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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160922

contained. they've been throwing objekcts and the police chief told us about an injury of an officer, and the latest from the police department, a tweet from the verified twitter account of the officer. the officer was transported we're told to a hospital for treatment. the city did not speak to the severity of the nature of the officer's injury in the tweet we're working on, and one person shot, and one person has died in charlotte, north carolina, and died not from police. we're being told it's civilian on civilian and it's a result at least of the demonstration that are going on now. i'm going to get back now to the ground and check in with our correspondents boris sanchez is there, as well as ed lavendara. we're going to start with you. it has been, to say the least, a very rocky night there. where are you and what's going on? >> reporter: this is the line, the s.w.a.t. team lines have blanked out across three intersections on the left side if you will and on the center side is the most intense protesting. before we could make our way into both streets, but s.w.a.t. teams have flanked everything off so they're going to get a control on the group that is along this street here, which is called trade street and heads back for about a half mile or so away from the police department and you can see the s.w.a.t. officers really starting to get people to disburse and start moving away, so this is what we've seen here, don, over the last a little bit, kind of slowly, slowly taking background, and pushing people and trying to get them to disburse and leave this area. for good, at this point. they will continue to fan their way out, and that's what we've seen. it's the other part of this area, the crowd in this area here, don, has been somewhat mostly controlled and calm for the night, really just trying to witness what was going on. it was the crowd in that middle section of that street that has really caused the most intense and most dangerous problems here tonight, don. >> ed, it is calm at some point, and then at some point it gets really violent and anxious there in the crowds. not long ago, everyone was watching. you were essentially assaulted on camera during anderson's show. how are you doing and tell us what happened exactly. >> we were just doing the report, and -- and i didn't see it coming. i just -- there was -- all i heard was someone yelling at me, that i needed to quote tell the truth, and the next thing you know, got kind of blind sided. now, oddly enough, i'm trying to find the guy, there was a guy that came up to me a few moments ago and told me he knocked me out. i didn't see the guy and he came up to me and actually hugged me and apologized for what he had done. i asked him what had happened, you know, what made him so angry and he couldn't really explain anything. so -- but oddly enough i've lost him now, i'm trying to find him again, kind of another odd moment in this surreal evening here, don. >> so, ed where are you -- the most tense situation where you were earlier, how far -- i know they keep moving you back and i see between the protest aors an the police, there are people trying to separate the two and hold the two back. explain to us what's going on and how far they have pushed you back from this original scene. >> if you could look kind of over -- if you turnaround th ar corner, the next block is really where it was most intense, where we saw a crowd of people ransacked through a couple stores one being a souvenir store, about 15 or 20 people, repeatedly going in and out of that people, smashing huge windows and -- and taking all of the merchandise and throwing it out in the street, ripping out landscaping from a hotel across the street. very intense. there was no police near that situation. by then they were still about 100 yards up this way. that was total chaos we saw unfolding and very unpredictable, down the street from where the shooting took place and so that -- without any police presence in there. in fact, there was a group of fire -- two or three fire trucks and an ambulance that were trying to make their way into the area, but they couldn't -- that place -- that particular area was so dangerous they couldn't make their way in. >> if you'll pardon me we're going to get back to you. we were speaking about trying to offer a buffer between the protestors and the police, and boris sanchez is with us now. you're with the public defender, tuscant remain who has been trying to do that and you saw the live pictures you are covering. tell us about that. >> reporter: place started moving in, and he told me that he had to leave, he had to help some of his friends get out of there any protestors, peaceful or not, were going to be arrested. now there's this other very tense situation unfolding a couple hundred yards away from that line of police officers. there's another group of police officers standing by this dumpster. there's large group of protestors are behind them and they're getting up in the officer's faces yelling very  agitating things. right now the police are trying to keep the peace on this side as we watch down there on the line, police start moving closer and closer. we've been hit by teargas repeatedly. the crowd would disburse when immediately once it was out of the air that would come right back. it didn't appear at one point officers nowhere control of the situation. they were locked into the omni hotel with people threatening to break the glass and then they came out and then was really when things got out of control. there was a very, very precarious situation, officers were, you know, face-to-face with people throwing things at them. at one point, peaceful people just like that public decfender that you mentioned -- >> hey, boris? >> reporter: -- got in between officers -- yes. >> you see police officers talking to the protestors, let's listen to what's going on. >> reporte >>. >> reporter: i'm going to put the mic. >> you're a captain, that's bull [ bleep ]. >> they're using vulgar language, but obviously having a very heated question, asking why the man had to be shot, why keith lemont scott had to be shot. the officer is telling them that he doesn't have the answers, this is part of an investigation. >> justice. you're trying to cover it up. >> reporter: i'm trying to find tuscant remain. if you give me a moment, i'll have -- >> is that what's happening all over, with police and protestors? is this why remain is trying to get between the two to offer a buffer? >> reporter: he was one of several people that were trying to create this buffer between police and angry protestors. at one point, several officers locked arms asking the protestors to not get angry and that line of locked arms was torn apart, but again we've seen people like romain come forward and try to help. i'm walking my way now. we'll send it back to you. >> we'll just listen in here a little bit and as boris said, you know, the -- obviously the protestors are upset and they're talking to police asking why mr. scott had to die. keith lemont scott died yesterday in an altercation with police. this is what you're looking at is happening on the streets of north carolina. this has been happening for about -- in charlotte, this has been happening for about two hours at least the intense part of these demonstration. 16 police officers were injured last night and during the day it appeared to be fine and after that, the situation got a little bit worse. i want to bring in the mayor as boris goes to look for the gentleman, and mayor of south carolina, what do you make of this situation? >> we are working to bring peace and calm to our city. we know this is not who charlotte is, and we are thinking of the words of the family, of the scott family, when the wife and family have said to police have peace of the protests for people not to be violent, that violence will not help bring our community back together and we are urging people to stay home, to stay off the streets and we are urging people to listen to their community leaders, to their faith leaders, to the naacp who issued a statement that said,ing this is not the part of our protest, violence is not the answer, i feel for our police officers who are working very hard not to respond to repeated provocations. they are working to keep our city safe and our businesses safe and our other protestors safe. they want to work very hard tto calm the situation, so we are sending the information out to as many folks as possible to please, to go home, to tell everyone that violence is not the answer, the investigation is ongoing. we'll be transpatient arent andd to wait for the results of that. >> mayor, did you anticipate this, because it appears there are not enough police officers out on the street to bring these crowds under control. >> well, we have -- we are monitoring the resource needs. we have many officers, we have others volunteering. we are in touch with officers in the region who help out and we are working through that, through the resource needs and making sure that we do have enough folks. we will be continuing to monitor that situation and if the need is there for more, we absolutely know how to increase that presence. >> have you spoken to the chief of police tonight? are you getting an update on how they are handling this? >> we're getting updates from the police chief, from the fire chief, that fire chief is just two feet away, in a briefing right now, and we are continuing to monitor the situation and to stay in touch with our folks in the community, so they know what's going on, stay in touch with the council machinembers a other local and state officials. i have been in touch with the white house, with the governor's office, and we have a lot of people trying to bring our situation under control. >> okay, mayor, i want you to stand by. i want to point our viewers out to what's going on in these pictures you're looking at now. this car pulled up on the interstate surrounded by people. i'm not exactly sure what's going on, but someone at least tried to get out of the car. it is parked there and several cars are in the middle of this intersection and we're trying to get more information from our correspondents and reporters on the ground here, but you're watching cnn a very tennessee situation happening in charlotte, north carolina, after the shooting death of a black man who police say was armed and now at least 16 police officers have been injured in this. one of them injured this evening, taken to the hospital and one person has died. mayor -- the mayor of charlotte, north carolina joins us, jennifer roberts. mayor, do you know any information about the one person who died? they said it was civilian on civilian. what can you tell us about that? >> that's all the information i have to confirm. they've not released a name. we do know they were taken to the hospital, but the victim has passed away and it was confirmed not to be the police officer that was a civilian on civilian. we don't have an update on that. we're going to continue to try to get more of an update and we are continuing to focus on the safety of our community and our officers. and we have a -- a long tradition in charlotte, of coming together, of -- of talking through challenges across, and i would just remind our citizens to remember our tradition, to know that charlotte has always been a place where people can peacefully have dialogue and move forward, and when i look at the pictures, it is just -- this is not who we are and i am -- we are working very hard to get past this situation so that we can pull our community back together and continue to that be community that looks out for each other. >> i've got to ask you about the resources because this has been going on for quite sometime now. you've had a number of people injured. now you have a death. are you sure you have the resources necessary to handle this? are you asking for help from outside or are you being offered from help from outside? what's the update? >> so we are being offered help. we -- we have resources at the ready if needed. we are monitoring that resource need. >> from where? how many officers do you have? >> i don't have a number for you right now. we can severcertainly get that the chief. we've been in touch with the department of justice and they're sending four people tomorrow from a strategic community policing experience. these are folks who have been to ferguson, who have been to tulsa, who have worked with strategic responses in crises like this and they'll be ground tomorro grounded tomorrow. we know the governor is ready to help and other police forces in the area are also ready and we will continue to make sure we do have the resources we need. >> should the people feel safe tonight? if you look at these pictures and you see what's going on, there has been quite some violence and it's been out of control for much of the evening, so the people there are safe? >> i want to remind folks there were two other protests tonight, both of which were peaceful. one was in a park and one was in uptown earlier in the day. several folks were holding up signs quietly peacefully at the main intersection of our city so there are people who are protesting peacefully and there are folks who are working hard to get their message out without creating violence and destroying things and i think what we need to remember is that this is a small section of our population and we are going to continue to work to restore the calm that we know we have and that's our tradition and i'm telling accidefolks stay hope from the uptown area. do not go out. we'll be considering other options if these protests continue, things like possibly curfews and that sort of thing, but right now, we are continuing to work with what we have tonight. >> okay. considering curfews. that's interesting. you said you wanted community leaders to be able to view the information so everyone can have the same information. has that happened is. >> we intend to do that tomorrow. >> have you seen that yourself? >> i will be seeing it tomorrow. >> so you have not. thank you very much, mayor roberts. >> thank you for having me and again, we are sending out the message for people to protest peacefully. >> all right. >> and we will get through this. >> mayor jennifer roberts of charlotte, north carolina. i want to bring back in boris sanchez, who has been on the ground covering this for us. we spoke to the public defend a j er, trying to as are act ct as buffer. >> reporter: he's telling people that police will arrest anyone that's in their way. i just wanted to ask you, tousant, what is it that made you want to stand there and in front of these protestors and in front of police and tell them to calm down? what is it that made you come down here? >> we can't lose any more lives, man. we don't need any more people to die. no more people being arrested. we need to take a stand and do it the right way. people are frustrated. people need leaders. our brothers are out here trying to make sure. ricky, daniel, and dante, we're praying for people, letting them know we want to serve. christ did it for us. we want to serve for them, to protect the people, to protect and serve the people. >> so toussant, i have to ask, we're getting word there was a protest are killed tonight with some civilian-on civ-civilian violence s. that message of positivity? >> there's always one that's going to be bad but there's always one other that's here to do good. i'm here to do good. >> how does it feel seeing people get really violent? what's your message to them when they kind of lose their compose and you are throw things at police? >> the police getting violent or the people expressing themselves to the police? because if you want to take this camera and look all around, i don't see the violence, man. until the police are running at us. until they're throwing teargas at you and at me, because that's what happened earlier. why did you get teargas? why did i? we weren't being violent, but if we responded in a way that's frustrated saying this is enough, that doesn't mean i'm violent, man, that means i've had enough. >> i know you haven't been violent but we've seen other people lose control. how do you get them to keep compose snur. >> donald trump is the candidate of the president of the united states. we're here to make a stance. we're here to show that we're not the same and we're here to say enough is enough. i've got to get my brothers because that's why i came here. >> toussaint, thank you so much. >> toussaint romain. >> >> reporter: i can confirm we were not violent with about 150 people, out there holding conversations. things quickly dissolved and got out of control when they came here. i'm going to send it back to you because obviously some people can't behave like adults. >> there's always ignorance wherever you go. we'll continue to move on. boris sanchez, talking to a public defender there, obviously folks very distraught and he's trying to tamp down the violence and the anger there and that's a very difficult situation to be in, especially when tempers are so high there, and the people are angry, and they're upset, but this is not the way to do it, as has been said by many people on cnn and i'm sure many people who are watching, as well. this is our breaking news tonight, there's violent protests in the streets of north carolina. i want to bring in now the reverend william barber. he's president of the north carolina naacp, reverend barber, thank you very much. i know you've been watching this. let me just get your initial thoughts before i give you more questions. >> well, certainly we've got to separate the provocatours. those who engage in violence is another thing. i also think about what we're seeing is dots, daily traumatic syndro syndro syndrome, a kind of weeping in perk. this is about charlotte, about tulsa about jonathan fur reorre and the officer was killed on voluntary manslaughter, but there was a hung jury. it is about many things that are wrong with our criminal justice system. in north carolina, you have a number of african-american men who have been released from death row who would be dead. we have a number of days of persons right now. donte shaw, who are incarcerated for the wrong reasons. in this particular case though, we've got to make sure we get the facts and i was in touch with the u.s. department of justice, mayor, pastors and other leaders with the naacp. i'm headed there tomorrow. we have to get these tapes out. we have to get the tapes out. what we have, don, is one of three scenarios. one scenario is that an unarmed african-american man who had a book, was shot and somebody planted a gun on the spot. that -- that's a possibility. the second possibility is that an unarmed -- an armed african-american who had a right to carry a gun was shot and the third is that an armed man was -- acted in a way toward the police that caused them to be shot. we do not know the tapes and the transparent transparency has to come forward so that's why i'm holding comments until we see the tapes and we get the facts and we're saying the protests are right for the transparency, but those top pro vokturs of violence, you're not causing justice. >> the mayor said that