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Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181103 21:15:00

despite a supreme court decision finding her innocence and lifting her death sentence it was husband told me he fears for his wife's safety after the government struck a deal with islamist hardliners protesting the decision to free. news thanks so much for watching. time for an upgrade. our. house with no roof. or design highlights you can make yourself. tips and tricks that will turn your home to a special. upgrade yourself with d w's interior design channel on you to. bring to meet. everyone who wants books has to go and save. t.w. literature list hundred german must read. after. the. turkey is present rich of type in all greeted one of the country's largest infrastructure projects on the ninety fifth anniversary of the republic's founding it took just four years to build a massive project from scratch something proud airport chief executive qadri some soon lou doubts others could match. dispose of the is being billed to turkish capital turkish workers turkish banks and. this is this is this is pumping our self-esteem and i need to vent i see this place we did it and that's that's makes me approach it's europe's largest airport with an initial capacity of ninety million passengers a year this is just the first of four construction phases within a decade it's set to become the world's largest. with this app port east and will hopes to become one of the world's biggest of the asian hops if you know i'll fly long distance frankfurt paris to london chances are you may soon be changing planes here instead but the project has come with a number of problems property owners say their land was expropriated environmentalists oppose the clearing of huge forests and many workers who helped build the project in record time say they faced horrible conditions such as lack of safety precautions fatal accidents and being paid late or not at all similar is just spent nine months working at the airport he says when he criticised conditions openly he was fired. just in mid september there was a very bad accident again but when you go seventeen people were seriously injured. and eyewitnesses even say some workers were killed on. the thirtieth. anybody who speaks out about it good and up on the. betting groups and. maybe the world's largest airport but it's stained with the blood of workers. country some soon lou admits there were some problems but insists they've been rectified. workers demand that. certain employment in their in their in their in for their needs be took the necessary measures. at this moment be provided. we are providing a better service for them and that's why from my perspective the issue is on the control and the workers are happy some sulu says he wants to look to the future and not the past where there's still a lot left to be done it is turnbull's grand new airport. german engineering giant siemens is investing six hundred million euros in an innovation center in berlin it's called future campus and it aspires to become germany's silicon valley it will be home to research labs and high tech production facilities for startups as well as welcome space for affordable housing in a city with a housing shortage it will be based in the company's birthplace zeman stat which is already the company's largest production location with eleven thousand workers. german mater s. have filed a class action lawsuit against volkswagen for nations cheating it's the first such suit in german history only made possible by new legislation the plaintiffs say v.w. deliberately cheated them by using software that artificially reduced emissions test results class action is common in the u.s. where v.w. has already had to repay the purchase price of diesels to most of its customers. germany's unemployment rate fell below five percent in october the lowest level ever recorded by the federal employment agency less than two point two million people were employed here the rock solid labor market is likely to further boost consumer confidence and household spending in europe's biggest economy which is seen domestic demand overtake exports as its main growth driver in recent years but also highlights the country's growing labor shortage. germany hosted the compact with africa summit in berlin this week and the government here pledged a billion year old foreign investment fund to boost business in african countries it's aimed at small and midsize german companies that tend to shy away from africa and have little experience of the risks they are. compact with africa is a g. twenty initiative and has already attracted a total of two hundred forty three billion euros in pledges it's hoped the investment will curb illegal immigration to europe by creating jobs for young africans. south africa is one of few countries not at war where adults are more likely to be out of a job than in one joblessness is particularly severe for the country's youth seven out of ten young south africans are without work. paul or mama loco could easily have fallen into a trap of remaining idle. in south africa it's unemployment is that really bit because when i stay in my street in each and every house there's a there's a young person who's sitting home not having a job you know taking that light skills to get a job rather than not from a local travels thirty kilometers a day from her home in wasilla township to her amby a youth employment platform in inner city johannesburg since its inception in two thousand and nine the organization has offered workplace skills and basic training to over four hundred fifty thousand unemployed south african youth. placing fifty five thousand into their first jobs. your computer skills how to write a proper in media your for money and then how to present yourself how to talk the body language when you in a way place the skills they teach as the program's aim to get any in south african ready for the job market and they link them with prospective employers within south africa's private sector. i contact breaks and body language so find somebody in the room actually was turned south africa's unemployment rate is higher than that of the u.s. during the great depression of the one nine hundred thirty s. he believes addressing this begins with helping south africa's young people we have to connect people who are excluded out of the formal economy into work you have six million young people growing that number growing every year who are sitting at home highly highly talented without any opportunities to threat to social cohesion it's a state to step into a future after weeks of preparation remo loco is ready she's landed a job interview at automotive supply a tiger we'll entire for a sales and technical advisory position. how soon is this. carry on be partners with leading companies who think it's become a fundamental matter for any south african business to incorporate youth employment creation opportunities into their call mission. we must take that leap of faith to say i believe in you you have potential i would need to give a guy doing before i provide you with skills to go out it's not that if all goes well pooler i'm a loco could soon be swapping unemployment for a promising new job. the british government has promised an end to austerity budgeting generous tax cuts and a cash injection for health care but in the southern english city of portsmouth residents don't expect any benefits after years of spending cuts. some schools in the city have even asked parents to support their running costs and expectations have reached rock bottom here. and or to say how special needs they cut all the classrooms assistance and all the classes. to get a point that doctors now you can't get. that h.s. is being. destroyed. it takes you know just to get one down there's no one even thinking he was still. in london finance minister philip hammond announced a budget that includes two billion pounds extra for mental health services more than twenty eight billion pounds will go into new roads over the next five years but it all falls flat in portsmouth. how well i guess i may not get on this planet fifty five yes and i haven't seen anything. like all right whatever how would you or your doorstep is going to do with something where she's going to do something demanding the state is never better off. fifty eight percent of portsmouth's voters voted for breaks it and the government says the new budget depends on the outcome of the brakes of negotiations with brussels in the event in a no deal it says it would return to austerity all over again. iranians earning average wages can afford little nowadays the value of the iranian currency the rio has crumbled food imports medication and electronics are no out of reach for most u.s. sanctions have frightened foreign investors german companies that recently return to iran are already pulling out again the trump administration threatens to penalize them otherwise. that's left set it is looking for a job once again. her employer germany siemens is leaving. currently the economic situation is very difficult it's not just depicting foreign companies but iranian ones as well i've been writing job applications since i was told i was going to lose my job but i haven't had a single reply yet. said today has been working in siemens human resources department for three years before that she worked for a norwegian company but that company also pulled out of iran because of u.s. sanctions so every day is as she's reliving a bad experience she does her shopping in the evening but now she has to consider if she can afford even the most basic foods like milk and shops owners know used to customers scrutinizing prices. alone they were told the prices have risen so high i know that my customers often pick up a product only to immediately put it down again after seeing the price you know they really only buy the necessities when we're. back home she watches the news the future of her country depends on international politics especially on decisions made in the united states that we are normal people pay a high price we're losing our jobs and can't afford to pay the rent anymore the nuclear nonproliferation deal was signed in now one of its signatories is pulling out and i still hope there holds up and we can once again look to the future and making sure. separate a little faith in the european union's plan to develop a trading platform with iran too many companies have already pulled out of the country leaving behind many people like her. whose livelihoods and those of their families hang in the balance. for a. great. generation. against obsolete social norms and invokes a spirit. nineteen sixty. and still controversial. special. place of the week. contrabands for surfers a mobile hotel the fall of the toilets for. cathedrals we visit sunday ago they compostella. cultural cooperation and project fosters cross border on. the roman team sixty minutes p.w. . closely . listening carefully. don't know the soon to be sure to do good. action. discover the.


Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone - Guest Saeb Erekat 20181128 17:30:00

super hero. the smart smart stay in the gym rank recently dangerous time. for. the story of the first man. to respect. by peter craig from the eastern european perspective from the african perspective from the perspective of turkey and the arab world. com slash w w. the palestinians are deadlocked with israel and deadlocked amongst themselves so what do they do now this week in a special edition conflict zone is coming to you from the bush foreign policy forum my guest is the veteran palestinian chief negotiator saeb erekat if used dream of an independent state ever came true what would it look like. south america welcome to conflict so. you're a reluctant peace negotiator these days how many times have you tried to resign the post you said a few years ago at times but it's probably one of those. i don't have a job since two thousand and fourteen that's something else something negotiations so i mean busy with my job but the palestinians are closing doors as well. where they seem to was with the americans. nobody benefits more from opening doors with america know what it was more. palestinians well that's why that's why president abbas told donald trump damn your money and your house speech destroyed you know that's from the present time said. and myself met with the president crumbling his team and two thousand seven hundred thirty seven. i think we got the records and then you came out with that and then all of a sudden resigned from decided to take you know a lot of the question missteps rather than negotiation you declare yourself as risk capital move the embassy to jerusalem then if you didn't say it couldn't be your capital as well what you say that when you say. well you said you remember what he stops coursera more you said i was in the white house thirtieth of november meeting with dr questionnaire and justin platt planning for my president to come and meet president drum on december first he said it was not ruling out jerusalem on the part of your capital as well i'm going to give you facts. mr questionnaire camorra fifty it'll be somebody from morsi thirty from iran but first of december you're supposed to sign on not moving them. and he said to me i'm not going to do it i said then my president the best counsel you want to make my president and the first film clip from the six to make him look like his colluding with you he said you can do that so they can do that and if you do look as if you would recognize them as capital you would have disqualified yourself from any at all and the best probably regret the fact remains you can't get on with this administration you're not going to work it you said you said they're not only brokers. you've said but you've accused them of not being honest brokers over the years you've worked with many u.s. administrations who were much better disposed toward you and you couldn't do a deal with them either so you keep on waiting for someone better to come into the white house well you know you can say this and you can say that as palestinians i have organized the state of israel right to exist and live in peace and security next to the state of palestine on the sixty seven lines at that accepting illusions two forty one committee. my president accepted no violence only through negotiations and having done all of us i'm asking my israeli colleagues if we don't or some of those israeli sample of sinners nobody else will help us. the surgeons are required from me and there's regular americans so the sugar in my stomach make me to sit down with the american accent more than americans here are they going out is no peace process now take place what shall i sit with them to do thirty seven meetings they refused to say two states or six or seven they moved their embassy they closed their consulate would establish in eight hundred forty four what do you do select your answer of ideas no i'm not even gonna look i'm not living under a crime i am going to answer me this i'm going to do and if you're going to shoot. in my feet ok because i've done everything humanly possible to make peace. here it does everything i am aware that i'm there now look them from going to roll in my hometown you know with a mediterranean fifteen point nine percent arming the christian among the palestinians and forty nine point one percent of them. and generals because. their only option is that was their solution i was asking you that and i was saying that's the only luther south america my next you know talking to anybody there's no point talking to anyone i'm not in the from the top of the i'm talking to you talking to the europeans will come to the russians look we will ask our hunger to do without the american outlook you know that we're on our back where the americans you know you some day you know what they have to sit down with somebody i could not stop me some day you will and there's others that meeting with them because they you know once their doors for. the white house with them after the filter national morality and he's right and this white house it was john statesman not real estate agents they think but was thing my arm by blackmailing me by cutting hundred and forty four million dollars for me including hospitals and. the only cancer center i some part of the french hospital but i think two hundred thirty million dollars of these poor palestinians and three hundred four million dollars from united nations relief and works agency and they think they can i can't say instead mr sill jerusalem of course not. superpower's look. let me let me ask you this let me say one sometimes throughout history we seem powers and super powers come and go anyone who puts his ideology convection believe above his thoughts will doom us imam and president crumb look i have six hundred twelve because of minutes when i summarize them i'm not only worried about palestinians and israel and what about you when you're right it's far more about latin america god what's her record i'm worried about the spanish waking up one morning finding out barcelona the capital of catalonia because the price is right or the caribbean island will not or later south america you have to talk to him you've been heavily criticized for what some people have called a scatter gun approach both to diplomacy and decision making but palestinian academics also now gone after what harding from oxford university verified last year to what they said was a series of seemingly inconsistent and poorly thought out diplomatic moves that's your territory like what they call the convincing tract to dismantle the palestinian authority how many times has that been threatened write ups never happened look i'm so happy the pursuit of desperate confute trial such as the french proposal in twenty sixteen for an international peace conference you're still calling for an international peace conference on the un auspices it's not going to happen to me is it you know that i'm so happy that you're quoting my colleagues i was you know palestinians don't need to see with our eyes of a woman as in our cyber the recent roaring resentment for tongues you know that we can say anything about us we have full democracy really we will come on you're gonna make it will never come on to them it might later when we just cut your crack down on. we restart very much that when you talk about wilkerson we make mistakes but let me finish my point about the other point before you get me into the other one right. what i'm telling you no one benefits more from peace more than palestinians and no one stands to lose more in the absence of peace more that palestinians he spoke to at the last i don't care about why don't you and your factional divisions because they are killing your chance of peace and i agree with you and this is on me yeah it's all i agree with you're right i don't do it we have year after year after year the same factual divisions with hamas with the other palestinian factions you can't do it you can't put aside your factional interests for the sake of the palestinian people you know we have twenty six palestinian political parties and our only because things happen excuse look how massive the palestinian political party i'm not going to screw them all i'm dealing with them. we differ but once we know for its ballots and the bullets and they have to understand that i cannot have a palestinian state without having one i thirty one gun under one flock everybody across europe but no but if you're out there on me you say or me to do it or not i'm not i'm not going to do it they have taken over guys of arms and could have thought they'd be getting themselves and all within us