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Transcripts For DW Business - News 20221028

i already know who's with hackers and paralyzing the tire societies. computers that out some of you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go, what we'll send for, and that's how they can also go terribly. what you know, on youtube, with ah, ilan moss begins cleaning house at twitter and the you, since a warning. can the world's richest man keep twitter profitable while loosening its guidelines from continent speech? also on our show, brazilians returned to the ballot box. sunday will look at how both candidates are trying to move business minded voters. and it's not exactly a new face, but a new look, one of the world's oldest currencies. below walking to the show, i'm seeing beardsley in berlin. the european union has greeted the new owner of twitter with a shot across across the bow, the head of internet regulation theory, baton tweeting that in europe. the bird will fly by our rules. that self response, the law must suite on completing his acquisition of twitter. the bird is freed, that the eccentric billionaires purchase of one of the world's largest social media sites has stirred passions, as well as questions about his actual business strategy. the twitter drama may be far from over one friday. ellen musk tweeted the bird is freed. that tweet is open to interpretation. i believe that e e. lon musk. buying twin or in twitter will begin to twitter. i've seen obviously people commenting whether they're going to continue using it or not, but i haven't really thought about it to be honest. as opposed to see what, what pens, wiley, among elan mosques, 1st moves a change at the top. yo pirate agrawal and c, f o. net siegel are being shown the door according to some reports. and that may just be the beginning was to build the super ascii wants to add payments. he wants to do more video. he maybe wants to make it like a protocol. he wants say verify users. i mean, he wants to do all these big bang for the same time. he wants to cut 75 percent of all the people that currently work there. i don't think. yeah. the crystal ball honest it's, it's still very, very shiny. right? i really don't. i don't know where we're going to be a 6 months around. i think there is a chance that that one of the 1st things he'd like to do is bring back everybody that was band are being met, everybody that was controversial. certainly that's part of his ammo. and, and that could happen without without alon musk things change, people's opinions, change, all sorts of things happen, whether that's part of policy or not, remains to be seen. will band controversial figures like con, you west and donald trump return to twitter. now that the deal is done, many will be asking just what mosques reference to freeing the bird really means. or we should note that most later said that he was just kidding about the claim that he's gonna fire 75 percent of twitter workers. while as candor is with the berlin based collective in geo, tackled to tactical tact, excuse me, he joins me for more. a while going to have you on the show must go says, has said that he wants longer tweets and to rely less on advertising. those are some of the concrete ideas he's come out with so far at least made public. what do you make of his plans from how you understand them? well, the, the, you know, the social media companies have presented an opportunity that has effectively been effectively being used by people who have interest. so the main idea is that social media companies are not very accountable for the content that they have by government. there's no structure in place. and this, i think in most found this a great opportunity where it's a platform where he gets all the publicity he needs and allows for the idea that he is a proponent of and it's just by buying it than he gets this platform. the main issue here is that, how does he keep twitter relevant while still suddenly changing the conversation? we've seen historically that these platforms have had a problem with which direction they're going. it's not very easy to moderate these platforms. and so that power of swaying at one way or another in his hands and gives him a lot of potential. how he does it is something we'll still see. but we can't imagine to see that this idea of freedom of speech is real. everyone has their own idea of what free speech is and he's going to steer towards that direction. it must have said that he wants to make this a kind of town square. that's what he wants, which, where he wants to loosen to make it easier to debate at the same time, he wants it to be profitable. that is accessible to a lot of people do those 2 things work. this idea of opening it up, make it easier to sort of just to say what you want, bringing back the trumps and other very controversial figures who often have misleading statements. does that work with making it profitable as well? he's also taken on a lot of debt. we should mention. yeah, this is a real question, right. i open for who that's, that's the, that's the real question. the center of it. it, he opens it to a group of, i think the idea is it's clear that his direction is towards a group of people who think in a certain way, and that is not really openness. what we have to see is how much he, he clamps down on the other direction that he doesn't like under what guys we understand that freedom of expression is a way to support certain ideas. but it's also other, other excuses are there to are other voices. so i don't think they're very compatible. exactly, but they're all banners and rhetoric that might be used to give an appearance of some kind of freedom and the same time profit off. but while we've been talking a lot about twitter in the past few years, probably because of tromp, i would imagine and then mosque as well. they're both very prominent there. are we overestimating its relevance? or is it still a very relevant platform when we look at its reach, we look at the people who are using it. oh, there. i think there, there might be a little bit of a generational divide in and the kind of quality of people who are using it. it's been a, it's the main platform for news. but it's not you. so it's quite influential when a journalist want to spread their news when they want kind of very, very quick pace reporting. so in that sense, it's really powerful and effective, but it's not the platform where everyone is at the moment, especially younger people need the they're going a little bit more to instagram and so forth. but there is a power there. if you have the same rather than people who are, who are you know, the spring i was texting instantly news than the power comes from there. and he has to maintain that in order to create the effect that he wants later on. feature our while as conder with tactical tact. thank you so much. thank you. let's go now to some of the other global business stories making headlines. the european union has agreed to ban the sale of new vehicles with combustion engines from 2035 negotiators from the european parliament and the 27 members of the block clinching the deal. the ban is part of the east climate change package calls called fit for $55.00 and effects. passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles. volkswagen says it will invest $763000000.00 in mexico by 2025 to modernize its plant. in a state of puebla, the funds will go to building a new paint unit and add production of a new petro powered vehicle. the german economy grew in the 3rd quarter despite the energy crisis, with gross domestic product rising by 3 tenths of a percent. for the full year forecast still predict growth for germany's g. d. p. thanks to increases in the 1st half of the year. but recession is expected for 2023 . the u. s. economy rebounded in the 3rd quarter growing at a 2.6 percent annual rate. stronger exports and consumer spending, as well as a healthy job market helped bolstered growth amid concerns of a possible recession. government spending also helped with the economy on staying in the us. the important mid term elections are approaching at a difficult time for many americans. they're facing record price hikes at the gas pump and at the grocery store. and some are struggling to pay their bills. the atlanta state farmers market is one of the most important fruit and vegetable distribution points in the united states. atlanta has one of the highest inflation rates in the country. currently, almost 12 percent in its way known small business owners the wholesale cost of lettuce is $75.00 for a case, a year ago, probably $18.00 to $20.00 a k. everyone's got 8 every single day. so everybody has to just suck up and take it and pay the price. traders and truck drivers are suffering from the effects of high fuel prices, which have had no con effects on nearly every sector of the economy. where we go, we go to like indiana, tennessee. we are at a state lines and i just mainly the feel ethics. everything i spoke basically what the vision is doing. everybody, just a few prices. midterm elections around the corner on the 8th of november, waters will go to the ballot box with the burden of the skyrocketing inflation, which is making it difficult for many americans to make ends meet. was speaking of poles. brazilians returned to the ballot box this weekend in the runoff election between shire, boston aro, and louise and osceola. the server. and both have characterized themselves as the champions of business and economic growth. it's the final stretch of the campaign and the front runner is visiting a far vale or near rio de janeiro presidential candidate louis in ask you let us silva, bruce, sense himself as a fighter for the poor and allah mouth, thousands left near the poverty line in all of brazil, it's millions. i doubt that you will find anything this president has done for the alamo complex. i doubt that you will find anything he's done in or senior. i doubt that you will find anything good. he's done anywhere in this state because he only lies every single day with judah for lu last follow us, the 76 year old as a reminder of brazil's golden age. when he was president a decade ago. the economy was booming thanks to high oil income, and millions of brazilians climbed out of poverty for others. however, lula stands for corruption and nepotism. they few the current presidential scenario as the champion of open markets. the economy has proven resilient this year. forecast call for it to grow by 2.7 percent. but next year would be difficult. vanita family homeland liberty. we are brazilians, normal corruption in this country enough. our flag will never be read. that the outcome of this weekend run of election will reverberate around the world rich in resources and with a huge agricultural sector. brazil is an important trading partner for others, especially in times of, of food and energy crisis. elsewhere. over to the u. k. the death of queen elizabeth the 2nd last month has brought plenty of change to britain, not least, new stamps and new money to be printed with a portrait of the new monarch, the romance has now shown the 1st coins. yes, it's the 1st time the familiar face of queen elizabeth is not seen on british currency. his royal highness, king charles the 3rd now finds his way into wallets and cash registers across the empire. for many, it's a historic moment, so i will end with if you will only of ever things in the 2nd. like i'm so significant moment today. well, if i knew more, not that quickly, the 1st coins bearing the king's portrait, are worth 50 pens and will enter circulation before the end of the year following and the traditions of his grandfather. charles is not depicted wearing a crown, unlike his mother. his amount of the top business story were falling for you. you on mosque has completed his take over of twitter, on his exact plans for the social meet social media platform. remain unclear, regulators bound to watch closely. and so for me and the job business team check out us, check us out online. d w dot com slash business. i'm seeing beardsley, thanks for watching. is the end of the pandemic in sight. we show what it could look like. return to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult to successes and you know, weekly coping 19 special next on d, w making raring to read. if there is any erotic to friends between them, you'd have to find it between the lines. he w literature, 100 german must reads ah, the lessons uganda learned from the corona virus pandemic approving helpful in its approach to the current a bold outbreak. mm. for now they still know vaccine against the virus species.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20221027

bass. regent report on russian soldiers have reduced one town to ruins. russia paved the way for tougher measures, banning what it says, the speak promotion of homosexuality, support to say it's part of moscow's battle against a western decadence. i'm calling at the start of a new era, lebanon, and israel feel a landmark deal on their shared, married time, florida and in decades of dispute over territory. but who benefit from the arrangements from the d? ah, i'm fil gail. welcome to the program. united states as imposed fresh sanctions against you raining officials believe to be involved in the brutal crackdown on protests against the government. a protest was sparked by the death in police custody of gena massa, meaning human rights, say the cracked out on demonstrations. killed hundreds of people, including children, memorial demonstrations, rails across the country at the end of the traditional 40 day morning period. following mister means death. hundreds gathered at the ceremony where she's very chanting slogans, calling for women's rights. and for the downfall of the ratio. security forces retaliated by storming her hometown reportedly targeted protesters with tear gas and life ammunition to rod as retaliated against western sanctions by announcing its own blacklist of european union officials and media, including the ws farsi service or the elders. arbor is head of d. w as far as the service and she told me how staff had been affected by the new measures. oh, so far and we received her the message yesterday that we are with been put on the sanctioned list by the iranian foreign ministry. so far it is sad that there will be travel bands for, for staff after the w persian. and it can also, it is also possible, or at least this is or what they say that assets are, properties will be confiscated in any one. right? and i understand that i've been threats against members of staff. you know, there has been threats, i will, i will not go onto details. but we, we've, like, are actually every iranian journalist working out in iran, of course, but also outside of iran is targeted by iran's intelligence. and they have been threads and even in a last years, but now increasing and during the protests. and of course, it is a way to silence us to silence journalists from reporting on what is really happening on the grounds and trying to yet to put up in the ration of the rain in states, television of iranian state, propaganda. and we are not doing this and it shows what important role we as journalists, clayton here. so does it 5 and you are you still able to get to news into iran? of course we are, you have to say and media. i have to ask to explain a little bit in the old persian, our website and our social media platforms have been blocked in iran. for the last years. what is new is that instagram? what was free? before the protest had started, was blocked. it's blocked as well, so they're trying to avoid people avoid that iranians bring out the pictures and videos and outside, but still we receive all these pictures all these images and they receive our content on our program because the rains, i'm very used to a blocking by the government, so they are very familiar with proxy servers and how to, how to yet for truth prevents censorship. so we can, and we can see now is that since the protest have started, there is a huge increase of the use of proxy service like site one, for instance. and there is a huge increase in our reach them. so we reached well and they are seeking for our information as well. i'd like to, to ask them just on that that point. how different are these process that we are seeing that we've been saying for the last 40 years, because of course are around the country that is used to, to protest. you see anything different in this latest set? you know, what is different is basically when it comes to the reporting, of course, what is different is that we have unity of people from all different layers of society. what is also different is that people, d, d, don't let them, they don't let the even government to intimidate them anymore. so they are trying to put pressure on, for instance, to family members of young people, of young girls being, being killed by the government. but still they speak out. so maybe in the past there was more and more fear. but now they do speak to us. they speak to us like foreign media outlets and like d, w, persian, and this is of course, what is a big problem for, for the government. trying to silence people in the round, but also outside. and it's not working any more. and of course, even the sanction d, w, persian is a way of intimidation and silencing, but we will of course, continue doing what we're doing for the last couple of weeks. and he right years of course. but in this crucial times, it we can see once again how important it actually is like with that is alpha i, but thank you sing out for others, our