she would be reviewing the tame tomorrow along with leaders, so then do you feel these protestors have gotten out ahead of themselves with the rioting? because as you said they have the right to protest but they don't have the right to riot. >> i separate the protestors. p my daughter for instance is leading a protest tonight in durham, north carolina, against the kind of violence we're seeing and police violence across the country. it's one thing to have legitimate protests and to call for transparency, now understand the city you're in. you're in a city where you had a young college student shot multiple times and there was a hung jury. you're in the city where donald trump came through for instance and applauded one of his persons who attended his rally for actually hitting and slugging a person. here we have a situation across this country, we know we have a brokenness. there's weeping about our criminal justice system, so the protests are right to call for tra transparen transparency, those engaged in violence, and i separate the two. in fact i even say, don, if you look at these crowds, many of the black lives matter, but there are white people saying black lives matter, latinos saying black lives matter, old people, jewish, muslim. we need to tell that story, as well. we separate one from the other and the protestors have a right. i meet with the mayor tomorrow at 10:30 and hope to be there when we look at these films. that has to hatch. plus, don, this situation is even more complicated because you have an african-american chief, an african-american cop who's engaged in this shooting and an african-american who's shot -- it really shows the complexity of our whole criminal justice reality. >> you then, reverend, lead me to my next question. i'll reiterate, the officer who shot keith lemont scott is african-american, and the police chief is african-american. you see many protestors in the crowds and black lives matter people are of all different ethnicities. is this a racial issue for you? is it an issue of policing? is it a combination of both or all of those things? >> i'm glad you asked that question about race, because i think it's time we have a grown-up conversation about race. you know, racism is a power term. it is about disparity. so the issue of whether or not african-americans as my president cornell brooks said today are 21 times likely to be shot. we do not have the kind of diversity we see in charlotte and other parts of the country that. is a racial issue and so when blacks and whites and others together protest the system, and anybody who protests in the system -- i've seen african-americans suggest when you speak against police killing and murder and violence somehow you're antipolice and they in doing that are participating in a form of racism because little not. you can be anti-police and pro-police. this question of racism is very complex in the american democratic structure and we have to judge candidates. look at the policies and the percentages. look at what's actually going on with the numbers. so, yes, you could -- what we're dealing with also, is the police culture. i've talked to a lot of police. i have police mmen, as security very much against what's going on in the country and we know good police do not like bad police engaging in bad shootings because it under mines the trust of the entire community. >> i want you to stand by, reverend and if we need to get back to you, we will if it's warranted. i want to bring in my cnn panel, cedric alexander, and jeff roda, the author of war on police, and retired state police major neil frank lane and demetri roberts, a former panel of police officers. this is from the governor of north carolina, pat mckrorcrory said i want to assure people of north carolina, our sbi has been assisting the charlotte, mecklenburg police upon a very recent request of the state highway patrol, is sending in troopers to further help the charlotte mecklenburg police department, and any violence directed towards our citizens or police officers or destruction of property should not be tolerated. i support and commend the law enforcement officials for their bravery and courage during this difficult situation. cedric, i'll go to you first. were there enough police officers on the street to gain control? >> i think under the issu circumstances in which they were working you have to be very methodical and you have to put the number of police officers out there that's needed. you can't understaff and at the same time, you don't want to overstaff either. so i think under the situation in which we're seeing now, there appears to be some calm. that particular team that's out there tonight, did their job and did it well. they tried to protect life and property as much as they were able to, and i think we need to applaud them on that, in terms of what they had to deal with in that community there tonight, so i think they did an appropriate job and i think they had adequate resources but i am without a shadow of a doubt very sure, as well, there in charlotte. they have a great leadership there in that police department that they needed -- they had it -- all the resources they needed and -- and moere resourcs if they needed to call. >> neil franklin, there has been a death and it is said to be from this tweet from the police department, civilian-on-civilian from what she heard, what should officers be doing in light of this now there's death? >> well, i think they they do have a plan. i think they are very conscientious of what's going on. i'm sure many of those officers are thinking about what occurred in dallas just a few months ago, and they're probably on edge thinking about this, and so they're going to be very vigilant and keeping an eye on things, keeping an on on thiney things, watching from a distance and identifying those people who are watching out. as it has been said most of the people there are peaceful protestors and i'm sure these police officers realize that from the leadership that i've seen thus far, but they are going to have to be very vigilant and keeping an eye out for those people who do show signs of aggression, and dealing with those people as quickly as possible. i'm sure they have other things in place where they can before t observe the crowd and observe the people and relay that with the officers in the crowd. you can't overreact or underreact as it relates to deployment, and what i've seen so far they're doing the right thing and i'm sure they have plenty of officers in reserve. >> of the police officer's association, two years since you and i have met working on the ferguson story. you said this was a lot like ferguson, that was two years ago and it appears we are in the same place in many -- in this particular situation. do you agree with that? >> i do, don, but it's unfortunate. i mean, it's really disappointing that we made such little progress in the last two years, but i think we'll telephone not to make progress until we talk about what's really going on in america and that is that there is this epidemic of violence against police and non-compliance with police that is upping the body count and resulting in these deadly conflicts, and you know i really enjoyed hearing that reverend before because he seemed very even keeled, very cool-headed and he sort of laid out what the three possibilities are -- of what happened in the shooting yesterday could have been and i'd like to hear that, i'd like to hear more people saying that and saying what he said, which is we've got to wait for this video, we ought to know what really happened before we were at. >> stand by. is that camera shot we had before? was that a live picture? it appears a fire had been started if you look underneath the tree on the top left-hand side where it says charlotte, north carolina, there's fire that's being started there by some of the protestors on the ground and you see them running. i'm not sure if police officers are chasing them but that's the situation you're looking at now and again and we're going to continue to follow this. we're looking at live pictures from charlotte, north carolina in case you're just joining us. last night there were 16 officers hurt. tonight we're hearing there's one and there is a death we're hearing from one of the protestors as they put it in their terms, civili civilian-on-civilian. across the country, police officers -- civilians are not complying with police officers and police officers are being targeted. is that entirety of this situation? >> well, that's a peace of the situation. i think we have to look at it in a much broader context historically, he historically here, don, in the sense police in communities of to wi color have been strained long before the michael brown incident. if we bring it to 2016 where we are today and we look just over the last couple years the amount of footage we all have seen that has been very questionable, that has created a great deal of pause and frustration and anger with the community and with the police community, as well. it certainly has been very, very tough and one thing that i'm struck by is the fact really how much gain have we really made over the past couple years because every time we have one of these incidents where we have an event where a involvian civ killed by police, it opens up these sores but we have to wait for a complete and full investigation, but what makes that very difficult for the american people, and all the american people, not just black people, but all american people, is that we see these events over and over and they appear to be very frequent and the victims always appear to be black males so that's the dilemma that we're in, that we're struggling with and how do we -- it is a very real perception of some in justice of something happening in the criminal justice system that just does not seem to be fair, and whether that's true or not, that comes the perception of people who live in this country. >> so if you talked to some of the protestors and to at least some of the leaders of this movement, or the people very active in the black lives matter movement, they will say, it doesn't appear peaceful protests work so if the peaceful -- in many cases if the peaceful protests don't work, neil franklin, and the violence doesn't work, then what is one to do about the -- to rectify these situations? >> this is where we have a great void of leadership in this country. on many different levels. you know, our leaders in our towns and in our cities and in our states should be moving this issue. they should be hearing their people, but apparently they're not hearing them well. they should be taking a charge to do the things that need to be done. we keep hearing the word transparently over and over and over again and a lack of tranz pare transparently, and look at how long it took shawn mcdonald's video to come forward. this creates great distrust in these communities and in this particular incident and most of us understand we need to wait until the facts come out. i hope they show the video and i hope they get on this quickly. but most people that are protesting, you know, and -- that we see on camera here -- >> neil i want you to stand by here. if you're looking, in the middle of your screen, they set another fire there. there was one we saw earlier they had set in north carolina. again these are protestors out on the street. some of them have been peaceful but there was a very big portion of it tonight for a couple hours where they became very corresp was knocked over intentionally on the streets. there you go, live pictures from the street and you see this is boris sanchez's camera. boris are you there? can you hear me? >> reporter: hey, don, things just got really out of hand. we walked into two fires. it appears there was a machine on the ground -- it appears there was a cameraman from a news organization, he was lying next to that fire. people were trying to tend to him. rocks were being thrown from buildings, as i walked through several shops, the glass was destroyed, graffiti everywhere. people are out on the street and in this area, police officers are starting to arrive and the fire department is here. i can see at latest two fires, one on the street and another what baappears to be a planter the middle of the street. there's couple officers and i'm hearing another loud boom in the distance. we just got tear against thrown at us and we're starting to move away again it. appeared things had calmed down for a moment, don, and then as we turned around, things totally out of control. i'm not sure what happened to that gentleman that was on the ground, but he was clearly incapacititat incapacitated. we're trying to move to get a better vantage point, but police are concentrated where the protest was going on earlier, and as we moved away, things are out of hand because there are still protestors on out here. we'll get back to you when we find out what's next. >> was it a cameraman from another network or station? >> reporter: yeah, it looks like he was either from a local station or from another network but he was on the ground in front of the fire. he was clearly in capacapacitat. i saw people returning. he had to be helped up. he couldn't get up on his own and we're still watching what happens. >> all right, thank you, boris. protestors are upset as you can see. people have been saying "no justice, no peace", and also "stop killing us," and we were reassured everything was under control and they had the resources we need and we'll see if we can hold her to that on cnn. we'll be live until we have to. now i want to bring in congressman gregory meeks, chairman of the caucus pack. what do you think of the scenes you're seeing play out live on cnn this evening? >> don, clearly i agree with what the reverend said. i think people should be protesting in a peaceful, non-violent way, and those that are violent are attractidistracm the issue of why people are on the streets and i wish we were talking much more about the scenario, for example that took place in oklahoma where clearly a black man with his arms up was killed, you know, seems like anybody could be -- any black man if you clearly put your arms up and you're still shot and then this scenario, as reverend barber clearly said, we would like to hear what those facts are, clearly in north carolina, it's an open-carry state even if he had a gun, but they -- the family said he did not. i wish those pro vok tors, using the reverend's words, are taking place so we can focus on what's happening in america. i am tired of coming to work ndk seeing another black man, black families being shot unarmed and they're not being transparent so much so today's congressional black caucus meeting, we're going to do something tomorrow saying that something has to be done with reference to utilizing the power by the attorney general's office so there can be transparency in folks, investigators, and prosecutors where appropriate. >> in order to get the two situations -- because it's very -- it's easy to conplaflat them, what happened in oklahoma, as we believe, according to what police are saying initially about what's happening or what happened are two different situations, one, if you look at video, it looks like the man had his hands up, and a big portion of it, and it has been said it was unarmed. the situation in north carolina, police are saying he was armed, and they felt they were in a dangerous situation and feared for their lives and they had to do what they had to do. two completely different situations but you had two men as you said, congressman, who are dead now. >> and clearly, don, unless he was pointing a gun at the police officers, if he had a gun, in north carolina, because it's an open-carry, then he legally could have had the gun. so what was he doing -- if there was a gun, which we don't know, but if he did, what was he doing with it? was he threatening the police officers? another reason why you should have cameras so we've got to look at whatever tapes -- i heard reverend barber say he will see some tapes tomorrow, and so i hope we see what in fact has taken place because that's the transparency that is clearly needed. >> live pictures now, you're looking at -- in north carolina, what appears to be people who are going into businesses and breaking windows. >> reporter: don, that's actually a home. can you hear me? >> yes, you're on, you're on. >> reporter: yeah, this is an apartment building, it's not even a business. there were people actually throwing rocks from this building a few moments ago and looks like there was one protestor, another one grabbed a large metal rod and tried to put it through another window. it's already vandalized. there are quite a few people trying to get away, but there are still people here hanging around. police are down the street from here and they're starting to move in this direction but clearly there's still a lot of people and they're not moving in this direction quickly enough to stop them from this kind of vandalism. >> boris, i'll continue speaking with you, but if you feel you are safe and you need to go, do so or just get out of there. listen, for the -- where this initially started where you were as of a couple hours ago, how much is this -- how much is this crowd moved around? how far have you gotten? is it basically in the same place? >> reporter: no, we've gotten a tour of downtown charlotte. it all started at the police station behind us, right over there, and that was about 6:30, right before 7:00. again it was a conversation between protestors and police. there was some shouting but for the most part, it wasn't techns. it was just dramatic, the amount of emotion, and then there was about a big 200-people crowd, and we started moving downtown, crossing several streets. we went to a mall at one point, and people started going up the floors to the third floor. we came out, we started walking around again. we went back into the mall and the second time, people started throwing trash cans over into the alleyways where people were walking, that's when we met the s.w.a.t. team outside the omni hotel. the protestors followed them inside the omni and started banging on the glass and people responded in kind. they came outside and there was just a confrontation between people and that's really where the tone of things were, seeing peaceful protestors more agitators. it appears the police are down the street. they started cleeshiaring an intersection with people an hour or so, launching teargas into the streets, arresting agitators, but more and more people are starting trouble. we've seen several businesses broken into. there was a charlotte hornets fan shop that was ransacked, coat hangers and debris all over the street and as we kept walking down, there was broken glass and they're obviously attacking homes, as well. just a moment ago, there was some fires. you see the debris, the fire department came out and put these out. there's still a sizeable crowd, fewer than 100 people, i would say between 70 and 100 people out right now. they're not only violent towards the police. my colleague was shoved down to the ground and i thought somebody was going to assault me, as well. obviously this crowd is not the peaceful crowd that for example, the wife of keith lemont scott asked for tonight. she