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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140322

upsets galore as march madness tips off. the latest, mercer downing mighty duke. is anybody even still in the running for warren buffett's billion dollar perfect pick challenge? hey, good morning. let's get right to the breaking news and up fresh, an intriguing clue in the search for malaysia flight 370. here's the moment, malaysian officials holding a news conference shortly before we come on the air. >> and that's when they get an e-mail saying a chinese satellite has spotted a large object in the search area. this is the image. ships are now speeding to the area to investigate. >> all right. so the question now is as the search enters its third week, is this the break that everybody has been hoping and waiting for? abc's david wright has the latest now from perth, australia. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. this is very much a developing story right now. that bombshell dropped moments ago at the regular briefing by malaysian authorities. it's not clear yet whether it's a solid lead or more false hope. what we can say is that by the end of the day today, they have searched an area bigger than the state of california and found nothing, but now there's a new place to look. the acting malaysian transport minister was handed the news as he was briefing reporters. >> the news that i just received is that the chinese received a satellite image of a floating object in the southern corridor, and they're sending ships to verify. i wouldn't know. this is all i have. >> reporter: a grainy image of a floating object 73 feet long and 42 feet wide spotted by a chinese satellite. today the eyes in the sky included four military search planes plus two private jets. down on the water, a chinese ice breaker joined in the search, and tomorrow, china and japan will dispatch three additional search planes. >> tenuous though it inevitably is, this is nevertheless the first credible evidence of anything that has happened to flight mh370. >> reporter: but so far despite five days scouring a huge swath of open sea, no debris found. the searchers have their eyes and instruments focused on the surface, watching for anything that floats. a debris field, the best clue where to find any larger wreckage below. choppy waves and poor visibility are the least of their challenges. even if the searchers do find the missing plane, it'll be a challenge to recover the cockpit recorders that may finally answer this riddle. right now it is truly a race against the clock. the batteries on those black boxes running out. a tropical storm headed into the search area. the focus now is going to intensely be on those chinese satellite images. are they a solid lead? we'll keep you posted. bianna. >> a potentially huge development. david, our thanks to you. >> yeah, thank you, david. so, let's bring in abc news aviation consultant and former commercial pilot john nance who joins us from seattle. let's talk about this chinese satellite imagery. to you does this seem like a promising lead? >> well, it's just as promising as the previous one if we can get there in time. we don't know when these pictures were taken, dan, and that was one of the things before was three days between the time the picture was and the time anybody started to search. this is about the right size for a, for instance, wing or another portion of the airplane so it is intriguing, and it has some promise if they can get there in time before it either sinks or drifts away. >> so we're looking at the image right now. in fact, we just found out right before we came on the air that the image is four days old. given that information, given the size of the search area and the chop of the seas there, how optimistic should we be about finding this? >> i think we need some luck. we need a lot of luck on this because the time is running out on the beepers or the pingers, rather, and this is a huge area of ocean. this is is one of the things that i think we don't really completely understand worldwide, how big this planet really is and how poor relatively to what we think we have in terms of capability for sensors, how poor that capability really is. we can't see everything all the time. >> and give us a sense, if you will, of how difficult an area this particular area is to search. >> well, this area is very challenging. first of all, it's one of the most remote oceans on the planet. secondly, there's a lot of stormy activity, especially this time of year. christmas island is getting walloped right now by a typhoon that's a little bit north of the search area, and you've got normally very high waves, sometimes as high as 40 and 50 feet. that can scatter wreckage pretty fast. >> and let me ask, john, one last question here. we keep getting these satellite images days after the government takes them. this one came four days afterwards. do you have a sense of what's going on here? why are they waiting so long? >> not waiting. they're processing. just a gigantic amount of information and a tremendous number of pictures. these satellites are taking thousands of shots, and to go over every one of them and find something in there, they're using algorithms as well as people, but when they find them sometimes it's two or three days in. >> so that's useful perspective to have, absolutely, given the the frustration of so many people. >> like a needle in the haystack. >> yeah. >> absolutely. >> john nance, thanks very much. meantime, relatives of the passengers on board the missing malaysian airlines flight have been living a two-week agony with their hopes raised and dashed at every turn as they wait for word on what happened to hair loved ones. abc's bob woodruff has been speaking with them in kuala lumpur. bob. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. yeah, this news certainly is going to have an impact on the family members. they've gone through this so many times before. last week the chinese satellite thought that it identified debris. turns out that was not true. the prime minister of australia said there was another one discovered. they have not found that either. so the families really don't want to react much to this until something real has been found. with the search now concentrating on possible debris, sarah bajc is praying that her boyfriend, philip wood landed safely although that hope is fading. >> i'm cautiously pessimistic about this. i don't want it to be parts of the plane because i've been holding out that the passengers are still alive. >> reporter: patrick gomez is the chief steward on flight 370. his four children, his 2-year-old grandson rafael and his wife jacqui have kept a candle burning in his bedroom so even his soul could find its way home. >> if it's in the ocean, it brings us closure, but we hope that if it's a hijacking and all that somewhere, then there's hope that he's still alive. and he'll come back to us. but if it's in the ocean it's final, you know. he comes back in a different way. which is all that we want. >> reporter: what does rafael know about all of this? >> he doesn't know. >> reporter: he has no idea this is happening. >> yeah. >> reporter: there is also anger bubbling among the families. at the news conference this week, a protest from this chinese mom and then dragged away into a separate room. the gomes family is stunned. >> it's painful to watch that. she's so upset, and then, you know, you just -- the way they dragged her out from that room, that was bad. >> reporter: at the hotels there is growing depression. medical and psychological concerns for the families. >> you had to call an ambulance. >> yeah, because elderly people are passing out, and we need to call ambulances. >> my cousin just said that, you know, god has plans for all of us. so maybe god has a good plan for him up there. he needed patrick up there to fly one of his aircrafts, you know, or cook him a good meal. >> reporter: now, jacqui and her daughters have also told me today they don't really want to watch this. they're so tired of it. they've been on this up and down roller coaster for all of these weeks. when something is actually physically seen, that's when they'll start paying attention. dan. >> that makes complete sense. absolutely. >> i can't even imagine what those families must be going through. >> very difficult. meantime, let's turn to ron claiborne with the other top stories developing this morning. hey, ron. >> hi there, bianna golodryga. dan harris, good morning, everyone. in the news, macdill air force base in florida went into lockdown while police tried to find a man who came through the front gates and was loose on the base. investigators say he barreled through the entrance friday night and then took off on foot. police found the man hiding inside the base about 45 minutes later and arrested him. the incident comes as the base prepares to open its doors to the public this weekend for its annual air fest show. organizers say the security breach will not affect that show. and in south carolina a house exploded sending flames into the night sky and rattling the ground for miles. it happened in lancaster county, but residents as far as ten miles away say they felt that rumbling. no one was home at the time of the blast. fire officials on the scene say a natural gas leak was apparently the cause of that explosion. and federal investigators have released a preliminary report on that deadly seattle news helicopter crash, this after examining three pieces of surveillance video. the report by the ntsb says the chopper started to lift off from the roof of the abc affiliate komo and then rotated counterclockwise 360 degrees before crashing to the ground below. the pilot gary pfitzner and veteran journalist bill strothman were killed in that crash. and in new jersey, the bodies of the four victims killed in that massive motel fire on the jersey shore, they have been recovered. police say some of the 40 people inside that hotel at the time of the blaze were living there after being displaced by super storm sandy. a full investigation is under way. and finally, a big night for our very own robin roberts. she was honored during a halftime at the atlanta hawks/new orleans pelicans game at the phillips arena friday in atlanta. the hawks' owner said robin embodies what it means to be a champion and awarded her with the be greater award for her courage, spirit and philanthropy. robin was a -- with atlanta native and former hawks dominique wilkins who wore robin's 21 from her playing days at southeastern university. robin promised to make a $10,000 donation to the be the match organization if wilkins sank a three-pointer. this is a guy, he's a hall-of-famer in basketball. >> i know who he is. >> number two in all-time three-pointers. over 700 in his career. he missed. >> no. >> he missed. robin went ahead and made the donation anyway. >> yeah, i would think that she would do that. >> a lot of pressure there. >> her sister dorothy too. great. thanks, ron. >> thanks, ron. listen to this. we are hearing for the first time from the thrill-seeking teenager who caused a major security breach at ground zero. he got through security at one world trade center and made his way all the way up to the spire. he and his dad are now speaking out, and abc's gio benitez has been on this story from the jump. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan. the young daredevil climbed the nation's tallest building, but, remember, it's also the site of the 9/11 attacks, and officials promised it would be the most secure building on earth. in new photos we get a closer look at justin casquejo, the teenager who police say broke into one world trade center and climbed to the very top. now the 16-year-old apparent thrill seeker is apologizing tweeting, "i seriously apologize to anyone who may have been insulted or felt disrespected by my actions. it was not my intention to do so." >> sorry is always helpful and a judge and a prosecutor will take that into consideration, but he still broke the law. >> reporter: but these photos exclusive to abc news seem to show the jersey teen apparently reveling in his stunt, carrying the headlines that have made him famous. the jersey teen is accused of squeezing through a one-foot opening in a fence before dawn sunday climbing the scaffolding to the sixth floor taking the elevator to the 88th floor, then walking up the stairs to the 104th floor passing a sleeping security guard. on the roof he climbed a ladder up to the antenna at the very top of the building. abc news has learned at this point in construction there are no working cameras that high up in the building. >> there's still no excuse for it. there are ways that you can set up lights, cameras and physical security that could stop people from coming in and climbing to the top of the world trade center. >> reporter: by 6:00 a.m. a construction worker spotted casquejo. the teen was arrested and charged with criminal trespass. now casquejo's father tells abc news, "i hope this ends soon and that he doesn't do anything like this again." and port authority officials are now taking a closer look at security there at the site. as for the teen, he tells us he has no comment and so does his lawyer. if convicted, he could face more than three months in jail. >> so shocking that a kid could get away with this. >> unbelievable. right? >> yeah, absolutely. >> thank you. well, now to new concerns about the effectiveness of sunscreen. with spring break right around the corner and millions of americans set to hit the beach, there's a push to get the fda to approve new ingredients used in europe but not here in the u.s. that better protect against the sun's most harmful ultraviolet rays. 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the u.s. each year, and for more on this, abc senior medical contributor dr. jen ashton joins us. >> good morning. >> why is it so much easier for the europeans to have stronger ingredients? >> look, this is a frustrating situation for the lay public and health professionals alike and it's really all about the process we undergo here for products to get fda approval. it's in place to assure the product, is it safe, is it effective? sometimes that process is better here, sometimes it's worse. it's definitely different. >> so what is it going to take for the fda to modify their regulations now? >> they have to test these products, and when you compare the products that we have here to what they have in europe, you know, europe's products tend to be more thorough, more complete, more broad spectrum. they cover both the uva and the uvb rays and they stay on our skin and have potential rally less absorption into our bloodstream but before we all pack up and move to europe to get these products, you know, it's interesting because if you look at the skin cancer statistics, bianna, in europe, let's say in a country like england, they haven't declined significantly since these products have been available, so it's something we're going to have to watch. >> what is your recommendation? you said spring is already here. i forgot what my arms and legs look like it's been so cold. but when i go out, i see spf 30, 50, i see 75, i see even 100. what is your recommendation as to what people should buy? >> people, first of all, should apply sunscreen every day, not just in the summer. they should look for products that block both uva and uvb rays. they're both important. they should cover up as much as possible, especially the face and hands. the areas that are exposed all the time, and, look, if all else fails, you can embrace that lifeguard image and go for the good old zinc oxide, the white stuff, which is very effective. it's just that it's a little unsightly. >> this goes for moisturizers and daily wear use, as well. >> correct. >> very important. >> we'll be watching. >> jen, great to see you, thanks. >> you too. big sun hats work as well. i'm a big fan of that. any, way, now to march madness and the groans heard around the country. mercer's surprise victory over number three seed duke did not help matters. fans hoping to win office pools or even that billion dollar warren buffett prize finding their dreams dashed. so with all these brackets busted, is anybody still in the hunt? abc's ryan smith has been crunching numbers. hey, ryan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, dan. every year so many of us say this is our year to win our ncaa tournament polls or even a billion dollars promised by warren buffett for that perfect bracket. you see, guys, i had a shot at perfection, but as you can see here, yeah, busted already. look at the sea of red over there, and with all upsets reigning supreme, many more may soon fall. in college hoops, it's cinderella's year. >> got it! >> reporter: underdogs north dakota state and dayton knocking off traditional powerhouses oklahoma and ohio state and the mother of all upsets, mercer university with 4400 students out of macon, georgia, knocking off the mighty four-time champion duke blue devils in the first round. upsets turning this year's ncaa tournament upside down. just two days in filling their fans with glee but ruining millions of americans' tournament brackets, and remember warren buffett's challenge to give a billion bucks to the winner of all 64 games, he told us -- >> someone who wins the billion dollars, i'll throw in a little free advice. i'll tell you actually i may ask to be included in their win. >> reporter: the chances of winning that, only 1 in 9.2 quadrillion but still we believed. >> i don't care what the scoreboard says, at the end of the game in my book we're going to be winners. >> reporter: not quite gene hackman. after just two days, how many of the 15 million remain in the running? zero. nada. fans all along were confident they would beat buffett's challenge. >> my brackets are alive. warren buffett is nervous as hell right now. me and my wife, right there in our bracket. >> i've done 50 polls. so, yes, i'm not out of anything. >> reporter: but in the end -- >> all the way. >> reporter: -- one thing rang true. >> it's pretty amazing that you have so many games, and after even one round, everyone is eliminated. maybe you could beat the house, but i don't think you could beat warren buffett. >> and that's why he's warren buffett. boy, such a long shot that duke lost. only 3% of the 11 million entrants in espn's tournament challenge picked them to lose this early. and, guys, as for my exceptionally ugly bracket, i guess my team must have been out of whack. >> your team is out of whack. >> or wasn't centered. >> i know warren buffett well enough to know that he does not like to part with money, so putting a billion dollars on the table, obviously he knew the odds. >> i didn't even know quadrillion was a number. >> 18 zeros. >> was that invented recently? >> i think so. >> thank you, i appreciate that. in the impossible to answer question category. thank you, ryan. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. time now for the weather. we welcome from 6 abc philadelphia wpvi meteorologist cecily tynan joining us for the first tile on a weekend. we appreciate having you here. >> good morning, i'm happy to be here. a little bit of march madness weatherwise. first saturday of spring, mother nature did not get the memo. minneapolis down to 10 degrees today. chicago yesterday 58. this morning, 38 degrees. fargo down to 9. rapid city, 18 degrees. these temperatures are 10 to 15 degrees below normal, and this cold air is migrating to the south and east, so winter will be returning the next four nights. keep the winter coats on hand. boston overnight lows dropping down into the teens. washington, d.c., below freezing. st. louis down into the 20s. and chicago, tuesday night all the way down to 19 degrees, and with this arctic air moving in, this sets the stage for the possibility of a late march nor'easter. this low pressure will be developing across the southeast coast next tuesday into wednesday. the big question is, how quickly does it intensify? how close to the coast does it hug? but we're looking at the potential of snow all the way from the carolinas to maine. stay tuned. >> that was your local weather. 62 degrees in new york city. ron tells me he is golfing today. not a fan of the snow. >> golf before the snow comes. >> get it in now before the snow. >> but spring is officially here. >> yeah, great. >> officially here. >> just not going to feel like it. >> nobody told the meteorologists. coming up here on "gma," the fresh lead. police name a possible suspect in the high-profile madeleine mccann missing child case. how authorities honed in on this guy. plus, cover story. angry rubs on social media after kim and kanye make the front of "vogue." how the magazine's editor is defending her controversial decision and the stars who are threatening to cancel their subscriptions because of it. and surprising sound. the judges at this singing contest can't believe their eyes when they find out who's got the golden pipes up ahead in "pop news." >> "sister act 3." >> exactly. >> surprise. >> surprise. act three. >> exactly. >> surprise. you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. we invited real "gma" fans to tell us why they wake up with -- >> all: good morning, america. >> but they never expected we'd thank them in person. >> i love lara spencer. she reminds me of one of my friends. >> i'd love to be one of your friends. >> oh, no. >> aside from my fiance, i think josh elliott is the only man that can make me smile in the morning. oh, my god. oh, my god. >> wow. >> can you do this to me every morning? >> yes. >> good morning, america. it's toss-up time. $1,000 at stake. tv title is the category. here we go. ♪ >> clara bell. >> good morning, america. >> yeah, that's it. and you said it in a chipper way just like they do. >> good morning, america. we're always so chipper. that's, of course, the big moment on "wheel of fortune" last night during their thousand dollar toss-up. you know who happens to be very good at "wheel of fortune"? >> who's that? >> george stephanopoulos. >> i'm not surprised by that at all. the next time they're going to do one that is slightly larger, good morning, america, weekend edition starring ron claiborne. >> yes. >> it's going to be very easy to get. >> very long. >> and they'll have to fill it in before anyone gets it. >> wow, sara haines across the table jab on a saturday morning. all right. break it up. >> you complete me. >> the love affair continues this weekend. >> all right. we've got to switch topics here before this gets out of hand or after it's gotten out of hand. there are a few other people receiving a major honor. this morning take a look at this. kim kardashian and kanye west on the cover of "vogue." some fashionistas are crying foul. we'll get into that brewing controversy coming up. but we're going to begin this half hour with what may be a huge clue in one of the most famous missing child cases in the world. >> yes, authorities are naming a possible suspect in the abduction of 3-year-old madeleine mccann, the british girl who went missing from a resort in portugal where her family was on vacation. abc's terry moran is in london with the latest. terry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan and bianna, and you're right, after seven long years, there may now be a faint glimmer of hope in the disappearance of little madeleine mccann. there are fresh clues along what is a trail of what may have been shockingly missed opportunities. she was 3 years old, asleep in her bed while her parents dined just 150 feet away. the family enjoying a vacation in portugal, and then she vanished into the night. a worldwide sensation then the trail went cold. that was in may 2007, and this week after all these years, a possible suspect and an announcement from scotland yard. >> here we have a man who has a very, very disturbing and unhealthy interest in young white female children who he is attacking whilst they're on their holiday in their beds. >> reporter: british investigators are finally learning the full details about a series of child sexual assaults that took place in the years right before and after maddie disappeared in the same area of portugal at resorts within just 30 miles of each other. a man breaking into buildings on 12 separate occasions, and he sexually assaulted five other young, white, british girls. portuguese police facing harsh criticism for their handling of the case say they have long known of these attacks and had a suspect, euclides monteiro, a former waiter at the resort where the mccanns were staying. but they said they had insufficient evidence to charge him, and he died in 2009. but scotland yard isn't convinced monteiro is the culprit here. and maddie's mother says she will never give up her search for answers. >> it doesn't matter how much heartbreak we put ourselves through so long as, you know, we get the result that we need. >> this case has become a mission for investigators at scotland yard. one of them saying this week that even if there's just a 0.1% chance that maddie might still be out there, they will pursue every lead doggedly until the end. dan and bianna. >> got to be a source of some comfort at least to the parents but they have been through hell. terry, thank you. a lot of other news this morning. for that let's take it over to ron for a look at the headlines. >> dan, bianna, sara, we'll talk later. good morning, everyone. we begin with the breaking news on that missing malaysian airliner. malaysian officials say a chinese satellite has spotted an object in the indian ocean which may, may be debris from the jumbo jet. the images are now four days old. ships are now on the way to the site. and same-sex couples in michigan will be lining up for marriage licenses saturday, today, this after a federal judge strikes down the state's ban on gay unions saying it violates the constitution. the state attorney general has filed an emergency appeal of that ruling. >> and take a look at this. with the flip of a switch the old hoback bridge here goes out with a big bang. the controlled explosion brought down two steel arches that used to support the bridge over the snake river south of the city of jackson. a new bridge, only yards away, was not damaged fortunately. finally an unusual homecoming. army specialist joe gardner who was stationed in korea for nearly two years came home to meet his fiancee for the first time ever in person. gardner met lindsey clagg on more than a year ago and proposed to her via skype. get this, seconds after the proposal -- she said yes, by the way -- he got to meet his future in-laws via computer and we saw where he said to her you look different in three dimensions. just kidding. >> i don't know if meeting the in-laws via computer is such a bad thing. >> yeah, probably a good idea. >> the part of the relationship bianna looks forward to. >> i love my in-laws. >> this goes out nationally. >> i love you. all right, time for the weather and back to meteorologist cecily tynan from our abc station wpvi in philadelphia. good morning to you. >> good morning. i start the weather tour in california. southern california could use the rain. not going to happen today. los angeles, it'll be mild and dry. 67 degrees, fresno, 80 degrees, palm springs, 84 and needles, 83. there is a cold front, though, moving through the southern plains, and this will bring some rain and thunderstorms, not a severe outbreak but there could be a few isolated severe storms with some hail and gusty winds. this weekend, though, it's a tale of two seasons across the northeast. today pretty nice. it'll be mild in new york city, 62 degrees. go golfing like ron. in philadelphia, my hometown, 66. washington, d.c., 69 degrees. however, there is some cold air waiting in the wings, pittsburgh, 53 degrees and temperatures will really be tumbling tomorrow. so your national outlook shows a little bit of snow in denver, colorado, 38 degrees, new orleans, 72. fargo, north dakota, only 19 and chicago, a high of 40. that's your national weather. >> this weather report has been brought to you by >> great. >> all right. >> back to you, guys. >> looking very alert and alive this morning, ron. >> yeah, you caught that. i appreciate that. >> you may not have seen it, but he was yawning just before that. >> we're boring him. >> we're exposing him on live national television. now he's drinking his coffee. thank you, ron. we're doing minute-by-minute live tweeting on ron all morning. coming up here on "gma," cover story. kim and kanye front and center on "vogue." what's behind this magazine's surprising to many move, something a lot of people believed never would happen. >> the singing nun. wowing audiences with her sound of music. and what she's hoping pope francis will do after seeing her performance all up ahead in "pop news." ♪ no one it's next to a park. 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[ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. then i found lyrica. c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! ♪ ♪ well, it's the picture that's setting social media on fire. "vogue" releasing their april cover photo of kanye west and kim kardashian calling them the world's most talked about couple. >> they are now. as you can imagine, not everybody agrees with this decision. some people are wondering how did they get there? abc's reena ninan, she's been looking into it. good morning. >> yeah, good morning, the reaction we've been monitoring overnight has been explosive. some fans calling this a betrayal by "vogue" and its editor anna wintour. ♪ kanye west and kim kardashian getting the ultimate fashion nod landing on april's cover of "vogue" accompanied with the #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple. kim tweeting out "this is such a dream come true. thank you "vogue" magazine for the cover, omg. i can't even breathe." the shoot set to kanye's song "bound 2" even features the couple's 8-month-old daughter. ♪ tongues now wagging over how the rap superstar with legitimate fashion creds managed to get fashion titan anna wintour to put them on the cover of what's long been considered the industry's bible. "dear vogue, there is a difference between controversial and classless. learn it." celebrities even taken aback by the choice. actress sarah michelle geller tweeting, "well, i guess i'm canceling my "vogue" subscription. who's with me?" the hip-hop star has been publicly pushing for the reality star to get the coveted position for months. >> there's no way that kim kardashian shouldn't be on the cover of "vogue." she's like the most intriguing woman right now. >> we've been seeing a lot of out of the box choices from "vogue" lately. i think it's very clear that anna wintour is evolving the magazine as society evolves. >> reporter: wintour whose life inspired "the devil wears prada" -- >> you have no style. >> reporter: -- defending her decision writing in the magazine "you may have read that kanye begged me to put his fiancee on "vogue's" cover. he did nothing of the sort adding "there's barely a strand of modern media that the kardashian wests haven't been able to master." the issue hits newsstands march 31st complete with behind-the-scenes video that can be found on will wintour's move do something to the fashion world? last year it did incredibly well and wintour insists this latest cover entirely "vogue's" idea. >> it says something, though, she went out and acknowledged it and said this has nothing to do with kanye. she must have anticipated some kind of backlash. >> she knew it was coming. she knew it was coming. >> i have a sense it'll sell. >> yeah, i think so too, but kate middleton, they've been trying for a long time to get her on the cover. she's not biting apparently. >> yeah. they actually i think are the most intriguing couple in the world right now, right? will and kate. thanks, reena. >> you bet. >> thanks, reena. coming up on "good morning america," what made emma stone cry? the actress' teary tribute to one of her all-time favorites. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. mazola makes it better. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. i've been claritin clear for 6 amazdays. at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin every day of my allergy season for continuous relief. so i did! it's been 21 days and i'm still claritin clear. 16 days of relief from itchy, watery eyes. 28 days of continuous relief from sneezing and runny nose, since i've been taking claritin every day of my allergy season. get the #1 doctor recommended non-drowsy allergy brand. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ this is where we get serious. >> yes. >> "pop news," breaking news. >> "pop news," synonymous with hard news. here we go. spring really is in the air with some wonderful baby news out of hollywood this morning. chris hemsworth and his wife elsa have welcomed twin boys in l.a. the two mini thors will be baby brothers to 22-month-old india rose and also sharing happy news, actress alyssa milano who i've always been a fan of has announced she is pregnant. the new little one will be number two forrer and her husband david. they already have a son milo. i think all these celebrities having babies have upped the name game. if i end up having babies, the name will have to be really awesome. >> or just really simple. what about like steve or david. >> bob. >> i'm going to bring ethel back in a big way. and from baby news to baby spice, who knew emma stone was a spice girl super fan? "the amazing spider-man 2" actress broke out in tears after receiving a video message from mel b. aka scary spice during a promotional interval in australia. now, it's punish mement for choosing baby spice as her favorite instead of mel b., mel told emma she had to sing a spice girls song. ♪ here's the story from "a" "z." you want to get with me ♪ ♪ you better listen carefully we got m in your face -- >> emma, spice girls reunion, i want emma stone to join as the sixth member. i think that's called a mondegrine when you throw off the lyrics. i heard some missteps with the lyrics. >> but she actually now -- i love her more than ever. she handled that really, really well. >> she rolled with it. >> she might have rapped in there a little bit. >> in the neighborhood. >> exactly. and this next video is going wildly viral. more than 11 million views on youtube. her name is sister christina, and her voice is truly a gift from god. ♪ no one no one no one ♪ will get in the way of what i'm feeling ♪ ♪ no one no one no one >> amazing. ♪ will get in the way of what i'm feeling for you ♪ >> that reaction from the judges is almost equal to the performance, but i think even alicia keys would be proud of that rendition of "no one." one of the judges told sister christina, if i had heard you at mass when i was a kid, i would always be in church. the sicilian nun says she hopes her newfound fame will get her a phone call from pope francis. >> and a lawsuit from whoopi goldberg. >> i loved the other nuns cheering her on too. that was really cute. >> exactly. we didn't think it possible but pharrell's number one song just got even happier. it's been redone with dogs. take a look. ♪ if you feel like your master loves you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy tag along if you feel -- >> the lyrics are really cute and it's great timing with national puppy day happening this fact. in fact, we're having a big puppy celebration tomorrow here on "gma." >> oh, we are. >> yeah. >> that's awesome? send photos of you and your puppy. we might use it on air >> i'm definitely coming to work tomorrow. we'll be right back. keep it right here. ♪ they might be used on air. >> i'm definitely coming to work tomorrow. we'll be right back. keep it right here. ♪ this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. so you can breathe and sleep. mornings should be easy. new eggo bites are ready right out of the bag. packed with flavor, they're a tasty part of a complete breakfast... they're the easiest eggo ever. leggo my eggo! basically my whole life. this is viva® vantage. it has a stretch. it stretches! [ abbey ] can your paper towel do that? -no. -no. i'm like actually trying to break it. that stretch means scrubbing power. i need to get some. [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. the towel more people prefer. g your healthew viva® vantage. isn't always easy, but you can do it. stay active... get outdoors... eat healthy... and choose colgate total®.more , it actually helps improve mouth health. [ male announcer ] it fights germs for 12 hours, in 24 hoursrtify enam starts to fortify enamel, and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you can do it with colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. and use the whole line for even better results. ♪ all right. we want to thank you for watching abc news. we are always online at on yahoo! puppy day tomorrow. >> big day. don't miss it. ♪ who let the dogs out . >> big day. don't miss it. ♪ who let the dogs out good morning. i'm kati marzullo. a public memorial service will be held for a sheriff's dep out who was killed in the lines of duty. hundreds are expected to turn out for the 10:00 a.m. service. he was killed last wednesday after a suspect opened fire on him during a violent crime spree that began in eugene, oregon. the suspect was later shot and killed by police. the oakland city council has agreed to a $3 million settlement with a cyclist who was seriously injured after crashing into the hills. she was riding down the boulevard. the 35-year-old suffered severe injuries to her face, head, jaw, and teeth. she sued, arguing potholes made the ride dangerous. the city fixed the potholes later that year. the settlement has yet to be final lietzed. they say it could be the biggest payout of its kind. let's get a check of the forecast now with lisa argen. >> look how blue the sky is. not everybody in the sunshine yet. 42 in redwood city. 47 in san jose. 51 with fog at half moon bay and at about 1,900 feet. this is our hill camera. there is the low cloudiness. chilly in novato. we're on our way to a sunny and mild afternoon. bay area wide even at the coast, cool there, 61. 71 in fremont. katie? >> lisa, thanks. police shoot a man in a quiet san francisco park. what happened before they opened fire. and why the 49ers are clashing with a group of soccer moms. abc 7 news at 8:00 is next. i'm katie marzullo. it's 8:00 a.m. we're so glad you're with us. we'll start you off with a quick look at weather with meteorologist lisa argen. good morning, lisa. >> good morning. we looking at sunshine in the city but current temperatures are in the cold if the north bay. we have sunshine around san ramon valley. a few clouds around san jose at 47. here are plans for the rest of the day. despite the patchy fog for the rest of the morning, we'll clear, have a cool day at the coast, upper 50s to near 60. more 60s around the bay but a little more warming around the bay for the first full weekend of rain. we do have rain in the seven-day outlook. spring showers to show you in the next few minutes.


