. do the republicans want to move in and say, sorry, buddy, you want to get on the next plane. >> i know it's a question with a long answer. give me a quick one and distil it down, what is your in my opinion? what do you think had hispanics and latinos in general are looking for, what is a sound immigration policily? >> you know, i think something comprehensive and permanent is what everyone is looking for. we are an organization that is focusing on economic development and the commercial and economic interest of the nation. anything that helps entrepreneurs and small business in the country is what we are looking for. this is not what anybody hoped for, there's an opportunity here to illustrate demonstrate lly d needed leadership. >> we will talk more about what is brewing on this after the president's comments last night t white house is pushing forward for the pick of the top treasury post. the administration has no plans to pull back on the nomination of antonio weise. it's said that he helped companies avoid taxes by moving money overseaoverseas. it's time for president to loosen the hold that wall street banks have over this issue warren's growing power is described as a test. and liberals are showing strong support for the massachusetts democrat. she tops hilary clinton in a poll. she has popularity on the left. and the far, far left for sure. bill cosby is scheduled to take the stage tonight for a performance as the lift of women accusing him of sexual assault grows. a 57-year-old florida nurse said cosby drugged and raped her in las vegas when she was 19. but she continued to see him and later asked for and received thousands of dollars from him. >> he changed the course of my life. instead of empowering me like he said he does to people. he made me a victim and a all my life i have been a victim because of this. and that doesn't go away for all of the days of my life. >> the wife of the incredible hulk actor, lou ferrigno is speaking out, she claims that cosby try to force himself on her in his home and she was able to get away. and new york daily news has an interview with another woman that said the comedian lured her in to a hotel room in 1992, and assaulted her. and an actress who appeared in one flew over the cucoo's nest said she was assaulted. the attorney for bill cosby said we have reached the point of absurdity, the stories are getting more and more ridiculous. the producers of "the cosby show" are break their silence saying the accusations are beyond our knowledge or comp hengz. cosby is scheduled to give a stand up performance tonight, he did not address the allegations last night in his performance. in the past, cosby has denied allegations made by other women, and has never really been criminal charged. >> he is going to have to come out is and say something at some point. it's getting away from him. if these allegations are true, it's obviously horrible. but that ap interview he did a couple of nights ago, he on camera ask today correspondent to edit out the question and his response to this. >> he did not respond. >> he did not respond, he told h them to take out the question. none of it is proven, but so far, they are allegations, he needs to talk about it. >> josh ernest, congressman aaron shock and actress brooke shields with her new memoire, and a thanksgiving day the communicate. you are watching "morning joe." 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(vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. >> all right, it's time to hook at the morning papers business insider. this is interesting, a walmart in oklahoma is holding a food collection for its own employees. according to the store manager, idea of the food drive came from an employee who wanted to help co-workers experiencing hardship. critics say the drive is proof walmart does not pay it's employees enough, the the company maintains that the it's simply employees taking care of each other, the average hourly wage is $11.73. >> they did it last year to too. >> yeah. >> the executive editor of the "new york times" may launch a new journalist website with the huffington post, it will feature lengthy articles on a monthly basis. >> the "wall street journal" better call saul, it's said to air on sunday, february 8th the the new show will run for ten episodes and amc has given the greenlight for another season ghmpt exciting. >> love him. >> suspended vikings running back adrian peterson appears to show the remorse that commissioner rodger goodell said was lacking. he said that he will never use a switch on his child. he said that no one knows how i felt when i turned my child around after spanking him, and seeing what i had left on his leg. no one knows that dad sat there and apologized to him and hugged him and told him how sorry i was. he hopes to return to the vikings and he is looking forward to meet face to face with goodell to share his regret in person. >> all right, usa today, thanksgiving travel is expected to reach the highest level since 2007. aaa estimates 46 million people will travel at 50 miles or more to celebrate the holiday, that is up 4.2% from last year. gas had hs reached the lowest ll in four years. down $.43 since 2013. you driving anywhere? >> no. you have any advice to what people should pack this season? >> their patience. >> a marine was shot by a sniper bullet, he will do today what he thought was impossible. he will walk across the stage to receive his bronze star. he will retire from the marine corp and receive a bronze star, he will use a robotic exoskeleton that will allow him to stand and walk theity ceremony today the. >> that is beautiful. coming up, he led the republicans to several big victories but what does new jersey governor chris christie have to show for it? >> plus, the must-read opinion pages, we will be right back with more "morning joe." ♪ it's not about how many miles you can get out of the c-max hybrid. it's about how much life you can fit into it. ♪ the ford c-max hybrid. with an epa-estimated range of 540 miles on a tank of gas. and all the room you need to enjoy the trip. go stretch out. go further. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? 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i would like to believe the man i met is incapable of such montsrous acts, but his stoney silence is making it hard to keep the faith. to your point, i think he needs to say something. and that puts it in perspective why people are having a hard time talking about this. he has done amazing transformative things for society. his life and his work means so much to so many families and to black and white americans in terms of understanding each other and bridging the gap, fair? >> no doubt, he broke barriers. look, he has to answer this at some point, these allegations continue, it's not one or 10. >> and you don't know if it's a pile on. >> the argument i say it so carefully -- . >> gene said it well. >> there's nothing proved. nothing proved. no convictions, just allegations. but there are a lot of them at this point. peggy noonan. >> let's move, the nihlst, the bomb white house assumes it will happen to them, thus they can do pretty much what they want. what they forget is that facts largely decide what the history thinks. history will be written by liberals, fair enough and they will judge harshly because he has failed to do anything to last. keystone will pass and a veto overridden and the president has failed liberals through unpopularity which is another word for incompetence, ray, obviously not a fan of the president, what do you think of the piece? >> i think there's a lot of chapters to be written this the obama presidency. she makes the point that liberals are disappointed and i think they are. i talk to them and they say, how come he will not go big. the people on the other side are people that will not agree with anything. how come he comes in prebaked and willing to compromised no matter what he says, the people that consider themselves his political opponents are never going to give him an inch. they cannot understand why the president precompromises, comes in at his final number and then sees that start to tear down. >> all right, we are going to bring in chief white house correspondent for political michael ennow, with the morning playbook. one of the lead stories this morning, j governor chris christie is finding little 2016 support from his fellow governors. >> govern eor christy was a gra sl slam, was a big part of his comeback story. he raised $100 million traveling the country can. but at the big annual meeting, jake sherman asked some of the governors that he helped elected, if governor christie runs for president, will you elect him? those governors said he is a great guy, but we are not going to commit to him yet, he can run if he wants to. he got a lot out of this. he said that he does not begrudge the governors for holding back. he said, they cannot commit if i won't commit, it would be presumptuous of me to say will you back me if i sflun. >> what is the grassroots opinion of chris christie, what is the feeling about him among republicans across the country? >> well, as you know, represent cans feel he would be a very strong match up with hilary clinton. the way that one top republican said it to me, he is the only guy that hilary clinton cannot be sure she could beat. along with jeb bush. how does he get to that match up? so the question is, could he navigate iowa? people think he probably could play fine in new hampshire, it's how do you get to that match up? it would be the same issue with governor jeb bush, probably strong against hilary clinton. hard to see how he gets through a republican primary where they are not going to like his stand on immigration and common core, what the represent condition voters call obama core. >> and democrats bet big on demographics why many think the president's action on executive action in immigration will pay off in a big way. what are they saying? >> it pulls back the curtain on what happened last night and makes the point that it's a bet on the emerging voting groups. socially progressive younger voters and latino hispanic voters. democrats, the president's party may face a backlash among white voters in the south, and in to the rust belt for the immigration action, but in a state like virginia and florida, both so important in a presidential race of course you have populations there where it will be popular. >> michael en, itke -- mike all. it's friday. >> it friday! >> this is -- i'm going read this, i'm going deeper, okay, she said this, and harold, i want to know what could be done avoid this. in recent years president obama has repeatedly turned to nominees with close ties to wall streelt for high level positions. the president's choice for treasure t treasury's highest position, and the president tabbed stanley fisher, a bank of america executive, was put in charge of international trade in the commerce department. the two recent picks for commodities futures trading commission, are lawyers that spent their careers representing big financial institutions. she guess on to say, it's time for the obama administration to loosen the hold that wall street banks have over economic policy making. sure, big banks are important, but running this economy for american femaamilies is a lot m important. >> her premise is right, but if the wall street bankers are dominating the administration, they are doing a poor job of drafting policy for wall street, because wall street is complaining. they raise the point of what liberals are thinking. government does not work if one group thinks they are going to control it. it's wrong to think that. there's nothing wrong with compromise. elizabeth warren can say she is opposed to the nominees that the president put forward. but i would challenge conservatives and liberals alike to call this president an over compromiser or precompromiser if he deserved that title, that would be a good thing. that means we get more things done in washington. one of the things that i think the times is off, i think the president could have gotten more from the republicans before doing this, i would love to see the minimum wage increase. >> right, where are the bargaining chips being used? >> i don't think they are being used effectively. liberals complain that he is not liberal enough and he should put more on the table. look, government should work, it's main function is to work for every family, regardless of how much they lobby. >> in terms of platform, it does not work. >> elizabeth warren should push, push the minimum wage, if you want to work with republicans and you think he is compromising too much, layout a plan that will allow democrats and liberals alike to get more of what they want. i don't see enough of that coming out of the liberal wing of my party and for that matter even the white house at times. >> do you think elizabeth warren has a point? >> i think she does and to the congressman's point, it's all about moving forward the president has done what he can in the areas he is called upon. there's no surprise in what he is doing. he signaled all the things long before he took action. >> up next on "morning joe," linda sanchez who was just elected new chair of the hispanic caucus and brooke shields will join us. you are watching "morning joe," don't go away. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? 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>> the house gop made a promise that they would take up the issue of immigration reform and they did not come through on the promise. the step last night was a huge step forward and it may propel them to sit down and think seriously about proposing something. because they have done nothing. and so, i think in the grand scheme of things -- >> but isn't it a step forward politically? because might he have said, look, i'm going to do this, unless you and then given them time to pass a bill? >> we have been waiting more than 500 days. that is more than a year for the republicans in the house to put up a bill on a yes or no vote. all they have to do is schedule the vote. they don't have to write something, it was worked out overwhelmingly passed in the senate on a bipartisan basis. that is democrats and republicans. and he promised, the speaker promised he would take it up and then back tracked on that. so, you know, republicans have never really wanted to work with the president. they want to thwart attempts to move the country forward and take care of our country's business and then when nothing gets done because they fail exercise leadership, they love to point the finger of blame at others. the fact of the matter is, the president has been urging the speaker of the house for more than a year to put something on the floor. and it has not happened. and you know, these sudden, you know, cries from the republicans side, we need more time, we need more night titime, it's disinge >> i'm not saying that they are whining, i'm wondering in the president's decision was politically strategic? >> well -- >> i'm asking ray, hold on, and then it will go to you. >> >> he set a high bar for himself. he had promised action when he began this congress if the house did not act. the house did not act, many people were urging him to make this announcement before the just completed elections. he didn't do it. now, the pressure was really going to rachet up and he moved. >> all right, harold ford, jr.? >> congresswoman sanchez, good mo morning. >> good morning. >> we heard people say he acted how he did last night, do you take them at their word that it poisons the well and may make it difficult to move and find progress on other issues from either the minimum wage to energy to health care to other issues that are important to the democratic caucus? >> i will tell you that i don't believe that there was ever any intention to really compromise and sit down and try the to work on areas where we can find common ground and i think they look for excuses not to really work with the president on the business that the country needs to get to. >> right. >> you talk about tax reform this year. i sieve on the -- i serve on the ways and means committee, we tried to work with the republican chairman of the committee to try to get it done and it was their side that derailed the attempt and not the democrats. they promise, we want to really work on this and we need more time and the reality is they don't have any intention of trying to compromise and workout differences in areas where we may have common ground. >> all right. >> and i think they use the issue of immigration to do what, you know, secretly they want to do anyway, which is just try to thwart attempts to get anything moving in the congress. >> all right. >> congresswoman linda sanchez, thank you for being up early with us. we appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. >> javier, let's take it all told, does the action the president took make the comprehensive immigration reform, everyone agrees it needs to take place, and disagrees on how to get there, does it make it more likely or less likely to get something done next year? >> sadly the only thing more broken than our immigration system is our congress. i hope and pray that there will be leadership from both sides of the aisle. they need to work collaboratively to find an answer for the american people. >> do you think it will happen? >> i surely hope so and i think the american business has spoken loudly on this, small business has. voices like lowell mcadams at verizon, randal stevenson in at&t and goldman sachs have called for clarity and movement forward, we want immigration reform. >> thank you very much, both of you for being on this morning. coming up next, one of our favorite jimmy kimmel bits. celebrities reading mean tweets about themselves. we will be right back. 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[ bleep ]. >> lisa kudrow, generally tickled. i liked her reaction. >> and brittney spears. >> she was too. >> who gains the most from president obama's decision to act alone on immigration. and then, in buffalo, the end of that massive snow storm is in sight, but up state new york still has a long way to go to recover. and from a controversial nude scene at the age of 11 to that memorable calvin klein campaign where nothing came between her and her calvins, she sits down, more "morning joe," minutes away. d: hey dad, who was that m? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. ♪ getting used to wexler in my ear, sunrise over d.c., i got it, thank you, wex, welcome back to "morning joe." harold ford, jr., and thomas roberts is here with me at the desk and matt lewis is here with us. >> a die-hard orioles fan. >> is he? >> yes. >> i kind of like him for that. i love baltimore. >> we love him for it. >> i need to get the hopkins mug, i need to get it out of my bag. a massive snow storm is going to wrap up after poupdi inpounding buffalo region. the storm is now blamed for ten delega deaths. flooding will be an issue as well. nbc meteorologist dylan dreier will join us. >> it is amazing when we talk to dill skpylan and bill, what is , the temperatures, we will see that they go from 21 in just about three days up to 60 plus. >> oh, my lord. >> so there will be flooding issues. and roof concerns for so many homes. >> this is still very much a developing story, i think what the after affects of this will be playing out for days. all right, let's get to the big, big news on immigration this morning. last night in a speech to the nation, the president made the emotional case for wide ranging immigration reform, with a nod to the political blow-back that lies ahead. the president heads to las vegas to curry favor for the plan that he said focuses on deporting felons not families. the white house said that the plan shifts resources to the border and extreme -- stream lines immigration reform. it will allow workers to come here and work longer especially in the high tech industry. and it protects 5 million people. he argued that every president since eisenhower has taken executive action on immigration, it's clear he is a wear of the politics ahead. >> do not be a disagreement on a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. that's now how democracy works and congress should not shutdown the government because we disagree on this. >> republicans are outragesed and the presidents top leaders are using his words against him. >> the president has said before he is not kin, and he is not an emperor, but he is acting like one. and he is doing it in a time when the american people want nothing more than for us to work together. >> he was talking about immigration that day. i know that some wesh i could by-pass congress and change the law myself. but that is not how democracy works. indeed, mr. president, it isn't. >> it was looked at the previous comments on executive authority and what he is saying now. according to the site, it is false when he said his had position has not changed. but there's division among the gop on how best to respond to the president. many top legislators and governors are considering legal action. some are pushing for budget strikes and others have dangled the idea of a shutdown and others still won't fully rule out impeachment. >> appropriation bill is one area where the senate and congress can prioritize spending and we can defund areas of president obama's lawlessness and we should do so, so use the power of the purse. >> are you worried about the political blow-back on the republicans if they do it some. >> not if it's targeted and limited. what are we talking about? denying a couple of million dollars in spending in month, it's not threatening government shutdown or anything drastic. >> third would be to cut out of the appropriation's bills those funds that would fund this, that is the progressive effort of this moving forward. but, i don't want to do the last thing, i don't want to do the " "i" word. >> some republicans urge caution, lindsey graham said if you over react, it becomes about us and not about president obama. matt lewis, is the president acting like an emperor or what could he have done to prompt action like he did last night? >> well, the emperor word is something that president obama brought up. that comes from him. i know, everybody is going to talk and say the republicans are calling him that that, he has said multiple times that this is not legal. what he did last night and what he said he was going to do was beyond his purview as president. and congress would have to do it and he said i'm not an emperor i can't do that. i think there's a temptation for republicans to kind of use his language against him. it's a bad idea probably. i think i'm with the majority of americans on this. i think most of the policies are good policies, but the problem is that the way our system works the way democracy works is, this has to go through the legislative process. that is best for everybody. >> it not going to happen, matt, and i'm not going -- i'm trying not to -- you know what side of this i'm on. but it's -- do you think something would have happened had the president not done what he did last night? do you think we would have had a bill? come on, nothing would have happened. do we agree on that? >> i don't think, well with, it's hard to tell what might have happened over time. i agree that not within the next couple of weeks or even months. but i think it's less likely now that we will have a bipartisan consensus on this. where people like me, who have been arguing in favor of immigration reform actually now have a harder time making the argument to conservatives and republicans because of the over-reach. he has poisoned the well on it. >> couldn't they approximatespa? >> i think it's a disservice to hispanics ultimately. the fundamental problem, i think, is the precedent it sets. if a president can just rewrite had this law, what can't a president do? and so -- >> but you are acting like it has never happened before and it's an incredibly strange. it has happened before. the presidents have issued executive orders before. >> i think it's unprecedented. if you look at what president reagan did, i'm proud he tackled immigration reform. when ronald reagan and george hw bush tweaked the law, that is different, they were operating on a law that had recently passed and they were fixing sort of using their authority to make fixes to a law that congress had just approved. vastly different than what president obama is doing. there's no law for him to base these on. and in fact, he is going against what the voters just told him two weeks ago. >> i'm picking on matt, harold ford, jr., i don't mean to, couldn't the republicans still do something in response to this that would produce results? >> one would hope that is the reaction. >> i think they could. >> let's layout a couple of facts. this is good policy that the president laid out and what he has done is different than what he said he was going to do, because he said that he could not act alone. th matt is correct. and it will have affect on other legislation in the congress. which is a equal and bigger concern of mine. taxes, health care, energy, minimum wage, there's a number of things and the president will need republicans support on the continuing avalanche of foreign policy changes. the timing is a little provocati provocative, was it the right time to do it should he have given congress time? and if they did not act, he acts. that is a legitimate question and one had the white house has to answer, particularly if they cannot get other things advanced. >> let's try and be productive. everyone could find something wrong with what has happened and how the republicans are responding and we can sit and argue about that. but matt, could the new republican congress, maybe perhaps respond with a bill? >> well, look, i think they could and i think they should. i mean, the problem is, i think that president obama was trolling republicans, i think that what he has been hoping to do is to actually, i believe that the democrats essentially want to own, they want to be the party of immigration reform. and that by doing this, he actually makes it harder for people like me who believe in immigration reform. and i think the danger is republicans will over react. and it does not even have to be a leadership. it could just be a back bench member of congress that says something horrible now that will dominate. so my advice is look, i think republicans should tune it out and go about doing their business and i think they should pass a series of immigration reform bills that can start with border security, but they cannot end there. it has to continue. i personally believe in a path way to citizenship. assuming people meet all sorts of criteria along the way. >> don't tell anyone i agree with a lot of what you are saying. first, you have some news on the form president, jimmy carter? >> it's great that matt talks about the context of former presidents and when executive orders have happened in the past, we sat down with jimmy carter, former president, in a wide ranging discussion and they discussed everything from voting laws to edward snowden and recurring criticism on the right. >> john mccain, reaching for the worst possible insult for president obama earlier this year said this, i have never seen anything like this in my life, i thought jimmy carter was bad, but he pales in comparison to this president in my opinion. the serious question is, what does it feel like and what is your response to these moments of being used as an insult? your legacy being used a as an insult? >> that is a compliment for me coming from a war -- i was lucky enough when i was president to keep our country at peace and to provide peace for others. i was lucky enough to go through my four years, with he never dropped a bomb or fired a missile or shot a bullet. >> wow, okay. here with us now from washington we have nbc news political director and moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd, who is the author of the stranger, barack obama in the white house. i wonder when you watch today president if he adhered to the narrative in your book as opposed to being consiliatory, do you feel he had no choice? >> he well, yes, of course was politically provocative. they knew they were doing that and i think there was different clae calculations that they made. i think they regret that they waited. i think the senate democrats over panicked and over reacted, and they are right, had he announced it this earlier, some would have lost by big more points. there's regret that they did not do it sooner. they worried about credibility with hispanic activists and he put the republicans in the box. they have control of congress. you know, that line, pass a bill. look, i think there's people that are going be okay with the policy that was announced and not like how he went about doing it. right? so, that's the box the republicans are in because what he announced is not something that is offensive to the american people. what they don't like is how he went about doing it. they wish washington do it in a more functional manner, all of those things. but the policy itself is not that unpopular, which is why i think it does put the onus on the republicans they have to put their money where their mouth is. >> chuck, good morning, harold ford, you look at congress and how they behave and treat the president. the president traveled to china and announced that the internet should be regulated like an old telephone monopoly that angered congress. and he now takes this step, what does it mean going forward, play it 3 to 6 months going forward. other important issues and obviously the avalanche of foreign policy challenges, does the president now have not only a different congress and republican congress to deal w perhaps a more polarized congress to deal with in the coming months? >> it could, it will be interesting to see how mcconnell a and boehner handle their base. it's the base conservatives that would like to be more aggressive. they feel the president is being away aggressive against them. fight fire with fire, if it means using the power of the purse, threatening government showdowns when it comes to funding, so beit. now the leadership does not want that. they are kind of hoping that the way to challenge the president, have the lawsuit, maybe it's the state of texas, constituent of ok -- state of oklahoma, but states are pondering the idea of suing the president over it and trying to get the courts to do it. but i don't know if it changes the relationship with -- i guess i just don't believe that things would be any better or worse if he did this now or didn't. >> all right, we have one more for you, chuck, this is on obama-care. thomas? >> the department of health and human services acknowledging that it made acceptable mistakes for including dental plans. this error added 380 dental subscribers to the roles raising the total sign ups to over 7 million. once the numbers were readjusted it puts the enrollment below. and the administration was using the number as the benchmark goal. the cbo set it out there. this error came to light through the house oversight and government reform committee. this is adding insult to injury after all of the gruber comments have come to light and the numbers have been a lynch pin of bragging rights, so how do they spin it? >> they have to have a better second year number. i think at the end of the day, 6.7 to 7.1, if they are within 400,000, or 500,000, of the second is year number, it's not such a big deal. now they revise the second year estimate down, and now this is being revised down. they have to start worrying that they have -- that they've got a marketing issue here with the plan itself. but, you know -- >> all right. >> i think it proves that they are not anti-dentites. >> that is it. there you go. thank you very much. chuck, what do you have on "meet the press" on sunday? >> we are going to do a lot of focus on immigration and do a look at energy and how it is totally changed some of our foreign policy attack whattacks comes to iran and russia and our economy here at home. >> we will be watching that sunday morning on "meet the press." thank you. come canning up, aaron shock and brooke shields and we go live to a snow weary buffalo to say the least. where dylan is standing by somewhere underneath the snow banks. josh earnest is our guest. you are watching "morning joe," we will be right back. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. ♪ my fellow americans, we are and always be a nation of immigrants. we were striangers once too and whether our forebarers crossed the pacific or the rio grand, we are here because the country welcomed them in and taught us that being american is more than what we look like, what our last names are or how we worship. >> that does not sound like an emperor to me, it sounds like a leader. good to have you back on the show, gary. he is the co-author of latino america, how america's most dynamic population is poised to transform the politics of the nation. what do you think the impact of the president's action will be if the republicans don't come back in kind with the bill? >> i think in the short-term, it's going to dramatically improve the lives of a lot of people who are here just trying to earn a living and support their family. it's going to protect them from the threat of deportation and the threat of family division. i think it's going to be a big political win for the president, in terms of support for his party's success on the democratic ticket. >> some of the things that republicans have said in the last few days and they screamed about last night, i happen to agree that the presidents remarks were on point. some feel it's going to serve as an invitation for people to come to the border with the hopes that they will be legal. do you think it's a valid criticism of the president? >> i don't think it's a legitimate criticism, it suggests that any action that addresses the situation of the 11 million undocumented in the united states would create more undocumented. the policy is very clear. that it does not address anyone who has been here a short period of time and it prioritizes deport tagzs, folks that arrived after january 1st of this year and it redirects border enforcement to the border to try to make sure that no additional people cross. so, i think it's actually a rational policy. if the idea is that if you do anything about the undocumented that you invite more the only logical solution is to do nothing forever and i don't think that is viable. >> do you think the president should have programmed tried to work behind scenes with congress before taking bold action? >> i think that that's a talking point from the right. but i don't think it's a realistic view. to believe that that would have worked is to believe that a republican congress, which has been obstructionist for four years is taking control of the senate and going to be in the mood for more compromise. the house of representatives has had 500 days plus to act on a bipartisan senate bill or offer their own and they have done absolutely nothing. >> gary, thank you very much. we want to go to the white house now, white house press secretary josh ernest joins us now. josh, let's get right to the heart of the fight. >> let's do it. >> the republicans blasted the president ahead of his address, using his own words against him. take a listen, boehner/mcconnell. >> the president said he is not an emperor, but he is sure acting like one. and he is doing it in a time when the american people want us to work together. >> he was talking about immigration that day. i know that some wish that i could bypass congress and change the law myself. but that's not how democracy works. indeed mr. president, it isn't. >> okay, but this is not democracy working either. first of all, is he acting like an emperor, it is a new congress, should he have gone behind the scenes and said, let's see if we can work together and give a window of time and come up with something and pass it? >> i will say a couple of things. if he was a king or e in mperor, he would have implemented the bipartisan senate bill that passed the law 500 days ago. he asked the attorney general to review the authority he had under the law and he used every element of the law within the confines of the law to reform the immigration system. and that is what he did last night and it's entirely consistent with the way that the president bush, president george hw bush tried to address that when they were president. as it relates to waiting to the next congress, 2 or 3 days after the mid term elections, speaker boehner was asked if he intended to bring i mmigration reform to the new congress. he would not commit to doing so it's a clear indication that we cannot wait for them to act to this. we need something acted to right now and the president delivered last night. >> i found parts of the speech to be beautiful as it pertained to what this country is businessbusiness -- is based on and the concepts and immigrants. having said that, he lectured the republicans and we got lectures back from the other side and we are hearing lectures on both sides. is it warmer behind the scenes, how do we get to a point where we get action that is not just one side kicking the other over the edge? >> i mean, as it relates to the president's speech right now, i do think that everyone who watched the speech last night could tell that the president was speaking to the heart. he was talking about the values that animated his commitment to public life for the last couple of deck a aades and he was talk about what he believes the united states of america can and should be. i think the steps he announced last night are consistent with those values, those are the kind of values that the democrats and republicans across the country can will say they share, and people that did not vote for the president or are supporters of the president understand how the steps that he announced last night are consistent with the kinds of of values that we embrace as americans. >> what is that -- at this point, since we are here, almost -- what is happening behind the scenes? has he reached out to republicans? is there any attempt to negotiate on this or is that over on this point? >> well, i think we consider the announcement that the president made last night a first step in trying to fix the broken immigration system. the president is standing ready to work with democrats and republicans. we have a good temporalate for that. we have a great template for the congress to take up legislation and work with the administration and try to advance it through the senate and the house. the president would be happy to do that. it would be good for the economy and good for job creation and good for border security and good for reducing the deficit. there's a whole host of reasons to make progress on a piece of common sense legislation like that. and the president is ready to do it. if the congress passes legislation, the president will rip up the legislation made last night. >> what about the idea that it's a change in tune and a change in substance in the president when he said he could not do it alone. how does the white house or president respond to that? >> he cannot implement the senate bill, we need the house of representatives to pass the senate bill and that means we need house republicans to stop blocking the bill. he did everything that he could within the confines of of the law to use his executive authority to repair the broken immigration system. that is not as much authority as congress has in the matter. what the president did yesterday was of consistent with steps that were taken by president george hw bush, and president reagan. what president obama did is consistent with what president reagan did. when bush tried to fix broken aspects of the system, expanded legislation that congress passed to include 40% of the undocumented population in the country at that time. so, president george hw bush took a sweeping step to try to address problems president obama did the same thing last night. >> all right, josh ernest, good to see you, thank you very much. >> thank you for the opportunity guys. have a good friday. >> thanks, you too, coming up actress brooke shields remembers her remarkable career and how her relationship with her mother had a major influence on it and first, more than 7 feet of snow. there she is! very good. dylan dreyer is right there in the thick of it. there's no angel in 7 feet of snow. she is a an angel, a live report from buffalo new york, next. and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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in the entertainment section and in the automotive section. when we left, we got stuck too. a plow helped ous out of the walmart parking lot. the buffalo bills will have to hit the road as well. the game against the jets has been moved to someplace that is not in snow. and the nfl has announced that the game will be played monday night in detroit in ford field, which is a domed field, so snow will not be an issue and as for the people in the walmart, they can dig out their car cs today, but there's travel bans so they cannot get to road until that is lifted and the concern with the flooding this week. it's one thing after another. >> i'm sure everyone is glad that the snow was over. it was like a thunderstorm of snow, cool, but -- >> yeah, it was. >> amazing stuff. >> coming up on "morning joe," it's not a question of if republicans want to block the president's decision on immigration, it's a question of how. "morning joe" will be right back. ♪ kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem♪ ♪to say, throw care away. ♪from everywhere, filling the air♪ chex party mix. easy fifteen-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like chocolate caramel drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. you know how fast you were going? about 55. where you headed at such an appropriate speed? across the country to enhance the nation's most reliable 4g lte network. how's it working for ya? better than ever. how'd you do it? added cell sites. increased capacity. and your point is... so you can download music, games, and directions for the road when you need them. who's this guy? 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>> on what issue? >> on this issue. will there be a bill? will had there be an outcome that is consilcilitory? >> the president has blown up the trust. so, it kind of stopped any progress in the house. our hope was now, with the republican senate that no only immigration reform, but the other 380 bills that we passed with bipartisan votes in the house will get to the senate and get to the president's desk so we can negotiate. >> josh earnest said he will rip it up if he come up with a bill. >> any immigration bill, the president said if you do not like what i have done, pass a bill. i think congress should. i have been pushing for on it. it will not be a massive bill like the senate passed. we will do a border security bill like we did had in the homeland security that passed unanimously, and a visa expansion and deal with the dream act kids. so, we have solutions on to these problems. the problem is harry reed said we are not taking your bill and the house said we are not taking the senate bill and we were in a stand still. which is why it did not get done. now after the election, we have the ability to get our ideas to the president's desk so we can negotiate with him. >> jack? >> very simple question. is the republican house caucus and the republican senate caucus now more or less charitably disposed to comprehensive immigration, i would say less. >> after his actions? >> after the election? the new republican senators from what i saw, they are not inclined to embrace anything approaching comprehensive immigration reform and i think some of the new house members are the same. and they are the ones that are going to get the most attention fairly or not. last night, if i may, last night, watching your network and fox. >> oh, that must have been fun. >> cnn was covering college costs, which is another thing. who did hannity book? michelle bachmann and he did not book you, did he? and i think -- >> that is not his fault. i mean, don't pick on aaron. he is a good guy. >> i'm sympathizing with aaron, that is not who the folks are turning to. and i can't understand -- >> that feeds to your point, the method at which the president is using that will be the distraction to getting something done. so congressman, last night in listening to the president, what was aggravating to the methodology to the president's executive action, leading with border security and leading with wanting to do immigration reform and talking about protecting american families, not felons. what was aggravating to your ear about that approach? >> what was aggravating was had that i agreed with a lot of what he said, but i did not deal with his action. his executive action tammys to do legislatively what he wants the congress to do. that is getting around the operation of powers of our congress. he talks about a visa program for people that are in college that he wants to keep. he talks about border security, additional bored security. so, this is not just another clinton, regan bush type order. it's sweeping and so what was aggravating from my standpoint was mr. president, if you really want to do those step by step issues you just outlined then come work with congress. >> what's the part, jeff, from your covering presidents over decades and the strategies for negotiation, and the behind the scenes part, is there something missing from this process, was the president's action last night provocative because it missed something else? >> what is missing is what has changed completely in washington. every time i hear the auction about well, this is what reagan and tip o'neal used to do. >> right. >> i mean, this is what clinton and newt gingrich used to do. >> everything looks good in retrospect. >> that is right. and there's a change here. you know, part of the thing that i was thinking about, was back five years ago when the republicans drew lines in the sands in first weeks after obama's inaugural, a lot of them said this is good for us, because the american power pl-- public does not like obstructionism. do you think it has hurt the republican party? >> yes. >> take a look at the mid terms. >> we have passed bills ou s ou the house. i'm tired of hearing how republicans were obstructionists, we have passed 380 bills. >> all right, willie geist sits down with brooke shields, next on "morning joe." holiday music ) hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. i'm gonna be the perfect mom. herman? just like in the movies. i'll be the one person my daughter can always trust. making memories that last a lifetime. i should totally start a blog. life can surprise you. so can an allstate agent. with accident forgiveness they can make sure your rates don't go up after one. because everyone has an off day. the good hands are doing more than ever before. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. 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(vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. . ♪ [ whistling ] that is of course one of brooke shields' legendary jean commercials, which she says she still has some in storage. she's here to talk about her new book. good morning, good to see you. >> thank you. >> the most important news out of this book, not only do you still have those jeans, they still fit you. >> my mom saved everything. she saved two pairs from that commercial. one, i gave to the met, as one does with their jeans. >> of course, old jeans. >> ah, give them to the met. the other one, they go up so far. >> well, it was a different time. >> it looks like sausage encased. >> but they fit. to your great credit. let's talk about what this book is and what it's not. >> okay. >> this is not, like, your life story. this is the story with your mother. and i think the impression that people have -- some people anyway, of your relationship with your mother, that it was kind of a mommy dearest thing. she put you in "pretty baby" when you were 12 and the commercial when you were 15. that's not really the way it was though, was it? >> it's not. i'm not trying to discredit that we did do all of those things. but the main sort of point that i was trying to make is i wasn't a victim. you know, i wasn't -- we weren't making career decisions as to what meant any difference now to the next job, to the next, the next. we were just in this business. we were sort of taking what was offered to us. if it worked, if it paid, if we were able to get a car, a house. you know. we sort of just did these willy-nilly jobs. >> was there any part of you later in life that looks back and says, ooh, "pretty baby," maybe i was too young for that? >> no, those are the more enduring pieces of art that i'm involved with. there's plenty of other things whether it's a brooke at all or a bizarre jeans campaign that failed or all of a sudden now selling shampoo or whatever the thing is, you know, that i was -- secret. underarm. you know, those are the things that i sort of look and think, that's a disconnect. how do you start with "pretty baby" and that's the trajectory of your career. that's, a, giving my mom a lot of credit for even thinking of a plan. and also thinking that, you know, there was something about those -- those particular jobs that were important. and i think we knew it. you know, we knew we were doing something unique when we did the commercials. we were making commercials that were a minute long that were supposed to be played in movie theaters. and at the last minute, they pulled then and said, oh, they'll never be advertising in movies. we were able to be at the forefront of some of that stu and that's what was fabulous about it. but that's not a sexy story. sexy story is the drunk mother who sells her daughter into prostitution. like that's the headline -- >> knowing you and how grounded you are and how in touch and present in people's lives you are with your husband and your kids. i read this book and i say, my god, look at the life she's lived. is it ever crazy to you that you didn't stumble somewhere along the way there? >> for the longest time, i didn't know why i was -- why i was graced, you know, why i was saved. why there was this sort of saving grace about it. i used to attribute it to everybody else. but i do think there was something -- i have to now start owning up to something. there's a bit in my character that will not be the victim. >> i have to ask you because there's this big chunk at the end of the book dedicated to you being at the bedside of your mother as she's dying. and it is absolutely gut wrenching when you read what you two have been through together, to say good-bye. you describe it as the moment you feared all your life. what was it like? it was during hurricane sandy. there you are, running on generators at a hospital in new york. there's your mom. you watching her leave you. >> it's nothing -- you know, i wouldn't have had it, excuse me. any other way. i knew i needed to be there because i never would have forgiven myself. but it's a horrific thing. there's no hallmark moment. you know, there's no -- and it's not even a exhale like it is in the movies. and it's -- there's something bizarre, there's something kind of freakishly funny, there's something psychotically horrible. you're watching it, thinking, okay, i'm going to get this, i'm going to understand it. i'm going to internalize it. and i don't know anything more about it now than i did before, you know, it's like ah. >> i think you turned to the nurse and said, is this it? >> yeah, she was doing -- >> she was busy. >> she had a lot on her plate that day. >> brooke, i can't say enough good things about this book and what an incredible life you and your mother had together and now what an incredible mother you are and wife and it's just been fun to get to know you. you must read this book. it's called "there was a little girl." the real story of my mother and me. thank you, brooke. we'll be right back with more "morning joe." twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. if you register, pass a criminal background check and you're willing to pay your fair share of tax, you'll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. all we're saying is we're not going to deport you. i know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. well, it's not. amnesty is the immigration system we have today. >> good morning. it is friday, november 21st. welcome to "morning joe." can you believe it's friday? it's sort of been a long week. that was the president last night. pretty amazing speech. with us on set, we have msnbc political analyst, visiting professor at nyu, harold ford jr. did the president do well? >> thought he gave a good speech. >> good speech. controversial? >> no doubt about it. >> the president and ceo of united states hispanic chamber of commerce, javier palamerez joins the table. good to have you on board for just this reason. and in washington, the host of al jazeera america's "inside story" ray suarez. thank you very much for being on this morning. before we get to i grammigratiod the big conversation about that, we want to start this morning in upstate new york where a massive snowstorm is expected to wrap up finally after pounding the buffalo region in the last few days. this has been breaking news over the past 36 hours. the storm now being blamed for at least ten deaths after dropping more than seven feet of snow in some areas. seven feet. roof collapses are a major concern. with warmer temperatures expected this weekend, flooding will be an issue as well. nbc's lester holt has more on this. >> reporter: more than 100 patients evacuated in this nursing home in chicktogowa when the roof showed signs of collapsing. >> there's a potential for it. >> reporter: more than 2 dozen people driven from the roads by whiteout conditions and deep snow have been holed up in this walmart store since tuesday. >> couldn't ask for a better place to be stranded. >> reporter: from the air, we could see entire sections of the buffalo area painted in white. rooftops that look as if they've been slathered in whipped cream. >> we worked our way south of buffalo and it gets a lot worse. these are unplowed streets. we can count dozens of cars that were stopped in their tracks, barely the roof is visible. it's like "the day the earth stood still." >> reporter: there are neighborhoods still cut off, surrounded by chest deep snow. we venture down one cul-de-sac on foot where we can only shout a conversation with mary ann. have you ever seen it like this. >> i've never seen it like this. >> reporter: officials say they're doing their best to reach those facing emergencies and are reminding home brown residents to take precautions. >> you're looking at the latest photos from the buffalo bills football stadium which is covered in snow. their scheduled game on sunday against the jets have been moved to monday night at ford field at detroit. they're trying to get people to shovel it out. that is just impossible at this point. bill karins with the latest. >> these snow total are also off the chart. the highest total we have in is over seven feet of snow in this three-day event. it's really two storms that were separated by one day. all through that area, hamburg with 80 inches. orchard park where the stadium was located was 71. al de n, new york, 56. sarah sent me this picture. she's finally free. a front loader came in overnight and dug her out. her son climbing the mountain of snow now in her front yard. that snow's not going anywhere. we are going to melt a considerable amount this weekend. we're going to get to 51 on sunday, 61 on monday. it will be a little humid out there too so that melts the snow faster. half-inch of rain. we are worried about flooding. worst damage was done by snow and the weight of the snow. the good news is, over the weekend, warm air builds across the country. are two weeks of january-type weather over with after today. >> bill, we've got the big news now this morning out of washington. in the words of president, we were strangers once too. last night in a speech to the nation, the president made the emotional case for wide-ranging immigration reform. with a nod to the political blowback that lies ahead. curry favor for the plan that he says focuses on deporting felons, not families. the white house says the plan shifts resources to the boarder, streamlines immigration courts and protects human trafficking victims. it would remove barriers for foreign workers to come here and stay longer, especially in the high-tech industry. but the centerpiece prevents the deportation of as many as 5 million americans. most of whom are the parents of children who were born on u.s. soil. while he argued every president since eisenhower has taken executive action on immigration, it is clear the president is aware of the perilous politics ahead. >> don't let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. that's not how our democracy works. and congress certainly shouldn't shut down our government again just because we disagree with this. >> let's look at how "the new york times," first line, president obama chose confrontation over conciliation. i know you support what the president has done. however what could have been more conciliatory in terms of the moves here? >> i think first and foremost, our association of 3.2 million hispanic owned firms in this country that collectively contribute over $486 billion to the american economy stand in support of the president's action. it is not the panacea that anybody has hoped for. >> i get that. i understand that. you and i are on the same page. could he have been more conciliatory? could he have waited? could he have given him a deadline? >> certainly, i think he could have. the reality of it, there's a bipartisan bill that has sat in the congress now for over a year. we prefer some action versus no action at all. >> ray suarez what do you think? >> well, certainly, there was risk involved for the president, but it might have even been a bigger risk to wait any longer. the president's been calling for congress to act on this for a long time, for years, in fact. congress couldn't even pass the dream act which for a long time was considered the low-hanging fruit of immigration reform. if you couldn't take the most sympathetic immigrants, people who were brought here as babes in arms in many cases, and make them at least safe from deportation, what little could you accomplish? the house had a long time to do something on this. did nothing. the president was advised by many to act earlier this year in advance of the elections. he didn't. his clock was running. he was under a lot of pressure too. >> yet, willie geist, the republicans already sounding the alarm here. >> it almost goes without saying, republicans are incensed about this. using the president's own words against him now. >> the president has said before he's not kin. and he's not an emperor. but he's sure acting like one. he's doing it at a time when the american people want nothing more than for us to work together. >> he was talking about immigration that day. i know that some wish that i could just bypass congress. and change the law myself. but that's not how a democracy works. indeed, mr. president, it isn't. >> looked at the president's previous comments on executive authority and what he's saying now. according to the site, it is false when he says his position has not changed. saying the move will only embolden more desperate people to make the dangerous crossing to the united states from mexico. there is key division on how best to respond to the president. many considering legal action. some are pushing for surgical budget strikes. others have dangled the idea of a shutdown. others still will not fully rule out impeachment. >> appropriation bills are the one area in which the senate and congress can prioritize funding. we can defund areas of president obama's lawlessness. we should do so. we should use the power of the purse. that happens all the time. >> -- on the republicans if they do that? >> not if it's very targeted, very limited. what are we talking about? denying a couple million cars worth of spending issuing those permits? this is not threatening government shutdown or anything drastic. >> a resolution of disapproval. second would be a censure. third would be to cut out of the appropriation bills those funds that would fund this. that's the progressive effort of this moving forward. but i don't want to do the last thing. i don't want to do the "i" word. nobody wants to throw the nation into that kind of turmoil. the president has thrown us into this situation. >> you hear some caution being exercised there. senator lindsey graham joined that chorus. he said, quote, if you overreact, it becomes about us and not about president obama. harold ford, where does this go from here? we've got the executive action. we're going to have a republican house and senate come january. they could pass their own law that the president could then veto. >> the president said do it. pass the bill. >> hopefully they do that. i think first of all, i think the substance of what the president said last night was spot on. there's no doubt these are steps that should have been taken. i think the timing is wrong. it probably would have been better to give the republican