put out a statement saying she wanted the crowd to be peaceful and voice their displeasure with what she feels s i is injustice. keith was a loving husband, father, brother and friend who will be deeply missed every day, she said. as a family, we respect the rights of those who wish to protest, but we ask people protest peacefully. please do not hurt people or members of law enforcement, damage property or take things that do not belong to you in the name of protesting. her words have gone unheeded and unnoticed. boris, you said you were crossing the police station but see no visible presence of uniformed officers where you are? >> reporter: they're -- right now where we're standing at this intersection, i don't see any. there was a police vehicle, but it moved. police officers are down the street. we've been moving towards the police station that is over to our left. on this side there was a line of officers and they started moving and pushing the crowd furtherer and further back. the crowd started to disburse but obviously there are people here and if i look into the distance, i'm going to step inside for a moment and the police have been very slow to come this direction but obviously the smell of smoke is still in the air. the violent element of this crowd has started to move and from what i can tell, police are not moving with them, there have been several arrests tonight. we've seen several people get hurt and it's unclear just the extent of the damage. obviously we'll find out tomorrow. but, don, i can tell you this is not a peace of the protest. the dialogue we initially saw between community members and the police quickly dissolved into people throwing rocks andagetation agitation between police officers and people in the streets. >> it has turned violent. there are looters and we could say there are people damaging and being destructive of property. there are people who have assaulted people, one of our very own, on camera, our ed lavendera and boris sanchez has been on the street and had personal confrontations with some of the people there. i have to ask you, boris. we're hearing a police officer was injured this evening, and we're also hearing there's one death, which was civilian-on-civilian. do you know where that happened is. >> reporter: don, that area is in question. it was outside the omni hotel where police went inside after being followed by protestors. that's where that initial, very violent confrontation occurred. at one point there were very loud blasts and we saw people running away. at one point, in that back and forth with tearteargas, i a rano a woman who saw a video of a man bleeding profusely. she said she believed he was hit by a police officer. the information we've gotten from the chief of police is it was a civilian-on-salcivilian incident. one of the things that frankly poured gas on the fire of the situation is people are reading about this incident on social media. there are rumors, videos going out, and i heard several people say that you know things that were incorrect, that police were going after this guy, even though we've gotten confrontation that was not the case. this information is still coming in, but it fueled the fire, the motion that was in the street. i saw a woman rigcrying -- read that news allow, yelling agitating things at police. their frustration boiling over and becoming something less than civil. >> and boris you're exactly right. i've seen some of the same things, as wells and many times as we have -- especially the advent of social media, that people will read things there, that are not true, and that have not fact-checked and haven't researched the information, just read a headline or short tweet and believe that as fact and it's not necessarily so. i want you to stand by, boris because i want to get to ed lavendera also on the streets tonight. what you can see? >> we're making our way back towards a little bit closer to the police station on -- witnessing that stretch of road where the most intense violence has gone down. and we see the line of s.w.a.t. officers a ways down the street and there's still a group of about 100 or so protestors and right now there's small group of them continuing to smash out windows, no officers able to make their way into that particular area. there have been some fire set in some trash cans and on the street. i think boris probably mentioned some of the late east. >> ed, you can stand by, please, i need to read something and i'll get back to you. this is from the city of charlotte from their official twitter account. it says, "correction update, civilian who suffered gunshot wound during protest is on life support, critical condition, not deceas deceased" that. is an update from the city of charlotte, from their official twitter account "civili twitter account. initially we were told by the police department and the mayor, again, from the official accounts, that there had been one death from a gunshot but we're told officially that person is on life support from a gunshot wound and is in critical condition. edlave edlavendera is on the scene. we were trying to correct the situation, moving on in on these demonstrators. many of them there violent protestors? >> no question. i was starting to say there was a small group of them. there was a hyatt house hotel and some storefronts on the bottom part of that building along the street. you can hear them throwing large rocks and trying to smash out the windows there. no real police presence trying to move in to stop this particular group at this point. but there's probably still about 200 or so in this area where i'm at, still causing a great deal of trouble, extremely violent. we were making our way back toward this is area just a little while ago and there were a group of officers moving around on two or three four wheelers and all the sudden, you started hearing these massive rocks being thrown, thrown at them crashing around them, very difficult situation, as you just have the darkness here and the crowd of people, you have no idea where these rocks are coming from, or where they're going to land, so if it makes the situation incredibly treacherous for the officers working the ground here, as well as anyone else, just kind the s point. they continue making the announcement they need to move in the area, but the last group here, extremely hardened and not in any rush to leave the area at all, to say the least. is frankly still with us? do we have neil? >> i want to ask it, neil, i spoke with the mayor and the mayor said they were considering the possibility of a curfew, should there be a curfew at this point? >> i don't know, we went through that in baltimore, and i still have my reservations about what occurred in baltimore. it's more important that we get our community leaders and other city leaders to come out and talk and mix with the people and manage that way. the curfew is expensive and it can cause other problems as we've seen in baltimore, so we need a really good assessment to that, and only the city and mayor can decide as she works with the police chief there and maybe some other city leaders, not just the political leaders but community leaders, as well, before she makes that decision. it's a very serious decision to make. >> i want to get back to congressman meeks, who is a chairman of the congressional black caucus. representative, this is a long way from the peaceful protests, the nonviolent protests that you grew up with and i've watched the end of as a child. this is a long ways from that -- is this because of lack of leadership from mostly young people in this crowd? what's going on here? >> yeah, i think that, again, it's not as organized and people are not trained as back when john lewis was protesting and it was clearly that they stayed focused on the issue at hand and the issue at hand as we talked about earlier is the killing of african-american males particularly, but there's been others also, and so the focus moves away when you have this kind of violence. and so it cannot be condoned because you know, individuals who were out there to protest peacefully, they then are in danger danger. that's why my initial comments was, and those of us from the cbc is we've got to make sure there is indeedtransparency, so individuals can have confidence in the system and many do not have the confidence in the system, particularly on local levels where they know police and district attorneys work together and you've seen too many times where individuals are either not indicted at all, or -- or you know walk away when clearly something wrong has taken place. >> yeah. >> so, that -- that's part of the problem. but you can never condone the violent acts that we see taking place right now because it takes away from what we want to do. we want to make sure we're focused on changing what's been taking place in america in regards to the relationship between the police and african-americans. >> you're right. there's no condoing thning this violence never, ever works especially when trying to bring about change in democracy. violence is the last place you want to go if you want to go there at all. how much does should omething l this -- because obviously this is a serious situation, an issue one of the issues that we need to deal within america and especially with african-americans and with policing in this country, but how much is a set back? this is a cause fighting for social justice when these sorts of pictures play out live on cnn and other places, congressman? >> it does set back because it changes the dialogue. we compelled to talk about those that are committing violent acts, before everybody's eyes. so it changes the dialogue of what we should be focused on in talking about. it is detrimental to the cause, because the cause is you want to show -- and that's what the cameras had done, we talked about the incident in oklahoma and what took place in new york, t cameras show where there is an act of police that is clearly criminal in nature, shooting unarmed people. that's what you want to be focused on and not the bad acts of individuals who are destroying part of their own communities. >> reverend william barber of raleigh, north carolina, is president of north carolina naacp, so how do you get this across? he's not -- reverend barber, are you there? you can hear me? reverend is speaking to some of his sources on the ground and we'll get back to reverend barber. you can see police there in riot gear on the streets of charlotte, north carolina this evening and they have been faced with a very tense and devastating and touchy situation, violence that has been going on, on the streets here. we have seen some of the members of our very own team assaulted on camera, and one threatened to be assaulted, ed lavendera was assaulted and boris sanchez was threatened. boris said a man had fallen near a trash can that had been set fire and you can see police are daunting gas masks, as well. we have seen teargas being thrown in to try to get some of the protests to move out of the way and to get them under control and if you -- you can see that police are trying to hold the line and some areas, our boris sanchez has been telling us that he seeing s no presence of police officers and we saw live on camera here on cnn, protestors or looters kicking in the windows of what boris told susus is an apartmen building and other buildings had been vandalized, as well. protests that started peacefully, and turned violent last night that had more than a handful of officers injured and turned peaceful again this afternoon and this evening became violent again and one police officer was injured and now we're getting word that a person has been injured. initially, officials there told us this person had died as a result of gunshot wounds and now we're hearing this person is in critical condition in the hospital because of that gunshot wound. we have all the resources available here at cnn, covering this breaking news. breaking news, protest in ares charlotte. protestors are clashing with police after the shooting death of keith lemont scott. one civilian being shot by another is on life support in the hospital. one officer has been injured this evening. more were injured last night. north carolina governor pat mccrory says he is sending troopers from the highway patrol to charlotte, the mayor telling me this evening other resources may be available to her, she is seeking, to try to get a handle of the situation. boris sanchez has been out on the streets for us this evening covering these demonstrations and he joins us now. boris, what are you seeing? >> reporter: don, we're just getti getting


Transcripts For MSNBCW Melissa Harris-Perry 20150531

president reads in part it is with broken heart that is hallie, hunter ash le jill and i announce the passing of our husband, brother and son beau after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he dmon demonstrated every day of he is life. the entire biden family is saddened beyond words. we foe that beau's spirit will live on this all of us especially through his brave wife hallie and two remarkable children that thely and hunter. here's more. >> reporter: beau biden, former delaware attorney general and eldest son of vice president joe bide been died saturday from brain cancer. the 46-year-old bronze star recipient who served in iraq was first diagnosed in august 2013. following treatment he was given a clean bill of health and returned to his work as delaware attorney general just months later. he announced last year he would not seek a third term as attorney general. instead planning a run for governor in 2016. >> please join me in welcoming my friend my father my hero. the next vice president of the united states, joe biden. >> reporter: biden gave an emotional speech are introducing his father at the 2008 democratic national convention and was considered a rising star in the democratic party. this spring biden suffered a recurrence of the cancer and sought treatment. but despite a valiant fight, beau biden died surrounded by his family. he is survived by his wife and their two children. vice president joe are biden and dr. jill biden and his brother and sister. nbc news. >> joining he now, nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker. this is certainly a sad day there at the white house. >> reporter: it certainly is. everyone here is in mourning. condolences are pouring in overnight the nation's capital and so many people across the country devastated to learn the fews. president obama released a statement last fight. i will read you part of what it says. quote, beau took after joe. he studied the law like his dad, even choosing the same law school. he cased a life of public service like his dad, serving in iraq and as delaware's attorney general. leek his dad, beau was a good big hearted, catholic and deeply faithful man who made a difference in the lives of all he touch theed. he lives on in their hearts. a lot of people are noting the special bond between vice president joe biden and his son. not only did they share the big broad smile but also a love of public service, dedication to family and what's so hard is that this is not the first time tragedy struck the bidens. in 1972 beau was just a little boy when he was injured in a car accident that killed his sister and his mother. his father had been elected to the u.s. senate. he was famously sworn in at beau's bedside. you remember the peck cure. beau talked about that tragic moment at the 2008 democratic national convention while introducing his father. this is a man whose political future seemed as bright as his father's. i will give joe biden the last word on behalf of his family. beau biden was simply the finest manny of us have known. >> truly sad news. thank you to nbc's kristen welker at the white house. we have breaking news to tell you about this morning. secretary of state john kerry was hospitalized after breaking his right femur in a cycling accident in france. because the jerry is near the site of a previous hip surgery, kerry is cutting short his trip to europe and returning to boston to be treated by the doctor who performed the hip operation. a spokesman says the secretary of state is in good spirits and expected to make a full recovery. stay with msnbc throughout the day more the latest on the developing story. now, we are going to turn to a story about islands. this in particular artificial man made islands. some of which you have heard of. the netherlands, for example, boasts one of the largest man made islands formed by reclaimed land. then there is arivier are a style island. and doo bierks home to several man made islands including the palm islands you can see in this mega feat, shaped like a palm tree set to rival the island party capital. then we have this stretch of man made islands in the south china sea. there is no tourist attraction nor luxury resort. what you are seeing is a hot spot of another kind. the site of escalating geopolitical tension. here's why. this smattering of artificial land is called the spratly islands. what's alarming the international community is how china is building few artificial islands to expand its territory claim there. according to u.s. defense secretary ash carterer china constructed more than 2,000 acres of new territory in the are resource rich spratly islands in 18 months. this has angered vietnam and the philippines who claim sovereignty over all or part of the scattered islands and reefs. that's not all. u.s. officials announced artillery was spotted by satellite s and sr. say lance about a month ago on one of the new china-built islands. u.s. navy surveillance aircraft captured an image of what's purportedly chinese dredging vesselsment the mobile artillery as disappeared which has many speculating the chinese government has removed or hidden it. tension escalated last wednesday when a u.s. spy plane flew over part of the south china sea near where china is building. the chinese navy issued eight warnings to the aircraft to move away from the contested territory. two days later, china said it was strongly dissatisfied with the action and called on the u.s. to stop. the u.s. has become increasingly vocal about opposing any further mill trazation of islands in the south china sea. yesterday at an annual security policy forum in singapore that included defense fishes from 30 other countries including china secretary carter called for an mediate and lastingle halt to land reclamation by all countries. it is unclear how much farther china will go, he said. joining me now, gordon chang from and author of the coming collapse of china. and a fellow at the center for strategic and international studies, asia ram. okay. gordon, this story is one we reported on a long type ago as sort of, oh, this is happening. you have called this a classic zero sup situation with. >> if there's been a consistent american foreign policy over two centuries it's been defending the global commons. china, by building the islands is infringing on that by declaring a military alert and protesting u.s. planes in international air space. with a we want is everyone to have access to sea and air space. >> when she was secretary of state, clinton said i think it is important we are not claiming we we own a portion of the land. she did say in july of 2010 that the united states have are a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to asia's maritime commons and respect for international law in the south china sea. for those of us wo are not specialists in the area, help us understand the difference between air and sea versus land. >> under international law, all rights to maritime delimitations air space must come from land. part of what we believe china is doing is building islands where none existed before so it can claim rights to sea as well as the air above it. it is why we are concerned that china's island-building may interfere with freedom of navigation and over flight in the south china sea. >> what is at stake? again, we know most americans aren't good with geography. these islands are man made. if we go back to the cuban pes sill condoleezza rice and their proximity to the united states what's eerz in the south china sea? >> commerce goes over the south china sea and in many ways it is more important than the suez and panama canals combined. >> let me pause therement there is more going on as a matterer of commerce than the surks eez and panama canal. >> yes. a lot of countries would like to close off international seas. this is a contest for whose vision of the world is going to prevail. it will be the u.s. which is open and available to everybody. this open architecture,er or it is going to be china which will close off the sea and other countries will do the same thing. essentially this is a zero sum contest. there is little way to cop promiez this. >> the other important piece is this white paper out of china saying we will not attack unless we are attacked. but we will surely counterattack if attacked. this is obviously a translation. are we about the go to war with kien china? >> i don't think we are there. tensions are have been heightening. the danger is of inadvertent or accidental escalation. if kien begins to flow vessels, forces aircraft into the art tishl islands they are in close proximity to islands eld by other claimants in the south china sea like vietnam and the philippines. the danger is there could be an accident are where aircraft clash or ships have an accident and conflict escalates from there. >> both a matter of an accidental interaction as opposed to an active declaration. >> exactly. at this point certainly both the united states and china and the other claimants involved in the south china sea understand a decision to go to war would be catastrophic. >> when we come back i want to ask you whether or not we are going to war with china. i want to do it in a way of thinking about our conflict with china. stay with us. we'll have more on the topic in a moment. also reminder that we are following breaking many news about secretary of state john kerry who broke his leg in a cycling accident in france today. lots to cover. we'll be right back. ...