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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20121029 23:30:00

>> mason: good evening, for those of you just joining us, this is a special expanded edition, i'm anthony mason. scott pelley had been reporting from the new jersey shore but the hurricane has knocked out our link to him. hurricane sandy is about to make landfall near atlantic city, but the impact of this storm is being felt all along the east coast. the governors of 14 states from north carolina to maine have declared states of emergency. let's get the latest now from cbs news hurricane consultant david bernard. david? >> good evening, anthony. a lot of trouble up and down the east coast tonight. sandy is basically not a drop cam system anymore, but the effects are all going to be the same. let's start with where the storm is right now and, again, we are looking at very strong waves occurring all across ptions of the jersey and also long island sound. notice just offshore we're seeing some of these wave heights still indicated near 45 feet, maybe higher. and even though the storm is here, anthony, it's still pushing a lot of water in from the east and southeast. in fact, i was looking at some of the tide gauges in just the last few moments and places like the battery and even further east along the long island south and south along the jersey shore, those tides are reaching their highest levels of the day as we are nearing high tide in the next couple of hours. >> mason: david, we've talked about the storm surge. how does it work? >> when we talk about storm surge, we're talking about a lot of components that go into it. i was just mentioning high tide. so on a normal day you have your tide ranges, you have your low tide and you have your high tides. when a storm is going on, we have to also factor in the surge. the surge is not like a tsunami, it's a gradual buildup of water that comes along with the center of the storm and it pushes into the coastline. so we have the sea level, the tide, and the surge. and what happens is if it comes in at high tide like tonight, you have to add the high tide to the amount of the surge and when you do that, that equals the total storm tides. so when we talk about water levels in long island sound and along the jersey shore could be anywhere from six to as much as 12 feet, that's what we're talking about, the storm tide, and that's how much water potentially you could expect at ground level. so if you know you're at sea level and obviously the storm tide would equal exactly what amount of water you could have your n your house. >> mason: david, how long is the worst of this supposed to last? >> that's the problem. right now the storm is moving at a pretty good clip. it looks like that low pressure center is going to slow down. so we're going to talk about on shore winds continuing probably for the next 24 to likely 48 hours. here's the satellite picture in the center of the storm right here. but look how the wind going counterclockwise around it are continuing to feed a lot of water, not only in the long island sound but also into the jersey shore and the track is going to be something like that. so we're going to continue with these on shore winds at least for the next day and probably for the next couple of days right here in south florida and the miami area. we still have large ocean swells that are causing coastal flooding here up and down the coastline and sandy went by several days ago. >> mason: david bernard, thanks, david. flooding along the new jersey shore has cut some communities off from the mainland. you know conditions are bed when rescue crews can't even get around. elaine quijano has our report. >> reporter: pounding surf and rising water along the jersey shore had officials worried early in point pleasant, beach. >> it's completely underwater. i'm not going to chance taking this vehicle into it. >> reporter: by noon, the water was already so high even experienced rescuers had to turn around. >> you can see how deep it is. >> reporter: kyle grace with the city's emergency management team had a blunt warning for anyone who ignored the order to leave. >> they have to realize if it gets really bad here we can not come in and get them. so if you can get out now; get out now. >> reporter: authorities here know how deadly storms can be. last year, tropical storm irene swept two people out to sea. >> people need to learn from that and listen to us and get away from the ocean, get away from where the tidal flooding is going to happen. >> reporter: one person who was on the beach after the evacuation order was mike koen. what are you doing here? >> i came over here to check one of the complexes that i manage. i'm setting my pumps up and leaving right now. >> mason: you expect high winds, heavy rain and flooding from a hurricane, but here's what makes sandy so unusual. it's bringing snow to the appalachians. anna werner is in elkins, west virginia. >> reporter: the national weather service issued blizzard warnings for more than 14 counties across the appalachian mountains as hurricane sandy hit a blanket of cold air. west virginia's governor earl ray tomblin declared a state of emergency as the snow began to fall. >> we're getting ready for the winter snow. >> reporter: the snow shoe mountain resort was one of the first to see the snow. four inches now could grow to a possibly two feet by tomorrow. some roads are treacherous already. >> our friend's car doesn't have the greatest tires and they've done -- spunking around on the road one time so i decided to come get them. >> reporter: you'll do better. >> yeah. >> reporter: you got a four-wheel drive. >> reporter: i think so. >> reporter: travis ray is with the state's department of transportation. >> it's going to be very difficult. there's going to be guys out there in midnight and zero visibility conditions that are going to have to work and we have a very dependable work force but they're not ideal conditions for people to be out in but we're going to be out there to serve the public. >> reporter: the most critical problem here may be if the power goes out. companies are already warning the outages could be widespread as trees buckle under the early snow and fall on power lines. now, anthony, for as much snow as is coming down here now, state officials say the next 24 hours are going to be the worst. national guard is on standby and power crews and extra highway crews are on alert to cope with whatever damage happens here over the next couple of days. >> mason: anna, what can you tell us about any power outages inland there? >> reporter: well, we do know that a few thousand customers are without power in the region but, in fact, just ten minutes nag the town of elkins right here behind me, the lights in the entire town flickered twice then the whole town went dark. some of them have come back on, but many of the businesses here appear to be without power as we speak. >> mason: anna werner, thanks, anna. as we mentioned, we lost our satellite connection to scott pelley but we have him on the phone now from allenhurst, new jersey. scott, you lost power where you are. what can you tell us about the conditions where you are now? >> pelley: anthony, well, to tell you the truth, i'm watching a (inaudible) a refrigerator floating by in the sea right now. it's a remarkable sight here in allenhurst. the ocean is crashing over a sea wall. i'm about 15 feet above the beach at the sea wall and the waves are crashing over the top of the sea wall pretty routinely now. there's quite a bit of debris in the water and like i said, i just watched a couple of refrigerators float by. we're seeing a lot of wood, lumber in the water. obviously structures have been destroyed by the waves and seeing the debris going by right now. the winds at this moment are about 69 miles an hour according to the weather service, gusting up a little bit higher than that. but mostly the story here, anthony, as david bernard was saying earlier, it's the water. we are looking at mountainous waves, impossible to judge how tall they are. but they are crashing on to the shore here and now vaulting over this 15-foot sea wall which has been here protecting allenhurst for quite some time. the city itself, this city, is largely dry except for the rain. we're not seeing massive flooding here at all. but certainly the waves are threatening the lower lying areas of new jersey all up and down the coast here. so a very significant storm, not a great deal of rain. winds about 69 to 75 miles an hour which would make it a category one hurricane and the sea rising and rising as the storm comes on shore. anthony? >> mason: scott, as we mentioned, one of the casualties of the hurricane was one of our live signals from scott in allenhurst, new jersey. today washington, d.c. could have been called washington, c.d.-- as in closed down. wyatt andrews is there. wyatt? >> reporter: anthony, washington, d.c. is 120 miles from the atlantic coastline from where scott is reporting and yet hurricane-force winds are still expected here. the threat of wind and flooding shut down most of the nation's capital today and will again tomorrow. fear of hurricane sandy emptied the streets of washington. more than 200,000 nonemergency federal workers were told to stay home. schools were closed. the entire subway system was closed. the executive branch was mostly closed. congress was already on recess. only the supreme court was fully on the job, hearing two cases-- one on wiretapping, the other on copyright limitations, but the court and the rest of the government will be closed on tuesday. the number-one concern tonight is the danger from the wind. the weather service issued an unusual high-wind warning for washington and baltimore and is forecasting hurricane-force gusts of 75 miles per hour tonight. almost six million people live in the washington region and the threat of downed trees and lost electric power is extreme. hundreds of utility repair trucks and crew from outside the area have been brought in and prepositioned, but can only begin the repair work after the storm subsides. the power company serving the washington region say that 100,000 homes are already without power and that's before these heavy hurricane-force winds bebe again slamming this region later tonight. anthony? >> mason: wyatt, when does it look like the capital will be open for business again? >> reporter: just before we came out here, the federal government announced yet again federal employees here-- and there are 300,000 of them, roughly 100,000 are emergency workers-ers-- they're being asko stay home again tomorrow so wednesday at the earlers. >> mason: thanks, wyatt. in new york city, a construction crane snapped today in the high winds and was left dangling 75 stories above the street. it's a precarious situation and john miller has been looking into it. john? >> reporter: anthony, i'm just back there from the scene and what you have there was hard to believe when you saw it. you have a crane that is at the top of a 90 story building in the process of being built. this is on west 57th street just down the street from our broadcast center here and this is the street that is home to carnegie hall, the iconic russian tea roomhe steinway piano factory and all of it's been evacuated because the boom on that crane snapped off and is hanging over the street. now, authorities say if the rest of it breaks loose it could fall at such a velocity and hit with such an impact it could pierce the pavement, it could hit gas lines, water mains, steam lines and cause real disaster. so it's not a disaster yet, it's kind o a disaster waiting to happen. they're hoping that it won't, that they can tie steel cables to that boom, reattach it to the building, wait until after the storm passes and then dismantle it and take it down in a million pieces. but right now a main thoroughfare is shut down, a precarious situation still unfolding as the storm approaches. >> mason: and i assume they don't want to send anyone up there to try to secure it. no, that was part of the discussion. that boom is still attached to the cables that run to the crane housing and they're hoping that all of that will hold it. in the meantime, they're just counting on the evacuation to keep everybody safe. >> mason: but the worst of the wind are still to come. >> that's right. >> mason: john miller, thanks. to the east of new york city, long island is getting hit with a storm surge. streets are flooded and more than 525,000 homes and businesses have lost power. michelle miller is in sag harbor. >> reporter: by noon, sandy's storm surge had already wiped out the laser-thin beach in sag harbor. police chief tom fabiano was stunned. how far did the beach go out? >> probably about 100 feet. >> reporter: there's nothing left. >> no, there's nothing left here. there's a playground behind us and in all the years i've been here i've never seen it come up to the road or anything like that. >> reporter: flooding is the chief's main concern but he says winds are proving just as dangerous. strong wes stripped boats off their moorings and well-rooted trees were toppled. there is a voluntary evacuation order in low-lying areas here. have you ever seen it this bad? >> no, i haven't. i've been here 35 years doing this job. and this is not even the worst of it. >> reporter: at this bar across the street from te harbor the power was already out but people were trying to squeeze in a last-minute meal. >> it's pretty impressive to watch what's going on outside from here. you have to be concerned and careful. you have to stay awa from the hysteria, too. >> reporter: anthony, the corner bar and every other business here is shut down tonight and three quarters of this town are without power. a few peoplere milling on the streets, millingbout, but most of the people are heeding the warning from the police chief to buckle up and ride out this storm. >> mason: michelle millner sag harbor, thank you, michelle. further west, jim aelrod is in downtown maattan at t tip of m a what's tt there? >> reporter: anthousny, j with the last hour the rain has startedo intensify, the wind has picked up. you can hear a sound as the wind whips through the skyscrapers of lower manhattan that sound like a jet engine and it seems as though new york is really about to feel the full force of hurricane sandy. the big concern is the water right over my shoulder. all eyes are on the sea wall. if that water comes up over the sea wall and works its way into the electricity generating equipment that's in lower manhattan and into the subway stations in lower manhattan there could be very serious implications. anthony? >> mason: jim axelrod, thanks, jim. that was dramatic rescue at sea aboard a ship you may recognize from the movies. and two presidential campaigns are derailed by a hurricane. that's ju,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> mason: the hurricane forced the presidential candidates to suspend their campaigning for a couple days. john dickerson is our political director. john, with just a week until election day, how is this going to affect their campaigns? >> reporter: well, no candidate wants to look like he's taking political advantage of this cry seusz so with a week before the election this should be a time of frantic political activity but now the campaigns have to pear way back and calibrate every political move. usually at this time the campaigns are trying to hone their message down to a single simple closing argument to punch through the voters. but that's been interrupted and complicated now. both men have canceled a series of campaign events. the president has an official role and his strategists are trying to both highlight that role while at the same time not looking like they're doing so. mitt romney as no official role but by turning his campaign into a relief effort shows he cares and it keeps him in the news at this key time. losing the candidate on the stump is a blow to both campaigns in the battleground states where a candidate visit is an important part of the organization. it gets the candidates' message into local media where undecided voters can hear it and candidate events lure voters who can be taken after the rally to vote early or convinced to volunteer for the final get out the vote effort. but while the candidates have suspended their public events for a little bit, the race does still continue. both campaigns were kicking each other under the table today in ohio over the auto bailout, releasing competing television ads and accusations. >> mason: john, how is this likely to affect the ground organization for both candidates in the key battleground states you were talking about? >> well, they'll continue fighting it out on the ground while the candidates are not there, but there is this element of without the candidates coming to pay a visit, the campaigns have to rely on surrogates to come and surrogates don't turn out the crowds as much. in some states, the crucial battleground state of virginia and then also perhaps a little bit in north carolina the ground game kind of has to halt in terms of just the fact that the weather is too bad and also because volunteers are busy cleaning up their basements and their front yards and they're not able to get on the phone and call voters to convince them to vote for their candidate. >> mason: john dickerson, thanks, john. the deadly meningitis outbreak caused by tainted steroid injections has spread to 19 states. rhode island was added to the list today. the number of cases jumped to 347. 25 people have died. another drug-mixing company in massachusetts called infusion resource was ordered to shut down after investigators made a surprise inspection. lights, camera, coast guard. a ship straight out of hollywood in the 1962 film "mutemy on the bounty" was at the center of a real-life drama today. the ship was battered by hurricane sandy and sank. the crew had to be rescued. david martin has the story. >> reporter: coast guard rescue swimmer dan todd was lowered into 18-foot seas 90 miles off the coast of north carolina. he swam to one of two life rafts holding 14 survivors. >> there's two people remaining in there. >> reporter: the three masted ship-- h.m.s. "bounty" was sailing from connecticut to ship-- h.m.s. "bounty" was sailing from connecticut to florida when it foundered. the coast guard homed in on their emergency beacons. what followed was the rescued of 14 souls from vessels pitching so violently that at times they capsized. one after another the crew members, wearing cold-water survival suits and life jackets-- were pulled aboard in the wildly swinging cage. >> this one is swinging really bad. >> reporter: the swimmer remained in the water waiting for the empty cage to be lowered for another rescue. at one point he moved from one raft to the other by dangling beneath the helicopter. >> trying to stop the wind. i hope i'm not swinging dan too much. >> i stopped him. i think i threw my shoulder out. >> reporter: as the last survivor was hoisted aboard, the pilot was already making plans to refuel as soon as they landed to head back out and search for two crew members still missing. >> let's go to cherry point and drop these people off, hot gas and come back. >> reporter: some survivors suffered injuries but none were life threatening. the body of one of the two missing crew members has now been found. the captain of the h.m.s. "bounty" is still missing. >> mason: david, how long can he be likely to survive in those waters, do you think? >> reporter: the cold water survival gear they were wearing is supposed to enable you to survive for about 15 hours. the ship sank in materially morning hours so those 15 hours are about up. >> mason: david martin, are about up. >> mason: david martin, ,,,,,,,,,,,, this is hayden. he's five years old. are about up. >> mason: david martin, ,,,,that's elizabeth. and that's skyler... and his mom, nancy. they're just a few of the californians who took it on themselves to send you a message about what they need to restore years of cuts to their schools. prop thirty-eight. thirty-eight raises billions in new revenue - bypasses sacramento and sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our local schools... every school. for them. for all of us. vote yes on thirty-eight. >> mason: updating our top story, sandy is making landfall at the jersey shore near new york city. it's no longer a hurricane but it's still a dangerous storm. 14 states have declared statesor more than a million homes and sisses. flooding is a major concern. new york harbor could see a storm surge of up to 11 feet, enough to flood lower manhattan. gale warnings are up along the great lakes as sandy moves inland and as much as three feet of snow is predicted for the mountains of west virginia. financial markets in new york will be closed again tomorrow as will federal government offices in washington. and airlines have canceled more than 13,000 flights through tomorrow. and that's our special expanded edition of the "cbs evening news." stay with this cbs station and for the latest on the storm. for scott pelley, i'm anthony mason. thanks for watching. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . >> you're watching cbs-50 eyewitness news in high definition. yeah! >> a homecoming fit for champions, mobile 5 is live as the bay area welcomes back the world series champs. >> this is not a time to be stupid. it is a time to save yourself appeared your family. >> hurricane sandy is speeding watched the east coast and the entire northeast is preparing for damage. >> we are going to get to complete coverage of the giants' homecoming but first it is shaking up to be one of the most destructive storms in modern history. hurricane sandy is slamming the coast. 60million people are in the path. >> from atlantic city new jersey, paul diano is tracking sandy. >> she is on land right now. that is the update. we've had a land falling hurricane in new jersey for the first time in more than two rations. let's get the satellite loop. the storm is unprecedented. there is rain from maine to south carolina. that is how big the storm is. close to the center of the storm, these are the


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20130127 23:30:00

world's attention today was focused on a horrific tragedy in brazil, the death toll tonight at least 230 after a fast-moving fire broke out in a crowded nightclub. officials say too many people and too few exits turned the club into a death trap after a rock band's pyrotechnics apparently ignited the ceiling. many patrons were left unable to get out, overwhelmed by the smoke, and in some cases, the flames themselves much the circumstances are eerily similar to some other deadly nightclub fires the past several years, including one in this country. today's tragedy happened in the southern brazilen university town of santa maria. nbc's mike taibbi reports. >> reporter: the kiss nightclub was packed with the usual saturday night crowd when at 2:00 in the morning, a disaster. the ground floor was filled with smoke. club security initially blocked several emergency exits, thinking patrons were leaving without paying and that left only a few ways out. in the ensuing panic, many victims were trampled, others died of smoke inhalation. witnesses told police the fire was sparked by a pyrotechnics show on stage, according to nick ravenskroft of itv news. >> the stunt on stage with the flare made the ceiling catch fire. >> reporter: whatever the precise cause, the fire spread incredibly quickly as the crowd struggled to find ways to safety. some clubgoers who did make it out, joined firemen and onlookers in their attempts to open new escape routes using sledge hammers and axes, but it was too late for many inside. does of victims were carried to arising ambulances, if they survived. santa maria's major trauma hospital was quickly overwhelmed. >> translator: the injured are scattered around the hospital. those waiting for news outside are desperate. >> reporter: they were desperate, too, outside the club, as more and more bodies of those who hadn't survived were laid on the ground. the numbers of the dead rose so quickly that the city morgue ran out of room. the bodies of scores of victims were brought, instead, to a local gymnasium. eat merging details of this disaster, a packed club, too few escape route and a fire triggered by on-stage pyrotechnics brought to mind several other similar nightclub tragedies. there was a 2003 inferno in west warwick, rhode island's, station nightclub that claimed 100 victims much the 2004 blaze in ba when knows aires with 200 victims. but as brazil's president consoled relatives of the victims here, her country, soon to host the world cup and the olympics, remains in shock at one of its worst modern tragedies. mike taibbi, nbc news, los angeles. now to the middle east, an angry egyptian president took to the air waves tonight to announce tough new measures aimed at ending the violence that has claimed at least 50 lifts the last three days. the violent protests in cairo and several other industries been the biggest challenge yet toz mohamed morsi's government. let's go to cairo for the latest. >> reporter: it is mohamed morsi's biggest test as president of this country. on one hand, an increasing security vacuum across the country, on the other, a political crisis with the country's political parties. tonight, in an address to the nation, he delivered a strong warping. even burying the dead in egypt is now deadly. today in port sayyid, a day after 37 people were killed in protests, thousands walked to mourn them. the grief and prayer turned into fear and chaos. this amateur video, which we couldn't independently ver, if i reportsedly shows the moment the clashes with police turned deadly. meantime, as thousands mourned in port said, others fought in cairo, alexandria and suez. tonight, the country's embattled president, mohamed morsi, addressed the nation, declaring a state of emergency and imposing a curfew in the cities with the worst fighting. the country's powerful military is back on the street guarding government buildings recently attacked by protesters. and the military wants more power. today, the military requested the right to arrest civilians who break the law, this general said. two years ago, egypt's street full of optimism and hope as united people toppled a dictator. today, stifling tear gas and plumes of smoke filled the air of a divided country. egypt's police are struggling to cope with the protesters. they, too, have suffered losses and are angry. when the country's interior minister came today to pay his respects to fallen policemen, he was hackled by grieving colleagues and their families. and as it has for the past three days, night fall brought more violence. tonight, outside a luxury five-star cairo hotel. with a predictable-like precision, police charged the crowd, firing tear gas but minutes later, protesters returned, lobbing stones and setting fires to block roads. there are few words president morsi can say to calm these protesters. this man tells me that the president must resign and a new constitution must be written. another says only protests work with a regime that kills its people. president mohamed morsi has invited members of the leading opposition political forces tomorrow for emergency talks on the way out. many people are hoping there will be a breakthrough that could end the four days of deadly violence that have engulfed the country. >> thank you. in this country, the weather remains a big concern for many people in the midwest, where a deep freeze is bringing snow, sleet and freezing rain. the weather channel's mike seidel is in davenport, iowa, tonight with the latest. mike, good evening to you. >> reporter: good evening, lester. it was an icy day across many part its of the midwest. the hardest hit areas were the roads and the airports. at chicago's o'hare, just over 200 flights have been canceled so far, but despite the ice, there wasn't a lot of it there wasn't many power outables. tonight, the temperatures on the way up that will change the freezing rain to rain in chicago in chicago and many areas, like it has here. monday, the snow, sleet and ice will head to the northeast during the day you reaching boston by late afternoon. any snow totals will be on the light side. but for millions that have been in the ice box, the jetstream is our friend. southwest winds from texas to the great lakes will produce a huge warmup. we could see our first 90-degree day in the lower 48 this year in deep south texas. temperatures elsewhere more than 20 to 25 degrees above average. subzero windchills will be replaced by highs in the 40s and 50s on monday. and by tuesday, d.c. cracks 60 and atlanta pushes 70. but many of us will get another shot of frigid air following this fall and that cold front will have lots of wind energy that will help to fire up some big thunderstorms, possibly severe, from houston and dallas to little rock and st. louis on tuesday. there could be some tornadoes but more than likely, quite a bit of straight line wind damage. and then after that, the bottom falls out on temperatures. for example, lester, chicago will drop 45 degrees between tuesday and thursday. so enjoy the thaw while you can. back to you. >> all right, we will take what we can. mike seidel, thanks. national transportation safety board tonight says further examination of batteries on boeing's new 787 has yet to point to the cause of the january 7th fire on board a japan air lines jet at boston's logan airport. that fire followed days later by a smoking battery aboard another 787 in japan led to a worldwide grounding of the revolutionary new planes. lack of progress in both investigations has raised concerns the planes will remain grounded indefinitely. in washington, the battles over guns and immigration reform are taking center stage this week, as president obama pushes his second term agenda. nbc's peter alexander is at the white house and has more on that. hi, peter. >> reporter: lester, good evening to you. the president isn't wasting in i time in his second term, tackling two of his top priorities. specifically on immigration, one democratic senator said measures formerly off the table are now back up for discussion. barely a week into his second term, president obama is preparing to dive into the contentious issue of immigration, with a major speech set for las vegas tuesday. the president is expected to push for improving border security you expanding the system for employers to verify their workers a legal status and perhaps most controversially, creating a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. >> we can't go on forever with 11 million people living in this country in the shadows in an illegal status. >> we are committed to a comprehensive approach to finally in this country have an immigration law that we can live with. >> reporter: a bipartisan group of six seine stores planning to unveil its immigration reform proposals this week. last november, president obama won more than 70% of the latino vote, a new political reality forcing some republicans to reconsider their past opposition. >> first of all, americans support it in poll after poll. secondly, latino voters expect t third, the democrats want it and fourth, republicans need it. >> reporter: senator marco rubio in a nevada newspaper today insisted illegal immigrants must earn their new citizenship. we can't round up millions of people and deport them but we also can't fix our broken immigration system if we provide incentives for people to come here illegally. also front and center, the battle over guns. president obama telling the new "republic" magazine that advocates of gun control have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes. asked if he has ever fired a gun, mr. obama said, up at camp david we do skeet shooting all the time, like jfk used to years ago. on "meet the press," former vice presidential candidate paul ryan referred to last month's newtown tragedy as a watershed moment. >> it's our worst nightmare, something like this happening. let's go beyond just this debate and make sure we get deeper. what's our policy on mental illness? what's going on in our culture that produces this kind of thing? >> reporter: and for its part, congress will hold its first hearing on gun violence, lester, this wednesday. one other note, by the way, about the president's interview with the new "republic," one one week before the super bowl, the president weighing in on football, if he had a son, we have to think long and hard before letting him play to the game, referring to the violence in the sport. >> peter, thank you. still in washington, the education department is taking action to make sure disabled school children are not shut out from school sports programs. nbc's chief education correspondent rehema ellis has that story. >> reporter: it was a big week for 13-year-old owen grosser. get in there. >> reporter: sinking not one but two three-pointers the first time he stepped out onto the court this season. owen, an eighth grader, has down syndrome. disabled students like him already have the right to participate in school sports but this week, the department of education released new guidelines on how to incorporate those students onto teams, something some cash-strapped schools have struggled with. >> we have needed more cooperation, more guidelines from the top. and we believe this is going to lead to some standardization and certainly more opportunity for these families and kids. >> reporter: some of the doe's suggestions are simple, a visual cue for hearing-impaired student who wants to run track, the elimination of the two-hand touch rule in swimming so a student with one arm can compete. but the recommendations also state when existing school programs cannot accommodate those with disabilities, the school district should create additional opportunities for those students, meaning, a new team. although some liken it to title ix, the department of education cautions against that comparison, saying these are guidelines, not a mandate. schools will not be required to dismantel an existing team because they don't have enough disabled students to field a comparable team. >> we have been age to create one or two teams per school district, you're not going to find enough students in one school to necessarily start a team. >> push. push for the basket. >> reporter: adam mcwork, an eighth grader, has cerebral palsy, he lives outside atlanta, an area that has been successfully mainstreaming disabled students in sports for years. >> yes, sir. he used a walker to get around with and we didn't think that sports was something that he could do at all. >> reporter: now, he stands like every proud dad on the sidelines. >> my son scored his first goal in the final game, so excited about that the gym was so loud. we'd good time. shoot it, baby. >> reporter: something more families across the country may soon experience. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: rehema ellis you nbc news, new york. when nightly news continues on this sunday, your money and the fees that merchants can now charge when you pay by credit card. later, the golden age club, friends for years pulled apart by superstorm sandy and now reunited. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. families across the country may friends for years pulled apart a little uncomfortable. but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, families across the country may friends for years pulled apart , it just makes it easier to go. , dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i 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[ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. we're back with a story involving your money. you may not see it right away but fees for buying things by credit card may be on the rise with merchants starting today now permitted to hit with you a surcharge when you use certain credit cards. we get the story tonight from nbc's katy tur. >> reporter: if you felt like you were digging even deeper into your pocket yesterday, keep your eyes open today. businesses can now charge you for using your credit card. >> this is great news for retailers, not very good news for consumers, which have never had to pay these kind of surcharges when they use credit cards. >> reporter: it is the fallout from a class action settlement last july giving merchantance option to tack as much as a 4% surcharge onto your bill if you're paying with a visa or master card. >> it would change my shopping patterns, definitely. >> i would carry cash all the time. >> reporter: you may be familiar with gas stations charging one price for cash and another for plastic but could the same happen in shops, restaurants and even doctors offices? in this highly competitive marketplace among retailers and an economy that is really trying to get the consumer back to spending, i highly doubt that retailers are going to charge this fee. >> reporter: in fact, the national retail federation polled its members and found that none planned to add the fee. toys "r" us and target told nbc news they would not pass the buck to their shoppers. retail analysts say that's because most big chain stores have the ability to negotiate lower fees with credit card companies. but small businesses don't have the big chain bargaining power. silvia karch is the own other of a vintage clothing store. short of a cash-only sign, she is shoirlgtd the fees. >> in order for me to implement another charge, i would have to discount my prices are, it there is a balancing act. i would wouldn't want to have another charge for my customers. >> reporter: not everyone should be worried. ten states already have laws on the books banning merchant surcharges, including some of the biggest, california, new york and texas. still, the power is in the consumer's hand. shoppers could pay cash or use a debit card, which doesn't incur a surcharge. >> i would carry cash or stay away from stores that carry the fee. >> reporter: after all, you ultimately, have the choice to pay or walk away. katy tur, nbc news, atlanta. and here is something that's definitely going up, starting today, the price of a first-class postage stamp will cost a penny more, 46 cents. the sixth time the postal service raised the price in eight years as it continues to lose money to the tune of $25 million a day. up next here tonight, a dramatic rescue from raging floodwaters. great year in the gulf,sucha we've decided to put aside our rivalry. 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[ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪ looking for a better place to put your cash? here's one you may not have thought of -- fidelity. now you don't have to go to a bank to get the things you want from a bank, like no-fee atms, all over the world. free checkwriting and mobile deposits. now depositing a check is as easy as taking a picture. free online bill payments. a highly acclaimed credit card with 2% cash back into your fidelity account. open a fidelity cash management account today and discover another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. they are still on the loose tonight in south africa. i want to show you a few of the 15,000 crocodiles that escaped from a reptile farm during a flood this past week. the gates to the farm had to be opened because of fears that rushing waters would crush the crocodiles. while many of them have been captured since, several thousand are still at large. a dramatic rescue this weekend in eastern australia, which has also been dealing with widespread flooding, when a pickup truck carrying two women and a baby washed off a road. a helicopter had to be called in because the child was too small for a regular rescue sling. he was placed in a dive balancing and then hoisted up. the whole thing filmed by the crew of that helicopter on a helmet-mounted camera. they are breathing easier tonight in the city with the distinction of having the dirtiest air in the country last week, we are talking about salt lake city where the pollution prompted officials to declare a health emergency. today, they reported a dramatic improvement that warned that dirty air could quickly get trapped again in the mountain valleys of northern utah. and it's not every day that someone gets to say thanks a billion and really mean it. and that is what johns hopkins university in baltimore is saying to new york city's mayor, michael bloomberg. this weekend, bloomberg made a gift of $350 million to his alma matter, the large nest the university's history. brought his total gifts to johns hop kips to $1.1 billion t all began with a $5 donation in 1965, the year after bloomberg graduated. it brings new meaning to the term "giving back." certainly bigger meaning to that term. when we come back, how they were finally reunite you had after the storm. we will meet the ladies of the golden age club. 's impressive? a talking car. but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? you know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels.e, indeed. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. (blowing sound) ask your doctor about spiriva. finally tonight, the senate is expected to vote tomorrow on the $51 billion sandy aid package. and almost three months after that devastating storm, the stories of loss and hardship are still being told. but there is also this story, the reunion of a group of women whose lives were up-ended by sandy and how they were brought back together. here's nbc's michelle franzen. >> reporter: annie hezlin makes tea in her temporary apartment in brooklyn and sorts through some of her photos, some some of the only possessions she has left after losing her breezy point home in superstorm sandy. >> with he an imagined to survive and we are very grateful for that and that is the thing we have to remember, that lives are more important than things. >> reporter: the storm devastated the close-knit community and forced residents to relocate. including members of annie's social group, the golden age club. the women used to meet every tuesday at st. thomas more church, still under repair from flood damage. this weekend, annie and dozens of golden age members boarded a bus. >> hi, rose. >> reporter: first time they were able to see each other in three months. >> wonderful reunion. it's greet see every ebb and everybody looks good. >> reporter: their destination, manhattan's nightingale been aford, an all-girls school, where the women prin is righted to share their stories, an exchange between generations. >> and this one house slipped with the wind right over the walk and into the other house. >> reporter: that included emotional stories of survival. >> but the water was coming down from the walls. it was coming into the windows. >> reporter: lorraine larson says talking with students and reuniting with her friends helped her realize she's not alone. >> all in the same boat, we're all hurting. we all are longing to be back home. >> reporter: students say the gathering is a reminder of the challenges sandy victims still face. >> talking to them, we found out that they still are suffering a lot of the loss. >> reporter: despite their loss, these golden girls are still singing. ♪ i'm gonna let it shine >> reporter: and certainly, their best days are still ahead. michelle franzen, nbc news, new york. that's "nbc nightly news" for this sunday. brian williams will be here tomorrow. i'm lester holt reporting from new york. for all of us here at nbc news, good night. . you're watching nbc sports. >> in for the touchdown! >> championship over. >> a stanley cup for los angeles. >> shaun white, boy does he deliver! >> the mercedes-benz superdome in new orleans, a week from tonight, the 2012 nfl season will conclude with the unique matchup in super bowl xlvii. the afc champion baltimore ravens led by head coach john harbaugh will meet the nfc champion san francisco 49ers led by head coach jim harbaugh. in a brother versus brother championship game. >> it's time to celebrate! the ravens are going back to the super bowl! >> the san francisco 49ers, super bowl bound! >> now we kick off super bowl week from honolulu, hawaii where many of the league best players have been gathering more than


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20131208 23:30:00

't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how. [tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you? >> now we head north to intchester for the manor larchmont. the waterfront estate is surrounded by the open waters of the long island sound. as he will see, the home's interior is definitely beautiful. hi. we are here on this beautiful day in larchmont, new york, overlooking the harbor. i am the architect that designed the reconstruction of this 1950's home. there's a lot to show you, so let's get started. at we deliberately.ouse the simplicity of the portico belies the magnificence of the rest of the home. once inside the front door, the first thing you see is this amazing beer. this -- this amazing view. this writer waterfront estate is surrounded with 270 great views of larchmont harbor and long island sound. leads us toairwell a calm and comfortable sanctuary. fireplaceis the big surrounded by really cozy chairs. it's a great place to get some work done or have a friendly conversation. is complemented by this grand living room. it is surrounded by water on three sides and it's really about bringing the outside in. to that extent we designed the room to resemble the bridge of the ship. a lot of this is 20th century modern and the wall paneling details are found throughout the first floor. in the dining room, it seats up to 16 people and is great for formal dinner parties or holiday gatherings. this leads right into the kitchen. this is truly the heart of the home. we deliberately placed the island in the middle so the cook could participate in everything going on in the rest of the room. the counter tops that look like black leather are actually black granite. into theen flows family room. we designed the space knowing this is where our clients are truly going to live, whether it is cooking, doing homework, reading, hanging out on the couch, watching a movie. watching the sunrise, watching the sunset. there is nothing nicer than falling asleep in a room like this to the sound of waves. was to capture these terrific views and calm surroundings. crown moldinge and the use of the ceiling. the best thing about this bedroom suite is the balcony. it overlooks the grounds, but look at this harbor. speaking of which, let's take a look out back. where everything happens. whether you are walking along the water's edge or throwing a frisbee on this great big lawn or having a cup of tea on the dock, this backyard truly has everything. menk you so much for letting show you this beautiful state in larchmont. but now, if you will excuse me, i am going to go enjoy the rest of this beautiful day. >> coming up, a designer creates a mom's sanctuary in just one day. >> welcome back to "open house." an artare headed to collector's dream home in pasadena. this is state features one of the asked restaurant style kitchens i have ever seen. this house will fit any buyer's needs. >> hi. . am gary gold i am the executive vice president of built-in is states. welcome to this example of contemporary craftsman in pasadena, california. this is ideal for art collectors with unbelievable art walls. the house is also ideal for entertaining. we have this beautiful living room. . dedicated area then we have this gorgeous formal dining room. it also opens up to this inner courtyard. when i say this home is an entertainer's dream, i was not kidding. check out the kitchen. you have a grill for burgers and dogs. .ou have a hard-core wok green how you make beans and 30 seconds. there is the deep fryer. this is the more refined side of the kitchen. you got stainless steel subzeros. you have all stainless steel cabinets and it is blended with the wood cabinets on the uppers which pull it all together and beautiful cedar countertops. adjacent to the kitchen, you have this informal family room with more note -- one of three informal kitchen stops in the house. this is a nice place to grab a nosh, watch some tv, hang out. bedroom just feels right. first a ball you have these windows that open up to the gorgeous backyard. you have vaulted ceilings. you have this bright, cheery, really cool bedroom. the master bath has dual vanities. extra makeup area. walk-in closet. just beautifully elegant, just right. not over the top. this backyard whether you are hanging out during the day or entertaining at night is awesome. you have this expansive seating area. you have a beautiful spot. huge pool. basketball court. placesre just different to lie out here, sit, hang out. as a really cool entertaining area. thanks for joining me on this tour of this incredible pasadena contemporary sound out and i will see you soon. sabo coming up after the break, a designer's mission to find a mom a sanctuary in just one day.  >> welcome back. she is on a mission to give a busy mom in long island her own peaceful space. but can she create a mom's sanctuary in just one day? well, let's find out. >> hi, i'm courtney. we are in new jersey at my client's home. is going to be designed to be a mom's sanctuary. she has a busy husband and 4 -- yes, for -- children. she needs a space all her own. >> my name is sonia. my husband and i are parents of four children. house, moved into this he got his office and the children to go over every room with their games, their toys. i just need somewhere of my own where i can read a book or relax and have quiet time to myself. >> we are about to get started transforming this room. but first, let's look at what we are working with. over here we have what was probably a really nice television about 15 years ago. we have a sofa that was also probably part of another home or era. we have a beautiful piano that i know a lot of family members use. over here, a football -- a with very little people. and over here at pinball machine. first of all, we need to clear out everything. let's get started. bye-bye. daughter's legos. there is pain and then there is stepping on a lego pain. changing an old lamp can make a huge difference for little money. and this will catch all the light in the room. >> this is amazing. i am going to take some pictures now. i am going to put them in different frames. is allthis, because this four of your children together. sonia has this amazing patio and it would be crazy not to utilize it in some way. you can't treat it like an extension of the room. my favorite feature about this room is it has tons of light. you would be crazy to book and their treatments on these. if you are lucky to have floor to ceiling windows, let them lock. no window treatments. right, we are done. i think it looks amazing. i love it. i hope that some you does. we will break it down show you how we did it. i started with one really good piece some of which is what i recommend for any room. in this case, it was the couch. which added an old rug gave it a big pop of color and a touch of modern aesthetic. i wanted to add a little bit of light and a lot of drama. so i went for these egg, bold, and hanging mirrors. of theflect all beautiful trees outside each window. something really easy and affordable -- these overlays. i love them. they come in a bunch of different shapes and sizes. they look really cute. least -- certainly not we have the outdoor area. not only does she have a cute seating area, but there is a fire element. it looks amazing. i think it better get her now and show her what i did. wait for it. and open your eyes. >> oh, my goodness. [laughter] i can't believe this is the same room. >> the couch! >> it looks different. it looks like a grown-up room. >> and it continues. ,ou can enjoy your backyard spend time with your family -- >> see the kids. >> we all fit on your new catch. do you kids love it? all: yes. >> it is perfect. >> thank you so much. >> you are very welcome. >> i think i could use a space like that. what room in your house would you want to revamp? join our facebook family and let us know. if you missed something on today's show or want to see these fabulous homes again, head thanks for stopping in. i am sara go [chris]still smoking up a storm? [tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how. [tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you? good evening from south africa. president obama will begin making his way here to south africa tomorrow. to attend tuesday's public memorial service for nelson mandela. for three days now, south africans have been honoring and celebrating the man who helped unlock racist suppression and led his nation into democracy. it was a day of prayer and reflection. richard engel is also in johannesburg tonight and has this report. >> reporter: south africans let the holy spirit overwhelm them. they came to pray here because nelson mandela prayed here. fire master tom was growing up. mandela was in prison. they met only after he walk free. >> he was a friend. is he blood and flesh like us? because he was so good. >> reporter: for many here, mandela was more than just a prisoner turned president. he taught a lesson. >> we must always be humble, kind, and we huft love each other. >> the love that is everybody. >> reporter: even the u.s. ambassador got into the spirit singing kumbaya. >> it was incredibly powerful. if that singing did not stir your spirit -- >> reporter: this is a very special church. there were race riots here. black residents ran and took shelter in the building. they were chased down by police. it has now become a symbol of defiance against apartheid. and the symbols of joy we saw here were around the country. there were services of many faiths but one unifying message. >> we are greatful for his courage and dignity in adversity. and for his mighty power of forgiveness. >> forgiveness. >> reporter: at churches nationwide, they prayed for two men who forgave the sins of others. >> as he closes his eyes, we begin to believe that now we have someone who cares so much for us, who will open our eyes going forward together with the saints. >> reporter: in africa today, they remember mandela and it seems, began to elevate a sanlt. now to developing news back home. much of the eastern half of the country getting hit by dangerous snow and ice. we get latest from weather channel meteorologist psych seidel. >> reporter: the win storm barreled into the northeast on sunday with heavy snow and sleet. temperatures were as much as 20 degrees below average. in wisconsin today, a series of crashes on the state's snow-covered highways. at least one person dead and a dozen more injured. some critically. on this stretch of i-94, first responders arrive to the scene of a major pileup that shut down the interstate. >> there is probably in excess of seven semis and 30 plus vehicles. >> reporter: in texas, the brutal cold has left up to an inch of dangerous ice on the road. >> made it about 10 miles and three hours. and by that time, they shut down 35 and we got, we pulled off here and we've been stuck here ever since. >> reporter: also stuck on the side of the highway. a report he from our dallas affiliate kxas. take a look at this. you're looking at about a dozen semis stuck in the road, all over the road. it is absolutely impassable. >> reporter: travel by air wasn't any easier. more than 2,000 flights canceled today. a quarter flying through the dallas airport where more than 3,000 passengers spent the night. >> they canceled me again today. i'm like, wow, i'm trying to see what i can do to get back home. >> reporter: utility company are scrambling to restore power to more than 100,000 customers still sitting in the dark and warning that tree limbs and lines weighted down by the ice could continue to cause new outages for several days. in baltimore, icy conditions as the vikings/ravens game. >> they have to clear the vikings. >> reporter: take a look at lincoln financial field in philadelphia where the eagles/lions game was played in heavy snow. >> this is wild. >> reporter: creating a whiteout conditions that hid the gridiron from view. while football fans choose to tough it out today, officials are asking people to stay off the roads for the next few days during one of virginia officials say could be an historic ice event. freezing rain will continue to be an issue. at least until sunrise tomorrow morning west of washington. meanwhile around new york city, an inch or two of wet snow. by monday morning's rush hour, temperature climb to about 40. lester? >> thanks. we're back in a moment with nelson mandela's impact on young people in america. michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. ♪ [ female announcer ] may your holidays be merry and bright. merry pringles. [ female announcer ] may your holidays be merry and bright. every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. . finally tonight, it was not long after he became president of south africa that nelson mandela returned to washington and paid a visit to the campus of howard university. his presence there is still being felt after all those years. here's nbc's kristin welker. >>ist master of my fate. >> reporter: some of the students here at howard university were not even born when nelson mandela spoke on their campus in 1994, a few years after their release from prison. >> it is with gratitude that we remember the ways in which our university embraced and supported the liberation struggle in south africa. >> reporter: today, the young men and women at this historically black college say those words and then mandela's legacy still resonate. >> he taught that no one is born hating anyone. you're taught that. and if you can be taught to hate, you can be taught to love. >> he wanted love. it was his most powerful message. >> i think the most important lesson is just, never give up and just never allow yourself to be defeated. >> reporter: so as people pay tribute to the larger than life leader in south africa and all across the united states today, here at howard, they have come to this exhibit on campus set up a month ago to reflect. >> what word do you associate with nelson mandela? >> courage. >> visionary. >> humanitarian. >> reporter: she hopes to become a teacher and plans to one day pass along mandela's lessons to her students. >> it gives them the tools to think critically about society and what would you like to see? what will you do to fix it? >> reporter: for this south african, a recent graduate, the loss is more personal. >> we have been expecting his death but still, when it actually happens, it does something to you. it is a sad moment. a time grieving. >> reporter: but there is also celebration. >> his name is up there with gandhi and martin luther king jr. and we sit and think, his messages, we should apply them to our life like other great peacemakers. >> he is truth in service. >> reporter: a man who united different races, a nation, and now generations. nbc news, washington. >> that's "nbc nightly news." brian williams will be here tomorrow from south africa. i'm lester holt reporting from soweto. have a good night, everyone. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> announcer: nbc sports, exclusive home of the nhl, premier league, the sochi olympic winter games and primetime's number one show, "sunday night football." >> a look at the mercedes-benz superdome, the home of the new orleans saints, and tonight the site of a tussle for first place in the nfc south as the surging carolina panthers pay a visit on "sunday night football." drew brees and the saints are coming off a short and unproductive week following a blowout loss monday night in seattle, and the matchup doesn't get much easier tonight, but at least the saints are back in new orleans where they're a perfect 6-0 this season. cam newton and the panthers have been one of the nfl's biggest


