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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Guatemala - Against Forgetting 20180804 03:15:00

it wasn't him but that's the only way he was ever mentioned again. otherwise the subject was to boo. it is british and you're going to get us to believe those were the worst years of the civil war which devastated the country the police and the army were fighting against the guerillas thousands of people were abducted forty five thousand around the whole country forty five thousand and those are just the ones who disappeared but if another two hundred thousand died the population of quite a model was eight million at the time they needed pontiff to unity and. it was the most brutal repression of a people ever endured in latin america at the moment. already doing as you were here a lot back then i already see the reaction in the media yes with my family usually with my brother to see whether our brother rubin was amongst the bodies that were brought here marked double x. in other words the nameless book at the door a lot of people here and look to the lot of bodies of a more cohesive your most often run into other relatives especially in law being in a cemetery he. is where most of the murder victims were taken gavia necessary not. at all he recognized many of the dead we see and then we also know one thing it was so painful i came for about six months and then could no longer bear to look at the terrible things they had done to people some of the victims had cuts on their feet cut so fine they were probably made with a razor blade in the house or maybe less. salt in lemon had been rubbed into the womb see this it was horrifying send. me more and also. the flame the sunan the most harrowing thing of all though i'm unable to get it out of my head was a couple. they were said to be engaged. navios it was a gal. they were students at san carlos university and she was pregnant but it is that i'm better at seeing him babble. i downloaded him somebody told us that when they were found the baby's head was in its mother's stomach that they knew more. then two of them being. with solidarity group of acquirement two or was founded around then the name means mutual aid we met at the morgue each of us alone to face the atrocities and fear we needed one another in this group we women tried in our own way to do something to see our missing fathers brothers sons and husbands again but if you. didn't seem clear who knew the gentle since the founding of our organization on june the fifth one thousand nine hundred four we have been calling on the transitional military government to provide information on the whereabouts of hundreds and hundreds of guatemalan citizens. which are those questions many of whom were undoubtedly abducted under the regime of gen me if ya victorias me here. please don't go in what we have experienced and attempted since then defies description the reaction from government spokespersons to questions regarding all those who have disappeared is disrespectful and deplorable with we cannot accept their contemptuous and completely improbable responses. reminding a guerrilla or not the day after day more and more people came to our poor much well and asked for help in their search for relatives who had disappeared. one lawyer got most of us and we first came here ten years ago this was a horrible place dirt floor pitch black we put the mites in and the individual rooms were shocking they were small. and had no lighter windows . on the doors were just grills. not industrial grills. but homemade want to. hear and even see how it was played on the grill show that political prisoners were kept here but what is also shocking is that over the last ten years we have found no indication whatsoever of someone having survived captivity here in la i've not a single person. to move this but we learned later that there were a lot of these secret prisons in which the police and army had people disappear but when we questioned them they denied it. they look at but what we know very little about what happened in these places when news. when this and this when de santis all was held at this police station which still exists today. now we demand. the last time i saw how it was on march the eighth one thousand nine hundred full international women's day now that i'm heading one dollar plus hundred hours when i go. of soldiers burst into our apartment and forced my brother and me to watch as they talked shit. out of balance i am less like i don't know. they pulled out her fingernails one by one with pliers. only gals have it and we had to watch. is a sunless not matter what a scale thing really those are my last memories of when they seized my mother they also arrested my brother and me and took us to the national police department on the avenue del boulevard and then the torture continued we was subjected to electric shocks them being on the new lessons in the. sinner's happily we had to watch as our mother was also tortured in the same way we mostly house her lack. of money madeleine enemies the last words she was able to say to was were be strong be strong where sampling. in your mature became increasingly important journalists abroad began to take an interest in us and our struggle in the cause of those who had disappeared but if you can in the end even general may he have it taught us what amount of military dictator had to receive us back is represented in the barbaric repression unleashed by the army and other organizations no one would save the general began to officially accuse a poor motto. is all written in english and sent from washington by one of these international totalitarian organizations be an amnesty international forum or just watch they are the ones who live you know the mutual support group what do you do when i very seldom their instructions from what you do if yeah i'm used to the net where she is in the middle watch ways you can see what good is a little bit of an interest in it gets used in i am really dealing with when i pulled the first one hundred eighty five. something happened which we could all feel good. to lose a leader of a poor moto character goma's carlito was murdered. literally off of a counter his tongue the message was clear. and use a moment of his own that most but the devil we knew then that we were not safe something could happen to us at any time i think