that we were in cairo asking to implement the agreement of some of them in two thousand and seventeen and one very much specified that the national consensus government we formed with them would come out stronger its responsibilities equally in the west bank and gaza and we got the ballots of iraq on board that they'd be on you and you blame them i'm not lonely and it doesn't i'm saying once in fact it doesn't go forward does it look you're not giving me a plan to take this fine and what do you. put in a plan for them when i mean i came to brazil with his cabinet i think you were there to open a problem or parliament i was speaking about of the loyal opposition i said to him mr hanieh to you are no longer a prime minister of hamas you are my prime minister act as such without to be told that there is a possibility if you can book so we're going to do exactly what we're going to do when your president goes before the united nations security council and he says i think if you help us you could help yourselves we're trying to you have to sort out these factual disputes or so when it's not just someone else's or is it just some us last month's meeting of your central council the democratic front for the liberation of palestine they weren't there the popular front for the liberation of palestine they weren't there either they didn't turn out if they were there because you were stalling cross the one thing about decisions that's true i was the accusation i'm the secretary rice moments of those men just falling apart i am your promise to my home is falling apart and i am the secretary general of the p.l.o. in the front attends all the logs there committee meetings yesteryear. they decided not to come to the center of council but there's little i can stand guard on their lips i cannot stand guard of their actions or the total we are a full democracy the reasons they were caught that you can ask them why did the book of failure of the palestinian national movement is just mention them and please stop listening i have seven grandchildren and believe me they will be much more nationalist and much more unified than me and your generation look at look at the latest polling in support of palestinian polling sixty two percent want your president to resign sixty seven percent of dissatisfied with the performance of the palestinian authority three quarters conditions as worse than before the oslo agreement there are so what if you were achieved feeling people do you know have my both my president one and wants to go to america he seeks a permission from the israeli consulate so what will you will we are you are not going to be hard look up with a view to want to put pressure but look at the world bank conditions look at the world bank report on the international monetary fund report two thousand and fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen we have done with our very own but already we are crawling twenty years old. we have done in the last twenty years more than any country in the world in sixty three years that's the truth in terms of building institutions and talk resource have enough human rights they have a right you have enough they have the right this wrong going to go to elections i did not come and bring that does not come to be the president by a tank or by a creditor he came through elections he won by sixty one percent of the votes i won by fifty seven percent of the what's not man enough percent that's the fact that enough let's have a lasting years he. said he wants to know what to elections and in a clearly is not going to run when you having elections when we have so we have elections without guess what would you settle were separating you to look at kind of assess what i guess you are calling for elections you promised and i need to find my people you personally probably not actually see what i did and i'm doing it now and i mean every inventions the judges are doing a fantastic job now president abbas one of the prison system there's a go and you told him mr president you must specify the steps in accordance with the timelines and i'm willing to go along with it as long as we reach the ballots and not the bullets and you sorry you can't have elections until you unified whatever strategy you sought you were employing to make things better for your people it's not working i mean garceau you've actually been helping to cause hardship you asked israel to cut electricity took us not because of iraq with hamas or a serious maestro you didn't ask them that's not true you did look i have it i have been overloaded wagon of complexities around you know why and how could the negotiations with me on twenty third of april two thousand and fourteen. because we signed the shuttle agreement with him us and he said to me that evening you choose peace between me or you or anyone how much of a come if that's been the then a question of ourselves i have an overloaded wagon of complexities i'm twenty years old i commit mistakes i'm a singer but i don't wake up in the morning i said today i'm going to commit the following mistakes you're scrambling meaning like god you're some underling of your question i'm under occupation i have a hundred and ninety six million dollars in monthly income after the americans got it under the sun every day together with our best my president perry who goes there monthly ninety six million dollars and spend one hundred millions on the web site i look at my capabilities ok your action has put hospital operations at risk water pumps the sewage system huge why haven't you squeeze them more how can we switch them i'm paying ninety six million dollars out of my budget fifty percent. what can i do i pay very thirsty for israel no water for israel and then they collect emasculates and they don't put it back in the finance ministry and when people protested in the streets in june about your action you were arrested dozens of them new security forces beat them up in custody and you told me of democratic you are well look if you want me to be perfect i'm not perfect it was very far from the pinnacle of those with luck. using human resources you mentioned one demonstration is true some people were beaten up that's right but then investigation committee was formed believe after bubbling up but i'm going investigation i don't but how many actions like happened only basis in the west bank against abu mazen against myself how many every single day there is only one place on the arab world where the prosecutor president is a criticize and palestinian but i stand newspapers but as you said parties don't come and work cut and attack us look at everything. and then you are telling me that i am not. using human rights and you say it is perfect and using up his post excuses what about the corruption the massive corruption which obviously was already well the latest polling in september shows that eighty percent believe that there is widespread corruption in the palestinian authority they cite nepotism bribery abuse of public funds and lack of transparency you know your only plan the watchdog among the coalition for accountability and integrity has issued yet another blistering report about you for the year twenty seventeen saying that there is a lack of transparency to continue dysfunction of the palestinian legislative council allows the government accountability number one. we have. an option you ask me what corruption in palestinian territories sometimes . you have corruption yes last year for palestinian ministers were in front of the court of course i. think it's the only time in history of our openness from a country. but to go on to separate this much that's too much a man has the right to review every think that's going to think every single member of granting me every year have to renew exactly what's our income where do we live would we come watch on and those who commit acts of corruption are put in front of a court. that's happened and palestine. really yes in turkey fifteen your former minister in the palestinian authority shockey. resigned over corruption last year he said it was not permitted to carry out any useful action to reduce corruption not to corrupt officials he said were removed those suspected of corruption had their positions strengths and i know some kind of i know there are no shocker lisa has been in the opposition that would opposition and and he has a right to say whatever he wants any cancer of corruption any palestinian who claims from them are present our best down he has the right to know what our court and the corruption and submitted all right. what about the case of palestinian airlines this was singled out but why am i said the treasury last year continued payment of