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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20170204 00:00:00

>> they continued to talk on twitter. he wrote iran is playing with firement firement. here is what sean spicer today. >> i think today's action speaks for itself in terms of the sanctions. he made it clear the deal they struck was a bad deal. they going to continue to be tough on iran in a way that was notice done in the last eight years. in the way -- >> the associated press notes "the new sanctions represent continueuation limited punishment for iran ballistic activity over nuclear deal itself. it was drawn up before obama left office. the new president sounds a lot like the last one. according to the times this is a quote, barack obama embracing key pillars including warning israel to curve settlement in the west bank and threatening sanctions for ballistic tests. i'm glad we have heavy weights because i'm nervous. we have had a number of presidency destroyed about that issue. whether iran contraon hostage -- why is he pushing them on this ballistic tests? >> their words are bigger and much more bellicose. >> -- behave yourself. >> yes. the actions are important, they are good -- >> the sanctions are like obamas? >> like the previous team. the twitter feed and the sta statements are tough. >> what's on notice mean? it sounded like something like tuck man in world war i. why are we saying you're on notice. >> they are preparing the battlefield for military action. i think they are going to -- >> to what effect? >> to deter iran and prevent them from destabilizing syria, and the other countries. >> couldt be he trying to humiliate them to drop the deal? >> if you look at what they done, you cannot say that. they could have made this part of the nuclear deal, they close not to. i think the question is this is where they are going to talk tough or do things to upset the regular order or is it something of moing into military action. i don't they we know yet. i don't think -- >> it's opposite of teddy roosevelt and the big stick. >> at the moment it is. >> words matter. >> donald trump is entering the twilight zone aka the middle east. don't forget within the last few days he had long conversations wi with persian gulf, king abdue la, i covered trump, i know he charged up by about the last person he talked to, he was talking to sunni, be tough on aran and having netanyahu coming, that's what they want to hear. they are going where we just heard he was going. they worry that trump is preparing for military action. >> donald trump's language sounds like -- when he states that a strong positn against stupid wars and accused hillary clinton of being trigger happy. let's rep mind ourselves how trump won. >> obviously, the war in iraq was a mistake. >> the war in airaq -- iran is taking over with the second largest in the world. they said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. they knew there were none. >> times it seemed like there wasn't a country in the middle east that hillary clinton didn't want to invade intervenor topple. she trigger happy and unstable. >> let's talk politics. he talking my language there, the dove language. we knocked over jokes -- than new region we don't know where they are heading toward. now israel if you want to be pro-israel. you think it was strategic off when it had buffers. they are willing to fight. my question, does trump know what he doing when he doing this saber rant when offering the -- >> those are not the characterization that we see with -- responding to political situation. i'm not sure if he adjusted yet to the reality of being the commander in chief in terms of how much his words matter. in the cases of australia not a country to invader have military action -- >> let's talk to reagan for a minute. during the cold war, it could have been a cause for war. we l the korean plane shot down, all of these incidents reagan would say it's bad, it should not have happened. does trump have the temperment to see that. >> i don't see that's his view. this team including bannon and others is radical jihadists. they believe it's sheik extremist. >> what is there plan? >> their plan is to racket up the pressure and -- >> they want us in there. we get drawn in there on their tem territory and you come home wounded. >> they want to collapse the region. >> i think that's what's going on. flynn the new national security visor and bannon think the way to defeat two headed force is somehow islamic state in iran is going to crumble. >> wow. >> that's what they think because they are being told by iranians in united states who hate islamic republic but have different theories how to fight it. >> this sounds familiar. >> this is -- this is iran version. >> right. >> they have telling flynn and bannon if you put enough pressure on these people, in the people will rise up and overthrow them -- >> we have been hearing this from -- here is what module ating force. >> we don't believe the existence is impediment to peace but existing settlement is not going to be helpful moving forward. >> tmay be that was the last conversation he had with the king abdullah over there. the only alternative is for is ram decide between democracy. cannot have people having kids and non-israeli people living in israel. >> he has to be concerned about the fate -- >> absolutely. >> did you think trump is responsive to king abdullah situation if they move embassy to jet strerusalem? >> i think they are thinking about it. the settlements is everything but all of nothing. >> but they want more, bb. >> they will get more. >> i think he will get more. >> it may have been a little bit of everything it may be -- the ones there are there, a future ones may be a problem. he had been unwilling in the past to entertain the idea the u.s. -- >> you made bb is coming where there's a list of requirements. back in may he had this to say. let's watch. >> i think u.s. have to keep going, have to keep moving forward. i done think there should be a pause. missiles were launch into israel. you know how devastating that is. >> abdullah and the gulf want something from the donald trump -- the statement about the settlements not out of donald trump's mouth it was sean spicer's statement. the sunnis want something before net raw h netanyahu. trump is triing of the world like a real estate deal in manhattan. he thing he understands how complex the stuff is. >> let make one point here. we have arab world. we have the sun nis, there's a difference. with the seven-nation ban, that nails most of the she ads country, we are making a point of making a message to arab country that we're not on your side coming from donald trump. >> i don't think it should be thought of as going down into the arab world. we're going to take their oil, that does not go down well on the arab street. >> can you american soldier dying so grab oil well and hold them. >> it's not american. >> it's colonial. thank you all. coming up it's been -- it's only been two weeks. is there a method to all of this stuff. we're diagnose going to get to the story that's intiesing. nyc in protests on the right. what's happening to free speech on campus. why is president still dancing with arnold, he tweeting about the bad job he doing -- why is trump hot dogging with with the terminator. this is "hardball" where the action is. advil liqui - gels work so fast you'll ask what bad back? what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. bp engineers use underwater robots, so they can keep watch over operations below the sea, even from thousands of feet above. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. last night on "hardball" kellyanne conway defended president trump travel ban by making this reference. >> i brand-new information to people that president obama had six month ban after two iraqi came here and mastermind behind bowling green massacre. >> that reference stirred up hornest nest. two later convicted in a plot to kill american soldiers there the plan never took place. i talk to kellyanne conway she meant to say on the program plot to massacre. we'll be back after this. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo cod be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at it there are four chiefs of staff and that's three too many. the trump administration have generated leaks from the white house and other branchs. trying to nail down the leakers is like to -- who covers the white house for political koe. thank you. first of all, everybody watching now, you sense there's a occasional quiet moment where he does something normal. the way he brought out neil gorsuch, a speech written and he read it and everything was charming in the way it was done. the way muslim man on seven countries who cannot come here have aspect of crazy. >> there are other things that are more moderate. he has a rang of people he needs to work with so he is -- he tap dancing in between two group, agos lt right and center right. >> he drives him toward this nationalistic fer ver. there's reince priebus who is republican he represents the way things are normally done. are they fighting it out every day? >> are they fighting for the last person to talk to him before the oval office, that's what's going on? >> exactly what's going on. the last person who speaks to trump -- he follows the last person who churped in his ear. >> churped. >> in the last white house joe biden made an agreement he said i want to be the last person to say with the in the meetings and i'll join if you can promise me that. >> he knows how bureaucracies work. >> exactly. you have steve bannon a loyalist with him. he a moderate who paul ryan and mitch mcconnell can work with. you have four people competing to have the last word and bannon and reince are staffing up with own loyalist. >> bannon and who? >> reince priebus. >> i have never seen so many leaks with impunity. you pick up the paper, it will say a confidant says he doesn't like the clothes that sean spicer wears to press conferences. is this how he talks to his people through the press? >> this is high functioning people. it starts with trump. he has been using the media for 40 years. the fact is this is a group that has sharp elbows. they are talking to the press -- even though they profess to hate the press, they use the press. it's fascinating thing to watch. the part of this beginning of the administration where everyone trying to figure out what their roles are. -- the muslims saw it that way. >> he got beyond the skis. that strengthens reince who have charge -- >> i agree. so many top cabinet officials and lawmakers were blind sided by the whole thing by limiting the information inside and outside of the white house, he doesn't trust -- bannon is one tough customer. he was a war buddy. he was the trenches with trump. he has the street credit to go up torumpo say i got you buddy. >> bannon is looking for own communicati communicati communication consultant. >> right. >> how did he get own seat? >> he has his own clout. policy a lot of it is flowing from bannon. reince is not a policy guy like bannon is. >> the president of the united states factions building empire building. i thought they are here for me. >> you would think that. you have been at this, you find out when you make decisions, you get into a small room, and people like to make decisions in decred decisions in secret. you have things that do not get implemented or get implemented poorly. if you are donald trump you want to see competition, you want to see people on the -- you want to see the survival of the fitness. >> that sound like he nooeian. the wals have ears because everything gets out. thank you. why is president trump still fighting this dance with the apprentice successor schwarzenegger. why is he fieighting the guy. this is "hardball" where the action is. just like the people who own them, everbusiss is diffent. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do. we'll handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. legalzoom. legal help is here. what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have or may have had: pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. if you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. the most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. stay ahead of ibs-d... with viberzi. msnbc news a federal judge has temporarily block president trump executive order that bans immigration from 7 muslims countries. the restraining order is effective nationwide while he considers a lawsuit against the order. that order is being challenged by the attorney geral in washington state and minnesota who say it's unconstitutional. president trump tweeted this. we must be evil out of our country. for now, back to "hardball." >> we have tremendous success on the apprentice and had i ran for president i had to leave the show. they hired a big movie star arnold schwarzenegger to take my place and we know how that turned out. the ratings are down the tube, it's a total disaster and mark never bet against trump dwen again. i want to pray if we can. >> that was the president trump taking swipe at successor on the variety show "the apprentice." it took governor to respond on this important issue. >> he donald, i have a idea. we switch jobs, you take over tv and i take over your job and people with finally sleep comfortably again, hmm. >> this morning the tweeter and chief was back at it. even worse on the apprentice but he tried hard. this is president of the united states talking. it would be impossible for -- mr. schwarzenegger former governor would face roadblock including the fact he was born in australia. it dates back in early january when then president trump was x why on god's earth is he distracting from -- some hope in this new administration why is he distracting from a important supreme court nomination that may succeed. here he is focusing on a fight with a guy who he got the job for. what is the mo motivation. what is it? what could it be? >> he doesn't let anything go, so we start there. you remember how parent and teacher taught you, you don't bring someone down to bring yourself up. no one taught him that. i'm going to rise above you and shove you down too so i look better by comparison. >> but that fight over the ratings for the "celebrity apprentice" are not important to 99.99% of this country. he has a mixed career, it's tough to succeed anybody. anybody cares in that sense who wins the competition. why did he go to prayer breakfast to do it. this is shooting fish in barrel. why did he go to prayer breakfast to say i'm praying for arnold, had he is not. >> he wants his score to be higher. the apprentice wasn't doing well when donald trump decided to run for president. now if it fails -- >> our network nbc are larger network did try to get much to stick around and do that. they were succeeding with the show. >> it was in the 70s and he likes to go around saying he is number one. it's a challenge to be measured and found lacking. also, arnold schwarzenegger is a vibrant attractive