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>> reporter: that's right, mary. the president is going to have to be clear, direct, and give a detailed plan for job growth, and convince americans he's in touch with their concerns. >> reporter: president obama will stand before a divided congress and an unhappy nation tonight for his state of the union address. his goal will be to convince those watching that he is focused on fixing the economy. to do that, he'll have to lay out new plans to jump start job growth. and he'll announce new tax cuts and credits for businesses. >> let's help them create an environment where they can hire more workers again and get millions of people that are looking for work in this country back to work. >> the president will also announce a salary freeze for top government executives. and he'll get more details on his plan to cut back domestic spending over the next three years. it's a move aimed at slashing billions from the federal deficit. but republicans say it's not enough. >> but it's 17% of the budget. and it's not the real problem. >> the president will also push healthcare reform. even though he'd hoped to have the bill on his desk by now. he's expected to map out a new strategy to get it through congress. now the democrats and the senate need some republicans on board to pass it. that's what leading democrats want to hear. their healthcare plan is in serious trouble. but they're not willing to give up. >> no democrat wants it to die completely because they believe that if they do, they are going to go into midtomorrow elections with-- midterm elections with that weight on their neck. >> reporter: and that's that med term election that will be -- midterm election that will be on everyone's minds now. the president knows he has only a few months to get everyone back on his side if he wants to keep democrats in power. >> -- remember, you can see president obama's speech tonight on wjz 13. wjz is live in mount washington village now. mike hellgren has developing information. >> reporter: vic, he was thrown to the ground. his wallet was stolen, just to give you a little perspective. that's the light rail station right there. many customers use the actual pathway right there. where you can see it tracks over to the whole foods and starbucks in that shopping center. the victim said he didn't even know what hit him. >> reporter: on this passway, in broad daylight, and just feet from the mount washington light rail, two people attacked a man. that victim who asked that wjz not use his name, spoke exclusively to us recalling the frightening ordeal. >> didn't hear anything or see anything. next thing i knew, i was on the ground. two people had thrown me to the ground, one of them was basically punching me and the other was going through my pockets to get to my wallet. >> reporter: he lives and works in mount washington and has been active in the community for years. >> i kind of struggled up, yelling after them, help. and i stumbled up the steps. >> reporter: the victim is urging the city look into placing surveillance cameras here. something councilwoman ricky specter says he's already spoken about to the commissioner. >> it was shocking to me. possibly because it wasn't at midnight. it was around 5:00 p.m. there was a fair amount of activity there. so to me, it was pretty brazen they would do this, assuming they could get away with it at that hour. >> reporter: because it was so close to the light rail and many customers use the path, wjz contacted the mta. the agency says it did not happen on its property and it will not address security concerns because this has nothing to did with the -- nothing to do with the light rail. the attackers, possibly teenagers, remain at large. >> obviously i'm saddened by it and angered by it. but i still feel safe. >> reporter: and the victim says he would take the path again, just perhaps not after dark. he couldn't provide much of a description of his attackers. after all of the trauma that happened out here. the city is now, as we said, evaluating what happened to make sure a vicious attack like this one doesn't happen again. reporting live from mount washington, mick mike -- mike hellgren. a man who raped two elderly women learns his fate. >> well, mary. duane price of dundalk has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. the 21-year-old 21-year-old learned his fate this week. they say price pleaded guilty to raping two women in baltimore. the most recent attack occurred in august of 2007, when price pushed a 90-year-old woman from her porch into a home and raped her. police identified price as the suspect in that crime, thanks to dna evidence. mary? >> thank you. police say price also raped a 77-year-old woman in her own home. tonight, a cecil county woman. snow melt is aimed right at their town. >> reporter: beautiful from a distance. scary up close. ice, snow and rain from pennsylvania and new york has come down river. now, 17 of the floodgates are open. so too much water doesn't build up behind the dam. >> but really we're at the mercy of the river, as much as anyone is. >> since cono wicko is-- conowingo river is a water control river. whatever water flows in, they let it flow through. >> reporter: today it should hit peak. >> today is the day. 317,000 cubic feet per second. >> that means something to you? >> that's a lot of water. >> reporter: if all of the floodgates were open, it's not going it happen now, it's only happened twice in history, but the water level would reach the top of that bridge. still, roads are closed because these 17 open gates are enough to push the water on the low- level roads. the tide is falling, allowing this water somewhere to go. >> reporter: it will peak somewhere around 2:00 to 3:00 this afternoon. >> reporter: with the peak pass, it appears the town has sidestepped flooding that this structure can only slow down but not stop. >> reporter: it is completely dependent on the weather. so they don't the next time they'll have to open gates here. mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. back to you now on tv hill. and the last time all 53 floodgates had to be open was during hurricane agnes in 1972. those floodgates have been open. just a bit more moisture is expected in our forecast. here's a live look outside. look at that beautiful sunset. as you can see, things are cooler, mostly sunny. so what conditions are looming? wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. meteorologist bernadette woods and bob turk are here. >> not too bad. quiet day. pretty quiet night. tomorrow, changes. then late in the day, boom, a front comes through. temperatures start to fall. end of the week. going to be very, very chilly. only issues we have, as we talked about, some of the flooding issues on the suss -- susquehanna. and still higher-than-normal waters. bernadette is going to explain what's going to happen in our region tomorrow the change and friday and saturday as well. i know you want to hear about that. bernadette? >> that's what everyone wants to know about right now. first of all, cold air that sets the stage. that comes in behind that cold front. and it is an arctic blast. it is very cold air coming our way. starting on friday. we will really feel it. now, that will be around through the weekend. and at the same time, a new storm is going to pass our way to the south. now, most of this is going to be off to the south of us. but we're going to be close enough and the air will be cold enough that we will likely see some snow out of this. you see the worst. down to the south and south of that, icy mix just on the northern fringe. amounts to be determined if there are amounts. and that is something that we will keep you updated on. the full forecast is coming up. remember, wjz is always on. stay with eyewitness news for first warning weather and cleat exonch. -- complete coverage. log onto for the late -- for the latest forecast, big closings and delays. fire chief wants to stream line call centers. but unions have serious questions about that. wjz is live at city hall. where adam may has more. >> the fire chief says this is simply an idea that could possibly save time and money. but the union, they're concerned about jobs. >> reporter: right now in baltimore city, police, fire, and 311 calls are all handled by different units. >> the division of labor is not real clear. >> reporter: the fire chief thinks that may need to change. his idea, a new centralized call center. >> what i'm interested in is whatever gets us the person, the information from the person and gets us en route as quick as possible. >> reporter: expanded under then mayor o'malley, baltimore's 311 system has been referred to as the government's customer service line. handling all kinds of nonemergencies. but they are stream lining. when calls are rerouted to 911 operators like shirley cooper. >> the 311 calls are holding up the emergency calls already. >> already? >> yes, sir, already. and we don't know whether it's an emergency call being held up or a nonemergency call being held up. >> 311 was established to take the burden off the 911 operators so they would, indeed, handle just 911 emergency calls. not the 311 calls, the cat is up the tree, my neighbor won't cut their grass. >> reporter: the union idea calls this union busting. >> if the 911 operators are put into the 311 area, that means they have no bargaining rights either. we're talking over 200 people here. >> reporter: the incoming mayor is still looking over details. >> any time we look for efficiencies, we also have to look for unintended consequences. >> the fire official says he will look for improvement in times at the 911 call centers. >> city council is planning to hold hearings on the proposal. still ahead. big trouble for toyota. the auto supplier is forced to recall several popular vehicles, even stopping production on some. we'll have full details. i'm suzanne collins. a medical team is headed from here to haiti. not only to rescue people, but also to help advise on rebuilding the healthcare system. that's coming up next. making the grade. why baltimore county teachers say one of their grading systems is confusing. and asking the school district to scrap it. i'm gigi barnett, in baltimore county. the details are just ahead in tonight's school watch report. we had a beautiful winter day today. but is snow on the horizon. bob has the first answer. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, baltimore county school leaders say they are doing away with a plan that is designed to give more progress. critics say the system doesn't help students or parents. >> baltimore county students wanted more ways to chart students in the classroom. it asks teachers to be line by line teachers call it a time- consuming tedious task. so they asked school leaders to get rid of it. >> the other problem is, we had electronic tools. the baltimore county has put in place to do these things. so we're saying, why are we dew pointing something that could be done that has been prove to be effective. all to do something new and different. >> in the ames system, an a is the lowest grade the student can receive. an m for mastery is the highest. she says the system is not parent-friendly. >> what it is, if a shows they are consistently dem demonstrating for their grade. >> reporter: the group found that the ames system isn't clear, especially for teachers who were already used to the standard grading system. >> we can't apply this to the whole system, if we don't know yet where it is most effective and where it is least effective. >> last month, county school leaders made ames mandatory in all schools. but last night, it dropped it. in a statement, superintendent dr. joe hairston said, they may continue to do so, while mandatory implementation has been put on hold. >> but that does not mean harrison won't bring the system back. a review committee may revisit the program again. vic, back to you. >> so much easier back in our day, gigi. >> that's right. >> the ames program was developed by one of the school system's top administrators. still feeling fallout after toyota suspends production of eight of its top cars. the move comes as toyota tries to figure out how to fix faulty accelebrate pedals -- accelerator pedals that can stick. for a full list, you can get it on our website, if you're waiting for someone to get home from work, let's check in on the roads now. sharon gibala is at traffic control. we do have some delays. but we don't have too many accidents out there. one of them on owings mills boulevard. second one in the city, west patapsco avenue. 83, slow now. from chase to 28th street. you can see once you get beyond the beltway, those speeds back up to 62 miles an hour. as far as your delays on 95, there's a live look at those delays, at 895. there's a look at the west side of the beltway. inner loop set back there. 15 minutes of 32-mile-an-hour average. there's a look at the top side, two separate delays. reisterstown road to falls. 17 minutes at 16 miles an hour. and then a second one, once you hit delaney valley, that heads onto charles. and that will take you about four minutes to get through. this traffic report is brought to you by disney ice. see your favorite disney characters. and get your tickets to disney on ice. celebrate 100 years of magic today at the box office. or >> a team from johns hopkins hospital is heading to haiti today. to help earthquake victims and locals rebuild that country's healthcare system. suzanne collins reports, the doctors and nurses are specially trained for disasters. >> reporter: the nine medical professionals from johns hopkins are up at the crack of dawn, lugging their backpacks and duffel bags of medicine to bwi airport. >> they are members of the go team, trained to work in crisis situations in the u.s. and abroad. >> specifically, we're going to be providing assistance at the university hospital in downtown port-au-prince. we may be doing some outreach in the refinalee camps -- refugee camps set up. >> reporter: there is dire need to help children in haiti who are ill, injured, or without parents. >> they already die from simple illnesses, like diarrhea and pneumonia. and this earthquake, and all of the aftermath is just going to make all of that so much worse, i'm sure. >> reporter: now, two weeks after the quake, the hopkins team says the risk of infection, serious illness and death, is high. >> reporter: the johns hopkins go team is trained for disasters. one e.r. doc here was there on 9/11. he's been to the west coast for wildfires and was also helpful during hurricane katrina. >> reporter: as the team departs, a husband says goodbye to his wife. >> i think it's a good thing she's going down to save lives. >> reporter: they will also help the local healthcare officials get the system back on track. suzanne collins, wjz eyewitness news. >> another hopkins go team will depart on february 4th, for haiti. >> incredible work they're doing there. colder temps headed our way. friday, saturday, sunday. going to be cold. and yes, we could see a little snow. 41 now. the barometer on the way way back up now. come back and look at our forecast after this. ,,,,,,,,,,, kai jackson. the sun is starting to set. it's going to get a little cooler down where you are. as the president gets his speech in order. >> reporter: that's right. we're going to be outside. the president is going to be inside. and mary, as that sun is setting, as you mentioned, we're starting to feel that temperature change. a photographer, joel eagle, is going to pan over to the right. we want to show you something right now. these are members of the washington, d.c. police team. they're setting up somewhat of a security perimeter around here. as you can imagine, any time you have this many leaders of a country in one place at one time, security is going to be tight. we've also had some world events, violence taking place around the world, particularly in iraq recently. that also heighteps our -- heightens our security level here. but right now, the temperature dropping. and we feel it well. let's go to bob turk in baltimore. and find out how the temperature is looking for the rest of the state. bob? >> d.c. right now is 43. we're at 41. just a tiny bit warmer. still chilly if you're sitting out there all day long. that's for sure. and a breeze around 12. take a look at our temps. officially, we got up to 44. our average is 41. 