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Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130818

tall, a view of warren hal reached many, and there were many different reasons to watch it go. >> my kids couldn't wait to see it blow up. >> yeah. it's definitely emotional. >> for rob warren, it was personal. >> the building is named after my grandfather. >> his grandfather helped bring in cal state hayward here. >> if you talked to a lot of people who came to cal state or who grew up in the area, it's a real icon. >> it was until boom. >> but warren hall had to go. it was the worst earthquake hazard in the cal state system. >> i wasn't expecting it to be so spectacular. >> hayward native did not know about the building's danger or it turns out how much the tower meant to her. >> every time we would go to my grandma rose's house, we would watch it all the way until you couldn't see it anymore. so i think that's where it kind of hit me. i hate crying. from childhood. >> earthquake researchers are fond of the implosion for a different reason. it's not every day you know when and where the earth will move. >> i could feel it in my feet. of course there was a boom boom boom percussion, but railly i was looking for the ground motion myself. >> this week they put 600 sensors around campus but won't get the info back for months for something that took ten seconds. there's sure fb a lasting impact whether that's what experts find or what some find missing. >> just, you know, my family being here and everybody and seeing this landmark that i've grown up with for so long, it just kind of got me. >> the u.s. geological survey will gather those sensors throughout the next week, then they can start combing through that data. in hayward, kpix 5. a new five-story structure will be built elsewhere on campus and will serve as office space. in a matter of hours, we may be seeing and feeling big changes in the weather. take a loovenlth these aren't the clouds we normally see. roberta gonzales is here with what you need to know for the rest of your weekend. roberta. you're right. those clouds near the golden gate bridge typically are not seen there. those are clouds all associateed with a tropical moisture. we'll get more into that, but this is what you need to know to kick start your sunday. it is spare the air day where we will have ozone very close to the surface is pollution. it's trapped primarily in the eastern portion of our bay area. that's where you see a bit of a haze. so in addition to that, by the time we wrap up our sunday, we'll have a fire weather watch in effect for all of these yellow highlighted areas. now, that means that from sunday night all the way to tuesday evening, we have the chance of a fire sparking, and that's because we have thunderstorms in the forecast, at least right now 20 to 30% chance of a thunderstorm any particular time. it's all associated with the subtropical moisture slipping up from the south. we're going to pinpoint the areas that the biggest risk is involved. that's still coming up and later in this news cast. >> roberta, thank you. a violent start to the week end in oakland. eight people have been shot since last night. four were injured along telegraph avenue just this afternoon. kpix 5 don knapp talked to witnesses who went after the suspect. it started as a car break in and should have ended when neighbors gave chase and recover add woman's stolen purse. about ten minutes later, the thief came back and started shooting. joyner watched from her shop across the street. >> the young woman's boyfriend who was not shot actually ran after him, chased him down. him and another bystander chased him down, took a photo so the police have a photo, and he came back, circled back, and went on and shot fire. >> two men and two women were wounded. one person is in critical condition. three of the wounded worked at bad boys hair salon and stepped out when they saw the chase. >> the involvement of the young man that was shot the most, he tried to push the young woman out the way. >> this all happened near telegraph and broad waishgs not far from city hal, an improving area called uptown. if there's an upside to this story, it's this, what the neighborhood did after the shooting. >> at that moment it's glad you were able to run and help somebody else out at that point. >> and it wasn't just those two. many came to help the victims. >> they came from rudy's. they did that because they want today get this guy. >> yes. and to help four people who were shot. >> this man who didn't want to appear on camera says the response reflects the true oakland. >> and i don't want people to think this is how oakland is, you know, and there's a lot of people who came to aid, you know. so that -- that's oakland, people coming to help people. that's oakland. not what happened. the after math. and there was general win concern. >> in oakland, kpix 5. oakland police haven't made any arrest in this shooting. all four victims, though, are expected to survive. today's shooting comes after a deadly shooting at an east oakland birthday party last night. one man died at the scene on 105th avenue in the cervante park neighborhood. another man died at the hospital. a third victim is in critical condition. officers are trying to figure out if a fourth man was also involved. police have no motive and have made no arrests in that shooting. some action tat coliseum in oakland tonight, but this wasn't on the field. several cars caught fire in the parking lot just minutes after the a's started playing the cleveland indians. investigators tell us one car drove onto or too close to a small grill and caught fire. the flames then spread to nearby cars. in the end, three cars were heavily damaged. three others had minor damage, but no one was hurt. a fire burning near bouet county is growing at this hour. nearly 250 firefigers a working to contain this fire. it's burned more than 1800 acres since it started yesterday afternoon. the fire is just 20% contained. hundreds of people are being evacuated from the area. so far one home has been destroyed. at least 300 more are threatened. no injuries have been reported. and more people have been evacuated from their homes in idaho as a wind-driven wild fire continues to spread. nearly 93,000 acres burned since the fire was started by a lightening strike ten days ago. it's just 6% contained. more than 700 firefighters are fighting the fire as it grows closer to the resort communities. and more gunfire in egypt today as egyptians security forces and the muslim brotherhood shoot it out in a mosque. hundreds of supporters of ousted president mohammed morsi took refuj in the mosque after protests turned violent yesterday. today security forces eventually stormed the moss k and cleared it out. spokesman for interim leader says despite the violence, there's reason for hope. >> egyptians are today more united than they were ever before. >> more than 170 people were killed in protests yesterday. at least a thousand people have been killed since wednesday. british authorities are looking into a newly-revealed conspiracy claim in the death of princess deana. cbs reporter kelly has more from london. the crash in a paris tunnel that killed princess diana and their driver was the fault of the driver, drunk and speeding away from the chasing paparazzi, at least that's what a court ruld in 2008, case closed, until today. in a statement announced they're taking another look at the death, scoping information they've received and assessing its relevance and credibility. the assessment will be carried out by offices from the specialist crime and operations command. this new information about diana's death reportedly came from the in laws of a former soldier and was passed on by the royal military police. the deaths of diana were investigated for 11 years at a kwos of $12 million. there were countless rumors and conspiracy theorys, including an alleged letter from diana to her butler claiming her former husband prince charles was plotting to kill her. father, former owner of the luxury department store insisted the two were murdered. investigations by the police and the courts ruled that out citing insufficient evidence. a spokesman said he had no comment to make but said he will be interested in seeing the outcome, adding that he trusts the metropolitan police will investigate the information with vigor. scotland yard is not talking about this new information beyond what they said in their statement. they did say the information is not part of the old investigation, not a rehash of old facts. royal spokesman said there will be no comment from prince charles, prince william or prince harry. kelly, cbs news london. >> august 31st, that's just two weeks from today, marks the 16th anniversary of princess diana's death. well, a raul drive to get san diego's mayor out of office begins tomorrow. organizers nearly 1402,000 valid sittings in 39 days to qualify for the ballot. 16 women, including three city employees, have publicly accused mayor bob philner of unwanted sexual advanced. the entire city council called for him to resign. according to the l. a. times, san diego's city attorney is considering getting a restraining order to bar filner from city hal. saying i do on the spot. the public place where same-sex couples are getting married this weekend. and mishaps on the water. the scary moments in this reyes on the san francisco bay. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, weddings. now that same- . the 38th annual san jose pride celebration features something new this year, weddings. now that same-sex mashlg is legal in california, organizers are offering on-site marriages. about 1200 people were at san jose's discovery meadow park today. organizers expect an even bigger crowd tomorrow. pride runs from noon until 7:00 and tickets are $15 at the gate. scary moments in the first day of the louis vuitton cup finals. in the first race, two men were overboard. they were rescued within seconds and weren't hurt italy's luna row sa withdrew because of problems with the keel of its boat and then conditions got too win doi so race two was postponed until tomorrow. competing for the right to take on oracle team usa in the america's cup finals next month. >> 3, 2, 1. >> the sights and sounds of middle ajs filled san francisco's golden gate park today. it was the annual celebration ochl archery known as debalkly along with an archery tournament. there was also a competition where participants read original poetry or sang songs. scientists want to know why honey bees are dying off and some are trying to prevent it. kpix 5 shows us how one woman is making her honey bees count. >> i bet if i asked you how many bees per hour your backyard has, you might not know. >> spebt her day at a managed flower bed in black east pasture counting as many behse as she could. after that, loading the numbers into a data base through her smart phone. >> we're losing more honey bees than we used to. about 30% are getting lost each year rather than the historic 15% background loss. >> six years running. an international endeavour, received counts from the nether lands and brazil. >> that is great spot because this is a hard time of year in california for behse because it's so dry. if you turned your camera around and shined it up in the hills here, you would see that it's just barren. there's not much in bloom. >> a lack of rain is the main culprit for loss of bees. without rain, there are fewer wild fires, and with fewer wild fires. >> we are losing both native and honey bees. >> but grechen says honey bees can use anyone's help from their homes. >> but you could go out, sit there for ten minutes, get a measure and then compare it to your zip code, to california's estate, and to the nation and have a sense of how well your community and your backyard is doing. >> and offer advice with three simple steps to help the bee population survive. >> one thing is having a diversity of flowers like this. another is adding a water element. it can even be a dish with some pebbles in it to drink from, and a third one is just being careful about what pesticides you use. >> reporting, patrick, kpix 5. a yale university study shows about a third of all the food we eat is made possible by bees pollinating crops. al gore will give the keynote address at the 17th annual lake tahoe sim mitt on monday. the former vice president was also at the first summit in 1997. elected officials and environmentalists will talk about the environmental challenges that threaten a lake's dleer waters. research reports show tahoe rebounded with clarity last year with an average depth of more than 75 feet. a decades old san francisco playground is getting a new lease on life. reopened playground after a $9 million renovation. the almost 4-acre park has a new clubhouse, children's play area and overhauled basketball and tennis courts. it also includes dozens of hand maid wooden sculpttures made over the years. seems unusually busy for this time of year in the weather department. >> it's actually fin. it really is because we have so many different ingredients moving in. first of all we have areas and then low clouds and then also have tropical moisture. did you see the clouds today? that was all associated with the tropical moisture that now poses a threat at bart's thunderstorm activity is concerned. look at this. it's our live kpix weather camera looking out towards america's cup. that's kind of like the venue for the concert series where tonight it was steely dan. how about that. what a great night for that. the temperature did drop. san francisco now is at 59 degrees. winds have been picking up out of the south. livermore in 60s. sachl is true in san jose and santa rosa. 64 degrees around the peninsula and mountain view today where it was 75 degrees, which is pretty status quo this time of the year. in fact, that is pretty much spot on for this time of year. 77 in san jose and mid and high 80s to the north around santa rosa and in penngrove. tonight we will have a veil of clouds. 50s and 60s, a little bit on the muggy siechld in fact, here's what you need to know. first off, tonight milky skies with veil of cloudiness and patchy fog develops after midnight. tomorrow a spike in temperatures. you will feel the difference. then we have unsettled monday and tuesday. we'll get to that because it's all associated with that right there. tropical moisture to the east of us wrapping around the core of the area of low pressure that is currently offshore but this area of high pressure is going to retrograde, migrate back west. that's what's going to heat up our bay area tomorrow, then tap that in with subtropical moisture we do have a watch that goes into effect by sunday night, but first off we'll begin our sunday with the spare the air day in effect. little bit of haze in the eastern portion of our bay area where we will feel some of the hottest temperatures, and then the fire weather watch goes in effect sunday night all the way through tuesday night and that's for the potential of dried lightening and also the potential of fire here locally. now, 64 degrees tomorrow in pacifica. mid 60s around the seashore. not bad at all. 70s and 80s across the peninsula then from the 70s through the mid 80s in san jose. upper 70 degrees. mid 90s morgan hill and in gil roy all due to that southerly flow. bit muggy and hotter. triple dimths. discovery bay, antioch also right around. 99 in danville. otherwise 60s, 70s and 80s news, weather, and sports north of the golden gate bridge. 103 in clear lake. we will show the difference tomorrow. we won't have as much cloudiness tomorrow as what we experienced today, but nevertheless by tomorrow night we certainly will when duo have that fire weather watch go into effect. that produces also that chance of thunderstorm activity on monday and tuesday. dry ir air mass by the midportion of the week, and that will lead to some seasonal temperatures. oh, heading out to the ball game tomorrow. lucky you. make sure you have the sun block. temperatures in mid 70s. or maybe food is more your speed. we have the food festival on sunday, as well. low 70s. i have to say when i go to a baseball game, i can eat. i can eat. >> well, ballpark food is really good. >> and i do. >> all right. thank you roberta. all right. how is this for a cool outfit, a northern california boy just got his very own space suit. who handed it over making the gift even more special. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, n . a wish has been granted for an 11-year-old sacramento boy. hunter wants to be an astronaut but suffers from a rare muscle disease that will leave him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. thanks to the make a wish foundation he got his very own space suit today, though, presented to him by a former as tro naught. he also gets to go to the johnson space center in houston. >> i'm really xietd and speechless. i thought it could change my life. >> hunter leaves in a few weeks. he'll get to see inside a shuttle as well as visit the launch pad and mission control. get this, an ferrari auctioned off in monterey today sold for $27.5 million. that's almost double its xupted price. this 1967 ferarri nart spider was bought by a self-made millionaire for $8,000, but off the owner, eddie smith died back in 2007, it went to his son. the 27 million drr price tag makes it the most expensive ferrari ever sold at auction. former athletic and giant is in deep trouble with major league baseball, and the a's look great in the field but how were they with their bats? coming up next. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after straining his left grn yesterday during workouts..e start the clock.... rick efrments a's starting pitcher bartolo colon is headed to the disabled list after straining his left groin yesterday during workouts. mo, start the clock. ricky henderson a part of the sell out crowd, the a's didn't do too much with their bats, but they were speck lack lar in the field. donaldson nailing at third. first inning nick swisher makes former team pay. solo shot, and the indians never look back. the rangers win for a's are game sxaf back in the west. after 19 hits last night, the giants only had five tonight. pablo vand value with one as he runs scores shaken up on the play spiked by logan morrison. he'd be okay. evens his win loss record at 8 and 8. seven innings, mooif strike outs, fwies win. miguel tejada tested positive twice this season and has sub pended 105 games. he says he admits to making the mistake but says he was using adderall because he suffers from add. third-straight title in 200-meter dash. 19.66 seconds at the world championship. >> all right. thank you. we have breaking news coming into the news room. there has been another deadly shooting at oakland tonight. this one took place at 9:41 p.m.. one person is confirmed dead. we'll have more for you at kpix 5 at 11:00. we'll see you then. good night. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - so i got an early res at blue wasabi and i'm taking rachel. she's picking me up after work. - rachel from the party? - oh, yeah. - nice. do the damn thing. - pow! - blue wasabi is so good, but get the cheeseburger. they say they won't do it, but they will if you make a scene. - okay, bye. - okay, bye. - mmm. - mwah. - i'll miss you. - miss you. - mwah. - okay. i'll be in my office if you need me.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20140421

away in an ambulance after he was found on the tarmac at a high high airport of police say he stowed away and somehow survived a trip halfway across the pacific in the wheel well of a plane. good evening, and thank you for joining us. i'm ama dates. fbi officials say the 16-year-old boarded a flight in san jose and was found on the tarmac at the airport in maui. lilian kim is live at san jose mineta international airport with the details on this bizarre story. >> ama, this story is mind blowing on many levels. there is the security aspect and then there is the survival aspect. here is a photo of the 16-year-old boy being wheeled away by paramedics. the fbi says he survived a five and a half-hour flight from san jose to ma we in the wheel well of a high high an airlines plate. the boy was apparently unconscious most of the flight. when he regained consciousness he was seen walking on the tarmac covered in grease. the fbi says he ran away from home and hoped a fence at mineta san jose before climbing into the wheel well. we talked about the likely conditions the boy faced jie. to be at that altitude, 38,000 feet, that is higher than mount everest and people use oxygen tanks because they can't move without them. the wing wells are not pressurize. so the outside air temperature is a factor. that was well below minus 40 or minus 50 degrees fahrenheit. >> he is said to be in good health. the next question of course is security. how did the boy hop the fence and walk on the tarmac without anyone noticing? the public information officer here wouldn't comment on that and we plan to get more information tomorrow. lilian kim, abc7 news. >> lilian, thank you. new details on that 7-year-old boy who neitherly drowned at marina park in san leandro hee. is in serious condition, but alive thanks to the actions of good samaritans. he ran about 10 feet into the water to pull the boy out after hearing a young girl scream for help. >> the first time you see the boy moving and he started bleeding and the boy start moving. >> alameda county firefighters praised those on scene who performed cpr on the boy before they arrived. >> anytime a good samaritan steps in and is able to pull somebody out of the water, it plays a huge role in our ability to be effective in saving somebody's life, and in this case i think it was very good that it is good samaritan jumped in there and was able to pull him out. >> police interviewed witnesses at the scene. we are waiting for more details and we will keep you updated on abc7 news bay area. new at 11:00, two people suffered traumatic injuries after they were involved in a major injury accident in castro valley. it happened along busy lake shabow road a little after 7:00. authorities say a car somehow overturned. the two people who were inside were pulled from the car and rushed to eden medical center for treatment. police are still looking for a driver who hit and dragged a san francisco police officer. it happened around 12:30 in the city's castro district. the officer was responding to a call about a suspicious person. when officers arrived in the area the suspect ran away and got into a car. police say the officer was then hit and dragged by the get away car. he was not seriously injured. a high surf warning is in effect in the bay area. take a look at pacifica where you can see the large waves hitting the floor. there is also a greater risk for rip currents and sneaker waves. it will last until tomorrow morning. let's go to abc7 news meteorologist francis mclaughlin for a look. >> live doppler 7hd is picking up clear skies around the bay area and we are still in the 50s and 60s in some locations. those clear skies brought us well above average temperatures today. lots of 80s out there. 82 in san san rafael and 83 in napa and 84 in livermore and even 75 in san francisco. now we are going to see clouds return and a chance of rain coming into the forecast late monday night and into tuesday. plus more chances later on in the week and i will have all of that with the accu-weather seven-day forecast. ama? >> thank you. a sonoma county man spoke where he survived the worst accident on mt. everest. he says he was pushed out of the way by a guide just before the avalanche struck on friday morning. at least 13 died in the avalanche. the rider described the emotional toll he felt watching the dead being taken away. >> we put the clip into the harness and then clipped that to a cable on the bottom of the helicopter. >> there is just a small window left to climb everest. his wife says there are big road blocks. >> if he can he wants to go to the top. right now it is unspecial because the -- uncertain because the sherpa say they want a list of requirements met before they will go to the of top. >> among the things the sherpa want are death penalties and retirement pay. four more crew members have been detained and they are accused of uh -- abandoning ship. divers have now recovered 64 bodies. 