guy. if he feels arnold's ratings are higher in terms of public acclaim he is not going to like that. >> throughout the campaign donald trump showed understanding and appreciate of optics and appearances. here he goes. >> every place i go, we have thousands and thousands this was only restricted by the size of the room, we have -- it's packed. >> see how beautiful those hands are? >> here is a company i built and started with without a loan now it's worth over $10 billion. that's the kind of thinking the country needs. >> 285 drive. he doesn't say where the ball landed. what about the hand size things. it's always metrics. >> i don't know how his hands compare to anybody else. they seem normal to me. i think it's about sensitive to being compared. if someone else has some sign of favor with the public especially with celebrity and you have to remember celebrity was his first interest, he promoted empire through celebrity he going to compete with that person. i love that quote of him saying this i don't say this to brag, but all he does is brag. >> i have a theory, one he be f behaves like a guy who doesn't have much money. the gold tower, it's -- it's a fantasy. this other thing. he is like frank sin na tra. there's something about the guy is ready to put up the dukes. >> thank you. up next, another night of protests. the "hardball" roundtable joins us now in the age of free speech in the age of trump. you're watching "hardball" where the action is. nt. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? 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>> 70%. >> 70% of the country. >> if you're talking about cal berkeley, when you say -- if that's the face of the opposition that riles people up. >> you're a news person, straights straight down the middinmid middle i don't think it's fair to say 70% of the -- >> it's easy for a lot of people to hold up to berkeley as an example of a lot of things, the left coast, it's all of those things, that make it a symbol beyond the black ski masks. people are arrested in ohio too, this is happening this a lot of different places. >> you know this is a dynamic. these people are going to keep giving their speeches, rich spence who got sucker punched. >> that's is their freedom. people want to protests those people speeching, that is their right too. where i get off the train is when people decide to break windows. >> right. >> do they represent the movement, no. >> let ask you, if your opinion, what percentage of the opposition wants to negotiate with them try to get the best you can, even bernie sanders, says i want to get a goo trade deal out of this guy, how many want to make sure want to be known as total resist err. how is that dividing politics? >> i don't have a percentage for you. the names you mentioned are the ones i would have too. you see in the -- you say your interesting in infrastructure, i'll write an infrastructure bill and dare you to say no to it it. that's a way. that's an negotiating tactic. >> all we're dealing with -- >> how many people were saying i want to screw this guy, undermine him, like mitch mcconnell did with president obama. >> it's 50/50, we're dealing with a president executive order -- >> he sent nominees up. >> sure. ann is talking about infrastructure bill. >> if he wants to be enticing, he can make it -- he can put capitalization bill. up next, . >> it's a temporary restraining order on president trump immigration executive order which bans muslim from -- this coming into us. what do we know about it. >> richard the judge grant a request two states this order would be unconstitutional and illegal he put temporary stop on enforcing a executive order. it sounds dramatic. anyone who applied for visa those visa are no longer valid the executive order issued last week render them invalled if you want to km to the u.s. from the kunt kuns have to go back and reapply for a visa. early they can do that is monday. in the meantime, the government will go to appeals court and try to get a stay on the judge's order. it's a uncertain area. it's a bit of a gray area but for now, in the immediate day or so, it's going to have no practical effect. >> no practical effect here, pete. last weekend when the stay came down from the court, the federal court in brooklyn and this happening almost a week later, the differences between the two, you're saying, effectively are very little. what about legally? >> there's something like ten different lawsuits in ten different courts around the country. today a judge in boston declined to put a stay on the executive order. this judge in seattle agreed to put a stay so this is probably going to be fits and starts in the courts for the next several weeks until this gets worked out and it may eventually go to the supreme court but this judge's order today is round one. >> round one. and the words used, stay was the word we saw often heard last weekend. this week we're hearing -- today within the last couple hrs "restraining order." any difference between those two? >> no. it's a temporary restraining order is -- was applied to just specific people that they wanted to try to stop from being deported. what this judge has ordered today says is the government can't enforce this executive order and -- for now. but as i say the immediate practical effect is zero. >> with all the efforts happening across the country, are they vastly different or very similar in effect here as you're describing what the last two are? >> basically similar lawsuits in all these courts, that i basically say it's unconstitutional because it treats people differently depending on where they come from. it's illegal and some argue it's religious discrimination, richard, back to you. >> pete williams, thank you so much. also joining this hour is katie fang, msnbc legal contributor. katie, this just coming down to us at msnbc. anything that stands out from what you're learning about this particular restraining order? up with of the notes that has been made is that they were reflecting, at least the attorneys general, on statements made during the election process and then bringing it forward to this effort they were bringing to a federal court in washington. >> sure. i don't disagree with a lot of what people said in terms of the no practical effect statement pete just made but from a legal standpoint a temporary restraining order is such a high standard to be met, as a lawyer when you're seeking this typef injunctiverelief, it's a big deal to get it, even in a temporary sense. it has a declaration by a federal court judge that this underlying lawsuit that's been brought by the attorney general in washington and minnesota, that it has the likelihood of succeeding. whether or not it does we know is left to be seen but ultimately there will be some type of determination by perhaps the highest court in the land, our supreme court, as to whether or not this executive order issued by donald trump actually has the teeth and legs to continue to be enforced throughout the united states. >> so practically you and pete williams are saying nothing different. the stay versus the restraining order, how are the two different goal pests different for those against this executive order? >> it's six of one, half dozen of another in terms of the stay having the application, the temporary restraining order has the same. they have to battle it out in but but the arguments that were made were the statements asserted during this election process proves the intent of parties, people like trump and the administration