it was at the cemetery that rosario took the megaphone and said that she wasn't afraid that she would defy head towards killers yearly in his arms yamamoto's i was also says the most to me i'm not about she was truly courageous a real fighter but we were afraid i still remember how we talked about it short of the oh god now it's our turn what are we going to do to you at last about us what about your idea of us are rushing to the q.b. comply as a mother you must have been worried about me me i have visibility and i think upon the in one thousand nine hundred five things got steadily worse i wanted to take you to your grandfather's. it was a route i drove every day that particular day on our way there i saw three cars and ten or eleven armed men on the hill leading to less precise ease when suddenly they pointed to me got into their cars and came after me i drove faster and faster i turned left and right and wherever possible i went down narrow streets when i arrived fortunately your grandfather was standing by the gate and this is the only i shouted at him to open up which the poor chap did immediately that i drove in and right to the back where he checked to see i was so scared that held you tight got out of the car and hid in the bedroom moments and in a matter of him if he has been there what about you hear me now they are going to kill us i thought and yet i had promised your father that i would look after you just in the end. the moment the place. where. we seemed not to be a winning we seemed to be losing after all we had already lost. back then and the week before easter we've still been consoling and encouraging one another then already called me to say that rosario had disappeared but is. even being stabbed or that the little boy had diarrhea and so she had gone to buy some nappies the child and her brother were in the car with her. is in a lot on the this is where the alleged accident happened but there was no accident or what really happened is that they murdered rosario her child and her brother. they tortured the infant horribly they burnt him and ripped out his fingernails and he was just a two year old little boy absolutely barbaric. and they tortured rosario's brother not to mention rosario herself they really made them suffer all three of them. so rosario's death was a clear direct message to them. it was a serious blow to the entire solidarity group many of us went into hiding i hid in order to protect you but each one of us only wanted to get somewhere safe after rosario's death a poor young which will is no longer the same we fought on or at least we tried to but not like we had done before still despite everything we did try me. last year is coming this is where his bed was or your only after it happened i spent a lot of time here i knelt and said the rosary. all i wanted was for my son to be alive for him not to be tortured while here you know i had the feeling that the only way i could endure it all was by opening my heart to the lord and the virgin mary and never stopped believing not even when they told me my son would not be coming back but until his body is found i said there is still hope surely with the new technology that's available they must be able to find something something that will help me like a sign perhaps or a word it would be a day passes without me asking mr godly when i can i go out into the yard or two or three in the morning and pray to the lord please give me an answer i can't endure your silence any longer please look at me i feel i'm going to cry again but the tears never come give me an answer lord you give others an answer why not me all i want is for my son to have a home to live in a roof over his head a bed where he can rest and a table he can sit and eat in a minute her own nickel made. you finish a piggy we have to cling to little things like photographs. you know because their disappearance is an attempt to obliterate them as though they had never existed as though there had never been people who wanted to change this country i don't believe people would say that it seems like it's impossible to change it really and it's an attempt at obliteration which extends into their private lives and into ours and to those of the survivors and to those of their relatives even into the memories we perhaps still have of them. who what were they like how do they live before someone tried to obliterate them. any better than this before we had a special relationship with our father he was a tall man. i thought. it was time which was we all i liked his moustache his beard he was big and had adult complection i got my complexion from him and. when they adopted my father murdered him i was in a state of shock for a whole year. it's like it's hard to describe the has always been this hand that you've been able to hold on and suddenly it's taken away from you that it was an incredible shock when that hand was taken away jenna and even today i am in need of my father's advice and i need orientation and i still need things that no one else can give me and if you even bless. you've been so can you but i believe that my father finds a million ways and moments to be with me he companies me along my path used to come in. and if you can i mean it seemed like there was nothing more we could do it was as if our every attempt to learn something about those who disappeared hit a wall of silence until nine hundred ninety nine that is when the deity or merely tapped the military log book appeared. in the log book league guatemala's military secret service recorded information on people who between nine hundred eighty three and one thousand nine hundred five under general asco home beto makiya victorious were arrested in abducted by state officials in iraq in one thousand nine hundred nine member of the army stole this list from the army archives and handed it over to a civilian he didn't give the most important part of the military logbook consists of a record of state activities it contains the names of one hundred eighty three persons along with the date and location of their abduction another date indicates the day on which the detainee was moved to a. another secret service facility or was released in most cases the follows the code three hundred or say a lowly able poncho poncho took him away that meant death or execution must be apart from our notice is the militant is the only document which proves