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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20160628

of character," a white house secret service officer discloses his firsthand experience with hillary, bill, and how they operate. gary byrne details what the clintons are like far away from the public eye. now, he has a lot to share, so let's get things started. joining us on an exclusive is former secret service officer gary byrne. good to see you sir. >> thank you. >> you wanted to be a secret service officer your whole life. >> i did. i did. >> and you got that coveted job right in front of the oval office. >> i did. it came through. yeah, it was great. >> pretty amazing. i know that the left is going to smear, slander, besmirch you. you're ready for that, right? >> i am. it's already started. >> before the book comes out. i love how they smear you before they even know what you wrote. >> yeah. >> i'm going to start at the end of the book. >> sure. >> because you talk about why you wrote this book. you said, what i learned from the clintons firsthand the hard way is important. in 2016, she's running again. and you feel compelled to tell the story because you -- because why? let me ask that. >> because i want americans to know what the real clinton administration is like. mrs. clinton is not a leader. she is a very, very angry person all the time. i've seen many instances that i talk about in my book, crisis of character where she displays this holy ier attitude. she's a dictator. i've never seen any example that would lead me to believe that she could lead this country. >> you know, you describe a bottom that is very phony. ne in other words, you talk about how she'd tell you to go to hell or tell another agent to go blank himself. and she through a bible at a secret service officer or agent. >> agent. >> and the vase story we'll get to in a minute. but if the cameras were on, she was close to bill, but it was manufactured, not real. camera goes off, different person. >> yes. >> and if she had guests, she would say he's my favorite secret service guy. >> she actually did that to me one time when she berated me about an hour before or something, and then introduced me to this tour from arkansas, a group of people getting a special tour and told them what a wonderful -- i was her favorite officer and patted me on the back, almost to the point where i almost believed her. but i knew what the truth was. i had seen this behavior before. >> you said, and with hillary clinton's latest rise, i realized her own leadership style, impulsive, disdainful of the rules set for everyone else, has not changed a bit. a lot has been made about temperament, and the temperament of a president. >> yeah. >> you're describing by someone by far that does not have control of her emotions or temperament. >> yeah. she exhibits some very dangerous behaviors, i would describe it. she gets angry at things that are policy issues that, you know, take time to fix, and she's got this attitude where she wants things fixed right now, immediately. she screams and yells at people, and there's procedures. you know, government is -- government is very bogged down with rules and regulations. and so, yeah, there's many examples that i cite in my book where she blows up at people. like i said, she's blown up at me before and agents and her staff. at one time, i saw her staff so afraid to tell her about a mistake that was made, they weren't upset about the waste of the mistake, of ordering the wrong invitations. they were terrified that someoo hillary clinton there was a mistake made. >> you're not the only one to say this. george stephanopoulos, he described her as having a horrible temper. dee dee meyers is ott person. you even quoted george in the book. >> yes. >> then you wry, though portrayed as a long suffering spouse of an unfaithful husband whose infidelities i personally observe and know to be true, she was anything but a sympathetic victim. >> correct. their relationship was -- seemed so strained and volatile at times, and she -- she would continuously berate people, as i mentioned before. but she was like two different people. again, she would be polite and nice to everybody when the cameras were on, and then when they were off, she was just cold, distant. >> seconds later? >> almost instantly. i mean that's what i've experienced quite a few times. >> yeah. you tell a couple of stories. i think our audience would want to hear them. >> sure. >> one story is the vase story. >> sure. >> the other story is the blue glove story. >> right. >> i think they give some insight into what you saw on a regular basis. >> sure. so the vase story is i came in one morning to go to work early, came in and worked out. and then as i headed over to the post, i ran into house residents workers that were going home. and they said, oh, you better go over and see your buddy. we had a problem last night. so i went over to the mansion post on the ground floor, and i said, what's going on? i heard something happened. they said, mr. and mrs. clinton had this horrendous fight. it was so loud that the staff people had walked away. then they heard a crash, and when it was investigated, they saw a broken vase on the floor. now, this has been reported to be not true, and they reported it, that a lamp was thrown. well, a lamp wasn't thrown. a vase was. >> a vase was on one side of the room and broken on the other side of the room. >> right. the vase sat on an on long table. >> so it didn't fall. >> i doubt it. yeah, it looked like it had been launched, and it was shattered. and the reason i know this is true is because when i heard the story, after i heard it, having worked the at the white house and know how the white house works, i knew if something like that had happened, where the debris would be. so i walked down to the curator's office o and looked inside the curator's office, and there was a cardboard box with the mostly blue and some white on it. so i knew it was true. >> tell the story about the blue glove. >> so the blue glove incident is -- >> you're talking about like medical gloves. >> congressman barney frank came in with some representatives, and as they were you putting the gloves on and congressman frank asked why they were wearing the gloves. and he said -- the officer said, why do you think? and so they felt like that the uniform division was, you know, being rude to them. so when they got into the mansion, they started complaining about it. then when it got to mrs. clinton, she pretty much came unglued. i actually got phone calls from my co-workers over there that told me the story and said she was on her way over to the oval office and she was furious. >> you told that it ended up that she literally went down to the oval office to see bill clinton. >> yes. >> wanting all the agents fired. >> all the uniform division officers. >> all the uniform division officers fired. >> yes. >> they were always against us from the beginning because they had worked for former president george h.w. bush. >> right. she was paranoid about it and for no reason. i know it sounds silly for me to say this now because i'm talking about it. because we are incredibly loyal to them. many time as i detail in my book, crisis of character, i tried to help them. i tried to do the right thing for them and hide some of this stuff. but you couldn't help them. it's just perpetual scandal, one after the other. it's like you can't help them help themselves. >> yeah. and this temper issue of hers was not uncommon. this is a regular -- you describe somebody that has almost on a daily basis. >> sure. maybe a daily basis not so much, but certainly a lot. i saw it so much, that i became numb to it almost. and i always go back to what i was told by a sheriff from arkansas one time. and we were debating whether they would get elected. this is before they started running. i was down there on a protection detail for former president george herbert walker bush. and the guy said, let me tell you something about these people, gary. i've known them for years. everything you hear about them is true. and if they run for office, they'll get elected, and they'll be there for eight years. >> yes. >> and he wasn't just -- he was serious as a heart attack. he almost looked right through me. he knew these people well. so it's just the same thing that we heard about in arkansas, all these rumors. it became true at the white house. >> and would these fights be something common knowledge, everybody knew, there was a lot of fighting? >> we did a pretty good job of hiding it. we helped them hide it. that's our job. >> you helped him also hide his infidelity. >> yeah, i did. i did. at one time when the navy stew ashd came and was complaining to me near the oval office that he had found these towels that were stained with lipstick and other -- and some fluids, that he was concerned and that he was tired of cleaning up after the president's affair. and two particular cases, i actually -- or one particular case, i actually took the towels from him, sean, and put them in a plastic bag and destroyed them. >> i want to get back to that in a second. you describe her as dangerous, abusive, and paranoid. >> yes. one of the first things when they first came to the white house, about two years before they got there, the bush administration put in this brand new state of the art telephone system. when they came in, they wanted it changed because they thought the bush -- >> bush had bugged them? >> right. which. >> which is kind of paranoid. >> it sounds so crazy when you think about it. so they went and had the phone system changed. they didn't know it cost money. they actually didn't have the money to pay for it at the time. >> before i get into all the issues involving bill and bill and her what she knew and didn't know and covering up and lying and you being put in the middle of all this. people use drugs the at the white house? >> there were some issues. one of the ones i comment in my book, and i'm very careful not to tell too much about it because i don't want -- hopefully this person got on with their lives and lived a healthy life. but there was one particular staff member that they had come in in the morning, and they'd be so beat up and exhausted looking, worn out, exhausted to the point where they couldn't seen say good morning. and they'd go in their office and go into the bathroom and come out of the bathroom completely elevated and happy and smiling. >> it was obvious you thought coke was being used? >> i did. and later on, i was told that this particular person actually, they did something similar to an intervention and got her help and got her to a clinic, and i never did see her again. but i understand she did all right. >> we have a lot more ground to cover. we'll continue. we're just getting things started. we'll have much more with former secret service officer gary byrne right after this break. coming up, how the clinton campaign is reacting to gary's tell-all book. we'll get reaction from laura ingram tonight. that straight ahead. live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. good evening. here's what's happening. the financial markets continue to feel the effects of last week's referendum in the uk to leave the european union. the so-called brexit has already wiped out a whopping $3 trillion in global market value since the vote last thursday. the u.s. indexes continuing their losses today. the dow dropping 260 points. the nasdaq losing 113 points while the s & p shed 36 points. more rain falling on flood ravaged west virginia. flood warnings are in effect tonight for monroe, summers, and green briar counties. severe flooding is already blamed for at least 23 deaths in the state. governor earl ray tomblin says while the total destruction remains unknown, thousands of homes are considered a complete loss, and thousands need extensive repairs. i'm kelly wright. back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity." so earlier this month, when details from gary byrne's tell-all book began coming out, well, the clinton campaign, they went on the offensive, releasing a short statement saying, quote, gary byrne joins the ranks of ed klein and other authors in this latest in a long line of books attempting to cash in on the election cycle with their nonsense. now, it should be put in the fantasy section of the bookstore. we continue now with the book, "crisis of character." former secret service officer, gary byrne. your book isn't even out, and they smear you. >> yeah. >> so now that it's out, i guess they'll really start smearing you. >> i believe that is going to happen. >> you tell the stories, go to hell, she would say to officers, go f yourself. throwing a bible at an officer. >> at an agent, yeah. >> lashing out at many agents and now trying to smear a 30-ier stellar reputation. what's your reaction to that? >> my reaction is i'm an air force veteran. i realize they're bent out of shape about me coming out and telling the truth. but it is the truth. it's the story of my life, and they just happen to intersect it. and as i mentioned before, the reason i'm doing this -- >> so you expected this? >> i did. i'm prepared for it. i don't like it, but it is what it is. when i decided to come forward and tell my story, i knew i would be upsetting them. >> you said she berated -- meaning hillary -- vince foster till he could stand no more. >> yeah. >> that implies that she drove him in part. >> you know, nobody knows why somebody takes their own life. but i can tell you when i met vince foster in the white house and i saw him walk around, i never saw anybody that didn't want to be there more than he didn't want to be there. he looked so uncomfortable. and there were many incidences or stories where the staff would hear her berating vince, and she bl blamed him publicly for some of the things they didn't get done. and as a lot of people know in his suicide note, he basically said that, you know, that washington, d.c. was this terrible, vindictive place, and it was one of the reasons he took his own life. >> yeah. >> i mean it's a terrible thing. i didn't know him well, but i was very sad when he -- when he did take his life. but i was not surprised. >> you found bill clinton, in spite of all his infed illities, a nicer person. >> he is. >> he would want to give people their time and due and would be polite and was like that more in real life. >> he was. he'd look you right in the eye, talk to people. he was very kind. i actually got to introduce my parents to him one time, and they remembered it forever. >> you knew about many affairs. we don't know about all of them, do we? >> no, and i don't know about all of them. i certainly know about -- >> but this is the oval office. this is the -- >> sure. >> this is the president of the united states. isn't that a national skrurt l security threat? >> i would think it is. my question was at the time when i was being forced to testify -- >> you didn't want to testify. >> no, i never wanted to talk about this at all. never. i know that sounds silly now because i'm coming out. but clearly i've walked through some door where i think it's time and it's important to do. >> how many women do you know for sure he had affairs with in the oval office? >> in the white house complex, we'll see, i'd say easily three, maybe four that i know of. >> and you saw monica lewinsky a mile away. >> sure. sure. >> you know she wanted to be near him. >> she was certainly manipulating some of the staff, myself, other officers and agents to find out where the president was. >> well, she wasn't manipulating if you saw through it. >> well, yeah, i agree. but i mean i saw through it right away. she was try toing to place hers in his path. >> now, you never actually saw them together? >> no. well, not alone. >> all right. but you did see -- you walked into the map room, i believe, and you did see -- >> actually, i'm sorry. that's not correct. i did see them alone. >> you did see them alone? >> yes. >> and what did you see? >> well, there was an incident one time where during their affair, she showed up on a saturday to say she had to deliver something to the president. >> was that the saturday? >> yes. >> during the shuttut down. >> this was after that, and she showed up on a saturday under the pretense of delivering some newspapers or something, which he already had copies of. the staff wasn't in yet because it was saturday. so i blew her off. i told her to leave. about five minutes later, the oval office door opened up, and the president said, did somebody try to deliver something to me? i looked at the agent, and after the president closed the door, he said, i told you, gary. stay out of it. stop trying to stop her. you don't know what goes on out on the road. >> out on the road? so in other words, he was telling you this is nothing? >> right. that was the -- yes, exactly. that's what he was telling me. >> so you knew that something was going on there. >> right. >> but you actually walked into the map room and saw the president with former -- with former presidential candidate vice president mondale and -- >> yeah, with his daughter. i stopped by on the way to say hi to a friend. and one of the navy stewards walked up and the president was waiting in the map room for him. the steward walked in the door to walk in the map room and he was looking back at us and not into the room. and when he opened the door, the president was standing there with eleanor mondale, and they were like teenagers, you know, locked -- standing up, locked, making out. they didn't even look up at us. they never saw us. >> you knowingly had a situation where -- how do i say this delicately? you got rid of evidence. let's put it that way. >> i did. >> but it wasn't subpoenaed. it was not illegal what you did. >> this was before we knew there was an investigation going on. and i was trying to help the president. i was trying to protect him from more scandal and embarrassment. and the steward came up with some towels that had lipstick on them and another time with stuff that is, you know, a -- >> bodily fluids? >> from a male, yes. thank you. >> trying to help you out here. i'm trying to help my tv audience out here more. >> i'm trying to keep it p.g. so the steward was highly distraught over this and he complained that it happened before. so i took a plastic bag, and i had him throw the towels in there. >> i think it's a little unfair to leave that for somebody else, don't you? >> yeah. but based on what i've seen before, they don't think about that. they just do whatever they want to do. >> was it common knowledge the president was doing all of this? do you think she knew -- hillary? >> i do now. i mean i can't tell you when i decided that she knew and accepted it, and that was the way it was. and once in a while, she'd blow up over it. but like when the monica story came out, my feeling at the time was that she wasn't upset about the breach of their marriage. she was upset because he dented the clinton brand again. he made them look bad again. >> so it was more about image again? >> that's the -- >> when you've heard those stories of cath lynn willy, paula jones, juanita broaddrick. >> after i saw their stories, after i had worked there for a while, i will tell you my gut feeling is they're all telling the truth. i mean you can't act like that. i mean he's been acting like that his whole life. and i do believe especially kathleen -- >> but if everybody -- how did he possibly keep it contained? did he not know that as the president -- >> he doesn't seem to care. he just keeps behaving in that odd -- it's like a vicious cycle. >> all right. we got to take a l come back. we'll have more of former secret service officer gary byrne and his explosive new book. later on, we'll check in with laura ingraham. she's here with reaction to gary's tell-all book and much more. how much damage could this do to the clinton campaign, and why are they so nervous? straight ahead. shmorange. and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. hey, baby, make it your first word! sfx: baby speak not even close. reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! is happening now at red lobster. summerfest and if you love lobster and shrimp, ...check out all these new entrees. like new coastal lobster and shrimp... ...with summer ale barbeque sauce, ...and new lobster and shrimp overboard. overboard? nah,'s just right. so hurry in. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season going on now, with our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. try cool mint zantac. hey, need fast heartburn relief? it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. welcome back to "hannity" as we continue now with former secret service officer gary byrne. his explosive new book, "crisis of character." you didn't finish the story about the vase because that morning he came down after that vase was broken, and he had a black eye that -- like a big black eye. >> sure. so after the incident when he came -- the next time i saw him in the oval office, he had a mark under his eye. you could see they were trying to hide it with makeup. and when i walked -- >> work? obviously not. >> no. i walked into the secretary's office, and i said, what happened to the president? he's got a mark under his eye. and his assistant said, oh, that's -- he's allergic to coffee. and i said under one eye? i don't understand that. >> yeah, that doesn't make sense. >> but there was really a crisis. >> sure. >> the secret service had to decide whether or not his own wife was a physical threat to the president. >> right. >> how big of an issue was that. >> it was a concern. i've discussed it with other officers at the time and agents. what do you do about a domestic dispute? what if -- what if -- >> what was the answer? >> each situation is different. you know, you have to protect the president, the protectee. and you have to protect the first lady. but, you know, if he gets caught with some woman and she goes ballistic, then what happens happens. >> so you were like the door keeper. >> pretty much. >> you were the guy in front of the oval office door. if somebody got in to see the president, they had to go through you. >> pretty much. there were six other officers. >> how an would you know that that person was there for another reason, to be with the president in a romantic way? >> so the way it worked would be like if i came up and relieved somebody on post, the officer i'm relieving is going to say, you know, he's in there with lewinsky or whoever, and, you know, they've been in there a while. just a heads up. so it wasn't like we were gossiping. you have to pass this stuff on. you don't want to blind side your co-worker. so you always pass this information on. and we were concerned. i mean what if she did catch the president in a compromising situation. >> but you had a plan for that. wherever hillary was, you guys were communicating if she was headed down. >> right. >> and you would have to go warn him. >> well, i never actually warned him. but, yes, that was the plan. >> that was the plan. you had a plan in place basically. >> yes. >> all right. let me play -- i pointed out on this program and on my radio program that she's often angry. >> yeah. >> somebody you're describing with a volcanic temper. >> yes. >> let's play some of hillary. >> and i also think we'd be a lot better off if we actually talked to each other instead of yelling at each other. >> i am so sick of the sanders campaign lying about me. i'm sick of it. >> i think it's time we treated everybody in this country with respect, with kindness, with love. >> i know we can create more good-paying jobs and raise incomes for hard-working americans again. i know that we can finish the job of universal health care coverage for every man, woman, and child. i know we can combat climate change and be the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. i know we can make college affordable and get student debt off the backs of young people. >> she does seem angry a lot. >> right. >> and you're saying behind closed doors when nobody is looking, she's that angry person always. mostly. >> or distant, cold. what i've been looking at, sean, doesn't concern me too much. that's her being a politician. the kind of anger i'm talking about is where she just almost can't even complete a sentence. she starts yelling, screaming, cussing. you know, i talk in the book how she berated the president. >> mistreating people in their positions? >> sure. >> all the time? >> yes. the uniform division officers, agents. >> so this is -- you're describing a phony, fake, fraudulent human being. >> absolutely. >> let me give you an example. this is hillary saying she remembers landing under sniper fire when she went to bosnia. >> i remember landing under sniper fire. there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles, to get to our base. >> great image-making, but here's the problem. i have the real video, and this is it. this is hillary arriving not under sniper fire, but she walks up to a group of young girls, who give her flowers and give her gifts. that's not exactly sniper fire. so is that the person -- you're trying to warn america about? >> yes. >> explain. in other words, she sits in an interview with bill. you think they're the happiest couple together. the light goes off. she hates him. >> i don't know if she hates him or not, but i will tell ul the example you showed there is the perfect example. anybody that worked around them in the secret service, when they saw that, they started laughing their faces off because they knew that was a flat-out lie. now, i wasn't on that mission, but i talked to the guys that were. the only thing that the military had them do is sit on their flack vests as they were getting close to the ground, which is standard procedure in those. when she made the claim that they were under sniper fire, i knew it was a lie. >> i want to go back to where we started. you feel compelled to do this. >> i do. >> you had never signed a non-disclosure. you have the right to do it. some people wish you didn't do it because of the position you're in. now guys do have to sign non-disclosu non-disclosures. >> they do. it started i believe in 2004. >> the final question. what do you want people to know what you saw in their years as president? >> well, the first thing i'd like you to know is i'm not comfortable about talking about this. but i feel so strongly that people need to know the real hillary clinton and how dangerous she is and her behavior. she is not a leader. she is not a leader. >> she doesn't have 9 temperament. >> she didn't have the temperament to handle the social office when she was first lady. she does not have the temperament. >> she's dishonest. >> she's dishonest. she habitually lies. anybody that, you know, can separate themselves from their politics and review her behavior over the last -- >> you're going to be accused of this being political. >> i'm sure i will be. i have been already. >> what's your answer? >> it's not. it's got nothing to do with politics. >> is it a love of country? >> it is a love of country and i hope someday that it does make a difference. i mean if mrs. clinton hends up being the nt of the united states, then she's our president, and she's the commander-in-chief, and it is what it is. but if she did become the president without me speaking the truth, i'm not sure i could deal with that. people need to know. this is serious, and her behavior is appalling, and she's two different people. >> all right. gary byrne, thank you for being with us. >> sean, thank you. i appreciate your time. >> thanks for telling your story. coming up, we'll have reaction to our exclusive interview with gary byrne. how much impact will this book have come november? laura ingraham weighs in. then later, reaction from our panel straight ahead. i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for 30 years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in 3 months and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. do you really know what it means? 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>> what's amazing about this -- and frankly it would be front page news everywhere, lead every newscast if it was trump. >> of course. >> this is the problem. they interviewed all these women that they manipulated their words. "the new york times" gets caught. they ignore juanita broaddrick, paula jones, and cathkathleen y willeys. i just looked at gary byrne's schedule. guess what he's not interviewed for, abc, nbc, cbs. this is a guy with first hand knowledge, telling his experience about a woman with a horrible, horrific temper, that treats people, everyday people, like crap, curses at these guys, throws things at these guys, through a vase across the room apparently, gives the president a black eye. and she has the temperament to p president? >> well, is that domestic abuse? shouldn't the playing field be level here? shouldn't that be called domestic abuse? i mean i'm half kidding, but, again -- >> yeah, that's domestic abuse. >> i mean if bill clinton wanted to press charges, he could have, but obviously he wasn't going to. again, we see this in every media event. like the coverage today, shaean of the elizabeth warren event with hillary. you might have thought elizabeth warren cured brain cancer. she came out, oh, my gosh, what's an amazing performance by elizabeth warren. all she did was level personal insults at donald trump. so when trump insults warren with the pocahontas or whatever he calls her, they blast him. when she says he's a money-grubbing, no good grifter, et cetera, et cetera, they call it strong and courageous. so this is what trump is up against, that it almost doesn't matter what comes out about hillary. she's under criminal investigation. the democrats circle the wagon for her. meanwhile the republicans just dump all over trump for pretty much any reason, and they decide they're going to stand on their high horse and try to let hillary clinton take the white house. it's unconscionable. >> that's the saddest part. go back to bob dole, john mccain, mitt romney, every conservative was told to suck it up. >> fall in line. >> your guy lost. it was a fair opportunity. everybody got a chance to vote. listen to the people. and look at paul ryan today. i mean he has used harsher terms towards donald trump than he ever used against either hillary or barack obama. >> i think you made a great point, sean, about listen to the people. and people say, well, trump only got 35% of the overall vote, and there are all these other candidates. yeah, that's because there were received a majority -- he received record numbers of votes. but you notice the same thing is being said about brexit, sean. and paul ryan said, well he respects the decision. barack obama said, i respect the decision. meanwhile, i think strong conservatives are saying, this is independence day. it's going to be rocky in the beginning, but we always choose freedom over collectivism, and the eu is a corrupt form of collectivism. >> but we have made horrible trade deals. american workers are suffering as a result of government's incompetence. if you really want to look at a congressman's approval rating, i would argue the number one reason it is so low is because they failed -- meaning republican establishment figures failed in standing up to the obama agenda. they wouldn't use the power of the purse, their constitutional authority. >> yeah, well they don't use that. but then paul ryan goes on fox and says, well -- or marco rubio, excuse me, and says, well, i'm going to be a check on trump and hillary. i'm like, what? when were you a check on obama? so, you know, this is the stuff i think that drives the average voter who calls himself or herself a conservative. >> but don't you think trump is right, though? i don't think he needs their support. i think it's either he's going to get the votes, or he's not going to get the votes. i don't think the endorsement of paul ryan or any other candidate or any washington, d.c. establishment figure is going to play into the minds of any voter. >> well, i do think if he wants to raise money, he's going to have to throw in a lot more of his own money to get these big donors to throw in some of their money. they want him to put in money, and i think a lot of these big donors, they do want to see some more yeun iunity in the party. i thi is it the be all, end all? i don't know. i think it's better to be unified. you can't fight an external and an internal war at the same time. that's very hard to do. >> listen, it doesn't help. that's where my frustration come in. is brexit a preview of coming attractions for our election? >> i think it could be. i think it's a brexit wake-up call. whatever happens in november, these problems with our country aren't going away. they're here to stay unless someone courageous fixes them. >> laura ingraham, thank you. appreciate it. coming up, more reaction to our exclusive interview with the former secret service officer gary byrne. that and more straight ahead tonight on "hannity." no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, >> 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was telling the truth. >> these reports have been out there time and time again. >> doug, i love you, but this is an important question. >> okay. >> yeah. >> is he giving an accurate description of her? >> i did not see anything similar to what -- >> george stephanopoulos did. so did dee dee meyers. >> i wasn't there every day. i was there once or twice. >> did you ever see her volcanic temper? >> i never saw her volcanic temper, no. she kept her distance from the -- >> you are so full of it. i've known you for years. you are just -- >> i'm not. >> here's the thing. mrs. clinton is making part of her campaign questioning donald trump's temperament. we can ask the same exact question of mrs. clinton. what is not true about donald trump, who is a very steady, even keeled person for those of us who know him, actually is true about mrs. clinton. she's got a -- >> it's an irony, isn't it. >> she's got a volatile temper. but what the left does so effectively, including mrs. clinton, is projection. so they accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of. this book, look, everybody knows how deeply corrupt both clintons are. so that's already baked in the cake. people already know this about her. the problem for her with this book is that it reinforces this idea that you're going to get this all over again for another four years. >> abc, nbc, cbs, and all the mainstream media, they've been pressured to ignore it. and now they're going to do what they did to every other person that ever tells the truth about the clintons. smear, slander, besmirch. >> besmirch. they cannot ignore this. they cannot ignore this. look, you know what? >> they're going to try and assassinate his character. >> absolutely, but here's the deal. bill clinton had actually a teflon brand because you remember when people were running, you know, for office. they looked for bill clinton's endorsement. hillary clinton does not have that teflon brand. people -- there are a lot of people that just don't -- >> she's a horrible -- but she's not likable. >> look at snl. look at her character as depicted on snl. >> yeah, and she doesn't have bill clinton's charm. she doesn't have barack obama's prompter reading ability. >> but she has a six-point lead or more. she has a president with a 56% approval. >> oh, good grief. >> and she as an electoral college advantage, which makes her overwhelmingly -- >> that's what i worry about the most. electoral map does not favor a republican, ever. >> the left has done a number on this country, including flooding the borders with illegals. the fact that it is so tight in these battle ground states given the fact that donald trump doesn't have much support within his own party and essentially has no money is astonishing and tells me he can pull this off. >> i think immigration is a big part of what happened there. similarly, the migration issue happening. orlando attacks, issues seem to be lining up for trump. maybe because he had a couple bad weeks but i thought a great week last week. if he keeps that up, does that change polls? >> phenomenal. there are things going on. people are coming around, rudy johnson, big supporter of jeb bush. he had jeb, explanation point in his office. he was part of a group that did a breakfast for donald trump on wednesday. this is good. they're slowly moving this. >> you know the a lot of the big money people, news was made but he's also self funding. do these money people come in. >> you can look two ways. one way is he won the primary with not much money. >> you might not need as much. >> you can look at it that way. maybe is part of his -- >> you know, doug, if the clintons run a traditional campaign and try to make the case druch's position is racist, they're going to play the same cards, i'm not sure the environment is typical. >> well, they're going to have $2 billion to see if you're right or wrong. they have a massive organization. they're focusing on the swing states. there is a massive financial advantage. donald trump's approval rating is 10-15 points lower than the secretaries. >> they're about even. >> 80% negative. 55 for hillary. look, sean, have you to recognize this election is teed up for hillary. monica is right. it's very, very close. but the secretary of state is ahead in every swing state. >> barely. >> but i think because donald trump is such a unique political persona, he's got a lot more running group to turn these numbers around versus, say, a tradition yl republican candidate. >> who would best help him as vp. >> if i were he, i would go with somebody who knows how to govern. and he can choose somebody who knows how to govern. >> i think he needs to pick someone to, where he can win ohio ant the great state of florida. >> i don't think anyone is there available. boy go with newt gingrich and build a team of rivals. >> i love newt. he can communicate with congress. >> and he can get the job done with congress because they're weak, 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20160628