in terms of why this executive order was issued and whether or not it has legitimate bases versus just being a ban against muslims. >> katie, 30 sektsdconds. what's next for the trump administration? >> trump is going to try to go and the trump administration is going to try to go and seek whether or not they can overturn the temporary restraining order but frankly the amount of time upon this temporary restraining order is not going to be very long there will be an immediate court date, yet another evidentiary hearing and why is that important? because there's the presentation of evidence, subpoenas, people that will testify regarding this. >> thank you so much, katie fang, msnbc legal contributor, for stopping by on this breaking news. again, a restraining order coming out of the state of washington related to the executive order that president trump signed one week ago. we'll continue to follow what's happening with this particular news item, for now, "hardball" will return after this very short break. thanks for staying with us. i have asthma... can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is neverbein. and always working to be bter. country who care about the world and care about people who have made this country their home. what did trump do about the sense he had gone overboard and had been too held bebt about meeting the campaign promise, he carried forward with a first rate made for prime time presentation of neil gorsuch, his nominee for the supreme court. so what's going on? are there people in the white house acting as stabilizers, shock absorbers or know when the leader has gotten too far ahead that it's time for him to rejoin the troops, that even his own supporters are getting jumpy or is it some self-corrector in the guy himself, something that sounds a quiet alert that alerts him to the fact that the let trump be trump thing has run its course. that he's banging up against a wild barrier and better show people he has things together and can, if necessary, run things the normal way, the way that calms people down and makes him seem like he's been on the job for more than two weeks. we'll no know soon enough whether or not it's the people that bust in or some internal alarm system that tells trump to


Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20180730 09:00:00

good morning, everyone. it is monday, july 30th. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian and louis bergdorf. president trump spent part of his weekend lashing out and questioning the credibility of robert mueller's ongoing investigation. in a series of tweets yesterday, trump claimed there was no collusion and called mueller's probe a witch-hunt and an illegal school. he went on to right, is robert mueller ever going to release his conflict of interest with respect to president trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty and contentious business relationship. i turned him down to head the fbi one day before appointment as special counsel, and comey is his close friend. also, why is mueller only appointing angry dems, some of whom have worked for crooked hillary, others including himself have worked for obama. and why isn't mueller looking at all of the criminal activity and real russian collusion on the democrat side, positive december au dossier. we. this is best thing that happened all weekend, politico "playbook" spotting bob mueller and donald trump jr. as you see in the circle waiting for their flights at reagan national airport friday morning. a spokesperson for the special counsel's office says, quote, that's him waiting to board a flight. if it is ak wrurt tccurate the person was don trump jr., mr. mueller was not aware of him and had no interaction with him. the chances of these two individuals at the airport waiting at this gate, unbelievable. >> do you think he was gathering evidence? >> i don't know, looks like he was reading a newspaper, likely a story about himself. i would like to have thought bubbles. to be the woman on the phone in front of robert mueller. >> look at him, the guy doesn't look like he knows who is around him. >> president trump's lawyer rudy guilliani is dismissing the claim that donald trump knew in advance of the trump tower meeting with russians. here is what he had to say yesterday morning. >> now i listened unfortunately, fortunately to my client's point of view, to many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. i didn't know that. i didn't know him well. i didn't know anything bad about michael cohen until all of this started to happen in the last couple of weeks. if he taped everything else, why didn't he tape this? it is not on tape. he's capable, i think, unfortunately of doctoring tapes. hasn't done that, would be hard to do it now since we have an expert all over it. it is just flat-out untrue. seems to me his default position is to lie. >> one of the allies, congressman darrell issa, doesn't think they will pay the price in the fall if the president is proved to have lied about the trump tower meeting. >> if he is proven to have not told the truth, nobody is going to be surprised. there are some things in politics you just take for granted. >> you don't think it has any long-term impact, and he wouldn't be the first politician or president for that matter maybe to misrepresent things and gets over it? >> you know, businessmen listen to almost everyone that might be helpful. by the way, they make pragmatic decisions about how the make bad stories go away. late last week the attorney for stormy daniels said he's representing three additional women who claim to have been paid to keep their relationships with donald trump quiet. according to michael avenatti, those payments were made before the 2016 election. here is the president's attorney, rudy guilliani being pressed on that issue yesterday. >> it is beyond stormy daniels, were other payments made to as-yet unnamed women around the time of the 2016 campaign? >> there is -- there is a conversation about that on one of the tapes in which i think chris cuomo asked him that, and cohen says no, denies it. said there were no other situations like this. >> was that an accurate statement by cohen? >> as far as i know, yeah. i have no evidence to disprove that. and we've searched the records. >> so michael avenatti tweeted at guilliani, are you denying there were other hush payments made to as-yet unnamed women in connection with the 2016 campaign? asking for some friends. you better buckle up, buttercup, because mr. trump's stupidity and disloyalty is about to catch up to him, quote -- i mean in paren they size. american consumers are beginning to feel the impact of the tariffs. u.s. steel and aluminum prices are up 33 and 11% respectively from iowa to poland. that's echoing a move announced by harley-davidson last month. now, per the labor department, consumer prices rose 2.9% in june compared to last year. that's the highest rate in more than six years, guys. let's talk about some of the stuff. swroining us from washington, "politico's" daniel lippman. good to see you on the show this morning. >> good to see you. >> let's talk about the continued pressure on president trump, rudy guilliani trying to take down basically michael cohen's credibility in light of the tapes that came out last week. do their claims have any merritt and who do you think holds more credibility in washington right now from what you have been hearing? is it the president or is it michael cohen? >> i think it probably is michael cohen because trump is the one who's