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SEB spår förbättring för Trelleborgs marginalstarka affärsområde

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Altor blir ny storägare i Dustin – "inte syftet"

Altor blir ny storägare i Dustin – "inte syftet" - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Myanmar: ONU receia agravamento da situação alimentar

Myanmar: ONU receia agravamento da situação alimentar - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Ny kund till Wavemaker - Dagens Media

Ny kund till Wavemaker - Dagens Media - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Allt fler vill ha massiv datakraft – nu blir det en del av HPE:s nya tjänstevurm

Allt fler vill ha massiv datakraft – nu blir det en del av HPE:s nya tjänstevurm - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Nome Public Schools and Bering Strait School District Go to In-Person Instruction, Lower Yukon Still in "RED" – KNOM Radio Mission

Following the winter holidays, Nome Public Schools (NPS) and the Bering Strait School District (BSSD) are returning to in-person instruction which began Monday, January 11th, while the Lower Yukon School District (LYSD) will proceed with a distance-learning model. NPS announced last Thursday via a social media post that they will be returning to in-person learning with “all COVID-19 mitigation procedures still in effect.” Ahead of the announcement, during a Nome School Board meeting in early December, NPS Superintendent Jamie Burgess spoke about the conditions required to return to in-person instruction. “So, if everything works exceptionally well, we’ll be welcoming students back in on January 11th. January 4th was always planned to be a distance-learning week because we will have a significant number of staff and families traveling over the winter break. We want to make sure that everybody has the opportunity to observe quarantine and that we actually have enough staff to hold school.”


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20140412:11:36:00

medically induced coma and miraculously breathing on his own and speaking. >> he is strong. i just admire him so much for just keep fighting. you know, no matter what. he doesn't want to die. >> utash is still in the hospital with severe head injuries. five people are charged in the brutal beating. she killed her boyfriend by stabbing him with her stiletto and now she will spend the rest of her life behind bars. the judge handing down that sentence to anna trujilo. she atamed stephan anderson with 5 and a half inch heel during argument at his home after a night of drinking. what a way to go. alabama pastor in trouble for feeding the homeless. can you believe this? who knew you needed a $500 permit to spread god's love. he fought back and won. several nonprofits were busted by the cops for not having a food truck permit.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140412

-- unfortunately a page is missing. >> wow. are you surprised? but was sebelius the problem or was the problem deeper? maybe it was obamacare coming up. >> lose $1 million in the most embarrassing way possible. >> okay. >> mitt logical hero. >> should they give him the cash anyway. we report, you decide, "fox & friends" right now. >> watching one of friends one of my favorite shows. >> i guess. >> a-chill-les heel. >> the faa has ordered a no-fly zone over this ranch for reasons i'm not sure we fully understand but no planes allowed to fly over the ranch. >> that makes sense because that issue, of course is, cattle grazing. so you definitely want a no-fly zone above the cattle grazing the heart of all of this. the family, of course, the bundy family which had been grazing on these public lands going back no 1887 cliven bundy last night on fox news channel saying he is not going to back down now that this fly zone is in place and that the lawsuit has heated up again after 2 oyears. listen. >> they want total unlimited power over othe people of the united states. they want this land and they -- it's not the land as much as they want the power. they want policing power. and they want -- what they have been here is neutralized our state of nevada governor and neutralized our county sheriff and now they are going to take care of these cattle which i have a vested interest on this land, and if they can get rid of me they take all the reps of the rights of we the people. >> cliven bundy says it is not just about his family who has been there for a couple of hundred years the federal government trying to have a power grab and take this land from the very people who built this country. hundreds of people have gathered in support of him out there as well. take a look at this local farmer the town hall meeting in nevada as well. listen. >> they can throw an army of men around there, literally with sniper rifles on guys just like you are, people just like you are, men, women and children just like you are. okay? out there who believe they have a right to be there, okay? maybe you believe in some other place that you believe you can be there much and some day they are going to throw that army around you. >> amen. >> and then these guys somehow, feel like they have the rights they can drop a tripod on the ground with a sniper rifle ton so if you cross a line they can put a bullet in you? >> not in our country. >> who the hell is the man behind this trigger? this is a hell of a lot bigger than clive bundy, all right? they are setting a precedent. >> according to and some of our own local reporting there, the number of ranchers said they have gone out of business as a result of bureau of land management which has come in and said you can't have your cattle grazing on these public lands, you pay these fines and fees. abulbasher of in them have been forced out of business. the question is morning is this good for america? 8 a% of the state of nevada opened by the federal government. >> it's good for the turtle. they are saying that there is an endangered or a threatened desert tortoise that is on the endangers jerried species list that is causing all of this and causing cattle. >> debate the proper use of public land and in general if you want to use land buy the land and make it your land and it's called private property. on the other hand, why is the federal government reacting like this, really? dozens of armed agents, a sniper? a no-fly zone overhead tasing people talk about a total overreach you would think this guy was a member of m 13. he is a rancher. >> the tasing and the dogs and the armed guards there that you see. on the flip side the federal government has said we have given you warnings and this has been going on for almost two decades. >> couple head of cattle, when they have been available on the public lands and snagged them. >> is this improving america? there are parts of cities, big cities, rich cities that you can't walk through because they are too dangerous. how much better off would we be if these guys you are watching on the screen with guns were patrolling those neighborhoods and protecting people who live there and protecting american people instead of hassling and tasing americans who are grazing. no sense of portion here at all. >> you are absolutely right. going back to 1887 when this family has been grazing. look at this video. one son showing up bloodied after a scuffle. one of the bundy members. young bundy actually shown up bloody at one event. >> we specialize in stories that you just couldn't make up. you just couldn't -- if you did the producers would say this is not believable. this someone of the amazing things ever. kathleen sebelius, resigned her job of the hhs, the department of job and human services. at her going away statement she read a statement this after a tenure plagued by disasters. here is jimmy fallon'ss take. >> there is no secret that the obamacare web site has some problems. i think you can tell all those griches and mistakes are behind sebelius. look at her speech. >> finally feeling secure in knowing they can take care of themselves and their families. -- [ laughter ] >> unfortunately, a page is missing. so i'm just grateful. >> oh. how do you botch your farewell speech? >> we are going to have some fun with this. >> kind of symbolic of the botched rollout of obamacare as well. before, when that happened when she miss placed the last page of her speech. this is just a testament to how great obamacare is. when i'm on the plane and people tell me thank you for the great coverage we are getting. slip me a note. ted cruz has spoken out on our channel said saying you cannot sweep this under the rug. what about all people that lost their doctors that lost their coverage, that were forced into part time work or even lost their jobs completely because of what has happened. really, it's also symbolic of the problem of obamacare, right? it's not just the debacle of the web site rollout and all of that and it's not her who will be blamed for. this she will be the whipping boy for this or whipping girl for. this it's the problem with obamacare. >> that's the point tommy thompson made in a clip we will show new a minute. there was a merry atmosphere in that going away ceremony. i think everyone is relieved. the president is relieved because she sleefing. she is relieved to be out of there rest of the country left holding the bag the former h.h.s. secretary. listen to this. >> almost impossible task. she had to defend something that was indefensible and she is to get blamed for it truly the blame is president obama and the fact that obamacare itself is flawed and when a law is flawed, you really can't implement it to perfection. she is going to get blamed for it. it is truly because of the way the law was passed and set up and implemented. >> well, much more on that throughout the morning, what is the future for obamacare now that kathleen sebelius is out coming up. >> making headlines your saturday morning. tell you about the hunt for a serious shooter intensifying as police in missouri now confirm at least 12 of the highway shootings there are connected. the reward for any possible tips just raised to it $10,000. the shootings begin on march the 88th. three people hit and wounded by the bullets. all expected to be okay. police also review seven additional cases that could be related. sorry, i don't want to die. those emotional first words coming from steve u it tash, the detroit man who was nearly beat ton dth by a mob after he accidently hit a young boy with his truck. the a 4-year-old awoke from his medically induced coma and is miraculously breathing on are his own and speaking. >> were melt in your heart just because he is talking which we were so worried about and he said my sister's name without her saying it so there is memory there. that's great to hear. five are charged in the brutal beating blond wing and blue dress that hurled a shoe right at hillary clinton. >> already recycling about. >> what was that, a bat? >> allison earnst now out of jail and charged with a misdemeanor, we are now charging she was in disguise when she threw the shoe some 60 feet at the stage. earnst wasn't even supposed to be at the conference where clinton was speaking. she did manage to bypass security. clinton quickly ducked to dodge the shoe. day deja shoe. >> cherry blossoms. >> it was mesmerizing so beautiful. >> i actually was down there this week and saw the cherry blossoms in bloom for the first time. 2 million people go to town for this very incredible. great weekend for it ends this weekend. temps are going to be into the 80's by tomorrow. cool things down a again. enjoy the next few days across the eastern seaboard. temps are great. see plenty of sunshine as well. temps waking up this morning looking good for almost everybody. today is the good day. tomorrow some changes in store. i will show you. clear day across the east. northern plains one system diving through. rain across the northern plains. a little bit of snow across the minnesota as well. there is a more potent system out here. upper level disub bans. severe weather this weekend. today our threat is from central kansas all the way up towards the milwaukee area. tomorrow i think we stand to see a bigger chance for severe weather including a tornado or two. red bulls eye a moderate risk northeast corner of oklahoma. watch that for tomorrow. temperaturewise, take a look at this. got these 90's today and beautiful day there across the northern plains and temps tomorrow, guys, that gives you a hint what's to come. 50s, 40s and snow. >> come on now. >> we will get a masters first alert forecast for you later in the show. >> yes, we he will. >> you don't know about it but will ask you one. >> attorney general eric holder suggesting that race is the reason that is he getting grilled by republicans. >> what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind could of treatment? >> our next guest says color has nothing to do with the heat he is taking on capitol hill. >> finders keepers, teenager discovers a diamond worth 0 grand in a park. is it hers to keep? >> finders keepers. >> we will have that coming up. so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. music♪ go somewhere you never thought you'd ever be. go out and forget you even have a job. go to bass pro shops for great deals on great gear. plus bring the kids this weekend for our free easter event including a free picture with the easter bunny. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. the last five years has been defined by significant strides and by lasting reforms. even in the face, even in the face of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly, and divisive adversity. >> look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated yesterday. >> yeah. >> by a house committee. had nothing to do with me. forget. this what attorney general has are had to deal with that kind of treatment? >> that was attorney general eric holder and event held earlier this week sponsored by fbi former al sharpton implying that the house judiciary committee was giving hard time because of his skin color. >> that's a new title now. >> yes, it is. >> he is playing the race card to divert attention away from the issues. here now is deneen borelli who i won't reference as the attorney general did. is it true that no attorney general has had to deal with issues as harsh as attorney general eric holder and it all comes down to race? >> no, is he special. no, it's not true. listen, this is all political theater. you got holder playing the race card to deflect from his failures and what he is not doing role as attorney general. so he creates this confrontation when he was testifying this past week. he plays the victim, and you use that for his own advantage. he went before a crowd of al sharpton folks for crying out loud. yeah, he played the race card. this is what they do to deflect from their failures. >> right. and isn't this also a way to turn out votes? identity identity politics time tested way scaring voters. they hate you to get you out. >> i think it's a very dangerous tactic to use when you play the race card. and this is true. >> why is it different? >> because you are using something that is very emotional. any time you inject race into the conversation. it's very emotional. plus it diminishes when there are issues about race in our country. very dangerous, very divisive. they can't talk about how low unemployment is because it's through the roof, especially in the black community. energy prices are harming hard-working americans. so they have a lot going on that is going to have an effect on the upcoming elections and they are trying to drum up black voters to come out. >> president obama yesterday speaking about voting and getting out the vote. president obama saying the voter fraud issue talking about here coming up on the show is bogus issue all these names out there, people voting twice. that's all bogus. listen to the president at that sharpton event. >> across the country, republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder, not easier, for people to vote. in some places, women could be turned away from polls just because they are registered under their maiden name but their driver's license has their married name. senior citizens who have been voting for decades may sudden be told they may longer vote until they can come up with the right i.d. let's be clear. the real voter were fraud is -- >> voter registration findings found that 35,000 people had the same names and date of birth as voters in the other states. double voting. and also dead people voting. >> similar social security too. not a smidgen of voter fraud. how does president obama know that? again, this is emotional issue. how is voter i.d. identified with person's race? voter ids are to uphold the integrity of other voting system. that's it. how does what this has to do with race is because the left has injected that argument into this. >> i agree with you it is dangerous and it scares people and upsets people and it's unwarranted. deneen borelli thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> you in this country illegally and want to be a teacher in colorado you are hired because you are illegal. is there anything parents can do to keep undocumented workers out of their classrooms. >> the worst wheel of fortune winner about to 1 a million dollars until he couldn't pronounce the word achilles. he lost a million dollars. ♪ [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. even turn night into now she could use a hand, comfort keepers provides a variety of in-home services while truly connecting. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. be able to enjoy that bottle as a free baby. overnight, pakistani judge clearing the 9 mold of attempted murder charges. charged for taking part in a riot. this is the baby taking part in a riot where the government claims the group tried to kill police officers. it is now a free baby. anna? >> all right, tucker, thanks. are denver public schools opening doors town documented teachers. teach for america. educators who initially came to the country illegally are given temporary deportation relief and alternate licenses to teach. it's a move that has some worried about the qualifications of these individuals. what can parents do if they find their children are being taught by one of these workers let's ask attorney schwartz, what can parents do in that particular district is it f. they are concerned that undocumented people are teaching their kids? >> yeah. there is two different areas here. the fact that an undocumented teacher is teaching their children is not a valid point for a litigation. all right? they came here, they are under 16 years old, they came here undocumented. but they qualified, they are pursuing an education. they have no criminal record. they have the right to work. this has nothing to do with the right-to-work. do they have the right to teach your children? that's a completely different story. >> the superintendent is saying that they are trying to increase their diversity and bring these people in. is that really fair in the name of diversity and cultural education if these teachers happen to not be as qualified as others? >> right. it's all about no child left behind. it's all about the child having the right to a qualified teacher. and a qualified teacher means they have a four year education is that are that certified as a teacher and show the mastery. those are the requirements behind no child left behind. if they that have that criteria, they have every right. if they don't they should not. >> here is what the superintendent says these teachers are often bilingual or multilynn lynn gel have an understanding of the challenges that many of our students may face who similarly dame to this country as undocumented status as well. >> is this fair to the americans unemployed many of them are teachers and documented. >> under the law, no. that's really not the analysis just because they are other qualified teachers are teachers will take the job. for them to sue under this scenario, it would mean that the teacher is not qualified under the law. that's really where the analysis falls. not under dasa where the people have a right to work in this country. what if the school system is trying to get these particular teachers just because of the background? >> no, that's not the proper analysis. how does a parent sue then. >> under no child left behind, if they don't have a four year degree and they don't have mastery in the sumghtd matter and not licensed by the particular state, they don't have the proper licensing, they could sue because they have a right, every child in this country has a right to a competitive education. a high level of education. and that's what the federal government has spelled out. that's the criteria. and that's what they would have to go on. not the fact that they are undocumented. >> all right. david schwartz, thank you so much for your thoughts this morning. >> thank you. >> 28 minutes after the hour. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. a new law in france let's people ignore their boss' emails if they're off the clock. should this happen here in the united states? what do you think about this one? and finders, keepers, a teenager finds a diamond worth $20,000 in a park. wait until you hear how she is going to spend the money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. my feet felt so heavy at the they used to get really tired. until i started gellin'. i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes, my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like lking on a wave. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. i'm a believer! [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. this is painful. welcome back to "fox & friends." a contestant on wheel of fortune has a chance to win a million dollars when this happens. watch. >> wow, okay. >> mitt logical hero ach-illes. >> get the puzzle right. >> i might be the one. he had a second opportunity later in the show to win a car and it was worlds fastest man and only the n and n were missing and he knew it was a person and he guessed a c. only the m and nmpleted worlds fastest. >> mitt myth logical. >> get him an asubscription to highlights magazine. >> should he get the money after all. >> other saturdays to tell you. developing information crash in northern california left 10 people dead, including five high school students. investigators are requesting medical and dental records to id the victims. two of the victims identified chaperones, michael and madison who had recently gotten engaged. the students were on their way to visit college campuses when a fedex truck slammed into their tour bus causing a fiery explosion. >> a city mourns today. a state mourns today. lives forever altered. lives lost as they are beginning to be transformed. this is not just a tragedy for these families but for each and every one of us. >> the ntsb says it will take up to two weeks to fully investigate the cause of the crash. she just celebrated her fourth birthday last month but her young life taken in seconds after a car came crashing through a day care center in florida. now that little girl's mother is speaking out for the very first on her tragic loss. >> my daughter was beautiful and precious and energetic and wild and she had a life ahead of her and he took it away. my family, we will never be the same. >> 14 others were hurt. one child remains in critical condition. the driver who cause the crash, robert corkado is behind bars. >> maybe a first of its kind. diplomatic snub. the white house slamming the door on a terrorist militant fixed to be iran's next ambassador to the united nations. the it will not issue a visa to in 1979. congress passed a bill that would bar the ambassador from stepping on u.s. soil. one former hostage calls the move a great victory for america. and finders, keepers, a 14-year-old oklahoma girl has sold the 3.85 carrot diamond at the diamond state park in arkansas for a whopping $20,000. she says she couldn't believe her luck when she found it. >> i feel like god told me to slow down and look at the ground. and then out of the corner of the tie was shiny. i ask guys around me in it was a dream. i said don't pinch me. >> how is she going to use the money? to help pay for college. very smart girl. i would have thought that was tree sap. i totally would have looked just past that. >> doesn't look like a diamond at all. >> yellow diamond. >> arkansas state where there are diamonds, diamond state. >> we should all go there and just start digging because, you know. >> i have been, it's kind of cool. >> you have dug in there. >> yes. didn't get anything. >> he got some tree sap. let's check in with rick reichmuth. >> clayton and anna, did you have any idea there was a diamond state park? >> my family is from arkansas. i think as a little kid we may have gone there when i was a little kid. >> i had no idea. sorry, arkansas. tell us about it tweet us, tell us about what it's like there if you find diamonds. >> take a look at the weather map this morning. few things going on. for one thing it's going to be a spectacular day across the northeast. get ready for a really nice one. a little bit of cloud cover. maybe a very light stray shower or two across the appalachians. for the most part looking really great. down to the southeast, another nice day, i will tell you what, could not the have better weather for the masters this year it is going to be the nice the actually -- probably be nice until tuesday across areas of the southeast, texas, you are going to be another warm one, maybe a pop-up thunderstorm or two. rain moving across areas of minnesota and wisconsin. some of that is going to be heavy. stall out a little bit across parts of iowa and over towards madison, milwaukee, eventually towards chicago. could see severe weather. possibly some flooding. the next couple days maybe four to five inches in a few isolated areas. out across the west. disure bans moving through. northern parts of california. still warm in towards arizona and get ready for denver because today you are in the 70s by sunday. today into the 30's and maybe up to 6 inches of snow. all right. guys, send it back to you inside. >> take it back to you. >> secret to fox's animated movie ri rio hits the theater this weekend. blue and jewel are going on a bigger adventure. take a look. >> we are birds. we have to get out into the wild and be birds, blue. let the kids connect to their roots. it's going to be so much fun. >> yeah. >> woo hooh. >> we are going to the amazon. >> ama, what? >> step into the fox light with michael tammera who had a chance to sit down with the cast. >> they are animated in real life. >> it's animated in real life. >> it's cute. my nephew saw it last night and loved it. >> close race between captain america and rio two as the easter vacation takes hold of america looking at 40 to 50-million-dollar haul this weekend. smash hit of the hit rio 2011., we sat down with the cast. some of the returning cast members, ann hated away, eisenberg and lopez and asked what they hoped take away from the movie. >> my favorite is at the end when the two warring tribes who have this hatfield and mccoy style combine. forces and threaten enemy that would have threatened the entire species. when i saw that i was moved when people put aside their differences to take care of each other and themselves as a whole. that's something i hope people take away about this. >> it's about family and celebration and camaraderie and being there for each other. it was well-written movie. >> a lot of messages in this movie. what do you hope audience also take away? >> one of those popcorn things with all the characters in it. >> the rio 2 glasses. >> for me it's the sense of community that i like. all for one and one for all. it sounds cheesy but i like that together. >> all for one and one for all. >> kristin chenoweth added to the cast this time high verse perfect. >> poisonous frog with a crush on nigel. >> is the first new zealander in an animated film? is he so good. >> especially as nigel he does i will will survive. it's a classic. ' neither near you and catchall our in the fox light dot many can. follow me on twitter at fox light michael. >> he was just in the muppets movie too germane. he was very funny then. >> is he a dry whit. >> he does. thank you, michael. >> coming up on the show. it's called heart bleed the latest internet bug that could be n your computer stealing your information. what you need to know right now to protect yourself against this horrible thing. >> then god, is that you? nope, but that really is his first name. now he is suing because of it. ♪ [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. co: until you're sure you need a hotel room make a my financial priorities appointment today. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. anyone need a coupon? i don't. how did i know? well, i didn't really. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy, increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. so...what do men do when a number's too low? turn it up! [ male announcer ] in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. 44 minutes past the hour. quick headlines, god denied a car loan? a new york businessman is suing the credit reporting agency equifax the agency flagged his first name and reported him as having no financial history. this caused him to be denied a car loan. equifax says it is working to fix his account. do you enjoy a nap? daytime snoozing might be killing you? a new british study finds adults who nap for an hour or more increase their chances of death by a third. the reason napping triggers inflammation in the body. uh-om that's not good for us this was a scary week in the internet world. biggest security threat the internet has ever seen. you should really pay attention to this. encryption flaw called heart bleed exposing personal information to hackers. is there anything we can do to protect our data. officer for identity theft 911 and the ceo ever the consulting subsidiary idt, 911 consulting. into its to he see you this mornings, deanna. welcome to the show. >> thank you have any heaferred it put well this week on a scale of 1 to 10 this was an 11. why? >> this is a security code that is meant to transactions secure. been on two years. widely adopted. millions of web sights as well as the equipment that provides the connectivity all across the internet and all across the world. >> not to get too wonky and nerdy on people this morning it uses a protocol called open ssl which basically is the way most web sites connect, right? >> and connects securely. >> we all thought we were being secure, can you see on the top part of your browser lockbox i'm secure. for two years this was open. what could this effect? financial information? email? everything, right? >> everything. financial information. online shopping. security, think about the infrastructure. anything that connects to the internet could potentially be exposed. >> the problem with this thing is that it is not really on us to fix it we can do a couple things which we will get to in a movement really it comes down to the company. let's say you go to bank of america on a regular basis or wells fargo banks. 's it's up to those companies to fix a security problem. if the company is lagging behind it hurts their customers. >> that's correct. >> dive into some of the tips here then. how to protect yourself. what is using two factor you a then the occasion. explain to our audience why they need to do this. >> two factor authentication is not just account name and password. setting it up so when you enter the name and password the company will send you a code via text to your phone and you enter that code as he will with. it's a second factor beyond the password. >> facebook just started rolling this out. >> facebook has it g mail has it g mail has it. it's very very common now. if you have it, take advantage of it. >> number two on your list, check your financial account statements regularly and report some unauthorized activity. again, financial information was compromised, again, all of this bank information was out there. >> and it still could be, right? it's been exposed during breaches over the past several years. it's been and continued to be exposed through. this you have to assume the fact that your information might be out there, there is a high probability so you should check your account statements regularly. get your credit recordings. see if there is any activity that is not yours. that looks unfamiliar. >> one of the things you say too is check your homeowners and auto insurance policies, why? >> because they have identity theft insurance, usually inside that available to you at a very low cost. 20, $30. identity theft is the fastest growing crime. and so it is a way for you to have some sort of protection in the event that something does happen. >> this was a horrible week for the internet. obama line, if you were on the internet in the past two weeks. go change all your pass words. >> or two years. >> or two years. >> deanna coffman, great seeing you this morning. >> you as well. >> new law in france let's people ignore their boss' emails if if they're off the clock. is it a good idea for american companies at 5:00 p.m.? don't email me anymore. a fair and balanced debate is next. late night tv host and late night bar brawl? jimmy fallon recently found himself in a little trouble. introducing the more everything plan. our best ever plan for families. four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon. welcome back, if you are tempted to ignore the late night work emails and who isn't? maybe you ought to think about moving to french. french i.t. workers won the right to unplug after they leave the office. according to a new poll, 69% of americans won't go to sleep without checking their email first, and that includes their work email. should that law come here? would it work? here now for debate. welcome to you both. mr. sack, why should the government determine with and with whom i can email. >> what is going on in france has very little applicable in the united states from a legal he perspective. >> let's talk about france. don't you think it's a little much for the government to tell people when they can email? >> i don't really know, you know, why they enacted that. they said it was for their workers' health. >> right. >> you know, frankly, i have clients who complain it me all the time that on vacations or at midnight they are being asked by bosses, supervisors, managers to respond to directives and do they have to do it. i think this whole issue is pretty fascinating. >> boo hooh. if you don't like working hard, shouldn't you get another job? >> yeah. absolutely. i think it definitely doesn't make sense at all even in terms of coming over to the u.s. i don't think a law like this ever would make sense. >> because americans work ha work harder or why? >> in terms of social media because we are connected all the time. i think this customer service especially in the social media world is not a 99 to a type thing. you into ed to be able to answer customers when it works for them not necessarily on your schedule but the customer schedule this case in paris was for independent contractor consultants. not necessarily executives or employees, but the problem with the case that i have is that you you have got to draw the line. how much work does a person have to spend before they can can get some sleep? i mean, to be fair, i have a nephew. is he 25 years old, he works on wall street, okay? every month he will call me up and say uncle stephan, what do i do? the boss makes me work until sometimes 2 or 3:00 in the morning. when i get home and stagger home to my apartment, there is a text message with another thing that i have to do before i go to sleep. can i refuse it? should i complain to hr? i mean, it really gets into that. >> good luck. >> unfortunately he has got a problem. >> well, fortunately