back of the w foster service. hello ms. lansky says these countries troops are holding out against repeated attacks by russian forces in the eastern dumbass region. ukrainian presidents have a heavy fighting, concentrated around the towns of div and back mort. does not, hillary has been pounding for weeks to see much of it, to ruins, but if you credit defenders amounting fierce resistance. well, keith is continuing it's counter offensive and partially occupied a southern handsome region. president lansky has said the fierce is fighting at the moment is not in the hands on counter offensive, which is received so much attention this week. but in ukraine's east to d. w correspondent, funny fish out, told me what's happening there on the, in the eastern dumbass region. is that a fillion image of is so much has been so much attention. hassan reaching her since city righteously, because it's strategically so important to ukraine and russia that you may overlook really what's happening elsewhere, the country naval needed on bus region. now let's zoom union here on a to town to back. moved in the northern part of the dumbass region often yet and offer i knew garbage is close actually to the regional capital often yet also need not done yet. that's been under russian control or right approach for russian separatist control says 2014. and given this information, given the fact, this is 2014 both who hunts big parts of plants and don't yet have been under pro russia separate is control and influence also gives much more experience to now russian soldiers tried to take him more territory in both parts. into hands and doing yet, and this is exactly what's happening right now. you see really those fights escalate over streets over villages over every thing that could give russia forces and leverage and trying to trying to i govern more parts of both a both parts of the dumbass region, but specifically of don yeske regent. that's why you see specific, a lot of fighting in under, on back move, because back move in the northern part of done yet is very close to some of the ads, which is the administrative center controlled by ukraine in the don't yeske region . so yes, at that, fighting for more territory from the russia perspective, but from the ukrainian perspective, tried to repel the flushing forces is going to continue. and also it's not just going to continue. the question is, how is it going to continue depending on how the next phase of this war with winter arriving, is going to give a change for both parts, depending on how much military equipment do they have and how many truth on the ground. how many soldiers they are to fight for the interests and a quick word about cave where you are now which to see more air strikes and threats of escalation from moscow. give us a quick idea of what daily life buries like. at 1st sight till it really appears to be quite normal, right? you have shop soap and you can grab your coffee in the morning and read the morning newspaper off. but of course, if you talk to people here on the streets of key city, they will tell you that they're quite worried about winter arriving right now. pretty much been constantly tricity except for, for, for some partial blackouts now and then it feel okay to get by here in the city. but people have very much concerned with those attacks had been increasing across various parts of ukraine. attacks on imported energy infrastructure that, that's going to change dramatically change as it's going to become colder. and as more people, the need, watts, of course, heating, electricity, running water, and such. so people are quite concerned as well. thank you. that's funny for the fisher and keith russia is a step closer to toughening laws banning what it calls the promotion of homosexuality. in the 1st reading, the lower house of parliament, the duma unanimously adopted changes to an existing law from 2013, prohibiting what it called propaganda about non traditional sexual relations. under the changes any attempt or act seen as attempting to promote homosexuality online in film or in public, couldn't clarify these protest as a fighting for equal rights in russia. but demonstrations for l g b t q writes here, often brutally halted by authorities. one of the instruments of repression over the past decade has been the so called gay propaganda law introduced in 2013 authorities say it's needed to prohibit the promotion of what they call non traditional sexual values to children. now russia is set to pass new legislation further restricting the l g p t q community by expanding the law to adults as well . you watching gym encourages congress that says we don't live in a democratic state. justin, i think that lawmakers in the doom are trying to convey the impression that they carry favor with this oppressive machine. seen it. and the victims of this machine are the most vulnerable ones or corners all l g b, t q plus people with their calculus hope just for the new law that is already going to russia's lower house of parliament. the state duma will effectively forbid any positive references to l g p t q, topics in popular media and on the internet. activist fair, the new law is a further step towards state sponsor discrimination and repression. and that it will leave the l g p t q community, even more stigmatized in russian society who russian of art is closed down d. w as moscow office 30 now operating from v live in capital rieger. i asked a bureau chief unit rochette or how these changes will affect the countries algae bt community welfare. russia has long moved towards s state conservatism in which everything west and has to be fought and gays and lesbians are time sexual parcels, often seen as of the embodiment of western sin. now we are taking about a tightening as existing media and information low, which means that soon it will be prohibited to positively refer to any so called and non traditional sexual relationships. which means to same sex relationships, transgender and transactional topics on social media, on television, or in the movies. or just to explain the russian law, make us call anything to do with algebra. you non traditional sexual relationships . and since any statement commanding on else to be q issues, that isn't as it is not negative, can be interpreted as positive and ultimately as propaganda or promotion. any public mention of algebra, q issues in russia would soon be pro forbidden and punishable so this seems very homophobic law. and why they're this now, while the countries fighting a war well look, is the official statement reference directly to the void ukraine, which in russia is still being called a special mills alteration. and according to the russian duma, this so called military operation even gave you meaning to the law because it wouldn't only take place in the front lines, but also in the hats or minds and souls of the russian people. they say in fact, as do mercy, a deputies against are compared to as the so called are of those, but it you law with a fight against so called and, and the front lines are, this is nothing you russia has fought so called gay propaganda since 2013 until now have a it has only applied to minus but now is that the law comes in for us as a so called propaganda built also be forbidden, among ideals. but the question is why it's happening now. and one of the unofficial difference is that the russian government wants to distract from other very important issues. for example, from the problems in ukraine on the front lines should moscow, once again, needs to withdraw its troops there. for example, the debate about and l g b q law would present a welcome distraction. and if it broad support for these sorts of laws, or are there likely to be protest, i will, this tightening of the law fits into the general trend feel and to the rational dipped at you community has become accustomed to state sponsored homophobia over the past 20 years and while there is no more with it directly punished, homosexual relationships as such, even though the change to law will make an already difficult situation for the boors are. but i don't expect any protest simply because the russians are intimidated and thought unrestricted in their freedom. of expression and it might sound harsh, but the rational society now has a different problem such as mobilization. many people are still very afraid of. thank you for that to your it univer shuttle and rigor. take a look now at some of the other store is making news around the world. china is rolling our new lock downs in major cities in an attempt to hold widening. coven outbreaks, place like beijing and shanghai authorities are sitting up building, looking down districts. both it is recorded, the fewer than 20 you data cases and no new debt. time media tycoon and transgender activists is what the miss universe, a beauty pageant for $20000000.00, reality tv star, and that jack upon a jacket do tattoo is out spoken about being a transgender woman. the annual conference was co owned by donald trump between 10962002 it's been running for 71 years. of course in australia has discharged the jury in the tribe of a form of government advisor accused of sexually assaulting a colleague in parliament house. the judge said a jury had gained access to details that were not submitted in evidence, case part to major review of workplace culture in australia, on the safety of women and politics. lebanon and israel have sealed a landmark deal on a shared maritime border. the 2 countries still formerly at war lead us from the, from both sides, the deal separately. it brings to a close the long running mediterranean sea border dispute and could pave the way for you. offshore gas production, beirut says it will won't have any impact on its foreign policy towards israel. a spring and d. w correspondence rebecca business in jerusalem. mohammed schrader in beirut, welcome both. let's start with you, rebecca. so what does this mean for israel? well, phil, this deal has been in the making for more than a decade. they've been numerous rounds of negotiations, all of which have failed until a couple of weeks ago when a deal was finally reached between the 2 sides. and we've now seen it signed in by michelle, our own, the lebanese president, and the caretaker prime minister here in israel. yana pete. now all sides. then in fact it was a u. s. broke a deal. all parties involved a calling. they steal historic and let's not forget that these 2 countries, as you rightly mentioned, are still technically at war. they have no diplomatic relations, in fact, lebanon doesn't even recognize israel as a sovereign state. so the fact that 2 countries in this situation could sign a deal like this maritime bought a deal is being heralded as a historic step for the benefits will be of course for both sides and very far reaching for israel. for example, of course, is political and diplomatic benefits and missiles of the economic benefits and security guarantees. now, israel has long wanted to explore these gas wells, that it is considered for a long time on it side of the maritime board, and now formerly agreed inside its maritime border. it knows that those gas fields have a lot of gas in the minutes long wanted to extract them, but it's been under threat by the iran back, his blood on the lebanon side. that if it went to explore those fields or, or in fact, extract gas out of them without such a deal as we're seeing today, that it would come under threat and would be attacks. now of course, israel is free to go and explore those fields and extract the gas, and in fact, it's already doing so yesterday, energy and the company that is drilling on the israeli side. and they announced that the gas was already flowing from one of those wells, and that it would soon even be able to start delivering to its partners in the next couple of days. in fact, now that is going to be met with smiled by a you ladies who are desperately trying to bridge the gap left by turning off the tap from russia and the invasion of ukraine. so, you know, the benefits from the steel are going to be very far reaching for is round for one . no, it really says that this is a tacit agreement by a sworn enemy, in fact, paid steadwood to that effect as he was signing the document. as you rightly pointed out, but not exactly how it said 11 on, but nonetheless, this is a very significant deal. fail. okay, thank you for that. so rebecca mohammed, traitor in bay roots. so how does levin and see the steel? well, it's a sudden, it's a different perspective, definitely this morning and he's president michelle allen said that the agreement is purely technical and does not have any political implications or effects that contradicts lebanon, foreign policy and relations with other states. still, states are still technically at war. however, the agreement is expected to bring some stability to the area and open the way for offshore energy exploration, as it removes a main source of potential conflict between israel and the non. mainly, the iranian backed, heavily grew heavily armed. beneath has below been these officials are hoping the disagreement helps elevate in abundance economic crisis. the country's economy has been in free for, for 3 years. now. the exploration of hydrocarbon is a huge deal for live and on as a significant discovery, you could help ease the country is to fling financial crisis. so the agreement is entering into force in the coming few minutes where delegation from the arrival states arriving to the u. n intern for headquarters and the board, the town of the not caught up to sign the agreement terms and conditions on separate paper separate documents and the presidents of the united states that meet the much talk soon. all right, thank you for that. mohammed's shooter in beirut, and rebecca misses in jerusalem and you have a chance with all of shelters, only talks in athens, among the topics on the agenda of the energy crisis, and the turkish challenges to greece. the sovereignty over a number of islands in the eastern mediterranean, also featuring prominently efforts to help you trade in its war with russia. to this end, berlin has been sending tanks to greece. the w simon young report. germany came up with the idea of supplying tanks to ukraine via 3rd countries. shortly after the start of the war, berlin wanted to help ukraine and said it did not have the capacity to send tanks directly. some politicians felt it was unacceptable for german heavy armor to be used in a region where nazi treat sport in the 2nd world war. another argument ukrainian armed forces needed to be supplied as quickly as possible with systems for which they would not need training. so the plan was born, countries with soviet era military equipment would send that to ukraine and would receive modern material from germany to replace it. agreements like base have been announced with both lavinia and the czech republic as well as greece. holland has also sent many of its soviet era tanks to ukraine, but is disappointed with what berlin has offered as a replacement. germany has delivered some heavy equipment directly to ukraine, including self propelled how it says. but the drawn out discussion and the delay in agreeing these tank exchanges by a 3rd countries has led to cause. but berlin to bite the bullet and send its modern tanks directly. something that the key of government has repeatedly asked for. the european central bank has announced its biggest rate increase for more than a decade, raising interest rates by $75.00 basis points to try and tame record inflation. the move marks a tough balancing act for the c b as it tries to keep prices under control. while staving off a looming recession in the euro zone, it's a 3rd rate increase in russia's invasion of ukraine, which is nancy, which has seen low borrowing rates shoot up as a conflict, a sent shock waves global markets, and shaken economies across the world. we go through this with stephen beardsley from data blue business. welcome, steven. so is this the mets in the markets need against this record? inflation will say, this isn't going to solve inflation alone, but many believe that it's a step in the right direction because inflation is so intense right now. close to 10 percent for the u. record levels. ultimately though, europe is not going to get a handle on rising prices until it solves the energy crisis, which is which it's in. and that's largely because of the war in ukraine. at the same time. the c b does have a mandate to fight inflation and to respond to inflation. it goes at 2 percent, inflation, 10 percent is nowhere near that. so it tries to do that by tamping back on demand. remember, in inflation is because of a imbalance between supply and demand. and so it does that by raising borrowing rates that makes it more expensive for people to borrow money for people and businesses. and that takes back the amount of economic activity in the economy, reducing demand, and other words. another thing that it does is it also brings about more parity between the euro and other currencies. as you've noticed recently, i'm sure the dollar has gotten much more, much stronger against other currencies, including the euro. just today on the expectation of this interest rate hike, the euro once again, getting back above parity with a dollar. so that's another reason to, to see that this interest rate hike is going to be welcomed by many a move like this does bring its own risks doesn't. yeah. and the risk that it brings is that the, the was different from the u. s. for example, it's a collection of, i should say, the euro zone is a collection