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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20131027

by 4:00 we will call it partly cloudy. cooler for everyone, just 50s at the coast. near 70 around the day. we will see some mid-70s inland. tonight the winds kick up and by the overnight hours a possibility of a few showers in the forecast. we will have more on that with the accuweather seven-day forecast in a few minutes. katie. >> thanks, lisa. more than a dozen people abandoned at a castro valley assisted living home days after the state ordered it closed. the owners cleared out, leaving 14 patients behind. we have the details from castro valley. >> reporter: valley springs man nor is off-limits and cleared out the authorities say the facilities owners left behind once this notice went up thursday. >> it's a terribly sad situation that people would just abandon them. we are talking about human beings. they are unable to care for themselves. they are bedridden, amputees, wheelchairs. >> you can see in these photos ambulances and paramedics lined the streets, taking for patients as quickly as possible. four staffers did stay on the past two days to help. but jean pong is still angry, her 65-year-old sister who was mentally ill was abandoned. >> i think they should be held accountable. you can't just vacate and leave your residence without proper care. this is what you pay for. >> reporter: pong paid $3,000 a month for what she thought was good care. but the department of social services called her recently to tell her the site this safety code violations and improperly-trained staff. neighbors say loose supervision was commonplace. >> they would walk up and down the street at the night, come to our doors. >> it needs to be closed down. >> the owners could be charged with elder abuse. >> i just learned the owner of this facility is h. m. n. enterprises. the president's attorney told me their license was suspended for not keeping proper medical records and not thoroughly doing background checks. he also told me that patients who are left here or low income patients and that they have been diligently looking for places for them to stay, but that they had opinion very well supervised the past few days. in castro valley, abc7 news. >> we are learning more in the ongoing investigation of a sonoma county sheriffs deputy who shot a 13-year-old carrying an air rival. and a memorial service will be held today in windsor. we have the latest on the investigation and our reporter talked exclusively with two women who saw the shooting. >> reporter: the collection of candles and balloons has been north 13-year-old andy lopez continues to grow and people continue to show up to show their respects. these women have come here every day since the shooting because they want to tell andy's parents what they saw when he was killed. [speaking spanish] >> they say they were right behind the patrol car at a stop sign. she saw the deputies turn on their police rights and drive over to where the teenagers was standing in an open lot. they her the deputies call in english "drop the gun." [speaking spanish] >> she said almost immediately both deputies opened their doors is shots were fired. they said deputies only yelled once before opening fire. [speaking spanish] she said they shot immediately and didn't give him a chance to do anything. early on in this investigation police compared how similar lopez's assault rival, looked like a real weapon. and they believed he was going to point the gun at him. >> they maintained cover behind their open doors. one of the deputies shouted at the subject to put the gun down. >> these women say the deputies shouted first and then got out of their car and fired. another witness we talked to earlier this week described the same. >> he pull over to the kid walking, and he just opened the door and shoot him. >> friday we learned the fbi will be conducting its own investigation of this shooting. these women say no one has interviewed them about what they saw. we did call the santa rosa police department about their story, and are yet to receive a return phone call. abc7 news. new details in the crash that killed five members of the same family on tuesday. police say 28-year-old ryan morales had been drinking shortly before he got behind the wheel shortly before getting in a truck and killed the family. he killed the driver, the pregnant wife and three children. morales is still in a hospital in critical condition. and a danville family will hold a memorial this afternoon for two children killed by a drunk driver a decade ago. troy fact and his younger sister were riding a scooter and a bicycle on the sidewalk when they were hit and killed by a 45-year-old man. the memorial starts at 4:00 at a danville school. this morning a parolee who authorities say wounded four police officers and a federal agent near sacramento is locked up. authorities released this mug shot of the suspect, 32-year-old samuel duran. he surrendered after midnight yesterday following a nine hour standoff at a roseville home. the dramatic incident unfolded when the immigration agent and authorities tried to arrest the man. authorities say duran shot the agent in the leg and took off. four other roseville officers were hit by bullets or shrapnel. all but one was treated and released from the hospital. >> the suspect shot through the side of the residence and through an open window at the officers, and that's the way the officers received the injuries that they received. >> police have not revealed why duran was on parole in the first place. the marin county district attorney's office is expected to continue rent presenting their case tomorrow in the trial of a teenager accused of stealing a lamb burr gene any and killed two people. they said he stole the car by slipping into a dealership in san francisco in 2011. prosecutors say he did it to impress a girl and later tried to kill that girl and her boyfriend by shooting at their car. they are expecting temperature tomorrow. in piedmont a high school has honored one of their most prestigious graduates who died serving his country. library that is renamed the ambassador christopher stevens memorial library. stevens graduated from piedmont high in 1978. he was killed in libya last year when terrorists attacked the u.s. embassy in benghazi. his mother read from a letter he wrote earlier in his career. >> on a more selfish note, i this i can make a mark for myself in the near eastern bureau. yes, i'm ambitious, i admit it. [applause] >> government officials say stevens was overcome by smoke during the attack and went into cardiac arrest. the childhood home of apple co-founder steve jobs is about to maybe go down in the history books. tomorrow the los altos historical commission will consider naming it a historical resource. it is the home whether he assembled his first 50 apple computers. they have been eyeballing the home for the past two years and it would add another layer of review if anyone tries to renovate the home. the new york stock exchange has done a dry run of twitter's initial offering in hopes of avoiding the technical problems facebook experienced during its nasdaq review. -- debut. they said everything went smoothly yesterday. it was the first time they conducted a mock ipo that included traders simulating the buying and selling of shares. san francisco-based twitter is expected to go public sometime before thanksgiving. fingers crossed that that goes smoothly as rehearsed. it is 6:09 right now. lisa has a cooler forecast. >> much cooler. in fact, the fog continues to increase. we are clear only in concord and livermore this morning. elsewhere gray sky and poor visibility. from our roof camera, temperatures still around 50 degrees here. we will look for about an 8-degree to 10-degree cool down around the bay. the details coming up. >> also next, screaming teenagers on a school campus. but don't worry, they aren't in any real danger. we will let you know what's behind the dramatic drill. and a tv buying experience that will inspire you to open the so you can get cash back on all your purchases. so you can use your cash back... to follow your dream. so you... can save the day. chase freedom. so you can. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. it's like everyone came together and said, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any way you want it. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. thousands of first responders across california are taking part in a very realistic training exercise in the bay area this weekend. it's called urban shield. part of their training involves a mock shooter on a school campus scenario. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard has the story. [screaming] >> reporter: terrified students run from this castro valley elementary school after a gunman fired shots on campus. what you are watching is not real, it's only a drill. but the realistic situation being created here, a vital exercise for first responders. >> we try to replicate what happens in these situations and we purposely try to make it chaotic and we purposely try to make it a mess so that when, and if, and hopefully not this ever happens, teams will be ready. >> this training session, one of many across the bay area, part of urban shield. the largest real-life drill for police and fire in the country. sadly this scenario comes just days after a school shooting in sparks, nevada which left one teacher and the student shooter dead. >> this is one of the things that if your organization doesn't practice on and you are not ready to confront it, you will find yourself in a bad situation some day possibly. >> can't somebody help? >> angela volunteered to spend all day playing the part of a shooting victim. the prosthetic wound on her hand, scarier than halloween makeup. she can't imagine what terror real victims face. >> i would probably hide. i would be scared and i would know that the deputy is there to take care of it. >> police say the realistic training they received about schoolyard shootings was valuable. they also say it's something they hope they never, ever have to use. urban shield continues through the weekend. in san francisco, colonel bernard, abc7 news. coming up on "this week" george stephanopoulos goes one-on-one with former vice president dick cheney. with the u.s. under fire on spying on its allies, chaney discusses the surveillance debate and he weighs in on the latest hurdles facing washington and the state of the republican party. you can catch it right here on abc7 at 8:00. a bay area couple bought a brand new l.e.d. tv but were stunned when they opened the box and discovered the screen was cracked. the tv didn't work at all yet the store wouldn't take it back. michael finney has a warning about the policy. >> lizzy and her husband moved from brazil to the bay area. >> my husband had a job opportunity here. >> the couple was in temporary housing, shopping for furniture, when they saw a great deal from best buy. >> it was 58-inch l.e.d. tv from panasonic. >> the tv was marked down from $1,400 to 1,000, so they bought one. however, they left the tv packed in the box until they could move into their permanent home three weeks later. little did they know that would be a big mistake. >> when we moved into this house, we had the tv out. >> when they finally pulled the tv out of the box, they were stunned at what they found. >> the l.e.d. screen was all cracked. we looked and said, no. >> but it was. >> lizzy is showing us where the screen was broken. when they turn the tv on, here is what they saw. a huge liquidy blob in the middle. a white patch on the side and an icon, but no picture. >> nobody can imagine that you will open a brand new tv box and then your tv, it's all damaged. >> their next surprise came when they tried to return the tv to best buy. >> the guy said, i'm sorry, but we cannot take the tv back. >> best buy has a 15-day return policy. the couple had purchased the tv 20 days earlier. unfortunately they didn't open the box soon enough. >> we were so frustrating and we know it wasn't our fault. >> panasonic wouldn't take the tv back either saying it wasn't responsible for a damaged screen. so we just said, okay, we spent $1,000. $1,000 that we put in the garbage. >> then someone told them about 7 on your side. >> we already watch it many times during the news, but we had no idea that we were eligible to participate. >> of course, they are eligible and the couple did contact me. >> that's when magic started happening. >> we contacted best buy and explained the couple's dilemma. this time their surprise was a nice one. >> i personally don't know what magic 7 on your side did, but two days after that, somebody from best buy called us -- >> best buy took back the broken tv after all and replaced it with a brand new one. lizzy said they don't have anything like 7 on your side in brazil. >> i couldn't believe that this thing was real, but now i'm proof of it. it really does magic! >> best buy declined to provide a statement for the story except to say it has replaced the cracked tv with a new one of the exact same model. now i would like to thank best buy for helping this couple in such a big way. so what is your take away? open your boxes. make sure the products are in good working order before the return period expires. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> good advice. >> fisher minutes wharf is trying to recover electric lack of fleet week this year with war fest. merchants said they lost serious numbers without fleet week so they tried to bring people to the area without the naval show. >> we had a great turnout. we had a chowder competition, we sold out online, we sold out at the event today. we had a beer tasting area, and that's been selling out. we've had a really good turnout today. >> sounds good to me. >> fleet week will be back next year and organizers say they will probably move war fest to the spring. war fest does continue today from 11:00 to 6:00. get out there and enjoy. it looks good. i bet it tastes good. weather-wise how should people prepare? >> definitely a jacket. we have fog everywhere. leg changes out there. tracking the low clouds and this afternoon we are going to see them just stuck to the coast. so this morning they are continuing to increase across the bay. it is foggy in concord this morning. from our roof camera, you can see this shot, but it is gray with cool temperatures. 50 downtown. 48 in san carlos, 49 in los gatos. a little bit warmer today. this morning, i should say, due to all the low clouds. but we will off set that by a very slow burn off. and not much of a warmup out there. emeryville right now, temperatures in the low 40s. and napa with visibility anywhere from a quarter to a half-mile from santa rosa, napa, novato. fairfield at 50 and 45 with the fog in concord. so here's a look at the visibility. it's worse in the north bay. you have it out over toward the east bay and along the coast. so far the airport is doing fine, but another vantage point from our exploratorium camera. you notice it's certainly gray out there. foggy and cool to start. a cooler day today. the winds are going to kick up tonight. and the gusty winds will lead to a chance of showers through the overnight hours and also into tomorrow morning. mainly from san francisco along the coast, and down around the santa cruz mountains. but overall we are looking at a big pattern change as an area of low pressure, a cold area of low pressure drops down through the mountains today. so that's going to increase the pressure gradient with high pressure offshore, low pressure dropping to the east of us, and that brings the winds. but before all of this, we've got that stronger onshore push. it all spells out for a much cooler but seasonal week ahead. here we will time-out the clouds and the chance of precipitation. by tomorrow night you will -- or tonight, i should say, just a chance of showers along the coast. more on the way of clouds. then we will go through the overnight hours and you will notice that a few areas of green pop up 2:00 a.m.. looking down around the south bay, some showers. and lou the morning hours you are cloudy and noontime we still have some showers offshore and perhaps along the coast. but by the late afternoon and the evening commute, the activity is into the central valley and we are looking at the possibility of snow in the sierra nevada. in fact, up to three to five inches above 5,000 feet and very gusty winds there. today we are looking at 68 in milpitas, 74 los gatos. worm warmer there. 67 menlo park. san francisco cooler, 63 today. cooler for you in the north bay. you will feel the breezy winds. 68 in petaluma. you will notice the partly cloudy sky. oakland 67. 69 out toward fremont and more seenal with 72 as you head out into the san ramon valley. this afternoon at least sunny in livermore but cooler. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. it will be mild today but relatively speaking much, much cooler than yesterday. a chance of showers overnight. breezy winds tonight. that will last through the day tomorrow. then cool and breezy. dry tuesday. slow warmup wednesday, thursday and friday and maybe another wet weather maker by next weekend. abc7 news has another weather resource for you to follow. that's on twitter. the latest weather conditions rain or shine, video forecasts, spare the air alerts, power outage info and information from your favorite weather team. >> thanks, lisa. speaking of fall, speaking of halloween, off to the races. find out why people in colorado were wearing costumes and racing [s[man] no one told her,right?a. [son]hi! [mom screams] ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ >> we are joined from new york to see what is coming up on ""good morning america." >> good morning. wild weather slammed texas. meanwhile a chilly winter blast is heading for the northwest. we will have a full update straight ahead. also an arrest at a carnival. one worker was arrested after a spinning vortex he was controlling threw five people from the ride. why the operator is now facing serious charges. and britney spears has been constantly resolving her image since her image began back on the mickey mouse clubhouse. she is about to change it up once more and she has a personal message to all of her friends. that's next on "good morning america." ghosts with some get up and go hit the streets in hundreds of people came out yesterday to watch the emma crawford coffin races in manitou springs. the event is inspired by a local woman who died of tuberculosis in 1890. as the story goes, her fiancee carried her coffin to the top of red mountain for burial, and a year later the coffin slid down the mountain, inspiring the event. you know, why not make something fun out of it, i guess. if that's not enough to get you into the halloween spirit, check out there we have links to halloween events in the bay area. coming up next, google? the unusual construction going on in the bay. and also three sea lions found shot in california. authorities say the animals were targeted. plus a software glitch that could >> welcome back, everyone. 6:30 now. i will send you over to meteorologist lisa argen for a quick look at the weather. >> katie, are going to be cold this week. in fact, starting this afternoon temperatures not going to come up very much. much cooler than yesterday. starting out with plenty of gray sky with poor visibility up in n the north bay. the fog has made it into concord at 45. 48 in the san ramon valley. cloudy skies down through san jose this morning. so for the rest of the day we are looking to fog and low clouds banked up along the shoreline and even through 11:00, 12:00 we still have the gray. parts of the bay will clear. so overall we will be partly cloudy. temperatures coming down as much as about six to twelve degrees today. then the winds kick up tonight and the possibility of showers arrive overnight. we will have a look at the full extended outlook, which includes a couple days in november coming up. katie. >> thank you, lisa. we have developing news out of new york city. five people are dead this morning, including four children after they were stabbed. it happened at a home in brooklyn sunset park neighborhood late last night. authorities say the children who were stabbed were ages 1, 5, 7 and 9. a 37-year-old woman was also killed. a man has been taken into custody. so far no official charges have been filed and no word on who the man is or what led up to the stabbings. >> new details about the fair ride accident in north carolina that sent five people to the hospital. authorities have charged the ride operator with three counts of assault with a deadly weapon. the ride, call the vortex, stopped and then started up again thursday night while people were trying to get off of it. inspectors determined the ride had been tampered with. three people are still in the hospital. wildlife activists in southern california say at least three sea lions in malibu have been died after being found with multiple gunshot wounds. they said it often happens around the start of the local fishing season. we have the details. >> reporter: the images are heartbreaking. this sea lion washed ashore with four gunshot wounds. this one shot twice in the back. never made it out of the water. >> the sea lion was right up here about 100 yards up, as far as you can go. and it was kind of rolling in and out of the surf line. >> reporter: mike spotted that sea lion off the coast of malibu. he said it's an all-too-common sight this time of year. >> this is their ocean. it doesn't give us the right to go out and kill what we want to. >> reporter: the california wildlife center says at least four sea lions have been found shot over the last few months. the shootings coming at the height of squid fishing season. >> every year about this time when the fishing season opens, we get more gunshots injuries than any other time in the year. >> reporter: she said the fishing boats attract sea lions at night. this video shows fishermen shining their light to draw in squid and sea lions searching for food often gets in the way. >> the sea lions aren't shooting each other, so somebody is shooting them. we want to find out who that is. >> reporter: fishermen dispute the accusation, says most never carry guns on their boats. a spokesman for the squid fishery association tells vnn, shooting sea lions is illegal and the association doesn't condone the illegal shooting of sea lions by anybody. >> reporter: they are investigating the shooting but they admit finding those responsible will be difficult. there are no eyewitnesses and very little evidence. >> reporter: it all comes in an especially bad year for sea lions. a record number have been spotted in suggests earn california starving and stranded. this woman said she rescued more than 200 in malibu alone, only to have three rescued shot to death months later. in los angeles. the mistress of a former utah doctor accused of killing his wife will be back on the stand testifying on tuesday. gypsy willis freely admitted the relationship with martin mcneal, 20 years her senior. she said she lived in an apartment he paid for and she became the nanny for his children after his wife was found dead in the bathtub. >> any question that you were going to be hired as a nanny? >> i don't believe martin would have had, had his kids objected. >> my dad was cooking, and she was sitting there staring at my dad. the children were taking care of themselves. >> michelle mcneal died in 2007. her death was originally ruled as natural, but was later changed to undetermined. martin mcneal is charged with giving his wife a toxic mix of prescription drugs. >> some high school seniors are finding it difficult it send in their college applications this year. an online portal, called "the common app" has been plagued by software glitches. and what is worse than a stressed out senior? a panicked parent. lyanne melendez explains. >> reporter: jonathan chan went online to apply to several colleges through something called "common applications." >> it's hectic. it's a lot of work. i'm just glad it's done. >> reporter: using only one form, students can pick their colleges from a list of more than 500 universities in the u.s. and abroad. it's been so popular, common app had to spend millions of dollars to upgrade their system. but when students started to fill out their early applications this month, there were clearly problems with the software. >> parents are e-mailing me, telling me that their daughter has been trying to submit and they go to "my colleges," all their colleges that are in the list, and half of them are gone. >> michelle is an independent college advisor in walnut creek. all of her 20 seniors have had some kind of problem. there are reports of students repeatedly being logged out or duplicated payments. chan said he spent days trying to get his application in. >> what we realized was when i typed in my name into the common app account, i said jonathan chan and put a space bar after. that set up a bunch of problems and i wasn't able to connect. >> twitter reported the problem and they vent their problems. >> this has never happened before. >> some colleges have been forced to extend their early application deadlines. saint mary's college said they may have to do the same. college is now behind in the application process because of these glitches. >> we have a wonderful staff of folks who will work late into the night to make sure everything happens correctly for our students and our families. >> reporter: the common application has apologized and managed to fix two of the major problems with the website. they will now issue daily updates to help students meet their deadlines. in walnut creek, lyanne melendez, abc7 news. there's growing speculation that a huge barge floating on the bay near treasure island may be long to google. the structure is made out of modern cargo containers and it stands about four stories high. the local tech analysts believe its home to a google data center. something the company has thought about doing for a while but google is not commenting. next on the abc7 sunday morning news, making a difference. volunteers come together on the peninsula to change the face and feel of a bay area community. let's take a live look outside at the san mateo bridge. look at all that fog. lisa argen will have your forecast to those who've been waiting for health insurance... welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can it's like everyone came together and said, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any way you want it. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. [ birdsong ] [ birdsong ] it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> welcome back. it's 6:40. this is a leave look from our hd roof cam at the san francisco's transamerica pyramid. lisa tells us it is foggy out there, it is cloudy, and you can't see the pyramid in the pyramid. picture says it all. lisa will be along in a moment with your full forecast. tomorrow a senate subcommittee will be talking about ways to improve safety communication between pg&e and city officials regarding pipelines. the move comes after a pipeline was shut down in san carlos earlier this month over safety concerns. san carlos officials say they first learned from the media, not pg&e, that flawed documents were used to wrongly declare the pipeline safe. the line was ordered shut down earlier this month, but has since been allowed to be reconnected to flow at a much lower pressure. >> palo alto is considering adding a digital billboard along highway 101 in an effort to bring in revenue. our media partner, the mercury news, reports a digital messaging center would be placed on a piece of city-owned property on the end of colorado avenue. annual revenue from the billboard would range from $700,000 to $1 million. the money would be used to8h repair or replace much of the city's existing infrastructure. >> the weather some. >> we will go from summer yesterday to fall today. so the fog and low clouds will be very slow to clear today. here's a look at emeryville today. we have cloudy conditions. temperatures in the 40s and 50s across the bay. we will be much cooler today. and the possibility of showers arrive for the first day of the work week. that will be the explained next on the seven-day forecast. >> thank you, lisa. also next, an unbelievable finish to game three of the game three of the world series between the red sox and the >> welcome back, everyone. tomorrow school children in east palo alto will be able to frolic on a brand new playground. last week hundreds of volunteers took a day off of work to build the structure, which was designed by the community at the cesar chavez academy. david louie press us the incredible images. >> reporter: cultivating teamwork is a part of silicon valley life. volunteers from s. a. p. and adobe came with a tall order, build a play drowned in six hours. >> this will change their lives. these kids have to walk 20 minutes to another playground, and that's 20 minutes of instructional time they don't get. we will change their day as a result of this playground. >> reporter: parents and school leaders applied two years ago to kaboom, a nonprofit group that has helped schools around the country to create playgrounds to round out children's educations. they raised $78,500 and offered input about what kind of equipment would be best for their children. cornel garland is a parent of a six-year-old student here. >> we come to meetings talking about it, what to pick out for the playground. you know, everybody made decisions and we all voted what's going to be in the playground, what's best for the kids. >> reporter: two licensed playground contractors helped to super advice the work teams. it helped that they have collaborated on six previous playground projects. >> they knew the designs for the gross motor skills, and it will meet the needs of the kids. >> we are so excited. >> besides the adrenaline rush from meeting a tight deadline, volunteers also get the satisfaction of improving the lives of east palo alto students. >> when you finish and look back and see the playground completed, it's an awesome feeling. and then see the kids coming out and saying thank you. >> and the children at cesar chavez did just that one small group at a time. >> can you say awesome? >> awesome! >> can you say amazing! >> amazing! >> the playground was ready right on schedule, but the children will have to wait until monday for the concrete to dry. in east palo alto, david louie, abc7 news. >> they aren't too excited, right? that will be a good day at school monday morning. >> definitely with the jacket. >> a cold day? >> yeah. we will have the cooler temperatures invading the area today and the possibility of showers as we head out. take a look at live doppler 7hd. you notice we aren't picking up any precip. there are clouds offshore and plenty of clouds across the bay. low clouds and fog. the marine layer up to 1500 feet. waking up to gray and cool conditions out there. fran is at 50. 48 in san carlos. 52 san jose. half moon bay, gray skies, 50 degrees. recommendryville, you are cloudy and it's cool up in the north bay with low to mid-40s. visibility reduced. it's not as cool as it was yesterday because you have been cloudy all night long. 50 fairfield. livermore coming in at 48 degrees. concord some fog and 45 degrees. so five mile visibility out in concord and just a quarter mile in napa. so we've got cloudy skies down through mountain view, san carlos and san jose. with the clouds clearing slowly today, it's going to be a cooler afternoon, as much as 10 degrees cooler in some spots and staying gray at the coast with 50s there. so foggy to start. cooler today. the winds are going to kick up tonight. overnight we will see gusty winds, and towards dawn we will see a cans of showers mainly along the san mateo county coast. the coastal hills and into the south bay, the santa cruz mountains. so here's a look at what is coming. you see the twist in the as tier here. that's the colder air mass that's pull downright across the sierra nevada. so we will get into the gusty winds today in the mountains there. but more us, it's going to set up a cool first part of the week as this area of low pressure is slow to depart. so throughout the afternoon and evening hours, we will be looking at the cloudy skies along the coast. by 9:00 tonight, we could pick up a few areas of mist and drizzle and light showers. 2:00 in the morning the focus is still in the south bay. by the afternoon we are pretty cloudy. here's noontime and maybe still some showers from the coastal hills down through the south bay. the higher elevations of the east bay. then it pushes on out and we are dry monday night for archaealy night. tuesday not going to be much warmer. we are looking at temperatures today out of the 830s. mid-70s in chico with 58 in monterey. so certainly chilly along the coast. the numbers have been brought down significantly today. san francisco just upper 50s across the bay. mid-60s. now this is not too far off the mark from where we should be this time of year. it is a little bit below normal. but compared to yesterday it will feel a lot cooler out there. 