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140308

anybody. >> what is getting him through this excruciating experience. prince harry takes his girlfriend of two years where they've never gone before. why royal watchers mean it could mean a wedding in their future. hey, good morning. we are covering a mystery and a massive search this morning. overnight this anguished scene as family members learned that malaysian airlines flight 370 simply vanished with 239 people on board while flying from kuala lumpur in malaysia to beijing. >> such devastating news and they're swarming a news conference held by airline officials. here's what we know. the flight went off the radar in the south china sea near vietnam and right now there's an air and sea search and rescue mission for that boeing 777 which never sent out a distress signal which indicates whatever happened happened quickly. >> yes, this is going to be a complicated search and rescue mission. there were three americans on board including an infant and we're going to begin our coverage with abc's bob woodruff at the airport in beijing. bob, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. this is terminal three of the beijing airport where that was supposed to land early in morning. sadly, of course, it did not. that information from the airlines has been creeping out slowly and that has been very, very frustrating to the families. in kuala lumpur, malaysian airlines ceo spoke solemnly to the press. >> confirmed that the flight 370 lost contact with air traffic control at 2:40 a.m. this morning. >> reporter: the plane was due to into from kuala lumpur to beijing, china. it went off the radar somewhere off the southern tip of vietnam. 227 passengers from 14 different countries and 12 crew members were on board the boeing 777. among them three americans. one of them a child. here at this beijing hotel room today family members gathered in tears. "i don't want to live. what is the point of me being alive" of this mother whose 40-year-old son was on board the plane. in frustration with the airlines this woman said they were only given water and bread in the room. by the time the company's officials came out to talk, hundreds of reporters had poured in crushing into each other just to get close. at one point i could barely move. the search is now happening off the coast of vietnam covering more than 4,000 square miles. >> we have requested assistance first on information or wisecony if there is a need for search and rescue, which we cannot scope. >> reporter: the night has fallen here in asia and for the search and rescue teams that, of course, is making it harder and harder for them to operate off the coast of vietnam. bianna. >> so much still unknown. bob, our thanks to you. we are learning who was behind the controls of flight 370. an aviation veteran, he joined the company 33 years ago and has over 18,000 flying hours and now the spotlight on that boeing 777 and david kerley has a look at that boeing 777 safety record. >> reporter: one of the biggest mysteries this morning is how could one of the safest jetliners in the world disappear without any word from the pilots. the safety record of the boeing 777 is one of the best in aviation. the missing aircraft is a 200 model, 11 years old. the veteran 53-year-old pilot has been with malaysia airs for 33 years. in a statement said "we are closely monitoring reports on malaysia flight 370. this is a wide bodied jetliner that can fly for hours on one of its two engines. it was reportedly at altitude combof 30,000 feet when it just disappeared. so where is the jet possible wreckage? did it suffer catastrophic failure or did the pilots miss important clues about its performance. if it went down in the ocean answers will be more difficult to answer. finding the black boxes with all that vital information becomes much more difficult. the last big jetliner to disappear like this was an air france flight which went down in 2009. it was years before the black boxes were found and the mystery of that flight was solved. a combination then of equipment failure and the pilots failing to see the problem. >> to have the airplane come out of the sky intact like the air flans frightly couple of years ago and over the mid-atlantic indicates a loss of flight control capability of one sort or another and deep stall on the airplane. >> reporter: this morning, there are some conflicting time lines that we're hearing coming out of malaysia on the last communication with the jetliner. when it disappeared from radar. questions that do have to be answered. it is likely u.s. investigators at some point from the ntsb will join their asian counterparts to trying to reveal the mystery of malaysia flight 370. >> colonel stephen ganyard is here with us. walk us how this could happen. there is a range of potential causes. what is in that range? >> there is, dan. any mishap usually has some key elements that are common to all mishaps. they'll be looking at things like weather, did weather play a factor as it did in the air france mishap off brazil that david was just talking about. was their pilot error? was there some kind of a catastrophic failure or was there some kind of combination of all of those? in this case, also because it's so unusual for an airplane to just disappear like this, it's almost inexplicable so they'll probably broaden their range of investigation to look at terrorism. >> you know, you use the word rare. most crashes happen on takeoff or landing. so for a plane to disappear in midair give us a sense how rare is that? >> this is so rare it is absolutely baffling and it's baffling that we don't have any better answers this long after the mishap actually occurred so lots of questions to be answered of the there's very, very little direct evidence. very few facts to go on. everything we're doing now is speculation. >> so we can't get the answers really until we find the wreckage assuming there is wreckage and assuming the plane crashed. when you don't have a mayday signal, how hard is it to find a plane in the open water? >> it's going to be very difficult and one reason, the same reason the air france off brazil crash was difficult, it sounds like this aircraft was out of radar coverage. radars only go out 200 miles and in this part of the world their coverage is spotty so they probably were not reporting at different positions along their planned flight route and weren't even in radar contact so all we know is the altitude and the air speed and the heading that they should have been on at the last point tharpe talking to air traffic controllers. other than that, we have no idea where they are. that said, it's fairly shallow water. it's not deep atlantic water. it's fairly shallow south china seawater and so i think we do have a good chance of hearing those pingers that the black boxes have that will allow us to go out and find the wreckage somewhere between vietnam and malaysia. >> colonel stephen ganyard we really appreciate your expertise on this breaking story. bianna. >> alarming to hear him use the word terrorism. of course, our thoughts and prayers are with the family members. we're still waiting to hear news. we'll switch gears and to the turn to the pregnant woman who tried to kill herself and three kids about i driving her minivan into the atlantic ocean. she's now facing attempted murder charges and abc's gio benitez is outside the courthouse where the suspect will go before a judge later today. good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. the mother says she was just driving too close to the water and the waves pulled her in but as you're about to see her children are telling a very different horrific tale. this morning, new details coming from the terrified children in that minivan. police now say their own mother intended to kill them, plunging the van into the ocean raising the window, locking the doors. eyewitnesses capturing the screams from her 10-year-old son after he fought with his mom and lowered the windows himself. >> he's saying help. >> reporter: 32-year-old ebony wilkerson who is also pregnant is now behind bars charged with three counts of attempted murder and child abuse. >> you're supposed to protect your children out all costs. you're not supposed to be trying to kill your children. >> reporter: her children, 10, 9 and 3 telling police, "mom tried to kill us" and mom was going to drive us in the ocean to die. her only words, they said, were that they should close their eyes and go to sleep and that she was taking them to a safer place. good samaritans watching the drama unfold rushed to the rescue pulling the kids and mom out before the van was enveloped by water. >> i'll never get the picture out of my head with that boy with outstretched arms saying please help me, our mom is trying to kill her. >> reporter: when police spoke with her, they say she seemed confused jumping from one religious topic to other another. her kids called her crazy and a lunatic. >> it could be a combination of depression, some other mental health issue and so all of that just may have been too much for her. she will rationalize they're better off dead than alive. >> reporter: will kerr son has not yet entered any plea. and back here at the county jail, that mother is being held without bond. she's going to face a judge for the first time later today. dan and bianna. >> just such a disturbing story on so many levels. of course, those children are lucky to be alive. gio, our thanks to you. >> other top stories now from ron claiborne. ron, good morning. >> hey there, dan and bianna, sara. disturbingly quiet here last sunday without you. >> i was missed. >> you were missed. >> good morning, everyone. we with the escalating tensions in ukraine. three dozen pro-russian soldiers stormed into a ukrainian military base in crimea. that was late friday crashing a military vehicle through the front gate. the soldiers urged ukrainian troops to swear allegiance to russia and surrender their weapons before finally taking off hours later without a shot being fired. this comes days before crimeans vote to stay with the ukraine or break away and join the russian federation and meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin seen here at the opening of the paralympics in sochi ignoring threats of sanctions from the west. a man hospitalized after eating meat tainted with a hallucinogenic drug lsd. the family, the entire family, the man, his pregnant girlfriend and his two young daughters age 6 and 7 felt the effects after eating bottom round steak purchased from a local walmart. the supermarket giant says all meat comes prepackaged from the distributor. they're back home and it appears to be an isolated incident frlts a trip to seaworld in california may never be quite the same. say state lawmaker introduced a bill that would ban seaworld from using killer whales in its san diego shows. the proposed law says orcas are too big and too intelligent to be confined in small tanks for their entire lives. seaworld hassy et to comment on the proposed measure. these health products may look like the real thing but the usda says they are fake and could pose a health risk. federal and state officials say they've taken down a massive beauty supply operation operating out of long island, new york. authorities say they needed four tractor trailers to haul off more than $2 million worth of these fake goods allegedly fake goods. 9 knockoffs were sold in three states. two brothers under arrest in connection with that. finally, this quarter of a million dollar one-of-a-kind dodge viper is about to meet its maker literally. the supercharged car is 1 of 93 that chrysler is demolishing. the viners were invented for an oautomotive trade school but th equipment on them is too outdated and instructors say the viper was a great recruiting tool to get students into their automotive program and for so many reason they don't believe donated chrysler minivans will have quite the same appeal to potential students. i can't imagine -- >> automated opening doors. that is a sexy -- >> that is technology. i feel really old. i remember the viners. >> you are really old. i'm even older. >> you're even older. you're even older than i am. >> by two years. >> two years. >> getting real on the "gma" set. thank you, ron. >> we'll turn back overseas where it's been a wild week of explosive testimony in the high-profile murder trial of olympic star oscar pistorius. the court hearing tales of reckless gun play, police confrontations and inat the dealts. abc's hamish macdonald has the story from pretoria. hamish. >> reporter: bianna, yes, it absolutely could. there is still so much more testimony to come. we haven't heard any of the forensics yet. any of the phone record, not to mention the fact that at some point oscar pistorius himself will be taking the stand. >> do you understand the charge that has been read? >> south africa is calling it the trial of the century. it's been a week dominated by hours of testimony aimed at portraying oscar pistorius as violent and reckless with guns. he's accused of murdering his model girlfriend reeva steenkamp. >> it was like right on top of each other, bang, bang, bang. he said, i shot her. i thought she was a burglar and i shot her. >> reporter: they sobbed giving detailed accounts of the night he killed her. leaving pistorius himself in tears. >> gunshots, it was blood curdling. you know that woman's life was threatened. >> reporter: emotions ran high with his ex-girlfriend samantha taylor describing him as unfaithful. >> he cheated on me with reeva steenkamp. >> reporter: she recalled an incident when pistorius fired his gun out of a sunroof after being pulled over for speeding. >> he shouted at the policeman because he said that he was not allowed to touch his gun. >> reporter: his friend and professional boxer kevin lerena told police how he asked him to cover for him. >> there was complete silence. i was no shock. >> reporter: the world famous olympic athlete denies all the charges. >> not guilty, my lady. >> reporter: the attorneys who argue he was shooting an intruder spent much of the week questioning whether neighbors really heard a woman screaming. they say pistorius would have sounded like a woman when he screamed that night. this whole trial seems to rest on the sequence of events in the early hours of valentine's day last year. neighbors say they heard a woman screaming followed by gunshots but could it have been gunshots followed by the screams of a man who realized he just made a tragic mistake. dan? >> hamish, thank you. we will continue to cover the trial right here on abc. now though to the veteran tv reporter who became news himself. it's miles o'brien opening up now about the injury that cost him part of his arm and the silver lining that he's now finding. abc's linzie janis is here with more. >> reporter: good morning. this is incredible. it happened just three weeks ago but miles o'brien already back on pbs sharing his story about what was a bruise became an emergency that could have killed him. award winning journalist miles o'brien is speaking out for the first time since a freak accident cost him his left arm. >> it's not something i would wish on anybody. >> reporter: he had just finished filming a story on japan's infamous fukushima nuclear plant and was on his next assignment in the philippines tweeting a photo of himself getting a haircut in manila. a case carrying heavy camera equipment fell on his arm. it hurt but he didn't even consider medal attention until days later telling pbs "news hour" host about the moment he realized he was in trouble. >> it began as a bruise and it just got a lot worse after about a day or so and the pain got worse. >> reporter: he says doctors knew immediately what they were dealing with. acute compartment syndrome. >> i had literally had to wiki it with my phone. muscles and veins don't expand. if there's inflammation that causes swelling inside the pressure builds and there's no place for the blood to go. >> reporter: when an emergency operation went bad doctors say the only option was partial amputation. >> they told me going in this fingers don't go well you'll lose your armth he screed the excruciating aftermath. >> the pain when you lose a limb is in what's absent. i feel my hand in a way more acutely than when i had it. clenched up like in a vice and at times it can be painful. >> reporter: and what got him lew. >> winston churchill said if you're going through hell, just keep going. >> 'he atrying to figure out how to do the other things that he loves, dan and bianna, when he was in rehab he asked how am i going to fly a plane again or ride a bike. he a pilot. they said don't worry, we have attachments for all of that and part of the reason is because sadly all the soldiers coming back from the wars, technology has moved a lot. >> he is a great reporter and we wish him the best and hope he continues. >> very brave. i can't believe that just happened three weeks ago. >> he has a great attitude about it. >> thanks, linzie. new details about a man who dropped a $20 down a drain and wound up trapped underground for two days. we're now hearing the 911 calls from the teens who were shocked to discover a voice coming out of a manhole and being called heroes themselves. abc's frishl franzen has the details. >> reporter: this morning, we are hearing from the oklahoma teen to sky a man trapped in a manhole. jonathan gatlis says the cries came out of nowhere as they were walking home in lawton. >> we were supposed to be meeting up with a friend at the basketball courts and so we weren't quite there. i thought it was just them yelling at me. >> reporter: turns out it was coming from beneath this manhole in the middle of the street. >> then he said i'm down here in the sewerment i'm down here. we put our flashlights down there and saw him. we were just like flipping out. he was like call 911. >> reporter: gatliss. >> 911, what's the address of the emergency. >> i'm at 6th street and arlington and there's a man down this manhole and he's stuck. >> he's stuck? >> he's stuck under it, yes. >> reporter: stuck, police say after the unidentified man went on the chase for a $20 that slipped down into the storm drain. >> we see a gentleman down in the bottom of it and seemed like he had been down there a few days. >> reporter: stranded in a narrow pipe and officers say disoriented after getting lost in the maze of underground drains. >> okay. so hurt at all or is he just stuck and can't get out? >> let me ask him. are you hurt? he's fine. he's just stuck. >> reporter: eventually pulled to safety. >> police and ambulance and firefighters they responded great and they got the guy. they helped him right away. >> we were just like screaming, like, wow, did we reel like really save him? >> reporter: his lucky day. except for the money. that $20 still nowhere to be found. michelle franzen, abc news, new york. >> i ka not believe he didn't get his money. >> i think he would be the first to say the $20 wasn't worth it. >> 911 tapes stranger than fiction. awesome. we welcome julie durda. >> good news and bad news. we'll begin with the bad news. the picture behind me. we had a major winter storm moving through the south. you can see this picture outside of greensburg, north carolina. i also want to show you the video we captured. a lot of snow, we saw ice, we saw very strong storms moving through the area. yesterday, now, there is good news as you heard me mention. even though you can see those pictures doesn't look like i'll be bringing good news, temperatures in the upper 50s. not just for greensboro, north caroli carolina. the south and across the middle. southern hafl and northern half of the 245igs with temperatures rebounding, that's a look at the forecast. >> all right. stay with me. we all need to remember we lose an hour of sleep tonight. wah-wah. but don't forget to set your clocks an hour ahead. spring ahead. so weather and daylight saving reminder. i started out with bad news and ended up with good news. the skin specialist going to extreme lengths. did she hire a hit man? captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. aaaahhhh. [ animals shouting ] why can't everyone just be more tea? [ tires screech ] excuse us. [ bicycle bell rings ] watch it! nice. whoa! one step at a time. [ tires screech, crash ] kermit, how do you cope with all these animals? just be more tea, with lipton. hey! ow! aaaaahhhh. that's better. [ female announcer ] lipton. be more tea. [ male announcer ] disney's muppets most wanted march 21st. abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. wow. college already. ( chuckles ) yeah. - ( engine starts ) - we gotta go. ♪ for all the truth that you made me see... ♪ i love you. ♪ for all the joy you brought to my life... ♪ i love you too, daddy. ♪ you're the one who saw me through... ♪ and thanks - for everything. - ♪ through it all... - ♪ you were my strength when i was weak... ♪ - ( woman speaks ) a message from the foundation for a better life. ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ >> ah, pharrell's song "happy" a hit around the planet. >> look at this. >> how a little creativity can make you a star. that song has gone viral. >> hugely viral there. the oscars didn't hurt. royal watchers like bianna golodryga abuzz this morning about the latest news on prips a prince harry and his longtime girlfriend with the possibility of a wedding. she counts celebrity a-listers like sarah michelle geller but she's charged in a plot after a competitor moved in on her turf. >> reporter: good morning. she spent decades building up a successful skin care practice keeping them beautiful with electric muscle stimulation. she's in jail on a million dollar bond now. she's best known for helping hollywood stars glow but this morning, a very different picture of skin care special is dawn deluise who wept. she's facing a felony charge for alleged will i trying to hire a former nfl player as a hit man according to documents obtained by abc news. she wanted him to take out a rival spa owner. >> it's scary. it's definitely scary art gabriel opened his place right next door. he didn't think it would be a problem. >> hairdressers work next to each other all the time. i didn't hi it would be a big deal. >> reporter: but he says his business was booming and daluise was giving him the cold shoulder. some call her an absolute sweetheart with a warm and fun personality. her business featured over the years in "vogue," "in style" and "ladies home journal" and website lists sara mish michell gell geller, freddie prinz jr. and alicia silverstone. >> getting and retaining the right celebrity clients can be very important. >> reporter: in hollywood the intense pressure to stay in the limelight is not just on the famous, but even for hollywood, these allegations are extreme. >> i absolutely believe there's more to this story. what we heard wouldn't make a passable movie plot. >> reporter: a drama that will continue to unfold. police say the investigation is not over yet. da luise is facing up to nine years in prison. they put out a call to the public asking this emto call in tips to could lead to another arrest. we'll learn more on march 19th. dan, bianna. >> such a bizarre story. thank you, bazi. up date of the top stories. >> in the news we begin with breaking news on that missing malaysia airliner boeing 777. it disappeared in the south china sea near vietnam. 239 people on board that flight. the plane, three of them are americans on that flight much the plane was headed from beijing -- to beijing after take off from malaysia's capital, kuala lumpur. search teams are scouring the waters using planes and ships to find that a crush of reporters swarming a press conference held by the airline in china. malaysia airlines' ceo says there was no distrust call from the cockpit which he says suggests whatever happened happened quickly. ted turner is in a south american hospital this morning. turner was visiting argentina where he owns several ranches and became ill. no details on the ailment afflicting him. finally, forget about steab. all you need is imagination to get down slopes in pennsylvania's pocono mountains. everything from trains as you see there, an entire wizard of oz cardboard creation came speeding down the mountains. annual cardboard classic. yeah. >> never heard of that. >> unfortunately, some of those rides crumbled in the snow. and that is something -- i don't know. >> parade. >> a garbage truck. >> annual affair. >> everybody needs a hobby. >> everybody needs a hobby. >> appreciate it. time now for the weather and welcome back julie durda, channel 10. julie, good morning once again. >> thank you very much. dan, bianna. great to be back on this saturday morning tracking systems from coast to coast and we'll go to denver where we are going to show you some video of heavy snow that occurred causing an avalanche closing roads throughout portions of parts of depp just outside of denver dealing with over a foot of snow and more snow expected throughout the evening and today they're finally going to see a little break from the snow as the system continues to push towards the south that could bring rain over texas. temperatures rebounding. 60s in austin, 68 in houston. still dealing with the chill over north texas. good news across the united states, first we'll start with the southwest. warm weather continues, unfortunately, southwest dealing with a drought. they haven't seen rain since last week. unfortunately no significant rainfall is in sight so they are still in a drought but from coast to coast we go. across the pacific northwest, more rain. temperatures rebounding across the south. up to the northeast. new york city, a temperature of 50 today. that's a look at the forecast from coast to coast. >> the weather is brought to you by lowe's. >> very impressive. you can't see it on set but there's a long run she has to do. >> in heels. >> very well done. >> good workout for the calves. >> you know that. >> you've run before. >> i had no idea. >> you were the one wearing my shoes this morning. dan. >> dan. >> it's time for a commercial break, ladies and gentlemen. coming up on "gma," a big first for prince harry and girlfriend. royal watchers weighing in on what it might mean. also ahead, dog versus shark. who will be the winner of this epic battle? it's a fight to the fin-ish, ba-dum-dum in "pop news." multimillion-dollar athletest] can afford almost anything. ♪ but what they really want... welcome back, sir. 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[ female announcer ] this week only, save up to $10 on zyrtec® products. see sunday's newspaper. save up to $10 on zyrtec® products. if th...they' ll wanna eat gonnit right away. and country crock stirs in easily, to give mashed potatoes that rich buttery flavor your family loves, every time. welcome to crock country. ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. so many delicious flavors that taste outta sight. britain's royal's baby brother taking the spotlight. all eyes on prince harry and his lady of the moment appearing at one of his official events for the very first time. >> two years and has royal watchers wondering could thicking be getting serious? abc's lama hasan has more on the couple who until now have retained a very low profile. please tell me there's another wedding. >> reporter: wait. not so fast. this is a first. prince harry and cressida canoodling openly in public and photographic evidence of it all and just to give you an idea of what a big deal this is, i'd like to draw your attention to the front page of the british tabloid newspaper "the sun." it sums it all up and says harry and kissie. >> reporter: harry the heartthrob and cressida bonas show us some pda action. snuggling up close to one another at a public function. >> he knew he was going to be photographed that day and he quite openly gave cressida a big hug and a big kiss in front of absolutely everyone, in front of enormous amounts of photographers. and he was really happy it seems for people to see that they are together and that they are an item. >> reporter: so what does this mean? are things really heating up for the love birds? >> can there going to be an engagement announcement? of course i think this is definitely a kind of new phase, a new level, if you like, of the relationship and the relationship as the public would see it now. however, i think we still need to be a little bit cautious. >> royal highness prince harry. >> reporter: the smooch happened when they were at a global youth empower. day where harry managed to showcase his humorous side after receiving a rock star welcome by a crowd ki crowd of school kids. >> if you're expecting harry styles, i apologize and, no, i'm not going to sing. >> reporter: the prince has been stepping up charity work recently just a few days ago he announced the warrior games would be coming to london but that was without girlfriend cressida. so maybe this will be the new norm for this royal couple. ooh-la-la. so the fact that they have now sealed their relationship with a kiss for the whole world to see does have royal watchers believing that cressida could be the one so, guy, yes, i think it is safe to say that the royal engagement watch is on. dan and bianna, back to you. >> i'm going to book my tickets right now. lama, thank you. >> no one for excited than bianna golodryga. all right, coming up on "good morning america," the ultimate double date. the lucky couple that got to chill out with the obamas at the white house. ♪ all right. time for "pop news." ron is already haunting sara. >> i'm trying to distract her. >> i have some in "pop news" for you. get excited. first up a very viral photo of the president and first lady double dating with a surprising couple. lena dunham and her boyfriend jack antonov. real sick double date. it was taken back in july when they performed at the white house. how cool. >> that is cool. >> i would like to think they rocked that outfit. >> yeah. >> shorts -- >> dan owns those shorts. >> not never on television. speaking of happy which we keep talking about that song and sing ago long we cannot get enough of pharrell williams and another reason to clap along. esteeming up with the u.n. for the international day of happiness on march 20th. pharrell is asking fans to show their support by filming themselves dancing and singing which happens oautomatically sig the song. posting it with #happyday. >> i want to be that kid. >> ridiculous moves. >> yes, he does. >> post it to his website. 24 hours of and working in on mountain hat of any color makes you ahead of the game. if you can find one that pharrell has not worn on the red carpet that gives you extra points. >> that song makes you smile. >> march 20th which is the first official day of spring only. >> a meteorologist would only say that. >> thanks. speaking of happy, this one is for you, dan. if you haven't smiled yet today stay right where you are. it's about to happen. watch as this little wiener dog takes on an inflatable shark. now, the shark go where he wants him to and eventually i think it boils down to the old adage, not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. eventually all you hear is squeaking through this video as he slowly pulls that shark all the way in to his kennel. >> nice. >> that is an epic move by that dog. >> all the way, all the way, take that, sharkey. >> speaking of epic, explain what this is. >> a little bit ridiculous. how much would you pay for a pretty decent burger, 5 buck, 10. how about $250? >> you're buying, i'm eating. >> funny you mention that. that's what they're charging for the indulgence burger. let me break it down. caviar. kobe beef, truffle, caviar to make the signature burger, no cheese which dan has pointed out means it could be improved but ron has offered with beer and bun. beer and bun. but ron has offered to pay for this round so you're eating his paycheck right now. >> this is so good. >> oh, my gosh. >> thousands of dollars worth of burgers on the set. >> an expensive burger. >> a doggie bag. >> wearing white today. >> really good. >> how is it? >> it's really good. >> it's sick. >> i don't have it in my to drip down my chin. >> you speak for the rest of the broadcast. >> i will be eating both of these. thank you very much. i appreciate it. i know what i'll be doing during the commercial break. we will be right back with ron's verdict on the burger. >> thank you, ron. >> thumbs up. >> clayborn. he actually told me that a lot of the foods that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. i am a healthy girl, i love salads, i love fruits, and it's not something i want to give up. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel twice a day as my daily toothpaste. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion. it's just so great because all of those foods that i enjoyed so much, i didn't want to give up, and now i can continue to have them. ron claiborne is easily the pickiest eater on the set. you have very high standards. i say that with love and respect. so do you like this burger? >> this is a great burger, yes. >> that says it all. and they're all on me. >> i wish. >> so i learned. >> i brought the condiments, credit, please. >> you get the credit. >> i'm eating with a fork. >> would you like some mustard with that. >> thanks, you guys. see you tomorrow morning. and even though some things you're facing seem overwhelming - sometimes even small changes can have a big impact. but you have the power to change your problems... to change your life. all it takes is courage. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) but the truth is: there's so much in life we can't control. here's something we can: colorectal cancer. it's the second leading cancer killer in the u.s., but it is almost entirely preventable! most colon cancers start as polyps, and screening finds polyps, so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. if you're over 50, get screened. screening saves lives. it could really save your life. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. so many delicious flavors that taste outta sight. good saturday morning, everyone. it is 5:00 a.m. i'm katie marzullo. let's start off with a first look at the weather. good morning, lisa. >> good morning to you. welcome back. yeah, it is pretty cool out here this morning but we are looking at clear skies throughout most of the bay area. live doppler shows some fog from navato to santa rosa but by afternoon we are mild to warm. coolest numbers on the coast, low to mid 60s, partly cloudy skies throughout the day with mid 60s around the bay to near 70. then inland we could see some low 70s. this is not the entire weekend


Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140308

>> it's not something i would wish on anybody. >> what's getting him through this excruciating experience. and is he next? prince harry takes his girlfriend of two years where they've never gone before. why royal watchers think it could mean a wedding in their future. hey, good morning. we are covering a mystery and a massive search this morning. overnight this anguished scene as family members learned that malaysia airlines flight 370 simply vanished with 239 people on board while flying from kuala lumpur, which is in malaysia, to beijing. >> such devastating news, and take a look at this. reporters in china swarming a news conference held by airline officials. now, here's what we know at this hour. the flight went off the radar in the south china sea near vietnam, and right now there's an air and sea search and rescue mission for that boeing 777, which never sent out a distress signal, which indicates that whatever happened happened quickly. >> yes, and this is going to be a complicated search and rescue mission. on board passengers from 14 different countries. there were three americans on board including an infant, and we're going to begin our coverage with abc's bob woodruff who is at the airport in beijing. bob, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. this is terminal 3 of the beijing airport where that plane was supposed to land early this morning. sadly, of course, it did not. now, that information from the airlines has been creeping out very, very slowly, and that has been very, very frustrating to the families. in kuala lumpur, malaysian airlines' ceo spoke solemnly to the press. >> confirmed that the flight 370 lost contact with air traffic control at 2:40 a.m. this morning. >> reporter: the plane was due to fly from malaysia's capital, kuala lumpur, to beijing, china. it went off the radar somewhere off the southern tip of vietnam. 227 passengers from 14 different countries and 12 crew members were on board the boeing 777. among them, three americans. two of them, children. here at this beijing hotel room today, family members gathered in tears. "i don't want to live. what is the point of me being alive" says this mother whose 40-year-old son was on board the plane. airlines, this woman said they were only given water and bread in the room. by the time the company's officials came out to talk, hundreds of reporters had poured in crushing into each other just to get close. at one point i could barely move. out of control here. i just can't even believe this. the search is now happening off the coast of vietnam covering more than 4,000 square miles. >> we have requested assistance first on information or whereabouts of where it may be and, secondly, if there is a need for search and rescue, which we cannot cope. >> reporter: well, now the night has fallen here in asia, and for the search and rescue teams, that, of course, is making it harder and harder for them to operate off the coast of vietnam. bianna. >> so heartbreaking to see those families waiting to get news. we are learning who was behind the controls, the pilot zaharie ahmad shah. he joined the company 33 years ago and has over 18,000 flying hours. they're finding an oil slick, not good news. abc's david kerley is live in washington with the latest. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. it's the vietnamese government that found two oil solicit off their coast as this investigation begins into how exactly this plane just disappeared. the safety record of the boeing 777 is one of the best in aviation. the missing aircraft is a 200 model, 11 years old. the veteran 53-year-old pilot has been with malaysia air for 31 years. boeing is already assembling an investigative team and in a statement said "we are closely monitoring reports on malaysia flight mh370. our thoughts are with everyone on board." this is a wide-bodied jetliner that can fly for hours on just one of its two engines. it was reportedly at altitude above 30,000 feet when it just disappeared. so where is the jet possible wreckage? did it suffer catastrophic failure, or did the pilots miss important clues about its performance? if the 777 went down in the ocean, answers to those questions will be more difficult to answer. finding the black boxes with all that vital information becomes much more difficult. the last big jetliner to disappear like this was an air france flight, which went down in 2009. it was years before the black boxes were found and the mystery of that flight was solved. a combination then of equipment failure and the pilots failing to see the problem. >> to have the airplane come out of the sky intact very much like the air france flight a couple of years ago and over the mid-atlantic indicates a loss of flight control capability of one sort or another and a deep stall on the airplane. >> reporter: this morning, there are some conflicting time lines that we're hearing coming out of malaysia on the last communication with the jetliner when it disappeared from radar. some questions that really do have to be answered. it is likely that u.s. investigators at some point from the ntsb will join their asian counterparts in trying to unravel the mystery of malaysian flight 370. back to you guys. >> thanks, david. >> let's get more on this from abc news aviation consultant colonel stephen ganyard. colonel, thanks for joining us this morning. walk us how something this could happen. obviously we don't yet know, but there is a range of potential causes. what is in that range? >> there is, dan. any mishap usually has some key elements that are common to all mishaps. they'll be looking at things like weather, did weather play a factor as it did in the air france mishap off brazil that david was just talking about? was their pilot error? was there some kind of a catastrophic failure, or was there some kind of combination of all of those? in this case, also because it's so unusual for an airplane to just disappear like this, it's almost inexplicable, so they'll probably broaden their range of investigation to look at terrorism. >> you know, you use the word rare. most crashes happen on takeoff or landing. so for a plane to disappear in midair, just give us a sense, how rare is that? >> this is so rare, it is absolutely baffling, and it's baffling that we don't have any better answers this long after the mishap actually occurred, so answered. there's very, very little direct evidence, very few facts to go on. so everything we're doing now is speculation. >> so we can't get the answers really until we find the wreckage assuming there is wreckage and assuming the plane crashed. when you don't have a mayday signal, how hard is it to find a plane in the open water? >> it's going to be very difficult, and one of the reasons it's going to be very difficult was the same reason the air france off brazil crash was difficult, because it sounds like this aircraft was out of radar coverage. radars only go out about 200 miles, and in this part of the world, their coverage is very spotty, and so they probably were just reporting at different positions along their planned flight route, and they weren't even in radar contact, so all we know is the altitude and the air speed and the heading that they should have been on at the last point that they were talking to air traffic controllers. other than that, we have no idea where they are. that said, it's fairly shallow water. it's not deep atlantic water. it's fairly shallow south china seawater, and so i think we do have a good chance of hearing those pingers, those underwater pingers that the black boxes have that will allow us to go out and find the wreckage somewhere between vietnam and malaysia. >> colonel stephen ganyard, we really appreciate your expertise on this breaking story. thank you. >> bianna. >> that's alarming to hear him use the word terrorism potentially as a cause for this. of course, our thoughts and prayers are with the family members. we're still waiting to hear news. we're going to switch gears and to the turn to the pregnant woman who allegedly tried to kill herself and her three young of this that they were all in into the atlantic ocean. she's now facing attempted murder charges and abc's gio benitez is outside the courthouse in daytona beach, florida, where the suspect will go before a judge later today. good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. the mother says she was just driving too close to the water and that the waves pulled her in, but as you're about to see, her children are telling a very different, horrific tale. [ sirens ] this morning, new details coming from the terrified children in that minivan. police now say their own mother intended to kill them, plunging the van into the ocean raising the windows, locking the doors. eyewitnesses capturing the screams from her 10-year-old son after he fought with his mom and lowered the windows himself. >> he was saying help. >> reporter: 32-year-old ebony wilkerson, who is also pregnant, is now behind bars charged with three counts of attempted murder and child abuse. >> you're supposed to protect your children at all costs. you're not supposed to be trying to kill your children. >> reporter: her children, just 10, 9 and 3 telling police, "mom tried to kill us" and "mom was going to drive us in the ocean to die." her only words, they said, were that they should close their eyes and go to sleep and that she was taking them to a safer place. good samaritans watching the drama unfold rushed to the rescue pulling the kids and mom out before the van was enveloped by water. >> i'll never get the picture out of my head of that little boy with his outstretched arms saying "please help me, our mom is trying to kill her." >> reporter: when police spoke with wilkerson, they say she seemed confused jumping from one religious topic to other another. her kids called her crazy and a lunatic. >> it could be a combination of depression, some other mental health issue, and so all of that just may have been too much for her. she will rationalize they're better off dead than alive. >> reporter: wilkerson has not yet entered any plea, and back here at the county jail, that mother is being held without bond. she's going to face a judge for the first time later today. dan and bianna. >> just such a disturbing story on so many levels. of course, those children are lucky to be alive. gio, our thanks to you. let's get the other top stories this morning now from ron claiborne. ron, good morning. >> hey there, dan and bianna, sara, it was disturbingly quiet here last sunday without you. >> he missed you so much. >> i was missed. >> you were missed. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the escalating tensions in ukraine. three dozen pro-russian soldiers stormed into a ukrainian military base in crimea. that was late friday crashing a military vehicle through the front gate. the soldiers urged ukrainian troops to swear allegiance to russia and surrender their weapons before finally taking off hours later without a shot being fired. this comes just days before crimeans, a vast majority of them ethnic russians, vote on whether to stay with the ukraine or break away and join the russian federation, and meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin seen here at the opening of the paralympics in sochi. he is ignoring threats of sanctions from the west. and here in the u.s., a florida man had to be hospitalized after apparently eating meat tainted with a hallucinogenic drug lsd. investigators say the family, the entire family, the man, his pregnant girlfriend and his two young daughters, age 6 and 7, felt the effects after eating bottom round steak purchased from a local walmart. the supermarket giant says that all of their meat comes prepackaged from the distributor. the family who ate the meat is back home now in good condition, and it appears to be an isolated incident. and a trip to seaworld in california may never be quite the same. a state lawmaker introduced a bill that would ban seaworld from using killer whales in its san diego shows. the proposed law says orcas are too big and too intelligent to be confined in small tanks for their entire lives. seaworld has yet to comment on the proposed measure. and these health products may look like the real thing, but the usda says they are fake and could even pose a health risk. federal and state officials say they've taken down a massive beauty supply operation operating out of long island, new york. authorities say they needed four tractor trailers to haul off more than $2 million worth of these fake goods, allegedly fake goods. the knockoffs were sold in three states. two brothers are under arrest in connection with that. and finally, this $250,000, one-of-a-kind 1992 dodge viper is about to meet its maker literally. the supercharged car is 1 of 93 that chrysler is demolishing. the vipers were donated by chrysler to automotive trade schools -- that was about ten years ago -- but the automaker says the equipment on them is too outdated. instructors, though, say the viper was a great recruiting tool to get students into their automotive programs, and for so many reason they don't believe that donated chrysler minivans will have quite the same appeal to potential students. i can't imagine why not. i don't get it. >> remember those automated opening doors, i mean, that is a sexy -- >> that is technology. at its best. i feel really old. i remember the vipers. >> you are really old. >> i am. >> i'm even older. >> and you're even older. you're even older than i am. >> yeah, by two years. >> two years, yeah. >> getting real on the "gma" set. thank you, ron. all right. we're going to turn back overseas where it's been a wild week of explosive testimony in the high-profile murder trial of olympic star oscar pistorius. the court hearing tales of reckless gun play, police confrontations and infidelities. abc's hamish macdonald has the story from pretoria. hamish. >> reporter: bianna, yes, it absolutely could. there is still so much more testimony to come. we haven't heard any of the forensics yet, any of the phone records, not to mention the fact that at some point oscar pistorius himself will be taking the stand. >> do you understand the charge that has been read? >> reporter: south africa is calling it the trial of the century. it's been a week dominated by hours of testimony aimed at portraying oscar pistorius as violent and reckless with guns. he's accused of murdering his model girlfriend reeva steenkamp. >> it was like right on top of each other, bang, bang, bang. he said, i shot her. i thought she was a burglar, and i shot her. >> reporter: neighbors sobbed giving detailed accounts of the night he killed his girlfriend. >> terrifying screams. >> reporter: leaving pistorius himself in tears. >> the gunshots, it was blood curdling. you just know that woman's life was really threatened. >> reporter: emotions ran high with his ex-girlfriend, samantha taylor, describing the blade runner as aggressive and unfaithful. >> he cheated on me with reeva steenkamp. >> reporter: she recalled an incident when pistorius fired his gun out of a car's sunroof after being pulled over for speeding. >> he shouted at the policeman because he said that he was not allowed to touch his gun. >> reporter: his friend and professional boxer, kevin lerena, told the court about the night pistorius asked him to cover for him after firing a gun in public. >> a shot went out in a restaurant, and then there was just complete silence. i was in shock. >> reporter: the world famous olympic athlete denies all the charges. >> not guilty, my lady. >> reporter: his attorneys, who argue pistorius believed he was shooting an intruder, also spent much of the week questioning whether neighbors really heard a woman screaming. they say pistorius would have sounded like a woman when he screamed that night. this whole trial seems to rest on the sequence of events in the early hours of valentine's day last year. neighbors say they heard a woman screaming followed by gunshots, but could it have been gunshots followed by the screams of a man who realized he just made a tragic mistake. dan? >> hamish, thank you. we will, of course, continue to cover this trial right here on abc. now though to the veteran tv reporter who became news himself after a freak accident while out covering a story. it's miles o'brien. he is opening up now about the injury that cost him part of his arm and the silver lining that he's now finding. abc's linzie janis is here with more. linzie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan and bianna. this is incredible. it happened just three weeks ago, but miles o'brien already back on pbs sharing his story about what was a bruise became an emergency that could have killed him. award-winning journalist miles o'brien is speaking out for the first time since a freak accident cost him his left arm. >> it's not something i would wish on anybody. >> reporter: he had just finished filming a story on japan's infamous fukushima nuclear plant and was on his next assignment in the philippines tweeting this photo of himself getting a haircut in manila. just days later, a case carrying heavy camera equipment fell on his arm. it hurt, but o'brien didn't even consider medical attention until days later telling pbs "newshour" host julie woodruff about the moment he realized he was in trouble. >> it began as a bruise, and it just got a lot worse after about a day or so, and the pain got worse. >> reporter: he says doctors knew immediately what they were dealing with. acute compartment syndrome. >> i had literally had to wiki it with my phone because i had never heard of compartment syndrome. muscles and veins don't expand. and if there's some sort of inflammation or something that causes swelling inside there, the pressure builds and there's no place for the blood to go. >> reporter: when an emergency operation went bad, doctors say the only option was partial amputation. >> they told me going in though that if things don't go well, you might lose your arm. >> reporter: o'brien describing the excruciating aftermath. >> it's interesting. the pain when you lose a limb is in what's absent. i feel my hand in a way more acutely than i did whenever i had it. it's clenched up like in a vise and at times it can be painful. >> reporter: and what got him through. >> i love what winston churchill said. "if you're going through hell, just keep going." >> reporter: well, now o'brien is trying to figure out out how to do the other things that he loves. dan and bianna, when he was in rehab, he asked how am i going to fly a plane again or ride a bike? he's a pilot. they said, don't worry, we have attachments for all of that and part of the reason is because sadly all the soldiers coming back from the war. technology has moved a lot. >> he is a great reporter, and we wish him the best, and we hope he continues. >> very brave. i can't believe that just happened three weeks ago. >> really brave. he has a great attitude about it. >> thanks, linzie. appreciate it. there are new details this morning about a man who dropped a $20 down a drain and wound up trapped underground for two days. we're now hearing the 911 calls from the teens who were shocked to discover a voice coming out of a manhole and are now being called heroes themselves. abc's michelle franzen has the details. >> reporter: this morning, we are hearing from the oklahoma teen to discover a man trapped in a manhole. jonathan gatliss says the cries for help came out of nowhere just as he and some friends were walking home in lawton. >> the joke -- we were supposed to be meeting up with a friend at the courts, the basketball courts, and so we weren't quite there. i thought it was just them yelling at me. >> reporter: turns out the yelling was coming from beneath this manhole in the middle of the street. >> and then he said, "i'm down here in the sewer, i'm down here." we put our flashlights down there and saw him. we were just like flipping out. he was like, "call 911." >> reporter: gatliss made the call. >> 911, what's the address of the emergency? >> i'm at 6th street and arlington, and there's a man down this manhole, and he's stuck. >> he's stuck? >> he's stuck under it, yes. >> reporter: stuck, police say, after the unidentified man went on the chase for a $20 bill that slipped down into the storm drain. >> we see a gentleman down in the bottom of it, and it seemed like he had been down there a few days. >> reporter: stranded in a narrow pipe, and officers say disoriented after getting lost in the maze of underground drains. >> okay. is he hurt at all, or is he just stuck and can't get out? >> let me ask him. >> okay. >> are you hurt? he's fine. he's just stuck. >> reporter: okay, and eventually pulled to safety. >> police and ambulance and firefighters, they responded great, and they got the guy. they helped him right away. >> we were just like screaming like, wow, did we just like really save him? >> reporter: his lucky day except for the money. that elusive $20 bill is still nowhere to be found. for abc news, michelle franzen, new york. >> i can't believe he didn't get his money. >> i think he would be the first to say the $20 wasn't worth it. >> 911 tapes stranger than fiction. awesome. we welcome julie durda from time for the weather. we welcome julie durda from our miami affiliate wplg. >> can i tell you, i have good news and bad news. good morning, america. we're going to start with the bad just as you can see the picture behind me. we had a major winter storm moving through the south. you can see this picture outside of greensburg, north carolina. i also want to show you the video that we captured. we saw a lot of snow. we saw ice. we saw some very strong storms moving through the area yesterday. now, there is good news as you heard me mention. even though you can see those pictures, it doesn't look like i'm going to be bringing you good news, we are seeing temperatures rebounding with temperatures in the upper 50s. not just for greensboro, north carolina. the south is dealing with the warm-up. warming temperatures not only for the south but across the whole middle, southern half and even northern half of the nation with temperatures reboundin >> all right. stay with me. we all need to remember we lose an hour of sleep tonight. wah-wah. but don't forget to set your clocks forward an hour. spring ahead. yes, you heard me say the word "spring." the weather and daylight saving reminder brought to you by lowe's. i can tell you, i started out with bad news, i ended up with good news. >> thank you, julie, i appreciate it. coming up on "gma," the skin specialist to the stars going to extreme lengths. did she hire a hit man? and is prince harry ready to walk down the aisle? captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. aaaahhhh. [ animals shouting ] why can't everyone just be more tea? [ tires screech ] excuse us. [ bicycle bell rings ] watch it! nice. whoa! one step at a time. [ tires screech, crash ] kermit, how do you cope with all these animals? just be more tea, with lipton. hey! ow! aaaaahhhh. that's better. [ female announcer ] lipton. be more tea. [ male announcer ] disney's muppets most wanted march 21st. abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm happy pharrell's song "happy" is a hit around the planet. and now you can share in on some of the fame. how a little creativity can make you a star. this song really has gone viral. >> hugely viral there. the oscars didn't hurt. also coming up, royal watchers, like bianna golodryga, abuzz this morning about the latest news on prince and his longtime girlfriend whose recent development raised the possibility of another royal wedding. plus hollywood skin specialist to the stars, she counts celebrity a-listers like sarah michelle geller among her clients, but now she's charged in a plot after a competitor moved in on her turf. abc's bazi kanani is in our los angeles bureau with more. good morning, bazi. >> reporter: good morning, dan, bianna. dawn daluise spent decades building up a successful skin care business in hollywood keeping her celebrity clients beautiful with electric muscle stimulation. this morning, the 55-year-old is in jail on a million dollar bond. she's best known for helping hollywood stars glow, but this morning, a very different picture of skin care specialist dawn daluise who wept at her first court appearance friday. daluise is facing a felony charge for allegedly trying to hire a former nfl player as a hit man according to documents obtained by abc news. detectives say she wanted him to take out a rival spa owner. >> it's scary. it's definitely scary. >> reporter: gabriel sawyer rest opened his skin care shop several months ago right next door to daluise's business. he didn't think it would be a problem. not like this. >> hairdressers work next to each other all the time. i didn't think it would be a big deal. >> reporter: but he says his business was booming and daluise was giving him the cold shoulder. it's not the way she's described by clients in online reviews who call her an absolute sweetheart with a warm and fun personality. her business featured over the years in "vogue," "in style" and "ladies home journal" and her website lists celebrity clients including sarah michelle geller, freddie prinz jr. and alicia silverstone. >> getting and retaining the right celebrity clients can be very important. >> reporter: in hollywood the intense pressure to stay in the limelight is not just on the famous, but even for hollywood, these allegations are extreme. >> i absolutely believe there's more to this story than meets the eye. what we've heard now wouldn't even make a passable movie plot. >> reporter: a drama that will continue to unfold. police say the investigation is not over yet. daluise is facing up to nine years in prison. so far she is the only person arrested in this case, but police have put out a call to the public asking them to call in any tips that could lead to another arrest. we expect to learn more at the next court hearing on march 19th. dan, bianna. >> such a bizarre story. bazi, thank you. well, now, let's get an update of the morning's other top stories from ron. >> good morning, everyone. in the news we begin with breaking news on that missing malaysia airliner boeing 777. the plane disappeared apparently in the south china sea near vietnam. 239 people are on board that flight. the plane, three of them are americans on that flight. the plane was headed from beijing -- to beijing after take off from malaysia's capital, kuala lumpur. search teams across southeast asia are scouring the waters using planes and ships in an effort to find that missing airliner. a crush of reporters, meanwhile, swarming a press conference held by the airline in china. malaysia airlines' ceo says there was no distres call from the cockpit, which he believes suggests whatever happened on board that flight happened very, very quickly. billionaire media mogul ted turner is in a south american hospital this morning. turner was visiting argentina where he owns several ranches and became ill. no details yet on the ailment afflicting ted turner. and finally, forget about skis. all you need for this is some cardboard, tape and a little bit of imagination to get down the slopes in pennsylvania's pocono mountains. everything from trains, as you see there, an entire "wizard of oz" cardboard creation came speeding down the mountains. this is the annual cardboard classic. yeah. >> never heard of that. >> unfortunately, some of those rides crumbled in the snow. and that is something -- i don't know what. that's a garbage truck, yeah. annual affair. >> everybody needs a hobby. >> very creative. >> everybody needs a hobby. >> thanks, ron. appreciate it. time now for the weather and we welcome back our meteorologist julie durda from our abc affiliate in miami, wplg, channel 10. julie, good morning once again. >> well, thank you so much, dan, bianna. it's great to be back on this saturday morning. we are tracking some systems from coast to coast and we'll go to denver where we are going to show you some video of heavy snow that occurred causing an avalanche closing roads throughout portions of parts of denver just outside of denver dealing with over a foot of snow and more snow expected throughout the evening, and today they're finally going to see a little break from the snow as the system continues to push towards the south. that could bring some rain over portions of southern texas. temperatures starting to rebound, though. you can see the 60s as we go into usa. 68 degrees in houston. still dealing with the chill over north texas. i want to show you the good news across the united states. first we'll start with the southwest. warm weather continues, unfortunately, southwest, though, dealing with a drought. they haven't seen rain since last week, and, unfortunately, no significant rainfall is in sight so they are still in a drought but from coast to coast we go. more rain across the pacific northwest. temperatures rebounding across the south and up to the northeast. new york city will be seeing a temperature >> and the weather is brought to you by lowe's. >> we should say very impressive because you can't see it on set, but there's a long run that julie has to do from the weather board to over here in heels. very well done. good workout for the calves. >> you know that? >> well, you know -- >> you've run before. >> i had no idea. >> you were the one wearing my shoes this morning. dan. >> dan. >> it's time for a commercial break, ladies and gentlemen. coming up here on "gma," a big first for britain's prince harry and his girlfriend. royal watchers weighing in on what it might mean. also ahead, dog versus shark. who will be the winner of this epic battle? it's a fight to the fin-ish, ba-dum-dum in "pop news." ba-dum-dum in "pop news." multimillion-dollar athletest] can afford almost anything. ♪ but what they really want... welcome back, sir. 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[ female announcer ] this week only, save up to $10 on zyrtec® products. see sunday's newspaper. save up to $10 on zyrtec® products. if th...they' ll wanna eat gonnit right away. and country crock stirs in easily, to give mashed potatoes that rich buttery flavor your family loves, every time. welcome to crock country. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. britain's royal's baby brother is taking the spotlight now. all eyes on prince harry and his lady of the moment appearing at one of harry's official events for the very first time. >> it's been a long time. two years for this relationship and it's got royal watch eers wondering could things be getting serious? abc's lama hasan has more on the couple who until now have retained a very low profile. oh, please tell me there's another wedding we can cover, lama. >> reporter: wait, not so fast. but let me tell you, this is a first. prince harry and cressida canoodling openly in public and there's photographic evidence of it all. and just to give you an idea of what a big deal this is, i'd like to draw your attention to the front page of the british tabloid newspaper, "the sun." it sums it all up and says "harry and kissie." for the first time ever, harry the heartthrob and socialite cressida bonas show us some pda action. snuggling up close to one another at a public function. >> he knew he was going to be photographed that day, and he quite openly gave cressida a big hug and a big kiss in front of absolutely everyone, in front of enormous amounts of photographers, and he was really happy, it seems, for people to see that they are together and that they are an item. >> reporter: so what does this mean? are things really heating up for the love birds? >> is there going to be an engagement announcement? and, of course, i think this is definitely a kind of new phase, a new level, if you like, of the relationship and the relationship as the public would see it now. however, i think we still need to be a little bit cautious. >> royal highness prince harry. >> reporter: the smooch happened when the couple were at a global youth empowerment day where harry also managed to showcase his humorous side after receiving a rock star's welcome by a rowdy crowd of schoolkids, that is expecting harry styles, i apologize and, no, i'm not going to sing. >> reporter: the prince has been stepping up his charity work recently. just a few days ago he announced the warrior games would be coming to london, but that was sans girlfriend cressida, though. so maybe this will be the new norm for this royal couple. ooh-la-la. so the fact that they have now sealed their relationship with a kiss for the whole world to see does have royal watchers believing that cressida could actually be the one, so, guys, yes, i think it is safe to say that the royal engagement watch is on. dan and bianna, back to you. >> i'm going to book my tickets right now. lama, thank you. >> nobody more excited than bianna golodryga. i guarantee you. all right, coming up on "good morning america," the ultimate double date. the lucky couple who got to chill out with the obamas at the white house. couple who got to chill out with the obamas at the white house. got to chill out with the obamas at the white house. bianna golodryga. ♪ all right. time for "pop news." ron is already haunting sara. >> i'm trying to distract her. >> i've got some plants in this "pop news" for you. get excited, guys. first up a very viral photo of the president and first lady first up a very viral photo of the president and first lady double dating with a surprising couple, lena dunham and her boyfriend jack antonoff. jack posted the cute snap to instagram with the caption "real sick double date." now, it turns out the photo was actually taken back in july when jack's band performed at the white house. but how cool. >> that is actually cool. >> i would like to think they rocked that outfit. >> yeah. >> shorts -- >> dan owns those shorts. that happens. >> never on television. and speaking of "happy," which we keep talking about that song and singing along, we cannot get enough of pharrell williams and now we have another reason to clap along. the singer is teaming up with the u.n. for the international day of happiness on march 20th. pharrell is asking fans to show their support by filming themselves dancing and singing, which happens automatically when you lear the song to his number one hit "happy" and posting it online with #happyday. >> i just want to be that kid. >> he has ridiculous moves. >> yes, he does. >> post it to his website, and a little tip, working in a mountain hat of any color makes you ahead of the game. and if you can find one that pharrell has not already worn on the red carpet, then that's extra points for you. >> that song makes you smile. >> and makes you sing along because we keep doing it every time we go to commercial. >> march 20th, which is the first official day of spring. >> only a meteorologist would say that. >> thanks. speaking of happy, this one is for you, dan. if you haven't smiled yet today, stay right where you are. don't move. it's about to happen. watch as this little wiener dog takes on an inflatable shark. now, the shark just won't go where he wants him to, and eventually i think it all boils down to the old adage, it's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. eventually all you hear is squeaking through this video, by the way, as he slowly pulls that shark all the way into his kennel. >> nice, nice. >> that is an epic move by that dog. >> all the way, all the way, all the way. take that, sharkey. >> wait. speaking of epic, sara, explain what's in front of us right now. >> this burger is a little bit ridiculous. how much would you pay for a pretty decent burger, 5 bucks, 10. how about $250? >> whoa. >> you're buying, i'm eating. >> nope, that's funny you mention that, ron, but that's what they're charging for the indulgence burger. now, let me give you a little breakdown. >> indulgence burger. >> caviar, right. >> there's a lot of things here. chef knox combines kobe beef, foie gras, truffles, caviar to make the signature burger, no cheese which dan has pointed out and means it could be improved a little, but ron has offered -- with beer and bun? >> sure. >> beer and bun. beer and bun. but ron has offered to pay for this round, so you're eating his paycheck right now. >> this is so good. >> oh, my gosh. >> thousands of dollars worth of burgers on the set right now. >> this is an expensive burger. >> this will be an expensive doggie bag. >> i shouldn't be wearing white today. >> really good. >> how is it? >> it's really good. >> because i just don't have it in me to let it drip down my chin. >> you speak for the rest of the broadcast. >> i will be eating both of these. >> sara, thank you very much. we appreciate it. i know what i'll be doing during this commercial break. we will be right back with ron's verdict on the burger after a quick break. >> thank you, ron. >> thumbs up. >> big bucks claiborne. n. >> thumbs up. >> claiborne. that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. i am a healthy girl, i love salads, i love fruits, and it's not something i want to give up. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel twice a day as my daily toothpaste. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion. it's just so great because all of those foods that i enjoyed so much, i didn't want to give up, and now i can continue to have them. to keep a germ-free office. from latex gloves and antibacterial wipes to steam cleaners, keyboard vacuums and microfiber cloths. yes, staples has everything you need for a germaphobe-friendly office... [ sneezes, coughs ] except germ-free coworkers. [ retches ] thousands of products added online every day... [ click ] even protective suits. [ sneezes ] now get 15% off your cleaning supply purchase. staples. make more happen. ron claiborne is easily the pickiest eater on the set. >> i'm a picky eater? >> yes. you have very high standards. i say that with love and respect. so do you like this burger? >> this is a great burger, yes. >> all right. that says it all. >> and they're all on me. >> i wish. >> so i learned. >> i brought the condiments, credit, please. >> you get all the credit for bringing that. i'm pulling a de blasio here. i'm eating with a fork. >> would you like some mustard with that? >> thanks, you guys. see you tomorrow morning. which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. not only is kellogg's raisin bran® heart healthy it's a delicious source of potassium. ♪ mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health. now that's what i'm talkin' about. with kellogg's raisin bran®. [ female announcer ] now with kellogg's family rewards you can get even more from the products you love. join today at not my strong suit.en more from the products you love. we get to the end of the day and i am toast. in fact, we've had toast for dinner. but tonight i nailed it. kfc family feast. 9 pieces any recipe, 3 large sides, 6 biscuits, $19.99. do not give up on dinner. ♪ a very good saturday morning to you all. it's 8:00 a.m. i'm katie marrzullo. here's meteorologist lisa argen. well into the 50s here downtown, also on the coast, and in san jose live doppler 7-hd this morning, we have a few clouds around half moon bay, but from mt. tam looks a little bit hazy. 50 in san jose with 44 in rapid city, los gatos, 47. we will be looking at a nice afternoon today with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s around the bay to near 70. high clouds favor the north bay. the coast low to mid-60s. we'll see low