240 people are still missing. tonight south korea's president is saying the actions of the captain and crew are akin to murder. as an unmanned submarine continues to look for the missing malaysian airlines play relatives of the passengers say they are jumping the gun. the officials are discussion ways to provide financial assistance to the relatives who say the officials should have the de seen said -- decency to wait until the plane was found. several arrests were found at the 4/20 celebration at golden gate park. several people were taken in on felony charges. one person was detained in connection to vandalism at the nearby ameba music store. but the party that was mostly uneventful ended quickly after something caused the crowd to run out of the park. abc7 news reporter sergio qu intana has the details. >> police were on scene after a rush of people began running up what is called hippie hill. officers on motorcycles cut the crowd to investigate. it is not clear what prompted the crowd to start running. there were unconfirmed reports of shots fired, but a lot of people in the crowd didn't hear them. we were just a few yards away and didn't hear them either. >> i didn't hear nor -- people were saying there were gunshots and most people had no idea what they were running from. >> reporter: we saw two taken into custody, but police on scene did not say why. the park rangers moved in and told everyone to turn off their music. the party was over. as the crowds moved out, volunteers moved in to start the clean up. >> they started picking up the track and made sure what was reported on last year is not a repeat of this year. >> this was the mess left behind last year. the city said the clean up cost thousands of dollars. she says she will be joining more volunteers in the morning to help with any further clean up. abc7 news. 4/20 is the code forgetting high, and it originated in the bay area. a group of san rafael students who called themselves waldos for the wall they hung out at school. they would meet after school at the statue of famed chemist luis pass sture. >> we met at 4:20 to get high and look for the treasure. >> we cut the 4:20 to luis to just 4:20 as our code to get high. >> 43 years later people across the globe use the term 420 as pot smoking in general. they never did find that job. chp are investigating a crash involving a big rig in santa rosa. it happened around 8:00 a.m. officers say the driver fell asleep and slammed into the sign and flipped the truck before it burst into flames. the driver managed to pull himself out. his injuries were minor. pg&e crews are working to restore power to more than 350 santa rosa customers. they have been without power since 11:00 this morning when a traffic accident brought down some power lines. it happened near mcbride and terry lanes. the power went out for 5800 customers. pg&e expects the remaining customers to have power restored in the next hour. still to come, the preparations are underway for tomorrow's boston marathon and the security changes one year after the deadly attack at the finish line. and the easter celebrations right here in the bay area and around the world. plus -- >> they would hold hands every morning before they ate. >> a love story to span the ages. the couple who never spent time apart and the touching story of how it all ended. for boston. thousands of runners and hundreds of thousands of spectators are expected for tomorrow's marathon, just one year after the horrific terror attack. the day began with a traditional blessing forerunners at boston's old south church. although this blessing happens annually, it has special meaning. tomorrow's race is the first since the deadly bombings that killed three and injured more than 200 others. members of the church made these blue and gold scarfs and handed them to runners to show their support. >> these scarves are inter woven with love and courage. >> jeff bowman who lost both legs in the blast say it has been a difficult road to recovery. >> it is really tough to be normal and be my old self. i spent this whole year trying to find myself again and trying to be who i was before. >> this year security will be tighter than ever. police have double the officers on the streets. many were scattered throughout the crowds. new rules are in place. among them, no signs or banners bigger than 11 inches by 17 inches. no backpacks of any kind and unregistered runners hoping to join the race are prohibited. >> this will be safest place on the planet on monday. >> just last week as the city came together to mark the one-year anniversary of the attack, two suspicious bags were found at the finish line. the bomb squad was called in to destroy the bags. it turned out to be a hoax, but served as an eerie reminder for a city that is already on edge. police will also be monitoring won00 cameras set up -- 100 cameras set up on the route. we will have more tomorrow morning from 4:30 to 7:00. pg&e officials are expected to appear in court tomorrow to face charges in connection with the deadly san bruno pipeline blast. an disiement filed earlier this month charges the utility with 12 felony violations. eight people died and 38 homes were destroyed in the 2010 blast. the utility faces a $6 million fine. a former san francisco firefighter faced with hitting someone while on duty. he resigned after the incident. this is video. quinn faces felony accounts that could put him in prison for three years. the mold problem from the aging building on treasure island could be getting worse. according to the san francisco chronicle, more residents and workers are complaining about the mold. in march, firefighters on the former navy base had to move from their fire house because of mold. it is the latest health worry on the island where the soil is contaminated with toxins and radiation. easter sunday began at the glide foundation. a choir rocked the standing room only crowd. hundreds of people hung around for the free breakfast, lunch and dinner. the glide foundation has been providing meals, affordable housing and health care to the needy for 50 years. and at moffet field they enjoyed food, games and the easter bunny at a free event. it got everyone into the spirit. they say even if you don't support the war, you should support the people who put everything on the line for our freedom. and there is lots of traffic on the bay bridge. let's take a look at it. you can see there are no accidents, just heavy traffic especially coming back into san francisco. the average speed is about 19 miles per hour right now. but it is the end of the holiday weekend and a lot of people were on spring break this week. a lot of people are getting back and getting ready for work. for a look at what the weather holds for tomorrow, if you will need your umbrella, let's get to our meteorologist for the latest. >> you might want to have that umbrella handy. the weather cooperated with the easter festivities today. clear skies right now as it sweeps around the bay area. you can see from the east bay, beautiful shot of the bay and san francisco. it has been a gorgeous day. the temperatures are in the 50s and the 60s for the most part. 60 in san jose. cooler right now in half moon bay. currently at 46 degrees. as we look toward the ferry building and the beautiful lights on the bay bridge, you can see more pleasant conditions. 51 in santa rosa and 54 in napa and 50 in petaluma. we do have changes on the way. i'll tell you all about that as we look now toward downtown san francisco. just wonderful today. it will be mostly clear. cloudy and cooler. tomorrow morning you will notice a difference and a chance of rain late on monday night and into tuesday. so the pacific satellite image tells a story of what we experienced in the last 12 hours. we had clear conditions today, but we have a slow approaching cold front. that will pass over the bay area monday night into tuesday. the forecast animation shows light green which is light rain. there are chances of it maybe very late monday night. by 9:00 tomorrow we could see light rain, but it will be north of cloverdale. and then in the overnight hours we could see spotty showers most likely around 3:00 in the morning on tuesday. the chances of showers continue into tuesday morning and then diminish after that. keep that in mind. the overnight lows will be in the upper 40s to near 50. once again 46 in napa and 50 in san francisco. 50 in oakland and 51 in san jose. now tomorrow's numbers will take a tumble from today. they will be closer to average. so in san francisco expect a high of 61. look for cloudy conditions as well along the peninsula. 66 in san mateo and 70 in san jose. tomorrow we will see low 70s in the inland valleys and 73 in livermore and 71 in napa compared to the 80s we saw today. if you are headed to the game, it looks rain-free tomorrow night it is going to be in the mid50s for you during game time. here is the accu-weather seven-day forecast. we have cooling and also a chance of rain tomorrow night into tuesday. very windy and even cooler. normal midweek with partly cloudy conditions. and then more unsettled weather with chances of rain possibly friday and maybe even saturday. we will keep you posted on that and looking likely on sunday. >> we'll take anything we can get. shu is here with sports. what a match up in the shark tank. >> falling behind 2-1 in one period. but seven unanswered goals and it is a 2-0 lead. complete highlights and reaction next in sports. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can they'they're big. fast. andsom. dependable. and at net10 wireless, we let you tweet, text, talk and surf... on those amazing nationwide networks... without getting locked into a pricey phone contract. america's best 4g lte networks for half the cost. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data starts at just $40 a month. and now android smartphones start at under 50. net10 wireless. seven and first round series with san jose up one game to none. the tank was rocking before faceoff and guess who is in the house. ricky henderson and they jumped out to a two-goal lead and they lose possession in the zone. mike brown fires the pass and it was his first career playoff goal. the sharks and torres with the second goal in as many wins. thorton gets his 24th career playoff goal. seven unanswered for san jose. they win it 7-2 and take a 2-0 lead in the series. >> we are working hard for our goals. they brought the game back it was a weird night. >> the nba playoffs houston and portland. it was a huge game. this tip in sends it to over time. 46 points and 18 rebounds in ot. the rockets down two. james harden with a last chance and no good. portland takes game one, 122-120 in over time. greg pop -- popovich looking to get back into it. ginobili to donen c. -- to donen c. king james and the heat begin their quest to defend their title hosting charlotte. lebron and company pull away in the fourth. dwyane wade finds him open. the heat win it 99-88. john wall and the fifth seeded wizards taking on the fourth seeded bulls in chicago. wizards up lats. wall misses the jumper, but he cleans it up and he has 15. washington takes game one on the road 102-93 the final. we'll take a brief timeout before we hit the diamond where josh donaldson was doing serious hitting of his own. highlights and reaction from josh as we hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. and jesse chavez got his first win. giving oakland the best record in the american league. first inning and cocoa crisp laces one to right. looks like extra bases. lays out. unbelievable catch. donaldson with quite a day. his fourth of the year and oakland goes up 2-0. jesse chavez picked up his first win of the year allowing one run over sixth inning. and donaldson had two doubles on the way to his three-hit, three-r.b.i day. this one off the wall. cocoa scores and a's sweep the astros. their -- they are 13-5. the giants slide down to san diego. tim lincecum on the hill and he got early help. a man on for buster posey. see ya. g-men go up 2-0. it is a 4-0 ballgame. but that was the last hit of the day for the g-men. chase headily rips the double and nadey comes home and he is called safe, but bruce bochy challenges the call and after the replay it would be the difference. timmy had seven k's and six plus innings of work. it is these first of the season with a 4-3 victory. the final round in hilton head, carol a line gnaw. he dropped into a tie and out of the bunker on 18. are you kidding me? seven under 64 and it is one last chance. oh that's right on-line. just slides by. he wins his seventh career pga tournament. kid in hand on easter sunday. this abc7 sports report is brought to you by riverwalk casino. coming up later a father-son story on the diamond. the former pro with his son trying to follow in his footsteps. >> just ahead, the bizarre details of a teen who stowed away on a plane from the bay area to hawaii. the live for what reality teaches you firsthand.. in the face of danger, and under the most demanding circumstances. experience builds character. experience builds confidence. and experience... has built this. the 2014 glk. the engineering, and the experience, of mercedes-benz. starting at $37,480. of a 10-year study suggests the potent painkiller codeine is being prescribed for children in a half million emergency room advice at this time each year despite limits. it can cause dangerous side effects like excessive sleepiness and difficulty breathing. the study's author, a professor at ucsf, advises any child on codeine with those symptoms should get immediate medical attention. the fda advises using codeine for a child's pain only if anticipated benefits outweigh the risks. easter was celebrated around the world today. in washington the first family went to services this morning while at the vatican pope francis blessed the faithful in st. peter's square. lyndsay janice has more on this easter sunday. >> reporter: pope francis blessing the faithful with insense as they arrive to celebrate mass in st. peter's square. more than 150,000 worshipers from around the world gathering to hear his message of hope and peace. the people's pope circling the crowd in his popemobile. the vatican tweeting an apology saying he didn't have time to stop and take hands and take selfies as he did on palm sunday. millions more celebrating with ancient traditions like the holy fire ceremony in jerusalem at the tomb where christians believe jesus was resurrected. and in greece, opposing parishes mark orthodox easter with their famous rocket war. and a parade in new york city. women wearing easter bonnets. todd leers and -- toddlers and pups too. >> that was lyndsay janice reporting. now a love story like no other. an ohio couple married for 70 years couldn't bear to be apart at the end of their lives. >> this is the story of helen and kenneth from nash port, ohio. they met as teenagers and inseparable ever since. married 70 years. they were so eager to tie the knot, kenneth couldn't wait another day. [eloped|elopeing and marrying the day before he was 21. their family told us this sunday no one knew back then. >> they got married on the 20th of february and he was not 21 until the 22nd of february. so he lied about his age on the -- i guess they didn't need proof back then. >> they would raise a family together, eight children. later in life two of them still holding hands every morning at breakfast. >> they would hold hands every morning before they ate. >> a prayer of thanks for the food and for each other. there was a trip once on a ferry to alaska and all they had to sleep on was bunk beds. so they made a choice. >> they both slept in the bottom bunk so they didn't have to sleep apart. >> they embraced the neighborhood kids as their own and helping their parents too. one mom kenneth helped fix her lawn mower so many times he told her it was beyond fixing. >> he took his pick up and loaded her up and took her into town and bought her a new lawn mower because he knew he couldn't fix it anymore. >> in the end, surrounded by family their children always knew when they lost one of their parents, they would likely lose the other. one week ago helen passed away after 70 years of marriage. 15 hours later her husband kenneth died too. >> after that he went real quick. 15 and a half hours after mom passed dad went to be with her. >> before he passed ken told his daughter he didn't want his wife to be by herself. stay with us. we are coming right back. developing story out of san jose. a 16-year-old bay area teen stowed away and somehow survived a trip from san jose international airport to maui in the wheel well of a plane. abc7 news reporter lilian kim is live with the latest. lilian? >> authorities are calling this a miracle and amazing that a 16-year-old boy survived a five and a half hour flight while in the wheel well of a plane. the boy is from santa clara and here is a a picture of him being taken away from air medics in maui. he was said to be running away from home when he hoped the fence at san hoe saw mineta and got on to the plane. he was uh mairntly unconscious -- apparently was unconscious for most of the five and a half hour flight. it was flying at 38,000 feet where there is little to no oxygen and temperatures below zero. a spokesman from maui gave a brief run down on what happened. >> the juvenile was approached and asked him what he was doing. he wasn't too cooperative or communicative at that time. security was called. on arrival security questions were asked to the juvenile. he wasn't too cooperative. >> the boy was checked out and is in good health. he is now in the custody of child protective services. live at mineta san jose, lilian kim,abc7 news. >> thank you for that update. it is spring and that means spring cleaning. but some people are taking it a step beyond and getting rid of the clutter. in tonight's assignment 7 report we are looking at the minimalist movement to see if it might be right for you. >> does your garage look like this? full of things you can't part with? you are not alone. americans are big consumers. we spend roughly $380 billion a year buying stuff. and then to pay for it we work long hours and buy big houses to store it all. is all of that stuff making you happy? ryan and joshua don't think so. >> i had all of this stuff in my life. i was living the american dream. i had sort of everything i ever wanted. the six-figure salary and the big house with more bedrooms than inhabitants. we both climbed the corporate ladder together, and we were both miserable. >> ryan and joshua left their suit and tie jobs jobs and moved from dayton, ohio to a cabin in montana. they are now leaders of the minimalist movement. en urge cking people to -- encouraging people to get rid of the stuff not adding value to their life. joshua and ryan are now traveling to 100 cities across the country to promote their fourth book "1400 people -- 1400 people rsvped. they are filling bookstores for people interested in pairing down their lives. >> my sister saw them in texas and said you have to go. >> it doesn't matter how much stuff you have. it is the passion and how you live your life. i thought it was profound. >> joshua discovered minimalism in 2008 when his mother died. the same month his marriage ended. >> i looked around at what had become my life's focus and i realized that i didn't know what was important anymore. >> he started to purge. >> i had about eight months of pairing down my life. shedding 80% or 90% of my material possessions. i started to feel freer and happier and lighter. >> ryan saw the difference and paired down his life. he packed everything in his apartment into boxes and only took things out as he needed them. >> i did this for 21 days. at the end of the experiment i had80% of my stuff in boxes. >> what he didn't need he sold or gave away. the two men started blocking their experiences -- blogging their expenses. they were blown away by their response. >> 52 readers turned into 500 and 500 became 5,000 and last year we had more than two million people that visited the website. >> jesse jacobs is one of them hee. is a minimalist. >> we don't have much furntd. we have a couch and table and chair. >> he showed us how he lives in his sonoma county house. >> minimalism is not just stuff that takes up physical space. it is the people we surround ourselves with and information resubject ourselves to and the emotional baggage. >> records provide entertainment and books replace badgeetts and simple toys spark imagine nation. jesse is applying minimalism to his business as well. at a tea shop he will only sell a handful of teas giving people fewer choices to de clutter their lives. they are excited about the huge response. as it grows they hope others will find happiness from letting go of stuff. >> if we can get one message out there and can convey one message to everyone that comes to our events, we want to leave this behind to love people and use things. the opposite never works. >> if you are interested in de cluttering your life, ryan and joshua gave us ideas on how you can get started. check out the seven things you can do to minimize your life on i have been doing a seven-day de clutter challenge. i started with my desk which is great to get rid of stuff. this was my fail. the goal was to carry less stuff and combine my two work bags, my lunch and purse into one after i put my lunch stuff in my bag i just couldn't do is it. i couldn't do it. i think it is okay to fail once. >> i have seen your make up back alone. >> if i didn't have that i could have succeeded. it is time to check our weather with francis. >> hi, ama. hi, mike. live doppler 7hd looks uncluttered right now. we had clear blue skies. tomorrow we could see a little bit of green. we will see possibly some chances of rain on monday night late into tuesday. and the current temperatures right now come down quite a bit. we are hanging on to the low 60s in some locations. 61 in san san rafael and 63 in concord and 61 in livermore and we saw temperatures in the low 80s today. that was 10 to 15 degrees above average. tomorrow though they will drop with the cloudier conditions. the overnight lows are again cool and in the upper 40s to near 50. 47 in san rafael and santa rosa and look for a low of 50 in san francisco, oakland and in san jose. for folks traveling around the state you will notice the clouds moving in in the northern part of the state. 53 in eureka and then partly sunny conditions and in los angeles it is 76. 80 in yosemite. for us tomorrow we will be closer to normal and coming down quite a bit. 61 degrees. we will see 60s around the bay and 50s along the coast and low 70s this time inland instead of the low 80s. here is the accu-weather seven-day forecast. cooler weather and cloudier conditions with a chance of rain late monday into tuesday. we will keep you posted on that and better chances for the end of the week. we will take all of the rain we can get. >> thank you, francis. shu is here with sports. on this easter sunday a nice father-son story. >> his son kai is trying to follow in his dad's footsteps. his field of dreams is in san francisco and his story is to ] when i said that...we weren't ready to have a baby, we're actually eight-weeks pregnant. [women] shut up! [brother-in-law off camera] we're pregnant! [woman] you're kidding me! [man] shut up! [woman] shut up! [screams] take the kid,take the kid,take the kid! [woman] oh my god! [everyone laughter,crying] father-son combinations, and programs the next in line chili davis and his son kai who was hoping for his own field of dreams. 19-year-old k eight grew up in arizona wi in chili davis. his father played 19 years with five teams including the giants and he is now the a's hitting coach. kai is playing for city college? san francisco and it has always been tough living in his dad's shadow. >> i tell him he could be better than i was. >> like most sons k eight wants to prove he can -- kai wants to prove he can do it himself. but he needs to take advantage of his dad's knowledge. >> he is telling me, you know, your dad is one of the smartest hitter easy -- hitters i have seen. you need to pick his brain to get that info. >> kai is a switch hitter like his dad playing right field and first base. he came to ccsf late, but working hard for more playing time. >> he has good skills. the one thing i like about him is work ethic. and he doesn't want anything for free. he wants to earn everything he gets. >> he likes to be in the bay area with his father and occasionally goes to the coliseum to get some tips. he would love to play in the majors and his dad has the usual stern advice. >> as far as i'm concerned, keep your mouth shut and play the game and booy on time and -- and be on time and work hard. >> he has a lot of wisdom and he helps me out as much. i work so i am kai davis and not just chili davis' son. >> chavez got his first win giving oakland the best record in the american league. it was win-win situation thanks to josh donaldson. a beautiful day at the coliseum. astros with another great play in the outfield. cocoa crisp and it looks like he will get extra bases. no relation to jerry. he can make a great catch. donaldson with quite a day. he crushes one over the left field wall. chavez finally picked up his first of the year. allows one run over 6th inning. he is on his way to a three-hit, three r.b.i day. this one off the wall and cocoa will come across and sweep the astros with a 4-1 victory. that is the best record in the american league. >> with that said, i feel like we had a pretty good team. >> giants end a three-game slide in san diego with sim lincecum on the mound and he got early help. she gets this one and the g-men up 2-0. bases loaded and pagan to right center and a -- 4-0 ballgame. bottom of three and 4-2 giants. rips a double and former cal bear called safe at home. bruce bochy challenges and nady called out and it is 4-2. that is a huge difference. timmy has 7k's and six plus innings of work and his first win of the season. sharks and kings game two of the best of seven series. san jose up 1-0 and the tank was rocking as usual. guess who is in the house. ricky henderson. they lose possession here in the second. mike brown fires it past quick. his first playoff goal. four and a half minutes later and it is his second goal in as many games. 3-2 sharks after two periods. in the third and goals for pavel ski and then his 24th career playoff goal. they take the lead in the series with a 7-2 victory. >> we are working hard for our goals. they brought the game back. >> final round of the rbc heritage. he dropped it into a tie. are you kidding me? a seven under 64. it forces a playoff. it forces a playoff. and he is playing well with his seventh career pga tournament on easter sunday. this sports report is brought to you by riverwalk casino. i would say it is a busy day in sports. >> definitely. thanks, shu. >> thanks for joining us. that is it for tonight. the news continues tomorrow morning at 4:30. i'm ama dates and thank you for joining us. have a great evening. wireleare awesome. they let us use our phones to do amazing things. but why sign a 2-year phone contract just to use them? at net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. but for half the cost. the bring your own phone plan. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just $40 a month. net10 wireless. ♪ don't do it. that one's overripe. really? you can tell? trust me. this is the one... sweet and firm. (sniffs) i like sweet. and i like firm. mm. (people screaming)