new congress three months to have acted on this. they chose not to, the president would have still had the opportunity to act back on executive action. don't agree with the president or ray on that, this should have been done. interest will be ramifications for there. the republicans warned kwint fra quite frontily before this happened. this issue is important. it may end up being the only issue that gets done over the next several months because republicans are hopefully not stupid enough to try to impeach the president or equally silly and try to shut down government. i do think the democratic party in the congress is going to have reverberations from this and it could be negative. >> do you agree? do you think the timing is perhaps a little bit evocative? putting the republicans in a place where, again, they do what they always do, try and knock down what he's done instead of try and come up with something productive. he could have give be them time to do. >> no doubt, it was provocative. the fact of the matter is, he's the leader. he attempted to lead. i think there's a wonderful opportunity here for the republican party to look at this as a wonderful option. the reality of it is, there's an amazing electorate. hispanic electorate that is growing by leaps and bounds. every month in this country, 52,000 hispanics turn 18 and become an eligible voter. every 30 seconds, an hispanic turns 18 and becomes an eligible voter. the republicans have an opportunity to ingratiate themselves to that electorate and finishing what has begun long before president obama came along. >> ray, do you think the republicans are going to see this as a wonderful opportunity? >> no, they're not going to see it as a wonderful opportunity. but i think it is clear that in some ways the president has painted them into a corner. it's true when the president says what he's done is very limited. it only is in effect for, in effect, the life of his administration. it cab be rescinded by the next president. it can be overridden by legislation. but do the republicans want to aggressively move to break up families to start sending people home by using their legislative tools that they've been reluctant to use so far? the president, they're making believe they've never heard of prosecutorial discretion. all he did was move them to the back of the line for waiting to be deported. he can't regularize their status. he didn't do that. do the republicans want to move in there and say no, sorry buddy, you're getting on the next plane? i don't know if they want to do that. >> javier, i know this is a question with a long answer. what is your membership? what do you think hispanics, latinos in general are looking on? what is a sound immigration policy? >> i think comprehensive, permanent. we are an organization that focuses on economic development. anything that helps entrepreneurs and small business in this country is what we're looking for. there is an opportunity here to illustrate desperately needed leadership and collaboration in this country. that's what american business wants right now, clarity. >> the white house is pushing forward with its pick for a top treasury post. despite growing criticism from democrats. noticeably, senator elizabeth warren. the administration has no plans to pull back on the nomination of antonio weiss, a former global investment banker who critics say helped companies avoid taxes by moving their addresses overseas. in an online op-ed, entitled "enough is enough," senator warren writes, in part, this, it is time for the obama administration to loosen the hold that wall street banks have over economic policymaking. sure, big banks are important. but running this economy for american families is a lot more important. politico describes warren's growing power in the party as a test for senator schumer who is looking to strike a balance between them. in a poll of thousands of members of the left leaning group democracy for america. she definitely has popularity on left and the far, far left for sure. bill cosby is scheduled to take the stage tonight for a performance, as the list of women accusing him of sexual assault grows. a 57-year-old florida nurse says cosby drugged and raped her in las vegas when she was 19. but she continued to see him. and later asked for and received thousands of dollars from him. >> he changed the course of my life. instead of empowering me like he says he does to people, he made me a victim, and all my life, i've been a victim because of this. that doesn't go away for all the days of my life. >> the wife of the incredible hulk actor lou ferrigno is also speaking out. claims cosby tried to force himself on her at his home in 1967 but she was able to get away. new york's daily news says it has an exclusive interview with another woman who says the comedian lured her into a hotel room in 1992 and assaulted her. and an actress who appeared in "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" says cosby forced her to perform oral sex in a tonight show dressing room. cosby's attorneys disputed the allegations. saying, the stories are getting more ridiculous. i think people are trying to come up with these wild stories in order to justify why they have waited 40 to 50 years to disclose these ridiculous accusations. the producers of "the cosby show" break their silence saying the being accusations are beyon knowledge or comprehension. florida is scheduled to appear tonight in melbourne. he did not address allegations last night during a show in the bahamas. in the past, cosby has denied allegations made by other women. has never been criminally charged. >> he's going to have to company out and say something at some point. it's getting away from him. if these allegations are true. it's obviously horrible. that ap interview he did a couple nights ago where he on camera asked the correspondent to edit out the question and his response about this. >> he didn't even respond. >> kind of what i thought was telling. none of this is proven. but he needs to talk about it. >> still ahead, the congressman from california joins the conversation. ahead of the president's event in las vegas today. first, "breaking bad" fans rejoice. amc sets a premiere date for the highly anticipated "better call sal." i love him. he's one of my favorite characters. you know who i'm talking about? the lawyer guy. after a very public falling out with "the new york times," jill abramson appears to have her next project lined up. now that the elections are finally over, it's time to get to work fixing our long-term national debt to help build a stronger economy. with a solid fiscal foundation, we can create more jobs, invest more in innovation and infrastructure, and make america more competitive, giving our kids a better future. a bipartisan solution to our long-term debt means more growth today, more opportunity tomorrow. and the time to start is now. it's not about how many miles you can get out of the c-max hybrid. it's about how much life you can fit into it. ♪ the ford c-max hybrid. with an epa-estimated range of 540 miles on a tank of gas. and all the room you need to enjoy the trip. go stretch out. all right. time now to take a look at the morning papers. business insider -- this is very interesting. a walmart in oklahoma is holding a food collection for its own employees. according to the store manager, idea of the food drive came from an employee who wanted to help co-workers experiencing hardship. critic, say the drive is proof walmart does not pai its employees enough. the company maintains it is simply employees taking care of each other it the average hourly wage at walmart, full and part-time employees, is $11. >> "the new york times" executive editor of "the new york times," former, jill abramson may launch a new journalism website with the huffington post. reports say the talks are ongoing but a decision is expected soon. >> "the wall street journal," "better call sal." the prequel to amc's hit show "breaking bad" is set to air on sunday february 8th. the new show will run for ten episodes during its first season and amc has given the green light for a second season. exciting. >> cannot wait. >> love him. >> in an interview with "usa today," suspended vikings running back adrian peterson appears to show the remorse commissioner goodell said had been lacking. peterson said he will never again use a switch on his child, admitting there are better ways to discipline. he said, quote, no one knows how i felt when i turned my child around after spanking him and seeing what i had left on his leg. no one knows that dad sat there and apologized to him, hugged him and told him that i didn't mean to do this to you and how sorry i was. peterson also shared his hopes to return to the vikings. said he's looking forward to an opportunity to meet face-to-face with goodell to share his regret in person. >> all right. "usa today," thanksgiving travel is expected to reach its high ev level since 2007. aaa estimates 46 million people will travel at 50 miles or more to celebrate the holiday. that's up 4.2% from last year. gas has also reached its lowest level in five years with the average price of regular down. you driving somewhere? >> not very far. >> you have any suggestions on what people should pack this holiday season? >> they're patient. >> you wanted that so badly. >> st. louis post dispatch. a u.s. marine who was paralyzed from the chest down by a sniper bullet in afghanistan will do something today that he once thought impossible. he will walk across the stage to receive his bronze star. we love this story. the captain will use a robotic exoskeleton, a divide callevise rewalk, to walk today. congressman tony cardenas join us. plus, the immigration pitch to voters today. political reporter jon ralston is standing by. >> the newest anchor sitting behind the "snl" weekend update desk. the man who is following in the foot steps of legends like tina fey, jimmy fallon, these guys are funny. you'll meet them after this. denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. we operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity on-site, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. mmmmmmm. look out. now there's even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares even more. 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(vo) well played, business pro. well played. go national. go like a pro. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. it has helped so many of our families. i know for him it is a personal issue. even though whatever else is involved with it, i think at the end of the day, it's going to be about the families that have met him, the families that have interacted with him. i don't think any other senator in this country has taken the time like him to actually go to our homes to meet with us, to actually see how we live. there's a lot of candidates that are running for lower offices that don't even take the time to do that. >> all right. that was an immigration activist from las vegas. one of the so-called dreamers who president obama mentionneedn his speech last night. joining us now, host of ralston reports, jon ralston. from los angeles, democratic congressman tony cardenes from california, elected by his colleagues to lead the main fund-raising arm for the congressional hispanic caucus. also with us from washington, the host of msnbc's "the rundown," jose diaz-balart. good to have you. jon, the president's heading your way today. what is his strategy to drive the point home? >> las vegas has a large hispanic population. the largest hispanic population in the country at about 7%. he has been to the high school where he's going to sign the executive action twice before, including in january of 2013, when he laid out what he hoped was going to be the immigration reform bill that passed. there's a lot of symbolism here. but it's also a big favor i think to harry reid who you just met, you just saw. harry reid has talked a lot about astrid silva. the president brought up astrid silva in his speech. what's not as well known is astrid silva's father has been under a deportation order for some time and it appears he is going to be covered by this executive action. >> jose diaz-balart, i'd like you to take it to representative cardenes. first, give me a sense of how you think the president did last night. >> for millions of people in this country who have been living here for more than five years who have u.s. born children or residents in the united states, this is a life changing thing. because even though it's going to be limited for a three-year period, this is going to be the opportunity of millions and millions of families to company out from under the shadows of fear and be able to participate in this country in a way they've been doing, many of them, for many years, but now they will be able to do so without the fear of disappearing. there are millions of people that every day leave their homes, to drop their children off at the bus stop or to go to work and don't know if they are going to come home at the end of the day because they don't have the papers. this is a life-changing thing for millions of people. and we have to remember, the last six years, 2 million people have been deported from the united states. that's the entire city of houston that has been deported. and this is going to mean a b big -- for millions of people. >> when we look at this and we think about astrid silva and her dad, their situation existed prior to the midterms. and that's painful for their family. it's painful for millions of families that are suffering just like theirs. but how does this not look just blatantly political from the president not trying to steal the football from the republicans try to get any type of senate from being the ones to helm immigration reform for congress and he's trying to get credit for it, the president that has supported millions of people as jose points out. >> everybody in every elected office has a job. the president is the executive branch. they have a responsibility to exercise and follow through with the laws that have been enacted and the right to interpret them as well. that's what an executive order is about. the one thing i want everybody to understand, this is not just about 4 million undocumented people who are working really hard. it's about over 300 million americans. i say it's really three top issues that we're covering here with this executive action. and that is the economy, the economy, the economy. the president just set in motion an additional close to $4.5 billion over the next five years. >> congressman, why do this now? why not do this? astrid's situation, her father's situation, the situation for millions of people that have been struggling through a broken immigration system has existed and it has languished for a very long time. the president campaigned on this in '08. here we are now in his last two years seeing some type of executive action. and this is now the time where we're seeing the gop-led house, the gop-led senate, saying that they want to lead. take the football on this. and this is just the democrats saying we don't want to give you any credit for immigration reform and getting any type of thunder with the latin community. >> i would love for the republicans to take credit. the 14 republican senators should take credit. they help pass a bill. 68 out of 100 u.s. senators. this is actually instead of bipartisan tripartisan. there were two independent senators who voted for it and 52 democrats. 68 united states senators voted for this legislation. now it's been sitting in our house. republican-controlled house. for over 500 days. so i think what happened is the president finally said enough is enough. we need to take care of our economy. we need to take care of business. and the bottom line is, like i said earlier, it's not about the president doing anything that congress didn't do. it's about the president doing something to help our economy forward. the congress refuses to do. so he's using his authority to interpret the current laws and he actually did a wonderful job. >> congressman tony cardenes, thank you. thank you very much. still ahead, willie geist goes behind the scenes of "saturday night live's" weekend update as the late-night comedy show enjoys its 40th season on the year. more "morning joe" when we return. ♪ ♪ ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪ ♪ i've got some real estate here in my bag ♪ ♪ it took me four days to hitch-hike from saginaw ♪ ♪ "i've come to look for america" ♪ i wish... please, please, please, please, please. 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[ male announcer ] and more of a journey. keep going strong. and as you look for a medicare supplement insurance plan... expect the same kind of commitment you demand of yourself. aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. chevy chase, tina fey, seth meyers, amy poehler, just a few who made names for themselves on "snl's" weekend update this season. a two-man orananchor team is att famous deck. as they gear up for their seventh "weekend update" here tomorrow night. it's the longest running sketch in "saturday night live" history. over the past 40 years, it has featured some of the biggest names in american comedy. this year, a new team has suited up to deliver the news. >> good evening. welcome to "weekend update." >> this week, president obama travelled to asia to meet with leaders from china, russia and japan to deal with some pretty tough questions like who wore it best. >> new research shows that reindeer in norway have an unusually high level of radiation from dust due to the 1986 chernobyl meltdown. in fact, you could even say they glow. >> like his friend and predecessor seth meyers, colin is not just an anchor man, he's also snl's co-head writer. joined by one-time "daily show" correspondent michael cha. >> how long have you known each other? did your paths cross before this? >> yeah, what do you think, two, three years? >> no, it's got to be more than that. about three years. >> what do you remember about colin watching him do stand-up? >> like, great hair. >> good takeaway. >> like a white me. >> was michael the kind of guy who stands out to you? >> i saw him and really just wanted to have him here because i thought he was super funny. >> collins picked up the phone and called michael. in the space of a year, he has gone from guest writer to full-time anchor. >> i remember colin saying would you come in to guest write. i was like, sure. but i didn't know what guest write meant. i thought i would be shadowing a writer and getting coffee. maybe getting a bagel maybe or something like that, but that would be my job. but it wasn't. >> would you intern? >> yeah, that's what i honestly thought. >> as the pair finds its groove, six episodes in, one thing the guys are trying not to do is stop and think about the big seats they fill. >> chevy, jane curtin, norm, colin, jimmy, amy, tina, seth. >> it is crazy when you think about it. we can't think about it, you know, you have to be funny. >> i'm sure you know there are entire blogs dedicated to this sketch and we're going to grade this week and we're going to -- >> can i just say, listen, just enjoy the show. don't grade it. if it's not funny, just don't laugh. no one's getting hurt. >> i give that an "a." >> thank you. >> colin and michael gave me a behind the scenes peek at "saturday night live" where i learned the secrets of the show's success. through the hallowed, if somewhat sparse halls once walked by the likes of belushi and farley. >> hallway getting narrower like "alice in wonderland." and into the luxurious writers room where "snl" comedy has been born for 40 years. >> photos of anyone's who been a credited writer. conan o'brien. adam sandler. >> while they may not have the instant recognition of conan or larry david, one of them has his first doppelganger. >> i'm told that we look an awful lot alike. i get that on twitter a lot. >> yeah, yeah. we do. i never seen it but yeah. >> do you get this ever? i think we're just two generic white guys maybe. do you think i look like michael che? you tell me. we're back with morn "morning joe"? just a moment. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses.s unique, and that's where pg&e's online business energy checkup tool can really help. you can use it to track your actual energy use. find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. even develop a customized energy plan for your company. think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. welcome back to "morning joe." 46 past the hour. democrats are dealing with some party in fighting when it comes to a far reaching report on the cia's use of torture. several senators were locked in a closed door standoff on thursday with president obama's chief of staff. the lawmakers accuse the white house of siding with the intelligence agency in efforts to scrub key details included in the findings. democrats are reportedly concerns that the release of the report may be dragged out even longer. now that republicans are taking control of congress. senator mark udall, who lost his bid for re-election, is considering options to bypass the white house altogether. and declassify the report without the blessing of the executive branch. thomas. >> the pentagon is not waiting for approval from congress before deploying additional american troops to iraq. the military suggested that it would wait for legislation, wait on the funding from capitol hill before the mission began. it's still unclear when lawmakers will act on a multibillion dollar request to fund operations against militants. the president announced he would send another 1,500 american troops to the region and train and advise iraqi forces in the fight against isis. >> former president jimmy carter is offering up some criticism of former secretary of state hillary clinton for defending israel's response to rocket attacks over the summer which left thousands of palestinians dead. >> that concerns me s me to som degree. i said earlier my main prayer's to bring peace to israel. you have to do it with justice and fairness to the palestinians. and there's not equality in military power between the palestinians and israel. i've been to gaza after the attacks in 2008, 2009. every school in gaza was completely destroyed, including the american school. every hospital in gaza was destroyed. >> full interview with president carter will air on his show today at 1:00 eastern right here on msnbc. >> new details emerging about the florida state aluminas who opened fire, wounding three people before being killed by police. officials identify the shooter as 31-year-old myron may of new mexico, an attorney who graduated from fsu in 2005. his family says he returned to florida a few weeks ago, hoping to open a law practice there. investigators say they found journals written by may that led them to believe he was in a state of crisis at the time of shooting and was holding deep fears of the government. just before 12:30 thursday morning, may shot three people at the school's main library as hundreds were studying for exams. authorities say one shooting victim is in critical condition. another now listed in good condition. the third was treated and released. >> all right. time now for business before the bell. we go to cnbc's sara eisen. the market looks like it's opening up higher this morning. what's driving it? >> well, there is this friday morning celebration. and the driver is central banks. not in this country, but globally. we got some comments very early this morning from europe, the head of the central bank there saying he's open to doing more when it companies to stimulus for europe's economy. also china cut interest rates. that was a surprise. it's basically an indication that easy money, easy policies all over the world, even if they're coming from overseas, continue to drive money into u.s. stocks. and with that said, we are set to open at record highs for the s&p 500, for the dow jones industrial average and 14 1/2 year highs for the nasdaq, the tech heavy index. we're looking at our fifth week in a row of gains. a lot of people talk about the santa claus rally where the markets jump toward the end of the year. better economic data in this country and easy central bank action overseas and that is a recipe for pretty strong stock market at the open. >> behind you, can you tell him it's looking good. >> yeah. >> excellent. >> thumbs up, yeah. >> he was having a hard time there. >> wearing a tie on casual friday. it really has been a pretty solid week. i want to underscore the news in this country, guys, has been good on the economy. you talk about retailers during this time of the year. we got the latest report from gap beating expectations. retailers have had challenges lately with store traffic and getting people through, having to deal with a lot of promotions. but overall, everyone from on the low income scale and the middle income scale like walmart and target have been beating the streets forecast and even some of the higher retailers as well. all in all, it's been a pretty solid week. >> awesome, sara eisen, thank you very much. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today. 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>> we've been working this since april. we have the first call from one of our partner hospitals there in april, saying we've got some ebola cases, what can you do for us? we've been providing personal protective equipment. iv fluids for patients. over 4 million relief items. we also mobilized medical teams to go and serve there. >> so part of what you do is to get companies to jump in and try to get the support from wherever you can find it. medical supplies, food, whatever. how has the response been to getting help to where the problem is, west africa? >> it's an interesting response. i think our government has responded well. maybe a little slowly, but relatively well in terms of setting up these ebola treatment units. we've had great support from our corporate partners who are there with a lot of material aid. this has not caused a lot support from the american public generally. we need support for the efforts we're doing not only right now but considering what we need to do to accomplish long-term goals here. >> thomas. >> when we talk about the situation of the spread, michael, and the containment of that, where does it stand right now? countries like sierra leone, liberia? >> what we're seeing in liberia is the case counts coming down, which is really good news. that's a success story. we should be grateful for that. that's evidence the strategy's working. if you put health workers in there, you give them the materials they need and you train them, you do public information messaging to the people in the community, and it works. this works. now, it's not happening in sierra leone quite as fast. the numbers are still rising there. guinea seems to be flattening out a little bit too. we've got a new scare in mali. this is not done by any means. >> who are the corporate partners who have been most helpful, you know, because it's -- i think -- were you saying to me this is hard to sell? >> to the general public. think most of the general republican has been the few cases in the united states. the reality is people are dying every day in west africa and that's where we really need to be focused. we need the general public to come stand with us as well. and support us the way they have done in earthquakes and typhoons and those sorts of incidents as well. we need them along. corporate partners have been great. the company backster donated 50,000 bags of iv fluids. and cardinal health just hundreds and hundreds of thousands of items of personal protective gear, masks and gloves and boots and gloun s a. we need the public to stand up too. >> when we talk about health workers, we have is the extreme situation where we just had the unfortunate loss of a 44-year-old american doctor who passed away after coming back from sierra leone. and then we have the huge example of kaci hickox who came back and was treated with the isolation in maine. from what you're hearing on the inside is that stopping people from wanting to be of service? >> no, it's not stopping people. we've had a tremendous su brt from american doctors and nurses we've contacted, asked them to go. this is really to me the great spirit american compassion. this is what we do. people see a crisis. they know we need a response. they raised their hand to go. we were talking with one of the nurses we placed there in liberia. she was going to go for an eight-week rotation. she said, i'm going to stay longer and do more. this is the great american spirit. >> i know from having been a volunteer and gone on these airlifts, these are hard. this is grueling hard work that, you know, a lot of people -- >> no, that's true. >> people of ameri cares, like if you want the most fantastic experience of your life, volunteer, donate. >> i just want to say about the health workers that are going, these are people who are going to give up their holidays, they're going to give up their comfort. these are people who are sweating it out in their protective equipment. and yet they say we want to stay, we want to keep doing it. they're responding in the great spirit of american compassion. >> it is great to have you. good luck with everything. i learned i'm a johns hopkins mom. my daughter's home from vacation. "the rundown" with jose diaz-balart is up next. >> i know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. well, it's not.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140519 10:00:00

face-to-face with a great white shark in florida. a brave diver there. >> thank you for joining us. have a great monday. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. today is monday, may 19. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. if you think the scandalous v.a. couldn't get any worse, it just did. brand-new allegations this morning. veterans with heart problems and brain tumors forceed to wait months for care. another hospital destroying their records. >> great. meanwhile, the museum pays a heart wrenching tribute to those lost in the september 11 attacks, but the gift shop at the 9/11 memorial, the gift shop is sparking outrage. what is in this store that has family members disgusted? we're going to talk about that. >> the king of pop back from the dead? ♪ >> how did they do that? >> we've got the high-tech resurrection and the rest of the highlights. plus what a billionaire investment said that has everyone buzzing. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> live from studio e here in rockefeller center, it's the "fox & friends" program. welcome aboard. elisabeth, did you have a nice weekend? >> i did have a good weekend. did you have a nice one? >> i did. where's brian? >> i'm not sure. >> what's he doing here? >> i'm here. >> you're not brian. >> i'm not brian. i'm sitting in today. i'm looking forward to it. >> you look fantastic. >> thanks for being with us this morning. we've got -- you know, the big story over the weekend on the sunday chat shows if you were watching was the scandal at the v.a. and how many vets had to wait and probably died waiting for care. well, add another hospital to the list. this time we're talking about albuquerque, new mexico. this the v.a. officials are destroying the records as fast as they can to cover their tracks. we know that apparently vets with heart conditions, gangrene, even brain tumors waited on waiting lists way too long, all to make the front office look good. >> right. in an exclusive moment i believe with the daily beast, a doctor there, a whistle-blower saying there is an eight-month waiting list for patients to get ultra sounds on their hearts. >> eight months? >> average four months, so it could actually go more. he said though there is no proof that veterans died as a result of what allegedly happened in, phoenix, it is possible they could still be alive because of what happened earlier. this seems to be a systemic issue facing our veterans to die at home. >> we're talking heart conditions. we're talking cancers, which means every day, every single day that you lose is monumental to the health of these veterans. and guess what? this is only a couple of weeks into this. there's going to be a lot more. there is no question this is going to continue to spread. these whistle-blowers are going to step up. and the question you have to ask -- eric shinseki, great general, terrible administrator -- isn't it time for him to step down? >> the freedom of information act provided records saying this is something this administration has known about for over five years, at minimum. >> in fact, the very first whistle-blower we had, dr. sam foote, he said he's glad this one guy we're going to talk about in a moment was forced out. but he says at this point keep shinseki because he knows how to kick butt and take names, so maybe that is the best thing to do right now. because everybody seems to be mad about it. we've heard a number of people say -- in fact, we heard mr. shinseki himself say i'm mad as hell. >> how mad? >> he's mad as hell. but you know who's madder than him? the president of the united states. the president of the united states we haven't heard from in three weeks since ed henry asked the president a question in manila about it. so instead of the president showing up, he sent out his chief of staff who says the president isn't mad as hell. he's madder than hell. >> the president is madder than hell. and i've got the scars to prove it, given a briefing i've given the president, the conversation he and rick and i have had on these matters, the president is demanding we get to the bottom of these exact allegations you're talking talking about as it relates as to whether veterans are getting the timely access of care that they earned, that they deserve. that is exactly what we're digging into. >> is it outrage or faux rage? the under secretary for health and the veterans affairs handed in his resignation friday. he works right under eric shinseki. this is the outrage that happened. he's going to hand in his resignation, parenthesis, means they asked him to resign. he already mentioned he was going to resign a year ago. >> they already had a press release out. >> with a press release saying he was going to be leaving in 2014. they pretended to say we're all about accountability. there it is right there. press release, members of the v.a. administration, teacher, dr. robert a. petzel will retire in 2014 as planned following a four year tenure as under secretary for health. for the administration to say we're going to be accountable for this and heads are going to start to roll, petzel was already planning on leaving. disingenuous. >> dr. sam foote, the initial whistle-blower, he says petzel was the chief man that he's glad is gone. >> in albuquerque, this story is unbelievable. they have eight cardiologists working in the department. at any one time of the eight only three are working any day of the week. they see less than two patients a day. on average they only see 36 vets per week for the entire department. whereas med scape says 60% of the cardiologists in this country see between 50 and 124 patients per week. that's for one cardiologist. here out there in albuquerque, they've got eight doctors. they only see 36 a weeks. >> it is a problem. according to doctors, while they are already trying to destroy the records before they can be uncovered and unveiled to the public here, the record of those long wait times for veterans that they are alleged to have had, they are also destroying the lives of those who have served our country. >> it is not only this, it's not only the treatment that they're delaying, it's actually getting approval to get the treatment. this long v.a., the waiting list that was over a million people and they got it down to only 500,000 or 600,000 people on the waiting list just to get approval just to get the benefits to wait on-line to be put on a waiting list. it is insane. these people should be treated above the standard not below the standard of health care in america. >> this is the seventh state. >> on friday peter johnson asked you if you had a personal story to let him know. hundreds of you did. wait till you hear some of them. they are heart breaking. you can count on fox to be on this story. >> heather nauert is standing by to wish everyone a good morning and bring the latest headlines. >> good morning. hope you all had a great weekend. we have news happening overnight. an emotional apology from south korea's president following that ferry disaster that took place on april 16. he is now vogue to close down the country's coast guard amid new accusations that government regulators became too close to businesses operating there. the coast guard's duties will be taken over by the national police until a new safety agency is set up. nearly 300 people were killed in the sinking of that ferry last month. the captain and three crew members have been charged with murder. 11 other crew members have been charged with abandonment. the search is on for more people who have come into contact with the first mers patient in the united states, this after a third case has been announced by the c.d.c. officials believe an illinois man likely contracted the disease from an indiana man who became infected while working in the health care industry in saudi arabia. the latest person to be infected did not get sick and has not been hospitalized. that's a good thing. but health care workers are testing anyone who may have come in contact with him. thousands of people evacuated from a northern virginia movie theater after the sound effects get too real for that audience. police now looking for the person who set off two soda bottle chemical devices in the theater causing loud popping sounds. the bottles contained acid and a metal that apparently reacted together and then exploded. no one was hurt. let's go to the west coast. if you live in san francisco, you better watch out for a giant green lizard. some sort of bay area prankster hatched a digital road sign. look at this. godzilla back. turn back! the latest godzilla movie was just released this past weekend and it shows the big reptile making a mess of san francisco. some are speculating on twitter and social media that the sign was a promo stunt for the movie. it probably was. kind of cute; give you a smile on monday morning. you're not prely going to believe that. >> it's that easy to hack into the road? >> i think it's a stunt. >> speaking of stunts, it was not a stunt. apparently that beatdown between jay z and his sister-in-law solange, this video cost tmz reportedly a quarter of a million dollars. they got it from an employee of the standard hotel who has been fired. it lit up the internet and broadcast news all last week and still was burning strong last night. >> at the billboard music awards, an opportunity to make it even bigger. take a listen. >> we're here to announce our latest investment. we just spent $3.2 billion to buy a hot new company called beatdown by solange. that was a great, great elevator pitch. >> so that needs to be explained a little bit. apple bought beats, the headphone company, $3.2 billion. cuban does the show "the shark tank" where they hear pitches and they're making a play on that. >> the beats headphones. >> the elevator beat tko*up tko*up -- beatdown was part of a planned p.r. stunt. that didn't look planned. >> then on "saturday night live" because there was no audio they were trying to explain what happened. according to "saturday night live" the reason she was going like that was because"look, there's a spider." >> trying to make light of a situation that involved kicks and tons of money. an employee revealing the scandalous video here. >> 250 thousand bucks for that video. i think he might have gotten more. >> maybe. a lot of people saw it. we've got a very, very, very busy monday morning. thanks for joining us today. the museum pays a heart wrenching tribute to those whose lives were lost in midtown manhattan but the gift shop is sparking outrage. our next guest says what's in that store that has family members disgusted. >> you think you've had some rough days? try dealing with this when you're late for work. very busy bee there. but first another look at the billboard music awards. ♪ ♪ peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. the museum pays a heart wrenching tribute to those lost in the attacks of september 112001. but the gift shop at the 9/11 museum is sparking outrage. what is in that store that has some family members disgusted? the founder and president of feel good foundation visited the museum on thursday night. he was a demolition super supervisor and ground zero and was part of the cleanup recovery. you went through the museum and i understand it is very, very powerful. >> it is said to be punch the gut. myself and other 9/11 responders went together. we wanted to go together as a group for support. it was tastefully done. it was -- it hurt to go there. >> sure. >> but it had to be done, and we had to go. we absorbed everything we could. towards the end when we saw that gift shop, i was taken back. and my eyes literally came out of my head like roger rabbit. and i was like this was really uncalled for. and i understand the premise for having to raise money for maintenance or salaries, but they could have did that after the 21st when the museum opened to the public. >> i posted something about, on twitter about this yesterday. and i got a ton of outrage. people said does the money go to the 9/11 victimize' families? no. it goes to the museum to help pay for the salaries and stuff like that. people felt like it was almost as if -- keep in mind, there are near the gift shop at the museum, there are unidentified human remains for 8,000 -- people said that would be like having a gift shop at the tomb of the unknowns. >> agreed. over the last 13 years we as a society dropped the ball on the issue of sensitivity towards those who lost loved ones to 9/11 respond he wants who were sick and dying. it seems like every issue that pertains to 9/11, we lack sensitivity. to take money, to open that gift shop and let people know they can go in there and buy something during the six days this was open to family members and responders, i found that a little distasteful. >> sure. let's show you some of the things they've got in the gift shop. you can buy twin towers glass ornaments for $23. a 9/11 memorial bookmark for $13. a scarf, world trade center at lunch time when it was standing for $19. search and rescue plush dog or the world trade center tote bag for 20 bucks. >> no one i know will buy that. that might be great for a tourist from out of state or out of country that doesn't appreciate the devastation of 9/11. but to sell that merchandise especially during these six days because you have 359 other days to make money, that was very distasteful. >> especially for the families because it looks like they're making money off of their relatives. >> a lot of people are looking for closure. going to this museum might have been that answer for them to start the healing process. you just added salt to a wound that hasn't closed in 13 years. >> here's what the 9/11 museum spokesperson said. the museum is a nonprofit that does not receive any federal, state or city funding for its operations. our organization relies on private fund-raising, gracious donations and revenues from ticketing and carefully selected keepsake items for retail. many of our guests from the 9/11 community visited the shop and purchased a keepsake from their historic experience. i should point out as well on top of that, it costs you $25 to get in. >> you know, i donated to the museum my artifacts that are in the post-9/11 section of the museum but nobody told me about this. if they would have told me about this, i would have had reservations about going. i was surprised as everybody when i saw this. >> john feal, thank you very much. what do you think about that? appropriate or not? e-mail us at friends meanwhile, important information for you and your pet. the danger lurking in some dog treats could be deadly. what to look for coming up. from foster care to the white house and then the nba, our next guest is living proof of the american dream. he joins us live with an inspirational story. good morning to you. ♪ ♪ ♪ you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. welcome back. some quick headlines for you now. a warning for dog owners. a new f.d.a. report saying toxic jerky treats killed more than 1,000 dogs since 2007 but after seven years of investigating officials have no idea why. the snacks made in china have been sold by many different countries under various brands. if you think you can believe this, you won't. a swarm of bees parking around a parked car outside a shopping center in england. a bekeeper was called in. he estimated there was at least 20,000 of these swarming around. the bees were removed. they weren't hurt and no one was stung either. >> he was only ten days old when he began his life in foster care and growing up, he would have even more obstacles to overcome. >> through his hard work and determination he became a white house aide under president george w. bush and now works as an executive for the orlando magic. >> joining us to tell us his truly inspirational life story is the author of "living proof: from foster care to the white house to the nba." lucas boyce. >> and happy birthday. how old are you? >> 35 years old today. >> your story is inspirational. tell us about growing up in kansas city? >> sure. first i have to give credit to my mom dorothy boyce. 35 years ago today i was born but ten years ago today i went to her home as a foster care and over the course of gosh 15 years she had over 40 foster care children. all of this is possible as a result of my mom dorothy boyce. >> there you are growing up as a little boy. >> that is me on adoption day, two and a half. mom loved bow ties. she still loves them today. >> tell us the story. >> i was in kansas city, missouri. this is our team growing up, our basketball team. over the course of 15 years, mom had over foster care children. >> that is your family, those you grew up with? >> yes. all of us were diverse as a family, young and old. some of my siblings had disabilities. my pweurblt money -- my birth mother was a 19-year-old drug addicted teenager. mom was kind of like michael jordan. she launches that three point shot for all of us children. she told all of us children we were built for something more. there is a scripture in the bible that says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. it didn't matter if we had disabilities or what i struggled with. what i came to her house with, she loved us as we were. she empowered us to believe we can do anything we put our minds to. >> how did you come to be working in the white house? some people say this isn't going to be your story not based on your history. >> statistics would say if you're born to a drug and alcohol addicted call girl, you're not supposed to amount to anything. i believed in what my mom told me and randomly after 9/11 i had the opportunity to be an intern. very, very fortunate. six months after 9/11. i get this call one day. my boss sailed somebody is going to -- my boss said somebody is going to call you on the phone. my advice is to say yes to what they're going to ask you to do. we're working for free. we're excited to be this. we get this call from the u.s.a. freedom corps having this photo opportunity. march 26, 2002. they take me to the west wing, my very first time in the west wing. i take off my suit coat, i was standing on the south lawn. there were kids. i'm 22 at the time. they were like 8, 10 and 12. i'm trying to figure out why i'm on the front lawn with these kids. the secret service comes out, the president comes out and says hey, i'm george. i grew up in a small town in missouri. i never met anybody famous. i responded the only way i knew how. i said what up? i'm lucas. after this photo shoot, i start to walk away, calls me in for this photo and he pulls me in for the brother hug and i'm like sir, i'm praying for it. it's like six months after 9/11. i think that's it. we didn't have facebook, instagram, all those things in 2002. i could think of one person in the planet to update my status with. mom. i call up mom, i'm excited pumped. i think that's it, a really cool day on the south lawn. and my boss comes back and said lucas, you kind of made an impression on the president yesterday. my mind goes back to pulling him for a hug and i think i'm about to get fired. he said the president called me at this meeting, what is his name. what's his story? my boss shared with the former president a little bit about my background and foster care. this is the principal reason i get to share this story today. he said what can we do for him? let's bring him on board. that is how i got my start as a 22-year-old white house intern. >> what a story. now you work for the orlando magic. an amazing story. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> and thank all the foster moms out there. they do a great job. >> it is foster care awareness month. over 400,000 children are looking for families. it is a good time to reflect and focus. >> thank you for bringing this to our attention, lucas. happy birthday. we all know he's a big movie star but why does he wake up at 4 a.m. every morning? >> the p.c. police versus mark twain. why the historic author is being protest this had time. first another look at the billboard music awards. check it out. ♪ ♪ when it's donut friday at the office i use my citi thankyou card to get two times the points at the coffee shop. which will help me get to miami...and they'll be stuck at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn two times the points on dining out with no annual fee. go to this and this. whip up this. munch on that. and dine out on this. that's 7 days a week. no tracking. no counting. no measuring. and you'll start losing weight right away with our 2 week simple start plan. so jumpstart your summer and join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. try meetings, do it online or both. when you didn't dread when youbedtime becausenner with anticipaof heartburn.itation. when damage to your esophagus caused by acid reflux disease wasn't always on your mind. that's when you knew nexium was the prescription medication for you. because for over a decade nexium has provided many just like you with 24-hour relief from heartburn and helped heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. and now the prescription nexium you know can be delivered directly to your door with nexium direct. talk to your doctor to see if nexium is right for you. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it's the nexium you know, now delivered. ♪ ♪ ♪ because i'm happy >> here's the best one. >> i look good in hats. so do you elisabeth. so do you, eric. so do you, he thur narrate. jib jab has a brand-new video you can insert yourself into. it is, as you can hear, it is to pharrell's "i'm happy." which is a very, very cool song. >> i'm happy that that's available right now. >> what are you talking about? >> exactly. >> heather, you have some moves there that i saw. i think they put in your actual moves. >> they sure did. because she's happy. >> good morning, guys. i've got news to bring you. we've been talking a lot about this wildfire season in california and the governor there is saying it could be the worst wildfire season that state has seen ever. this is what california's governor is saying. crews in san diego finally able to gain control for the most part of nearly one tkaoz fires -- one dozen fires that have been burning. those fires destroyed 50 homes and caused nearly $20 million in damage. governor brown said the state set aside $600 million to fight wildfires this season but worries that may not be enough money. there have already been 1,500 fires this year compared to an average of about 800. if you haven't gone to class in about a year how do you keep your parents from finding out you're not graduating? call in a bomb threat of course. that is exactly what this gal did. she's 22 years old. her name is daniel shea. she did this at connecticut quinnipiac university. when she was faced with telling her family she dropped out of school, police say she called in two separate bomb threats just before the start of the ceremony. she is being held on a $20,000 bond. graduation was delayed 90 minutes and moved indoors but then went off without a hitch. what a dopey move. the washoe tribe of nevada claiming mark twain was a racist. the famed raoeufr was set to have -- the famed writer was set to have a could he have named after him but the washoe tribe objected. some argue it should be named after twain because of his deep love of the tahoe. >> caught on camera, let's go to florida. a terrifying moment. a diver takes on a great white shark and then wins. that is a spear gun in his hand, and he's able to get that shark to move away. this was off the coast of vero beach florida. the shark kept getting closer and closer. the shark eventually swam away. this whole thing lasted about two and a half minutes. i'm sure it felt like hours for that diver. that shark was about 12 feet long. great white. >> isn't it mandatory under shark stories all tv shows should play that music. >> scary stuff. >> from scary stuff to chilly stuff, maria molina joins us right now. maria, frost warnings in certain parts of the northeast? >> that's right. across interior parts and parts of pennsylvania and upstate new york waking up to temperatures around the freezing mark. we have freeze warnings in effect out there early this morning. across places like new york city not too bad. the current temperature 50 degrees. farther off to the west in cleveland, chilly as well. 41 degrees for your current temperature. look at the state of texas, out there you have temperatures in the 60's and 70's. as we head into this afternoon climbing into the 80's and 90's. that's going to be the story as well across parts of oklahoma and the state of kansas. 100 degrees for your high in the city of phoenix. out here in parts of arizona, new mexico and into the plains we have an elevated fire danger in place, mudslide warnings and fire weather watches in effect. now let's head back inside. >> maria, thank you very much. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. it was a monster weekend at the box office. the remake of the science fiction flick godzilla raked in $the 0 million. >> -- raked in $90 million. >> another film, the latest installing of x-men. joining us is michael tammero. >> godzilla will be no match for the x-men as they hit theaters nationwide. it is the long awaited next movie. hugh jackman has defined the role of wolverine. he has been playing it for 14 years now, since 2000. we asked him if he'll ever see a time he'll be hanging up the cloth. >> every morning i wake up at 4:00 to train. of course i can see that. i don't think about it all the time because i'm enjoying it more than ever. i think the scripts are getting better. it feels fresher like we are moving the whole franchise into it. it feels like it is opening up, it doesn't feel like it's closing down. >> it's hard to be a movie star to have to get up at 4 a.m. >> wolverine goes back to 1973, the 70's not to do the hustle but to change events to make a better future. we caught up with the stars and asked them if they could go back to the past to change the future, what would they do. >> i wouldn't change anything, but it would be interesting to go back, i suppose. but, you know, you don't know if you change one thing what the knockout effect to that would be. everything happens for a reason. >> i believe things are mapped out. >> would i change anything? no. i wouldn't change much. >> x-men: days of future past opens up on friday, may 23 nationwide. for all my interview news check out >> back in 1973, somebody stopped disco. >> come on! >> how would the world change? >> it would be a much sadder place. >> michael, thank you. >> president obama working to soften laws on illegal immigrants. how do america's sherrifs on the front lines feel about the president's plans? one of them joins us live just ahead. >> and how do you make them taste better? here's a hint. it's all about how much it costs. we'll explain next. >> first another look at last night's billboard music awards. ♪ ♪ my husband, tre ponder, was killed june 28,2005 in afghanistan. my husband's death was the hardest thing i've ever faced. the special operations warrior foundation stepped in to help. now you can help, too. purchase new cherry 5-hour energy now through july thirty-first and a portion of each sale benefits special operations warrior foundation to help families of fallen heroes. i will always miss my dad, but thanks to special operations warrior foundation i will never feel alone. ♪ what are you waiting for? 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[ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. sometimes, life trips us up. sometimes, we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at... to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? time now for some monday morning headlines. a new study says your taste buds are lying to you. cornell researchers found that higher prices apparently make your tpod taste better. -- your food taste better. in the study identical dishes were given to participants but those who paid more gave a rating that was 11% higher. that's good to know. 150 new words added to the mir yam webster -- miriam dictionary. among them a yooper. that is a person who lives in the upper peninsula of michigan. >> president obama working to soften laws on illegal immigrants. how do america's sheriff's on the front lines feel about the president's plans? joining us is a man who fought to bring the man to massachusetts, bristol county sherrif thomas hudson. thanks for joining us. one of the things we've heard is ice has released 36,000 hardened criminals, gleam aliens on to the streets -- illegal aliens on to the streets of america. your thoughts? >> it is something america ought to be concerned about. when we start allowing people who have predispositions to commit rapes, robberies, voluntary manslaughter, murders, these are dangerous people. whether or not they are, they have done some of their time or all of their time, they ought to be deported. >> they let's talk about this. 406 sexual assault convictions. it goes on and on. i'm trying to figure out where did these people do their time? did they do it in american prisons? >> they do it in american prisons. the real rub is that once they complete their sentence, if in fact they have detainers against them, the current administration wants to say that we're not going to be able to hold them on the detehran. it is a really difficult situation. -- of these 36,000, wouldn't those be the ones earmarked for deportation? why are they being allowed to walk free on the streets of america? >> that's a great question. they ought to be deported, as far as most sherrifs are concerned and most people in america are concerned. this administration is moving closer and closer to allowing people, criminal illegal aliens to basically hide in the open public. and they're breaking down our laws. and the president himself is now deciding he doesn't like the laws the way they are, so he's going to basically take the handcuffs off the criminals and put it on law enforcement. and it's really a very, very concerning for our public safety needs. >> sherrif, are you concerned you're going to see some of these kidnappers, rapists repeat offend and make our communities less safe? >> no question. history has shown these people that have a predisposition to commit these crimes are going to do it again. frankly, the president needs to allow the legislature, the congress, if they're going to change the laws, allow congress to do it but an arbitrary decision on his part to say i don't like the law the way it is and allow people who are here illegally to continue to victimize the american people is outrageous. i don't know of anybody in office, particularly the president of the united states, who wouldn't want law enforcement to have more tools to get these bad guys off our streets and out of our neighborhoods and out of our country. >> we're going to have to leave it there. these people have already broken the law by coming over our borders illegally. we're going to have to leave it there. a new study out this morning on the causes of autism says a highly publicized theory is totally wrong. the nfl ready to make it easier for players to smoke marijuana. is that the right message to send? a former patriots linebacker, sean stuckey, weighs in ahead. ♪ ♪ get all your favorites all day, everyday. ♪ olive garden's signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. a a the nfl might be getting closer to loosening its policies when it comes to marijuana use. would that be sending the wrong message to their young fans? joining us is former new england patriots linebacker and sports attorney, sean stucky. good morning. what's the deal with the pot here and why an attempt to loosen the reins on marijuana use within the nfl. >> the nfl understands that they have a problem here. they understand that public sentiment is changing, that the public is more acceptable to the use of marijuana, and the nfl is a capitalistic beast. they are driven by what public sentiment is demanding. if the public is demanding more violence, the nfl gave it more violence. when the public demand less violence, they gave it less violence. so the nfl understands that the public sentiment is changing and therefore, the rules need to be changed to reflect that. >> as far as public sentiment is concerned, i think most parents here would think this is unsettling to think that the nfl is going to open the door for more pot use. the reins are pretty loose. you don't have a first-time use penalty where you're suspended. you just go into a program. i think parents would be concerned that this is something that is opening up in the nfl. no? >> this is something that i'm sensitive to. i understand the public sentiment or maybe it's not a widespread sentiment, but i understand the sentiment that if you allow nfl players to use marijuana that you're going to find a bunch of kids out there using it as well. particularly sensitive to this issue because i come from a family where six out of such of my aunts and uncles were addicted to crack cocaine, including my mother who was addict to do a couple years and addicted from the time i was 12 years old. so i understand that. and however, i was also a high school teacher where i taught young teen-agers. i am intimately aware of what the teen-agers are influenced and not influenced by. the nfl changing its policy towards marijuana would not influence these teen-agers. let me give you an example. if the nfl were to immediately ban the use of all alcohol among all football players, you would not find a widespread cessation of alcohol use among teen-agers. >> perhaps. i think your story is fascinating and you have a unique perspective. i think the concern is hey, how can you say we're working on brain health and let more pot be used? the kid death bait is certain -- debate is certainly there. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. coming up, call it a commencement smack down. replacement speaker lashes out against the students graduating, calling them arrogant and immature. it may be the happiest place on earth, but it will cost a lot more to go to disney. we'll talk about that and a whole lot more just ahead it was a blistery rash. i couldn't lay down i couldn't sit up because it burned so ch. as first ladof our church we have meetings. we have activities. and i couldn't do any of that. any time anythg brushed up against thisash it would seelike it would set it on fire again. it was the worst pain i ever had. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. there was a boy who traveled turto a faraway placea reali. where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase i make a lot of purchases for my business. like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. good morning. today is monday, may 19. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. this morning the v.a. scandal getting even worse. veterans heart problems, brain tumors, even they were denied the immediate team they so deserved. and be careful what you wish for. after college grads forced one commencement speaker out, his replacement comes with this message. you're arrogant and immature. >> excellent. meanwhile, is this the way to end bullying? tell kids to, quote, grow a pair? the person with that wisdom, a mayor. we'll tell you where and what he was thinking on this monday morning because mornings are always better with friends. >> yep. find out all about the grow a pair dictum coming up in just a bit. look who is with us today. >> glad to be here. >> we always see waving behind the window. >> every morning i come in and i wave to elisabeth in the morning. >> i never see you. you're not waving to me. >> i'm waving to her. >> i give him a wave back. just like that. good morning. great to have you here. >> good to be here. >> always steve, too. the nightmare of the release of the v. continues to get worse. we can not wake up from this horrific dream. it's been going on for a long time. now a new state is being exposed for this life-taking scandalous handling of veteranshealth. albuquerque, new mexico, destroying records in fear they are going to have their situation looked at a little too closely. the v.a. apparently settled 167 medical delay cases dating back to 2001 totaling $34 million. veterans have been waiting for treatment with heart and brain issues and have been waiting eight months, steve? >> something like that. right now in albuquerque, there is an eight-month waiting period to get ultrasound of hearts. some patients have obviously died before they got around to seeing the doctor. i saw an e-mail from a vet a moment ago and he said look, okay. shinseki, i don't really care whether he stays or goes, it's a big problem. a major part -- keep in mind, these are people who die on waiting lists. the reason we have the waiting lists is because in the v.a., just like in a corporation, there are bonuses. and if you look good to the front office, you're going to get a bonus. the bonuses are tied to the short waiting times. dan is the national commander of the american legion. he says if this were a regular ceo, gone. >> we need the white house, the president to come forward. he needs to make a statement to show the employees of v.a. that this needs to change now. one death is tragic, but when you hide it, that's unforgivable. it's got to start at the top. it's accountability. if it was the ceo, we've heard many ceo's lately of major corporations stepping down. if this was the military, you would be relieved of duty. >> that's right. if this was a football teen-ager the coach would be fired. if it was a ceo, you'd be removed. here is something very interesting. a lot of people are talking about this in social media. this is a big bureaucratic government-run health care system. sound familiar? what's obamacare going to be. multiples of the v.a., multiples in size, multiples of bureaucratic nightmares. listen, whether you believe it or not, sarah palin and a couple other people on the right said there will be people deciding who gets what treatment and when and that's going to put long waiting lines on certain types of treatment while the v.a. is improving that right now. look, you said something so important. these are our heros. these are our military people coming back. they shoot have to put their -- shouldn't have to put their lives on the line over here. >> to put them back on some sort of back list that then disappears is horrific enough. but then to conceal that and hide that as some of these records are showing issues some of the whistle blowers are indicating, is even worse. >> yeah. let's take you out to fort collins, colorado. lisa lee, currently serving in the u.s. military, she's in the navy. she went forward to the v.a. and she said there is a terrible problem here with this where they're cook the books. -- cooking the books. she wound up with a two-week suspension. she refused to hide the wait times. so she's blowing the lid of things in fort collins. what's interesting is after she became a whistle blower, the v.a. tried to buy her off. they came to her and said, listen, we'll get rid of that two-week suspension thing, your record will be clean as a whistle blower, but you got to stop with the whistle blowerring. okay? she said no. absolutely not. this is a scandal. people need to know. i've got to stand on principle. she's not backing down and she doesn't like the idea of returning to the v.a. because her experience has been that it is, quote, a snake pit. >> the bottom line here is people aren't getting treatment. our heros aren't getting treatment because there is not enough money. with all -- >> there is enough money. it's spent badly. >> right. we overspend our budget by a trillion dollars a year, maybe $600 billion a year this year and supposed to be good. how about spending some money on these people? how about instead of worrying about, spending millions on that, fix this? it's a matter of hiring enough people to fix this problem. that's all it is. these people deserve it. >> it's been happening for a long time. this is nothing that's just come to surface. the administration and white house has known about this for quite a long time. shinseki still in place and the president is confident he can fix this problem. >> we haven't heard from the president in three weeks about this, extraordinarily. heather nauert joins us again. good morning. >> good morning. let's start out on the west coast. the drought there has been a real problem all season long. the governor of california is saying this could be the worst ever wildfire season according to jerry brown. crews in san diego county finally gain control of nearly one dozen fires. those fires destroyed nearly 50 homes and caused around $20 million worth of damages. governor brown says the state has set aside nearly $600 million to fight wildfires this season. he worries that may not be enough money to deal with the problem. there have already been more than 1500 fire this is year, compared to 800 on average. it has been a depaid for decades burks australian researchers say there is no link between autism and vaccinations. they looked at ten international studies that involved one million children and found that kids who received vaccinations, including tetanus, whooping cough, measles,mmr were not at a higher risk of being diagnosed with autism. doctors hope the study will reassure parents and they will get their kids vaccinated. a massive merger to tell you about in the media. at & t buying direct tv in a deal worth nearly $50 billion perform aprovenned, it will give at & t more subscribers and content like the nfl sunday games and that means you can get football on your phone, tablet and even in your car. combined at & t-direct tv deal would make it the country's number two television provider. no word on how it will impact prices for consumers. justin timberlake, the big winner last night, taking home seven trophies. this is what has gained a lot of attention. the late michael jackson stealing the show. look at this. ♪ ♪ >> take a look at that. kind of creepy in a way. the king of pop coming back to life as a hologram performing his new hit. that is getting a lot of attention. and also coming up in the show, robin thicke continuing his quest to win back his wife. the singer debuted a new song about her called "get her back". ♪ >> he sang to his wife in an acceptance speech. listen to this. >> he'd like to thank my love and support for putting up with me all these years. >> carrie underwood taking home the milestone award. i wonder if that will work for robin thicke. we'll see. that michael jackson thing is getting a loft attention. he started working on that song in the early '90s and now it was released for the first time. >> it looks so real. >> it really does. >> thank you. haverford college is on the main lines in a suburb of philadelphia. they had the commencement over the weekend. the speaker was william bowen, a former president of princeton. you know what he did? extraordinarily, keep in mind, it was two weeks ago we were talk being how condy rice decided not to go speak at rutgers because there was a student protest. at haverford there was a protest where 40 students and three professors didn't like the way that the guy they had invited, robert bergerow, how he handled a student protest. >> right. so then the new speaker actually came in, former princeton university president. he said this. >> in my view, they should be encouraged to come and engage in serious discussion. not to turn tail between his legs to respond to an indictment that a self chosen jury had chosen. i think he should be with us today. >> he comes in as a pinch hitter for the speech and decides to go into the students and say look, this was uncalled for. there should have been a discussion here. >> a lot of times the students aren't to blame. there's a committee that chooses these speakers and frankly, it's pretty fairly liberal, left wing leaning. >> you think? >> yeah. and so things like condy rice happens. the rutgers decides they want to ask her to speak and all of a sudden, this group, these group of 50 or so out of 44,000 rutgers students complain and then they cave. >> led by professors. >> led by professors. and the group caves. remember the woman that was going to speak at another university, exposing some of the atrocities that muslim women are going through and a group of liberals said don't let her speak and she was asked not to speak. there is more and more activism going on in the college -- let these kids graduate. just let them get out into the world and enjoy their last day of college. >> yeah. college kids, you're going to hear opposing viewpoints later on in your real life. the problem is, there are all these lefties who only want voices that they agree with. so afterwards, this particular guy who did the speech, he said that the students were -- the protesters were immature and arrogant. he went in and he wound up getting a standing ovation. >> he actually did. sort of giving them a little redirection before they direct themselves out. coming up, more controversy at the 9-11 museum. what's in the gift shop that has family members absolutely disgusted? >> and who is really waging a war on women? we're going to ask the woman who wants to be the first ever female senator from the great state of west virginia. she joins us live next. ♪ ♪ those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet helpsapproved to treattime the msymptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury,gety if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. still runnng in the morning? 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables ♪ here's a good one seattle... what did geico say to the mariner? we could save you a boatload! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ what's seattle's favorite noise? the puget sound! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ all right, never mind doesn't matter. this is a classic. what does an alien seamstress sew with? a space needle! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly continuously ♪ oh come off it captain! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. she's on track to make history, becoming the first female from west virginia. >> with so many republican women on the ticket, why did democrats say there is a war on women? joining us now is west virginia congresswoman shelly moore capito. thank you for joining us. congresswoman, can i call you that? here is the question, the democrats are saying there is a better on women. how do you respond to that? >> i think that couldn't be further from the truthment of -- truth. the real war on women is job loss. they've lost thousands of jobs in our coal industry. women are concerned about that for themselves and their families. we see a health care bill that is pushing women to part-time employment. that's the real war on women. the policies that are coming from the president and emanating from the senate. >> i think you kind of hit where it's been hurting people in terms of jobs. bringing back coal or being against it would be a difference maker here in the election. your opponent doesn't feel the same way you did. primarily democrats where you are as far as history can tell. is this the jobs discussion? is this going to separate you in this election? >> absolutely. west virginia, we've lost thousands of jobs. we're very concerned about our future and our families, our opportunities for our children and to be able to stay and live and work in this beautiful state. and it's under attack. that is the pervasive argument of this election. it's getting west virginiaans back to work, creating opportunities and not having policies emanating from washington that really inhibit the ability for we west virginia women to have the kind of family life and the kind of futures that we really want. >> your opponent is a woman. natalie tenant, running for the same position. how much more difficult is it to face a woman and not be perceived as getting catty when it comes to politics? >> you know, i really can only control my own campaign. i've run against women before. i think it's a wonderful thing that i have the opportunity to be the first woman senator from the state of west virginia. this really is not about gender. it's about the policies that are going to be moving forward that are going to guarantee west virginia families a future and an optimism that government isn't fighting them and that we're partners together to try to create that country and that state that we all want. >> all righty. we're going to leave it right there. thank you very much. coming up, he was knocked unconscious by a rocket-propelled grenade. when he came to, he ran towards the bullets to save his comrade comrades. now he's got a medal of honor and he's here next. he's on the brink of making history. california chrome won't try for the triple crown. the trainer's side up here ahead ♪ i'm randy and i quit ♪ it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. time for news by the numbers. first, 96 bucks. that's how much it now costs for anyone ten and older to get into disneyland. the 4-dollar price hike comes weeks before the busy summer season. next, $93.2 million. that's how much "godzilla" made in its opening weekend. finally, first time 70-year-old rock legend mick jagger is a great grandfather. he gained the new status this weekend after his 21-year-old granddaughter gave birth to a baby girl. >> wow. it is the highest honor our country can bestow upon its heros. >> today we pay tribute to a soldier who embodies the courage of his generation. we present our nation's highest military declaration, medal of honor, to sergeant kyle j. white. >> on tuesday, u.s. army sergeant kyle white became the tenth person to receive the medal of honor for his actions in afghanistan. >> he put his life on the line in an hours long effort to save his fellow soldiers during a seven ambush in afghanistan. joining us is a true american hero. army sergeant kyle white. thank you very much for your service. wow. look at that. that's pretty cool. tell us about the story that earned you that. >> it was a fire fight that lasted four hours, from the time the first shot rang out to the time the last service members lifted out of the area, it was about a 20-hour battle. it was a pretty -- it was the worst day of my life and the worst day of the lives of anybody that was there that day. >> you were the radio guy? >> yes, i was the radio telephone operator. >> coming back to those moments, i'm sure they never leave you. but certainly brought to a front as you receive this medal, the greatest honor. how emotional was it for you? >> i did try to keep somewhat of a composure. i remember specifically when you turned on the stage and he actually put the medal around your neck, the only thing i saw was the faces of the guys we lost that day. and not to mention i was facing one of the gold star families that were able to attend and it was emotional. >> tell us a little bit more about that four hours that you were there. tell us what you went through, what you saw, what you felt. >> well, when we were coming down the trail, we were approaching the area we knew was a high danger area, so we knew we had to get through quickly. once the first shots rang out, it was a single shot, then two shots, and then it seemed like the entire valley erupted. i remember it wasn't too long after the first shots, i was not going to make it through this because way too much -- there is too much fire coming in too many different directions and we had no cover and nowhere to go. so part of what i was receiving this award for that day was my good friend, specialist kane shilling was there and i was able to apply some of that first aid that it's been pounded in our head every day. i was able to stop some of his bleeding. >> part of the story that is extraordinary is the fact that amid the four hours, you were knocked out by an rpg. you were out cold. you wake up, you wind up running toward the guys shooting at you. >> yeah. it was right after that opening initial ambush, i fired my first magazine, reloaded, and it was lights out. then i didn't find out 'til days later after talking to kane shilling that it was an rpg hit basically right hyped my -- behind my head. >> when you see yourself with this honor and medal, what do you think? >> i think i'm provided an opportunity to get the names of those that were killed that day out for the world to know because they gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country and i feel everybody should know their names and hear their stories. >> there are a lot of stories out there, a lot of stories about the military right now with the v.a. and the trouble. the g.i. bill has helped you out immensely because you came back and you studied finance and now you've got a good job. >> yes. i think the post-9-11 g.i. bill is an excellent program. it was instrumental in me getting my degree. i couldn't tell you how easier it is to actually go and get your degree after leaving the military knowing that that tuition is covered, knowing that you have that assistance that you need. >> that's wonderful. your plans are to do what? >> i'm going to take it day by day at this point. just the past five days alone have been overwhelming. >> sure. >> every day a gift after what you've been through. >> yes. i definitely know i've been given a second chance. unthing i learned that day is never take anything for granted. >> thank you for giving us the chance to have you here. certainly an honor and we thank you for all that you've done and for keeping all those brothers and sisters' names alive. well done. >> thank you. >> great to have you. >> thank you. all right. we're going to step aside. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. is this the way to end bullying? tell kids to grow a pair. that coming from a mayor in california. take a look at this. this cop right here not about to let the bad guy get away. he is holding on to the foot of that car and we're going to show you how this all ends. >> don't try that at home. ♪ ♪ captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins... over 150 years of swedish coffee experience.xists that's 150 years of experience in refining and perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it all for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, that's miranda lambert and carrie underwood debuting their duo song "something bad" last night at the billboard music awards. they are great. >> let's watch a little more. too bad. i'm big fans of both of them. they've both been on the show. they're great. >> let's take you out to porterville, california. they have proposed -- the town was talking about there is a problem with bullying in our town and so what we should do is establish some safe zones where if a kid feels like he's being bullied, they should go to the safe zone. well, mayor cameron hamilton, who says he's against bullying, said bullying victims should toughen up and defend themselves. >> this is how. listen here. >> i'm against bullying, but i'm getting damn tired of it being used as a mantra for everything in the ills of the world when all most people have to do is grow a pair. >> grow a pair. >> council woman -- >> a pair of what? >> i would imagine shoes? boots. these boots were made for walking. >> cucumbers. >> she told the mayor, quote, it's hard to grow a pair when you're a ten-year-old girl, end quote. what do you think about that? the response to bullying. safe zones or grow a pair? let us know. >> 26 minutes before the top of the hour. heather nauert joins us with some headlines. >> good morning to you. got an update on that malaysian airlines flight. there is still no trace of that missing airplane. but it is not stopping hollywood from writing its own ending. debuted at the cannes film festival, a trailer for something called "the vanishing act." unmade movie, but sort of based on the malaysian airlines mystery. the film makers say they are trying to tell the untold story of what happened on that plane. kind of bizarre. it was all fun and games, but a prank lands an austin, texas boy with assault charges. look what happened here. okay. not funny at all. it is called smack cam. it's a prank that's going around now adays. this young boy walked into a wendy's restaurants pretending to order and hit a 16-year-old employee in the face. listen to this. >> i stayed there for a couple of seconds and then took a breath and i said a few words and went to the restroom and got myself together and went back, told my manager what happened. >> fore thing. there were two people involved with that. police eventually caught up with them after they took off. the boy, his age and name has not been released and is facing a misdemeanor assault charge. a moment captures crews who are simply exhausted. boy, who can blame them? they were battling the wildfires taking place in southern california. this is san marcos firefighter tim bergen and he takes this selfy for his wife to let her know he's okay. now the selfy has gone viral and you can see him and also his fellow crew members in the back. despite all that, still had a smile on his face. kind of nice. one traffic cop is being taken on a wild ride in china and it is all caught on video. check this out. can you imagine that? this guy is on the roof -- on the hood of that vehicle. the officer tried to stop the driver, but then the driver took off to try to avoid getting a ticket. the cop managed to hang on to the hood. he made it about three quarters of a mile before he was eventually stopped and then arrested. somehow that driver was not hurt. can you imagine that? almost a mile on the hood of that car. those are your headline. >> i wonder if the officer had a gun and was just -- now, pull over. i don't know if they have guns. >> might be that driver didn't just slam on the brakes. >> exactly. >> kick it into reverse. thank you, heather. i see she's out on the streets of new york city again, maria molina at 48th and 6th avenue with the fox cast. >> good morning. hello, everybody. we're talking chilly temperatures this morning across parts of the northeast where we had freeze viesries and several frost advisories across the region, especially interior parts across pennsylvania, upstate new york. that's where you're waking up to temperatures as chilly as the low 30s for some of you, in the low 40s across cleveland. across the plains, temperatures won't be much warmer across texas, oklahoma, parts of kansas, into the middle 80s and upper 90s for some of you. there is still an elevated fire danger across most of the state of new mexico, arizona, and parts of the plains with red flag warnings in effect out there due to low humidity, gusty winds and those warm temperatures. again, those warnings are in effect out there. moisture farther north across parts of the northern plains in the great lakes today. areas of showers and batches of heavy rain. let's head over to eric. >> thank you. triple crown candidate california chrome, bow out of the belmont stakes. it's all because of a new york ruling banning the use of nasal breathing strips. we spoke with california chrome's trainer, art sherman, yesterday. listen. >> we're look forward to the belmont. it kind of bothers me a little that we have to change equipment on the horse that's been running very good. not that i'm superstitious, but i just don't understand it. >> right. if california chrome wins it, he will be the first horse to sweep all three races since 1978. have you ever thought you were done with something only to realize it's not quite over just yet? at least yours wasn't on live tv. check out this cyclist. >> she thinks she's won. no, no. that's a little bit unfortunate for the spaniard. clearly doesn't understand english. the commentator saying no, no, no. that is a shame. one lap to go, my friend. >> oh, no. >> this happened at the tour of california. that guy ended up -- get this -- he didn't come in first. he didn't come in second. he came in 56th. that's going to hurt. that's going to leave a mark. >> he made everybody's highlight reel today. >> that's right. >> oh, my. so thanks for being with us today. we're not done yet. >> we got an hour and 21 minutes to go. >> a lap and a half to go. coming up on this montel cast, more controversy at the september 11 museum. what's in the gift shop that has family members disgusted? that's right. they have a gift shop down there at the memorial. and the scandal at the v.a. capturing the attention of our nation. now veterans and care givers are sending us their own horror stories by the hundreds. peter johnson, jr. sharing them with you next. but first today's trivia question. born on this date in 1945, this rock'n'roll hall of famer was named one of the rolling stones' top ten guitarists of all time, even though he never learned to read music. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. >> we're playing the who for the stones? ♪ ♪ with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. this and this. whip up this. munch on that. and dine out on this. that's 7 days a week. no tracking. no counting. no measuring. and you'll start losing weight right away with our 2 week simple start plan. so jumpstart your summer and join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? this morning as the outrageous allegations of veteran mistreatment continues to pile up against the v.a., we're guiltying an overwhelming response from all of you watching. veterans and care givers writing us and peter johnson, jr., your personal horror stories. peter asked for your e-mails on friday and he's here to share them with all of us and give some of the stories the attention they deserve. not only did we receive hundreds and hundreds of them, but you spent the weekend analyzing them and you've spotted some trends. >> i did. it's evidence of neglect and contempt. let's talk about it. category by category. first with delays. i saw a pattern of three to six months wait in the evaluation for primary care and specialist appointments. i saw a case of a five-month surgical delay for a six inch hernia. three months for eye tests. six months for glasses. eight months for heart stress tests. really an incredible pattern of abuse. >> looking through them as well, you analyzed it and it's clear imcompetence is at play. >> there is a level of imcompetence that's been alleged in 325 e-mails. overcrowded emergency rooms and a massive failure to evaluate and treat ptsd and traumatic brain injury. instances including blood sugar strip rationing. you can only have two a week. and reliance on pain killers as a substitute for treatment. let's give you opiates. let's give you pain killers instead of defining what was going on. also treatment hindered by doctors' english language skills. injuries from death from cancer and heart disease due to delays, staggering. >> no kidding. we told earlier about a new story about how in fort collins, colorado, there was a whistle blower. she couldn't take it anymore, and she came out. she was smacked around, suspended for a couple of weeks and that's one of the other problems. you noticed a lot of abuse. >> absolutely compelling. the people that wrote to me, the veterans and families, there is a fear of retaliation. there is a fear of arrest after complaints. there is a fear about being thrown out of the system. also paying out of pocket with their own dollars to private physicians for care that should have been provided by the v.a. we also found that the office of the inspector general, does not by their own admission investigate every complaint. so veterans can send them complaints like these and not have them investigated because they don't deem them to be serious enough. >> you analyzed them and also read them. they're heart breaking. >> there is a few that are interesting. from william, i'm a three-tour army vet. i use the v.a. for the few things i earned. i've been struck by nine ied's and suffer from ptsd and tbi. on my last trip for a psych appointment, my psychologist told me i only had three appointments left. she told me i was limited to six mental health visits and i may want to stretch out my appointments a little farther between visits. >> we also got an e-mail from alan who is a father of a veteran. he writes, every time my son needs an appointment because of his ptsd or any other issue, he can't get an appointment until one to three months for help. because of this, he gets aggravated and gave up on seeking v.a. health care. i see him suffer. we can not afford to have him seen by nonv.a. medical professionals. >> from nancy, a veteran's sister-in-law, i want you to look into my brother-in-law's death on february 7, 2014 of a heart attack. he had been trying to get into his primary care doctor at houma, arizona for over three months because of chess pains and shortness of breath. my sister called at least once a week to get him seen. his death was caused by the v.a.'s inattention. please stand up for our american heros. that's exactly what we try and we will be doing as the weeks go on. we have an effort going on here at "fox & friends" to save our vets. and we need your help. e-mail me or write here at the fox news channel. we intend to share these with the congress. we intend to share these with the office of the inspector general and the highest levels at the v.a. we want results. this is absolutely unsatisfactory and unamerican. >> absolutely. i'm sure a lot of people at home have come up against these problems in the past. they feel frustrated. this is their chance to get the story out. >> coming up at 8:15, you'll interview one doctor who wrote in to us to share her first experience with mismanagement and inadequate care, psychiatric patients on the verge of suicide, not having the care that they needed. >> absolutely. she's coming up. once again, if you have an e-mail you want to send to peter johnson, jr., send it in. >> thank you. coming up, concussions are a silent injury. so how do you know when your kid has had one and what do you do? the simple advice every parent needs to know coming up. first, on this date in 1981, kim karnes had the number one song in america. she had those betty davis eyes. ♪ ♪ good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. welcome back. the answer to today's trivia question, pete townsend, congratulations to bob and mary ann from pennsylvania. you are going to receive a copy of brian kilmeade's book "george washington's secret six." enjoy. undeniable, spring sports have sprung. soon summer athletics will kick in, that also means injuries and a major one everyone is talking about, concussions. there are more than 300,000 sports-related concussions each year and emergency room visits for kids with sports concussions has gone up 60% in the past decade. one problem is that parents don't know how to help their kids heal properly after having one. joining us with some advice, dr. cohen of the headache institute, adolescent headache center and a neurologist at st. louis' roosevelt hospital center. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> having had a concussion myself, i know it takes a little time to heal and there are things you can actually do to help and things that do that hurt. we're seeing an increase, though. are we just having kids that are hurt more often or just paying more attention? >> one thing that's been really beneficial in the past couple years is there has been a lot more awareness about concussions in the media, the work the nfl has done to increase awareness about concussion. and especially a lot of schools and school districts are imposing new legislation and regulation which will help protect kids better. >> so we want kids to still have fun but want to know what to do if they get hurt. if you believe they have a concussion, what do you do to help them heal? >> the best thing is what we call mental rest. we want to protect the brain in its time of healing. some things we recommend is one, no screen time immediately following the concussion while the symptoms are severe. as symptoms improve, you want to slowly reintroduce that screen time. that is computers, iphones, tablets, anything like that. >> you're not making any friends with the kid community right now. may not admit they have a concussion after hearing that. but that makes a huge difference. >> it can make it harder for the pain to heal. all that attention. we also want to provide other mental rest. don't try to do anything that's too taxing. for kids we recommend they're out of school for a few days as the symptoms are most severe, then slowly reintroduce school. keep them out of tests for a while and other things like that. >> okay. don't rush back into physical activity. >> absolutely. do no physical activity at first. then you can slowly introduce maybe small walking. get back to physical activity only after the symptoms of a concussion resolved completely. >> another one you say is avoid balancing your checkbook. don't do anything too taxing. anything that could have a severe effect that you get wrong. >> absolutely. it really is a difficult time as far as cognition. it's difficult to think or concentration in the setting of a concussion, but we know resting from those activities will help the brain heal faster. >> it's hard. i had one. it's hard to dial back the expectation when it comes to having fun socially and what's expected in terms of work. so for kids, is this doable? >> most people will heal from a concussion within one to two weeks of the head injury. we're just asking for a short period of time. let that brain heal. one of the risk factors for having another concussion is having had one. so the more you get your brain to heal, the better chance you have of not having one in the future. >> thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> coming up this morning, the v.a. scandal getting even worse with another hospital added to the scandal. so what is the white house doing? bret baier top of the hour on that. then a student phoned it all in last year. skipping out on her classes. but one phone call sealed the deal. we're going to talk to her aseba] [milk pouring] great things go together. and new sargento tastings are perfectly paired with every day. exceptional cheeses in smaller, snackable sizes that make it easy to explore new flavors and savor every moment. new sargento tastings. one of a kind flavors found right in your dairy section. find your favorite and make your own perfect pairing. new sargento tastings. perfectly paired with every day. good morning. today is monday, may 19. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a brand-new whistle blower with brand-new allegations of veterans denied treatment by the v.a. the hospital tried to silence her, but she's speak out exclusively on "fox & friends" this hour. chris christie sounding off, slamming president obama on his failure to lead and his lack of support for israel. bret baier reacts to the governor's comments. bret is live in dc. and controversy at the 9-11 museum. what's in the gift shop that has family members disgusted? would you buy these souvenirs? mornings are better with friends. used to saying, starts right now. >> go ahead. >> hour three starts right now. >> ladies and gentlemen, eric bolling in for brian kilmeade. eric is on at 5:00 p.m. eastern time on "the five": what's the show after that? >> there is a secret thing happening at noon that no one is supposed to know about. >> oh, you -- no, i'm talking about what show is after you. >> the bret baier show. >> segueway to our guest. >> i got you. >> that was easy. >> best lead in television. >> that's really cool. thank you very much. >> you want to fire back, bret? >> no. i'll leave it there. eric's got it covered. >> we're all good. >> i got a feeling tonight you're probably going to lead with the v.a. again, at least 100 dead, delay in treatment, according to the dayton daily news. also there is a whistle blower who has come out in albuquerque who says that v.a. officials are destroying records left and right to cover their tracks. and that vets with heart conditions, gangrene, they're put on a list and they have to wait for months. >> it seems to be gaining momentum as these individual v.a. hospitals come up with more allegations. the dayton daily news article over the weekend based on a request for data, really was quite something in that the number was 167 deaths over the past -- since 2001 really, tide to a delay in treatment, according to the data. and that the veterans affairs office had paid out some $37 million in settlements based on that delay. there is another request getting attention this morning and that's from the washington times which says that v.a. officials briefed the transition team, the observe observe-biden transition team as they were coming into office in 2009, saying that the wait times were not really what they were and that the computer system was essentially completely faulty. so while this all does go back years and years and people say these problems have been around for a while, what happened from 2009 forward is obviously of concern up on capitol hill. both democrats and republicans calling for increased investigations. >> sure. many calling for the resignation an eric shinseki to step down, though the white house says he's still the guy to handle the guy. under the secretary at the v.a. there, he said he was going to resign, he was actually forced to resign 'cause they're mad as hell. yet he already announced he was set to retire over a year ago. this sort of reaction from the white house here doesn't seem to be matching what's being uncovered across the nation. veterans here left to die on these waiting lists? >> yeah. it's emotional, emotional issue. you're right, dr. petsle was scheduled to retire anyway. in fact, the white house had named a potential replacement already from the illinois v.a. hospital. it was billed friday afternoon late as the white house press briefing, after people had talked about it as kind of a resignation that came as a result of all of this scrutiny. but he was scheduled to step down already and there are a loft republicans saying this doesn't mean a lot. >> bret, chief of staff, dennis mcdonough said the president is madder than hell. but think about this while you listen to this, how mad can the president be if we haven't heard from this man, no press conference in three weeks? take a listen to the chief of staff, mcdonough. >> the president is madder than hell and i've got the scars to prove it given the briefings that i've given the president, the conversations that he and rick and i have had on these matters. the president is demanding we get to the bottom of the exact allegations you're talking about as relates to whether veterans are getting the timely access to care that they have earned, that they deserve. that's exactly what we're digging into. >> so bret, no press conference. elisabeth points out disingenuous retirement. how mad account president be? >> as chief of staff says he's trying to really get to the bottom of this. i think one of the things the white house tried to do is not get ahead of where the investigation was going. but i think that it is getting past that point. you're right, eric. these things are taking on a life of their own across the country. it is important in context to realize that the v.a. treats some 85 million visits per year. so it's a massive system. it has had problems for quite some time. but what has been done in recent years is really the focus of a lot of the talk up on capitol hill. >> sure. let's talk a little bit about what happened here in new york city last night. chris christie, who is the governor of the great state of new jersey where i live, he was speaking to the champions of jewish values international awards gala and he really took some swipes at the current commander in chief. at one point he said, once you draw a line, you enforce it. he also said this about our president. >> we will either lead or disappoint. those are the only two choices. unfortunately today in my opinion, america is disappointing. but it's not too late. test time for us to stand up once again and lead our nation in a way that leads to us greater success and prosperity and lead the world towards greater liberty, freedom, prosperity and respect for human life. >> all right. so there he is last night here in new york city. rick perry also in attendance. this is a high profile event. >> it is. governor christie to focus on something other than what he's been focused on, tealing with these questions for the past months about the bridge scandal. now, this was very pointed and the red line line is one that republicans think is very -- can lead to a lot of questions about the president's leadership, about the red line in syria obviously he's talking about. but there are other red lines. for example, crimea in ukraine and others. so christie is attacking that. whether that's enough to change his course as potential presidential material, we'll see. obviously the line is very popular. >> sure. he was also talking about how much the united states needs to support israel, one of our greatest allies. we're going to be watching after "the five." >> adjacent to. >> thank you. >> have a great day. all right. >> always great to see heather nauert here. >> good morning. >> in a bright yellow. >> we're look springy this morning. i've got some news to bring you. this involves the mers virus. the search is on for more people who may have come in contact with the first mers patient in the united states. this after the third case has been announced by the cdc. officials believe that an illinois man likely contracted the disease from a man in indiana who became infected with mers while working in health care in saudi arabia. the latest person to be infected didn't get sick and has not been hospitalized. a good thing. nevertheless, health workers are testing anyone who may have come in contact with him. a massive merger to tell you about this morning in the media industry. at & t buying direct tv in a deal worth nearly $50 billion. if it's approved by u.s. regulators, it will give at & t more subscribers and content like the nfl sunday ticket, which means live football games on your phone, tablet and in your car. the deal would make it the country's number two television provider. no word how that will impact prices for consumers. here in new york, its aim is to tell the story of one of the darkest days in our nation's history. but new york's new 9-11 museum is opening this week, but that gift shop there is causing a lot of controversy. the memorial museum are now defending opening a gift shop, saying that it is a nonprofit, so it relies on revenue. but others say this is distasteful and disrespectful, including the guest we had on earlier this morning, who was one of the demolition supervisors at ground zero. listen to this. >> a lot of people are looking for closure and going through this museum might have been that answer for them to start the healing process. you just added salt to a wound that hasn't closed in 13 years. >> here is part of the problem, you can purchase christmas ornaments, tote bags, stuffed animals and some say it's tacky to offer that there. frankie valuey's trademark voice set to ring in the fourth of july celebrations in washington, d.c ♪ ♪ ♪ who loves you pretty mama ♪ who's always there to make it ♪es you ♪ who loves you pretty baby ♪ >> he is 80 years old and he will have headline the show that has so many people to the national mall. that celebration will be broadcast nationally on tbs and those are your headlines. love it. we're already thinking about fourth of july. can you think of the best place in the united states you've ever spent a fourth of july? >> right there on the capitol grounds. >> pretty spectacular. >> it's free and open to the public. very nice. thank you. a brand-new whistle blower with brand-new allegations, veterans denied treatment by the v.a. the hospital tried to silence her, but she is speaking out exclusively on "fox & friends" next. and governor rick perry sending a letter to the president today, but he'll be here first to show us what is in it. ♪ ♪ o when i started weight watchers i wasn't sure what to expect at the meetings. but i really love going. i do! it reminds me we don't have to do this alone. it's so much better to have some backup and to do it together because we all face similar challenges. the meetings keep me focused and motivated. and i have a newfound determination that i'm really proud of. i've never been happier. 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>> yes. that's exactly right because i know there is a lot of doctors who experience this kind of frustration in the v.a. system. >> let's talk about your frustration. you're a psychiatrist. you would see these guys coming back and after the initial consultation where you analyzed them, you would give them some antidepressant drugs and then you would tell them, come back in ten days. tell us what would happen and why that was important. >> i write the order. return to clinic, ten days, two weeks top. then i check for my patient and he's getting booked three weeks, four weeks, it got to be months to see them in a second visit, which means they're partially treated, which means they're worse off than no treatment at all. so i would complain to the staff that's booking and they have their policies and procedures. that's controlled by administration. so i complained to administration. you can not partially treat people and then this is bad practice. it's doing harm. we had conversation going on, but nothing happened. more staff, i said? could we reach out into the community? could we limb the service and turn people away so at least they know that they're not being treated? it's more honest and maybe the media will get attention and we'll get some help. nothing. eventually they really stopped talking to me. so i was functionally silenced, but they kept booking them. i knew the suicides were inevitable, worse than if they hadn't been treated at all. >> because apparently once you would give them the antidepressant drugs, you wanted to see them in ten days because those are very powerful drugs and you need to see them in ten days. if it's put off for months, that can have terrible consequences. >> right. yes. you're setting up for problems if you don't monitor them early in treatment. and monitor them early in treatment and then their bodies get well before their emotions get well. now you got angry, depressed veterans who are activated. that's where you get in trouble. but you can intervene and monitor and help them and then they get strong and stable, you're good. so you can treat them. i could have been able to treat them and couldn't. the administration -- it's dangerous. you think they'd listen. so i don't know. do they not take doctors seriously? do they talk to each other? i don't know. it's very frustrating to say the least. >> let me ask you about this. there are stories out that on average, 22 vets commit suicide every day. that's close to one an hour. of the people you saw and you would say okay, come back in ten days and then they were put months off, how many of your patients committed suicide waiting to come off the waiting list? >> i was there briefly. less than two years. there were two. i was in a very tight-knit community. there was lots of extracurricular support, family, faith, vet centers. so we had help. but no thanks to the v.a., i'm sorry. i mean, these men were eventually going to need more than a visit every ten months. they need more than that. mental health care dollars are often short. psychiatrists are in high demand. the numbers are going up. it is a problem that is beyond the scope of the v.a., but the v.a. is particularly handicapping being able to handle it because the bureaucracy is so heavy. the administrators are not adaptable and not nimble to meet these changing needs quickly enough to really help them. my veterans weren't left in a corner. they were seen, but they were partially treated. so that was a different kind of a problem than dr. foot's patients. but same thing. you're risking death. it's a fix-all problem. there is solutions. >> doctor, i understand you told our producer yesterday, if somebody gets put in jail, then these administrators will maybe fall in line. is that what it's going to take? were criminal activities going on? >> oh, yes. well, that's what we doctors talk about is the administrators, they can have very comfortable jobs and they don't really experience what the doctors and nurses are experiencing, which is the suffering and the pain and the deaths. so they go home at 5:00 o'clock at night and if they enforce their regulation, they feel they've done their jobs and they don't have that fear of what's going to happen to the patients if they're so remote in these big bureaucracies, they become very remote. now, if they would finger these people who have committed crimes and prosecute them and incarcerate them, i think you're going to get a lot more information out of the ones who are now nervous about what's gog happen to them because they're not nervous about what's happening to the patients. >> no kidding. >> make them nervous about what's going to happen to them. >> let's see what happens because it's all messed up. doctor who worked at the v.a., thank you very much for joining us today to tell us your story. >> thank you for having me. thank you. by the way, calls and e-mail to the charleston, west virginia v.a. were not returned yesterday and we'd like to thank the doctor for coming on the show today and sharing. a big announcement this morning from the feds. why we're about to slap criminal charges on china. and oh, baby, we have plenty of babies this morning. the best baby products, moms and dads need to survive in style. quick headlines from around the world. the justice department expected to charge chinese government officials with cyber spying today. it's the first time the united states will be charging a foreign government with that crime. the officials reportedly accused of stealing american trade secrets through cyber espionage. emotional apology from south korea's president following the deadly ferry disaster. he vowed to close down the country's coast guard, saying they did not properly regulate the nation's ferries. a new safety agency will be set up to take over nearly 300 people were killed when the ferry sank last month. over to you, elisabeth. >> thank you. any parent will tell you raising a baby can take a whole lot of gear from highchairs to bottles and more. it can be quite a challenge for parents to narrow down their options. lucky for us, our guest has some of the best of baby awards top picks and some adorable little babies to help us show them off. good morning. >> good morning. >> where do we start? these are the top picks. >> right. let's start with the travel system. a travel system is really important for new parents. you're going in and out of grocery stores, baby stores, all that stuff. so you want something that you can use with your car seat. >> this is it? >> you buy both together. the stroller and the car seat. and the stroller is really great. it's got lots of storage in the bottom. >> good basket on the bottom. >> easy to maneuver and the car seat -- >> this is ezra. we got a lot of babies here. he is really enjoying his time in the stroller. i see you're trying to go. the car seat pops in and out of this easily? >> easily. you pop the car seat in and you're good to go. and the car seat is great also because it has smart screen technology t. tells you you've installed it correctly. >> and who is this? isthey're modeling the boba wra. this is a really great, affordable pick for a baby carrier. under $40. it's a registry no brainer. and it's comfy and cozy, easy to wrap. you just need to know how to do it properly. and babies love it. >> you do love it. we're moving over here to the highchair now. >> we've got hunter. >> he has been so patient. you went through all of your cereal and now you're letting us see the inside. >> this is the spawn baby to booster. you can use this from six months to five years. after your child gets a little bit older and he's outgrown the highchair, you take the tray off and move the footrest and you've got a booster chair. >> like a little restaurant seat. >> it's one buy that lasts a long time. >> good job, mom. so now this is an amazing little -- like a swing slide. >> this is a modern swing. it rocks more like a rock chair as opposed to a swinging chair. the babies feel that motion in their head more. there is five different speeds. so you can adjust it according to your baby's liking, his mood. and what parents love is you can hook up your iphone, cell phone and play your own play list instead of whatever the baby swing people tell you to play. >> perfect! god bless you. and are you having so much fun on this? >> this is on the -- this is a talking lote. multi functional. right now it's a rocker. it can go back and forth. when he gets older, you can drop the wheels and use it as a walking toy. so you can ride on it and learn that walking motion that will help learn how it walk. >> i love a great toy that grows with them. >> it's got a seat at the bottom there. if you touch his ear, he'll talk and play music. >> i have to give a hand to all these sweet faces here and the patient mom and dads with them. there?k you and -- you want me good job. thank you so much for being with us. will have these products. have selfies jumped the shark tank yet? no. in fact, they just became official. we're going to explain. governor rick perry sending a letter to the president today. but he's here first to show us what is inside after we take these selfies and now more from last night's music awards. ♪ ♪ captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins... that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? and with that in mind... at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jig jab has a new video you can insert yourself into, into "i'm happy." we have put governor rick perry, along with that man right there, jerry brown, the governor of california, because you -- although it's happy on the outside, there is kind of a war going on between california and texas. you want a california company -- >> we're reaching out to some smaller companies, like secachi. >> the sauce people? >> yeah. when you think about the competition between the states, that's what our founding fathers really meant for us to do is federal government to do a few things, do them very well and everything else action tax, regulatory, legal policies should be decided by the states rather than this one size fits all that we see out of washington, d.c. too often, which i think stymies innovation and growth. so the states competing with each other is the real key. >> i'm sorry. it's so unfair, though. you're cheating, governor. you don't have the state income tax. your regulations are lower, you're for cheaper energy. >> stop it already. >> how is california supposed to compete, or illinois? >> interestingly, we've seen illinois make some changes in their tax policy. the new new york ad that you've seen, i think all of those are because bobby jindal, rick scott or other governors have come into those states to compete for those businesses and give them some opportunities and give them some alternatives, if you will, to high tax, high regulation, and legal system that allows for oversuing. >> why doesn't california jump in? you've been able to drop the unemployment rate to 5.2%. texas rated best state for business. what are they getting so wrong and you're getting right? >> well, we don't have that much time to really sit here and go through all the different things that -- but there is four that matter. it's tax structure, a regulatory climate. it's the legal system and it's the accountable public schools. so you have a skilled work force. when you look at those, california comes in almost dead last in every one of those categories when it comes to obviously taxes. new york and california have had more wealth per capita leave their states over the last decade than any other states in the nation. and they come to places like nevada or texas or arizona or -- rick scott is doing an extraordinary job in florida of really making that state be competitive. he's moved up to right below texas on a ceo magazine list. >> he credits you for some of the things that he's done in florida. >> but the fact is, he and governors like nikki haley and john kasich up in ohio, they're really making a difference in those states and making those states be more competitive. so blue state governors need to be look over their shoulder. they need to be responding to these types of -- it's not a tax. this is just being competitive. it's like the jets and giants playing. i'm thinking they're both going to want to be competitive and win their game. then after it's over with, they go out and have a beer. >> speaking of want to go win the game, you would like the country to be more energy independent. you're writing a letter to the president of the united states that will be made public today. it says in part -- would you like to read it or should i? >> go ahead. >> it says, if adopted, the texas approach could create jobs, contribute billions of dollars to the economy, strengthen our energy security and make the united states a global energy powerhouse today and for future generations. i encourage you, mr. president, to act quickly to free up these resources for families all across america. >> and i think that last sentence is the one that's really the most powerful one when you think about what's happened in the state of texas. the resurgence of the shell gas formations that have been explored and being able to use those resources and the job creation. maybe five years ago a young man in south texas, maybe newly married, maybe not had a job and today he's driving a truck in the eagle formation, that natural gas and oil formation that's just creating incredible amount of jobs, making over $100,000 a year. that can happen in southern new york. it can happen in california. it can happen in these states that have tax and regulatory problems. but it's going to take a president and those governors recognizing that the best thing for their citizens is to allow for energy to be explored for in this country. >> there was a drill more, drill offshore, open up some of the lands that are held by the federal government. >> you can do it safely and thoughtfully. one of the things that i like to bring to people's attention, during the decade of the 2000s in texas, we lowered our nitrogen oxide levels. that's really cleaning up the air of real pollutants, and making a difference. we had 5 million people move into our state. so you can have energy security in north america with the xl pipeline, with what's happening in mexico and north america. we don't have to be held hostage by countries that may not have our best interest in mind by allowing that type of exploration for our natural resources in the state. that's the type of thoughtful economic and energy policy that this administration should be engaged in. >> texas is a great state. i'm down there all the time 'cause as you know, my daughter goes to smu. we've got in attendance -- >> your daughter and your money come to texas. >> a lot of both. >> for good reason. >> thank you very much. >> good to see you. heather nauert is standing by. good morning to you. >> we got a lot of graduations going on this time of year. you will not believe what one student in connecticut did. you haven't gone to class in a year. so how do you keep your parents from finding out that you're not graduating? call in a bomb threat? that's what this gal did, danielle shay. she attended quinnipiac university. she called in two bomb threats just before the start of the graduation ceremony. yeah. she's now being held on a $20,000 bond. the graduation was delayed 90 minutes, moved indoors, but it went off without a hitch after all. a new law in the state of colorado will allow terminally ill patients access to fermental did -- experimental drugs that could save their lives but not approved by the f.d.a. colorado is the first to pass this law. pharmaceutical companies would have to sign off on giving the drugs to a patient before they start to get it. it's similar to what happened with josh hardy. he has been featured extensively on our show. 7-year-old boy from virginia and he beat cancer four times. he developed a virus that caused heart and kidney failure, but after receiving doses of an experimental drug, he can sit up and play board games with his brothers and doing so much better. wow. caught on camera, the terrifying moment a diver takes on a 12-foot great white shark and wins. look at this. this man was diving 90 feet in water off the coast of florida. the shark kept getting closer and closer. and eventually you can see here, he prods it with his spear and it eventually goes away. that lasted 2 1/2 minutes. 