69 in vallejo. san jose warming up through the upper 60ths with 72 in morgan hill. so if you are headed to the raiders game, temperatures there will be in the 60s. grab the jacket and sunshine. dropping through the 60s. ears the accuweather seven-day forecast. drop comes today, a big drop. just 60s and 70s around the bay. 60s at the coast. a slight chance of showers. cooler tomorrow. not much of a recovery on tuesday but we will be dry. nice and sunny on wednesday. that's when we begin to see temperatures back up into the mid-and upper 70s. maybe another wet weather system next weekend. it changes again today. >> okay. but as long as it's dry for halloween. >> yes. >> thank you, lisa. in sports, the 49ers lay the jacksonville jaguars in london at wimbley stadium in what could be just horrid game conditions. possibility of heavy rain and up to 70 mile-an-hour winds. kickoff is at 10:00 a.m. our time. good luck, guys. at 1:05 the raiders return from their bye week to face the steelers at the coliseum. the world series between the red sox and cardinals had a very controversial ending. here's mike with the sports. >> baseball's top of the order. after the first two games in boston the world series shifted to st. louis for game three. it may have been the most unusual ending in a long time. the managers looking to take the series lead. cards would draw first blood in the first. matt holiday takes jake peavy the other way. the cards go up one after the score. 2-1 st. louis now in the sixth. boston's single to left. shane victorino comes across. game tied at two. holiday unties it in the seventh. men on first and second. a shot down the line. both carpenter and beltran would score. cards up 4-2. 3 rbi in the ninth. bottom of the i think. men on second and third for the cards. and one out, john grounds to pedroia, he comes home. molina is out. saltalamacchia throws it to third. it gets away. allen craig is coming home. he's going to be called safe. the umpire ruled the third base and will middle brook obstructed runner. craig is awarded home, 5-4 is the final. they will be talking about this for a long time. cards take the 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven series. >> all right. sixth rank stanford only loss is on the road this season and they avenge that loss last night in corvailes. 22 carries, 145 yards and 3tds. seven seconds left, fourth and goal. down 8. they broke it up by ed reynolds. great play. stanford goes on to win, 20-12, improving to 7-1. cal in seattle facing the huskies where they played tribute to the late great coach james. a career high 241 yards running. and they fall and sixth straight loss, they are 1-7. san jose state hosting wyoming. homecoming night. third quarter. to miller. untouched into the end zone. cowboys take the lead. but david to jones. third td reception of the game. tied at 44, fourth and inches at the wyoming 46. fales to bill freeman. are you kidding me? gutsy call and it pays off. fales, 5 t.d. passes. wins it, 51-44 the final. that's the way the ball bounces. i'm mike shumann. see you again tonight at 5:00. have a great day. >> next, it is derby day in san francisco. the big race of a different kind in the with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! >> here are the winning numbers from the power ball draw. >> nobody picked all six numbers for the jackpot estimated at $50 million. the winning numbers from last night's $22 million super lotto plus draw are: nobody got all six of those either so wednesday's jackpot grows to $23 million. drivers of a different kind will take to the streets of san francisco today. the 2013 soapbox derby and party will get underway at 11:00. spectators can watch homemade derby cars like that. how cool is that, a rubik's cube. race down a 400 footrace way. in addition to the race, there will be food trucks and academy -- activities for kids. today's event runs until 3:00 and is free to the public. people are so reeighttive. that's impressive, scary impressive. i'll go for the food trucks. >> really cool today. lucky to hit just around 60 today. >> okay. >> in fact, temperatures will be coming down all across the bay area. we are waking up to low clouds and fog and limited visibility. this afternoon just upper 50s san francisco with 65 in oakland. upper 60s in the south bay. so that is big-time cooling today. the winds conclude up tonight. chance of showers overnight into your tuesday and then we will dry out. we aren't going to warm up until the middle of the upcoming work week. halloween nice and dry. >> thanks are you, lisa. thanks for joining us on the sunday morning news. we continue at 9:00 a.m. and "good morning america" is next. good morning, america. this morning, freaky finish. the bizarre, controversial ending to game three of the world series. >> calling obstruction immediately. >> what both teams are saying about the crazy play to give the cardinals a win. wild weather. texas hit by hailstorms, torrential rains and loads of lightning as a halloween storm is brewing in the northwest right now, which will haunt most of the country this week. carnival arrest. the operator of the spinning vortex ride that sent five people flying at a state fair is now facing serious charges. did he tamper with the controls? ♪ and brand-new britney. the pop star reinventing herself again. what she's saying in a very


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 900AM 20131027

>> good morning, everyone. fog through livermore and san jose. look at five miles on the coast. airport delays of over an hour. be careful out there. looking for a much cooler day around the bay. to plan your days, numbers in and around the 50-degree mark along the coast, 50s around the bay. partly cloudy and much cooler for everyone today. mainly in the 60s and 70s. the winds kick up tonight. i haven't mentioned showers and that's on the horizon for the overnight and tomorrow. details on that coming up. thank you, katie. >> developing news out of vallejo where one person is dead and seven others injured following a shooting that happened just about 11:00 last night on princeton avenue. authorities say a group of friends were dealing with a flat tire when an white s.u.v. with tinted windows drove by and someone inside opened fire on the group. a 19-year-old man was killed. we don't know the extent of the other victims' injuries. >> more than a dozen people abandoned at a castro valley living home days after the police order it had to >> reporter: valley springs man off-limits and cleared out the authorities say the facilities owners left behind once this notice went up thursday. >> it's a terribly sad situation that people would just abandon them. we are talking about human beings. they are unable to care for themselves. they are bedridden, amputees, wheelchairs. >> you can see in these photos ambulances and paramedics lined the streets, caring for patients as quickly as possible. four staffers did stay on the past two days to help. but jean pong is still angry, her 65-year-old sister who was mentally ill was abandoned. >> i think they should be held accountable. you can't just vacate and leave your residence without proper care. this is what you pay for. >> reporter: pong paid $3,000 a month for what she thought was good care. but see admits that the department of social services called her recently to tell her the site this safety code violations and improperly-trained staff. neighbors say loose supervision was commonplace. >> they would walk up and down the street at the night, come to our doors. late night, early morning. >> it needs to be closed down. >> the owners could be charged with elder abuse. >> i just learned the owner of this facility is h. m. n. enterprises. the president's attorney told me their license was suspended for not keeping proper medical records and not thoroughly doing background checks. he also told me that patients who are left here or low income patients and that they have been diligently looking for places for them to stay, but that they had been very well supervised the past few days. in castro valley, abc7 news. >> knew this morning the u.s. justice department filed a lawsuit against a fremont apartment complex, alleging it discriminated against families with children. the lawsuit claims woodland garden apartments discriminated against families by enforcing a policy that prohibited children from playing outside in common grassy areas. lawsuit came about after five families filed a complaint with the department of housing and urban development. >> we are learning more in the ongoing investigation of a sonoma county sheriffs deputy who shot a 13-year-old carrying an air soft rival. and a memorial service will be held today in windsor. the memorial service is for andy lopez. we have the latest on the investigation and our reporter talked exclusively with two women who saw the shooting. >> reporter: the collection of candles and balloons has been north 13-year-old andy lopez continues to grow and people continue to show up to show their respects. these women have come here every day since the shooting because they want to tell andy's parents what they saw when he was killed. [speaking spanish] >> they say they were right behind the patrol car at a stop sign. she saw the deputies turn on their police lights and drive over to where the teenagers was standing in an open lot. they her the deputies call in english "drop the gun." [speaking spanish] >> she said almost immediately both deputies opened their doors and shots were fired. they said deputies only yelled once before opening fire. [speaking spanish] she said they shot immediately and didn't give him a chance to do anything. early on in this investigation police compared how similar lopez's assault weapon looks like a real weapon. and they believed he was going to point the gun at him. >> both deputies exited their vehicles but maintained cover behind their open doors. one of the deputies shouted at the subject to put the gun down. >> these women say the deputies shouted first and then got out of their car and fired. another witness we talked to earlier this week described the same. >> he pull over to the kid walking, and he just opened the door and shoot him. >> friday we learned the fbi will be conducting its own investigation of this shooting. these women say no one has interviewed them about what they saw. we did call the santa rosa police department about their story, and are yet to receive a return phone call. abc7 news. new details in the crash that killed five members of the same family on tuesday. police say 28-year-old ryan morales had been drinking shortly before he got behind the wheel and crashed his vehicle into a truck and killed the wife and children. he killed the driver, the pregnant wife and three children. morales is still in a hospital in critical condition. and a danville family will hold a memorial this afternoon for two children killed by a drunk driver a decade ago. troy fact and his younger sister were riding a scooter and a bicycle on the sidewalk when they were hit and killed by a 45-year-old man. the memorial starts at 4:00 at a anvil's sycamore elementary school. this morning a parolee who authorities say wounded four police officers and a federal agent near sacramento is locked up. authorities released this mug shot of the suspect, 32-year-old samuel duran. he surrendered after midnight yesterday following a nine hour standoff at a roseville home. the dramatic incident unfolded friday afternoon when the immigration agent and authorities tried to arrest the man. authorities say duran shot the agent in the leg and took off. four other roseville officers were hit by bullets or shrapnel. all but one was treated and released from the hospital. >> the suspect shot through the side of the residence and through an open window at the officers, and that's the way the officers received the injuries that they received. >> police have not revealed why duran was on parole in the first place. >> developing news this morning. r & b singer chris brown is in custody, accused of punching someone in the face. him and his bodyguards were arrested and charged with assault after an altercation outside a hotel this morning. on the red carpet is a man. tmz reports brown punched a man after he tried to get in on a picture he was taking with female fans. brown can't be released until he sees a judge. in 2009 he pleaded guilty in a domestic violence incident with his then girlfriend, rihanna. the marin county district attorney's office is expected to continue presenting their case tomorrow in the trial of a teenager accused of stealing a lamburghini and killed two people. they said he stole the car by slipping into a dealership in san francisco in 2011. prosecutors say he did it to impress a girl and later tried to kill that girl and her boyfriend by shooting at their car. they are expecting testimony tomorrow. in piedmont a high school has honored one of their most prestigious graduates who died serving his country. library that is renamed the ambassador christopher stevens memorial library. stevens graduated from piedmont high in 1978. he was killed in libya last year when terrorists attacked the u.s. consulate in benghazi. at the memorial his mother read from a letter he wrote earlier in his career. >> on a more selfish note, i this i can make a mark for myself in the near eastern bureau. yes, i'm ambitious, i admit it. [applause] >> government officials say stevens was overcome by smoke during the attack and went into cardiac arrest. the childhood home of apple co-founder steve jobs is about to go down in the history books. tomorrow the los altos historical commission will consider naming it a historical resource. it is the home is where he assembled his first 50 apple computers. they have been eyeballing the home for the past two years and it would add another layer of review if anyone tries to renovate the home. the new york stock exchange has done a dry run of twitter's initial public offering in hopes of avoiding the technical problems facebook experienced during its nasdaq debut. they said everything went smoothly yesterday. it was the first time they conducted a mock ipo that included traders simulating the buying and selling of shares. san francisco-based twitter is expected to go public sometime before thanksgiving. to buy and sell shares, that's how it works. >> yeah, i got it. >> thankfully you are better with the weather. >> it felt like summer yesterday. 70s then, and 80s today. look at all the cloud cover. temperatures will be slow to warm. then breezy winds will kick up. as much as 10 degrees cooler in most neighborhoods. i'll have the details when we return. >> also next, screaming teenagers on a school campus. but don't worry, they are not in any rereal danger. we will let you know what is behind the dramatic drill. and a tv experience that will inspire you to open the books ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ cornell bernard has this story. >> terrified students run from the elementary school after a gunman fired shots on campus. what you are watching is not real. it's only a drill. but the realistic situation being created here, a title exercise for first responders. >> we purposely try to make it a chaotic situation so if this happens, teams will be ready. >> this is part of urban shield. the largest real life drill for police and firemen in the country. sadly this comes a few days after a shooting in nevada where it left one teacher and a student dead. >> if your organization is not practicing this, you could find yourself in a bad situation possibly some day. >> angela volunteered to spend all day here playing the part of a shooting victim. the prosthetic wound on her hand, scarier than halloween makeup. she can't imagine what terror real victims face. i would be scared and i would know that the deputy is there to take care of it. >> police say the realistic training they received about schoolyard shootings was valuable. they also say it's something they hope they never, ever have to use. urban shield continues through the weekend. in san francisco, colonel bernard, abc7 news. >> a bay area couple bought a brand new l.e.d. tv but were stunned when they open the box and found the screen was cracked. the tv didn't work at all yet the store wouldn't take it back. michael finney has a warning about the policy. >> lizzy and her husband moved from brazil to the bay area. >> my husband had a job opportunity here. >> the couple was in temporary housing, shopping for furniture, when they saw a great deal from best buy. >> it was 58-inch l.e.d. tv from panasonic. >> the tv was marked down from $1,400 to 1,000, so they bought one. however, they left the tv packed in the box until they could move into their permanent home three weeks later. little did they know that would be a big mistake. >> when we moved into this house, we had the tv out. >> when they finally pulled the tv out of the box, they were stunned at what they found. >> the l.e.d. screen was all cracked. we looked at each other and said, no. >> but it was. >> lizzy is showing us where the screen was broken. when they turn the tv on, here is what they saw. a huge liquidy blob in the middle. a white patch on the side and an icon, but no picture. >> nobody can imagine that you will open a brand new tv box and then your tv, it's all damaged. >> their next surprise came when they tried to return the tv to best buy. >> the guy said, i'm sorry, but we cannot take the tv back. >> best buy has a 15-day return policy. the couple had purchased the tv 20 days earlier. unfortunately they didn't open the box soon enough. >> we were so frustrating and we know it wasn't our fault. >> panasonic wouldn't take the tv back either saying it wasn't responsible for a damaged screen. so we just said, okay, we spent $1,000. $1,000 that we put in the garbage. >> then someone told them about 7 on your side. >> we already watch it many times during the news, but we had no idea that we were eligible to participate. >> of course, they are eligible and the couple did contact me. >> that's when magic started happening. >> we contacted best buy and explained the couple's dilemma. this time their surprise was a nice one. >> i personally don't know what magic 7 on your side did, but two days after that, somebody from best buy called us -- >> best buy took back the broken tv after all and replaced it with a brand new one. lizzy said they don't have anything like 7 on your side in brazil. >> i couldn't believe that this thing was real, but now i'm proof of it. it really does magic! >> best buy declined to provide a statement for the story except to say it has replaced the cracked tv with a new one of the exact same model. now i would like to thank best buy for helping this couple in such a big way. so what is your take-away? open your boxes. make sure the products are in good working order before the return period expires. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> good advice. >> fishermen's wharf is trying to recover from lack of fleet week this year with war fest. merchants said they lost serious numbers without fleet week so they tried to bring people to the area without the naval show. >> we had a great turnout. we had a chowder competition, we sold out online, we sold out at the event today. we have a beer tasting area, and that's been selling out. we've had a really good turnout today. >> fleet week will be back next year and organizers say they will probably move war fest to the spring. war fest does continue today from 11:00 to 6:00. get out there and enjoy. just make sure to dress appropriately, which is going to mean a jacket. >> they had the sun in that shot. >> that was yesterday. >> yes. in san francisco today, very, very chilly. we take a look at live doppler 7hd. we've got not only the clouds, but overlay the visibility here. so where it is gray, the darker gray, you can see the fog and then the lighter conditions show where we are looking at some problems in terms of visibility. so we are cloudy all the way from san jose right here down along the central coast. but, you know, you can see pretty good. it's not really affecting much of the roadways here. but it is along the coast and in the north bay. 51 in san francisco. airport delays of over one hour. 50 san carlos, 52 half moon bay. get set for a cool, raw day along the coast. mt. tam looks nice and pretty, but the marine layer will be hard to budge most of the day. so you are a little bit warmer here, you had the clouds all night long so you didn't cool off as significantly but you won't warm up as much either. southwest winds gusting to 31 miles an hour in the delta. it's sunny here but it tells the sorry that the cooler air from the ocean being transport the all the way across the bay today, even into the central valley. big cool down for everyone. exploratorium camera, pretty gray. cloudy for most but sunshine toward concord. we will look for the consumer day today. winds are kicking up tonight in advance of a system that could spread a few light showers through the overnight hours and tomorrow mainly from san francisco south, that's the peninsula, maybe the higher elevations of the east bay, and the santa cruz mountains. if you take a look at our satellite image right here, you can see that area of low pressure. it's going to begin to drop down into the sierra nevada. as it does, the pressure gradients get tighter and we have gusty winds, even in the mountains. it will also provide snow for the sierra nevada and also southern california. above 5,000 feet several inches for the bay area. we are on the back side of it. not only the cooler air, the breezy winds tomorrow and tonight, but the chance of showers. we will take you through the next several hours. starting tonight we've got the cloudy skies, maybe a few pop upup showers through the overnight hours. here it is 2:00 in the morning. your commute should be relatively dry. but by the afternoon, noontime, still could have a few light showers. you will notice by 4:00 we are still looking a little unsettled around the bay. it's going to be very cold monday night and into tuesday not much of a temperature recovery, but we will have more sunshine. today we call it partly cloudy, 69 in san jose with 71 in los gatos and clouds lingering for the san mateo coast. 66 san mateo. and on the coast just in the upper 50s. san francisco 59 and up in the north bay. suggests earn marin, you have the clouds. but you get up into the sunshine and you will be in the 70s from calistoga to clover day. the east bay, near 60s for berkeley and oakland. 67 castro valley. sunnier for you. with the sunshine it will feel like a nice afternoon here. 70 in pleasanton and the accuweather seven-day forecast, after a big cool down today we cool even further tomorrow. getting windy tonight. a chance of showers tomorrow and then we will be cool and dry on tuesday. wednesday we begin the temperature recovery. we are dry for halloween. abc7 news has another great weather resource for you to follow. live doppler 7hd on twitter for the latest bay area weather conditions, rain or shine, and video forecasts, spare the air alerts and power outage information and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. it's not a biggy, it just brings us back to fall. >> where we are supposed to be. >> yes. >> thank you, lisa. next, we are off to the races. why people in colorado are wearing costumes and racing >> welcome back. here's some halloween spirit for you. ghosts with some get up and go hit the streets in colorado. hundreds of people came out yesterday to watch the emma crawford coffin races in manitou springs. teams pick a theme and design their own costume and coffin. the event is inspired by a local woman who died of tuberculosis in 1890. as the story goes, her fiancee carried her coffin to the top of red mountain for burial, and a year later the coffin slid down the mountain, inspiring the event. so if that doesn't get you in the mood for hall reason, check out we have links for halloween happenings across the bay area. coming up next, google? the unusual construction going on in the bay. to those who've encountered a bump in the road... welcome to covered california. new, affordable health plans so you can be ready for whatever comes your way. enroll today at more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage. and more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. it is a completely new era of innovation. and the highest expression of mercedes-benz. introducing the 2014 s-class. the best or nothing. introducing the 2014 s-class. when ifor your business..curity tyco integrated security. we'll do a security review of your business to understand your needs, customize an integrated solution that meets your specific challenges. and deliver it all with responsive local service, and a personal passion to help you protect your business. we'll even give you the power to manage it all... right from the palm of your hand. call us for a free security review. >> welcome back, everyone. it's 9:30. we are starting this half-hour with a quick look we weather. he's meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi, isn't this a gorgeous shot? it shows not only the breeze but plenty of low clouds and fog. starting out typically cool. it's a few degrees milder this morning. 53 livermore. you have sunshine in concord, but that moderation will be offset by stronger onshore winds and slow clearing. look at the highs, only 670s and 70s today. the 80s well out into the central valley. you have to wait on the sunshine. i'll have the details on some breeze city conditions tonight. and when showers will arrive. all coming up in a few minutes. katie. >> thank you, lisa. developing news. five people in new york city are dead this morning, including four children after they were stabbed. that happened at a home in brooklyn's sunset park neighborhood late last night. authorities say the children who were stabbed were ages 1, 5, 7 and 9. a 37-year-old woman was also killed. a man has been taken into custody, but so far no official charges have been filed. we don't know whether or not he is or what led to the stabbing. >> new details about the fair ride accident in north carolina that sent five people to the hospital. authorities have charged the ride operator with three counts of assault with a deadly weapon. the ride, call the vortex, stopped and then started up again thursday night while people were trying to get off of it. inspectors determined the ride had been tampered with. three people are still in the hospital. the mistress of a former utah doctor accused of killing his wife will be back on the stand testifying on tuesday. gypsy willis freely admitted the relationship with martin mcneal, 20 years her senior. she said she lived in an apartment he paid for and she became the nanny for his children after his wife was found dead in the bathtub. >> was there any question that you were going to be hired as a nanny? >> i don't believe martin would have had me come if there was any objection his kids had objected. >> my dad was cooking, and she was sitting there staring at my dad. the children were taking care of themselves. >> michelle mcneal died in 2007. her death was originally ruled as natural, but was later changed to undetermined. martin mcneal is charged with giving his wife a toxic mix of prescription drugs. >> knew this morning, washington facing scrutiny over allegations it speed on its allies. today on "this week" former vice president dick cheney weighed in on the debate. while not giving classified information about incidents that happened while he was in the office, he hinted at the importance of having an intelligence program in place. >> without revealing the details of the classified information, this was a valuable program? >> i am not talking about a specific program. i'm talk about our overall intelligence capabilities are important to the security of this nation and need to be preserved. >> meanwhile germany's interior minister is pressing washington for information on the alleged information about spying on their cell phones. >> and pope francis is trying to strike a new tone. 150,000 people gathered for a special mass where the pope is celebrating family weekend. abc news reporter has the story. >> this morning the pope is once again breaking from tradition. this time at an annual event for families where 150,000 families from 70 countries joined the pope in romero to profess their faith. ♪ we are the children >> now for the first time hundreds of children and elderly people are standing side by side with the pope. instead of in the audience. emphasizing the importance of different generations. the pope saying saturday, every family is part of the history of a people. it cannot exist without the generations who have gone before it. >> in the united states we are so isolated as families. he wants to tell us that old people and young people can live together, support one another, be there for one another. >> the families are on a pilgrimage to st. peter's tomb. >> certainly we see them coming out in the hundreds of thousands to listen to him, to be with him, to share their stories with him, to pray with him, to be inspired. >> the pope also telling the families, the lord knows our struggles. and the burdens we have in our lives. but he also no, sir our great desire to find joy and rest. >> abc news. >> some high school seniors are finding it difficult it send in their college applications this year. an online portal, called "the common app" has been plagued by software glitches. and what is worse than a stressed out senior? a panicked parent. abc7 news education reporter lyanne melendez explains. >> reporter: jonathan chan went online to apply to several colleges through something called "common applications." >> it's hectic. it's a lot of work. i'm just glad it's done. >> reporter: using only one form, students can pick their colleges from a list of more than 500 universities in the u.s. and abroad. it's been so popular, common app had to spend millions of dollars to upgrade their system. but when students started to fill out their early applications this month, there were clearly problems with the software. >> parents are e-mailing me, telling me that their daughter has been trying to submit and they go to "my colleges," all their colleges that are in the list, and half of them are gone. >> michelle is an independent college advisor in walnut creek. all of her 20 seniors have had some kind of problem. there are reports of students repeatedly being logged out or duplicated payments. chan said he spent days trying to get his application in. >> what we realized was when i typed in my name into the common app account, i said jonathan chan and put a space bar after. that set up a bunch of problems and i wasn't able to connect. >> twitter is where problems are reported and they can vent their problems. >> this has never happened before. >> some colleges have been forced to extend their early application deadlines. saint mary's college said they may have to do the same. the college is now behind in the application process because of these glitches. >> we have a wonderful staff of folks who will work late into the night to make sure everything happens correctly for our students and our families. >> reporter: the common application has apologized and managed to fix two of the major problems with the website. they will now issue daily updates to help students meet their deadlines. in walnut creek, lyanne melendez, abc7 news. >> those were stressful time. there's speculation that a huge barge floating on the bay near treasure island may be long to goggle. the structure is made out of modern cargo containers and it stands about four stories high. the local tech analysts believe its home to a google data center. something the company has thought about doing for a while but google is not commenting. >> uses marijuana to fight the effects of cancer is not new, but a new study finds certain types of cannabis can actually kill or inhibit the growth of cancer c they found six nonpsychoactive ingredients in marijuana were able to reduce the viability of leukemia cells. they hope to turn it into a medication within the next few years. it is published in the journal anti-cancer research. straight ahead on the sunday morning news, making a difference. volunteers come together on the peninsula to change the face and the feel of a bay area community. and taking a live look outside right now at sfo. guess what that means. yeah, a lot of fog, and we are just learning that because of the low ceiling, there's actually a traffic management program in effect. what that means is arriving flights are delayed. some of them more than an hour, an hour and fourteen minutes on average. if you have anyone coming in on sfo, ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ >> good morning, welcome back, everyone. it's 9:30 on your sunday morning. this is a live look at san jose this morning. you can see how gray the skies are root now. it's cloudy. there are also areas of fog and just 52 degrees. it will get a little warmer, but nothing like we saw yesterday. so bundle up and lisa argen will be along shortly with everyone's forecast. tomorrow a state senate subcommittee will be talking about ways to improve safety communication between pg&e and city officials regarding pipelines. the move comes after a pipeline was shut down in san carlos earlier this month over safety concerns. san carlos officials say they first learned from the media, not pg&e, that flawed documents were used to wrongly declare the pipeline safe. the line was ordered shut down earlier this month, but has since been allowed to be reconnected to flow at a much lower pressure. >> palo alto is considering adding a digital billboard along highway 101 in an effort to bring in revenue. our media partner, the mercury news, reports a digital messaging center would be placed on a piece of city-owned property on the end of colorado avenue. annual revenue from the billboard would range from $700,000 to $1 million. the money would be used to repair or replace much of the city's existing infrastructure. if it is going to be electronic anywhere, it should be in palo alto where tech lives 678 but it's cloudy down there. >> we is the clouds right now. mentioned the airport delays, but things will slowly clear out, but not everywhere. temperatures for everyone will be much, much cooler and maybe introducing a little bit of rain. feel like fall the next couple of days. i will tell you when we have a warmup in store when we return. >> thanks, lisa. also next, an unbelievable finish to game three of the world series between the red sox and cardinals. mike shumann has the highlights and the controversial final play so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. >> welcome back, everyone. it's 9:44. you are looking live at the golden gate bridge. people driving with your low beams on. that's what you are supposed to do in the fog. it's a cool one. temperatures will approach 60, but not quite get there. lisa argen will have the full forecast come up in a few moments. if they bundle up, they will have a great time tomorrow. school children in east palo alto will be able to frolic on a brand new playground. last week hundreds of volunteers took a day off of work to build the structure, which was designed by the community at the cesar chavez academy. abc7 news reporter david louie brings us the incredible images. >> reporter: cultivating teamwork is a part of silicon valley life. volunteers from s. a. p. and adobe came with a tall order, build a play drowned in six hours. >> this will change their lives. these kids have to walk 20 minutes to another playground, and that's 20 minutes of instructional time they don't get. we will change their day as a result of this playground. >> reporter: parents and school leaders applied two years ago to kaboom, a nonprofit group that has helped 2500 schools across the country to create quality playgrounds to round out education. they raised $78,500 and offered input about what kind of equipment would be best for their children. cornel garland is a parent of a six-year-old student here. >> we come to meetings talking about it, what to pick out for the playground. you know, everybody made decisions and we all voted what's going to be in the playground, what's best for the kids. >> reporter: two licensed playground contractors helped to super advice the work teams. it helped that collaborated on six previous playground projects. >> they knew the designs for the gross motor skills, and it will meet the needs of the kids. >> we are so excited. >> besides the adrenaline rush from meeting a tight deadline volunteers also get the satisfaction of improving the lives of east palo alto students. >> when you finish and look back and see the playground completed, it's an awesome feeling. and then see the kids coming out and saying thank you. >> and the children at cesar chavez did just that one small group at a time. >> can you say awesome? >> awesome! >> can you say amazing! >> amazing! >> the playground was ready right on schedule, but the children will have to wait until monday for the concrete to dry. in east palo alto, david louie, abc7 news. >> very, very excite the kids there. weather might put a damper in their spirits but you are always happy on a playground. >> that's right. they are already sunny by the delta and concord. this shows the visibility. we have the fog here. quart mile visibility from santa rosa down through watsonville and it is banked up along the short line. we will look for some clearing today. certainly here in san jose. your average high should be about 73, coming in just a little shy of that. san francisco 51. 