25 last night. the average low has just come up today from 23 yesterday to 24 today. now, the trend for increasing temperatures to normal as just started. we pass the coldest, 3 1/2 weeks on average. statistically. 72, 1974. the record high, 1987. 3 degrees above 0. right now, 23 in oakland. 43 in washington. patuxent. 40 in oklahoma city. around the baltimore metro. some upper 30s, most places reporting around 40 degrees or so. west wind continues. which makes it feel a little colder with a 12-mile-an-hour breeze. feels more like 36, 37. we're not talking super, super cold. oakland however, with temperatures in the 20s. 20s at 13-mile-an-hour breeze. let's talk about a couple of things. this front out to the west, causing some snow tonight, from nebraska into iowa. just north of detroit. some snow showers. this front will move through our region, late in the day tomorrow. behind it, the winds go back out to the north/northwest. cold chunk of air moving in. and at the same time, low pressure sitting here over western arizona is going to go into tennessee and across the carolinas and out to sea. this cold high that is going to press down through our region friday and saturday, for the most part, will keep most of the precipitation in the south. i think from salisbury to richmond, there could be four or five inches of snow. across northern maryland, baltimore and north, you might see an inch. some areas north of the city may not see anything at all. with just a little too far north. and looks like the precip will be suppressed down to the south. it's definitely going to be cold, a cloudy saturday. and yes, down to our south. a good chance of pretty good snow. particularly southern, central virginia areas. you folks in leonardtown. salisbury can see 3 to 4 inches of snow. yes, it's going to get cold. west winds in the bay. gusting up to 20 knots. they'll be shifting to the northwest by late in the day or at night. so tonight, a few clouds at times. kind of chilly. 28. that's still above normal. and tomorrow, clouds, sun. becoming breezy. up to 47. and dropping back in the 20s. with the cold air coming in tomorrow night. and we'll talk about the weekend in a few minutes. >> all right, bob. thank you. well, there's still a chance for high school students to enter wjz's black history month, oratory contest. it's all part of our continuing community commitment. and features cash, pride -- prizes and scholarships. for more information, you can call 410-578-5750. or go to wjz document. tragic ending. the search for a missing virginia tech student comes to an end, months after her sudden disappearance. two weeks ago, we weren't sure he was alive. now he's sitting in our living room. >> reporter: a baltimore couple brings home the newest member of their family from haiti after an agonizing wait. i'm we weijia jiang. i'm kai jackson. coming up shortly, president obama is getting ready to therefore his first state of the union ,,,, i calculate my own payroll. it works... pretty well. right, guys? announcer: there's an easier way. do your payroll with intuit online payroll. just enter employee hours. it calculates all the taxes and creates paychecks. get a 30-day free trial at it is 5:29. 41 degrees. mainly clear. and a beautiful sunset tonight. good evening, everyone. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. president obama is putting the finishing touches on his first state of the union address. wjz and kai jackson are live with more on what maryland lawpakers are saying. >> reporter: that's right. maryland lawmakers are saying a great deal right now. we talked with congressman elijah cummings. congressman cummings, admittedly, is close to the president. he has his ear. and he said he believes the president must talk about jobs, getting back to work and talk about the economy. let's take a listen to what congressman cummings had to say today. >> basically, what i've said to the president is that he's got to concentrate on jobs. he must concentrate on jobs. and we must find practical solutions. like the green jobs that are coming to the gm plant in maryland. whitemarsh. those are the kinds of things that i want him to concentrate on. things that people can feel and see and know are coming. because america is hurting. the other thing i've told him is that he's got to make americans and marylanders realize that he feels their pain. i think a lot of times, people get the impression that maybe the president is so busy trying to deal with so many issues, that he does not feel what they're feeling. and he's not to do that. >> reporter: now, among those in attendance tonight, inside of the capitol, during the president's speech, will be baltimore -- soon-to be baltimore mayor, stephanie rawlings-blake. as you know, the mayor was here trying to repair relations between the mayor and the white house. that was hurt by the scandal against sheila dixon. now, let's hear from stephanie rawlings-blake about what she hopes to hear from the president. >> and that president obama's first state of the union is historic. and i