150 new words just added to the meriam webster dictionary. selfy, hash tag, spoiler alert, baby bump and yooper? what's a yooper? a person who lives in the upper spend -- peninsula of michigan. they're known for their distinctive manner of speaking and scandinavian roots. those are your headlines. steve, you can answer that. >> and we also took the program a couple years ago up to the u.p. of michigan. >> is that the thumb? >> the up there at the top part. where the yoopers are. >> coming up, important information for you and your pets. the danger lushing in some dog treats that could be deadly. what to look for ahead. and when it comes to award shows, the awards are rarely the headline. last night's show no different thanks to a little celebrity dirt. the story behind both of these moments just ahead. ♪ ♪ you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. quarter before the top of the hour, quick head lynns. a warning for dog owners. new f.d.a. report says toxic jerky treats have apparently killed more than 1,000 dogs since 2007. after seven years of investigating, officials have no idea why. the snack is mostly made in china and sold by many different companies under many different brands. and which one of these dishes looks better to you? about the same, right? a new study says that even though they're identical, the more expensive food will always taste better to some. in a cornell university study, identical dishes were given to participants, but those that paid more gave a rating that was 11% higher than the cheap stuff. that's the news. the billboard music awards have everybody talking this morning. justin timberlake won big. but there was a controversial moment that has everybody agag. mark cuban didn't like the jay-z-solange elevator brawl go to waste. here is what he said. >> we're here to announce our latest and best. we just spent $3.2 billion to buy a hot new company called beat down by solange. that was a great, great elevator pitch. >> quick reaction it seemed even in the audience, right? >> eric, you should explain as you did earlier. >> apple purchases beat the company which is a dr. dre starter company for $3.2 billion. a lot of money. these guys, the mark cuban and the other guy do "shark tank." it's a tv show about buying companies. so therefore, the joke. it took a while for me to get the joke also. but i think any reason to put that video of solange kicking and punching jay-z will do the story. >> work it in somehow. talk about your investment. >> and clearly the billboard people felt the same way. >> that video of tmz stuff is getting the same nonstop play, that remember the twerking video of miley cyrus with robin thicke? robin thicke after that got in quite a bit of trouble with his wife. they're currently not in good state, to say the least. so last night he did his best to try to win his wife back. ♪ ♪ all i want to do is keep it light ♪ ♪ i got to make it right, make it right ♪ >> most importantly i'd like to thank my wife for her love and support and for putting up with me all these years. >> boy, did he pour it on thick. >> sure. other guys might be using that song to say they're sorry to their mate as well. >> there you have some of the highlights of the music awards last night. by the way, also michael jackson recreated. i just read it was michael jackson's face, but some other dancing who did the dancing. >> so the hologram was not michael jackson? no. >> meet the teen who just topped a sitting law maker in the primary. what's her winning strategy? she joins us next. first we'll check in with martha mccallum for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> hello there. good morning. the president's chief of staff says his boss is, quote, madder than hell about the mounting v.a. hospital scandal. what will be done about it? the pressure mounts on eric shinseki this morning. and dick cheney speaks out about benghazi and the unavoidable impact on hillary clinton. brit hume is here on that. and a 9-11 gift shop. does the store need to go? we'll see you at the top of the hour really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get ready to meet the teen who just topped the sitting law maker in the primaries. 17-year-old sarah blair is one election away from becoming the youngest state law maker in west virginia history. she joins us right now this morning. great to have you here. >> thank you, glad to be here. >> you're set to graduate wednesday? >> yes, ma'am. >> you're 17 years old. most young women your age would be thinking of summer break. why politics? >> it's always interested me. my father did it for ten years. then i've been with really great organizations that led me along the way. i think it's time that our generation learns the importance of conservative principles and there is no better way to do that than just to run. >> tell us, i love how you reach out to the people of your district and wrote letters by hand. >> yes. i started with a survey to the district so that i could understand their views. i sent it out to 150 people and got their views. from there, i went and wrote 800 handwritten letters to the people of my district. i didn't have a staff working with me. and i just really wanted them to know that i was dedicated to this and i was going to do it for them. >> you're going to go up against a democrat, a 44-year-old female trial lawyer. if you win, what are you going to do about school? >> i'll be going to school -- it will be my full-time job. i'll be a full time student, just as all the legislators, they have full-time jobs. that will be my full-time job and the legislature is my part-time job. >> what do you think critics would say? too young. she doesn't know what she's doing. >> right now the average age in the u.s. congress is 57. and the average age in the senate is 62. with all that experience, the only thing we've gotten is lower jobs, more debt, and less opportunity. so i don't think a fresh perspective will hurt anyone. >> sarah, if elected, you will -- fill in the blank. >> i want to bring more jobs. you just had governor perry here. and texas is the best ranked state for business. and i really want to see west virginia do that because i've watched too many kids my age have to leave the state because they can't find a good paying job and i want to bring good paying jobs back to the state of west virginia. >> very refreshing. there is no war on women in the republican party, is there? >> not at all. >> then you haven't been watching the mainstream media. >> impressed. you wrote all of those letters with a strong message. great to have you here. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> good luck. >> thank you. more "fox & friends" moments away. ♪ ♪ for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. ♪ before we leave you today, we're going to talk into watching tomorrow because we got a great one. >> dr. ben carson, is he thinking about a 2016 run? north carolina governor pat mccory and cheryl casone with "the five" companies hiring right now. don't miss it. >> did you say "the five"? >> what a flawless plug right there. that's it. >> maybe something at noon. maybe. i'm not supposed to say anything. >> is that an offer to buy us lunch? >> it would look kind of like that. >> maybe we'll find out in the after the show show. >> eric, it's been great having you. >> thanks for having me. >> brian will be back tomorrow. we go now to "america's newsroom". martha: thanks very much, guys. we have stunning new revelations in the va scandal. the all bain station's transition team -- the obama administration transition team received warnings in 2008 that there were problems to address in the va hospitals and did nothing so far to stop it. i'm martha maccallum. glad to have you with us in "america's newsroom." >> good morning every. one of the i'm eric shawn in for bill hemmer today. "the washington times" reporting more than five years ago, right after the president was elected his team was told not to trust the wait types of the va hospitals were reporting. those problems apparently leading to death of the more than 40


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20141018 23:00:00

fox urgent police announcing a short time ago human remains were found during the search for missing uva student, hannah graham. good evening, everyone. i'm julie banderas. this is the fox report. just a short time ago, police in virginia revealing a search team has found human remains that might be those of the 18-year-old college sophomore. hannah vanished on september 13 in charlottesville, virginia. a suspect in custody. the discovery was made in a public park just miles outside of charlottesville, virginia. police are now asking anyone familiar with the area for help. it is important to note the remains have not been identified. though hannah's parents have been. the weeks long search operation for hannah involved thousands of volunteers and law enforcement officials. investigators say the body found today will now be taken to a forensic lab in richmond for positive identification. peter doocy has more from washington. peter, what comes next? >> reporter: as you just said, right now forensic experts in richmond, virginia's state capitol, are working hard. they're work quickly to try to figure out if those human remains found today are a match for hannah graham who went missing 35 days ago exactly. we learned today that sadly, perhaps about ten miles away from the downtown mall restaurant that captured the last known images of hannah graham, a search team from the chesterfield county sheriff's department found some human remains in an abandoned property, just before noon today. we don't know much about what they found, but the sheriff did feel the need to notify hannah graham's parents about the discovery, which they did. on the investigative side, preserving evidence now becomes the key and despite a lack of positive i.d. so far, the sadness in the police chief's voice today that we heard really does suggest that he is fearing the worst. the chief also said that he thinks all those hours of searching may have finally proven their worth. julie. >> so will the search continue until they make a positive identification? >> reporter: doesn't sound like it. a few minutes ago we got an e-mail from officials down there who said a search planned for tomorrow morning in the general area where these remains were found has now been canceled and when we listened to the investigators today and the authorities, they weren't really talking about anything in the future other than making a positive identification. instead they were really looking back saying thank you to everyone who spent countless hours for what they describe as an unprecedented effort there. listen. >> i want to thank everyone who gave up their days, their nights, their weekends, people who called and wrote and dropped good wishes and words of encouragement to the search crews to the detectives that have worked so hard in this investigation. i want to thank all of those people because today would not have been possible if not for their prayers, their encouragement and help. >> reporter: the suspect in this case, jesse matthew, is still being held without bond charged with abduction with intent to defile. as far as we know based on updates from prosecutors, he has not been cooperating. he has not been talking. so now investigators want to hear from anybody who may have seen this suspect, jesse matthew, in the general area where these remains were found this morning, late this morning, as the story may be nearing a very sad end not only for the graham family, but also for the entire university of virginia community. back to you. >> all right. peter doocy, thank you so much. turning now to ebola. we are awaiting the release of new guidelines from the center for disease control covering just how our nation's hospitals and health care workers are to handle ebola infected patients. this comes in response to what has been a series of missteps in treating an ebola patient in dallas, texas that eventually led to two nurses becoming infected. word out of ohio tonight that health officials are now monitoring more than 100 people who had contact with the dallas nurse, amber vinson. many of them, passengers with her on a frontier airlines flight from dallas to cleveland. so far none of those being monitored have showed any signs or symptoms. and nina pham, another dallas nurse infected with ebola, is said to be in fair condition tonight at the nih hospital in maryland. her condition was downgraded yesterday. aleash i can't acuna begins our coverage in dallas. a carnival cruise ship we understand is carrying a dallas medical worker who is currentsly under self-quarantine. when is that ship expected back in texas? >> reporter: yes. the carnival magic is expected very early tomorrow morning in galveston, texas. really the only port where it is welcome at this point. this after being denied entry into cozumel and belize. the ship cut its trip short and headed back to dock in texas. belize denied the request to allow the passenger on this ship to fly home from its airport. the man now in quarantine in this cabin since it was discovered he was a lab technician who handled some of duncan's samples. he is showing no signs of symptoms. and neither are a full host of other people who the county of dallas says has been calling in concerned they have either been exposed to ebola or may have contracted the virus. dallas county judge clay jenkins said out to reassure the community and the region that not only are they more prepared now should there be another diagnosis, but that when that 21-day quarantine that those close to duncan have been in expires tomorrow, the public is safe. >> for the 38 years that we've been looking at ebola and tracking ebola and the world health organization and cdc are there for every outbreak, they've never had any case where someone showed symptoms later than 21 days. it's probably well later than -- well before 21 days, but that 21-day period is based on over 38 years, nobody started showing symptoms on the 22nd day. >> reporter: and julie, judge jenkins also pointed out that we're at a critical point this weekend in the time line of ebola, meaning that should we get no more diagnoses, no more cases this weekend, it's a pretty good sign. >> the area of ohio where amber vinson traveled is on alert tonight, i understand as well? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. that's because amber vinson flew to and from cleveland around the time that she was starting to experience symptoms and right before she was diagnosed with ebola. so steps are being taken in northeast ohio to calm fears of spread. that means for the governor, meeting with local health department leaders, cdc officials and medical providers and that happened today. after that officials let the public know that first responders are getting training. schools where kids had contact with vinson or houston other flight were closed, some businesses doing the same. all of this authorities say is a lesson in the making. >> one of the things that's been very beneficial for us doing that is as we are bringing our personnel down, we're getting feedback from them as it relates to these protocols. one of the things that i think that we have consistently reminded everybody is that this is an ever evolving, ever changing scenario. so gathering that information from our personnel is allowing us then to update our protocols as it relates to their operational experiences with these protocols that we're implementing. because of that, we will continue to tweak those protocols as we go forward. >> reporter: julie, this has prompted states all over the country to really take a hard look at their own plans of what they would do in the event of an outbreak and they are all making adjustments. >> alicia, thank you so much. family and friends gathering today to remember the only person here in the united states to die from ebola. the crowd filling a church in north carolina where the mother, sister and nephew of thomas eric duncan worship. the 42-year-old died at a dallas hospital back on october 8 after contracting the virus in liberia. he didn't show symptoms until after returning to the u.s. people who have had contact with duncan are still being monitored. screening for potential ebola cases expanding in europe. airline passengers arriving in paris from guinea all had their temperatures taken after getting off the plane. we are told everyone on that flight was fine and then allowed to enter france. guinea is one of the three west african nations hardest hit by ebola. so far no confirmed cases have been reported in france. and in washington, fox news has spotted the new so-called ebola czar at the white house along with vice president joe biden and white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough. no word on if there was any sort of meeting scheduled. the new ebola dollar is ron klain, former chief of staff to joe biden and al gore. he's also an experienced attorney touted for his management skills. but some lawmakers are criticizing the president's choice. namely because of what mr. klain lacks, any type of medical background. so we want to hear from you. do you believe the u.s. needed a czar to handle the ebola response in the first place? what to you think of the president's pick? tweet me, we're going to try to read some of your answers later on in the program. the u.s. working closely with kurdish fighters to drive isis out of the syrian border town of kobani for good. increased air strikes appear to be working. the islamic militants reportedly pulling out of the west side of that town and losing ground in the east. as the terror group suffers heavy casualties, the white house says isis fighters have been flooding into kobani, creating an opportunity to take them out in large numbers. this is an encouraging development. but military officials warn kobani could still fall. greg palkot has more from turkey near the syrian border. >> reporter: the latest word that we are getting is that there have been more air strikes against isis in the last 24 hours throughout the region. including strikes against the terrorists in the syrian border town of kobani where the fight goes on. what we are getting from our contacts on the ground is there have been street battles in the center of town between the terrorists and kurdish militia. that's where there have been claims that isis had been driven out. still sources tell us that 20% of the place is in the hands of isis. amid new word tonight, the terrorists could be readying yet another offensive. as we watched all week, u.s. air strikes continued, one contact telling us that one targeted isis right where the two sides were fighting. it began a sign of a close coordination between the united states and some very brave kurdish fighters in that town. reports two of isis shells landing on the turkey side of the border and a turkish tank firing back. no confirmation where those shells hit. turkey has been very reluctant to get into this fight. the latest wave of u.s. air strikes also hit other locations inside syria as well as in iraq. a clearer sign that isis is threatening on several fronts. >> thank you so much. meanwhile, a somber day for family and friends of james foley. an american journalist beheaded by isis. ♪ >> mourners gathered for a memorial service in new hampshire on what would have been his 41st birthday. james foley was killed in august nearly two years after he was kidnapped while covering the syrian war. his family remembering him as a beautiful person. >> i'll never make complete sense of why jim died, but i don't think that is for me to understand. but he did not die in vain. he reminded us simply that good does triumph over evil. >> and british aid worker remembered in his hometown in scotland. he was killed last month. isis also beheaded british aid worker alan henning and american journalist steven sotloff. right now supreme court decision that could impact the crucial midterm elections. the justices will allow texas to go ahead with their voter i.d. law that had been put on hold by a lower court. we're going to break down the decision and its potential impact. also possible sightings of a fugitive on the run for a month after police say he ambushed two state troopers. now authorities are taking new precautions to keep people in the area safe synchrony financial partners with over two hundred thousand businesses, from fashion retailers to healthcare providers, from jewelers to sporting good stores, to help their customers get what they want and need. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. in life there are things you want to touch and some you just don't. introducing the kohler touchless toilet. ♪ [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will our priority is...was... tigers, both of you. tigers? 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>> thank you. hurricane gonzalo wreaking havoc on bermuda. the powerful storm leaves behind widespread damage and thousands of homes without power. but we're going to tell you why people there are feeling lucky. and a dutch biker gang armed with assault rifles joining the fight against isis? their mission? exterminate the rodents. that's a quote create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. 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[ all talking ] you want the insights that will help you decide which ideas to execute and which to leave behind. you want your trades executed in one second or less, guaranteed, and routed he i'm julie banderas. this is the fox report. the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the nurse. it appears the search for university of virginia student hannah graham may have come to a tragic end. about an hour ago, authorities in virginia held a news conference to report that a sheriff search team has found human remains at an abandoned property. while the body has yet to be positively identified, investigators do say it could be that of the 18-year-old college sophomore. she vanished 35 days ago in charlottesville. police do have a suspect in custody, jesse matthew. he's being held without bond on charges of abduction. investigators say matthew is not cooperating. joining us now by phone, dr. baden, world renowned forensic pathologist and fox news contributor. dr. baden, thank you so much for talking to us. at this point the only charges that have been brought up against matthew are charges of abduction. i would imagine now that a body has discovereds, once it's positively i.d'd, those charges are likely to change? >> absolutely right. the police know this is hannah graham by this time. they know by the clothing. they know by dental identification which just takes a few minutes of comparing to dental records, police would have automatically obtained from the family. the family dentist when she went missing. and but they don't want to release the definite until the medical examiner tomorrow morning says it's definite. they're doing a serial rapist. probable serial murderer. and at this time they're trying to get more information and finding the dead body gives them probable cause to change it from abduction to murder. >> you mentioned the serial rapist, possible serial murderer here. police have confirmed that matthew was also linked by forensic evidence to the morgan harrington case. she was a 20-year-old student at virginia tech. she went missing in 2009 after leaving a concert. her remains were found on a farm three months later. no arrests were ever made in that case. that could change as well. >> yes. they had evidence, remember, when he skipped out and ran away, they developed evidence after going through his residence, of the car that he had been driving that connected him to other dead body and they didn't say what that evidence was. one of the things they have to look for is serial murderers often take trophies and keep them in their rooms or in their car and how the police have a lot more evidence that they will be able to release once a charge of murder comes up against mr. matthew. >> it's no coincidence that graham was last seen with matthew in downtown charlottesville on september 13. now the idea behind her remains allegedly being found is the evidence and the physical evidence around her remains. at this point what are investigators going to be looking for? she was buried in a shallow grave. investigators have contacted hannah graham's parents. obviously they know it's her. they want to link her death to matthew. >> yeah. part of it is that if it turns out from all their investigations that she was last seen with matthew, that she was last seen with matthew and was not seen after it, and that she was wearing the same clothing that she's been identified by dental records, i think, one of the things i'd be concerned about is the initial police investigation of that area. supposedly there was an investigation in the area in which she was found and what often comes up, these investigations, these searches for bodies are so difficult and so many places to look that it's easy to overlook somebody if they're in a small area and she's been partially buried. but i would suspect that she's been in that one spot since she went missing. >> what about dna on her body and her decomposed remains? does that make it difficult to tie her death to matthew? >> given 35 days or so, there should be no problem identifying her by her dna and that she was sexually assaulted in which there was saliva or semen deposited on the body, that that dna most probably will still be good. they'd be able to convict her by finding his dna on her in a sexual thing. not just by holding hands because that theoretically could be potential. >> of course. always great to have your expertise, thank you so much. >> thank you. in an update on our other top story, health officials in ohio are monitoring more than 100 people who once had contact with dallas nurse amber vinson. many of them, passengers with her on a frontier airlines flight, from dallas to cleveland. so far none of those being monitored are showing any symptoms of ebola. a cruise ship carrying a dallas medical worker under self-quarantine expected to return to galveston, texas tomorrow after being denied permission to dock in mexico. the passenger handled ebola samples before leaving on the cruise, but so far showing no symptoms of the virus. all this as we await news from the centers for disease control in atlanta today. the agent expected to release and they said they would today -- new guidelines for how medical personnel will operate around the deadly disease. alicia acunia joins us now. what should we expect from the cdc? >> reporter: this all revolves around the personal protective equipment. basically what the healthcare workers will wear when dealing with a patient who has ebola because what the cdc heard from health care workers was that there was some confusion over exactly what to wear, how to wear it and more importantly, how to remove it because as do you know, we heard from dr. frieden, the head of the cdc, that can be the most dangerous point for transmission in terms of what health care workers are exposed to when dealing with an ebola patient because they can touch secretions and it can get onto the outer layers of whatever they're wearing and then they can touch that. what they were finding is that healthcare workers were feeling more protected when they put three pairs of gloves on and put tape on and thought they were more protected, when that wasn't the case. what they're going to do is clarify and solidify these guidelines so that there is a broad base for everyone to go from, so every health care worker they're hoping in the united states knows exactly what to do, how to put on this equipment, what to do and they might change some of the equipment so that it's very clear. so there is no confusion like what they saw here, the nurses here at texas presbyterian. >> as we await the cdc announcing these new guidelines as they have said they would today, we don't know the time frame at this point, what else is the dallas area in particular doing to prepare for more possible cases? >> reporter: they're doing quite a bit. when we heard from the judge here earlier, he explained that what they're also doing is trying to expand the pressure base essentially so that there are more people who can kind of pick up the pressure. so they have 50 medical experts who are going to be ready to go as go teams to go to any isolation unit in the region. they also have the university of texas medical branch in galveston that is ramping up to handle any medical waste because there is a tremendous amount of medical waste that comes when you're dealing with an ebola patient. so they're preparing in that regard as well. they're also trying to just make sure that folks in the area know that they're going to be okay. that's really important for them because they're screening a lot of calls. as you know, we've been covering this since this all started. a lot of false alarms going off because people understandably are very concerned. so there is a lot of education going out in the community as well. >> the family of the only person in america to die from ebola now hours from being given the all clear after they were going to be -- or have been in quarantine, tell us about the family. >> reporter: sure. louise thoh, she has three sons. they've been in isolation in a secret place all of this time. at midnight tomorrow night going into monday, they will be released from that quarantine. they've been in quarantine for 21 days. and from what we're hearing from medical experts, the public really doesn't need to worry about their safety at this point. they have not shown any signs of symptoms and as we get to the end of this weekend, it really is a critical time really for this whole area. because if we see no new areas, that's good sign for the dallas area that we haven't seen new cases. for this family in particular, it will be time for them to get back into their life. they will not return to the participate where they lived. they were planning on leaving anyway and dallas county has said they want to make this as easy a transition because this has been incredibly difficult on this family. >> all right. it sure has. thank you so much. the search now for a suspected cop killer is expanding after a woman reported seeing eric frien near the pennsylvania high school where he once attended classes. it's been more than five weeks since he allegedly ambushed state troopers, killing one and injuring another. investigators say they will not rest until frien is found. bryan llenas has more. it's shocking that it's been so long they've been searching for this guy. nigh sightings at all? >> reporter: we're talking about that sighting last night. the woman was walking along the side of a road near the woods when she says she saw a man who police say was frien 15 to 20 feet away from her. >> individual description was consistent with frien and he was observed carrying a rifle. the individual's face was covered with mud and so a positive identification could not be made. >> reporter: the sighting happened in swift water, pennsylvania. just a few miles away from what happened this afternoon where staffers at the mount airy casino tell fox search teams were searching near the second hole of the golf course today after another possible sighting. that's two in 24 hours. meanwhile, blood has been found on two enclosed back porches. police are testing it to see if it's frien's. meantime, behavioral scientists are trying to figure out his next move. they say he could strike again if he gets a chance. remember, frien is described as a self-taught survivalist and expert rivalman and war reenactor with a grudge against law enforcement. >> i understand the police are saying weather could hurt their finding him? >> it could actually help them because the search cost several million dollars. f.b.i. and atf searching the woods with the help of technology like thermal imagery. now police are confident that the changing weather will make it easier to spot him. >> the worst the weather is for him, the better it is for us. we believe that as the leaves go off trees, technology kicks in quite a bit more. aircraft become much more effective. >> reporter: so far police have found an ak 47 pipe bombs with trip wires and abandoned camp site and handwritten notes describing the night he allegedly shot two pennsylvania troopers, killing brian dixon and wound be douglas. douglas was released from the hospital on thursday. >> we are expecting chillier temperatures. possibly that could help them. thank you very much. kurdish militia getting help if their fight against isis from a seemingly unexpected place. members of dutch biker group arriving in northern iraq to help them, quote, exterminate the rodents. some of the bikers even have military training and experience in battle. the group says they had to get involved. >> the kurds have been oppress prestoned for a long time and when they're being killed, you can't stay at home sitting on your couch. >> one dutchman vows to stay in iraq until isis has been pushed out of the country's kurdish territory. dare devils hitting a snag. why so many of these expert base jumpers ended up in the trees. a structure destroyed in the 9-11 terrorist attack will stand tall once again. a church in lower manhattan rebuilding more than 13 years later. ♪ ♪ i'm over the hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? 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(all) awesome! i love logistics. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. more than 400 base jumpers celebrating the 35th anniversary of new river gorge bridge day in west virginia. it is billed as the largest extreme sports event in the world and the only day of the year when dare devils can legally jump from that bridge. why would they want to do that? but it wasn't smooth sailing for everybody. some base jumpers having a bit of trouble landing as gusty winds pushed them into trees. at least one jumper was actually hurt and rushed to the hospital. no word on the extent of those injuries. a car crashes into a hotel room with two guests inside. our top story as we go across america. wisconsin. the driver may have fallen asleep, veering off the road and right into this hotel in kenosha. about 40 miles south of milwaukee. the car coming to a stop in the hallway. the guests in that room were not hurt and the driver also escaped injury. the fire chief says everyone here was, quote, very lucky. >> you can imagine a hotel room and the width of a car. there wasn't a lot of room for that car to miss the people inside. >> crews are assessing the damage. guests staying near the crash site, including a wedding party, were moved to other rooms. north carolina. a man tasting freedom for the first time in more than 30 years after being falsely accused of murder. >> glad's over with. >> willie was convicted in 1976. he recently told the state panel that investigates claims of innocence that police beat him and forced him to sign a fake confession. his convicted accomplice admits he shot and killed the victim with another man who has since died. texas. a boy with a rare disease getting a chance at a more normal life. he was born with a hand that never fully developed. but he now has a new functioning hand that was created with a 3d printer. he says his classmates think it's pretty cool. >> i thought they would be, like, not happy, but instead, they're like happy. >> his mother says he's now more confident and outgoing. that's a fox watch across america. 13 years after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, new york city is still working to restore what was lost on that day. today greek religious leaders took another step in that direction, gathering in lower manhattan to bless the former site of saint nick class greek orthodox church. this national shrine will soon reemerge as a new symbol of hope and peace for people of all faiths. lauren green has the story. >> reporter: on september 11, 2001, when the world watched the twin towers fall, little knew the small greek orthodox church that stood in the shadows was obliterated that day, erasing over 100 years of history. >> the church was destroyed, which somehow assured that this act of terrorism did not only take human lives, of innocent people of all faiths and origin, but took the only religious building existing there. >> reporter: 13 years later, the church is set to rise again. a ground blessing ceremony this weekend will christen it as a national shrine. >> it will remain as that place in the midst of everything that place of silence, that place of peace. >> reporter: overlooking the 9-11 memorial, the new church is just a short distance from its original site. while traditional greek orthodox services will be held, it will be more than a place of worship. >> the mission of the church is now to be open for all people, regardless of religious or nonreligious thoughts or beliefs to come to this place, to light a candle, to go upstairs to the bereavement center, to sit and reflect and think and process that which is only hundreds of feet away, to process what actually happened here. >> reporter: the structuralled dome is characteristic of greek orthodox tradition dating back to the byzantine era and reminiscents of the historical sophia in turkey. the architect beat out 12 other top architects select to do submit design proposals. the project will cost roughly $38 million to complete. 7 million has already been raised with the help from donations from around the world. >> this is a cost. this is something that highs back to each and every one of us who remember where we were on that day. and want to be part of it. >> reporter: the new saint nicholas is expected to open by 2016, which marks the church's 100th anniversary. in new york, lauren green, fox news. >> the debate over police body cameras, an effective way to combat crime or invasion of privacy? we'll tell what you one town thinks nextssdsdççzskjfç >> there is an ongoing debate over policemen wearing body armor. one city said it cuts downa frivolous lawsuits and critics say they don't protect our privacy. >> reporter: a strange scene in the east township police headquarters. >> sit down>> reporter: enough, enough. they arrest a man who claimed he was beaten up by the cops. >> and so the officer acted inappropriately and demeanor or unlawful search and use of force. we have the ability to playback the entire incident that unfolded in the officer's eyes. >> reporter: he's had a dash cam and two-thirds of the interactions were happening outside of the camera. and now with body camera, there is little debate about what the officer says and does and the suspect is doing. they require the officer to wear a body camera and required to turn it on every time they interact. it captures foot chases and traffic stops. critics raised concerns about privacy and protecting the material from hackers. the system is well protected and cost more than 60 grand to protect the department they are saving on courthouse and lawsuits. >> are you used to it at this point? >> it is just another piece of equipment. that could have shed immediate light in ferguson, missouri on the shooting of michael brown. police now wear cameras there. several law enfor are testing and using the cameras coast to coast. >> at the top of the hour, we asked you about the president naming an ebola czar. do you think we need one and is the president's pick qualified? we'll read your twitter responses next. s that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us. the exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20141106 23:00:00

>> he's an amazing person and his wife just wrote a novel that is very good. >> she's unbelievable. very good. set your dvrs so you never miss an episode of the five. the president goes on the offensive bringing a russian terrorist to the u.s. and offering to cut a deal with iran. this is "special report ". good evening. i'm bret baier. president obama trying to show he's the moss. with moves affecting a large swath of the most dangerous neighborhoods. we have fox team coverage tonight. ed henry is at the white house with word of a secret letter proposing a secret deal between president obama and iran. jennifer griffin is at the pentagon with the targeting of one of the world's most wanted terrorist in syria, but we begin with kathryn herrige. good evening, kathryn. >> bret, tomorrow morning, terrorism charges will be brought against a russian national after 2009 attack on a forward operating base in coast provin province. fox news is told the case is a 55-year-old is a test run for whether detainees held in afghanistan can be successfully tried in federal court because the white house is unwilling to send new detain knneees to guano bay. they quietly transferred him to kuwait. one of the first to arrive at guantanamo bay in 2002 and subsequent military reviews but the bush and obama administration found he was a member of al qaeda, recruiter and part of the push to fast track and reduce the number of detainees, last summer this report reached a different conclusion. he was a low-risk transfer. >> the obama administration accepted some level of risk with each of their 89 transfers but are turning the dial further to the right to accept more risk because the president wants to fulfill his campaign pledge to close gitmo. >> reporter: they tweeted congratulations to the family before the defense department publicly confirmed he would be allowed to leave and the same message by a senior al qaeda operative in syria. >> it shows they consider current detainees to be in the fight whether propaganda or when they are released they can be reintegrated and they are considered still part of the game. >> reporter: with 148 detainees remaining, a military source says administration is determined to get the population below 100 believing it can successfully argue they should be held in a maximum security prison but for mr. obama, the loss of the senate to the republicans is creating a new hurdle. >> now that they own the senate, the problem gets twice as difficult, and in today's circumstances, it's just not going to happen gitmo stays. >> fox news is told over the last year, administration released some detainees, more than a hand full in afghanistan because there was not enough admissible evidence to bring them to a u.s. federal court and guantanamo was simply not an option for the obama administration, bret. >> thank you. fox news learned that the u.s. has killed a very high priority terror target in syria. national security correspondent jennifer griffin broke this story from the pentagon. >> reporter: an official confirmed to fox news he was killed, target of a air strike, a 24-year-old islam. he was a member of an elite group of al qaeda fighters and bomb makers that migrated to syria from bases in pakistan. u.s. war planes carried out the strikes using b-1 bombers, f-16 fighters and an mq-9 reaper drone. it launched missiles on a vehicle in which he was believed to be traveling. the only passenger is dead, the driver reportedly lost a leg and was expected to die as a result of his injuries. according to sources with knowledge of the operation. the vehicle was traveling in syria's idlib province, quote, this network was plotting to attack in europe or the homeland and we took decisive action to protect our interest and remove their capability to act. we will continue to take any action necessary to disrupt attack plotting against u.s. interest. wednesday's attacks amount to only the second strike against the group since the start of the u.s. air campaign in syria. the first attack on september 22nd involving 47 tmissiles was left conclusive. >> i do not have anything to announce with respect to individual leaders, and whatever happened to them. >> french journalist that documented the radicalization say the young man from brittany traveled to egypt to learn arabic and went to pakistan fighting u.s. troops in afghanistan. >> french intelligence had sources at the end of the year 2013 that told them that there was this guy in waziristan that was about to go to syria and that he had been in waziristan for three and a half years. >> that's where he learned to make bombs and dip clothes in explosives that could pass through airport detection. u.s. officials tell us the french bomb maker was the only individual targeted last night during the u.s. air strikes. bret? >> jennifer, thank you. security is tight and tensions are high tonight in r jerusalem. a surveillance was found near the city when a mini van slammed into a crowd and pal spin anyone motorist drove into a group of soldiers in the west bank. one of the first post election showdowns between the president and congressional republicans could come not on immigration but on iran. here is chief white house correspondent ed henry. >> reporter: president obama's promise to work with a new congress is getting a serious test after word he recently sent a secret leader to the iran supreme lead tore discuer to di fighting isis signing off on a nuclear deal ahead of a november 24th deadline. >> i'm not in a position to talk about private correspondents. >> reporter: sparking john mccain to charge the letter first reported by the wall street journal says the white house is trying to prod iran to sign off on a nuclear agreement that lawmakers in both parties may find too lenient. >> it seems to be a dispir ration move to get a nuclear arm steal but great concern is the fact that apparently we are going to work with the iranians to defeat isis. we now are telling the free syrian army that we're working with the people who are major reasons why they have had so many of them slaughtered. i think it's unthinkable. >> reporter: it was suggested he's still hopeful of preventing a nuclear arms race in the mideast with talks secretary of state john kerry will resume sunday. >> whether they can manage to say yes to what clearly would be better for iran, better for the region and better for the world is an open question. we'll find out over the next several weeks. >> reporter: at that same news conference, the president acre knowledged the u.s. is not yet winning against isis militants and republicans expressed alarm at the out reach to teheran. >> i don't trust the iranians. i don't think we need to bring them into this and i would hope the negotiations underway are serious but i have my doubts. >> reporter: the backlash showed for the talk of cooperation ahead of a bipartisan lunch that's coming friday, there are sharp differences on the foreign and domestic fronts with white house press secretary josh earnest refusing to say whether the president will veto planned gop legislation to approve the pipeline adding to the tension for the second straight day white house officials appear to be in some denial about trying to claim the election results affirms the president's policies instead of reputuating them. >> i think there is ample data to indicate a lot of the policies that the president himself has advocated are strongly supported by those who participated in the election. >> now on iran, josh earnest told me key lawmakers were looped in but a senior republican told me about the letter and let me sanitize this, it really bleeps things up. >> we can fill in the blanks there. ed henry live, thank you. >> taking a break from politics, president obama awarded a medal to desen dencendants of a soldit died in the war. it was a battery against confederate forces in gettysburg in 1863. up next, the speaker of the house warns president obama about going around congress. first here is what some fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox ma31 in denver with balloon boy the musical based on the 20 2009 hoax by a family that said their young son floated away in a weather balloon, remember that? the play write who was 11 years old at the time and living in new york state says he was chance f chance fixed with the episode. the first court appearance by rick perry on felony charges accusing him of abusing power. a grand jury said he carried out a threat to veto funds to investigate public corruption after a county district attorney refused to resign after a drunken driving conviction. perry says the case is politically motivated. a live look at philadelphia from fox 29, our affiliate there. the big story there is the safe return home of a woman's whose abduction was caught on surveillance video. police credit 22-year-old carle carleshs's fighting spirit. her alleged abductor is in jail tonight. that's the live look from outside the beltway from special report. we'll be right back. and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. of custom in-home servicese a variety for your aging loved ones, including medication reminders and transportation to the doctor. ♪ a huge ruling late this afternoon on gay marriage. a court in cincinnati upheld gay marriage bans or restrictions in four states. the sixth u.s. circuit court of appeals ruled 2-1 in favor of the laws in ohio, michigan, kentucky and tennessee. the ruling increases the likelihood the u.s. supreme court will now take up this matter. congressional republicans are wasting no time in letting president obama know what they want him to do and not do during the final two years of his term. the gop won the leverage to issue those requests slash demands with a stunning landslide capture of the u.s. senate, the fort fa case in the house and the pickup of several governors seats across the country tuesday night. mike emanuel on capital hill with a blunt house speaking speaker. >> reporter: fresh off tuesday's night's election to 249 members, the largest since 1930, house speaker john boehner fire add warning spot on president obama for immigration. >> i've made clear to the president that if he acts unilaterally on his own outside of his authority, he'll poison the well and there will be no chance for immigration reform moving in this congress. it's as simple as that. >> still josh earnest promised the president will do that. >> the question before him is should he take executive action that he believes would be good for the country? is the president going to take that action and the answer is yes, the president is going to take that action. >> boehner promised votes to repeal mr. obama's signature health care law. >> our job is ache to mamake th people's priorities our priority. i don't like obamacare, they don't like it. it's hurting the economy. >> the house passed that gathered dust in the democrat control the senate. >> we can act on the keystone pipeline, restore the 40-hour workweek that was gutted by obamacare and pass the hire more heroes act that would encourage our businesses to hire more of our veterans. and again, this is just a start. >> reporter: meanwhile, utah senator warned against disarming after harry reid stripped the priority last november, the so-called nuclear option and pinned an opt head with former bush 41 white house counsel c boyden gray who said quote to restore the rule now after mr. obama installed his controversial judges would cement a partisan double standard when democrats control the white house and senate, judicial name nations need 50 votes but what republicans control both, nominations require 60 votes requiring democratic minority to block nominations. boehner acknowledged with 54 republicans in the senate, reed will have some power. >> you know how the senate works. it requires 60 votes to do most anything in the senate. clearly, he's going to have some power. >> when a reporter suggested boehner would have trouble of his own dealing with newly-elected conservatives, he pushed back. >> when you look at the vast majority of the new members that are coming in here, they are really solid members. we've done a very good job of recruiting good candidates and we're going to have a good crop of good members. >> one major issue where congressional republicans believe a deal can get done is tax reform that would benefit a number of swing state gop senators up for reelection in 2016. bret? >> thank you. condoleezza rice has hash words for democrats she accuses of race baiting in several states during the midterm campaign. >> the idea that you would play such a card and try fear among minorities just because you disagree with republicans that they are somehow all racist, i find appalling, insulting and as a republican black woman from the south, i would say to them, really? is that really the argument that you're going to make in 2014? >> rice says that while america still has racial tensions, it has made enormous progress in race relations. democrats are making a change in a race on going. the party senate campaign committee is cancelling some of the ad buys for the run off election in louisiana between mary landrieu and republican challenger bill cassidy since control of the chamber is no longer an issue. up next, why one texas town that sits a top a billion-dollar gas field is banning franking and how did the media fail to predict tuesday's republican run? ♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. another day, another set of record highs for both the dow and s&p 500. the dow picked up 70 today, the s&p 550 -- 500 gained eight. the good people of denton texas live on top of a huge reserve of natural gas potentially worth billions which to some people in the state makes it strange that that down wants to keep anyone from getting to it. >> reporter: denton, texas north of dallas looks like any other typical suburb in america, that is until you notice this. natural gas wells right next to schools, businesses and subdivisions. >> they can put them less than 200 feet from homes. that's our battle. >> reporter: more than 270 wells have popped up across the city because denton happens to sit on one of the largest natural gas reserves in the u.s. one of the ways to mine that precious natural resource is through hydraulic fracturing or fracking. it's when water, sand and chemicals are injected into the ground and the high pressure causes shale rock to crack releasing the trapped natural gas. this process is controversial. it requires millions of gallons of water and some experts believe the chemicals are toxic raising environmental and health concerns. >> we've had headaches, nose bleeds. we kept the kids inside during the torment of the fracking and the flaring. >> reporter: but a recent study funded by the national science foundation and duke university found that poorly constructed wells are the problem, not fracking itself. researchers studied wells in texas and pennsylvania. they found the ones that were not installed and cemented properly were to blame for contaminating nearby wells. nearly 59% of voters supported a measure to ban fracking here. but the other 41% say the industry creates jobs and infused some $30 million into the local economy and problems are not wide spread. >> we have a company that's doing a bad job, then don't let them drill anymore but don't ban or hurt everyone in the industry because of one situation or two. >> reporter: lawsuit haves been filed challenging the constitutionality of the measure. the texas oil and gas association represents some 5,000 energy companies and seeking an injection to stop enforcement of the ban. in a statement, the group says a ban denies many mineral interest owners the right to gain value from their property despite the state's public policy in favor of developing natural resources. now voters in parts of ohio and in california also passed similar referendums this week banning fracking in their communities. this as it plays out here in texas courts now. bret? >> casey segol live in dallas, thank you. do you think the the residents of denton, texas have the right to ban fracking there? let me know at bai baier. join greta after special report for a special edition of "on the record." she'll talk exclusively with the u.s. marine reservest released from a mexican jail of seven months of captivity. andr andr andrew tahmooressi said it was brutal. >> started hitting me with open palms. nothing full blown but just like -- that was actually joyful to take that beating. i was happy about that beating? >> why? >> i knew the beating was coming. they were telling me stories about the guards, if someone acts up or does something wrong they get beat so i knew it would happen to me, so i was glad as can be to take that beating. i was like bring it, just bring it on. like i was just there joyful knowing that i got away prom th -- from that place so the beating didn't bother me. how clueless administrators at a california school manage to scare every parent or nearly every parent nearly to death at once? >> and what is the signature image from the 2014 midterms? one nomination next. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the 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hundreds of elementary school students in california were sent into a panic mode recently when they received messages in their phones that their children were missing from school. the press enterprise reports the recorded messages went out at 11:11 a.m. hours after the students should have arrived. officials at john adams elementary say it was a mistake, a message intended for a hand full of parents whose children were absent went out to every single parent instead. a correction was issued a short time later but not quickly enough for parents wondering what happened to their kids. one parent called it the longest eight minutes of my life. school officials say that they have taken steps to make sure it does not happen again. and finally, an egyptian bus driver cheated on his work drug test got quite a shock when the results came in. the bbc reports the man submitted his wife's urine instead of his own, but there was something he did not know about his wife when the test results came back, the man's boss gave him a chance to confess but when the driver insisted he had not cheated, he was told congratulations, you're pregnant. let's take a look back tonight at how the main stream media covered the elections this week. why so many were so wrong about so much. in the blur of midterm media coverage, the maryland governor's race never got on the national radar. president obama campaigned for democratic lieutenant governor anthony brown heavily favored over republican businessman larry hogan. >> give it up for anthony brown. >> reporter: nate silver gave him a 94% chance of winning big but hogan beat brown by nearly five points under scoring a problem with polling in 2014. in the battle for the senate, most journalist and commentators missed the magnitude of the republican wave because the polls were so tight in many key contests. >> you can carve out a path for democrats that go through actually some red states like winning in alaska and georgia and kansas. there are ten senate races, some of which are within the margin of error. these each and every one of these races is very, very close. >> reporter: and the coverage of those battle grounds kept going back to the numbers. >> i want to get right to the latest nbc news mayor's poll in georgia republican candidate david perdue is clinging to a four point lead 48-44. the surprise is how close many of these key races are, especially the battle for the senate. in north carolina democratic senator kay hagan is hanging on to a one-point lead in a tough race against republican state speaker. >> reporter: the narrative was that democrats still had a shot, then came tuesday night. >> in the all important iowa senate race, fox news can project joni ernst will beat bruce braley. >> looking at some numbers, it's clear the pollsters were giving too much credit. >> the media wrote off ed gillespie of being way behind. >> no one can predict turnout. the problem is when journalist treat the surveys as gospel and turns out their fifth is misplaced. a warning from the speaker of the house to the president about going around congress. we'll get reaction to the all of that from the panel when we come back. i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. if yand you're talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to 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lawful actions that i can take that i believe will improve the functioning of our immigration system but what i'm not going to do is just wait. i think it's fair to say that i've shown a lot of patience. >> well, the speaker of the house with a warning shot the president yesterday and then today the white house press secretary asked is the president going to take this action definitively? quote, the answer is yes, the president is going to take this executive action. let's bring in our panel. okay. ron, thoughts? >> i was thinking today when i was a kid, me and my two brothers all about the same age, our parents would get mad for fighting. stop fighting and swat us and send us to our room and the first thing we would do when we got in the room is start fighting again, and it's exactly what happened this week. t it was clear. stop fighting and get something done. the constitutional head of the country deserves and got most blame but they want both parties to work together. look what is happening. they both have come out, the president insisting on taking the politically pushing his political nuclear button and republicans talking about repealing a law they know they can't repeal. >> obamacare. >> it's at its highest. >> around the edges they talk about common ground and saw it working together but you get to the heart of obamacare, immigration -- >> the president particular, i thought his news conference yesterday was beneath the office in a sense of pretending that this wasn't a shellacking and just giving lip service to common ground. it was -- he said he heard the american people but clearly he has not. >> george? >> when the president does what he promises to do on immigration, there will be three separate questions. one, is it good policy he's put in place? >> does it serve justice to the american needs? intelligent people of goodwill will disagree with that. the second question, is it good civics and good government procedure to go around the legislative branch, the elected representative, the answer is clearly no. the third question is difficult. is it legal? will he be in the words of john boehner acting outside of his authority? congress for 40 years now has been leeching away transferring great discretionary powers to the exec sieve branch and they are going to find when they look at the laws they have written, that the president has astonishing authority, far too much but there and it's real. it's going to complicate this argument. >> i agree. charles. >> look, first of all i disagree. i don't think the message of this election was get stuff done. i think the message that would be true, if it was an incumbent election. in fact, it was not. it was a repudiation of what the democrats are doing. stop doing that. it was at every level, house, senate, governorships and that is a very clear mistake of a message. what impresses it seems to me i arrogant attempt to the voice of the people. this was an unequivocal election. it was across the board. it was everywhere. i think it is very unconstitutional for a president to unilaterally suspend the enforcement of a huge part of extremely important law. immigration is sort of one of the basic elements of a country's solve eacountry solve earnty. i'm low on money so i'll let one or two guys go because they aren't big fish. this is truly contradicting what the constitution says the president has to ensure the laws are executed and the other part of it is apart from the constitutionality is the constitutional decency. we have had verdict by the people of a kind that is quite unusual in american history and to go ahead and ignore it in spite of that, in spite of a rejection, in spite of repudiation to say i'll ignore the will of the people and do this regardless shows contempt for the system. >> what about speaker boehner, ron? you mentioned in obamacare he said there is going to be another repeal effort. we seen the house vote many times to do it. this time potentially if it gets through the senate, if it was scaled down, but then piecemeal he said taking apart the medical device tax, other elements of the law. >> i think there are some elements that need to be fixed and could be fixed. i think the tax is one obvious one. it's a low-hanging fruit. when you talk about the mandate, the crux of the bill you talk about repealing the bill. going back to what charles said. this was no doubt a repudiation of the united states but not an affirmation of the republican party. six out of ten, including republicans have a dim view. 80% of the public said they are down on congress. >> they may have said that and felt it but they elected a whole lot of republicans. >> you know why? >> they have a choice between two evils. they voted for republicans and do not like what is happening in the city. >> but they gave a mandate to the lesser two levels. >> that is not a mandate. >> they said you are now in charge of the senate. you have a huge majority in the house and you have all these ownerships so now it's your responsibility. i'm not saying -- >> it's the responsibility of the government -- >> that's what the gop has to do is to govern. it's not a mandate to just do stuff together. it's to enact what republicans believe ought to be done. >> obviously, they sent roberts back to the senate and send mitch mcconnell to the senate. it's not -- you're interpreting it -- >> somebody has to win an election. >> greg orman -- >> this is not an election in which, i don't think you're saying, but republicans should get what they want. this is an election they are ex many specting that t-- expectind republicans to work together to solve problems. it's not an affirmation like 2012 wasn't a mandate for president obama. >> george, this is the first election in american history in which the behavior of the senate majority leader coast-to-coast was an issue. and what they said was process matters. americans very rarely vote on process questions but they did. they said there is something wrong when hundreds of bills are passed by the most democratic house legislature, the house of representatives and die in the senate. dignity of up or down mode. it does seem to me they said we want these things voted on and when they said stuff should get done and we want red lock broken, they were saying who the culprit was. >> you listened to the president and he said what i would like to do is hear from the republicans to find out what they would like to see happen and it's not a change because i suggested before that where there is areas of cooperation, i would like to get things done. that's what the president said even though it was harry reid who held a lot of bills. >> harry reid's desk or waste paper basket was where the bills of the house passed and went to die. i want one day to point. in arkansas people asked whether your vote for senator was influenced, was a message about what should control the senate. the answer was yes 82%. it was a national election. it was made national. obama endures the nationalizing of the election when you said it's about our policies and it isn't just to get stuff done. it was let the gop propose now ocho bobama had six years. >> we can cherry pick and say in arkansas the same voters voted for minimum wage so maybe we should have a national minimum wage. i don't think that's what you're saying. i said the president of the united states after an election did not have a mandate and i think we all said at the time that the 2012 election did not mean that democrats should be able to get everything they want. i'm saying, i'm being consistent and saying the same thing tion. the public did not say one party should be able to get everything they want. >> they did say republicans ought to propose and put them in charge of the agenda. >> next up, is there a deal pending on iran, another foreign policy question for this president. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140810 23:00:00

sunday." urgent and breaking news, the situation is getting too dangerous for some americans on the ground inside iraq. so now the u.s. state department says it will evacuate staffers at our u.s. embassy in baghdad as well as the u.s. consulate in ishi erbil. our citizens are being relocated. the state department is tressing, however, that both those diplomatic facilities will remain open with limited staff for now. the pentagon says u.s. aircraft have hit fresh targets from the air, with a lot of activity in the past 24 hours. these are weapons targets controlled by i.s.i.s., that's been threatening the city of erbil. as i mentioned or consulate is there. that's a key air to know about, as we get reengaged it would away. erbil is controlled by kurdish fighters, home to the u.s. consulate that is open with limited staff, as i just talked about. that's here. about 77 miles away, so not too long of a distance away is mosul, iraq's second largest city. here and here, but those two areas, the enemy is controlling the area between and just outside of mosul. it has been the site of several air drops, u.s. trying to help thousands of meanwhile, we're trying to help them, because there's no war or food for them. these are new developments coming out of baghdad. new records that iraqi forces, just in the last few minutes, royal to nuri al mall can i have just been deployed inside the green zone. we're not exactly sure why, we're trying to confirm. this may be an effort to prevent mall can i from being removed from power. he spoke to them just a short time ago. while the bloodshift is raging on. the united states alone has dropped more than 52,000 meals and thousands of gallons of water to thousands of people who are pleaing the carnage. i.s.i.s. has taken over iraq's largest christian territory. some christians are seeking shelter as the killers have given them a simple choice. you can die or convert to islam. wendell goler is traveling with the patient at martha an vineyard. critics don't seem to like the way the fight is beginning. >> reporter: you're right, harris, but the president doesn't think it's our fight. he says it's up to the iraqiss, though the u.s. will hold out of i.s.i.s. mr. obama says his and protecting the tens of thousands of refugees on sinjar mountain until a corridor can be established, but some republicans want the u.s. to take the fight to i.s.i.s. and not just in iraq, but in syria as well. >> if he doesn't go on the offensive, they are coming here, this is just not about baghdad, this is not about syria. it's about our homeland. other critics called it pin predicts. >> how is the white house responding? he says it would enable the shia majority to continue its bias which helped to fuel the rebellion in the first place. as you notice, at the start, malaki may have frustrated that, announcing he'll file suit against the country's president. mr. obama says there's a lesson here for afghanistan. >> whether it's, you know, different ethnicities, different regions, they have to accommodate each other. otherwise you start tipping back into old patterns of violence, and it doesn't matter how many u.s. troops are there if that happens. you end up having a mess. >> the president says while the u.s. involvement won't be over soon, it also won't continue indefinitely. >> wendell goler, thank you very much. pope francis is calling for an end to the violence in iraq. he said the news in iraq leaves christians around the world in dismay and disbelief. he also expressed outrage house i.s.i.s. is manipulating their faith to target christians and other religious minorities. >> translator: all these facts seriously offend god and humanity. you cannot bring hate in the name of god. you cannot make war in the name of god. >> the pope also offered prayers for the violence in gaza. that's where we go next. right now israel and hamas are about two hours into a brand-new cease-fi cease-fire. both sides accepting egypt's proposal. the israeli air force started 25 sites in gaza. it -- some remain skeptical after the breakdown of, rick levin that will, live in gaza city. any sign that this temporary truce will lead to anything more longlasting? >> harris, there have been reports that palestinians may be softening their stance on some key demands. but this doesn't stop hamas from launching rockets. wave after wave of rockets, leaving gaza toward israel, the attacks launched up into the midnight fire deadline with several rockets intercepted by the iron dome. the sirens, of course, were sounding in south and center israel, just minutes better the cease-fire began at midnight. the talks we're told will resume in the morning. the blockade and loosening of the border restrictions, harris, also the key point would be a longer-term peace here in the middle east. >> and gaza paying a huge price for the hostilities by hamas. >> reporter: absolutely. we saw a number of air strikes throughout this day and this evening to our north as well as to our south. the palestinians report there were seven more people killed today, including a 14-year-old boy and 35-year-old woman. we're also told the body guard of a has ma leader was also killed today. there have been about 5,000 strikes since this conflict began over a month ago with nearly 2,000 dead, 9,000 wounded, and of course hundreds of thousands reported homeless because the construction is so widespread. some power is trickling back on as they repair some of the sidelines that were damaged during the conflict. some of them being repaired, but most of gaza still in the dark. still not good running water, also sewage issues here, so they're hoping with the three days of peace they're expecting perhaps they can get more aid into the people that need it. >> rick levin that will, thank you. let's go to nascar. 9 death of a driver is under investigation. one of the racing ace biggest stars, tony stewart was at the wheel of the car that hit kevin ward jr. no evidence to support -- -- the race in upstate new york, the whole thing captured on video. stewart and ward apparently jockeying for position, when ward crashes into the wall. he then gets out of the car, walked straight out into the crowded racetrack. he looks angry here. cars go screaming by. one almost hit him, then the moment of impact. the collision killed kevin ward jr. he was in his fifth season. leland vitter is her. it doesn't matter if you freeze it or not -- >> it's incredibly chilling to watch. one of the things, stewart's team said he would be racing today and just a couple hours before race time reversed their decision and the nascar decided to sit out obviously because of the department. the trash occurred on a dirt track. sprint car racing, this is amateur video of the event going on there. however, it shows what appears to be the car colliding with a car driven by kevin ward. stewart's car, there's ward's car there. ward gets out of his car and starts walking on the track. he appears to try to confront stewart as he comes around on the next lap. okay. right there you see it. that's when stewart's car collides with ward, throwing him along the track. it was a terrible collision. he was pronounced dead at the hospital. >> there is no evidence in hand or no facts that would spore a criminal charge or support criminal intent on the part of anybody. >> an executive for the racing would not go into details today. >> my hearts obviously go out to kevin and his family, thoughts and prayers, this is an emotional time for everybody. >> a short statement was released in part -- there aren't words to describe the sadness i feel about the accident that took the life of kevin ward jr. it's a very emotional time for all involved and the reason i have decided not to participate in today's race at watkins glen that he was scheduled to. the sheriff's department also asked for inible with amateur video to come forward, and going out of the way to say that stewart has fully cooperated, and at least according to the sheriff's office promised to continue to do so. >> a couple things jump out at me. i didn't think of this earlier, but now i want to know more about the cars. when you this i of the dirt track and these are more practice cars, these cars are still flies. >> some gets up to 120 miles an hour, almost like nascar's minor leagues. you have a lot of famous names who came up through these ranks, they only cost about $10,000 or $15,000 to get into, and if you notice some of the pictures of the car, they want a wing on top. they're going so fast, they need extra help to push down on the dirt track. >> and i understand it's a short track, to get the carts to slow down if something is in the middle of the track like a human being will be different to do anyway. >> that was the original crash that happened. they're skidding around those corners at 80, 90, 100 miles an hour, then trying to accelerate. you're talking about fraction of seconds in feet here. very that's not all that uncommon. >> what i had read is they get upset and -- >> you can imagine. leland, thank you very much. right now, a group of thrill seekers getting more than they bargained for today. rescue workers were helping to get the last riders back on solid ground a short time ago. the popular amusement park that's trying to figure out what cause add roller coastest to get stuck. look at the view from there. plus hillary clinton with some comments about president obama's foreign policy. why she says the white house did not take enough steps to prevent militants from taking control in syria. now those militants have more power than ever. the political insiders will join me to react in a bit. stay close. 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"yummy." thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. 234 thrill seekers in maryland got caught on a ride in midair. this is six flags of america in prince georges county. it got stuck 45 feet off the ground. imagine being in one of those seats. emergency crews just wrapped up a high-angle rescue. it took several hours. they've been working on this all day, but park officials say the riders were safely strapped in and never in any danger. i'll bet they were scared, though. no word on why that coaster just stopped. a real political stunner in hawaii. democrat governor neil abercrombie has lost hi bid for reelection, despite the backing of president obama, he had a well-funded campaign, and 40 years of experience. who won? state senator and fellow democrat david inge, once seen as the underdog. will, two questions. why is this getting such attention? >> aloha. here after a big storm, hawaiians got out to vote and decided to spend their governor. david igae, even he seemed a bit surprised by the final margin. his supporters tell us that it's all about new blood. >> he's fresh air. fresh air. because there have been a lot of things that have gone on that we didn't really know about. and perhaps this one will open up. >> neil abercrombie is kind of over it. >> reporter: a lot of voters felt like that, harris, even with president obama recording a radio spot for abercrombie. obviously he lost by a devastating margin. i can tell you that he showed up with what they say here, with the aloha spirit last night to the celebration party and he vowed he will back the democrat this november. harris? >> very interesting. our political insiders tell me they want to react to this race. it may be the harbinger of something to come. meanwhile, i heard you mention the weather and a big deal, because we've been covering that iselle storm. how did that have an impact on this election? >> reporter: it did end up having a direct impact on the primaries, in terms of two precincts had to postpone their primaries yesterday. those two precincts could have a big impact on a race that has a razor-thin margin in the democratic primary for u.s. senate. right now incumbent brian schott is leading by hanabusa. the voters will be sent absentee ballots. i can tell you, harris, the buzz is about the governor's race, the upset, obviously he lost and lost big. >> will carr, thank you very much. americans who risk their lives to help ebola patients are returning home. the plan to care for them and keep them in quarteren teen. quarantine. stay with us. we're the places you call home, when you're away from home. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like wyndham, we're awaiting your arrival. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit you knso i get invitedpeople have saved with progressive, to quite a fewfamily g. heck, i saved dith here a fortune you make a mighty finesus, m'l. i'm nosaying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i savehim $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ng. am i right [ laughs [ dancmusic playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat... the flavors, are anything but. so whether it's taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean... or the smoky spice of the southwest... or bold, adventurous thai flavors... always get flavor that's anything but flat. and always with chicken raised without antibiotics. new flatbread sandwiches from panera... ... each 360 calories or less. try one today. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. an update on the ebola outbreak in west after ska, including news about a child who doctors say may have been patient zero. here at home, members of a missionary group who worked in liberia are returning to charlotte. as far as we know, none of them is sick or showing any signs of the ebola infection, but they will be quarantined for three weeks. their colleague nancy writebol is one of two americans infected. she returned from liberia last week and is being treated in atlanta after receiving a experimental drug. meanwhile, researchers think they have located patient zero, the first victim of. he's been identified as a 2-year-old little boy from a village in southeastern guinea. doctors say he died last december, a week later the disease killed the child's sister, mother and grandmother. police in missouri are confirming that a black teenager was in fact unarmed when an officer shot and killed him yesterday. family members identifying the victim as 1-year-old michael brown circumstances surrounding his death are unclear. dominic will pick up the story from our west coast news office on this. >> about 100 or so people confronted police in the neighborhood of ferguson. this was last night they came out quickly. they threatened the police quite aggressively, with shouts from the crowds. very different stories. a friend who was with brown versus what the police say. his friend saying they were walking together in the road when a cop pulled up, started harassing them, and ended up grabbing martin brown. apparently brown broke free, but the cop shot him repeatedly, said his friends. >> hi put his hands in the air, started to get down, but the officer approached with his weapons drawn, and he fired several more shots, and my friend died. he didn't say anything to him. >> but the police chief described a man pushing the officer back in the car, and he was then physically assaulted. listen. >> it is our united states that within the investigation there was a struggle over the officer's weapon. there was at least one shot fired within the car. after that, the officer came back out of the car. he exited his vehicle, and there was a shooting that occurred. >> you can see her there shouting in her anguish there. there was a memorial on sunday morning. tomorrow morning we're expecting another morning in terms of a process rally outside ferguson police station. >> as for the officer involved, his's a six-year veteran. apparently he's been put on paid administrative leave. that's normal policy, but no previous history. >> dom, before i let you go. just into fox news headquarters from "sts louis post dispatch" we're learning in washingtonjus is saying attorney general eric holder has asked attorneys from the civil rights division to start monitoring this case, so they are looking at that. i mentioned the civil rights implications, and now they'll be looking at that. dominic dinatali, thank you. state department staffers are on the move tonight, pulling out of part of iraq. this is where we started this hour. the united states military continues air strikes on i.s.i.s. and humanitarian air drops for the people on the run. and startling new polls on how americans say they really feel about the economy and what they're feeling with this economy. the obama administration has said clearly it's getting stronger. the fox news political insiders are here, and we want to hear from you. do you think the economy is improving? has it gotten stronger for you and your family? what is your real experience? post your response on, and i'll real live from them. and tweet us for "fox report weekend." stay close. ♪ who's more excited about back to school savings at staples? the ladies? these guys? or these guys? when you get guaranteed low prices on everything you buy the most, everybody gets excited! staples. make more happen for less. the u.s. state department is evacuating some staff from two key facilities inside iraq. our consulate in erbil and embassy in baghdad, moving those people to safer location. both facilities we're told will remain open with limited staff, americans are being urged not to start any new travel to iraq. u.s. aircraft carrying out more aircraft against i.s.i.s. terrorist targets. all strikes were gentz targets that had been threatening americans and civilians in the city of erbil. within the past hour, new reports in baghdad that special forces loyal to iraq's prime minister nuri al malaki have been sbroied to strategier areas in the green zone. doug, are these latest air strikes having any major effect? >> no, harris, the a.p. is reporting that a kurdish military official has retaken two towns to from the sunni mill tans. have not been retreating. meanwhile, a fifth round of u.s. air strike was carried out early sunday. the president's authorization of force is still being criticized not from is some from the war-weary left, but from hawkish critics who believe the president is offering too little too late. >> the defenders took to the talk shows today to defend the position. >> how many times has this happened? history, where the united states with the betts military in the world goes in and fights a war, leaves behind equipment and ordnance, and then finds it being used perhaps even against it in the next conflict? this is not new. it reflects the reality of war today. and his refusal to build an inclusive government. listen up. >> i think what's contributed significantly to the situation has not been our presence or lack of presence, but the politics of malaki, his alienation of the sunni community. >> many republicans think the president's defenders are deflecting blame. >> there's no political reconciliation in baghdad going to protect the american homeland. that has to be a commander in chief with a strategy and a vision. this commander in chief has no strategy, he has no vision. >> the president has repeatedly cited a lack of status of force agreement for his decision to pull u.s. troops out of iraq in 2011. that pullout was followed by malaki consolidating power, ignoring the sunni minority, who put up little resistance to i.s.i.s. fighters who made their first incursions. critics say had obamaing more forceful, this all might not have happened. >> doug, thank you very much. president obama has made it clear there would be no u.s. combat troops on the ground in iraq, but he has not given a timetable for how long this mission will take. the president's comments are sparking new debate on his strategy in iraq. >> i i think it's really hard. i don't think you can judge how he did right now. we're almost in an impossible situation. the american people really have no appetite for america to reengage. they don't want us to go into syria. that red line was crossed. the american people said no, the british people said no. he's reluctantly seeing the perils of inaction. if we do nothing here, then what? the fox news political insiders are here, you can join the conversation on facebook and tweeter. in fact i've just tweeted and put out a posting, so all the comments are coming in. john leboutillier, former congressman for new york. pat caddell, form and death death, former pollster for president clinton and fox news contributor as well. good to be back after some vacation. doug, are we eeting back into war in iraq? >> i don't know, harris, but we have an existential threat to or values and daresay a stability as a nation, from i.s.i.s. who says they want to plant the flag in the white house. we have christians, muslims, other minority groups that are being targeted in iraq, and we have a policy of containment. we do not have a policy that will lead in, rachellely to i.s.i.s.'s defeat. i would say to the president, one keyword, leadership. he's not showing it. you hear laura ingraham saying he's in a tough spot. she's not necessarily supporting him, but. >> she's kind of a new isolationist. look, let me just say, i think of a stove and the burners, we've got five or six ponce ts boiling there. i.s.i.s. has been there for three months. putin may invade in iraq. we have all these these going on, but i have to back up what doug said. we have had no policy. we have no leadership on any of these things. libya, we have to get out of our embassy. all of that points to one thing, but the things that's horrific here is we don't seem to have ner core values that we will fight for. my 8-year-old granddaughter asked about me bring the girls home, she was consumed by that. i didn't have the heart to teller, you know, that's over. we did that pr moment. we have christians -- i'm appalled at this government's lack of concern about christians being massacred, women and children sold into slavery. this group, this minority group the kurds, several hundred women have been taken as, quote, war booty, and they are massacring people. by the way, just remember, we have -- this is what happens when you don't stop it. we have the coal -- we have the twin towers in ' 3, then the "uss cole" the two embassies and 9/11. all along we could have gotten bin laden. these people are here, they will kill us. >> you know, john, as you hear that, i mean, it's not new. we know we're hated. we know these guys hate us, i'm seeing some support from republicans. how sincere is that report? i hear a but behind you, we support you, mr. president, but you didn't do what? >> didn't do enough. mccain, graham, they want to do more. >> what? >> i think ultimately they want troops back on the ground in iraq, engaging in combat against i.s.i.s. there, rather than have them at the white house and the guy al baghdadi, when he was let out of prison, i'll see you in new york. you've got the stove, ten burns ser, things bubbling, hamas, israel, the ukraine, libya, this thing in bubbling in -- >> still syria. >> and all of that. here's the thing -- who is manning the stove? who is running these pots? >> there is no strategy. >> the cook has gone to martha's vineyard, and the cook -- >> is that fair to pick on the president because he's on vacation? if this things is the threat -- no one heard of i.s.i.s. a month ago. it isn't going to be pleasant. >> of course it matters. he should be in the december specifically what do we do? we arm. kurds. we don't stay away from that. we provide more assist tansz from the central government in iraq, and most of all, we go on a relentless bombing campaign that makes it very clear. our troops pull -- obviously we didn't have them -- and they're using those to drive their -- they're using american assets, and we're not arming -- and yet there are allies willing to fight. what's missing here is a strategic interest that says here's a plan for all these areas. why isn't turkey being engaged? know, this administration cut and run in iraq at a moment when it shouldn't have. i want to say the republicans, of course, have crewed this up so badly. i want to segue into something, but i want to use our viewers to do that. wayne watson asking and says this. i'm afraid this current administration has lost touch with the world in which we live. america no longer walks softly and carries a big stick. this president is a laskstock of the world. i want to segue to hillary clinton, who is criticizing the president. watch. what she says is that the administration sell the economy is roaring back. with kell look at that on screen? the failure to help -- forgive me for that. the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests again assad -- she's talking of syria here -- there were islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle. the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadis have now filled. she's specifically talking about -- but. what bedeviled hilly was her vote to commit troops in iraq originally. that hurt her on the 4re69. in her new book, she said she wish she hadn't done that. what she doesn't talk about in the book is she never read the intelligence about the wmd, which we now know was cooked intelligence. she voted politically to help herself to look hawkish on iraq. >> so did a lot of people. >> well, but -- she wants to be the commander in chief, you read the intelligence. you've got to know your stef. >> right now we have to do the right thing. >> remember this, she attacked that directly. she said, no, you have to have a set of core principles. we're going to come back. we'll continue the discussion. i seer your facebook postings. we'll get them in, too. stay close. get reait's crabfest atk, dip. red lobster! the years largest variety of crab. like new crab lover's trio! or try new jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. crabfest is now. but only for a limited time. so hurry in, and sea food differently! you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? 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one of the main questions you guys always put in a poll is about candidate x. does hi or she care about people like me. all right? what this poll shows is the public now believes that neither party cares about them at all. >> i've got a lot of feedback on facebook. we're going to continue this we're going to continue this topic, right after the break. did you know a ten-second test we're going to continue this topic, right after the break. could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. john, pat and doug are here. pat, i want to give you some time to talk about a poll that stands out and speaks about this issue. >> the journal poll, which covers different pieces. they had what i keep arguing is a larger context look, you have 60% of the people say the country is in decline. we have a 13-point shift in two months. we have 76% of americans say their children will be worse off than we were. they are saying, o. new york city, it isn't just policies or the economic world. 71% say it's the democrats in washington who are failing. on facebook, sherry said something -- we read this together during the break -- the economy is better? she's asking, because the president said in the past week it is. this is the first time in my life i considered what store i bought from. i used to pay whatever price i needed to for my groceries. i will go to three different stores, whether it's produce, meat or paper products. we as a family now worry about making the monthly bills. never before was this the case. we are the middle class. >> harris, sherry is not alone, sadly. this is a weak recovery. as i under it food is not part of the basic inflation index, but food prices are struggle in minimum wage, the immigration crisis. harris, there is a political crisis in this country. as i said before, here and abroad. >> >> john, republicans, where are they? >> they don't exist. >> i'm ashamed to see this. the overall problem is the same problem. leadership. there is no republican who stands up and paints a coheercht picture of how the republicans could make things better. i think we could make it better, but not the guys leading the party now. they're ridiculous. missy h. writing -- our government cares nothing about us, neither side, but the republican party can be made to care and work for us. there's still faith among some viewers -- >> but we need a leader. >> they don't feel the love right now. >> the truth of the matter is a vast majority, less than half of republicans and only half of democrats saying they're going to vote november to support their party. >> that's going to do it for us. \s i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh (announcer) there's good more... honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i'm like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. ...and there's not-so-good more. you're a big guy... huh. oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. now get 50% off all new smartphones.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140823 23:00:00

great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. a fox urgent news tonight. indications that investigators are getting closer to identify the savage killer of american james foley. good evening, everyone. i am julie bandaras. according to the report of the sunday times of london. british intelligence officials have identified the terrorist but have not named him publicly. in the meantime the united states issued a new warning that a massacre could be imminent in iraq. they are trying to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. it sits 100 miles north of baghdad and under siege from isis terrorist for two months. residents have been living without water and food and supplies are low. the dire situations is drawing comparison of mount singjar where thousands of yazidis were draped for weeks. the debate is growing in the obama administration about the u.s. military's next move to confront isis. top military officials are considering expanding the air strikes in syria. this follows the comments of secretary chuck hagel who said isis is more dangerous now than al-qaeda in 9/11. the terrorist claim they have one other american hostage. stephen sophlost. saying he will be excused if the americans continues the air strikes. we have more from wendall. how much pressure is there to go after isis in syria on the president? >> reporter: it is coming from the republicans mostly but the advisors for the president said isis will have to be defeated. arizona republican senator john mccain wants substantial air strikes and u.s. troops embedded in iraq forces as well. >> part of that is going to have to be additional american forces in iraq, not for combat purposes, but to help the iraqis in this conflict. if they are going to take back the territory, they are going to have american help. we can't just stop isis. we have to defeat isis and take them out with whatever means possible. >> mccain speak on gretta's on the record. >> president obama made it chlor that ground troops is not in the cards. >> about the air strikes in syria>> reporter: that is complicated. u.s. air strikes would be helping bashar assad whose forces are fighting the moderate rebels. and deputy national security advisor said the administration has a different strategy for defeating isis. >> we are providing training and equipping to the iraqi security forces and kurdish forces who are fighting them on the ground in iraq and support and military assistance to the moderate syrian opposition. we would like to it see those efforts squeeze the space where isil. >> reporter: meanwhile vice-president biden said iraq has the heal the forces. and the vice-president said it would "insure equitable rev now sharing for all provinces and establish locally rooted security structures as a national guard." >> wendall, what about the protest in ferguson, missouri. are you hearing any thing about the policy of providing military equipment. >> reporter: the president has asked federal agencies to look at that policy. he is concerned about it. if i can find a verbatum of his comments. i am sorry, i can't find that right now. and the senior administration official said they will be looking into whether the policy was wise or administered properly or the use of the hardware is being properly used. the president said the optices of military hardware may not be the one that the u.s. wants to accenteate. >> thank you, wendall; now back to the crisis in iraq. a series of bombings including the attack on the fragile government. an explosion irbil. the u.s. launched several air strikes on isis to protect that city. conner powell has the latest. >> reporter: a rash of attacks and how violent and chaotic the country has become since isis stormed the border from syria a suicide bomber drove a car in the intelligence headquarters. and 90 people in tir cut were killed when a bomb went off. it is one day after a massive explosion in a sunni mosque. they claim they were carried out by shiite militia. it has damaged the frayed tensions. efforts to form a new government ended with the latest round of violence. shiits and sunnis refused to work together while the attacks continue. china is demanding that the u.s. stop military surveillance of the chinese mainland. this comes by a fighter jet intercept of a u.s. plane. these are the images taken. the chinese pilot flew close and did a barrel roll over the american plane. china is demanding that the u.s. obey the law. this is legally international air space. /beijing is claiming those areas as chinenine territory. >> in ferguson, a police presence remain. the na a cp organized a march. another rally in st. louis in support of the police officer involved in the shooting. mike tobin has more. >> reporter: the brutal heat kept people off of the streets. but the planned marched. you mentioned thenaa cp youtheraly and had 200 demonstrators. and the obvious sign of the police roaching out to the black community. carrying the banner was captain ron brown, commander of the multijurisdiction task force. and sam johnson. they were all carrying the banner. they need to be careful to prevent outside agitators from coming in and destroying the calm. molly. >> mike, cemeteriers of officer wilson were out today and a little bit of a change that we are seeing out there? >> reporter: it is it a rare public appearance of supporters of officer wilson. the purpose of the rally was to raise money for the family of officer wilson and show support for the law enforcement. and this event was disrupted. >> we are raising. they are. and it is here. >> we don't go and rob and loot and we don't throw bottles at the police. we let the justice system run its course. >> many supporters are reluctant to identify themselves publicly. and pardon me for calling you molly, julie. >> i take that as a compliment. we love molly and you, too. the recent death of an unarmed black man and a march. the protest we will not go back was monitored and police say no arrests were made. it was led by reverend sharpton. gardener was stopped on long island for selling untaxed cigarette. he was forced to the ground after gardener refused to be handcuffed. he died a short time later. sharpton called it a defining moment for policing. watch fox news sunday with chris wallace. dr. ben carson and jesse jackson debate. >> a massive storm has formed in the atlantic and forecasters say it could be heading to the united states. breaking details from the fox weather center. rick joins us next. and texas governor rick perry touring through a primary state. and our twitter question of the day brought to you by a twitter follower, and since isis is a threat to america. what can america do to help. tweet me@juliebandaras. your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. from the experts in feminine protection. introducing dance-all-you-want bladder leak protection new always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because hey, pee happens. visit for coupons and your free sample. fox news weather alert now. a tropical depression churn nothing the atlantic and it could strengthen in a tropical storm or hurricane and impact the east coast. severe weather advisory for turks and cacos. >> yeah, people thought we haven't had a active hurricane. the peak is september 10th. and so most of the activities happens in 3 or 4 weeks. there is a tropical depression and right out in the center of turks and cacan cos. aircraft have been in there and trying to see if they find a closed center of circulation and now we have tropical depression number four. we think it will pull off to the northwest. there is a lot of uncertainty in this one. sometimes we feel confident in the direction. parts of florida need to watch it. this is the nest of the community models. we are not really getting that and some of the models that are not dipicted in the graphic. and that is an outwire. south florida still in the mix of this. and the majority of them pulling on the eastern side of florida and midatlantic. that means incredibly rough surf and rip currents. and the official track from the hurricane center bringing it to a categor 1 or 2 hurricane by the time it is done. and hopefully steering clear of the eastern seaboard. it is close to florida, anybody from florida and pensacola and all of the midatlantic need to watch this one closely. >> as a former floridian, i used to watch these. if you live there in florida, you are thinking of how can it affect me. if it crank further west and floridians could be facing a hurricane? >> absolutely. sometimes as i said we feel confident and this is not one of those cases. i am not willing to say south florida is out of the mix on this storm. plenty of moisture that we have right here and heavy rain will fall regardless cross this. but we could be dealing with a gulf storm and official track keeping it offshore but we can't say that yet. watch the latest on fox and friends in the morning and we'll continue to watch it here. >> thank you so much. texas governor rick perry, ignoring his legal issues and continuing his slate of trips to primary states. he met with voters in new hampshire. he has yet to decide if he will make another run for 2016. he may be laying the ground work for trips in iowa and governor perry was indicted on two counts of abuse of power. he dismissed the charges as politically motivated and a fares. >> and airlines are warned to steer clear of a volcano that is about to blow. officials hope to avoid the disruption that cancelled flights in 2010. we'll show you where it is happening, next. and a fiery explosion in the sky. a rocket self destructs moments after take off. look at what happened next. who's more excited about back to school savings at staples? the moms? or the dads? with guaranteed low prices on sharpies, it's definitely the dads. staples. make more happen for less. in the places you want to be. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. twelve brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit 9m that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. egypt calling for an open- ended ceasefire in the battle with israel and hamas in gaza. this as the fighting intensifies. an israeli air strike destroying a 12 story apartment building in gaza and hamas continues to launch a barage of rockets in israel. and supporters are rallying in the streets. here's more from gaza city. >> we continue to hear the buzz of drones and fighter jets overhead as hostilities sound. sirens in israel when a rocket was fired from lebanon and doing damage to a house in upper galilee. and a tower was struck in gas a. a 12 story apartment building. and two missiles taking that building to the ground. this was located in an upscale neighbor in gaza city. and a warning was fired. the building had 44 apartments and 44 families are newly homeless and 11 children were hurt in the strike. 14 palestinians were killed earlier today including two women and two children in a home. israelis say none of this would have happen if hamas hadn't broken the sos four. that is continuing with 100 missiles fired every day. roughly 700 rockets were intercepted by the iron dome system. two of them tonight over tel aviv. this could go on for weeks. now to the turmoil in ukraine. hundreds of russian trucks carrying aid turned around and went to russia. the vehicles entered to a rebel checkpoint. russia said they were loaded with splois to prevent a humanitarian crisis. >> vice-president boyd boyd pledged the u.s. would work with the european allies to respond to the destabilizing action. >> taking aim at one of iraq's violent regions and airlines on red alert. a volcano erupting beneath a giant glassier. and critics say college bound high schoolers are not learning about the facts of the nation's past. ♪ don't much about history. ♪ don't know much biology. ♪ don't know much about science. ♪ don't know much about. canned core ♪ ♪ start a team. join a team. walk to end alzheimer's. visit today. so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add. 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started. he said modern landscaping is dependent on the price of gas. >> which is exactly why jason invented emow, the first self fuelled lawnnower. >> you turn grass clippings in to burnable fuel. >> it does it. >> it cuts lawns and then uses a vortex trier to remove the water and creates pellets. >> they are the heart of the mower. >> the pellets go in the top and you can use that to create power. >> it will be first used to create alfalfa feed and then inside of commercial lawn mowers. >> it would be unbelievable. that is one less major billy have a month. i can't imagine. >> reporter: it will be coming to a lawn near you by the end of next summer. fox news. >> i am julie bandaras. it is the fox report and the bottom of the hour. a new report tonight at britain intelligence identified the isis terrorist who excused american james foley according to the sunday times newspaper of london. but the british officials are not naming the man publicly just yet. in the meantime the pentagon said another air strike was hitting isis. this is close to the mosul dam. this is center of heavy fighting. there are fears if the dam burst baghdad and mosul would flood. the u.s. carried out 94 air strikes. 61 of those in support of the iraqi forces by the dam. could air strikes in syria really be next? >> at this point, the president has not ordered air strikes to go after isis or isil terrorist, the white house said there are threats that have to be dealt with. >> i don't want to get ahead of the decisions. the president hasn't been presented with specific military options outside of those that are carrying out the current missions in iraq. but we would look at what is necessary in the long-term to make sure we are protecting americans. >> they are looking at options in case the president goes after isis in syria including air strikes and possibly sending in u.s. special operations troop. julie. >> that is not enough for the president's critics though is it? >> critics want to hear more from the president especially after the beheading of journalist james foley of what he is going to do with the isis. >> when you consider what isiowa l has today, 20,000 plus fighters and 3,000 with american or european passports who come and go as they want. they don't have to sneak across the mexican border. they can get on a plane and land. >> there is no strategy. >> and the pentagon said it has not seen indications that isis terrorist cells acrossing the mexico, texas border and operate in the u.s. >> thank you so much, molly. >> i asked my followers on twitter. what can america do to&ñoñ help tweet me at julie bandaras. isis needs to be exterminated and we need to continue to support the kurds and thercwu bombing campaign. >> the sovereignty of syria and iraq is no longer the way it used to be. >> and free their innocent slaves and try the survivor was isis in a war crime tribunnal. >> tweet me,@juliebandaras. >> for more catch fox news sunday and anchor chris wallace will talk with arizona senator john mccain this sunday on the local fox station and check the tv listings for the time. >> the volcano known as ba rba r boongi is under the ice of europe's largest glacier. it started to erupt today. but iceland closed the air space over the volcano as a precaution. it is triggering a series of small earthquakes. it is located in a remote corner of the ground. at this time all airports remain open and operating on schedule. you may recall another volcano erupted in iceland and that sparked a woke of aviation chaos around the world and led to a cancellation of more than hundred thousand flights. the ebola outbreak continues tonight. this widens the circle of victims and beyond the initial group of care givers who contracted the virus. and the outbreak continues to spread in west africa and mostly in liberia. and the world health organization said more than 2600 people were seccened and with more than 1400 deaths. and rescue workers entering the third day of a deadly mud slide that killed people. our top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. japan, emergency teams are recovering more bodies in a massive mud slide near the city of hiroshimma earlier this week. 1700 people are in emergency shelters and amid fears of more rains and triggering more mud slides. >> peru. and clashes breaking out with government doctors and riot police. doctors for peru's ministry of health have been on strike and demanding higher salaries. policeousing teargas against the protestors. doctors are demanding a 500 this happened dollar raise. >> and china, blocking the opening of a independent film festival in/beijing. the event and a yearly tradition showed moves. and police told camera crews to stop filming the scene. >> mexico. a new opera performed in the language of the a ztex. y the monk who documented their culture. the empire disa pored in the 1600s and variations of the language are spoke ep in mexico. that is a wrap on the fox trip around the world. >> and politics. history is written by the victors and chief washington correspondent writes that is not true when it comes to the curriculum of the top high school students in the nation. >> reporter: every high school achiever heard of advancement courses. few of them know of the college board that expanded the framework of the history course from 5 to 98 pages. in the new framework. george washington gets half sentence of a farewell address and another to thomas jefferson who used the ref lugz to retain wealth and power. the founder's time is noted for the racial hierarchy. absent is benjamin franklin and james madison and roosevelt and jona s sa lk and martin luther king. >> everything is identity groups always in conflict and certain groups oppressed by other groups. it is a radical departure. >> the college board released a sample a b history exam. >> it included a question of man's tyranny over women and detailed how immigration laws in the '20s were to exclude asians. this allows students to move beyond george washington and mlk. >> students have an opportunity to get inside of the story and understand the complexity. it is a fighting way to approach history. and it prepares them better for citizenship. >> though he took office after the framework was developed, the president of the college board is an architect of the common core standards. and a new poll finds that most americans are aware of the federal standards and oppose them. >> family fun turns terrifying when a brother and sister fall from a ferris wheel together. and one disaster for a community out west. mudslides devastating an area stripped bare from recent wildfires. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet... and not a "have just a little" buffet. because what we all really want is more. that's why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new 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period between february and june of this year. but he has been patrolling the streets of oklahoma city for 18 months and the police department believes there are more victims. they released a photoin hopes that more women will come toward. he would stop women at traffic stops and as they walked the neighborhood. he would assault them in the back of the patrol car and he raped a women allegedly and threatening them with arrest if they did not comply. a woman complained in june that he sexual assaulted her in a traffic shop. the range of victims was 18 to 58 years old. >> oh, my god, i was frantic and devastated and that is him. that is him. that is him. oh, my hands starting sharking and i turned my head to keep the tears away. >> reporter: he is facing nine charges. facing rape and battery and if convicted faces life in prison. >> did any colleagues suspect anything with this guy? and did he act system pershes at all. >> reporter: no one had any idea it was happening. the police chief said the charges are disturbing and emphasizing that 99.9 percent of the officers are trustworthy. >> they know that and they angers us that one of our people and one of our officers that people trust, and you know, to keep them safe is doing just the opposite. >> he had not been disciplined in his three year police career. >> thank you so much. >> two siblings are recovering after falling from a ferris wheel. the girl's crutches may have slip the out of the cab and caused it to tip over. michigan, witnesses say the 16 year old girl had a bandage on her knee and boarded the ferris while with crutches. she and her eight year old brother dropped out of the cab and feel to the ground. there was no mechanicical problems with the ferris wheel and the ride since reopened. >> washington, down pours and triggering mud slides in an area where recent wildfires stripped the land bare. crews are working over time to clean up the mess. california, an emotional sendoff for thousands of sailors heading to the middle east. they are expected to spend months for a routine deployment. families say they are worried for their loved ones because of rising problems in the middle east. >> he's doing what he loves to do and i support that. >> and washington d.c., bow- bow, the giant panda turns one. there was a traditional chinese ceremony and cake. she attracted visitors from around the world. that is the fox watch in america. >> growing rev now from on line book sales launched. it is triggered a public feud. authors are caught in the middle and so are the readers. this litiary show down is now a public battle with authors in the middle. aliceon levoin is engaged in the amazon war accused of them holding her book hostage as they battle over the price of ebooks and on the edge is literaly on the edge. >> books were available for shipment right away. my book was quoted several weeks as it was delivered and other books were brought up as suggestions. amazon is being a bully as it forces publishers to sell books at deep discounts. and others disagree. >> amazon created a situation where writers have control and it scares the big publishers. >> he gets 35 percent of every e- book sale compared to 25 percent from a traditional publishing house. >> pay your authors more and try to create lower book prices for the consumer and it is their only choice or they will fail. >> for now levine promotes her book and finds sympathy at the bookb1ç stores fighting their battle with amazon. >> they want to take over the whole business. and we will not let them do. it >> everyone waits to so how amazon and all publishers work together going forward. in california, claudia cowan fox news. >> an explosion high over texas. and something goes wrong during the test of a space x rocket engine. we'll tell you what happened here. >> and space odyssey, astronauts discovered an organism living outside of the international space station. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow. that's why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. >> a test flight involving a space x rocket ends in a fiery explosion over texas. take a look at this, it happen late yesterday in the space testing site in mcgregor. it was experimenting with a new engine when the unmanned rocket self destructed as it was designed to do. the ñ find out what happened. 0spokesperson s friday's test was far more complex than any other experiment conducted by the company. it happen over the testing area and no one was hurt. space x is under contract to shuttle cargo two and from. >> a mist row above the earth. said to be clinging to the outside of the spaceitation. the russians claim it is a living orchanism but nasa remains skeptical. >> reporter: shortly after russian cosmonaughts released the satellite in orbit, they conducted several other experiments swabbing the station's exterior and according to the russian they discovered life. thriving in the oaks gen lacking vacum ofdh/bw space. russia space chief stunned the world scientist results of the exeriment are unique. there are traces and microscopic particles on the illuminator surface and this should be studied further. >> and that it is. it can survive in wind currents and nasa remains skeptical and not confirming or denying the claim. microbiologist are reaching out to the russian counterparts to see if any of it can be verified. later this year nasa plans to blast up a small colony of lab rabs to live in the space station. mice are smaller than rats and require less food. when it comes to space studies, rats are preferred because of the cognitive function of rats is similar to humans. phil keating, fox news. >> we have a 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[ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will >> a big night for a team of little leaguers from chicago's south side. >> back, double play ball. jackson, it is over. chicago wins the united states championship. >> the kids in chicago beat the kids in nevada. they will face south korea for the little league world championship tomorrow. >> and before we go. a new report tonight that british inteleigence identified the isis terrorist who executed american journalist james foley according to the sunday times newspaper of lond know lond. they are not naming the man publicly. the pentagon said u.s. war plans carried out a air strike against the isis target and they took


