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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160525 05:00:00

protests starting right now with heather childers and leland bitters. we will see you back here at 5:00 p.m. eastern today. >> today. violent protests outside of a donald trump rally in new mexico prompting a heavy police response as trump scores another win in washington state. i'm heather childers. >> nice to be with you and nice to be with you at home. i'm leland bitters. the protests, if you are call them protests really, some hooligans on the street at this point. they threw stuff at police and police horses out there. authorities say they fired smoke grenades to disperse the crowd though it continued to get worse. >> we have team coverage. garrett has the latest on the primary results, but first jonathon hunt is on the scene of the protests in albuquerque and is joining us with the latest. we have been watching as the scene unfolded for what seems like hours. what's it look like now? >> it quieted down a great deal right now, heather. to my left, you can see we have a line of riot police keeping the crowd back. we swing to the other side of the intersection here, you can see the protesters have pretty much disappeared. there are a few behind the fence you are looking at right now. we have seen rocks coming in and a few police officers moving in to try to identify and stop those rock throwers. as we were standing here, we heard several landing behind us and obviously aimed at those police. let me take you thru what happened chronologically. this has been going on for hours. 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. eastern, the crowds began to gather in large numbers. it started off pretty much every time there's been a donald trump rally. the anti-trump protesters lined up behind police barricades, shouting at trump supporters as they move in to the rally site, which was the albuquerque convention center in this case. it is name calling. it is political slogan exchanging. pretty straightforward stuff. but then a couple of hours later, just as trump was beginning his speech inside of the convention center, the protesters moved -- there were several hundred of them. they broke down what i have to say was a relatively flimsy police barricade. i have been at a few of these things and i have to say, i don't think the albuquerque police department with respect to the bravery were best prepared for this. the protesters broke through and tried to bust down the doors and get inside. they were prevented from doing that. that's when the police came in. seven horses as we counted them and as we understand it that is the full complement of mounted police officers in albuquerque. they came and that's when bottle throwing started, small fires set and rock throwing. as trump supporters left they had to be taken out of a different entrance because the one they had gone in to was overwhelmed by the protesters. then police tried to move the protesters away. that's when we seen the running street clashes is the best way to put it. rock and bottle throwing. the bottles have been as far as i have seen plastic water bottles, not any glass at the police officers but the officers you see behind me, the front line all in full riot gear. behind them, you can see there are a lot of officers who do not have riot gear on at all. that's the case when this got going. i counted probably a dozen who were in full riot gear. not much more than that. again, you have a police department that appears to me, at least, heather and leland that were not fully prepared for this and perhaps aren't that well equipped to deal with this situation, which got out of hand very quickly. in terms of arrests, we've not heard of any on the streets of albuquerque. there may have been isolated arrests we did not witness but i have not heard of any at this point. we heard from the reporting of our own cameron inside the convention center there were a couple of arrests in there as the protesters tried to disrupt donald trump's speech. on the streets no arrests. a reflection of the policing here. i'm not the mind of any police chief. i have no experience as a law enforcement official obviously but it strikes me that perhaps they didn't want to move in, they didn't want to take people in to custody because sometimes they begets further violence, gets them in to for lack of a berth phrase gets them in hand-to-hand combat. we are backing up now. police going back to the convention center. the last couple of hour we have been out here, i hesitate to think how far we have come from the convention center, a half mile to a mile. they are backing up to the command center which is outside of the convention center. i hesitate to say this is over but it is certainly quieting down a great deal in the last 15 minutes or so. >> jonathon, as you are our viewers understand, we have you on one side of the screen an video from an hour ago with some of those clashes you were talking about on the street. i mentioned -- did you get a sense there are different groups of people here or true protesters, what you might call people upset with donald trump and want to voice their opinions and then a smaller, more violent subset of that group, or is everybody pretty much the same and mixed in together? >> i think your initial analysis is correct. i would guess at 500 protesters outside of the convention center. union members, members of pro immigration groups, carrying well-prepared signs, et cetera. there have been a couple of facebook pages set up to encourage people to come out and to have their legitimate political say. their make protests and voices heard. then you certainly there's a different set, i think that was involved in the violence here. they may well be motivated by their dislike of donald trump's policies, particularly in a state like new mexico which is 48% hispanic on immigration. but they are -- obviously a subset as you call it of protesters that are prepared to carry out violence in registering that protest. we look at the street here. these are some of the rocks, et cetera, that have been thrown through the evening at the police in the middle of the street here. you can imagine, as i was saying to you, as you look at those, you can imagine one of those striking a single officer without any helmet on the head, it could have been a very, very different situation. and we appear at this stage extremely lucky that nobody -- as far as we are aware, nobody has been hurt in any of this. >> jonathon, you yourself, i saw get hit by a rock during the five. i'm glad you are okay, as well. >> it was a small one. >> okay. >> that helps. >> jonathon talked about the bravery of the police there. i have to hand it to the bravery of him and his crew. jonathon hunt will stand by for us on this the street and see if things deteriorate or get better there. now 111:07 in albuquerque. thank you, jonathon. for more on this right now and the primary contest in washington state, which was going on, we are joined by susan hutchinson nchs the state's party chairwoman. thank you for joining us. are you there? >> i am. i have to get your reaction to tonight's protests and the melee that ensued. >> i don't think that protesters' cause is well served which enthey do this. you look at the police officers there. the police for starters really like donald trump. they are voting for him in high numbers. but besides that, the american public is not sympathetic to people protesting free speech rights of donald trump. yes, we've got disagreement in this country about various political points of view, but causing this kind of violence is uncalled for. i don't think it helps their cause whatsoever and i think it hurts hillary clinton. >> what about the reflection on washington state? anything you would like to say on that? had you been made aware there was a possibility of this and were you prepared? >> are you talking about the results of the state primary today? >> i'm still talking about the protests. >> oh, i see. well, we didn't have a rally here. although at the two rallies that donald trump has done in the state there were small protests. but there's a different kind of protest in the daytime, in the early morning or midday. when the sun is shining, you get a different kind of protest. i think it feels a lot more scary to people in the darkness. especially when protesters have to faes pepper spray. it has a totally different feel. it is unfortunate. when i was at the trump rally in spokane, they gave a speech to all of the folks at the rally and they said we believe in free speech, which means the protesters have a right to speak out but you have free speech rights, as well. feel free. don't touch them. don't engage with them but exercise your free speech rights to shout the slogans you believe in. it was a good pep talk for the folks in the convention center. >> let's move from new mexico to where you are. and talk about the results for tonight. any surprises there? what will happen moving forward? >> well, i don't think there are any surprises. i think if ted cruz were in the race he would have done better. now he dropped out, people know the race is about the presumptive nominee and he still needs the delegates to get to the magic 1237. so we provided 44 tonight. i think we are a mail-in state which means there are a lot of ballots that haven't even arrived at the election headquarters yet but i think trump has won every single county. he will get all of our delegates. >> here's the thing. the gop convention there last weekend in washington state, cruz supporters won 40 of the state's 41 delegate slots even though trump won the primary today. so they are bound, obviously, in the first but if they should be unbound, will they stick with what the people voted for and go with trump or will they go with cruz? >> this is how it works. the cruz folks were organized even last fall. they were the first to come in and did the best job organizing. so they won delegates over the month at the county convention. those delegates want to vote for their friends and buddies to go to the national convention and they won seats on them platform in the rules committee and in that way they can have a small impact on what goes on at the national convention. so, i think you will find they understood full well that their nominee is out of the race and we have donald trump. they knew they would be bound by the primary but still wanted to go to a national convention. i know them. i was chairman of the convention. it was a moment in the convention where i spoke to them about unifying to help our state candidates win and to help beat hillary clinton and everybody jumped to their feet and cheered wildly for the unity of the republican party. everyone gets it. washington state is on the map this year and we're really excited about that. >> you believe when it comes down to it, that all of those delegates, the 40 that went for cruz will end in the end support donald trump? >> well, i don't know how much they will support him, but they are bound by the vote of the people at the cleveland convention. so we will see 44 delegates who are bound to support donald trump. >> okay. thank you so much, susan. appreciate you joining us. i know you had a busy day there in washington state. thank you and congratulations for getting through it. >> thank you. >> thanks. washington state results, who would have thought that tonight one mail-in primary would turn in to such a big news night. we continue to monitor the situation out of albuquerque right now. it is 11:15 at night in albuquerque and as jonathon hunt was reporting the violence there had been going on about two hours. and the protest itself for about five or six hours right now. he's working the scene there. he's safe, but moving around there to a different location. this is some of the best or worst of the video from earlier where things went far beyond a protest. this was outright street violence. >> in the end it was like a lot of people out there causing trouble to get on tv. i want to ask jonathon and i will if he comes back with us, if he had an opportunity to attempt to speak to any of these protesters at all. if they knew they were out there protesting. i would be interested to hear what they had to say. >> we saw jonathon get spoken to by some of the protesters. there were some rather choice words, as we look now at pictures. is this live pictures coming in still? these are live pictures. joen on this hundred is now back with us. jonathon, if you can hear us, heather has a question for you. >> jonathon, i was wondering if you were able to speak to any of the protesters out there, and if you could repeat anything they said to you that didn't include some four-letter words. did they know what they were protesting for? >> yeah, they did. speaking to them, which is certainly something we did. we also got spoken at a great deal, if i can put it that way. yeah. the large group of protesters, the 500 or so outside of the convention center certainly knew what they were protesting about. the number one issue, as you would imagine, in a state that is 48% hispanic was immigration. that is what drove most of those protesters to come out and register there their anti-donald trump thoughts. as you got out to the situation we see here and what police are mopping up here, certainly you had people who i think it would be fair to say were more interested in the ability to cause trouble on the streets of albuquerque, than they were in the politics of this presidential campaign. so both sides were represented. yes, those -- there were those who simply wanted to throw rocks and bottles at police, cause whatever trouble they could. in the majority, at the convention center, before we had these running battles on the streets of albuquerque as i dodged traffic soming through here, they were certainly motivated, i would say, in almost entire part by the immigration issue which is obviously a hot button issue in this particular state. and will be in california. that's one of the things we have been talking about is where does this go now? we know that you get -- tend to get copycat situations after events like this. you have to be concerned for law enforcement, policing the rallies that are to come in the run up to the june 7th primary. obviously all of the candidates thereby there. mr. trump is in california, in fact tomorrow. so every law enforcement agency, i think has a trump rally in particular scheduled is going to be on high alert indeed. >> you are based in los angeles. i was talking to brian, our reporter for fox news and also for fox news latino. he was saying that the big fear is in california because latino groups are much more organized out there. are you hearing anything from lapd and the other major law enforcement agencies there in california to try to be prepared more than the albuquerque police department was tonight? >> yeah. they are saying they are always prepared for any and all situations. they are not about to give us details of those as you well know. but they are prepared and i have to say certainly within the l.a. area, in san francisco, you have police departments that are perhaps more experienced at dealing with these kind of situations than they are in albuquerque. i was saying earlier that it felt to me that it was a flimsy police line that those several hundred protesters broke through when they first made their rush toward the convention center earlier this evening. you have the majority, the large majority of police officers who were not in any kind of riot gear at all. when the rocks started coming in, that is an extremely dangerous situation. i don't think you will see that kind of situation in most of the bigger california cities. they are more used to dealing with protests, with riots, however you want to term it. i think they will be better prepared than the albuquerque police department. while having said that, of course, you have to pay tribute to the officers standing on the lines right now. they have been out here many hours and they ultimately, as we stand here at this point, they have restored peace to the streets of albuquerque. as far as we are aware without resorting to many arrests if any. i have not heard of any at this point. obviously we are not getting every piece of information from the albuquerque police department in our situation here but it appears they have restored peace now, as i said, without a large number of arr t arrests having taking place. >> great job they did this evening. >> great job by you and your crew, as well. standby for another few minutes before you guys get some shut eye to see if the streets stay calm. you have to hand it to the albuquerque police. the initial e-mails that came through of the lines being breached, the officers were standing there in nothing. >> in nothing. people are in their face as jonathon put it, screaming at them. >> they showed enormous restraint through that. there is always criticism of you see one piece of video of what leads up to the arrests or pepper spray. an enormous amount of flak, real in terms of rock and verbal that the police officers took in coming. >> good job, albuquerque police. >> there you go. also some questions going forward, does every city that hosts a political rally this presidential year, do they have to be ready for that? >> as jonathon said, the fear of copycats. anyone watching this -- >> or was this a copycat of chicago, of arizona, of utah, all places we saw violence with donald trump rallies, as well. so, this turned in to sort of an exciting tuesday night, wednesday morning. more exciting than we thought it would be. our panel is here to weigh in on that and also one of donald trump's policy advisers, foreign policy has been a big issue this week. he will talk about the protests nd talking about afghanistan, iraq and the latest from there and what the u.s. is doing. stay with us. we'll be right back after this a quick break. when you booked this trip, you didn't know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. a few weeks ago, you didn't even know where here was. now the only thing you don't know, is how you're gonna leave. expedia. technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. plenty fast. but it's not how fast you mow,t? it's how well you mow fast. it's not how fast you mow, it's how well you mow fast. it's not how fast you mow, (both) it's how well you mow fast. it's how well you mow fast. 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>> i agree. it is a strategic mistake on behalf of those that organize the protests with the flag of another country with respect to all countries because this will only mobilize those people in the silent majority that feel this is not their plag, this is outside of our debate. of course this is -- they try to link it to the immigration issue. but that's going one inch beyond the limit that is to have a flag of other countries involved in our politics. >> well, we are there. now i'm going to move in to your house of expertise when it comes to foreign policy. a lot of criticism from the beginning of donald trump that he doesn't have any foreign policy experience, aside from perhaps hosting miss universe in russia as he pointed out. over the past couple of weeks, treez tried to baung his foreign policy credentials, build them up. met with senator bob corker, henry kissinger, those folks. you have a phd in these matters. is this something somebody can learn in a couple of weeks of study and a couple of months on the campaign trail? >> it's not that simple. basically mr. trump is coming from the business world. international business world so he had some experience in dealing with public service people and leaders an the world from the business perspective. compare him to senator obama before he was senator, before he got in to politics or to secretary clinton before she entered the white house. this is a real comparison and ask them the tough questions on policies. they had to go through a process but the question seems to me, what did they do with the experience? they got degrees, in the white house, in the state department, what happened in libya, iraq, in iran? this is where mr. trump has an advantage is he did not make a mistake or mistakes in foreign policy and he's engaging now with senators, members of congress, many experts that are with seeing. >> dr. phares, appreciate your insights on this and the protests we saw earlier. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> that's what we are seeing so often in terms of the protests, folks saying if anything it helps donald trump. >> we talked about the two different subsets of protesters, those actually there for a cause they believe in and those that are there to cause trouble and chaos, which we saw at the end of the evening. we have to be careful, in terms of our coverage, to not give those more coverage than they are warranted. >> you also get a feel sometimes when you have been at these things out in the field that often times the people that engage in the violence are using whatever the issue is as an excuse to engage in violence more than any true belief. more on that as we come back. >> and we will look at the race happening today. >> there was actually a primary tonight in washington state. more on that and what the delegate count actually means. especially since ted cruz has some of his folks in there, as well. >> 40 out of 41. >> that's a lot. here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. with the right financial partner, progress is possible. 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journalist at the manhattan institute for policy research is joining us now. always good to have you guys. thank you. half an hour in to the show and you have a lot 0 say. we will get to you, tony, is in the new normal we will have to get ready for for the next 167 days until the general election? >> no doubt there's an enormous amount of protest and riot energy on the left. move funded by a billionaire liberal has claimed credit for some of these. the chicago protests that overwhelmed the police and informed the trump campaign to cancel an event. you see them protesting democrats. you have the entire black lives matter movement protesting bill clinton at an event in philadelphia. what is unfortunate is when you take the drama away from this type of event, what are they protesting? they are essentially protesting four illegal immigration that undermines rule of law and wave american flags -- mexican flags, which shows a devotion to the country. when you look at it from the perspective of who does it hurt, it hurts whoever is affiliated with the left. in this case you can say sanders or clinton, but if clinton becomes the nominee she will carry the baggage of this protest inertia that i don't think is constructive, especially when you see rioting, when you see police hurt and brutalized by protesters, when you see the disruption of peace. this is not constructive to the process. >> it is volatile all the way around and emotional for voters this season. we also saw a problem not to this level, at the democratic state convention in nevada. was that last weekend? it was last weekend when bernie sanders supporters and hillary clinton supporters got in to it and you saw bernie sanders folks throwing chairs and everything else sgll security had to be called out. >> a lot of people ask if you had donald trump supporters throwing chairs at a republican state convention, how different the coverage would have been. you have to ask yourself just because it is a donald trump event, is there so much more media attention. >> let's ask our panel. what do you think, ellen? >> i think it is because it is a donald trump event. i disagree with tony. i don't think it will be carried on to hillary clinton. i think she will say it is unacceptable to throw rocks at police and i think bernie sanders would say that, too. i don't think it will affect them. i think they will distance themselves from it. >> judy miller, is the media at some level to blame for this in the sense that all of a sudden you have ten or 15 people throwing rocks, engaging in clearly illegal and criminal behavior and yet they are glorified as protesters. >> i think we have been drawing a distinction between the people we saw today walking around with placards protesting and 100 people who are not just protesters but rabble-rousers, they are trying to stir up things and pro-joke the police. i think we have to look at the albuquerque police department, too. as jonathon hunt said out there, because he was in the middle of it and he did a fantastic job sglin credible. >> really good. not so the albuquerque police. this is a troubled police department with a history of very tense relations with the community. as of last year, they had killed in the past, they had killed in the past five years 28 people. what that means in a city of 550,000 is that you would have a kill rate which is roughly twice the level of chicago, which is nothing to write home about, and eight times the level of the nypd. they only have about 900 people in that force for 550,000. >> no, i don't think -- >> we had an update that the people that are injured ready the police officers and there was only one arrest. that seems pretty good. >> they have one helicopter. they have seven horses. they were clearly expecting trouble and should have asked for this is the largest police e in the state of new mexico but they could have asked for reinforcements from outside. when you are expecting trouble like this, in a state like new mexico with the highest percentage of hispanics in the nation, you just have to be prepared for kind of trouble. i think there's been a problem with the police force. i think they didn't do well tonight. it is very -- a very good thing no one was killed or arrested so far that we know. >> one arrest so far. >> but it's -- this is a very specific training you have to have to handle riot control situations. i didn't see it on display tonight. >> i think they stood their ground. and didn't overreact. >> they showed enormous restraint in the face of what went on. mike huckabee called this rent-a-mob. we have seen this before, professional protester and anarchists and when i was in baltimore you had people arrested from minneapolis, chicago, who would come in to these situations. whether or not that is happening there and going forward is something to look at. >> a lot of these protesters seem to want to take their shirts off at the end of the evening and run around screaming. i don't know. i was watching on twitter, the majority of the followers seem to think they did a good job. if you have another opinion on that you can talk to judy on twitter. she will be here all night with us. now to the primary that was in washington state. donald trump getting more than 7 75% of the vote. he will get 27 of washington's 44 delegates at least. and for more on the headlines, from the gop, let's go to garrett tenny who is standing by for us in washington, d.c. with the latest. good morning, garrett. >> good morning. no surprises in washington's primary last night. donald trump now moves one step closer to securing the republican nomination. the results are still coming in, but thus far, you mentioned, trump is winning 76% of the vote. but he is not the only one getting votes. ted cruz and john kasich won 10% and ben carson who left the race nearly three months ago, won 4%. he had his eyes on the general election and took time off the campaign trail to expand his campaign operations. tonight, he was back at it again. kicking off a west coast fund-raising trip in new mexico where he continued his attacks on hillary clinton. >> we have won person left. she is a total lightweight. believe me. she's not -- you know, i watch her speaking. she always uses the teleprompter. i watch her speaking. we are going to win north and south and east and west. i will never say this but she screams. it drives me crazy. >> trump tweeted a few minutes ago he is now in california where he is holding a rally in anaheim and it is possible we could see more protests at that event. just last month, anaheim city tried to pass an official resolution against the billionaire businessman. heather? >> garrett tenny, thank you. we will check back with you this evening or this morning, i'm sure. >> gets confusing sometimes. washington democrats went to the polls. it is yesterday in washington, so you are right. the results are not binding, though. delegates were awarded based on party caucuses back in march. both candidates were focused tuesday in california, as they will be the next couple of weeks. if you are confused yet, there's a guy with the answers. that's brian. >> tonight hillary clinton won washington's primary which is the statewide vote. it means nothing. it is effectively a poll because the state's caucus is what determines who wins the delegates and bernie sanders won the caucus in march, gaining 74 of washington's 101 delegates. the bottom line is clinton continues to hold a big lead and has 97% of the 2,383 total delegates she needs to win the democratic nomination. 78 delegates short. he has won more total states, has 3 million more vote aes and more pledged delegates than bernie sanders. it is this math that fuelled clinton to declare last week she will be the nominee. mrs. clinton continues to spend much of her week in california, ahead of june 7th big contest there. tonight in river side, hl hillary dedicating half of her speech focus on donald trump. she was attacking him on the housing to other stuff. meantime, while clinton was speaking in river side, sanders was speaking in california as well. sanders continues to campaign there while he is pressuring clinton to follow through on his commitment to debate on fox in california. the last big day of the primary election is less than two weeks away. the time six states and 694 delegates are up for grabs. sanders is hoping to win all six states on june 7th to bring that momentum in to the democratic convention in philadelphia. we shall see. leland? >> we shall see indeed. and we shall see how many protests continue. brian is with us as we will be most of the night breaking this down. he eluded to the fact how nasty the tone has gotten between sanders and clinton and nastier between trump and clinton. with. >> we will talk about that, at least one ad released on-line. like you knew what was coming up. we'll be right back after this. nothing unleashes power... 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in washington, d.c., vince. he is the executive editor of "the daily caller" and always with us on these primary nights. thank you for being here. >> it has been an exciting one. all of the protests of going on in albuquerque, new mexico. what are your thoughts on that? >> it's amazing when you see protests like this, you often wonder what's the point? if the point is to rally more people to your side, that is generally not accomplished by throwing bottles at police horses. i imagine within the next 24 hours candidates will have to respond. as the panel said, hillary clinton's campaign, it will be important to see how she responds to this. you can't come out and condone the acts of violence protesters. as we saw when hillary responded in baltimore, she responded by saying you can't attack people like this as a protester, but at the same time she said but these protesters have a point. i think we need to be careful if you are the hillary campaign of saying somethinglike. that they could suggest you are condoning this kind of violence which i don't think that anyone does. >> let's talk about the nasty turn the campaign has taken. donald trump against hillary clinton in ads. and hillary clinton taking shots at bernie sanders. >> that's right. hillary clinton won'ts to get beyond bernie sanders and her campaign has made a concerted effort to move it to the general election. they are doing that in a bunch of ways including buying up veil available ad time. they want trump to come out with the nastiest attack they can to make him seem like a villain. meanwhile, donald trump is trying to go after hillary clinton because she is demanding all sorts of things from him but he wants to go for her vulnerables. not only is he calling her crooked hillary but bringing up her his ban's sexual indiscretions from the '90s and hoping to frame her as sort of a villain. the race has taken a nasty tone early on for a general election fight. >> had to cut you a little short but you will be back so stick around. >> thank you. >> thank you. >>. coming up, trump shortchanging veterans? he claims to have raised millions for them but some are asking where the money has gone? stay with us. introducing the completely redesigned mercedes-benz c-coupe, with its athletic prowess and sleek new body. it doesn't just raise the bar... completely crushes it. the all-new c-class coupe. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. 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>> a lot of people are planning for that for june 7th where police are getting ready for possible riots out there. thanks jackie, we'll check in with you. >> now to the primary result in washington. donald trump winning handedly capturing 75% of the votes. he's adding 27 delegates to his total and he needs 41 more. he's clinching the gop nomination in two weeks when the primary votes are cast. how many are his nomination impact other elections across the nation. this so called down ticket races. with us now, the president of elway research d tand the elway poll. he's rated one of the top ten election polls in the country, stuart, are you joining us? >> i am. >> before we get to the ballot and talking about that. give us your thoughts about the washington primary and how it went. >> well, there was quite a bit of interest given the fact that on the democratic side it did not count for anything as you pointed out. on the republican side there is really only one candidate viable and yet, we got about 31% turn out so far, of course, washington is a male ballot state so all the votes are not counted until friday. we don't know what the turn out is going to be. that's pretty high for a relatively meaningless primary. >> what do you attribute that to? >> the interesting election overall. we have seen that all yearlong and we had a poll a month ago of 67% of the voters in washington say they're paying a lot of attention in this presidential race. there is a lot of interests this year. >> break down more on the electric itself in washington state. >> well, washington as you know is a pretty blue state. we have not voted for democratic for is the since 1984. but, congressional delegation is split and our state stlegislatus is split so it is not quite as deep blue. if we don't register by party in washington state so the only time anybody has to declare a party ideas is when somebody like me calls them up and ask them. you have to declare a primary whether you are a democratic or republican. over the years there is typically about a ten to twelve point edge and for the democrats and party identification. >> the public is usually third behind independence. >> the expectation is democrats will carry the state. >> the expectation is democrats will carry the state. >> and probably pretty handedly. >> move us down ballot down with that expectation. >> so we ask people and poll a month ago what would happen if various candidates, if down ballot candidates or endorsed by or endorse presidential candidate for a candidate. for all of the ones we asked, there was a negative except bernie sanders. for example, for hillary clinton, the effective presidential endorsement was a minus 9 points. 9 points more say they'll be incline to board against someone and vote for someone. for trump that number was minus 36. >> interesting. >> which was the biggest. sanders was plus 2 and ted cruz was minus 24. in some ways, it mirrors the national story that neither one of these particularly are popular candidates. >> they both have high negatives. >> in washington, the republican candidate has the higher negative than the democratic candidate which would go along washington's recent polling. >> stuart elway is joining us early this morning. thank you very much, very interesting stuff. >> thank you. >> people have been talking about it so much and republicans are concerned about donald trump. we bring back in our panel for this discussion. ellen and tony, and judith miller. >> judy, start with you, there are so many discussions of the down ballot and the republicans are terrified of donald trump. voting down ballot for a bunch of democrats. do you think that's a real fear? >> i think it is a real fear. i mean this is the problem with the trump candidacy is republicans have worked very hard to control the house and the senate to control over 30 governor ships and two-thirds of the state's legislature and a great deal is at sake as people start to splitting their ticket and not voting or voting for the top of the victim. i think hillary also has this similar problem and that's she only a month ago was leading by healthy margins in national and the battleground state and today she's only a few points ahead of her and donald trump of a one to one match up. donald trump is well on his way of unifying the party and she's not in any position. she's having trouble with younger voters in greater and grae greater numbers that they'll not vote for her if bernie sanders is not the candidate. she's really in a lot of trouble. just as donald trump. >> he forecasted his strategy of this week is a pretty revealing one. he basically wants to get the majority of delegates in california. there is about 400 sum odds up or grabs. he even gets that rational to go to the super delegates and say to them, look how we are closing out this race, i am on the upward trajectory so therefore you should be considered supporting hillary clinton. he also said on his interview on george stephanopoulos, i thought it is a lesser of trump two evolves. when you look at the national polling that's coming out. >> well, i want to mention of what judy said in terms of that polling, we have the latest, putting trump ahead of clinton of 46 to 47% but both of them is equal. >> and nbc wall street journal poll, she was ahead by 11. the trend is your friend in polling and right now the trend has decidedly moving towards donald trump. which is why i think when you talk about the down ballot, this is going to be one of those evolving stories, much like par party unification of a big concern. we do see the party uniting strongly behind donald trump. the larger ballot should be for democrats. hillary clinton is not going to motivate the sanders or obama's coalition. minorities and young people, they're not going to come out to hillary clinton the way they did for barack obama and the way they would have in bernie sanders was the nominee. that's the problem that be needs real serious examination. >> ellen, as you look at this, bernie sanders said at the convention in philadelphia that it is going to be messy. any idea he meant by that? >> he said democracy is messy. it is not very clean necessary and not like addict ta dictator. that's what he meant. >> i think it was churchill who says "democracy is the worst form of government until you examine all the other ones." when you look at what's going to happen at the convention, they're in philadelphia. does bernie sanders have a pack to the nomination or simiply playing the disrupter card. >> i don't think he's doing this disrupter card. he's gone after today the kentucky primary, he's asking that there be a reviewing of electronic machine. he wants a recount. this is over one delegate. he's looking at every delegate he can get. so you see that as a positive. >> well, i don't see that as a positive or negative but for people who say he's trying to make a movement and not necessarily winning the nomination, i am not sure that's true. i think he's after the nomination and he said that when he was first running. he said i have been in many elections and i am in this to win. judy. >> he's clearly hurting her. every time he opens his mouth and criticizes her, he gives donald trump another talking point. she has got to spend precious money which is going -- she was hording and saving for the general election, fighting like states in california. this is ridiculous for him to do this if he cares about the democratic party which i don't think he does because he's only been a democratic for about six minutes. >> bernie sanders pulled clinton on the left that's incredible. >> she has to -- the clintons have been known to make dog lengths in the past. the question is, does it matter in terms of how far she's moved as it relates to a couple of issues and things like trade or gr gun control and other stuff. >> it is going to matter to the degree that goes towards her character. she has poor numbers when it comes to honesty and trust worthyness. this reenforces that hillary clinton will do anything. >> with trump what he's don done -- here is the difference. hillary clinton for 30 years as a public record of constantly changing her positions of real decided hypocrisy. with donald trump he makes it a plus for him to be pragmatic and bring out things. >> pragmatic? >> you guys listen -- you guys are all cheering for your people. >> i have no person. >> for trump, he's bigger than that it. for hillary clinton, she's apart of the process. there is no doubt in his mind whether or not he's going to say obviously, he's going the say he want to win the nomination. he's standing for something significantly larger and that's for the heart and soul for the american left. not the democratic party of the american left to use hillary clinton as equally untrust worthy to be the champion of the progressive movement. >> the and he made at least one change in term of the platform for the democratic convention of 15 people that get together and he's now been awarded six of those people and so that had not happen before in the past. >> in the platform, it is a little bit wonky, it is not something we are paying attention. donald trump is not quite as hard right as some other folks are socially conservative wise that, that could be an issue as we look past july. hillary clinton speaking of her and bernie sanders. hillary is blaming bernie for sinking her poll numbers. >> bernie sanders says "democracy should not be neat, it should be the two sides faceoff next. hillary clinton allies saying the ongoing attacks of bernie sanders are hurting her party. >> i had also hoped that secretary clinton would have kept her word and agreed to engage in a debate. i think that the people of the law just -- the country deserves to hear. i hope secretary clinton will rethink her decision not to do a debate. >> lets bring in danielle mclaughlin and joining us here in san francisco, mercy, and a bernie sanders' supporter. we got four minutes. i feel like we can ring the bell and settle it here. danielle, i will go first to you, rich mori, hillary still cannot explain why she should be president. i will let you do that about 30 seconds. >> hillary clinton should be president because she's the most experienced and qualified candidate we have seen in the modern era. this notion that she should not be and should be debating bernie sanders when she's 90 delegates away from clinching the nomination ofegates does not ma any sense. she's been secretary of state and closer to obama's legacy. certainly to me the american people are happy with the job that she's been doing. hillary clinton is the best person for the job and the best woman for the job. >> amir, to you by any calculation if it is difficult or not impossible for bernie sanders to win the nomination even at the convention, why is he still in it? >> he's in it because it is about a movement and changing a system. it is not impossible for him to get the nomination, it is difficult and it is an uphill battle. as the campaign goes on and people get to know hillary clinton more, she becomes less appealing. she tried to run away from the debate in new york back in april, that did not work. back in 2008 and may 2008, she criticized president obama for not having debate not in the cycle. somebody should debate any time and any where. this is what we are seeing on and on with the clinton campaign. her strategy is like to ignore us and nothing to see her. bernie sanders is going to end up winning california really big and the strategy is going to backfire and he's going to be a weaken candidate if he wins the nomination. >> danielle, does amir has a point though that this shows a little bit of a kick in the arm for more hillary clinton campaign and there is not seem any excitement around it, yourself excluded. >> she is -- she's not getting 20,000 people to rally. i think that's fine, it is good in a democracy that we have different ways. i have been to the bernie sanders rally and i have seen him inspiring people and the words he uses. >> but you are not inspired by him? >> frankly bernie sanders is like a donald trump more than anything else. hillary clinton talks about foreign policy and the economy and the minimum wage and the environment. she's a strong candidate and she knows a lot. >> is that a fair criticism of bernie sanders? >> this is ridiculous. bernie's visionary is putting forward visions that these things are not possible. we have a lot of program in this country that people once thought were impossible or "socialist programs" or the gi bill. that's a government's program. we have a lot of things we need to fix. bernie is talking about it. hillary is the same old, same old, the longer the campaign goes on, the longer americans get to know hillary and the less they'll approve of her. bernie is gaining momentum and streak and hillary clinton is losing to him in a couple of polls. hillary clinton is going back to work. >> i am going to give danielle with the last word. as you look at the polls number for clinton, it continues to go down. bernie sanders, look, i handedly beat trump in any polls. >> a lot less. >> we are six months away and at this point, head to head polls mean nothing. senator sander does not face the end less criticism that clinton has faced over the years. >> she's a weak candidate and weaken everyday. >> now the bell rings. >> danielle and amir, thank you very much, appreciate you being here. >> any big questions of bernie sanders is the fact that he has not faced the kind of scrutiny that clinton does. should his polls number tighten? >> in the polls that you mentioned how bernie sanders beats trump in those polls. if you think back to john kasich, john kasich was beating hillary clinton in poll ls when he was still in the race as well. >> that argument did not work out so well. >> speaking of john kasich, she's joining ted cruz and marco rubio by keeping delegates. >> what does that mean? it provides leverage or the convention. coming up, we'll take a look at that strategy and what they can get out of it. >> stay with us. donald trump has won at least 27 delegates in washington state. he could clinch the nomination tra straight out in california. ted cruz and john kasich and marco rubio at the convention, they're hanging onto their delegates. >> joining us now a former member of george bush a, thank u for joining us this morning. >> they are holding onto their delegates, why are they doing that? it does not make any sense. >> it is not the leverage they have a couple of weeks ago. on june 7th donald trump is going to have more delegates out rig right. why are they holding on? >> it allows them some leverage in the platforms and rule committee. that's where they can make a difference for the party platform going ahead. once we leave the convention city that becomes the game book or the play book or republicans are going to adhere to. each person who's running will pick, you know, a play from that book. the question is how much of the play will each member of the house or senate use or how much of donald trump will use because it won't be his ex clus sclusiv. >> if there is any fire works at all, where is that going to come into play? >> at the rules committee and the platform which i understand we'll be covering gavel to gavel, something that's more electric f electr electric. >> it is historical and we have never seen anything like this before, right? >> that's right. this is going to be, well not in a modern area. bernie sanders now has delegates in the platform. this is from the drama will play out and this is where cruz or rubio and john kasich trying to get their message and stamp of a approval on the platform. >> we were talking about that earlier in term oss of democrat platform of what they did to extend a peace branch to bernie sanders but apparently did not work. they out of the 15 people that are assigned to come up with the platform there at the democratic convention, he's going to be allowed to point six of them. do you think the republicans would do anything like that? >> well, i think yeah, in the spirit of unity, they'll offer some seats on the platform to those who are trump's advisories. they are smart to do that. the platform cannot be donald trump. its got to reflect the depth of the republican party. >> i am sure you saw the coverage that we had earlier this evening of protests happening in new mexico. what are your thoughts and who does that benefit? >> well, i think it benefits donald trump because donald trump has had huge rallies all over the country and you never seen any violence on the part of trump supporters like you have seen with these thugs and mobs or anti-trump. they talk about trump in language and it has not ignited of the kind of protests out on the street os or hurting businesses. this is something that hillary clinton and bernie needs to speak to because it is their people that's doing it. ask you on your opinion on that as we head into the convention, do you expect the same situation will happen? >> i would hope not. it is not going to happen within the secure area of the conventio conventions. these are national security events where secret service takes over. the problem will be on the outside of those fence and that's where it can get very da dangerous not only on the republican side but the democratic side. the bernie people feel they are getting a raw deal and they'll take it to the streets in philadelphia. >> yeah, they did in nevada. >> absolutely. >> thank you very much for joining us, we definitely appreciate you at this hour. >> thank you. >> thanks. brad brings up a very good point in terms of the the trairaining. police did not seem to be ready for this. florida and cleveland, there are hundreds of officers going through riot training and preparing for just this eventuallity. >> they seem to do a good job there in albuquerque. they did not insight any more violence. back now with the panel, ellen and judy miller as well and tony, i know you have been dying in the green room to have something to say related to delegates and john kasich. the floor is yours. [ laughter ] >> i will say this, it was fascinating when i saw it come across the wire today that john kasich is going to hold onto his 160 some on. cruz has his substantial amount of over 500. brad is right and there is some degree leverage of being used for the platform and none of it is going to be meaningful. i did read the report though that i thought is kind of potential -- they are going to use leverage to convince donald trump to run a positive campaign or a traditional campaign and the republican, reagan conservative molds. i am not so sure that's a great idea. what we fail to recognize all yearlong and some of my colleagues still have failed to recognize it but in general of the world commentary and political kind of world is donald trump marches to the beat of his own drum is evaluating to a different rule because he's a different candidate. that's why when you try to evaluate him, we fail and we miss the point. i really would hope that the republican party while understanding that we need to make sure that we unify correctly that donald trump does support some of our core principles and together we move forward with the joint platform. the party needs to let donald trump be donald trump because its gotten him this far. i think he has a opportunity to self-correct and analyze how he needs to be to win votes. that has worked in his favor. >> judy on the air from the beginning he started like no one he had before and from the beginning, you are right, well, now he's done. and he's not done yet judy. >> absolutely. >> somebody has to admit that i have been wrong of donald trump. the bar for him is so high given his lack of credibility of the things he said again and again and the way he has to walk back his statements whether or not we are talking about the $6 million he claimed to raise for veterans group. that's a big issues with republicans and it turned out to be les than about $3 million or half. >> it is misstatements after misstatements and here is another thing. it is money. we have some of the top donor to t to -- top donors to the republican party who says no they're not going to help donald trump. >> there are some top donors who have agreed and changed their minds and decided to him out. >> that's about four days ago. he's got his work cut out for him. >> something that may change his mind and we are working to confirm this. there are initial report that paul ryan will endorse him that's coming from some campaign sources. we are trying to confirm that ourselves. that'll change some of their minds, perhaps. >> that would be a big help if paul ryan came in because it would bring in some other people because he would be able to get them on boar. trump is like this car accident and you cannot stop looking at it on the road. he's fascinating people. >> he's fascinating. there will be books, volumes written on how donald trump has managed to change the dynamic that we are talking about and tony was talking about that he evaluated bystanders and nothing seems to stick. how did the democrats try to get past that as they take them on. >> you want to talk about the ads that's starting to come out. >> very much so. >> specifically donald trump verses hillary clinton and where can they go in terms of the candidates' past. it is nastier than anything we have seen in the memories. >> taking it back to the '90s. >> how much worst can it get. >> her rival, sanders, he even says "it is time for a quote, messy convention." we'll bring back our panels for more on their thoughts. normandy medina ridge the chosin reservoir these are places history will never forget but more important are the faces we will always remember. ♪ opening the doors to young working class people that the democratic people need. t democracy is not always nice and gentle. >> do you think the convention could be messy? >> so what, a democracy is messy? everyday of my life is messy. if you want everything to be quiet and orderly and allows things to proceed without a debate, that's not what a democracy is about. >> everyday i am messy. >> he's a very likable person. >> yeah, think about what he's been able to do. he first announced and everybody ro wrote it off. he said at the "new york times." "do not under estimate me." >> his choices of words. joining me now is judith miller and they are all fox news' contributors. so contribute away on your thoughts. it is going to be a mess, well, that's okay, it is life. >> ellen, i will start with life. the fact that democracy is messy and dictator ship was not. there is not a whole lot of debate in putin's russia. direct examinati democracy has a lot of different opinions. we do see protests. that's what we do in this country. >> judy, is it like a warning shot. is he saying my people specifically may cause a problem. >> i think it maybe misinterpreted and i don't think that's not what he meant. i think democracy is a messy process. however, the other quality that it has is when you go into a general election, the democratic party is supposed to be united and what i am wondering because i still don't have a sense from bernie sanders as how or where he will come out and how hard he will press his supporters and followers to back the presumptive nominee, hillary clinton. i don't think we have seen any commitment of bernie sanders. >> absolutely. >> that's the kind of mess that could actually and absolutely destroy hillary. >> they are there flat out saying i am not going to support her until if and when bernie says support her and you have those that says they're not going to support her. >> a lot of them are saying they're going to vote for donald trump. >> i total aly agree with judy this one. >> 45% of voters are saying they'll vote for donald trump or not vote at all. that's the other option. it does not look like he's going to get it. on a question of democracy being messy, true, but this was not supposed to be a democratic process. this is a coordination of hillary clinton as the established front runner. and fewer participants and now you see bernie sanders endorsing the opponents. the congressional opponents. this is evolving into a much more messy fight for the democratic that you would ever imagine. >> ywe spoke about it specifically and asked of young voters and it was 45% who said they would not vote or they would vote for trump. she's in trouble, judy. >> yeah, she also lost the young people with each passing months. you talked about those 45% and 55% numbers. in april there were other polls that showed 80% of young people would serve her. that's bad news for her. >> we have no idea what's going to happen at the end. >> if bernie sanders does not get the nomination, if he does not get it, we don't know she's going to meet with him or pull him in or he's going to make an appeal to his supporters and she's not going to give him a huge -- >> but if she does that, does that whole entirely alienate her ability to move to the center? >> you cannot give in -- bernie sanders is a pick and trying to court the middle swing voters in america. >> i think think she could. >> but, she's no bill clinton. >> i also think she's going through schizophrenia that she wants bill clinton's third term or barack obama's third term. she cannot have her cake and eat it, too. she's trying to it though having her husband being in these econom economics -- >> her husband opening her up to some of the ads. there is been a few of those out there. a little bit of discussion on that. >> our political panel is standing by to contribute even more when we come back. >> stay with us. at gcu earning your degree online... doesn't have to be without the college experience. to find your purpose, it takes support from those around you. gcu's leadership offers over three decades of experience in delivering real-world degree programs online. gcu's online class size averages less than 17 students, with full-time faculty. find your purpose online, at grand canyon university. call us today at (855) gcu-1949. shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. america's election is back at the wee hour of the morning. >> everyday i am up at work. >> i am so fascinated. i thought i am going to be here over night, there will be coffee or donuts. no hospitality or something. >> coffee? >> oh, there is coffee. >> we'll get some of that in the break. we are seeing now this sort of general election dynamic release set up here in terms of trump and hillary. >> every show he calls in and he's been master at it at twittering and this kind of thing. to our fox news contributor on the panel. as you look at this, how worried are democrats that donald trump is able to over saturate over the next 167 days and hillary clinton does not have in the money. it is going to be much harder to get as much free media as he had and other candidates does not get. >> the investigation but it is not the media that she wants of investigation. [ laughter ] >> right, i am saying she will get a lot of the media that she wants. we'll see that happening. i am not worried about that. what i did see with the donald trump ad that i guess he put on the internet and did not put on television, i did not think tit was a great ad or whatever they do. i thought one of our interns could put together a better ad. >> we'll talk a little bit more on that. >> don't be knocking on the interns. we'll play it for everyone at home as well. judy, what are your thoughts in terms of media coverage and how trump is able to brand and now he's got "crooked hillary." he's been enormous talented giving people brands. jeb bush never emersed from the category. >> the problem is the adjectives he uses with hillary. he has been problems when it is over women. he called them over rated and terrible faces and bora kimbos. >> it did not hurt him yet? >> yes, we have been talking about donald trump's appeal to a republican audience. whether or not the same tricks will play in the general election is a very different issue. >> you have about 20 seconds. >> he's winning in every single poll including the one he's ahead. >> five, four, three, two o, on see you in the next hour. >> stay with us. and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. with the right financial partner, progress is possible. fox news election alert and this has been a wild tuesday night, wednesday morning for donald trump and for his supporter and for those who protested his mere appearance in albuquerque, new mexico. nice to be with you at home on this early morning. >> welcome to america's election headquarters. you know, trump is coasting as we expected to get another primary win. this one is in washington state. trump is taking on at least 27 more delegates as a result of this. he can wrap things up in two weeks. >> well, and in california june seventh as well. trump's success does not come quietly. violent protest erupted in albuquerque, new mexico. officers were injured and we saw rocks being thrown and water bottles being thrown, those kind of things. at least one person was arrested. we saw police as it got later in the evening begin to respond with pepper spray and those kinds of things trying to get the protesters off the streets. the big question is who these protesters are. >> we talked with our reporter who was on the scene and he said that in his opinion there were basically two group of protesters. there were about 500 or so that were there directly outside the convention center and they were protesting immigration, a big issue there. what, 48% of the population is hispanic? they were specifically there to protest. the second group were there just to cause trouble. >> that's the violent core we have seen. it brings up big questions in terms of all of a sudden is every one of these major rally what donald trump going to hold? will the republican nominee have protest and violence outside? that would change the tenor of anything we have seen in an american election for decades. you have to go back to 1968 to this kind of violence in politics. >> let's hope not. we go now to garrett who is live in washington. >> heather and leyland, good morning. there were also several peaceful protests in albuquerque. but last night a very different story several protesters clashed outside where trump's rally was being held. initially they overwhelmed the officers storming through a barricade at one point and knocking over a mounted police officer and a horse in the process before trying to break down a door and force their way inside. when police pushed them back they threw rocks, bottles and fireworks at the officer. some even set their own shirts on fire. several officers were reported injured and there has been one arrest. in the event though there were protests as well m the demonstrators broke into chants during trump's speech before they were escorted out. they blamed democrats for much of the protest particularly hillary clinton who was constantly putting out false stories and lies about him. >> you know they are bernie sanders supporters, but we are getting about 40% of bernie sanders because he is not going to win. the system is rigged against bernie sanders so he can't win. but i'm hearing we will get close to 40% of his supporters. maybe not these people though. >> trump is clearly focused on the general election now and after easily winning last night's primary in washington he is one step closer to officially becoming the gop nominee. he is expected to win all 44 of washington's delegates. we saw last night that there is still a large segment of republicans who are not getting behind him as a nominee. he won 76% of the vote, but cruz and kasich wanton% and carson who is now a trump supporter never withdrew his name from the ballot and won 4%. adding to that at the gop convention, attendees awarded 40 of the 41 delegates slots to cruz supporterses. trump will continue the west coast swing of his first official fundraising trip starting off with a rally later today in anaheim. there can be more protests there. a city councilmember tried to pass an official resolution condemning donald trump. >> we'll see what happens there today. thank you so much, garrett. we will talk more about that delegate count. >> and there is more surrounding on what ted cruz is up to. he suspended his campaign, but he could have a big role at this summer's gop convention. appreciate you being with us. as we look toward the convention, what is ted cruz and john kasich up to? are they still trying to play the delegate math game? we are seeing this as though they will get it on the ballot and this will be over. >> donald trump will get to 1237, but i think what you are seeing is cruz is not a dumb man. cruz had this planned out for a longtime. he wants to become president one day and continuing his push to retain the delegates gives us an option going into the convention to change the party rules and he can make these rules to make certain primaries close to going in there and certain rules like an outsider. >> the sports analogy would be arguing for the next call. >> exactly. he is looking at the long game and i think he will go and will unite the republican party, but he will use the pro-cruz delegates to change the rules to give him the advantage next time around. >> the last time we really saw somebody go into a republican convention with a lot of delegates in their pocket was pat buchanan in 1992 gave the big speech on the floor talking about the culture war and these kinds of things. in the end george h.w. bush lost the presidency. will ted cruz go to the convention floor and what does that do to the party overall and what does that do going forward in november? >> i think he will push certain agendas and fly into kentucky with kim davis. those are dying issueses and we need to focus on the economy. i hope ted cruz focuses on the long game. running in 2020 is the next step as donald trump loses to hillary clinton. we will see if they put the republican party first or puts their own ambition first. >> we appreciate you joining us. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> well, hillary clinton winning tonight's primary in washington state, but in a perfect example of just how convoluted, there is a word for you, how convoluted this process has become, the primary doesn't matter. >> that's a big word at 3:07 in the morning. the caucuses that were back in march do matter and sanders won those by a large margin. somebody who is not confused at 3:00 in the morning is brian yennis to break it down for us. >> practice particularly speaking it did not affect the democratic race. they have both a presidential primary and a caucus system. and hillary clinton won washington's primary which is the actual statewide vote. but it means nothing. it is effectively a poll because the state's caucus is what determines who wins delegates and senator bernie sanderses won it in march gaining 74 washington's 101 delegates. clinton has a big lead and has 97% of the 2383 total delegates she needs to win the democratic nomination. she is just 78 delegates short. she has won more total states and has three million more votes and has more pledge delegates than sanders. it is this math that fueled clinton to declare that she will be the democratic nominee. mrs. clinton continues to spend mop of her week in california ahead of june seventh's contest there. hillary is dedicating half of her speech last night in riverside focusing on the presumptive republican nominee donald trump. this time saying trump is, quote, allergic to facts whoil accusing the billionaire of making comments and cheering on the 2008 housing market crash to make more money. >> she said that a mortgage crisis would have been good for his business. and i have to tell you why on earth would we elect somebody president who actually wrote it for the collapse of the mortgage market? >> trump said at the time he was a businessman and it was deal making. he continues to campaign in california. his campaign launching an ad in the state on tuesday. all while pressuring clinton to follow through on the commitment to debate on fox in california. >> if we are big in california, if we win the other states that are off on june seventh, we are go into the democratic convention with enormous momentum. >> the last big day of this primary election is in less than two weeks. 694 delegates is up for grabs and they hope to win all six states with no signs of backing down. they said it could be a messy democratic convention. leyland and heather? >> that term messy has caused a mess for bernie sanders as well. thanks, brian. >> no problem. >> now more on bernie sanders. the question asked over and over is bernie sanders has no chance of winning and why is he so determined to stay in the imam? maybe an answer to that and we tacked about it giving him unprecedented say over the democratic platform that will be presented in july. for more on that the democratic strategy and former dnc spokesperson and former obama spokesperson. thank you for joining us this morning. >> let's talk about the unprecedented allowance that has been given to bernie sanders. he will be able to pick six people that will sit there out of 15 and help shape the platform, correct? >> yes. >> do you think that's what he was aiming for? >> oftentimes people are getting excited about the platform committee this year. and then as someone who sat through a bunch of platforms in my life, you need strong coffee to be at the end of this will. this is a big change. usually the platform committee is to put into word and writing all of the things that the two democratic candidates or however many candidates are. we expect to see that this year and bernie has had a big impact on the discussion already. >> debbie wasserman-schulz could have just named all 15 people herself, but instead they say they did this and is possibly a little peace offering to bernie sanders and his people, but yet they did this and then afterwards we had bernie sanders going in and throwing his support to debbie wasserman-schulz in florida. what do you think he is after? >> he had a chance to influence the debate and the issues discussed in the primary. he had an influence and a lasting one on the agenda of the next president of the united states. >> do you think she is hurting hillary clinton by staying in the race? >> i don't think so. i think what we have seen in exit poll time after time is that seven in ten democrats are excited about our candidates. they think it has made us stronger and they will focus on the issues that families are talking about that bernie sanders brought into this debate like debt free college and like expanding social security and raising the minimum wage. those are things he has made a part of the conversation and they will make our party stronger and the message clearer to voters. >> why do you theng hill -- why do you think hillary clinton said no to the debate on june 6th just before the june 7th primary? >> i don't think there is anyone in this country who can argue they haven't seen enough of the candidates on tv. that's a key question here. obviously she is ahead in delegates and she is ahead in votes by three million or more after tonight, and i don't see the dynamics of the race changes . >> anything can happen. >> yes, anything can happen. >> thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> anything can happen and will happen including donald trump being the presumptive nominee. it looks like hillary clinton will be the same. as they inch ever closer to their party's respective nomination they are turning their attacks toward each other and boy is it nasty. >> what impact could this nasty tone have on the general election race? we will show you that ad we have been talking about up next. stay with us. i was very nervous. no woman should be subjected to it. it was an assault. i tried to pull away from him. [laughing]. wbr id "wbr82952" rough. very rough. that is a donald trump ad out on instagram. obviously attacking hillary clinton and bill clinton is bringing up some of his past liaisons. she wbr id "wbr83122" brought bill clinton into it by saying he will be in charge of her economic policy. yes saying that and a lot of other things and attacking donald trump and trying to attack him on women. i think she had ads out or super pk did of women wearing /b t-shirts and reading lines that donald trump said about women and thought kinds of things. >> it is going to be a fine line that donald trump has to walk in interprets of the attack ads because hillary clinton is a woman. >> she is a woman but so far if there is a line it hasn't -- if there is a line and he crossed it, it hasn't hurt him. joining us is the bureau media of talk news and jamestown associate and pulitzer prize winner judith miller. all fox news contributors. to try and raise the level of discourse a little bit, i will quote from the wall street journal. those of a certain age will recall the 1990s. the so-called good old days when he warned america that a, quote, abusive hipocrite, could only think they had anything to say about his fitness for public office. where did the good old days go. >> i am not sure they were ever there. we look today at what has happened and once again we have to emphasize the extent to which donald trump has thrown out the playbook. everything we couldn't do or thought wouldn't work and in advertising and media campaigns it has to be reexamined. if that is an example of what we will see from donald trump he will need some work the ads i have seen from hillary especially the ads used against women -- >> wearing the t-shirt and everything? >> that's a very powerful ad. >> to that point, that same ad with almost the exact same words was used by the never trump folks about three or four months ago and it didn't work out well for them. >> you have to assume the general audience will be different. hillary has to assume that or she will be in trouble. >> i have had to cut you off in the last half hour. >> this is a dangerous fight for the clintons to pick. democrats make this mistake and they were basically able to get away from bill clinton ease a sexual misconduct and the economy was doing well and his job performance was doing well for him to endure the scandals. there is a sensitivity among these crimes of people and a newer generation. think about the fact that bernie sanders overwhelms hillary clinton with women under 40 and in fact all voters under 40. donald trump may have said some true and bomb bass stick -- bombastic things, but bill clinton has been accused of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct by three women and that does cause this moment where you stop and think do we want to bring the clintons back over again and when they are so wrought with nefarious misconduct. and then her helping him cover it up and get through the scandals while they try to wage a war on women arguments against donald trump. >> i don't agree. clinton got through it and he was respected when he left office. i woopt to say the trump ad -- i want to say the trump ad is so bad. >> you are right -- >> it may be bad, but we are all sitting around here talking about it. >> i will say that video production quality notwithstanding because i agree that as an ad maker it could have been a lot better but to hear the voices of these victims and at the beginning of the ad set to the backdrop of the big old bubba bill clinton face with the cigar and ending with her cackle, it does send that message. the clintons have to proceed carefully trying to attack trump on his very actually benign record against women when you compare it to bill clinton. >> we don't know it is so benign. >> the "new york times" tried to do a job and it backfired. if that's the best they had, keep it coming. >> that's the best the "new york times" had. >> to that point, we are sun wicks 7 -- 167 days until the election. what is the best anybody would have. you would think they are coming out in september and october and it is coming out now. >> i think they are saving some things. i think there are some arrows in their quiver. >> that's what hillary's camp has said is they are getting material together and just wait. just wait. when will that moment happen? >> she wants to wait to get the nomination. she is waging a war on two fronts. one is for the nomination and one is against donald trump. they have started against trump with the phone call and that kind of thing. >> and you don't want to spend as a news organization a lot of energy and money on a candidate whom you don't think is going to go anywhere. i think for a longtime a lot of the media were in denial about donald trump's appeal and they did not do the investigative stories that you need as we head toward the general campaign. >> we will check back in with you. >> "washington post" has 20 plus reporters looking into donald trump? >> "new york times" jie. and "washington post" as well. >> donald trump looking to close -- looking to lock up the gop nomination and knocking off 16 other candidates along the way. do you remember back that far? >> he did it so can he dispatch hillary clinton is a easily? clearly he is trying. that's exactly what we have been talking about. we will bring in the editor of "the daily caller" when we come back. welcome back. america's election headquarters in the wee hours of a wednesday morning. think back a few months ago and who expected donald trump to be the gop front runner. now that he is, could he do to hillary clinton what he did to his republican rivals? joining us now from our bureau in washington, the executive editor of "the daily caller." thank you for staying up with us and hope you had a couple cups of coffee. >> big time. >> it is strong. somehow donald trump brought fraternity nick -- nicknames to presidential politics. little marco, lyin ted and low energy and now crooked hillary. >> it is a simple and easy to under term, how to define your opponent and dispatch them. it worked in the primaries and obviously it is not just on the strength of good nicknames. it helps he canada fine his opponents by their weaknesses and in this case crooked hillary trump thinks it is sticking because he continues to roll it out. he made his case that politicians give americans a raw deal. at the end of the dwai -- at the end of the day hillary clinton's inability to identify the whole campaign and to define her as crook cede will be a weakness. right now she doesn't have it. you ask her supporters how do you define hillary clinton's campaign? it is hard to do. >> they say hillary can't explain why she should be president. to that point and judy miller was making the last segment here. donald trump only had to appeal to a subset of the republican voters. now he will have to appeal to the swing voters and the blue collar democrats in a different group. does the glib one-liner play well in peoria as it did with another town with smaller audiences? >> i suspect it will. he is moving toward trying to broaden his appeal. he has tried to unify the republican party. we have seen that the party is starting to unify behind him. the republican convention is not going to be the chaotic one. instead the democratic convention will have the chaos and as far as donald trump's ability to appeal to people, i think it will work. and by the way, donald trump and hillary clinton are making the same ovation right now when it comes to the election which is imagine having the clintons in the white house. it is the same message on both sides. >> there is that message, and you think about it though, they are both clamoring to try to win the women vote. but rather than appealing to the womenavote they say, no, no. the other guy was worse about women. donald trump is saying that about hillary clinton and clinton is saying trump is terrible with women. does this race for the negative gutter win? >> it clearly works. negative works in politics. that's not a secret. it is effective especially if you can define your opponent. hillary clinton's campaign think they canada fine it early. >> can both sides try to define their opponent essentially with the same tag. my sense is that women don't act as that voting block. they have diverse political views and they don't just vote based on their biology. i think hillary clinton has discovered that. she has been a bit bewildered by the lack of overwhelming support from women in her race against bernie sanders. i expect for donald trump v hillary clinton so as long as they can blunt the criticisms saying you have serious issues when it comes to women. it kwan sells it out and they will -- it cancels it out and they will have an electorat rather than their gender. >> it does seem like a no rules cage match as this goes on. i appreciate you staying up with us, sir. >> always good to be here. >> vince brought up an interesting point in terms of clinton being surprised more women haven't come to her defense. we heard that from madeline all bright. she said there is a special place in hell for a woman who doesn't support another woman. >> the younger female voters took offense. they vote based on the issues and not based on biology. >> i got nothing. we are back with ellen ratner, the bureau chief. the pulitzer prize winner judith miller andule three fox news contributors. we are talking party unity specifically with the democrats. the one person that really could probably unite the democratic party has been silent so far and that is president obama. president obama and elizabeth warren as well. she has not jumped into the fray. why are we not hearing hearing from them? >> i don't know why. i think they are waiting to see it out. we will hear from them at the convention and i think we will hear a unifying thought and platform. i really do. >> judy? >> i think he is very busy working on his own legacy. we have seen a flurry of legislation and a rather extraordinary initiative. whether it is trying to clear out gitmo or his vietnam asia tour. beyond that if you had asked president obama four months ago whether or not endorsing hell remay have help her they would have said no it wouldn't. >> 51% or so? >> 51% and that's better than it was bever -- i think right now what is important is he has to calculate whether or not it would hurt or help her in the endorsement. i don't think he wants to particularly choose at this point between bernie sander alienate one part of the base. >> you mentioned he was in vietnam and he was asked specifically about messy politics and where he saw himself in five years. he said something along the lines of i like to be positive and optimistic. sometimes the others look at our election system and think what a mess he said the same thing. >> i think he has invested his legacy in hillary clinton much more decidedly than bernie sanders. although i do think in terms of a spiritual socialism he is much more aligned with bernie sander sander-style progressiveism. she was part of new democratic movement and then she became part of the bernie sanders' progressive movement. i do think there is a reluctance for any sitting president to short circuit the process by which the delegates and the people of the party get to select someone. i think he is being respectful for that. nonetheless, i don't think he is an asset. even with high popularity in 1999, 2000 did not overtly go out there. elections are about the future and not the past. i don't think hillary benefits all that much outside the democratic base by making her claim that she will be the third term of barack obama. >> doesn't barack obama have the ability to motivate and to bring out to the polls a huge number of african-american voters who will be key in states like pennsylvania and florida and maybe even in ohio where things could be close with donald trump's appeal? >> absolutely and now is not the time to make that pitch. it needs to happen after she has the nomination and when the party is unified he hopes. that's when his support and his encouraging his base to get out and all democrats get out. that's what she is going to do. >> we know there is no love loss. but what do you make of the fact that president obama is so vocally anti-trump. almost mocking him and dismissive. >> he is looking at the subset which is the republican party. he looks at the american public and says the american people that i know are not going to elect donald trump. that is his view and i think that is his hope. >> but there is an arrogance that i don't think serves the presidency well. he has been paned by all sides. he should stay by the fray, but i will say to your point, one of the most misunderstood politics is the idea of of coat tales. it is hard to draw voters out. in 2014 they barnstormed the country and did absolutely everything to motivate the obama base. they did not show up and they will likely not show up in the same numbers for hillary regardless of what he does. >> thank you, panel. stand by. final thoughts a little later. somebody who did have a lot of coat tale in 2008 and 2012 was bill clinton. >> yes. i was thinking in terms of president obama. high was in that race and hillary clinton did not drop out until the last primary, after the last primary. >> exactly. the democratic primary race is not over, but now hillary clinton is already facing perhaps an even bigger battle. >> we were talking about the polls and we will look at some of the polls that put her behind donald trump in the general election. you are watching america's election headquarters. it has been an exciting night. it is showing hillary clinton losing ground in a match up against donald trump. it comes as he makes strides toward unifying his party and clinton struggles to lock up the nomination against her rival, bernie sanders. ashley pratt joins us now from our bureau in washington, d.c. ashley, thank you so much for joining us. >> anytime. >> what is your take on the latest polls. we had the real clear politic average of polls that puts trump ahead by .2%. we had other polls that we looked at specifically this. this was the "wall street journal" poll and another put him ahead. she is losing ground. >> it looks as she stays in a battle with bernie sanders trump's numbers can only go up from here. i think that's what we are starting to see is the consolidation and unification around the ticket. it was something a longtime ago that we thought republicans would be ones who were fractured and tattered and the torn, but it is the democrats in this case hillary clinton's number can only go up that is important to look at. she has not done herself favors. she built her entire career running for the white house and this is her last chance and she knows that. getting into the election is donald trump whose number rims proving and is made of teflon. nothing he says sticks and she has not been able to stick it to him yet. i don't know how that will play out, but as it woman ' s down donald trump -- but as it comes down donald trump knows how to make his case to voters. there is a big pool of voters who will not vote for hillary clinton and some are sanders supporters. >> and her political career. they are looking for someone from the outside. >> how does she get them to support her and not leave the party and vote for donald trump? >> you nailed. it it is the year of the outsider. it can be to hillary clinton's demmise. and that is what we are starting to see with sanders supporters. they see her with the ultimate insider she has a record that attaches itself to the democratic establishment and sanders supporters are not going to go for it. i think trump will take some of those sanderses supporters. it is like 17% of sanderses supporters will not back her. unless bernie sanders is able to come in with some agreementar your endorsement, there is a civil war in the party and they are coming under fire. >> ashley pratt, thank you for joining us this early. >> thank you. >> see what happens. >> and in the primary with debbie wasserman-schulz. incredible the amount of back stabbing. >> we had numbers that came in and since he announced his support of her opponent he raised a record amount of money. >> they september out e-mails for -- they sent out e-mails for progressive candidates. sanders has coat -- coat tails. we have been talking about it all night. what does the violence in allah customer key mean moving forward and going forward. final thoughts from the panel coming up. don't mind us. we are taking some selfies. >> we have to mark it down in history that we were all here until almost 4:00 a.m. >> and everyone at home is with us too. >> another pot of coffee on. our panel had a lot of coffee on. they have a lot to say here. some final thoughts now and the executive vice president of jamestown associates. pulitzer prize winner is here all fox news contributors. we will 8 lou you now. contribute away, please. >> i want to give an idea on something that has never been measured as a metric of success. i would say in the last two weeks although i think trump has enjoyed most of his campaign, you have seen a stark difference between the two major candidates right now if you consider hillary as the likely nominee of the democratic party. she is struggling and you can tell. her speeches and her campaign stops seem almost tortured. she is grasping at a rational to attack trump and she is grasping at things to stave off sanderses. if you contrast it he has kept this upbeat and almost enthusiastic dynamic around his campaign. >> you say it has never been measured, but wasn't the -- wasn't that whatlyin ted was about? >> fair point. i don't know if historically it was measured. maybe this campaign season more than ever. it has been a lot more about personality. you see trump having the most successful two weeks so far. he is positioned extremely well especially now and hillary is going into the same convention. >> i think peaceful protesting helps hillary. and there are police horses and police dog and that helps donald trump because it raise will all of the fearses about the security and the person who is out there opposing trump. i have to step back and say, wow, donald trump beat out 16 other candidates and they are in a knockdown, drag out race to be the nominee. they are among the most popular candidates we have ever had. that's the highest and the last poll is like 54 and not that far behind. are the american people really going to be asked to hold our moases and vote for somebody -- hold our noses and vote for somebody they dislike the least? >> i want to say that hillary is still in this race with bernie. bernie has done an interesting thing. he has endorsed some of the more liberal party candidates. this has to be something from the ground up. today he did an e-mail that splits the money with eight candidates. hillary has sent out these much more personal e-mails. i would love to meet you and have dinner with me if you contribute and you are in the race for dinner. >> but it is interesting and i think trump is also hoping that the never hillary beats the never trump. >> but how do you beat somebody with nobody? we have these two never movements that are not for everybody. >> let's not forget as much as we have talked about personality and the negativity of both of their approval ratings, donald trump in these polls leads her among the two biggest issues that americans care about. the jobs in the economy and terrorism. his campaign is actually filling out. it is no longer just about donald trump the persona. he has done a remarkable job giving the american people a reason to believe on the two things they care most about he is a better candidate. >> that is a switch typically with the terrorism. >> we shall see. we haven't had a lot of terrorism since san bernadino. let's hope it stays that way. a major attack could definitely change the political landscape. >> it has been awfully quiet and there has not been any evidence. >> there is material on the body parts that has been discovered. >> all right. well, i'm out of here. you are sticking around. abbie is about 10 feet over there and ready to take over. i am going to get some sleep. >> and i am going to post our selfie. >> stay tuned for that. >> retweet it. "fox and friend first." >> it starts right now. do not go away. >> there you go. of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief >> it is wednesday, may 25th. chaos on the campaign trial. vie len protests exploding outside of a donald trump rally in new mexico overnight. >> people raging out of control. breaking barriers, smashing doors and throwing rocks at police but don't tell trump that. >> you know, the safest place to be any time in our country is at a trump rally. it's love. >> we have fox news team coverage for you this morning.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160630 10:00:00

