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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220820

hello, i'm still robin. you're watching the out as it renews our lives. my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. a drone is reported to hit the headquarters of russia's navy in crimea, sparking a huge explosion. at least 15 people killed in an attack on a hotel. in the somali capital, mogadishu alger bab says it's responsible. mexico's former attorney general is arrested in connection with the disappearance of 43 students in 2014 and south africa. zulus are crowning a new king after months of disputes about who should lead the nation's largest ethnic group and sport the stair down before the show down. and saudi arabia, ukraine's alexander is sick, has weighed in ahead of his heavy weight. well, title defense again against anthony joshua. welcome to the news are we start with the war in ukraine and a series of drone attacks have been reported in russian controlled crimea. in the past few hours, a local official in sebastopol says an unmanned aircraft was shot down just above the building that houses moscow's black sea fleet headquarters is the 2nd attempted strike on the feats headquarters in less than a month where keith has hinted. it's responsible for a number of attack, st. crimea over the past few weeks. let's cross over to odessa now. as we talk, correspondent trees about who standing by trees are details coming in. what more are we hearing about this apparent attack in crimea? well there's lots of confusion about what exactly happened. there's video circulating about this drone that's right. on top of it, rushes black flee lita headquarters are low k did and apparently just goes down and it explodes. you can see here some fire among other things. so what, that's the version that her russian officials are giving her here in ukraine. people are saying that this is a 2nd attack that happened in the back. and this is something that we're in a way we have been seeing in this past few weeks attacks at the crimean peninsula. this is, has to do with what precedent for lensky here and ukraine has repeated the doubt to crannies ready in a way to take the fight to what crimea that they're not ready to capitulate or to accept that they have lost her bills. terry toys that don't forget that crimea, was it illegally annexed by russia back in 2014. and it's part of the government here, a saying exactly that. so that's the latest information that we haven't. and we've seen a series of attacks in the crimean peninsula in this past months. in this past month, us attack that some people are saying could be set special for says, or as many are calling them. party says ers, are government supporters that are attacking key strategic points at the peninsula . and this is definitely in a way showing that ukraine is fighting back and he's taking this fight to other territories of the moving story. going to keep her eye on throughout the day. but in addition, as the conflict continues, people continue to get injured the public, the military and all forms and all over the country. and that's causing a huge problem for the health service. and it's creating a huge strain for them to while russia continues to attack ukraine, where sir miss al, strikes with rock heads artillery among other things than definitely in the eastern part of the country. that's where most of the fight is happening right now. hospitals are strained, doctors and nurses are trying to cope. in fact, we were talking to some people who are telling us that in many cases they have to simply amputate limbs because they do not have times or the resources to try to repair them. so what ukraine is doing right now is that they're getting people on trains and they're taking them towards the western side of the country where they can be carried off and it's a safer area and that's why doctors are working there. we did a report and that area where doctors were telling us that they're struggling about that they need more resources like antibiotic and other things. this is the reports that we made while we were there with to escaping the war in eastern ukraine. some of the injured arrived here in live, even on the western side of the country to get much needed medical help. i mean, as the do not her leg doing an attack on her village in the harrison region. mr. world we will, will you do? it will, will. i was together with my children. they went inside and i was outside and this happened. i couldn't call to my daughter in law. there were no windows and doors. everything was destroyed. fighting continues in eastern ukraine as rushes, military pushes to try to secure control over the dumbass region. but many civilians are paying the price. people here arrive with wounds that are infected with shrapnel, clothing, among other things. some of the wounds are weak sold. doctors here tell us that they are desperate to get more antibiotics and other medical supplies for treat. those who are injured willing to your doctors, like james henderson, are helping his birthday. can you say injury? he's using his annual leave from the national health service in the united kingdom, to carry out reconstructive surgeries that made me civilians with horrible war injuries. have land, mines, gunshots, shrapnel, and blast injuries. reconstruct things very difficult to do in this environment. but we're managing essentially the equipment they've got here is about the 2nd world war era. and so we are using kind of techniques that would have been used and they time 70 percent of patients do not survive elim injury. and that's why training doctors with new techniques is crucial that population doctor nap had each says he has been working nonstop since we started. we are fighting with the country and don't surprise the children, the woman, the all man and the military. the strike the civilian infrastructure, the school they destroyed, more than 300 hospitals in the, in the center of ukraine. it's been almost 6 months since the war began. and those who are being treated here are grateful to get a 2nd chance. there is, i will see that live eve, ukraine will thing with you. kane and rushes president vladimir putin as agreed to allow inspectors from the atomic watchdog into a nuclear plant richer during a phone call with pizza. on friday, the mobile micro spoke about the risks of the power plant. there, a phase of a disaster, europe's largest nuclear facility, as most can keep trade blame for nearby shelling. now the international atomic energy agency says it's ready to send a team. well, the plans been under russian control since march. it's operated by ukrainian stuff, but guarded by russian full says it's been shelled repeatedly. though the un secretary general has been expressing concern about the safety of the facility and tony garish, made the comments while he visited ukraine's port city of a death to check on grain shipments. it's part of a deal between moscow and keith, broken by turkey and the you and last month, the agreement allows exports from 3 ukrainian ports, global food supplies are running short partly because of the wall. so he says 2 more ships of departed ukraine, bringing the total number of vessels to leave the black sea port to $27.00, somalia smalley and media says at least 15 people have been killed in an ongoing attack on a hotel in the capital market tissue. witnesses say that we're at least 3 explosions before the attack of storm, the building, more than a dozen people have been injured. the hotel is used by somali government officials alger. bob has claimed responsibility. emma mood is a senior east africa analyst for the international crisis group. and join me now from the puter in may be good. have you written from the program? said not the government seem to be the target, but the location that they targeted is always very specific. yeah, i mean these types of attacks have been a hallmark of altima operations a couple of years ago in particular. and they, they kind of slowed down a little bit, but we see them popping up again and yes, these photos are usually attacked because that's areas where government officials congregate. and in. so there's a lot of meetings, a lot of activity, especially right now with the new government coming into into place and setting up a lot of appointments and positions. but there's also often been a secondary element to some of the above runs, a very extensive extortion racket within what would issue itself and they've targeted business owners that haven't complied as well. and of course, the indiscriminate attacks that we've often witness before happened in a been areas in shopping areas where there's a lot of the general public. and it's been a huge back clash into public opinion towards algebra. they seem to be very wary and listening to that public opinion dare i say it in when and how they plan these attacks. yeah, definitely. especially in 2017. there was, there was a massive explosion of premature explosion and being conducted by a ship, bob where over 500 the 600 people were killed in downtown oakland issue. and you saw a little bit of a shift basically from that as back onwards in ultrabook messaging, they were trying to justify some of their attacks. explain that, you know, there are civilian casualties in war and warn civilians to avoid these types of locations. but they also slowed down on these types of incidences as well. so i think there's definitely a balance that they try to strike there. and we've seen some times where unattractive had a lot of civilian casualties actually have cleaned it. we know the senior government officials are gonna have a huge security presence around them. is it going to be hard to algebra to justify what they've done today? considering most probably low ranking officials have become the victims. in this particular case. while are also bob, i mean they, they can justify it as long as the government officials are there. you know, i don't, i don't think it matters as much to them, whether it's senior officials or whether it's low ranking. they view this government is of rigidity. they view anyone working for it as, as collaborating with, i know, legitimate entity. so i think they can justify it on those grounds. what sort of support does she have in terms of the public? i mean, they have a summer offensive, which is, you know, taking on an increased ferocity. but are they a popular group how people feel joining the ranks? well, i would say also has a balance here as well. you know, there's a struggle in urban areas. no, i don't think these types of tax are popular and listed much public support. but if you look at where all chalabi is throughout somalia, it's very present and the dominant governing master really and in a lot of world locations. and so there's a balance there for development, does provide some services to populations, especially in the realm of, of justice and whatnot. but they also demand a lot from the population, they demand recruitment, they demand station as well. and so there's a little bit of a balance there, and i think it's rob struggles with this in terms of popularity. but we have to measure this not in terms of altima. so, but in relation to the government as well. so it's all about the least. you know, negative alternative between those 2 people will still turn to it so, so it's up to the government to basically demonstrate that they are a better governing master. and you know, a better long term best than dental shibel. omar. but made the cd east african analyst for the international crisis group. thanks very much for your time. thank you. problem. as just bringing some pictures we're getting in from log issue right now. we're security forces and are using heavy explosives to target the out about fighters in the hyatt hotel following this 18 hour long siege. we'll try and bring you more on that as we get it here on out to sarah south africa is zulu kingdom is counting a new monarch after months of succession squabbles. mister zulu, the son of the late king, goodwill for healy peny is set to be recognised as the leader of the country's largest ethnic group. the 70 is taking place in spite of the face opposition from a small group of the royal family. 1000. people are expected to attend the proceedings, but only a few will witness the actual sacred ritual that traditionally marks the coronation . more than 12000000 people who mostly live within the clumsy little town province, a part of the tribe. the king is one of the biggest landlords in south africa. he controls the entity that manages the 3000000 hectares of land owned by the zillow community. the governing african national congress has a majority support base in the province. and zulu, is the most widely spoken indigenous language in south africa. so, me to mila chose us now from a non gama. and of course, a little spacious day. just talk us through the timeline of what we know is happened so far. well so far this morning we've seen thousands of people, as you mentioned, they're streaming through to the palace in the official residence, one of them all that king mrs. lou, cause will it tv, and that's where he's going to enter the call, an important symbolic tradition that goes back to the 18th before him. and that's really symbolic of him now taking throne, taking the throne as the zillow king. some of the events did take place in the last 24 hour was in the privacy and not open to the public. we also know in the last day or 2, the king also killed a lion at a nearby game resolve. 9 and that's attached to gaining power, and symbolizing his power as a king, you will that lie in skiing, skidding this part of the ceremony that were expected to see in the coming hours. now the people who are attending the coronation are made up of, i'm opposed to who was the warriors. these are the men who would protect the king and fight for the king. if ever you should go to war. as well as the maidens who are here to show their loyalty and the support of the king did catch on the fact that this particular king is like many others before him, that the throne has been contested. and in this case, 52 of his brothers who say the day otherwise will king. there was the well drawn by the tune where died last year as well as tv his father. but they are members of the royal family who said that was a fortunate document. they've gone to court to have it. so now i tend to have a different opinion sold, but none of that has what's up till now on it. and if you all, some of the people. yeah, i'm sure many of the people here who have come to show the loyalty, they're behind the new king and fully support him. despite that division within the royal family. for me to 12000000 z lose is a huge vote banks politics of the country. how does the monarchy and the zulu community fit into the politics of south africa? as you might say, democracy one of the issues is that they have to grapple what is one of tradition versus south africa was constitutional democracy that the constitution does facilitate and does allow for the recognition of various ethnic groups as well as the royal households. within that, so that is that sort of protection. but one of the points you've mentioned that is very important is the ownership of land, the majority of land in the course of the province by the royal family, by the king. specifically, there's a process in place which allows for the controls of the land ways people living they didn't have to pay rent. so they said bring in a lot of revenue. aside from that, they use the political element way, the governing african national congress. if we look back, it's called african history. the has the ethnic division in some cases, going back through all parties where that kind of division was, was also created by the part to give government picking ethnic groups against each other. and so it has been important for the african national congress to have that in the blocks who have the both behind the party, especially at the time when the part itself is facing division and is facing a lot of supports. this is a province that is a very loyal to look culture, the new identity. and this is where we see the former president jacob's do my so quite popular amongst people here. and so this is something that current presidents for him, of course, has to grapple with. and it's important for him to have of the new people. we seem to have a few technical problems. the end of that to report that from the for me to mila will be joining us through the day as that carnation continues. as we go to mexico now, where the former attorney general hayes this mary lou has been arrested as part of an investigation to the killing of 43 students in 2014. he's accused of being involved in the torture and false disappearances of suspects, as well as obstruction of justice. victoria gave me, has the story. hey, says maria led the original inquiry into the disappearance of 43 students. prosecutors say he covered up. what really happened? mexico's president and dress. manuel lopez abra door, says those responsible must face justice or year fee. of course, the case is not closed. the commission's report has been released and the prosecutor's office will continue to work on it. that one of her lover uncovering the truth, strengthens institutions and punishes those responsible. he got the ira, went out. the group of students went missing 6 years ago, while traveling by bus to a demonstration. barrios report in 2015 concluded they were detained by corrupt police officers. and handed over to a drug cartel, which mistook them for members of a rival gang. it said the cartel killed the students and burned their remains at a rubbish dump. but the family's independent investigators and the un high commissioner for human rights rejected the findings. on thursday a day before maria's arrest mexico, my senior human rights official, referred to a high level cover up gallery supple issue that was wanting to, to assist of young. as the disappearance of the $43.00 students constitutes a state crime, federal and state authorities at the highest level were negligent and altered facts to establish a false conclusion of what happened. 