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20130926

conference. so this was a case of giants- dodgers rivalry. excuse me. giants, dodgers rivalry. kind of a reverse of the bryan stow case where of course he was severely hurt, a giants fan down at dodger stadium. so this was a similar thing that happened out here pretty close to at&t park. so i want to show you some exclusive video. we just got this. this is as investigators walked out of the police department with evidence from that stabbing. you will notice a giants hat in there. chief suhr was able to confirm that the suspect one of the suspects was wearing that giants hat. also, local neighbors in southern california were able to confirm that the victim, 24- year-old jonathan denver, this is his mugshot. this is taken several months ago. this is when he got a dui. we still don't know exactly where that victim, where mr. denver is from. but police have confirmed that he was killed. there are four suspects. there was a group at a nightclub near tony tantillo. the victim group was a father, girlfriend and brother. they left the game around the 8th inning so before the game wrapped up and went to a bar. so they left then there was a fight that started between these two groups of people around 11:30 and right around 3rd and harrison when that giants-dodgers rivalry started getting out of hand. one victim was fatally stabbed. he died at the hospital. let's get an update now from chief greg suhr. >> becomes a little unclear now as to who followed who away from the initial altercation. there was a second fight. when the fight ended, one member of the victim group, jonathan denver, 24 years old, realized that he had been stabbedded. there is no place at these games for violence. nobody's life should be at stake whether they're at the game, leaving the game, whether it's six blocks away and an hour and a half after the game. >> reporter: so two suspects are in custody. i want to make it clear that they have not been arrested yet. they are being interviewed. they are still talking to witnesses. but there are still two other suspects that police are looking for. in fact, they are making a call out to the public. if you saw anything last night around 3rd and harrison, there also may be looking for surveillance video. at last a lot of local businesses and bars -- there's a lot of local businesses and bars around the neighborhood about a quarter mile or so from at&t park. frank and michelle, back to you. >> liz, i know that giants and dodgers have another game tonight. are they going to beef up security for that ballgame? >> reporter: they are. in fact, they knew this was an intense rivalry so they have been beefing up security all week long since the series started on tuesday. but they are really going to beef it up tonight. in fact, they are going to have undercover officers wearing giants and dodgers gear. >> elizabeth wenger, live in of is, thank you. san francisco giants tweetedded this statement just a couple of minutes ago. "we are deeply saddened to learn of last night's incident that resulted in the tragic death of jonathan denver before tonight's game. the dead they will observe a moment of silence in memory of denver before tonight's game. now, the deadly stabbing comes as the giants are holding a three-game fundraiser for bryan stow. he was the giants fan who was beaten after a dodger game in l.a. the opener in 2011. this is stow in june of this year trying to move around. he suffers from a variety of physical problems and memory loss. a portion of the money made from the ticket sales this week will go towards the fund in stow's name. the fire danger is heating up in parts of the bay area. meteorologist lawrence karnow has more on a red flag warning. >> this is that time of year when we start to see those offshore winds developing right now it's more of a so breeze down at the surface but in the mountains, those winds have been blowing hard. we have seen gusts over mount diablo of over 40 miles per hour. that's a dry northerly wind. you can see down in san jose, 10 miles per hour to the northwest. 11 miles per hour in san francisco. really just a breeze so far. nothing too heavy but you get in the mountaintops above 1,000 feet or so and that's where the red flag warning is located. we have gusts up to 45 miles per hour. so we are going to have to watch this the next couple of days. for more on that we want to go to roberta gonzales live with our mobile weather lab. roberta? >> reporter: we are in the oakland hills near the zoo. you were talking about those dry northerly winds. let me show you what a dry northerly wind looks like. visibility unlimited from oakland to sutro tower. across the bay we can see the oakland coliseum. if you peek around the trees you can see the golden gate bridge. beautiful, right? yes and not so much because these are the winds that lead to the potential of fire hazards. we take you back to sunday september 8. mount diablo in flames. 3200 acres were charred all due to a wildfire burning out of control. now, the weather conditions on that day very similar to what we're experiencing today here in the oakland hills. and in fact, all the way through the weekend. so we are happy to see up here in the hills that a lot of this dry brush has been trimmed back but underneath it you still have this. this is called duff. this is a ground covering that if you get a spark under it, it can smolder and cause a fire. i just found this cigarette butt that could lead to the potential of a fire here in the oakland hills while we have a red flag warning in effect. more on how you can preserve your neighborhood, your homeland, visit us online at reporting for mobile weather, roberta gonzales kpix 5. >> thank you. san francisco state students will hold a candlelight memorial tonight for a fellow student who was gunned down at a muni stop. 20-year-old justin valdez was shot and killed as he got off a muni light rail monday night in the ingleside district. he was on the water polo team and the environmental club. he was once voted most likely to change the world. >> he is just, you know, an innocent bystander wrong place wrong time. a girl said he texted me every, single night and said goo night to me. they were just friends not a girlfriend. he was just a good loving person. >> police arrested nikhom thephakaysone hours after releasing the surveillance video. investigators say the attack was random and unprovoked. the vigil is at 7:00 at the students center. an 18-year-old is named a person of interest in the brutal beating that put a pleasanton father in a coma. david lamont attacked saturday night after asking a group of teenagers outside his home to quiet down. officers are also talking to three underaged witnesses. so far no one has been named a suspect. the first responders on the scene of the crash of asiana flight 214 at sfo are getting recognized for their efforts today. geary boulevard merchants association in san francisco is presenting its humanitarian award to the police officers and fire crews. the asiana flight crashed on july 6 killing three chinese students and injuring dozens more. some new details now. italian divers may have found the remains of the two missing passengers that were aboard the costa concordia cruise ship. dna tests are needed to determine their identities. one is believed to be a woman celebrating her 50th birthday on board. the other was a waiter who reportedly gave up his life jacket to another passenger. the costa concordia sank in january 2012. 32 people died including two americans. still to come at noon, happy birthday to google. how getting information on the internet has changed over the last 15 years. >> plus a new kind of online shopping experience. the service that delivers to your doors in hours. not days. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, white background helped re-define they way we use t internet. google turns 15 tomorrow. the search engine has helped six colorful letters on a white background redefined the way we use the internet. google turns 15 tomorrow. the search engine helped millions research homework, find jobs and explore the planet. >> kpix 5's cate caugiran takes us inside the peninsula home where google was born. reporter: this home on santa marguerita avenue in menlo park looks just like any other on this street. but 15 years ago, inside this house, two stanford ph.d. students created a household name. google search. for founders larry page and sergei bren, the original mission was to provide a great search experience for users starting in a garage. >> i didn't know about it. working in the house. >> reporter: this home not for sale stands as a tribute to the renowned search engine. we got a look at the first google swag and tour of the original headquarters. i'm sitting at the humble beginnings of google search right down to the server that started it all. and the original desk the founder sat at that was fashioned out of an old door. >> i remember the desks that you saw inside was my first desk. we actually bought these simple cheap doors as desks because they were the cheapest desks we could buy for our employees. >> reporter: from this house google has expanded to 70 offices in 40 countries with more than a million servers and data centers around the world. >> we are really proud of how far we have come but more importantly we will never lose sight of the fact that there's so much work to be done. we are just getting started. >> reporter: there's much more to come. users can expect upgrades to their search engine like a new search result layout improvement to voice command questions, developing natural conversation with the googler, and trying to anticipate user needs. >> okay, google. tell me about impressionist artists. >> reporter: the company is hoping to continue what the founders started in this garage and maintain high standards to the answer for most questions, google it. in menlo park, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> well, believe it or not, search engines' first name was back rub. the homepage used to describe itself as the web crawler designed to traverse the web. i think i like google better. >> google's new home delivery service is now available for bay area shoppers. it's called google shopping express. the company is partnering with more than 15 local retailers so you can purchase anything from beef jerky to underwear. price for delivery five bucks and your online purchase will be at your doorstep within 3 to 5 hours. >> google made our life a little easier. >> they do everything. >> going tell. >> incredible. hey, guys, we're seeing some changes in the weather. the breeze blowing and, of course, we have the red flag warnings up there. it looks like more sunshine the next couple of days. and some warmer temperatures too. a look back toward the city of san francisco from oakland and the winds kind of shaking things around a little bit with the camera there. but the temperatures now just beginning to warm up nicely. it is 70 degrees in livermore. 68 in san francisco. 65 in san jose. and sunny 70 degrees in santa rosa. well, it looks like those winds will get a little blustery throughout the afternoon especially along the coastline and through some of the mountain gaps and over the tops of the mountains. mostly clear again tonight and breezy in spots. looks like less wind and a nice weekend on tap for the bay area. high pressure now trying to build in overhead as that ridge starts to move in, of course, the difference between these two pressure systems going to cause some gusty winds but finally that ridge will settle in over the weekend but for now, elevated fire danger over the mountaintops above 1,000 feet and temperatures warm up nicely heading into the weekend. computer models showing you the winds picking up throughout the afternoon. some of those winds may be over 20 miles per hour near the coastline gusting at times over the mountaintops up to 45 and then looks like toward tomorrow, things begin to subside. around the state, you will see some 70s and sunny skies into the central valley about 68 degrees in the monterey bay. around our bay we'll keep those temperatures mainly in the 60s and 70s in the south bay, 60s coastside and windy at times. mid- to upper 70s the warmest spots inland and then inside the bay winds blowing. 70 in sausalito and 69 in san francisco. next couple of days warming up a bit. the weekend looking good although next week we have a couple of clouds coming our way and it looks like there's a slight chance of showers on monday. that's a look at weather. back to you. >> thank you. robin williams is back on the small screen tonight in the new cbs comedy the crazy once. he plays the head of a powerful ad agency with unorthodox methods and his daughter played by sarah michelle geller is right by his side. >> he is a guy that if there's a line he will step over it and she is there to either bring him back or if he steps over the line going what do we do next, dad? it's an exciting dynamic especially for someone like my character, who has had an interesting life, multiple marriages, rehab, done the research. so i think there's a lot to play with here. >> he is so funny. singer kelly clarkson joins the premiere of the crazy ones tonight at 9:00 here on kpix 5. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, together, mary and vic ojak (oh-jack-ee-ahns) have rais four children, built succesl careers.. this week's jefferson award winners are a formable team. together mary and vic ojakian have raised four children an each built successful careers. vic was even mayor of palo alto. kate kelly says none of that prepared them for what happened nine years ago. >> i was very naive thinking, boy, i have great kids and i'm a good guy and everything is just fine. >> reporter: that's when vic and mary ojakian learned that their 21-year-old son adam a student at uc-davis died by suicide. >> most people ask the question, why? >> reporter: what vic and mary learned after talking with adam's friends and professors was that for the first time adam was dealing with depression. >> he did show some signs but nobody had ever been trained to recognize these thing. >> reporter: not adam, his friends or teachers knew enough to get him the help that was available. suicide is the second leading cause of death among college aged students and 70% don't seek treatment. vic and mary realized there was a lack of awareness of. people didn't want to talk about mental illness and there had been cutbacks. >> a lot of campuses were cutting back on things and the first thing they decide to cut back on is their mental health services. >> reporter: so the ojakians lobbied for millions of dollars through a statewide initiative so that all uc, state and community colleges could expand student mental health services. >> vic and mary have made talking about mental health an okay thing to do. >> reporter: stephanie welch oversees the state student mental health program. >> we want to make sure that we provide resources, education, that we teach people about the warning signs and that people know that suicide is preventable. >> reporter: in santa clara county, the ojakians helped create a countywide strategic plan for suicide prevention. and when a palo alto school experienced a rash of suicides, they work on a prevention program that's being adopted by school districts around the state. >> things can change. so there are things we can do. we don't have to suffer in silence. we're just there to help save a life. >> reporter: so for helping to save lives in their community and across the state, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to vic and mary ojakian. kate kelly, kpix 5. >> the ojakians gave us a lot of resources to share and we have posted them online. go to, click on the logo at the top of the page, and jefferson awards, to find the story. he walked into the oval office -- >> bono started it, now former president clinton is finishing it. how he is striking back. >> and a reminder if you have a consumer problem out there or just a question, give our hotline a call, 888-5-helps-u. we have volunteers standing by right now to take your calls. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tony take it away. u-2 rock star bono showed us earlier this week he isn't t great at putting on a show. it's lunchtime. now what that means. tony, take it away. >> well, today's tip of the day is going to be is going to be with pomegranites. you know it's fall in the air when you see promise granites in the market and right now the quality is good for pomegranites at the beginning of the season. you have to select and store them right. let's talk about selection. when you buy them, red like this all the way around. if it has a little bit of cracking that's okay. that means the seeds inside are loaded with liquid, ready to burst. that beautiful juice that they have. when you bring them home, very important, store them on the counter do not store them in the refrigerator. if you store them in the refrigerator that cool temperature will deplete the nutritional value and flavor. plenty out there, some great prices and they are loaded, i mean loaded with nutritional value. they are a superfood. i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. u-2 rock star showed bono isn't just good at putting on a show. his other talent includes impersonating former president bill clinton. >> right now we have affordable aids drugs for everybody all over the world so these talking chops sometimes do some good. >> that's what happens when you're late for your own panel during the clinton global initiative but mr. clinton fired back. >> i'm irish, you know. [ laughter ] >> we're irish, we can imitate anybody. >> he went on actually. he was good. it's all in fun. clinton and bono have been friends for a long time. bart workers and unions can't seem to work out a deal and now one small town city councilman is taking a stand to prevent a strike. that and more at 5:00. the weekend is almost here. >> it is. the winds are blowing. the big story today with the red flag warnings over the mountaintops. looks like we are going to see those winds howling maybe to 45 miles per hour. but below lots of sunshine and the weekend looks spectacular temperatures in the 80s and cooler on sunday but showers a possibility as we get into monday. >> it's a good thing they weren't doing the america's cup race today. >> yeah. boy, what a comeback by the american team. they made it really exciting at the end. >> i was down there. i tried to get down there. i parked and ran down there and i saw the boat go by for about 15 seconds. and said, okay, i was there. >> that's about how long the race lasted. >> i was down by the st. francis yacht club. it was cool. >> just because they came back that may have saved the america's cup here. people were bored in the first place but what an exciting finish they had. >> we'll see if it comes back next time. >> hope so. >> that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. captions by: caption colorado ,, >> brooke: so, how was your trip? >> katie: well, it wasn't exactly a vacation, and i'm sure you know all about it since bill had my followed. >> brooke: he was concerned. he wasn't sure when you'd be back. >> katie: so, when i do surveillance, it's criminal, but when bill does it, it's concern? >> bill: everything okay in here? >> brooke: yeah, we're fine. aren't we, katie? >> will: [ crying ] >> bill: i'm gonna go put him down.


Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20140812

philadelphia this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> he was the man of a million faces. >> hello. >> and a million voices. >> good morning vietnam! >> his comedy made generations laugh. >> tonight we remember the life of robin williams. he was without question a comedic genius never without a joke or voice to make us laugh. his voice is now silenced but as long as his work is on film it will not be forgotten. >> robin williams battled his demons and those struggles may have led to his death today of an apparent suicide. but before he left us, robin william shared his bright light with the world. >> good morning vietnam! robin williams made people laugh. >> it's just i have fun doing it. there's something that kicks in kind of a joy where you just get excited. >> with his comedic genius he managed to poke fun without being offensive. he spent much of his childed in detroit and started doing imitations early on to amuse himself. >> i was an arely child. we moved from place to place. >> he went on to prestigious july lard yes he met christopher reeve the two remain live long friends. william big break came when he landed the lead as the wacky alien in mork and mindy. >> he led it big box office >> he was the voice of the jeannie in aladdin. ♪ >> and he proved he could be just as serious as he was funny. >> never held your best friend's head in your lap and watch him gasp his last breath. >> he want an oscar for goodwill hunting. with his acting and stand up comedy williams also won three grammy awards and six golden globes. but williams success did not keep him out of trouble. he fought addiction cocaine in the late's 70's and early '80s. and went to row hab for alcohol addiction in 2006. he checked into a facility again this year to stay sober. he married three times leaving behind three children. two boys and a girl. in march 2009, williams was hospitalized with heart proble problems. he put his comedy tore on hold to have valve replace many surgery. but he came back laughing. >> the valve is still working. >> he returned to television on cbs's the crazy ones bringing his go to skills. >> how much of this script in the show is you -- 23-point 5% improv. >> you do -- >> despite his dee moans he was a steam roller on the stage and screen for more than three decades. often outrageous and always leaving them laughing. >> robin williams played a big role in the cbs family this past tv station starring in the crazy ones. >> can you be serious. >> maybe for second. no, see. sorry. >> "eyewitness news" this morning ukee washington traveled to hollywood this past spring to spend a day onset. there he talked with william and co star sarah michelle geller. >> things just get better. it's been wonderful to see the boys grow and a amanda. sarah was always great. really fun to see it expand. >> he is a legend. but he is to us but not in his own mind if that makes sense he is the kindest, most gentle soul would do anything for anyone. he's literally the man that would give you the shirt off his back. when you work on a show that starts at the top and that's what makes it such a great set to be on i think. >> tonight ukee shared with us some of his memories about his time with robin william. >> robin was so accommodating on that show. as were everybody. everybody on that cast really was, and they all looked at him as a father because he was the father of television. the father of comedy. and i'm sure they are all devastated right now. >> late tonight cbs issued a statement on the loss of williams. it reads our world has lost a comic genius, a gifted actor and a beautiful man. we will remember robin william as one of unique talents of his time who was loved by many, but also as a kind, caring soul, who treated his colleagues and co-workers with great affection and respect. our heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go out to his family, loved ones and friends. >> robin williams was nominated for oscar for his role in one of my favorites dead poet's society. that movie was actually filmed at saint andrews school in middletown, delaware. tonight the school release add statement that read williams brought humanity and humor to the school during his time filming there. well from every day fans to professional comic word of robin william sudden death certainly hit hadding hard tonight. a lot of people just want to talk about him. diana rocco live on physical's rittenhouse square with what people around town have to say. diana? >> reporter: chris, i think stunned is the word that best describes how people are feeling about this tonight. they simply cannot believe it's true. while robin william never spent a whole lot of time here in philadelphia, he has certainly left his mark. word spread quickly and for many it just didn't seem real. >> i can believe it. certainly no way that he would commit suicide. >> i'm he will really definite estated. i just can't believe he gave so much to everyone. >> the death of robin williams is weighing heavy on the minds of nearly everyone who is old enough to remember mork and mindy or seen one of his movies. >> mrs. doubt fire is my favorite. when he goes it was -- >> the idea is he's someone not around any more a big adjustment. >> in the comedy and improv world his death hit hard. at philly improv theater many stand ups phil as though they've lost one our industry''s greatet minds but a mentor g fill sal city where there's a huge growing comedy community. a lot of people probably hope a a that the point they'd get to meet him. they won't have that opportunity any more. >> he always greeted him with a smile and treated him like a friend. >> he was such an approachable guy. he was just a really night warm guy always, you know, if you didn't get the picture he wanted to make sure you got the picture. he walked around new york city just like a regular guy. go to the same coffee shop every day. he was in the village a lot. i mean if we wanted to go see him sometimes well would go see him to say hism. >> reporter: not just industry insiders but really anyone whose ever been entertained by williams who is having a difficult time with this tonig tonight. the one little point of comfort here is that they say his life and legacy and that spirit of entertainment will live on in the work he's left behind. we're live on the rittenhouse square, diana rocco cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> diana, thank you very much. social media came a life tonight in the aftermath of robin with yum death. ledger danny comedian and philly nay tough bill cos bow among those tweeted he said i'm shocked. he included a remarkable picture of himself with robin williams on the set of the movie jack. we'll have much more reaction tonight to the bag passing of robin william later in the broadcast. we'll look back at some of the most memorable moments in movie lines of his career and we invite to you share your thoughts with us on or on our social media pages. >> we are tracking storms tonight. we could see pretty significant amount of rain tomorrow. meteorologist kathy orr has her eye on when the wet weather might arrive. kathy. we have a few showers trying to get into the region. they're moving up that i-95 corridor and countering dry air. there's chance of a passing shower or sprinkle especially to the north and west of philadelphia. but more numerous showers to the west with an area of low pressure right here over the midwest. the system will be moving in especially during the day tomorrow with most of the rain staying to the west of philadelphia. through the early morning hours of the day and periods of rain here and there throughout the afternoon. but the heaviest rain will hold off until tomorrow night into early wednesday morning when you add up all the rain from the showers tuesday to the heavier rain through wednesday morning, you'll see about one to 2-inches of rain across the entire regi region. coming up we'll talk about the threat of severe weather that will be moving in as well as well as those flooding concerns. there are no watches it there just yet. but there could be. i'll see you later in the broadcast with that. jess. >> kathy, thank. get ready for more traffic headaches. two major road row pair projects going on in philadelphia right now. "eyewitness news" reporter elizabeth hur has more on how this work is going to impact more than just your commute. >> reporter: more construction work. on roads and bridges starting monday. >> it's going to be mess. >> reporter: could mean not just a messy commute but also more pain at the pump. >> that's horrible. >> yeah, eighths lot. >> reporter: certainly not ideal for drivers but penndot officials say it's a necessity. >> we're able to pave 100 extra miles and able to do over 20 extra bridge projects. >> reporter: in all officials say penndot is currently overseeing 97 construction projects all over our area. made possible by transportation funding from harrisburg and one that includes changes in gas oil taxes over the next five years. >> it was a package put together by governor corbett and the legislature which would provide 2.3 billion extra dollars each year for transportion. >> reporter: bottom line penndot officials he have mate when it's all said and done it will cost drivers about $2 and 50 cents more to fill up in the meantime, the work here on the boulevard stretches 12 miles from ninth to adams. every night with the inside lanes closed off. >> i'm thankful that they are reconstructioning and getting the roads even and paved. >> reporter: it is true. in the name of penndot officials are asking for your patience the work here along the boulevard is expected to last through objection. reporting in hunting park, i'm elizabeth hur cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> the search is on tonight for hit-and-run driver who killed a man crossing the street in vineland. 49 year old armando lopez was hit while crossing west landis of a near delsea drive last night. lopez had made it across nearly all four lanes. he was struck just feet from the sidewalk. police are now looking at surveillance video hoping to find some clues. lopez was a native of puerto rico and just moved to vineland from bridgeton. >> new developments in the philadelphia school budget crisis. pennsylvania's how majority leader met today with the superintendent of schools william hite after that meeting turzi believes the schools will open on time. this after governor corbett advanced the district -- it is e because it allows all the doors to open up as they should at the proper time. >> majority leader was very concerned about what happens and what's happeninge is going to work very hard to ensure that the cigarette tax bill is pass. >> turzi said there's bipartisan support for that cigarette tax designed to help the district but he says the house wants a clean vote on that bill one that does not include any unnecessary riders. well night a hero finally gets his do. a local veteran is recognized 60 years later. we'll tell you why he won cement this honor until today. >> kathy? >> first some showers then heavy rain, even the threat of severe weather and concerns for shooterring. it doesn't look like much now but it will when the it gets here. i'll track the storms coming up. >> and they may be beautiful. but they are a big problem in one shore news" returns. >> back on oy were the news as the world mourns the loss of comedy legend robin williams. hollywood fans are laying flowers on his star on the hollywood walk of fame. los angeles famed comedy club the improv change the marquis to read, robin williams, 1951 to 2014 legend. >> williams was found dead today of app apparent suicide in his california home. many celebrities are reacting on twitter tonight will farrell tweeted shocked and saddened by the news today. rip robin with jumps. you will be missed. >> and ben stiller also remembering his night at the museum co star tonight posted a tweet cannot begin describe the hugeness of robin williams heart and soul and talent. this is so sad. hash tag robin william. >> the two had just finish filming night at the museum three. >> final goodbyes today for the mother of two who was murdered in pennypack park. friends and family gathered in the northeast to remember connie mcclain murray. yesterday we learned that her husband christopher had reportedly confessed to strangling her last monday. this mother of two teenaged girls was laid to rest at resurrection cemetery in buck county. piece of unfinished business was finally taken care of today for an army veteran from our area. >> he received a long overdo award one he earned on the battlefields of korea but one he quickly left behind noun with his time short, he finally accepted the title he so richly deserves. >> he's already a hero. but he's definitely a hero tod today. >> you could call ron are a pinot lot of things. a father and husband, a korean war veteran and, yes, a her row. but until now, you could not call him a recipient of the purple heart. >> the purple heart signifies one thing, sacrifice. >> there's no question ron jul july 15, 1953 he was below through the air by a grenade attempting to save the life of a fellow soldier. ron was in line to receive the purple heart but he worried about the news reaching his family. >> purple heart notification would come to the family by telegram and usually meant the family member they're loved one was either dead or very seriously injured. >> not wanting to have his mother fear the worst, he declined the award. he came home and lived his life in northeast philadelphia. but his daughter says he never forgot. >> purple heart has meant everything to him. >> now 82, and fighting terminal cancer, ron's family decided it was time. so on monday, at his hospice in meadow brook with his physical low veterans looking on, it happened. >> on bow half of a grateful nation, accept this medal in recognition of your sacrifice and your service, sir. >> the medal is replica since the application process for purple heart can last from six to 24 months. it will come in time. but for sergeant, this is the real thing. >> this is not ron's only award. he also received a silver star for valor during the korean war. >> they're one of nature's most beautiful and graceful creatures in south jersey swans are becoming quite a nuisance. some ponds in cape may are swarming with them. the swans are pushing out native migratory birds killing plants and polluting the ponds with their waist. wildlife officials say the only way to control them is to kill them. other states facing a similar situation created legislation to do that back in 2010. >> all right. kathy joins us now. we have some changes on the way in our weather. we do. getting a little breezy, getting a little cool, getting a little cloudy. those are signs. >> can't be that far behind. we're seeing a little bit on storm scan3. the at months four is so dry it's really not making knit here. take look outside where it is a very comfortable night. the board quiet in ocean city, cape may county. little bit cool window down the shore as well. on storm scan3 it's dry everywhere. we have a few sprinkles moving up that i-95 corridor. that is just about it. the bark is worse than the bite on storm scan3. but there are more numerous showers to the west associated with a frontal bandore that will be moving through early wednesday once that moves through, we will be in the clear. so it will take about 24 to 36 hours to get this next storm system out of here. our live neighborhood network shows us cooler temperatures in the villas look at that. 75. lewes delaware the university of delaware it is 74. reading 74. audubon elementary school in norristown 72 degrees with cloudy skies. root now in philadelphia at the airport 73. 71 pretty cool in trenton. 66 in the pock nose. and 70s down the shore. air temperature cooler than the ocean. the owing at 77. we'll watch a warm front lift through during the day on tuesday with a occasional showers. really not big deal. but this front moves through, which will be late tuesday into early wednesday i expect some of the heavier rain to fall and thunderstorms some of which could be severe in the wake of that morning showers on wednesday. giving way to some clearing skies with breezy conditions. northwesterly winds will be blowing after that, though, fair weather high pressure builds in. it will be sunny, it will be d dry. temperatures will be below average but it will be comfortable once again just like last week with highs in the 80s. the severe threat will be especially tuesday night. the potential for some heavy rain even some damaging winds. you can see that line to the south of allentown through philadelphia, atlantic city, and points to the south and the west so please be aware of that threat if you're going to be outside tomorrow evening and late tomorrow night. here's look what to expect. between the time the rain begins on tuesday as just showers and wednesday as potentially heavy rain one to 2-inches across the region. heaviest rain tuesday night. poor drainage flood sag possibility. gusty if not severe gathered storms. overnight look for mostly cloudy skies. a if you showers developing toward dawn especially to the north and west. the low 68. the high 78. well below average for tuesday. clouds, some rain even isolated thunderstorms possible during the afternoon. on the exclusive eyewitness wet seven day forecast and shore cast, temperatures will be in the 80s and it will stay very comfortable through the rest of the week and into the weekend. even next week looking so warming up to near seasonable levels. it has been a quiet august and we'd like to keep that it way. >> we like quite and just not too oppressively hot and that's what g. they will will be practicing with the patriots then did it last year. it was beneficial. we'll talk about that. a couple of nice highlights to show you from the phillies as well. and what advice the phillies have for the taken 93 dragons much that's coming up as they head to the little league world series. ♪ i never know what kind theof adventure awaits. that the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay 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one to nothing in the fourthly. darrin ruf crushed this pitch 422 feet into the bushes at center. two run homerun fightings took the lead. until the seventh. the mets scored more runs. wreck kerr had the big hit three run homerun off justin deface. the mets won five-three. took three out of four from the fightings. >> the little leaguers from center city the taney dragons are the talk of the town. behind monet davis' three hit shut out last night they are headed to the little league world series. first team from philadelphia to go to williamsport. before the phils left for california, they had advice for the dragons. >> best of luck. have fun. it's a great situation to be in. um, the city is proud you. no matter what the out come is, but you got a chance to do great things. so just go there and enjoy it. have fun. >> ab kid first before a ball player. just enjoy the time you have over there and embrace it and it will be memory you'll never forget. >> all right. chip kelly and bell belicheck see a lot of each other the rest of the week. tomorrow the birds and patriots will start three days of joint practices then play preseason game number two friday night. the birds defense will be tested by future hall of famer tom brady. we'll be right back ♪ ♪ >> robin williams provide us with more laughs than probably any other comedic actor in hit he. >> his roles were legendary. they left us with memories that will last a lifetime. >> can you be serious. >> maybe for second. no, see. >> sorry. >> hello. >> ♪ >> i do voices. >> yes. >> having a major difficulty in finding the end knee. >> be life. be free. >> you do an he can electric celebration of a dance. >> i should go to moscow and stand in line for bread. stale bread. >> stale bread. >> all right sparky. here's the deal. >> keep your hands and arms inside the >> only in dreams can men be truly free. it was always thus and always thus it's huge! acme's anniversary sale? ♪ it's acme's anniversary sale. this week check out the quaker breakfast event, $1.49 each. nabisco chips ahoy cookies, $1.99. and frito lay party size chips, $2.99 each. don't miss our biggest sale ever! hey mom! look what i found. acme. this sale is huge! hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... 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(vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. pgh. >> we thank you for watching "eyewitness news" at 11:00 pgh "eyewitness news" returns in the morning at 4:30 with ukee and erika. for beasley, kathy and everyone here at "eyewitness news" oil chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. you can always find us at pgh the late show with david letterman is next pgh to it in's guest is dana carvey. have good night. we'll see you tomorrow. pgh ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm mike mcintee. and now, the pride of the serengeti, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme )


Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20140812

he was without question a comedic genius never without a joke or voice to make us laugh. his voice is now silenced but as long as his work is on film it will not be forgotten. >> robin williams battled his demons and those struggles may have led to his death today of an apparent suicide. but before he left us, robin william shared his bright light with the world. >> good morning vietnam! robin williams made people laugh. >> it's just i have fun doing it. there's something that kicks in kind of a joy where you just get excited. >> with his comedic genius he managed to poke fun without being offensive. he spent much of his childed in detroit and started doing imitations early on to amuse himself. >> i was an arely child. we moved from place to place. >> he went on to prestigious july lard yes he met christopher reeve the two remain live long friends. william big break came when he landed the lead as the wacky alien in mork and mindy. >> he led it big box office success with mrs. doubt fire and good morning vietnam. >> hanoi hanoi. >> he was the voice of the jeannie in aladdin. ♪ >> and he proved he could be just as serious as he was funny. >> never held your best friend's head in your lap and watch him gasp his last breath. >> he want an oscar for goodwill hunting. with his acting and stand up comedy williams also won three grammy awards and six golden globes. but williams success did not keep him out of trouble. he fought addiction cocaine in the late's 70's and early '80s. and went to row hab for alcohol addiction in 2006. he checked into a facility again this year to stay sober. he married three times leaving behind three children. two boys and a girl. in march 2009, williams was hospitalized with heart proble problems. he put his comedy tore on hold to have valve replace many surgery. but he came back laughing. >> the valve is still working. >> he returned to television on cbs's the crazy ones bringing his go to skills. >> how much of this script in the show is you -- 23-point 5% improv. >> you do -- >> despite his dee moans he was a steam roller on the stage and screen for more than three decades. often outrageous and always leaving them laughing. >> robin williams played a big role in the cbs family this past tv station starring in the crazy ones. >> can you be serious. >> maybe for second. no, see. sorry. >> "eyewitness news" this morning ukee washington traveled to hollywood this past spring to spend a day onset. there he talked with william and co star sarah michelle geller. >> things just get better. it's been wonderful to see the boys grow and a amanda. sarah was always great. really fun to see it expand. >> he is a legend. but he is to us but not in his own mind if that makes sense he is the kindest, most gentle soul would do anything for anyone. he's literally the man that would give you the shirt off his back. when you work on a show that starts at the top and that's what makes it such a great set to be on i think. >> tonight ukee shared with us some of his memories about his time with robin william. >> robin was so accommodating on that show. as were everybody. everybody on that cast really was, and they all looked at him as a father because he was the father of television. the father of comedy. and i'm sure they are all devastated right now. >> late tonight cbs issued a statement on the loss of williams. it reads our world has lost a comic genius, a gifted aor and a beautiful man. we will remember robin william as one of unique talents of his time who was loved by many, but also as a kind, caring soul, who treated his colleagues and co-workers with great affection and respect. our heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go out to his family, loved ones and friends. >> robin williams was nominated for oscar for his role in one of my favorites dead poet's society. that movie was actually filmed at saint andrews school in middletown, delaware. tonight the school release add statement that read williams brought humanity and humor to the school during his time filming there. well from every day fans to professional comic word of robin william sudden death certainly hit hadding hard tonight. a lot of people just want to talk about him. diana rocco live on physical's rittenhouse square with what people around town have to say. diana? >> reporter: chris, i think stunned is the word that best describes how people are feeling about this tonight. they simply cannot believe it's true. while robin william never spent a whole lot of time here in philadelphia, he has certainly left his mark. word spread quickly and for many it just didn't seem real. >> i can believe it. certainly no way that he would commit suicide. >> i'm he will really definite estated. i just can't believe he gave so much to everyone. >> the death of robin williams is weighing heavy on the minds of nearly everyone who is old enough to remember mork and mindy or seen one of his movies. >> mrs. doubt fire is my favorite. when he goes it was -- >> the idea is he's someone not around any more a big adjustment. >> in the comedy and improv world his death hit hard. at philly improv theater many stand ups phil as though they've lost one our industry''s greatet minds but a mentor g fill sal city where there's a huge growing comedy community. a lot of people probably hope a a that the point they'd get to meet him. they won't have that opportunity any more. >> he always greeted him with a smile and treated him like a friend. >> he was such an approachable guy. he was just a really night warm guy always, you know, if you didn't get the picture he wanted to make sure you got the picture. he walked around new york city just like a regular guy. go to the same coffee shop every day. he was in the village a lot. i mean if we wanted to go see him sometimes well would go see him to say hism. >> reporter: not just industry insiders but really anyone whose ever been entertained by williams who is having a difficult time with this tonig tonight. the one little point of comfort here is that they say his life and legacy and that spirit of entertainment will live on in the work he's left behind. we're live on the rittenhouse square, diana rocco cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> diana, thank you very much. social media came a life tonight in the aftermath of robin with yum death. ledger danny comedian and philly nay tough bill cos bow among those tweeted he said i'm shocked. he included a remarkable picture of himself with robin williams on the set of the movie jack. we'll have much more reaction tonight to the bag passing of robin william later in the broadcast. we'll look back at some of the most memorable moments in movie lines of his career and we invite to you share your thoughts with us on or on our social media pages. >> we are tracking storms tonight. we could see pretty significant amount of rain tomorrow. meteorologist kathy orr has her eye on when the wet weather might arrive. kathy. we have a few showers trying to get into the region. they're moving up that i-95 corridor and countering dry air. there's chance of a passing shower or sprinkle especially to the north and west of philadelphia. but more numerous showers to the west with an area of low pressure right here over the midwest. the system will be moving in especially during the day tomorrow with most of the rain staying to the west of philadelphia. through the early morning hours of the day and periods of rain here and there throughout the afternoon. but the heaviest rain will hold off until tomorrow night into early wednesday morning when you add up all the rain from the showers tuesday to the heavier rain through wednesday morning, you'll see about one to 2-inches of rain across the entire regi region. coming up we'll talk about the threat of severe weather that will be moving in as well as well as those flooding concerns. there are no watches it there just yet. but there could be. i'll see you later in the broadcast with that. jess. >> kathy, thank. get ready for more traffic headaches. two major road row pair projects going on in philadelphia right now. "eyewitness news" reporter elizabeth hur has more on how this work is going to impact more than just your commute. >> reporter: more construction work. on roads and bridges starting monday. >> it's going to be mess. >> reporter: could mean not just a messy commute but also more pain at the pump. >> that's horrible. >> yeah, eighths lot. >> reporter: certainly not ideal for drivers but penndot officials say it's a necessity. >> we're able to pave 100 extra miles and able to do over 20 extra bridge projects. >> reporter: in all officials say penndot is currently overseeing 97 construction projects all over our area. made possible by transportation funding from harrisburg and one that includes changes in gas oil taxes over the next five years. >> it was a package put together by governor corbett and the legislature which would provide 2.3 billion extra dollars each year for transportion. >> reporter: bottom line penndot officials he have mate when it's all said and done it will cost drivers about $2 and 50 cents more to fill up in the meantime, the work here on the boulevard stretches 12 miles from ninth to adams. every night with the inside lanes closed off. >> i'm thankful that they are reconstructioning and getting the roads even and paved. >> reporter: it is true. in the name of penndot officials are asking for your patience the work here along the boulevard is expected to last through objection. reporting in hunting park, i'm elizabeth hur cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> the search is on tonight for hit-and-run driver who killed a man crossing the street in vineland. 49 year old armando lopez was hit while crossing west landis of a near delsea drive last night. lopez had made it across nearly all four lanes. he was struck just feet from the sidewalk. police are now looking at surveillance video hoping to find some clues. lopez was a native of puerto rico and just moved to vineland from bridgeton. >> new developments in the philadelphia school budget crisis. pennsylvania's how majority leader met today with the superintendent of schools william hite after that meeting turzi believes the schools will open on time. this after governor corbett advanced the district $265 million. >> the advancement of the money does -- it is of relevance because it allows all the doors to open up as they should at the proper time. >> majority leader was very concerned about what happens and what's happening here in philadelphia. majority leader also gave us some assurances that he is going to work very hard to ensure that the cigarette tax bill is pass. >> turzi said there's bipartisan support for that cigarette tax designed to help the district but he says the house wants a clean vote on that bill one that does not include any unnecessary riders. well night a hero finally gets his do. a local veteran is recognized 60 years later. we'll tell you why he won cement this honor until today. >> kathy? >> first some showers then heavy rain, even the threat of severe weather and concerns for shooterring. it doesn't look like much now but it will when the it gets here. i'll track the storms coming up. >> and they may be beautiful. but they are a big problem in one shore town. ponds are swarming with swans. the one drastic solution they're now considering when "eyewitness news" returns. >> back on oy were the news as the world mourns the loss of comedy legend robin williams. hollywood fans are laying flowers on his star on the hollywood walk of fame. los angeles famed comedy club the improv change the marquis to read, robin williams, 1951 to 2014 legend. >> williams was found dead today of app apparent suicide in his california home. many celebrities are reacting on twitter tonight will farrell tweeted shocked and saddened by the news today. rip robin with jumps. you will be missed. >> and ben stiller also remembering his night at the museum co star tonight posted a tweet cannot begin describe the hugeness of robin williams heart and soul and talent. this is so sad. hash tag robin william. >> the two had just finish filming night at the museum three. >> final goodbyes today for the mother of two who was murdered in pennypack park. friends and family gathered in the northeast to remember connie mcclain murray. yesterday we learned that her husband christopher had reportedly confessed to strangling her last monday. this mother of two teenaged girls was laid to rest at resurrection cemetery in buck county. piece of unfinished business was finally taken care of today for an army veteran from our area. >> he received a long overdo award one he earned on the battlefields of korea but one he quickly left behind noun with his time short, he finally accepted the title he so richly deserves. >> he's already a hero. but he's definitely a hero tod today. >> you could call ron are a pinot lot of things. a father and husband, a korean war veteran and, yes, a her row. but until now, you could not call him a recipient of the purple heart. >> the purple heart signifies one thing, sacrifice. >> there's no question ron jul july 15, 1953 he was below through the air by a grenade attempting to save the life of a fellow soldier. ron was in line to receive the purple heart but he worried about the news reaching his family. >> purple heart notification would come to the family by telegram and usually meant the family member they're loved one was either dead or very seriously injured. >> not wanting to have his mother fear the worst, he declined the award. he came home and lived his life in northeast philadelphia. but his daughter says he never forgot. >> purple heart has meant everything to him. >> now 82, and fighting terminal cancer, ron's family decided it was time. so on monday, at his hospice in meadow brook with his physical low veterans looking on, it happened. >> on bow half of a grateful nation, accept this medal in recognition of your sacrifice and your service, sir. >> the medal is replica since the application process for purple heart can last from six to 24 months. it will come in time. but for sergeant, this is the real thing. >> this is not ron's only award. he also received a silver star for valor during the korean war. >> they're one of nature's most beautiful and graceful creatures in south jersey swans are becoming quite a nuisance. some ponds in cape may are swarming with them. the swans are pushing out native migratory birds killing plants and polluting the ponds with their waist. wildlife officials say the only way to control them is to kill them. other states facing a similar situation created legislation to do that back in 2010. >> all right. kathy joins us now. we have some changes on the way in our weather. we do. getting a little breezy, getting a little cool, getting a little cloudy. those are signs. >> can't be that far behind. we're seeing a little bit on storm scan3. the at months four is so dry it's really not making knit here. take look outside where it is a very comfortable night. the board quiet in ocean city, cape may county. little bit cool window down the shore as well. on storm scan3 it's dry everywhere. we have a few sprinkles moving up that i-95 but there are more numerous showers to the west associated with a frontal bandore that will be moving through early wednesday once that moves through, we will be in the clear. so it utwill t4 to 36 hours to get this next storm system out of here. our live neighborhood network shows us cooler temperatures in the villas look at that. 75. lewes delaware the university of delaware it is 74. reading 74. audubon elementary school in norristown 72 degrees with cloudy skies. root now in philadelphia at the airport 73. 71 pretty cool in trenton. 66 in the pock nose. and 70s down the shore. air temperature cooler than the ocean. the owing at 77. we'll watch a warm front lift through during the day on tuesday with a occasional showers. really not big deal. but this front moves through, which will be late tuesday into early wednesday i expect some of the heavier rain to fall and thunderstorms some of which could be severe in the wake of that morning showers on wednesday. giving way to some clearing skies with breezy conditions. northwesterly winds will be blowing after that, though, fair weather high pressure builds in. it will be sunny, it will be d dry. temperatures will be below average but it will be comfortable once again just like last week with highs in the 80s. the severe threat will be especially tuesday night. the potential for some heavy rain even some damaging winds. you can see that line to the south of allentown through philadelphia, atlantic city, and points to the south and the west so please be aware of that threat if you're going to be outside tomorrow evening and late tomorrow night. here's look what to expect. between the time the rain begins on tuesday as just showers and wednesday as potentially heavy rain one to 2-inches across the region. heaviest rain tuesday night. poor drainage flood sag possibility. gusty if not severe gathered storms. overnight look for mostly cloudy skies. a if you showers developing toward dawn especially to the north and west. the low 68. the high 78. well below average for tuesday. clouds, some rain even isolated thunderstorms possible during the afternoon. on the exclusive eyewitness wet seven day forecast and shore cast, temperatures will be in the 80s and it will stay very comfortable through the rest of the week and into the weekend. even next week looking good. 82 on saturday. 86 on sunday. monday 88. so warming up to near seasonable levels. it has been a quiet august and we'd like to keep that it way. >> we like quite and just not too oppressively hot and that's what we've got. kathy, thanks. >> starting that feel like football weather out there. >> really good for the eagles. they will will be practicing with the patriots then did it last year. it was beneficial. we'll talk about that. a couple of nice highlights to show you from the phillies as well. and what advice the phillies have for the taken 93 dragons much that's coming up as they head to the little league world series. ♪ >> the phillies start a five game west coast trip tomorrow in la facing south jersey native mike trout and the angels. this afternoon they faced the mets. let's take a look at it. phillies down one to nothing in the fourthly. darrin ruf crushed this pitch 422 feet into the bushes at center. two run homerun fightings took the lead. until the seventh. the mets scored more runs. wreck kerr had the big hit three run homerun off justin deface. the mets won five-three. took three out of four from the fightings. >> the little leaguers from center city the taney dragons are the talk of the town. behind monet davis' three hit shut out last night they are headed to the little league world series. first team from philadelphia to go to williamsport. before the phils left for california, they had advice for the dragons. >> best of luck. have fun. it's a great situation to be in. um, the city is proud you. no matter what the out come is, but you got a chance to do great things. so just go there and enjoy it. have fun. >> ab kid first before a ball player. just enjoy the time you have over there and embrace it and it will be memory you'll never forget. >> all right. chip kelly and bell belicheck see a lot of each other the rest of the week. tomorrow the birds and patriots will start three days of joint practices then play preseason game number two friday night. the birds defense will be tested by future hall of famer tom brady. we'll be right back ♪ ♪ >> robin williams provide us with more laughs than probably any other comedic actor in hit he. >> his roles were legendary. they left us with memories that will last a lifetime. >> can you be serious. >> maybe for second. no, see. >> sorry. >> hello. >> ♪ >> i do voices. >> yes. >> having a major difficulty in finding the end knee. >> be life. be free. >> you do an he can electric celebration of a dance. >> i should go to moscow and stand in line for bread. stale bread. >> stale bread. >> all right sparky. here's the deal. >> keep your hands and arms inside the >> only in dreams can men be truly free. it was always thus and always thus pgh. >> we thank you for watching "eyewitness news" at 11:00 pgh "eyewitness news" returns in the morning at 4:30 with ukee and erika. for beasley, kathy and everyone here at "eyewitness news" oil chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. you can always find us at pgh the late show with david letterman is next pgh to it in's guest is dana carvey. have good night. we'll see you tomorrow. pgh >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for armando montelongo live events. if you are ready to change your life and take immediate control of your finances... if you're tired of hearing about the negativity in the news, and now realize that the government is not going to bail you out... if your gut instinct tells you that in an economy like 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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20140812