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20140421

from san jose to ma we in the wheel well of a high high an airlines plate. the boy was apparently unconscious most of the flight. when he regained consciousness he was seen walking on the tarmac covered in grease. the fbi says he ran away from home and hoped a fence at mineta san jose before climbing into the wheel well. we talked about the likely conditions the boy faced jie. to be at that altitude, 38,000 feet, that is higher than mount everest and people use oxygen tanks because they can't move without them. the wing wells are not pressurize. so the outside air temperature is a factor. that was well below minus 40 or minus 50 degrees fahrenheit. >> he is said to be in good health. the next question of course is security. how did the boy hop the fence and walk on the tarmac without anyone noticing? the public information officer here wouldn't comment on that and we plan to get more information tomorrow. lilian kim, abc7 news. >> lilian, thank you. new details on that 7-year-old boy who neitherly drowned at marina park in san leandro hee. is in serious condition, but alive thanks to the actions of good samaritans. he ran about 10 feet into the water to pull the boy out after hearing a young girl scream for help. >> the first time you see the boy moving and he started bleeding and the boy start moving. >> alameda county firefighters praised those on scene who performed cpr on the boy before they arrived. >> anytime a good samaritan steps in and is able to pull somebody out of the water, it plays a huge role in our ability to be effective in saving somebody's life, and in this case i think it was very good that it is good samaritan jumped in there and was able to pull him out. >> police interviewed witnesses at the scene. we are waiting for more details and we will keep you updated on abc7 news bay area. new at 11:00, two people suffered traumatic injuries after they were involved in a major injury accident in castro valley. it happened along busy lake shabow road a little after 7:00. authorities say a car somehow overturned. the two people who were inside were pulled from the car and rushed to eden medical center for treatment. police are still looking for a driver who hit and dragged a san francisco police officer. it happened around 12:30 in the city's castro district. the officer was responding to a call about a suspicious person. when officers arrived in the area the suspect ran away and got into a car. police say the officer was then hit and dragged by the get away car. he was not seriously injured. a high surf warning is in effect in the bay area. take a look at pacifica where you can see the large waves hitting the floor. there is also a greater risk for rip currents and sneaker waves. it will last until tomorrow morning. let's go to abc7 news meteorologist francis mclaughlin for a look. >> live doppler 7hd is picking up clear skies around the bay area and we are still in the 50s and 60s in some locations. those clear skies brought us well above average temperatures today. lots of 80s out there. 82 in san san rafael and 83 in napa and 84 in livermore and even 75 in san francisco. now we are going to see clouds return and a chance of rain coming into the forecast late monday night and into tuesday. plus more chances later on in the week and i will have all of that with the accu-weather seven-day forecast. ama? >> thank you. a sonoma county man spoke where he survived the worst accident on mt. everest. he says he was pushed out of the way by a guide just before the avalanche struck on friday morning. at least 13 died in the avalanche. the rider described the emotional toll he felt watching the dead being taken away. >> we put the clip into the harness and then clipped that to a cable on the bottom of the helicopter. >> there is just a small window left to climb everest. his wife says there are big road blocks. >> if he can he wants to go to the top. right now it is unspecial because the -- uncertain because the sherpa say they want a list of requirements met before they will go to the of top. >> among the things the sherpa want are death penalties and retirement pay. four more crew members have been detained and they are accused of uh -- abandoning ship. divers have now recovered 64 bodies. 240 people are still missing. tonight south korea's president is saying the actions of the captain and crew are akin to murder. as an unmanned submarine continues to look for the missing malaysian airlines play relatives of the passengers say they are jumping the gun. the officials are discussion ways to provide financial assistance to the relatives who say the officials should have the de seen said -- decency to wait until the plane was found. several arrests were found at the 4/20 celebration at golden gate park. several people were taken in on charges felony charges f one person was detained in connection to vandalism at the nearby ameba music store. but the party that was mostly uneventful ended quickly after something caused the crowd to run out of the park. abc7 news reporter sergio qu intana has the details. >> police were on scene after a rush of people began running up what is called hippie hill. officers on motorcycles cut the crowd to investigate. it is not clear what prompted the crowd to start running. there were unconfirmed reports of shots fired, but a lot of people in the crowd didn't hear them. we were just a few yards away either.'t hear them >> i didn't hear nor -- people were saying there were gunshots and most people had no idea what they were running from. >> reporter: we saw two taken into custody, but police on scene did not say why. the park rangers moved in and told everyone to turn off their music. the party was over. as the crowds moved out, volunteers moved in to start the clean up. >> they started picking up the track and made sure what was reported on last year is not a repeat of this year. >> this was the mess left behind last year. the city said the clean up cost thousands of dollars. she says she will be joining more volunteers in the morning to help with any further clean up. abc7 news. 4/20 is the code forgetting high, and it originated in the bay area. a group of san rafael students who called themselves waldos for the wall they hung out at school. they would meet after school at the statue of famed chemist luis pass sture. >> we met at 4:20 to get high and look for the treasure. >> we cut the 4:20 to luis to just 4:20 as our code to get high. >> 43 years later people across the globe use the term 420 as pot smoking in general. they never did find that job. chp are investigating a crash involving a big rig in santa rosa. it happened around 8:00 a.m. officers say the driver fell asleep and slammed into the sign and flipped the truck before it burst into flames. the driver managed to pull himself out. his injuries were minor. pg&e crews are working to restore power to more than 350 santa rosa customers. they have been without power since 11:00 this morning when a traffic accident brought down some power lines. it happened near mcbride and terry lanes. the power went out for 5800 customers. pg&e expects the remaining customers to have power restored in the next hour. still to come, the preparations are underway for tomorrow's boston marathon and the security changes one year after the deadly attack at the finish line. and the easter celebrations right here in the bay area and around the -- plus -- >> they would hold hands every morning before they ate. >> a love story to span the ages. the couple who never spent time apart and the touching story of how it all ended. ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) for boston. thousands of runners and hundreds of thousands of spectators are expected for tomorrow's marathon, just one year after the horrific terror attack. the day began with a traditional blessing forerunners at boston's old south church. although this blessing happens annually, it has special meaning. tomorrow's race is the first since the deadly bombings that killed three and injured more than 200 others. members of the church made these blue and gold scarfs and handed them to runners to show their support. >> these scarves are inter woven with love and courage. >> jeff bowman who lost both legs in the blast say it has been a difficult road to recovery. >> it is really tough to be normal and be my old self. i spent this whole year trying to find myself again and trying to be who i was before. >> this year security will be tighter than ever. police have double the officers on the streets. many were scattered throughout the crowds. new rules are in place. among them, no signs or banners bigger than 11 inches by 17 inches. no backpacks of any kind and unregistered runners hoping to join the race are prohibited. >> this will be safest place on the planet on monday. >> just last week as the city came together to mark the one-year anniversary of the attack, two suspicious bags were found at the finish line. the bomb squad was called in to destroy the bags. it turned out to be a hoax, but served as an eerie reminder for a city that is already on edge. police will also be monitoring won00 cameras set up -- 100 cameras set up on the route. we will have more tomorrow morning from 4:30 to 7:00. pg&e officials are expected to appear in court tomorrow to face charges in connection with the deadly san bruno pipeline blast. an disiement filed earlier this month charges the utility with 12 felony violations. eight people died and 38 homes were destroyed in the 2010 blast. the utility faces a $6 million fine. a former san francisco firefighter faced with hitting someone while on duty. he resigned after the incident. this is video. quinn faces felony accounts that could put him in prison for three years. the mold problem from the aging building on treasure island could be getting worse. according to the san francisco chronicle, more residents and workers are complaining about the mold. in march, firefighters on the former navy base had to move from their fire house because of mold. it is the latest health worry on the island where the soil is contaminated with toxins and radiation. easter sunday began at the glide foundation. a choir rocked the standing room only crowd. hundreds of people hung around for the free breakfast, lunch and dinner. the glide foundation has been providing meals, affordable housing and health care to the needy for 50 years. and at moffet field they enjoyed food, games and the easter bunny at a free event. it got everyone into the spirit. they say even if you don't support the war, you should support the people who put everything on the line for our freedom. and there is lots of traffic on the bay bridge. let's take a look at it. you can see there are no accidents, just heavy traffic especially coming back into san francisco. the average speed is about 19 miles per hour right now. but it is the end of the holiday weekend and a lot of people were on spring break this week. a lot of people are getting back and getting ready for work. for a look at what the weather holds for tomorrow, if you will need your umbrella, let's get to our meteorologist for the latest. >> you might want to have that umbrella handy. the weather cooperated with the easter festivities today. clear skies right now as it sweeps around the bay area. you can see from the east bay, beautiful shot of the bay and san francisco. it has been a gorgeous day. the temperatures are in the 50s and the 60s for the most part. 60 in san jose. cooler right now in half moon bay. currently at 46 degrees. as we look toward the ferry building and the beautiful lights on the bay bridge, you can see more pleasant conditions. 51 in santa rosa and 54 in napa and 50 in petaluma. we do have changes on the way. i'll tell you all about that as we look now toward downtown san francisco. just wonderful today. it will be mostly clear. cloudy and cooler. tomorrow morning you will notice a difference and a chance of rain late on monday night and into tuesday. so the pacific satellite image tells a story of what we experienced in the last 12 hours. we had clear conditions today, but we have a slow approaching cold front. that will pass over the bay area monday night into tuesday. the forecast animation shows light green which is light rain. there are chances of it maybe very late monday night. by 9:00 tomorrow we could see light rain, but it will be north of cloverdale. and then in the overnight hours we could see spotty showers most likely around 3:00 in the morning on tuesday. the chances of showers continue into tuesday morning and then diminish after that. keep that in mind. the overnight lows will be in the upper 40s to near 50. once again 46 in napa and 50 in san francisco. 50 in oakland and 51 in san jose. now tomorrow's numbers will take a tumble from today. they will be closer to average. so in san francisco expect a high of 61. look for cloudy conditions as well along the peninsula. 66 in san mateo and 70 in san jose. tomorrow we will see low 70s in the inland valleys and 73 in livermore and 71 in napa compared to the 80s we saw today. if you are headed to the game, it looks rain-free tomorrow night it is going to be in the mid50s for you during game time. here is the accu-weather seven-day forecast. we have cooling and also a chance of rain tomorrow night into tuesday. very windy and even cooler. normal midweek with partly cloudy conditions. and then more unsettled weather with chances of rain possibly friday and maybe even saturday. we will keep you posted on that and looking likely on sunday. >> we'll take anything we can get. shu is here with sports. what a match up in the shark tank. >> falling behind 2-1 in one period. but seven unanswered goals and it is a 2-0 lead. complete highlights and reaction next in sports. ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. the apartment building where the fire was. when things like this happen, i think you find a new perspective on life. hi. red cross put us in a hotel so we were able to stay together. we're strong and, if we overcame that or if we can overcome that, we can overcome anything, so. [ sniffle ] seven and first round series with san jose up one game to none. the tank was rocking before faceoff and guess who is in the house. ricky henderson and they jumped out to a two-goal lead and they lose possession in the zone. mike brown fires the pass and it was his first career playoff goal. the sharks and torres with the second goal in as many wins. thorton gets his 24th career playoff goal. seven unanswered for san jose. they win it 7-2 and take a 2-0 lead in the series. >> we are working hard for our goals. they brought the game back it was a weird night. >> the nba playoffs houston and portland. it was a huge game. this tip in sends it to over time. 46 points and 18 rebounds in ot. the rockets down two. james harden with a last chance and no good. portland takes game one, 122-120 in over time. greg pop -- popovich looking to get back into it. ginobili to donen c. -- to donen c. king james and the heat begin their quest to defend their title hosting charlotte. lebron and company pull away in the fourth. dwyane wade finds him open. the heat win it 99-88. john wall and the fifth seeded wizards taking on the fourth seeded bulls in chicago. wizards up lats. wall misses the jumper, but he cleans it up and he has 15. washington takes game one on the road 102-93 the final. we'll take a brief timeout before we hit the diamond where josh donaldson was doing serious hitting of his own. highlights and reaction from josh as we and jesse chavez got his first win. giving oakland the best record in the american league. first inning and cocoa crisp laces one to right. looks like extra bases. lays out. unbelievable catch. donaldson with quite a day. his fourth of the year and oakland goes up 2-0. jesse chavez picked up his first win of the year allowing one run over sixth inning. and donaldson had two doubles on the way to his three-hit, three-r.b.i day. this one off the wall. cocoa scores and a's sweep the astros. their -- they are 13-5. the giants slide down to san diego. tim lincecum on the hill and he got early help. a man on for buster posey. see ya. g-men go up 2-0. it is a 4-0 ballgame. but that was the last hit of the day for the g-men. chase headily rips the double and nadey comes home and he is called safe, but bruce bochy challenges the call and after the replay it would be the difference. timmy had seven k's and six plus innings of work. it is these first of the season with a 4-3 victory. the final round in hilton head, carol a line gnaw. he dropped into a tie and out of the bunker on 18. are you kidding me? seven under 64 and it is one last chance. oh that's right on-line. just slides by. he wins his seventh career pga tournament. kid in hand on easter sunday. this abc7 sports report is brought to you by riverwalk casino. coming up later a father-son story on the diamond. the former pro with his son trying to follow in his footsteps. >> just ahead, the bizarre details of a teen who stowed away on a plane from the bay area to hawaii. the live [beep] [speaking foreign language] [heart beating] [heartbeat continues] [faint singing] [heartbeat, music playing louder] ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me ♪ ♪ i was a lonely soul, but that's the old me... ♪ announcer: this song was created with heartbeats of children in need. find out how it can help frontline health workers bring hope to millions of children at wow. college already. ( chuckles ) yeah. - ( engine starts ) - we gotta go. ♪ for all the truth that you made me see... ♪ i love you. ♪ for all the joy you brought to my life... ♪ i love you too, daddy. ♪ you're the one who saw me through... ♪ and thanks - for everything. - ♪ through it all... - ♪ you were my strength when i was weak... ♪ - ( woman speaks ) a message from the foundation for a better life. of a 10-year study suggests the potent painkiller codeine is being prescribed for children in a half million emergency room advice at this time each year despite limits. it can cause dangerous side effects like excessive sleepiness and difficulty breathing. the study's author, a professor at ucsf, advises any child on codeine with those symptoms should get immediate medical attention. the fda advises using codeine for a child's pain only if anticipated benefits outweigh the risks. easter was celebrated around the world today. in washington the first family went to services this morning while at the vatican pope francis blessed the faithful in st. peter's square. lyndsay janice has more on this easter sunday. >> reporter: pope francis blessing the faithful with insense as they arrive to celebrate mass in st. peter's square. more than 150,000 worshipers from around the world gathering to hear his message of hope and peace. the people's pope circling the crowd in his popemobile. the vatican tweeting an apology saying he didn't have time to stop and take hands and take selfies as he did on palm sunday. millions more celebrating with ancient traditions like the holy fire ceremony in jerusalem at the tomb where christians believe jesus was resurrected. and in greece, opposing parishes mark orthodox easter with their famous rocket war. and a parade in new york city. women wearing easter bonnets. todd leers and -- toddlers and pups too. >> that was lyndsay janice reporting. now a love story like no other. an ohio couple married for 70 years couldn't bear to be apart at the end of their lives. >> this is the story of helen and kenneth from nash port, ohio. they met as teenagers and inseparable ever since. married 70 years. they were so eager to tie the knot, kenneth couldn't wait another day. [eloped|elopeing and marrying the day before he was 21. their family told us this sunday no one knew back then. >> they got married on the 20th of february and he was not 21 until the 22nd of february. so he lied about his age on the -- i guess they didn't need proof back then. >> they would raise a family together, eight children. later in life two of them still holding hands every morning at breakfast. >> they would hold hands every morning before they ate. >> a prayer of thanks for the food and for each other. there was a trip once on a ferry to alaska and all they had to sleep on was bunk beds. so they made a choice. >> they both slept in the bottom bunk so they didn't have to sleep apart. >> they embraced the neighborhood kids as their own and helping their parents too. one mom kenneth helped fix her lawn mower so many times he told her it was beyond fixing. >> he took his pick up and loaded her up and took her into town and bought her a new lawn mower because he knew he couldn't fix it anymore. >> in the end, surrounded by family their children always knew when they lost one of their parents, they would likely lose the other. one week ago helen passed away after 70 years of marriage. 15 hours later her husband kenneth died too. >> after that he went real quick. 15 and a half hours after mom passed dad went to be with her. >> before he passed ken told his daughter he didn't want his wife to be by herself. stay with us. we are coming right back. at 15, i was addicted. by 40, i'll have lung disease. at 50, i'll die of a heart attack. dr. regina benjamin: cigarette smoke causes immediate damage that leads to health problems, even death. those who quit or die are being replaced by a new generation of smokers. i'm dr. regina benjamin, united states surgeon general. go to learn how to make our next generation tobacco-free. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. developing story out of san jose. a 16-year-old bay area teen stowed away and somehow survived a trip from san jose international airport to maui in the wheel well of a plane. abc7 news reporter lilian kim is live with the latest. lilian? >> authorities are calling this a miracle and amazing that a 16-year-old boy survived a five and a half hour flight while in the wheel well of a plane. the boy is from santa clara and here is a a picture of him being taken away from air medics in maui. he was said to be running away from home when he hoped the fence at san hoe saw mineta and got on to the plane. he was uh mairntly unconscious -- apparently was unconscious for most of the five and a half hour flight. it was flying at 38,000 feet where there is little to no oxygen and temperatures below zero. a spokesman from maui gave a brief run down on what happened. >> the juvenile was approached and asked him what he was doing. he wasn't too cooperative or communicative at that time. security was called. on arrival security questions were asked to the juvenile. he wasn't too cooperative. >> the boy was checked out and is in good health. he is now in the custody of child protective services. live at mineta san jose, lilian kim,abc7 news. >> thank you for that update. it is spring and that means spring cleaning. but some people are taking it a step beyond and getting rid of the clutter. in tonight's assignment 7 report we are looking at the minimalist movement to see if it might be right for you. >> does your garage look like this? full of things you can't part with? you are not alone. americans are big consumers. we spend roughly $380 billion a year buying stuff. and then to pay for it we work long hours and buy big houses to store it all. is all of that stuff making you happy? ryan and joshua don't think so. >> i had all of this stuff in my life. i was living the american dream. i had sort of everything i ever wanted. the six-figure salary and the big house with more bedrooms than inhabitants. we both climbed the corporate ladder together, and we were both miserable. >> ryan and joshua left their suit and tie jobs jobs and moved from dayton, ohio to a cabin in montana. they are now leaders of the minimalist movement. en urge cking people to -- encouraging people to get rid of the stuff not adding value to their life. joshua and ryan are now traveling to 100 cities across the country to promote their fourth book "1400 people -- 1400 people rsvped. they are filling bookstores for people interested in pairing down their lives. >> my sister saw them in texas and said you have to go. >> it doesn't matter how much stuff you have. it is the passion and how you live your life. i thought it was profound. >> joshua discovered minimalism in 2008 when his mother died. the same month his marriage ended. >> i looked around at what had become my life's focus and i realized that i didn't know what was important anymore. >> he started to purge. >> i had about eight months of pairing down my life. shedding 80% or 90% of my material possessions. i started to feel freer and happier and lighter. >> ryan saw the difference and paired down his life. he packed everything in his apartment into boxes and only took things out as he needed them. >> i did this for 21 days. at the end of the experiment i had80% of my stuff in boxes. >> what he didn't need he sold or gave away. the two men started blocking their experiences -- blogging their expenses. they were blown away by their response. >> 52 readers turned into 500 and 500 became 5,000 and last year we had more than two million people that visited the website. >> jesse jacobs is one of them hee. is a minimalist. >> we don't have much furntd. we have a couch and table and chair. >> he showed us how he lives in his sonoma county house. >> minimalism is not just stuff that takes up physical space. it is the people we surround ourselves with and information resubject ourselves to and the emotional baggage. >> records provide entertainment and books replace badgeetts and simple toys spark imagine nation. jesse is applying minimalism to his business as well. at a tea shop he will only sell a handful of teas giving people fewer choices to de clutter their lives. they are excited about the huge response. as it grows they hope others go of stuff.ppiness fromf. >> if we can get one message out there and can convey one message to everyone that comes to our events, we want to leave this behind to love people and use things. the opposite never works. >> if you are interested in de cluttering your life, ryan and joshua gave us ideas on how you can get started. check out the seven things you can do to minimize your life on i have been doing a seven-day de clutter challenge. i started with my desk which is great to get rid of stuff. this was my fail. the goal was to carry less stuff and combine my two work bags, my lunch and purse into one after i put my lunch stuff in my bag i just couldn't do is it. i couldn't do it. i think it is okay to fail once. >> i have seen your make up back alone. >> if i didn't have that i could have succeeded. it is time to check our weather with francis. >> hi, ama. hi, mike. live doppler 7hd looks uncluttered right now. we had clear blue skies. tomorrow we could see a little bit of green. we will see possibly some chances of rain on monday night late into tuesday. and the current temperatures right now come down quite a bit. we are hanging on to the low 60s in some locations. 61 in san san rafael and 63 in concord and 61 in livermore and we saw temperatures in the low 80s today. that was 10 to 15 degrees above average. tomorrow though they will drop with the cloudier conditions. the overnight lows are again cool and in the upper 40s to near 50. 47 in san rafael and santa rosa and look for a low of 50 in san francisco, oakland and in san jose. for folks traveling around the state you will notice the clouds moving in in the northern part of the state. 53 in eureka and then partly sunny conditions and in los angeles it is 76. 80 in yosemite. for us tomorrow we will be closer to normal and coming down quite a bit. 61 degrees. we will see 60s around the bay and 50s along the coast and low 70s this time inland instead of the low 80s. here is the accu-weather seven-day forecast. cooler weather and cloudier conditions with a chance of rain late monday into tuesday. we will keep you posted on that and better chances for the end of the week. we will take all of the rain we can get. >> thank you, francis. shu is here with sports. on this easter sunday a nice father-son story. >> his son kai is trying to follow in his dad's footsteps. his field of dreams is in san francisco and his story is they don't help single moms. hi. hi. what happened to our house last year? it flooded. and the water flooded out. yeah. the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go. train with the best, a team that shares my drive and commitment. that's why i serve in the united states coast guard. maybe you were born ready. find out at father-son combinations, and programs the next in line chili davis and his son kai who was hoping for his own field of dreams. 19-year-old k eight grew up in arizona wi in chili davis. his father played 19 years with five teams including the ts hitting coach. kai is playing for city college? san francisco and it has always been tough living in his dad's shadow. >> i tell him he could be better than i was. >> like most sons k eight wants to prove he can -- kai wants to prove he can do it himself. but he needs to take advantage of his dad's knowledge. >> he is telling me, you know, your dad is one of the smartest hitter easy -- hitters i have seen. you need to pick his brain to get that info. >> kai is a switch hitter like his dad playing right field and first base. he came to ccsf late, but working hard for more playing time. >> he has good skills. the one thing i like about him is work ethic. and he doesn't want anything for free. he wants to earn everything he gets. >> he likes to be in the bay area with his father and occasionally goes to the coliseum to get some tips. he would love to play in the majors and his dad has the usual stern advice. >> as far as i'm concerned, keep your mouth shut and play the game and booy on time and -- and be on time and work hard. >> he has a lot of wisdom and he helps me out as much. i work so i am kai davis and not just chili davis' son. >> chavez got his first win giving oakland the best record in the american league. it was win-win situation thanks to josh donaldson. a beautiful day at the coliseum. astros with another great play in the outfield. cocoa crisp and it looks like he will get extra bases. no relation to jerry. he can make a great catch. donaldson with quite a day. he crushes one over the left field wall. chavez finally picked up his first of the year. allows one run over 6th inning. he is on his way to a three-hit, three r.b.i day. this one off the wall and cocoa will come across and sweep the astros with a victor 4-1 victory. that is the best record in the american league. >> with that said, i feel like we had a pretty good team. >> giants end a three-game slide in san diego with sim lincecum on the mound and he got early help. she gets this one and the g-men up 2-0. bases loaded and pagan to right center and a 4-0 4-0ballg. ballgame. bottom of three and 4-2 giants. rips a double and former cal bear called safe at home. bruce bochy challenges and nady called out and it is 4-2. that is a huge difference. timmy has 7k's and six plus innings of work and his first win of the season. sharks and kings game two of the best of seven series. san jose up 1-0 and the tank was rocking as usual. guess who is in the house. ricky henderson. they lose possession here in the second. mike brown fires it past quick. his first playoff goal. four and a half minutes later and it is his second goal in as many games. 3-2 sharks after two periods. in the third and goals for pavel ski and then his 24th career playoff goal. they take the lead in the series with a 7-2 victory. >> we are working hard for our goals. they brought the game back. >> final round of the rbc heritage. he dropped it into a tie. are you kidding me? a seven under 64. it forces a playoff. it forces a playoff. and he is playing well with his seventh career pga tournament on easter sunday. this sports report is brought to you by riverwalk casino. i would say it is a busy day in sports. >> definitely. thanks, shu. >> thanks for joining us. that is it for tonight. the news continues tomorrow morning at 4:30. i'm ama dates and thank you for joining us. have a great evening. [female narrator] foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant. this morning on "world news now," major developments after the south korea ferry disaster. the bodies being recovered, and a legal crackdown on the ship's crew. taking no chances, the unprecedented security for today's boston marathon. the experts who want to make sure runners and spectators are safe. >> we have expanded across the board. as the big race begins just hours from now. and tremendous task. an 800-pound shark reeled in that could be a record-breaker. >> just a real hard-fighting fish, a vicious fish, probably one of the fastest sharks in the sea. >> and the fisherman's attempts to keep this catch a secret failed. it's monday, april 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." with john muller and diana perez.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20130818

here at the surf school and the owner's home and they found inappropriate photos of girls. the suspect in this case is well-known in the community. >> my main concern is the safety of the people on the beach. >> 38-year-old dylan is known to many for efforts to clean up the beach and keep the shore free of hypodermic needles. now he is held on a half million dollars bail at the santa cruz county jail accused of lewd and lascivious acts with children known as an expert surfer. he is seen displaying the skills he teaches to students at the santa cruz surf school. among the evidence collected at his business and home were photos and videos police say he made of girls changing into their wet suits. police say he coaxed girls with free surf lessons and then made sexual advances. the girls were just 13 and 14 years old at the time. for many people the allegations are shocking. >> he's definitely a predator. a predator. he's sick in his mind. yeah. if there is proof of it, he deserves to be put away. 1,000 images of potential victims and they are sifting through the images. they expect more girls to come forward. live in santa cruz, monty francis. >> thank you. police are searching for a man who shot four people in downtown oakland in the middle of the afternoon today. the shooting happened just after 4:00 across from the fox theater and a block from city hall. he fled the scene and reportedly came back and opened fire. all of the victims were seriously injured and one remains in critical condition tonight. the gunman is on the loose and about an hour ago another shooting left one person dead and another injured. this one happened near mac arthur not far from the eastmont towne centre. in egypt more violence as the military tracked down a protester supporting mohamed morsi. richard angle has the latest from cairo. >> there was yet more gunfire here today as security forces moved in to clear out supporters of the muslim brotherhood from a downtown mosque and growing signs in egypt of civil unrest. egyptians are turning on each other. supporters of the muslim brotherhood took shelter in a cairo mosque, terrified if they went outside they would be lynched by angry mob who backed the military. after a gun fight an armed man allegedly shot at troops. egyptian forces moved in. they escorted the protesters out. the pro military crowd chased down whoever they could. critics say egypt's government is encouraging this violence and hatred with nonstop media broadcast equating the muslim brotherhood to terrorists. >> united again, the act of terror and the instigation of violence and the powers that are moved towards the future. >> cairo is splitting apart by neighborhoods. some for and some against the in il tear. order is breaking down in the biggest city in the mideast. egyptian security forces arrested more than 1,000 suspected members and other protesters this week. among those arrested today was the brother of al qaeda leader, an ally of the muslim brotherhood. >> supporters and opponents of immigration reform in the united states squared off at a town hall meeting in hayward. there were heated exchanges hosted by the congressman providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and stronger border security. they passed the reform bill earlier this year. the legislation has been stalled in the house. yesterday the republican national committee called on members in the house to pass a bill by the end of the year. >> there many people who do not want to give them a pathway to citizenship and i heard that today. for me i think it's the right thing to do. what we are as a country. we have to do it in a way that doesn't threaten our own national security. >> they hope other members of congress will hold similar town hall meetings on the issue. >> a well-known building in hayward is a pile of rubble tonight. >> there it goes. they imploded on the campus of cal state east bay 9:00 this morning and got rid of a seismically unsafe building and spnted scientists with a rare opportunity. they set up 600 seismic centers to analyze data before, during, and after the implosion to better understand the hayward fault. >> we will do a few more experiments and collect all the things monday, tuesday, and wednesday. they got stuck in boxes and we bump all the data. this is going to be a huge amount of data. >> the data collect side expected to give researchers a detailed map of the path of the hayward fault. parts of tahoe national forest were closed near auburn as crews continue to battle a large wildfire. the fire which is burping about 20 miles east of auburn is in such steep terrain, it's too dangerous to attack on the ground. helicopters were brought in instead. no homes are threatened, but they issued an air quality warning because of of haddy smoke in the area. >> concerns about possible lightning strikes with fire here. for more on that, we want to check with rob. >> it will be this time tomorrow night where where the chances could be on the increase. right now the radar is looking quiet. we had showers around the sierra earlier this afternoon. the boston area in north bay and east bay correspond to a fire weather watch for tomorrow evening all the way through wednesday morning. this will be for the chance of lightning strikes and that may spark fires around the bay area. they are increasing and the temperatures are going to be considerably warmer than today. 9:00 in the morning and 70s in the east bay and by lunchtime we are approaching near 90 in livermore and pleasanton. those numbers are 10 degrees hotter than the highs we saw today. you will be seeing that as early as lunchtime tomorrow. 90s in the forecast and thunder in the forecast and just issued, a rare weekend spare the air advisory for the bay area. how the heat and some of the thunder may stick around in the seven-day forecast coming up in a few minutes. diane? >> we will check in with you then. coming up next, the horseback riders who sotted hannah anderson take us to the rugged backcountry where they spotted her. scotland yard is investigating new evidence in the death of princess diana. why a former spokesman for the queen said he is not surprised. >> at the americas cup, there is supposed to be two races and there was just one. what we saw was full of chills.o we have a report coming up. [ marco ] i'm a student at devry university. and this is my home team. this is my large lecture hall. this is my professor. and also my coach. this is my booster club. this is the guy who's graduating ready for a great career in technology. [ male announcer ] in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field in 6 months. find your career success in the bay area. learn how at . continues moments for americas cup. we have more from the americas cup park with the latest on the most dramatic day yet. >> if each day of the louis vuitton cup finals, than the challenger may be spent or borrowing new equipment. the strained start by high wind exceeding the 19 knot limit. they worked a dagger board and once the race began, the dagger board failed them, rendering the race a lost cause. they would not finish. new zealand while completing the course found themselves in a frightening scenario. they were digging into the bay, throwing two members overboard as ro be and chris were recovered unharmed. the remaining nine crew numbers were shaken and left to deal with the damage of their ac 72. they just had max feet of 48 miles per hour before the anjs moments. upon collecting themselves, they finished the race and take race in an unforgettable opening. >> the countless climbs. it really had an instant. we have to be positive about it. that gives you more. we could have carried on. >> with the wind back up past the limit in between races, race two was postponed, giving lune rosa a chance to regroup and not find themselves back down 2-0 before tending to the equipment issues. >> they are negative and we have to look across to the team. more competitive. >> as of now, monday on the bay, we will have at least one race as the first reserve day on the schedule will be brought into effect as a race day. with coverage of the americas cup. >> british police are examine examining new evidence related to the death of princess diana. they would not elaborate on the evidence and stress it was not reopening the investigation into the 1997 death of princess diana and her companion. in 2008, a british jury ruled that they were unlawfully killed in paris blaming the driver and the paparazzi. renewed interest in the case happens every year near the anniversary which is august 31st. we are learning more about the people who first saw and identified kidnapped victim hannah anderson. the 16-year-old made her first public appearance at a fund-raiser if are her family in san diego. they held a car twush pay for the funerals of her mother and brother. they had the help of horseback riders and kevin tibbles has more from idaho. >> for years this group of seasoned riders saddled up and headed out into the gnarly backcountry of idaho. >> every state claim they have the steepest and roughest mountains, about you they haven't been to idaho. >> they took two days into the wilderness to show how far hannah anderson had been taken. a trip that included nine riders and pack horses. gruelling even on horseback let alone for a 16-year-old girl on foot. >> it's like stepping on marbles. you slip and you can injury your ankle. >> it was on a dry hot day like this one that mike and mary young and christa and mark john came across a man and a teenage girl. hiking in rough terrain some 20 miles from the nearest paved road. >> this is it. everything is here. that's a hell of a hike. yeah. they came up this and went up that trail there. >> something was unsettling, something the riders kept asking. what were they doing way out here? there was something else. >> he looked scared. the look i seen on her face was pure fear. >> i didn't like what i seen on his face. >> they rarely if ever run into anyone on the fishing trips into glacier-fed moorhead lake. they never forgot this out of place couple and why they called 34r50es as scene as they saw the amber alert. >> oh, my gosh. it was her. >> a chance encounter this group and one lucky young woman will likely never forget. kevin tibbles, nbc 6 moorhead lake, idaho. >> we will have a look at the a's and giants and a role reversal of sorts and why seattle police decided the best thing about the festival was doritos with a very specific message. we will explain. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. >> welcome back to nbc bay area. plenty of action on the scene saturday. we start with baseball where the oakland a's got troubling news before the game even started. the 40-year-old starting pitcher colon was placed on the 15-day disabled list and tommy malone has been in sacramento and they failed the all-star spot tomorrow. today's action intercepted bobblehead night at all the kids wanted it. former athletics nick swisher. swish this. long gone. 13th homer of the year. 1-0 at the top of the fifth. running on second. michael born flies out to right field. josh reddick said that's my arm! he throws out to third base. however a's lose, 7-1 the final. game two of the giants, fourth inning and runners on second and third. run, young man, run. belly flop to 50 base. morrison and it's 1-0 giants. he falls in for a two-run triple. the 6th inning we go. gives up a homer and strikes out the side. seven innings and days and two runs allowed. giants win, 6-4. former oakland a and san francisco giant miguel tejada has been suspended for 105 games after testing positive for an a.m. amphetamine. this is his third positive test. coaches ruled together at at&t park. the organization helps find volunteers to coach kids from low-income families. ricky henderson and dave stewart attended the event. donations are $5 to allow fans to play on the field. there was a lot of fun out there. more than 25,000 people participated. more note. pablo sandoval said after tonight's game he lost 22 pounds and panda said his weight has always been a hot topic and maybe this will help silence the critics. his brother just guarduated from culinary school and he hired his brother as a personal chef. that's a good way to lose weight. >> we can all use that. thanks a lot, henry. let's check in with rob about the warm weather. >>. >> we will see summer making a come back with temperatures into the 90s inland and right now kind of muggy outside. mid- to upper 60s around the east bay. low clouds across san francisco and misty skies tomorrow morning. the winds in fairfield and the west wind into livermore and winds onshore for now. that will back off come tomorrow. inland temperatures will climb into the middle and upper 90s in the inland valleys. watching out for the chance of thundershowers which is the reason why we have a weather watch starting tomorrow evening and an area of low pressure off to the west with a chance of showers later on tomorrow on through maybe early wednesday morning. air quality unusual to see a spare the air alert on the weekend with less traffic on the road. not the case tomorrow. east bay will see the zone up above 100 on the scale. if you are in the trivalley or alameda or contra costa or inland east bay, you may notice the air quality is not so good. thundershowers still east of lake tahoe. the area of low pressure shows it better on the water vapor. the spin offshore and as more of the moisture comes in from the south and wraps from the sierra back to the bay area during the day monday. that may be the best chance of seeing thundershowers or brief showers around the bay area. a lot more sunshine than we saw today. the temperatures will climb up and as we go through monday, you will see the hill top locations, a chance of seeing scattered showers at times. we will have to watch out for the chance of thuner in the forecast. 50 to near 60. upper 80s in the forecast for san jose. 90 south of downtown. trivalley locks like mid 90s and low 70s in san francisco and to 90s across the north bay. the hottest day is tomorrow and the chance of thundershowers or brief showers around the hill top for the start of the week and the low moves in on wednesday. we will see a cool down as it moves in stronger and things should settle down into next weekend. we are getting everything at once. the heat is not so good on the air quality. the fire danger and hopefully no lightning the next few days. >> how police were not at the festival in seattle. it may be an icon from the 80s film, but it was for far less than expected. how much ferris bueller's red car fetched today. >> this might surprise some people. seattle is handing out munchies for people smoking marijuana. marijuana is legal in washington state so today at a hemp festival, they decided to participate by educating people about the new laws. each bag of dorito his a sticker with a guide of the dos and don'ts. >> we want people to take the product and use it in the privacy of their own residence and not on the street corners and no the in the park. >> they added that public use is still legal and they don't plan to arrest anyone. colorado has a similar law. >> from the 80s, they have a new owner. the auction didn't bring as much as thought. one of three red convertible ferraris went on the auction block in monterey. the car could go forasmuch as $1 million. it's not a real ferrari, but a replica. now you know. thanks if are joining us at 11:00. good night. when i'm on my feet all day, my lower back acts up. yeah, the pain can be really tough. and it's my family that suffers. then i learned that my pain started at my feet. this was me. that's when i found dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics. yep, i went pro. they reduce the impact on my lower body. p-r-o. i get pain relief from the ground up. so i feel less pain and more energized. it's that simple! 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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140708