out there on a day-to-day basis telling things to the american people that are flatout not true. so you saw that yesterday when Updates of the day's news. fire near redding where at least six are dead, the latest victim 70-year-old melody bledsoe and her grade-grandchildren, and seven are still missing. >> i have been a lifelong resident of this community. i have never seen a fire with such destruction here in this area ever before. >> reporter: more than 500 structures in northern ra california kra alo california alone reduced to rubble and rash. >> extreme is not the adjective to use anymore because the fire is so explosive in california. >> reporter: fire teams from across the country continue to move in, digging out cut-off lines and setting backfires on the ground, dropping water from the air. >> those folks, 48-plus-hour shifts. they were going on pure adrenaline, they were doing everything they could to save structures. those stories and a check on your weather when we come back. we have got a problem. still ahead, the publisher of push for their projects. msing r, aging power grids, ...aging everything. we also have the age-old problem of bias in the workplace. really... never heard of it. the question is... who's going to fix all of this? an actor? probably not. but you know who can solve it? business. because solving big problems is what business does best. so let's take on the wage gap, the opportunity gap, the achievement gap. whatever the problem, business can help. and i know who can help them do it. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. welcome back, everybody. president trump intensifying his attacks on the free press over the weekend following his meeting with the publisher of "the new york times." the president revealing on twitter that he and a.g.sulz berger recently sat down at the white house calling it a, quote, very good and very interesting meeting and adding, quote, spent much time talking about the vast amounts of fake news being put out by the media and how that fake news has morphed into phrase enemy of the people, sad. so following that tweet, you can imagine the paper confirmed the july 20th sitdown took place, saying it had been a long tradition of "the times" publisher to hold such meetings with presidents and public figures who have concerns about coverage. "the times" added that the president invited sulzberger to the oval office and the white house requested the meeting be kept off the record. sulz berger stating in part, my main purpose for accepting the meeting was to raise concerns about the president's deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric. i told the president directly that i thought his language was divisive and dang rules. i warnld that it is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and would lead to violence. it was undermining the democratic ideals of our nation and eroding one of our country's greatest exports, a commitment to free speech and a free press. >> so there's more. following the statements by "the times" and sulzberger, the president fired off a series of tweets. quote, when the media driven insane by trump derangement syndrome, it puts the lives of many, not just journalists, at risk. very unpatriotic. freedom of the press also comes with a responsibility to report the news accurately. 90% of media coverage of my administration is negative despite the tremendously positive results we are achieving. it is no surprise that confidence in the media is at an all-time low. i will not allow our great country to be sold out by anti-trump haters in the dying newspaper industry, no matter how much they try to distract and cover it up. our country is making great progress under my leadership and i will never stop fighting for the american people. as an example, the failing "new york times" and the amazon washington ton post "washingtont write bad stories even on positive achievements and they will never change. switching gears for a moment, the trump administration has been ordered to provide information to locate hundreds of missing parents to reunite them with their children. a federal judge overseeing the court-ordered reunification about 2500 immigrant children has ordered the administration to turn over a list of all parents deemed ineligible for reunification by wednesday. this list includes parents who have been deported, those who have been released into the united states and those who were not reunited because of a criminal history. 650 children remain separated because their parents had been deemed ineligible by the government. now, before the ruling, the department of homeland security claimed it had reunited around 1,440 children with their parents. the department has now yet committed to reuniting those with parents deemed ineligible, citing red flags in their background, waivers signed to be deported without their children, leaving i.c.e. custody or awaiting hearings inside the united states. let's get a check on the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. bill, you're going to give us a look at the west coast. it is so critical, that weather out there, to contain the wild fires sweeping california right now. >> it has been bone dry and hot. when you think of seattle, you don't think of like hot and dry conditions. seattle will have their seventh 90-degree day this july. seattle of all places. today we have 6 million people still under heat advisories and heat watches. here is how it is going to feel today. pendleton, oregon 96. that's hot. they will be happy to get to august and it looks like today is the end of the extreme heat there in areas of the i-5 corridor. it will begin to cool off. this is the pattern this week. we will call it the logjam. last week we had the endless rains on the east coast. unfortunately we are setting up for this again. it will be very hot in the rockies throughout the week. that's not going to help the firefighting efforts at all. a storm system stuck in the middle of the country and high pressure in the atlantic blocking it. this storm can't move and that pumps the moisture up the east coast. we will be dealing with days of rain and thunderstorms and high humidity once again, and that could end up with flooding concerns, too. this is through friday. the next five days areas of blue is one inch of rain, purple is two, the red is three. some areas in north carolina, north georgia, especially the southern appalachians, could get up to four or five inches of rain this week, leading to flooding concerns by end of the week. for today, enjoy your dry day today in the northeast from new york city to boston. late-day showers and storms in washington, d.c. wide-spread rainfall in areas of the south including florida, and a wet day from st. louis to indianapolis. for treading fire in the carr area, it is not 110 to 115, but they're still well over 100 degrees. not fun to be on the fire line. >> absolutely incredible for the guys out there. tharks for th thanks for that, bill. in coopers town a star-studded hall of fame class take its place. details next in sports. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. 