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed, call, data, and reliability. so you never have to 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'till the broad daylight. ♪ ♪ we're gonna pop around the clock tonight. ♪ pop in new tide pods plus febreze a 4 in 1 detergent that cleans brightens and fights stains. now with 24-hour freshness. i want to take a moment to play senator john mccain on the issue of china's island-building in the pacific friday while he was traveling in ho chi minh city. >> we have received information about mobile artillery now being placed in the islands that the -- excuse me -- in the years that have been filled in and reclaimed. but by the chinese government. and it is a disturbing development. and an es ka la toir development. >> disturbing, dislitigationescalation, is this this a drum beat of war? >> probably we'll have to drive ships close to the islands to make sure that the waters are still considered to be part of the global commons. we probably will fly planes into what china considers its air space but everybody else considers international. that's a problem. also if the chinese declare an air defense identification zone over the south china sea commercial traffic will be put at risk. there could be conflicting instructions to planes and china will try to enforce it perhaps with its own air force which they have done in the past. this is a problem. it's accidental escalation that's the real risk. >> the last time you were here we were talking about the trans pacific partnership, economic peace. i was looking back foetsing as far back as 2007 one of then senator bap's first initiatives was a ban on wanting to make a ban on toys from china as a result of a led paint concern. in his most recent state of the union saying china wants to write the rules for the fastest growing region. that will put our workers and businessings at a disadvantage. we should write the rules. is this actually about an economic conflict? >> the issues are hr important. those will determine everything else. this is important for the united states. it's not just the tpp and also tpa with the trade promotion authority. there are a lot of big trade deals in the hopperer as well. this is a vision of the united states trading with countries in a peaceful and democratic world. that's really what's at stake in connection with the tpp, the trans pacific partnership. >> want to weigh in? >> when it comes to writing the rules in the region i think economic peace is crucial. part of what china's island building is doing is calling into question some of the rules the united states has stood by in the region including freedom of navigation, international law and the peaceful resolution of disputes. part of wie you are seeing policy makers take a strong stand on the issue is because of the concern that the rules that the united states has always stood by are jeopardized by island-building. >> why should we be writing rules? as i try to dig in i keep looking for the other side of the story. is there some other world view to be seeing this this? part of it is so why sould it be us writing the rule sths. >> it's tot our rules really. it's the rules of the international community. as secretary carter said this is not just american warships in the south china seament these are feshermen, people who use the global commons. other countries want the same thing we do. it's not just the united states. the united states is an important part but these aren't our rules. >> got it. >> thank you, gordon chang and samira hooper. what happened to the mis86 minutes of video connected to a chicago police shooting. made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? 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(announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. he says she's an undisciplined overwaterer. she claims he's a cruel underwaterer. with miracle-gro moisture control potting mix, plants only get water when they need it. fight ended. or shifted? miracle-gro. life starts here. as the grand jury this in the michael brown shooting announced its decision the shooting of another man went largely unnoticed by national media. 17-year-old la quan mcdonald was suspected of breaking into cars when a chicago police officer shot him 16 times in october t. circumstances of the shooting weren't clear. then when the city settled with his family for $5 million, before a lawsuit had even been filed, it raised more questions. surveillance video from a camera are near the shooting might have answered questions to precisely what happened to mcdonald that night. we will likely never know. 86 minutes of the video are missing. carol marine political editor from wmaq has been covering the story and filed this report. >> the burger has a series of outside security camera. on the night of october 20th mcdonald was trailed by chicago police officers through the burger king parking lot after a call about a man with a knife. just south of the restaurant mcdonald was shot 16 times after police on the scene said he posed a serious threat a claim denied by attorneys for the family and by some eyewitnesses that night. >> this witness told us this was an execution. that's his word. >> after the shooting according to the district manager for burger king, four to five police officers wearing blue and white shirts entered the restaurant and asked to view the video and were given the password to the equipment. three hours later they left, he said. the next day when an investigator for the independent police review authority asked to review the security footage they discovered that video was missing. in a statement ipra said we have no credible evidence at this time that would cause us to believe cpd purged or erased any surveillance video. according to the district managerer for burger king all of the cameras and the recorder were on and working properly the night of the shooting. so what happened? he believes that one of the officers deleted files. we had no idea terp going to sit there and delete the files, jay darshane said by telephone on friday. i mean we were just trying to help the police officer. the irony of the missing video, all sides agree, is it would not have shown the shooting. but according to lawyers for the mcdonald family it could have shown events leading up to it. >> our first time down at the burger king restaurant when we realized video was deleted or is missing, we knew something was up. >> while the video from the burger king is missing the shooting of mcdonald was captured on a police dash camera. that video has not been made public. the fbi, u.s. attorney and the cook county state's attorney are investigating the shooting as is the independent police review authority. >> carol marine joins he now from chicago. you have continued to report on the story. have there been any new developments, new information about what happened specifically to that 86 minutes of ovid owe footage? >> there have not. we were told that the federal grand jury meeting in chicago continues to take testimony. this is really a two-pronged process. one is what happened with la shawn mcdonald. something so serious the city would settle $5 million on it very fast and pretty quietly. but the other is what are the civil rights implications and is there or was there or has there been some attempt at a police cover-up. >> this $5 million from the city -- and we know cities sometimes set until these cases but there wasn't yet a lawsuit. it's got to raise questions, eyebrows all over the city. >> it does. this really flew under the radar. it happened quite recently last october. there were a couple of independent journalists, jamie calvin, craig fuderman of the university of chicago and a colleague of mine at the sun times who all wrote about it. it never really got picked up. not until after the election of a mayor in chicago in april does the city's lawyer go before city council to say, we have a case. it involves one officer toe there were many on the scene. only one fired. we immediate to settle because there is another video are. it was on the dashboard of one of the police cars. it is the video that captures the shooting even though i might point out there were cam are are as on all of the dashboards but only two were working. this one delivered the video. we haven't seen it. aldermen in chicago have called for it to be seen. editorial bodies have said we need to see the video. thus far it hasn't been released. the argument being the fbi and u.s. attorney's office are still probing this matterer. >> there seems to be -- i presume from are the medical examiner's report this distressing piece of information that nine out of 16 wounds were entrance wounds to mcdonald's back the back of his forearm or back of his hands. we saw in the report there is at least one witness who described this as an execution. >> exactly. we should point out there were witnesses, many of them on the scene. this was a busy intersection. we are told by the lawyers that many of the witnesses were told to get out of here or we'll arrest you. we don't have thaer names or numbers. but the lawyers do have some wo have come forward. the fact of the matterer is that this case was described on the scene by a police union representive has one this this which mcdonald lunged and the sauf in fear of his life sh shot. what we are told by those who have seen the video is there isn't evidence of him lunging and all the other officers apparently exercised a hemoglobin level of restraint. so what was this and why was the officer threatened? mcdonald had a knife, not a gun. something about the video is apparently powerful enough for the city to quickly take care of the case. >> carol marin in chicago. thank you for joining us raising if questions, and doing the investigation. i'm shoor all of us will keep an eye on what happens next. thank you. >> thank you. what are you reading this sum sthr my letter of the week is next. . super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip. ♪ where do you get this kind of confidence? at your ford dealer... that's where! our expert trained technicians... state of the art technology and warranty parts keep your vehicle running right. it's no wonder we sold more than 3.5 million tires last year and durning the big tire event get a $120 mail in rebate on 4 select tires. ♪ ♪ one, two, three o'clock. four o'clock pop. ♪ five, six, seven o'clock. eight o'clock pop. ♪ ♪ nine, ten eleven o'clock ♪ ♪ twelve o'clock pop ♪ ♪ we're gonna pop around the clock tonight. ♪ pop in new tide pods plus febreze a 4 in 1 detergent. now with 24-hour freshness. we celebrate memorial day, listened politely to commencement speakers suffered through unforgiving three-way pir errors trying to find a swim suit. it's summer and along with the promise of vacation time and the good weather to enjoy it comes the beloved annual nerd ritual. the summer reading list. this week the new york times literary critic shared her suggestions titled cool books for hot summer days. on the list -- several books by 17 white writers. i know what you're thinking. this is the part where mhp sends a letter care of the new york times and goes in about whitewashing summer reading. you might expect me to point out that jabaria asim's novel "only the strong" is important to read this the context of ferguson baltimore and the ongoing movement. maybe you expect to hear best selling author january vasquez's book "lovers on all saints day" is available in english for the first time this summer or that everyone who's ever loveded and lost need s to read the gut wrenching and lyrical pem woir of elizabeth alalexander. the light of the world profiled right here. or maybe point out that toni more son morrison has a new book this year, "god help the child." maybe that could warrant a summer read. i don't need to write the letter. from the moment her suggestions appeared in the paperer that purports to bring all the news that's fit to print, many other outlets offered meaningful and richly diverse alternatives. check out the mhp show twitter feed and facebook page for some of them. when we asked them the new york times executive director of communications shared this statement. the summer reading list is not paent to sum up the best or most noter worthy books of the summer. but to alert readers to some options for slightly over the top escapist fun. the criteria for selection include recently and soon to be published books from among specific genre categories few of them substantive or weighty. while our selection reflect it is summer releases offered by book publishers we'll be more alert to diversity among who s in the future. so with so many other s weighing in already and the new york times promising to be hr alert in the future i really didn't have a letter to send. why my letter of the week the going to you. dear readers, it's me melissament this summer i'm asking you to read three books. first, to back and read a book that you read before you were 18 years old. i don't care if it's "sweet valley high" or "little women," "souls of black folk" or "sounder." see if it feels different. see if you missed something. see if you still love it or if you have learned to hate it. reveft it and see how you have changed. second, read a book with a kid this summer. whether you have children in your life already or you have to volunteer at a local shelter, school or library to find a young reading partner i'm asking you to read one book with a purchase youngerer reader. it can be as simple as "green eggs & ham" with a preschooler at head scar tissue or working through a trilogy with your tween these to rehind you of the ability of books to transform how we see the world . third, i'm asking you to read one book by an author who doesn't share your race gender or sexualer orientation. african-american sisters, try to pick up a diaz novel and white brothers may be time to read janet mac. black year men, have have you ever read joyce carol oates. dig in to far more books this summer and i hope you will take this humble suggestion. reading is not about so calleded political correctness or enforced. but reading is at its best about finding something new in ourselves and expanding and i are sharing this extraordinary world of ideas with one another. happy reading. sincerely, melissament. the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again. we're helping organizations transform the way they work so they can transform the lives of the people they serve. ♪ melodic music in low tones. ♪ heavy rock instrumental with electric guitar. ♪ sfx: engine sounds. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry... you'll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am spyder dealer and test drive one today. the new spyder 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flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. we have the hot 100. other than the revelation of who makes maksim's number one spot it's easy to guess what will be on the cover from year to year. a woman. always young, always thin often white. displaying her body if just enough clothing to keep things from full on playboy territory. when we can see her face she's staring out from the cover with a come hither stare. inside the issue, there is pretty much more of the same which is why the i imagine this year was surprising. it still features the woman who occupies. we have taylor swift with fresh makeup giving a look that doesn't exactly say go away but isn't quite the full come hither we have gotten used to the. that's just the cover. that's where things get really interesting. the author of the introductory essay to the hot 100 list is none other than one of our feminist riders wo writes of the images of the pages that follow. the lists tend to reflect social forms. it's a rather for hall beauty standard there is a re minderer that if a woman has an unruly body or if her features deviate from the typical you are kwoor mean beauty ideal she's often rendered invisible. studies sow beautiful people men and women, will american more in thaer careers, a nice $230,000 beauty bonus on average. before send ing us off she gives us something to think about while we are looking. consider the people behind those beautiful faces. when you close the pages of the magazine allow yourself to peach yat a broader range of beautiful skin fuller bodies and complicated surface joining me now christina b ex ltran from nyu. daniel mills, adviser from the center for american progress and co-host he of politini. jennifer posner executive director of women in media and news. jen. >> melissa, i -- >> i haven't even asked a question! >> the first thing i want to say is i'm glad maksim has a woman editor trying to rebrand away from ten years ago when eva longoria's cover could be seen from space. they blew it up the in vegas in the desert. >> she's tieny in real life! to be seen from space. >> right. >> we have such an incredibly low bar. there were headlines about the maxim list that this is the new feminist bible. even ms. magazine saying this is the new feminist thing. feminism is more about the absence of misogyny. >> or the worst kind of it. >> i love that they wanted to get roxanne to write an es kay but they don't have a photo of her on the by line. all of the women. this is about women's accomplishments this year. rather than roxanne saying hey, you can still remember there are other women you should feel are beautiful not in the magazine. >> i want to see the cover with ruth bader ginsburg on it. we are talking about the issue. but the dudes who read maxi kmrks. when i see the guys reading maxim, they are not going to read the article. it will be john. it is sort of a low were bar. >> part of what's interesting is the fact that if you want porn it's easy to get it. theegs women are quite fully dressed. >> it's not just boobs. it's something else. the top 100 watches, things you should worry about with the patriot actor or top 100 reasons you can't use your phone. can feminism be more about pretty rich people making choices? why are there pictures of the women who are man curist miss in new york city being exploited. i think there is an answer to the question. maxim's number one job is to make money. people who are exclusively reading about the patriot act with questions about women's self-presentation. >> i like the idea that maxim has take then this approach. she's still white, thin really pretty. she still fit it is ideal. my version of feminism is not respectability. i like that we need to be able to reclaim all of those. >> show me interesting black trans women. >> there are a lot of hot trans women out there. >> if we want this to be the feminist bible wouldn't it have been interesting to have laverne cox in a sexed up photo on the cover? that would have been interesting. this is so new. ten years ago girls in government did a project responding to the cover called the real hot 100. today took thom nations, got 400 nominations, chose a hundred women. i was one of them. a media activist got an award. let me see. melanie cervantes. a little bit ka strategist got an award. a hundred women. see how hot smart can be. >> i also think the pressure to be hot and smart seems like a lot. sometimes having to be all of those things. we'll talk about that and ask jamie about the new hotness for men -- the dad bod. >>who... is this?! >>hi, i am heinz new mustard. hi na na na na >>she's just jealous because you have better taste. whatever. >>hey. keep your chin up. for years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. well, not anymore. introducing heinz new better tasting yellow mustard. mmm! making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, let's-rock-this-concert- like-it's-1999 kind of mom. when pain tries to stop you, there's motrin. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. in our introductory essay for maxim's hot 100 list writerer roxan gay invites readers to think about the beauty standards and make a point of netting it's not only women who face pressures to adhere to them. gay rights men aren't immune from these machinations oath error. as they strive to maintain a lush full head of air and a six pack. only they may not be striving as up many. behold the dad bod. a term which is now a thing since it emerged online this the march article for the odyssey in which that kenzie pearson described it as a if i seek that says, goi to the gym occasionally, drink heavily on the weekend s and eat eight slices of pizarro at a time. and gerls are are all about the dad bod. i would how much i liked your hair this morning. >> thank you. >> in listening to your program, i learned you have narrow hips but a large bottom. >> oh, my. >> that makes it difficult to wear jeans. >> i wasn't -- here's the thing. >> i didn't know you had a luscious booty. >> yeah. it's fantastic. we'll throw that out there. when the producer bought it up backstage i was like we weren't having a feminist conversation or talking about dad bod. i was like i can't find shorts. also that's the one. that's a problem i have to deal with. i don't walk down the street and people are like, hey, small hips, big butt. nobody's like bring that dad bod. >> nobody is heckling you is this. >> nobody heckles me about it. i can go on my show and it's a punch line. >> this matters. i think it's part of what i wanted to drive home. it's not that there aren't standards if for men's wu buy ti and attractiveness. it's that the stakes are different. >> the only stake we had just got sort of written about as a good thing. it's like eating eight pieces of pizarro and drinking beer is not something to strive for. it's like, dude, are you are ok? do you want to talk about it? that's not good. it doesn't matter how we look and now you see it's clearer where it's like -- >> now you have the comparable to that is the momshell. the mom and the bombshell together. >> the pressure! >> then they show a list of women. look at heidi klum , she had a baby six weeks ago. look. she had a baby two hours ago. do you seer efface? >> they did it with the duchess. she walked out. oh, my she's still wearing a maternity dress. how brave. she had a baby nine hours ago. that's not brave. that's like your human body. >> with pi youngest daughter i didn't even have her. many people know we worked and i put on 20 pounds during my six-week maternity leave anyway because it's hard to care for a tuborn. mom bod isn't sexy in this. >> mom bod, book bod. after finishing your book. >> it's like old broment again, i'm -- this is driving me crazy. there are other ways to think about soft bodies like gay men bears. there are other spaces. different bods versus six-pack guys. >> i never will forget when you said there will be spanx for men and we had a thing about it. i was like whatever. i was in a department store and i tweeted you a picture like you were right! here are the man spanx. >> i pitched a story around. no one picked it up. in 99 or 2000 about how -- i didn't have the word metrosexual. i was ahead of that. nobody wanted the piece. i was like look we have reached peak commercialization of women's security and beauty issues. they started to do plastic surgery on women's feet to look better in sandals like on "sex and the city." but men were an untapped market for insecurity. you saw men's health magazine change from health to a maxim clone around that period of time. it's about what we can sell to men. it used to be there was a product like a dull box of cover your gray and then -- >> the men are dyeing their hair gray now to look like george clooney. >> the silver fox. it is the silver fox. >> >> age and wealth, if you are talking about a marriage and mating market there are still standards, but the standard ss. beautiful young women and wealthy older men are the two things that go together. >> i want to backtrack a little bit. this panel has been so fun we were getting side eyed in the hall way. i don't want to shame anybody. this is important. i had to quit drinking. i struggled with eating issues. i definitely have body issues. i do jiu-jitsu every day. if i don't i'm like oh i'm garbage. men go through this. what's important about intersectional ti solidarity is you have to say, yeah it's hard for me hard for everybody. it's not as hard as women. >> i don't want to do that. i want to do the idea that there is no human condition that doesn't include having problems. every human condition has problems. but sop bodies are identified actually as a problem. your body is inherently a problem. thank you to danielle hoodie mills and jen pozner. all the rest will be back. i want to point out for nerdland chicago, jamie will be there at the play ground theater on june 6. check out his luscious booty for yourself. up next the king of cleveland. what lebron's trip means for his city and legacy and a special performance by a grammy award winning jazz musician. more at the top of the hoff. ...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in 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a test drive today. sign up to take your turn on an eztrak zero-turn mower at your john deere dealer and save 100 dollars on your purchase. . welcome back. i'm melissa harris-perry . an outpouring of sympathy for the vice president's family is emerging this morning following the news that beau biden has died. joseph beau biden, iii, former delaware attorney general and son of the vice president joe bide en died last night. he died last night surrounded by his fan. he was only 46 year ares old. the vice president's office released a statement last fight that reads in part the entire biden family is saddened beyond words. we know beau's spirit will live on through his wife and two remarkable children. joining me now from washington nbc white house correspondent kristen welker . the vice president's son was a successful politician in his own right. >> reporter: he absolutely was. as condolences poured in overnight from lawmakers and politicians on both sides of the aisle, so many of them have noted the strong relationship and also the similarities between beau biden and his father. biden was a rising political figurer. biden served as the 44th attorney general from 2007 to 2015. he was expected to run in 2016. a lot of people thought he would have been the front runner. those who knew beau biden said he valued family above all else. his wife and children president obama is one of the people grieving today. he released a statement that read in part beau took after joe. he studieded the law like his dad, even choosing the same law school. he chased a life of public ser ves. like his dad serving in iraq and as delaware's attorney general. like his dad, beau was a deeply faithful man who made a difference in the lives of al he touched. he lives on in their hearts. this is not the first time tragedy has struck the biden family. in 1972 beau was just a little boy when he was injured in a car accident that keled his sister and his mother. his fatherer was elected to the u.s. senate and he was famously sworn in at beau's bedside. beau talked about his recollections of that difficult moment for the family at the 2008 democratic national convention when he introduced he is father. speak ing for the family joe biden said, beau biden was quite simply the finest manny of us have known. melissa? >> it's a huge loss for the democratic party. far, far greater, more important for the biden family. >> indeed. >> what an enormous loss and questionment thank you to nbc's kristen welker at the white house. >> thanks. >> we are following breaking news that secretary of state john kerry is returning to boston for medical care after a bicycle crash in france. secretary kerry broke his right femur when his bike hit a curb. the 71-year-old was rushed to a hospital in genera and never lost consciousness. mr. kerry left this morning's schedule open in case his saturday talks with the iranians were extended. when the talks ended yesterday afternoon he decided to cycle a route that was part of the tourd de france. his trip later today has been cancelled. kerry will travel back to boston to see the doctor who performed hip surgery theer the site of the new injury. now to sports news. the nba finals begin this week. it's one under dog city versus another. it's anybody's game. on one side oakland's golden state warrer yoriors who haven't been to the finals in years in since 1975, will be playing the cleveland cavaliers who have never once won the championship title. last time they were in the finals was 2007 with lebron james on the teamment the king the number one draft pick right out of high school in 2003 and four time mvp left his hometown and went to the miami heat in 2010. the espn special announcing his decision, james said he wanted some championship rings on his fingers. >> i feel like it's going to give me the best opportunity to win for multiple years. not only just to win in a regular season or just to win five games in a row or three games in a are row, i want to win championships. i feel like i could compete down there. >> man, some pain never ends. there is pain in my table at having to watch that. the reality is he got two, back-to-back championship wins with the heat. last year he announced his return in an essay in sports illustrated explaining the decision he wrote, i feel myle calling here goes above swaubl. i have a responsibility to lead this more ways than one. i take it seriously. my presence can make a difference in miami, but i think it can mean more where i'm from -- in northeast, ohio nothing is given, everything is earned. he admitted it might be a long haul to win a trophy. et i'm the not propsing a championship. know how hard that is to tlifr. we are not ready right now. no way, of course. i want to win but i'm realistic. it will be a long process. in his first year back in c-town, the king has brought his team to the finals again. that trophy is in sight. there's been a lot of debate over whether james is the best player the game has seen -- better than jordan the. he brings the cavs the championship trophy that might get hotter. joining me now, associate professor at new york university christina beltran and cleveland native and senior editor at the new republic whose latest for the magazine is "cleveland on the brink." ja jamil was one of the original nerds, producers on the program. he's come home like lebron. also this morning, co-author of the book and co-host of the podcast and jamel hill co-host of espn's his and hers. >> it's an interesting time in cleveland. >> 51 years. my father and my uncle were at the 1964 browns nfl chep game the last time they won. the thing is cleveland, i wrote this week is really big on loyalty, short on hope. we are really really fast. we hold tight to our teams. we just keep believing, going through the process. no matter what. it's about time we get a reward. >> right. yes. >> yet because of that there is a part of me that thinks i was surprised. watching with my young nephew. i hate this lebron james. he's so dramatic. i was like i'm shocked actually. i wonder why still so much anti-lebron emotion out there. >> now the conversation has turned. you mentioned michael jordan. we have seen it happen or evolve so many times before it happened with kobe bryant. when a player threatens the alter of michael jordan then it comes -- >> my nephew is from chicago. it becomes about finding ways to nitpick against the legacy. i have said it for a long time. y'all need to let michael jordan goment let him have his dad jeans and hoop earring and let him go. >> let him have the dad bod. >> he's turned into paul bunyan. we act like he never missed a shot. i realize he went undefeated this the finals. i get it. while i wouldn't say if he bron win it is championship that he's going to automatically be a greater player than jordan. i will say he deserves to be in the conversation. i will say he could maybe potentially beat jordan. >> he put cleveland on his back like, here we go. >> i have great respect. the idea that he would say it will take us a while and then, no. my favorite taylor swift song "wildest dreams," under rated. >> and in response to this. haters gonna heat, hate, hate. >> you get me. we talked about on citizen radio this section of comments that the exploded about old white dudes complaining about the slam dunk. these types of players. we're like black players? we used to throw a hackie sack into a bucket and thob would watch. with any athlete of color with tattoos is confident in what they do there are a lot of people who say, you see it in musicians, beyonce, miracle imagine, et cetera et cetera. >> certainly the lebron james presentation must be part -- the other fascinating thing going on here is there is another under dog team in the sense of being an under dog city. oakland is itself also a city that had a long time. reilly curry. that's everything, that little girl. his daughter is there and we see daddy being daddy and there was criticism even of this young man being an sbrord near father this this moment. >> ridiculous. >> can i be the ogre? look. i have been a reporter in those situations where you have 20 minutes to file a story, okay is this of you have to get the file. you have an editor on your back. you're therement it is a working, professional environment. i wouldn't say kids should be banned prosecute the press conference. but when you are in that moment and you need to file a story, i'm not caring how cute reilly is. she's adorable. is he's wonderful. i have nothing against her at all. >> i'm going to ask you not to go on twitterer for the next 48 hours. >> i have already said it. >> i'm just saying, that baby is -- >> oy adorable . >> what if there is a cute bar. however cute the kid is you get an extra five minutes. i could understand why reporters in that situation could be irritated. >> i do think. i i'm doing something more here. part of what curry is doing, at the same time he's working is presenting a different image of black manhood that we have an opportunity to do. also we act like curry is the first player to do this this even during the playoffs. derrick rose brought his son to the podium. nobody said one thing. he was making strange faces and causing what you might think would be a distrak. i think a lot of it has to do with people not understanding any kind of children that don't look like theirs. you see a young black girl doing her thing, being carefree . >> being free. i love me a free black woman. >> people aren't ready for it. >> the world isn't ready for free black women. everyone stay with me. i i want to bring in the president and ceo of the naacp. why? cleveland is in a complicated moment. as we go to break, just a reminder of former nerdland producer jamele smith's reaction to the news that james was going home. and the party hasn't stopped for jamil. we can't get him to stop really all because lebron james is going back to cleveland. your kids get used to sweaty odors in their room. they think it smells fine, but you smell this... eliminate all the odors you've gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. mmmm... so you and your guests can breathe happy. guys, it's just the two of you. the setting is just right. but here's the thing, about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra. the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again. we're helping organizations transform the way they work so they can transform the lives of the people they serve. my name is mary molina and i'm a pipeline engineer for pg&e in the sacramento region. new technology is being used in all facets of the company and what we do. pg&e is employing these technologies as an investment to the system for the long run. we're not just going to roll