06 is own. these families are still waiting for answers. only the remains of 3 young men have been identified marino's arrest his renewed hopes of finally finding out what happened. victoria gay to be al jazeera. well, plenty more, had he, all the al jazeera use are including a crucial dialogue, gets underway in charge, but will it bring an end to decades of conflict? we're live in the capitol. closer the globalization industry is fine to get back on track as demand souls and after a shocking star to the season. manchester united goose 13 with a new recruit from rome address us all coming at whichever for a military leadership is set to discuss the timelines and national elections with rebels. a week ago, the party signed the peace agreement in doha paving. the way for negotiations. it's hope the national dialogue will bring an end to decades of conflict as hipaa. morgan reports from the capital and jemina after years as a rebel hussein anymore hygiene is back in the chat in capital in germain. i'm a member of the armed group national conquered movement. his faction was one of more than 14, which recently signed a peace agreement with the government national. we sought through the negotiations that lasted for 5 months. the best option for us as a political group is peace. there is no better option. the conflict has been going on for a long time, and many people have been affected. the deal between chad, the military government and the armed groups find in arthritis capital doha, have led to talks on the countries political future. this scheduled to start on saturday after years of turmoil, a crisis felt worse and last year, when mohammed restated be took power after the death of his father defined the constitution. the talk are said to last for up to 3 weeks, among the issues to be discussed or the constitution, and it's timeline for a national election. while many groups are expected to take part in the dialogue, others have rejected it, including the main arm group front for change and conquered, which fought in the battle against the government last year that's killed then president, re stay be. the government says it hope those not taking part in the talks will join phone 5 if i for the modem. owner in this is the 1st time we're having an inclusive dialogue that includes political parties and civil societies. and where the on groups are not there for one on one agreement, the doha agreement, paid the way for this. the door is still open to those who have not signed to join in the talks. the years of conflict have taken a toll on civilians with shadow, hotmail is a survivor of fighting between government and rebel groups in the capital in 2008. howard logan. i sorry to have my mother there, mother, but he and we couldn't walk on the street. there were bodies everywhere are soldiers or rebels or in some people we had to flee to a town far away, where we struggled with food and water because you are too many of us and the much i hope that he stalks bring civility. he that barbers with nearly half the population living in poverty and hundreds of 1000 still displeased many others also share the same hopes, even if some have refused to join the process for peace. hip morgan r dedira in carmina. now the negotiations come after decades of unrest since the independence from france in 1960, the debbie family has been in power since 1990. and as president edwards debbie, govern, to 30 years, he was killed on the battlefield in 2021 and succeeded by his son mohammed. child's military has been an ally for france, a security interest in the region. it's deploy troops to neighboring countries battling arm groups in the sa hell. chad is rich in resources, but consistently ranks near the bottom of the you and human development index. it has one of the wells, lowest life expectancies and education levels. while hippa morgan joins us now from the capital and jemina and hippa, ah, what are we expecting really on this 1st day of very delicate talks? well, the head of the transition military council who is also affects avita, defacto president mohammed edris debbie will be launching the ceremony to day. and then we are expecting to see them dividing into committees to discuss the various issues that are to be tackled during the 3 week period of the dialogue, including the issue off constitution. the issue of this arming the arm groups that sign a piece agreement in the contrary, capital doha last week. but the most crucial issue for people here for the arm groups, especially those who we spoke to is the issue of election, whether they're eligible to run for elections once they decide on a timeline and whether the transition military council members who are currently ruling the country are allowed to run for elections, lots of crucial issues for people here. many people, including civil societies and labor unions, are participating in these talks. they say that they want to see chads politically stable. they want to end the decades of conflict, but they also want to make sure that wasn't, that comes out of the 3 week of dialogue, is something permanent and would ensure that there will be no further count conflicts or disputes. whether it's between political parties, or between arm groups and the government kind of call sir, everybody disassembled where you are really has to look over their shoulder because there are groups that have boycotted these talks and that must be of some concern. most ma'am of it is a concern, especially for the organizing committee that organized as dialogue. they said that they want to ensure that this is an inclusive dialogue, not just arm groups or a single arm group and the government, but also civil societies and labor unions. but they've also called for the rest of the groups and that avoided the talks and how quick cause it's finding an agreement last week saying that the door is still open, that they're still allowed to join and that they still have the possibility to have their say in the future of the country, now the front for change, alcohol, which is regarded as the main arm grub, did not sign the agreement and is not participating in the talks. they say that's because they believe that the committee is biased. then there's the civil society group work it summer that has been organizing for anti government protest, calling for a civilian rule and for the military to step aside. they say that they want to see a transparent process and that they don't believe what is happening here is genuine . so still a lot of opposition or rather some opposition to best adela that is currently happening. but still lots of participants as well. 52 groups, many civil societies and labor unions currently here to start the process of a dialogue that they hope will make sure that chad has a stable future. m organized and jimmy, the thank you. well, still ahead here on the news or why the families of those killed in the philippines circled war on drugs, grieving all over again at the high profile, the rest of nicaragua, as authorities tracked down on descent within the catholic church and tennessee as well. number one looked crime for his us opened title defense. jo will have those details coming up in school. so don't go away. ah, ah, i there hope your weekends going well. here's the weather, details on saturday, red weather alerts in play for that southeast corner of germany. storms here could dump anywhere from 80 to a 100 millimeters of rain over a short period of time. some flash flooding seems possible. those storms also passing into the balkans and that's gonna flash out the heat. and where this rain could be used is north of valencia. we've got this wild fire burning here. crews are trying to get the upper hand in no smoke is also drifting into valencia. so some dangerous conditions there was been at 33 degrees. will squeeze out one more day, stay before those temperatures start to fall off and for turkey, some showers in the forecast traps on 26, a number for you and off to the northwest, we go still some showers hanging around the islands of ireland and britain and then we've got this run of rain at for stockholm, and particularly northern areas, some pretty good bursts of rain. they're blanket it in rain across senegal, the gambia, sierra, the own, and liberia. as we dipped toward the south, a vigorous weather system is generating powerful winds for these sunk a province and kazoo luna tall. so i think for the eastern cape province will see those when guest 90 kilometers per hour in for durbin. this winds whip up to 70 clicks per hour on saturday. that sure weather up the bye for now. ah ah ah ah sake that he'd been humming and then international anti corruption excellence award . bought now for your hero. ah ah, welcome back to the elder's errand. he's out with me sell robin. a reminder of all top stories. a series of dried attacks have been reported in russian control, crimea. unofficial ends of us to pulse as an unmanned aircraft was shot down just above the building houses moscow's black sea fleet headquarters. somalian forces i'll use slices to target algebra. flight is at a hotel in mogadishu. at least 15 people are being reported killed during a siege that began on friday night. and south africa, zulu kingdom is crowning a new mother after months of succession, squabbles misuse. you do the son of the late king good wills of healy theni, a set to be recognized as the leader of the country's largest ethnic group. that's been a challenging year for the aviation industry. as passenger numbers returned to pre panoramic levels and airlines struggle to keep up data analyzed by the financial time shows a quarter of all flights in the us, europe and the u. k. were delayed or canceled from may until mid august. but in the u. k, the situation is now improving in the 1st half of this month, cancellations, down from 35 to 29 percent in europe. a quarter of the 480000 flights in the same period with disrupted down from 29 percent in july. and in the us disruptions have fallen slightly since that peak in june, but airline executive, se the system is still under strain. alex, the harris is navigation consultant and analyst. he's in london. joyce of scott goods, have you been on the program? i mean, we've seen delays, lack of ground stuff strike action, and while the list is endless, ready for the airline industry. but i suppose were sort of wondering when they might get the house in order where things are expected to begin smoothing out over the coming weeks. not least because we are now already past the summer peak. that's when the majority of, of travelers who are typically only trouble in the summer will be traveling. and of course once we move into september and in europe, you have most of the schools reopening and everybody retaining students and people . we ordinarily see that forward in demand now for the industry, they usually dread that fall in demand for now because of the way that the industry has been battling a wave of disruption that really stems back to the stock shortage that fall in demand isn't going to be the worst thing and will allow it to automate. he got his house in order. let's touch on that because i mean, where do you start this ground strength traffic controllers, cabin crew pilots, depending on the airline and the country of operation whether bass, many were laid off, many didn't even return back to those jobs. recruiting takes time as well as security and qualification. checks doesn't set. right, so what the industry collectively is facing as a whole and this is pretty much the picture globally. is this stuff sector shortage that ultimately in the sector we are? i mean, we are, we have a soft shortage that we haven't seen over the last decade, not least because of the redundancy and all those decisions that were taken because of the pandemic. so once we recognize that road lead back to that star shortage and the decisions that were taken, we then very quickly become aware of just how short staffed the industry is. once passengers begin timing up at the terminal dose, which of course they did, and i drove beginning april. and that's why we saw that disruption since then. this was the way cutco that the industry needed. it ideation has been on a global recruitment drive and it's really for all areas, but it's specifically for those essential rows, baggage, handlers, cutting crew everything that is passenger facing everything that is key to having an aircraft travel from a to b with 200 or passengers. but there are difficulties and challenges that remain ahead. not least the recruitment difficulties on one side. it's inc. extremely competitive now in terms of vacancies, supermarkets are able, in many cases to offer and pay more than add ports. and on the other side is all of the background checks in the counter terrorism requirements that are required for, for working in a sterile environment. oh, such as an apple and everything is taking slow ito star. i'll environments alex, of course, one of the big issues that can't be avoided and can't really be controlled by the airline industry. is how cove it is still a factor in those travel plans? government sometimes you tend to think at the moment or trying to forget it even exists. but they're a very strict pri boarding rules regarding masks and covert certificates. depending on where you're going or where you're coming from and all of that cost money, it does cost money. and interestingly, if we actually narrow into the airlines themselves, there are a key differences between those airlines that have simply tried to pretend to cove . it is no longer and those airlines that are actually continuing up the measures if we look at spain's flag carrier, iberia. they are one of the few european carriers that still require all passengers and crew to remain masked throughout o period of the flight. now i'd be area knowing that they are different to other airlines in this scenario, given that we are in meet 2022 and most measures have been dropped iberia, say that this is reflected positively for them because they say that they are not suffering the staff absences that that competitor alonza suffering when kura ultimately contracting cobit and then requiring $5.00 to $10.00 days off. so it is a mixed picture globally, and of course it's still having an impact alex with her a thanks so much for joining us. we're london. thank you. no you and security council waiver long taliban officials to travel abroad has expired. senior members of the group of be subject to a trouble been since 2011. but 13 tell about officials had been granted an exception so they could attend piece talks. some security council members wanted it removed since the group took power by false law strip that they could vote again on monday. on an amended waiver. kristin salumi has moved from you and had quarters in new york sanctions against the taliban, including travel restrictions have long been a thorny issue for the security council. they were 1st imposed back in 1999. related to the groups sheltering of al qaeda. the council made exceptions in 2019 to allow some members to travel outside of the country for peace talks. but since the group took control of afghanistan last year, some council members have argued the waiver should be conditional on the taliban respect for human rights, particularly the rights of women and girls. the un stepping spokesperson for the secretary general summed up the dilemma. some of the members of the council appointed to the benefits of allowing them to go about a travel for diplomatic work, including for example, to the doha, you will have seen what the contribution of the, of the process ad doha has, has made in terms of the wider dealings with the taliban at the same time, we've clearly expressed our concerns about the dollar, bonds own records and, and their failure in, in recent months to, to uphold out their stated commitments to maintain the status quo on human rights. including in particular, the rights of women and girls, china back by russia, has argued that the waivers are as necessary as ever given the dire economic situation that afghanistan finds itself in. but diplomats tell us that other countries have been pushing back led by ireland. they want to re impose travel restrictions, at least in part that's been yes, as the telephone sees control of afghanistan and many women. a so bummed from working or getting an education in cities, women are allowed to move around. but in rural areas, strict rules and cultural practices keep many at home of some of been developed ports. now from cobble thrift is businesses nearly come to hold earning a living from making traditionally clothes and handy cross is no longer an option. since many small businesses have gone bankrupt, in addition to sanctions and frozen assets, the thought of bombs reversal of women's participation in society has further hindered the flow of aid to understand fresh. they're struggling to keep up morale for her 7 children whose education has suffered for years. first, because of the pandemic. and then the taliban take over and they answer their care . it's been one year that they have been promising and haven't done any thing. we haven't seen any results, girls can't go to schools and women can go to their jobs. raymond, in cities complained of harsh restrictions from face feels to women's attire and suspension of many public drugs. the balaban government says it is implementing islamic law. the ministry of. 5 vice and virtue has replaced the ministry of women's affairs. there are some them and who've been appointed by the taliban, who don't think it's just tokenism. gov can on amazon on amazon. i am saying that women can't go around the city or do their jobs freely. isn't to accurate, i still have female staff working at this hospital, female doctor, the doing their jobs as in the previous government. besides doctors, other female personnel are also working in some government departments. 