and low take-home wages. >> but you have sunshine and beaches. the ugly. this may be the worst handshake in history. the canadian prime minister shaking hands with president obama and the mexican president at the same time. but it sort of ended up in a tangled mess. >> who showed you -- >> here you go. >> have a good day everyone. "fox and friends" starts now. good morning. it's thursday, july 30th. we start with the fox news alert. breaking news in the airport terror attacks. they were not working alone. more than a dozen terror suspects, therm rounded up overnight and just arrested. >> good. meanwhile, listen to this. our attorney general loretta lynch is leading the criminal investigation led by the fbi into hillary clinton. so why in the world did our attorney general have a private half-hour meeting with hillary clinton's husband on board a private aircraft? >> i was landing. he was headed out. he did come over and say hello and speak to my husband and myself and talk about grandchildren and his travels and things like that. that was the extent of that. >> really? that's all? nothing else to talk about? >> i guess not. could be the most awkward handshake in history. president obama, canada's prime minister and the mexican president can't seem to get their hand jive working. "fox and friends" starts right now. >> we could try it here guys. ites like if you're holding a cocktail. >> suddenly, it became twister on the couch. i would shake hands. this is the kind of thing you have people for. i spilled it all over. >> it would be one of those things you should practice ahead of time. >> somebody to walk you through it. >> speaking of world leaders, world influencer, clayton morris. >> for sure. >> you're looking patriotic. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. you know today is national world social media day. >> good. >> you're the perfect guy to fill in for brian today. >> we have our great social media staff here on fox news. the three of us are going to take it over and turn the tables on them. >> you know what today is? today's my anniversary. i am wearing essentially the same suit. blue suit, pink tie that i got married to my wife kathy doocy in 30 years ago. >> did you get her something really nice? >> oh, yeah. >> going to do as doos on the loose and let you shop for her. >> never again. >> get her a gift. >> my wife is watching. happy anniversary. >> happy anniversary. she's so lovely. congratulations. >> thank you very much. heather joins us with the news. >> nice news. congratulations, steve and kathy. 30 years. good morning to all of you. i've got serious news to bring you right now. this is breaking overnight. we just got this in moments ago. 13 terror suspects have now been arrested tied to the deadly airport bombings in istanbul. three of them foreign nationals, all arrested in a series of dramatic police raids that took place overnight in that city. although we don't know the names yet, for the first time we're getting a look at the faces of the airport attackers. >> turkish media showing these. 41 innocent people killed and more than 200 hurt when they stormed the airport opening fire and then blowing themselves up. more as we get it this morning. less than 24 hours after that terror attack in turkey, the fight to take out isis from the sky is without a doubt on. u.s. air strikes wiping out a convoy killing at least 250 fighters and destroying vehicles loaded with weapons. those fighters were trying to leave the southern part of fallujah and iraq when they were hit by the u.s. air strikes. other brand new video just in. showing how the secret service stopped a potential bloodbath at the white house. jesse olivieri is marching past a security check point, ignoring orders, gun in hand. moments later a guard shooting him in the chest. a judge says that the gunshot was the only thing that stopped olivieri from a rampage. he now faces 20 years in prison. this we've been talking about perhaps the most awkward handshake in history. check this thing out. all right. so that was yesterday. the canadian prime minister, justin trudeau going in with his right hand to shake hands with president obama, but crossing over his left hand to shake hands with the mexican president. the whole thing ended in a tangled mess. this happened after the three amigo summit in ottawa, canada. try again. >> barack obama had the good sense to only try to use his right hand. >> here we go. >> she's over here. >> that concludes our quattro amigos. so this was one of our lead stories this morning. the attorney general who is, of course, conducting with the fbi, the criminal investigation into the use of a private e-mail server by hillary clinton. okay. she's running the investigation. yet, she met on monday with bill clinton at sky harbor airport out in phoenix for half an hour on a private plane. some folks from abc's channel 15 out in phoenix interviewed her and said, hey, you can't do that. that looks bad, doesn't it? did you talk about the case? here's what she said. >> was it appropriate for you to meet with former president clinton while he's in the middle of an investigation of his wife's e-mail servers. >> i did see the president at the phoenix airport the other night as i was landing, he was headed out. he did say hello and speak to my husband and myself. talked about his grandchildren and his travels and things like that. that was the extent of that. no discussions were held on any cases or anything of that. he didn't raise anything about that either. >> he didn't bring anything up? of course, there's a hue and cry calling for her to step aside and recuse herself. how can you have private meetings on a tarmac with the husband of the lead person you're looking into>> right. >> how many times in the e-mails, clinton foundation e-mails tied to this. he's not separate from this investigation. there are e-mails from her e-mail server they're looking into that might have gone to the clinton foundation. >> she flew into the area on a government plane. >> they met on his private airplane. we are to believe that, because she said this. we've got to believe her. they talked about golf and grandkids for half an hour. some have said it doesn't smell right. >> i do believe that that's what they talked about. but i believe they talked about much more than that. i don't think she's lying and saying of course they taukd about the grandkids. that's the obvious thing they talked about. >> it's to be in the presence of. >> listen, when i heard this, it didn't shock me at all. you expect this. we have to follow the law. then there's that upper echelon where i feel like they can get away with stuff. no one questions them. because they are the law. >> it's the being in front of. geraldo rivera is joining us this morning. >> an attorney. >> we're going to get your reaction to this. should the hue and cry of this, is this wrong? having a 30-minute meeting. >> those are two questions, clayton. >> good morning, steve and kathy and clayton. we send our love to you on your 30th. you are two of the nicest people that i've met. certainly in the half century in the news. >> thank you very much. >> our love to you. as an attorney, it stinks. the fact that we're talking about their meeting is evidence that ipso facto as they say in the law, by its very nature, it's fundamentally an unsound stinky thing for them to do. should the attorney general of united states recuse herself from the case that the justice department is proning? no. that goes too far. she's not the active attorney on the case. although -- >> she's the boss. >> beyond a doubt that politics do color prosecutions. there's no doubt about that. that happens in all administrations. this never should have happened. she should have known better. it is a gross embarrassment to her. in terms of legally, if you're asking me fundamentally a legal question, is this grounds for recusal, i submit to you that it is not. >> geraldo, it's like the d.a. having lunch with john gotti before a mob trial. >> that may be a little sharper analogy than i might have drawn myself, steve. but i don't disagree. i'm just saying that, while the appearance of it is really -- >> it looked like -- >> but you might have said that just because of the fact that she was appointed by barack obama. she came out of the district of brooklyn, new york. she's a democratic loyalist and has been. you could say that the fix is in when she was appointed attorney general. i think that people look at this and see it through their own political lenses. >> we want to know what our viewers think. you guys at home, send us what you think. let's move on to something else. we have fox news polls that have been released this morning, geraldo. we want your take on them. a lot of people traveling for fourth of july. the majority of americans feel like profiling will make our country safer. almost 60% believe that profiling should occur. carrying weapons, 41% say that that's going to make our country safer and banning muslims, 40% of our country, compared to 18 prs. >> the reason we mentioned this is john brennan, the cia director came out yesterday, geraldo, this is one of the reasons you're reporting from jerusalem, isis is likely planning a hit on u.s. soil. >> no sound bite. you talk now. >> it's my turn to speak? i can give you my opinion on profiling. i mean, it's very controversial. i believe that specific, sharply targeted profiling is a good idea. i think it is absolutely dumb to pretend that a 75-year-old jewish lady in a wheelchair represents an equal threat to someone from one of the conflict zones who happens to be 23 years old, a single male. i mean, it is absurd the way we try to spread around the resources of the sorely strained tsa and other security apparatus in the nation. we have to be much smarter about it. when they go after the mafia, they're going after a group who has roots in sicily or historically had. they don't go after the icelanders. to be politically correct when it comes to law enforcement or national security is a waste of resources. does that mean that every mosque gets targeted, every muslim kid gets frisked? you know, i can just remind people that during the war on drugs, me, my last name, my mustache, i was constantly being stopped at airports, particularly where i was -- countries where i was not on television as if i was a colombian drug lord. i had to have the patience to endure it as embarrassing as it was. we have to be smart how we use our limited resources. it's an all-out war, what happens in istanbul, in turkey was evidence of the fact that no one is safe when you have apocalyptic -- who want to cause suffering and pain to the nonsunni muslim world. >> sure. if you -- you're in israel right now. the national airline. they profile every time somebody gets on the plane. >> they actually do. i'm glad you mentioned the airlines. i made a mistake in my reporting yesterday. i said with the new reconciliation deal between turkey and israel, with turkey now sending back an ambassador, israel sending an ambassador, they're going to reopen full diplomatic relations that have been sorely severed following the attack on the relief ship going into gaza six years ago. the flights between israel and turkey were never suspended. there are nine flights a day. israelis, what they do, they fly from here to istanbul airport. most connect from there to asia or the rest of europe. israel doesn't have a lot of, you know, outlets. so turkey and israel have always had the air bridge that connects the two. now with full relations. netanyahu has done a smart thing. he's gother owe wan, the two -- basically in israel's corner in the big picture. that is a positive development even with the 13 perpendiculars, alleged perps being arrested. >> geraldo rivera, live from jerusalem. thank you. still ahead, the never trump group taking its attack to the next level. >> this national -- >> like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. >> it won't count for much and it won't last unless it's grounded in thoughtfulness -- >> will be -- look out above. a close call on a cruise ship when a plane flying feet from the deck. >> whoa. >> how in the world did that happen? 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here to weigh in, former romney strategist and the author of a brand new book, the innocent have nothing to fear, stuart, good morning. >> good morning. good to be here. thanks. >> there are apparently a number of holdouts, including your former -- the guy you used to work with, mitt romney. who don't like trump and would like to see somebody else come in at the last minute riding up on a white horse. >> we all like a white horse. that fox poll that came out. 51% of republicans would prefer someone else to be the nominee. i don't know how that compares to what it would have been four years ago or eight years ago. it seems pretty high to me. it's hydraulic pressure to me. if you think you want someone else of the party -- >> you know it's going to be donald trump. >> in all likelihood. if not, it would be ted cruz. he came in second. has the second most delegates. i never bought the idea that someone would come in from the outside. >> at the same time, when you've got mitt romney who talked at great length yesterday about how much he does not like donald trump and then you got the entire bush dynasty saying we're going to set out, doesn't that hand the whole ball of wax to hillary? >> it's up to donald trump to coalesce republicans. >> the republicans actively campaigning against him. >> you know, i put the burden on donald trump. he's 74% of republicans now. to win he has to get north of 90%, just like hillary clinton has to get north of 90% with her party. i think a lot of republicans have some sort of difficulty when he comes out with his trade position. would be the first nominee against nafta. that's completely against what republicans -- >> the u.s. chamber of commerce came out with that. >> thumbnail. what's your new book about? >> it's a dark comedy set at a brokered republican convention in the near future. >> is it set in cleveland in clee weeks? >> it's set in new orleans, because it's more fun there. >> stuart stevens, always a pleasure. he tried to run for mayor of baltimore and failed miserably. now a controversial black life's matter leader has a new job in the education system. people have told her their answer is inoperable. some people are told that now have a chance because of an amazing medical breakthrough. dr. marc siegel tested it out for himself and about to tell us about the new technology changing lives. good luck with the meeting today. thank you. as our business is growing, and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. holiday inn has been a part of the team. you're on the fourth floor. it makes life on the road much easier. book your next journey at it manow it's war, they band i want them dead!lves. the fleas and ticks? 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that's crazy. >> absolutely, cli ton. a -- clayton. any number of functions from motor skills to memory, but now hospitals like henry ford in detroit are utilizing a new and exciting solution. it's called diffusion technology. i spoke with henry ford's chair of neurosurgery, dr. steve cal cain is to find out more. take a look. >> today i am the patient testing out the new diffusion technology on my own brain. this may look like an ordinary mri machine, but the bright matter software turns images that once looked typical into the medical land of oz. >> this is dr. siegel's brain. what are the red things. >> that brings your brain to life. those are the different tracks within the brain. >> if there was a tumor here, you would see where it was. >> we could overlay it on top of another to pick the path. >> you could show the images as you were operating on me? >> absolutely. they're projected on five different screens in the operating room. >> it's a color coded gps map of the brain. >> in the old days, we had a plain static map. if you had to go from point a to b, you figured it out. this technology tells you step by step how to get to point b. along the way, if there's a construction zone or if there's a detour, it tells you well in advance where you should be going. at the end, you have confirmation that you got there successfully. >> it's giving new hope to what were just recently dire situations. >> many patients were told we can't operate, it's too dangerous, we've been able to convert some of those cases to a case that we can actually perform surgery on. >> like 28-year-old tiffany crow diagnosed with a brain tumor as a teen. ten years after her surgery, she suddenly lost motor skills in her left arm. the tumor was back. >> would i lose some of my ability in my hand, more weak yes, sir my left eye. that was the scary part. a lot of people don't realize how important they are until they're gone. you can't put your hair up in a ponytail, you can't zip your jacket or tie your shoes. >> tiffany's neurosurgeon, ian lee new this new technology was essential for a successful surgery. >> in tiffany's case, we knew the tumor was close to -- we had to be ix tra cautious. by knowing where the white matter tracks are, it does give us a very good idea of where the danger lies. >> now? >> everything that they could see was removed and i don't have permanent weakness at this point. >> show me. >> i can squeeze your hand pretty tight. >> that's pretty strong. >> i can touch all my fingers together. something i couldn't do two weeks ago. >> for brain surgeons at henry ford and elsewhere, this is only the beginning. >> probably the most exciting age ever in the history of neurosurgery. the technology of tomorrow, i think we're closer to star trek than we've ever been before. >> this is very good news for the 78,000 brain tumor cases expected to be diagnosed this year. clayton, the day before surgery, she couldn't zip up her jacket. the day after, she could. >> it becomes a death sentence. i had a close friend who passed away two weeks ago from a brain tumor. there's little research and money that goes to this area. this is a huge frontier. >> we need more money and someday it's going to be something we hold in our hand like star trek and look into the brain and see exactly where to operate. >> unbelievable. thanks, doc. >> good to see you. coming up here on the show, how long did hillary clinton wait before she called the benghazi survivors? . the true story comes out and it doesn't look good. a hard pounding look at the fight to protect our freedom. >> we're still alive right now. i don't know if we're going to be when we get back. but here we go. >> you know him from the champ and silver spoons. ricky schroeder joins us with the intense perspective of war that only our heroes have seen until now. come on in. first, happy birthday to your friend country star cole swindell. 33 today. what are you doing? getting faster. huh? detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. when your security's built in not just bolted on, and you protect the data and not just the perimeter, you get faster. wow, speed kills. systems open to all, but closed to intruders. trusted by 8 of 10 of the world's largest banks. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at with hillary as president, no thanks. i served in benghazi. my friends didn't make it. they did their part. do yours. and if you love lobster and shrimp, ...check out all these new entrees. like new coastal lobster and shrimp... ...with summer ale barbeque sauce, ...and new lobster and shrimp overboard. overboard? nah,'s just right. so hurry in. yesterday, we got hitch a ride with the ghostbusters mobile. >> what are you doing? >> who are you going to call? >> of course. >> that is the car that is used in the brand new ghostbusters movie. >> it is the actual car. the promotion was through the car service. that app called lyft and through sony. if you watched on facebook live yesterday, things got a little crazy >> i want to see this. >> what are we doing here? >> we'll jump in the car and drive around the city. >> i did not realize that would happen. >> my favorite day on "fox and friends." we're riding through new york city in the ghost buster mobile. >> people taking a picture of us. >> so cool. we're about to go into times honking? >> can i climb up there? oh, this is better. we're probably going to be arrested soon. ghostbusters. >> steve is going to get in the front seat, i believe. we're stuck in traffic, steve. >> welcome to new york. >> i will take care. >> who are you going to call? >> call victor. >> excuse me. heineken guy, we could use some beer in the ghostbusters car. >> who are you going to call? heineken. >> how did it handle? is it good on the open road? >> victor was in charge of that. >> that's so cool. >> we didn't know we were going to ride around new york city in it. when we got in, it was so fun. what's typical of new york, there were probably one out of every ten was taking a picture. the rest were just walking to work, not even paying attention. >> some of the great landmarks here. the new york public library down the street. >> absolutely. where they did the original. >> that was yesterday on facebook live. today is national social media day. this hour, clayton is in charge of our social media. >> because we have an amazing team here. i stole the social media phone from our producers. i'm about to knock them off the computer. i'm going to start a facebook live stream now. "fox and friends" on facebook. you can watch the page. we're streaming live right now. >> in other words, they would be able to see what you're looking at right now. >> exactly. jump in. i'm going to get off the set and kick people off. >> facebook, snapchat and insta and twitter. >> no tinder? >> no tinder during the day. >> his wife hates that. >> i'm going to -- >> we have a team here in the social media team, they're on the computer most of the morning. >> we've got some -- >> this is a lot of work. >> he's going to go in there. they've got a computer set up. can you guys get off of here? >> julie from social media, if he can use the computer. >> that's our green room that's actually red. >> live on our facebook live stream. >> 600 viewers. almost 700 in the last minute. >> come on, folks, let's go for 2,000 people. go to facebook. >> i think you can do it. >> if you go to the snap chat, i was drinking out of steve's coffee this morning. >> steve, did you know that? >> your coffee is lower now. >> i thought american runs on dunkin. apparently, i'm running on clayton. >> you wouldn't be the first. >> thank you all so much for logging on to social media. we're going to hand it over to heather who has some headlines. >> hello ainsley and steve. good morning to all of you. news to bring you right now. this one is without a doubt an american embarrassment. we are learning now exactly how long it took for hillary clinton to call the survivors of the deadly benghazi terror attacks. >> my son is dead because of her. i would like to talk to her. >> that is pat smith, the mother of shawn smith, one of the men who died that day. she never got that call. clinton waiting seven weeks after the attack that killed four americans to call survivors. even then, she only called one of them out of 35 because her aide told her to call. from being at the center of police protest to recruiting teachers. black lives matter and failed baltimore mayor candidate has been hired by the city of baltimore to oversee thousands of children's education. he will make $165,000 a year. mccass inwas arrested several times for leading protests over the death of freddie gray. that led to the arrest -- arrest of six police officers. right now, there's a massive hunt for a grizzly bear after it mauled a mountain biker to death. we have new video of the chilling moments that police were alerted. >> they have the victim of a bear attack. 35-year-old male. >> that was brad treat. he was outside glacier national park in montana when the bear attacked him on a trail. he was a law enforcement officer for the u.s. forest service. he was just 30 years old. jaw dropping video of a motorcycle losing control with a rider on it sending him tumbling over the edge headfirst. you can see a van changing lanes, leaving that rider really with nowhere to go. goodness. >> a car following behind capturing that on video. this happened on the highway in brazil. somehow that man survived the fall. he landed on a pile of metal scaffolding. he broke both of his legs but is otherwise going to be okay. thank goodness for that. >> wow. >> thank you, heather. >> time for weather and maria molina joins us live on this thursday before the big holiday weekend. >> hey, maria. >> good morning. we're tracking pretty nice weather across the northeast. we're expecting a lot of sunshine and things are quiet extending into parts of new england. other areas will be more active, especially across the southeastern u.s. and also out west. we have the american monsoon season kicking off across parts of the rockies and the southwestern u.s. starting to see more showers and thunderstorms forecast for that area. you can see there is a small chance that we could see isolated severe weather across portions of the carolinas, virginia and parts of the plains. that's something to keep a close watch on. otherwise, temperatures in the southeast and the plains already very warm. many areas with temperatures into the 70s. as we head into this afternoon, they will be heating up into the 90s. heads up across the southwestern u.s., you're getting relief from the very hot temperatures in place over the last couple of weeks. in phoenix, closer to average. 100 degrees this afternoon and you should be at 80 in l.a. back to you inside. >> one of our guests lives in los angeles. fans know him from the champ and silver spoons and later in nypd blue. the now golden globe winner ricky schroeder is telling stories from behind the camera. >> oh, what a cute child. and his new six-part documentary series. it tells the stories of our soldiers in afghanistan. it is from their perspective with footage from their own cameras attached to their helmets. look. >> 3, 2, 1. hit it. >> if you don't return fire, you're going to be on the receiving end of that bullet. you can know how close it is by the snaps of the bullet itself. the louder the whiz, the faster you might want to run. >> that's an understatement. joining us right now is executive producer ricky schroeder. >> good to see you. >> you had a whole run of these shows before. now you're back. with about half a dozen more episodes. this is a unique point of view, doesn't it? >> yes. this is the first documentary and war series i've ever seen where they've told the story from the soldiers' helmet campers peck tiff. other war shows, vietnam in hd and world war ii in hd. they used interviews with the soldiers but b roll of the conflict. this is 100% of the footage. >> we see the war from their perspective. why this is so important, i think, is because we show how hard it is to find the enemy in the series. it's a six-hour series and we show how complicated the modern battlefield is and the rules of engagement are. if we can see the war as the soldiers see it and experience it like they experience it for a moment as a nation, we can then understand how hard it is for them to do what they do. when they thank them and we all want to support them, we understand what we're thanking them for. we truly understand what they go through. the only way to understand that is to see it from how they see it. >> it's just wonderful that you've done this. i know you were embedded with them before. your firster sies. >> that's right. >> this is from their perspective. that one the camera was on your helmet. this one the camera is on theirs. you said it was hard to find the enemy. why? in other paragraphs in the past we knew owe i. >> it's an ideology. it can move anywhere it wants to in the world. it can affect any person at any time. in afghanistan, they don't wear a uniform. it's a guerilla war they fight, the taliban and isis. they look like every other farmer until they decide to plants an i.e.d. it's really hard to find them. a lot of times they walk patrols these soldiers until they get shot at. >> you feel so strongly about this, you tried to join. didn't make it. >> after nech, i wanted to do something. >> you didn't qualify. >> i took the written test and the physical. the doctor said i need to know everything wrong to you. and if you lie to me you'll be in trouble. i had childhood asthma. he's like -- >> sorry. >> we can't wait to watch this. you'll take us on the frontline and show us what the soldiers go through. we see them in the airport and we see them around, we can thank them. >> it comes out july 5th on directv audience channel and digitally the next day. >> we're big fans of your work. >> thank you very much. >> look forward to it. >> we've been watching you since silver spoons. coming up, brand new fox poll shows hillary clinton is ahead of donald trump by six points. what is donald trump doing wrong? we have lisa booth here to analyze and tell us what she thinks. >> come on in, lisa. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo 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baked-on alfredo by hand,right? yes, dear. dish issues? cascade platinum... powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. this turned out great. cascade. brand new fox news polls show that donald trump is slipping in a head to head matchup against hillary clinton. clinton has a six-point lead on donald trump. but in our poll just a few weeks ago, she was only up by 3. what does it mean and what else do we have to learn from these polls? here to explain is washington examiner contributor lisa booth. >> hi, ainsley. thank you for having me. >> let's look at the first one. it's obvious that democrats will vote for hillary clinton and republicans will vote for donald trump. this is what i found interesting. independents. more independents will vote for trump. that's good news for him. >> that's absolutely good news for him. what's bad news is he's slipped with the republican support. he's lost about 8 points since may. looking ahead at the convention, this is going to be a big opportunity to get republicans to coalesce around him, to give a great speech and have republican -- to get people to support him. >> why is he slipping? >> he's facing an onslaught of negative attacks. that's been problematic for him. we've seen that in the polls and slipping in the polls since he's been under attack. it's time for him to sort of -- especially looking at the convention, one coalesce republican to get on message and to try to avoid being under attack. >> let's look at men versus women. women, they choose hillary clinton 51%. men 46% choose donald trump. >> right. so we're seeing this gender gap. that 19-point lead that hillary clinton has with women is pretty substantial. donald trump, the 10-point lead, he's slipped with men a little bit as well in the past month. that's something he needs to look at. what we're going to see from hillary clinton is she's going to try to continue to attack donald trump, especially with women voters and drive those numbers down. so it's going to be important for donald trump to address those attacks. get the message out. i know he's promoted women at the top of his company as well and getting that message out to voters. >> maybe get ivanka out there too. >> look at this. 45% said that clinton cares about them. 35% said that trump does. look at honest and trustworthy, too. 30% say that clinton is trustworthy, 34% they choose donald trump when this comes to trustworthiness. why are we seeing these numbers? >> the cares about you is an important one. if you look at 2012 and exit polling, president obama won that question by an 81 to 18-point margin. it's important for voters to feel they may not like you or your policies, but they feel you care about me, you get me and my struggles. that's a problem for hillary clinton. you also look at the honesty and trustworthy numbers as well. people feel she's dishonest. that has to do with the e-mail server and benghazi revelations. it's going to be important for donald trump to bring these things up for voters. >> lisa, thank you for being with us. great job. >> nank you to keep bringing these things up to voters and reminding them why they don't trust hillary clinton. rñjf li. attorney general loretta lynch is leading the investigation into hillary clinton. so was it appropriate for her to hold a private." meeting withe1 hillary clinton's husband? clinton. co-host of "the five" eric bolling has a lot to say about this. he's coming up in the next hour. when she wast( 13, her coac told her she was not good enough. today she is a gold?; medalist training for the 2016 summer olympics and inspiring5a ma of young girls around the world. american soccer star alex morgan, she joins us with her incredible story coming up nexti flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ] qshe'sq an olympic gold medallist who inspired many on the field, but now alex morgan is inspiring people off the field, helping girls become more confident. >> join)' us is soccer superstar alex morgan. alex, so great to see you.lp i love your story because so many of our viewers have been toldxd they weren'te1 good enout a sport. they weren't good enough in a subject. your coach told y p!;ber+áueren't good enough to play soccer and you have a gold medal now. >> i hope she's>7!tching. or he's watching. >> he. yeah. girlsok need to stay confident. when you stay in sports, stay connected. for the one person who's discouraging there's ten more who are encouraging. ñ around you. get confident and have that -- and dream big. >> follow your heart. >> this number blew me away. women ages 18 to 24, twice as likely to be confident if they played sports regularly when growing up. what is it about the team, the camaraderie do you think that adds to that level of confidence? >> well, i think it just helps with your self-esteem. it helps with -- especially in team sports for me, it gives you kind of that -- that backbone, that support system that holding people accountable. i mean, you're going -- everyone is on a team eventually. in li ] so growing up, being on the team sports, it just helps kicke1 stt that. with confidence,e1 that grew my confidence and ifá apply that o and off the field. >> that's awesome.qñi you're going to rio, we have a you better -- >> put on the shoes, yeah, tennis shoes. >> are you excited about going to rio or freak out about the zika thing? >> no, i'm okay. ie1lp am taking the precautions once i geti] there i'll bee1 completely focused on rio. >> put the shoes e1on. 1> what is a normal day like fol you in training? 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.? >> this is earlier of a wake-up call thao, but a q couple of hours training definitely. >> ainsley -- >> well, i'm slipping them on. >> quickly. we have 30 seconds. >> oh, geez. >> so do our best. >> all right. spread out a little. >> i didn't sign up for this. >> ainsley. >> oh! >> there's three of you guys.e1 >> i want to redeeme1 myself. >> your turn, your turn. >> come on. come on. who's next? >> come on. >> that's awesome.lp >> good job. >>e1 thank you very okmuch. >> thank you, guys. >>tk7 thank you so much. >> congratulations, thanks for repro enting ourááv well. we're proud of you.e1 coming up, attorney general loretta lynch is leading the investigation into hillary clinton so how is (' going to explainn4uj bill clinton? eric bolling is here. he's on next. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. hei don't want one that's hadch a bunch of ownersd car? just say, show me cars with only one owner find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing it's perfect. start your used car search at good morning. breaking news in the airport terror attack. áu people were arrested.!u the brand-new details just moments away. meanwhile, she's heading the criminal investigation into the hillary clinton via the fbi. so why did our attorney general, loretta lynch, have a 30-minute private meeting on a private jet >> i was landing, he was headed out. he did come over and say hello chew on this, a bill to help our veterans being fastxdu-8 tr thisjf morning. but will do it more harm than good? >> there's nothing in the bill that substantially changes the way that the veteran receives their caret( which is what a veteran wants to change. they want accountability, they wanttçchoice. they want transparency and this )raer"át senator behind disagrees with pete and they're both here to battle it out. "fox & friends," hour two, starts right now.ñit( welcome i]aboard, folks. >> can i interrupt you?5a >> 30th anniversary today. happy anniversary. >> wow! >> happy anniversary. an amazing photo. >> isn't that açó beautiful pho. >> if you drop the banner, you will see that steve's pants are we got married. we drank some champagne.w3 ande1 we got inçó the cars and started to thunderstorm. >> clearly, that is the fountain of youth. because you have not changed a bit. >> how about -- >> even your hair color is the same. >> i'm wearing the same suit. blue suit and a pink tie today. >> amazing when trends come back in style. >> i taken over your job. i'm now in charge of official media for "fox & friends" for this hour. you're in charge the last hour. >> today is national social meii day. >> i'm posting that pictuzpr on instagram. tuz you at home. if you don't have an instagram account, set one up this morning. if you have one, go to the picture and like it.w3 we'll try to like reach -- how many, how many do we want? >> 10 million. >> 10 million. >> 10 million of you to like us. celebrating 30 years i]ago, #kay and steve, óomwm+#sittingoki] i #anniversary. >> look for "fox & friends," do a searchçó when setting up your1 instagram. >> it's posting. >> isçó this a gift -- >> yes, write a lovely message to kathy on there. >> she texted. you don't have to buyq her ye+÷j instagram pos >> all right. heather nauert is standing by. >> that does not count as a gift, right?ñi >> she stuck around. >> for 30 years. this is the second attacker carrying something through the terminal, just minutes before all three opened fire. paking innocent people down with 42 people were killed in the attack and more than 200 others were hurt. e1well, the words on this sn held by police officers greeting tourists at the airport in rio de janeiro coming true today. human body parts have beenxd fo( washed up one1 aok beach just f fromw3 where the olympic volleyball tournament will be played. police dealing with massive drug violence there. they're concerned about the tourist safety. many of the world'st( greatest athletest(e1 already dropping of that game due to concerns about the zika virus outbreak. this is a disgusting video. the investigation into thelp vio ó.t the treatment of the u.s. sailors on their knees in iran has been completed. well, forñr $10e1 you can b fake isis hunting license in the state of missouri. eric fágreeten, also a former ny s.e.a.l. selling the bumper stickers to raise money for his campaign. he says itw3 expires one week at -- at isis. >> thank you very much. eric bolling is joining us from "the five." he has a brand-new book out called "wake up america." listen to this story. on monday, it sounds like bill clinton and loretta lynch our attorney general simultaneously were on the tarmac at skye,kñ harbor -- >> how convenient. >> how convenient indeed. she flew in on a f he was on a private jet. she went over to his jet and they met for a half an hour. even though she's running an investigation into his wife, she told the press out theree1 they didn't talk about hillary's e-mail or any of that other stuff.1 sráuq'. >> what's appropriate to meet -- with the former president bill clinton while you're in the middle of an investigation of his wife's e-mail servers? >>odwell, i saww3 the president the airport other night. he did come over and speak to my husband and myself ande1q talk about his grand children and his travels and things like that. so that was the extent of that. no discussions were held on any cases. he didn't raise anything about that eitaq). >> wow.e1 cries this morning for her to recuse herself. nothing to worry about. >> nothing wrong here? >> i don't know if that's anything wrong. but the factfá that bill clinto boarded her private plane and they -- by the way, they both fly privately. >> right. no one can relate to that at all? >> why do it? you have this man's wife under fbi investigation at the doj who oversees the fbi, it looks bad. it looks awful.e1e1 g$+hat's the point? they wanted to chitchat about the t(grandchild? >> for half an hour? >> having small talk -- >> in a more public setting? >> recuse herself or not? >> i don't know. i think you need a little bit morelp proofok or evidence befo she can go that fart(e1 as to re herself. by the way, the fbi investigation going to turn up what it will turn up. i'm sure there's some fantastic investigators. by the way i have beene1 contending all e1along they mayr mayñr not find something on the e-mail scandal but that will pfoundation stuff. i think there's a cornucopia of corruption they can uncover through the e-mail scandal. >> well, you know, it just looks like the fix is in. because hillary met with the president of the united states a couple of weeks ago. now her husbandfá, the former president, is meeting with thee attorney general who's running the investigation. it just looks fishy. >> she oversees the fbi and the éjt)hrj investigating -- and sh wants to be the president and the husband -- yeah, nbdoesn't look good. it's a mess. >> i'm sure if you go over tojf fox, we have a lot of data. and one of which we wanted to -- >> i love your poll. >> your take on this one. and what will make the country safer? and fox news poll says, will this make thelp country safer? #qçeáájjì(lc% 59% of those polled said, yes, ñ 13% said no. carrying weapons, 41% and then banning muslims 40%. >> here's what i take make of it, the number, six months ago if you did the same poll they may be a lot closer. i wrote the book aboutxd pushin back against w3pc culture. people are starting to realize the world we need to stop terror. we need to stop home growner if )$r'ternational terror. the way you do it is by profiling. p &h(lc% you the only way to catch a suspect is to know the profile. you have to do it. based on facts. that's no racial aspects of profiling. >> donald trump has been attackinw2=uqthis. he's been beating the drum. >> particularly banning muslims. it sounds like it would be people in particular countries that are hotlp spots, but nonetheless, twice as many people say that they should ban muslims to make the countryw3 safe. >> that -- so donald trump said ban all muslims temporarily until we figure out what's going on. now he recently changed, we started the conversation. now fine-tunes. as -- boy, if we want to goen how manyñi -- go on how many tis politicians flip-flop fine-tune thing, if there was a litmus test to pick politic -- >> why is he dropping? >> he's had theñi worst thre-@%% weeks in a year and a month since he's running an he's still t)y(it's three to one plus or m and they're tied. so with three horrible weeks not spending anywhere near the money r&lary clinton is spending, he's doing pretty okay. i think he'sçó doing well. also in swing states he's tied in ohio, he's tied in pennsylvania. he needs to work on florida. if he gets ohio, pennsylvania, florida, and the romney stat%& it's a republican win. >> what cani] he do to get more women on board? >> i think you mentionede1 it before, get ivanka on the trail. the interesting -- you may not like or hate donald trump, but as a father, if mye1 kids adoree as much as they do, i'll be a successful father. get them out on the trail as much as you qcan. >> that do you make of the never trump movement and then you have ì(lc% said they -- they haven't endorsed, they're not going to endorse. the entire bush dynasty is sitting it out. is that vote for hillary? >> of course it çóis. you need everything that mitt romney won and those three e1 states. >> +x+t romney has had a full-time job ofçó blowing up trump. >>çó right now, the supreme cou is 4-4. conservative/liberal. if it's hillary clinton if you don't win this, if you don't lockxde1 this down it's at leas4 if not 6-3 in the next eight years.ñi then something no one else has really talked about here. that's the supre-gcourt. y÷uñ aboutñi federal judges. the president appoints federal judges. the whole system, the circuit courts they'll be liberal. supreme court will be lib rattle. our kids andfáe1 grandkids wille a liberal judicial system for their lifetimes. if you elect hillary clinton. >>ñi i think what you're saying wake up america. >> do you know who in#fnicated this book to? barack obama. i swear it's on e1there, steve. take a look. he's the reason i wrote the book. he's dragged >> i thank her but i dedicate f0át book to mr. obama. tk all right. >> congratulations on your book. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right, coming up on a ca but will do ié@hore harm than good? >> the v.a. helped write it. the v.a. xdunions, fáafge helpe write it. it's a watered down veu]rjz of thee1 types of things that the . would need. >> the senatorok behind the bil disagrees with pete. they're here to battle it out. in the past ten minutes, the picture of steve and his wife is the number one post on instagram ever. so keep logging in. and clicking the little heart down at the bottom. y'all, thank you so much. i keep saying, we have the best viewer, don't we? >> we do. that's better than the picture of me and my cup of coffee. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you can use whipped topping made ...but real joyful moments.. are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy. we have a fox news alert for the top priority of this 4th of july weekend, making sure americans are safe everywhere. >> this all comes after two t)áhr' istanbul and authorities are stepping up security across the >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you.e1oke1 orlando police say they're increasing security because of so many events going on, first off the justin bieber concert he'su performing here tonight. near live sold out. then we havezve1+hu demi lovato chris jonas,u and cities across here in florida will be holding 4the1 of july festivities. with such huge crowds expected to come, what are theylpó[ plan on doing? they said that rest assured a lot of residents will be seeing a lot of uniformed officers. they will be getting extra help and duty. he will not -- they will not disclose au lot ofokr this. the securityçó measures but aga they will be out here, also in uniform and not in 5auniform, we'll be seeing bicycleu cops ad cops on horses as well. theokñ residents feel comfortab coming out and having a good time, considering what went pq;r)ough three weeks ago, you know, with 49 people killed at the pulse tragedy. but i also spoke with mayor buddy dyer and this is what he said aboutó[ securityx >> we'll takei] our standard precautionary measures. there will be a lot of people downtown. we usually get in excess of over 100,000. but you can be sure you'll be safe in downtown orlando.ñii] >> reporter: and just a sieuç notee1 if you still want to see justin bieber, well, tickets will cost you 550 bucks.ñi back to you guys in new york. >> okay, in casew3g >> the v.a. helped to writ and the unionsñr helped to write it and it's a watered down version of the things that the v.a. would need. >> one of the senators behind that bill disagrees with pete. they are5- both here to battle out. pete andw3 senator isakson. >> who scored afe like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. well, it looks like the race for the white house is a knockdown fight to the finish with hillary clinton and donald trump slugging it out on the trail until voter make their decision first tuesday in november. we're stepping back into the boxing ring with former prize fighter and political analyst ed rollins. he's also the cochair of trump's super pac, this week's bout -- temperament, trade and terror. the archival images we were just looking at, you when? >> did i win? >> no, when were those from? >> 50 years ago and 50 pounds lighter. >> but you had a good record? >> i lost two fights out of >> that's remarkable. >> i remember the two fights, not the 167. >> round one, hillary versus trump temperament. >> yes. >> temperamentally unfit to be president of the united states. >> i see hillary clinton the other day. i don't like donald trump's temperament. we're watching crime after crime, problem after problem. i get along great. but you know what? it's time in our country that we had somebody with a strong temperament. >> okay. round one, how do you score, ed rollins? >> she has a point. when our new fox poll show 83% think he's obnoxious and 89% think he's a hot head she has a point, but that's not a qualifier. to be qualified for the president, you have to be born in the united states, live here for 14 year, be 35. he's qualified. maybe the country needs a strong leader. we have had a lot of wimps. we have had drunks and generals and crooks and everything in between, but i think he gets the edge. >> you give round one to trump. >> he's qualified to be president. >> round two, trade. >> he rails against other countries, doesn't he? as he's for our workers. but trump's own products are made in a lot of countries that aren't named america. how does that out fill in to his talk about america first? >> she has it completely backwards. hillary clinton unleashed a trade war against the american worker when she supported one terrible deal after another. wherever she went, the american worker was hurt. >> ed rollins, how do you score that round? >> trump wins that easily. he's created jobs all over this country. thousands and thousands and thousands. i don't think she's ever created a job. it's always been a government employee, he's created jobs overseas, but nowhere near the job he's done. he clearly wins the trade battle. >> round three, terror. >> . >> we have to take care of the isis situation. the americans don't do waterboarding and they probably we're weak. we're stupid. we don't know what we're doing. we have no leadership. you know, you have to fight fire with fire. >> all right. ed rollins, who gets that round? >> he wins this one easily. she's given the traditional diplomatic -- let's sit down and he shows great strength. i think in the terrorist attacks he wins that easily. >> your call? >> he wins this week. no disadvantage to her because she's still doing well in the polls. leading them slightly, but a very close, competitive race. >> last week you gave one or two rounds to hillary clinton. even though you're running a super pac for him -- >> i'll try to call it the way i see it. >> well, see you back in the ring next week. >> my pleasure, thank you. congratulations again on your 30 years of happy marriage. >> thank you very much, ed. meanwhile, straight ahead, this just in. the terrorists who blew up the airport just identified where they're from and who they were working for. we'll tell you what we have found out next. and a bill to help our vets is being fast tracked this morning. will it do more harm than good? >> the v.a. helped write it. >> yep. >> the v.a. union, afge helped to write it. it's a watered down version of the types of things that the v.a. would need. >> one of the senators disagrees with pete. they're both going to join us live to chat about it. could be a debate. ng day, dave stops working, but his aleve doesn't. because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? searchingcan you help?used car? start with the millions for sale at the new! show me cars with no accidents. that's awesome. plus you get a free carfax® report. start your search at! ...meta appetite control. you and temptation with... clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. breaking right now, we have just learned the identities of the terrorists who blew themselves up in istanbul, leaving 42 people dead. >> joining us now with the breaking details, fox news' amy kellogg. good morning. >> reporter: hi, ainsley. yes, we are hearing that the three bombers came from former soviet republics. one man has actually been named in various reports as valdina of check check. the others are from uzbekistan and chechnya being the famous republic republic that became islamists fights. there are 2,000 chechen fighters known to be with isis, but quite rare to hear of people emanating from the former soviet union to europe or to the foreign cities to stage attacks on behalf of the islamic state. also, islamic state has claimed responsibility for this, but if he is confirmed by officials, then that would be further confirmation that isis was behind these attacks. turkish officials staging raids across istanbul and in the coastal town, rounding up suspected militants. also back to these three now as the story starts to emerge a little bit about their recent past, they rented an apartment in istanbul according to reports, 33 days ago, they paid cash. they installed an extra security gate and according to some accounts, there was a strange smell coming out of that apartment which would have of course indicate -- or suggest some bomb making activities in there. these reports are increasingly widespread but we're hearing they may have come from chechnya, uzbekistan. >> thank you very much. they reported the weird smell, suggesting they were probably building a bomb. >> no windows being open. kept shut the entire time. >> curtains drawn. >> the fact they were from one of the former soviet union countries that brings in the whole country. amy said it was rare for that kind of a profile. where do they go for training? >> right. also -- and isis hasn't claimed responsibility for it yet. let's hand it over to heather for some more headlines. >> good morning. this is considered a real american embarrassment. we are learning exactly how long it took hillary clinton to call survivors of the deadly benghazi terror attacks. you may remember this. >> they're dead because of her. i would like to talk to her. >> that is pat smith, she's the mother of shawn smith, one of the victims that night. she never got a call from hillary clinton. clinton then waiting seven weeks after that attack that killed four americans to call other survivors. even then we are told she only called 1 out of 35 because her aide, huma abedin, told her to call. a public university here at home giving students a break on tu its. but they only get a discount if they're from mexico. new mexico state university letting people from across the border pay less tuition than american students. the going rate less than $5,000 a semester for undergrads. the university says it's trying to boost its enrollment numbers. and how safe is your hand sanitizer? that's what the fda wants to know and is asking companies to prove that those sanitizers actually do the job. cleaning germs of your skin and they're safe for long term use. they say that products aren't being called and there's no reason to believe at this time that they are actually unsafe. we'll watch that story. and a dad in texas going viral for a hilarious parenting tactic. check out his message to his 16-year-old daughter after he found a bottle of whiskey hidden in her sock drawer. >> when you get home i'd like to talk to you about this. i don't know if there's something that fell out of a sock because it was in your sock drawer. we heard a news report of people breaking into houses and hiding whiskey bottles. if that's the case we need to contact the police. if you have another explanation, maybe you could explain it to when you get home. love you girl, bye. >> love you girl, bye. wow. that dad in texas, ainsley, see what we have to look forward to as parents? >> oh, my word. >> yeah. >> i'm sure he's going to do the right thing. sorry, she'll get punished for that. >> see you soon. >> thank you. pete hegseth fired up about the new veterans bill being pushed in the senate. >> the v.a. helped write it. the v.a. union, afge helped to write it, it's a watered down version of the types of things that the v.a. would need. >> the comments had the bill's author, johnny isakson writing this, and saying this, unfortunately there was misinformation being discussed and some outright inaccurate statements by your guest that i feel need your attention as this is not the first time that mr. hegseth has gone on to "fox & friends" to spread misinformation about the veterans first act. so senator isakson and pete hegseth are both here now. >> thank you. >> pete, we'll start with you first. what don't you like about senator isakson's bill? >> first of all, i thank him to come on and be willing to debate. i stand behind what i said about this act and the v.a. i stand by that very comment. this is a bill that when it was originally released it went first to the unions. they made public objections and then the authors of the bill, gave in and diluted the bill. there's some new accountability for senior executives, but for 99.9% of v.a. employees, the way they are hired and fired will not change under this bill. there are no meaningful ways in which the choice provision is changed so veterans are not going to get additional choice outside of the v.a. there's new spending which has not been scored. we have no idea how much this idea is going to cost the new care providers. they say they will, but cbo has not scored it. why are we sending republicans to the senate to work with unions and the v.a. to promote bills that more democrats than republicans support? there are twice as many democratic cosponsors on this bill as republicans. why is that what we get? why are we not standing strong for real reform? >> all right, senator isakson, is that true -- his complaints about it? >> it was written by members of the committee and not by the union. 12 unions have come out against it. the fact is it contains 148 provisions introduced by members of the senate. house and republican to reform the veterans administration. the most important fact is at a time when the attorney general has come to say she won't enforce the bill previously it puts enforcement in place for senior executive management, reduces the merit system protection board and shortens the time in which there's an appeal, i would say there -- that's pretty good reform. >> isn't that a good thing though? the seniors have an ability to fire anybody if they're noting the right thing according to this bill? >> don't get me wrong. there are good things in this bill. but there's so many ways in which it could be so much stronger and if you have a republican majority, and republicans in the house willing to do that strong reform, why are we not working with them as opposed to caving on demands? the union that does support the bill though, senator s the afge which is the union of v.a. employees. they came out in support of the bill. any bill they support is not a bill of real accountability and reform. there isn't reform for 99.9%. the point of service employees at v.a. they're hiring and firing goes unchanged. so it a -- you can't call this an accountability bill. it should be named the unions first bill. they helped to craft the contours of it. it's not something that's going to change the way vets get their care. >> senator -- you go ahead. >> pete, you have an open invitation to attend any open committee meeting we have and they're all open to see how we do our business. we take input from everybody. we don't have republicans and republican veterans. we have those who risked their life on the battlefield. by it's wrong to represent this to be a union bill or a bill that was written in the dark of the night or didn't have input from everybody. in fact, i have worked with jeff miller and the members of the house. they're asking us to hurry up and get forward and we are working together as a team to improve the lives of our veterans and respond to the problems of in the veterans administration of which there are many. >> pete, are you willing to do that, go to washington and help them build a bill? >> of course i have been to many committee members. the reason i'm out against this bill, i know a lot of people involved in the process that have pulled the curtain back and of course there are no republican or democrat veterans. we want to do well by vets, by but a reason that senator mccain called this a bad bill, there's a reason why senator rubio and others oppose it. while this would pass with democratic support, because it doesn't do what would be necessary, if the unions support it, then it's not a real accountability bill. i think normally you'd agree with that. but we're trying to get something through to say we did something. but it doesn't bring accountability for the majority of the employees. why not pass the v.a. accountability act? the bill that's pending right now in the senate, the mcconnell and you could help push through and the one man who blocked it, senator blumenthal, on your committee who helped to craft this bill. why are we not holding this up as a referendum? >> can you work with our army veteran, pete hegseth? >> i'd love to -- i have met pete before. >> i'd love to. >> kathy mcmorris rodgers got him introduced in the senate. but pete needs to on the same courtesy to me that i have been willing to do with him. we're working for veterans not each other. he's written about being in the arena, i think this is a good piece of legislation. i'll work with anybody. pete hegseth or anyone else, you're wrong to represent that it doesment enhance choice. first payment and primary payment, private pay to improve the participation, this does a long way to do what we want to do. i want to work with the men and women who risked their lives for america. >> we encourage all the people at home, especially the veterans to write in and tell us what they think of the bill. senator isakson, hats off to you for coming in and talking about this and pete, excellent job to you. thank you for serving the country. thank you for honoring our veterans. >> happy anniversary, steve. >> i'll tell him. he says thank you. coming up next an outrageous attempt to censor the press. democrats on the federal election commission voting to punish fox news. that's next. and we showed you the video, a suspect learns the hard way you can't outrun the chopper. what was he thinking? the cops who took him down. he'll join us next. think yotry nexium 24hr.'s best for your heartburn? now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. because safety is there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you'll love this. incredible protection in a pad this thin. i didn't think it would work, but it does. it's called always discreet watch this. this super absorbent core turns liquid to gel, for incredible protection that's surprisingly thin. so i know i'm wearing it, but no one else will. always discreet for bladder leaks americans are buying more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the us postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the us postal service. priority: you oh, my god. >> on a close call on a cruise ir force jet coming within a few feet of the packed cruise ship in bermuda. the wings barely missed the water slides. freaked out the passengers on the roof deck watching in or report. france said sorry for the training drill. the air force is not caving in. man and air man is staying, despite women being able to apply for all military jobs. the marines are switching over titles. basic infantrymen are now marine. the navy is reviewing 20 titles as well. well, fox under fire, we learned members of the federal election commission considered punishing fox over the first republican debate. >> this is the first time that the fec has ever voted to take that kind of punitive action. >> garrett tenney is live in washington, d.c. good morning. >> reporter: steve, ainsley, clayton, good morning. the fec they have looked at presidential debate rules in the past, but this is the closest it's come to penalizing a news outlet. last month, the three democratic members of the federal election commission voted to punish fox news for changes it made to the criteria for the august 6th debate. at the time, there were 17 candidates on the gop side and in order to accommodate that large field, fox added a second earlier debate and expanded the criteria to include any criteria who had shown up in the national polls. the early debate had seven. well, the three democratic members determined that by expanding the debate field, fox violated election law by essentially making an illegal contribution to the seven candidates in the early debate. two of the democratic commissioners voted to penalize fox. both moves were blocked by the fec three republican commissioners who voted against the decision which resulted in a 3-3 tie. now, if it sounds strange though to punish fox for allowing more candidates to take part in the debate, you're not alone. lee goodman is one of the republican commissions who voted against the decision. he told he said it was a move to censorship. he said all press organizations should be concern when the government asserts regulatory authority to punish and censor news coverage. the fec will release the decision later on today. interesting to see what's in there. >> looks political. garrett tenney, thank you. well, we showed you the video, a suspect learns the hard way, you can't outrun the chopper. what was he thinking? the cops who took him down, join us next. first on this day in 1973, george harrison was topping the charts with this hit -- you give me love, give me love. now everybody sing. ♪ welcome back. take a look at this. looks like a scene out of hollywood, but real life, a crazy takedown. cops pursuing a suspect, and a police car clipped the guy who had run into a field. look, he gets hit here. then, well, then it led to the helicopter. the helicopter tried to chase him into custody. when one of the officers jumps out and then wrestles him to the ground and tackles him. that officer, the helicopter pilots, they're joinings now. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> so just a normal day at the office. you're watching this guy -- you know in the news business, we watch the pursuits happen all the time. you never outrun a helicopter. ever. these guys think they can do it. and here's a perfect example of it not happening with you guys landing on the ground. when you were watching this unfold from the air, stephen, what did you think you'd do? how did you come up with this plan? >> well, we had been chasing the suspect for quite some time. and he had gotten to the field that i had told jeff -- the pilot that if he got to the adjacent field we have to get him. once he got to the adjacent field he'd get away. so at that point, when he made it through the field we had discussed previously when he started to run across the field, jeff came down on the suspect. we tried to push him in another direction back to the officers. then finally, jeff sat me down, as soon as i saw him running i put a bead on him and tackled him and tried to slow him down for the other officers. >> jeff, had you ever done this before? >> not the landing part. it's happened through the division. it's kind of rare, but it just worked out that the field was so big and it really looked at the time that that was the only way to get this guy in custody was to land and let sarge out to take care of business. >> so we see them of course he gets hit by this car. gets clipped by that one. but you guys decided to do this, because with there aren't a lot of additional police help in the area. other cars weren't available, right? >> yeah, it was kind of a restricted access to the location. when i saw the tahoe, i was surprised it made it back there. it was good to have backup. our main focus is not to let the bad guy get away. >> as we see him, it looks like you're circling him. i don't know where to go, i'm in a wide open field. is that what you were trying to do, box him in a little bit? >> yeah. pretty much. just keep him at bay. like you said, the ground units were pretty far away. they were on foot. so i thought we could just hold him at bay until we could get some help. he was going to end up running through the field it appeared. >> he had a friend, a second suspect, he was later arrested. what did this guy do? >> we originally received a call that he was a possible burglary suspect and spotted him about a block north of the location. he immediately got into the car that pulled up into the location. made a hard u-turn. ran over some debris in the roadway. as soon as the unit got behind him, it turned into the car chase. >> there you go. i think michael bay is on the phone. he wants to hire you for the new "transformers" movie. great job, guys. >> thank you. coming up, breaking right now, the identities of the istanbul terrorists revealed. a group uncovered after more than a dozen arrests overnight. the man who shot osama bin laden, rob o'neill, says he's not surprised about it. he is joining us here at the top of the hour. and attorney general loretta lynch is leading the investigation in hillary clinton's server scandal. so how is she going to explain her secret meeting with bill clinton on a tarmac at phoenix airport? 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>> i was landing, he was headed out. he did come over and say hello and speak to my husband and myself and talk about his grandchildren and his travels and things like that. so that was the extent of that. >> should she recuse herself from the case now? and it could be the most awkward hand shake in history. president obama, canada's prime minister and the mexican president they can't get their hands together. "fox & friends," hour three, starts right now. welcome to "fox & friends" for this thursday, clayton's in for brian. we have learned the identity of some the terrorists who blew up the airport -- blew up the -- their bomb belts in istanbul as the death toll rises to 43. apparently, these particular terrorists were tied to the former soviet union. turkish police hunting for the terrorists tied to the attack. we now know they were members as i said, apparently from a cell in the former soviet union. apparently, we are also learning that they had been renting an apartment in istanbul. they had been paying cash. apparently there was a security gate. they paid extra for it, which is unusual. this particular apartment that they were paying cash for, the curtains were always drawn and neighbors said there was a weird smell coming out of it which would suggest they were brewing up some bombs. >> we were sort of surprised by this, but do you know who is not surprised by this is rob o'neill, former navy s.e.a.l. who killed osama bin laden. just reading through your note, you weren't surprised by this at all. >> no, good morning. i'm not surprised by it all. again, this is an ideology and it spreads through uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, we have seen them on the battlefield before. i have been in gun fights where i had people shooting at me that look like me, guys with white hair and beards. it doesn't matter the nationality, but the ideology. they have been part of daesh or isis or isil, they have been part of it since the beginning and even before the establishment of the islamic state two years ago. >> who are they? >> these are just islamic extremists. you know, the two bad words that a lot of us don't want to say. but these are our enemies. they have been, you know, ever since -- well, i mean, you know, for decades. longer than that. but these are people that are raised by a certain ideology, a certain brand of radicalized islam. once they establish the islamic state, they were joining the fights in kosovo, in the balkan wars. they were fighting in chechnya, trying to separate from the russians. they fought us in afghanistan. they were fighting against the russians in afghanistan. fighting against the russians, that's where the mujahedeen and isis got their street credit. >> this is on the terrifying side because as the cia director said that isis would try to pull something here, a lot of people think, you know, i kind of -- you know, i'm not -- i'm being practical. i think i know what the bad guys look like. i think i know given the history of these terror attacks on the united states, what not, i think they know what they look like. but then you have the guys, who just said could look like you. that makes everything more complicated. >> it makes it complicated, that's why we need to be profiling the people we're not talking about racially profiling. that's a label that gets thrown around because they want to label everyone as a racist. it's behavioral profiling. you find out the people who are acting funny -- you use the intelligence. it's not having people take off their shoes because there was a foiled shoe bomber several years ago. you need to find the source and eliminate it. it's an ideology. and yes, they look like us. you won't see that covered in the media, oh, you're just targeting brown people, that neat the case at all. we're targeting an ideology. >> how do you do that? how does el al do that? i know they ask series of questions before you get on the plane. >> they talk to them. >> they interview everybody before they go on their trip. >> i mean, that's when you're at the airport. trying to travel. and you need to further move the perimeters. but you know, they have proven the other day in turkey and again, they don't need to get on the plane. they can attack the places where people are landing our taking off, attack gathering. the way you do it, especially here, we have our federal law enforcement, the fbi, nsa, people that find stuff, coordinate closely with state and local law enforcement. i mean, you get people in the mosques. you find out where they're being radicalized -- >> the operative word is here. it's not just iraq or afghanistan, but happening here in the united states. >> it's a global jihad. and that's -- it's a war against everything -- everyone that doesn't believe what they believe. >> right. >> i mean, the first way to do it -- i mean, if you want to get rid of the problem in iraq, you take out isis and syria and you get rid of the divine capital of the caliphate. iraq goes away and you lose a lot of the way they're recruiting. but if we fight it the way they have been fighting it, you hear the term whack amol mole, which what we're doing. we have candlelight vigils and pretend like it never happened. people are not talking about orlando at the night club, they're talking about turkey. it goes away, because people says it's contained. >> this is a huge piece of the puzzle we have been talking about here. amy kellogg said this is the first time we have seen this moving into europe out of chechnya, uzbekistan and kurdistan. and that isis has asked people to stay at home and carry out the attacks. does this signal a shift? >> well, i mean, this isn't the first time it's hit europe. look at what happened in paris, look what happened in brussels, look at what happened in turkey. these are nato allies. because -- i mean, we unfortunately live in the age of technology in the united states. we used to be protected by friends on the north and the south borders and two big oceans. now we have social media and isis, they're evolving and seeing what we do and not only do they think we're stupid and weak, they change what they're doing. we won't -- i hope we won't see people on airplanes but people will be attacking groups outside of airplanes. and they're recruiting them because this is the cool stuff to do if you're an islamic extremist, find a spot where there's a lot of people, kill as many as you can, make sure it's on camera so it can be replayed again, martyr yourself and go to heaven and then you get all your virgins, your family is taken care of forever, it's spectacular. they don't lie to us. they'll get there any way they can with fake passports, they'll get there, because everyone so benevolent about the migrants we're bringing in. even though you see pictures with 90% of fighting age males coming in, there's no way that's isis and then they're laughing at us because we talk about how bad our guns are, in our citizens' hands and how waterboarding is worse than decaptization. >> thank you, rob o'neill. the terrorists that struck the airport in istanbul were from russia. >> they're suicidal. >> thanks, rob. >> they're suicidal. they're brainwashed and they want to kill other people. >> absolutely. all right, meanwhile, let's switch gears. we all know that hillary clinton is under a criminal fbi investigation. the person who heads up actually the boss of the fbi is the attorney general of the united states, loretta lynch. isn't this curious? on monday, loretta lynch went into bill clinton's private jet. she had just flown into sky harbor in phoenix, they had a half an hour meeting. what did they talk about? did they talk about hillary or e-mail servers? she was asked this yesterday. here's what she said. >> what's appropriate for you to meet with the former bill clinton while you -- you're in the middle of the investigation of his wife in the e-mailer is germ. >> well, i saw the president as he was landing and i was headed out. he came over to speak to my husband and myself and he talked about his grandchildren and travels and things like that. that was the extent of things like that. no discussions were held on any cases or anything like that and he didn't raise anything about that ooetder. >> earlier, we went on facebook live, we asked you live the questions should she recuse herself, overwhelmingly it was yes. we asked you on twitter the same question. arthur had this to say, all public officials have the duty to avoid the appearance of impropriety. it's outrageous. >> definitely an injustice. think of what a republican had done this with another republican who was under investigation. the mainstream media would be talking about it nonstop. >> you're right. sabine on facebook, does anybody still believe hillary will be in any trouble? she is and always will be above the law. we have not had an honest attorney general in a long time. >> it does appear tone deaf. you know, like when rudy giuliani was going after the mob, this is like rudy giuliani having lunch down the street with fat tony salarno. it doesn't look good. >> tony doesn't appreciate you calling him fat tony. >> he's either in prison or deceased. >> i don't think she's getting indicted. let's hand it over to heather. good morning to you. a fox news alert to bring you right now. the twists just keep on coming. boris johnson who was behind the brexit campaign is not going to run to replace cameron. he said he's not the right person to reshape britain's relationship with the european union. his ally in the eu leave campaign, justice secretary michael gove has entered the race. the words on the sign held by police officers greeting tourists arriving in rio de janeiro and they seem to be true. reports now that human body parts have been found washed up on a beach just feet from where the olympic volleyball teams will and the games will be played. police there are dealing with massive drug violence and they say they're concerned about tourists' safety. that's of course in addition to the concerns about the zika virus that's had several of the top athletes withdrawing from the olympic game. a massive hunt is on for a killer grizzly bear after it mauled a mountain biker to death in indiana. the chilling moments that the police were called. listen. >> a victim of a bear attack. 35-year-old male. >> brad treat was that man. just happened outside of glacier mountain park in montana. the bear attacked him on a trail. he was a law enforcement officer, and he was 30 years old. this is the most awkward hand shake in history. you have to take a look. [ laughter ] oh, boy. a little confusing. well. that's justin trudeau shaking hands with president obama, but then he crosses over the left hand to shake hands with the mexican president nieto. it ended up in a tangled mess. this happened after the three amigos summit. >> there was a song about it, blame canada. >> this is what you should do this. >> the fist pump. >> you're not caught up in the web. >> blame canada. thank you. >> that was actually heather nauert singing that. >> good job. >> genius. >> thank you. coming up on a thursday, brand-new fox poll show that more than 59% of americans want us to profile the bad guys, so is donald trump on the right track? lisa boothe is here to do some analyzation next. a biker ends up going over the side of a bridge. >> whoa! >> ouch! i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ♪ share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. turns out my curlsthe needed to be stronger. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong* they can dry practically frizz free.*á because strong is beautiful. is happening now at red lobster. summerfest and if you love lobster and shrimp, ...check out all these new entrees. like new coastal lobster and shrimp... ...with summer ale barbeque sauce, ...and new lobster and shrimp overboard. overboard? nah,'s just right. so hurry in. fox news alert. we have learned the identities of the terrorists who blew themselves up at the istanbul airport a couple of days ago. they have gotten apparently ties to a russian cell. so what was -- what should we be doing to make sure that something like this does not happen on american soil? to answer that, we have brand-new fox news polls about what you're thinking. here for some analysis is lisa boothe. >> hi, steve. >> apparently, tied to the former soviet union. here's a question we asked before we knew this. will profiling make the country safe, about 60% said yes. 40% double. say that banning muslims would make the country safer than less safe. what do you think about that? >> well, we have seen it's been as high as 50% that nearly half the country agrees with the temporary ban. i think what we're seeing is a disconnect between what the obama administration is saying and their policies and what the american people want and what they're feeling. the reality is that americans are scared right now. they're concerned about terrorist and concerned about being kept from isis and potential attacks. this is the weakness of the president feeling like he's not doing enough to keep us safe. >> and we had the navy s.e.a.l. who killed osama bin laden, he said profiling is a good idea, that i do it around the world. people think we can't profile because then we would be racists. he's saying it's not about racial profiling but about behavioral profiling. >> which is what we're doing, but the administration wants to label everyone as islamophobic, but in reality, people want to be kept safe. >> the big question -- who do you think is winning the war on terror? about 45% feel that the united states and our allies are, but that is actually down 5% from the last time this -- we did this poll. look at this, up 10%, 10% more feel that the terrorists are winning. up to 41%. we're going the wrong direction on that. >> we are going on the wrong direction on this. it's difficult. when you see terror attacks in orlando, here at home in the united states and you see terror attacks in turkey and belgium as well, it's very real. i mean, the threat of isis especially when you have the cia director speaking before the senate intelligence committee telling us that our attempts to try to hamper isis not working, it's not hampering the global reach it's scary. >> one final poll question. describe the candidate, which of the candidates cares the most about you? as you can see right there, cares about me, hillary clinton 45% and donald trump 10% behind. >> this is important because if you look back to 2012 and look at exit polling, president obama actually won this question by 81 to 18-point swing. people prepared mitt romney's leadership and vision, but they felt like that president obama cared about them. this is a problem for hillary clinton, they feel the disconnect, she doesn't care about the struggles they face. >> interesting fox news polls out. lisa, thank you. all right, meanwhile, police say he grabbed for an officer's gun while trying to assassinate donald trump at a rally, but we have just learned he won't be facing charges for that at all. you have to hear this to believe it. we have it next. and they go completely on trace, and could be lurking in your neighborhood and causing your home value to go in the toilet. now, there could be a solution to zombie foreclosures. the property guy, bob massi, live with what you need to know next. good morning, bob. some headlines for you from leading protests against police to recruiting schoolteachers, black lives matter leader and failed baltimore mayor candidate, deray mckesson, he has been hired and he'll be making $165,000 a year to find the right teachers. and getting body slammed by a tourists, but officers say he didn't do anything wrong. that's how he should have shandled the situation on bourbon street. he has been cleared of wrongdoing. clayton? >> thanks so much, ainsley. zombie foreclosures have haunted homeowners across the country for years but just last week, a new jersey lawmaker proposed a bill to combat this real estate nightmare. here to break it down, the host of the show "the property man," bob massi. good to see you. >> good to see you, buddy. what in in the world is a zombie foreclosure? how is it different than a traditional foreclosure? >> you and i have talked about it over the few years that's a foreclosure that's basically just the lenders have done nothing to foreclose on the house. people abandoned the house, thinking it would be foreclosed on, people thought the house was gone, now they don't have to worry about, they have left the home. nobody is doing anything about it. we don't know the reasons why they're not foreclosing, but some of the proposed regulation we'll go over, i think it could be good. >> before we get there, are they receiving anything in the mail to lead them to believe that they're about to be foreclosed, that's why they abandoned the house in first place or kind of silence? >> no no. in what we call nontraditional foreclosure states they get a notice of breach and an election to sell which triggers the people from leaving. on the other hand, you have in judicial foreclosure states like florida where you go through the courts they're served for whatever reason and it never fulfills its. as soon as people get it, they run from their home thinking it's all over. there you go. it just sits there -- i have a client for example it's been nine years, nine years -- they still have not been foreclosed on and that's not uncommon. >> this legislation, bob menendez, new jersey senator, number one, take us through the owners -- they may remain in the home. >> yeah. that's number one. that the services -- i have my glasses on to go through this, but the servicers they -- they have to let the people know, look, you the stay in the house, even though it will be foreclosed on. they have to make it clear that the homeowner understands they're responsible for all the taxes, their insurance, hoa fees and they require them to notify the borrower and the municipality that they're walking away. here's what happens, clayton, let's say there's a servicer that starts the foreclosure. what happens, then the loan gets sold to another servicer. once that servicer starts foreclosure, if they go to transfer the lien on the house must be removed. in other words, the mortgage is gone. that is a good part of the proposal. i like that part of it. the one thing i think they need to do to go a step further, i would like to see credit restoration for those people who were led to believe that their house was going to be foreclosed on or they filed bankruptcy, their credit has not been restored, because the lender sat on their rear end and did nothing. people should not be penalized forever on their credit because lenders don't exercise their rights to foreclose. that needs to be put into the proposals to protect those homeowners who walked away thinking they could move on with their life. >> well said. bob massi, catch bob on "the property man" show, saturdays and sundays at 3:00 p.m. eastern and noon pacific. that's a new time. thank you. >> thank you. >> putting the zombies to rest. the plane flying just feet from a cruise ship packed with passengers. how in the world did that happen? the stars of the new tarzan movie reveals all sorts of behind the scenes details. >> did you really spit in his face? >> yes. i said to him, i was like i don't have to spit if your face and he said it was fine. >> kevin mccarthy will have more from his exclusive sit down. there he is. oh, hi! hi! ooh. goodbye thick sunscreen. hi! 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[ female announcer ] for your free quote, call the hartford at... or go to today. get this free calculator just for requesting a quote. ♪ today is national social media today and this hour, i'm taking over all of the fox news social media platforms. clayton did it the first hour. ainsley did it the second hour. something new, in addition to joining us on twitter and facebook -- >> and instagram. >> instagram. we're also going to be on snapchat. i'm learning how it works. i'm looking at -- look at this. >> that's how you can -- >> hey, you kids, get off my lawn. stuff like that. >> that is so weird. that doesn't look like you. >> let's see if i do this filter. oh, i'm a dog. hi. >> cute. cute. >> a little crazy. >> they say when your parents get on the social network -- >> it's over. >> it's over. >> i'm a pirate. >> i know how do this. aaaarrrg! hello. i'm going to post that on my story. like that. so joining us on snapchat. >> through you go. >> facebook and instagram up and running. fun day. >> how did you do your faces -- >> there's an app called boomerang. you can take a few quick seconds and basically -- >> then you post that video on any of your social media. >> it will save in your library of stuff. i posted it to instagram. the reason i knew how to do this my daughter sally showed me how to do it last night. >> learning from the kids. >> they're so smart about that stuff. >> heather nauert was a look at your headlines. good morning. good morning. do you remember the illegal immigrant who tried to assassinate donald trump at the las vegas rally? he's facing charges this morning, but not for what you may think. michael sanford is facing weapon charges nothing to do with the assassination plot though. police say he tried to rip gun right out of an officer's belt in order to try to kill trump. the 20-year-old told investigators he had been planning this plot for a year. jaw dropping video of a motorcycle rider losing control sending him tumbling over the edge. watch this. you can see him tailgating a van that tried changing lanes, leaving the rider with nowhere to go but over. a car following behind capturing that ordeals it played out on a highway in brazil. somehow, that man managed to survive the fall. he landed on a pile of scaffolding. he broke both of his legs but is otherwise going to be okay. well, say bye-bye to bikinis. the miss teen usa pageant ditching the swimsuit for the fitness one. it's set for july 30th in las vegas. no plans to remove it from the miss usa or from miss universe. i like this idea. nice. well, if only she could turn back time. ♪ ♪ if i could turn back time if i could find a way ♪ >> well, some fans outraged after cher shockingly used a bomb emoji next to the tweet reading we all pray for innocent people at the turkey airport. people said she was insensitive and immature. one said, really, cher, bomb emoji, grow up. >> cher said she was moving to jupiter if donald trump wins the election. >> the planet or the place in florida? >> i don't know. well, 4th of july weekend is almost here. lots to do and even more to see. but will the weekend's highly anticipated films cause fireworks at the box office? we'll ask kevin mccarthy. >> that's right. he's the founder of when he's awake. but first, kevin -- >> hi, kevin. >> let's talk about steven spielberg's new movie. >> yeah. right, this is a huge film opening up this weekend. the newest film based on the book from 1982. basically deals with a huge gigantic big, friendly giant who becomes friends with a young girl. about their adventures. it's bfg. it does a great job of balancing comedy and drama and action. mark riley plays the giant in the film, actually performed the character with dots on his face and they created a giant from his performance. he won the academy award for "bridge of spies." this is his best film since "bridge of spies" in munich. great comedy. see it in 2-d. save yourself the movie on the 3-d conversion. i had the chance to talk with steven spielberg which is a huge honor as a film nerd. we talked about this movie and the book came out in the '80s. how would he have done it in the '80s, so i flipped the question and i said, okay, what if you did "jaws" now? would you use the cgi shark or would you still use the animatronic shark you used in 1974? watch this. i know there was a lot of issues when you were making "jaws" but would you do it cgi today? >> yeah. [ laughter ] it would have saved a lot of us our sanity and we would have -- we would have come out of that with good memories, but i think that -- i think that the lack of shark because of the technical breakdowns of the shark in 1974 really forced me to find another way of telling this story in a more suspenseful way. so if i had more of the shark, the film would not have been as effective i believe. >> guys, that was steven spielberg talking to me about "jaws." >> tears flowing down your nerd tears? >> you were so tired after the interview that you couldn't stay awake to review the next movie that that we wanted to talk about. what happened -- "legend of tarzan." >> i saw it a couple of weeks ago, i missed the first 30 minutes of it. so i don't feel ethically right to review it. so i'll see it this sunday. i did interview the stars, alexander skarsgard and margot robbie, about a scene in the movie about where margot robbie spits in the face. as a hard journalist i want to ask the hard questions so i wanted to know did you really spit in his face? watch this. i love the scene when you -- you're spitting in his face. >> mm-hmm. >> i have to know, did you really spit in his face? >> yes. and i said to him, i was like i don't have to spit in your face, he said, no, it's fine. >> actually do it. >> i can see him saying that. >> quite a few takes. he said it's fine. >> how many takes did that take? >> quite a few in the end. then in fact when i watched it, i was kind of disappointed with how much spit there was and i actually asked david if we could cgi more spit going in his face. i was like, i kind of wish there was more spit now. can we add that in cgi? and he didn't. >> i want to say -- yeah, i'm one of those guys who will never go to the bathroom during a movie. there have been times where i have missed three or four minutes of the film and i have gone back to see it again just to review it. just something that i have kept as an honor code over the years. if i missed 30 minutes because i was too tired i can't give it a fair review. i'll review it next week. i'm seeing it on sunday night and i'll put it on the twitter and facebook page. >> i bet you woke up in a panic, didn't you? >> maybe i wouldn't see it sunday night. maybe you should see it sunday early. >> right before the early bird special. >> i'm going early sunday morning. no, that was probably the second time in the 11 years that's ever happened to me. >> i'm glad you take your job so seriously. thank you so much, kevin. you do a great job. >> see you later. straight ahead, it's public hillary versus private hillary. peter johnson jr. breaks her down next. the last time that lenny dykstra was at "fox & friends," this happened. [ laughter ] >> do not do that again. >> so is that why brian didn't show up to work today? >> maybe. >> what kind of trouble will we get ourselves into this time find out when he joins us live, straight ahead. >> that is just not right. with advil liqui-gels, you'll ask what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? what joint pain? advil liqui-gels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liqui-gels the world's #1 choice what pain? advil. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes keeping you protected live flake free for life a close call on a cruise ship, brand-new video shows a french air force jet coming within feet of a packed cruise ship in bermuda. terrified passengers standing on the deck watching in horror. france saying they say sere sorry for the training drill. and what caused the flight 804 to come down, there was smoke in the bathroom. high temperature damage was found and soot. well, donald trump continues to attack hillary clinton painting a grim picture of her and her character. >> hillary clinton and as you know she -- most people know she's a world-class liar. just look at her pathetic e-mail server statements. >> so is that just campaign talk or are the latest benghazi and e-mail revelations making trump's case that there are two different hillarys? the public hillary and the private hillary. here to break it down for us is peter johnson jr. >> good morning. revelations about the e-mail server and benghazi and exposing public and private hillary, different sides. different faces of hillary clinton. it's quite, quite revealing. let's talk about the e-mail scandal first. here's what hillary clinton said about the e-mail server in march of 2015. >> i thought using one device would be simpler and obviously it hasn't worked out that way. >> but then private hillary, what did she do now? >> let's look at what's revealed now. the e-mail between hillary clinton and huma abedin her top aide about the e-mail set-up tells a difference story. i have just realized i have no idea how my papers are treated at state. who manages both my personal and official files? i think we need to get on this asap to be sure we know and design the system we want. so publicly on march 2015, yeah, we want to do this to simplify and now in the e-mail being exposed that allegedly had been deleted, yeah, let's figure out how to do this. let's be strategic about that. so public and private hillary on e-mail. >> we can't forget private hillary sent that e-mail to chelsea. >> absolutely true. that comes into play with regard to benghazi on the night of the benghazi attack. at 6:49 p.m. clinton called libya's president and said al sharia is claiming responsibility, but public hillary on the night of the attack, 10:08 said some sought to say it was a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. the united states deplores any effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others and then private hillary, an hour later as you say, ainsley, she e-mailed her daughter chelsea, two of the officers were killed in benghazi by an al qaeda-like group. then the next day at 3:04 p.m. called the egyptian prime minister and said, quote, we know the attack in libya had nothing to do with the film. it was a planned attack, not a protest. so how do you reconcile public hillary and private hillary? that night saying, video, unplanned attack, but at least three contemporaneous statements talking about this. something to think about. >> thank you. he's proven you can knock him down and he can get back up again. both here and in life. lenny dykstra is here dishing stories you have never heard before. like meeting the head of the mexican mafia behind bars. but first, martha, and find out what's at the top of the hour. >> thank you very much, ainsley. breaking news this morning on the identity of the bombers in turkey. and the cia raising new tensions here at home about our airports. the curious meeting between bill clinton and loretta lynch as the country waits for a decision on whether to indict hillary clinton. lots going on this morning. we will see you at the top of the hour. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. bp wind farms are monitored 24/7 at our remote operations center, so onsite teams can count on early warning of approaching weather. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? because safety is never being satisfied. not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. a public university giving students a break on tuition. but there is a twist. they only get the discount if they're mexican. new mexico state university letting people from across the border pay less tuition than american students. the going rate -- less than 5 grand a semester for undergrads. the university said it's trying to boost the enrollment numbers. a dad in texas is going viral for a hilarious parenting tactic. check out his message to his 16-year-old daughter after finding a bottle of whiskey hidden in her sock drawer. >> and when you get home i'd like to talk to you about this. i don't know if there's something that fell out of a sock. because it was in your sock drawer. we heard a news report of people breaking into houses and hiding whiskey bottles. if that's the case then we need to contact the police. if you have another explanation, explain it to us when you get home. love you girl, bye. >> the worst feeling when you know you're in trouble. >> someone must have put that there. >> well -- >> fireball whiskey too. >> delicious. >> it is good. all right, you can knock him down, but he's going to get back up again, both here at "fox & friends" and here in life. look at lenny dykstra. he's here to dish stories you never heard in taking down brian. honey, did you call the insurance company? not yet, i'm... folding the laundry! can you? no... cleaning the windows! the living room's a disaster! (vo) most insurance companies give you every reason to avoid them. plants need planting! well the leaves aren't going to rake themselves! (vo) nationwide is different. hon, did you call nationwide to check on our claim? (vo) we put members first. actually, they called me. ♪ nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive insurance partner of plenti. what knee pain?? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. ♪ now he's telling all in his new memoir, "house of nails." >> joining us right now is lenny dykstra. >> good morning. i rushed over here. >> getting ready to do combat? >> the last time you were on the show, brian tackled you for some reason. >> brian happens to be on vacation? >> yeah. >> he's gone today. >> he knew i was coming back for him. >> pay back -- >> what in the world were you thinking when he tackled you? >> well, i pulled a hammy. like he wants to go. what are you doing? so then -- i mean -- >> like a bench clearing brawl. >> he's not here today. you know? >> tell us about -- >> sorry about that. >> i grew up watching you, philadelphia phillies fan. when i was a little boy playing little league on the back of my baseball card they asked who was your favorite player, lenny dykstra was the name on the back of my baseball card. i would sit in bed listening to the phillies games when my parents thought i was in bed, you played for the mets and the phillies. a long storied career. what is the book about? >> about my life and this ride that is really unimaginable and almost unreal. but it's about like, again, i basically had planted the flag on mount everest. i slept in death valley. it's about -- there's a bunch of legal stuff in there. it's about women. it's about strawberry's hammer. everything. winning and losing. >> going to two world series. >> yeah. it's about life. >> crashing down. >> yeah. i mean, look, i kind of -- i kind of -- what helped me be so successful on the field, the drive and like no one is going to get in my way. what does that mean for flying my own jet. >> you went to the world series, you went to prison too. >> i did. in fact, i read my first book in prison. i didn't read when i played. because i thought it would hurt my eyes, you know? billy beane, my buddy, probably the best general manager to -- out there. i would see him reading all the time. i said, dude, what are you doing? like -- >> watching the seams. >> he read too much. so i have lived it and i got my boy jack nicholson on the back here. what does he say? >> as far as sports autobiographies go, nails nails it. >> can you stay with us on the "after the show show" live? >> sure. >> we'll have a longer interview with lenny dykstra. see you guys tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. join us for the "after the show show." >> see if we can find brian. >> i don't think -- your message to brian by the way? >> boo! >> all right. that's it. have a great day. now time for "america's newsroom." martha: breaking news in the istanbul terrorist attack. police say two terrorists came from russia and the third from the czech republic. they warn everybody that you should not think this could not happen here. leland: i'm leland vittert in for bill hemmer. the number of dead