of character," a white house secret service officer discloses his firsthand experience with hillary, bill, and how they operate. gary byrne details what the clintons are like far away from the public eye. now, he has a lot to share, so let's get things started. joining us on an exclusive is former secret service officer gary byrne. good to see you sir. >> thank you. >> you wanted to be a secret service officer your whole life. >> i did. i did. >> and you got that coveted job right in front of the oval office. >> i did. it came through. yeah, it was great. >> pretty amazing. i know that the left is going to smear, slander, besmirch you. you're ready for that, right? >> i am. it's already started. >> before the book comes out. i love how they smear you before they even know what you wrote. >> yeah. >> i'm going to start at the end of the book. >> sure. >> because you talk about why you wrote this book. you said, what i learned from the clintons firsthand the hard way is important. in 2016, she's running again. and you feel compelled to tell the story because you -- because why? let me ask that. >> because i want americans to know what the real clinton administration is like. mrs. clinton is not a leader. she is a very, very angry person all the time. i've seen many instances that i talk about in my book, crisis of character where she displays this holy ier attitude. she's a dictator. i've never seen any example that would lead me to believe that she could lead this country. >> you know, you describe a bottom that is very phony. ne in other words, you talk about how she'd tell you to go to hell or tell another agent to go blank himself. and she through a bible at a secret service officer or agent. >> agent. >> and the vase story we'll get to in a minute. but if the cameras were on, she was close to bill, but it was manufactured, not real. camera goes off, different person. >> yes. >> and if she had guests, she would say he's my favorite secret service guy. >> she actually did that to me one time when she berated me about an hour before or something, and then introduced me to this tour from arkansas, a group of people getting a special tour and told them what a wonderful -- i was her favorite officer and patted me on the back, almost to the point where i almost believed her. but i knew what the truth was. i had seen this behavior before. >> you said, and with hillary clinton's latest rise, i realized her own leadership style, impulsive, disdainful of the rules set for everyone else, has not changed a bit. a lot has been made about temperament, and the temperament of a president. >> yeah. >> you're describing by someone by far that does not have control of her emotions or temperament. >> yeah. she exhibits some very dangerous behaviors, i would describe it. she gets angry at things that are policy issues that, you know, take time to fix, and she's got this attitude where she wants things fixed right now, immediately. she screams and yells at people, and there's procedures. you know, government is -- government is very bogged down with rules and regulations. and so, yeah, there's many examples that i cite in my book where she blows up at people. like i said, she's blown up at me before and agents and her staff. at one time, i saw her staff so afraid to tell her about a mistake that was made, they weren't upset about the waste of the mistake, of ordering the wrong invitations. they were terrified that someone was going to have to tell hillary clinton there was a mistake made. >> you're not the only one to say this. george stephanopoulos, he described her as having a horrible temper. dee dee meyers is ott person. you even quoted george in the book. >> yes. >> then you wry, though portrayed as a long suffering spouse of an unfaithful husband whose infidelities i personally observe and know to be true, she was anything but a sympathetic victim. >> correct. their relationship was -- seemed so strained and volatile at times, and she -- she would continuously berate people, as i mentioned before. but she was like two different people. again, she would be polite and nice to everybody when the cameras were on, and then when they were off, she was just cold, distant. >> seconds later? >> almost instantly. i mean that's what i've experienced quite a few times. >> yeah. you tell a couple of stories. i think our audience would want to hear them. >> sure. >> one story is the vase story. >> sure. >> the other story is the blue glove story. >> right. >> i think they give some insight into what you saw on a regular basis. >> sure. so the vase story is i came in one morning to go to work early, came in and worked out. and then as i headed over to the post, i ran into house residents workers that were going home. and they said, oh, you better go over and see your buddy. we had a problem last night. so i went over to the mansion post on the ground floor, and i said, what's going on? i heard something happened. they said, mr. and mrs. clinton had this horrendous fight. it was so loud that the staff people had walked away. then they heard a crash, and when it was investigated, they saw a broken vase on the floor. now, this has been reported to be not true, and they reported it, that a lamp was thrown. well, a lamp wasn't thrown. a vase was. >> a vase was on one side of the room and broken on the other side of the room. >> right. the vase sat on an on long table. >> so it didn't fall. >> i doubt it. yeah, it looked like it had been launched, and it was shattered. and the reason i know this is true is because when i heard the story, after i heard it, having worked the at the white house and know how the white house works, i knew if something like debris would be. so i walked down to the curator's office o and looked inside the curator's office, and there was a cardboard box with the mostly blue and some white on it. so i knew it was true. >> tell the story about the blue glove. >> so the blue glove incident is -- >> you're talking about like medical gloves. >> congressman barney frank came in with some representatives, and as they were you putting the gloves on and congressman frank asked why they were wearing the gloves. and he said -- the officer said, why do you think? and so they felt like that the uniform division was, you know, being rude to them. so when they got into the mansion, they started complaining about it. then when it got to mrs. clinton, she pretty much came unglued. i actually got phone calls from my co-workers over there that told me the story and said she was on her way over to the oval office and she was furious. >> you told that it ended up that she literally went down to the oval office to see bill clinton. >> yes. >> wanting all the agents fired. >> all the uniform division officers. >> all the uniform division officers fired. >> yes. >> they were always against us from the beginning because they had worked for former president george h.w. bush. >> right. she was paranoid about it and for no reason. i know it sounds silly for me to say this now because i'm talking about it. because we are incredibly loyal to them. many time as i detail in my book, crisis of character, i tried to help them. i tried to do the right thing for them and hide some of this stuff. but you couldn't help them. it's just perpetual scandal, one after the other. it's like you can't help them help themselves. >> yeah. and this temper issue of hers was not uncommon. this is a regular -- you describe somebody that has almost on a daily basis. >> sure. maybe a daily basis not so much, but certainly a lot. i saw it so much, that i became numb to it almost. and i always go back to what i was told by a sheriff from arkansas one time. and we were debating whether they would get elected. this is before they started running. i was down there on a protection detail for former president george herbert walker bush. and the guy said, let me tell you something about these people, gary. i've known them for years. everything you hear about them is true. and if they run for office, they'll get elected, and they'll be there for eight years. >> yes. >> and he wasn't just -- he was serious as a heart attack. he almost looked right through me. he knew these people well. so it's just the same thing that we heard about in arkansas, all these rumors. it became true at the white house. >> and would these fights be something common knowledge, everybody knew, there was a lot of fighting? >> we did a pretty good job of hiding it. we helped them hide it. that's our job. >> you helped him also hide his infidelity. >> yeah, i did. i did. at one time when the navy stew ashd came and was complaining to me near the oval office that he had found these towels that were stained with lipstick and other -- and some fluids, that he was concerned and that he was tired of cleaning up after the president's affair. and two particular cases, i actually -- or one particular case, i actually took the towels from him, sean, and put them in a plastic bag and destroyed them. >> i want to get back to that in a second. you describe her as dangerous, abusive, and paranoid. >> yes. one of the first things when they first came to the white house, about two years before they got there, the bush administration put in this brand new state of the art telephone system. when they came in, they wanted it changed because they thought the bush -- >> bush had bugged them? >> right. which. >> which is kind of paranoid. >> it sounds so crazy when you think about it. so they went and had the phone system changed. they didn't know it cost money. they actually didn't have the money to pay for it at the time. >> before i get into all the issues involving bill and bill and her what she knew and didn't know and covering up and lying and you being put in the middle of all this. people use drugs the at the white house? >> there were some issues. one of the ones i comment in my book, and i'm very careful not to tell too much about it because i don't want -- hopefully this person got on with their lives and lived a healthy life. but there was one particular staff member that they had come in in the morning, and they'd be so beat up and exhausted looking, worn out, exhausted to the point where they couldn't seen say good morning. and they'd go in their office and go into the bathroom and come out of the bathroom completely elevated and happy and smiling. >> it was obvious you thought coke was being used? >> i did. and later on, i was told that this particular person actually, they did something similar to an intervention and got her help and got her to a clinic, and i never did see her again. but i understand she did all right. >> we have a lot more ground to cover. we'll continue. we're just getting things started. we'll have much more with former secret service officer gary byrne right after this break. coming up, how the clinton campaign is reacting to gary's tell-all book. we'll get reaction from laura ingram tonight. that straight ahead. our vitamins contain no gluten, dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange. and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. hey, baby, make it your first word! sfx: baby speak not even close. reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! is happening now at red lobster. summerfest and if you love lobster and shrimp, ...check out all these new entrees. like new coastal lobster and shrimp... ...with summer ale barbeque sauce, ...and new lobster and shrimp overboard. overboard? nah,'s just right. so hurry in. matter says the $14.7 billion settlement would be used to fix or buy back vehicles to compensate owners and pay fines. that's a look at news. now back to "hannity." "hannity" so earlier this month, when details from gary byrne's tell-all book began coming out, well, the clinton campaign, they went on the offensive, releasing a short statement saying, quote, gary byrne joins the ranks of ed klein and other authors in this latest in a long line of books attempting to cash in on the election cycle with their nonsense. now, it should be put in the fantasy section of the bookstore. we continue now with the book, "crisis of character." former secret service officer, gary byrne. your book isn't even out, and they smear you. >> yeah. >> so now that it's out, i guess they'll really start smearing you. >> i believe that is going to happen. >> you tell the stories, go to hell, she would say to officers, go f yourself. throwing a bible at an officer. >> at an agent, yeah. >> lashing out at many agents and now trying to smear a 30-ier stellar reputation. what's your reaction to that? >> my reaction is i'm an air force veteran. i realize they're bent out of shape about me coming out and telling the truth. but it is the truth. it's the story of my life, and they just happen to intersect it. and as i mentioned before, the reason i'm doing this -- >> so you expected this? >> i did. i'm prepared for it. i don't like it, but it is what it is. when i decided to come forward and tell my story, i knew i would be upsetting them. >> you said she berated -- meaning hillary -- vince foster till he could stand no more. >> yeah. >> that implies that she drove him in part. >> you know, nobody knows why somebody takes their own life. but i can tell you when i met vince foster in the white house and i saw him walk around, i never saw anybody that didn't want to be there more than he didn't want to be there. he looked so uncomfortable. and there were many incidences or stories where the staff would hear her berating vince, and she bl blamed him publicly for some of the things they didn't get done. and as a lot of people know in his suicide note, he basically said that, you know, that washington, d.c. was this terrible, vindictive place, and it was one of the reasons he took his own life. >> yeah. >> i mean it's a terrible thing. i didn't know him well, but i was very sad when he -- when he did take his life. but i was not surprised. >> you found bill clinton, in spite of all his infed illities, a nicer person. >> he is. >> he would want to give people their time and due and would be polite and was like that more in real life. >> he was. he'd look you right in the eye, talk to people. he was very kind. i actually got to introduce my parents to him one time, and they remembered it forever. >> you knew about many affairs. we don't know about all of them, do we? >> no, and i don't know about all of them. i certainly know about -- >> but this is the oval office. this is the -- >> sure. >> this is the president of the united states. isn't that a national skrurt l security threat? >> i would think it is. my question was at the time when i was being forced to testify -- >> you didn't want to testify. >> no, i never wanted to talk about this at all. never. i know that sounds silly now because i'm coming out. but clearly i've walked through some door where i think it's time and it's important to do. >> how many women do you know for sure he had affairs with in the oval office? >> in the white house complex, we'll see, i'd say easily three, maybe four that i know of. >> and you saw monica lewinsky a mile away. >> sure. sure. >> you know she wanted to be near him. >> she was certainly manipulating some of the staff, myself, other officers and agents to find out where the president was. >> well, she wasn't manipulating if you saw through it. >> well, yeah, i agree. but i mean i saw through it right away. she was try toing to place hers in his path. >> now, you never actually saw them together? >> no. well, not alone. >> all right. but you did see -- you walked into the map room, i believe, and you did see -- >> actually, i'm sorry. that's not correct. i did see them alone. >> you did see them alone? >> yes. >> and what did you see? >> well, there was an incident one time where during their affair, she showed up on a saturday to say she had to deliver something to the president. >> was that the saturday? >> yes. >> during the shuttut down. >> this was after that, and she showed up on a saturday under the pretense of delivering some newspapers or something, which he already had copies of. the staff wasn't in yet because it was saturday. so i blew her off. i told her to leave. about five minutes later, the oval office door opened up, and the president said, did somebody try to deliver something to me? i looked at the agent, and after the president closed the door, he said, i told you, gary. stay out of it. stop trying to stop her. you don't know what goes on out on the road. >> out on the road? so in other words, he was telling you this is nothing? >> right. that was the -- yes, exactly. that's what he was telling me. >> so you knew that something was going on there. >> right. >> but you actually walked into the map room and saw the president with former -- with former presidential candidate vice president mondale and -- >> yeah, with his daughter. i stopped by on the way to say hi to a friend. and one of the navy stewards walked up and the president was waiting in the map room for him. the steward walked in the door to walk in the map room and he was looking back at us and not into the room. and when he opened the door, the president was standing there with eleanor mondale, and they were like teenagers, you know, locked -- standing up, locked, making out. they didn't even look up at us. they never saw us. >> you knowingly had a situation where -- how do i say this delicately? you got rid of evidence. let's put it that way. >> i did. >> but it wasn't subpoenaed. it was not illegal what you did. >> this was before we knew there was an investigation going on. and i was trying to help the president. i was trying to protect him from more scandal and embarrassment. and the steward came up with some towels that had lipstick on them and another time with stuff that is, you know, a -- >> bodily fluids? >> from a male, yes. thank you. >> trying to help you out here. i'm trying to help my tv audience out here more. >> i'm trying to keep it p.g. so the steward was highly distraught over this and he complained that it happened before. so i took a plastic bag, and i had him throw the towels in there. >> i think it's a little unfair to leave that for somebody else, don't you? >> yeah. but based on what i've seen before, they don't think about that. they just do whatever they want to do. >> was it common knowledge the president was doing all of this? do you think she knew -- hillary? >> i do now. i mean i can't tell you when i decided that she knew and accepted it, and that was the way it was. and once in a while, she'd blow up over it. but like when the monica story came out, my feeling at the time was that she wasn't upset about the breach of their marriage. she was upset because he dented the clinton brand again. he made them look bad again. >> so it was more about image again? >> that's the -- >> when you've heard those stories of cath lynn willy, paula jones, juanita broaddrick. >> after i saw their stories, after i had worked there for a while, i will tell you my gut feeling is they're all telling the truth. i mean you can't act like that. i mean he's been acting like that his whole life. and i do believe especially kathleen -- >> but if everybody -- how did he possibly keep it contained? did he not know that as the president -- >> he doesn't seem to care. he just keeps behaving in that odd -- it's like a vicious cycle. >> all right. we got to take a break. we'll come back. we'll have more of former secret service officer gary byrne and his explosive new book. later on, we'll check in with laura ingraham. she's here with reaction to gary's tell-all book and much more. how much damage could this do to the clinton campaign, and why hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones welcome back to "hannity" as we continue now with former secret service officer gary byrne. his explosive new book, "crisis of character." you didn't finish the story about the vase because that morning he came down after that vase was broken, and he had a black eye that -- like a big black eye. >> sure. so after the incident when he came -- the next time i saw him in the oval office, he had a mark under his eye. you could see they were trying to hide it with makeup. and when i walked -- >> work? obviously not. >> no. i walked into the secretary's office, and i said, what happened to the president? he's got a mark under his eye. and his assistant said, oh, that's -- he's allergic to coffee. and i said under one eye? i don't understand that. >> yeah, that doesn't make sense. >> but there was really a crisis. >> sure. >> the secret service had to decide whether or not his own wife was a physical threat to the president. >> right. >> how big of an issue was that. >> it was a concern. i've discussed it with other officers at the time and agents. what do you do about a domestic dispute? what if -- what if -- >> what was the answer? >> each situation is different. you know, you have to protect the president, the protectee. and you have to protect the first lady. but, you know, if he gets caught with some woman and she goes ballistic, then what happens happens. >> so you were like the door keeper. >> pretty much. >> you were the guy in front of the oval office door. if somebody got in to see the president, they had to go through you. >> pretty much. there were six other officers. >> how an would you know that that person was there for another reason, to be with the president in a romantic way? >> so the way it worked would be like if i came up and relieved somebody on post, the officer i'm relieving is going to say, you know, he's in there with lewinsky or whoever, and, you know, they've been in there a while. just a heads up. so it wasn't like we were gossiping. you have to pass this stuff on. you don't want to blind side your co-worker. so you always pass this information on. and we were concerned. i mean what if she did catch the president in a compromising situation. >> but you had a plan for that. wherever hillary was, you guys were communicating if she was headed down. >> right. >> and you would have to go warn him. >> well, i never actually warned him. but, yes, that was the plan. >> that was the plan. you had a plan in place basically. >> yes. >> all right. let me play -- i pointed out on this program and on my radio program that she's often angry. >> yeah. >> somebody you're describing with a volcanic temper. >> yes. >> let's play some of hillary. >> and i also think we'd be a lot better off if we actually talked to each other instead of yelling at each other. >> i am so sick of the sanders campaign lying about me. i'm sick of it. >> i think it's time we treated everybody in this country with respect, with kindness, with love. >> i know we can create more good-paying jobs and raise incomes for hard-working americans again. i know that we can finish the job of universal health care coverage for every man, woman, and child. i know we can combat climate change and be the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. i know we can make college affordable and get student debt off the backs of young people. >> she does seem angry a lot. >> right. >> and you're saying behind closed doors when nobody is looking, she's that angry person always. mostly. >> or distant, cold. what i've been looking at, sean, doesn't concern me too much. that's her being a politician. the kind of anger i'm talking about is where she just almost can't even complete a sentence. she starts yelling, screaming, cussing. you know, i talk in the book how she berated the president. >> mistreating people in their positions? >> sure. >> all the time? >> yes. the uniform division officers, agents. >> so this is -- you're describing a phony, fake, fraudulent human being. >> absolutely. >> let me give you an example. this is hillary saying she remembers landing under sniper fire when she went to bosnia. >> i remember landing under sniper fire. there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles, to get to our base. >> great image-making, but here's the problem. i have the real video, and this is it. this is hillary arriving not under sniper fire, but she walks up to a group of young girls, who give her flowers and give her gifts. that's not exactly sniper fire. so is that the person -- you're trying to warn america about? >> yes. >> explain. in other words, she sits in an interview with bill. you think they're the happiest couple together. the light goes off. she hates him. >> i don't know if she hates him or not, but i will tell ul the example you showed there is the perfect example. anybody that worked around them in the secret service, when they saw that, they started laughing their faces off because they knew that was a flat-out lie. now, i wasn't on that mission, but i talked to the guys that were. the only thing that the military had them do is sit on their flack vests as they were getting close to the ground, which is standard procedure in those. when she made the claim that they were under sniper fire, i knew it was a lie. >> i want to go back to where we started. you feel compelled to do this. >> i do. >> you had never signed a non-disclosure. you have the right to do it. some people wish you didn't do it because of the position you're in. now guys do have to sign non-disclosu non-disclosures. >> they do. it started i believe in 2004. >> the final question. what do you want people to know what you saw in their years as president? >> well, the first thing i'd like you to know is i'm not comfortable about talking about this. but i feel so strongly that people need to know the real hillary clinton and how dangerous she is and her behavior. she is not a leader. she is not a leader. >> she doesn't have 9 temperament. >> she didn't have the temperament to handle the social office when she was first lady. she does not have the temperament. >> she's dishonest. >> she's dishonest. she habitually lies. anybody that, you know, can separate themselves from their politics and review her behavior over the last -- >> you're going to be accused of this being political. >> i'm sure i will be. i have been already. >> what's your answer? >> it's not. it's got nothing to do with politics. >> is it a love of country? >> it is a love of country and i hope someday that it does make a difference. i mean if mrs. clinton hends up being the nt of the united states, then she's our president, and she's the commander-in-chief, and it is what it is. but if she did become the president without me speaking the truth, i'm not sure i could deal with that. people need to know. this is serious, and her behavior is appalling, and she's two different people. >> all right. gary byrne, thank you for being with us. >> sean, thank you. i appreciate your time. >> thanks for telling your story. coming up, we'll have reaction to our exclusive interview with gary byrne. how much impact will this book have come november? laura ingraham weighs in. then later, reaction from our panel straight ahead. ♪ what are you doing? sara, i love you, and... 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"the new york times" gets caught. they ignore juanita broaddrick, paula jones, and cathkathleen y willeys. i just looked at gary byrne's schedule. guess what he's not interviewed for, abc, nbc, cbs. this is a guy with first hand knowledge, telling his experience about a woman with a horrible, horrific temper, that treats people, everyday people, like crap, curses at these guys, throws things at these guys, through a vase across the room apparently, gives the president a black eye. and she has the temperament to p president? >> well, is that domestic abuse? shouldn't the playing field be level here? shouldn't that be called domestic abuse? i mean i'm half kidding, but, again -- >> yeah, that's domestic abuse. >> i mean if bill clinton wanted to press charges, he could have, but obviously he wasn't going to. again, we see this in every media event. like the coverage today, shaean of the elizabeth warren event with hillary. you might have thought elizabeth warren cured brain cancer. she came out, oh, my gosh, what's an amazing performance by elizabeth warren. all she did was level personal insults at donald trump. so when trump insults warren with the pocahontas or whatever he calls her, they blast him. when she says he's a money-grubbing, no good grifter, et cetera, et cetera, they call it strong and courageous. so this is what trump is up against, that it almost doesn't matter what comes out about hillary. she's under criminal investigation. the democrats circle the wagon for her. meanwhile the republicans just dump all over trump for pretty much any reason, and they decide they're going to stand on their high horse and try to let hillary clinton take the white house. it's unconscionable. >> that's the saddest part. go back to bob dole, john mccain, mitt romney, every conservative was told to suck it up. >> fall in line. >> your guy lost. it was a fair opportunity. everybody got a chance to vote. listen to the people. and look at paul ryan today. i mean he has used harsher terms towards donald trump than he ever used against either hillary or barack obama. >> i think you made a great point, sean, about listen to the people. and people say, well, trump only got 35% of the overall vote, and there are all these other candidates. yeah, that's because there were 17 candidates, and he received a majority -- he received record numbers of votes. but you notice the same thing is being said about brexit, sean. and paul ryan said, well he respects the decision. barack obama said, i respect the decision. meanwhile, i think strong conservatives are saying, this is independence day. it's going to be rocky in the beginning, but we always choose freedom over collectivism, and the eu is a corrupt form of collectivism. >> but we have made horrible trade deals. american workers are suffering as a result of government's incompetence. if you really want to look at a congressman's approval rating, i would argue the number one reason it is so low is because they failed -- meaning republican establishment figures failed in standing up to the obama agenda. they wouldn't use the power of the purse, their constitutional authority. >> yeah, well they don't use that. but then paul ryan goes on fox and says, well -- or marco rubio, excuse me, and says, well, i'm going to be a check on trump and hillary. i'm like, what? when were you a check on obama? so, you know, this is the stuff i think that drives the average voter who calls himself or herself a conservative. >> but don't you think trump is right, though? i don't think he needs their support. i think it's either he's going to get the votes, or he's not going to get the votes. i don't think the endorsement of paul ryan or any other candidate or any washington, d.c. establishment figure is going to play into the minds of any voter. >> well, i do think if he wants to raise money, he's going to have to throw in a lot more of his own money to get these big donors to throw in some of their money. they want him to put in money, and i think a lot of these big donors, they do want to see some more yeun iunity in the party. i thi is it the be all, end all? i don't know. i think it's better to be unified. you can't fight an external and an internal war at the same time. that's very hard to do. >> listen, it doesn't help. that's where my frustration come in. is brexit a preview of coming attractions for our election? >> i think it could be. i think it's a brexit wake-up call. whatever happens in november, these problems with our country aren't going away. they're here to stay unless someone couraem. >> laura ingraham, thank you. appreciate it. coming up, more reaction to our exclusive interview with the former secret service officer gary byrne. that and more straight ahead tonight on "hannity." your car insurance policy is 22 pages long. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, "blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back to "hannity." so will gary byrne's tell-all book have an impact on the presidential elections come november. joining us now fox news contributor doug schoen, monica crowley, and republican strategist noel le pore. you know the clintons. >> i do. >> is gary byrne telling the truth? >> you know, i don't really think it matters. >> i didn't ask you if it matters. monica, did i ask him if it matters? i asked him if he was telling the truth. >> these reports have been out there time and time again. >> doug, i love you, but this is an important question. >> okay. >> yeah. >> is he giving an accurate description of her? >> i did not see anything similar to what -- >> george stephanopoulos did. so did dee dee meyers. >> i wasn't there every day. i was there once or twice. >> did you ever see her volcanic temper? >> i never saw her volcanic temper, no. she kept her distance from the -- >> you are so full of it. i've known you for years. you are just -- >> i'm not. >> here's the thing. mrs. clinton is making part of her campaign questioning donald trump's temperament. we can ask the same exact question of mrs. clinton. what is not true about donald trump, who is a very steady, even keeled person for those of us who know him, actually is true about mrs. clinton. she's got a -- >> it's an irony, isn't it. >> she's got a volatile temper. but what the left does so effectively, including mrs. clinton, is projection. so they accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of. this book, look, everybody knows how deeply corrupt both clintons are. so that's already baked in the cake. people already know this about her. the problem for her with this book is that it reinforces this idea that you're going to get this all over again for another four years. >> abc, nbc, cbs, and all the mainstream media, they've been pressured to ignore it. and now they're going to do what they did to every other person that ever tells the truth about the clintons. smear, slander, besmirch. >> besmirch. they cannot ignore this. they cannot ignore this. look, you know what? >> they're going to try and assassinate his character. >> absolutely, but here's the deal. bill clinton had actually a teflon brand because you remember when people were running, you know, for office. they looked for bill clinton's endorsement. hillary clinton does not have that teflon brand. people -- there are a lot of people that just don't -- >> she's a horrible -- but she's not likable. >> look at snl. look at her character as depicted on snl. >> yeah, and she doesn't have bill clinton's charm. she doesn't have barack obama's prompter reading ability. >> but she has a six-point lead or more. she has a president with a 56% approval. >> oh, good grief. >> and she as an electoral college advantage, which makes her overwhelmingly -- >> that's what i worry about the most. electoral map does not favor a republican, ever. >> the left has done a number on this country, including flooding the borders with illegals. the fact that it is so tight in these battle ground states given the fact that donald trump doesn't have much support within his own party and essentially has no money is astonishing and tells me he can pull this off. >> i think immigration is a big part of what happened there. similarly, the migration issue happening. orlando attacks, issues seem to be lining up for trump. maybe because he had a couple bad weeks but i thought a great week last week. if he keeps that up, does that change polls? >> phenomenal. there are things going on. people are coming around, rudy johnson, big supporter of jeb bush. he had jeb, explanation point in his office. he was part of a group that did a breakfast for donald trump on wednesday. this is good. they're slowly moving this. >> you know the a lot of the big money people, news was made but he's also self funding. do these money people come in. >> you can look two ways. one way is he won the primary with not much money. >> you might not need as much. >> you can look at it that way. maybe is part of his -- >> you know, doug, if the clintons run a traditional campaign and try to make the case druch's position is racist, they're going to play the same cards, i'm not sure the environment is typical. >> well, they're going to have $2 billion to see if you're right or wrong. they have a massive organization. they're focusing on the swing states. there is a massive financial advantage. donald trump's approval rating is 10-15 points lower than the secretaries. >> they're about even. >> 80% negative. 55 for hillary. look, sean, have you to recognize this election is teed up for hillary. monica is right. it's very, very close. but the secretary of state is ahead in every swing state. >> barely. >> but i think because donald trump is such a unique political persona, he's got a lot more running group to turn these numbers around versus, say, a tradition yl republican candidate. >> who would best help him as vp. >> if i were he, i would go with somebody who knows how to govern. and he can choose somebody who knows how to govern. >> i think he needs to pick someone to, where he can win ohio ant the great state of florida. >> i don't think anyone is there available. boy go with newt gingrich and build a team of rivals. >> i love newt. he can communicate with congress. >> and he can get the job done with congress because they're weak, witless and feckless. i hope when you booked this trip, you didn't know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. a few weeks ago, you didn't even know where here was. now the only thing you don't know, is how you're gonna leave. expedia. technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season going on now, with our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. hey! i like your ride. i just wanted to let you know... you can save a ton by switching to progressive, just like squirrel here. we offer great discounts, like responsible rider, paid in full, and homeowners. making us number one in motorcycle insurance. isn't this romantic. it was. going the distance to save you more. now, that's progressive. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at time for our question of the day. so, what did you think of the accusations in gary burns' book? about the clintons? i believe every word of it. what we experienced in the 90s should never happen again. tell us what you think on twitter, thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. what a nightmare of a day for the obama administration. the white house called out for into the cooperating with the benghazi investigation and then a stunning defeat for the department of justice. the supreme court delivering a stunning 8-0 voight to clear republican governor of corruption. sending the case back down to retrial. all that in minutes. right now a brexit blowup trump vs. clinton and the gloves are off. in fact there is practically blood on the floor. clinton who called brexit wrong is spending wall street money on an add -- ad on a correct call. >> it's from britain's historic vote to leave the european union. global markets are plummeting.