52 in oakland. good morning san carlos, 50 for you. half moon bay staying cloudy and in the 50s all day long. the view from mt. tam looks nice but the winds are kicking up. this is from above because you are all gray from below. it will be much, much cooler in the north bay today. 47 in santa rosa with the fog. 50 in novato and 53 livermore. you have some sunshine out toward concord, but you will be out of the 80s today and just in the low to mid-70s. changes throughout the entire bay area. the exploratorium camera, pretty gray out there. most of you are cloudy. we will be cooler for everyone today. the winds will kick up starting along the coast this evening. then throughout the entire bay area and compliments of a strong area of low pressure we will see the possibility of some showers, but a much cooler beginning of the week. not only tomorrow, but into tuesday, as well. here's a look at our visible picture right now. you see all the clouds. the on-shore winds will allow for much of the low clouds and fog to stay put for the next couple of hours. but slowly the fog deck will erode and we will get into some sunshine. a dry afternoon. here's what is coming. take a look at this spin in the atmosphere. we are looking at this area of low pressure bringing much, much cooler air. snow to the sierra nevada. gusty winds for the afternoon in the valley. if you are headed to the mountains, some very gusty winds today. for us around the back side on it so the winds kick up later on this evening. then the possibility of showers, mainly through the overnight hours into tomorrow and not a great chance either. in fact, it's basically from the southern portion of the viewing area from the santa cruz mountains, the south bay. this is 2:00 in the morning. so you will notice the north bay not a lot of action through the early morning commute. basically dry, but by noontime can't rule out the possibility of a shower mainly in the south bay. the higher elevations of the east bay. then the system moves out. we are much, much colder tomorrow night. sunshine returns, but the temperature recovery will be slow throughout the beginning of the week. in fact none really until we get to about wednesday. 58 monterey, 77, it will be sunny and breezy in sacramento. temperatures here will range from the upper 50s half moon bay. 55 santa cruz and mid-60s down toward fremont. 72 in livermore. headed over to the raiders this afternoon, looking nice. partly cloudy, in the 60s. the accuweather seven-day forecast. so big cool down today, even more cooling tomorrow. we are below afternoon today and tomorrow with the chance of showers, then more sunnier and we won't be warmer until thursday and a little warmer friday and maybe some rain next weekend. >> it will be nice. thank you, lisa. the u.s. women's national soak team will face new zealand today at candlestick park. also the match the candlestick will be the first time they have played in san francisco in their 28 year history. the last time the women were in the bay area was in 2007. they beat japan at spartan stadium in san jose. in sports, the 49ers play the jacksonville jaguars in london at wimbley stadium in what could be just horrid game conditions. possibility of heavy rain and up to 70 mile-an-hour winds. kickoff is at 10:00 a.m. our time. at 1:05 the raiders return from their bye week to face the steelers at the coliseum. last night, game three of the world series between the red sox and cardinals had a very controversial ending. here's mike with the sports. >> baseball's top of the order. after the first two games in boston the world series shifted to st. louis for game three. it may have been the most unusual ending to a world series game in a long time. the managers looking to take the series lead. cards would draw first blood in the first. matt holiday takes jake peavy the other way. matt carpenter scores. the cards go up one after the score. 2-1 st. louis now in the sixth. boston's single to left. shane victorino comes across. game tied at two. holiday unties it in the seventh. men on first and second. he hits a shot down the line. both carpenter and beltran would score. cards up 4-2. holiday 3 reb on the night. bottom of the i think. men on second and third for the cards. and one out, john grounds to pedroia, he comes home. molina is out. saltalamacchia throws it to third. it gets away. allen craig is coming home. he's going to be called safe. the umpire ruled the third base and will middle brook obstructed runner. craig is awarded home, 5-4 is the final. they will be talking about this for a long time. cards take the 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven series. >> the umpires defined it. as they are going to. yeah, it was obviously -- it is going to be a conversation one way or the other because, you know, we saw the tangle there and it's just a matter of how they interpret it. that's the rule. sixth ranked stanford's only loss is on the road this season and they avenged that loss last night in corvallis. oregon state. oregon state won six straight coming into this contest. 22 carries, 145 yards and 3tds. 20-9, stanford. seven seconds left, fourth and goal. down 8. they broke it up by ed reynolds. great play. stanford goes on to win, 20-12, improving to 7-1. cal in seattle facing the huskies where they played -- paid tribute to the late great coach john james. the quarterback ran for a career high 241 yards. and they fall and sixth straight loss, they are 1-7. san jose state hosting wyoming. homecoming night. third quarter. brett smith to brandon miller. untouched into the end zone. cowboys take the lead. but david to jones. third td reception of the game. 30 yards. 44-37, state. tied at 44. 4th and inches at the wyoming 46. fales to bill freeman. are you kidding me? gutsy call and it pays off. fales, 5 t.d. passes. just one yard plunge on the ground wins it. 51-44, the final. that's correct, second period, sharks on the power plant. patrick marleau and joe thornton. tick-tack-toe and logan couture gets it in. sharks with insurance third period. patrick marleau dumps it in. takes a weird bounce off the glass. right to couture. he has a wide-open net. logan's sixth of the year. sharks win it. that's the way the ball bounces. i'm mike shumann. see you again tonight at 5:00. have a great day! >> indeed. >> next, it is derby day in san francisco. the big race of a different kind >> here are the winning numbers from last night's power ball draw. nobody got them for wednesday night's jackpot estimated at $50 million. the winning numbers from last night's $22 million super lotto plus draw are: nobody got all six of those either so wednesday's jackpot grows to $23 million. drivers of a different kind will take to the streets of san francisco today. the 2013 soapbox derby and block party will get underway at 11:00. spectators can watch homemade derby cars race down here. pretty impressive. impressive crashes, as well. and something more safe, food trucks and activities for the kids. the event runs until 3:00 and it is free. no reason not to check it out. looks like a lot of fun. just dress appropriately. >> yeah. we saw the sun in that shot. there will be plenty of clouds today. in fact, temperatures will be struggling to make it near 60 today in san francisco. not only cooler than afternoon, but about 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. 66 san mateo. look are for temperatures in the low 70s and sunny skies in the east bay valleys. mid-60s around the bay. the further north you goat, warmer in the north bay. winds will pick up tonight, a chance are showers and cooler tomorrow. we will look for cool conditions again on tuesday. we will warm up midweek, though. >> lisa, thank you, and thank you all of us for joining us on the abc7 news. we continue at 5:00 p.m. until then, have a great day, everyone. into an easy dinner with crescent dogs. just separate, add hot dogs, cheese, roll 'em up, and bake. lookin' hot, c-dog. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. [ hans ] toaster strudel! [ angelic music plays ] don't overthink it. [ hans ] warm, flakey, gooey. toaster strudel! hello. for the past 25 years through our profiles with excellence series we've been highlighting bay area residents who made important contributions to our community. today we are celebrating the bay area cultural diversity, using the cultural center as a


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 530pm 20131027

rosa where the memorial is growing. don? >> reporter: that's right ann. from the moral outrage and anger that we saw earlier in the week people have come here today respectingly and quietly to the place where andy lopez died to remember him and mourn. flowers, candles and cards continue to mount at this memorial for 13-year-old andy lopez. investigators say the boy didn't comply tuesday when ordered to throw down the air soft gun. a toy of an ak-47. he was killed here in a hail of bullets from the gun of an experienced sheriff. >> middle-aged man, 24 years experience as a cop. and this is what we get. it's just outagous. >> we used to play air soft guns right here when we were little kids you know when we were young. >> the kid who got killed. he's going to miss christmas and halloween. >> reporter: the deputy fired eight times in ten seconds and seven bullets hit lopez. the number of shots fired is not unusual according to craig guise who trains police officers for high stress situations. >> an average officer without stress will probably shoot two to three rounds without any stress at all. you can double that under stress. >> reporter: the shooting prompted a fire storm of protests. on friday demonstrators marched to the sheriff's office. [ people chanting ] newly poured concrete was used to write remembrances for the boy. today the inpromote memorial has been brushed over and probably torn up and it will be some time before the case of the shooting of the 13-year-old is resolved much less forgotten. at least three investigations are underway. by the show that county sauce, the santa rosa police and now the fbi. >> we're reviewing the shooting of andy lopez and we will do our due diligence to determine whether or not a federal crime has been committed or not. >> reporter: the sheriff told the santa rosa press democrat he welcomes the involvement of the fbi. reporting live in santa rosa, don knapp, kpix 5. after a similar incident 25 years ago when two san francisco police officers fatally shot a 13-year-old boy, san francisco banned sales of realistic looking toy guns. federal agents seized millions of dollars in a virtual currently used on the black market website that was notorious. the alleged operator silk row was arrested at a san francisco library at the beginning of this month. agents now say $28 million worth of coins were found on hardware seized during the bust. they allow users to make online transactions with one another without involving a bank. people in a roosevelt neighborhood are still waiting to return home tonight more than 24 hours after a shootout that wounded five police officers and an immigration agent. we are at the scene and she's learned more about the suspect who was arrested and how this standoff unfolded. >> reporter: well, ann the home where this standoff took place is behind me just down the street here and you can see the block the still roped off as investigators continue to van cass the -- canvass the area more than 24 hours after this started. we can look at sammy duh ran's mug shot now that was just recently released. you can see the face is pretty banged up in the picture. officers say he was shot in the hand and did suffer cuts and bruises to the face. video of the crazy scene in the neighborhood last night. at a press conference today roseville police said this all started around 3:00 in the afternoon yesterday when police officers and an i. c. e. agent was riding through the area here as part of a gang sweep when they saw him riding a bicycle and they recognized him as a wanted pro lee. he took off running and that's when an officer chased him on foot. the others followed in a car. investigators say du ran fired the first shot. and duran took off again. now police say duran entered a home here right behind me off hampton drive while a husband, wife and child were inside. they were all able to escape just before police say again duran and officers exchanged gunfire through a window of that home. and that's where the other officers were hurt one was shot, four others were hit by shrapnel i'm told and they believe duran had a handgun on him and once he was inside the home here he started turning on the gas a major concern. >> well, it was reports of him turning on gas and actually evidence that there was gas from both officers and people calming us from -- calling us from the neighborhood saying they could smell gas. so if you saw the pg&e trucks last night that's why they were there because the last thing we wanted is for that house and all the surrounding houses to blow up from all the gas igniting. so that's why pg&e was there. we believe he turned on that gas, why, we can't know for sure at this point. >> reporter: now i'm told four officers and the federal i. c. e. agent have been released from the hospital and one officer remains in serious condition with a gunshot wound to his jaw. but he is expected to survive. in roseville. kpix 5. and thank you. lodi police now say the suspect in a crash that killed five people had been drinking before it happened. 28-year-old ryan morales was released from prison last month and didn't have a driver's license. he was speeding when he crashed into a family's vehicle on tuesday. luis miranda his pregnant wife and flee of -- three of their four children were killed. one son survived. the suspect is hospitalized in critical condition. an hour from now piedmont high school dedicated its library to the late u.s. ambassador chris stevens. stevens was killed in the terror attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya on september 11th, 2012. he graduated from piedmont high school in 1978 and some of his family members still live in the east bay. well, hundreds of people took part today in a protest against the nation's surveillance programs. they filed -- filled the streets of washington, d.c. upset over what they call a violation of the average citizens' privacy. as ko im explains the allegations come amidst -- >> reporter: hundreds of demonstrators in washington, d.c. protested against a national security agency's surveillance program. [ people chanting ] organizers are from the group stop watching us and want the government to do just that. [ people chanting ] many people carried signs thanking nsa leaker edward snowden. it was snowden who revealed details of a spy program that collects cell phone data and internet communications from u.s. citizens. justin of the government accountability project read a message from social mediaen to the crowd. >> we are here to remind our government officials that they are public servants not private investigators. >> reporter: snowden also leaked a memo saying the u.s. was able to monitor the phone records of 35 world leaders. president obama insists they are not tapping america ill's calls and ordered a review of u.s. spying. intelligence chiefs are expected in washington this coming week for answers. ko im for cbs news. >> the protestors delivered a petition to congress where legislation addressing domestic surveillance is expected in the coming week. a bay area police chief is moving on. >> and so leaving palo alto is like leaf ago part of the -- leaving a part of the family. >> the impact he's had on the community and where he'll be taking his skills. >> and no, this driver wasn't just in a hurry. why he says he had no choice but to take his car down the set. >> for the kpix 5 weather center. good evening everybody. we have a day that does feature at least a chance of rain in your forecast. i'll pinpoint that day and the seven day forecast as the news continues on kpix 5. ,,,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. plumes of ash -- spewing fr sicily's mount etna. it erupted take a look at this. streams of red hot lava and plumes of ash spewing from sicily's mount etna. it erupted overnight creating this fiery scene. the latest series of eruptions happened after more than a dozen smollett quakes in the -- small earthquakes in the areament this is the 14th time it erupted this year. all right, here's one way to get from point a. to point b.. a man drove his bmw down the steps outside a philadelphia museum. he took the car up top but the brakes filled causing it to roll down. he says he jumped in to safely get it down to the bottom. the driver turned himself into police after this video was posted online. they confiscated the car to inspect the brakes. a bay area police chief credited with helping stop vie leapt crime gets -- violent crime gets ready to step down but he's not leaving the business, how he'll take his local expertise to the national level. ,, here's bubba watson. the master of the escape. dadada dadada blue 375 razor! wait for it... ooooh! dadada dadada moves in, shoots, and scores! curry off the bounce, wow! dadada dadada dadada dadada dadada dadada mccutchen coming over and he makes the catch! that'll be on sportscenter! more on kershaw's dominating win, next! dadada! dadada! co san jose has spent nine months looking for its next police chief. now it looks like the new top cop is nearly in place. the city manager says acting chief larry escavel is her choice for the job. he has been with the department for 28 years and has been leading the department since january. he would take over the department that faces a declining number of officers and a battle over pensions. and the peninsula city will also be searching for a new top cop as anne makovec reports, east palo alto's police chief is headed to the nation's capital to share the skills he's used to make a big impact already. >> the police department without the community would be an occupying force. >> reporter: in a city once known as the murder capital of the u.s., chief ronald davis had his work cut out for him when he took the reigns of the pd in 2005 with one hope in mind. >> you solve it in a way that actually strengthens our relationships and not burns down the village in order to save it. >> reporter: over the past eight and a half years the chief now 50 years old learned a lot about what he called community policing. >> what i mean not just through meetings but through the relinquishing of power. and authority. you have to share that community. >> reporter: the year he arrived the city of just over 32,000 saw 15 homicides. by last year that -- homicides. by last year that number was cut in half. >> eight is completely unacceptable. >> reporter: he sees hope in the next generation, his favorite moments on the job? swearing in new recites. >> so every time i get to have them raise their hand and see that commitment in their eyes and energy, it kind of reenergizes the department. >> reporter: now he's ready to energize departments all over the country as the head of the u.s. justice department's national community policing effort. taking lessons he learned in east palo alto nationwide but keeping an eye on the city he's grown to love. >> i leave knowing that i'm really going to enjoy watching east palo alto get stronger and better and watch as the police department exceeding expectation that is i could have ever imagined. they're primed for that. >> reporter: in east palo alto, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> it's not clear whether east palo alto will look internally or outside the department for a new chief. well, all over the bay area today, people had the chance to safely get rid of prescription drugs. this site in santa clara was one of several dropoff locations. people brought their unwanted and expired prescription drugs no questions asked. this is the seventh time they have teamed up with local agencies for the event. last april, 18 tons of prescription drugs were collected in the bay area. roberta gonzales joining us now and she has some rain in the forecast. i can hope for it's not thursday, that's halloween. >> right or you have to wear that slicker. >> the clear garbage bag? >> what are your daughters going to be? >> we have a kitty cat and a fairy princess. >> what is mom dressing as? >> their mother. i'm too scary when i dress up. >> really? >> uh-huh. >> scary anchor woman. >> i get it okay. hi everybody. >> what a day across the bay area today. let's step on outside right now because we do have some changes in the form of that right there. this is the stratus pushing on shore right now. it's a shall lee deck of fog but nevertheless, the coast is not clear. livermore currently in the 80s and otherwise we're in the 70s and in mountain view and san jose and we tumble in the 60s in san francisco. very cool. otherwise 56 degrees right now in ocean beach. we head to the south to san jose, a bit on the hazy side. currently 73 degrees. the winds are under 10. the humidity is at 39%. here's what you need to know official sun down at 6:18. just think, one week from tonight when you go the bed, it's the end of daylight savings. mm. okay tomorrow morning sun up at 7:29 and we have a chance of rain back in the forecast. we'll get to that day but right now you saw that haze in san jose? everybody has some stagnant air quality for the sunday. therefore moderate air quality from the north bay all the way into the valley. yes. you need that blanket tonight. santa rosa dipped down at 35 last night. not as cold tonight but still in the low 40s. mid 40s trivalley and upper 40s san jose. and low 50s coming across the central bay. let's go at it. futurecast clearly illustrates we do have the return of the stratus hanging very tight to the saab mateo -- san mateo coast and notice it hugs the coastline all day tomorrow with only some panel clearing at best. that's going toeclip the numbers down for the -- to keep the numbers down for your sunday. it's upstream but i'm noticing an area of low pressure that wants to nick the sierra nevada area. also it also wants to nick our eastern portion of our bay area on monday. so even though we only have a chance of a light shower on monday, you're going to notice a difference with the cooler air mass. 70s and 80s across the central valley on the sunday. 60 south shore and low 70s at half stone. here's the pinpoint forecast. 56 to 60 lining the seashore. 60s 70s coming tomorrow. late day peninsula to the mid 70s and low 80s for morgan hill to gilroy. to the eastern portion of the district and well inland the warmest locations 81 brentwood, tracy oakley. pleasanton. black milwaukee 80 -- blackhawk 80 degrees. 77 degrees in yucaipa while santa rosa stays close to the 70s which is average and a good five degrees below normal. check out monday. yes you will feel the difference. tuesday slight recovery. transition day wednesday. and then we begin a recovery as we slide towards with weekend and again -- the weekend and again daylight savings ends on saturday night, sunday morning that's when you fall back a full hour. >> we'll reminds you again and i'll need a reminder. thank you very much. all right vern cal and stanford in action tonight. >> but i'm here to show you i'm not just a one dimensional guy. not all about college football? i have more game. don't move. ting- 101 hand take a national,,,,,, [uncle]this is hopscotch,okay? uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? story, and localize it... i1 to ld series... baseball up top. here's one straight out of the broadcasting 101 handbook. take a national story and localize it. item one today? the world series. >> as we gather tonight on baseball's biggest stage. >> there's no bigger baseball spotlight and no prouder pockets of the bay area than the mountain view and petaluma areas. cardinals' danny and red sox daniel nava and jonny gomes get a taste of this home grown bay area talent. they are graduated of st. francis high school. >> now daniel nava. >> hitting a home run against rear don. when he was a senior. that was a real special moment for not just me and him but for the rest of the guys on the team. they went nuts. because he wasn't big enough to hit a home run. he was about half your size. >> is that right? [ laughter ] >> here is danny. >> i didn't have to teach him anything. i had to do nothing. i just said -- wrote up the lineup honestly. he was that good. >> further north in petaluma is joey gomes is year older than his red sox left fielding brother johnny. when johnny made the grab in game one. the older gomes wasn't surprised. >> he's pretty much 100%. and all-out all the time. but now the world is getsing a chance to see it playing on the biggest stage. the world series. and that play is just a little epitome of the way the guy goes about playing baseball and living life every day. >> gomes writes 707 on his shoes the petaluma area code. move himself into the fan fabric as an oakland athletic last season. his brother says he takes nothing for granted. >> i honestly believe he's just -- he is not afraid to fail. you know he was the guy that was written off at an early age and i think when you kind of have that, you inherently have a chip on your shoulder. that never comes off. >> all right, and they're all watching the world series right now. the cardinals leading 2-0 in the 3rd. oakley football. san jose state trailing wyoming 23-14 near the half. cal up 28 and a half point underdog at washington. that hurts moe to even say is that -- me to even say that. stanford a touchdown row favorite at oregon state. 100,000 in tuscaloosa for number one alabama. and a red storm roll tide all over tennessee. that's cooper. a first quarter catch and run. a 54-yard play for the touchdown. tennessee blown right out of the stadium today folks. justin worley picked by landon collins and down the field he goes. he's not going to stop until he completes 89 yards for the pick 6. the crimson tide roll 45-10. to miami. it's all about the u.. down four. a minute to go in the game. duke johnson, touched it in to give the canes a lead over wake forest. of course still trying to make something out of it and antonio crawford is going to -- steal it with that -- seal it with that. pick. number seven miami escapes 24- 21 over the doe monodeacons -- demon deacons of wake forest. jared jack not the only player on the cavaliers with bay area ties. st. mary's alum matthew delabododa made the team. the sharp shooting australian signed on with the cavs during the summer and did enough during the preseason to make the squad. boy. dreams can come true. soccer, after having the best record in the mls last season. san jose earthquake needed a miracle to get into the playoffs. they needed colorado to lose and pregnant pause -- they needed to beat fc dallas this afternoon by 13 goals. >> so you're telling me there's a chance. >> yeah. final game for earthquake ramiro corrales retiring after 15 seasons. got a chance here. a goal in the final game. just wide. quake's up 1460 in the second -- 1-0 if the second half. -- in the second half. where's wan doe? scoring the goal. they fall 12 goals short of pulling off the miracle. they win though the final game, final of 2-1. this afternoon. >> they cared about him. all right thank you very much. that's it for us at 5:30. we hope to see you back here in half an hour. until then our news updates are on good night. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> axelrod: tonight, storm over surveillance. more fallout at home and overseas after revelations the n.s.a. eaves dropped on u.s. allies' phone conversations. kelly cobiella has the latest. police kill a 13-year-old holding a toy gun after two other students are accused of killing teachers. carter evans takes a closer look at a worrisome week with kids and weapons. jay-z's in a tight spot, don dahler on how charges of racial profiling at one upscale store may upend a big business deal for the rapper and entrepreneur. and one good turn. nearly a year after sandy, one of the storm's first responders gets just the kind of help he's given to others. >> wow!