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(vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. tour de france, defending his lead. he earns his first tour de france title. what a race and congratulations. living legends were honored in cooperstown at the hall of fame induction ceremony. the six-member class in 2018 is one of the largest in recent history, including chipper jones as well as vladimir guerrero to becomes the first position player from the dominican republic to be enshrined. also inducted were trevor hoffman and alan trammell. in the third inning, lunging for a ball hit deep to left center field and making a tumbling catch on the running track to rob the twins of a base hit. what a play. boston au necessary newly acquired righty nathan threw seven shutout innings in his debut as the red sox beat minnesota 3-0. >> exciting then. almost a no-hitter at the braves game they missed in the final pitch of the ninth inning. >> didn't catch it. >> missed that one. good high lie, louis. should have had it in the highlights. >> sorry, ayman. >> still ahead, the latest on president trump's threat to shut down the government over immigration and how it is playing with the midterms months away. plus, the president ups attacks on bob mueller and the russian probe. stay with us. ♪ a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. if yor crohn's symptoms are holding you back, and your current treatment hasn't worked well enough, it may be time for a change. ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. this condition has not been reported with entyvio. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's treatment isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. ♪ welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin and louis bergdorf. it is the bottom of the hour. top stories this morning, president trump spending part of his weekend at his new jersey golf course and used twitter to once again threaten to shut down the federal government over the battle for tougher immigration laws, the president tweeting yesterday morning, i would be willing to, quote, shut down the government if the democrats to not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall, must get rid of lottery, catch and release, et cetera, and finally go to system of immigration based on mer ilt. we need great people coming into our country. his warning comes ahead of the september 30th deadline for congress to strike a deal to fund the government, raising a possibility of a showdown 37 days before midterm elections. the funding battle would come amid efforts by republicans to confirm the president's supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh by october 1st. speaking yesterday, republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin, weighing in on weather to expect a shutdown come september. listen to this. >> i think hopefully most of the appropriations bill will actually be passed a little more -- a little prioritization of spending. so i lont like playing shutdown politics. >> how damaging would it be for republicans ahead of the november race? >> i don't think it would be helpful, so let's try to avoid it. >> put itting it lightly, not helpful. following his meeting on wednesday with mitch mcconnell and paul ryan, president trump trump signalled he was on board to fund the government with smaller packages of spending bills. he said talks over funding the border wall would probably have to wait until after the mid terms. speaking of the mid terms, president trump announced he will hit the campaign trail this fall. >> i'll go six or seven days a week when we're 60 days out, and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race, and we think we're going to bring them over the line. >> all right. so the president went on to say he's instructed the white house to compile a list of about two dozen mostly hotly-contested races so he can rally for vulnerable republicans across the country. however, trump had a different opinion about how presidents should spend their time when it was barack obama in the white house. >> i mean why is obama campaigning? he ought to be out working. he ought to be out -- but every time i look at him he's campaigning. >> in this year's highly-contested mid terms are on track to be the most expensive in history. according to a running tally by the center for responsive politics, federal campaigns have spent more than $1.6 billion owe far this year, over 1 billion is being shelled out for tv ads by democrats and republicans vying for house and senate spots. neither of those figures include heated dub that torl races which do not have to release their financial reports to the same commission. they also do not account for sizable cash donations from outside billionaires. president trump is touting his high poll numbers among republicans. he tweeted yesterday morning, wow, highest poll numbers in the history of the republican party. that includes honest abe lincoln and ronald reagan. there must be something wrong. please recheck that poll. well, good news, we did. according to gallop presume's approval rating among republicans is 88%, not the highest in the history of the gop. at the same point in their presidencies, dwight eisenhower's approval rating was 92% among republicans. in fact, george w. bush's approval rating was 93%. that's five points higher than president trump's. >> really doing your research, ayman. >> yeah, i was up early. me and daniel were cranking the numbers. >> all right. joining us from washington once again, "politico's" daniel lippman, coauthor of the "political playbook." let's talk about the president's threat to shutdown the government over immigration again, on the heels of the immigration debacle with parents separated if their children. still a lot of these children left wondering where their parents are. it seems at if 500 or so children left separated from their parents. what kind of reaction is that getting from washington? >> so speaker ryan and mitch mcconnell, they thought they had an agreement with trump not to have these types of antics because for the republicans to control all parts of the government and yet trump is saying, well, maybe we should shut down the government, that does not send the best message to midterm voters because, you know, there is this process to pay for the border wall and there are just not the votes there in terms of, you know, getting democrats and moderate republicans on board for $25 billion for this border wall. to go back to your earlier point about, you know, trump's poll numbers, he mentions honest abe. i don't think that there was polling back in 1860. gallop was not calling everyone around the country. >> it was by telegram then, come on, daniel. get your history right. you have to telegram your poll results back. >> that would take some time. >> russia really hacked into the 1860 election. >> still awaiting results. we'll get back to you. let's switch gears and talk about the mid terms. i want to ask you about money being injected into the midterm elections. we put up a figure, there it is, earlier, about 1.6 billion spent on federal campaigns, another billion or so in television ads. is there a correlation between higher spending allowance equating a win? is it guaranteed the more you spend, the more likely you're going to win? >> i don't think that's a one-to-one equation. mitt romney spent a ton of money, including some of his own money from his fortune, and he did not win. so you need a base level of spending to be able to be competitive, but it really comes down to candidate quality and also just the atmospherics of whether people are more interested in voting for democrats or republicans. i think it speaks to the broader issue with the political system in terms of the vast amounts of money. those donors, were -- remember, congressmen who get money from donors next time when they're elect, a donor asks for a favor, they