3 quarters of, of bonds live outside the cities. and most of rural iowa nathan is traditionally conservative . that's where the dollar bonds biggest support base comes from nila for is a teacher. and despite her brothers being unemployed in this government, she supports the taliban. she says the majority of them in a blind son be what she calls the job in their own way. and that's an i've gone tradition or the taliban rule normally wouldn't most women from of understand look at you and hear you and think that you've been brainwashed. and this is not what most women of a blind son won't. h deleon should meet on our way. you know, we aren't brainwashed, i teach the koran. islam has given rights to women like inheritance, education to become a professor and anything they want to be. if we go without the he job, it's against the crohn. and if we are muslims, should follow the crime. and officials are being accused of using excessive force. men, women protest. they in turn want women to organize, protest after seeking permission. and they also site safety and security of concern but to achieve that, most women of nathan will have to trust the taliban. and that's unlikely, while most schools for teenage girls remain closed and promises to uphold women's rights, are not put into action, some of job down to the ra gobble police in nicaragua. the rest of a catholic bishop named for his criticism all present annual tiger rolanda of audits is being detained at his home in the capital managua. as a latin america editor only see in human reports, it's part of a wider government crank done on descent amongst members of the clergy. for the last 16 days, nicaragua was police and prevented might the gallop as bishop for london. albert is from leaving his residence. not even to preside over mass 0, but a always the road in front of our diocese is closed and blocked by the national police long. but that was not the end of it. before dawn, friday, police raided the bishop's residence, detained, laid priests and staff, and put bishop albert is under house arrest. in the statement, the police call did quote, in operation to recover normality for citizens and families of matter, guided by accusing bishop orlando. albert is of repeated acts of destabilization and provocations. oh, with the vast majority and government opponents in prison or in exile, nicaragua, catholic church has become a thorn in the side of president. daniel ortega and his wife ro, side your moody eel, who is the vice president. the presidential couple accused, the bishop of instigating dissent. ever since they gave refuge to anti government protesters during widespread demonstrations in 2018 human rights organizations are again raising their voice and demanding the release of those arbitrarily detained. the secretary general is very concerned by the severe closure of democratic and civic space in nicaragua and recent actions against civil society organizations, including those of the catholic church. reports of arrayed against the residence of the catholic bishop of martha golfer only heightened these concerns. ah bishop alba, this is the 4th priest to be put under house arrest in as many months preferring. this is incredible repression against the church and repression against catholic people. we remain here praying to the virgin mary. shortly after the bishop's arrest, a group of latin american and european statesman, called on pope frances to break his silence and speak out forcibly against what they call, ortega's prosecution of the catholic church. lucy newman, al jazeera philippine president certain, and marcus junior has rejected calls to rejoin the international criminal court, which is investigating the so called war on drugs under his predecessor rodrigo to tattoo despite his human rights. activists hope are despite that to her, they hope i'm a to examine the remains of victims and that could provide more evidence to help push for justice as barnaby low reports. now from manila, sammy, from like a family grieving all over again. 5 years after his untimely death, he ended, his santa says remains had to be exempt. his graves lease expiring along with scores of others killed during a warrant. drugs launched by then philippine president would be good with 30 kents . uncle randy has made it his mission to help other families was the whole. i wanted to reach out to families who were big names like lesson i learned from be shipping weeks. is that their loved ones that you the last, the police claim. keon was 17 years old. when police accused him of being a drug runner. they said they killed him in self defense, but security footage proved otherwise. only one drug war related murder by police has resulted in a conviction that of keon de la santos, out of thousands of debts. the justice department is currently investigating just 52 cases. yet the government insists the countries justice system is working. president, britain and mark was junior, has bowed the less bloody campaign against illegal narcotics. but he's ruled out rejoining the international criminal court, which is investigating his predecessors administration for possible crimes against humanity. as soon as have been eminent, what we're saying is we have an investigation here and it's on the golly. so why do we have to have that human rights advocates have been working to uncover more evidence of extrajudicial killings? dozens of bodies that have been a zoomed have been brought to dr. raquel for tune one of only 2 forensic pathologists in the philippines. and so far i have seen about 9 cases where doctors sign the should be in case a snatcher out hypertension, same system on those things. but very clearly to you. there were not natural causes . oh yes, definitely. and i'm seeing rapture is mostly headshots. dr. fortuna says she can only hope her work will help bring justice. but for families of victims, at the very least, it's closure that has been missing for years. barney, below al jazeera manila went of montenegro, hers lost in her confidence, out after the prime minister, signed a controversial statement agreement. pardon me, with the serbian orthodox church, it includes regulations for hundreds of churches, monasteries, and other properties that the churches role and serbia's influence have been divisive issue since montenegro separated from its neighbor in 2006 and finland's prime minister santa martin. so she's taken a drug test after a video merged of her parting with friends. the footage of prompted calls from both political allies and opponents for her to take a voluntary test that he sexual married. so she's never used to legal substances and could have performed her duties on the night of the party if necessary. the test results are expected within a week in a while, and that's a lot of i have nothing to hide. i have not used drugs and therefore i have no problem taking tests. i do find it pretty strange that this is something that's been demanded of me to find the bogus ounce prime in a sociable shreeve has visited air is affected by record breaking monsoon rainfall . hundreds of people have died. many more have been false from their homes as harry false reports. this crisis has lasted weeks, and it's not over yet. the worst monsoon rains in 30 years inundating vast areas of land and hitting pakistan's poorest province baluchistan the hottest. hundreds of schools and thousands of homes have been destroyed here. across pakistan, hundreds of people have died and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. struggling to reach some kind of safety to find some kind of shelter. nikia thus bought out a gloves have taken everything from us when we were only able to save our kids and fuel livestock. and i think we are in dire need of help as early as possible. and again, i have, i know that we lost everything in the floods and left empty handed. we don't have food, shelter, or even clean drinking water. many of us are suffering from diarrhea and other gastro diseases, while the government is not doing any for us. any criticism of the government extends beyond the immediate response and back through previous governments, plans to update infrastructure and resilience repeatedly not implemented, leaving people exposed to monsoon flooding every year. this year's enormous rainfalls particularly devastating pakistan's prime minister, is repeatedly visited hearted areas this flooding season, insisting his administration is doing on it. can't appreciate the sancho joe acorda . the 30 year reco monsoon range has been broken. they see it's a few 100 times more than normal and a lot, justine that's brought miseries to people's lives that both federal and provincial governments are committed to helping these poor people to the utmost on. pakistan has been ranked the 8th most exposed country in the world to the risks of climate change, oblique window on the future to the newly grieving and displaced, contemplating how and where to rebuild their lives. every force it al jazeera. well, stella had hail the news of the immense continue to dominate philadelphia and major league baseball. joe will have all his full section straight after the break. ah, the welcome is coming to cut off in just 3 months as the main event gets close. so we hear every step of the way. hello, i'm janet ezra with updates from teams and fans across the glove themes can expect some strong support here in castle with a spotlight now on europe. can france claim back to back? well pop, victory is all will portugal, christiana, rinaldo finally get his hands on the trophy. the well cop count on al jazeera does the count on the 5th a will cut 2022 approaches. every countenance is turning its eyes to keta. we have a feeling great to sporting events in the world won't be the only thing capturing everyone's attention beyond football. immerse yourself in internationally renowned entertainment. otto culture. cattle has everything you'd want in the destination. in fact, it's the obvious choice for the 5th. a woke up 2022. so why go anywhere else? lou? ah, thomas put on his jaw for hale, thank you very much. ukrainian boxer alexandro sick says the people of his country or motivate him to beat anthony joshua as the heavyweight champion proposed to step into the ring against his british opponent in saudi arabia. the fighters weighed in for their title. we match and the stare down last longer than some fights as david stokes reports, or exam. oh, all the top preflight. it's been about how big alexander you seek is looked in training. but when he stepped on to the scales, he weighed virtually the same as he did when he beat antony joshua in london last year, 10100. no, much change for joshua either. the brit is booked up a bit, but only by around 2 kilograms. the way it didn't last long, but the stair down certainly did with neither 40 to flinching for a 100 and 72nd. oh good. it was going through your mind as you looked into his eyes . no, much to the face of always safe with me personally face of thought me 9. does about the bell ringing enough where i never really face off that when flight does ready for tall rouse, 100 percent, 100 percent. ready for tall rounds and anything short as a bonus? tell us what you saw when you looked into his eyes. that was a long stare down between the 2 of the supper. myself. tell us what happens tomorrow night. you know what? it was the reflection of myself. 35 year old, you sick is undefeated and comfortably one the 1st fight. but the build up to this one has been unique before training camp, he was back home in ukraine, helping in the fight against the russian invasion. he's arranged for the fight to be shown for free across ukraine. the whole world has to know that ukraine is the country of free friends, burns strong to ritual and develop people. not too many men in the world can deliver this message to 2 millions, 200 millions of people and are all sick is able to do that. this is only 6 3rd fight it heavyweight though, and it's taking place in the saudi arabian city of jetta. joshua has fought and won in saudi once before he be. andy was junior there in 2019 to avenge his 1st career fate. he'll be hoping for the same again on saturday to emulate the likes of mohammed ali lennox lewis and vitale, clinico, and becoming a 3 time world champion, levied stokes. how da 0. we had the david that mention kate k, they former boxer is also the mayor of the ukrainian capital. keith sent this good luck message to your sick boozy. your new vehicle serv. nearby my dear friends. today the 20th of august, we will have a fight in support of ukraine, even if it's a sports fight for us, it's very important to be winners in everything. now, alexander lou sick will fight in saudi arabia with the ukranian flag and the ukranian anthem. all the people around the world will watch the fight between music and joshua, and when ukraine winds the whole world, we'll see it all exams we believe in you. we support you and we believe we will win more glory to ukraine. it was never easy to live up to the family name, especially when you're young book. so walking in the footsteps of mohammed ali or o bought the 22 year old grandson of 3 time heavyweight champion is expected to do better than the greatest when he steps into the ring in san diego, nico ali, wolf's wolf, i said i as sanchez in a middle weight fight at the cities put chang arena. it's the same building where his grandfather famously fell to ken norton in a split decision in 1973. having had his jaw broken, alley walsh says he recently watched that fight to prepare for saturdays bout after shocking start to the season. manchester united are reinforcing their team with a new recruits from rail madrid. defensive midfielder cason marrow has agreed a 4 year contract with the option of staying with the premier league giants for an additional year. casmer has won 5 champions, league champions, leaks, and 3 league a titles since joining rail in 2013. the 3rd year old's deal is said to be worth $70000000.00 and will see him paid over $410000.00 a week by him. the 3rd highest paid player at the club behind teammates, christiana rinaldo and david, to hayer bots for that united will expect him to get straight to work. they lost their opening to games and sit at the bottom of the lead table. as ray al, he'll leave a big hole after 9 years of the club on doyle buddha. if it's his will to try a new challenge, we need to understand it and we need to accept it with as much love and respect as possible. so we're not angry, and we're not sad. of course, at a personal level, when you spend so much time with such a nice, serious, unprofessional person, you're not happy or not. but the respect for his decision prevails. roger had traveled to sell to vigour later in the spanish league while in england. united. don't play until monday, the team the thrash them for now. last week is in action. though brentford take on fellow west london team full him, if they, when they could go talk with the league until later when 2nd place arsenal take on bomb us. kicking things off though it's tottenham against wolf's u. s. open champion dental med at medford of is looking primed for the defense of his title in new york. and just over weeks time, the well them one is through the semi finals in cincinnati after beating american taylor fritz in straight sets. russian who was the champion in cincinnati in 2019, didn't have an entirely comfortable window. having save 3 set points in the opener . but he went on to power to victory with 18 aces us open as the final grand slam the year and stopped the end of the month. mid of at a full plate be up against stefan out sits a passed in the semi finals. the greek took care of american john isna in that quarter, final match up says pass also needed a time rates when the 1st set of dropping the 2nd set 75, the full seed bounced back to take the decided 63 and bonds to the final 4 in the women's tournament, petrik fits of a is through the semi's to the check east passes trellis ala to me, an eviction straight set. 6263 linked to the to time wimbledon winner. she'll come up against madison. he's later on saturday and speaking a keys, the 2017 us open runner up also had an easy way to move into the semi's hayes was too strong for wimbledon champion and an added back. hannah has it stung. 66 for the american clearly has a liking for cincinnati. she through to 2nd semi final here of winning the tournament. back in 2019 for ma mazda champion, adam scott leads the way at the half way. mark the b m. w championship in delaware . the australian shot a to on to pop 69 on friday to move to 800 overall. scott has not won a title on the top since february 2020. he only leads by one shot from scottie scheffler and jordan speith or re max roy is a further stroke, a stroke back in major league baseball, the new york mets were too strong for the philadelphia phillies on friday, winning 7 to pete alonzo hit his 30 at home run of the deezen yoke have now 112 of 16 games against the phillies just this season. they all the ladies team, the national lead, east division. all right, those are useful for now. i have more for you later. so thanks very much joe. we'll have more news on the other side of the break with emily until i'm from me and all of the news our team, thanks so much for your time. and your company ah ah. which site is willing keyless or control? what does a new forever proxy war mean for america and nato? as long as americans keep consuming prices are going to keep going up. why didn't joe biden, the inflation comic? how did we get so much raw? the quizzical look of us politics the bottom line. 5 years ago, me and missouri armed forces commenced a scorched earth campaign against the road in ga minority, leaving a trail of death and destruction. hundreds of thousands were forced into exile in neighboring bangladesh. in a special report, we look at the plight of the rocking gun today. on out to sailor ah ah safe going home and then international anti corruption excellence award boat now for your hero? ah, somali forces attack al ship bab fight is lang sage to a movie issue. hotel.


Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 6am 20110412

now. 70 still in a couple of southern spots. angie goff, it is 6:00 a.m. how are the roads? >> i like it, howard, when i can kick off our 6:00 report with the green light. no major incidents or accidents to report at this time. but we don't go without delays. let's zoom on in to 270. building from 80 down to 121 out of urbana. germantown road down to i-370. back over to the maps, we zoom in closer to the outer loop north of the district. a commute between university over to georgia. no incidents along the way. we do have a train alert for you for those of who you travel on the metro. as we look at minor delays on the red line at the forest glen station. it is closed because they're having issues. there are shuttle buses running between silver spring to forest glen and meanwhile, running on time. branch avenue, we're checking it out at 6:12. back to you. >> thanks, angie. >> here is a look at what's happening today. the president is holding closed door meetings later today on the crisis in libya. nato is now in charge of the military operation. we're starting, however, to get new figures on how much america's involvement is costing taxpayers. so far, we spent $600 million in the first 17 days of the campaign. >> inspector will resume checking to see how much damage was done when the wing of an airbus a380 passenger jet clipped the tail of another plane. it happened while the paris- bound jumbo jet was taxiing to take off from jfk monday night. no one was injured. later this afternoon, the senate committee is going to hold hearings on the japan nuclear crisis and how it could possibly impact the united states. right now, engineers in japan are trying to get the situation under control. however, aftershocks continue to rattle that region. just yesterday, another one briefly cut power to that nuclear plant. >> right now, d.c. mayor vincent gray and several council members including council chair kwame brown are home after spending most of the night in jail. >> they were among 41 people arrested early yesterday evening. during a protest outside the senate hart building. 9news now reporter surae chinn joins us live from there with more on why they were arrested and what happens next after this. >> good morning, surae. >> good morning. what happens next is d.c. mayor goes on with the district's business. all in a day's work. we suppose. and capitol police still busy, have their hands full processing folks for after this protest. you can hear them chanting, calling for d.c. rights. they were rounded up, 41 of them arrested and processed by capitol police. the mayor and others, protesting the federal budget deal where d.c. was impacted and brought restrictions on abortions in d.c. and other healthcare needs. the mayor calling this unacceptable. the mayor and his predecessors have long aimed for independence, statehood and voting rights. >> we have spent the last -- i guess seven hours incarcerated. for what, to me is one of the most worthy causes we could have been incarcerated for. and that is fighting for the freedom of the people of the district of columbia. >> the mayor coming out to speak to folks after he was released from jail this morning around 1:30 a.m. the mayor said capitol police treated them well. they were put in a jail cell. they were stripped of their shoelaces and their possessions and they were handcuffed with those temporary twist ties and he said -- i remember talking to him months ago when he said he would be willing to be arrested for independents in d.c. he achieved being arrested but not the d.c. rights. >> we know that mayor gray and president obama have forged some sort of relationship since mayor gray has taken office. has he gotten any support from the president on this issue, do you know? >> we haven't heard any specific voicing of support but certainly, vincent gray would welcome any support in getting behind the cause of getting some type of statehood in d.c. he went as far as saying he wants the president and his vehicles to display the d.c. tags that say taxation without representation. i doubt we'll see that any time soon. mike? >> thank you, surae. she's live outside the hart building this morning. >> monday, it was a very busy night in annapolis where maryland state lawmakers have approved a slew of new bills to send to the governor's desk. here are just a few. illegal immigrants could get instate tuition if they spend two years at a community college and can show their parents paid state taxes for at least three years. also, people arrested with marijuana could avoid jail time or a fine if they can prove they have a doctors permission to use the drug for medical reasons. another bill would double several motor vehicle fees. on a lighter note, folks could take their dogs with them to restaurants with outdoor dining. virginia state lawmakers have drawn up new boundaries for all 140 seats in the general assembly and it comes as no surprise, democrats who control the state senate drew up maps that tend to preserve their voting districts while republicans who controlled the house of delegates did the same. the districts were redrawn to account for population shifts from last year's census, the maps now go to governor bob mcdonnell who can make changes or force lawmakers to start all over again. >> gas prices continue to climb at the pump and the cost for a gallon of regular unleaded is just above $3.50. that's the average. as a result, many of us are not firing up our engines nearly as frequently. according to some tracking studies by mastercard spending pulse, gas sales have actually fallen for five straight weeks nationwide. commuters have turned to public transportation, trading in their gas guzzlers for more fuel efficient models and other options. some of us are even using mobile phone apps to find cheapest gas around. our pump patrol survey found cheap gas in northeast d.c. on south dakota avenue. a gallon of regular there, $3.77. a gallon goes for $3.74 at the b.j.'s and the rockville station has regular unleaded for $3.76. log on to our web site at to find the cheapest gas and we'll bring you the least expensive gas station in our area a little bit later in the newscast. >> and time to watch your money. >> jessica is checking on paychecks. pay between men and women, does it happen? >> today is equal payday. this is created to throw a spotlight on an issue, specifically this one. how much women make compared to men. around the country, women are said to earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. in the district, new numbers indicate the average full-time working woman is paid $7,295 less than the male counterpart. that winds up costing d.c. families a total of more than $650 million a year. the research was conducted by the national partnership for women and families with the american association of university women. nowadays, more than $7.5 million couples live together without tying the knot and the number is growing. the number of couples living together without getting married has doubled over the last decade. our partners at "usa today" report there are very few legal and financial protections for these couples. financial advisors recommend unmarried partners put their finances in writing. speaking of personal finances, you have less than a week to get the taxes into uncle sam and we're taking your questions right down to the wire. send your tax questions to me at financial 411 at i'll bring you answers on tax tip thursday and then the following days as we head to april 18th. of course, that's on the air and on my blog at >> it is the 18th this year. >> but still, don't wait. >> don't wait. >> don't wait, don't wait! >> more news and weather and traffic just ahead. >> coming up at 6:12, they work for people who want to quit smoking. so, see how a patch could actually help people with peanut allergies. >> plus the home finale for the washington wizards. highlights from the phone booth at 6:23. >> we'll talk live to d.c. mayor vincent gray about his arrest yesterday following a protest on two riders attached to the federal budget. it is 6:12. watching some rain, some heavier showers and lightning and thunder in that area south of strasburg and front royal on live doppler 9000 hd. that's creeping toward the metro. so, today, take the rain gear. a lot cooler than yesterday. temperatures will be falling and holding in the low 60s with a stiff northeast wind this afternoon. angie? >> thank you, howard. we're looking at route 4, branch avenue and 301. regular volume in the clinton brandywine area. a check on your virginia roads. that's coming up at 6:18. >> thanks, angie. here's what's making news this morning. the crisis at japan's fukushima power plant is on par with chernobyl. the severity level was raised from 5 to 7, the highest level and it is equal to the 19786 disaster in the former soviet union. it reflects the initial severity of the crisis after the earthquake and tsunami, not the current level. investigators are looking into an incident at new york's jfk international airport. a paris-bound air france jumbo jet clipped a delta plane while taxiing for takeoff. officials say each plane suffered damage but there were no injuries. libyan rebels rejecting a cease-fire proposal by high- ranking african union delegations. the opposition refused to accept the plan because it did not demand that moammar gadhafi step down. gadhafi's forces continue to pound the rebel stronghold of misrata on monday reportedly killing six people. in this morning's health alert, peanut allergies can be really tough to live with. >> for some people, ingesting a tiny amount can cause anaphylactic shock and you can stop breathing. >> researchers in denver are testing a patch to slowly build up a patient's tolerance. anita brikman explains. >> reporter: fellita ramirez has a severe allergy to peanuts and has to carefully watch everything she eats. >> the problem is peanuts seem to be in everything and it is not just foods peanuts are in, it is thing peanuts have touched. if i go into a doughnut shop or getting a cookie from the bakery, i have to make sure it hasn't touched things. >> we're making sure there's no immediate reaction. >> doctors are hopeful the small patch could build up her tolerance to the nuts. >> we're cautiously optimistic this will be a treatment available to patients. we still don't know if it work. >> the patch is placed on a patient's arm and it delivers a small constant exposure of peanut protein directly to the skin. >> the theory is like using allergy shots is that by exposing patients to small amounts of any kind of allergen, you can desensitize patients. >> researchers have already had success building up tolerances in some patients. but usually, they eat small amounts of the food. this is the first time it has been put in a patch. >> we're hoping that this is going to be a safer, more effective way of treating it, more readily available to patients because currently, the only way we have it is people who can swallow amounts of peanuts. >> she experienced some itching and redness at the patch site but she's optimistic about the possibilities. >> certainly, i would wish for one of the things those to be effective for me but i'm hoping that more so that it will help you know, the kids who have to deal with this. >> anita brikman, 9news now. >> anita adds doctors are only looking at the safety of the patch. they hope to start clinical trials in the fall to see how well it builds up tolerance to peanut protein in extremely allergic people. >> tonight on 9news now at 11:00, believe it or not, where you sit and what you wear can save your life in a plane crash. catch our special report tomorrow night. ok. weather time now, howard bernstein is here. grab the rain gear. >> exactly. in the low 60s, maybe 50s up north. at times, it will be raining. we'll have numerous showers today. even a few thunderstorms not out of the question. i can show you what's coming and what has been coming at us for the last day, day and a half or so. you can see all of the moisture moved in. overnight, we had -- you do see a break though across parts of west virginia until the upper storm in kentucky and that is going to keep us in and out of the showers for today, tonight and through wednesday morning. here we go over to live doppler 9000 hd, it is quiet in the metro. but in the next hour or two, it looks like some of this is going to sneak in toward us. hey, if you're south and east of town, you may wait until late this morning or noon. some of it, we see the yellows and the orange starting to show up. we're looking at some rather moderate to heavy rainfall here. see it scattered about west virginia, paw paw, down toward cape and bridge hancock. western maryland from hagerstown, down to charlestown about harpers ferry, ferryville, 340 and 7 come across, moderate showers there back toward winchester now. as we go down into the shenandoah valley, the blue ridge, seeing heavier showers west of culpepper. really along and west of i-81, some of this has contained from harrisonburg and points north. the heaviest stuff from baker to wardensville almost to wild acres moving off to the north. del rey and west virginia, you're going to see this in the next 20 to 30 minutes or so. just west of winchester. this morning, your bus stop forecast, obviously we've got the threat for showers. mainly west though. keep the umbrellas handy. temperatures are in the 60s. sunrise in a few minutes here. 6:37. for today, we'll have numerous showers, occasional thunder in spots with a slight risk of severe storms down in southern maryland. the northern neck of virginia. temperatures are going to slowly drop off to around the 60 degree marks, maybe even the upper 50s with a brisk northeast wind. so, it will be a cooler, much cooler day. we're down to 63 in gaithersburg. 68 to the south in fort belvoir. 66 in manassas and leesburg. and in centreville. 65 in columbia and arlington. also at reagan national, cloudy skies and a north wind at 6 miles per hour. quickly want to show you what we're expecting with the timetable on the rain. we're looking at the future cast here. this is all going to be moving off toward the north and the east. even through midday, the scattering of showers and storms through this afternoon. through this evening. through tonight. again, this doesn't get out of here until tomorrow afternoon. so, today, we're look at 63 even closer to 60. tomorrow, 5 well morning showers. thursday looks nice. friday, nice as well. unfortunately, more rain in the forecast for saturday. with luck, it holds off until the afternoon. here is angie goff with timesaver traffic. >> ok and we're now elevating our light to yellow despite it still being green because we do have an accident out there and slow go setting in across the area. let's check this out near fort belvoir. u.s. 1 heading northbound at 7100. that's where the crash activity is. police are on the scene. no other major incidents or accidents. we're tracking a lot of red on 95 headed northbound, continuing up past route 1 where we're seeing our delays outside, a whole lot of congestion from the prince william parkway over to lorton. back over to the maps, our focus is on the inner loop in virginia making that trip from the wilson bridge up to 66. are you in the green. a good example of drivers moving at speed right here past the robinson terminal. here are your travel times, outer loop from 95 to 270, 11 minutes and growing. 66, about 13 minutes from the fairfax county to the parkway. back to you. >> our time right now is 6:20. if you want to seat wizards at verizon center, wait until the 2012 season. >> next, we have highlights from the final home game against the boston celtics. it was a good one. it went to overtime. all-star third baseman ryan zimmerman going on the d. l. find out who will be his stand- in as the phillies come to town. >> live doppler 9000 hd watching heavier rains out toward i-81. even in toward fauquier county, showers, western loudoun county. all moving off to the north and the east. it will clip areas north and west of town over the next 30, 40 minutes. as far as today is concerned, we're looking at temperatures which will be falling down toward the 60 degree mark with numerous showers and a few thunderstorms with the brisk northeast wind. let's go ahead now and get a look for sports. here's brett haber with the latest. >> now, 9 sports, the best sports in town. >> good morning, everybody. the boston celtics came to town monday night but in name only. kevin garnett's paul pierce, ray al and rondo sat out the game to rest up for the playoffs which means the celtics weren't really the celtics, they were the nets wearing green tank tops. kind of insulting to have the other guy's stars sitting out. would they make boston pay. mcgee, the block. he's going to get it back. behind the back to jeffers. wiz would be down 2 with 9 seconds left in the game. larry owens inbounds to crawford who buries the jumper to tie the game and force overtime. and in that extra frame, it is that man, crawford, again. he's been lights out since coming over from atlanta, had 17 in this game. wizards win by 1 in ot. listen to john wall's prediction after the game. >> next year will be a lot better. us being mature, us being healthy, us got guys that want to fight. we want to have a better season. we'll be in the playoffs for sure. >> said they will be in the playoffs next year. i like his optimism. >> mystics picked 11th. got 6'1" victoria dunlop out of kentucky. they traded their third leading scorer to atlanta for 6'6" phillips out of xavier. rough one for the nats with this news. all-star third baseman's ryan zimmerman strained his abdominal muscle sliding into second base head first on saturday and reports are he's going on the 15 day d. l. today. zimmerman first injured the muscle in spring training. hairston or cora will take his place against the phillies. that game will mark the first time that jayson werth will take on his former team. i'm brett haber. have a great tuesday. >> mayor vincent gray and 40 others were led away in handcuffs yesterday. >> coming up in a live report, find out why they are taking exception to a new federal budget deal. quick look at traffic now, angie, over to you. >> we're tracking 66 drivers. they're delayed from 234 to 28 and again from 50 to 123. another look at traffic and your weather when 9news now returns. stay with us. welcome back to 9news now. 6:30 is our type. thank you for starting your day with us. i'm andrea roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. howard bernstein out on the weather terrace. a balmy start. things are a changin', mr. bernstein. >> the rain jacket, i have it with me but they're all inside. we're dry and comfortable to start this tuesday morning. let's talk about what's coming because we do have a wet day ahead. there will be numerous showers, even a few thunderstorms here and there. better chance of that is going to be south and southeast of washington. we're 65 at the moment. look for temperatures to drop and settle toward the 60 degree mark with on and off showers. they're getting in toward loudoun county and fauquier county. they become heavy to the west of town along the i-81 corridor. you can see what's going on out there. look at woodstock down south on i-81. a lot of heavy rainfall up toward wardensville then into west virginia straddling the state line. paw paw over toward areas between hancock and cumberland and harpers ferry right now. we've got some moderate to heavy rain showers which are just about to get into eastern washington, western frederick county, virginia, maryland. 