up and go home because we live here and we work here and we care about the work and we care about doing it right. we all have the same goals to make the system safe and to make the community safe. together, we're building a better california. >> something is going through a city that's very dramatic and traumatizing to me . sports is one of the biggest healers in helping the city out. whether you are a player or a fan. if you have anything to do with the city you feel a certain way about rooting for a team you love. it could get your mind off the hardships that may be going on throughout your life or in that particular type and periodment it just does that. >> although we have seen lebron literally rebuilding northeast ohio seen here working on a home for hgtv's "rehab addict" in akron are as part of his charity work. no one person not even the king can fix a structural person the area faces. the least of which is cleveland's policing practices which the justice department found unconstitutional. joining us now from washington, d.c. is cornell william brooks, president and are ceo of the naacp. nice to have you. >> good to be here. >> as dominating as sports news has been this week the other big news story is the doj consent decree which is stunningly specific. and evenita gupta says should be a model. tell me about that. >> want the say how pleased i am that we have the consent decree. i had a chance to speak to the assistant attorney general earlier this the week. it is a sweeping document. it speaks to all of the kinds of reforms that the naacp long advocated for. in this hundred-plus-page document we see elements like inspector general . a civil rights commission. reform in training. it is extraordinarily comprehensive and i believe what the city of cleveland needs. i will also note lebron james is extraordinarily encouraging and really represents a standard not only of athleticism but advocacy as well. >> that's maybe the good news the bad news or still waiting news that there are no charges if in the tamir rice shooting. >> yeah. >> what do you or the naacn in general know about the current situation. >> we know that it is ongoing. the assistant attorney general is limited in terms of what she can say. in terms of the investigations. i the think the point for us to be clear about here is we've got to continue to shine an unrelenting spotlight on the tragedy of tamir rice the bre lo verdict are. tragedies playing out across the country and be clear. congress had to act. as the tragedies unfold as though they are not capable of doing something and doing something with a sense of urgency. >> don't go away. i want to turn to you on this. this is precisely the kind of push me, pull me you wrote about. you wrote in part a cleveland team advancing thisser far typically gives the entire front page of the plain dealer. on wednesday the cavs had to share with the mayor, a u.s. tosh and the headline "deal seeks sweeping reforms." as you see here you've got onto the finals and deal seeks sweeping reforms. something in cleveland are that's this momentous as far as the cavaliers advancing. norply it's the city. i'm glad for this distraction. >> the headline of the other is still there above the fold. >> i'm glad to see taking this kind of prominence in my hometown. we should remember this is the second time. this police department has been under the observation of the justice department for a decade. while words are great, action needs to be taken immediately. the average time of implementation is five years. we are not promising to see any kind of immediate changes. frankly, there are a lot of things left out. >> when sea we need to let jordan be himself this is why i have a preference. in this moment in his city he's on the front lines of the black movement and he's willing to speak in a way we never saw. >> it was him nnd the heat when trayvon martin happened. it became an issue that bled into sports. i think this is part of his powerful impact. jordan has been about selling shoes. when he wrote what i call a love letterer to cleveland and coming back, this is what he talked about. he has a responsibility. >> celebrity and citizenship. he's living like a citizen. >> let me come back to you on this question and ask in a moment like this do you go ahead and just root for the team and enjoy the celebration or how does it li with the continuing injustices. >> i think it can be linked together. when we think about jack you robinson who for years raiseded money on separate but equal. we think of lebron james, artists and athletes wo really want to bring about social justice and speak to the social life artistic and cultural life of their communities. he's waging war on the basketball court. i live in a household with two son s sons for whom lebron is a secular saint. he has the brevity of im imagines and words and speaks volumes in terps of symbolism. to do it in cleveland is extraordinary at this moment. >> thank you. for giving us athleticism and advocacy and with the citizenship and celebrity. these thingli together. and thanks to jamele hill who really shouldn't go on twitter. >> i love reilly! >> up next the man who says both president george h.w. bush and jeffrey dahmer are his cousins. and a giant family reunion. want to go is this sop stop stop. ortho home defense gives you year long control of all these 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and humorist a.j. jacobs has a number of names in his large and diverse family. you may have heard of a few of his relatives. cousin george who has the distinction of being the 41st president of the united states. then cousin chris, the actor. maybe you know him by his rap anymore ludacris. and don't forget cousin jeffrey. maybe it's better to forget. there's also his cousin al. a.j. is pretty proud to be related to cousin al. kind of a squeen yus. believe it or not this guy really is related to all of these guys. no need to envy his relations. jacobs says you probably have them, too. he's part of a project making connections using data are from several online genealogy sites to piece together sprawling family trees. among the interlocking branches he's discovered that not only are all of us ---er or a lot of us related to celebrities, we are also related to one another. next saturday he is looking to break a world record by inviting the dysfunction that will family to a global family reunion in new york. cousin a.j. is joining the table. >> hello, cousin melissa. >> thank you! on my mother's seed we are latter day saints. we are very good at genealogy and have been tracing it forever. why host a 77-person family reunion? 77 million i mean. >> there you go pt. two years ago i got an e-mail from a man who who said you don't know me. i'm your 12th cousin. i figured he would say her here's my nigerian bank account. but he's part of the movement building a family tree of the entire human race which is just mind blowing. for the first time we could see how everyone on earth is related. i love the idea. why not throw a festival and have everyone show up. we'll have 50 speakerers. we'll have a great time and we'll solve all problems and end all wars forever. i know you are being funny there. if we are family we'll fesly be kinder nicer, gentler toward one another. you recognize types family can be the nastiest meanest, most cruel to one another. >> i have three sons. i see how they wrestle and i know. i also have seen this has had a remarkable effect not just on me but on thousands of people working on family trees. we do have a bias as humans to treat family better than strangers. if we can recon acceptlize that we are all family it will nudge us in the right direction. like when someone cuts me off in traffic i think, you know maybe he's my cousin and he's going to pick up his kid at physical therapy. i will cut him slack. >> i i want to draw you in on this. the idea of with a family is. this is a fight skip and i have been having -- intellectual not a fistfight. >> he's a speaker. >> undoubtedly. he really likes to swab the fds of your mouth. nobody's my cousin. i want to plak a claim toward the specific ongoing engaged relationships that are family versus our genetic ties to each other. >> the idea of family can be a problem. disagreement isn't just disagreement among strangers, it's betrayal. you can think about the fact that we thought we were so close that we reck thiezed that in democratic politics i would argue we were strangers. what's exciting is the pos ability that strangerers can become connected. we can forge agreement that it's not blood or tribal. this is great if it were pivoted in a way are where not just are my uncle is royalty, but i own ed slaves. if we can sit with my cousin was hitler. if we can sit with our collective responsibility i'm interestedment. >> that's the idea. to make it instead of exclusive, inclusive and instead of tribalism there is one tribe. >> it's a beautiful concept. i'm had at myself for being distracted. of course bush is related to jeffrey dahmer. i knew it. what you are doing is -- i'm sorriment what you're doing is great. it's beautiful. there used to be self-made families where lots of people come from dysfunction fall abusive families. >> we make one. koos one. >> you see thit new york city. >> you can now choose your family. everyone is family. thank you to christina and jamele smith. still to come a true firefight. the inside story of integrating the new york city fire department. we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. so when my husband started getting better dental checkups than me i decided to go pro... with crest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. my teeth are getting stronger. this crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. great checkup. >>who... is this?! >>hi, i am heinz new mustard. hi na na na na >>she's just jealous because you have better taste. whatever. >>hey. keep your chin up. for years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. well, not anymore. introducing heinz new better tasting yellow mustard. mmm! we have an update on two major news stories we have been following this morning. political leaders around the country are offering their condolences after the death of the son of vice president are joe biden. 46-year-old beau biden, former attorney general of delaware, passed away last night after a battle with brain cancer. he was considered a rising political star in his own right and had planned to run for gov for next year. beau leave behind a wife and two children. the vice president said beau embodiedy edied my father's saying that a parent knows success when his child turns out better than he did. in the words of the family beau biden was quite simply the finest pan anymanny of us have known. president obama said like his dad, beau was a good big hearted catholic and faithful man. he made a difference in the lives of all he touched. and he lives on in their hearts. in other breaking news secretary of state john kerry's returning to the united states for medical treatment after being injured in a bicycle accident in france. the secretary was hospitallized after breaking his leg, specify the right femur when his bike hit a curb. the injury is near the site of a previous hip operation. still plcht kerry is returning to boston to be treated by the same doctor who performed the hip surgery. a spokesman says the secretary is in good spirits and is expected to make a full recovery. kerry was in switzerland for talks on the nuclear program and was expected to travel to paris to meet with foreign ministers about isis. he's expected to participate in the meeting now via video conference. up next the long road to integration. if in the new york city fire department. still to come a special performance by the award winning pew sigs, terrence blan card. we do. we're legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again. we're helping organizations transform the way they work so they can transform the lives of the people they serve. the 2015 can-am spyder lineup is here, including the all-new spyder f3. during the ready set summer sales event, save up to $4,000 on select 2014 models, and get a two-year warranty. experience the complete freedom and confidence of a can-am spyder today. when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. integration.f in the new york city fire . protests over policing tactics in cities like cleveland and ferguson ohio, have in part put the spotlight on law enforcement and the racial disparity of police departments anden the communities they serve. in ferguson the population is 67% african-american as of august the police force was only 6% black. in cleveland, black residents comprise the majority of the population but as of last year only a quarter of the police force. compare it to ferguson and cleveland, new york city looks like a success story. more than a quarter of the population is black and as of 2009 black officers made up 18% of the nypd. these numbers don't extend to all public service sectors in new york. according to a new book for more than a century the new york city fire department or fdny discriminated against applicants of color with biased written exams and shadowy character evaluations. meanwhile nepotism and loop hope holies allowed well connected less qualified applicants to join the ranks. black firefighters made up less than 3% of the force as of 2007. some of new york's bravest decided to take a stand. the an association of black fdny firefighters fought city hall and won. they sued the city alleging district manager that toir hiring and a federal court agreed calling for sweeping changes including a nondiscrimination exam and the second chance for hundreds of applicants of color. the results were staggering. since 2013 20% of new fdny hires have been black. last year the city settled the case by paying $98 million in benefits and back pay to minority applicants who faced district manager thags. now two of the leaders of the charge captain paul washington and current president of the fdny vulcan society gingerer wilson and ginger adams who tell it is story in the new book request firefight, the century long battle to integrate fork's bravest." ginger, i will start with you. i read the book last night. i was listening on the break. i'm shocked because i don't think we talk about fire department it is way we do police departments. >> sure. a lot of people don't realize new york city was the biggest example of this disparity but not the only example. boston had problems, chicago, baltimore, los angeles. we are not talking just in the past but ongoing recent day struggles. it's something a lot of people don't really think about. we think about civil service generally as being friendly to the people of color particularly blacks. wen you get to the uniformed jobs in new york city with the fire department the uniform positions generally tend to be better paid, have are better pensions. they are more stable jobs although they carry big risks but the reward is this the paycheck benefits and pensions. the competition is fierce. >> that's obviously part of what's at stake is jobs and jobs impact communities, on families on long term careers. people really understand in a police department why it matters to have racial diversity that reflects community. we think of those interactions as impacting and influencing the likelihood of public safety. is public safety at stake in the diversity of the fire department? >> our opponents would like to pretend it is. they went on and on about lowering standards and all forkers are at risk. that's been shown to be untrue. as you pointed out manier hr blacks and people of color and women are coming on now. there has been no adverse impact. to be clear, the big faker tor can you mentioned is economics. this is entry into the middle classment when you have the job you are set for life. black forkers need to participate as much as white new yorkers. >> if the idea of merit is central and you are currently in fdny. leading the society. >> yes. >> i guess the requested that merit is somehow counter to diversity. types merit is used very loosely. people thinking about their own point of view as white heals. when they feel something is difficult or wrong for african-americans or females, all of the sudden your character and merit comes to play. just like the terms lowering of standards is only applicable to wem and african-americans. but by the test of time we have shown that we can do this job. we have been on the fire department for years. just like women, for instance. there is not even a percentage. only 11 african-american females out of almost 10 ,000 firefighters. so african-americans now are only making up 5%. the numbers have always been horrific. pert comes into play and it's selective. >> help me and folks understand who haven't red read the book yet to understand what it is about the test that is a problem is this. >> that's a source of a lot of miss information. the vulcan society never said the tests themselves were biased. or that the questions were biased. their argument was that minorities -- and this happens across the nationment it's something they know will happen. they are generally going to score in bands lower than white people on this test. doesn't mean the test is biasedment. what you have to prove is giving this kind of test that the measurable difference in scores correlates to job performance. if you get a 98 and do better than me the as a firefighter the and i get a 95 the city has protection. it comes down to how much investment has been made to headache it actually an open and fair process. i want to play a sound for you. welcoming a diverse new class. >> this is a very selective city we serve. >> this is history being rewritten as it's occurring. for him the to take credit as a joke. hay did everything they could to fight against this. the reason it was diverse, that we have diversity is because of the society and our efforts. also, too, this is not only the mayor, fire commissioner and the brass of the fire department but the rank and file. it would be an increase in blacks in the job. >> it's an extraordinary book. i loved learning about vulcan. i i love that you are there leading the work that's been done really since the jim crow era. thank you to gingerer ot theics s adams, regina will on. the book is "fire-fight, the battle to integrate new york's bravest." up ethics if you have seen a spike lee movie you know his trumpeterer, terrence blanchard joins us next. 