williams, and just his ability to light up the screen and just he was electric. >> fill say city where there is a huge comedic community, a the love people probably hoped at some point they would have the chance to meet robin williams, and they won't have that opportunity any more. >> and, williams had just signed onto do mrs. doubt fire two which will likely now be canceled, but did he have several other projects in the works n and we have those details coming up a little late he err in the show. erika, ukee? >> thank you so much. robin williams played big role in the this past television season starring in the crazy one. >> can you be serious? >> maybe for a second. sorry. >> i went to hill wood this spring to spends a day on the s i spoke with williams and co-star sarah michelle geller, both had praise, big time praise, for each other and their co-star. >> he is a legend. but he is to us but not in his own minds, if that makes sense, the most kind, most gentle soul would do anything for anyone. he is literally the man that would give you the shirt off his back. >> oh, i experienced that first-hand. robin williams also told me one every his favorite people in the world that made him laugh was comedian back in the day, many of you may remember, fellow by the name of jonathan winters, he called jonathan winters a rebel without a cause. you can say the same thing for robin williams. he made so many people laugh on and off the set. by the way cbs issued a statement on the loss of robin williams. it reads, a world has lost the comic genius, gifted actor, and beautiful man. we will remember robin williams as one of the unique talents every his time, who was loved by many, but also as a kind, caring soul, who treated his colleagues and co-workers with great affection and respect. it continues: our heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go out to his family, loved ones, and friends. williams was nominated for an oscar for his role in dead poets society. that movie actually filmed at st. andrews school in middletown, delaware, school released a statement saying williams brought humanity and humor to the school during his time filming there. more on robin williams throughout the morning. right now, here's your traffic and weather together. >> today will actually ends up being our most active weather day. today, pretty much the whole day that has some sort of impact on us here, as we will be dodging some wet weather, or looking ahead to the next rounds that's on the wayment we start things offer by taking you out to storm scan3, little snapshot for you here, heavy rain currently falling across portions of berks county, up toward 78, headed towards the northeast extension becomes to get hit with heavier rain, seeing the showers come down steadily along that particular highway. we zoom out, see they're in somewhat after break in the action, it is not going to be a very long lull, however, because we are waiting arrival of passage of the next colds front. that cold front is what's going to help get some up lift going, may end one severe weather, along the way, special through the western half of the delaware valley, a possible n terms every rainfall, since august 1, of this month, obviously, so far we've just had couple of tents of an inch of rain here, hasn't really been all that much. normally we would have already had over an inch. we are below average right now, no where close to the threshold required if we were to see drought. so this will be much needed rain, but it isn't anything that's going to lead to any widespread major flooding, may be flashflooding, however, once this gets underway. now, to the board walk plaza other last couple of hours, a lot of people actually out and about enjoying the boardwalk here, you can see couple of folks already running this morning, sort every trying to beat the wet weather. steamy outside, but not raining yet, in quite a few locations, but that will not be the case as the day goes on. eventually everybody gets hit by this. i would highly suggest some kind of rain gear. we're only seeing temperatures later on today climb to the upper 70s, the clouds, the rain of course, really limiting the amount of sunshine we will see, bob, over to you. >> i have my cbs-3 umbrella hat. did you gets yours? we have that in the prize closet. i'll get that for you 567:89:35, good morning, everybody, where your umbrella hat, open up the sun roof. starting to see some drops fall here in center city, so about to see the unfolding of a yucky morning rush hour. but, the crews are out full force, last night, our cameras were there on the roosevelt boulevard, as this big project began. as they milan pair the roadway, they will be working on the inner drive of the roosevelt boulevard, they began last night here at ninth street. ninth and adams, phase number one, so the inner drive closed on the overnight, then when they open it back up at around 6:00 in the morning, you will have that uneven surface, the manhole covers are going to be exposed, so little bit of speed bullet p, not good for your alignment or for your tires as you roll up and down the roosevelt boulevard. here is a live look, right at ninth street. you got some left over crews still here, but looks like they got traffic moving again to expect delays north and south on the boulevard for the next couple of months. here is live look at the 42 freeway, starting to see pockets of volume come in toward philadelphia, approaching i-295. then on the northeast extension northbound, construction crews are still with us, right near the lansdale interchange. otherwise, the bridges look fine, and mass transit running with though delays. ukee, back over to you. >> bob, thank upment time 5:36. in business news this morning, the newest player in hollywood. >> and also the newest item on burger king's menu. money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, good morning. >> good morning, ukee, erika. here on wall street the rally continued, as tensions seem to be cooling off between russia and ukraine, do you finished up 16 points yesterday, the nasdaq was up 30. chat keith a browns international may have buyer. the banana producer received a by out offer from two brazilian companies, the deal worth about $611 million. investors responded by driving up shares 30%. we're learning more today about what buzz feed will do with its $50 million investment money. the social news and entertainment website is getting into the movie business. they're creating buzz feed motion pictures. it produce everything from short, 62nd clings, to feature lent films. and working in conjunction with hollywood studios. now, buzz towed will also expand to some serious news flash forms including some more international news. and chicken fries are hashing again in the burger king coup. they are exactly what they sound like, chicken peas z in the shape of french fries. fast-food chain removed them from the menu two years ago, but customers took to social media to demand bk bring them back. those chicken fries are on the menu while supplies last. ukee, erika? >> do sound good. >> i never had them. >> i'm waiting nor mc rib to come back. sadly, no. >> erika, take to social media. you never glow start that campaign. >> tell them you want them back. >> just may have to. processed pork loin, all right. >> thanks, jill. right now 5:38. some positive news on the philadelphia school front. a top pennsylvania lawmaker came to philadelphia, he is thereto discuss the cigarette tax the city needs for its cash strapped school system. pennsylvania health imagine -- house majority leader met with superintendent doctor william hite. after their meeting at school district headquarters, he said he believes schools will open on time. after governor tom corbett advanced the district 26 a million dollars. >> the advancement of the money does, it is of relevance, because it allows all the of the doors to open up as they should, at the proper time. >> majority leader was very concerned about what happened and what's happening here in philadelphia. majority leader also gave us some assurance that is he is going to work very hard to ensure that decline cigarette tax bill was passed. >> says there is bipartisan support for the cigarette tax to help the school district. but, the house wants a clean vote on the tax, one that does not include items not related to funding schools. an ohio grandmother sparks social media fire storm over pair of pictures she calls a joke. jacky posted this photo on facebook of her two month old granddaughter with a pacifier ducted taped to her cheeks, and another of the baby in a roasting pan with potatoes. not everyone thought the pictures were funny. police visited the family out of concern of potential child abuse. >> it started over just a joke. you know, put a little bit of tape on the pacifier, because we wanted to share it with the friends. everyone that knows us knows we play around like that. >> she also said she has learn her lesson will not be posting any more posed photos of her granddaughter on line. just can't be doing that in general. >> don't be duct taping your babe. >> i right now 5:39. robin williams leaves behind dozens of hit movies and tv shows. >> but he was also working on new project just before his sudden death. now we have sneak peak at what's coming to theatres lalater this year. >> plus, the taney dragons are on their way to the little league world series this week. now they are getting some advice from some well healed and well known big leaguers. katie? >> and erika, looks like the wet letter clear up in time for the dragons out in williamsport. but today here at home it is an active weather day. talking heavy rain, potential for severe weather, and temperatures that can barely warm up at all. full details in your full forecast on the other male announcer: the magic of the bay is waiting. coastal villages,s scenic waterways and the land of our national anthem along the star-spangled banner national historic trail. there's an adventure waiting for you in maryland. land of discovery. ms. winnie earle: kids inse paterson face lots of obstacles - but nothing can stop their determination. mara: my dream is to be a pediatric nurse. ms. earle taught me if i work hard - i can do anything. ms. winnie earle: mara had so much potential, it was my job to help her reach her goals. mara: now, i'm headed to college to study nursing! ms. winnie earle: there are so many talented kids like mara - and they all deserve to live their dreams. male announcer: commemorate the wtraveling celebrational as the chesapeake campaign visits town festivals up and down our shores. visit presented by at&t. maryland. land of discovery. a lot of people have lost a friends, the death of robin williams,. >> he really just made that movie. >> that he did. such wide spectrum consideration do it all. >> such arrange. >> indeed. >> well, he touched so much lives, fans gathered to pain their respects outside the colorado home of one of williams' most memorable characters. a study -- steady stream of supporters stopped by the mork and mini boulder, others you saw left flowers, messages of sympathy. williams got his big break in the enduring alien mork in 1978. >> now, williams legacy lives on in classic roles, but he also left behind several new movies, that have not hit theatres yet. including the third installment in the night at the museum triligy. >> i have no idea what that means. >> williams surprises his role as teddy roosevelt in night at the museum, secret of the too many. due out in theatres in december. now, we also received these new pictures of laughing williams, see the smile on his face there, on the set of merry friggin christmas. comedy about man spending the holidays with his estranged family. that movie will be released in november. so, we have at least more to look forward to to enjoy. >> great work. >> now, never before social media, twitter certainly playing a role in sharing our remembrances. >> we asked of you to tell us your favorite movie. brett baker picked good morning viet nam. tweet inspired him to become an armed force broadcaster now his portrait hangs in the pentagon. david, al lad and, tweeting the jeannie, needy say more he probably watched it norman any other mover when i was a kid. >> hashtag, your move chief. >> i their. >> yep. >> connect with cbs philly facebook or twitter pages, use the hashtag cbs-3, let us know what your favorite robin williams movie is. and also, why, too. >> all right, just past 5:43, want to get traffic and weather together. first though we want to check out some flooding, check out storm 4 inches every rain, leaving some of the city streets, and the highways, completely un water. you can see how high that water is, and the tractor-trailer almost completely submerged, to pull over there. police are urging drivers just to stay off of the roadway, and i know, katie we're expecting rain today. is that same system? >> absolutely; yep. very good transition therefore us here, we have already start today see heavier rain picking up here in berks county specially, lehigh, northampton, and i would say right now, if you are headed north or headed west, running into heaviest this morning, but this is not it. even as likely and little lull, which you can already see here, there will still be some showers, some thunderstorms, fire up almost any time. now the key here, we have severe weather threat. shear at least the leading edge of the colds front. see how dramatically skies clear out in the back side of this, still see also some of the heavy rain, at least clipping lower michigan. but where ever you end up with some sunny breaks today, that is where you want to be aware of the best potential for severe weather. so, west of the delaware vale, if see sunshine today, that's where we actually have the slight risk for severe weather today, that's where you may end up with the best chance to see some of the big three of the severe weather threats that we have looking at win, hail, tore made i can activity, low chance, but still chance. right now the storm prediction center gives it 5% chance for us to even see brief tornado. depends on sunday shine, if the clouds break apart, your best chance. we will all get in on downpours at some point, most every us mainly tonight already seeing that up through the northwestern suburbs, rain amounts, by this early evening, may have over an inch , right now, possibility to pick up more, before said and done, up toward mount pocono region, so so that would be just enough to possibly lead to some flooding, at minimum flashflooding, and essentially all day event, the period for all of us, heaviest the rain, mainly tonight. so it, might help you sleep, tore might keep you awake, one or the other. but looks like that's the time frame where the heaviest, most widespread rain will affect us, but the whole day just a little dicey. >> get over it today. >> i'm with you. >> i'm with you. apparently. >> i never have a problem get took sleep. >> neither do i. >> you give me a pillow, bamm, i go to bed before the kids. stant crazy? >> no, we understand. >> they put me to bed. >> can we get a picture that far at some point? >> sure, i'll have that for you tomorrow. live look at the roosevelt p.m., lots of activity happening here over the next couple every months, right now good shape. headlights southbound, between hunting park avenue, down toward the schuylkill expressway. it is that northbound side where they started between ninth and adams, the inner drive will be the scene of the uneven pavement, it goes all the way up to the pennsylvania turnpike. but looking good right here, let's go downtown, live look at the vine expressway, right near eighth street. no problems or delays, the roads are dry right here, starting to see little sprinkle, as katie just showed us on storm scan3, moved through the area, so the road conditions are going to change as we roll through the morning rush hour. construction south on the new jersey turnpike, right near exit number seven, and mass transit looking good. erika, back to you. >> thank you, philadelphia's taney dragons are waking up in williamsport this morning, getting ready for their first game in the little league world series on friday. >> taney! that's right, the young stars have captured the area's attention with their impressive play. "eyewitness news" reporter mat rivers shows you, they even made an impression on some big leaguers. >> the boys and girl of summer. phillies own taney dragons book their ticket to williamsport behind another shut out performance by pitcher monet dave us. >> glad to see somebody from pennsylvania if there. >> the team might already be in williamsport. >> i hope you guys win the game. >> but they weren't far from the minds of fans at monday's game. >> i saw in them the toughness ingredient to get them this far. >> local umpire, said her fast booed is as fast as tides dollars and remembering asking her catcher for a favor. >> please, do not miss that baseball. >> for your sake. >> yes. >> the taney team wins all over the place, and monday, the 50-50 ravel proceeds went straight to the team. >> speaking of phillies, the city proud of you, no matter what the outcome is, but have a chance to do great things. just go there, enjoy it. >> even the big leaguers were talking about their little counterparts. >> be ready for the moment. have fun, play hard, bring a championship to philadelphia. >> it is the much needed good news for a city that's had a rough summer. we have covered a lot of vigils for a loft children taken too soon. so beyond shut-outs, and strikeouts, this team is just a bunch of kids having fun, exactly with a kids should be doing, in the summertime. >> they need this to show that, you know, you could have a good time. it is okay to laugh. it is okay to have a good time. >> we asked taney's coach what his expectation for his team are over the next few days, and he said, look, the goal has always been to make it to williamsport. anything they do while they are there, just icing on the cake after great summer. outside of citizens bank park, matt rivers, "eyewitness news". >> wow they need. >> this we all need this. >> goal accomplished, they've made it. >> by the way the dragons aren't the only baseball stars in the news this morning, you have to see the incredible catch a fan made from the stands. >> this is a good catch. also ahead, bob and katie have one more check on your traffic and weather together on the 3's, and that is wet start to your morning, but will you need the umbrella all day? katie has the answer whether we come right back. >> 5:53. looking at a wet day. do you think it will be a wash out for us? i know we have to bring the umbrella. >> i would say you definately want to have the umbrella ready to go as soon as you hit the road. even though we will see certain periods of time produced likely the heaviest and the of rain, most widespread amounts every rain, this will be one of those days where it is kind of off and on throughout the day. very well define storm system out here right now. we look at storm scan3, at the local level, already, seeing some heavier doses of rain up through the northern most suburbs, certainly some showers, though, through southern new jersey, i would say, cape may county, for example. but watch for off and on any time today. 79 degrees your expected high today. we are expecting the potential at least for some severe weather. be aware sunshine, if you see the clouds break, you have better chance for that instability to be produced. by tomorrow we are starting to clear out. bob. >> morning, everybody, 5:54, starting to see rain move through the area, depending upon where you step out the front door, and where you're going. wipe letters get used at some point during the morning rush hour. here is live look at i95, right near the girard point double decker, in the background, folks on the right here headed down toward the airport. if you are headed to the airport this morning, no delays at the moment. but as that rain rolls through, i'm going to bet awe jelly donut that we will start to see some delays throughout the day at philly international. live look downtown, the schuylkill expressway, the skyline looking good in the background, no problems or delays here, at least, at the moment. and we have an accident along the bethlehem pike right at wise avenue. we'll check mass transit with welonghorn knows what happens when you cross state lines. things get interesting. introducing new steaks across america, like the new kansas city bbq sirloin for $12.99 or the texas 3 chili pepper ribeye, drizzled with onion straws. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. >> we just have to slow awe great play from yesterday's brewers-cubs game at wrigley fields. >> this great play was not on the field. it is a long drive by brewers mark reynolds, watch the catch by 65 year old mike pull end, sitting in the back row. do you see that? back row of the bleachers, wearing his glove. good thing he brought it with him. he brings it back, incredible catch. there it is, one more time. oh, man. >> perfect, 65 and he's got skill. >> oh, and he also pulled a switch. he catch the game ball, through back a a spare. >> the switcheroonai. >> we'll be right back. good morning, everyone, this morning, we remember an actor whose comedic style made him one every television and films' brightest stars. >> robin williams found dead inside his bay area home yesterday, where officials believe he took his own life. an official cause every death will be determined following an autopsy. that is schedule for later today. williams reportedly suffered from severe depression. last month, the oscar winner announced he was reporting to rehab for the treatment of substance abuse. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry joins us now from our satellite center more on how the world is reacting to the lost after icon. syma? >> that's right. shock and saddened, that's how many are feeling, this morning, from fans, to celebrities, many folks sharing their thoughts on robin williams. >> you do ... >> reporter: fans all over the country mourning the loss of a comedic legend, layers flower at robin williams home and his star on the hollywood walk of fame to honor the actor who passed away suddenly. >> my hero has passed. i just wanted to be a part of it and near it and near


Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20140812

>> fans, comics, celebrities are stunned to learn of williams' death. stars walking the red carpet for the movie expendibles three react to the news. >> it is just shocking, how fragile life is. just really incredible shocking, the shocking and pressure this industry puts on people really hard to comprehends. >> robin williams never spent a loft time in philadelphia, but he sure left his mark. big daddy graham from sports radio wip is taking his thoughts of robin williams to the airways. this radio host also stand up comedian, and met williams years ago. >> any time leaves somebody whose purpose on the planet earth was to make people lawyer, win then it is a sad sad day. >> celebrity photography dillon got shots of robin williams on many red cart i owe cases and always greeted with a smile. >> he was such an approachableas a really, nice, warm guy, always, if you didn't get the picture he wanted to make sure you got the picture. >> whether it was his funny movies, or funny shows like mork and minutes i, fans remember his talent. >> i can't believe it. around certainly no way that i think that he would commit suicide. >> and robin williams had several projects in the works including holiday movie called merry friggin christmas and the thirds installment at the night of the museum coming out in december. now, he had just signed to do sequel to mrs. doubt fire, but that movie will likely now be canceled. ukee erika? >> same, a thank you so much. in the cover of today's philadelphia daily news, a lot of people are feeling this morning, the headlights simply says way too soon. his family even said in recent weeks depression seemed to be at its worse. if you know someone who needs help, it is only a phonecall away. phone number for the national suicide prevention hotline: one # hundred-273-8255. right there at the bottom of your screen. erika? >> ukee, also this morning we are tracking some storms that could bring flooding to our area. i want to get right outside to katie fehlinger, first check on traffic and weather together on the 3's and you felt couple of sprinkles earlier this morning right. >> right now thankfully nothing to report, which is good news, because tell you what some of are you getting hit hard with some very heavy rain right now but it is very much location dependent. and here is the thing guys, today will be one of those days where i would say just take the umbrella because you are likely thanking yourself later on for it. even though not everyone is getting hit right now. here you go. snapshot region wide zoom here, and the tri-state sweep being madement you can see a lot of heavy rain currently over our northwestern suburbs. lehigh valley, pocono region, that's where the brunt is this morning. as we expected, but there is going to be another bought of heavy rain, that becomes more widespread, at least here locally, later tonight. and inbetween while there may be little bit after lull for some you there will be showers, storms, to dodge pretty much any time. keep in mind, if you see any sunlight, break through the clouds it actually helps increase urines. , in the atmosphere, so you might have better chance see stronger storms. seventy-three is the current temperature at the airport right now mild, kind of muggy start out there. temperatures aren't going to climb all that much of course we've got the clouds, we've got the rain on the way. that will limit the amount of heat that can take place regardless as i mentioned moment ago, there is a possibility for the western half of the delaware valley, especially, just see some severe weather out of this, as well. so it is active day, certainly day to keep an eye to the sky bob? >> good morning 6:04, it was busy night for construction crews on the roosevelt boulevard. our cameras were there as we go curbside to the beginning of this boulevard construction project, where crews began last night on the northbound side milling and paving between ninth and adams avenue. the object here, to take up all of the old asphalt pop it into the dump truck take that away, then back later on tonight, to repave that stretch. no sooner did they move out of here then go to the live camera already the first accident on the first day of the construction project the northbound lanes of the roosevelt boulevard are closed now all balls of this crash it looks like two cars at least two cars involved here. this guy was rearended here, going to continue to move the cameras around here, for no reason at all but here is the accident again all northbound lanes are closed between ninth and broad street. this is in that tunnel as they were about to pick up the cones. so this is an example of what we have to deal with. here is the back up here, folks headed northbound, jumping offer at broad street. they are probably listening to our reports on our sister station "kyw news radio". your best bet instead of the boulevard right now, would be hunting park avenue. downtown we go. live look at the vine expressway come fog philadelphia, no problems or delays at all at the moment. a crash out here in flourtown bethlehem pike at wise avenue n new jersey south on the new jersey turnpike crash near exit number seven. otherwise, the bridges look fine, mass transit no delays. erika, back over to you. >> we have breaking news right now from montgomery county. this is new video just in of a row home fire in norristown. it injured two people. it happened around 3:30 this morning on the 900 block of yerkes road. it was under control within an hour. one person did suffer smoke inhalation, and another has a broken shoulder. ukee? >> here is a look at some of the other headlines happening today. marcella jones faces pretrial hearing, jones charged with murder of teaching student beau zabel in south fill any 2008. jones could get the death penalty in sable's murder. >> atlantic city, demonstration calling attention to 29 percent property tax increase in atlantic city. amateur video shows iraqi forces air lifting members of a religious minority fleeing islamic militants. the united states is sending more supplies to those people forced from their homes in iraq. erika? >> ukee, for a second night police and protesters clashed in a st. louis suburb. it followed the fatal shooting of unarmed black teenager by police officers. as omar a via franco reports more voices are calling for calm. >> police used tear gas monday night to break up an unruly crowd protesting the death of 18 year old michael brown. at least five people were arrested. the unrest came despite calls for calm from brown's parents. >> i don't want no violence. we don't want no violence. >> reporter: the brown's plea came after sunday night's looting and violence that result in 32 arrest. >> we do not rob our city. we do not do. that will we have to use that gas station. we need that wal-mart. >> reporter: michael brown shot to death on saturday during altercation with police. at least two witnesses said a police officer shot the unarmed teen as he had his arms raised. on monday community leaders pledge to keep the pressure on police, and find out exactly what happened. >> we're going to stay committed this assault. so that this never happens again to anybody's child. >> reporter: this small groove of residents protested in front of the ferguson police department all night to show their support for the deceased teenager. dozens of officers patrolled the streets until the early morning, but residents promised to continue the protest. omar via franco, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". your time now 6:08. a deadly tornado in virginia's eastern shore has claimed a third life. a 14 year old boy was the son of the new jersey couple who died when the twister struck their camp gown on july 24th. a tree fell on their tent, in which they had taken shelter a neice remains in the hospital, two other children were treated, and released. the search continues for a hit-and-run driver who killed a man crossing the street in vineland. forty-nine year old arm and dough lopez was hit on west ladies avenue near delsea drive sunday night. police say lopez had made it across nearly all four lanes. he was struck just feet from the sidewalk. authorities are now looking at surveillance video hoping to find clues. >> home -- hopefully somebody will come forward a conscious that basically states that i know what happened. >> who ever kills my brother he kills a good man. just come up, man. >> lopez was a native of puerto rico, and had just moved to vineland from bridgeton. well, new details are released in the deadly car race crash involving nascar driver tony stewart. we'll have that for you coming up. >> also ahead death toll on the rise but possible help on the way new information this morning involving the ebola outbreak. >> plus ... good morning. >> so what is your favorite robin williams movie? we'll continue to look back at the life and career of the legendary comedian on the other side. be right back. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. how big is acme's anniversary sale? it's huge! ♪ ♪ it's acme's anniversary sale. this week check out the quaker breakfast event, $1.49 each. nabisco chips ahoy cookies $1.99. and frito lay party size chips $2.99 each. don't miss our biggest sale ever! hey mom! look what i found. acme. this sale is huge! this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at >> robin williams provided all of us with more lawyers than probably any other comedic actor. >> left with us memories that will last a lifetime. >> can you be sewer us. >> maybe for a second. no see? sorry. >> having a major difficult any finding the enemy. >> you do ... telling me now go back to moscow. (movie clip) . >> can't help but smile. >> just a fraction of his qualit it. >> so many wonderful shows. >> this morning asking to you connect with us on the cbs philly facebook page and twitter page. let us know your favorite robin williams movie or moment. use the hashtag cbs-3. >> couple here, jill, says moscow on the hudson, saw little clip there. she said that was one of best acting. sad for his fans, his family, and himself. rip. >> what a sad lost after great actor, and comedian. i had special moment hopefully we try to get that before the morning is out when we rapped together. >> that's right. >> we rapped together the promotion. >> yes, we'll try to get that. >> about the big mac right? >> i i'll never forget that. >> so quick on his feet. >> yes. >> width un parallel. >> no question about it. >> right now traffic and weather together. check in with katie and just wet dreary day? >> yes, it will be one of those days that i would say certainly requires that you have some rain gear ready to go as you hit the road. seymour organization with the storm system, too, really the proms comes here is the back edge, back side of the rain, cold front, that's where we start to clear out. it will take some time for that to happen. in the meantime, off to very dreary start, you can see the one loan rain drop here. making for fuzzy view, a modest breeze noticeable one, generally where the win flow comes f a lot of moisture being drawn in open waters offer the atlantic, so rain we see today will come through in pockets of heavy rain in times, but we will come through as that pocket. so off and on variety throughout the day regardless, though see the widespread coverage here, everyone eventually gets affected by this, and as we time step it out even into the overnight, we will be left with lingering rain out there possibility that we pick up at least 1 inch probably closer to three some of the storms could produce severe weather so a loft activity to track any severe weather would be through the p.m. time frame. but we clear out tomorrow. bob? >> problem road closed between broad street, accident scene happened just as the construction crews were pulling out. where the new project started last night between ninth and adams. all of the northbound lanes are block. back to broad street. these guys, once you commit past broad forget about it. you're stuck in that delay. folks here exiting, this is the broad street ramp if you are headed out the front door, typically come from the schuylkill and head north on the boulevard. use hunting park avenue as your alternate. otherwise, 422 not bad at all, making your trip between royersford collegeville, have those college ville. have the wipers ready. mass transit looking good. no delaysment ukee, back over to you. >> there is breaking news in today's headlines on cbs-3. two people are injured in a rowhouse fire, early this morning, in norristown. one person suffered a broken shoulder and another person is being treated for smoke inhalation. the cause that far fire still being look into. >> also, a 14 year old boy is the third victim of tornado on virginia's eastern shore. he was the son after new jersey couple who were killed when a tree fell on their tent. >> and, we of course are remembering robin williams today. the actor died of an apparent suicide yesterday. an autopsy is set for later this morning. robin williams was 63. be right back. >> breaking news this morning, we've just learned a spanish missionary priest infected with ebola has died. meanwhile the deadly outbreak continues to grow in western africa, with more than 1,000 dead in nearly 2,000 confirmed cases, but help is on the way. the us goverment is sending samples every experimental ebola drug z map to that outbreak zone. we are still awaiting word on whether or not nascar driver tony stewart, will be charged for the death of sprint car racer kevin ward. authorities questioned stewart twice over the weekend. stewart and ward were racing sprint carson dirt track in up-state new york on saturday. after stewart caused ward to spin out, ward got out of his car to confront the other man on the track. the rear tire of stewart's car struck ward and tossed him through the air. an autopsy found he died from blunt force trauma. the three sailors stranded on sailboat for 24 hours now safe after the coast guard at nearby container ship came to the rescue. a 61 year old man and two, 22 year olds, plucked from their walt he had 42-foot boat off hawaii. that will boat severely damaged by 100-mile per hour winds, left over from hurricane julio. the three are now being treated in honolulu. your time now 6:20, student look to go cut college costs are turning to social media. we'll show you how one website is offering scholarship money when we come back. >> every little bit helps with the college bills. >> isn't it the truth? >> also, philadelphia's own taney dragons get set to play in the little league world series, game day advice from the big leagues and philly ryan howard. that is coming up next. ♪ who's more excited about back to school savings at staples? the ladies? these guys? or these guys? when you get guaranteed low prices on everything you buy the most everybody gets excited! staples. make more happen for less. >> where you see the break in the clouds today, do you have better shot to see instability in hand, therefore potential for severe wet letter persist. could actually see hail. could see strong wind.ture don't warm up all that much. expecting rain and storms off and on, any time today. but specially tonight. and then by tomorrow, starting thankfully to clear out. bob? >> katie, 6:24, problems continue on the roosevelt boulevard, all northbound lanes are closed, between broad street and ninth street. multi-vehicle accident, that occurred just as the construction crews were pulling out of here. they are pulling one of the vehicles that was involved there, you got firefighters across all of the lanes here's a live look, these guys have not moved here in a half hour. this is northbound on the boulevard, this is the broad street offer ramp. any folks familiar with the area obviously will jump off at broad. can use hunting park avenue. leaving the house right now, i would head right for hunting park avenue. that connects you from kelly drive all the way up back to broad street. you will be on your way avoid this delay. another crash in the neighborhood belmonteooking good. ukee, back over to you. >> in sports, phillies play late tonight visiting mike trout and the angels? anaheim. last night darren rough rough put the phillies up two to one for second homerun of the season in the fourth inning. that is a nice to centerfield nicely done, but the mets came back and homerun by anthony puts the metropolitans in front for good. phils lose this one final scour five-three, new yortakes three out of getting ready for their first game of the little league world series on friday. they are the talk of the town, and they caught the eye of major leaguers as well, monday the 50-50 ravel proceeds at the phillies game went straight to the team. and that mounted to more than $6,000. >> i'm glad to see somebody from pennsylvania in there. >> hope you guys win the game, yeah. >> best of luck, i mean, how fun, great situation to be in. the city proud of you, no matter what the outcome is, but you got a chance to do great things. so just go there enjoy it, have fun. >> be a kid first before be a ball player. just enjoy the time you have over there. embrace it, there will be a memory you will never floreat get. >> well said. coach says the goal was always to get to williamsport. anything beyond this, he said, icing on the cabling. dragons are back in action on friday, i believe the time is 3:00 p.m. taney! >> i love that one piece of advice be a kid first and ball player second. >> they know. >> only a kid once. what an accomplishment. good for them. coming up in the next half hour, new developments in the philadelphia school budget crisis watch officials saying about school starting on time. >> also, we are remembering robin williams. hear what celebrities saying about the comedic legends as well as a message from his own daughter. >> and at least one of your commutes will be a wet one today, sorry to say, bob and katie return, they've got your traffic and weather together on the 3's. looking live outside back in just two minutes. have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change. ms. harris: camden students face a lot of challenges but they meet them with determination and drive. chanelle: teachers like ms. harris made me feel like i'm part of a team. not just on the basketball court. but in the classroom. ms. harris: chanelle is not just a star athlete. she is a star student. chanelle: i headed to clemson university where i can combine my love of sports and learning- and maybe even win a championship. ms. harris: i wouldn't bet against her. or any of my students reaching for their dreams. >> syma chowdhry is joining us to tell us about his legacy. >> many are expressing sadness, this morning after learning about robin williams' death from hollywood to right here in philadelphia. fans are mourning the loss of this legend. now, news of the actor's death had spread quickly. >> many showed up to his house in northern california to pay their respects, also the seen in los angeles many folks dropped off flowers, notes, shared their thoughts about this comedic idol. for many robin williams was an icon that was enjoyable to watch on tv, and the big screen. for others, he was an inspiration. >> we talked with those who want to follow in his footsteps. >> i wanted to be an actor after i saw robin williams. and just his ability to light up a screen, and just he was electric and magnetic. >> fill say city where there is a huge growing aspiring comedians, a lot who hoped at some point hoped they would meet robin williams, and they won't have that opportunity any more. >> and williams had just signanceled. and he has some other projects in the works and we have those details coming up a little later in the show. erika, ukee? >> syma, thank you. now, twitter has been flooded with tributes to williams, including ones from some actors and comedians who knew him bells. take a look. one from ben stellar here. he says he co-starred by the way with jill yams in night at the museum, he wrote a tweet with not begin to describe the hugeness of robin williams' heart and soul and talent. this is so sad. craig ferguson also says: from the late late show i'm so sore bye robin he was sweet generous, kinds, as well as comedic genius, this is just terrible news. and lenny kravitz here, he said: robin williams, it was honor to know you hashtag there rest in peace. you can see the picture as well right there. that's the two of them on the set of the butler when williams played dwight eisenhower. touched so many people's lives. we want to take a look at williams final post, this was his final post instagram. he posted had old picture with his daughter to weeks ago. hashtag, throw back thursday, happy birthday to miss sell did a ray williams, quarter of a century today but always my baby girl. happy birthday, zelda williams. i love you. this morning, she responded on her instagram page saying i love you. i miss you. i'll try to keep looking up. z. right now coming up on 6:33 tracking. watching for some rain, right, katy? >> certainly r some of you already getting in to that rain right now. it is specially true for the northern suburbs of our area, here, but along with that, everybody gets hit by the rain at some point. also got to throw severe weather risk into the mix. first and for most, at smattering of green all sorts every pretty colors on storm scan3, the brightest of those colors of course radar 101 heaviest rain falling as we expected through the north and western counties. berks, northampton lehigh, up to the pocono region, where you will find probably the most rough morning drive. but the general synopsis is this. before it is all said and done, we are looking at several inches every rain specially for the northwest half of our area, the heaviest of which will fall for everybody tonight. and that does mean there could be flashflooding, and ponding on roadways, in addition to that, i mention the severe weather threat. at minimum into the afternoon western delaware valley, basically again the western half of the delaware valley will face the potential for some strong or severe weather specially if you get any sunny breaks through those clouds. it will help increase urines. , oddly enough. so it is one of those be aware of the sunshine casino of scenarios. you don't hear about that too often. seventy-four atlantic city mild muggy and we're not going to see too much movement on the thermometer at best we get you to the upper 70s so not really heating up all that much today. i would highly suggest the weather accessary you have ready today not so much sunglasses but umbrella for sure bob? >> i just had the trash bag i poked couple of holes through it. >> oh, bob. >> innovate or. >> empty trash bag with the tie down the bottom. 6:34. outside, live look at the boulevard where we had construction on the overnight already dealt with accident, cleaned it up, back in business here. live look at the boulevard headed northbound, just be ready for that uneven pavement as you approach ninth street. between ninth and adams avenue where the crews were milling and paving be a bumpy ride, those manhole covers are going to be exposed and that is not going to be a good thing for your front end alignment. looking at the 42 freeway gang coming in from new jersey headlights working your way in toward 295 as katie mentioned, sole scattered rain starting to join us for the morning rush hour. so that is just going to slow things down, and again depending upon where you begin and end your trip, wipers will be working throughout the morning. skippack pike, at valley forge road an accident. also a crash along belmont avenue at saint aspen road. trolley blitz tens. all of the septa subway surface trolleys diverted at 40th and market, from there take the market frankford line. otherwise mass transit looking good. ukee, back to you. >> thanks so much. top pennsylvania lawmakers pledge to go push for the cigarette tax that philadelphia needs for its cash strapped school system. house majority leader met with superintendent doctor bill hite. after their meeting at school district headquarters at the sigh said he believes schools will open on time this after governor tom corbett advanced the district $265 million. >> the advancement of the money does, it is of relevance, because it allows all of the doors to open up as they should at the proper time. >> majority leader was very concerned about what happens, what's happening here in philadelphia. majority leader also gave us some assurances that he is going to work very hard to ensure that clean cigarette tax bill is passed. >> and mr. turzai said there is bipartisan support for the cigarette tax to help the school district but the house wants clean vote on the tax one that does not include items not related to school funding. let's get back to remembering robin williams. his legacy lives on in his classic roles, left behind several new movies too and does not hit theatres yet including the third installment in the night at the museum triligy. >> president of united states of america. >> i have no idea what that means. >> well, you know this will be good. his role as teddy roosevelt at night of the museum, this one out in december. also received these new pictures of merry friggin. holidays. spending the holidays with his estranged family. that will movie due to be released in november. williams was nominated for an oscar for his role in dead poets society. that will movie actually filmed at st. andrews school in middletown, delaware, the school released statement saying williams brought humanity and humor to the school during his time filming there. >> now robin played bill role in the cbs family this past television season starring in the crazy one. >> can you be serious? >> maybe for a second. snow see? sore. >> i you may remember i went to hollywood this spring to spends a day on the set. i spoke with williams and co-star sarah michelle geller and both had big time phrase for each other and their co-stars. >> things just get better, i want to see the boys grow, amanda, and sarah i know always great but fun to see it just expands he is allege end, but he is to us but not in his own mind if that makes sense. he is the kinds he is, most gentle soul, would do anything for anyone. he is literally the man who would give you the shirt off his back. >> that is so, so true. cbs issued a statement on the loss of robin williams t reads our world has lost a comic genius, gift dollars actor beautiful man. we will remember robin williams as one of the unique talents of his time who was loved by many, but also as a kind, caring soul, who treated his colleagues and co-workers with great affection and respect. it continues: our heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go out to his family loved ones and friends. i had the pleasure of interviewing him maybe three four times for number of his movies, and you may remember before the crazy one started there was commercial on television that showed an ad lib moment about robin, one of the actors, kelly clarkson, joke being mcdonald's, ended up doing a rap. >> i remember them doing that. >> after i got to know robin over the years i just through it out there i said he is the type of guy probably just roll with t if i said i wanted to rap with you. >> in you say jump, he will say how high? >> you have to teach me, robin, pack it, we go to mcdonald's. >> blah blah ya, good loving ♪ ♪ the meat, the meat, the meat and the buns. secret sauce right there. >> forgot moore french fries, i got to go back ♪ ♪ >> just having little fun. he just rolls with just about anything. >> he really did. >> great guy. comic genius. >> the one word i still appreciate that far one seems to say is kinds. >> yes. >> you don't always know celebrities, you zero you see them on tv, but know reef life seemed like nice kind person. >> big fan of jonathan winters comedian from back in the day. he calls him a rebel without a pause, you can say the same for robin williams. he keeps going and he just makes so many people smile. >> behind the laughter there was ongoing battle with depression, which many say led to williams' possible suicide. coming up doctor jennifer could the l is here with talk with us about the warning signs of depression, and also, what to do if you or someonone you know is struggling. >> also, ahead this morning local hero is recognized, 60 years later. why he wouldn't except a prestigious honor all of those years ago. >> and using social media to get a college scholarship. we'll show you how. that's coming up. >> ♪ ♪ >> skies little gray out there around the tri-state area. yep. the rain is coming again. katie has your forecast, bob is looking at your traffic. thanks for being with us, family, we'll be right back. >> here comes the rain again? >> i do come bearing wet weather news. we start with region wide zoom. much more defined system than what we saw yesterday. classic comma shape to this. right now just waiting for the warmfront to cross through eventually the colds front and what happens here as you get stuck you see the wedge forming? you get stuck in the warm sector of a storm and that is where you may end up with the possibility of severe weather. now, what happens today, is this: showers storms, sort of offer and on throughout the day, heavier batch comes through later tonight. if you see sunshine, right now, it looks like the storm prediction center thinks it is mainly from the western half of the delaware valley out west. could end up with more instability, featuring strong winds, hail, or even brief tornado. possible at least. one good thing about the rain, it washes the pollen away. so ragweed now another issue for us, nettle grasses and eventually the levels will start spiking later in the week as much nicer weather returns to the forecast. quickly check on the eyewitness weather seven day forecast, we jump ahead here, take a look, today only warming up so much because of the clouds and the rain and the storms, that have again have your umbrella tomorrow we start off with rain, gradually clear, and thursday, friday, and saturday for that matter looks real nice, bob. >> sound good. 6:44, good morning, live look at the roost develop boulevard, crews working on the overnight. head northbound, be ready for bumm bye ride between ninth street and adams avenue. inner drive milled last night drain covers exposed. headlights headed southbound down toward the schuylkill expressway good morning to the bin. starting to come into downtown, four lanes open, and the construction crews are back on the new jersey bound side here, in that right lane. starting to pop up with some volume all around the board specially here, on the 42 freeway. both 42, and 55, slow going as you begin your trip. out of blackwood clementon road headed toward 295. bridges look fine. mass transit no delays. ukee, back over to you. >> bob, thank you. breaking news tops today's headlines on cbs-3 now know three people injured in a early morning row home fire in norristown. >> not clear what start that fire. >> fourteen year old boy is the third victim of last month's tornado in north carolina that teenager was from jersey city new jersey, and his parents were killed when a tree fell on the tent, and which they had taken shelter. >> death toll in the ebola outbreak lives but there is news today that the us government is sending an experimental drug to the outbreak zone. the big story this morning, though, definately the passing of robin williams, shedding some light on mental health issues and depression. >> the legendary comic may have been laughing on the outside, but struggle with depression is said to go back decades. here to talk more about depression, thousand treat it, family physician doctor jennifer. what exactly is depression, when does it go beyond feeling down or blue? >> great question. depression really is not just feeling down in the dumps. it is not just feeling the blues. it is more than. that will we know almost 20 million people in this country have depression, and when someone has depression, really the symptoms interfere with daily life. they impact your ability to live a happy healthy life and have healthy relationship including due to things you want to do. there are many signs and symptoms we'll get into, that but i think one of the things i really want to stress here, family doctor, i see depression all the time in my office, all the time. one of the things i often hear is people casino of say oh, it is all in your head, or it is nothing. but depression is a real medical condition just like blood pressure, just like cholesterol. >> so some classic symptoms of depression keep in mind everybody's very different so each person with depression may have different symptoms. but oftentimes one of the hallmark feeling hopeless. feeling helpless. feeling very, very sad. not finding pleasure in things. having problems sleeping, or sleeping too much. more maybe not eating enough or eating too much. sometimes there is problems with concentration like at work and things like that. but, you know, one of the symptoms we often worry about is potentially symptoms of suicidal ideas suicide it s many potential symptoms of depression. again, everyone is very different bus thee are certainly some possibilities absolute. >> i a lot of people might have hard time under standing how someone can be so outgoing and funny on the outside. >> yes. >> and on the inside they're struggling. does the other side that everybody sees, does that serve at some type of therapeutic mechanism? >> real interesting question. i think one of the things that i have learned in years of seeing patients and just being a person myself, you know, you can't judge a book by its cover. what someone seems like on the outside and what they do and who they seem like they may be is not necessarily indicative of who they are on the inside and how they feel. so that's one of the reasons yes say there are a lot of stigma about mental illnessment i often have patients too telling me doctor i feel like i should be able to hands it will myself. i feel like i should get over it and just deal with t i say get help. if you feel like you have any of these symptoms, or you're just concerned get help. >> now trying to get h -- help. how do you bring up that conversation with your doctor? one of the most awkward things bringing up sensitive issue. >> a loft patients just start off by saying something is not right. you know, i just don't feel right. or i am having a tough time with this. and usually that's when i am getting out the tissue box or not, but either way it is important to talk. if if it is not your family doctor find a doctor you do trust or mental health professional. talk to family and friends don't isolate yourself. that's very important. start that conversation, sometimes, a simple matter of just saying, you know, i need some help. but you know i think the other thing i want to mention here the idea of suicide. that can be a symptom or sign rather of depression. you know, if anyone, if you think that someone might be suicidal, or you feel suicidal yourself, so important to get help immediately. call 191 call the hotline: 1800-273-talk. that's the number there great. but get help immediately. >> all about support groups and getting help. >> really is. >> once again thank you doctor. one against the number 800273-2855. thank you, doctor, appreciate it. >> time 6:50. i want to see what's coming up on cbs this morning. >> nora o'donnell joins because preview, nora? >> good morning to you ukee, err i kay. looking back on the life and legacy of robin williams as you have. charlie roads sat down with the actor of six hours every interviews so charlie share some of his reflections we a will bring some of the most memorable exchanges, plus we will talk to leading psychiatrist on williams' struggles with depression, then 75 years ago today we went over the rainbow jamie visited small town where the wizard of oz premiers. you'll meet one of the first people ever to see the film. the news is back in the morning we'll see you guys in just about ten minutes. >> love that film. thank you no area. >> classic, thank you. in other news, kim kardashian wants to have permanent spot on your coffee table. the reality television star is publish ago book of her old selfies called selfish. the majority of the pictures are from her social media accounts, but the book will also feature many never before seen pictures, the book initially supposed to be a valentine day gift for her husband, kanye west. develop fish goes on sale next april. >> kim kardashian author. never thought i would see the day. >> here we go. >> good for her. time is 6:51. new start up website matching students who need college monday which regular folks willing to give a few bucks to the cause. >> i love this connection. the sony. now with the help of raise dot me students are getting approved for scholarships they didn't know existed. students are eligible for scholarship money o work. >> i don't think she would have seriously been looking at colleges yet if it hadn't been raise me putting it on her radar. >> each cough edge give you different and the to college but doesn't transfer over to the other colleges. if you come to us, you know, have this money waiting for you. >> that's nice. raise dot me is still in the start up phase. but it does have funding. there are 30 colleges signed up and 20 more will be joining soon. because college i mean, the thousands of dollars students have in student debt graduating, nice to chip away at that. >> i think i still owe? >> we'll be right back. good morni huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? how big is acme's anniversary sale? it's huge! ♪ ♪ it's acme's anniversary sale. this week check out the quaker breakfast event, $1.49 each. nabisco chips ahoy cookies $1.99. and frito lay party size chips $2.99 each. don't miss our biggest sale ever! hey mom! look what i found. acme. this sale is huge! >> already seeing a smatter of rain, not everybody getting hit but many of you are. so pick your location, see how things are looking right now eventually, you will end up with showers or storms. any breaks in this will be somewhat brief. if you do see any sunshine out there today it, could actually enhance your. to help produce severe weather believe it or not. today is active day. 79 degrees at best, in philadelphia. we are going to be dodging heavy rain around the board especially tonight. bob? >> kate, 6:55, good morning everybody, live look at the blue route saint david's ville november a construction supposed to start here on the blue route. postponed that for a week. we'll update you that. ninety-five, northeast philly, not bad at all right here at cottman avenue. but starting to see delays southbound heading in toward girard avenue. ukee erika back to you. >> northeast philadelphia man now has the metal he earned in korea. >> after 60 years, he's being honored for his service to our country. eighty-two year old william rhawn rpino wounded but declined the purple heart because he didn't want his mother to know he had been hurt. how about that? he's now in hospice at holy vladmeere hospital in montgomery countiment family friend spear headed campaign to make sure the former army sergeant was finally recognized. >> i feel pretty good. i tell you i would like to stick my chest all over the place today long time coming, long time coming. >> it is just incredible to me that, you know for the short time that he has left now here today that he's being honored. >> so deserved. an army report says he and his men held oven any forces for more than ten hours then he led a counter attack. in addition to the purple heart, he was awarded silver star for valor. >> go ahead sir stick your chest out indeed. >> you know that's right. >> for his mom too, he didn't want his mom to hurt. he didn't want her to wore. >> i next on cbs this morning the biggest celebration of the wizard of oz in 75 years. and it is not in kansas. >> we'll see y ♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time. ♪ good morning, it is tuesday, august 12th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." remembering robin williams the life and defining moments of a brilliant and complex performer. a city on edge following plus, political turmoil in iraq as thousands seek refuge from isis militants. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. remembering an american icon. >> robin williams the comic was