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140723 10:00:00

students ment >> we asked is this fair or foul? james says what is going to happen when these kids grow up and meets a team who grew up without restrictions. >> why don't we wrap them up in bubble wrap and let them play? foul. >> goom. it-- good morning. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. it is july 23. a major victory in the georgia senate race. david perdue tops a longtime congressman. >> a big scare for obamacare and even liberals are concerned. the landmark ruling that could delete the president's greatest achievement. >> super bowl winning coach tony did you know -- dungee being ridiculed for saying michael sam would be a distraction to his team. what is wrong with speaking your mind these days? think about that as we roll animation because mornings are better with friends. >> it's "fox & friends." >> live from studio e here in the heart of midtown manhattan on this 23rd day of july. welcome aboard, folks. >> heather nauert is here with headlines. a lot happening through the night. >> we've got news coming out of israel affecting travelers there. moments ago secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv, israel, despite the f.a.a.'s new ban on u.s. airlines from flying into that airport. this after a rocket landed in a neighborhood about a mile from that airport. the 24-hour ban expires at noon today but the f.a.a. is reevaluating and will announce later this morning if it will extend that ban or not. certainly other countries have also suspended flights to israel. more on that. >> moments ago the downed malaysian plane's black boxes have arrived in england. experts now downloading data from the recorders following a request by authorities in the netherlands who are now leading that investigation. also earlier this morning the first plane carrying the remains of some of the 298 victims left the airport in ukraine for the nght lands. it is trd -- it is considered a national day of mourning in the netherlands. in the meantime the united states said it found no link of direct russian involvement. but says vladimir putin base some responsibility for the attack. they provided the training and support for the rebels who most likely shot down the plane. here at home it could be one of the most watched senate races in the entire nation. in georgia, david perdue defeating jack kingston in the republican run-off. it will be key to the republicans gaining six more seats to win control of the senate in november. >> more debt, higher taxes, a disaster that's called imoam, this is the agenda that michelle nun and her party support. would he can't allow that to stand. >> david perdue will join us live on "fox & friends." >> the piano man is set to receive one of music's greatest honors. ♪ ♪ >> the library of congress is awarding billy joel the ber -- gershwin prize for popular song, the second major award for joel in two years. it comes on the heels of the kennedy center honors back in december. congratulations billy joel. those are your headlines. >> why did you chows to play "uptown girl"? >> she is an uptown girl. hello. >> it's all about her. >> it is a tribute to christie brinkley and they aren't married anymore. >> a big scare for obamacare. yesterday the d.c. court of appeals, the second highest court in the land, said the subsidies are illegal in 36 states. the law as written said that credits, these subsidies can only flow through, quote, an exchange established by the state. a bunch of states didn't establish them, so the federal government came in. and in 2012 the i.r.s. pumped out a rule giving subsidies to everybody, and that's what prompted this lawsuit. simultaneously the white house felt a little lucky because the fourth circuit in virginia said they're legal. now it could be headed to the supreme court. >> in the meantime the white house said it is going to continue handing out billions of taxpayer dollars in the subsidies until this gets figured out and works its way up the court system. >> could be years. >> three judges decided this. it seems to be a major blow when it comes to obamacare and the money that's being handed out, in this case determined here in these three courts. they said it is illegal. a constitutional scholar said this is a bloody mess. >> it will be a bloody mess. the problem is the president, it was found by the d.c. circuit, to have exceeded his authority, to have violated again the separation of powers. but m this case that violation led to the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars in the past, future years. and that is a serious problem. i don't see how the a.c.a. can survive without this system, at least in the form it was originally designed to have. does that mean it will collapse? it would collapse unless congress would be willing to make massive changes and massive subsidies to back those up. >> the panel found the president spent billions in taxpayer dollars he had no authority to spend, subjected millions of employers and individuals to mandates he had no authority to impose. game on at the highest level. here we go again. and all indications are they knew all along how much in jeopardy this ruling would be. it's not so much the law that passed. it's the one that kept changing. if it goes back to the original form, can anyone afford obamacare without the subsidies? that will be one of the keys. the other thing we've got to think about too is when everyone signed up, the 5.4 million people who signed up for obamacare, did they do it the right way? was anyone verified the information they were giving. the g.a.o. wondered that and set up a sting operation. >> the government accountability office made up fake applications, 12 on phone or on-line, 6 in person, all completely false. nothing true: income, counterfeit documentation false. 11 out of 12 of them, of these fake applications got through. they actually got government subsidized health insurance. they got through the verification process and their bogus beneficiaries are still covered. >> that's the extraordinary thing. it begs the question, so this was just a controlled situation where 11 of the 12 failed and the one had a failed, the one that failed, the one they noted simply because that person did not cough up a social security number. how many people have applied for obamacare and gotten subsidies even though they completely perhaps misrepresented their income or lied about their situation? right now we don't know because right now nobody is looking into it. >> the president doesn't have time because he's flying back and forth raising cash for democrats. >> it's exhausting. >> exactly. but there is a critique that he is not paying enough attention to what's going on in the world, he's not doing the right thing. he's forcing his attention on fund-raising, causing the taxpayers $3 million for a recent trip alone. josh earnest at the white house, press secretary, said he can focus on a couple of things at the same time. >> the president, like most professionals, has the capability to deal with more than one priority at a time, particularly somebody who has the trappings of the presidency alongside him. he has his own airplane, dedicated phone lines, senior advisors who will be accompanying him every step of the way. >> then he brought up out of the five work days he's spending three of them on funding. >> he's got the phone and the pen. he was in seattle last night and they were talking about cynicism, and the president said i don't really watch much of the news because i generally already know what they're talking about. wait a minute, i don't really watch much of the news because i know what they're already talking about? how many times have we heard the president say i learned about this situation by watching the news. a lot of people are going which way is it, mr. president? >> you can't have it both ways. if he didn't watch the news, he probably doesn't know that tony dungee, although he's not coaching anymore, he's a spofts -- sportscaster -- got himself into controversy when he answered the question, would you have taken michael sam, the defensive player who came out and say, by the way, i am quote, he said, quote, tony dungee did, i wouldn't have taken him not because i don't think michael sam shouldn't have a chance to play. i don't want to deal with all that. he's saying when you have somebody in a locker room that's different it becomes a major story. if you want to look at an example look at tim tebow. tim tebow was bigger than the sport for awhile. >> is there x factor going to take away from what's going on on the field. keep in mind, tony dungee didn't say i wouldn't sign him because he's gay. he said he would be a distraction. there are many players like tim tebow who in the mind of many coaches thought this guy is going to take away from the team aspect here. listen to this. >> if you are in a professional sports locker room and you happen to be gay, there are people in an nfl locker room or any kind of locker room for a professional sports team, there are people who are going to have a problem with it. if somebody is sitting there in a locker room and they're minding their own business but it is just not something they agree with, they shouldn't be excoriated either. you have the right to feel what you feel so long as you're not trying to inflict any kind of harm figuratively or literally upon another human being. it's that simple. so tony dungee, whether it is from a religious perspective or whether it is just taking his quote verbatim, he happens to be right. >> but he is getting slammed. he's getting abused in the media. it is a fact that this story is a big deal in the media. michael sam, did he make it a big deal? who knows? did tony dungee make it a big deal? it is a big deal because the media latched on to this earlier on. >> the twitter verse is aflame and they're calling tony dungee every imaginable word and name, but here's the thepg. he has the right to express his opinion. in his have been a distraction? to tony dungee, yes. to other people? maybe not. but they weren't asked. on twitter they're saying he's a hypocrite. michael vick, he completely repackaged himself. >> tonydunjihad -- tony dunjihad the chance to say no. >> there is no right or wrong answer. we respect your opinion unlike the rest of the media. we'll put your opinion up there. hopefully you'll get on facebook and twitter and we'll read them. coming up straight ahead, a plan to fix the border crisis. instead of giving aid to the illegals' home countries, cut them off. >> a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. >> what is your emergency? >> hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going -- >> how in the world did that happen? we're going to hear from that vet straight ahead. ♪ ♪ woooo. i know what you're thinking. you're thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldn't he be? beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy! you love it so much. yes you do! but it's good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina. wheyou know what he brings?les rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you! that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? welcome back. this week president obama will mote with leaders from central america to address the border crisis. even though u.s. taxpayers are footing the bill for children fleeing those countries, their leaders are still asking for more money. our next guest says the solution to this crisis is to cut off those countries bit by bit. maryland congressman michael burgess joins us now. good morning, sir. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me on. i wouldn't say it's cutting them off. it is billing them for the services we're providing for their citizens. i estimated, i saw a report in the papers, it was $500 per child per day. each child is staying about 34 days in a facility. the round number comes out to about $15,000, and that seemed like a reasonable amount to bill back to the presidents of those countries for taking care of their children. >> congressman, there you are in texas, and the reaction by many upon hearing this will say that's harsh, that's heartless. >> you want to know harsh? harsh is putting an 8-year-old on top of a freight train and sending him across mexico. that's harsh. harsh is taking children to the middle of the rio grande, leaving them and calling it a high-water rescue which is what a constable told me he had seen there when i was there earlier this month. that's harsh. this is a problem that the president created, in my opinion, two years ago when the president created this special program of adjudication. that lit the fuse. the president may say that wasn't what i really said or wasn't my intention but it is how it was interpreted, how it was marketed by child traffickers on the border. they are using the deferred adjudication of childhood arrivals as a means to tell people if we can get you there, you get a free pass. that is what has created the pressure on the border. the numbers have doubled each year for the past two years. when you go down and ask people on the border when did this change? when did it become different? they will tell you november, december of last year. the administration saw this coming. they knew it was coming. in no way is this an emergency appropriation. in fact, you send more money, you're probably going to get more problem. >> congressman, why hasn't the president been there? who is secure with the border the way it is? >> no one. our men and women who work for customs patrol, the social workers who work at h.h.s., the people who work for fema who are doing all the jobs we task them for, they're working their hearts out but the fact of the matter is they're being overwhelmed. the process has to include stopping the flow. the president could do that by going to the border and making that statement. >> congressman burgess, thank you for joining us from the lone star state of texas this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up, it's happening all over the country. our next guest thought she had a decent deem under obamacare until she discovered no doctor would take it. this cat may only have eight lives now. how he miraculously survived the massive wildfire in washington state. strong kitty there. ♪ ♪ nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ >> quick headlines. a deadly standoff in texas ends in a shootout with police. two officers were wounded while trying to serve a warrant on a murder suspect in the rio grande valley. the 29-year-old suspect was killed in a gun fight. jury deliberations resume in a separate story in jesse ventura's defamation suit. ventura says chris kyle lied in his 2012 bestseller called "american sniper" about punching ventura in a bar, in 2006 remarks he made insulting navy seals. in a videotape before his death last year kyle says the story is true. he has passed away. >> it is a major blow to obamacare. the d.c. circuit court of appeals concluded yesterday the i.r.s. went too far in extending subsidies to those buying insurance through the federal run exchanges at you can only do them through state exchanges. the fate of obamacare may be in jeopardy but personal troubles with the exchange are still piling up across the country. our next guest says she was forced to get a policy under obamacare. but now what problems is she facing? charlene lake joins us live. good morning to you, charlene. >> good morning. how are you? >> okay. you thought you got a pretty good deal through the affordable care act, an h.m.o. that included a family doctor, not too many miles from your home. then when it was time to actually see a doctor, you started getting paper work. what happened to you? >> basically what happened, steve, is i found a wonderful doctor. i did go in to see him for a medical situation in may. i was thrilled. i thought this is great. this is working. and he was a mile and a half from my home. i received then a letter in early july -- july 3 -- stating that they were now removing me from that p.c.p. and will be reassigning me it a new provider. needless to say, i was very upset because i was happy with this doctor. i felt i was established with him. i went in, i filed all the paper work. you reveal a lot of personal information about yourself. i confirmed with humana. they first told me they thought it was an error. they claimed it was because of patient overload they were no longer accepting any more patients. >> but you weren't a new patient. >> no, i was not a new patient. he said confirm with your doctor. i did and immediately they knew whiefs -- what i was talking about. she double checked and said you've been removed from the system. >> here's a quote from your cancellation letter. we sent you an i.d. card with a primary care physician. however the doctor who was assigned to you is unavailable to accept additional patients. you explained that. that's the deal. now you've got this policy, and who's your doctor? >> my doctor is questionable. i called to ask who i was being reassigned to. i spoke with a series of humana agents. i was on the phone literally for hours. i called j.s.a. medical group, the medical group who basically has a monopoly in many areas of florida. they are the main provider for p.c.p.'s with humana, the plan i signed up for. i didn't know when i saw this doctor by name that he was part of a corporation and i risked being dropped. they refused to reinstate me. they were very unsympathetic. the agent was actually very cold and wouldn't let me speak to anybody else. i asked can i speak to a supervisor? he said no, i'm it. as far as you get. i called humana back and they called j.s.a. medical group, and she got a different agent. he went on to say -- i thought this was very interesting -- that i could keep my physician if i selected a different health care plan, a more expensive one. she said yes, it would be more expensive. if it's a patient overload, how come i can keep my doctor? i also asked my doctor can i continue to see you if i pay out of pocket? they said yes. we didn't select to lose you as a patient. but you shouldn't have to do that. >> that is not what you signed up for. what are you going to do? >> no. i have gotten my new humana card. i've been assigned to a clinic. this clinic is basically the equivalent of a low-income free clinic, and i'm sure they can offer some good service, but that's not what i signed up for. i want to keep my physician. and i wouldn't -- this premium is over $400 a month through a silver plan. i didn't think i would end up going to a clinic. >> it's heartbreaking because that's not what you signed up for. you thought you had that doctor down the street and you wound up with the free clinic which is not part of the deal. charlene, thank you very much for telling your story and we hope this all works out for you. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it. >> too bad. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. >> what is your emergency? >> hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. >> how does that happen? you're going to hear from that vet straight ahead. then white flags replace the american flag at the brooklyn bridge in the middle of the night, and still nobody knows who did this or why. how in the world does this massive security breach happen in new york city? but first, happy birthday to guitarist flash originally from guns and roses. roses. he is 49 today. celebrate your love of crab with gthis year's largest variety!. 'cause it's crabfest at red lobster! dig into a succulent selection of crab entrées. like new crab lover's trio! with sweet snow crab legs, split king crab, and jumbo lump crab over savory shrimp. crab three ways! all on one plate. or try new jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. experience crabfest at red lobster today. only for a limited time. come in and sea food differently! the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. >> a judge in virginia wrote an opinion today in favor, in favor of obamacare, saying getting health care from the state or federal government is the same as ordering from pizza versus dominoes. i'm not sure if i agree. their websites always work. >> it's so true. private businesses, when they go in business to sell stuff on-line, why do they always work? >> the big comparison was how big even shoe sales companies like zappos went through. >> one thing about michael bloomberg, when he wanted to get stuff done, it actually worked a lot of times in new york city and certainly at bloomberg tv. he is actually the head of your news today because he hopped on a flight. >> that's right. he got on a flight to go to tel aviv to prove that it's safe to fly there despite a new f.a.a. ban. he is ignoring that f.a.a. ban, landing in tel aviv just moments ago. bloomberg flying on israel's el al airline which doesn't have to follow the ban. bloomberg says that ban simply gives hamas a victory. he urged the f.a.a. to lift the 24-hour ban that ends at noon today and that resulted in part from a rocket that landed about a mile away from that airport. new developments. in the case of a missing marine's pregnant wife in california. newly released court papers reveal that aaron corwin may have been having an affair with her neighbor when she disappeared three weeks ago and the baby might have been his. that neighbor, christopher lee, was reportedly worried that his wife would find out that he got corwin pregnant and would divorce him. the desert sun reporting cops believe corwin was shot. the two were on a hunting trip. lee was recently discharged as a marine. he was arrested on suspicion of possession of a destructive device but was released on bail on july 6. cops will not say if the case is connected to the search but say he was brought in regarding an ongoing investigation. that is a story we'll continue to watch. this next story will leave you shaking your head. listen to the 911 call made after a veteran realized that he was all alone and locked inside a v.a. clinic in florida. >> 911. what is your emergency? >> hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. >> nice, huh? that is the voice of jeffrey dock. he said he went to his doctor for a prescription refill but ended up waiting three hours. he then figured out he was the only person inside that building. fortunately he had his phone on him. he whipped out that phone, recorded video walking around the lobby. >> here i am around the v.a. and everybody has gone home. >> can you imagine? the v.a. has since issued an apology. dock says he's not angry. he's just disappointed. >> keep that straight, how are they going to keep the more important things straight? it's just an indication that there's still a lot more for them to do. >> the v.a. says it's working to make changes. >> a cat proving she really does have nine lives. this feline was found in washington state badly burned by the devastating wildfires we have been telling you about. the cat is now on the road to recovery. >> definitely burned. all of her pads are going to must have. the eyelids were crisp. >> the owners can't take care of her so she is now going home with the woman who ended up rescuing her. such terrible wildfires taking place there. >> wildfire funding was proposed yesterday in the senate. >> how about the story of the guy left at the v.a.? how many times have you been waiting, you've been waiting for a doctor and you say to yourself, i think they forgot me? they forgot about me. >> he's right there. >> we didn't forget about maria molina. she's at 48th and 6th avenue with a preview of today's weather. >> good morning. here in the northeast we have a risk for some severe storms, especially across parts of northeastern pennsylvania up into portions of new england, including the state of maine. pretty widespread area across our region for the possibility of damaging winds from some of these storms. they are forecast to fire up late in the day. late afternoon, evening hours. here in new york city, we don't think storms are going to be rolling through until late tonight. again, severe weather possible. temperature-wise, ahead of that storm system, 90 degrees for your high in new york city. you could reach the middle the 0's -- 90's in washington, d.c. across the plains, triple digits forecast for many areas across oklahoma and texas. factor in the humidity and it will feel even hotter not only across the plains, but take a look at new york city. what it's going to feel like when you head out the door, 93 degrees and upper the 90's possible, maybe even 1 00 degrees in d.c. brian, over to you. >> thanks, maria. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. here's what's happening in sports. two lawsuits just enough for the disgraced los angeles clippers owner donald sterling. he is now filing a fraud lawsuit against the nba and his he is stranged wife. he is suing the wife over the sale of the former team to steve balmer and the nba over the antitrust laws. doc rivers says he will quit if sterling remains with the clippers. that franchise could fall apart again all because of donald sterling. >> the seattle seahawks top a new poll as the team to beat because they're young, good and strong. they round out the rest of the top five. the 49ers are up there, broncos remain there, the patriots are there. the new orleans saints. the raiders came in dead last. lebron james' return to cleveland did not do his neighbors any favors. hundreds packed the streets around his hometown of akron and his mansion. lebron sent them all a personal apology with cupcakes. he says he's sorry for the chaos and hopes they enjoy the cherry cola flavored treats. >> that should make it better. >> cherry cola makes a cupcake? that changes everything. you ever seen that? >> way overdue. >> sounds delicious. meanwhile, 19 minutes before the top of the hour. then white flags replace american flags at the brooklyn bridge and nobody knows why or who did it. how in the world does this massive security breach happen? we are live at the bridge next. >> looks like a bleached american flag. >> one democrat says being in a union should be a civil right. really? do you agree with that? that debate coming up. ♪ ♪ (trader vo) i search. i research. i dig. and dig some more. because, for me, the challenge of the search... is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. 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took down the american flags and put up the white flags you see here instead? robert moses joins us live. good morning. everyone has a lot of questions when it comes to the flag swap here. >> reporter: elisabeth, good morning to you. a lot of questions and a lot of security concerns as well. the it would american flags are back in their rightful positions atop the towers here on the brooklyn bridge. police say the group responsible for this stunt planned it and may have had climbing experience. new yorkers did a double take yesterday when they saw those bleached flags that had replaced the usual ones. police say they have video showing a dpriewp of people walking -- a group of people walking across the bridge about 3:10 yesterday morning and then ten minutes later the light illuminating the flag on the brooklyn flag went out. then the same thing happened to the flag on the manhattan tower. police say the perpetrators used aluminum pan to flash the lights. this morning police are still looking for the suspects. that is the latest live from manhattan tower. >> robert moses, thank you for that update. brian? >> 14 minutes before the top of the hour. should unionizing be a basic right? that is what one democrat is proposing in congress. keith ellison is introducing a bill making it easier for workers to sue companies who will not organize. you shouldn't be fired for expressing intent to support union activity. here to discuss what this means for the worker, republican pete snider. do you believe congressman ellison is on the right track? >> this is ridiculous. the world is far from tranquil. our southern border is being overrun, and the democrats in congress want to make unionizing a civil right and gut our right it work laws? it's absolutely ridiculous. it will trash our economy. >> it's already illegal to fire workers if they say they want to unionize. the facts tell a different story. if you look what happened in michigan when they became a right to work state, they went up 21 places in the american economics institute ranging of business friendly areas, also the highest salaries, nonunion workers. >> that's spot on. study after study shows right to work states like my home state of virginia have lower unemployment, more manufacturing jobs. this is something that the left really would love to do. they would love to make unionizing mandatory everywhere you go, bake it into our civil liberties instead of protecting the ones that are being trampled on by the obama administration. this all happened at net roots nation where all the progressives get together. they were talking about rand paul's effort to sue the n.s.a. and protect our privacy. they were talking about hoisting federal mandatory laws on us to unionize. >> you're not also saying if there is a group of people that want to unionize, they should do it and not get fired; right? you agree with that? >> i do. but i think our economy does better in right to work states, period. >> the facts so far back you up. about half the states are right to work states now. pete snider, good job. thanks. up next, isis terrorists giving christians an ultimatum. convert to islam. leave or die. father jonathan here live with a message straight from the pope. then orange is the new problem. why this hit show has one prison sherrif putting inmates back in stripes. >> when do we get out like everybody? >> i don't know. maybe tomorrow. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. killed. the threat forcing thousands of christians to clear iraq's second largest city. >> the numbers are dwindling. in 2003, mosul had 60,000 christians. by june of this year, there were 35,000. now there are reportedly zero. zero christians in that city. so what happens now? here with insider perspective is the patriarch of the syrian catholic church and father jonathan morris, fox news religion correspondent. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >> this deadline over the weekend, horrendous. horrific. following this, the pope reached out to you. what did he say? >> he just wanted to reassure me that he is praying for us, thinking of us. he really bears our life in his heart and he do whatever he can to follow the situation and help christians in iraq, mostly in mosul you just mentioned because it's really tragic plight what we are going through. >> no kidding. father jonathan, over the weekend on "fox & friends," you talked about this story. a lot of people hadn't heard about it, that if you're christian in iraq, you either got to pay a fine, get killed, or convert. and where is the outrage? >> it's incredible what's going on. they're going to the houses and putting an end, standing for nazarene, saying if you're here, you better get out because you're going to be killed. you have all of these christians, catholics and other christians who are leaving with nothing. they're ripping up the deeds of your house, they're taking any family jewels or anything you have on you, leaving you with nothing, saying you have nothing to do in a place where christians have been for 1700 years. and the international community right now, it's silent. >> absolutely. >> that's why it's such a blessing to have the him here saying he was here in iraq, in the beginning of july and saw it firsthand. >> yes. i was that weekend of 28, 29, 30 of june when i heard about the exodus of our christians from a town 15 miles southeast of mosul being threatened and told that they will be invaded like mosul was. so they just fled. everyone took what they could and they fled to the neighboring area. >> is your heart full of fear? >> out of fear because they thought that the army that was on the border between them and mosul would be -- so they will invade their city and will do those atrocities as they did in syria, neighboring syria. >> father jonathan, our president talks about a lot of stuff. we haven't heard him talk about this. >> we haven't. he's been silent. there are people who are suffering tremendously. i'm going to put on my facebook and twitter people who want to help the christians fleeing with nothing and we're going to give an opportunity for them to help practically as well. >> if i may so, we have to pray to wake up our master, the lord jesus, who has been sleeping in the back of the boat as with the apostles who were drowning and they woke him up saying master, don't care about us? >> that's a nice way to start the day with that message. father, thank you very much. >> thank you. may god bless you. >> god bless david purdue from georgia next feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber bate, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. good morning. today is wednesday, july 23. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a major outsider victory in a georgia senate race. david purdue tops long-time republican congressman jack kingston. what this means for the balance of power in washington. purdue joins us live in just minutes. >> then michael bloomberg just flew there and this morning, secretary of state john kerry touched down there. i'm talking about tel aviv. this after the faa had banned all flights to israel from the u.s. we have a live report from the war zone and what that ban could mean to the israeli economy in moments. and here is some advice, if you're out kayaking, try not to paddle onto the back of a whale. what were those people thinking? we're going to tell you the back story to that and so much more. we got a busy wednesday, hour two starts right now. >> it's time for "fox & friends" a big show coming your way. local politic, big primary win. we're about to talk to that candidate, as well as the latest of what's happening in the ukraine and israel. >> this morning we have a fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv as the faa bans all flights to israel from the united states. john huddy is live in israel, along the gaza border with the very latest. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning. along with the ban on flights, that continues. there has been a lot of rocket attacks on israel. we saw some of those rocket launches earlier today as we were driving to a location. also coming out of gaza, speaking of rockets, i found this in the open area where we are. this is the back of a rocket that was fired at israel. we found it on the ground here. this is the artillery -- as the firing continues. this is where all the smoke is that, is east gaza. there has been an intense, fierce fighting over the course of the last six days. really the 16 days we saw this started. but particularly since the ground offensive started. east gaza now artillery fire is being fired. there is a section of east gaza. went in that area a couple days ago. israeli officials say it's been hamas stronghold, and in particular there is a hospital there. saw that hospital. it's getting targeted now. it's been evacuated. but military officials here in israel say that it's been used as not only for rocket storage and launches, but antitank missiles have been coming out of there. fired at ground troops. by the way, overnight, two more israeli soldiers were killed in the fighting, bringing that total to 29. i want to show you something as well. if you can come back to me live here, there are troops on the ground in the distance. it looks like there is some kind of vehicle searching for tunnels at this point. that's been the primary objective throughout this ground offensive is to find hamas' extensive network of tunnels. some of which have stretched well into israel in this area here. so right now troops are on the ground looking for those tunnels. let's talk about diplomatic efforts. u.s. secretary of state john kerry is on the ground in israel. he's meeting with u.n. secretary general and later netanyahu. kerry released a statement saying some progress, quote, unquote, has been made, talking about the cease fire efforts, though no details and there wasn't any elaboration about what kind of progress they're talking about. so at this point, again, that faa ban remains in effect and in the distance, the fighting in east gaza and gaza continues to rage on. back to you. >> john huddy live in gaza, thank you very much. it's an faa ban. it does not apply to israel's state airline el al. that is why mayor bloomberg, former of new york city, flew over there to show it's safe. fox news alert now, the runoff election for the republican senate nomination. david per do you narrowly defeating jack kingston. what does that mean for the general election because it could decide the balance of power in the senate. >> let's talk to him right now. he joins us live from georgia. congratulations, sir. >> thank you, good morning. >> how did you do it? >> well, i think our message resonated around the state that the debt, the jobs and the economy right now are the critical issues around the state. we talked about alternatives to that. my opponent served this state very well for three decades and now we're going to be shoulder to shoulder to take our policies out to the voters of georgia this fall. >> the question out there, too, we saw in the last presidential election mitt romney getting hammered for being a successful businessman. do we see your opponent getting ready to use those arguments against your success. how are we going to see that? >> we've seen that this spring in the primary. my mom and dad were school teachers. we were raised in middle georgia and we worked on a farm. i've been blessed in my career. but the people of georgia want to talk about the critical issues of how to get this economy going and break gridlock in washington. >> so far we understand your opponent on the democratic side, of course, daughter of sam nun has got $9 million in the bank. last month in a head to head x that's what we plan to do this fall. republican party needs to take the senate back and take this debate forward to get an alternative on the table to replace and repeal obamacare. >> we'll see how that goes. senator chambliss did not vote for it. now, when you look at michelle opponent, she ran the points of life foundation for george bush, sam nun is somebody that's been a friend to many republicans. do you feel as though you have to position yourself as if you're running against something that's almost extinct, and that's a conservative democrat? >> not at all. people in the state are very clear, this is 2014. we've got a crisis on our hands. the people of georgia know that and they want something done about it. that's why i'm sitting here. i was the outsider in the republican primary. now you're going to have two outside voices in michelle nun and myself. we'll be able to talk about the failed policies of this administration and talk about smaller government, lower taxes, and how to get this economy going again. that's what people of georgia want to talk about and we'll be able to do that this fall. >> jack kingston did call you last night, did he not? >> he did. yes. he was very gracious. we've been tough competitors in this runoff. but we've agreed to one thing. that is, look, we're going to be shoulder to shoulder to present the republican values of economic opportunity, fiscal responsibility and limited government to the voters of georgia this fall. we're very confident when they see that alternative, they'll respond positively. >> he beat three sitting congress people to get this nomination. a very happy man. congratulations and the hard work is straight ahead. thanks so much. >> thank you guys. >> next up, first tuesday in november. >> that's right. our next up is heather nauert is here with some headlines. >> good morning. i've got news from overseas. he's had enough. it flips the father and daughter over in the kayak. those are your headlines. argentina. i guess a lot of people would like to swim with whales. >> right. i'm not one of them. let me tell you what's happening in sports in real life. super bowl winning coach tony dungee is getting hammered today because he came out and answered a question. the question was by the tampa bay tribune, would you have drafted michael sam, because he's the first openly gay athlete. would you have drafted him on your team? he says no. it would have been a distraction. he says he wouldn't have picked him. so he has gotten backlash because he said this. >> there is an attack against him for holding that opinion. we asked you what you thought. e-mails are pouring in. facebook, twitter is on fire. this is one person saying the press should give him credit for speak the truth. each player brings assets and liabilities to the team. if the celebrity of one player, regardless of circumstances distracts from the mission, it's a liability. >> david tweeted out, i believe the media frenzied reaction confirms that he would have been a distraction. >> we're going to see how they react in the locker room. >> keep those opinions coming. >> he's entitled to his opinion, as are you. coming up, crises across the globe and here at home, so where is america's leadership and are we creating a void for our enemies to grow? captain pete hegseth reporting for duty on that. blowing the whistle on sports in america. is this woosification of america or something that's long overdue? 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meet a sheriff who says orange is the new problem. why he's putting inmates back in stripes. >> when do we get outfits like everybody? >> maybe tomorrow. ♪ ♪ when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! who's more excited about savings at staples? the moms? or the dads? with guaranteed low prices on notebooks, it's definitely the dads. staples. make more happen for less. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. time for news by the numbers. first, more than 1,000. that's how many customer accounts on stub hub were hacked. cyber thieves then bought tickets for events all around the world. look at that. next, 300. that's how many jobs maryland governor just drove out of his state. the reason? gun maker baretta is moving its whole operation out of maryland thanks to the democrats' new gun control laws. finally, 259. that's how many times ebt and welfare cards have been used to purchase weed in colorado. food stamps buying weed. they spent $25,000 in money that should go to needy families. instead it went to weedy families. when do we get outfits? >> maybe tomorrow. >> shut your mouth. >> well, all the inmates at one michigan jail are getting new outfits thanks to that show, "orange is the new black." >> the hit show. the sheriff says pop culture made orange jump suits cool and says black and white stripes are >> here to explain, sheriff william. good morning to you, sheriff. >> good morning. >> okay. so what were you noticing that caused you to get rid of the orange jump suits in lieu of those black and white stripes that your prisoners now wear? >> well, we regularly see citizens in public wearing orange pants and orange shirts that resembles our jump suits. also noticed health care workers, professionals in the hospitals that wear scrubs in different colors and we found a few of them wearing orange as well. predominantly people in the public wearing it, coming by the courthouse, being out by our work crews and we didn't want there to be any guessing about whether it's an inmate of the saginaw county jail, so we changed the uniforms. >> what's been the reaction from the inmates? >> the reaction of the inmates, they don't like it. i had a few inmates tell me it makes them look like criminals. i said well, actually -- >> you don't want to label them. >> that's funny. >> well, i'm not trying to demean them. it's to identify them to provide good safety and security for the citizens. >> in the big picture, do you worry that prison will begin to look kind of cool? >> well, sometimes i worry about that. i know that there are individuals in certain cultural crazes go on where people wear the orange as a badge of honor and as you know, life sometimes imitates art and this is an instance that i don't like it and so again, we moved in that direction from a security standpoint. it was also a cost saving standpoint. >> what's your message to anyone who doesn't want to wear the stripes? >> well, if you don't like the clothing i provide, don't come back. it's when they complain about the food or clothes, don't commit crimes and you won't have to wear black and white horizontal stripes. it's an easy thing to do. it's a choice. we're not trying to demean the prisoners, but we must identify them for our citizens. so if you don't want to wear it, don't come in. >> in other words, don't break the law. don't go to jail. >> don't break the law. exactly. simple message. >> all right. sheriff, thank you very much for joining us today. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. >> they feel it makes them look like convicts. >> boo hoo. >> all right. coming up straight ahead, one state blowing the whistle on full contact football in high school. is this the woosification of america or the right thing to do? and lights out at brooklyn bridge as american flags are white washed or bleached and authorities have no clue who did it. how in the world does this massive security breach happen? we're going to discuss that as we roll on live from new york city, the home of that bridge with the white flag. ♪ ♪ nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™. hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! [ cat meows ] ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da-da, bum-da, bum-da ♪ ♪ bum-da, bum-da ♪ the animals went in two by two ♪ ♪ the sheep and the frog and the kangaroo ♪ ♪ and they all went marching, marching in two by two ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the nissan pathfinder, with intuitive four-wheel drive. an adventure worth sharing. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ ♪ >> walking on not sunshine, but jello. it's your shot of the morning. a woman walking on what looks like floating sod in her yard. lot ofxçm?mxneihn4la&2&kmhe'xqñ . >> natural symbols of surrender and as you can see it right here, it flew on top of the anotherly 300-foot high towers for hours and hours yesterday. surveillance video shows four to five people crossing the bridge about 3:00 o'clock in the morning and then a short time later, the lights went out and the waving american flag disappeared. police found aluminum pans and those were used to cover the bridge lights. at a closer look, the flags were really the american flag but bleached white. the nypd says whoever is responsible for this had training in climbing or construction. they do not believe that it's terror related or any kind of political statement. that's from the nypd. in washington, the irs commissioner, john koskinen is back on capitol hill facing questions about the disappearance of two years worth of lois lerner's e-mails. it is the first hearing since testimony by irs attorney where he revealed he's not sure back up tapes containing lost e-mails exist or not. now the irs tech experts claim her hard drives were not destroyed and only crashed. the big question for investigators was that the crash, was it accidental or was it deliberate? more on that. a trip to florida turns into a nightmare for one family from indiana. their eight-year-old son, aidan, was playing in the ocean when he felt something on his right knee. it turns out it was a shark. >> i felt it, my eyes opened and then about a second later i started screaming 'cause it hurt so much. i could see the teeth marks. it was pretty big. >> i heard him scream and i turn around and he was within arm's reach and i pulled him up out of the water. >> that poor little guy. aidan was rushed to the hospital. doctors say he suffered a six to seven-inch long cut on his leg. it was more than an inch deep. he will fully recover, it will take a couple months. california now limiting full contact practices at middle schools and high school youth football games. the reason? parents say they're worried about concussions. under the new rules, there will be no full contact in the offseason and teams are limited to 90 minute sessions twice a week for the rest of the year. this goes into effect january january 2015. >> no full contact in the kitchen. >> yeah. it's stormy in all places. >> thank you. >> you guys feel the tingling? >> what are you -- chris matthews? >> i'm just saying there is a tingling on the couch on wednesday because it's trivia day. >> that's right. it's wednesday. hello, everybody. good morning. it's science trivia day. today's question, by the way, has to do with the urban heat island effect and it's basically the fact that pavement and concrete can keep temperatures a little bit hotter than what the thermometer reads everywhere else. roof, pavement and concrete can raise night temperatures in cities by how much? three degrees, eight degrees, 15 degrees or 22 degrees? how much warmer will the temperature be at night in a city versus somewhere else? >> i'm thinking b. >> i think it's more than 15. >> you do? >> yeah. >> we'll go with d. >> you're going to go with d? >> i'll go with steve. >> i think it's around 20 degrees. i heard that once in a science lecture. >> steve, you are correct. it's 22 degrees. isn't that incredible? that a city can make nighttime temperatures 22 degrees warmer than elsewhere just because of the pavement and the concrete up here. >> you got a lot of cats on hot tin roofs on this town. >> it feels that way for sure. >> thanks, maria. >> thank you. >> that was your science trivia for the day. >> it was good. >> parents, are you sick of yelling at your kids from the driver's seat. toyota is unveiling a mega phone-like system in their new mini van. it's a reminder to our next guest on why he chose not to have children and why he[s9>(ñoo many laughs even talking about it. >> joining us is standup comedian and the host of fox tv's new show, " [ laughter ] >> the hecklers -- toyota has a solution for the parents. what do you think about it and what would be your tip? >> my tip is not to have them. >> kids? >> yeah. i don't have any kids. people keep saying the same thing to us because we have dogs. so they say, oh, well you're practicing for children. to them i say you're probably a bad parent. dogs are much smarter than kids. >> we don't let the kids drink out of the toilets at our house. >> i own a home and i don't own any outlet covers. there has never been a moment when my dog was like, duh, like this never happened. >> exactly. and he's home right now, right? >> yeah, and i don't care. child services can knock down my door. >> you don't have the app to look at him and make sure he's okay? >> i'm sure he's okay. tv is not even on. >> if you have a kid, you can brag to him and say, you should be so proud of dad, he has a new tv series and it's about laughs. >> yeah, but i can post that on social media. my ex-girlfriends will see anyway. >> making them know what they missed. >> exactly. i'm happy. it all worked out. i love my wife and they're nowhere to be seen. >> it's august 2 premiere, fox stations. tell us about it. >> "laughs" is a highlight reel for standup comedy. it's the best comics in the country. we go around every week, we find the best comics and show the homeruns, the slam dunks, the best part for their act and give information on how people can see more of them. so if they're somebody you like, then you want to go see them live, we tell what you club they're playing, where you can find out more, what their twitter is, and we help people discover some of the best comics in the country. >> there are a lot of them in this country. >> tons. >> many in washington. you're actually looking for comedians to be on the show, right? >> we're looking all over the place. we're traveling to eight different cities in the first 13 weeks that we're doing it. we've already done tapings in louisville, indianapolis, new york, and l.a. and we're looking for more. it's fantastic. >> do they know you're there, or are you saying hey, if you're good, i'm going to put you on the show or you trio sneak in? >> i hope they know we're there. otherwise we'll have rating issues. yeah. they absolutely know that we're there live. and this is a thing where once we get picked up -- not if, once -- once we get picked up, then we're going to have the opportunity to introduce america to 400 new comedians a year, which is absolutely incredible. so if people enjoy comedy at all, they really have the opportunity to see it. >> people love laughs. good luck to you. >> we'll see you saturday nights? >> saturday nights on fox stations and then again on sundays on my net. >> good job. entrepreneur and very funny guy giving comedians a great chance. >> good luck with the dogs. it's making national headlines, a man dies while being arrested in new york city by the police. [ bleep ] >> a community is outraged, but are we jumping to conclusions too quickly? peter johnson, jr. weighs in on that coming up next. and things get heated up during a live tv show. what sparked this brawl? you have to see the video. you're seeing some of it. it's next. ♪ ♪ shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that's based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book's trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you'll get a great deal. that's just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. a fox news alert. out of ukraine just moments ago, the government revealing two of its military fighter jets were shot down in the eastern part of the country. this on the heels of the reported shootdown of a malaysian passenger jet last week. the united states hasn't found proof of the wrecked russian government involvement in the attack, but senior intelligence officials blamed moscow for supplying the missiles to rebels. steve? >> thanks, elisabeth. two new york city police officers are on desk duty after the arrest of eric gardner who died after this altercation with police. he can be heard yelling, quote, i can't breathe, a couple of times while an officer had him in what some are calling a choke hold. the facts of the incident being figured out, although many insist the altercation was racially motivated. bill bratten shot that theory down yesterday. >> i personally don't think that race was a factor in the incident involving this tragic death. >> okay. has there been a rush to judgment and what are the very latest developments? joining us now is life long new yorker and fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> good morning, steve. this is a controversy that's consuming new york and the streets of new york at this time. f.b.i. is involved. the staten island district attorney is involved and even spike lee has gotten involved, noted film maker. he said on a tweet, the gentle giant watched the video, what he did is take a piece his movie "do the right thing" and confuse it with a video that was at the scene where mr. gardner was arrested and his subsequent unconsciousness and brought them together in an inflammatory way. >> what do we know happened for sure? that's an image from the cell phone. >> we know mr. gardner was allegedly selling what's called lucys, cigarettes, untaxed cigarettes at 75 cents apiece. allegedly he had broken up a fight on the street previous to that. police came on the scene. they decided to arrest him. the video apparently shows that he resisted arrest and one police officer, along with other police officers, uniformed and nonuniformed, came up behind him. i'll show you exactly what he did. we'll talk about what the controversy is. the allegation is that he performed a choke hold with his hand behind him in an attempt to bring him down. >> you can't have the arm right there. >> a choke hold is something that will crush the wind wipe and can cause you to die. the issue, is it a choke hold? the second issue, which is illegal under new york police department patrol regulations, did the choke hold cause his death? >> 'cause he did die later. >> he did die. an autopsy is going on now. as i said, the d.a. and staten island is looking at it, the f.b.i. has gotten involved. even al sharpton has gotten involved with the national action network, calling for robust investigations, arrests and indictment of the police officer who was involved in this incident. so it's caused a fire storm in new york city. we've had similar incidents in the past involving the use of the choke hold which as i said is prohibited by the nypd. it's all going to come down to the medical examiner's report because they will determine did the choke hold cause the death or was there some inherent instability in mr. garner's medical history? did he have an arrhythmia? did he have a heartbeat that beat too fast? did he have asthma or some other condition? we know he had asthma. there is also an issue with regard to the conduct of the emergency medical technicians and paramedics on the scene who, according to one report, did nothing for six or seven minutes, except feel the carotid artery to see if there was a pulse and he was breathing. a lot of questions. i'm sure it will go on for a long, long time in new york city and there will be a lot of controversy of the race card has already been played on this issue. >> it has been. >> although there is no proof at this point of any racial discrimination. >> i think your advice is good. we wait for the medical examiner, and then we'll see what happened. >> thank you very much. >> be well. coming up, a mom uses her iphone to track her teenage daughter's every move. is that normal or is that nuts? dr. keith ablow is in charge of that department. he joins us. first on this date in 1980, "it's still rock'n'roll to me" by billy joel was the number one song in america. i think before he wrote "uptown girl." ♪ ♪ !hs. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. here is a quick headline i want to share. tensions high in the ukraine parliament. understandably so. a fight just erupted following a vote that called up more reserves to defend the country against the increasing russian troops on the nation's border. a brawl breaking out during a tv interview after a guest threw a bottle of water at his rival before trying to attack him with a chair. how do they act in the green room? two months ago on this same show, guests started violently shoving the interview desk on the set. >> that's a cheap desk. >> until it collapsed. >> looks frankly familiar. >> one day junior said, you stole my format. that's what's happening in the >> who is normal and who is nuts? it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he joins us now. hey there, doctor. >> hey there. how are you? >> so we've got some e-mails coming in. first one says, i have a divorced friend who won't go to certain restaurants he frequented with his ex in order to keep his memory tarnished. she has remarried and moved on. >> is that normal or nuts? >> sad but normal. here is the thing, complicated grief reaction, yes. but listen, he loved this woman. maybe he still loves her. he's raw. this is more of a love story than it is a story of pathology. does he need some therapy? sure, maybe he does. does he need a new girlfriend? probably. but i'm not going to call him out. >> what if they live in a town where there is only one restaurant? suddenly your choices for takeout is limbed. >> i hop. >> that would be a problem, i agree. then there is the next town over and he's likely to meet somebody very kind. >> number two, whenever i witness someone being injured, either in person or on tv, i often experience a slightly painful sensation in the center of my chest or tingling up my arm. is this normal or nuts? >> it's better than normal. that's not nuts. normal. but super normal. it's great. what are you describing here? you're describing human empathy. this person feels for other people. instead of calling it pathological, why not call it a gift, see if you can develop it. maybe you're very connected to people. >> our final query of you is my sister tracks her 14-year-old daughter and her friends anywhere the teen-agers go with an iphone tracker. normal or nuts? >> i knew we'd get one. nuts! that's crazy. >> what if she's worried about the safety of her kid? >> here is the delusion involved. you can't tell whether your daughter is safe by her location. secondly, instill trust in her. don't try to track her. that's no answer. or you could say this, hey, where were you this afternoon? i was at the supermarket. no you want. you were at the high school. >> exactly. >> then you know you can trust that person. >> there you go. cross-examining is a good way to raise your kid. no, i'm kidding. >> dr. keith ablow, two in a row. if you've got questions for dr. keith, e-mail them to us. >> who knows what tomorrow holds. fox news alert. moments ago, two fighter jets were shot down in ukraine. a live report from the ground straight ahead. and a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. how in the world does this happen? >> 911, what's your emergency? >> hi, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. ♪ ♪ big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. 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( ee...dong...shuuuhh...) hello? not all credit report sites are equal. classic. members get personalized help plus fraud resolution support. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker. good morning. it's wednesday, july 23. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, a major victory in the georgia senate race, outsider david purdue tops long-time congressman. hear from the candidate and his first interview since getting the win. they stumbled across the border illegally. now they need your help. >> what's your emergency? >> yes, somebody speak spanish? >> (speaking spanish). >> a small texas town forced to answer 911 calls from stranded illegals in spanish. one of those sheriff's deputies joins us live today. most veterans beg to go get inside the v.a. but this one is begging to get out? >> 911, where is your emergency? n hi. well, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. >> incredible. veteran locked in the waiting room and the staff went home. mornings are better with friends. >> it's time for "fox & friends" >> well, it was six days ago that the rebels shot that jet liner out of the sky and this morning we've got a fox news alert out of ukraine. moments ago, ukraine's military revealing pro-russian rebels just shot down two of their fighter jets as fighting flared up again in the east. steve harrigan is on the ground with the breaking details from ukraine. all right, tell us the latest. >> reporter: these two f jets went down a few hours ago. they are soviet made fighter jets, single piloted jets from about 1970s used by the ukrainian government against the rebels. all this is happening not far from the crash site, 40 miles from where i'm standing. it looks like they were shot down with advanced surface to air missiles. that's with it would take to bring down a fighter jet of this nature. so six days after this tragedy when people thought perhaps there would be a pullback, the reverse is happening, going ahead, knocking more jets out of the sky. rebels apparently using similar or the same surface to air missiles to knock down two single piloted government jets not far from this crash site where any hopes of carrying out a careful investigation in a hot war zone is very challenging. steve? >> all right. steve harrigan live in ukraine with the very latest. what we learned in the last one was we've got the technology, the satellite technology to figure out where those particular surface to air missiles were shot off, if they're in rebel areas, this should be easy. doesn't look like the rebels learned their lessons. >> they didn't. they're in a war. we told the russians you better scale back and called for a cease fire. told them to stop doing this, stop supplying the russians. we're not supplying the ukrainians, those russian separatists who are basically russians. what do they do? shoot down two more planes. so want the threat of an embargo or the sanctions from western europe? i don't even think so. you think vladimir putin is shaking? obviously not or else that wouldn't have taken place. france yesterday not only did not offer sanction, they off the record to continue their sale of warships to the russians. european foreign ministers met yesterday and they're looking to speed up the would be sanctions on russia, whatever they determine them to be. does that sound like a scary statement? >> in britain were appalled that the project was continuing in terms of construction there. >> incredible. >> we were also asking yesterday, does the president's word matter when he says cease fire, when he asks potato ton make things more peaceful? is it being heard? today with this happening, it doesn't seem like it's falling on ears that are listening. >> you know, before they shot the jet liner out of the sky, they had already shot a couple of other military planes. we probably wouldn't even have noticed it, unfortunately, had they not killed all those people on that particular jet liner. now they're just back to the same monkey business they were at seven days ago. >> the new anti-airplane missiles are relatively new. they shot down three cargo planes overall. that shows the russians are giving them more technology instead of telling them to back out. instead, essentially saying we're doubling down. >> putin's rebels, putin's equipment. you be the judge. five minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert has a whole bunch of other news. let's go to gaza. >> good morning. i've got another story about airplanes. this morning, secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv as the faa bans u.s. airliners from flying into that airport following a rocket attack in a neighborhood that was about a mile away from the airport. it is a 24-hour ban and expires at noon today. the faa is reevaluating and will announce this morning if they will extend that ban or not. several other countries have also suspended flights to israel because of the escalating violence there in the past two weeks, more than 2,000 rockets have been fired, killing nearly 700 people. could be one of the most watched senate races in the entire united states. in georgia, this david purdue defeated a long time incumbent in a runoff. he will face michelle nun in the general election. it's to replace retiring senator sax bee chambliss. he said this about his strategy early or on "fox & friends." >> you run against harry reid and barak obama and nancy pelosi and the failed policies of the last six years. people in this state are very upset about the performance in washington right now. that's exactly what we're going to do. this candidate, michelle nun, i have a lot of respect for her, for her work and her family. but she's going to have to defend the failed policies of the last six years. >> republicans holding that seat will be key to getting six more seats. they need that in order to control the senate in november. a warning out before you eat breakfast. popular summer fruit is apparently contaminated with listeria. it's now being recalled as a result. merona packaging company sells fruit. they're being pulled from shelves across the country. they've been sold at stores including costco, trader joe's and wal-mart and kroger. no reports of anyone getting sick so far. this story is unbelievable. it's really going to leave you shaking your head. listen to a 911 call made after a veteran realized that he was all alone and he was locked inside a v.a. clinic in florida. >> 911, where is your emergency? >> i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going off. >> jeffrey duck said he went to see his doctor for a prescription refill for his pain medication. he ended up waiting three hours. he then figured out he was the only person inside the building, so he whipped out his cell phone and recorded the video walking around the lobby. look at this. >> here i am inside the v.a. and everybody has gone home. >> can you imagine? the v.a. has since issued an apology. duck saying he's not angry. just disappointed. >> if they can't keep that straight, then how are they going to keep the more important things straight? it's just an indication that there is still a lot more for them to do. >> the v.a. says it's working to make changes and make sure this does not happen again. he walked in about 1:00 o'clock. three hours later, they locked the doors. so 4:00 o'clock, nobody is around. not quite sure why. >> that guy is going to be on our show tomorrow. we promise not to keep him waiting. >> we won't lock him in either. >> and we will not leave him alone. >> thank you very much. let's talk about the big fox news alert from yesterday. the dc circuit court of appeals, the number court in this land said the obamacare subsidy attention being used in 36 states through the federal exchanges are illegal because the way the law was crafted by democrats and only democrats, it said you can only get the subsidy money through an exchange established by the state. 36 states didn't sign up, so they won't on the federal exchanges, which were invented by the federal government. that court says that's illegal. however, there was another, the 4th circuit, almost simultaneously, they came out and said we don't have a problem with it. that was probably heading for the supreme court. >> that's exactly what the forecast is looking like, it will travel up there. the government says they're going to continue to pay out those subsidies until that final ruling comes through. >> of course. >> so here is jonathan turley on are we are right now. >> it will be a bloody mess. the problem is that the president was found by the dc circuit to have exceeded his authority, to have violated again the separation of powers. but in this case, their violation led to the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars in the past and future years and that is a serious problem. i don't see how the aca can survive without this system, at least in the form it was originally designed to have. does that mean it will collapse? it would collapse unless congress would be willing to make massive changes and massive subsidies to back those up. >> the first ruling says the taxpayer dollars, the president had no authority to spend them. he has no authority to subject millions of employers, individuals to taxes, that he had no authority to impose. game on, supreme court. so now they're going to take these two cases and come up with an overall ruling. again, we'll have the drama at the supreme court that could have this bill live or die. >> when you have a constitutional lawyer say what he just said, this could be just the end of it entirely. he had eyebrows raised across the nation. >> sure, because he has been talk being how this administration has done all this executive overreach. in this case, the democrats in congress passed one thing, but then the administration through the irs, interpreted it another way. now at least one court says not illegal. there's a real good possibility before it gets to the supreme court the administration could actually ask for a review by the entire dc circuit, which this administration has done their best to pack with left-leaning judges. >> 544 million people, especially listening very closely to this talking point we're going through 'cause they've signed up for obamacare. 87% of them receiving subsidies to have their insurance. so they're going to get paid for in some way, shape or form. the gao thought, i have an idea. let's just make sure this thing is on the up and up. so let's run a sting operation with 18 people. >> yeah. so 18 people, sole applications were created here. 12 of them applied on line and by telephone. six started looking for in person help. they had all false information, documentation was bogus. guess what? 11 out of the 12 of those false applications for subsidies went through. and their sole beneficiaries are still receiving the subsidies. >> people that don't exist. >> people that do not exist on information that was false. 11 out of 12 is what they found in the sting. >> so that was in the sting. how many people in real life are getting subsidies paid for by all of us through the generosity of the federal government? how many of those people simply are not entitled to them but are going to take them because is anybody really looking out for our cash? doesn't look like it. >> 12 minutes after the hour. here is what's straight ahead. they crossed the border illegally. now they need your help. >> 911, where's your emergency? >> yes. somebody speak spanish? >> speaking spanish). >> wow. one of the sheriff's deputies from the small texas town that's being forced to answer those type calls from people who don't belong there. >> and you never know what's lurking under your kayak. it could be a whale. take a look at this. >> bad place to park. ♪ ♪ huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? small town 270 miles south of houston, illegal immigrant are learning the hard way there is a deadly cost to crossing the border. listen. >> 911, what's your emergency? >> somebody speak spanish? >> (speaking spanish). >> wow. just one example of the 911 calls bombarding the brooks county police department. not only are they understaffed and lack resources, now they've got to deal with illegal immigrants who have no business being here. martinez is the county chief deputy. chief deputy of brooks county. we appreciate you joining us, sheriff. first off, when you're hearing that call, how unique are calls like that to you? >> those calls are -- they have a crisis. we need to respond to them. those are pretty regular calls on a daily basis. >> so those calls, you have to respond to, even though for the most part when you get there, you realize they're not even american citizens? >> that's correct. but they're on u.s. soil and due process comes into play and that's the way we're taking them as. >> you have 129 a couple years ago. you're heading this year on average, if it continues, with another 87 who have lost their lives by the time you get to them. they're dead. so far you've recovered 43 corpses. to date. here is another example of the 911 call that came in to your people. >> 91 s state your emergency. >> hello? >> (speaking spanish) >> sheriff, they're coming across the borrowedder and haven't had anything to drink in three days. what do you do? >> well, basically what you try to do when the call comes in, it's not as easy as one, two, three step procedure. all you do is kind of get an idea to where they might be at. our brush area is vast. it's thick. vegetation is good. it's difficult. we can just maybe get within 500-meters of that particular call. >> so sheriff, the thing is, a lot of these men and women sneaking across the border illegally coming here are going off the main paths and that's how they're being led by their so-called escorts, coyotes, because they don't want to get caught. there is also no people around to help them, which makes things twice as hard for you when you have to get there quickly. >> absolutely. this is why we also realize the local border patrol office that we work closely is, as a result of the border not being secure, developed on our frontan crisis step. >> deputy, real quick, you chronicle harrows situations where you have hundreds of these tapes. what do you want the message to be to washington and everybody else watching? >> they need to have a sincere dialogue. forget about the republican or democrat side. sit down and have a sincere dialogue where we can actually resolve this issue. it has to be resolved. as long as they keep stalling it, this is going to continue. it's going to continue to where our funds are going to be depleted. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up straight ahead, we change gears. food stamps paid for by taxpayers going up in smoke. welfare being used for pot and it's perfectly legal? we'll examine. atheists aren't giving up the fight to get rid of the steel beam from the world trade center that were found in the shape of a cross. will the atheists win this one? where the case stands next. ♪ ♪ really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. we've always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hiddethreats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the has of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threatbefore they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. we got quick headlines for you. a deadly stand-off in texas ends in a shootout with police. two officers were wounded while serving a warrant on a murder suspect in the rio grande valley of la joya. 29-year-old suspect was killed in the gun fight. new develops in the case of a marine's missing pregnant wife in california just released court papers reveal aaron corwin may have been having an affair with her married neighbor when she disappeared three weeks ago. and the baby could have been his. cops believe she was shot while the two were on a hunting trip. that's the news. it was a symbol of hope on america's darkest day. two intersecting steel beams in the shape of a cross found in the rubble of the world trade center. rescue workers use it to pray. but atheists say there is no way this cross should be allowed inside the 9-11 museum. my next guest has promised a fight the latest lawsuit. thanks for being with us this morning. american atheist group had this to say. christianity deserves no special treatment just because it demands it or because the world trade center was made from cross beams. they're looking to get that cross out of this memorial. do they have a case? >> not at all. as you mentioned, the cross is not in the museum as a station of worship. it's not there to honor christians. it's will as part of the story of ground zero. it's displayed in a section of the museum dealing with how rescue workers dealt with the tragedy of 9-11. it's a story of how americans turned to god, family, country, community to find hope, to find inspiration and to overcome this horrible tragedy. and just because some people were inspired by god doesn't mean we have to hang up a plaque that says atheists died here, too, which is what they're asking for from the courts. >> eric, i have a question here. so the american atheists are making strong allegations here that just reading newspaper articles about the display of this cross caused them stress, headaches, and indigestion. some would make the argument that that pales in comparison to all that was suffered and lost that day by 9-11 families and first responders. why in the world would they have a right to take away a symbol of hope that exists there today? >> that's right. the constitution is not your mother. it's not there to make sure that every boo boo you experience in the real world gets kissed better. and even your mother sometimes says okay. so you bumped into a cross, into the museum. stop crying, brush yourself off. move on to the next exhibit. this is not a constitutional crisis. and it trivializes the sacrifices that thousands of people made over this issue. >> should those that have already suffered and lost so much be faced with this challenge here? angst that it's causing to the families of 9-11 perhaps and those first responders would also be a case, no? >> that's what we are trying to tell the court, thatu:hñp4 loos case never should have been brought in the first place. the museum spent three years fighting this. not every community, not every organization that has some mention of god or some mention of religion can afford to pay for that kind of a fight. the court should be clearing these kind of cases up. this is a playground fight. we live if a pluralistic society. the court should be saying, look, learn to work this out, respect each other's differences. and really be respectful of those people who died in 9-11 and the many rescue workers and others who paid a great sacrifice in an effort to -- in the course of the recovery effort in 9-11. >> sure. many of those, if not all, say it's a symbol of their hope. the atheists filed their brief and we're waiting for the court to respond. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. coming up, terrorists in iraq giving christians three option. convert, pay up or die. why aren't you hearing about this? we're going to tell you. then white flags replace american flags overt brooklyn bridge and still no one knows why or who did it. how in the world does this massive security breach happen? ♪ ♪ your eyes. even at a distance of 10 miles... the length of 146 football fields. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins to help support your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. you're thinking beneful. 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[announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. >> it's your shot of the morning. kayakers got way too close to two whales in argentina. the boat lingered on top of the whale for a while before the massive mammal says they've had enough, flipping the father and the daughter over. >> yeah. i heard about this story. they saw this one whale and then saw a whole bunch of them. if you spot a whale, you would think, well, i'll point to it. i won't go up to it. i give these people, whoever they are, tremendous credit. >> they're lucky to be alive. >> you don't want to get on the wrong side of that blow hole. >> tell me about it. >> we've all been there. >> we have some headlines. >> we have breaking news. ukrainian military revealing pro-russian rebels have just shot down two of its fighter jets as fighting has once again flared up in the eastern part of that country. in the meantime, the planes carrying the first bodies of the victims of the malaysia airlines crash are set to arrive in the netherlands at any moment now. this while british investigators are starting to look at a pair of the black boxes to try to retrieve data on the flight's last minutes. we'll watch that story out of there this morning. back here at home, who scaled the brooklyn bridge and replaced the american flag with these flags, these white flags? we all know it's the symbol of surrender. they flew on top of the nearly 300-foot high tower for hours yesterday. surveillance video shows four to five people crossing the bridge about 3:00 o'clock in the morning and then a short time later, the lights go out and the waving american flag disappears. aluminum pans were actually used to cover the light and then at a closer look, the flags were really american flags that were bleached white. the nypd says they believe those behind this have some training in climbing or construction. they don't believe it's terror related and don't believe it's any kind of political statement. in iraq, isis is issuing an evil ultimatum to christians in iraq. convert, pay a tax, leave or be killed. christians in mosul are now fleeing with just the clothes on their backs. it is one of the oldest christian communities in the entire world. it dates back nearly 2,000 years. now that community faces extinction. earlier today the patriarch of the syrian catholic church and father jonathan morris joined us with an insider perspective. listen to this. >> it's really tragic plight what we are going through. >> they're ripping up the deeds of your house, they're taking any family jewels or anything you have on you, leaving you with nothing. saying you have nothing to do in a place where christians have been for 1700 years. >> recent data showing christians face the highest rate of religious harassment in the middle east and north africa. hundreds of marijuana users are buying weed on your dime. the national review report said welfare recipients in colorado are using their ebt cards as marijuana retailers. the cards have been used more than 250 times in the past six months, total withdrawals of $25,000 in welfare benefits. some are saying it could be buying pot, it could be buying groceries. but those are your headlines. now colorado starting to restrict it. this is the moment retired army staff sergeant and his military dog were reuniteed. they are battle buddies who put their lives on the line for one another. >> you know what? this morning they are joining other human k-9 teams and heading to capitol hill. peter doocy is with them in our nation's capitol and joins us live. peter? >> reporter: we've got four american heros right here. we've got jason boss, army veteran who you just saw, and marine corps vet sergeant dino miller and their two dogs, both seven years old. here is sela and that is thor. you saw the video with sela. you were four years as her handlers. you came back with back problems four years ago and retired. you didn't know if you would see her again. >> no, i didn't. i was really surprised and thankful i was given the opportunity to get her back. i've had a lot of help from family friends. this organization has done a really good job of helping us get our dogs back. >> reporter: sela is so calm here. what does she help you with? >> she would do active searches. pretty much just trying to keep the soldiers safe there. >> reporter: tell me about how it was that you got reunited. >> i was in contact with her previous handleer and they told me when it was time to retire her out, they would contact me and they did. >> reporter: can you tell me about how thor was the only dog that was listed to you in the marines. how about now? >> i got three dogs back home. they all listen perfectly fine. but when we went to the corps, they ran three or four dogs separately and he was one i wrote down. >> reporter: how were you reunited with him? >> as soon as i got out, i went through the senator's office and she got me in touch with all the right people and i put in adoption paperwork in 2011 and i finally found out he was available in april of this year. >> reporter: you said that you used facebook to get in touch with the dogs. a dog? >> definitely. facebook really helps out when you have people around the world, other soldiers. facebook definitely saved us. >> reporter: what are these dogs like at home? how are they different than when you're out on a patrol? >> now she gets to lay on the couch and eat all kind of goodies and be retired. >> reporter: what is really amazing about these dogs, the american humane association who will be on capitol hill a little bit later on today says that each dog like these two saved between 150 and 200 servicemen and women when they are deployed. it is an amazing statistic and we're so lucky to have them here with us in washington. back to you in new york. >> very well behaved. all right. peter doocy with four heros. thank you. >> thank you all for your service. >> dogs were behaved and so was peter, as well as the veterans. >> i love to see those battle buddies reunited. >> great story. coming up, thousands of apple geniuses staging a revolt. what? find out about that. and they dedicate their lives to fighting for our country and the government's giving them pink slips. the military families and the price they are paying for washington's problems coming up ♪ don't miss a step... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ chances are we're already there. be or what you want to do, 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like super 8, where every destination is super. save up to 15 percent and earn bonus points when you book at 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fox news alert now. a few hours from now, the faa will reevaluate its ban on flights into tel aviv. the current 24 hour ban expires at noon. secretary of state john kerry is currently in israel pushing for a cease fire. and celebrations resume jesse ventura says chris kyle lied in his book. in testimony videotaped before he was killed last year, kyle says that story was indeed true. apple facing off with 20,000 of its current and former geniuses. they filed a class action lawsuit claiming the company did not offer timely meal breaks, rest breaks, and final paychecks. steve? >> all right. the pentagon handing out thousands of pink slips to military officers all across the country and around the world. it's supposed to save money, but at what cost? our next guests have two sons devoting their lives to the u.s. military. as americans, they're proud to be parents, but as parents as well, they're also afraid of the direction our country is heading because of their children. greg hancock and his wife join us now from harrisburg, pennsylvania. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> vicky, let's start with you. the news came out that over 1,000 u.s. captains in the army are getting pink slips. the same day that news came out, what happened at your house? >> our son was sworn in to the united states army. >> that's kind of scary for you as a mother to think about his future then if people who have decided to make the military their career suddenly are looking for jobs. >> right. and our son is looking to do that and it's very scary, very. >> yeah. greg, your older son, keegan, is in the marines. he's been there for a while. what are you worried about regarding him? >> well, both of our boys are really looking forward to make the military their life, their career. both of them actually forewent college. we have a strong military history in our family. our younger boy, cameron, he's looking to make a career in the mp ranks and like to get into the officer ranks. when you start to see these things happening where officers with ten, 12 years getting their hispanic slips, it's disheartening for him and for me as a father. >> sure. and as well, greg, just the fact that your son, who is a marine proudly serving his nation, he's looking to the future, but currently, what is he, at the poverty line now or below the poverty line? >> well, he, like a lot of them, when you're in the lower ranks of the military, the e.-1 through e.-4 and 5, all those troops are below the poverty line. i don't think a lot of people in this country understand that. >> yeah. >> that's a sacrifice. >> absolutely is. so vicky, as your youngest, cameron, is thinking about the military, he's now pledged to become part of our military, are you thinking in your heart, maybe this isn't such a good idea. maybe he should think about something else? >> yes, i am. up until this show right now, he didn't know that. we support him 100%, but it's very scary. i mean, you have people getting pink slips that are still in combat and i saw an interview of a military wife worried about where they're going to live because they had planned on making this their career, their life. here is my son wanting to do that and is like, women. is this how we repay our military? no. we need to take care of them. >> and our vets, steve. one of the things that really upsets us is what's happening with the vets and the veterans administration. when you see secret lists, lies, mail being shredded and people getting bonuses, bonus pay, gift cards, incentive pay and my son who is 17 joins the united states regular army, you know what he got? he was given a t-shirt and a water bottle. some things in this country are pretty upside down right now. you wonder where our priorities are sometimes. >> exactly. >> vicky and greg and greg, a proud u.s. military vet, we thank you very much for joining us today from harrisburg. good luck to cameron, who has got a big baseball project this summer trying to raise money for the wounded warrior project. thank you both. >> steve, if i could, if your viewers could check out his web site, charity softball a lot of information on that regarding the wounded warrior project that my son put together. >> you're a good father, getting a plug in for your boy. >> i appreciate that. >> thank you. straight ahead, rent a house and refuse to leave? thanks to government regulations, you might have the right. that's coming up next. right now let's check in with martha mccallum who is joining us today with a show at 9:00 o'clock eastern. >> good morning. turns out lois lerner's hard drive was crashed, but not erased. what is really going on here? the cat and mouse game may be just about over for the irs. a new study says it's fairly easy to get obamacare subsidies, even if you don't exist. we'll tell you about that and new information about the american flags that were mysteriously replaced with plain white ones on the brooklyn bridge. weird story. bill and i are here with you at the top of the hour when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. thanks to our local and national leaders, we've got more than 100 million pages of rules and regulations on the books. and it's not always a good thing. >> time for an example of a case out in california where a guest rented and home and now refuses to leave. they say they have the legal right as squatters. >> joining us is legal expert and author of the rule of nobody, philip howard. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> the rule of nobody, what does that mean? >> it means is we've replaced authority with lots of millions and millions of words. so no one has authority to balance the budget. nobody has the authority to pull pull -- the teacher doesn't have the authority to run a classroom. >> how bad is it now? you talk about laws being laws and there is no end to these laws. >> yes. it's like a progressive disease. over the last 50 years mainly, detailed regulations and lawsuits, piling up like sediment. now people can't do anything, talk to any mayor, any governor, all these mandates prevent them from making sense of their daily chores. >> they're preventing people from doing their job and enticing people to take advantage of those words and pages of this law, to go after someone for a lot of money. how do we simplify the laws? we see this, doesn't seem like an easy solution. >> it's actually easy conceptually, but we have to change our public debate from arguing about policy to arguing about putting humans back in charge again and having a big clean-up program. >> where do you start? do you start up top or small towns? in counties and states? >> you can start at any level. school bureaucracy, for example, is a complete nightmare. you can start there. but ultimately federal law which kind of drives the train here. federal law needs to be recodified. you need to go area by area and radically simplify it so people can understand it, number one. and secondly, that it gives people flexibility to actually make sense of daily choices. law is not supposed to replace freedom. it's supposed to be a framework for freedom. >> let's hope congress is listening because they are responsible for a lot of laws that have gummed up the works and now they have the responsibility, you say, to change it. >> they do. but they don't have the idea. it's going to require movement, an outside movement. >> the name of the book is requesting "the rule of nobody." >> thank you. coming up, according to a new study, kids no longer want to win when they play sports. they just want to try. is that good? >> i got fifth place, dad! nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™. we've always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hiddethreats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the has of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threatbefore they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ fancy feast broths. let's close the gap between people and care. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. here is some good news for you as we have one for the road for you on this wednesday. you know how often do you hear you got to get eight hours sleep? there is a new study out of arizona state university where they say it's not eight hours. it turns out you should get seven hours is actually best. it helps with cognitive performance and 20 minutes less can impair your memory. if you got between 6 1/2 and 7 1/2 hours sleep each night, you actually lived longer. >> wow. okay. the media circus surrounding lebron james to cleveland did not do his neighbors any favors. thousands packed around the streets of his mansion. what did lebron do? he send them all a personal apology with cupcakes. he says he's sorry for the chaos and hope they enjoy the cherry cola treat. >> it's still a good story when you go home. meanwhile, according to a new study published with the journal for activity and health, they asked the question, why are 70% of kids quitting sports before the age of 13? here is what they came up with. it's not about winning or losing. it's about having fun. yep. 81 specific states, some of the reason they played, because of the positions, because they can learn from making mistakes. they can like being around friends. those are the reasons they play sports. it's not to win. >> so cindy lauper is saying girls just want to have fun. you're saying kids just want to have fun. >> i think that's good. cindy lauper is a great philosopher. >> turns out girls do just like to have fun. >> thanks very much for joining us today. see you back here tomorrow. >> breaking news. test test test test >> that is the same area where nay have been blocked and good morning. i am bill hemmer and welcome back martha. >> good to be back. i am martha maccallum. there is no word on


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140516 23:00:00

that's it for "special report." make it a great weekend. greta goes "on the record" right now. government contractors pretending to work and you are paying their salary. >> the whistle blower blowing the lid off obamacare right here "on the record." >> somebody has figured out how to a lot of money off of this deal to do nothing. >> a billion dollars. your money gone. poof. >> they would tell us to come in dressed professionally and to sit at our desk and act like we were working. >> and then: >> this is shameful under any circumstances a night mayor at the v.a. but will anyone land in prison. >> if these accusations are true, someone should be going to jail. >> marine jailed in mexico. his desperate 911 call. >> i'm at the border of mexico right now. i crossed the border by accident and i have three guns in my truck. >> his mother goes "on the record." first though a whistle blower goes "on the record." she says $1.2 billion of your tax money was pay to obamacare workers who were told to pretend to work. she was one of those workers paid to do nothing. paula joins us for her first national tv interview. paulla, nice to see you. >> hi. >> paulla, tell me, where did you work? how long did you work there and what did you do? >> i worked for a company contracted by circo to helpful fill the they have have with centers for medicare and medicaid services. i worked there from early october to just before thanksgiving in 2013. >> okay. in that time period, what did you see? i understand the contract was to process paper applications under obamacare. did you see that work being done? >> >> it was done in such a small scale. in the from months i was there i processed at best a dozen applications. most of the time we were sitting around doing nothing. >> that was the gist of it. >> did anybody say anything like why don't we have any work or why isn't anything being done? >> yes, i did. others did. early on we got a lot of excuses about the health site not working properly. once that was working properly, the case was still the same. as it is today as well as you are hearing from other employees that still work there. >> were they getting any specific instructions employees about the work or why they didn't seem to have a high volume of work? they mostly alcoholicked it it -- chokd it up to system problems chocked it up to system problems. i have been a supporter of obamacare all along. my experience there was so disappointing and i exal contacted claire miscass kill's office because i wanted them to know what was going on out there and how i felt about that. >> what was the response from senator claire mccaskill's office. first of all what did you tell them and second of all what was the senator's response? >> i told them exactly what i had been saying all along, what i told channel 4 locally in st. louis and what i'm telling you now that we were sitting around every day doing nothing and applications were not getting processed and questions were not getting answered about that. >> they forwarded me to subcommittee on oversight of committee budgets in washington where i spoke to someone about the situation there. >> we tried to get some information. cms said they were committed to working wither serco. they closely monitored the work that serco was doing. it doesn't say the quantity of work or ever on site to monitor. did you ever have any sense that cmf was on site monitoring what was being done or not done? >> well, in the short time i was there, they came once to my knowledge. but they never visited the site of the building that i worked on. >> i don't know how they can say they monitored the work coming out of that building and supporting the knowing what i know and people that still work there. i want to say everybody who works in that building knows what what i'm saying is the truth. the people who came forward whether they chose to identify themselves or not are telling the truth as well. >> why did you leave? >> i imagine. >> why did you leave? >> why did i leave? because i was bored out of my mind. it was driving me crazy and i have a conscience. that's not what i signed up for. that's not what i wanted to work there for. i was excited to be a part of something that i supported and i couldn't have been more disappointed. >> why do you think this happened? why do you think that there is no work being done? >> well, as i said before, i think somebody figured out how to make a lot of money off of this thing, some way, somehow. i know there is a lot of crookery and corruption and self-gain these days, for all i know maybe our own politicians are benefiting from that. i don't know. >> paulla, thank you for joining us. >> all right. thank you. >> and you won't believe this one. but there is new information tonight about the former top watchdog for the homeland security department. we recently told you about a blistering congressional report showing former dhs acting director altered and delayed investigations in order to help his pals. senior administration officials. now there is more disturbing question. is the whole watchdog system broken? "the washington examiner" susan crabtree joins us. >> thanks for having me. >> you wrote an article. explain what a watchdog is in the government. how does it work in the government? >> each agency, there are 73 different watchdogs that are attached to an agency. the will be in is that they have the same budget as the same agency, so they are not really independent. you would think that there is an act, 1978, that created these watchdogs after the watergate scandal. and they are supposed to act as the rooting out corruption at the agency and be independent. they are getting their salary from the same higher ups that are from the whole budget. >> is it broken this watchdog system? >> well, the ethics experts and attorneys who have experience in these cases say definitely. they point to this case with charles edwards who had multiple allegations against him. and he actually was stepped aside just recently after the secretary jay johnson called on him to step aside. >> he was under investigation himself and hee j? >> that's exactly right. it seems what we have found is that the allegations against him langished at this group, the council for inspectors general for integrity and efficiency. that's the wash dog of the watchdog. we found it is actually pretty broken. we have sources telling us that the system doesn't work that these complaints against him languished for years and years. especially. >> can think of anything more sick. >> watchdog in every single agency that at least in one agency we know that at least the one instance very helping his pals. that watchdog. then you have got for whatever reason, we now need to have watchdogs. we have a watchdog organization looking over the watchdog. the watchdog organization this watchdog looked other way because they didn't want -- i don't know why, they didn't do their job. why even have these watchdogs? >> that's why when you are the president and jay carney say the inspector general for the v.a. is going to get to the bottom of this i start to cringe a little bit. the system really is broken. the watchdog of the watchdog only meets, what i have been told, four times a year and lacks the tools and efforts really to look into this and do something about it. >> is sigy, are these full-time jobs? >> these are actually -- no, different inspector generals from different agencies make up the cigi. they sit on the council. >> jury on the their own trials? >> their pier's trials. >> overseers see if they are doing the job is themselves. >> you can say that definitely they are piers. they have have the' transportation inspector general is looking into charles edwards' problems. it took a subcommittee investigation. it took the release of the report just last month to get him on administrative leave. for a while there, he was still acting and he had all these allegations piling up against him. >> and he is he is the watchdog. susan, thank you. and today a resignation in the wake of the veterans affairs health care scandal, the v.a. for secretary for health. one day after he and v.a. secretary eric shinseki were grilled by lawmakers. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. jennifer, why did he step down? who is he and why did he step down? >> well, greta. a senior v.a. official says secretary shinseki demanded robert petzel's resignation. he was slated to retire thisser i don't. his retirement announced last september. his replacement is from the same pines v.a. medical center in illinois that came under fire this week for having secret wait lists for veterans. last september, we reported "on the record" petzel told it a congressional hearing he quote had no regrets when he learned veterans died of legionnaires diseases where he recommended bonuses for the hospital's drars. the two more administrators came forward. chief psychiatrist at the v.a. medical center in st. louis, he was removed from his job when he complained that psychiatrists treating veterans with ptsd were working only a few hours a day, seeing half the patients they could. as patient suicides rose. >> they all got bonuses, you know. so that is the sad part. because, you know in reality not doing a good job but in relation it looks like we are. >> he was fired when he complained that his bosses were delaying life saving clone colon ososcopies to cut costs. >> i i was treated like a leper, how dare you attack me or say what you are saying. >> congressman jeff miller who is responsible for v.a. oversight said robert petzel's resignation is the pinnacle of political double speak since he only had a few more months on the job. greta? radio accountability or show or something in between? joining us the political panel. john, is this resignation some form of accountability or, what? >> i think jennifer just laid out the case this is completely just for show. i think he had to go or go a little early after his performance this week before congress. you know, he was asked a simple question: would someone be fired if it were proven that they had manipulated these waiting lists and created a secret waiving list? >> apparently not if you are the watchdog at dhs. >> he couldn't answer that. he said i don't know if that would be the appropriate punishment or not. these people should be in jail. democratic senators on the panel saying why didn't you make any sentence republicans calling for it of the i.d. only has limited resource was. get in the other law enforcement agencies and this is a nationwide problem. in this isn't isolated i understand as shinawatra then secy said the other day. you need as much help as they company get. >> neither gave impressive performance. >> sen seq.y. >> sen seq.y is not going anywhere for a while. >> why this. >> this move was part of. i was there at the hearing and went around and talked to people about what his fate is on capitol hill. people said they are billing to give him a chance. the problem is he has been there for some time and this has been happening end his. the buck has to stop some place. >> i am a ventricle. choose -- he was very popular. >> let him go back to active duty. >> he inherited a huge mess. awful i'm saying he has big problems supporters up there. people really are looking for him to start showing some action here. they don't thism he has accepted stepped up to the plate yet. we will give shinseki to do their time. >> i heard kathleen sebelius rit away when things blew up. this is blowing up why is he asking for his head? >> he has the military brass as well. this week i spoke with the current army chief ray odierno. he stood up for him and strongly defended him and said there are problems at the v.a. >> that's like the watchdog's watchdog standing up for the watchdog. he has a very distinguished military career. but you know the fact that the military is standing up for him. i mean, just look at this. this is his job. >> what strikes me about this is something john said, the bipartisan nature of these attacks. these aren't just republicans. he they are not just red state democrats worried about re-election. this is balloon that. >> even more question why is he still there? >> it wases white house worried. it comes on the heels of the irs scandal and obamacare rollout it speaks to wows official. they don't. the resignation is north going to do the trick. >> i know republicans and democrats both are deeply disturbed by this but the fact that people are not calling for his head when he sad all these years and people have died under. this not just that they have had to sit at their computer trying to log on for three months. people died. >> >> think were citing memos back to 2010. shuffling people around. >> if he knew about it if he did why didn't he do anything about it. >> 2013 a letter was sent to president obama yesterday the chief of staff was asked why didn't you respond to this? why did you ignore it? >> they went easier on shinseki yesterday than i saw at any of the hearings where kathleen sebelius was defending the health carrollout. like you say you are talking about people who died. >> panel, stay with us. >> let's all go off-the-record for a minute. washington, d.c. is the city of no consequences. i have never seen anything like it. theist targets the tea party spends $100 million on furniture, hands out millions to irs employees who owe back taxes. no consequences. hhs 1.2 billion-dollar contract to it a company serco. whistle blower says they aren't actually doing any work but no consequences. capitol hill, lots and lots of committees. they are supposed to monitor all these agencies to make sure bad things don't happen. that's almost laughable. lots of hearings, no consequences. or in the case of the v.a., lives are lost. anyone responsible? anyone know anything? v.a. chief eric shinseki after it is exposed says is he mad as hell and president obama is angry. so what if he is mad as hell or angry. that doesn't do any of you was god. each agency has a watchdog. even the watchdogs are suspect. they seem to looked other way. former edwards was under investigation for doing dastardly thing. no one owes anyone anything. no one takes responsibility,ens can sequences, admit it insane asylum. barbara walters and letterman talking barbara lieu ebb ski. call for help before he makes desperate call. you will hear from the marine's mother coming up. 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(elder couple laugh) okinawa life! david letterman is apologizing to monica lewenski. is he is sorry for all the relentless jokes and mocking like this top ten list first line of lewenski's book. like i hate hate hate hate hate linda tripp. number four, does this font make me look fat? number three, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, no, it was mostly bad. number two, by the time you read this i will be on to my next president. and the number one possible first line for monica lewenski's new book is me and my big mouth. >> that was then and this is what letterman and walters are saying about lewenski now. >> i like monica. i felt that she has never had the chance to move on. >> >> when she came back and there was ininterview or article about her. says she can't get a job. i started to feel bad because myself and other people with shows like this made relentless jokes about the poor woman. she was 21. >> she is 40 now. >> i was thinking oh lord the violence in the elevator. is it funny because they're just famous or overall with some perspective do you realize this is a sad human situation back with our political panel. >> these are are celebrities getting soft in their old age. date letterman has h. has said bad things about an awful lot of people. >> like the time that sarah palin took her 14-year-old daughter to the yankees game and he said one awkward moment for sarah palin at the yankees game her daughter was knocked up by alex rodriguez and her daughter was 14. he actually was mistaken. he thought he was talking about the older one apparently. he hasn't apologized for that one. >> no, and i don't think he will. >> lewenski is unique here in that unlike august the other characters in the situation that happened with her and president clinton. they have all been able to move on, including the woman who leaked the taped phone calls. all these people have been able to lead their lives. she has been frozen in time. she was victimized by the whole thing. she was very young, just in her early 20's and her life just basically stopped point was a good one. >> it's a little bit late. >> career. >> the clintons are all doing great. everyone else is doing fine. >> she was chasing a story. she wanted a scoop. >> now she is pretending -- >> -- barbara walters didn't mock her. >> she didn't make cruel jokes not funny, like they are insulting some young girl to make them feel better about themselves who has been in this situation. obviously she was of legal age. when you step back and think about that anywhere in society a 50-some-year-old man preying on a college student practically. >> which monica doesn't say. she says they were two consenting adults. she's has handled it all rather gracefully in this last interview. she has not blaming anybody. it's true though that everyone else got something out of the deal except her. she stopped in time she was offered a good deal of money. >> she wrote a book. she certainly made the rounds for herself. >> what about letterman? i like suddenly, all of a sudden now he suddenly sees that maybe he was nasty. >> you have seen some of that. craig had a great monologue in recent years. even celebrities, even brittany spears is a human being and sometimes we should -- really a human moment very human moment where he said i was an alcoholic and drunk and going through these problems maybe we should think about this and be funny and not just mean to people. >> i would like to see him apologize to the sarah palin jokes. >> that was horrible to willow. she was 14. making cracks about the older daughter not being married at the time he was not married to the mother of his child. things going on on the side we learned later. is he is no angel. >> panel, stay with us. a u.s. marine jailed in mexico. you will hear the call and hear from the marine's mother. the cat who is now a national hero after saving a child from the dog. that's only the beginning. see what the talented cat suspect to now. stay tuned. instead of hanging out on the couch, you could be hanging ten. what are you waiting for? 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>> hello, are you here? >> i'm here. what the address of the emergency. >> i'm at the border of mexico right now. my problem is i crossed the border by accident and i have three guns in my truck and they are trying to take my guns from me. >> so you are in mexico? >> yeah. >> there is nothing i can help you with sir, i do apologize. you are not on american soil anymore. i can't really help you. >> i don't know -- i'm not sure if i crossed yet. >> is it mexican authorities talking to you. >> mexican authorities. >> you are in mexico. >> so they have the right to just take my guns? >> there is huge sign that says it it is illegal to enter mexico with guns when you are driving down the five freeways. >> okay. >> there are warning signs that do state that as you are driving down the freeway before you enter mexico. glifs hoping that there would be a turn around point. >> there is a turn around point before you get across the border. >> not where i was. there was no turn around point. >> then that means you were way far down then if you already passed it if you didn't see the turn around point. so, yeah unfortunately you are on mexican soil there ising in we can do i apologize. >> andrew's mother jill joins us. good evening, jill. >> hello, greta. >> this 911 call is, it going to help you get your son out? >> i hope to got it does it certainly proves what i have been saying the conversation he had with me. he called 911 first as his first incorporate stingted and then he called his momma second. that's exactly what he told me that he had gotten lost. made a wrong turn and ended up at the border. >> what is the reaction from the mexican government or court system is the state department helping you? >> the tape just came out yesterday. it's literally came -- it literally just came out of his memory bank i think from all the trauma of the seven weeks it's the first time he had even told us there was a 911 tape when he spoke to his sister on the phone. immediately i got the tape. i gave to his attorney. i know he is preparing a motion to present it to the court. i don't have a date for when it's going to be presented to the judge. >> how about our state department, are they helping you at all. >> no new action or support since the 911 tape came out o. i haven't yet heard from the white house or the state department other than the personal support that we received from the u.s. consulate service in tijuana that we have received from day one. >> what have the conditions been like for your son since he got arrested march 31st? tragic, near fatal, h was almost killed. he had to escape a certain execution and then he was shackled in four point chain restraint for 35 days. so it's been brutal, worse than any of his two tours of combat in afghanistan when he left in 2012. he has been moved. they could not protect him. he moved him to a federal penitentiary there he is under constant surveillance and guard. he feels safer. that may be why he is finally able to relax a little bit and let some of the details come out sphblf when is the next time or first time is he supposed to be in court? it's just sort of languishing -- >> -- he has never been in court. >> since march 3 is 1st. does he have a court date? >> >> no. all we have is our first formal proceeding on may 28th. and that's the scheduled date where the border officials give their statement to the judge. the customs agent and the mexican military who first encountered andrew that night. >> jill, thanks for joining us. it's been way too long. march 31st that he is sitting in there. i don't understand this one at all. hopefully he will get out very soon. thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> the may 2011 raid on usama bin laden's house exposing direct and clear ties between al qaeda and nigeria's boko haram. so why didn't secretary clinton state department put the nigerian group on the terror list? toronto mayor rob ford citing and you won't believe where the crack smoking mayor was spotted. that's coming up. ♪ oh-oh, oh, oh, la, la-la, la-la, la-la ♪ ♪ na-na-na, na-na-na--n some things just go together, like auto and home insurance. bundle them together at progressive, and you save big on both. ♪ oh, oh-oh, oh, oh hey, it's me! 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"the weekly standard" reveal the documents usama bin laden's house senior al qaeda leaders were in direct contact with boko haram during the same time secretary of state hillary clinton. they refused onto put boko haram on the official list of foreign terrorist groups and our political panel is back. jason reilly, the washington examiner susan ferrechio. john, this was your publication that wrote. this why wasn't this group put on the terrorist list? >> no one really knows. tom wreath the story for us. he has great sources. other reported. other national security reporters places like the "the washington post" reported that bin laden's own files contradicted boko haram to senior al qaeda people the question is why didn't they put them on the terrorist list. they were pressured to do so by the doj, the fbi and many others and josh rogan reporting at the daily beast has indicated is that they didn't want to offend the local government. for some reason the local government didn't want them on thattist. will i'm not sure about the internal dynamics of politics but that is the with excuse for why they didn't do it. >> they wanted to keep the influence of this group kind of a lower level. declaring them a terrorist organization that it would somehow elevate them and make it harder for the nigerian government to get rid of the problem. but, of course, it clearly didn't do any good. >> what the state department also isn't saying is that not putting them on that lists will set a narrative that the owe become that administration was put up to the election. al qaeda is on the run are the terrorists are on the run. when you are adding to it a terrorist list though, it doesn't help that narrative. the white house had an inventive there to play down this group, to play down the impact of this group i don't think the administration will push back very hard. >> going to be harder if hillary clinton disadz to become a presidential candidate to distance herself from these problems that seem to be cropping up from her tenure at the state department. from what i hear this may have been a decision made just underneath her whether to declare this a terrorist organization. >> it says here in the article the owe boom that administration was sitting on files that showed that al qaeda's senior leadership had been in direct contact with the group. sharing it with the state department? >> we don't know. >> she could have some kind of excuse for her rationale here. it was her state department, the fact that they weren't declared a terrorist organization was under her watch. >> explain that. >> she will have to explain it as this stuff comes trickling out, it really just points the niddle right at her all part of one gig terrorist, jihadist think that's happening in africa. she clearly understood there's what a big problem there. >> free bank accounts and things like that that can be used now. and actually hillary clinton she did label a few people in the organization like the head of it as a terrorist and we could take certain actions against them. use certain tools under the patriot act for espionage against these people. again, it was group 2013 on the terrorist list. we have been able to use these tools since then didn't stop the kidnapping of all these girls unfortunately. >> panel, thank you. >> here is what is being hard out right now. senior executive editor trending right now. there is more news about jill abramson. backs out of one commencement. another one backs out. brandeis university saying she decided not to attend commencement where she would have received honorary degree. she decided wake forest university. rob ford surfaces. spotted in muskota and dry cleaners. along with this photo. that's rob ford dropping off his dry cleaning, taking a pic talking with passers by. he is in a rehab facility nearby. what do you think? will rob ford make a come back? who knows? and they are calling it the tweet heard around the world. star wars account tweeted officially begun, production h along with the first photo from the set. at long last star wars episode 7. it's officially underway. use #greta on all your tweets and posts. and the rnc is all fired up taking on an actress eva longoria rnc chair reasons reince when does your work en does it end after you've expanded your business? after your company's gone public? and the capital's been invested? or wn your compan's bought another? is it over after you' given back? you never stop achieving. that's why, at barclays, our ambition is to always realize yours. for $175 dollars a month? so our business can be on at&t's network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. rnc taking on actress eva loan gore i can't. latino victory project claiming it does not support latino candace. only democratic ones. rnc priebus joins us. good to see you. >> good to see you too. >> blasted the actress. totally bogus organization. here's the thing. they started out and say we want the political landscape to match the identities and reflect the realities of the american people. great. they say they are nonpartisan organization. okay. then you start looking at who is in charge of this organization. well, okay. eve longoria was the co-chair of barack obama's campaign in 2012. the other co-chair, a finance chair of the dnc. okay. put that away in the back of your mind. doing interviews on tv with the dnc logo behind his head sometimes i do interviews behind head rnc logo this move forward and say we are going to endorse five candidates all democrats. turns out one of their endorse. s is charlie crist who is running against the first latino lieutenant governor as a ticket, you know, in florida, that florida has ever had with a hispanic as the lt. governor in florida. >> so they are partisan. not really name partisan. >> would you be content or happy if they didn't call themselves nonpartisan? >> yeah, here is what we are doing. at the republican national committee and i think republicans out there in general, just kind of sick and tired of our party sitting around and doing nothing about the fact when people are purposefully and very openly lying about what they are doing. putting front groups out in front of entire country. claiming that they are for everybody. when, in fact, it's just a democrat front group. look. do you think they mentioned in their releaseds and in their documents the fact that the only two hispanic governors in hurricane happen to be republicans and martinez in mexico and brian sandovol in nevada? did they mention the two most popular hispanic politicians in our country right now which is ted cruz and marco rubio? no. >> why is it this is a part san group. eva longoria long time democrat. assume she is a democrat and not going to promote. >> why is it that the democratic party seems to have the lock on the latino vote? >> look, that goes back to what we have said as the republican party. we have tone gauge in a long-term year around operation to engage in hispanic, african-american, and asian communities across the can country. >> are you doing that? >> we are. >> what are you doing? >> so we are putting out a field organization in every single community across the country. on a four year basis across the country for all four years. and part of the problem is the republican party has become a party nationally that shows up about oncer four years, five months before an election. this is the entire basis of our growth and opportunity project, that we put together last year. in fact, today i was in philadelphia announcing hispanic advisory counsel still in philadelphia and something we haven't done enough of. but what i'm tired of and i think a lot of people are tired of are these sort of bogus organizations that pop up and they claim they are nonpartisan. they file as a c 4. under the irs code and then they go and do interviews in the studio of the dnc. >> always nice to he see you sir. >> thank you, greta. >> star studded salute to barbara walters as the legend retires. walters is officially retiring. leaving herr co-hosting job on "the view." today it a parade of. >> please welcome diane sawyer, robin roberts. spencer, elizabeth vargas. debra roberts. >> this is my legacy. these are my legacy and i thank you all. >> and they end of the show barbara saying goodbye. well, sort of. >> so now having had this amazing career, how can i just walk away and say goodbye? this way. from the bottom of my heart to all of you with whom i have worked and to all of you who have watched and been at my side for so many years, i can say thank you, thank you. but who knows what the future brings. maybe instead of goodbye i should say i will be in tow, which in french means see you later. so i will be in tow. >> by the way i don't think barbara is really going away. i think she just wanted to have a party. she will be "the view's" executive producer. in 2009 we paid a visit to barbara in her dressing room at "the view." >> it gives you a feeling about yourself. >> that gives you a feeling about your career. i never thought i would be in front of a camera. when i think of the people that i have met because i have interviewed every president, i was going to say every president since abraham lincoln since that's not true, since richard nixon and every world leader and so on. what a blessed life i have had and never expected it to happen. it was in great part by chance. >> and, of course, we wish barbara a very happy retirement even if it's only a few minutes. the cat that's become a national hero but saving a child from the dog is only act one. wait until you see what the cat is doing now. that's next. life less complicated. it's about people. we are volvo of sweden. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140806 10:00:00