65 in town. 56 in hagerstown. 60 in luray and winchester. mid to upper 60s to our south. get ready for some rain moving in. we'll talk about when the rain is going to pull out and what the rest of the week has in store. angie goff will let you know what's happening with your tuesday morning commute. >> we're halfway through the 6:00 hour. yellow light stays on. we're tracking a couple of tie- ups that could slow you down. let's begin with u.s. one at 7100. this is near fort belvoir. crash activity is confirmed. police are on the scene. definitely be careful. zoom on out and take a closer look into the strict. that's where we have this year- long construction project going on affecting westbound constitution. notice right here, we have the cones lined up taking away a couple of right lanes going against the flow of traffic between 15th and 23rd. eastbound lanes doing just fine. moving over to another street that gets us into the district, inbound new york avenue from the times building to bladensburg, you're slow. a disruption at the king street metro causing delays between mt. vernon and largo town center. still ahead, a look at your biggest slow goes across the area at 6:46. mike, andrea, over to you. >> d.c. mayor vincent gray and several council members including kwame brown are home after spending most of the night in jail. >> they were among 41 people arrested early yesterday evening during a protest outside the senate hart building. 9news now reporter surae chinn joins us live from there with more on why they were arrest and where the story goes from here. surae, good morning. >> good morning to both of you. it was quite the scene here on capitol hill. right hear on the streets in front of the senate hart building. dozens of protestors chanting out here and only a few hours ago, about 1:30 this morning, mayor vincent gray was released from jail after being arrested on civil disobedience. he says it was the first for him. they were rounded up, 41 of them cuffed, arrested, processed by capitol police. mayor vincent gray saying they had to take their shoelaces off, their belts and ties at the jail cell. their money and other possessions taken away from them. they were out protesting the federal budget saying they were used as pawns to reach a deal that brought restrictions on abortions in d.c. and the loss of federal funding for the needle exchange program to curb h.i.v. congress oversees d.c.'s budget and laws and can pull funding from programs just like they did this time around. when asked what kind of example is he setting by getting arrested, here is his response. >> i think it sets a good example. i think says we're willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary in order to achieve democracy in the district of columbia. it clearly isn't going to come from simply being nice. >> well, he said he was proud to be arrested alongside dozens of others. he said it was a worthy cause and by the way, he said capital police treated them well and as professionals. back to you, mike, andrea. >> thank you, surae. another possible government shutdown is still looming. it was avoided friday with just an hour to spare. both sides now have their eyes on the debt limit. the current law says the united states can only borrow $14.3 trillion. the treasury department is estimating now the country could hit that number by the middle of next month. that means lawmakers need to approve an increase or the u.s. could default on its loans. president obama is scheduled to give a speech wednesday night at george washington university on his plan and the national deficit. >> it is 6:35. jessica is back and she's watching your money. >> she is indeed. what are you talking about this time, jess? >> tacks and whether or not they're going higher. that's a big political question right now. it is an issue we could get some clarity on tomorrow night as mike was saying, the president expected to lay out his deficit reduction plan. some analysts expect earlier tax hike proposals to be making a comeback. the president is expected to bring back his recommendations made in the 2008 campaign to end bush era tax cuts for households earning over $250,000 a year. late last year, the president temporarily set aside this recommendation when he signed on to an agreement with republicans to extend all bush era tax cuts for two years. microsoft and google's relationship is getting more hostile. now, microsoft claims google has been misleading customers about the security certification of its software programs for governments. microsoft's deputy general counsel blogged on monday that google apps for government hasn't been certified under the federal information security management act. google's web site claims it has and the company has attested to that in court documents. dropping the price of its kindle ereader. you'll see on-screen ads. the online retailer is set to announce the new kindle with special offers will cost $114, that's $25 less than the currentlily lowest price kindle. it would include ads on the bottom of the device's home page and on the screen savers. it will start shipping on may 3rd. so -- >> new generation of kindle with this little extra. >> exactly. >> and that's extra little cheaper price. >> not bad. >> all right. thanks, jess. a commuter alert for drivers who use constitution avenue. beginning today, the busy downtown d.c. roadway will get a face-lift. one block at a time. the national parks service plans to make some improvements to the eight lane road between 15th and 23rd streets, workers will start repairing pavement, curbs, sidewalks, anything else that needs to be repaired. drivers should expect lane closings and traffic delays during the construction. >> the old carnegie library across from the d.c. convention center could soon be transformed into a new visitor's center. d.c. convention and sports authority officials are trying to hammer out a deal with the city and the d.c. historical society. the historical society has a 99-year rent-free lease on the building. it will remain in the building if a deal is reached. >> a local community garden is shutting down after two decades. the temple garden is located on the grounds of the scottish right of free masonry temple on 15th street northwest. the temple is planning conservation work and needs to you on a the garden as a parking and stoarng area. about 800 people have grown flowers and herbs in the gardens for years. our time is 6:38. hope you enjoyed yesterday's warm weather. >> not that we're saying today's weather is going to stink but we'll be great. howard is up with the full forecast. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ our time is 6:42. the memory of yesterday will live long today. because it is definitely a different forecast. >> it is nice right now. comfortable out here on the weather terrace. out to the west, we do have some rain which has already been falling. some of it has been falling quite heavily out toward the shenandoah valley. i-81 corridor. that's where we're going to start showing you the regional radars in motion. the moisture that's moved in. overnight, we had a couple of sprinkles. two areas of rain. one lined up and down i-81. an area of low pressure in  kentucky and southern ohio. that's going to take its sweet time coming across. we'll be in and out of the showers. in and out of the showers today, tonight and even through wednesday morning before this thing finally clears the region. here is a look at live doppler 9000 hd. east of town is all quiet. the rain getting closer and closer toward the metro here and on the west side, we're seeing it sneak in toward dickerson. it is up toward frederick, maryland as well. and just off to the west, got into most of loudoun. it is just about to get in toward centreville. through fauquier county as well out toward culpepper, warton. -- warrenton. heavy rain from new market up toward woodstock and strasburg. almost to win chester as this is lifting off toward the northeast. you'll see winchester, the greens with some yellows. this is all headed in your direction. charlestown, up toward martinsburg, you're seeing the more moderate rainfall there. this is going to be with us on and off in sports for the next 30 hours or so. so your bus stop forecast, grab the umbrella. the rain gear, whatever you need to keep dry because we've got the rain moving in. cloudy and mild with the showers west although they're getting closer and closer. most temps in the 60s with sunrise happening at 6:37. as far as today is concerned, yes, expecting showers and some storms on and off. temperatures will settle down to around 60 at 3:00. northeast winds this afternoon and that 10 to 20-mile-per-hour range. it will brisk. 50s north martinsburg to cumberland. we sit at 65 and upper 60s still from fredericksburg and the tappahannock airport. leesburg at 64 and in washington, 65 degrees. a north wind at 6 miles per hour and that barometer sort of steady alone, 29.69. the upper storm i was talking about, you can see this thing spinning like a bowling ball here coming across kentucky. that's a lane of showers that we're watching right now. that will be in here over the next hour or two. scattered showers on and off for about the next 30 hours or so. looking at the forecast then today, 63 but then 60s with the showers and storms. 40s tonight with more rain. maybe some late sun, 58. thursday and friday, nice around 70 as we head toward saturday, unfortunately, more rain in the forecast into the low 60s. here's angie goff. >> all right, thank you, howard. right now, we're inching closer to the 7:00 hour. still tracking a couple of accidents. that's why we keep the yellow light on. we're actually going to take a live shot from sky 9. here are your conditions as drivers make their way on backlick road near the franconia springfield parkway. we're losing the right lane slowly getting by to the left. if this is the way you travel, it is going to have to factor in extra minutes because as you can see, things slowing down. the delay not so bad. let's move it over to u.s. 1 headed northbound. this is at 7100 actually, i had a graphic for you, i'll let you know near fort belvoir, some police on the scene, will want to use caution. 270 tracking a slow go. no incidents. drivers are jammed from father hurley down toward montrose and also on the outer loop in maryland, we're below speed. 66 drivers also stuck in a couple of slow goes here. 234 to 28 and again from 50 over to nutley. then quickly, your travel times, the inner loop from 395 to 267 seems like it is checking out ok. 267 no complaints and 95 in maryland down toward the beltway, you're still in the green. still ahead, the top traffic stories of the morning. mike, andrea, i'll have that at 6:58. >> up next, a look at today's top stories before you go. >> one final look at the weather and road conditions right after this. keep it here.  çñ it is 6:50 on this tuesday morning. rain at times today. showers, even a few thunderstorms. other times, lulls. temperatures are falling right now. they'll settle down toward the 60 degree mark. right now, we're at 65. looks like the rain could be with us for tonight and during the first part of wednesday as well. we'll look at the seven-day forecast when i see you toward the end of the broadcast. here's mike. >> d.c. mayor vincent gray and several other area council members are out of jail. they were staging a sit-in yesterday. >> they're upset over restrictions placed on the district as part of the federal budget deal. mayor vincent gray joins us live from his home in southeast washington. thank you for being with us. i know you had just a few hours to get together. you said you were proud to be arrested yesterday but one arrest, what difference will that make? what does the city have to do now to get the budget deal that the city can use? >> i think we've got ta have a sustained effort, andrea and we've gotta have more people involved in this. one of the concerns i've had is these injustices have gone on but not enough residents have stood up to say this is an absolute injustice and an outrage. i'm hopeful after yesterday's event, we'll have more people who will join with us in expressing our outrage and what has been done. >> do you think you've been heard by doing this? have you gotten phone calls of support from people within the federal government? >> well, frankly, we didn't even get released from jail last night until 1:00 a.m. so, it is too early to have gotten any calls but i think the effort now has to be in our hands. we have to make it clear that we resent these riders being placed in our budget. in fact, we resent having to send our budget to the congress in the first place because these are district taxpayer dollars that we're talking about. not federal dollars and they shouldn't be caught up in this. >> mike asked about support from the federal government. "the washington post" is reporting the obama administration in essence may have thrown the district under the bus. they're reporting that the president told speaker boehner that he would give them d.c. abortion if they could get a budget deal. do you feel you don't have a friend at 1600 pennsylvania avenue? >> well, at this stage, i think we have to assume that people need to step up and express their friendship. historically, it has been assumed the republicans weren't our friends and democrats were our friends. i think now we have to assume that we ask everybody where do you stand on this issue? that includes republicans and democrats and the congress and frankly, i would love to see the president say he does support the district of columbia. >> where do you go next? is it another protest, phone calls, are other things going to be organized? >> i'm already getting e-mails and we're seeing people tweeting, you know, there is an expression already across the district of columbia of people who are wanting to get involved. we've got emancipation day coming up this week and that's a celebration, of course, of the slaves being freed in the district of columbia in april of 1862. so, it is an opportunity for us to express our views on this issue and with this vote coming up, i'm hoping that we can mobilize large numbers of people in the district to express again, our anger, our outrage for this interception and inference with the district's life. >> d.c. mayor vincent gray, thank you for speaking with us this morning. >> thank you, andrea. >> "the early show" is coming up. >> chris wragge tells us what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> coming up on "the early show," new worries in japan. the severity level, highest level seven, the same as the chernobyl disaster. we're finding out what is being done to keep people safe there. >> the hunt for a possible serial killer. more remains have been found on a secluded beach area in new york. we'll talk to a criminologist about who could be behind the murders. >> puberty is starting as young as age 7. dr. jennifer looks at the health risks involved there. >> cbs eke news anchor katie couric is getting up earlier to join us in the studio. she'll tell us about her inspiring book the best advice i ever got, information from a list names. i've got my copyright here. all of that coming up on "the early show." >> we'll have one more traffic and weather check when 9news now returns. [ male announcer ] dandruff, meet micro-beads. any last wishes? new selsun blue deep cleansing micro-bead scrub goes to the source wiping out flakes before they flake. new selsun blue deep cleansing. it is 6:58. we've got should showers, even a couple of storms at times today. some spots staying in the 50s. rain showers with us through wednesday morning. thursday and friday look nice but saturday not so nice before getting nice again on sunday. it is a pattern. >> all right. doubling our time on 95 headed northbound. prince william parkway, lorton, volume takes about 10. 395 bumper to bumper from 495 to seminary. district westbound, constitution avenue between 15th and 23rd street still losing two right lanes for the on-going construction project. >> two economic reports due out. right now, we're looking a little bit lower. >> all right. of course, "the early show" is next. >> howard and myself will be back in 25 minutes with more traffic and weather. >> if you can't join us, you can always get your news, weather and traffic anytime, anywhere at >> try to stay dry. we'll see you tomorrow morning at 4:25. have a great day, everybody.