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160606 10:00:00

watch as the precocious monkey distract owners and ran off with $200. on that note, "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a great day. ♪ ♪ good morning to you and to your family. it's monday, brian. did i scare you? i think i scared brian. it's june 6th. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump taking from all sides this morning for attacking the judge in his trump university case. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made and i think it's inexcusable. first of all, this judge was born in indiana. he is an american, period. >> what do you think? does trump have a point? we report, you decide. bill clinton goes toe-to-toe with a bernie sanders heckler. >> if i were him, i would be screaming too, if you figured it out, they are toast for election day. >> what if bernie sanders wins california, then who is toast? >> maybe he can hear you, steve and no mistakes, this time. we have a new miss usa and she's in the army. >> district of columbia! >> wow. plus wait until you hear what she had to say about women in the military. please get dressed, everyone, because your mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ you know, nothing says monday in the summer like checking tread depth and that's exactly what we're doing. we're kicking off a week long series on how to hit the roads in your vehicle and today we're going to tell you all about tires. >> if you were on the road this weekend, you know it's summertime. traffic galore! my goodness, it takes double the time to get anywhere nowadays. summer is here. >> welcome back. >> thank you very much. >> steve, look in the prompter and tell me what's wrong. >> well, it says brain where somebody has not written brian and having known brian for coming up on 20 years, i know that this causes a real problem and brian, they have just fixed it. >> they just fixed it. >> that's why i named my son with "y" for just that reason. we have a lot going on. donald trump taking some serious heat for comments he made about a judge providing over -- presiding over his trump university lawsuit. >> he's insisting he's not getting a fair trial and doubling down. >> john roberts joins us live with the latest. >> i know misspelling bothers brian but he is one of the smartest people i know. >> donald trump is doubling down on his comments over the judge overseeing his trump university lawsuits. the judge was born in indiana to mexican parents. he's given him a lot of bad rulings so far on this case. here's what trump says. >> i've had horrible rulings, treated very unfairly. this judge of mexican heritage. i'm building a wall. i'm building a wall. he's a member of a club or society very strongly pro mexican which is all fine. i say he's got bias. >> the lawyers of san diego, some people suggesting it's associated with the announce -- national council of laraz. there might be a case to make because it's a democratic leaning society, it might be biased against donald trump. he's getting a lot of criticism for people who are supporter him. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it's inexcusable. >> to try to disqualify someone based only on that is inappropriate. it's perfectly legitimate. to question whether or not donald trump can receive a fair trial in this case, i think it's perfectly legitimate. >> he says it's perfectly legitimate to ask whether donald trump can get a fair trial in this case because of the political affiliations. not the ethnic heritage. if you are a democratic judge, do you support hillary clinton for president or bernie sanders for president? if you are a member of an organization that supports democrats, will you give a fair trial to a republican presidential candidate, but donald trump going a little further yesterday saying he might not be able to get a fair hearing from a muslim judge as well. a lot of controversy. >> i've got a question for you. one of the things that got him all keyed up on this was when the judge in this case unsealed all these documents and then tried to take some of them back. >> exactly. why did he -- it sounds like the trial isn't going to happen until after the election so why would he just splay it all out there. >> there were a lot of requests for it and a lot of times judges want to abide by freedom of information act requests. the fact he put them all out there and tried to pull some of them back could cause a lot of question as to what the initial motivation was of the judge in this case. >> republicans are asking why are so many establishment republicans saying this publicly, going out against donald trump. why not pull him behind closed doors and say hey you shouldn't say this. many are saying it makes the party look like they are not unit nighted. >> you are talking about a lot of republicans. >> bob corker. >> they have races they want to win. they want to maintain control of the senate. >> politics are involved here? >> it's well-known in trump circles that not many people have trump's ear to the point where they can say, you know what, you might want to rethink what you are saying. >> true, you've been all over from day one. you've been coming and doing an incredible job. >> we watch the ebb and flow of all this and he may have given himself more trouble than he wants. this is a weekend, zad for the american economy, he could have been emphasizing the 38,000 jobs which is terrible for the american economy. he's known as someone who could fix the economy on the majority of the polls. gingrich, corker and mcconnell can't condone him. paul ryan says he can't do it. >> observe it at least from the way he traveling so much, he gets fixated on these thingsre off message. the one thing you don't want to do in a presidential campaign is get off message. a lot of people trust him on the economy. look at the quinnipiac poll last week. why is he fixated on this particular thing? it's because he doesn't like to lose and if he's worried that he might lose in a case like this, even if it's after the election, he wants to do everything he can to create a narrative that he's not going to lose this and these are the reasons why and which is also why he came out last week and said he will reopen trump university should he win this case. >> the loser thing could explain why he has said on this program -- >> you can ask him all these things yourself. asked him he's talking about trump university instead of talking about the economy. he could have settled it a long time ago but he wanted to make sure that he won. meanwhile, let's go over to the other side. let's talk a little bit about what's going on with bernie sanders and hillary clinton. it looks like hillary could lose california but win the whole shebang. yesterday, bernie sanders wbr id "wbr5079" went after finally the clinton global initiative which donald trump has said, look, that was a scam. now bernie is on board with that. listen. do i have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorship? do i have a problem with that? yeah, i do. where was this bernie two months ago? a lot of people said bernie is getting momentum at exactly /b the wrong moment. he should have memo umt like -- momentum like this in january and february and march. he's going to try to sway people at the convention, if he can win california. he's got 46 or 48 super delegates. she's got 500. if she can hold on, she only needs 28 more. puerto rico yesterday. two delegates don't play a role in convention. he said no one will have wbr-id "wbr5739" enough regular delegates to go over the threshold. therefore, he's not going anywhere until the convention and bill clinton responded -- we heard ted cruz said the same thing a while ago. bernie may have an insurmountable hill to climb in this. here's bill clinton responding to hecklers. yop to -- i don't want to pick a fight, but they are toast for election day. the other thing that bothers me about this they says everybody that disagrees with them is part of some nefarious establishment. it's a pretty big establishment. it includes the united farm workers because she voted for immigration reform when he didn't. >> bill is out there campaigning for -- someone asked him in the crowd, is there going to be a contested convention? he said i don't know. we're going to see who wins based on votes. >> that was jennifer griffin. >> yes. our jennifer griffin. if anything is going to propel bernie sanders to a contested convention, it's bill clinton saying they are toast. they are not going to like that. >> that's just going to energize it. >> ladies and gentlemen, the great john roberts. keep in mind, you can see him from here up. >> you deserve it. >> thank you, john. great job. brain, who is coming up next? >> by power invested in me. heather. >> hopefully everyone had a great weekend. we begin with news making headlines for you this morning. a sea of fans flooding the streets of new york city causing chaos during a kanye west pop-up show. the artist announcing a surprise performance on twitter at a small new york city concert venue that only holds 1,500 but thousands more showed up. fans climbing on top of cars, it dumpsters, scaffolding, hanging out windows. police shutting down the show because of the chaotic scene. west hinted that the show would take place. he hinted about that on social media after his governor's ball festival performance was canceled because of bad weather. the parents of that toddler who fell into a gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged today. >> oh, my god! >> prosecutors will announce whether they will pursue punishment after -- they will announce it this afternoon. the boy's mother said she was distracted when the boy climbed over a fence into the gorilla habitat. police in south carolina now treating the area where a sky diver fell to his death as a crime scene. still unclear why but they say his parachute never deployed. he fell 15,000 feet after slamming into a fellow experienced diver when the two attempted a dangerous and tricky stunt. the other jumper landing with a broken leg. he leaves behind a girlfriend and a three-year-old daughter. and from the military to miss usa. washington, d.c. shoshana barber making history as the first active military member being crowned usa. >> i think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military. we are just as tough as men. as a commander, as a commander of my unit, i'm powerful. i am dedicated, and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the united states army. [ applause ] >> the 26-year-old is an army logistics commander and an i.t. analyst for the u.s. department of commerce. her mother, father, brother, and sister have also served in the army. she will now go on to compete in the miss universe contest. those are your headlines. i believe that you all have some more? >> we were just going to say she's fantastic. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> unbelievable. coming up on this monday, a school calls the cops on a 7-year-old over his bible. was it fair? you got to hear this one to believe it. what we just learned about bernie sanders supporters, that stuart varney is stunning. >> i like stuart varney. >> he's stunning. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. wrely on the us postal service? 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>> they are outside people. now, if bernie sanders is not the candidate, i don't think he's going to be the candidate, who do those voters go for? who do bernie sanders supporters go for? >> you think they will go for trump? >> i don't think they will go for hillary clinton. she's the consummate insider. she's part of the establishment which has been railing against bernie. i think there's a good shot of a chunk of bernie sanders who -- supporters who will go for donald trump. he too is the outside guy and he's the guy who has got a plan to grow the economy and create some jobs. >> if that true, a huge proportion of democrats and independents wind up supporting donald trump, you can see that happening but at the same time how many republicans can you see actually supporting hillary? >> whether they balance each other out or not, i don't know. i'm simply say if you look at that donor class that's giving to bernie sanders, they are likely to jump ship for donald trump as opposed to hillary clinton. i don't know the numbers. i don't know the proportion, but i think i can make a good case that those bernie supporters who are outsiders want to go for the other outsider. >> the idea i can snap my fingers and millions of supporters march in line, that's not what our efforts are all about. i'm going to be the nominee. if that doesn't happen, we'll see. he doesn't even think he can get his supporters to -- >> he's a true believer. he's a socialist crusader. >> let's see who his donors are. almost 30% are not working at all. 7.4% health care number one issue and education. >> so on down the line. the vast bulk of bernie donors are people outside the economy. remember, the unemployed might be on disability, students, retirees but they are outside. >> what's interesting about that is -- >> $27 on average. >> almost 30% of his supporters don't work, so where do they have the money to give to his campaign? s that's how important his campaign is to them. >> many of them may be retirees or people retired early. >> still on a fixed income. >> their average donation is $27. >> stuart, we're going to be watching you over on your channel in a couple hours. >> my channel? >> stuart varney. >> 9:00. don't hang the american flag from a fire truck. it makes you look like a terrorist? we told you about those outrageous comments last week. meet the command who says freedom will always fly above his fire trucks. ♪ i could get used to this. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at got some quick monday morning headlines for you right now. a super bowl champion is in the hospital after being shot at a dallas night club, denver broncos quarterback akeem talib was shot in the leg. 20 years after being acquitted of murder, oj simpson might be finally willing to confess to the murders. ron schiff who has known simpson for decades. he's tormented by nicole brown and ron goldman. he's serving time in nevada for armed robbery. he's up for parole next year. if there's going to be a confession, it would be after 2017. firefighters in coventry,rhe the flag from their fire trucks. why? he says like isis in syria going to take over a city. i don't think they need that big flag on the back of a truck. that's not america to me. those are a bunch of terrorists. the official has since apologized and firefighters have permission to fly the flag. that's not stopped all the backlash as you can imagine. let's bring in union president david gorman. what was your reaction to all of this? >> at first, were his comments real? did he just say that? now, it's become just so overwhelming throughout the country, the support that we had, and, you know, calling a firefighter a terrorist, first responders or trying to liken us to people that slaughter, behead, we couldn't believe that. >> the guy is named fred grilinski. here's his apology. during a heated moment, i made remarks regarding members of our staff that were clearly a poor choice of words. david, the question here when i read that apology, why did he originally say that the american flag was not america to him? it doesn't get more american than that, right? >> no, absolutely not. the american flag is a symbol of everything brave men and women have fought for for years, since the beginning of the country. >> is that satisfactory to you, that apology? >> no, because if you continue reading the apology, the apology was not directed to the firefighters or the staff. the apology was directed at i'm sorry if i offended someone for saying to remove the flag. there was never a direct apology to the staff or the firefighters for calling us terrorists. >> you know the very person who is calling you a terrorist, what would you do if he needs your help one day? >> you know, we still what we do. as first responders when that bell hits or that alarm goes out, we continue to respond. we provide whatever assistance is needed to whoever or whomever it might be, including the chairman. >> david, why is the american flag, why would the american flag be offensive to anyone living in this country? >> could you repeat that? i couldn't hear you. >> why would the american flag, what represents what this country stands for, why would it be offensive to anyone? >> you know, i don't know why it would ever be offensive to anyone. i think the comments were made particularly that evening to degrade and belittle the firefighters in front of the community at that meeting, in front of the handful of supporters who were present at that meeting, really just to poke at us, because we've been entrenched in a battle, but to try to get a rise out of the firefighters in the community, and really have the community turn their backs, but i think that's what's happening now is the community and the nation are really turning their backs on mr. gralinski and his comments. it was inappropriate comments at all and the poor choice of words statement, that's just something that we've -- we continue to hear those type of comments. our firefighters in the community are used to those comments from mr. gralinski. that's not the first time. similar, inciteful comments have been made. >> by you going to his rescue if he needed help, that says it all. we appreciate all the work you do and for being a great american. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. coming up, so much for civility. anti trump protesters burn down his signs, but the sign owners response is priceless. watch your words at work. you can no longer say hey you guys because it's offensive. happy birthday to actor paul giamatti, he's 49 years old today. ♪ ♪ looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. live 24/7. with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the #1 ge recommended probiotic. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age... your skin never will. olay regenerist, olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love now with lightweight spf 30. if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. all john deere compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing now to your extreme weather, the east coast is on high alert this morning, from florida to south carolina. millions of americans are bracing for as much as 8 inches of rain and even tornadoes when tropical storm colin makes landfall today in the sunshine state. >> picking up steam in the gulf of mexico, bringing severe thunderstorms to the northeastern portion to the yucatan peninsula and most of the western coast is under a tropical storm watch as well. >> what's going to happen, maria? it's going to take a turn and go across florida again? >> yeah. it's going to be hitting northern florida. we're talking colin, that's the third-named storm already and we're a couple of days in the atlantic hurricane season. starting off very active already and the storm is forecast to kind of intensify here over the next 24 hours or so as it eventually makes landfall late tonight across northern florida. overall, the organization with it is a little messy. we're keeping an eye on that. a lot of moisture with this storm and the problem is going to be flooding and possibility of severe weather that you mentioned. taking a closer look you can see the storm now has maximum sustained winds at 50 miles per hour with stronger gusts. a very fast-moving storm system by tuesday afternoon it could be just east of the carolinas and it will bring rain anywhere from florida to georgia into the carolinas. look at the forecast, potentially 8 inches of rain and locally even higher amounts. heads up across parts of georgia, northern florida. you are under the gun for potential flash flooding and even a tornado potential. that's a look at the potential for tornadoes, including the city of jacksonville, through the day today and also into tonight. back inside. that's part of the reason that the governor was supposed to meet with donald trump yesterday. he said i got to go back. >> can't do it. >> we'll see what's happening in florida the next 24 hours. 25 minutes before the top of hour. the greatest is now home. muhammad ali's casket is in his hometown. >> lauren green is live outside of his museum in louisville. good morning, lauren. >> good morning, guys. thank you so much. all week long people have been gathering here at the muhammad ali center here in louisville, kentucky, to just be a part of history. to collectively mourn and celebrate the man known simple as "the greatest." his casket carrying his body arrived here to louisville from arizona for his final journey home. the town where he grew up celebrates him as a native son as well as a citizen of the world. at his childhood home, fans and we will wishers waited for tours at the tiny pink house where ali was known as cassius clay. his younger brother shared with us what he wants others to know about his big brother. >> i want the world to know that muhammad ali to me was the most generous, loving, kind person, the whole world. he hated nobody. he's a great champion. had conviction. had love. i'll see him in heaven and i'll see him in heaven and my parents will be in heaven. all good people will be in heaven. >> his funeral will be on friday. preseeing that will be a procession. back to you guys. lauren green live outside the muhammad ali center in louisville, kentucky. >> the story about all his organs had failed but his heart kept beating for 30 more minutes. that's amazing. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. time for news with heather we begin with isis and they are now ruthlessly hunting down their own, apparently. there's a panicked hunt for spies within the group after the killing of one of its top commanders. they have already slaughtered dozens of their own suspected of acting as moles. others have disappeared into prison and more have runaway scared that they could be next. isis has laid out several bodies of suspected spies in public to warn others. a trump supporter isn't backing down after vandals destroy a huge campaign sign. this is all that is left of a trump billboard on private party in washington state. someone threw gasoline on it and set it on fire. the man who built the sign will replis it and said the next one just got ten feet taller. that man ripping off donald trump's reaction after the former president of mexico said they wouldn't help pay for the border wall. >> it just got ten feet taller, believe me. >> and some other headlines for you. a school sparring on line outrage for calling police for a 7-year-old handing out bible versus to classmates. an officer reportedly showed up at the boy's home telling him to stop because someone might be offended. that family is threatening legal action, saying that it violates the boy's first amendment. hey guys, be careful not to say that anymore the. an australian man is calling foul on using the word guys to describe a group of people. >> when it comes to words at work, we've all got to walk the talk. >> well, the diversity council australia says getting rid of the word in a working environment will help create more diverse thinking and help people become more productive and effective. and those are a look at your headlines. ainsley, what about a hey y' all? >> i prefer guys. i'm sticking with it. >> that's because you are a guy. heather, thank you very much. >> thanks, heather. interesting camera shot. >> guys is kind of unisex, when you say hello ladies. >> that's why you stick with y-all. it always works. it's the annual fox fan weekend. >> do you want to step into the fox light and find out with senior vice president of marketing michael tamara? what are you talking about this fox fan day. >> it's taken off, 11 years and running now and this year it's going to take place, starts off on friday, june 24th with a concert right out here, followed by a taping "the five" that afternoon right outside here in the plaza and on the 25th and 26th, we take it up to the bronx where the yankees are going against the minnesota twins and first pitch is at 1:00. >> for the last 11 years there have been people who have gotten the tickets absolutely free, they plan their whole summer around it. so how do they wind up with a pair of tickets? >> starting today, they should email us at fox fan weekend at fox spell it out. up until june 15th and let us know if you'll be attending the concert and the taping of "the five" and/or saturday or sunday up at yankee stadium. >> is it true the yankees have allowed one of our fans to pitch the first inning? >> no, it's not true. >> that's not true? >> no. >> they can use the help, brian. >> you do such a great job with that. you at home get a chance to meet everyone at fox and we get to thank you in person for watching and keeping us all employed. >> that's great. >> we also have chicken fingers. >> once again the email address is. >> fox fan week at fox coming up on this monday, the video is insane. cars flying out -- look at that -- a building? raining down and on the streets below. this is not what it seems. are traditional values important in your household? up next, how to strengthen your family in 30 days in 30 ways, next. ♪ ♪ think yotry nexium 24hr.'s best for your heartburn? now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. what aremaking a cake!ht now? ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering. welcome back, everybody. quick headlines and then something really special. imagine looking out your window and seeing this. and hearing the screams. four cars plunge out of a garage, crashing and bursting into flames in cleveland. if that scene looks like a scene from a movie, that's because it is a scene from a movie. crews were shooting the latest fast and furious movie called "fast 8." a florida-based company is looking to pave the way for space tourism by becoming the first commercial venture to launch a mission beyondering's orbit. moon express is collaborating with nasa. 95% of american moms say it's no easy task to instill positive values in kids these days so how do we preserve our family values? >> author rebecca hagueland is here. she's recently released a new book. it's called "30 ways, 30 days to strengthen your family." >> at least people are going to read it for a month. >> i hope so and i hope they will keep it as a handbook on their shelf for the rest of your parenthood because there is a chapter in there that will be helpful to you no matter where you are in your parenthood. specific ho -- how-tos. >> what can we expect? is it a task every single day of the month? >> no. the idea is to give 30 things that you can start incorporating into your mind. you want to take and do it one a day and build upon layer upon layer of reinforcing those things that you are doing, that's really the premise of the book. >> we've got some of of your steps to a stronger family. one of them is to kick your inner demons back to hell where they belong. what are you talking? >> yes. bam, kick out regret, bam, kick out guilt, bam kick out fear. there's this awesome verse that says god hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind and there are so many moms that are living with fear and regret that they lose the joy of the day because they are living in the past. and so all through the book it encourages you to let go of those things that are robbing you and your family of the joy of today, and replace them with good things, visions of lovelyness, visions of what you want your family to come. >> you say to write love letters to your children. >> yes. this is very important. there are many times in our lives where we feel like oh, my gosh i haven't said anything or done anything meaningful to my children. >> pick up your toys. you are late for school. >> you go through this list. the love letter to your child is something in your own handwriting, something where you declare your unconditional, undying love for them. where you paint a vision of a bright future for them. it's a great way to even say, hey, i'm sorry, and i want to start a new day, and that will be a treasure for your child. >> that's nice. that's important because it seems like every day is a battle sometimes and in fact you've got to commit to the daily battle. >> that's exactly right. it's every day waking up purposely in your heart. dear lord please help me on this day to uphold the standards you've set for my family. to make sure i touch my child's soul in a loving way. to make sure that i'm their mom and not their best friend and to create that home that's inviting, warm, and fun. my daughter wrote this book with me. she gave a reflection at the end of each chapter as a reality check about my tip in the chapter. here's one thing she said i would love to share. a true home is where walls come down and souls come out because there is true love there and that makes it safe. when you create an atmosphere that is inviting, warm, and fun, then kids, teenagers, and adults will come and they will be blessed. >> good job raising that kid, mom. >> her new book is called "30 ways in 30 days to strengthen your family." >> what a beautiful book. congratulations on your success. coming up on this show, the outrage surrounding donald trump's comments about the race of a federal judge growing this morning. he's not backing down. in fact, he's doubling down. he joins us live to respond next hour to that question and so many more. this morning, we're helping you hit the road this summer and stay safe. we have the checklist of things you need to do before you leave the house. number one, get a car. make it blue. number two, you have to wait for the segment. ♪ ♪ will california be feeling the bern? the golden state is make or break for sanders and with the candidate locked in a dead heat with hillary? join me, bernie's last stand or not? . the real story at 2:00. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, just for sleep. so yoless intense?k out. there we go. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. experts predicting low gas prices all summer, actually for the rest of the year. that means many of you will decide to have summer road trips. so what are the best ways to prepare for your long car journeys? over 6 million people in the country will travel over 400 miles. we're kicking off this summer series, summer trip series, to keep your tires running smoothly so you don't end up on the side of the road. jennifer, thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> the first thing is tread on the tires. >> there are three key things you need to do to make sure your tires are taken care of. that's important because that's the only thing between your car and the road. michelin recommends three stems to ta -- steps to take care of your tires. >> this is worn, not. >> correct. all you need is a simple penny to do the penny test. you want to make sure and put lincoln's head down in the deepest part of the groove and see if you can see the top of his head. if you can see the top of his head like you can here with the worn tire, you know that it's time to get your tires inspected and potential rell plaly replac. g >> and this looks brand new. >> yes. visually inspect your tire also, make sure there's no cracks or dents as well. >> tire pressure. the way i know i need more tire pressure is if it squeaks when i make a turn. >> you should probably do a little more than that. >> i know that, but i'm not a tire expert like you. >> the door will tell you the tire pressure for your particular car. every car is different, every application is different. in this case the proper psi is 32 for this particular car. >> we cheated, we did this before the show. we found out 32. you put it on this. >> here you can see we're a little bit overinflated, so in this case we would want to let a little pressure out of the tire. >> so the last thing you want to do is rotate the tires. when? >> rotate the tires on a regular basis between 6 and 8,000 miles and make sure you're doing that essentially at the same time you do your oil pressure checks. >> a lot of cars are not putting in spare to see make it lighter. >> that's right. check your spare, too. michelin has a glove box guide that you can download to help train your new drivers so they know the basics. >> tomorrow we're going to bring you the hottest acts to keep your summer road trips safe and smart. coming up straight ahead, a guy named donald trump. he's firing back against his critics saying he should not be targeting a federal judge who is targeting trump university. will he double down or back off? we'll find out and ask him other questions when we come back on "fox & friends." good job, jen. stronger or longer what pain? advil. 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some people are just kind of catching up to the whole thing. >> well, because i have thousands of students who have taken these courses who have given us rave reviews, written, in writing, and some on tape. thousands and thousands. and they'll testify, and we'll win the case easily. it's going to be an easy case to win. usa did a study of my law school and case and various things and i had a lot of victories. i think it was something like 480 wins and 32 losses. just put this one in the win column. i don't like settling cases where you're being held up. these are class actions, you get sued by class actions. every firm knows about class action lawsuits. it's disgraceful, but it's very simple. i have thousands and thousands of people who signed documents, like report cards. >> you are confident you'll be ultimately found -- >> 100%. this is a case that should have been thrown out a long time ago by the judge. >> hillary clinton went after you over the weekend for this case, and so did some well-respected and well-known republicans as well. let's take a listen to that and then we'll get your reaction. >> what trump is doing is trying to divert attention from the very serious fraud charges against trump university. he does have that thin skin, and judge curiel is as american as i am, and certainly as american as donald trump is, and trump's continuing ethnic slurs and rants against everyone, including a distinguished federal judge, i think makes my point rather conclusively. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it's inexcusable. >> what's your reaction to that, mr. trump? >> with hillary, she's under investigation. she would be going to jail except the system is possibly rigged, frankly. for her to be talking about anything, it's not a big deal. it's a small civil case and i'll win the case very easily. it goes before a jury. the good news is i go before a jury. it shouldn't even be a case. this case should have been dl n thrown out on summary judgment. if someone else was in charge, this would have been thrown out on summary judgment. as far as newt is concerned, i thought it was inappropriate what he said. >> he really believes it's -- you can't bring up someone's ethnic background if they were born here in this country and if they were federal judge appointe appointed. mcconnell said we should be bringing the party together. >> he was appointed by president obama, just to set the record straight. he was appointed a federal judge because of obama. >> but in a time in which the economy just put together an anemic 38,000 jobs and you want to fix the economy, how does it benefit donald trump becoming president to talk about the ethnicity of a school that most of the country doesn't care about? >> you know why, and you're right. most people don't care about it but it gets brought up by the other side, and when i respond and then i talk about how bad the jobs picture is, how bad our country is doing, how badly we're doing economically, how people are out of work, how our real unemployment rate is through the roof and people don't want to talk about it because that's a ridiculous number, the 5% is a ridiculous number. you understand that, we all -- i talk about all of this. the only thing they pick up is the fact that i'll say something about the trump university case. now, all i do is a quick referral and i say it and i say it loud and clear. by the way, a lot of people agree with me and i have a lot of support. and the reason i have a lot of support, they're starting to understand the case. thousands and thousands of people, thousands of people, have said it's great, they took the course. and by the way, they're going to be witnesses, so, you know. and people understand that. and my supporters understand that. i think beyond my supporters. >> you respect newt gingrich. he wasn't just firing off. he said some nice things about you in that interview, but he doesn't understand where you're coming at with this. does anything about that get through to you and make you reform your tactics when someone who has been a supporter of yours comes out and says this is a huge mistake? >> all i'm trying to do is figure out why i'm beaten so unfairly by a judge. all i want to do is find out why am i being treated so unfairly by a judge? >> when you say treated unfairly -- >> brian, when you have a plaintiff, right? you have a plaintiff that brings the case, brought the case. turned out she was a terrible plaintiff because she signed all sorts of documents, how great the courses were, how great the school was, everything, it was unbelievable. then i find out we have a tape of her saying it on video. we have a tape. wait a minute. and they asked her -- they say, uh-oh, she's a disaster as a witness. we say we won the case, she's a disaster as a witness. then they say, we don't want her as a plaintiff any longer, just throw out the case. he throws out the plaintiff and he says, nope, the case is still alive. >> if you're running as president and you're running against somebody who is about to get the nomination and you're trying to outline why you would be a better president, why would it be in your best interest and your party's best interest to focus on a case that won't come to trial until after the election. >> they bring it up and when they bring it up, i respond to it, brian. i respond to the bad economy. i respond to a lot of things going wrong in this country. i respond to the very crooked and dishonest big league, the criminally dishonest clinton foundation, the money they took in, and then he goes around or she goes around and makes speeches, and the favors that were done. nobody looks at that stuff. you're talking about big league stuff. the money that comes this and pours in from foreign countries and she's secretary of state. i talk about that, people don't pick that up. they pick up this. it's amazing. >> let's switch gears. what did your other campaign, paul manford and others, say about trump university? >> i don't emphasize it, but when i sit down with "face the nation" and dick manford asks me about this, and the first and third question are about this, then i sit down with jake and the first question is this, and the second and third question are also this, you know, you have to respond. now, then the papers pick this up more than they pick up the fact that we had an anemic jobs report, a horrible jobs report on friday. i speak about the jobs report but people don't find that so exciting. >> i want to switch to something that actually relates to this. your odds of being elected president, there are a bunch of u.k. betting facilities, including the odds makers lab bros and others. they looked at the odds of the amount of money people are rageerring over the u.s. presidential election. where you made the comments where you called some illegal mexicans rapists, your odds were 100-1. after you made the comments about john mccain, your odds were 50-1. date before the iowa caucuses, your odds were 3-1, and right now you are at 2-1. >> well -- >> so that's what the odds makers say. >> that's good. i think they know better than the political pundits. >> because they've actually got some skin in the game. it looks like controversy, and you got some with this trump university thing, controversy seems to help you. >> you have to go and fight controversy. you can't let people put their spin on it. i watched somebody from nbc, katy tur, she knows nothing about my campaign like she's an expert. we don't talk to her, we don't let people talk to her because she's not a very good reporter. i watch so-called people talking about my campaign that really don't know much about it. you people know more about my campaign than almost anybody, okay? maybe you should go out and talk, you'll make a fortune. the fact is that people talk about my campaign. we don't even allow them in. they know nothing about the campaign but they sit there and they talk like -- i remember when michael jackson died, i was friends with michael jackson. i knew michael jackson very well, and then everybody commented on michael jackson. i said to myself, it's amazing, he didn't even know those people. it's like that. the world of politics is a very strange world and people want to get on and they say things. they have no idea what they're talking about, and i watch it and i listen to it all the time, but i think the 2-1 odds, that's a lot different from where i started. when i started with you and doing your show -- >> 100-1. >> -- i was never in that category, that i can tell you. >> i don't know if you caught the miss usa pageant last night, the woman who won, shawn debarber. she had a dropping moment last night where she was asked about women having combat roles. let's hear her response to this. >> as a woman in the united states army -- [ cheers and applause ] >> -- i think it was an amazing job for the government to let women enter every branch of the military. we're just as tough as men. as a commander of my unit, i'm powerful, i am dedicated, and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the united states army. [ cheers and applause ] >> i think she became america's favorite when we watched the video last night. i was watching the pageant, of her mom and dad in uniform and what the military means to her. it was an excellent pick, i thought, by the judges. what did you think? >> i thought it was great. i owned miss usa and i sold it to img for a lot of money, frankly, but it was something i think -- i don't know, owning pageants while i'm running the president, i didn't know if that was a good idea so i sold it. i took it as a sick puppy, bought it as nothing and sold it for many millions of dollars, and it was a wonderful thing to watch it grow. i watched it last night. i thought img did a really good job. i thought the answer also, by the way, was excellent. that was probably the answer that won. >> yep. first lieutenant deshawn barber reporting for duty as miss usa 2016. donald trump, thank you for joining us on this monday morning. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, fox news alert. the east coast in the crosshairs this morning as tropical storm colin prepares to make landfall in florida in just a matter of hours. it's going to be a soaker. we're live on the ground as people get ready there, coming up next. fitness star richard simmons back in the headlines. >> 5, 6, 7, double touch. >> he was just rushed to the hospital, actually, but this morning we have an update on his condition. ♪ that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. every ingredient is the main ingredient. the strawberry poppyseed... romaine, mandarin, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry... strawberry... salad with chicken. at panera. food as it should be. so yostanding up.ddle. with a friend. or you're a skier. or snowboarder. or a skier with two kids who snowboard. wait, where's your wife? there she is. you also like to work out. less intense? there we go. or you want to know your heart rate. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. i'm getting dark chocolate and a hint of butterscotch. how about you? i taste - whaaaaaaaaaow. wha wha na na na na na na da ba da ba da ba daw! it's good. welcome back. a fox news alert for you now. 15 planned terror attacks on the european soccer championship just foiled. some brand new video showing officials arresting a frenchman whof who was, quote, armed to the teeth with weapons and explosives. officials grabbed him at the ukranian border with poland. he allegedly planned to attack bridges, railways and other locations around the soccer championship in france. that event was just singled out in the state department's travel warning to americans. fans on the streets of new york city causing chaos during a kanye west pop-up show. announcing his surprise performance on twitter at a small city concert venue that only holds 1500 being but thousands more showed up. fans climbing on cars, hanging on scaffolding, anything they could do to get a better view. police shutting it all down because of the chaotic scene. west hinted at the show on social media when his other performance was canceled because of bad weather. so a lot of people got that hint. back to you, ainsley. now to another fox news alert. millions of americans bracing for extreme weather on the east coast as tropical storm colin sets the sunshine state on its crosshairs. winds and even tornadoes are expected later today, steve. >> it's either under a warning or a watch, as you can see here. >> shayla reeves joins us just north of tampa. shayla? >> reporter: good morning to you. we're outside a briefing for the emergency operations center, and the director is already telling those dozens of workers inside, start thinking about the possibility of an overnight operation. again, we're in pasco county where no mandatory evacuations have been ordered at this time, but we are learning that the window that they're watching closely is between 8:00 in the morning and 9:00 in the evening. they tell us that's the most significant chance for tornadic activity. this is the first major storm of the season, and we do know this emergency operations center, it was under construction. the director says they opened this center ahead of schedule because they were concerned about this particular storm. they are telling people the biggest threat is the low-lying areas and any of those homes or streets that are prone to flooding, they're asking those who live in those areas that maybe don't typically get flooding to still take steps to protect their homes. sandbags are available at multiple locations throughout pasco county, we do know just yesterday, thousands were handed out to people who needed them. so we're going to keep an eye on this throughout the day and keep you posted as we learn anything further, guys. back to you. >> thank you very much for the live report. coming up for the first time, the government revealing the conservative groups targeted by the irs and it was a lot bigger number than anybody knew about before. a marine vet fired for doing what he thought was his duty. >> all of y'all out there fighting for this country, and that's what they think about y'all. that's a beauty. that flag should be waving. happy memorial day, y'all. >> that marine is here with a message to his boss. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at what are you doingetting faster. huh? 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>> no, sir, not at all. >> how does this come down that you lose your job by putting the flag at half mast? >> i just wanted to show respect for all those service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we have the freedoms that a lot of people in the world do not have. >> true, and you fought for it, you signed up for it, you were discharged in 2014. time warner hires you, and you said they say they're upset because you lowered it without asking permission? >> right, yes, sir. >> why did you even have to ask permission? why wasn't that done automatically? they should be embarrassed that you had to do it without permission. >> yes, sir. i just felt compelled to my very close friend, sergeant jeffrey day. he had ptsd and he committed suicide, and i was thinking about him when i lowered the flag. >> did you explain that to your bosses? >> they didn't give me a chance. no, sir. >> how did they inform you this would be your last day? >> i heard through a third party that it was for my passion towards the military and my political affiliation that i was fired. i never heard from time warner cable. north carolina is an at-will state, so they didn't really feel like they needed to tell me why. >> that's true, here's one of the quotes. they were concerned, the company was disturbed by your passion for the flag and his political affiliation. what's your political affiliation? >> my political affiliation is with peace and love. i really don't have a true political affiliation. >> so this happens. you grew up with marines, you talk about discipline, following orders. do you regret not asking first? >> no, sir, i do not. >> what's been the reaction from you no longer being there? what about for your friends and family and others? >> the outpour has been overwhelming. i don't know what to say for all the people sending me messages. it means a lot to me at this time. >> would you take your job back if time warner said, come back, we blew it? >> no, sir, i don't think i could work for time warner cable anymore. >> i can respect that. can i ask you what kind of job you're looking for? >> i'm looking for anything right now. i'm just ready to get to work. anything, i'll take it and run with it. >> if somebody wanted to get ahold of you to say it is okay to put our flag at half mast as an ex-marine, how would they do it? >> can you repeat the question again? >> can you just tell me how people get ahold of you if they want to offer you a job? >> oh. my e-mail address is ajthornwell at. >> at fox we say thanks for your service and you did the right thing. >> thank you very much. >> thanks a lot. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, we changed gears. remember richard simmons? he was rushed to the hospital this weekend. we have an update on his condition. and the tricky editing by the state department did not get by us. >> i think there are times when diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> now the administration just getting busted censoring the news again. congressman jason chavis, he comes through the doors to react with a message. ♪ mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas. love your fiber. new mirafiber. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing (p...that, you haveit, wait! yoto rinse it first like... that's baked- on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? cascade platinum... powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. see? told you it would work. cascade. ♪ ♪ it takes two, baby, me and you ♪ >> this hurts to watch. it's the world shin kicking championships. the goal is simple. kick your opponent until they can't stand. >> the annual event started more than 400 years ago in southern england before cable television and well before the modern olympics began in greece. >> who would sign up for this? >> people with strong shins. >> competitors can protect themselves by putting straw under their pants and their socks. hay or grass or whatever it was they were putting in there. >> if there is any sport we should stop, this should be one of them. >> they seem to be having a good time, but maybe beer is involved. >> and novocain. meanwhile, heather childers, you have the latest breaking news. >> that didn't make sense to me. we begin on a completely different note. the greatest is now home. muhammad ali's casket arriving in his hometown of louisville, a solemn procession leading from the airport to the streets. mosques across the country were packed with people mourning ali, hundreds of people praying together in a morning service in louisville. the boxing great died of septic shock on saturday at the age of 74. he battle d parkinson's for thre decades. hundreds of fans are lining up to get a look outside, leaving flowers on the porch. big loss. a town is sparking outrage for forcing firefighters to remove the american flag from fire trucks because it makes them look like terrorists? that's right, a city official in rhode island saying that american flags waving from the back of trucks look, quote, ridiculous, even going as far as comparing it to isis. the official has since apologized, but the firefighters union's president, who joins us on "fox & friends," says, not so fast. >> the apology was not directed at the firefighters or the staff, the apology was directed at i'm sorry if i offended someone for saying remove the flag. there was never a direct apology to the staff or the firefighters for calling us terrorists. >> firefighters now have permission to fly the flag. '80s icon richard simmons is out the hospital, says he's doing just fine. >> 6, 7, double touch. >> the fitness guru rushed to the emergency room this weekend following the reports of, quote, bizarre behavior at his home in los angeles. in a statement, simmons thanks his fans for their support and says, i was dehydrated and needed some fluids and now i'm feeling great. the anti-trump team is still without a candidate. david french, a lawyer and staff writer for "the national review," says, no, he will not run for president against presumptive nominee donald trump. french, who is also an army veteran, says he gave it some serious thought because he says the presumptive nominees on both sides are dishonest. but he says he's also not the right guy for the job. there's a look at your headlines. back to you. thank you very much. let's bring in jason chavitz. he is the chair of the oversight committee. good morning. >> good morning. >> what do you think of that story that says i'm not the guy to take on donald trump. >> i want to get united and i want to win in november and that means making sure hillary clinton is not the next president of the united states. >> let's talk about something else that got your attention last week, the huge story that james rosen's question was edited out of the video record at the state department. where are you going with this? what was your reaction to it? i thought the whole thing was pretty outrageous. >> it started with ben rhodes who admitted that basically they had snookered the american people into believing this iranian deal is what it was supposed to be. they've gone out and literally took out eight minutes of video from a james rosen question. then we found another thing, the abc news found a clip where there was a question by a fox news reporter where they were asked definitively if they ever lied about the iranian deal, and they said, no, kevin. now that's been extracted from the record. it's become more than a coinciden coincidence, it's now a pattern. >> so what they now demanding? >> we're going to invite secretary kerry, he's the cabinet person that should testify in front of congress and explain this. we have a lot of questions about iran because we don't have details about what happened there, and now that they're altering the record after ben rhodes admitted they snookered the american people, there is a lot to be answered about the iranian deal. >> but they'll say, it was just a glitch. one guy did it, he took a call, he doesn't remember who called. how many times did someone call that guy and say, we need a white flash in there? >> they've asked that the inspector general do an investigation. we in the oversight committee are going to do an investigation, but i have to believe that truth is going to surface. that's what we're all about, trying to provide that sunlight. we can't put them in jail, but we can hold them accountable and expose it for what it is. >> youhe executive branch can't put them in handcuffs. you and i were talking in the green room about a case you're working on as well where there have been a number of illegals in this country that have been incarcerated for felonies. the way the law is written, once they're released, we're supposed to send them home. that's not happening. >> i've been in congress for 7 and a half years, it's probably the most infuriating thing. people here illegally get caught committing a crime, get convicted of that crime, skpin ste -- and instead of getting deported, they let them back out in the public. they claim these countries won't take them back, but the law says you're supposed to inform the state department and not give these countries any more visas until they actually take these people back. i think that's reasonable. they're not obeying that law and they shouldn't be releasing them back into the public. >> it's pretty outrageous. let's talk about donald trump. yesterday he did a series of interviews. he talked a lot about the case against him and trump university, and he says he would rather talk about other things, but the press keeps bringing him back to trump university. let's listen. >> i don't emphasize it, but when i sit down for "face the nation" and john dickerson, a good guy, asks me a question, and the first question is about this, and the second and third question is about this, and then i sit down with jake and the first question is this, and the second and third question is about this, you have to respond. then the papers pick this up more than they pick up the fact that we had an anemic jobs report, a horrible jobs report, on friday. i speak about the jobs report, but people don't find that so exciting. >> what's your take on that? >> look, i think people are disturbed that you would want to try to dismiss a judge based on his ethnicity. you can have qualms with how he's ruling in the case, you can have qualms about his political affiliation, i think that's fair game. but why doesn't he just say, look, it's up to the attorneys, it's in the court and leave it at that. and move on. you give it a 10-second answer and move on. >> what's been happening in the house regarding republicans coalescing around donald trump? i know paul ryan famously in the last few days said, okay, i'm going to vote for him. >> i was watching this footage out west where donald trump was in san jose and they were out there burning american flags and waving mexican flags. that is doing as much as anything to rally the country. i don't care where you are in the political spectrum, but rally the country behind donald trump. i tell you, it's infuriating. >> the anti-trump protesters are helping donald trump -- >> you can protest in this country, but when you're out there burning the american flag -- >> or egging a woman who was supporting him. >> you don't intimidate people to not attend a political rally. we should be celebrating political rally and encouraging young people to go hear both candidates, and the conservative viewpoint, i think, will win, i really do. but to burn the flag and egg people -- >> too much violence. >> that's not good. >> jason, thank you for being here. coming up on this monday, she thought she would live the rest of her life in south carolina until state lines were redrawn, putting her house -- all these years she's been living not in south carolina, she's actually on the north carolina side, and she is now in danger of losing her potentially life-saving health care. she is going to join us live next from one of those carolinas. and guess who else is joining us? "duck dynasty"'s sadie robinson. she's in the green room. why she says life just got real. ♪ dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there's tracy. what! 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(doorbell) mom, check this out. wow. swiffer sweeper, and dusters. this is what i'm talking about. look at that. sticks to this better than it sticks to lulu. that's your hair lulu! mom, can we have another dog? (laughing) trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, dust and hair than the store brand stop cleaning. start swiffer ing ♪ there's people who care where i'm going ♪ ♪ and good friends to welcome me home ♪ ♪ so get a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ drive the american road ♪ and with a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ find your own highway ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ ♪ take you wherever you go. ♪ some quick headlines for you. an elaborate heist involving a desk full of money and a monkey? watch as this precocious primate distracts these jewelry store owners with a piece of fruit, ran sacking the drawers. the monkey made off with $200. still, a lot of money. you've got to see this. a grandma trying on virtual reality goggles for the very first time. and her reaction? priceless. >> oh! [ yelling ] >> you can see the woman from northern ireland going from happy to terrified within just a matter of seconds while living that nightmare being chased by dinosaurs while she was watching "jurassic park." a border battle of a different kind happening in the carolinas. the proposed redrawing of the state lines between north and south carolina has left one homeown homeowner in health care and financial jeopardy. if changes are approved, she'll go from being a south carolina resident with an address in south carolina, a south carolina phone number, to being a north carolina resident. joining us now is the 88-year-old homeowner, and at the moment, a south carolina resident, d.d. good morning. >> good morning, steve. >> we pretty much know where south carolina and north carolina is. we're going to use gps and look at where the founders wanted it. as it turns out, you thought you were in south carolina, but you were just barely over into north carolina. how does that impact you? >> it's devastating to us financially, and in so many ways. so many ways. south carolina is the only state we know that has a doctor who will make house calls. we're blessed with one, and this may become even more important to us in the future as my husband has many health issues. >> well, you moved to south carolina precisely to save money. the cost of living there is lower. but if you are a north carolina resident, what happens to your taxes? >> oh, they would go up. tremendously. we would have to change our deed, all of the addresses, our driver's license, everything would change. >> you mentioned your husband's health care. because you are technically a north carolina resident but you've been getting it as a south carolina resident, how would your health care impact your husband and his care? >> he would no longer be able to get help from providence care which is licensed only in south carolina. they could not care for him anymore. >> and he needs his health care to stay alive, doesn't he? >> absolutely. >> at this point, have the people who are behind this redrawing of the state line, have they said, you know what, you've been living here for a number of years. we're just going to continue to consider you, as long as you live in the house, a south carolina resident even though you're just a little over the edge? >> that would be nice. >> any chance that's going to happen? >> we have not been assured of anything. we were told when they first sent out a letter in 2011, we had bought the property but had not yet moved. at that point the only thing that they considered was children in school. since we didn't have any, we didn't realize we would be affected. >> dee, how would like this to end? what would you like to see happen for your family? >> i would like to be allowed to keep our south carolina address, at least for as long as we own the house. >> surely. all right. >> then if it needs to sell as north carolina property, we could do what needed to be done at that time. >> well, keep us posted. let us know what happens, what the states decide, whether taxes go up and your health as well. all right, dee? >> thank you so much. >> dee martin, who thought she was in south carolina, it turns out she was in north carolina. coming up next, the robertson family of "duck dynasty" fame makes no secret about their spiritual choices. sadie robinson is here with life just got real, next. john travolta and olivia newton-john top the charts with "you're the one that i want" in 1978 at this time. ♪ good luck with the meeting today. thank you. as our business is growing, and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. holiday inn has been a part of the team. you're on the fourth floor. it makes life on the road much easier. book your next journey at it makes life on the roa♪ mu"dinner!". "may i be excused?" get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. we thank you for the words, we thank you for the wine, we thank you for all the things that live in them. thank you for blessing us especially with this good meal. >> amen, indeed. the robertson family of "duck dynasty" fame make no secret about their faith. you see it at the end of every episode. >> yeah, we love that. now willy and his daughter, sadie robinson, is encouraging teens to find the life they live in confidence. sadie, welcome. >> thank you so much. >> so you get into fiction already. >> i know, weird, right? i never would have thought i would be writing fiction. >> how did this come to be? >> well, my mom came to me and she was like, sadie, i think you could write a fiction book. it would help so many middle school and high school and college girls. i thought, are you crazy? we ended up doing it with a co-writer, got together and made this awesome story. >> do you think your mother said you should write fiction because you've been making up stories with her all along? she's an expert at fiction! >> probably. >> what is the book about? >> the book is about two girls, and one of the girls is kind of based off my life before "duck dynasty." the other girl is based off after "duck dynasty." but the two girls are two girls that can relate to almost any girl anywhere. it helped me to write it. it's deep and fun, too. >> because your family is famous, it doesn't mean you have any problems, there aren't the same issues, it doesn't matter how much money you have or how much fame you have, right? >> yeah, it's all the same stuff. there is a part in the book that i love. the producer of the tv show, the girl said, you can do this, you can do this, it could be a huge platform for you. she said, i'm too scared, i'm too scared. and i went through this. i was scared because i thought people thought i had to be perfect, but i'm just like everybody else. that message is in the book for girls all across america. >> life just got real for you because you just graduated from high school. >> yes, i graduated, yay! >> you have a clothing line, books -- tell us about the devotional that's coming up. >> there's a devotional coming out this fall. my grandmother and i wrote it together. it's really sweet. >> i love this story, because you pair two friends together. they're preparing for the prom together, and you mention how it's both sides of you. you have a girl who loves to repair cars with her dadhave a and big city life and all that. it's a great book for parents who are trying to encourage their teen arager srksteenagers. >> it opens june 7, so that's fantastic. >> tomorrow. >> tell your folks we said hi. >> thanks. >> great family. coming up next on this "fox & friends" monday, bret baier. we're going to talk a whole lot of politics live from d.c., next. hello sunshine. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you've never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i'm feeling you. yeah you do! let's do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee... woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la... quinta! yeah! but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? i smbut ended up nowhere.a lot now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. all right, it is monday. it's june 6, i'm ainsley earhardt. big election tomorrow. we're going to start with a fox news alert. a dramatic terror takedown moments ago. a man police say was armed to the teeth with weapons accused of plotting a string of attacks that sparked a travel warning for america. breaking details on that and what he was planning. meanwhile donald trump doubling down on his attacks against the judge overseeing his trump university case. >> all i'm trying to do is figure out why i'm being treated so unfairly by a judge. >> what else the donald told us as critics from both sides pounce on the number one guy on the republican side. hey, guys, do you know it's offensive to say "hey, guys"? yeah. someone call the pc police. meanwhile, the morning is still with your friends, guys. ♪ and the eagle flies. >> we've got firemen and flags out on the plaza, and this is all about a story we've been telling you about today, about how somebody in a town -- >> in rhode island. >> -- in rhode island said -- essentially called firefighters terrorists for putting the american flag on their truck. you know what, those guys and gals right there, they disagree. >> the man has since apologized because he knows it was the wrong thing to say. firefighters save lives and he may need that. firefighters are not terrorists. bret, first things first. donald trump in the eye of the storm this week as he continues to talk about trump university and the problem with the judge who is in charge of this case. do you see him getting any traction with that? >> listen, he's defending what he said, and i think the past couple of days have not been great. when you have newt gingrich saying what he said, that it's the biggest mistake and it's unacceptable, someone who defended him and has defended him even in the most controversial statements along the way, that's significant. i think you're starting to see reverberations over the past several days. his supporters say, listen, the sk judge is a member of laroza. it would be a concern in this case. the problem is, as gingrich said, you can file motions and make a case that the judge -- that the case should be moved from a certain judge. you are not, you know, normally making the case that because of someone's heritage that they're unable to be an acceptable judge. >> because he's from indiana. >> what the donald told us was he feels like he's getting a raw deal from him. one of the things, bret, and you know this because the "washington post" had been asking for unsealed documents -- rather, sealed documents to be unsealed. the judge released a whole bunch of unsealed, previously sealed, documents which had a lot of people going, now, why would he do that, because the trial is not going to be until after the election, so why is he doing it now? to some it looks political and donald trump doesn't like that. >> yeah. and he can make that case. he can make the case about what actually is happening in the case itself and the judge's actions, but to tie that directly to his mexican heritage even though he was born in indiana, and he's -- you know, has a history of -- he kind of escaped from being targeted by drug cartels, and, you know, i think that it's a tough thing for some republicans to be out defending those specific words. i don't know how long it's going to last. you guys know, we've seen controversial statements before, but they were never republican primary. now you're dealing with a general election that has a different mix, and we'll see how it sits. >> some people are criticizing those leaders and saying they shouldn't come out publicly, they should talk to donald trump behind closed doors because it doesn't make the party look unified. we did talk to donald earlier. take a listen to what he says, bret. >> people don't care about it, but it gets brought up by the other side, and so when i respond, and i bring up the jobs situation, how bad our country is doing, how bad we look economically, how people are out of work, how our real unemployment rate is through the roof and people don't want to talk about it because that's a ridiculous number, the 5% is a ridiculous number. you understand that, we all -- i talk about all of this. the only thing they pick up is the fact i said something about the trump university case. >> and all of mainstream media wants to ask more questions about that rather than getting back on topic, which he mentioned right there, was the lousy jobs report that came out the end of last week. >> and that's true. listen, when you sit down for interviews, that's what they're always leading with, and the thing that's the most controversial, and obviously this has been in the recent days. a good point there is the questions when hillary clinton sits down about the clinton global initiative or the clinton foundation or the e-mails and how dogged those questions are. that's a fair thing for him to point to. but to defend this specific point again and again and again doesn't seem like it's winning over any republicans. >> so, bret, let's move on and talk about a third party candidacy that won't be happening much to the chagrin of bill maher. david french said, nations are built on virtue and courage is indispensable. but there is also prudence. i remain against trump and against hillary, but i will do all i can where i am. i'm on record saying i believe others could run and win and would make good candidates. >> texas was may 9, you have some this week, states that are closing, and it's really tough to imagine. david french really didn't have a shot because his name recognition was nothing as far as a national candidate. he's making the case that somebody could still do it. i think it's kind of hunting for a unicorn now that mitt romney has said he wasn't going to do it. so he's really the only person, i think, who could potentially get back in and cause someone to lose a state that would somehow prevent both candidates from getting to 270 electoral votes. tomorrow is a huge day, as you know. you're going to be discussing this a lot tonight. down to the wire in california. you have hillary clinton who we saw. she darted out west because she wanted to campaign against bernie out there. they are neck and wbr id "wbr76467" neck, according to the polls. bernie sanders finally going after hillary clinton and her global initiative. listen to this. i have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorships. yeah, i do. why didn't he have a problem with that six months ago? he might actually be winning then. this is a little bit too little too late, i think, and he could win california. /b i mean, all the polls are closing, it seems, but it's -- the numbers just will not -- it won't make a difference on the nomination scale. it will make a difference for momentum. but the fact that he's bringing it up now, it almost adds salt to the wound for some of his supporters who said this was a ripe topic at the beginning of the primary. by the way, since march 15, they're in a flat-footed tie on delegates, but it looks like wbr-id "wbr77127" he's unable to surmount and bypass hillary clinton. he'll probably get the victory tomorrow night in residential coverage. in california. we'll be in san diego taking amq on the road. 10 hours from now he'll be in that chair. heather joins us and we've been talking about this. sounds like a terror attack stopped just in the nick of time. this is really scary stuff but luckily ended this way. this fox news alert. 15 planned terror attacks on the european soccer championship just foiled. this brand new video shows heavily armed men pulling the terror suspect out of a van, throwing him on the ground and arresting him. this is at the ukranian border with poland, his car filled to the brim with boxes and boxes of guns and explosives. he allegedly planned to attack bridges, railways and other locations centered around the soccer championship in france. that month-long event begins this week, by the way, and was just singled out in the state department's travel warning to americans. some near riots to show you and total chaos erupting overnight on the streets of new york city after a surprise kanye west concert. the artist announcing a secret show on twitter at a small new york city concert venue that only holds 1500 people, but thousands more showed up. fans climbing on top of cars, dumpster dumpsters, scaffolding, hanging out windows, anything they could do to get a view. police cancelling that concert because of the chaos. muhammad ali arriving in his hometown of louisville. a solemn procession, streets packed with people mourning ali. hundreds at an interfaith service in louisville. the boxing great died of septic shock on friday at the age of 74. he battled parkinson's for more than three decades. his funeral is set for friday. hundreds of fans are visiting ali's childhood home in the meantime in kentucky, trying to get a look inside and leaving flowers on the porch. today is the 72nd anniversary of d-day and pictures bringing that into perspective. pictures showing then and now, tourists soaking up the sun on the beaches, and next to that, haunting images around the crucial invasion. on june 6, 1944, allied forces descended on the beaches of normandy for d-day and the operation that marked the beginning of the end of a devastating six-year conflict. meantime, people on line also marking the anniversary, including this picture posted on twitter with the caption, i wish i could travel and talk to my granddad the moment he saved this newspaper clipping. back to you. >> those images before and now, especially the ones now with all the apartments and the beach houses right there. >> my mom went to normandy and said she and her friends sat there and said everyone should go at some point. they said they sat there and they just wept because of all the men that made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us so we could enjoy the beaches. pretty incredible. a school calls the cops on a 7-year-old over his bible. you have to hear it to believe it. >> you can't say that any more, i apologize. hi, people, y'all. police now taking back the phrase "hey, guys." >> come on, guys. ♪ real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you know there is a phrase in the american vernacular that has to go. in australia they're attacking it and it is the term "you guys." hey guys" has got to go. >> because it doesn't include the girl. so we sent steve out on the street to ask the girls out there. hey, steve. >> that's right. good morning. this guy, dave morrison, says it's terrible to say girls or guys in the workplace because it's simply offensive. so we're going to talk to some guys right here. none of them, and they're all gals, have a problem with it. good morning. how are you? >> i'm great, how are you? >> so if somebody said, hey -- by the way, what's your name? >> vicky. >> vicky, if somebody came up to you and some other people in a situation and said, hey, guys, how about coffee? is that going to offend you? >> not in the least. >> would you prefer "hey girls"? >> no. >> "hey gals"? >> no. >> guys are okay? >> guys is okay with me. >> what do you think about this australian person who has a problem with guys and girls? >> i don't have a problem and i've been a girl for a long time. >> me, too. >> what's your name? >> melanie. >> do you think it's the whole pc thing? is that what's going on here? >> i think so. >> so if i said, "hey, guy." >> fine with me. >> how about you, ma'am? >> the lord made me a girl and i'm grateful for it, and i try to praise him for who he made me and who he made my husband. >> that's beautiful. does it bother you if someone calls you a guy? >> no, i'm from the midwest and i hear, hey, guys, let's go out to eat, let's go to fox! >> that's your name? >> robin. >> where are you from? >> indianapolis. >> i was just there. i had a beautiful pastrami sandwich. >> at shapiro's? >> yes. do you like the phrase? >> i don't mind. it works if you're a girl or a guy. >> does it work to say sometimes girls can be guys? >> that's an old thing. they've been saying "hey guys" for a long time. >> so ainsley and brian, what we have discovered across the street from fox, number one, it's okay with the girls to call them "hey, guys" and we've drawn a bunch of guys over here taking pictures of the girls. what was that? >> can we say "hey, girls" to you? >> no. brian skpaand ainsley, back to . >> as a girl, i will say i'm not offended by it, either. >> you're used to it. >> i agree with the last lady. don't we have better things to do than worry about this? don't we have bills to pay and kids to put through college? i don't care. >> some people don't pay their bills, so they would rather focus on this. anti-trump protesters burned down this sign, but the sign owner's response? priceless. and before stacy dash became an outspoken hollywood conservative, she had a rough upbringing that shaped all her values. she's going to talk about it coming up. i if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere. oa skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. olay. ageless. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at . some quick headlines now. a school sparking on-line outrage for calling police on a 7-year-old for handing out bible versus to classmates. a teacher at the los angeles elementary school banning the bible notes during lunch saying, there should be separation between church and state, and i assume lunch. an officer reportedly showed up at the boy's home telling him to stop because someone might be offended. and remember when donald trump blasted the former mexican president for refusing to pay for a border wall? >> the wall just got 10 feet taller, believe me. >> now a trump supporter is using that same line after van d -- vandals set fire to a trump campaign board. he's setting it up higher so people can't get to it. hollywood fell in love with her after she starred in "clueless." but then she shocked the star-studded world when she came out in support of mitt romney back in 2012. now stacy dash is opening up about what made her a conservative. in a brand new book, it's called "there goes my social life, from clueless to conservative. my friend joins me now. stacy, thank you for joining us. why the title "there goes my social life"? >> because there went my social life. as soon as i came out with the tweet and came out as a conservative, everyone turned their back on me. my friends, my family, hollywood. it was amazing. >> so what made you do it? >> it's what i believe. >> what made you a conservative? >> what made me a conservative is my value system. i realized that my value system is in line with conservatism. >> which is what? >> which is a strong military, no sex before marriage. i'm pro-life. i don't want to pay a lot of taxes. you know, i want to keep my money. i don't believe in welfare. i believe you should work for your money, and if you work for your money, you should be able to keep your money. those are all very conservative principles, i think. >> i know your children mean a lot to you. you have a daughter, and you have a son, 25 and 12. >> yes. >> your childhood, you had a rough childhood. you talk about that in the book. >> yes. >> what are some stories that stand out? >> there's so many, but i think the most important one is the fact that my parents left me, so i have strong abandonment issues because of that. when you don't have people stay around that are supposed to take care of you, but they're not there to do that, and then bad things happen to you because of it, it affects your life. >> your mother offered you cocaine, you write about, in the book. and you had relationships with abusive guys. >> yes. >> how did you grow from these -- how did you become who you are today when you have a mother that's offering you cocaine when you're very young? >> i believe the grace of god, and i also think that -- i had an uncle ferdinand who always made me feel special and always told me that i was beautiful, that i could do anything i wanted and never be anybody's trick and to always make sure that i was on the jesus train. when the jesus train came, make sure i was on it. and those things made me look at my surroundings in a different way. it made me look at people objectively and see what i wanted to do with my life and what i didn't want to do with my life. i made mistakes, i did some things i should not have done, but once i became pregnant and decided to keep my son because i was going to have an abortion, which is -- i can't believe i was, but thank god i didn't. he saved my life. after having my son, i stopped doing all drugs and became a responsible adult at a very young age. and i did it for him. >> so you've been there. you're saying this is not a place of judgment. >> that's why i wrote the book. i don't want people to think when i say the things that i say, i'm coming from judgment. i come from a place of experience. i know what you're feeling, i felt it. and i know how to change it, and it's not through democratic policies. those policies are not going to change inner city lives. conservative policies will change inner city lives. this is the only way. and, i mean, they've been doing it over and over and over again and getting the same results, so i'm wondering, why do you keep voting the same way if you're just getting the same results? try something different. and i hope, after reading my book, people might do that. and if you hate me orlov love i hope you read the book to better understand me. >> what's your message? what do you hope people get when they read this book? >> i hope they get they are not where they come from. it doesn't matter who your father was or who your mother was, it doesn't matter what they did or what happened to you. don't be a victim. >> and it's never too late to change your course. >> it's never too soon and it's never too late. >> do you mind signing the book for us? we're going to put it on our shelf. >> sure. >> and you can buy it today? >> you can buy it today. a flag firestorm erupting after one city official compared the american flag on fire trucks to isis. the response has been incredible, and this morning some firefighters want you to know that freedom will forever fly on their trucks. no mistakes this time. we have a new miss usa and she's in the army. >> announcer: district of columbia! >> wait until you hear what she had to say about women in the military. ♪ to help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. with the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a non-greasy collar... seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. seresto®. from bayer. and we'll have to use like double! maybe more!! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. so we don't have to wad to get clean.t charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer... ... and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin. so or a man of adventure.e. or a man of culture who's out for adventure. you know when to hit the scene... or get far away from it. because it's all about striking... the perfect form. beat yesterday with fenix 3 hr. from garmin. we're back with a fox news alert and its extreme weather is the focus. the east coast on high alert. right now from florida and south carolina, you have millions of americans bracing for as much as 8 implnches of rain and possibl tornadoes when tropical storm colin makes landfall today in the sunshine state. >> colin has been picking up speed in the gulf of mexico. it brings thunderstorms to the northeast and most of the peninsula. >> marie is tracking the storm, and it's headed to north florida. >> we're tracking the impact today and also into tomorrow, but the storm remains unchanged. the national hurricane center issued their 8:00 a.m. eastern advisory and the storm not strengthening much, but remaining the same. winds at 50 miles per hour, and it's staying to the east, so that's one storm that it's not intensifying, but there could be flooding with more than 6 inches of rain in the forecast. as we head into late tonight, we are going to be looking at a landfall across northern parts of florida. the main concern, heavy rain, strong winds and even the threat for isolated tornadoes. but the storm system is a very quick mover. it's going to be to the east of the carolinas. by the time we head to tuesday afternoon, maximum sustained winds at about 36 miles an hour. there is a look at the precipitation forecast with potentially 8 inches of rain and severe weather possible through the day today. now let's head over to heather. well, some stories we've been following for you all morning long. we begin with two skydivers who collide and people are investigating it as a homicide. they say peterson's parachute never deployed. the two were attempting a dangerous stunt in south carolina, the other landing with a broken leg. after being committed of murder, o.j. simpson may be willing to confess? someone who has known o.j. simpson for decades has been tormented by nicole and her friend's murders. o.j. has always felt appearance is everything, and now deep down inside, he has started to live with himself. o.j. is serving time in nevada for armed robbery. he's up for parole next year. a former marine fired from his job for doing this on memorial day. >> i'm out there fighting for this country, and that's what they think about y'all. that's a beauty. it actually should be waving. happy memorial day, y'all. >> allen thornwell lowering the flag outside time warner cable where he worked. he was fired the next day for, quote, passion for the flag and political affiliation." allen thornwell joins us to tell us why he did it. >> i just wanted to show respect for all the service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice as we have the freedoms that a lot of people don't have. >> thornwell, who served in afghanistan, says he's now looking for a skbrjob but doesn see himself working for time warner again. thomas says, i support the veteran's thoughts toward those fallen and honored. however, i do not condone his behavior to lower the flag at half mast. and another one, any red-blooded citizen would be honored. and jerry writes, someone give this man a job. i don't know him, but god bless him by doing the right thing by lowering the flag. keep sending your comments. from the military to miss usa, washington, d.c.'s deshawna barber making history as being the first military member being crowned miss usa. her comments getting all the buzz this morning. >> i think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military. we are just as tough as men. as a commander of my unit, i'm powerful, i am dedicated, and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the united states army. >> the 26-year-old is an army logistics commander and an i.t. analyst for the u.s. department of commerce. her mother, father, brother and sister, they've all served in the army. and she's now going on to compete in the miss universe contest. i have a feeling she'll do pretty well. there's a look at your headlines. back to you on the outside, on the plaza. >> she's a real beauty inside and out. thank you so much, heather. an amazing show of solidarity with firefighters on our plaza with the american flag. >> it's a response to an official in kcoventry, rhode island for getting upset with firefighters for flying the american flag on the back of their trucks. >> he has since apologized but americans are still furious. >> trying to liken us to people who slaughter, behead, we couldn't believe that. the american flag is a symbol for everything that brave men and women have fought for for years. >> joining us now, retired new york firefighter ray kearney. he's the host of the hit show "firehouse kitchen." thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> how hot were you when you heard, don't fly your flag on the truck, you're a terrorist. >> you should never use isis and firefighters in the same sentence. that would be like saying fox news and bad reporting. >> it's beyond that. it's insulting, right? >> it's very insulting. when you insult a firefighter, you're not just insulting those rhode island firefighters, you're insulting all firefighters because we're a brotherhood, we're a family. we live together, we eat together. that would be like calling your mother a terrorist from isis. >> we want to thank you for all the work you do. we know you're a former fdny, and then we have queens represented here, we have new jersey, we have rhode island. thank you all, we appreciate that. and the lady behind the news. i'm hearing, though, the man who made these outrageous comments, he actually needed the firefighters to come and help him and save his house back in 1996. >> that's true. >> it's just unbelievable. >> he might have a little beef with the fire department. a lot of people are jealous of the fire department because we save lives, that's what we do, but for him to just lop us in with terrorists and the american flag. the american flag! >> an american flag on a fire truck symbolizes what? >> it symbolizes pride. we're new york's bravest, okay, and us putting the flag of the bravest -- look at our star-spangled banner! it's all about the flag, it's about us fighting a war and taking our country. it's unbelievable. we put a post on facebook and it went viral. almost a million people, 300,000 views, and people are upset about this and firefighters are upset about this. >> they're still going to be in the back of trucks. they're not going to let this dissuade them? >> i think he retracted a little bit. he apologized and i think he's buying them all new flags. >> they said, now, if you want to fly anything, you just have to get permission and they're giving them permission now to fly the american flag. >> that's so good of them that they gave them permission to fly the american flag. >> that's a real thing, right? >> this is the real deal. this is 1947 jamaica queens. no, i did not put this on the barbecue. >> how about applause for ray and all the firefighters! [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, donald trump firing back after critics attacked him for bringing up a federal judge's mexican heritage. the donald doubled down on "fox & friends" here. we're live from trump tower with the very latest. the video is insane. cars flying down that building, raining down in a ball of flames on the street below. how this happened. we're going to tell you, coming up next. it's raining cars. ♪ millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you ♪ whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at at our retirement plan today. not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... 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(vo) but with nationwide it's no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. ♪ nationwide is on your side time for some quick headlines on this monday morning. imagine looking out your window and seeing that. four real cars plunging out of a garage, crashing and bursting into flames in the city of cleveland. that looks like a scene from a movie. that's because it's a scene from the movie. crews were shooting the latest "fast and furious, fast 8." moon express, set to become the first commercial venture to launch a mission beyond the orbit, is partnering with nasa to send 25 pounds of hardware to the moon next year. the first of its kind mission now awaiting approval from the faa. all right, donald trump taking some serious heat for comments that he made about the trump university judge. >> but despite the controversy, he's doubled down, insisting he's not getting a fair trial. >> that's how we started our day. let's find out what's developed. national correspondent john roberts. he's live at trump tower with the very latest. john, where is this going? >> brian, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. it looks like donald trump is starting another week the way he ended last week, with controversy swirling around his comments regarding federal judge gonzalo curiel, trump suggesting last week that curiel cannot remain partial, that he has a conflict of interest in the trump university case because of his, quote, mexican heritage. this despite the fact that curiel was born in indiana to mexican parents. earlier on "fox & friends," you three asked donald trump why he's focusing on curiel as opposed to the other big issues of america, why would he let this overshadow some of his other messages? here's how he responded. >> i don't do that. when they bring it up, i respond. when i sit down with "face the nation" and john dickerson, a good guy, asks me a question, and the first question is about this, and the second and third question are about this, and then i sit down with jake and the first question is this, and the second and third question is also this, you have to respond. >> now, there are a lot of people in trump's own party who are running away from him as fast as they can on this particular issue, at least. paul ryan suggests that he doesn't agree with donald trump, that this came out of left field. newt gingrich is saying this talk is inexcusable. and roberta has a mixed mind of this, that donald trump could think curiel could be impartial but not because of his ethnicity. gingrich dialed his statements back a little bit today, and then alberto gonzalez. >> i also think we're big boys and we're not going to agree 100%, and that's fine. that doesn't mean you break up the campaign or you've failed to be on the same team. >> to try to qualify someone on that would be inappropriate, but it's perfectly legitimate to look at other reasons. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. so to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think, is perfectly legitimate. >> reporter: earlier when donald trump was on with you earlier, brian, ainsley and steve, he thought the comments were inappropriate, which may be why donald trump dialed it back this morning, but gingrich said you don't end a marriage just because you have a disagreement. >> he said the follow-up question with chris wallace was, if you do want to be vice president, y -- president, you can't say things like this. >> gingrich has always been like that, he's not a man to mince words, but you have to agree with your candidate most of the time if you want to be on the team. >> and you're on our team outside trump tower. thank you very much. we're ready to go out and grill this summer? are y are you? not the best way to grill. we're going to tell you how to grill for your summer barbecue. we'll have mike murphy next. first let's check in with martha for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> when we see you at the top of the hour, hillary and bill, a tell-all from a member of their secret service is about to come out. it's a book that could shake up the clinton campaign. and donald trump doubles down on the mexican judge issue as some republicans get a little nervous. we'll tell you what newt gingrich is saying. and a look back at muhammad ali as louisville gets ready to honor their favorite son. when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at it's only monday, but it's never too early to learn how to barbecue a whole lot easier. >> we have restauranteur mark murphy. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> do you only cook for celebrities? >> only. no, that's not it at all. we're going to cook some ribs today. >> you go to the soive website. >> i have a couple recipes on there, other chefs do as well. you speak to your computer and say what ingredients do i need? it will list the ingredients. you don't have to wash your hands and touch the computer. so i saered oeared off my ribs. what do you do next? i cooked my vegetables. you'll have to add your chicken stock. >> that looks good. >> that does look good. >> you let this cook. >> do you yell out to your iphone, what do i do next? >> what do i do next? add a little brown sugar. what do i do next? i did the voiceover thing, so when you're cooking, i'm the one talking, which is kind of fun. >> you just charge your phone before making the meal. you don't want to be stuck without battery power. >> then drop these back in here and cook it slowly for about an hour. they've cooked for an hour, i've taken them out. then i reduce this down which turns into a glaze. >> how long does it take for that to become that? >> about an hour, 45 minutes. if you're watching tv, you put it on low and check it once in a while so you don't mess it up. >> you looked a little italian when you did that, mr. murphy. >> i have another recipe here that's cauliflower and fried rice. this recipe is on the website as well. >> so you want to go ahead and put some glaze on the grill? >> how much is the app? >> it's free. >> it's free! it's free! >> can you grab that stuff right there? put a little on there. we're going to grill it up. there you go. we're going to get some searing going on. >> you put this on how long before you want to serve? >> it's going to take a little time to grill. it's not going to be that long. just get it nice and warm. it's already cooked, remember. we have some that's done over there and you can try it on tv. here's some forks here. here's a piece right here. >> i'll have some later. >> hold it and act like you're going to eat it. >> that is delicious. >> anyone hungry? i see a lot of hands going up. what's next? they eat, that's what's next. >> brian, why don't you read this because my mouth is full. an important day for america and the world. the 72nd anniversary of d-day. honoring those american heroes. that's next. finding dory june 17th. i accept i do a shorter set i acthese days.t 22 i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't play anything less than my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'm going for it. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both... that's what i wanted to hear. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. so yoless intense?k out. there we go. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. bill: the gulf coast on alert because here comes colin. they are barreling for what could be 8 inches of rain. it could be a bad sign of the season to come. this is the earliest "c" named storm that has formed in the atlantic. in the meantime, donald trump playing defense, doubling down on his claim a judge may not be able to rule fairly in a lawsuit