is he also making more than the average family of four. so that's why you work on wall street. >> that's right. you take a challenging job so you get rewards from it. >> exactly. i think something like this legislation as well really kills ambition on people. what about the early bird gets the worm. what about getting in first, leaving last? what about from an employer's perspective differentiating. you want to know who is the person that answers my email last? >> will you acknowledge, even as people should have the right to enter into any contract they want, constant live checking on email does wreck your life, no. >> i think you need to unplug. i'm not saying it can wreck your life. but i think you need to be connected. it's unrealistic in the world we are in today to say that you know, this isn't going to happen anymore. because it is. social media is here to stay. >> but do you have to draw the line. you should tell your boss when you are going on a vacation that you have been waiting for, that, hey, you know what? i'm in the going on around. i'm going to be in jamaica next week and i'm really not taking calls. and for a couple -- two points for our viewers. the first is if you are an hourly worker and the company requires you to be on call at night. you may be able to get compensated for that and also, if you refuse to take the calls and you get fired, fight the unemployment. because you may win. >> not in my office. thank you both very much. >> thank you. >> interesting debate. >> well, coming up, government versus the rancher. this rancher is not backing down. we are live from nevada with the latest on this developing story that is gripping the nation this morning. and, ever wonder about where your family came from? the next guest shows you how to climb your family tree and showsnt you who is there. ctr half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. hey, everybody, good morning, it is saturday, the 12th of april, 2014. i'm anna kooiman, we begin with a fox news alert. the faa has ordered a no-fly zone over the bundy ranch in nevada as big government versus the rancher and mr. bundy is not backing down. >> they want total power over the people of the united states. they want this land and if it's not the land as much as they want the power. >> we are live on the ground there this hour. >> and, voter fraud bogus? that's what the president claims. >> so let's be clear, the real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments about voter fraud. >> so if you disagree with the president, you're committing fraud. sound like civility? we report, you can decide. >> and call generation rex are. a enough generation of women replacing babies with puppies. this is no joke. we're going it tell you about it "fox & friends" hour two. stars right -- starts right now. anna is to blame. >> i'm dolly parton and you are watching "fox & friends." >> somewhere in tennessee dolly parton is watching this program right now. >> she is. such a sweetheart we had her on the show, i think, last weekend. >> yes we did. the great and talented tucker carlson and lovely and talented than kooiman. >> clayton morris. ancestry experts new book out. going to be joining us, she through the week went through the archives and found crazy stuff. producers telling me don't look at it they found all kinds of crazy stuff about my its history and family. >> i wonder if there is any royalty. >> there i doubts it. >> do you want to know. >> i'm nervous about it. >> like jack the rirp -- ripper. >> it is amazing what can do for people though. >> the f.a.a. has ordered a no-fly zone over the bundy ranch in nevada. heavily armed federal agents have surrounded the area. big government versus the rancher and cliven boundy is not bag backing down. now groups from new hampshire to montana are gathering in notified show their support. militias from several states riding in. several rallies are are expected today. coming up at 7:30 fox news legal analyst bob massi will be live from the bundy ranch with the very latest. the hunt for serial shooter intensifying as police confirm 12 of the highway shootings there are connected. the reward for any possible tips just raised to $10,000. the shootings began on march the 8th. three people were hit and wounded by the bullets. all are expected to be okay. police also reviewing seven additional cases that could be related. searchers race to find the missing malaysian airlines jet after no new underwater signals have been heard. today, 10 aircraft and 14 ships are searching the southern indian ocean. the australian ship ocean shield continues to sweep the waters with a pinger locater hoping to pick up signals from the plane's dying black box. >> trying to locate anything four and a half kilometers beneath the surface of the ocean, about a thousand kilometers from land is a massive, massive tank. >> well, once the underwater search area is narrowed a robotic search vehicle will be sent down? and no joking around for comedian jimmy fallon after he almost gets caught up in a bar brawl. "the tonight show" host was fighting with friends and workers at a bar when some people near them started fighting. the brul was quickly broken up and no one hurt. jimmy and his friends didn't stick around. leaving the bar just minutes later. and those are your news headlines. >> and rick was live there at the time reporting on the scene. >> are you okay? >> you know what? i'm always at the wrong bars. as many bars as i am it's a wonder i never get to the bars where jimmy fallon is i'm doing something wrong. >> a shame. >> when you think of the city temperature and weather goes crazy back and forth is there one that you think of more than others? >> los angeles. >> it would be weird 70 down to 50 because of that on shore flow of cloud cover. see, i'm not as dumb as i look. >> how about denver? we will pick denver for today. 71 today. tomorrow 37 and get snow tomorrow. maybe up to 6 inches. pretty good spring skiing out there and probably get that sunday. going to be a pretty great day out there. warm back up to 63 by tuesday. out east coast. system bring rain. past that it will be a great day today. rain across areas of the far northern plains. great lakes this morning. that is going to stall out and stick there. out across the west. very heavy rain and severe weather across the plains in the next couple of days. the slight risk. i think is mostly very strong winds at times and maybe some isolated flooding. tomorrow a bigger risk for severe weather on our sunday, you see that area of red. bulls eye where we could see possibly strong tornadoes. tomorrow big day for severe weather that we will continue to watch here. that just moves a little to the east for your monday as well. >> outstanding. less volatile. speaking of volatile. there is a midterm election coming up. the 2014 mid terms. it's going to to be about the president and going to be about obamacare. that may be why you are seeing democrat at all levels begin to make the charge that republicans are not just wrong on the issues but they are biased. they are bigots. they don't like you. the latest salve voyeur came from the president he spoke abot voter fraud. watch this. >> across the country, republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder, not easier, for people to vote. in some places, women could be turned away from polls just because they are registered under their maiden name but their drivers' license has their married name. senior citizens who have been voting for decades may suddenly be told they can no longer vote until they can come up with the right i.d. >> let's be clear, the real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights about making bogus arguments about alberto fraud. >> bogus? my home state of north carolina we just talked about this last week there are 35,000 cases of this. and a lot of these people were either voting twice in separate states or voting while dead. which last time i checked that's impossible. >> how do you vote when you are dead? 81 people did that that's all bogus according to the president. deneen poor really was on the show this morning to talk about. this here is her take, listen. >> you are using something that is very emotional. any time you inject race into the conversation. it's very emotional. plus it diminishes when there are issues about race that are napping in our country. how is voter i.d. identified with person's race? voter ids are to uphold the integrity of our voting system. that's it. so how does what this has to do with race is because the left has injected this argument into this. >> it scares voters and gets them to the polls. it's the southern strategy that nixon was always criticized for employing. using racial fears to get people to the ballot box. did you see this. she said the other day republicans are racist for enforcing immigration laws. really, it's just like interment of the japanese. watch? >> i think race has something to do with the fact that he they're not bringing up immigration bill. i have heard them say to the irish, this would be easy. >> republicans are just trying to protect the integrity of our elections, come on. when you use the racist word and just throw it around when people really are racist. you know, totally diminishes it. >> i have got to say that was crackpot on its face. what irish? who is -- nancy pelosi just heard people say to the irish if it was just you? it's like that didn't happen. >> hear stuff and then goes to the senate floor and talks about it on the senate floor. when pressed about it can't name a person he overheard. >> whipping up racial fears is a big deal as deneen borelli said it terrifies people. we do is have a history of racial problems in this country and to make people fearful about things that don't really exist is a pretty reckless thing to do. >> to anna's point it diminishes things does have. >> ethnic politics inherently unreasonable. people are emotional. he they can't make clear decisions none of us can. >> shouldn't go there. apparently young women aren't making clear thoughtful decisions anymore either. i'm part of problem. dogs or kids? recent drop in birth rate is due to young women getting puppies instead of having babies. not only are most of these women getting puppies, they are getting little tiny ones because the food prices each not just human food but dog food is going up. >> anna is to blame. this is absolutely -- >> -- she didn't get a little dog she got a big majestic dogging. >> that's true. still a dog none the less. you see these charts, it's crazy. women saying i'm just not getting married i'm just not going to deal with man. i would rather get a dog and that's why you are seeing dramatic increase in little puppies that women are walking around with in their purse we would rather take care of a puppy than a man puppy parties and blow out the candles on a little peanut butter cake. >> i think that's -- i think half of it is great. i think everyone should have multiple dogs. i'm strongly pro-dog. but to choose not to have children or not be able to have children anyway and wind up without children is a sad development. >> that's true. >> i was wondering how you were going to square these two because of your love of dogs. >> and children. >> love of children. also getting married young. that's the underlying theme here is that women are saying i'm going to wait until i'm 40 and in the meantime. >> you want to get outside yourself. you want to live a life that isn't all about you and left to our own devices all of us would live totally selfish lives. >> i disagree with you. i feel like if i were to have a kid right now. first of all, i'm not married. out of wedlock would be a big problem. that would be selfish of me because at this time i'm so focused on my career i couldn't be as good as a mom i want to be. hopefully i can work this just like a lot of other women and eventually be able to dedicate more time and have more money and energy to do it. >> you you are saying the dog then is going to suffer? [ laughter ] >> for your attention. >> that's what everybody says the dog is number one until there is the baby. >> in a lot of ways i think dogs are harder than kids. >> i travel all the time and i'm able to do that with a yellow lab at home. i have friends come and stay. >> buy breakfast cereal and say good luck. keep the door locked. >> and then when they have to go to the bathroom at 2:00 in the morning, you can't put a diaper on a dog. >> what do you think about this everybody. >> actually you can. >> email us, fain us, use those social media things all the kids are into. coming up. you want to own a gun? the government might force to you wear a bracelet. true, the next guest explains why the attorney general's latest idea isn't just attacking our freedoms, it's dangerous and stupid, too. >> a pastor in trouble for feeding the homeless, how does this make sense? who knew you needed $500 permit to spread god's love? 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[ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why i'm shooting for something better. eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? 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(mom) i'm so excited. quarter past the hour. do you want a gun? you will have to wear a bracelet. attorney general holder gun owners wear electronic bracelet before they can fire their own weapon. >> those kinds of things that i think we want to try to explore so that we can make sure that people have the ability to enjoy their second amendment rights while at the same time decreasing the misuse of weapons. >> but should you have to be marked and tracked to have access to your constitutionally guaranteed rights? joining us now is town editor katie paf listen. good morning, this isn't this is about undermining your rights. >> absolute limit the attorney general speaking about technology that is a gun that communicates with a bracelet or a watch and you can't operate it unless the bracelet is on. now, the problem with this is a couple of things. the first is that these guns are extremely unreliable in dangerous situations. they are easily hackable and they are extremely expensive. talking about $1,800 for a pistol watch combo in this electronic version and the thing that's dangerous here as well is that you have the attorney general talking about reforms and legislation. and, you know, the government shouldn't be legislating this technology in the name of safety when it's not safe, first of all, for gun owners and it infringes on a second amendment right. >> i mean very often you can use safety as a mask for a lot of things. you cannot? >> you can. and we have seen that with everything from our cars to our home electronics. when it comes to the firearms issue, again, i want to stress that this is a very expensive way to mandate things. a way for people to say that gun sun safe and this one isn't. the that isn't the issue. we shouldn't have to be forced to own a certain type of firearm to practice our second amendment right. >> there are also tens of millions, more than 100 million firearms in circulation. it's ridiculous. we have learned this week emails showed this week that lois lerner of the irs had been in communication with democrat congressman elijah cummings of maryland about curtailing the right of organizations to have nonprofit status. what do you know about this? >> let's go back to the beginning. true to vote two years ago. true you to vote catherine has since then been visited by multiple government agencies but specifically criewt snizzed by the irs. in a hearing back in february of this year, engelbrekt and her attorney mitchell testified in front of a house committee with elijah cummings sitting there and they implied there was someone on the committee communicating with the irs about their group. elijah spanned unresponded no one had been in contact with true to vote. this week's showing members of elijah cummings staff were in touch with the irs and not to mention lois learn his or her went out of her way to make sure that she got information directly to elijah cummings' office. his defense is that he was requesting public information, but let's not forget he said there was no communication in the first place and now he is admitting well, maybe there was communication but i was only requesting public information. >> right. so if this does, indeed, prove coordination or if there is further evidence that does, what are the ramifications we are going to be seeing? >> well, in the coordination fact here, it's very important to point out that the biggest issue when it comes to this case and emails being released is that elijah cummings repeatedly sending letters on true-to-vote on oversight committee letterhead asking lots of detail and prying questions it so happens the same questions and very similar questions if not identical questions were being asked of the group by the irs. which indicates they were in communication about how to coordinate these questions. when it comes to the consequences for elijah cummings, i'm not sure what's going to happen there yet. we do know chairman of the oversight committee darrell issa along with five subcommittee chairman have sent elijah cummings a letter demanding that he explain not only why he denied any communication but why he was in communication with the irs and how he was planning to use that information. >> katie pavlich from washington. thanks. >> thanks, guys. >> have you ever wondered about where your family came from? it's easy to figure it out. very next guest is about to show you how to climb your family tree. >> and there is video proof which you probably already knew you can't reason with a 1-year-old. this father plans to try. >> jump and fly off. you can't do that now, can we? >> that. >> okay. so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. introducing the more everything plan. our best ever plan for families. four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon. your modefy gravity.ything. find hidden treasure. make rainbows appear. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. 23 minutes past the hour. are you curious about your ancestry and where you came from and how you got where you you are today? >> new book out now tweeted it by the way. called when the cypress whispers getting great reviews. author joins us this morning. she is also a producer at extra. welcome evette. >> good morning. >> we talk about going on which gives you a cursory understanding of your family history. what sort of tactics do you employ to get fascinating things about our families. >> i wanted to write a book about family history my family is from a island in greece. what better than to write about my family's background. i started buying around, thinking about stories that my grandmother told me about her life on the island. doing more research. reaching out the holocaust museum as well as the researchers that my helping me unlock my family's story. >> where are are the big repose tors of gene logical information? i know the mormon church has one, right? the holocaust museum has one too. >> the holocaust museum is instrumental for me this story is based on what happened in on our island when the cypress whispers young woman daphne and her grandmother. her grandmother helped safe and hide a family of jews. that is based on what happened in our island. my grandmother was one of many islanders who helped hide and save a family of jews from the nazis. the main was their tailor. when the shipped off to ought auschwitz. i reached out to the holocaust museum in israel and said you can help me i need to flesh out this story i'm writing a book and i don't know very much. my grandmother lived with my me in our home and i never stopped to ask questions. i never realized as many of us do there was history in my home and now i had to unlock the doors when she was in the house with me the whole time and i never bothered to ask. >> you have had, you know, just through your job experience being a producer, you have more tools than probably the average joe would. for our viewers at home can can we do the very same thing? >> for me i couldn't even believe it i was sitting at my kitchen table on a sunday morning 7:00 drinking coffee in my pajamas. i had reached out to the holocaust museum saying please help me, i don't know very much because i never bothered to ask my grandmother these questions. two years after i reached out i got an email with the names of the gentleman that two of the women who were hidden on our island married. i took that name and this is no joke in my pajamas in within five minutes of getting the email plugged it into my's database, everyone has access to. within five minutes i was staring at the family tree and contact for this family that we had been searching for for years. >> unbelievable. >> why is it so important to know where he we are from. >> everyone has a story. for me i had listened to this story what happened on the island. grandmother left alone. my grandfather came to the united states as many of the men did back then to try to make money. grandmother left on the island with two children and all the elderly people. they took it upon themselves to hide and save this family. they risked their own lives. the germans would go door to door searching for hidden jews and warned everyone would be killed. everyone kept the secret. fascinating story that no one knew about. >> interesting. coming up, this is -- i'm excited about this. coming up in a few minutes here you went through and found my family tree. >> did i. >> my producer kept it from me all week. you found some crazy stuff. >> it's amazing i have to tell you. >> few minutes when we come back from the commercial break you will show us what you found. mom and dad i hope you are paying attention at home. >> thank you. we'll be back. first big government versus the rancher. we are live on the ground in nevada as tensions boil over in that state. >> he is a hollywood dad raising a kid with super star singer fergie from the blacked peas we promise you won't want to miss his interest. 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>> he was your five times great grandfather. he was a baptist preacher his family was forced to move from virginia to south carolina due to religious persecution. he was a great speaker. >> you found photos. >> that is a photo of, yes, that is. >> i see the resemblance. >> exactly. >> i was thinking about growing my beard that way. >> the reason they call him 10 bells. such a great speaker a bell back cost 10 chill lings. >> he was a great public speaker. come down through the generations. >> not a great public speakers. >> you are a news anchor. we also found,' absolum hooper. he was your four times great grandfather. he was in the revolutionary war. not only that but he was shot twice by a musket ball. once in the arm, once in the leg. then, he was taken prisoner' and taken prisoner again and fought on the lines until peace was declared. >> i didn't believe you can find all this stuff. >> you you found his grave? that was a photo of his grave. >> that was a photo of his grave. his wife, they are buried side by side. now, this was, again, this is little deeper than i was able to research. this is with the help of brilliant researchers of my for the revolutionary war records they dug into the revolutionary pension documents and found all information for you. >> amazing. >> shot twice, captured by the british. >> shot twice captured went back out and captured again. >> slow but brave? >> exactly. we also have for you calvin chastain. he was your great great grandfather. and he was a were if aer so you know -- >> -- i have heard the name. >> okay. >> he was your great great grandfather. we found a census document for him. that's a photo you are looking at calvin. census document 1860, 39 years old. lived with wife and children in independence arkansas. >> i knew we had strong history to arkansas. a lot of the family and grandparents lived in arkansas. so unbelievable. >> did you know all that stuff. >> did you know you had a surgeon/barber. >> i bet he had some leeches. >> that's right. you know he did. all that stuff is digitized now. >> all that stuff is digitized. >> revolutionary war pension records? >> when i dug into my family's story again i simply put a name into database at my this is more intensive with the help of researchers but you can find your family's history. >> we want to mention if you go to my for "fox & friends" viewers. to help them. they are giving 30% off to any of the ff viewers. #cypress whispers, that's valid through may you will get 30% off at my that was great. >> glad you enjoyed it. >> you can hand the documents over after the segment? >> absolutely. framed. surgeon/barber. >> sorry i don't want to die those emotional first words coming from steve utash a detroit man nearly beaten to death by a mob after he accidently hit a young boy with his truck. the man awoke from his medically induced coma and miraculously breathing on his own and speaking. >> he is strong. i just admire him so much for just keep fighting. you know, no matter what. he doesn't want to die. >> utash is still in the hospital with severe head injuries. five people are charged in the brutal beating. she killed her boyfriend by stabbing him with her stiletto and now she will spend the rest of her life behind bars. the judge handing down that sentence to anna trujilo. she atamed stephan anderson with 5 and a half inch heel during argument at his home after a night of drinking. what a way to go. alabama pastor in trouble for feeding the homeless. can you believe this? who knew you needed a $500 permit to spread god's love. he fought back and won. several nonprofits were busted by the cops for not having a food truck permit. city officials say it was a mixup and the law was not meant to stop people from feeding the homeless. the county health department now giving those groups an exemption. but they will still need a permit from the health department. well, kids always want more freedom sooner than they can handle it. >> you can't go over there. you are going to fall. >> we all want to jump and fly off. we can't do that now, can we >> okay. i will figure something out. >> were the dad tried to explain to his chatty 1-year-old son that he isn't allowed to go out there on the balcony. it seems like the baby is raising some strong points during their argument there. hard to tell what he is saying. >> making a compelling case. >> we're back with more on our fox news -- the government may have opened a no-fly zone over the bundy ranch in nevada, but that is not stopping cliven bundy from continuing his fight. watch. >> going to do whatever it takes to secure our liberty and life and custom and cultures. we're going to stand up for state sovereignty, constitution, that's what we are here for. is to make a stand. we're going to be free in america. >> and bundy does have support for his cause. ranchers from all over the country will be participating in a rally later this morning. >> fox news legal analyst bob massey is live on the phone from right outside the bundy ranch in nevada. he has been there talking to family members. bob, nice to have you here this morning. >> sorry, technical problem which is why i'm doing it by phone. i'm out in god's country. basically i interviewed last night ryan, son of mr. bundy. were management ranches property and other things. they are trying to put ranchers out of business. here is a couple can pell things he said. over the years what's happened is the blm has cut cattle numbers and restricted usage in over 52 ranches that have been put out of business because of the actions of the federal government. these ranchers are saying wait a second, there is an issue out here in the desert about the desert tortoise. and ryan said last night, mr. bundy, he said wait a second, we have been grazing for 100 years and this cattle hasn't bothered the tortoises now all of the sudden why is it a problem? he also said something interesting that there is a saying that nerve knows reference to blm that says no more move by 92. cattle-free by 93. and he said this is basically what's going on. that the government is coming in and they are basically affecting the rights of the ranchers and they believe that the state needs to step in and take control of this and declare their sovereignty. >> bob, judging from this video there on the ground, i mean, tensions are are high. some are saying it looks more like a police state out there than the god's country that you describe where the cattle could be roaming. have you heard anything about why the faa has put that no-fly zone into effected? >> no, as a matter of fact, your report this morning is the first time i have heard of that. it doesn't make any sense to me. these are great americans out here that stand for their rights. the individual rights, the fundamental rights under the constitution. and they just believe that government intervention on something like this is ridiculous. the other thing is, anna, they have been grazing this cattle, this is generational family. since 1877. and they are saying, you know, what is it, what all of a sudden is causing this. there is some issue about grazing fees that mr. bundy stopped paying the grazing fees and in fact there was a moratorium on it. i thought something interesting in the interview with ryan. only 12% of the grazes fees goes to the maintenance by the blm. the other 88% of that money is used to help ranchers. and there is a board made out of county people in the area that basically allocate money if ranchers need money. and so as a result, and i went to the web site, this is somewhat ridiculous, i went to the blm web site last night and one of the things it talks about is protecting and maintaining grazing rights for ranchers. the exact thing that's being taken away from ranchers, their web site says that's the purpose of their maintaining to preserve grazing rights. these people are outraged. they feel it's gone too far that the government wants to take all this land back from them and as a result, this is why we have this uproar. national because it gets to the fundamental rights of americans and they are sick and tired of it. >> quickly can you confirm that a sniper rifle was brought to the scene by federal agents? >> i cannot confirm that. i can only confirm there is a lot of people around here. i don't have any confirmation of that right now. >> thanks. bob massi from nevada this morning. thanks so much. >> coming up here on the show she defends the rights of muslim women and girls yet brandeis university doesn't want her to speak on campus. what is going on at our colleges? we will explore that next. >> look who is pulling up to the plaza. that's josh dumel is he a little -- himself. ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. brandeis university is standing by position to withdraw offer -- woman raised muslim herself. will the council on american islamic relations cair push for the move and has cheered the decision. >> every day we are defending the constitution from people like hersy alli who would change the constitution so that muslims wouldn't have civil rights. we want want to challenge hate-filled anti--muslim extremists and we do it quite successfully. >> they are successful in making people be quiet. but is silencing critics of islam part of a growing trend? joining me is the president of the foundation greg lukenoff thanks for joining us this morning. is this part of a trend, speak out against islam, be silenced? >> this time of year is what we call at our organization fire. disinvitation season. faculty and students get together and demand that speakers who have opinions they dislike get disinvited from campus unfortunately it seems to be getting more and more intense every year. >> in this case it's a little weird since she alley stands for things that you think would be in favor of. the emancipation of women in the islamic world. she is against genital mutilation. she is for girls going to school. these are hardly reactionary positions. >> right. i mean, and if you look for sort of a coherence in the point of the people want speakers to be disinvited, you can't find it in a lot of different cases. really, i think this is the ultimate result of campuses telling students they have a right not ton offended. they don't have to -- it doesn't have to make any sense. >> what is so strike something that instead of make a counter case, they just have trying to make these people be quiet and go away. wouldn't this be a great opportunity to have a public debate over, i don't know, the role of islam in america? they don't want that, do they? >> absolutely. i wrote a book called unlearning liberty. whole point is 30 years of this stuff is teaching students to teach like censors, they don't think how can i engage this person or debate this person or how can i hear this person out, they say how can i get rid of this speaker? >> right. that's sexist. that's racist. that's bigoted. i feel threatened by your language. all of these are excuses to make, basically, people you disagree with shut up. >> right. >> so, what is the antidote to this? >> it's one of these things where i think we have to take on this right not to be offended on campus. we have to defeat campus speech codes. because i think a the had of teaching students bad lessons about living in a free society start early. i think it would probably be helpful to teach students to have a traditional oxford style debate. they might come to believe that people that disagree with them are not necessarily evil. >> right. it's just the irony that campuses are the last place in america that really doesn't have free speech. uss all very strange. this morning that was illuminating. >> thanks, tucker. >> coming up, no he emails after work. that's what france's government just determined. they are controlling when you can email and whom. would that be a good idea to bring it here to the united states? mike huckabee here with his take next hour. and we have a very famous actor outside who anna says is highly attractive. watch the interview. stay tuned. introducing the more everything plan. our best ever plan for families. four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon. i'm taking off, but, uh, don't worry. i'm gonna leave the tv on for you. and if anything happens, don't forget about the new xfinity my account app. you can troubleshoot technical issues here. if you make an appointment, you can check out the status here. you can pay the bill, too. but don't worry about that right now. okay. how do i look? ♪ thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. hey there, good morning. known for the hunky characters he plays in the movies. these days actor josh duhamell has a lot more he is taking on. the role of father. >> good morning, how is everything. >> axle jack is his name. 7 months old. do you miss him. >> do i miss him. i have only been away two days and i miss him. i'm going home tonight to see him. >> what's it like being a dad in hollywood how do you keep him grounded with you and your beautiful wife fergie in the black eyed peas? >> i'm going to take him on things like this. you know, things to make him understand that nothing is really given to you and, you know, the last thing he we want to do is raise an entitled kid in los angeles. >> right. so how will you and fergie do that? >> my parents were very good at making us go out and do things like volunteer, things like that to -- you know, my mom had me working at a very young age. i think that's important. no matter what. >> and you are working right now. you are on tv show on cbs. you have a couple movies coming out in post production. what are those? >> well, i have a movie that i just finished in texas called lost in the sun that i'm very proud of. we shot -- we just literally finished that and then finished a show on cbs called battle creek. so, you know, it's busy. it's busy right now. >> okay. but you somehow manage to take care of your 7 month old son? >> yes. >> you are pretty hands on. tell me about that. >> well, i can't help but to be. you know. is he my boy. and i have been looking forward to having a baby for quite a while now. so we are trying to figure it out like any parent does at first. luckily he is a very sweat boy. and it's just about, you know, right now, it's just about teaching him how to eat solid food and crawl. >> i think can he probably hold his bottle by himself now. >> he can hold his bottle. >> as he guess older you said he will be doing volunteer work like you are doing today. what is this truck all about. >> this is the mobile relief center. this something that will be traveling across the country almost 100 different spots across the country and gets people out to volunteer. volunteering is as low as it has been since 2002. a lot of people around the country especially need help. we are very generous country by nature. >> yeah a lot of people are unemployed and great way to keep your resume relevant if you get out there and volunteer. >> right. >> you are going to be in the bronx doing what? >> cleaning up a park in the bronx. just getting, you know, whether it's disaster relief or whether it's cleaning up a park or helping whatever charitable organization you can. >> advil is sponsoring this. how can people find out more information? >> they can go to the advil web page. the advil facebook page. there will be all kinds of -- there will be a whole list of all the places, opportunities to get out and volunteer. we encourage people to take the pledge. whether it's an hour, whether it's a week. whatever you can do. i know everybody is busy not good for the community but good for you too. that's what he we are hoping for. >> thank you to so much for being here what's your favorite black eyed pea song? >> i would say one never released called mary jane's shoes. >> okay. i guess that will leave us scratching our heads. josh duhamell. >> you never let me inside. >> at least it's warm weather. >> hi dad. >> big government versus the ranchers. ever get stuck next to the person on the plane who won't show -- shut up. or the man who drank too much? solutions next hour. 