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20131027

mourning a 13-year-old boy shot and killed by a deputy while carrying a toy rifle. earlier this week, there were outraged proests and now don knapp reports that things have taken a more somber tone. [ no audio ] >> reporter: flowers candles and cards continue to mount at this memorial for 13-year-old andy lopez. investigators say the boy did not comply tuesday when order to throw down his air soft gun. he was killed here in a hail of bullets from the gun of an experienced sonoma county deputy sheriff. >> that is with we get. -- what we get. just outrageous. >> we used to play air soft guns right here when we were little kids you know when we were young. >> the kid who got hilled. he's going to miss christmas and halloween. >> reporter: the deputy fired eight times in ten seconds, seven bullets hit lopez. the number of shots fired is not unusual according to craig guise who trains police officers for high stress situations. >> an average officer without stress will probably shoot two to three rounds without any stress at all. you can double that under stress. >> reporter: the shooting prompted a fire storm of protests. on friday demonstrators marched to the sheriff's office. [ people chanting ] newly poured concrete was used to write remembrances for the boy. today the impromptu memorial has been brushed over and will probably be torn up. there'll be some time before the case of the shooting of a 13-year-old is resolved. much less forgotten. at least three investigations are underway by the sonoma county sheriff's office, the santa rosa police and now the fbi. >> we're reviewing the shooting of andy lopez. we will do our due diligence to determine whether or not a federal crime has been committed or not. >> reporter: the sheriff told the press democrat he welcomes the fbi involvement in the investigation. wean mile as you can see behind me a few people have gathered here at the memorial this evening and some folks here have been passing out flyers promoting still another march and demonstration for next wednesday. reporting live in santa rosa, don knapp, kpix 5. well, federal agentings have seized $28 million worth of a virtual currency during they investigation of a black -- their investigation of a black market website. they were allegedly found on hardware belonging to -- he is accused of operating the website silk road where people could buy illegal drugs among other things. he was arrested this month at a san francisco library. some people in roseville are still waiting to get back into their homes. more than 24 hours after a shootout that wounded five officers and an immigration agent. the suspect 32-year-old samuel duran was arrested overnight after a long standoff. one of the officers is still hospitalized in serious condition but is expected to make a full recovery. and we're learning more about how this standoff unfolded. police believe duran turned on the gas in the house he was holed up in and that made the situation even more dangerous they say with irrisioning of an ex-- a risk of an explosion. >> there was actually evidence there was gas from both officers and people calling us from the neighborhood saying they could smell gas. the last thing we wanted is for that house and all the surrounding houses to blow up from all the gas igniting. >> duran was being sought on a parole violation. he now faces several other charges including attempted murder. and lodi police now say the suspect in a crash that killed five people had been drinking before it happened. 28-year-old ryan morales was released from prison last month and didn't are a driver's license. he was speeding when he crashed into a family's vehicle on tuesday police say. luis miranda, his pregnant wife, and three of their four young children were killed. one son survived. a suspect is hospitalized in critical condition. san jose's nine month search for the next police chief is apparently over. the city manager says she's ready to make acting chief the city's new top cop. escavel has been with the police department for 28 years. he took over on the interim basis in january. he could face numerous challenges including a battle over officers' dependences and a -- pensions and a completed staff. anne makovec reports east palo alto's police chief is headed to the nation's capital to share the skill he's already used to make a big impact. s down the villiage i >> the police department without the community would be an occupying force. >> reporter: in a city once known as the murder capital of the u.s., chief ronald davis had his work cut out for him when he took the reigns of the east palo alto pd in 2005 with one hope in mind. >> you solve it in a way that actually strengthens our relationships and not burns down the village in order to save it. >> reporter: over the past eight and a half years the chief now 50 years old learned a lot about what he called community policing. >> what i mean not just through meetings but through the relinquishing of power. and authority. you have to share that community. >> reporter: the year he arrived the city of just over 32,000 saw 15 homicides. by last year that number was almost cut in half. >> open though eight is a big difference than 15, eight is completely unacceptable. >> reporter: he sees hope in the next generation. his favorite moments on the job? swearing in new recruits. >> so every time i get to have them raise their hand and see that commitment in their eyes and energy, it kind of reenergizes the department. >> reporter: now he's ready to energize departments all over the country as the head of the u.s. justice department's national community policing effort. taking lessons he learned in east palo alto nationwide but keeping an eye on the city he's grown to love. >> i leave knowing that i'm really going to enjoy watching east palo alto get stronger and better and watch as the police department exceeds expectations that i could have ever imagined. they're primed for that. >> reporter: in east palo alto, anne makovec, kpix 5. it's not clear whether east palo alto will look internally or outside the department for a new chief. a gun show is back in alameda county after a long legal saga. the ts gun show returned to the county fairgrounds in pleasanton today for the first time in 14 years. the county had had used a 1999 ordinance to -- ordnance to ban gun shows. the promoters of the show filed a lawsuit which had been in federal court for 12 years. last year, the court agreed to allow tightly restricted gun shows on government property. the guns must be unloaded and secured to the tables. tonight, piedmont high school is dedicating its library to the late u.s. ambassador chris stevens. stevens was killed in benghazi, libya on september 11th, 2012 in a terror attack. he graduated from piedmont high school in 1978 and some of his family members still live in the east bay. a chance to clear out the medicine cabinets where people dropped off their unwanted prescription drugs today and why collections like that are so important. >> a good day in the weather center. good evening everybody. we had highs today in the low 70s around the bay and we will see a cooling trend and a chance of rain right there. we'll pinpoint that day as the news continues right here on kpix 5. , ,, you score little victories every day. now do it with dinner. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. for chicken pasta... beef stir fry... shrimp tacos... endless possibilities! sauté express®. in the dairy aisle. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. you score little victories every now do it with dinner. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. for chicken pasta... skillet lasagna... shrimp tacos... endless possibilities! sauté express®. in the dairy aisle. drugs. ite in santa clara w all over the bay area today people had the chance to safely get rid of their prescription drugs. this was one after several drop off locations. people brought in their unwanted and expired medications no questions asked. >> you don't want that medication in the environment. right? when you do all that it goes everywhere and it's not meant to do that. >> during the last takeback event in april, 18 tons of prescription drugs were collected in the bay area. and thousands of breast cancer survivors, friends, families and volunteers walked in the making strides against breast cancer event in san francisco and san jose. the five mile walks are part of the national effort by the american cancer society. elizabeth cook emceed the event in san francisco. the event helped raise awareness and funds for research and to support programs and services for people living with breast cancer. gadgets used to track ghosts. the technology some people in the bay area are using to find pair normal activities. >> the in dublin a high temperature up to 83 degrees a good ten degrees above normal and now big time cooldown and rain. the seven day forecast as the news continues. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, paranormal activity. "sumi headed area spook it's that time of year when some people may be looking for paranormal activity. we headed to a bay area spooky spot and learned all you need for the search may be at the electronics store. >> reporter: dope in the mountains in santa cruz is the brook dale inn. an abandoned lodge with an eerie past. >> in the late 1800s, a young girl named sarah died here after falling into the creek that runs through the main dining room. it's said that her ghost still haunts the lodge. >> reporter: gloria young is a ghost hunter. >> have you ever spoken to sarah? >> no i've heard her laugh though. >> reporter: she relies on off the shelf technology for the paranormal research. >> a anybody there? a anybody here? >> reporter: take the spirit box a modified radio that's supposed to give ghosts a -- supposed to give ghosts a voice. >> it will do the sweep of the radio frequencies in the area. if you're patient enough and ask the right questions it will answer you. >> what's your name? i heard something. >> reporter: investigators also consider electromagnetic field to be a sign of ghostly presence and measure it with k2 and trifield meters. what range would this be in for paranormal activity? >> 3 and above. >> reporter: to try to capture visual evidence, young sets up specialized video cameras like this full spectrum camera. >> and what this does is pick up every single color. >> reporter: the prized possession is her thermal imaging camera. >> see how it's still vaguely kind of red reddish yellow? >> yeah. >> reporter: that's at the tables right over there. and it shouldn't be that way. it should be cold because it's cold in here. >> reporter: most of the gadgets range from $20 to $200, this is the priciest at $5,000. which made me wonder could a wee gee board do the job? young warned against it. >> if you open a door that you don't know how to close, sometimes it brings through things you shouldn't be playing with. >> reporter: i wish 10-year-old me had known that. i'm sumo toss, c net for cbs news. at the halloween spooktacular and kids have a great time showing off the costumes. the event also includes carnival games and a maze. crafts and other activities. and there are healthy treats and kids can volunteer and win prizes. and our earlier threat roberta saying i don't like to be scared. i don't either. >> be the night light on. i went to watch that movie "halloween." it took any three months to be able to turn off the light when i went to bed. >> i won't see it. >> right? we have that halloween forecast coming up but good evening everybody. stemmen outgoer -- stepping on outdoors we still have clear skies in the inland areas and for the most part you will not be affected by the fog. but san francisco is. notice how it's cooled down very rapidly as a direct result 50s in san francisco. 60s in oakland mountain view and in san jose we're still in the low 70s. 77-degrees in livermore where the wind are under 10-mile an hour. what a doe today. in the 50s 60s and 70s and even the low 80s in fairfield and also in livermore. it was 75 degrees in san jose which is a couple of degrees above average. tonight, we'll tumble into the 40s and 50s overnight. 45-degrees from american canyon through vallejo into veiny is a. see the coastal stratus, be chilly overnight as a result. only some partial coastal clearing at best. sunshine elsewhere but a little bit cooler just a tad. hey we have a chance of rain in the forecast and i'll show you that seven day forecast but first things first, that area of low pressure kept us sunny and mild today. but then that disintegrating area of low pressure upstream nicking the eastern portion of the bay area. producing the slight chance of rain on monday. but the big notable difference will be that pleasanton goes down from 80 degrees forecast on sunday to 65 on monday and we'll all feel the difference at the beginning of the workweek. tomorrow's pinpoint forecast we're talking 50s and 60s and a hint of clearing at best through the sunset district. all the way through the avenues. 60s and 70s will be coming around the peninsula and we jump into the mid and high 70s if morgan hill to gilroy and swing around to the eastern portion of the bay area. down from 83 to 81 degrees in brentwood. down from 83 to 79 degrees in livermore. and mid 70s for walnut creek through clayton into hercules. north bay numbers stacking up in the 60s to the 70s. 61 degrees in san francisco and average high is around 8:00 degrees for this time of the -- 68-degree for this time of the year. clear lake will top off in the mid 70s and a southwest breeze 5 to 10 miles per hour and your five day forecast. monday big time cooldown. slight recovery on tuesday. transition day wednesday. beautiful on thursday. >> i know i did say that. >> i did yes you did. and then we have recovery with our temperatures and offshore flow conditions and the abundance of sunshine through saturday. by the way next saturday night or sunday morning whenever you go the bed. yep daylight savings. >> it's fall -- fall back. >> fall back. >> fall back you like that? >> we'll get to that. >> you like it when it's lighter earlier? >> yes i do actually and -- apparently -- >> you asked. >> on to vern. >> beautiful. nice. >> i know i tried. >> keep in mind. i have some beautiful stuff for you. we're coming back. i got three of the big four sports covered including logan couture and the sharks visiting montreal for the first time in three years. what happened? ,, the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can [s[man] no one told her,right?a. [son]hi! [mom screams] boyle could be back in unifm as early as tomorrow night.t nhl front and center. good news shark fans. dan boyle could be back in uniform as early as tomorrow night. but tonight we drop the puck in montreal. who was this bro? >> who is that? >> that's a young marc-edouard vlasic. >> pickles. >> scoreless in the second period. tic-tac-toe number couture and the sharks take a 1-0 lead. early third. looks like a harmless dump but it goes to the front of the net and right place right time puts the biscuit in the basket. sharks shutout the halves final of 2-0. baseball, doesn't get much bigger than the world series. fun to watch. imagine playing in it. >> as we gather tonight on baseball's biggest stage. >> there's no bigger baseball spotlight and no prouder pockets of the bay area than the mountain view and petaluma areas. cardinals' danny descalso and red sox daniel nava and jonny gomes get a taste of this home grown bay area talent. they are graduates of st. francis high school. >> now daniel nava. >> hitting a home run against reardon. when he was a senior. that was a real special moment for not just me and him but for the rest of the guys on the team. they went nuts. because he wasn't big enough to hit a home run. he was about half your size. >> is that right? [ laughter ] >> here is danny descalso. >> i didn't have to teach him anything. i had to do nothing. i just said -- wrote up the lineup honestly. he was that good. >> further north in petaluma is joey gomes a year older than his red sox left fielding brother jonny. when jonny made the grab in game one. the older gomes wasn't surprised. >> he's pretty much 100%. and all-out all the time. but now the world is getting a chance to see it playing on the biggest stage. the world series. and that play is just a little epitome of the way the guy goes about playing baseball and living life every day. >> gomes writes 707 on his shoes, the petaluma area code. moved himself into the fan fabric as an oakland athletic last season. his brother says he takes nothing for granted. >> i honestly believe he's just -- he is not afraid to fail. you know he was the guy that was written off at an early age and i think when you kind of have that, you inherently have a chip on your shoulder. that never comes off. >> yeah cardinals clinging to a 2-1 heed lead gnat game. san jose -- in the game. san jose is leading wyoming. cal a 28.5 point underdog at washington. that's later along with sixth ranked stanford a touchdown row favorite at oregon state. 100,000 in tuscaloosa rooting on number one alabama. first drive of the game and it's a 54-yard pass and catch for coomer. crimson tide well out in front. trumping the tennessee volunteers justin worley picked off by landon collins here and he's not going to have stop for 89 yards going the other way. it's a pick 6 and a crimson tide bumps tennessee 45-10. jared jack not the only player on the cleveland cavaliers with bay area ties. st. mary's alum matthew dell la soda has made the team. he signed on with the cavaliers during the summer and did enough during preseason to make the team. soccer, earthquakes had the best record in the mls last season. now different story. to get to the playoffs, they needed colorado to lose and they needed to beat fc dallas by 13 goals. >> so you're telling me there's a chance. ♪ >> and no. final game for earthquakes' ramiro corrales retiring after 15 seasons. here's a shot for him just wide. would have been nice to score in his last game. quakes up 1-0 in the second half. here's wondolowski. quakes win it 2-1. not nearly enough goals to play on in the playoffs. and let's don't forget tomorrow we have the 49ers in london. >> yes. >> against jacksonville. meanwhile, stateside raiders hosted the pittsburgh steelers. >> bring it. >> that's tomorrow right? >> where i'll be. >> we will be checking in. that's it for us at 6:30. we'll see you again at 11:00. until then the latest news and weather on good night. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ] ,, ,, female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the 49ers' game has reached prime time status even if their quarterback wants nothing to do with the cameras. kaepernick didn't crack hen his team was 1-2 and now the 49ers' quarterback is burning up the field with his legs. >> he looked like an arrow going through snow. >> they'll take their act overseas this week and we'll stamp your pass portion next on "49ers preview" -- passport next on "49ers preview." and before we look ahead let's look back at the 49ers' game in nashville against the titans. second quarter, kaepernick takes off and goes around left edge and scores thanks to a couple of great blocks from miller and gore. it was 10-0 after he kissed his bicep. the 49ers led 24-0 in the third but judging by jim harbaugh, the score could have been in reverse. 49ers improve to 5-2. they win 31-17. he is something else. gus bradley and the jags were looking for their first win against the chargers. rivers connects with royal to end the second and make it 14-0. they win 24-6. jacksonville lost all seven games by double digits. the first team to accomplish that dubious distinction since the 1984 houston oilers. hello everybody, this is "49ers preview" joining me in studio --


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20131027

that he was intent with getting away from this. >> reporter: the suspect fired first towards the immigration patrol man. were you scared for your life? >> in the beginning? yes. >> reporter: and have you heard gunshots since the beginning? >> yes, so how many gun shots. >> reporter: at 1:00 a.m., he finally surrendered. they surrendered. >> i think that he had a paroled violation. >> reporter: he is accused of shooting a agent. and as far as the type of done it? >> reporter: >> would not know. >> why was homeland security involved? >> they are trying to find out why this man was shot. they're hoping to get some branches of the residents are still have to do with the yellow crime tape. in roseville, dan kron 4 news. in another attempt at >> off closure, the family of lynne spalding held a memorial service last night. but closure was fleeting. today the family learned that the hospital had to ask the sheriff's office multiple times to conduct a search for the missing woman. although they were told that a search had been conducted, they are questioning whether that is really the case. kron 4's alecia reid has the latest. >> reporter: lynne spalding's family is demanding an up front answer from sherriff ross mirikarimi as to whether a search was done when she went missing 5 weeks ago. four separate requests were made by sf general to the sherriff's department to carry out a thorough inspectionfamily and friends are now questioning whether a search was done at all. >> the family is done with patience. we're angry, we're frustrated, and we're demanding answers from the top of the leadership structure. was a search done? if a search was done, where was it done and what were the results? >> reporter: at this point the only people that would have the answers to those questions are at the sherriff's department. the day lynne went missing, her daughter was told that the hospital had been searched. but if it had been, then why were there four different requests? >> if sheriff mirikarimi has info that says a search or 2 or 2 wasn't done, out of respect for lynn spalding and her family he needs to step up and personally tell us why this wasn't done. this is an appalling accumulation of facts that point to one thing. something is wrong with the security apparatus at sf general. >> reporter: the sheriff's office tells us they will address individual questions once the investigation is complete,. right now it's still an open case and they plan to wrap it up in a week or two. reporting at sf general alecia reid kron 4 news. >> dozens of the elderly patients - abandoned for days on end. left alone and unable top fend for themselves. it happened at an assisted care facility in castro valley. kron four's jeff bush talked to concerned relatives about the situation and says criminal charges could be next. >> reporter: ofthe valley manor assisted care facility on apricot way was ordered closed by the department of social services on thursday. according to police, the owners just walked away without informing patient's relatives. police say most of the staff left and never returnedleaving about 28 patients to fend for themsel ves. the alameda county sheriff's department says a cook and two janitors remained out of the goodness of their hearts and were not paid. officials say the conditions were bad inside, with plumbing issues and cleanliness issues. >> some of these people were in bad shape to begin with they were better written. to go at least 48 hours without care is a long time. >> reporter: some of these people were in pretty bad shape to begin with. they are bedridden. so, to go 48 hours without care is an awful long time. neighbors say they have been concerned about the conditions for a while. sister has been a patient here for about seven years. jeanne says her sister has mental issues and needs the care of an assisted care facility.jeanne and her brother came by on this day and were shocked to find out what happened. >> i really thought the owner would make sure everyone is out before this happened. we >> how could somebody do this? we're talking about human beings. this is a bad situation, heartbreaking. >> reporter: were in the process of finding her another boarding care and when my brother came to visit today realized there is law enforcement here. so, now, we are going to find emergency housing. how could somebody do that? we're talking human beings here. how could somebody just abandon them? it's a bad situation. it's heart breaking. the sheriff's department says the investigation is abuse could be forthcoming. a shooting at campbell's "the spot" nightclub this morning left one man injured. it started when an employee asked a group of men to turn down their music in the parking lot around two a-m reportedly shot the nightclub employee. the group of men and one currently remain at large. the employee was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. a livermore man was arrested this week on child pornography charges. fourty-four year old jason erik sherman was arrested thursday on suspicion of possession of child pornography. livermore police conducted the investigation and seized his computer which contained over seventy images of alleged child pornography. the alameda county district attorney's office is reviewing the evidence found within the search. sherman is currently being held at santa rita county jail. >> plans to close another contra costa county fire station in january are on hold now that a county administrator says the fire district's financial outlook is improving. but as kron four's philippe djegal reports. response times are are not. >> reporter: contra costa county fire protection district pittsburg station 87 closed in july. one of seven district stations to shutdown since 20-11. and, in 20-11. district chief daryl louder says the average response time for the first crew to arrive on scene was about 8 minutes and 30 seconds. but since the closure of station 87. louder says the average response time has skyrocketted to about 10 minutes and 30 seconds. a two minute increase. in some extreme cases, louder says the first crew hasn't arrived until more be then 12 minutes after a call fire marshall lewis broshard adds that it takes on average more than 23 minutes to assemble a first alarm response. more than 10 minutes above the national fire protection district's recommendation. since 20-11, the fire protection district has been reduced from 30 3- person crews to 23 3-person crews. but the fire marshall says help could be on the way. the fire protection district applied for a federal grant in august. which if approved. could lead to new hires and the re-opening of up to three first stations. in contra costa county, philippe djegal, kron four news. >> a woman driving a brand new mercedes benz somehow lost control and ran into a building. the accident happened near the intersection of leavenworth and washington streets in san francisco's nob hill neighborhood the car rolled on to the sidewalk, then rolled down the block. before crashing into a building and knocking out a gas line. fire fighters arrived shortlythereafter and secured the scene. pg&e then disabled the gas line before restoring service. witnesses say the driver of the car picked up her shopping bags and took off on foot. >> she reached in the back, grabbed a couple of bags then took off running. i thought she was running because she hit a gas line. you can smell the big odor of gas right she just kept going around the corner. >> quite a driver here to get the little bit of damage that she got >> reporter: but then you just realize that she was just leaving? >> yes. >> luckily no one was hurt in the accident, and none of the cars parked on the street got hit. a building engineer showed up to the scene to make sure the building is safe for tenants to remain inside. >> dozens gathered on the steps of city hall for the 4th annual global walk for india's missing girls. the event originated here in san francisco and has since spread across the globe. it aims to raise awareness about the mass killings of indian women. organizers say seven-thousand indian girls are killed each day. >> one of the main reasons of the what is to create awareness that this is happening, this is a genocide. we need to take acside. >> i think that life there is difficult and life is hard and they feel that having a girl or having a girl be born is like something that is burden on them >> the walk did come with a ten-dollar registration fee with the money going toward a documentary called 'petals in the dust', which details the issue of violence against women and other problems in india. >> it turned out to be a nice day today. with 70's. the bay, mid-70s for san jose the warmest places were the inland valleys, 80s. a lot of fog along the coast. the skies are mostly clear over san francisco. right about there. but that fog is pressing through the golden gate. for tonight and the north bay valleys. some fog to start for tomorrow but lots of sunshine for sunday although temperatures are going to be cooler with 60s along the bay. '70s, and about 10 degrees cooler monday, this storm system. it is expected to make its way to the bay. more details, coming up. coming up on the kron 4 news at eight. struggling to find answers. a mother's prayers for a community after her son kills his high school teacher. and. new concerns about registering for healthcare under the affordable care act. why some people in this country are avoiding the >> this part was an vandals, and forgotten about. many different types of debris and bottles and you know what. >> reporter: this however, was part of a nonprofit things began to improve for this neighborhood >> we wanted to make one of our dreams come true and that is to build a playground. >> reporter: one neighbor was a challenge to become a neighborhood advocate. >> failed knocked on a lot of doors. >> imac >they fought really hard. door to door to make sure that their community would have a sense to play. >> reporter: they would have a shiny new playground equipment and picnic tables. this was one of several groups to contribute to their funds. dylan and barbecue grills. it was enough to bring somebody to tears. >> i did not want to cry! argument jeff pierce, kron 4 news. >> coming up the struggling answer is a mother's prayers were a sun killed her his high school teacher. >> and why people are avoiding the government website to sign up for health care. >> the possibility of a lifetime cellphone. [ yodeling plays ] [ hans ] toaster strudel! [ angelic music plays ] don't overthink it. [ hans ] warm, flakey, gooey. toaster strudel! faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack defying, satisfying mmm. totino's pizza rolls. mm-hmm. hmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. now in two bold new flavors! >> anger over claims that the national security agency is spying on people around the world, including americans here at home, is spilling onto the streets of washington d-c. that's where demonstrators rallied against the nation's surveillance programs. a number of politicians joined the protests. including representative justin amash from michigan and former new mexico governor gary johnson. >> who is looking at all this personal information? how will it be used? how will it be abused. stand up america we are mad as hell and we want you to stop this spying on us now. the u-s government has come under fire for claims the n- s-a spied on foreign allies, including german chancellor angela merkel. a state department obama has directed the government to review its surveillance programs. government surveillance now raising concerns for immigrants who are attempting to enroll in the president's health care program. now the obama adminstration wants to make it clear that obamacare and immigration are unrelated. the administration is stressing that information provided when signing up for coverage will not be used to inforce immigration. they understand that some potential enrollees have been afraid to sign up for health care because of their immigration status. >> new details tonight out of pennsylvania on the case of an off duty deputy who took his own life after holding a co-worker hostage. investigators in the case are trying to determined what motivated carbon county deputy sheriff david midas to lose control and are looking to see if mental illness could have been the cause. police say thirty three year old midas when to the lansford police station on friday night, took ammunition and an unmarked police car. drove to the home of another off duty officer took him hostage and after a struggle shot himself in the head. there is currently no information on the second officer's condition. the mother of the teenager accused of killing his teacher says she is heartbroken over the death of the massachusets educator. the lawyer for 14-year-old phillip chism says that his mother is asking for prayers for the family of danver's ritzer. the statement also says that his mother is struggling to understand what happened the day before ritzer's body wasthe fourteen year old is reported to have killed his teacher inside the school bathroom and then left her body in the woods behind hischism was arrested early wednesday. he was arraigned on a murder charge and held with only one more weekend behind bars, michael jackson's one-time personal doctor is already stepping up the battle to get his medical license back. dr. conrad murray filed a civil petition in travis county, texas friday morning asking a civil court judge to stop the state medical board's revocation of his license pending his criminal appeal in california. murray is set to walk out of mens central jail in los angeles on monday. he once operated a clinic serving low-income patients in houtson before his 2011 conviction in the death of michael jackon. murray was administering a fatal dose of the drug propofol. texas was the first state to his felony conviction. she was bart simpson's fourth grade teacher for over twenty years. marcia wallace -- known for her role in "the bob newhart show" and "the simpsons' -- died today. wallace's t-v career spanned four decades and included six seasons on "the bob newhart show" in the 1970's and on "murphy brown" in the 90's. but it was her role as the simpsons' famously-snarky edna krabappel that put wallace on the map for more recent audiences. she voiced the character wallace was 70 years old. in >> cowboys and indians - are among the halloween costumers being discouraged in the name of political correctness. college administrators and students at some universities are advising their communities not to dress in potentially offensive halloween costumes. university of colorado at boulder. and ohio university are leading the charge. the campaign the slogan."we're a culture, not a includes one guy dressed as a suicide bomber. the goal is to eliminate cultural and gender stereotypes from people's costume collections. >> take a look at this system coming from canada. we have increasing clouds with drizzle. we are also watching this system coming from the northeast from the sierras. notice the precipitation it could reach the bay area by monday. look for pop-up showers and also some clouds. there rainfall amounts should be just traces but the big factor will be much cooler temperatures. relatively mild. 60s by the bay 70's inland. here is the seven day around the bay with the clouds and sunshine with 50s and 60s. the skies will be clearing and a bit of warming on thursday, friday, with mostly sunny and back into the 70's in and '80s for the inland valleys. saturday. >> authorities are giving us new informaton tonight about a wild police chase through the mojave desert. police say that sergio munoz felt that his life was unraveling. officers fatally shot munoz yesterday after he killed one woman and threatened to "wreak havoc" on the city of ridgecrest. police say munoz recently lost his job and his wife had begun distancing herself from him. the suspect led police on a high speed chase that began with a homicide and at least three people being shot. two people were found in the trunk of the car and had also been shot. their condition is currently unkown. >> police in lodi say a driver involved in a deadly car crash had been driving under the influence. the crash on tuesday killed five family members. a father, pregnant mother, and three of their four young children. police say that twenty eight year old ryan morales had been drinking with his father before the incident. morales had also been arested last month for driving without a license. he is currently in critical condition. >> even more chicken is being recalled as of today. garden fresh foods is recalling fifty more tons of chicken and ham products over concerns of possible listeria contaminiation. the products include several varietys of ham and chicken salads. these items are sold under the garden fresh, grandpa's, archer farms, and d'amico and sons brand names. this is the third recall in two months by the milwaukee based company. pel >> it seems there is always something new in the cell phone industry. now, an entrepreneur has come up with a design that would let you update your smart phone -- instead of trading it in. becky anderson has the story. >> reporter: they are our constant companions but they always get dumped. in the u- s where cell phones are cheap, they're replaced faster than anywhere else in the world - but imagine if you could buy one phone that's in the words of one inventor, worth keeping? igman>> what if it's modular? that we could just upgrade when something breaks because usually it's only one component that's broken or two so we just have to how entire phone. >> reporter: dutch designer dave hakkens came up with phonebloks out of frustration - after he was unable to replace a broken part on his camera. >> with technology if something breaks we just throw it away, you don't repair it. >> reporter: his device is made up of replaceable parts -- of your choosing. >> i think even your grandmother could use it. she just has a phone and she decides to put