of 19 countries that use a similar currency, but they all have different underlying financial conditions. we know that countries like italy, france, spain have a much higher level of debt to g. d, p than a country like germany. and so they all borrow at different rates. when you make borrowing more expensive, it hit some economies more than ever. and that comes right now as the outlook is looking gloomier and gloomy for economies across the euro zone. so we've heard from several leaders, they're not a fan of this plans. now. definite interest rate hike, a manual. the kron saying that he was concerned about it a ga maloney, the prime minister of italy saying that she didn't think it was the right time. because it's going to make, borrowing much more difficult, it's going to put their countries, their sovereign debt, borrowing rates at a much more difficult level. that's the risk is that you're encouraging a downturn even more a by doing that. and that's what the see be has to, has a thread that needle between fighting inflation, but not pushing these economies toward a harder downturn. thank you. hi, steven. steven beardsley from dw business in sports and his cricket board has announced on equal pay policy from male and female cricketers, after electing a new president last week, the b. c. c, i decided women's teams will be paid the same match fees as many across all $3.00 varieties of the sport. india is the 2nd cricketing nations with such a policy. after you zealand historic announcement on this, you start to remind about top story at best our united states has imposed new sanctions on iran, measures come as the radium security forces intensify. that cracked down on that and protested memorizing the death of kurdish woman. the junior massa, i mean, in police custody, 40 days a says you up today that level well here's what the top of the, our conflict zone is next. that tim sebastian interviews, iranian political commentator and media advisors, the country's nuclear negotiation team mohammed morality with with ah, who enter the conflict zone with tim sebastian, the death of a young iranian woman in police custody the spots weeks of violent protest in iran and around the world palmer, i'm the professor at around university blames the western nato, aggravating the progress of terry ron denies supplying drones to moscow. who, sorry, did he take in the ukraine, russia or conflict zone next on d w. b o . again again, all the harvesters are immigrants, dolock. if they come in, everything you enjoy eating at home with your family, was harvested by people who are being exploited. then i guess from vienna we're going to need dora. we can keep doing what we're doing. we need to become as sustainable as possible, and that's why your green revolution is absolutely necessary. europe review the future thing, determine now our documentary series will show you how people, companies and countries are we thinking everything that's making later changes with women on work about if a massive cyber attack or something like that happens and we can reboot our country from the outside of a, it's our future after all, and if we don't do something, our children won't be able to enjoy fresh air with no want to get on. europe revealed starts november 3rd on d. w. the death of a young iranian woman in police custody, a sponsor weeks of violent protest in iran and around the world. un and independent human rights groups of accused iranian security forces of brutal suppression. where does that leave attempts to restart the 2015 nuclear deal, which the us says is no.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20221026

a traditional morning period and where the 22 year old woman killed in custody for not wearing for a job correctly added to point and say that it is the national security threat and could threaten public order and safety. so why is germany allowing china to take a stake in its largest port in hamburg? ah, i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. a senior ukrainian official says that russian forces are digging in and preparing to defend the partially occupied southern region of hare song. ukrainian troops have been forcing back the russians and retaking land in the region for weeks. now they are closing in on the russian forces in the west bank of the ne pro river kremlin backed authorities have been moving civilians to locations for their east ahead of the ukrainian advance. but an adviser to president lensky says that moscow is strengthening its front line and not preparing a retreat from parasol. i spoke earlier with d, w correspondent, and t funny the char, who is following the latest developments in and around hassan and russia's attempts to hold the frontline but only to all the lines cetera. but they are attempts to actually break. so to break through those ukrainian positions as well, which clearly tells you our indicates that russia doesn't only want to be on the defensive, but actually make kit or slow down the ukranian counter offensive there. and if you look at her so city, why? 82 important strategically, why is it that fierce battle expected over the control of the city? we have to understand that he's been occupied by russian forces from early march. so quiet pretty much at the beginning of this food kit invasion that of questions actually have been proposed at 2 of the ukrainian government by various people. why that was possible to take out of city from early on. that's something to be answered obviously wants is, war is over. right now. the focus is a full ukrainian forces. how to liberate harrison city. and obviously if that's going to happen, then they do have that's very important land cory door established again towards crimea with their next crest. and we should be too old to take on crimea something that ra, she's not just going to simply lead, go off. there is a fierce battle accept expected over her some city and over the control of these very important regional capital of the region. tell us a little bit more about the ukranian counter offensive just more broadly speaking. funny because i mean the ukrainians. they have had the momentum in recent weeks. certainly just over the past couple of weeks they have been able to liberate about a 90 settlement. at least that's the information we received here from the ukrainian government 90 settlement. this is on the west and part of the new port river because the way you have to imagine here has in region it is being basically separate as through the nipple river. so you have one part of the region on the west and back. the other part on the eastern bank and to the eastern bank, this is where the russian forces actually move thousands of ukrainians to expecting these a battle to at o 2 to to intensify of course in the next a couple of days. now the fact that ukraine is speaking about 90 settlement, of course we cannot verify these numbers. we cannot even tell you exactly what's happening in house and city right now. simply because it is not possible for international or even for local jolly's to axis. russia occupy territory or link just a very limited way, even is it possible to access the ukrainian controlled part of house and region to everything that we can say at this point, that the battle over that important region and per se, all of that capital of hassan region has the city, namely, is going to take up quite some steam and a couple of days. and the question will be, who is going to actually take control over house and see if you will of course, thanks of thousands of civilians there. a bearing the brunt of the spiting from both sides, ukrainian on won, and russian on the other side, funding for char and keith. thank you so much. now, activists and iran are staging protests to mark the end of morning period for gina masa, ahmed me, the young woman who died 40 days ago after being detained by overruns morality. police demonstrations have been gaining momentum despite a crackdown by security forces alleged to have killed hundreds including children. the rallies are being led by women and girls. they have been burning their head scarves and confronting riot police on the streets. many of the protesters are calling for the overthrow of the regime and the supreme leader, ayatollah ali ha minay. he alleges the demonstrations are being orchestrated by foreign governments and are part of an effort to undermine iran. he is also vowed to punish the protesters. and as we report, the ayatollah word is final in the country. ah, debt to her money, death to the dictator. the slogan you here in iran street protests. it's directed at this man. i a toya ali company, the supreme leader of the country. since the beginning of the unrest in september, he has belittled his critics. the protests by iranian women and girls are controlled from abroad. he claims in battery, made his either candidate by bits quart hired that all this was planned by america caught on the faint, quoted as you move surfing zionist regime, that j. e n. its followers. the harmony has fought all his life for a wrong to be an islamic state of god and to remain so he began training as a cleric during his childhood. in the 1950s, at that time, iran was ruled by the shaw an autocrat who severely limited the influence of religion in the country. how many joined the ayatollah khomeini is opposition movement, and was arrested a number of times by the shaws secret service. when khomeini led to his lamp revolution in 1979 and overthrew the shot to the cheers of millions, homogeneity rise in the newly established regime began. khomeini died 10 years later and company was chosen by the religious council of experts to succeed him. since then, he has been the supreme authority in iran, although there are regular presidential elections in the country, in which hominy also votes. but in the end it is he not the president who has the final say in all decisions. and he has made his positions clear time and time again . in foreign policy, he sees the usa and israel as arch enemies, and he has repeatedly denied the holocaust who has cuz domestically he relies on censorship, strict surveillance and a security apparatus that is supposed to defend the ideals of the islamic revolution under hominy. the iranian revolutionary guard has become an important power factor and notorious a lead force that has repeatedly put down protests in 2009 after reading the presidential election and again now in the protest, following the death of gina masa armine hominy backs the crackdown, got them in the late thought they could approve the tree of these la mac republic. in the on that small tree has now turned into a massive tree. any one who even thinks about the uprooting or is treating that is completely wrong? how many once said that he is ready to sacrifice everything for the revolution and islam wrong, and he has always defended his power with harshness and resolve. a cyclone has hit bangladesh, killing more than a dozen people around. 1000000 residents happen forced to evacuate bangladesh and other countries in the region are regularly hit by cyclones. but research shows climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels is making such storms more intense and more frequent. must some let's house in feathers. bungler dish have been badly affected by the flood of water has still not completely defeated. she tries to protect what has been left undamaged, that we somehow managed to save our furniture from the water by creating a dam. but some $200.00 worth of fish from our pond floated away. we are happy that at least no trees fell on the house like that, and i thought you will fit that on tropical storm has left large swats of agricultural land under water. poems of homes have been damaged fish, leaf washed away. millions are without bobo and many i still beaten for help. the capital tucker is also flooded. to show dr. with have to push that away. he goes through the water roy gonna noodle the storms and the reason we really struggle with kathy all the time starting monday to get off. so it's very difficult to drive a trish also before it shouldn't. country is prone to natural disasters. thank a fee climate change, it's making storms more frequent and destructive. but people like ma, summit fee. they have been left to faith, the devastation alone by and here are some other stories making news around the world. britain's new prime minister richie sooner has appointed his cabinet snack has kept jeremy hunt on as finance minister vowing to fix the you case. economic crisis sooner has also re appointed to well a bay for men as interior minister. just days after she resigned from liz trust is government id da says that it's ending its partnership with american wrapper kaya west over anti semitic remarks. the germans sportswear company called comments by the wrapper, quote, unacceptable, hateful and dangerous. at least 6 organizations have distanced themselves from kaya west in recent months because of his controversial remarks. new video has emerged showing the lead up to china's former leader, being escorted away from the communist party congress, whose in tao was seated next to president. cheese in ping on saturday before being led away. the move has both stoke speculation that who was upset that some allies had been stripped of power. china's ambassador to south korea says the 79 year old was tired and taking a break. the german government has given good a green light to a controversial chinese investment plan in the port of hamburg china state shipper . costco will be allowed to buy a steak, although smaller than originally planned. china has been keen to build up overseas, influenced by buying up european critical infrastructure. 6 german ministry is rejected. the plans intelligence agency is also advised against the sale. sholtes as coalition allies on the opposition also opposed zeal. and some wireless van steven beardsley has joining us from today. the business. so tell us steven, our cosco minority interest lower than was expected. but, and, you know, what does this decision in general mean for chinese influence in the port of hamburg, which is crucial infrastructure for the country as a haul? yeah, it means that their influence grows on this as a significant stake. um that, you know, it's one of the most important terminals were there was just one for a while, the group but sure brought me here you will. the further use can be do see that i'm as said, there's love to have as much ration i'm of so there he have no, but isn't it right? in fact too big to 20 percent being the german. okay. it is current to increase their steak to anything above 24.9 percent. then there will be another review from the german government. ok, and what is cosca has the same in time or publicly we haven't heard anything from cosco during this whole debate. the german government says that it's been in discussions with them throughout you know, there was some speculation that hasn't speculation that if cosco doesn't like the outcome of this review of that, it could threaten to take business elsewhere. it's hard to say to what extent that's true, you know, what find that same capacity in rotterdam or antwerp what it has in hamburg right now. it's hard to say at the same time, you know, we have to remember that chinese companies, they often also take a long view when it comes to investment in foreign companies. they begin with smaller stakes and then they work their way up. we've seen that time and time again . so it's hard to imagine that they won't be willing to accept this and not as in germany, of course, all around the globe. we have been seeing in our chinese companies buying up and crucial infrastructure, we have to say. so the debate over european and business and german business ties somewhat broadly speaking isn't going away as i go. in fact, it's really heating up. we've seen this in recent days in recent weeks, especially in this german governing coalition. and given the state of politics right now in china, she, jim ping having secured his 3rd term, it's already been an era of sharper elbows from china. and now taiwan is likely to grow more and more prominent on, you know, on the horizon. so there's speculation, especially given what's happened with russia and ukraine. i think the government here doesn't want to be in a situation which feels like it's heavily dependent on chinese business on the one side or the other. whether that's chinese investment, critical infrastructure here, or businesses that are heavily dependent in china. and we see that we have different we have different sort of arguments in the coalition right now. we're seeing that come to ahead. we've seen that there have been suggestions to review german business investment in china. there was a huge debate that came out of that. so this is all happening right now. it's probably going to continue for the near future. absolutely, steven beardsley from did that the business putting it on to context for thank you so much. you're up to date and d, w. thank you so much for watching. mm. i believe because we try to to show the face.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20221026