Transcripts For WUSA CBS Morning News 20110301

back in force. they attacked rebel troops in the two major cities closest to the capital uses tanks and anti-aircraft guns. overnight government troops tried to rita zawiya, but rebel troops head their ground. >> reporter: as the blood shed in libya moves into another day, the tone in washington has turned decidedly sharper. the white house is now clearly ratcheting up the pressure on gadhafi to step down. troops loyal to moammar gadhafi is fighting to a back territory now in rebel hands. amateur video captured this firefight between pro and anti-government forces in libya's third largest city. the uprising that began last month poses the biggest threat yet to gadhafi, his bloody crackdown has reportedly left hundreds, possibly thousands, dead. still, in an interview with christianne amanpour of abc new, gadhafi laughed off calls for him to step down and denied using force against his own people. >> they love me all my people with me. they love me all. >> but if they love you -- >> they will die to protect me, my people. >> reporter: gadhafi's comments immediately drew outrage from u.s. officials and some of the harshest criticism yet, they called him today lose al. >> when he can talk in talking to an international journalist while he is slaughtering his own people, it only underscores how unfit he is to lead and how disconnected he is from reality. report the white house is keeping up the pressure on gadhafi to resign. american warships and planes have moved krcloser to libya. the treasury department has frozen $30 billion in will i be began assets and there may be more to come. secretary of state hillary clinton warned gadhafi to surrender now without further violence or delay. she says the u.s. is keeping all options on the table, among them a possible no fly zone that would prevent libya from bombing its own citizens. now, the u.s. has hinted it may accept a deal where gadhafi voluntarily exiles to another country, but, betty, it does look like gadhafi just continues to vow to fight on. >> all right, susan mcginnis in washington for us. thank you for that report. and there are unconfirmed reports that iran has arrested two senior opposition leaders. the two men and their families were taken to a prison in tehran according to a reformist website. a semi official government news agency denied the report. the two had been under house arrest since february 14th. now to new zealand where officials say as manies as 240 people may have dooep died in a massive earthquake a week ago. this morning new zealand marked the time the quake hit with a moment of silence. a national state of emergency remains in effect. the quake may have done as much as $15 billion in damage. in this country, some dangerous midwest weather to tell you about. in ohio, all 88 counties are threatened by flooding. heavy rain and high wind soaked the region. in findlay, the water is expected to be 6 1/2 feet above flood level, but that's not all. a tornado touched down south of columbus. >> my sons here and i had the outside lights on and he said, mom, the bins are gone, the barn's gone, the roof's gone, you know. so, yeah. i knew it was bad then. >> tornadoes also hit kentucky, indiana and illinois. now to washington and efforts to overt a government shutdown. the house is expected to vote today on a good week extension of the current funding measure. that bill runs out on friday. the extension cuts the budget by $4 billion and gives lawmakers more time to come up with a funding plan for the rest of the fiscal year. the senate is likely to go along. in wisconsin today, governor scott walker officially presents his budget proposal for the next two years. it which you as proposal to end nearly all union bargaining rights for state employees, a plan which has prompted two week of protests and contentious debate. randall pinkston has more. >> reporter: protests are going strong for a third week outside the wisconsin capitol. where no new entry is permitted. protesters say they believe governor walker is trying to limit their mums before his budget unveiling tuesday. >> what appears to be going on here is that he's really trying to crush the unions. >> reporter: the budget includes a controversial move to end collective bargaining rights for most public employees. >> the facts are the law is on our side. we have a right do this through the statues. >> reporter: governor walker also warned the 14 missing democratic senators that if they don't return tuesday, held cost the state $165 million in bond refinancing. the fight in wisconsin is symbolic of fiscal problems facing states across the country. but state leaders and the public seem to disagree on the solution. according to a new cbs news "new york times" poll, 56% of americans say they oppose cutting the pay and benefits of public workers to reduce state budget deficits. and even more, 60% oppose taking away collective bargaining rights. in fact, more americans say they would support a tax increase over a reduction in pay for public workers. the findings were surprising to new jersey governor chris christie. >> i'm the governor, i think i have a better idea on public opinion than the news does. if not, indicatity couric should run. >> reporter: but it's the voters opinions that count the most. randall pinkston, madison, wisconsin. since the first time since the bp oil spill, federal government regulators have approved a deep water drill permit in the gulf of permit southeast of louisiana's mississippi river delta. it is in 6500 feet of water, deeper than the bp well that caused last year's disaster. in southern brazil, disturbing video of a driver running down dozens of cyclists. the car barreled true the activists who were riding slowly down a street friday. no one was killed, but about 40 people were hurt. the driver may be charged with attempted murder. on the cbs "moneywatch," stocks in asia spiked higher again this morning. ashley morrison is here in new york with the latest on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, asian markets got a boost from foreign investors. the nikkei rose more than 1% while the hang seng added a fraction. today wall street gets a february auto sales numbers and hears from ben bernanke on capitol hill. on monday, stocks finished higher after oil prices stabilized. the dow gained 96 points while the nasdaq added 1. those gains closed out the third straight up month for stocks pushed higher by strong corporate earnings and a string of mergers before for february, the dow gained 2.8%, the nasdaq 3% and the s&p 500% 3.2%. the swhous urging congress to move on mortgage finance reform. timothy geithner will ask lawmakers to approve legislation fleddy mac within two years. they guarantee half of u.s. mortgages but they they nearly collapsed in 2008 and have only survived since on a steady diet of taxpayer aid. consumer reports has named japanese automakers honda, subaru and toyota the best all-around carmakers for the third year in a row. in its annual car issue, the magazine also said ford improved the most since last year. chrysler came in last with gm close to the bottom. and the magazine also had harsh words for the new chevy volt saying the hybrid car, quote, doesn't make a lot of sense. according to the review, the volt isn't very efficient as either an electric or gas powered vehicle and is twice as expensive as the toyota prius, but it's not all bat newings. the magazine braises its power and says the car is nicely equipped. and it's time to say good-bye to the floppy disk. sony which owns most of what's left of the market says it will stop selling the disks later this month. as recently as 2002, they sold 47 million of them, but technology soon passed them by as dvds, flash cards and usb drives took over. and it's hard to keep up with technology these days. >> i don't know the last time i used a floppy disk. maybe like ten years ago. >> right. >> goodness. okay, ashley joining us live. thank you for that walk down memory lane. just ahead on the "morning news," a cancer warning for men linked to hpv. plus, confessions from the two suspects in the kidnapping of california girl jaycee dugard. you're watching the "cbs morning news." it was a mystery to me. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and with less pain, i can do more of what matters to me. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. then i found lyrica. everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash. if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. it outperforms in the world's toughest industry tests. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. take a look at that. two nasa astronauts carried out a successful spacewalk at the international space saying. they installed a backup power cable. the spacewalkers will be back at it again this morning installing the station's last major module, an italian built equipment storage compartment. an update on the kidnapping case of jaycee dugard who was held captive in northern cal. the couple accused of abducting her has confessed. phillip and man city ga redoed appeared monday in court. afterwards their lawyer disclosed the confessions saying he hoped for a merciful plea deal that would send her to prison for no more than 20 or 30 years. >> ununfortunately, the qualityf mercy is strained in eldorado county, so as of the moment, the current offer is 241 years eight months to life. >> the attorney says nancy garrido never sexually abused dugard, but does admit she was the one who actually dragged the girl into a car back in 1991. in health news, a new report shows half the men in this country are infected with a virus that causes cervical cancer in women and other forms of cancer in both sexes. >> reporter: it's the most common sexually transmitted infection, but many men and women who have the human papillomavirus or hpv don't even know they have it. have you ever been tested for yourself? >> no. >> i have not. haven't had the time or would think i would have it. >> reporter: a new study looked at more than 1,000 men and found approximately half are infected with hpv. the virus is primarily known for causing serval cal cancer in women. but it also causes is genital warts and several kinds of cancers in men. >> it causes cancer in the mouth, at the base of tongue and tonsils, it causes pea nile cancer and it causes anal cancer. >> reporter: about 20 million americans have hpv. most of the time it clears up on its own. only a small percentage of infections progress to cancer. about 32,000 a year. because hpv is responsible for 12,000 cases of serve cap cancer a year, the government recommends that girls as young as 11 years old get vaccinated for the virus. the vaccine is also available for boys and men, but it's not recommended for them as yet. experts say this study may help change that. >> we have clear evidence from published studies now that hpv vaccination in males will prevent infection and cancer. >> reporter: doctors hope the results will an wake-up call for more people it get tested. ken disgibson, cbs news, los angeles. jane russell who began as a world war ii pinup girl and major a major star in hollywood has died. she was the v a mp whose first movie shocked censors in 1943. she went on to be paired out with marilyn monroe in gentlemen prefer blonds. her bad girl career even included a 3d musical in 1954. >> that was, that was a charming introduction, but it doesn't move me. and i want to go. boys? ♪ >> jane russell died monday at her home in california. she was 89. female announcer ] a, winter skin can be too. discover relief from dry, uncomfortable skin with skin relief moisturizing lotion. only aveeno has an active naturals triple oat and shea butter formula that soothes, nourishes and restores moisture. women saw improvement in all five symptoms of winter skin in just one day. beauty you can see and feel. that's being comfortable in your own skin. aveeno skin relief. and now get dermatologist recommended relief from severely dry skin with eczema therapy. new from aveeno. discover the power of active naturals no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief. here's a look at the weather in some cities away the country. new york will be sunny, 46 degrees. miami, partly cloudy, 84. chicago, windy and 42 degrees there. dallas, sunny, 72. l.a., partly cloudy, and 64. time for a check of the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows fast moving storms clearing off from the east coast with some lingering in florida and new england. and in the midwest, it is calm from texas to iowa. now later today, a blast of cold canadian air across the northern plains and that will head toward the northeast. the southern plains, it will be warm are this and rain and snow showers are expected in the northwest. in sports, an instant replay finish in the nba. in overtime, darren williams of new jersey missed a shot, but it was tippeded in at the buzzer. however, the video showed that time had run out. and phoenix beat the nets 104-103. ray al when in boston scored 25 points, including a tough three-pointer in the closing minutes against utah and rajon rondo hit a jumper with just 25 seconds left to seal the win. the celtics beat the jazz 107-102. and in college basketball, surging kansas state pulled off an upset win. ed they beat number 7, texas. 75-70. it is the fifth straight win for kansas state. when we return, 00 look at this morning's top stoersz and the senator's secrets. newly rye leased files paint an unflattering picture of the late ted kennedy. of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. new ragu has a great taste your family will love. ragu. feed our kids well. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. ♪ everywhere i go... ♪ i'll pass it on, ♪ and on...and on...and on... edible arrangements. happiness is always in season. visit, call or go to on the "cbs morning news," here is a look at today's weather. florida will see more showers, but those will go quickly. in the northwest, there will be a few more days of rain on the coast and snow in the mountains. and sunny skies stretch from california to the midwest and up to canada. here's another look at this morning's top stories. forces loyal to moammar gadhafi has launched attacks against rebel troops. gadhafi claims the libyan people love him and would die for him. and following two week of protests and debate, governor scott walker unveils his budget today. it calls for major cuts aunts union give backs. newly released fbi files show embarrassing details about the late ted kennedy. it took a legal fight to get the 50-year-old documents made public. the file contends that kennedy arranged to rent a brothel in chile in 1961 before he ran for the senate. reporter john keller of our boston station wbz reports. >> reporter: ted kennedy declaring victory in his first run for senate, wife joan by his side. but barely 16 months before, ted causes touring latin america without joan and allegedly without screw spells. this fbi report on that rip was initially released with most details blacked out. only now have the blanks been filled in with claims that kennedy made arrangements to rent a brothel in chile for a night. and invited a u.s. embass and i chauffeur to party with him there. >> we had to sue and we kept on pushing as to why certain information was being withheld. >> reporter: documents show there was pressure from the kennedys to suppress the report, not the first time they've tried to squelch unflattering information about the family. but with ted how gone, you wonder, do we really need to hear 50-year-old dirt about him? journalism professor dan kennedy of northeastern is from the opposite end of the political spectrum from the right leaning judicial watch. >> the freedom of information act certainly says that they should be public. and usually people have to fight tooth and nail to get those documents out. >> that was wbz's john keller reporting i'm betty nguyen. this is the c"cbs morning news." there's the life you live... and the life you want to live. fortunately there's enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. it's easy to spot a capital one bank. ♪ ♪ ♪ the most branches and atms in the dc area. one near you. what's in your wallet? good morning of i'm andrea roane. >> thanks for joining us. i'm mike hydeck. angie goff is back with traffic. >> it is going to be dry and sunny and chilly. you're going to need the jackets. yesterday we got to 27 before the rain moved in then we fell into the 50s and 60s in the afternoon. we'll be lucky to get to 50 by this afternoon. our day planner, lots of sunshine. temperatures right now, yeah, that's 35 out there. 39 at 9:00. 