on only speakers only a big battery and that's it, nothing else, for instance. >> reporter: at this point phonebloks remains just an idea. but hakkens is drumming up support via online amplifying platform "thunderclap" where more than 950 thousand people have backed the concept. and thunderclap is no joke it recently helped elect democrat cory booker to the u-s senate. >> right now i am asking for support show that you want a phone like this so big companies see all their customers want this kind of phone. >> reporter: building a prototype is the next step -- but critics doubt it will ever get that far saying mobile phones are as much about fashion as technology. >> the idea of modularizing products, any products isn't exactly new and when you have something like a fast moving industry like smartphone its going to be very difficult with the fast changing trends when you've got a template and you plug things in. >> reporter: hakkens anticipated the critics but believes his dream will become a reality. >> a lot of companies who are already working in this field so right now i'm confident we can build this thing. the environmental campaign organization greenpeace estimates that global e- waste now amounts to between 20 and 50 million tons a year. >> next. the food an drug administration regulates *our food. but what about our pets? a report on new rules to keep our pets safe. >> stanley: coming up what your children are doing on their lunch break in the next edition of people behaving badly. ♪ yeah, i dream about bacon. [sfx] wham! so i'm bringing back the blt cheeseburger combo. a juicy jumbo beef patty loaded with hickory smoked bacon and melting cheese plus fries and a drink for just $4.99. but this isn't a dream. it's just a video from my last birthday party. (male announcer): here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> stanley: it's called "the drake" it's real name sir frances drake high school located in san aselimo a word of caution if you attend "the drake" now would be a good time to distract your parents because it's about to get real. these are students heading off to lunch which is about a quarter mile away, they head down these step no problems heading to lunch. however these are is the very same students returning from lunch darting across four lanes very busy lanes of sir frances drive blvd. where the speed limit reads 25 but the somestimes dislesic drivers read it as 52 so you understand how fast they are going. now there are plenty of crosswalk strike that i mean lighted crosswalks for the students to use. there is even one with a flashing person so there is no confusion that this is a crosswalk. but the kid would rather dart across the road which doesn't appear to save any time. we send out kids to school hoping that they are safe but when they are off school grounds anything goes. i found out about this because of a view email the viewer also told me at times the students play chicken with a 4 thousand pound auto. the funny part, i was right there and the students were so busy running into traffic they never noticed my camera. and this was a slow day. go figure. in san aselimo stanley roberts kron 4 news. after this story aired on thursday. the school district assigned a school resource officer to keep kids from running into traffic. if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e- mail us at 'people behaving badly' at coming up at 8:30. pet owners may soon see some new regulations put into place for their animals' food. >> plus. a high end retailer is facing the heat over allegations of racially profiling minority customers. and now a prominent pop star may be getting involved. we'll show you who and explain why. stay with us. >> we are looking at temperatures not quite as cold 30's for the north bay. 50s by the bay. details on your forecast, coming up the federal government has safety regulations for the food that you eat.but what about your pet? >> there are almost no laws regulating the production of food for your pets. but as rene marsh reports, that could be changing soon. >> reporter: the food and drug administration is proposing new rules for companies that make dog and cat food. the rules would require the same methods that keep human food safe-- like better sanitation. the goal -- to protect animal foods from bacteria, chemicals and other contaminants. the head of the fda says the announcement ".addresses a critical part of the food system." earlier this week the agency reported more than three-thousand pets may have gotten sick from jerky treats made in china and the u.s. right now -- there are almost no rules on pet food safety-- but the f-d-a has issued multiple recalls in the past few years. just last year -- a salmonella outbreak at a facility in south carolina led to a recall of thirty- thousand tons of dog and cat food. forty-seven people across the country got sick from handling that food. the new rules would also apply to animal feed -- for livestock. people can of course become ill if they eat sick animals-- so it's not just pets the f-d-a is worried about. the rules still need final approval the proposal comes amid reports that more than 36- hundred dogs and 10 cats have gotten sick after eating jerky pet treats over the past six years. the f-d-a says 580 of those pets have died. the agency isn't naming any particular brand - but says most of the treats implicated were made in china. >> high-end new york retailer "barneys" is coming under fire after a second shopper has come forward with allegations of racial profiling. proper i-d to make their confronted by new york city police officers once they left the store. and now one of those shoppers is asking rapper jay-z to get involved. nick valencia is following the story. >> reporter: next month, jay-z is set to sell a new fashion line at barneys. but a change-dot-org petition is calling for him to end all partnerships with the new york retailer. that's because a second african american college student has come forward to allege racial profiling -- saying undercover officers stopped and questioned her after she bought a 25- hundred dollar "celine" bag at barney's new york. >> "i had good intentions. i went bought my favorite bag. i wanted this bag. i deserved this bag. and then to find out you know i'm being accused of using someone else's card - i just really felt demeaned." >> reporter: 21-year old kayla phillips came forward after 19-year old trayon christian made headlines claiming he too was racially profiled after purchasing a "ferragamo" belt at barney's in april. both shoppers want damages from the store and the new york police department. >> "the undercover cop from the left side that had regular clothes on, stopped me on the left side and asked me, 'oh i just got a call from barney's saying your card is not real.'" >> reporter: in a prepared statement, mark lee, c-e-o of barney's new york said: >> "no customer should have the unacceptable experience described in recent media reports, and we offer our sincere regret and deepest apologies.we want to reinforce that barneys new york has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination. our mission is to ensure that all customers receive the highest-quality service -- without exception," >> reporter: the new york police department says it's investigating the incident. jay-z's representatives have not commented.but kayla phillips hopes they do. >> "when he hears about it.or even when he get involved in it, he knows it is not right and he will make the right choice." >> jay-z isn't the only star getting caught in the middle of a high end store controversy. treme star robert brown claims he was the victim of racial profiling at a macy's department store. the actor says police accused him of using a fake credit card at the retailer's flagship herald square location in new york back in june. he says he was detained in a holding cell inside the store. brown has filed a lawsuit seeking unspecified damages. >> >> this is my card. >> the vice president of media relations for macy's told c-n-n the company is investigating the allegations but does "not comment on matters in litigation." the n-y-p-d did not respond to c-n-n's request for comment. >> this live view from mt. tam from this oakland to in the background. low clouds pressing into the bay continuing to make its way into the bay side. for tomorrow. tonight, looking at 60s. and low clouds along the bay side. we will see sunshine for the afternoon the. cooler however, of what we have seen for the bay side. 60s. for the sierras, mostly sunny. and monday, tuesday. with snow levels dropping to 4,500 ft.. rain impacting the bay area of details, coming up. benefitsstill ahead. a disturbing story about number of dead sea lions washing up on california's coast. why some say they may have been intentionally killed. >> and. the 49ers are across the pond in london. a solid win for the sharks. and the st. louis cardinals and the boston redsox go at it in game three of the world series. sports is next. >> wildlife activists in california say at least three sea lions in malibu have died after being found with multiple gunshot wounds. it's something they say often happens around the start of the local fishing season. akiko fujita reports. return to index of stories... the images - are >> reporter: heartbreaking. this sea lion - washed ashore, with 4 gunshot wounds this one.shot twice in the back, never made it out of the water. >> "the sea lion was right over there.rolling in and out of the surf line. >> reporter: mike remski spotted that sea lion off the coast of malibu - he says it's an all too common sight, this time of year. >> "this is their doesn't give us a right to kill what we want." >> reporter: jonsie ross with the california wildlife center says at least four sea lions have been found shot, over the last few months. the shootings.coming at the height of squid fishing season >> "every time of the year, when fishing season opens, we get more gunshot wounds than any other time in the year." >> reporter: ross says the fishing boats attract sea lions at night. this video posted on youtube shows fishermen shining a light to draw in squid.sea lions searching for food, often get in the way. >> "sea lions aren't shooting each other. somebody's shooting them, and we want to find out who that is." >> reporter: fishermen dispute the accusations - saying most never carry guns on their boats a spokesman for the squid fishery tells cnn, >> "shooting sealions is illegal. the association doesn't condone the illegal shooting of sea lions by anybody" >> reporter: "the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says they are investigating the shootings, but they admit finding those responsible will be difficult. there are no eyewitnesses - and very little evidence." it all comes amid an especially bad year for sea lions. noaa reports, a record number have been spotted in southern california. starving and stranded. ross says she rescued more than 200 in malibu alone, .only to have 3 of those rescues, shot to death.months later. akiko fujita, cnn, los angeles i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> some of you have been sending us photos of your children and pets getting into the halloween spirit. like this ghoulish get up paying a homage to batman's nemisis. the joker! we always welcome your pictures. you can send them to us on our facebook page. or e-mail them to breaking news @kron dot com. or on our mobile app. we'll share them on our facebook page and show some of them on the air. a san francisco landmark restaurant is gone. with a new improved one in its place. coming up on dine and dish.we'll take you to the re-imagined fog city diner - minus the "diner". instagram has released an example of what ads will look like on the popular social network they posted this picture on their blog to give users a heads up that picture and video ads are coming. you'll know a photo or video is an advertisement when you see the 'sponsored' label where the time stamp normally would be, ads will start showing up on instagram next week. facebook, the owner of instagram, has promised that the brand-sponsored photo and video updates will be magazine-quality and be a "natural" part of the instagram feed. the new instagram ads will help facebook profit for the first time from the 3- year-old application it purchased for $1 billion last year. in the past ads have severly hurt the popularity of social visual social networks like instagram what do you think ? does this bother you? will it make you quit using instagram. i would like to know. tweet, facebook, or e-mail atgabe slate kron 4 news. and if you'd like to connect with gabe slate. you can add him on facebook, follow him on twitter. or email - slate-at- >> notice the clear skies it has been drifting in from the golden gate for this evening. a live look showing that there is a span of low clouds near the golden gate. also some low clouds for the north bay valleys. for tomorrow, we will have some clouds however, by 9:00 p.m., some clearing it for the beaches. temperatures a bit cooler with a brisk sea breeze. the changes. for monday, a weather system from canada. that chance for showers and showers. that is not the one that it will impact us however, it is going to take a turn for the forecast model. from canada and not from the ocean is going to be cold. beginning of next week but not the case for tomorrow just a little bit cooler, 60s/70's in san jose. look for highs even in the 80s. 60s along the bay shore. 62 degrees and 66 degrees in oakland. 60s in san mateo. and for walnut creek on monday. look for the 60s inland with the chance for showers and especially in the afternoon. snowfall in the sierras! however, kind of cool for this time of year cooling 80s inland. >> dawning & dish. >> for decades, we've dine in a dish. we have got to check this out the new wood burning grove the executive chef bruce hill. >> a complete transformation. >> he, and along with the executive chef are revamping the menu and loving in the new restaurant doors. >> i love the old menu but however, this is amazing, quality, and it is a lovely environment. >> in this eclectic culture of culture. >> fresh to order when you order it we coquette. >> it is nice and nice and balanced and delicious. when you order it, -- we cook it. all the memories that we created. to my top tax is the unforgettable --, the french fries. to find out. dyin dined a- -dish. >> these firefighters were practicing on the old span of the bay bridge several agencies took part of the exercise the will be a hazardous materials some aerial worse case scenario and the police presence in oakland. the occupied oakland residence were talking about the us. it didn't >> sharks on ice. raiders sign a new player. and niners fans in london? i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. at the box office this weekend - everything from an adult a look at the bad things that happen when you get greedy. dave stewart has a look at the new movies coming out in now showing. >> an 86-year-old man must travel cross country accompanied by his young grandson. that's the premise behind "jackass presents: bad grandpa" - hidden cameras follow the duo during their misadventures. the movie is the latest in a series by the extreme comedy jackass team. a covered in makeup johnny knoxville plays the main character. "bad grandpa" is rated r. also hitting theaters this weekend - "the counselor" - with an all-star cast including michael fassbender and penelope cruz. fassbender plays an attorney who delves into the dangerous world of drug trafficking. >> what are you going to use for money? >> and i know why i am in it, do you know? >> reporter: the screenplay was written by novelist cormac mccarthy - famous for dark tales such as "no country for old men". "the counselor" is rated r. game 3 of the world series. with the cardinals hosting their red sox. jill kelly. already claiming one victory each. jill kelly. joe -- kelly. right now, is the bottom of the eighth, tied on the fourth. >> the sharks licking their wounds after a first loss of the season. dropping the puck tonight in montreal against the canadiens. antti niemi made 22 saves and logan couture scored the san jose sharks a 2-0 victory. and good news for sharks fans - injured player - dan boyle reportedly back on the ice as early as tomorrow night. >> the oakland raiders have signed offensive lineman jack cornell to the active roster. he spent the 2012 season on the baltimore ravens' practice squad. to make room for cornell, oakland has waived brian sanford. raiders play the steelers on sunday. >> across the pond. the 49ers and the jacksonville jaguars are in london today. the n-f-l hosted a fan rally at london's trafalgar square. an estimated 70,000 fans attended the four-hour event. in advance of the niner - jaguar game on sunday at wembley stadium. some notable san francisco alumni in attendance included quarterback joe montana and tight end dwight clark. the nfl has hosted games in london since 2007.. brian? >> i was checking the london forecast it looks nice. however, rainy and cold. but with the fans will love its criminal matter what. >> they can watch the game. there will like it, no matter what, however, 60s along the bay for the san francisco forecast. a beautiful sunday afternoon but monday is a different story. >> tomorrow, you can go to the embarcadero? from yes. >> that is it. see you at 11:00 p.m. "e.t." >> do kim and kanye already have a prenup? >> plus, who leaked a proposal video. i'm brooke anderson. >> i'm rob marciano. the kardashians reportedly irate that the engagement video got out. now the three wedding mistakes kim should avoid. will they say i do on tv? what will kim wear? plus, what we know about a prenup. then, kelly clarkson's wedding video. the intimate moments with her groom. j. lo, her boyfriend, and the dangerous car chase. >> he is blocking, he is blocking. >> "e.t." investigates the paparazzi showdown at 79 miles per hour. joan rivers on her new york condo cat fight. the woman's wild claim that joan spit on her. >> you have witnesses? >> she started t


Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20131026

good morning everyone. it is saturday, october 26th. >> good morning. let's check in for a look at forecast. still cool outside. >> yes, 20 minutes until the official sunrise. we will be mostly sunny again for today. i'm seeing just a few patches of fog. where coming up. it's a cool start. we will take a look at the chilly temperatures and for the afternoon, i think we will be slightly warmer in most cases. a look at the afternoon highs in the extended forecast. cooler conditions, breezy conditions and some models even want to bring a little bit of rain our way. i will show you that model coming up. new this morning, a wanted parolee who kept roseville police in a stand-off for nearly 10 hours has surrendered. he was taken away by an ambulance with minor injuries. it started yesterday at about 3:00 in the afternoon. roseville police say they were with a federal immigration special agent on their way to arrest him. as they approached the house, he opened fire. >> i think this is one of the biggest scenes or issues, if you will, that we have seen in this whole state or region. >> he was able to sneak past officers and run to another house just a few blocks away where he again opened fire. in all, a special agent and three roseville police officers were injured. one of the officers is listed in serious condition. the rest of are said to be doing okay. also new this morning highway 101 in redwood city is re-open. all lanes were closed at 4:20 causing drivers to be diverted off at east 3rd avenue. one person was transported to the hospital. the road is now clear and traffic is moving. chp still investigating the cause of the crash. helicopter exercises have been canceled for the urban shield training event after two firefighters were hurt. it happened after a water rescue drill. we are live in oakland with more on what happened and how it could affect events today. >> reporter: well, we've been told about a slight change in plans. we found out that not all of the helicopter exercises have been canceled for today. we are at the training facility. you can see some of the firefighters have started to prepare for today's events. they are here as part of the urban shield training event that's going to be happening here. and at 11:00, they'll have a helicopter land here at the location. and they were going to have two helicopters land but there was a change in plan after you mentioned two firefighters suffered minor injuries going through a training exercise yesterday afternoon. those firefighters are recovering and they are expected to be okay. but they did cancel one of the two helicopters that was going to land here. and oakland police and fire department, the sheriff's department and more than a dozen other law enforcement agencies and emergency responders from the bay area and across the country are in oak l.a.p.d. this weekend -- oakland this weekend. this is video from last week's event. they have been doing this since 2007. it's a throe-day training exercise and it's designed to help them train to respond to things like natural disasters, hostage situations and search and rescue operations. >> test the capabilities of different s.w.a.t. teams, their preparedness and compete with other s.w.a.t. team, we have search and rescue, hostage situations. >> reporter: now the urban shield program does have the critics. yesterday there were about 100 vendors marketing weapons and other equipment to law enforcement officers and the program receives about $1.5 million from the federal government to cover its cost. so there are some people who have said, have criticized the tv event as a way to militarize local police in their words there. falls on the two of had year anniversary of occupy oakland. more on the peaceful protests that took place yesterday evening in light of that event. more than 100 protesters came together last night. >> last night, protesters marched in the streets of oakland. they continued on in front of oakland city hall. they wanted to mark the second anniversary of the police raid on the camp and to protest against urban shield. >> everyone should have military training. we shouldn't be using military techniques for civilian purposes. >> the protest lasted until about 9:00 last night. there was a heavy police presence but overall, the protest was peaceful. and last night, protests were different from the occupy protests that happened two years ago. police used tear gas to try to control the crowd. and it cost business owners tens of thousands of dollars. the public later criticized police and city leaders for how they handled it. police are searching for whoever set off a homemade explosive device in a garbage can, injuring a homeless man. it happened yesterday afternoon. police say the victim was collecting recyclables when the device exploded. his injuries are not considered life-threatening. police are checking video in hopes of trying to find the person who planted the at the vice. >> a white male, about 30 years of age, seen leaving the scene after the explosion. >> the device is said to be similar to an m-80 fire cracker. police say they did not find any other devices in the area. and police have arrested two men in connection to a deadly shooting last week. it happened early sunday morning. the victim was a 32-year-old man from san francisco. and investigators say they arrested a 25-year-old and 21- year-old on suspicion of homicide. he also faces a weapons charge. the fbi will be conducting its own independ did he want investigation into tuesday december -- independent investigation into tuesday's fatal shooting. and as the fbi looks for answers, so do members of the community. hundreds of young students marched to the sheriff's department yesterday. many demanded the deputy who shot ask killed the 13-year-old be arrested and charged with murder. investigators say the murder, a 24-year veteran fired at him because he says he feared for his life as he pointed what turned out to be an air soft rifle right at him. >> i don't know if he came swinging around with a rifle in the hand. of course, you go to protect yourself. >> there's a trigger happy cop. and he needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the criminal law. >> a sheriff said in a statement he welcomes the fbi investigation and will cooperate with agents. as the investigation continues into the death of two bart workers, some say a change in safety policies could have other consequences for riders. the bart workers and state regulators have been concerned for years about a practice called simple approval. that practice makes rail workers largely responsible for their own safety out on the tracks. it was suspended after the deaths of two workers on the tracks last week. the policy change is expected to cause construction related delays and affect the on-time rating. one worker says the switch could increase overtime an issue during the labor contract dispute. we have learned that the service employee's union and the transit union will hold votes on the same day. union leaders are recommended approval and one worker says reaction from the rank and file is positive. and after the union's vote, bart's board of directors will hold its own vote. they need majority approval to sign off on the deal. if the contract is ratified, the restrooms in a dozen stations could be re- opened. they locked the doors after the terrorist attacks and they have remained closed ever since. but the unions say the contract includes a provision that calls for a committee to look into re- opening the restrooms. one big story weather-wise was the fog this morning. is that the still the case into the weekend on this saturday? >> mostly clear skies. >> perfect. >> just a few patches of fog. and the clear skies have resulted in pretty cool numbers once again. and because of the mostly clear sky, we will bounce back. fairly soon. with a nice afternoon in store. , a live look over downtown oakland where the sun is on the way. and again, we have what looks like eight to 10 minutes depending on where you live until the official sunrise moves in. and perhaps a few high clouds. why in just a moment. and first the numbers, because it's a chilly one in areas over parts of the north bay. 37 in nevada. 39 in santa rosa. and 50 degrees in san francisco. upper 40s in oakland. 44 walnut creek. a few degrees cooler than yesterday. so if you're stepping out early, you may notice that anywhere from four to six degrees cooler in the neighborhood. as we shift to the north, 39 degrees. noticing a little bit of fog many the area. santa rosa reporting partly cloudy skies and fog reported earlier. but it may be clearing already. that's good news. and seeing fog develop here. right along the coastline. half moon bay, visibility eight miles. not patchy and dense but gray skies overhead here. and partly cloudy to mostlyny for the coast today. and mostly sunny elsewhere. i want to show you the system, and bringing us high clouds time and time again. it's right about here. you may have noticed yesterday, luck up and have high clouds overhead. outside of that, we are looking at nice blue skies for the afternoon. again, for today. that system i showed you a moment ago isn't going to be moving to the bay, it's going to be moving south. and let me show you the track here as we get into saturday afternoon. and by sunday morning, it's out of the here. no rain over our area. so for today, mostly sunny skies, temperatures slightly warmer than yesterday. 75 for nevada. today, 37. upper 60s. along the east bay shoreline, low 70s for oakland. upper 70s for the inland areas. 76 morgan hill. mid 70s in santa cruz. 66 in san francisco. the extended forecast here. changes will come as early as tomorrow. today's going to be trayvon martin warmest day of the weekend. and temperatures -- going to become the warm day of the weekend. notice the plunge in the temperatures. cooler and breezy. and again, even a model that wants to bring a few showers our way. i will detail the mod expel show you if -- model and show you if you can expect rain coming up. who is in charge of fixing the affordable care act website and when things should be running smoothly? plus, families know that organ donors know the gift saves lives. how social media helps connect them. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. welcome back. a little bit of fog. mostly sunny skies for the afternoon. and today will be a warmer day than friday. political analysts say hillary clinton appears to be laying the foundation for another presidential run. last night, she brand up three main speaking events in three days. she urged lawmakers to focus on moving the country forward. this is her first series of political speeches since she left the state department. a billionaire announced that he is co-chairing a political action committee independent of clinton but whose goal is to promote her presidential run in 2016. the adviser president barack obama hand picked to fix the obamacare website is promising it will work smoothly at the end of the next month. a company will serve as the general contractor to oversee repairs instead of a tech company. it was a division of the health of human services that was running the system. a team of experts have identified a dozen problems with the website. the government expects about 7 million people to enroll next year. >> we did not fight so hard for so many years just to build a website. we did it to free millions of american families from the awful fear that one illness or injury might cost you everything you worked so hard to build. >> in this morning's weekly address, president barack obama said the glitches will not stop americans from enrolling in the system. he says nearly 700,000 people have already applied for coverage. well instead of plushing pills down the toilet or throwing them in the garbage, people have a chance to safely get rid of unwanted or expired prescription drugs. with local and state agencies, they hold this event twice each year. in april, the area locations collected 18-tons of drugs. and there are 220 collection sites throughout northern california today. the drop-off time is between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. one family is expressing gratitude at meeting the mother of the man when gave them the ultimate gift. on the power to keep their young son alive. >> reporter: on this sunny fall day, the next chapter begins in the family's journey. >> he's been 5 months old, he's been on medication. >> reporter: he received a life- saving kidney and liver transplant. he will take drugs for the rest of his life. a young life that president could say because of a tragedy. >> we never lost sight of the fact that we know someone lost a loved one to give us back our loved one. >> reporter: dad and mom are minutes away if meeting the mother of the organ donor, her son died in a car crash. >> i'm praying that it brings her family peace. i'm hoping she can look at matthew and that can see it there. >> reporter: the couple was a mix of emotions, nervous, but when the front door opened, it was joy and gratitude they felt. while she was grieving the loss of her 22-year-old son brandon, a soldier in the army, she came across a news story about a little boy receiving transplant. the dates matched and it clicked. >> how cool. >> the first one was liver and kidney, 2-year-old male. >> reporter: she then reached out via facebook. >> thank you. >> reporter: and today, the emotional meeting, seeing her army son's legacy continue in a little boy. >> he wanted to help flow balancely humanity by bettering people's lives. he couldn't have helped anybody in a greater way. >> served our country. and even in passing, continued to serve. he found a way to give and continue to keep giving. and i think that says a lot about him. >> both families say they are grateful to social media for bringing them together. a new documentary about a local sports hero premiered last night. >> my mom always told me that god had some plan for me. given my circumstances, i didn't think that was true. >> he was born missing part of his left arm. but at 13, he was 6'10" and went on to play college basketball. he was on the red carpet last night, soaking in the surreal moment. >> wasn't an easy thing to do with the disability. but i made it work with help of certain coaches and role models who really helped me in different ways to get me where i needed to be to be successful. >> he was a college graduate and a motivational speaker and he has been in talks with the harlem globetrotters about a try-out next year. the excitement continues for the big wave surfing community. opening ceremonies kicked off yesterday just north. 