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comedian who grabbled with depression was found yesterday in his bedroom by an assistant. cbs news correspondent danielle nottingham has the latest. >> reporter: robin williams wife left the house monday morning thinking that the comedian was still asleep. his personal assistant grew concerned when he actor failed to respond to knocks on the door. >> personal assistant was able to gain access to mr. williams bedroom, and entered the bedroom to find mr. williams clothed in a seated position, unresponsive with a belt security around his neck with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet door and the the door frame. >> reporter: preliminary cause of death is asphyxia due to hanging. officials also say that a small knife was found and williams had cuts on his rest. >> toxicology testing will be conducted to if mr. williams had chemical substance necessary his system at the time of his death. >> reporter: coroner's office says is there evidence that the actor had been struggling with severe depression and he battled substance abuse. just last month returning to a 12 step treatment program. news photographer dean kendricks said he attended aa meetings with williams. >> he really needed support at that time. >> reporter: fans are remembering williams as a comic genius with a special gift for improvisation. jeff bridges co starred with williams in the fischer king. >> i miss him. i'm sure you guys do too. what a gift he was to all of us. >> reporter: with that gift now gone investigators will continue to piece together williams last hours, and what drove him to take his life. danielle nottingham for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have all watched, robin williams over the years, on television or on the big screen. our ukee washington had the chance to work with him on his last television show the crazy ones. >> show aired last april and taped in february in los angeles. ukee takes a look back now. >> reporter: whether it was for a still cameras a film camera or just being in his presence robin williams made you feel g it was great to see him again. i have interviewed him over the past 15 years on various projects. the crazy ones was not renewed for another season and robin told me six months ago after a full day of shooting that ended at 2:00 in the morning a tv series is a lot of work. >> we drop our satellite you are so excited about returning to tv. >> it has been exhaust continuing though. >> reporter: how so. >> it is like a mini movie every week. it is pretty crazy g news is i have great backup. i'm not carrying whole burden. >> he loved his cast and crew from big brad to samantha and james, they all felt the same way about this entertainment icon. sarah michelle geller summed up their feelings. >> he is a legend but he is to us but not in his own mind if that makes sense. he is the kindes, most gentle soul, would do anything for anyone. he is man that would give you shirt off his back. >> reporter: boy did he give back to his audience. memory over the years for all of us on television, stage and the big screen. it was truly an honor to be included in his next to last small screen, performance. >> performing, something that robin could do on so many levels, i like many of you was stunned to hear the news. i had no words something that robin williams never had any problem w it will be missed. i'm ukee washington cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well tonight literal willly millions of people are asking how could this have happened? how could this man have taken his own life. it appears to have come down to depression. our health reporter stephanie he stall will take a closer look at depression addiction and the demons that millions face every day, that is at 5:30 tonight. keep it right here on "eyewitness news", we will have continuing coverage of the life and death of robin williams, you can share your thoughts with us on cbs or, on our social media pages. the gambles didn't pay off, revel casino hotel announce today it will close the doors for good next month. it is yet another blow to atlantic city's struggling economy. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao joins us live with the details, jan? >> reporter: jessica definitely a disappointing day here on the boardwalk in atlantic city with news that the revel will close, taking witt more than 3,000 jobs. the hotel and casino is scheduled to close no later than september 10th and when it does it will be third out of four casinos in atlantic city toy close their doors just this year. it was a decision thousands here the atlantic city's new casino had hoped they would not hear but made official on tuesday. after failing to find a buyer, in bankruptcy court, revel will shut its doors for good next month. >> everything will be okay. >> reporter: trying to stay positive news has been especially tough for sarah mayes. >> she works full-time at show boat which is closing at the end of the month and part-time here at revel. >> i would hope someone would step in. >> reporter: after two years and filing for bankruptcy twice 2.4 billion dollars casino never turned a profit. company officials issued a statement that reads in part despite the effort to improve the financial performance of revel, it has not proven to be enough to put the property on stable financial footing. while we continue to hope for a sale of revel in some form through pending bankruptcy process revel cannot avoid an orderly wind down of the business at this time. >> the jewel of the boardwalk that ace mace ago this they would build something like that just to close it down. >> reporter: latest blow to atlantic city. the atlantic club closed in january, show boat and revel is next and trump plaza is schedule to close in mid-september too. >> it is sad. >> reporter: meanwhile revel was in line for 261 million-dollar in tax reimbursements, a plan back by governor chris christie but because revel never turned a profit it was never actually eligible to receive any taxpayer money. if all of the casinos go through with their planned closures that will be nearly 8,000 people who have lost their jobs here oath atlantic city boardwalk. ac mayor issued a statement saying late today as well expressing his dissatisfaction with the decision, here at revel. coming up at 6:00 o'clock we will also speak with the gaming expert has his predictions on what will come to the venue possibly the in the near future. reporting live from atlantic city, jane carabao cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> horrible news for so many there, thanks very much. a south jersey police station is hit by gunfire overnight. police hope surveillance video will lead them to the suspects who riddled the west deptford police department with bullets. that station is on crown point road. noel mcclaren is their life with more on what happened, noel. >> reporter: perhaps biggest question here is why would anybody want to hurt the the people you're protecting them firing multiple shots at station doors and windows to find out police have up the award to more than $25,000. it is where seven officers report to duty, daily their mission is to go after the bad guys but this morning the bad guys went after the deptford police department. firing seven round at their headquarters. >> i definitely think that either a police officer or police officers in general fired. >> one fired directly in the office of deputy chief. >> went through my window. >> reporter: fortunately he said he was not inside at that early hour but another shift supervisor was just a few doors down. he heard the shot including the one that pierced the door where officer enter and exit the building. >> he did a great the job taking cover he didn't go rushing out the back door. he was vigilant, experienced officer with 19 years experience. >> reporter: police are working to enhance this grain i surveillance video. they say it shows suspect's dark colored sedan and they say it shows that same reek will casing out their nearby parking lot. it was enough to delay some neighbors from stopping by with the returned look. >> i was afraid to come here but i figure it was all over now. it is quite alarming. >> reporter: police say the area is now safe and has extra patrols as they work to catch their gunman. >> we're going to follow-up every lead we have and every contact that we have made, over the past couple of weeks. we're told they written failed several months ago. if you have any information that can lead to an arrest you are asked to contact the west deptford police department here. reporting live, from west deptford noel mcclaren for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> noel, thank you. three people are forced to jump from a burning home in montgomery county. fire fighters were called to the 900 block of yerkes road in norristown just after 3:00 this morning. one person was treated for smoke inhalation another suffered a broken shoulder. the condition of the third person has not been released. the cause of that fire is still under investigation. police are now looking for a white, pickup truck in the deadly violent hit and run. take a good look at this surveillance photo. police are calling this a vehicle of interest. armando lopez was hit on delsea drive on sunday night. police say lopez made ate cross all four lanes when he was struck just feet from the sidewalk. well, still to come here on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 a runaway stroller rolls towards subway tracks and then goes over the edge. a panic stricken mother is nearby and we will tell you how this ended when we come right back. and tensions remain high outside st. louis as the fbi investigates the fatal police shooting of an unarmed teenagers, now the officer in charge of that case is being threaten. a grandmother posts what she calls fun photos of her granddaughter have created a fire storm and now police are involved. that story and much more police in ferguson missouri postponed releasing the name of the officer involved in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager because of threats being made against that overs. crowds grew violent again last night, officer, and fired tear gas and rubber bullets until the crowd dispersed. five people were arrested but unlike sunday night when over two dozen people were handcuffed there was no looting. after a peaceful rally michael brown's father joined with reverend al sharpton to ask people to remain calm. >> i understand everybody has their own different pain on how they are dealing with the situation, because they have losses too but i need us all to come together and do this right. >> to become violent in michael brown's name is to betray the gentle giant that he was. >> the unnamed officer is on paid administrative leave pending the investigation's outcome. fbi has begun a probe of their own into possible civil rights violation. it is unclear tonight if the nascar driver tony tooth will race this weekend following the death of sprint cup driver, sprint car driver kevin ward. authorities questioned stewart twice but they say there is no suggestion of anything criminal. of course car driven by stewart hit and killed ward during a sprint car race in upstate insuring saturday night. ward had gone on the track to confront stewart after the two collided. stewart pulled out of nascar's path kins glenn race on sunday and expressed sadness about the incident. well, good evening everyone. anytime we have rain, it is always a good idea to anticipate the worst on the roadways, and to just to make sure you are practicing some extra caution out there if you take a look at i-95 this shot around the vine street expressway thinks southbound side right here southbound i-95 we are seeing delays through the the construction zones at cottman. making your way down toward vine street expressway north bound we are seeing delays approaching the vine out through cottman have avenue as well. it is a rush. construction zones don't help. also on i-95 we are traveling southbound between ridley park and 476, we're seeing volume there as well. we had an earlier medical emergency that just cleared out of the way. so again rush hour on top of that residual delay. look at the roosevelt boulevard heading northbound you're delayed from the schuylkill to the broad. southbound slow go approaching the area of the schuylkill. as you will notice anticipate delays all over the place, 18 is your average on 76, high volume eastbound practically from king of prussia down toward university and then westbound in the usual spots that we see a slow down. also watch out for delays on 476, southbound as you make your way between 76 in the area of media swarthmore. also an accident at kelly drive and hunting park drive. this accident here traffic is directed around it and it was involving a fuel spill, chris and jessica. >> all right, thank you. still ahead coupe ons are just for great mothers, it is i who have gone coupon crazy. three on your side jim donovan takes a closer look, beasley. mind of the professional soccer player is always on the feet maurice ado of the union takes focus to a new level. you'll see what i mean when leslie van arsdal features ado with lunch with leslie coming up well kate, you guys promised rain, and you made good on that promise. >> watered the vegetable gardens and certainly didn't need to. it will be another wet night as well. we have rain last night woke up to wet streets, this morning and as you wake up to the same tomorrow. good news is once we have get through this system we have some wonderful weather that awaits us later in the week. lets look outside, we will take you outside our studios where it looks gray and glummy but not all that bad in center city right now. it doesn't look like it is pouring. the there are a few drops on the glass. not a good beach day unfortunately. lets go to the live neighborhood network from the beach patrol headquarters in margate. you don't see that early august. everybody getting their rain day activities n it will be only one rainy day down the shore. nice weather returns by tomorrow afternoon. so here's the storm that is producing these problems. heavy rain especially to the south of us. you can see delaware really getting hit hard with heavy rain. lighter, just some clouds and showers to the north and western suburbs. we're tracking this line of storms in western pennsylvania, which could eventually move in later tonight. but because of the clouds, and the cool air and all of the rain we have had that stabilizes the atmosphere and i don't think we will have really enough moisture and enough lift to get any severe storms going at least until philadelphia, maybe far back west to the. watch for heavy rain across portions of delaware. new castle and kent county getting hit hard. dover seeing very heavy rain. you can see that red shading starting to make its way n yellow shading up in the area that is already under a flood advisory urban and small stream flood advisory for western new castle county including red lion, middletown townsend and smyrna. flooding could be occurring on roads adjacent to the smaller creeks and streams. how much rain have we gotten? look at these numbers 2.4 2 inches in new castle. glass co 2.2 36789 hoe kes even 1.23. swarthmore, three-quarters of an inch. glenn door a half an inch. delaware has been getting worst of it. that will continue through this evening. it will push into south jersey as well by 7:00 o'clock. and then notice overnight tonight here's midnight, a few rumbles of thunder. rain moving through. 4:00 a.m. still here. 6:00 a.m. it is still there by 11:00a in m clouds will dissipate. still under a threat for is he rear weather off to the west. any storm late night could bring heavy rain, damaging wind and threat for hail. because it is so cool out and cloudy, i don't think we will see that much of it at least tonight. temperatures only in the lower 70's. but once we clear this out beautiful weather returns tomorrow afternoon and end of the week looks fantastic. through tonight, periods of rain heavy at times, also a rumble of thunder, flash of lightening 70 degrees. for your wednesday morning shower breezy and sunshine returning in the afternoon. perhaps a stray instability shower in the afternoon as well. your three day forecast turning nicer by wednesday afternoon. and then thursday is gorgeous and friday, almost a taste of autumn as highs don't make it past upper 70's. beautiful weather once we get through rain. stay there we will well, professional soccer players take care of their feet. maurice ado has most pampered and protect toes in the sport. see what i mean in tonight's lunch with >> coming down. >> reporter: mid fielder maurice ado has been a great year, a player whose talent enabled him to play in europe and u.s. national team and yes, he has played in the world cup. >> sometimes it just seems like a goal a far out dream for you but when you achieve it and you are able to live out that experience, it is a surreal moment. ve but have you seen his sneaker collection. boxes and boxes line up in his apartment and yes, a photo of which paris insid>> it >> reporter: how many sneakers does he own. >> around 400 pairs i think. shoes are like my second passion i guess. >> reporter: wow. >> am i going go to ever see new a same pair of shoes. >> there is a couple i wear more than others but there are a few that i haven't really worn. >> reporter: his hidden talent. >> i started to take piano lessons but aim not an> expert, at that yet. >> reporter: is there anything at. >> i'm in the good at pink upon. everyone on the team is good at it except for me. it bothers me so much. i'm thinking of getting a table and practicing because i can't keep losing everyone. >> he wants to be the best. >> that he does, in everything. >> my goodness. >> collecting things, you know. >> nice enough to be on our air so i will keep my comments on investing in shoes to myself. >> yes. >> indeed. beasley, thanks very much. much more ahead in the next half an hour, we will take to you hollywood as the stars react to the death of robin williams. then our health reporter stephanie stahl will take a closer look at depression and addiction and disease that claimed the life of robin williams and so many others. a stroller rolls over the edge. we'vn6t dramau? take the ice bucket challenge. our health reporter stephanie stahl explains why this are. lifting through the first state. especially new castle and kent counties and heading for portions of cape may county in new jersey. we hollywood to the death of comic genius robin williams. >> we will get more from the insider's michael it has been the numb friend and co know, arnoldt sorrow at grea of consciousness. >> new could not be more stun by loss of robin upcoming night at the museum, heart, and soul and talent robin williams did have ar stephanie experts say suicide is you take on too. >> reporter: funny m about a third of people who are depressed also have matthew winterstein a psycholog more complicate substance abuse. the stress of reality in life and in combination with each annual liz two thirds are attributed to depro 65. doctors say it is important to talk about mental health issues and let people know that there is help. warning signs for depression include changes in eating or sleep patterns, and experts say people clock suicide prevention hot line, we have that number for you and a lot of resources, everythi >> some good resourcees there. >> exactly. >> thanks, stephanie. and, coming up at 6:00 we will take you down to middletown delaware where dead poets society was filmed 25 years ago. teachers at saintr, i the northern part of that times reporter. thousands of members of the community have fled to that mountain escape to escape is is militants. they are dependent on supplydrops for their survival. meantime the u.s. is sending weapons to kurdish fighters who are trying to rescue the trapped people. obamasoperation. caug in 2006 previous vi@s ago. but now mayor says he is ready to go. i asked renntion committee me the art new sue. columbus ohio,re traveling right now, anywhere, because of the slick spots due to the weather, just take it easy because you well run into a lot of volume and just folks just paying more attention to slowing down on theaveling in the eastbound direction between the schuylkill and itself. if you are heading eastbound you are delayed between 202 ofd si western suburbs. you are not catching a break at all boulevard and out through 401 so give yourself some more time. the construction zones and 95 approaching 476, that delay is stemming back towards the er iraqis on the brink of all out war so why are the prices atyour donovan will look at what makes millennials the modern day coupon clickers. do you need help paying for college? we will tell you how toght, i'll tell you when storms clear and the nice weatherrns, stay weath( 6++ and maybe even win a championship. al sst of time. much like these majestic rocky mountains. which must be named after the... that would be nt georgee ockington!ge n nutecould save you d s 3.47 cents a a new jersey driver is paying $3.34. they don't to have get out of the car. delaware commuters are payingf this web site students are getting a proved for scholarships they didn't even know existed. studq>ents are scholarship earnings are included in the financial aid package. >> i don't think she really would have been looking at colleges yet if it hadn'to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. inhaler for sudden sympto for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol my lung function starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, i'm hanging out with my best friend. children become efficient readers. philadelphia school superintendent william hit e was on hand at read by the fourth, held this afternoon at mcveigh recreational center in camden. goal, to double students entering fourth grade reading on grade level by the year 2020. well, it has been a messy day all across the area the rain is now picking up down the shore. here's a live look at the atlantic city b camera lens gettingat or umbrella here. no matter where you air cross the area even though we haveand rain will be with us right through overnight hours. take a look at storm scan three. you can see what we arein is lift get here overnight utdo right now you can see this ban of heavy rain and lightening and thunder there in eastern maryland this is moving in portions of delaware. delaware has got eastward the storms could intensify bringing heavy rain frequent lightening and even risk for hail. we are under a urban and small stream flood advisory for much of western new you castle county in delaware. that is only area that is warned or advised at the moment. very heavy rain around the the baltimore area today. you can see maryland got in a lot of rain as well. heavier rain in our area over 2 inches across southern and central portions of new castle county here.nurse glass co 2.24 inches. wilmington 1.2. only half inch in the philadelphia airport and not much across south jersey just yet but it looks like that heavy rain will start to move into south jersey later on this evening. the clouds and rain have have kept things cool today. we are in the lower 07's there. we will see heavy rhawn down the shore through tonight. here's 11:00 o'clock. still rain back to the west. that is pushing through overnight. we will start tomorrow morning on a wet note but by midday we will clear the the skies just a pop up showers in the afternoon, and that is bit, and then, maybe a instability showerain around at 11:00 a.m. but we will clear weather, look at u an we will have a enhanced area on the map as well as an area in glean shows us 2 percent or greater of a tornado probability, 5 percent or greater for severe hail or wind. enhanced area 5 percent or greater for a tornado and 15 percent greater for severe, hail or wind. so in effect right now we have three categories high, moderate and slight and coming october 22nd we will introduce new sub categories enhanced and marginal. this will give us a chance for severe storms. reporting from the studio, i'm meteorologist justin drabick. move other grand mom these days it is millenniums who are looking for seals and deals both in person and on line. >> three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan takes a look at what is making this generation so thrifty. >> reporter: well, when plea an a brooks family went through some tough economic times she decided to grab her scissors and start clipping coupons. >> by the time we got to the store it was 50 percent. i was like this is actually kind of cool. >> reporter: one study found 96 percent >> we're living in a time when our economy is uncertain. where the the job market is uncertain and i think we're seeing where ever we can save a dollar or two or more we will take advantage of it. >> reporter: marketing expert and author liz crawford says retailers are coming up with creative ways to reach minute legal contractuals and give them coupons that they crave. >> a business that wantsps and social media sites that >> millennials are so trained to look for coupons and good deals that they have in mind what products or brand they would like to buy ahead have of time. then they will findat coupon sites. >> reporter: millennials known as generation y are being into >> technology, because a lot have of them are buying things on their phone and using computer anyway. they are typing in coupon code promos and they grew up during a recession too. so they are more focused on that if they are younger nothing wrong with saving a few bucks as you have always told us. >> thanksy don't know if you are coupon clipping. >> hey, i listen. i will figure out how to do it. >> paper pen and scissors. still ahead, 500 athletes take part in today, we will ta 5ñ now through sunday hundreds of america's best wheelchair athletes, will compete in philadelphia. >> the national veterans wheelchair games are now underway and reporter steve of our sister kyw news radio news radio is in the middle of all of the action. >> reporter: games are opened to military vets who use wheelchairs for sports competition, due to spinal cord injuries, amputations or neurological disorders. the five days of competition for more than 600 disabled vets includes 18 medals sporting events like basketball, hand cycling and swimming. the kick off demonstration here at the pennsylvania convention center was quad rugby a full contact sport. there is a lot of trash talking between various branches of service. by the way they call quad rugby murder ball. >> i'm up high. >> reporter: may on simons of pine grove say object is to move the the ball across the grove by any means possible and players must dribble it at least one every ten seconds. >> full contact use your chair, for all of the contact but you cannot your hands to touch the opposing opponent. >> ball, ball. >> reporter: custom made chairs equipped with bumpers bang into each other up and down the court. mike of the department have of veterans affairs says adaptive sports are important in the therapy used to treat many disabilities. >> it a lot of dynamics of inner service rivalry as there often times is to get people from different services together. >> reporter: this years theme is philly where heroes make history. steve toa kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well, that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now the at 6:00 rain and lots of it kate. >> yes, that is what we have seen all day and it doesn't look like it will lighten up anytime soon. we've got an eye on the storm with the latest on storm scan three at 6:00 o'clock. and there were high hopes for the most expensive casino ever built in atlantic city but now revel is shutting down, just a few short years after it opened up. children who crossed the border this year are heading for your schools find out how district will deal with it, it is an iteam exclusive tonight at 6:00. and the delaware town where robin williams, and one of his most famous movies was film, we will take to you saint andrews school in middletown where teachers will remember williams and what it was like to see him at work. "eyewitness news" at 6:00 starts right now. heavy rain drenching the area right now and it isn't ready to let up just yet. take a look at storm scan three. you will see all of that green coming up from the south? well, that is rain, heading right for us. it could bring thunderstorms tonight. good evening i'm jessica dean. i'm chris may. meteorologist kate bilo is here tracking all of this from the cbs-3 weather center, kate. >> thanks, chris and guess contact it has been a while since we have gotten a soaking like most of the area has got tone day. heavier rain has shifted to the south and east and you can see heavy rain and thunderstorms moving over portions of eastern maryland. we will zoom in on that in a moment. but first let's show you light showers moving to the pocono region and strong thunderstorms back in the western half of the state, as well and all of this still has to push through tonight before we can get this system out of here. so zooming in an area i'm seeing how help put this skies hearing and kent county, delaware. as this line develops in eastern maryland it continues to move east. it is intensifying quite a bit as there is heat and humidity here. watch out for strong storms especially in southern kent county and portions of sussex county, delaware later this evening. the rest of the region is seeing heavy rain right here near dover at the moment and it is also, just poised to move into southern cape may county. in cape may, stone harbor, avalon, get ready for heavier rain to start up here this evening. maybe time for some seafood take out down the shore this evening. not, a great beach daze today. we have had heavy rain. but what we have not had is