hundreds of salaries to employees in palestinian airlines there is of course no palestinian and once the company is not registered in accordance with the law there is no sense of responsibility how do you explain this hundreds of salaries when you have an airline that has flown what two years out of the last thirteen yes our four plans were destroyed by the israeli. and we have people who are working there are none of the hundreds of salary not hundreds it's a big forte sorceress just second that the second we have a pension system when you work for as many years i think twenty five years or baseline for two years out of the military they were before katrina they were before they were two thousand five to two there was little or you can fly or we have we have something called. the president out of green bay where we have pilots we have people who went through in the plan for the military on ramps for salad not hundreds not hundreds you turn a real bomb got it wrong of course that you know of this case intimately look i know that every yes i know very intimately and i was a money go in there money up your money my nobody pockets and the money talk about it i mean yes i'm getting that done and we have this with a man by the way a man comes on submits very port to president mahmoud abbas and this is the case that you worry about a problem last time because my corruption my undemocratic i'm just one hundred patients i was woken up to qualify hamas and this and this and this is a real problem let's get let's go let's get on to the real problem because if you listen to doing it properly you actually which is the human rights abuses human rights watch which you've dealt with for many years has just produced this latest report compiled over two years which features credible reports of shocking human rights abuses by u.s. curity services you want to so many of us in the animal rights for space for a very first place their investigation one hundred and forty seven years as you know computers as you know well. shocking abuse they say that there are violations of international humanitarian law contravene the legal obligations that you took when you signed up to human rights treaties over the last five years. torture extensively documented may amount to a crime against humanity and you're telling me your democratic state we are you out torture on a daily basis and we are we are we out of the mcarthur all of the lawyers look the human rights watch was a respected organization by the way in the newly elected executive the new law we formed a department for human rights we took very important very seriously the next morning the prime minister myself the mr frontier liberty we met and issued a statement taking into account a stunning every single word in this report and formed a committee to investigate every single matter branch see things coming other i'm not just saying this is your family acting the same thing you want us and if you think one day you will wake up and you find palestinians are void of mistakes when i was a single instance from you know not if you know twenty you can see i got the you know give me the same honest answer from you know this is the problem going on right now do you monitor a few things you know well the point is you know me very welcome and that you know and i know you've made excuses i mean not even in the end results are you i'm not you look i don't have any arms things cuban from feel my forehead. so every war they say and what's recorded and it's going to be on t.v. and the only social that's going to be televised tomorrow so i'm responsible for every single word and you know my credibility you look if you believe in jericho a little trick on the house i was born and refuse even to rent an apartment at the expense of you live in jericho in the west bank some of the harshest treatment reported by detainees takes place in jericho at the joint security committee detention center joint security committee with whom. this is human rights watch reporting destroyed security committee detention center officers forced prisoners into painful stress positions long stay. in solitary confinement a young man from the pallet a refugee camp said he was twice subjected to electric shocks and once had a court tied around his genitals so much for signing the convention against torture we are members of the convention is torture and you are a muslim speaker and you violate it on a regular day told your the hundred and forty seven cases for tweeners twenty four months are being investigated and each single one people who have committed atrocities will be held accountable that's my problem how many people have been held accountable how many how many so many how many how many you can tell me can any governor three find out what is going to get women when they are i come up to you numbers but i can tell you that security officials in certain areas were sacked fired they were demoted coming over nurse how many i've really come out and that will directly doesn't mean you know much of the meaning of a number i will give you the number i don't have it with me now. but many. you're also cracking down on freedom of speech as well how january last year your security forces detained forus job or a student from hebron about his participation in a book event organized by the islamic group at this university he had already been arrested five times on charges that turned out to be false you go after these people again and again and again he was taken to one occasion to the jericho detention center well officers alternated between kicking and beating him with a stick you're smiling and smiling me will smile about not because i live in jail and memory while i presume under young man and all of north people come at not my door at two am three am four am in the morning. and with me up and tell me i'm or some as there are no more daughter in there and so on and their goal you know it's going on course i'm and then letting go and their fear i'm stubborn on behalf of the president and you have the prime minister cracked a q why aren't times us why is this why his wife one happens we start with we had met we don't hide it we don't find excuses we don't like people people have their own lips and ears and eyes. but if you want me to be the perfect model for you i'm not perfect and she was showing to all this as we grow more in some cases and yes. sometimes sometimes i can't because i'm amanda thirty i'm twenty three years old i cannot differentiate between freedom for expression and incitement. sometimes i cannot buy i have to tell palestinians please don't smear don't talk about people because of their religion because of their color or because of their belongings because they have been here for. so sometimes we have people who attack others for their religion and so on a shame that this is what a future palestinian state would look like the future palestinian state would mean it would look human rights abuses it's got a rush going on now back down that's not going to get out of that canal stuff future of the policy has settled with the future of democracy human rights from the right psychotically transparency and the only flaw this is my so very different from what you have now it's that you know very thing you mention which six million people in the west bank and gaza you mention hundred forty seven cases and put us much too much would be willing with each one of them separately giving them our attention that's often what we promise and we hope that this number we're going to use them to use that word used we have to leave it there and so they're ok thanks for the. thanks thanks. thanks . the but. the but. the but. the but. the but. the the. the but the food. the be. the be. the big. the be. anxious li waiting. waiting for lifeline to syria. morning where are you why aren't you mentoring it. brings them closer together. to. the church because they feel powerless to help. the basil and feel like i'm letting people down of an island is what. they worry about all the money they've left behind in the book or i'm trying to be strong but deep down i'm broken. and moved the war continues to haunt poems the flood from syria. the book. i'm trying to reach them but nobody answers the war on my phone or to court documents trick starts december eighth on t w. three. the issues above his respect. is above the body. present last week the first the bolivian shuffle the boost in trouble the boss lists the ball up above the misled good luck love the book love and respect. good luck good. luck. going to move. players the books . this is a double life from an act of premeditated provocation russia's president putin blames ukraine for sunday's naval confrontation and says the crews of the captured ukrainian vessels including two secret service agents are also on the program. as germany brings together political religious right academic and leaders to debate a slap on integration we hear from


Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone - Guest Saeb Erekat 20181128 21:30:00

great yourself. your design channel. the palestinians are deadlocked with israel and deadlocked amongst themselves so what do they do now this week in a special edition conflict zone is coming to you from the ball in foreign policy forum my guest is the veteran palestinian chief negotiator saeb erekat if you dream of an independent state ever came true what would it look like. south america welcome to conflict zone and see if you're a reluctant peace negotiator these days how many times have you tried to resign the post you said a few years ago eight times but it's probably more now than i don't have a job since two thousand and fourteen jobless since that cannot stop the negotiations so i mean busy with my country but the palestinians are closing doors as well. well i think it was with the americans. when nobody benefits more from opening doors with america and you never know what it was more because of the palestinians well that's why it's such why president abbas told donald trump damn your money and your house be destroyed you know that's for the present i said. and myself met with president clinton his team and two thousand seven hundred fifty seven. i think we'll hold the record and then you came out with that and then what was on them resigned from decided to take you know a lot of the big question missteps rather than negotiation he declared or soon as it was capital moved the embassy to jerusalem then begin to say it couldn't be your capital as well would you like to say that when you say what are you said to do you remember what you saw of course i remember i said i was in the white house thirtieth of november meeting with her a questionnaire and just. planning for my president to come and meet president on december fifth he said he was not ruling out jerusalem on the part of your couple more as well i'm going to tell you facts treat them mr question america more often have to talk to somebody from the wrong but first of december you're supposed to sign on not moving the embassy and you certainly not going to go i said my president the best counsel you want to meet my president on the fifth and the glare from the six to make him look like you secluding when you said you can do that so they can do that and if you do less if you nice person and others are discovered then you would have disqualified yourself from any at all and the best probably look at the fact remains you can't get on with this administration you're not going to work if you say you said they're not only brokers. you've said but you've accused them of not being honest brokers over the years you've worked with many u.s. administrations who were much better disposed towards you and you couldn't do a deal with them either so you keep on waiting for someone better to come into the white house well you know you can save this and you can say that as palestinians i have organized the state of israel right to exist and live in peace and security next to this death but i've signed on the sixty seven lines at that acceptable solution is two for two and three three i have my president accepted no violence only through negotiations and having done all of this i'm asking my really colleagues if we don't or some of those israeli sample of things nobody else will help us decisions are required from me and there's a great american soldier shoulder my stomach might be to sit down with the american . economy and there are they do not it is no peace process now take place what shall i sit with them to do feel peace or the meetings they refused to say two states one six seven they move their embassy they close the consulate which it stablished in eighteen forty four you know what are you going to let your answer of ideas not i'm not even gonna look i don't think i'm going to recline my i'm going to plan it so answer me this i'm going to have a glance if you want me to shoot at you and it will trickle in my feet ok because i've done everything humanly possible to make peace you know there are times everything i'm aware of that i'm very looked at from going to roll in my hometown you know with the military and fifteen point nine percent army the christian among the palestinians and forty nine point one percent of the. and general. but the only option is a two state solution i'm asking you and i'm saying that's the one who's south america my mix you know talking to anybody there's no point talking to me from the top with him talking to you talking to the europeans the russians look we went as far as i'm going to do without the american outlook you know the world that we're on now that world america you know you some day you know what they'll have to sit down with and someday i did not stop meeting some very well i deserve that meeting with them because they you know once theodore roosevelt said that the white house was an africa for international morality and he's right and this white house requires states meant nothing else that agents they think by twisting my arm by blackmailing me by cutting one hundred and forty four million dollars to me including hospitals in jerusalem the only cancer center i sampled a french hospital but in two hundred fifty million dollars will be scrupulously honest and three hundred four million dollars from united nations relief and works agency if they think they can i can say instead mr sill jerusalem course not superpowers look if you let me ask you this let me say one sometimes throughout history we seem powers and super powers come and go anyone who puts a ideology convection believe above his thoughts will doom us and him. and president crumb look i have six hundred and twelve because last minutes when i summarize them i'm not only worried about palestinians and israelis and what about you when you're on it it's far more about lambert survived what ericka i'm worried about the spanish waking up one morning finding out barcelona the capital of catalonia because the price is right or the caribbean island will not or later south america you have to talk to him you've been heavily criticized for what some people have called a scatter gun approach both to diplomacy and decision making the palestinian academics who say i'm not going to not make hardening from oxford university verified last year to what they said was a series of seemingly inconsistent and poorly thought out diplomatic moves that's your territory like what they call the convincing threats to dismantle the palestinian authority how many times has that been threatened roosevelts never happen i'm so happy in pursuit of desperate and few tile in the ships such as the french proposal in twenty sixteen for an international peace conference you still calling for an international peace conference. since it's not going to happen then is it you know that i'm so happy that you're quoting my colleagues other clearly because you know palestinians don't need to see with the eyes of a madison or so about the recent roaring recently caught on you know that you can say anything about us we are a full democracy really we will come on the bandwagon how much of that much later when we really beings will just couple your crackdown or not really we reached out very well when you talk about wilkerson we met me but let me finish my point about the other point before you get me into the other one right. what i'm telling you no one benefits more from peace more than palestinians and no one stands to lose more in the absence of peace more not honestly when i flew us out of here about what we're going to need your factional divisions because they are killing your chance of peace be with you and this is on me yeah it's all going with you if you don't do it we have a year after year after year the same factual divisions with how much with the other palestinian factions you can't do it you can't put aside your factional interests for the sake of the palestinian people you know we have twenty six palestinian political parties and our only request is that an excuse look how massive the palestinian political party i'm not trying to exclude them all i'm dealing with them. we differ but once we know for its ballots and upwards and they have to understand that i cannot have a palestinian state without having one hundred thirty one gun under one floor yes everybody across you that but nobody here out there or me or you should say or me to do it or not i'm not going to do it