that the abductions with the work of the army in the police force here. give them a part of the record is also devoted to the aquarium we're told it contains the names of those relatives of the leaders of our group who disappeared the result is husband my brother. of failures brother powerless father. unable or whatever the purpose of this code is to dehumanize them to deprive them of any form of self-determination that's why codes were used in the local it was probably the same for every family when the newspaper published the list of names my mother immediately took me somewhere else the old fear had returned yet a book about his illness and the star norm is a video link with only zero mean we'll need to police the list was published in the sunday edition of a national newspaper. on the i mean. someone came to our house and said look your husband's name is in the paper. with a c m it does so over me up with the newspapers were all tucked away in our house my family just didn't want to know my father was the only one who looked at the list but then it was get rid of it we're not going to discuss the matter at all it was the act on the one hand there was pain anguish and tears on the other hand though we were glad that at long last we were learning something about our family members whether we might discover their mortal remains or we even find out they were still alive. the reading of the race the horse and the one. good thing in our case was that father's photograph and his personal details were printed in the news. paperless we relatives finally knew for certain something that we'd always known but had never wanted to accept at least not until we saw the body in front of us from global. or. someone from the military who told my parents i didn't see him myself that when they began to torture him they not all his teeth out with a hammer that is how i know that they tortured him for a long time to try and extract information from him the man said they only stopped when their victims were nothing more than a vestige of a human being the last thing they did was gouge their eyes out. when we read said gio's name in the newspaper we knew it was time to abandon all hope since then we only refer to them as devils murderers and swine. the else. who sees it. it is of course painful to look through the logbook its pages demonstrate how much these people who wanted to change the country suffered. but it is also about our relatives and about revealing parts of our history like little fidelis is a lot of money is better than the store and at the same time we have first hand proof in the form of a document we can take to a judge and say here is the proof what more do you need. to get. thanks to the diorio merely town and we were able to bring the first legal actions but the military denied everything and the judges were still afraid not one person was found guilty but then in two thousand and five an incredibly important discovery was made when i left on the pier to be in the theater the public prosecutor's office for human rights decided to have this building investigated and delegation arrived and came down here just like we were doing when he glanced up at the windows a deliberate as if went as saw stacks of documents piled up thousands and thousands of them and when he asked the state employee responsible for them what they were it's the police archives she said she was up on the scene. yes. it's all natural gas well it was a lucky break and an unbelievably important one for so many years we had had no idea this is where the national police archive was hidden or what it was a key moment because it marked the start of this story but they could yet when the peace treaties were signs they'd also denied that an archive even existed. times. because of all of it back then when the government was toppled they used this building as a secret prison that this to. him was saying on trial in the archives we found more than six thousand documents which relate to what is recorded in the the audio military. in the theater is devoid of any loud noise for the animals if they confirm the accuracy of the information contained in the log book but i think that it the acts of violence carried out by the police are also documented even sealing animals golmaal up use meaning that even media in this is adjusted and yet when someone was abducted and taken away witnesses would take note of the vehicles number plate with the horse and no doubt only a woman. would want to see you again well as broadly what we have here alleges which list those vehicles that were taken to a workshop for maintenance or repair and those number plates that were noted down also appear in these vehicle lists. and this proves that the vehicle in which someone was abducted belonged to the national police force so the state police were responsible with a bit of a. big one here in every state police activity was documented they even took the trouble to include a summary of the respective report in the entry for each individual these entries usually include the name a few dates the document number the designation of the government organization involved and a summary of the report you are assuming that it. wanted that's the general who goes on the basis of these personal records we have drawn up a data bank with one point two million names. being it does any of them help and if we put a population of guatemala on the seventy's and eighty's. that's around eight million and assume that half the people who are minors it means that the state police are registered and monitored more than one quarter of all adults in this country will roll over the mother leaving the single most important so little that . only that i book of yes the d.o.t. own military was published in one thousand nine hundred ninety one lots of us were not only up on the idea also by two thousand and four enough time had passed for us to say the internal options have been exhausted most only is that here but i already got this with or let's move up a step to obtain a decision for an investigation at national level he said children it was a national police archive helpful to the investigation into the west according to him draw of course in the case of a new tool other persons were also registered which does help to shed light on the abductions in the middle of this happens who has forced us to a study and a lot of the documents which