e n g died in police custody after being arrested for allegedly wearing package are incorrect. ah, i'm feel, go welcome to the program. russian forces are digging in and preparing to defend the partially occupied the southern region of hare son. and that's according to a senior ukrainian official gradient. troops have been forcing the russians back and liberating land in the region for weeks. now they are closing in on russian forces on the west bank of the disney pro river. anticipating the ukrainian advanced kremlin back, 2 thirties have been moving civilians to locations, father, east, but adviser to president the landscape as moscow is strengthening its frontline, her son. rather than preparing to retreat. let's pick that up with a correspondent. funny for shaw a neck. keith. welcome, a funny ha, but russian forces changed tactics instead of recent withdrawal to be east bank of the may pro or you're hearing that they're setting up, or they're in the midst of setting up a local militia in her city. you may indicate that they are running out of people literally, that they want locals actually to join russian forces to help fight ukrainian forces. and this is exactly to worry that people, hattie all the wife. what if it comes to the situation it's been already do reported by the way, from the don bus region, the local ukrainian civilians have to pick up the weapon and actually fired other ukrainians. now we do not know exactly for this very moment. what is actually happening in that regional capital, simply because there's no access for johnny. so when it comes to russian occupied territories, at least for the most part, what we do know that ukraine is continuing is counter offensive. and even though via just few right now, due to bad rather, a debt offensive is also experiencing a little bit of a slow down. while at the same time, russia, that they're not just going to simply give up on harrison city or the region as a whole. yes, to have been repelled from certain our scores of, of villages and settlements over the course of the past weeks. but at the same time, the definitely wanna make sure that they can maintain control of a harrison city at the biggest see the actually that they've been able to control from a pretty much the beginning of this war for march 2nd. so what is happening in terms of counter offensive from ukraine and russia trying to defend their positions? it's hard to get a complete and clear picture, but once again, fill one thing is certain that russia is not just going to easily give up on this strategically important regional capital. let's look at that a funny. so what is it about the city that means bases where russia is going to make a spam throughout the whole of this region, of course, was it starting point to ukraine, is that if you zoom in on that map you see is on the southern part of ukraine, you also see that how soon a house in region is establishing basically a land cory door to crimea. this land core, your report to russia, forces right now, this war to supply the forces with reference to make sure that they can continue to advance from the southern front while for ukraine of course, it is crucial to maintain to control again over the entire region. specifically over her son city, because with that, they actually had the chance to advanced further to the south. and it may be even to get a grip on crimea. something that's been an ax more than 8 years ago in 2014. so boss will ukraine, and for russia it really comes down to her. so city, when the connect this with the question, just how the war is going to continue. a lot is going to be decided how the next phase of this war is going to be like, depending on who is going to have the upper hand here over how so city feel funny, aphasia i k. thank you so much. as iran were activists, the staging protest amal, the end of the morning period for gina masa. i mean the, the young woman who died 40 days ago, after being detained by the countries morality, felice of the cemetery in her home town in kurdistan. province of morn as mock the day with more demonstrations. now this is a video from today which has been verified by d. w, and shows dozens of protests as of the cemetery chanting slogans against the reggie activists. say security force is warned me nisa family, a games to holding a ceremony. demonstrations have been gaining momentum despite a crackdown which is set to have killed a hundreds of people including children. many of the protesters, according for the overthrow of the regime and the supreme leader, ayatollah ali hominy. now he says the demonstrations are being orchestrated by foreign governments and a part of an effort to undermine iran. he also says he will punish protesters ah, debt to harmony, death to the dictator. the slogan you hear any ron's street protests. it's directed at this man, ayatollah ali company, the supreme leader of the country. since the beginning of the unrest in september, he has belittled his critics. the protests by iranian women and girls are controlled from abroad. he claims in bedroom, it is either candidate and it's quite tired that all this was planned by america caught on the faint, quoted energy, missouri being zionist regime, that jelly and his followers the harmony has fought all his life for iran to be an islamic state of god and to remain so he began training as a cleric during his childhood. in the 1950s. at that time, iran was ruled by the shore, an autocrat who severely limited the influence of religion in the country. how many joy antola khomeini's opposition movement and was arrested a number of times by the shaw's secret service. when khomeini led to his lamp revolution in 1979 and overthrew the shot to the cheers of millions, homogeneity rise in the newly established regime began. khomeini died 10 years later and company was chosen by the religious council of experts to succeed him. since then, he has been the supreme authority in iran, although there are regular presidential elections in the country, in which hominy also votes. but in the end it is he not the president who has the final say in all decisions and he has made his positions clear time and time again . in foreign policy, he sees the usa and israel as arch enemies, and he has repeatedly denied the holocaust. even as cuz domestically he relies on censorship, strict surveillance and a security apparatus that is supposed to defend the ideals of the islamic revolution under harmony. the iranian revolutionary guard has become an important power factor. and in notorious a lead force that has repeatedly put down protests in 2009 after reading the presidential election. and again, now, in the protest, following the death of gena monta armine hominy backs the crackdown them in a thought they could approve the tree of these la mac republic. in the on that small tree has now turned into a massive tree. anyone who even thinks about the protein is treating them is completely wrong. how many once said that he is ready to sacrifice everything for the revolution and islam wrong. and he has always defended his power with harshness and resolve. will take a look at small stores making news around the world. now, under the syrian refugees have returned home from lebanon under a repatriation scheme of the government. paused during the pandemic lebanese or thought to say the skin is voluntary rights groups are concerned that refugees may be pressured to return to the water country. new video has emerged showing the lead up to china's foreman lead her being escorted from a communist party congress. huge in town was seated next to present intrusion paying on saturday before being led away. the roof of stokes speculation that was to whom was upset that some allies had been stripped of power. china's ambassador to south korea as the 79 year old was tired and taking a break for his new prime minister richey soon ack has appointed his cabinet. jeremy hunt remains his finance minister, promising to fix new taste. economic crisis soon acts also re appointed. so ela braverman as interior minister days after she resigned from this trust is government. tens of thousands of rallied against an election recount in bosnia as a sub majority region. protesters, one hardline nationalist and millard doughty confirmed as president of republic of serbs go. daddy claimed victory in the october 2nd, general election bangs made contender as accused of rigging the hubs or cy clone has hit bangladesh killing more than a dozen people around a 1000000 residents have been forced to move to safety, bangladesh and other countries in the region are regularly, head by side clones, but research indicates that climate change caused by burning of fossil fuels is making such dorms. more intense and more frequent. mathematics house in fat and bangladesh have been badly affected by the flood of water has still not completely defeated. she tries to protect what has been left and damaged that like we somehow managed to save our furniture from the water by creating a dam, but some $200.00 worth of fish from our pond floated away. we are happy that at least no trees fell on the house like that, and i thought you will fit them. tropical storm has slipped large swats of agricultural land under water. poems of homes have been damaged, fish, leaf washed away, millions or without barber and many, i still beaten for hip the capital tucker is also flooded to hard drive with have to push did over he can through the water. roy gonna noodle the storms and the really, really struggling global got the all the she thought in a need to get a feel. it's very difficult to drive a trish. also the felt asian country is prone to natural to fast death. thank a fee, climate change if making storms more frequent and destructive. bad people like ma summit feet. they have been left to 5th devastation alone. in football it was a positive night for german sides in champions. lee ashen on tuesday. gregory cor bells penalty save help dormant hold manchester city to a gold straw. the points enough adornment to qualify for the competitions at last 16 and our b. leipzig edged close to joining dormant in the last 16 after beating, defending champions rail madrid 3 to a bell advance if they avoid defeat against a shocked arden yet collect next week. jailed us basketball star, brittany grider has lost her appeal against her 9 year prison sentence in russia, and she was arrested at moscow airport for being in possession of fate. cartridges containing cannabis oil. in february, the substance is banned in russia, but is legal in arizona where she lives with granite lawyer say she was prescribed medical cannabis for chronic pain. because of a sports injury. brittany griner appeared fire video link from her prison south her appeal more out of hope than any real expectation of success. but addressing what she called her honest mistake, she asked the court for leniency. i've been here almost a month and he was more severe. i've gotten less then. well, i do have to do with all those in town to well that i do grain has mistake with being caught with cannabis. oil in her back age to moscow, airports back in february in august. she was sentenced to 9 years in jail, drug smuggling and possession. the backdrop to this, of course, is russia's war in ukraine. rhina us citizen is one of the world's best basketball players. a 2 time olympic champion, a support is considered her report in russia's political game. the us reiterated the on call for her immediate really nothing in the previous sentence, nothing in the result of today's appeal changes the fact that the united states government considers and screener to be wrongfully detained. this man could be grind as best hope of being set free fit to boot. a russian arms dealer serving a 25 year sentence in the u. s. has reportedly been see, it is part of a potential prisoner swap. russia, they're apparently unwilling to negotiate. while grain has court protest continues . after the rejection of her repeal, greiner was led away by prison guard should now be transferred to one of russia's notoriously harsh penal colony to set the rest of her sentence. added as says its ending, its partnership with american rapid county west obese antique semitic remarks. germans pours where giant col treated by the wrapper who now calls himself yay! unacceptable, hateful and dangerous. i did, i says it will immediately stop production of its lime of easy products, which were designed to request least 6 organizations have distance themselves from the wrapper in recent months because of his controversial i'd set you up to date a lot more world news at the top of be our steven beardsley, how's your d. w updates and just have a good people in trucks injured when trying to flee the city center more and more refugees are being turned away. family theory for the credit on.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20221001

a little guy. this is the 77 percent. the platform with issues. hey, share idea. you know, on the channel we are not afraid to copy. young people clearly have the solution, the future, you know, 277 percent every weekend on d w ah, it could be one of the most expensive storms in us history. and it's not done yet. we'll look at the massive clean up left by hurricane ian as it cut a swath through florida. and now the eastern united states also on our show 1st couldn't get enough merchandise stores. now it's sitting on too much inventory. we looked demick was faced by nike and it's not just the retail industry this feeling . the pandemic pain, restaurants need workers, but many are looking elsewhere. hello, welcome to the show. i'm seeing beardsley in berlin. damaged roads, electric lines, and bridges ruined homes and cars, flooded farm lands. hurricane ian is poised to be one of poised to be one of the most expensive us storms in history. and fits ratings has an early estimate of $40000000000.00 in damage. and compare that to hurricane katrina in 2005. it cost $65000000000.00, but it isn't done yet. the massive storm made a 2nd landfall in south carolina, although it was much weakened. i was in my apartment at 1st and then after a little bit it wasn't flooding. within 30 minutes, it was with been up to my door and within an hour it was pushing through my door. i am 67 who have dia, 5 years now it's gone. it's on the order. i'm. i'm really sure. i my house one of her house, one of the all plus. so once i get material phase, which all can be replaced the light. i think i'm out of florida for the lower so we're out of the zone of being devastated. like nothing else or i some voices there of those most affected by the hurricane. i'm joined now by matthew cappuccino, meteorologist with the my radar app. he's in orlando, florida. mathew, give us a sense of the scale of the damage here. well the issue was we had 3 different types of damage. we had search or the rise of water, but ordinarily dry ground thinks the winds pushing that water from the ocean to shore. that area really covered much of fort myers, written down towards naples, went up to about 3 or 4 meters worth of sea water, inundating coastal communities, entire neighborhoods just beneath the water. really much that area is total, so we're expecting big time cost from that area. then farther north and west, new combination of very strong winds gushing close to 200 kilometers per hour. implantable rainfall on the order happened near 3 quarters of a meter. that area spans thousands and thousands of factors. and keep in mind this storm as it was weakening marks all the way across the state of florida, causing big time impacts even here in orlando, though the worst was closer to the coastline. i were looking at some of the pictures that you filmed their electric mass swaying in the wind, what's likely to be the biggest reconstruction need as we look at the damage left behind. in my mind, i think a lot really largely will be to search because with a when you have people who lost rooms, but at least the structural integrity of many buildings is still intact. whereas where the search came ashore, you have entire buildings that are just wiped from their foundation. meta, i think the conversation also good around. how will people reconstruct, in other words, really build more sustainable and more resilient infrastructure going forward? or when we build in the same areas that are flood prone, that are likely to be flooded again and again with more storms in the future. so the question is, no, both how much will it cost, but also how difficult will it be? much of that costs is going to be borne by ensures are they up to the task? that's a good question. there's something called the u. s. flood insurance program that actually guarantees what insurance people who are way at a somewhat affordable rate. that means it's possible for people to build back the same areas where they've had an issue after issue after issue in my mind, that program needs to shift a little bit because where, you know, odds are once every 2030 years they might see a home home that might be a bit of an exaggeration. we get the point like this will happen again. so insurers are up to the past because they just sort of take the money from other people who haven't. but that's it. i think we need to get smarter about do we make it affordable for the people to rebuild their because the cost does fall on people who pay the insurance area. matthew. lastly, in floridians they have hurricanes, almost every year. it seems like, are they somewhat used to this in this rebuilding process or is this at another scale? what we seen with in this is another scale. you know, this is a top to your heart game. what are the strongest to ever hit the state of florida? we saw when pushing to 100 kilometers per hour in spots, which is just one of the strongest doors between high m category. for now, the issue with this is that many people compared it to charlie back in 2004, which made landfall on august 13th in the same place. also, it was a category for hierarchy. if people thought, hey, i survive, charlie, i can divide this same thing. the issue last time. was