they have taken over guys that are it could have caught it in themselves and or within us or you were in cairo asking family member going to some of them in two thousand and seventeen and what then you must specify that the national consensus on government reform would have mass shorter mistress sponsibility equally in the west bank and gaza and you got the ballots have a right angle that way they blame you and you blame them i'm not lonely and it doesn't i'm saying all of in fact it doesn't go forward does it look you're not giving me a plan to take this final and real division putting a plan to them when hania came to britain france cabinet i think you were there to partner more parliament i was speaking about the loyal opposition i said to him mr i mean to you are no longer a prime minister of hamas you are my prime minister act as such but that to be sure that that is impossible if you think didn't work so we're going to do good work what can you do when your president goes before the united nations security council and he says i beg of you help us you've got to help yourselves we're trying to you have to sort out these factional disputes or so i misspoke just how massive some us last month's meeting of your central council the democratic front for the liberation of palestine they weren't that the popular front for the liberation of palestine they weren't there either they didn't turn out if they were there because you are storming i'm procrastinating about decisions that suffer i was there accusation i'm the secretary rice really goes i'm just falling apart i am a palestinian is falling apart and i am the secretary general of the p.l.o. in the front at the end all the logs that committee meeting still yesterday. maybe decided not to come to the center console but this little certain kind of stunned got on their lips i cannot stand guard of their actions or their total we are a full democracy the reason they were caught that when you can ask them why the book failure of the palestinian national movement is it's just a nation. and please stop listening i have seven grandchildren and believe me they would be much more nationalist and much more unified than me and your generation look at look at the latest polling in september come the studio in polling sixty two percent want your president to resign sixty seven percent of the satisfied with the performance of the palestinian authority three quarters conditions i was worse than before the oslo agreement there are so what if you were chief we are people who are not in my book my president one and one for what a man he seeks a permission from the israeli commando not so what when where i learn we are only are going to take up with a view to want to put worship but look at the world bank conditions look at the world bank report on the international monetary fund report two thousand and fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen we have done with our very own got thirty crawling twenty years old. we have done in this one thing as more than any country in the third world in sixty three years that's the truth in terms of building institutions and talk we both have enough human rights we have a right you have enough we have the right this are going to go to elections i did not come i'm not come to be the president by a tank or by a head of the city he came through elections he won by sixty one percent of the votes i won by fifty seven percent of the what's not man enough percent that's the fact and that is not going to have a lasting years. following year so he said he wants you in your collections and in the club is not going to run when you having elections when we have say if we have elections without gets awfully certain we're separating you think ok kind of us little guys are calling for elections you promise to let anything slip through unifying my people you personally probably not actually. doing it now and i'm really anxious there your friends are doing a fantastic job not president abbas what was the prison system there's a goal and you told them mr president you must specify the steps in accordance with the timelines and i'm willing to go along with it as long as we reach the ballots i'm not the bullets and you say you can't have elections until you unified whatever structure to me you sort you were employing to make things better for your people it's not working you see i mean garceau you actually helping to cause hardship you asked israel to cut electricity to gaza was not true because of iraq with hamas ourselves not true you didn't ask them that's not true you do look look i have a little i have an overloaded wagon of complexities around you know i mean how could the negotiations with me on twenty third of april two thousand and fourteen. because we signed the shot the agreement would have us and he said to me that evening you choose peace between me or new or one how much so about our closest friend the bennett question of our sense i have an overloaded wagon of complicity i'm twenty years old i commit mistakes i'm not saying it but i don't wake up in the morning and say to that they're up with the following mistakes you're scrambling you know i am doing like god i'm under no your question i'm under occupation i have a hundred and ninety six million dollars monthly income after the americans got it under an hour there together what i bet my president paired together monthly ninety six million dollars and spend one hundred million of them there was an iraq that likability is ok you actually has put hospital operations at risk water pumps sewage systems huge one happens you squeeze them more how can i sway them i'm paying ninety six million dollars out of my budgets of the present. what can i do i pay very costly for israel the water for israel and then they collect emasculates and they don't put it back in the finance ministry and when people protested in the streets about your action you were arrested dozens of them and you security forces beat them up in custody and you told me about democratic. well look if you want me to be perfect i'm not perfect if you was very far from the look those would look at me says government local to search using human resources you mentioned one demonstration is true some people were beaten up that's right but then investigation committee was formed after bubbling about and i'm going investigation i don't but how many searches do i have one daily basis and the west bank against abu mazen against myself how many every single day there is only one place in the arab world where the prostin have president as a criticizable opinion but i stand newspapers but i don't come boycott the attack let's look at everything every website. and then you are telling me that i am not the. school and using human rights and you say he's perfect and using up his post was only excuses what about the corruption the massive corruption which honestly having authority well the latest polling in september shows that more than eighty percent believe that there is widespread corruption in the palestinian authority they cite nepotism bribery abuse of public funds and lack of transparency you know your own independent watchdog among the coalition for accountability and integrity has issued yet another blistering report about you for the year twenty seventeen saying that there was a lack of transparency at the continued dysfunction of the palestinian legislative council allows the government accountability number one. we have. until corruption you ask me what corruption is palestinian territory sometimes. you have corruption yes last year for palestinian ministers when one of the court of course i think it's the only time in history of our albums from a contract but to go on to surgery this much that's too much a man has the right to review everything to ask him or think every single member of granting me every i have to bring you exactly what's or income where do we live where we come what's on and those who commit acts of corruption are put in front of a court right that's happened and palestine. really if in turkey fifteen your former minister in the palestinian authority shall. resign over corruption last year he said it was not permitted to carry out any useful action to reduce corruption not corrupt officials he said were removed those suspected of corruption had their positions strengths and i know some kind of i know they are not shocking lisa in the opposition that would opposition and and he has a right to say whatever he wants and he cares of corruption any palestinian who claims from member present arbaaz down he has the right to walk up court and the corruption and submit his kids all right. what about the case of palestinian