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, hello and good morning, everyone. it is saturday the 12th of april, 2014. i'm anna kooiman, we do begin with a fox news alert on the standoff between a nevada rancher and the feds and neither side is budging. they want -- i total unlimited power over the people of the united states. they want the land. it's not the atlanta as much as they want the power. >> we are live with the members of that rancher's family as tensions woil over. >> you remember this woman? she voted for president obama twice in the same election. >> yes, i voted twice. ifyet the president says voter fraud doesn't exist. governor huckabee reacts to that claim. >> 81 dead people voting. >> ever get stuck next to a man on a plane who won't shut up or the lady who drank too much. >> ready to party. >> i love that movie. >> anna kooiman on -- how do you deal with people like that. plane etiquette you don't want to miss. "fox & friends" hour three begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> hi this is phil mic mickelson you are watching "fox & friends." >> pop those and talk to anybody. >> ambien and whiskey don't work together. >> they don't? i think that would be a great combination. welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. tucker, anna, i'm clayton, welcome. >> governor huckabee waiting in the wings. >> he is a good plane guest. >> that was the best segment of the weekend about to start. don't miss that. >> first get to the news headlines. this morning, the manhunt for a serial shooter is on is going on right now as police in missouri are confirming at least 12 highway shootings there are connected. the reward for any possible tips just raised to $10,000 shootings began on march the 8th. 10 people were hit and wounded. all expected to be on. reviewing seven additional cases that could be related. sorry, i didn't want to die. these are the first emotional words coming from steve utash the detroit man nearly beaten to death by a mob after he accidently hit a young boy with his truck. 54-year-old now awake from his medically induced coma and is miraculously breathing on his own and speaking. >> makes you you melt in your heart because is he talking which we were so worried about. he said my sister's name without her saying it there is memory there happy to report that utash is still in the hospital with head injuries. five are charged in the brutal beating. race to find the missing malaysian airlines jet after new underwater signals have have been heard. craft and ships are searching the southern indian ocean. ocean shield continues to sweep the waters with park ranger locater hoping to pick up signals from the plane's dying black box. once the underwater search area is narrowed down a row pot particulars search vehicle will be sent down as well. >> a group of students at one california high school singled out and embarrassed in front of their peers. >> [inaudible] i want you to look at this group behind you >> 34 seniors at north high school in bakersfield told to leave an assembly all because they weren't eligible to graduate. a spokesman for the school says it was meant to motivate them to work harder. the school has since apologized saying naming the students publicly was a very poor choice. those are your headlines. >> anna, we have with us governor mike huckabee star of the saturday "fox & friends" every saturday. welcome. >> thank you. >> what did you think of that last story. >> one of these days one of those kids is going to be serving lunch to that principal. i would not eat the food. it was horrible to do that to those kids. it's one thing that the kids maybe didn't graduate okay, so they didn't. you don't do that to somebody publicly and just try to totally humiliate them. >> the idea is that it was supposed to be tough love. this was going it motivate them to turn their lives around before it's too late. >> he is not going to have any tires on his car is how what is going to happen. that's how that works out. >> head out west the drama unfolding out on the bundy ranch in nevada. word now of a no-fly zone that the faa has put in place. this battle going on between the federal government and cliven bundy and their family for grazing rights on their land, on public land and on their own land going back 20 years. they have have been doing this since 1887 allowing the cattle to roam oon these ranges. the government showing up seizing some of their cattle, putting no-fly zone in place. what do you make of them putting a no-fly zone in place? what does it have to do with cattle. >> clearly they don't want someone photographing what's going on down there the confiscation of cattle. maybe some action towards ranchers and their supporters. the question just bubbles up to me. why would we spend this kind of resources -- these kind of resources on somebody whose cow was eating grass that nobody was else was eating to the best of my knowledge. spend resources getting to the obama of the irs scandal. finding out why brian terry was murdered by people who had guns provided by the federal government. i can think of a lot of things that really matter to me as an american. the fact that some cows are eating some grass that apargetly nobody else really wanted that much. if they feel like that there is something wrong, they ought to take it out of their taxes, don't put snipers out around it could potentially escalate into something that will get way out of hand and remind of us of david karesh in waco. this is frightening stuff. >> they are sending a clear message. obey or be punished. there is a principle as far as they are that disobedience could lessen their power in the long run. >> let's ask ourselves when you say you are going to disobey the federal government even if let's' say the federal government is right and bundies should be playing for the -- paying for the land. do you threaten to kill them, threaten to kill somebody over this? take away their cattle to take their livelihood. is this good for america to come in and seize the very thing that they have been doing since 1887, the thing that has been able to provide food and money for their family. a right to come in and grab that from you? >> i think the question is it state land that they are on? if it is it's the state's issue it's not the federal government's. state land federal government can't say can't use the land without paying something for it. maybe that's fair. that settled somewhere other than guns drawn. >> frightening that they believe they can push citizens to the point willing to kill them in order to take care of some grass. let's just boil it down. is grass worth somebody's life? i don't think so. >> or sr. a turtle worth someone's life. the issue protected tortoise in these go. lands that has government protection. there it is on your screen. >> threatened species. >> when you see this and you contrast it to the obama administration's coddling of people who break the law by coming into this country illegally, some of them commit real crimes not just grazing crimes. what do you think of the contrast. >> i wish the obama administration cares about unborn children as it did about turtles. if we did we would see a very different approach to what we see in the abortion epidemic in this country. a 5 million abortions since 1973. regardless of what people think, i can't imagine that anybody can find a way to defend that many abortions in a country like ours at the same time we're protecting snail darters and tortoises and acting as if they are holy and must be protected at all cost. i find that irrational. >> switch gears now. the president speaking at an event hosted by al sharpton yesterday and in a fiery speech he said that basically voter fraud is bogus and the only reason republicans are saying this is to it try to stay relevant and competitive. listen to the president yesterday. >> across the country, republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder not easier for people to vote. in some places women can be turned away because they their license is registered in their maiden name and not their married name. senior citizens voting for decades could be told they can no longer vote until they come up with the right i.d. let's be clear the real voter fraud is by people making arguments about voter fraud. >> is it bogus when a dead person votes or somebody votes in multiple states? take a look at this. in north carolina, my home state, 35,000 cases and this isn't something that is a new revelation, we are talking about this morning. the president hasn't heard about it we told everybody about this last weekend. what do you make of. this standing vote in arkansas if you can't carry the cemetery vote you are not going to get elected for anything. >> we had a case where a sitting state representative charged with felonies because they went out and paid people to vote for him. we had cases where a person was caught in eastern arkansas sitting at his kitchen table filling out 125 absentee ballots. we have had cases where more people voted in a county than even -- that were registered to vote in the county. when the president says there is no voter fraud. you just wonder what planet does he come from to say that and this whole idea of, you know, asking people to show an i.d., let me go the to white house and walk in without proving who i am without a photo i.d. nobody can even go to the event that he spoke at without a photo i.d. >> also, think about the event he did speak at. the attorney general spoke hosted by fbi informant tax chief and al sharpton. was farrakhan busy? the president of the united states speaking at a al sharpton rally? so jaded they don't think it's amazing? >> it is amazing. so incredible to people to somehow think it's wrong to require the same level of identification. that's really an idea to protect true voters because here -- if you vote fraudulently, you cancel my legitimate vote. that's what it comes down to. so voter fraud is to it make elections fair. i don't want to make it hard for people to vote. i don't want to make it where people have to spend money to vote. but i want to make it where every vote is a legitimate vote and that is not all together happening. and if he says it isn't, then, again, is he coming from a different planet. >> what's coming up on the big show tonight 8 p.m. here on fox news? >> we have a pretty powerful segment with "boston globe" reporter michael levinson. we have been following the justina case girl kidnapped by the people's republican of massachusetts 14 months ago kept from her family. not allowed to see her doctor and have religious services. we are going to bring it up. michael levinson has reported the dcf that has taken justina has bigger problems, a 5-year-old boy they can't find in their custody. and he has been missing since september. and presumed dead. >> oh my god. >> it's a serious issue. and we're going to stay on this because for somebody to be taken away from their family for no good cause that they have been able to present is an outrange. it just to me eclipses everything. what we are seeing across the country where government is just going crazy. >> thanks, governor. >> thank you. >> thanks so much. let's head over to like reichmuth now who is standing by with a look at the first alert forecast. are rick? >> you know another outrage is how cold the winter has been in chicago. really really bad. yesterday first 70-degree day of the year. another one today. enjoy today. spectacular. more showers in the afternoon and then take a look at that by tuesday, temps in and around 40. might feel a little snow monday night. hate to say that enjoy today. temps as you are waking up very great eastern parts of the country, almost everywhere. spectacular day across the southeast and in towards the east coast. showers going to start to bring a little bit of problem towards chicago and eventually cool your temps down. out across the west, a big disturbance out here. not bringing a lot of rain to southern california. eventually it will bring some severe weather across the northern plains today and tomorrow across the central plains. watch for possibly some big tornadoes, phis. >> and chicago, rick, was mocking the east coast this year. we had a brutal winter? you guys don't know. >> they were right. >> thank you, rick. lead story this morning. showdown at the ranch. bob massey has spoken to the bundy family. he joins us live from nevada coming up. >> and you should be able to trust your father, right? not when he is a prankster like this one. did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age? [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. we have got more on our fox news alert this morning. we showed you the horrifying video of federal agents using tasers and guard dogs against american citizens protesting the controversy over the bundy ranch in nevada. >> and now the faa has shut down airspace over the property and snipers have even been reported. so is this representative of the land of the free? >> bob massi just spoke to members of the family and is here with the latest on the developing story. bob, nice to see you this morning, we were just talking to governor huckabee, his theory on why they closed this airspace down is they don't want another waco and helicopters flying over top getting shot to -- shots of this thing. >> the ranchers believe fundamental rights republican violated here even though there is court order that was signed by a federal judge that basically said you had to clear it out. i think what we're faced with here is the following: number one, there is an issue of the bureau of land management. i was talking to a couple of gentlemen who are ranchers in northern arizona. and they said things changed dramatically whenever they started paying grazing fees to the bureau of land management. they used to pay it to the county. and, as a result, when that changed, bureau land management came in and everything changed in reference to how the property is being managed and more and more government intervention. the other thing is, you know, federal government owns about 82% or manages about 82% of the property in the state of nevada. so, where are the ranchers supposed to graze? if you own 82% of the property, where are they supposed to graze for purposes of the cattle graze and make a live. >> one thing that cliven is saying it's not just about us. this is about a fellow ranchers. it's also about the federal government trying to strong hold everything and have a power grab. what are you hearing about the effect that the federal government has had on other cattle ranchers in the area? >> in talking with ryan last night, he said that about 52 ranchers have actually been closed down in the area specifically because of the actions of the dlm. they are restricting usage. they are restricting cattle. what that basically means is these people can't make a living. as a result, slowly -- let me tell you, it's a bigger picture than just the bundy ranch issue. this is pervasive that the government, the bureau land management is not just here and other parts of the west basically controlling the destiny of ranchers. and, as a result, they are taking this government back. they are taking the property back for other uses as opposed to protecting basically of the heart and soul of america. that's ranchers to be able to be out here. you read about the old sage brush rebellion guys. let me tell you something, it goes back that far. nevada, because of the fact it was a territory, you yourself how did all of this happen in reference to the management of the government just over the years that's basically been the way that the state was formed and then bureau of land management came into effect and things have changed when they start paying the grazing fees to the bureau of land management. >> bob, bob massey out in nevada