emerged in the historical archives confirm the validity of the famous military log book in investing that is as you own the promotional nearly thirty meter media ear to twenty six families accepted hands after we took the keys to the n.p.r. american court of human rights. anita's the law they call it was saying is for change in the early one nine hundred eighty s. the inter-american commission on human rights stated in its reports on the human rights situation in guatemala that there had been a dramatic increase in violence there along with suppression of trades unions opposition groups students and academics political parties cooperatives farmers associations church members journalists and indigenous inhabitants. is from the main to the left for the military honors the security forces document that confirms their participation in the repression it is a unique source which confirms the actions taken by the state against its own citizens twenty seven years on the abductions as well as many serious violations of human rights in this conflict will remain unpunished in addition the report documents how the state of guatemala covered up all action taken against the civilian population when they could bring to conflict the my room there are comparable over the years when we see people incur seedings in the d r e a military case took seven long years then in two thousand and twelve the court announced its decision for the first time since the end of the civil war and thirty years after the horrible events the guatemalan government was found guilty of several instances of complicity in the disappearance of people and was ordered to pay compensation it was also obligated to document for posterity precisely what had taken place amongst other things the state had to produce and broadcast a documentary film. that was me get on has idea it seemed to us the best way to prevent people from forgetting. if just by thanking these fields or perhaps the last thing he trades union is a month c.o.v. a tour who saw when they took him to the military base at common law in effect you could if you by chance we were able to identify his mortal remains here in a secret mass grave your futures and hundreds of graves like this have been found thanks to the many people who are not afraid of threats and repression. in recordings of the year miller time six other people were executed on the same day as a monster you. personally found all of them in this grave in the force. it cycle of pain the beginning of grief i mean it's in this because at that moment you accept everything that has been written and said. and what we ourselves knew about my father's disappearance you all recently but it was even worse he says give us the meter i mean until the bones are found deep down inside you still nurture hope but when they appear i think of the fifty seven days of torture that has had the greatest effect on me i think yes they happened those fifty seven days of torture yes he had to suffer. yes he was the one that the audio mini tada says was buried in a former garrison this all becomes so real when you have to identify the remains and it is worst of all for the relatives of someone who disappeared this is something we first had to learn to cope with and even though identifying a relative who was abducted is a terrible experience i believe that everyone should have the right to find their loved ones no matter how agonizing it is. they arrested him together with his girlfriend and they never came back now neither of them. we could still look at so many photographs here. and that's my uncle yes. when i get the most in this is the door to the bunker i think it's five meters wide and. it's thirty meters deep and five meters long it's simple middleboro. doing it because it was if i remember correctly it says in the log book that jose xenon was murdered in zone eleven homes. that's right. i haven't had a chance to look in the file again but i think he was found here this gives us hope that someone else from the log book could also be identified by having the consumer report it was a yes from the gianni omitted tar. do you think there are people who say no that's not my relative because they're afraid of claiming him. as like an aide to said kalle when the noise said look for them one of them said in the most intense woman he's fine when it was like that with luis kalinda face he was arrested tortured murdered and buried at large have been a cemetery his parents drove here to identify his remains but they were so afraid that they didn't say a thing. they had longs to be able to bury him but out of fear they had to pretend they didn't know who he was it was only years later that they summoned the courage to bring him here from an anonymous grave and give him a proper burial. site covered all the known the stock market been today they can visit him and bring him flowers on his birthday on public holidays and on special days like today he. will spend the theist us the money i mean we can't do that who can we visit. salted also no. i know one of the cars we don't know where they are it's just the. government representatives were only fooling themselves if they thought we would intact. and then we're not afraid of them and neither are so many other guatemalans the government wanted to intimidate and to see if that is the fun. in the music in twenty fifteen after six months of demonstrations against corruption former general autopen a small enough had to resign as president he's now in prison i. want a memory of someone has to be kept alive otherwise like the flame of the candle it dies memories need pictures and words. you. know it is for this reason that my father ophelia is brother and so many others were made to disappear. for destruction but their fight goes on in a totally different why i mean for them. and they are still here with us. below into an official estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. already at all in a wide return to vast whaler. to visit friends i don't think i'd ever go back there to live where i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. witness global news that matters. made some minds. up today don't miss our highlights w. program on line w. dot com highlights. a news on. the inside. check this out the british consulate boost side by. people who put big dreams on the big screen.


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