that charlie's? i mean, the court or for august, when was only about game tonight. robert, why this time? that order are strongest when we're supposed to 70 wide leaving a much bigger branch. the damage is much more intense. all right, that's mouth. you could put you with the my radar. thank you very much. thank you. let's go now to some of the other global business stories making headlines u. k prime minister lives trust. his government is signaling it intends to stick with its many budget, which includes the biggest set of unfunded tax cuts in half a century. and this comes after an unusual meeting between trust for financial minister and the chairman of the you case, fiscal watchdog, the pound has been floundering since the budget was announced. nike reported that after 2 years of not enough inventory. now it has too much. the sneaker giant reporting inventories rose 44 percent the latest quarter. that's merchandise valued at nearly $10000000000.00 executive say they plan to mark down goods, especially apparel, as they head into the holidays. or if more now looks good against quarter in new york. yes. how, how did nike end up with so much inventory? and what does it mean for the company? even it is a huge challenge and probably not just for nike, but some of the competitors like a not it as, for example, as a well, even if they have not a set. so you could say a, one of the problems was said some of the supplies from southeast asia and for the summer season came too late. so some of those shipments because of the locked on an age or a just coming in now. and to avoid the same situation a nike decided to alter early for the winter season. so that software came in parts earlier than originally expected. so now you have to deal with this huge amount of inventory, and that means that nike has to mike valid, specially the off season goods that is putting pressure or margins at least. and as i said that a challenge is probably not just through a for nike. ok, so an incredibly difficult environment for ordering on supply chains right now, when will retailers like nike when did they expect to start seeing improvements in logistics and supply chains? yes, even they had some remark sir, from a nike c, f o n t was sort of thing at peak supply chain challenge just are locked on challenges. so things might get better from here on, even if it might take 2 or 3 quarters to really get rid of of the high level of inventory. is that the problem for nike and some other retailers as well? it's now they're facing some other challenges. for example, an overall weaker macro economic environment because on the plus side nike was saying that overall demand so far is very strong. but is that going to stay that way with those micro economic challenges remain to be seen? and then also for a lot of the big u. s. corporation, the high dollar is also an issue, at least the wall street was unforgiving, was all of what's going on with nike and the numbers that we've gotten. the stock was down here on the friday session. by more than 12 percent, the worth trading day in about 20 years. and the stock pretty much got cut in half since the beginning of the year on ryan's quarter in new york. thank you. restaurant work is hard and it's rarely glorious, but it's traditionally had its place in the hierarchy of the work world. the pandemic, however, seems to have shifted that the catering industries as waiters and cooks are missing in large numbers. many have switched to more secure sectors like retail, and they're not regretting the move restaurant manager antonia de la fuente. he is also serving guests to day. that's because he can get enough stuff. even after cutting, opening hours to afternoons, only with his service, her with wandering guests at full capacity and full waiters. that's 100 guess. we're every waiter. even if they're fast and experienced. that's tough work. you can do it at times that but not always. and that's our problem. i want to go, you know, all that is, is up of, in the restaurant had 41 employees before the pandemic. today is only 16, many left the food service industry during the lock downs. the work was insecure and there furlow pay to low. the restaurants revenue tumbled 40 percent. oh hello. then the a nixa saw him up clearly is a lot if something similar happens when we start the season next april. i can't imagine how we can continue operating. not my law, which i can go. it's not just the pandemic that's causing workers to leave the industry as former resident manager, as a boston call. after 3 decades and food service, he noticed a change in perspectives among younger workers. woven in our business as finish our 30 were and weakens, isn't attractive for them working public holidays and into the night isn't attractive and young people just have enough alternatives to get into other industries whatsoever. that's what form of food server l if caught did. she moved into retail when she worked in the restaurant, her wrists ached from carrying heavy trays. but that's not the only reason she was unhappy. father came from school. i didn't have a family life any more. no time for other people. and of course you don't get any recognition when you work in hospitality, neither financially nor mentally. oh, well hi. her base salary has tripled. she now looks after customers of kitchens at swedish furniture maker ikea, and coffee doesn't work, shifts or nights, lots of mental ill illness and ha, what i feel mentally is that i'm doing just fine here. when i go home, i am calm. i've become more balanced, hunger, vaughn, ben. the food service industry is trying to compete with higher wages, but finding staff remains a major challenge. here's a reminder of the top business story we're following. hurricane ian could be one of the most expensive u. s. storms in history, which ratings has an early estimate of $40000000000.00 and damage, and the storm isn't done yet. on friday, it made a 2nd landfall in south carolina. and that's it for me. in the dw business team, find out more online w dot com slash business. thanks for watching to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives, job referendums, annexation. so the launch conscription drug vladimir putin is trying to salvage his special military operation or protests are increasing and thousands of russians are fleeing on to the point we discuss. is russia finally turning to the point with d. w. difference? they use us to join shame, anger, politicians, social media corporations. all of them seek to manipulate of feeling. the widow is simply the one who has the best mastery of human psychology. the science of emotion. in 45 minutes on d, w. oh. when you become a criminal pre, oh, ready knows. welcome to take talk with him about hackers, paralyzing the tire societies. computers that are some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can work for, and that's how they can also go terribly watch it. now. i'm new to shop referendums, annexations, and a large conscription. dr. letting me put in is trying to salvage is special military operation. it means that this illegal war on the ukraine have now arrived in the middle of russian. society bought a position.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20221001

russia formally and illegally annexes for regions of ukraine. president vladimir putin signs decrees to recognize them as russian territory and promises to defend them with all available means. western liter say they'll never recognize the move. ah, i'm pablo foliage. welcome to the program. we start with breaking news from west africa. we're burkina faso liter pull on re demi bra has been i've stayed in a military coup. the soldiers behind the who say they've dissolved the government and suspended the constitution. that's according to a statement read by an army captain on state television. earlier explosions and heavy gunfire were reported near the presidential palace in the capital while the due due to me, but military john to seized power just 9 months ago. henry wilkins is a journalist, ain burkina faso capital wa good to go and i spoke to him earlier about who's in charge now in the country a trial right now taking control of the country. much like to me, but he came to power back in january a military. he was a marginal figure with trial, right. so we were still trying to really find out as much as we can about who it is at this stage will tell us about the president's whereabouts. do we know where he is? we do, you know, i mean that has been a misinformation flowing around on social media today. some people have said, the former president of the house was surrounded by soldiers this morning that these are on confirm reports. we, we do, you know, the way it, what's behind the 2nd qu, in just 9 months and what you think is behind, and just test this gives a little bit of context so we can understand how this has happened in such a short space of time. so i mean if i say it's been a since 2015 now the, the, the gym for through the democratic government back in, in january really on the basis that they have gotten great on security, which is really ravaged the country and the would come in and so i use the security problem now this really have the i can place a system going down the amount of territory under control of the state. i mean, around 60 percent of the station is going what? we've been widespread frustration with the agenda so that they haven't been able to make good on their promises. and there was a convoy, which was bringing essential supplies, including fee to a city of north, which should been under a blockades by each of these creeps. for some time the company was destroyed, more than 11 soldiers killed. 50 is missing this short term. this really triggered the discontent with the previous regime. journalist, henry wilkins and burkina faso. thank you. thank you. russian president vladimir putin has proclaimed the annexation of 4 occupied ukrainian regions, violating international law and drawing condemnation from the west. the move is the culmination of a series of hastily arranged votes last week that have been widely condemned as a sham. the land grab marks, an escalation in russia's war against ukraine, and vladimir putin says he will use all means to defend the territories. it's bo treat as a big domestic win for. gotcha. as well. let me put in joint hands, precipitous pleated and officially and exit for regions of you green, the white chart. russia infiltration. if it's in the ceremony of fanfare and pump boot and has a clear method for his opponents or just for me elsewhere i want keep and that real masters in the west to hear me the way so that everyone remembers this. would you people living in no hands got donates hassan on supper is here a becoming our citizens for ever. let's see whether the celebration is in stark contrast to district ality. dozens of people killed and wounded in what ukraine faith for. methods strikes on a civilian conway evaporation. one of their next treatments defined ukraine. faith, it is asking nato for quick accession my am, i am with only the path of strengthening ukraine and ousting the occupiers for my entire territory. this will restore peacefully. we will follow this path over to the end themes level. russia annexation announcement has been vitally condemned. it's designed as a step to intensify the nuclear threat or do the rest of the world. the rip union unequivocally rejects intern demps. these either get in stations that is disappointment among ukrainians to sir ah, the real estate this, this is a terrorist way of violently taking away territories. people that have been formed and attached to ukraine a very long time ago. the more my reaction to this is sharply negative with arc, so love to supplies. you know, yesterday the mystery deal, i think what is happening is lawless anymore? there is no other way to put it. some moses 91 yet. not that those. what's not scary and unclear is what will be next to the gym. we have no idea how this will and that a sad while in russia put in if a down, deeper allies, fairly greeting to move internationally. he's bound to faith. i felician paul good is a professor of russian studies at carleton university and canada. and he told us here at dw more about the purpose of putin's address. yeah, it was, it was very clearly, i think, a speech for domestic consumption. it was striking that he firstly framed today's events in relation to 2014, of course, when russia annexed crimea and a staged referendum in crimea, that sort of, you know, gave some modicum of legitimacy or thought some modicum legitimacy for that annexation. and so that was pointedly reference today as an attempt to save c. we've effectively done this again. but what was further striking was that put in repeatedly reference 1991 and the breakup of the soviet union and all of the perceived injustices flowing from that. in a sense, this was very much a nakedly imperialist speech that was designed for domestic consumption to help people understand why they were feeling all these consequences arising from russia invasion of ukraine. russia has vetoed a un security council resolution condemning moscow's illegal annexations in ukraine . devoted the 15 member body was 14, and one against with china, india, brazil, the gabon abstaining the resolution, also called for an immediate hold to moscow's unlawful invasion of ukraine and demanded the unconditional withdrawal of russian forces. no matter where western allies were, quick to respond to moscow's land grub with more sanctions against russian individuals and companies. u. s. president joe biden said the us and nato would not be intimidated by vladimir putin. america. its allies are not going. amanda sites are not going to be intimidated or not going to be intimidated by putting in his reckless words of threats. he's not going to scare us and he doesn't in or intimidate his tunes, actions are a sign he's struggling. shampoo, teen the put on this morning and showing the unity and you know, as people holding hands together on the united states is never going to recognize us. and quite frankly, the world's not going to recognize it either. america is fully prepared with our nato allies is offend every single inch of native territory every single and so mr. prudent don't misunderstand what i'm saying. every inch dw correspondence caterina chamberlain has more about the reaction from the white as well as we know, as well as the other western leaders already did to the as a ministration has condemned to russia and ics asian as illegal as well as the referendum at the same time, the vitamins patient amounts today, new sanctions in response to the kremlin and move and these new sanctions will impose export controls on any individual entity or a country that provides political or economic support to these attempts of annexation and from russia by the administration says they have already put in place authorities and that enabled them to control as in a very, in a very fast and in a very efficient way. any sanctions will. so a target additional government officials, leaders as they to do my members who are complicit in these the actions. and also, the central bank, a governor in russia, is, is also sanctioning a ration and bailout russian and military officials, as well as international suppliers supporting russia's military industrial complex . and furthermore, the administration amounts today that they will increase it very support for you crate. president biden will signed today, legislation from congress that contains 12000000000. a dollars in additional funding for ukraine, the national security advisor also said that they will continue to support ukraine, defend its territory at d, occupy those parts that russia has occupied. dw washington correspondent katarina 2 more there. right, well let's have a look at some of dealer news from around the world. hurricane ian has made landfall again this time in the us state of south carolina. the storm has already caused catastrophic damage in florida. at least 21 people are believed to have died . you as president joe biden warned in could be the deadliest hurricane in florida's history. at least 19 people have been killed and a suicide bombing at an education center in campbell. dozens more were injured. afghan police say the attack came, the students were taking university practice entrance exams. iranian authorities of arrested 9 europeans, they say were involved in anti government demonstrations around blames foreign enemies for protests that have now entered their 3rd week. they were sparked by the death of a woman in police custody for allegedly preaching islamic dress coat. brazil is heading for presidential elections this week and in which 2 men with diametrically opposed ideologies will fight for control of the world's 4th largest democracy. right wing populous incumbent is audible. tornado is facing a strong challenge from a former brazilian president. left us louise ignacio let the silver lula has a strong lead in the pulse. i'm could when outright in this 1st round of voting for those dark choice on the right and come and j bowles the narrow on the left, his challenger, luis ignacio, the silver bowl. so narrow has ruled and campaigned as a guardian of traditional family values. famously motto, he enjoys strong support from brazil's many evan joe michel christian pulled up his time in office since 2019 has seen a sharp increase in the destruction of the amazon rain forest. which bull scenario sees as an under exploited resource. he dismissed the corona virus pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands of brazilians leading to one of the highest deaf tolls in the world. and he's been accused of encouraging excessive use of force by police, as well as making massage, domestic and racist statements. his rival luis, ignacio lula da silva, has broad based public support, despite having served jail time for money laundering and corruption. a conviction that was later unknown. his fans say that in his 2 terms, as president government policies lifted millions out of poverty lula has promised to increase public spending. if he wins, make the rich pay higher taxes and protect the amazon rain forest. in most polls, he has a comfortable lead in the run up to the election. but in a move reminiscent of former u. s. president and political allies, donald trump, bull scenario has suggested that the election will be fraudulent and that he may refuse to accept defeat. that could plunge brazil into full blown crisis. here's a reminder of the top new story. this are army officers in burkina, faso have announced the overthrow of military leader pull on read them me back in the 2nd qu, this here, they say they've suspended the constitution and dissolved the government a nightly curfew is now. in fact, watching dw steven beardsley will be here after a short break with dw business on popped off on in the us for me and the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. i'll see you again at the top of the next i. she's got issues with all se gray with.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20220930