will give it a high priority often. that is -- campaign finance reform is not a sexy topic, but if you talk to people around town they think it is very important. those congressmen also don't want to be spending three hours a day raising money. >> i think of the congressional upset here in new york with alexandria cortez and she did it on a grassroots campaign. >> absolutely. money does not always talk. >> thanks, daniel. >> thanks, guys. president trump took time over the weekend to question the credibility of robert mueller by name again and mueller's ongoing investigation. in a series of tweets, trump hit his old tropes and added new ones saying there was no collusion and calling it a witch-hunt and illegal scam. trump hinted at a nasty and con ten shul business relationship he had with mueller without elaborating on that. >> joining us onset, nbc news correspondent making his first-look debut. welcome to new york. >> hey, i too get the high five. >> keir simmons, ladies and gentlemen. how do you like waking up this early? >> i love it. actually, it is 10:00 in my world. >> let's talk about the trump/mueller investigation. he seems to be ramping up his attacks against mueller, using words like illegal scam, obviously he has used witch-hunt for some time. is this a sign you think the president is beginning to get nervous about the mueller investigation or how do you explain the sudden escalation in language? >> beginning to get nervous? of course he's nervous. he's furious. he doesn't know, like all of us, what is happening behind the closed doors of that investigation, and that is driving him crazy. but what he's doing is what anyone would do in a kind of sense politically and just throw mud, throw mud, see what sticks, accuse him of being democrats. that's a strategy born of the fact that what we have is a vacuum that's fuelling this story of speculation and what could mueller have, and in the end, of course, whatever comes out trump will say -- president trump will say that it is wrong, that it doesn't stick. so he's kind of getting his rebuttal in early. >> it seems as if the president is taking a page out of putin's book, about deflection. what is the russian view on this? >> look, i talked to the russians all the time. i talk to -- >> do you now? >> yeah. >> and what do they say? >> by phone? >> you're not doing it deliberately, talking to them. >> somebody call bob mueller. >> sometimes it feels as though you're getting involved in a domestic dispute. they talk about american foreign policy can only really have to see it through domestic policy and it never has been more true than with the russia investigation. but the russians are watching. they are paying close attention. you know, i think one of the things that is missed is that this is all about money. >> yes. >> this is about rich people figuring out how they can make more money together. so when it comes to president putin, for example, his overarching strategy is can we get rid of those sanctions. let me tell you a story. i spoke with a russian oligarch this year who is wrapped up in these accusations. i said, why don't you do an interview with me, set the record straight. he said to me, you know, i just sat down with a bunch of guyness -- a bunch of guys worth billions of dollars, so why do i need to. all of this is happening behind the scenes that the russians are pleased with, they're still pushing. i think the fascinating thing about the 2016 meeting -- >> so many questions about the meeting still unanswered. >> yeah. >> the fascinating thing about that, of course, is that has less to do with what did the russians have and what to they intend and everything to do with what did president trump think was happening. >> yes. >> again, back to it is all about the domestic. >> yes, and what did he actually know before the meeting. >> keir simmons, mixing it up with the russian oligarchs. >> all about the money. >> i wish i had that money. >> a pleasure to see you, thanks. >> the president's son-in-law falling back into where he stands in president trump's or bit. after suggestions he may be close to exiting the white house. >> plus, bill karins back with a check on the forecast including the potential for some severe weather. stay with us. ♪ ♪ oh, look... another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and wrinkles. one week? that definitely works! rapid wrinkle repair®. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena®. see what's possible. but behr premium stain y can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. if you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. mitzi: with less joint pain, watch me. for less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. welcome back, everyone. we are learning more about the standing the president's daughter and son-in-law have in the white house. "the new york times" reports jared and ivanka are as comfortable and as close to the president as ever. one reason, you might ask? well, as trump continues to change members of his administration while cutting out dissenting voices, he's retreated back to his family. according to "the times" as the president becomes more emboldened, so have jared and ivanka. much of the confusion about jared and ivanka's standing appear to have come from the president himself from telling aides to talk to jared to saying that jared hasn't been good for me. he told friends and john kelly that he wished jared and ivanka would head back to new york. >> i have a question as to why you guys make me read this part of a script. trump has joked about his daughter's choice of a husband, saying he could have had tom brady as a son-in-law but he got jared kushner. that's fact checking, folks. kushner who spoke about clearing the republican party from resistance to trump has many detractors saying that it steps from kushner being involved in areas out of his depth. kushner has reportedly feuded and/or undercut a long list of aides he views as not loyal. in a statement to "the times" kushner says through a spokesman, i have greatly enjoyed working collaboratively with so many extraordinarily devoted and competent people, but those who tried to undermine the president found me to be an obstacle. >> i'm waiting for his middle east peace proposal. that's what has my attention. >> we've been waiting for that one. >> hopefully we'll get it before the four years are over. >> let's get a check on the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. what have you got for snus. >> i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. a lot of people in oklahoma were awakend in the middle of the night. this line of thunderstorms rolled through with 40 to 60-miles-per-hour wints. it went through oklahoma zand now is pushing for the red river here and may make it down stored dallas going through the morning commute. it should weeken shortly, but we will continue to watch that. other areas of the east are getting drenched. we are seeing heavy rains setting up in areas of eastern north carolina, virginia, around richmond, towards virginia beach and a little bit of rain in central illinois and indiana. the humidity will skyrocket again in the northeast. it will feel like last week. as we go through today, be prepared for downpours from d.c. south ward through the carolina. on wednesday we are stuck in this weather pattern, guys, just like last week, the moisture up the east coast. we had all of the floodings in areas around d.c., baltimore and, of course, harrisburg. we have to watch it again for the flood risk