officers after attacking a california woman outside a pizza parlor. the monkey will be kept in quarantine for six months to make sure it doesn't have rabies. no word on why a mon key was hanging out at a pizza parlor. >> thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. >> hello everyone. good morning. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. a wife and mother missing for two weeks found dead. this morning the latest details from the investigation. >> meanwhile, remember when our president declared the war in afghanistan over? >> the bottom line is it's time to turn the page after a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. >> really? now it looks like the terrorists heard him loud and clearly and attacked the victim, a u.s. army general. what this says about president obama's foreign policy. straight ahead. >> in a few hours a man accused of deserting the military will face questions about what happened. but there is a good chance bowe bergdahl may say nothing at all. good morning. mornings are better with friends. happy to have you here. >> you're watching "fox & friends," that's a great way to begin your day. >> thank you, don king. welcome to the big telecast live from new york city. brian and elisabeth off and in their place once again, just like yesterday, anna and peter. >> good morning. we're going to be starting our day off with the fittest people on the planet from cross fit. these people are celebrities in their own right. they are going to be racing across our plaza on their hands in a handstand. they are trying to get us in on the action. >> cross fit not so fit. also we're going to hear prosecute sean hannity in the program -- hear from sean hannity. he's been in israel. is the cease-fire holding? >> the results coming in from primaries in four states. >> one of them my home state of kansas where the incumbent pat roberts fended off a tea party challenger. joining us from d.c. with the details is peter doocy. >> the two most prominent republicans in kansas who were in danger of losing their jobs in last night's primaries aren't going anywhere for now. the governor sam brownback easily defeated challenger jennifer winn and three-term incumbent senator pat roberts easily beat the tea party backed dr. milton wolf by more than 19,000 votes, 48% to 41%. roberts is now saying different parts of the party are going to have to come together if the g.o.p. wants to take over the senate. >> unit i don't see must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing. >> the roberts victory last night means that this cycle, senate incumbents have now won in kansas, mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas. but with the michigan results in, another house republican has fallen. the tea party backed carry bentivolio lost outnumbering two to one in michigan's 11th house district. pentivolio joins eric cantor. john dingell who is retiring saw his wife debby win the michigan primary for his seat. that is the seat dingell won in a 1955 special election when his father who served that district for two decades died. >> i guess they don't have term limits this. peter doocy, live in washington, thank you very much. four minutes after the top of the hour. this morning a u.s. army general murdered, killed in an insider attack in afghanistan. somebody dressed as an afghan soldier opened fire at a group of people at a military academy near kabul killing major general harold greene and wounding 15 others. greene is the highest ranking american killed in combat since vietnam, something like that. this morning the president's abandonment of afghanistan coming under fire. pete hegseth is the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america, also a veteran of the iraq and afghanistan wars. he joins us live. what do you think? >> when you lose someone of that stature, of that rank, it affects everybody. you feel like a general is invincible. the training mission is dangerous. it's an insider attack, a very concerted tactic the taliban has used. when i was in afghanistan from 2011 to 12 there was a big surge in insider attacks. it does two things. it erodes the trust. it creates the headlines you see in "the new york times" today, is this mission worth it? should we stay? the taliban knows this. we underestimate our enemy time and time again. they want to get at the heart of our will and heart of our commitment. an attack like this does that. >> does this make the taliban seem like they are chasing us out of afghanistan. pef announced our -- we've announced their withdrawal. is this them trying to say it is because of us? >> sure. this is to create a perception that they are the wave of the future. the americans on the way out. that is what they do at -- with these members of the afghan military who are targeted to say americans are on the way out. we have the time, the americans have the wawps. they're -- they have the watches. you better side with us or your families at risk. >> you were talking about the demoralization of our troops. now we have a general murdered by the taliban forces. the president didn't speak about that yesterday. what does that say to the troops? >> reenforces how detached he is from this conflict. the war in afghanistan, the one he called the good war, the one he was going to focus on as opposed to the iraq war, the troops have felt the fact it has been about withdrawal more than success from the beginning. that is what you're seeing in athe taliban is exploiting that perception to make it look like americans are on the way out and they are the future. >> the president of the united states did make comments yesterday, just not about this. he was talking about the africa summit. the white house apparently has briefed the president and now there is going to be an investigation or something like that. but here is the president just a couple of months ago in may essentially washing his hands of the whole war thing. >> the bottom line is it's time to turn the page on more than a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. >> this is a big touchdown for the enemy. >> that's right. turn the page. we don't get to turn the page if the enemy doesn't. the taliban hasn't turned the page. al qaeda, isis are not turning the page. they are redoubling their efforts because they have identified we are retreating, we don't care, we're not invested in the outcome. you've got islamists on the march, the taliban really controlling the countryside. what folks don't understand is if we leave afghanistan we're going to create another environment where the afghan army or afghan government. doesn't mean we stale together but following through on an investment you made is an important thing for the legacy of our troops, the commitment and security of our country. >> this is a blow to the advisor-adviseee relationship we've got going on. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for america, thank you. >> it looks as if later today there is a good possibility that bowe bergdahl, the guy who went missing while serving back in 2009 over in afghanistan, we know he walked off post, we know his platoon mates say he was a deserter. and nonetheless, that's an image that was released by his attorney yesterday. his attorney says mr. bowe bergdahl is mentally ready to answer questions. >> it looks like life is pretty good for bowe bergdahl. from this image here to seeing the image of him preemg for -- preparing for the hearing with his attorney. it looks like he gained weight. they say he's mentally ready. what if he does not speak at all? what if he takes the fifth? is that in his best interest? >> under the code of military justice there is a greater right to attack the fifth. they get a better so-called miranda right than civilians do in america. yesterday on "the five" it was indicated he might do that. let's listen in. >> i don't see any incentive for sergeant bergdahl to cooperate, participate. i expect we're going to see more kind of a lois lerner take the fifth not give the information because he is the worst witness against himself. if he doesn't say anything, he remains on active duty, in good standing, able to get a pension and continue to serve -- >> if he's not convicted. >> i don't particularly agree with kimberly. she is a great lawyer but on this issue i think there are attorneys taking the position that somehow -- and he hasn't indicated but engt best tactic -- but i think the bestactic is he was somehow confused and mentally ill. i think taking kind of a strong approach -- he said it in print, how do you put someone in jail after he has been jailed for five years by the taliban? instead of taking this equitable approach that somehow his client is the victim here, so i think that there will be a robust defense and that he will cooperate the best that he possibly can in telling his story, even if it doesn't jibe with the facts that have been exposed back in the early army investigations. >> you would, peter, expect bowe bergdahl will go ahead and explain it all and they'll discount it to the fog war or something like that? but for his attorney to say, you know, he was being held for five years. that should count as something, that's his sentence. what about that guy is, to many americans, a deserter, a traitor. >> people died looking for him. >> these are all true. in speaking about the tactics, i do not believe there will be a fifth amendment defense here. he will not stand on his rights. they will come up with a version of what occurred that is in his best interest and skewed in terms of his own mental condition at the time it took place and thereafter. this will be an interesting passion play in that sense. this will be a dramatic story that will be heard today. we won't hear it for awhile but they will come up with an interesting story to grab the attention of the army and eventually the white house, because that's the audience. the white house is going to dictate what happens to bowe bergdahl going forward. >> let's not forget he was held in a cage for some period of time but there were rots of fraternizing with them -- there were reports of fraternizing with them. other stories making headlines developing overnight, heather nauert joins us for those. >> i've got another story about a scare in the air. terrifying moments on a united airlines flight packed with 200 passengers. a fire breaks out on that plane and look at this picture taken by a passenger. there was a fire fighter inside the plane. we don't see these kinds of pictures often. this flight was headed to brussels from newark, new jersey, when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. no one was hurt and no word on what caused that fire. a tragic update on a story we have followed extensively here at fox. the oregon mother who mysteriously vanished while she was running errands two weeks ago has been found as dead. authorities discovered jennifer huston's body near her s.u.v. in a wooded area about 25 miles from her house. >> we do not suspect foul play at this time and there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarmed. >> just before the 38-year-old disappeared she withdrew money prt bank, she -- money prt bank, bought snacks and sleeping pills and filled up her gas tank. she leaves behind her husband and two young sons. today closing arguments begin in the so-called porch shooting trial. before that case goes to a jury, theodore wafer spent two days on the stand and tried to convince a detroit jury that he shot an unarmed teenager in self-defense when she showed up on his front porch. listen to this. >> i didn't want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came up to the side of my house so fast, i raised the gun and shot this poor girl. >> some are comparing the case to the case of trayvon martin. that was the teenager shot and killed in florida in 2012 by george zimmerman, that happening in detroit. >> a beautiful home meets an ugly ending. the moment a powerful mudslide destroyed this house is all caught on camera. look at this. the family heard a noise right before the home was shoved off its foundation. thank goodness for that, because they heard that they were able to escape that house. this happened in the up scale neighborhood in north salt lake, utah. it was a massive 400-foot wide hole now left in that hillside. experts fear more mudslides are on the way and that ground is unstable. those are your headlines. that happening in salt lake. a lot of folks nervous after that. >> a fox news alert now. trouble at the airports as ebola fears spread around the world. this morning one airline already canceling flights. british airways will no longer fly to the affected african area. dr. marc siegel live at jfk international airport. good morning. >> good morning. i'm here at john f. kennedy international airport terminal 4 where international arrivals and departures including flights to and from west africa. the centers for disease control prevention has 20 quarantine stations around the country including one here in this terminal. i spoke to dr. steve monroe, who is the deputy director of c.d.c. for emerging infectious diseases and he says the first line of defense is to try to control the outbreak in the country where it started. >> one of the things we are doing is sending some of our staff to the countries that are affected to help them with their exit screening procedures to try to identify sick people before they get on an airplane and to also identify people by questionnaire who may have had one of these high-risk expoa shiewrs, that is a known exposure to a patient or to their body fluid. >> the next line of defense is at this airport where the c.d.c. can get a call from a plane and meet the plane on landing, bring an ambulance and take the patient right to a hospital or they can use these quarantine stations to detain patients. peter, they have a legal right to detain patients if they have a contagious disease that could be deadly like ebola. then c.d.c. will sometimes bring them right into the quarantine station. let's watch dr. steve monroe talk about the initial screen. >> as a part of that initial screen, they might try to assess where the person came from, what they might have potentially been exposed to and how sick they are. how symptomatic they are when they get off the plane. there are a small number of diseases for which c.d.c. does have authority to order somebody into isolation and prevent them from entering the country. >> dr. monroe says, by the way, that they can make a risk assessment either by phone or in person and decide that the person didn't come into contact with a disease like ebola. then they let them go and they don't detain them. guys? >> dr. segal, the main line of defense is the people at the airport where they take off from or here look at somebody and if they have a fever, then they start to ask some questions. but if they don't have a fever, keep in mind the incubation period can be three weeks, there is a real good possibility somebody with ebola could walk right in and not develop it for another two weeks and then wind up in an e.r. somewhere. >> that is a very good point and they're doing surveillance in the countries where they're leaving from. they're actually in west africa now trying to figure out who has this problem. it is after you leave the airport you find you have symptoms, then you call the c.d.c., they bring you right back to the quarantine station here. >> we got e-mails from viewer. kimberly asks is there a way to screen people for the virus before they get on a plane? >> first of all, you're not going to get it on a plane. you're not going to get it by touching somebody or if they're sweaty. you're not going to get it that way. but if they have a fever or flu-like symptoms, that is when they are contagious and that is when the c.d.c. has to be notified. 150 times last year the c.d.c. was notified by an airplane while in the air. >> dr. segal, steve answered this but this viewer linda is asking what is incubation period exactly? how many are coming to the u.s. sick but showing no symptoms yet? >> the incubation period is 7 to 21 days. this is a very smart period. this could be a problem. i want to emphasize with only 1,500 cases approximately in west africa if you're sick with flu-like symptoms it is extremely unlikely you have ebola unless you were in contact with a patient who had it. >> great point. dr. marc siegel live out of jfk where they have got a quarantine area, one of 20 airports in the united states. sir, thank you very much. >> we're going to be in a quarantine area later today, steve. >> doubling down, jesse ventura says all the bad press for suing a navy seal and winning is the widow's fault. >> maria molina getting hollywood-style treatment. look at this. >> okay, maria molina, this is your first time on the red carpet. it suits you, i think. >> i thought it was going to be red. >> good point, maria. why maria molina is walking the red carpet and her forecast for the new movie. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just 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interrogation techniques will put agents around the world at risk. as a result, the state department is increasing security at some american embassies around the globe. a russian crime ring pulling one of the largest security breaches, stealing more than one billion user names and passwords from 420,000 websites. 500 million e-mail addresses also compromised. some of the victims include the auto industry, car rental businesses and hotels. >> meanwhile, time to step into the fox light for a new movie that almost seems ripped from the headlines, a town ravaged by twisters and the people who all pull together to make it out alive. take a look. >> live the life you have imagined. [siren] >> inside in an orderly fashion. here we go! >> oh my goodness, the new movie is called "into the storm" and michael tammero was first in line at the premiere in new york city. >> this story follows people from all walks of life from teachers to storm chasers trying to survive an onslaught of twisters threatening their hometown. the if you think the effects are totally cool, becaum are real and these actors had to toughen up to play the part. [screams] >> it's like staring at fire. i think there is a human instinct captivated by courses of nature. >> it kinds of pummels you to see what mother nature can throw at you. >> i play a school teacher who has to go on a journey to find one of his boys in the course of the storm. >> everything except the twisters themselves were actually occurring. it is a miracle one of us didn't get hurt. >> you are really blocking things out because you don't want to get hit. it was an experience. >> it's a lot of real wind, real rain, real debris flying at us. we were wait 90% -- >> it doesn't feel like they are intense but they are intense. we had 100 and 140-miles-per-hour wind machines, we had rain, debris. we felt like we were really in a tornado. >> every time i got dry, had to go back in there. >> the water coming down on you, the wind. >> bring it on. i love it. >> i'm reading scripts differently. i now figure out how many pages i'm wet and cold for. at some points the makeup artists would say keep it up kid. >> you learn something about tornadoes you didn't know going into it? >> i don't want to be in one. >> we are the comic relief for the film. would he play one of the storm chasers. >> when you're in the middle of a tornado you need comic row lef. >> and you need beer. >> and whiskey and you need to be dumb as hell. >> who's harry? who's lloyd? >> that's a good question. i don't even know. >> i tell you what i'm wearing. >> who are you wearing? >> hugo moss. >> honey fubu. >> okay, maria molina, your first time on the red carpet. it suits you, i think. >> i thought it was going to be red. >> fabulous. >> i didn't know how to tie a tie. maria had to help me with that. we were just storm chasing a week ago too. >> the special effects look amazing. you can tell they've watched a lot of tornado videos on-line. >> if you were to face a tornado, you had to pick one person to be by your side -- steve, brian, or elisabeth -- who would it be? >> definitely elisabeth. >> for the record, i said steve. he has the kansas credibility. >> all three of you. >> the video of you storm chasing and the video from the movie almost synonymous. >> they did their homework to try to make the movie as real as possible with the special effects, funnels. they used technical terms such as hook echo. i was impressed with that. it is a movie and so there were some scenes that were a little out there. >> the last movie like this was 1996 "twister" and the technology has come a long, long way. >> this movie, by the way, opens up on friday. michael, maria, eminem, thank you. >> you looked great. cute feathers. >> thank you, guys. a major update in the search for a missing girl in washington state. why investigators are keeping a close eye on a family member. >> folks, have you seen this video? a car with a woman trapped inside being swept away but the complete strangers who saved the day are used to this kind of they think. first happy birthday to a former spice girl singer. 42 today. ♪ ♪ life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis ♪ is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition. honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh. (vo) there's good more... honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i'm like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. ...and there's not-so-good more. you're a big guy... ...oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. get the lg g3 for $199.99. parents, do you need to quiet your crying baby? you know, as a father of three -- and peter, you can identify with this. anna, i'm sure you've seen many screaming kids. apparently all we needed all along was to turn on katy perry music. watch. [baby crying] ♪ ♪ >> i love it. it's your shot of the morning. this little girl goes from tears to pure happiness, listening to katy perry "dark horse." >> katy perry tweeted available for baby sitting at $10 an hour and oreos. >> let's just watch the second she realizes. >> like clockwork. great video. 26 minutes before the top of the hour. we have a fox news alert right now. jirl -- israeli tanks maintain defense positions as the cease-fire in the gaza enters its second day. sean hannity on the ground surveying the damage. >> this is where it hit. it wept through a lot of -- went through a lot of layers of cement. i picked up this and this is some shrapnel from the bomb that went off. here's the interesting part, though, and help me through this. as you go into this area, shrapnel here penetrating what is a washer and dryer. shrapnel, this wasn't here until this morning. obviously maximum impact. you can see the broken damage. it is not just this one. if you walk into this area here, these are not small holes. these are big holes. >> just imagine that's your backyard. and with negotiations set to continue today in cairo, will the 72-hour trows -- truce hold? sean hannity joins us from jerusalem. sean, what's the latest? >> reporter: we're at the temple mound and the western wall is over my right shoulder. what we showed you yesterday, that was an attack, we spent most of yesterday at the israeli gaza border. that was one location. that attack, six mortars that landed in that community literally hit roit where a -- right where a housing unit was. this is a life they live everyday. we went fo a town and while we were there kids can't play outside. they have to play in an inside playground, four to five bunkers surrounding the whole thing. we saw rockets covered at the police station. we went to the center of the mayor of cyrot and spent a lot of time seeing what life is like on a daily basis. in the last ten years, to give people context of what goes on in those border towns, 10,000 rockets in ten years. i think that is the untold story of life in israel for the average person. one thing that i did learn today, in fact, we know that negotiations are going on in egypt at this very hour to extend the cease-fire possibly even longer than it is expected to go on. >> that's good news. i understand you also at one point you were talking about how life goes on. you were near a playground. imagine if you're a parent and you want to send your kids outside to play but you don't know if a rocket is going to go off in the playground, what do you do? >> inside the playground you have young kids, older kids, some as old as 16. they've got a soccer field, basketball courts, air hockey and ping-pong tables. i spent some time playing with a lot of the kids. they can play outdoors. and i would ask the parents, because i'm thinking 10,000 rockets in ten years, not a life i would want to live myself. i asked them why do you stay? the answer was we are not going to be forced out of our home out of terror. i'm not sure i would make the same decision but that was the universal answer i got from every parent. interestingly, some of the money that came to build that facility came to estee lauder who heard about the town and the fact that the kids didn't have a place to play and so made a significant donation for that playground. >> thank you, sean hannity, live from jerusalem where he is reporting live. the cease-fire is holding. >> steve, one last thing: where we are at the temple, you're talking about the center of mono theistic religion. you have the arrest -- you have the armenian quarter, christian quarter. tonight we will bring you through the wall of the gates, the holy selpucher, the place where it is believed jesus was buried rising from the dead, if you're a christian. and a lot of, all these significant religious sites are where we are which brings into context a lot of battle that goes on and for the heart of jerusalem and whether jerusalem should be the capital of israel. we'll have experts on tonight to talk about it. >> great point. sean hannity from the holy land. sean, thank you. >> other stories making headlines. >> we've got news at home and police in the pacific northwest need your help to search for a missing-year-old -- missing 16-year-old girl in washington girl. this as police keep a close eye on her father who was once charged with molesting his stepdaughter. both parents have taken lie detector tests. results have not been made public at this time. two of their other children have been taken from them. jenise was last seen saturday night. fresh off his lawsuit from a dead navy seal, jesse ventura going after chris kyle's widow. chris kyle once wrote in his book that jesse ventura made negative comments about the navy seals. jesse ventura saying he is the victim and going after his wife. >> i've been beaten up. the lawsuit didn't come to her. she made a choice to come into it. i think it was done as a tactic for court. >> this video is simply incredible. a car with a woman trapped ip -- inside is no match for mother nature. mother nature is no match for some airmen, good samaritans. take a look at this. this happening about 30 miles north of las vegas. members of the u.s. air force whopped to -- who happened to be nearby ran into the car to pull an 80-year-old woman out. seconds later the car was carried off. a big congratulations to them. >> terrific. >> great heroism and courage. incredible. coming up, a fox news alert. a wife and mother missing for two weeks found dead this morning. the latest details from the investigation. >> and the red line on syria outraged a singer so much, he put his words into a song. ♪ ♪ ♪ when folks think about what they get from alaska, ♪ ♪ they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. when the president changed his tune on the red line towards syria, our next guest expressed his feelings about the situation in song. >> that song, "red line" is the first single for the band deck three, and it is premiering right this second here on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ what the red line ♪ means to me [singing] >> john haber is the song writer. good morning to you. that first line was essentially you put yourself in the shoes of the people over there and they hear obama say you can't cross that red line and what does that mean to them. >> exactly. i tried to put myself in the situation of a person living there, a regular guy who want to live his life and he's been through a year and a half of devastation with a civil war that pretty much the world is ignoring what's going on and the one sign of hope that is going to have the situation better is taken away after nothing was followed up with the red lines. >> the song sounds great and the message is important. and what you're doing is you're going to donate some of the proceeds where, from the down loads? >> all the profits from the down loads of the song i'm going to give to help the kids that are being helped by israeli hospitals. a lot of people don't know that israel has taken in some of the kids that are enemies. i'm going to give the money to the hospitals. >> john, there are so many things you could write songs about. why about the red line in syria? >> we have an album of 12 songs. >> are you a real political guy? >> i'm into politics, news, like to read, try to be hip to what's going on in the world. this song, it was such a crazy, to relive the situation there, what was happening. we're going in, we're not going in. it was kind of a train wreck. from the humanitarian they think, how does someone there feel. >> thank you. >> if you want to download it look for "red line" by deck three. a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. we showed you how kids react to finding guns in their play area yesterday. but is this happening when you send them to a friend's house? how to have that crucial conversation with your neighbors coming up. >> this pair officially the fittest men and women on earth. next they're sharing their cross fit secrets and putting "fox & friends," steve and anna, to the test. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. every time you take advil you're taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, a a ist. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. good morning, everybody. coming up, we have the fittest man and woman in the world. good morning. >> good morning. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> what is cross fit? >> oh, man. that's the hardest question ever answered. it's a mix of everything. a mix of running, gymnastics, weightlifting. >> it works out every part of your body? >> correct. >> it's grown from 5,000 affiliate gyms last year to 10,000 this year. it's not just a cult following, it's exploding. you guys are going to demonstrate a couple exercises. >> what do you have, about 100 pounds on there? >> i have no idea. >> this probably weighs from 65 to 75 pounds. >> all right. let's go. >> we're going to leave a mark. >> can i try? >> do you normally do it on granite like this? >> show me the best way to do this. >> spread your feet wide and you want to go sit back and keep your arms bent. there you go. great job. >> anna, hold on a second. you're doing really well. >> come on! >> very nice. >> it's cross fit -- is cross fit okay for somebody over 50? >> yeah. actually they have a master's level. aid guy from my gym that i own who is 60 plus. got 12th in the world. >> then i could do anything. >> one of the wildest things is watching them, they can walk on their hands. can we do like a competition, men versus women? >> sure. >> excellent. >> let's see. >> you want to go this way? >> this is the finish line. >> she's a a gymnast. ready, set, action! ♪ >> yeah, i don't think i'm doing that. >> four years in a row you've won this. literally our celebrity -- a celebrity in your own right. you're switching gear, tell me about how you adopted a baby. >> me and my wife adopted a baby girl, born july 7. next charm of my life. retired from the individual competition, but still going to compete on the team. >> you're going to go from the sledge pole to the diaper pole. >> that's right. >> congratulations to both of you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> peter, do i look like i'm in better shape now? >> you look fantastic. i'm exhausted. thanks so much. coming up, drive-through service guaranteed in 60 seconds or less or your meal is free. which fast food giant is making that promise? a former president defending a mass and jimmy carter is not alone. how can someone defend hamas. charles krauthammer will tell us at the top of the hour. let's see hand stand. ♪ ♪ when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? 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or bold, adventurous thai flavors... always get flavor that's anything but flat. and always with chicken raised without antibiotics. new flatbread sandwiches from panera... ... each 360 calories or less. try one today. good morning. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, a wife and mother missing for weeks found dead. so what happened? this morning the latest details from the investigation. and a former president is defending hamas and jimmy carter is not alone. so how could some americans side with terrorists? charles krauthammer will explain that to us. we showed you how kids react to finding guns where they're playing, like this. but is this happening when you send them over to a friend's house? how to have that crucial conversation with your neighbors and your children and we'll tell you how this morning, because mornings are always better with friends like you. >> it's time for "fox & friends." friends like you, peter johnson, jr. >> anna, awesome job walking on your hands. >> i'm shaking a little. i could only do one step. >> exhausted me. >> cross fit, ladies and gentlemen. we have got a starting right now with election results. >> while you were sleeping, primaries in four states. >> one, kansas, incumbent, senator pat roberts fend odd a tea party challenger. >> now the late breaking details with peter doocy. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. establishment republicans rolled to easy victories in the first primaries of august. kansas, tea party support failed to give dr. milton wolf the boost that he needed in a challenge to senator pat roberts. he managed to pull in 41% of the gop vote, though. so now roberts is saying voters need to rally behind one republican to increase their odds of taking over the senate. >> unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing! >> kansas republican governor sam brownback beat his challenger, jennifer nguyen, 63% to 37%. the roberts results in kansas is the latest victory for senate incumbents this cycle where senators in mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas have also all held on. another house republican lost last night, though. tea party favorite beaten by a businessman who wants to be a congressman. he joins eric cantor and hall as the only incumbents to lose this cycle. in michigan, the longest serving congressman ever, john dingell, saw the race won by his wife, debbie dingell. she moves on to november with a chance to keep michigan's 12th district seat in the family. back to you in new york. >> all right. peter doocy live with the postgame show from last night's election results. thanks. other stories making headlines, heather nauert joins us for those. >> good morning. a real tragedy for the united states and our u.s. military. our country is mourning the loss of a two-star major general, general harold green was murdered in afghanistan. he served 34 years. what a career in the u.s. army. he was killed in an insider attack in afghanistan. he is the highest ranking american officer killed in combat overseas since the vietnam war. someone dressed as an afghan soldier opened fire at the officer training facility, wounding 15 other military personnel, including eight americans. major green was 55 years old. he leaves behind a wife and two children. sergeant beau bergdahl hours away from facing army investigators. his lawyer says he's mentally ready to answer questions and will be as cooperative as possible. a new picture released by his attorney shows him right here. looks pretty healthy as he prepares to sit down with an army general looking at the circumstances of his 2009 disappearance in afghanistan. fellow soldiers accused him of deserting his post. this questioning comes three months after he was traded for five taliban prisoners. deadly ebola virus is now spreading as new cases are now reported in nigeria. airports are become the first line of defense by stepping up screening. health screenings at that. a flight at new york jfk airport was held after a passenger fell ill. cdc officials quickly ruling out ebola, thank goodness. other airlines say they are playing it safe. british airways suspending all flights to liberia and sierra leone for one month. here in the united states, a second infected patient is undergoing experimental treatment in atlanta. the two patients are said to be improving. terrifying moments on a united airlines flight that was packed with 200 passengers on board when a fire breaks out. take a look at this picture. it was taken by a passenger. you see firefighter inside that plane. that flight was headed from brussels from newark, new jersey. the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. no one was hurt and no word on what caused that fire just yet. cameras everywhere. you don't often see a fireman on an airplane. but thank goodness everybody is okay. >> thank you very much. former president jimmy carter has a long-standing reputation as the most ineffective foreign policy of any modern presidency until now for many, but we're not going to get into the until now business. jimmy carter and former president of ireland, a woman named mary robinson, have written an op ed in foreign policy magazine and what they're doing is they want the united states to recognize hamas, which is a terrorist organization, to the exclusion of israel, which has been our ally for decades. so jimmy carter says we've got to recognize the terrorists. >> yeah. let's read an excerpt for our viewers from this. it says, the united states and e.u. should recognize hamas is not just a military, but also a political force. hamas cannot be wished away nor will it cooperate in its own demise. only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor, one that represents a substantial portion of the palestinian people can the west begin to provide the right incentive for hamas to lay down its weapons. so peter, legit mazing hamas, the terrorist organization, is this going to embolden them and our other adversaryies? >> absolutely. yes. you make a good point in asking that question. the legitimacy of a terrorist organization is always in question. so for a former president to say it needs to be legit mazed as a political actor in the world, along with other states, that's a huge, huge issue, especially when we heard sean hannity talking earlier today about 10,000 missiles being hurled into israel over this ten-year period in this area that he was in and now a president saying oh, no, let's recognize hamas. recognized by the u.s. as a terrorist organization. >> charles krauthammer was on the channel last night trying o explain why some clueless americans feel that way about hamas. here he is with bill o'reilly. >> i would draw a sharp distinction between the european sympathizers and the american ones. when it comes to europe, i think the overwhelming factor is raw native, deep seated anti-semitism. this is 2,000-year-old anti-semitism. in the united states, it is very different. anti-semitism is not a major factor here. of all the countries that the jews have lived in in 2,000 years, this is the most tolerant, friendly, loving country that the jews have ever known. what i think is the most important factor here is shear, raw, ignorance. they have no idea what hamas is. all that you said, they have no idea, for example, that there is no occupation in gaza. you'll hear them talk about gaza being occupied. the israelis left in 2005. they tore out their settlements. there is not a settler. there is not a soldier, there is not a jew left in gaza. do any of these people know it? no. are they aware of the fact that hamas' charter calls not just for the destruction of israel, but for the killing of jews everywhere in the world? this is an openly genocidal organization. >> and how can you negotiate with them when they play by their own rules? remember the cease fire we just had last week and the israelis were going into the markets and they're stocking up on supplies, thinking the coast is clear because of the cease fire, and all of a sudden, boom. they're not playing by the rules. sean hannity is on the ground in israel at this hour. he's been talking with residents there and seeing what they're dealing with, exploring an indoor playground/bomb shelter in israel. look at this. >> in the last ten years, just to give people some context of what goes on in those border towns with gaza, 10,000 rockets in ten years. i think that's the untold story of life in israel for the average person. we do know that negotiations are going on in egypt at this very hour to extend the cease fire possibly even longer than it's expected to go on. >> here the architect wanted to have a big merry go round, like the one you see in disney world and big parks because it's nice. but then by the way, i think the merry go round was the very first thing the architect put on paper. but then the ideas came and the ideas had to approve everything and they saw the plans and said sorry, you can not have a merry go round and we said why? this is the nicest thing for a kid with the lights and horses and music. they said there is only one problem. it takes 25 seconds to stop a merry go round. they only have 15 seconds to run for coverment end of story. >> when the air raid sirens go off, they only have 15 seconds and that's why they have to build indoor playgrounds for the kids. >> to imagine a child's activity is limited by the time it takes to get to a bomb shelter, that's staggering and we see anti-semitism is rising around the world. so that's why it's surprising to hear president carter speaking out so forcefully on behalf of hamas being recognized as a legitimate political actor. >> which he has supported in the past as well. >> incredible. >> it's currentsly 7:11 here in new york city. we've got a fox news alert for you. a wife and mother missing for weeks, that woman, found dead. authorities discovered the body yesterday near her suv in a remote wooded area 25 miles from her house. what happened to jennifer huston? ainsley earhart is here with the latest details on the investigation. >> thank you. the cause of the death isn't released yet. detectives are still processing the scene, but police say it does not look like there was a crash or anyone else involved. >> there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarm ed. >> the person who owns that land spotted jennifer's suv on his private property about an eighth of a mile from his house. then he told his wife about seeing a lexus on their land. >> i said, what color is it? he said green. i said, dark green? and i knew right then. >> police found the 38-year-old's body 50 feet away from that green suv. she was wearing the same clothes that she had on when she vanished on july 24. the mother of two disappeared that day while she was running errands. she took out 100 bucks from the bank, she filled up her car, bought some snacks and then some sleeping pills at a local drugstore. minutes later, her cell phone was turned off and the battery was not dead, according to police. her father and her husband joined us on "fox & friends" on monday speaking out about their desperate search and they were clearly exhausted. >> we're just graping at straws. any time we hear about a sighting or something, we're all over it. once or twice we've jumped in the car and ran somewhere we thought a vehicle was seen at. >> the family has now asked for privacy in order to grieve and to process their loss. jennifer leaves behind her husband and her two boys, ages six and two. back to you, anna. >> all right. thank you so much. a tragic end to that story. 13 minutes after the hour. in a few hours, closing arguments are set to begin in the so-called porch shooting trial. before the case goes to the jury. theodore waiver tried to convince a jury he shot an unarmed teen-ager in self-defense when she showed up in her porch last year. >> i didn't want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way, as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came out from the side of my house so fast, i raised the gun and shot. this poor girl. >> this case raising controversy. some drawing parallels between her and trayvon martin. is that a fair comparison? let's ask our legal experts. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> i'll start with you, what are the differences between these two cases? >> the difference is this defendant was in his home. >> okay. he wasn't outside or walking around a housing complex. two, this was a teen-ager and it was a woman who was knocking on his door, who was look for help as she had been in a car accident. also what is different in this case is we don't know a this is ha high crime neighborhood. he testified about an incident where there was a car that was hit with a paint ball after the tigers lost a game. that to me is not indicative nor is it consistent with a high crime neighborhood and he was not a victim of prior break-ins. >> eric, what we do know is she was screaming, she was drunk. is there a reasonable fear this man may have had for his life because in order to take a life, you have to have fear for your own life? >> we're not sure he had a reasonable fear. however, the facts are still that it was 4 a.m he stated that he was asleep and he was startled, which any one of us if someone is banging on your door at 4:00 a.m., you would automatically be alarmed if you weren't expecting anyone. so if he conveyed that to the jury that he had a reasonable fear that there were break-ins in the area and a high crime area, he may get a not guilty verdict. >> was there a 911 call before bullets were fired? >> there was no call. he didn't pick up a cell phone. he picked up a gun. he knew enough that there was an african-american woman banging on his door at 4:30 in the morning and he shot. he shot and he killed her. how he can convince this jury that he had a reasonable fear that his life was in danger is beyond me. this is similar to the trayvon martin case to the extent that it's biracial. but this is a man who should not be allowed to pick up a gun and shoot and that's what makes this very different. >> is this a case, eric, of somebody protecting themselves or someone being trigger happy? >> well t could be a case of both because this goes to what he believed. there was evidence that there was climbing on the air conditioner and the police did not process the evidence. and he stated and testified that he heard banging on the side, banging on the front door, banging on the side, banging on the front door, which instilled his possible fear, which i can reasonably understand. >> so you want to speak out individually. we'll have to leave it there 'cause i want to jump topics to jody arias. on monday it was said she's going to be able to represent herself in the penalty phase of her trial. is this going to be something advantageous for her to be able to speak to the jurors one by one? >> based on her prior experience, i don't think this is advantageous for her at all. look, she has a ged, that is not a ged. you need to have lawyering experience to voir dire to question jurors. she doesn't have that experience. i don't know that she'll be able to do this successfully. why put something that -- fix something that isn't broken? her attorney last time was able to successfully save her life in the last penalty phase. so i would have stuck with my attorney because obviously the jury liked her and as we saw during the murder trial, we weren't necessarily sure whether the jury liked jody arias and found her to be somebody who was worth saving. >> eric, is she going to just say hey, this was self-defense, as she has before, or is she going to start going cocoa bananas doing head stands like we saw in the video to try to make it seem like she's off her rocker? >> the guilt phase is over. this is about saving her life at this point. what she wants to do is connect with the jury. she wants to talk to them and probably try to charm them, which could backfire on her because they will know that she's conniving. they will know that she was found guilty of this and it could backfire. >> i agree. i think that -- i'm not sure this was ever a death penalty case. but what we know about death penalty cases is that there are appeals after appeals after appeals. for this trial judge to let jody arias represent herself in the penalty phase is inviting an appeal, which means another trial, which means taxpayer dollars paying for this woman's third trial. it's bad decision and if she's convicted for the death penalty, i suspect this will be the reason it's overturned. >> all right. thanks for your time today. >> thank you. 18 minutes after the hour. coming up, brand-new information about that double decker bus crash in the heart of times square. we just learned police arrested one of the drivers. the reason? drugs. and did you know there are 50 new drugs out there to treat cancer in adults? but there is just one, one for children. up next, a mother who is changing that. it hasn't been easy. ♪ ♪ hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you! fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- female announcer: sundayduring sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ you can see right there, time for news by the numbers. first, two. that's how many people were attacked by sharks in florida in the last three days. both incidents happening in brief regard county. a 45-year-old woman and nine-year-old boy were attacked but are expected to be okay. next, ten pounds. that's how much weight nba superstar lebron james has shed this season. ten pounds. james taking instagram to show off his skinnier frame. the star saying he's cut out carbs. no bread for him. and 60 seconds. that's how long mcdonald's is promising to take to deliver your drive-through order or it's free. the 60-second promotion is only good at participating south florida mcdonald's. terrific. peter, over to you. >> thanks. in the past 20 years, the f.d.a. has approved only one drug, only one for any childhood cancer and the national cancer institute uses 96% of their budget for adult cancer research. so why are children with cancers and diseases being left behind, sometimes and too often to die? joining us now is the mother who tragically lost her own son, jacob, to a rare brain tumor. nancy goodman, who is the founder and executive director of kids versus cancer. thanks for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me, peter. >> you helped change american history and provide an incentive for american companies to develop pediatric cancer drugs and other drugs that will save children. when they do so, they basically get a reward or a voucher from the federal government that they can actually sell thereafter and you provide this incentive. tell us about the act that you helped create and why you did it. >> thank you, peter. it's called the creating hope act. i created it because when my son jacob was diagnosed with a pediatric brain cancer, i was shocked and amazed to find out that the drugs he was receiving were 40 years old. and they didn't work. so that's the purpose of the creating hope act, to give companies a reason to develop drugs for kids. >> so what's happened, nancy, in terms of millions of dollar transaction that came about as a result of one of these pediatric cancer drugs? >> so last week the first voucher was sold, peter. it was sold for $67.5 million, which is great. it means the program works and the company that sold it, their market cap increased by half a billion dollars and another up with of the two companies that purchased it, their market cap increased by $20 billion upon announcement of the sale. so that means the program works and if companies develop drugs for kids with cancer and other serious illnesses, they'll be -- there will be financial gain for those companies. >> congratulations. let's talk about compassionate use. we focused on josh hardy and his ability finally to get the drug that he needed that could help save his life. you had a hard time getting compassionate use for your own child. what advice would you give to mothers and fathers and family members as they try and save their children that may have a pediatric cancer for which there is no approved drug? >> it's a terrible problem, peter. i think what we really need to do as a society, one is fix the compassionate use program. there is some structural problems in it. and second, we have to find ways to encourage or acquire companies to offer pediatric trials of new drugs earlier. >> well, as a pediatric cancer survivor, nancy, i thank you for what you've done. you've really created history and provide an incentive for drug manufacturers to help our youngest and most vulnerable population. nancy goodman, thanks so much for doing what you've done. >> thank you, peter. coming up, three huge storms, including two hurricanes threatening beach goers across the country. maria molina with what you need to know. and then we showed you how kids react to finding guns in their play area. is this happening when you send them o a friend's house? do you even know if the parents own a gun? how to approach that crucial and maybe life-saving conversation, coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. chances are we're already there. be or what you want to do, 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like super 8, where every destination is super. save up to 15 percent and earn bonus points when you book at ♪ >> are you hungry? are you thirsty? it's your shot of the morning. today we are celebrating national root beer float day. maria molina is on the plaza with more. good morning. >> hi. good morning. that's right. it's national root beer float day. a and w restaurants are here on the plaza handing out free root beer floats to anyone that is passing by. you can stop at select stores to pick up your free root beer float. and by the way, they're also going to be raising awareness and donations for the wounded warrior project. so they're also big supporters of our nation's heros. they have been doing this, this is the second year they've been doing this. last year they raised up to $100,000 in donations for the wound warrior project. so that is just a wonderful thing they're doing and by the way, a and w started in 1919 just as a little stand outside. they were making some floats and it became a huge success eventually and during the return of the world war 1 when veterans came back, they actually had this as well because they were participating in the parade then with the root beer float. a lot of history with a and w. come on by if you are in manhattan, 48th and 6th, for your free float and stop by your local stores. let's head back inside. >> that's right. thank you very much. >> there was root beer first or ice cream first? >> i think the ice cream first. >> a lot of first kisses probably. >> i remember we used to go to the a and w root beer and it was always a happy day when my dad would bring the great big one gallon jug of a and w root beer home. >> what did you say? >> that there was probably a lot of fir kisses over root beer. >> you're probably right. >> that would result in a lot of root beer float mustaches. go get a free root beer today. meanwhile, brand-new video into "fox & friends" right now. listen to the moment two double decker buses crash in the heart of times square two blocks from right here. you can see people running and the traffic light toppling onto the crowd. police have just arrested one of the drivers. channel 5 here in new york's reporter is in times square. what do we know about the driver who has been arrested? >> reporter: good morning to you guys and good morning, everyone. the driver's name is william delambar, a 50-year-old marne from new jersey, a long-time driver with gray line buses. little is known about his criminal past, if there even is one. police tell us this is a guy who should not have been behind the wheel. he was charged with driving while ability impaired. they tell me he had drugs in his system. not narcotics, but some type of prescription or over the counter medication. a guy who should have taken the day off and not taken that shift because we know what happened next. you've probably seen the video by now. you just saw some new video. let's check out the earth cam video of it. two double decker buses crashing into each other at 47th and 7th and taking down a light pole with it. you see on this earth cam video, people start to scurry. the light pole comes down. debris shatters like shrapnel is what people told us when we arrived on scene yesterday. a number of injuries. 14 people injured. three people seriously, including one of the tour bus operators on another bus. apparently she got her head stuck underneath the dashboard. chaotic scene here. certainly there were a lot of tours in the area. anybody who has been to times square in the afternoon knows how busy it can be. a lot of people panicked. and we can also tell you guys we are hearing from police that this was an unusual event in and of itself. but earlier in the day, this area was shut down prior because there was a bomb scare that occurred in this area. so especially a lot of patrons of the restaurants, people would work around here weren't quite sure what exactly was going on. they had the bomb scare and then they had this bus crash. so it made for a very uneasy tuesday for people who work in this area and people who just want to take in times square. that's the latest from times square, i'll send things back to you in the studio. >> live there and today is matinee day where they have the matinees on times square and broadway. is driving under the influence of prescription drugs is that on par with a dui? >> it can turn into a dui. anyone who drives in manhattan knows that the peril is sometimes posed by these bus, they're kind of a pain in the neck. you wonder sometimes who is actually training some of these folks. there is a bunch of different lines out there. a lot of lawsuits, big investigation i predict. big regulation moving ahead against these types of bus lines to prevent exactly these type of accidents. >> the double decker buss are so huge, so long, they block entire sections. i rode my bike home yesterday and i couldn't get through. cabs were laying on their horn. >> great service and great fun, but they can be hazardous sometimes. >> it's 23 minutes before the top of the hour. and heather nauert joins us with some news. >> good morning. an update for you on a story that we told you about. a woman in pennsylvania charges not dismissed against the mother who carried her registered gun across state lines. a judge now ruling that she will have to go to trial for being found in possession of this gun during a traffic violation in the state of new jersey. here is what happened. she presented her concealed carry permit for pennsylvania, but that isn't recognized across state lines in new listen. >> i hope that -- i didn't know about it. it could happen to anybody. >> she can now face at least 3 1/2 years in prison. you got to know the gun laws. the search for a missing six-year-old girl in washington state intensifying by the hour. this as we just learned that police are keeping a close eye on the little girl's father. james wright was once charged with molesting his eight-year-old stepdaughter. that charge was later dropped. police aren't calling him a suspect, but both parents have taken lie detector tests. those results have not been made public at this time. two of their other children have been taken from them. she was last seen on saturday night. she's just six years old. san antonio spurs making history by hiring becky hammond as an assistant coach. she's the second woman to work on an nba coaching staff. but the first full-time employee >> growing up i remember asking my dad, you know, hey, dad, will i ever play in the nba? oh, sweety, no. you'll never be able to play in the nba. but if you're really, really good, maybe you can get a college scholarship. so i'm gog have to call him up and say dad, you never said coaching. >> she exceeded his dreams. she played in the wnba for 16 years. one man certainly knows how to keep his ducks in a row. >> oh, my god! they follow him. you can see the guy is able to get his flock into the barn without ruffling any feathers. that happened in russia. that is going viral. trainable. >> why couldn't we have taught our kids to do that? all right. >> here. how about this? you can have this. now we get the two straws. >> maria molina outside where just a moment ago, root beer float day and now she's got science trivia. >> i heard you guys talk being whether it was ice cream or the float, how do you make the float? it's ice cream first and then you pour it in. >> i was right. >> now time for science trivia. we're looking at today's question related to tornadoes. kind of because of the storm coming out on friday. so the question is, the largest tornado outbreak included how many tornadoes? is it a, 111, b, 155. c 211 or c, 355? this was over a couple of days and the largest tornado outbreak in history. >> the biggest number, 355 of course. >> i'm going to say the lowest number. >> i'm saying ice cream first. >> i hear peter saying 355. and you are correct. 355 tornadoes. that's the largest tornado outbreak on record. happened in 2011. pretty recently in late april. way to go, peter. we want to switch gears now and talk about the weather because we have a lot of activity across the tropics. starting across the eastern pacific ocean, we have two hurricanes and both of these storms are set to continue moving westward and impact hawaii over the next several days. the good news out here is that they are forecast to weaken over the next few days. forecast to impact hawaii, iselle on thursday as a tropical storm and then you have the following storm, hurricane julio, also set to impact hawaii over the weekend. bertha also producing issues along parts of the east coast with rip currents concerns. we do have a number of advisories along coastal areas. right now, maximum sustained winds at 50 miles an hour and moving away from the coast. now back inside. >> thank you very much. 18 minutes before the top of the hour on this wednesday. we showed you how children react when they find a gun in their play area. the question is, does this happen when you send your child over to their friend's house? how to have a crucial conversation with your neighbors about their guns this hour. and hackers have a new way of breaking into your computer using your mouse and you'll never even notice. curt the cyber guy is here with steve next to explain what this is all about as we drink our root beers nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. wheyou know what he brings?les rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! computer hackers now have a new way to get into your computer. you won't know it at the time and you can't fix it and it's tied to something you probably use each and every day. here to explain, curt the cyber guy. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> this is a terrifying story because i have done exactly what you're saying people should not do. >> everybody has. that's the big problem. even if you've never used one of these little things called a usb thumb drive, which i have right here, you still need to be worried about this 'cause plenty of people are using these devices that have control of your data. and what has happened is two researchers from sr labs has come out, both of them have come out with an idea that usbs in particular, thumb drives or accessories that you plug into a computer, are now able to be controlled by, say, a malicious attack from a hacker. so let me give you an idea of what that means. for example, right now this device plugs into a number of computers and inside of this device is instructional language called firmware. it says i'm a usb drive, i hold this much information and you can talk to me this way. inside that instruction, which is inside the device and not something you can control, you now or someone could put instruction that says, copy all the information off this computer and send it to this other computer. >> see, that's the bad part. here is the thing, a lot of companies give these out as promotional things. people -- i can't tell you how many people have given me one of these little gizmos like this and i actually have used one until this morning. >> we thought that this was actually a safer way to transfer information. >> of course. >> you will say, i won't e-mail it, i'll copy it on this and hand it to you and here you go. the problem is anyone at any time can now put this on this device and you don't know who put what where and you can't detect it. so the problem is now we've got to look at usbs in a whole new way. and it's a big wake-up call to say stop using freebie handout ones. only use ones which are inside of the packaging that you get from the store. a broader way of thinking of this is think about a usb drive as you would your wallet. you don't loan it to somebody else and if you do loan one of these things to somebody, you simply don't expect it back because all it takes is one transfer and now that could infect your computer that you now plug that into the next time. >> it's so innocent looking. but i seem to remember it was a little device like this that some spies used to blow up the iranian computers with this virus. >> it is that and there is cotton mouth is a widely discussed protocol from the nsa that came out from edward snowden's leak which this would use the same technology to get there. so bottom line here is big wake-up call and in the months and perhaps even years to come, it will take a long time to implement a new way to secure this kind of technology. so no longer safe. no longer the sure bet. >> don't take a free one. just go to staples and buy a new one. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. great advice. >> that was easy. coming up on "fox & friends," this choke hold is the latest tragedy after a suspect resisted arrest. is that a growing trend? are the cops not respected anymore? our next guests say yes and know why. and on this day in 1955, "rock around the clock" was the number one song. ♪ hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you! that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. so let's do it. let's simplify healthcare. let's close the gap between people and care. female announcer: sundayduring sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> activists around the country are lashing out at the new york city police department. they claim police are too brutal, citing the choke hold death of a staten island man. critics say the streets are much less safe under this new mayor here in new york city, bill de blasio. he's got these plans of course to stop or at least scale back stop and frisk. joining us right now is long-time new york city police department detective, mr. bo deedle. good morning. >> good morning. >> you were on the street for a very long time. you talk to cops all the time. from what we've heard and what we've seen under this mayor where he says the cops have been too rough, we're going to stop the stop and frisk business, it seems like the guys on the street are demoralized. >> i talk to cops every day. the cops are so disgusted with what's going on, they don't want to get involved. they don't want to do anything. what we saw on the videotape of what happened and the incident at staten island, dozens of times i use the same kind of head lock to bring someone down. you got a man who is 6' 3, 350 pounds, you got cops 5' 7, 5' 8, you bring them down in a head lock. it's not meaning that you're trying to choke him. on the other side of the coin is when they use the word homicide, homicide is used by the hands of another. you commit a homicide even when you give a lethal injection. that's homicide that's on the medical record. people now are getting this thing that -- i want to see an autopsy report where there is a crushed wind pipe. i want to see that because the head lock that's used, i've used dozens of times and it's used all the time to bring someone down. and if you watch that video, it wasn't a consistent compression on the guy's neck. and this is kind of gets me upset that these cops are being singled out. then when you get a mayor that has a great police commissioner like bratten sit there and take the abuse of al sharpton, i am disgusted. every cop is disgusted. i'm going to hire an independent medical examiner to look at that autopsy report. someone's got to step up with this and protect this commissioner and these cops that are out there who are servicing this city. bad enough they took the stop and frisk away, which is ridiculous, which we can use it in a courteous manner and i've talked to them before and i'vo e police department, including my ex-partner there, ben tucker, about ways of utilizing stop and frisk. >> listen, something has to be done. things seem to be going out of control. >> i'm a little angry, i'm sorry. >> you're not the only one. coming up, our gun series continues. do you know whether or not your kids are safe when they go to a neighbor's house regarding the neighbor's guns?wh that conversation coming up next creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. 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this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ hey, everybody. hope you're doing well. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. remember when the president declared the war in afghanistan over? >> the bottom line is it's time to turn the page on more than a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. >> it's not over. the terrorists heard him and attacked again. this time killing a top general. what does this say about our president's foreign policy? mean while, an incredible show of team work as a group of strangers pulled together to help a guy stuck between a train and the platform. look at that! how did it turn out? stick around. our gun series continues. do you know if your kids are going to a house with a gun? do the parents keep it locked up? how to have that conversation this hour, conversation well had because mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> thank you very much. can you imagine you're down on a subway platform and somebody says let's push over the train a little bit. how many people would sign up for that? >> their adrenaline must have been pumping. >> you'll find out more about that. but we have breaking news. >> while you were sleeping, the results came in from practice i marries in four states. >> one of the states, kansas, where the incumbent, senator pat roberts, fended off a tea party challenger. >> joining us from washington with all the late-breaking details is peter doocy. peter? >> reporter: the tea party tried to replace three-term republican senator pat roberts in kansas, but their candidate, dr. milton wolf, came up short. the split was close enough, 48 to 41, that roberts used his victory speech to plead with the party to come together so they have a better chance to win in november. >> unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing! >> reporter: sun flower state governor sam brownback won as well with 63% of the vote to primary challenger jennifer nguyen 37%. the senator roberts victory is the latest successes. his colleagues in mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas have also all held on as well. a different story for republicans in the house, though. first it was eric cantor who fell, then ralph hall. now tea party-backed carey bentafolio defeated by a michigan businessman. elsewhere in michigan, a race to replace john dingell, retiring after the longest congressional career ever has been won by his wife, debbie. now in november, she'll have a chance to take the seat her husband had for 50 years. >> peter doocy live with the results from washington, d.c i heard on "special report" last night, the republican running against senator roberts is a first or second cousin of barak obama. >> amazing. meantime, three minutes after the top of the hour, we turn to heather nauert who has got some terrifying news. >> yeah. for some passengers on board, but we've got good news as well. terrifying moments for united airlines flight packed with 200 passengers. a fire breaks out on board the flight. look at this picture here, taken by a passenger. once it finally reached the ground, inside the plane, you see the firefighters on board that plane. this flight was headed from newark, new jersey to brussels when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. fortunately, no one was hurt. no word yet what caused that fire on the jet. luckily everyone is okay. today closing arguments begin in the porch shooting trial. it goes before the jury later today. theodore waver spent two days on the stand trying to convince a jury he shot an unarmed teen-ager in self-defense when she showed up on his front porch drunk and screaming. >> i didn't want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came up from the side of my house so fast. i raised the gun and shot this poor girl. >> some are comparing the case to the trayvon martin case. remember that one? it was a teen-ager who was shot and killed in florida back in 2012 by george zimmerman. fearing the threat of ebola, british airways now suspending all flights to liberia and sierra leone for one month. airports are becoming the first line of defense against the ebola virus by setting up medical screenings. here in the united states, the second infected american is now undergoing an experimental treatment in atlanta. both nurse nancy writebol and dr. brantley are said to be improving. then you got to look at this video. it's incredible. a car with a woman and her husband trapped inside it, no match for mother nature. but rest easy because mother nature is no match for some good samaritans who also happen to be u.s. airmen. take a look at this. this all unfolding about 30 miles north of las vegas. members of the air force who happened to be nearby ran into the water to pull the 80-year-old woman out of her car. her husband was just rescued moments before. one of those airmen was then nearly swept away himself and he had to be rescued. seconds later, their car was carried off. a lot of flash flood not guilty that area recently. a lot of rain. so a big problem. but everybody is okay. >> if it was just the car, people might let it go. but if there is somebody inside -- >> two people inside, two elderly inside. >> thank you very much. we had terrible news yesterday. a two-star general, harold green, was murdered at the u.s. military -- rather the military academy for afghanistan training afghannies to take over their own security. the taliban has already claimed responsibility for the attack, which prompted ed henry yesterday to ask white house press secretary josh earnest, okay, it's the taliban. they're claiming they killed this guy. how can we say we're making progress over there? here is what josh earnest and ed henry had to say. >> how can you say progress when an american general was killed today? >> the progress that i cited is the progress that was made. hard won progress that was made by our men and women in uniform who have been serving for more than 12 years. and there is no doubt that what previously was a base of operations for core al-qaeda no longer exists. >> this is a huge touchdown for the taliban. >> yeah. and this insider attack is something that we saw a surge in in 2011 and 2012. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for americans was there at that time and is familiar with this area and he says that this is not spontaneous timing, that this possibly is part of a sleeper cell of the taliban. this is their propaganda of trying to say yes, you may be announcing a withdrawal and winding down the war, but we are chasing you out. pete hegseth also says that if we say the war is over, that doesn't mean the war is over for our enemy, still think it's raging. listen. >> the troops have felt the fact that it has been about withdrawal more than success from the very beginning. that's what you're seeing in afghanistan right now. the taliban is exploiting that perception to make it look like the americans are on the way out and they're the future. taliban hasn't turned the page. al-qaeda, isis, are not turning the page. they're redoubling their efforts because they've identified that we're retreating, that we don't care. we're not invested in the outcome. so you've got islamists on the march, the taliban really controlling the country side. >> and the taliban redoubles its efforts in afghanistan, resulting in the death of general green who is last in the long line of those who serve in the military service back to the civil war. a new poll is showing that the president is sinking deeper than ever before. the question that was asked was in general, do you approve or disapprove or not sure of the job barak obama is doing as president? and 54% of the american people disapprove. 40% approve. and 6% are not sure. >> that's a new low for the president. then this is the one that's really going to catch your eye in this "wall street journal" poll. do you think things in this nation are generally headed in the right direction or the wrong track? 71% of you say we are headed on the wrong track. only 22%, one in five, think we are headed in the right direction. >> and this terrible tragedy yesterday. let us know what you think. also this morning, this is happening, sergeant beau bergdahl, the guy who was swapped for five terrorists, he's formally going to be questioned on desertion charges. his lawyer saying he will be as cooperative as possible. this is a new image of him preparing for his questioning. he appears to look pretty good. he's gained some weight there. >> yeah. remember right now he's got a desk job down in san antonio. the big question is, keep in mind, we've had his platoon mates on this program. they all say he was a deserter. he clearly -- he left a note. he said, i've had it. here, i'm leaving. so what's going to happen to him? fox news legal analyst kimberly guilfoyle was on with bill o'reilly last night and she sees this scenario playing out. >> i don't see any incentive for sergeant bergdahl to cooperate, participate. i expect we're going to see more of kind of the lois lerner, take the fifth, not give the information because he is the worst witness against himself. if he doesn't say anything, he remains on active duty in good standing, able to get a pension and continue to serve in -- >> if he's not convicted. >> if he's not convicted. >> i have a different viewpoint on this. you've got a lawyer who i believe is going to attempt to cop a plea today and tomorrow, asserting that bowe bergdahl was somewhere between confused and mentally ill when he stepped off that base. his lawyer was someone who has spoken up in the past on behalf of enemy combatants at guantanamo bay. so he's going to get a defense and i believe they will come up with a story to ex cull pate him. his lawyer has always said, he's been in jail with the taliban already for five years and that's an amazing counterpoint that we're talk being this story today on the day that we are mourning the death of general green, perhaps killed at the hands of the taliban, the same leaders that we released to qatar some months ago. >> that is such an excellent point. peter, the white house, because they did do this controversial swap and released all these bad guy, the white house would love to see this go away, sweep it under the carpet. so could they pressure the pentagon or these attorneys or whoever decides let's just get rid of this? >> you're not going to see formal e-mails to that effect. but i believe that the president's beliefs on this particular issue will inform the outcome as to what happens going forward. remember, there was already a determination that he had walked off that base without permission, that he was awol. now they'll be looking at deserter status or not and whether to bring charges. no charges have been brought yet. >> yeah, you can imagine the president worried about his legacy on this one if one of those five returns and does something terrible and kills innocent americans again as some of them have vowed to do. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. we showed you hidden camera footage of how kids react when they find a firearm. >> how do you know when they're in the presence of one? do you even know if your neighbor or your child's play date has one? well, do you keep them locked up and do they keep them locked up? >> this is the latest in our series on children and guns and heather nauert is here with more. >> good morning. we're looking at this all week and it's a major, major topic. it's our constitutional right to own a gun, but with that comes a major responsibility, especially when there are children in the home. but what do you do when your child goes o another family's home? do you ever even think o ask them if they own a gun? it's obviously a tough question to ask. but i recently met a mom who regrets not posing that question. this is something that every parent should see. >> said to me, i don't know how to tell you this and i said what? and he said, nicholas was shot. and i said, what are you talking about? how? when? where? >> december 22, 2010, 12-year-old nicholas, a 7th grader, who had a flair for art and performing was accidentally shot while spending the night at a friend's house. >> we were told that they went downstairs to the basement where nicholas' friend showed him old 40-year-old bullets and his friend asked him if he's ever seen a real gun before. he went to his parents' bedroom and got the gun out of like a sock drawer, thinking that the gun was unloaded, he pointed at nicholas and pulled the trigger. this is the last heartbeat you're going to hear your child. >> did you know that the parents were gun owners? >> i never thought of it. >> you never thought about that before? had you known, would you have felt differently about having your son play at his house? >> absolutely. >> how do you ask that family if they own a weapon and if it's properly secured? >> you just ask. >> so that's it. just as she said, you just ask. and though it can be an awkward conversation, it's one that's practical and necessary. >> for 75 to 80% of families with guns in the home, first and second graders know where that gun is kept. so it really is unrealistic to think that the kids don't know what's going on. because of that awareness, experts say lay the groundwork with your kids early and often. >> you need to start the conversation early, from kindergarten on and it needs to be the rules. >> when approaching parents keeping it conversational works best. >> there needs to be no emotion about it. it's just one of the questions, do you have allergies? do you have a pet? do you have a swimming pool? do you have a gun? >> if a family takes offense, offer to move the play date. studies have shown people with guns aren't offended by asking the question. in fact, it's almost offered a lot of times. >> it's a matter of you feeling safe. the reality is it could take just once for something to happen to your child. you need to make that decision that's going to keep your child safe. >> such a bright light. >> it is really, really important to know if the people where you're sending your child for a play date are gun owners and how they're stored. we're not trying to take, you know, the guns away from gun owners. there is nothing wrong with asking so you could make an educated choice. >> nicholas was such a beautiful little boy. the couple are now working to pass what's called nicholas' bill in new york state. it would require the safe storage of guns with a locking device to prevent children from getting their hands on them and using them. the bill is now before the new york senate. there is that other angle to consider, something that gun rights advocates talk about a lot, trigger locks, and whether or not they threaten homeowners' security and that is an angle that we're going to look at tomorrow because a lot of people express concern that if you have a trigger lock on your gun or if you have it stored in a safe, that it would take too long to respond to a home intruder. we'll look at just how long that might take tomorrow. >> great advice that it should be one of those questions, do you have allergies? do you have a pet? do you have a pool? do you have a gun? put it out there, just conversationally. >> it's something that -- i'm a parent of two young children. we often send our kids on play dates. >> have you ever asked that? >> i have never asked. but it's such a good question because you want your kids to be safe and we know how curious kids are. >> sure. most gun owners are absolutely responsible and my friends who have guns in their homes, they have the gun safes. they've got the vaults. it's all locked up. it doesn't hurt to ask. >> we're not saying don't own guns, but you have to be responsible about it and then ask questions. >> i know it's a thoughtful, thoughtful report that you've done. my own experience in my own family, a lot of police officers and that was always the concern that my uncles had when people were coming over for a party. i remember this as an older teen-ager, they were so vigilant to make sure their off-duty weapons were put away where nobody could get them. it's important. thanks for doing this. >> thanks for mentioning that. meanwhile, straight ahead, it's happened again. billions of internet passwords stolen. only this time it's worse. there is a chance that you are a victim and we've got the details straight ahead. >> then this is amazing. a navy veteran loses his hand in a horrific accident but gets his grip back for 20 bucks at the home depot. you'll meet him and see his breakthrough invention when we come back. >> he invented that? >> he did it. ♪ ♪ ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! scheck it out.? i just saved 15% on car insurance in 15 minutes, so i took a selfie to 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this guy should have taken the day off. he should have not been behind the wheel of the car. new york police charged him with driving while ability impaired. they say he had some type of drug in his system. they tell me it's not narcotics. but perhaps a prescription medication or some type of over-the-counter medication. is it a sleep aid? is it something else that could have really impaired his ability? we don't know. we do know from talking to some of the people who work for grayline bus that he was working the night shift coming in at noon and expected to work through the night. if you come here to times square today, you'll see that there is little remnants of the accident that occurred at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. it happened on the corner of 47th and 7th. the light pole is back up, but boy, it came down with a vengeance yesterday. look at this earth cam video. you can see as those buses collide, people start to run. they hear the explosion of the buses hitting and then they start to scatter as they see the light pole come down, spraying debris. there were a ton of tourists. 14 people were hurt. three seriously, including apparently one tour operator that was on one of the other buses. her head got wedged underneath the dashboard. steve, we're waiting to hear more from nypd about this man. if there is any sort of criminal past and also when he'll be in court today. that's the latest from times square this morning. i'll send things back to you in the studio. >> live in times square, thank you very much. anna, over to you and peter. >> amazing story. navy veteran involved in a horrific accident that cost him the use of his hand, he sawed off four of his fingers, three had to be amputated. only one was able to be saved. >> this morning not only does howard have a smile on his face, he's got a solid grip to boot. that's because he created his own prosthetic hand after a trip to home depot. good morning, howard. >> good morning. >> you say you've gotten your self-esteem back because of this $20 that you spent at the home depot. how does it work? >> well, when i cut my fingers off, i had to go to home depot and i met a friend named casey barrett and he's the one that designed these -- my hand for me and we just needed to get a glove and some string, some fishing line, some glue and that's how we put our firsthand together. >> what can you do with the hand, howard? show us that hand and what can you do with that incredible hand that you made on a 3d machine? wow. that is tremendous. >> i can pick up some water bottles now, which i couldn't do before without my fingers. i can even play some cards with my friends now 'cause i can hold the cards. >> i can see the magic hyped your eyes. you seem really happy with all this. obviously you're able to keep costs down at 20 bucks, making these prosthetic potentially accessible to a lot more people. are you working to get this thing on the market? >> no, we're not working to get it on the market. what we want to do is the wreck f foundation has joined me and we want to give it away. we want to give it away to veterans who have lost their hands and their fingers and anybody else that needs help 'cause prosthetics are very expensive. >> this is an incredible thing. one of the things that you can rebuild your own hand, what a feeling of power. you should be so proud of yourself. it gives hope to a lot of other americans. we're so happy to have you on this morning. >> thank you. and it wasn't me that built it. like i said, a friend of mine came to me after i chopped my fingers off and he's the engineer of our group and he's the one that printed all these fingers for me. >> you guys certainly make a good team with the help of a 3d printer. >> thanks for your service, too. >> thank you. thank you very much. 27 minutes after the hour. coming up, it's the most incredible video you will see all day. hundreds of people, complete strangers, pull together to help save a man stuck in the tracks. details next. then she's used to flying f 16s for a living. so what happens when our own leah gabriel flies cross-country with our own jon scott? next, we'll show you your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! he's excited for saving at staples for back to school. they're excited. ♪ these guys are super excited. because when you get rulers for less... ♪ comp books for less... ♪ and filler paper for less, all at guaranteed low prices, you can't help but show it. in a big way! staples. make more happen for less. ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. time for your shot of the morning. the most incredible video you're going to see all day. a transit rider in australia gets stuck when his leg slips between the train and the platform. watch the gap, they tell you. he didn't apparently. hundreds of people, complete strangers, all pulled together to help. they all pushed on the word. everybody got off the train and pushing to shift the weight off onto the one side. it was enough to free the guy's leg. the man seemingly dazed but unhurt, was able to walk away. ladies and gentlemen, that is team work from perth, australia. >> it's a wonder that doesn't happen more often. that gap is about this big and people are on their cell phone. >> it does happen. major subways in the united states, they have air bags that emergency service brings and they inflate it and it will separate the car from the platform. usually the outcome is a lot worse, amputations, death and like that. so that's wonderful, people jump in to help. >> a wife and mother missing for weeks found dead. authorities discovered her body yesterday near her suv in a remote wooded area 25 miles from her home. so what happened to jennifer houston? ainsley earhart is here with details. incredibly sad story. >> we've been following this for weeks. it is sad this morning to report that she is no longer with us. but the cause of death still not released yet. detectives are still processing on the scene. police say it does not look like there was a crash or anyone else involved. >> we do not suspect foul play at this time. there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarmed. >> the person who owns the land spotted jennifer houston's suv on his private property about an eighth of a mile from his house and told his wife about seeing that lexus on their land. >> i said, what color is it? he said green. i said, dark green? and i knew right then. >> police found the 38-year-old's body 50 feet away from that suv there. she was wearing the same clothes that she had on when she vanished on july 24. the mother of two disappeared that day while she was running errands. she took out $100 from the bank. she filled up her car with gasoline and bought some snacks and then bought some sleeping pills at a local drugstore. minutes later, her cell phone was turned off and police say the battery was not dead. her father and her husband joined us on "fox & friends" on monday speaking out about that desperate search and they were clearly exhausted. >> we're just grasping at straws. any time we hear about a sighting or something, we're all over it. once or twice we've jumped in the car and ran somewhere we thought a vehicle was seen at. >> the family has asked for privacy in order to grieve and to process their loss. jennifer leaves behind her husband and their two little boys, age six and two. back to you guys. >> tragic end to that story. thanks for the update. >> what a terrible story. i wond for they found a note. don't know. >> awful. we turn now to heather nauert who has got the search for somebody else. >> yeah. police in the pacific northwest need your help searching for a missing six-year-old girl. this as we just learned that police are also keeping a close eye on her father, james wright. he was once charged with molesting his eight-year-old stepdaughter. that charge was later dropped. police aren't calling him a suspect at this time. the girl was last seen saturday night, six years old. they came to this country illegally multiple times and now they're charged with shooting a u.s. border patrol agent dead. the two men had both been arrested and deported from our country multiple times. that u.s. border patrol agent was shot and killed in front of his wife and his family while he was fishing. this father was shot, but is expected to survive. the two suspects who confessed to that shooting were trying to rob the family when he fought back. it is one of the largest security breaches ever. a russian crime ring stole more than 1 billion user names and passwords from 420,000 different web sites. 500 million e-mail addresses have also been compromised. some of the victims include the auto industry, car rental businesses and also hotels. keep a close eye on your personal information. if you need to quiet your baby as a loft us moms do, try the power of katy perry. look at this. ♪ ♪ >> she's quite a dancer, too. it worked! that little girl goes from tears to pure happiness. this after seeing the katy perry video, katy perry actually tweeted about it. available for baby-sitting at $10 an hour and poor oreos. nice sense of humor. those are your headlines. gosh, i wish i knew that. >> thank you very much. a new dance. she can do the mouth, too. >> that is adorable. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. time for some weather and get this, maria molina, it sounds like a lot of people who are going to hawaii right now for their vacation picked a bad week to go. >> yeah. i can't really feel -- i still feel jealous. i would still like to be in hawaii, even if there are storms headed that way. i do have some good news and that is that the storms are forecast to weaken. they are hurricanes, headed westward. and one of them could potentially move north of the islands. so that would be good news. we would be spared from some of the impact from these storms. we do have two storm systems. over the next several days, they are going to continue to move westward and iselle will be the first storm to potentially impact the hawaiian islands. that's coming up as we head into thursday and then you have julio. this one has maximum sustained winds -- iselle at 90 miles an hour. julio has been a little weaker, but forecast to continue to intensify and then eventually weaken before hitting the island, that's coming up over the weekend. we also have bertha, that storm moving away from parts of the east coast. rip current concerns are continuing along coastal areas of the northeast. of course, that's a big issue for anyone that's headed out towards the beaches there. there you have tropical storm bertha, max winds at 50 miles an hour. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, do you recognize her? we rely on her reporting skills and military analysis as well. but leah gabriel hasn't stopped flying since her days as a pilot of an f-18 in the u.s. navy. but when she came to new york city and joined us here at fox, she left her plane in california and i guess, were you running up a bill at the airport? you had to move it? >> i wanted it here so i could fly it and i set out on this journey after july 4th weekend. so i decided to call my trip freedom tour. and i knew i would offer some incredible views that you don't normally get to see and i wanted to share those. take a look at some of the sights that you don't get to see when you fly across country in an airliner at 40,000 feet. this is what i used to fly for the u.s. navy. f-18, two engines, top speed, 1200 miles per hour at a price tag of about $30 million. now that i'm no longer landing on aircraft carriers and the navy is no longer buying my fuel, this is what i fly. a cessna 172. one engine, four seats, top speed, about 120 miles per hour. cost? about what most americans spend o a new car. >> put it somewhere where you can have access to it. >> reporter: a fellow veteran began fixing up my plane when i left san diego to join fox news. now it's time to fly her to my new home in new york, a coast to coast adventure. to me, flying is the ultimate freedom, to go where i want, when i want, one of the greatest gifts of our land of the free. my copilot is photo journalist for the trip, fox news anchor jon scott. >> how does it feel to be crossing this air space at 110 knots? >> i feel like i'm in a helicopter. i did a lot of flying here. especially flight training. this is bomb ranges where i dropped practice bombs. >> we have a little diversion. >> we have a little bit of a diversion. >> thunderstorms offer their own kind of beauty. awesome power, enough to take down even an f-18. so we give them plenty of room. our first stop, an airport on the edge of one of america's greatest natural wonders, the grand canyon. we're treated to a bird's eye view. getting ready to take off, day two of this adventure. just a few minutes after takeoff, we're flying over the surface of mars. at least that's how the painted desert appears from 2,000 feet above it. >> the chart here, the storm over there to the right. >> with more thunderstorms ahead, we decide to land earlier than intended. gallop, new mexico, to fill our tank and check the weather. we're back on the road, we're following interstate 40. this will take us into albuquerque, new mexico. to my left are the sandia mountsens. once we clear this mountain range, we can start heading northeast to new york city. as you can see, the train changed quite a bit. like this flat land. that is to amarillo. sunset not guilty the next ten minutes. it's a little hazy. we won't see the gorgeous texas sunset. we'll be up bright and early tomorrow morning and see the sun rise here in texas. one of the greatest parts of the trip were some of the wonderful people that we met along the way, including some people who watch fox news every day. tomorrow you'll get to meet some of them and also get to see what it looks like to fly right into new york city, right over the statue of liberty at night and at eye level from the sky scrapers. >> you had a pretty good camera guy. >> i had a great camera guy/copilot, jon scott. hopefully we'll be able to get him in here tomorrow morning so he can talk a little bit about the experience. >> breath taking stuff. great stuff. >> thank you very much. >> knocking our socks off. coming up, hysteria about ebola. is it warranted? are americans in danger because we're treating victims? dr. mark siegle is here live from jfk to answer viewer questions (vo) get ready! fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. this is a fox news alert. that's video of the moment hamas fires rockets near a hotel in a gaza residential district and now we're nearly 20 hours into a 72-hour cease fire in gaza. john huddy is live in jerusalem with the very latest. john? >> reporter: yeah, when i was in gaza, we saw a couple of, not a couple, we saw a lot of rocket launches and also missile strikes very close to our location, by the way. as you mentioned, the cease fire continues. over 20 hours into it now and the cease fire is holding at this point. the question is what's going to happen after the 72-hour mark is up? that said, take a look. supplies started arriving, various countries donating these supplies, arriving into tel aviv yesterday and today as well as they're now flowing into gaza. much needed supplies that have been in short supply and have run out over the course of the now more than four weeks or the four weeks of fighting. we're talking about food, water, various items like that, and people were lining up pretty much all day trying to get those items, trying to get those basic essentials. that said, troops are returning home as well as we saw yesterday. on the border after being pulled out of gaza, started going back to their families, girlfriends, wives. this as we're waiting for more information about the cease fire, the egyptian-brokered cease fire agreement that's been going on. israeli delegation there is, palestinian, hamas, islamist jihad as well. so again, the cease fire is holding, but we're waiting to see what happens after that 72-hour mark. >> john huddy live in israel, thank you. meanwhile, coming up on this wednesday, is the hysteria about ebola warranted? are americans in danger because we are treating victims here in the u.s.? dr. mark siegle is here live from jfk airport where they've got a quarantine area to answer viewer questions. >> first we're going to check in with bill hemmer for a look at what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> polling numbers show the danger many americans see about their own future. numbers are stunning. herman cain analyzes the election results from last night. what they tell us about november, especially on the senate side. jimmy carter argues america must make peace with hamas. rudy guiliani reacts on that. water skiing on your hands. got to hurt. we've got the video. see you in ten minutes . captain obvious: tell your grandmother with the loyalty program, she'll earn free nights. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy's not my grandson, captain obvious. woman: man: he's my lover. no. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. good morning. a fox news alet. major airline british airways canceling flights to africa because of ebola. in is raise new concerns. >> joining us live from jfk airport where they have a quarantine area to answer viewer questions, fox news medical a team, dr. mark siegle. good morning to you again. >> let's go to the first one. roxanne is asking this, why are they allowing anyone to fly or travel into or out of those countries right now where that is raging? >> peter, that's very good question. i spoke to a passenger coming from one of those countries who was very frightened. i think that the answer to that is that the numbers are so low that the chances of somebody coming in with ebola with only 1500 odd cases in west africa, extremely low. but really there is a lot of fear and they put out any advisory saying anyone with flu-like symptoms, how to isolate them in the hospital. it's a mixed message. great britain is looking at it differently. >> and we have another tweet from one of many patriots saying this: for those with flu-like symptoms, how would they know if they had come in contact with ebola? >> look, the chances are really, really, really slim. i mean, ebola is not floating around west africa. if you have to be literally taking care of a patient, it's not an airborne virus. you would have to be in touch with the secretions of this virus. so i think the fear is really getting rampant here where people thinking i'm in west africa, i got the flu. but you know what? the chances are extremely low. to answer the question directly, though, unfortunately, ebola initially just has regular fatigue, fever, and muscle aches. so it can look like any other flu over the first few days. >> all right. great advice. dr. siegle, thank you very much and thank you for joining us this morning from jfk airport. >> thanks. it's tense here. >> i would imagine. tense all over the place. people are worried about it. we're going to continue live from new york city in about two) minutes you're that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids-well, all of 'em. not even a smile? huh... maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at peter johnson, jr. >> a delight. thank you. >> join us for the after the show show. we'll see you tomorrow. >> so long, everybody. bill: the report saying 300 people are being held are now free. back here in the u.s., people here are feeling anxious and pessimistic. those are two of the words being used to describe how americans feel about our country's