please. ah, brain one still very much alive, dw channel, your guy to the special with recognizes where exactly. it was fun and i've learned a lot of our culture history, all their d. w. travel extremely worth a visit. ah, ah, berlin bite the bullet and announces a cap on gas prices to the tune of $200000000000.00 euros. but canada new measures help german households and businesses get through a difficult winter. all signs point to recession. also on our show portion, big they view doesn't disappoint. we'll look at how high share price is raised for the companies. i. p. o. and volkswagen response, the brazilian prosecutors in their investigation of a legit slave labor at a former carol ranch and the amazon loan. welcome to the show. i'm seeing busy in berlin. the german government has responded to growing pressure over rising energy costs with a $200000000000.00 euro plan to cap gas prices until 2024. chancellor, olaf sholtes said a commission of experts will determine the exact price. ceiling is government is now throwing out. it's heavily criticized plant, the tax gas customers per kilowatt hour. berlin has struggle to find the right way to distribute the hire market costs faced by gas utilities. without overwhelming gas consumers, energy costs have driven german inflation in september to 10 percent. that's according to a preliminary reading or a my colleague, cassandra sant joins meat now in studio. for more. cassandra, there's been a lot of concern about high energy prices, drip by high gas prices recent months. what is this new plan do for us? the thing the 2nd for me is steven was that this 200000000000 year old package is being funded by the same economic stabilizing fund that berlin used during the crone of ours pandemic, and the global financial crisis. so that was a big headline for me in terms of how seriously the german monet, big money, and a big powerful tool used to fund it. but what the plan means concretely, there's some details in here that are interesting in terms of diversifying energy use to nuclear power plants or their usage is going to be extended through the next next spring, spring 2023. there's also an investment for liquefied natural gas terminals and more investment in renewable energy. and the sales tax for gas sales is going to be reduced. but the thing here that we, that average every day germans are going to be looking at is this cap. the cap right now is still an idea. there is going to be an expert panel that's going to be talking about what's appropriate here. the tough line. they're gonna have to walk is how high do you put it so that it discourages use, but still low enough to make sure that average everyday people can pay their bills, right. what's the pain threshold? in other words, i guess this means that this doesn't completely take consumers and businesses off the hook for prices. no, it doesn't. there's going to be a ceiling that's going to be lower than the actual market costs. and that difference is going to be paid by the german government, but where it is funding for the german government come from, from taxpayers like all of us. so it kind of adds the pain out a little bit so. so for gas users now it's pretty much every exactly. so right now this cap is still a twinkle in someone's eye. we're still trying to figure out what that's gonna be. and the hard part here is figuring out how do we keep demand a low, even if this winter is a potentially a very, very cold one. this obviously would have something to do with inflation. i would imagine as well we're, we're seeing obviously this is this reading of 10 percent inflation annually for september. i would just bring it down. i would imagine the government helps. yes. so the german finance minister, christian lindner said that these steps would act as a break on inflation, which like you said, hit its highest level in more than a quarter of a century in september. so there's hope that this will slow or lower inflation. and thus, a slow or lower energy inflation, because germany is europe's biggest economy and it's really reliant on industry. and a lot of those industries are really energy reliance. so if you can lower exactly, if you can slow or lower those costs, there's a hope that the inflation as a whole will slower be lowered as well. but what's going to be critical, like i said, is, and what no one can predict is what kind of winter we can expect in 2022 into 2023 . i guess we'll find out in the weeks ahead. i, cassandra saw my colleague here in studio, thank you very much and we'll take a look now at some of the other global business stories making headlines. the e u has announced the legal framework for a price cap on russian oil as part of its 8th round of sanctions against russia. commission president or sl of underline, seeing the cap is aimed at reducing rushes, revenues, keeping energy markets stable. the u. s. department of justice says the victims of bernie made offs. fraudulent investment scheme will receive a further $372000000.00 to help cover their losses. the decision comes nearly 40 years after the capture of made off ran a multi $1000000000.00 investment fraud scheme through his securities business. a luxury sports car maker portia raised onto the frankfurt stock exchange thursday with one of europe's biggest listings in years. leveraging its brand power to divide global market turmoil of portia shares treated as high as 86 years and $0.54 . and it reached evaluation of 75000000000 euros racing on to the trading floor. germany's iconic sports car maker porsha has made its market debut on the frankfurt stock exchange. it's germany's biggest i p o, in decades. oh to get bill and saves on our to day one of our biggest dreams has come. true. the port portia is going public again. if you are adding a new chapter to pushes unique history, a historic moment for portia men a great day, a proud day for all of us. and so it's our talk for other the initial public offering comes at a time when markets are in turmoil due to surging inflation and recession worries. despite that volkswagen made over $9000000000.00 euros from the sale of portia shares to be invested in future plans for it's like a heavy duty to get to me with these additional funds, volkswagen will get more financial flexibility for transformation towards digitalization and e mobility. our strategy has even greater tailwind. now, everyone will come out stronger and we're excited. shortly after trade has got the green light pushes share started rising, that historic i p o values portia at a whopping 75000000000 euros. it's almost as much as its former parent company, volkswagen. the company known for its fast cars is already speeding ahead. a correspond ashatash pan. they sent us this from the frankfurt stock exchange. a big question in the run up to this idea was that why now, why is volkswagen looking to bring back portia to the public markets at the time and financial markets are struggling? their economies on the brink of a recession, inflation is soaring and centered. banks are looking to raise interest rates aggressively. it was definitely a board move folks bargain was banking on the legion of fans for these cars. for decades. god enthusiast have actually squared by this car company, the car brand. and that's exactly what the fuck slogan was. banking on and and as after the i bure, it stands vindicated because it did raise $9000000000.00, valuing the company at about $75000000000.00, almost at bar with the folks log in itself, which has so many other brands under his umbrella. now that $9000000000.00 is very useful for folks bargain, which is looking to make a very expensive transition to electric vehicles. and what does this app your mean for the bars and peach family? well, it gets them some control over the portia brand. once again, over to brazil, now we're lawyers for volkswagen presented their 1st official response to an investigation by local prosecutors into the abuse of working conditions including a legend slave labor on a v w property in the 1980s. the meeting in south hollow came 3 months after prosecutors presented a 90 page investigation to a former volkswagen run carol farm an amazon basis. former workers re count beatings, rapes enforced labor from feed of you hired managers. the alleged abuses occurred during brazil's military dictatorship. earlier, i asked our correspond mathias ebert. what would, what we can expect to come out of the meeting of the question is, what will be the position of forces? in this case, the federal prosecutors opened this case in may this year, and they had a 1st meeting with ford service in june. and now for smoking, had to deliver, had to send the official statement to the federal prosecutors until tuesday this week. but folks, wagner did not do this, they, they refused to make a position and to show their way of thinking and, and this is really disappointing. the federal prosecutors at this moment and they're really unhappy with the behavior of a forks like in this case. what exactly is volkswagens a legit role in this affair? according to investigators yet folks like had a farm in the seventy's and eighty's in the north and amazon stayed in brazil and they were in contact with the many tater military dictatorships. and therefore, it was off bent, it was of their benefits to have this farm. and on this from hundreds of workers worked in slavery like conditions. and it was a closed farm. and they received not a regular payment. and there were many abuse of human rights also happening, and this has end over many years. v w has admitted to many of these allegations in the past, i believe. so what is this about this, this investigation about? it's about the slavery work and the former for a work as they now want to have a compensation for the abuses they suffered and fog smarten knows about these allegations and the case. and since 2017, because the forks value historian already m. yeah, showed up with a lot of information about this farm and the amazon but until today, for so long as not able to and make an official statement. and that's really for the per prosecutors. a really disappointing scenario until this moment. but if you've been following this from the beginning, what are the next steps that we can expect? i think that the federal prosecutors will now put on more pressure on fog smug. in order that the company has to deal with this case and, and they were oil show up with more pressure, they will included the, the media, he in brazil. and they want to have it positioning a statement of forks value so that they can go on and that compensation might be paid to the workers in the next month or years to come. that seat of you corresponded mathias eva in sao paulo. thank you. what is well, that's our show you can find out more online at w dot com slash business are also on youtube. you can find us under the d w news channels. i'm seeing beardsley. thanks for watching. ah ah it's the end of the pandemic in sight. we show what he could look like will return to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult to success in our weekly coping. 19 special next on d w. when i, when you work as an architect like go all in or not at all. women in architecture. why are they so invisible to the larger public? we decided to ask them. this is what is the poetry the secret of the house i'm housed? shattering the glass ceiling. women in architecture in 45 minutes on d w. o. ah, how did she become adult hitler's favorite director? and how did he become a forgotten filled pioneer? leaning hyphen style and arnold fun. between hitler and hollywood. in 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening film project that became a major milestone in their lives. love, seduction and power. ice cold passion starts october 8th on d. w. ah. after being canceled for 2 years in a row, the world's largest beer festival is back. welcome to the covey 19 special.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20220930

warnings of a substantial loss of life in florida. after hurricane ian cuts a half of destruction across the u. s. state. the storm is expected to regain strength before striking south carolina. ah, i'm pablo foliage. welcome to the program. u. s. president joe biden has said that washington will never recognize the results of illegal russian annexations in ukraine. his warning came, as russia announced, plans to formally incorporate for occupied ukrainian regions on friday. moscow claims you hands done, ask parisha and us on voted to join the russian federation in so called referendums, which have been dismissed by ukraine and the west as 8 excuse me, other sham russia. annex ukraine's crimea through a similar process in 2014 at moscow's red square preparations that underway dis, benefits to get there forever. with the names of the regents russia plans to absorb here, russian president vladimir putin. blanche to officially announce fennic fishing of the ford ukrainian regents after net low hunt club patricia and had thought they make up about 15 birth and a few queens that it had. he really does deal. yeah. a solid people have made a conscious and free choice. i knew maggie senior grace stated firmly to the whole world to read their wish to be with russia only at lena. but, miss dear sir, i see no seek to forever the tie, their fate. settle our country, which war ashley threes and will be their historic motherland. is dead each is great. originally, in the 50 of cram at dusk in that a net fleeting dividends fade, they will defy rationale, fission magazines him even if they come, our boys won't let us down. if necessary. we will fight to move you even, you know, you might buy your lease, some good laska that please don't do stupid things from nicky. replenished, do not take the steps you intend to take in confirming and accepting the annexation of our territories and authority for don bass has always been ukraine, su, crate, and will always be ukraine. we will fight for additional dish. okay, you know, in, we're going to melissa bottle up to 4000000 people were asked to what in the fort warrant on regents, russia cleaned and overwhelming victory while you clean and it's international partners dismissed the defendant as chance and a violation of international law. it cannot be rico sides with international legal framework. it since against every single international community is meant to stand for it's logs, the purposes and principles of united nations. it is a dangerous escalation. it has no place in the modern world. it must not be accepted. the kremlin theme unmoved by the criticism, but its actions are clothing. i dos to a diplomatic solution. flannel mer putin says, mistakes made during russia's call up of reservists need to be corrected. it's his 1st public acknowledgment that the partial mobilization and announced last week hasn't gone as smoothly as hoped. thousands of fighting age men have fled russia to avoid the draft. what's what outland? protesters clash with police and daggers? tom, hundreds of soldiers from the region half died in ukraine, and opposition to mobilization is strong. but elsewhere in russia that protest and attacks on conscription centuries underline the growing and to mobilization sentiment to call up has been running everything but smoothly. president flooding reporting admitted that mistakes had been made use of would it be my belief? many issues are emerging during the mobilization? yeah, it's necessary to fix all the mistakes and avoid making them again in regards to citizens who for example are eligible for deferment. it concerns father is of many children or people suffering from chronic diseases or those who are above the draft age who she is a reason all the russian leadership say the draft is only a partial mobilization only for men with previous army experience. but the exact amount of the new recruits has not been made public opposition. russian media estimate that as many as 1000000 russian might have been called into the army. the mobilization has brought out many other challenges to even those who are willing to fight fear. they won't be equipped adequately by