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160628 10:00:00

you are. according to this blogger saying the camera's selfie mode automatically air brushes your pictures. the filter is set on filter 8 cleared away her freckles. >> no, i'm on her side. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. good morning to you and to your family. it is june 28th. i'm ainsley. what we just learned about the phony video blamed for the death of those four american heroes right there. then stunning new claims from hillary clinton's former secret service agent about how she was when she was first lady in the white house. >> i feel so strongly that people need to know the real hillary clinton and how dangerous she is in her behavior. she is not a leader. >> main street media not covering his claims. i think they'd do the same if it was donald trump they were talking about? h'm. >> and can a parent being urot a murder trial? >> a parrot? that's what a judge is deciding on what the parrot is saying, don't shoot, over and over again. mornings are better with friends. >> that would be quite a murder trial where they bring in a parrot because they keep saying something that had never been said before in that parrot's lexicon about, don't shoot, don't shoot. >> it reminds me of something angela lands bury would have written in "murder she wrote." >> the parrot's owner was killed and they are saying, the parrot is saying, don't shoot, don't shoot. >> i don't know. if you get a veterinarian who comes in and says they repeat what they hear over and over again. >> we're going to talk about it this morning. >> we are. suddenly members of the animal kingdom going court. in the meantime, let's start with this fox news alert. top of the hour on tuesday morning. a new disturbing report just released by house republicans on the deadly benghazi attack on september 11th, 2012. >> the more than two-year investigation could mean big trouble for hillary clinton and the obama administration. we've heard that before. katherine is live in washington pouring over all the details. hey, katherine, what have you concluded so far? >> reporter: good morning. the video explanation for the 2012 benghazi attack was crafted in washington. state department security agents in benghazi that night immediately reported that they heard chanting, explosions and gunfire as 70 people were at the compound carrying an assortment of ak-47s, grenades and rocket grenades. americans on the ground never reported a protest. they identified a key white house meeting on september 11th, 2012 cluck senior deputies to the cabinet as well as then secretary of state hillary clinton which convened at 7:30 p.m. eastern. while the meeting was supposed to be about benghazi. at that time ambassador chris stevens was missing. five of the ten action items referenced the video. >> the report interviewed more than 80 witnesses previously not called to testify. ben rhodes who prepped then u.n. ambassador susan rice for her national appearances five days after the attack. in one of the appearances on fox news sunday she said what sparked the violence was the airing of the video. as you'll recall they released their own report concluding the defense department would not have done anything differently. the state department security was inadequate. >> this is really something. so, katherine, to review, this all happened about seven or eight weeks before the big election and barack obama had famously said that al qaeda is on the run, we're winning this thing. suddenly for this terror strike there to happen, but for you to say that the talking points were crafted by political operatives in the white house, that just looks political, doesn't it? >> one of the key findings in the republican majority report is that after the initial statement was put out by the white house and state department on the night of the attack linking benghazi to the video, there was analysis from the cia that had errors and that the white house latched on to those errors to justify what they said. what we may find is why the administration stayed with the video explanation right through september 20th, nine days after the attack, to justify what the president said very publicly especially at the united nations. >> i know at fox it's the first story. some of the things, katherine. for people listening at home. the thing that's new for the first time the white house said they were meeting. they had an opportunity to see it unfold live. and also you say the report reveals there were more than 80 witnesses not called before congress. when they say we've heard it all, they're going through this for political purposes can actually not say that anymore. >> well, there's going to be a lot in the transcript of the individuals, and there's a lot of detail in this report based on what i have read so far that we have not seen before. just to emphasize the take away for me is that on the night of the attack there was immediate information that was circulated to clinton and others which spoke about the suddenness of the assault, the number of terrorists involved and how they were heavily involved. there was nothing about video and protest. then days later they latched on to that as a shield. i think critically, we may see more of this in the entire report, is this deputy's meeting on the night of the attack itself at about 7:30 eastern because at that time from what we know, the emphasis was the forward leaning posture was to try to find the ambassador. it reflected the video and that could be deemed as political. >> could be deemed? the ambassador's missing and you're worried about an explanation. >> they had an election to win. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> this is something. democrats take away yesterday starting with -- >> a little bit later we'll talk to the judge about what an e-mail that hillary wrote to chelsea knowing -- saying exactly what was going on as opposed to what she said was going on. >> and for her ambassador chris stevens to ask for help over and over. >> we heard during the capitol hill discussion, they asked for help. speaking of hillary, you know that the blues brothers were john belushi and dan aykroyd. the blues sisters, there they are there. matching in blue pant suits. hillary clinton and elizabeth warren. there she is all smiley. she turned out to be even -- she was an attack dog for hillary. she used a word donald trump has used to describe her. >> donald trump says he'll make make great again. it's right there. no, it's stamped on the front of his goofy hat. did i say goofy? look at him in that hat. >> she's calling him goofy making fun of his physical appearance. hillary had a response -- do you remember hillary saying she's not going to go there, she was not going to do that. she was making fun of donald for -- for donald trump to be doing that. this is what she said about him back in may and you heard what elizabeth warren said last night. listen to what hillary said back in may. >> i am not going to respond to the insults and the attacks coming from donald trump in this campaign. we are better than that and we will act like that. >> right. elizabeth warren listing the accomplishments, but she had none. you can see that donald trump's communication team instead of going after warren personally, you vilify wall street. you're against the tpp. over 24 times hillary clinton spoke positive for the tpp. instead of getting personal sayingpocahontas, they were talking about the hypocrisy. they're saying they're very similar. they're trying to get the bernie sanders voters. >> after their dueling blue pantsuit appearances there's a lot of speculation saying perhaps she would be considered vice president. here's the number one reason why that's not going to happen even though hillary would love her supporters and whatnot. to your point, she's all about railing against wall street. hillary took $41 million against wall street. >> here's why elizabeth warren will not be the vice president for hillary clinton. >> why? >> because she is such a better orator. she does such a better job speaking in public. you don't want the number two to outshine the number one. >> i think she's great iating. >> if you have to grade them, not grate them. you would put hillary number one over elizabeth warren. >> if you have tim cane of virginia. >> i'm talking about the two of them. >> i'm saying tim cane is so much better as a contrast and she just attacks with no accomplishments. >> you want your ticket to look like your constituents. women would love that. how would men feel? donald trump is good at business. >> sure. what's going to happen? stay tuned. 6:11 in new york city and it's time for a fox news alert with heather. good morning, everybody. we start out with a fox news alert at 11 minutes after the hour. target white americans, that's a new mission from al qaeda. the terror group urging them to avoid targeting minority groups so that tax aren't labeled as hate crimes here at home. this comes in the wake of the orlando nightclub massacre. as you may recall attorney general loretta lynch described that as a hate crime against gays. another fox news alert right now. pat summitt has now died. she has the most wins of any college basketball coach in u.s. history. she coached the university of tennessee for 38 years. she was just 64 years old though and had been battling alzheimer's for the past couple of years. our thoughts and prayers are with her family today. while you were sleeping there was a massive explosion at a bp plant. the flames lighting up the sky in mississippi. neighbors say that they could feel the vibration from the gas plant ten miles away. take a look at that right there. employees were on site at the time of the explosion but luckily and incredibly no one was hurt. at this hour the fire is still burning but it is considered to be under control. the cause of that explosion is not yet known. and a 10-year-old who was kidnapped at gun point is now safe and sound this morning. nicholas fieros jr. was at his aunt's house. they stormed in and demanded money. as soon as the gun men realized the police were on their way, they took the boy and ran off. >> something happened. they took nicholas. >> after seven agonizing hours a good samaritan saw the boy on the side of the street. he recognized the little boy and called police. >> the parents are glad to have the little boy home. >> thank you. coming up on tuesday, a brand-new get out of jail free card one judge is offering. we're going to tell you about it. what does donald trump have with virginia congressman david brad. he says there's one thing trump can do to take downhill ri in november. that congressman is here next. in fact, i sense he's close to me. at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right, so everyone comes home safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. of many pieces in my nevi havlife.hma...ed. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma 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the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. shocked the establishment two years ago when he upset house majority leader eric cantor. virginia congressman david brought was out spent 25 to 1. he knows what it's like to be an insurgent candidate. let's talk to him. a brand-new book comes out today "american underdog, proof that principles matter." >> good morning. >> just like donald trump, you took on the establishment and the establishment, everything was stacked against you and you beat them. >> the mood. the economic numbers, i taught economics for 20 years. the wages have been flat for about 30 years for the average person. 19 trillion in debt. all the major systems are insolvent, medicare, social security for the kids so i kind of ran on that premise. i wanted to make sure the country stays as good for the kids as we can keep it. >> so many people in the commonwealth of virginia 7th district where you're at, it's not like the world wasn't listening to them. you say donald trump's chances are good. >> he's inverting it. the press couches in terms of right versus left. i don't think so. i met bernie sanders up in d.c. and asked a bunch of democrat friends. i think it's more about the middle spending 4 trillion dollars a year doing it out to their cronie friends and not paying attention to the folks back home in your district. he said, yeah, that's what's going on. >> it's interesting you mentioned bernie sanders because donald trump is making a play for bernie sanders supporters. do you think some may pull the lever for trump? >> not on the border but the trade issues, worker, manufacturing worker trump is making good value propositions. >> one suggestion you have for speaker paul ryan is he should sit down with donald trump and commit to paper like a contract for america. >> yeah. >> like newt gingrich did. >> i've been talking with knew the on that. one of his guys works in my district. what are you going to promise the people? people hold me accountable. if i don't vote on the principles, i hear from my folks. >> the three principles are judeo christian values, rule of law and ethical economy? >> yes. >> the book is great. i started reading it last night. >> i appreciate it. >> if anybody's watching and wants to know what it's like to be a true underdog, this guy's book is great. congressman david brought, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. meanwhile, coming up on this tuesday, don't invite your buddies to play golf this weekend. you might offend somebody, the golf cart. the micro aggression study being funded with your tax dollars. going to drive you nuts. we'll talk about it. terrifying car crash. that's jay leno. what went wrong and how he's doing on this tuesday morning. real cheese people know how to pack uber flavor into ultra thin. sargento ultra thin slices, the same taste, just thinner and 45 calories a slice. that's 45 reasons to layer, fold, mix, match, beg, stack, sneak, peek, tease, taunt, like, love. because real cheese people bite with abandon. hold the sacrifice, no compromise. sargento ultra thin slices, we're real cheese people. quick headlines now. law and order edition. think of it as a get out of jail free card. robert black will stop putting people behind bars if they cannot afford to pay jail fines and fees. the agreement comes a week after a rights group accused black of running a modern day debtor's prison. they must issue gay marriage licenses even if they disagree. ainsley, change gears. >> i will. thank you, brian. brian, don't say christmas vacation and don't tell a woman you like her shoes or don't invite anyone to play golf either because those are considered micro aggressions and you, the taxpayer, funded a project to find that out. the university of virginia outlines words and phrases that could be offensive. why does this keep happening? we have the foundation for individual rights and education. thanks for being with us. >> pleasure. >> when you look at the clip you're not allowed to say i love your shoes, can't say boyfriend, girlfriend, you can't say golf outing. what are your thoughts? >> what's sad about this, unc had been really good on freedom of speech. this list, really good, it's getting harder and harder to say the right thing on a college campus. >> why don't they want you to say these things? >> there's different theories on why they would be offensive. they diminish people. university of california they went so far to say that america is a melting pot, a land of opportunity. the most qualified person should get the job is offensive. somehow they say that's offensive. >> when i was reading this article i said, what the heck is a micro aggression. i guess it's a subtle way of being aggressive. >> it's interesting. in the '70s, it's ways we talk to each other. as soon as you start forcing these things you come up with ridiculous policies. at university of new hampshire they say you should not use arab. you should say southwestern asian. inherently that word would be offensive. you can't use the word american. >> you can't ask anyone where they're from. it's ridiculous. what is this telling our younger generation about you should be offended by everything? >> yeah, what i think it's doing. they say this about inclusivity. if you're laying this many land mines for people to talk to each other, they're not going to talk. >> they're so scared they're going to offend someone they won't have a conversation anybe more. what does this say about our country? >> i'm worried they're micromanaging speech. they should be letting it fly. they should let people have meaty, conversations. this contributes to you should talk to the people you care about. >> a statement that unc says this blog post does not represent university policy. the piece was compiled from research and published scholarly works on the topic of micro aggression. they're not really taking responsibility. >> yeah. i mean, unc is trying to back away from this. schools like ithaca, they're trying to give them teeth. >> greg, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i'm sure you have great shoes on. i'm sure you don't mind me telling you it. >> yes. i love it. coming up next, it is life line for many of our heroes. the va suicide hotline, no answer. and can a parrot be used as a witness in a murder trial? >> no [ bleep ] shoot. >> coming up, a judge about to decide just that. we're not kidding either. but, first, happy birthday to kellie pickler. she is 30 years old today. happy birthday, kelly. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. quicken loans has asked me to show you just how easy it is to secure financing for a dwelling like this. we need only answer a few quick and simple questions. name. address. income and employment history. now rocket mortgage will pull my credit at no cost and provide a custom solution based on my financial information. and all that's left is to push this button. ♪ [whisper] rocket. ♪ see star trek beyond in theatres. we've all read this book, you cannot let a kid read this book. >> talks about the president having a black eye. the tirades that he witnessed in the white house. all the staff would warn them when a staff was coming because she was in such a bad mood. >> talked about eleanor mondale, having an affair with eleanor mondale at the same time he was having an affair with monica lewinsky. he had to testify in the lewinsky situation that the president had to deal with when it came to him ultimately getting disbarred. he talked about what he saw from the first lady who became a senator and said the leadership not great and then it became strong. then there was vince foster. remember him? >> when i met vince foster and i saw him walking around, he looked so uncomfortable. there were many incidents or stories where the staff would hear her berating vince. she blamed him publicly for some of the things that didn't get done. as a lot of people know, he committed suicide. he basically said that washington, d.c., was a terrible, vindictive place. it was one of the reasons he took his own >> gary also said foster according to the investigation in the park across the river at the potomac. the former officer says that the circumstances of his death were so fishy and so spooky he said he worried that the clintons might try to kill him. when the attorneys interviewed him he had a loaded gun on him. >> people ask him, gary, why are you writing this book? he said it's his duty as a patriotic person of this country to prevent hillary clinton from becoming president. he was an air marshall. he's devoted to serving our country. >> it was very clear when he would say hello to the first lady, she would say, blank you. >> wow. >> he'll be with us tomorrow. by the way, if donald trump had this wealth of information about him, do you think they would keep quiet about that? i don't think so. what i read is gary byrne is having a hard time getting on any of the networks. >> he's not going to be on "60 minutes"? >> no. >> or abc or nbc. >> he's not going to have a hard time telling us. people are interested. it is now 25 minutes before the top of the hour and heather joins us right now. famous face upside down about 80 miles an hour. >> that's right. we all know how much jay leno loves cars. this was one major mishapp. nearly escaping death after the car that he was riding in crashed and then started flipping out of control. watch. >> wow. the cameras catching all the action for his new tv show called "jay leno's garage." he was riding with his stunt car driving hero, 80-year-old bob rigle. >> what's your name? >> bob rigle. >> howdy bob. >> my name is bob rigle and i'm 80. >> always a sense of humor. leno later joked saying, it doesn't get more exciting than that. gosh. well, it's supposed to be a life line for our heroes but now there is a disturbing new report that says attacks to a suicide hotline for the va are going unanswered. >> we are now up to hundreds of people who answer calls as well as our texting service. >> wow. well, despite all those workers, the gao finds that almost 30% of text messages sent to a suicide hotline never got a response from this va. this goes back to 2014 at least when 13% of the texts didn't get responses in two minutes. the va says as always they're working to improve the system. a dead man's parrot could be a key witness in a murder trial. what? >> don't [ bleep ] shoot! >> don't shoot, the words coming from that parrot reliving a potentially horrific scene. the owner's wife is accused of shooting her husband to death right in front of that pet in a domestic dispute. now the prosecution arguing that the parent is speaking in the victim's voice begging for his life. a judge now has to decide if that parrot can be considered a witness. and a glimmer of hope for a community under water. two men believed to have been washed away in the west virginia flood have been found. their camper was washed away by rushing water. something similar to. this powerful image. an entire houseful of belongings is a pile of trash. 2 million people waking up to new fears of flooding this morning. let's head over to maria molina. maria, we are hoping more rain isn't expected there. what's going on? >> reporter: we could be seeing more showers out there. thankfully the overall rain threat is looking a lot better out there. we have a front that's pushing to the east and much quieter conditions forecast for today and also over the next couple of days. most of the activity off of virginia up through new england. farther west across portions of the central and northern high plains. severe storms possible there with even a tornado threat as well. let's head back inside. >> thank you. all right. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. the upcoming rio games, 20 years since the psychotic moments in sports history. >> the magnificent 7 u.s. women's gymnastics team winning gold in atlanta. there they are. what was it like to be part of such an historic moment. >> america's most decorated gym nist, shannon miller. good morning. >> good morning. >> first of all, it's hard to believe it's 20 years. >> i know. >> i loved reading about the day of one of your performances where you had trained for years. the thing you were about to do, have your big moment in the sun, and the thing you're focusing on is a fly. >> there's a fly on the beam during my first routine. >> only took a decade to get there. >> there's a fly on the wood. >> yes. was i willing to squish the fly, yes, i was, but we both made it out okay. >> that was a routine. what bonded you? >> i think the realization if you do your very individual best then you help the overall team. so we were focused on doing the best for the team we could. i think we got to know each other over years of competition and then of course on tour afterwards. we so lidified ourselves as a team. >> when you look at the pictures, what goes through your mind? >> all those memories come flooding back. standing there on the award podium after winning gold. just an incredible moment to represent your country. >> so i understand you can still smell the chalk? >> the chalk and the sweat, a great mixture. >> you're heading to rio? >> i am headed to rio. >> what about zika? are you worried about zika? >> i think i'm careful. i'm trying to make that individual decision for myself, but i'm headed over. i'm going to take every precaution i can short of not going. >> a lot of people, a lot of women soccer members, hope solo, i don't know if i'm going to go. lebron james says i'm not going to go. i think he's tired. other people sighting security. brazil is a mess. >> it's challenging. before every olympics we worry about security. try to do the very best you can. i think at the end of the day the olympics is about bringing the world together through sport and so i hope that's the case. >> you battled cancer, ovarian cancer and you're a survivor. it's been five years. you're cancer free? >> yes, i'm cancer free. that's my anniversary this summer. >> all of your years of training prepare you for the recovery process? >> it really did. i learned such great life lessons through sport setting goals, keeping a positive mental attitude. my faith has always been first and foremost. >> you have a message, too? >> i do. i'm working with ova 1 blood test. there is no screening test available for ovarian cancer. if you have a pelvic mass which 1 in 5 women will can help you determine. >> they have blood test that is can determine that? >> your risk. you can determine your risk for it. >> there's the website at the bottom of our screen there. >> steve wants you to walk on the couch. >> she can't because there's a fly. >> this is a lot thicker. how thick is that balance beam? >> four inches. >> you're incredible. so talented. >> because ainsley has a career. >> i used to be good at the beam until i met you. >> now i just broadened the beam. >> brian is very flexible. >> thanks. how did you know? >> we were talking about it before you came up here. >> thank you so much for coming. >> thank you so much, shannon. what a pleasure. coming up on this tuesday, a terrifying recall to tell you about. the popular children's furniture that have killed young children. what you need to know this morning about that product. >> breaking news on the benghazi investigation that you will only see here on fox. what did hillary clinton know about the attacks that killed four americans. judge napolitano is here and what it can mean for her campaign. when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile 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[struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new fox news alert on this tuesday morning. on the benghazi terror attack you will only see right here on fox news. listen to this. >> a new report just released by house republicans revealing what hillary clinton really knew while blaming a phony video for the attack that killed those four americans. here is judge an draw napolitano. >> good morning. >> good morning. this report was released this morning. what do you make about it? >> there's a couple of different levels here. it is not disputed and not disputable that hillary clinton knew the truth and lied about it and perpetuated the lie for weeks after benghazi. we know that because we have seen an e-mail she sent to her daughter chelsea lamenting in the e-mail in a brief way a fair and accurate description of what happened. we were attacked. we were defenseless. she didn't use those words. >> she says it's al qaeda. >> correct. nevertheless, she went out and perpetrated the myth. she even perpetrated the myth of this by saying this was caused by a video even as the bodies were being received at mcguire air force base. donald trump can drive a truck through this. the committee report does not add where did the weapons come from? the weapons issue was consented to in both political parties to rid libya of colonel gadhafi. >> where does he get his information that would back that up, judge? >> that information is in the public domain because i have seen it. people have to know where to get it. there's a person being prosecuted by the federal government who's released thousands of pages of documents in his own defense in a criminal case in arizona. the essence of which is, mrs. clinton concocted the idea. she wanted to depose gadhafi. in order to depose him she as secretary of state authorized the shipment of weapons to terrorist groups. some of whom killed stevens. >> judge, already hillary clinton's press secretary, brian fallon, he's out tweeting this morning said far from honoring the four brave americans who died, the benghazi committee took a partisan sham since its start. >> it is partisan. . >> the purpose of the committee was not to honor the dead. would he all honor the dead. the purpose of the committee was to get to the truth. the committee didn't get to all the truth but it got to a truth that the american people need to know about. her persistent capacity for lies. >> i don't see how unmany it can be to talk for the first time to the 80 witnesses previously not called before congress. how is not trying to get to the bottom of the truth. >> i'm going to guess brian fallon hasn't seen the report. that's his job. he's sort of pr. >> hillary clinton told the egyptian prime minister, quote, we know the attacks had nothing to do with the film. they perpetrated the myth that susan rice churned on sunday on all the talk shows. >> the tv coverage talked about this. >> judge, great job. >> all right. coming up on this tuesday, think the brexit won't affect you? our next guest says think again especially if you have a mortgage, and a lot of us do. >> usher, i patterned my dance after him. the latest celebrity to bash donald trump on a grand stage. should he be doing political commentary or sticking to their own talent? we'll debate that next hour. what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. ♪ americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the us postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the us postal service. priority: you all right. in the wake of friday's brexit vote, mortgages dropped even more. averaging 3.6%. how will the british exit impact your mortgage? is now the time to buy a home? here to join us is roger healy. what should we do here, what should we look for, what should we in terms of buying, should we buy more now or wait a little while? >> i think that now is the time to buy and it really has -- it hasn't really affected yet. but people take a couple of days off when in happens and then they jump back into normal life. mortgage rates are remaining low, today is a good time to buy. especially investment properties as well. >> because there's talk of interest rates going up, janet yellen said we're healthier and more stable, are we showing the rates not to go up, is that showing that the economy is not stable? >> you're saying that -- say that one more time. >> if she does not raise rates that indicates the economy is not stable? >> oh, in my mind i think it's trying to keep our economy stabilized. i think if rates remain where they're at or even if they decrease, that's the fed -- you know, trying to give us confidence and trying to work together to make sure our economy stays the way that it's at. if not, you know, try to get it better. >> what should we look for on the global scene to see how it affects us here at home? there's a big delay before britain actually gets out. >> yeah. i think what we'll see over here in the u.s., the real estate market is something we'll never see before. european investors especially people from britain investing in the u.s. market. i think that the talks recently have been about the luxury market kind of adjusting, declining a little bit. but i think these people over in europe that are used to investing in european real us tate are going to come over here and start making plays in america in places like san francisco, places like manhattan. miami, vegas, phoenix. dallas and houston that tend to see, you know, they have seen a big jump recently. but the guys overseas will hopefully put their money in their market which adds to the stabilization that we just talked about. >> rogers healy, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. thank you for having me. coming up in the next hour, disgraced democrat charlie rangel, he was just found guilty of ethics violations. we'll tell you what this means. and we have five awesome deals for our "fox & friends" dealers. like $95 sheets for just 18 bucks. that's just the beginning. that's our sheet model, ainsley. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. good tuesday morning. june 28th. i'm ainsley earhardt. breaking news, the benghazi investigation that you will only see here on fox news. what we have just learned about this phony video blamed for the deaths of four american heroes. meanwhile, that republican benghazi report very different from the democrat's report that was released yesterday. that focused on politics. what did donald trump have to do with benghazi? and why is donald trump mentioned more in the democrat's report than the victims? we'll tell you the number. >> he was hosting "the apprentice" at the time. and he built a clock that looked like a bomb and brought it to school and he sued and won millions of dollars and then he moved to saudi arabia. i missed him. but now clock kid is back. can't wait to talk to him. we have a lot of catching up to do. mornings are better with "friends." what time is it? >> and welcome, everybody. from studio "e" here in the heart of midtown manhattan. kind of a rainy night. now it's drying out. >> ainsley is exhausted. she had to pack up yesterday's carnival herself. because we had to run. we had other things to do. >> right. left me with all the work. >> callouses everywhere. >> i slept for an hour. >> then get up today and find out about this blockbuster investigation that finally concluded with the house select committee. >> glad you mentioned that. >> that's why we've turned this into the fox news alert. >> house republicans releasing a disturbing new report on the attack. >> two more -- more than two-year investigation could mean big trouble for hillary clinton perhaps and the obama administration. >> chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington. she has exclusive details. what have you found? >> well, good morning, it identify ascii white house meeting on september 11th, 2012 of a three hours into the terrorist attacks. the meeting included city cabinets and deputies and then secretary of state hillary clinton. well, the meeting was supposed to be about benghazi at that time ambassador chris stevens was missing. the report found the focus was on the video blamed by the white house for inspiring the terrorist attack, even though american personnel on the ground in libya never reported a link. the emphasis was also not an immediate and aggressive military response. >> you will see the details in the report. it's a tale of the absence of vigor and energy that if it was my son or your husband or your child you would say that's an inadequate response from the senior leadership in the united states government. >> reporter: unlike the 2012 raid that killed osama bin laden where the president, secretary of state clinton and the national security team gathered in the white house situation room to watch events unfold, there was no such gathering of the main players for benghazi. even though they were in washington, d.c. the report interviewed more than 80 witnesses previously not called before congress to testify. among them, presidential aide ben rhodes who prepped then u.n. ambassador susan rice for her national television appearances five days after the attack. >> what sparked the recent violence was the airing on the internet of a very hateful, very offensive video that has offended many people around the world. >> reporter: a state department spokesman said this morning that the essential facts surrounding the 2012 attack had been known for some time, adding that the department has made a lot of progress towards making diplomatic post safer since 2012. >> what do you think stands out most about this report, by you that caught you most by surprise? you have multiple sources. >> reporter: i would say probably handful of things that -- based on what i have read so far. one is that there was really never reporting from the people on the ground, that there was a protest or a demonstration or a mention of a video. this was really an idea that was the work of the political appointees in washington, d.c. days after the attack, there was analysis from the cia that was faulty and referred to demonstrations. that was latched on to by the administration to based on my reporting to really shield themselves and to defend what they had originally said. so it was not an intelligence failure. there was intelligence immediately that was available to the senior players including secretary of state clinton. most notably i think is this meeting on the night of the attack that we had not known about at 7:30, about three hours into the assault which included deputies and secretary of state clinton. based on the information that the committee was able to get the meeting, half of the take aways of the meeting was about the videos. so they were talking about what they thought may have caused this rather than focusing on the fact that the attack was ongoing. the ambassador was missing. and there was not that kind of aggressive muscular military response that americans would have expected. >> right. well, maybe what they were looking for was something that they could spin it, so they could take the heat off the president who was just seven weeks away from being re-elected. thank you, catherine herridge. so the republican version comes out tundz you will see it throughout -- out today and you will see it throughout the day. maybe not on the other channels, but you will see it here. what's interesting though, yesterday the democrats brought theirs out. just to show you how political their document was, keep in mind we're talking about september the 11th, 2012. in this particular document, released by the democrats, donald trump is mentioned 23 times. >> mentioned in the benghazi report? >> right. more than glen doherty. >> he wasn't even in politics. >> ty woods, two of the victims. so this -- so this goes to show you graphically that it is a political statement. they would to love -- you know, the whole spin on that night was about trying to make sure that the president of the united states was re-elected. now the spin is trying to get hillary clinton elected. >> well, their report exonerates hillary clinton saying she did everything she did, and accuses the republicans. >> of course. so let's move ahead and let's talk about the election in particular. yesterday, hillary clinton was out on the stump with elizabeth warren and trump was out and there's a book that chronicles the -- what a secret service agent saw when he was at the right hand of the white house in the oval office, during the clinton year, when hillary clinton was first lady in this book. "crisis of character" gary byrne is a former secret service and he will be with us tomorrow. he does not paint her as calm and collected. >> he called her paranoid. bill clinton had three or four affairs while president of the united states -- >> simultaneously. >> aside from monica lewinsky. how many times have we heard about yeah, she threw a vase at bill clinton. well, in the beginning of the book he talks about a big argument. she's go at voice that really carried in the white house loudly. >> still carries today. >> then there's a crash. there's a vase -- he goes to the white house curator's office because it's a museum. so they have the vase in a box and saw the president a little later on because he's the guy with the gun right outside the president's office. the president has a great big black eye. >> yeah. >> put a steak on it kind of black eye and he asked betty curry, the president's assistant and asked what happened to the president's eye and she said, turns out he's allergic to coffee or something. and then the secret service discussed how they would react -- how they would protect the president of the united states from the first lady if she got violent. >> gary byrnes' book came out today. he had an exclusive last night with sean hannity right here on the knfox news channel. take a listen. >> i feel strongly people need to know the real hillary clinton and how dangerous she is. she's not a leader. >> she doesn't have the temperament -- >> she didn't have the temperament to handle the social office when she was first lady. she does not have the temperament. >> she's dishonest? >> she's dishonest. she habitually lies. anybody who can separate themselves from the politics and review her behavior over the -- >> you're going to accuse of this being political. >> absolutely i'm sure i have been already. >> what's your answer? >> it's not. got nothing to do with politics. >> so this is the hillary clinton as first lady. we heard the secretary of state, her 3:00 a.m. call in the benghazi report and as senator, we know one of the last things she did is fight against the surge so you have to suspend disbelief that that can work. >> our producers are watching all the networks, to let us know that no other network is covering this story. of course. they don't want you to know exactly what happened during bill clinton's administration and what hillary clinton was really like. >> well, apparently, according to one of the tv blogs i was reading, the hillary clinton people have been fanning out making sure that this guy did not get booked on any other morning shows or evening shows or any other net work. we're going to run him on fox. you know? >> he'll be on the couch with us tomorrow. >> we asked you what your thought about him. and up bart e-mailed us and said, gary byrnes is a patriot who's taking his oath to the constitution seriously. >> if this is a story about a republican, they would be all over it. >> oh, yeah. >> since it's about the clintons they will not even touch wit a ten foot pole. >> the next time she goes on a show see if they bring it up. >> she has spoken obliquely about it. she said, you know, that's old news. so that's all she has to say. >> no, it's not old news. >> i know, that's what she's saying. >> i know. >> one thing that heather nauert would never say -- i'm about to read old news. i have old news to go over. >> it's current news. breaking news. we have a couple of fox news alert to watch this morning. good morning. there's a massive manhunt for a suspect who escaped police by running into the pittsburgh zoo. that escape following a wild chase overnight. police say that somebody ditched the stolen car before jumping a fence at the zoo, triggering an all-out search there. cops still haven't been able to track down the guy. we'll keep watching that story for you. while you were sleeping a massive explosion at a bp plant. the flames lighting up the night sky in mississippi. neighbors could feel the vibrations from the gas plant ten miles away. employees were on site at the time of the explosion and incredibly though, no one was hurt. look at that massive thing there. that fire still burning but is said to be under control. the cause of the explosion not yet known. and three beautiful children died after furniture that's found in tens of millions of american homes tipped over on them. parents listen to this one. there's a major recall effort under way. ikea pulling 29 million malm brand dressers and chests, saying get them out of your children's rooms immediately because if these aren't fastened to the wall they can fall over on top of the children and even cause death. ikea gave out repair kits in 2015 for people to make the change but after a third child died, you can get a full refund. what a tragedy. then breaking news at this hour, the most successful basketball coach ever, pat summitt has passed away. the women's basketball coach died this morning at the age of 64. she was surround by her friends and family. she had been battling alzheimer's for the past few years, shocking the sports world when she stepped down soon after she learned about that diagnosis. she fiercely led the lady vols to eight national championships through her 38 years as coach and an incredible 1,098 career wins under her belt. she was just 64 years old. >> one of the greatest coaches of her generation. >> no kidding. amazing. >> what a legacy. >> thanks. >> rest in peace. >> indeed. all right, donald trump says the system is fixed. >> never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who have rigged it in the first place. >> he also says some of the polls are rigged as well. is he right? 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[ laughs ] a new abc news/"washington post" poll has hillary clinton with a double digit lead over trump and trump said it was misleading, saying the dirty poll is a disgrace. even they admit more democrats were polled. other polls were good. is he right, can we trust the polls any more? dick morris advised bill clinton for 20 years and he's the author of "armageddon, how trump can beat hillary." he's advising donald trump. >> good to be here. >> in that particular dirty poll in donald trump's words, they had 12% more democrats responding than republicans. does that seem normal? >> well, it doesn't mean it's a dirty poll, but it does mean you shouldn't pay too much attention to it. right now, in the last ten days or two weeks in the wake of hillary clinton clinching the nomination there's a democratic trends and more people are saying they're democrats. more people who are democrats answered the poll. that'll even up in the next week or two. i wouldn't pay too much attention to it. >> okay. your book -- >> donald trump should weight down the democrats, because if more people say they're a democrats that's a finden, not an error. >> you have written a lot of books. this is how trump can beat advisory. you have been advising him informally. >> informally means he doesn't pay me. >> okay. >> yeah. he needs to fight with both hands. the right jab republicans always do, obamacare, immigration, social issues we need those. but what he's not doing enough of is the left hook. going after the bernie sanders voters. >> on the left. >> exploiting that gigantic rift between the clinton and the bernie voters. the key thing about the brexit vote, labor, the liberal member, the left and the right voted for brexit in almost equal numbers and the -- and this is the future of our politics. left and right aren't as important as insider and outsider and trump needs to go after hillary as not only a liberal, but the ultimate insider, elitist. >> dick, you have been in national politics for many, many years. can donald trump win? >> oh, absolutely he can. and at this point, i would give him about a 50-50 chance each. the nice thing about trump is that he can fix all of his problems by what he says. hillary cannot fix her record by what she says. and in this book, we go through every possible thing about her record. people have forgotten and people under 40 never knew. >> that's right. >> how she was almost indicted twice and skated on the merest of technicalities. whatever she's lied about everything in her life. when i knew her, she was not obsessed with money. now she seeks power in order to make money. this marriage went from being a romance to a pragmatic partnership to a rico. [ laughter ] >> oh, man, racketeering. the book is called "armageddon, how trump can beat hillary." dick wrote it with his wife. coming up, disgraced democrat charlie rangel may get a permanent vacation from congress. look at him right there. he was just found guilty of ethics violations. we'll tell you what this all means coming up. and wish you had a personal caddie with you on the golf course that normally costs 300 buck, but we're taking 60% off the price. that and more awesome deals coming up. new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds... and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. we have some quick headlines for you on a tuesday morning. a fox news alert. target white americans. that is the new vision from al qaeda. terror group urging lone wolves to avoid targeting minorities so their attacks aren't labeled as hate crimes because that could outshine radical islam. this comes in the wake of the orlando nightclub massacre at pulse. a throwback to the cold war. russian agents are harassing them and their families, going as far as rearranging furniture in their houses and following their kids. the new accusations coming months after the jaw-dropping cat and mouse game at sea. yep. remember that? secretary of state john kerry is warning vladimir putin, knock it off. will he? let's see. all right, ainsley over to you and brian, let's make a deal. >> russians rearranging furniture? where's my coffee table, honey? >> well, guess what? summer is here. you know what that means, it is time to treat yourself to some of the season's top products from travel tech to workout gear. >> that's right. >> we have got you covered. >> megan meany is here, she can hula hoop. let's -- please impress us. >> i won't hula hoop again for you, but you should try. it's a good core workout this thing. >> try it. >> you can take it with you anywhere you want to go. it's super easy to snap together. no tools necessary. internationally acclaimed personal trainer came up with the system. it comes with a dvd. great for sculpting and toning. it's the new thing. get your hoop on. >> you can take it apart? >> exactly. >> it costs $44. >> no, today, it doesn't cost $44. it costs $18. >> all right. >> what a savings. >> there's fantastic. >> you know me. >> feeling the burn from earlier. all right, the golf buddy, this is for the golf fanatic. this is a wrist band, you get on the course and it has this special green view technology. it tells you exactly the distance from any angle or approach to the green so you know which club to choose. 38,000 courses programmed into this baby. it's got gps. it is typically pretty pricey. $300, but today, $119. >> wow. >> that's awesome. >> that might be in your range, ainsley. >> that's right. i might buy this one. this one saves your life when your phone dies you'll love this one. >> we're always running out of juice. it won't happen anymore if you have the portable power stick from moda. it comes with every single adapter, about nine pieces. you have something for every device. >> but it's the expensive. >> what do you think? this is not expensive. it's a deal. only 15 to 25 bucks today. typically it could be as much as 80 bucks. they have the cool new designs. there's one for 4th of july, a rainbow one. love that they're fashionable. >> do you have an emulsifier i can buy? >> don't forgot the phone charging case. you don't have to worry about bulkings things up. that's 74% off. >> you love your smoothies. >> this is superpower. like 1,000 watts, you can put in dry or wet ingredients. keeps -- like raw veggies and stuff. today, $39. it comes with a meal plan. really a whole personal fitness system. it's got even a fitness dvd that goes with it. >> okay. sheets. everyone loves great sheets. >> so if you have some summer guests you might want to have some extra sheets. you know what i'm saying? you can see if you look closely at some of the nice patterns. >> little alligator. >> we have animal skin print. >> typically $79, but today, $21 deal. just click the mega morning deals. click on the icon on the "fox & friends" website. >> >> sharply dressed. >> you have more deals coming up the next hour? >> i don't stop. >> right. so order this because you watch our show. all right? thanks very much. >> thank you. did trump just change his proposed muslim ban? his supporter congresswoman marsha blackburn joins us next to explain. and he built a clock and brought it to school and he sued. he won millions of dollars and moved to the middle east. clock boy is back. i've missed him. we have a lot of catching up to do. my experience with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing breaking news this morning. the most successful college basketball coach in history has died. the university of tennessee's pat summitt passed away this morning surrounded by her friends and her family. she was only 64. >> summitt had been battling alzheimer's for five years and she shocked the sports world when she stepped down from the job just a year after her alzheimer's diagnosis. >> yeah. summitt led the lady vols to eight national championships in her 38 years as coach. and an incredible 1,098 career wins under her belt. that does not surprise congresswoman marsha blackburn because she knew her and new her well and everyone in tennessee knew what a great person, a great family pat summitt was from and was. what are your thoughts today as you join us and talk about he -- her passing? >> she is definitely going to be missed. she was such a role model for young women and we both belonged to the same sorority as we were in college, different schools, same era. i appreciated so much the fact that she continued to be supportive of young women, of exercising leadership and of developing their skills. she knew how a girl could take the skills from the court, playing basketball, and utilize those to expand their career. kind of change that i should world view. reset their horizons. she is definitely going to be missed. >> yeah. before geno auriemma set up his dynasty, there was the pat summitt dynasty. >> winningest coach ever, men and women. i don't how many championships, more than any man or woman coached. >> yeah. >> let's talk about donald trump. donald trump in the last 24 hours you read the blogs, watch the news, they're talking about how donald trump is walking back his muslim ban and his people are saying that it really hasn't changed. katrina pierson said trump has not altered his position on banning muslims. it never included all muslims. only applied to muslims in immigration. hope hicks his spokesperson says the rumors on a muslim ban shift, not accurate. as you understand it now, what is it? >> the way i understand it is he's clarified and been a bit more specific and quite frankly i appreciate that. i have had legislation in the house, senator sessions and in the senate, and what it would do from those countries that are participating that have the known terror links and are supporting terror, they would be halted from coming into the u.s. until dhs and the administration can provide clarification that these individuals coming in are not linked to terrorism. now, the reason that is important is you need to take this time-out. you need to have this halt and make certain that we know who's coming in, we know what their purposes are. the office of refugee resettlement loses track of individuals that are coming in. it costs a lot of money to the taxpayer and our local law enforcement, interestingly enough, brian, they want us to gate handle on this so they know who is in their communities. >> right. because eric trump was asked about a muslim coming from scott land, that wouldn't be a problem because that's not one of the terror states. here are the terror state, that have a special link to terrorism. pakistan, that belongs in first place. lebanon another place to look at. and all -- of course gaza as well as the west bank. >> somalia. colombia. yemen, iraq. goes on and on. so it would -- so as we understand it, and as you understand it, what donald trump is talking about now is he's not select people based on their religion, the muslims. he's simply saying, people from these affected countries we're going to take a look at. >> that's right. and as i said, that's more in line with legislation that is in existence. and working its way through the process in the house and the senate. and i fully believe that as you see the campaign move to the general election phase and through the convention that campaign -- and mr. trump will pick up some of the ideas where we can find common ground and we can move these provisions through and get them signed into law. people want to know -- you know, another thing, too, many of our churches that are involved in missions and outreach and resettlement, they want to make certain that the individuals that are coming in are first of all who they say they are. and secondly, that they are not individuals that are involved with terrorism. >> sure. >> people are very concerned about the christians that are being persecuted in the middle east. >> yes, they are. i'm glad you touched on that. let's move on to this election. when we look at elizabeth warren yesterday next to hillary clinton, they were both wearing their matching outfits. both in blue. and i want to play some sound bites and get your reaction. the first is of elizabeth warren making fun of donald trump. take a listen. >> donald trump says, he'll make america great again. it's right there. stamped on the front of his goofy hat. you want to see goofy? look at him in the hat. >> she's making fun of him in the goofy hat. he's wearing a baseball cap. >> hold on, just a second. given the fact she said all that, it's ironic that hillary clinton just a couple of weeks ago would say this about insults. >> i am not going to respond to the insults and the attacks coming from donald trump in this campaign. we are better than that. and we will act like that. >> okay. so maybe they will respond. >> that was a few weeks ago. now you heard elizabeth warren making fun of him. what's your reaction? >> it was astounding to me that you would have elizabeth warren and hillary clinton and they would be ridiculing the desire of the american people to achieve the american dream. and i hope individuals heard that. these are very difficult time when you look at national security. jobs, economic security. wage stagnation. and here is one woman who has taken millions from wall street. she can't be trusted. she is totally out of touch with mainstream america and main street and the other one who is all for dodd-frank, and making it very difficult for individuals to get credit, grow businesses. she wants microregulation, not just regulation or light touch. but microregulation. very granular. >> but they don't agree on this. tpp that hillary clinton has spoken of about dozens of times about how good it is. elizabeth warren hates it. she vilifies wall street and hillary clinton takes millions from wall street. how can they sit there shoulder to shoulder and agree on everything? >> maybe it was a vice president audition? >> maybe it was, but maybe what it was, the truth is coming out. they feel emboldened. they feel they can advance this agenda and progressives and the left go for incremental change to get people comfortable with what they have to say. and up when i listened to them and hear them ridicule the american dream, i think this is shameful. this is what has made this country great. the fact that individuals can work hard and know that their children and grandchildren are going to be able to stand on that work and have a better, easier time of it and, you know, i just think they're totally on the wrong track. totally out of touch. you know, there you go. >> well, maybe. but they were totally coordinated yesterday in their blue suits. >> yes, they were. >> all right, representative marsha blackburn, the congresswoman from tennessee, ma'am, thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> i would not be surprised if she's not on trump's short list as vp. along with bob corker. >> let's hand it over to heather. as we talk about the folks in congress, charlie rangel on his way to the permanent vacation sooner than planned? a house ethics committee found him guilty on 11 of 13 corruption charges. a panel of four democrats and four republicans found that he disgraced the house for failing to pay his taxes and for using his position to ask for charitable donations. this will now head to the public hearing to figure out what sanctions may be put in place. rangel already announcing that this will be his last term he represents new york. well, do you remember the clock boy, the teenager who was arrested for bringing that homemade clock that looked a whole lot like bomb to his school in texas? after that he and his family sued for millions of dollars. they won. and then they moved to the middle east. well, now ahmed mohamed is back in america for his summer vacation. the 14-year-old arriving home in texas with a huge smile as he hugs family members at the airport. he says he's been invited to visit facebook, mit and nasa while he's home. wrong place, wrong time. a couple on a jet ski sent flying after a 20-foot wave comes crashing down on top of them. turbulent waters sending that jet ski flinging on to the rocks in california. body surfers and lifeguards springing into action rescuing the two. a job well done. oh, that could just crush you. glad they'll be all right. those are your headlines. >> that's dangerous. rough waters. >> i know. >> thank you very much. all right, coming up straight ahead, usher the latest celebrity to bash donald trump on a grand stage, but should hollywood be making political commentary or sticking to their own talents? a fair and balanced debate will be next. think yotry nexium 24hr.'s best for your heartburn? now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. hello new coppertone sport. it's reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. new coppertone sport. hello sunshine. my cousin's wedding is c♪ming soon. i like the bride more than the groom. ♪ turquoise dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no ones got moves like uncle joe. ♪ when it's go book on for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20%. book direct at what are you doingetting faster. huh? detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. when your security's built in not just bolted on, and you protect the data and not just the perimeter, you get faster. wow, speed kills. systems open to all, but closed to intruders. trusted by 8 of 10 of the world's largest banks. liberal politics taking center stage at sunday's b.e.t. awards. >> we'll have equal rights an justice in our own country or we will restructure the function in ours. >> make sure you vote and take eight more people to vote. don't get tricked like they got tricked in london, all right? >> not really sure what that means. singer usher performing with a shirt that said don't trump america. i imagine that's not a compliment for donald trump. even broadway is getting political. "hamilton" is teaming up with clinton for a fund-raiser. here to debate is danine borelli and the author of "government gone wild." do you think this is a good mix? >> i don't think we should be asking if politics and entertainment should mix, they are mixing, that's the point. as conservatives want to remain competitive, they have to use pop culture to spread their messages. the young people get their news from the entertainment and online. so they have to embrace pop culture. >> perhaps or unless that artist is taking a risk because 50% of the country is going to go, i'm not going to agree with him or her. >> that's the point i'd make, if you're an entertainment you mix with politics, you will alienate half of your fan base. when you mention the b.e.t. clip and the different voices that were on the stage, that is an echo chamber of liberal propaganda. a lot of people wonder why so many black voters vote democrat. if that's the only place you get your news, that's all you know. that's why most black people vote democrat. >> for republicans i know willie robertson of "duck dynasty," you have country music stars in particular. i think you have some sports stars, tom brady might be for donald trump. a lot say i'm for them, but i won't go out on the stump for them. >> i think the gop has a branding problem. they're not always seen as cool and hip. the conservatives and the republicans have to push back on that. you need to get vince vaughn and clint eastwood, cool celebrities spreading conservatism and reach out to the young people on platforms like they visit. in '08, obama was so successful because he went on mtv. he did interviews with buzzfeed and vox. we might not like the reality, but this is the reality. this is how the young people make their political decisions. >> the problem with buzzfeed he's currently barred them from covering his campaign. i think a lot of celebrities hurt themselves because you'll say i'm for al gore or john kerry or in this case barack obama or hillary clinton, but there's other people that go, i don't want to hear that. i can't tell you how many people in my neighborhood i love bruce springsteen, but not in the election year. >> sure. it goes back to i don't want to be lectured by the politics. you look at who's supporting hillary clinton it will be a continuation of obama's failed policies. for someone to get all their -- on the b.e.t. stage to say i'm voting for hillary, you're voting for more immigrants coming into the countries, refugees with disease. they'll be competitive with the low wage skilled jobs and this harm young americans. >> well, we'll find out. i want to see what you think about the celebrities speaking up. they have some power, they want to use it. kim kardashian you said is going all in for hillary clinton. >> that might hurt hillary. >> we're not sure. but i know she's good at selfies. she wrote a job. write and tell me what you think. who has a better point. straight ahead, they were fired from hgtv for their christian values but that's not stopping them. they're here to share their faith and to offer some tips. we searched billions of flight combinations to make getting here easy. because the hardest part of any trip, should be leaving. expedia. technology connecting you to what matters. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? 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>> well, we lost our job on hgtv and the media firestorm it caused the many networks to stay away from us. we're toxic in today's media. >> yeah, you're so toxic, teaching love. >> we wrote this book to help people to stand strong for their faith. the some wind that causes the common bird to fly low causes the eagle to fly high. it's time that we actually thrive in the midst of this. >> david, are you glad you did it? >> i'm incredibly glad we did it. it follows the life of young daniel, here he was a young man in a pagan environment. as we watch what's happening in america, as the darkness continues to rise we see him actually thriving and he was very glad he did it because he changed and transformed the nation where he lived. we believe that christians when they begin to live like that can do the same thing. >> david is not good for tv anyway. but whatever. >> i think a lot of people can relate to you, whether or not it's with their friends or whether or not it's at work. what is your advice? >> get to know the very god that created you, and once you go through that, then look, here's the idea. this is what david and i put in our book. we have to be the chocolate chips in the cookie dough of culture. we mix in, we don't blend in, we keep our distinct form even when put into a furnace. >> that means you're the best part. >> that's exactly right. >> you stole my line, that was good. >> sorry. >> you always know when you have bit into the chocolate chip. you have to keep your form. >> jason and david, thank you. everyone, why the book because you missed out on millions of dollars for this cause. god bless you both. called "living among lions." >> thank you. is elizabeth warren auditioning for hillary clinton's vp spot? it looks like. laura ingraham and then newt gingrich will answer that question. good morning. it's tuesday, june 28.. i'm ainsley earhardt. breaking news in the benghazi investigation. what we have learned about the phony video blamed for the deaths of four american heros. >> you'll want to hear that. and shocking new claims from hillary clinton's former secret service agent about her time as first lady in the clinton white house. >> i feel so strongly that people need know the real hillary clinton. and how dangerous she is in her behavior. she is not a leader. >> so what proof does he have? he's spilling the beans right here on fox news. all right. do you remember obama girl from 2008? >> sure. >> yes. >> i barely do. well, get ready for the trump girls because they want to make america great again one bikini at a time. >> really? >> yeah! >> two pieces -- thank you very much. i would think steve would be the one saying yes, but it was you. mornings are better with "friends." >> i'm stringing you along. >> how can you say you do not remember the obama girl from 2008? >> you don't? >> we showed her 20 times. >> my short term memory is gone. i have given up. i think -- >> short term? really? eight years is long term. >> i always -- i have this problem forgetting women who are in very good shape. [ laughter ] i just blacked out. >> you remember the ones that aren't? >> yeah. those ones stand out. >> anyway, meet the young trump supporters who broke the internet in their string bikinis in a couple of minutes. >> i love it. >> quite a story. >> american flag bikini. >> i can't wait. >> very patriotic. >> count the stars. >> count the stars indeed. good morning to you. i have some serious news right now and breaking this morning, we are mourning the most successful college basketball coach in history. she has now passed away. the university of tennessee's pat summitt died peacefully this morning as she was surround by family and friends. she was just 64 years old. she had been battling alzheimer's for five years. you may recall she shocked the sports world when she sat down a year after her diagnosis. tennessee congresswoman marsha blackburn joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to talk about the loss of her friend. listen. >> she knew how a girl could take those skills from the court, playing basketball and utilize those to expand their career. kind of change their world view. reset their horizons and she's definitely going to be missed. she was dearly loved. >> and a real inspiration. well, summitt led the lady vols to eight national championships in her 38 years. she had an incredible 1,098 career wins under her belt. wow. and now to a bombshell in the benghazi investigation. a new report just released by house republicans says that the obama administration blamed that video for the attacks that killed four americans without any witnesses verifying it or realtime reports. our judge andrew napolitano joined us earlier on the show and he says that hillary clinton cannot run from this. listen. >> it is not disputed and not disputable that hillary clinton knew the truth and lied about it and perpetuated the lie for weeks after benghazi. she even perpetrated the myth this was caused by a video, as the bodies of ambassador stevens and the three others were being received at maguire air force base. >> well, clinton's press secretary tweeted this. far from honoring the four brave americans who died in benghazi the committee has been a partisan sham since the start. while you were sleeping a massive explosion at a bp plant. the flames lighting up the night sky and the neighbors can feel the vibrations from the gas plant ten miles away. look at this. employees were on site at the time of the explosion but luckily no one was hurt. at this hour, the fire is still burning but it is under control. the cause of the explosion not known just yet. and here we are about to show you, brian, take a close look. this is the obama girl. do you remember her now, dancing around with that little belly shirt. >> i do remember her. >> that was back in 2008. she loved obama. i think she sang "i've got a crush on obama", and now she has some serious stiff competition. >> oh. >> take a look at the trump girls. the two americans are hoping that make america great again in their bikinis and hats. >> aren't they cold? >> that's even better. the pictures are posted online with #trump girls breaking the internet. >> do they brush like five times a day? their teeth. >> they're so white. >> thank you. joining us with more analysis of the trump girls, laura ingraham at the nation's capital. >> oh, they're adorable. >> they are. >> they are adorable, young women and i'm sure they'll be focusing on studies this fall if they're in college. >> will george will be checking out the trump girls or no? will he come back now? >> i have a feeling that george will and i going back and forth on "special report" last night won't get as many hits as the snow capped presentation. >> yeah. >> that? >> did you shake hands with him after that? >> we're old friends. old friends disagree on things. that's okay. >> from the trump girls to not the blues brothers but the blues sisters. there they are out in cincinnati. dressed in their blue pantsuits. what did you make of hillary clinton teaming one elizabeth warren? warren is anti-wall street and hillary takes millions of dollars from wall street. was that a vice president audition yesterday? >> i don't -- i'd be really surprised if hillary picked elizabeth warren, but i did have a question when i watched the two of them. did they select their outfits together? that was quite a -- that was quite a -- well, good thing is they're actually selling those painting smocks on the clinton website and signing them to raise money. >> oh. >> i like them. very comfortable. i like them. i think they're great. so anyway, so the funny thing about all this of course is hillary's trying to adopt the faux populist mantra of elizabeth warren because she understands that the bernie sanders voters who like warren better than hillary that they -- a lot of them are uncomfortable. 22% said they would vote for trump in one recent poll and others are maybe going to vote for gary johnson or not vote at all. they're worried about that. hillary knows she has to move in the direction. but anyone who's been following the clintons over the years knows this. wall street loves the clintons and in 2013, hillary clinton made $3.15 million speaking to the banks such as goldman sachs, ubs, deutsche bank, morgan stanley. in fact, one year she made more money than bill speaking to goldman sachs. i think he is got 200 grand a speech and she received $225,000 a speech. we have read pieces including on lifezette that the wall street donors, many of them who did donate to bush back in the 2000s are now turning to hillary clinton over donald trump. so if anyone is captive to wall street today, it's hillary clinton, not trump. that's for sure. >> well, a lot of people think that warren would be able to get some of those votes from bernie sanders because he's anti-wall street and so is she. but do you remember remember back in may when hillary clinton said she was not going to attack donald trump? she said that a few weeks ago. >> personally, yeah. >> right. then on stage yesterday and elizabeth warren is attacking donald trump. we'll play what was said last night and then get your reaction. >> donald trump says, he'll make america great again it's right there. no. it stamped on the front of his goofy hat. [ laughter ] you want to see goofy? look at him in that had. >> i am not going to respond to the insults and the attacks coming from donald trump in this campaign. we are better than that. and we will act like that. >> why the flip-flop? >> well, because they can't argue the issues. i mean, the one thing you notice about both warren and hillary is they'll never argue the issue of globalization or trade and trump's point that the markets are totally inefficient with e the -- you know, the multiple examples of china and other countries cheating and against america and these agreements. they can't argue obama's economic record. i mean, how much time did elizabeth warren stand there defending barack obama? i mean, hillary clinton has been in public office for 25 years. public life, public office, exposed to public office. i have never heard someone th that -- for that long in public office almost never talk about her accomplishments. >> right. >> like it's about donald trump's hair, making fun of donald trump. what about your record and how is donald trump's points wrong about what your economy has done to underperform for the middle class? it's a total joke. >> one thing i had a chance to do was read through hillary clinton's at wall street -- oh, wait a second we don't have those speeches. the trump campaign getting better with communication. instead of just calling her pocahontas, they called her a sellout. and went down all the different places where they disagreed with each other over the last six or seven years and yet they appear with each other. so right there i think that trump is showing, i can do more than just attack. you had the communication person from ted cruz yesterday, which i think will help. >> time to get serious. >> let's talk about the secret service and the agent that has come out and talked about his days when she was first lady and -- >> hillary. >> hillary was first lady and bill was president. he talked about how bad a person she was to deal with. here's an example of their interaction with vince foster and what might have led to his death. >> what i made of vince foster, i saw him walk around, i never saw anybody that didn't want to be there more than he didn't want to be there. he looked so uncomfortable. there were many stories where the staff would hear her berating vince and she blamed him publicly for some of the things that they didn't get done. as a lot of people know in his suicide note he basically said that, you know, that washington, d.c., was a terrible, vindictive place and it was one of the reasons he took his own life. >> and in his book he starts off with the story about a vase, she hit bill clinton with the vase, wound understood with a black eye. and betty curry said he's allergic to coffee. and bill clinton had three or four affairs with women at the same time and that hillary is abusive and paranoid. i think maybe one other morning show has done the story. the book is coming out today. nobody is touching this. nobody wants to offend hillary and team clinton. they want to stay on their good side so they're not booking this guy to hear his story. >> think of what warren and hillary -- well, we talked about what they have been saying consistently over the past five weeks is that donald trump does not have the temperament or judgment to be commander in chief. >> great point. >> well, when you read that book and you watch the interviews, the guy has a silver presentation of what he recalls and very specific. we heard these rumors during the clinton years and they said, none of this is true. so the question should be on the table for any journalist who cares, was those -- were those eight years just an anomaly? and hillary behind closed doors is just very calm and methodical, the way she goes about decision making or is she as volatile as the secret service lays out? we know if this was a book -- let's say someone had written a book about being a nanny for the trumps or a butler for the trumps -- >> big story. all the channels. big story. >> it would be wall-to-wall. it would be just another piece of evidence as to why donald trump can't be commander in chief. but a secret service agent, no, we can't really touch that. i'm glad -- i guess nbc did it today, but i haven't seen the interview yet. >> i hope my butler doesn't write a tell all. >> your blue on blue today, it's very -- >> elizabeth warrenish. >> yeah. you are definitely -- there's some channeling with the -- with thelma and louise from yesterday. [ laughter ] >> as they sail off the cliff. >> let the blogs write about it. you can unwind any plot. >> all right, laura ingraham, editor at lifezette, she'll go do her radio show right now. >> not quite yet, but i'll take my tie off later. >> did you think of that? at all? >> all i thought was elizabeth warren and hillary clinton last night. >> your shirt is the exact same color. unbelievable. they had extra material. >> i'm so glad i didn't wear the whole pantsuit. i'll look around. can a parrot be used as a witness in a murder trial? yep, that's what a judge is deciding a after a parrot keeps saying don't shoot over and over again. a terrifying car crash caught on camera. inside that car right there, jay leno. what went wrong and how is he doing this morning? the lobster and shrimp summerfest is happening now at red lobster. and if you love lobster and shrimp, ...check out all these new entrees. like new coastal lobster and shrimp... ...with summer ale barbeque sauce, ...and new lobster and shrimp overboard. overboard? nah,'s just right. so hurry in. what body aches?-gels, you'll ask what knee pain? what sore elbow? what joint pain? advil liqui-gels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liqui-gels the world's #1 choice what pain? advil. well, listen to this. a dead man's parrot, talking bird, could be the key witness in his murder trial. >> don't [ bleep ] shoot. >> now a judge must decide if those alleged dying words can be used as testimony in court and help send its owner's killer to prison. >> abby huntsman is here to explain. a parrot? >> i never heard anything quite a story. this could be the first. so the bird's owner marty durham was killed lass year in his michigan home. the prosecution arguing that the parrot named bud is speaking in the victim's voice, begging for his life. listen. >> don't [ bleep ] shoot. >> so the parrot repeatedly shouts the phrase don't shoot, reliving the horrific scene. >> i know he's seeing something pretty horrible. stuck there a little bit. i know it. he had a front row view. >> his wife glenna durham is charged in the murder. the prosecution is hoping that the judge will allow the parrot to be a witness in the case. >> it's something that we're going to be looking at. determining if it's reliable to use. but we're looking at is this the piece of information that we need to prosecute this case? >> so prosecutors said durham tried to carry out a murder/suicide, shooting herself, but she survived. a suicide note is part of the evidence, along with the gun she allegedly used to pull the trigger. the couple's kids are saying they had as love/hate relationship, often arguing about money. >> so is the parrot still using that expression? >> so the ex-wife owns bud and she shouts don't shoot. >> it could be an old gangster movie that was on in the living room. >> hard to know. but parrots don't often lie, right, ainsley? >> like a picture. >> right. >> >> are you going to swear in the parrot? >> exactly. >> that's quite a case. >> see where it goes. >> why do you check with ainsley? >> because i know she'll tell the truth. >> i'm just fascinated. the parrot yells out, don't shoot, how does that prove who did it? >> i guess the only person or bird in the room was the parrot. so no one knows. >> there was a suicide note and that seems to be pointing in one direction. >> got it, got it. >> abby, thank you. meanwhile, she survived one of the worst mass shootings that killed her parents. she shocked many with this speech. >> i'm not really mad at the guy that did this. i'm certainly not mad at the guns that did this. they didn't walk in there by themselves and pull their own triggers. i still remember that. her message is wbr id "wbr85017" still resonating 25 years later. she will join us live, shortly. /b sfx: climbing sounds wbr-id "wbr85317" duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones oh, way down there, guys. >> wow. some quick headlines for you. look at that. caught on camera. a race against time to save a whale that's tangled in the fishing net. the blue whale dragging the 200-foot line crab line off southern california. rescue crews had been able to remove some of that line. imagine walking along the beach and seeing this. >> he's a big boy. >> no thank you. a 14-foot hammerhead shark swimming just feet away from the shore. people rushing out there to see it. although hammerheads are common in the bahamas, officials say it was likely trying to dine on a small fish. and crazy video of a motorcyclist crashing on a busy interstate after hitting something on the highway. >> oh! >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> the guy as you see rolls into oncoming traffic on i-94. this is in minnesota. incredibly, he was not seriously injured. brian? >> you better tie things down on your boat. let's change gears. 25 minutes after the hour. the gun control debate reached a fever pitch and it's not subsided. as democrats stage a dramatic sit-in on capitol hill, calling for stricter gun laws. our next guest knows about this firsthand. what can happen if people lose the right to protect themselves? it was 25 years ago when susanna hupp survived one of the deadliest shootings in history. in texas, a man fired into the crowd and killed 23 people and two of the victims her parents. at that time, texas was a gun free zone and as suzanna said in the emotional testimony before congress back in 1991 if she was allowed to carry her guns, her parents might have lived. >> i'm not really mad at the guy who did this and i'm certainly not mad at the guns that did this. they didn't walk in there and pull their own triggers. i'm mad at the legislators. >> how does she feel now? joining us now is dr. gratia-hupp, author of a new book. welcome. >> good morning to you. >> have you changed your view? >> oh, heavens no. no. if anything it's more cemented now that i have had children. now that i have a family to protect. now that i feel absolutely very strongly about this. look, the fact of the matter is, is there anybody out there listening right now that thinks that if we were able to magically ban all guns in america that the bad guys wouldn't still be able to get guns? so all of these laws that they keep proposing only affect people like me. they affect law-abiding citizens. so yeah, i think they're kind of goofy to be honest with you. >> well, the president doesn't feel that way. he thinks it's goofy if you actually disagree with him and think you should have reasonable gun laws. >> yeah, well, you know, when you label something reasonable or common sense, i mean, you can call the distinctive skunk perfume but doesn't change what it is. >> we had the democrats sit-in and stopped all deliberations and now they're calling for the individual lawmakers to do the same in their towns. do you sense the change in sentiment? >> no, i don't think. i think the same people are effectively saying the same things. you know, when they label something as i mentioned common sense, it makes me take a second look at it. these laws only affect -- i don't how much more strongly i can say it, they only affect people like me. they keep people like me from being able to protect myself and my family. look, every single one of the mass shootings has occurred in a place where guns weren't allowed. what has stopped the bad guy with a gun? a good guy with a gun. >> and the one conwith the -- cop with the gun in the shooting wasn't able to get a shot off. we'll focus on the terror watch list. if you have a terrorist associated with isis, he should not be able to walk in and get a gun. do you agree with that? >> i think we have to be careful with that you're talking of stripping somebody of a constitutional right they have because they're on a list. i would say to that, if we feel so strongly about that particular person that we're going to actually take away his constitutional right, then why isn't that person locked away somewhere? again, we don't want to just start taking away constitutional rights because someone is on a -- you know, on a list somewhere. i think it needs to be very measured and careful. >> background checks you're okay with? >> um, again, i'd have to pick it apart quite honestly. background checks, i think -- here's what i think. i think that when somebody can vote that they should be able to carry a gun. so what that means is basically they haven't gotten a felony offense, they have not adjudicated mentally incompetent. very basic. >> thank you very much. you have not changed your views. dr. hupp, thank you for being here this morning. and the debate rages on. it's a life line for many of the heroes but brand-new problems with the v.a.'s suicide hot line. how about no one answering. and newt newt had this to say about hillary clinton. >> there's no reason to believe that hillary clinton's experiences qualify for anything except for retirement. >> why is she polling so well? former house speaker newt gingrich on the short list for if vp perhaps, here to answer that question. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. a fox news alert. breaking news in the benghazi investigation that you're only going to see right here on fox news. house republicans just releasing a very disturbing new report on the attack. >> yep. the more the -- the more than two-year investigation finding hillary clinton knew it was not a video the whole time. >> that's right. plus, as we bring in newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, he's in the nation's capital. mr. speaker, what in says -- yesterday, the democrats released their findings. today, the republicans which control the committee are releasing theirs. i think the most damning thing is that what it reveals is that the president of the united states and then secretary of state hillary clinton did nothing to save lives. >> well, look, i think that's right. and it's fascinating watching the elite media try to protect hillary and cover up for hillary. the fact is -- and donald trump said this last week and people attacked him for being wrong, there were according to the head of the intelligence committee, over 600 requests that went to washington about security in libya and benghazi. they were all ignored by the central office under hillary clinton. and when the event actually occurred, there was some argument -- i have some friends in the community who argue this was a team in croatia that might in fact have made a difference if they could have moved promptly and if the military had been allowed to exercise independent judgment. but in fact the white house and the state department sat on the whole thing while the fight went on, and nothing was done. then the most disturbing thing is we now know without any reasonable doubt that they methodically lied to the american people and lied to the world about what happened. you just have to -- as you look at the elections this fall, as long as you understand that hillary clinton lied while americans were dying, did so deliberately and knowingly, if you're comfortable with that in your commander in chief, then hillary ought to get your vote. >> two potentials, there are hard clad examples. she told hillary clinton in an -- chelsea clinton in an e-mail, this was an al qaeda affiliated attack and told now jailed morsi this was an attack, but told us a different story. >> right. this is a summary judgment. hillary clinton lies all the time. she lies about e-mails. she lies about the clinton foundation. she lies about secret meetings in the state department about donors, she lies about deals that are cut. she lies about her speeches to goldman sachs. by the way, she lies about benghazi. what's new? i mean this is who she is. and if the american people are comfortable with a person that dishonest in the white house, she's a pretty formidable candidate. >> here's the thing, newt. right now she's leading in the polls. a couple of polls have come out in the last week. one i believe the nbc poll had her up by five. but then there was that "washington post"/nbc poll that one right there that shows she's ahead by 12 points, but then you look at the methodology and you discover they interviewed 12 more democrats than the republica republicans. >> "the washington post" poll has her tying with trump with men. even given the total bias in "the washington post" and the disagree to which they're committing a hatchet job on trump, i think a sense of professional dignity should have allowed them to withdraw the poll. it's an absurdity. trump is down by five or six points after the elite media have blocked him and are protecting hillary. reagan had the same problems. by the end of the summer people will start sifting through it. if trump is still standing on the friday before the election, she will lose by a huge margin. that's what happened to jimmy carter who had the largest electoral defeat -- >> what do you mean by still standing? >> she has to pulverize him and the media has to pulverize him so he's totally utterly unacceptable. if he's within five points he'll beat her. look what happened with brexit. what happens is the elites, the establishments all pile on. the average citizen will not tell pollsters the truth. you have much better results for trump for example in a computerized online poll than a telephone poll because people don't want to tell the pollsters something they think is not socially acceptable. >> right. even though they don't know each other, they still want don't to be honest. how important are the independents here? if you look at that abc poll that you're talking about "the washington post"/abc poll they polled so many more democrats than republicans, but the independents, is that where we need to be looking? >> i look at the whole thing. once trump -- and paul manafort is doing a good job of building out the trump team. i think once trump gets to his full scale and is running his full blown campaign, i think he's going the go after everybody. i mean, this is a guy who i think -- i think he'll be in southside of chicago campaigning. i think he'll be the latino community campaigning. he has a simple message which is the message coming out of europe. if you like the way things are right now, she is the head of the establishment. if you think we better change, donald trump is your only vote. i think that could be a very compelling message. >> but it's true. you're the political expert, but if he says you like the way that things are, vote for hillary, but that's not enough. i think if trump going to southside of chicago, what's going to be different, and if he goes to the hispanic community, what's going to be different? does he have an answer to that? >> look at what he's doing today. he's going to the steel company to give a serious speech, very substantial. about the issue of trade. and let me just give you one example of why this is so hard for hillary. the director of national intelligence staff reported a month ago the chinese last year stole $360 billion in intellectual property from the united states. that's twice the value of all u.s. sales to china last year. now, trump is saying this is really stupid. she's the secretary of state for a system which is really stupid. if you like giving the chinese secrets and doing nothing about it, vote for hillary. i suspect he'll have a program for the inner city that's as bold and dramatic as the program he has on trade. >> all right. newt, let's shift gears a bit. you are teaming up -- this is a truly bipartisan effort. you're teaming up with advocates for opioid recovery, aor, an organization dedicated do advancing the treatment systems that has the potentials to prevent nearly 55,000 deaths from addiction every year. >> unbelievable. when patrick kennedy first approached me about it, and patrick has done remarkable work in the area -- >> he has. >> he's dedicated his life because he's a recovering addict and he understands this dangerous world. he said, do you realize more people now die from opioid addiction than die from automobiles? and yet we don't treat it as though it's an epidemic. what's tragic is you can have medicated solutions that improve the likelihood of permanently coming off the opiates and being with your family and have a job. when you lay it out where we are and the intellectual revolution we need in treatment and the fact that we need to recognize -- fior example in ou prisons. we can help them no longer become addicts so by the time they get out they can have a job and re-enter the commuty. here's the danger. if all you do is detox for about 15% of the country a that's fine. you can stay that way. but for 85% of the country there's a danger of relapse. if you relapse that's the moment that people tend to overdose because they take what they used to use and their body is no longer used to it. and so what used to be tolerable becomes deadly. these are the kind of things that we have to be deeply involved with. and i think it's truly a bipartisan cause for every american family. >> a lot of people saying, well, it doesn't apply to me, but it might. a lot is prescribed. real quick, where do we go to find out more? >> you can go to the opioid site and come through gingrich productions and we'll have a link directly to the site. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. all right. 18 before the top of the hour and heather joins us with some news about one of the most familiar faces in america going boom boom boom boom boom. >> and this one loves cars. jay leno went on a terrifying ride, escaping death after the car he was riding in crashed. take a look. oh, you can see him in the passenger seat there. cameras catching all the action for his new tv show "jay leno's garage." he is known for being a real car enthusiast. he was riding with his stunt car driving hero. >> what's your name? >> bob rickle. >> how old are you? >> 88. >> can you hear me right now? >> no. >> i'm bob riggle. >> that's one of the emts making sure they're okay. he later joked saying it doesn't get more exciting than that. this is serious story and another disturbing one out of the v.a. it's supposed to be a life line for our heroes but now a disturbing watchdog report that shows that texts to the suicide hotline are going unanswered. gao found that nearly 30% of the texts sent to the suicide hotline never got a response. the v.a. said it's working to improve that system. those are your headlines. unreal, huh? >> unreal. thank you. this morning a serious warning because a popular dresser just like this can fall over and kill your child. it's happened three times. what you need to know to save your family. coming up next. r their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. at our retirement plan today. not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... (vo) it's surprising what people would rather do than deal with retirement. pressure-washing the... roses. aerating the lawn! okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. ♪ nationwide is on your side listen to this. an urgent warning for parents. dressers like that found in tens of millions of americans toppled over and killing children. it has happened three times. >> you know, ikea now issuing a massive recall. fox 29 has the breaking details. hi, dave. >> reporter: good morning to you. this is a massive consumer alert. ikea now agreeing to stop selling a specific type of dresser that can tip over too easily and they're announcing recalls to the point of 29 million dressers and chests that some -- that even date back ten years in terms of when people bought them. company officials are saying to remove them from rooms accessible to children. the "philadelphia inquirer" reporting these include the popular and cheaper malm line, blamed for the three deaths of toddlers including the first one in the philadelphia area. colin collas was trapped under a dresser that fell on him. ikea had warned they can tip over if the consumers don't have them adhered properly. so ikea said you can get a full refund or what you can also do is get a partial store credit or full store credit if yours is about ten years or older. if that's when you purchased it. or you can have a service team come out and make sure they're properly fastened to your wall. a critical alert from ikea. some in the industry have said that ikea didn't do enough to get on top of this after three toddlers have died but now they're offering a full recall. 29 million also they're offering refunds or a store credit. back to you. >> all right. dave kinchen, the latest from ikea. >> hard to watch but we need to inform you so you can keep your family safe. meanwhile, that luggage right over there usually set you back 500 bucks for a set, but today 99 bucks. exclusive deals you will only see on "fox & friends." >> megan, she's no meanie. but first let's check in with one of the nicest people around, martha maccallum. >> good morning. so after years of investigations and hearings, the gop benghazi committee has released their report. they will speak live about that report for the first time during our show this morning. as people who were there have come forward with their eyewitness accounts that fly in the face of the white house story about the video which is clearly put together in the early hours after the killings. we'll cover that story in depth. this morning, bob corker, catherine herridge, all here when we join you at the top of the hour. bp is pioneering drone technology to monitor refinery operations, so our engineers can spot potential problems from any angle. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. [music] because jess:y is hey look, it's those guys.. jess: are you good to drive? shawn: i'm fine. jess: how many did you have? shawn: i should be fine. jess: you should be? officer: go on and step out of the vehicle for me. bud: see ya, buddy. good luck! so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, they're the same thing and it costs around $10,000. so not worth it. so weather is heating up and so are the deals, and we have the best gadgets and goodies. joining us with the exclusive deals just for "fox & friends" viewers, for you, we have megan meany who is part of our mega morning deals series. what are we going to start off with? >> workout wear. you'll save up to 71%, all bali stuff. it's got tummy control, shape enhancing and moisture wicking. only 14 to $19 apiece. a huge deal. >> what do they normally go for? >> typically 45 to $50. if you're worried about the bugs, this is all natural botanical oil. it has a diffuser, it protects you. typically $69 situation, $19 today. that's 71% off. this mosquito fighting thing. no chemicals. good for kids and for pets, right. >> right. for $19 you won't get zika. so it's worth it. >> so this is so cool. this has built in bluetooth. you can listen to music for up to six hours. typically $59 and today only 24 bucks. all done through the iphone. if you're in an unsafe situation, you have an elder or a kid in your life, this is through the smartphone. it will call people on your behalf and give the location. $79 typically. it's today $28. >> and luggage. >> a three-piece luggage set is going to ship for free. only 99 bucks. typically, it goes for several hundred dollars. $500 actually. but not today. and look at all the fun colors. this fits perfectly in the overhead. >> you can put that one inside that one and that one inside that one. >> it has separate compartments for your shoes. >> i love that. free shipping. you get all three for free. >> don't forget the mega morning icon on the website. >> go to and then you see the mega morning deals. >> that's where they are. >> thank you. we have more "fox & friends," moments away. with hydrogenated oil... ...but real joyful moments are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy. hello new coppertone sport. it's reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. new coppertone sport. hello sunshine. all right. things getting worse for england. one for the road. the brexit vote not so bad. england gets another shocker, they lose to iceland 2-1 in the round of 16. >> it is one of the biggest sensations in the history of football. iceland, iceland are in the quarter finals. >> unbelievable. a country of 330,000 people beats mighty england. the euro 2016 is now in the round of eight. congratulations to our icelandic viewers. we have a lot. >> were you happy with that? >> no, i don't like seeing england going down like that, but i'm happy for iceland playing in the first tournament ever. >> no mercy for a young basketball player after he gets dunked by the one and only james harden. >> oh! >> yeah, the rockets star spending some time showing off for the kids in the basketball camp this houston. this kid was lucky, but -- >> he was like where's the ball? oh, behind me now. >> tomorrow, special guest, author gary byrne will be here. martha: benghazi bombshell two years in the work. it reveals the president and hillary clinton willfully ignored dozens of accounts and witnesses to the benghazi attack and pushed the protest. i'm martha maccallum


Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160511 10:00:00

and. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. look at pros and cons of being donald trump's vice president. pro, next in line to donald trump. con, which means you're the heir to the hair. pros, meeting all over the world. con, having to say sorry about him in hundreds of different languages. >> pro, could cruz kasich, cr , cruz, -- >> good morning. with us on set -- >> how are you doing? >> oh, my gosh. we have some political news to report. >> trump, of course, wins. but bernie, big wins for bernie, too. this guy is not going away. >> keeps on winning. >> it's like she's losing to win and he's winning to lose. >> it's a reverse of 2008, isn't it? it's just like barack obama. you kept hearing all barack obama has to do is win texas and it's over and hillary would win. all he has to do is win ohio. all he has to do is pennsylvania -- once they get to know him in pennsylvania. no, she kept winning. bernie sanders is doing the same thing. >> except obama -- clinton was closer to obama than sanders is to clinton at this point and it did work out for obama in the end. >> it did. made him a better candidate. this will probably make clinton a better candidate. >> as you can see we had legendary gene robinson. former communications director for george bush nicolle wallace. >> sarah palin. sarah palin. >> she's back. >> is she can'tering people. >> political analyst gene robinson. >> not surprisingly, donald trump won both nebraska and virginia primaries last night. still about 20% of voters cast ballots for ted cruz. yesterday we brought you numbers that showed an incredibly close race between donald trump and hillary clinton in swing states key to winning the presidency. the national numbers from the latest nbc news survey monkey tracking poll gave clinton a 5 point lead over trump. a look at key groups shows just how divided the electorate really is. on race, trump wins white vote, 52-41%. clinton has a 77% lead with black voters. 86% to 9%. a 2-1 percentage among hispanic voters. 61 to 28%. the candidates face a stark gender gap. trump, 11, trump carries men by 11 point margin. the question of income, voters who earn less than $50,000 a year back clinton by 19 points. 56% to trump's 37%. those making over $100,000 are about evenly split 47% for clinton, 48% by trump. broken down by age voters under 45 picked clinton, 56 to 38%. >> all right. we can do this by -- pretty soon we're going to do it by eye color. >> yeah. >> i want to go back to the main poll, charts. you was off yesterday. gene, i have to do it once a year. i have to separate my unfiltered cigarettes from my filtered cigarettes. i don't smoke, mom and dad. everything, i was shocked. clinton is actually losing to donald trump despite these horrible demographics we've all talked about. it's going to kill him, going to crush him. i've been saying it. everybody has been saying it. he's ahead in ohio. >> yeah, look, the poll, quinnipiac poll was a big surprise to a lot of people in those battleground states. it showed trump potentially a little bit ahead. people have questions about the poll. my view is that it would be foolish for the clinton campaign to ignore bad news because it's bad news and say we don't want to believe this. they need to look at these numbers and figure out what's potentially going on and why this was turning up. it was a big surprise. >> a big surprise. mika, i'll tell you also, people saying quinnipiac poll over sampled, why? i was shocked by nbc survey monkey showed it a 5% race when it was a 13% race last week. there's a consolidation going on. key states, 1 point in pennsylvania. he's looking better in a lot of polls than mitt romney did down the stretch. >> this is really before they start going after each other. >> this is when has he a 56% disapproval rating. >> trump's negatives are historically high, unbelievable high. hillary clinton's negatives are also very high. i think one possible interpretation of this poll is that it's not okay for the clinton campaign to say his are higher, therefore we're going to be fine. hers, i think, are clearly having an impact. that's something the campaign is going to have to deal with, address. >> there's also another possibility here, voters exhaustion. people responding to both candidates after a very long primary campaign with extended numbers of debates. people tuning it right out. there's one thing in the underbelly of that campaign, i was surprised hillary clinton's support among women isn't higher than it is. >> same with hispanics, who are 28% of hispanics supporting donald trump. i haven't met them frankly. >> we're going to hear joe biden, paul manafort, a lot of things that happened in the last 24 hours. hillary clinton increasingly fighting two front at once, continued primary challenge bernie sanders and donald trump who is increasingly using personal trumps. here is senior strategist paul manafort hinting at more to come. >> he said hillary clinton did nasty terrible things to these women that were alleged to have relationships with her husband. did she or did she not do that. >> he'll be talking about those in the campaign. >> how does he know? >> i believe in him. >> you believe everything he said is true. >> he told you stuff he knows about clintons and back unreported behavior he will bring out. >> we have talked about the hypocrisy of hillary clinton playing the female card and his willingness to expose that card for what it is. >> what is this thing about hillary clinton married to somebody who is an abuser of women. how do you make that case? >> stay tuned. >> you got a case? >> stay tuned. >> have you heard his case? >> we have things we'll be talking about in this campaign where we will not be letting her get away with playing the female card. >> insulting women. i don't care what he says about me but i do resent what he says about other people, other successful women. women who have worked hard. women who have done their part. we are, after all, 51% of the country. >> they are doing to get really ugly. >> it's going to get really bad. >> it's going to be bad. it's going to be bad quick. >> yeah. >> you talked about voter exhaustion now. the campaign hasn't really even started. >> they are apparently going to throw just the kitchen sink at them and they are going to start early. it's not going to be a knocked over surprise, nicolle, they are going to come out at him, bill clinton. we said for sometime, we don't know whether hillary clinton is going to win this or not, but we do know for bill clinton it's going to be a horrid six months. >> we have a little history to look at, how he acts now in his post presidency. he's a little more prickly than he was when he was a candidate. you look at the cycle, candidates out of practice, jeb bush, hillary, people who aren't in the fight and arena with social media and constant precious with everyone with a phone being a journalist have not thrived and have not thrived under the white hot glare of trump's onslaught. i think clintons should be in trump university studying how to survive. >> there's no studying for this, no strategy, no nothing they can do. >> what do you mean? >> there's no preparation. i really hope they are not trying to prepare for this, because they will never, ever be able to get inside her heart and her head in terms of what she needs to do with this when it happens? >> there's an agility her republican opponents, certainly have the benefit of looking at the 16 people he defeated and understanding there's an agility and nimbleness they all lacked that she could certainly adapt. the clintons -- before there was trump, the people who were more willing to do anything it took to win were named clinton. so the people who used to be the ones best at taking on strategies to defeat their opponent used to be named bill and hillary clinton. >> here is the problem, even in the best circumstances of 2008, bill clinton was hard to control, hard to handle. remember up in new hampshire when he gave that horrid speech. even in the best of circumstances, here they are going to be leveling charges that are going to be shocking even by bill clinton's standards, from what we hear, and how does hillary clinton team control bill clinton? do they do what the obama team did to joe biden in 2008, put him on a plane and put -- give him an iphone and let him listen to music so he doesn't say anything? >> nicolle said, the clintons got where they are by being adaptable, fitting what they say, what they do for the circumstances and to their advantage. i have a feeling bill clinton learned something in 2008. you know, he made mistakes and he was very defensive about that for a while. my guess would be that he has internalized some of that, so won't make the exact same mistakes. >> they have already compared him to bill cosby in instagram. it's going to be -- he's doing to be -- we're going to have two battles going on, trust me. we're going to have hillary clinton fighting for the white house and bill clinton fighting to save his legacy. after trump, "the new york times" reported, just put out an instagram video of him and a couple of tweets. his approval rating, which he's been working on his entire life, he lives to see that approval rating go up, went from 51% to 38%. can you imagine what it's going to look like in the fall? also for political reasons, can you imagine the nightmare it's going to be for hillary clinton's campaign team to stop him from going out and swinging back in a way that could make things worse. >> i think there's a whole unspoken part of this for decades that's going to be spoken in plain english. it's going to be the part of the conversation everyone is afraid to have or too polite to have or too blind to have. >> i don't know. read the column. she's had it. that's the kind of discussion we're all doing to have to have. >> it could do either way. it could purge these resentments, these unsaid things and make the press feel better about her or damage her. >> it could actually help her a lot if she can use it correctly. >> kasie hunt did a focus group with a group of republican women the other day, yesterday, and i don't know if we have any of that. >> did some yesterday. >> we showed it yesterday. >> it was really quite interesti interesting. they talked about bill and hillary's relationship. there was a lot of sympathy, solidarity with hillary clinton. it could be very much to her advantage. >> the assault is going to come against bill clinton. the response is going to have to come from hillary clinton. >> it has to. >> that will be the guide post as to where she's going to -- how she's going to navigate this in the fall. >> them there's this trump, donald trump opened up another front yesterday on instagram, a video about the deadly attack on the american embassy in benghazi. >> we've seen over an internet video. >> she lied to me. she told me it was the fault of the video. >> she said we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son. >> so she did say to you that the benghazi attack was caused by protests? >> absolutely. >> i don't know why that's funny. >> the trump campaign confirmed to nbc news that they made the video. the clinton campaign tlind to comment to nbc news. >> this is the sort of thing that's coming at you nonstop. >> and it cuts. >> we'll see. we'll see how agile they are going to be. >> we have a lot of other news to report. trump says he's down to five picks for vice president. also, bernie sanders won last night, couple of primaries. we have his comments. he made some pretty stinging comments about hillary clinton. >> bernie sanders? >> yes, he did. they were really -- >> he's not going to go quietly into that dark night. >> no, he's not. >> not only is he not going to go quietly, if you look at the crowd and look at the attention he's stronger. >> i wonder if -- who knows. is he thinking about an independent bid? >> no. he says no. he says no. >> i mean, because if one of these republicans like mitt romney or paul ryan or somebody jumped in on the republican side and bernie jumped in on the democratic side, you would have a four-way three-dimensional -- where any four of those people could be president of the united states. >> and we'd never sleep again. ever. >> never sleep again. that's how we do it in europe. >> what is sleep? what is this thing called sleep? >> still ahead on "morning joe," ap's julie pace who broke the list for donald trump's running mate. tom cole on gop struggle to find its center. tonight joe's band playing in connecticut on behalf of a great cause. horizons provides children with much needed academic perhaps over the summer. hosted at new canaan and benefits to after school tutoring and college prep. fantastic. but first the weather. really rough. dangerous weather for millions that cross the country. bill. >> living up to reputation. big outbreak monday, kentucky suffered through tornadoes. this one was especially interesting. it was on the ground, a small one but pretty intense but dissipates. there's stuff still flying in the air. moments later it reforms and starts to really tear stuff apart. this is mayfield, kentucky, there dpou, just like this. tornadoes don't always stay on the ground the entire time. they come in many shapes and sizes. flood problems in san antonio, got hit by a strong storm. moved east but another one moving behind. san antonio a mess. back here kansas, missouri, nebraska, already some large hail this morning in omaha and now watching severe weather start to head towards kansas city area. careful traveling kansas city towards topeka. people at risk for storms, everyone here in the orange color. it's this enhanced risk, north of dallas, south of oklahoma city, wichita falls, mcallister, ft. smith. hail, isolated tornadoes in the forecast. the rest of the country looking warm in the southeast and unfortunately still kind of dreary for the mid-atlantic states in areas around washington and d.c. d.c. we've now gone 14 straight days with measurable rain. i'm sure you'll get light showers this afternoon also. new york city a little better than our friends to the south. mostly sunny morning, temperatures enjoyable in the low 70s. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. owen! hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call. you know mom, i will change you. change your body, and what you call love. i'm going to make you think less about yourself... and more about those little things you've never noticed. sometimes, i will turn your night into day... and for sure, i will mark you forever. but i promise mom, it will be the greatest journey of your life. e.t. phone home. [ soft music ] when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. wow, so bernie sanders, mika, won the west virginia democratic primary last night. >> yes, he did. he was projected to win the state and likely benefited from comments clinton made about coal. sanders support was not from democrats but independents according to exit polling. they made up a third of the electorate. of sanders voters, 33% said they would choose trump over senate from vermont if they faced off in the general. this is fascinating. taking a look at the delegate count, sanders picked up 16 to clinton's 11 in west virginia. according to nbc news, clinton 6 superdelegates to sanders 1 superdelegate. they tied 17-17 in the state. after his win, sanders went on to speak at a rally in sanders, oregon, in front of a crowd of about 4,000 people. he celebrated his victory and did not let up his pressure on hillary clinton targeting wealthy donors. >> we have now won primaries and caucuses lynn 19 states. and let me be as clear as i can be, we are in this campaign to win the democratic nomination. one of the waltons made a campaign contribution to secretary clinton of hundreds of thousands of dollars. i say to that family maybe instead of making large campaign contributions to secretary clinton, pay your workers a living wage. >> wow, that's some tough top. mike barnicle. >> well, bernie sanders is on the ride of his life. he's 73 years old. he's held these beliefs for 72 of those 73 years. he is capable of raising millions of dollars in small contributions from ordinary people over and over and over again. his message is resonating throughout the country. he is not doing anywhere. he is not giving up. he's going to be at that convention in philadelphia fighting for that platform. he's already managed to push hillary clinton more to the left than she ever intended to go to the left. >> he will keep her there through the convention. >> yes. >> i thought that just that sound bite alone was stinging. >> i think if she loses this much against donald trump we'll look back to this period when democratic party didn't have stomach mathematical. including two of his own we led the show w i don't know how any politician, even a teflon like clinton politician bounces back from this period. >> only one has taken money from wall street. so bernie makes that argument to salem, oregon, donald picks them up in manhattan and instagrams them. so it starts to sink in that she's the favorite candidate of wall street. >> or the representation of the past, which hasn't worked well for most of middle america, whether it's been a democrat in office or republican, people have been let down. people feel they have been lied to. people have not done better, and their kids are not doing better. that is where we are. that's the reality. >> the rigged argument trump and sanders make in concert with each other. we talked about independent voters, women voters determine the outcome of the election. nothing more convincing than hearing an attack from a democrat and then a republican. you think it must be true. >> hillary clinton drew her own big crowds in louisville, kentucky. her campaign has made a six-figure ad buy in the state. according to data obtained by nbc news. in spite of her campaign's shift in focus to trump in the months to come. >> if i'm fortunate enough to be the nominee, i am looking forward to debating donald trump come the fall. >> she's projecting that, then why is she spending money in tv ads in kentucky. sounds to me like she understands we're in this race. nine more primary and caucus contests. >> that's a question. do you focus on donald trump, which would be my instinct. she has the math on her size. focus on donald trump. do you worry about losing kentucky like you lost west virginia. i would say in the end it didn't matter was four years ago hillary clinton, whatever county in west virginia, she cleaned up in kentucky. at the end of the day, it just didn't matter. i think you have to look past your primary opponent that you have already, for the most part, mathematically beaten and go straight to donald trump. but that's a question. right now they are trying to figure out. >> it hasn't worked for anybody. >> what? >> going after trump. >> actually nobody has gone after trump the right way. >> okay. what's the right way? >> you don't go after trump halfway. if you're in a nuclear war, right, you don't say, you know what, we might bring out some tanks. you respond with a nuclear war and say, okay, you may destroy me. i'm going to destroy you. go all. it's mutually assured destruction and not one single republican knew how to do it, not of those 16. holding press conferences, he's so bad for the party. no, don't tell it to the press. tell it to him. punch him in the face. >> but you've always said it's almost impossible to run against someone who has nothing to lose or has no experience. >> you have to put your self in a position where you have have nothing to lose. have you to tell yourself, you know what, i mayday but if he pushes me off the top of the building, i'm going to grab him by the throat and he's coming down with me. not that i've thought that before or said that in negotiations. but that's how you have to do it. none of these guys did it. none of them went all the way in. we've all seen political candidates that have just been -- they didn't want to get their hands dirty. and we've had others that were willing -- like ted cruz. if ted cruz could show an ounce of humanity instead of reading from scripts and gone after him. >> he might jump back in, by the way. >> even, go back to the beginning of the stop trump when some of his opponents started to make arguments against him. rubio tried it, jeb tried it. if any of them had said, i am going to lose the republican primary but i'm not going down alone, i'm taking you down with me as a service to my party and a service to my country. you are reckless, dangerous, you can't learn what you need to learn in a post 9/11, you're coming with me, pal. they could have. no one was willing to put that much skin in the game. kasich, rubio, cruz. >> guess who would have done it if the roles were divorced. donald trump. >> george bush. >> george w. bush. i said it all along. trump wins because he doesn't fear losing. you know -- >> that's business, by the way. you lose all the time. >> a league of women's voters group up in connecticut, i was saying -- they were talking about what makes a great politician. i said political equivalent to what martin luther king said. a man who does not fear death is dangerous. you can do -- i didn't quote it perfectly but you actually are untethered. that's been one of donald trump's secrets. if i lose it just helps my brand. it just helps my businesses. >> had a great life. i believe it. >> donald trump has no fear of losing because he's lost multiple times in the past. >> that's business. >> he has no fear of losing. it's interesting you mention jeb bush because of all the candidates who stood on those stages, 16, 17 of them last august, september, october, he more than any of the others had the ability and the background to take down donald trump. if he had just looked into the camera and indicated that my brother was president of the united states during one of the most tumultuous times in american history. we were attacked on this soil. the world is a dangerous place. this is a dangerous man. do not let him put his hands -- >> you don't have to pick me but whatever you do, for the love of god, don't pick him. and go down. >> so that's -- we'll see if the clinton team learned from the mistakes of 16 others. i don't know. i think you're kind of born with it or you're not born with it. i don't know that hillary has it. but she -- >> i think that somebody could jump in right now and change the dimension of the future of this country in a way that we just can't even predict. i really do. >> i spoke yesterday with the former chairman of the democratic state party in a fairly significant state who told me, and he's been in the business for a long, long time, that he has never seen a moment in american politics where the situation and the landscape is so ripe for an independent candidacy. >> that's right. that's right. >> that's probably true. >> absolutely. it just feels like it actually -- it feels natural. >> the question is, does it come from the left? does it come from the right? >> does it matter? you've got all this -- >> everything crosses. you can't even say that a third party -- >> it would have to be some be who wasn't thinking left or right. >> and would take from clinton and -- >> coming up how would will mcevoy of hbo's the newsroom make the argument donald trump is the best candidate for hillary clinton to face in the general? our friends at with all due respect break the fake newsman out of retirement to make the case. "morning joe" is back in a moment. atand that horrible smellstee are really good at hiding.vice, oh, boy. there it is. ♪ ohh. ooh. [ gags ] so when you need a house cleaner or an exterminator, we can help you get the job done right, guaranteed. get started today at angie's list, because your home is where our heart is. ♪ (man) that show.t to record (woman) now we have to wait forever to see it. 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>> jeff, i'm not going to let you go back to the airport -- >> because he's not the best case scenario, john. that's my answer. donald trump is a fact bending lose cannon who alienates mainstream voters with everything he says. he gets constant media attention for free. won't be a day from now until november when trump isn't on every tv channel. with a straight face you're going to tell me that electing a woman is unprecedented. germany elected a female chancellor, brazil elected denmark, policyholder, korea, argentina, norway, liberia, cypress run by women. 22 sovereign states in the world have already beat us on this. >> all right. >> check out the whole scene on with all due respect tonight on 6:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. >> that's one way -- >> very seen the episode. i don't know if he had that all in his head but it was a great scene. >> true in some ways to reality but i don't know. >> coming up next, tom cole says he's going to support republican nominee for president adding, quote, it's pretty much as simple as that. why does his colleague paul ryan find it more complicated. we'll be right back talking about those complications when "morning joe" returns. woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? 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on the one hand, there's pressure on him to support the nominee. on the other hand he does have that part of the republican establishment that is never trump. the never trump movement hasn't accomplished a dam thing. but it's there. >> the closer they get to having to vote for donald trump or hillary clinton, the closer -- the more this will most likely -- people like paul ryan will have to fall in line. people like donald trump are going to have to negotiate and figure out a way to let each side out of the corner and meet in the middle. i'm pretty sure it's going to happen. >> have you ever seen a meeting like this where they came out and said, it went terrible. they had a fistfight. we'll never speak again. >> paul ryan is the kind of republican you were talking about earlier. when he was faced with will i be the speaker or not, he said, reject me. i don't want it. when he was faced -- so he is the kind of leader who can say to donald trump you don't have to change your views but i don't either. so they are two strong principled figures with very different views on issues of trade, issues of foreign policy, issues of entitle men. i think what you're saying is it can be a success without anyone converting anyone. our party is falling down the rabbit hole, if we don't bring everyone around to building a wall and banning muslims we fail a a party. >> congressman tom cole of oklahoma, will support republican nominee for president. tom, before we get to that, your oklahoma district just took a severe hit from weather. how are your constituents doing? >> thank you for bringing that up. they are doing well. sadly we're pretty experienced and good at this. we did have some loss of life. nothing as devastating as we did in 2013. fortunately most of the tornadoes were in rural areas. no towns with major hits, so we'll get through it okay. like every oklahoman, we're happy thunder won over the spurs so we're in good shape. >> all right. good to hear. let's talk about donald trump and the impact on the republican party, your republican party and my republican party. the front page of the "washington post" this morning talks about senators in once safe seats now fearing for their political future. missouri senator not going to the convention, just like john mccain and several others. you've got states like arizona, north carolina, missouri that would normally be safe, now are not safe. does donald trump make it harder for these republican senators to get re-elected? >> no, i don't think so. look, i think the volatility in the political inform is what's putting every incumbent in both parties in danger. there's a lot of anger in washington, d.c. i don't think this is particularly associated with donald trump. indeed he's partly a product of that deeper phenomenon. pleemg for -- people look for an outsider, change, that's -- >> have you been going to the convention? >> i haven't missed one since '76, i'm certainly not going to miss this one. >> will you go there as unconditional supporter of donald trump. >> look, i said at the beginning of the process i'm support the nominee regardless. assuming it is and it would take an act of god for it not to be at this point. i'll vote for him in november. >> what if independent candidate you're more in line with ideology. >> i think it's awful late for that. look, i think you've got three choices. you can vote for hillary clinton and elect her and lose presidency, supreme court, maybe senate, maybe the house. you can vote for donald trump. we have a much better chance of being successful in the senate and house. or you can vote for a third party and that's almost always a wasted vote and i think it would be this time. >> you don't think conditions are ripe, actually, for a third party when you look at the disapproval ratings of both candidates and actually look at both of these candidates and the reality that is taking place across the country and you look at bernie sanders crowds? you don't think this is ripe for a third party? >> that's not what i said. i think 1992 was ripe for a third party, too, but the third party didn't win. i don't see the likelihood that that would happen f it was a third party from the right, you're going to elect hillary clinton. third party from the left, you're going to elect donald trump. so i think at the end of the day, that will actually push at least the traditional republican and democratic leaders toward their nominee. >> congressman, everyone is making a big deal of this meeting that's going to take place thursday. elements of the republican leadership, donald trump. you know paul ryan fairly well, you've worked with him for quite some time. what would be one or two of the most vivid differences philosophically and ideologically between the speaker and donald trump. >> obviously as paul himself pointed out. they differed on the muslim issue earlier in the campaign. probably their tone and style, to say the least is contrasting. on the other hand there's a lot of common ground there, too. they both want tax reform. while they may have some different ideas on foreign policy, they both think the obama foreign policy has been a file you're. -- failure. at the end of the day they are both going to have to sing from the same sheet of music. they don't have to agree with one another on everything but they have to find common ground of i think this discussion will lead them in that direction. >> one of the things we did as a party after losing two presidential campaigns was what we, robert, morbidly called an autopsy. its findings, we need to bring more women and people of color into the party. does that effort become easier or harder with donald trump as our nominee. >> it becomes different. >> do you think it's possible? >> look, i think this year just about anything is possible. you saw the polls yesterday morning. the national polls, they were within five points of one another in the swing states you had trump up by three and ohio down by one in florida and pennsylvania. those are pretty impressive numbers. it suggests to me that there's a lot of coming together on the republican side. again, there's a lot of work to do here. the speaker was exactly right when he said we shouldn't pretend we're unified when we're not. i think everybody is making the right moves. i was very impressed with mr. trump's tone in talking about the upcoming meeting. very impressed with paul ryan being open. look, we're not going to have a situation in my view where we have a republican speaker that presides over a convention and doesn't support the nominee. nor can we afford in the fall campaign with so much at stake to have our nominee and our speaker on having a major riff. the political, going to have to succeed, awfully competitive and awfully close fall election. >> congressman is kevin durant going to re-sign with the thunder? >> absolutely. no doubt about that. this is washington fantastic sichlt we love him and love his mom and want to keep them in oklahoma city where they belong. >> some of us want him to come home. >> hey, eugene, he is home. >> fighting words. >> okay, guys. thank you so much. always great to have you on the show. thank you. still ahead on "morning joe," most political analysts marvel at the data driven tactics that obama campaign was able to pull off to get elected. one person not impressed, donald trump. julie pace joins us with her interview with the republican front-runner. costa and hallie jackson will join the conversation. "morning joe" is coming right back. i'm terrible at golf. he is. people say i'm getting better. no one's ever said that. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. he's just happier when he's playing. but he's terrible. for the strength and energy to keep doing what you love, try new ensure enlive. only patented ensure enlive has hmb, plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. and its clinically proven formula helps you stay you. oh. nice shot. new ensure enlive. always be you. i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests, i invest with e*trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. coming up this morning, donald trump says his vice presidential short list is down to about five names. we're going to try to figure out who is on the list. >> barnicle. >> last night bernie sanders won another primary. when all is said and done, how far left on the issues will his candidacy push hillary clinton. >> pretty far. pretty far left. >> her recent comments on health care that have people taking notice. "morning joe" back in a moment. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you it was all pencil and paper. started out, the surface pro is very intuitive. with the pressure of my hand i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. i've been a forensic artist for over 30 years. i do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. you need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. i do this because i want my artwork to help people. is caringing because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. ♪ ♪ (laughing) there's nothing like making their day. except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. while you're mastering life. i have an orc-o-gram we for an "owen."e. that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you ould hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh... >> listen, we have suspended the campaign. we've suspended the campaign because i can see no viable path to victory. of course if that changed, we would reconsider. we're not going to win iowa, no mystery, no excitement. we've withdrawn from the campaigns. it's in the hands of the voters. if circumstances change, we'll assess changed circumstances but i appreciate the eagerness and excitement of all the folks in the media to see me back in the ring but you may have to wait a little bit longer. >> you missed him. >> i have. missed you, ted. no. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it's wednesday may 11th. with us we have on set former communications director for george w. bush nicolle wallace. pulitzer prize winning columnist associate editor of the "washington post" eugene robinson. capitol hill political reporter for the post and msnbc analyst robert costa, julie pace. >> we have a lot going on. >> we have a lot going on. what do you think paul manafort is get at right there on that tv show with chris matthews. >> i don't know. >> talking about -- sounds like the kitchen sink is coming at us. >> yes, it is. donald trump found success in the primaries with unconventional campaign and is planning more of the same in the general. yesterday trump told julie pace -- >> she's right here. hey, julie. >> hi. >> this is a coincidence. serendipity. >> maybe you can tell us. he's going to focus on big rallies, less on sophisticated data-driven operations that have become the staple of modern day campaigns. he says this, julie. i've always felt it was overrated. obama got the votes much more so than his data processing machine. and i think the same is true with me. >> let's stop right there. that's pretty staggering. that's like a physics professor saying we can do this without the math. come on, who needs the math. let's draw pictures. >> what's interesting about this, it was something obama campaign perfected during two elections. something rnc broadly looked at and tried to model. rnc sent people all over the country to collect data information. they will be doing this for donald trump. when it comes to the money he's going to spend for his campaign, a lot of it presumably will be his own money. he's going to put that into rallies. he thinks that's the best use of his time. very little money spent on data. >> remarkable. in 2004, a good friend of yours started this, started this microtargeting. it was extraordinary what he did. some people believe, i believe, it made the difference and helped him win. you look at the koch brothers moving away from rnc in 2012. we'll do our own thing in 2014 because of data. what they did was help win seats in north carolina. data helped defeat kay hagan. we're in an age now. like saying those computer machines -- >> new-fangled thing. >> the obama team in their campaigns made perfectly clear they were students -- the kim melman operation and pride new technology in advance, innovative beyond what kim melman, matthew dowd and sarah palin and others had done in the bush candidacy. this is so trump to be so absolutist. you certainly need the power of a personality, but what drives people to the polls is sort of the back side of that. he's going to try to do it without it, more success to him. if he fails, you may look back on this as one of the reasons why. >> i think he looks at the example from the primaries. everyone said you couldn't do it. everyone said you had to go to iowa, new hampshire, talk to people at diners, knock on doors. i had rallies, got thousands to see me, neighbors told were how great i was. why should i expect to do anything different in the general election. that's the theory of the case. >> the question is, is the general election different from primaries. i believed it is. look at donald trump's poll numbers right now. maybe he's right again and everybody is wrong. >> the only way i think that he might be is that you can't discount math. you can't discount what needs to be put in place to build the structure of a campaign and spread the word, spread the message and get votes unless you destroy everybody and there's no one left. >> well, unless he actively stops his campaign and stops rnc from doing the data work, right? does that actually mean anything? rnc is going to be out with its data operation trying to get its voters to the polls. >> the down ballot race. >> exactly. exactly. >> i think one of the differences, both with what the bush campaigns did and obama campaigns did, they took this in house. you get a level of precision and candidate buy-in. can you see here is the data, go to x county, why you need to be doing these interviews with these television stations. you you get the candidate to buy in. how is it separate from candidate based on his own financial investment, you can't guarantee he's going to follow through with what the data tells you. >> so trump gave his thoughts on the republican convention, quote, the concept of some entertainment from a great singer, a great group i would think would be something maybe to break things up. hold on, hold on, hold on, don't laugh. >> i was about to say -- >> i'm excited for it, because we never get great singers. >> i was about to say the same thing as you. don't laugh. a radical thing might happen if you have the guy that was like in prime time for 14 tv seasons, you may actually have a convention people watch. i think people will actually watch the convention if trump and mark burnett are in charge of it. >> absolutely. this has become a problem with these conventions in both parties. you have this prime time space that's given to conventions and you basically just have a series of politicians that get up there and give speeches. >> and go to the networks and give speeches. i think they were relieved a hurricane was coming and they got to bail on the first night of programming. you sit there and beg, beg, please, we'll be awesome, so titillating, no one will switch and watch "house hunters." now you've got trump and i can't imagine any of those things happening. >> he knows how to put on a show. he knows what makes good television. part of the convention is having good television that draws people in. >> often people don't know how hard that is to execute and what kind of a big mind that takes to sort of really be able to produce something huge. >> let's be clear, some of it is like watching for a train wreck. it will be huge but also the television industry appreciates that anything can happen. >> i will tell you a chair on stage was also a train wreck, massive train wreck and it didn't take a lot of brains to put that together. paul manafort. >> how did they not stop that. >> well, you couldn't look away in their defense. >> i think you could. i was -- >> i watched that whole damn chair. >> so paulmanafort, i was talking about winning by destroying the opponent. here is paul manafort on speaking with chris matthews on whether rnc will go along with riveting convention. here is what he said. >> break some eggs. reince priebus is going to give an exciting convention? >> donald trump. >> how? movies? >> we're going to put a program together. it's not put together yet. >> reality show. >> ultimate reality show, it's the presidency of the united states. >> presidency of the united states, talks about breaking eggs, throwing kitchen sink at the clintons. bob caosta, how ugly is it goin to get? >> an appetizer for the general election. part of the concern and concerns of candidates across the country, as much as this will be a showcase for trump in cleveland, they also want to introduce young rising party stars. they want to make sure they underscore some of the republican party platform and its policy positions. so having that balance between trump's desire for entertainment and the party's desire to showcase itself, i think that's going to be one of the central tensions. it's going to be really key to see if the party can emerge out of that convention. >> how does that play out? who makes the final decision? is it trump that makes the final decision or priebus. >> donald trump is now the head of the republican party. for the moment priebus and trump and the trump people are working together. they met at the rnc this week. manafort is going to be in cleveland over the next few days. so relationships are cordial and professional but that's something everyone is watching. >> all right. hillary clinton is increasingly fighting two front at once. the continued primary challenge from bernie sanders and her likely general election opponent donald trump who is increasingly using personal attacks. here is trump senior strategist paul manafort yesterday on hardball hinting at more to come. >> said hillary clinton did nasty, terrible things to these women who alleged to have relationships with her husband. did she or did she not do that? >> he'll be talking about those in the campaigns. >> does he know what he's talking about? >> he definitely does. >> how do you know? >> i believe in him. >> you believe everything. >> he told me thinks. >> he told you stuff about clintons and back unreported behavior he will bring out. >> we have talked about the hypocrisy of hillary clinton playing the female card and his willingness to expose that card for what it is. >> what is this thing about hillary clinton being married to somebody who is an abuser of women. how do you make that case? >> stay tuned. >> have you got a case? >> stay tuned. >> have you heard his case. >> we have things that we'll be talking about in this campaign where we will not be letting her get away with playing the female card. >> insulting women, i don't care what he says about me but i do resent what he says about other people, other successful women. women who have worked hard. women who have done their part. we are, after all, 51% of the country. >> so what do you think of paul manafort's interview with chris matthews. >> i think that there's a lot coming. i think there's going to be going in an area that has never been discussed before. i think we learn new things. that's at least what i've heard. i find kind of repugnant he thinks it's musing. >> i think that he is going to have to connect the dots here a bit, trump is. i think if he's going to throw out this idea that bill clinton's behavior reflects negatively on hillary clinton in terms of what she would do for the country as president, he is going to have to make a connection there. i think she's honing in a bit on a counter-argument. i can take it, i don't care what he says about me. i do care what he says about other women when he insults more successful women. i think this is going to be a struggle for her. he has the ability to change the argument, flip it. he's very flexible. i don't know if one consistent argument from her is going to hold up for six months. >> nicolle, what's the danger for the trump team? >> the danger for the trump team, i think their brand is about the future. burn the boats, let's do everything differently. this is so far in the past that, you know, young voters don't even remember all of this. you can easily go online and read all about it. i think it pulls him into an era that he's disparaged every day since he's been a candidate. he's made the past precisely what he's running again and precisely what he's not. to make his whole campaign purpose a rehashing and relitigation of the past is risky for him. >> especially, gene, when it was talked about in 1989, end of impeachment by the time bill clinton left office back in realtime when this was all people were talking about for a year, his approval ratings in the 60s. >> approval ratings went up. i think there's a danger for attacking a woman for things her husband did. i think that's a real danger zone. you talk -- trump has a problem with women voters now. i think that potentially could get a lot worse. i think that potentially gets a loss worse. you know, you can really make people sympathetic to hillary clinton, even people who were not inclined to like her politics can become very sympathetic to her as a person. >> is this a bluff? is he bluffing? >> i think it could be. >> listen, we go here. here we go. i think like you said, we are going to talk about things that have been whispered about. let's face it, we've all heard things, but they have not been things dignified with newspaper coverage. one of his gifts is he brings whisper campaigns to the mainstream media because he is the nominee for the republican party. he'll say things that in the past have only been sort of fodder for gossip and maybe the tabloids, he will inject them into the mainstream. i wouldn't underestimate him either. i think he'll have some success. i think that success may be more in the category of animating republicans than healing his real wounds which are with undecided independent women voters. >> that's what i was going to ask you, republicans on the hill concerned about this scorched attitude towards hillary clinton or do you think they are going to embrace it? >> i think it's more of the latter. i was on capitol hill the other day. a lot of people say, if anything, the attacks against secretary clinton, venom in which the trump campaign goes after clintons, that is something that's going to rouse voters, conservatives, who may be skeptical about trump when it comes to ideology. the political attacks they think can be the thread that binds. >> what are you hearing from paul ryan's camp about thursday's meeting? >> i'm hearing that ryan is not going to make any sort of policy demands. he knows he probably couldn't get any concessions from trump. what he wants is peace. he wants trump to at least help in his relationship with the house, his tone, the substance of his message to be a republican and to be someone who is not -- someone who maybe pulls down some house seats in purple and blue districts. does ryan suspect there will be peace at the end. >> it's hard. they are realists. they realize trump is unpredictable. if they can have himself a tent, see themselves as ally of congressional republicans, maybe things will turn out better than they hoped. >> bernie sanders won west virginia democratic primary last night. he was projected to win the state and likely benefited from comments hillary clinton made about the coal industry earlier this year. sanders strongest support was not from democrats but independents. that's according to exit polling. they made up about a third of the electorate. after his win in virginia sanders went on to speak at a rally in salem, oregon, in front of a crowd of about 4,000 people. he celebrated his victory and did not let up on his pressure of hillary clinton, targeting wealthy donors. >> we have now won primaries and caucuses in 19 states. and let me be as clear as i can be, we are in this campaign to win the democratic nomination. one of the waltons made a campaign contribution to secretary clinton of hundreds of thousands of dollars. i say to that family, maybe instead of making large campaign contributions to secretary clinton, pay your workers a living wage. >> that's a tough message, a message that will never be carried into the general election campaign by either hillary clinton or donald trump. so gene, i want to circle back here. if bernie sanders is an independent, and he is. he's not a democrat. if bernie sanders has that massive turnout still wherever he goes, if bernie sanders wins all the states that are opened up to independent voters, like we saw he lost among democrats last night according to nbc exit polls but he won because the independents were all on his side, why wouldn't this guy run as an independent? >> because he couldn't win? >> who says? >> well -- >> what if a conservative runs on the other side. >> okay. so if you've got four candidates, anything could happen. >> bernie could win. >> three candidates, the third party candidate is probably going to lose. that's what happens. it's very difficult at this point to get on the ballot everywhere. it's difficult to get your message out. you have the machinery of two huge venerable parties crushing you basically. >> right. >> what's the best you can hope, that you win a few states, that you throw the election into the house of representatives where you lose. >> i guess you need a fourth. it's hard for me to see, mika, bernie sanders after this going to the convention, sitting there saying, okay, everything i said for 74 years of my life, forget it. don't worry about it. i support hillary clinton. i don't see him doing that. >> that's what makes the situation on the democratic side so much different on the republican side where you've had people like ted cruz, marco rubio, even jeb bush come out and just trash donald trump. at the end they either decide i'm going to sit on the sidelines quietly or i will essentially support his candidacy. with bernie sanders because he's not of the democratic party in the way that hillary even was in 2008 after she had to step aside, it's just unclear, a, what he wants and, b, how he will achieve that. >> cruz is saying he might jump back in. >> no. >> i don't think that was real. i don't think that was real. >> no, i've never -- >> he's not going to jump back in. you know why? because he has a future in politics. >> in the republican party. >> yeah. bernie sanders. this is bernie sanders last rodeo. >> it would be sad at this point if he tried to jump back in. >> okay. so anyway, hillary clinton drew her own big crowds in louisville, kentucky. her campaign made six-figure ad buy according to data from nbc news, despite the shift to focus on trump in the months to come. then these comments from vice president joe biden, who for months has said just enough to leave people guessing about where stands on the race. >> bring up the next president, we're all anxious to see -- >> who she is. >> i feel confident that hillary will be the nominee and i feel confident she'll be the next president. >> yes, he says in such lukewarm tones. >> i don't understand why ted cruz is pathetic and bernie isn't. he can't win either. >> what do you mean? >> i think it speaks to a weakness in the democratic party. i think in '08 when she didn't have a path, it wasn't when she was going to get out, how quickly she was going to throw her weight behind obama. there's a gender piece to this, don't want to hurt his feelings, big crowds. if trump beats her, i think it's possible trump wins in november, i think you have to look back to this period and say all the damage done to her by trump's unconventional asymmetrical campaign and all the ambivalence democrats showed sanders staying in well after it was possible did irreparable harm to her. >> it's definitely hurting her. >> we're watching a progressive moment in america. if there wasn't trump phenomena sanders campaign whether it can win the nomination or not is rousing this part of the progressive left that we haven't seen take such a central place in our national political conversation. that's why so many sanders supporters when you meet them out on the campaign trail, they want to see this sustained move to the left, fog for us on working class people. >> robert costa and julie pace, thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe." >> last month you had a twitt twitter -- he called you goofy. what went through your mind? >> really? that's the best you can come up with. i thought donald trump said he was a guy who was good with words. >> that was elizabeth warren. >> he came up with other words. >> just out this morning, nickname for her. up next "new york times" magazine's mark leibovich talks to trump himself about his strategy giving his opponents monikers. tonight joe is playing for a great cause. horizons provides children with much needed academic programs over the summer. tonight's gig hosted at new canaan school, go to after school tutoring and college prep. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... 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[ soft music ] when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfini x1. lyin' ted, lyin', l-y-i-n apostrophe. we can't say it the right way. lyin' ted. little marco, what we did -- no, no. he's liddle, liddle marco. you have to brand people a certain way when they are your opponents. like jeb bush we call him low energy, low energy. >> oh, my god. wow. perhaps trump has a new nickname for bernie sanders. he tweeted this morning big wins in west virginia and nebraska. get ready for november, crooked hillary, who is looking very bad against crazy bernie, will lose. i don't want to hit crazy bernie sanders too hard yet because i love what he's doing to crooked hillary. his time will come. >> in washington, chief national correspondent for "the new york times," big old mark leibovich. >> you can do better than that. big ole. >> ole. >> big ol. >> apostrophe l, no d. >> big ol -- b-i-g-o-l-apostrophe. mark, you're right in part. crooked hillary, latest triumph in a series of it works, it flows, trump said. it was nice of trump to talk to mika, "new york times" or as he calls us on twitter, the failing "new york times." to be more precise, actually, trump wants me to include that not only in this, the failing "new york times" but also that the failing "new york times" should also be followed by the tag line, one of the most dishonest newspapers anywhere in the world. that dispnt exactly roll off the tongue, does it, big ol'. truly one of the great disasters said failing "new york times." but again, it was nice of trump to call. also with us for this discussion, attorney, publicist and strategist, einstein ginsberg. >> smarty pants. >> call you ein. take us inside your interview with trump. >> there's a great inside story here. i e-mailed his campaign and he called me and we talked for about 10 minutes. how is that? no, i was very -- i wanted to really draw him out on market testing and extensive research that goes into how to coin the perfect nickname. true to form he just said, no, i just do it. look and feel, i have a nack for it. it is true. what's interesting is the comic book sensibility behind it. the ds in little marco is actually how it would be rendered in a comic book. liddle marco rubio reminded me of liddle louie professional wrestler. nicknames, flows in the professional wrestling campaign. >> stunning, low energy jeb. that nickname defined him. it just defined him. lyin' ted cruz. you started seeing his numbers go down among evangelicals. trump needed to drive home the message ted cruz wasn't one of him, even though he claimed he was, that he lied. he started with what happened in iowa when they said ben carson was get out of the race and he just pounded it into the dirt. actually sometimes these things work. >> i think it works very, very well. what's interesting about it is how simple it is. it's not something -- it's stunning it hasn't happened before. before you probably have a candidate or staff around a candidate saying, well, this is beneath the dignity of someone running for the highest office in the land. but again, that's not a big issue for trump. he's been able to do this as it goes along and branding has taken care of himself. >> mika, do you have a question for obi-wan. >> i did. as a republican strategist tell me how effective you feel these monikers are. what would you tell trump to maim different candidates, say an independent comes along the way, hillary clinton picks a vice president. do you think he should continue with this, do you think it works? >> shades of damien runyan, guys and dolls come to life. it's part of his brand. the question is does it lower the debate to something thought presidential. not at all. >> see, we've already branded you obi-wan. >> the level but -- >> yet he's defining his opponents on his terms, which is a really important thing to be able to do. it's a tactic nobody else has seen, so it feels fresh. people are kind of hanging on it. >> yeah, but it's very old -- the way we used to do it, though, is that you have your candidate drop an insult against john kerry. he voted for it before he voted against it, you have the flipper theme song playing. it used to be part of more elaborate -- in the old-fashioned days when campaigns had staff, part of the old-fashioned branding. he's done so many things. the power of his celebrity and podium and press coverage to consolidate the process into a one-liner. >> gene. >> i was going to say, he has chosen the nicknames very well. he has done -- he has -- >> he's good at nickname picking. >> he's great instinct, a nickname that's not only going to raise into public view what he wants to highlight. >> a great new york thing. >> it is a new york thing. mark, if he had run against john kerry, you're right, instead of doing an insult, having people pick it up, running 30-second ads of john kerry on his -- what was his -- >> wind surfer, going back and forth. he would have called him flipper. look at flipper. everywhere he went, he would be calling john kerry flipper and it would stick out. you wouldn't have to pay an advertising firm a cent or a tv station a cent to get that message out. >> i think he'd probably add the name to it, like flipper john of the best are actually two words as he's proven a few times. no, it's true. look, i think it's part of the strange genius of his campaign. it's worked over and over and over again. i'm sure there are a lot of people around hillary clinton, if not hillary clinton herself that are concerned that the named crooked hillary is going to be pretty household come a few months from now if not sooner. again, it's proven to be very effective. >> there's no other candidate who could do this without looking ridiculous, without looking mean, without looking inappropriate. >> right. i agree with you there, he is all those things. >> what his critics would say. >> i think another candidate would not do this. >> i agree. >> they would be counted out. >> i agree. they would be counted out. >> they wouldn't be counted out, i just don't think they would do it. i think the willingness to do is about half the battle if not two-thirds of the battle. by the way, i want the bigol' kyron. >> got it underneath. >> two words. two words. >> they were rushing. let's try this again, guys. big ol', thank you for being with us. >> i'm waiting. "new york times." >> online at the failing "new york times".com, that's terrible. i love "new york times." >> obi w-wan will you stay with us? an important correction this morning, my event tonight, the charity tonight, so many people flooded the phone lines right now. we've got like 74 million people worldwide watching this. >> south end restaurant. >> south end restaurant. >> joe's band performing for horizons, "morning joe" continues in just a moment. you can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. in less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. and if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. ♪ ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. financial guidance while you're mastering life. it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don't... try boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and it's available in two new flavors, vanilla caramel and double chocolate fudge. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. marco rubio walks a narrow path disavowing donald trump but saying he will support him anyway. the contortionist act many republicans are trying to pull off ahead on "morning joe." blan i will change you. change your goals to get you home earlier every day. sometimes i will give you superpowers. but sometimes, i'll make you feel like the weakest man in the world. i will test your patience to make your heart softer... ... and your limits to make you tougher. but i promise dad, it will be the greatest journey of your life. ♪ . >> you have said you're going to uphold the pledge, the pledge you signed to support eventual nominee of the republican party, that appears to be donald trump. when pressed on one question, would you vote for donald trump, you didn't seem to be able to make yourself say, yes, you'll vote for him. will you say that now? >> obviously this the quandary everybody finds themselves in. at least on one perspective. nominated someone on policy and deep reservations about the way he conducted his campaign. on the other hand the person on the other side of the ballot is someone i have more reservations and policy disagreement with. i pledged to support our nominee and that's what i plan to be. >> to be candidate, do you hope donald trump wins, do you hope in your heart of hearts he wins and ascend the presidency? >> again, all of the policy differences i have with him remain, all the reservations about hi campaign remain. i clearly didn't want us to be the position we're in today. i was candidate for president who tried to be the nominee myself. i don't want hillary clinton to win. donald trump is the only other choice on the ballot. i recognize that. i have a pledge to support the nominee on top of it and i intend to keep it. >> that was marco rubio earlier this morning. >> on "today" show? >> yeah. >> why didn't he just -- that's our sister network, why didn't he flip over to us? we're right here? what happened? >> should have asked. >> should have asked him to come on. >> you didn't even ask. what's wrong with you? >> he's from florida, i'm from florida. he likes the dolphins -- he likes the dolphins. what school did he go to? fsu or florida? where did he go? is he a florida guy? he could be a gator like me, who knows. so must have in common, alex, would you do due diligence and at least ask somebody from my home state. >> you can't. you have too much in common, you stand up to your party and he doesn't. >> don't talk about marco that way. stop. let's go to john mccormick. don't listen to her. john, come on. seriously, come on. >> you can't split the difference. >> don't talk about my florida brother, republican brother that way. john, in your new column you say marco rubio has, quote, nuked his credibility with his comments about donald trump. what do you mean? >> well, the specific comment he made yesterday in an interview jake tapper asked him about marco rubio's past comment donald trump was an erratic con man unfit to have access to nuclear codes. he stands by those comments. he's mailed commander in chief and supporting commander in chief. that's contradictory. the only conclusion when both candidates -- take jeb bush, i don't vote for either, hope to vote for a third party candidate that emerges. you simply can't give a guy nuclear weapons when you think he's unqualified. >> what article are you going to write when you've got ted cruz that's going to do the same thing. he called trump a lyin' no good whipper snapper. everybody does this. >> no. kelly ayotte she didn't run for president but couldn't answer the question either. >> she said she would vote for trump but would not -- >> she split the difference. >> didn't hesitate. >> kelly ayotte took a really good tact. >> if you're running in new hampshire. >> he's not running, right? >> no. >> why not endorse the republican nominee? >> is it like a mystery? a lot of people don't agree with him on really big stuff. >> why would you vote for him then? >> i think hillary clinton is worse. listen, these are hard days for republican. >> what about what jeb said. >> mika, there are a lot of people that actually believe, as shocking as this may be to you, that hillary clinton selecting the next supreme court justices is far more damaging to the future of the republic than praying and hoping donald trump will owe keep his word and appoint supreme court justices. >> your party, what you've got, your party has failed so many times. >> i think it's up to individuals to do what individuals feel like doing. >> okay. split the difference. >> a liberal in the chair telling them what to do. >> i'm not telling them what to do. >> analyzing it. >> splitting the difference. that's not judgmental that's analysis. did jeb bush split the difference? no. that's someone with courage of his conviction. that's all i'm saying. >> jeb bush. maybe jeb bush feels more comfortable with hillary clinton being president of the united states than donald trump. >> no, he -- >> i actually bet jeb bush feels more comfortable as does george h.w. bush, no, that's kind of guessing, educated wise they feel more comfortable with hillary clinton president of the united states, somebody they know and have known for a very long time than donald trump. >> i'm telling you, most of you guys are splitting the difference because you're too scared to say what you really think. >> i'm telling you you're being judgmental and have no idea what you're talking about. people can go, be against him totally if they want to like jeb. there can be people like marco that say, you know what, this guy scares me. another clinton in the white house and democrats running white house for 16 years scares me even more. >> said to you yesterday, mika, what he was articulating didn't agree with the stevens analysis. >> head of c-pac. >> i thought that was great. >> what he was saying, countering stevens "wall street journal" argument the one you're making, a lot are more comfortable with hillary clinton in the commander in chief role. on foreign policy level, they see the world more like he does. >> i did not hear jeb bush saying that. >> brett stevens, responding to the argument, which is sort of put into more eloquent words what you're saying. a lot see america's role as more hawkish than that which trump has articulated. can you squirm and laugh at us but a lot of republicans -- >> i'm not. >> you're being so judgmental because people don't agree with you. >> i'm splitting the difference, not squirming and laughing. i think it's scary for y'all. >> sometimes, mika, the world is not black and white. sometimes splitting the difference. sometimes you have two really bad choices and have you to pick the best of the two bad choices. that's how marco rubio sees it. he's splitting the difference. he can say i have a lot of concerns. i don't know. you need to come back to earth. it really isn't that hard. >> okay. >> if marco rubio is offended by a lot of things that donald trump said and a lot of things donald trump believes, he's more offended and more scared at the thought of 16 years of the democrat in the white house choosing a supreme court that will forever go left for the rest of our lifetime. >> go with what you've got. >> i want to ask john mccormick about this, some element of this. john, marco rubio says he's going to support the ticket, going to support donald trump, who he has called an erratic con man who you don't want to have his hands on the nuclear codes. what does that tell us about this potential future past candidate for president of the united states marco rubio? where is his at? >> i don't think it says a lot of things about his own fitness to be commander in chief, he would support someone who failed the commander in chief test. these aren't simple policy differences. this is failing basic threshold question for can he be president. i sympathize with marco rubio i think trump is disqualified because he failed the commander in chief. hillary clinton will hurl the country to the left, her stance on abortion. marco rubio, set standards, show people there are limits in what's tolerable in a presidential candidate. >> i would only say jeb bush made the best choice for jeb bush. marco rubio made the best choice for marco rubio. kelly ayotte has made the best decision for kelly ayotte and we shouldn't judge them. >> an important part of this, these people are looking at it from the filter what happens if donald trump loses you need to continue conservative principles in the house and senate. if you if you control the senate this time then that is a check on what hillary clinton might want to do with supreme court just e justices. a lot of the conversation does have to do with nurturing a plan and what part of the republican party comes back to fight. >> we'll see if splitting the difference works. thank you very much. just ahead gearing up for two-pronged general election fight donald trump versus hillary clinton and donald trump versus bill clinton. that is straight ahead on "morning joe." proud of you, son. ge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. 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and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. tonight we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of being donald trump's vice president. pro, you are next in line to donald trump. con, which means you are heir to the hair. pro meeting leaders from all over the world. con, having to learn to say sorry about him in different languages. pro, cruz could choose or as he calls them -- >> it's wednesday, may 11. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set -- >> trump, of course, wins. bernie, big wins last night for bernie, too. this guy is not going away. >> keeps on winning. >> he's winning to lose. it's a reverse of 2008. it's like barack obama. you kept hearing all barack obama has to do is win texas and it is over. all he has to do is win ohio. all he has to do is go to pennsylvania. it's -- she just kept winning. >> bernie sanders is doing the same thing. >> obama was -- clinton was closer to obama than sanders is to clinton at this point. and it did work out pretty well for obama in the end. >> made him a better candidate. this will probably make hillary better. >> we have legendary columnist. >> legendary. >> he is legendary. >> former communications director for president bush, nicole wallace. >> sarah palin. >> it is just amazing. >> nbc political analyst robinson. >> not surprisingly donald trump won both nebraska and west virginia in primary last night. about 20% of voters in nebraska cast ballots for ted cruz. yesterday we brought you numbers that showed a close race between donald trump and hillary clinton in swing states key to winning the presidency. the national numbers gave clinton a five point lead over trump. look at key groups shows just how divided the electorate really is on race wins the white vote 52% to 41%. while clinton has a 77-point lead with black voters. 86% to 9%. more than two to one advantage among hispanic voters 61% to 28%. the candidates also face a stark gender gap. clinton defeats trump by 19 points among women. trump carries men by an 11-point margin. on the question of income voters who earn less than $50,000 a year back clinton by 19 points to trump's 37%. those making over 100,000 are about evenly split 47% for clinton, 48% for trump. and when broken down by age voters under 45 years old pick clinton 56% to -- >> we are going to do it by eye color soon. i want to go back to the main polls. we got a lot of stuff to go through. i was off yesterday. i have to separate my unfiltered cigarettes from filtered cigarettes. i was looking at these numbers -- i don't smoke, mom and dad. i was shocked. clinton is actually losing to donald trump despite the horrible demographics that we talked about. it is going to kill him. i have been saying it. everybody has been saying it. he is ahead of ohio. that pole was a big surprise to people. it showed a closer race or potentially a little bit ahead. people raised questions about the poll. my view is that it would be foolish for the clinton campaign to ignore bad news just because it is bad news and say we don't want to believe this. they need to look at the numbers and try to figure out what is potentially going on and why this is turning up. it was a big surprise. >> also, some people were saying the poll is oversampled. i was shocked by the nbc survey monkey poll that showed a five-point race. there is a consolidation going on. the fact that donald trump is within one point in pennsylvania and the fact he is close in florida, he is looking better than mitt romney did down this stretch. >> and this is before they really start going after each other. >> and this is when he has a 56% disapproval rating. >> trump's negatives are historically high, unbelievably high. hillary clintons negatives are also very high. i think one interpretation of the poll is that it is not okay for the clinton campaign to say his are higher therefore we are going to be fine. hers i think are clearly having an impact. that is something the campaign will have to deal with. >> there is also another possibility here in that it is voter exhaustion. people responding to both candidates at this stage of a very long primary campaign with the extended numbers of debates. people saying -- tuning it right out. there is one thing in the under belly of that poll that ought to be of some concern, though. i was surprised that hillary clinton's support among women wasn't higher than it is. >> hillary clinton is increasingly fighting two fronts at once. the continued primary challenge from bernie sanders and her likely general election opponent donald trump who is increasingly using personal attacks. here is trump senior strategist paul man afort yesterday. >> did she or did she not do that? >> he will be talking about those in the campaign. >> does he know what he is talking about? >> he definitely knows what he is talking about. >> i believe him. >> unreported behavior he will bring out. >> we talked about the hypocrisy of hillary clinton playing the female card and his willingness to expose that card for what it is. >> what is this thing about hillary clinton being married to someone being an abuser of women. how do you make that case in. >> stay tuned. we have things we will not be letting her get away with playing the female card. >> insulting women. i don't care what he says about me but i do resent what he says about other people, other successful women, women who have worked hard and done their part. we are after all 51% of the country. >> they're going to get really ugly. >> it's going to be bad. it's going to be bad quick. >> you talk about voter exhaustion now. the campaign hasn't started. >> they are going to start early. there is not going to be a surprise. they are going to come out at him, at bill clinton. >> which we kind of said for some time now. we don't know whether hillary clinton will win this thing or not. we know from bill clinton it will be a horrid six months. >> i think we have a little bit of history to look at how he acts now in his post presidency. he is a little more prickly than he was when he was the candidate. you look at the cycle of candidates who are out of practice, jeb bush, people who are in the fight and in this arena with social media and the constant pressures with everyone with a phone have not thrived under the white hot glare of donald trump's on slot. i think the clintons should be sort of in trump university studying. >> there is no strategy. >> what do you mean? >> no preparation. i really hope they are not trying to prepare for this because they will never be able to get inside her heart and her head in terms of what she needs to do with this when it happens. >> there is an agility that her republican opponents have the benefit of looking at 16 people he defeated and understand there is an agility and nimbleness that they all lacked. the clintons before there was trump the people who were more willing to do anything it took to win were named clinton. so the people who used to be the ones best at adapting and taking on strategy necessary to defeat their opponent. we'll see that. >> here is the problem. even in the best of circumstances of 2008 bill clinton was hard to control. he was hard to handle. remember in new hampshire when he gave the horrid speech. even in the best of circumstances here they are going to be leveling charges that are going to be shocking even by bill clinton's standards from what we hear. how does a hillary clinton team control bill clinton? do they do what the obama team did to joe biden in 2008 and put him on a plane and let him listen to music so he doesn't say anything. >> the clintons got where they are by being adaptable by fitting what they say and do to the circumstances and to their advantage. i have a feeling bill clinton learned something in 2008. he made mistakes and he was very defensive about that for a while. my guess would be that he has internalized some of that. won't make the exact same mistakes. >> they have already compared him to bill cosby on instagram. we are going to have two front battles going on this fall. you have hillary clinton fighting for the white house and you have bill clinton fighting to save his legacy. after trump the "new york times" reported just put out an instagram video of him and a couple of tweets. his approval rating which he has been working on his entire life, he lives to see that approval rating go up, went from 51% to 38%. can you imagine what it's going to look like in the fall? also, for political reasons can you imagine the nightmare it will be for hillary clinton's campaign team to stop him from going out and swinging back in a way that could make things worse? >> i think there is a whole unspoken part of this for decades that will be spoken in plain english. it's going to be the part of the conversation and everyone is afraid to have or too polite to have or they are too blind to have. >> i don't know. she has had it. that is the kind of discussion we are all going to have to have. >> it can either sort of purge these resentments and these unsaid things and make them feel better about her or damage her. >> it can help her a lot. it can make her look -- >> the potential is definitely there. in casie hunt, focus group was a group of republican women yesterday and we have any of that. >> i did some yesterday. >> what is really quite interesting they talked about bill and hillary clinton's relationship. there was a lot of sympathy and solidarity with hillary clinton. which could be very much to her advantage. >> the assault is going to come against bill clinton. the response will have to come from hillary clinton. >> it has to. >> and that will be the guide post as to where she is going to -- how she is going to navigate this during the fall. >> donald trump opened up another front on hillary clinton yesterday on instagram. it's a video about the deadly attack on the american consulate in benghazi. >> we have seen rage and violence directed at american embassies over an awful internet video. >> she lied to me. she told me it was the fault of the video. >> she said we are going to have the film maker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son. >> so she did say to you that the benghazi attack was caused by protests. >> absolutely. >> i don't know why that is funny. >> the trump campaign confirmed to nbc news that they made the video. the clinton campaign declined to comment to nbc news. >> so this sort of thing coming at you nonstop. >> and it cuts. >> we'll see how agile they are going to be. still ahead on "morning joe," mutually assured destruction in the 2016 race plus bernie sanders wins big in west virginia. now hillary clinton is having to sink advertising money into kentucky. and later paul ryan's lose/lose situation. can he endorse donald trump and stay true to his principles? first a look at the forecast. >> monday over two dozen confirmed tornadoes. yesterday we had about a dozen. one was in mayfield, kentucky. this is a small tornado. wasn't very wide. it was intense. this is like a lot of tornadoes. they don't stay consistent the entire time. look what happens about now. it comes right back and intensely and really tears things up for about 20 to 30 seconds. few injuries reported. thankfully no fatalities. this morning the awards for the worst weather in the country along the kentucky tennessee border. for the most part avoiding nashville but kansas city you are under severe thunderstorm warning, large hail and gusty winds. a lot of lightning with this. a lot more if you head out towards university of kansas. that is a rough drive. these thunderstorms are sitting over the same spots. as we go throughout the rest of the day 22 million people at risk. iowa, des moines, st. louis. this is this enhanced area, area of orange where we have the greatest chance of seeing widespread severe weather. we will have a couple and that is all it takes. wichita falls, north of the dallas area, we will see very impressive hail today. don't be surprised tomorrow morning if i show you baseball sized hail that falls within this storm zone. other stories d.c. 14 days in a row with measurable precipitation. that has been an ugly forecast. today we are going to bring you a few showers later on this afternoon. that is about the worst of it. the rest of the country looking pretty nice. west coast gorgeous waking up to seattle. you will be 81 today. one of the best forecasts in the nation. we leave you with a shot of new york city. we are going to be about 70 to 75 with low humidity. enjoy new york. more "morning joe" when we come right back. you know when i first started out, it was all pencil and paper. the surface pro is 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partnership with habitat for humanity at pg&e, we believe solar should be accessible to everyone. allows us to provide the benefits of solar power to the types of customers who need it most. pg&e provided all of the homes here with solar panels. the solar savings can mean a lot, especially for low-income families. with the savings that i am getting from the solar panels, it's going to help me to have a better future for my children. to learn how you can save energy and money with solar, go to together, we're building a better california. bernie sanders. >> he was projected to win the state and likely benefitted from comments clinton made about the coal industry earlier this year. sanders' strongest support was not from democrats but independents. they made up about a third of the electorate. 33% said they would choose trump over the senator from vermont if they faced off in the general. taking a look at the delegate count. sanders picked up 16. according to nbc news clinton picked up six superdelegates to sanders one superdelegate. after his win in west virginia sanders went on to speak at a rally in salem, oregon in frupt of a crowd of about 4,000 people. he celebrated his victory and did not let up his pressure on hillary clinton targeting wealthy donors. >> we have now won primaries and caucuses in 19 states. and let me be as clear as i can be. we are in this campaign to win the democratic nomination. one of the waltons made a campaign contribution to secretary clinton of hundreds of thousands of dollars. i say to that family maybe instead of making large campaign contributions to secretary clinton, pay your workers a living wage. >> that's some tough talk. >> bernie sanders is on the ride of his life. he is 73 years old. he has held believes for 72 of the 73 years. he is capable of raising millions of dollars in small contributions from ordinary people over and over and over again. his message is resonating. he is not getting out. he will be at the convention in philadelphia fighting for the platform. he already managed to push hillary clinton more to the left than she ever intended to go to the left. >> he will keep her there. >> yes. >> i thought that just that sound byte alone was stinging. >> i think if she loses by this much to donald trump or this much we'll look back at this period when she couldn't show more strength against him and when the democratic party doesn't have the appetite to suggest that her mathematical lead and the damage he has done to her with donald trump echoing the attacks and including two of his own i don't know how any politician even a clinton like politician bounces back. >> the big problem is of the three candidates left standing only one has taken money from wall street. bernie makes that argument to his crowds in salem, oregon. donald picks them up and instagrams them so it starts to sink in that she is the favorite candidate of wall street. >> or the representation of the past which hasn't worked well for most of middle america whether a democrat in office or a republican people feel they have been lied to. people have not done better and their kids are not doing better. that is where we are. that is the reality. >> and the rigged argument is one that trump and sanders sort of make in concert with one another. we talked about independent voters and swing voters who determine the outcome of this election. there is nothing more convincing than hearing an attack from a democrat and a republican. you think it must be true. >> hillary clinton drew her own big crowds in louisville, kentucky. her campaign made a six figure ad by in the state. >> i am looking forward to debating donald trump come the fall. >> she is projecting that then why is she spending money on tv ads in kentucky. sounds like she understands that we are in this race and that we have nine more contests. >> do you focus on donald trump which would be my instinct? she has the math on her side. she can afford to lose more states. or do you worry about losing kentucky. i would say in the end it didn't matter because four years ago hillary clinton won every county in west virginia, cleaned up in kentucky and it just didn't matter. i think you have to look past your primary opponent that you have already beaten and go straight to donald trump. >> coming up on "morning joe" each morning we read some of the day's best must-read pages. >> maybe you will do something different because the future may not be in the newspaper. something you watch on your smart phone. >> really? >> we'll explain that plus a look at what is driving the day on wall street all ahead on "morning joe." covering is caring because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. mountains, and conquered highways, and now much of that same advanced technology is found in the new audi a4. with one notable difference... the all-new audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. ♪ ♪ (laughing) there's nothing like making their day. except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. now that trump is the only one left on the republican side he is starting to set his sights on hillary clinton. hillary saying he is using a play book from the '90s. which back fired when americans were like we love the '90s. hillary, the state department said it can't find e-mails belonging to hillary clinton's senior technology staffer from when clinton was secretary of state. then hillary said you won't find that staffer either. >> we are back with msnbc contributor, washington post's eugene robinson and ben ginsberg. picking up on that joke by jimmy fallon the state department reports it cannot locate e-mails from the time he served as senior information technology staffer. >> i'm sorry. say that. you are saying that the state department is saying they can't find e-mails from the guy that served as hillary clinton's senior information technology staffer while she was secretary of state? >> he would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. >> of course, this is the guy that would be able to tell you the most about her e-mail account. >> state officials say while he had an office e-mail account they cannot find records he would have turned over. >> i'm sorry, i don't mean to keep asking this question. it is not a rhetorical question, how could this happen? >> the question to me is a rhetorical question because i don't know the answer to that. one assumes what they say they assume. you have state department e-mail account and they can't find it. >> he's the chief technology guy. >> he was responsible for setting -- >> a happy coincidence perhaps? does it sound like a coincidence or does it cause you concern as a pulitzer prize winning reporter? >> i want to know more about it. >> does it raise questions in your mind? >> where are the e-mails? >> come on. this is unbelievable. >> if anybody is going to be able to figure out how to get rid of e-mails which mortals are told you can never get rid of it could be the chief technology guy. >> wow. >> a massive bureaucracy. >> are you kidding me? so they find it for everybody else but the guy that is the chief technology guy that sets up her stuff. >> it's not good. >> his go missing. what is a judge going to say about this? what is the justice department going to say about this? what is the fbi going to say about this? what is the fbi going to say about this? how did this happen? >> it's not a defense. >> maybe he has a private server. >> i think only the secretary of state. the "new york times" has a new report that explores how routinely sensitive information is e-mailed on unclafed government servers. you can check out that piece. it is all sort of connected. let's turn to nbc news correspondent hally jackson. >> following ted cruz's revived campaign for president. >> what is going on there? >> he said he might come back. he cracked the door open a little bit. he came to capitol hill here yesterday for the first time since dropping out. he was totally mobbed. tons of media trying to get questions following up on an interview with glen beck where cruz appeared to leave the door open if there was a viable path to victory that opened up. i will let you listen to what he had to say. >> listen, we have suspended the campaign. we suspended the campaign because i can see no viable path to victory. if that changed we would reconsider things. we are not going to win nebraska today. no mystery note, no excitement in that. we have withdrawn from the campaign. it is in the hands of the voters. if circumstances change we will always assess changed circumstances, but i appreciate the eagerness and excitement of all the folks in the media to see me back in the ring but you may have to wait a little bit longer. >> a big if from ted cruz there. if something were to change then he would possibly reassess. as cruz comes back to the hill and gets focussed on congress i get the sense that he feels emboldened by being one of the last people standing against trump. he has run against colleagues in congress for 13 months. for him it was successful enough to get him to be in those top sort of last three, him and john kasich and donald trump there, the second in delegate count. cruz, one thing you did not hear in the comments was the word unity. there was talk about unification of the party. that is something that will be a focus here on capitol hill for speaker paul ryan who walked by a couple of minutes ago getting ready for a conference. we expect to hear from paul ryan in about 90 minutes when he speaks to the media in his weekly session. i can tell you sources are telling me his meeting with trump tomorrow will not be like a policy check list of running through issues and talking about does trump agree with ryan on x, y or z. ryan will be looking for trump to agree to conservative principles, limited government, no executive overreach. ryan wants to hear that trump will work to try to bring the republican party together. sources caution the two will not walk out hand in hand raising arms up together. this is the beginning of a process. there will likely be more meetings to come. >> thank you very much. you were saying offcamera last hour that conservatives should be concerned by the fact that ted cruz dropped out of the race. if he stayed in the race he could have taken the conservative banner to the convention and then led the floor fight to make sure the platform resembled more of what they believe. >> interesting position that delegates in cleveland will be in. three quarters are loyal to party principles. about a quarter will have been chosen by candidates. >> this won't be trump's crowd. >> there are a number of major issues on which donald trump has said things different from the conservative movement. that is an important philosophical decision and a large number of groups have used the power of their membership and money they raised from that membership to get certain policy positions enacted in platforms and in congress. that's all at tension now with donald trump's positions. >> just look past it? they don't agree on fundamental questions? >> apparently that is judgmental. >> trying to judge personal political decisions. >> you can have -- you can have a one sentence principle platform that says let's make america great again. thank you and good night. >> joining us now t.a. frank who covers politics. he breaks down what is at stake for paul ryan and argues he must endorse donald trump. from paul ryan's perspective endorsing trump would cost a lot of credibility forcing him to carry water for a person whose ideas he rejects across the board. ryan would probably rather leave office than be a part of it. if it is not the future then ryan would prefer to say he resisted it. resist away and ryan would be fine or maybe not. what if the challenge comes from a republican? a trump endorsement starts to look like a better choice. until it's not. >> at the same time in ryan's own district ted cruz beat donald trump by 20 points so he's not going to be cantered? >> i don't think that ted cruz represents the wing of the republican party that paul ryan does. paul ryan is more establishment than ted cruz. there is rebellion across the board, i think. >> so what is the down side of paul ryan not endorsing donald trump? >> i think the pressure is going to mount very quickly on him to do so or he will -- he already has people on his tail. he has sarah palin saying she is going to campaign for his primary opponent. >> she said that in 2014 and every establishment republican won in 2014. >> that may be but this guy is not going to command a lot of air time on his own. she is going to provide a lot of it quickly. if there is a pile of dry kindling she may provide the spark. >> what about from the other side? the wisconsin talk radio voices that we heard so much about leading up to the wisconsin primary? the republican establishment, won't they rip the bark off of paul ryan's tree if he reverses course and goes against them and supports donald trump? >> yes. that is the trouble paul ryan has. i think he would like to simply freeze himself until december. he is going to have to face this one way or the other. he is in a bad situation either way. >> yes, he is. >> yes. and voters, i think, will have a hard time forgiving him for not endorsing the front runner. that is my supposition. >> the closer we get to it the more they see hillary clinton as next president and the more rank and file republicans will say what you are going to sit on the sidelines? i'm not saying it is right or wrong. it happens. it is called feeling gravity's pull. >> you are right, in part. if trump isn't the future of the gop, do you think paul ryan thinks trump is the future of the gop? >> i think he hopes it's not. i think he hopes it will blow over like a mass hysteria. i think he is probably wrong. from paul ryan's perspective i can see why he feels he needs to gamble it is all wrong. he is like a guy who has been using political career to campaign for veganism and along comes trump and wants to hand everybody burgers. >> with cheese covered french fries. thank you so much. >> so i think the paul ryan's frame of reference is keeping the majority in the house. we are all tempted to talk about the presidency, his legacy and what he stands for is all about keeping the majority. still ahead, a major paper jam for staples and office depot. >> we are going live to the new york stock exchange for the latest and find out who wrote that is in the script and fire them. 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>> last week the administration broke up more than $30 billion deal between halliburton and baker hughes. the government was arguing if you combine the number one and number two office supply retailers in the country that would result in higher prices for consumers and worst quality of service for businesses that buy office supplies. the companies argued this is a different world. we have to compete with and wal-mart and target. the problem is both of these companies have seen slumping sales. the disappointment can be seen in the reaction this morning. both shares are getting absolutely hammered in the market here. >> how is oil looking today? >> that is what -- that is usually the key to the market. oil is under pressure which is why u.s. stock futures are under pressure. oil bounced all ten groups rallied. it was a triple digit rally for the dow, the best in months. that is the key right now to this market. a lot of it has to do with supply. there is more oil than demand and that is keeping pressure on prices. >> thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe." >> and then -- >> elsewhere. i realized here was my chance to be someone who can sleep at night because i know what i'm selling doesn't kill my customers. so as of today sterling cooper draper price will no longer take tobacco accounts. if you are interested in cigarette work here is a list of agencies who do it well. >> as for us we welcome all of the business because we are certain that our best work is still ahead of us. sincerely donald draper. >> as seen there from "mad men." the man who runs amc says the future of getting your opinion out is not in the newspaper. he is telling us what he is betting on instead. brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. no, i'm actually over at the ge booth. we're creating the operating system for industry. it's called predix. it's gonna change the way the world works. ok, i'm telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. look out!! ohhhhhhhhhh... you know what, i'm just gonna email it to you. yeah that's probably safer. ok, cool. perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no. your insurance rates go through the roof... your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at these are the photos of the beginning of the first introduction with me and paul ryan. he had to get ready to leave and he put his hand out to give me a handshake and i said i want a hug. i wanted to hug him for him to understand that i'm a person. i met you, you met me and it is now personal. it was something for me. i don't think a year later looking at everything that has happened it was anything. >> poverty in america is in a long list of issues facing the next president and the focus of a new documentary reflecting on one woman's push for paul ryan and congress. >> we went down talking about poverty. it did have a big impact. >> the short film is featured in a new collection called "take five justice in america" on amc network's video on demand service. joining us now amc network president and ceo josh sapan who sees short form documentaries as 21st century op-ed backed by power of social media. clarify. you don't go to amc. you go to -- >> you go to the internet. you don't in this case go to cable television or your remote control you go to the internet. >> what is the search? >> sun dance now. >> you can subscribe to streaming service and you will see the biggest wealth of documentaries man kind ever assembled. >> that is in a way the future of op-eds. >> it is also the future of how people younger than i will be watching these things. you can do it on your phone or tablets. the genesis of this, the five minute clip we showed about voting rights, do they come to you? how do you get the documentary? >> we commission them. this is the first original series. we found five film makers and said please make a five minute film on what justice in america means to you. five film makers, five minutes. we will put them on whatever you have to say. these are like op-ed pieces. came forward with five different short films. one of them called a hug for paul ryan. one of them was on voting rights. one of them was on bail and gun control. >> did the topic originate with you? >> we just facilitate it. we like to put control in the hands of the creator whether the person who made "mad men," "breaking bad," better call saul or documentaries. we said you are in charge. we will create the platform and we will show five different views of what. >> so is this now a continuing platform for this sort of opinion film making? >> yes. we have long form documentaries. i think we have perhaps the world's largest collection and now we are commissioning new documentaries and making them short form. we saw a documentary film maker all talking about docs. said the most impact was not the two hour ones, it was a four minute piece. >> if you look at the numbers, where do millennials get their news? over 60% get their news on facebook. half of them get it from local news like 37% get their news from local television. so it seems like the future is now. >> right there in your hands. >> it's probably the newspaper of tomorrow with social media or the newspaper of today. >> that's really -- i love the concept of the topic of this and getting back to the character of finding the person out in the america who can tell the story which is sort of like traditional journalism which you don't get -- >> a lot of people miss donald trump because a lot of people were writing op-eds in manhattan. instead of doing exactly what you guys look like you are doing. >> take five films debuts on doc on may 17. thank you so much. >> always great to have you here. we will be doing this. up next, what if anything did we learn today? my bladder leakage made me feel like i couldn't be the father that i wanted to be. my kids see me as this rock of the family and a part of me felt like i became less of that hero to them but with depend, i have none of those concerns anymore. i can go all out. there's no restriction in my movement. it's liberating and sloan is back. unlike the bargain brand, new depend fit-flex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you've been missing. get a free sample at ♪ ♪ (laughing) there's nothing like making their day. except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. while you're mastering life. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agity to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. you know mom, i will change you. change your body, and what you call love. i'm going to make you think less about yourself... and more about those little things you've never noticed. sometimes, i will turn your night into day... and for sure, i will mark you forever. but i promise mom, it will be the greatest journey of your life. i feel confident hillary will be the nominee. >> you knew it was a right decision. >> i planned on running. it's an awful thing to say. i think i would have been the best president but it was the right thing not just for my family but for me. no one should ever seek the presidency unless they are able to devote their whole heart and soul and passion into just doing that. and beau was my soul. i just wasn't ready to be able to do that. now, my one regret is beau is not here. i don't have any other regrets. >> that will just take a second. time to talk about what we learned today. that was incredible. >> i learned that joe biden says he would have been the best president. >> don't go away. >> i learned joe should not go away. >> i learned apparently it doesn't matter if the republican establishment totally disagrees with the party's presidential nominee on everything. >> i learned there is hope for all of us who write embarrassing e-mails. >> that's pretty good. >> you have to know somebody to get rid of them. >> if that had happened to a republican -- >> i learned tonight your band is playing at south end restaurant on behalf of horizons, a great organization. >> my wife is on board. >> wonderful group. >> extraordinary group. >> did you learn anything? >> if it is way too early it is "morning joe." steve kornacki -- you are keeping up the streak here. come on. keeping up the strk.


Transcripts For MSNBCW The Place For Politics 2016 20160720 23:00:00

ships. >> the highest number of negatives in every category. so you can't say, the rising tide lifts all boats. >> a lot of people say he is saying that for white people. that he will champion them. thank you. a quick programming note before we go. tonight at midnight eastern, right here msnbc. see you again tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern for more special convention coverage. congratulations, dad. >> the party has spoken. united against hillary clinton. >> is she guilty or not guilty? >> tonight former rivals take stage and a running mate introduces himself to the country. it's day three of the republican national convention. >> republicans gathering at what is the halfway point for this convention in cleveland. the gop ticket again tonight as indiana governor mike pence prepares to accept his party's nomination for vice president, as donald trump arrives, new tensions in the streets of cleveland. there were clashes, arrests, a strong show of force by the local pd. we'll be keeping a close eye on that. also the tone of this convention thus far. what we've heard has been less about the nominee ask much more about his opponent, hillary clinton. he can expect that from the one time rival ted cruz who still has not endorsed donald trump. in fact, the candidate was booed during a ted cruz event today. and remarkably, what happened in cleveland monday night is still testing this campaign's ability to stay on and stay in control of their own message. this as another trump prepares to speak just hours from now from that podium. good evening to all. brian williams, with rachel maddow. this will be a more traditional night of convention. the new york times distilled it down to two questions. can pence impress the boss and will cruz play nice? >> yeah. the cruz question i think looms large. if only because there is actually some us is pence about it. we know that mike pence will have his big speech tom. he will accept the nomination. it will be his national rollout. we'll be watching to see how well he does. there is no wondering what that will be like. a qualitative assessment of what he does. ted cruz, there is a question mark. we really don't know. ted cruz was not just somebody who ran against donald trump. he is one of the last men standing. he took an unusually sharp tone about his personal problems with donald trump when he was on the campaign trail. when ted cruz gives his remarks today, everybody is thinking that he is looking ahead to his own next presidential run in 2020. we just don't know what that looks like. the cruz camp is not promising that this speech tonight is going to come with a donald trump endorsement. so i think we can expect that the one way you get to a donald trump convention speech on a big night is that you spend the whole time talking about hillary clinton. and clinton has been more the topic had thus far. i want to show you something we shot earlier. you may find this uncomfortable. you may not want to look at this stuff but these are some of the pins that are being sold at the venue. at the rnc venue in cleveland. and you know, you always, at conventions, you always get sharp edged stuff. the merchandisers tend to compete with each other. that will one up one another. from calling her, to the kfc special referring to her breasts and thighs and left wing and all of those other things. that's part of the merchandise of the rnc. we've seen merchandising signs calling for clinton going to prison. we've seen a chant throughout the proceedings thus far. we expect to see more of this tonight. here's a taste of what it has been like. that part of the convention the last couple days. >> they are offering a third obama term brought to you by another clinton. >> not since baghdad bob has there been a public figure with such a tortured relationship with the truthful. >> she would be the first president who couldn't pass a basic back ground check. a hillary clinton supreme court means your right to own a firearm is gone. >> she jeopardized our safety by deciding our laws don't apply to her. >> if did i what she did, i would be in jail. >> we all know she loves her pant suits. she deserves a bright orange jump suit. >> i blame hillary clinton personally for the death of my son. personally. >> the charge of putting herself ahead of america, guilty or not guilty. >> hillary clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason. >> as is their role model, somebody who acknowledges lucifer. >> she deserves to be in stripes. >> that channel, lock her up, lock her up has become a hallmark at this convention. i should mention the radio clip is part of the montage where you heard somebody say hillary should be put on the firing line and shot for treason. that is the state veterans chairman from new hampshire of the donald trump campaign. a state representative from new hampshire and he is a delegate to this convention. so he was somebody speaking in his capacity as a delegate and a donald trump campaign member and donald trump supporter on talk radio. because of his ties to the trump campaign, because he has not repudiated the remarks since he said them, because the secret service has taken a little interest in him since he said that hillary clinton should be shot. that has loomed large today. again, he is one of the more than 2,000 delegates on the floor today at the republican evacuation. kelly o'donnell has been with the delegates on the floor. what is the mood like tonight? what have you been able to find out in. >> it is interesting that you should bring him up. i have not been able to locate him tonight in the new hampshire delegation. he may be coming a bit later. i talked to those who are a part of the delegation and they described to me a sense that he was particularly animated in the radio clip as you referred to it and they understood the secret service would take interest because of the extension of talking about this to the point of a firing line. it was described to me that he is a military man and was thinking in terms of a comparison to if a person in the armed services was convicted of treason, that would be the extension. and that others described it as some of the passions that are so infused, perhaps getting the better of him. so colleagues, friends, associates, we're trying cast it in that way. and certainly, we have seen how much anger there is toward hillary clinton. and i'm so often told by delegates and those who are here that they feel that she was somehow treated differently than other yits respect to how the fbi investigation went with the e-mails. but his comment was more related to benghazi, an enduring area of criticism, despite all her testimony on capitol hill. others who say she did not bear any direct responsibility. that remains a very open sore raw nerve for many republican delegates who believe she has not been fully held accountable. and that has really animated a lot of the anger toward hillary clinton here i also spoke with mitch mcconnell here. the senate majority leader and i asked about the lock her up chants. and he said politics is tough. he expects when the democrats convene in philadelphia, there will be a lot of things said about trump that might make people uncomfortable as well. >> kelly o'donnell on the floor at the convention tonight. thank you. things are getting started for the evening session. we expect 8:00 speakers. but in the lead up to that from 7:00 to 8:00, it is interesting. interesting to consider whether or not the tone toward hillary clinton will be brought back a little bit, whether it is people uncomfortable or whether we expect the gas pedal to be even further. >> 13 anti-hillary speeches in the judgment of our political unit. six pro donald trump speeches. katy tur is in the new york delegation with more. >> i'm here with peter king. been in congress for decades. donald trump has been a lightning rod for this entire election. but for this party specifically. yesterday, the majority of the speeches were anti-hillary clinton speeches. they were not pro trump speeches. is this party more comfortable attacking its rival, rather than and tolling the virtues of its nominee? >> i think it is the first two days of the convention. i can't begin to imagine what the democrats will say about donald trump next week at their convention. i think the strategy was to go after hillary clinton the first two days. to show why she is not qualified to be president. then today and tomorrow, show why trump should be. i think it is part of the strategy, to go after hillary. >> has the rhetoric gone too far when it comes to hillary clinton? you walk around and see hillary clinton for prison. you see sexual innuendos, hillary something something but not like monica. people are wearing these at the gop convention. do you sanction that? do you condone that? >> no, but i i know what democrats said about george bush. it is part of politics today. >> is it part of politics to talk about her in a sexual way? >> i'm not saying it is right. i'm saying that has become a reality. i think governor christie's speech was on target. but i've seen on it both sides. democrats accusing george bush on the iraq war, war crimes. >> but if you think the republican shs dial it back, do you think democrats should dial it back? >> i'm saying it is the reality. i hope it is positive tonight and tomorrow. >> you talked about donald trump's vets coach. he said hillary clinton should go in front of a firing squad because of the e-mail scandal. does that seem like a bridge too far? >> i wouldn't say. i don't think you'll find donald trump saying that. >> should he kick him out of the campaign? >> i wouldn't say it. i know hillary clinton. i actually get along with her. i disagree with her on almost all policies but i think we have enough solid information to go on, to rely on that. and then also donald trump on the agenda. politics is getting rougher. it is the world we live in. that's not my world. nibble tough politics. there are things you can say without getting personal. >> katy tur on the convention floor. having covered donald trump for the past year. let's talk to this panel we have about this question and bring in one other member of our family for tonight. steve schmidt, first of all, a gop regular gone way back. veteran of the bush and mccain efforts. eugene robinson, who for the next few minutes, at least, is not going to be the only pulitzer prize winning journalist. because we're also welcoming in david from the "washington post." proud detroiter. biographer of bill clinton, biographer of president obama, and he'll be joining in our conversation. steve, first to you. is it over the top? last night you called the chant "lock her up" the stuff of a banana republic. >> it is indeed. the late great senator from new york, daniel patrick moynihan talked about the it. we've seen rhetorically, somebody throws ten card, the jack is coming pretty soon. so we go yesterday from lock her up to today, she should be in front of a firing squad. look, in the united states, politics is a tough business. there's never in the history of the country been a genteel period of politics. in america, we don't lock up our political opponents. there are many, many ways to criticize hillary clinton and she deserves that criticism. she's been serially dishonest with regard to her representations about these e-mails. in fact the fbi director, the rule of law, we say, if republicans, matters deeply to us. there was no finding of grounds to prosecute her. so the chants filling in the living rooms all over the country of lock her up, lock her up, at the expense of a hopeful message. a vision where republicans want to ahead to country i don't think it does great service for republicans in november. >> the other thing i think does a disservice to republicans, is the attacks of a sexist nature. that's something we should not do in american politics. it is the first time we've had a major party candidate who is a woman. i cannot imagine that that will do anything but alienate the women voters, that the republican party desperately needs. it simply cannot win the presidency without. and you know, this is just nasty, awful stuff. and i realize that the first two nights of any convention are to fire up the troops and also realize this convention hall. i think they went way too far. >> the thematic stuff about her, that high of is a bitch, don't vote for one. the stuff about her body and her sex life and all this stuff. it is really foreground. you always get some stuff over the line. but there is way more of that than i expected to see at something like a national convention. >> and good to see you, second, let's do some forensics. you could argue that could you draw a bright line between hatred of the clintons as a thing, as a duo, to begin with, through the creation of entire news networks. it goes way back. >> it goes back 25 years. a quarter of a century. the longest spans, first to be in national politics for that long. so i think that you're all right. it is factual to say this is normal blood sport. it went beyond that. the roots of it go back to 1991 and 1992. to the white water affair which is sort of the same length of time, investigating it as benghazi, the same nebulous results, to mrs. clinton saying that you buy one, you get one free when you elect her husband as president. from all of that to her feminist roots and saying that she was not just going to stay home and bake cookies. the hostility has been there from 25 years. >> i'm struck by the chicken and egg problem. when you talk about white water. you prays as an analogy to benghazi. we think back, we were talking about the law firm and the land deals and all the stuff that was investigated through clinton years. and part of it feels like that was the cause of a lot of the 25 years later antipathy and vitriol toward her husband. part of it feels like that was already a symptom. they wouldn't have been doing that if the hatred was not there even before then. >> you know, actually on, a state scale, the hatred goes back to 1974. when bill clinton first ran for congress in fateville. it goes all the way back to that point. so you're right. the so i think over the course of these years, they've just become easier and easier targets for the hostility of republicans. part of their own doing, much of it not. so it is just, it is unavoidable now. but hillary plays into it that she has a certain defensiveness over the decades. that puts her in contrast to donald trump who will say anything. >> and we're reminded there really never was a clean genteel period in american politics. yes, there was a button that said my bike likes ike. but underneath that, there was always skull dugory. and they've said so much about the lincoln era and the political attacks in the 1860s. >> go back to hamilton and jefferson and john adams. the rhetoric was actually uglier then. tls it is such a dangerous period in our political history. >> david maraniss, "washington post" and biographer of bill clinton among others. thank you, david. thanks for your contributions. our first break and on the other side, virtually every network is going to run kind of a greatest hits collection of what ted cruz said about trump. we will not be alone in doing so. also, prognosticating what he might say to this convention tonight. donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism. it must be excised and discarded. >> this man is a pathological liar. >> do you know what? he has no business being president of the united states. >> i will never stop until we keep a conman from taking over the party of reagan and the conservative movement. >> the man is utterly amoral. morality does not exist for him. >> for a lot of us, it is like watching a car accident instead of watching the direction we should be headed. >> as he conman. >> a narcissist at a level we have not seen. >> there you have, all these people have one thing in common by the end of the convention. they will have spoken to this convention. chief among them tonight, ted cruz. truth be told, if this were an open convention, would have a whole lot of support on that floor. hallie jackson is with us from, judging by the hats, the texas delegation. >> reporter: hi there. celebrating here. you can see everybody dancing and hanging out before the main event begins tonight. there is a sense, a lot of these folks did vote for cruz. many said, listen, trump is our nominee now and i'm going to support him. one of these delegates. this is butch davis. you and i talked in mid-march. we did an interview for the "today" show. at the time there was the real possibility of a contested convention and you were really looking forward to that. you voted for ted cruz in the primary, right? >> yes, did i. >> tell me who you support at this moment. >> i'm supporting donald trump for the presidency. he is our nominee. >> why is that? do you want to see ted cruz endorse trump? >> i would like to see it from the top to the bottom. we need to be united. one of two people will be president of the united states. donald trump or hillary clinton. and it has to be donald trump. >> what made you decide to support donald trump? you were a cruz guy. you live in texas. that's cruz' home turf and there are a lot of folks who wanted to fight for cruz. >> i love ted cruz. he is the top of the line for me. but donald trump is our nominee. he is much, much more conservative than hillary clinton. he has great ideas for this country. he is going to help take fight to isis. he will make our economy work. i think it is really going to work. >> last quick question for you. are you upset this isn't a contested convention? are you a little upset about it? >> truth be told, i was looking forward to a contested convention. it didn't happen. we're united. let's win in november. >> thanks. >> on that first night of the convention, it looked contested for a little while. and one man who was last seen on national television taking off his credentials and throwing them down. the form he attorney general of the commonwealth of virginia, ken cuccinelli. >> reporter: yes, i am standing with ken. last time you saw him he was throwing his credentials to the ground. you are wearing them now. >> yeah. we got a little bonus. might as well have fun with. this monday was pretty rough. especially for an idealist. >> reporter: have you second it is all over? >> on the rules, it is. now we're to the scripted part where we're driving messages each day. hook forward to hearing senator cruz and soon to be vice president pence. >> reporter: do you want senator cruz to come out here and basically filibuster this convention? this. >> you won't hear any dr. seuss tonight, no. >> reporter: when you're watching him, what is it that you want him to say to this convention crowd? >> i would like to hear him make the case for a better vision for america going forward as he has for a year and a half now. and he is not going to be the nominee, obviously. that doesn't mean the dreams we've got, go away with that campaign. >> reporter: i hope you have a great evening tonight. i hope ted cruz delivers the way you would like him to. >> the party is just getting started in cleveland. >> the last time a party nominee became the nominee with this low a percentage of the delegates, it was actually a contested convention in 1976. some people looking back to 1976 wondering if ted cruz will have a reaganesque moment that sets him up to run later. chuck? >> reporter: you're absolutely right. i was writing down. ted kennedy, 1980. ronald reagan, 1976. both of those gave incredibly well remembered speeches that, at conventions where the eventual nominee ended up losing and they want to live on. haley barbour is here. ted cruz is probably thinking about that reagan '76 speech and what it is like. should he be? >> you know, having run the white house for ronald reagan. thinking about any speech ronald reagan made is a smart idea. >> let me ask you. >> tonight will be interesting here in this respect. this convention hall is not filled with die hard trumpians. it is filled with a lot of republicans. this could be the biggest reception. is that a problem for mike pence? >> i think it is highly unlikely, he will be well received. look, chris christie was well received. rudolph giuliani was well received. i expect him to be well received. i think most of it ought to be -- >> i have to say, it is striking. we are night three of the convention. the man who is a runner up to the nominee and we don't know if he will endorse the nominee tonight. and he speaks in about two and a half hours. >> i guess that's good drama. >> maybe he'll have a bigger audience. >> obviously you want to see cruz endorse. >> i mean, i have no information. the. >> we'll be watching. do you feel like this convention, he's getting it right? it seems like it was a very hot convention monday and tuesday. it hasn't tried to broaden. when is it going to do that? >> i think what you saw monday night was about policy about, national security, about terrorism. it couldn't help but be hot. >> i think you will see by the chose of the convention, a lot of people say i've learned a lot about wyoming. >> haley barbour. he thinks this will turn into a more pro trump convention before we leave. >> that's why we're watching. to be watching all the way. >> the happiness in the hall seems to suggest a happy night. this is a lot of good dancers. >> well, beatles make everyone happy. that's another constant in politics. we'll take a break as the dancing continues in cleveland. little shades of neil diamond tonight. they've been dancing tonight in cleveland. day three of the convention. but where news media coverage is concerned, so much of the oxygen and pended today was about a day one story. and a lot of campaign veterans believe this has just been campaign malpractice. it goes back to mrs. trump's speech to the convention, how portions of that were proven to have originated with michelle obama. the story continued today after denials and obfuscations. >> a lot of anger responses from the trump campaign. that went into a third day this morning. the first thing that happened is that donald trump tweet this morning, i think we have the tweet here. good news is melania's speech got more republican than any in the history of politics, especially if you believe all press is good press. that went out this morning. that was followed by a statement released on the letter head of the trump campaign from a person named meredith mciver. she describes herself as an in-house writer at the trump organization. she said in working with melania trump and her first lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she want to share with the american people. a person she has always liked is michelle obama. over the phone she read me some passages from mrs. obama's speech as examples. meredith goes on to explain, it was her fault. i wrote them down and used them in the draft that became the final speech. i did not check mrs. obama's speeches. that was my mistake. i feel terrible for the chaos i have caused. she went on to say she offered her resignation to the trump campaign over this and her resignation was rejected. this story has dragged into day three of the four-day convention. and that was before donald trump tonight on abc news gave significant comments on the subl in an interview with george stephanopoulos. >> she's been with me a long time. she is a very good person. she came to see me because she hated to see the conflict, and she made a mistake. and people make mistakes. you've made mistakes. we all make mistakes. and i guess maybe if she were not with me a long time physici, if i didn't know how good she was. she is a good person. i thought it was terrific that she came forward. she said, look, it was a mistake that i made and she thought it was very unfair to melania. although interestingly, the press treated melania very well because they didn't think it was her. >> day three of the convention and there is still a lot to this story even though there now has been this apology. i said earlier that the statement was released by the trump campaign. wasn't. it was released by the trump organization. maybe that adds something to the texture of how this is being handled. i have to turn to you and ask, how you feel like they're dealing with. this not how bad was the initial mistake. we've talked about that. but how have they dealt with the fallout? >> really hard to find examples from a communication perspective of a more incompetent else anywhere at any time any place. that being said, donald trump there looked like a stand-up guy. he looked pretty good. he didn't take her resignation. hey, we all make mistakes including himself. it my be the first acknowledgement over the course of the campaign that he is fallible by his own admission. and that i think people watching that saw the compassionate side of donald trump that isn't always necessarily easy to finds or revealed. that his children are talking about in some of their speeches. >> we are still stuck with the problem, if this is a guy who says he will fix the veterans administration, because he is going to redirect the veterans helpline so that it goes into the white house. and whenever there is a particularly difficult problem for an individual vet, he will want that vet's calls to be directed to him in the oval office so he can personally sort out that vet's problems. when he talks about that will be his management, seeing this mistake and the wait went on. it is jarring. >> that would be a president who had no time to do anything else. right? just answer the phone. i think this does raise a lot of questions. not for the first time, frankly about, you look at the campaign organization. where does the trump organization fit into the campaign? there wasn't a campaign. now there is a campaign that has to merge with the rnc, or at least work with the rnc. and in the last couple days, you had, you know, the republican national committee spokesman and paul manafort saying stuff that was not true. just blatant not true and trying to pretend that these identical sentences were not identical. >> that there was not any plagiarism. >> because no one had given him anything else to say. it is just unimaginable. what did they call it? the mod fight hangout. that's how it was taken. >> one of the things you never want to do is communicate to voters that you think they're stupid. so when the trump official campaign spokespeople say no, this was not plagiarism and it clearly waffle unmistakably so. and they're telling you, that the sun rises in the west and sets in the even, that bothers people. people don't like to be treated like they're fools. another implication for the campaign. donald trump is not raising money at the pace that he needs. the major donors look at the campaign after an episode like that and say this is not a wise investment of my money. they don't have it together. and thirdly, donald trump said our leaders if washington are corrupt and incompetent. i'm going to bring the best people in to government. the approximaty is a campaign. if you can't pull off a four-day convention with thousands, how are you going to help the thousands who are the best. i think the patience of a lot of republicans in the donor class is now exhausted with the operational tempo and incompetence of the campaign. >> when we come back from a break this night three of the gop convention, the fracas of the campaign. we are back on this night three of the gop convention. and about the gop nominee, donald trump talks all the time about his book, "the art of the deal." what it meant to him. how many companies it sold and its popularity, especially among business themed books. look down at the lower right hand corner and you will see the name tony schwartz. long time journalist was the ghost writer for art of the deal. and in an explosive story in the new yorker magazine, as told to jane mayer, the art of deal. you see donald trump's ghost writer tells all. in effect, it is said, quote, i believe in trump wins and gets nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization. mr. schwartz says the book could today be titled, the sociopath. the author is with us. i know there is no shortage of questions from this panel. from rachel, from your old friend eugene. i'll start off. what made you talk about this at long last after so many years existing as the ghost writer? >> i wished that i can't have to do it. i wanted to let this fade away into the wood work i didn't think about donald trump much for 27 years. when he decided to run for president, given what i knew about him, and given how rarely there is someone who knows him well speak out about what they know, i simply felt an obligation to do it. >> some of what you describe is the kinds of things that we've heard in terms of personality analysis from other people. but some of the stuff that you describe, i have not heard other people say. and it is attention grabbing. and i use the word attention on purpose. one thing you say is he has no attention span. it is impossible to keep him focused on any topic other than his own self-agrandizement for more than 30 minutes. you say to jane mayer, if towed be briefed on a crisis in the situation room, it is impossible to imagine him paying attention over a long period of time. didn't you have to get him to pay attention to you for a long period of time in order to co-write this book with him? >> i almost gave up on the book halfway through. it was so impossible to interview him. and i actually called my agent and said from my room, over a weekend, i give up. i'm quitting. i went and got back on the plane heading home. and i had this inspiration which was to ask him to let me sit in and listen on his phone calls so i could try to piece tet making from other people. and that was the way i got the book done. >> i know that my colleague gene robinson. i have to ask you one other thing before you go. that's about today. i understand in response to this interview you've done with the new yorker, you have now received a cease and desist letter from the trump organization's chief legal officer demanding among other things that you return all the royalty payments that you received from the book retroactively going back to when you wrote it many years ago. is that true? and are you worried? >> it is true. i think jane mayer is maybe just putting up a story about that on the new yorker website. but yes, it is true. i got almost immediately that cease and desist lerp delivered to me by fedex. it is nuts. completely indicative of who he is. there is no base i in anything legal. i suspect that donald trump called up his chief legal person and. go after that guy and do whatever you have to do. so this head of legal affairs for the trump organization had to concoct stuff about, most which of is untrue. so for example, this notion that i didn't write the book is so preposterous. i am not, i am not certain that donald trump read every word but i'm sure certain that i wrote every word. and he made a few red marks on the manuscript and sent it back to me and the rest was history. the idea that he would dispute that is part of why i felt i had to come forward. the notion that if he could bligh that, co-bligh anything. and if you look at the evidence of this campaign, time after time after time. that is what has happened. as i listened earlier to ted cruz and all those comments he made, it really sent a chill up my spine. his analysis of trump's character is remarkably accurate. and fiercely negative. and yet he will stand up there tonight and he will pull his punches. i felt somebody, somebody who had a clear exposure to trump had to stand up. unfortunately, that had to be me. >> first, i guess, i might have to volunteer to be a witness for you. you, because, in fact, i have had both you and donald trump in our one telephone conversation describe that same process of writing the book, that you would make him focus, that you would interview him and make him focus and that's the only way you could get the book done. >> i learned journalism at the university of michigan. >> hold it, i'm not that old. >> but you were the boss. >> well, that's true. but what about your personal feelings toward donald trump? i frankly never heard you express a personal animus toward him. >> i don't have a personal animus toward him. actually, even now. he's tough to have a personal animus toward because there's no there there. there's no heart. there's no soul. there's just a man trying to transactionally do what he thinks will agrandize him. he doesn't have a particular kind of personality that's -- that i found during the period that i worked with him that was difficult to get along with. i really -- my big quarrel with him is about his character, and i couldn't care less about his character, if he wasn't running for president. let him do what he wants to do, as far as i'm concerned. unfortunately, in business, as we know, there are a lot of people who got hurt by what he did. by my experience with him was indifferent personally. >> your assessment of his character, you describe him as completely compulsive. quote, if the only thing left was -- quote. the only thing left was running for president. if he could run for emperor of the world, he would. i'm assuming you're speaking hyperbolically there, but a lot of people are trying to figure out why he ran for president, gave up the life he had in order to run as a politician. you felt like this was predictable based on his prior life? >> i don't know that it was predictable. but i've always seen him as a black hole, someone who cannot fill himself with a sense of value from anything that comes internally. so he constantly, way before i met him and long since, has tried to fill up that hole inside him by getting more and more money, more and more praise, more and more attention. and as he said today, all publicity is good publicity. that is crazy. that is simply crazy. what kind of human being says all publicity is good publicity. if it's horrific comments about a person and your character, that's not good publicity. that's a bad character assessment. the most meaningful thing to me about donald trump, is his supporters, the rabid ones, the ones who have written vitriolic, hate-filled letters in the last several days, don't understand that he does not care about them. he has no interest in them, except so far as they vote for him. he will no more take care of him than he will the people who went through trump university. those are many of them, people in the same kind of circumstances in life. they don't have any advantage. and they're looking for somebody to come along and be their saviour. donald trump has no intention of being anyone's saviour but his own. full stop. >> tony schwartz, ghost writer of the art of the deal, thank you very much, tony. >> the point that tony just mentioned about getting this cease and desist letter from the trump organization, i think we're breaking that news here. i'm not sure that's been reported. they're about to fully report that at "the new yorker," but we are breaking that news, including tony schwartz give back his advance payment and all his royalties from writing the book years ago. >> we'll take a quick break and then take a look at night three of the gop convention when we come back. >> the first headline speaker of the night has just started, two-term florida governor rick scott. former health care ceo. let's listen in. >> -- orlando a month ago, we have received outpourings of love and support from americans everywhere. american people sure stick up for each other. so on behalf of all the citizens of our great state, thank you, thank you, thank you. [ applause ] i'm old enough to remember when terrorism was something that happened in foreign countries. not today. how many more times does the evil of radical islamic terrorism have to occur before the president of the united states will muster the courage to face the truth? how many more orlandos? san bernardinos? or ft. hoods will happen before president obama decides to be honest? i cried with the grieving moms and dads and brothers and sisters of the 49 people slaughtered by the isis-inspired terrorist. this war is real. it is here in america. and the next president must destroy this evil. [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] donald trump is the man for that