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20131116

0 help, you can find information on our website, that will wrap things up. but stay connected with me. let's keep the conversation going on twitter. time now to get you back into the cnn newsroom with don lemon. welcome back to our live coverage. i'm don lemon. thank you for joining us. you're not going to believe this story. we're going to begin with a story that every veteran, even veteran police officers are calling shocking. a couple in union county, north carolina in jail this hour after a deputy found a child head cuffed to a porch with a dead chicken hanging around his neck. you have some additional information about this and about the mother, but i can't believe this story. >> there are many shockers in this story, but one of those shockers, don, is that this mother works for social services. so above everything, she works for social services, and even though she was not there at the time that the deputies arrived, she is accused of being complicit in the mistreatment of those children. take a look at your screen. here are their mug shots. doren lee harper and wanda sue larson, both 57 years of age, now facing intentional child abuse, inflicting serious injury, false imprisonment and cruelty to animal charges. wanda sue larson is also charged with willful failure to discharge her duty as a public official. she is currently employed as a supervisor with the union county department of social services. here's the back story, folks. authorities were responding to an animal services complaint next door when a police officer walked up to this, an 11-year-old child secured to the front porch by the ankle by what appeared to be hand cuffs. the child had a dead chicken hanging around his neck. five children we removed from this residence, four adopted children and one foster child. the child handcuffed to the porch was the foster child. all the kids are in the custody of social services, and a social services agency outside of this county. cnn requested comments from the union county government and the public information officer from that government agency tells us that they cannot comment about this incident at this time, because all of this is under investigation, don. and there's a lot here to investigate. >> they arrived, it wasn't about the child, it was an animal services complaint. what happened? >> so here's the lowdown. the police officer arrives, he sees this child that's been secured by the ankle to the porch. so he approaches and he asks this man, why is the child, you know, secured to the porch? and by the way, do you have an i.d.? so when this is happening, a child opens the door to the house and dogs come out. this forces the deputy to retreat to his cruiser. by the time he comes back, the child is not secured anymore, and the chicken is now on top of the barrel that's also on the porch. so then backup arrives. they look at the conditions of the house, and that's when the children are taken into custody. and so is the parent. >> and the woman works for social services. where does this go from here? >> they have their first appearance in court on monday, and they're being held on bond. the details are disturbing. >> make shoe you follow this. this is unbelievable. rosa flores with this story. hate to start off with such a disturbing note, but it is news the. a california family of four that disappeared in 2004 no longer missing. police uncovered remains from a desert grave. this doesn't answer any of the questions about what happened to them. ♪ >> reporter: for three years, it's been a mystery that has escaped law enforcement and haunted loved ones. but on friday, a big development after a discovery in the california desert. >> excavating the site, we were able to identity the adult victims as summer and joseph mcstay. we believe the other two sets of remains are that of the boys. >> reporter: to better understand this story, you have to go back to february 4, 2010. the last day joseph summer and their two boys were seen. after ten days, police visited their southern california home. no signs of a forced entry. only some food and their two dogs were inside. >> there was no damage to any furniture. no blood, no violence, nothing broken. you know, no indication of a struggle. >> reporter: the mcstays had vanished without a trace. >> i want them to come home. >> reporter: then surveillance video surfaced, showing a family of four fitting their description going across the video. but that's where the case went cold. with friday's news, there remains unanswered questions, including how they were killed and who did it. >> it gives us courage to know that they're together and they're in a better place. >> reporter: but perhaps now, those closest to the mcstays can begin to heal. >> all right, thank you very much. the it has been more than a week since super typhoon haiyan destroyed parts of the philippines. aid crews are still picking up bodies off the treats. some of the images you're about to see are extremely graphic. families are guarding the dead as more cadaver dogs arrive. the u.s. military has 9,000 troops on the ground delivering supplies and there's relief coming in from around the world, places like saudi arabia, israel and australia. as of right now, the official death toll is just over 3,600 people, but that number is expected to grow. and then there's the tiniest victims of the storm. what some are calling storm babies. infants born immediately after the storm who are holding on for dear life right now. some of them wrapped in plastic, just to keep warm. cnn's ivan watson is in tacloban airport right now. ivan, what are you seeing? >> reporter: don, of course it's been more than a week since this storm, and the city behind me, tacloban, which has been the scene of so much drama and tragedy, still very much lies in ruins, despite the fact that aid has started to ramp up. many more flights and ships arriving evacuating people and bringing in assistance. but this town city of more than 200,000 inhabitants and the surrounding countryside have been shattered, don. it's forcing filipinos to imp improvise and it's pushing the limits to the limit. her newborn baby isn't breathing, and there's no incubator, no respirator and no electricity to power the machines to save this 2-day-old baby's life. so the mother pumps oxygen by hand. the baby is just one of 27 newborns here. storm babies you can call them. all born after the typhoon. they're in a hospital chapel that was converted into a maternity ward, after the storm destroyed the city. these tiny babies are in what doctors are calling the icu. it's clearly improvized. and they've been put here because their health situation is frighteningly unstable. in fact, doctors say six infants have died in this chapel in the last six days. dr. rosario says some of these infants are too unstable to be medevaced to a hospital out of the storm zone. what do you need for these babies right now most? >> mostly now, a ventilator, and suction machine. incubat incubators. >> reporter: tiny, fragile cocoons. this little girl was born just a few hours ago, and she's six weeks premature. during our visit, some good news. little james' health has stabilize and he graduating from the icu to rejoin his mother. is this your first son? >> yes. >> reporter: how do you feel? >> happy. >> reporter: doctors say most of the newborns here are healthy. but during what should be a moment of joy, parts also face uncertainty. many have seen their homes destroyed, so they rest amid the pews. while next to the altar, dr. rosario says the baby's chances are not good. >> it's very poor condition, critical condition. so it's a poor prognosis for this baby. >> reporter: there is little more that she can do now but pray for her daughter's life. >> ivan, when will some of those babies be able to make it to a real hospital with the supplies that they need to survive? >> reporter: well, as i asked the doctor there, the most -- the babies that are in critical condition, she says it would be a terrible idea to move them. they're not stable enough. so, you know, that move could actually kill them. the bulk of the infants in that room, they can move. they're healthy theoretically, so there's nothing really stopping them as long as they're not forced to be out under the hot sup or anything like that, for the near future. but those little children, they can't really move anywhere. you know, we looked into other aid organizations into trying to help in this little chapel, perhaps providing a small generator or something. but the doctors there are not the original doctors that are assigned and that normally work in that hospital. those doctors, their families are also victims of the storm. so the doctors have come in from other cities and they don't even know where the equipment is that you would need to properly treat these babies, even if we could give them electricity from a mobile generator. so unhappy situation, don. >> terrible situation. ivan watson, thank you. appreciate your reporting. it a terrible thing, tens of thousands are homeless, some hungry people surviving on coconut use alone. if you want to help the typhoon survivors, go to for more information. toronto's mayor vowing to keep his job after admitting to smoking crack cocaine. city council wants him down and so do most of the city's residents. we'll hear from his brother, next. actor alec baldwin making headlines this week. 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Transcripts For WMAR ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 9AM 20091218

captions by: caption colorado, llc (800) 775-7838 welcome in. we have a massive winter storm on its way as we gear up to about yea high by this time tomorrow. >> can i just say for the record that we've got some siem here. >> sure. >> it's people like him that cause the problem. why do people go shopping in the snowstorm? not because i tell you, it's because he's going to tell you. >> it's not a bad thing. >> you're right, can you never have enough toilet paper. you are not going to be stuck in the house for a week. i think hot chocolate, peas, you're fine. >> we have about an hour, hour and a half before the computer models start rolling in. the latest call is a rapech from maybe 8 inches, maybe 2 feet on the high end. there's a range of computer models. now that i said 2 feet, you won't hear anything else i say. please understand there say wide area that we have to cover. first off, this is prestorm day. with a northeast wind at 6 miles per hour, the wind will be a factor with the storm. here's the deal. the winter storm goes all day tomorrow and goes through 6:00 a.m. on sunday. most of maryland is included around the eastern shore back in towards the mountains. here is the general deal. clouds trying to build in right now. the wide view is highlighting that storm to the south with heavy rain atlanta georgia south through florida where they could wind up with tornadoes today. it pulls up the east coast and we're going to have the target here with the possibility as megan had asked, i think, on the lower end, just 8 inches of snow. we could be pushing a foot and a half or higher. kim brown behind us talked about traffic problems. >> trying to get out of here. >> trying to sneak out of here. >> can't say that i blame you. >> we'll have more coming up. the worst will be tomorrow afternoon. >> it's been a while since we had some snow, especially a sizable amount of snow with a storm in our area would be fun to see, i guess. the last time we saw a foot of snow, 2006. the storm hit mid-february and dumped over 13 inches of snow, which ranks 12th all time of winter storms in our area. >> i can beat that. how about this? the 2003 blis disard. that happened over presidents day and valentine's day weekend back -- [ applause ] you like that one? that storm hit early sunday morning and lasted through tuesday dumping over 28 inches of snow on the region. shut the schools down for a week. that, my friends,the biggest storm to ever hit our area. so are you ready? the storm is flowing in. justin said it will dump quite a bit of snow on our area. that's a week before christmas. next friday is christmas so we're deal twg a lot of snow and other things that we have to get out and about. here's roosevelt leftwich who did just that with you yesterday. rosy? >> attention, everyone, this is an emergency broadcast. >> snow could be coming. run for it. a winter storm makes people cringe, a little or lot, it doesn't matter. it's cold, unpleasant and slows you down. whether you are running for the hills, folks always run for the hills. most folks don't want to be bothered with this right now, especially when there's so much christmas shopping to do. >> i know it's bad weather and i won't be able to get out. you only have one more week, so, you know, just get it done. >> i don't think we're going to have that much snow. i heard it's maybe 3 inches. we try to avoid shopping on the weekends anyway, so we try to do it on the weekdays. >> reporter: in the sunshine it's hard to get worked up over the monsters that's coming about. stay inside to make sure that the house stays warm. john martin bought insulation to keep the draft out. >> got plastic to get the windows and insulation. the energy costs are so high, you want to tighten the house up a little bit. >> reporter: 4 feet or 4 inches it's always the same. the mows are ready and salt is ready. it's a lot of work for a lot of people. so for folks who want a white christmas, the big question,why? but even someone who stands to get overtime with all of the snow isn't too happy about it but hey, it's a living. >> oh, when we start, we don't stop. >> reporter: thankfully the snow does stop eventually, while the forecast is not set in stone, one thing is, snow can be a monster only if you let it. run for the hills. in parkville, roosevelt leftwich, abc 2 news. >> rosy says that band's for hire this weekend. >> i had no idea godzilla was in parkville. >> at abc 2 news and are your source for conditions all day today, tonight and the latest closings and delays waiting for you at now to a developing story from northeast baltimore where a 42 inch water main broke yesterday afternoon. look at this, turning argonne drive into a river. the water certainly causing panic and concern for people living in that area. of course, the last thing people living there and public works crews need to see right now is a massive water main break on the eve of what could be a potentially massive winter storm. so crews are out this working hard to get things repaired and back up and running. sherrie johnson is live at the scene. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, yes. crews have been out all night long. they are still working very hard right now to fix this pipe. now, we talked to the department of public works. they say that people who use baltimore city water, including customers in portions of anne arundel, harford, howard and baltimore counties no longer have to conserve water. they can go back to using their water. the 42 inch water main burgsst in the 1600 block of argonne drive in northeast baltimore. a gas main was also damaged. 80 homes remain without gas service until it can be fixed which we're told by constellation energy could be sometime this weekend. officials from dpw say that the water main break caused a problem with the filtration plant at lake montbello, and that's why they originally asked people to conserve water. for those who live on the street near the water main break, they are trying to make do with limited resources. >> as a suspicious heaters we have electric heaters so we do have a source of heat. we just don't have any way to cook. other than that, neighbors have been kind enough to offer for to us cook there, but we're making out. we're making out well. >> reporter: the american red cots has a shelter it dining hall of the university. no one actually stayed there last night, but some people came and took advantage of food and things like that. they will be there all weekend long for people who need it. there's no word on when this type will be -- when this pipe will be repaired. sherrie johnson, abc 2 news. stay with us, coming up. when it comes to the holidays, kids love the break from school. we'll show you how to make sure your kids don't lose what they learned during the break. we've gotten e-mails about christmas parties tonight and tomorrow night. we're going to break open bottles of wine right now for your last minute holiday party. everybody likes that. you'll like what we have coming up next. also ahead, the now annual maryland crab bowl kicks off tomorrow. the best mace to see the best high school football team in the state. stay with us. we'll tell you all about it when we come back. 