24 surf offers are signed up for the event. they get about 24 hours notice when conditions will be right for the competition to begin. and it can happen any time between november 1st and march 3 1st. well the 49ers are going through the last day of practice before tomorrow's game in london. leading the team through drills here. they moved down to the london area resort yesterday and started practicing. although the niners are heavy favorites, the head coach says his players won't take them lightly. >> they've watched the jaguars on tape all week. and respect the team. they see it on the tape. you know, this good football team. >> the niners say one of the biggest adjustments they had to make this week is handling the jetlag. kick-off is scheduled for 10:00 tomorrow morning. you can watch the pre-game show. the giant's pitcher says one of the reasons he's back with the team is to make amends for his disappointing performance the past few seasons. he had a chance to test the free agency market this winter but says he couldn't leave the giants on a down note. he was 10-14 last year with an e.r.a over 4.0. is that testings show the winner of tonight's world series game will likely win the whole thing. the series is tied at 1-1 after the cardinals beat the red sox thursday night. and in the past century, there were 53 times the world series was tied at 1-1. the winner of game three went on to take the series 38 times, a 73% winning percentage. you can see whether the red sox or the redbirds get a leg up tonight. tune in to ktvu. coverage begins at 4:30. first pitch after 5:00. coming up, you may want to check the refrigerator. an important recall of cheese this morning. and why halloween stores say dressing up isn't just for people anymore. a pleasant day in store for your saturday. the sun is rising. it is a chilly start. but we have a warm-up on the way. when temperatures will become more comfortable coming up. craft is recalling 735,000 cases of cheese string products sold across the country. they have code dates from october 25th through february 11th, 2014. they say they're going to spoil before the best when used by dates. people with that affected cheese can return it to the store for an exchange or refund. the mexican government is refusing to lift the ban on chicken from three central valley foster farms processing facilities after nearly 400 people in the united states were sickened. foster farms has reported a 25% drop in sales. expersons say it could have a wider affect. they are working with the u.s. and mexican authorities to show how new protocols have reduced the rates of contamination. halloween is just a few days away and some people are still looking for the perfect costume for themselves and their pets. a costume shop in new york city says they have as many costumes for animals as people. that includes wigs and hats. the biggest sellers for people and animals are pop culture icons that include lady gaga, and the cast of breaking bad. >> all right. well, if you have it in you, to dress up your pet and yourself, that's great. let's see, do we need warm weather costumes or cold weather costumes? >> yeah, when the sun goes down, here comes the chill. we will be cool but we are going to be dry on halloween. i remember last halloween, by about dinner time, it was raining in the north bay. and that put a damper on things. we may see a few scattered showers on monday. i'm going to show you exactly that. we are looking at cooler air to move in by then. and breezy conditions. and start today, patchy fog along the coast. and just inside the bay. for the afternoon, mostly sunny and temperatures will be warmer this afternoon. and we start out tomorrow morn, the time stamp says 9:00 a.m. like this morning. and we go on with the sunday. but take a look by sunday night, early into monday morning, a few sprinkles popping up over the south bay. and then as i move us forward through monday afternoon, look at what the model brings, slight possibility to the air. looks like scattered showers may be a possibility. but for us here at home, i think we will be partly cloudy and breezy and cooler. and we are going to leave in just a 10% chance at maybe a light scattered shower. watching that for you. between now and then, great weather to tend to. temperatures at this hour in the upper 30s for the cooler locations. widespread 40s to low 40s. -- to lower 50s. and temperatures better by 10:00 a.m. and by noontime, low 60s along the coast. bay and inland. temperatures fill if quite nice for the afternoon. a huge story back in the 90s. 17 years later, back in the spotlight now. what newly released documents say about the parents of jonbenet ramsey and why they never faced charges in connection with her death. and fleet week wasn't what organizers hoped it would be. the urban shield drill continues today in oakland and san francisco for police officers and firefighters. and it's already brought out protesters angry at what they call recent acts of police brutality. welcome back. >> more than 50 emergency scenarios will take place in the urban shield training event despite two firefighters being injured. we are live in oakland with more on what happened and how this could affect today's events. >> well because of what happened yesterday, there has been a slight change in plans. the two firefighters that were injured yesterday afternoon around 4:40, one an oakland firefighter and another a sacramento firefighter. they were going to be leading one of the training exercises today. and they were doing a hoisting exercise where they would be hoisted out of a boat into a helicopter. well, they did get injured. and because of, that there's only going to be one helicopter that they'll use for the operations today. and that hell continuer is going to land here at the oakland fire department's training facilities. initially, -- there were going to be two. and now just one. both firefighters are expected to be okay. in fact, one of the two will be back here today. leading this training exercise. but this is all part of the urban shield operation. let's show you video of the urban shield videos from last year. they have been doing this since 2007. and organizers say the goal is to help emergency responders train for things like hazmat situations and natural disaster, terrorist attacks and hostage situations. and they have one simulation that's going to be a simulation of an elementary school shooter. more than 500 law enforcement law enforcement officers and emergency responders from across the area and the world are taking part in urban shield this year. some come from idaho, minnesota and one organizer says there's a team from jordan taking part in these training exercises. >> it's uncome rabble to anything else this we have the opportunity to do. we can learn from them and they can learn from us. so you get to experience the exercises that have been put up. and they are quite challenging to it's not just run of the mill training. >> reporter: now this three-day training exercise happens to fall on the two-year anniversary of the occupy oakland camp. yesterday, there were about 100 protesters were they were protesting the militarization of the police. some protesters were unhappy about the use of federal money for the operation. live in oakland, channel 2 a couple has a history of driving under the influence. court records show she was convicted of driving under the influence just last year. and she is expected to make her first court appearance on monday. police say she hit a couple walking their dog thursday night. the car crossed the center divide and plowed into another car before hitting the tree. the couple leaves behind three teenage children who say they want the harshest possible sentence. >> really, really mad. i feel like she should be thrown in jail for life. for life. i have no sympathy towards her. >> the section of the street where the couple was walking does not have sidewalks. police say a suspect in a car crash on tuesday that killed a family of five including a pregnant woman also has a criminal history. the sacramento bee reports that ryan christopher was released from prison last month after serving time for evading police and reckless driving. he did not have a violence drivers license and had been drinking with his father before the crash. the 9-year-old boy who survived the crash is also in critical condition. a decision about the next police chief could be made before thanksgiving. the city manager says that she wants to make the acting chief the permanent chief. he was named acting chief back in january after the chief moore resigned. she says she hopes to bring his possible appointment before the city council sometime in november. the appointment of a new police chief comes as many women are leaving the police department. we have learned that nine women police officers have resigned just this year. many of them are leaving because of cuts in pay and benefits. a 13-year veteran says she quit to join redwood city police. there used to be more opportunities for female officers to work in special units and undercover operations. >> our unit dwindling, we don't have anything, there's nothing to offer for officers and female officers to do anymore. >> according to the police union, women office everies make up about 9.5% of the police department. compared to close to 11% in oakland and more than 15% in san francisco. the public will soon have its say over a proposal to raise a toll on the golden gate bridge. the district says it needs more revenue to off-set $142 million deficit. the district's board is considering several options including a $1 toll increase, higher tolls during peak commute times and a possible end to the $1 fast track discount. public hearing will be held next year with the toll hike potentially occurring as soon as april. the richmond bridge could experience a big change. an idea is being floated that would open a third eastbound lane for the evening commute. the transportation authority approved spending $190,000 for a study. right now, the bridge has two lanes in each direction. but each direction also has one shoulder lane. the study will determine if the shoulder lanes could turn into traffic lanes during busy commute times. well a plan to revitalize the neighborhood in san francisco has some airwise owners worried. under the plan, there would be a 10-story housing and retail building. some owners say they'll have nowhere to go if the project moves forward. >> i have family also. i don't want to lose my income. >> they are going to have a challenge of fitting a really big new billing into a neighborhood that has a lot of rough edges but where the people who live here really like it. >> the plan still has to be approved by several city agencies before it can get a green light. a festival benefiting businesses on san francisco's water front will be held this weekend to make up for the lackluster fleet week. they put together the street festival after a majority of fleet week activities were put on hold thanks to the sequester. it will have live music, children's rides and a firework show. several blocks will be closed to traffic because of the festival. and emission is free. see those images just getting me excited about next month with grab season coming up and getting in the season. so that's on my mind right now. i don't know what's on your mind. >> you have to wait until then. you can go down today. >> and excited about the weekend. it's going to be nice. we've got mostly sunny skies for the afternoon temperatures. going to be warming up over yesterday's highs by a few degrees in most cases. waking up with mostly clear skies over going to show you, over my shoulder there. yes, indeed. we've got some cool temperatures out there this morning. and even cooler than yesterday. areas like liver moore reporting cooler than yesterday. and oakland about 47. 50 degrees san francisco there. is where we have a temperatures just well, anywhere from a few to several degrees above the freezing. 39 in nevada. but the sun is now up. and over the next hour or two, we will begin to see the temperatures turn around. 50 degrees redwood city. and a chilly start, and mostly cloudy skies over half moon bay. but most waking up with patchy fog. and that's really about it. and mostly sunny skies and high clouds for the afternoon. and if we shift along the peninsula, 43. 44 for foster city. and sliding back here showing you the bigger picture, the system here that remains offshore. it helped to disrupt the marine layer and blow out the low clouds we were stuck with for several days and that brought us the high clouds as well yesterday. so this system going to remain right here. it will begin to shift south later today. it's not going to move any closer or bring us rain. i wish we would see rain. slightly warmer temperatures for the afternoon. and mostly sunny skies and once we get past the chilly start, pockets of fog. and temperatures in the 60s along the coast. 70s to upper 70s for the inland communities. 75 in napa for today. we head to the east, 71 in. 73 for caster valley. pittsburgh, into the south bay, 73. mid-70 along the water at santa cruz. 69 for the afternoon. 66 in san francisco. low 60s with partly cloudy skies for the coast. the extended forecast here, notice temperatures begin to trend downward by tomorrow. and by the evening, we will begin to see more in the way of cloud cover. and we wake up monday, partly to mostly cloudy, breezy conditions and moving into the bay area. and take a look at some of the numbers, upper 60s for the inland communities. mid-60s around the bay. 60 degrees at the coast with the breezy conditions. going to feel cool. we will pull out of that by tuesday and wednesday. but notice on monday, chance with a question mark. there's a possibility, maybe a few sprinkles. going to show you the futurecast model coming up ! well 17 years after the killing of jonbenet ramsey, newly released court documents shed new light on the crime and the investigation. it reveals that the grand jury wanted to indict jon and patsy ramsey. she was just six years old when her body was found in the basement. the district attorney at the time decided not to prosecute saying there wasn't enough evidence to win a conviction. >> we do know from the crime scene experts that the scene appears to have been staged. >> that chapter of the book has been closed and is a done deal. this family should be recognized as the district attorney said in 2008 as victims of crime. >> the ramseys did maintain their innocence all along. and the district attorney in 2008 did make the unusual move of public exonerating both parents of any wrong doing. the mother need 2006 of cancer. gay waiter gets a note of thanks from a couple but no tip. why they say they could not give him a tip. and how other customers are now responding. and possible changes to the cost of parking in walnut creek. how much meters could cost. and a live look outside. the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. looking fantastic so far on this saturday morning. time now 7:42. [ superfan ] we're hitting the road to help america discover the new helper. you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. welcome back. a live look there at san francisco. to the west, partly cloudy skies and 50 degrees outside your door. it's been one year since hurricane sandy hit cuba. cuban officials say repairing or replacing all of the damaged homes could take another six years. some residents say they're waiting for the government to even acknowledge their need for help. days after hitting cuba, sandy slammed the eastern seaboard of the united states. five people were hurt on a ride at the north carolina state fair. and now investigators are trying to figure out how it all happened. the victims were on a ride thursday night when it malfunctioned. and investigators say it appears the run stopped and then started again just as people were trying to get off. >> we have about 35, 40 people that our investigators and officers are talking to at this time. that may have witnessed it or seen something that would help us. the rides are to be inspectioned three times daily and that is something they'll be looking at. >> the victims range in age from 14 to 39. and included that ride operator. at least two people suffered critical injuries. a waiter in georgia was left a note saying he would not be receiving a tip because he was gay. and now others are headed to the restaurant. >> we are here to meet your celebrity, the one mistreated and. she said, that's my son. would you like a table or a booth? and i said, where ever he's serving. >> the waiter says instead of leaving a tip, a couple he served left a note that read, thank you for your service, it was excellent. that being said, we cannot tip you for your home sexual life style is an affront to god. he shared the note with friends who posted it to social media. more than 20 members of the air national guard are accused of providing false addresses so they could receive higher pay. it made it look like they lived out of state. some of the service members were paid four to five times what they would normally earn due to the fraud. the 214th group flies drones in iraq and afghanistan. it appears even the former head of the nsa is not immune from someone eavesdropping on his phone conversations. the former chief was talking to a reporter on the cellphone this week on an amtrak train while another passenger decided to listen in. that passenger was tom matsy, the former washington director of he tweeted out what he was saying in real time, with hash tag, exnsa needs a day job. he bragged about the practice of rendition. >> i thought it was the wrong thing to do for an official of his stature to be making those sorts of comments. >> he got a call after hanging up with the reporter and went over to talk to him. he says he asked him if he wanted a real interview and posed for a picture with him. the tsa is defending itself against accusations of wasteful spending. many tsa agents were classified as criminal investigators. even though the primary duties did not involve criminal investigations. criminal investigators earn much higher salaries and auditors say the same work could be performed by employees who make less money. it could cost taxpayers at least $17.5 million over the next five years? >> and as part of the investigation into the airlines crash, federal investigators traveled to south korea. they met with personnel there to observe company procedures and gather information on airline training. and it reviewed records of the plane that crashed. they plan to hold a two-day hearing toen the crash in early december. police have bustedded a major pot growing operation and made five arrests. they discovered hundreds of plants growing on county land. police released the photo of the almost 6 hub pounds of marijuana seized. and they say cash and guns were found. four of the people arrested are from mexico. the fifth suspect lives in oakland. the medical center is facing a $100,000 fine from the california department of public health. state officials say the hospital failed to follow established procedures for administration of medication. they say that put patients at risk. the medical crepter is one of eight california hospitals being fined by the state. parking rates may go up for drivers in walnut creek. the city is considering plans to ease congestion there. are about 30,000 parking spots in walnut creek. and they're almost always taken there. can be frustrating for people who say they would rather be shopping or eating. >> driving around and around and around. and there's not enough parking garages: we have come here for dinner on the weekends and have no place to park and end up leaving. >> plans call for extended meter hours and enforcing meters on sunday. the city council is expected to approve the changes in december. trash removal companies are lining up for their chance to win a multi-year contract with five east bay cities. a deal worth close to $5 billion. aamong the competitors, -- among the competitors are several companies the. current contract expires in march. the deal would likely include a renewal for another 10 years. richmond police could soon join other departments that require officers to wear body cameras. if the program is a success, all officers on the force will be required to record footage of every incident they respond to. they are a requirement for police in san francisco and oakland. well napa county is teaming up with the common sense gun safety group to host the first gun safety day. and that is going to be from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. between city hall and the police department on first street. the first 300 will receive free gun locks. organizers say it's an open invitation to anyone interested in learning more about gun safety. getting another day to get ready for america's birthday. the city where residents may get one extra day to stock up. and a die hard, just how long this young packer fan has been wearing that jersey and how much longer it will be until he finally takes it off. a modest warm-is up in store for your saturday afternoon. how much higher i expect we will go coming up. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ well the city council has voted to approve a plan to give people an extra day to buy 4th of july fireworks. they allowed for a fifth day of fireworks sales. the groups operate the booths to raise money for a year. but they say a nearby park alouse one more day of sales. the vote is being criticized who say the city council didn't do enough to inform the public about the vote. they'll vote again in november before it goes into effect. a federal investigation is underway to stop sea lions from being shot in southern california. we have to warn you, the video of the sea lions' injuries is graphic. four sea lions have washed up in recent months. and officials say the shootings are common in october when squid fishing season is underway. there's no evidence that fishermen are responsible for the latest shootings. >> it's horrible. i can't imagine somebody would want to do that to any animal. >> shooting sea lions is illegal under the marine mammal act. anyone convicted faces up to $10,000 in fines and as much as a year in jail. the controversy over the washington redskins team name is spreading to other cities. the group called the american indian movement is asking the minnesota vikings to avoid using the redskin's name during their nationally televised game against washington on november 7th. they want no mention of it whatsoever. but the vikings are rejecting the call saying they are obligated to promote the league and each of the teams. several hundred protesters are expected at the game next month. a sixth grader from wisconsin is making headlines for wearing the same nfl jersey every day for nearly three years. his family may be die hard viking fans, but he loves the green bay packers and for 1,335 days, he has been wearing the same rogers jersey. it looked normal when he first started but new it's fade sod you can barely even read the name. >> i made the mistake of mentioning that the boy that had worn the brett favre jersey just over four years. and at that point, he's like, hmm, is there even a record. >> well he says he plans on wearing the jersey for more than four years and the goal is to score a meeting with the player whose name used to be there on the back. no word how many times he's actually washed. >> that's terrible, like trying to look up, washing it, and hen put it back? >> maybe once a week. >> every other day is the answer. >> there you go. >> every other day. not bad. >> that's okay, right? >> not bad, that's commitment. every other day? good for them. that's awesome. quite awesome, our weather. we are off to a cool start, but the opens the we will leave behind over the next hour or two. and warmer for today, anywhere from two to four to six degrees warmer than friday. some of us may barely notice. some definitely will. going from 71 to 77. i think you will notice that. yesterday, expected to hit 76 for today. and oakland nudge up just a few degrees or so, two to three to be correct there. and your forecast here. i want to zoom you into monday because tomorrow's going tuberculosis a nice day. and slightly cooler. but by monday, bigger changes take place. take a look at this. into monday morning, notice even a few sprinkles over area. we turn partly cloudy. into monday, roll you through. and notice 4:00 in the afternoon. a few pieces of rain wanting to creep up a along the coastline here. even picking up some right here. and this is new. we didn't see this just a day or so ago. but the system dropping out of british columbia, going to cool us down. take a look at monday. the numbers really take a plunge. widespread 60s many the forecast. going to be breezy. and now slight possibility it may be scattered showers. it is slight. you may not need that umbrella. and take a look at the weekend, nice today. slightly cooler for tomorrow. and a cool one this morning. a look at the current temperature coming up. details of the final moments straight ahead. just a great reaction. a sailor heads home early after an eight-month deployment. and surprises his wife, two kids and the family dog. you will want to see that. [ woman ] dear chex cereal, i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible. you made gluten-free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. a wanted parolee finally surrenders to police after a stand-off shuts down a neighborhood and injures four officers. and the urban shield drill continues around oakland and san francisco. more on the accident that happened yesterday that forced a change in plans. more fallout from an accident that killed two workers. good morning. >> good morning. let's look at how our day is shaping up. starting off cool. but always turns out to be a nice day. >> yeah, nice weather for the afternoon. and it is cool out there this morning. and even some sinking back into the 30s. i will show you the current temperatures coming up. and fog. but by the afternoon, mostly sunny. partly cloudy for the coastline. temperatures warming up over yesterday as well. in the extended forecast, a big plunge in the temperatures. breezy conditions and now the models want to bring rain our way. now that we're into the next hour, we will update these numbers for you as well as the futurecast model. and i will show you that coming up. a wanted parolee who kept police in a stand-off for nearly 10 hours has surrendered. he was taken away by ambulance with minor injuries and it started yesterday at about 3:00 in the afternoon. police say they were with a federal immigration special agent on the way to arrest him. but they say as they approached the house, he opened fire. >> i think this is one of the biggest scenes or issues, if you will, that we have seen in this whole state or region. >> reporter: he was able to sneak past officers and run into another house a few blocks away where he again opened fire. in all, a special agent and three police officers were hurt. one officer is in serious condition. and the rest are doing okay. highway 101 has reopened following a multi-car crash that triggered an alert. all lanes were closed at 4:20 this morning. at least one person was taken to san francisco general hospital with head and neck injuries the. road is now clear and traffic is moving. the chp is still investigating the cause of the crash. happening today, the urban shield drills continue despite two firefighters suffering minor injuries. it happened yesterday about 4:40 in the afternoon during a practice water rescue in san francisco bay. one firefighter was from oakland. and the other from sacramento. more than 50 other emergency scenarios will take place this weekend. about 5,000 people are expected to participate. we are at the urban shield command center and she will live during the hour with new information on the day's events. and urban shield continues, it's unclear if protests will as well. more than a hundred protesters came together last night. >> last night, protesters marched through the streets of oakland and then met at broadway. and continued to oakland city hall. they wanted to mark the second anniversary of the police raid on occupy oakland camp and protest against urban shield. >> everyone should have good training. but not military training. we shouldn't use military techniques for civilian purposes. >> the protest lasted until about 9:00 last night. officers said there was heavy police presence just in case of problems but say overall the protest was peaceful. last nigh's demonstrations from what we saw two years ago. during those protests, police used tear gas to try to control the protesters and the vandalism cost tens of thousands of dollars and the public criticized police and city leaders for how they happened it willed the protests. the fbi will conduct its own investigation into tuesday's shooting. this as the fbi also looks for answers as do members of the community. hundreds of young students marched to the sheriff's department yesterday and many demanded that the deputy who shot ask killed the 13-year-old be arrested and charged with murder. investigators say a 24-year veteran of the department fired at him because he says he feared for his life. the story has stirred a range of emotions from residents. >> i don't know if he came swinging around with a rifle in his hand. of course, go to protect yourself. >> a trigger happy cop. and he needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the criminal law. >> the sheriff said he welcomes the fbi investigation and will cooperate with agents. well san francisco police are searching for whoever set off a homemade explosive device, injuring a homeless man. it happened around 1:30 yesterday afternoon. police say the victim was collecting recyclables when the device exploded. police are checking video in the hopes of finding the person who planted the sequel vice. >> we have a suspect description as a white male, about 30 years of age, who was seen leaving the scene after the explosion. >> the device is said to be similar to an m-0 fire crackers and police say they didn't find any other devices in the area. police have arrest 2 men in connection to a deadly shooting last weekend. it happened early sunday morning near mission and 16th street. it was a 32-year-old man. investigators say they arrested the 25-year-old and a 21-year- old on suspicion of homicide. one faces a weapons charge. as the investigation continues into the deaths of two bart workers, some say a change in safety policies could have other consequences for employees and riders. according to the times, bart workers have been concerned for years about a practice called simple approval. that practice makes rail workers largely responsible for their own safety when on the tracks the. policy was suspended indefinitely after the deaths of two workers last weekend. and the policy is expected to cause construction related delays and affect the on-time rating. one worker tells the times the switch could also increase overtime which was an issue during the contract dispute. the bart unions will vote on the contract next friday. and we have learned that service employee's union will hold votes on the same day rather than on two different days. union leaders are recommend ago prove and one worker we talked to says reaction from the rank and file is positive after the union's vote. the board of directors will hold its own vote and they need approval to sign off on the deal. the contract is ratified. restrooms could possibly re- open. the agency locked the doors for security reasons after the september 11th terrorist attacks and they remain closed ever since. but the proposed contract includes a provision calling for a committee to look into reopening the restrooms. if you are just waking up, it's been a cool night. a in this case day. and you know, some people already talking about halloween. rain or are we going good to go? last year, we were with rain on halloween. and this year, we are looking at dry conditions. now we do like to see at least a little bit of rain in october. some may actually get that possibility on monday. i'm going to show you that in a moment. first, take a welcome at the really cool shot. just a few patches of fog. floating into the city of san francisco. do you see that flag in the foreground? it's a calm start out there. and as mentioned, it's a cool start out there. temperatures in the upper 30s. mostly cloudy. 48 walnut creek. and 50 degrees in pittsburgh. and up ther 40s and lower 50s. and temperatures already beginning to turn around. oakland reporting 55 degrees right now. just in the last hour. we were in the low 50s like right about 50 degrees from what i remember. so temperatures beginning to turn around. and we have low clouds hugging the coastline about here. so partly cloudy along the coast for today. mostly sunny elsewhere. and temperatures over yesterday by a few degrees. you can see here, looks like a little bit of cloud cover along the stretch. and santa cruz with partly cloudy skies and a beautiful start outside the door. the system brought us changes yesterday. and helped to clear out the low clouds and mix up the layer just a little bit. and high clouds from time to time but that's going to be about it. help to clear out the clouds and not going to bring us rain. the rain offshore is associated with the system. and as i put this into motion, notice how it moves south and fizzles out. not going to be moving east in our. for the afternoon, temperatures a few degrees warmer than yesterday. notice on sunday, partly cloudy skies and temperatures begin to trend downward. and i think by sunday night into monday, bigger changes coming. by monday afternoon, a big, big drop in the temperatures. and widespread 60s from the coast to the bay. and inland, and the northerly breeze is going to be picking up and that's going to make it feel cool. and notice on monday, i put 20%. there's a very slight chance that some of us may get a sprinkle. only going to last through monday and tuesday into wednesday, bouncing back. but again, we have that possibility coming our way. and this is new. i will show you the futurecast model coming up. well it's an annual bay area tradition that is always very cute. celebrating halloween and the love of animals. san francisco held the boo at the zoo last weekend. oakland will host its version today. and tomorrow, a stand passing out treats to families. and a parade at 11:00 and 1:00. today is national prescription drug take back day. details on where and when you can get rid of unwanted medication. a chance of a lifetime. as a family meets the mother of a man whose organs saved the life of their young son. burden thank you for joining us. a few patches of fog moving through san francisco. a shot there. we have a beautiful afternoon in store. well a grieving mother has found peace after meeting the 3- year-old boy who received her son's kidney and liver. she lost her 22-year-old son brandon in a crash earlier this year. and it was because of his death that 23-year-old is still alive. -- that the 3-year-old is still alive. he came across a news story about a little boy who received a transplant. she decided to reach out to the family. >> served our country. and even in passing, he continued to serve. he found a way to give and continue to keep giving and i think that says a lot about him. >> his parents say they felt a wave of emotion when they opened the front door. they say social media connections proved invaluable because it allowed the two families to meet. the adviser president barack obama hand picked to fix the obamacare website is promising that it will work smoothly by the end of next month. the company will serve as a general contractor to oversee repairs of the site. instead of a tech company, it was a division of the department of health and human services running the system. a team of experts have identified dozens of problems with the website from performance to functionality. it expects about 7 million people to enroll for coverage next year. >> we did not fight so hard for this reform for so many years just to build a website. we did it to free millions of american families from the fear that one injury to yourself or your child might cost you everything you worked so hard to build. >> and president barack obama said the website glitches will not stop americans from enrolling in the system. he says nearly 700,000 people have already applied for coverage. san francisco will host a town hall meeting today to discuss enrollment. people can learn about how to get insurance through the state program and offshoot the affordable care act. the event runs from 10:00 a.m. until noonth avenue at lincoln way. instead of flushing pills down the toilet, people have a chance to safely get rid of unwanted or expired medications. today's drug take back day. local and state agencies hold this event twice each year. in april, locations collected 18-tons of drugs in the bay area. male hispanicly police and sheriff's stations. the drop off time is 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the excitement continues for the big wave surf community at the surf contest. opening ceremonies kicked off yesterday. the surfers will get about 24 hours condition notice when with the conditions are just right. and that can happen any time between november 1st and march 3 1st. >> my mom told me that god had some plan for me. i didn't think that was true. >> he was born missing part of his left arm. but at 13 years old, he was already 6'10" and he did play high school and division one college basketball. he was on the red carpet last night soaking in the moment. >> wasn't an easy thing to do with the disability. but i made it work with help of certain coaches and roll models who really help med in different ways to get me where i needed to be to be successful. >> he is now a college graduate. and he is a motivational speaker and also in talks with the harlem globetrotters about a possible try out next year. they are making sure the center will stick around for a while. they agreed to a three-year contract extension worth $36 million. but he could make more with incentives. the former number one pick overall was dominate center but plagued with injuries. the 28-year-old has played just 44 regular season games in the last two years but was a defensive force during last year's play-offs. the pitcher says one reason he is back with the team is to make amends for his disappointing performance. after passing the physical, he signed a two-year contract worth $35 million. and he had a chance to test the free agency market but says he couldn't leave the giants on a down note. he was 10-14 last year with an e.r.a over 4.0 but adds that he's evolving as a pitcher. is that testings show that the winder of tonight's world series game will likely win the whole thing. the series is tied at 1-1. and the pass century, there were 53 times when the world series was tied at 1-1. and winner went on to take the series 38 times. nearly a 72% winning percentage. you can watch the red birds and red sox go at it tonight in game three right here. coverage begins at 4:30. first pitch just after 5:00. the 49ers are going through their last day of practice before tomorrow's game in london. the quarterback is one of the players leading the team through drills as they moved out of a resort yesterday and started practicing at a field instead. although they are heavy favorites to beat the jaguars, the head coach says players will not take them lightly. >> they watched the jaguar on tape all week. and respect the team. they see it on the tape. you know, this good football team. >> the 49ers say one of the biggest adjustments this week is handling jetlag. and kick-off is at 10:00 tomorrow morning. this sixth grader in wisconsin is making headlines for wearing the same jersey every day for nearly three years. the family all die hard viking fans but he loves the green bay packers. and look at him there. for 1,335 days, he has been wearing the same rogers jersey. >> i made the mistake of mentioning that the boy that had worn the brett favre jersey just over four years and he's like, hmm, is there a record? >> well he says he is planning on wearing that jersey for more than four years. the family says they hand wash the jersey every other night to keep it clean. >> every other night. >> there you go. it's washed. >> i was concerned for him and everyone who hugs him. >> and there's some shirts that don't get washed that are favorite sport teams. >> really? >> just what we do. >> don't do it. just wash it. the addition to vending machines in china and it's aimed at new mothers on the go. a dry mild weekend in store for you. a look at temperatures for today. and when i expect we will turn cooler, breezy and maybe you can see the possibility of wet weather. i love having a free checked bag with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ once wrote something on a sheet of paper ♪ the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. when ifor your business..curity talk to the business security leader. tyco integrated security. we'll do a security review of your business to understand your needs, customize an integrated solution that meets your specific challenges. and deliver it all with responsive local service, and a personal passion to help you protect your business. we'll even give you the power to manage it all... right from the palm of your hand. call us for a free security review. tyco integrated security. safer. smarter. tyco. new mothers on the go can now buy baby formula powder from vender machines. plans are in the works to expand sales. formula powder could be sold in 10,000 pharmacies nationwide by 2014. kraft is recalling string cheese and products sold across the country. the products all have code dates from october 25th 2013 through february 11th, 2014. they say they'll spoil before the best when used by code dates. people with the affected cheese can return it to the store they bought it for an exchange or refund. one indiana family is celebrating an early holiday surprise. >> reporter: it takes just a moment for the wife to realize that her husband, a chief petty officer in the navy was home. he surprised her where he worked thursday morning and then headed to the school his two children attend. walking into this classroom first to surprise his son whose hug says it all. >> i'm home, buddy. >> reporter: and then walks down the hallway into this classroom to finally see his daughter. >> it was surreal. just a longtime coming and unbelievable to be home and see their faces. >> reporter: and the reunion did not end there. the family headed home where even the family dog was happy to see him. he has been in the persian gulf for the last eight months. but this was his last tour and he is home for good. >> welcome home to him. and love those reunions. >> yeah, powerful and the hug with the son, you can feel the emotion. >> and no one said a word. >> none of that patting stuff. that's how you hug. that's cool. last saturday