>> maybe they are up to no good. maybe they are cautious. i don't know. >> should that be on a plane? >> i don't think so, no. >> reporter: in addition to sfo and oakland, the tsa confirms they have also found these credit card knives at the san jose airport and they are relatively inexspencive. you can find them on the internet. reporting live at sfo, i'm mark sayer, kpix 5. >> different kind of threat triggering. different kind of threat triggering new security at overseas airports. passengers bound for the u.s. will be asked to turn on their cell phones and other electronic devices. the worry is that terror groups will try to smuggle an explosive device that looks like a cell phone. people with devices that won't power up will have to undergo additional screening. developing news, protesters on the march. they are upset over a decision not to file charges against sonoma county deputy who shot and killed a 13-year-old bit. kpix 5's brian webb is live in san jose with reaction and what is next for that deputy. brian. >> the protesters left this parking lot a few minutes ago heading to the spot andy was shot and killed a few blocks away from where we are. they are upset about this report that calls andy's death a tragedy, but not a crime. >> protesters packed the area in front of the da's office demanding justice for andy lopez, including a man who said he saw the boy get killed. >> when i saw that, i said, this man killed him. this guy killed him. reaction right away to what happened. >> inside, thed speld out her findings after an extinction investigation. she says on october 22nd, andy lopez was carrying a toy gun that looked like a real ak 47. the same one you see here in this picture. but it did not have the orange tip required by law. she says deputy gelhouse feared for his safety. >> the last circumstance is the life for all of us. this community will be forever changed. >> the da said several people heard officers order lopez to drop the weapon but he never difficult and that officer gelhouse thought it was a man carrying the gun. that man under the out to be a 5' 2", 133-pound 13-year-old shot seven times, dying on the spot. >> he was a kid carrying a toy gun where kids play. >> ourd is literally let -- da is literally letting these cops get away with murder. >> protesters are afraid of what might come with this. >> i am scared because this is the government. i don't know their reaction from them, you know? >> reporter: so, the sheriff says deputy gelhouse is now cleared for duty. he local next decide where he will be assigned. so deputy gelhouse will be back on the street soon. protesters on the street torrent. we have video taken about about a half hour ago heading to that spot where andy was shot and killed. an old field in santa rosa. they are planning protests tonight, tomorrow, over the weekend, and on into the future. they they will try to get support from lawmakers and from civil rights groups. thing they can do to try to keep andy's fight alive. veronica. >> brian, thank you. another high profile case for oakland civil rights attorney john burruss. he has been hired by the la woman beat bin a police officer. it has triggered a formal investigation. burruss said the woman's rights were violated. right now the chp officer involved has been pulled off patrol. >> i want toking make sure that he has some anonymity while we conduct our investigation. he is not in the field, not working the road. >> according to chp, the woman in the video was barefoot and p walking into freeway traffic when the officer approached her. she is now at a hospital in a mental health hold. new twist tonight in the on going is a gofer a new lease for the oakland a's at the coliseum while city leaders in oakland p ponder their new move. other u.s. cities could be ready to jump into the game. phil matier tells us they are expressing interest and stealing away. they expected that would 457, phil? >> reporter: no -- happen, phil. >> reporter: i don't think they did until major league baseball said look, we have been know gauche nateing this over a year. if you don't approve it, oakland, oakland may go out of the a's. here is the story. >> they have some places to go. >> where? >> ontario canada and san antonio texas. >> that was oakland city councilman larry reed commenting on a word he received about possible moves by the oakland a's as talks over a new lease to keep the team in town come to a stand still. reed isn't the only oakland leader concerned that the a's may up and leave if a deal isn't finalized soon. >> right now there are cities lined up ready to take the a's from oakland. >> leaders feel if the new lease is worked out, it will be less money for the city at a time where oakland is still paying off the last renovation to the tune of $10 million a year. >> i think the concerns are the long-term stay of that commitment by the a's. and are we at the same time being fair to the tax payers. >> indeed, the public appears to be split as well about how much the city should bid to keep the team. >> it is so critically important. that's part of our price as a city. i think that they are giving too much ray way. >> meanwhile, the a's owners have made it clear that they are not interested in reopening the talks on a deal they have already worked with the sol seem authority. >> they are not going to renegotiate on a lease agreement to change the economics of this team. >> are you worried about the idea of the a's leaving. >> we have been working really hard to keep it. this is a great baseball town. the a's have allonge history. they contributed a lot to baseball. sew, we're working hard to keep them here. >> reporter: let's not forget that san jose may also be in the mix as well. where it goes from here is probably another closed door meeting where they decide if they are going to push demands, get more information or try to save face and tinker. by the way, councilman reed called us to say hey, a note on geography, ontario canada is actually a province. he actually meant the team could go to montreal. ken. >> hottest team in baseball right now. they have got to be some takers out there. >> reporter: and probably at a good price. >> thanks, phil. team still has about 18 months remaining on its current lastages a building win in the effort to redevelop treasure island. a citizens group and a former supervisor sued over how the report was done. other bay area headlines. police have arrested an oakland man in connection with shooting at a san francisco department store. 29-year-old henri smith faces a list of charges. the shooting happened last month outside a tj maxx. according to police, smith shot a man after stealing his iphone. marin county traffic gridlocked on highway 101 after a big rig hauling crushed cars overturned. check this out. it happened in the southbound lanes in san rafael. witnesses say the trailer was swerving from side to side just before the accident. the truck driver suffered minor injuries. a restaurant is closed tonight after a fire gutted the building. kpix 5's mark kelly takes a look at what's left. >> the restaurant renowned for its european and california cooking charred to the bone. not a soul in sight at the time of the fire. >> the owner was out of town. there was nobody here at the time. >> the county and chief says shortly before 4:00 this morning a person passing by saw the blaze and called it in. fortunately, one fire house was just around the corner. the flames were concentrated mainly in the attic, sparing heavy damage to the dining area foodies are so familiar with. >> the equipment seems to be fairly exact. just some of the structure like the roof rafters and the ceiling joints that were damaged in the fire. >> crews knocked a hole in the roof unleashing smoke and gases and allowing firefighters to seed in. still no idea what exactly sparked the fire. only that it start 0 outside the restaurant. officials are leaving several possibilities on the table. >> someone may have threw a cigarette, minor gas leak. we just don't know. that is part of the investigation that will occur. >> 53 firefighters worked the fire. at one point a gas line raised a red flag with crews. >> gas meeters are meant to protect us from overpressure issues. if fine metals are exposed to heat, they will have free- flowing gas. if there is an ignition source, it will ignite. >> the plan was to reopen the restaurant on the ninth. but now it is burnt to a crisp. >> ones firefighter is in the hospital with minor injuries. but he is expected to be okay. mark kelly, kpix 5. water leaking for years. >> we taked to some frustrated neighbors in the east bay and the city about why it has lasted so long. cal tran firefighters stretched they haven't how they are handling hundreds of fires around the state and gearing up for more. good evening. i'm roberta gonzalez in the kpix weather center. we have had muggy conditions. now the effect august will have on your tuesday as the news continues right here on kpix 5. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. it's a great time for a cookout. fresh sweet corn is 10 for just $2.00. rancher's reserve ribeye steaks are only $6.99 a pound. and refreshe water is just $2.79 a case. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. after a 20 foot section of a canal wall gave way. a highway and some fields and vineyar people are wading through water after 20-foot section of the canal wall gave way. a highway and vineyard are also also flooded. irrigation crews shut off the water main. it would have been a lot worse if delay hadn't. the california draught has sparked. we are not talking about oil. kpix 5's mark sayer reports that well diggers are digging more a more precious commodity. >> steve drills wells. >> i started in 1974. >> water wells with. and in california's worse draught it is an understatement to say steve's business is good. >> we're booked up all summer, all winter. looks like we're going to be into around march right now for new wells. >> actually, the welledly drilling business started boom last year when it was evident that farmers were going to need more water than what the state and the feds could ply. in a good year where rain and snow pack are normal, groundwater supply is about 40% of the state's water. according to a recent report, this year, it is anticipated groundwater use will jump to 65%. steve. >> if he is not able to drill a well and keep his crop growing, farmers are going to have to quit. it will be devastating to the people when eventually they will go into the market to get a gallon of milk for $10. >> so they drill deeper endearment this well is going down about 600 feet and will cost the farmer about $100,000. that's before he buys the pump and gets electricity. and this is just one well. they drill almost a well a day. >> this rig does about three wells a week. they average between five and 600 feet. >> one of the three districts. >> the increase in drilling has water officials very concerned about the additional pressure being put on the underground supply. they say that is not all. >> there also is a neighbor versus neighbor impact where they have the deep test well and the biggest pump wins. it's not fair to people. >> as for steve arthur, he thinks money that the state might spend on a high speed bullet train should go towards water management. >> some farmers say it would violate their property rights to be restricted. crews are trying to get the upper hand on a wildfire burning since the 4th of july. the fire has scorch more than 6400-acrings. crystal fire says containment is now up to 35%. all evacuation orders have now been lifted. another fire we're watching on the lake is about 90% contained tonight. since the fire started last tuesday, it has burned 4,300- acres and destroyed two homes and several outbuildings. firefighters across the state are working under extreme conditions as new wildfires pop up seemingly everyday. in the past week, crystal fire has respond to 275 wildfires n. addition to 5,000 regular crystal fire fires, they have 2700 seasonal hires on hand. that's 300 more than the same time last year. but the same cannot be said for local fire districts like the one in contra costumes -- costa county. >> instead of three to five fires a week, often they answer that many calls in a single day. with fire station cuts, there are times when nearly all firefighters are tied up and unable to answer other emergency calls. there just hasn't been an end to the fire season. >> reporter: it kind of cooled off. i saw rain actually. >> that rain was just tropical moisture therefore you can have the possibility of lightning strikes. >> reporter: we did have some around the greater tahoe area p. crazy wacky weather we had today. good evening everyone. take a look at high def doppler radar. when you see green, that is precipitation that moved through the b. light sprinkles today. majority of this was really a big bust. it was rain that left the clouds but then evaporated before it hit the land mass because of very warm conditions. downtown san jose, mostly cloudy skies. relative humid up to 51%. the winds are now out of the west at 10 miles per hour. temperatures inside san jose, in the low 70s. we do have 60s in oakland back to berkeley. today's highs. we had 60s, 70s, 80s. a few 90s away from the bay area, inland. 30degrees from pacifica all the way to fairfield. winds were generally light. picking up near sfo. look at that there. there is tropical moisture that lifted in from the desert southwest. a few scattered showers around modesto earlier today. a few scattered lightning bolts. here is what is next. all of this is beginning to head due north. as it does, we will continue to see the warmer temperatures inland. the on shore flow will prevail. we'll have clouds stacking up at the beaches with gradual afternoon clearance. we will keep the numbers in the 60s. san francisco with the clearing. 70s around the peninsula. 70s into the 80s and a few low 90s well inland. southwest winds 5 to 10. pretty similar conditions again on your wednesday and thursday. we' bring the numbers gradually down before we bump them back up again for monday. >> you know how i celebrate that day. >> storm the bastille. >> there you go. >> thank you roberta. hundreds of fossils millions of years old were just uncovered at a construction site in fremont. this is a shark tooth from an extinct shark. they are estimated to be about 40 feet long. the fossils are found at the calavera project. they are estimated to be 20 million years old, ken. still ahead, a water leak that has lasted, believe it no not, three years. plus, interest to take other a san francisco building forcing other businesses out. what tech companies are doing to try to ease the blow. is raising money to help train dogs like suzie to engage students in schools and special education classes. while ginger visits folks in the hospital offering quiet comfort. with your help, we can do even more! make a donation at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people. changed the definition of marriage. the new law replaces the s "husband" and "w governor brown signed some legislation today that officially changed the state definition of marriage. the new law replaces the words husband and wife with the neutral term spouse. that will appear in all state documents from now on. it also removes limits on recognizing same sex marriages performed in other states. bay area students and staff had some career training are getting bad news co rinthian will close some of their campuses. fremont's bio tech is also on the market. they have colleges in hayward, san jose, and san francisco. helping pay the rent for businesses currently in the san francisco design center if they move out. they want to take over the whole building but says they want to help the other design. new at 6:00. sounds crazy during a draught, but some east bay neighbors say they have been complaining about water leak for two years now. we sent kpix 5's don ford out to investigate. >> water is bubbling up, oozing up from the street. the wet spot keeps getting bigger and big. >> we got water pouring the estimate pad four to 10 gallons per minute out of the road since 2012. >> water leaking for more than two years. so long that it's developed its own ecosystem of algae. east bay mud says this time it may or may not be the water, but they know the spot. >> there have been problems in the past. there was a main break a few months ago which was fixed right away. >> but the water is still coming up. neighbors say it is not randy page spring. >> you tested it and it -- not a spring. >> you tested it. it showed what? >> fluoride, chlorine. got all the stuff east bay puts in their water. >> drinking water. and know after more than two years they believe it's causing damage to their house. george rose says the hollow sound indicates a sinning hole may be developling under his sidewalk. he says the ground under his house is sinking also. and, he's not the only worried neighbor. >> they need to figure out out. i'm tide of driving around this sink hole because live up here. >> it hasn't collapsed yet. but folks aren't taking any chances. no one knows what is under the asphalt. east bay mud is monitoring the pipes, but. >> they had it put in before world war ii. >> east bay mud says every drop counts, especially during the the draught. so they are sending a third team out to investigate and get to the bottom of where that water is coming from. in oakland, don ford kpix 5. >> in the meantime, neighbors say that that water has been around for so long that wild life actually comes down to drink from it like a natural little spring. >> hmm. coming up, the family of a man electro cuted in a bizarre 4th of july accident. >> to see my grand kids, get up there to find out one is gone. i just lost it. >> what the man's brother did to try steve him. more undocumented immigrants being brought in. what the president now wants congress to do to help tackle the surge of people. attacked by a shark? why this guy says a fisherman's mistake could have cost him his life. ,,,,,, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? yeah, citi mobile. and deposit that check? citi mobile. pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at strange 4th of july acciden know at 6:30, a bay area family grieves for a man electrocuted in a strange 4th of jill accident. welcome back. i'm ken bastida. >> i'm veronica de la cruz. only on 5:00, kpix 5's juliette goodrich has more about gunfire starts an electrocution. >> reporter: the family is greaving on a night that is supposed to be filled with celebrations. it turned deadly when a 19-year- old was electrocuted and his brother was critically injured. >> ms. clark's 19-year-old son jermaine electrocuted july 4th after builts, not fireworks went flying in this power line. the high voltage wire fell on top of him. >> it was very devastating. >> jermaine's older brothertried to save him but when he touched his brother's body he was still conducting electricity and he was knocked unconscious. >> it was wrapped around his body. it was evident because he had skip burns off his back. he had scars and scrapings on his face. they said it's amazing and he is blessed to be alive. >> trez is now in serious but stable condition at highland hospital. this photo takenned to. >> his heart is still being monitored. he's having some problems with vomiting up blood, but he did walk. >> the family tells me the brothers were inseparable, best friends. and, more importantly, good kids. jermaine had big dreams. >> wanted to be an engineer h. -- he was going to be a professional gopher. >> go to see my grand kids. then get up there find out one is gone. i just lost it. >> on top of dealing with the tragic loss of one sign, venus had to deliver the worst news of all to her other son in the hospital when he wanted to know how his little brother was. >> that was the first thing he asked when he came to. where was his brother. >> how did he react to that? >> he cried like a baby. he yelled out to him that he was sorry. >> reporter: pge says it is still trying to determine what happened and they also say if you see a downed power line, don't touch it. treat it as if it is live wire. but in jermaine's case, there was nothing he could have done. it fell on top of him. the family hoping at some point delay will get some sort of explanation from pge, veronica. >> so sad. juliette, we appreciate it. police still don't know who was firing the gunshots, but they are looking for leads. a jury trying to decide who is financially responsible for the brian stow beating is still out. stow's family is suing the la dodgers and the owner for negligence and lack of security. the team says the men who attacked stow in 2011 are responsible. last week, the la jurors told the judge they were deadlocked. he ordered them to keep on trying. back from the holiday, congress is tackling the growing u.s. immigration crisis. the people being bussed in face an uncertain future as the white house works on a solution. craig boss sell -- boswell reports from washington. >> up documented immigrants along with some unaccompanied children arrived in san diego today and i boarded buses to border patrol detention centers. while in washington, immigrant advocates marched toward the white house in support of the unaccompanied minors. some of them crossed the board as children themselves and lad a message for the president. >> have some consideration for the kids. let these kids stay here because it is not their fault. >> the obama administration is scrambling for a solution to the problem. >> our board services not open to illegal migration and we are taking a number of steps to address it, including turning people around faster. >> lawmakers returning their holiday recess will consider an emergency request from president obama for about $2 billion to talk it will immigration surge. >> but some republicans say the u.s. must have a clear policy. >> we have to send them back because if you don't, you're going to get people throughout that part of the world will keep sending their children here. >> the obama administration wants to speed up the screening for unaccompanied undocumented children. the president also wants more flexibility under current law that prevents the u.s. from denying central american children entry into the u.s. craig boswell, cbs news washington. >> some children are expected to be transported to a detention facility where buses were turned back last week. a 6.9 magnitude quake hit near the guatemala border about one mile from mexico. windows were shattered. part of an airport and a city was damaged. a tv news can correspondent team was shaken live on air when that quake hit. hundreds of millions of dollars could soon be coming to former nfl players suffering from brain injuries. today, a federal judge gave preliminary approval to a settlement in concussion lawsuits. that settlement had been revised just last month to remove the limit on the amount of money the players can receive. the judge still needs to give final approval. all nfl football players retired as of today will be eligible. the court fight between la clippers owner sterling and his estranged wife got started late this afternoon. the first day was delayed because sterling's lawyers tried to move the case to federal court. a judge rejected that move. at issue is whether shelley sterling has the authority to sell the team to former microsoft ceo. sale price right now $2 billion. still ahead, a big win for small businesses in california. coming up in tonight's consume -- consumer watch, why they now have more origins. your smart pope right on your wrist. sounds-- phone right on your wrist. sounds convenient, right? well, we'll look at the drawback of these new smart watches. small businesses in california got a big break today on the consumer watch, julie watts on the story that allows people to keep their old health plan even that i know don't comply with the obama regulations. >> remember last year, you may remember this, when the president asked covered california to temporarily allow people to keep their old plans per his promise. well, cover california chose to allow inchoners to cancel individual plans stating it would cause too much confusion. today, the governor signed a bill that gives small businesses an option to renew their existing coverage for one year even if it doesn't meet the new minimum standards. the bill was authored by a state senator and commissioner dave jones who was very