for us this morning it looks like a huge and growing movement there. and so we're glad you are there keeping an eye on it for us. thanks a lot. >> thanks, guys. >> thanks, bob. well, he took seven bullets during the 2009 shooting at fort hood first the obama administration refused to call it terror. now, they are denying him a face to face with the president. this story will have you seeing red. >> and ever get stuck next to the person on a plane who just won't shut up? is rick the one? is rick the problem here? or the lady who drank way too much? how do you deal? we have simple solutions coming right up. it will keep you entertained. ♪ . four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon. iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. one of my favorite segments of the morning. crying babies and kicking seats to people like this. >> were tough it back. >> ready to pardy! with the best of them. i'm going to go down to the river. >> having flying etiquette is important. here with more of travelocity senior editor courtney scott. >> great to see you clayton. >> airlines help choose the right seat. brought some great tips. how do we pick the right seat first of all on our flight so we know we can get away from. so annoying people. >> it's important. if you are a heavy sleeper. if you plan to take sleeping aids to get through the flight. you should be in the window seat. >> really. >> you don't want to be up and down climbing over your aisle mates disturbing them. >> if you are passed out and doing the salmon and you don't want people constantly waking up and stepping over you. >> it's extremely iraq world to try to climb over somebody to get out of seat. if you get up a million times, get that circulation going in the legs g to the toilet, the aisle seat is for you. middle seat out of luck there. >> what about switching seats? there is etiquette involved in this whole process. very often the airlines don't seat you with the rest ofy you are family. >> yes. >> bring a baby on. >> flying full capacity, not always the chance for you to sit together. you have to ask politely and have a god offer on the table. don't expect someone from the fourth row i'll to move to the 30th row middle. >> got to switch seat for seat? is that the idea? >> got to something gadd on the table to offer them. don't expect anybody to switch seats. >> you can slip them a 2 o? >> whatever works for you. >> you never know. a little money there. what about the person you sit next to and it ends up that they just want to talk nonstop? you got that novel that you disadded you wanted it read on this flight. you are looking forward to it and then chatty cathy sits down. >> some people take every opportunity to make new friends in a flit and will talk to you for hours. i recommend having some plight small talk at polite small talk. be honest. say you are either getting sleepy or got work to do on your laptop. if all else fails. the handy eye mask does the job. slip it on. i will take the clue and i goal and talk to somebody else. >> my dad sat to someone who even when he opened his book and had a thing to put on his face the person kept talking to him. >> nervous thing. people get nervous and they want to keep going and talking. >> it makes it look like you have eyeglasses on when you have these. >> crying children? >> inevitable. >> how do you handle it? obviously a lot of people don't realize when you take off kids have inner ear issues. don't know how to clean their ears off. >> it's not their fault. handy noise elimination head phone does the job. faa new rule you can keep electronic devices on throughout the flight. calming zen music on. >> bose has battery powered ones so you crank it on and it matches the ambient noise in the cabin. >> beautiful thing. >> sounds like you are in a chamber somewhere. what about alcohol? what is the etiquette for alcohol? rick wants to know. >> dehydration factor of flying makes your typical tolerance quite a bit lowerrer than you might expect and you might be quite a bit happier than you might expect. so go easy? >> faced with someone who is overserved, i recommend leaving that to the flight attendant. don't try to confront that person. you know, rule of thumb, go easy with alcohol in the air at all times. >> i notice you brought some gum. >> this is an example -- seats seats are getting narrower bay the year. all this clutter isn't a friendly gesture the gum, the rapper, the food either in the garbage in your seat pocket or coats and hats up above in the overhead bin. >> i thought it was for the person sleeping and had bad breath slide a stick in their mouth. >> dual purpose. >> thank you courtney and arrow mockups for lending airline seats. thank you. i'm going to catch some sleep now, anna and tucker. >> you are talking too much for me. i'm one of those very annoying passengers that gets up multiple times. courtney i will take your advice and move to the aisle. >> he took several bullets in the 2009 shooting fort hood. the obama administration first refused to call that act of terrorism an act of terrorism. now they are denying him a face-to-face meeting with the president. the story that will have you seeing red coming up. >> are you yesterday to party like a pro? >> perfect he polo how to throw the perfect masters party like they do in augusta coming up. ♪ ♪ o stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. thischance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. there is no secret that the obamacare web site has some problems but i think you could tell all those glitches and mistakes are are behind sebelius. no mistakes, in more glitches for her. just look at her speech. >> finally feeling secure in knowing they can take care of themselves and their families. -- [ laughter ] >> unfortunately, a page is missing. [ laughter ] >> so i am just grateful. >> oh. how do you botch your farewell speech? >> can you just like speak from the hip? just have a conversation? >> like going on the jon stewart show the web site freezing. >> she had a pretty good recovery though. i guess when you work for the obama administration you are so ready at all times for the inconsequences of your incompetence that you probably have. >> or just a tell prompter to go down at any moment. >> except it was such a happy ceremony ahead of all of that. >> glad to leave and they were glad to get rid of her. >> jovial. >> all right. would he have other stories making headlines that we want to tell you about on your saturday morning. took seven bullets during the 2009 shooting at fort hood, first the white house refused to call it terror and now they are turning him away from the president. the commander and chief spoke about old wounds during a speech at fort hood this week. retired staff sergeant alonzo lunsford knows all about them. he wanted to plain to the president face to face the mistreatment and disrespect victims have faced. the government still refusing to classify nidal hasan's rampage as an act of terrorism. denying purple hearts and combat related. one filed suit against the government. well, remember the teenager who was sentenced to probation after killing four people in a drunk driving accident all because his lawyer said he was too rich to know right from wrong? well, now we are learning that ethan couch's wealthy parents will only have to pay for a fraction of the cost for his rehab. at a texas state hospital. they will be charged $1,170 a month. but treatment at the facility get this, costs $715 a day. the hospital decided what they would pay wasted on a sliding scale. and father knows best. a clever father tricks his kids into getting super soaked by a giant water balloon. >> been going through -- [ laughter ] >> the dad somehow convinced the three to lay under the trampoline as a massive balloon fills up with water. balloon breaks, water goes everywhere drenching the children. >> are we going to be getting drenched in new york city or sunshine here. >> that is my favorite video for a very long time. awesome dad. looking nice here. not as nice as in birmingham alabama. log nice here and you came to new york. >> i did. to celebrate my 50th birthday. >> happy birthday. first trip to new york. >> absolutely. >> yours too. >> yep. >> welcome. god place. take a look at your weather maps. big thing happened this week, first hurricane first alert forecast came out this year. take a look at this, your first alert forecast, that number on your left and average is on the right. we're expecting a well below normal hurricane season. we haven't said that in a very long time. we're expecting to see a big el nino develop. a chance for a big el nino to develop and that means we get stronger winds, upper level rings whip hurricane development across the atlantic. really great news. we have been having above average hurricane seasons for long time. we will take it first alert forecast across the northeast. looking great. a ton of sunshine. temps are going to be beautiful. down to the southeast. spectacular. in fact into the 80's all throughout texas. few 90's in southwest texas. big problems parts of iowa to wisconsin. see severe weather later on today. temps at least looking good for finally and out across the west, we're going to see some snow developing in across parts of the northern rockies. >> ricky, what about the masters this weekend? >> ricky? this is nice. clay? >> clay. >> masters looking great. temperatures in the 70 and 80's. you don't always get that in masters. kind of a crap shoot. >> really expensive sandwiches and drinks and clothing there. >> yeah. we have -- we have two of favorite entrepreneurs in this country, billy and thompson brown friends created the ultimate polo shirt. highest quality made polo shirt in the country. >> thank you. >> here to show us how to throw a party normal folks can't get access to. >> how do we do this at home in our own house? >> well, i think first of all if you can have a little theme music. diana theme song. good friend brian from austin, texas with the ramsey midwood band. obviously get yani that would be great. >> that's good. >> obviously of course style is huge. you know, for us, we always think for the guys, polyshirts at home, critic critic -- cricket shirts. modeled after the shirt jack nicklaus wore in the masters in 1996. tucker that's for you. and then we have the augusta green. >> i remember 1986 and i really enjoyed it. >> cricket perfect polos, tell us what's great about them. they don't flip up. collar stays in. >> there removable collar stays. you don't have the bacon effect after you watch them. >> what about the jesse watters look now when like this. >> that's a personal preference. can you pop it. >> you guys are doing some food here. what kind of things can you -- i know the beer choices at augusta are interesting. how you can replicate that at home? >> beer you have got to go just regular beer or light beer. and any really good party will have a caddie at the party. we brought ours. here he is. >> no golf balls though. >> no balls. >> there you go. these are green wrapped sandwiches. this is -- what is this? >> that's a pay -- pimento cheese sandwich. famous at the masters. egg salad. >> 1.50. >> or 2 bucks. >> it's 1986 at the masters. >> it is. >> we would like to obviously offer all your viewers a discount on our web site. currently a discount of 20% off. >> how do you take advantage. >> code friends for kick cet. >> spelling. >> convict shirts -- cricket >> middle of the recession and these guys grew up together here in new york and decided to start their own he clothing company been a big success. deservedly so. >> see someone with a soft voice like the masters announcers do? and coming up on "fox & friends." >> we couldn't fly him in. >> first, disgraced irs official lois lerner made her case and then pleaded the fifth. you can do that? >> when somebody takes the stand and says i didn't rob the bank but i'm not going to answer why my fingerprints are on the demand note. >> we'll be joined by -- we're going to have a vigorous debate on the irs coming up. >> a school calls out all the people who won't be graduating right in front of the entire school, was shaming them the right thing to do? some folks say it's absolutely the right thing to do. he is going to be joining us live. coming up. hello, everybody, i'm i'm that people raj uma pemmaraju. you will hear from john hagee about why he believes an upcoming rare celestial event is tied to biblical prophecy which states something big is about to happen. join us. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. anyone need a coupon? i don't. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. return tore baltimore, maryland after a week long trip to the bahamas. royal caribbean believe they have the highly contagious stomach bug norovirus which seems to be confirmed by the centers for disease control. and do you enjoy a nap? your daytime snoozing mighting killing you. a new british study finds adults who nap for an hour or more increase their chances of death by a third. the reason napping triggers inflammation in the body. okay. i guess i'm dying then. oh no. youtucker, over to you. >> thank you, anna. this week the house oversight committee voted to hold lois lerner in contempt and while democrats continue to defend her, it was a party line vote. the argument she did not waive her fifth amendment right before pleading the fifth. congressman trey gowdy has a very different take on this. watch. >> can you imagine a fact pattern where somebody takes the stand and says i didn't rob the bank. but i'm not gonna answer why my fingerprints are on the in and note. and i'm not gonna tell you why i'm on the surveillance footage with the gun in my hand. >> well, becky garrettson is the patient of the tea party in the state of alabama. she says the irs targeted her. so what questions does she want lois lerner to answer? becky, thanks a lot for joining us this morning. some of our -- sum up for our viewers if you would how you were targeted by the irs. >> i received a letter directly from lois lerner dated march 16th, 2012, and it stated in there that i needed to answer these questions under penalty of perjury. and that this information would be made public. she wanted it know the names of all of my volunteers and our donors. and i would like to ask her why she needed those names and what she was going to do with those. she wanted copies of every speech ever given. who those speakers were and what were their credentials. i want to know why she needed that why did she need every copy of every handout ever given? she wanted copies of every form of communication i have ever had with my legislator. these are clearly a violation of my first amendment rights. i want to know who gave her the authority or why she believed that she had the authority to demand those things from me. >> she wanted communications between you and lawmakers? >> yes. every form. written, or otherwise. >> boy, i mean, that seems completely over the line. know, when you received this letter. >> absolutely. >> did you instantly know that this was out of whack, this was beyond what the irs ought to be asking of you? >> yes. within 24 hours i was talking to some other organizer friends across the country who had received similar letters. some of them were demanding to know what books they were reading and they wanted book reports. one group they wanted to know what the contents of their prayers were. now, why the irs needs to know this to make a determination for a tax exempt status is beyond me. >> so, democrats have said, you know, lois lerner has the right and they are correct in saying this, has the right to invoke her fifth amendment privilege. her right to remain silent. they haven't answered the question why she would choose to do that what do you think the answer is? >> well, that's a great question. especially when she comes out and says she has done nothing wrong. she has broken no laws. broken no rules. she is innocent. and now she wants immunity that doesn't make any sense to me. >> no. >> if there is nothing to hide, why not come out and tell us what happened. >> that's a very good point. you, of all people, deserve answers i would say. becky, thanks a lot for coming on this morning. >> you bet. >> and putting a human face to this story. >> thank you. >> it's our lead story this morning. the showdown at the ranch. how is the family handling all of the attention and the armed federal agents outside their ranch? a member of the bundy family joins us live from nevada. >> and more than 30 students called out by name to leave an assembly in front of their friends because they weren't going to graduate from high school. now, students and parents are outraged. they call the move humiliating, which of course, it was. others say it was also inspirational. what do you think? we'll be right back. listen to this story. more than 30 high school students were called out by name to leave an assembly in front of their friends because they were not eligible to graduate. >> folks said it was to motivate them to work harder. >> is this a good dose of tough love or did the school go too far being too mean to the kids? best-selling author, motivational speaker, larry wingett. what do you think was the school mean? >> no. the school wasn't mean. this is silly. it's beyond silly. i'm sick and tired of school officials in school systems apologizing to kids who don't know how to behave for the kids' bad behavior. it's beyond done. if these kids got their feelings hurt, who cares? a lot of these kids are old enough to go in the army and fight a war. the fact they got called out in front of their little friends for being losers, that humiliates them? that's stupid. the parents have no right to be upset here. the parents should have been upset for the fact their kids aren't smart enough to graduate a public school. come on. >> listen to what one of the students had to say, one of the brothers. >> they called them out in front of everybody. they hurt my brother's feelings. he came out crying. he was embarrassed, upset. i felt horrible for him. >> you have to get everyone to stand up and walk out of a rally, fingers pointing at you, you didn't graduate, is that necessary? >> what did it hurt? you know, the kids are not smart enough to graduate a public school because they didn't do the work. now they got some fingers pointed at them and their feelings are hurt. >> i don't think it's not that they aren't smart enough. what you are saying is taking it a bit extreme. >> i'm enjoying this. keep going, larry. >> i think the vice principal was doing it in an effort to get them to turn their lives around, make a difference, don't wait till you're 40 years old and you can't find a job because you never graduated high school. >> okay. i still think it's a great motivator. i hope their feelings got hurt really bad and maybe now they'll pay attention. i think if we are going to humiliate people, let's call mama and daddy out and say why aren't you paying attention to the fact the kids aren't doing the work, not showing up for class, aren't doing the homework. why aren't we yelling at the parents, too? my daddy would have shaken the truancy officer's hands and take me home and give me a talk. >> the kids whose parents do well. >> i wrote a book called "the kids are your own fault." their parents aren't paying attention to them. their parents aren't doing their job. that's why the kids didn't do their job. i think the school officials did their job by making sure that the other students saw these kids for what they were. which are loser kids. >> some of the students are arguing they saw it as motivation. now these kids walking out with their tail between their legs humiliated will redouble their efforts. they don't want to go through that again. >> or will open meth labs, one of the two. >> exactly. motivation is different for different people. maybe this worked for some of them. if it worked for one kid and he he goes away and does what it takes to turn his life around, it was all worth it. >> larry winget, thanks, larry. >> thanks, larry. coming up, the showdown at the ranch. cattle grazing on public lands. how is the family handling all of the attention at the agents outside their ranch? a member of the bundy family joins us live. late night tv host in a late night brawl. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit good morning to you. it is saturday, the 12th of april, 2014. we begin with a fox news alert on the standoff between a nevada rancher and the fed. neither side is budging and today the tension is boiling hotter. we are live on the ground with a member of the bundy family. >> and nancy pelosi playing the race card on immigration. watch this. >> i think race has something to do with the fact they are not bringing up the immigration bill. i heard them say to the irish, if it was just you, it would be easy. >> if you don't agree with nancy pelosi, you are racist. generation rex, young women replacing babies with puppies. anna is to blame. we'll tell you all about it. men can't hold a candle to a puppy. "fox and friends" hour four starts right now. they are. they are. >> i'm sympathetic to that, i have to say. >> that's for the men here. >> we'll talk about it in a few minutes. i'm just going to get a dog. it's easier to manage. >> it's not the man, it's the babies is what we are talking about. >> one thing leads to another. i'll explain. >> okay. we also have a goat coming up in the show. we've got a lot going on today. >> you never know what you're going to see at fox news. i was walking down the hallway and there was a goat. >> wearing a hat. know what you going to find. >> we do have headlines to tell but this saturday morning. the hunt for a serial shooter is on as police in missouri confirm 12 highway shootings there are connected. the reward for any possible tips just raised to $10,000. the shootings began march 8th. three people were hit and wounded by the bullets, all expected to be okay. police reviewing seven additional cases that could be related. sorry, i don't want to die. those emotional first words coming from steve utash, the detroit man nearly beaten to death by a mob after he accidentally hit a young boy with his truck. the 54-year-old aweak from a medically-induced coma and is miraculously breathing and speaking to his children. >> he's so strong. i admire him so much to keep fighting. he doesn't want to die. >> he is breathing on his own, but still in the hospital with severe head injuries. five are charged in the brutal beating. no joking around for comedian jimmy fallon after he almost gets caught up in a bar brawl. he was partying with friends and co-workers at a new york city bar a couple of nights ago when some people near them started fighting. the brawl was quickly broken up and no one was hurt. jimmy and his friends didn't stick around for long leaving the bar minutes later. here is one that will make you wonder what happened here. contestant on "wheel of fortune" had a huge chance to win $1 million, then this happened. >> wow. okay. >> mythological her o hachilles. >> do you think they would give him the money or stick to the rules? your messages are pouring in on this one. really? how does he not know who achilles is? s the rules are the rules. >> richard says he solved the puzzle, give him the dough. crystal saying, i feel bad for him, but rules can only be broken by the government. >> clearly pronunciation is his achilles. >> that's true for a lot of us. >> he called it achilles. >> he got that from me earlier. >> he is an environmental comedian recycling her jokes. >> boys, let's do the weather. >> our floor manager dave is not here today. i'm sure tucker stole that from him but he stole it from anna instead. if you enjoyed yesterday across the east coast, you'll enjoy the next three days. it's going to be very, very nice. we haven't had this weather in a long time and it's not sticking around. wednesday we have a big cold front go through. it will be in the 40s. denver beings enjoy today because tomorrow we've got three to six inches of snow coming in. temps in the 30s, windy and you stay in the 40s a couple of days. this is what the east coast looks like right now. just beautiful day, clear skies across the southeast. we do have this ring this morning moving across parts of minnesota into wisconsin. this later on today becomes a little severe. i'll show you that in a second. it is because we do have an upper level disturbance moving across the southwest, not bringing moisture with it. eventually that energy moves into the plains. we have a severe threat across the northern plains and north central plains. tomorrow a bigger tornado threat across parts of oklahoma in toward the tulsa area where we could see significant sized tornados tomorrow. >> thank you. >> as you're going about your daily life, is where president obama? doing something dignified, fit the majesty of the office, the most powerful man in the world? wrong. he was with noted tax cheat and fbi informant al sharpton speaking at the national action networks annual meeting. >> talking about voter fraud. >> this whole idea the story we reported here last weekend on the show out of north carolina specifically that number of votes have been double counted. 35,000 votes have been double counted. 81 decreaseased folks managed t vote. this whole idea of voter fraud is totally bogus. listen to the president. >> across the country, republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder, not easier, for people to vote. in some places, women could be turned away from polls just because they're registered under their maiden name but driver's license has their married name. senior citizens who have been voting for decades may suddenly be told they can no longer vote until they come up with the right i.d. let's be clear. the real voter fraud are those who try to deny our rights making bogus arguments about voter fraud. >> you start to hate african-american voters, women and old people who are three key democratic constituents. you're a bigot, bottom line. >> the president saying republicans are trying to stay relevant and competitive and that's why they are bringing up these voter fraud issues when it seems like the real fraud is the war on women, period. that the president and the democratic party continuously seem to mention. we had governor mike huckabee on the show earlier. he said if you can't get the dead vote, you can't get elected in some states and voter fraud is not bogus. listen. >> it's just still incredible that people somehow think it's wrong to require the same level of identification. that's an idea to protect true voters. if you vote fraudulently, you canceled my legitimate vote. that's what it comes down to. voter fraud is to make elections fair. i don't want to make it hard for people to vote. i don't want to make it where people have to spend money to vote, but i want to make it where every vote is a legitimate vote. that is not all together happening. if he says it isn't, he is coming from a different planet. >> it's an election year when you have the race card being thrown around. that is what nancy pelosi did to talk about immigration reform. republicans because they haven't brought up immigration reform, they are racist. >> i think race has something to do with the fact they are not bringing up an immigration bill. i heard them say to the irish, if this were just you, this would be easy. >> she doesn't think that. that's stupid. this is a calculated effort to get out the vote by whipping up racial fears. >> you don't just throw out the word "racist." >> you don't. >> it totally diminishes the meaning of the real word. >> it makes people hate each other and makes them fearful. it creates division between groups along ethnic lines. identity politics is dangerous. these people are playing with fire when they do it. they are worried about mid terms. they are telling women republicans hate them on basis of thai texas, minority on their race gay people their sexuality, mixing up fierce. >> they want to have those margins with minority voters. they want to have those margins with gay voters. you're i going to see that more in 2014. something you also see in 2014, women abandoning men. saying i don't want to hit you up, i don't want to get married, i don't want to have a baby. instead, i just want to get a dog. >> this is where you are going to describe the birds and the bees. >> let me explain to you. when a man loves a woman they get together and have a baby sometimes. women are not doing it because they would rather have a dog. take a look at this new study. shows how 10 percent per 1,000 women say they are not getting men. they don't want a baby. they are going to get a dog. specifically tiny dogs. that they can put in their purse. >> i don't think these women are saying they don't want men. they don't want babies at the moment. >> look at the increase in the dogs. 7 million new dogs purchased. >> little dogs. >> small dogs. the little frufru dogs because we like to put little sweaters on them, throw puppy parties. >> if could you dress men up you don't need the dog. >> what is this about, anna? why would you do this? >> you think -- i want to hear your take on this first how selfish it is not to have kids. >> i'm not saying that. i think declining birth rates are sad. children are the center of my life. they bring you out of yourself. they are the main reason for me to be alive. not everyone wants kids, i understand that. i think they're great. i do. >> i can't wait to have kids. i'm super excited about one day having that portion of my life open up, but at the time, i feel like i would be selfish if i had a kid right now because i'm not married and it wouldn't be a good idea to have a baby out of wedlock, but i don't have the time and energy to devote to a child because i'm so career focused. i'm woman, hear me roar. we are working on our career first. >> betty jean writes, i prefer dogs over kids. i have two labs and they are more behaved than today's children. give me a dog who listens, learns, dependable. if you were raising kids, it would be your responsibility to teach them to be well behaved. >> i have kids and both, a lot of long. my kids never throw up lawn clippings in the living room. i don't think they are easier than kids. they are harder. >> my son is 4 and doesn't randomly walk up to kids and sniff them. >> bonnie writes, dogs condition never replace family. i feel sorry for the misguided women who choose canines. >> have the ladies checked out the teacup pigs? i mentioned we have a goat coming up. >> yes, we do. >> let us know what you think about this. is this a real epidemic? >> my baxter bear is watching. that's a good boy. >> the world's most pampered dog. >> it's big government versus the rancher. bundy family tensions continue to boil over in nevada. a new law in france have people ignore their boss' e-mails when off the clock. is it a good idea for american companies? all that straight ahead. check out bass pro shops for great deals on great gear. like 20% off redhead macks creek shorts. and save $10 on these worldwide sportsman water shoes. plus bring the kids this weekend for our free easter event, including a free picture with the easter bunny. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to cf before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade it's just common sense. when folks in the lower 48 think athey think salmon and energy.a, but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. thousands of people here in alaska are working to safely produce more energy. but that's just the start. to produce more from existing wells, we need advanced technology. that means hi-tech jobs in california and colorado. the oil moves through one of the world's largest pipelines. maintaining it means manufacturing jobs in the midwest. then we transport it with 4 state-of-the-art, double-hull tankers. some of the safest, most advanced ships in the world: built in san diego with a $1 billion investment. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. and no energy company invests more in the u.s. than bp. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. more on our fox news alert out of the bundy ranch. supporters and the federal government continue this morning. the owner of the ranch says they are not standing down. >> what else do they have planned to fight the government? >> bob has been live outside the ranch with the latest. he is standing by susan bundy, the sister of cliven. what is the latest as of right now 9:16 on the east coast? >> you've got everybody out here and susan was nice enough to come over. we've been talking for a while. my first question is who do you think is actually behind this that's caused such an uproar? >> well, i can tell you in my opinion, i think the sierra club is one of the big backers and they have been for years and years. i feel like that harry reid is backing it and pushing it. he put his man over the blm. our chief commander obama is on the top of the list. >> you think if you had to summarize it, you think blm politically trying to take control of the entire environment now, reference to ranches, things of that nature? >> yes. it's all about control. it's all about taking the public lands and locking them down. >> you said something interesting. you said everybody's been making a big deal about the grazing fees. tell our viewers right now what your thoughts are on that. >> i can tell you right now that my brother has no problem with paying the grazing fees and he'll pay all the back grazing fees, but he will pay them to clark county, nevada, because they are the owners of the land. he will not pay them to the government. they don't have the right to. he has paid them to clark county years ago. they didn't know what to do. it's not about the grazing fees, i would like to tell everybody that. >> the other thing you mentioned is right now the strepring time the most important time of grazing for cattle, revenue for the ranch. tell our viewers real quick, what's the significance of them taking the datle now and how does it affect the ranchers? >> the spring of the year here is the most productive. that's when we have the best feed. that's when the mama cows have their babies and they're feeding their babies, nursing their babies. well, years ago probably about the second or third step of locking this down, they told my brother he's got to take his cattle off in the spring of the year so the turtle can come out. >> i don't want to cut you short, but we are limited on time. the cattle has been grazing for years, guys. i said to you earlier in new york that in fact the turtles have been around for a hundred years and the cattle never bothers them. it's part of the food chain, guys. it's about control, it's about the federal government taking over the rights of the ranchers. we need to stay to get involved. they want the state of nevada to get involved. they want the government to get involved. what i did learn earlier is that the sheriff, sheriff gillespie will be out at 9:00 at the rally, supposedly he said to represent that he was working something out with the blm. they are going to wait and see, more people will be here in a couple of hours. this is all and there are great americans out here today. >> there are two men -- >> we've got to wrap it, but you did great. >> i didn't get doug. >> the latest development this morning that the faa has made a no-fly zone in the area. governor huckabee had a theory on that it's so pictures can't be taken of what's going on there. coming up here no common ground with common core. a group of teachers and parents say the educational reforms are outrageous. >> plus a school calls out all the kids who won't be graduating in front of their peers. was shaming them the right thing to do? larry winget says emphatically, oh, yeah. introducing the more everything plan. our best ever plan for families. four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon. iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? welcome back to common core curriculum. a set of school standards set up by the government upset one missouri teacher so much she spoke out against it despite her school administration warning her not to. >> it's heartbreaking to watch my students having to be taught these lessons especially when i know better from all my years of teaching that i am powerless to do anything. >> more educators are stepping forward in the fight against common core. kindergarten teacher, fifth grade teacher and substitute teacher. nice to see all of you this morning. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> susan, why did you decide to speak out? >> because it was wrong for our children. what is very concerned for them. because they did not have a voice. the curriculum was so tied, it was scripted, we could not deviate from the curriculum. we had no way to differentiate for the children who needed differential. this even my gifted children were not learning the way they learned in the past. it's very discerning. >> tanya, one of the arguments works he had this debate about common core, it's not the curriculum, not the content, it's the state implementation of those standards. do you disagree? >> no, i do not disagree. i think it has a lot to do with what we are being told we are having to do and what we are not being told. >> it's not really about the curriculum. you're talking about some of these gifted students almost being held back because they are having to learn at a slower pace, is that how i'm understanding what you're saying? >> well, it is the curriculum. the standards are not bad in and of themselves, but it is the curriculum we are being tied to to have to follow the way they are implementing the curriculum in order to teach those lessons, those standards. >> heather, where do you come down on this as a substitute teacher and parent yourself? >>ing i'm really concerned because i feel like the common core is driving a wedge between parents and their children. there are so many things with common core the way it's computer based and parents are not going to be in the loop of what their children are doing. that's one of the things that has me really upset and should upset parents all over this nation. >> so this is computer based. you're saying some parents might not be as technologically adaptive as their kids are? the kids are always going to more advanced than their parents. >> it's not necessarily technologically advanced, but more of what we are used to seeing in school is why you are kids have text books. with common core all their lessons will be done on computer. they are in the works of doing the curriculum which will be computer based. your child will not bring home text books. the parents won't know what their kids are doing in the schools. you will not be informed, you won't be able to help them at home with their school work. >> tanya, i'll give you the final word. do you feel like your voice is being heard? >> i do now. since the senate hearing, i definitely feel we are being heard. hopefully the nation will go and research this and find that for themselves, find the truth. >> we appreciate you joining us this morning. it's a tough issue affecting so many families out there. thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you for having us. coming up on the show, he took seven bullets during the 2009 shooting at ft. hood. first the obama administration refused to call it terrorism. now they are denying him a face-to-face with the president. this may look like a typical barnyard animal, but this goat has the power to save lives. we'll explain. (dad) well, we've been thinking about it and we're just not sure. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. the white house just released president obama's tax returns which show he and michelle paid $98,000 in taxes last year. when he saw that, even obama was like, thanks, obama. >> it's a good deal. >> that was on over $500,000 income. that's a low rate for anybody i ever met. how did he get that deal? >> we just paid our taxes last night. we had to do a shot of tequila afterwards. >> just one? >> today at 11:30 a.m., a special "cashing in" with special guests donald trump, sarah palin, rand paul. the faa ordered a no fly zone over the area. federal agents have the cash surrounded. big government versus the ranch and rancher. cliven bundy is not backing down. rallies are expected today. he took seven bullets during the 2009 shooting at ft. hood. first the white house refused to call it terror. now they are turning him away from the president. the commander in chief spoke about the old wounds during a speech at ft. hood this week. staff sergeant mumford knows about that. the government refusing to classify the rampage as an act of terrorism denying victims purple heart and other benefits. the victims filed suit against the government. california high school singled out and embarrassed in front of their peers. 34 seniors at north high school in bakersfield told to leave an assembly because they weren't eligible to graduate. is this tough love or too much? best-selling author and motivational speaker larry winget joined us earlier to weigh in. >> i think this is all just silly. in fact, it's beyond silly. i'm sick and tired of school officials and school systems apologizing to kids who don't know how to behave for the kids' bad behavior. it's beyond dumb. if they got their feelings hurt, who cares? a lot of these kids are old enough to go in the army and fight a war. the fact they got called out in front of their little friends for being losers, that humiliates them? that's stupid. >> got a lot of e-mails coming in on this one. maybe their parents should have paid more attention to their grades. had they done that, they wouldn't need a lawyer. rebecca says, that's just wrong. that can cause bullying to get worse. it's tactless and unfeeling. those poor kids. >> do you hate replaying those late night -- or hate replying to the late night work e-mail you get? france, workers just won the right to unplug after they leave the office. it's supposed to protect them from burning out and overworking. could that law work here and should it? we debated it earlier on the show. >> i think you need to be connected. i think it's unrealistic in the world today to say this isn't going to happen. social media is here to stay. >> the problem with the case i have, i've got to draw the line. how much work does a person have to spend before they can get some sleep? >> according to a poll from good technology, 69% of americans check their work e-mail before going to sleep. >> you know what i just installed in my chrome browser, gmail pause and you set it to only give you e-mail twice a day you don't get e-mails constantly coming. in you check them on your own time. i don't believe you would do that for a second. >> that's right. i'm not using it much. we have south carolina folk here for you. dennis and jane's 40th anniversary. >> hello. >> happy anniversary. >> take a look at your weather picture this morning. great picture sent to me out of page, arizona. this is the entrance to the antelope canyon. one of the great beautiful spots in the country right next to the utah border. 62 getting up to 76 for your day today. across the northeast, we are going to look at a spectacular day. less wind than yesterday. we are going to see temperatures looking great and plenty of sunshine, as well. down to the southeast also a very nice one. a great day for the masters. temps pushing 80. we'll see a few possible late day afternoon showers across parts of west texas. the only problem spot in the country today is across areas of wisconsin. in the afternoon, iowa into wisconsin, could see severe weather. mostly strong winds. across the west, cooler across the coast then snow across the higher elevations out west. we've got goats. >> we do. >> we've been saying we have goats here. we tweeted a picture of this guy. >> that's his easter bonnet. >> our favorite guests of all time ellen radner. >> goats for the old goats. we give goats in south sudan. south sudan is going to experience according to many nongovernment organizations the largest possible famine since the famine in the '80s in ethiopia. expecting 3 million to 4 million. we only give out female goats. will help families have food and milk. goats milk does not need to be homginized. >> you can buy one for $60. >> we pay all the overhead so it goes directly, get a photograph. and we also have -- >> we have wonderful crystals. elle put together this great organization i love it because it is emblematic of what anna does and all the anchors do throughout the year in terms of helping people. we are helping people around the world and here at home. easter, passover, mother's day is a great time to reach out. >> these hearts are made by women who have seen the war. we call them survivor hearts. when you have a hard time pull on to the heart and remember these were made by someone who also survived a hard time. >> how can people buy a goat? >> goats for the old i did it for my birthday. peter johnson has identified charities here in the united states. part of it goes to buy a goat, part goes for hunger. >> you can buy kits with mosquito nets? >> yes. we have a lot of that on the web. >> mississippi, arkansas, nevada, missouri, we have a problem abroad and here at home. we are trying to do what we can to help those in need. >> anything with goats is a ton of fun, as when. >> this is the most well behaved goat i've ever seen. would you sing to the goat? >> i love you. ♪ i love you ♪ you'll be my sonnet upon my easter bonnet ♪ you'll be the nicest goat ♪ in the easter parade >> how do i follow that? >> if anyone has television tips how to follow a goat, i'm all ears. >> many stars have taken the stage at the grand ole opry. can you guess which one got kicked out before they made it big? money talks but our next guest says it walks, too. is your state charging more tax than others? >> let's check in with neil cavuto for a look on what's coming up. >> good morning. sebelius out, burwell is in. did we just learn that private employers are already doing that? do stocks need fixing? maybe not. how about the fix for employers that don't flip over their job? pay them to leave that job. all that and donald trump, senator rand paul on "the cost of freedom" at the top of the hour. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. welcome back. on average, 9.8% of your paycheck goes to tax burdens per state. which states are taking the most out of your paycheck and which the least? here to break it down is the author of "how money walks." travis brown. thanks for joining us. >> a pleasure to be here. >> first up, want to take a look at the states in which people feel they are overburdened by taxes. >> last week they gave us an indication across the 50 states the majority of new yorkers, 77% are most concerned about filing their taxes. that follows the logic of what you're describing on total tax burden as a percent of your income. >> this is unbelievable. the main 59% of people feel they are overburdened. 77% in massachusetts. the squarest state in the union the most conservative, wyoming, only 19% say taxes are too high. >> the question is can we see a correlation to what they actually pay? >> let's take a look. >> by going back to total tax burden measured by the tax foundation we see the correlation. it's totally rational new yorkers feel the pain because their taxes are above the national average. 12.67% on average of their income being paid. >> wyoming, people are smart enough to know they are not paying a lot in taxes. >> relative to the rest of the country, wyoming paying less than 7%. >> this is complex. we don't want to oversimplify it, but there is a connection between tax burdens and economic growth. let's look at the states prospering. >> texas and florida are responsible for a lot of different things here, we can look at the migration of how income has moved that direction. if i click here, for example, we see the state in red contributing their income by taxpayers moving out of those high tax states looking where capital is most welcome at lower tax states. >> people are fleeing the northeast, the industrial midwest and california. california is an island here. nevada and oregon seem like they don't have any migration problems at all. >> yes. this looks at the long-term trends year over year how americans are filing their 1040 tax returns. states in green are receiving california income when taxpayers move. >> it's noticeable if you go to boise or jackson hole or even oregon, seattle, there are a ton of people who used to live in california. >> everyone has to pay their federal tax burdens this weekend, there are choices on what you penalize worker reward income for across and between the states. >> that is fascinating. do you get any sense that the governors of these states places like new york and california have a clue there is a connection between whether or not people want to live in their states and the tax burden in the states? >> governors are doing things, lowering the price so they see more of it. wisconsin was one of those top five tax burden states. just a few weeks ago governor scott walker lowering the tax burden on property taxes and income tax about $ 500 million cut. states and governors are acting in this governor. >> it will be interesting. interesting to some how wisconsin is in migration pattern ten years from now. his new book "wealth of the states, how taxes, energy and worker freedom change everything." it comes out tuesday. preorder amazon. many stars performed at the grand ole opry, but what are they like backstage? as we go behind the curtain with country music's biggest stars. introducing the more everything plan. our best ever plan for families. four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon. welcome back. a quick look at your headlines this morning. a new york businessman is suing the credit reporting agency, equifax, god, he says he was denied to be a car loan amount. and then a 16-year-old girl sold the diamond she found in the arkansas state park for 20 grand. she said she couldn't believe her luck. how will she use the money? to pay for college, of course. >> very resourceful. the good old opre house, joining us now the co-author "backstage," good morning and thank you for being with us. >> there is 250 pictures. celebrating 90 years next year. tell me what your role is there. >> i take care of the historic collections, and with 90 years of history, we have a lot of wonderful photographs and a lot of them are in that book. >> yeah, been there for 17 years and you have stories to tell as well. when did you collaborate and decide to come up with this thing? >> we spent a lot of time backstage ourselves and in the wings and we looked at each other, and we said the real show is backstage and lots of folks get to see the good old opre, but not many get to see backstage. >> one of my favorite is carrie underwood. she got a spanking. >> she turned around after getting a spank on the near end and there was loretta lynn, letting her know there is no stranger. >> i don't think anybody but loretta lynn should try that. >> i am surprised carrie didn't come back swinging. >> you are always afraid to meet your heroes just in case they are not hope you think they would be, and taylor swift and dolly came down, and things went really well. and we have a great photo of the two of them in the dressing room there. >> dirks bentley, he was banned at one point? >> yes, he worked for a cable network next door to the opry house, and he loved going backstage and could get access through his job and he took the opportunity to go backstage a lot and finally management had to say, you know, you need to really cut it out. he had hit songs and then eventually invited to join the opry. >> right around the time george jones died, brad paisley took the stage and he was not on the schedule. >> yeah, that happens a lot. george jones passed away and brad called in and said, you know, i want to come out and honor him, and the whole show was about honoring george that night, and brad came out and did a george jones melody. more "fox & friends" coming up in two minutes. don't go anywhere. 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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20140403:15:25:00

a texas woman accused of stabbing her boyfriend to death with the five-inch heel of one of her very expensive swa suede shoes. her lawyer is claiming this was selfdefense. >> she talked about being smothered and he was grabbing her and that's when she started hitting with the shoe. i'll say he was 40 or 50 pounds heavier. >> whether there was violence in the relationship already and she had to defend her service. that is usually pretty key to the question as, how many stabs are too many? when would it go beyond selfdefense? >> we're live in the new york city newsroom with more on that strange case. >> very strange case. it was a pair of cobalt blue pumps with five inch heels, a gulf from anderson, along with a $4,000 handbag, purchased for


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20140403:15:26:00

her months before one of the somewhat hundred dollars stilettos became a administered weapon. yesterday in court, he told shed jurors how everything went down. she told police of an intense argue the with her boyfriend, 59-year-old stephan anderson and she say things got physical and her boyfriend wrestled her to the floor and laid on top of her. when this happened, she couldn't breathe. she begged her boyfriend to get off of her and that's when she grabbed the city le stilettos. she questioned t confessed afted was killed. i hit him a couple of times, quote she said and prosecutors say she stabbed her boyfriend in the face at least 25 times. on the video tape she demonstrated she waps on her stomach blindsly swinging the shoe behind her until the boyfriend lost his bam. defense witnessss say the above


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