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>> i think our roles will be the social conscience. to constantly engage and challenge people's thinking through music. one of the things that has always happened throughout music is music is that one thing that can touch you deep in your soul. that vulnerable spot, where everybody -- that everybody tries to keep safe. and with what we do, you know, we try to open up people's hearts and minds. to make change and change our community. >> dr. king used to talk about being creatively mall adjusted to issues and i worry about without a public education system that teaches us that kids can't be creatively maladjusted. they won't know how to create something out of nothing. >> in the aftermath of hurricane katrina in new orleans, as you know, there were a lot of kids who probably didn't have the able to verbalize what they were going through. for me, we brought the monk institute to new orleans. i thought it was important to engage with those students and give them something that would allow them to express themselves in any way possible feasible. we saw great results with some young kids. i remember we had a thing with some young students performing and talking about improvisation, and the 13-year-old girl raised her hand and said i think i can do that. for me that's huge. for her to get up in a public forum and feel the need to express herself and find a vehicle to do it was major. >> the monk institute referring tole this thelonious monk. >> yes. >> where are you in terms of using art to do there kind work? >> you know, i've always felt like being an artist you have to be socially conscious. when i look at john coltrane the things he did with alabama, and max roach, it's hard to turn a blind tie some of these issues. so throughout my career i've always felt like an artist, part of our job is to document our environment, our community, as we're experiencing it. so hopefully shine a different type of light on it you know. and that's what i've been trying to do with all of my career. that's what we're doing with the c.d. as well. >> i want to invite you to perform. so terrence is now going to perform his song see me as i am." this is from his latest blue note records release, "breathless." ♪ [ "breathless" ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ "breathless" ] >> terrence, you make me miss home and hearing the live music of new orleans. terrence blanchard his latest album, "breathless," available through blue note record. thanks for watching. see you next saturday at 10:00 a.m. now a preview of "weekends with alex witt." i was going to thank you, but how do i follow that? thank you. that was so inspirational. thank you very much for that. the senate showdown over the patriot act is a few hours away. what happens if it expires tonight? is there a backup plan? the cleanup along the california coast gets more complicated. also, new information on the effort to save the animals caught in that mess. young, educated and jobless. new numbers show the uphill battle against millennials and the effect it's having on university enrollment. we'll be right back. life begins with a howl, we scream, shout shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in, our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud. dentures shouldn't keep you quiet life should be ringing in your ears. live loud, super poligrip. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? floor mats... clear coats... >>you're getting warmer... leather seats... >>and this... my wife bought me that. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. ortho home defense gives you year long control of all these household bugs - roaches, ants, and spiders. spectracide gives you year long control... of just roaches. their label says so. got more than roaches moving in? 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Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book TV 20091121

fly. and the wildcats hold on. and 27-24. the catch maintaining. and a minute 25. and going this one am and they are just under a minute. and a and a half to going back to the playoffs. >> treister. and he nailed on that play. >> did the right thing. >> pulled up. and tried to get it to brusko. it is a tough play. and all over the place. and if you are maine, you are feeling good that your kids gave an effort. it is disa p pointing to lose. and if you are unh. you have pulled the proverbial rabbit out the hat. make sure you do nothing stupid here. > >> it is up to the 40. and still to the 35-yard line. and a guy who has had a very good day is mcmillion lap am and giving up. >> that should sock it away here. >> and now, they started up again. >> each came with two-time outs. >> maine has got two. >> unh, you are not snapping the ball. >> i am trying to figure out how they are and they sack td away. >> r.j. toman. will take the knee. >> this is gutsy by both teams. >> maine had the dietle for had. and were looking to go to the post season with maine. >> this club has dealt with a them of injuries. >> they come back. >> and within the conference. 5-5 overall. and jack cosgrove and the group had a lot to be thankful for. >> it might have been a holly feeling. and i played on the rhode island team that i played on that. >> and we within the north division title. and we didn't end up going to the playoffs that year. and ultimately. you want to win the division. and you want to go to the playoffs as well. for maine, it as tremendous feet in their cap to see we were the champions. and they would not have gone to the post season. >> and you are judged by. >> make it to the playoff it is. > en and doesn't make the loss any easier t. >> and i have been there. >> you get seven wins. and we lost to an ivy league in brown. >> we would have made it and had a chance to go. >> you get your nine earth pin. >> they may be playing a team they know very bell o or in worse center playing holy cross. >> this is a new hatch hatch game that won nine games. >> with all due respect here, the facility is not up to snuff. and if they won 11 and forced their way in. that's the case. and nca.a. told them. if they upgrade the facility. we will give you home games. en and shawn mcdonald has done the program. and the fact that the facility is in my opinion againing them from getting a home time. >> it as disservice for him working. >> and he played college football. understand the legendary bill bodes. >> he is a bill larkin at the university and very serious. >> he is certainly not looking for a bigger and better job. >> and we will go back for the seventh straight year. the musket will go back to the wildcats. and they will be looking to find out where they go. and the announcement show will take place tomorrow as the 60 teams are -- 16 teams are announced for the playoffs. >> one of the things we have to say to unh. and it is the way the wildcats came back in the contest. >> rj tomorrow man didn't have a better game. and through it twice. and fun issued with 14-25. and had theibilitier exception. and take a look at the 3rd down numberless. the catch for the down and still got the win. >> gut city job by them. >> they are a teen to be reckoned with. and steve young. defensive lineman didn't come back. and playing next week. and will be watching. >> but, carry, i believe. >> they can take on the personality of the coach. >> we saw them exude the personality. en and i asked him a before. >> and he aid are you kidding me. and toman is throwing that up. >> that's it. and the second year in a row, unh wildcats come back to defeat university of maine. it was 18 #-24. and this year it is 27-24. >> the cats defeat the university of maine. >> and 9-2 overall and they are the champs and they retain the muskets and they are headed to the muskets. they have the toughness. and for jack cosgrove, it as heck of a year. this is the toughest conference. in terms of football in the country t and you win as many as they have. >> they have done a heck of a job. en and it is any four of them could win the national championship. >> and real quick here, andy. >> after losing 29-48. two picks and two touchdowns. and mike brusko. 13 catches. 119-yard it is and a touchdown. and for them to do well. >> they are celebrating and moving on. number 1 in the north. . >> gary and andy back here as the wildcats come from behind to defeat the black bears. 27-24, andy. it was a terrific ball game and relive it and look at highlights. and maine draws first blood. mike brusko had a career day. he had a touchdown. 13 catches and 119 yards and one of the 13 grabs. and was a precursor of what was to come and ending his career to come. and request with the quarterback sneak and toman has the entire game and come up in the 4th quarter and it is a big play right here and landis williams had gone to the football. and another big play for maine and tied joins for a big one. and maine gets on the board. and we moved to the second half. >> the end around. and dontrelle peters surprises everybody. >> and look at the convoy escorting him for the easy touchdown. and there is pushaun brown and scoring for maine. >> maine was able to run the football and did a nice job. >> here is the field goal of 52 yards and second. in 50 yards plus the field goal of his career. >> talk about clutch. >> here it is. andy. you make the call. >> and that's a touchdown. and in my back. for mickey mangieri. >> let's take another look. mickey mangieri appears to have the ball and trevor comes you mean with it and the officials call it an interception for maine. >> it is stripped away and then, unh bouncing back and chad kackert with a big run. and scoring. and big touchdown for unh. and made it 27-24. and they go on to get what is a fcs clinching victory here in durham for the wildcats. >> very happy crowd here and it is the wildcats that win it. 27-24 in exciting fashion over the maine black bears. >> andy and i will have a final word coming up next. this is the caa game the week on comca in 1977, in johannesburg, south africa, an 8-year-old boy picked up the game of golf from his father. by the age of 9, he was already outplaying him. the odds of this gentle lad winning the junior world golf championships at the age of 14? 1 in 16 million. the odds of that same boy then making it to the u.s. and european pro-golf tours? 1 in 7 million. the odds of the "big easy" winning the open championship once and the u.s. open championship twice? 1 in 780 million. the odds of this professional golfer having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs of autism at early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference. . we were treated to a terrific ball game here at the university of new hampshire. and it is 27-24 over the university of maine. they played tough and wildcats took a rally and came back. and maine could not convert and move the ball over the field with two minutes to go. and it belongs to the unh. andy, final word from you. >> great job by maine. >> put forth an extremely valiant effort. and mike brusko to punt, the game of his life and ultimately, new hampshire hivs to play another day and going to the playoffs. >> they certainly have. next game coming up here on comcast. it is delaware on villanova. >> check your local listings for the game. as the telekastens. once again the new hampshire wildcats win the division and they are going to the playoffs. we would like to thank our entire staff and production crew. thanks for watching everybody. stand by. delaware and villanova coming everybody. stand by. delaware-villanova comg up. welcome to another addition of washington post live weekend presented by the tkpwroepb turtle sports bar and grille. we'll look back at some of the biggest rivalries in the area including -- wise guy has words on the redskins cowboys rivalry and a personal note and i catch up with political journalist wolf blitzer as he gives us his thought on the wizards cavaliers show down. all that and more starts right now on the washington post live weekend. thanks for tuning into washington post live weekend presented by the greene turtle. every game for the redskins is huge but nothing compares to the rivalry with the dallas cowboys. we take a look back at dallas week as our panel gives us their views and opinions on the heated rivalry. you don't like the cowboys? that's obvious. >> well, i don't know if it's fair to say that. in that i don't play against the cowboys anymore. >> but you did. >> absolutely and hated them with a passion when we played them because they were standing in the way of what we wanted to do and nothing personal i guess. their fans, that's a different issue. i have fun with them because their dill louisal. the collective iq of about six. so i see myself not as a hater, but as a man who's really trying to extend the olive branch to help those who need help. >> trevor, your first taste of the rivalry as a player, what was that like? >> the first time i played in texas stadium during a 12-year career was as a redskin and i went out early to pregame warm up and walked to by myself next to the star. i didn't step on the star as a measure of respect for the cowboys. i looked up at the ceiling, the open roof and looked at the ring of honor and looked at all the great names in the ring of honor and i stood there next to the star and paid them respect. then went out and thorough lyly slashed them. whenever a cowboy could come out of the tunnel, they would stop the pop music they were playing, the rock music on the speakers and play this roman trumpet gladiator fanfare. here comes a cowboy and i was just like get over yourselves. you're a football player and that helped me get over the respect of the cowboys and get back where doc was. >> doc, is there one particular memory you have with your rivalry with the cowboys? >> yeah, there's two things. i think growing up, you're watching the '72 championship games and garson being stopped and i grew up watching briggs and that was big. then in '83 we play them and the winner goes to the super bowl and part of the staff mentioned they weren't going to dallas, they were going straight to the rows bowl and changed those plans. they went home and our crowd went nuts and it was probably the greatest game ever played here and you have those memories. whenever the super bowl is on the line, their butts get kicked and get sent home. now all this regular season they talk about the streaks or whenever. when it matters most, almost like the cavaliers, it's reversed. >> part of the reasons the cowboys have faded in november and december is because teams get the book on them for the season and defense figures out what they're doing and that is part of it, but also i think the redskins do carry over a lot from last week. this is the first time this entire season they can feel good about the performance of their offensive line and running game. jason campbell was able to complete 63% of his passes because the running game lit it up. they ran the ball 40 times and i think as long as the offensive line is able to perform. they don't have to dominate the cowboys. they can't come mate the front 7. if they're able to engage blocks and betz hits the line, they'll have a chance and that's their only plan. >> no portis in that game. we assumed that wasn't going to happen. get the concussion right. you have a life to live 15 years from now. get that right and ladell betts is in there. >> when you practice with the offensive line good things often happen, right? one of the things we admire the toughness of clinton portis. he's a warrior and the way he picks up blitzes but if you can't practice i can't believe they're allowed to play. this is not a monarchy, who is the best player? ladell has shown you if you're out there practicing with whatever is in front of you and been a banged up offensive line and you're the most effective guy, why aren't you get thing majority of the carries? >> the redskins may be in the process of turning things around but navy has exceeded all expectations. here's coach with john fine steen talking about this season. >> let's go back to the navy notre dame game. there a lot of people cheering for navy like they went there even though maybe people don't know where it is and you got it done. what was the feeling like when you got on the plane and went home after that game? >> i can't remember. we were definitely on cloud 9 and trying to reflect on what our kids did, how hard they battled. there's so many great moments in that game and so many game changing moments in that game and we were ecstatic and i was so, so excited for our young men. they battled and that was a good notre dame team. >> it's a team that people were saying they were a bcs type team and this was a game they had to have and a case of them overlooking navy. they beat them two years. >> they did overlook them and that was a big mistake. >> you think they did? >> no, i don't think so at all. i think they understood they had -- navy came out and took it to them and kenny went for 4th down twice and picked it up both times because charlie and his coaches are so brilliant, they didn't cover the center on 4th and 1 and kenny went straight up the middle with ricky dobbs and picked up the first downs and kenny won't say this. the navy kids were great and played great. he and his staff completely outcoached charlie and his staff and there's been whining that's come out of south bend since that game because those guys are bad losers and bad people but kenny and his guys from top to bottom deserve that win. >> it was a great win and then i thought the tougher task that coaches have to deal with is after a big win getting their guys refocussed and going right back into a tough one and delaware is not a bad team. they're a team that put up a fight against you. was it difficult to get them refocus and had how were you able to do? >> all we can do is try to tell them what's coming and what's to be expected but ultimately those are the guys on the field and preached all week and a lot of the guys were in the '07 game and know how good this team is. we're 1-2 against them the last couple of years and we preached all week do not get complacent. this is a very, very good delaware team and unfortunately it took us a half to realize that and we were able to pull it out in the second half. >> it was a delaware team playing for their lives and they're on the bubble for the ncaa playoffs. you talk about a bubble and teams getting in and not getting in. if they had been able to win that game it might have clinched a spot and it was a huge game for delaware. >> you're in the second year there. when you were hired it was interesting because paul johnson had been so successful and a guy you played for in hawaii and an assistant for a long time and a lot of people said okay, can they continue this success. justly he got a lot of credit for that and you've been able to pick up where that left off. that was a lot of pressure on your shoulders when you took the job. >> i didn't look at the pressure. that comes with the territory. i know we have great assistants on our staff. some guy that is have been in the program. >> i like the ivan guy. >> he's a good guy. good name. there were great coaches and knew what it took to win and i didn't care whose idea it was. i knew what coach johnson was working and i was going to follow it. i wasn't worried about creating my own mark on the program. i just wanted to win and i knew what he was doing won. he's one of the most respected name in politics and i chat with a man who every day runs the situation room. my interview with wolf blitzer is next on washington post live presented by the greene turtle. >> welcome back. if you like any of what you've seen over the past half hour, check us out every day on washington post live presented by the tkpwroepb turtle for the best in sports talk and on mondays and fridays through 5 and 11:30 on comcast sportsnet. before we go, take a look back on the week that was on dvr rewind. here's my main problem with al this week. we care, they don't. >> you have to run more plays and go