have goose bumps when i think about it. i'm very, very excited. this is a big time for president obama. and i am proud to represent our city to be in the room as he talks about how he's going to move the country forward. >> so hours before the president is scheduled to speak, great expectations. we'll see if the speech lives up to the hype. back to you. >> pressure on the president. kai, thank you. wjz will bring you complete coverage of president obama's first state of the union speech tonight. kai will be live in washington too bring you new developments throughout the day. two nba players who admit to drawing guns on each other, inside their team's locker room find out the sanction handed down by the league. jessica kartalija is in the newsroom with more on what the nba commissioner has decided. >> reporter: a short time ago, gilbert arenas and javaris crit end endon were suspended for the rest of the season. the two admit to pulling guns on each other at the wizards locker room following a team fight. crittendon was sentenced to one year supervised probation. gilbert arenas pled guilty to a felony gun charge. >> arenas is expected to be sentenced on march 26th. police confirmed today that the remains found on a virginia farm are those of a missing virginia tech student, morgan harrington. the 20-year-old vanished after a concert in october. she disappeared after she separated from friends at a concert in charlottesville. investigators now are working to determine how her remains ended up. >> whenever we discover, from this time forward, we must be very careful. because we have perpetrator or perpetrators at large that we certainly intend to catch and to prosecute. >> reporter: last night, people started dropping off flowers and pictures at an informal memorial on a bridge not far from the university of virginia's arena. a couple who were fighting to bring their adoptive son home from haiti. after mountains of paperwork and hours of traveling, the toddler is here. weijia jiang has their story from federal hill. >> reporter: the baltimore couple began the adoption process nearly two years ago. and when the earthquake struck, they were convinced it would only add to their wait. but just the opposite was true. >> reporter: for his entire 21- month-old life, haiti was his home, even though his adoptive parents live in baltimore. >> this feels surreal. >> reporter: one hour later, the toddlerly's new home is in federal hill. he spent time getting to know brother 6-month-old dane. >> it's a moment we didn't think was going to happen. >> you just don't believe it until it's all done. >> reporter: michael and monica simonson didn't even know if he was alive, two weeks ago, when the earthquake struck port-au- prince where his family lives. >> he is very calm and docile. we pictured him sitting in a corner, with everything crashed down around him. >> reporter: the pair brought him home tuesday night after receiving a humanitarian parole. but there are still hundreds of thousands of orphans in haiti, prompting the country to develop new orphan policies. >> bureaucratic delays and red tape in washington shouldn't slow down efforts to bring these orphan children to parents who are waiting for them. >> reporter: they are also helping other families to let them know the fight is worth every bit. >> i don't even know how to describe it. >> this morning, when we were all four laying in bed, i said, i think this is the happiest i've ever been. >> reporter: the simonsons have started a fund to raise money for little stanley's orphanage in haiti, with hopes to bring a hundred more children to the u.s. reporting in baltimore, weijia jiang, wjz eyewitness news. >> wjz is always on. for more information on how to donate to the fund, click on our website, for a link. a delaware judge has approved up to $45 million in bonuses for managers working for the tribune company, including top executives. the tribune company filed for bankruptcy protection in 2008. the washington baltimore newspaper guild objected to the bonus plan. the judge is expected to take up to two other proposed bonus plans from the tribune later this year and think about them. bge customers can expect to see a $100 credit on their february electric bill. the credit is one of the agreements that sealed the deal for the partnership with french- owned edf. political reporter pat warren introduced itself to members of the general assembly today. >> reporter: edf now owns half of constellation's nuclear power business. and it's focusing on building a third reactor. but as most lawmakers here know for bge customers, it's not about the power. >> it's about the rate hike! it's about the rate hike! >> reporter: for the past five years -- the been about the rate hike. >> okay. where is roland and carrow? >> reporter: and it's about finding the money to pay the bills. >> $1,132. and i would have more. but they cut me off tuesday. >> they deal with edf, on condition that bge customers get a $100 credit. >> it's a bigger benefit than was being proposed. >> reporter: edf says it plans to be a benefit to the state. >> i want to become a marylander. [ laughter ] so now we are marylanders. >> and being a fair corporate citizen in the state. >> reporter: but now, edf will be under scrutinnization. >> they couldn't answer what it's going to cost. it's nice to talk about the jobs it's going to generate. but how expensive is the power going to be on the other side? >> we ail to reg -- a bill to regulate passed last summer. and you can expect to see more this year. >> construction of the third reactor at calvert cliffs is expected to generate 4,000 construction jobs. edf hopes to start building that in 2012. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in the baltimore sun. analysis and reaction to president obama's state of the union address. what local tech experts think of apple's new ipad. and win or lose, this week's terps game. remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. they have legions of fans in baltimore. but now, the baltimore group, milk shake is bracing for thousands more fans across the nation. and really even in the world. i sat down with a group, now nominated for grammy for best musical album for children. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: this is milk shake, the wildly popular rock band for kids. their new cd is garnering lots of accolades and possibly the biggest one out there. >> what would it mean to win a grammy? >> a nice statue for the piano. [ laughter ] it would be nice. it would be very affirming that what we're doing has been acknowledged by our peers. >> it's a great break. because there are thousands people around the world who hadn't heard of milk shake six years ago. and now we're on the website. and all of the articles are being written. >> reporter: milk shake started in 2002, with voal jokallist lisa matthews and guitarist michael gail from the love riot. they made a musical change when their lives changed with the arrival of children. their early music had an elementary feel with a rock and roll edge. lease and -- lisa and michael say it has grown up a bit. >> that's the whole theme with milk shake is that the cd grows as our children grow. >> there's not a lot of things that young kids and parents can get equally excited about. >> you have to appreciate so much the support you've received so much over the years in baltimore your home town. >> and this is very much a baltimore band. we may be the only grammy nominee that has played every branch of the enoch pratt library. [ laughter ] baltimore is now haip to share milk shake with the world. ♪ [ music ] and the whole band will travel out to los angeles for the awards ceremony. they were asking to perform at a special grammy event the day before the shower. and you can see this year's grammy awards sunday night at 8:00, here on wjz 13. lisa, michael and the band. they're coming home. >> well, mary. i think you need to go with them. >> i think that would be a great idea. it would be fun. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. watergate, louisiana. four men are accused in a phone tampering plot. i'm bob turk. in the first warning weather center. cold are air headed our way. maybe a little snow. i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. first, here's today's report from wall street. ,,,,,,, tomorrow. >> truly a beautiful time right here in washington, d.c. a very crirveg, -- crisp, clear night in washington. but this weather, somewhat belies the fact that there's a very important speech that's taking place here in the nation's capital tonight. let's go back to meteorologist bernadette woods in baltimore for a look at our weather around the state. bernadette? >> reporter: for tomorrow's forecast. this is what we're looking at. a new cold front is coming through. we'll start out in the 20s. not that bad. and tomorrow afternoon does get milder this afternoon into the upper 40s. but the winds are going to kick up. there the be more clouds around. and the cold air is going to start to follow. starting to drop tonight for our overnight lows. and we don't rebound much for the next few days. here's bob. going to need your hats and gloves, friday, saturday, and sunday. taking a look at that forecast. clouds build a little snow here on saturday. don't expect too much. but it's going to be cold. 26, 14. sun returns. 32 on sunday. 36. partly sunny skies on monday. and today's energy saver, the u.s. department of energy is looking for ways to become smarter about energy. american schools spend more than 6 million on energy costs. but they say schools can save up to 30% by doing a few simple things. first, start an energy patrol staff by students. they will monitor the use of lighting, heating, and other energy systems on a daily basis. and energy patrol helps save $700,000. another district in the school shut off 60,000 computers at the end. day. we're talking about the whole district. it saved over a million in energy costs that year. they used the savings to buy new books and add more equipment. for more information, go to and click on our special section on our home page. a solemn gathering at the site of a nazi death camp in poland. 