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20160522 23:00:00

we'll see you next fox news sunday. developing in political news at this hour. the divide in one party growing as supporters are suing over widespread confusion in the primary race and the other party, what could be an epic movement toward coming together? i'm harris faulkner. this is the report. here's how it is playing out. a short time ago, a new sign the gop is combining forces to back donald trump. reports of south carolina senator lindsey graham who has had a long public spat with trump is privately telling others in the party in a fundraiser to support the presumptive nominee. graham's press secretary will only confirm graham was there and no change in the senator's personal position. people who were at the private fundraiser are reportedly talking though. it would be a big shift towards unity within that party. no such movement across the political aisle. among the democrats, the in-fighting seems more bitter by the hour. senator bernie sanders is holding events in california on this sunday. he feels voters on the hillary clinton side are lesser of two evils. what does that mean? all this as we get hillary clinton and donald trump neck and neck in a would-be showdown. down to just three points in the brand new nbc news "wall street journal" poll. we have all your political coverage ahead including a breakdown at the bottom of the hour with fox news political insider. first, let's go to political coverage, lauren blanchard with the trump campaign. we'll start with you. donald trump is fund raising right now. >> reporter: you know, harris, the presumptive nominee could need more than a billion dollars to compete in the general election. the los angeles times reports donald trump on wednesday will attend his first republican national committee fundraiser for himself. the report says $25,000 gets the donors dinner, a reception, and a photo with trump. for $100,000 grand, an rnc membership. trump and the rnc agreed to a joint fund raising agreement that allows individual donors to give $450,000 to two joint fund raising committees. much higher than the $227,000 to give to just presidential campaigns. and while trump, the party, and some individual donors are ready to raise and spend millions to elect trump, there are still high profile gop donors vowing to withhold money from the trump effort like td ameritrade founder joe rickets. trump said he has no need for that. >> these are people that want access to the white house. they understand they can't tell me what to do like every other candidate. they endorse people like jeb bush. they would have had total control over jeb. they would have had total control over other people. >> meanwhile, the billionaire and gop donor is backing trump. harris? >> so rich, when we started out moments ago, i was telling viewers about that new polling, that nbc news "wall street journal" polling showing it would be tighter would hillary clinton and donald trump face each other in a general election. we're also learning it could be much more negative than even we think. >> plenty of polls demonstrating that especially as more show most voters don't like either candidate. a recently released washington news poll show 41% have a favorable view of hillary clinton and for donald trump, 40%. and for hillary clinton, 57% unfavorable and 57% for donald trump too. >> this is interesting. potentially worse news for hillary clinton because she has a long political path. rich, thank you very much. last stand for bernie sanders. california. he has the week before june 7th primary there or a couple of weeks and his supporters are so serious about helping him win, they just filed a lawsuit. apparently, the rules are too confusing and they want more time to register the sanders supporters by tomorrow. he's in it for the long haul and he needs delegates. 475 of them at stake there and there's a new poll showing sanders beats donald trump in a general election match-up by double digits. far better odds than clinton would against trump. >> i think that hillary clinton has not looked at a lot of the national polls out there which have me doing a lot better than she is against donald trump and that's true in almost all of the state polls as well. i think she may not have noticed in the last three contests we won and we tied in kentucky and that we have an excellent chance to win the majority of the state. donald trump is a disaster, in my view, and i will do everything that i can whether it's the candidate or not to see he is defeated. >> lauren blanchard is live for us in vista, california. lauren? >> reporter: hi, harris. bernie knows it comes down to california. he's been speaking to 7,000 people behind me using mega rallies like this to call out the democratic national committee and chairs and leadership and also those delegates headed to the convention in july. saying that polls suggest he would be the better candidate against donald trump. >> i've made the objective evidence is very clear that in every national poll, in every state poll, we defeat trump by large numbers over secretary clinton. it is the future of this country. and i hope that the democratic party understands. >> now the hypothetical match-up, nbc "wall street journal" poll shows hillary clinton has a lower favorability rating than sanders and a majority of sanders supporters don't see her in a positive light. polls suggest clinton still struggles with young voters and may have a tough time getting them to back her in the fall. >> state after state, we have won the overwhelming majority of young people's votes. >> now, that same poll shows 88% of clinton supporters would back sanders against trump whereas only 66% of sanders supporters would vote for hillary in a general election. now, if he wants to make his case at the convention in july, he will need to pick up a majority of those 475 pledge delegates up for grabs here in california, a win he very much needs and harris, add to that lawsuit you mentioned earlier, there's still no indication at which way the judge will vote on that spokeswoman for the california secretary of state did decline to comment. back to you. >> i'll tell you after what happened with the rules and angry sanders supporters just last weekend in nevada, you can bet pushing for more time to understand the rules in california will get somebody's attention from the sanders supporters. lauren, thank you very much. president obama right now is in vietnam. and facing pressure from american military families over the trip. it is the first stop on the week long trip to asia and a number of american soldiers still unaccounted for. more than 40 years after the end of the vietnam war. kevin corke is reporting live from pinoy. what is he planning to do in response to the family? >> reporter: i'm glad you said that, harris. this is a huge issue. it will not be going away anytime soon. keep in mind, there are still more than 1600 americans that remain unaccounted for since the end of the vietnam war. now the white house will tell you and they've told us privately and even publicly that this will remain a major dialogue point between the two governments because they feel like more cooperation could answer the important questions of what happened to more than a thousand americans and their remain since the end of the vietnam war and like president bush and before him, hope they can move forward on the issue. the mipaw flying over the white house and this is obviously a major issue. some would say it may even overshadow the effort to expand trade and security cooperation and the push for more arm sales to vietnam, harris, we'll be watching that conversation carefully. >> that's what i want to talk about now. why is the obama administration trying to sell more weapons capability? it's despite a decade's old ban already. why is that happening? >> reporter: yeah, nail's on the head. you're right. keep this in mind too, there's a lot of lawmakers that feel this is not such a great idea given the previous relationship with beijing and hanoi but more regional security cooperation and maybe that stability will help act as a bull wart those acting in the south china sea. the vietnamese want to better protect themselves with more u.s. arms. the u.s. would feel like by arming them in a better position, maybe them and other allies in the area can act as sort of a bull wort against the chinese but it's a complicated issue and may not be solved on this particular trip even though it is clear the white house would like to eliminate that ban. as you point out, it's a decade's old ban that remains in place and despite chipping away at it a little bit under president clinton, it's still remaining at least to this day. we'll see if that changes, harris, and watch that closely as well. >> i would imagine, kevin, before i let you go, the families see this playing together. how can you not maybe make or address one end of identity t i of the missing soldiers and also not look at what the vietnamese want in terms of military and weapons? it's a very interesting combination of things. i would imagine the families play it together. we cover the news as it happens there. thank you very much. >> yeah. right now, a manhunt under way after a police officer was murdered during a traffic stop. the latest on the search for the killer as we monitor a news conference set to begin for the latest breaking details from there and the fox news political insider on who's ahead, who's afraid and who's happy in the race for the white house. we'll take all the political headlines and two at the bottom of the hour when you join me. stay close. if you're going to make a statement... make sure it's an intelligent one. ♪ the all-new audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. ♪ it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. it's more than a nit's reliable uptime. and multi-layered security. it's how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services - all with dedicated, responsive support. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you're free to focus on growing your business. centurylink. your link to what's next. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration. fox news alert. iraqi prime minister said his country on the verge of a great victory. it's launching operations to retake fallujah which is now in the hands of the islamic state savages. fallujah was the first to fall to the iraqi army in 2014. it was the key victory for the enemy back then so this is a big day. they continue to make gains against the islamic state but continuing. u.s. officials now are working to confirm the death of a taliban leader whom they say was likely killed by u.s. drone. mansour led the taliban since 2013. a u.s. official telling fox news he was driving in pakistan just across the afghan border when they hit him. homeland security jay johnson say it is a significant blow to the taliban. >> i think it's significant because mansour was actively trying to undermine reconciliation and targeting u.s. and afghan interests. if he was, in fact, killed, this would be a major development. >> taliban has more than 30,000 fighters in afghanistan alone. some 10,000 u.s. troops remain in that country. as you may know, that is supposed to be cut in half by the time president obama leaves office. and back to the united states now. a manhunt in massachusetts reportedly coming to an end after hours, hours of a standoff. local news stations now reporting police have shot and killed a gunman accused of taking out a police officer. rona ronald tarantino at umass. and saluting in a sea of blue as they escorted his body to the medical examiner. police conference under way. we bring the news that comes out of that as it breaks. ryan is with us. with our eye to the news conference, what's been happening? >> reporter: hi, harris. the police from auburn to oxford, the fbi helping out. they have just confirmed exactly what our affiliate reported from our source 20 or 30 minutes ago. the shootout is over. the suspect who police believe shot ronald tarantino is dead. we understand that the one trooper who was shot during this standoff has been rushed to a hospital. he is expected to be okay. the shootout happened at about 9:30 at an apartment on watch street in oxford, massachusetts, the county of worcester. this began at about or 10:00. police blockaded watch street where the suspect was held up in that apartment and they pushed media and neighbors back. the two locals that i spoke to, one man was looking to actually visit a friend on that street when it was blockaded. he saw an armored vehicle go with s.w.a.t. members on to that block. he heard negotiations happening from the speaker attached to that armored vehicle. police urging the suspect to turn himself in. they would try every ten or 15 minutes. he said this went on for about five hours and every once in a while, they would hear gas canisters, tear gas that was thrown against the apartment, is what the police were saying during this standoff. at 12:30 a.m. this morning, officer ronald tarantino stopped on a residential street in auburn, neighboring about 25 miles southwest of boston. the driver, this suspect, who is now named as jorge zambrano shot tarantino and fled the scene. 40-year-old tarantino rushed to umass medical center and leaves behind a wife and three children and earlier, we saw, as you mentioned, harris, in the intro, just dozens of officers saluting a motorcade as the body was transported to the medical examiner's office earlier today, and fellow officers also laying flowers in front of a stone monument honoring officers who lost their lives in the call of duty. in the meantime, as we have said, the fbi had been working, this was a team effort to make sure that they got this person. tarantino had spent just two years on the auburn police force. before that, he spent seven years in the police force in neighboring lester. so popular, they named a sandwich after him and called him a dedicated publicer serva. leaving behind three children and a wife. our local affiliate reporting that he served our country and he is on his way to lay his father to rest. >> brian, thank you very much. crews around the globe joining the search for the black boxes from egyptair flight 804 and americans are helping out. and now raising some new questions about one angle they've been looking at since the very beginning when the plane first went missing. terrorism. a live report from paris. the latest on the investigation. and a donald trump supporter going out with a special dedication for the special nominee for president. you'll have to see it. >> i haven't voted in years, but this year, it's election because mr. trump is not a politician really caught my attention. >> in my lifetime, all politicians have made promises they've not kept. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ an egyptian submarine headed to flight 804 the crash there. pulling more from the eastern mediterranean seas trying to zero in on the black boxes which could help them determine exactly what caused the disaster. they thought they had him and now we know they didn't so their still looking. mike mccall said multiple clues point to terrorism. >> i think many signs do point to terrorism. an explosive device on the aircraft. since there were not smoke detecters in the lavatory, it was breached indicating it may have been blown out. we won't know until we get the black box and all the confirmation from that. >> senior foreign affairs correspondent live for us in paris. greg? >> reporter: the air search is intensifying in the mediterranean where flight 804 went down about four days ago right now. in the mix, the united states navy have their p 3 orion active. three of them in fact on rotation coming from a base in italy. this weekend, they report that they found a large debris field on the surface of the mediterranean consisting of about 100 pieces from that downed aircraft. this is considered a very important find, harris. we covered already parts of the plane, personal esqffects and remains. but no sign of the black box voice and data recorders. those are critical, of course, to figure out what happened in this crash. egypt is now dispatching a submarine that could go deep as 10,000 feet. it might have to to find those black boxes. also emerging this weekend, some short communication bursts between the egyptair crew and a swiss air traffic controllers. this happened about one hour into the flight. you'll hear it. it's workman-like. it's routine. it all seems to be well. take a listen. >> two hours later, there was a crash. the question is, why? on sonday made the first comment saying what others are saying. terror is a possibility, but there are other possibilities. here at charles de gaulle in paris, they take the terror operation quite seriously. they've been interrogating workers who had contact with the plane and going through the passenger list comparing them against terror watch list and screened hours of surveillance video. in a reliable report that we got on sunday, it seems like so far, nothing has turned up. and finally, the families of the victims, of course, they are continuing to grieve. there are 66 victims of this crash. the loss marked in many ways in cairo. there was a memorial service for a lovely young flight attendant. she was remembered by her family and her friend. and at the vatican, harris, pope francis offered his condolences, offered his prayers, and offered solidarity. in his words in this very difficult time. back to you. >> you know, it is horrible what these families of the loved ones they've lost must be going through and at the same time, you know, the prayer would be that they would get some answers early on and we saw with other missing planes in the last couple of years that it can be so, it's just really heart wrenching for those families. what are some things done for those families too? a lot of times, we hear they're languishing waiting for answers. >> exactly, harris. there's been a center here both near the airport and in paris. there was 15 french people on that flight. many of them, however, have been brought by egyptair to cairo to be closer to their loved ones and we got a late report as you indicate, it could be a long wait. it could take weeks, it could take even months to find that black box. again, a very treacherous part of the mediterranean sea bottom and even with the black box, it might not be a final conclusive answer, but right now, we do know it was a terrible accident. may be terror. may be aircraft. back to you. >> that terror angle they've been looking at is holding together from the beginning. we continue to follow the news as it happens. greg, thank you very much. coming up, we'll look at how the likely general election match-up is shaping up early on. we say this too. wow, it's so early to take a peek at this. what i want to ask the fox news insiders is why is it tightening now? usually you see this closer to the actual contest. new polling showing the two are neck and neck. what is driving that? does this guy have anything to do with it? the democrat primary is far from over and the ongoing fight only getting nastier within the democratic party. remember, we love it when you tune in and chime in. twitter and facebook. we're coming right back. ♪ ♪music continues [daughter] papa! 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"the washington post" always had a huge democratic edge. >> that's a plus 8. >> and yet they have trump ahead among registered voters. >> even that big of a percentage. more people polled. >> probably would be bigger depending on the weight supplied. but they spent a lot of time talking about adults as though anyone, it's irrelevant to us what she's doing with adults. registered voters are not as important, am i right? here's the thing. there is a mindset and you can look at it in the "washington post" poll where they only ask questions about trump. not questions about the hillary or e-mail and the scandal. you could see that poll was designed to extract what they assume would be, i believe, many, many negative comments and i guess it fits their bob woodward 20 person path towards to take care of donald trump. but it didn't work out in that poll. >> she's still losing. >> he would say and his ratings, while bad, have caught up to hers. but we'll talk about this. but two weeks ago, it was hillary can't be beat. two weeks ago. everyone said she's going to win and then not doing well and this week, oh my god, she's collapsing. the movements here are like the campaign. erratic and major. >> erratic and major. all right. so as i come to you, john, senator lindsay graham started out with this news not just saying he changed his position, but he's telling others, reportedly in a private event fundraiser to get behind donald trump. what does that communicate to you? >> he's afraid of his own, perhaps, reelection in south carolina, doesn't want to get on the wrong side of the whole party which is, at the moment, coalescing behind trump. the donors, faster than any of us could have thought, today, the big donors are not yet there for trump but trump's whole deal is not money. he doesn't need a lot of money. his message. now, let me say this about these polls. i think they're a double edged sword. they're bad for hillary now. but in a way, they're good for hillary because they're, as they say in new york, slapping her upside the head and slapping any overconfidence out of that campaign. they now -- >> john, there is no overconfidence. >> that's good. could describe it as the death march. >> all right. so -- >> on the other side, i'm not sure trump, because he's doing so well, that he quite sees what's coming and what he needs to do to be ready for it. he hasn't adjusted his message. we're going to talk tonight about it. >> there is no argument that i've heard discredible that looks at the situation with bernie sanders and doesn't see an advantage for donald trump. because we talk about the juggernaut which is the clinton team, right? and that going and how donald trump may not know what it will look like, but bernie sanders is putting sand in the gears of that machine right now. >> let me speak to that. because as the prime proponent among the three of us, what the clinton machine was allegedly and ostensibly going to do to donald trump, i have to have a bit of a mea culpa per your comment. she's not past bernie sanders. bernie sanders is going to be competitive, i believe, in california. he's made it pretty clear there's going to be a rules fight about the super delegates, something pat and john and i talked about before. and he's also not going away quietly. especially when he's raising $25 million to $30 million a month. >> you know, pat, when you talk about not going away quietly, that's also a big problem because it's getting hillary clinton to focus on whatever he's talking about, rather than what she would want to be talking about. i don't know what your options are right now. >> she keeps trying to satisfy going and meet with him, however. >> it's kind of a dance. >> here's the basic problem. bernie sanders believes, and he's right to believe this, if the democratic party had had the republican rules, he would be the democratic nominee. >> he might be the vice president. >> that may get him the vice preside president. the fight that's going to take place over the issue of the future super delegates and how the system is designed is going to be all out war because i believe this and my colleagues can comment, they may know better, i just think the established democratic party will not give up easily. >> you see the supporters of bernie, what they're doing in california. they're suing to try to get a longer period of time to register for the next primary. we're coming right back. when we do, we're going to talk about the man donald trump is meeting with. one of his vice presidential candidates tomorrow. i'm going to ask why this person is on the list and we'll talk to john about it. stay close. 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>> i don't know that he would take it. >> do you like him for that. >> my opinion is different. i'm analyzing. i think he's good. he's a good guy. the problem with corker is he was for the iran nuke deal. and that is going to be a problem. trump has to run against it. >> no, he was against it. >> he ruined it by letting it be a boat instead. >> interesting. so but the one thing that it allows for is donald trump to stay in as the outsider and he said he needs someone to do the things that he cannot do and he's not a politician. >> the real challenge trump has is to pick somebody who addresses his concern to have somebody who is experienced in government, but is not so much of an insider, he can be. one is prospectively newt gingrich. his negatives almost high as trump's and good as he may be, he would be a real target. >> i'm seeing a lot of polls for john kasich. polls lead ohio. chunky heifer. that's not your real name. chunky said it needs to be someone from ohio. must have the state for the election. >> let me just say something on this. i was out last week in the industrial midwestern state that was not ohio but doing a number of focus groups on another topic but presidential was involved in it. the number of republicans who are unhappy with trump who've raised kasich on their own was amazing to me and it was a consistent theme across about a dozen. i'm just telling you, they like that. and i think in many ways, even though he's not enough of an insider, he helps him. he's a manager of government. >> you tell him your job, he has one job and stay in ohio for four months, guarantee we get ohio. that helps. >> hillary has to go if that happens to sherrod brown. >> if i like your comment, it is not my personal opinion of it. it means i want to get you in on the conversation. so if you see that, it means i'm trying to get you next. i want to talk about something you just did. you did some focus grouping. we can't say the exact thing but a major midwestern. but what came out of that you think is significant? >> a dozen groups and i was in ten of them. nine or ten of them and i want to tell you, two things came up. three things. one, first of all, i was stunned in how negative women were, particularly, to hillary clinton. these were basically democrats and independents in vehemance in which may dismissed her and the first thing they said and i would say over half the participants. why isn't there somebody else which will go and the third thing is on trump is what i said to you is a lot of people who were unsure, i mean, they were going to be for trump. right now, if i had to bet, that state would be going to trump and i know how to read people's comments. this was amazing. and this would stun the world. >> before i get to you on that, because you brought that up, trisha said please address that debbie wasserman-schultz. what is up with that in your political party? >> she is running the dnc for hillary clinton along with the entire democrat party. it is the most rigged system in our lifetime and she has put her thumb on it whether it was the debates, the money and bernie sanders said he'd fire and support her opponent in the primary. this is where the establishment will not give up power is going to give up why the party is going to be tough. sanders people are not just there to, oh, we've got to support hillary. that's where the media which has turned on sanders is wrong. >> can they get along? >> doesn't matter. >> good question. >> if they can't and you've got supporters having the infighting, if they have another nevada in california, that's toxic. >> that's what pat was alluding to. the american people, 20%, say they will vote for a true independent. bernie sanders could run as an independent. there could be a republican independent running or prospectively four candidates. what the american people are massively dissatisfied with hillary and trump. >> i want to talk to you both about the research on the ground you've done because this is important stuff. dtb insider writes when they ask the question, are they only asking to women? >> no. everyone. >> we'll be right back. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit thank you for all of your social media right now. i've got so many to choose from, i'm going to get to what's trending here. in lobo says we all want to -- don't care about his previous blank. and you see a couple people mentioning marco rubio as a vp pick. john secowits. trump should pick a woman for his vp. you say the men for donald trump is really to pay attention to. >> it's staggering. we've talked for many years about a gender gap, pro-democrat women and different ways. trump is winning men by 23, 24 points >> that's against hillary. >> that's against hillary. >> bernie is 15 points ahead. >> here's thing. she doesn't connect with men. she alienates them. bernie sanders is actually stronger with mena and overall request the l with the electorate. >> the rasmussen shows sanders beating trump, trump beating hillary. it looks like they're getting ready to nominate the wrong candidate. the answer is yes. in the nbc poll, 15 points. >> if you just wanted to win, if that's all you thought about, you'd pick him. >> doug, does it hurt you a little bit -- >> he's a socialist. >> the two of you just said something akin to bernie sanders is atop your party. >> everybody here, certainly, i, thought hillary would cruise to the nomination. >> be coronated. >> coronated. >> and that the election against trump would be easy. that conclusion was wrong. i think we all see that this is going to be a very tough election for all sides, very close, with the american people probably more dissatisfied with their choice than anything else. >> i'm going to ask this question. the bernie voters who are ticked trump? hillary, are they fair >> yes. >> therefore, to prevent that, why doesn't hillary pick bernie, unite the whole thing. >> she's going to have to. >> see the conventional wisdom, that they have no place to go. the conventional wisdom said hillary would be coronated. >> they can stay home, third party, or a lot of them will go for trump. they are really angry at her and angry at the democratic party. >> are republicans missing an opportunity, right now, john, to get out with this message right now? it's not the drum beat that it could be. >> it's only may, okay. >> okay. >> i said to doug and pat before we came on the air, i think the real message, trump tweets she's crooked hillary, crooked hillary. the real message is going to end up being that the government is crooked. >> crooked hillary, part of a crooked government. >> and if you want to clean it up, vote for me. >> are you trying to help the memo? >> i'm explaining what's going on. >> with bill clinton,'s going to be in the white house doing what he's been doing with the clinton foundation, doing all the side deals. talk about corruption, they're going to move it into the white house. that's coming too. >> carrie nixy waltz says, we're not sure who he is considering, but i would like to see newt. actually, we do know who is on that list, because dr. ben carson told us. what happened there? >> we know newt and christie are on the list and some other people. and they said -- >> but we know dr. carson's not on it, because he told us. >> trump, they said he has six people. and it's in his head. >> it can all change, too. >> it will change. it will change. >> as he gets to go through this process. >> and the only thing there is trump doesn't want to make a big mistake. he can take a boring person. if he makes a mistake, like palin was a mistake. then you go off track. >> final thoughts with the insiders, stay with us. what sore wrist? what headache? advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. it's more than a nit's reliable uptime. and multi-layered security. it's how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services - all with dedicated, responsive support. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you're free to focus on growing your business. centurylink. your link to what's next. illuminates skin with pearl optics science. your concert style might show your age, your skin never will. with olay you age less, so you're ageless. olay. ageless. when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. final thoughts, prompted by twitter. my question to you, the nra endorsement for trump, does it matter? >> yes, it does. i'm a strong supporter of gun control, gun violence prevention. this is a working play for the voting class. >> and randy on twitter, why does sanders poll so much better against hillary than, against trump rather than hillary? >> because people see bernie sanders as an authentic, honest person. you may disagree with him, but he comes across as genuine and he's, and he's actually kind of exciting. >> in other words, she's a lying weasel. >> come on. that's not -- >> that's mean. >> michael j. donnelly. if the gop loses the white house again, is the gop done? >> we've lost five out of the last six coming into this year. >> do you want a third party? >> we are going to reform this party into a better party. >> it's the wigs right now. >> we need a new party. >> even if trump wins the republicans will be totally different after this election. >> and even if hillary wins, i imagine the democrats will be different. >> no, they will. >> it will be an atm machine for the clintons.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160608 05:00:00

the general election match basically seven, hillary clinton versus donald trump as we wait for senator bernie sanders to speak. tuesday evening in west. >> welcome to america's election headquarters, hillary clinton basked in the cheers of her supporters as she became the first female nominee, a historic night, the first one have a major political party. this as fox news can project that after multiple wins tuesday night clinton will have enough pledged delegates to secure the democratic nomination. >> we've reached a milestone. first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party nominee. >> so now she has pledged and the super delegates as well. mrs. clinton faced a tough fight in california from senator sanders. he is expected to speak from santa monica any moment now. president obama called the senator earlier in the night to thank him for energizing the voters and we're told the two will meet on thursday. donald trump has already clinched his party's nomination and he won five more primaries and donald trump has enough bound delegates to guarantee him the republican nomination. >> he spoke earlier this evening. a different type of speech from mr. trump because he used a teleprompter tonight appearing more presidential and he came out hard against mrs. clinton. >> we kocan't solve our problem by counting on the politicians who created our problems. the clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. they've made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access, selling favors, selling government contracts and i mean hundreds of millions of dollars. >> for senator sanders to speak in california trying to see where he is going with this campaign, there are reports that he is laying off many staff members, especially those in the field having do with the campaign. there is the setting or actually he's expected to speak there and they are not happy. those supporters were booing at one point when president obama, they got the word that the president talked with the senator earlier this evening so we will see what the senator says and if he is pulling back on his campaign, if he will concede or vow to continue which he has said in the past taking this to a contested convention because for him it's been more than running for president it's been the start of a movement. >> he probably thought he would do better than he has tonight. he won north dakota. california has not been called but he's behind in that state as well. we will see what he has to say. we'll take you there live. donald trump tallied five more states tuesday night but has he taken steps backwards. he is coming under fire for comments about the federal judge presiding over the civil lawsuits. he has said the judge is biased against him because he's of mexican heritage, those comments causing one lawmaker in illinois to resend his support and now lindsey graham is calling on other republicans to do the same. let's bring in the trump senior representative. good morning to you. >> very early morning but happy to be here. thanks for having me. >> thank you so much. first of all i'll ask your general impression of this evening and the results. >> i mean, look we have made history. there has not been this many votes for a gop primary contender ever. sweeping five states tonight and mr. trump had a great theme in his speech about unifying the party moving forward and how honored he is to have the support of the other candidates and he wants to welcome bernie supporters which i thought was a great thing to add so we're looking forward to shifting to the general election strategy. >> speaking of that support, after paul ryan's endorsement it seemed to -- it seems that donald trump was maybe pivoting and then he pivoted back and he's had all these controversial comments over the judge presiding over the trump university case but then this evening sounding more presidential. do you expect this trend will continue. >> i think what we're going to see now is we're going to be focusing on the issues. i want to clarify hillary clinton has named herself the presumptive nominee and i think it's important for the american public and the viewers to know that the dnc has a very strict process in terms of the super delegates and they cannot count those votes technically until the actual dnc election. she is really misinforming the public to say she is the actual presumptive nominee at this point but looking forward to the general election as i do anticipate that she will be the contender, we will be focusing on the issues because her platform is emotion and when we look at things like the economy, jobs, national security issues, she doesn't have a very strong premise to stand on so we look forward to unveiling those issues specifically. >> but in terms of unity of the gop, how can donald trump now as the nominee bring everyone back together when you have people like lindsey graham asking people who are now endorsing him to take back those endorsements. >> i think if you look at the historic voter turnout he has unified the gop and he's reached across party lines. this has never been done before. it's not a politics as usual career politician and perhaps maybe some of these individuals aren't used to his method of delivery or his tone at times but he speaks from his heart and from conviction and when he puts his heart and mind to a goal he accomplishes it. he's accomplished something so amazing up to this point and we will continue to do so and he will accomplish becoming the next president of the united states. >> he said he has a big announcement coming up this week. do you have any ideas that you can give us as to what that will be. >> i don't at this time. i certainly let him do that. i certainly look forward to that myself. >> what about a vp pick, have you heard anything on that front? >> corey lewandowski is heading up that process and that's tightly held i'm sure for obvious reasons. we look forward to unveiling that at the right time. >> do you think he'll be sticking more to a prompter like he did this evening. >> it's hard to tell mr. trump speaks from the heart. he has conversations with americans at his rallies aened when he's out on the campaign trail they're having behind closed doors. so i think that depends on the format and there's many things that go into the decision to use the teleprompter but i think we'll take it as a goes. he speaks from his heart and he has a connection with the american people that no one has ever had. >> you talked about crossing over, there has to be some concern regarding the hispanic vote when it comes to the general election and the campaign will need to work on that. have you heard how donald trump plans to reach out to those constituents, the hispanic voters? >> i think that's misplayed in terms of the media. i travel with mr. trump and i'm on the front lines of the campaign. at these rallies and the overwhelming support from the hispanic community is already there. so again clearly that's an important voting block and we will continue to touch on those issues but the fact of the matter is mr. trump remains committed to creating jobs for those people and by addressing illegal immigration as it's been ignored by obama and for his eight years of his presidency and giving jobs away to illegal immigra immigrants mr. trump is going to be creating jobs for those people who are here the right way and following the law. >> the economy, the number one issue for people across the board, it always continues to be. thank you. >> absolutely. >> thanks for joining us and congratulation on a big night as well. >> thank you. it is a big night in american history with hillary clinton becoming the first presumptive female nominee of a major party this after her failed bid in 2008 and it marks a turning point in our nation. she's ahead of senator sanders right now and we expect him to take the podium any moment now. so the question is what will he say? joining us now is brad sherman from california he is backing mrs. clinton. thank you for joining us this early morning or evening on the fox news channel. >> good to be with you. >> there were reports of layoffs in the sanders campaign tonight and he will meet with president obama in washington on thursday. what will he say in a few minutes? will he pack it in or continue or will he end his candidacy or as he has said will he still move on to the convention and try to contest it and grab some super delegates away from hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton has won a majority of the pledged delegates, a majority of the super delegates. she's won the majority of any kind of delegate . i am a super delegate. there's no way there's going to be a rush of super delegates away from hillary clinton. she is our nominee. i don't know whether he will keep running for one more week because we do have a primary in the district of columbia but i think whether it's this wednesday or next wednesday that we're going to see him play a historic role and that is do everything he can to prevent a man that's appealing on the basis of racism keep that man out of the white house. >> you're referring to donald trump but how does he do that? how do they get together potentially when he has said some nasty things about mrs. clinton, he's had a movement against her and recently questioning the clinton foundation? >> i think the attacks on our side have been very modest compared to what you saw on the other side. trump has unified a chunk of the republican party but obviously he's having problems. there's nothing that would prevent one candidate from supporting the other. >> you believe that the senator will eventually support mrs. clinton? >> i think at the end of this month and by the middle of this month but it may not be tomorrow or the next day. >> it seems like a blow out by mrs. clinton, 61% to 37%. you've got about 5 million absentee ballots. the polls show it was so close. are you surprised by the apparent huge lead -- there it is. we have it on up on the screen now, that apparent almost nearly double that mrs. clinton has against the senator so far? >> i am very gratified and a little surprised at how well we're doing at this point in the evening. i think when all the ballots are counted and i think that by hillary winning in california, which was sanders last stand, it will be easier for him to bring his people aboard and unify behind a not only a historic candidacy in a good sense of the term, we have a nominee who is by temperament and by experience the most qualified person in the country to serve as president, but also a historic candidacy and turning back the first validly racist candidate for president that we've seen in my lifetime and i'm over 60 years old. >> just over one-third of the vote in. 61% and 37% for senator sanders. surely not what the polling predicted. some said senator sanders would win california and that's not the situation tonight. representative brad sherman we thank you for spending your evening with us. >> thank you. >> heather. donald trump is the gop's presidential nominee winning the garden state and picking up an additional 51 delegates but some republicans appear to be app ensive about trump's success. joining us by phone is the republican committeeman from new jersey. thank you for joining us this morning. >> no problem. >> how was voter turn out in new jersey. >> a little early to tell but i think it was on par four years ago when mitt romney got 80% of the vote and donald trump got about the same amount. 81% so far that we've seen. a big strong win, donald trump won every single county in new jersey. he won every single congressional district so at 81% of the vote shows the broad breadth of support republicans in new jersey are giving to donald trump. >> all 21 countries in new jersey. in terms of the gop leadership in your state, how do they feel about the presumptive nominee? >> he had the endorsement of virtually every single county chairmen. our leadership in the legislator. no one ever has you anonymous support. but the vast majority of leadership were behind donald trump and that's why he had the organizational support and all those counties. won every single and won every single congressional district. >> do you think any of those lawmakers may change their mind based on some of the controversy surrounding donald trump this past week or do you think that they'll move on from that? >> i think they'll move on from that. listen, it's the first week of june. there's a long way to go here. two conventions yet to be held. people will have up weeks and down weeks and i think the support in new jersey is going to grow. >> he definitely sounded completely different in the speech that he gave there this eving in new jersey. what did you think about it? >> i think it was very good. he struck the right tone, very presidential and was looking forward. i think that's what republicans in new jersey and around the country wanted to see. >> thank you so much for joining us. appreciate you staying up late with us. >> thank you. we're waiting for senator bernie sanders to address a crowd of supporters in santa monica. he's going to appear at a podium right there any moment now. the question is will he press on to the washington, d.c. primary next week or will he call for party unity and fall in line with hillary clinton or will he repeat his vow to take his fight to the convention floor. we'll take you live to the senator and show you that crowd. >> they're jumping up and down. >> they can't wait to see him but they are disappointed tonight. >> plus the presumptive republican nominee donald trump vowing he can take california in the general election. coming up, the fight for that key battle ground state and others. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, 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>> it looks like he is as my friend judy miller would say toast but i want to say this. i don't think his movement is and i think that what he will bring in to the party is how super delegates are held or done in the future. i think the platform committee will be meeting actually they're starting to meet tomorrow. he has five people on that platform committee. i think that's going to be very influential in what happens in the general election. >> what do you do with all the dashed hopes of all those millions of people that he inspired. are they going to go with hillary clinton? >> there's a lot of talk about her appointing the senator from elizabeth warren from massachusetts. that would be two women on the ticket but there's a lot of talk about that. that would take care of the bernie crowd. >> he's set to meet with president obama on thursday. what do you think will happen there judy. >> i've given up predictions in this election. i do think that clearly it's going to be a kind of come to jesus moment, a little talk between the president and the leader of the party and i think he will call upon bernie sanders to do the right thing if he hasn't already done it by then i suspect after california he probably. this is a decisive defeat for him. >> if he listen to senator sanders what he's been saying so far, he says these super delegates can change their minds and president obama is a super delegate. what is to keep sanders from trying to change obama's mind. >> that's when he thought hillary clinton wouldn't clinch enough delegates to get the nomination, i think she does clinch it based on delegates alone. i think the president is eager to get into this campaign to take on donald trump so i think that's the reason behind meeting with hillary clinton so quickly. i thidon't think the sanders movement follows certainly not in anonymous way and i think he might have created something even beyond his own control from this point forward. so it will be interesting to see now having lost california likely and having hillary clinton with pledged delegates if he keeps his word to keep the march on to philadelphia but i think that is detached from the movement he's created does. >> bernie sanders argues that he does better in the polling and he beats donald trump if you look at the general election, what about a third-party run? do you think it's possible he would do that? >> no, i don't think that's going to happen. even he hasn't given any indication that's likely and it would be terribly destructive at this point in the race which most people think is going to be very close. >> he is his own third-party. he's not a democrat. it's the first time he's ever run in his whole life as being a democrat. he describes himself as a socialist democrat. he is independent. he was able to remember a whacko party in vermont years ago. >> he described himself as a democratic socialist. >> i stand corrected but the folks in tv land know what i mean. what is his role going forward. >> i think we'll hear a lot from the speech tonight. i think he has to be somebody they consult with like they're going to do on the platform committee. i think he brings in some of the more radical parts of the party to the main fold and i think he influences hillary clinton's agenda. >> when you say radical, the israeli radical thing. >> no wall street, that kind of thing that he has been speaking to and getting crowds for. >> doesn't hillary have to pivot to the center. >> she definitely does and i think you're going to see that start. she's limited by the bernie supporters. it's going to be a very fine balancing act. >> both hillary clinton and donald trump we heard them both reach out to his followers this evening. >> and donald trump made the appeal frankly directly to the working class voter that feels that the economic system in its current form has not served them well. he talked about the free trade agreements that in many minds in this country have failed to create manufacturing jobs. hillary clinton made more appeals that donald trump is unfit and unhinged. he doesn't have the temperament. i think trump is going to make the appeal but it's not necessarily the idea that sanders voters will go on mass to trump it's will they turn out for hillary. remember in almost every single contest, even ones he's lost, he's won voters under the age of 40 in every category by serious double digits. that's a big problem for her. >> hold that thought because we have to take a break very quickly but we're going to go to the sanders event when this happens once again so make sure you stay tuned for that and we'll be right back. stay with us. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief we're waiting for bernie sanders to address supporters. we expect that almost any moment now. the one person in america besides the senator and his wife jane who knows what he's going to say on our guy, our fox news digital politics editor. he's further south than santa monica. he's in san diego. chris, what do you think the senator is going to say when he comes to that podium and in terms of the odds? what can he do? >> i think santa monica was the home of "three's company" was that not the case. he'll say come and knock on our door. no, here's the deal for bernie sanders. he lost. she beat him. she's going to beat him. her numbers in california i haven't seen the latest vote share for her but ten minutes ago she was on track to win with unbound, bound, pledged, unpledged, any math you can do. the reality for sanders is he may have stayed too long because the point at which he had the most leverage to make hillary clinton give him the things he wanted as it related to the party or a running mate was before when he was having his good run in may and he was running races in may. you can't stay in too long and start losing. tonight he's losing. >> what happened and why? he was on a roll there for a while and then he hits california which in many places very liberal and it seems like a blowout tonight. 61% to 37% so far with a third of the vote in. >> she's smoking him like medicinal marijuana tonight. may was a good month for him. it had a lot of states that were overwhelming white. he does better with white voters. his footprint looks like donald trump's. you get into a big diverse state like california hillary clinton does quite well with hispanic voters and she is on track to do better with hispanic voters than anybody ever has. the reality for bernie sanders is his base is just in a party that is amazingly diverse, the democratic party, his base is too white. >> over this weekend we had these big stories how he was gaining with looatinos and how e young people at one point 5 million new voters 53% of those were young so one would assume were his supporters, so there was this hope because the polls showed they were neck and neck that he would pull it out. >> can i point out something which is no one would have imagined that we'd be doing this tonight, right? you know why we never covered the california primary like this before, because it never matters. nobody pays any attention because it's at the very end. the very fact that not only one of the two parties made it to the last day, well there's the d.c. primary next week, made it to the last day of voting and the fact that the republicans who we thought were going to go to the convention, that folded up earlier, the very fact this is going on is the reflection of the division in the democratic party. this is the reflection of what's going on and how ret sent democrats have been to take hillary clinton for their taste. >> how does senator sanders kind of gracefully back down especially after everything he said about wall street, about the clinton foundation, about the donations even though he dismissed the e-mail server and e-mails a while ago. how does he get out of this thing. >> i don't how they say it where you're from but where i'm from they say eat the frog first. if you have something bad to do do it first. what bernie sanders has to do to have a career -- remember he's not a democratic, what he needs is to be okay. he needs to be okay with hillary clinton because he stayed too long and he got beat. now he has to be nice and go out on the stage and say congratulations. if he does anything else they'll kill him. they'll grind his bones into dust and bake bread with it. >> bill clinton said he would be out there for everybody until the last dog died. maybe the puppy has four legs in the air. >> i'm disappointed you didn't mention colon os copies. >> this is a family telecast. we don't do polyp humor. >> i encourage everyone to read your piece from june 6th. >> thanks. >> you don't want to miss the interview with hillary clinton. that is tonight because it is wednesday after all on special report starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. pacific time. >> senator sanders motorcade has arrived so we expect his speech in maybe about ten minutes or so from now. if you want to stay that you can stay tuned because the motorcade is of course always the first indication that your candidate is there and everyone sits and waits. it's got to be tough for those people. there were reports this evening that they were booing when president obama's name was mentioned and this sort of thing so they've had such spirit and enthusiasm, they have backed this unlikely candidate and now they have to sit in the evening in california and potentially see him maybe say we're going to continue the cause but not my candidacy. >> how do you think he will acknowledge hillary clinton's win today. >> we'll have to see. the coming out would be my cause continues but the candidacy may not at least for another week. >> the revolution will continue. >> you don't want to disrespect the voters in washington but we'll see. the voters have made hillary clinton the presumptive democratic nominee. >> when it comes to women she has struggled to shore up their vote during the primaries, specifically younger women. will she have more luck with them going up against donald trump. we'll talk about it. >> i'm going to take a moment later tonight and the days ahead to fully absorb the history we've made here, but what i care about most is the history our country has yet to write. my experience with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. 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[cheers and applause] >> thank you! [cheers and applause] >> thank you! thank you all! [cheers and applause] thank you! [cheers and applause] let me -- let me thank -- let me thank -- let me thank -- let me thank -- let me -- let me thank all of you -- let me thank all of you for being here tonight. [cheers and applause] and let me thank all of you for being part of the political revolution. [cheers and applause] i especially want to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers here in the state of california. [cheers and applause] and i want to thank the people of california for their incredible hospitality. [cheers and applause] it has been one of the most moving moments of my life to be out throughout the state in beautiful evenings and seeing thousands and thousands of people coming out. [cheers and applause] people who are prepared to stand up and fight for real change in this country. [cheers and applause] all of you know, all of you know that when we began this campaign a little bit over a year ago, we were considered to be a fringe campaign. [ boos ] but over the last year, i think that has changed just a little bit. [cheers and applause] by the end of tonight we'll have won, i believe, 22 state primaries and caucuses. [cheers and applause] we will have received well over ten million votes. [cheers and applause] and what is most extraordinary to me is the fact that in virtually every single state we have won by big numbers, the votes of young people -- [cheers and applause] -- you young people understand that they are the future of america and they intend to help shape that future. [cheers and applause] and i am enormously optimistic about the future of our country when so many young people have come on board and understand that our vision, a vision of social justice, economic justice -- [cheers and applause] -- racial justice -- [cheers and applause] -- and environmental justice -- [cheers and applaus [cheers and applause] -- must be the future of america. our vision will be the future of america. [cheers and applause] our campaign from day one has understood some very basic points and that is first we will not allow right wing republicans to control our government. [cheers and applause] and that is especially true with donald trump as the republican candidate. [ boos ] the american people in my view will never support a candidate whose major theme is bigotry. [cheers and applause] who insults mexicans, who insults -- [ boos ] -- who insults muslims and women -- [ boos ] -- and african-americans. we will not allow donald trump to become president of the united states. [cheers and applause] but we understand that our mission is more than just defeating trump, it is transforming our country. [cheers and applause] the vast -- the vast majority of the american people know that it is not that the top .1% owns as much as the bottom 90%. we're going to change that. and when millions of americans are working longer hours for lower wages, we will not allow 57% of all new income to go to the top 1%. [cheers and applause] and we will end a corrupt campaign finance system! [cheers and applause] democracy is not about billionaires buying elections. [cheers and applause] and we will end a broken criminal justice system. and we will break up the major banks on wall street. [cheers and applause] and we will join the rest of the industrialized world and guarantee health care to all people as a right. [cheers and applause] and we will bring about real immigration reform and a path to citizenship. [cheers and applause] and we will -- and we will tell the billionaire class in corporate america that they will start paying their fair share of taxes. [cheers and applause] and what we understand and what every one of us has always understood is that real change never occurs from the top on down, always from the bottom on up. [cheers and applause] that is the history of america, whether it is the creation of the trade union movement, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, the gay movement. [cheers and applause] and that is what our movement is about! [cheers and applause] bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! >> but you all know it is more than bernie. it is all of us together. [cheers and applause] it is what this movement is about is millions of people from coast to coast standing up and looking around them and knowing that we can do much, much better as a nation. [cheers and applause] that whether wall street likes it, whether corporate america like it, whether wealthy campaign contributors like it, whether the corporate media likes it -- [cheers and applause] [ boos ] >> we together -- together we know what our job is and that is to bring the american people together to create a government that works for us. [cheers and applause] next tuesday we continue the fight in the last primary in washington, d.c. [cheers and applause] we are going -- we are going -- we are going to fight hard -- we are going to fight hard to win the primary in washington, d.c. -- [cheers and applause] -- and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] i am -- i am pretty good in arather ma tick and i know that the fight in front of us is a very very steep fight, but we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get. [cheers and applause] tonight i had a very kind call from president obama and i look forward to working with him to make sure that we move this country forward. [cheers and applause] and tonight i had a very gracious call from secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victories tonight. [ boos ] our fight is to transform this country and to understand -- and to understand that we are in this together. [cheers and applause] to understand that all of what we believe is what the majority of the american people believe. [cheers and applause] and to understand that the struggle continues. [cheers and applause] i want to thank the if this campaign has proven anything, it has proven that millions of americans who love this country are prepared to stand up and fight to make this country a much better place. [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] thank you all. the struggle continues! wow, wow. sounded initially like perhaps he was going to bow out. but oh, no, and interestingly, he did not mention hillary clinton until the end of that speech, about 15 minutes in. and he said that hillary clinton called him, and obama called him, as well. >> he will meet with president obama at the white house later on this week. he was defiant and will continue his campaign for him, not just the campaign and the candidacy but also a struggle for a revolution in this country, he said, to the washington, d.c. primary next week. and then as he has vowed on to the convention in philadelphia, trying to contest that. well aware of the situation with the math. but as we said, he said this was not just about one issue, but changing the terms of the democratic party and the quality, wall street, special interests. social injustice, and the theme of bigotry that he said that donald trump was guilty of. >> that was one thing he said that they would not allow the right wing republicans to control the government. that is a quote. especially true with donald trump. >> let's bring in our panel now to see what all of this means. we'll be joined with our fox news contributors. ellen, let me start with you. are you surprised? >> i am actually very surprised. i didn't think he would not concede, he doesn't have the votes coming in. but he is head of a movement and it continues and frankly the movement will be needed by the democratic party not just in this election, but future elections. don't forget we have a down ballot election, that is very important here and that movement may influence that as well. >> well, what happens when the movement runs against the wall, with the math favoring hillary, apparently? >> well, she is the nominee but the movement is still there. the movement exists whether she is the nominee or not and pushes her from going to the middle. otherwise i think she would have moved to the middle much sooner. >> i think that he congratulated her. but it was at the end of the speech. and the crowd clearly did not like it. they booed, cwhich was amazing. and the only door he left open was his attack on donald trump. the only way he can unify his supporters, he can bring them over to her is to say at some point ultimately it's more important to defeat donald trump than it is to you know, fight forever for a candidacy that will for the go anywhere. but i must say it was a very tough unrelenting speech. and the struggle goes on. and it could not have made hillary clinton happy. >> and as you said, it's more than bernie, and obviously, tony, in his view that is exactly the case. >> that is right, that is why i felt all along own the objective indicator should have led to the conclusion he would have withdrawn from the race. it's hard to imagine he would have after he started. and following this quote, which i thought was one of the most powerful pivots in the piece. our mission is more than beating donald trump, it's transforming our country. to go after the top 1%, hillary clinton is the poster child of the top. criminal justice system reform. bill clinton is the president who basically created the laws that he now wants to fight. and he goes after wall street and the banks. she collects most of wall street donations than any our candidate. she got all of those millions from goldman sachs. he is not letting her off the hook. he is there to keep accountability of her candidacy. he has already won the argument, if not the votes. >> so what is going on in the clinton campaign tonight? >> well, i would imagine there is a tremendous amount of distress, because they would obvious obviously singularly focus on donald trump. >> do you think it was interesting she called him this evening, and he made a point to say that. >> i did, also he said that obama called him, and looked forward to -- >> it was a kind phone call. >> everybody coming, mohammed coming to the mount. but this was interesting, he didn't even acknowledge the historic moment that was hillary's tonight, which is the fact she wille lead the party, the first woman to do so in the election, not only that it was so ungracious. >> it seems that he may have sandbagged the president tonight. let me get you -- >> mike emmanuelle was actually traveling with bernie sanders tonight. wow, i bet his followers were very happy tonight, mike, what is the feeling? >> reporter: and i got to tell you and eric that the place went bananas here at the hangar at the santa monica airport. we were not sure what we would hear from bernie sanders, it sounds like the results in california were not what he hoped for after campaigning here for two weeks. so some of his staffers are antsy, edgy, perhaps suggesting the end was near. but then bernie sanders has the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand, as strong as ever saying the fight will continue. when he said he was going to go on to washington, d.c., next tuesday, the crowd here went absolutely nuts. so that really hit a key withes diehard supporters who gathered here in southern california tonight. they don't want to give up on the movement or the bernie sanders dream. and so when he said he is going to continue the fight that certainly resonated very well in this big room behind me. heather, eric? >> we also heard a lot of boos when he mentioned hillary clinton. what were people saying, did you have an opportunity to speak to anyone before bernie sanders came out. what did they think he would say? >> well, there is a lot of hard feelings after the associated press and some other media outlets called hillary clinton the presumptive democratic nominee last night, when you had six contests on this day. so basically they were accusing the corporate media, if you will, of suppressing the vote. so when sanders made mention of the corporate media, there were boos. the crowd went nuts, unhappy with their broadcast. and so basically they're all about bernie. fired up for bernie. don't want to hear that the end is here, don't want to hear that hillary clinton is to presu the nominee, he congratulated hillary clinton on becoming the presumptive nominee, his diehard supporters don't want to give up the dream just yet. >> you know, obviously, the core beliefs of income inequality, social justice, and the corporate interests and all of this, we have breaking news, he has now notched up another state, the senator we are told has won montana. so he has taken both north dakota and montana tonight. and you can see five points ahead of hillary clinton. besides this movement, is there an indication he will try to follow up on the past and change the minds of the super delegates. you have 720 of the super delegates -- >> she needs about 500 of them to change. >> it's an up-hill battle. he said generally the math is not with im. but do you think that the inner workers of his campaign will continue pressing forward on the international apparatus to try to pick up more super delegates from hillary clinton. >> well, he told us at some point in the morning he will fly back to vermont to reassess with his campaign team. he hoped to go back with a win in california. it's not clear what the final result will be at this hour. but bottom line he was hoping after campaigning nonstop here in california, spending 2 and a half million on advertising that he would be able to pull off a win and help make that argument to the super delegate that he is the strongest candidate to take on donald trump. it's not clear he will have that ammunition. but jeff weaver's campaign manager told us earlier in the day he thought there was zero chance of bernie sanders dropping out tomorrow when he got home to vermont. so what he said tonight, it certainly says he is going to try to strange to twist the arm of super delegates. it will be interesting to see what happens with his meeting on thursday. we hear there will be a rally in washington, d.c. on thursday night without the next contest. so it seems like status quo, even though there are headlines in the wall street journal and "the new york times" that sanders is having to cut his staff, because money is an issue. when you call somebody the presumptive nominee, the money flow tends to run out to the other guy. >> well, certainly the contest is continuing, mike emmanuelle from santa monica, thank you. let's talk about the president's meeting with the senator later on this week. let me read a statement from the white house earlier this evening, the president thanked senator sanders for energizing millions of americans, with issues like fighting economic inequality, and saying the resident looks forward to continuing the conversation with senator sanders but how to build on the extraordinary work he has done to engage millionings of democratic voters and build on the enthusiasm in the weeks and months ahead. does that sound like they had a conversation where he said i'm continuing, i'm pressing forward and going to keep on campaigning. i ain't giving up? >> well, it certainly does sound like that. and in fact the president did meet with senator sanders, a couple of months ago at the white house. they're looking for the small donor because they have to raise a lot of money and sanders has his fingers on that small donor. >> i mean, tony, if you're barack obama, what is in your mind now? you know, saying the math is not there but he is going to continue, you can respect that? >> both the president and secretary clinton have to manage bernie sanders very carefully. i suspect they're not going to strong arm him, they have not up to this point. even though the mathematical rationale has been difficult for his candidacy. he believes he remains with the leverage and will try to use the leverage to make sure some types of the platform are exchange, the rules committee, maybe tackling the super delegates. all of these things are important to him because bernie sanders realizes he has a legacy and has basically created a movement, part of a revolution that he has to honor in many respects. here is something interesting. he said in his remarks he must do better. barack obama has been president for eight years. people for get there is a large part of the progressive movement today very disappointed in this president. i would argue he has been progressive enough, but others don't feel he has gone far enough. so i don't think bernie sanders necessarily feels that loyalty to the president. >> i was wondering why is president obama meeting with him on thursday if bernie sanders just came out this evening and said i'm going through to next week to you know d.c., no matter what. do you think he told president obama in the phone call or perhaps president obama was surprised like the rest of us this evening? >> that is yet to be reported, but we do know that president obama is coming up to be on the jimmy kimmel show, which obviously takes priority over the future of the democratic party. but beyond that, i think he -- as tony said, must handle bernie sanders as a keg of dynamite. for hillary clinton, that is getting his supporters and independence, people who may not turn out. it's crucial for her victory, she cannot afford, no matter how angry she may be, despite the fact she had to spend a million dollars in california that she was not planning on spending on advertising to beat him. she still has to tread very carefully. >> did president obama still come out this week and throw his support as has been projected towards hillary clinton now? does edo that? >> i he he may wait until after the democratic primary in d.c. next week, next tuesday, and then he can do it. but i just want to follow up on what tony said about how there are people disappointed in president obama and bill press, my talk show friend, talked about buyer's remorse. and i think this had to do with president obama, and that is what bernie sanders is tapping into. >> by staying in and continuing does that help hillary in the end, that a lot of these people, millions of people don't go out disappointed tonight because as you say it is a crusade and revolution and his own movement that will start continuing no matter what is in the white house in january? >> that will be the possible upside scenario, i don't think it's likely. i think a large part of the sanders base doesn't like hillary clinton, they don't think they is authentic, they think she is part of the corporate elite in washington, d.c. that has failed the large amount of voters. i think it is obvious she will inspire a lot of young voters. >> he made sure to emphasize that this evening. the young voters, but whom will they dislike more? donald trump or hillary clinton? in the end, i think the clinton campaign assumes that many or most of those voters will come around to her side. i'm not sure if that is correct, but that may be an assumption. >> if they vote at all. >> if they turn out it will be key. >> i'm so interested about the meeting on thursday. >> we do have a quick programming note for you tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern, brett baier will sit down with the presumptive democratic nominee, hillary clinton, i'm sure she will have something to say about the speech. >> and mr. sanders is kind of boycotting the o'reilly program, when he put him on tv months and months and months ago, so senator, you got an invitation. >> come visit us. >> well, right now we're still waiting for the final results from the democratic primary, even though the initial results show mrs. clinton ahead as the senator. so the gap will close. >> we did have that breaking news, senator sanders now projected winning montana and north dakota. and we will also discuss the top issues coming up, which were on the minds of voters as they cast their plballots today as well a the key voting group they need to court in the general. ♪ you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ no, you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. welcome back to america's election headquarters, this is 2:21 a.m. here on the east coast and joining us now is the chief political correspondent for political review. and jessica tarlov, a strategist. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> so right away, i'm going to get your response. bernie sanders, he is in it and staying in it, says he is going to fight for every delegate. that is a quote, what do you think? >> well, sure, he is in it until the bitter end, heather. you know he has really energized the young voters, which is something that hillary clinton has not been able to do. he has a lot of energy and momentum behind him. and i'm sure that hillary thought he would have been put away much sooner than now. and here we are in june, bernie sanders is still here. i don't agree with anything he says, the man is a socialist, but he has given her a run for her money, that is for sure. >> and jessica, what did you think, next tuesday, washington, d.c. says he is actually taking it all the way to philadelphia. how is this impacting democrats in general and hillary's campaign explosi campaign? >> i think it's terrible for democrats in general. they is the presumptive nominee, that happened, she won the votes fair and square. i thought he sounded as it was put that it was not gracious. i thought that it was beyond not gracious. i thought it was bitter and narrow minded when you look at the big picture with donald trump. he did not say to his saturaupps when they booed her, and that we are on the same side. i thought it was hugely wrong for the kpap. there is a big piece out tonight by politico, that the in-fighting with his campaign, he is essentially not listening to anyone. he is calling all the shots himself. i wouldn't put it past him that maybe he was going to tell obama that he was conceding, and then no. >> that is exactly what we talked about, why meet with president obama. >> again, he is in it until the bitter end, because don't forget, the fbi is still investigating hillary clinton. she is the first presidential nominee to be under fbi investigation. so that is another historical first in our country. >> yeah, our original topic that we were going to discuss are the female voters and who will be able to get them. who needs them in terms of the general election. and with bernie sanders still sticking in it, you know, he spoke very strongly against donald trump. but as you said jessica, he didn't come out and even really congratulate hillary clinton at all. so how does she get some of the voters, specifically the young female voters who now are going for bernie sanders? >> well, i think that she keeps hammering away at her message and keeps being nice about bernie sanders, which i'm guessing is becoming increasingly difficult under the circumstances. but she has a substantial lead with female voters against donald trump, up 54/30 in the latest polling i saw. the latest poll, she was up 57-33 with white college educators with female voters. that all works in her favor. she has not with a perfect record with female voters but i think it's one she can win, she is ahead with female voters and african-american voters. >> they're trying to reshape her image, something else that bernie sanders talked about this evening is that top 1%, and income inequality. and do you think that she made maybe a misstep with that what, $12,000 armani jacket when she spoke about income inequality? >> well, listen, hillary clinton is in her own club. and for her, yeah, she can wear whatever she wants. that is a big message to the voters in terms of what she can spend on clothing. that is something that somebody would probably pay for a car, for example. but hillary clinton is having problems with female voters. they are not excited about her. they don't trust her. and the polling i've read is that she is having serious problems getting female voters to support her. so we'll see what pans out as time goes on of the but the way i see it, hillary clinton is also her worst enemy. because again, she has a lot of problems going on with the fbi investigation, the clinton foundation investigation. and so there are a lot of issues that people are watching. and again, people just don't trust the woman. >> and you can add to that list now bernie sanders who is not giving up. all right, jessica and denean, thank you for joining us. and sticking around. >> good-bye. >> she was shopping at ralph lauren a few weeks ago, that was just armani. >> they just announced laying off a whole lot of people. >> she was inside when i walked by four weeks ago. still ahead on this hour, we'll have more on hillary clinton's historic evening. and as we told you, she has the delegate votes to be the nominee, but well, with senator sanders not going anywhere, who does she fight first? bernie or donald. and who rains on her parade tonight. what will that mean for the rest of this race. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. kennetthis afternoon closinfor auditions? what's on that piece of paper? oh, miss maroney, your forehead! should not be doing anything. i just had botox. i know exactly what's happening! ah! whoa! this is a bad streaming experience. the girlie show is a real fun lady show. 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(vo) only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. switch now, buy two samsung phones, and get a free 50" smart tv, plus up to $650 back. only on america's best network. today, donald trump spoke at the westchester golf course he owns, he quoted the speech, citing many of the same themes. but what happened today, with the big surprise, ain't going to happen soon, because senator sanders is staying in. let's talk to judith miller, adjunct professor, and vp of jamestown associates. let's listen to mr. trump before we go to them. >> well, we have -- it is 2:31 a.m. tony, let me start with you. there was a reporter this evening that senator sanders is calling all the shots. not giving up. he has a meeting with president obama on thursday, what do you think happened? he came out with the big crowd and said he is not going anywhere. he has the deep principles that he relies on and run this race on and he will not give up. >> the energy was unmistakable. even when hillary clinton delivered her remarks on what is unmistakably a big night for her, it was not even a fraction as intense. i think bernie sanders much like ted kennedy in 1980 is willing to roll the dice. he has won 22, maybe 24 states, won a lot of these in the second half. picked up steam here towards the end. i think if he won california he would have certainly a better rationale, but if he wants to drive home he feels that hillary clinton certainly will not pay enough attention to those more progressive sets of issues without him into this race. what i thought was more interesting, because you brought up the trump speech as well is how he appealed to the bernie sanders vote on the economic argument, the trade agreement, getting americans working again. the unfairness in the economic system and economic order. these are things if you are a bernie sanders supporter and that was why you were supporting him, trump is appealing. on the other issues, sanders has a beef with trump, i don't think if you're a social justice -- >> judy, what do you make of trump -- >> earlier it was pointed out that he did not think or even address or was very gracious about mrs. clinton and her apparent historic achievement this evening. and he was coming out strong with his campaign continuing and he did not quiet the boos with he mentioned her name. >> absolutely, this is vintage sanders, he is so unpopular with his party, as unpopular with the democratic hierarchy as donald trump was with the republican hierarchy. and it's so interesting to me that both of these men who have these extraordinary popular followings are really an anat had h o hema to the party they claim to want to represent. >> to those who voted for the other part, i will work very hard to earn your support. to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arms. >> all right, well, bernie sanders did not say i'm dropping out both for hillary clinton. but he did say very specifically, we will not allow donald trump to win. so why do you think he was so strong against donald trump this evening? >> well, i have a theory. you know, i have a mental health background. so i tend to look at things from a longer perspective. and they overlapped in the senate almost two years i believe. and i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall, during even though he caucused with the democrats and is quote unquote an independent at that point in time i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during his interactions with hillary clinton. because i'm telling you, i doubt whether this is just this campaign. >> do you think that was part of the conversation with president obama this evening, if you're not going to drop out, be sure you don't switch over to the donald trump campaign -- >> i also think bernie sanders is very legitimately despited about the fact that the ap committed in my opinion, malpractice, yesterday without one contest taking place all of a sudden coming up with this projection that hillary clinton had the amount of votes. on the eve of tonight where many contests would take place. i thought it was under-cutting and stunning. and i think sanders alluded to that. i think wants to reject this idea that they have to play by the old rules where the establishment elite guard gets to rig the system and call all the shots. so look, i think he is going to keep it interesting, although it will be very curious in how president obama i think manages this relationship. it's very likely he will become as the potential head of the democratic party, the broker between hillary clinton and sanders. >> do you think what he did tonight. that ap decision, because when that came out it then followed that some networks called the race for mrs. clinton, that alone could have been such a blow to senator sanders that it made his decision to press on. because it fits, as you said, tony, right into his rationale that he talks about. >> well, that is one of the questions that we hope the reporters covering bernie sanders with him will be asking him. is this what he intended to do when he walked out on the stage, we really don't know. and i think what he intends to do in the coming weeks will determine her prospects. >> you can look at the latest polling, yesterday they were 2 percentage points apart. and then you look at the votes that came in this evening, and it was what, 60% to 9 -- >> there it is. now we have just under a half. and the senator said it will close up. and it is closing a bit. but look, they're still 20 points apart. but for the senator, it's more than just the race for the white house now. it's a revolution in his mind that he has been fighting for the last 40-some odd years in vermont, that it is spread across the country. >> and they will leave the republicans and democrats in the tough race for the white house next fall. senator sanders has we have been telling you, ain't going anywhere. and coming up, a look at the many issues both candidates will have to confront, all along the way. stay with us. >> many of you feel like you're out there on your own. that no one has your back. well, i do. i hear you. i see you. and as your president, i will always have your back. >> i'm going to be america's champion. because you see, this election is not about republican or democrats. it's about who runs this country. primary and caucuses just about over, the last contest is in washington next week. now the presumptive nominees are looking forward to the general elections. hillary wright has a look at the issues that will dominate the issues. >> good morning, to you as well, eric and heather, bernie sanders, notwithstanding, what happens in the general election, let's take a look at what they may look like. with enough votes, hillary clinton is celebrating her special place in history during a victory rally here in new york city at the navy yard. clinton acknowledged she had just become the first woman in history to become a major nominee for the presidential party. for that she thanked pioneering women in the past, and the party. >> we all owe so much who came before us, and tonight belongs to all of you. >> and with that, hillary clinton praised her democratic rival, bernie sanders, and looked at the efforts to win the general election, and then blasted the presumptive nominee, donald trump. >> he is not just trying to build a wall between america and mexico. he is trying to wall off americans from each other. when he says let's make america great again, that is code for, let's take america backward. we believe we should lift each other up. not tear each other down. >> donald trump, who has come under fire by fellow republicans for his critical comments he made about a federal judge's mexican heritage reached out to ease the concerns of established republicans during a rally in briarcliff new york, trump said he would make republicans proud of their party and the trump movement. instead of talking off the cuff, he used a teleprompter, and focused on the attack against hillary clinton saying she and her husband have used public office to personally enrich themselves. >> they have used hundreds of millions of dollars, selling access and government contracts to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. secretary clinton even did all the work on a totally private e-mail server, something that how she is getting away with it, folks, nobody understands. >> so that is a look at the campaign and the back and forth that will take place between trump and clinton. here are the analysts who some say will determine who becomes president. number one, it's the economy, stupid, if the economy doesn't improve, clinton could find herself in jeopardy if people can't find work and improve their incomes and their lives. a lot of frustrations, analysts say trump, because of his business background could be a strong person for the economy. other issues that impact both candidates how will clinton defend her public record on sec? the state department e-mails, foreign policy, the deaths of the ambassador and three other americans in benghazi. the conflict in syria, isis, libya, all of these are open to attacks from trump. but analysts say will trump win if he continues the campaign in the way he has in the past. he has to change his style, and as some republicans say, become more presidential. so no matter how you see it, eric and heather, it's clear this will be a nasty campaign. so put your seat belts on, this will likely be a bumpy ride between now and november. we ain't done yet. >> and kelly, it just got more bumpy with senator sanders vowing to press on with his revolution. thank you. all right, we can tell you fox has confirmed, this is breaking news from a senior campaign official, that over half of the bernie sanders campaign will be laid off in the next week. fox confirmed that sanders will have two meetings in fact in d.c. on thursday, one of those as we mentioned will be with president obama in the white house in the morning. another one with senator reid, in reid's office in the early afternoon. so additional information for you that has been confirmed from fox. right now -- >> we'll go back to the panel. >> are we going to the the panel? >> to the panel for a second. two meetings, with the president and harry reid, what will he say to both of them when he is in washington? >> well, i think the issue is what harry reid will say to senator sanders, that will be the bigger issue because he now still has him as a senator who is caucusing with him, now he is a democratic party person. so i think harry reid will try to bring him in the fold a bit, so to speak. >> reid has already been critical of bernie sanders and encouraged him to leave the race. the issue of sanders, and particularly with the minority leader reid, there is nothing reid can offer him. how do you buy something for somebody who refuses to buy. i think what you're starting to see is the dialogue being established, the lines of communication for the eventual constitute when sanders does lead for a way that reid and obama both approve. >> quickly, what does sanders do? >> well, sanders is going to do what he has always done. now the unofficial leader of the revolutionary movement. >> all right, we'll continue to talk about it. everyone stay with us. we will be right back. do not move. show me movies with romance. show me more like this. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. welcome back to america's election headquarters, hillary clinton making history as the first woman to become the nominee of a major party. but bernie sanders is determined to stay in the race. joining us now the president of the women's media center, and well as a clinton adviser and fox news contributor. and ethan bareman, thank you for joining us so early. >> hello. what a night out there. >> what a night, jimmy, i'll actually start with you. i mean, hillary clinton did make history this evening. >> absolutely. >> but has it been over shadowed? >> no, heather, i was in the room when secretary clinton made her speech tonight. and the room was electric. i found it really interesting, because she was so softspoken of the -- and i think that added to just how historic that moment was. softspoken, strong, it was so much more than just about hillary clinton. this is about little girls and boys and how their collective futures have dramatically been changed tonight with hillary clinton getting the nomination. and i think whoever tries to take that away, whether it's donald trump, and i certainly was disappointed in senator sanders' speech a few minutes ago. whoever is trying to take that away, that is playing politics at a time when you really can look at this nomination and see just how far we've come. >> ethan, i want to go back to what jimmy was talking about, and the speech that hillary clinton gave this evening. off the very start of the speech she was talking about a gender, being a woman, and the glass ceiling. what did you think about that? >> well, i congratulate secretary clinton for her victory and she is absolutely right. she is the first major party candidate woman representing and running for president. and getting the nomination. but let's get to the point back here for a second. so she talks in these platitudes just like a politician does. but what is her track record on these issues of working together? she has a terrible track record on this. her likeability, her trustworthiness, these are all major issues, bernie sanders is sticking in this race. that will be a problem for her all the way through. she gave a great speech, it was wonderful. what will she actually do with this nomination? that is what it comes down to. >> and jimmy, you were talking about how she was softspoken, i was thinking about that as well. but do you think that is part of the effort to revamp her image, because even the delivery as you said of her speech was very different this evening. >> oh, no, i don't think so, i have been in many rooms, both labor a large and small, and i think one of the reasons you see the campaign so focused, that is where she connects with voters and really has i think the best interaction. and she is always softspoken, now, there are times she is, and times when you have to take it to donald trump like she did and say that he was unfit, unprepared, and too dangerous for this country. and so she is also a fighter. but i think really when you look at just the historic moment of tonight, 50 years ago, heather, there were states in this country where women could not get credit card or rent apartments. could not even serve on a jury. >> very different now. >> this is history making, history made. >> i have to wrap you up. evan, thank you for joining us as well. our special campaign coverage continues after this break. history made tonight. hillary clinton, the first major party candidate. hillary clinton rewriting the history books of our nation. >> she is the first woman to become the presidential nominee of a major u.s. political party senator bernie sanders is not standing down. >> emphatically not standing down. welcome to the third straight hour of america's election headquarters headquarters. clinton has won at least three more states. sanders has won two. the biggest prize, california, still too close to call. >> breaking minutes ago, it turns out the sanders campaign will layoff what we are told is over half of the campaign staff in the coming weeks. but the vermont senator defiant in santa monica, california this evening, saying he has plans to roll on to washington, d.c.'s primary next week. >> we are going to fight hard to 1 -- to win the primary in washington, d.c. and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania. >> well, on the gop side meantime donald trump, the republican nominee finished off the primary season with added momentum as well. >> he won the five contests and now fox news can project that they have enough bound delegates that he will win his party's nomination. >> for more on that garrett joins us from the dc bureau. good morning. it is very early morning. >> good morning to y'all. the day the shadow was darker than ever and he came over -- he came under fire after his controversial comments of the federal judge overseeing the case of trump university. he has an inherent conflict of interest because his parents were born in mexico and his stance on immigration. less than a week after endorsing trump paul ryan called those remarks unacceptable. thisy said they were -- they said they were the textbook definition of a racist comment. trump appears to be moving past the controversy and issued a statement saying in part it is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as an attack against people of mexican heritage. i am friends with and employ thousands of people of mexican-american dissent. based on the rulings i feel justified in questioning whether i am receiving a fair trial. while this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in november and i do not intend to comment on this matter any further. in miss victory -- in his victory speech he did not talk about the trump university case at all. he spent a majority of the time hammering away at hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton turned the state department into her private hedge fund. the russians, the saudis, the chinese all gave money to bill and hillary and got favorable treatment in return. it is a sad day in america when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens. >> trump is well aware of the division within the democratic party and with hillary clinton securing enough for her party's m no nation he is also reaching out to bernie sanders supporters who may have a hard time backing clinton. >> garrett, thank you so much. i believe, eric, you will talk more about hillary clinton making history becoming the first woman to win enough delegates to win her nomination. >> now more on the historicky vent -- the historic event. >> at least now the momentum of his strewy is in hillary -- history is in hillary clinton's corner. she is the democratic prooy sum tiff nominee and the first woman to do it. >> thanks to you we've reached a milestone. first time in our nation's history that our woman will be a major party nominee. >> hillary clinton celebrated in brooklyn, new york with enthusiastic supporters who reveled in her historic victory. she paid tribute to her deceased mother, dorothy, who instilled in her the strength to achieve what ever she set her mind to. and winning enough delegates to capture the democratic nomination come eight years to the day she lost the race to obama. clinton had only kudos for her tough opponent, bernie sanders. >> i want to congratulate senator sanders for the extra campaign he has run. he has spent his long career in public service fighting for progressive causes and principals and excited millions of voters especially young people. >> hillary clinton has 2,197 with new jersey, new mexico and south dakota and sanders has 1,663. sanders on tuesday refused to concede the nomination vowing to move on to washington, d.c. which is next tuesday. he won the north dakota caucuses and the montana primary. he tried to stake a claim for the biggest prize, california. our fox news decision team says it is too early to call, but hillary so far has the lead. sanders rallied supporters in santa monica. >> our campaign from day one has understand some very basic points and that is first we will not allow right wing republicans to control our government. especially true with donald trump as the republican candidate. >> the white house says president obama called both mrs. clinton and bernie sanders congratulating them for running inspired campaigns. at sanders' request the president will meet with the vermont senator on thursday. and sanders campaign will layoff half of its staff in the next week. eric? >> despite that it seems he is staying in for now, at least through next week in washington, d.c. he sees it as a revolution in his words and a movement. what will mrs. clinton to react to sanders staying in the race. brett will ask that question. he has an interview with hillary clinton and you can see that this evening on "spcial report" at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox newschannel. heather? he said from the beginning that the nomination process was rigged in his opinion. joining us is the president of rasmusson media. >> i am here. good morning. >> good morning. what did you think? bernie sanderses says he is not going anywhere. he is going all the way to philadelphia and he will fight for every delegate he can get. >> you know, i think this is the natural outcome of the rhetoric that has gotten him this far. just as donald trump's tone has got him friends and foes bernie sanders has been saying this process is rigged and he wants to fight for something and make it more than a campaign about himself. i wouldn't be surprised if part of his effort when he goes to the convention is to change the rules so we don't have so many super delegates next time around. >> do you remember in 2008 hillary clinton herself wasn't too happy with the super delegate system. apparently between 2008 and this time around she learned how to work that system a little bit. >> it is amazing how things go. when things work in your favor you like the system more. something to note that something that was the same in 2008 and 20 20 -- 2016, the democratic primary, the person with the most pledged delegates did win. we did not see a system in 2008 where hillary clinton won the pledge delegates and the super delegates took it away from her. that doesn't look like it i will will happen this time either. >> that's what is surprising to a lot of people. hillary clinton as of this evening is in the lead with pledged delegates and super delegates, but bernie sanders says he is not going anywhere. >> of course. part of the reason is hillary clinton does not have enough pledge delegates to legally clinch the nomination. what that means is if anything happens, anything dramatic happens he is there. >> anything dramatic like the fbi investigation? >> something dramatic like the fbi investigation would certainly be the most likely surprise. politically if hillary clinton did something and she is way behind in the polls that macon vince the super delegates. >> we have to wrap you up, but i believe i will see you at 5:00 a.m. on "fox and friends first," is that correct? >> i am looking forward to. it. >> see you then. >> we are burning the midnight oil here on the fox newschannel all through the evening. despite capturing his party's nome nag done -- nomination donald trump is a thorn in the side of some republicans like the senator from illinois. he is rescinding his endorsement of mr. trump, but he is in a tight race in illinois. and lyndsay graham is encouraging lawmakers to do the same and unendorse trump. can trump unify his party? now vince from "the daily caller." it is just after midnight on the west coast, so the folks in california where they are counting the votes are watching us this evening. you know, the democrats, they are divided even though mrs. clinton has a historic achievement. you have sanderses staying in. what can the republicans do about trump especially after the events of today and the remarks about the judge and the mexican heritage comments. >> it took a full court press from every prominent republican to get ton nailed strum -- to get donald trump to a place i didn't expect. his comments involving the judge, he would no longer address them in the public. the media was misconstruing him and that's wrong, but he is not going to address the issue in public anymore. he feels like it is a losing issue for him. i thought that was amazing for a guy who has spent the entire race anytime he has gotten pushed back, pushing ahead and going with it or changing the subject entirely which is what he did. he said i will attack the judge because this is my best chance of winning in the court of public opinion. >> he will move from attacking the judge to hillary clinton because he has a big speech planned for monday. man oh man was he scorching against her. he said clinton has turned the politics into an art form and mrs. clinton turned it into a private hedge fund. do you think he will get traction for that? >> i think he will. he has had a lot of success and now that it is down to just hillary and trump, it is going to get a lot more media play. if what he is saying is correct and he will go after her with the clinton foundation and the involvement of their private donors and the relationship with the state department, this will be a first for him. he has basically avoided it in clinton of the sex scandals of the 90s. it looks like a full scale attack on hillary clinton. clearly he needs to and this is what republicans want him to do. mitch mcconnell wants him to stay on message. the republican party is getting all lot of heartburn, but also from the electorat. 70% of people went for candidates like ted cruz and ben carson and donald trump. the party is very con -- confused. the voters want something different than the establishment in washington. how do we get that something different? donald trump to play at least a little by our rules so that when we go into november we can stand by our nominee jie. and it looks like he will have a long and grueling list when he deals with mrs. clinton and we will see what he says on monday. vince, thank you for staying up. it is 3:13 in the east. you must be drinking a lot of of espresso. >> i love doing it. fox news has great coffee. >> that's good to hear. >> i live on it. >> just be careful of the green room food. >> that is true. back to the political panel. the bureau chief of talk news and the executive vice president of jamestown associates and all fox news contributors. judy, what does donald trump need to do to move beyond the controversies? what can he do? >> he can't. he can try and change the subject by asserting he was misconstrued, but look at this lineup in his party. paul ryan who is the a author of the 2012 autopsy on why mitt romney did not win pointed out that barack obama got 80% of minority votes. you cannot win in an election if they will repeat the bad performance. donald trump goes out of his way to alienate a judge whom arnold schwarzenegger called a hero. he was determined to fight the mexican drug cartels. >> it doesn't get worse when you say paul ryan say it is the definition of racism. you can't wipe it away saying i am done talking about it. the people in his own party know he went out of the -- donald trump went out of the way to make this accusation. this is a huge problem. this is a problem for donald trump. >> it is the first time they said this is the huge problem. they can't overcome this. every time he does. >> i didn't say he cooperate -- we have been talking about primary elections and a general election is a totally different ballgame. this will not fly on the general public. >> donald trump's ability to self-correct cannot be under smited. -- underestimated. we talk about the media he gets and it goes into the billions. people also listen every time he speaks. moo than a structural generic politician he can fix the problem if he looks at issues related to jobs and the economy and things that we know. even hillary pollster all of the foreign governments and the server and the national security compromise, all of those go against hillary clinton in an affirmative way. he can really change the trajectory and she goes into dangerous territory which she uses trms like she did tonight when she said trump is unqualified. that's because of things he has said. there are things he can -- the two focuses of the criminal investigation of the fbi, the clinton foundation and the clinton family themselves enriching themselves base of her position at the department of state. he is better off focusing on laser beam. >> isn't that the term that bernie sanders described to go against hillary clinton. >> you have gone over the edge and he shouldn't have. what tony was saying is true of the other candidates, both hillary clinton and bernie sanders. without that nobody will make it. >> what is it about donald trump's performance that leads you to believe he is a disciplined candidate. every one fell off their chair. hillary clinton does not talk about the positions as much as temperrent meant. temperament. every time he makes a racial slur and that reinforced the name. >> there is a book about to be released by one of the secret service members that she doesn't have the temperament. donald trump has been mostly on message which is how i would suggest. he focuses on the theme of making america great again and the rigged system and the bad deals the country has suffered through under barack obama. when he gets off message and says things about the judge and people are uncomfortable with. i actually think he has the capacity for message discipline for sure. >> what are we talking about? hillary clinton made history this evening, but we are talking about donald trump and his issues. and bernie sanders staying in the race. a lot of attention taken from hillary clinton. >> the headline is the major event. he has been apparently noteminad and will lead the major party. >> it depends on what party you are affiliated with. jay meanwhile we are -- >> meanwhile we were talking to sanderses. he said the troubles continue. a senator from vermont who doesn't have to be a socialist democrat or democrat socialist. it is right through trying to be a senator and now the democratic nomination, it ain't going anywhere. what does it mean for the race? we will have the analysis wherever you are. thank you for staying with us because we know you have choices. they brought this on themselves. now it's war, and i want them dead! the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. senator sanders for the extraordinary campaign he has ran. he has spent his long career in public service fighting for progressive causes and principals and he has excited millions of voters, especially young people. and let there be no mistake. senator sanders, his campaign and the vigorous debates we've had about how to raise income, reduce iny qult and in-- inequality and upward mobility has been good for the democratic party and america. >> hillary clinton may have nabbed her party's title of presumptive presidential nominee, she has her work ahead. when it comes to scooping up sanders' supporters he is not helping yet. he vows again to continue on with his campaign. we are joined by the gener is editor of "the doo daily >> the daily caller. i can't wait to hear what he had to say. >> he sounds like a man who wants to continue the revolution. when washington votes the final race in the season perhaps all the way to the convention. you know, in the back of his mind he may believe there is a small chance hillary will be indicted m he will be standing there and win the nomination. on the other hand he may want hillary clinton to offer him something to get out of the race. we will have to see. if i was hillary clinton i would try to set up a meeting face-to-face to see what she could offer him and get his supporters behind her. >> that's what we were talking about being of significance. hillary clinton is the one who called bernie sanders. and then president obama walled bernie sanders versus him calling them. what do you think that means? there was an offer made and bernie sanders came out and said i am going to still in it? >> dl is no question there is pressure being applied and then throughout the next week or so you will see his friends in the senate call and tell bernie there is no chance for you to win. you are only helping donald trump. does that matter? he is a revolutionary, a man who believes in the left wing ideas. he was -- he wasn't even a democrat. maybe they can give him something, but special -- certainly he will not be peer pressured out of the race. >> benefiting hillary clinton in that he came out so strongly against donald trump who was vying for followers if and when he drops out. >> perhaps that's the best hope. bernie may not care about the democratic establish manhattan. he is helping donald trump and win against hillary clinton. that may be enough to say you know what, i believe in my ideas and my disagreements with the democratic establishment. i don't want a guy i totally disagree with. >> meeting with president obama and harry reid and what do you think will be said? >> they are uh lopting some of the ideas and maybe even offer to make a national memorial to his hero left wing anti-war leader leader of the movement. maybe that will insight bernie to get into the race. they should figure out what they can offer bernie sanders to help shape the vice presidential ticket. >> he did not say no to that. allow somebody to shape the ticket. there has been talk about that. >> thank you for joining us. boy a tangled web we weave when we talk about politics. thank you. >> and not to mention the soviet iewn -- union. there promises to be a direct assault on hillary clinton. >> trump announces what he says will be a major speech. p what he could say coming up. welcome back to america's election headquarters. we want to show you the latest number. california, everybody was watching that this evening and it is still too close to call. hillary clinton with 57.7% and bernie sanders with 41.3%. we will continue to watch those numbers and we will tell you when that race is called, if it happens this morning. >> you know, senator sanders said the race would tighten up and that's one reason he is staying in this race no matter what the delegate numbers for mrs. clinton says. hillary clinton has been accused of a lot of things and it is likely on -- likely to get a lot longer in the next eight days. >> designed to keep her corrupt dealings out of the public record and putting the security of the entire country at risk and a president in a corrupt system is totally protecting her and not right. i am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week. sorry about that. that was donald trump talking about the e-mail server. join ug us what is the on-line editor of the weekly standard and the book about the clintons. >> the uh dishes rebuilding of a political machine. you know the list. where do you think mr. trump will start? >> he give us a good indication. if you go further, hillary clinton turned the swimming pool into her own hedge fund. conflicts of interest and hillary is personally prove fitting because we are made at the state department payings her family in the form of speeches. that's particularly where donald trump will go on monday. it is ripe for criticism and one of the most effective lines he used throughout the primary is he is independently wealthy and he can't be bought off. turning that against the clintons is the next step and it will be mighty effective. >> what would happen if they put the alleged pieces together and any actions taken by the state department. they denied any wrongdoing so far. >> they have denied wrongdoing. there is another book that seeks to detail this in particular. these decisions on arms and meanwhile hillary clinton and bill clinton are receiving checks for bill clinton's speeches while they are being made. there are a lot of dots to be connected and probably more information to be learned. nonetheless i think just -- we hold our government officials to a high standard the width of impropriety should be scrawt niecessed and this is a lot more than that. i think he will . the media -- point in the media from the big speech he said was coming about next monday. >> let's tell you what he said. what he promised is the clintons have turned enrichment into an art form. they made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access and selling favors. she turned the it into a private hedge fund and israel -- what will come of these allegations? >> it is investigated by authors and myself. it has bt -- hasn't been as far as we know. some serious questions need to be asked and that's what donald trump claims to do. somehow he enters politics in the same way. he is independently wealthy and he doesn't need the politics. he is trying to do it as a civic duty as cording to what donald trump says. hillary and bill enter politics dead broke. they left -- bill clinton left the white house dead broke and hillary clinton used their office and closeness to mor and i think that is the tran formation we are seeing in american politics. they created a center that enriched themselves. that is very, very new to american politics and not the way things have been done before. >> you wrote the book and president reagan went to japan for one speech. >> they were killed for it. it was considered gross. >> they are benefiting from hundreds of millions of dollars and it may be a topic in the campaign. always. >> thank thank you. >> one group between the clinton foundation and the money they make is the loriat education who runs colleges all over this country and a lot in latin america. >> and bill clinton as he was serving as the temporary hour honorary chancellor was paid $15 million over five years jie. we'll see what the list s. >> trump giving a shoutout to his victory speech. >> as we have been reporting from the big surprise is he is staying in the race. what are the chances of some of his supporters flocking to mr. trump. we'll have more on that coming up. donald trump is not limiting his request for supporters. he reached out to better 23450e sanders' followers too. listen. >> to those who voted for someone else in either party, i will work hard to earn your support. i will work very hard to win that support. to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arm. >> now from our dc bureau, thank you for joining us so early, angela. >> thank you for having me. it is my pleasure. >> it has will be an exciting night. you heard trump there and his speech making a play for bernie sanders. he came out strong and says he will continue on through you next tuesday and then even on to philadelphia. what do you think the best thing donald trump had to say this evening? >> i think the best thing that he is our champion and he wants to unite the party. donald trump looks presidential tonight. i wish it would have happened a longtime ago, but he looks great. he wants to be a champion for america. he laid down the facts. >> can he stick to that or will he continue to go off message? >> i think you have to be a disciplined person to be as successful as donald trump is. now he seems he can't speak his mind and it -- i think he cab do it. >> he has fellow republicans taking away their endorsements. they already endorsed him. i have lyndsay gram telling how to follow suit. how does he bring this back party and how does he overcome my coul lets. >> that he cannot get over. he cannot get over that and some people will pull their endorsements. it is cold for a racist. i am not calling done knolled trump too, but i said here is the apb. he can get supporters even though better san nears is backing him, bought rat trump is a moderate and you can pull the mill ben yells over. >> how? >> by messaging. the rigged system. millennials are upset. they went to college and believe in obama's. some of these people are serving sables. i don't think is a candidate saying one thing will ruin it. people are so aping gree and they are suffering. they want someone they can bring back to jobs in america. that's how he will pull fork over. talking about race and reledge general. if you will represent the united states of america we have to be united and not divided. >> you can do that with the angela mccloud mike thank. >> what comes next in the political campaign? our political panel will tell us. >> it has been a big night for politics and we will have their final words. >> we will fight hard to win the primary in washington, d.c. and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania! and the final thoughts before panel. the bureau chief of talk media news and judy miller uh junk professor at the manhattan institute of policy research. my final thought is larry david got good news tonight. another month on "saturday night live" playing senator sanders. ellen, let me start with with you. hillary makes great progress and he stands in. >> we have to talk about the movement because the democratic party as i said earlier is going to look at how he could get small continue becauses in. hillary will have trouble doing that. she realized that if they are going to raise that billion dollars they need to raise they have to pay attention to how bernie sanders did it. >> does he complicate her path? >> -- of course, but maybe they will vote for her. >> i think i am still struck by the importance of this milestone in 2008 whether -- when hillary gave her compression speech it was gracious and eloquent and we wondered where was that candidate during the campaign. tonight we saw that candidate again. some some called it boring and others -- this was a major, major event and we shouldn't lose sight of it. >> dramatically vent than bernie sanders. >> and dramatically different from what we heard from donald trump. even though he has a great bumper sticker the speech was negative. the job was being taken away and it was exploited and it was a very down beat message. it is coming from mrs. clinton the politics of hope jie. it was a rare speech by hillary clinton where she is optimistic. she sets a nasty tone whether it is against -- in her speech. you can't take it away from her, but this is an an awfully messy primary season for her and we have seen the remarkable candidacy of bernie sanders live on even after tonight's losses. i will tell you what impressed me about the trump's speed aside from the fact it that he began to move toward issues that matter to voters is he began to engage barack obama in this fight. barack obama got up to 51 approval rating because no one has been paying attention to him. when people don't pay attention to you, they like you. trump said he will bring real change and not obama change. he pointed to the failures of the obama administration. this is a referendum election. it is extraordinarily difficult for the party to win the party for three consecutive terms. the vast majority do not want a third obama term. >> do you see this campaign moving more toward the issues on monday trump will have the alleged list of hillary with the clinton campaign and foundation and everything else. >> you are slightly right. absolutely right. the republican party does have a party with donald trump. we called these people leaky faucets. it is as if -- you know he goes fine and then it leaks alt bit. >> can they get beyond that? will they? >> we'll see. donald trump is a work in progress. i think his negativity and the statements he has made as defined by his -- just like hillary clinton with the past record and e-mails will come back to haunt her. >> going back to bernie sanders, what does he hope to accomplish. coming up on thursday he will meet with president obama and harry reid. what is he doing? >> he truly believes in this message and throughout the campaign cycle do you see the contest? it is my turn. i have been waiting for this and i earned this fnlt beer nissan deers is talking about the injustice and we need morey -- equality. he has a real rational for the candidacy and he wants to protect the issues he is standing up for and the longer he stays into it, the more he potentially gains leverage. >> what happens when mrs. clinton gets the nomination? does he stand outside the window throwing tomatoes at the democratic party. >> this is a long-term problem. i don't think it is even cured if they unite and sanders endorses her. she really has an authenticity problem and they say they are corrupt. >> and they said specifically if he does not do that. if better intoe sanders says vote for hillary clinton, some stay home. >> both leading capped -- candidates have negative rightings. we can't change that. >> it has been one night. >> we have been here almost every tuesday of primary season. good job you guys. >> thank you. >> and we will -- >> thank earn at home as well. >> exactly. mrs. clinton the first woman fume knee. sanders is staying in while there is more to come. >> "fox and friends" coming up at the top of the hour. don't go away. good morning. it is wednesday, june 8th and welcome to an early edition of "fox & friends first." i'm heather childers. >> i'm abby huntsman. the final six months is paving the way for donald trump and hillary clinton but bernie sanders says he is staying in the race. >> clinton declaring victory in at least three out of six races. the critical primary in california not yet called, but clinton is in the lead. >> no surprises for trump with a clean sweep across all five states. >> i'm going to be your champion. i'm going to be america's champion


Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20160909 23:00:00

firm on september 11, 2001. he was 48 years old. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer. erin burnett "out front" starts right now. "out front" next, breaking news, mike pence releasing his tax returns. why won't donald trump do the same? more breaking news, north korea exploding its powerful nuclear warhead ever? can kim jong-un launch a nuclear attack on the united states? can what really happened behind the scenes? he's my guest. let's go "out front." ♪ ♪ >> good evening. i'm erin burnett, out front tonight, the breaking news p taxing news. mike pence releasing his income tax return. pence following a decades-old tradition for presidential and vice presidential candidates putting out that in 2015 he and his wife karen made a combined $113,026 and paid $8,956 and their effective rate was 8%. this raises the burden for donald trump to release his. 8%, maybe his rate is lower than that. he continues to refuse to release them. he said they're nobody else's business. sunlen serfaty is out front in pensacola, florida. donald trump is about to rally supporters gathering behind you, sunlen tonight. trump still not releasing his taxes, but what are we learning from mike pence's? >> erin, there are a few key takeaways from what we've seen so far and first and foremost we're not some big seven-figure salary from mike pence. these are relatively modest numbers that we're seeing especially when you think about the potential to be compared about his running mate at the top of the ticket and some interesting things jumped out at them and showing us some insight on how the pence family earns and in this case loses their money. in 2006, the pence family lost $670,000 when their family business went bankrupt. that was the keel brothers oil and oil distributor and mike pence's father worked there and the spokesman for pence saying that pence had a minority interest in the company, but beyond the specifics of his tax returns, as you noted, this most certainly keeps the issue front and center for donald trump that he has simply refused to release his own tax returns, and it has long been an issue on the campaign. donald trump has said that he will not release them until -- because he's under audit right now although we do know most recent a letter from his tax council revealed certain years in the years 2002 to 2008 are no longer under audit meaning,ier irn, he could potentially release the tax returns and this is just a big issue dogging the trump campaign and this is shining a spotlight once again on trump's refusal to do so. >> sunlen, thank you very much. crucial, 2002 to 2008 aren't under oddity and that a lot of crucial information could be in those years alone. also tonight, both candidates talking tough in the face of a new threat to u.s. national security and i'm talking about north korea's massive nuclear test. that's what it was. it was twice as powerful as the test just nine months ago. clinton today calling it an outrageous threat. >> we are not going to let anyone who is a treaty ally and partner of ours be threatened and we are not going to let north korea pursue a nuclear weapon with the ballistic missile capacity to deliver to the united states territory. that is absolutely a bottom line. >> trump, meanwhile, laying the blame for the test squarely on clinton. >> just today it was announced that north korea performed its fifth nuclear test. its fourth since hillary clinton became secretary of state. it's just one more massive failure from a failed secretary of state. >> jeff zeleny is out front with the clinton campaign. clinton met with national security experts today before making her comments about north korea. i know you were there, and she was talking about north korea. also saying the obama administration's plan isn't enough. criticism there. >> some criticism and trying to put distance between herself and what clearly hasn't always been successful by this administration and administrations before it, but she did say this requires a rethinking of the u.s. strategy. perhaps that sounds obvious just given the news of the last 24 hours and given the successful test of yet another nuclear weapon and she called for more direct conversations on this. in fact, she was asked if there could be direct conversations like the iran deal and she said she would be open to more of that, but she also talked directly about china. this is perhaps the most interesting thing in terms of how she was trying to differentiate herself from the obama administration. >> she said we do have more leverage with china than you may think. she didn't necessarily elaborate, but this is something that has to be made clear to china that they are deeply involved in this and have to step up with this, as well. the leverage to china was interesting. all of this is coming as this presidential campaign suddenly got very real today. this threat from north korea making crystal clear the threats that are facing either of these two running to be commander in chief. that's why she was holding the meeting of her national security advisers and this north korea threat just happened to happen after she scheduled that. clearly, she was trying to show that she was presidential here and she also owns the obama administration's record here. >> she certainly does and donald trump trying to point out that the four tests since she came into office, three of them after she left office. thank you, jeff zeleny. president obama promising significant consequences and very unclear what it might do, the unshakeable u.s. commitment taking necessary steps to defend our allies in the region. this was a major, major test of possibly new capabilities for new korea. will ripley is out front. >> reporter: north korea sending shock waves around the world, detonating a nuclear bomb the triumphant announcement is kim jong-un's fifth successful nuclear test and perhaps north korea's most powerful to date. seismologists detected a blast they say was slightly smaller than the bomb that fell on hiroshima triggering a 5.3 magnitude earthquake in the same area as four previous north korean nuclear tests in 2006, 2009, 2013 and in january. this latest test still unverified by the u.s. believed to be ten kill kilotons, twice powerful as the last. north korea detonated a nuclear warhead small enough to fit on a ballistic missile that could some day hit the u.s. the regime has successfully tested four missiles in the last two weeks. >> we are deeply concerned that continuing act of provocation by the regimes. >> u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon joining a chorus of world leaders strongly condemning pyongyang's latest provocation. president obama called the nuclear test a grave threat. the japanese prime minister said it was absolutely unacceptable. the president of south korea called kim jong-un's regime fanatically reckless as the u.n. security council called an emergency meeting. >> clearly, they don't care what we think. they don't care about our admonitions. they don't care about joining the international community. >> reporter: believed to be in his early 30s, kim's profile and power inside north korea continues to rise. ♪ ♪ >> in may i went to this rare gathering of north korea's reshuffled party which unanimously approved kim's plan to aggressively expand north korea's arsenal. unprecedented sanctions, even those naming kim jong-un himself have failed to stop or even slow north korea's weapons development. >> so why would kim jong-un invest so heavily in these weapons programs given the sanctions and the likelihood of more, given the isolation and the suffering that his people endure as a result? the answer is clear. one, he wants to preserve his regime and by projecting power internationally and more importantly at home he gives an image that he is firmly in control of this growing nuclear arsenal. plus, north korea could sell these weapons, every time they perfect a weapon, they could sell it to a terrorist organization and he feels that this type of weapon will give him leverage, erin to force the united states and international commune toits recognize north korea as a nuclear power even though president obama strongly said today that absolutely won't happen. >> will ripley, thank you very much. out front now, the former chairman of the house intelligence committee mike rogers who is also advising trump's transition team on national security. clinton supporter julia kay em, former assistant secretary of homeland security and barbara starr, pentagon correspondent. barbara, this is pretty stunning that it was double the size of what they were able to test earlier this year. it is -- there's major concern here. >> tonight, really across the world,ier irn because the north koreans are saying and they are claiming that they tested a nuclear warhead. if that is true then that is a stunning development because it begins to put them much more firmly on the path. a missile, a warhead on the front of that missile and the possibility that they could put it all together and put it on a mobile launcher and it is very hard to keep track of in times of war and have a range to hold south korea, japan and even parts of the united states at risk. it's unprecedented. >> it is unprecedented and it truly is terrifying, mike, when you put this in context. when you heard about the size you heard will ripley talking about it as smaller than the hiroshima bomb. this is something that could kill what you're talking about depending on the metro area you hit millions of people. >> this is very, very concerning for a couple of things. they ramped up their testing and their first test was in 2006 and 2009 and 2012. multiple tests now in 2016 and there are three components you worry about on this, erin, the weaponization that barbara starr talked about, that's the hardest part and missiles, we've heard them fire missiles from a submarine. we've seen them test fire scud missiles in rapid fire to counter air defense systems like japan. all of this is reese leent and now they're saying they have the standardized, weaponized nuclear tip on these missiles. i'm a little skeptical that they've gotten that far on that, but i will tell you, they're playing a very dangerous game as they move forward with all of these tests. it's two-thirds of the bomb that we dropped in hiroshima. that is big and it is dangerous. >> you say they could hit elsewhere in asia, but also the united states. this has been their goal. this is something some in the u.s. military are deeply, deeply afraid of when you look at the fact they can strike the pacific northwest, hawaii, alaska, down in california is the goal. do we even know where they are? >> if you look at the map that's a stunning part of the globe that they could hold at risk with their nuclear weapons. i agree with mike. it remains to be seen how much of this arsenal right now really could work, but if they are on the path and they are having a successful test program they will get there eventually and sooner rather than later, maybe, and that's why you saw president obama today remind the world that he will not -- he says he won't allow them to become a nuclear state and a nuclear power and he talked about the full u.s. capability to protect our allies in the region and what he's talking about is reminding kim jong-un, the u.s., too, has nuclear weapons. >> using them is something we never consider doing. donald trump comes today and says look, this is the fourth test north korea has performed since hillary clinton was secretary of state. granted, three of those tests were after she became secretary of state. her leadership or lack thereof is part of what caused this. why should we put someone in the white house who was unable to stop what could be an exi existential threat. >> let's just get the calendar straight right now. i also think it's worth noting, right, that there's only one solution to this problem and it's called china. that is it, unless you're going to commit us to -- >> using nuclear weapons. >> the solution is china because the only reason yet north korean regime actually can survive because everyone's starving. it has no economy is because of the influence and investments by the chinese. so why do we have this concerted effort of outrage? it's not because people are only talking and it is to convince the chinese that there will be penalties to china and particularly in iesh asia if t don't start changing the regime or stopping the regime. >> this isn't if only i had been president everything would be fine. this is a problem that china has had and there's only one solution. >> all right. mike rogers, this is something donald trump does say. he'll take on china, easier said than done, president obama would have done that if it were that easy. it's not that easy. >> here is the challenge for the next president and there are steps they're going to have to take. this administration is serious. i don't believe the president actually meant he was using nuclear weapons. i think he meant that we have kinetic strike capability that would exceed the north koreans' ability to stop it. i think, mike rogers thinks that's what he was trying to say and that's the right thing to say to the north koreans and that is a bit of a deterrent. we will also have to bring joint exercises closer to the korean peninsula with japan and other allies in the region that risk -- that are at risk including south korea, that are at risk from these nuclearis in ils and the other part of this, by the way, on china. it's not just china. we can get to the public on top of the table trading issues and those are easier to get to. what china will and has not done is stopped the black market trading on the north border. that's how they're surviving. the black market economy is huge. china doesn't want to touch it because they're in economic tough times, as well. we'll have to get at that. >> thanks to all. next, larry king on what happened behind the scenes in his now very controversial interview with donald trump. plus trump's closest aides say that he believes president obama will born in the united states. why are they the ones saying it? why can't donald trump say it himself? >> surprising new photos of donald and melania hanging out with -- bill clinton and a swimsuit model. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all computers on sale like this dell laptop. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even mer-mutts. 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but i think that it's -- it's pretty unlikely, but you know, who knows? i hope if they are doing something i hope that somebody's going to be able to find out so they can end it because that would not be appropriate at all. >> the trump campaign claims it had no idea that that interview was airing on a russian network. >> a former cnn superstar larry king has a podcast and mr. trump went on his podcast. nobody said it was going to be on russian tv. >> joining me now by phone larry king, host of larry king now and politicking with larry king. larry, let me start by asking you the very basic question. how did this interview come about? >> hello. let me give you a little history, erin. i find this amusing and a mountain out of a mole hill. i've known donald trump for almost 40 years. i've interviewed him probably 100 times. the last time before this time, he did a podcast. my wife and i do a podcast once a week, and he guested on that about six months ago. in the interim, i've talked to him on occasion, and i said you've got to be my tv show and he said i'm working on it and finally it was out of my hands and my producers worked with donald trump's people whoever they are and they finally settled on, okay, he can do it whenever that was, wednesday morning, early in the morning. our deal. i do "larry king now" three days a week "politicking" two days a week and we are distributed by various people, our own, hulu distributes us, r.t. -- they pay -- i don't even know what they pay. they pay the company to carry our show. we are carried by cable companies all over the world. we just signed a deal with china. i just broadcast like you do. i go in and i broadcast. i don't know what trump knew. he couldn't have known it was a podcast because he just did my podcast. so -- by the way, on r.t. -- on most of our politicking shows, i would say 50% of the time russia is criticized. putin is annihilated and they have never edited it so what's the deal? >> your show airs on various distribution channels among them, aura tv, hulu, rt. brian stelter does report rt is the main distributor. if that is the case, let me ask you the question point-blank have they exerted editorial control over you, asked you to make edits in any way? >> never in my life. >> erin, i've been on the air 60 years. 26 of them at your network. i have never been told what to ask or not to ask. i have never been sued. i have never had -- i have never had that in my whole career and the proof would be if you got every tape i've done the last three years on politicking, putin is criticized almost once a week, and they have never -- and if they would edit it i would demand that we stop having them license us. >> so have you had a chance to speak to donald trump since this interview or your producers to speak to his campaign? >> no, i have not. no one's called me. i mean, i'm friends with donald. hooim friends with hillary. i know a lot of people for a lot of years. i never say who i'm going to vote for. i'm always fair. we were doing an interview and it was supposed to be for ten minutes and right at the end of ten minutes i stopped. i never got to say good-bye. i don't know why i stopped so abruptly. if donald said he thought it was a podcast that stretches it a little because he just did my podcast. i did not make the arrangements for him to be on the show. my producers talked to his people, and they made the arrangements. so i never know what was said to him except he was doing my tv show. >> now, is there any chance that they wouldn't have known that this was airing on r.t.? >> i have no idea. >> i have no idea. >> so i want to play, larry, that moment because he hung up abruptly after ten minutes. it was very strange and here is the end of the moment interview. you actually asking donald trump about immigration, and here's how that played out. >> on this immigration issue, what are your feelings about mexican immigrants? what are your -- what do you feel about this? >> donald, are you there? i don't know what happened there. we did not lose the connection so something happened. >> larry, what do you think happened? was he uncomfortable with talking about immigration? exmexican immigrants? what happened? >> the strange part is the producers called my -- this is my producers telling me this, i did not speak to them and apologized. they said that a girl came in and for some reason told donald he had something else to do and he had to leave. it just was strange and not only did they apologize, but they were planning to reschedule another appearance next week. >> at this point it's unclear, right? whether he's going to do that or not. >> erin, all i do is do a show. like you're doing the show now. i do a show. >> well, larry king. thank you so much. i appreciate you taking the time and coming on and explaining your side of this, thanks. >> erin, stay well. >> all right. next, a lot to talk about to our panel. they're all with me. trump's closest advisers all letting go of the birther conspiracy theory, will donald trump do the same? then donald trump and bill clinton in supermodel company. coming up, just-released photos of the two men cavorting together and we're standing by with donald trump who is about to speak live in pensacola, florida, and that's coming up, just ahead live. way to get your fiber.e ene try these delicious phillips' fiber good gummies, a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are great. my work here is done. phillips'. the tasty side of fiber. endless shrimp is back at hold red lobster.rks. that means you get to try as much as you want... ...of whatever flavors are calling your name. seriously. like new garlic sriracha-grilled shrimp. it's a little spice... ...a little sizzle... ...and a lot just right. and try new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. helloooo crispy goodness. and the classic... ...handcrafted shrimp scampi... can't get enough of? 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>> do you think your birther position has hurt you among african-americans? >> i don't know. i have no idea. i don't even talk about it anymore. >> but just last year -- >> do you accept that president obama was born in the united states? >> i really don't know. >> the reality show man built a political name for himself in the run-up to the 2012 race by questioning president obama's citizenship. >> why doesn't he show his birth certificate? you know what? i wish he would because it's a terrible pell that's hanging over him that was march 2012 for weeks trump railed on this single issue. >> there's no birth certificate. thery is a certificate of live birth which is a totally different thing. >> barack obama should give his birth certificate. in june 2008 obama released a short-form birth certificate, chief among them donald trump in april 2011 he released his long form birth certificate. >> today i'm very proud of myself. >> trump claimed victory, sort of. >> i want to look at it, but i hope it's true. >> a year and a half later in october 2012 an emboldened trump insisted on even more documents, passport and college applications to bolster a birth certificate he still questions. >> if he releases these records it will end the question, and indeed, the anger of many americans. >> donald trump is here tonight. >> trump's single-minded focus on the president's birthplace became a joke to the president himself. >> no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter like did we fake the moon landing? >> trump, not laughing today. also not saying whether he thinks his birther obsession was a mistake or whether he now believes barack hussein obama was born in hawaii? >> the only thing that mr. trump will say today is that he won't talk about that issue anymore, but even his most prominent african-american supporter ben carson says it's probably a good idea that mr. trump apologize for his stance on the birther issue, something that mr. trump seems not likely to do. erin? >> miguel, thank you very much. out front now, presidential campaign correspondent for the new york times maggie haberman and boris epistein, basil smikle and washington post political reporter philip bump. let me start with you. trump believes that president obama was born in the united states. mike pence says obama was born in the united states. why can't donald trump say it directly? president obama was born in the united states? >> let's go to the facts here. this whole issue is born out of hillary clinton's 2008 campaign. it was a failing campaign and she tried to ask the questions and could aren't get an answer. donald trump succeeded in getting an answer and that barack obama was born in the united states. donald trump has moved on. the campaign has moved on and let's move on to the issues that matter, immigration and national security and whatever you want to talk about. >> that's fascinating. >> hillary clinton did not try to get answers about that. donald trump has never said publicly that he disavows what he has said and he is the person who brought it very prominently into the public light in 2011 and he skyrocketed it to the polls and it was something that movement conservatives wished they would stop talking about it at the time because they considered it a fringe movement that was basically debunked over and over again. donald trump will likely get asked about this at at least one of the debates and i suspect that one of this is either has advisers trying to talk to him over tv or in person or what have you to get him to focus this, but this issue is not going to go away. >> from someone who has talked to him on a lot of issue, this is not an issue that is in the top ten of this campaign. >> this is an issue -- hold on. if people at this table have questions about barack obama's birth, you can talk about it. our campaign, donald trump do not. >> donald trump, but why donald trump has not directly said it, philip, is the point. >> in january, wolf blitzer when ted cruz wasn't born a candidate. he said who knows? he doesn't want to focus it. right now the donald trump is extensively reaching out to african-american voters and they're doing this outreach and it is clear this is an issue and that's why -- and that is why the trump campaign, if donald trump were serious about reaching out to african-american voters this is a fairly easy thing to do and he is not. >> basibasil? >> your outreach to african-americans did not include an apology for the birther question -- >> let me talk. it's an abject failure of this and indeed his campaign because this comment that he's not born here is a proxy for delegitim e delegitimizing this man. the fact that he had to do a press con -- the fact that a president had to do a press conference to produce his birth certificate. what does that say? >> she did not. >>. [ indiscernible ] >> and the fact of the matter is to this day most republicans and probably 20% of this country believes that he is foreign born. in many polls -- in many polls -- at least 50% --? 50 to 54 republicans. >> here's part of the issue boris. the issue is now he doesn't want to talk about it, but since president obama released the long form birth certificate which they said they did because of donald trump. they have admitted that that's why they did it. since he released that here's what donald trump has said. >> who is satisfied? all you have to do is pick up the newspapers and there are many, many people, tremendous numbers of people that are not satisfied. there's tremendous skepticism as to what he pressented. >> some people say that was not his birth certificate. i don't know. nobody knows. >> john mccain failed and couldn't get it and trump comes along and said birth certificate. now all to do is find out whether or not it was real. >>. >> don't you need to say you're sorry? >> no. there's no -- >> that's absurd, boris. >> this is an issue that's been put to bed and it was resolved and barack obama was born in the united states and donald trump has moved on and he said so last week. hold on -- he said last week i'm not talking about this anymore. we're moving on. >> and as far as not moving on -- >> now let me finish. >> we're at 8%. mitt romney received 6%. mccain received 2% and we're doing well because the voters out there don't care about this. they care about the economy and national security. >> have you gone to the african-american community and asked them if they care about this because that's real outreach. >> maggie? >> the point i was trying to make before is the point that philip made is black voters do care about this and polls do show this. when he's reaching out to black voters to engage them and to try to change opinions of him among other voters there is a very easy way to put this to rest as hillary clinton said by answering e-mail questions, she -- give me a second, okay? when people eventually handle something and do put it to bed, it is not going to suffice in a presidential campaign for a candidate to have advisers say it and that's just going -- >> donald trump -- >> if there is someone out there who doesn't believe it they can follow up. we, as a campaign, are state ago on. >> i think the bottom line is maggie's right. he's going to be asked that question and he's either going to give a direct answer do you believe that the president was born in this country or not? and if he doesn't, it will become a big issue. >> next, we're awaiting donald trump because he's about to rally supporters in florida, newly released photos and bill clinton hanging out with the trumps at the time they were dating melania and donald. you see them there and you see bill clinton. who is the man who donated a whopping $20 million to beat donald trump? our special report coming up. that's why at cancer treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager, to coordinate every aspect of their care. it's a long journey, its very complicated and we try to help them through that. we are available 24/7. if a new symptom occurs in the middle of the night, we are there to help. the care manager coordinates all of the patient's appointments, scans, chemotherapy... the last thing any patient really needs to worry about is how am i going to get here, how is insurance going to handle this? 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talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. tonight, new photos released that show bill clinton palling around with the trumps. the clinton presidential library putting them out, not by choice, after a freedom of information request from the media. here's a picture showing bill clinton with his arm wrapped around melania who, of course, is now married to donald trump, at the time was his girlfriend. trump's arm wrapped around "sports illustrated" swimsuit model and trump laughing having a great time together. >> brianna keilar, trump and clinton have tried to downplay their ties over the years saying, no, no, no, no. clinton said i happened to be in florida so i went to trump's wedding. these photos show something that seems to be very different. >> it's hard to know because obviously, if you've been around bill clinton he is someone who engages with a lot of people in a very familiar way. he leaves people and is very outgoing, but you see in these photos that they're laughing. there are big smiles. they're kind of palling around. the clinton library, actually put these photos out, 22 of them because there was a freedom of information act request from politico and these were put out. so in them you see clinton here and they were the final months of his presidency with trump and it's actually official white house photographs. this photo you're looking at now, this is when bill clinton went to a fund-raiser and donald trump and they're wearing the suits there and the more casual dress was because it was taken in a box during the u.s. open. as i mentioned this was a foyer request and these were newly public and they are also according to the national archives which runs the clinton library, erin, 59 photos that they found of hillary clinton in 1994 at a fund-raiser that donald trump attended. they are not going to release those. they say those are personal which protects them from release, but it is unclear how many of these may be pictures of donald trump and hillary clinton together, but those would be some really interesting photos to see. >> they certainly would. thank you, brianna. and out front now the communications director for the rnc sean spicer. you see these photos and donald trump laughing it up with bill clinton and posing for photos, very friendly. trump has run on being an outsider and constantly slamming the clintons for these kecks and doesn't this prove he's friends with them and make his criticism ring hollow? >> no. it means that he's a businessman and he's made very clear his connections to not just the clinton, but politicians in the past and he's a successful businessman that played in the political world, but as a dennor and a successful businessman than a politician. this is something that he's talked about in the past his association with prominent politicians and he's a former president and a successful businessman that connected. it's nothing that unusual. >> he's facing criticism for giving an interview to larry king and it aired on russian television and he said positive things there about russia. the trump campaign said it didn't know that that interview would air on russian television because they thought it was for a podcast, but i just talked to larry king and he told me this, quote, if donald said he thought it was a podcast that stretches it a little bit because he just did my podcast. at the least, doesn't this show the trump campaign isn't organized to know where interviews will be airing which is a basic thing that they need to know? >> well, unfortunately, the difference is that larry king and donald trump go back farther. in a lot of cases people who have known mr. trump for a long time including members of the media will call and we'll go through a different channel, if you will. again, i've done larry king's podcast and his show to be honest with you and several people have done it and part of it is because larry king has a lot of great connections and knows a lot of people and he's a legacy-type journalist so people do it because he's got multiple platforms and sometimes people just don't ask. frankly, when i did it the first time i didn't even know where he was. people called and said larry king wants to put you on his show, and i just did it. >> the chairman of the rnc, reince priebus, of course, your boss, tweeted on the national security forum this week. hillary clinton was angry and defensive the entire time. no smile and uncomfortable caught that she was wrongly sending our secrets. a lot have said it was sexist and at the least it does not seem this was a tweet that would have been said about a man. what is the relevance during a national security forum one would think it was a negative that one would be smiling a lot. does he wish he hadn't sent that tweet? >> she having to defend the improper use of classified information and the improper setup of the illegal secret server and she looks uncomfortable. frankly, let's be honest. maggie haberman from the new york times said she looked irritated and angry. david axelrod on your air said she looked irritated. the clinton campaign is pivoting and trying to be positive and tapped matt lauer as the moderator. she did look angry, irritated and upset and she had a bad night. >> irritated and angry, but why no smile? irritated and angry, why say smile relevant? >> look, i think you're interacting with folks and part of it is to show that you're comfortable part of media training 101 and it was a town hall forum and you're being asked by voters and interacting with them and the clintons realize they had a bad night and what did they do? they went and blamed people because they went out and recognized the obvious and second they went out and blamed matt lauer for saying he was over the top. it was other veterans that asked those questions, too. are they mad at them? at some point they have to take responsibility for their own actions. hillary clinton has a history of making everything about somebody else's problem. it's always someone else's mistake that caused her to do something. it's the policies of this. it's someone's bad advice. it's colin powell's bad, you know, advice. it's never her fault for not obeying the rules that everyone has to obey. >> sean spicer, thank you very much. >> thank you. have a great weekend. >> next, a man called the world's youngest self-made billionaire donating $20 million of his own dollars to stop donald trump and help hillary. who is he? next. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. d s riano etoe r at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. soon, she'll be binge-studying.. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. >>psst. hey... where you going? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160604 10:00:00