critical of covered california's decision to allow inchoners to cancel those individual policies. if your 4th of july included corn, you probably got a nice surprise at the grocery store. the prices are rock bottom. and they aren't just for the holidays. we play be in the middle of a draught here. boutons out weather conditions are ideal for corn grows in the midwest. and that is where california gets their corn. bad news for the market but great news for consumers. and you we eve heard of all you can eat buffets in salad bars. now tgi friday's is offering endless appetizers. all you can eat 57tizeers for $10 per person. that means unlimited servings of potato skins, boneless buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks. while the promotion play be a great deal and bring in business temporarily; some restaurant analyst warn it could backfire because when diners get used to these types of bargains, they expect them and won't stay loyal after they are gone. give us a call or head to watch if you have any ideas. >> thanks, julie. if you're always pulling out your smart phone to check messages, maybe a smart watch is for you. cbs reporter wendy joy shows us a new model that keeps the information right on your wrist. >> two new smart watches are hitting the market. $229 lgg watch. but what is their true iq? >> what can these do? >> they do is they connect to your phone. they provide another screen for you to get information. all of your notifications. >> the mitch anticipated devices use -- mitch anticipated devices use ghoul's an droid software. both respond to voice command processing the information within a few seconds and are similar in design. the gear alive also has a heart rate monitor. editor scott stein says it will allow you to track fitness or monitor your we home, but right now it is in the early stages. >> this is big even on my wrist. it is more than a little geeky looking. >> one of the major drawbacks is their battery life. both only last about a day. these google-powered watches are just the beginning. more are expected later this year, including devices from apple, microsoft and motorola. >> stein says keep watching. wendy gilette, cbs news new york. why some are placing blame not on the shark for an attack but on a fisherman who was nearby. crazy weather humidity that just sored in the bay area. also, a few rain drops the. how all this will effect your tuesday is still straight ahead. >> roberta, you we ear not throwing out the first pitch? i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up next, the a's get a new pitcher in a block buster deal. two new starting pitchers. we will talk to them up next. for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. break news this eavening. elizabeth cook is in the newsroom with the latest. >> reporter: hi, ken. let's take you to southern california. this is six flags magic mountain just north of los angeles. people are stuck on the ninja roller coaster. from what we're hearing, and from what it looks like from this helicopter shot, one of the cars derailed. the anyone crabtree is a suspended coaster so riders are in car there is a hang from an overhead rail. again, this is from six flags at southern california. it appears that this ninja roller coaster has gone off the rails. we will have more much later on thiefening. again, this is in six flags magic mountain in southern california where the ninja roller coaster appears to have gone off the rails. ken. >> uppingly. yeah. scary. >> at least they are right side up, though. >> looks like they are. also this coming out of santa rosa right now. this is a live look at the andy lopez memorial where protests are going on after the district attorney announced a decision not to file criminal charges against the deputy who shot and killed the teen. again, people lining the streets. you see randy page lot of people carrying rights furring signs -- see a lot of people carrying signs. we will bring you updates. surfers are blame fishing for triggering last week's shark attack off southern california beach. >> new details on a new action aimed at preventing anymore attacks. >> vargas earn surfers near this pier are glad this city band fishing through the pier through tomorrow. today, the pier was hacked with people but nobody challenge the estimate surfers are even happier to hear this. a city leader told us manhattan peach is in the process of extending that fishing ban for two more months. that will buy time for the city council to continue the ban or lift it. this is the city's response to this. a great p white shark attack. take a close look. you'll see randy page shark come up out of the water. >> look. right in front. oh. look. >> and, once again, the shark jumps up out of the water. >> unfortunately, this is hue plan provoked by the fisherman. >> that, vargas says, is prevailing among surfers regarding the shark attack. many claim the fisherman used raw meat and blood to entice sharks. this happened saturday. >> sitting here watching it happen, i looked up. i could see there was randy page big fish on that line. >> 2 fisherman in question told us he used sardines to hook that 7-foot fish. the victim is recovering his puncture wounds. the surfing community is rejoicing over the city's decision. those who enjoy fishing here are out of luck for the time being. greg mills, kpix 5. >> only so mitch beach, you know? you have to share it. a dangerous situation. >> i was just there a couple weeks ago. fishermen just throw the line out. >> people swimming. we did have a little bit of monsoonal moisture. good evening everybody. let's take a look at downtown san jose. we still have the realtive humidity still up there at 51%. livermore still in the 80s. 70s ray cross the south bay 6789 also to north in santa rosa. into the 60s in oakland where the a's are playing host to the san francisco giants. this is a scene at the coast. patchy fog. a few sprinkles tonight. the sprinkles actually evaporate before they hit the ground. this was happening all day long. similar temperatures tomorrow. this is an area of low pressure to the south. tropical moisture associated with it is lifting to the back door. 107 tomorrow in fresno and modesto. mid and high 90s from sacramento to stockton. triple digits and red difficult a string of 60s around the immediate -- digits. a few low 90s for the warmest locations east of the bay. 76degrees to north in mill valley. low 80s in santa rosa. upstream, low 90s. roanoke park will top off at 78 degrees. we are talking about just a couple degrees cooler by your wednesday. by the time the weekend rolls back around, never too early to start talking about the weekend. we will have temperatures going back up. speaking of going up, up, and awake dennis o'donnell is out of here. we will hear from him, coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, dennis o'donnell, big battle of the bay. they don't call it that anymore, but these two teams, you know, they keep going. we could see them square off at the end of the year. never know. >> absolutely. i think, ken, that's why it has a little bit of a play involve field. exclusive with ricky henderson. anyway, the a's made a block buster deal over the weekend. p first, ken, you mentioned, it is a big deal. it is sold out. stomper is here and derek north is excited. >> such a big dynamic here in the series. there is a lot of adrenaline. there is a lot of passion. there are a lot of guys pretty afternooned up. should be interesting. -- amped up. >> hamel will make his debut wednesday when the series shifts to at&t. >> alongside is jason hamel. you guys could have the basketball version of a baseball team. >> yeah. but you would rather have my baseball than basketball. >> what sports did you want to do. >> i tried basketball, but they just wanted me to rebound. >> your deal with chicago was a few months ago. how shocked were you when you heard about this? >> obviously, i new there was randy page possibility of me being traded. it wasn't a surprise. the surprise was going with jeff. obviously, a package deal. different teams wanted me. the fact we ended up here together just makes it sweeter. >> i want to work my way into the city isolate. it is part of the business of baseball. something i can't control because i don't have a trade clause. >> not yet. i was mentioning the family thing because you have another baby due in september. two september babies. >> yeah. >> was that by design? >> honestly, no. i think we get so excited to get home that things happen. last year we were home early. obviously, excited to be home. sometimes you can't control those things. we were looking for number two, but we didn't expect it to happen that fast. >> something tells me you won't be done early this year. >> not the plan. >> thank you so much. >> he is expecting to play in october. also tonight, sandoval has an elbow injury. apparently, a fan filed a defamation lawsuit because they made fun of him. look at these fans. it is is civil war. they are not friends tonight, ken. >> they're having a good time, dennis. that's all that counts. >> have a good night. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! steve: how you folks doing? welcome to the show. come on, townsends, win some money. thank you very much. thank you, folks. thank you very much. hey, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey and you know what? we got another good one for you today. returning for their second day from boston, mass., it's the townsend family. [cheering and applause] and from alexandria, virginia, it's the gowland family. [cheering and applause] did i say it right? i said it right? >> yeah. steve: got it. everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and a chance at driving out of here in that stylish, new ford fusion. yeah. [cheering and applause] let's play "feud"! give me nano! give me kisha! let's go.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20130803

the afternoon should put you in the low 70s under sunshine. 60s around the coast and temperatures should climb to the 80s today and mid and upper 80s from the livermore valley and through the delta. it will be breezy and one day of the weekend and i'll tell you which one for the week ahead. we have breaking news in san jose. police are investigating a city's 30th homicide of the year. a 19-year-old woman was shot while riding in a car just before 1:30 in a car. 21-year-old who was driving the car stopped at south second street and called 911. the woman was taken to the hospital where she died just after 2:00 this morning. police have not identified any suspects found not revealed a motive. unions and bart a management will be back at the bargaining table with less than 48 hours until the strike deadline. they left talks last night giving no indication that a breakthrough was imminent. here is the latest on the negotiations from oakland. >> reporter: the lead negotiator pushed through reporters and talked while he walked about ongoing negotiations. >> i would say as long as we continue to meet there is progress. >> just before 8:00 p.m., the talks ended with the sunday night deadline looming. >> there is no discussion about extending the contract. >> a union negotiator and train operator, he says about ten minutes of negotiations on bart's lead negotiator. >> the people have a vested interest to keep bart going. they would like to talk more. when he shortstop room, they are not free to express their opinions bart's general manager spent plenty of time defending hawk that attacks on him is part of the union strategy. she says labor and pension costs have to be controlled because of needed improvements. >> are system is 40 years old. we are out of trains. we had to order a complete new set of trains. >> a bart fare increase that kicks in early next year will fund the capital improvement but any wage increases will have to come in somewhere else and federal funds are unavailable. >> governor brown has the authority to issue a 60-day cooling off period but a spokesman says he has been monitored the situation and has not received a request from either bart or the unions. car-pooling could be the key to reducing traffic if there is a strike. officials expect 10% more traffic this time compared to the first strike last month. many commuters are expected to turn to ride sharing. ride sharing app karma is even going to give cash back. another option is ferries. bay ferry will run extra boats. there will be 13 vessels system wide instead of the normal eight. golden gate transit won't have more service but two other boats will be used by bay ferry. samtrans says it will provide a shuttle service from the daly city and colma bart stations. caltrain may add additional service but that is just as trains and crews are available. a.c. transit plans to add buses and bart still hopes to round up 95 buses with the possible addition of concord and san leandro. new poll from the bay area council suggests that public is largely opposed to a strike. they find 70% of those surveys are against the walkout and 30% support it. >> we're losing money and time. >> she almost lost her job when bart went on strike. she commutes in from the east bay. she works at a tech company and says her employer is not lenient when it comes to attendance and family. >> last bart strike there was a requirement to be here. it was a huge inconvenience. i had to find a way to get him to school and get to work on time. >> after work when she couldn't pick up her son on time she paid the price. >> it cost me almost $120 just for the late fee. >> those bills add up area council estimates the economic impact. >> it costs us about 7 3 million a day. so that -- $73 million a day, people sitting in traffic to get people where they are going. >> that doesn't include the trickle down effect. the bartender says the business depends on people being able to get to work. >> a lot of our customers we have a busy lunch crowd and if they are not making it to work, then we don't have a lunch business. >> fewer customers and fewer dollars. >> the business where we are, we need the customers. it affects everybody. >> campbell like so many others hope bart and unions can come to an agreement without a strike. a range resources at, alternative transit options and realtime traffic maps. download the exclusive waze traffic app. follow us on twitter for breaking news updates. >> because of the possible strike, abc7 morning news will begin half an hour earlier than normal at 4:00 a.m. on monday. eric thomas and kristen sze will anchor our coverage. join us at 4:00 a.m. on abc7 morning news. >> oakland fire department is investigating a cause of overnight house fire that critically injured a resident. they arrived at the home just after 3:00 a.m. they rescued a man inside the home and took him to the hospital. it took firefighters about 16 minutes to bring the flames under control. investigators say the fire does not appear to be suspicious. >> in developing news, investigators in oakland are trying to find clues into the 58th homicide of year. sky7hd was over the scene last night. officers found one man dead at the scene there. police have yet to say if anyone else was injured and have not released details on what happened. today a countywide gun buy-back event will be held at three east bay locations. several local police departments are taking part. officers will exchange working firearms for gift cards. no questions asked. residents can receive up to $200 for an assault weapon, $100 for handgun and $50 for shotguns or leifls. they say the firearms must be unloaded with the safety on. the buy back will be held at these three locations you see on the screen. oakland will unveil a second downtown plaza that they hope it will draw people to the area. this is an artist's rendering of the pilot project that is located on telegraph avenue. oakland tribune reports weekly entertainment. several local property owners say it may disrupt traffic. plaza begins a three-month trial run on august 16th. more shocking details have been revealed in the case two of lake county man m en charged with sexually assaulting a teenager. they appeared in court yesterday. they pleaded not guilty to the charges which include trafficking marijuana. in court records 15-year-old girl klialgs the men kept her inside a box. they sometimes shocked her with a cattle prod. they also face weapons charges for an arsenal he kept on the property. >> a former superior judge that built go ahead his neighborhood out of $1.6 million now gets five years probation. through a plea deal he avoided what might have been a lengthy prison term. the judge was accused of stealing money from his elderly neighbor over the course of 13 years. under the plea, he will be banned from holding judicial office and disbarred from practicing law in california. >> it's a little gray morning but that will change. >> a cool but clear start but back home, take a look at the bay bridge, temperatures are in the 50s. san francisco at the airport beginning to brighten up as well as oakland. we'll talk about the warmer day of the weekend from upper 80s and then a cooldown. this one will last a few days. up next, a warning for travelers, government says it's too dangerous to visit places overseas right now. we have reaction from people who aren't getting on planes. here we go. bay are this morning, environmental activists are planning to protest in richmond outside the chevron refinery. they will start at the richmond bart station before marching two miles to the refinery. they plan to protest there until 1:00. demonstration is being held before the first anniversary of chevron's fire. they say it's the dirtiest of all fossil fuels and is climate change threat. they are demanding improved plant safety and investment in clean energy jobs. u.s. embassies or high alert this morning and americans are being warned about a credible terrorist threat. alan wang has reaction at the international terminal at sfo. >> its global travel alert but the u.s. is concentrating much of the attention on muslim world. abc news spoke exclusively with the joint chief. >> it's western, not just u.s. interests. >> the alert expires at the end of the month but one of the highest middle east travel agents. >> some people don't take night account when the u.s. does this because they have done it so many times. >> that reflects the comments that most travelers we to. a former case officer of the middle east but the threat in the region appears to be very real. >> i would say if you don't of our jentd business you shouldn't go. >> closing 20 embassies is a sign that a they believe to be a credible threat. >> it has to be fairly specific. the source is the phone calls that are probably pretty well known. my only question is will they do it. >> they have created diversions before and they can do it again. hence the global travel alert. at sfo, alan wang, "abc 7 news." >> advocates are protesting anti-gay laws in russia. they poured vodka on growing boycott of russian products that imposes new law fines on people that hold gay pride rallies. remember the embarcadero freeway. officially it was interstate 480. double-decker highway that cut through south of market neighborhood and along the waterfront. it's been 22 years since it was torn downed and freeway rubble is replaced with businesses and condos and skyscrapers. building boom is not over. >> south of market neighborhood and you'll see a whirlwind of construction. >> it will be the biggest change to the skyline. >> he is with spur, a non-that wants smarted urban renewal. most of that centers around this state site. the transbay terminal will be the grand central station to the west. linking travel modes all under one roof. this animation provided by the terminal planners shows what the center will look like when it is completed in 2017. >> the idea for the transit center was to create a national model and to make transit more accessible and available and to surround the access with high density development. >> in 1980's san francisco saw a backlash against high density projects. critics worried the new high-rises would threaten parks and lead to the manhattanization of the city. but since the 1980's, demographics have shifted significantly and so has public opinion. >> and developers will build centerpiece of the new development. the tower will rise more than thousand feet. making it most visible building in the city. >> it's beginning to move forward. one block radius, surrounding the transit center, there are four buildings that are under construction. >> nearly two dozen projects have been approved between second street an bait. these architectural rendering show some of the projects currently under construction or about to break ground. it includes the lumina, 655 condominiums at maine and folsom streets. they will will go on sale next june. putting houses and jobs together and people can interact and have that spontaneous interaction is what people crave. family and friends of the belmont little league team came out to watch the kids in playoff action. a viewing party was held at high school yesterday. teen played arizona in the first game. sean lee was the starting pitch belmont all-stars. >> he has a curveball and knuckle. he pretty much has everything. >> sounds like everything. and sports director larry beil will be along later to tell you how they did. nice to see the fans gathering. exciting time. exciting weather? >> it's okay. no real heat around the bay but today will be the warmer day of the weekend. as we look out in the east bay, toward the delta, very pleasant with mid to upper 80s. live doppler 7-hd showing the radar on top of mount st. helena. plenty of low clouds but up in the north bay where visibility has been reduced. bay bridge, we are beginning to see a little bit of sunshine over in oakland. it's 57 in mountain view. good morning, san jose. cloudy for you at 56. we are looking at half boon may, 54 and temperatures in and around san jose will still be below the average. a lot like yesterday, in the upper 70s. usually we'll see lower 70s and several days below average. even cooler today. concord is 58. sunny for you and napa is at 56. 52 with the fog in santa rosa. here is the fog. look at the footprint. you can see all around the north bay. a little bit of a hole in parts of marin county and all the way down along the central coast, as well. we are looking at that steady onshore flow, sea breeze of 10-15 miles an hour. upper elevations by the delta and in and around the bayshore but a trough that will slide to the south tomorrow. this will allow for not only the steady sea breeze but a cooler air mass to head our dropping the numbers by tuesday into wednesday. so we're not talking any more about upper 80s. come down from our readings today. 78 today in san jose. look for 75 in milpitas. 74 san mateo. look for upper 70s mountain view and very little change in san francisco, partly cloudy and 65. in the north bay there is a rain from the low 90s up through ukiah. low 80s in novato. vallejo a comfortable 78 and mid-70s in fremont. out over the hills, it's going to feel like summer, 83 in pleasanton and upper 80s in brentwood. seven-day forecast, a little cooling gets underway for the second half of the weekend. numbers will trend below average by the early part of the week with 50s coast, low 70s bay and very little change until we head towards the end of the week and even when we do warmup it will be very modest at best. still below average. it will feel pretty nice. congress is heading out for a summer vacation and some say the time off is a bad idea right now. >> developing news, pg&e is working to restore power 5700 customers in san leandro. two outages knocked out power this morning. cause is not known but we are learning just under 2,000 customers are still affected but there is no estimate on when power to everyone else will be restored. despite the budget battle, impasse in washington, lawmakers are taking their summer break, five weeks of vacation. by this time last year, they sent 64 bills to the president but half were minor. this week the house and senate have passed only 26 bills for president obama to sign into law. >> talk about a mad dash, members of congress leaving the capital, grabbing their bags and heading home for five week vacation. gone and time to pass big pieces for the country. >> you work until you get it all done. >> vacationing in the nation's capital. some can't believe it. >> average workingman is two weeks of vacation. >> look at the calendar. once they return, the house will have just nine working days before the end of the budget year. senate just a few more. >> my goodness. list of important things that can be done in the congress is as long as my arm. >> the senate met only for 96 working days. they were out of session for 53 disdays. house worked 102 days. worry, we are headed to another fiscal cliff. we tried to talk to several members but none wanted to stop to talk about the paid five weeks totaling nine million dollars in salary. >> the entire time? >> on the house side, democrats complain the republicans aren't getting anything done but they are still headed home. as for the speaker. >> it's after vacation. >> still ahead, a rare decision by the u.s. supreme court. vote that could set thousands of inmates free. >> and reported on the new bay bridge. welcome back. coming up on 8:30. we want to start with a quick look at the weather. >> starting out in the south bay, good morning san jose, temperatures in the mid-50s. even though it will be shy of the average 83. 