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(announcer) this holiday, give your family amazing hd and get $150 back along with a free multi-room dvr for 3 months. just call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v now for verizon fios tv, internet and phone for... for dad, there's tons of hd sports available and more. mom can use the home media manager to play family photos and videos on the big screen. the kids can connect with facebook and twitter right on tv using fios widgets. and it all comes with $150 back when you call right now. but fios fits your budget all year long - the average customer saves over $100 a year versus their previous triple play provider call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v to get the whole family great entertainment for just... plus a free dvr for 3 months and $150 back. our winter weather alert is for the winter storm warning if not today kicks in overnight but tomorrow we'll have to deal with the problem. we've got our sfs a look at temperatures on the eastern seaboard. while it's 19 in york, and the cold air is continuing to ooze itself down from the north and northeast. our northeasterly winds will continue to pick up over the course of today and feed the cold air into the storm. look at this, atlanta is now colder than charlotte. that's a sign of the cold air trying to wrap in on the backside of the storm. as we pull this back, watch the circulation across the gulf coast. it's now pulling east of new orleans where they had their heavy rain adding into their records. now we're dealing with severe weather across most of the state of florida. especially central and southern florida, a sign of all of the energy wrapping with part one of the storm. that works its way off the eastern seaboard. we'll recharge off the carolina coastline. got a warm gulfstream water here. we've also got cold air in the atmosphere that will gang up and allow the spin to enhance and when that does so, it will slow down the forward movement of the storm. it's going to take its time tomorrow and allow for heavy snow to develop and strong winds along the shoreline. satellite radar composite zoomed in closer. not much going on right now with the precip line just below that yellow shading there if you can't see on the edge of the set. one of numerous computer models that we look at is what we're looking at on the screen here. this is the adonis model. the one that is the most aggressive here but a sign of what we can show you the storm will be doing and locking it in at 4:00 tomorrow morning, snow looks like it is knocking on the doorstep of d.c., most of virginia and west virginia dealing with snow. generally between midnight and daybreak, we get snow in here. then all of us have it through the morning into lunchtime. it begins and afternoon and evening. at times we could be looking athe snow coming down at 1 to 2 inches per hour. winds will be over 30, 35 miles per hour. those are near blizzard conditions with heavy snow and the delmarva and the storm gets out of here as we head through sunday morning. i want to back it up to the prime spot at 7:00 on saturday. strong winds whipping around with blowing snow. 60 mile-per-hour winds with beach 'rotions at the shoreline. how about that? today, though, just dry and increasing clouds. light snow develops overnight. by daybreak, 1 to 3 inches. the heaviest snow through the day tomorrow. 29 the best we'll do. we'll try to break down. back to you. >> justin, our next guest will tell you there will be a lot of disappointed kids that all of the snow didn't happen so they could get a snow day. since we're talking about the kids, a lost them will be out with parents at such an exciting time. how do you make sure you don't lose any of the learning that they can do this year? we'll show you several tips that kids can use. thanks for coming in. >> i love coming in. >> happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you. i know the kids are disappointed that the snow didn't happen on a snow day. >> but they can still get out and enjo joy it. >> that's important that they do that. as the holidays come up, we learn about brain based learning. number one, if students don't use it they will lose it. several tips for parents just to make sure the students stay on track with their studies and get the best that they can get for the time they are off. number one, students into ed to relax. learning is hard but first keep them busy. there's always work whether it's math, english, history that students need. they need to keep practicing. if they don't use it, they will lose it. keep them busy. you don't want it to feel like school so a family thing you can do is read a book together and talk about the characters and comprehension and questions that are, you know, give kids thought provoking ideas but what's even more important is that it doesn't have to be reading. you could listen to a book on tape. you could watch a television show together. what you want to build there is comprehension skills to make sure that students are understanding what's going on. that can be a fun, family activititon watching a show, which character you like the best, why? what word $they use? students are learning and using the higher thinking skills without knowing they are studying. >> i thought it was interesting that you recommend playing board games. >> board games are brilliant all the time. besides the social skills, they need to develop a strategy. students use their higher order thinking skills to develop strategies. if it's a game that involves money like monopoly, great math skills are being reinforced, organization, the types of skills students need to be successful that can happen using a board game. >> another thing that you recommend that makes total sense would to be set a work schedule. >> our students are used to a schedule. a modified schedule that they know what's happening. it's not like 8:00 to 8:45 is quarter one. i don't mean that. when you get up, you need to get up and know what you are doing. you don't want that to be an adjustment period getting back on schedule when they come back to school. >> and you also say hit the books. >> i mean we've got to really get out there. it's a great time to look at long-term assignments. when you have term papers, where do you need to do the research, and by hitting the books, i mean look at what assignments are long term and begin discussing them with your child so they can begin planning for them without the pressure of having to be in school every day. just following the simple tips will keep them on their toes to hit the ground running in january and if the weather is any kind of pattern, it looks like there may be snow days in january for our students to use. these are just simple things to do. research has been showing one week off from school students with regress from what they've learned. >> sounds like the same thing we need to keep in mind as adults, if you don't go to the gym for two weeks it will be rough getting back into it. so you have to stick with it. >> absolutely. >> thank you and i want to wish the viewers a very happy holiday season. i look forward to seeing you in the new year. >> thanks for being here. >> good-bye, everybody. >> i know you are going to florida so get out of here. >> okay. >> wait, hold on. they say they want to play but will they? we'll preview the only state all star football game in our state and are they ready to play in the crab bowl even in the snow? before we go to break, if you have a group, organization or charity you want a mention here, send it to our cup of cocoa right now. be right back with chuck harmon and the crab bowl. . >> the only statewide all stall football game will be played tomorrow. high buddy chuck harmon president and founder of the crab bowl joins us. give me the weather report. what's your gut tell you? are we going to may tomorrow? >> the biggest snowstorm on the history of snowstorms will happen on the day of the crab bowl. we probably will not play tomorrow. it will be made up sometime. hopefully monday. we'll let everybody know something on our web site sometime after 12:00 today. >> all right. the guys you picked out to play, what a star-studded cast. how many quarterbacks do you have coming out? >> we have six. three on baltimore, three on d.c. but they are all from the baltimore region. as a matter of fact, you mentioned earlier about rudy johnson, a mcdonough quarterback. he's playing on the squad along with terry henry. we tried to get the best players in the game. since the six best quarterbacks were in the baltimore region which is everything it's encompassed in the state of maryland except montgomery, prince george's and southern maryland area, the six best quarterbacks to get them in the game, we asked them to play for d.c. side, and they wanted to. >> are all of these kids locked up for the next year in college? >> the college scouts are out there right now. they are looking very intently. we have scouts at the practices. >> good. we have tons of division two, division 3 scouts from different colleges. we count it as many as 14, 15 last night. coaches are waiting to see division i and 1aa coaches can't be at the practices, but as soon as the practices are over, the game is over, they are going to get the tapes and look at a lot of these kids. we have 27 kids that played in the game that after the game got scholarships last year. so we need to play this game. >> yeah, really. >> i talked to your good buddy justin over there. justin told me it doesn't look good for tomorrow, but we'll get this game in. stay tuned, folks. we will get this game in. >> how tough is it to pick the rosters? >> it's extremely hard. shawn owe konl, my part anywhere -- shawn o'connell, my partner and i spend six months taking a look at game film and look at a lot of it. >> who are the coaches? >> head coach for baltimore is rick conner of the state champion lancers. and d.c., the legendary coach al thomas who just retired. this will probably be his last game coaching. i want to say to everybody, i'd like to thank everybody that supported us, especially lincoln mercury that's giving us a lot of support, power aide have done a lot of good jobs for us and we're glad to have them with us. >> let's put it up on the board right now. we're going to move it to monday. the makeup will be monday, december the 19th. it will be over at johnnie u. stadium. i know you are a big high school supporter here. we just got word that katy buck, a senior at mount versailles won the volleyball player of the year from gatorade. >> that's awesome. >> she led the sailors to two state titles and is going to towson u. >> i welcome her there. that's great. >> next year, we should have a volleyball crab bowl. >> i have enough to worry about with just one. >> all right, megan. >> thanks, guys. are you getting ready to truly celebrate this upcoming christmas holiday? if so, coming up, first we'll tell you which wine to consider when you are headed to a last- minute party or family christmas meal. speaking of meals, check this out. there is a giant lobster in our studio b. how about that for dinner. chef ben from ocean air will show us how to cook a lobster and maybe he'll cook one for us. we'll find out when the we come back. 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are you mentally ill and can't work? are you physically disabled and can't work? then the law firm of disability associates should be working for you. for years, disability associates has been working with our clients to get them the social security benefits that they deserve. don't be just another client at another law firm. - depend on disability associates because social security disability law is all that we do. thanks for joining us on this friday morning. right now, we'll talk about holiday wines. who better to do that than a wine coach? that's right, i said a wine coach. lori fofter is one. she has the best job in the world. what is a wine coach? >> i am a wine educator and wine writer. many years ago, i was in software sales. my boss said you have to take them out and wine and dine them. i was a beer drinker so i thought, ooh, i'd better start studying. i found it confusing and somewhat intimidating. >> it is. >> eventually, i learned a ton about it and i am in hurve with wine and i wanted to help other people. >> how does it work? does somebody call you? you wrote a little bit of a helpful book. if smun someone wanted to use your services, how does that work? >> i do customer appreciation, team building, holiday parties. so they can go to the wine, have fun and learn about wine. then people connect, too. so that's the good benefit from it. >> let's talk a little about wines right now. >> absolutely. >> what is a good holiday wine? >> all of these are great things to have at home or even as gifts. so to have extras around. the first thing i brought was a sparkling presecco. it's just near venice. presecco is a grape and just like champagne in that f. it's bubbly and drain but fruitier. people who don't drink wine as much really enjoy it. it's softly sparkling and goes with a lot of foods. especially starting a party. >> i love that you brought in three wines. you say they are all delicious? >> they are. >> a little early to try right now but i'll take your word for it. they are really affordable. >> they are. everything is 16 or under. just find good quality producers that focus on this and italy. the focus is on sphaing wine so it is a great place to start. these are other ideas for gifts and things to have at a party. a lot of times people get in a rut and say i just drink merlot. so give them something that's different. so the middle wine is from oregon. it is a pi in. ot -- it's a pinotgree. it's a little bit more intense, more fruit flavors so they can graduate from pinot grigio to pinot gree. >> and this one? >> the screw cap which i love. only about $13. it's a super tuscan but affordable super turveggen. there are some that are $200. that means that tuscany usually they say it's the key grape but they like to take cabernet and merlot and make a different blend. so it is a little more than we are used to having from california and france. $13, you crack that screw cap. it is a delicious wine great with medium body fare and it's a red you can have at a party that everybody will love. >> and three other creative gifts that we have. >> this is an air rater. you put it in the top of the bottle so instead of decan'ting, it, you are decan'ting one glass at a time. this is a bit of a picnic and it opens up. you can put your bottle in there. there's an opener also included in there. and that's just a great, fun thing if you go to parties a lot. of course if somebody wants to learn more, there's all kinds of great things on the market. my book is sipping point, other great books and dvds. that way people can go to parties and feel comfortable. >> the sipping point makes it more fun. let's take this pinot gree and take it over to where they are cooking lobster. but before that, where do we find you? >> >> let's go over to studio b. >> come right on over here. it's time to dine with our chef ben from ocean air who brought props here today. look, we'll call him wally or walter. >> walter. >> how old is walter? >> probably around 40. >> 40 years old? >> 15 pounds. >> the reason for the rubber bands on his claws, he gets nervous when we are boiling butter. >> not a big fan of that. >> all right. lobster what do we look for when buying lobster? >> fresh. fresh, fresh, fresh. if you can find a store that has a lobster tank in it and get a whole lobster live and do it yourself at home that's the best way to do it. if you can't find that, the frozen tails will work. >> so we reach in, grab the lobster, pull it out, come home, what now? >> like what we're going to do today, this is a tail. i took it off of the body obviously. >> sure. >> we'll split it right down the center. open it up. then i've got some poaching liquid here. >> yeah. >> this is sherry wine and clarified butter. so we're going to season our lobster stale with salt -- lob sister tail with salt and butter. >> i see. no offense to the lobster, but alaskan king crabs or lobster on the menu, which one will you circle, chef ben? >> me personally? >> you personally. >> king crab legs every