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140729 10:00:00

site? definitely. on facebook darrell says not at all. they must alert the customers. thanks to everyone who responded. >> thank you for watching. we'll be here at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning bright and early. "fox & friends" starts now. good morning. it is tuesday, july 29. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. residents across the nation are waking up to devastation this morning. [screaming] >> tornadoes wreaking havoc from coast to coast. >> wow. it's not the kind of ad you would expect to see from a democrat. >> where do they think their electricity comes from? i'll make sure president obama gets the message. >> you can do that? why the president's own party now apparently campaigning against him. >> the president has played 81 rounds of golf since 2012, but does it look like those rounds are helping his game, so to speak? here's what one guy just found in the woods. >> oh cool. >> mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> that's an actual signature by john hancock. here in the studio right now, we've got a rare 1860 letter written by mr. abraham lincoln who once upon a time was president of the united states. >> it's a guy -- it's a lincoln you probably have not seen before in that he writes as if he just burst on to the scene. he gives a major spoach at cooper union -- major speech at cooper union and talks about his newfound fame. everyone, after they hear his speech they want that abraham guy, this congressman to speak on his behalf. and you know what happened right there. >> you know what? you can buy it. there is a fixed price on it. it is not going to be an auction. $40,000. we'll tell you about that and more. we've got history in the studio. now let's turn over to heather nauert. a wild night with tornadoes. >> usually when we talk about tornadoes it's kansas or the midwest but not so on this occasion. we're talking about the state of massachusetts and we begin with that extreme weather this morning. a rare tornado barreling through a massachusetts suburb five miles outside of boston. look at this. >> look at the trees! they broke! >> that twister packing 120 miles per hour winds ripping a path of destruction nearly two miles long. take a look at this car, totally flipped offense on the sidewalk there. from above you can see the roofs torn off the building. the national weather service says this is the first twister to hit that area since they started keeping records back in 1950. but that's not it. the destruction also out west, at least three tornadoes touching down in the denver area, one of them caught on camera near the airport. no reports of any major damage. we'll keep watching that. overseas, overnight israeli missiles striking nearly 70 targets in gaza, including a home of a hamas leader. prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel, of course, telling israelis to prepare for the long haul as the three-week campaign seems far from over. the death toll now stands at more than 1,000. in the meantime secretary of state john kerry facing harsh criticism by the israelis this morning over his attempts to negotiate a cease-fire. many say his deal favored hamas and ignore israel's key demands. the deadlocked jury in the jesse ventura defamation trial is ordered to try again. deliberations set to resume today. it will be day six. ventura is suing former navy seal chris kyl for $15 million over a story he wrote about in his best selling memoir "american sniper." kyl writes about punching jesse ventura out in 2006 after ventura said that the navy deserves to lose a few. though kyl never specifically mentioned ventura's name in his book -- it was only in subsequent interviews the name came out. kyl was killed at a shooting range last year. his wife testified at his trial in his place. the president, you know he likes to play golf. he's played golf 81 times since 2012 but are all those rounds helping him out? a golfer at a congressional country club in maryland claims to have found the ball the president used himself and he found it in the woods. he posted this picture of the ball on instagram with comment, the president played at congressional yesterday and i just found this in the woods off hole number one. it looks like he's off-line once again. >> who knew that the president had a potus, president of the united states, on his own ball. >> the question is how far off the track is it? >> if you watch any golf, even the best golfers sometimes shank it into the next hole. let's talk about what the president is doing when he is not golfing and that is executive orders. it's not a big mystery. when he felt as though a couple of weeks ago nothing is going to get done -- he's right -- on immigration reform, he said i'm going to take matters on my own hands. rumor has it once congress goes away he's going to do that and grant amnesty to parents, illegal parents of kids born here -- if you're born here, you can become a citizen -- that could add up to 3.8 million getting amnesty. >> upwards of five million that will get work permits that will be issued via executive action. this is astounding to many. the emphasis on amnesty as well as work permits is shocking the nation. there is some saying this is complete lawlessness. why are we a nation of laws if we don't follow them? can we remain a nation of laws? senator jeff sessions was on the floor and says we have time to do something right now. we are not abiding by the law. he's specifically talking about the president. >> if president obama is not stopped in this action and he exceeds his power by attempting to execute such a massive amnesty contrary to law, the moral authority for any immigration enforcement henceforth will be eviscerated. it is absolutely not too late for us to restore a lawful system that treats applicants that come to america fairly and serves the national interest. this can be done. >> well, apparently what could be done yesterday was he and ted cruz, the senator from texas, were able to stir up enough support to get people, they said if you're going to do anything, do it right now. call your senator, call your congressman in washington, d.c. for the most part they melted the phone lines yesterday. also yesterday there were a couple of protests outside the white house. but right across the street from it and also at lafayette square. what's curious about this, though, is according to reports, many of the people in attendance were illegal aliens. these are people who are not supposed to be in the country, according to news reports, and yet there they were protesting. and what's curious is apparently they didn't feel like, okay, if i'm arrested i'm going to get in trouble because for the most part the i.c.e. agents told one of our reporters that unless somebody has a serious criminal past, they're not going to get deported even though they're in the country illegally. so they had nothing to worry about, so there they were. >> they're going to protest again after that as well. meanwhile, as congress is going to work this week and then going to take five weeks off, it doesn't mean the catastrophe at the border is going to attack any time off. in fact, it's 24 hours a day. you've got 1,000 men who are not there yet in texas. for the most part these border patrol are underfinanced, undermanned and overwhelmed. as congress takes off without providing any funds or reenforcement for the border possibly, the national border patrol counsel sean moran says we're going to work through the summer. >> we will be on doubt. we don't take five weeks off. we will be here doing our jobs. that includes rescuing people, especially kids who probably don't know survival skills. >> they're going to be working. >> no recess for them, not to mention the fact that jobs right now are a major achilles' heel in our nation and sessions also mentioned, to jump back, he asked would this effectively granting amnesty and work permits, be good for the american worker? five million people and their parents being able to work when americans here are not able to find jobs. is it good for the african-american community? he said the c.b.o. report didn't indicate such. while they're hoping to get something done by thursday, border patrol agents working hard. >> the u.s. chamber of commerce is examining it, whether or not this is a good idea. i bet they're going to come back and say yes because they do like cheap labor. meanwhile, right there in washington, d.c., the big newspaper, the washington, d.c. post, clearly leans to the left -- it is a progressive newspaper. what is curious, though, is they're talking about the president of the united states and suddenly they're talking about whether or not he is competent. remember back in 2008 he was the guy who said, i'm going to restore competence to the white house. has he done that? no. on an editorial written by chris scalese, he said obama is faltering badly on the competence question and in doing so badly imperilling not only his ability to enact any sort of second term agenda but also democrats' chances this fall, serious events from the v.a. scandal to the ongoing border crisis have badly undermined the idea that obama can effectively manage the government. even "the washington post" is saying that the president of the united states competence is putting his party in peril. >> they did a poll, cnn did, and only 42% said he's governing competently, 57% saying he is not. considering it was around 80% when he took office in 2008, it is pretty significant. on top of that, i always said if the president wants to make major gains, he doesn't have to go on the campaign trail. all he has to do is make quick, decisive, well thought out decisions on the myriad of crises happening in the world now. then people will say maybe i didn't vote for him, man, he is in charge. >> if he does go on the campaign trail, he might actually have an adverse effect on those that are running in the democrat party. many are stepping aside. we showed you that ad, a west virginia candidate who is going to join us later in the program, she runs an ad right now really shutting the lights off in the white house, actually taking a stance against the president as she moves into election season. she's going to join us. >> i think that is an example of somebody in a red state who knows if i run as a democrat and support the president, i have no prayer and no chance at all. the same with senator joe manchin. he's the closest thing to a moderate democratment senate. if he was a liberal democrat, he would not have that job. and the president is as anti-coal as anybody in the country. >> he's got his pen and he's got his phone and they're talking about changing the rules so states can change down coal plants and open up solar things. the question is we hear chris cillizza writing in "the washington post" talking about there is no competence here. you've got somebody running for the senate in a state curptly where there is a democrat who has a u.s. senate job and they're taking a shot at the president. the big question is would you want president obama to campaign for you if you ran for office. according to a brand-new fox news poll, a majority, actually by a landslide say no, stay home. go ahead, hit some golf balls into the woods. >> no photo op there. nearly six in ten that would say no. please don't take a photo with me when i'm running for your party. democrats, four years ago fully 82% wanted president obama to campaign on their behalf. that is down to 69%. they have a drop there, 13 points within his own party. please be as far away from me as possible. >> send money. just don't come. >> george bush had the same situation in his final mid term before his second term was up. meanwhile, straight ahead. >> many calling for a special prosecutor to investigate the i.r.s. but our next guest says that's a bad idea. really? he will explain why next. >> have you heard about this? a man digging on the beach, buried alive. it is scary and it is not the only hidden summertime danger we're going to show you today. what you need to know and watch out for. >> makes you not want a vacation. >> oh, i want a vacation. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! ifcorner of "smart choice"e and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light with centrum silver.ook a. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. your studied day and night for her driver's test. secretly inside, you hoped she wouldn't pass. the thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was... you just weren't ready. but she did pass. 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>> when people hear special counsel they think independent prosecutor. there is no independence from the executive branch when you're talking about prosecution which is an executive power. any independent counsel or special counsel they would appoint would have to answer to president obama and eric holder. >> we remember ken starr got to the bottom of it much to the chagrin of the clinton administration. we remember during the valerie plane investigation things didn't go swemgly for scooter -- swimmingly for scooter libby. why do you think we'll get the truth out of a special prosecutor now? >> you have very different administrations and different attorneys general who actually let the system work. but you have a justice department who has a track record of abusing authority. the thought that holder and obama will pick somebody is farcical. >> we have a justice department that doesn't seem to be looking into the i.r.s. we see the oversight committee making progress but the nation seems not as interested as you would think. why do you think so many in congress are calling for this if the reality is as you say it? >> i like to think they probably hope the system would work and they're being naive about it. what we know about this scandal we know because of congress's investigation and because of some freedom of information act law sought going on with private litigants. if you kick this to a special prosecutor who gets kicked by holder, they're going to say grand jury secrecy, we can't talk about this anymore. the witnesses are going to say we can't cooperate. there is now a serious criminal investigation. and then it will lapse into a black hole until president obama pardons everyone at the end. >> what options do they have? >> let's keep doing what we're doing now. it's painful, it's not as smooth as you'd like, but congress can get to the bottom of it. what i would do is expand the jurisdiction of the special committee that's already looking at benghazi and give it the i.r.s. scandal. because a special committee, unlike the subject matter committees in congress, can look at something reasonably like a grand jury and get to the bottom of what happened. >> a special committee would be the -- the other thing that would be interesting is if the senate flips, then we'll be coming at it with two bodies. andrew mccarthy thank you for showing up. 19 minutes after the hour. straight ahead, atheists fought to remove the 9/11 cross at grond -- ground zero. now the case is over. what a judge said next? lightning strikes once again at the breach. dr. samadi is here to talk about why we should never go to the beach ever again. vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. we've got news for you. would he start with breaking news from overnight. the cousin of out going president of afghanistan hammed car -- karzai was killed this morning. a new york city court ruling the cross at ground zero can remain at the 9/11 museum. a group of atheists filed a lawsuit arguing the cross violated their first amendment rights, but a three-panel judge disagreed saying the beams are a genuine historical artifact, not a symbol of christianity. the cross stays. and that's the news. >> the summer beach day turns deadly when light neng strikes more than a -- when lightning strikes more than a dozen people. here with health hazards at the beach, dr. david samadi. we heard that news and talked about it here. death by lightning seems unfortunate to the 19th degree. how common is this? >> number one, i want to make sure people don't avoid the beach. it's fairly safe and we want people to enjoy. but obviously if there's a thunderstorm out there and lightning, you want to make sure you get out of the beach. water a conductor. you can get massive shock if it hits you. that shock can hit your heart and all the chambers of the heart can go out of sync and you can have a cardiac arrest. it is the biggest shock you can get. get out of the water. >> not even wet sand; correct? >> exactly right because water is a great conductor. it can affect you. if you have a car, getting getting -- get into your car because that is connected to the land and can get rid of a lot of the lightning threat you have. go out there but use common sense. that's one of the reasons as a urologist i'm covering the beach and water stuff. >> people think run under a tree. that could be one of the worst places you could be. there was a story about a guy who was in a sand tunnel and it collapsed. ten feet of sand on top of him. he suffocated. >> this is unfortunate. don't make it so deep. obviously these sand tunnels can really collapse. what they did was they rushed to bring him out and be able to clear his airway but they were not able to save him. it is a sad story. the bottom line is if you have children around, make sure these tunnels are shallow. >> people think it's sand, it's z. you can get out quickly but if you're under ten feet of it, it's like concrete. >> about 30 cases between 1997 and 2007 that were experienced. the spring-eating amoeba. how would you get this brain eating amoeba. how do you know if your child has been swimming and has this. how common is this? >> don't be scared, elisabeth. >> can you sense the fear? >> i can hear it. it is extremely rare. when you go to lakes that are untreated water, extremely warm temperature, you're going to see some of this amoeba. don't dive right through it because amoeba can get through your nose. if you drink it nothing happens. but if it goes through your knows it can go to the brain area. it can cause enself enselfencephylatis. it can cause neurological damage and coma and death. those are rare cases. you have to be in places full of these parasites and you have to basically get into your nose. if you put a plug and keep your head above water if you happen to be in those lakes, you're safe. these are rare incidents, unfortunate where we see some of these amoebas getting to us. >> something a lot of people do at the beach, they step on something, it's a sea you urchin. i've done it myself but occasionally they can kill us. >> those are poisonous ones. if you see skin allergies, you want to detect it. >> you know pretty much immediately when you've stepped on it. >> exactly. go to your doctor because they can give you injection to calm the allergies and save you. if you see allergic reaction on your skin, see your doctor immediately. >> don't take the chance. >> exactly. these are rare cases. i want you to go out, have a good time. we had such a long winter in new york city. >> i know but this is great to be aware. >> absolutely right. >> thank you, dr. samadi. straight ahead action it was supposed to be a three-hour tour but turned into a nightmare. a whale watching boat stranded at sea off the coast of boston. >> dating website okay cupid admits to experimenting on its customers without them even knowing it. you have got to hear this story. first we want to wish happy birthday to boys to men singer and friend of our show juan -- wanya morris. show juan -- wanya morris. he's 41 today. nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™. ♪ ♪ >> it's amazing. it's your historical shot of the morning. today is the unveiling of a newly discovered letter from president lincoln that you'll only see here on "fox & friends" thanks to this guy, nathan rabb, president of the rabb collection named after himself. nathan, good job. besides lincoln, which we'll get to in a second, you brought other historical letters. you can get these letters, one price -- it's not an auction. we'll tell you how. first, what have we got here? >> that is a letter of thomas jefferson written while he's president. >> not a copy? >> the real thing. entirely in his hand. these are all original. he is attempting to establish a u.s. presence in the louisiana area. >> before we bought it? >> right. basically trying to say we're here, woaf a claim. >> that is to benjamin franklin's doctor. what have we here? >> a letter of albert einstein where he's warning against the possibility of nuclear annihilation and it would threaten the weak as well as the strong. >> jefferson how much? >> 36 thousand. >> einstein how much? >> 13 thousand. >> what do we have here? >> that's a letter of george washington to the people of philadelphia. philadelphia had been occupied by the british and he's congratulating them they're now a free people. that's 120 thousand. >> how does a letter like that get away from the washington collection? >> in many cases they're written to private individuals. if somebody writes you a letter, you own it. >> right here? >> a document of john hancock signed around june-july 1776. it looks exactly like his sigma tour on the declaration of independence. it is a foundation document of the navy. he's appointing somebody who would be one of the first naval officers. >> he's got great penmanship. right here is the letter we're discussing. lincoln gives his cooper union address. it changes everything for him. he becomes a national figure. this letter is indicative of what? >> this captures a moment in lincoln's life where he went from being a regional politician to being a national figure. it shows him struggling with that emergence. he wasn't from the east coast. he comes out to the east coast and all of a sudden he's inundated by requests to speak. people want his time, his attention. he misses his family, his sons are sick, he wants to return home. and he feels nervous. you don't think of abraham lincoln feeling nervous but in this he confesses i'm nervous, i feel unfit to fulfill my obligations. >> this is 40 thousand dollars? >> that's right. >> where do we go to bid. not to bid >> to buy, >> how do you decide who gets it? >> whoever calls and buys it. >> first-come, first served. >> our customers are private and public. public institutions buy these things. private institutions like universities buy them. sometimes private collectors buy them. >> awesome. nathan rabb, thanks so much for bringing these here. great to be a part of history. hopefully somebody out there will be buying these today. heather, what else going on? >> news to bring you now. police are hoping some new surveillance video will lead them to a possible break through in the case of a missing oregon mother of it would young children. jennifer huston disappeared last thursday while she was running errands. the tape which hasn't been made public yet shows her withdrawing cash from a local bank before she heads to a gas station. her cell phone was then turned off shortly thereafter. >> i was getting through the financial institutions cell phone video, that type of stuff. we contacted several businesses not to mention other cameras that we know of based on our routine days of patrol. >> hus top's family is offering a reward for her safe return. fury in northern california after a guy flew a drone over a raging wildfire to try to get video of it and he nearly blocked the plane's relief efforts to put out that fire. officials not issuing him a ticket but they did issue a no-fly zone to civilians to avoid endangering any more fire fighting planes. this is a fire east of sacramento. it is now 75% contained, just under six square miles have burned so far. dating the traditional way can sometimes be tough. everybody knows that. >> hello? yes. i'm with him right now. >> no, not very attractive. doesn't make much money. >> it appears that on-line dating cannot be trusted at all either. one of the most popular dating sites called okay cupid has been conducting this crazy psychological experiment on users without them knowing about it. the website's cofounder says users photos and bios were changed and removed in the name of science they say. the site even told people they were a good match for one another when in reality they were terrible for one another. and those are your headlines. >> i think that is not okay, cupid. >> who are you calling cupid? thanks, heather. meanwhile, 23 minutes before the top of the hour. destruction in the suburbs of boston, massachusetts, after a rare and powerful twister touched down. more than 100 homes were damaged. look at this. we're talking about massachusetts. maria molina joins us live with details. maria, they haven't seen something like this there since 1950. >> incredible images coming out of that region. that is in massachusetts just outside the city of boston. that twister was confirmed as an ef-2 with winds of up to 120 miles per hour. that was early yesterday morning making it even more unusual because it's not only a little unusual for this time of the year, typically this happens during the springtime when you start to talk about tornadoes and that type of severe weather, but it's a little unusual in july and also it happened between 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. so very early in the morning for that type of weather. behind that storm system we do have much cooler air that's moved in. we have very chilly temperatures early this morning with them currently in the 50's in places like pittsburgh and buffalo. 70's in places like new york city and cleveland. very cool for the month of july. farther west we have a number of flood advisories in effect, flood watches expected from the central plains to parts of nevada. that is due to heavy rain that is in the forecast. let's head back inside. >> maria molina with the latest, thank you. >> our hearts go out to families there in massachusetts. it's a whale of a tale. nearly 160 tourists forced to stay in a boat overnight after getting stranded by about 60 miles from the boston harbor. >> more on what happened yesterday. jessica, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. we just got word in the past hour that that boat was successful in getting untangled from the line it got stuck on this morning. 157 people on board are on their way back to boston and are scheduled to get in here about 7:30 this morning. the boat left here around 1:30 yesterday afternoon wand was supposed to get back here after about three hours. of course we know that did not end up happening. it got stuck 14 miles off the coast of salem, massachusetts, with 157 people on bored. the boat they are on is called the satacia, a whale watching boat. divers yesterday made an attempt to untangle the boat with hand cutting tools but were unsuccessful. a commercial dive team went out this morning and they able to get the boat freed from the line that it got stuck on. again, we know that boat is free. those people, 157 passengers on board, they're going to be getting back to boston in about an hour from now. we know they're safe and secure and we'll be hearing from them in a little bit. for now, back to you, brian. >> thanks so much. now you know the rest of the story. now let's talk about sports. donald sterling is out. steve balmer is in. a los angeles court is ruling against sterling's attempt to block the sale. after the ruling his wife says she expects him to drop suits against her and the league. the deal is expected to be finalized by august 15 meaning players and coaches don't have to be affected. a dad catches a foul ball and his son is overcome with joy, goes in for the big hug. a souvenir to take home, one we will not forget. we taped it and provide a copy to the entire family. as you see, they bought up the entire section. big crowd. >> what a shot. >> that' the cool thing about being out of it. >> these fans are in a league of their own. the team's so bad they have to put robots in the stands. >> how great is that. >> that is a little kooky. "the new york times" pushing pot calling it safer than alcohol. our next guest claims -- explains why this claim is seriously outdayed. >> the new york city times published an editorial to legal marijuana. they don't care about weed. it is the only way they can keep selling paper. you don't have to read it. captain obvious: i probably wouldn't stay here tonight. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i'd get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ a a for over a decade, doctors have been prescribing nexium to patients just like you. for many, prescription nexium helps heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. talk to your doctor. for free home delivery, enroll in nexium direct today. you want some headlines on this tuesday morning? we've got them for you here. google can predict the stock market? researchers find the search engine can spot crashes before they happen. analysts looked at business searches between 2004 and 2012 and found spikes right before drops in the stock market. so there. the south korean baseball team so bad they used robots to fill empty seats. fans can project their face on to a robot from the comfort of their own home even using it to hold up signs to cheer. the hanwha eagles lost 400 games in the last five years so they need fans even if they are virtual. elisabeth, over to you. >> i'm a fan of yours, steve. drugs are safer than alcohol? that's according to "the new york times." the newspaper's editorial board pushing to legalize pot. our next guest calls this belief seriously outdated and claims legalizing pot will cause a health catastrophe worse than we can imagine. joining us is david murray. he worked in the national drug control policy office under president george w. bush. thanks for being with us. how irresponsible is it for "the new york times" editorial board to put forward the theory that pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. >> you have to wonder what were they thinking? don't they read their own newspaper? the information is stunningly careless of them. it is negligent. it's scientifically unsound what they have said. they're taking a risk here with a serious substance and they seem to be caught in some sort of time warp of the culture. cheech and chong and hilarious hippies. they even invoke reefer madness. that was 80 years ago. today's more potent t.h.c. pot that is affecting kids in america is a serious risk. it is much more potent, much more consequential and it is industrial pot. if you look at where this is actually happening since january in colorado where they legalized recreational marijuana it is a debacle. they're having serious problems with their youth. this is industrial dope being put out at hypoten is i and it's having -- hypotency and is having negative affects. this morning i passed by the open door shelter and haven for women. the clean and sober people who are trying to keep themselves in treatment away from dope, away from the narcotics and their effects, they are profoundly affected when dope becomes widely accessible, widely available, normalatively accepted. most importantly it is the new generation. young children 12, 13 years of age have developing brains, t.h.c. in marijuana is a neurotoxin. it costs them eight i.q. points if they smoke heavily through their lives. it puts them at risk of psychological trauma of depression, hallucination. it is a serious drug with serious consequences. if you missed the last ten years of biomedical reporting and neuroimaging on what this drug does to the developing brain then you might come out where the "new york times" has come out. they must have been asleep at the switch for the last ten years because they've taken a seriously irresponsible posture. >> david, that is a strong position. we want to thank you for being with us. i'm just trying to figure out why high fructose corn syrup is so bad and pot is okay according to this article. david, thank you for joining us. appreciate your insight. coming up, she left her kids in a hot car to go on a job interview. all charges were dropped but now she's trying to get her kids back. does she deserve a second chance? that mom here with us live next. then president obama is ignoring congress again, this time to change his signature achievement -- obamacare we're talking about -- and it will cost taxpayers millions. judge napolitano is here with that next. ♪ ♪ unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet? honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh. 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more coverage on the go than any other provider. xfinity, the future of awesome. this is not a rerun. president obama is once again ignoring congress and this time he's going to expand obamacare. the administration proposing to give thousands of temporary federal workers access to obamacare even though obamacare explicitly prohibited them from getting it. lawmakers are already suing the president for his improper implementation of the affordable care act, so is this just the latest offense to add to the list? he's shaking his head. judicial analyst judge napolitano joins us live. >> we should reveal that in a commercial break before the camera came on, i looked at you and said, here we go again. >> you did. >> it's like a couple times a week these things happen. the congress was crystal clear. in order to get the number of votes they needed for this to pass, it was agreed, temporary, seasonal, part-time workers don't apply. yesterday the obama administration announced that today it's going to issue an administrative regulation that says, if you are a temporary or seasonal or part-time worker, and you think you might some day become full time, obamacare applies for you. this is for federal employees. guess who picks up the tab? you do. >> put the tab up. >> the taxpayer does. we've got the tab. >> we're talking about maybe a little north of 2 million federal employees, cost 8400 a year per person. so it looks like it could be up to $350 million. where is that money coming from? >> from the taxpayer. of course we're broke, so they print more, which complicates this year. this is yet another violation of the constitution. why? because the constitution is very clear. no money may be spent by the federal government except that which is appropriated by the congress. not by the president. by the congress! we have the president yet again changing the rules, changing the meaning of the rules, changing the right of way and spending money that was never authorized by the congress. >> you know what it looks like? it looks like they're just making it up as they go because -- and you were talk being this during the commercial -- the president essentially has given up. >> it does appear -- part of my job here is to watch this stuff. >> and analyze it. >> it comes in in droves. it appears as though he has given up his constitutional role as president and has now taken on the role of ideologue in chief to change whatever laws he can by whatever means he can in the two years he has remaining, the constitution be damned. he may have some interesting ideas, but the congress writes the law and the congress spends the money. not the president. >> all right. judge napolitano -- >> now i'm going to go have some espresso. where is chris? >> thank you, judge. coming up, it's one of the most beloved children's programs on television. look at that right there. who doesn't love thomas the tank engine. apparently he and his friends are racist! what? yeah. wait 'til we go off the rails with that. even without words, your body language can say a whole lot more. >> hi. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> don't do that. how is your handshake. what not to do if you want a job, coming up. ♪ ♪ fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money 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anymore. and does this children's television show look racist to you? >> it's thomas. hello, thomas. hello, everybody. >> why one blogger says thomas the tank engine is making your toddler racist. not kidding. stay tuned. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> i never got into thomas the tank. but i never saw the potential backlash in the cartoon. >> there is passion behind thomas. >> all my kids grew up on it. >> how did they come out? >> they've come out okay so far. >> right. >> i haven't concluded things yet. >> based on that, one could recommend thomas the train. >> if you're a fan of thomas the tank engine, wait until you hear what somebody sees in that innocent little tv show. we're going to get that to you in just a minute. >> time to go back to maybe speed racer? >> electric company, mickey mouse. >> two minutes after the top of the hour. right to a fox news alert. israeli missiles strike nearly 70 targets, including gaza's only power plant. john huddy is watching it all from the israeli-gaza border. john, so very big night last night for the israelis in terms of hitting targets. >> absolutely, it was, brian. good morning to you. we've been hearing artillery fire throughout the day from our location and seeing strikes in the distance behind me in gaza which has seen a lot of activity over the past 22 days. as you mentioned, there was a watt of activity overnight. there was an artillery strike on the gaza strip's largest power plant, a shell hit one of the fuel tanks that powers that power plant, erupting into an inferno. we're not sure how many people are without power at this point. but you can expect probably a significant amount at this point. this as you mentioned, as the fighting raged on. israel's main objective throughout the 22 days has been to take out, destroy hamas' military infrastructure, in particular the cross border network of tunnels. yesterday we saw several israeli troops killed after hamas militants ambushed them, bringing the total number of israeli soldiers that have been killed up to 53. ten have been killed overnight, including several yesterday by mortar fire along the border as well. and also on the other side in gaza, about 40 people were killed since midnight, bringing that total up to more than 1100 and more than at this point, probably close to 6300 wound. although that number continues to change by the day, even by the hour. there is movement in terms of possible cease fire talks. we hear palestinian and even hamas representatives may be going or on the ground in cairo trying to work out an egyptian-brokered agreement, something israel has been willing to accept with the stipulation it continues the objective of destroying hamas' military infrastructure. so that said, despite the uncertainty, perhaps something is in the works. this as you can see in the dance perhaps, the smoke continues to rise in gaza. brian, elisabeth, steve, back to you. >> thank you very much. last night benjamin netanyahu addressed the israeli people saying get ready for a long war. the two days ago, the big story was secretary of state john kerry digging in saying i got a great idea of how to get a cease fire. the israelis say you got to be kidding me. even a liberal newspaper in israel said john kerry is really no help here. >> there is nonstop criticism of kerry's attempts to bring in particularly turkey, who has been seen as defenders of hamas before. kerry was also accused by israeli news of abandoning some of israel's key demands during negotiations, and one went as far as saying the plan kerry put out was a, quote, strategic terrorist. >> yeah. he is the first secretary of state in 20 years to fail at brokering a cease fire. it is embarrassing. none the less, the obama administration has got to prop up and spin this some way, so they're all out defending mr. kerry. watch this. >> our view is it's simply not the way that partners and allies treat each other. the reality is that john kerry, on behalf of the united states, has been working every step of the way with israel in support of our shared interest. >> israel has no better friend, no stronger defender. he has been tireless in his efforts and i think that israel and many countries and friends around the world recognize exactly that. >> john kerry's error was he put so much emphasis on a quick halt, he solidified the role of hamas to the exclusion where he undercut the egyptians and israelis and the fatah movement which is trying to end hamas rule in gaza. this was a big mistake. >> dave ignatius wrote about that in the "washington post" and his connections to the middle east are without pier. brit hume went off on bill o'reilly's show. >> i think obama shares instinctively the sentiment and academic left, which favors israel's palestinian neighbors -- i guess where his instincts are. but the reason you don't see big public dustups between israeli leaders and any american president is it's terrible politics on both sides. israel depends heavily on its alliance with america for its security and its safety and israel is very popular in the u.s. congress and in the country as a whole. >> surely. >> that's pretty much where you stand right now. that's why israel says we have got to finish the job in there and if you're going to leave the terror tunnels out, and leave them armed, we're going to be back in the same place. on a different note, one of the things you care about, immigration. >> as this week the clock is ticking as congress sets to take recessment the president set to take his p pen and announcing that executive amnesty may come into play. meaning amnesty for those crossing into the border, those have come on expired visas or illegally, as well as work permits for millions that have entered this nation, rattling the hearts and minds of the work force of americans coming forward and certainly those in congress who think this is quite unlawful. >> sure. so essentially with this would be is it would be executive amnesty and there are different versions of what the president and his men and women are proposing. it could be amnesty for the parents of legal u.s. citizens. it could also be amnesty for the parents of the dreamers. so it could total 5 million -- >> or both. >> we don't know at this point. they've got a bunch of trial balloons out there and see which ones work and which ones blow up on them. look for something to happen shortly. >> 'cause the senate passed an immigration reform bill. the house did not. they do not believe the president is going to reinforce the border, so they see no point in coming up with a plan because that ultimately is an executive decision. so now the president is going to do this, almost baiting congress, believe it or not, to try to impeach him. the democratic mantra is look, the president is going to get impeached. >> taking an oath to abide by the law and uphold the law of this nation while at the same time violating it if he does take executive action. >> brian, to your point about impeachment, only democrats are talking about it. republicans, conservative, not talking about it. only democrats. it's to gin up the base before november. time for some weather and we start with heather. boston? tornado? >> totally crazy. tornadoes in boston. we begin with this. a rare tornado barreling through a massachusetts suburb, just five miles outside of boston. take a look. >> look at the trees! >> that twister packing winds of up to 120 miles an hour, ripping a path of destruction. nearly two miles long. take a look at this car. totally flipped over on the sidewalk there. and then you can see the roof torn off buildings from above. the national weather service says this is the first twister to hit this area since they started keeping records back in 1950. but then also crazy weather out west. at least three tornadoes touching down in the denver area. one of them caught on camera near the airport. no reports of any major damage there. in this ultimate story of survival, overnight rescue crews finding a 13-year-old boy. he is alive in a central california national park this morning. king's canyon national park. austin shed went missing on sunday. he was hiking with his dad and a family friend. he disappeared when they stopped for lunch after an eight-hour walk. austin will be air lifted out of the park later this morning. exact details on his condition have not been released just yet. it is just a plane ride away. health dishes are scrambling to try to track people overseas who may have come in contact with that deadly ebola virus. an infected man boarded a plane in liberia last week and traveled across west africa. he died from that virus on friday. ebola is spread by close contact. it has an incubation period of up to 21 days. those infected may not notice symptoms for weeks. >> it's possible, this is a plane ride away. we don't know when people come in what they have. any virus could be ebola. >> there are international airports in some of those countries where it has spread. two american health workers treating ebola have become infected. being a country music star pays off pretty darn well. forbes ranking kenny chesney as the third highest paid country crooner. he earned $44 million last year. number two is taylor swift with $64 million. and the highest paid country singer is this guy. ♪ he's just made in america >> that is toby keith raking in $65 million annually. thanks to his albums, restaurants, and also his endorsement deals. he has a big chain of popular restaurants. >> sure, toby keith is watching right now, we would salute you with our red solo cup. >> right. which we did in this studio. >> we sang along to it. from red solo cups to thomas the tank engine, the blue tank engine, it turns out there is a blogger in great britain, tracy van slike writes in the guardian, the thomas the tank engine is racist, it's sexist. it's classless. >> i've been saying this for years. >> this is a quote, if you look through the steam rising up from the coal-powered train stack, you realize that the pretty puffs of smoke are containing twisted messages. when the good engines pump out white smoke and the bad engines are pumping out black smoke. >> he goes on to say that the train is for little white boys, sparking out demands like a controlling auto crat. how many kids looked at that and said that's a controlling autocrat. >> it has a global audience. they try to create characters people can relate to. across the world, kids are watching this. i don't recall this being raised before as an issue. what do you guys think? were you scared, miffed? >> if anything, there is an obesity problem with him. but does she call him out? no. >> rosy is one of the trains there. i have a daughter, she never -- >> never complained? i met her, she didn't seem to have any problems adjusting. we have the whole article on we wanted you to respond on our facebook page and you can read the article and get some background. are you one of the many outraged? >> troubled by thomas. coming up, the democrat and republican who agree on at least one thing. we should not have traded terrorists for bowe bergdahl. the two lawmakers with the message for the president, they're standing by live in dc next. and meet the happy seniors giving pharrell a run for his money. >> couldn't do that in iran. ♪ ♪ ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are 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mentioned earlier, has been taking a lot of artillery strikes and even just moments ago before i went live there, we heard a series of artillery fire. this, again, was very close to us. it reminds me of when i was in gaza and the missile strikes that were coming right over our heads as well on presumably hamas locations. but now this one was definitely targeting civilian locations. this gives you a pretty good example of what israelis have to deal with and throughout the course of the last 22 days of operation protective edge, how this impacts people in the area and also how it's hit a number of locations. pretty close. very close to us. we're all getting down on the ground almost. >> i see you have your helmet on. just to be clear, this came from the hamas side into the israeli side. you mentioned 70 targets the israelis hit. but hamas is shooting back. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. i don't have the exact number so far of rocket launches. let me put it this way. we've seen throughout the morning rockets being fired from gaza. in fact, this morning in a city north of this strip where we're staying, we were woken up by the sound of the code red signal warning about an impending rocket coming over. this amp right before we left as well there was a rocket that was intercepted by israel's iron dome defense system. so this one, whether it was a rocket -- it sounded like to me a rocket, could have been a mortar as well. it landed very, very close to our location. >> all right. john huddy, thanks so much. we'll check in again throughout the three-hour show. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, she left her kids in a hot car to go to a job interview. all charges were dropped. now she's trying to get her kids back. does she deserve a second chance? that mom here live. and say it ain't so. red lobster getting fancy. no more discount deals? what about bibs? ♪ ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the (vo) rush hounose.und here but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. time for news by the numbers. 12 million. that's how much the faa is fining southwest airlines for repair violations on its boeing 737 fleet. the airline is accused of making faulty alterations on 44 jet liners. next, 7 minutes. that's all you need to jog per day to have the risk of heart disease. just seven minutes on the treadmill. researchers say it can add three years to your life. and finally, two for 25. that's the red lobster promotional deal that is now gone, trying to act like a fancier restaurant. they will eliminate discount prices and arrange its dishes in classier ways. they're getting fancy. brian, over to you. congress set to adjourn for a five-week recess without an immigration deal. but one democrat and republican can agree on at least one thing. we should not have tried traded terrorists for bowe bergdahl a couple months ago. those congressmen join us now, john barrow, a democrat from georgia, and scott rijola republican from virginia. what brought you guys together. what bothered you about this deal? >> brian, the facts are not in dispute. the president broke the law when he transferred the five senior taliban commanders to the government of qatar. to prevent that from becoming precedent that either he or future administrations could rely upon, we thought it was important to put this legal marker in the ground and to repudiate, condemn clearly what the president did. >> congressman what, bothers you about the deal, that it was such a bad deal, lop sided for the taliban, or that it we want down without your permission? >> both. both. it's not good for national security. mohammed fasul is the deputy minister of defense for the taliban. i'm confident and it troubles me to share this, that probably in a year or so, he'll be back on the battlefield when we'll still in all likelihood have american forces in afghanistan. so this is not -- that's not wise. and then this balance of powers situation here where the president is consistently going outside of his constitutional lane and ignoring the law. >> congressman bare -- barrow, they're supposed to tell you 30 days ahead of the deal. how does the law real? >> scott and i were concerned and objected to the whole violation of our long-standing policy, not to negotiate with terrorists. we were concerned about that from the get-go. but the thing that concerns us, the specific subject of this resolution is the failure to comply with the law that the congress and president agreed to that before there would be any release of detainees from guantanamo bay, there would be a consultation with congress beforehand. checks and balances are important. it's important so both branches can get the best advice from the other when it has shared responsibility and both branches in this case agree on the process to be followed. prior consultation. >> this is more than a window dressing. there is a whole bunch of -- at gitmo, they could be out tomorrow without us knowing about it. >> the president and president bush actually released about 500 detainees from guantanamo bay and did so legally. but in this case, when the secretary of defense came before the house armed services committee on june 11, he really had no answer as to why the administration had like 80 or 90 members of the administration that were aware of this, but not one member of congress. senator feinstein hammered this and it's more than some check off the box. there is a series of things that the administration has to give to congress to assure american security is not going in the wrong direction. and that's exactly what happened here. this is a serious matter. i appreciate mr. barrow standing with me in this. it's bipartisan effort. it's not personal to the president. but we've got to stop what the president is doing. when i go to virginia, people are saying, scott, what are you doing about this t? this is a practical step in responding to the president. >> guy, thanks so much for coming together, at least on this issue. hard to imagine in gates was in power this would have happened. just my opinion. thanks for your time. >> thank you. coming up straight ahead, she left her kids in a hot car to go on a job interview. charges were dropped. now she's trying to get her children back. does she deserve a second chance? that mom here live. and frenzy -- friendy prinze -- freddy prinze junior said why keifer sutherland made him want to quit acting for good. [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i could watch this oldie. this is your shot of the morning. some 80 odd years of happiness, seniors at a new zealand retirement village remaking pharrell's video for his hit song "happy." it features 60 residents and staff, now going viral, as you can believe, with 1.2 million views. happy views. >> my image of new zealand is a happy place. am i right? has anyone been there? >> as long as it's your image, that's all that matters. >> that reinforces it. >> it's like the happy move. >> it's hard, when you hear that song, i think a is one of the best songs of the last couple of years. we were playing it and heather nauert was over there smiling. >> i want to retire. >> what's your criteria? you like the beat, but you can't say the lyrics move you. they penetrate your being. >> no. it's the happy song. >> but the beat. >> the words. when you talk about happy, that makes you happy. >> it's too simple. >> that's the beauty of the song. >> as my kindergartener's graduation song. you should see the little five-year-olds walking down. >> they liked it. did you tape that? >> yes, i did. >> we'd like to see that. >> maybe it's not as shared as the 1.2 million views for "happy." you're happy, heather. >> because she's newsy. >> all right. i have some news to bring you that will make iraqi christians happy. this is terrific news for them. france is now offering a asylum to iraqi christians who we've been telling you about have been under serious fire from this isis terrorist there. that terror group has been forcing christians to convert to islam, pay a massive fine that few can afford, or die. most christians forced to leave mosul, iraq's second largest city, with just the clothes on their back. france is saying they will do everything they can to protect those refugees. glad to hear that this morning. the deadlocked jury in the jesse ventura trial is ordered to try again, deliberations are set to resume this morning. it's day six. ventura is suing the estate of the deceased navy seal chris kyle for $15 million. it's all over a story in kyle's best-selling memoir "american sniper." he writes about punching out ventura in 2006 after ventura allegedly said that navy seals deserve to lose a few. ventura was never mentioned by name in that book. but his identity was revealed in later interviews. kyle was killed in a shooting range last year. his wife testified at the trial. a fox news alert to bring you now. that stranded whale watching boat that we told you about earlier today off the coast of boston is now headed back. it was supposed to be a three-hour tour, but it turned into a bit of a nightmare when the boat got stuck in a lobster trap. about 60 miles from the boston harbor. nearly 160 tourists were forced to stay on that boat overnight. you know the actor freddy prinze, junior? he's bashing his "24" co-star, keifer sutherland. >> thanks for doing this. >> prinze saying he hated every moment he worked on the hit fox show. he calls sutherland, quote, the most unprofessional dude in the world. okay. a rep for sutherland release ago statement saying keifer worked with freddy prinze junior more than five years ago and this is the first time he heard of the grievances. we love keifer sutherland here and his show. >> maybe he's got something to it. >> keifer madness. >> i loved his dad in "chico and the man." i don't know if that applies here. >> thanks, heather. moving on, thousands of people picking up the pieces after a rare tornado ripped through the town of revere, massachusetts. maria molina, they haven't seen a tornado around there since the 1950s. >> that tornado was confirmed as an ef-2, happened yesterday morning between 9:30 in the morning hours and had winds of up to 120 miles per hour. stayed on the ground for two miles. a little unusual there across parts of massachusetts. thankfully no injuries. there were a lot of reports of damage out there. i want to show you now your current temperatures across portions of the great lakes and northeast. behind that storm system we do have much cooler air that moved in. we're seeing the temperatures in the 50s and 60s across the entire region, feel ago little bit more like fall. not summer. your high temperatures are going to remain below average, into the low 70s at cleveland. 70s in new york. but across the southern plains, still a hot day. 90s and triple digits. 109 for your high temperature in phoenix. out west, across portions of new mexico, colorado, and into nevada, we have flood watches in effect. heavy rain expected today. let's head back inside to elisabeth. >> thank you. this homeless mom in arizona was arrested for leaving her kids in a hot car so that she could go on a job interview. she claims she couldn't find a baby-sitter. prosecutors recently dropped criminal charges. she's grateful for the second chance. but should she have been given one? here to tell her story is the woman and her attorney. thank you both for being with us this morning. we hear your story, read it all over the place. can you bring us back to that day in your mindset and heart of why your two little kids at six months and two years, you felt their best option was to stay in the car while you went inside? what happened that day? >> well, what happened that day was i had scheduled for a sitter to be available for the boys. that sitter was not available at the last moment, based on the time that i had, as well as the gas money that i had available, i didn't have the resources to go to the next nearest baby-sitter, which was about 30 minutes the opposite direction of where i needed to be. so it was just a lack of resources that day. >> when you look at the statistics, 120 children since 2011 that have died as a result of being in a hot car. in 2014, i think we have 17 kids that have died thus far. your two little babies, some would say, could have been added to that statistic. you were just given a second chance with criminal charges not being on your record now. means you can get your kids back in your custody. looking back on that day, do you believe that you still did the right thing in the moment? >> i believe that i made a choice in a desperate situation. i had to choose between either providing for them or caring for them at that moment. and i made the best choice out of a bad set of options. >> would you do it again? >> i asked myself that 1,000 times and i keep coming back to the choice, on being able to provide or to care for them. that's a choice that many people are facing today. there are too many people trying to figure out how to keep quality childcare, as well as support the family and maintain all of their -- all the things they need to do as a family. so it's something that people face every day, unfortunately. >> the criminal charges were dropped. benjamin, where does it go legally from here to getting the kids back? >> basically a couple weeks ago we were able to get the criminal charges dropped. now the next step is to focus on getting the kids back. we have a court date coming up in late august. we're going to go in front of the judge and the court and discuss with the state of arizona and child protective services the fastest way that we can unite miss taylor with her kids permanently. >> you have a nine-year-old daughter, i know this has to be extraordinarily challenging for her. what was the last thing you told her? >> the last thing i told her was i explained the situation. mommy made a bad choice and i had to pay the consequences for that. but at the same time, she knows me as a mother. she knows the efforts that i make to take care of the things that she needs. so she's not upset with me. she's just worried about the situation more than anything else. worried that it will keep her and i separated for an extend amount of time. >> do you believe you'll get your children back? what do you say to those who say you should not? >> i believe i'll get them back because i'm doing everything and anything possible to get them back. to those that say that i don't deserve them back, i simply ask for that chance to prove myself. >> we're thankful your boys are okay. our best to your daughter. we want to thank you both for being with us today. a complex situation. thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you for having us. coming up, the government issuing a dire warning on the state of religious freedom around the world. but is warning enough? peter johnson, jr. with what the white house is not doing next. and your body language could be telling a different story than your words. >> so hey, what's you doing? >> hand check what, not to do if you want to land a job ahead. don't miss it. fact. every time you take advil you're taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at >> die hard apple fans waiting for the iphone 6:00 o'clock order one now for $8,880 and diamond encrusted iphone 6 in platinum. pink or yellow gold can be preordered on and talk about traveling in style, this $3 million rv comes with a fireplace, 40-inch tv, pop-up cocktail bar and if that's not enough t has heated floors and a retractible roof top terrace. it was just sold in dubai to peter johnson, jr. >> hope it gets good gas mileage. thank you very much. the state department is just issued a grim report on the state of religion and its world wide demise. the report says that in 2013, the quotation goes, the world witnessed the largest displacement of religious communities in recent memory. so what are the reports' recommendations and how can we improve on the situation? it didn't really say. here with what the administration is not doing to improve faith abroad, fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> good morning. so what the state department did was issue a failing report card without any prescription for improving the grade. let's talk about some of the things that they focused on. syria. once had a christian population of 160,000. now down to 1,000 people. 160,000 to 1,000. then in nigeria, they focused on boko haram, killing more than 1,000 people and over 10,000 people have fled. we know what happened to those young girls and those students in nigeria because of boko haram. so then they focused on the european union. this is really interesting. a survey among jewish people in the eight-member states found as many as 48%, almost half have considered emigrating because of anti-semitism. finally, among the findings, in egypt, attacks on christians, in one week alone in august of last year totaled at least 42 churches, in addition to schools, orphanages and other christian facilities. so they've done this wide array of problems around the world in terms of persecution and discrimination. and then they've come up with their prescription to combat this. it's really staggering. i say that in a sarcastic way. they say, speak truth to power. use this report to defend religious freedom. perhaps you ball it up. then utilize programs, speeches and statements and say, there is some moral persuasion. >> peter, 75% of the people across the globe live in countries that do not respect religion. and that's what they come up with? >> that's what they come up with and focused on certain countries. we touched on a few of them. there is something called the u.s. commission on international religious freedom, steve. they said in the past year that egypt, iraq, nigeria, pakistan, syria, and vietnam should be listed as countries of particular concern. we have nine. we pick out nine. just nine in the world to say these are countries that we have a problem with. they include burma, china, iran, saudi arabia, amongst others. but egypt, iraq, nigeria, pakistan, syria, vietnam, and we talked about a few of those, what's happening in syria, what's happening in nigeria, what's happening in egypt. no, they haven't been listed. john kerry pointed to the problem in his own report. he says, i want to emphasize this effort is not about naming countries to list in order to make us feel somehow we've spoken the truth. i want our countries of particular concern designation to be plans to help change the reality on the ground and help people. the problem is they haven't named many of the countries that should be on that list! with regard to the countries that are on that list, this report really points to nothing tangible, concrete, substantive and effective to stem the tide of discrimination in the world against religions. especially judaism and christianity. >> the report is pitiful. >> waste of time. >> waste of time. peter johnson, jr. bringing that to our attention. thank you very much. coming up, even without words, your body language can say a whole lot more. >> so hey, what you doing? >> isn't he handy? cheryl casone is here with what not to do if you want to land a job. a no-no. first on this date in 1983, the police had the number one song in america. you know the words. ♪ every smile you fake ♪ i'll be watching you ♪ every move you make ♪ every step you take ♪ i'll be watching you ♪ i voted for culture... ...with a 'k.' how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn't kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. ♪ america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people's hotlist to see this summer's top 100 shows and movies. i voted! your negative thoughts can leave a bad impression on your boss and sometimes your co-workers. >> that's why our co-worker, cheryl casone, is here. she has the secret ways you could be sabotaging your own success. tell us more. >> have you ever had a co-worker that was just a little too handsy? >> brian! >> no, i haven't. >> okay. me neither. >> here is an example. >> so hey, rachel, what you doing? >> not everybody is comfortable being touched in the office. you got to be careful about touching your co-workers. he could have come across a little inappropriate. he could have come across a little too hands. she's like hr. >> a little too close in everything. >> some people like to hug you and you're like, oh, that's not good. the other thing is, a lot of times i do want you to look me in the eye. take a look at this. >> brian, how do you think the show has been going? i think it's been going really well for elisabeth and steve. are you happy with how you're doing? >> they're all right, i guess. i like what i do. >> please tell me you were acting. >> i'm much more professional than keifer sutherland. >> sometimes it's better to make before the accident eye contact with your co- co-workers. if you weren't looking me in the eye, i'm wondering what's going on. >> the handshake is very important. >> sometimes it's a good time to get a grip. >> hi, cheryl casone. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> maybe they don't like germs. >> we call that the dead fish handshake. women are really actually the worst when it comes to a weak handshake at work. ladies, just go in, give the strong handshake. >> what about a fist bump? >> a fist bump, that kind of comes across as you're a bit of a bully. >> really? never mind. >> you don't want to have a too strong of a handshake. >> i'm not supposed to do that. take a look. >> okay, so rachel, i need you to go to the production meeting for me today and i need you to take really careful notes. are you getting all of this? >> that was subtle. >> what was the message there? either she wasn't listening to what i was saying or she didn't understand a word i was saying. i'm not really sure. >> you may not realize you're giving the impression -- >> you think when you're tilting your head that you're actually listening, engaging the person. you're not. you're giving a bad impression to that person. >> good note. great tips on the body language. >> hug it out, everybody. fox news alert, it was supposed to be a three-hour tour, but it turned into a nightmare. a whale watching boat stranded at sea has just returned to the docks. live from boston we go. remember this girl? the football sensation who dominated the boys. sam gordon is heading back to the gridiron and joins us live next hour. ♪de ♪ citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ while a 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elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. good morning. today is tuesday, july 29. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. >> it is tuesday july 29th. i'm elizabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert, breaking news on the boat for ended at c overnight. 100 towards on board just made it back to the dock. >> president obama ready to pick up the pen. the plan, and instantly grant amnesty for millions of illegals ahead of the midterm elections. one candidate for congress and the message to the white house that can't be ignored. >> where did they think electricity comes from? i will make sure president obama gets the message. >> great commercial. did we mention she is a democrat? this morning we're bragging a little bit. she is joining us live because according to wall statistics, mornings are better with friends. >> i am freddie prince jr. 24, you are watching fox and friends. >> thank you. the news in the entertainment world, freddie prince jr. says kiefer sutherland who he worked with five years ago on 24 just the worst actor he ever worked with. and professional do. >> game delay on the comment. 24 is now back. we have to follow that story because it looks like there's a rift he will have trouble feeling. he is not on the show anymore. >> didn't 24 come back? >> they are now in london. >> only five years ago. i am still in first season. >> right by the side with a lot going on. they have their season finale so it is over. >> i was watching seinfeld. >> some news to bring you, we talked about this earlier this morning. the stranded whale watching boat has now returned back home. it was supposed to be a three hours tour but it turned into a nightmare. 15 hours long. the boat's prop got stuck in a lobster trap 60 miles from boston's harbor. 160 tourists were forced to stay on the boat overnight. the company is apologizing saying they will refund passengers for the trip. on the west coast police hope new surveillance video will lead them to a break in the case of a missing or again mom. jennifer disappeared last thursday when she was out running errands. this new tape which hasn't been made public yet apparently shows her with trying cash from a local bank before heading to a gas station. herself and was turned off shortly thereafter. family is now offering a reward for her safe return. she has two young children. an alert now, a tornado barrows throw massachusetts suburbs five miles outside of boston. >> all broke. >> that twister packing winds of 120 miles per hour ripping a path of destruction two miles long. we rarely hear about this on the east coast so some pretty big news. look at this car, totally flipped over on the sidewalk and from above ec these roofs torn off the buildings. the national weather service saying this is the first wister to hit that area since they started keeping records in 1950. crazy weather out west, three tornadoes touching down in the denver area. one of them caught on camera near the airport, no reports of any major damages. he has played golf 81 times since 2012 but all those rounds may not be helping his game. a golfer playing the congressional country club in maryland on sunday claims to have found his ball in the woods somewhere. he posted the picture, the president played the congressional yesterday and found this in the woods. full number 1. looks like he is off line again. that is the problem with gulf. no correlation between a lot of practice and being good. >> back there, very good. >> good at what? >> we know that the president has a phone and japan and the putter. apparently he will use his pen to essentially come up with executive amnesty. according to a number of papers white house is going to use through executive amnesty action oil. they would issue work permitss to millions of illegals in the country with no threat of deportation. could be to the parents of legal u.s. citizens, the parents of a dreamer kids, nonetheless it could be five, six, seven, 8 million illegals could be impacted before the midterm is. >> the border crisis and this turning into a constitutional crisis as lawmakers on the hills stand up and say jeff sessions, one of the talk a lot yesterday about what is going on here. how is this protecting americans when we have a president working against the law. our laws say this is not possible. are we protecting american workers including legal immigrants? he pointed out again working people all over america would not be helped. african-americans would not be helped by this executive order for amnesty and work permits. the cbo office says this is a mass amnesties that would cause america wages, wages fall for a decade. >> if we are worried about it being misinterpreted this new amnesty thing, remember the dream backed the president to get this if you are here and you are brought here as a kid you are now don't have to fear deportation. that message is essential and south america next thing you know thousands of kids coming to our borders thinking all i have to do is show up in darkens a year. the parents of kids that were born here now say i am here illegally but maybe the president will let me in. that will be misinterpreted too in the south to only exacerbate things but it might be a good thing to do before the midterm elections if you want to maximize the hispanic vote for some. see if he actually decides to do that. meanwhile there was a protest at the white house. turns out most people, the protesters were illegals who want their voice heard when it comes to immigration reform so they had no fear coming out in front of 1600 pennsylvania avenue and will come back again. that is extraordinary to have that many people without -- keep in mind around the white house that bubble is one of the most secure areas in the world yet you have all these people without any sort of documentation who are protesting and to your point you are right, eyes agents told fox news absolutely no fear of deportation. for instance if somebody got arrested they look at their background but unless they have got some really hideous serious criminal record they would let from go. >> there should be no compromise when it comes to the law, just followed. national board patrol is still working, those in charge of the law putting it forward are about to set vacation as of the end of this week. heard from national border patrol council, who said we are not going on break. congress may be but we have work to do. this is a big crisis. >> border patrol agents we will be on duty, we don't wake five weeks off, we will doing our jobs and that includes rescuing people especially kids who don't know survival skills. >> what we heard is he is talking about border patrol agents before the 7-10 border patrol agents not guarding the border because they are babysitting. last week we talked to the border patrol at the border and ice agents in charge of returning the. we had one agent on last week who said he essentially they are not being given any assignment. so they go ahead and stop some people but because they are not being given the assignment of returning from that is the message, they can stay, as long as you one. >> the big picture people looking at the present and the midterm elections, 98 days away. wondering how the president is doing in his confidence which was so strong in 2008 according to the polls, so much smarter and more astute and more grounded now has reversed. >> obama is faltering badly on the confidence question and in doing so in periling his ability not only to a and actor second term agenda but democrats chances this fall. a series of events in the ongoing border crisis and the situation in ukraine, the nsa spying program badly undermined the idea that obama can effectively manage the government. two said of independents saying obama is not an effective manager. >> considering the washington post is a lefty newspaper and one of the columnists saying barack obama is box office poison for his party and we were telling you about the columnist who said the president essentially has -- this was for the daily collar and the telegraph, the president has already checked out of the job, phoning it in, sleepwalking through his second term and is ready for an early departure. maybe that is his opinion but keep in mind he is running the country. how does that impact all of us. that is not good. not a positive thing. >> the president might be checked out but does not want to lose the senate so look to push the idea the republicans want to in peach him. wherever you go leadership, democratic leadership, there are e-mails saying republicans are trying to impeach me, look out to try to rally his base. >> when it comes to romneycare, the pending executive order as released amnesty and work papers, now we will maybe perhaps in more of a crisis when it comes to employment. millions more are granted the right to work. >> the president wants to do well in the midterm elections or his party does the immigration at least be in charge, the israeli gaza situation, there's a end in sight. solve the situation in iraq, make a decision. all these issues would restore the president's confidence ratings. >> i don't know. it could be a little weight on some of that stuff. kind of baked into the cake. >> is he out of time? >> we are out of time for this segment. for mother who left her kids and a hot car once a second chance, does she deserve it. hear her case. >> one candidate for congress and in a message to the white house they cannot ignore. >> where did they think their electricity comes from? i will make sure president obama gets the message. >> did we mention she is a democrat? she is joining us live in our studio next. >> keep her away from our light switch. staples for back to school. they're excited. ♪ these guys are super excited. because when you get notebooks for less... ♪ index cards for less... ♪ and tablets for less, all at guaranteed low prices, you can't help but show it. in a big way! staples. make more happen for less. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. ir is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. this is not exactly the kind of ad you would expect to see from a democrat. >> where do they think their electricity comes from? you and i know it's our hard working west virginia coal miners that power america. i fought to protect our coal jobs right alongside joe manchin and i'll stand up to leaders of oath parties who threaten our way of life. i'll make sure president obama gets the message. >> where is that light switch? natalie tenant wants to be the next senator from west virginia. she's currently secretary of state. welcome. >> what's behind the ad? >> thank you for having me here. >> thank you for having me here. virginia coal miners. it's sending a message. this isn't about -- you're talking about democrat. but this isn't a democrat or republican. this is about west virginia and whether the president wants to recognize it or not, coal still produces 40% of the electricity for this country. >> it fuels west virginia. and senator manchin on here before. >> i reference him, too. that we work together for our west virginia coal miners to make sure that we have jobs, 'cause when we talk about west virginia coal miners, it is families, it is mortgages that they're trying to pay. we're getting ready to go back to school and they're trying to send their children back to school. >> we see the lights go out in the white house. so what is president obama getting wrong? how would his actions affect west virginia? >> these regulations are attacking our coal jobs and what we're asking and what i'm asking is don't attack our coal jobs with regulations that are unrealistic and unattainable. work with us because if you invest in west virginia, we will deliver for you, advance coal technologies that yes, can cut emissions and save jobs at the use that investment. >> but you know, there are a lot of people who go, we got to get rid of the dirty coal or all the coal. those people don't realize that when they plug in their electric car in the garage, they're they plug in their electric car in the garage they're planning into a coal plant. >> you see that here. where do you think your where do you think your >> so people look at you, you're in a pretty much red state. >> people with you, you are a red state. >> i dispute that. we have a 2-1 registration advantage for democrats. ten of our 13 statewide elected officials are democrats, house and senate are democrats. >> joe mansion is close to a moderate democrat in the senate. judging by his track record and what he has been like here do you think it is to your advantage to appear with senator warren of massachusetts who is known as the liberals's liberal? >> when i look at senator warren and together we know we don't agree on everything and -- don't agree on everything and -- don't we agree on making sure our students have the ability to middle-class, we agree on making sure our students have the ability to have an affordable college education and that they be indented with student loans. we also agree on taking care of coal miners. introduced with senator rockefeller that i will continue the bankruptcy fairness law where many retirees coal miners ended up on the wrong side of bankruptcy. >> redistribution of wealth is something also. >> with is all about opportunity and the middle-class. this is equal pay for equal work. work. of course, right now your new ad, you're standing up to the white house. don't pull the plug on coal. but your opponent, shelly moore capito, sent this picture saying this is proof that you're a flip flopper because there you are back in 2008 and you are campaigning for the now president of the united states. are you a flip flopper? >> first of all, west virginiaians know me. they know i stand up for west virginia. example, when officials in 2010 tried to steal an election, i led the investigation that put them behind federal prison. that shows that i stand up for west virginia first regardless of party, regardless of position. >> would you hold that sign again today? >> when we talk about this -- you look at it, yes, i did campaign for the president in 2008. i am disappointed and i'm hurt with the way he is reacting to west virginia and the perfect example is today, the epa is having a hearing about these regulations. and on tuesday, they're in d.c today they're in pittsburgh. we asked mccarthy to come to west virginia, hear from people who are going to be impacted, their livelihood. do you know where they're going thursday? pittsburgh. 20 miles away from west virginia. >> would you hold that sign today? >> i didn't hold the sign. >> would you be there right now? >> i'm not sure. he's not on the ballot. that's what is about this election. >> you're not sure if you would vote for president obama. >> this is about me and capito 'cause i don't answer to the president. >> thank you for dropping by. we'll have your opponent on this >> thank you for dropping by. we will add your opponent on this program tomorrow. >> keep your lights on. >> 20 minutes after the hour. coming up, does this look racists to you? >> it is thomas. hello, thomas. >> find out why one lugger says thomas the tank engine make your toddler racist. >> dominating the boys and garden and the gridiron. join us live just ahead. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach. even at a distance of 10 miles... the length of 146 football fields. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins to help support your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! time for quick international headlines. fox news alert. four israeli soldiers are dead. hamas militants firing at a tank they were riding in through gaza. this comes after a night of missile attacks from israel hitting the house of a hamas leader and gaza's only power hitting the house of a hamas hitting the house of a hamas 24-hour cease fire, saying hamas agreed to the temporary peace. the politically powerful cousin of afghan president karzai was killed by a suicide bomber on tuesday. the attacker, who hid the explosives in his head gear, has allowed into his house as a guest. the attack is a major blow to the country's ruling family. elisabeth? >> thanks. who could forget this little girl? yes, i said girl. two years ago nine-year-old sam gordon became an internet sensation barreling through all the boys in her tackle league, and barely breaking a sweat. more than 2 million people watched our highlight reel and some said she was a shoe in for the nfl. then she said she put down the pig skin and focused on soccer instead. many thought it was a mistake. but this morning it appears sam might be having a change of heart. >> i'm going to football camp at the university of michigan. they divides us up into our position groups and i chose runningback. they taught us how to hold the ball right and did drills. i wanted to impress the coach. so i ran my hardest. today we ran the 40-yard dash. the rumor going around camp is that i ran it in 4.9 seconds. i'm not that fast. >> i think you're pretty fast. football sensation sam gordon joins me now. good morning. >> hi. >> well done. i love watching those highlight reels. so you're back to football. what was camp like? >> it was really fun. i loved going. >> oh, my gosh. you look pretty fast. you don't think you ran that fast, 4.9? >> no, i don't think i can run that fast. >> maybe almost. you played a lot of football there. you ran some drills and you mentioned devon garden. we want to let everyone watch this. >> i thought it was really cool when i got to meet quarterback devon gardner. he even asked to join our game. he made a perfect pass to me when i was all alone and i dropped it. i definitely need to spend more time with the receivers. >> so what did you feel when that happened? tell us. >> i felt like really embarrassed 'cause i just dropped a perfect pass made by devon gardner. >> i bet he was impressed with your skills overall. i'd take that pressure off yourself. no more soccer? all football? what's your plan? >> my coach said -- my soccer coach said that i can miss a few practices to go to football. she says that football made me see the field really well. so it's a good thing i'm doing it. >> so you believe then, too, that football is good for soccer? >> yes. >> now, brian kilmeade and i can finally get along that you said that. i want you to realize. it is impressive. what's your advice to kids out there who just want to give it a try in a sport where it might not seem possible? >> it's really fun for football. i don't know. i have to think about that. >> you know what? my husband, tim, he played a lot of football, completely impressed with your film there and your skills. you're quick. have fun. let us know your next steps okay? >> all right. >> i think you ran a 4.9. >> thanks. >> we'll see you soon. coming up, the mom who left her kids in a hot car during a job interview wants a second chance. does she deserve it? hear her case so you can decide. and can you tell the difference? one ring is real. the other is fake and they're sold at major department stores. did you get duped, too? ♪ ♪ shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. scheck it out.? i just saved 15% on car insurance in 15 minutes, so i took a selfie to show everyone how happy i am. really? because esurance saved me money in half that time. can i...? oh you can be in it! no need to photo-bomb me. hashbrown. selfie. yeah... that's not how it works. 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. 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plays scotland and they try to go for gold medals. you may remember the grandmother's photo bomb went viral. she's also known as the queen. >> you just called her queeny? >> is that wrong? we just called her a grandmother, too. >> she's royally offended. >> should we stay overseas across the lake? >> across the pond? >> yes, why not? >> let's talk thomas the tank. the train is getting accused of being racist. british blogger posted an editorial and said that this is racist, sexist. she says if you look through the steam rising up from the coal powered train stack, you realize that the pretty puffs of smoke are containing twisted messages when the good engines pump out white smoke and the bad engines pump out black smoke and all pumping out smoke, it's not hard to make the leap into the race territory. >> but of course. so thomas the tank engine is in this blogger's and a mother's estimation, is a racist sexist, classless kind of show. we asked for your comments. we got a tweet from matt who said, seriously? get a grip, lady. thomas is a great and helped expand my son's vocabulary. >> another said, are you kidding? my kids grew up watching this and they're far from racist. >> another man says it's antiracist. the story line that steam engines and diesels are different and yet they can be friends. a lot of people don't think diesel and steam can be friends. working together appears over and over. a lot of people think the white smoke symbolizes the white man giving orders to others. >> right. that's what the blogger says. you see the white smoke. what about when they elect a new pope? so they burn the ballots, first there is black smoke and then white smoke. is that a racist thing? >> right. and as chris chulo pointed out an "f-troop," they had white smoke and one time it came out black smoke and it was because they had a hole in the blanket. but there was no complaints then. >> nothing deeper than that. >> larry storch didn't become pope then, did he? >> no, stuck with being a corporal. and as a sergeant, made all the decisions. >> another woman thought otherwise, but we love hearing your responses. >> keep them coming. let's toss it over to that woman there in white, heather nauert, who starts with the news on that stranded boat. >> this is quite a story. a fox news alert, moments ago that stranded whale watching boat off the coast of boston has returned back home. it was supposed to be out for just a three-hour tour, but it turned into a bit of a nightmare. 15 hours for passengers there. the boat's propeller was stuck in a lobster trap 60 miles off the coast of boston's harbor. nearly 160 tourists were forced to stay on the boat overnight. >> those things happen. accidents happen and things like that. the reaction was very slow. seemed like ages. >> what a story they get to bring back home. that tour company is now apologizing, saying it will refund all the passengers for the cost of their trip. a homeless mother in arizona arrested for leaving her children in a hot car during a job interview is now defending her decision this morning right here on "fox & friends." listen to this. >> i believe that i made a choice in a desperate situation. i had to choose between either providing for them or caring fo. and i made the best choice out of a bad set of options. >> does she deserve a second chance? you've been writing us all morning. dia says if there was ever a time for a judge to use someone as an example, this would be the case and now would be the time. another says of course she deserves a second chance. we all deserve a second chance. carl says it was a bad choice to leave the kids in the car. but it would be punishing her kids even more by putting her in jail instead of teaching her how to make better choices. she had three children in the car. three young children. dating the traditional way can sometimes be pretty tough. >> hello? yes. i'm with him right now. no, not very attractive. no, doesn't make much money. a bit fat. >> ouch. gosh. how awful. it looks like "on line dating can't be trusted either. it's called okay cupid and it's been conducting this crazy psychological experiment on users without the users even knowing about it. the web site's co-founder says users photos and bios have been changed and also removed the name of people in this experiment. the site told people they were a good match when in reality they were awful for one another. so a lot of people getting upset about this. this on the heels of facebook doing something somewhat similar recently. major department stores, including macy's and j.c. penney busted after an investigation found that they're actually selling customer's gems that are filled with cheap glass and referring to them as real rubies. you can see the difference after putting them in jewelry cleaner. look how it crackles on the left. the lead glass stone on the left appears to be cracked. the real one on the right sparkles. both stores say they mark the products as lead glass rubies. macy's says they're going to retrain their salespeople now. j.c. penney says they will refund dissatisfied buyers. those are your headlines. not a good idea to buy your wife for an anniversary. >> it looks like a mood ruby. it changes with my mood. >> unlike the ruby slippers. do you know what the ruby slippers were made out of? sequins sewn on. i've seen it at the smithsonian. just stitched onto a pair of shoes. >> when my daughter asked if they were real, i said yes. >> they were bedazzled. >> if you had not seen that story, there was a spoiler alert. it would have been nice if you said that. >> maria molina joins us. we were talking about the wizard of oz that involves a tornado. there was some tornadoes making news yesterday. >> that's right. yesterday and there was one specifically just outside of the city of boston. a confirmed ef-2 tornado, winds of 120 miles per hour. a lot of damage out there. thankfully no injuries. that was in eastern parts of massachusetts. hyped that storm system -- behind that storm system that produced all kinds of severe weather on thursday and monday, we do have cooler air that's moving in. that's a very strong cold front that moved eastward. and now look at the temperatures. a little chilly for some of you. like in detroit, you're looking at a current temperature of 55. 58 in buffalo. you're at 54 degrees in pittsburgh. your highs are going to remain below average out there across portions of the midwest and into the northeast. still hot across parts of texas and even farther west like in phoenix, 109 for your high temperature out there. we do have a disturbance that's swinging through portions of the west and even into the plains. it is going to be producing areas of heavy rain, flood watches are in effect. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. a fox news alert talks of a new cease fire. happening now in gaza. is israel being treated as the bad guy. former israeli ambassador to the u.s., michael, joins us live ahead. before he was deployed to fight for this nation, his home looked like this. now it looks like this. all because of a code violation. that soldier joins us live next. ♪ ♪ your 16-year-old daughter studied day and night for her driver's test. secretly inside, you hoped she wouldn't pass. the thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was... you just weren't ready. but she did pass. 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>> from the beginning, it was excessive use of force from them. they said you need to bring your house up to code, current code, even though it was built in 1947. something that wasn't doable. >> and so why were they telling you to do that while they weren't telling the other people on your block to do it? >> that's exactly where the confusion was, i tried to ask them why me? if die it, then that means i'm submitting the rest of the neighborhood to the same process. >> absolutely. so you started the process. you started to fix things and they kept coming back and kept saying, while you're at it, fix this and this. eventually you hired an engineer to help you, right? >> that is correct. >> what did he do? >> they proved that there was no structural issues with the house and everything that they wanted could be done and we had plans drawn and engineer report and once the architect went to ask for the permit, the same guy that was making the building official, he denied the permit for building. >> so you were on it. you were trying to comply. then out of nowhere, they demolish your house. did you have notice that they were about to do that? >> negative. there was no court order for us to vacate or anything. >> how did they get away with that? >> the building department, they're their own entity. they have the power to do basically whatever they want. because this was a personal issue. they did exactly that. >> okay. so last week a judge ruled in favor of you, saying the county should have delayed the building code violation proceedings against you while you were on active duty overseas. so they smacked down the county. now that you have won, what do you want? >> i just want this to be over. it's been hard for our family. some people might think the money will make up for it. there is nothing that makes up for a lost home and all the memories that came with it. >> okay. so i understand from your attorney you want the city to drop all the liens, including the demolition costs and suspend all code enforcement and pay $395,000 as well. is that correct? >> that is accurate. >> okay. and in the meantime, you moved on. you're in texas, right? >> yes. >> and you just want it to be behind you. what a terrible story. we hope you wind up with some justice, sergeant. thank you very much for joining us today from texas and telling us your story. >> thank you. >> good luck to you. that is just a little crazy. it is now 12 minutes before the top of the hour. a fox news alert. talks of a new cease fire agreement happening as we speak in gaza. but is the united states treating israel as the bad guy? former israeli ambassador to the united states, that man right there, michael orr, joins brian next. first let's check in with martha mccallum for a preview of what happens on the channel in a little bit. >> good morning to you. john kerry is fighting back today as criticism mounts in his handling of israel and hamas. russia grows more bold, testing a missile that violates a treaty that we have with them. we're going to talk about that. how about this, is the irs now starting to take on churches? bill and i will see you right here on america's newsroom at the top of the hour. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. fox news alert. four israeli soldiers dead this morning as new explosions rock the city of gaza. this after israeli missiles take out a power plant and the home of another hamas leader. now the palestinian authority is calling for 24 hour cease fire, saying hamas has agreed to a temporary peace. but our next guest says the only way to end this crisis in the middle east is to crush hamas. the former ambassador to the united states is with us. how long will it take to crush hamas? very few in the west would be sad if they were to disappear. how long would that take? >> good morning to you. it may take a while. what israel needs is time and space. we've been through this round, this cycle again and again where the terrorists shoot rockets at us. we fire back. the world imposes a cease fire. the terrorists use that cease fire to build up their rocket arsenals, then fire again with even longer range rockets and bigger rockets. the whole thing starts -- we got to break this cycle right now. to do that, you got to deliver something close to a death blow to hamas. you got to get them into a situation where they're not going to use those rockets. >> they're in charge of gaza. they merged with the palestinian authority. you have to get rid of every single one of them to ask them to leave or killed? >> we're talking about demille tearizing the dealership. they can stay there. they don't have rockets, what goes on from gaza is their business. as long as they're not firing at israeli citizens, as long as they're not digging tunnels under our cities, our farms to come up and kill our civilians, that's their business. >> ambassador, the long run, if you destroy every tunnel, they know how to make them. they'll make them again. how do you stop that? do you look for a long-term israeli presence in gaza after the violence stops? >> i think the idea is to get out of gaza as soon as possible once the work is done. but you have to develop a type of underground iron dome defense system, iron dome is the revolutionary israeli antiballistic system that has taken down hundreds of rockets over our city, including this city, tel aviv. we need an underground version of that. the united states faces very similar challenges with tunnels under its southern border. we haven't come up with a yet. but we came up with a technological answer for missiles, we'll come up with one for the tunnels. >> you know about the world of diplomacy and witnessing this fires. josh earnest is calling on israel to do better. listen. >> israel and their political leaders often talk about the high standards that they put in place for their military operations to ensure the safety and well-being of civilians on the palestinian side of the border. based on published reports, it's apparent that there is more that they should do to live up to those standards that they have set. >> ambassador. >> more you could do? >> i came to my job as ambassador not as a diplomat, but as a military historian. i'll tell you right off that there has been no army in the history of warfare that has done more to minimize civilian casualties, whether it's dropping thousands of leaflets, sending text message, making phone calls to palestinian civilians, telling them to leave areas where combat is about to take place. >> having said that, are you insulted by the charge? >> i wonder what published reports they're basing them on. are they basing them on al gentleman sneer a reports? are they basing them on reports from the united nations is this which is scarcely -- which is scarcely an objective source about israel. a few years ago we had the report that had israel guilty of war crimes and then found it was false and they had to apologize for them. i personally take strong objection to the fact that we're not doing enough. we're doing a super human job to avoiding casualties. >> straight ahead, atheists vowed to remove the cross from the 9-11 memorial. the decision is in. we'll share it pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! before we go, we have one for the road. a win for state of new york city where a court ruled the ground zero cross can remain at the september 11 museum. atheists filed a lawsuit to remove the steel beams found in that shape among the wreckage. they claim the site of the cross made them physically sick. the court says too bad. excellent. 14-year-old kayla leans over and grabs a foul ball. look at this grab. it was beautiful. it was a wonderful grab. but the problem is it might have been interference. there was some protest, but in the end, the girl gets the ball and an autograph from todd frazier for the wonderful catch. and before we go, we want you to look good. you know spanx, they're coming out with jeans. two different styles with slimming fits and strategic stomach control panels which brian and i have been talking about. why don't they have those for guys? sounds like the spanx will be about 150 bucks. >> you chose spanx as your one for the road. >> we spanx you for it. >> thanks, everybody. >> christmas gifts not too early, is really war planes hitting targets in gaza overnight, watch this. >> those flares turning the sky orange. hamas government complex hit, fuel tanks they look like they're exploding into flames. another strike hitting in gaza city where fox news staff is saying this


Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140502 10:00:00

favorite. about 150,000 fans are expected at churchill downs in louisville tomorrow evening. that's going to do it for "way too early" friday edition. "morning joe' starts right now. not only has donald sterling been banned from the nba for life, he's he's also been planned from the bunny ranch brothel in atlanta. >> if you want to have a good time at the bunny ranch, don't be a racist or animal killer. >> dennis hoff wants nothing to do with donald sterling. dennis hoff says the main reason why he is banned for life is out of respect for the nba players that come here to the bunny ranch. >> he has that respect. >> good morning. it is friday, everybody. it's friday, may 2nd. >> what a wonderful day may 2nd is. >> with us on set -- it is friday this year. >> it's mika's birthday. >> happy birthday. >> i love a taurus. that's her sign. >> i'm 47. am i to be happy about this? >> of course you are. >> national holiday in at least three countries. >> it is. >> best you've ever been. have you seen pictures of her at 27? best she's ever been. >> that's nice. >> i've seen that hair. >> no, i'm three years from 50. that's the way i look at it. >> is that a positive way to look at it? >> that's not a positive attitude. >> why not? why not? i think 47 is just fine, thank you. >> you're thriving. >> i'm thriving. and i know my value. >> yes, you do. >> i remember when i was 47. >> yeah. i do too. msnbc, "time" magazine analyst mark halperin is here. former treasury official and "morning joe" analyst, my travel agent, steve rattner. and in washington, pulitzer prize winning columnist of "the washington post", eugene robinson. >> what are you going to do for your birthday? >> i'm going to go to sleep. hopefully nor a long time. >> that's a good present. >> i'm going sleep for a very long time. maybe more like a putting a dog down kind of way. >> 21st version of timothy leary. >> i like how your arianna and dr. brzezinski is the same. >> yes. one is a female voice. >> it's very zsa zsa gabor. >> your zsa zsa is very good. >> you are stunning. >> we had fun last night -- moving on away from the birthday -- at the national magazine awards. have you ever been to that? it's really a great event. so well organized. great crowd. i think they were all drunk. >> they were not drunk. >> i do, i think they were. our friend was there. >> it was a great night. national geographic took some home. >> bon appetit magazine cleaned up. >> the new yorker cleaned up. i mean, these guys, i almost -- there's steve. columbia. the school of journalist. >> cindy leavy, glamour. then in a huge category -- >> shocker for people. big win for them. >> they had eight. and cosmo won. >> and magazine of the year. best company. >> that was awesome. that was fun. >> yeah. >> very exciting night. >> the award -- that's a big thing. >> i had no idea what it is. >> bunch of boomerangs put together. >> let's get to the news, shall we? >> sure. >> "the new york times" is reporting this morning that u.s. sanctions over ukraine are having a limited impact on russia as vladimir putin demand troops withdraw from part of the country. the russian ruble and stock market are actually stronger now than they were before the first wave of u.s. sanctions were announced. >> that's not really the idea. >> meanwhile, an operation is underway in eastern ukraine to reclaim the city controlled by pro-russian militants. gunfire and explosions could be heard as ukrainian forces claim they regained control of at least nine check points. the militants shot down two military helicopters. at least three people have been killed including a ukrainian pilot. separatists loyal to moscow are building barricades in an attempt to keep ukrainian forces away. it has been a violent week in the region with pro-russian militants seizing control of government buildings. yesterday the men overpowered to storm a building. they are fighting. >> they are fighting. you know it's not a good sign when vladimir putin tells you to withdraw troops from your own country. and the sanctions are having unfortunately limited effect. so we will obviously keep a close look on this. >> this is also when you see scenes like this, you are going to wonder at some point if we need to help them in a more tangible way. >> i think most people when they look at the fact -- they look at the fact that the ruble is doing better, the stock market is doing better than when the president issued the first round of sanctions, not a good sign. also not a good sign when your donors that are going to help you get elected president start talking about moving to another candidate. that's exactly what seems to be happening and according to reports to chris christie. >> we'll go there. chris christie was leading early polls and considered a top contender to a hillary clinton run in 2016. but now a report says some republican fund raisers even some in the new jersey area with considering jumping ship from christie for jeb bush as the former florida governor looks at a bid. jeb is also getting some support from his brother. >> i hope jeb runs. and i think he would be a great president. i have no clue what's on his mind. we'll talk when he's ready. i notice he's moving around the country quite a bit. >> doing well in polls. >> yeah. that's fine. they don't mean anything. for him i can guarantee he's not looking at a poll to decide whether or not he wants to run. it's internal. he's checking his core. as he said publicly, i'm thinking about my family. and he knows full well what a run for the presidency can do on family. after all, he's seen his dad and brother run for president. so jeb, if you need advice, give me a call. >> okay. it is worth noting according to a new quinnipiac university poll, jeb easily leads the rest of the 2016 pack in his home state. that includes marco rubio who i think people are talking about as well. >> people are talking about marco as well. it's going to be interesting to see what's going to happen there. mark halperin, this is something we've been talking about for quite some time. the only reason jeb's thinking about even running in this case is because chris christie started to fall. and when that happened, there's no establishment gop candidate and he figures perhaps maybe why not. >> the gop establishment, the money people play in the process. and jeb still has as that story suggests, a large hold on them. and governor christie's troubles have only exacerbated the search. there's 30 people talked about as running. that was true even when chris christie looked strong. >> it's also true in 2012 and jeb didn't take the jump in for a lot of the same reasons he's thinking of not taking the jump in right now. but, you know, we have said from the very beginning this chris christie story is important. and it does have a direct impact on who may be elected the next president, tom. as chris christie goes down, that fills a void and that looks like that void right now is going to be filled by jeb bush. >> there certainly are establishment republicans that have a long history with the bush family and like what jeb bush represented when it comes to his history in florida. it also means because of jeb bush's family ties with his wife and his kids and the fact that they have a deep connection with the latino and hispanic community, that they might be able to be the bridge that can help usher in a new wave of people to the gop. get them back interested with other people that are currently in elected office have been scaring off that demographic. >> they have. and jeb was as good or better than anybody i've seen. certainly better than any republican i've seen with latino voters. >> all right. here's an issue that could definitely impact the 2016 elections and become a little problem for potentially one candidate. overnight at least five people were killed in a militia attack at the libyan security headquarters in benghazi. the situation in that area, in that country still far from stable. 19 months after a raid on the u.s. consulate there left four americans dead. held its latest hearing yesterday in the 2012 attack. the focus around a recently released e-mail of talking points that aimed to underscore the idea that the protests were triggered by an anti-islam video. critics say the message rees looed this week is proof there was a political agenda at play in the white house. but the administration says it was about the wider middle east and not specifically about libya. >> the e-mail was about protests around the region. if you want to tell me today that the protest and, again -- >> but benghazi was part of it, right? >> right. i want to refer you to the cia talking points on that. most people remember there were demonstrations around the region that were in reaction to what people felt was an offensive video. >> you were being cautious. you're saying there's an investigation there. that's 9/12. why on 9/14 is ben rhodes writing an e-mail saying judgments this was inspired by a video. why wasn't it we don't know. >> do you need a copy of the cia report? >> i've read them. >> it is a cut and paste from the talking points which much to your disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. >> mark halperin, that's just not true. first of all, here's nancy pelosi. i think she said it best right here when she said benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. >> what i will say is benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren't we talking about something else? whatever was in that -- what i know of what i've read in the press about the -- those e-mails were very consistent with what was put out there before. i don't think there's anything new there. >> we're talking about it because the white house has been caught in a lie with benghazi. and one commentator yesterday said who's often critical of republicans, it wasn't just a lie, it was a stupid lie. because it's obvious they're not telling the truth. the documents, the lawsuit that ordered them to release these documents, what did they ask for? not information pertaining to white house records involving the middle east. information involving all discussions involving benghazi. so the white house released this e-mail which clearly shows they weren't telling the truth earlier and that jay carney was spinning for whatever reasons. also, you know, the cia document they kept talking about, the acting cia chief said they weren't the ones that supplied it in the first place. this is what the white house has been doing and they've been caught. wouldn't it just be better for them to say, yeah, to come clean at some point or are they just going to keep lying? >> are you saying they can't have it both ways? >> i'm saying that, first of all, jay carney needs to understand -- and by the way, he should understand. i'm taken by people that go in the white house and thinks the history ends when the white house ends. on the other side of the obama administration, he's going to have to come out and he's going to have to piece together his reputation. i say that as a guy i liked. i liked as a journalist. i respected him as a journalist. i still like him as a person. but i've seen this. i am getting old enough -- older than 47. >> oh yeah. >> that was doing the same thing. in 2005 i called her up. i said you know what? this administration's going to end, and you're going to have decades to deal with your credibility after it ends. stop lying to me. because you're going to have to deal with me on the other side of the bush administration. bush is going to go back to texas and i'm still going to be here. when you wonder why jay carney is doing what he's doing, i think shattering the reputation, a well-deserved, good reputation he built at "time" magazine doing this when everybody knows he's lying. >> from the beginning, the posture of everyone around the president's been there's nothing to see here, move on. when they do stuff like this, it em boeboldens critics. how can you ask us to trust you when you say there's nothing here and then you do this? >> if benghazi's not a big deal, if people think benghazi's not a big deal -- chuck todd seemed to think yesterday benghazi wasn't a big deal. that's fine. have that debate. but if there's an e-mail directing susan rice to go and push a line and they don't reveal that, well, they've got to come clean. >> when we look at what exactly was in this specific e-mail that was released and the bullet points given to her to use as reference points to go on these shows, that was in there. to underline the fact this was not a broader policy failure. gene, when we look at this and the ramifications that come from it, let's not forget as we get caught up in the benghazi conversation, we lost four americans. we lost four americans committed to the state department. we lost four americans that were in libya that was a rat hole after muammar gadhafi was out. so this is an embarrassment for the white house. but how do they reclaim the narrative so jay carney doesn't look like just a big liar in trying to remind everybody from that lecture the history of the time, which is okay to do, but how do they look like they're not lying about what was done? >> you know, if there are any other e-mails, just put them out. just put everything out. because in the end, this is a scandal without a center. you know, what's at the center of this is -- was the real -- if there's a scandal, it is a state department security preparations prepositions of forces, the assessment before the attack as to what sort of danger the ambassador and the cia facility might have been in in benghazi. that's what went wrong there. and, you know, to expect there to have been a clear narrative of exactly what the motivations were of the miscreants who did this, a couple of days after the attack is ridiculous. it's absurd. nothing ever happens like that. so if the criticism is that the white house is dragging this out and is making it a bigger deal, a different kind of deal than it ought to be, i think that could be a valid criticism. just put everything out there, because really the issue is what allowed benghazi to happen? not whether what the talking points said. what the talking points said, it's just a ridiculous sideshow. >> and by the way, go back for liberals who have been watching the show the past couple days and friends of the obama administration who have been frustrated what i'm saying about jay carney and the talking points, see what i said the monday morning after benghazi when i absolutely tore mitt romney to shreds for jumping to a conclusion. just following what gene said, for jumping to a conclusion and trying to politicize this. yes, when you hold a press conference after a u.s. ambassador is dragged through the streets without knowing all the information, you're politicizing it before knowing what's going on. i think both sides tried to immediate politicize this. obama administration, oh, this has nothing to do with our policy. it's just an internet video by a crazy person. then you have mitt romney in the middle of a campaign saying this is the worst thing ever, blah, blah, blah. now as things get revealed, maybe mitt romney was right. but he didn't know at the time he was right. but the problem with the white house is that they're the ones sitting there now still having to clean up for some really stupid things they did and some misleading things they did. >> former national security council spokesman looked to down play his role in changing the talking points saying it's difficult to remember because it was so long ago. >> according to the e-mails and the timeline the cia circulates new talking points after they removed mention of al qaeda. then at 6:21, the white house, you, add a line about the warning of september 10th of social media reports calling for demonstrations. true? >> i believe so. >> did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? >> maybe. i don't really remember. >> i don't remember. >> dude, this was two years ago. >> dude, it is the thing that everybody' talking about. >> we're talking about the process of editing talking points. that's what bureaucrats do all day long. >> okay. listen, if you want to keep me off your back, do what he just said. say "dude." i love the guy, but there he knows exactly what he did. we've all been in that situation. i can remember as a lawyer editing things. i can remember as a business person we can remember -- >> that was like eddie haskell there. >> come on, he knew. he remembers everything about that. this white house -- >> dude, that was like two years ago? >> that was a very long interview. it was a small part. >> when you cut through all this, there's two basic points or questions. one, obviously the white house should come clean. we all know the coverup is worse than the crime. drip, drip, drip. just get it all out. >> and we also know on that part, the cover up, it was the president was trying to be i'm the tough guy. we won the war on terror. they wanted to make this a spontaneous demonstration. but the fact is it's just not true and everybody knows. why don't they clean this up, steve? >> right. but the second question is is this really going -- you said at the beginning of all this 2016, is this going to become a national issue or is this inside the beltway? >> for hillary it will be an issue. because she talked about the telephone call. she got her own 3:00 a.m. telephone call and four americans are dead because of it. and if you think these are just republican talking points, talk to the family members of the four americans who gave their lives for this country. it will be an issue. and hillary clinton and her supporters and any democrats that want to say, oh, this is just right wing -- a right wing -- to borrow one of hillary's phrases, a mass right wing conspiracy. wait until the end of the campaign. still ahead on "morning joe," bill clinton a 2:00 a.m. phone call and cursing. >> you just don't want to get 2:00 a.m. phone calls. >> congressman jim clyburn was on the other end of that call. he'll be here to explain what happened. what? >> i'm also going to ask about what a congressman had to say about clarence thomas being a, quote, uncle tom. also what he had to say about mitch mcconnell being a racist. some extraordinary things. >> plus new details that the inmate in the oklahoma execution had to be tased before the execution. up next, new cell phone video just released from on board the south korean ferry as it began to sink. the reason why the video was actually released at this point. but first, bill kairns with a check on the forecast. bill? >> mika, i did my part. it looks like a beautiful birthday weekend for you. >> nice. happy birthday, mika. >> thank you, bill. >> last week was miserable around the country. now we're going to start to see spring taking over. warmer temperatures, too. there's a few scattered showers out there around cape cod. also some light rain around buffalo, syracuse, and rochester. temperatures are more mild today than they had been this past week. we're at the 50s in the big cities, 40s in the burbs. as we go throughout the afternoon, a gorgeous friday afternoon. low 70s to mid-60s. i know yesterday was nearly 80. it was kind of humid. today's more springlike, less humidity, plenty of sunshine. florida's the exception. we've got a lot of rain coming your way. not the flooding stuff we just dealt with, but scattered showers and storms friday, saturday, sunday. so here's your forecast for your weekend. we're finally ending the horrible warmth out wed. it was 95 in san diego of all places yesterday. wier finally watching everything averaging out. of course the kentucky derby is on saturday. looks to be about 73 degrees. no problems there in louisville. looks beautiful and much of the country even into sunday should be looking pretty nice. there's really not any horrible weather. no severe storms, no tornadoes, nothing like that. mother nature is giving us a break as we go throughout our first may weekend. looking at a nice day across the country. more "morning joe" when we come right back. ♪ avo: wherever your journey takes you the expedia app helps you save with mobile-exclusive deals download the expedia app text expedia to 75309 expedia, find yours so i tri ed depend so i it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. hi-ya! and i tried a baking class. one weekend can make all the difference. unlike the bargain brand, depend gives you the confidence of new fit-flex® protection. it's a smooth and comfortable fit wi more lycra strands. it's our best protection. take your weekend on with a free sample at add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ all right. it's time to take a look at the morning papers. look at the front page of "usa today." 8 million people have signed up for the affordable care act. 8 million. >> that's great. >> 8 million. just saying. >> that's great. what are you saying? >> i'm just saying 8 million people have signed up. that's pretty good. they need more and they need to get young people still. >> they do. >> that's a demographic they're still focusing on. why are you behaving so nicely? >> that's great. >> bill de blasio and the city's largest teacher's union agreed to a contract yesterday ending a five-year labor dispute. teachers will receive back pay of 8% of their salaries and bonuses for teachers with positive reviews. the union agreed to reductions in health care saving the city $1 million. >> from our parade of papers, the oregonian, cell phone video recovered from one of the young victims aboard the capsized south korean ferry is giving new insight into what happened in that doomed ship. the student's father released the video to give it to the nation and let them get a glimpse into the disaster. at first the crew warns of a possible accident over the loud speaker. the video shows the students fooling around. but as the ferry begins to tilt, the mood changes to panic. towards the end of the video, you can actually still hear the crew telling passengers to stay in place. it's just outrageous. >> why would you do that? >> it's just outrageous. >> the los angeles times, the president of the naacp in los angeles has resigned in the wake of the scandal involving donald sterling. leon jenkins has been heavy criticized for his plan to present sterling with a lifetime achievement award. the group also granted sterling an award in 2009, the same year he was accused of refusing to rent apartments to latinos and blacks. >> jeah. it was probably the second award they were giving to him. i wonder how much money he gave the naacp in return for that award? >> you've got to look at the money you're given when you're in an organization like that. because it can't be dirty money. it's not worth it as one just learned today. >> the houston chronicle is reporting 55 colleges and universities are being investigated by the department of education for their handling of sexual assault complaints on campus. such an important story. among them, elite schools like emory university and harvard law school. also florida state and ohio state university. move comes as the obama administration announces new guidelines to prevent incidents and improve reporting on campus. such an important, important story, mika. >> related news from "the wall street journal," reports of sexual abuse if had the military have skyrocketed. the pentagon says confidential reports were 50% higher in 2013 than 2012. now, there were 86% higher among marines. the pentagon suggests it shows victims are more comfortable coming forward. but it didn't account for how many actual crimes were committed. >> i was going to say, actually, those numbers have gone up and skyrocketed. there's two ways to look at it. of course the number is going up always causes alarm, but maybe it means that people are starting to get comfortable coming forward in the military. which they've never been comfortable doing before. >> it's difficult in real life let alone the military. >> especially in the military. >> absolutely. >> and also the previous story, in college, so many young people go away from home. something traumatic like this happens -- >> all in muddled circumstances that make you embarrassed to come forward. >> they're embarrassed, there's shame. there's all these things that hopefully the obama administration, the push is going to actually make it easier for men and women but mainly young women to come forward. >> absolutely. this weekend's parade magazine features an exclusive from mariano rivera's where he recounts his journey from poor panama kid to world series mvp. >> all right. thomas? >> thanks, guys. with us now the chief white house correspondent for politico, mike allen, here with the morning playbook. give it to us, mike. >> happy friday! and happy birthday not only to mika, but also "morning joe" jesse rodriguez. 3-0 today. spotted last night celebrating. >> ooh, jesse. really? >> we shouldn't be texting jesse early this morning then. he might have a headache. let's talk about what else is this weekend because we've got the white house correspondents dinner. and looking at president obama and his sense of humor and why he may be hesitant to poke fun at himself. what have you learned? >> todd is pointing out here that president obama likes to make fun of other people more than himself. his self-deprecating humor doesn't go very deep. yes, the president jokes about his big ears and about his bad polls and about his birth certificate, maybe his gray hair. but doesn't really go after himself in the way that some other presidents have. a more typical joke by this president is, you'll remember when he said despite the rumors that he was born in a manager, he was really born on krypton. whereas president bush really went after himself. he talked about what the intelligence briefing for him actually meant. but todd discovered that president obama has some company in this. another president who's very thin skinned at the time, bill clinton. talked to some of clinton's writers and the writers would get the jokes and clinton would be like, these are about me. they should be about the other people. and one of the drafts that was released in this most recent clinton document dump, one they tried out that clinton liked was the white house press corps was the opposite of lake woe be gone. that all were below average. >> we'll see how it goes. joel mchale is the host, right? >> people are excited about that. the weekend is growing and growing and growing. >> it's a big weekend. mike allen, thank you, sir. coming up, he said it was an honest mistake, but now there's a good chance you'll see jameis winston king crab legs in a grocery store near you. that's right. and later, a suspected carjacker getting the ride of his life while holding onto the side of a new york city cab. "morning joe" straight ahead. ♪ just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. wanted to go and see a lion up close. this zoom lens is amazing. go and smell the roses! ♪ you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. ♪ all right. pay attention. it's take a peek time. it's time for sports. >> okay. >> three teams on the brink of elimination last night in the nba playoffs. warriors and clippers. golden state's steph curry led the way with points. 14 of which scored in the first quarter. the clippers come up just short. the warriors hang on for the 100-99 victory. game seven on saturday. memphis/thunder looking to stay alive. 104-84 win to force game seven. also on saturday. to atlanta, the hawks looking to end the pacers season. david west with the go-ahead basket right there. he led the pacers on a 16-4 run to close things out with a 95-88 victory and even up the series. game seven in indy tomorrow evening. and another set of game six matchups tonight. the raptors and nets, spurs and maveric mavericks. >> all three of those pushed to seven. >> it's fantastic. >> agreed. >> we get to the ice now. round two of the stanley cup playoffs. canadiens leading the bruins. johnny boychuk scores the equalizer right there. this one ends up in double overtime. montreal on the power play. next the game winner. take a 1-0 lead in this series. game two saturday in boston. another round of matchups tonight. the pens host the rangers. and the wild visit the blackhawks. finally for you, yesterday we told you about heisman trophy winner jameis winston being busted for shoplifting seafood. now there is a store catching in on the hype around this. a marketing gem in alabama. jameis winston king crab legs. unfortunately the shellfish, they are not for sale. this is just an in-store joke taking a pinch at jameis. >> what's he saying? he accidentally -- >> he walked out after -- >> accidentally walked out. how do you do that? >> who amongst us has not accidentally walked out with king crab legs. >> when it falls in your pocket and you don't know, what do you do? it's just like the time -- no, i never actually -- >> look. if you're going to shoplift crab meat, do the already packaged kind. >> i don't think he meant to do it. >> whatever. >> he was framed. >> he was framed. still ahead, mika, what do we have on this special birthday edition of "morning joe"? >> the ukrainians are fighting back. explosions, barricades, and downed helicopters as ukrainian forces are fighting back. the state department's rick stengel will be here on set live in our 8:00 a.m. hour. >> also we'll have the monthly jobs numbers released live at 8:30. also tina brown is going to be here for the must read opinion pages. you're going to want to hear about this one. it's about hillary clinton with surprising advice. we'll be right back. ♪ and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. ♪ time now for the must read opinion pages. with us the founder of tina brown live media and the winner of the world summit. >> good morning and happy birthday. >> thank you. i'm 47. it's okay, right? >> she's so young. she's so young. so have you seen tina's -- and she wrote this especially for your birthday because she knew it was a special day and this would be an op-ed that would get a lot of attention. this one is going to get a lot of attention. >> okay. you wrote a piece in the daily beast about hillary clinton being president you may have more power than anyone else in the country, but you quickly discover you have much, much less than you thought you'd have going in. so knowing all this, why indeed would hillary run? now that chelsea is pregnant and life for hillary can get so deep deep deeply familial and present, she is as adored as any ex-president already. it will be another press-on slot from hell and such a hog tied two terms. only the delights of hip replacement surgery will await her by the time she gets out. leave the presidency to the people who don't know what it's really like. >> jeb and hillary discussed both of them have seen what hell this is on their families. >> it's hell, but i even think that hillary is tough enough to deal with that piece. but what you're also seeing more and more is what a static, frustrating, tied down institution the presidency now is. what can you really achieve? in a way running for presidency now is what you can do in your post-presidency. you have to get through the complete sort of hog tied status of the oval office. get beyond it, then you're free. what was great to see at our summit was jimmy carter who i've never seen a happier guy. i mean, he sat on the stage and he just wowed the audience talking about $1 toilets in west africa for women. this is his initiative. how he's creating these for west africa. here's a guy who can talk about toilets for 20 minutes on a stage with a spell bound audience. he never seemed happier. he couldn't do anything when he was president as we know. >> has that platform to help the world. >> she has a platform already. usually you have to have the presidency to have the platform. she's got it already. why do it? >> so why do it? gene robinson, a lot of democrats will push hillary clinton to move forward. but 2008 was brutal for her. no reason to think 2016 would be any less brutal. plus she's got the fights from the clinton administration, brutal ugly fights. she's got the fights from arkansas. she's been at this a very long time. why put yourself out there again? >> well, it's a -- that's a good question. i mean, i've always thought that -- i'm disagreeing with a lot of my colleagues -- that she has not made a decision to run and she won't make a decision whether or not to run for some time. and she's got to really think about this. that said, you know, look at the position she's in. and look at the history she could make. and i think that will really weigh heavily on her. she, by all odds are that she could have the nomination if she wants it. and she'd have an even or better than even shot according to the polls. much better than even of becoming president. as tina says, then, you know, you're president. and you've got the four years and then eight years of misery ahead of you. but through that misery, maybe you can accomplish something. so i think she is an optimistic person. if she decides to run, it would be with the idea that she's going to get stuff done. >> and, you know, both of these races are so wide open, mark halperin. much wider than any race you've covered. if hillary doesn't run, what democrat does? if jeb doesn't run, what republican steps up? there are not any establishment candidates other than those two. >> yeah. those two are the big pieces. the missing element to me for her and whether or not she runs is what would she run to do? what would the presidency be like? >> what's the message? >> what gives her the burning desire. when her husband ran in '92, he had stuff he really wanted to do. she's been part of washington now for a long time. what is her vision? i'm not saying she hasn't had one, but she needs to make clear what it is. there's plenty she can do without being a presidential candidate. >> there's an insatiable drive as a human being that hillary clinton has to achieve. and i think this could be a really bad analogy, but we all know when we have spoiled milk in the refrigerator, we know it's spoiled but we smell it anyway before we throw it out. i think she would know what she's getting into having been the first lady and being, you know, secretary of state. but she, i think, has a desire to achieve this and can. >> i feel there's an evolution happening somehow on that. she cease what her husband has created, realizes she wants to focus i think so much on her passion really for ending gender inequality globally. and this has been such a focus of hers. is f that is what her big passion is which i believe it is, then you can achieve more of that in your post-presidency. >> totally. >> i also think that with jeb, it's like, we cannot expect this thing to just remain static. everybody said it's hillary's nomination last night. being a black president trumped her exceptionalism in president barack obama. she was supposed to be the first woman president but first black president was more interesting. >> tina brown, thank you. >> good column. thank you. coming up, why residents in a small michigan town are up in arms over this city-approved public statue. >> that's art? 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[ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. oh, it's time for news you can't use. >> this is exciting. >> thomas, what do you have? >> we start with crazy video from here in new york city. police say the man holding on for dear life was trying to carjack a taxi in the early morning in the bronx. >> that's the way we do it here. >> they topped speeds of 70 miles an hour. the cob driver hit the gas when he tried to take over the taxi. this taxi hit traffic and the carjacker jumped off carjacking another vehicle. he was arrested a short time later. why not hit the brakes fast and that dude would go flying? catlike reflexes. this is good. a small town in michigan, this is what i think we should do around here. a small town in michigan is looking to promote the arts. the importance of art in the community. i get tongue tied because it's so exciting. the skulltuculpture is called b human. living today we can't do it alone. we rely on other people to try to survive. >> rely on people why? >> neighbors in the town disagree. >> not just one. >> they've taken to calling this the orgy statue. >> for good reason. >> the artist said there was no intentional sexual assault in it and the harsh comment shows that the critics are thinking about it. >> well that would be -- if it's not intentional sexuality, then that just happened. >> it takes a village. >> sometimes it just happens. >> the town is going to be moving this to a less prominent location. >> let's buy it and put it on set. >> it's awful. >> that's unbelievable. >> i know. but the other big news today -- >> what? >> it's your birthday mika! >> whoo! >> oh, my god. >> i was told we have a birthday in the house today. big birthday. >> thank you, bill kairns. >> yea! >> look at this. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday dear mika ♪ happy birthday to you >> wahoo! >> are you one? are you two? >> you got a bear. i got bill kairns. >> this is great! i love it! >> the birthday suit comes later. >> no thank you. he always goes too far. always. >> happy birthday. >> come here. come here, bill. thank you. and louis, don't touch me. get out of here. >> well, happy birthday. what's your favorite birthday memory? >> speech! speech! >> what's your favorite birthday memory from growing up? >> i don't really have any. we didn't do stuff like this. >> was it that bad? >> we just didn't do, like, parties or anything. >> how about the year they gave you that sled? >> what sled? >> what are you talking about? >> this cake looks amazing. thank you. >> i need to blow some of the stuff off the top here. >> all right. very good. >> that way we can clean off the confet confetti. >> we'll be back with more of "morning joe." at the top of 7:00, we have much to talk about but i forgot everything because of this birthday. my. tongue. finally. 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>> yes, it is. >> whenever she goes and weekends in south of france, she has a tiara with her. >> one day i'm going to the south of france. >> you should. >> thank you. wear that the rest of the day. >> all right. so obviously a lot of discussions about benghazi yesterday, just the political side of it. but a deadly incident last night. >> yeah. let's get right to it because there's politics all around it as well. overnight five people were killed in a militia attack at the headquarters in benghazi. the situation in that country is still far from stability 19 months a a raid on the u.s. consulate there left four americans dead. the house overnight committee held its latest hearing into the 2012 attack. it focused around an e-mail recently released. critics say the message which was only released this week is proof there was a political agenda at play within the white house. the administration, however, says the e-mail was about the situation across the wider middle east and not specifically about libya. >> ed, the e-mail was about protests around the region. if you want to tell me today that -- >> benghazi was part of it, right? >> right. i would refer you to the ca produced talking points on that. most people remember that there were demonstrations around the region. that were in reaction to what people felt was an offensive video. >> why then on 9/14 is ben rhodes writing an e-mail that is making judgments that this was inspired bay video? why is it not -- >> ed, do you need a copy of the cia talking points? >> i've seen them. read them out all you want. >> from the talking points which much to your disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. >> house minority leader nancy pelosi says there is nothing to see in the new e-mails. >> what i will say is, again, diversion subterfuge. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren't we talking about something else? whatever was in that -- what i know of what i've read in the press about the -- those e-mails were very consistent with what was put out there before. i don't think there's anything new there. >> and ahead of the white house correspondents dinner, politico is out with a survey of 60 members of the press corps. nearly 60% have covered the president for ten years or fewer. 61% say press briefings should be changed from their current form calling for fewer talking points, more questions from different journalists, and they should be shorter. many journalists scored the briefings as more lame than essential. when asked if they interviewed someone who wasn't in the communications office in the last week, more than half said, are you kidding. half of those surveyed say they've been lied to by an obama white house official. nearly 40% say they have been sworn at by an official. >> it happens. and it happens, the swearing at least, happens in lots of different administrations. ron fournier, you wrote a great column about -- and i love -- if you look at the bottom of the screen, man. this is murderer's row. this is like the 27 yankees. you've got chuck todd at the white house, ron fournier at the white house, david gregory -- >> moderator of "meet the press." >> these guys all know the white house. ron, you wrote a column about this yesterday. you look at someone like marlon fitzwater, tony snowe. they were able to deliver bad news in a way that i'll just be blunt, this current white house is not been able to deliver news. there's a hardening, it seems, of the press corps. right now the white house press corps in there and for somebody that's known jay carney for a long time and liked jay carney, it's tough to see himself conducting himself in the way he's conducting himself. what's going on inside the white house? >> thanks, dude, for having me on. >> dude, you're the one that asked to be on, dude. i'm joking. >> dude, it's been two years. >> tommy v. breaking out the northwest florida slang. i love it. >> good lord. >> joe as you know any great corporate communications staff knows the difference between winning a news cycle and winning the public's trust. the problem with this white house is they're good at winning news cycles and in doing so they lose the public's trust. there's not a better example to illustrate that right now than benghazi. if you want to set aside for a second the important national security issues. what did the president know, what did he do, what happens when you get involved in a country like this, what's the fallback. set those aside for a second and look at the communications team that's paid a lot of money to communicate to the public. we now know beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the communications team treated this as a political crisis. not a foreign policy crisis. and in doing so put out information really quick that was really long, then didn't correct it until there was a lawsuit. they were fine having a bad narrative out there. didn't want to correct it because they were only worried about winning one news cycle at a time. and in doing so, they've hurt their credibility. these issues splash over to the president's credibility across the board. and i think this credibility issue is why not just on benghazi, is why his numbers have been coming down. >> david gregory, we've all had the conversation at one time or another with pres people for republicans and democrats alike i remember telling a mccain person in 2008 after he'd lied to me the night before. i think i said, hey, dude, did not not think the sun was going to rise tomorrow? and mika remembers me saying that the next morning. i wasn't yelling at him. i said did you not think the sun was going to rise. and i was going to find out about your lie. am i going to trust you for the rest of this campaign? the answer is no. and we've seen it. we've seen it in a lot of different administrations. i'm just curious if it would be best for the white house to cut its losses now and get this behind us. it's only a big deal if they keep covering it up. >> well, i'll make a comment about benghazi in a second. but i think the larger point is all of these press secretaries have their brief. when ron and i were in the front row during the bush years, we understood that ari fleischer at that point had a lot of limits put on him in terms of what he could do. they wanted him to take tough questions, but be limited in what he could say. that's part of a pr machine that comes to sell the president's agenda and the president. there's always limited terms of what you can get. look. ron said put aside some of the security concerns. the real story about benghazi is what are the consequences for having a light footprint in a chaotic country post-invasion. that's the ongoing story. and by the way, a story that candidate clinton if she becomes a candidate will have to face. those are the big policy questions at work here. we know to ron's point that the white house had a political interest in advancing a story about this video really being at the core of all of these protests. because anything that was spontaneous and happening fast is to their benefit in the situation opposed to being caught unaware about a terror attack which they didn't know about. we don't know. we know they were interested in the politics of this. we didn't know they were somehow telling any untruth. and we know that the intelligence community was saying, in fact, that this was a spontaneous eruption that happened in cairo and then evolved into a direct attack on the consulate. so we know there was an opportunity to sell it. we don't know what all the facts of this are. but this particular memo, for instance, why did they hold that back? of course it was related to benghazi. i think it creates more problems. >> one of the ways we know it was related to benghazi, the white house admitted it was related to benghazi before it was denied that it was related to benghazi as it was only released because the lawsuit said release documents related to benghazi. chuck todd, now to you, my friend. so we were having this discussion before, chuck, and mark halperin and i were talking. i said well, why doesn't jay carney, a guy like i an awful lot, why doesn't jay just say no? i'm not going to go out here and be put in this position. somebody said you can't do that. well, mike mccurry did it. other press secretaries have done it. it's a real balancing act, i understand. and it's extraordinarily difficult. but does jay not have a fairly tough relationship with the press corps that he has to stand in front of every day? >> i say yes, but it's not jay's doing that it's a tough press corps. this is sort of six years, honestly eight years of sort of dealing -- look. i think there has been in the worst development in white house staffs over the last two decades has been i think the entire press office is too big. i think there's almost too much. and so when you have so many individuals dedicated to press communications, right, and communicating with press, then you're going to slip into over-spinning. you're going to slip into what they did here with these benghazi e-mails which is so paranoid about giving an inch to their opponents that they withhold too much. you know, everything about all of their -- some of these political crises if you want to call them that that the white house has bungled all has the same root issue. which is they have been reticent to engage. they say we're not going to give in, we're not going to give them more material. had they flooded the zone, had they just dumped everything out that they had including this e-mail, had this e-mail been sent out at the same time that we got that entire booklet of e-mails from state, cia, and white house. this would be much to do about nothing. the e-mail was withheld. the e-mail itself isn't that damning. there's no smoke in this squirt gun, but it's because they didn't release it at the time and their credibility is why -- >> why didn't they release at it the time? >> everybody agree no smoke here? >> i disagree. >> i think there is smoke. >> it makes it clear at a minimum that they did what no one was surprised they did. they looked to contain the political damage. >> ron fournier? >> i agree with mark. i don't think that's a small thing. i think when you get caught spinning like this, when you get caught being incredible with the information, that's a big thing that splashes into other issues. as someone who has worked with jay and wants my white house to succeed, it was painful yesterday watching that briefing and get baghdad flashbacks. >> are we drilling down here on benghazi in a time period where i think tommy v. used this phrase in his interview, he said collective amnesia. there was a lot going on with the arab spring in a lawless libya at the time. >> we knew the day it happened, when mitt romney went out and held a press conference that he held wsh david gregory i think it was an unfortunately press conference to say the least. he didn't know what was going on. nobody knew what was going on. and it was sort of shoot first, ask questions later on both sides. on both sides. >> and mark halperin and i -- >> they knew from the very beginning this was a huge deal. >> right. mark halperin and i were together at the moment when mitt romney started reacting. and by the way, he was reacting to the apologetic statements coming out of the cairo embassy related to the video. but i think to thomas' point, the key questions here is we look back now and understand this was an attack on benghazi. and there was at the time information that was flowing out of there that was quite clearly a pre-planned attack. so part of it is why didn't they know? why didn't the administration know? why didn't the services know? why did they move forward to talk about a video? again, a lot of things can be true at once. the intelligence community saying this was a spontaneous attack even though they didn't use video. it's not an illogical leap to make biased on what the belief was. david petraeus is telling folks on capitol hill this was not terrorism initially. but it's also true and don't forget we lived there u an area here with how much grief did the bush white house take for the politicizing national security when this is what's going on here when you have ben rhodes saying, look, we've got to make sure this video story people understand. and this president is steady. of course. they don't want to be seen as weak on terror. that's an obvious thing to do. >> joining us now republican representative from oklahoma, congressman tom cole. tom, good to see you. >> great to see you as always. >> happy birthday, first of all. >> thank you. >> from a fellow taurus. joe, you're a lucky man to have a taurus as a partner. >> and we're stubborn. >> so i've heard. so i've experienced. so congressman, let me ask you -- let's switch topics here and talk about minimum wage. it was voted on in the senate and voted down. there's some republicans -- we had tim pawlenty on the other day and others that believe the minimum wage should be increased, not to 10.$10.10, but should be. but that it could be raised for compromise of keystone. >> i think you hit the formula. to put something that creates jobs with something that frankly is clearly going to cost jobs. you raise the minimum wage, you're going to lose tens of thousands of jobs across the country. second, you do have to realize in this case that, look. individual states can act on this as they choose to. 19 already have minimum wanls that are higher than the federal start. the point i made before, there's a big difference between the cost of living in new york or san francisco or oklahoma city. so whether a one size fits all minimum wages makes a lot of sense is worth thinking about. and again, states have the ability to act if they think it's in their interest. >> chuck todd? >> congressman, how you doing? >> hey. doing great. >> let me ask you this. do you think the minimum wage should be raised at all right now? would you raise it at all nationally? aren't we at one of the longest periods ever we haven't raised it? >> we're also at one of the lowest inflationary periods too. but the point is worth thinking about. i'm go i think to address it from a oklahoma standpoint. do i think the we need to raise the minimum wage in oklahoma? no. other states have the ability to act on this on their own. would i look at a minimum wage increase if i thought there were other things attached to it that would create jobs like keystone and additional things? yeah, i think i would consider that because i think job creation is a very important thing. >> steve rattner. >> congressman, you're right we're in a low inflationary era, but we haven't raised the minimum wage since 2009. it's now lower in real terms than it was in the 1960s. so isn't there a -- and historically the federal government has been involved in times like this. >> i'm not telling you there's not a case to be made here. but there's also a case on the other side. one, individual states that want to move can move. two, we know according to cbo and other economists that raising it is going to cost a lot of jobs. losing half a million jobs is no trivial matter in an economy that still has an unacceptably high unemployment rate. i suppose the president is supportive of doing this, but let's be real. he's using this as a political weapon to put something else on the table that would attract republican support. he hasn't done it. i think he enjoys the rhetoric of the debate. >> there is a compromise to be made here. we'll see if the president comes to the table with something other than $10.10. but put in keystone and something to create jobs, i bet he can get support. mark? >> what significance will be signed into law before the midterm elections? >> i hope a lot of appropriations bills as i'm the appropriator and we're actually doing the normal work of congress for a change. i would expect an infrastructure bill. i think we'll do something in terms of transportation issue. because transportation fund is going to run dry this fall. don't expect a permanent fix, but i would expect an extension into early next year. but to your basic point, look, not a lot. you know, i think we've done some important things since the ryan-murray budget agreement. but i think the big things largely are being pushed past by both sides. i think that's unfortunate, but the political reality. >> all right. congressman tom cole, thank you very much. >> and again happy birthday. >> fellow taurus. taurusian, whatever you said. >> we have at least that in common. thank you very much, tom, for being on the show. david gregory, thank you as well. what's on "meet the press" this weekend? >> we'll have governor rick perry, fallout from the sterling story. and will stop by to talk about his political involvement. >> chuck todd, we'll watch "the daily rundown" at 9:01. >> i don't know. we'll see. >> i'm going to make joe be quiet. >> you get it before 15 i'll be impressed. >> all right. ron, if you can stay with us, that'd be good. coming up live at the top of the 8:00, rick seng el -- >> hold on a second. it is rick stengel's birthday as well. >> get out. >> rick stengel and you and jesse. >> i need more confetti. >> what a great eight. >> and white house correspondent for the a.p. julie pace. and brian sullivan. still ahead, are we being taught to love strangers and is that a good thing? but first, hillary clinton if barack obama would answer a 3:00 a.m. phone call. but it was a 2:00 a.m. phone call from president clinton that congressman jim clyburn wishes he didn't answer. >> screaming and yelling and cussing. unbelievable. >> "morning joe" will be right back. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ hey there can i help you? (whispering) sorry. (whispering) hi, uh we need a new family plan. (whispering) how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. (whispering) oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it's a $160 a month. what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? (whispering) o! sorry! yes yes! (whispering) we'll take it. ♪ welcome back to "morning joe." live look at capitol hill and a beautiful day in washington. it's may, and i think the sun is going to come out now. may 2nd. here with us now, assistant democratic leader, democratic representative from south carolina, congressman james clyburn. he's out with his memoir "blessed experiences: genuinely southern, proudly black." and i can't wait to hear about the book, but first i want to hear about a blessed experience you had at 2:00 in the morning. tell us all about it. it was a phone call you got in the middle of the night. >> yes, yes. and the book sort of starts with that. >> how did that go? >> it was an interesting morning. it was the morning after the south carolina primary back in 2008. of course i received a phone call. of course i'm always up late. >> you were sleeping. >> no. i was up watching all the returns coming from around the state. that was a much-watched primary. my wife was asleep, but i was awake. and sure enough, the former president was on the phone. >> bill clinton. >> yes. >> my goodness. what was he calling to say, hey, how you doing, jim? >> not exactly. >> no? >> he was a little upset about the results that day. because hillary lost to barack. he was not pleased with that. >> so he just wanted to share his feelings or was there a message in what he was saying? >> there was a message. he thought i was involved in the. >> reporter: in losing it for hillary. >> yes. i was not. i was neutral in the race. of course i had personal preferences, but i stayed out of the race. >> let me read about this blessed experience. i think the way you describe it in the book crystallizes it. this powerful voice came on the phone. if you bastards want a fight, you damn well will get one. i needed no help identifying that voice. it was bill clinton. the former president of the united states, my longtime political friend. his wife hillary suffered a major defeat in south carolina's primary. obama had whipped her. and bill clinton wanted me to explain why. i told him i had pledged neutrality to the rules committee of the democratic national committee as a condition of their authorizing a primary in south carolina. and i had kept that promise. i asked him to tell me why he felt otherwise. he exploded using the word bastard again and accused me of causing her defeat and injecting race into the contest. that is your blessed experience at 2:00 a.m. the morning after south carolina. that's -- >> i've had quite a few blessed experience. a few with joe. >> we've never raised our voices at each other. >> no, we haven't. >> always had great respect for each other. >> that's true. although the experiences were not always that pleasant. >> democrat on democrat violence here, this makes me so sad. so what was it like being shouted down and sworn at by the president of the united states? >> it was a very uncomfortable experience. but i've had a few of these. >> what do you say back to him? >> well, i listened for awhile. i was really caught off balance. and i told him i had pledged neutrality. there was a big contest over who would get that primary. there was a fight against michigan, south carolina, and alabama. >> right. >> south carolina had won. but i was asked to remain neutral in the race. >> i remember. >> and i did. >> mark halperin? >> congressman, i know you'd love to talk about bill clinton more, but i'm going to switch to the title and subtitle. genuinely southern. in this big day and age, the big national media is becoming more interactive, the south is still distinctive. what does it mean today to be genuinely southern? >> the south is in transition today. i think we've seen that south carolina maybe behind georgia, but if you take a hard look at southern states. florida, take a look at arkansas. kentucky's not exactly a southern state, but a border state. you will see in north carolina that went for barack obama in 2008 and was a close race in 2012. i think the south is changing rapidly. a lot of my classmates that left when i graduated, over 80% of my class when i graduated college left the state. they're not coming back. a lot of young people are staying. all three of my children remained in south carolina. that was not the case when i was coming along. i think it's changed because we're getting much more progressive. we're getting more jobs and the kind of jobs that young people are being trained for. now, the reason i put that in there is because i want people to understand that being southern has a broader connotation than being very conservative or being white, for that matter. i don't want people explaining away what they said saying i'm a southerner. what does that mean? my mother and father were southerners, but they treated me with dignity and respect and everybody else. and that's why i put that in there. >> a lot of different experiences from the south, no doubt about it. let me ask you about something that's been making news this week. a fellow democrat, a fellow southern colleague vinny thompson has called clarence thomas, a quote, uncle tom. he doubled down again on that yesterday. suggested mitch mcconnell was a raci racist. said a lot of inflammatory things. does that cause you any concerns? >> no. i think thompson as you know is a very close friend. we knew each other for 20 years before he ever came to congress. >> you think it's all right to be calling a supreme court justice an uncle tom? >> all of us have ways of expressing our disappointment. i am very disappointed in clarence thomas. >> do you think he's an uncle tom? >> i don't know. >> you don't know if he's an uncle tom? >> he's not the only supreme court justice there. >> but he's the only one being called an uncle tom. i think that's at extraordinary insult. >> you'll have to ask thompson. there are certain words and phrases i did not use. and i will never back away from this. i am extremely disappointed. you know, joe. we come to congress and these appointments, we are to bring tho toez bodies our experiences to broaden the application of justice in this country. >> well, clarence thomas has had an experience of being genuinely southern and being proudly black just like you and his experience led him to a different philosophy about government. and i don't know that he should be castigated because his experience as a black american is different from thompson's experiences as a black american. can't we disagree with each other without calling each other names? >> sure we can. i talked to someone yesterday who told me they were highly insulted by some of the expressions that clarence thomas has made in his writings, in his opinions. a lot of african-americans find his opinions very insulting. he has a right to that. >> thompson though? you have no problems with him calling him an uncle tom? >> he is a close personal friend. we don't always use the same words and phrases. >> is mitch mcconnell as thompson thinks he is -- >> i don't know. ask him about that. i'm not going to get into that. >> you know what? you're going -- >> no. >> -- around in circles. >> i am not going around in circles. >> it's time to wrap. >> no. why should i read this book? >> because it's a blessed experience. >> because i think you would learn a lot if you were to read this book. you will understand a lot of what it's like to grow up black in the deep south, to have no aspirations beyond being a teacher, a preacher, or an undertaker. and you will see how a little black boy growing up in that environment with a mother and father who taught him that you can break through this, and he did. and he got the hall of the house of the house of representatives with joe scarborough. >> you would have been better to be an undertaker if you knew that was going to happen. but it's also important to remember also one of the most powerful members of the united states congress, it's an extraordinary story. you're a great guy. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. i appreciate you. >> thank you. the book is "blessed experiences." congressman james clyburn, thank you so much. coming up, malaysian officials have released new documents on why they waited so long to search for flight 370. tom costello has that story ahead. and congressional cautions. we crunch the numbers next on "morning joe." ♪ ♪ ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. ♪ all right. it is almost 40 past the hour. >> it is. you know, big question about the election that's coming up in november. we're six years into the obama presidency. a lot of people are looking at it going, it's goingng to be a t like 2010. that's what republicans hope. >> yeah. >> but there are some that look back to 1998 -- >> you never can tell, can you? >> they're hoping to make big gains but history suggests this november is not a sure thing for the gop. derek has more in the latest edition of mojo place. >> president obama's job approval has the gop eyeing potential takeover in the senate and adding to the house majority. they point out in 2010 when the president's numbers were even stronger, republicans picked up a whopping 63 seats in the house and five in the senate. >> i'm not recommending they take a shellacking like i did last night. >> however, if they're relying on the president's poll numbers as an indicator, a look at history shows the six-year vote can be problematic for the gop regardless of what party's in power. in 1986 ronald reagan saw his highest numbers of his presidency with 68% approval. still the gop went on to shed five seats in the house and eight in the senate. losing control of the upper chamber. after the revelation of his affair with monica lewinsky, bill clinton was still flying high at 64%, again the gop was unable to capitalize while losing five in the house and stagnant in the senate. in 2006 george w. bush approval was down. >> look, this is a close election. the -- if you look at race by race, it was close. the cumulative effect, however, was not too close. it was a thumping. >> november should serve as a cautionary tale for the gop considering dating back to 1958 republicans have lost seats in each of the six-year midterm elections. time will tell if history repeats itself. guys, back to you. >> all right. thank you. >> six-year itch not good for republicans. mark? >> it has not been. they've made errors. they feel they're on track. they're raising money. they're doing decent on candidates in terms of the primaries. i think the democrats have to change the dynamic or republicans will have a good midterm. >> and there were three in one election once. >> i think we're doing well. i think we're doing well. >> so far so good. still ahead, forgot the partisan divide in washington. reverend jim wallis talks about faith on fridays. but first trusting strangers to watch our pets, sleep in our bed. >> and the whole tinder thing. >> no. the new economy of trust. >> actually, it's not just trust. it's trusting strangers. >> it's weird. i think it's weird. but apparently is a good business model. we'll be right back. ♪ honestly, i'm pouring everything i have into this place. that's why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. feel like a knot. how can i ease this pain? (man) when i can't go, it's like bricks piling up. i wish i could find some relief. 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and what a lot of companies are doing are lowering that risk. they're linking to a facebook account. this isn't like hitchhiking. they have a rating next to them based on their previous@on these services. it's linked to a credit card like it's paid before anybody gets in the car or goes to the house. and there's also insurance or some kind of -- if the worst should happen and your place gets trashed, there's a million dollars of insurance that they'll pay you to make up for damages. it's not just like throwing open your door to whoever comes by. there are systems in place. >> as a lawyer, thomas, though, seriously the liabilities here just making me flinch. >> the valuation that recently came out for air bnb, $10 million? there is that recourse that people can enact if they feel they've gotten a bad service. but it is really offputting to think that someone could be in your house or going through your things. logically. >> reporter: apparently not. >> instead of working from my apartment, make my apartment work for me. >> people are deciding to do it. and people are deciding they're willing to have people in their house in order to make money. >> ebay seemed totally bonkers. like you're going to send a check to somebody you don't know and they're going to send you beanie babies. that seemed nuts. but eventually they built enough systems in place and it became common enough it doesn't seem so shocking anymore. enough it doesn't seem so shocking anymore. >> ron, would you do that? >> ron, by the way, i've got two dogs for rent this weekend and a cat as well, if you'd like to rent my dogs and cat for a weekend, let's talk after the show. >> no thanks, no thanks. i'm fascinated about this whole topic. you talk about low trust, the public has no trust in the old financial institutions. where will the sharing economy be in five years and how much of the traditional fik system that people aren't trusting is replaced by a shared economy five years from now. >> jason? >> if you're talking about faith in financial institutions, the economy right now is not poised to replace that. it's poised to replace the taxi and hotel industry. those are the industries it's competing with. i honestly don't think there is going to be some whole scale replacement. it's a different kind of experience. it's less consistent, right? >> do you think that the hotel is going to allow air b & b to get away with stealing their clients and not be regulated and not taxed properly? >> we're seeing it in new york. the question is what kind of restrictions are they going to put in place. i think honestly at this place this ship has sailed. i don't think regulators can just shut them down. >> tons of money. >> all right. the issue, the latest issue of "wired" is out. >> jason tanz, thank you so much. for more jason time, visit the afternoon session of our mojoe. >> >> i'm going to have to tune in. i'm intrigued. >> we're about a half hour away from the april jobs numbers. and all the kids, mika, they've been aflutter about this. >> it's crazy online. it's trending. >> it is trending. than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? 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the expert, steve rattner -- >> he's got charts. >> julie pace will also join the conversation. what? >> just a few minutes, we are back. ♪ wipe the tears from your eyes ♪ and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. for $175 dollars a month? 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she just kept looking and i said you've had it up for a few hours. she said my vision is blurred, i'm slurring my words. but it's all better because mark leibovich is here. >> and i'm a year older and so much better. mark leibovich, author of "this town," now out in paperback and from washington, julie pace and of course we still have rattner at the table. >> stuck with rattner. >> it's perfect timing for you to be here, steve rattner. the employment numbers are here in less than half an hour. we're hoping for good news. >> you never know which way it's going to break. we had a very flat first quarter. a lot of people concerned about that, but the market's exploding. i guess they figure it the weather. what's the jobless report going to look like? >> we don't know but we'll find out in half an hour. i can give you background and color on what we might expect. for the last year if we look at this chart, we've had a pretty steady picture of about 190,000 jobs a month being created. but for this month the economists a little built moit optimistic for the reasons you say, joe, we're coming off a winter and hoping we're going to be more in the 220,000 range. the unemployment report did come down gradually last year but it has been pretty flat since then. you need certainly like 200,000 jobs a month just to keep the unemployment numbers from going up because of people coming into the labor force. but people should also look at the long-term unemployed. we really have a problem. this is the percentage of the total unemployed -- >> that includes people not participating in the job market? >> doesn't even include them. >> so the situation is much worse? >> much worse. because a lot of people have dropped out. this only shows you the people who have stayed in. the percentage of total unemployed that are long-term unemployed is the highest it's ever been in history. it's come down from the highest 45% but even this number is the highest it ever been in our history. so it's a real problem and economists are increasingly worried. there was a study that just came out that a third of these people will probably never find job, a third of them will drop out of the labor force and only a third will be employed. but let's look at something that relates to washington. last december extended unemployment benefits expired for people over 26 weeks. 1.3 million people lost their unemployment insurance last december. we're talking about $286 a week, not talking about a lot of money. by june 30th, 3.2 million, by the end of the year, it's going to be 5 million. the republicans and democrats not surprisingly are fighting about this. the democrats passed a bill to extend this and the republicans won't extend it until they get what they want. >> the job participation rate is as low as it's been since the 80s and the situation looks bleak. >> first of all, i have massive telestrator envy. >> he is the john madden of -- >> if i knew he was going to be a tablet -- >> don't bring a knife to gun fight. >> or telestrator pen apparently to a tv show. two things to add to your excellent analysis, labor force participation rate, we want it see the number go up. if it goes up, it means people are looking for a job, which means they think they can find a job. obviously the underemployed is also a number to watch, 7.4 million people working part time that might like to work full time. i can't get a full-time job so i'm going to take the work that i can get, often without benefits as well. those are two other numbers. >> minimum wage jobs. >> unbelievable. mark leibovich, what are you writing about this week? >> i actually have a column next week. bits the merging of broadcasts and politics. you have people like mike rogers leaving the house intelligence leadership to go into television. directly. who else would do something like that? it's a bizarre, trail blazing move. he actually is going directly, though. >> going rogue. >> i've got to say, this kid show as lot of plock and fight and determination to do this. who would do that? >> it's amazing -- he had an amazing amount of -- i mean, you have an immense amount of power. >> what does that say about what it feels like to be in washington? maybe it doesn't feel so powerful anymore. >> there's that but it talks about the melding of the media world and political world. the realms are so interlocked that we have this one big people in the green room sector, which we all are. >> you talk, you tell people what they want to hear. what's the difference? >> money. you get paid a lot more money to be in the tv business. >> i'm not getting actually paid for this. they give me some coupons. >> your food truck is bringing in plenty of money. >> i'm not getting paid. i understand why. >> hey, chris christie back in the news. it looks like some donors are thinking about dumping him for jeb. >> well, it wasn't so long ago that chris christie was leading in the polls and considered part of the contender among the republicans to challenge hillary clinton in 2016. now the "new york times" reports some establishment republican fund-raisers, as joe mentioned, even ones in the jersey area, are considering jumping ship from christie for jeb bush. meanwhile, jeb is getting some support from his brother, who knows a thing or two about running for the white house. >> i hope jeb runs. i think he would be a great president. i have no clue what's on his mind, and we'll talk when he's ready. i notice he's moving around the country quite a bit and -- >> doing well in polls. >> yeah, it's fine. it don't mean anything. for him, i can guarantee he's not looking at a poll whether or not to run. he's checking he is core and as he says, "i'm thinking about my fami family." he knows full well what it means to run for president. he knows the toll it takes on i don't family. so, hey, jeb, if you need some help, give me a call. >> does he seem happy or what? he seems happy where he is. according to the quinnipiac university poll, jeb bush leading in his home state. let's go to julie pace down in washington. julie, this is not in the words of the grateful dead a long, strange trip for chris christie. it has been a short, strange, rocky, turbulent trip for the new jersey governor. and it looks like a lot of his donors are starting to lose patience. >> yeah. this donor battle between chris christie and jeb bush i think is fascinating because they're both playing for money from the same pot, where you have more mainstream republicans, more business-minded republicans, who first were leaning towards chris christie but the second that this bridge scandal popped up, started looking around to see who else was out there, and they really like jeb bush. this is a guy they would love to get into this race. i just also think that the bush family dynamics on this are absolutely fascinating. you have george bush saying i want my brother to run and you have barbara bush a few months ago saying i hope he doesn't run, we've had enough bushes. i'm curious what h.w. has to say. >> h.w. i think has long wanted his son to actually run for this office. you know, mark, a lot of people close -- well, we had tina brown here, who is not extraordinarily close to hillary, but she's always been a big hillary fan, they've run in similar circumstances. she wrote a column this morning saying basically, hillary, you know what it's like, don't run. and barbara bush doesn't want her son to run because of her son and her grandchildren. it's getting more brutal every day to do this. >> i don't know if there's momentum or if it's just chatter, but maybe hillary won't run. people have always been talking with the assumption that this is a fait de comeplete. >> we have christie and jeb bush -- this reenforces the power of the establishment. whenever you have a bush and christie conversation, the tea party are very aggrieved, who are these establishment people? all of a sudden people do sort of line up behind them and it a very, very powerful kind of endorsement. >> it always happens. it always happens. in 1992 you had the challenge of course when pat buchanan, george h.w. bush ended up winning. in '96 it was buchanan, the conservatives hated bush, dole won. john mccain, all the conservatives couldn't stand him, he won, he won. they at least win the primary, even if they lose the war. >> can i ask you a question? >> you certainly can. >> i don't think i want you to. >> by the way, happy birthday. >> what's your question? >> the economy has been getting better for a couple years. i mean, it's slow, right? we're not booming but we've been getting better. do you think the economy is still job one for any candidate? >> oh, my god, yes. >> is it always -- even if it's good times? >> people don't feel like it's getting better because long-term unemployment, as steve talked about. even without the long-term unemployment, real wages have been dropping. >> big banks are still big banks. >> bigger than they were. >> too big to fail has gotten even bigger. you look at working class americans, they've been losing the battle for decades now. yeah, this is -- economy is job one. and it's got to be more than just pointing at the last guy because this is a 20-year, 30-year systemic problem. i think there a lot of reasons to be excited. i'm very excited about the energy revolution, about manufacturing coming back. as steve said, it's not going to be coming back at $35 an hour, it might be $16, $17, $18 an hour, but i'd rather have it here than in china. china is having problems with growth as well, down 7%, 8%. china is not going belly up but at the same time, you're starting to hear people in america to say, wait a minute, it's starting to cost me more to send my jobs over to china. you get the shipping to get back, general electric we're talking about. >> you have the innovatiowvatio. >> i wouldn't trade this economy for any other one in the developed world. that said, as you said, joe, wages aren't going up, huge long-term unemployment, 6.5% for those even looking for work. this is the number one issue. >> but there's two ways, without get too long wonky, there's two problems, cyclical and structural. >> this is structural. >> agree with you. if it is structural, who can fix it? how do they fix it? >> we talk about slicyclical, b look at the last two bump-ups. the late 90s it was fueled by the nasdaq, it went bust, people too excited about it and in '94, '97, you had the tech bubble. as our good friend paul krugman said, he wanted a housing bubble to replace the tech bubble and it did. for the past 20 years, we have been fueled by bubbles. >> this is what worries economists. it's like a heroin addict. each time you need a bigger and bigger dose to get some kind of recovery to get some kind of growth happening. we're still in a cyclical phase but there are structural issues and someone has to take them on. >> so, julie pace, you have an article about pushing for data, and new privacy laws. tell bus that. >> this is something the president called for as part of the larger nsa review. it's what's referred to as big data, which basically means all the information that the government, that private sector companies pull on all of us. and there's a lot of concerns about what happens to this data. and one of the really interesting things in the white house report, which was overseen by john podessa, obama's new counsel, he found there's a real risk of discrimination. as people collect this information, they know an awful lot about us, and they fear this information could be used to discriminate against people in things like financials decisions and housing decisions. it makes a lot of sense when you think about all the information we pump out about ourselves in social media and every form we fill out. it tells people about our age, our race, our gender. it's scary to think how that can be used against us. >> of course, mark leibovich, they follow around our habits on the internet, which is extraordinarily dangerous. >> extremely. no, we would never -- ultimately, this is about disconnect. when you talk about the economic numbers, one of the reasons people are sort of taken aback by this is these economic factors have not really touched washington, d.c. the last couple of decades. >> what state has the highest percentage of millionaires? >> washington is the wealthiest metropolitan area. >> name one major corporation based in maryland. >> lockheed martin. >> d.c. in maryland state. >> "the washington post" post company -- i don't work there anymore. >> d.c. you get my point. the money. >> we have this gilded age going on and a lot has been inflated by the government and a lot of growth around government. i guess this is a good time to plug my back, right? >> do it! >> now out in paperback, "this town" is actually about this gilded age in d.c. we have the white house correspondent dinner this weekend so it's the perfect timing. >> everybody should walk around with "this town" as they walk around to see who is there. >> mark leibovich and julie, thank you very much. and mark, we'll have you back in about 12 minutes when the unemployment numbers are reported, am i correct about that? >> yes. >> and coming up, does separatist really mean russian forces? rick stengel and fred kempe join us. but first here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> let's go talk about what happened this last week as far as the amazing video was concerned, we saw all the devastation in penpensacola, tornadoes. and then there was this out of baltimore. [ screaming ] this was taken from someone's porch. railroad tracks below the little river that turned into a gushing river in baltimore. unbelievable scene there. and there's this opposite view of it. literally, the houses, they're telling people they may not get back in their homes for weeks until they stabilize or literally build a new retaining wall. let me take you to where we are now. we saw not just the east, the west had an unbelievable hot stretch. it was 95 degrees yesterday in san diego. that was the hottest temperature they've ever seen in may by five degrees. and the drought in california continues to get worse. we have a drought that's getting worse in kansas, oklahoma and texas. it's just been a lot of extremes. the eastern half of the country has been wet and stormy ey eve since the winter and the west warm and dry. tampa and orlando, you're going to get rained on in some portion of your day. showers from minneapolis and chicago. as we go into saturday, there's not a lot of bad weather to be found. we're nice even into sunday. there are no more extremes. and the kentucky derby is going to go off as we go throughout saturday. for the derby itself, you couldn't ask for a better forecast. more "morning joe" when we come right back. ♪ run until she's out of breath, ran until there's nothing left ♪ ♪ [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. 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here with us now, undersecretary of state for diplomacy, rick stengel at the table in his new position and president and ceo of the atlanta council, fred kempe. good to have you on the show. >> first of all, happy birthday. as you know, i have so much affection and love for mika, that i changed my birthday to mika's birthday. >> i have a cake for you. have some. >> how's the job going? it's great to you have back in a different capacity. >> i was telling the guys here i was just in burma and malaysia. it's fantastic. burma is a great opportunity for american public diplomacy. you know i'm going to put this in before you go to whatever you want to talk about. it may be mika's birthday and my birthday today but tomorrow is world press freedom day. the united states government is on the side of journalists oppressed everywhere. journalists are more oppressed today than any time in history. >> vladimir putin one of the terrible offenders through the years of press freedom. a lot of reporters who have reported on him have ended up dead. >> 99 journalists were killed in the line of duty last year. what's changed is journalists used to get harmed in the line of duty and now they're targeted by governments. that's disturbing. >> speaking of vladimir putin, we have now a helicopter shot down in ukraine. vladimir putin ordering the ukraine government to get their own forces out of their own country. what's next in this downhill spiral? >> thank, joe. i had a conversation with a pretty senior figure in the obama administration today. i said what's going on? and he just come back from the region and he said, fred, it's just like "jurassic park." he's a history guy and loves preworld war ii history. he said i've been studying bones and now the dinosaurs are awake again, it's so exciting. what's happening in this latest attack is we're seeing the unraveling of something much more sophisticated. putin is not bare knuckled. he doesn't need to invade. he's been oozing across the border with special forces and insurgents. he's been using psychological operations. he doesn't want to send tanks across because that would unify the west. that would really take the camouflage off of him. what ukrainians are doing is they're calling putin's bluff by trying to clear out these areas like in donetsk. if he comes across with more conventional forces, that will unify the west and help them enormously. what we learned today is protesters can't fire shoulder-held missiles. this is definitely special ops, well-trained troops. 25 of them go to the building, take it and bring in local activists, go to the next building, take it and bring in local activists. >> and of course john kerry went to the atlantic council and ripped putin's russia over the ukrainian crisis. what can we do? you look at the "wall street journal" and unfortunately angela merkel is sending a message, "my top corporations don't want anymore involvement." >> i agree with fred, it's russian special operations. they're illegal and violating of the geneva agreement. but there are new sanctions that are potentially being prepared. i mean, i think the u.s. is looking at ratcheting it up to match what russia is doing there, but what we really want is for them to de-escalate the situation. >> but when you look at the record of sanctions, rick, through history, going all the way back to cuba and rhodesia and all these places, when they work, it takes a long, long time. >> i would argue putin is making fundamental errors that in the long run are detrimental to his country. the president has said there's no military solution to this so you have to look at alternatives. >> but you're being rational. assuming putin is rational. >> i don't think we should be irrational because he's irrational. >> no, but we have to find something rational to do. >> one of the problems with sanctions here is reports out this morning that russia is not being punished at all by these sanctions. the ruble has gone up and their markets have gone up since the sanctions were announced. does this suggest we need to send tougher signals to putin's russia? >> there's no doubt there have to be tougher signals. it was interesting, we did have secretary kerry at the council this week, vice president biden and kerry was strong but he was strong prime i recall that we wouldn't give away an inch of baltic's territory as they are nato partners. he didn't go so far with ukraine. the problem with sanctions, it's a total new battlefield now where we are using sanctions not to punish the russian for what they're doing but as military deterrence to stop them from what they might do. it's clear the sanctions aren't sufficient to do that or the threat of further sanctions. part of the problem is how dependent europe is on russian energy. we're looking at this wrong. it's not about the ukraine. it's about the future of russia, a nuclear arms state. this is going to go on for years, it's a long game. we're looking for the future of the international system. we're at an inflexion point that could be just as important as the end of world war i and end of world war ii. if we don't shape the international system, then less benevolent actors will step in to do that and that's what we're seeing in ukraine. >> thank you, rick stengel -- >> i have a gift for mika. this is flashlight held by the great singer of ukraine where she turns it on, thousands of people turn it on and she sings the ukrainian national anthem this weekend. we honored her this weekend and we had about 800 of these in the audience. there's a nice little bow on it. >> huge jobs numbers just came out. >> thank you fred, thank you steve. that is lovely, fred. thank you. will finally this be the month for economic recovery? steve has given us a sneak peek. huge job numbers coming up on "morning joe." ♪ talk about a dream nature lover... people person. ♪ and you put up with it all... because he also booked you a room... at this 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jobs. >> are you serious? >> of course i'm serious, and don't call me shirley. unemployment dropped to 6.3. labor force participation rate, the number of people in the workforce or looking for a job rose as well. professional business services added 75,000. >> hold on -- >> labor force participation rate dropped. >> the number of under employed people stayed steady at 7.5 million. >> but 288, can you knock the number? >> it was going to be 220 and this a really good number. and the revisions for february and march were also very good. >> steve, there have been so many reports over the past three years that we've looked at and they've been disappointing, they've sort of been flat. this is one of the best slices of good news at least -- you can always fudge a 6.8 or 6.5. 288,000, that's a real number. that's something to be excited about for middle class people, working class people trying to get back into the workforce. >> it's an exciting number and it going to be an exciting number in the white house and for a lot of democrats trying to get reelected this fall, if the trend continues. >> 250 would help us get out of this quagmire, right? we've been receiving this anemic push up and down in the hundreds. 250 is where we needed to be and above to show that we're in economic recovery, that it's stabilized. >> that's right. 200 kind of keeps us whole because of people coming in the labor force. 250 is actually a move in the right direction. now 288. it's the biggest number we've had in a long time. >> average hourly earnings also creeping up again. it just goes up a few cents. it's saying there's demand for your services. if somebody has to pay you more, it's because they think somebody else might be able to take your job or there's competition for the job so that's exciting. >> it's such good news that we baked a cake because we anticipated a 288,000 number. how is it? >> it's very good. >> you're having a taste? >> wow. >> i'm going to go for a slice. >> since you guys are eating, i'm going to go over the numbers. >> to steve's point, the last month was revised over 200,000 as well here. keep an eye on that. i said that the economy had been getting better for about three years and rattner, you were p pooh-poohing all over me. >> talking about pooh-poohing is not the way to go on the set. >> oh, my god, i love jim gaffigan. and who knows where, joe, the conversation will take us. >> there is the vegetarian hot pocket for those of us who don't want to eat meat but still would like diarrhea. ♪ hot pocket >> it should just come with a roll of toilet paper. there's the lean pocket. i don't even want to know what's in there. imagine the directions, "take out of box, place directly in toilet." ♪ flush pocket ♪ >> have some more cake. ♪ stay with it baby if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira 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take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. no more forks left. >> at "morning joe," we are passing out the birthday cake. in washington d.c., we have the editor and chief -- >> of "sojourner's" magazine. and we have jim wallis, author of "the uncommon good." >> jim, always good to you have here. let's talk about a friend. you wrote a tribute to your friend glen stassen, who passed away. >> you write in part, "he taught us all the meaning of jesus and the new order jesus brought into the world. he showed us what it meant to live by the values of that kingdom without ethical equivocation, false dualism or political compromise. no american theologian taught us more about jesus and what it truly means to follow christ than glen stassen. he was a formative influence to students around the world, many of whom are also professors today and all of whom were mentored and not just taught by glen. glen kept calling us all to go deeper into our faith and we will with his ideas, his passion and his spirit." that's beautiful. >> talk about your friend. >> i remember a tall, thin young man came to visit us at sojourner's community in washington, d.c. he wanted to live with us and help us serve the poor. he said i'm a professor of ethics at the seminary. we were very close friends. everywhere he went, he talked about jesus. not just believing in jesus, but following jesus. that was something i loved about glen. he always talked about jesus. this is what it really means to be an evangelical and why pope francis has touched us all so much because he wants to talk about jesus. that's what glen stassen did. no theologian of his time thought us more about following christ than glen stassen. i'm flying taught his funeral and we'll give tribute to a man who taught us what it means to be an evangelical, to follow jesus. >> obviously what you and others were taught by him is probably con it and in your new book "the uncommon good," how the gospel brings hope to a divided world. tell us about that. >> joe, you know this town, you were in congress. we've lost this ancient idea of a common good. the last talk hi with glen is about what i think is the moral test of our politics right now, he and i talked about this, the passage of immigration reform, which is a common good. it's keeping families together. it would help the economy, it would -- all that. but it would keep families together. so john boehner said this week glen would have been pleased with the speaker saying "we elect officials to solve problems." i agree with speaker boehner. that means we have to fix this broken system now. as you know, this week 250 evangelicals, many inspired by glen stassen, came to washington to talk to more than a hundred congress people and they said we have to fix this now, this summer. we can't wait any longer. too much suffering is occurring. that's what glen would have said. he would have said in the middle of left, right, democrat, republican, what does it mean to follow jesus and serve the common good? jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. that's the spiritual foundation for the common good. >> certainly if you talk about a common good, too, you and i probably disagree on a lot of issues and probably disagree on immigration reform and what shape immigration reform should take. but, my gosh, you and i both want what's best for this country, you and i both want what's best for this world. if i'm a progressive and you're a tea party member, you're a liberal, i'm a conservative, i think that's the greatest breakdown is we can't even sit down and have faith that the other person wants what's best for this country, even if we disagree. >> i remember you had myself and richard land on, a southern baptist and sojourner talking about immigration reform. we disagree on many things you but on that issue we had really come together. let's have a debate about key issue, but we don't trust each other enough, we don't trust each other's intentions enough. the nation is looking for its leaders to solve problems, and glen would talk about how jesus inspires us to -- i would say don't go left, don't go right, go deeper. go deeper. that's what glen always taught us how to do. >> and we can follow his legacy and quite frankly also the book, "the uncommon good" sounds like washington could use, or all us. reverend jim wallis, thank you so much. it's really, really nice to you have on the show. >> always a blessing to be with you, always a blessing. >> up next, you wanted it. >> yes, i did. >> that's really a better way of putting it. >> i did, i wanted it. i demanded it in fact. >> we got it, the mojoe week in review, next on "morning joe." >> ask and you shall receive. vo: once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at or how ornate the halls are. tall the building is, it doesn't matter if there are granite statues, or big mahogany desks. when working with an investment firm, what's really important is whether the people behind the desks actually stand behind what they say. introducing the schwab accountability guarantee. if you're not happy with one of our participating investment advisory services, we'll refund your program fee from the previous quarter. it's no guarantee against loss and other fees and expenses may still apply. chuck vo: standing by your word, that's what matters the most. the clippers, are you going to buy them? >> i'm not going to buy them. i'm just under budget. how about you? >> i think barnicle and i are going to get into a bidding war. >> i told you, i'm not getting into a bidding war. >> paula deen live will feature a mix of cooking, interactive games and stories from the chef. >> do you know who this special guest is going to be? >> who? >> this guy. >> stop it! >> somebody said i'm going to set up a camera and get my hamster. >> we'd like to turn to instagram, if we could. what's going on here? what's the hell? >> if most of congress took their shirts off, it wouldn't be something you'd want to see. >> go! >> one got thrown out of a donkey show in amsterdam. >> what do you have to do to get thrown out of a donkey show in amsterdam? >> i didn't get in, i didn't get in. >> he ordered the crab legs and seafood but walked out of the store without paying. >> well, look, he loves crab legs. >> who doesn't? >> somebody is calling it fsu, free seafood university. >> they just litigate the death penalty on and on and on and it costs states a lot more. have a drink. >> and this photo in pensacola, severe flooding in front of my old home, which you can see past the truck. and, no, mike barnicle, it's not a dirt road. it is a very nice road. >> most of america has just become a lot dumber because of all of our associations with t.j. asprayia. how do you say his last name? >> it's your birthday, mika! ♪ happy birthday, dear mika >> i got bill karins! >> i love it! i know! >> the birthday suit comes later. >> he always goes too far. >> he's going to show me his birthday suit. >> that's what he said after. >> i think he's already changing. >> i was going to say, it hasn't been the first time he's mead that offer. >> there's not much to see. >> wow. ♪ ♪ and seventy-seven thousand dollars per minute. that's what big oil made last year... now they're spending it to rig the system against you. pushing washington to cut american-made biofuels... bullying gas stations to use more of their oil... all so they get richer...and you pay more. truth is, biofuels are cleaner, better for your engine and less expensive. washington, don't let big oil rig the system any more. protect the renewable fuel standard. but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. make a my financial priorities appointment today. we've always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the hands of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. funny, there was no mention of hail in the weather report. go & smell the roses! welcome back to "morning joe." it's time to talk about what we learned today. >> i learned you turned, what, 26? 27? happy birthday. >> oh, stop. i'm 47. thank you all. >> never looked better indeed. >> 47's looking good. >> thomas, what did you learn? >> i learned that the folks, the good people in michigan hate classic art. >> why do they hate art? >> oh, no, no, that's not art. it's an orgy. it's a bunch of people doing bad things to each other. >> they're holding each other up! >> that's an orgy. >> it takes a village. ♪ the road is long >> thomas, please. >> i have high taste in art. >> high taste in something. >> steve rattner. >> i guess i learned we had a good jobs number for the first time in a long time. >> here's to that, from 1-800-flowers. >> mark? >> i learned i could tweet about mika's birthday forever. i'm endlessly fascinating tweeting about your birthday. and i've done that. even after the show i'll be doing web extra. >> thank you. it is friday. this week is completely over and it's time now to turn a page. ♪ happy birthday to you, happy birthday ♪ >> the princess has left the arena. chuck todd is next with "the daily rundown." thank you, as always, my friends for your patience. spring has sprung for jobs, something we haven't seen in years. this morning's new report shoots way past expectations for once, but the country adding almost 300,000 new jobs in april and the unemployment rate dropping to 6.3%. plus, as the middle east peace push falls to pieces again, is anything possible any time soon? we're going to ask one of netanyahu's chief