of october is already here. halloween is on thursday. and dialing up the perfect forecast. >> you're right. we've got great weather in store for today. halloween looks good. maybe a shot at scattered showers between now and halloween. i have been told to make this quick. notice a few sprinkles. we go through monday relatively dry. and take a look at 4:00. and now going to roll you through 7:00. looks like maybe a sprinkle pass by. again, the brunt of this looks to be over parts of areas north of i-80, maybe into the central valley. and going to be tracking that for you. for today, mostly sunny andky and dry and warmer than yesterday. upper 60s san francisco. mid-70s san jose. the extended forecast showing you today is the warmest day of the weekend. and temperatures fall off a little bit tomorrow as the system i showed you just a moment begins drop our way. but the biggest impact will come on monday. cooler, breezy, slight chance at sprinkles and drying out and temperatures warming up by tuesday. a look at current temperatures coming up. urban shield drills are getting underway around the area. an elementary school shooting is being simulated. and a plan to revitalize the san francisco neighborhood. but not everyone involved thinks it's a good idea. happening today. about a5,000 first responders participating in day two of urban shield. welcome back. well, today's urban shield exercises are being changed following the injury of two firefighters. urban shield is the first responder training program. the injuries happened yesterday. all during a practice water rescue in the san francisco bay. and one of the firefighters was from oakland and the other from sacramento. today's drills will only the use of one helicopter. police and firefighter beginning various exercises. one of those training drills is being simulated. and we will check in with her later in the newscast. well a decision about the san jose next police chief could be made before thanksgiving. she wants to make the acting chief the permanent chief. chief chris moore resigned. she hopes to bring the appointment before the city council sometime in november. and the appointment of a new police chief comes as many women are leaving the police department. we learned that nine women or nine female police officers have resigned this year. and many are leaving because of cuts in pay and benefits. a 13-year veteran of the department says she quit to join redwood city police. there used to be more opportunities for female officers to work in special units and undercover operations. >> our unit dwindling, we don't have, there's nothing to offer for officers and female officers to do anymore. >> according to the police union, female officers make up about 9.5 of the police department -- 9.5% of the police department. and that's close to 15% in san francisco. a memorial is scheduled to be held today for a driver killed in an industrial accident at the site of the new 49er's stadium. a celebration of life is scheduled to begin at 1:00 this afternoon for the 61-year-old. lake was killed this month when a bundle of steel rebarb fell on him as he was delivering materials to the site. it was the second construction death in four months at the stadium. a suspected drunk driver accused of killing a couple has a history of driving under the influence. court records show she was convicted of driving under the influence last year. and she is expected to make her first court appearance on monday on vehicular manslaughter and felony dui charges. police say she hit a couple walking their dog thursday night. the car crossed the center divide and plowed into another car before hitting a tree. the couple leaves behind three teenage children who say they want the harshest possible sentence. >> i am really, really mad. i feel like she should be thrown in jail for life. for life. i have no sympathy towards her. >> a section of the street where the couple was walking does not have a sidewalk. and police say the couple may have been walking in the bike lane. police say a suspect in a horrific car crash on tuesday that killed a family of five including a pregnant woman also has a criminal history. he was released from prison last month after serving time for evadeing police and reckless driving. police say he did not have a valid drivers license and had been drinking with his father before the crash. he is hospitalized in critical condition. and the 9-year-old boy who was the only member of the family to survive the crash also remains in critical condition. a plan to revitalize a neighborhood in san francisco has some area business owners worried. under the plan, several businesses at the corner would be demolished to make room for a housing and retail building next to the bart station. some business owners say they'll have nowhere to go if the project moves forward. >> hurt us. i have family also. i don't want to lose my income. >> they are going to have a challenge of fitting a really big new building into a neighborhood that has a lot of rough edges but where the people really like it. >> the plan still has to be approved by city agencies before developers could get a green light to build. and the public will soon have its say to raise the toll on the golden gate bridge. they need more revenues to offset a deficit and fund a retrofit as well as the upgrade to the street. the board is considering several options including a $1 toll increase, higher tolls during peak times and a possible end to the $1 fast track discount. and public hearings will be held next year with the toll hike happening as soon as april. ask the richmond bridge could experience a big change. an idea would open a third eastbound lane for the evening commute. the authority approved spending $190,000 for the study. right now, two lanes in each direction and each direction has one shoulder lane. the study will determine if the lanes could turn into traffic lanes during busy times. a festival benefiting the water front will be held this weekend to make up for a lackluster fleet week. they put together the street festival after the majority of fleet weak activities were canceled due to the sequester. trayvon martin feature competitions, music and fireworks show. several block of the street will be closed to traffic. admission is free. the rim fire that burned for nearly 70 days is now 100% contained the. u.s. forest service made the announcement yesterday. the fire started on august 17th after an illegal campfire burned about 400 square miles and destroyed 1 homes, and 98 outbuildings. it cost an estimated $127 billion to fight. there's no word yet if the hunter who started the fire will face any charges. let's turnover on this saturday morn for you a check of how the day is shaping up. >> isn't that gorgeous. low clouds and fogging floating across the bay and swallowing up the bay bridge. mostly sunny skies away from the coastline. and we will continue with mostly sunny skies for most of the area. along the coast, partly cloudy for the afternoon. the system here that has disrupted the marine layer and the low cloud deck remains offshore. not going to bring us any rain. in fact, it's going to continue a southerly track. and not going to move much closer to the bay area. and but it will continue to perhaps bring us a high clouds and outside of that, nice mild weather in the forecast for today. with afternoon highs slightly warmer and. temperatures are near repeat. slightly cooler in areas this morning. 43 walnut creek. and temperatures in the north bay, 41 in napa. and improvement here, even though it's chilly outside the door, bottomed out in the 30s earlier this morning. 51 san francisco. 52 redwood city. and shift to the north, areas still quite cool, 39. looking at 43. we have temperatures feeling nice by the second half of the day. and over the next hour or so, the temperatures will rebound just enough to make it feel at least comfortable as you get outside with a light jacket. 75 for the afternoon. into the east bay, upper 60s to low 70s for oakland. and 76 for danville this afternoon. and a lot of festivals going on, fall festivals, halloween festivals, 74 san jose. along the peninsula this afternoon, looking at 74. 66 in san francisco. partly cloudy skies and low 60s along the coastline. and the extended forecast here with the weekend in view. notice today warmer than yesterday. and temperatures will begin to fall off just a bit with partly cloudy skies. sunday night into monday, bigger changes move in. and we will turn breezy at some point. and temperatures fall off quite a bit. 60s for monday afternoon. and a slim chance at scattered showers. and looks especially over parts to testify south bay. even farther down south gets the best chance there. and mostly clear skies into tuesday and temperatures begin to warm up. but again, that chance for rain coming on monday. and something kind of new. i'll show you the late nest the futurecast model coming up. the controversy over the washington redskins name is spreading to other cities. a movement is asking the vikings to avoid using the redskins name during their nationally televised game against washington on november 7th. the group says the name is degrading and wants no mention of it whatsoever. but the vikings are rejecting the call saying they're obligated to promote the league and each team. several hundred protesters are expected next month. 17 years after the killing of jonbenet ramsey, new court documents shed new light on the investigation and how close authorities came to charging her parents. a grand jury wanted to indict the parents are child abuse resulting in death. jonbenet was just six years old when her body was found in the basement of the home in 1996. the district attorney at the time decided not to prosecute saying there wasn't enough evidence to win a conviction. >> we do know from the crime scene experts that this scene appear to have been staged. >> that chapter to testify book has been closed and is a done deal there. family should be recognized as the boulder district attorney said in 2008, as victims of crime. >> at that ramseys maintain their innocence. and in 2008, the district attorney made the unusual move of publicly exonerating both parents of any crimes. the mother died in 2006 of cancer. for the second time this year, the medical center is being finedded. what they did that officials say put patients at risk. and the tsa is defending itself against acts says about wasteful spending. and i and a live look outside. the traffic on interstate 880. the pittsburgh steelers are in town this weekend. taking on the raiders. that will be tomorrow in the afternoon game. right now, traffic in oakland looks great. time now 8:41. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. welcome back. we are joined by low clouds this morning. inside the bay. along the coast, san francisco right now 51 degrees. five people were hurt on a ride at the north carolina state fair. and now investigators are trying to figure out how it happened. the victims were on a ride on thursday night when it malfunctioned. it appears the ride stopped and then suddenly started again just as people were trying to get off. >> we have about 35, 40 people that our investigators are and officers are talking to at this time that may have witnessed or seen something that would help us. >> the rides are to be inspected three times daily. and that is something that they'll be locking at as part of the investigation. >> the victims range in age from 14 to 39 and include a ride operator. at least two people suffered critical injuries. more than 20 members of the arizona national guard are accused of providing false addresses so they could receive higher pay. they provided addresses that made it look like they lived out of state. some were paid four or five times what they would normally earn. the 214th group flies drones in a rack and afghanistan. the farmer nsa chief and cia director was talking to a report they are week on an amtrak train while another passenger nearby listened in. that passenger was a former washington director of the political action group and tweeted out what he was saying in real time with the hash tag exnsa needs a day job. and he criticized the white house and bragged about the cia's practice of rendition. >> i thought it was the wrong thing to do for an official of his stature to be making those sorts of comments. >> he reportedly was not too upset about the tweets. he got a call after hanging up with the reporter and went over to talk to him. he asked him if he wanted to have a real interview and then posed for a picture with him. the tsa is defending against acts says of wasteful spending. many were classified as criminal investigators even though the primary duties did not involve investigations. investigators earn much higher salaries and auditors say the same work could be performed by employees who make less money. it could cost tax payers $17.5 million over the next five years? >> as part of the investigation into the airlines crash, federal investigators traveled to south korea. they met with the personnel there to observe company procedures and gather information on airline training. and it reviewed records of the plane crash. they plan to hold a two-day hearing in december. the medical crepter is facing a $100,000 fine from the department of public health. it's the second fine for the hospital this year. and the third since 2010. state officials say the hospital failed to follow established procedures for safe administration of medication. and they say that put patients at risk. the medical crepter is one of eight california hospitals being fined by the state. and napa police say they've busted a major pot growing application. they discovered hundreds of marijuana plants growing on county land napa. and police released this photo which shows almost 600 pounds of the marijuana seized. they say cash and guns were also found. and police say four of people are from mexico. and the fifth suspect lives in oakland. and a judge has refused to give the convicted serial killer more time to prepare for his sentencing. he said a noisy inmate in another cell was preventing him from preparing for the hearing but the judge denied the request and he is scheduled to be sentenced on november 8th. he was convicted in the murders of four women who have matching first and last initials. the 79-year-old is expected to become the oldest person ever sentenced to death in california. parking rates may soon go up for drivers. there are about 30,000 parking spots in walnut creek. and according to drivers, they are almost always taken. so it can be frustrating for people who say they would rather be shopping or eating in the area. >> driving around and around and around. and there's not enough parking garages. >> we have come here for dinner on the weekends and have no place to park and end up leaving. >> right now, plans call for increasing prices from 1 to $2 an hour, and extending hours and enforcing hours on sunday. the city council is expected to approve the change in december. trap removal companies are lining up for their chance to win a multi-year contract with five east bay cities, it is worth close to $1 billion. the current contract expires in march. the deal would likely include a renewal for another 10 years. napa county is teaming up with the napa common sense gun safety group. that event is from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. between napa city hall and the police department on 1st street. the first 300 people are going to get free gun locks. it's an open invitation to anyone interested in learning more about gun safety procedures. and police officers will be traffic lights to accept firearms or ammunition that people want to safely dispose of. if you see people taking cover, do not be alarmed. the city is expected to hold a drill simulating a earthquake at 9:00 this morning. residents are encouraged to take part by listening to emergency information on the radio and checking for fire extinguishers and people are being urged to sign up for text messages from the community information services. well a federal investigation is under way to stop sea lions from being shot in southern california. and we do have to warn you, we will show you video of the sea lions' injuries and it is graphic. there have been four sea lions that washed up in recent months and this is on malibu beaches. officials say shootings are common in october when squid fishing season gets underway. but they also say there is no evidence that the fishermen are responsible for the latest shootings. >> it's horrible. it's, i can't even imagine somebody would want to did that to any animal. >> shooting sea lions is illegal. and anyone convicted of shooting a sea lion faces up to $10,000 in fines and as long as as a year in jail. the unusual lengths some students are going to to get students to stop twerking. a warmer afternoon in store at this hour. a chilly start and temperatures are slowly rising. a look at the weather time line for saturday coming up. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. set your soul free. richmond police could soon join other bay area departments in requiring officers to wear cameras. four officers are currently testing a pilot program testing three models of body cameras. if it is a success, all officers on the force will be required to record footage of every incident. they are being used by police officers in san francisco and oakland. the city council has voted to approve a plan to give people an extra day to buy fireworks for the 4th of july. non-profit agencies asked the city to allow a fifth day of firework sales. the groups operate bags to raise money for the year. they say they're at a disadvantage because a nearby park alouse one more day of sales. the vote is being criticized who says the city council did not do enough to inform the public about the vote. the city council will vote again in november before it goes into effect. support is pouring in for a waiter in georgia who was left a note saying he would not receive a tip because he's gay. and other customers including a former pastor are headed to the restaurant with money and encouragement. >> we are here to meet your slabbery the and one mistreated and she said, that's my son. would you like a table or booth and i said, where ever he's serving. >> well the waiter says the couple left a note that read, thank you for your service. it was expires in lent. that being said, your home sexual life style is an affront to god. the story spread. and it wasn't georgia where this happened, but kansas. a growing number of schools are banning students from twerking. it comes after the performance at the vmas and some students are being forced to sign a contract promising they'll not twerk or grind. and parents have to sign the contract. >> they would know what that was. and now they know, what twerking is. >> students in washington state have signed contracts banning twerking and lap dancing. on the 9:00 hour, some pockets of fog out there. but otherwise, it is just beautiful. >> as you plan your day, we are off to a school start. dress if layers. by about 10:00, 11:00, feeling good. and by the afternoon, mostly sunny and even warm in areas. and giving awe a look, zoom past saturday because that's sums it up. nice weather for today. and partly cloudy at the coast. stopping tomorrow morning, the low clouds back with us. and looking at partly cloudy skies for most, at least away if the coast. and now monday, and the weather begins to take a drastic turn. early monday morning and notice mostly cloudy skies over the mountains and. picking up a few sprinkles. and as we get into monday afternoon, mainly dry. i don't think we're going to see a lot out of the system. but it's going the cool us down and breezy. and now noontime. and notice the bay area is dry. but take a look at the second half of the afternoon, into about 5:00, scattered showers over the edge. maybe over lake county. and sprinkles falling onyx-80. and along the coastline, so again, a little bit of unsettled weather in the forecast for monday. i think the notable difference for everybody will be the cool down. so today, nice, and mild and warm in areas. tomorrow, temperatures trend downward just a few degrees. and monday take the big turn, maybe a slight possibility of scattered showersful and then drying out and warming back up tuesday and wednesday. back to you. right now, thousands of first responders from across the country are in the bay area for a life or death training exercise. a live report on a simulated elementary school shooting and the reason why some exercises had to be called off. plus, why a dog the texas may have developed a taste for cold, hard cash. avo: at volkswagen we believe everyone deserves a better car. and now, during the "sign then drive" sales event, you're closer to yours than ever. like the turbocharged tiguan the midsize passat or the 34 highway mpg jetta. and every new 2014 volkswagen comes with no-charge scheduled maintenance... ...all for practically just your signature. the "sign then drive" sales event is back. ...and it's never been easier to get a new volkswagen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. hundreds of emergency responders from across the world are in the bay area this weekend for the urban shield training exercise. we'll take you to a drill happening right now that simulates a school shooting at an elementary school. >> i'm just standing here shaking. a wanted parolee surrenders. four officers are recovering after being injured. the latest details. the gift of live given to a young child. an emotional meeting between the organ donor's family and the recipients he saved. good morning. it is saturday, october 26th. i'm claudine wong. >> i'm mike mibach. >> we're off to a cool start. patchy fog along the coastline. just inside the bay. a few high clouds. temperatures will be warmer than what we had yesterday. this beautiful weather can't last forever. it won't. we have bigger changes coming as early as monday. now the slight possibility of a few scattered showers. i'll show you the latest model as it updates. training exercises continue across alameda county. about 5000 people are expected to participate. ktvu reporter allie rasmus is live with more. >> reporter: organizers say the goal of the urban shield program is to train emergency responders for real world scenarios. that's what they're doing right now. about two miles away from here. we were there about 20 minutes ago when other the next two days 35 different law enforcement agencies will participate in the simulation of a masked school shooting. when we were there earlier this morning, it was uc berkeley police who were going through this training drill. this simulation is happening at an elementary school in castro valley. it's happening at that location for a reason. the scenario is supposed to be similar to what happened with the sandy hook school shooting last year. this is one of 68 emergency drills happening. most of the law enforcement teams participating are from the bay area. but there is a team, we're told, from brazil that is one of the 35 law enforcement teams going through this training exercise and other training exercises this weekend. there are also some observers, teams of observerrers who have come to watch the urban shield training. we're told they have a very international presence. there's a team from the netherlands. a team of observers from jordan and observers along with other countries as well. they're all watching to see how these training exercises unfold. coming up we'll hear from sergeant nelson who will talk in more detail about what's going on at that simulated school shooting this morning. helicopter exercises are limited because of injuries at the urban shield event. two firefighters did suffer some minor injuries after a late afternoon practice yesterday. it was a water rescue over the san francisco bay. one of the firefighters was from oakland. the other from sacramento. as urban shield continues, it's unclear if the protesters will as well. more than 100 came together last night. >> rise up. shut it down. oakland is a peaceful town. rise up. >> last night the demonstrators marched through the streets of oakland. they continued on in the front of oakland city hall. organizers say they wanted to mark the second anniversary of the police raid on the occupy oakland camps and to protest against urban shield. >> everyone should have good training, but nonmilitary training. we shouldn't be using military techniques for civilian purposes. >> the protest lasted until about 9:00 last night. officers say there was a heavy police presence just in case of problems, but say that protest was peaceful. last night's demonstrations very different from what we saw at the occupy oakland protests two years ago. during those protests police used tear gas to try and control protesters and the vandalism cost thens of thousands of dollars. the public did criticize police for how they handled those. a wanted parolee who kept police locked in a standoff has surrender. around 12:30 this morning, sammy durant was take away by aambulance. it started yesterday about 3:00 in the afternoon. roseville police say they were with a federal immigration special agent on their way to arrest duran. as they approached a house, duran opened fire. >> i think this is one of the biggest scenes or issues, if you will, that we've seen in this whole state or region. >> duran was able to sneak past officers and run to a different house where he opened fire. in all, a special agent and three roseville police officers were injured. one of the officers is in serious condition. the rest are said to be doing okay. also new this morning, highway 101 has reopened following a multicar crash. all lanes were closed this morning causing drivers to be diverted off east 3rd avenue. one person was taken to san francisco general hospital with head and neck injuries. traffic is moving. chp is investigating the cause of that crash. the san francisco police are searching for whoever set off a home made explosive device near a garbage can. it happened around 1:30 yesterday afternoon near jones street and golden gate avenue. police say the victim was collecting recyclables when that device exploded and shrapnel did hit his upper body. police are now checking surveillance video in the hopes of finding whoever planted that device. >> we do have a suspect description simply as a white male about 30 years of age, 5'10", 160 who was seen leaving the scene shortly after the explosion. >> the device is said to be similar to an m 80 fire cracker. police did not find any other devices in the area. bart unions will vote on the proposed contract next friday. the service employees union will hold votes on the same day rather than on two different days. union leaders are recommending approval. one worker we talked to says reaction is positive. after the unions vote, bart's board of directors will hold its own vote. they need majority approval to sign off on the deal. it the contract is ratified, the restrooms in just about a dozen bart stations could possibly reopen. the transit agency locked the doors for security reasons. they've remained closed ever since. the unions say the proposed contract includes a provision calling for a committee to look into reopening the restrooms. starting out with a live look there across the bay. the bay bridge. you can see low clouds reentering portions of the bay. fog along the coastline this morning. mostly sunny elsewhere. with mostly clear skies in most places. temperatures really cooled off in the overnight hours. we are beginning to see a rebound here. some areas still struggling. let's head to the north. temperatures are still in the low 40s in santa rosa. slipped into the 30s this morning. checking in about 45 degrees. 50 degrees in napa. walnut creek in the low 40s earlier. 54 in oakland. half moon bay, mostly cloudy skies. low 50s. along the peninsula, upper 40s to low 50s remaining. 47 foster city. 54 in belmont. temperatures continuing to climb. the system here remains offshore. we've been tracking this for a few days. it's not going to move farther east. it's going to take a southerly trek. so what can we expect from this system? it's helped to mix up the low clouds. that's why we had so much more sunshine yesterday. it's going to help do it again for today. it will continue to bring a few high clouds our way. that'll be about it. mostly sunny away from the coastline. partly cloudy for the coast. temperatures warmer by a few degrees in most areas. 73 this afternoon. mid70s for nevado. a few degrees warmer than yesterday. pacifica you get into the east bay. 79 in pleasantton. mid70s with mostly sunny skies in santa cruz. 77 for you gil roy. upper 70s for morgan hill. extended forecast. today is going to be the warmest day of the weekend. temperatures will begin to cool slightly. still feeling quite nice. morning clouds tomorrow. partly cloudy skies. take a look at the big turn that comes on monday. breezy conditions. cooler conditions. temperatures in the 60s. a slight chance, just a slight chance at maybe a few scattered showers for some of us, not all of us. this future cast model coming up. as we get into tuesday, wednesday, we're dry. halloween looks dry as well. instead of flushing pills down the toilet or throwing them into the garbage, people have a chance to safely get rid of their expired medications. the u.s. drug enforcement administration hold this event device every year. it's the last event in april. bay area collectioned 18 tons of drugs. mainly police and sheriff stations. dropoff times between 10:00 p.m -- 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. an emotional meeting in the east bay. a couple meets the mother of a man who gave their son the gift of life. live look outside right now. there she is, the golden gate bridge. wrapped up in a morning blanket of fog. we can't see the towers. traffic moving smoothly both directions at 101. time now 9:10. you're watching mornings on 2. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. good morning to you. giving you a live look there at the mostly blue skies in downtown oakland. 50 degrees outside. political analysts say hillary clinton appears to be laying the foundation for another presidential run. he rap wrapped up three main speaking events in three days. clinton urged lawmakers to end the gridlock in washington and focus on moving the country forward. this is her first series of political speeches since she left the state department. a political action committee whose goal is to promote a presidential run in 2016. the advisor that president obama hand picked to fix the healthcare website is promising it's going to work smoothly by the end of next month. the software service company is now going to service a general contractor to oversee repairs to the site. that's instead of a tech company. it was the division of the department of health and human services that was running the system. a team of experts has identified dozens of problems with the website from performance to functionality. the government expects about 7 million people to enroll next year. >> we did not fight so hard for this reform for so many years just to build a website. we did it to free millions of american families from the awful fear that one illness or injury to yourself or your child might cost you everything you'd worked so hard to build. >> now in this morning's weekly address, president obama said the website glitches will not stop americans from enrolling. he says nearly 700,000 people have already applied for coverage. san francisco assemblyman will host a town hall meeting to discuss enrollment. attendees can learn about how to get health insurance through the state program h is an offshoot. the event will run from 10:00 a.m. to noon on 9th avenue at lincoln way. an antioch family is expressing gratitude at meeting the mother of the man who gave them the ultimate gift. the power to keep their young son alive. >> reporter: on this sunny fall day, the next chapter begins. >> he's been on medication. >> reporter: matthew received a life saving kidney and liver transplant. he'll take antirejection trucks for the rest of his life. a young life that continues because of a tragedy. >> we never lost site of the fact that we know someone lost a loved one to give us back our loved one. >> reporter: dad kelly and mom christy are minute ace way from meeting the mother of the organ donor. her son died in a car crash. >> i'm pay praying that it brings her family peace. i'm hoping she can look at matthew and that she can see it all right there. >> reporter: the couple was a mix of emotions, nervous, anxious, but when the front door opened it was joy and gratitude they felt. >> oh my goodness. >> reporter: while maggie was grieving the loss of her 22- year-old son brandon, a soldier in the army. she came across a news story about a little boy receiving a transplant. the dates matched and it cliqued. >> first one was liver and kidney, 2-year-old male. >> reporter: she reached out to the family via facebook. and today the emotional meeting. seeing her army son's legacy continue in a little boy. >> he wanted to help globally humanity by bettering people's lives. he couldn't have helped anybody in a greater way. >> he served our country. even in passing he continues to serve. he found a way to give and continue to keep giving and i think that says a lot about him. >> both families say they are grateful to social media for bringing them together. chowing down on cash. the amazing discovery a vet made in one dog's stomach. the sun is shining in most places this morning. our temperatures are rising. i'll have a look at a weather time line for your saturday coming up. the excitement continues for the big way serving community at the maverick surf competition. you are taking a look at video of the opening ceremonies that kicked off yesterday on the shores of pillar point harbor, just north of half moon bay. there are 24 surfers signed up for this year's event. surfers will get 24 hours notice when conditions will be ripe for the big wave competition to begin. that can happen any time between november 1st and march 31st. a new documentary about a local sports hero premiered last night. >> my mom told me that god had some plan for me. given my circumstances, i didn't think that was true. >> that is kevin lowe. he was born missing part of his left arm. at 13 he was 6'10" and he went on to play college basketball. he was on the red carpet soaking in the surreal moment. >> it wasn't an easy thing to do with a disability. i made it work with help of certain coaches and role models who really helped me in different ways to get me where i needed to be to be successful. >> lowe is a college graduate and motivational speaker and he's been in talks with the harlem globetrotters. a fire at the flagship macy's store in new york city started after 8:00 in the basement of the building. the store was evacuated. no one was hurt. firefighters say sprinklers sprinklers building stops the fire from spreading. it took about a hour to put the fire out. string cheese and products sold all across the country. the affected products have code dates from october 25th, 2013 through february 11, 2014. they will spoil before their best when used by code dates. people with the affected cheese can return it to the store they bought it from for an exchange or refund. the mexican government is refusing to lift its ban on chicken from three central valley foster farms processing facilities. this comes after 400 people in the united states were sickened. foster farms has since reported a 25% drop in sales. health experts say the outbreak would have a wider effect. foster farms says they are working with u.s. and mexican authorities to show how new protocols have reduced the rates of contamination. the rim fire burned for nearly 70 days. it is now finally 100% contained. the u.s. service made the announcement yesterday. the fire started after an illegal campfire spread out of control. it destroyed 11 homes, 3 commercial properties and 98 outbuilding anticipates it cost $subpoena million to fight. there's no word on if the hunter who started that fire is going to face any charges. napa county is teaming up with the gun safety group to host the first ever gun safety day. the event started about 22 minutes ago. it's going to run through 1:00 this afternoon. it's being held between napa city hall and the police department on first street. the first 300 attendees are going to get free gun locks. organizers say it's an open invitation to anyone interested in learning more about gun safety procedures. police officers are going to be on hand. they will take any firearms or ammunition that people want to get rid of safely. if you see people taking cover this morning, do not be alarmed. the city is right now holding a drill that stimulates a magnitude 6.9 earthquake. residents are being encouraged to take part. listen to emergency information on the radio. you can make sure you know where your nearest fire station is located and check your home. people are being urged to sign up for text messages. stanford and cal on the road this weekend. on the road, although san jose state is hosting, should be a nice late afternoon game for them. >> we have pleasant weather in the forecast for your afternoon. slightly warmer than yesterday. we're waking up with mostly clear skies away from the coast. want to get you into saturday. notice not a lot going on out there. it's going to be quiet. now into sunday morning. we wake up the low clouds once again. mostly sunny for most of the day. things really start to take a bigger turn by early monday morning. you notice the time stamp showing you early monday morning. we get in through the morning hours. mostly cloudy skies. a few sprinkles over monterrey. the bay area, mainly dry. you can see over the sierra we have scattered showers