time. lobster's amazing. >> what's the difference? >> to me it is a completely different texture and flavor. alaskan crab has that sweet flavor to it. lobster's really good. i enjoy lobster very much but if i had to choose one -- >> where's wally from, from maine? >> he's canadian. >> i can see it. >> if you look in his eyes, can you see. >> big doings on new year's eve at your place, right some. >> yes. we'll offer our full menu as well as we have a price fixed menu full courses $65 or $85 paired with wine. reservations are booking up quickly. >> what about this weekend? >> you know what? we're going to be open. >> you are? >> i'm from cleveland. my business part is from pittsburgh. >> oh, you are hearty. >> we're used to it. we're not afraid of a little snow. >> can i try this in. >> yep. >> all right. i need some wine. mm-mmm. >> what we did hear was once it's done cooking, take the bread crumb mixture, butter, parsely, old bay and parmesan cheese. >> it's got some life to it, too. good kick. look, the tail's wagging at you. look at this. you see that? oh, it's going down. it was flapping a second ago. so we let it in for how long? >> probably six minutes or so. once it's almost cooked, we pull it out, put it in a pan and top it with the bread crumbs, finish it off in the oven. serve it like this with clarified butter. >> is this more of a christmas dish or new year's dish? >> you can do it either way. that's good to eat any time. i can eat it in the middle of summer. >> you're right. chef ben, go see him for new year's eve at ocean air. look at the fireworks downtown. again, this recipe is going to be online at just a little later as we cook lobster. in's nothing bester than this on new year's eve or for christmas coming up a week away from today. thank you, chef. all right, megan, back inside. you crack open that wine yet? >> we're working on it. that thing was huge. stay with us. giving during the holiday season is something many are us do, but coming up, who pockets the money you donate, those in need or those who work for the charity? saying good-bye to charlie gibson. while the family, friends and colleagues toasted him last night, we'll look back at an incredible career today. >> talk about drinking some wine. that's what they did last night. we've got a snow party on the way. we have a winter storm warning tonight through tomorrow. the sunday morning, heavy snow, beach erosion and yes, could crack into the top 20 all-time storms in baltimore. we'll explain all of the details when we have more "good morning, maryland" after this. (announcer) give yourself the ultimate holiday gift - the verizon quad play. and save $14.99 a month for a year. call now and you'll get verizon wireless, america's most reliable wireless network - plus mind- blowing verizon fios tv - plus lightning- fast fios internet - plus unlimited nationwide calling - all together for an insanely low $134.99 monthly access for 12 months with one year agreements. it's a bundle you can't get with cable. call now and we'll add a special gift of $150 back. it adds up to the deal of the year. there's only one thing that doesn't add up: staying with cable. we've put them all together so you can save more than ever - verizon wireless, plus fios tv, plus fios internet, plus home phone - save $14.99 a month. call now and we'll add $150 back. make the holidays extra special with verizon quad play. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v thanks for dropping by and bringing in the gifts for the kids. we have a couple more days until we start delivering to the kids so again, bring your toys if you can to abc 2 right here at 6400 york road and the merit athletic barrett hills. go to your baltimore anne arundel county fire departments and also want to drop off at the maryland state police barracks. you can go to the hippodrome or any wal-mart stores. you have up until december 21st. wait till you see how we deliver to the kids. who spends why you are money the best? it's the season for giving but who should give support? the simple ways to figure out which charities are providing the most bang for your buck. >> reporter: 'tis the season of giving complete with bell ringing and accompanying jingles of loose change. but by that same token, donors want to know where the money's going. one of new york city's most visible homeless charity is a group called the united homeless organization. according to the state's attorney general, almost all uho donations line up in the pockets of the group staff and foundersp. >> there may be folks out there collecting and the money that they are collecting is not going in the full or the largest way to people's needs. >> reporter: charitable giving is expected to be down 10% this year while demand is up 30%. >> this is the first time in 20 years in our country charitable contributions have gone down. >> reporter: if you are interested in finding out the best and worst, go to >> we also look at are they giving most of the money to bona fide program services? the better groups give 75% or more of their budgets to programs and services. >> the salvation army, 82 to 84 cents of every dollar donated go to people's services. >> it's one of those place these know and can trust. >> reporter: perhaps one reason for giving to the salvation army, there is say new way to donate. there's the traditional way of giving cash which amounts to about $2 for each donation. this year, they started taking credit cards. the average donation on plastic? $15. last year, the salvation army raised $130 million from their familiar christmas kettles alone. lindsey davis, abc news. all right, amy comes in and always manages to wow us. we'll learn all about it penguin when we come back. so what comes to mind when we switch the tv from cable to fios? um. tv looks like new. uh, awesome? actually, i want to talk about how i get $150 back? oh, well you get $150 back if you switch to fios. i was curious why we're listening to customers. oh, boy... seems dumb. (announcer)give yourself the ultimate holiday gift. switch to fios and get $150 back. plus, a free multi-room dvr for 3 months. unlike cable, fios delivers 100% true fiber optics for amazing tv picture quality and blazing-fast internet, both ranked highest in customer satisfaction by j.d. power and associates. plus, crystal clear phone service all for our new low price of... call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v and get $150 back plus a free dvr for three months. this holiday, get all three amazing services for only... hurry, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v now. you know the maryland zoo and tails. tell us about tails. >> tails is one of our most famous animal ambassadors. everyone adores when we bring penguins out. we take them to schools and senior centers and programs. people that signed up for the holiday program can meet and greet her and her sister tux. we have penguins that travel because they are so popular. people just love penguins. >> and it's strange to me. this is a great time to talk about penguins. you think, you know, christmas, cold, winter. >> right. >> this one is a beach baby. >> she is. she doesn't like the cold any more than we do. she's not looking forward to the giant storm. she is a beach penguin. in south africa, they live along the beach along the coast there. so that is where they are most at home. she does like the warm weather the best. of the many seasons of penguins, only three or four are cold weather. the ones you see the most the emperors are cold, the big ones. most penguins live where it's warmer. >> she's so soft and beautiful. what do you think people would be surprised to learn about? >> just their feathers. their wings feel like leather. >> can i pudge them? >> yeah, yeah. they feel like leather. they don't feel like feathers. the only thing that isn't covered in feathers are her eyes, beak, and feet. their feet also are spotted. that's their little fingerprints. all of the feet look different. >> that's how you identify them? >> that's how researchers can tell them apart. if you come to the zoo, we're open until the end of the year. we are closed on christmas day but open until the end of the year and close until march. so if you come out and look around rock island where the penguins are, there may be some missing because they sit on eggs this time of year. they breed in the winter. they have always been here and lived here forever and never lose that. they still breed in the winter. >> it would be so exciting to have a chick. >> they are adorable. they are very, very cute little guys. you can look them up on the web and see pictures of the african black footed penguin chicks. they are adorable. >> you love all of the anle mas that come in. you said tails is so i love this penguin. they have personality. >> yes. they have a.d.d., very short attention spans. she has a long attention span considering she is a penguin. she is very loving. she's one of the ones we take out for longer period of times. she's great for tv spots, is parent and sits still because she knows the drill. >> they are going to close but it's still an important time to support it. >> family memberships start at $87. you can get them online. i know we link through your web site and also so you can get them that way. adoptions are a great way to go. it is a good way to support the zoo. also, if you you adopt a penguin or many other animals, can you get a card for mother and father's day. but definitely a good way to support the zoo. you get something back for that buzz you get the plush and box. it's boxed nicely. contact hannah for that. >> amy, thank so you much for coming in. tails, justin, does not like the snow so see if you can do something about that. no snow. >> sorry. [ laughter ] i'm looking at brand new data that is coming into the storm center. it appears as if the storm is locking on. at least one of the computer models is trying to blow this thing up on top of the mid- atlantic. let's just get to it. here's the storm once again pushing through the gulf coast. herve veer rain in florida and snow pushing into the carolinas including raleigh, durham. greensboro rocky mount can get something out of this. this is where it really takes off and would be midday tomorrow through midnight tomorrow. we'll have this slowly move up past the delmarva. the arctic air is behind it. that is all combining forces to give us the problem. this is just one of our models here watching first off the clouds roll in and precipitation well on down to the south. we have cold, dry air in place. it will take some time to saturate that. our model indicated through midnight through tomorrow morning the snow moves in. if nothing else, by midday, we are underneath the influence of moderate snow and a few inches on the ground. it cranks up during the course of the afternoon. the heaviest snow should be midafternoon through evening and perhaps midnight as our storm system does crank off the east coast. throw heavy snow on the backside. we may have mixing here along the del mar have but ending as snow. some of these places wind up with a foot or more. 12 inches or more out of this storm. it's where we get that because when we have cold air to generate that type of moisture, you need something special in the atmosphere. we'll have that storm itself pull up to new england. new york, long island and on east they'll have issues. good thing the patriots are maying at the bills. the jets may have snow to deal with on sunday. i think our snow will be out in time for the ravens game. i was just trying to put this together. this is the update. this is my call. 8 to 12 ocean city, maybe higher. it starts stepping up once you cross through the bay. i think our bull's-eye, cecil county, baltimore back to d.c. 14 to 20 inches. we could wind one 2 feet of snow in some spots. this will be a big storm and tail off further north and west into the mountains. it's a big deal as we head into the weekend. it will be mostly tomorrow. today just dry, 36 degrees. our winter storm warning kicks off 26. tomorrow again the heaviest snow and strongest winds and blizzard conditions will be developed into the afternoon and evening. >> all right. abc honored one of their own last night in new york city. colleagues, family, friends all gathered for a reception at new york city's lincoln center to say farewell to charles gibson. >> charlie will call it a career tonight. it will be his last broadcast on abc 2. brill when iter was on hand for last night's send- off. >> this is world news with charles gibson. >> reporter: it's the eve of charles gibson's last broadcast as the anchor of world news. on thursday night, his family paid him tribute. his real family, of course, was this, and his tv family as well because he's lived with them for 34 years. the announcer may call him charles but everyone else knows him as charlie. he's left an indelible mark on everyone's ever worked with on abc and on journalism. secure yows and smart always, but it has been his compassion and his huge heart that have allowed him to be welcomed into the homes of america in the morning and in the evening. >> tonight on the brink. >> reporter: covering every major event, every triumph, every tragedy since 1975. >> i hope there will never be a story to cover like 9/11, and i think that is something that will live with me and everybody who covered it forever. >> reporter: david weston talking about what charlie meant to abc and to weston personally. >> charlie has always stepped up and certainly not just for me but for all of the men and women at abc news for whom he cares so deeply. >> reporter: the most moving tributes were from charlie's daughters. what dad wouldn't want his kids to remember him like this? >> listening is a skill, and my father is a master. and as a result, people love to talk to him. >> reporter: charlie, modest throughout, left his friends and family with some advice about news, where it's going, and what's most important. >> it is important what we do that we need to keep doing it and we need to keep doing it in an objective and fair manner. it has been an honor to work with all of you, truly an honor. >> reporter: bill ritter, abc news, new york. >> i will be watching tonight. i know you will, too. abc 2 news tonight. charlie will anchor his final broadcast at 6:30 right after abc 2 news tonight at 6:00. all right. we have new measurements over there. we'll be right back with justin. (announcer) give yourself the ultimate holiday gift - the verizon quad play. and save $14.99 a month for a year. call now and you'll get verizon wireless, america's most reliable wireless network - plus mind- blowing verizon fios tv - plus lightning- fast fios internet - plus unlimited nationwide calling - all together for an insanely low $134.99 monthly access for 12 months with one year agreements. it's a bundle you can't get with cable. call now and we'll add a special gift of $150 back. it adds up to the deal of the year. there's only one thing that doesn't add up: staying with cable. we've put them all together so you can save more than ever - verizon wireless, plus fios tv, plus fios internet, plus home phone - save $14.99 a month. call now and we'll add $150 back. make the holidays extra special with verizon quad play. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v all right. before we get a final check on the weather, let's do today's top five. they are most appropriately the all time top baltimore area winter storm. this is for you, justin. number five, the march 29th and 30th storm of 1942. what was that like, jamie? it dumped 22 inches of snow. >> all right. number 4, the '96, 22.5 inches in january. >> all right. number 3, february 11th, 1983, 22.8 inches of snow. >> and number 2 on the list, here we go back to 1922. 26.5. you don't remember that one, do you? number one we all remember this one at least most of us do. it was just six years ago. we were working on almost 7 years. february 15th to the 18th. a lot of the big storms come during president's week. that's 28.3 inches. the big daddy bigger than we would get in a typical entire season. that was the number two snowiest season of all time. the 96 one ranks as number one. >> one of the greatest wrestlers of all time said he would come in and wrest thal goatee. >> as soon as i started growing it, it's for the kids. we have snow heaviest in the afternoon. blizzard conditions mean 35 mile-per-hour winds per hour for three hours. i think we wiend up with at least a foot of snow or more. we'll have more with norm beginning tonight at 5:00.