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140509 10:00:00

live on. thanks to everyone who responded. someone here made a good point. they're called food stamps for a reason. >> we hope you have a great weekend. thanks for joining us. have a great day. we'll see you on monday. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye. good morning. it is friday, mayç 9, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. seven democrats breaking rank and approving a select committee to get answers on benghazi, but will the others choose to boycott? probably not. but they aren't interested in answers and we're going to tell you what they do want instead. >> and welcome to the hotel sharia? the guy who owns the iconic beverly hills hotel adopted the brutal sharia law that says it's okay to stone people to death. now the biggest names in tinsel town are calling for a boycott of the beverly hills hotel. >> even they can't take it anymore. guys, does this sound familiar? >> the bathroom is a mess! you should probably go work out! >> it turns out your wife'sç nagging -- he seems to be chronicling her nagging -- might be killing you even though she is 100% right. i want to find out if elisabeth nags. >> we mean well. >> she has not nagged on the set so far. by the way, we're running out of music that sounds like another planet. so mornings are better with friends. >> hi, this is kenny loggins on the curvy couch. you're watching "fox & friends." >> and we're footloose on this friday. thank you as we conclude the birthday week for brian kilmeade, youç will see more pictures of the activities. it's lovable about you because all the attention makes you a little self-conscious. >> i can't wait for this week to be over. now everybody knows my name. >> did you get a haircut? >> i got a haircut on monday. it's friday. you haven't seen much of me really. >> somebody else is doing your hair. >> do you get a haircut before your birthday every year? is it a routine? >> it is a tradition i haven't tapped into. it is just a coincidence. but we have a best-up package. last night the nfl draft ended about midnight right across the street. we'll discuss that in a little while. but first a benghazi panel. >> new news today comingç in. an update here. it's been plus 20 months, four americans killed and zero accountability here. the house voted yesterday to establish a benghazi committee. all the republicans voted yes. seven democrats broke with their party in a vote of 232-186. we're going to look at who the party breakers are. >> it looks like the same people who voted for the lois lerner investigation and what not. the makeup will be of this new committee, is going to be seven republicans and five democrats. republicans are going toç announce perhaps as early as today who is going to be on their side of the aisle. meanwhile, the democrats going to meet at 9:30 this morning to decide whether or not to have anybody out there. and as it turns out, in the last couple of days, remember on monday we were talking about how adam schiff from california, the democrat, said we shouldn't have anybody there. this is completely bogus. it's all been settled. >> a waste of time he said. >> yes. the democrats now see some utility in seeing somebody on the panel and plus if we don't have anybody there, who is going to protect hillary? >> they should have one guy there to get into the meetings to get access. i guess they'll have a the inside and somebody to ask questions. >> they certainly don't want to leave hillary clinton, should she be brought in to testify defenseless, the irony being they're going to ask her why four americans were left defenseless and left to die. when you look at the americans here, there is one christen cinema from arizona. nancy pelosi seeming to back off her initial strategy to completely protest in favor of defending. >> one house democrat aide said they don't want to have a moment like whenç senator joe mccarthy was being chastised during his investigation of communist activities. they need a wingman in case one of their people winds up starting to look bad. a lot of people looking in are happy this is finally happening. a lot of people on the other side of the aisle said we figured it out already. let the chips fall where they may. let truth be their guide. had the white house, as we learned last week, as the white house not started pinning from the get go we probably wouldn't be here if they would have leveled with people. now we'll find out. >> there will be a meeting today. the one good thing is mass media will cover it more than likely if you have democrats playing a role, as it's easy to marginalize even if great things and interesting things areç taking place if it is just one party hammering a group of people. >> charles krauthammer wrote an incredible article saying this should not be political. truth should supercede partisan politics. >> a lot of people fly out to hollywood and stay at the beverly hills hotel. it is iconic. as it turns out, it is owned by the dorchester collection of fantastic, very expensive hotels. in the last week, it's interesting, theirç owner, the sultan of brunei has introduced islamic laws where if you're gay or you are an adulterer, they will stone you to death. >> some of the great things about sharia law, the way they treat women, the way they punish people, these are all the things that maybe a single american can relate to. because of that, i was heartened to see this -- because of that you have a-list celebrities canceling up to 20 events at the beverly hills hotel in protest of the way they treat women, the way they treat gays. >> not just canceling but calleding others. for a boycott here. you have)jay. it's going to get heated. >> who wants to support a company that supports sharia law? come on! nobody! that's crazy. it is apparently out in california there is a lot of pressure on dorchester collection. you've got to sell that thing. this is iconic. it's part of the hollywood and beverly hills fabric of history. sell it to anybody else who is not involved in sharia law. >> they're begging to keep in mind there are a lot of employees. you probably don't like the taliban. >> did they buy hotels? >> we don't know. they lost about $2 million in protests so far. if everyone continues to rally, if everyone continues to take note, i think this could make an impact. >> we wanted to update you on that and so much more. that's how we get started. in the meantime let's turn it over to heather nauert who tells us about more bad news at the veterans administration hospital. >> a big update to bring you. the secretary of veterans affairs has been subpoenaed by congress. the veterans affairs committee voted to subpoena eric shinseki over the phoenix v.a. scandal. the goal is to get e-mails and ote[ documents about that alleged scheme we told you about that involved treatment delays that may have killed as many as 40 of our veterans. the white house still supports shinseki but lawmakers say he has got to go. listen to this. >> in his six years in secretary, there is no time left. if you can't change an agency in a fraction of that time, you're not going to do it in a year or more. that is the really sad truth. it is not that he isn't a good man. it is that he failed. >> there are new accusations this morning of similar scenes taking place at v.a. hospitals in texas and in colorado. we'll keepç watching that story. that's an important one. here is what not to do on a dating show. admit that you killed your first wife. [inaudible] >> here is what happened. that man confessed to murdering not just his wife but another lover with an ax. he said he spent four years behind bars for killing his wife and six years behind bars for killing the other gal. he says right now he's an honest guy just looking for a new wife. the producers say they knew the guy killed someone when they let him on the show. producerrers; right? produce) on a turkish dating show that was called "luck of the draw." wow. we do love our producers. then there is this story: the show must go on. four days after nine performers plunged 30 feet to the ground, ringling brothers is back up for business. there are eight scheduled shows through sunday. many of those injured performers remain in the hospital. that human chandelier stunt will not be performed again. you can see it right there. sad news to bring you this morning. the man behind tony the tiger has died. >>ç frosty flakes, it's part of a balanced breakfast. >> they're great! >> that's lee marshal. he began voicing the frosted flakes mascot years ago. he died of cancer in his esophagus. lee marshal was 64 years old. and those are your headlines. >> an iconic voice. heather, thank you very much. >> what about your quiz -- your quisp? >> speaking of the voice, let's talk a little bit about the voice of your spouse. when you close your eyes, can you hear that person nagging you? does it drive you to scream? as it turns out the university of copenhagen followed 10,000 men and women for a decadeç and discovered that if your spouse is a nagger, there is a real good chance you're going to die early. >> because women talk to other women -- >> you're pointing at her. don't point at her. >> it works both ways, brian. >> no it doesn't because men don't have a network of people to talk to. you forced all our friends away. so we're forced to deal with just the voice -- women have a network of friends to deal with and get all this off their chest. >> maybe that guy on the dating show wasç nagged. 2.5 times more likely to die are men within ten years and women are 34% more likely to die if they're nagged with increased risk of strokes and heart disease. this is serious stuff. >> it is. wasn't king solomon in proverbs who said it would be better to be stranded on a desert island than to be married to a nagging woman? >> king solomon said that? >> i think i skipped that page. >> i think it was king kong. maybe men should just listen to what women are saying and do what we're told. >> define nag. >> constantly saying the same thing over and over. >> what about listening? does that hurt wives? >> aç little charlie brown speech. i think the problem is -- it applies to both sexes. if you feel like you're being nagged you've got to talk to the other person. otherwise you're going to internalize it and the next thing you know, you'll blow a heart valve. >> men need more guy's nights out to build up that network of friends to allow them to alleviate some of the stress they're keeping locked up inside. >> thou shalt not studies for your own benefit. >> it isç a good idea if your wife does ask you to do something about three or four times, if you're not doing it, she's going to keep repeating. >> message to women: if we haven't done it after three or four times, move on to the next topic. >> give us some advice. if you've got a nagger at your house or you figured out how to deal with a nagger, let us know. >> that will go well for your friday night date night. >> on the national television morning show they read out your e-mails. >> this comes from bill wilson in florida. >> coming up on this friday, imagine seeing this on your drive to work today. cars nearlyç swallowed up after the road collapsed underneath them. >> weed is still legal under federal law, so should colorado be letting pot shops in on their banking business? stuart varney here on that. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. 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[ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of karen's story, visit >> colorado's blazing marijuana industry now getting theç world's first financial system devoted to the pot business. but since selling marijuana is still illegal under federal law, is the government essentially legitimizing these transactions by allowing their own banking system? let's talk to the host of "varney and company" stuart varney. the weed business in the great state of colorado, a half million in january, almost five million. you asked? >> is colorado legitimizing the pot business? the answer of course is yes. that's exactly what they are doing. they are legitimizing it. they are creating financial infrastructure for this brand-new business. as you say, the feds,ç the big banks, they can't accept all this money. >> it's federally illegal. >> it's federally illegal and the banks don't want to give the obama team an excuse to crack down on the banks by saying you're dealing in drug money there, boys, we're going to hit you hard. so they've got to come up with an alternative. and they have. >> and the thing about -- and the reason we put that graphic up a moment ago is to show you we're talking about millions and millions of dollars largely in cash. you know, there's a safety issue. i get that. but at the same time it is like what are they going to do? because they've got this carvingout in colorado, tzey've got to figure out what to do with the money. >> it's all about the money. the politicians want to set up an alternative financial structure because of the tax money coming in. nearly $5 million walked into the door in pot shops in the month of, i think it was march. that doesn't include all the money that comes in from pot tourism which is pretty robust in colorado. that. >> people fly into colorado because they want to smoke marijuana recreationally and legally. there is a cottage industry organizing tourists to fly in, toke up and away you go. i think that is the correct expression, ladies and gentlemen. what colorado is doing with its alternate banking system -- and that's what they're setting up here, that is the template khr-l be used across the coqáry if recreational marijuana extends beyond colorado. in washington state in july they will need a similar alternate banking system. they will probably copy what colorado has come up. they are legitimizing it. >> absolutely. some of the banks, because they've got federal regulations they are reluctant to get in bed with the pot business. >> it's here. they're going to make money with it. >> stuart varney, you can check him out on the fox business channel between 11 and 1:00. thank you very much. have a good we= ahead, they put their lives on the line, some even paying the ultimate sacrifice. don't our military members deserve more than a minimum wage? plus it's not your grandpa's boy scout troop. now these young boys and girls are designing and flying their own robots. anna kooiman here to tell us all about that. the boy scouts of the future. ♪ ♪ quick headlines now. the navy wants to exempt on base fast food workers from the president's federal minimum wage increase. they will make a public plea today echoing fears from around the country that raising the pay rate will force the restaurant out of business. republican senator marco rubio visiting new hampshire, his first stop in an early voting state in more than a year. so far rubio keeping quiet on his prospects so i should whisper thisç story. >> it's out of the bag. it used to be as a boy scout the coolest thing you could learn was to build a camp fire. >> now the scouts are learning to build robots. anna kooiman is here to tell us how they're doing. >> yes. they are evolving with the times. the boy scouts of america say 75% of america's fastest growing careers require significant cowork in s, but 15% of kids aren't ready so they're trying to bridge that gap and even allowing some girls in on the action. watch this. >> reporter: robots, you see them in the movies and in the headlines. but now the boy scouts aviation explorers are getting their hands on the technology of the future. you built this yourself? here at the illinois math and scienceç academy students from 6th through 12th grade can design, build and maneuver their own quad copter. while they love for the robots to do their homework for them, quad copters like these are being used in real life situations. >> we're already seeing them used as surveillance vehicles, as delivery vehicles, patrol vehicles, aerial mapping. and i think the future is unlimited. >> the program is preparing kids for careers in involved in sciengj-dw and technology. what kid wouldn't think it is cool to fly a quad copter. >> it drives up your [inaudible] that is what we need. boys will be boys. >> if you crash, don't worry about it. don't sweat it. we're here to leave. robotics is teaching science, tepl, engineering and math. thatr#hpá we need. >> and think being a scout is just for boys? think again. we bring as much to the table as guys do. i want to work on building an app for my phone. >> this is cool because someday i can use this to make a change. >> these kids are fantastic. what skpaoeuts us -- ex-sites us is when they see what the quad copter will do they are thinking of things we never thought of. >> folks at home if you're interested in being part ofç an aviation exploring club visit "fox & friends".com. >> can you get a merit badge? a drone badge. >> the number-one robot? gigantor. >> that is a roomba now cleaning your house. anna, thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> coming up, teachers and a principal so desperate to make themselves look good, they help their students cheat on standardized tests. details straight ahead. >>ç johnny football. >>ç johnny football. the first round highlights. get all your favorites all day, everyday. olive garden's signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. it's built to be as fast o as it is strongadvil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. humans. even when we cross our "ts" and dot our "i's", we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. if you qualify, your rates won't go up due to your first accident. because making mistakes is only human, and so are we. we also offer new car replacement, so if you total your new car, we'll give you the money for a new one. call liberty mutual insurance at... and ask us all about our auto features, like guaranteed repairs, where if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, the repairs are guaranteed for life. so call... to talk with an insurance expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? ♪ ♪ >> take a look at this. it's your shot of the morning caught on camera. two nearly naked groomsmen in australia running into the ocean right there. you know why? they're trying to save a fisherman. the wedding party saw the boat overturned near some rocks while they were posing for some pictures. without hesitation the groomsmen started running toward the water stripping their suits in the process. >> they were able to pull the fisherman to safety. he's okay. the groomsmen wentç back to pictures wearing only their underwear with a few bridal bouquets located in strategic shots. >> that's great. >> good for them. it is now 27 minutes before the top of the hour. we have a very busy friday, and heather has got some troubling news from those sterlings. >> yes. we're hearing more from the sterlings. there is an alleged new report from the l.a. clippers own donald sterling reacting to the scandal that earned him a lifetime ban from the nba. listen to a clip of this. >> you think i'm a racist? you think i have anything in the world but love for everybody? you don't think that. you know i'm not a racist.ç >> the nba banned and fined him millions of dollars for that racist rant during a conversation he had with his girlfriend, and other owns are trying to fast track a forced sale of that team, but sterling not going down without a fight. listen to this. >> they're trying to force you to sell it. >> you can't force someone to sell property in america. >> oh yes they can. in the meantime, sterling's estranged wife says she doesn't want to control the team but does want to keep her 50% stake and buy her husband's half too. teachers and a principal at a philadelphia elementary school were so desperateç to make themselves look good that they helped their students cheat on standardized tests. core papers from 2007 to 2012 say that they allegedly told students to record test answers on scrap paper so their work could be checked later. those inflated scores leading to raises and promotions for the teachers. >> kids and parents trust these people to do their job, and here's what they do. >> five educators now face criminal charges. we'll keep watching that story. unsuspecting drivers nearly get swallowed up by a huge sink hole in russia. look at this at the top of your screen. amazingly all the drivers seemed to have noticed it and so they were able to drive around it. eventually thatç asphalt caved in and created a hole big enough to swallow a couple of cars. there is a driver in boston who was busted for putting his dummy in the passenger's seat in order to use the high occupancy vehicle car pool lane. a state trooper pulled him over, he found the man mannequin head propped up and the officer then gave him aç ticket. creepy. >> he got to work faster. where's maria? >> she's outside. >> that's right, i'm outside hanging out in new york city. it was raining earlier this morning. that has stopped now and we have areas of dense fog. we're probably going to be seeing delays at the airports in the northeast. across parts of the gulf coast, parts of the state of tennessee and up into the midwest we are expecting to see areas of heavy rain over the next several days. even over the weekend, even mother's day and some areas along the gulf coast could potentially pick up to six inches of rain. that's going to be a concern in terms of flooding and of course it is severe weather season so we expect more severe weather from parts of"tam into indiana. it continues on saturday, a little bit more localized from missouri and northeastern portions of the state of oklahoma and eastern kansas. by sunday very widespread again from texas up into parts of illinois. i want to take you to the rockies because out here we have a tropic setting up. that means an area of low pressure. look at the forecast from sunday into monday. snow. th*erb -- they're expecting snow from the valley floor and a few inches possible in denver. some moms not going to be too happy in colorado. >> that was maria doing the weather. let's talk about sports and the big event across the last night was a big night for the nfl. it was draft day. >> with the first pick in the 2014 nfl draft, the houston texans select jadavian clowny. >> went to the houston texans. >> who were the other picks? here is rich "big daddy" delgado. >> the word is in the building there is a sense it is not coming back next year. the draft is going on the road. >> looks like l.a., chicago, obviously jerry jones. >> like the super bowl. the big news, clowny, no surprise numberç one? >> no surprise. when you have an athlete like that, they only come around so many or so. you have to take him. you don't have to worry about two defensive ends that can bring the end. >> what about johnny football? >> they needed a quarterback. it took a little bit longer but he's in a good place. >> number 22 taken by the cleveland browns. at the last minute it looked like the vikings were moving up to take him but browns said not so fast. is this a guy that can put people in the seat? >> absolutely. >> tell us about nike. >> he was anç adidas. nike, underarmour. he sells jerseys. >> tweeting, he's through the roof. >> who wouldn't look at that. what to you was the biggest surprise? >> bridgewater going so far. >> he was on two days ago. >> he had a bad pro day and everybody made aig deal because he didn't wear a glove. if you watch the film and those games he won, that guy's an athlete. he knows how to win. >> last year he was more valuable than this year. >> he went to minnesota and the guy who is the o.c. there is norv turner. norv turner knows how to coachç quarterbacks. >> we've seen that happen before, they don't get drafted when we thought they would and come back. >> absolutely. being the second round, the names that are going to go today, those are going to be the core guys because there's some guys that didn't go last night that will go today, and those guys are going to be players. >> a lot of people listen to us in florida, blake portals will put some people in the seats there. >> absolutely. those tarps that cover the seats and make the stadium look full, those will come down because you've got a big constituted quarterback that won%t@5jñ big stud quarterback that won't play right away but people will come. >> and watkins. >> doug marone says we go as our quarterback goes. >> you're our party quarterback and it's great you went to the draft last night. thanks for the post game show. 20 minutes before the hour. will you be able to handle a job that requires this. >> basically 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no vacation. in fact, thanksgiving, christmas, new years and holidays, the workload is going to go up. >> it is the hardest job in the planet. can you guess what that job is? we're going to reveal it appropriately on this >> in case you missed it, our show takes the cake. >> look at you. >> the best of this week on "fox & friends" coming up next. ♪ ♪ hey. i'm ted and this is rudy. ♪ say "hi" rudy. 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. i don't know about you but i'm hungry. we've got a serving of headlines all about food. let's start with breakfast. pizza for breakfast? it's so college. burger king is now offering burgers for breakfast. they're calling it the burger at breakfast menu. it also includes chicken sandwiches, french fries and apple pie. mcdonald's is testing seasoned fries and st. louis dubbed shake and flavor fries covered in garlic, parpl is-- parmesan. here's what's different. you buy the fries andç season them yourself. >> i like that. >> have it your way. >> exactly. >> have it your way is burger king, am i correct? >> you ham burglar you. >> are you ready for a rewind? >> it's been another busy week on "fox & friends." let's take a look back. ♪ ♪ >> live from studio e. they really pulled out all the stops. >> fun day monday. packedç house. ♪ >> check this out. this high schooler is in his own one man rail. >> our own hail mary expert, brian kilmeade, is out on the plaza. he's run over next to our building. ♪ >> jack is back! how does it come back? it was done four years ago. >> i know. you get a call four years later and you're like who's pranking me. >> god doesn't actually have a phone number. >> he may. it'sç 1-800-call god. >> i looked to rub somebody down. >> fantastic. i need to get certified. >> can i go now? >> i'm not wrong about that. >> it's brian kilmeade's birthday. >> i am officially 50. >> welcome to the club. >> happy birthday. when you turn 30, you'll understand what it's like. ♪ happy birthday >> it's a margarita mixer. wait a minute, last time you had a lot ofç margaritas, you wound up in a towel. >> doing a selfie. >> elisabeth decided in the after the show show you were going to take that cake and destroy it. >> i don't recall that. >> there's a crazy lady in high heels. >> that guy just grabbed the cake out of her hand and smashes it into his face. >> nothing else to do but high five. he made me do it. >> i did not make you do it! >> she looks crazy ♪ ♪ >> we're running out of time. >> we are. >> jack is back-ç and she took a whack at you. it took six months. after your first throw at me which failed, it landed up top? is that what enabled you to attack somebody else? >> you can't leave a cake on the turf. i picked it up and tried to chase you around the building. >> then you went behind the barrier. >> and met the unexpected. >> a total stranger saw elisabeth when she was running by, then this guy grabs the cake and smashes it into his own face. i later asked him why did he do that?ç he said nobody else did. i think his name is eroc from the opening anthony show which broadcasts next door. any way, it's been a busy week. you miss a little, you miss a lot. straight ahead on this friday show, should you be able to use food stamps for guns? one lawmaker, a democrat, thinks so. you're about to hear from him. >> later i'll remind big daddy we're on television and to whisper. >> he's taking note on that. would you be interested in this job? >> 135 hours, unlimited hours a week. it is basically 24 hours a day 67 -- 7 days a week. no vacation. thanksgiving, christmas, new year's, holidays the workload is going to go up. >> it is the hardestç job on the planet. can you guess what it is? we're going to reveal it coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. >> 135 hours to unlimited hours a week, basically 24 hours a day, seven days a week. no vacations. in fact, thanksgiving, christmas, new year's and holidays the workload is going to go up and we demand that with a happy disposition. >> what if i told you that this position now? billions of people actually. >> who? >> moms. >> joining us is american greeting v.p. and president of the mullen agency. they created that video there that was seen by how many people in total? >> just over 18 million. >> that is remarkable. >> how did you get the idea to make this happen? >> well, mother's day is a really important holiday for american greetings every year. this year we asked mullen to help us take our company mission which is to create find a way to do that in the form of an advertising campaign that would recognize and celebrate moms and all that they do for us. >> it feels like -- those are real people with real job interview. tell me about their reactions. >> the reactions were amazing. what i love about the web cam is you can see their eyes dilate and go to joy when we reveal 2 billion moms are doing this already. immediately they start laughing. they weren't angry at all. in fact, they were filled with gratitude. some turned the camera and addressed their mothers directly. >> i think it's great interview for those 24 individuals actually moving forward, to go through all these steps and see when they would be willing to sacrifice. what's going to happen for father's day? >> well, we believe at american greetings, fathers deserve to be recognized like mothers. we will invite to you wait and see. >> i'm sure you do. >> brian is arguing that being a father is the hardest thing. >> right. and i did it off cam are hoping not to bring it up to a national audience. in the big picture, moms should feel is a lieutenanted by -- saluted by this, correct? >> absolutely. this was all shared content. we're up to 18 million views because the moms were the velocity behind sharing it. >> it's a win-win. thank you for joining us. and it's a great message with american greetings. thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up, they put their lives on the line for this nation. so how do we thank them? we're about to take away their right to smoke cigarettes. is that true? >> and kids have invaded our control room. that's right. there is a good reason. how you can use your children to lose weight. >> they're being used? i think they're having the time of their lives scott: hello! nbr: scott - we're concerned. you just fed your lawn earlier this spring and now you're at it again. scott: (chuckles) indeed, a crucial late spring feeding helps defend the grass against the summer heat to come. nbr: we knew that - right guys? oh yeah! scott: feed your lawn. feed it! we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. for $175 dollars a month? so our business can be on at&t's network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. good morning. it is friday, may 9, 20124. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. seven democrats breaking rank and approving a select committee to get answers on benghazi. will the others choose to boycott? probably not. but they aren't interested in answers. we'll tell what you they do want instead. a veteran affected by the v.a. scandal is speaking out. >> i'm just like i don't want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. >> another whistle blower and saying it's not just phoenix. >> meet the democrat who wants you to be able to use food stamp s to buy firearms. not kidding. #fridays arebetterwithfriends. >> it's time for "fox & friends" ♪ ♪ everybody dance now ♪ give me the music ♪ give me the music ♪ . >> hello, with your little guy. >> so many times women are like, i don't have any time to go work out. you do them together. >> you work it in with the kid. >> there you go. that's the whole theme. what's the thing with putting them with the most ex opinionsive equipment in the building. i think anything could spill, things could come flying out. >> so it will be an exciting final two hours. >> that's right. meanwhile, also later today -- okay so yesterday, eric cantor said we need this benghazi panel because the administration has not cooperated. they've stonewalled, redacted information. this could be the only way we figure out what happened after benghazi and leading up to it. we do know that it looks like the members of the republican side, there are going to be seven. they are going to perhaps be announced this later today, there will be five democrats. democrats will meet at 9:30 this morning behind closed doors to figure out whether or not they should show up. what's interesting is when they had this great big housewide vote, all the republicans voted for it and seven democrats voted for it, too. so it was indeed bipartisan. >> all these name you see here happen to be in states, in situations that are heavily republican. so i'm not saying they're insincere in their vote. i'm saying it's politically savio for them to vote for this panel. i say you take those men and women, pick five and put them on the panel because they are sincerely looking for answer when is it comes to benghazi as opposed to other people that might be there just to obstruct. >> remember the initial strategy was to boycott. we heard nancy pelosi say why are we talk being this? we've heard people suggest that this is just a waste of time when it comes to democrats and the perspective and looking at it again, 20 months later, four people dead, no answers. they are now going to strategically as it seems, place their reps there in order to possibly protect hillary, which she will be called to testify. >> in fact, the democrats, given the fact this in the beginning they were saying, let's not have anybody show up, now democrats see the utility in having people on the panel. elijah cummings, waxman spoke in favor of appointing democrats and they did mention hillary would probable will he be testifying and -- probably be testifying and also said susan rice would be testifying. so they wanted -- and they talked about rosa delaro who said, i'm not so sure this is a legitimate committee, but maybe we should have one person, just have one person who has got our back. >> all right. so we'll discuss it. we'll find out today at least. this is not going to be waiting over the weekend. they'll be meeting again at 9:00 o'clock in the morning and maybe put those name out and hopefully we'll got this panel going. we would like to see some of those who were on the ground that night and able to talk for the first time. if you can get them in fronts of that panel where we do not know the answers but we can ask legitimate questions on what it was like surviving that attack, that would be compelling. we have not seen that. admiral mullen didn't see that. ambassador pickering didn't see this. >> i want to hear from some white house people. it looks like the spin started there. >> perhaps it did. i think the important note is right questions and getting answers. let the decision be what it is based on truthful facts. the guy who runs veterans affairs, general shenseki, has been subpoenaed. he's got the support of the white house. john boehner said yesterday, it's a problem that is systemic and just replacing the guy at the top isn't going to fix things. what we're learning now is it's not just in phoenix where we heard about the situation where maybe 40 veterans died because they were on some made up waiting list. now apparently a scheduling clerk, 40-year-old government employee is seeking whistle blowing protection. apparently they've got a situation where this looks like they're gotting to people quickly in san antonio and austin. so it is systemic. >> what happens if you're a veteran and you're supposed to get medical attention? you got 14 days to get an appointment. they've been putsing in false records and stringing out people that are in their last legs or deemed to be someone barely hanging on and essentially are on a death list. i thought it would be arizona and colorado. now it seems to have spread to texas. which makes you wonder what, could general shenseki say to keep his job next week? here with more is an arizona veteran. >> i thought at least one thing i have i can depend upon was my country to take care of me when i get older. i never knew i was going to get this. cancer. i'm just like i don't want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. >> gosh, they risk their life going to battle for us and then here, hearts-researching to hear that their biggest fight is to stay alive under the system as it is in the v.a. >> it is so wrong. we're supposed to take care of these guys, yet the government is turning their backs on them and making stuff up. in the meantime, let's turn to heather nauert who we can counts on with the headlines. we start with a deadly house fire. >> that story we told but yesterday. we have an update for you in florida. now new developments in the deadly house fired at james blake's house in tampa. investigators are saying that all four family members had been shot. there was a gun that was recovered inside that home and it was actually reject sistered to the father -- registered to the father. police say they are now investigating the possibility of a murder-suicide. there is new surveillance video that we're getting in. it shows this, campbell buying $600 worth of fireworks on sunday and he paid in cash. he also bought several gas cans. we'll keep you posted on the details. here is what not to do on a dating show. it's not a good idea to admit you killed your first wife. okay. this was on a turkish dating show. that 62-year-old man also confessed to murdering another lover. this time with an ax. he says he spent four years behind bars for killing his wife and then another six years behind bars for killing the girlfriend. he says he's an honest guy who is looking for a new wife. oh, boy. would you believe him? the producers apparently knew that he had killed someone when they let him on the show. this again on turkish tv show. the iron i don't here if the show is called "luck of the draw." that's one you don't want to draw. while you were sleeping, new details about the mass kidnapping in nigeria. the government there now naming the names of more than 50 of the young girls who have escaped their kidnappers. this is considered a controversial move because the girls could now face a stigma from other groups in that area. the terror group boko haram abducted 300 girls. the girls were likely split up and sent to neighboring countries by now. here are bravest dogs you will hear. two bulldogs breaking through their enclosure when they saw giant black bear stroll to a bird feeder in their yard. look at this right there. isn't that amazing? they surround the bear and the stand-off lasts a few seconds. the bear seems to consider his options and then he runs off. way to go, bulldogs. that happened in new hampshire. >> it's like a cartoon. did that really happen? was this a machine in a bear suit -- was this a man in a bear suit? >> i would like to hear from witnesses. >> thank you, heather. speaking of new hampshire -- >> bears travel in packs. >> wolves travel in packs. >> why are bears always alone. joel, do you know? >> e-mail us if you have the answer. >> do you have a couple of sleeping bear hibernating in the same cave, it gets noisy. >> if you know why bears travel alone, please let's us know. >> she was just talking about new hampshire. up in new hampshire, there is a democrat, tim organ is in the state house. it's interesting, they're considering legislation where you can't use your food stamp money for guns, foe back co, booze, lottery tickets, adult entertainment, tattoos or body piercing. this guy says wait a minute. maybe -- listen to this -- maybe you should be able to use it to buy a gun. >> the firearms ban is a blatant violation of the second amendment. presumably you have the same rights to purchase guns like the rest of us for sporting or self-defense. they do have the right under the second amendment to do so. >> he actually said the inclusion of officials seemed ironic. we want to know your thoughts on this. >> food stamps are for food. >> right. i'll either get a bazooka gun or gum. you make the choice, honey. >> what happens when you runoff money for food? >> right. >> are you going to take the gun and rob a store? >> should i get something to eat oar get more ammo? >> there was the story of a woman who couldn't get dog food with her card. so raising a lot of brows. send us a post and let us know. >> let me tell you what's coming up next. we just told you that only seven democrats voted for the select committee to get answers on benghazi. the others meeting this morning. will they boycott? one of them is here when we come back. and do you ever catch yourself talking to yourself? you're not nuts. in fact, it might be a sign of something pretty good. >> exactly. >> i wonder what she means by that. >> no idea. ♪ ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. 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[ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. last night the house of representatives passed a resolution to create a committee to investigate benghazi. all republicans voted for it. seven democratted broke with their party and voted yes. the committee are expected to be announced today. the question, will those 186 democrats who voted against it stage a boycott or put five people up to be part of the 12-person force? let's ask one of the representatives, jerry connally. you voted against having it, but now that you have it, where do you stand? what will be your sense this morning when you meet with other democrats on whether they should participate in this? >> thanks for having me, brian. yeah. i did vote against it because i don't know that we need a select committee. we've had four committees in the house and other committees in the senate looking at benghazi since it occurred. but i think the answer to your question is frankly going to be two things. one is what happens in our caucus this morning in terms of the nature of the discussion and where we're going to head and the second is the rules of engagement. what kind of procedures are going to be in place to ensure minority rights, that we have equitable representation in the deliberations and in the decision making of such a select panel. >> so you want to make sure you have enough time to ask the questions of whatever witnesses are forward, you want lead time to know who they were, access to prior to their testimony? >> those are some of them, yes. i would add to that, though, strict rules of engagement in terms of fair play. so we get to have our witnesses as well. we are consulted with and have some say over the issuance of subpoenas. i'm on the oversight and government reform committee and frankly those minority rights have been completely trampled over and if that's the experience, there is no way democrats want to repeat that with a select committee. >> cummings is push to go make democrats participate in this and he's a guy we always see next to darrell issa sometimes in a contentious way. that would indicate maybe that that's something you guys should do. >> obviously we have to weigh carefully whether we're at the table or not at the table. the republicans have clearly pretty much on a party line vote. you have emphasized seven democrats, but that's pretty much a party line vote. they created a select committee in rather rushed fashion. the question is, are we better off being at the table to try to make sure it's a balanced approach and that will be determined at our caucus meeting this morning. >> we'll got an answer today and thanks so much for previewing that. let's ask you about the irs investigation. lois lerner is held in contempt. six democrats voted in favor of contempt and 26 in favor of a special council to investigate it. when she stood up and took the fifth about targeting tea party groups, you knew somebody would happen. where do you stand on this? >> you know, i think actually conservatives need to be concerned about the issue of fifth amendment rights. the fifth amendment was there not for angels, but to protect all americans, innocent and guilty from self-incrimination. it's one of ten enumeratessed rights in the bill of rights. and we have to take that very, very seriously. i think case law no matter what you think of lois lerner, case law is very clear here. she did not waive her fifth amendment right. even though we'd like to get her testimony. >> even though she made those statements prior you don't feel that way. >> it's not a matter of how i feel. it's a matter of case law addressing exactly that example. >> having said that. as an american, does it bother you in 2013, 14, i don't care who is in power, that the irs is using their power perhaps to target any group? i thought this would be one time in which democrats and republicans were equally outraged. >> actually when we began this process, we were. unfortunately, the republican majority then took it off to try to make it a political partisan effort to try to damage the president. it didn't work. the president got reelected. yeah. we don't want to see the irs -- we didn't like it when nixon used it. >> all right. congressman, always great to talk to you. thanks so much. hopefully we'll get something positive out of today's meeting. >> thank you. coming up, they helped him in the white house twice. so why are unions turning on the president today? we'll find out. plus, you just heard them join me this this segment. babies are invading our studio. how you can use your children to lose weight. ♪ ♪ get all your favorites all day, everyday. olive garden's signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. okay, kids. i've got the headlines. everybody be quiet. like that's going to help. headlines now from the military world. the navy wants to exempt on-base fast food workers from the president's federal wage increase. the navy will make a plea, echoing fears from around the country that raising the pay rate will force the fast food restaurants out of business and the pentagon wants to force our military members to stop smoking congressman huntser is fighting back. >> if you want to make us all healthy, let's outlaw war because war is really dangerous. >> meanwhile, the marine turned law maker getting an amendment passed that would stop the pentagon's plans to ban the sale of tobacco. kids, good job. thank you very much for being quiet. elisabeth, over to you. >> we're just working out here. you can never use the excuse of i'm too busy with my kids to work out 'cause this morning we're going to show you how it use your kids to lose weights. that's right. that's when nicky fitness did it herself. after her son jack was born, she's the creator of baby booty camp and joining me now with great tips for moms and dads alike. you're going to watch us through some moves. >> those mother's day and moms are happy when they work out and babies are happy when they're working out. so i partnered with huggies. baby help to work out. >> kids are ready to move and the moms are ready to move. we're going to try some of these out. >> we want to get the kids involved as well as the moms. you can do a plie' squat. the baby's feet are going to touch the floor and jump. my son loves this. up and down. and then after you work your legs, then we're going to turn the babies around to face you to work your arms overhead and squat. this is the beauty of moms right here because we don't hear the screaming. >> then you put the baby's legs against your lunge and overhead. then the baby jumps off your other leg and overhead. on my dvd, my son never really likes to just be jiggled or shakes when he was fussy. he wanted me to do lunges and squats. >> so as they got bigger you can extend the move. >> as they get bigger, you get stronger 'cause they get heavier. >> can i say did you a great job helping mommy work out today? oh, my goodness. >> so you hold the arm and leg and work your obliques. your hips are forward, making sure not to lean forward to precontinuing your bike. this is for baby. they'll be able to do flips flid somersaults. >> you like to ride up and down? >> a roller coaster for baby and mom gets stronger as the baby gets heavier. i did this from about four months until my baby was about two. then he was walking and running away from me. that was my new workout. >> and you can do races and obstacle courses. it's great to start really young with them and great for mom to feel better about themselves. you have something special for the moms today? >> all the moms have my baby booty camp dvd, a gift from my gym, and huggies diapers for a whole month. >> that's great gift. thank you. >> thank you so much. steve? >> we don't hear the sounds here, but we're awfully fit. >> precious. are you as happy as can be? >> good job, ladies! very nice. all right. coming up, is senator marco rubio weighing a 2016 run? what he's doing today that has a whole lot of people talking. then guys, does this sound familiar to you? >> the bathroom's a mess! you should probable low go -- probably go work out! >> turns out your wife's nagging may actually be killing you. do you believe that? your e-mail coming in next. you're watching "fox & friends" live from the noisiest studio in america. ♪ ♪ for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. 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>> yeah. and then you find out how much they're really being nagged. is that correct? >> they're not going to say, hi, i want to you meet my wife. she nags me nonstop. >> a study came out that nagging can kill you. men are more like low to die from nagging within ten years and women 34% more likely to die with increased risk of stroke, heart disease. and they were asked these questions that really had these researchers finding their immune systems were completely sabotaged by nagging. >> that's right. so when you close your eyes, do you hear the teacher from charlie brown? is it just a constant kind of nagging? >> yeah. is that a problem for you? we asked you for e-mail. we got a ton. >> that's right. >> by the way, you know how you define nagging? excesstive demands from partners, family or those living nearby. not adequate requests for some compliance -- >> why are you looking at me? >> i'm not saying anything. diane said, i have a husband that nags. he can't stop nagging. i'm retired, but i took a part-time job to get away from him during the day. >> that could be my grandfather with my grandmother. he'd go to bloomingdale's to work during the day. he'd rather pat people down than stay at home. >> well. mike on facebook wrote, i just ignore it. the more you nag, the less i do. >> that plays out. brian e-mailed this, that says the reason husband die before their wives is because we want to. the theory, according to those in copenhagen, is that women chase away all men's friends so they have nobody to express themselves to and bent their spleen, so therefore, they internalize and their organs explode. >> that's the way you read it. i interpret it is guys end up putting everything into their wives and that's why they don't have any friends and that's why they don't have any friends. >> on behalf of all women, i'm going to demand we talk to heather right now who has some headlines. >> heather again. same old. can you put those papers down? thank you. >> when we go to home depot later today, what do you need? >> i need some sand for sand box and vegetables for my garden. >> don't forget the batteries. >> and take out garbage while you're at it. >> good morning to you all. got some political news to bring you. today republican senator marco rubio is fueling rumors of a possible 2016 presidential run with a visit to the state of new hampshire. this is his first stop in early voting state in more than a year. new hampshire is where the first 2016 presidential primary is held. rubio headlining two fund-raisers at republican strongholds today. some of president obama's strongest supporters are criticizing his visit planned for today at a wal-mart in california. the president is supposed to talk about efforts to fight climate change. wal-mart is using more solar energy to fuel itself and -- but labor unions are upset with the visit, saying wal-mart pays low wages and doesn't offer its employees enough benefits. and if you're like us, you probably talk to yourself a lot. >> you talking to me? you talking to me? >> there's a new study out that says it actual low does make a difference. researchers found people who talk to themselves using their own name or the pronoun you performed better under stress. so when we view ourselves as a separate person, we're able to give ourselves more objective advice. researchers say that motivational self-talk -- you can do it. come on, way to go, brian -- really helps. those are your headlines. brian, when you say those are great tricepts, that helps. >> it's interesting we put robert deniro in that box during that entire story. >> or we're using a psychopath from a movie to talk about self talk. >> when you talk to yourself, then maria. >> we're talking to you. yes, we're talking to you. >> good morning, everybody. i want to show weather conditions across parts of the gulf coast. we'll be seeing some issues in southeastern louisiana and southern parts of mississippi. we are going to be dealing with areas of rain over the next several days and unfortunately out there, we could be seeing localized flooding at some of these storms could produce more than four or six inches of rain just into this weekend. there is the potential for severe weather over the next several days, including today from texas to indiana, then tomorrow to kick off the weekend on saturday. they could be looking at some strong storms. by sunday a more widespread risk yet again, from texas up into illinois. out west across the rockies, we have a trough that's setting up. that is going to produce areas of snow. heavy at times along the higher elevations. we're going to see that snow come down all wait down to the valley floor. for mother's day in denver, you could be look at snowfall and a little accumulation expected there. temperature wise across the country, look at texas. 90 for your high in dallas and across the southeastern u.s., hot as well with a high at 930 in raleigh, north carolina. let's head back inside. >> all right. i was told to do a more specific toss. shocking picks in the nfl draft. a lot of drama. number within, no surprise. >> with the first pick in the 2014 nfl draft, the houston texans select jadeveon clowney. >> he was the number one pick overall and has been for months going into the draft unless they traded it away. we knew he was going in the top spot. johnny manziel had to wait. he is the biggest name in the draft. for his time in the spotlight. in the end, the cleveland browns took him on the 22nd pick in the first round. fulfilling the team's need for a quarterback, they felt they had a young one who got hurt. suspended infielder alex rodriguez. a lot of people wondering where he is. okay, me either. he is actually shaving his legs. that's because according to his barber, he shaves his legs and arms to, quote, feel more hygienic. jose lopez, who gives hair cuts to many yankee players, says he once gave a-rod a hand when he was trying shave his legs. as you know, that is the number one story in america. now the number two story. this soccer player hits the ball in, then sprints before -- into the seats to applaud himself. that's fantastic. >> that's not a be your own fan. >> that's one of the greatest things i've ever seen in sports. >> that's like the selfy fan. >> he knew exactly what he was going to do. >> did he got in trouble for that? >> what's electric to say? it's not like they can take ten yards away. a yellow card perhaps, but i doubt it. >> fanning yourself. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. you've heard the millenials don't wants to work, that they want to invent the next facebook or twitter and rake in the cash. sound crazy? my next guest did it, raising $10 million for his invention in 30 days. let's just say it wasn't as easy as it sounds. >> that's right. first your trivia question of the day. this actress won five emmys for the same role. who is she in e-mail us with the correct answer, you will be today's friday winner. ♪ ♪ vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. my len yam -- millenials, you might call them lazy, they live in their parents basement and can't find a job. >> but last month, more than 15% of them were out of work. the majority said they'd like to work for themselves in the next five years, invent something, or become an entrepreneur. >> kind of sounds crazy. but not totally impossible. our next guest pulled it off and he knows that it took a whole lot of hard work to do it. our guest, eric, is the founder and ceo of pedal technology, he created, built and marketed the most successful smart watch on the market today. first we got to say congratulations. >> thanks very much. >> the pebble, ladies and gentlemen. this is a support version. you're wearing the fancy one. what does it do? >> it's a watch that talks to your iphone or android phone, whenever you get a new text message, it pops up so you can see who is e-mailing or calling. >> you can hear the beep of your smart phone, you got a message. but why dig it out of your pocket when you can look at your watch? it's brilliant. >> it is. this concept was done in your dorm room desk. so you made your first prototype there. you raised over $10 million in 30 days on kickstarter. that's incredible. that's like a record. you had to be blown away by that. but i know it wasn't easy. you had four years of struggle. correct? >> yeah. we had worked up to it for quite a while up to that point. when you're working on something and finally everything clicks, that's what it was for us. >> sure. in the beginning, you went to some venture capitalists and you said, take a look at this. just imagine what it's going to do. they didn't see it, did they? >> not as much imagination. >> why do you think that is? >> i think it's risk like lot of these projects are quite risky. but in the end, a lot of people believed in us. we had over 69,000 people from 150 countries around the world support us. >> one is forbes said you'll double revenue had the next year. that's incredible. if alt companies that are probably have a strong set of eyes on you, what about a buyout? what about selling the company? do you think about that? will it happen this year? >> i think our focus this year is on building something that's useful for people. that's what drives us. at the end of the day, we built something that we want to do build for ourselves. we wanted to use it. >> how many times have i read in the "wall street journal" about how apple supposedly is working on a smart watch. you beat them to the punch. >> i think there is quite a few people working on things like this. but yeah, we're out there. we're in stores now. >> have they called you? >> i can't say anything about any sort of acquisitions or anything like that. but die know -- yeah. >> what is your advice to millenials? i think you're remarkable on what you've been able to do sets the tone. what do you say to them? they want to do what do you. >> one of the things i realized through school is that you have to experiment. you have to try out different jobs and figure out what works for you. i worked at six different places while i was going through my undergrad. i realized that i didn't want to work at a single one of them. >> you found that out through work. >> exactly. trying things out, experiencing different jobs and realize what you want to do and don't want to do. >> i know a number of kids who are in your demographic and they are at home right now. they are working on their app, their next facebook. they're expecting the moon shot to make some big money. it's not that easy. you got to do the leg work. you got to do the hard work, right? >> yes. a lot of work on the way. but when it clicks, you'll know. >> what's the web site? >> >> we thank you for being here. >> thanks very much. >> pebble on, my friend. >> thanks for traveling here from california. >> incredible story. short of ten minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, are you looking for a movie for mom this weekend? kevin mccarthy is up next. >> first on this date in 1914, president woodrow wilson established mother's day as a holiday. in 1994, nelson mandela is elected the first black president of south africa. in 1966, louis armstrong had the number one song in america, "hello dolly." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. family versus fraternity in the comedy "neighbors". >> welcome. >> it's weird. >> he has the upper hand! >> kevin mccarthy joins us right now from wttt in dc with this weekend's reviews. kevin, first stop, "neighbors." what do you think? >> good morning to you guys. thank you for having me on. the movie itself, when i think of fraternity comedy, i think of old school or "animal house," movies that are absolute classics. this deals with a couple who have a newborn baby and a fraternity moves next door and they have an all-out battle. it's a big fight. you have seen the trailers and air bag, robert deniro impressions. the trailers, i will say, give away a lot of the jokes. i'm a big fan of raunchy comedies. i love raunchy r-rated movies. i loved "pineapple express" and others. but this particular movie, i feel like the jokes are all given away. there is all no characters to root for whatsoever. none of the characters are redoomable in any way. "super bad," i cared for some of those movies. this movie, i didn't care for anybody. some of the jokes work, but i gave it three out of five. it's matinee. i would not pay full ticket price. >> you didn't like and gave it three stars? >> no, no, no. i liked some of the jokes. overall, i didn't think it was as classic as "animal house." it wasn't a classic by any means. most people were giving it really, really high ratings, but i thought it was very middle of the road. >> i've been waiting for a review on "moms night out." what do you say 'cause i'm going. >> this is a move yes that really surprised me. it really gave me a deeper appreciation for how awesome moms are. i feel like the struggle that sarah drew's character has in this movie with her character and the idea that she deals with these tough struggles of being a mom and i love the idea of how it highlights that because she realizes that not every day is going to be great. and you're dealing with three women who go out for a night out. they leave the kids home with their fathers and everything goes wrong. everything you can possibly think of goes wrong. that part i felt was a bit unrealistic at times. but overall, it was the message is about moms and how awesome moms really are. and i love that aspects of it. for me, i called my mom when i got out of the movie. i wanted to tell her i loved her. it made me appreciate how awesome she was. i gave the movie a 3 1/2 out of five. i really enjoyed some of the aspects of it. again, if you can suspend your disbelief a little bit and get past the unrealistic moments, you can actually get a really good message here. >> in reading your material, i didn't realize our buddy, trace adkins, was in the movie and you loved him. >> trace adkins is the best part of the movie! he plays this character called bones and he's like head of this motorcycle gang and he's absolutely hilarious. i wanted more of him in the movie. they didn't use him as much as i wanted them to. but he is the best part. i want to say in the spirit of mother's day, happy mother's day to my mom, jill. she's watching right now. she watches every single day for "fox & friends." i love you so much and thank you for supporting my obsession with movies and thank you for letting me watch "terminator 2" when i was eight years old that. movie made me fall in love with movies. thank you. >> just because you've said that on television doesn't mean you don't have to send hear card. >> i know a strategy. >> i'm sending her >> they better be big! thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> thanks. thanks lot. >> he seemed sincere. >> did he. so that's what kevin says you should waste your money on this weekend. >> waste your money on? >> i mean spend your machine on this weekend. coming up straight ahead, your e-mails have been pour not guilty all morning on some of the topics. for example, this one. can your wife nagging actually kill you? >> geraldo has a wife. and he's going to weigh in on that and benghazi and so much more you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. aseball fans cheering] [milk pouring] great things go together. and new sargento tastings are perfectly paired with every day. exceptional cheeses in smaller, snackable sizes that make it easy to explore new flavors and savor every moment. new sargento tastings. one of a kind flavors found right in your dairy section. find your favorite and make your own perfect pairing. new sargento tastings. perfectly paired with every day. i live in a world oi am totally blind.. i've been blind since birth. i lost my sight to eye disease. i lost my sight in afghanistan. and it doesn't hold me back. but my blindness can affect my sleep patterns. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. but i learned that my struggle was with non-24. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind and can't perceive light. talk to your doctor about your symptoms, and learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. that's 844-844-2424. or visit now i know that non-24 is real. and i'm not alone. it's time for a new day. good morning. it's friday, may 9, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. seven democrats break ranks and approve a selects committee to get answers on benghazi and the others wants to be on it. but they aren't interested in answers. we'll tell what you they do want instead when chris wallace joins us live from washington. a veteran affected by the v.a. cover-up speaking out. >> i'm just like i don't want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. >> he's a victim and now a whistle blower says it's not just phoenix. if you're in texas, find out where the problem hospitals are there. >> welcome to the hotel sharia. the man who owns the beverly hills hotel just adopted in his native land the brutal law that says it's okay to stone people to death. now the celebrities suddenly realize that, they're beginning to boycott that place. in fact, it's almost entirely empty. how they're losing millions and when does the iconic hotel step up and maybe get sold? according to all reports, this is friday, and mornings are better with friends. >> i'm terry bader from the mirage in las vegas. you're watching "fox & friends." >> you don't have enough guys impersonating turtles these days. >> right. but we have sad news about impersonators. tony the tiger, the voice of tony the tiger, he's great, but he's passed away. >> he has. >> but the quisp guy is still okay. >> we've got geraldo in the on deck circle. he's on in just a moment. but first we turn to heather. you start with benghazi. >> yeah. the house of representatives passed a resolution to create a select committee on benghazi to investigate that. all republicans voted for it. seven democrats broke with their parties to vote yes. so here is the big question now will those 186 democrats who voted against it stage a boycott? democrats are meeting about an hour from now to talk about this apparently. representstive connally from virginia talked about this earlier on "fox & friends." >> the question is, are we better off being at the table to try to make sure it's a balanced approach and that will be determined at our caucus meeting this morning. >> the members of that select committee are expected to be announced later today. we'll watch that story throughout the day for you. new information is now heading to house lawmakers investigating the irs scandal of conservative groups. less than a day after the house held lois lerner in contempt, the irs agrees to turn over all e-mails and other communications as evidence. republicans are saying that her actions could be criminal. listen to this. >> we believe that she violated people's constitutional rights, their rights to due process and that's actually criminal in nature and so this is very serious and we want to find ou far this goes and we're going to follow these e-mails wherever they lead us. >> republicans have been demanding the documents for months now. the irs commissioner has set it could take years to produce everything that they have. the show must go on. four days after nine performers plunged 30 feet to the ground, ringling brothers & barnum & bailey circus is open for business again. there are now eight scheduled shows through sunday. that human chandelier stunts, that will actually not be performed. seven of the injured acrobats are still hospitalized this morning. and if you're married or in a relationship, listen to this one. nagging apparently can take a toll on any relationship. some more than others. >> all i ask is that you show a little bit of appreciation, that i just get 20 minutes to relax when i come home instead of being attacked with questions and nagged the whole time! >> you think i nag you? >> there is a new study out that claims nagging can actually kill you. there is researchers who say that excessive demands from loved ones can more than double the risk of death in middle age. men are apparently at higher risk. >> of course. >> because it's said they keep all that bottled up. >> we have no one to talk to. >> what about women? we got nagged, too. >> you have people to vents to. you have your neighbors and high school friends. >> you are currently nagging. thank you very much. your e-mail and tweets pouring it. marla writes, if you do what we ask you, we won't nag you, duh. >> ashley says, i don't like to nag. i prefer to be listened to the first time. how can you ignore my wishes and expect me to be happy? >> can you tell women actually picked these out? >> no kidding. louis says, i gained some weight because my wife kept nagging that she wanted to see more of me. so she got more of me. that's hysterical. geraldo rivera, you've -- >> stop nagging. >> you've been in relationships. >> you might say. >> right. was nagging ever a role in the destruction of those relationships? >> you know, when you're looking for an excuse to get out of a relationship, you seize on anything and nagging is an easy one. i can honestly say, they say that you're only as happy as you're unhappiest child. you're also only as happy as your unhappiest spouse. so if she's not happy, i'm not happy. so i try make her happy. >> happy wife, happy life. >> that's right. >> happy wives, happy life. >> one more thing to talk to the doctor about. >> could i just say that i see you have a boxing segment planned. i hope it works as well as the exercise with your baby segment because that was brilliant. wasn't this for birth control? i think it worked like a charm. >> you know what's even better? when you're talking to a congressman and the babies come marching in. >> i love that. >> it sounded a little like washington. >> lot of whining. >> it sounds like the white house is surrounding general shenseki who heads up the veterans affairs administration and it looks like they've got big problems. john boehner yesterday said it's systemic. we have discovered that he's been subpoenaed. we now have discovered it's not just phoenix. it's also austin and it's san antonio as well. it looks like whistle blower coming forward. it's a big problem. >> speaker boehner is right, it is systemic. i've done the expose every decade. this is the fifth decade it's happened. the v.a. has a chronic problem. it has since the post-vietnam era at least. i just caution to tread slowly when it comes to generic shenseki. shear why: -- here is why: he was a twice decorated wounded hero from vietnam. this is the real deal. man stepped on a land mine, went back into the service after he lost half a foot. he was the army chief of staff in the joint chiefs, the highest ranking japanese american ever in the armed forces of the united states. he's a guy that is very, very admirable. if indeed, however, he knew or should have known that these problems existed, then the american legion might be right about demanding his resignation. i just, because of this man's resume, i just say let's go slow. let's make sure that he is to blame. obviously the story is disgusting and it's malignant and it's going to go -- >> respecting that office, of course, and you know that he's possibly tried to do. so keeping an open mind is a great point. listen to this one veteran because this is heart breaking. he says he came back and he thought the very least, he could depend on his country and he's fighting for his life because of this situation. >> i thought at least, one thing i have i can depend upon was my country to take care of me when i get older. i never knew i was going to get this, cancer. i'm just like i don't want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. >> in arizona, 40 died waiting for an appointment. >> terrible. as horrifying as that is, the fact that they kept two sets of books, that they kept one official record that showed a reasonable waiting time and a real list that showed the actual waiting time, allegedly leading to some fatalities, i think that deceit might be the heart of a real congressional investigation. >> everyone talks about edward snowedden and what he should have done. now you have whistle blowers coming forward. let's show these guys coming forward, protect their identity, let's them have the freedom to come forward and let them be effective. >> agreed. the problem with the federal civil servants is they protect themselves. we did a story yesterday. one in 1,000 members of the epa were fired in a single year. one out of 1,000. you're more likely to die of a heart attack than to get fired. nobody gets fired in these federal agencies. the v.a. is one of them. this is a case that cries, it seems to me, certainly the keeps of the second set of records should clearly be fired. >> all right. >> what do you think about -- shifting gears -- about the sharia law in the hotel. the hotel we're looking at says you will die being stoned if you are guilty of certain crimes. we have hollywood celebrities boycotting this hotel, beverly hills hotel. it's iconic. >> it's icon iraq, along with the bellaire owned by the same owner. the dor chester in london -- i'll tell you a quick story. when the people bought norchester in london, i swear to god this happened to me. i worked at abc at the time. walked into my suite on the 7th floor in london, there were people in full desert regalia cooking a lamb. >> in a room? >> on the balcony of their own suite. they were cooking a lamb on the balcony. i thought that the snooty dorchester in london was falling on hard times. i'll cut to the bellaire where i always stayed. it's in my contract that i stay will when i go there. whoever i work for. that's all been in my contract. i don't like boycotts generally. i didn't like when the gays boycotted chick-fil-a. you may remember. if you don't want to go to a place and you don't want to patronize a place, that's well and good. but don't pressure others to follow your lead. in this case, sharia law we hate it. it's ownerous, stoning and all the rest. i understand the argument against sharia law, but if you start putsing the politics of the owner at play in terms of whether other people can patronize it, if you don't want to, that's fine. don't go. but when you start saying, brian, you can't go, or i stand in fronts of you, elisabeth, when you want to go and i know all the employees of the bellaire, some of them, my son was raised at the bellaire, what happens to the employees when the hotel was empty? how long did they stay employed? there are consequences. >> that's true. and i understand you always have an interesting way on this stuff. it's fascinating. but if you believe that these women are being persecuted, if you believe a whole country is oppressing a gender or an ethnic group and you want to make a stand, that's courageous. and having ellen degeneres and jay leno come forward and say, i'm taking my business elsewhere. >> that's fine. if you don't want to get the chick-fil-a sandwich because you think he's antes gay, then don't go there. go to wendy's or some other place. that's fine. but when you stand in my way and i don't believe the politics that you have, then i think it's anti-american. i don't like it. >> a protest of getting into that hotel. >> it's intimidating. political correctness is fine and you go with the flow and generally speaking, we believe as they believe in broad strokes. it's just that you have your right to take the stand that you do. just don't stand in my way. >> geraldo rivera, who as we just learned, has that in his contract, he can stay there -- in my contract, i have to sleep in my car. >> no tell motel. >> in my contract it says stay away from geraldo. coming up, the government wants to slash pay and benefits to our military. so there must not be anything tells cut, right? wrong. try the 150 bucks a gallon it spends on green jet fuel. >> then one driver wanted in the car pool -- wanted into the car pool lane so bad, he tried to pass this thing up. it's a real person. wait until you hear how this one ended up. ♪ ♪ ♪ thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. 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talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. cut this, not that. we already know the defense department is eyeing its deepest cuts in decades, which makes you wonder why is the department of defense splurging on things like green fuel? take a look. the department of defense paid up to 150 bucks a gallon for green jet fuel made with algae. regular jet fuel costs less than 3 bucks a gallon. shouldn't he be eliminating things like that when it comes to the proposed $75 billion in cuts? let's talk to the retired u.s. army infantry captain and ranger and senior advisor for concerned vets for america. he joins us today from pittsburgh. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. how is it going? >> going okay. although people watching this right now, their blood pressure will start ticking up. >> it's outrageous. >> 150 bucks for jet fuel, but it's green jet fuel. >> this is just another example of a wasteful government spending program and overall indicative of a department of defense that just does not have its priorities straight at all. any time i see a piece like this, i wonder why is the department of defense involved in the biofuel industry in the first place? that's why we have a department of energy. let the scientists and the laboratories research whether or not biofuel is a lucrative in the military. but what i want the department of defense to do is focus on one thing and one thing only. that's winning wars and protecting the american people. that's what i want. on top of that, let's make sure that we honor the sacrifice of our servicemen and women who served in war. >> what are we doing on capitol hill? they're cutting the budgets for all sorts of things involving our military. but at the same time, we got money to pay 150 bucks a gallon for this algae gas. they're going to run in some jet airplanes. when i was -- we saw the headline and i started to read about it. it turns out these things are being produced -- i know of one case where it was produced by a company that had been a big democratic donor. because they're small companies, rather than giving them an outright loan, they're simply buying the gas for 150 bucks a gallon to subsidize these outfits. >> yeah. it's the government stabbing in the dark to try to pick a biofuel. what they should be doing is trying to improve the fuel efficiency across the spectrum of the military incrementsally so we don't outpace technology. that's what we want to do. that will save money. it will make our force more fuel efficient. and it will increase operational capabilities. but no. instead we're investing a lot of time and money in biofuels that's not technologically viable in the open market and wasting time. we face a fiscal crisis in this nation, the likes of which have never been seen before. we're dealing with an administration that spends like a teen-ager with a credit card. we need leaders to step up to make tough decisions right now and there are probably 100 programs exactly like this that can be cut prior to getting to cutting the and i benefits of our military servicemen and women. >> a guy with a teen-ager with a credit card, i know exactly what you're talk being right there. if i got the balance statement and said 150 bucks, she suspense on a gallon of gas, i'd hit the roof. as america will as well when they find out about this. sean, always a pleasure. thank you very much for joining us. have a great weekend. >> steve, can i just make one more points? >> sure. >> listen, it's mother's day. we've got mothers all across this nation that aren't going to be able to be with their loved one. we are a nation that's still at war. let's remember and pray for those mothers this weekend. >> absolutely. well put. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> to mothers everywhere, happy mother's day come sunday. straight ahead, they're paid to make our kids smarter. but some teachers and even a principal did a really stupid thing and it's happening more and more. we're going to tell you what about not making the grade. then jennifer esposito is here talking about a health struggle that affects a lot of people. you're watching "fox & friends" on this friday. ♪ ♪ those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet helpsapproved to treattime the msymptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury,gety if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. some headlines. new developments in the arson at retired tennis star james blake's house in tampa. investigators now saying four family members found inside were shot with a gun reject sistered to their family -- register to do their family. he was caught buying fireworks and several gas cans. police investigating the possibilities of a murder-suicide. this guy admit to go murder on a dating show. he confessed he killed his first wife and another and another. he spent ten years in jail, but is an honest guy looking for a new wife. this all went down on a turkish show called "luck of the draw." it's not a pilot. it's on the air. >> that would be a deal breaker. more than 2 million americans suffer from celiac disease. mean -- it often goes undiagnosed by doctors. on average, people with the disease wait six to ten years before they're correctly diagnosed. jennifer esposito has struggled with the condition most of her life and never knew it. she's the author of a new book. i feel like we're soul mates right here. >> absolutely. >> when i read your story, so much of it echos with what many go through. you had a tumultous experience. you were tested for a number of diseases. what was the most difficult part of that journey? >> not knowing. i think so many of us, an average diagnosis, seven to ten years. mine was since i was a child. and hearing things that it was either in my head or it was something else. ibs, ms, lupus, everything. >> depression. >> depression. >> someone asked you if you were suicidal? >> yes. yes. this was at the height of it. i just kind of stared at her and thought, i'm sick all the time and you are the nth person that's not hearing me. wouldn't you be depressed? did you do i want to kill myself? no, i want help. at that point i had a tooth fall out and a lump the size of a small grapefruit in my neck. i was horrible. >> jimmy kimmel said he couldn't find anything to describe living gluten free what gluten was. >> i saw that. i have a lot to say about that. i just wish the jokes would stop because when someone like him, who has such an audience and they keep making a joke about the fad, which i understand is a fad, there are people like us and people -- little people, small people, big people, people of all ages that are suffering from that kind of mentality because what happens is that waiter or server or that chef, that employer, they don't believe us and they think we're somebody who is on a diet. and it's really frustrating. >> strong message there. the silver lining is you express what you went through will help so many people. you have a bakery, jennifer's way. that's incredible. all these gluten free treats are available. >> it's gluten free, soy free, egg free. >> yea. so i can eat. >> you can eat everything. >> that is great. i have to say, congratulations. i know you were recently engaged. and you guys are working together, a gluten free wedding is what i bet. >> i can't wait to make everything. >> look at that. so that's right out in front of your bakery. jennifer's way is the name of the book and bakery. we thank you for being here. >> thanks. coming up, democrats want to be on the benghazi panel all of a sudden. but some say it's just to protect hillary. chris wallace is standing by in washington with that. plus, skip the eggs. which fast food joint is serving burgers for breakfast? 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is there some nagging going on? what defines that to you? >> listen, whatever lorraine does is perfect. i'm like a grateful dog. she puts good food in front of me and anything i can do to help her in that intersurprise -- given the fact that lorraine and i had a little bit of a spat last night -- >> for what? >> i'm on double secret probation. >> what happened? >> i've already shared more than i should have. >> come on! >> i want to say if you're watching, i'm sorry. >> oh, wow. so chris -- >> how intriguing. that should be the lead on fox news sunday. >> i have your home number. let's call her. >> fox news i'm sorry. >> or tweet it. >> #i'm sorry. >> we sent -- this study was done in europe. as you're an american, as far as we know, do you believe that nagging can actually kill a man? >> what about a hand in your face? >> i think that any kind of stress -- i don't know if it kills you, but it certainly is not good for you, whether it's at home or work or on a sunday morning show. i want to ask you a question, brian. you ever feel like the johnny manziel of "fox & friends"? in what way? i want to know. that you're disrespected. that elisabeth and steve are picked -- were the first two picks and you're sitting this in the room, sort of waiting with a picksar on you. no wonder you had to apologize to your wife, with a mouth like that on you. christian thank is what i say. johnny manziel will prove wbr id "wbr92700" he was better than the 22nd pick. he comes out in the fall with something to prove. that's where we start in may. by september, everyone is going to realize they should have picked me first. yeah. speaking of the draft of sorts, they're drafting members for the benghazi committee. it looks like the republicans could announce their picks today and the democrats are going to have a meeting today at 9:00 o'clock. are the democrats going to have anybody, one person, what? we're going to find out /b because on sunday, we're going to have an exclusive interview with trey gowdy and i think today they're going to name all the republicans. the democrats, i suspect we won't know by this weekend whether or not they're going to participate. so we have booked the head of the house democratic office and we'll talk to him, along with gowdy because the democrats say it's just a political exercise, we may boycott it. i think that's a risky move for them. on one hand i can understand it does make it look partson. on the other hand, if they go ahead, the republicans and hold these hearings and bring up hillary clinton or bring up david petraeus, they may want to have a democrat there to present questions that allow these people to principal the other side of the -- present the other side of the story. interesting choice for the democrats. we'll find out whether they made it on sunday. >> they do have a list to choose from. seven democrats who voted in favor of the select committee. maybe they should say pick from them because they're probably sincere in their vote. >> i think they were, which is probably the reason the democrats will not pick them. i suspect they're going to want people who they feel are more loyal to the democratic caucus, who oppose this whole thing and don't think it's such a good idea. >> your guest on sunday, trey gowdy, he's been long asking questions and noted this should really just fly above any sort of political partisan line and intention. so i think a he seems to be above partisan politics. >> yes. you're absolutely right. but on the other hand, at the same time that he's saying that, the national republican congressional committee, which is the campaign committee for house republicans, has been trying to fund raise off this issue, saying be a benghazi watchdog so that kind of adds some fuel to the fire the democrats saying this is just politics. there is lots to talk about on sunday. >> republicans should be embarrassed by that. >> democrats have done it in the past as well. chris, what about the suggestion by politico that the democrats are talking about we should have somebody on there, on that committee to protect hillary clinton? that's exactly right. that's the choice they've got to make. because let's say they bring hillary clinton up and you've just got seven republicans, they could sit there and just hammer her with questions and we all know that sometimes somebody -- this goes with both parties -- that somebody from the other party, in this case, would be the democrat -- can sit there and protect and rehabilitate and say, isn't it so, madam secretary clinton, that when you did this, you had -- and kind of lead the witness in a safer direction. so it's kind of wbr-id "wbr94500" an interesting choice that the democrats have to make as to how they want to play this. chris, it will be interesting 'cause you'll have an answer by the time the show comes up. there's a big meeting today for democrats. maybe by the end of the day, they not only decide if they'll participate, but if they do, name the people they want to be part of the panel. yeah. i think there is a possibilities they won't do it because nancy pelosi is playing this very close to the chest. there is a lot of stuff that has to be done. they have to get all of the staff that is -- what's happening is they're taking all the staff of foreign affairs and intelligence and all these other oversight and they're going to put them all together in this one committee, all the thousands and thousands of documents. so the democrats have a little time to play this out. >> i have an idea to save some time. it's been over 20 months. four of our americans are dead and we haven't gotten any answers and the account abilities. how about we tell the truth? that takes a little bit of time only, right? >> that's the last resort in washington. >> yeah. >> chris wallis, we'll be watching you this sunday. before you go, do you need to apologize to anybody else? >> no. i think that's it. and brian, i want to say that as far as i'm concerned, you are brian morning talk television. like johnny football, you're morning show television. >> thank you very much. what a nice thing to say. >> i still would pick you with a 22nd pick, i'm sorry. >> now that you made up with me. just one person to make up with and you'll have a good weekend. >> we'll see. you don't know mrs. sunday. >> she holds a grudge. >> your dog's name is winston, that's the dog house you've been in? >> say that again. >> your dog's name is winston. that's the dog house you're in. >> yeah. we're sharing a bed outside at the dog house. >> all right. thank you very much. >> sweet heather. >> good morning. >> that's really sweet. >> i was thinking about our own marital spats. that's all. >> really? >> we're just one big happy family. >> everybody has them. >> if you have a fight this weekend, bring in a video. >> i will. good morning. today republican senator marco rubio is fueling rumors of a possible 2016 presidential run with a visit to the state of new hampshire. this is his first stop in the early voting state in more than a year. new hampshire is where the first 2016 presidential primary is held. rubio headlining two fund-raisers in republican strongholds today. this coming out of philadelphia. teachers and a principal at an elementary school there were apparently so desperate to make themselves look good that they helped their students cheat on standardized tests. court papers say that for five years, they told students to write down answers on scraps of paper so that their work could later be checked. those inflated test scores leading to raises and promotions for those educators. >> i don't know what to say. i think it's sad. >> kids and parents trusted these people to do their job. >> all five of those educators face criminal charges. we'll keep you posted on that. talk about a real dummy. a driver in boston, massachusetts, busted for putting a dummy in the passenger seat just so he could use the carpool lane. a state trooper pulled him over and found a mannequin propped up with a jacket behind his head and a mustache on his face with marker. the driver then just got a ticket. it's what overnight workers and pregnant women have been waiting for. burger king now offering a the whopper at some locations in the morning. they call it burger breakfast. we're so happy here at "fox & friends." that's right. includes chicken sandwiches, some barbecue stuff, french fries, apple pie. no word if this is a permanent change. if you would rather have a normal breakfast, they're still serve that food as well. those are your headlines. >> i can't wait. thank you very much. >> the rage is protein, especially in the morning. why not give people a burger? >> why don't we stop on the way home, heather? you and me. >> we got your fast food friends weather forecast now with maria molina out on the streets of new york city. >> that's right. good morning. we're tracking a storm system farther west. today will be producing areas of showers, thunderstorms, and over the next few days, we are going to see some areas of heavy rain, especially concentrated right along parts of the gulf coast, across parts of louisiana, parts of mississippi and alabama. some of you could pick up over three to four inches of rain, locally heavier amounts. so flooding could be a concern. severe weather possible from texas up to indiana. that severe risk will stay in place as we head into this weekend, saturday and sunday. so keep an eye out for that. temperature wise, heating up across parts of the southern plains today and also the southeast. i want to show you the city of denver. take a look at this. sunday into monday, they could pick up some snow out there. more snow expected as well across the higher elevations of the rockies. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. i was just showing brian and elisabeth the picture of my daughter, sally, was taking a final yesterday and then down in dallas -- then the tornado warning came on. and there they all are down in the basement waiting for it to blow over. >> seeking shelter. >> as a parents living 1,000 miles away, that's when you want to see. but it's all good. we're okay now. 18 minutes left unless hemmer and mccallum overshe wants again. here is what's coming up, imagine seeing this on your drive to work. cars swallowed up as the road collapses. it happened. >> look at that. plus, getting fit one punch at a time. we're getting ready to rumble. our gloves are on. >> it's the big rage and it will be raging here. put them up. ♪ ♪ time for quick headlines. the great video edition. watch as unsuspecting drivers nearly got swallowed up bay sinkhole in russia. amazingly, all of them noticed it and drove around it. they're blaming it on heavy rain. look at that. swallowed it up. boom. meanwhile, nearly two naked groomsmen in australia run into the ocean to save a fisherman after his boat tipped over. they got him to shore safely and then went right back to posing for pictures, only this time not so formal. they were just wearing their underwear. and how is this for living on the edge? chicago's hancock center's newest attraction let's you tilt 1,000 feet over the street -- whoa. a frightening 30-degree angle. that attraction opens tomorrow. it's closing time. for the last bar car in america. get this, the remaining commuter train serving beer, wine and spirits is ending its 40-year run tonight t. turns out nobody else wants to drink on the way home. wnyw reporter is live at grand central station in new york city with more on the last call. how are new yorkers handling this news? >> reporter: they are quite upset about it, especially someone told me it's exactly what they need after a long day of work. good morning to all of you and good morning, everyone. the party is over, simply put. after 40 years, these four bar cars, the only bar cars that still exist are essentially hanging it out. the nta is taking them out of rotation. they're only running on the metro north new haven line they're something of a throwback to the '70s when having an after work cocktail on the way home was acceptable. it was daily culture. so we talked to some people who were riding on the train this morning. they talked about the tradition. >> it's one of those things that you do. >> fridays, thursday, whatever. it's kind of fun to do on the way home. >> reporter: the big problem is that these bars don't bring in enough money. they only pull in $357,000 a year. a far cry from the bars on the platform. connecticut governor is trying to organize a plan to reinstitute bar cars. that won't happen for at least another year. that's the latest from grand central on this very sad day for a lot of computers. >> they're crying in their beer. thank you very much. i'm looking on amtrak. the top of the picture still shows beer and wine. >> i was just on two weeks ago. i will say i'd be surprised. i think that's the most successful restaurants in the world. >> at the last call. >> let me tell you what's coming up, you want to knock out those unwanted pounds, don't you? stick around. mar why is going to show us -- mar why is going to show us -- maria is going to show us next how to do it. >> come on, maria! let him have it ! >> new from the hill, dems mail out one of their own on the benghazi panel. we'll take you live for the latest this morning. now we will also find out just what was in lois lerner's e-mails which have been released. we'll tell you about that. and ten years ago, army sergeant matt lawton was captured in iraq. now his dad travels to washington to find out who killed his son. he will join us live. now back over to you. if you're looking to gets in shape this summer, you might want to try putting on some gloves and throwing some punches. joining us is dr. paul thompson and the marketing director of title boxing club. nice to meet you. this is actually a great workout. i read you can burn 1,000-calories in an hour of boxing? >> therapy. great workout. one of the great things about it, it's high intensity interval training, builds muscle, lose fat, gets your cholesterol under control. one session you can make your insulin work better. >> i watched it. i saw your new gym. it's unbelievable. i saw people of all shapes and sizes taking part. a loft people think it's a young person's thing. but not the way do you it. can we go over some basics over what we'd see in a class? >> 'cause i want to punch brian. >> there is no hitting. it's very safe. >> but on our show we do. >> okay. so you want to start, if you're right-handed, start with your lead foot back. so you put your stance a little bit here and then this is going to be your power hand. start with your left with a little jab. just like that. then you bring your other hand across. >> sorry. >> right at eye level. >> let's see you connect on the bag. >> these are 100-pound heavy bags. whether you connect, it will send a shock wave through and it's all muscle resistants. so you're here. >> you're building muscle at the same time as you're losing fat. >> okay. >> usually one person is on a bag. how long do you stay on a bag? >> three minutes. you'll come off and do something in between. maybe burpees, maybe jumping jacks. keeps your metabolism up. this not only burns calories, you're burning calories for two or three hours after. >> you also got somebody on the mitt. so you want to step out here. >> it's amazing how much you feel it in your abs. >> it's a core workout. >> that's nice. you get 15 minutes of core at thend. >> how long do you spar? >> i also see the medicine ball there. >> at thend of the class, we do 15 minutes of core. we do this at the end on purpose because if you're using your arms and core, you can take it and do, for instance, a lunge rotate back. you're working your core as well as your upper body and legs. >> i love this kind of workout because it just gets a little aggression out, burns calories. >> absolutely. you can take your aggression out on the bag. >> guys, stay right here. brook and paul, we're going to come back with more boxing and maybe we finally got to take a shot at steve. >> that's right ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. tomorrow "fox & friends" weekend, u.s. businesses are collapsing faster than they're being built. why isn't the government helping? >> also there is a lot of lazy men out there and they wait 'til the last minute -- >> why are you looking at me? >> -- last minute to get their mother's day gifts. i'll have the best gifts you can pick up on saturdays morning. >> what about sunday morning? >> 7-11, that's why we have it. >> also governor mike huckabee will be in on saturday. >> also, in the after the show show, learn how boxing can make you extremely fit. elisabeth and maria are going to go head to head. >> we're going to go at it right here. >> have a great weekend. >> bye, everybody. happy mother's day. nice. good morning, everybody on a friday. fox news alert because the house approving a special committee on benghazi but how many democrats if any will take part it will be decided today. democrats will meet behind closed doors as you see screen right any moment. good morning from new york city. i'm bill hemmer on a friday, "america's newsroom." we'll find out something today. martha: we can see the doors are closed as we look at that. good morning, everybody, i'm martha maccallum. debate from democrats are heating up. one lawmaker says democrats should appoint one member to sit on the panel. a lot of the other are suggesting a complete boycott. bill: republicans say they're determined to get to the bottom of all these facts saying