there. maybe snow levels down to 5000 feet. a new development going on here. a few scattered showers wanting to pop up along the coastline. perhaps over the santa cruz mountains. over areas of lake county. over the hills and mountains. we will be tracking this for you. now it looks like we may have a slim chance at a few scattered showers, especially over the hills, come monday afternoon. it lasts into early monday evening. i think the biggest change will be the cool off and the breezy conditions. breezy north winds will be developing on monday afternoon. as we get into tuesday and wednesday, notice we quiet down and temperatures warm back up. halloween looks dry as well. bringing you back into the weekend, we have mild weather in store. cool start this morning. temperatures are turning around. widespread low 40s to low 50s outside right now. 10:00 a.m., low 50s to near 60 degrees. partly cloudy skies and low 7:00 inland. back to you. >> thanks. maybe you heard about a dog eating homework, but what about a dog eating cold, hard cash? >> there's a $2 bill. there's another $5 that was kind of ripped up. then the rest are ones. >> a houston pet owner says she could not believe her eyes when she came home and realized her dog misty had gotten into a tin where she kept cash. she says misty swallowed $54. the owner rushed the dog to the vet who discovered the wad of cash in the animal's stomach. >> she eventually just vomited like $18. the vet called me and said yeah, you know, she some you ited like $18. i said oh, that's great. >> well, misty is expected to make a full recovery. her owner joked with the vet that she'd like to pay for the visit in cash. i don't know if the vet laughed. >> i don't know if i want to touch the dollars. >> tape it up, it's fine. time now is 9:26. there have been a lot of protests over the death of that 13-year-old boy killed by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy. now the fbi is getting involved. what the sheriff's department is saying about that. why santa clara valley medical center is facing $100,000 fine. [uncle]this is hopscotch,okay? uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? searching for answers in the police shooting of a 13- year-old boy. >> now the fbi is getting involved. welcome back. i'm claudine wong. >> and i'm mike mibach. it is a story that has stirred emotions. now the fbi will be conducting its own independent investigation into tuesday's fatal deputy-involved shooting in santa rosa. as the fbi looks for answers, so too do members of the community. young students marched to the sheriff's department. many demanded the deputy be arrested and shot with murder. investigators say the deputy- involved turnovers, a 24 year veteran fired because he feared for his life and lopez pointed out what ended up being an air soft rifle right at him. the story has stirred a range of emotions. >> i don't know if he came swinging around. of course you go to protect yourself. >> that's a trigger happy cop. he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest in the criminal law. >> he welcomes the fbi investigation and will cooperate with agents. a suspected drunk driver accused of hitting and killing amen low park couple has a history of driving under the influence. san mateo court records show march rita williams was convicted of driving under the influence last year. she is expected to make her first appearance in court. she hit a couple who was walking their dog thursday night. the car crossed the center divide and plowed into another car before hitting the tree. the couple leaves behind three teenage children who say they want the harshest possible sentence. >> i'm really, really mad. i feel like she should be thrown in jail for life. for life. i have no sympathy towards her. >> the section of the street where the couple was walking does not have a sidewalk. police say the couple may have been walking in the bike lane. a memorial is scheduled to be held for a driver killed in an accident. a celebration of life is scheduled to begin at 1:00 this afternoon for 61-year-old edward lake. he was killed earlier this month when a bundle of steel fell on him as he was delivering materials to levi stadium. it was the second construction death in four months. new this morning, family and friends of lynn are demanding a response. five weeks ago spalding went missing from her room. investigators say 17 days later, her body was discovered in a hospital stairwell. authorities have ruled out foul play and her family tells ktvu they would like a full account of all of the areas searched as well as results from investigations into her disappearance and death. her family has hired an attorney to represent them. 5000 first responders from across the country are in the bay area this weekend for the urban shield convention. training exercises began in alameda county. some helicopter drills have been canceled after two firefighters suffered minor injuries yesterday afternoon during a practice water rescue on the bay. coming up at 9:45, hear from a local officer on why he believes urban sold shield is so important. police have arrested two men in connection to a deadly shooting in san francisco. it happened sunday morning. the victim was a 32-year-old man from san francisco. investigators say they arrested 25-year-old geovany figaro on suspicion of homicide. lodi police say a suspect in a horrific car crash on tuesday that killed a family of five, including a pregnant woman, has a criminal history. the sacramento bee reports ryan morales was released from san quentin prison last month after serving time for reckless driving. police say he did not have a valid driver's license and had been drinking vodka with his father right before the crash. he is hospitalized in critical condition. a 9-year-old boy who was the only member of that family to survive the crash also remains in critical condition. a decision about san jose's next police chief could be made before thanksgiving. city manager says she wants to make acting chief the permanent chief. he was named acting chief back in january after then chief chris moore resigned. she hopes to bring the possible appointment before the city council some time in november. the appointment of a new police chief comes as many women are leaving the san jose police department. we've learned that 9 female police officers have resigned just this year and many left because they say there were cuts in their pay and benefits. gina, who was a 13 year veteran says she quit to join the redwood city police department. there used to be more opportunities for female police officers to work in special units and undercover operations. >> our unit is dwindling. we don't have anything, there's nothing to offer for officers and female officers to do any more. >> according to the police union, falafels make up about 9.5% of the san jose police department. that's close to 11% in oakland and more than 15% in san francisco. the public will soon have its say over a proposal to raise the toll on the golden gate bridge. the district says it needs more revenue to offset $142 deficit and fund a seismic retro fit as well as upgrades. the district's board is considering several options, including a $1 toll increase, higher tolls during peak commute tame times. public hearings will be held next year with the toll hike potentially occurring as soon as april. the richmond san rafael bridge could experience a change. it would open a third lane for the evening commute. the transportation authority approved spending $190,000 for a study. right now the bridge has two lanes in each direction, but each direction also has one shoulder lane. the study will determine if the shoulder lanes could turn into traffic lanes during busy commute times. parking rates may soon go up. the city is considering plans toises parking congestion. there are about 30,000 parking spots. they're almost always taken. that can be frustrating for people who say they would rather be shopping or eating. >> you're driving around and around. there's not enough parking garages. >> we've come here for dinner on the weekends and have no place to park. >> right now plans call for increasing downtown meter prices from $1 to $2 an hour. extending meter enforcing hours and enforcing meters on sunday. the city council is expected to approve the changes. napa police have made a major pot bust growing operation and made five arrests. special agents raided a home after discovering hundreds of marijuana plants growing on county land in napa. police released this photo of the almost 600 pounds of marijuana seized. cash and guns were found. four of the people arrested are transients from mexico. the fifth suspect lives in oakland. five people were hurt on a ride at the north carolina state fair. the ride stopped and then started again as people were trying to get off. >> we have about 35, 40 people that our investigators and officers are talking to at this time that may have witnessed it or seen something that would help us. >> the rides are to be inspected three times daily. that is something they will be looking at as part of the investigation. >> the victims range from 14 to 39 years old and include the ride operator. two people suffered critical injuries. amanda knox says she will never return to italy, even if she's convicted of murder. four years ago knox and her ex- boyfriend were convicted of murdering her british roommate in 2007. but two years a the convictions were overturned for lack of evidence. then last year the italian supreme court decided to retry the case. retrial started last month. knox decided to stay at home in seattle, washington. >> i am not going back to prison. i am not willingfully going back to prison. >> a verdict in the case is expected by the end of the year. in just a few hours the city of oakland will celebrate the 68th anniversary of the united nations. there will be a flag raising ceremony at 11:00 this morning at the united nations flag pole. mayor quan and city councilman are among the city leaders expected to attend. similar u.n. celebrations have been happening around the world this week. giving you a live look there outside our doors and into the east bay hills are we have mostly clear skies. patchy fog along the coastline this morning and just inside the bay. you can see just a little bit of haze there. we will have moderate air quality in the forecast for your saturday. it's going to be a beautiful day. on to storm tracker 2 here. low clouds hugging the coastline. santa cruz reporting partly cloudy to mostly clear skies. gray skies and right there at the golden gate bridge, socked in good at the moment. back this up and show you the system here that continues offshore and will continue. a track moving in the southerly direction. if it were moving east, it would bring us a slight possibility of a few scattered showers. what it has helped to do is clear out low clouds. that's why we had sunshine yesterday. we'll see a few high clouds out of that system. outside of that, temperatures, a lot like yesterday. started out a little cooler in some areas. temperatures are rebounding. santa rosa right now, actually a cool start, slightly warmer than yesterday. it's because you're seeing the sunshine earlier this morning. 43 at santa rosa. 50 degrees in napa. widespread 50s around the bay. 54 in oakland as well as san francisco. we take a tour here. first hit the peninsula. 52,men low park. as well as palo alto. one shift to the south. sunnyvale. let's head to the east. temperatures cooled off in the overnight hours. looking at 53 in san ramone. as we get into the afternoon today, temperatures are going to warm a few degrees for the bay and for our inland communities. anywhere from 3 to 6 degrees. 76 for sonoma. 68 for sausalito. nice, pleasant weather for most. upper 70s for antioch. shifting south into the south bay, 74 in san jose. 75 in los gatos. 69 san bruno. 66 in san francisco. low 60s with partly cloudy skies. your extended forecast there, with your entire weekend in view. temperatures begin to fall off for sunday. as we get into monday though, dramatic changes in the works. temperatures drop off. we've got breezy conditions in the forecast. and a slight possibility, maybe a few scattered showers. this isn't a new development. not going to be widespread. we'll be tracking if for you. as we get into tuesday, temperatures are warming back up. sun and clouds. partly cloud eye. dry for halloween. i'll have a look at numbers coming up. facing a $100,000 fine from the california department of public health. it's the second fine for the hospital this year and the third since 2010. state officials say the hospital failed to follow established procedures for safe distribution and administration of medication. one of eight california hospitals being fined. a mystery on the california coast. the search for a gunman after several sea lions are shot on some of southern california's most famous beaches. hundreds of emergency responders are in the bay area for urban shield. a training exercise happening right now that's meant to simulate a school shooting. let's take you outside. if you do not have fast track, looks like you are going to be waiting at the bay bridge toll plaza. that's much more of a delay than we normally see at this time on azoted morning. looks like just a lot of people wanting to head into san francisco. keep that in mind this is mornings on 2. avo: at volkswagen we believe everyone deserves a better car. and now, during the "sign then drive" sales event, you're closer to yours than ever. like the turbocharged tiguan the midsize passat or the 34 highway mpg jetta. and every new 2014 volkswagen comes with no-charge scheduled maintenance... ...all for practically just your signature. the "sign then drive" sales event is back. ...and it's never been easier to get a new volkswagen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. welcome back. a live look there of the oak launders due ware. a little bit of haze there. air quality moderate across the bay for the afternoon today. outside in oakland, 50 degrees right now. we're learning about disruptions to the light rail service in santa clara county. the overheadline that powers the trains near the children's  discovery museum station are damaged. they are being repaired. the mountain view winchester line and the allen rock lines are affected. the repairs, looks like those are going to take several hours. the tsa is defending itself against accusations of wasteful spending. many agents were classified as criminal investigators even though their duties did not involve criminal investigations. criminal investigators earn much higher salaries. the practice could cost at least $17.5 million over the next five years. as part of their investigation into the asiana airlines crash. they met with personnel to observe company procedures and gather information on airline training. it reviewed records of the plane that crashed. they plan to hold a hearing on the crash in washington in early december. time now 9:45. coming up on 9:46. recap top stories for you. the fbi says it's conducting its own investigation into tuesday's deadly deputy- involved shooting. many young students in the community are demanding answers while they mourn the loss of 1- year-old andy lopez. a suspected drunk driver of accused a menlo park couple has a history of driving under the influence. march rita williams was convicted of -- margerie is expected to make her first court appearance on monday. san francisco police are reviewing surveillance footage trying to find out who set off a home made explosive device. the device is said to be similar to an m 80 fire cracker. training exercises continue throughout the bay area for this year's urban shield. about 5000 people are expected to participate. ktvu channel 2 reporter allie rasmus with more. >> reporter: one of the training exercises happening is a simulation of a mass shooting at an elementary school. that training drill is happening about two miles from where we are. i'll show you some of the video from this morning. about 35 different law enforcement agencies are going to participate in this simulation over the next two days. when we were at the site about an hour ago, uc berkeley police were going through the drill. most of the teams are from the bay area. but this year there's also a team of police from brazil taking part in all of the drills from the urban shield program. urban shield is organized and hosted by the alameda county sheriff's did the. agency representatives say the goal is to help emergency responders train for real world scenarios like this school shooting. >> it's going to be an active shooter. the tactical teams are going to have to sort out amongst yelling kids and screaming adults and shots being fired and they're going to have to go through that scenario and make the right decisions to help neutralize the situation. now urban shield does have its critics. this year's program happens to fall on the same weekend as the two-year anniversary of the occupy oakland camp. about 100 protesters demonstrated peacefully. they said they were protesting events like urban shield because they believe the program promotes the mill tarrization of local professors. in response, the training exercise is happening this weekend. there are 68 different scenarios they're doing. they are there to help police train, but also firefighters, search and rescue crews. they're designed to help morning responders train for a variety of different events including natural disasters, hazmat. also these simulations are based on events that have actually happened. the goal is just to make sure emergency responders are prepared. live in castro valley. allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. a marin county judge has refused to give a convicted serial killer more time to prepare. he had asked for a delay, saying a noisy inmate in another cell was preventing him from preparing for the hearing. the judge denied that request and he is scheduled to be sentenced november 8th. he was convicted in september of the murders of four women who have matching first and last initials. the 79-year-old is expected to become the oldest person ever sentenced to death in california. 17 years after the killing of jon benet ramsey, new court documents are shedding light and how close authorities came to charging her parents with her death. the court documents reveal that the grand jury did want to indict her parents on the charges that included child abuse resulting in death. she was just 6 years old when her body was found in the basement of the families home in 1996. the boulder county district attorney decided not to prosecute saying there wasn't enough evidence to win a conviction. >> we do know from the crime scene experts that this scene appears to have been staged. >> that chapter of the book has been closed and is a done deal. this family should be recognized as the boulder da said in 2008, as victims of crime. >> the ramseys did maintain their innocence. the da in 2008 made the move of publicly exonerating both parents. her mother died of cancer back in 2006. it appears even the former head of the nsa is not immune from having someone eavesdrop on his phone conversations. michael hayden was talking to a reporter earlier this week while on an amtrak train. another passenger was listening in. that passenger was the former washington director of the washington group move he tweeted out what hayden was saying. hayden reportedly criticized the white house and bragged about the csi's practice of rendition. >> i thought it was the wrong thing to do for an official of his stature to be making those comments. >> hayden reportedly wasn't too upset. he got a call from his office after hanging up with the reporter and went over to talk to mattzie. he asked him if he wanted a reel interview then posed for a picture with him. a federal investigation is underway to stop sea lions from being shot in southern california. we have to warn you of graphic injuries. sea lions have washed up with bullet wounds. this has been happening on malibu beaches. the shootings are common in october when squid fishing season gets underway. there is no evidence the fishermen are responsible for the shootings. >> it's horrible. i can't even imagine somebody would want to do that to any animal. >> shooting sea lions is illegal. anyone convicted of shooting them faces up to $10,000 in fines and as long as a year in jail. in other news, the 49ers are going through their last day of practice before tomorrow's game in london. quarterback court documents little kaepernick, one of the players leading the team through drills. they moved out of a london area resort and started practicing at a rugby field. the niners are heavy favorites to beat the jacksonville yag wars. the players won't take them lightly. >> they've watched the jaguars on tape all week. respect the team. they see it on the tape. this is a good football team. >> one of the biggest adjustments has been handling the jet lag. kickoff set for 10:00 tomorrow morning. you can watch the fox pregame show. of course the niners right here on ktvu. >> we've got a crew over across the pond. >> joe fonzi is over there. he'll be giving reports. >> it's been nice to see pictures. healthy new moms on the run. a beautiful day is shaping up. temperatures soaring. i'll have a look at what you can expect in your neighborhood. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. new mothers on the go can buy baby formula powder. the formula is being sold at four pharmacies in beijing. a plans are in the works to expand those vending machine sales. formula powder could be sold in 10,000 pharmacies nationwide by 2014. the olden state warriors tip off against the los angeles lakers. warriors are making sure their center will stick around for a while. they agreed to a three year contract extension. bogat has been plagued with foot, ankle and back injuries. statistics show the winner of tonight's world series game will likely win the whole thing. the series is tied at one a piece after the st. louis cardinals beat the boston red sox thursday night. there were 53 times when the world series was tied at one game a piece. the winner of game three went on to take the series 38 times. that's nearly a 72% winning percentage. you can see the red sox and cardinals go at it in game three right here on ktvu. coverage begins at 4:30 with the first pitch after 5:00. let's head back over to rosemary for a check on how your weather is shaping up. >> temperatures are slowly climbing. fog along the coastline. patchy just inside the bay. widespread low 40s to low 50s. some of our inland areas chilly. mostly sunny skies. low 50s to near 60 degrees. in time for the lunch hour. mid60s amped the bay. low 70s inland. a look at afternoon highs. 61 in oakland. 77 in concord. most areas a few degrees warmer than yesterday. inland communities, 5 to 7 degrees warmer. you should notice that. concord, a few degrees warmer. today, your extended forecast. subtle changes for sunday. bigger changes on monday. i think the notable difference for most will be just the cooler temperatures, the breezy conditions. new developments here. we're looking at the slight possibility of maybe a few scattered showers. >> i know we need them. >> you're right. >> just another week before we -- >> we need more than what is even anticipated. >> thanks, rosemary. that is our report for this morning. we do appreciate you making ktvu your choice for news. >> you can find updates at, the ktvu app, facebook, twitter. thanks for joining us. ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! we lowhat's next?hen! great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. bringing the nfl from the united states to the united kingdom. it's the 49ers in london. coming up next.


Transcripts For KTVU 430am Newscast 20131113

looking at a commute that is going well and the westbound bay bridge, traffic is moving nicely into san francisco and we have a nice look at the upper bay bridge and you can see the only deck of the eastern span and the other died of the bridge. look at the east bay freeways as you can see traffic is moving wells let's go back to the desk. a big power problem which california's biggest casino opened last week and it was among thousands of homes and businesses that lost power late last night. the lights went out shortly before 11:00 and then the casino's generator also went out. we will have a live report from claudine wong and the casino outburst it caused. it came just hours over the impact of the new great casino traffic was a nightmare as we all know the world's biggest cass mean -- casino opened last week and parking spaces filled in just two hours. >> there was 24,000 visiters in a 24 hour period which came to the casino. >> traffic is improved -- has improved dramatically and there has not been a single drunk driving arrest tied to the cass sown know since it opened 8 days ago ; >> a stranger walked into her daughter's school and the principal admits mistakes were made when the man walked in november 4th, gave just the girl's first name and was given a visit terrible's pass. he disclosed no other information and left after staff approached him and the school then called the girl's mother. >> you made no arrangements with anybody to pick up your daughter? >> no. >> you made no arrangements with anybody to pick her up at the school? >> no, i was completely horrified because it involve my daughter. >> the school held a meeting on monday and the contra costa sheriff's office has held the school children back. and they are there for rent even though she does not only it. the college student paid her 1800 to rent it and one day they came home and locks were changed and now they have no way of contacting helper and will soon be out of her home. >> she seemed casual bubbly, nice speaking about the house, what her plans were. >> now the tenant tells people she has rented other places through craigslist with no problems and there is only a slim chance they will catch the woman who post as the landlord. she is described as an asian woman, 5-foot 3 inches tall with short black hair. happening today, a san francisco's deputy is scheduled to appear in court. it happened near other chen beach. he also faces a weapons charge. coke will -- alexander coke will stand trial and prosecutors presented enough evidence in the case. during the hearing we learned they had a 15-year-old daughter together and she is due back in court november 26thth, when the trial date is set. he is not receiving a lot of support for his plan. it would force kids under 18 years old off the streets until 10:00 a.m. and many say they don't support the policy and they set the motion to discuss true yancy. third is on the loose after causing a police chase and they say it will happen before the suspect's car hit another car, this were two and a police dog helped capture that person and one passenger. a suspect has not been found. now for more coverage on typhoon haiyan, today is a day of solidarity an action for that huge storm. the government estimates it will be 2500 rather than 10,000 which is projected. two american citizens are among the dead. rescuers are still having trouble reaching the hardest hit areas. >> we have no clothes, we have nothing to cover our nose and mouths from the foul smell. >> very, very bad. >> the u.s. and philippine military are trying to fly in supplies but a lack of security is slowing the relief effort. they have already hijacked 25,000 meals. students are working being with the bay area group called pearl. collection tables will be out from 8:00 until 4:00. and for downtown victims in san jose, it starts tonight at the march mart -- j.d. martinez -- martin martin luther king, junior church. this is the third version of the 18,000 seat arena near peers 30 and 32. designers have lowered the roof an increased the amount of open space. the windling dollar will create a noise and traffic nightmare. >> we work for more green locations. >> peer 32 is not the place to be -- pier 32 is not the place to be putting a massive arena as well as hotel space. hawaii will become the 16 16th state to legalize same-sex marriage. they say they will allow same- sex marriages beginning on november 2nd : the wise governor said he is passionate on both sides of the issue. >> the supreme court did not give its stamp of approval on same-sex marriage. >> i hope we can celebrate the life that we have together here irrespective of the diverse views we hold on the subject. life is too precious not to care for one another with compassion and respect. >> president barack obama issued a statement praising the decision. >> congress' approval hitting hit an all time low. only 9% said it was the lowest approval rating in years.. tis letter said they will not refund -- tess letter said they will not refund them and the drivers were not hurt because the battery platform department flames away from the passenger compartment. after one car burned the other one burned after crashing into a tree. he was one of the first people to buy a tess letter roadster and must comparep clooney's comment. and at 7:15 a group of chi would chihuahua pups will be adopted into new homes and san francisco animal control has too many of these dogs and they are getting the red car pet send off. it is meant to improve the flow of traffic but is actually turning into a traffic hazard. 2 investigates a new growing safety concern. earlier it was found on treasure island and now there is new concern children living there could still be at risk. this morning it looks good on 24 as you drive up to the tunnel. this morning's weather is so good and we'll see if there are any changes as we head to the weekend. . a security officer was killed earlier at lax earlier this month. fellow tsa officers joined family and friends at the l.a. sports arena yesterday. he was the first tsa officer killed in the line of duty and the suspected gunman has been charged with two felony gun offenses and can life in prison. theyer planning a memorial for the two officers killed earlier in the line of duty and this is the sketch, back on february 26 february 26th, doctor sergeant loran butch baker was preparing to question a witness and they are scheduled to be dedicated on the anniversary of the officer's death. they are hoping to warn people not to drink and drive. scott died when the car he was riding in was hit by a drunk driver on the bay bridge and now that story will be taken around the bay area to teach people about the consequences of drunk driving. we talked about how his family was able to go out and see where he died. they are trying to see what to do with a nine-year-old boy from lodi. he was in the car with his family when they were hit by ryan morales. he had been drinking and was speeding. he suffered broken legs and liver damage and according to the sacramento bee, his grand parents are on the way to determine who will take responsibility for him. the state health department found children living there might still be at risk for radiation poisoning and that's despite assurances by the u.s. navy that they were safe. treasure island is a former u.s. navy base and the land is scheduled to turn the land over to the city after turning it over to a high-rise development. they will take a big step towards a toll hike and the district board of directors will consider 5 options, one would raise them to $8 over the next five years and that vote is not expected until early next year. >> let's go to sal, keep an eye on traffic. >> keeping an eye on pam, traffic is doing very nicely as well on the east shore freeway, we are off to a nice start on 880, no major problems and a lot of the roadwork has been picked up and a lot of the bay bridge toll plaza is light and there are no major problems getting into san francisco. 580 traffic looks good over the hill into caster valley, let's go to steve. good morning, wow, i am off to a good start. fog on the coast but only on the snow what coast, -- sonoma coast. it will be warm for most because there is a little bit of fog right near the sonoma coast. we have clear skies and temperatures are much, much cooler and yesterday we had all 50s and it's 54 in it who -- tahoe. same for sacramento, there does our system and it is long gone except for a few high clouds. no high clouds, and a cooler morning, just a little bit more in the way of 30s and 40s and temperatures again are unseasonably warm, it is a very weak system, 60s on the coast, low 70s on the peninsular, it is as little cooler and much cooler breezy and temperatures will take a good plunge on friday and saturday. we want to go back to the story we first told you about a power outage we saw at the casino. here is more on what shut the lights and angry reaction -- and angry reactions from gamblers this morning. >> reporter: yes you can see behind us, lights are back on and things are back into business and that's good news because it certainly was a different story overnight when that casino went dark. take a look at this video, this is from an accident on santa rosa, north of the golf course where the vehicle is located. it hit a utility pal, started a small fire and that's what caused a power outage. let's show you the impact because one of the customers were affected and that caused everything to go dark and caused a little bit of confusion inside the casino. we spoke to one man who drove all the way to the casino from roan they are park. >> they said, oh, we will call you and you will get your money back we promise. there is no promises, we left the money here. >> inside the great resort, it just opened and has been very popular and when the lights went out, it caused confusion about that. we do have more from customers and you again you can see back here live in roan they are parkings the lights went on just a few hours ago and we will have more coming up. more reaction to a video of a homeless man being attacked and this time it is the police chief who said he is taking action. and she didn't like what she found when she looked at the definition of the word gay and now a bay area tech company is looking at what they can do to help. . 4:52 is the time. a teen is leading the way to change the meaning of the word gay. she was surprised to find the definition of gay was foolish and stupid and she wrote a letter to apple and heard back almost immediately. >> apple streams its dictionary from four separate sources and they would have to figure out how to get it removed but they said they were also really surprised. >> they are asking for the media's help, some are already publicizing her campaign. they are following the lead of san francisco's district attorney and pushing for more protection for smart phone owners. it encourages them to install software to make it harder for thieves to steel them. 6million americans had their cell phones stolen last year. they showed an attack on a homeless person. it shows a man repeatedly stomping on the head of a homeless man and later police tended to the victim. they have now relaunched an investigation to try and find the attacker. police in walnut creek will not clean up a homeless encampment until thursday. that is located near trader joe's and people have complained about public drunkenness and advocates in the area. police say they are giving them extra time to find another shelter. they will be at el cerrito, and yesterday they learned of the death of foster delgado. officials say he took his own life. >> it is sad because you never know what people are going through. >> it is important we communicate with our kids to make sure they are okay. >> the government statistics shows suicide is the leading cost of death from ten years old to 24 years old taking many lives each year. smith entered a plea in a san jose courtroom and the charges were filed last year. a search of the home after the party turned up guns. after yesterday's court appearance could be the first start in a lengthy legal practice. >> what this means it will take a little bit of time. >> alden is very interested in answering to these charges and you have to understand this is a process. >> his next court date is scheduled after the nfl season is over and he faces a dui. he has been cut from the roster and williams said the lowest point in his career was the day against the new york giants. a lot of fans blamed him for the loss of the 49ers trip to the super bowl. the los gatoss loss will include one person easted detail and they have -- personalized and has the details personalizing more. they have kate middleton an online chatter,. coming up, police and parents are teaming up in one bay area city why they are protecting children heading home from school. a blackjack turns into a blackout and why they were so angry after the lights went out. good morning, traffic is getting a little bit busier and we still have a window to get out with a lot of traffic. >> we'll see if that is any impact on them. . good morning, the the lights are back on at the casino and we will tell you what caused the lights to go out. a man came to take a student out of school and we will tell you the latest on this case of stranger danger. we will tell you what is the latest on the typhoon and what it prompted people in the south bay to do. some new plastic devices at the bay bridge toll plaza, it is causing a bigger problem, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> complete area bay coverage starts right now, this is the ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> good morning. the lights are on now but this is that brand-new casino, largest in the area it just open had up and we have some big problems and some angry gamblers there and thank you for joining us november 13th, i am pam cook. >> it is already the middle of the week. we will check weather and traffic now. steve knows your forecast. >> we have mostly clear skies, a little bit of fog,


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