Transcripts For WBAL 11 News At 11 20091108

>> live, local, latebreaking. >> of maryland at soldier among the 13 people shot dead at fort hood on thursday, and that is our big story tonight. the greek the nation shares of that massacre at fort hood is being felt deeply in hometowns across the country, and maryland is no exception. a maryland mother of two dedicated to helping other soldiers to. she was included in a somber roll-call at fort hood texas as officials formally named the 13 killed in thursday's shooting massacre. >> what happened at 4 could happen to all of us. when one soldier falls, we all fall. it was heartbreaking. >> 55-year-old juanita was a member of the army reserves. for the last year and half, she volunteered with the maryland national guard reintegration program. colleagues said she was dedicated to helping women returning for more. >> she was instrumental in developing a posttraumatic stress syndrome program for women. >> grief over the loved ones lost and injured continues to linger. mourners gathered at a makeshift memorial outside fort hood. >> we wanted to say thank you and honor their sacrifice. we wanted to grieve with them today. >> investigators are trying to explain how and why this happened, piecing together evidence from the scene and the suspects. 39-year-old army maj nidal malik hasan remains hospitalized of some of his victims are now leaving their hospital beds. >> there is no doubt that many of them will be psychologically impaired for the rest of their life. >> president obama and the first lady will attend a formal memorial service at fort hood on tuesday. on our website, we have compiled stories about the victims and their survivors. just go to and look under hot topics. investigators say a victim was shot in the head this afternoon near west pratt street. medics transported the victim to a hospital. there's no word on his condition or a suspect in the case. one woman is dead, three families displaced tonight after a fire that started in a condominium on ewing drive around what 30 this afternoon. -- are grounds 1:30 this afternoon. >> are officials are not sure what caused the fire, but say it started on the first floor and spread to the second, where it killed a woman neighbors say will be sorely missed. the whole backside of the house was just completely in flames. it started at the bottom and just went to the top. >> a massive fire disrupted a saturday afternoon just after a one got 30. firefighters -- just after 1:30. >> there was a tremendous amount of debris in the house, which hampered firefighting operations and delayed our search of the structure. it took us quite a while to find her. >> it took about an hour to find the only victim, a woman neighbor said it was in her 60s. >> i tried all i could to help. >> several never saw the fire and try to get the woman out, but it was too late. >> the lady tried to open the window, but she could not get it open. we busted the window open so she could jump out or something, and we never saw her again. >> never said the woman was well-known and well-liked, with a love for animals and children. she had been a school crossing guard for many children in the neighborhood. but she was a very nice lady. she always said nice things about me. >> people gathered on the sidewalk to more their neighbor and watch the aftermath as firefighter sorted through what was left of the home, looking for answers in the debris. >> three other families were displaced by the fire, just temporarily. the red cross was brought in to help them find a place to stay tonight. >> two days before jury selection in her corruption trial begins, it was business as usual for baltimore mayor sheila dixon. the mayors and this saturday attending various events throughout the city, including the pauly city football game. despite the looming trial, she says she is focused on doing what the citizens elected her to do, running the city. one political analyst says the mayor needs to remain confident. >> she almost has to go to court every day, because it is part of creating the appearance that she is confident an, and that everything is under control in this city. if she did not go, people would be suspicious. >> as we mentioned, jury selection begins monday. 11 news will have a team of reporters covering the trial, both on the air and on line at >> that are burning the midnight oil on capitol hill as the house moved closer to a final vote on a bill to overhaul health care. lawmakers overwhelmingly rejected a republican alternative and adopted tough new restrictions on abortion coverage. brian moore is on the hill for us tonight. >> passage of the sweeping health care reform bill is down to a couple of debates. the day began with president obama traveling to cabral hill to make sure democrats supported the bill. late in the evening, it passed a key hurdle. >> the amendment is adopted. >> an amendment banning of a government-funded abortions. it was demanded by moderate democrats. republicans condemned the health care reform plan as a washington power grab. >> how bad does it have to get before we stop the uncontrolled spending? >> republicans present a counter offer they said was cheaper and does not force people to get insurance coverage. >> the's plan is the wrong prescription. >> democrats say their bill covers more than 36 million who cannot get or afford insurance now. >> this is a plan for all of america. >> in washington, a showdown on landmark legislation, but not the end of the fight. >> the senate is expected to begin debate on its own bill in the coming days. the president hopes to have a bill to sign by the end of the year. a day of remembrance. eight years after flight 93 crashed into a pennsylvania field, level one of those 9/11 victims gathered for an event they call a major step forward. >> tonight, the former member county executive opens up about the personal battle he says changed his life. >> after a pleasant saturday, some more rhetoriwarmer weathere way. 51 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[tires screeching] [screech] accidents can happen anytime. that's why geico's here 24 hours a day, every day. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> it was a big celebration in new york welcoming the latest member of the u.s. navy. the uss new york was commissioned. it is made from steel wreckage of the world trade center. the $1 billion vessel was built in new orleans by survivors of hurricane katrina. today, family members of the victims gathered at the crash site in pennsylvania to break ground for the first national park dedicated to the events of 9/11. but once called it a victory. -- loved ones called it a victory. >> we have been just doing what we can to make sure this memorial comes off, and right now it is good. >> my daughter was mine, but i am glad this permanent memorial will be here so that she can be with them and they can walk away, taking a part of her life. >> the next phase of the project will include the visitor center and a wind chimes tower. the memorial is set to open on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. tonight, a hard look back as the former executive of montgomery county opens up about his personal battles during the 2002 sniper shootings. >> temperatures tonight are starting to drop off quickly, some areas already in the 30's. we will talk about the silver lining to the economy change is that i think we are living a more simple life, a more authentic life. we get our books from the library now. not going to the movies as much. we're not eating out as much. we have to save money where we can. at giant, we know that saving money is important. with holiday rewards, you can now earn points good for up to 20% off a future shopping trip every time you use your card. i'm saving money, and i'm getting something back. and that works for me. use new crest extra white plus scope outlast, like me. like her. whew. it's minty! it whitens your teeth and gives you a fresh breath feeling that actually lasts. mm-hmm. and he likes to drink a lot of coffee. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. for a whiter smile and a fresh breath feeling that... [ inhales deeply ] lasts up to five times longer than ordinary toothpaste. [ inhales deeply ] ok she's right. ok. oooh, "she's right." my breath still feels fresh. and how could i resist that smile?! [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. announcer: this season you can make your home look like a picture in a magazine, with the limited-edition "better homes and gardens" holiday collection. now at walmart. discover the latest line of "better homes and gardens" furnishings all at walmart's unbeatable prices. a new look costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. >> breaking news from capitol hill. we just got word that the u.s. house of representatives has passed a health care reform plan by a majority vote. the last check, it was to 20-21 5. we will -- it was 220-215. tuesday's execution of the sea sniper john allen hyman has so much meaning for people who were living in this area at the time. especially for the man whose main job was to keep residents, and say. -- to keep residents calm and a safe. >> visit montgomery county on a warm autumn day and the grant -- tranquillity is a stark contrast to that awful time in october 2002 and the community was terrorized and let permanently scarred. >> three weeks of who is going to die today, and it could be me. >> he was at the end of his second term in office as county executive when he first learned what happened. the county that had normally had about a dozen murders in a year had five in today's time. >> i pray the whole way back on the flight that no one else would be killed by whoever was doing this. >> while hundreds of -- while hundreds handle the law enforcement in, duncan's main job was to keep people calm. >> internally, did you feel calm? >> i was scared like everyone else pretext of former county said he says those three weeks changed his life and profoundly affected his family. >> my wife was very angry during whole episode. my kids were wrestling with the life and death, when they should not have even been thinking about it. >> duncan, who has openly discussed his up -- his battle with depression, believes he was depressed during those days, but battle through. he said today he bills better than ever, but never forgets what happened. >> do you have moments when you go back to those three weeks? >> i do when i passed places where someone was killed, and i will just stop and think for a little bit and say a prayer. it is happening less than it used to. for a year after this happened, people would come up to me and they need and everybody else for catching these two, and then they would just our sobbing in front of me. the emotional impact this had really took a long time for people to get over. >> he sees the execution of john muhammed as necessary and sad. >> duck and now advises municipal leaders all over the country in his role as senior adviser at the u.s.. mahomet is set to die by lethal injection on tuesday. we will be reporting from virginia. coverage also continues on our website, >> now your insta-weather forecast. >> a beautiful saturday outside. if you like today's weather, you will be a big fan tomorrow and even as we get into tuesday. right now, things are cooling down very nicely as the winds have calmed down significantly. temperatures will not reach the 20's like they did early this morning, but we will see temperatures a little on the chilly side. still 52 downtown, 54 in cambridge and 53 in ocean city. as we take a look at the next few days, a little bit of a nice warmup under way. tomorrow we expect a high of 67 degrees. by monday we expect to hit 70, and 67 again on tuesday. the average height is about 59 degrees here. rainshowers arriving late on tuesday will take us a look closer to reality for this time of year, about 59 degrees the expected high for wednesday. we managed to top out at 59 degrees today at the airport. we woke up this morning at 28. compare that to a record of 22 set back in 1962. a quick look on the satellite picture shows things are extremely quiet. it is rare to see a weather pattern this quiet this time of year. we are cloudless from the eastern shore all the way back to portions in western iowa and missouri right now. we will continue that trend over the next few days. mostly clear for tonight, 37 to 47 degrees. high pressure is in control and will provide a lot of sunshine tomorrow. the pattern sticks into monday. high-pressure just off the coast, we will see a carbon copy with temperatures getting close to 70 degrees. tropical storm i that is still a tropical storm at this point, affecting portions of the panhandle of florida by next week. it will not impact us very greatly. all across the state we are seeing lots of sunshine and temperatures in the upper and mid 60's and a quick look at the 7-day forecast shows 7 degrees on monday did 70 degrees on monday. temperatures will level off to the low 60's road -- thursday through saturday with lots of sunshine. >> is that -- spectacular performance against notre dame. that is coming up next in sports. >> tonight's jackpot has an estimated annuity of $1,150,000. it matches for this saturday are 35-37-7-31-3-39. if no one matches all six numbers on one line of a ticket, the jackpot climbs to $1,200,000. the next drawing is wednesday night here on wbal-tv 11 news. night here on wbal-tv 11 news. you can tell when a salad's fresh express... ...and when it's not fresh express. at fresh express, we harvest every tender leaf at the peak of freshness, ...then capture that natural goodness for salads so consistently fresh and delicious... ...they're guaranteed. fresh express. consistently, deliciously fresh. use new crest extra white plus scope outlast, like me. like her. whew. it's minty! it whitens your teeth and gives you a fresh breath feeling that actually lasts. mm-hmm. and he likes to drink a lot of coffee. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. for a whiter smile and a fresh breath feeling that... [ inhales deeply ] lasts up to five times longer than ordinary toothpaste. [ inhales deeply ] ok she's right. ok. oooh, "she's right." my breath still feels fresh. and how could i resist that smile?! [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. >> the last time they tried to stop a losing streak and motor gained a dig at the rotterdam, it took four decades. we pick it up in the second quarter. navy and white, having a fantastic day. vince murray untouched up the middle. he had 150 yards rushing on the day. third quarter, ricky dobbs airing it out for greg jones, a 52-yard score. no. dame struggling in the red zone. looks like a touchdown, he fumbles at the half yard line after a monster hit. third turnover of the day for the irish. a strike to michael floyd, hit him right in the back of the number. the irish keep fighting, and finally did get into the end zone. the connection works, 21-14. the irish hurt themselves, but the navy did their fair share. navy stuns notre dame, 23-21 for the final perio. >> i thought the offense played well, too. i am ecstatic for our young men. >> not much offense for maryland. tory smith, 80 yards he goes. 31-28, the turks down just three in the third quarter. eugene winning a physical battle into the end zone. maryland loses 38-31. linney to cheer about with the bears' defense, certainly on this play. he learns the hard way, do not grow at wilson. what a great catch. he halted in, very nice indeed. he did learn a lesson, stays away from bears defenders. he finds chris bell open in the middle. he finds his way into the end zone. 31-23 was the score. john harbaugh hoping to join his brother celebrating a big win this weekend. 223 yards, three touchdowns. they beat the ducks 51-42. high school football rivals, 25 yards he goes in for the touchdown. poly it's the victory, 26-20. rudy johnson, breaks free for 50 yards. gilman has another when, 34-27. it is the breeders' cup classic. an incredible finish. she was back a whole race until the end, and there she goes. winning (announcer) nothing matches that dentist level of clean. but imagine if you could get that dentist smooth clean feeling every time you brush at home. ♪ you can, with oral-b rechargeable brushes. dentist inspired cupping action surrounds each tooth to remove up to twice as much plaque as a regular manual brush. the power of a dentist smooth clean feeling every day. oral-b rechargeable brushes. starting at $22. satisfaction guaranteed. visit for details. it's everyone's favorite time of the year. and walmart's here to help, with amazing new specials every week this holiday season. the great deals start each saturday. this week, starting saturday at 8am, get an xbox 360 arcade for just $199 and it includes a $100 walmart gift card while supplies last. find out about more weekly specials at and make the most of your holiday. christmas costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. >> it will be a very nice day again tomorrow, even monday and tuesday. lots of sunshine and a great opportunity to get outside. tuesday evening we see a few rain showers moving in and timbers tears get closer to reality. >> thank you,


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