150 auschwitz survivors were on hand for the ceremony. among the world leaders who spoke was israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he vowed he would never let anyone erase the memory of the victims. republicans are distancing themselves from a conservative stance they once made. now, o'keefe and three others have been arrested for trying to tamer with the -- tamper with the phone at u.s. senator mary landrieu's office. investigators say he was posing with two others. he is free on $10,000 bail. best-selling artist susan boyle says she is doing fine after an intruder breaks into her home. she was coming home when an intruder ran out past her. police say a 16-year-old boy was arrested in connection with the break-in but has since been released. the singer was recording from a trip to london, where she recorded a song for haiti. check in for eyewitness news at 6:00. for all new stories, denise is standing by. cracking down, maryland's population being stripped by poachers. cancer scandal. a baltimore county woman, accused of bilking well wishers out of thousands of dollars. check in for these stories. we'll have all of the breaking news coming up of course at 6:00. back to vic. it's one dog's lucky day, after he getting rescued from the icy baltic sea, after drifting for miles out to sea on the ice. the pup initially ignored rescuers. but as they got closer they were able to pull him onto a rack. rescuers immediately hid him in a blanket to keep him warm. another image of the virgin mary appears. this time in a fountain. at least that's what people think. they say this water stain is the silhouette of jesus's mother. the image was discovered by the church's pastor who was trying to keep the sighting a bit quiet. now the sighting is out, and people stop by daily to get a glimpse of the image. and eyewitness sports is next. this is mark viviano. the maryland basketball team is on a roll. how good are these guys? we'll hear from the team. and pro soccer is kicked up a notch here in baltimore. i'll have that story come eyewitness news continues. [house] wow! i feel like a new hou thanks to this quick home energy check-up from bge. feels like i'm at a day spa. [ announcer] learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at [sigh] ah... the efficient life is the good life. announcer: there's an easier way. do your payroll with intuit online payroll. just enter employee hours. it calculates all the taxes and creates paychecks. get a 30-day free trial at college basketball fans have a lot to cheer about now. >> it is still early in the college basketball conference play. but the maryland terrapins are offer to a hot start. with duke and north carolina in the rear rear-view mirror now. they have included a mauling in miami. plenty to smile about. senior greivis vasquez reports it's important to know the officials. them come out playing hard. vasquez with the steal. terps roll 81-59. another blowout. they grab hold of this play. right from the start. >> we just came to play. we came to play and win this game. and we're trying to be aggressive. and we got a lot in the first couple of minutes and we took the leap. >> our guy can't score on us. and i think we did a great job. by helping each other out on defense. >> reporter: 4-1 in conference play. 14-5 overall. terps looking good. they play their next two on the road. starting with the game at clemson on sunday. the university of kentucky ranked number 1 in the nation. they got a congratulatory phone call from president obama before they took the court in south carolina. the president warned kentucky not to be complacent with that ranking. south carolina was primed to pull off an upset. led by devon downing. smooth moves left the wild cats in their tracks. south carolina knocks off number 1 kentucky, 68-62 was the final there. plans are under way to build a new soccer stadium in downtown baltimore. the crystal palace says the maryland authority has approved a stadium to be built near the stadium. crystal palace also rolled out details on its new move to the north american soccer league this season. baltimore will be competing with teams from tampa, montreal, st. louis, portland, and minneapolis. >> this is a massive jump in quality. soccer at this level hasn't been since the old days in 1979. crystal palace kicks off the new season in april. they'll play game at umbc. coming up next hour, now that miguel tejada is back with the birds. what does that mean for the president. we'll hear from him coming up. >> mark, thank you. still to come. >> i'm kai jackson. in washington, d.c. presidentpresident obama's first state of the union ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, coming up at 6:00. >> president obama is putting the finishing touches on his speech to congress and the rest of america. i'm kai jackson. i'll have more coming up. a man in mount washington puts the upscale neighborhood on edge. the victim speaks out. a baltimore county woman claims to have cancer for three years and takes money and donations from people of dundalk. i'm kelly mcpherson. coming up, you'll hear from some of her victims and the woman herself. tracking another winter event. don't miss these stories. "eyewitness news at 6:00" starts now. mount washington assault. two youths attack a man in north baltimore. >> tonight, the victim speaks out. the security concerns and the search for suspects. >> hello, everybody. i'm denise koch. and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about tonight. no arrests have been made and the assault has raised alarm in mount washington village, a neighborhood filled with boutique shops and restaurants, where crimes like this are rare. mike hellgren has new insight and the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: the victim in this case is very active in the mount washington community and has been for years. he's


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