longer, there's more chances for a mistake. >> you guys are better than i am. i got this. olympics here i come. oh, sorry, sorry. never mind. >> we don't want to see them grabbing people by the hair. i don't have a problem with it. it's the next level of sports for women. >> i'm appalled that you're saying this. i'm not sure i like you anymore. >> they would have never gotten in a bowl game. >> i noticed you started the show off with an attractive woman that's smarter than us. it's good for ratings. >> i would rather score touchdowns. >> yeah, i know and i would rather make five more times money. >> we'll be coming back to you in a little bit. thanks for joining us, man. congratulations. >> hey, you said ken right. good for you. i was worried about ken. >> if i ever need a lawyer, can i call you? >> my man. >> i disagree. let me tell you why, i hate to agree with wise about anything. >> my hope is that the bills and redskins both are winning and both come to a super bowl. >> go tackle the guy with the ball. he made a good point. >> wise made a point. >> dan snyder joins me and you're not a big fight fan but there's a -- >> did you say dan snyder? >> we'll go back to the tape and listen. >> did i really? welcome home, man. girl: my name is emily, and in 7 years... i'll be an alcoholic. all: hi, emily. announcer: kids who drink before age 15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems [ car starting ] >> allen iverson! >> i'm so far different from the guys. i'm very brief. >> you look at allen. you say, hey, there's a free- spirit guy. >> iverson. >> allen's life is a dream come true. . >> where i go, i hear about it the next day, like anywhere! >> a think a big part of al is he doesn't try to appeal to anybody. he does what he does. >> i heard the legend of bubba chuck. >> one of the best that ever played basketball. >> what's up? i'm allen iverson and we're in here talking. this is my life, 365. when you talk about allen iverson it's better to talk negative. ♪ >> i took the team and gave it back to the fans. >> i put it in back. catch him again. >> people that don't understand -- i guess -- they probably understand it but they try not to understand it because, you know, when you talk about allen iverson, it's better to talk about something negatively. more headlines and bold print like allen iverson having a dispute with a coach or missing practice -- that's the big headline. but i understand it. i accept it. a person has a perception of you -- that's what you're going to be and my whole thing is not trying to convince somebody i'm a good person, that i care. i care about if people think a good guy -- i would be lying if i said i want everybody to think i am the devil. >> right. >> but i don't go out of my way to prove that i am. >> right. >> you know, a good person. >> being a role model is not something that -- you can choose. you're chosen. >> yeah. >> you're chosen to be that. what i hear you saying is that as you have grown, you have kind of realized that a little bit. >> i'm 33 -- i don't do the same things i did, you know, when i was 23. >> right. you would be a fool if you did. >> stone cold fool. i don't do those things no more. i still make mistakes. still human. i still look back on things that -- damn, i wish i didn't do it that way. i wish i did it another way. >> as it stand, allen iverson is a convicted man, required by law to be in jail. >> that time was very southwesting. you talk about time where it was a situation happening in a bowling alley and you know allen with his friend. and that bowling alley situation there -- he had one of the biggest problems you could have. he had a problem -- a situation was a fight and now the fight -- it was a racial fight. >> i've seen young people convicted for crimes they have not commit over and over again. >> they charged allen. that was an count that -- 50 years ago. >> maiming by mob. >> back in the day, they had mentioned it went back and they looked at this maiming by mob. >> what us the climate like when allen gets sentenced to now he has to do jail time? what was the climate like in that time period? >> tense. i mean, i don't know how else -- tense. the system and incarcerated this young, ambulance male. >> what was it like when you saw him walking out in handcuffs? >> one of the worst days in my life. i felt so betrayed. by our city government. that certified charges. against -- four young men who -- i fell, they knew were not guilty of what they had been charged with. >> never been in trouble. no priors. and he walks out with 15 years and had to serve five. and it just -- went away in handcuffs. you would say it's over. at that time you would say no way. never come back from this. >> what was going on when you were in there? >> scary. that's -- that's what comes in my mind off the top when i think of that situation -- square where. not scared of another inmate or another man or any cos. scared of not having another opportunity to accomplish my goal. being a professional athlete. you know, i thought it was taken away from me and it was tough. just hoping for an opportunity -- i was in there for almost four months and for the first month, you know, my lawyers had me thinking i was going to come home every single day for a month, like, tomorrow -- i think it will be the day. you're coming home. that day go by. then the next day -- and it went on for a month. >> how did doug wilder impact your life? >> [ sighs ] he kept me out of jail. he got me out of jail. state of clemency. that's important, too, because he still had that on the record. i think he looked at the case, you know, saw all the inconsistencies. the unfair treatment. and he made a decision based on what he felt was right. >> did he make you promise him anything when you get out? >> no. you know what? he did by letting me out. i felt that he fell that by letting me out i would make the best of my situation. i'm pretty sure he knew what type of athlete i was and that i had a chance to do something positive with my god-given aibilityd. >> announcer: coming up -- >> this is an educational institution and religious institution. if education and religious john can't give a person another chance, whwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwh this is a great car. show me the carfax. i'll give you $500 off. show me the carfax. i'll throw in the oil changes. just show me the carfax. a carfax report can help you choose a great used car. it's free at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax! >> describe your cause -- >> someone that actually saved my life. we wouldn't be in here doing this interview if it weren't for john thompson. wouldn't be no all- star games. wouldn't be no millions of dollars. wouldn't be no nba finals, first team all- nba scoring titles. first pick. wouldn't have been -- none of that. >> explain how he saved your life. >> because he gave me an opportunity when everybody turned it back on me. >> how did allen get to georgetown? was it a recruiting process? >> what happened is that a committee of people from the area contacted me through boo williams and said they wanted to come up and talk to me about allen iverson. this i talked personally with some colleges at that time and big name coaches said, i cannot take him. because my president would not let him in. >> i was recruited by everybody. in the country. everybody. in both sports -- every single school in the country. and football and basketball. when i got in my situation, in high school, it was over. nobody else -- every single school. every single school. stopped writing, stopped calls. only a couple colleges we could think of -- and it was more than colleges but people. you had john thompson and you had john cheney. you had to have somebody strong enough -- first of all, they will come after you, the media. >> they were worried about his well-being and, you know, really, his safety because when they came up to visit me, there was an interesting thing that happened. i was not showing as much interest, obviously, as she would have liked me -- mrs. iverson -- would have liked me to have shown and asked the other people to get out of the room. they asked them would they leave. i would like to talk with coach. when they left, she said that, you know, they're gonna hurt my kid. i don't think she meant in the literal sense somebody would shoot or attack him in that matter but i think she meant it was her life saving thing she was trying to pursue for her son and was in tears. >> my mom came up here to d.c. and met with them and -- you know, after that, you know, i had another opportunity in life. i think god put him into my life. >> people deserve a chance, as long as they take advantage of it. that's one of the things i said to allen. i'm willing to go along with this but you've got to respond. i'm not going to compromise the school. i'm not going to compromise myself if you don't do the things you're supposed to do. >> mike, how much of a risk was it for georgetown, given everything that allen had been through, to take allen? >> i remember thinking at the time, you know, it is a risk. yet, yet i know from talking to coach it wasn't as much of a risk as for some places. it wasn't as big a risk for a state system. private schools have the support. >> once your dad made a judgment -- this was a young man we were willing to give an opportunity to and to have a say in his development, we were prepare to take on that challenge. >> to see him sign at georgetown and go play basketball for coach thompson was one of the most happiest days of my life. because i knew then that he would be okay. >> what adjustment did you have to make from a coaching standpoint, coaching someone like allen iverson? >> i had to consider his well- being a person, how he played as a basketball player. because allen is a guy who is so talented you got to give him the opportunity to express his ability. >> he put me in a position to be on the basketball court, you know, before then talk about georgetown being a big man at school and a guard, you know, playing in thatel is. i was successful in that system. so obviously he knew what he was doing. ♪ >> whoa! >> smooth! >> iverson, reverse lay-up. >> iverson has it. >> you're older now and obviously you still have a relationship. you done talk as much. do you miss him? >> i feel like it's better when i don't talk to him because when i do, i miss him more and when i see him, i miss him that much more. because, you know, i know you know, but what people that see him from afar -- all they see is, from coaching basketball, is big john. big dude. he yelling and this, that, and the third. just him being so authentic, real, bill from a different cloth like telling you the way i is. >> sometimes what you say doesn't sound right. sometimes it doesn't fit into today's society because everybody in today's society are not going to be the first pick in the draft. they're not going to be a millionaire. so i couldn't afford to let him think that if he slacked back some that i was going to understand that. >> he would talk -- straight face -- you up here. eating three times a day. you sleeping in your warm room. you got a light. warm water. >> your mom is down there in tidewater wondering where the next meal is coming from and where the heat bill coming from. >> they might not eat today. they don't have lights or warm water. >> this lady who loves you dearly is down there suffering a hell of a lot of hardships than you are so don't bring that [ bleep ] in here to me. >> you want to ruin your opportunity? you know, and right there i was -- you know, i was about bawling because it was reality. if you mess this situation up, after she came up here and she didn't come up here, you wouldn't be in this situation but you going toes me this opportunity up to be able to take care of them -- while you up here living it up and not doing what you supposed to do -- it's like that. i can get myself right on that straight line. >> announcer: coming up -- >> i worked real hard to get here. contribute to coach thompson, my family and friend. without them i wouldn't be here. >> the first pick in the 1996 nba pick, the philadelphia 76ers select allen iverson from georgetown university. >> i see how excited fans get all over the world. nothing like philly. that's what sports is about. when you think of sports, you think of philadelphia fans. all fans should be like philly fans. as far as their dedication and how they feel about their sport -- they love their sport and stick with their team till the end. >> you coach two number one picks in the draft, two guys that were multiall- stars in that league. that has to make you proud. >> well, it makes me real proud because i think a lot of the thicks you do are segmented. you want people to graduate and be good students and decent human beings but successful in the profession they're in. >> the people that play in philadelphia should cherish that, man, and should really feel good about the sport they have. it's definitely thick in that gym. i had my ups and downs towards the end. i really think after all those years, you know, some of the ones that loved me to death were getting fed up with all the bull that was going on involving me, you know. i think some my fall. >> i have been through too much to let somebody with a pen and paperer and a microphone and a camera kill me or dry allen iverson crazy. >> some people in the organization. >> if allen feels you know, he doesn't want to practice and wants to play, it just doesn't work any longer. >> i think the toughest thing for a black man to do is think before he reacts. think when he angry. that's what the whole practice thing came from. in here talking about practice. i mean, listen. we talking about practice. not a game. not a game. not a game. we talking about practice. instead of me, you know, calming down -- >> right. >> -- and before i do the press conference i will go in the press conference young and crazy and just rant. >> you reacted. >> react. and now it's so different. when i'm involve in a situation, i make sure that i know they're coming for me and they will ask questions that will make me mad but it's about being intelligent enough and experienced enough to know how to handle the situation and do it the right way without making one story bigger because of how you reacted to, you know, the situation. >> announcer: coming up -- >> visit authenticness -- there's an authenticity about allen that really catches people. >> allen iverson! >> getting traded is part of being in the nba. when you got traded, talk a little bit about the transition and how that experience. >> i thought i would be a sixer for the rest of my career. and this is my -- you know, second stop after that. the first time it was rough. it was rough. just for the fact that my kids had been accustomed to being -- my two older kids -- had been accustomed to philly. that's all they ever knew. and this time it was even tougher. on me, it was tougher on my kids. after awhile, they had got accustomed to being in denver but for me as a player quick always look at it like, you know, the team that trades for you, they want you. >> right. >> no better feeling to have an organization that wants you. and 20,000 more fan that embrace you. it was cool to leave but as far as my family, my kids, they struggled with it. my wife was cool with it. and after awhile, once my kids got better, i'm cool with it. >> the point guard position in basketball is a tough position. how has it been leaving point guard system and set of place you have to run in denver to now detroit? >> when i got here, i played point guard in the beginning. now that's going to change. a different situation. i'm usually having the ball and bringing it up in the fourth quarter and not so much the first, second, and third. it's just different. it's hard. you have to be accountable for everybody else. and two, two guards both score. that's something i know i can do. >> gives a great appreciation for the game and other that come before him and he is somebody i admire on the court and off the court. as a player, man of heart. as teammate, you know, does what it takes to win. and as a person, you know, a good all- around cat, you know. most people would have got conceited but he a regular everyday cat. >> 15 year ago to when i met you now you never care what had people's perception are of you. did that hurt you you have not tried to mold people into thinking or believing you're a certain way? >> my friend, the fans that are real, true, live allen iverson fans take the time to analyze and understand and realize that i'm a human. i make mistakes. >> there's an authenticness, an authenticity, about allen that really catches people. it really attracts them. it's not, you know, a singular appeal. it doesn't appear to one type of person. you can't just say, allen iverson appeals to the hip hop community. that's wrong. has people's tastes and sensibility change and tolerance changes, the appeal became this guy plays 100 miles per hour every night and brings joy although he is not smiling irvine johnson so there's an appeal at different levels and he became a pied piper. >> you have a scholarship program where you have endowments set up with colleges and also you have given over hundreds of thousands of dollars to the gun buyback program in newport news, virginia. people don't always want to know that aspect of allen iverson. >> i have a chance to make a difference. if i changed one life, i didding many. if i put somebody in school, help themselves and their family and buying a gun back and get a gun off the street, $100,000, $100 a gun, you can get a lot off the streets. >> once he turned professional, okay, one things he wanted to give other kids was the mind set they could dream as well. that was the first thing and the first celebrity that we did. it was very easy for us to come up with our slogan -- developing the dreams of tomorrow. i know allen wanted kids to think more. when you hear him talk about young people, when you hear him talk about kids, who wants to be the next allen iverson -- he want them to be better than allen iverson. >> just for the fact i'm able to do that, you know, for somebody else, and there's a big thing for me. i don't need a write up in the paper or anything. just a thank you from them or not even that -- just knowing they appreciate because it's helping them. >> it make you feel damn good. you sit and say, uh-huh. look at that rebound and him run that court. look at allen drop 40 on them suckers. >> i just carry it out to the fullest. >> practice? what? [ laughter ] we talking about practice? >> when you saw isaiah take 80 stitches from the head from karl malone and he played next week, you knew. >> you have to look at somebody in your family and the mistakes they made -- look at the mistake you made in your life and look in the mirror and say, and look in the mirror and say, well, why judge oh! blue! time! time out. i touched it. i touched the ball before it went out, coach. come on, alex, the ref did not call that! you gotta be kidding me, alex! it's the championship game! talk to him, coach. i touched, it's their ball. don't foul them when they inbound. team on 'three.' one, two, three. nice going, alex. sorry coach. alex! good call.


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