the army. in this shop in chile, ovens, recruits, try to buy whatever they can do to you while mobilized reserve is get what the government provides. they receive winter and summer clothes and shoes . the rest depends on people buying flashlights for themselves on lighting. they're also not enough sleeping bags and mats for everyone. you can certainly call that. while it's unclear, who exactly will get drafted within the current decree, many choose to leave the country out of fear of being called to service in georgia . authorities say around $10000.00 russians are crossing the border every day. i am is alec members. us. i have escaped the mobilization and i don't want to die for the regime. i don't think it's legal. no, i mean basically it's criminal from so on mystical other countries with land borders to russia have also reported thousands of crossings since the mobilization was announced. but they are already growing very of the large number of arrivals. you members state finland, close to border for russians with tourist chang and visa at midnight, making it even more difficult for many to flee mobilization. french oil firm total energy says it has observed unauthorized drone activity close to one of its oil facilities in the north sea. europe is on high alert for potential attacks on its energy infrastructure. after a series of leaks were discovered in the nord stream gas pipelines in the baltic sea, nato says the damage is the result of sabotage. and scientists are warning that the incident could be the biggest methane leak ever recorded. or german chancellor, olaf shalt as own veiled a 200000000000 euro plan to protect the german economy against the worst effects of soaring energy costs. the plan includes a cap on natural gas and electricity prices and will scrap a proposed gas levy on consumers like the rest of europe. germany is in the midst of an energy crisis. after russia cook gas supplies in response to western sanctions over the war in ukraine. after weeks of debate about what measures the german government should and would take to help customers through a window of spiraling energy prices. finally, at clear decision from the chancellor who spoke via video link because of a positive cova test, yet skipped to so many good we're talking about and price cap for gas. for that purpose, we have now set up a committee that will come up with concrete suggestions in a very short time to see it. because it's, we've now put in place the means to lower prices for consumers all over the country for families, for pensioners, for traits, people, but also for businesses big and small. and that's what desperately needed now. so we can get into these difficult time, sit with users feeling a tough call. the shut down of cheap russian gas has resulted in german energy prices. skyrocketing help from the government is badly needed to cushion the blow to households and businesses. spain and portugal already introduced a gas price cap, and both the u. k and france have announced plans to curb energy prices, but the german government had sidestepped the measure so far. on wednesday, the leaders of germany, 16 federal states, met to discuss the energy crisis and called for decisive action from left charles, see especially at a piece of the weakness of the government's measure so far as they have been minor . they tried to solve one of the biggest challenges in japanese history with inadequate to which to put as we go, expands what we need now is a big plan. big legal commitment was the 1st person. now the big commitment has been made that the exact numbers still need to be thrashed out with winter fast approaching. germans will be hoping that it will be enough to help get them through the cold. u. s. president joe biden has warned that hurricane ian could be the deadliest ever recorded in the state of florida. so far, officials have confirmed for deaths, but early reports suggest what the president called a substantial loss of life. the store made land full as one of the strongest ever to hit the u. s. and is still lashing. florida with strong winds and torrential rain twisted debris is all that's left at this beach front shopping center. hurricane ian has left a trail of destruction as it caught a cross florida. buildings have been torn from their foundations. many residents are still trapped by flood waters and where the water has receded, residents are left to peak through their shattered homes. as if it was this, the most horrifying sounds in all and with the brief flying everywhere, no doors flying off everywhere, the bathroom of our down here areas is completely smashed in from all the water is just material things law were alive. and so there's a lot of people are here that didn't make it as terrible terrible. i guess a surprise you pay for being so level. roads and bridges have been washed away. hampering rescue efforts. president joe biden has pledged federal government recovery support. he warned, the danger has not yet passed. this could be the deadliest hurricane in florida history. the numbers are still are still aren't clear, but we're hearing early reports what may be substantial loss of life. this storm last strength as it crossed the state. but as regained hurricane level winds over the atlantic, georgia and the carolinas and our bracing for impact as hurricane ian heads north. earlier i spoke to nicholas snyder, a journalist in miami, and he gave us an update on the situation. i mean, it's all looking good. this is one of the most powerful storms to hit florida in a long time. i mean we have millions of people with other tricity. we have several that have passed away from the store and we have hundreds that are stuck on islands . i mean, bridges have been blown out, houses have been washed away, lives have been washed away. it's, it's about one that's definitely a store one for florida. i started a grim assessment there and a very grim warning from president biden. he said that there's potentially substantial loss of life. what's the state of the emergency response at the moment? to be honest is incredibly difficult. i mean, a lot of these situations are stuck and in very, very difficult situations. i mean, there are people, there are people that are unable to be reached because they're basically locked in by water. and some cases they can only be reached by boat or by air. so we have families that are stuck in their homes or families that are stuck in certain situations. i mean, not like i'm said, house i've been washed away. there. people are still waiting for help and still waiting for emergency rescue. i know that florida of the state of florida is doing a great job by being able to push as many emergency help individuals out there. and as well as the united states to be able to bring in some more federal help. but it's, there's a hundreds of 1000 people have been affected, it's going to take a long time, be able to reach every one of them. it's a really awful and used there, and also the images that we're seeing as well to show that devastation. so the storm weakened after making land full nicholas, but it's actually gathering strength again, right? correct. yes. and weakened over to a tropical storm as went through central florida and then it jumped back out over to the atlantic growing up to category one again. now for florida, and we're usually pretty used to hurricane, so our, our regular status has been be prepared every single hurricane season. but for a lot of these individuals in the south and north carolina, they're about to be hit by and they don't see that often. so it's very worrisome to see it now traveling up the coast, being able to come in as a category want to some of those areas. i know the governor has already declared state of emergency in north carolina and just hoping that they're seeing florida now and not taking any lighter precautions or they should be doubling down with their, with their emergency services. making sure that everyone's prepared. and for those that need to be evacuated, to be evacuated. that was a, that was the main thing i was having in florida. a lot of people tend to stay. but as you saw with these major surgeries that were coming up with in the water, i mean, it was, it was taken aback by a lot of people. well, certainly worrying, worrying images there that we're seeing. and we're in use. nicholas snyder, a journalist in miami, thank you. thank you. it's been 3 weeks since queen elizabeth died and her son charles became king with the official period of morning. now over, it's time for change and i'm talking my pocket change. the royal meant has unveiled a new king's portrait, which will soon appear on british coins in keeping with tradition, charles faces the opposite direction from his mother, whose face adorned some 27000000000 coins in use in the k. one's with the king's portrait shall begin to enter circulation late this year. germany says a cap on gas prices, but it won't become, it won't be cheap. steven beardsley has the details on dw business after the break on problem leaves. thanks for watching. back again at the top with every jenny is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some tips with.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20220929

a sham referenda and any kind of annexation in ukraine, international condemnation, and new sanctions after moscow says occupied regions in ukraine voted yes to becoming part of russia. plus russia says it's not to blame for the damage to undersea gas pipelines in the baltic. sea european leaders say it was sabotage ah, on pablo fo lillius. thanks for joining us. hurricane ian has been making its way inland in western florida hours after it slammed into the coast as a category for storm. millions of people have been left without power and coastal areas have been inundated with storm surges. several meters high. the national hurricane center says ian has now weakened to category too, but warns a code once again, gather strength, overland slamming into florida. hurricane and hit the states west coast with winds of over 240 kilometers per hour. this is a devastating storm for parts of florida, not just on the south west coast, but also inland, associated with some of these impacts. this is going to be a storm we talk about for many years to come. it's one of the most powerful storms ever recorded in the us. the authorities have warned the pounding, rain and wind will continue. as the hurricane crosses florida at the atlantic ocean . the states governor says that it could take years to recover from the devastation left behind. this is a, a major, major event. it's going to be going to be a tragic event in many ways. and we understand this is not just a 48 hour ordeal. this is going to be something that is going to be there for days and weeks and months, and unfortunately, in some circumstances, even years. the flood waters as well as winds, are causing the most damage. the hurricane has knocked out electricity to more than 1000000 homes and businesses in the city of tampa. the power of the storm sucked the water right out of the bay. full cost as say, the hurricane will lose strength as it heads in land. but even so there warning of devastating rain wind and even tornadoes as it tears across the state. well, matthew cappuccino is a meteorologist with the my radar app and he's tracking the storm from port charlotte in florida. he gave us this hope that you're not the one with me with the system is that the backlash, the bank, i log and 2nd round is arguably worth the some areas in the 1st week out or to read . when you get 14170 kilometers per hour with the 1st batch, then we got the i, the i was sort of the messy id was filed. so there was some light drizzle did. bitter wind in there. and then the backlash has been markedly more intense in my mind. we've seen a lesser years more fresh water flooding where i am right now. now early rod naples farther to the south on shore when they got the nit flooding from the storm church, an hundreds of people were left trapped on the rooftop looking for help. matthew, tell us this and governor desantis is actually saying that the storm surge has actually likely peaked. yeah. are they coming down to the low tide? go that night? brought a midnight and ultimately the wind has to be on shore to get a significant 3rd thing. offshore. wind, which is good news for the 3rd to be relaxing. however, the conditions are still rough in terms of rain with the rain for rate of about $3.00 to $5.00, sometimes more centimeters per hour. in addition to the with well over 14370 kilometer out matthew, we're seeing some incredible image. is there some devastating am winds by the looks of things and very heavy rain from florida and, but i prepared has to stay being for the impact things with this or was that initially we thought the did the big end of florida or near or north and was really dealt with instead about 36 hours ago whether mom began getting thrown back much and much more. and as a result, being like the are, the more than a lot of people with either a personal back or the manager would have been able to take care of that. been something that all the parties were here for. well tell us, where is the storm headed? matthew was moving over right now with orlando and so they'll still working for when you do tons of rain, however, it won't be a category for impact and will be much less the way of them. but over the, over the last before coming back to work, the carolina to which it will be have high on top of the store once again and drenched them with heavy rain. matthew capuchin meteorologist with the my radar app, who is in port charlotte in florida. thanks. the wide has denied it. does outrageous. the so called referendums, health held by russian proxies in occupied regions of ukraine. officials installed by moscow say, up to 99 percent of residents said yes to being annexed by the russian federation. un secretary general, antonio quoterush has called a votes, a violation of international law. they were arranged that short notice last week after ukrainian forces, successfully liberated large areas of their country from russian occupation. these people are fleeing russian. occupied easton ukraine, about a 1000 people arrive at this check point in supper regia every day. the number of those leaving has only increased since the so called referendums, calling for a formal annexation by russia began last week. they describe a procedure that is anything but democratic. we run into soldiers. they asked if we had voted. we said yes. they said, let's do it again. some say they were forced to vote at gunpoint and soldiers checked their ballots. speaking about the referendums, ukrainians president followed him here. sir lensky thanked western leaders for condemning the fabricated vote, which seemed jugglers a thank you all for your clear and unequivocal support. thank you all for understanding our position was ukraine cannot and will not put up with any attempts by russia to seize any part of our land in the u. s. zalinski, his predictions were echoed by the white house. these referenda are illegitimate, and frankly out rages. we expect russia to use the sham referenda as a false pretext, to try to annex ukrainian territory and flagrant violation of international law and the united nations charter. in fact, russia's actions are transparently fraudulent and have no legal significance whatsoever. we will never recognise these illegal and illegitimate attempts at annexation the sham referendums prompted the you to call for new sanctions package against russia. it would be the 8th package so far and include tighter trade restrictions among them, a price cup for russian oil. thank you madam president. the sham referenda, organized in the territories that russia occupied are an illegal attempt to grap land and to change international borders by force. the mobilization and putting the threat to use nuclear weapons, a further steps on the escalation path brush and then stole leaders into occupied regions of dannetta clue. hans supper re john harrison half already formally asked the russian president to incorporate their territories into russia. will european union leader se ruptures the in the north stream pipelines were probably caused by sabotaged. european companies are now ramping up security in the energy sector. russia has called a united nations security council meeting to discuss damage to the pipelines. european leaders are worried about the pipeline leaks in the bank. dixie. the you said the damage was likely caused by deliberate act raising security concerns. but the european commission has not said who might have been behind the suspect at separate ouch. to be ms. oller, who is everything, is being done to try to identify the origin of these events and of the explosions on the nodes during pipelines. so we will have to get to the bottom of this before being able to say anything on the origins of these explosions is okay. and who is responsible for though super low vision. this is extra joy, irresponsibility, as europe largest natural gas apply norway theater. it will beef up the security of its antarctic infrastructure eastern. the events in the baltic sea have resulted in the government deciding to further strengthen our preparedness around on and offshore infrastructures to prevent another incident reinforce warden or by the military will be more present and visible near our oil and gas installations. installment really does have warrant of retaliation. for any attack on europe, energy networks, they reveal there is no doubt that this is very serious. it is not a coincidence. this