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140825 10:00:00

early to rise. david writes slacker. there is a lot of truth to the early bird gets the worm. they will be passed up in the real world. marie said my kurds first class for high school was 7:00 a.m. way too early. thanks to everyone who responded. "fox & friends" starts now. good morning. it is monday august 25th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. state of emergency in california after 6.0 earthquake rocked napa valley. nearly 200 injured as businesses and homes crumbled. now experts warn there may be more to come. we are live at the scene straight ahead. >> and lucky to be alive. an american hostage freed from the evil clutches of al qaeda. this as authorities close in on james foley's murderer. now a new report claiming special forces mission that tried to rescue foley delayed by the president. miley cyrus turning heads last night but not for what she's wearing. who is that random kid she sent to receive her award. actually a good story. mornings are better with friends. >> announcer: live from the news crossroads of the world, this is "fox & friends." >> wow, what a professional voiceover. >> we had the guy who does the promo say, hello, welcome to "fox & friends." >> i sure like that. good morning. >> good morning. we're all back together. we had a busy couple days. brian dropped off little brian at college. who cried more, you or your wife. >> we can't reveal that. a big week as he gets started this week. a big milestone. i couldn't believe the velocity of the stories and news coming out during last week. >> as we were all different places we come together to bring you the fox news alert. a state of emergency in california after a six magnitude earthquake rocks napa. it is the worst earthquake to hit the bay area in 25 years and it is not over yet. experts warning of strong aftershocks this week to come. live in downtown napa. devastating images to look at. what are the experts saying is to come? >> that's the big concern. there is still over 30% chance we'll see a 5.0 aftershock or greater. a 5 to 10% chance a quake stronger than this one in the next seven days. that's a big concern. the reason it's a concern, you have buildings like this one behind me here that obviously have the damage visible to the eye. you can see bricks have been tossed over, walls are completely gone. everything hanging still from the ceilings, light fixtures, air conditioning, all of that. you also see the more subtle cracks in the buildings. that's a concern as you go all around the town and around the greater area. so many of the buildings still have some sort of cracks in them. they have to get in and survey those buildings and make sure they are safe. if you have an aftershock that comes in after that, these buildings that are potentially weakened, it can cause more damage. a lot of structures not safe. they have deemed 90 to 100 buildings are uninhabitable at this point affirm lot of buildings maybe had not been retrofitted. a big concern, shake-up for people yesterday morning as they were woken to this at 3:00 in the morning. take a listen to what one of the residents had to say. >> i'm still kind of caught up in how vile enthe shaking was. yes, it's just amazing. you don't think it's going to happen in napa. you hear san francisco, l.a., for an epicenter to be right here in napa itself is kind of shocking. >> talking about that epicenter. when they had the big earthquake 25 years ago, 100 miles to the south of the napa area and the folks here did not feel it as strongly as they did this one. keep in mind. if you are 25 years or younger, you did not experience that earthquake before. if you think californians are used toeshes, they don't happen that regularly and not at this magnitude. guys. >> remember it rock the world series at the time in san francisco. all right, rick. we'll check back with you. great report. it's amazing. with all the advances, you expect a warning, hey, an earthquake will hit. >> they had one. >> ten seconds. >> they are working on forty seconds or ninety seconds, in which case if somebody was in an elevator, they would be programmed to stop at the next floor so somebody wouldn't be stuck in it. they make sure if somebody is operating, they take the scalpel out. >> not enough time for life threateni threatening. >> the question is how much time does ainsley need to get from her show to our show. >> we're on the 12th floor.n >> you insist on taking the stairs. >> no elevators as we know there's aftershocks. a scare in the air as american airlines is forced to make an emergency landing after a twitter threat. it leads back to video games. the hacker group lizard squad tweeted this at. at american air we have been receiving reports that j smedley's plane -- >> he's the president of sony online entertainment. just before that tweet was sent out, sony's online gaming network went down. the plane was forced to land in phoenix where all the bags were searched. fbi is investigating. today the family of michael brown calling for protest toss stop so their son can be laid to rest. >> all we went is peace as our son is being laid to rest. can you please, please take a day of silence so i can -- so we can lay our son to rest. please. >> president obama is sending three white house aides to attend brown's funeral in st. louis, missouri. that service expected to start this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. police searching for the suspect who opened fire inside a packed hollywood nightclub during chris brown's preparty for the video music awards. three people were shot at one oak including rap mogul suge night. new reports claiming 25-year-old brown was the intended target. beyonce proving why she won the michael jackson vanguard award lifetime achievement honor at the mtv awards. ♪ ♪ >> what a great song. the singer blew that crowd away with an epic 15-minute performance. amid divorce rumors she was greeted on stage by her daughter and husband jay z. >> i thank god for this moment. i love y'all so much. blue i love you, my beloved i love you. my fans i love you. >> the biggest award of the night went to miley cyrus. she took home video of the year for wrecking ball. even though she didn't twerk, she let her date, a former homeless teenager accept the honor on stage. those are your headlines. my friends, back to you guys. >> all right, ainsley. thank you. >> bad news last week was the fact that jim foley was beheaded. he was an american journalist. the culprits were isis. we have a fox news alert. that's the image released in the youtube last week. now the news is good. we actually have news an american journalist by the name of peter theo curtis has been released by an al qaeda affiliate called nusrah front. once upon a time they were isis but didn't like the level of brutality so they unjoined the club. why did they release them now? jim foley's boss said nusrah realized it wasn't in their best interest to be holding an american hostage at this point. that was probably right. >> the curtis family statement indicated to plea for humanitarian efforts for those still in captive. a statement, bravery and heroic efforts firsthand efforts that rallied spirits of familiesí adds to price. there's no one who is saying there was a ransom paid but there is a belief catr propelled the group to take over the large swath of iraq and of syria. so nusra trying to say we're not bad. we understand america you're about do bomb. don't bomb us. we think isis is over the top as well. that is yet to be seen. meanwhile we also have new information about who could be behind beheading of james foley. >> last week we told you about according to some of the hostages who were released, obviously somebody paid money. three guys with british accents. they refer to them as the beatles. the guy standing right there in the mask, apparently they are pretty confident it is a former londoner by the name of abdul maj majid, rapper played on bbc 1 radio. his father is sitting in an american prison at this hour accused of being complicit with al qaeda in the bombing of the embassies. >> dad has to be proud of him. >> his mom wrote a book about the trauma it brought to her husband and family with the incarceration there and six children. there's been some written work depicting the pain they were feeling as it relates to this involvement there. you hear i have not listened to some of the music. he's aa there, which indicates to many that the outreach socially through media, be it music, rap, twitter, that this group may indeed have, may be an "x factor" moving forward and the effect they may have on younger and younger recruits. >> meanwhile when the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, secretary of defense in the wake of the beheading of james foley comes out and essentially says isis is the worst we've seen, most potent, most well financed terrorist group that the world has ever known, then all of a sudden we realize the threat to america. other people are trying to sideline that threat and say don't overstate it. not representative trent franks. those who want to avoid it are just putting blinders on. listen. >> said you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you. the terrorists are at war with the united states and everything we believe in. if we don't get with the program, they will make horrifying gains before we wake up. this administration seems to be essentially asleep at the wheel. so yes, yes we are at war. we have been for a long time. this administration just doesn't realize it. >> what will the president do. the president got back from his very long vacation in massachusetts. there he is arriving on marine one last night. interesting sunday times which also broke the news regarding the rapper is a suspect in the beheading. they say the hostage rescue of james foley came too late. pentagon forces to the columnist that obama was worried troops would be captured or killed. he took too long to authorize the mission. he was worried he would be carterized, reminiscent of jimmy carter who had the failed mission in iran. >> soviets invade afghanistan, bush 43 change, got rid of rumsfeld, staged surge enormously successful. bill clinton changed after rwanda. will president obama say i know what i said but i'm going to change. >> if he changed he would have come home early. >> many say it's been going on many years. after this russian beheading war is declared on the u.s. we will all sit by and see what the president decides to do. >> we're waiting. exactly 13 minutes after the top of the hour on this very busy monday morning. coming up, authorities closing in on james foley's murderer reportedly. this british rapper turned terrorists. jihadi johnny. we dig into his past. even his father's tie to al qaeda. >> coming up, a man takes a leisurely stroll on top of the brooklyn bridge. now he's in trouble. the bigger question is how did he gets up there? 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(whistling) british born rapper is the one they believe beheaded journalist james foley. here on the militant and more including the released american journalist with waleed. what do we know about the bomber whose dad was part of the embassy bombing. >> abdel-majed is a 24-year-old british rapper whose music had a lot of violence and broadcasted on bbc. he joined jihadist networks and then isis. we're learning from british forces he most likely is the guy who beheaded the american victim. his father, actually, is in custody in the united states as part of the 1998 bombings in south africa. >> isis is about 10,000 strong. they have about 100 americans. how many brits? >> well, the sources that we have right now say european democracy of isis is 1800, one would imagine british in the hundreds and french in the hundreds as well. >> let's talk about great news. curtis is released, no ransom paid. why debts out? >> it's fast to say no ransom paid officially. what we can say is al nusrah is part of al qaeda, al qaeda isú[ taliban. qatar host in their country, including five released by us from guantanamo. you can see the clear chain from al nusra. why they would do so accused in the media and world of being financier, funder of al nusra, isis and others operating in the middle east. >> you believe five released higher ups from gitmo pressured qatari government to give him up? >> the qatari government told them because they are living there on their soil -- this is an assumption, of course, not information. who are the highest ranking taliban in qatar? five generals released from guantanamo. they do have connection, field connection most likely if it is them who has negotiated. >> here is the bigger question debated all weekend. many are thinking let's team up with syria and iran because we have a common enemy isis. would that be a wise move? >> that would ab+fn5îum other strategic mistake. if we team up with iran it means we come ally of hezbollah and therefore replacing isis with another organization. we've done enough mistake, it would be terrible. >> you think we should wipe them out on our own? >> form a coalition with many on the ground, jordanians. >> thank you very much. breaking news, wave released journalist. it doesn't seem as though any ransom was paid. we'll find out the details. thank you so much. >> thank you. coming ahead, it happened again. a man climbs the brooklyn bridge in broad daylight. no one stopped him until too late. new king of late night television taking on a new target? >> another news story because of all the problems going on right now. political experts are calling president obama's vacation in martha's vineyard the vacation from hell. let's read between the lines. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet... and not a "have just a little" buffet. because what we all really want is more. that's why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50% off all new smartphones. like the htc one m8 for windows or android. built to inspire envy. come get your more with verizon. it can bring out the worst in people. but the m-class scans for danger, corrects for lane drifting, and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. hi, quick headlines. caught on camera, another brooklyn bridge breach. a backpack wearing thrill seeker sneaks past security and climbs up brooklyn bridge. police say the 24-year-old got to the top and started taking pictures with his iphone. he was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment and trespass. i'm just wondering who is watching the bridge. speaking about thrill seekers, is this the scariest selfie ever, on top of the fifth largest skyscraper. the daredevils are infamous for scaling the world's tallest buildings. impress me. steve, elisabeth. >> i can barely look at that. >> he had his phone on a stick. 25 minutes after the top of the hour. >> king of late night jimmy fallon can still get ratings even with jokes about the commander in chief. >> the president really isn't helping himself by going on vacation. in fact i saw president obama played the eighth round of golf on his vacation today. he's played so much golf, i guess he's getting pretty good. he's still not at the pro level yet. here is rory mcilroy's tee shot. >> they are yelling get in the hole, get in the hole. you see the difference with obama'st?b watch this. >> back to work. >> back to the white house. >> get back to the white house. you know what, other comedians still protect the president as one longtime "saturday night live" writer says, quote, it's like being a rock climber looking up at a 1,000 foot high face solid obsidian polished in oil. not a single thing to grab onto, certainly not a flaw or hookx5"u can caricature. here is weigh in hollywood reporter. good morning. >> nothing to grab onto. >> jim downey wrote for "saturday night live" on and off and mainly wrote political satire jokes. ones that we've laughed at at home with our families on saturday nights. he says in his books that there's really not that much to make fun of when it comes to president obama because he doesn't have those quirky little things like maybe former president george w. bush has, doesn't pronounce words wrong like nuclear. he feels as though obama is kind of this flawless person that you really can't make fun of. >> do you think that's true? don't you think there's plenty of material there. >> listen, i don't think you can make fun of me but my family makes fun of me all the time. at the end of the day everybody is somebody you can poke fun at. >> of course. why do comedians choose not to. we heard from lauren michaels, if you remember, about six months ago. it says, republicans, it seems, can take a joke. it's hard to joke about democrats because they don't think it's funny and take it personally. >> for years, always long-standing in hollywood people have been primarily pro democrat. there is a lot of celebrities like beyonce and jay z, you have oprah, who have really endorsed barack obama. so it wasn't really cool to make fun of him. >> why can jimmy fallon get away with it. he certainly does. he has found a thing or two. >> his ratings going up. >> maybe his schedule. >> right in the beginning when he took over for jay leno, he was someone conservatives loved. he knew his audience probably would enjoy something like that but he wanted to tow the line. now he's more free with his jokes. let's be honest. he wants a ratings boost. we're not sure if that's the case. people buzzing on twitter and social media. he's doing it for ratings. let's be honest. in 2016 he's going to want every person on that couch. he's not going to try to polarize people too much of it's interesting he started to poke jabs at obama. >> who doesn't want ratings particularly when it comes to late night. comedians love an audience. my question, isn't it worse -- >> look like you're in a tank. >> politically slanted. sentence that more something to fear? >> i can understand what you're saying and i worked for a brief amount of time as an intern at the colbert report. i see a lot of people get their news scarily from late night television and shows like "the daily show." you see stephen colbert is taking over for david letterman. i'm not really sure if that's going to hurt him in the long run. it is interesting he's finally getting the guts to do stuff like this. >> interesting. is it about ratings, doing the jokes people in america want to hear. that's why jimmy fallon going up. we thank you so much. 28 minutes after the top. major shake-up. president of france has dissolved. does this proof socialism doesn't work? we'll tell you what we know. american airlines has a new target for fees. your kids. we'll explain that coming up. first we what to wish a happy birthday to country music star billy ray cyrus. he's 53 years old today and was probably really proud of his little girl last night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. i don't need it right now. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. dogs days of summer may be passed but diesel, the golden retriever does not care. he's having fun blowing bubbles on command. diesel making jeñ most of bad weather. i never tire of that. normally that type of thing would be a family secret. >> i'm ready for paddling. >> only 29 days of summer. >> dog days serious in the sky. meanwhile to a fox news alert, state of emergency in california after six point magnitude earthquake hit napa area. residents and family describing the shock of being jolted awake by the big one out there. >> it's an earthquake. >> while it was a 6.0, this morning experts warn of an even bigger quake hitting in the future. rick is in downtown napa right now where rick there are a lot of broken bottles, aren't there? that's one of the side effects of this shaker in napa valley is a lot of broken wine. >> yeah, think about it. it's obviously a big industry and think it's just wine we enjoy drinking. it's a billion dollar industry. a big hit. initial estimates on the cost of this earthquake is a billion dollars of damage. that is a very large natural disaster. the immediate problems, things like this. >> take a look at this, been here since the 1900s, couple of large earthquakes. it's got steel beams. the outside wall fell into the parking lot and crushed this car. you get an idea how big these bricks are, how heavy. this happened at 3:00 in the morning. nobody in the downtown area. a lot of street cafes here. people out, been in the middle of the morning when people are out for brumpl, could have been a very different story. the bigger earthquakes always what is a concern. that possibly this earthquake could have caused more pressure to build up on fault lines potentially more damaging. that probably is the case. last night director of seismology was on to talk about that. take a listen what he had to say. >> we know there's a bigger earthquake coming. we just don't know when it is. in terms of an immediate aftershock from this particular earthquake, it's possible we would have a larger magnitude earthquake over the course of the coming few days or weeks. what we know is we're going to have larger magnitude earthquakes over the coming years. >> and the thing is, this occurred on a fault line called west napa fault line. there are bigger and more dangerous fault lines very close around seven miles away. potentially the pressure that it released here transferred make of the pressure to the heyward rogers creek fault line.hv that is the one that potentially could be a stronger earthquake and more deadly. one of the concerns certainly they are watching. guys. >> rick, live in napa, california. >> thank you, rick. gosh, you hope they come up with that system that gives more of a warning, 90 seconds, before that big quake. >> they say animals can detect it. >> i bet they can. >> what do they do? >> they start yapping. >> talking a lot. >> squirrels and chip monks we know run for your lives. >> you never see dead squirrels after an earthquake. >> just for a moment, i cannot recall thinking back. >> 24 minutes after the top of the hour. ainsley with big news out of france. >> i do. french president francois hollande just dissolved his entire government. a major blow to socialism. the prime minister resigned after harshly criticizing handle of the economy which has been down. you'll remember hollande raised taxes over 100%. he's ordered a new government to be in place by tomorrow. a man in custody after a tense standoff following three deadly shootings in los angeles. the unidentified man described by police as a person of interest in the case. the mayhem about beginning before 6:00 a.m. when someone opened fire on an suv heading to church. four family members inside were wounded, another woman died at the scene. 45 minutes later another man was shot and killed two miles away. just minutes after that, a 50-year-old woman was found shot in the head. the man taken into custody surrendered to s.w.a.t. officers without incident. the utah woman who nearly died after drinking toxic tea has been released from the hospital. 67-year-old jan harding's recovery is nothing short of miraculous. two weeks ago she took a single sip of iced tea at dickey's barbecue grill and knew something was wrong. industrial cleaning fluid added to her drink. the burns so bad she couldn't move or speak. her husband said right now he's focused on his wife's recovery and not criminal charges. flyers hit with a new fee for your children. american airlines charging $150 each way for kids between five and 14 years old who are flying alone. starting september 3rd, parents will have to pay that in addition to the initial airline fare. american currently charges $150 for children five to eleven flying by themselves. those are your headlines. >> all right, ainsley. meanwhile big story this week, around the country, new york is u.s. open. it starts today. this year tennis stars giving fans a unique inside look with a major social media push. how do i know that? fox business network, good friend of ours told us. she talked to some of the biggest names in the u.s. out at flushing, new york. >> hey, good morning. i've got to tell you, in about three and a half hours from now, 700,000 plus over the next two weeks of fans are going to be rushing through these gates. yes, they are here to see the biggest stars in tennis. this year more than ever, a lot of big names in tennis using social media to connect to fans around the world. one of my favorites roger federer is all about social media. take a listen. >> it's an easy way to connect. i was always very wary of it. i thought it was maybe too much of a mean world out there. i don't know what to talk about. what are you drinking? who cares. thesebqw things made me a littl bit funny, so i waited quite a while to take it up. now i actually quite enjoy it. i feel like i'm in contact with fans. >> i do enjoy social media. it's a great way for your fans to get to see you and get to know you. especially tennis players. they see us mostly on the tennis court grunting, running, sweating. so i think it's a good opportunity for your fans to get closer to you. >> reporter: i've got to tell you, serena williams has about 4.3 million twitter followers. she dwarfs my 22,000 followers. it's all about social media. if you're coming to the u.s. open it's about this stuff. wasn't to bring in mary ryan, director of merchandising. brought us what fans can buy here and on the website. you said the best sellers are t-shirts. >> patriotic logo t-shirts number one seller. we offer up to 26 different styles, opening price t-shirts for men's. big sellers for us are the ladies. >> how much is the t-shirt right here. >> this t-shirt is $26. >> you've got the players signing these. >> correct. >> you've got hats. what do hats range? >> $26. >> i've got to show, my favorite, ralph lauren, he designed this is whath3:bñ the kids are wearing. >> ball kids wearing the jackets, shirts, hats, pants. all available ralph lauren store here on site, which is great opportunity for the fans to come out and shop. >> about 700,000 plus fans coming to the u.s. open. mary, thanks so much. it's all about the stuff, the fans, and, of course, being #better with friends. >> that's right. good reasons to be rushing to flushing. >> good one. look at that, cheryl just took us shopping. thank you very much. 19 minutes before the top of the hour. is the nation's top cop fanning the flames of racism? >> national outcry we've seen speaks to a sense of mistrust and mutual suspicion that can take hold in the relationship between law enforcement and certain communities. i personally understood that mistrust. >> well, a perspective you won't hear anywhere else is coming up next. hit that button, kids. sleeping in can make you a better student. >> sleep till lunch. ♪ hit me with your best shot why don't you hit me with your best shot ♪ hit me with your best shot fire away ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? 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>> well, i didn't write the headline but i did write the column. what i'm talking about is the top law enforcement officer in the nation basically coming in before an investigation has even been complete, before the grand jury has heard evidence and basically picking a side. i think that is a terrible travesty of justice. i think the media has not acted responsib responsibly. i think what is happening is not calming racial fears but actually enhancing them by acting as if this mantra of the unarmed black teenager shot by a white cop. that description in and of itself actually colors the way in which we look at this story. we're talking about an 18-year-old man who is 6'4" and weighs almost 300 pounds, who is videotaped just moments before the confrontation with a police officer strong arming an employee and robbing a convenience store. so you know, the way in which the story is being presented does, in fact, i think color the outcome. i think it's outrageous when a top law enforcement officer is the person who is helping do this. >> absolutely. you're supposed to be impartial, particularly when you're head of the department of justice, yet there's been a rush to judgment not only by doj but this administration. i think they are sending three representatives to michael brown's funeral. when you look back how many did they send to the general's funeral a few weeks ago. it seems like there's something going on here? >> i do think there's something going on. it's politic, domestic politics. i think it's an exploitation of the black community. i think it's playing the race card and i think it's disgraceful. we have another life at stake here, the officer that shot the man. there's a grand jury hearing evidence. we have yet to hear what actually happened in that encounter. we do know officer wilson has a spotless record. never a complaint filed against him, never any suggestion of racial animus. so the way in which this is coming down is not even allowing the grand jury to be able to impartially look at the evidence and make a a decision. you don't order a civil rights investigation before the it's so just take its own time. everything gets sped up so fast these days. lindaxsthavez joining us from denver, colorado. thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. >> you bet. ten minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, military malfunction. this training mission clearly not going according to plan. you've got to see the video. oh, my goodness. wait until you do. new attacking attack will make the one that hit target look like child's play. new details from the department of homeland security implicating over 1,000 scores and chris the cyber guy has crucial tips you need to know before you get hacked, too. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] when your office is 1,500 acres, it's good to have the right help. with models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400-pound payload. go tough. go strong. go gator. go strong. could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company? 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(blowing) ♪ well, over 1800 target stores hacked last year. no you a shocking report from the department of homeland security says that over 1,000 other companies were hacked and they don't even know it. so could your personal information be in the hands of a hacker right now? here with a tip to protect yourself is curt the cyber guy. >> good morning. scary stuff this morning. >> of course. >> the thing that happened with target and their security breach, that will look like a flee compared to what's about to happen. right now the homeland security office along with the secret service have come up with security companies with a tool that they can find what's called the back-off malware that affects cash register systems. what this means is now american businesses can go look and see if they've got this. the early detection is proving that a lot of them do. already seven of the companies that make this cash register kind of software have admitted to having some of their clients already have an infiltration going on, two of which ups. so if you've taken your box to the ups and used a credit card, watch out. your maim is now on the list of somebody whose personal information, your credit card, personal data for shopping, anything you gave them is out and open. what happens is hackers break in. they take this, they pilfer through it and they collect it and tell it out on the black market. so your credit will go down the toilet in a matter of seconds from these breaches. another one was super value. if you shop there, you need to be aware of it. >> you were talking potential millions of people that are going to be affected about this. what do we do? >> undoubtedly. here is what you do. right now assuming you haven't heard any bad news that you've been affected, take a look at these tips. first, watch your credit card report and those statements like a hawk. keep your eye on them from now on. report any unusual activity, not just to your credit card company, but back to any retailer you see there. then avoid shopping with any sort of debit card. you have less protection with that than a credit card. >> specifically before you go, if you hear a company has been hacked that you do business with, what are your steps? >> i'm going to say not if, but when one of the companies you do business with gets on this list, assume all your information is gone. have a look at the fact that this stuff is gone. assume that you need to change your credit card numbers. assume you need to report that in and change your passwords and think of very clever passwords. i'll show you one on line a little bit later. go to >> thank you. this is scary, but we promise you it's okay. a boy run over bay car and then walks away i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced 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for you. ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. good morning. it is monday, august 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the west coast still bracing for aftershocks after a massive earthquake. nearly 200 injured as businesses and homes crumble. now experts are warning the big one, we're talking 30 times as powerful, is coming. we are live in napa. the president back to work today and the former deputy director of the c.i.a. says he better do something about isisqc and he better do something about isis quick. >> long-term, 2 1/2, three years, we need to worry about a 9-11-style attack by isis. >> you don't want to hear that from the top c.i.a. guy. so what is the president's next move? we'll tell you. and at last year's vma's she twerked with a foam finger. this year miley cyrus did something that everyone is talking about today. the speech no one saw coming. we'll explain. mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> thank you, don king, whose birthday it was a couple days ago. he's 83 and a friend of the show. we've got a very, very busy day today. >> we sure do. let's get to that fox news alert. a state of emergency in northern california after a 6 magnitude earthquake rocks napa. it is the worst earthquake to hit the bay area in 25 years. >> you know what? it may not be over yet. experts warn an even bigger quake could be opt way. >> rick reichmuth has been scrambled out to the west coast. he's in downtown napa. rick? >> we certainly know there will be a bigger one in california at some point. everybody knows that. that it's coming. also the possibility that this earthquake put more pressure on some of the other fault lines that are bigger and potentially more damaging. one of the people, one of the directors of seismology from the university of california-berkeley, talked to judge jeanine. listen to what he had to say. >> we're already overdue for a big earthquake. manage my do you do 7, which will affect a much larger number of people in the bay area due to the density, not to mention this will be 30 times as much energy. >> reporter: yeah. and the thing that's so important about that is earthquake, when you talk about a 6.0 to 7.0, it doesn't go up in a linear fashion. it goes up like a bell curve. so it is 30 times more powerful, a 7.0 than 6.0. that's what's concerning. this is the damage from the 6.0. you can see it here. right in the center of the town of napa. and you can see the damage that you have from a 6.0 earthquake right here. the facade coming down, the corners of the building falling off. this an outdoor area where people hang out and dine. this actually is an outdoor eating area. had it happened in the daytime, it would have been a different story. 70,000 people were without power at the peak of it. that's been restored to 65,000 people, which is good. so still 5,000 people without power. about 100 residences will not be inhabitable because of the structural damage. any aftershocks, there is a 20% we could see one greater than 5.0 within the next seven days. that's a big concern, especially with the buildings that have possibly become weakened with this earthquake 24 hours ago. >> you got to be careful. rick reichmuth live in napa, thank you. >> ainsley earhart is ready for us now. >> filling in for heather. a scare in the air all because of one vip passenger. an american airlines flight made an emergency landing after a twitter threat from the hacker group lizard squad. it tweeted out at american air, we have been receiving reports that jays medley's plane, 362 from dfw has explosives on board. please look into it. he's the president of sony on line entertainment and just before that tweet was sent, sony's on line gaming network went down. the plane was forced to land in phoenix where all the bags were searched. the f.b.i. is now65=ñ investiga. today the family of michael brown calling for protests to stop so that their son can be laid to rest. >> all i want is peace while my son is being laid to rest. please, please, take a day of silence so i can -- so we can lay our son to rest. please. that's all i ask. >> president obama is sending three white house officials to⌜ attend brown's funeral in st. louis, missouri. however, the white house is selective when sending in representatives to funerals. only a low level delegation was sent to british prime minister margaret thatcher's funeral last year. police looked who shot inside a packed area. three people were shot at one oak, including rap mogul suge(ó1 night. he was hit six times, underwent surgery and is expected to be okay. new reports are claiming chris brown was the intended target. miley cyrus turning heads at the mtv music awards. she didn't twerk, but she still had got a lot of people talking. she let her date, a homeless teen-ager, accept her video of the year award. >> i survived in shelters all over the city. i cleaned your hotel rooms. i've been an extra in your movies. i've been an extra in your life. so i may have been invisible to you on the streets, i have a lot of the same dreams that brought many of you here tonight. >> then there was beyonce, who blew the crowd away with a epic 15-minute performance. ♪ ♪ everybody on your feet ♪ >> amid the divorce rumors, she was greeted by her daughter and her husband, jay-z. they presented her with the michael jackson award. >> thank you all for this moment. we love you so much. i love you. my beloved, i love you. my fans, i love you. >> check out jennifer lopez on the red carpet. the 45-year-old in a skin baring gown. then nicky minage, nearly naked. >> clutching the front of her black dress. you see it after a major wardrobe malfunction, trying to keep it up. those are your headlines. >> so it was a malfunction, not intentional? >> i'm not sure. >> 'cause it looked like it was intentional. >> the high split is trending right now. >> on twitter? where? >> are they zippers or just cut? >> that seemed to be a nonzipper on the side. i think there is a zipper so you can adjust it. >> brian has many fashion questions. mr. blackwell if you're watching, please call. >> or write us on facebook. fox news alert now. american journalist peter curtis has been freed after being held hostage in syria for two years. >> a hstage terror group had him. he was handed over to u.n. peacekeepers on sunday. for more. >> we're going to head over to peter doocy in washington with the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. the 45-year-old american freelance journalist who was held by terrorists in syria since before the 2012 presidential election is now free. the specifics surrounding how he was released are still unknown right now. but his family says the government of qatar helped facilitate the freedom. his family also says no ransom was paid to the al-qaeda offshoot and that the release was for humanitarian reasons. here is more reaction from peter's mother, nancy, who was in cambridge, massachusetts. quote, my heart is full at the extraordinary dedicated, incredible people, too many to name individually, who have become my friends and have tirelessly helped us over these many months. please know that we will be eternally grateful. the curtis family says now they plan to help other families of those being held in syria and a similar promise is being made from foggy bottom. john kerry explaining every waking hour our thoughts and faith remain with the americans still held hostage and wi their families and we continue to use every diplomatic intelligence and military tool at our disposal to find them and bring our fellow citizens home. one of the americans still held by isis in syria, steven sotloff, was shown in the same video used to broadcast james foley's execution and isis is threatening that sotloff will soon die as well if the u.s. does not stop air strikes in iraq. back to you in new york. >> peter reporting live from our nation's capitol. the president of the united states returned to the nation's capitol last night. he was on marine one after his very long vacation out in martha's vineyard. the big question is what will the president do? listen to this prognosis. >> i think there is three things we have to worry about. two are short-term. one is long-term. the two short-term pieces are number one, will they inspire somebody here to conduct an attack? the second is there is a number of americans and a number of canadians and a number of west europeans who went to syria to join isis to fight with them. any one of those could be directed back at the united states to conduct a small scale attack. over the long-term, 2 1/2, three years, we need to worry about a 9-11-style attack by isis. >> higher up long-time guy in the c.i.a. says look out. the head of the intelligence committee in the house, mike rogers, says they're a plane ticket away from hitting us here at home. general martin dempsey, who adds stark terms last week to describe isis says this. says there is no sign that the islamic state militants are engaging active plotting against the homeland. so it's different from which we see in yemen. so no big deal at home, which means we're not going to hit anything until they're a threat here. >> no big deal at home is not what many others are saying, as we just heard from mike morell there. there are many levels to be considered here in terms of our safety, particularly when the threat from isis says specifically we will drown you in blood. i mean, i'm not sure what more of a threat besides our own being beheaded on the world stage, what more information do we need to understand that the threat is here, it is happening, there is a war? >> sure. the fact that they beheaded that american, that is an act of war. how about the isis spokesman who said that we will raise thegu s flag in the white house? how about the guy ho said see you in new york? for martin dempsey, him to say no syria action at this point, and the fact that he was much more direct last week, you got to wonder whether or not politics from the administration is coming into play, where after he said the stuff on thursday, somebody from the white house called him and said, come on. we can't do anything right now. >> maybe the secretary of defense and the chairman were freelancing while the president was golfing? >> maybe. >> 12 minutes after the hour. up next, is this guy proof terrorists are already inside the under the circumstances us? why he's being called the first jihadi serial killer in the united states. but we promise you it is okay to watch. a boy run over by a car gets up and walks away. >> that is unbelievable. first, more beyonce from last night's video music awards. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. 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>> i can't tell you how harmful this term lone wolf is because while at the last step they may act as part of their own actions as far as a terror violence is concerned, lone wolf implies he's not connected to the global narrative of radical slammism and isis is using and operating at a band width that we've never seen before. it's a significant threat and we see the same thing that many apologists wanted to say after the boston marathon. there have been 300 arrests of radicalized muslims who may ultimately not be part of a big terror movement as far as their last steps of actions are concerned, but to drive the fuel that moves them is a narrative, a global narrative that anti-freedom, anti-western, that targets america, targets britain, targets all those that stand in the way of an establishing an islamic state and the islamist moved around the world. >> we heard from general martin dempsey that isis is not a direct threat right now on our soil, that this is not as big of a deal as we thought last week. what do you think about that? is he wrong? >> as somebodhññ is on the front lines, countering these ideologies as a muslim, it is just horrifying to me that we can't seem to yet get this right in that okay, fine, it's almost like we have a whacka mole program, globally as far as boca haram, isis, muslim brotherhood and others, yet we say it's not a big threat, let's ignore it and it will go away. same thing with individuals, like mohammed brown, et cetera, we don't want to deal with the deeper problem and say the problem is bigger than ever since 9-11. and the reason they say there is no threat, because they don't want to operate in a realm where they have a strategy, where they identified that this is the new cold war of the 21st sentry. global slammism is on the rise. the president and his administration do not want to figure out what to fill into that vacuum, so they would rather say there is no vacuum of the for those of us trying to front on the front lines, we're hanging with no support. >> so you would say isis indeed may already be here? >> you know, the u.k. had more muslims go to fight with isis than they have muslim in the royal armed services. so there is 500-plus and there have been almost 1,000 that have gone. it's not only here, it may be easier for isis rather than going to the middle east like syria or iraq to operate on the soil here and i hope and pray our homeland security is following it because it's not whenfy1ur -- if, but when we get attacked on our soil. i'm sorry to say. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, a star soccer player who scored the game winning goal killed before he even leaves the stadium. and the liberal mayor of new york city threatening to end the historic tradition of carriage rides on the street in the name of animal cruelty. but we have a doctor in the house who says carriage rides don't harm them at all. ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. infinally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ everyday thousands of people choose nexium twenty-four hour for frequent heartburn. i'd always wanted the protection of the purple pill® now, i have it. get nexium level protection ™ for a limited time save six dollars at but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. time for news by the numbers. first, 25,000. that's how many homeland security workers had their personal data compromised after a company that provided background checks had their system hacked. the fear is the personal data could be used to exploit classified information from these workers. fantastic. next, two hours. that's how quickly china sub will travel from shanghai to san francisco. chinese scientists say they're one step closer to developing the technology. good luck. and finally, 200 years. that's how long it's been since the british said fire in the white house. the british embassy marked it with cape with sparkles around it. nice move, britain. we ended up beating you. >> well, he has been the voice of animals for over 40 years. >> now tv's top veterinarian is back for a whole new season of the incredible dr. paul. >> hi, sweety. a heifer is a cow that hasn't given birth before. so you'll see complications more often in heifers than you will other cows. >> she does not surprise us. slow down. she is getting nervous. >> she is getting nervous, that's right. dr. paul also giving his own diagnosis of the controversy surrounding the horse-drawn carriages here in new york city. >> and joining us with him -- he's got a new book "never turn your back on an angus cow," also by our other guests. thank you for joining us, and especially what's the name of this horse? >> dicen. you visited where the horses are. what did you find? >> i found that the stalls were clean as a whistle and the horses are very well taken care of. >> that's not what the mayor is saying. >> the mayor and his supporters have said that these horses are badly treated, they got to shut down the horse drawn carriage business that has been flourishing here for decades. >> yes. but for me, what i saw was fantastic. sometimes i say i wish my own clients were taking care of their horses as well as what they are here. >> really? >> in my book, you can see more about what i've had experience with bad horse people. i've seen it every day in daily life, in the show you can see some of it. these horse are looking good. >> what does it mean to you that you hear this now, obviously so many people enjoy the carriage rides. it's historic here in the city. seemingly the mayor wants to clamp down on it. but to hear this must be uplifting. >> it's another feather in our cap, between veterinarians like dr. paul coming to us and weighing in on the issue, you know, without a biased opinion, it means the world to us, as well as this week having to work with family parties come out and support us as well. >> do you think it will change things in terms of what the mayor is pushing? >> it's up to the mayor. we're compiling our case, making a very good case, a very strong case. 66% of the new yorkers want us to stay. we have the manhattan chamber of commerce, 75% want to us stay. veterinarians coming from all over the world and our ridership is very good. >> we're lucky to have like the top vet in the whole plan the here, the incredible dr. paul. you got this new book out and that's the reason you were in new york city, promoting your new book. and somebody said, you got to look at the horses. what do you mean, never turn your back on an angus cow? >> if you turn your back, you don't know what's happening behind you. they can come after you, they can go away, if you're lucky. >> because cows can run faster than people? >> quite a bit faster, yes. >> who knew? in fact, you say pretty much any animal can outrun a human? >> that's correct. most animal can outrun a human. never take your eyes off an animal that you don't know. >> this one doesn't move unless it's 50 cents a minute. >> would your new headline be never turn your back on the horse drawn carriage? >> you can say sit in it and enjoy it. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. high ho silver, brian. in to you. >> thanks. a great way to get home if you need a ride. not again. another security breach at the brooklyn bridge as a man climbs it in broad daylight. how the heck did this happen? by the way, why would he want to do it? the president defending his golf game, saying the american people do not care. but even his supporters are not donald trump who loves golf, i cannot wait to see what he has to say. he often has a direct opinion. ♪ ♪ i think it's such a great charity and i'm supposed to challenge somebody. i challenge steve doocy from fox news. >> oh, great. >> wow. who are those kids? >> wow. kenny rogers challenges you. >> yeah. he challenged me and garth brooks and dolly parton to the ice bucket challenge. >> you came up in country music together. >> pretty much. while, weren't you? >> that's right. i will actually do my best to challenge somebody with the ice bucket challenge at the conclusion of today's program. donald trump, you're lucky you're not in the studio or you might leave damp. >> sounds exciting. >> he might challenge you. >> but they have raised a whole bunch of money for als, which has been phenomenal. this has caught on. >> having a ton of awareness. mr. trump, we're glad you're here with us today. obviously after james foley ex execution and all that we have found since, where did we go wrong and what should the u.s. do now to prevent an attack like 9-11 from happening here? >> i think isis made a terrible mistake when they did what they did obviously, but more importantly, from a certain standpoint by making such a public display of that horrible act. it awakens the lion. it makes people that frankly were very doveish and people that i speak to all the time, they want to go in and bomb the hell out of them. i really think they made a mistake. they have somebody else over there and people are waiting foc that to happen, for that ugly act to happen. and we'll see. at the same time when it comes to terrorism, how can you pay in order to stop? it will just -- then everybody becomes victims and there will be more problems than you're going to solve. so it's a really, very, very tough situation. but i think they made a terrible mistake 'cause people that really wanted to stay out are actually saying we ought to go in and bomb the hell out of them. we'll see what happens. >> you know a lot about financing. these guys have billions of dollars in the banks because qatar is part of the united arab emirates and others are essentially paying protection money. they're financing these people. we could do a lot of damage not only by hitting with air strikes, but by stopping the money flow. >> they also have the oil. they've taken over a lot of oil and they've taken over various sections of the oil and if you folks remember, i would always say during iraq, 'cause i was not a big fan and i was not a fan of what was going to happen after we left, i said we ought to take the oil and keep the oil and i took a lot of heat over it. and i said because if we don't take it, whether it's iran or isis or somebody else is going to take it. and that's exactly what happened. but worse than we ever thought took it. so they have oil money and they have a lot of other money and they have money from our so-called friends, the saudis and lots of other people are supporting them. when we look at ourselves and say, what are we doing? >> no kidding. after the news broke that jim foley was beheaded, a lot of people figured the president of from his golf vacation up in the commonwealth of massachusetts, but he actually didn't. he was enroute back on air force one when he heard the news and didn't turn around. then yesterday in the pages in, of all place, the gray lady, the "new york times," maureen dowd talked about the golf war. david plouffe was on one of the sunday shows yesterday talking about the president's golfing and that really doesn't stop him from doing a job. listen. >> this is a political tradition. when you're the president of the united states, you're never really on vacation. you're on 24/7. i think this concept of optics fascinates the american people. >> i think he's wrong, mr. trump. i think if the image of -- on the cover of one of the new york tabloids on thursday was the image of jim foley being beheaded and then a shot of barak obama out golfing, that sends a terrible message to americans and to our adversaries around the world. terrific. i read that. i think she's terrific. i do. i think she hit it on the head. look, it was a terrible image. nobody likes golf more than me. brian likes it. i've seen brian swing, he's excellent. he's getting better and better all the time. he'll be railing rory very soon. >> very soon. >> but the fact is that it was a terrible time. you have a beheading and then immediately after the news conference you run off to the golf course and the pictures of him smiling all over the place, i mean, was just terrible. so i thought it was -- look, nobody likes golf more than me and i think it's a great game. i think it's the greatest of all games. every athlete plays it. they literally retire from sports. all they want to do is play golf. it's doing great. it's a phenomenal game. and actually it's a great tool for the president. i'm not against him playing. he should be playing with boehner and he should be playing with not people that he's grown up with, which is who he plays with. he plays with the same three guys all the time. he ought to be playing with his opponents and become friends with them and make deals that are good for the country instead of having this total gridlock. but this was a bad time to be playing golf. he could have waited a day or two days. i mean, he played right after the bombing started and he played right after the beheading. i think it's a terrible picture. you have pictures all overt world and people are very upset about it. >> do you remember when george bush stopped golfing because of the image it sent? >> well, i did hear that, yes. >> real quick, in the big picture, senator mick contain said listen, carter changed afterwards, george w. bush got rid of donald rumsfeld and put the surge together. clinton changed after rwanda. the president comes back, he's home today. do you think he'll have a different approach to isis? >> i think he will. i think he's going to get tougher. i think he's going to have to probably get tougher. again, the beheading was horrible to see that at this age and this day and age was just incredible. i certainly hope they have the one nabbed -- i would love to see them nab that guy and frankly, we should do the same thing to them. as i said on one of my tweets, we will read them their miranda rights, we will have them in court for the next 20 years. it's ridiculous. they seem to know who did it, the beheading, and boy, i hope they get them. but you have to take strong action because ultimately some really bad things are going to happen for this country. you have to nip it in the bud and it's got to be nipped strongly. >> you do think he will take stronger action? >> i do see that, yeah. i think that's going to happen. i think it's going to have to happen. and the only thing is that countries that are really strongly affected by this aren't taking action. we're fighting for other countries and not being reimbursed. we owe $17 trillion and that number is going up rapidly. not being reimbursed. we're doing all of this work for other countries. why aren't other countries doing things? and countries that are frankly much more affected than we are? but yes, i think he will take >> i hope his language indicates that as well. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. >> the first thing he should do is restore the financing to the military. he cuts it to the bone and asks them to do extraordinary things. >> let's see if he does anything. he could come back from vacation last week, but he didn't. headline time with ainsley earhart. >> good morning to awful you. caught on camera, another brooklyn bridge breach. this time a backpack-wearing security, climbing up that bridge. police say the 24-year-old got to the top, started taking pictures with his iphone. he was arrested and charged with wreckless endangerment and criminal trespassing. this comes a month after a pair of german artists confess to swapping out two american flags on top of the bridge with those white ones. a soccer player is dead after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd duringgvif game in algeria's top league. that's the sound of the angry crowd just moments before he was hit in the head. the violence sparked after he scored the winning goal. he was rushed to the hospital where he died. so far no arrests have been made. look at this, caught on camera, a terrifying moment a mexican army paratrooper is dragged behind a plane. got caught. the chute failed to open during a training exercise. causing the cable to get caught. the soldier is recovering in the hospital. and watch this video. doesn't get much closer than this. that little boy in china playing on the side of his driveway is nearly killed when that suv runs right over him. amazingly, that little boy was low enough to the ground to avoid getting hit, or avoid getting hurt. he walked away without a scratch. isn't that incredible? he gets up. >> and he was sitting -- sitting on his little legs, sitting up straight. those are your headlines.¥t >> amazing images. thank you. >> what was the guy doing? texting? runs over a kid and not slows down. >> china. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, so far the white house responds to isis has been a mixed matched combination of air strikes and military advisors. but is it enough? lawmakers calling for a clear cut strategy. >> and final exams for kindergarteners? yeah. it could be happening. a debate coming up. >> can you say red? ♪ ♪ along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. new fiber one streusel. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® is now available in flextouch® - the only prefilled insulin pen with no push-button extension. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. today, i'm asking about levemir® flextouch. 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(male announcer) today's the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. this morning calls growing for the president to clearly lay out a strategy, a comprehensive strategy to defeat isis. from chuck hagel to america's top military officer, experts across the board are saying the threat is real, calling the group, quote, beyond anything we've seen. is the u.s. ready, willing and able to destroy isis? after all, we just cut our military to the bone. here to weigh in is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. you need a comprehensive strategy. it's not just going to be let's go invade iraq. >> you know this as well as anybody, the issue is ready, willing and able. the united states has not determined or developed a cohesive comprehensive, direct and clear policy. let's look at the situation as it exists now. about one quarter of iraq is under isis control. we see the isis presence in syria and iraq. the issue becomes will we in fact strike syria in a very hard directed way to take out isis command and control centers, 'cause we know isis speaks to syria and iraq. so to take iraq without taking syria becomes a real issue. >> well, we see that syria had a strategy. so they were being invaded by protesters. they asked us for some finances. they said they wanted to bring democratic principle noose that country. who knows, but it would be better than assad. we let them go. so assad thought i'll let the terrorists come in, wipe out the free syrian army and then i'll only have one enemy and the west will look at this enemy. that enemy got so big, no one could control it. >> the issue becomes now are we going to team up with assad? are we, according to some democratic liberals in this country, team up in a civil war with assad, the fellow who we regarded as an enemy? this is what some people are saying we should be doing. conducting special op raids, air strikes, even close the turkish border which is the poorest bodier between syria and turkey. and the problem is intelligence going to the ready and willing and able point through articles in the "washington post," through other leaks are saying we don't have the capacity. the drones can't do it. we really can't bomb syria in a robust, effective manner. we shouldn't be doing it. we should wait for months. there has also been this liberal lean that somehow isis is not nazi germany. isis is not communism in the 40s and 50s. it's not a real threat, that it's a regional threat, that it's part of a regional civil war that we shouldn't be involved with. but we saw what happened to mr. foley and what happened to christians and what happened to other minorities. >> they promise to do do the same thing to the other westerners in their custody. when that was written last night, general dempsey saying this is apocalyptic. this group is better financed, better trained than anyone we've ever seen. last night on the plane he tells a group of reporters that isis is more of a regional threat and is not currently plotting or planning attacks against the u.s. really? because 100 of the 10,000 are americans -- >> it's transformation. >> general dempsey said it was apocalyptic, it was end of days, that they had a vision for destruction. there were notions of a black flag over the white house. there were notions that there was going to be a second 9-11 attack greater because this is an organization that has a billion dollars in resources. clearly, clearly someone in the white house has gotten to general dempsey to say, you better pull those remarks back. we'll probably see those remarks being pulled back by secretary of defense hagel as well. we'll see this attack by liberal democrats in the congress that say, wait, wait, wait. we're war weary. we can't do this. it may be a risk of a second 9-11, but we can take care of it in other ways. we see now an international force of so-called seals and green berets and other folks. we need a coalition of the willing. jordanians, saudi arabia, people in the middle east to stand with america against isis and against terrorism. we can not ignore this threat. >> not as a favor to us, for their own security. >> we are not ready, willing and able yet. hopefully we will become between. >> thanks so much. great to see you. and good donald trump tie. next up, final exams for your kindergartener. it could happen. is that a good idea? a debate next. don't tell him or her until we settle this. on this date in 1978, and in 1978, frankie valuey -- valli had the number one song in america with "grease." ♪ ♪ [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. 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(blowing) ♪ thousands taking to the street in new york city over the weekend as al sharpton led anti-cop rally aimed at seeking justice in the death of eric garner and michael brown. but new numbers show the city is a lot safer unless you happen to be a bad guy. so how did the nypd turn it around? we're going to ask former nypd detective, thomas ruskin who joins us now. good morning. >> go4j morning. >> first off, i want to step back. what do you think about the white house actually sending representatives to the funeral and services for michael brown today? >> i have never seen the white house send representatives to anyone's funeral. they've never sent it to my knowledge to any new york city police officer's funeral where he's been killed in the line of duty or anywhere else in this country. so for them to send three representatives to a guy who robbed a convenience store, no matter what happened with the shooting, to me, makes my blood boil. >> it's interesting. you mentioned police officers who have died not had representatives from the white house at their services in the line of duty. 44 police officers lost their lives while protecting new york since 2000 alone. 23 on september 11. what is the message? right here in new york city, so much good has come from law enforcement really stepping it up, while the messaging is hey, police, stand back. what do you think about this? >> i don't think any police officer in this country who has sworn to give his life to defend other officers or civilians is ever going to step back. but you're going to think twice before taking certain types of actions? >> why? >> because if you're going to be criticized and second guessed day after day after day in the media with all these innuendos of what happened, dr. baden's autopsy shows me he was shot with his hands down. he was shot three times in the arm in the front of his arm. not with his hands up. so if his hands were down, he didn't have his hands up. what you'll find through this investigation, i think -- and this has been my history in following these cases -- is that the people who originally come forward changed their story when they have to testify in front of a grand jury and give a testimony under perjury, under he were penalty of perjury. >> won't people take advantage of the fact that police going to be closer looked at in terms of their procedure? will there be those lurk to go take advantage of this moment post-michael brown? >> well, police departments routinely look at their procedures after any major shooting in this country. so i think that that's to be expected and police officers expect that. police officers will still go out there every single day and risk their lives around this country for the citizens that they are sworn to protect. >> i know a lot of lives have been saved. a lot of minorities' lives have been saved since the nypd changed their procedures for the better. thank you. >> thank you so much. the president arriving back at the white house overnight. bret baier on that from washington, coming up top of the hour vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet? good morning. it is monday, august 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the left coast still bracing for aftershocks after a massive 6.0 earthquake.el4 nearly 200 injured as businesses and homes crumble. now experts are warning aftershocks could be even stronger than the original quake. we are live in napa. then an american hostage freed from the evil clutches of al-qaeda. this as authorities close in on apparently james foley's murderer. that man in the mask. now a new report claiming the special forces mission that tried to rescue foley was delayed by the president. bret baier weighs in on that straight ahead. >> yep. and the challenge is on. >> i challenge steve doocy from fox news. >> wow. steve doocy accept kenny rogers' als ice bucket challenge? ♪ you know when to get covered in ice ♪ >> does that mean yes? >> stick around. you'll find out in 57 minutes. mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends," the number one morning cable news show in america. >> thank you, colonel david hunt. welcome aboard. live from new york city and washington, d.c. because bret baier joins us every monday at this time. good morning to you, bret. >> good morning. >> bret, isis is a big fat mess now and with the beheading, there were a lot of people who suggested the president should cut his vacation short. he didn't. but today he is back in washington, d.c but yesterday's drum beat got pretty loud. we've got to do something about isis now or they're going to come get us. >> it really did. the president's got a full plate here dealing with this terrorist army. we've talked about it not only in iraq, but syria and the threats for attacks on western interests not only in europe, but in the u.s. they are continuing. you talk to intelligence officials here in washington and they will tell you that this particular brand of terrorist, this isis group, this terrorist army is really moreover lent, more dangerous than al-qaeda and they're a lot bigger. they originally thought there were only 10,000 or so. could be five to ten times that now. and it's growing. >> we know this, you can count on islamic extremists to always overstep. i would say, venture to guess, that the brutal beheading of this journalist, unprovoked, just covering a conflict, a serious civil war is the overstep. now everyone is alerted to it. but you agreed reading between the lines. why would the chief of staff say to reporters on a plane last night that it's more of a regional threat, not really a threat to us at home? did someone pressure him? >> maybe, because boy, that's not the message you're getting from various intelligence committees up on capitol hill or frankly intelligence officials who speak to us anonymously because they look at it and they see a real threat to the homeland and real threat to european interests. hundreds of these isis guys have foreign european passports. >> we have a representative out of arizona who said this, we have a war, it's right here whether you want it or not. take a listen. >> trotsky said you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you and the terrorists are at war with the united states and everything that we believe in. if we don't get with the program, they will make horrifying gains before we wake up and this administration seems to be essentially asleep at the wheel. so yes, yes, we are at war. we have been for a long time. this administration just doesn't realize it. >> is part of the president's agenda right here because he has to realize that he can't be in denial, bret, to replace, talk about replacing, removing, why aren't we replacing funds in terms of our defense department? >> yeah. listen, when you see the justice department open up an investigation into the beheading of james foley, that's a different signal. it is a law enforcement action as far as many people call that an act of war with this group and they have to be taken out. we heard that this weekend. it's important to point out, to go back to what the chairman joint chiefs said, to hear the context. it is a regional threat now, but could it grow and be a threat and jump to a european or u.s. problem? that's really the question. >> sure. on thursday we had jim foley's boss at that web site he worked at, he was on with us and he said that last spring when a number of european hostages were released, they told the intel people, hey, they're holding them in the city of raka, in the syrian city, that's where you'll find james foley. they didn't have the raid where they tried to rescue him until summer. you got to wonder why they waited a couple of months. now there is a property from the sunday times of london, which also accurately said that it looks like the fellow who did the beheading was a rapper, british rapper. now tony harnden says pentagon sources have said that barak obama worried u.s. troops would be captured or killed and he took too long to authorize it because he worried elder carterrized. what would to jimmy carter after he launched that failed mission in 1980 to rescue the american hostages taken by the iranians would happen to him. now the question is, did the president wait too long? >> sure, i think there are going to be a lot of monday morning quarterbacking about what should have been done when and clearly in any operation into a place like syria, there would be that thought in the administration about 1980 and the failed effort by the delta force into tehran or frankly, blackhawk down more recently, some incident that would draw the u.s. in if they were not a what they did. this administration obviously launched the bin laden raid. clearly they made calculations to go forward before. but this time for one reason or another, they didn't. we don't know the accuracy of that sunday times report. i think that you are going to suspect and the british rapper potentially, he's one of the suspects. they're trying to do voice analysis as well as other investigative tools to try to pinpoint this group because that's a real threat to great britain, which is why you saw the prime minister, david cameron, rush back. >> but if we handle the investigation like a criminal, like once we get him, the threat is over, i think we're fooling ourselves. so let's see what the president is going to do. i really got to ask you about another major issue of what's happening in ferguson. today we understand michael brown, the funeral will take place and the white house is sending three representatives. how unpress departmented is this? -- unprecedented is this? >> clearly they're trying to make a statement that they support the -- they want to call for calm on the ground. but it is interesting that the investigation obviously is still going forward, still continuing. we don't really have a clear sense definitively of where that investigation is going. but they are sending three white house aides. critics will say that that's premature and they look at other events like margaret thatcher's funeral where former administration aides were sent. but the father of michael brown is calling for peace and silence and we'll see and hope that's what happens. >> he did. he did call for a at this of peace and silence -- day of peace and silence for their son. we spoke with detective thomas ruskin who mentioned that to the best of his knowledge, he doesn't recall the white house sending in a representative to any of the police officers that died, 44 of them, since early 2000. no one from the white house appeared at their funerals. >> no white house aides went to jim foley's service. >> that's right. >> but i'm not -- listen, i don't know what this sends. clearly the administration has been taking heat from the left for the president not speaking up more forcefully. and now he'll take heat from the right for sending aides. >> all right. bret baier joins us every monday morning at this time. thank you very much. >> all right. now to a fox news alert, residents in northern california surveying the damage following a 6 magnitude earthquake in napa. officials declaring a state of emergency, saying losses could top $1 billion. rick reichmuth joins us. that is a heavy load of damage financially on top of the physical damage we see. >> reporter: yeah, you're absolutely right. the earthquake was a $6 billion disaster 25 years ago. today's dollars is a different story. this is some of the damage you're seeing here. this is the obvious damage that you might see from an earthquake. take a look at some live shots that we have, live camera up now in a mobile home park that is just about two miles from here in downtown. these pictures are coming out of kttvu, one of our affiliates. this is a mobile home park that yesterday, one of the gas mains burst. a very large fire in this area. one of the residents in that area, 83-year-old man, had words to say about it. listen to what his experience was. >> just like there was some explosion. it was burning and everybody was out in the street and i couldn't get back in the house. >> yeah, you can just imagine how terrifying that was. you have the earthquake, then the fire. four of the mobile homes completely destroyed. and people today having to begin to pick up those pieces. guys? >> all right. rick reichmuth live in napa, thank you very much. >> ainsley earhart joins us this morning. always good to see you. you have some headlines for us. >> i do. let me get right to those. a scare in the air. all because of one vip passenger. an american airlines flight made an emergency landing after a twitter threat from the hacker group lizard squad. it tweeted out at american air, we have been receiving reports that jay smedley's plane, 362 from dfw has explosives on board. please look into this. jay smedley is john smedley, the president of sony on line entertainment and just before that tweet was sent out, sony's on line gaming network went down. the plane was forced to land in phoenix where all of the bags were searched, the f.b.i. is now investigating. the video music awards marred by a shooting at chris brown's preparty. someone opening fire there inside a packed hollywood nightclub shooting the rap mogul sug night. new reports claim chris brown was the intended target. knight underwent surgery and is expected to be okay. miley cyrus turning some heads at the mtv music awards. she did not we can twerk, but she had a lot of people talking. she let her date, a homeless teen-ager, accept her video of the year award. >> i have survived in she wanters all over the -- shelters all over the city. i've cleaned your hotel rooms, been an extra in your movies and an extra in your life. though i may have been invisible to you on the streets, i have a lot of the same dreams that brought many of you here tonight. >> then beyonce who blew the crowd away with an epic 15-minute performance. ♪ ♪ >> amid divorce rumors, she was greeted by her daughter and husband. they presented her with the michael jackson vanguard award. >> i thank god for this moment. i love y'all so much. i love you. my beloved, i love you. my fans, i love you. mtv, i love you. >> and did you see this? kim kardashian and her sisters, they're bashed on twitter after they were caught doing that. texting during a ferguson tribute. and those are your headlines. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. >> nicky minage did have a malfunction. it wasn't intentional. i'll follow that story. coming up, mixed messages from military leaders on just how much of a threat isis is to americans at home. we have lieutenant general who says someone's got to get to our military leaders and devise a strategy. and the serious glowing waves caught on camera. what's causing it is pretty amazing. ♪ ♪ when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that's based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book's trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you'll get a great deal. that's just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. new fiber one streusel. can he they be defeated without addressing that part of the organization which resides in syria? the answer is no. that will have to be addressed on both sides of what is essentially at this point a nonexistent border. >> okay. very clearly there, that was the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general martin dempsey on thursday speaking on the glow -- growing threat of isis, on the same day chuck hagel said it's beyond anything we've ever seen. very clear, isis bad. now a complete 180. general dempsey saying yesterday the united states faces no direct threat from isis and he wouldn't recommend strikes in syria yet. what the heck happened? fox news military analyst lieutenant general thomas mcinerny joinses from our nation's capitol. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> yesterday dempsey said no, you know what? isis is just a regional threat. somebody on thursday picked up the phone and talked to the general, didn't they? >> absolutely. look, i'm standing by my comments saturday to uma pemmaraju on america's headquarters. unchecked, isis is annexes essential threat to the united states ask very soon. general dempsey was called by the white house and they told both he and secretary hagel, both of them who i commend greatly for what they said last thursday when they cried out for we've got to get on with it and there is this narrative in the white house that osama bin laden is dead. gm is alive. everything is okay. just like they did, steve, two years ago on benghazi when they knew an attack was coming and they ignored it. just for the election. >> that was on september 11, just before the election. all right. you say this september 11, september 11, 2014, we'll have another strike. >> i believe that we should go to def con 1 and be prepared for another strike. there are too many indications. senator jim imhoff, senator who you just was on several days ago, said that he believed an american city was going to be attacked. i believe american cities will be attacked and that we should be prepared for it. and if we keep on the same modus operandi, this pattern of behavior that this white house always pretends leading up to an election that everything is okay, the american people are in danger. >> sure. >> we need a massive air campaign in iraq and syria. >> you say that one of the reasons the united states is in danger is because while dempsey may say it's a regional threat, isis is over there, because our southern border is wide open, we don't know who is coming in. >> look, when we had this immigration crisis, which is still going on with women and children coming across, the border control people were saturated. the isis people have already come in. they are in our cities today. they are ready to attack us. 9-11 is a very attractive date for them. i believe we should be prepared and we are not. our commander in chief is not on the commander in chief role. he's out to lunch. >> all right. general mcinerny joining us with sobering words on this monday morning. while the president is back to work, let's see if they do anything. thank you very much. >> thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, final exams in kindergarten? it could be happening at a school near you. is it a good idea or bad? we'll got a debate. it's talk show turf war. rosie o'donnell about to share office space with one of her greatest tv foes. who could that be? who could that be? ♪ ♪ until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will our priority is...was... padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. time for quick headlines. good news for tired teens. the american academy of pediatrics urging schools to start at 8:30 and no earlier. that's because they say teens need between 8 1/2 and 9 1/2 hours of sleep perat's exactly s and he's a grownup. is your tap water lowering your i.q.? while the cdc praised floor raid, people in china and iran who consumed excessive fluid have a seven point reduction in their i.q. i worked very hard on that study. elisabeth? >> i can tell. thanks. florida law that goes into effect this year is giving school districts the option to test their students with some version of a final exam and that could actually include kindergarteners. should we be testing five-year-olds? joining us for a fair and balanced debate, senior fellow at the center for education reform and neil from the cato institute. we thank you both for being here. five years old, i've got a five-year-old. seems a little early for testing, and options sometimes do become quiet mandates. is there a problem? >> great education really is linked to the issues you've been talking about all morning, elisabeth. it's tied to a great economy, tied to a safe and peaceful and exceptional world. and kindergarten is where they use the kills. they need to learn play. lay is actually a noncognitive thing that will help them for life and whether it's florida or indiana or washington or anywhere else, great schools need great teachers that guide our kindergarteners and kids at every other grade to learn how to be great at the things that we want them to know and be able to do to be productive. and is test not testing in kindergarten a bad idea? of course it is. they need new skills and anyone saying, which i don't think fellow there is, but anyone saying they need to have some standardized test is simply wrong. >> some of the questions they say could be as simple as what color is this circle? and you would have to answer red if the circle are red. neal, what do you say? >> i think it would be a problem if this was top down standardized testing where we have to treat every child as if they're exactly the same, as if people all had the same goals for education. of course people don't. do some people want their children to know their abc's and maybe spell words and do some reading by the end of kindergarten? possibly. other people want their kids to become better socialized? certainly. so what we need is a system where you tonight get these top down mandates where every child has to be treated the same, but where you can choose schools, you can get different models and for some people, that may mean yes, i'd like to see a test of my child's literacy when they start, when they end kindergarten. but to have any sort of top down, one size fits all standardized testing regime would be a huge mistake. >> i think the fear, though, is that a child could be tracked as early as kindergarten when they're still in such a developmental phase of their education. >> do you know what the best anecdote to that kind of concern and worry? the reality is grade schools have great teachers and have lots of freedom and flexibility to do what they need to do. and yet be held accountable for firm outcomes and standards. every state in this country has standards in place to tell the teacher, the parent, the community what kids should know and be able to do at every level. that's not rocket science. but the problem becomes, elisabeth, that when we actually mandate from the top down as neal was saying, when we require things at every given level and deprive the teacher of her freedom and his flexibility to do what they were trained to do is when we get a mess. so where are the great schools? where are the great systems? where parents and teachers have freedom to make choices is where we see the kids ho have come from the least advantaged backgrounds doing well and kids from the most advantaged backgrounds actually go farther than they normally would. >> we just want kids to be able to learn. will this help or hinder children, or is this just more about control over the system? >> i think it's a lot more about control and unfortunately, this is a trend we've been seeing for 20, 30 years now, is that we have this mindset where all kids have to be treated the same and they have to move in the exact same rate. treating them as if they're essentially all the same thing and are part of one big sort of american machine. but that's simply not what america is based on of the we're based on individual freedom, on creativity, on innovation, and all kids are different. so we need a system that instead of pretending we can be puppet masters, where we let individual children get the education that's best for them and thri(k/ and lead the lives that ultimately they want to lead. >> that's right. >> exactly. back to school time is a great time for us all to rediscover what it is we're supposed to do. it's not just a matter of parent involvement and teachers in the classroom. it's actually a matter of knowing what does the law say that created this frenzy over kindergarten testing? what's the role of the policy maker? what's the role of us? we as parents which should be more power and more control. >> jenny and neal, we thank you for being with us today. i give you an a plus. >> thanks. next up, this teen went off to college, but never made it to campus. details on the desperate search ahead. and he's a hall of famer with four grand slams under his belt. but we're not scared. jim courier in the case you mak. it's been that way sincthe day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take alis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may causan unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immiate medical hp for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. i thought "so what?", but now "cai can't stop playing.rst that's not how it works. i mean it's so simple. it's like my car insurance. i saved 15% in fifteen minutes. well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. three in a row! sweet! 15 minutes for a quote isn't so sweet. level 2! start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance, backed by allstate. click or call. before we take our shot of the morning with jim courier, it's your shot of the morning. giving new mean to go deep blue sea. that's caused by tiny bioluminiscent marine animals. the man who took the video saying the colors are more stunning in person. we were trying to figure out what caused that. it looks pretty to us. how are you doing in there? >> speaking of in person, we're going to play tennis against jim courier, grand slam champion. you're going to have to pick one of the three of us to be on your team? >> i think that's an easy selection, to be honest. >> find out who he selects. but first let's go to ainsley who has the news. >> thank you. the search is on for a 21-year-old college student who never showed up for orientation at the university of montana. the man from california was last seen in southwest idaho nearly a week ago. he is driving a green 1997 subaru legacy with california plates and two orange kayaks on top of the car. police are asking for anyone with any information to please contact them. socialist france, plunging into a crisis now as the president there dissolves his entire government. prime minister vols resigning after harshly criticizing the handling of the economy, which has been struggleing. hollande urging them to form a new government by tomorrow. he has a dismal approval rating of 17%. it's been 200 years since the british set fire to the white house during the war of 1812. and to mark the day, the british embassy tweeting, commemorating the 200th anniversary of burning the white house. only sparklers this >> no, no. >> i don't know where that >> listen, to me, that's a homophobic remark. >> you might remember ripa responded by calling in to the view to defend her reaction after clay aiken covered her mouth. >> three kids, shaking hands with everybody in the audience. i mean, that's what i meant. and to imply it's anything homophobic is outrageous, rosy, and you know better. you should be more responsible. >> anybody putting on you, you don't know where they've been. >> i respect you. i have four kids myself. i understand cold and flu season. i'm just saying from where i sit as gay person in the world, i have to tell you, that's how it came off to me. >> almost eight years later, the two are going to be sharing the same studio. sources say they haven't spoken since that incident and the building might not be big enough for the both of them. and those are your headlines. back to you guys outside. >> thank you very much. very exciting for us. why? we got to change outfits. new york city is serving up world class tennis today as the 2014 u.s. open officially kicks off. >> on this monday, who is going to take home the title? >> we're going to ask four-time grand slam champion and ten miss hall of famer, jim courier. do you have a favorite? >> serena williams, she's the best player. >> she's struggling. >> she has not played her best in the major this year, but she won two tournaments this summer. but she's finding her form at the right time. and roger federer, 33. he's the form player. this summer, finals at wimbledon. nidal. >> we all know women can destroy or make your career in the case of both these two, and rory mcelroy, it seems like it helped their careers. >> caroline is definitely very focused. she's played very well this summer, which has been good for her and i think we're all cheering for her. she's great person. >> we're excited about the relationship between the tennis channel and business channel. >> fox business every morning. today kicks off the big relationship of all the games and matches. >> that's right. >> what else can you tell us? >> tennis channel, we'll be on live from 10:30 to 7 every day and then replaying at night. if you miss anything, go to the tennis channel or your tennis channel app. >> no app for this, we would like to actually play tennis, a real match against you. >> right. i'm a professional. i'm a professional, so we have to play for some cash. let's play for this here (. >> we're going to play two real points. >> i'll put it right here. >> perfect. >> two real points. >> you have to pick one of us to be your partner. >> my partner right here. >> look at this! >> you're smart. because i am terrible. >> you're going to lose your money! >> here we go. i got it. that's one. may have missed a point, i'm not sure. >> that's mine. >> that's our $100. >> i'm just warming up. here we go. >> nice. >> you got it, brian. >> i like it. >> one more quick one. >> you got to make that shot. we're counting on it. >> who is going to give federer a run for his money? >> the number one player in the world, his wife is having a baby in a month or so. we're sure the $100 is staying with this team. >> we know that. >> right there. >> how could you dress like us and we dress like you? >> you guys didn't get the memo that this was street clothes. that was our advantage. >> we're going to be watching on fox business. and tennis channel as the u.s. open kicks off. >> congratulations on your broadcast degree. you're doing a great job. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, this video is terrifying, but we promise it's okay to watch. a little boy run over by an suv and you know what? watch this. the little kid gets up and walks away. and the challenge is on. >> i challenge steve doocy from fox news. >> i have accepted and it's happening live right here. it will be courier and ice. ♪ ♪ we're the places you call home, when you're away from home. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like wyndham, we're awaiting your arrival. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit save you fifteen percent or huh, more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know the great wall of china wasn't always so great? hmmm...what should we do? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. welcome back. a look at headlines. caught on camera, a mexican army paratrooper is dragged behind a plane after his chute failed to open during a training exercise, causing a cable to get caught. suv drives right over a little boy in china playing on the street. amazingly, this boy gets up and walks away. thank goodness. and this scary selfy ever. three teens snapping a picture on top of hong kong's tallest sky scraper. one of them almost 1200 feet high. giving me chills to take a look at that. oh, my. now to a fox news alert, residents in northern california surveying the damage following a 6 magnitude earthquake in napa. officials saying losses could> reporter: yeah. great question. he's been transferred to another facility that could better take care of him. he's been upgraded to serious but stable condition. that's great news. there is one other person who is still in critical condition from injuries sustained. in all, about 200 people sustained some kind of injury. but there is just that one still in critical and the 13-year-old in serious but stable. the damage here, we're able to get light on the courthouse. i want to show this to you. that was built in 1879. it's one of the oldest courthouses in california. you can see that damage obviously, the big hole torn into it, but also the cracks. it's those cracks that are appear not guilty some many of the buildings that are making the manage potentially unsafe. if you do have aftershock and any aftershock of legitimate consequence. this building, you can see the wall that toppled off. that entire wall is leaning. you can see the bricks that have fallen onto the car. any aftershocks causing more problems like this. back to you. >> we thank you for that. coming up, the president defending his golf game, saying the american people don't care. but an insider who voted for obama said this mistake will haunt him. is it a double bogey? he's coming up with that. first we're going to check in with martha for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> good morning. so big question today, is the big one on the way in california? we will look at the new data that is just coming in from this quake. and very mixed messages on isis after days of drum beat for air strikes. now a change of tune from the pentagon. we're going to talk about that with the spokesman there. and michael brown's funeral is today. we will take you there live when we see you at the top of the hour dsl myth #1. it can help your business save money. false. the truth is when you compare our fastest internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. critics are calling president obama disconnected from surgeoning from the golf course minutes after addressing the beheading of james foley. here is one of his close friends on "fox & friends" weekend. >> it hasn't sit very well with me for sure, you know. to me, it's personal, but also even beyond that. i think it shows quite a disconnect that the president talks about taking on isis, consoles the foley family and is out playing golf so quickly. at the very least, it's very poor management by his handlers. but i think is those a callousness. >> michael goodwin joins us now. woodrow wilson played golf. eisenhower loved golf. what's the problem? >> look, presidents are entitled to a vacation, but there is just the question of how engaged this president is in the job. he seems almost fixated on playing golf. >> his speech was good. it showed he was emotional. >> i don't think it was a good speech. but then, there is no action. to get back on the golf course within minutes, i think showed a callousness that goes beyond the routine. i personally believe this president doesn't care anymore. i believe he's sort of fed up with the job, he's frustrated. he's failing. and i think he's just kind of checked out. so playing golf is his pleasure. he likes the perks of the job, but you look at the problems in the world, you look at the problems in the country, he's simply not acting as a president who wants to get things done. >> at the very least, he should tell the photographers, not today. don't show up. 'cause he was laughing. >> you can't do that. that's the great thing about the american press is that we do have access. it is accepted that we will have access, but to show the president minutes after the foley beheading to be doing that, i think just shows he doesn't care what people think about him. >> david plouffe tries to rationalize yesterday. listen. >> this is a political tradition. when you're the president of the united states, urinary really on vacation. you're on 24/7. i think this whole discussion of optics is something that fascinating washington, but not the american people. >> that was even a weak spin. >> yeah. i think that the optics tell us something about him. anybody who could do that, it's not just how it looks, it's how it must be inside him to make that decision. >> you wrote he looks hollow. >> he does. i think he's a hollow man. i think he has no compassion for the foley family in this case. but i think he also is not committed to the job. i mean, we are in a terrible situation around the world. the president essentially checked out. he's trying to do the minimum. you heard his defense secretary and the chairman of the joint chiefs talking about how serious it is. that's not what the president wants to hear. the president wants to hear osama bin laden is dead, gm is alive. we're doing great. let's get back to domestic issues. let's keep the senate in democratic hands. i think we'll see him campaigning. but he doesn't talk to members of congress. doesn't talk to his own cabinet. he's checked out from the real work of the president. >> we're going to check you out again on radio in about 12 minutes. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. we're going to come back with a special ice challenge next. >> i challenge steve doocy from fox news. >> and steve is gearing up to accept that challenge from the gambler. that's ice. and that's elisabeth's hands. ♪ 00 acres, it's good to have the right help. with models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400-pound payload. go tough. go strong. go gator. i quit smoking with chantix. before chantix, i tried to quit... probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my quit date was my son's birthday. and that was my gift for him and me. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. i challenge steve doocy from fox news. >> then kenny got it. >> that's right. country music legend kenny rogers calling me out for the ice bucket challenge right before his twin boys helped him complete his challenge. this morning i should point out he did challenge me and dolly parton and garth brooks. >> we traveled together in the '70s. >> i have not heard yet, we have no information that dolly has done it as of yet. and steve, the ice is in your corner here. >> here is the thing, kenny challenged me the same day that my niece stephanie challenged me, the same day that ed butowski challenged me. so in the words of kenny rogers, to hold em. know when to cool -- i'm cold. thank you. >> i think i got myself, too. >> there you go. >> we have somebody special on the phone. >> no way! kenny! thank you very much for the late morning shower. >> leave the bucket on. >> you can't leave the bucket on. >> you know this is a great cause. why did you choose steve? >> well, because i knew brian wouldn't do it with his hair cut. it would mess up his hair. >> that's very true. >> brian is agreeing with you. what did you think about steve's rendition of know when to hold him? >> very nice. the road with me. >> you know, als ice bucket challenge has made we think $40 million? what a great cause. pete from boston college, who is suffering from it, he's been so inspirational and caused people all around the country. yesterday i think it was mitt romney who got ice buckets by paul ryan. >> yes. over $41.8 million in the past month has been raised. 739,000 new donations this year alone for als. the ice bucket challenge worked. how are we going to get dolly to do it, kenny? >> i challenged her and i don't think she's done it yet. i won't let her off the hook. >> i know she's never been in a wet t-shirt contest before, because that would have stood out. >> is that what i look like? >> a little bit. >> and by the way, my challenge, anybody watching, investigate als and take a look and see if you would like to donate money. >> pick three people. he has to pick three people and challenge them. >> all right. i pick brian. >> okay. >> and two to be named later in the after the show show. >> can do you that? >> stick around. >> kenny rogers, thank you very much. >> thank you. great show this morning. now there are aftershocks today after a powerful earthquake rocked san francisco bay area. it was the strongest they have had in 25 years. that's a lot of broken glass. 6.0 in the heart of wine country in napa valley, sparking fires, damaging buildings there. it injured 170 people, leaving thousands of homes with no power. the positive there has declared understandably a state of emergency. good morning, everybody, on this monday morning. welcome, i'm martha maccallum in "america's newsroom." >> hello, everybody, i'm eric shawn in for bill hemmer this morning. the q


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140902 23:00:00

your life donate their time and money and resources to give you something that they probably don't even have. it will be a place that we make memories for the rest of our life. >> something positive. thanks, everybody, for inviting us into your home tonight. that's your report, fair, balanced, and unafraid. this fox news alert -- isis, a bunch of savages. apparently executing a second me american, a journalist, by cutting off his head. today posting a horrific video on line. they claim it is an american. this comes two weeks after isis beheaded james foley. and days after the journalist's mother made a plea for mercy on her son. they showed none. for the latest, katherine herod joins us. >> thank you, i have seen the video, it runs about two minutes and 45 seconds. it begins with a message, title, it's called "a second message to america." this is seen by investigators as more evidence that it is, in fact, the executionf steven sotlof. the first execution was posted by isis of journalist james foley. then when we look at this video, we see it's really a carbon copy of the foely video. you see on the left the individual we believe to be steven sotloff. he gives a statement speaking under duress where he denounces american foreign policy. then you see the skagzer there on the right, the -- executioner there on the right, the similar posture to the foley video, where he speaks in a somewhat more aggressive and offensive tone, saying, "obama," as opposed to "president obama," and saying that he is to blame for the execution of this american citizen. it's noteworthy that at the end another individual is shown. this is believed to be a british national hostage, you see him there. british mead brazil i can't reporting this individual -- media is reporting that this individual is unknown as a hostage, but they believe he's an aid worker. there's a clear warning from the executioner that any nation who's join a u.s.-led coalition, this will be more executions to follow. so again, this is down and out propaganda. and it's used to try and change the policy here in the united states. >> is there any way that this is -- assuming this video to be authentic, assuming it to be an american, do we know when about this happened? >>'s not clear from the video at least to our eyes when it was shot. when you do a comparison of steven sotloff in the video posted today and then the foley video from two weeks ago, it does seem that some time has elapsed because in the second video, sotloff has more of a stubble, a beard, and his hair is a little longer. but the thang has the attention -- thing that has attention of investigators is they seem to be learning from their mistakes. this video is shot at a slightly different angle. it's harder to see whether the executioner is, in fact, the same british citizen. and the voice of the executioner is somewhat treated or modulated so it's harder to discern who it belongs to. >> katherine, thank you. >> thank you. after president obama admitted he does not yet have a strategy, at least not yet, to deal with isis in syria, senator john mccain insisting the time to confront isis is now. senator john mccain joins us. good evening. >> good evening. >> isis, what are we going to do about it? >> kill them. they've got to be destroyed, and you've got to have a goal, the president does, and we have to have a strategy to fit that goal and policies that will implement it. we have none of the above. the president incredibly the other day said that the world is messy and it's social networking that -- that to me was one of most unbelievable comments ever made. but first of all, we have to understand that isis obliterated the boundary between iraq and syria. you've got to go after them in both places, and you can't do it with half measures. you need use full weight of american air power that will require some more boots and support on the ground. and it can succeed. we can stop them. finally, greta, all this didn't have to happen. we could have left a force behind in iraq that would have stabilized iraq. we are paying an incredible price for the president's fleeting from behind, whether it be in iraq, syria, libya, or a number of countries in the middle east. we are seeing the chickens coming home to roost. >> a little more salt in the wound if we'd also help finance a free syrian army, the moderates who might not have seen isis become so spread in syria -- >> hillary clinton described already the meeting in the white house over two years ago. everyone in the national security team recommended arming isis. the president by himself turned it down just like by himself he decided ton strike syria after -- decided not to strike syria after he said they crossed the red line. there's no credibility. if the president and john mccain keep talking about coalitions, how are you going to form coalition with people who do not trust you? who know are you totally unreliable? first there has to be restoration of american credibility. >> i haven't seen democrats come out in support of president obama's policy. i'm not sure what the policy is. he admitted no strategy in syria. so i'm not sure what there is to support. i think everyone's in a big mystery this. but it almost seemed like -- like general dempsey and secretary of defense hagel when they were so strong on syria, it almost seemed they were going rogue because the president wasn't in town, and now they is dialled it back a little. >> they were reeled back in. that's the why president gave the press conference that he did. maybe some folks were little bit out here too far. look, 192,000 people slaughtered in syria, and this is a -- this world is a messy world. i mean, i have to tell you -- i've told you this before, i'm heartbroken about what's happened in syria. and we have to stop isis, not stop them but we have to defeat them. there's no dmooubt in my mine o anyone else's that we have to defeat them. we don't know of a specific threat, spokesmen say. we don't know of a specific threat, but i have known no national security expert that doesn't believe they are going to pose a direct threat because that's what they're capable of doing. >> what do you think the president's thinking? >> i think that he's trying to stick to his campaign, two campaigns, 2008, 2012, where he said here going to lead from behind, we're going to get out of everywhere, and there's going to be this tide of wars recedi g receding. bash ar al assad, it's not whether but when he leaves power. you can go through the long list of things the president said and stood for which have been completely wrong. and as you and i have discussed before, bill clinton changed his strategy, jimmy carter changed him, george w. bush changed his after seeing that we were failing in iraq. he can, too. apparently he -- i don't understand because the facts on the ground dictate it. could i say one word about ukraine? if we do not help ukrainians, there's going to be a worse slaughter, a land bridge to crime a and moldova. we will not give the ukrainians sensitive intelligence information or supply weapons. maybe the germans may be -- i'm grateful for the germans for the first time in a long time. >> do you think he has a plan or strategy, just not telling us? or do you think he has no plan and is winging it? >> there are plans developed in the pentagon, the cia, the state department. i know for a fact there's all kinds of plans out there -- >> can't make a decision? >> just like there are targets that they could have struck if he wanted to. it's up to the president to decide to turn -- it pull the trigger. -- to pull the trigger. obviously he's not ready to do. that that's a shame. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. today, fox news confirming disturbing new information about what president obama knew about isis and more importantly when he knew about it. turns out the president has been getting daily briefings on this barbaric terrorist group for at least a full year. [ chanting ] [ gunfire ] >> a forward pentagon official described the intelligence to fox news contained in the president's daily brief as specific and detailed, adding there was only one conclusion that could be drawn by the data by policymakers that a situation was bad. >> this isn't new. this isn't something that took us by surprise in the last month. >> the clock didn't start with the-- with the beheading of the american journalist. >> this president is very cautious. maybe in this instance too cautious. >> president obama in my view is derelict in his duty as commander in chief to get ahead of this threat to our homeland. >> his foreign policy's in absolute free fall. >> and former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. good evening. >> glad to be here. >> it turns out, the president said -- hate to keep pounding him for that january j.v. comment, but it's profoundly sires that the president of the united states -- serious that the president of the united states thinks about people who are enemies to the nation. he said it was j.v. it wasn't just an intelligence failure, he was getting information, knew for six or eight month before that. >> i think it's a real question whether he knew about. the pdb, the president's daily book, is a brief that a number of top officials get. we ought twon high degree of confidence what it said over that period of time. i have a feeling that the president simply wasn't paying attention not just on isis and other threats in the region, but a whole variety of threats. i don't think he is that interested in american national security. i don't think it's a priority to him. i think he got the pdb, other intelligence, and paid no attention to it. >> how could you not? really? think of -- that's -- you know, the horrible grew up oup didn't become horrible two weeks ago. >> i think it's because of their mentality, ideology. a view of the world that says terrorism is not a threat, it's a localized matter. and therefore, we don't have to worry about it in terms of american national security. and this is not just obama. this is a large chunk of the leadership of the democratic party. let me read a quotation from john kerry in october of 2003. in the middle of a democratic party debate, he says, "this war on terror is far less of a military operation and far more of an intelligence gathering, law enforcement operation." if your view is that it's not a war, then information that challenges that is simply going to be repressed. that's what they're doing. >> i mean, i hate to stick secretary kerry with something that was said 11 years ago, you know. but -- >> he's kept that view since then. >> i mean, i'm more -- i guess i'm more worried about the fact that in the last year that there's alarming intelligence. and anybody looking at it should be -- you know, should be alarmed. >> well, that's because they judge the nature of a terrorist threat only to include the possibility of a direct attack on the united states imminently. everything else they try and define away. that's how they're able to focus on core al qaeda. >> the first time it goes off is direct attack on the united states. beheading americans, isn't that a direct attack on america? >> of course it is. i'm describing president obama's ideolo ideology. >> what does he think -- >> i didn't notice he issued a statement today. i don't know that he's told the pentagon to did anything. he said less than a week ago he didn't have a strategy for dealing with isis in syria, a remarkable statement in and of itself. i just don't think he is interested in or spends the time necessary to understand the environment on the ground. and therefore, to develop a strategy. >> it's getting bigger. it is getting -- isis isgrowi growing. isis is rich, executing a second american in ten days. we're not sure of the dates. they've threatened a brit. they have a video of a brit. there's no reason to think they're not going to do that to this british journalist. >> and others captured in the middle east -- >> they've slaughtered thousands of others. >> the issue for obama is at what point reality overcomes his ideology. does he have the mental agility to change his position? one of the few thing john maynard canes said that i agreed with, well, when the facts change, i change my mind. what do you do? that's the question that's open on obama. we don't know that he's capable of changing his mind. >> thank you, issue is sir. british prime minister david cameron announcing new anti-terror measures for great britain. the prime minister cracking down to prevent british terrorists who are fighting for isis from returning to the u.k. he also has a plan for those extremists already in the u.k. -- they are not going anywhere if prime minister cameron has anything to do with it. >> we must use our aid, diplomacy, and military. we need a firm security response, whether military action to go after terrorists, international cooperation on intelligence, or uncompromising action against terrorists at home. mr. speaker, passports are not an automatic right. the homeland secretary has discretion to issue, revoke, and refuse possports if there is -- passports if there is reason to believe people are planning to take part in terrorist-related activity. >> and foreign policy researcher for former prime minister margaret thatcher and is director of the thatcher nature for freedom. how do you compare and contrast the statements between british prime minister cram ron and miami? >> there's a -- cameron and president obama? >> there's a huge contrast. david cameron has demonstrated real leadership. in contrast, barack obama has been extremely weak-kneed, clueless at times, really terribly indecisive. and i think the british prime minister has demonstrateded scn clear-cut measures against isis and jihadist, moving from britain, europe, and the united states, as well. but david cameron comes across as a self-assured leader who understands the very nature of the threat being faced by the west. he's identified the poisonous ideology of militant islam and says we have to defeat it and crush it. in contrast with barack obama, he openly says he has no strategy, and i think there is a president who really could learn a great deal from the way in which the british prime minister david cameron is addressing the issue. >> it wasn't your national executed by isis, it was ours, our second american journalist. he said, if verified -- he goes on milk to say something consol my thoughts and prayers are with the family. and he also says, makes a statement and goes on and says, "we've been working hard to keep british people safe and will continue to do all we can." he talks about how he's doing what he can to protect the brits. we've heard nothing from our president today. >> exactly. that's how a real leader sbonds responds in a cries. president obama should have -- responds in a crisis. president obama should have immediately issued a condemnation. >> are the brits content with the way david cameron is addressing this? >> there's support in which the prime minister is addressing this situation. and the british public wants to see tough measures against the jihadists, against isis, as well. i think the image of president obama has been in decline for some time, not only in britain but across much of europe. there is a sense that this is a president who doesn't know how to lead. there's no real confidence in barack obama's leadership on the world stage. and this is a president who really -- a lot of the time is -- seems to be highly confused, doesn't know what he's doing. that, of course, undermines and weaken the image of the united states on the world stage. >> you know, i'm hoping we just don't know what goats on behind closed doors -- who goes on behind closed doors. i'm hoping he spoke to david cameron, with the brits being our friends and having a common goal, i'm hoping we've got it wrong. that he looks disinterested, and i'm hoping that he's got a great relationship with the prime minister and they're working on something. >> unfortunately, i think this is a president who has invested very little in internationalal lines. he doesn't spend a lot of times leaders. he's got to set up an international coalition to confront isis. there's very little faith and confidence in barack obama on the world stage. that's a real problem. >> can british prime minister david cameron sets off that sdmoelgz. >> i think that prime minister david cameron is basically stepping into the role as a major international leader at the moment. but the united states and great britain must work together to lead an international coalition to confront isis. at this time, the u.s. president, i think, is missing in action. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. listen to this -- president obama saying the world's always been messy. we're just noticing now in part because of social media. what did the president mean by that? our panelists here next. plus, sergeant tahmooressi news coming up. ne and u'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a widrange of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. who's more excited about back to school savthe ladies?ples? these guys? or these guys? when you get guaranteed low prices on everything you buy the most, everybody gets excited! staples. make more happen for less. we're seeing the terror, the cruelty with our own eyes. isis beheading american journalist. listen, while acknowledging the barbarity of isis and crisis in ukraine, president obama saying, "the world's always been messy. we're just noticing now in part because of social media." joining, abc news political director, rick kline, ""fortune" director, and rich mccormack. first, it's just social media why it's always been messy. >> i don't think that's the case. i don't think his own cabinet secretaries would agree. i think if you ask his defense secretary, his u.n. ambassador, they'll talk about the hot spots. people are nervous, certainly allies are nervous. you look at what the british are saying at the same times that president obama is saying this. i understand the sentiment. i think that a lot of what his view is is that we are learning about things more quickly, and they seem more urgent because of the big spread in social media. but there have been revolutions in this world for centuries and centuries, millennia, that have nothing to do with social media. there's always going to be bad actors. there's no question we're at a more tense time now independent of what we're learning via social media. >> you know, when you position what he said -- this was done at a dnc barbecue where it cost $15,000 to get in. the republicans throw expensive barbecues, too. when you position that against his june of '09 speech in cairo about the new beginning in the muslim world -- and the muslim world isn't blowing up. >> again, wishful thinking diplomacy on his part. this -- this latest thing about social media, put it right in a line with saying isis was just like another j.v. terrorist player. it's right in line with him saying, well, the middle east has always been a problem. it's anow, but no worse than it ever was. he's trying to distance himself, play it down. all these months he's gotten intel report raising alarms did isis, all the time while isis is building a country the size of jordan and taking over banks and dams and oil fields and building a huge financial structure. and as rick alluded to, you even have chuck hagel, his defense secretary, not exactly a hawkish guy saying that isis is like nothing we've ever seen before. similarly, samantha powers has been alarmist about this. so for the president to sit back like this is truly troubling. >> but what is he thinking? i mean, he's blaming this -- the world is -- maybe he doesn't think the world is falling apart, but he may be the only once in that instance. there is certainly incredible things going in the world. he said, it's not i have failed to lead or that, you know, that i'm doing these things. it's -- it's always somebody else. he's never -- never says, "i'm the president. the buck stops here." >> it's possible that he is just cynically downplaying the fact that the world is falling apart by saying, it's no big deal, the media is making it look like the world is falling apart. i think more frighteningly, the truth is i think he believes it. because of his reluctance to act would only be explained pie the fact that he believes -- by the fact he believes this is run of the mill. the world's always been messy. he doesn't take into account that isis is, as david cameron said, more dangerous. they just took over an air field, jets, missiles. if al qaeda took over an air field, i think we would realize they have to be bombed and bombed now. >> there's another point that g didn't get as much attention. he said isis is a draw for men who don't have jobs and economic opportunity. i'm sorry, it's the draw -- sdrau islamic fanaticism. we saw from 9/11, these were not people who couldn't get jobs. these were educated people. and it's -- that's not the problem. >> what happened? what happened between june of '09 when he was going to have the new beginning with the muslim world and now where we have libya, syria, iraq, with the whole -- everything blowing up? >> an uncanny series of problems new york stock exchange some cas -- series of problems. in some cases -- narrowly his comments in a setting like this are to calm people down, once you get to the fevered pitch. john is on to something. he views this through a bigger historical lens. he want? as concerned as members of his cabinet, a lot of his allies are at this moment. >> he thinks the tide of war is receding. as cameron said, no, we're in the middle of a generational struggle against islamist fanaticism. he said -- he's obsessed with the idea of being a president brought to power to end the war in iraq and afghanistan. he doesn't realize that the enemy gets to decide whether the war is over or not. >> stay with us. as another american journalist is beheaded by the savages, new warnings that isis will reach the homeland soon. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. cozy or cool? 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[ kevin ] really? ♪ america watches in horror as isis beheads a second american, also a journalist. and now there are new warnings that isis could strike here in the united states and soon. >> this is a direct threat to the united states of america. that it may be one of the biggest we have ever faced. >> these groups, they don't need any excuse. they will attack whenever they can. >> they have announced that they don't intend to stop. they have announced that they will come after us if they can, that they will "spill our blood." >> this is a threat that we are monitoring. it's one that we have been focused on for some time. >> the united states is always the main target of these terrorist organizations. >> they will hit us at home. >> and the king of saudi arabia warning that the terrorists will reach europe in one month, and america in another month. our next guest has been investigating isis, author william forsten, joins us. good evening. >> good evening. a pleasure to be with you even on this sad day. >> it is extremely sad. so disheartening to americans. we just went through this a couple of days ago. still haven't recovered. and we're back at it again. sir, looking at -- at isis, terrorists in the united states, you have to get in a passport, get that and get the means in here. are there soft targets here that we need to worry about? >> i wrote the book "day of wrath" for that reason. isis are masters of social media and terrorism. in my book, i outline a scenario of calling for the soft target. what are the soft targets in our culture? american schools. american churches. american synagogues. isis murderers will not stop simply because there's a sign on the door saying "no gun zone." we have to rethink the security of our schools immediately. they're already inside this country. >> who's in charge? who's the leader of isis? >> he was actually a p.o.w. for a while, then we let him go which i find absolutely amazing. he currently define himself as the khalif. why i wrote "day of wrath" is i became concerned as a history professor and teacher that everything isis has said they are going to do they have done. they make the nazis, they make stalins and kbd look like amateurs in comparison. there are things i know, greta, you've seen that you cannot show the american public. i researched it while i worked on "day of wrath." it is frightening. >> the only choice is to eliminate them. we're not going reason with them? we're not going deal with them there's no bargaining. these are savages, right? >> do you bargain with satan? >> i called them savages. i don't think we can bargain. how did we eliminate them? i mean, how do we do that? >> i'm deeply disturbed. i'm old enough to recall in 1962 when we confronted a crisis in cuba, the president of the united states, jack kennedy, laid out a clear policy on day one. we have a strategy. either this or else. i was horrified on the weak my book "day of wrath" came out when our leader said he has no strategy s. that not a message to come and get us? we have to take the war to them. >> do you think he was talking about -- he was talking about syria. do you think that he was being candid or misspoke? or do we have no strategy? does he not see the seriousness of isis? and getting snois iraq is not going to -- isis in iraq is not going to solve the problem. they're growing in syria. >> there's no room for a president of the united states to misspeak. especially to the world, especially when we're facing isis. you and i have both seen video of them decapitating children. the murderous regime that they're imposing, and they have promised they will bring it here. king of saudi arabia has warned us, i see at least flip great britain is doing something about. that's why i wrote "day of wrath." >> president obama calls it isis, is there -- have we figured out why we're using different words, isil? >> let's just call them murderous thugs. >> there's no -- we shouldn't read anything into it that the media stays with s.e.a.l. aisis president uses isill? means nothing? >> nothing other than we have to eliminate them because they are inside the united states. we heard clear warnings from our elected representatives. they are coming, and they are masters of asymmetrical warfare. >> is their goal only a caliphate, or is the goal to reach into the united states? if they had the caliphate would that be the end of it, or they want blood? >> it's a terrible scenario, but their interpretation of the koran, the ultimate goal is the infidel is dead and their religion is supreme. there is no room for compromise with these people anymore. there's no co-existence. >> william, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. and where is president obama today as video surfaced of isis claiming to behead another american? i'll tell you what i think off the record next. and sergeant tahmooressi has been in a mexican prison for five months. we have news coming up. ♪ in fact, i became pretty good at managing my symptoms, but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. ♪ so when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. ♪ he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. 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the job of the president is to be the leader in times of distress to console, times of attack. tell us what he is going do. give the nation direction, make the nation feel secure, but that's not what happened today. a second american journalist gets beheaded on video, viciously posted on the internet d. we hear from the president? nope. instead the white house sends out staffers for briefings where they are obviously going to be asked about it. first, white house press secretary josh earnest, then state department spokesperson jen saki, finally pentagon press secretary john kirby. really? that's what the nation hears from first on this barbaric execution of an american? with that attitude, you have to wonder, why send a staffer out? why not just grab an intern to send out. not to be dismissive of staffers, but i think it's appalling. it's the president's job. the president should make a statement to the american people. this is a war. if president obama was not ready to talk at that moment he could at least release a statement saying he will address the nation in a few hours or that he wants more information, anything, to indicate to the american people he's on it. instead, we get a press pool report at 4:00 p.m. announcing his departure for europe aboard air force one. incredible. we need to hear from our president. that's my "off the record" comment. and our political panelists back. rick cline, sheena easton, and john mccormack. john, am i right? >> i think you're right. the president is supposed to come out in times like these and reassure the nation and steel our resolve. when the president has spoken he's given bad statements like we don't have a strategy. who spoke after the last terrorist attack -- let's be clear, this was a terrorist attack -- you know, he says things like, "people like this ultimately fail because the future belongs to those who build, not those who destroy." platitudes rather than saying we need destroy them, this is what we're going to do to defeat them. that was the contrast between david cameron and the president. it was striking. >> my colleague, dana perino, who was a white house secretary disagrees. she said i was wrong. i stopped listen, she's got experience. >> i was going to say i think you're wrong, too. >> all right. i never do like the women on the panel. >> i think standing out in front of a camera as -- right after a terrorist beheading shows the terrorists got your goat. i don't think that he needs to descend to that level. that said, he does need to be addressing the public, the american public, with a sense of urgency and a strategy. and yes, a strategy that builds on a new iraqi government, as they want. and yes, a strategy that builds on alliances. but this has to be a sense of urgency and not a sense that we're just going to go after isis because of humanitarian reasons, there's refugees on a mountain, not just because there's americans trapped. because it's a clear and present danger to the united states. that's why i think it's one. i don't think this of the right moment. >> i'll go to rick on this. prime minister david cameron did come out right away and said if verified this is a despicable and barbaric murder. he goes on to say, you know, kind thoughts to the family. i hope the president called the sotloff family. he says, "we've been working hard to keep british people safe and will continue to do what we can to protect our country and people from these terrorists." he goes on to say what he's going to do, rick. i don't know. i'm waiting for the president to make me feel better about these things and secure. i did want to hear from him. >> i think what's striking is he was so firm in coming out a couple of weeks ago in the immediate aftermath. there was a visceral anger even though he took criticism for going to the golf course afterward. i think the strategy comment from last week is still stinging the white house. i think there's a sense that the next time the president addresses this he has to make that right, and to say what the strategy is going to be, that's a big focus of the europe trip, estonia, and wales for the nato summit. it's about the united states showing leadership and developing that strategy along with allies. i think that becomes critical. i think the silence today was noticeable because of what happened a few weeks ago and because people were paying attention to this. >> what about having the secretary of defense come out or something? someone saying? . it was staffers that told -- someone saying something. it was staffers that told us. these are smart staffers, ton take from them, but this is a war on america. these are two americans executed by these thugs. terrorist attacks. just we'll get to it later? >> the president seems to disagree with even his top staffers. the secretary of defense when he said this is a threat that needs to be defeated, they walked it back and said, no, woe don't need to attack -- no, we don't need to attack in syria. president obama said isis doesn't pose an imminent threat to the homeland. and the deputy dirtor said he wouldn't be surprised if a terrorist shows up in a mall with an ak-47. >> nina, based on the history and why i disagree, i want hip to say, i got it, i'm on it, i'm aware of it. instead not saying anything and going -- to me is -- >> because again, it's part of this -- as rick said, part of thisairative whe-- this narrati where he doesn't have a strategy. a, you're looking for a sense of outrage, which is totally right. you're looking for a sense that he's doing something, a strategy. i would add a sense of we should be more hyper woraware because the threats in the homeland. this is real. that's what you're looking for, absolutely you're right on that front. >> i hope that i got it wrong and behind the scenes, before he got on air force one, he issued all these orders. and they're special a very rude awakening in the area of the world now. that's what i'm hoping that i got that wrong. panel, thank you. >> thank you. and sergeant tahmooressi jailed in mexico for five months. news from the white house. well sort of. tell me what you think next. i am so nervous right now, it's not even funny. oh my gosh... driver 1 you ready? 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>> 100,000 of have officially signed the white house petition to get sergeant tahmooressi's case in front of the president. >> the jailed u.s. marine in mexico. did the president press that case? >> i don't have any more details of that conversation. we'll look into that. >> that's the prison he's held in. >> the white house finally responding to the "we the people" petition requesting president obama's help to free our marine from a mexican prison. >> back on may 31st with your help, the sergeant tahmooressi position got the requisite 100,000 signature. coincidentally, we hit the goal during "on the record" and broke it then. now four months later, the white house final getting around to respond. it took the white house two weeks to answer petition calling for the release of the white house beer recipe. and representative duncan hunter joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening, great a. thanks for having me. >> we have the response right now. i know what i think about it. i'm curious what you think about the response to the white house -- on the white house petition website. >> the response is weak and tepid. that's not anything less than we expected from the white house. they don't care about this. i don't think the president has even taken into their into his hands enough to make a phone call about. it secretary kerry said he brought it to the highest level and that andrew is getting no support from the u.s. state department. that's nothing that anybody wouldn't get. this needs to be brought to a higher level. i don't think that the president wants to deal with this. i don't think he want to deal with isis. i don't think he wants to deal with a jailed marine in mexico. >> well, the petition says that the answer from the white house says among other things that their goal is to see that he's treated fairly during the judicial process. i hope that's true of every american. it says that mexican authorities have been willing to engage on the issue. that's an invitation. why don't we talk more and engage? he says will continue to monitor the case and work with the mexican authorities as it proceeds through the system. it's a -- the statement says absolutely nothing, gives nothing -- and i understand that, you know, american get into trouble in foreign countries. this is a guy who did two tours in afghanistan. he's a marine. and we owe him something to push it through a little faster. >> yeah. there is something special about this case. andrew wasn't down on spring break drinking and got into a fight. he made a mistake, he's a decorated war hero and has post tram 'tis stress. all that -- traumatic stress. all that said, if the president would make a call, the media -- especially you and fox news in general and my office -- we're the ones who discovered the 911 tapes from andrew back to the 911 operator here in san diego. we're the ones that have been doing a lot of this research and gathering evidence on our end for fernando benitez, andrew's lawyer in mexico. we're working in a vacuum. we ought to have help from the state department and the administration. we could probably help him a lot more if they were more interested and more engaged. >> but you know, it sends a message to all our military. that's the problem -- these guys are volunteers, these men and women. these are volunteers. and i realize this isn't afghanistan or iraq where he is, but it's like, you know, we do owe them something, you know. and that's what i don't get. let me ask you, governor chris christie is headed to mexico this week on a trade mission. he wants to run for president in 2016. should he bring up sergeant tahmooressi to the mexican authorities while he's there? >> absolutely. everybody going down should bring this up. every single person, every elected representative or business person that has a business in mexico that probably ships goods back up to the u.s. they should all bring it up to the mexican government and mexican counterparts. let's take this longer and look at benghazi. we had a situation where we had men on the ground. and this approximatepresident d to care. this is a different situation, but the president's coming off as detached and uncaring, which i think he is. >> all i know is this is a judicial process, had it been accelerated, i did the driving myself. i'm not even saying ask mexico to release him. i've said accelerate the process. any decent judge and prosecutor looking at the case will see how ridiculous this turn was. and you've got the 911 call that your office produced which he says he accidentally drove in, and that he had weapons in his car, legally in the u.s. to say, this is just -- it's unbelievable. i'm taking the last word on this because it's -- we're running out of time. unbelievable that he's still there. anyway, congressman, thank you for all your work on this. thank you, sir. >> thank you. and coming up, new information on joan rivers' condition. the latest from her daughter, melissa, next. don't forget to watch at 10:00 p.m. eastern. "duck dynasty's" phil robertson tonight. 10:00 p.m. you know the time slot, 10:00 p.m. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is, why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. get ready to speed read your way through the news. tonight, joan rivers remains on life support at a new york city hospital. a new statement, her daughter melissa confirming rivers is on life support and saying the family is extremely grateful for all support they have received. last thursday, rivers was rushed to the hospital after she stopped breathing during a procedure at a doctor's office. and again, another fight over leg room forcing pilots to divert a flight. this time, a delta airlines flight from new york to palm beach. it was diverted to jacksonville, florida. it started when one passenger reclined her seat, and the woman behind her started yelling. then the woman started swearing at the flight attendants and demanding the flight land and so it did. this is the third flight disruption in recent time over reclining seats. and now to the latest in the celebrity hacking investigation. apple now says some celebrity accounts were deliberately targeted leading to the postings of nude photos on line. photos of several celebrities including scar-winning jennifer lawrence ended up on the internet. apple says only individual accounts were compromised, there was no general breach of its systems. and a florida judge made famous by the casey anthony trial was retiring. now judge belvin perry is headed back to the courtroom but not as a judge but as a lawyer. judge perry is headed into private practice. he says he's looking forward to trying cases again, and that's tonight's "speed read." thanks for being with us. see you tomorrow here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. a reminder -- if you are just tuning in before bill o'reilly, pick up your dvr remote and set a recording for "on the record" each night. now go to answer this question -- do you


Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140909 23:00:00

people cannot provoke to bring out of you what's not in you. and we need to deal with this kind of venom and disregard and disrespect for women. and we need to punish it adequately, but not excuse it and not find excuses. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. just bomb the place and tell us about it later. this is "hardball." ♪ ♪ good evening i'm chris matthews in washington. you heard it right, that's the attitude of many on capitol hill according to one of them. the president should just go to war with isis terrorists and tell us about it later? how about the constitution that puts that authority in the u.s. congress. why elect people to congress if they don't decide which wars we fight. what happened to the republicans out there charging president obama with exceeding his authority? did they want him to check with them on the big questions or not? isn't the decision to go to war a big question? is it worth having a vote on? give me a single reason why the u.s. congress should not have to vote on yet another war? joining me, two congressmen from california. should the u.s. congress vote on whether we go to war with isis? >> absolutely. the president is talking about a mul multi-year campaign against isis. this is the thing congress should vote on. we ought to limit what the president can do and what he can't do. it ought to have a sunset date. i hope that's what we'll do in the next two weeks. >> should there be a vote on whether we go to war. >> 535 of us raised our right hand and swore to uphold the constitution. the constitution says congress are the representatives of the people. they'll decide whether we go to war or not. absolutely, we have to vote. it's our responsibility. we represent the people of the united states. it's a decision for the people to make through our vote. we must vote. this is a big deal. it's our responsibility. the president has already started that process under the war powers act. he's notified congress that he's taking military action. those first steps, that sets in place the 60-day clock. that 60-day clock right now says we have to vote by october 7th. >> what about the substance, would you support a resolution which included the use of special forces on the ground? >> well, i don't want to see major ground troops -- >> no, special ops. people working with the free syrian army. like we used in afghanistan in the beginning. >> you know, i support what we're doing on the ground in iraq now and we have military advisers that are trying to give us good intelligence, trying to help train the iraqi forces, helping us be more precise in our strikes. i don't think we're there yet in syria, chris. we don't have the same ground capability that we have in the peshmerga to work with. so i think it's premature to be talking about air strikes in syria or boots on the ground of any sort in syria. and this means that it's going to be a very challenging issue in terms of drafting an authorization. but without a force that can hold ground in syria, if we displace isis through air strikes, does it mean alnewsra moves in? assad's forces move in? until we can answer those questions, i don't think we ought to be contemplating a major air campaign in syria. >> so you don't nt to go into syria, just iraq? >> it would have to be narrowly drawn as it pertains to syria. if we discovered there was an active cell in syria, posing an imminent threat to the united states, that's something where it would be appropriate for us to take action -- >> how do we stop them from beheading our people? they're in syria, beheading our people. how do you stop that if you don't go into syria itself where they're beheading us? >> it's very difficult without having a major military force there, to be able to rescue those hostages or prevent other hostages from being taken. but at the same time, we have to ask ourselves, are we willing to have another major occupation of a muslim country, and is that in the best long-term interests of the united states? i don't think it is. and we shouldn't be provoked by these acts, as horrific as they are, into doing things that will be ultimate lly be counterproductive? >> do we go into syria with special forces and whatever units we have to? >> i think special forces, if they do the rescue operation that ultimately fails, i think that's appropriate. to go in and work with a syrian group, assuming we can figure out which one. no. i think there's something we can do in syria, find out where mr. baghdadi is, and put in his back pocket a hell-fire missile. that's a possibility we ought to keep open and available to us. i know we're into another country. i know mr. assad is there and all that goes with that. but i think we have, as we have in pakistan, the necessity of taking out these leaders wherever they may be around the world. if it's in somalia or pakistan, wherever, take them out in a limited way. so this resolution that's going to come up for a vote needs to be very, very carefully crafted. i don't want to see renewed heavy duty military operations, such as we saw in iraq and afghanistan. no way. but limited, the real secret here or answer, lies in making sure we have a coalition. we have to make sure that the surrounding countries, iraq, turkey, the gulf states, jordan, and others, are working together. they're the ones that are ultimately going to have to carry this fight and occupy the ground just as mr. shif suggested a few moments ago. it's up to them to occupy particularly iraq. >> it's interesting you both believe we should have a vote and you decide on this issue. a republican from georgia, he told the "new york times" today that neither his democratic nor his republican colleagues want a vote. quote, a lot of people would like to stay on the sideline and say, just bomb the place and tell us about it later. it's an election year, a lot of democrats don't know how it would play in their party. and republicans don't want to change anything, like the path we're on now. we can denounce it if it goes bad and praise it if it goes well. so there a cynical view by a republican. and i don't think there's anything wrong with congressman kingston, maybe a well founded view politically. but he's saying, you guys make the decision in the white house and we'll decide whether to shoot at it or not. >> chris, there are people on both sides of the aisle that would be happy not to have to vote on this. but the reality is, this is part of our constitutional responsibility. if we're not willing to do it, we don't belong here. so i think this is something that is difficult, as painful as it is, and as risky politically as it may be, this is something we need to do. and if we don't, frankly, we in congress have only ourselves to blame if congress in the institutional scheme of things becomes even more diminished as an institution. >> take a look at this. i want you to respond to this poll. wall street journal poll shows the country is supportive for action against isis. one reason might be the impact of the beheading videos. 6 out of 10 americans say they've seen the coverage of james foley and steven sotloff. the biggest story is the beheadings. as a result, 61% of the american people say, taking military action against isis in iraq and syria is in the national interest. what exactly should that look like? 40% of americans say they would support only air strikes. 34% would support air strikes and combat troops on the ground. so in total at least, 3/4 say they would support at least air strikes. your thinking about that, congressman gar mendy? >> i think they have not fully considered all of the factors involved. the extraordinary cost of the afghanistan war, the terrible outcome of the iraq war. we need to be very measured, very deliberate, and very, very careful. but we do need to vote. the law says we need to vote. the constitution says we need to vote. we didn't come here to play chicken. we came here to do our job, and that means we have to vote. we have to be very careful as we construct a resolution that will authorize the president to carry on an appropriate level of military action. i am not in any way going to vote to move back into iraq with heavy duty troops as we have in the past. air strikes, okay, we have the advisers on the ground. that's enough for me. realize this solution here does not lie in american military presence in this area. we've done that. we did it for a decade. it didn't work. we need to make sure that the countries surrounding this area, they're the ones that have the real risk here. we do have risks, no doubt about it. but the real risk lies in the countries around it. they need to put the troops on the ground. the iraq government needs to get its act together. that's in process. new prime minister, a new cabinet in place. and hopefully they'll reach out and try to heal the wounds of the divisions that malachi put in over the last six, seven years. so there's work to be done, but we have our job to do. we cannot and should not duck this responsibility. and when we do this, full debate, maybe the american public will have a better understanding of how this can have a good outcome rather than an outcome and go down the path that we did with the first and the second iraq war. >> okay, thanks so much. coming up, my interview with u.s. senator jill brand of new york. we'll talk about the two big stories of the day. whether the senate should have a vote on whether we go to war against isis. and violence against women, like the kind in the videotape that cost ray rice his job. the national football league is facing big questions tonight. what did they know and when did they know it? for one, they knew about the earlier tape showing rice dragging his fiancee's limp body out of the elevator. that should have been all they needed to fire him. plus the police report. plus tonight battle for the control of the senate. despite the doom sayers, some good democratic candidates are giving some reasons for their party to stay in power. and finally the constitutional responsibility for congress to vote for a war or against it. this is "hardball," a place for politics. [laughs] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets, just quit. bounty, the no-quit picker-upper. >> tonight the city council in ferguson missouri is meeting for the first time since the death of michael brown. the council will announce the creation of a new review board to improve relations between the police department and the community. the death of michael brown last month set off violent protests and city leaders vowed to hire more african american police officers and improve outreach between the city and its citizens. 70% of whom are african american. we'll be right back. ffee into a. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. we're back and joining us right now is the rising star in democratic politics today, senator jill brand from new york. the arthur of a hot new book, off the sidelines. the story everyone's talking about, speaks directly to abuse of women that you've tried to legislate about. i'm talking about the images of ray rice and the lack of interest by the nfl leadership, especially commissioner roger goodell. as multiple people pointed out, goodell had the evidence that rice knocked out his fiancee. there was a police report which said he struck her. the original video shows him dragging her on to the floor from the elevator. that was all out there. now there's more palpable anger about it, that he feared public opinion and looked the other way. calls for his resignation have begun. what does this tell us about the accountability or lack thereof in protecting women? >> it's part of a big story and a long story. certainly the nfl got this wrong. it's outrageous. it's disgraceful. he needs to be punished. and i think there needs to be accountability. but it is part of this larger issue of, how are women treated in society? we have sexual assault on college campuses with no transparency. we have huge challenges in the military. that's why these issues need to be raised and we need to hear women's voices when we begin to advocate for change. >> what about the guy, it's a male at the top, roger goodell. he knew this person had been knocked out by the male in this case. should he have said something then, rather than waiting for the full tape to be released that we're looking at now? it seems like they're only reacting to the public disclosure, not to the reality? >> i think that's right. that's what you see time and time again. in cases like this, in many areas. we know he admitted to beating his wife and that he dragged her out of an elevator well in advance. he should have been suspended then and fired. it's really an issue of a conduct and a behavior that's criminal, that there should be no tolerance for in any setting. and we need better accountability. our football players are role models for our kids. we need to make sure that they're held to a higher standard, and at least a standard of accountability that should have been done here. >> here's janay palmer, by the way, then fiancee at the time. she wrote, no one knows the pain that the media and unwanted options from the public has caused my family. to take something away from the man i love, that he has worked for his whole life. this is our whole. know we will continue to grow and show the world what real love is. how do you explain that? you can't get particular with her. but why would a woman who has been knocked out cold, dragged across the floor and kicked around to get her out of the elevator, to say later, this is what real love's about or something? how do you explain that syndrome? >> one of the challenges we face in the military context and the college campus context, you have to define this behavior as the crime that it is. college campuses, when you say rape, it's just a college prank, its not serious. oh, they had too much to drink. no, these are brutal crimes. these are crimes of violence, crimes of domination, and if you don't call them for the crimes that they are, you don't have the justice and accountability that you desperately need. so you see it in all these instances where we're not looking at these action as the crimes they are. it's a problem. it's a larger societal problem and it's about how we value women and how we value women in society. we don't see enough justice. >> do you sense there's something changing about women in leadership? let's go to the top. your name is mentioned a lot and elizabeth warren's name and skret clinton, i think most people think she's the probable nominee if she runs for president next time. what is it that's come? is it an idea who's time has come? is it like stufforage the last part of the century? what's happening because i think the glass ceiling may be notching up several floors right now. >> one of the things i talk about in the book, we need to break the highest glass ceiling. i'm supporting hillary in 2016, i think he'll be great. but women's role in the workplace, how do you help women get off the sticky floor? stop this continuation of women being pulled down into the lowest wage jobs over and over again. so it's part of this broader conversation of how do we support women in the workplace? and part of it is getting women to the corporate boards, on the school board, and hillary clinton running and winning the presidency. >> let's go to isis for a moment. a decision a lot of members of congress are trying to duck. do you believe that you as a united states senator should have a role here whether we go after isis militarily? >> i do. i think there are certain things the president can do on his own. there are actions he can take to protect u.s. personnel, embassies, et cetera. but if this is going to be a long and protracted assault on isis, that's going to be multi. faceted, over many years, there's a role for congress to play. i know we're war weary as a country, but this is a serious threat and it must be addressed. isis is fast-moving, it has me tafticized, it has a lot of resources. it's a threat on our interests. we do need to engage and i think there's a role for congress to play, especially as our strategies and as our approach begins to shift and change. we will have a necessary role. >> well, our nbc poll tonight reports that the number one news story in the last five years was the beheadings of those americans in the last couple weeks. they're horrific. my question, when it comes to how we fight this, everybody seems to be for air attacks, strikes, drone attacks, then you get the boots on the ground and everybody's against that. but what about the central question? should we send in special forces to support the moderate opposition groups there like the free syrian army? >> in syria, that's a far more complex issue. you know, i've met with the opposition leaders at many stages as they've shifted. and the biggest national security interest for the united states in syria has always been the presence of severe chemical weapons that can be sold to terrorist groups, used against americans and american allies. so the issue has always been, how do we lock down and destroy those chemical weapons? when i was talking to opposition leaders, they wouldn't even make a deal with the u.s. to say, the minute a sad falls, we get to go in and destroy those weapons, because they were against u.s. forces and coalition forces doing that. so it's a really complex mission as to what missions we would do in syria, but we have a national interest in making sure the chemical weapons are destroyed. we don't know if we've gotten them all and assad is a horrible man who's used chemical weapons against his open people. but what tactics we use is a serious issue and i'm eager to hear what president obama says on wednesday. he'll lay out his strategy for isil and iraq and if and what he could want to do with regard to syria. >> a political question. i want your view. you got about six weeks now to save the senate. how do you do it? >> i think we'll win. i think our candidates are great. i've been really focused on helping a lot of the women candidates. outstanding candidates. a bunch of challengers, alison grimes, michelle nun, natalie tenant. it's exciting. i think these are tough races to win, but our candidates are strong and i'm optimistic. >> what's the worst thing that will happen if the democrats lose the senate? explain that to the people. >> the biggest problem if we lose the senate is the supreme court. the senate is unique in its role of being able to approve nominees and vote for nominees. if there are any openings in the rest of his administration, that would be at risk. and i think if you look at the issues the supreme court decides on, it's health care, whether we have money in politics. lgbt rights and equality, every issue tends to rise to the supreme court, our nation, our core values, i believe are at risk if that courts shifts to conservative. >> if you're a woman who wants to get ahead and to the top, get this book, "off the sidelines." thanks so much, senator, for coming on the show. we love you back. and tomorrow night on "hardball," the one and only bill maher will be with us right here in washington. please join us for that. that will be a change of pace. this is "hardball," a place for politics. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. their biggest customer is demanding refunds for defects. so i offered to help. at ge capital, we bring expertise from across ge. so i call in our access ge engineers, and together with columbia, we work backwards. from the cabinet factory, to the place they peel the logs. we find the source and help replace the machine. problem solved. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. what we know, can help you grow. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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he goes, that guy, he's a phony from new hampshire, that just happened to live in massachusetts for a while. >> it's not clear why he thought that would going to help. >> next up, private moments with the president. take a look at this. that's the president saying farewell to a departing member of the secret service. to the left there, you can see the agent's son appears to be taking a head first dive into the oval office couch. here's how it was described. back flip from the desk. didn't stick the landing. that might be the most action a white house couch has seen since jimmy carter slept on one flor years ago. finally schwarzenegger stopped by the state capital to unveil his official portrait. but apparently the painting was good enough for jimmy kimmel, who show cased a different version last night, one more appropriate for the former action movie star. >> they unveiled his official portrait. they do this for all the governors, even the ones who are in the expendables and i have to say, the artist did a very good job. those are his sons, schwarzenegger's sons. and he always said he'd be back and sure enough there he was. >> up next, big questions facing the national football league. did they have all the information they needed on ray rice even before yesterday's video from inside the elevator? 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[sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites. nfl commissioner roger goodell said he saw the new ray rice elevator video for the first time yesterday. he also dismissed calls for him to step down over his handling of this matter. a fourth american doctor with ebola arrived after being evacuated from sierra leone. and apple unveiled the 6 and 6-plus. also the apple watch that is due out early next year. back to "hardball." welcome back to "hardball." today the nfl is facing big questions following ray rice's suspension from the league, and his contract termination after brutal video of him punching his then fiancee came out yesterday. the question i have, why wasn't the original video enough to elicit that response to the league immediately? the police said he was struck by his hand rendering her unconscious. why did it take the video of the punch itself to prompt the kind of response the nfl went through this yesterday? >> joining me, don edwards of maryland, kim gamby, and former philadelphia eagles quarterback don mcpherson. it's eagles by the way, not eagles. anyway, thank you, sir, for joining us. congresswoman edwards, you've been on the show so many times. this is a judicious decision, we saw her lifelessly being dragged out of an elevator. a police summons which said she had been punched and knocked cold by this guy. why wasn't that enough to take him out of the league? >> it should have been. a think it's not enough for the nfl to say, we got it wrong. they got it horribly wrong. and what is happening right now, the combination of that video just underscores how wrong they got it. >> you know, i just wonder, if it was a guy he knocked out in the elevator, i mean, this is aggravated assault. it's not like, oh, he was having a bad night and we get along. respond to this, generally speaking, how does this fit into the category of violence against women, as you see it, in the whole range of things? >> there's no question. this is a perfect demonstration of the kind of domestic violence that we see all the time. and i'll tell you, if this had been a guy he punched out in that elevator, this prosecutor would not have given him pretrial diversion. >> you mean, in other words, counselling? >> yeah, exactly. >> let me go to a football player. don, what do you think of this? i think football players are supposed to be tough, you hit the line hard, it's a contact sport, it's about being a strong, macho kind of guy. what other players, when other players see this, what's the reaction? >> i think the reaction is as the general public has had the reaction when they saw the actual punch itself, recoiled back how horrific this was. i think the problem, what's so disturbing, is that the initial video wasn't enough for the ravens to take action with one of their employees. if that had been anyone on the set, we all would be out of a job. so the problem is, we know something happened in that elevator. did we have to see the video evidence? the problem is, not that the ravens or the nfl saw the video. it's that the public saw the video of the punch, and that's why the ravens took action. >> i'm looking at the picture we saw before, congresswoman, when we saw him pulling her out of the elevator and then kicking her to move her into position she wouldn't be caught by the moving elevator. then he start of tries to shake her awake. why do you think she stood up for him again today? is this some syndrome? what would you call it? >> chris, i want to tell you, i've worked on domestic violence for a long time. i used to have kim ghan did i's job, and i know we'll have to offer support to janay and other women who experience violence. he may not identify herself as a victim or a survivor of domestic violence. but there's going to come a point at which she's going to understand that and know that, and have to look out for her own safety. so i don't want to place the blame and focus on her and her response. the question is, what our system does to respond. whether those are employers like the nfl, whether it's the judicial system, and a prosecutor who, you know, negotiates a pretrial diversion program for a clearly brutal assault that ought to be prosecuted. these are system responses that are needed and we don't need to place the blame on victims like janay rice. we need to make sure that the system works, so it prevents him from doing it to any other woman. >> it's about the testimony in court. how does a judge or prosecutor move ahead without testimony of the person that was hit? >> they do it all the time, and they can do it. that videotape, the statement is enough to move forward on, whether it's a restraining order, a prosecution or a conviction. and so we can't just depend on victims to be the one, because there are a lot of issues that they're going through as well. >> i understand. >> -- to pursue a prosecution. this is about the public interest and pursuing a prosecution for a violent offense, and it shouldn't be allowed to happen. it shouldn't be allowed to stand. and the nfl needs to stand in the court of public opinion to explain why it is they didn't act before now. it's outrageous to look at those first pictures and wonder what, did she think happened in the elevator? did she hit herself? clearly from the statement. i don't understand now the nfl's inaction. we're talking about a history here. i remember working in 1993, before the passage of the violence against women act, on a super bowl ad, with the nfl. recognizing the need to educate the public and to be leaders in leading on this issue of domestic violence. they need to get it right in their own house. >> were you surprised by the actual picture inside the elevator? >> i wasn't really surprised. i had a pretty good idea from the first video what had happened inside the elevator. >> roger goodell, who generally gets good marks, should he be kicked out now for not doing anything about this for all these months? you said you had enough information in february. why didn't he act on that information that he had, because you had it? >> i think that one of the things that they do is to wait for the legal system to go through its process, and i think that's what they're doing with ray mcdonald. whether or not that's a good idea, they wait for the process to end he. he took action after the prosecutors game him a diversionary program. they know they got it wrong. >> what's that picture going to mean to pro football and the image of the players and their self-awareness of this kind of situation? my experience with guys, they don't talk about this. i don't know whether this guy ever talks about it with his buddies. why would he ever talk about decksing his wife. i can't imagine anybody talking like that. so it's kind of a secret world. what do you think the reaction of his peers will be when they see it? >> i think it will be split. there are a number of players who are appalled by the behavior and the silence of the league and the organization. i think it's going to be a good thing, there will be good conversation from guys in the league who say, this does not represent our league. that's what the nfl should be doing, saying ray rice and these guys involved in criminal activity don't define the league. and the nfl needs to go on a pr campaign to show there are positive men in the league, and these guys don't represent it. that's the message they need to send to younger men who aspire to be in the nfl. >> sunday we'll have a training program for -- just kidding. it's not this bad. but it can be pretty rough at those games. thank you for joining us. up next, two months before the mid terms and president obama has a chance to unite his party, possibly save the senate for the democrats. that's coming up ahead here. this is "hardball," a place for politics. hy is, reynolds? no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. right. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. 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>> they don't mind being hawkish, because they're being hawkish for an agenda. tell us exactly the strategy, mr. president. so think -- >> so tomorrow night, it will be on national television. the question is, why do the democrats not want to vote? we got some harsh responses when we called the offices today, especially the leadership. >> i think the democrats aren't sure what they're voting on. >> you're hedging. why don't they want to say, yes we're going to war with isis or not. >> i think any democrat in a purple state should support the president and do what we need to do with isis because of the threat to the country. i don't understand why democrats are reluctant to vote. liberal democrats don't want to seem hawkish. everybody's skiddish. everybody in these races if you're a democrat would do well to support the president, to go in there and try to eradicate isis, and i think that would benefit politically from it. >> would you rather be a democrat that support the president, or a democrat that doesn't do anything and supports the beheadings? >> i would be the democrat who is tough on the president. president bush knew this well. at times of war and peace, when the country is threatened, the american people stand with the president. he won the 2004 election by returning it to these issues and probably shouldn't have. i think the president will benefit -- >> we have a republican out there, kingston saying the people out there he talks to, don't want to vote. just go ahead and bomb and tell us later. >> i think that goes back to the bush times where there'at's whae mantra was. shoot first and ask questions later. >> where are you on that one? >> i think we ask questions first. it will be be smart politically -- >> do you think both parties are wary of war? >> i think both parties are wary of war. >> we are very, very conflicted. we don't like people being beheaded. it gets to our national gut; my gut. anyway, republicans have been trying to make this selection. coming up, a referendum on president obama finding every way they can to tie their democratic rival to the president. >> right now, we're being represented by someone who votes with the president's stale policies 99% of the time. >> she's voted with president obama 95% of the time. by kay's on standard, she's failed the people of north carolina. >> senator, i've heard you say the word harry reed, obama, fight. >> he's your buddy, man. he's your buddy. >> he's your buddy. is that the strategy of the republy karens? j th >> that's exactly what the strategy is. >> i shouldn't say bowling, that's the one sport he's not good at. >> it's me and a picture of george bush standing side-by-side when i was running for the u.s. senate. so that's a strategy when you have an unpopular white house and an unpopular president. >> and i voted for you withstanding that. >> i know you did. >> that actually works pretty well in house elections. in a senate race, take mark pryor, for instance. people vote for the individual. they know mark. the president isn't going to help mark, but he's not going to defeat him, either. >> i'm afraid. i have to make an admission. i think when you go into the voting booth this time, the name at the top of the ballot is going to be obama. >> i agree. >> that's what the republicans want. >> it's the people in the races that are going to decide the senate. they know how to run in those states. they've been red states for a long time and they've won there as democrat. >> i agree with that. it's not what the republicans want, but it's what the american people think and feel about this administration. the administration is not, technically, on the ballot. let me finish. the only way you can talk with the current administration is to take it out on the current party. >> you become a symbol? tell that to eric cantor. tell it to mitch mcconnell. he's two points behind right now in the latest poll that just came out. >> just out tonight, brand new, it show that is women are keeping democrats in the game this year. ha% responded said democrats would do a better job looking out for the interest of women. more than half the people in the country are women. >> absolutely. it is why you see in places like kansas and kentucky and elsewhere, they want to make it much more of a local race and not a national race. when it's localized, it's about those issues that women are more deeply concerned about. when it's nationalized, that's when you see the flipped in the script. that's where republicans are seeing who can get them on their side. >> why shouldn't women vote for democratic candidate sns. >> republican candidates stand in their way. >> see how nice that was? >> right now, in any campaign cycle, it's a referendum. at some point, it becomes a choice between two people. what happens is do i dislike the incumbent right now? do i dislike washington? yes. in the last few weeks, what's the alternative. >> you know what i'd like to do, guys? i'd like to think about the stories the day after the election. and i think the story after this election will be the unpopularity of the president. i hate to say it because i support him on many issues -- most issues. but i think it's going to be how unpopular he was. we'll be right back after this. and making something stronger... will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day... is today. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. let me finish tonight with this. people run for congress, let's imagine, because they want a role in leading the country. they want to represent the people in making the big decisions of american government. well, that is reasonable enough to assume, isn't it? that you really want the job. not just the title. not just the position. well, maybe we should stop making that assumption. maybe we should assume that many of them desire most is the position, the title. that they're willing do give up power in order to retain what they desire most, that title. how else can we explain this refusal to accept responsibility. it's now coming loud and clear from capital hill. it seems hardly anybody in the u.s. congress, house or senate, democrat or republican, is ready to step up and say whether or not the united states should take the fight to the group that's been beheading our fellow citizens. if this stands, if the congress refuses to hold a vote on action against isis, we are not looking at a proud, representative body. we'll be looking at a chicken coupe. a grand-looking building where those are afraid to stand and be counting. a lot of his fellow lawmakers say that president obama should just bomb the place and tell us about it later. they don't want it up and down, yeah or nay in a recent vote. congress enjoys a job approval of 7%. that's one person in 15 who's doing it right. have you ever met that one person in 15 who thinks they're doing well in congress? it's that person who live ins a


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