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20150201

breathe. other wires she is bitter and bit off. here today with joanne. in middle school, voted most likely to succeed. obviously. >> no duh. >> wearing a suit which i hope means his cats destroyed his ugly sweaters. tv's andy levy. >> back tomorrow. >> podcast in his basement next to the well and lotion filled basket. anthony, podcast show. and a shirtless man, actor kevin sorbo, i call him sorbet, a bowl of deliciousness. next movie caged. comes to summer. lock me up and throw me inside the cage. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> i don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. >> being this close to you is nice. >> i'm glad you wore a turtleneck. >> kevin's floating head. >> that's awesome. i like that. >> the floating head of kevin sorbo. order this from sky mall. high heels on islamic mat taken down in france after an islamic group threatened violence. the artist, zuchlt l isartist, removed her work after the group of sensitive simpsim simps. stepping on mats with shoes is disrespectful so is an artistic suggestion. the work called "silence" replaced with video installation that shows belly dancing to the french national anthem. clever. said the artist i'm from a muslim background my intention was to offer vision as a starting point for a dialogue. the islamic group threatened violence against another artist seen here. can only think how long it took him to tlirn dolearn to do that. what stress and pressure on the pachyderm. kevin, what bothers me about the story. i understand they're scared. the message what they did works. the terrorists, by killing those editors, have put, proved that that works. scare the hell out of people. >> i didn't wear my heels today. it is offensive to people who have foot fetishes like myself. what are you going to do about it. terrorism works. and works over and over. everything they did a couple weeks ago with the gang works. >> they are assuming they can't be protected. like in batman. it's like, there are super villains everywhere. we can't get the fleiss help us. the only super villain. this isn't done through courtesy. we are sensitive to everybody's religion. done out of fear. sheer fear of repercussions. it's not shame on you. it's death the they deal in death for, artistic expression. >> uh-huh. >> theirable. >> joanne what are your thoughts on this? >> i love high heels. they're great. i love art. it can be interpreted in many different ways. i see this work as being educational. it's, showing the rules and observations that take place in the muslim faith. and for the people who don't see it as much. i recommend the french take on one of our traditions which are trigger warnings. and they just post a little note outside of the, the -- gallery. and that says "you will probably be offended so don't come in. you don't have to go in. and don't have to look at it." but they do. >> andy, what maybe this was this whole thing was a performance art piece. that she did this on purpose, then to engender the threats. and was actually together to prove a greater point. >> no, this is really what happens when you let women be artists. i am beginning to think the people of france. i'm starting to believe that western civilization is doomed. >> exactly. >> there is really only one thing you absolutely positively must agree to if you are going to live in the west or emigrate to the west. whatever your beliefs are it is okay if other people don't share them. everything else we can have debates about. conversation as but. the one thing you have got to go by. and, that's not being done here. >> how do we get to the complete opposite of that. absolute opposite. replacing the exhibit with a video. showing belly dancing. how problematic is that? >> i know. kind of sexist. i hope there were a few men involved. male belly dancers. >> one man's terrorist. another man's artist. right? >> well done. this gives me a great idea. you know like in the united states, usually in florida. they always do the fake contests where you have won -- a pickup truck. all the people show up. they get arrested. they should do that. with art in european cities where they go, okay. we are going to show something that is really offensive. and, then the terrorists come. you just kill all the terrorists. like a little. a roach trap. isn't that brilliant. >> going to say arrest them and trade them for people that we really don't care about anyway. >> that's the other thing. a fake gallery. you have totally made up. such a great idea. >> steng woulding would be playing? >> i'm any totally going. >> yeah the theme from "the sting." >> okay. >> the enterentertainer. >> played by marvin hamlish. >> marvin hamlish, practiced tantric sex. >> he did? >> a rumor. >> a peruvian tv show. they have them there, kevin. >> they do. >> taught two young men a lesson about calt calling on the street. they tracked down their mothers. disguysed them and had them walk past their sons. >> i saw that bag coming. here's the other one. # . >> he has a blurry face too. his mother is mad. his face is blurry. all right. kevin, cat calling. i am sure you have been a vick tell of it. you are as delicious as a piece of cherry pie. do you see this as harassment? is this a good test? haw haw i kind of wonder why they didn't dress up their dads. are they homophones? what's the big de. this is really offensive to me. i can't comment on this. i don't whistle. here. >> you didn't have to. >> i remember in summers in college. i worked construction all. what did you wear? >> a tank top. >> yes yes. >> go on. >> set it up. the jeans the jeans were they ripped? >> yes they were ripped. >> were there suspenders? >> a tool belt that hung loosely around your hips. i like that. i want you to tell the story. i need to verbableizee to. >> any time a female would walk by. they said stuff. has that ever worked. has a woman stopped. >> says this guy. >> you don't have to do anything. >> i just look at them. >> you proved to every construction worker it won't work for them. if kevin sarbo didn't get any. the roofers i have known. >> i have to say, i like this i like this, this, experiment. because it reminds men that women are other are mothers and daughters. like you everybody is pro tktivetkt -- protective. about their mother. daughter. sister. see a stranger bets are off. obviously you respect your mom and women in your life. then everything else is fair game as, us guys look to call it. one thing that isn't being talked about. peru i love the landscape mode. not portrait mode. no one is yelling. so, i liked it. >> as a true pervert. you are more interested in the filming technique. >> yes, yes. >> that's amazing. >> is this problem at snikaticproblematic? >> this is obviously fake. >> there is no such thing as a peruvian tv station. i don't think peruvia is a real place. in a tolken book. >> it's peru. >> this is fake. staged. i don't think this is real at all. and which, what, we have talked about this before. prank videos. fake videos. i'm aechover them t danger is if you are trying to prove harassment is bad. making these videos which i really think are obviously fake, i think you are going to end up with dude watching, going that's really funny. >> no, no, no. doesn't matter if it is fake. it could happen. that's the lesson learned. >> i don't think, i don't think they're learning a lesson what i'm saying. they're going to double check. they're going to get closer. what all women want. right, right, right. >> so true. check to see if it is your mom. >> you have been dead for five months. how did you do this? >> i have to say, speaking for myself. the day the catcalls stop is the day i miss the catcalls. you know. think. i want to put you put it in my situation. as a 50-year-old man. i endure what the opposite of catcalls, which is invisibility. as i walk down the street. i think what i thought was afrack tiffa attractive at 25. i do at 50. look at a woman. wow. she doesn't see you. >> the only time i like a catcall. i did enjoy one the other day. during the blizzard. i was covered. head to toe. had a huge, hood on, sunglasses. i didn't have it at all. i got cat called. >> a gay guy thinking you were a bear. >> the unabomber. >> i should have stopped then. i like those troubled folk. >> yeah you do. you know he has his own his own wood. >> podcast in my basement. far enough away from the body. you can't even smell them. >> she's too old for you. >> my pa is -- looking like jail bait in there. >> i don't want to know what pa stand for. >> personal assistant. >> they're being prigs about e-cigs. california may join states in regulating e-cigs after points they emit cancer causing chemicals and could get people addicted to nick teen. where is the proof. according to the head of the california public health department -- that's the point! thank you very much. mary poppins. the report also noted a significant rise in the number of people vaping over the past several years, among young adults and teens. and calls for prestrictions in the marketing and sale of e-cigs. not realizing. that doesn't. when you stop marketing it that they like it. >> how do you feel about this? >> sorry sorry. but report has many critics including professor of public health at boston who says the department cherry picked, studies to support its predetermined conclusions. that quote this is exactly the type of thing we used to see from the tobacco industry in the past. bottom line the government wants to take your smokes just look this monkey. see, lit felltle fellow should be vaping. he could be living a healthy life. >> are they the new kittens on the internet? >> they, ah no. >> yes, sir. >> my point. doesn't have to do with marketing. what romanticizes the product. nonmarketing of it. the exaggeration of danger. >> yeah, that's why people smoke for so many years. i think you can, pretty much if you put smoke, anything but air, clean air into your lungs. probably not good for you. >> that is true. >> i don't think any one things e-cigarettes are safe. >> safer. >> they are safer. i don't know if there that's second-hand smoke panic that went along with regular cigarettes. which is why they cracked down on it so much. supposed to be the freedom. if you want to smoke. hurt your own body. you are free to do that. we don't want other people involved. if e-cigarettes don't hatchve the second-hand smoke. i don't believe. i grew up. but the smoking rambler. yeah, but, you know, now they're getting into, hey, we just don't want you doing this. we lied the whole time. >> their arguments are people. might confuse it for real smoking. could cause a can flikt.onflict. second hand nicotine. kevin this is your state. they're meddling. meddling. could kill people. >> i'm shocked california meddles in people's lives. i'm from minnesota originally. minnesota is turning into california. wonderful. i think they're applying common core here. whatever argument they can support. they come up with the fact to make it happen. >> true. you are right. that's the logic. >> cherry picking we used in basketball. for a guy who didn't want to be on the other side of the court. wait to rebound all the way down. thought the whole cherry pick thing was that way. >> ask about the cherry picking. jeepers. >> gentlemen ann.joann. young people use e-cigs more. you are a young person expert. >> yes you. know what is great. that our young people are trying to quit. >> yes. >> that's what is important. they're going to the e-cigs. quit before they even start. >> exactly. >> these kids are brilliant. i'm sure that kids are aware of the marketing. maybe they're curious about it. want to try it. change your tactics. need to market, like cialis. those commercials where it is like. oh this is what older people do. oh. i would never want to end up like that. so -- not that there is anything wrong if you need it. >> i'm sure. the perfect. next person you marry will be on cialis. >> i know tas boutnotice. the guys are having a much better time with the women. when they need the cialis. out on the swing. shopping together. doing things. yeah, make her happy with other stuff. he can't do that. >> i know. >> pops the pill. back on the couch. whatever. andy, defend your heroes in the california public health department. >> annoying. years ago. decade ago. i was told by two friends. one was a doctor. california know house to party. now it is clear that is not the case. the advertising and the kids know. i know a lot of teens, really want to be stephen dorf. need to cool it with that. look, when you have a public health advocate. >> dorf? >> this guy works at the office on smoking and health at the cdc. doing this stuff, 20 years. comparing what you are doing to tobacco companies. a big deal. i don't say this lightly, greg. i know the influence i have. i am calling on -- on, california health officer, ron chapman to design. >> you know who should take his place? stephen dorf. stephen dorf. >> dorf on health. >> trying to think of a movie recently with dorf in it. >> oh, wow. >> "blade" the last thing. >> the commercial he looks too busy to make a movie. racing cars. smoking on the beach. something about the e-cigarettes. i grew up. smoking. my parents were so mad. everything in the house had cigarette burns on it. you are saving the end tables, sheets, bed, couch cushions. >> i've don't smell any more. >> don't smell. >> stannings. >> no odor. >> stung. >> i no longer have that odor joanne. i still have the old man smell. >> something permeating from your office for sure. >> called decline. >> it's called decrepitude. enough making fun of me. coming up. turtlenecks. swanky sweaters or satanic cloth trying to strangle you. our super hero sexist don't k me i am not a -- are super heroes sexist? 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"avengers" director and hero to fat nerds everywhere is calling the comic book movie industry s >> avengers director, josh weden calling comic book industry sexist for lacking super hero heroines. he says there is genuine recalcitrant sexism. some one read salon or slate. whed whed whedon says movies look hunger games prove it times for a change, adding -- men are not always cast as a super hero. let's take a look. >> i think we have proven that point, kevin. should we listen to joss or ignore him. his name is joss. in the birth certificate it was an h, not an s. >> i have met him. i think he is brilliant. love his movies. i would like. you want to work again. >> i would look to work again. i am working. independent movies no one sees. i'm working ingworking. >> hey what is that movie, lucy came out recently. a big hit. >> yeah, scarlet jo. >> look super hero. >> a hit. >> yeah, huge. >> see. >> i didn't see it. but -- i want to see it. >> did you see under the skin. her other movie. see that one. amazing. she, well anyway. >> proving the point. >> proving the point. i think we should make hillary the next super hero. she could pant suits it. >> the reset. she resets. >> anthony, you are world renowned sexist. you are our expert. is hollywood as sexist as you are? >> no. look, hollywood is all about money. come on. if guys want to go to movies and see guy super heroes. that's what they will see. if you get comic book nerds that want to see girl super hero. i don't think is going to be as monetarily advantageous. not going to happen. >> what's funny. women look to see male super heroes. the same way they see tom cruise movies. >> another thing, joss when he says stuff like this. remind me of somebody that insults a girl's picture on instagram. he has to come in." "you are beautiful. don't you listen to him." the white knight comes in. he gets a pat on the back by the girls. shut up. he is a white knight, joss. >> josh, not joss. >> raise a point. very important. there was a batman. bat woman. when there was a super man. super girl. when there is wonder woman. there is no wonder man. when there is cat woman. there was no cat man. andy levy notwithstanding. isn't this reverse sexism. >> you could say because men are already wonderful. we need to look at the positive. mr. wheton had "buffy the vampire slayer." thanks to sarah michelle geller. i figured out how to fallen love with the wrong men. keep friend and family at a distance. thanks to the women who have the special powers. i am now cynical looking forward to my future. >> and no voice if you watch the singing episodes. >> sing one was great. >> yeah. you know -- what you are saying is women on television are empowering. that's important. we need more empowering women andy. you are an empowering woman. >> thank you. >> can you defend your paltzs, that you hang out in your back rooms, smoking cigars? >> no. >> no, you can't. can you? >> no. >> i will defend my good friend joss short for joshua. >> book in the bible? >> he is not wrong. the problem is more with marvel has the problem. even the characters. black widow. nebula. all you talk about. they get far less merchandising than male characters. none thifs matterss matters until they make a squirrel girl movie. >> is it real? >> very real. >> i have no idea. in most movies all men are villains. sexist. again, most villains in the world are men. you know where girl super heroes are welcome. conventions. >> bring night the gutter. >> i started following following somebody on twitter. kept posting like interesting pictures of women. i had no idea it was you. somebody else. >> wait. i may have retweeted something. accidentally. >> you are a disgusting man. coming up. you can now place bets on which celebrities will show cleavage in the super bowl. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's i can't believe it's not meth energy drink. visits. thanks i can't believe it is not meth energy drink. when it comes to your credit, in the know is the place to be. makes it easy. we give you 24/7 access. you get instant credit alerts to keep you in sync. you can even lock and unlock your transunion credit report from your phone. and all that information feels pretty good. come to and get in the know. [ male announcer ] after john huntsman was diagnosed with cancer, he founded huntsman cancer institute. to fight cancer in new and different ways like combining 300 years of family histories with health records to treat, predict and in many cases, prevent, cancer. with the vital understanding that cancer moves fast. and we have to move faster. to learn more or support the cause, go to will we see clear veg or will it be a bust? she can win i >> will we see cleavage or a bust? she could win if she shows skin? super bowl is 16 months away. people are already placing bets on whether katie perry will perform half naked at this year's halftime show. the odds we will get a glimpse of globes. minus 700. plus 450 no. which means, if she shows some skin. you roughly win 7 cents and a cold sweat. all right. joanne. i, what, what -- explain. >> okay. >> so basically. these are called prop bets. will she have costume changes. show her cleavage. most think sunny willhe will perform with cleavage. to win the bet. you have to. if you put $700 in. you will win $100. i think you explained it pretty good for a girl. >> that's my motto. >> that's my motto too. >> all of our mottos. you spend every waking moment gambling. does this gambling pollute, because basically you are turning life, you can gamble on anything. are oat officials going to check. the last joke on any news thing. i will laugh at that. that was good. some one might be using that tomorrow on the 5. would you bet on this. should be betting on inflated balls. balls and boobs go together. >> cast of "hercules." >> no. it is about cleavage. right. i showed a lot of cleavage on hercules. bay watch bc. she's got them. i would show them. >> she should leavage the cleavage. football game. not a porno magazine. >> football players. i find it objectionable that they would poison this wonderful game. this this, this, horrible lusty. i know her friend. her ex-husband. >> i do. do i? i can't remember. >> there is going to be cleavage. and, i didn't see puns coming out of this. >> you didn't. that was a good one. i believe katy perry is a track tiff. show cleavage. show cleavage. start enough to marry her. live with her a few months. my theory. great idea for science fiction novel. life is a gamble. bet on everything. once you know you can bet on that. she can tell her friend what she is wearing. they can bet on the dress. i think everyone wins. >> catch death by cold. >> in arizona. >> i didn't know where it was. that's not my fault. i didn't have to lead the stories. in my contract. just show up and talk. all right. according to a study. researchers, followed, 32,000 people for 15 years. making note if and how quickly each of them died. so. 6% more likely to die than liberals. conservatives are happier, healthier. do you believe the study? >> in some ways. i think, since liberals are always right. and, never really have to are gu their point. they just have to throw a word out there. i think it is the opposite. in a home invasion. kevin, what do you make of this. no way. one of the cherry picking things again. maybe it is true. maybe fewer liberals. maybe there is not as many. to go around. >> i don't know. my thery. many conservatives join the military. when they were doing this. like liberals they don't use facts. they didn't look at health care or health habits. which pretty much completely affects when you are going to die in older age. i don't care about living a long life if it is awful and bitter. >> how does it look so far. >> i am going to die very soon. >> speaking of sad, bitter andy, your life. i mean you are 48. i believe. it's, feels look you are 90. >> it is so slow. >> working with you i think is part of that. this is elitists. the leader was from the harvard school. ivy league. ivy league. not real america. on the other hand. they talked to a guy. not convinced by the study. professor of population health and geography at harvard. an ivy league school. very smart. who you going to believe. believe the elitist from harvard or smart guy that teaches at harvard. for most americans. the answer is easy, greg. wrapped it up nicely. okay made out with zaza gabor. told me in the break. >> years ago. >> anyway. >> is it racist? some has-been thinks so. "not cool" order it, gutfeld. i lost my sight in afghanistan but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ love drama? go on a first date. my passion is puppetry. here? i think we're done here. hate drama? go to research, price, find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. gutfeld in another gut feud. earlier this week the >> gutfeld in a gut feud. the stocky host of the five, seen here. slammed marilyn manson after the musician said the murdered editors shouldn't have offended the terrorists. here is gutfeld's take. >> he says the murdered paris editors shouldn't have offended the terrorists. of charlie hebdo, he says -- e fun of christians thinks you shouldn't confront radical islam. only take a std the ren grade who made fun of christians thinks you shouldn't confront radical islam. only take a stand when there is no risk. spoken like a true rebel. thursday. manson tweeted this response. i am so sad that the racist greg gut feld wasn't afraid what happened when he opened his [ bleep ] mouth. god bless you. about time some one called gutfeld out. and, sicked his fans on the angry host. reading -- have at it kids. whatever you do make sure it is biblical. yeah, it was quite a twitter feud. but happy to report the two have resolved their differences planning to rent a cottage on cape cod this summer. >> true. >> greg, manson is a complete saying he can't say the charlie hebdo didn't ask for it. hitch hypocrite, saying it. made his mark ripping up bibles on the stage. none of that means he is wrong about you being a rais iscist. >> prove with examples. he doesn't make logical sense. >> i agree. i am trying to compile a book of my moments. i would gladly welcome his help or yours for that matter. sure you are busy working on your bank account. >> ha-ha. >> anthony. you have never been called a racist. can you even understand what is going on here? >> i don't know. i don't see skullcolor. >> marilyn manson. doesn't have color. him coming out and saying that about greg. i can't get over the look. i can't. there is something to be said about getting a look when you are a younger guy and keeping it well into -- you know, alice cooper. look at him. wearing golf clothes. yeah, a hard back. yeah, and, he is still looking look that. he really looks like -- chemo howard stern a little. he has got a -- ugly boy george. >> kevin. >> my turn. >> yeah. >> one of the things manson did. referenced his friend, depp. saddest thing. name dropping. >> i was just ajust talking to george clooney. bash jesus all you want. that is okay. here he is defending these radical muslims. you are racist for not liking isis. maybe yisisis plays the best of marilyn manson beheading innocent people. >> would he say he deserved it if he got attacked ripping up the bible. >> why did he call me a racist and put it in quotes? >> don't think he knows what it means. >> gentlemen ann. before we get out of here. briefly in the 90s. you dated marilyn manson. are you still in touch? >> unfortunately not. i don't look to touch him anymore. that was in the past. you know it is interesting. when he name dropped. name dropped his white friend. who was the real racist. huh? also, he is planning this comeback. right. kind of how this all started. trying to be in the press more. doing more interviews. really, greg you are doing a really great job by showing him part of the come back is dealing with social media. and these things. he has to up his twitter game if he wants to stay rel vanlt. >> soawe relevant. really wise to use me in this manner. i introduced hem to an audience that went buy his album. fox news audience. millions. going who is sunny who is that fellow. >> weird thing, greg. for a while. i don't remember this. there were rumors you wore in fact, marilyn manson. >> true. actually virginia madsen. >> does it crush it. is this a long con you are playing? >> it is. it is. a performance art piece. and it i can't tell you how it is going to culminate. >> i want to see the makeup. >> yeah. >> rumor started because you were on "the wonder years." >> i am fred savage. >> okay. coming up. a cat comes back from the grave. >> yea. >> speaky. >> videos of animals. send them to us at huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! you know your dentures can move, unlike natural teeth. try fixodent plus true feel. the smooth formula helps keep dentures in place. it's free of flavors and colorants, for a closer feeling to natural teeth. fixodent. and forget it. i already knew that i was going to go to college you know, from a young age. i definitely want to major in political science. become the mayor or something. make the situation better for other people. my name is justin, and i am your dividend. i will be on the owe >> o'reilly? oh, i'll be on o'reilly at 8:00 p.m eastern on next "red eye". meanwhile, the last story. >> the apocalypse is upon us. after being hit by a car, a cat from tampa, was presumed dead and buried and five days later he came back to life hungry for revenge >> he came up looking for food he was hungry you knew i knew the cat was buried five days earlier and underground. the owner was in shock because he knew the cat was dead. >> he's being treat forward a busted eye and broken jaw the humane society says bart is likely a zombie. it's not true. they dubbed him a miracle cat. that was my nickname at the gym and i'll tell you why. joanne is this story giving false hope to kids who have lost pets? >> yes. they're going to think it's going to come back. and the morale of the story is dig a deeper hole. >> that is terrible. you're going to get cat lovers -- >> no. i'm just kidding. this is a -- it's a -- it's a -- god created animal life on the sixth day and it happened for a reason. >> exactly. eric would go well dup you're not so stupid after all, joanne. >> i'm thinking sometimes dead is better. and marilyn manson going to playing on the remake. no makeup necessary. . >> i want to save andy for last. >> redrum. >> they did the wake in ireland, and 3, 4 days later they awakened. >> it was an irish cat. >> it was irish cat mix. >> andy, why florida? >> i love the neighborhood cat and knew something was wrong. i knew the cat had been buried five days earlier. i'm assuming she was a medical professional or works for the cia in an intelligence-gathering capacity. . >> i knew there is something wrong. >> and he's going to have a great life because he came back. now he's going to really appreciate stuff. he died a week from now of natural causes. >> he's going to get healthy have a great life. he has eight left. >> it's true. >> yes. >> we just -- we're behind. >> yes. >> so he's in a ton of movies. what is the next one? 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[voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream is it? nope. sorry! you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. you know that five-for-one bergdahl gitmo deal stunk from the get-go. why release those five? the worst of the worst the upper echelon of the taliban, commanders recruiters not simple battlefield soldiers. rehabilitated, reformed? their sole mission is to battle and die defending allah. death is the culture that they live in. so what's the point of releasing them? you don't let a baby swim in shark-infested waters because the outcome is inevitable. but the obama


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