58 in concord. santa rosa, lots of fog down through napa and novato with low 50s. most of the south bay will be pleasant and low 70s should be the high end around oakland. clouds are hanging tough to the shoreline but that is the usual this time of the year. high pressure is in control and it weakens tomorrow so 80s are coming down. how much and how long the cooling trend is going to stick around. thank you, lisa. >> and u.s. supreme court have ordered the jails to release thousands of inmates. they have been fighting to stop that but the governor has run out of options. nannette miranda. >> governor brown california's prison population can't be reduced any further, the u.s. supreme court refused to stop to ease overcrowding. the ruling in decades oh old case is a victory for inmates. they said healthcare fails to meet constitutionality standards. >> the overcrowding still stands in the way of an effective remedy for the health problems that plague california. >> they have reduced the prison population by 46,000 since 2006. but the courts have continually said that is not enough. state needs to shave another 10,000 in less than five months. >> governor brown is really out of legal options at this point. he risks contempt of court charges by f he didn't comply by the end of the year. >> they have been identified as eligible for medical parole. a along with more than 800 men throughout the system. contracts with out of state prisons have been extended and sentences are being recalculated for those with good time credit and completion of rehab programs. >> this is absolutely insane. >> the numbers were slightly up for 2012. >> unfortunately, they have already shifted, those they consider low risk inmates to the county. all that is left is serious and violent criminals. >> the legislature has until mid-september to pass laws or approve funding that enables the state to further cut the prison population. this afternoon, family members and supporters of nearly 400 california inmates who are on week long hunger strike held a rally outside san quentin. they want them to meet their demands. they claim that conditions amount to torture. corrections department insist the conditions are not inhumane. they say they get cable tv and daily contact with staff. new this morning, president obama is calling on congress to act on his plan which he says a better bargain for the middle-class. in his weekly address the president says the country has fought its way back from the recession and started to lay a foundation for stronger growth. he says more work needs to be done. middle-class families need help getting good jobs and owning homes and securing retirement. >> there are no gimmicks when it comes to creating jobs. there are no tricks to help the economy. reversing the situation won't be easy but if we work together and take a few bold steps and if is washington is willing to focus on what really matters, we can grow our economy and give the middle-class a better bargain. senator susan collins delivered the g.o.p. address. she says obamacare discourages small businesses from creating jobs and hiring new employees. bay bridge officials are putting more pieces of the new span under the microscope after dozens of rods snapped earlier this year. they started testing a series of steel anchor rods. it potentially weakens the safety features. crews are making custom steel saddles to fix that problem. they are undergoing tests to find out what will happen. >> we want to make sure that we take this very seriously. we take safety seriously. we want to make sure the bridge is safe not only when it opens to the public but years down the road. >> so far caltrans has not found any additional problems. officials have not set a date for the opening of the new eastern span. they spent time in graduate school learning about learning. now, they are face wad masters thesis to build a product to change education. jonathan bloom has a look what they came up with at the stanford education technology. >> in a room milling with people, one salesman playing guitar. his computer can hear it. >> we analyze if they are playing it correctly. it's kind of like guitar hero but real guitar. >> danny is a stanford grad student and this is final project for learning design and technology. he is presenting it at the expo. >> megan build a toy called dr. wagon where you arrange blocks. >> kids can get exposed to the basics of programming by using tangible objects. >> it has the faculty impressed. >> these students put together some really amazing things that has something to do with learning. >> they have gotten pa past the discerning eye of professors. now, they want to go to the public including investors and real life students. >> you see it in the hands of real users, they give us feedback, that is awesome. that is most rewarding part. >> that was a kit for dad to build things with their daughters. >> if they wanted to spend time with their daughters, they had no idea how to. it teaches girls engineering is creative and social. >> we wanted to design an experience where the daughter can teach the dad and also creating art together. >> you are never too old to learn. >> couples spend quite a bit of time on technology on ipad and iphone. >> the app comes to bring them back together with thought-provoking questions. >> to try and facilitate. >> this in turn is the connection for the students. as they go on to change the face of education. >> members of the america's cup team are presenting sweden say they are overcoming a hardship and making tremendous progress. they suffered a tragic loss. a new boat had to be shipped in and that along with other delays have the team playing catch-up >> a lot is going to depend on how the training goes and how well we are going to go. >> the winner of sweden versus italy sails against new zeal and then the winner of that face oracle team. >> live stream is now available in the bay area. first local station and abc is the first broadcast network to bring you a live stream of local news and all of your local favorite tv shows. you never have to miss a minute of the news and shows you love. watch abc allows you to bring abc with you wherever you want to be. special benefit brought to you by comcast and at&t at no additional cost. go to to find out how to watch abc. enter your account information and get the watch abc live stream. you can search watch abc to download the app. >> a car slams into a marketed and there is a fight to keep the mom and pop business from keeping closing doors forever. live look, 8:39. good news weather-wise in lake tahoe. 80 and sunny and what else is happening and where in the small mom and pop market are struggling after a car slammed into the store two years ago. it happened on russian hill and legal fight that has followed have nearly drove the owners out of the business. >> surveillance video caught the yellow cab as it ran the stop sign and put the sedan that spun through the intersection and ran into the front of the new russian hill market. three days later, they were throwing out food and it might cost them months of business. >> it took me month, two months, six months. >> they never knew it was going to be ten months. insurance paid repaired and store's insurance paid $121,000 but the store's owner says is not enough. >> you have to pay the pg&e bill, insurance, you have to pay whatever bills comes through the door. >> customers were coming throug the door, the two brothers say they would survive but the ten months they were closed, a lot of regulars found someone where else to shop. >> they would go to one of other markets. >> you close for ten months they go to other stores. >> now they are sparsely stocked. they have run out capital to restock. they blame yellow cab for dragging out the legal fight. >> we're not sure why they don't want to sit down and talk. >> the lawyer for yellow cab says there is a dispute as to the damages claimed above the insurance proceeds. insurance company has filed its own action. two cases will be consolidated. yellow cab is prepared to attend a mediation to resolve all issues. in fact, it could be many more months the brothers want damages amounting to over a million dollars. because the insurance company only recently filed its own action, the december trial date will be pushed to the middle of next year. >> there is no way that we can hold off to next year. >> brothers say the families had the business for close to 20 years. this market crash could close them. what should we do when we head out this morning? >> temperatures today in the city will be cool, but brightening up here in the east bay. oakland right now in the upper 50s but a high of 72. tomorrow will be the cooler day. i'll pinpointed the cooldown and the highs today coming up. >> the a's are trying to sign on the first wave but last night's game texas did not help. up next in spo 8:47 and we need check on the forecast and if, when and where. >> lots of questions because it is getting brighter and down by the airport. we are looking still the gray skies down around san jose. live doppler 7-hd this morning. we're not looking at any rain despite the fact that cooler air mass and tropical pressure so the way for the second half of the weekend. still august in san francisco with low clouds and fog. roof camera looking at lots of gray. 54 in san francisco. mountain view, 57. 56 for you and half moon bay at 54. north end of the bay has been cloudy with the fog in santa rosa. mount tam, marine layer is about 2,000 feet and depth of the fog is slowly erode bringing in sunshine. concord is sunny at 58. 59 at livermore. sunny and warm afternoon in inland east bay. and pretty gray out there but it will be nice mild afternoon across the bay in oakland hopefully bringing the a's some luck. mist and drizzle at the shoreline to start. mild temperatures there, even with the cloud cover, few peeks of sun across stinson beach. we're looking at the cooling trend right through the middle of the week. cooler air mass is heading to the south. steady onshore flow, we are trending downwards next couple of days. temperatures will be running a little below average by the middle of the week. warm end in the upper 80s that will give us a 30-degree temperature spread and no 90s and lack of summer heat again. if you are hoping for those sunny beaches -- not today. it will be sunny and on the warm side in the valley but you would expect that this time of the year. 92 in sacramento with 92 in fresno. mid-90s in yosemite with haze out towards chico. another warm one in chico. temperatures will range from upper 50s to near 60 in half moon bay. couple hours of sunshine across parts of the shoreline. otherwise, fog will quickly move back across the bay but between now and then, 74 in san mateo. 80 up in napa. 78 in vallejo as well as san jose. kneeling pretty good at livermore at 85. if you are headed to the a's game today, beautiful afternoon, mid 60s. low 70s in the afternoon. we cool off tomorrow and that will take us through monday and tuesday. morning clouds, maybe some drizzle and 70s and low 80s for the middle of the week. cloudy and 50s at the coast. we don't have the extremes which is kind of nice. >> we'll take it. in sports, first place a's will try to cool off the second place rangers at the coliseum. texas gained more ground on oakland. here a larry beil. >> good morning. just last week, it looked like the a's might runway away with the title but the rangers are back, now just 2 1/2 behind. ricky henderson -- no doubt about that. rangers pitcher walked five batters in four innings including the score in the double in the first. 2-0 a's. rakers tie it in the second. nelson cruz waiting for his biogenesis suspension but talent prospect. tommy malone was yanked allowed six runs and rangers roll to their fifth straight victory. giants in tampa and not having any fun. madison bumgarner was. 7 innings, struck out 11. brandon bell, in a slump that would be the slump-bus tr, gone! he tripled and singled. 1-1 game. brandon crawford says aloha! two-run bomb, giants take the series opener in tampa. could this be the catch of the year? angels outfielder, he robs jose batista at the wall. he got it. even though it landed over the wall, it is an out! angels won the game 7-5. little league baseball, belmont regional shores, this game was all belmont. they jump out to 3-0 lead. pitcher sean lee is bringing it. 14 strikeouts. in the fourth, brad might be, could be and it is gone. they cruise 8-0 and play hawaii in their next game. >> raiders have signed a player to a contract extension worth just under 19 middle. he is the highest paid kicker in football. he is 35 years old. made 31 of 34 field goal attempts. >> tiger woods hasn't won a major in five years. he is still quite capable. he started two back and took care of that in a hurry. birdie on one and eagle on 2. was five under and made a run at 59 but settled for a nine under 61. leads by 7 strokes at 13 under par. that is wrap on morning sports. mike shumann will be here for all your highlights at 5:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 11:00. >> powerball fever is back update to a story we brought you a short time, about a large power outage in san leandro, more than 5700 customers without power, all power has been restored. pg&e has traced their problem to an underground cable at grant street substation. we understand repairs are ongoing. >> here are the winning numbers from $13 million mega millions draw. mega number was 4. nobody correctly picked all six. >> now, not as good as this. only been three months since powerball fever gripped the nation and now it is back. it will top $300 million. that is $172 million. chances of winning is 1 in 175 million. a florida woman won $590 million back in may. 13th annual art festival kicks off in downtown oakland. it features nonstop music and what organizers say the largest family fun zone. it gets underway at noon. runs until 8:00 until night, noon until 6:00 tomorrow night. admission is ten dollars for adults and kids under 12 is free. >> sixth annual beaver festival is being held in martinez. it celebrates a family of beavers in the creek. there will be wildlife displays along with live music. also, there a team of students from whitman college from washington state. they are actually filming a documentary that will include the martinez beavers. it's from 11:00 to 4:00. lots of activities for people in all different places around the bay area. most will see sun? >> still looking at the fog here in the city and across the bay. onshore flow keeping it a little cool around the bay. we're brightening up already and 72 in oakland. 65 in and upper 70s and cooler tomorrow. >> lesa. thank you. >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide insurance. >> hi, everybody, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo. welcome to "wild countdown." whoa! in my visits to wildlife parks and zoos, i've had the try out all kinds of occupations. i always wanted to be a game warden. over the years, i've become a jack of all trades. i did too do that! >> she did that all on her own. >> she--bull. get along, get along, doggie! today, we'll look back at 6 of my favorite jobs. oh, i'd hate to get charged on my first day at work. and don't miss the blooper of the week starring my wife sue. [laughing] it sure is a tough job being me.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20130718

i am dana and not greg. >> and i always see hype. let's welcome our guest. i'm here with author, columnist jedediah bila. bill shultz is one of the most delightful and responsible men. and she will be there august 8th, 9th and 10th. >> a block, the lede. that's the first story. hi, greg. hi, dana. it is about time we got a professional host. >> it is about time that "red eye" had a vast improvement and i am glad i could be here tonight. he is more idol than evil. he promised to reveal the hub be, quote, became a monster. the pictures had an avalanche of anger. it created rock stars like jim morrison. it could send a dangerous message to the dzhokhar supporters. "rolling stone" defends their decision saying the fact that tsarnaev is young and in the same age-group as many of our readers makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexity of this issue. for more on that, let's go to "red eye"'s senior media correspondent. >> not jasper, but adorable. let me ask you something, sherrod. earlier today "rolling stone" when they issued the statement they say their hearts go out to the victims go out to the boston bombings. >> first of all i give "rolling stone" this, of all of the bombers he is the sexiest. uni-bomber, not a looker jie. the cabin thing was rough. >> he is not coming out with an album or going out on tour. why is he on the cover of "rolling stone"? >> i don't get it. this was offensive to me. your thoughts? >> i think they want us to sympathize and feel his pain and to try to understand how society and his family made him the way he is. the psychological complexity of it all. what i loved is this is an issue where celebrities finally came out and said i had enough. across the spectrum, right wing, left wing. rolling stone made everyone angry. >> it seems to me that rolling stone does president understand why everybody -- doesn't understand why anybody is angry. one of the defendants say, well, they say he is a monster on the cover. but the whole poi tbh t is the image -- the whole point is the i'm memg. they look like a glamour shot. >> who is nelly? >> do your research, dana. >> i didn't know jie. here is my argument on this. from his point of view, the last thing you want to do or come off as before you do life in prison is sexy. >> good point. >> that's the last thing you want people to think before you go into prison. >> i want to be ugly, right. >> what do you think? "rolling stone" they seem like they don't understand why anybody is angry. >> the first thing to remember is a magazine's primary job is to sell magazines. this is all helping them do that. the second thing to keep in mind is how cute is it that "rolling stone" thinks their readers are in the same demographic? when was the last time you saw a 23-year-old reading "rolling stone"? when was the last time that happened? >> how many people actually buy the magazine? >> no one. i don't know a single person jie. are you a lifetime subscriber because you are not one of the people who goes into a store and flips through magazines and reads things and then puts it back like you never read it. you never do that. >> i respect the printed word too much, dana. i can't read it, but i respect it. sherrod is absolutely rthis kids already practicing on that magazine. he is getting a workout with that episode. >> it is a [bleep] on the cover. >> this is a family show. i will not explain that to dana. you are safe already. there is a reason why they had that photo of him on the cover. that's what he looks like. he looks like that in every single picture. if america is into people with unkept hair and a far away stoney look in their eyes, well, there is nothing we can do about that, is there? the fact of the matter is we are. we are addicted to the outrage. it is manufactured outrage. i will tell you something, if all of the pundits i have been listening to are so outraged about this cover and really felt that way, why are they giving it so much publicity? >> can we do that again and you zoom in? if they really felt that way, then why are they giving it so much publicity? >> hold on a second though. >> think about it, america. >> i hate manufactured outrage. but this guy -- i mean this guy is responsible for killing americans. you could have chosen another picture of him. you chose a picture that looks like -- >> he looks like that in all of them. he looks like he just finished a bong. >> it is a sex symbol photo that is meant for young people, particularly young women who are already holding signs in support of him to sit back and say maybe this guy was misguided. maybe he was misled. that was aimed at those very people jie. if there was a photo of his gaping wound protruding out of his torn shirt i would want them to use it. i am thankful though because have i a weak stomach. >> you are into the printed word , the printed world. when they say monster, doesn't that mean that monster is usually a darker lighting or maybe like a little more ominous rather than looking like an angel? >> they could have done that thing like "time" did with oj in the 90s. i mean, the fact is he is a good looking guy and there were these glamour selfies. >> people call him a kid. at 19 -- what did you just say? >> i would hit it. >> he would because he is a patriot. >> a little johnny depp in him, i guess. >> he will have a little johnny cell block in him in a few. >> this is the a block and not cell block. he is 19 years old and could he be called a kid? >> 19? no. >> i am using it caw lobing we y'allly. i have been calling everybody a kid. it is about the age. >> i get it. >> it is societal. they were arguing to be on their parents' health insurance because they are still babies. >> the thing that bothers me and i heard from somebody that is serving overseas that when they saw that they are like, look, we are over here and we volunteered to come over. we have done three or four tours of duty and we are trying to fight against the very thing rolling stone is glorifying and then defending by saying young people can relate. >> let's play devil's advocate. "rolling stone" did put him on the cover, but stations will make a made for tv movie with somebody playing him, so are they doing something different? >> that is an excellent segue. >> if it was for lifetime, they would focus on one of the girls in love with him. that's what they would do. >> she is great. >> she would play every role. she is lifetime. >> meredith baxter bernie. >> she is meredith baxter right now. respect the fact she had a divorce. i think she is living with a woman. >> really? >> yes. i think she is a lesbian now. >> for those who just tuned into "red eye." >> they came for the bomber and they stayed for the bernie loves women. >> we are moving on. from magazines to movies it is a thriller about a spiller. hollywood has taken a shot at telling the story of julian assange and wikileaks with the upcoming film "the fifth estate." finally, he is playing assange and while it is not out until october the trailer was releasedded and we have an exclusive look. >> oh, wow. >> made you look. okay, can we see the trailer now? >> the guardians are all standing alongside you. >> this is going to change everything. >> he is not a journalist. he is a threat to national security. >> this is all about survival. >> lives are at stake. >> what about the lives of the civilians? >> if we had someone like you the boy would have come down here. >> we are on the verge of a major international crisis. >> if we want to do this, we have to do this now. >> we have five seconds. >> it is just you and your ego. >> you get whatever you want. >> this is information the world needs to know. >> we need to question this guy. >> assange has already called the film a seriously propaganda attack on wikileaks. the director tells entertainment weekly that the movie presents him as neither hero nor villain. we just try to present who he is and let you make up your mind. i think he is neither. way to take a stand, bill. let me ask you something. initially assange by a lot of people was considered a hero and then turned into a p-word. >> a pal? >> actually what is that? >> come on, boys, fill in the blank. >> hero or villain to you? >> you have to occupy a tough, middle ground with a lot of these people. on one hand it is like the government is within its rights to go after him, especially assange and manning. they can say people died because of these disclosures. people were risking their lives for the u.s. overseas. at the same time we paid for all of the stuff that's going on overseas and how the u.s. uses its military. we have a right to know what they are doing with it. >> do you think the movie is going to be big? >> i am just happy they got one of the bad guys from "die hard" to play him. it was the guy who got his neck broke on the staircase? remember him? >> she living with meredith baxter bernie. >> and her girlfriend. >> i think the movie will go straight to something, dvd? >> really? i don't go to a lot of movie dashes dash. >> it is coming out in a movie theater? >> i think so. >> nobody is going to see that. >> i disagree. i think in light of what is going on with snowden -- >> it is a great date movie, huh? >> i want to watch it and i am not a huge fan of this