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140516 10:00:00

rihanna retweeted a photo taking aim at a teenager who re-created one of her outfits. >> everyone have a great weekend. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ ♪ ♪ head out ♪ on the highway ♪ lookin' ♪ for adventure ♪ >> live from new york city, it is national ride your bike to work day. here on 48th street. >> this is a great way to wake up. it's cheaper than that car service you demand, steve. >> that's a taxi. >> ride your bike to work day. >> by the way, we've got a setup in front of our building because in a little while we're all going to be doing a spartan race which should be pretty interesting. >> even the spartans wouldn't do. it's national bike day. we're going to go inside. you've got your protective helmet on. >> before we go further, take a look at how heather rode your bike today. all right, ladies first, come on in. >> the last time you walked down this hall was your first day. >> yes, and i had coffee. >> you haven't brought us coffee since the first day. >> today i've got a coffee pot. it's ready to go. >> that is a great way to start the day, on bikes. >> a little exercise. >> today, the inside story, as we find out what it was like going back to "the view" with elisabeth. >> i saw your instagram posts. >> i was instagramming along the way. >> by the way, i did retweet -- let's pause. we're on tv right now. elisabeth, i did retweet that picture of you and hillary clinton, and you got an inside story and you got some great details. >> i do. you're going to get that out of me. >> i've got a feeling. ladies, right this way. heather, put your shoes on. we're in the studio now. >> hanger or hook? >> this is kind of how we start the show. welcome to studio e live from midtown manhattan. it's national ride your bike to work or school day. >> oftentimes on friday you might have trouble getting out of the starting gate but i think this is a great start. we should do this every friday. isn't it a great feeling? those bikes are fantastic. >> thanks to chris for taping my pants to my legs so they wouldn't get stuck in my pedal. >> and thanks for the bicycle rentals. >> let's make sure everybody looks good. you look good. your hair is a little -- joel, are we going to start? and action. >> yesterday, big hearings on capitol hill as general shinseki went in front of democrats and republicans who had one thing in common. equally outraged with what's going on at the v.a., wait times and kill lists in three states that has people saying we're not going to give them incentives and they're going to die. when i say they, i mean veterans. it was time to tee off on someone who is a decorated veteran, general who in my opinion seems way out of his depth. i think that was proven yesterday. he said i'm going to continue, the president wants me there. >> this may be something where he is in over his head. >> people at the v.a. have known for years, they have had internal reviews in the past. they have known for years this is a problem. how many american heroes died waiting for treatment? we heard a lot of republicans yesterday, we heard a lot of democrats all outraged. let's start with the republican, he is from nevada, dean heller, asked point-blank, general shinseki, why shouldn't your head roll. >> would you explain to me after all this information why you should not resign? >> i tell you, senator, i came here to make things better for veterans. that was my appointment by the president. every day i start out with the intent and in fact provide as much care and benefits for the people i went to war with and the people i spent a good portion of my life doing. this is not a job. i'm here to accomplish a mission that i think they critically deserve and need. >> but it's not happening. it's not happening. so you would think that maybe he thought he should probably get out of there. this is going to be so interesting for me. it's going to be the first time that i can remember over the last six years that democrats and republicans are going to legitimately pursue an investigation on the same page. and if they both do that, let's see if they actually get answers. >> i think you and charles krauthammer on the same page with that one. williams said we should keep an eye out for real rage or faux rage. it would be unbelievable to think anybody wouldn't want to side on this side of the line to protect our veterans. the v.a. shouldn't be a death sentence for those who have laid down their life and been willing to sacrifice at all for us. this is juan williams saying take a good look. >> what democrats are doing is making sure it's clear to the american public that they are outraged by this, they are supportive to our military. shinseki himself, i think, has the credentials as a four-star general, former war hero. i think that is their efforts to prevent any kind of political damage going forward. >> it would be hard for either political party to support what is going on. you were talking about not only a coverup -- they have known for years about these fake lists -- document destruction, corruption and ultimately death. we heard about the 40 deaths in arizona, but apparently there is another report, 23 vets died waiting for simple cancer screenings. this goes back four years, 13 stilts in nine different states -- 13 facilities in nine different states. it is across the country. and for people who say it's not a big scandal, you just aren't paying attention. not only is it a big substantial, it is at the very heart of what we're supposed to provide for our veterans. >> the ranks of veterans waiting for more than a year for their benefits was at 11,000 in 2009. thought that was bad? it is now up to 245,000 waiting for benefits as of december of 2013. >> by the v.a.'s own admission, it is less than 42% of the veterans who fit in that under 14-day waiting period to get treated to maintain health but be treated for something that ultimately could kill them. most americans in this fox news poll think this administration's skapblgs skapblgs -- scandals are a big deal. 37% of those polled think the president's handling of benghazi is a serious matter. >> when you look at the n.s.a. scandal, 53% of you think it is a serious matter. 52% for benghazi and the i.r.s. scandal is 44%. i think it is curious, we've heard from eric holder and he said the department of justice not ready to get involved. we're just going to monitor the situation. >> why? >> because they're investigating it at the v.a. let's think, department of justice, they investigated themselves regarding the, looking into reporters' background. the n.s.a., they're taking care of that. the i.r.s., they've got that handled as well; no criminality. this looks like, it could be, did it not touch so many americans lives, this could be another one of those stonewalling things. but in this case a lot of americans die. >> people are dying in the meantime. there is no time to go through a full investigation and delay while these veterans are dying. this is a death sentence right now. something has got to be done. john mccain actually calling for jail for those that were involved and knowingly allowed this all to happen. >> he's right. it is nine minutes after the hour on this friday. we've got breaking news. now let's turn to heather nauert who's got some shoes on. >> good morning. we talked a lot about the winter and droughts in california affecting the wildfire season right now. this is a fox news alert. overnight two teenagers arrested on suspicion of trying to start a fire in southern california. this as multiple wildfires are raging and tens of thousands of people are forced to be on the move this morning. they are trying to escape the flames that have ravaged more than 10,000 acres so far and may have killed at least one person. the exact cause of the wildfires remains unclear at this time but officials are not ruling out arson. listen to this one coming in from overseas. a pregnant woman sentenced to death by a sudanese court because she is christian. she has been convicted of apostasy or the disaffiliation from a religion because she left the religion of islam and converted to christianity in order to marry her husband. the court gave her four days to repent from her religion. she of course refused. the death penalty is expected to be carried out after she gives birth next month. sad news to bring you this morning. a top army ranger who helped rescue former p.o.w. jessica lynch in iraq -- remember that big story? he has now died after he was shot when his unit was attacked in afghanistan. sergeant major martin barreras is his name and he served 22 years in the army 75 ranger regiment. he went to iraq and afghanistan many times, this after serving in the marine corps. barreras was 49 years old. he leaves behind a wife, two daughters and a son. casey kasem not in danger? he was just on vacation? the 82-year-old was in good shape when they found him at a friend's house in seattle with his wife. the daughter still has concerns about his well-being, his battle with dementia. she has been battling her step mom to see him in court. those are your headlines. >> nobody had more going on yesterday arguably than you and barbara walters. >> it was nice we all returned there, all the ghosts i call us. just a tribute to barbara. it was an emotional day to go around the table. everyone was on good behavior, barely any cross talk. barbara has done so much for us. it was a great moment. >> it was like graduation day for her? >> it was. to look out and see all of us there, she really gave us an opportunity. i owe her the world really. love her. >> you shot yesterday's show and you shot an extra show? >> yes. there we are. selfies. i took a lot of selfies. we have a family-style relationship. speaking of family, star jones and rosie o'donnell, that was the first moment we saw each other in a long time. >> everybody seems so happy in that picture. >> yeah, you know, we're faking it. interestingly enough, barbara has the ability to take all of the opinions and any divisive moment anyone has on the program and bring everyone together yesterday. everyone was happy for her. it was such a truly selfless day for all just to give honor to the one person. >> i saw one quote from rosie o'donnell. she was asked what do you miss about the show? she goes fighting with the skinny girl, meaning you. >> rosie, we had that big split screen moment. i told her then i would not defend the idea that our troops were terrorists. i won't defend it now. it is indefensible. but i do believe she may have a different heart about it. yesterday none of that came up. i was so thankful because it was all about barbara. >> barbara walters, the first lady of journalism, a former first lady was actually there yesterday. >> look who i bumped into. talk about accidental selfies. i'm going to tell you more about this. there is a story behind that arm reach, the left arm reach. it was actually her idea. >> it was? >> no, it wasn't. >> did elisabeth invite hillary clinton to sit on this couch right here? we're going to find out in 15 minutes. put down that remote; it's a busy day. it looks like a great day. >> it actually was very special. barbara, i think she cried. >> what kind of a tree was she yesterday? a weeping willow. >> she was. 13 minutes after the hour right now. >> something the v.a. secretary said on capitol hill yesterday, being called the second biggest lie of the year. captain pete hegseth here to explain coming up. >> here's a way to attract women voters. send them pot holders. we'll discuss it. ♪ set me free ♪ why don't you baby ♪ up don't really ♪ love me ♪ you keep me close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. veterans affairs secretary eric shinseki, the general, grilled on the hill yesterday over numerous veterans affairs scandals. however, he says he did not fail the veterans who were left to die. >> any allegation, any adverse incident like this makes me as -- makes me mad as hell. i could use stronger language, sure, mr. chairman, but in deference to the committee, i won't. >> joining us is fox news contributor and the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america, captain pete hegseth. good morning, captain. >> good morning. >> why should he get fired? >> because he failed at his job. he's been there for six years. the department is failing veterans. we're seeing folks dying on secret lists. he wants to stand there and call it a good system and then he stands there and says these are isolated incidents when facts that were presented before him and he's even shown this is a widespread problem, an infected v.a. system that he has been aware of and only once the media shines of light of scrutiny on the department do they start putting people on administrative leave and even then he's doing it only because the i.g. is recommending it. this is not a guy leading the department now. >> you've got inspector generals at the v.a. inspecting themselves. they have known since 2010 about these gaming strategies. it is systemic. it obviously has come from the top. one of the problems at the v.a. is if you hit your number as a manager, you get a bonus. it looks like people cooked the books to hit their numbers, and people died. >> absolutely. and what's different than private industry is the veterans don't get a choice in the scenario. they're going to that hospital no matter what. those administrators are taking that fixed volume of veterans, fudging the numbers, cooking the books to make the numbers look good for their administrators to get a big bonus. washington thinks the veterans are waiting two weeks. that veteran is waiting; months not getting the preventive care and so we've got guys dying while waiting on secret lists. >> to the best of our knowledge the secret lists are not being used now. do we have any indication that the waiting times are less? >> no. the problem is even getting rid of shinseki if he's fired doesn't change a culture mired in bureaucracy, that's mired in process. it doesn't incentivize clerks or technicians or others to work faster, to be more efficient. that is the problem with the system. >> how do we fix it right now? >> congress has to provide an oversight function and start holding people accountable. there is going to be a vote on the house floor next week, v.a. management accountability act that would give any leader the ability to fire bad managers. the onus will be on the senate and the president. let's see if harry reid and president obama are going to put their money where their mouth is and start to st up for veterans. there is going to be a vote and a bill where they can do just that and we'll see, because there is a lot of rhetoric but there hasn't been a lot of action. this reform is a real bite. >> extraordinarily we have not heard from the commander in chief since he was traveling abroad. >> nothing. >> nothing. that speaks volumes. pete hegseth, thank you for joining us today. >> you got it. >> 20 minutes after the top. this heisman winner says he forgot to pay but what does the video show? does it show him stealing crab legs? stay tuned. a twin helped her injured sister across the finish line. they tell us their story live next on this friday, "fox & friends." ♪ you can count ♪ on me ♪ like one, two, three ♪ like one, two, three ♪ i'll be there i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. ♪ a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying yet again. >> some stories making headlines overseas on this friday. [shouting] >> that dramatic video where they're cheering is from syria. it shows the exact moment syrian rebels blow up an army base with 60 tons of explosives with a tunnel bomb. rebel commanders spent months digging a 2,800 foot tunnel under the base. over to india, the opposition party is headed for an election landslide. if results stand it would be the first time a single party has won an outright majority in that country since 1984. in resolution a rocket carrying a communications satellite broke apart nine minutes after that launch. >> a touching display of true sportsmanship and team work by teenage twin sisters at an illinois track meet. halfway through the track chloe gruenke felt something sharp -- pop and a sharp pain and fell to the ground. >> chloe's sister who was behind her in the race decided to pick her up when she couldn't finish and carry her across her back all the way across the finish line. the twins came in last but who cares. for spectators who saw the special moment the girls came away winners. joining us now are the inspiring duo, sisters chloe and claire tkpwraoupb tkpwraoupb -- chloe and claire gruenke. how are you feeling now? >> surprised at the way everything is happening. >> is your leg okay? >> it's better now. >> you had an exhausting day. what happened to you? >> i did well in my first lap. when i came around to the second, my leg started to hurt and i fell to the ground from pain. i couldn't get back up. then claire came right behind me and said come on, chloe, you have to finish this. she stood up and motioned me to get on her back and i got on her back. she was jogging at first. i said claire, we're not going to be able to finish if you jog. i told her to walk and we walked the rest. on the last 100, she was walking and she sat me down right before the finish line and kept pushing me to go first. i didn't want to go first. i wanted her to finish with me. we finished at the same time. >> i watched this with my daughter and she was so moved. this is a great message for many. the crowd, i hear, went wild. in a society where everyone is pressured to win, you chose to not let your sister stay behind. what were you thinking? why did you do this? >> it just came like natural to me like i have to help her. i have to have her finish at least. it doesn't matter if she doesn't win as long as she finishes it. >> what was your parents' reaction? claire? >> they were in tears, both of them. >> and your coaches? >> they were also in tears. >> here's the big question. chloe, if claire fell, would you carry her? >> i probably would. i would help her get up, ask her if she needed it and then i'd help her. >> great. what's the next race for you all? >> well, next year in high school. >> you're going into what grade? >> ninth. we're going into ninth, yeah. >> i have a feeling any team, any coach would be more than proud to have you representing them. well done, girls. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> claire and chloe, thanks so much. we'll follow you. eat plenty of liquids and please stretch before you run. >> i'm going to carry brian in our spartan today to honor you. >> i don't know if you're allowed to stay home but we're actually doing a spartan race later and if elisabeth goes down, she's going to stay down. i'm not going to do the chair and chloe method. -- the chair and chloe method. coming up, girl scott cookies not immune to big government. >> the story behind my selfie with hillary clinton coming up next. first happy birthday to our own tucker carlson. own tucker carlson. happy birthday, friend. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. tomorrow, by the way, is barbara walters' last day hosting "the view." after 53 years in broadcasting barbara is retiring and this morning they had a special show to send her off. they brought back all 11 kurpt and former -- current and former cohosts of "the view." there were no survivors. >> actually we have the one who was on "survivor." >> that's right. that is almost true. it was a special day. we got to pay tribute to barbara and all she's done for us. then look who i ran into in the hall. >> hillary rodham clinton. >> that is hillary clinton. >> how did that go? >> i said hi, do you take selfies? she said at this point what difference does it make? she said of course. we took the selfie and we talked a little bit about family. she's expecting a grand baby. i almost asked her about benghazi and i thought not the place. then i said why don't you come -- she has a book coming out -- i said why don't you visit with us on "fox & friends," to which her assistant said okay. then she said okay. and i thought that was a yes. so i think maybe she'll come. i think it would be a great conversation to have. >> when you were on"the view" when she was running for the nomination she was on about five times. >> at the end of the race, ed rendell told us nobody was fair in the mainstream media to hillary clinton than fox news. >> i remember watching it thinking the same thing. i think it would be a fantastic opportunity to have a great conversation and reach a broad audience. >> and we sell a lot of books. if you have a book out, that's what you want to do. >> i'm banking on her keeping that "okay" word. >> maybe we should put up the selfie every day until she returns. selfie day one. selfie day two. >> in a moment we're going to find out what the spartan race is all about. i'll go out on the veranda. >> the producers have done a great job. heather nauert, you saw as well, one of us is going to wind up going home today -- >> dead. >> from the hospital. it's so dangerous. that's the easy part. it's the big wall and it's the thing you've got to climb. it's that thing down at the end. it's that -- remember gym class when you used to have to climb up the ropes? >> yes. >> i never did that. i'm tkpwog do it -- i'm going to do it today. >> guys, we talk about we all have trouble sleeping from time to time. that brings us to this first story, a wake up call for anybody who uses a sleeping pill called lunesta. the f.d.a. lowering the dose of that popular drug. the reason? the pill you take at night could make it dangerous for you to drive to work the next morning. there is new data showing people might not be alert enough to drive to work even if they feel totally awake. the f.d.a. starting to cut that dose in half. there is new surveillance video out there. it captures the moment the heisman trophy winner jameis winston shoplifted crab legs from a store in florida. the video shows picking up the crab legs, walking around the store and then walked out the door. he says he forgot to pay for it. he wasn't charged but was suspended for three games and had to do 20 hours of community service. an attempt to reach out to women voters has some calling for a california assembly candidate sexist. a sacramento democrat sending out campaign pot holders addressed only to women. he claims it was to appeal to female voters. >> i use them when i'm at home. i don't want to burn myself. >> well, that makes sense? send me a potholder. the pot holders came with a letter slamming fong's g.o.p. running mate. the girl scouts in one georgia city, they may soon actually need a permit if they want to sell cookies door to door. yeah, that is right, steve. the city council in the town of snellville, georgia, proposing a measure that would require them to apply for a permit and submit to a background check. the city council said too many homeowners have complained about those pesky door to door solicitors. and those are your headlines. i'd love to hear what our viewers have to think about that. it is actually the parents who need the background check. >> be prepared. let's go out to the streets of new york city. maria molina i think is going to be competing against me in that crazy race where somebody is going to not do well. >> and i will win, of course. >> i'll let you. >> have you seen some of these obstacle courses. they're 14 feet high. that is going to go great coming up later on this morning. you need to tune in and watch. the weather conditions a bit of an obstacle across parts of the northeast. we have a chance to see rain here in new york city and surrounding areas of the northeast and there is the potential for flooding. as much as three to even five inches of rain are forecast throughout the day today. keep a heads up because there is going to be the threat for flooding across the northeast. temperature-wise, it is very cool. a little bit unusually cool across parts of the great lakes. chicago currently 40 degrees. even for may, that's cool for you. 40 in kansas city. minneapolis you're in the 40's as well. farther west across parts of the southern california, we've been talking about wildfires. unfortunately we still expect an elevated fire danger today with red flag warnings in effect and temperatures in the 90's in l.a. and triple digits in phoenix. let's head over to brian. >> we have the founder of the spartan race and the author of "spartan up." you see it in the background. what is it? joe, where did this all start? >> four years ago in vermont we said we wanted to find high functioning people, people willing to get off the couch and get it done. we started, we thought 50 people would show up, it is a one million people movement globally. >> you believe human beings are meant to get off the couch and doing this at a regular basis, hunting for food, finding shelter, digging holes. >> you should only want water, food and shelter. right now we have an abundance of stuff in america and it is making us soft. >> in the book you talk about your charity aspect. >> challenge athlete foundation, if anybody needs a wheelchair, we get behind them. >> come over here a second. we have this wall. the object is to push up right . >> you're going to use some triceps. we're going to flip a tire here. you want to lift the right way. we've got a rope climb here. you're going to use upper body strength, hit the bell at the top. watch some of these guys and girls kicking it with their feet. >> here's the thing. we haven't climbed ropes since maybe fourth grade. i wasn't too good at it then. >> you're going to get better at it. you're going to need a bigger suit. >> over here, the -- >> we call this the hercules hoist. you're going to want to grab this and then squat down. pink is for girls. >> steve and elisabeth, there are about six different things to do here. you saw how fit these guys are. do you have any preconceived thoughts about how well you're going to do? steve and elisabeth? >> just looking at that rope gave me a cold sweat flashing back to wakefield junior high school, wakefield, kansas, where we had that rope. i never made it to the top. >> neither did i. my gym teacher said you can do it. >> but we're going to do it! and we're glad he set it up. brian, joe, thank you very much. >> start stretching. in the meantime this video outraged so many of you today. a teacher gets to keep her job after picking up this child by his face. that boy and his parents are going to join us coming up. >> are you kidding me? have you heard about a measles vaccine being able to cure cancer? we have that for you and it's coming up next. live from new york city. [ male announcer ] ortho crime files. reckless seeding... ...failure to disappear. a backyard invasion. homeowner takes matters into his own hands. ♪ ortho weed b gon max. with the one-touch, continuous spray wand... kills weeds without harming innocent lawns. guaranteed. weeds killed. lawn restored. justice served. weed b gon max with the one-touch wand. get order. get ortho®. weed b gon max with the one-touch wand. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. a a vo: once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. 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(announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. welcome back. a major medical breakthrough in the fight against cancer. doctors found a way to use viruses to attack and kill cancer cells. >> they injected one woman with the measles virus, another woman with the polio virus and know both of them are cancer-free. does this mean potentially that a single shot cancer cure is around the corner? joining us on the couch is dr. manny alvarez with the medical a team. who thought up this? >> this is research that's been happening in animal modeled for about a decade or so where, you know, we know viruses when they get inside any living organism, they kill cells. this is how viruses live in our body. in animal models, we know if you expose the animal to let's say the measles virus it goes directly to cancer cells. why cancer cells? cancer cells tend to divide very quickly. that is the perfect incubator a virus needs. in this particular case they did a human trial. >> do you think moving forward that chemotherapy can wipe out your body overall to fight against diseases, sickness outside of the cancer you're dealing with. is this something that will have to be, if it goes forward, injected early enough before someone goes through chemotherapy treatment? >> well, let me try to explain a little bit. i think this is going to be a norm of potential treatment for some people. you're still going to have the surgical arm, still have the chemotherapy, radiation. but in this particular instance, there's a couple of things that need to happen. first, you can't have immunity towards the virus. if you have immunity towards the measles virus, it may not work. as soon as the measles virus gets inside your body, you're going to kill it. it will never get to target. that is one of the pitfalls. this is only one human, especially for the myeloma and the other was glioma of the head where the virus was injected directly into the tumor. there are some side effects, potential side effects that can mess up your whole immune system because you get exposed to millions of viruses all at once. this is not a little shot. this is a big-time shot. >> you're right. i was going to ask you about that. it's not just the regular injection. it was, with the measles it was ten million times the regular dose. >> sounds risky. >> it's risky. i read the article that was published -- >> the woman didn't know it was a ten million dose shot until after it happened. >> within minutes she was vomiting, she felt ill, had a temperature of 105. you see the body's reaction wheb -- when you get exposed to it. thankfully she is now cancer free. >> that is remarkable. >> thank you, dr. manny. >> have a good weekend. >> i'm going to go out there. >> you're going to climb the wall? on doctor's orders, dr. manny from the medical a team. >> good for your health. thank you. coming up, this video outraged so many of us yesterday. a teacher gets to keep her job after picking up that boy -- he's six -- by his face. that boy and his parents join us next. >> are you racist if you like this commercial? well, maybe. we're going to explain the argument one school has for that. >> guess what today is? >> it's hump day. you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. quick high-tech headlines much the internet about to get 51 new regulators that will control the cop tent -- content. critics say this will create a fast lane for companies who have big bucks to put content the way they want. and you can now text your emergency to 911. select markets in states are trying it out. you have to type out your full name and address, something that could take precious seconds, especially me with an iphone. elisabeth? imagine this, the nightmare of seeing this happen to your own child. this is a teacher lifting up a six-year-old boy by his shirt and then by his face and then worse, the school didn't tell the parents the whole story up front and worse than that, the teacher gets to keep her job. joining me now, that sweet boy, ian, and his parents. thanks for being with us this morning. how shocking and horrifying to see this happening to your son. autumn, you had to be beside yourself. >> oh, my god, yes. i lost my mind. seeing something like this happen to your child is unreal, unbelievable, something that you don't ever want to see happen to your child. >> how is ian right now? hey, buddy. >> can you hear? >> i'll wave to you. okay? i know you don't have a mike on. i like to see your smile. dad, how is he doing? >> doing about as well as a child that goes through something like this could be going through at this time. i mean, right now he's trying to work through things the best he can. so we're just trying to get him back to his normal life the best way we can. >> so let's go back a little bit, this is not a video that was shown to you when you first heard there was an incident at school. the superintendent down played as far as i read, and then you had to go and find the video on your own. why? >> actually they never said anything to us about a video until later on. basically we got the video with basically a school-type discovery pack is what we got on tuesday and found out about a video. we had absolutely no idea about that. we were told that basically there was an altercation with him and a teacher. she had grabbed him and pushed him up against a wall and was yelling at him. that's all we were told. we obviously were mad about the situation of a teacher putting their hands on him, but to see a whole video is a whole different thing. when you read the statements, it's insane that they allowed this teach tore come back after a ten-day suspension. >> not only that, the ten-day suspension is what she's facing right now after an assault as it seems right there in the hallway against your son. but now, as i understand it, did ian remain in the classroom for two days with her until you found out about this video? >> he finished the day out with her on wednesday and he was with her on thursday and then they decided on friday they were going to move him for a different class. they put him into a different class and immediately iam came home the next day, said i have a new teacher, i like her. he said, i made new friends today. he was back to being happy about school again for a little while, you know. >> do you believe that ten days is what this teacher should get, ten-day suspension? and is ian back in school? will he finish the year out? >> no, since we got the video we pulled him from school because obviously with all the media coverage going on, we wanted to try to shelter him a little bit from staff questioning him and everything else. we pulled him and my oldest son out of school for -- the school year is over this week anyway. there wasn't anything detrimental to his education. but with the actual ten days, i mean, you're supposed to have a zero tolerance for bullying, but yet this is a teach obviously bully -- teacher obviously bullying a child and you're going to give her a slap on the wrist because she's been there for 14 years? come on, if i did that to her, i'd be in jail. why is it okay for her to do it to a six-year-old child? >> great questions there. ian, you're a good guy. school will be good to you from now on. when you get back there, have fun. we want to thank you all for being with us. we'll stay on this. coming up, more trouble with school much now it's not okay to call your professor miss or mister? turns out that's sexist, too, and a veteran running for office photo shopped to look like the cowardly lion. seriously? that lion here to react and roar good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables sweets become salaries. an oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kick-starts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. ♪ i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the v.a. secretary taking major heat over the v.a. hospital scandal. but was he lying under oath and will eric holder even investigate? >> who you calling a coward? the democrats tweeting out this picture of a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran. that candidate will respond here first this hour. do you like this commercial? i think it's hilarious. >> leslie, guess what day it is. >> it's hump day. >> if you think that's funny, you might be a racist. we're going to explain. what happened? mornings are better with friends. thank you for joining us. ♪ ♪ >> you are looking at the spartan race that we're going to attempt. steve, you are about to head out shortly. use a pully, race to the finish. >> it's a race that goes back to the early days of man. when we used to hunt, but used to dig holes, build fire. they had scaffolding and they had rope. we used to be as beings, out there hunting for food, flipping tires that were in our way, digging holes, making our own shelter. >> here is the problem, brian. >> what? >> you and i work on a couch! how good are we going to be if we work on a couch? we've got the upper body strength of lima beans. >> this is the worst pep talk you've ever given. >> when is the last time you climbed a rope? >> sixth grade, wakefield middle school, junior in wakefield, kansas. >> you, brian? >> i think fourth grade. i don't think i was successful or else i would have remembered it clearly. these guys have been trying to tell me not only is it easy, then they're flipping upside down and kick the bell with their foot. >> all we've got to do is hit the bell. >> okay. is there an escalator? >> it's not going to be pretty. on top of everything else, brian is upset that he knows that elisabeth is going to beat him. >> no, i didn't say that. and if i did, i said it in the break for a reason. >> let her win. she's new to the show. >> are you channeling edie hill? she used to do that all the time. i used to tell her things in the break and she'd say, you you're not going to believe what brian told me. now you're doing it. >> are you afraid of me? >> that was the story. >> that is my fear, that she will be carrying me. on a serious note, yesterday was dominated by the veterans administration hearings led by generic shinseki. he had to explain himself why the v.a. system is falling apart, why, when you're supposed to get treatment within 14 days, on average, it's taking 245 days. in some cases, so little treatment was given that people died. now we're finding out it's even more widespread than we thought. >> they risked their lives daily to fight for our freedom. yet come home to sit on waiting lists where they then die waiting for health care here. truly unfortunate, making a ton of people feel outraged on both sides of the aisle. but shinseki says he's not going to step down from the job. six years has not done enough. >> he says he's mad as hell. what's extraordinary is there have been reports in his office since 2010 that reported these gaming strategies where they had these different ways to game the system so it looked like the wait times were pretty short and that way they could boast hey, we're doing things. >> they got incentives and bonuses. >> i was about to say that. you're absolutely right. they would get bonuses to hit their number. so in other words, they were cooking the books in some cases, as we've already heard. pete hegseth, a regular on this program, he's had it up to here with this, says shinseki has got to go. >> he should get fired because he failed at his job, because he's been there for six years. the department is failing veterans. we're seeing folk dying on secret lists. he wants to stand there and call it a good system. and then he stands there and says these are just isolated incidents when facts presented before him have shown this is a widespread problem, infected v.a. system that he has been aware of and only wants the media -- once the media shines the light of scrutiny do they start putting people on administrative leave and even then he's doing because the i.g. recommends it. this is not a guy leading a department right now. >> not general like. by the way, we know his track record is unbelievable. what he's already done for the country in uniform. however, just because you're a great general doesn't mean you're great ceo. clearly there is a problem with the system. let's get your responses. pam says people that don't do their job get fired where i work and a manager would get fired if the people they manage were not doing their job or caused harm to others. she's intimating he should go. >> steve, not doocy, said this on facebook. he is just a figurehead. it was not him that made the death list. go after the person that led them involved. >> we know the 40 people involved supposedly in arizona, at the phoenix facility. there is another report that 23 vets died waiting for cancer screenings. okay. the death toll is up to 60. so will the top law enforcement man in our country investigate? eric holder says at this point no. here is charles krauthammer weighing in last night on "special report". >> he's the chief law enforcement officer of the united states and he's waiting to hear what the media will tell him about what's been happening inside the government in the one system in the u.s. that is the most entirely government run? i think this is just stupid politics. i can understand stonewalling on benghazi and the irs and all the other stuff. but this is the v.a. this is a big mistake on his part. >> yesterday jake tapper on cnn had dennis mcdonough, the chief of staff from the white house, on and he said essentially, how many dead vets do we need before heads start to roll? and mcdonough just gave him some excuses. >> how many more days until the commander in chief steps in? >> dennis mcdonough tells him how mad he is. >> everybody is mad but nobody is doing anything. >> heather nauert. >> she's not mad. >> she's working hard here like the rest of us and will bring us some head lines. >> we've got big news coming out of california. it is wildfire season. that gets us to our fox news alert. overnight, two teen-agers arrested on the suspicion of trying to start a fire at a park in southern california. this is multiple wildfires rage across that state and tens of thousands of people in the san diego area are now on the move. they are trying to escape the flames that have so far ravaged more than 10,000 acres and killed at least one person. we'll watch this story throughout the morning. casey kasem not in danger. he was just on vacation? the 82-year-old was in good shape apparently when they found him at a friend's house in seattle with his wife. his daughter still has really serious concerns about her dad's well-being. he suffers from dementia and can no longer speak. she's been battling her stepmom in court for the right to see her father. also new overnight, a russian space launch not going exactly as planned. just nine minutes after this rocket launched, it veered off path and caused an emergency shut down. the rocket was carrying communication satellite and it broke apart and then burned up in the atmosphere. and talk about a rude awakening, take a lows look at this video. that's a bear as he pokes his head in the front door while this homeowner sleeps on the couch. this happened in california. the guy jumped to his feet, shoed away the bear by making loud noises. that frightening encounter happened two years ago, but it was just uploaded, the video, to youtube. can you imagine that? something wakes you up? not your teen-ager, but a bear. >> that's very scary. >> thank you, boo boo. >> thanks, heather. the pc police are working overtime today. two stories to tell you about. we'll start with this one. do you like this commercial? >> guess what day it is. huh? anybody? julie, guess what day it is. come on, i know you can hear me. mike, mike, mike, mike. what day is it, mike? leslie, guess what today is. >> it's hump day. >> woo woo! >> a lot -- that is hilarious. a lot of us refer to wednesday as hump day. turns out we may be racist. at the university of saint thomas in minnesota, which is a catholic school, they were going to celebrate the end of school, which was on a wednesday, with hump day. and so they were going to bring in a camel, like a petting zoo. but a number of the university students felt that that would be racist and make people, students from middle eastern countries feel bad. so the school caved. there would be no hump day celebration because hump referring to hump in the camel is racist. >> right. also owe phonedded were -- offended were sunday, monday, tuesday, thursday, friday, saturday. >> so do you think that's about time we cracked down on hump day? do you feel this is way overdue or not? >> what if you smoke camel cigarettes? >> doesn't that make the middle easterns feel bad? >> i don't know. >> let us know what you think about that. >> what if you smoked them on hump day? >> wait, there is more. >> yeah. so professors are demanding an end to titles like sir and miss because they're sexist. so i couldn't say sir, referring to them in class, this is a big deal here. do you think that's sexist as well? you can see miss but just professor? >> you're talking about professor jennifer coates in london. she says that one of her quotes is, the men on the staff are all in their 20s and they were called sir. she said, sire is what you call the king and sir is a knight. there weren't women knights, but miss is ridiculous. it doesn't match sir at all. so she wants people to stop referring to people as sir and miss and instead use your title. if off professor title, use that. but if you don't have a professor title, i don't know what you would refer to you as, mrs. hasselbeck. >> just miss. >> right. why don't we just stop talking to each other and make it easy? >> the problem is, we're doing a talk show! >> that's right. i keep forgetting. >> hump day. >> there is no humping op hump day. straight ahead, coming up, who are you calling coward? the democrats tweeting out this picture of a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran. that candidate will respond for the first time next. and it's a video everyone will be talking about today. the ambulance driver who drives and dances. ♪ ♪ [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. you're not going to believe this, but democrats revert to go nasty name calling in a new york house race that could potentially pit republican against six-term democratic congressman tim bishop. this comment was posted on its web site about him. did i mention he served in iraq? zeldon refuses to take a stand against his party wreckless budget and and the insults don'd there. they posted this picture of him as the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz. he's here to weigh in to tell us the response. your reaction to being called a coward? >> you have some liberal democrat hack who is hiding behind his twitter account, stuffs his face with cheese doodles, shameful attacks. the fact is nancy pelosi, steve israel, tim bishop, they've never served a day and i think when i was sitting at the door on that blackhawk and you do what's so unnatural, jumping out with your parachute, fast forward to today and you have these democratic hacks out of washington who want to change the subject and fling insults and say i'm a coward. it doesn't fit. >> your reaction is put somees y serving. do they even understand that that's your background? they did something very similar to congressman cotton down south, too. >> yeah. i think that they realize that our strongest suit is our character, our integrity, our honor, our personal courage. so they want to attack it because they're so desperate to hold on to power. they're prestige, their perks, they don't want to lose it. they'll do anything to hold a congressional seat. so they'll try to tear down someone who -- for me i spent half my life serving in the military. i love it. i'm proud of it. i don't want to be called a coward. >> you put yourself through law school by joining the rotc. you went to al beeny. you were a jag officer, but also going out on missions because you were in this thing for the last 13 years called war. >> i was with the a second airborne division. i still serve as a major in the army reserve, 2006. deployed to iraq, based tekrit, with an infantry battalion. i was proud to serve with my hero, people willing to lay down everything in protection of our constitution, our freedoms and our liberties. honored to serve and i certainly don't want to be mischaracterized of who i am and what i'm about. >> tim bishop's area, which he held for six terms now, so he's had that, it's pretty much suffolk county on long island. but your main theme is, hey, if you're a family of four and you're making $80,000, you are not making it in this area. >> between the taxes, the property taxes, the income taxes, energy costs, health care costs, it all adds up. it's very difficult to get by. and for all the issues that are facing us as a community and a nation, we need courage of people in office who are willing to put forth plans to say balance our nation's budget. so the democrats, they refuse to put out a plan. instead they just want to campaign against it and they want to scare seniors. they want to throw low income americans on the street. it's scary what they're saying. >> real quick, do you back paul ryan's plan? >> i think that it's important that we put ourselves on the path towards fiscal responsibility. i think that there is good things and things that can be improved in it. i look forward to being part of that discussion with him next year to have hopefully a stronger plan to move forward. >> thanks for your service. it's too bad the debate can't be about issues and they got to get into character. but actually it's one of your strong suits. so bring it on i guess could be the message. thanks so much. coming up, new mothers usually get a few months off after having a baby. how about a few years? we're going to tell you who is getting that perk. and some bad news for the brady bunch. ♪ that's the way we all became the brady bunch ♪ >> yep. you're not as smart as this family. meet the brainy bunch. seven kids who went to college by age 12 and three more on the way. they're here to tell us how they did it without alice. ♪ ♪ how did we do it last time? i don't know... i forget. feeding your lawn need not be so difficult neighbors. get a load of this bad boy. whoa. this snap spreader system from scotts is snap-crackin' simple -- just snap, lock, and go. 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[ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don'drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. welcome back. time for news by the numbers. first, three. that's how many years in time it takes a new pilot program will offer airmen to start a family while getting full benefits and stipends. next, $201. that's how much joe biden made in royalties off his book. and finally, 1.65. that's how much money an average junked car contains in loose change when it's shredded. check yours before you get rid of it. steve, you got your hands full. >> i do. you've heard of the brady bunch. today the bradies have nothing on this family. two parents, ten kids, all home schooled and way ahead of the curve. in fact, seven graduated college by the age of 12. so how did they do it? they've got a great new book out called the brady bunch. please meet kip and mona lisa and their ten children. good morning. how who is still sleepy? kip, let's start with you. you started your family. you and your wife had a conversation probably about what you wanted to do with your children, right? >> yes. we started in public school and actually the private school in kansas with the oldest. >> the oldest three went to private school. >> right about the third grade, i guess, we were looking at it, thinking maybe there is a better way. my wife had a friend who was home schooling and talked to her. >> we missed them all day. we thought maybe we could be more efficient and accelerate them a little bit. >> see, that's the key. accelerate. you've got ten kids who -- how many -- seven in college -- graduated from college -- >> started college. >> by the age of 12. >> right. >> there are a lot of parents looking in right now. they're thinking, okay, my kid would barely be ready for middle school at age 12. how were you able to do it? >> we're talk being their academics here. a lot of parents are thinking how could my kids socially do this? but they're still kids. they're still -- they still have friends their age. it's where are they going for their academics. when people start thinking maybe they can handle some algebra at age ten, that kind of starts to make sense. >> kip, stand up here with me for just a second. if you would, just go through the line of kids. point at your children and tell us what they're up to. >> we have hannah, she's studying for a ph.d. then rosanne, an architect at cooper union. she'll graduate in september. that's a masters architecture. serena is a navy doctor. very proud of her service. and actually the youngest in the u.s., i believe still. >> congratulations. >> and then there is heath and he's graduated with a masters in computer science. and he's working on a business at ho -- >> wait a minute. how old are you? >> 18. >> you've got a masters. okay. >> i feel like such a slacker. >> heath just graduated. he's got a degree in music. he's 15 years old. >> masters at 15? >> no, no. bachelor's. >> now he's going to go on to study counseling or psychology. >> all right. >> then there is seth. he goes to huntington college and he is a history major. >> what do you want to be when you grow up? >> an archaeologist. >> all right. very good. >> then there is katrina and she is now a freshman at faulkner university. >> i'm 11. >> she's doing legal studies. >> i like the way you added the age. i'm 11. >> you keep them all straight, right? >> it changes every year. >> then there is mariana. you're how old? >> eight. >> she's still home schooled. >> you want to be a doctor, i think? >> pediatrician. >> okay. then there is lohry bee. what do you want to do when you grow up? >> be a doctor. >> baby doctor. all right. >> i kind of like her job. >> it's much easier asking questions. >> you forgot about thunder. >> the last. >> thunder james. >> he just graduated from oxford no, that would be funny. with all these kids, and they're all turning out great, what about inside? what about the pressure to forget about getting them through school, but all the pressure on you as parents. >> i don't think it would be any different if they were getting up and going to public school, traditional school. i'd have to deal with all those things, all maybe bullying, maybe some of the social pressures. it's just different. >> the key to all your kids going to school early was you accelerated it. for people looking in, how do they do it? >> we have to let them do what they want to do, really. i couldn't force -- >> i don't know that that's a food -- good idea. >> as long as they're about something constructive, we're okay with it. it's like what do you want to read today? what do you want to study today? as long as it's good material, you know, then it's okay. >> right. let me ask the eldest daughter right up here. you've got your parents and this book out, people are going to read about your family's story. what do you want to tell bus your parents and how they helped you achieve? >> i would say they both have a strong work ethic and both very disciplined. without that, i don't think we could have done what we've done. >> that's fantastic. how important is the bible, because in your book, every single chapter starts with a bible passage. >> yes. character training is very important. >> we're faith based. >> absolutely. we check what they're learning everywhere with god's word. >> sure. you're doing something right because your family is beautiful and they're on track to take over the world. check out the book, it is called "the brainy bunch." thank you. >> thank you. >> real pleasure. kids, good job. straight ahead, the federal government making changes to a popular sleeping aid. why it doesn't exactly make you rise and shine. it's hard to wake up. and it's a global challenge called the spartan race. we're going to head to head between the headlines. coming up next, which of you kids would like to substitute for mr. doocy on the big wall? come on, there's got to be somebody. ♪ ♪ i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. it's built to be as fast o as it is strongadvil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. steve is getting ready for the spartan race, which he was born to do. >> that's right. >> he can not wait to get involved and get this race underway. >> he's been talking about it all morning. this is what happened the last time he attempted to run, you were saying, brian. >> underneath! no, no, no! you got to go underneath! and the hard part is almost over, except for the electric shock they're coming through! >> i wouldn't want this part. >> i should have been a dentist! >> i think it's going to go better for him out with the spartan race. >> when he dove into the ice, he swears his heart stopped. so that was a negative. at least there is no ice now. it's a little humid. >> right. >> you have a tire. this is basically what early man went through in order to -- you had to climb rope, climb walls and hurdle buildings in order to get food and eat fox and wolf. >> but i thought they we want through that so we didn't have to now. >> so we pavees, we got ourselves shoes and this shouldn't be happening. >> when we get done with it, heather will be here to take good care of us. >> that just didn't look like a lot of fun. >> steve versus maria, round one. >> my bet is on maria. >> so is america's. >> i've got some news to bring you. listen to what this lady got away with. she is in her mid 30s, but she managed to fool everyone into thinking that she was a teen-ager for half a year. 34-year-old charity johnson, right here, is now facing charges for pretending to be a 15-year-old high school student. this is what she looked like as a high school student. did a pretty good job, huh? police in longview, texas, say she enrolled as a sophomore at new life christian school in october using a fake birth date and the name charity stevens. she even fooled the friend that she was living with at the time. listen to this. >> she gave me the same story about being abused by her biological father, then he passed away, and her biological mother was dead. i invited her into my home. >> the friend finally discovered the con after she got a phone call from a needy chirp's group that johnson tried to join. her motive remains a mystery. students revolt at a texas high school and take a look at this. riots breaking out at the school after the school tried to suspend 200 students for violating the dress code there. their violations included piercings, large belt buckles, open toed shoes, and untucked shirts. students say this has they have been enforced before and they're pretty upset about it. >> they're enforcing the rules and they're supposed to do that, but for them to not do that all year, the last two weeks of school and now they want to enforce it? >> students now are fighting to have that policy repealed. if you're one of the millions of americans who need help get to go sleep at night, listen to this. it's a wake up call if you use lunesta. the f.d.a. lowering the dose of that popular drug and the reason is that the pill that you take at night could actually make for a dangerous drive to work the next morning. there is new data that is showing you may not be alert enough to drive, even if you feel totally awake. the f.d.a. is now cutting the suggested starting doses in half. take a look at this video going viral this morning. it may make you a little nervous. an emt having a lot more fun driving certainly than we ever will. ♪ ♪ >> then he takes both hands off the wheel. that may not be the picture of safe driving, but this paramedic knows how to bust a move. he was dancing to rihanna's song and the video, even prompted a tweet from the pop star herself. she said, quote, this paramedic guy reminded me of why god sent me here. having a good time. those are your headlines. let's head outside to maria. >> hey there. >> i'm betting on you today. >> thank you. >> what about me? >> get out of here. let's take a look at the weather maps because we have some big weather headlines to tell you about, especially across the northeast where there is a flood threat in place today thanks to a storm system on the move and could produce as much as three to even five inches of rain across the region. temperature wise, below average across parts of northern plains and also the great lakes. those temperatures are yet again above average across parts of the southwest where we do have an elevated fire danger continuing across southern california. red flag warnings are in effect. that's what we have going on weather wise. now it's the moment you've been waiting for, steve and i face off here in the spartan race. >> steve is representing men across america. >> don't put that on me! >> i was told not to hug maria. i don't know what it is. she's 5-foot, 100 pounds. he is not. together they're going to compete. one on one for the right to be true spartans. true fighters. how do you feel, steve? >> let's just get this done! >> let's get going. >> i sense nervousness on both sides. >> ready, set, go! >> they go over the wall first. steve pretends to. >> brian is going to give him a boost right now. >> we are with the creator of the spartan race right now. >> i can't do this! i will give you a dollar! shear a dollar. the rope without the knot is much more difficult. >> should i help her? >> look at steve race up that rope! look at this! do you say gee on a roll. >> ring that bell. now to the other side. steve, you got the pully. who is going to kill steve doocy? that is the question! pull and sit. >> who won? >> ladies first! >> you are witnessing the first ever spartan run by steve doocy and maria. it's no longer a race. elisabeth, i think this is more like survivor. >> she's doing incredible. i think she's a natural athlete. he's got to do some -- he is stuck in a tube. >> has anyone ever spent the night in the tube? >> people are overweight, they get stuck. >> you win. >> the rope, i'm going to kill you. >> maria, great job. >> that tire looks a lot lighter than it is. >> was that the most difficult part for you? >> no, the rope. >> how did they do? >> they did great. if they were at a real race, they'd be top 30%. >> wow! good job. >> i love these guys. >> at 8:30, elisabeth tries to get out of it. but we'll go head to head. we'll see. i vote against the survivor chick. great job. coming up straight ahead, v.a. official accused of cashing in on big bonuses while veterans died. could anyone actually go to jail? peter johnson, jr. knows and promises to say it out loud. >> and you should go see "godzilla" this weekend? what you can skip and what you should go see. kevin mccarthy will join us live. >> from france? wow. >> i'm toast. >> that was great. >> i wanted to give somebody a dollar. nobody would take it. ♪ ♪ ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. 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we're going to ask fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. >> yes, yes. they should be going to jail if they killed our veterans. there is an allegation that 40 died. there is an allegation that others died across the country, including the failure to get colon checkups after being on waiting lists. and the best that mr. shinseki, the veterans administration secretary can say is that he's mad. he's mad as hell. we hear from the president's spokesman that the president is angry. so people are mad, people are angry. and veterans are continuing to die. nothing is happening here at all. this is the biggest con that i've seen in america in the last couple years. and congress is perpetuating it, too, but for john mccain and a couple of others. they're going to have hearings. they're going to thank general shinseki. thank you so much for your service, general. you've done this for five years. you've failed for five years. but we're not going to touch you. how many veterans will have to die until this changes? how many family also have to go to the grave site and say, yeah, my husband complained, he had symptoms. he cooperate be seen for three months. but they had phony waiting lists and my husband or my sister died as a result of the v.a.'s insensitivity, if not criminal negligence. >> so if they are able to prove these secret waiting lists are there, that these veterans died as a result of those, what then will be the punishment? >> criminal negligence. mail fraud, wire fraud. these are all federal crimes. may be state crimes involved. but i've been contacted by a bunch of veterans. i ran into two at the 9-11 dedication yesterday, of the memorial and the museum. i'm sick of it and i'm sick of the scam that's going on. so this is my small part. e-mail me at johnson junior at fox or write to us here at 1211 avenue. if you're a veteran or veteran family member and you feel that you've been part of this scam, if you feel that you've been part of this criminal negligence, it you feel that you've been part of this cover-up, contact me. we will reach out to the inspector general's office and to congress and if necessary, to the u.s. attorney in the particular jurisdiction and tell of your concern because i'm afraid americans concerns and veterans concerns are not being met. and they need a monitor on this. enough with i'm angry, mad as hell. do something. shinseki has got to go. we need real change for the veterans. they gave their lives for us. let's do something for them today. >> they shouldn't come home to sit and die. >> nonsense. >> thanks for being on top of this. i have a feeling your e-mail is getting full. >> please. e-mail us and write us. should you go see "godzilla this weekend? kevin mccarthy says yes and no. there is one part you can skip. he's next on it. first on this day in 1985,, simple minds had the number one song with "don't you forget about me." ♪ ♪ oh, man, the new godzilla movie opened world wide today. everybody is excited about this. in fact, this week officials here in new york actually said the city could survive being attacked by godzilla. they were like look, if we can handle all the hosts of "the view" in one place, godzilla should be no problem at all. >> he's picking on you. >> he is. jimmy, i'm going to come get you. >> if people are just tuning in now, you went. how did it go? >> it we want well. i'll tell you about it in a little bit. >> in the meantime, he mentioned godzilla, does it live you want to classic version? >> looks like it does. joining us now is fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy, he's on with us. "godzilla," are we for it or against it? >> hey, so good to be with you. it's one of the most frustrating movies i've ever had to review and here is why. the beginning is amazing. the ending is amazing. but the middle is terrible. it's absolutely awful. they're making huge mistakes in the first 35 minutes of the movie. a massive mistake. in the 35-minute marker, which sucks the life out of the entire film. now, for godzilla fans, the ending is amazing. that's what you will pay to see. for me, it's like when your parents tell you, i'm not mad at you, i'm just disappointed. that's how i felt about this movie. i thought it was 2 1/2 out of five. i thought the movie kind of worked in the action sense, but overall, i'm giving it 2 1/2 out of five. skip the 3d. that darkens the movie. imax is amazing. >> all right. so we're going to skip that. meanwhile, hyped you is a dragon and that's the reason why you are coming to us from the mediterranean. >> right. i'm out here. the movie opens in june. it premieres here tonight in cannes. i'm at the actual world premiere. i'm going to be walking the carpet. i sat down with the stars yesterday. it was an incredible day to spend with the cast. the movie not playing in competition. there are 18 films here in competition and 20 years ago, it's now the 20th anniversary of "pulp fiction." it won the palm door here in cannes 20 years ago. do y'all remember that one famous scene about the royale with cheese? check this out. >> do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in paris? >> they don't call it a quarter pounder with cheese? >> they have the metrics. they would call it the royale with cheese. >> classic scene. i actually went to a mcdonald's yesterday and ordered a royale with cheese. we have my receipt. we have my hamburger box here. i was so geeking out. that was one of the coolest experiences i've ever had. ordering a royale with cheese in france. >> now i understand your instagram. >> how much was it in euros? i'm trying to figure it out on your bill. >> i think it was like seven euros for the combo. i got french fries. it wasn't bad at all. i'm here for the festival. it's amazing. i'm seeing "hunter of the dragon." i'm geeking out beyond belief. >> write down all of this. you can expense all of it now that you're on television. >> and skip "godzilla" requesting. >> we got that idea. >> thank you, kevin. >> how many monster movies have we seen in the last ten years where they destroy new york? in other news here, coming up, we're going to tell you something you probably never seen before. geraldo, look at this, riding a bike to work today. stick around for the next hour of "fox & friends." >> where is his helmet? ♪ ♪ good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. 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forget calls to someone to step down. should someone go to jail? geraldo rivera pedaling in to talk about that. meanwhile, who are you calling a coward? the democrats tweeting out this picture of a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran. that candidate here on "fox & friends" this morning with his first response to that photo shopped image. >> then have you seen this video? you got a dog attacking a little boy. it looks like bad for the kid. the cat saves the day. the hero and the little boy she saved join us live this morning. according to all reports, except for when they bring the spartan obstacle course here and we have to race it, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, it's ride your bike to workday. geraldo rivera joining us here on the curvy couch. >> hello. >> that's great bike, by the way. >> i know. >> you looked great on "the view" with all of your colleagues. so proud of you there. >> you've got a great story of barbara walters. if you missed me the last half hour, it was me and maria molina in the spartan race. >> she killed you. >> she did. this next part after the tire -- brian, i know you're worried about this, too, and i'm trying to help maria and also trying ogive a guy a that to do it for me, but they wouldn't do it. i did that only through shear determination. i'm 57 years old. >> nice. >> that's the first time i ever did that. >> it must have been the adrenaline. you went up and nailed the bell. >> look at that. >> i was impressed. this is not an easy task. i think it kind of bonds you with the people you run it with. >> it does. >> it's brought a loft badness out of maria. she won't speak to you. >> she won fair and square and brian and elisabeth are going to square off against each other in a couple of minutes. >> are you going to help me? >> i was going to put maria on the handlebars when i rode in, but i didn't think my wife would appreciate it. >> as long as she was wearing a helmet. >> good point. >> we got lots to talk to geraldo about, including whether or not general shinseki should go. we're going to turn to heather nauert who has the news for this friday. >> good morning. we're starting out talking about wildfires that are taking place out west. they had a really dry winter season contributing to this. fox news alert now, and the question is being asked, were these wildfires in southern california set on purpose? two people are now under arrest at this hour. they're accused of trying to start at least two fires in san diego. right now officials are still trying to figure out whether they had any involvement in the fires that have so far burned more than 10,000 acres and left one person dead. sad news to report this morning. a top army ranger who personally made sure that american pow jessica lynch made it to her rescue chopper in iraq has died after he was shot by a sniper in afghanistan. command sergeant major martin barreras was shot may 6, but he managed to make it back to the united states. doctors say they were sure he would make a full recovery and he was set to head to walter reed for surgery. but he decided he wanted to stay closer to his wife and his children and have his operation performed in texas. but he didn't make it. he had served 22 years in the army 75th ranger regiment, going to iraq and afghanistan many, many times. he's also served five years in the marine corps. he received a bronze star for courage. he now leaves behind his wife, two daughters, and a son. he was 49 years old. our prayers go out to his family this morning. the pc police working overtime today. two stories to tell you about. we'll start here, you like this commercial? you see it all over tv. >> guess what day it is. huh? anybody? julie, guess what day it is. oh, come on. >> okay. if you like that commercial, you may be racist? the university of saint thomas in minnesota now canceling an event to celebrate the end of the year after some people complained about bringing a humped day camel on campus. they say it could be considered to be racist to middle eastern cultures. it was a wednesday. then this story, a feminist professor demands an end to titles like sir and miss, claiming they're sexist. the woman says she felt demeaned by youngsters calling her miss and she wants the titles banned from schools all together. that's what we teach our kids. call their teacher miss. >> not anymore. you're being insensitive. not in the new world we're in. >> yes, ma'am. >> so silly. >> we got a lot of e-mail from you. bob from new jersey writing about hump day. the truth is, people who make these claims just get a rush out of making an entire university drop a planned program. they need to feel that power. >> and regarding the professor against sir and miss, richard from georgia says, using sir and ma'am does not make you politically correct or incorrect. it shows you have some respect for other human beings. to your point, heather. >> now let's switch gears. the big story yesterday was the v.a. hospital. very few people have been around more men in uniform than geraldo rivera. you know that general shinseki served admirably in uniform. having said that, do you think he should go from what you've heard so far? >> let me start, and i don't do this characteristically, but i want to start with the white house because i think that this is potentially the most devastating scandal to affect the obama administration and i'll tell you why. >> really? >> because it speaks to competence. if indeed they can prove or -- and i believe they should bring the f.b.i. now to probe this, possibility of criminal acts, if they can prove the double books and that the books were cooked, if they can prove that the administration of the veterans administration, including the hero general shinseki -- and i told you last week how i hold him in the highest regard and hearing about this master sergeant who passed from the sniper's bullet, these people that serve and are wounded in action and continue to serve, they are deserving of our admiration, our love, our compassion. but if they can prove a systematic failure within the veterans administration, the largest integrated health care system in the country, 6.5 million patients of the system, if they can prove that general shinseki knew or should have known, then i think it really bodes badly for the president in the midterm election year because it will be hammered. you hear now general shinseki being hammered by senators left and right. democrat and republican. i think that there must be an independent criminal probe at this point. >> does it bother you he hasn't spoken out yet? >> president obama? you know, i think he has -- commander in chief has to get his arms around it and i would, if i were advising him, i would tell him right now to make a very forceful statement, other than i have faith in general shinseki. of course you do. but find out what really happened. >> it sounds like general shinseki has known since 2010. that's with -- they knew about the gaming strategies at the v.a. for the last four years. and he's been at the top of it. we know of the 40 people who died in arizona waiting on the fake list that they shredded. apparently there are at least 25 other people who were waiting for a simple cancer screening and they died. it looks to some like this is criminal and somebody should go to prison. >> two quick points. number one, the only national customer satisfaction survey that we have compares the v.a. system favorably to private hospitals. in other words, patients in the v.a. like the v.a. system more than private patients like the private hospital system. >> does it look at waiting lists? >> having said that. if indeed we have evidence that this was cooking the books or fraudulently represented the waiting time, then that, i believe, is a crime and i do believe that with all due respect to the inspector general, that general shinseki has now ordered to probe these potential irregularities, i think you need the f.b.i. at this point. if you can have the f.b.i. investigating whether a new york congressman used undocumented workers in the kitchen, you can have the f.b.i. investigating this. >> they're saying eric holder's investigation might take too long and we can't afford to lose more lives in our veterans in the meantime? >> i think you need criminal investigators. i really think you need people to forensically go and study whether or not evidence was destroyed as now is being alleged, if indeed there are two books, if there was knowledge of the fact that they were cook the books, and keeping separate waiting time lists, one to present in the public and the other as private, whispering this guy is going to -- three months, six months. the v.a. complaint has always been it's not the quality of care. it's the time you wait until you get the care. >> elisabeth had a big day yesterday. >> she was magnificent. i was so proud of her there. like watching our own sister. >> went back to "the view." >> yesterday was special. barbara has done so much for so many in the industry. we just gathered together and i call us ghosting around her, but giving her thanks for inspiring us and giving us advice and we shared all our favorite memories together. it was really special. >> you wound up crossing trails with hillary clinton and you invited her on "fox & friends." >> i did. i first asked if she took selfies. she said yes. i said, you should come to "fox & friends" and we'll talk. >> we specialize in selfies around here. >> look who is talking. >> she gave us a smiling okay. >> a couple of things that were interesting to me. i'll speak about barbara in a second. but to see how few of the ladies that have been through "the view" share your political philosophy. it's quite extraordinary when you see everyone gathered. there is you and then it's all of the other women. >> welcome to new york. >> quite a disproportionate in terms of political philosophy. >> i think star jones travels along that. >> i've known barbara for over 40 years. i had a crush on her, two quick stories. i was hitting on her, we were both covering the p canal. i said come on, baby. look at me. we were both covering it. it was romantic. she goes like this, i'm busy tonight. she ended up with the panamanian dictator, took him to dinner. i'm trying to get the interview. this little kid sitting outside. there is barbara. >> she got the interview and the dictator. >> she didn't get him in that sense. >> scoop wise. >> yeah. the other one on her 75th birthday, the ladies of "the view" -- >> were you still hitting on her? >> still hitting on her. in recognition of that, they had me jump out of her birthday cake. >> i remember that. i remember that. >> that was her favorite cake. >> i wasn't topless. i remembered it wrong. i felt topless. i did not have sex with that woman. >> overall, it's another show today, isn't there? >> yeah. today is her time, final day. what a pioneer she's been. role model for so many. aside from the fact the first woman anchor, she's really about such a feisty and wonderful reporter. she practically made peace in the middle east by getting baggen and sadat to sit down with each other. she was barting and arbitrating that momentous occasion. castro, the first time he came out of his shell and talked to people on our side of the -- >> did he come out of a shell or out of a cake like you? >> maybe he really was topless. >> thank you very much for remembering. >> has a great amount of respect and care for everyone on this couch, too. >> that's great. >> today is her last day. geraldo, we'll see you back here next week. >> thank you. coming up straight ahead, we give them billions of dollars each year. russia is telling the under the circumstances us, no more rides to the moon. senator bill nelson joins us next to weigh in. you watched steve and maria go through the spartan race together. but guess what, brian is promising he's going to hold nothing back when he faces me. >> who wrote that? i did not say that. i was misquoted on my own show. the prompter turned against me. i did not trash talk. >> go, elisabeth. ♪ ♪ the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? russia taking retaliations for u.s. sanctions over ukraine to astronomical proportions. moscow announcing it will reject a u.s. request to use the international space station beyond 2020. and no longer let washington use russian made rockets for military use as well as a form of transportation. this despite the fact we pay $70 million per flight to the international space station, which i believe we're co-owners of. so what does all this mean? let's ask the man qualified to answer of the u.s. senator from florida, and former astronaut, senator bill nelson. can they do this? can they say america, you can't use the space station and we're not taking you up there anymore? >> the fellow who is saying all this stuff, he was sanctioned because of mr. putin's aggressiveness. they froze his bank account and he doesn't like it. and so he's lashing out. the fact is, we're still going to ride on the russian rockets until we get our own humanly safe rockets ready in about two or three years. and the reason that we will is the russians can't operate the space station without us. >> don't we own it? since when do they own the international space station? they currently have the way of transporting us there. they don't own it. >> that's correct. most of the international space station, which is 15 countries, by the way, most of it is the u.s. for example, the russians get all of their electricity from u.s. systems. the russians have components on it. the russians were very good in building it with us. this cooperation goes back to the cold war with the soviet union when apollo soyuz and soviet spacecraft rand viewed and docked and they lived together in space in the middle of the cold war. >> rhetoric aside, how is it that we're depending on the russians? we're far ahead of them in our technology and our space exploration. how did we end up without rockets and how close until we get our own? >> here is what happened. at the end of the soviet union, the disintegration, we went in there to keep their rocket scientists from going to iran and north korea and worked out a deal that this incredible engine that they have that we would buy it. it is the main first stage engine on some of our most important rockets, the atlas 5, that puts up military and commercial space load. so at the end of the day, we're going to have to build a new engine to replace that because they're threatening -- they're not going to sell that engine to us for military. for commercial, they haven't prohibited that. >> listen, we need a major speech about this, get america rallied around this and give new credence to the space program. we have allowed it to wither on the vine and i don't think it's right and i know you agree. especially in florida. senator bill nelson, thanks so much. >> have a great day. >> you, too. coming up straight ahead, a frightening new warning on something millions of americans are using to get a good night's sleep. pay attention to that. then you've seen the video. a dog attacking a little boy. then a cat steps in to save the day. i'm not talking about a cartoon if you're listening on radio. this happened. you'll meet that boy, you'll meet the hero live when we come back and that lovely family. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't miss a step... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ 24 minutes after the top of the hour. we got some headlines for you making headlines overseas. look at that. that dramatic video is from syria. it shows the exact moment syrian rebels blew up an army base with 60-tons of explosives by bombing through an underground tunnel that they dug. in india, change coming to the world's largest democracy. the opposition party heading for a landslide election. voters kicking out the gandhi family. they have been in control for all but ten years since the country won independence back in 1947. elisabeth hasselbeck, over to you. >> thanks, steve. well, it is safe to say that our next guest is the most popular cat in america. she's the fearless feline who saved a little boy from a vicious dog attack. and it was all caught on camera. four-year-old jeremy was playing outside at his home when a neighbor's dog attacked him and that's what you see here. cat tara sprang into action and chased that dog off, saving him. he joins us this morning with his parents, and tara the hero cat is here. good morning to you all. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> okay. i see one tired little fellow there. >> he certainly is. >> a big week for him. and his protector, tara is right by his side. this is interesting because most people find cats more independent. they sort of get the rep for that. but it seems as though tara has a serious bond with you guys. >> yeah. she definitely is independent for the most part. but she does have her loving moments when she wants to come in and be loved. that's what kind of made us post the video was the fact we've never seen anything like this before in a cat standing up for someone getting attacked. it was impressive. >> impressive, it was life saving right there. if you could walk us through, erica, you actually were watering plants, i hear, and then you see this dog and hear this dog coming up on jeremy, who is only four years old and sound asleep now, but tell us what happened. what did you see? >> we were just getting off the bus. i was watering some plants before we went inside and he was just kind of enjoying himself on the warm afternoon. the next thing we know, he was just on the ground being pulled by the dog and before i could even get to him, tara had that dog. >> she jumped in. she literally saved him. you attempted, too. i'm seeing something on jeremy's leg right here. two questions, how severely hurt is he? and are you hurt? and also, is this a dog you're familiar with and has this happened before? the bandage on his leg, is it stitches? >> he has ten stitches. they had to do two stitches on the inside of each wound and then three stitches on the outside. he didn't really enjoy that. he told us the doctor punched him, unfortunately. but he got wrapped up and fixed up. he made sure his little leg was decorated with the cars sticker and he thinks that's pretty neat. that's great. i actually got bit as well. nothing compared to my son. nice and large bruise, unfortunately. >> i'm sure that's a bruise you're happy to take in an attempt to help your sweet little guy there. but roger, let me ask you this, the dog was a neighbor's dog and i know that he was heard barking before. did you ever expect that this would happen and then what do you want to happen moving forward? >> you know, we really didn't expect it to happen. the dog has been aggressive when he's on the other side of the fence, but not to the point where we have been afraid that something would happen when he was out front, he's usually with his owners. when he was with them, he always acted fairly normally, like you would expect a dog to act. so we didn't really have any tell tale signs that this was imminent. but just watching the video, it seems like the owners weren't there and they were a little bit away from the i want -- incident when it happened. the dog kind of took to his own and went after my son. it's an unfortunate i want. >> if tara was not there, i mean, it's awful to think of the worst. but things would have turned out differently, do you think? >> definitely. if she hadn't been there, i don't know how i would have gotten the dog off. i'm sure i would have gone in and tried to grab him myself and the dog might have bit me worse than it did. i don't know if i could have gotten him off my son without hurting him worse. >> in an attack like that, seconds matter. >> a hero cat right there, tara who loves your family and we're glad jeremy is resting andg the. we're glad everything is okay, important message to send. take care. >> thank you. we are, too. coming up, the president promised our nation's veterans this. >> cut those backlog, slash those wait times, deliver your benefits sooner. >> well, another broken promise. this time some of our veterans are paying the ultimate price. so what happens now? chris wallace surely is on that next. and who you calling a coward? democrats tweeting out this picture of republican who is a veteran. he responds for the first time right here on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis... the length 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. centrum silver. nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. 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>> chris wallace, thank you very much. we'll be watching you. >> now listen, chris, you know what it's like to go back with reunions, right? you've been to a high school reunion. >> he knows barbara walters. >> what do you think of elisabeth going back? how do you feel about her emotions? >> do you have a barbara moment you want to share? >> look, i had the great good fortune when i was at abc to work with barbara for a while and elisabeth will agree. she's such a great pro. relentless, tough, fiercely competitive. one of the things 2003 in the business, people who interview people for a living, you're always thinking, even if it's not your interview, how i would have asked them or what i would have said and you think, boy they didn't do this right. one of the things i always felt watching a barbara walters interview was this she squeezed the sponge dry. when it was over, she had gotten everything out of that person there was to get. a total pro. i think she -- people probably have a few scars from having gone up against her and competed with her, but i don't think anybody leaves thinking that she wasn't just a total professional and a great, great journalist. >> get this, she still is getting the big interviews. through the donald sterling scandal, she still is nailing the big guys. >> so to speak. >> you have to be careful how you say that. >> interviews wise. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> nailing the big guys. >> you want a do over on nailing the big guy? >> no. chris and i have a certain vocabulary. he knows what i mean. >> he's going to continue. >> she gets the big interview. brian, really. hello, youtube. i'm glad all of you are watching out there. that's another big point about why she was so great, which is the fact that i think people felt that she treated them fairly. she wasn't easy. she always asked the tough questions. but it wasn't about her and gotchas and i think that's up with of the reasons that the big guys were willing to be nailed by her is because of the fact that they knew they'd get a fair hearing. let me ask but fair here, shifting gears, as it relates to the v.a. and the wbr-id "wbr94550" hearing. it seemed to be unusually unpartisan or bipartisan in terms of the grilling of eric shinseki. why do you think that is? well, because there is no partisanship when it comes to the veterans. look, it's very simple. these are people that were willing to risk their lives and defend our country, in many cases, these great men and women were injured in service of our country. to be a little cynical about it, they're also an enormous voting bloc and so whether you're republican or democrat, there are no two sides to this issue. veterans didn't receive proper treatment, if they were being messed over, god forbid if some of them died because they couldn't even get an appointment. there are no two sides to this issue. there is only one side, which is fix it. >> by the same token, you would think there would be no argument between the two parties if the federal government in the form of the irs is punishing somebody during the political system, where they targeted the tea party, or if four americans are killed in benghazi. you would think that that would also be bipartisan and outrage. yet, it's not. >> no. i mean, i take your point there. obviously there are things that are just right or wrong. i just would say that the veterans and thank god for this, they're kind of above politics. and you're exactly right, most things aren't above politics, but the vets are. >> chris, i want to check you on that. are people going to be saying how could this happen over the last six years? how could in 2009 the wait be 45 days, and in 2014, the wait is 245 days to get an appointment? >> i was reading something interesting in the paper yesterday. i don't know if it's true. we're going to explore this on fox news sunday. but i have heard that there has been a huge increase in the demand for v.a. medical services in the last couple of years. it's about doubled. i'm not saying that's an excuse for this kind of treatment, but there may be a reason. and apparently the number of v.a. doctors has gone down. so this may not be a simple thing of people were sitting there reading the comic books instead of taking care of veterans. it may be that we need more -- a lot more doctors and need to spend more money, whatever we need to do, do it. whether or not eric shinseki is the right guy to do that, that's legitimate question. i think it goes way beyond one guy into how the whole system has worked and let's hope that they get it together, although going back to other issues, when you see how much trouble we have with something as easy as a web site, you wonder how good it's going to be or how effective the government is going to be in dealing with hundreds of thousands of people who have really serious health needs. >> absolutely. the great chris wallace, plugging his show. tune in sunday, former vice president dick cheney and his wife, lynn, also karl rove, who had a big week. you've got a lot to chew on. that's why that man nails the big interviews. >> making history there, chris. >> thank you. >> i think we almost got out of this interview with our dignity intact, but no thanks to brian. >> thank you. >> friday, we have two days to write our apologies. hey, heather. >> i've got a story about politics. he is an iraq war veteran and running for congress. what's so cowardly about republican lee zeldin? , the campaign arm of the house democrats, a comparison so the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz. they say he needs to decide where he stands on congressman paul ryan's budget. zeldin hadn't spoken about this until this morning on "fox & friends." listen to this. >> you have some liberal democrat hack who is hiding behind his twitter account, stuffing his face with cheese doodles, shameful attacks. i think that they realize that our strongest suit is our character, our integrity, our honor, our personal courage. >> by the way, his democratic opponent has not served in the military. if you're one of millions of americans who need help getting toly. the f.d.a. is lowering the recommended dose of the sleeping drug, lunesta. the reason is that the pill that you take at night could make for dangerous driving to work the next day. new data showing that you may not be alert enough to drive, even if you feel totally awake. the f.d.a. is now cutting the suggested dose in half. a touching display of true sportsmanship by twin sisters at a track meet in illinois. halfway through the race, one sister felt something pop in her leg and fell to the ground. khloe's sister, claire, who was behind her in the race, picked her sister up and carried her to the finish line. they were here earlier on "fox & friends." >> she sat me down right before the finish line and kept pushing me to go first. i didn't want to go first. i wanted her to finish with me. >> it just came like natural to me, like i have to help her. i have to have her finish. >> khloe said if claire fell, that she would carry her, too. and those are your headlines. that's what you guys will be doing outside today, right? carrying one another. >> who is carrying whom is the question. >> yeah. can elisabeth carry me over the wall? we'll see. good job, heather. we're going to go change. before, let me tell you what's coming up next. where can you get a house like this for under $300,000? we will tell you and where you can find the most affordable homes in the country. maria and i made it through the spartan race. but what about brian and elisabeth? they have been smack talking each other for the last three hours. we'll finally find out who wins. maria beat me fair and square. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no matter what kind of business you own, at&t business experts can help keep it running... seamlessly. so you can get back to what you love. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. oh! the name your price tool! you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. i told you to wear something comfortable! this is a polyester blend! whoa! uh...little help? i got you! unh! it's so beautiful! man: should we call security? no, this is just getting good. the name your price tool, still only from progressive. where can middle class families afford to buy a home these days? releasing their list of the most affordable places for middle class buyers. mo ho, new york, and columbia, south carolina. here to show us great affordable homes is author of "find it, fix it, flip it," michael corbett. he joins us from los angeles. california is pretty much been priced out of the reach of middle class families. but you got some other great places to live. >> yeah. there are some amazing places out there where you can find great homes that are really affordable. first one is little rock, arkansas. take a look at this house. this is $300,000. it's amazing. it's three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. it's a beautiful sort of two-story, on the ski chalet. here is the best part, it's on five acres. two story living room, a beautiful open kitchen, eat in, wonderful island. the master bedroom has got a fireplace in it. it's even got an enclosed rear porch that overlooks waterfalls and ponds. and the whole thing will run you with mortgage, interest and insurance, around $1,400 a month. amazing. >> you can't beat that. less than a lot of people pay torrent. south carolina, one of mytates , columbia, south carolina, has for under 300,000 as well. >> yeah. columbia, this one is four bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. this one is almost 3,000 square feet. it's only $287,000. it's two stories. all brick. huge back porch. it's got a wonderful hardwood floor living room, great detail. open kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, flow noose a formal sort of family room. you got a dining room, huge backyard. again, this one will cost you under $1,500 a month with mortgage, interest and insurance. >> our final stop, dayton, ohio. you got a house for $300,000 that is going to knock people's socks off. >> i am really going to knock your socks off because it's only $200,000. i love this house. this is a beautiful colonial. look at this! i get excited about this one. this was built in 1914. the original detail on this home is spectacular. grand foyer with an entrance, huge classic living room. it's got a formal dining room, a beautiful what we call four seasons or sun room. it even has an in-law suite upstairs and wait 'til you look at the front of the house. it's got a gorgeous circular driveway. this is a beautiful home that's very affordable and all these cities, according to trulia's trends, are all very affordable right now. >> they're all beautiful. all right. michael o consider bet joining us from the city of angels, thanks for giving people some ideas on where they can live. have a great weekend. >> absolutely. thank you. coming up, you watched maria molina and i get through the spartan race together. what about brian and elisabeth? do you think brian is going to help elisabeth? their turn coming up next. first let's check in with martha mccallum who is constantly helping bill hemmer get over that wall. >> up and over. thanks, steve. good morning. we've got brand-new polls that show a shocking drop in trust in the u.s. government. we're going to show you the stunning comparisons to just a few years ago on this measure. you won't believe it. and a dad who is fighting the common core tries to get information being gathered on his kids and is told it will cost him big time. wait 'til you hear his story. and bill o'reilly on barbara walters coming up. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. spartan race, 90 minutes ago, it was maria molina versus moi. she won. >> together we made it through. >> we did. i kind of helped you, you kind of helped me much what was tough was right there, the ropes. that is the part that is terrifying brian kilmeade. now let's come out live. brian against my advice, i said brian, you needed pants because of the rope. you got your bare legs. >> right. 'cause i have radio right after this, i can't get totally undressed. >> no one can see what you're wearing on the radio. ladies and gentlemen, it's elisabeth versus brian on the spartan race. go! >> first is the wall. >> very nicely done. >> there goes a tire. >> the tire weighs about 100 pounds. >> very heavy. >> it weighs more than about two elisabeth hasselbecks. notice brian trying to beat the girl. >> there she goes. brian, she's way ahead of you. shear determination. he rings the bale. we're down to the last one. she's got to come around. this is called the hurt hoist. it's 14 feet high. there she goes around. >> now the tunnel. >> through the tunnel. who is going to get through first? she's first in the tunnel. brian is holding her! that's good sportsmanship, brian. she's in the tunnel. ladies, we have a winner. elisabeth, way to go! >> that was a very good race. >> you okay? >> i feel like a spartan suddenly. she's too quick, she's too good. >> i had help. i had some help. >> you guys were great. >> it was a great race. >> it was. and we know how you feel. you're absolutely winded right now. >> great job. >> if you would like more information, go to spartanrace >> you guys were top ten. >> do it again. >> thanks very much. >> good job, you guys. >> they get to take the tire. >> they get to take the tire! we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. 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