45 at noon. upper 40s, by noon around 50. couple of spots will make the lower 50s. you can see the rains we had yesterday afternoon and evening. all of that has burned away into the -- has push aid way into the atlantic. a few clouds lingering north and east. we're doing fine so far. temperature down to 35 here. subfreezing in our northern and northwestern suburbs. gaithersburg, 32. still 40 down in southern maryland and fredericksburg is 39. traveling today, currently, clear skies, visibility is 10 miles. northwest wind at 10. dulles and bwi looking good as well. look at all of the sunshine in the east. much better. atlanta, 65. chicago, 47. boston, 38. new york, 46. angie goff, how are the roads looking? >> once again, howard, we're waking up to issues early on the roadways. talking about the third street tunnel going southbound, we have all lanes closed due to an overnight fatal accident. you're looking at conditions on the scene right there. let's take you over to a construction note on the outer loop in virginia approaching route 7. stay to the right to get by. it will be like this until 5:00 a.m. quickly, 270 headed southbound, no problems to report from frederick down toward the split. coming up at 4:31, we'll have an alternate to that third street tunnel fatal accident investigation. back to you. >> here are some stories we're following for you. the u.s. is keeping up the pressure on muammar gadhafi to step down. >> the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. is calling the libyan leader delusional. for insisting he hadn't used force against his own people. ambassador susan wright said all of the options are on the table when it comes to dealing with libya. including imposing a no-fly zone to keep the regime from bombing its own citizens. >> d.c. residents who say they were promised if they went green, the city would reimburse them, are now crying foul. >> the district's department of the environment says the money dedicated to reimbursing those homeowners has been diverted because of the budget crunch. >> as gary nurenberg reports, families are having to come up with thousands to make up the difference. >> reporter: these solar panels are a bright idea. >> i was able to do my project which is cut my pepco bill in half. >> reporter: barrett got the money from a city program designed to courage solar but the city council has closed the subsidy fund to use the money for other things. problem is. >> we were promised $11,000 from the city and then they turned around after we had installed the solar panels and taken out all of the cost then they said oops, sorry! the money is not there. so, we're now we're out of pocket. >> it is not like he can rip the solar panels and send them back. >> they just pulled the plulg on it in the worst possible way. >> reporter: he said his project was approved by the city but the city says -- >> none were promised they would get a rebate. what they told them was funding available, they would get rebates but there were 51 people who went through a process of approval with us and what we want to do is see if we can get the funding for them. >> i don't trust what the district department of environment is saying right now. i just don't trust. >> solar advocates are disappointed. >> what department of energy or environment is doing is going to have a pretty devastating effect on both green jobs and the installations. because people are needing this funding to make it affordable. >> gary nurenberg, 9news now. >> director tulu says the district has far more generous subsidies than any nearby jurisdiction. he said he would like to scale back the size in order to help more homeowners with smaller checks if the funding returns at all with this. good morning and welcome to


Transcripts For WBAL Early Today 20101027

barreling this morning after causing severe winds and damage across america's heartland yesterday. at least a dozen tornados have already been reported in this record breaking storm. here is nbc's kurt gregory. >> reporter: fall's furry being felt from wisconsin to eastern states. in wisconsin, the national weather service says a funnel was on the ground even before it appeared on radar. it ripped a roof off a tractor plan. >> that was a terrible experience. >> reporter: in central indiana, farm buildings were flattened and homes heavily damaged. >> the steel starts rattling. >> reporter: howling winds across the hoosier state knocked down power lines, toppled trees, even semi-trucks. high winds across the great lakes produced huge waves, waves that topped nine feet on lake michigan. >> impressive. this is one angry lake. >> reporter: pounding winds and gale-force winds made for a rough day in the windy city. and while residents in eastern states brace for a fall storm, forecasters called the worst in decades, the folks in colorado are getting an early taste of old man winter. kurt gregory, nbc news. now with less than a week to go before the midterm elections, exhaustion is setting in for both the candidates and american voters. and in one crucial race, things have taken a dramatic turn with a health scare for a candidate locked in an extremely tight contest. tracie potts is in washington with more on this. tracesie, good morning. >> reporter: lynn, good morning. carly fiorina was hospitalized with an infection that was related to breast cancer surgery that was completed shortly before the campaign began. they do say, however, they expect her to be back on the campaign trail soon. she is locked in a very tight race with senator barbara boxer. right now, she's down only by six points, a lot different than democrats had expected. moving on now to florida where we saw another debate there last night, it was a very interesting one. independent governor charlie crist defended himself for leaving the republican party, saying that it was a heart-felt change of views that the party has moved far right. his republican challenger, marco rubo questioned whether or not that move was political. now on to kentucky where outside that debate last night, the senate debate -- actually, this was monday night. there was a scuffle between a volunteer for the republican candidate, rand paul, and a moveon activist. that volunteer has since apologized, but he lost his job in the campaign. and in illinois where president obama has now cast his absentee ballot, president bill clinton was there campaigning for the democrat for both governor and senate both locked in tight races there. >> tracie potts in washington, thank you. >> now here's a look at other stories making news early today in america. an odd spectacle brought new york's sixth avenue to a stand still yesterday. tourists, commuters, and everyday citizens showed down for a parade of two camels, two sheep and a donkey. the animals were posing for the first day of the christmas spectacul spectacular. the animals will appear in a living nativity scene. and not to be outdone, zombies paraded the streets of new york. the living dead sauntered through times square and the black lynn bridge milling about with commuters and tourists. it's promoting the holiday premier of a new tv series. finally, perhaps hardest hit with the weather was indiana where the unrelenting furry left in its trail sent structural damage, downed power lines and a pile of debris just everywhere. nearly every county in the state reported severe wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour. now for a look at your national and regional weather, here is nbc meteorologist bill karins with the weather channel forecast. bill, we're hearing record breaking, we're hearing worst in decades. get right to it. >> yeah. this was like a severe weather outbreak that you'd see in the spring. yet again, here we are in october. this map indicates where all the reports were of the severe weather. the red triangles, that's where all the tornados were. most of them were a few near chicago, indiana, ohio, scattered down through kentucky. the blue dots is where we had all the severe wind gusts reports and ohio got hit pretty hard along with kentucky. outside of pittsburgh, we had some of those strong storms. in the south, not quite as condensed as far as how many reports, but across tennessee, we had plenty of damage and a few tornados last night in north carolina. so where is the storm now? it's moved pretty much due north. it hasn't progressed at all towards the east coast. it's now centered up here north of minnesota. and the reason this storm is so historic is because it was the lowest pressure reading. we talk about high pressure or low pressure. this is the lowest pressure reading in the lower 48 that we've had. and that's not including tropical systems. hurricanes is definitely lower. here is where the storm is now. the winds are still gusty today. and on the east coast, we have rain moving up and down the eastern seaboard. you can see it here this morning. not really severe any more. a lot of people on i-95 and i-81 are going to have the deal with the rain. in north dakota, still dealing with the snow. a lot of unsettled weather today on this wednesday. that's a look at your forecast. now here is a look at the weather outside your window. so we have the rain today moving into areas like boston, new york city. your morning commute is going to be wet along with philadelphia and d.c. but as far as severe weather goes, if we're going to get in, it will be in the southeast and mostly damaging wind gusts are possible. so, lynn, i guess the bottom line is yesterday was definitely a lot worse than what we're going to experience today, but we're not done. so it's kind of a -- it was slowing waning from here. >> i know you'll keep an eye on it. bill, thank you. ford rides smoothly, limewire crashes and cuddling up in the sky. your early morning business headlines are straight ahead. plus, conflict versions of charlie sheen's wild night in the big apple. the lakers get their rings, the kelts shock the heat and paul the octopus didn't see this one coming. you're watching "early today." >> good morning, and welcome back to "early today." i'm lynn berry. here are some of your top headlines this morning. rescuers in indonesia are trying to cope with twin disasters today after a tsunami and volcanic eruption hit the island nations hours apart yesterday. at least 175 people have been killed and scores of others remain missing in one of the world's most seismically active areas. arizona's convicted murderer jeffrey landen last night, the state's fifth execution in five years. the u.s. supreme court lifted a stay issued by a federal judge this week on concerns of the effectiveness of the execution drug which is in short supply across the country. a federal appeals court has struck down a 6-year-old arizona law requiring citizens to prove their citizenship to vote. the court has determined that voters must still show identification before casting a ballot. and a new report by the world's wildlife fund highlights the rich diversity of the amazon rainforest saying a new species is essentially covered every few days. over the past decade, many species were found including an ain this aconda as long as a limousine. my health news daily looked up 37 popular candies and found the five best and the five worst for your health. that's on based on fat and sugar content. the worst was mr. goodbar which contained 250 calories, 17 grams of fat and 23 grams of sugar. but the best were ally ranchers, three of which contained 7 calories, no fat and 11 grams of sugar. for more on this and other health stories, check out the health page at "early today" health is brought to you by -- vagisil. bring yourself back. >> and now here's an early look at how wall street will kick off the day. the dow opens at 11,169 after adding 5 points yesterday. the s&p went up a fraction. and the nasdaq gained 6 points. taking a look at overseas trading this morning in tokyo, the nikkei rose 9 points. but in hong kong, the hang seng plunged 436. investors on wall street played it safe tuesday with the midterm elections and more stimulus from the fundamental looming on the horizon. briz toll myers squid and texas instruments sent both their lows lower but those were offset by a rise in consumer confidence. ak steel and u.s. steel both delivered skeptical forecasts for the rest of the year. ak steel slumped four. dupont raised its full year profit view and earnings beat expectations, but shares fell is %. on the plus side, ford paid down debt and its quarterly profit topped estimates, sending shares up 1.5%, hitting a six-month high. ibm gabed slightly. coach, the upscale leather goodsmaker posted higher than expected quart everily results and shared jumped almost 12%. keep an eye today on netflix. shares rose on rumors the company may be bought by apple. northern trust jumped more than 4% on buzz that hsbc, europe's biggest bank may be making a bid. elsewhere, federal prosecutors announced glaxosmithkline will pay $750 million to settle allegations it knowingingly manufactured adult rated drugs including paxil. limewire has been shut down by a soous federal court following a lawsuit by the music industry. and finally, air new zealand will soon introduce what's being called cuddle class. for long flights between los angeles and new zealand, passengers can purchase seats that turn into couches, perfect for couples who want extra room or families with small children. making the skies more friendly. to the victor go to spoils. portland comes up roses and good-bye to a soccer legend. plus, lebron james and miami's terrific trio had their moments, but the heat ended up cold in bean town. your early morning sports headlines are just ahead. our tornado threat has ended, but rain will greet everyone on the east coast while a new storm moves into the west. your wednesday forecast is coming up. you're watching "early today." (announcer) while there are some home disasters you can't avoid, there is one you can. septic system breakdowns affect 1.2 million homes each year. septic backups can cost about six thousand dollars in expense, and countless hours of repair. rid-x. help save yourself from disaster. i vacuumed my carpet, but it's still so dingy. she needs resolve deep clean powder. look what vacuuming alone leaves behind. this penetrates deep to release trapped in dirt, leaving your carpet looking like new. it looks great. (lab-guy) trust resolve. forget stains. good morning. if you're just waking up, this is "early today." in sports last night, the two-time defending champion los angeles lakers opened up their season, receiving some new bling in tinsel town. here is number's fred roggin with an early look at all your sports headlines. good morning. before the season even started, people were handing the championship to the miami heat. last night, the celtics hit them right in the mouth. lebron and the heat looked like they needed more process. settles led by 15 at the break. james laid it down, 53-57 miami down. lebron did its best in the game. heat finished with 31. but miami couldn't get over the hump. ray al within a dagger from the corner had a team high 20. the old big three beat the new big three. celts spoiled lebron's debut, 81-80. this one went down to the wire against the rockets. around minute to play. brian found a wide open lake who knocked down the three. lakers up, 112-110. last chance for the rockets. it was rejected. no harm, no foul. lakers rallied from 15 down to win it, 12-110. portland, suns and blazers close until the final minutes. it was nick batune from downtown. blazers ended the game on an 18-1 run and end it 106-92. sad news from the soccer world. paul the psychic octopus passed away yesterday. during the world cup, paul predictly the outcome of eight games. he made one last prediction, picking england of the host country as the 2018 world cup. paul died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 2 1/2. that's your early look at sports on "early today." i'm fred roggin. who just got voted the most influential man of 2010? your early morning entertainment headlines are straight ahead. plus, it's the number one species consumed by americans. but at least one member of the species is safe and sound. you're watching "early today." >p welcome back to "ea today." takip takingtaking a look >p welcome back to "ea today." takip takingtaking a loo a the rain from yesterday and the severe weather has moved to the eastern seaboard. not so munot so much severe eastern seaboard. not so munot so much sever stoa soaking rain over virginia. d.cp d.c., a ld.c., a lot . philadelphphiladelphia to new into new england, as well. middp middle of tmiddle ofe windwindy, but cool and dr. it's really atlanta and northwanorthward that you'll h dedeal with the wet weather to. if you'rp if you're watcifv ip in north carolina, enjo under watunder water ip in north carolina, enjo under watunder wate pumpkin cah lots p lots of other fun a trep treat under ttreat unh carolina aquarium. ththat ip that that ist of tr of the day, lynn. sogsoggy pumpkin carving. >r >> gogglep >> gog>>r sogsoggy pumpkin carving. >r >> gogglep >> gog> like it. all right, pill, thanks. now here's a look at this morning's headlines in entertainment. charlie sheen is back in los angeles after a headline making night in new york. he was briefly hospitalized after plaza hotel security called police reporting he was disorderly and breaking furniture. reports say police found sheen drunk and naked, his publicist blamed an allergy reaction to medication. elsewhere, a court rejected the bid of michael jackson's father to challenge the bid for his son's estate. a cameraman is suing sasha baron cohen claiming he was roughed up by his filming crew "bruno" during a gay marriage rally in 2008. finally, jon stewart was named the most influential men in's survey of its half a million readers. your thoughts? >> once again, the power of television. >> i know. i was a little surprised. i mean, you know, we have a president, a lot of other people, but hey -- >> no, people love the tv and the remote. and this comes to us from kshb nbc action news in kansas city, missouri, where one chicken escaped the hatchet thanks to a daring high school student. whitney expected her livestock and poultry class to teach her where food came from. she wasn't expecting it would include slaughtering chickens. when her protests fell on deaf ears, she took a chicklet home. whitney was suspended for leaving school grounds. i'm lynn berry, and this is "early today," just your first stop of the day today on your nbc station. >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today in hd. >> good morning, everyone. we have some heavy rain to start this wednesday morning. there was a tornado watch in effect until 3:00 a.m., but that has expired. this is coming through the baltimore metro area right now. give yourself some extra time. you will deal with some heavy rain on most of the major thoroughfares. showers and thunderstorms are likely this morning perry will taper off as we head into the afternoon. breezy and mild. we will check the seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. for now, to the news desk. >> thank you. 71 degrees on tv hill. here's a look ahead to 11 news today. >> 5 murders in less than 24 hours. city police are looking for suspects. >> from the campaign trail to " the daily show." getting out the vote. >> 8 wet go of it this morning. taxes are too high, and maryland families are struggling. and then there's politician andy harris proposing a 23% sales tax on nearly everything we buy. it cuts taxes for millionaires by over $200,000 a year and raises taxes on the middle class. andy harris even promised big oil companies he'd make taxpayers pay for spills like the bp disaster. andy harris on our side? not a chance. the democratic congressional campaign committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today in hd. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. >> and i am stan stovall. thank you for joining us this morning. >> tony pann has a quick look at today's forecast. grab the umbrella. >> we will have some unusual weather when it is seven weather when it is seven degrees