on the eastern sea board. we start august as july was, humid on the eastern seaboard. >> the upside of having rain like that sometimes though is you don't actually have to water your plants. >> or mow either because you can't. >> thanks. >> you got to find the upside in things, you know. >> thanks, bill and yasmin. appreciate that insight. all right. still ahead, stocks in the u.s. point to a lower open ahead of a busy week, including a slew of major earnings reports. plus, cbs's board of directors prepares to meet amid investigations against chairman and ceo. details of those stories and others driving your business day coming up next. en "vengeful ver" not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. facebook was in the news. this week the focus will be on apple. their reporting tomorrow. we get a report from a third of the s&p 500 companies. we have the fed to watch out for on wednesday. not expected to hike, we want to watch out for language on trade and tariffs. elsewhere in company news, i want to point out that the board of cbs has been meeting over this weekend to decide on the future of its chief executive les noon ves. he had made sexual advancement towards six women. he's facing a legal battle with the parent company of cbs. this is over a potential proposed merger with viacom. that is expected to go to trial in october. he has been chief executive since 2006 and has been attributed with turning the company around. cbs shares were down about 6% in trading on the news. but we'll have to see what the board decides later this week. back to you guys. >> thanks so much. coming up, everybody, axios nicholas johnston has a look at this morning's one big thing. coming up on "morning joe," president trump lashing out at bob mueller. the latest on the president's weekend twits targeting the special counsel over 2016 meetings at trump tower involving his campaign and a group of russians. richard blumenthal and eric swalwell will both weigh in on the president's comments. "morning joe" just moments away, everyone. to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. ♪ welcome back, everybody. joining us from washington a look at axios editor chief for axios nicholas jonathan. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> talk to us about axios's one big thing today. >> president trump being true to his roots, getting interested in a big real estate deal happening in downtown washington about the fbi headquarters. this is an old 40-year-old building on pennsylvania avenue that has a very distinct style. many tourists thinks it looks a little out of place. count president trump among them. he thinks that building looks ugly. he hates it and wants it torn down and replaced. there's an on going process to get the fbi new headquarters. the deal to get them to maryland fell through. he wants them in prime real estate on pennsylvania avenue. >> brutalist is the architecture. >> what are your sources telling you about the reasoning for the president's intense focus on overhauling a federal building? >> of course he's a real estate investor. he has been very fascinated about. his hotel is on that same street. this is a really big piece of land. this is a huge real estate deal that the federal government is working on. if the president doesn't like something, he'll get involved in a real estate scheming to get it fixed. >> i wonder if he wants to rename the building to trump fbi building. >> that's a stretch. just putting that out there. >> i don't see that happening any time soon. now that we talked about real estate and washington and the renaming of the fbi building to trump tower fbi, let's talk about the midterms. we have about 99 days left to go. can you believe it? we also know -- >> who's counting? >> president trump wants to get on the road six to seven days a week to stump for people that need it. what are you finding with regards to president trump's involvement with the midterms and how people feel about it? >> both sides are looking to make this about trump. the president is looking forward to get out after labor day six or seven days a week. he's been tweeting his approval rating very high among republicans. putting him out on the campaign trail is a great way to get republicans out to the polls. on the flip side, his disapproval is super high. democrats hope that such as he'll get republicans out to the poll, his disapproval will get democrats to vote. >> president trump appears to be doing more harm than good for their campaigns. what is the biggest liability for some republicans to take on the trump train? >> that's true. there is very much a double edged sword here. for republicans in swing states where maybe hillary clinton had won, chasing a falling behind a democratic opponent, president trump can be a huge liability. we talked to some republicans introducing bills, out of the mainstream on the conservative side and not interested in president trump showing up and making these much more about local races. if they feel it's a referendum on trump, they'll lose their jobs. >> what are you watching this week? >> congress is out of session. the senate is still around. remember what people forget is we have a supreme court justice working his way through the process. we also cover technology, big week for tech earnings we'll pay attention to it. >> seems like we forgot entirely about supreme court and everything else that happened in the past week. thank you for that reminder. to all of our viewers out there, you can sign up for the newsletter >> that does it for us on this monday morning. "morning joe," everybody, starts right now. i mean, why is obama campaigning? he ought to be out work. he ought to be out -- but every time i look at him, he's campaigning. >> i'll go six or seven days a week when we're 60 days out and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race and we think


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181130 05:00:00

world like to use the climate prinergy solutions and reforestation. they create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and more determined to build something here for the next generation global ideas a multimedia environment series on t w. u.s. president donald trump has arrived in buenos iris argentina for the g. twenty summit earlier he announced he was canceling a meeting with russian president vladimir putin blaming russia seizure of ukrainian naval vessels the two leaders had planned to hold talks at the summit. germany's parliament the bundestag has backed the united nations migration pact while making it clear that the agreement is not binding and so may not actually be put into effect. the pact aims for safe orderly and regular migration and it's the first time the un has created global objectives to tackle this challenge. president trumps former lawyer michael cohen has pleaded guilty to lying to congress about a trump real estate deal in russia cohen is cooperating with special prosecutor robert miller and his investigation into possible russian interference in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election trump called cohen weak and said he was trying to get a lighter sentence. german prosecutors have raided the country's biggest lender bank as part of a probe into money laundering the investigation is based on revelations made in the twenty six thousand data leak known as the panama papers that leaks suggested staff at the bank had helped clients funnel money into offshore tax havens.


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