good morning. it's saturday, june 4th, 2016. i'm sandra smith. this is a fox news alert. the greatest of all time is dead. >> everybody stop talking now. attention. i told you, all of my critics. i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. >> boxing legend muhammed ali passing overnight. we will have the latest on his passing. the incredible reaction to that news. we will take a look back at the life and legacy of the champ. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning. as we just told you, muhammed ali, the greatest evey weight champion in boxing passed away at the age of 74. he struggled with parkison's disease since 1971. surrounded with children and his wife. >> he fought until the end. appearances as late as april of this year in public. a three-time heavyweight world champion hospital lied with respiratory and of course, exasperated by the park somebody's. >> take place in his home state of louisville, kentucky. half state at 10:00 a.m. >> the former cautious cash shut clay. he called himself the greatest of all time. boxer muhammed ali has died. he had parkison's for 30 years. he famously changed his name, of course, after becoming the world heavyweight champion to mohammed alli when he became a member of the black muslim organization. >> in his final days, he was admit to do a phoenix hospitals, that happening on thursday with a respiratory problem. alli's accomplishments are stunning. having won the world heavyweight title a record three times. winning 56 of 61 fights. 37 of them by knockout. >> his impact on the world will ever be felt beyond the ring as brian kilmeade shows us the fury that flew like a burt wing and stung like a be. >> he emerged the heavyweight champion of the world. muhammed ali was born cassius clay. january 17th, 1942 clay started boxing at the age of 12. after winning a gold medal in the 1960 olympics. i turned pro. after the listen fight that he announced his affiliation with the nation of islam and changed his name to muhammed ali. >> it's hard to be humble as great as i am. >> in 1967, he was drafted into the u.s. army but refused to fight in vietnam, stating religious differences. he was immediately stripped of his title and license to box. alli's. he got his chance against george former. the fight billed as the rumble in the jungle. he wecht in as an underdog but that wasn't enough to silence the greatest. >> i injured a stone. hospitalized a bring. i'm so mean i make medicine sick. >> he spent the first fight punch himself out. he would drop foreman in the eighth round. he would once again be the heavyweight champion of the world. both ali and former took home a $5 million purse which many feel paved the way for today's multi-million-dollar contracts in any sport. >> before ali, pays were very minimal. during ali's time they grew. as ali they exploded. >> i lost the title again four years later to another gold olympic medalist against spinks. he relinquished the title back to ali seven months later. this made ali the only boxer in history to win the heavyweight title three times. [ applause ] >> the roaring crowds are what fueled him for 15 years and 61 fights. but his drive to please them kept ali from heeding doctor's warnings. he was slowing down. his thyroid was blamed. medication was a daily routine. it wasn't until losing his last fight in 1981 ali admitted parkison's syndrome was the real enemy keeping him out of the ring for good. despite parkison's syndrome, ali's work with the community would never stop. his work around the globe applauded. then, 1996, another high. muhammed ali was chosen to light the olympic flame in atlanta. in 2002 ali went to afghanistan as the u.n. messenger of peace. he was in kabul for three day goodwill mission. three days later alis would woo accept the nation's highest civilian award. >> when you say the greatest of all time is in the room, everyone knows who you mean. >> president george w. bush presented ali with the presidential medal of freedom during ceremonies at the white house. even as he neared 70 years of age, ali remained dedicated to the humanitarian evident despite his deteriorating health. he made a rare public appearance to show his respect at his greatest rival's funeral joe frazier. >> he could float like a butterfly and sting like a be. when we think the greatest, we will always think muhammed ali. brian kilmeade, fox news. >> we want to bring in tim shanahan as the author of "running with the champ" my 40 year friendship of muhammed ali. nice to see you this morning, tim. first, just your thoughts overnight of the passing of your friend? >> well, the first thing i thought of was what he told me years ago he looked at every day as a test. god tests me every day and i pass that test every day. he looked at life as god having a tabulation on everyone's individual life by putting all the good deeds on one side and all the bad deeds on the other side. and he told me that he was ready to go to heaven because all of his good deeds outweigh all of his bad deeds. these how he looked at life. >> huh. so his wife was famously intertwined with his faith. he converted to islam as a young man in early 20's and converted to another version of islam in the 70's and still to a third later on. he was a man of faith. in private, was it often a topic of conversation. >> not -- he didn't talk a lot about it with friends and family, but he was a devout muslim for sure. and every day he read the quran. and one of his habits was picking out passages from the quran and then writing it longhand. and he would give those as gifts to family and friends. he had one passage that he really liked. that he gave to everybody. and at the end of the passage it says to, the person is he going to give it to from muhammad ali. ' he loved passing pamphlets out with that as far as his faith he really was a devout muslim. he never smoked, never drank, never took drug. was always looking how he could please god. he did say god, you know, early on when he was a muslim he always said allah. but he said god is -- god for all people. and all religions. so, he always said god. and he always want to do please god every day. >> tim, his life was not without controversy, as someone who calls himself a close frebsd of muhammad ali. what do you know about how he wants to be remembered? amid-all the good times there were bad times and he did face challenges in his life. how do you look back on those times? >> well, one of the comments he always made to me was my middle name is controversy. and he was always looking for an argument. somebody to talk to to have an opposite side of his. he always like to do defend his positions. as far as legacy. one time i asked him what do you think your legacy is going to be muhammad? and he said my children. and then i said well what about your fight? your career? is there any one moment in your career that you said this is the greatest moment of my boxing career? and he said it was the first liston fight when he was 22 years old and he won the heavyweight championship for the first time. he said this big, ugly bear. this ex-con convict was going to kill this 22-year-old kid in the ring. and he told me was scared. and he was scared before the fight. but as soon as the first round was over and he was in the ring with liston, he got confidence. he said man, he didn't knock me out, i think i can win this fight. he got excited rather than scared. he said at that moment he realized he was going to be the heavyweight champion of the world. as far as legacy, i said what is the greatest moment in your career? and he always leaves with the greatest moment in my life was when my eldest daughter, meriam was born. and he always leads with that. and then he talks about the fight. but he has told me that the legacy that he wants to be known by is his children. and i can name all of them. >> how many did he have? >> hanna, hanna jr. kayleah and mea. they all love him all. >> as soon as they heard their father was i will they were by his side. we will check back with you in alittle bit later. the book is called "running with the champ my 40 year friendship with muhammad ali." >> that thing was the biggest thing to happen to maine. liston was a bruiser. nobody thought that was going to happen. the aftermath of that fight a lot of speculation maybe he threw the fight. people didn't believe it was on the level that it was legitimate. >> the euphoria that unfolded after that him on the microphone. that's when we got to see muhammad ali grabbing the microphone almost like a professional wrestling grabbing the microphone. that great relationship with him and howard cosell over the years. the back and forth he would touch howard cosell. you touch me again i'm going to kill. >> you he may have meant that obviously very charming guy but a ferocious guy, too. joe frazier be and he had this very contentious relationship that was never healed with frazier's death where he attacked frazier as a tool of the establishment and a sell out to his people and really got inside's frazier's head. it was bitter. >> i love how it all started. somebody stole his bike from the bike rack, so he want to do shape up and be able to take care of whoever stole his bike. >> nuclear reactor of rage that led to his success. >> other top story. war of worlds between hillary clinton and donald trump. a live report from the golden state next. our coverage of muhammad ali's death will continue. we are live outside the hospital where he passed away as we say good by to humid ali. >> want to go to heavy -- heaven so i -- i'm the king of the world. i'm a mad man. i took out the world. i took out the world. i took out the world. e #1) when returning home from deployment, you know, you-- you have money saved up so you're lookin' for that car to drive around in, and usaa actually makes that process so much easier. you can find the car and you can find it to your liking by using their app. i'm definitely able to see savings, uh, through using the car buying on usaa. i mean, amazing savings. i was like, wow. if i can save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. 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[crud booing] >> i say to myself, hey, wait a minute, fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on us. >> trump is also campaigning out here in the golden state, wants to put california in play in the general election and fundraising off what is a huge source out here in california. last night in redding, trump blasted clinton saying if voters choose her, the country is going to die. >> hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief. and hillary clinton should be in jail. the only problem is i like to run against her. >> then there is bernie sanders who is going all out to win california on tuesday. he continues doing rallies and news conferences up and down the golden state. sanders says he has an excellent chance to win here and using his moment in the spotlight to push clinton on environment mental issues. >> we have a tax on carbon. [cheers and applause] and i would urge secretary clinton to change her view and support me. [cheers and applause] in demanding a tax on carbon. >> despite the difficult delegate math for bernie sanders, make no mistake about it, is he hoping to embarrass hillary clinton out here in the golden state on tuesday night. back to you guys in new york. >> all right. thanks, mike. >> mike emanuel, that is -- just makes me laugh the idea that donald trump is in the pocket of moneyed interest. who is taking more money from wall street hillary clinton or donald trump? it's literally not even close. >> obviously it's one of hillary clinton's biggest sources of funding and has been for a long time. >> well, michelle obama in a rare public speech, rare political speech going after donald trump. she chose this university specifically. she chose ccny which is a public college, immigrant rich college in new york. over 150 different languages spoken. that's specifically why she want to do speak in front of that audience when she said this. watch. >> despite the lessons of our history and the truths of your experience here at city colleges, some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained rather than as a resource to be tapped. [cheers] >> they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. here in america, we don't give in to our fears. we don't build up walls to keep people out because we know that our greatness has always depended on contributions from people who were born elsewhere. [ applause ] but sought out this country and made it their home. >> what a demagogue. in other words, if you disagree with michelle obama mall you are a racist. that's what we have heard for quite some time. accuse other people bad wanting to build walls. a person living in a house in which walls are built to protect her. >> she never mentioned by name. >> she was talking directly about him building walls. but she did, however, talk about colin powell, former secretary of state who went there and talked about him being the son of an imgrant. she drew those parallels. >> nobody is against immigrants, but this administration has let in twice the number of immigrants as the number of jobs that have been created during the obama administration. so like how does that work exactly? why is that good for anybody who lives here or anybody who comes here? >> coming up, the mainstream media celebrated hillary clinton's foreign policy speech. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. >> what did the voters think of it? lee carter gives us the dial treatment next. >> and then our coverage of muhammad ali's death continues. we're live outside the hospital where the boxing champion passed away as we say good by to the greatest. >> i don't have a mark on my face. and 22 years old. i must be the greatest. i told the world. in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. my m...about my toothpasteice. she eveand but she's a dentist so...i kind of have to listen. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again! we are working to confirm that information. family spokesperson a short while ago sent out an email saying there will be a media briefing in a few hours. we expect to learn more about the funeral arrangements for muhammad ali. we do know he will be buried in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. a family spokesperson said after, quote, a 32 year battle with parkison's disease muhammad ali has passed away at the age of 74. the heavyweight boxer died this evening. then on thursday the day before ali's death, his daughter posted this status to facebook saying i love this photo of my father and my daughter sydney when she was a baby. thanks for all the love and well-wishes. i feel your love and appreciate. here in phoenix muhammad ali helped found the parkison's center in phoenix. that hospital aims to aid those also stricken with the same disease. parkinson's disease which muhammed ali suffered from. clayton? >> matt live for us in morning in scottsdale where muhammad ali passed away. thanks, manual. tucker, over to you. >> the gloves are off this morning in the golden state with the press touting hillary clinton's attacks as a turning point for her as she moves upward in the general election. how do voters feel about it? that's the real question to. answer it pollster lee carter joins us. new dial tests. good morning, lee. >> good morning. >> so, this was the consensus in every paper in politico and all tuggers were convinced hillary clinton's speech attacking trump on foreign policy basically changed the race. did it? >> i don't think so. i really don't. i think it's not surprising to see the democrats loved it not surprising to say that republicans did not. but independents, it's real interesting to see how they tracked. we should take a look across these dials how they responded. >> okay. so here's the first bite we are going to play hillary on trump's temperament. >> making donald trump our commander in chief would be a historic mistake. and it would undo so much of the work that republicans and democrats alike have done. over many decades to make america stronger and more secure. it boo set back our standing in the world more than anything in recent memory. and it would fuel an ugly narrative about who we are. >> and so you can see that the democrats across the top of the line a said she did a fantastic job. independents and republicans both gave her an f. this was the most interesting thing to me. one of the independents said she might be right but i'm not sure that she is any better. so there is still this real trust gap that she has. she can put this out there and cause doubts about donald trump. independent voters they still have doubts about her. >> she can hurt him but doesn't necessarily help herself? >> that's right. >> interesting. >> here is hillary on national pride. watch this. >> imagine if he had not just his twitter account at his disposal when he is angry but america's entire arsenal. do we want him making those calls? someone thin-skinned and quick to anger who lashes out at the smallest criticism. do we want his finger anywhere near the button? >> no. >> i have a lot of faith that the american people will make the right decision. this is a country with a deep reservoir of common sense and national pride. >> well, i'm no hillary voter, i thought that was a pretty effective line though. >> you know what? i will agree. what we heard from voters, we said what is the most effective attack? what stands out to you? that idea that donald trump is thin-skinned. that is the one thing that she said people were repeating and really scares them because we can't afford to have a president who is thin skinned. independents and republicans here basically said this was a pretty good argument. independents even came back a little bit to the middle. they gave it more like a c. especially when she started saying i believe in the american people. we have deep sense of common sense. people really respond to do that they want us to show that we are great america. they want her talking about the positives more than the attacks. the attack when she went on thin skin that's when it stuck. >> interesting. here is trump's response to what she said, watch. >> crooked hillary said oh, donald trump, his finger on the button. i'm the one that didn't want to go into iraq, folks. and she is the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilize the entire middle east. >> so that was a very typical donald trump tone and response and feedback and independents, republicans gave him a b. it wasn't the ever done. weighs a right to swing back. he made a good point. democrats not surprisingly gave it an f. still independents said if she is going to come at him for that he has every right to come back swinging. >> interesting he went after her on iraq. not just libby but on iraq. >> lee carter, thanks a lot for that. >> any time. great to be here. >> she is a convicted cop killer hiding out in cuba. is there a deal in the works to bring her back to america to face justifiable? we have details on that story coming up. and firemen called terrorists because they put the american flag on their truck. it's a shocking story. we have a big update this morning. the fireman's union president joins us live just ahead. >> rumble young man rumble. that's what we going to do. you heard it. >> i told you i was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a be. >> his hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. that's what happened. >> one of the most iconic quotes from muhammad ali. the world is mourning the boxing legend this morning. muhammad passing away at the age of 74. >> passed away from respiratory complications. >> world reacting to the death of muhammad ali. >> i was so overwhelmed i couldn't believe that i met him when i was young. i met muhammad ali. him touching me, me shaking hands with muhammad ali. it made me want to go out there legend. a man that's going to be truly missed. a man that i loved. >> tributes pouring in on social media as well. our own adam housley has more from los angeles this morning on this story. good morning, adam. >> good morning, guys. all throughout the night we have been monitoring this. the #s, for or five gotten close to 1 million retweets or postst. penal posting their thoughts on muhammad ali whether you knew him or didn't. people who had no thoughts leaving thoughts and people who knew the man. don king put out a statement like he will never die. he stood for the world. george foreman, muhammad ali is one of the greatest human beings i ever met. no doubt one of the greatest people who ever lived in this day and age. kareem abdul jabbar today we bow our heads at the loss of a man who did so much for america. tomorrow we will raise our heads again, remembering that his bravery, his outspokeness and his sacrifice for the sake of his community and country lives on in the best part of each of us. you heard from floyd mayweather a minute ago. but also bernice king, daughter of martin luther king, of course, says you were a champion in so many ways. you fought well. rest well. manny paquel says we lost a giant today. boxing benefited from muhammad ali's talents but not as much as mankind benefited from his humanity. bob, the boxing promoter. he was the greatest fighter of all time. boxing career secondary to his contribution to the world. we are hearing from everyone those running for president and those who had no connection at all. other than knowing that muhammad ali was larger than life. we heard from lahia ali earlier. we know many in family at his side in phoenix. this wasn't the first time he had gone through something like this. in fact, jim gray who knew him well works for here at fox. this is the fourth time muhammad ali had been in a grave situation. unfortunately the first three, he won that battle as he fought and won so many throughout his lifetime and in so many ways. unfortunately this one he did not win. another small story i want to do pass along, here in southern california, muhammad ali went to a game a couple years ago at a school that i'm familiar with pepperdine university a small baseball stadium here for a college team doesn't get generally large crowds and muhammad ali went to see his grandson play from the university of louisville as they played a pepperdine team. not a lot of people in the stands that day. usually when someone like muhammad ali would come to an event, generally speaking, you will have a massive entourage. that's kind of the way people travel those days. he came basically with his family. no entourage. it's those thoughts coming through this morning. people who knew him. people who didn't know him. the energy he had, whether weather you met him or not, whether you are in the same room or not is something that continues to live on. we will have more thoughts and remembrances here on fox back to you in new york. >> thanks. >> questions we were asking earlier, tim shanahan, one of his close friends, how did he want to be remembered? he wrote about this from his own memoir he said i would like to be remembered as the man who won the heavy weight title three times. humorous. a man who never looked down on those who looked up to him and helped as many people as he could. as a man who stood up for his beliefs no matter what. as a man who tried to unite all human kind through faith and love. if all that is too much, i guess i would settle to be remembered as a great boxer and leader and champion of his people. i wouldn't even mind if folks forgot how pretty i was. >> he was known for saying that a couple times. all right. well, the death toll climbing now to nine after search teams find the pose of four more soldiers swept away in those texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the tragic accident in owl creek at fort hood. two and a half ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the three men who survived were released from the hospital friday. we're still waiting on the army to release the names of those who died. three men have now been found guilty of conspiring to join isis. the trio all from the state of minnesota. they're accused of planning to go to syria and conspiring to commit murder. they all now face life in prison. they are among 10 young men accused in the conspiracy. a judge ordering the man who set up hillary clinton's controversial email server to prove he was immunity deal with the department of justice. brian pagliano planning to plead the fifth during a deposition by a watchdog group but now has to prove that he has rationale to do so. pagliano has been part of an fbi investigation into whether or not hillary clinton broke the law by sharing and storing classified information on her private home email server. rumor has it u.s. and cuban officials are in talks to exchange exiles. the trade would bring new jersey cop killer joanne chess march back to america. until exchange she has been hiding out in havana since the mid 1980, those are your headlines this morning. >> rick reichmuth is standing by with a look at the forecast this morning. hey, rick. >> how many times have we talked about texas flooding and how many times have we talked about it. >> keep asking. >> it's getting metta. >> it really is been the case all week long. the rain today right here across kind of the center stripe of the country from minnesota and western great lakes down to the south. we still have rain falling around the houston area. one of the spots seeing so much flooding. it's almost done. however, this front is very slow to move out. i think by tomorrow evening it's gone. in the meantime we will see spots around houston, maybe 3 or 4 inches of rain and see more flooding. tropics, hurricane season started just a couple days ago and we are watching our third system of the year potentially going to develop maybe some time tomorrow evening here. all this moisture you see in the western caribbean, that is going to move up in the national hurricane center high chance of development here in the 48 to 72 hours. right here across parts of the eastern gulf, and maybe some sort of a landfall monday night into tuesday across parts of florida. a lot of rain there. some spots maybe 7 to 10 inches of rain. we will see flooding in florida this week as well. >> that's a lot of rain. >> a lot of rain. >> thanks, rick. >> you bet. >> coming up on the show, remember how the state department admitted to delicately editing this briefing video to cut our james rosen it turns out they did it again. the new accusation being leveled against the obama administration. we we are live in washington with that story next. >> you have seen the shocking video. a trump supporter getting egged in the face by protesters who are waving mexican flags. shouldn't they protests? 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ask your doctor if movantik is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. welcome back. remember when the state department admit to do editing this exchange between our james rosen and a states department spokesperson. it's happened again this time over a press briefing over the iran nuclear deal. garrett tenney with the latest on. this good morning, clayton. the selective editing again involves a fox news correspondent asking about the administration lying to the american public about the iran nuclear deal. back on may 9th, at the white house press briefing, our own kevin corke asked white house spokesperson josh earnst about that here is the exchange. >> you can state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the iran nuclear deal? >> no. >> that initial response from ernest where he says no, kevin, never made it into the white house's official transcript of that briefing though. a white house official told abc news, which first reported the omission that the line was left out because it was inaudible. though you could clearly hear it there in that video. this, of course, comes on the heels of a discovery that the state department official ordered 8 minute exchange between our own james rosen and then spokeswoman jen psaki over the iran nuclear deal to be deleted on the website and youtube channel. in paris yesterday, secretary of state john kerry called that decision stupid, clumsy and inappropriate. and said he intends to find out who is responsible, adding he did not want that kind of person working for him. congress is now getting involved as well on friday. he had royce, chairman of the house foreign affairs committee requested the state department's inspector general investigate the issue as well. and jason chaffetz, the chairman of the house oversight committee sent a letter to secretary kerry requesting documents and information regarding that incident as well. so this story is not going away any time soon, clayton? >> i wonder how much other stuff is [inaudible]. -- inaudible. >> flags burned, donald trump supporters were assaulted in san jose thursday night. hillary clinton has condemned the violence but also blamed trump for it watch this. i condemn all violence in our political arena. i condemned it when donald trump was inciting it and congratulating people who were engaging in it. i condemn it by those who are taking violent protests to physical assault against donald trump. this has to end. he said a -- he set a very bad example. he created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, to be encouraging his supporters. now we are seeing people who are against him responding in kind. it should all stop. >> okay. that's hillary's view. some on the left have actually encouraged rioting. one vox editor tweeted this the other day quote. advice: if trump comes to your town, start a riot. that man was suspended but there wasn't much outrage about it. why? joining us now to discuss this is the mayor of miami beach florida and hillary clinton supporter and frequent guest on the show reporter lavigne. mr. mayor, it's great to see you. >> thank you. >> it's a little much to blame donald trump for the violence of people who support hillary clinton or bernie sanders, isn't it. >> absolutely. tucker, let me say. this as a mayor the most important thing is public safety. making sure your citizens or residents are safe. everyone needs to condemn violence. there is no place for this in our political discourse. obviously this is a very contentious election. i'm sure we are going to see this all across the country. i call upon my fellow mayors and all contenders in this presidential race to condemn violence during all these political rallies and all these events. >> good for you. what you didn't hear anybody mention in the press for some reason is the nature of these protests. they weren't just against trump. they were against america. burning american flags. waving mexican flags. make america mexico again. stop waving the flags of foreign countries? what is this. >> everyone has freedom of speech. no question about that freedom of speech doesn't mean that you cannot hurt anybody, that you can threaten anybody. that needs to be eliminated. >> i'm not contesting their right to be anti-american. i'm saying people in positions of authority ought to denounce it. why aren't they? >> no question about it. that's why donald trump really should denounce it. >> he denounces it all the time. >> i mean, listen. >> why waving mexican flags. >> tucker, let me ask you a question when is he saying something like beat the crap out of that protester, that's wrong. >> right. >> he shouldn't say that. he should condemn violence. >> i agree. >> senator sanders. >> that's an easy call. >> donald trump needs to do that. >> do you think the protesters at anti-trump should wave mexican flags. >> i think people should have freedom of speech. >> hold on, slow down. what do you think of the waving mexican flags? do you find that appealing? what do you think that means. >> i think today is a sad day for america. muhammad ali passed away and being the mayor of miami beach greatest in the world when he knocked out sunny his ten. one of the things he stood for against violence. violence in the ring but outside the ring he was not for violence. >> like muhammad ali you are floating like a butterfly around my question. >> and stipulating like a be. thank you for being my guest. >> firearm called terrorists because they put flag on truck. speaking of anti-american. respond to that next. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. incredible bladder prthat lets from always discreeyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give you double your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? 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his reason? it makes them look like terrorists. the official sparked this controversy by calling the flags on the back of the trucks, quote: like isis in syria going to take over a city. i don't think they need that big flag on the back of the truck. that's not america to me. those are a bunch of terrorists. the official has since walked back his remarks and firefighters now have permission to fly the american flag. joining us now is firefighter union president david gorman, he has been defending the firefighters in this fight with the city and is here surrounded by several members ever the central coventry fire department. thanks to all of you for being here. david, please make sense of this story for all of us. we are hearing that in a u.s. town that firefighters are being told they can't fly theme acan flag on their trucks? is it the way it sounds? >> yeah. i mean, that's exactly how it sounds. you know, you asked me to make sense of it. i can't make no sense of that comment. it makes no sense whatsoever. >> so what is going on? what was his reasoning, this official, what was his reasoning on calling firefighters terrorists for flying american flag off the back of the truck? >> i don't know what a reasoning would be to call first responders terrorists at all. we can only assume that we have been in some entrenched battles over the last several years, and this is just another attempt to really belittle us and attack us. but, to resort to terrorists and isis and those comments, that was just despicable. >> how are the firefighters responding? >> our initial response was did that really happen? you know, what was just said? but we have been berated like this the last couple of years from this chairman. but my military vet and even the guys standing behind me very upset. this is the american flag a lot of brave men and women laid their lives down for us to fly that flag. >> three chief were told to take down decals. two of them were veterans themselves. he has since walked back these remarks and now they will be allowed to fly the flag but they have to ask permission? >> well, we haven't been told that we're allow to do fly it. they have walked back their comments but issue asked privately by three fire chiefs in the current administration that the chairman wants the flag and vice merriman want the flags off the fire trucks. >> we also understand, by the way, that since this story broke the fire district board has hired a pr firm and you say that you have been getting a lot of support and the firefighters have been getting a lot of support for the community. so, david goshman, thanks for -- gorman, thanks for joining us and good fight there with you all all the firefighters standing with you. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> greatest is gone. booking legend muhammad ali passing overnight. we remember him when our coverage it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. this clean was like - pow. everything well? it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x cleaning*, 6x whiteningá in the certain spots that i get very sensitive... ...i really notice a difference. and at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps! step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. it's the whole package. no one's done this. crest - healthy, beautiful smiles for life. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. that's never really been possible. but along comes a radically new way to buy a car, called truecar. now it is. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ thisproof of less joint pain and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. what's your body of proof? good morning. it's saturday, june 4th. 2016. i'm sandra smith, and this is a fox news alert. the greatest of all time is dead. >> everybody stop talking now. attention. i told you all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. >> indeed he did. multiple times. boxing legend muhammad ali passing awayvernight. we'll have the very latest on his passing. the incredible reaction that we are seeing pouring in this morning to the news and we'll take a look back at the life and legacy of the champ. >> and then countdown to the california primary. with that race just days away, sparks are flying in the campaign trail. hillary clinton taking aim at donald trump. but new poll numbers suggest she ought to be spending more time focused on bernie sanders. we've got a live report from that state straight ahead. >> and another hollywood actor attacks donald trump. >> if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? can we like transfer to a different one? let me me say this to the bankers. >> actor matt damon turning a speech into a political won against the donald. he wasn't the only one. the first lady did it too. we will play that tape for you are too. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> just waking up, it is saturday morning and muhammad ali the greatest heavyweight boxer in history of this country has died at the age of 74 in scottsdale, arizona. >> the three time heavyweight champion had been hospitalized recently with respiratory complications. all exacerbated by parkison's disease he was battling for 32 years. >> he will be buried in his home state of louisville, kentucky. flags will be lowered to half-staff we are told this morning. the former cassius clay consciousness when he beat the champion sunny liston. >> we're diving into the history of this. because it was supposed to take place at the boston gardens. >> i didn't, it was. >> cancelled at the last minute and moved up to maine where you usually don't think of big sporting gleents hockey ring in the. history was made. he called himself the greatest of all of time and he proved it again and again. as we said he has passed away at the age of 74 last night. >> he did call himself the greate time. and anyone who challenged that, he would look right at them and say are you the greatest? i'm the greatest. >> the accomplishment's there to back it up. they are stunning. having won the world heavyweight title a record three times. matt joins us live from outside the hospital there in scottsdale, arizona where he had spent his last few days. hey, matt. >> good morning, everyone. of course it's very somber here right now. calm and quiet. we have seen people come and leave behind candles and mementos like boxing gloves. there was a very strong presence of security here at one point we saw almost a dozen police officers or what appeared to be security guards in front of the main entrance of the hospital. now the security preference has -- presence has diminished. we cannot confirm whether his body is in the hospital behind us. we do know the family released an email a short while ago saying that muhammad ali will be buried in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. there will be a briefing. the family is expected to release more information on fowrnl arrangements. on thursday, the day before he died, his daughter posted this status to facebook saying, quote: i love this photo of my father and my daughter sydney when she was a baby. thanks for all the love and well wishes. i feel your love and appreciate it. as you guys have been saying, celebrities, athletes, world leaders have been posting tributes on social media mike tyson said, quote. came from his champion. floyd mayweather post to do instagram saying my heart goes out to a pioneer, a true legend and hero by all means. now, of course, muhammad ali has been described as kind and giving man. someone who tried to give back to the world through any means that he could. and here in phoenix, the boxing legend helped found the muhammad ali parkison's center at a neurological institute in phoenix. that hospital aims to help people struck with factor sons the disease he suffered from for so long. >> thanks, matt. >> muhammad ali was known for accomplishments in the ring but accomplishments around the world even greater. >> how muhammad ali floated like a butterfly and stung like the be. >> the world pretty like me. >> he was pretty and he won the heavyweight championship three different times from 1964 to 1979. ali was still known as cassius clay when he came out of louisvilleville kentucky and took the championship from sonny liston. in february 1964. overnight, he became an international star with attitude. >> i walked in london, england. i jumped off the airplane. camera men anywhere i go. look in the gym. tv, cameraman, everybody follows me i'm so great. >> in 1960's he embraced muslim religion changed his name from cassius clay to muhammad ali. with the vietnam war raging, ali refused to be inducted into the army. as a consequence, he was stripped of his title and exiled from boxing for almost four years. he returned and won the title again from george foreman when he introduced his famous rope-a-dope strategy in 1974. >> let's do it all. i hit them -- it will knock him back and out. he would literally stand there and wake up again. >> it was an aging ali who lost a title to toothless leon spinks in 1978. he came back 8 months later to regain the crown. ali's most memorable fights were with joe frazier. he won two of the three classic contests from 1971 to 1975. >> i told you today i'm still the greatest of all time. never again defeat me. never again say that i'm going to be defeated. never again make me the underdog until i'm about 50 years old. then you might get me. >> in the 70's, he came under the influence of boxing promoter dom king. he pounded out a lopsided decision over the unskilled chuck wetner in 1975. he remained international celebrity long after his retirement 1981. symbolic of national status. he was chosen to light the olympic torch after the 1976 olympics in atlanta. even though he was severely inflicted with parkinson's disease. he attended the funeral of his greatist rival joe frazier. >> i told you i'm the champ of the world. all of you bow. all of my critics. >> in new york, brian kilmeade, fox news. >> we want to bring in tim shanahan now author of running with the champ. my 40 year friendship with muhammad ali. we want to talk about your remembrances of muhammad ali. this morning, everyone bringing up the fact that he was a controversial figure. i think he offended just about everyone. he offended the naacp, he offended the establishment. everyone seemed to have a gripe at one time with muhammad ali. >> like i mentioned earlier, he said his middle name was controversy. and whenever he was promoting his fights, he always said he wanted to insult the opponent and make people angry at him and at that way, 50% of the people will come to see him lose and the other 50% would come to see him win. so whenever he was promoting the fight, he said that was all an act. he said i was just pumping myself up to get into the mood to fight this opponent. and he had to make himself angry to get into that mood. he was a loving person. he loves all people. and somebody who loves all people can't be a terror in the ring unless he makes up something in his head. so he was controversial. >> he was. he became famous as you know in the 1960's for coming out against racial integration. and as a black separatist and said so without apology and often. when -- did he change his view on that? and if so when and why? >> he really -- he believed in elijah muhammad. so he was following him as a young age and believed anything and everything he said. when elijah muhammad died in 1975, wallace d. muhammad took over his son took over. he was more along the lines of muhammad's thinking that is that we can't be calling the white man devils. we have to learn how to get along with them. because they are in the business world. and we have to join them in the business world and do business with them. and we can't turn our backs on that. we have to make ourselves better and greater by cooperating and participating with the white world. and muhammad always believed that he never really believed that the white man was the devil. so that was a time when he started changing his thoughts. >> tim, as an athlete, obviously he had god-given talent. he won an olympic gold medal at the age of 18. as his friend for so long, what more did muhammad ali have that made him this exceptional athlete beyond just talent? because athletes know it takes more than just that. >> i'm going to tell you something probably everybody sees but don't bring up his spiritual side. he is the most spiritual person that i know. and he rises above the mortality that he is facing in fights and any type of controversy. he takes it from a higher level. people who deal with him on that spiritual level realize it. and i believe that the one thing that he had above all other athletes was the ability to rise above and faces the challenge at a spiritual level rather than a morality level. >> thanks for joining us this morning and for remembering your friend muhammad ali for us. thanks. >> thank you. >> good to have you here. headlines this morning starting with a fox news alert. the death toll climbing to nine after search teams find the bodies of four more soldiers swept away in texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the tragic accident in owl creek at fort hood. a two and a half ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the three men who survived were released from the hospital friday. we're still waiting for the army to release the names of those who died. police in massachusetts are on high alert after a man threatens to kill officers on twitter. the man posting a video of himself cursing and yelling at police. after getting frustrated by an ambulance on his way to work. the man believes the ambulance was sent by police to mess with him. he then threatened to kill the officers saying it's just a matter of time. the scariest part? the man considers all fire and e.m.s. personnel as police, creating a bigger danger for emergency responders. all right. well, a judge ordering the manual who set up hillary clinton's controversial email server to prove he has an immunity deal with the justice department. brian pagliano planning to plead the fifth during a deposition by a watchdog group. now has to prove he has rationale to do so. pagliano has been part of an fbi investigation into whether or not hillary clinton broke the law by sharing and storing classified information on that home server. and those are your headlines on this saturday morning. >> thank you, sandra. well, the primary just days away sparks are flying on the campaign trail. hillary clinton taking aim at donald trump. new poll number suggests she should be spending more time focused on bernie. a live report from california is straight ahead. >> convicted cop killer hiding out in cuba. our new best friend. is a deal in the works to bring her back to america to face justice and why wasn't this deal done before? we have got details coming up. >> we'll have continued coverage -- continuing coverage of the passing of muhammad ali. arthur aidala and bo dietl will be here to share their memories of the poxing legend. >> i make medicine sick. i'm so fast, man, can i run through a hurricane and don't get wet. meet me will pay his debt. i can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree. wait until you see muhammad ali. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. welcome back. the countdown to california is on just a few days now, the battle between democrats and as that is heating up to clinch the golden state. >> hillary clinton looking ahead and taking aim directly at donald trump with the presumptive g.o.p. nominee firing back at her attack. >> there is an awful lot going on. we bring in michael emanuel to explain what's happening. good morning, mike. >> tucker, clayton, sandra, good morning to you. weighed in on the -- lowering the bar. she knows law enforcement has tough enough job knowing we can gather and talk issues. >> i condemn all violence in our political arena. i condemned it when donald trump was inciting it and congratulating people who were engaging in it. i condemn it by those who are taking violent protests to physical assault against donald trump. this has to end. he said -- he set a very bad example. he created an environment -- >> donald trump is also campaigning here in california, doing some critical fundraising for the general election. he is also hoping to put california in play in the fall in the general election. trump last night in redding fired back at clinton. >> i think that hillary clinton is unfit to lead our country, certainly at this time. [cheers] >> i think she is unfit. >> then there is bernie sanders who is still campaigning relentlessly out here in california. sanders has been doing multiple rallies each day and daily news conferences with reporters. sanders sounds pleased that very tight polls have forced clinton to compete here. >> the media has decided that the campaign was over. she was supposed to be campaigning n new jersey but suddenly she and bill got a plane and here they are in california. sounds like the campaign is not quite over. [cheers] >> sanders has faced some questions in recent days about whether he is the one dividing the democratic party. sanders describes himself as an old fashioned guy who believes debate and democracy are great ideas. tucker, sandra, clayton? >> all right. thanks. >> thanks, mike. well we have that in common with him. we believe debate and democracy are good ideas on "fox & friends." >> violence unfolding in california and san jose and other rallies. chaos, you, of course, saw those anti-trump protesters throwing eggs at the trump supporter wearing the trump shirt. >> al pack of them surrounding this poor woman. screaming at her and intimidating her. imagine if she were a hillary supporter being surrounded by trump supporter. >> or transgendered right supporter being surrounded by red next. the justice department would be on this, right? >> she comes out and says she is condemning it. but then, of course, she is pointing the finger back at trump again. now we have this, which is an amazing tweet from emmet rensin. the editor of that publication tweeted this yesterday advice: if trump comes to your town start a rite. he has been suspended. he goes on to defend that idea, basically saying, look, if you oppose donald trump, this idea, you should come out and start a riot. >> hillary clinton says she condemns it but the question is are democrats doing enough to denounce this type of activity. especially after something like that. >> what about the nature of the protests? they were not just against trump they were against america. they were waving american -- waving mexican flags is that okay take a foreign flag to a protested and say let's make the state mexico. what does hillary think about that? >> emmet comes out with tweets i oppose all violence. violence against human beings is immoral. violence when you burn down a store front that's negotiable. violence to cars and things like that. >> that's doable. >> let us know your thoughts on that. coming up on this show, remember this shocking photo of this dog with its mouth duct taped shut? >> we have update on this case you will want to hear it straight ahead. >> taking on donald trump, it appears. >> multiple simulations. how come we have to be the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this. it's on day monday vs. trump. wait, hold on, enter stuart varney into the picture. and i couldn't wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it's opened up a whole new world for me. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. a grwas seeing theing the different it had like a manufacturer discount, it had a usaa member discount. all of them were already built in to the low price. i know that i got a better deal than i would have on my own. usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. ...of fixodent plus adhesives. they help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. puwith meta appetite control. you and temptation clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. welcome back. matt damon making his big return to mit. hasn't been there since they filmed goodwill hunting. he delivered that school's commencement speech yesterday. he used his time to take shots at donald trump and wall street. here is part of what he said. >> if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? [ laughter ] can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this to the bankers, specifically the ones who brought you the biggest heist in history, it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud, and you knew it. and i don't know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, but if justice does come for new this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. >> joining us now with his reaction stuart varney and company. stu varney. >> greetings all. >> theft and fraud, bankers. fraud and theft. what do you make of that? >> first of all, i find continue credible that you have a leftee celebrity invite to do a prestigious to nonsense. a conservative would be have been banned. up he gets, he hits the podium and all wall street's fault. it's all the bankers. he is flat out wrong. we are in difficult economic times. got nothing to do with what happened eight years ago. it's got nothing to do with wall street or the bankers. it's got everything to do with current economic policy. that's what's dragging us down. and that's what day monday will never admit. period. >> i wonder though if he realizes he is going to be on the road for hillary clinton this fall. no doubt about it. he always is does he understand that she is taking multiples more money from wall street than donald trump is? does he even know that, i wonder? >> i think he is more on the side of bernie sanders. >> right. he is obedient leftee robot, they all are. they will all get in line, of course. they all are. >> go for it, tucker, why not? >> because it's true. >> it is true. hillary clinton has taken more money from wall street than any republican, period. >> thank you, stuart varney. >> $200,000 per speech. i don't know a republican who gets $200,000 per speech from wall street. >> much more than that in one goldman sak's speech. >> i tried but it's not working. >> look at jobs report. 38,000 jobs created in the last month in may. this was a dismal number when it came out. you were covering it, stu. why? what happened? >> i think that's another problem for hillary clinton. the economy is almost dead stopped, growing at less than 1% a year. that is pathetic. hardly creating any new jobs. 38,000 that is dismal in the extreme. the middle class is still shrinking. and here's hillary clinton running for office on the back of president obama's economic policies. which are failing. >> but, remember, she says her husband is going to fix the economy. >> oh, that will work here is donald trump on this jobs report he tweeted out. terrible jobs report just reported. only 38,000 jobs added. bombshell. >> he is right. it is a bombshell. that came out of the blue yesterday. when that was announced, only 38,000 new jobs created in one month. that just came right out of the blue. nobody was really expecting it to be that bad. >> there were these predictions we have been talking about it over the last few months that the next president, it might be handed a real hurricane when they go into office. >> it could be. >> what needs to happen from either side to try to right these winds? >> you have two sides of the fence here. hillary clinton and bernie sanders would go into the election with a policy of tax the rich and spend more money. that's what we have had for eight years. doesn't work. donald trump will go into the election with a tax plan. cut individual tax rates, cut corporate tax rates, give us growth. i think that's what we need. i think we need growth at all costs. a lot of problems would be at least alleviated if we had 4% growth for a couple of years. that wouldn't solve everything, but it would set us on the right track. >> government regulations have been a big obstacle as well. >> get rid of them, employees. obamacare is the biggest obstacle to prosperity for middle america. it's still with us. it's got to go. >> those people aren't voting anyway so they have got to go. >> watch the show. >> killing it. >> you are all right, you guys. >> great to see you. >> want you back every weekend. >> coming up here on the show, she was fired after 40 veterans died under her watch at the phoenix v.a. now there is a chance she could get her job back thanks to the doj. pete hegseth is fired up about this and he is straight ahead. >> rememberth shocking photo of a dog? how could you forget it with its mouth duct taped shut. we have an update on this case and this story just ahead. and, tucker? >> we continue to observe the passing of one of the great boxers of all time pouring in from around the world. we will give you the latest on muhammad ali. bo dietl here to share next. allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. this clean was like - pow. everything well? it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x cleaning*, 6x whiteningá in the certain spots that i get very sensitive... ...i really notice a difference. and at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps! step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. it's the whole package. no one's done this. crest - healthy, beautiful smiles for life. rumble, young man, rumble. that's what we gonna do. you heard it. i told you i was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a be. >> his hands can't hit when what his eyes can't see. >> some of the most famous quotes of all time from boxer muhammad ali. he pass away last night at the age of 74. >> he battled parkison's disease for three decades. admitted to a phoenix hospital thursday suffering from respiratory problems. >> ali's accomplishments are stunning having won the heavyweight title a record three times. 56 of 61 fights. 37 of them by knockout. we want to bring in bo dealings, arthur aidala. both men here to share personal stories of muhammad ali. arthur, amazing at the garden the night muhammad ali lost. >> well, muhammad ali and joe frazier household name literally in my house, in my office. in my law office. i have the hat that the officials were given. special commemorative hat. when you look at the pictures of that fight, the march 8th, 1971 fight. all the officials around are wearing that hat. i have it framed because it was my grandfather's hat. two judges and a referee. the referee was mccandy my grandfather was one of the judges. they were so afraid much corruption. greatest sporting event ever. it was the only sporting event. there wasn't 500 different sports. there were like three. and so people would know there was no cell phones so my grandfather and three of the judges had to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring and he got the call around 4:00 that day and one of the referees and they were guarded. my grandfather couldn't go. no one could talk to him or no one could be near him. he said to me what he did in that fight because as bo will tell you every celebrity on the planet was there he watched the fight with his thumbs in his ears. he didn't want the crowd's reaction to influence his decision because the crowd can't see if a punch actually lands or doesn't land. he ruled nine rounds for joe frazier, six rounds for muhammad ali and muhammad ali lost that huge, huge fight right after the supreme court battle and all that in my house ali, frazier, march 8th is like a day of reverence. >> were you there, bo? >> i was there he touched my life twice. in 1917 i was a police trainee. i didn't become a cop yet. we had the gray uniform. i was working -- we had all time detective there he liked his begin. he gave me his detective badge. i took his detective badge. i knew about the fight. i said i'm a detective. so i had illegal badge. i had his badge and i went back into where the locker rooms. i'm walking around with a badge on me. i was a trainee at the time. i wasn't even a cop. eventually got my own detective badge. frank sinatra was the greatest event of my lifetime there. all of a sudden there to be there on that day, the excitement of that fight. >> is that you there with muhammad ali. >> muhammad ali was honored by the congress of racial equality and we had a big affair at the hilton. i was in charge of all the security. i never left his side. >> wow. >> we went back stage together. he signed everything. he signed all the shield cases of all the detectives that i had working for me. he was such a warm person. he was would have been the person to bring this whole muslim negativity together because he was a loving man. he didn't drink. he didn't smoke like arthur says he liked the ladies, but the problem with him was that -- >> -- i don't think arthur said that actually. >> he did. >> he was thinking it. >> bo, you lived it. i was like 5 at the time. you know, you are talking about a later stage muhammad ali. when that ali frazier fight that first one in 1971 he was divisive guy. the nation was very divided. he refused to go to vietnam. he, you know, he changed his name. he was calling joe frazier uncle tom. joe frazier who was financing him under the table when he boxing because he was not allow to do box. it was a crazy, crazy time. when bo talks about frank sinatra being there. do you know how he got there? frank sinatra was there because he went to life magazine and asked to get credentials as a photographer, so frank sinatra was ring side as the ring side photographer for life magazine. that's how big an event it was. >> some italian businessmen that i grew up with in the park. all the italian businessmen from the gambino, that's where they were at. the tickets for the 1971 fight was the hottest tickets in the world and was the greatest sporting event of my lifetime. >> lived up to the hype. it went 15 rounds. it went to a decision. >> every imar badge hauler was there that night. >> i don't know about garbage. >> everyone. i tell you the truth. leading up to like what arthur was saying so much controversy. everyone want to do see ali lose and frazier beat him. ali comes back with the two fight thriller and that. >> rummible in the jungle. >> as the man got older, you could see he thought about so many things. peace was one of them. >> eevolved. >> he was for one thing peace around the world. in the 1970s, one thing i reflect upon he was the most recognized man in the world. i remember that in the 1970s. >> i could listen to your stories all day. >> hopefully we all evolve. >> thank you, gentlemen. >> bo, arthur, thank you. >> do you think bo is ever going to evolve? >> no, i don't. >> what you see is what you get. i'm not changing. >> but i touched upon many things in my life, pal. >> all right, thanks. >> what's the matter are you, are you crazy? >> i have got to get get to these headlines. >> ring the bell. >> all right. developing right now, we have got to get to this story. three men have now been found guilty of conspiring to join isis. the trio all from minnesota. they are accused ofto go to syrd conspiring to committed murder. they all now face life in prison. they are among 10 young men accused in the conspiracy. rumor has it u.s. and cuban officials are in talks to exchange exiles it would bring new jersey chesimard back to america. in exchange we would send a cuban spy back to the do you know ban nation. she escaped in 1979 after convicted of killing a new jersey state trooper. she has been hiding out in havana since the mid 1980s. remember this shocking picture of the north carolina woman who sparked outrage when she posted this photo was found guilty of animal abuse. but will not face jail time for it. catherine lamanski was found guilty of animal cruelty on friday. she posted the picture on her facebook page last november with the caption this is what happens when you don't shut up. she was sentence to do a year of supervised probation but the sentence was suspended. all right. those are your headline this morning. >> let's get outside to rick reichmuth and follows extreme weather. >> there is a lot going on weather wise. all the flooding in texas. take a look at the weather maps. still more rain across areas of texas this morning. can you see where the rain is across the country today from areas of wisconsin all the way down the mississippi river valley. and again in across east texas, more heavy rain, more flooding possible. see some spots, four or five inches of rain today and tomorrow. mostly going to be the coast of texas. all right, some severe weather today across the ohio valley, tomorrow a bigger chance of severe weather, including some tornadoes, especially where you see that orange color from around philadelphia down to rally. we're also watching the tropics, hurricane season began just a couple of days ago. we already have a system that's in the western caribbean. going to pull in across the eastern gulf and as it does, likely develop into some sort of a tropical system and nonetheless bring moisture, some spots 5 to 10 inches of rain across florida. maybe tornadoes and certainly some very rough seas. one last thing, take a look at this, incredible heat moving in across the desert southwest. 117 today in phoenix. and tomorrow another maybe 116. average is 100. you get the idea the heat is on. all right, guys, send it back to you. >> thanks, rick. >> 117, nice. >> coming up, michelle obama taking aim at donald trump and her commencement speech. >> and here in america, we don't give in to our fears. we don't build up walls to keep people out. >> is this just a preview of what trump should expect from the obamas going into the general election? >> and he has been called the most hated man in america. now, the farmabro is in more trouble. more on his charges next. ♪ i got the change in my pocket. wasn't enough ♪ i'm like forget you ♪ and forget him, too. ♪ if i was richer ♪ i'd still be with ya. t hearin. t hearin. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. was he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we've been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at ♪ >> in this country, it's never been each person for themselves. no, we're all in this together. we always have been. and here in america we don't give in to our fears. we don't build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained. they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. >> that's your first lady, michelle obama. you know who she is talking about, of course. she is talking about donald trump. that was during a commencement speech she gave in new york city yesterday. probably a preview of what trump ought to expect going into the general election. here to confirm that or not is fox news contributor and author of black lash how obama and the left are driving americans to the government plantation, our friend dineen borelli. great to see you this morning. >> good morning, everyone. >> the message is you disagree with our program, you are a bigot. >> that's what the left does, clayton i mean tucker. >> i'm happy to be clayton, that's an upgrade. >> it's what the left does. a scare tactic, a fear tactic try to get people to go out to the polls, especially black voters, injecting race is another way to do it. they play the race card. this is what we are witnessing. we will see more of that because the obamas know the clock is ticking. they will be out of the office soon. we will be seeing more and hearing more of these comments. >> she talks about the raising of these walls. listen to her comments about the white house and waking up in a house built by slaves every morning. listen. >> it's the story that i witness every single day. when i wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and i watch my daughters, two beautiful black young women head off to school. [ applause ] >> waving goodbye to their father, the president of the united states. >> yeah, don't forget not too long ago she said she was proud of the country for the first time in her adult life and that was only because her husband became president of the united states. but for her to go back in time to bring up slavery, again is, a way to play on people's emotions. why not go back to the 1950s and 1960's when the democrats were the ones responsible for wanting to keep blacks segregated and were involved in the kkk and other issues that they did not want black americans to have liberty and freedom in america? why not go back to the 1950s and 1960s and talk about that i see this as selective history for her on her part to make those comments. >> this is the last commencement address. >> right. >> as first lady. and she used it primarily to attack donald trump. >> right. >> she never named him in that speech. >> right. >> but i mean most of it was targeting the g.o.p. nominee. >> sure. >> why not talk about america's exceptionalism. she went to prince ton. she went to law school. she is in the white house. the first lady. why not talk about how exceptional america is and that people, these graduates -- this is what they want to hear. a message of hope. a message of inspiration. and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to as long as you work hard and apply yourself. that is what america has to offer. >> so, deenen, even as we speak here on the couch, using our tax dollars erect ago higher fence around michelle obama's house. >> sure. >> given what she said yesterday tear down america's walls that's now how nerns live. we're not afraid of people. why is there a fence around the white house? >> that's the point. do as i say not as i do. there is nothing wrong with securing our porous borders. these are criminal activities coming. in diseases coming. in t.b., measles, and lord knows what else. we need to keep america safe first and that should be most important. >> well, i lock forward to the day where all the syrian refugees are living on the white house lawn. >> yeah. i agree. >> deneen borelli, good to see you. >> coming up here. >> sorry. >> one of bernie sanders biggest supporters suzanne sarandon has a prediction for hillary clinton. watch this. >> nobody is even talking about this indictment? what happens with that? besides the trust issue of catching her in so many lies? when does that -- >> -- well, there has been no indictment. >> no, but there is going to be. >> the reporters defending hillary but sarandon won't take it she is going after hillary clinton. hillary clinton is now responding. you get to hear what she has to say, yex. >> remember how the state department admit to do deliberately editing this briefing video to cut out james rosen. turns out they did it again. we have the new accusations straight ahead. >> she was fired after 40 veterans died under her watch at the phoenix va. now there is a chance she could get her job back. thanks to the doj, pete hegseth is all fired up about this. is he going to join us next. on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at great time for a shiny floor wax, no? 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>> it's enraging. she is the director of the hospital where the scandal was exposed. sharon hellman is the poster child for what is wrong with the v.a. she continues to insist that somehow she was wrongfully removed. she actually didn't get fired technically for the wait time scandal. she got fired for illegal gifts, beyonce tickets and others that she took under the table for special benefits for others. she is corrupt across the board. if she gets another appeal, she has already had an appeal. another appeal and gets her job back, it will demonstrate exactly how corrupt the entire system is. >> people are arguing what's really going on here? are the unions at the heart of all of this, pete? >> of course they are. the unions, the white house is in bed with the government unions who want more and more protections. they don't want anyone that's even remotely close to at will employment. in this case they claim the constitution. doj is claiming that it's unconstitutional to fire someone like sharon helman. this is the same white house who loves to shred the constitution. somehow when it comes to vets or directors who underserve them, now they are all up in arms about the constitution. and they are claiming that it's unconstitutional to fire them. tell them to every american whose been fired without cause at will employment. somehow government workers live in a special land where they can't be fired? it's absolutely enraging. the justice department is in bed with the unions who is in bed with the white house. and that's why nothing is changing. >> on the other side of this argument is well, doesn't she deserve an appeal or could she just be fired without any further appeal? >> she has had an appeal. she had an appeal. she wants an additional appeal on top of it to be -- and it to be overturned there was also an investigation. it's not as if she just walked in and she was fired. it was months and months and months of an expose. much more than anyone in a private sector would get. that in most institutions would ever get. these government workers are coddled, they are protected, they get lawyered up. they get another appeal. they get evidence. all the d. law did that was passed was expedite an appeal. it didn't get rid of an appeal. expedites it so like someone at an organization like the v.a. can get fired. many lawyers out there, many which i am behind the v.a. accountability act that would give the secretary the ability to fire any employee at the v.a. for cause. still be appeal and process. and the white house is claiming that would be unconstitutional. let's have that fight. because there is nothing in the constitution that says if you are a corrupt worker at the v.a. you can't be fired. find me where it says that it doesn't exist. they want more regulatory pairiers between the employees and that could be fired. it's really unfortunate. >> great point. and the unions at the heart of it all. pete hegseth thank you so much this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, did you hear this ridiculous story? firefighters called terrorists because they put an american flag on their truck. hear the response to the outrage straight ahead. our coverage of muhammad ali's death continues. juan williams interviewed the boxing great. he joins us at the top of the hour. time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. good morning, everyone. it's saturday, june 4th, 2016. i'm sandra smith this and this is a fox news alert. the greatest of all times has now passed. >> everybody stop talking now, attention. i told you, all of my critics, i told you all that i was the grittest of all time. >> boxing legend muhammad ali is dead at the age of 74. we will have the very latest on his passing. the incredible reaction to the news and we'll take a look back at the life and legacy of the champ. >> and then another entitled rich guy takes aim at donald trump. watch this. >> simulations. how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president. [ laughter ] can we like transfer to a different one? if justice does come for you in this resolve,. >> giving a commencement peach at mit into a political rant. we will tell you what he said. stay tuned. >> speaking of hollywood. one of bernie sanders biggest supporters, susan sarandon has an opinion. >> no one is talking about this indictment. what's happened with that. besides the trust issue catching her in so many lies. >> there is no indictment. >> no. but there is going to be. >> there is going to be an indictment. hillary clinton this morning giving her own prediction on the email scandal. shouldn't she be worried about california? chris stirewalt will join us live to react. "fox & friends" how three starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> well, the world mourning the loss of a man who called himself the greatest of all time. muhammad ali passing away at the age of 74 last night after battling parkison's disease for more than three decades. admit to do a phoenix hospital thursday with respiratory problems. he won three world heavyweight boxing titles. after boxing he became a voice around the world. one of the most famous men in sports. >> in 2005 he was awarded the highest civilian honor the medal of freedom by president george w. bush. >> it was a long road from growing up in louisville, kentucky as cassius clay to his later life as muhammad ali. our observe juan williams knew muhammad ali. interviewed him for npr years ago. he joins us now. you there, juan? >> i'm right here, tucker. good morning. >> good morning. >> i mean, he a evolved or changed, became different or whatever happened to muhammad ali. he was not the same at least in the public eye at the end as he was 50 years ago. tell us about that journey incredible journey. what an athlete. just a beautiful man. i don't know if have you ever seen pictures of him down in miami, ang lee dundee's gym. the beatles came to visit ali. people just loved them 18 olympic cold. phantom punch. he was so fast they didn't even see the punch. they wondered if there was some mob inspired fix in but there was a punch. but the political journey almost starts at the same time. you see, of course, cassius clay becomes as world champion under the influence of the black muslims and malcolm x and changed his name from cassius clay to muhammad ali. in the course of that become a defiant figure. scary figure black and white with regards to his religion. people didn't know or understand what the black muslims were about. and so ali becomes part of a counter culture, defiant moment in american life, particularly with regard to civil rights. and that escalates then when he says he is not going to enlist in the military in 67 and loses his boxing license. it's four years later that supreme court ruled in his favor that he had a legitimate basis for saying that he was a conscientious objector. >> juan, you sat down and talked to him several years ago. and you know, he is such a famous iconic person that you watched, you know, your whole life and you had built a perception. what did you learn when you sat down with him? did any of your perceptions of him change when you met him in person? >> well, you know, sandra, it's a little bit like meeting someone larger than life. i mean he is muhammad ali. i think, i'm not being -- i'm not engaging in hyperbole when i say i think he is the most famous person on the planet. there is no place you can go. no hamlet in china, no tribe in south america where people did not know this man's name and so, you know, i remember once with my daughter, you know, he invited me over and this was in washington, d.c. and he just starts playing. and you realize man, that's muhammad ali. another time when i interviewed him as you mentioned for radio in los angeles, it was -- he was out there for some espn awards. and he just starts doing magic tricks. he made himself into a very good magician. again, just so surprising. the way other people react to do him. holiday stars hollywood stars and other athletes held him in regard. i think it had to do with the idea that he had political voice, that i is h. sacrificed take a stand whether you agree with it or not. and secondly that he was so well known and so beloved by some. i think even in the boxing community, my dad was involved in the boxing community. people just thought, you know, is he different. i mean, he was not only fast and strong. but he had the poetic nature that really made him a hero. even when he went after people like joe frazier. he was just cruel to joe frazier. i don't know if you know that story. he made him into a guy uncle tom, not proud of himself. ignorant. just terrible stuff. even then people, i think, were willing to forgive him because he represented something that was almost beyond boxing, beyond sport which was this poetic peter pan sort of figure. you never associate that with boxing, but muhammad ali somehow made that happen. >> it's amazing because you hear the tale of two muhammad alis. the frazier version you were just talking about but also other stories like three college kids broken down their car on the side of the road. he drives by in rolls royce and does a u-turn around comes back. gets the jumper cables out and helps these people. people just stopped all over the streets waving at him. they couldn't believe it. here is muhammad ali in his rolls royce jumping this car for these college kids. that's the kind of guy he was, right? >> i think that's true. i remember i was in l.a. with him. i did the interview, and then we were going over to an aespn award ceremony. we went into the green room area and they gave him a separate room because everybody was just flocking around him. but here comes r. kelly, the r and b singer. and you know r kelly did a song i believe can i fly. he comes over and starts singing to ali and says, you know, you were the one who made me believe i can fly. i can do anything, you know. you think my gosh. this is muhammad ali. and he is just smiles and puts hermine in head locks, you know. i'm going to jab you. everybody starts laughing. but it's the regard that he was held in that really set him apart. i think, you know, when i saw him, for example, in '96 trembling with the parkison's, marching up those steps to light the olympic torve in atlanta, you know, i don't get emotional about a whole lot in public life like that. but, boy, that was a moment. because here was the outsider. here was the kid from segregated louisville who went through such internal crisis over this nation of islam, black identity thing, someone who, you know, lost so many years of his career and suddenly the whole country was embracing him and saying, you know what? you are the greatest athlete we have seen and certainly in the boxing ring. and we like to you represent the u.s.a. at this golden moment in atlanta. i think the whole stadium was just -- it was an emotional moment for the country? juan williams joining us. thanks, juan. >> thank you, juan. >> you are welcome. >> turning now to some headlines, starting with a fox news alert this morning. the death toll climbing to nine now after search teams find the bodies of four more soldiers swept away in those texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the accident at owl creek in fort hood. a two and a half ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the they men who survived were released from hospital friday. we are still waiting on the army to release the names of those who died. police in massachusetts are on high alert after a man threatens to kill officers on twitter. the man posting a video of himself cursing and yelling at police. after getting frustrated by ambulance on his way to work. the man believes the ambulance was sent by police to mess with him. he then threatens to kill officers saying it's just a matter of time. the scariest part? the man considers all fire and e.m.s. personnel as police, creating a greater danger charges keep coming for the most hated man in america. federal prosecutors accusing pharma bad boy martin shkreli defrauding investors. they say he stole assets to pay off his personal and professional debts. shkreli is expected to appear in federal court on monday. he faces up to 20 years in prison. outrage in a small rhode island town after a city official forces firefighters to remove their american flags from their trucks. the officials saying it makes them look like terrorists. the firefighters union president joined us earlier this morning with this response. >> my military vets and even the guys standing behind me very upset. this is the american flag. a lot of brave men and women laid their lives down for us to fly that flag. >> tough to understand that story. the official later on ate his words and firefighters now have permission to fly the flag but they have to seek that permission by the way. those are your headlines this morning. >> dominicanive. rhode island the most democratic state in the country. just to point that out. >> remember how the state department admit to do editing this briefing video to cut out james rosen? turns out they did it again. new accusation straight ahead. >> bernie sanders is closing in like a heat seeking missile on frontrunner hillary clinton in california. what happens if hillary actually loses the golden state and the prayers of the bernie people are sandy? chris stirewalt joins us in a minute. but, first, we continue to mourn the loss of the greatest, muhammad ali. rumble, young man, rumble. that's what we gonna do. you heard it. >> i told you i was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a be. >> his hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. so that's what happened. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. i like the bride more than the groom. turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no one's got moves like uncle joe. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's go, book with choice hotels and get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. book direct at you always have a choice. well, the california primaries are just a few days away. it's on tuesday. it's a big deal on the democratic side where the race is still in full swing. new numbers show that hillary clinton is neck in neck with bernie sanders, within the margin of error. it's a big deal for her because he could win. what happens then were that to happen? wow. chris stirewalt joins us live from washington with the answer. he is fox news politics editor and our friend. good to see you this morning. i saw you on megyn kelly's show last night. you didn't sleep much. thanks for joining us. >> i saw you last night on kelly file. >> adderall. i know all the clinton people i spoke to recently two days ago they are worried that could happen. what would that mean. >> she should be worried. all likelihood she will clinch the nomination early on the evening with knowledge. puerto rico and new jersey should put her over the top and it's a win. but, like the battle of new orleans, the war of 1812 was already over but andrew jackson's victory there put the stink on it for the british. if, in fact, bernie sanders wins in california, he has a great incentive to stay in the race, to hang around. washington's primary such as it is the following week and then can he go to the convention and complain about super delegates and make vociferous hand gestures. >> yes. and also make real demands of her like choosing her running mate. what do you think he asks for? his wife came out the other day and said we demand a progressive run with hillary clinton. do you think the senator from massachusetts, elizabeth warren could be the person he demands she runs with? >> or himself. he would actually be kind of an interesting running mate. the press doesn't take him seriously. they don't listen to what he is saying. they don't listen to his ideas. they like his hair and funny accent and they think he is adorable. i don't know, maybe it would be good. certainly for her, if she wins resoundingly in california, she has the freedom to pick somebody like cory booker. somebody who could help her ticket overall rather than just going with the base of the base of the base. >> the base of the base of the base though does support at least the white liberals in the base support bernie sanders. i'm sure you saw that clip from suzanne sarandon i want to play it anyway. so revogel how they feel in the closing moments of the democratic race. here is susan sarandon on hillary clinton. >> nobody is even talking about this indictment. what happens with that? besides the trust issue in catching her in so many lies. >> well, there has been no indictment. >> no, but there is gonna be. >> the reporter tries to defend hillary. susan sarandon having none of it hillary gave a statement saying that's not going to happen. >> but that reveals how a lot of bernie supporters feel. they don't like hillary. how many won't vote for her, do you think? >> obviously susan sarandon is wired inside the fbi. her deep functional knowledge of the fbi and department of justice has brought her her insight heretofore unseen. we should all wish to have such good reportage. people become willing to believe in things unsupported by facts. in this case certainly hillary clinton has a problem. we don't know whether she is going to be indicted. people willing to believe these things, hatred drives belief more easily than love. in the case of hillary clinton, liberals hate her. they know that she is going to pivot to the center as soon as she gets the nomination she will kiss them off and say hey, remember all the times i was a neo conservative hawk? well, still am. >> how can she preside over a party that's at least 40% socialist? out of the closet socialist when she is the candidate of wall street taking more money from the banks than any other person in the race? how does that work? >> donald trump. >> yes. >> donald trump will help her with those. now, that's why his opportunity is to run left, left, left, left, left, left. get away from republicans who people hate. people hate the republican party. if he wants to have a chance to beat hillary clinton, it's going to be by running to her left on a series of issues and getting away from these republicans who are a toxic asset for him. >> my head is spinning. you seem grounded amazingly enough. chris stirewalt from d.c. thanks a lot. >> you have a great day. >> you too. is it fair muhammad ali will be remembered for statements as he will for boxing skills. boxes historian steve farhood joins us next with a little perspective on the fighter's life. another pampered hollywood star weighs in on politics. >> if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? [ laughter ] can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this. >> out of touch rich guy vs. billionaire. the fight continues. stay tuned. can a toothpaste do everything well? this clean was like - pow. it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x cleaning*, 6x whiteningá* in the certain spots that i get very sensitive... ...i really notice a difference. and at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps! step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. it's the whole package. no one's done this. crest - healthy, beautiful smiles for life. wi probably got that question 3 to 4 times a week. i'd always get asked if i was asian or moroccan or something else. so i jumped at the chance to take the dna test through ancestry. and my results ended up being african, european and asian. it just confirmed what i guess people had seen in me all my life. i do feel like ancestry helped give me a sense of identity. "what are you?" now i know. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at incredible blnow comes with protection an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. welcome back a fox news alert this morning. we are remembering the life and career of poxing champ muhammad ali who passed away at the age of 74 last night. tributes pouring in this morning. poxing historian joins us now. he covered ali's last two fights. thanks for joining us this morning to give us perspective on the fighter. in his later years was he fighting pause he loved it? because he wanted the money? and how would you rate his performance? >> fame is a drug. i think he was definitely hooked on that he not take care of his money well either. there was that factor as well. he definitely fought too long for his own welfare and health but accomplished a lot even toward the end. >> describe his last two fights for us. >> well, for me i was in my early 20's and i was surrounded by all these writers who ali had taken around the world. he took the term world heavyweight champion to a whole different level because he fought everywhere. i felt very out of place, very uncomfortable because these writers had special access to ali. he gave them special access. the last fights specifically in nassau the bahamas, you knew it was the end. the word boxing the word retire is over until he boxes again. all the writers and especially the ones who had been around longer than me understood this was never going to happen again there was never going to be an athlete of any kind or for that matter of a public figure of any kind who was quite like muhammad ali. >> obviously a very controversial figure, the 60's refusing to go to vietnam as far as his, later in life, how did he look back at those days? >> really, you know, i view ali as the protagonist in the great american novel. he changed with time. the ali of the 60's was filled with rage and hatred. he enraged us and shocked us. but, with time, he came to inspire us. and he came to really symbolize love and respect and sympathy. the change from the angry ali of the early and mid 60's was remarkable. he did change and that's one of the reasons that he transcended boxing and was such a fascinating public figure. >> was there a specific pivot point? of course he was a racial segregationist and open about it. was there a moment when he said as malcolm x did i turn away from all that i'm going back on what i thought before or did it just slowly evolve? well in the early and mid 60's there was a tug-of-war between malcolm x and martin luther king with two very different philosophies. with time ali ended up rejecting malcolm x because malcolm x viewed the white man as the devil as he said. ali came to symbolize not just black america but the world entirely the whole world. that was a beautiful thing as it under out. >> ali was famous for catching people off guard. when you there were as a reporter, did he ever catch you off guard? >> he was so playful. and i remember going on a bus ride, a media bus trip to deer lake in pennsylvania, his camp. and he would sit behind you and he would flick his finger on the back of your ear. and then sit back real quickly. he was just as quick doing that as he was throwing punches. >> you got hit by muhammad ali? >> i got flicked by muhammad ali. if he ever hit me i wouldn't be here now, believe me. it was fantastic to spend a day with him at deer lake because that was where he was really at home. and that was a day i will cherish forever. >> good stuff. steve firewood thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, state department admit to do deliberately editing this video with james rosen. they have done it again. >> you have seen the trump rallying outside in california. why aren't the police doing more to stop them? do these protesters have any rights? bo dietl and arthur aidala are back in studio. look at these two. they are here to weigh in just ahead. ♪ we will, we will rock you ♪ you are a young man it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. everybody stop talking now. attention. i told ya, all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. >> that's muhammad ali, of course, probably the most famous athletic in the world. remembering him this morning. he has passed away. he died last night at the age of 74 after a long battle with parks parkison's disease. >> 30 years he suffered with that. now world class athletes are reacting to his death. >> i was so overwhelmed i couldn't believe that i met him when i was young. you know, i met muhammad ali. with him touching me, with me shaking hands with muhammad ali, it made me want to go out there and legend. a man that's going to be truly missed. man that i loved. >> adam housley has more this morning on the districts pouring in over social media good morning, adam. >> good morning, guys, yeah. for about 8 hours now we have been monitoring tributes consistent and ongoing. a lot of people on the east coast did not know of the news when they went to bed last night. you mentioned some of the athletes. just about every single major athlete seems like has weighed in, including all the major sports leagues themselves have weighed in via social media there are a number of hash tags that are trending. some have been retweeted depending what site you are on more than a million times gote greatest of all time. cassius clay and muhammad ali himself. feedback mike tyson tweeted god came came for his champion so long great one. god bless muhammad ali. peace and love to all of his family. that from ringo starr. british prime minister david cameron muhammad ali was not just a chopper i don't know in the ring but champion for so many people. >> madonna this king, this hero, this human words cannot express he shook up the world. god bless him. he continues to come in from all over, lennox lewis the great heavyweight champion himself said a giant among men. ali disprad a greatness and talent and courage most of us will never be able to truly comprehend; a legend who transcended sport and true champion for all. we also heard from roy jones jr. my heart is deeply saddened both appreciative and relieved the greatest is resting in the greatest place. daughter of coretta cot king thank you, you were a champion in so many ways. rest well. when you monitor social media tone and the statements coming in also officially, you can see the vast and wide area of people all over the world from leaders to sports greats, to people who had no idea what muhammad ali was like in person other than watching him on television. people that had, you know, ten followers for example, to people who had millions of followers. all weighing in on their thoughts about the loss of this great champion. he clearly touched livesry and across the world. imis, we continue to see the statements come out. we have not heard from the white house. weave do expect to get a statement shortly as the morning moves on. back to you in new york. >> thanks, adam. >> turning to your headlines this morning. throw men have been found guilty of conspiring to join isis. the trio all from minnesota. they're accused of planning to go to syria and conspiring to commit murder. they all now face life in prison. they're among 10 young men accused in the conspiracy. an oil train derails. that's a growing story this morning as well as a murder confession. it could be coming soon. a former friend of o.j. simpson reportedly says he believes the juice is fighting demons and once he is released from a nevada jail he will tell the truth in the 1994 murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. former nfl star is serving time for an unrelated robbery conviction and could be released as early as next year. well, a beautiful moment captured forever. a little girl surprising several police officers in cedar hill, texas, asking to hold hands and pray with them over their lunch. her father snapping this photo and it's now going viral. the officers posting it on social media saying her prayer was beautiful. and those are your headlines. >> nice to end on a good note there. >> certainly is. >> we will take it down a peg. let's talk about hollywood this morning. matt damon, of course, you know him from goodwill hunting where he won an academy award. he went back to mit for the first time since that movie to give a commencement speech and donald trump was his target. >> so let's say you are graduating from mit and you just spent four years studying electrical engineering and legitimately smart person trying to make the world a better place and for the commencement speech not hocking it's some actor lecture you about politics. that happened. here is what he said. >> if there are multiple simulations how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president? [ laughter ] can we transfer to a different one? let me say this to the bankers, specifically the ones who brought you the biggest heist in history. it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud, and you knew it. and i don't know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, but if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. >> how honest do you want to be? a lot of these schools are way less impressive than we pretend they are, mit or yale, impressive. >> matt damon went to harvard and dropped out to pursue acting. background on him. >> that's not impressive. i think you could make a fair critique of wall street, actually. i make it sometimes. but i don't think that was a smart critique, a, and, b, matt damon? they hired him to speak because is he famous and liberal. those aren't relevant criteria. >> hollywood looks to woo these candidates. fly them in all make $200 dinners donate to campaigns who receive a ton of money from wall street. here was stu varney on our show earlier this morning. day monday is damon is not going to real problem. >> lefty celebrity invite to do a prestige just university to spout economic nonsense. a conservative would have been banned from the place in the first place. no, up he gets, he hits the podium and it's all wall street's fault. it's all the bankers. he is flat out wrong. we are in difficult economic times. got nothing to do with what happened eight years ago. it's got nothing to do with wall street or the bankers. it's got everything to do with current economic policy. that's what is dragging us down. and that's what damon will never admit. >> you feel so sorry for all these kids saddled with debt. do you know what i mean? search mad about the college debt that all these kids are carrying. they should be mad. no one ever says to the colleges wait a second why are you charging 60 grand a year for a half rate education? >> i would love for him to say look i dropped out of college. >> exactly. so good and so true. >> you could save a lot of money and maybe get ahead. won't be saddled with all this debt. come up on the show we are remembering the life of the great muhammad ali. >> everybody stop talking now. attention. i told you, all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. >> geraldo rivera interviewed the boxing legend. look at that video. and he is live next to tell us about it. >> plus, you have seen the riots outside donald trump rallies in california. why aren't the cops doing anything to stop them? do the rioters have any rights? what about the spectators? do they have any rights? bo dietl and arthur aidala are back ahead. ♪ brothers ♪ closer than your next of kin ♪ the best of friends ♪ take a bullet ♪ for each other ♪ yeah, brothers ♪ ♪ sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold, please. 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well, it's happened again. this time with a press briefing over the iran nuclear deal. garrett tenney is in washington, d.c. with the latest on this story for us. good morning, garrett. >> sandra, good morning. this is quite the coincidence. this new revelation again involves a fox news correspondent asking the administration if it lied to the american public about the iran nuclear deal. at the may 9th white house press briefing our own kevin corke asked josh earnst if any senior administration official had lied publicly about the nuclear deal. here's that question and ernest's initial response. >> you can state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the iran nuclear deal? >> no. >> ernest went on to defend the nuclear deal. but, when you look at the white house's official transcript from that briefing, you can see that initial response where he says, no, kevin. is completely left out. a white house official told abc news, which first reported the omission that the line was left out because it was [inaudible]. though you can clearlier that in the video. this latest incident is just the second time in the last few weeks the obama administration has been found altering the public record regarding the iran nuclear deal. the state department admitted this week that an official ordered part of a 2013 press briefing to be deleted from the department's website and youtube channel. that deleted part included an admission by then spokeswoman jen psaki that the government had lied about its negotiations with iran and came in response from questions from our own james rosen. in paris yesterday, secretary of state john kerry called that decision to edit that video out stupid, columnsy, and inappropriate. he said he didn't think that kind of person should be working for him. congress is now getting involved as well. several lawmakers are calling on the state department inspector general to investigate the incident. the inspector general's office have said they have not determined whether or not they will do that at this time. sandra? >> all right, garrett teny, thank you. all right, tucker over to you. >> thanks, san draft it's an ugly scene in northern california this week. hundreds of protesters caught on camera swarming donald trump supporters. rioters, throwing bottles, waving a mexican flag. one woman was cornered and egged. why does san jose welcome illegal immigrants famously but not trump supporters and more to the point why aren't police doing more? here to weigh in fox news contributor bo dietl and fox news legal analyst are arthur aidala one the most famous cop and defense attorney decide who is who. great to see you both, gentlemen. >> good to be back. >> you are the cop. why aren't police jumping n the face of a riot? >> you know, watching this the other day when they were sucker punching kids walking there, we have a freedom of expression in america. you want to know something? that's the reason why donald trump is going to win because is he going to be democrats and republicans together. half of them were i will locally immigrants. burning the american flag. they are assaulting kids walking there because they have trump shirts on this. young lady with a trump shirt gets hit with eggs. the cops dom com out there. i'm a big supporter blue lives matter. that chief of police says we didn't want to take any action because we didn't want to cause any more problems, well, shame on you. you should have stopped that from happening. there is no reason in the world people are expressing with the support of donald trump to get assaulted like that? damn you, they should have been arrested. they should get the videotapes and lock up those half of those illegal aliens anyway. lock them up for assault. >> isn't this an attack on the idea of impartial justice? i mean, nobody can protester's right to protest. nobody can assault other people. >> other thing that people don't think of is the protesters. there is a large portion of them who are obeying the law. who are protesting legally. >> yeah. >> they want the person who punches someone in the face arrested. that makes them look bad. they don't want -- they want to protest peacefully. that's a large portion of them. and then there is a couple of schmucks, a couple of jerks. we don't want to be affiliated with these jerks. >> law enforcement serves at the pleasure of politicians. >> no, no, they serve at the pleasure of the people. >> in effect, they are controlled by politicians. >> new york city, big bird got elected because he said bill bratton is going to be my police commissioner before he was elected. that helped him. >> let the demonstrators close the streets down. people going home from work they couldn't. >> he did it once. >> he opened up the environment for that punk from baltimore the new york city cop. >> when a politician says, look, i like this brand of protest, don't get in their way, what are they thinking. >> politicians should stay the hell out of it. when you break the law. when you got a guy that comes in with bag of rocks hits that man in the head. bleeding. why wasn't that guy arrested? >> you can't assault people. >> that mayor of san jose, should be -- you know what he should do? get the civil rights charges lawyer against him for why those people weren't able to demonstrate and let their free expression. >> why i say they serve the people is you know what won't happen? the electorate in san jose won't come out and vote that mayor out of office. they won't make their voices heard. they are not -- by it. >> doesn't society fall apart when political demagogues say you have to follow this law but not this law? >> 100 percent. and that is illegal, by the way. >> yes. >> the selective prosecution. we are going to charge this person with this crime and this other person who does the same thing we are not going to charge with a crime. >> people who vote for me don't have to follow the law is basically what they are saying. >> point in case in new york city, we have this socialist mayor here that's going to be voted out because i tell you what, before he gets voted mayor, i will vote for [inaudible] [bell] >> listen to me, this mayor has destroyed this city and took the heart and soul out of our police officers. >> hard to say that when crime is still at his lowest rate. >> you are a statistician. >> no, i'm a bill bratton guy. i like commissioner bratton. >> just made news. bo dietl is running for the mayor of new york. >> i will tell you what i would do. i would keep bill bratton but i would formulate him to come back to the real world of life instead of listening to this socialist mayor. >> we still have the safest city. >> going to be running your campaign speeches live here on fox. thank you for joining us as always. >> i'm safe in new york. >> coming up when madeleine albright said this about women, remember, women who don't back hillary clinton? >> remember, there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other. [cheers and applause] >> that was albright the theologian. she has made news again for defending hillary. what she said top of the hour. plus you have seen this incredible video out of the state of texas. entire neighborhoods and cars left by devastating flodz there now cars being sold. they are hitting the market and you are buying them. tell you how to spot a car that's been under water before you purchase it. ♪ i believe it all is coming to an end ♪ well i guess we are going to pretend ♪ let's see how a & a financial we've come ♪ let's see how far however we've come. . . heavy rains this past week have led to devastating flooding in texas. take a look at this amateur video capturing the moments two people escaped from an suv. it was just moments before floodwater overtook the car carrying it away. but now flood damaged cars are flooding the market. so how do you spot a lemon? here with some tips is a personal editor for the international business times. good to have you here. this is a concern after all this rain and all the floodwaters, what if you go out to buy a used car and it has flood damage and you never know it? what can you do to avoid that some. >> it's a big purchase and we rely on our cars, so go through all the steps before you give them the money. >> so there is a way to identify whether or not it's had damage. what do you do. >> first thing is identify which type of car you want. you can research by consumer reports, kelly blue book. >> so always a good idea to know what you want. >> some cars are better than others. so start there. but then make sure you're going to an authorized dealer. it's a nice idea to buy it from someone off the street, but you're much better off going to an actual car dealership. you will be more protected. >> so an authorized dealer is key. >> correct. >> so not a good idea to go to somebody's couch who has a information sale sign on the windshield? >> you're taking on a lot of the risk that way. if you buy from the dealer, you have the federal trade commission guide behind you. >> and you always want to take it for a test drive, right? >> yeah, when you take it for a test drive, it's not just taking a spin around the block. >> because you get in the car and you're like what do i do, i'm kind of just driving. what are you looking for? >> and if someone is in the car with you, you might feel nervous taking it through all the paces. but you want to slam on the brakes, accelerate quickly, take it for a true test drive. >> and you want to get the history report. >> it will cost but 40 bucks, if you have the vehicle identification number, you can look it up and make sure that it checks out. this is going to catch the history. >> and you suggest getting a mechanic to look under the hood before you make the purchase. >> yeah, if you know your own stuff, you can do it for yourself. if your grandfather or neighbor is really good, bring someone with you. but if you don't have the resources, take to a mechanic, make sure that everything checks out. that's the last stop in the process. >> and you recommend buying a new car? >> it's great financial decision. you save a lot of money. >> all right. good stuff. thanks for joining us. i'll pass it to you boys inside. coming up here on the show, media celebrated hillary clinton's foreign policy attack on trump. >> his ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. >> but what did voters think of it? lee carter gives us the dial treatment. and coverage of 9 dthe dad the most famous athlete passed away. geraldo rivera knew him. he'll join us with his memories in just a minute. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. good morning. it's saturday, june 4th. i'm sandra smith. the greatest is gone. boxing legend muhammad ali passing away last night. >> everybody stop talk now. i told you all of my critics, i told you all that i was the greatest of all time. >> we have reaction pouring in from all around the world including our own geraldo rivera, he will be here live along with boxing great evander holyfield. >> is there anyone geraldo doesn't know? and then count down to the california primary. it's heeating up in a big way. new poll numbers suggest hillary clinton should be worried about bernie sanders. a live report from california coming up. and another hollywood actor attacks donald trump. >> is there a multiple simulation, how come we have to be in the way where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president. can we like transfer to a different one? >> matt damon turning a commencement speech into a political one. and the first lady did it, too. we'll play the tape there. fox and friends hour four starts right now. ♪ a sad day as the world says good-bye to the greatest of all-time, know ham hmohammauham boxer passing away last night at the hospital after being admitted with respiratory complications. >> the last 30 years or so, he battled against parkinson's disease. >> he was a record three-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world, he was 74 when he died in scottsdale, arizona. matt will be outside the hospital in scottsdale where he has spent the past few days. >> reporter: somber here in arizona in front of the hospital where the boxing great passed away. we saw people coming and going, people leaving behind mementos, candles. there was a strong presence of security, almost a dozen security guards here. that has since diminished. we also ran into a long time friend of ali, knew him personally for 35 years. take a listen to what he told us a short while ago. >> he still had all the charisma, all the swagger up until the very he said. he really did. on top of what was going on. still very sharp. i just think this was something that was unexpected and for maybe the first time this his life, know he couldn't get off the mat. >> reporter: he will be buried in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. and there will be a briefing here in arizona where we expect to learn much more information about the funeral arrangements for muhammad ali. back to you in new york. >> thanks, matt. geraldo rivera had a chance to sit down and interview muhammad ali. i want to play this clip and roll back the years. and we'll come out and get your sense of this. >> have you ever thought of politics? >> i've made a few statements, but, no, i don't see no reason why i want to be president. too much headache, too much trouble. and i don't think that i would make it. >> what was it like interviewing him? >> he was self-aware. >> he was a brilliant man, no doubt about it. sad dnews day. the program called me and said hustled in. we didn't expect it. >> i'm sorry, is that you? >> yeah that eat two of us. excuse the short shorts and the socks. but that's what i looked like back then. this was after the second frazier fight just before the thriller in manila, the fight that ali and joe frazier went at in a way that was so intense, he said they both went in as champions, they came out at old men. it was a vicious, vicious fight. but he was so important particularly i mean spans the generations, but we're almost the same age. six months older than i. he was so important. he defined the '60s in many ways. he was the first of the crossover black power -- not black power in the militant sense, but of black is power, black is beautiful. he rejected christianity, adopted islam as his religion, changed his name from cassius clay to muhammad ali. and took the title beating sonny liston in a way that -- he had a reputation of being undefeatable. >> how did he join islam, seamlessly transitioned from the outer fringes of american society to the center. how did he do that? >> remember, this was a period of great urban chaos. there was the worst race relations you could possibly imagine. not only the civil rights movement, but the anti-war movement and the collision of these great social forces. and here was this man, this intelligent man, this bold and flamboyant man, but the person who absolutely defied expectatio expectations. he's maybe the greatest athlete of the 20th century. and so people could relate to him even though he was convicted for dodging the draft and ultimately the united states supreme court reversed that conviction, but he lost almost four years during his prime fighting, you know, period. but he came back and he lost to frazier in that ep epic bout in1 and then beat frazier in the second fight and then the third fight that absolutely wrecked them both, one of the greatest fights of all-thieime. but he was so approachable. everyone knew him. i kind of took over for howard cosell to whom ali went for promotional events. but the fact that he was with the nation of islam or changed his name became almost irrelevant to the fact that he was our friend, he was so conscientious, he was willing to risk everything, to sacrifice so much. he was a secular saint in many ways. i really mean that. but he was not a perfect man. like me, had a checkered domestic history, nine children from three or four women, i forget home, but a wonderful deep hearted compassionate person who cared deeply for the youngsters. throughout the world, he was the most famous man on earth. >> i also like how you say like me, he had a checkered past. >> and we also want to get your take on politics because there is the chaos ensuing in california. protests getting violent. the question being asked are the democrats doing enough to denounce this violence. >> he set a very bad example. he created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, to be encouraging his supporters. now we're seeing people who are against him responding in kind. it should all stop. it is not acceptable. >> frankly, i honestly believe and i really believe this, i think that hillary clinton is unfit to lead our country certainly at this time. i don't like his temperament, i don't like his -- well, let me tell you, there is nobody with a better temperament than me. i have a temperament for winning. i've won all my life and we're going to start winning for you. >> shoot democrats denounce this violence that we've seen? >> i think a lot of things. and hear me out for a second because i'll kind of back into the most important question good b. quelli about quelling the violence. trump did a terrible thing by singling out the judge curiel as a mexican and refusing to admit he was born in indiana. it's a dangerous precedent and provocation that is really inexcusable. and he should back off it right now. and i say that from a man who i love him will, i care deeply for trump and his family. his -- i predicted he would be the nominee way back in early july. i has to be far more responsible or he will divide the nation. these protestors in san jose yesterday and marking the trump campaign as he goes around the country are reckless, irresponsible and counter productive. they will bring about the end result that they protest to loath. they will elect donald trump with their violence, with their anarchy, with their selfish self indulgent violence. it is absolutely counterproductive and it will achieve exactly the result they profess to resent. they must stand down. now, are the candidates on either side doing enough? absolutely tnot. this is unforgivable. i'll be covering cleveland for fox and friends and i anticipate disruption outside p. the democrats the next weekphil disruption outside. what these people really are seeking, and you remember back to the g7 and g-20 protests in seattle and so forth, it is disruption for the sake of anarchy and self-fulfillment. it is not tbringing about any just result. >> i rarely say this, but i agree with what you just said. all of it. >> we should call the presses. we have to turn now to some of the headlines this morning. it's 9:10 on the east coast. let's start with the fox news alert. the death toll climbing to nine now after finding the bodies of four more soldiers swept away in texas floods. only three of 12 men surviving the tragic accident at ft. hood. a 2 1/2 ton truck overturning during a training exercise. the three men who survived were released from the lohospital on friday. we're still waiting for the army to release the names of those who died. police in massachusetts are on high alert after a man threatens to kill officers on twitter. the man posting a video of himself cursing and yelling at police after getting frustrated by an ambulance on his way to work. the man believes the ambulance was sent by police to mess with him and he threatened to kill officers saying it's just a matter of time. the scariest part of it all, the man considers all fire and ems personnel as police creating an even bigger danger. a judge ordering the man who set up hillary clinton's controversial e-mail servers to prove he has an immunity deal with the justice department. bryan pagliano planning to plead the fifth during a dep circumstance but now has to prove he has rationale to do so. meanwhile madeleine albright making light of the e-mail scandal saying it never put american lives in danger. >> first of all, the e-mail, she said she made a mistake and nobody will die as a result of anything that happened on e-mail. >> albright says what does concern her is donald trump saying he admires putin. and those your headlines. coming up here, mainstream plead i can't celebrated hillary clinton's foreign policy speech. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different. they are dangerously incoherent. >> what do the voters think? lee carter gives us the dial treatment next. plus we continue our morning long coverage of the passing of muhammad ali with evander holyfield. he joins us just ahead. today i'm still the greatest of all time. never again twedefeat me, never again make me the underdog until i'm about 50 years old. then you might get me. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. >> so hillary went after trump's temperament in probably the most widely replayed sound bite. in case you haven't seen it, here it is. >> donald trump as commander in chief would be a historic mistake and it would undo so much of the work that republicans and democrats alike have done over many decades to make america vostronger and mor secure. it would set back our standing in the world more anything in recent him other and it would fuel an ugly narrative about who we are. >> so what was the response to that? >> i think it's fascinating to watch because it's not surprising democrats loved it, it was off the charts. >> among democrats. >> among democrats. independents and republicans were turned off completely. they gave it an "f." they said while it might be true, i'm not sure hillary will be any better and she's almost as uncertain as donald trump is. >> so when people on the fence, she's not credible. >> that's right. >> and donald trump responded of course and here's part of what he said. >> crooked hillary said, donald trump, his finger on the button -- i'm the one that didn't want to go into iraq, folks. and she's the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilize the entire middle east. >> interesting he's kind of hitting her for being the warmonger, i'm not. >> it was really fascinating. this didn't get up as high as it often does when he goes on the attack. but what people said is he has permission to go back after her, it's actually quite a good argument when you think about it. if you're saying that he's the one that will be crazy, i don't want him in charge, but she was the one that supported something that a lot of people are against how. it made people reconsider him, but still not as good as some of the other attacks. >> do you ever get dials where democrats and republicans agree on things? >> yes. it happens rarely, but it does happen. >> so then trump went on to call hillary a cynic. here it is. >> i think we do even better in november because we'll take a lot of people from the democrats. i mean, i watched hillary today, it was pathetic. supposed to be a foreign policy speech, it was a political speech. >> this was interesting because people agreed, you can see both republicans and independents agreed that he will take a lot of people from the independents and from the left. so that was something that they agreed with. but you could see the dip when he started to call her pathetic. just a little bit extreme. so this one b-aminus, republicans. "f" on the democrat side. we haven't seen this much direct combat between the two. >> on the occasion when trump takes time to rebut with specifics, how do those comments do? >> they generally do well. when he comes back swinging, people are like that's who he is and they like it, they like that he's addressing the issues and not hiding from them. >> interesting. >> it is really interesting. >> thanks for joining us. well, coming up, michelle obama gave her final commencement address as first lady the other day and it was not surprisingly very political. >> we don't give into our fierce. we don't build up walls to keep people out. >> we don't build up walls except around the house i live in, the white house. it was a shot at donald trump. we'll tell you more about what she said, stay tuned for that. plus a story sparking outrage. firemen called terrorists because they dared to put an american flag on their truck in america. the brother of the next guest was killed saving lives on september 11th and he says the firefighters are not terrorists. you'll hear from him in just a second. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. what's your body of proof? a rhode island city official sparking outrage forcing its firefighters to remove american flags from their fire trucks, claiming makes them look like terrorists. the official claims the trucks looked, quote, like isis in syria going to take over a city. i don't think they need that big flag on the back of the truck. that's not america to me, those are a bunch of terrorists. that city official later walked back those comments following some public backlash and firefighters now have permission to fly the flag from their truck. joining me now is chairman of the tunnel to towers foundation, his brother was killed while saving lives on 9/11. it's good to have you here, frank. we're continually sorry for the loss of your brother. how does this story make you feel? >> well, you know, you see america upside down sometimes. it just drives me crazy that our first responders put their lives on the line for us every single day and they want to show their patrioti patriotism, that america is great and they want the flag flying to show the respect. >> hard to understand where they're coming in from this. we had david gorman speaking on behalf of the firefighters there this morning. here was his reaction to the comparison of those firemen to terrorists. listen. >> i don't know what a reason would be to call first responders terrorists at all. we've been berated like this for the last couple years and this is just another attempt to attack us. but to resort to terrorist and isis and those comments, this t. makes military vets and the guys behind me very upset. there are a lot of brave men and women that laid their lives down for us to fly that flag. >> not the only has the fire district chairman for called for the flags to be removed walked back but he's hired a pr spokesman, the community has spoken out against this. i think everyone listening to this story sits back and says i don't get it. i don't understand. how can this be happening in america some. >> it's crazy and it gets firefighters and police officers and military personnel who put their lives on the line outraged. a great artist goes around the country painting flags on the sides of building to let them know that they're not forgotten about. people have died so we can fly our flag. and to say that firefighters can't put it on their trucks, and the most iconic picture on 9/11, one of them, was the firefighters raising the american flag at ground zero. and that is displayed on one of the fire trucks in new york city. so, you know, we should wake up. the ones who want to display it, we should not let people like this get away with it p. >> what does it mean to you, someone who lost someone directly in 9/11, a direct family member, who was putting his life on the line, what does it mean when you see the american flag flying on those american trucks? >> i love seeing it. i love this country. i love what my brother did on september 11, 2001 and all the over first responders that ran towards what was going on, they gave their lives. and to display it, they have the right to display it. they above everybody. we all do as americans, but they should be able to display wherever they want. >> we have to leave it there, but do you think the city official should be shown the door? >> absolutely. he should be thrown out and no questions asked. this guy is unamerican. >> good to get your reaction, frank. thank you. a fox news alert, breaking details just ahead. plus sparks are flying between hillary clinton and donald trump on the campaign trail. new poll numbers suggest she should get focused on bernie sanders before she moves on to trump. we're live in california next. and our coverage of muhammad ali's passing continues with another boxing legend coming up next. don't let dust and allergies get between you and life's beautiful 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the late '70s, early '80s. he was the nicest most gentle man i've ever met. >> i believe that. he had that vibe. and john writes muhammad ali was the greatest, his passing is a sad loss. >> keep sending in your comments. we want to turn now to the campaign trail. we're only a few days away from the california primary, the battle between democrats heating up to clinch the golden state. p. >> and hillary clinton's looking ahead and taking aim at donald trump, but he's firing back at her attack. >> so what in the world is going on? we have mike emanuel here from santa monica to explain it. >> good morning. hillary clinton says donald trump constantly attacks trying to distract people, trying to get them to look at shiny objects. last night clinton the attacked trump on his economic ideas. >> when i hear donald trump talk about cutting taxes on billionaires, i say to myself, hey, wait a minute, fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on us. >> trump is also actively campaigning out here in the golden state. he really wants to put the golden state into play in the general election in the fall. he's also doing some very critical fund raising. last night in redding he blasted clinton saying if voters choose her, this country will die. >> hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief. and hillary clinton should be in jail. only problem is i'd like to run against her. >> and then there is bernie sanders who is going all out campaigning relentlessly here in california. he continues doing rallies and news conferences up and down the golden state. sanders says he has an excellent chance to win here and is using his moment in the spotlight to push clinton on environmental issues. >> a tax on carbon. and i would urge secretary clinton to change her view and support me in demanding a tax on carbon. >> it promises to be another action packed day on the campaign trail in hillary clinton with time running short ahead tuesday night's primary. we have a foggy start here in santa monica. back to you in new york. >> and he's going to force her to back a tax on carbon. stuff like that, does it make it hard for her to win in the fall. and now to headlines. a warning for americans in south africa, terrorists are planning attacks on popular are areas there, particularly shopping centers and malls. congress is trying foul over the department of justice coming to the rescue of a v.a. official after at least 40 veterans died on her watch. sharon helman after being terminated is being allowed to appeal the decision. >> she's the poster child for what is wrong with the v.a., yet she continues to insist that she was somehow wrongfully removed. this is the same white house that loves to shred the constitution. >> that was reaction earlier this morning. helman was originally fired for taking gifts like beyonce concert tickets while vets allegedly died while waiting for their treatment. first lady michelle obama and actor matt damon taking aim at donald trump during two different commencement speeches. >> and here in america, we don't give into our fears. we don't build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained fp. >> and damon got very political in his commencement address, as well, after his big return to m.i.t. since his good will hunting. he took shots at donald trump as well as wall street. >> if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president. can we like transfer to a different one? let me just say this to the bankers, specifically the ones who brought you the biggest heist in history, it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud and you knew it. and i don't know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, but if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. >> for the record damon was the first hollywood star to give the commencement address at m.i.t. in 17 years. and enough is enough. one australian man is calling foul on the use of guys to describe a group of people. >> when it comes to words that work, we've all got to walk the talk. >> the diversity council australia says getting rid of the word in a working environment will help create more diverse thinking and help people become more productive and respected. >> because banning words increases gdp, we know that. this is a basic economic principle. if you publish people for using the wrong word, you become rich. >> rick became far more effective in covering the weather here when we stopped tossing to him. >> i would have a hard time with this because i would never be able to remember who is on the other side of the camera. you know what i mean? >> just guys back to you. >> guys back to you. like is sandra is in for anna b sometimes i forget. >> you need a manual. >> exactly. hey, let's take a look at the weather going on this morning. we'll show you what is up. we have rain across the center stripe of the country. western great lakes down to the south including southeastern texas which has had way too much of it obviously and all the flooding. more rain today and tomorrow, but it will be isolated just to parse out the eastern texas and then we dry out for much of the coming week. severe weather ohio valley, a few tornados where you see the orange bull's-eye. hurricane season began this week, and you see that blob of moisture there across western caribbean, that will pull off towards the north into the eastern gulf and as it does, about an 80% chance that it will develop into some sort of a tropical system and impact florida monday and tuesday primarily bringing a lot of rain. so get ready for potential flooding there. one last story quickly, get ready for the heat across the dez tsert southwest. 117 in death valley. >> that's why they call it death valley. can't say you weren't warned. >> wear a heat. >> it's a dry heat. coming up, the worst jobs report in six years the question is do the numbers spell trouble for hillary clinton. we'll be back to break them down in detail. coming up, the worst jobs what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. some quick headlines now for you. love your crocs? turns out they may be bad for your health. one doctor says they can don't secure your heel correctly, so your toes could get tendonitis or even deformities from gripping the shoe. and that comes on the heels of the other story remember where people were getting stuck is this escalators is this and how would you like a beer pipeline under your town. people inthis and how would you like a beer pipeline under your town. people in belgium soon will have their own favorite brew piped directly from their breweries to their bottling plant. the best part, residents who help pay for it get the beer delivered to their door every day. that's amazing, bruge. newest job report show as record low of just 38,000 jobs added in the month of may making it the softest month for hiring since september of 2010. it also marks the weakest pace since obama took office. do the numbers spell trouble for hillary clinton. joining us to break it down is professor and chairman of the program and business finance at the kings college right here in manhattan. brian, thanks for joining us. so give us some perspective on these numbers. >> these are really, really wba numbers. it puts us into the darkest days of the aftermath of the recession. that's really not the feeling that president obama wants to be giving to hillary clinton as he hands it off to her. it will be a problem for her because you see a huge number of workers working part-time involuntarily, increase of people who drop out of the labor force. that's a real issue for the economy because people aren't getting the jobs they want and in some cases just say i'm giving up. >> americans who can work but can't working is the slowest point since the carter administration. >> and you talk about why do people feel frustrated. president obama was talking about hey, the economy is better than we think, but when you see the numbers, you have to say really? will people are dropping out -- half a million dropped off the labor force. so many stuck in part-time jobs. that's really what people are experiencing. and i think that's why they're frustrated with the economy. >> we have a bunch of economists together to figure out how to measure the unemployment rate, we would not use the same criteria. >> no, the number in the headlines is 4.7%. in fact the past month the unemployment rate falls. but the reason it falls is because people give up looking for work. >> so this is a phony measurement p. where do we continue to use this? >> we interpret it in a phony way. it shows you what it shows you, but it doesn't telling you how many people don't have jobs. if you want to get the real unemployment rate, you look at how many people don't have jobs, how many people are stuck this jobs that they don't want, and you look at people who have said i'm giving up entirely. when you look at that number, it's a little closer to 10%. that gives and yof s auand you perspective and that full has not come down as much as we would like to. >> the unemployment rate, the official one leased by the executive branch of government is an easy way for lazy hamath illiterate reporters to come up with a statement of. why don't we go with that? >> because i think the labor market is complicated. you have to look at a couple different measures to understand what is going on. the problem is you can't get that in in two minutes. and that sort of makes sense. what we have to do is dig beneath the numbers and talk about how many people are stuck in part time job, how many people have dropped out of the labor force. when we do that, people start to get the big picture and they say, aah, that headline is not right, now i understand why things don't feel well because the full set of data does actually tell me things aren't going as well as people are telling me. >> and they don't feel well as you've put it. people are anxious about the economy. >> absolutely. and you can't tell people that you shouldn't feel so bad about the economy. they experience it, they see it in their paychecks, their bank accounts, their community, the jobs that are available to them. so the economy is something we experience. we feel it. it's not a theory issue right now. it's an actual lived out problem and i think that is what the president is missing as he's out on the campaign trail telling people, hey, feel better, it's better than you think it is. >> meanwhile a small group of people has their own airplane and that causes resentment. some people have gten very rich. >> no question about that. >> brian, great to see you. >> always good to be here. still ahead, favorite memories of muhammad ali and some of your e-mails, as well. >> i'm so fast i make medicine sick, i'm so fast i can run through a hurricane and don't get wet. he'll pay his debt. i can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree. wait until you see muhammad ali. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help 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what the country went through in the '60s and '70s and you saw what he did in the ring. tucker, i thought about you. you are not a sports fan. this is so little about boxing and more about societal impact. he made everybody feel great about themselves. he was nonstop exploring religion, the meaning of life. and he probably was the most famous person on the planet through most of his adult life. it wasn't just because of was champion. >> brian, we haven't talked much about it at all this morning. his relationship with howard cosell. you as a broadcaster love of sports and a sports broadcaster in your heart. talk about that relationship with him and howard cosell. i don't think we'll ever see something like that ever again. >> mutual respect number one. two, cosell was extremely talented and arrogant and ali was pretending to be arrogant and he was talented. these guys were self-perpetuating marketing machines. they would sell fights, sell issues. they would sell campaigns. they would get you so pumped up for an event or a fight, make it seem bigger than life. where celebrities had to be a part of it. where corporate america wanted to be a part of it, and they sold it. they sold it almost like an act. one would interview the other. the other would show outrage. together they would build a soap apra. i have never seen anything like that. every single league and every athlete owes their marketing power to muhammad ali. he made it more than sports. >> brian, we have been talking to people who knew him and knew him well all morning. they had amazing things to say about his evolvement from the '60s through the decades that followed. when he was asked what he hopes his legacy will be, aside from jokingly saying that he hopes to be remembered as being pretty, and at the very least one of the best athletes that ever lived, he wanted to be remembered as being a good person and doing good for other people. and it's interesting we have heard a lot of that sentiment from people who knew him on the couch this morning. >> absolutely. the times i met him, he always had the bible with him and the cokoran with him. he was always trying to explore the meaning of life. he would have been the bridge, sadly, between islam and america. he would have been that bridge. he could explain it, understood the koran. sadly he lost his power of speech and persuasion. his last 20 years, on every level, must have been a slow torture for him. all his gifts were being slowly taken away. in a way i am almost relieved that he no longer has to deal with this type of pain and frustration on a daily basis. you're going to see it. you'll really understand it the more we see the reflections back on his life. great point. >> in ten seconds as a sports guy, was he really the greatest fighter, do you think, of the 20th century? >> no question. he took light heavyweight quills and brought them to the heavyweight division. lost three years of his sports life when he was banned and was still great. unequivocally. >> thanks, brian. >>at more "fox & friends" in tw minutes. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.


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