Transcripts For WRC Early Today 20101027

causing severe winds and damage across america's heartland yesterday. at least a dozen tornados have already been reporte in this record breaking storm. here is nbc's kurt gregory. >> rerter: fall's furry being felt from wisconsin to eastern states. in wisconsin, the national weather service says a funnel w on the ground even before it apared on radar. it ripped a roof off a tractor plan. >> that was a terrible experience. >> reporter: in central indiana, farm builngs were flattened and homes heavily damaged. >> the steel starts rattling. >> reporter: howng winds across the hoosier state knocked down power lines, toppled trees, even semi-trucks. high winds across the great lakes produced huge waves, waves that topped nine fe on lake michigan. >> impressive. this is one angry lake. >> reporter: pounding winds a gale-force winds made for a rough day in the windy city. and while residents in eastern states brace for a fall storm, focasters called the worst in decades, the folks in colorado are getting an early taste of old manwinter. kurt gregory, nbc news. now with less than a week to go before the midterm election exhaustion is setting in for both the candidates and amecan voters. and in one crucial race, things have taken a dramatic turn with a health scare for a candidate locked in an extremely tigh contest. racie tts is in washington with more on this. tracesie, good morning. >> reporter: lynn, good morning. carly fiorina was hospitalized with an infection that was related to breast cancer surgery that was completed shortly beforthe campaign began. they do say, hever, they expect her to be back on the campaign trail soon. she is locked in a very tight race with senator barbara boxer. right now, she's down only by six points, a lot different than democrats had expected. moving on now to florida where we saw another debate there last night, it was a very interesting one. independent governor charlie crist defended himself for leaving the republican party, saying that it was a heart-felt change of views that the party has moved far right. his republican challenger, marco rubo questioned whether or not that move was political. now on to kentucky where outside that debate last night, the senate debe -- actually, this was monday night. there was a scuffle between a volunteer for the republican candidate, rand paul, and a moveon activist. that volunteer has since apologized, but he lost his job in the campaign. and in illinois where esident obama has now cast his absentee ballot, president bill clinton was there campaigning for the democrat for both governor and senate both locked in tit races there. >> tracie potts in washington, thank you. >> now here's a look at other stories making news early today in america. an odd spectacle brought new york's sixth avenue to a stand still yesterday. tourists, commuters, and everydayitizens showed down for a parade of two camels, two sheep and a donkey. the animals were posing for the first day of the christmas spectacul spectacular. the animals will appear in a living nativity scene. and not to be outdone, zombies paraded the streets of new york. the living dead sauntered through times square and the black lynn bridge milling about with commuters and tourists. it's promoti the holiday premier of a new tv series. finally, perhaps hardest hit with the weather was indiana where the unrelenting furr left in its trail sent structural damage, downed power lines and a pile of debris just everywhere. nearly every county the state reported sere wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour. now for a look at your national and regional weather, here is nbc meteorologist bill kari with the weather channel forecast. bill, we're hearing record breaking, we're hearing wost in decades. get right to it. >> ah. this was like a severe weather oureak that you'd see in the spring. yet again, here we are in october. this map indicates where all the reports were of the severe weather. the red triangles, that's where althe tornados were. most of them were a few near chicago, indiana, ohio, scattered down through kentucky. the blue dots is where we had all the severe wind gusts reports and ohio got hit pretty hard along with kentucky. outside of pittsrgh, we had some of those strong storms. in the south, not quite as condensed as far as how many reports, but across tennessee, we had plenty of damage and a few tornados last night in north carolina. so where is the storm now? it's moved pretty much due north. it hasn't progressed at all towards the east coast. it's now centered up here north minnesota. and the reason this storm is so historic is because it was the lowest pressure reading. we talk about high pressure or low pressure. this is the lowest pressure reading in the lower 48 that we've had. and that's not including tropical systems. hurricanes is definitely lower. here is where the storm is now. the winds are still gusty today. and on the east coast, we have ra moving up and down the eastern seaboard. you can see ithere this morning. not really sere any more. a lot of people on i-95 and i-81 are going to have the deal with the rain. in north dakota, sill dealing with the snow. lot o unsettled weather toda on this wednesday. that's a look at your forecast. now here is a look at the weather outside your window. so we have the rain today moving into areas like boston, new yor city. your morning commute is going to be wet along with philadelphia and d.c. but as far as severe weather goes, if we're going tget in, it will be in the southeast and mostly damaging windusts are possible. so, lynn, i guess the bottom line is yesterday was definitely a lot worse than what we're going to experience today, but we're not done. so it's kind of a -- it was slowing waning from here. >> i know you'll keep an eye on it. bill, thank you. ford rides smoothly, limewire crashes and cuddling up in the sky. your early morning business headlin are straight ahead. plus, conflict versions of chaie sheen's wild night in the big apple. the lakers get their rings, the kelts shock the heat and paul the octopus didn't see this one coming. you're watching "early today." >> good morning, and welcome back to "early today." i'm lynn berry. here are some of your top headlines this morning. rescuers in indonesia are trying to cope with twin disasters today after a tsunami and volcanic eruption hit the island nations hours apart yesterday. at least 175 people have been killed and scores of others remain missing in one of the world's most seismically active areas. arizona's convicted murderer jeffrey landen last night, the state's fifth execution in five years. the u.s. supreme court lifted a stay issued by a federal judge this week on concerns of the effectiveness of the execution drug which is in short supply across the country. a federal appeals court has struck down a 6-year-old arizona law requiring citizens to prove their citizenship to vote. the court has dermined that voters must still show identification before casting a ballot. and a new report by the world's wildlife fund highlights the rich diversity of the amazon rainforest saying a new species is essentially covered every few days. over the past decade, many species were found including an ain this aconda as long as a limousine. my health news daily looked up 37 popular candies and found the five best and the five worst for your health. that's on based on fat a sugar content. the worst w mr. goodbar which contained 250 calories, 17 grams of fat and 23 grams of sugar. but the best were ally ranchers, three of which contained 7 calories, no fat and 11 grams of sugar. for more on this and other health stories, check out the health page at "early day" health is brought to you by -- vagisil. bring yrself back. >> and now here's an early look at how wall street will kick off the day. the dow opens at 11,169 after adding 5 points yesterday. the s&p went up a fraction. and the nasdaq gained 6 points. taking a look at overseas trading this morning in tokyo, the nikkei rose 9 points. but in hong kong, the hang seng plunged 436. investrs on wall street played it safe tuesday with the midterm elections and more stimulus from the fdamental looming on the horizon. briz toll myers squid and texas instruments sent both their lows lower but those were offset by a rise in consumer confidence. ak steel and u.s. steel both delivered skeptical forecasts for the rest of the year. ak steel slumped four. dupont raised its full year profit view and earnings beat expectations, but shares fell is %. on the plus side, ford paid down debt and its quarterly profit topped estimates, sending shares up 1.5%, hitting a six-month high. ibm gabed slightly. coach, the upscale leather goodsmaker posted higher than expected quart everily results an shared jumped almost 12%. keep an eye today on netflix. shares rose on rumors the company may be bought by apple. northern trust jumped more tha 4% on buzz that hsbc, europe's biggest bank may be making a bid. elsewhere, federal prosecutors announced glaxosmithkline will pay $750 million to sele allegations it knowingingly manufactured adu rated drugs including paxil. limewire has been shut down by a soous federal court following a lawst by the music industry. and finally, air new zealand will soon introduce what's bng called cuddle class. for long flights between los angeles and new zealand, passengers can purchase seats that turn into couches, perfect for uples who want extra room or families with small children. making the skies more friendly. to the victor go to spoils. portland comes up roses and good-bye to a soccer legend. plus, lebron jes and miami's terrific trio had their moments, but the heat ended up cold in bean town. your early morning sports headlines are just ahead. our tornado threat h ended, but rain will greet everyone on the east coast while a new storm moves into the west. your wednesday forecast is coming up. you're watching "early today." you've never seen fast. you've never held it in your hand, then unleashed it with a fingertip. never tched pixels whip by at 1 ghz and had your neurons struggle to keep up. you've never seen fast because u've never seen this. the droid incredible by htc. it's nothing short of its name. buy a droid incredible with flash and get any phone free. good morning. if you're just wang up, this is "early today." in sports last night, the two-time defending champion los angeles lakers opened up their season, receiving some new bling in tinsel town. here is number's fred roggin with an early look at all your sports headlines. good morng. before the season even started, people were handing the championship to the miamiheat. last night, the celtics hit them right in the mouth. lebron and the heat looked like they needed more process. settles led by 15 at the break. james laid it down, 53-57 miami down. lebron did its best in the game. heat finished with 31. but miami couldn't get over the hump. ray al within a dagger from the corner had a team high 20. the old big three beat the new big three. celts spoiled lebron's debut, 81-80. this one went down to the wire against the rockets. around mite to play. brian found a wide open lake who knocked down the three. lakers up, 112-110. last chance for therockets. it was rejected. no harm, no foul. lakers rallied from 15 down to win it, 12-110. portland, suns and blazers close until the final minutes. it was nick batune from downtown. blazers ended the game on an 18-1 run and end it 106-92. sad news from the soccer world. paul the psychic octopus passed away yesteay. during the world cup, paul predictly the outcome of eight games. he made one last prediction, picking england of the host country as the 2018 world cup. paul died of naral causes at the ripe old age of 2 1/2. that's your early look at sports on "early today." i'm fred roggin. who just got voted the most influential man of 2010? your early morning entertainment headlines are straight ahead. plus, it's the number one specie consumed by americans. but at least one member of the species is safe and sound. you're watching "early today." welcome back. if you're joining us this morning anywhere on the east coast, i-95, interstate 81, you have a chance of rain today. it's raining already this morning through virginia, through maryland, through laware. all the way now through philadelphia and new york city. that's where the rain has moved from our big storm system. in the northern plains, showers for you in minnesota and snow, heavy snow with a blizzard warning up in the dakotas. if you're watching us on win tv 7, washington,north carolina, enjoy halloween with the fises with under water pumpkin carving and lots of other fun at trick or treat under the sea at the north carolina aquarm. and that's your "early today" event othe day. >> how about that? >> you can use something like fake blood under the water, too, and it would just start spreading. >> hopefully no sparks. now here's a look at this morning's headlines in entertainment. sharlly seen is back in los angeles after a hdline making night in new york. he was briefly hospitalized after plaza hotel security called police reporting he was disorderly and broken furniture. police found sheen drunk and naked, his publicisted ordered an allergic reaction to medication. a court rejected the bid of michael jackson's father to challenge the bid for his estate. a cameraman is suing sash ka baron cohen claiming he was roughed up by his filming crew in 2008. finally, jon stewart wag named the most influential men in's survey of its half a million readers. bill karinnumber five. >> oh, number five this year inspect. >> don't you hate it when that happens. and this comes to us from kansas city, missouri, where one chken escaped the hatchet thanks to a daring high school student. whitney only expecte her class to teach her where food would come from. she went expecting it would include slaughtering 40 chickens. when her protests fell on deaf ears, she took a chicklet home. i'm lynn berry, and this is "early today," just your first stop of the day today on your nbc station. now live in hd. it is 4:28. believe that. 71 degrees in the nation's capital. clouds and drizzle around the region. good morning. i'm joe krebs. >> i'm eun yang for this wednesday, october 27, 2010. the stm system that hammered much of our country is moving in. tom said fortunately we won't see the worst of it. his full forecast in just moments. it is looking much worse across the central part of the country. kirk gregory reports. >> reporter: fall's fury being felt from wisconsin to eastern states. more than 20 tornados reported in a massive storm system. in wisconsin, the national weather service said a funnel cloud was on the ground even before it appeared on radar. the ister ripped a roof off a tack tore plant. other tornado touched down in central indiana. farm buildings were flattened, homes heavily damaged. >> the steel started rattling. >> reporter: winds across the hoosier state toppled trees, even semi trucks. high winds produced huge waves, waves that topped nine feet on lake michigan >> impressive. this is one angry lake. >> reporter: pounding rain and gale force winds made for a rough day in the windy city. hundreds of flights canceled because of high winds. while residents in eastern st


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