was planned. that is what i am or other things of discussed with the installed and burg nato secretary general. because this is serious, some officials and experts believe russia is behind the damage. russia faith. it's launching an international editor, some investigation into the leaks denying allegations it was involved related, well, you know, it's quite predictable and also predictably stupid to make such claims. i repeat once again, predictably stupid and absurd. yep. so the gas escaping from the pipelines is also an environmental concern. it contains high levels of methane and authority, fear it could be the equivalent of one 3rd of denmark started animal, greenhouse gas emissions. let's have a look at some of the other news from around the world. us vice president common harris has arrived in south korea day after north korea conducted more ballistic missile tests. harris is expected to condemn the launch during a meeting with dr. korean president hughes. so kill, she's also scheduled to visit the heavily fortified demilitarized zone that separate north and south supporters of iraq's influential cleric, mac tada outsider, have stormed, part of baghdad is heavily fortified government area. protesters breached barriers in the capitals, green zone, demanding that parliament dissolved and hold you elections. iraq has been unable to form a government since october, when outsider ordered his party to withdraw from negotiations. at least 13 people have been killed and dozens injured after iran launched a series of drones strikes into the kurdish region of northern iraq. iranian authorities accused armed kurdish groups of stoking on rest in around the u. s. s. condemned the stripes as an attack on iraq's sovereignty. what around national football team created a social media storm and a match in austria this week, by covering up their jerseys during their national anthem. the gesture appears to be a show of support for the women's rights protests in iran following the death of a young woman in police custody who was arrested for not wearing a headscarf in the prescribed manner. ah, it was subtle, but pointed ahead of their friendly match with senegal played in vienna, austria. the iranian men wore heavy black warm ups on a warm autumn day covering their iranian logo during what is supposed to be a most patriotic moment. their national anthem outside of the stadium, protesters made their voice is heard shouting slogans against the islamic republic . trying to ensure the iranian team is on their side. the sight of women back home . please be with us and support the 5th because they are killing don't mentally, the people on the keith of the 3 labor cousins iranian forward. sardar, as moon seems to be with the protestors, he was seen after tuesday's match saying my shirt belongs to the people of iran, all iranians, not one person. he appeared to a legend, an earlier instagram post, an order to keep silent, then condemned. the iranian authorities, deadly response to the protests sang shame on you. this will never be erased from our consciousness. the post was deleted and the account for several days leaving 5000000 followers guessing. as moon scored, a goal against senegal then took to his restored social media account and apologized for causing an uproar, but added my sammy's death left a pain in the nation that will never be forgotten. interestingly, perhaps the iran cynical match in vienna included a woman referee, as with the male referees, her head and legs were uncovered. well, that's all for now. the bank of england takes emergency action to stabilize british financial markets. steven beardsley has the details on date of new business after the break. i'm pablo funny as he again at the top of an extra taker. ah. someone else to the t. v. highlights the selected for you every week in your a box. subscribe now. how did she become at all for hitler's favorite director.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20220929

a forgotten filled pioneer leading? he finished and arnold funds between hitler and hollywood. in 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening a film project that became a major milestone in their lives. love seduction, and to power ice cold passion starts october 8th on d, w ah, the bank of england steps in as britain nears financial crisis, markets and the pot and the pound respond positively. but more pain could be in store also on our show will hit the rails and hear from someone who visited europe's worst border crossings for international train journeys. and believe the e, you can do more to improve them. hello, welcome to the show. i'm seeing fiercely in berlin. it's good to have you with us. the bank of england moved to stabilize turbulent british markets wednesday, vowing to buy long dated government bonds and a bid to bring down borrowing costs. the announcement coming has several u. k pension funds. we're forced to hurriedly sell off bonds to avoid a liquidity crunch. rising borrowing costs have also had mortgages and other forms of credit. the market turmoil a direct result of new government plans to cut taxes and increased borrowing. david blanche flowers, a professor at dartmouth college and a former member of the bank of england monetary policy committee. david, welcome to the show. what, what has, what has this intervention by the bank of england essentially prevented? well, it actually looks like it may well presented, the insolvency of various pension funds. so this in by the bank was kind of crucial, but this is incredible in stability. growth home is a huge self inflicted wound, brought home by a budget imposed on friday was received like a complete lead balloon. and on top of all the breaks that impact things. so basically what it did was it caused markets to melt down the exchange rate collapsed with things the body collapsed. but of course, now what all of this leads to is essentially going to see a housing market collapsed because interest rates are going to rise. people can get mortgages, and the price of those mortgages is going up. so this looks like the case in great tom, all headed into recession. this looks like an incompetent economic policy. 5 prime minister has been in place 3 weeks. the if you're already answering my 2nd question i was going to ask, is the worst over, but it sounds like what was done by the bank of england only solves an immediate problem of these insolvency. s. well, they're going to run. yes, exactly. they're going to run oceans every day. they're going to try and keep track of that. and they talked about perhaps doing something by the end of november and the bank being talked about, oh, we'll do something next week in november. well, i wouldn't believe a word of wearing crises such that market. a move in by the hour is going to be more interventions necessary. the question is, where are we going from here? i suspect we're going to have to see major action by the end of this week, and we might have to see it by tomorrow. so hold on the question, what will you do? in other words, the bank of england alone won't be able to answer these problems that we're seeing right now. well, i think that's right. i think very challenging is the, i'm, if produce the statement yesterday saying this has got to be, this is going to be turned around. this is, this is an inappropriate set of measures. this will raise in a quality. so the very fact that the, i'm, it comes out and says, can you imagine over the last 30, the, i'm, it would come out and say something about economic policy, france and germany, but any k. so this is really on, it's called for basically withdrawal of these measures and we've no real clue where it's got, but this is not going away quickly. it's not going to be sold by wait until the end of november. i think we have many, many visits in the next few days. very briefly have you ever seen this kind of disagreement between the bank of england and the government of the you k, very briefly, if you can. no. and what we've seen is actually the treasury is kind of been telling the central bank government what to do in the states read is if the treasury but some point the monetary policy committee is going to get in there and say, hang on folks, we need to do something with the bank getting the treasure in contradiction with each other and that's not workable. this is going to have to change. this is disastrous, or i want to leave it there. david blanche flower, he's professor at dartmouth college and former member of the bank of england. thank you so much. cool. thank you. let's go for now to our financial correspondent in new york yen quarter. you heard perhaps what david just said there yet, but it's not just in england that this shock is being felt also in new york. what can you tell us? yeah, i mean, in general, and for the moment at least it does seem to be mostly a british problem, but that could definitely a change. i mean for once the u. k. is the 6 biggest economy on the planet. the pound is also part of the reserve currency, so that does have an impact. and then we shouldn't forget, markets are very jumpy in general. and anyhow, i mean, we see the biggest crisis probably on but markets globally in about 1030 years or so. and when we talk markets, we talked psychology and if something like that, what happens in england right now is seen, it was other market participants. so that could cause a certain effect. larry summers, by the way, at the former head of the treasury, is saying that what happens in england, it could actually cause a global crisis. um, also the current head of the treasury, a genet, yelena saying they're monitoring the situation so clearly the okay is not isolated was of the problems at the moment, ins, court and new york. thank you. and we go now to some of the other global business stories making headlines. the head of the world trade organization and go see a conduit whaler warned that the world has heading towards a global recession. she expects her forecasters to further lower their growth rate for global trade this year from their current 3 percent projection. 16 major wall street firms have agreed to pay $1800000000.00 in fines over their failures to keep electronic records of important communications. bank of america deutscher bank goldman sachs, were among those that use personal phones, text messages and other means to discuss financial information without hearing to record keeping regulations. while europe is synonymous with rail travel, but it's often a bumpy ride for passengers traveling between the rail networks of bordering countries. for one network time tables are rarely integrated with those neighboring countries. that often means long waits at borders and other problems, infrastructure, rail networks run on different electric systems. they have different signaling systems, even different gauges of tracks. that means that a train in one country can't necessarily work and another. then there's the overall passenger experience buying a single through ticket from country 8 to country c is almost impossible in europe, mr. connection, you can forget a refund. each part of your journey is run by a different operator focused only on their domestic leg. now one campaigners hoping to pressure the e you into doing more about just these kinds of problems by identifying some of the worst connections. as part of his cross border rail project, john worth bought a your rail pass and spent the summer crossing every border in the e. u. that could be traveled by train making $95.00 crossings in total. and he documented his frustrations along the way. john joins me now to talk about his cross border rail project. john, welcome to the show. why was it important for you to see these examples of failed or defunct border connections in person? it's really important to see those things on the ground. how those connections really matter to people in these border regions. it's very important that they can actually get across the border on an everyday basis to go shopping to go to school or university, things like that. and i wanted to check, is it actually good in some areas or is actually this problem, the moment you cross the border by train in europe, everything gets more complicated. and unfortunately, what i ultimately concluded is these problems are pretty universal. whenever you cross the border in the you by train, everything gets hotter than if you're just within one country. at the same time, you highlight 20 different border crossings. some shot are due to divergent infrastructure, some were barely travel because of incompatible time tables. is there a common problem or narrative to all the sites? basically, it's very important that most railway companies think very nationally, they don't really want to prioritize international railway connections per se. and so therefore, all of these problems then crop up in a variety of different border regions. it's important to say that there are some countries that get it right. countries like austria and check here for example. but in many areas of europe, these cross border railway lines have been disregarded. not only just now, but in many cases for some considerable decades, because we're facing a climate change climate change crisis. it's very, very important that europe upsets game on railways and allows people to travel from one country to another in as green a manner as possible. and so that's what i want from the european union, is that european union should step into solar, dismantle problems of those sites that you visited. is there any one that stands out as the most egregious, or absurd in terms of the lack of connectivity? so this one which is at the border between this you and your in latvia, which is perhaps the most crazy of all. and if you go from vilnius, the capital of lithuania to dog pills, the 2nd city of latvia that used to be possible up until a few years ago. but now the train stops in the final village on the lithuanian side of the border. blissful to a man to us with just $218.00 habitants. and the train could cross just 20 kilometers further to reach the city on the lap inside. but it doesn't run any more and all you would need would be a tank of diesel fuel in order to manage to facilitate that connection. and when i was there, there were people crossing the sport on foot because they actually needed to get to lithuania. and so those are the sorts of things that i discovered. it's just very sad when you discover something like that. and there was another one as well at the border between portugal and spain and where it's a diesel train that runs on an electrified line. and between porto and vigo because neither railway company, his thought to buy electric trains for it's electrified international line. and so some of these things are very, very quick and very simple for the european union to step into sold. but at the moment, there's not really the political will that kind of practical level for the european union and to step up. and so those issues, if these connections are so critical, why don't the real networks work together across the border to make them possible? if there is such a demand from people, for example, it's very difficult for that demand to be turned into practical action. and those people into a man to us or dow pills, who can they really are asked to solve a problem like that? now for me, it's a cross border problem. so it's your wife, this thing afflict pretty much every time from european union. so the european union should step in as i see it, but the european union says ok, we want railways to work, but they take what a kind of hands off approach. and that's why the european union has know that she said to the governments of last year with your annual poll portugal in spain, taylor, you've got a problem there. you need to actually sold this practically. and so that's what i'm trying to do with this project is to say, hey, european union at many different problem borders, you've got these types of projects, it's time to get on, fix them. all right, that's john worth founder of the cross border rail project. thank you very much. thank you. and that's all for us for now. you can find out more about these and other stories online at d, w dot com slash business. check us out on youtube as well. we're under the dw news channel. you can beardsley berlin, thanks for watching into the conflict. so with sebastian sham referendums in the occupied regions of ukraine and more russian troops are drafted into battle. i guess this week has his own unique protest, very spun very off. a foreign service veteran resigned in shame the war in ukraine . what are the chances of putin surviving the conflict? he started conflict zone next on d. w. and happiness is a national goal. it's laid down in the constitution. i didn't even measure, i think, where is national happiness index. but how it is one of the poorest countries in the wealth, cheese, happiness, emory, it's inhabitants. we take a look at the human kingdom on its way to my dad is a big change of happiness. in 45 minutes on d, w a listen carefully. don't know how those 2 things you need to do a good deal. the magic discover the world around you. ah. subscriber to d. w documentary on youtube. sham referendums in the occupied regions of ukraine and more russian troops are drafted into battle. but the protests are increasing across the country. my guest this week had his own unique protest, very spun video, a foreign service veteran resigned in shame of the war in ukraine. the only russian government official to do so in.


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