thing that anybody does you want to mix medicare, it s because you want to screw grandma it is not just racial sinister motives the republican majority leader in pennsylvania said, pass this law, it will deliver to the state [overlapping dialogue] sean: stop. sean: stop. are you going are you going answer the going to the demc national convention? i am going to the democratic and to the republican to get into the democratic national convention, guess what you need? we are not stop! wait a minute! you need identification. so if you need it to get into the dnc, why don t you accuse them of racism? we are talk about a fundamental civil, constitutional right to vote. the constitution does not guarantee the right to attend a national convention. you need i.d. to buy a blockbuster tape. you need i.d. to buy liquor
are calling out people like joe biden and you and bill maher who are pandering and exhibiting the soft bigotry of low expectation that people can t get an i. d. if they want to. of course they can. and they should guys, thank you. up to $20 to get an i. d. sean: coming up, president obam is trying to demonize paul ryan s budget plan. but more people trust paul ryan with his medicare plan than the president. now, this is more terrible jobs numbers come in and it throws the white house into panic mode. i guess they will be stabbing grandma, slicing her throat, shooting her in the head and then throwing her over the cliff. go out without my covergirl. are you crazy?
[ male nouncer ] red lobster s endless shrimp is back, but only for a limited time, for just $14.99. try as much as u like any way you like, like new teriyaki grilled shrimp or new parmesan crusted shrimp, for just $14.99. [ angela ] creating an experience instd of just a meal that s endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i m a server at red lobster and i sea food differently. republican congressman allen west is outraged over a new political ad that depicts him punching grandma and white women and children. allen west fancies himself a fighter. well, maybe so. west has socked it to seniors, voting to end medicare as we