guy, of people who disclose national security secrets. it is interesting in light of the privacy. >> you won't wait until it comes on cable for free? you will go to the theater? >> i like my popcorn so i am going to the movies. >> bill, will you stand is it line to watch -- stand in line to watch this movie? >> you like popcorn? i will buy the popcorn. i mean, i would watch it. you obviously can't tell from the trailer how they will portray him. but he looks as we silly -- weasley as he does in real life. he is one of the only people on planet earth that has a better name than julian assange. if i were a bad guy named julian assange i would change it to benedict kumberbatch. they both should be stroking kitties. >> sherrod, if someone was going to play you in a movie, who would it be? >> denzel. we look the most alike. >> either denzel or dwyane wade. >> i love him. i love him. wasn't he on -- >> he might have been. that's wayne brady. you are getting confused with your black people. she thought dwyane wade and then wayne brady won the nba championship. >> who is wayne brady? doesn't he guest host a game show? >> i wanna make a deal. >> let's make a deal. >> will, who is playing you in a movie? >> i will also go with denzel. >> that would be a difficult character. >> i don't think so. >> he can do it. joy he is a gifted actor -- >> he is a gifted act and we have a certain machi is mo that comes across the screen. >> can you say i know you ain't got wet. >> i can do that. i'm kidding. jedediah, you brought up something about snowden, one of the questions being because the russians are hosting the olympics next winter, lyndsay graham, senator lyndsay graham said maybe we should look at whether or not the united states should boycott the olympics. good or bad idea? >> interesting point, but i think there is probably policy things we could do that would be more effective than that when it comes to russia. maybe something more -- something a little stronger. >> you live, bill, for the winter olympics. >> yes. i am the winter olympics. >> what is your favorite? the luge? >> no it wasn't a good point, lyndsay graham, boycott the olympics because they are housing a stupid computer dork. lyndsay graham says this stuff because he looks as patriotic as his stupid flag pin lapel. he can say that because he knows it is not going to happen and then lyndsay graham has more sway or just as much sway on the olympics as lyndsay lohan. he can say whatever he wants. it does -- doesn't matter. >> putin is enjoying all of the attention. from films to fans he would leave his seat if he got enough tweets. during the allstar game on tuesday some guy ran on to the diamond and turns out he had a very good reason. last weekend he post owed twitter that he would storm the field if he got 1,000 retweets. spoiler alert, take a look. >> dillon later posted a text of his mom threatening to, quote, kick his ass -- can you say ass? >> you just said it twice. >> his -- tweeting i should be upset, but from dillon's perspective, this is the best day of his life. >> loser. >> hold on to that one, dillon. meanwhile, it inspired cool dog to train for a crash of his own. >> you had an interesting take on this. you were kind of offended. >> the first thing to remember is that twitter is dumb. the second thing, i am upset i don't get more followers out of these appearances. i tweeted today i was coming on this show. i tweeted at you. i got three retweets for that, three. you were not one of them. >> you ignored it completely. >> i meant to go back to it. >> but you didn't. >> it was on your list of things to do. >> i was busy prepping for the show and they actually filmed some of my prep for the day. we will see that later. >> that could have been a moment for me. that could have helped. >> it did. >> would you ever pull a stunt like that, run on the field? >> no, i have more respect for the game. what they need to do is released a lion and let the lion chase the dude. >> he is running, running, running and he just got to second base and he stopped. >> you know it is not going happen to you. it is like doing a crime and you know nothing is happening. so everybody get off the field and let him say out there and released two lions. that's what i say. >> what a great idea. >> jedediah, are you a yankees fan? does that make you as dumb as dillon? is that what that says? i can't imagine. >> you know who wrote that? a disgrub delled white sox fan. i can't imagine who that was. listen, i would do it. i have to tell you i would do it and -- i would. but the only thing i am confused about is why did this guy get tackled? if you watch the video he runs out and stops and stairs at security and then security pounces on him. so something went a little odd. >> what about you, bill? something like this could really change your career. >> it couldn't hurt it. i will tell you that much. the problem with this is back in -- well still the networks will not show the guys going on the field. it is to discourage people from doing it. as far as twitter, they will still get that fame now. it will happen more and more. >> and now he is on "red eye." >> we just gave his name and he will get almost as many followers a is will. >> i will try to do a better job next time. >> we'll get through this. >> i think it is too dangerous. people getting stabbed on tennis courts. we don't want people jumping on the field. >> i have never done, this but i remember as a young lad i got ricky henderson to flip me off. here is how stupid ricky was. he was in center field and he held his glove up like this so only half of the people in the stadium could see him flipping me off. >> thanks for that. where is greg? we will discuss my new book. first, can you be fired for being too attractive? i guess this counts as news on "red eye." she was ditched for being a dish, and it is legit. last week the iowa supreme court upheld the ruling when a dentist acted legally when he fired his assistant and found her too pretty and worried he would cheat on his wife. her attorney filed a discrimination lawsuit, but the all male court ruled bosses can fire a person that is a threat to their marriage. they say it is not a threat discrimination because it is motivated by feeling and not gender. for more let's check in with the world's most handsome man. >> that guy needs a dog. jedediah, shouldn't we applaud the dentist for wanting to stay faithful to his wife? >> no, this is a man baby. now we have to be responsible for these man babies who have no self-control. what is wrong with you guys ? >> i am going through changes right now. i want to do stuff. >> you are fired. >> let's go to the commercial break. security! >> talk about being worried, bill. you must sit there and worry all the time that greg will fire you over something like this. >> i confused the compliments coming from the host. first of all the ego on this dude. he is assuming that she will have the affair with him. it takes two to make this decision. it doesn't just happen. and a court of all dudes ? what is this 1963 and 12 angry men? when did that happen? >> you don't have to have the affair for the mental productivity in office. you will be [bleep] all day when she is the office. you won't get nothing else done. you have to get her out of there. stru to get her out of there, man. >> productivity will get better because he will try to impress her. >> that's what you think. >> who is this guy to fire her so he is not distracted? >> and do you think this is right, will, that the -- i guess you can fire somebody for anything, but why did he -- why didn't he make up another reason to fire her? why was he honest? >> that's a good point. >> that's not a male characteristic. everybody on this panel knows the pain of being not taken seriously because you are too good looking. >> i have never had that problem. >> all right. >> i got it. >> i once wore shorts to the office at the daily caller and my boss, tucker carlson threatened me home and -- sent me home and threatened to fire me because he was too distracted by my calves. it cut me deep. >> what is she supposed to do now? find another job? >> write a book. >> i'm sure she will write a book or sue or do something. she will hire gloria stinam to meet her and talk about this. >> women won't back her. some women will be like -- >> exactly. she got hers. >> you ain't that fine to get fired. >> exactly. >> she ain't got no fight in there. >> and honestly, i don't think this guy was behind the firing. i think his wife was behind the firing. honestly, i'm sure he knew what this girl looked like when he hired her. >> he is not smart enough to make up another reason and instead he basically tells the judge what the wife told him. i guess he doesn't what his marriage to stay together. >> maybe he wanted the judge to go, well then your wife is going to jail. she probably like, yeah. >> are you rehired. coming up, who is a nice person who likes to have fun? after the break, i will discuss why i think bill schulz is a nice person. but first, what is left to say about jenni mccarthy that hasn't already been said? it's true. bringing her to the view when general me mac car thee -- mccarthy was taped they said she could bring a fresh point of view, get it? many are less happy particularly since mccarthy is part of the idea that the childhood vaccinations cause autism. for a show remotely about news and a career news woman like walters who legit myselfed her dangerous yous anti-science because she will get crazy attention and the ratings is shameful. obviously we must discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooooouuuuuunnnnnndddd. lightning round. >> do you ever get that in your head? >> all the time. >> say it over and over again. it keeps you up at night. >> it haunts me. >> jedediah, good choice? do you care? >> it is not a great choice, but not for this reason. i would have liked to see a differing of opinion on the political spectrum. i would have liked to see them duke it out. she will not be on the show talking about vaccines every day. she is a spokesperson for an anti-vaccine campaign, so that does president bother me. >> hard to get outraged about this one. bill? >> you rarely have to say when somebody is cast for a morning news show you worry i hope nobody listens to her and then dies. >> two people think it is like well jenni mccarthy said it, i will not get smallpox vaccines for my kids. that's really bad. that's a higher kill count for a morning host. >> it doesn't happen very often. >> there is a big media pile on. you actually want to find some angle to defend her a little bit. it is hard here. >> she is great and beautiful and it will help. >> do you care about this or do you want to go to men in shorts? >> i am glad to see her working. as an actor it is hard to get work out there. i say this about vaccines, get your kids vaccines. don't listen to jenni mccarthy when it comes to your kids' health. she always used to fart and make noises. that's what you are going to for your medical advice? you are an idiot. >> and i will add to what you said. let me vaccinate your kids. it is a size thing. come to my place, don't charge that much. >> we use because we love the earth. >> i am so glad that your mom chose to vaccinate you. the contributions you make to the world are amazing. >> i am confused. i like it, but it is a little unnerving as well. since when has been saying something dumb has been a deal breaker forgetting on the view? second of all, you want her on that crazy wall. you need her on that crazy wall. the ratings will go up. >> next topic. are you an egg if you want to show a little leg? a writer called to arms for those looking to bear their knees. it is a plea for adult men wearing shorts. we will wear shorts when it is hot. we will do the hard work of leg tanning. we will issue socks when necessary. we will not sweat profusely. we will wear shorts. it is just common sense. i hope bob beckle did not hear that. you know he has the leg shot underneath. >> high sock tots knee. >> america has been going through a heat wave and are you for sure? >> grown men in sports and like real situations. you might as well say young girls, don't look over here. i got nothing for you. you are taking yourself out of the game, brother. >> there is an issue -- well for men that are going to wear shorts what shoe do you choose to wear? socks is a tragic look. you can't wear flip-flops because your feet are gross. what are you supposed to do? i am not saying anything about your feet. >> come on. i'm sure they are lovely. >> they are, thank you very much. >> i don't think there is anything unman -- unmanly or undignified. >> whatever, life is hard. you have no twitter followers. do something that makes you happy. it is like little gawker writers. they haven't seen the sun in a year and they are getting into a fight about men's fashion. >> it makes you wonder if there wasn't anything else to write about. it was hot upstairs and on the 18th floor i don't know if they cutoff the air conditioning or what. >> they do it early in the day for us. i don't know if that's a sign. here, here. when "red eye" first started every once in awhile it was in the 90s and there is no actual reason to bewaring shorts -- to be wearing shorts -- or pants, i would go on" red eye" and wear shorts. but i would bermuda it up and wear a tie. the hate i would get, i thought it was charming. >> julian assange probably wears shorts. >> you know he does. >> the biggest question, would you date a man who wore shorts to the office? >> the shorts need to be to the knee. i can't see a dude in daysy dukes. in daisy dukes. the thigh region? i can't see the thigh region. >> they look like capri pants. >> i saw a guy with the long shorts and the tall shorts just like the playboy bunnies do. only they can do that. >> you were not impressed by his confidence and willingness to pull it off. >> i was impressed by his audacity. >> even the homeless are like, change. i have to no where to be. it is time for a break. what are greg's rituals? i don't remember taping this this afternoon. maybe somebody put something in my diet coke. how do you prepare for hosting "red eye"? this is my first time and i always imagine somebody whacked greg upside the head with a large stick. it is much more serious than that and bill schulz showed me. >> dana. >> how are you? >> let me help you host "red eye." what can i do for you? >> i want to do as much preparation as greg does. i brought a little picture that i thought could help me get in the mood amongst greg's stuff to get ready. >> i'm sorry about your son. it is a nice picture. the only preparation greg does is h. he has bad hemorrhoids, but not before the show. how cane help you? how can we make this better for you? >> i want to get a feel of the office. >> i will give uh tour. >> what is the first thing we have to do? >> one similarity you have is statute your. all of your kind has to stand on something. he preferred encyclopedia, a box of unsold books or mike. >> what is happening over here in this part? >> this is wardrobe. a lot of this stuff is from forever 21 or baby gap. >> he should fold those. >> no shirt underneath. it he likes his nipples to be raw. this is a bust of his daughter, chuck. don't mention chuck. >> do you want to go ut on for drinks? >> it is him. >> it is all phrases of him sexually harassing you guys. this is what you want to show hr if you want a case. >> i tried to make this more homey for me. i have the painting by henry. >> basically we go through the videos that people send in for the show jie. how many -- how many do we need? >> the more the better, the kitties, puppies. >> this is one. >> he is cute. >> did you see the video from last weekend? >> i realize this is your show, but we want it to be good. >> where is greg? >> he is off tonight. maybe you didn't hear. i am going to fill in for greg tonight as host of the show. what is this? >> these are -- i heard him say this before. these are daily affirmations he tells himself to psych himself up before the show. we have him good enough, i'm tall enough and gosh darn it people want to sleep with me. you shouldn't have seen that one. it is not my fault. i don't know what that means. you can't spell america without me this is better than before. it used to say you can't spell america without ca. i am an alpha male and sloths are nice. this one we can all get behind. at one point he did literally and was put in jail for awhile. so any final questions? >> no, that was very helpful. i think the tour was great. i am going to sit here for a little while. i don't think he would mind if i went through some of these notes. do you see this picture? i think he drew this of me and that's not very nice. >> i can't be a part of that. what a monster. >> it was a very helpful tour. i brought things to make it homey. i love the frame because it has his bone. >> what did happen to your son? >> what? this is jasper, the puppy. have you ever seen an office like that? >> it is a mess. it looked like a bathroom at port authority. it makes sense that greg spends his days in there as a run away. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. do you have your own video of an animal doing something? go to fox eye and click on submit a video and we may use it. coming up, the post game report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight's post game wrap up is brought to you by bartenders. thanks, bartenders. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye." return appearances from ambassador john bolden and jaime weinstein from "the daily caller." time to go back to the delightful andy levy for the post game report. >> thanks, dana. i think you are the first person to call me that. >> i thought this afternoon you seemed so upset and mad. >> i was -- i wasn't mad. it was not about you though, dana. >> it is never about me. >> are you a delight. that guy on the five with you though. >> to my left or my right? >> that's another question. rolling stone cover. jedediah, you think they want us to sympathize with dzhokhar and understand why he did what he did. the article itself is very good and definitely worth reading. it is really, really long, but it gets into his childhood. it is an interesting read. i don't have a problem in general with them putting him on the cover. it is the photo they took. it is the glamour shot looking thing. it makes him out like she a boy band or rock god. that's the problem. >> the photo sets the tone for how you are going to read the article. you look at that and that's the attitude you take when you read the material. they knew that. >> they are being disingeneral us with about it. >> i didn't know if it was the terrorists or john stone from "game of thrones." john snow. i thought it was one of the snow brothers. i'm a dork though so that's how we think. >> if you were truly a dork you would know it wasn't john snow. >> he brought him a bottle of jamison. >> seriously? >> have i no idea what you were talking -- i have no idea what you were talking about. >> you said how cute is it that rolling stone is in the same demographic as dzhokhar. and you said how many people read rolling stone? i have some 2011 figures. the circulation is 1.4 million people. 27% were 18 to 24 and another 27% were 25 to 34. the reader ship is young. >> we can't joke about it. >> if you get it does president mean you are reading -- doesn't mean you are reading it. >> the magazines are not meant to be read anyway. >> are you just supposed to look. >> i am still a scout. >> bill, you said we are uh districted to manufactured outrage. i completely agree with that. but i think the photo is complete bs. >> i haven't seen a photo that does president look like that. he always looks like that. >> you were correct about meredith baxter who came out in 2009 who was living with her part near fanly loche who is a contractor. >> how about those who mention meredith baxter bernie? only on requested red eye." >> you won't get that on fox report. i great dzhokhar is a good looking guy. sherrod, i don't believe you would hit it. >> a prison hit? >> shame on all of you who made prison rape jokes. it is not funny. >> you can have a relationship in prison. why is everything rape in prison? that's how i can tell you have never been to prison. it is all rape. no, it is relationships. you have cigarettes and talk about things. >> boycotting the russian olympics. will, i don't think there has been proof anybody died because of bradley manning's leaks. >> all right. that my be true. anyway, can we go to the winter olympics? that was a joke in my notes. >> i know. and i was glad you didn't say it on the show because we may have to throw hands after the show. i have to have my curling, will. >> he does like curling. >> have i to have my -- i have to have my curling. >> i used to be a sweeper in 1988. >> the floor? >> that's how sherrod and i met. >> that's how we met. >> lake placid, remember that? >> are you serious? >> yes. >> they practice in lake placid. >> getting back to the escape for a minute. sherrod, this is coming to the theater. he won an oscar and directed five oscars including to jennifer hudson in dream girls. >> i think he was listed as a black person. >> why didn't i get that role? >> are you pretty good at it. >> i am not the best. >> no. >> kanye may be outdoing me. >> seriously, making fun of kumberbach's name? have you never heard of him before? is this the first day? >> i have seen his face, but never heard his name. >> he is good. sherlock, fantastic. >> nominated for an emmy and a golden globe. >> and he was in the new star trek too. >> ruined it. >> you see dead people? >> fan runs on field during the allstar game because of a thousand retweets. will, i am with you. this validates my decision to take an extended twitter break because of the stupid -- >> wait a minute. are you really? what will he do all day now? >> he will be fine. >> we will miss you, andy. >> you will miss me so much that i have been on a break since last friday. >> you have? >> i noticed. >> we miss you. >> i don't spend much time on twitter. >> neither do i. thank you for having too much respect for the game to ever do something about this. >> one of my favorite movies is "for love of the game." >> we met at the movie theater. >> that's how we met. >> only you would pick the worst baseball movie. >> she is the only one that matters. >> i got that one right. field of dreams. >> that's a good one. >> for the love of the game. >> he was a pitcher for the tigers. >> elizabeth shue. >> the outfielder was a friend of mine. >> this is not sports center. >> court upholds the right to fire the assistant for being too attractive. here is my main problem. what does this say to the strippers who are out there raising money to be dental high general -- hygenists? don't bother because you will be fired. >> it is a great goal and a great career. >> stay where you are striping. >> jedediah, i am with you. the stupid man baby needs to decide he is not 17 and control himself. >> exactly. thank you for being an adult, andy. >> it was apparently at his wife's insistence he fire her. >> on this jenni mccarthy thing, it is hard to get outraged on this thing. it is not a great choice. this is one of the rare things that does deserve outrage. her stupidity kills children. jedediah, she is a spokesperson for anti-vaccine stuff. she has written books about it and had campaigns about it. people died because of it. >> way to end it on a high note. >> she has a great rack. >> thanks to jedediah and sherrod and i'm dana. see you next time. mom was diagnosed with alzheimer's at 58 years old. eight years into the disease was when all the light went out. for me, it was heart-wrenching. look into the eyes of somebody with alzheimer's sometime, you just don't see -- the person's soul is, like, gone. bea: and it takes a toll on everyone. i mean, it's -- it's a depressing disease to watch unfold before your eyes. she actually thought those of us who were caring for her and who loved her most were her worst enemies. more and more responsibilities fell on my shoulders. lisa: this disease just ravages a family. it changes your life. the magnitude of it is indescribable. my mother taught me to be in the moment. we have to live in the moment with them. and i'm going to be with that person right now, in this moment, wherever she is. art: now is the moment. if we work together, we can stop this epidemic. grace: contact brightfocus and learn more. right before bill o. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: [explosion] ♪ get your picture on the cover of the "rolling stone." >> bill: some outrage over this magazine cover that makes the boston bombing terrorist look like a rock star. why did "rolling stone" do this? we will have the inside story. and he does get acquitted mary katharine. you are expecting people to run out and cause trouble. a far left writer on cnn distorts that quote to make me look racist. we will expose what happened here. >> [inaudible] stand your ground law abolished in florida i will


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