airlines this was singled out by the why am of it said the treasury last year continued payment of hundreds of salaries to employees palestinian airlines there is of course no palestinian and the company is not registered in accordance with the law there is no sense of responsibility how do you explain this hundreds of salaries when you have a line with us flown what two years out of the last thirteen we asked our four planes were destroyed by the israelis. and we have people who are working there are none of the hundreds of salary not hundreds and it's a big fort sorceress i can just second that just like and we have a pension system when you work for as many years i think twenty five years the baseline for two years out of the military they were before and for two years they were before they were two thousand five to two they already orally or we have we had something called. the president of hot green bay where we have pilots we have people who went to the plants wasn't a three hundred salad not hundreds not hundreds you tell me about got it wrong you have course the beginning of this case intimately to your look i know that every u.s. in or very intimately and i was the money go ingram money not your money my nobody pockets and when money talk about it i mean yes i'm telling that and when to be honest with the man and by the way i man comes i'm submits the report to president mahmoud abbas and if this is the case that you worry about that a problem palestine is my corruption my and democratic and this one under the pension i was woken up there qualify hamas and this and this and this little problem let's go let's go let's get on to the real problem if you look at the bigger problem you actually reduce the human rights abuses human rights watch which you've dealt with american has just produced this latest report compiled over two years which features credible reports of shocking human rights abuses by your security services your view so many to the human rights for space for a very invest based their investigation one hundred and forty seven years as you know figures as you know well. shocking abuse they say that they are violations of international humanitarian law and culture being the legal obligations that you took when you signed up to human rights treaties over the last five years. torture extensively documented may amount to a crime against humanity and you're telling me your democratic state we are you now torture on a daily basis and we are we are we out of them how to talk to other don't look the human rights watch is a respected organization by the way and the newly elected because they are a committee of the p.l.o. we formed a department for human rights we took very important very seriously the next morning the prime minister myself the mr frontier committee we met and issued a statement taking into account constantly every single law in this report and formed a committee to investigate every single matter. i mean model i'm not using english civil acting the same thing on this and if you think one day you will wake up and you find palestinians are void of mistakes when i don't was a simple answers from you to him not to feelings when you consider i got you didn't give me the story almost an answer from you know this is the problem you know right now do you remember a few things you know. that the point is you know me very well done and that you know and i know you've made excuses time is not me making here is that you are you look i don't have any and seems to been from feel for it so every what i say and what's recorded and what's going to be on t.v. i'm the only assertion that's going to be televised tomorrow so i'm responsible for every single war and you know my credibility you looking to believe in jericho i lived in jericho on the house i was born and liquidnet if you will given to rent an apartment at the expense of you live in jericho in the west bank some of the harshest treatment reported by detainees takes place in jericho at the drunk security committee detention center joint security committee with whom. this is human rights watch reporting distraught security committee detention center officers forced prisoners into painful stress positions long. solitary confinement a young man from the ballot a refugee camp said he was twice subjected to electric shocks and once had a court tied around his genitals so much for signing the convention against torture we are members of the convention against torture and you are a member of the core of you violate it on a regular basis old or the hundred and forty seven cases for two years twenty four months are being investigated and each single one people who have committed atrocities will be held accountable that's my problem how many people have been held accountable not many how many so many how many how many you can't tell me can you gov's very far away from what i mean when i'm not i cannot tell you numbers but i can tell you that security officials in certain areas were sacked fired they were demoted coming over north on me i didn't come out and little market doesn't mean you so much as me of a number i will give you the number i don't have it with me now. but many. you're also cracking down on freedom of speech as well how january last year your security forces detained first job or a student from hebron about his participation in a book event organized by the islamic group at his university he'd already been arrested five times on charges that turned out to be force you go after these people again and again and again he was taken to one occasion to the jericho detention center where officers alternated between kicking and hitting me with a stick you're smiling and smiling go smile about now because i live in jayco and memory well i presume under your arms he nam north north people come not my door at two am four am in the morning. and whip me up and tell me i'm or son is liran or booker is there and so on and i go along you know it's going on course and then you know i'm interfere i'm stubborn on behalf of the president and you have no right now is there a crowd to queue why aren't times us myself while his wife one happens we stop but we admit it we don't hide it we don't find excuses we don't bite people people have their own lips and ears and eyes but if you want me to be the perfect model for you i'm not perfect aren't you ashamed of all this that's when i'm going someplace is a mission. you know sometimes sometimes i can't because i'm one hundred thirty i'm twenty three years old i cannot differentiate between freedom for expression and incitement. sometimes there can not but i have to tell palestinians please don't smear going up about people going to a veteran because of their color or because of their belongings because of their affiliation so sometimes we have people who attack others for their religion and so on and machine look is this what a future palestinian state would look like a future palestinian state would be it would look human rights abuses discussion rather showing on now fact all that's been going on which you know about collaterals the future of the palestinians simple be the future of democracy human rights women's rights a copper going to be transparency and the wonderful this is my son very different from what you have known. that you know very few you mention which six million people in the west bank and gaza you mention hundred forty seven questions unclear is much too much we're dealing with each one of them separately giving them a lot and should have stuck with what we promised and we hope that this number will be reduced and did you was that would you just we have to leave it there and so barack thanks for. thanks thanks. thanks . the book. the book. the book. the be. the. move. move it show time holiday on the ice the famous figure skating spectacular is celebrating its seventy fifth anniversary with unforgettable moments on and above the ranks. we take a peek behind the scenes of the new anniversary show the b. minutes on the boat told. back that. the be. the best. place. a little. tough love music we've got you covered. shut up export d.w. . germany state by state. the most colorful. the long list. of the most traditional find it all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w talk calm. anxiously waiting. waiting for lifeline to syria. good morning where are you why aren't you answering. every call brings them closer together. but in terms because they feel powerless to help. the men feel like i'm letting people down that i love is what. they worry about the ones they've left behind. but. i'm trying to be strong but deep down i'm broken. the war continues to haunt those who fled from syria claim.


Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone 20190321 22:30:00

john mills welcome to conflict zone thank you have you finally accepted that the european union is not going to blink when it comes to the deal on the table they finally mean what they said this is the only deal available for the day has not changed substantially since november cyprus and some traffic ations i think we have to accept that that's the only really likely situation i think you could rule out them trying to help the prime minister at the summit by offering a few more clarification zork them or making interpretations i don't think the substance there is going to change in the state so your colleagues in the g.d. european research group fundamentally underestimated the didn't the. well they kept saying it was going to blink i mean we had this return to britain didn't we the e.u. will blink at the eleventh hour but we're not there yet we need to hold our nerve they were never going to blink ever estimated only a shooting abilities in our situation were estimated them but r f i think we are i think any of us when we set out on this after the referendum for we end up in this situation of you know having no idea what the future partnership is being asked to sign or the terms ition which restricts our future partnerships and you not not really have anything in return for it but you know i have held firm to their positions about that may not have been a sensible tactic for them we haven't quite know how the next week or so will go you know we still haven't agreed a deal we still haven't agreed an extension you know there's still scurrying around if i do agree the government agree to do you agree a deal having gone through parliament to me that's the key thing but this this idea that the e.u. always blinks which we've heard from many of your colleagues this it was a fundamentally force assumption wasn't it that somehow britain had equal cards with the e.u. it didn't it never did in this negotiation i think once it became clear the government weren't really serious about us leaving that a deal then we didn't have equal cardinality and that point you're asking for something in you can always take what you've given haven't you but they're the is the largest trading group in the world they hold all the cards it's their club that you're leaving they will decide what rules apply should you wish to take advantage of some of the. privileges on offer. with that club you are i think what i thought we had in our manifesto eighteen months or so ago was that we wanted to create a comprehensive training arrangement with them and they've agreed on those who've come under every one of those would be japan i'd be quite happy just to replicate the terms of that i'm not asking them for anything that's the largest trading agreement in the world currently which britain is walking away from but the us signed with japan the largest trading loss not the arrangement that we have with the currently walking away from a political union with the european union not walking away from trading relationships i say we because he won't be able to take advantage of that. will you but we would can agree a similar one with japan i mean they've said they want to have both discussions it won't be the same for me it will be a summer one but i think if your contention is that there was nothing here you know what we have to agree to anything you are ever going to offer us that you know i think we would have been quite happy many of us to take your i mean agreement will you often other people who are further away who are less big market and we don't have a hundred billion pound a year surplus which we did have some cards to play think we've played them pretty badly the european research group seems to be now doing the blinking we're seeing former minister estimate they say that she's going to vote for two reasons deal even david davis the former minister and now jacob riis mug says he's undecided he's the chairman of the group so the die hards are finally calling it a day other well i voted for the deal last week so if i was a diehard i call it a day but i you know i think you have to look at the facts as they are on the day you make your voting decision and here i don't like if there is a lot of great situation to put the country in mr constraining us i was in the way we we shouldn't be doing but some of the options have now left the table within. the government too until last week having set a bit of a would do you know deal or not if a deal failed now made it perfectly clear that they don't want to do you know the apartment may declare the parliament wouldn't. i know deal breakers it said the choice is now the prime minister's deal or what looks like a long extension and i think it's clear to me that the deal is the better better boast you talk about facts but it's been hard to sort of some of the fantasies that you broke city is sold to the public in twenty sixteen before the referendum hasn't really like the promise from david davis himself to have negotiated a free trade area ten times the size of you by the autumn of twenty eighteen where did fantasies like that come from lighter remember that fantasy but. we voted to leave. should have been able to have a constructive dialogue with be able to leave by now in the future partially but not on the basis of that hunters i mean might go for instance that they asked that we vote to leave we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want what was that when i was there were some people hopes wasn't it we could have chosen to say we'll leave without a deal here's a draft free trade deal take it or leave it we didn't used to play the cards in that way we've been trying to secure. the government been trying to secure what was like a hybrid half in half out relationship which the e.u. did think was cherrypicking but you're a city insult fairytales to the country you sold the public a pup didn't you i think we did i thought i think we should have an independent country that can make you sane decisions that wanted to have a cooperative trade relationship and it's and there is maybe i think people watching this i will be a little bit confused as to why the us stuck so long to the line that they can't negotiate the future arrangement until we left and what people wanted us to do was leave and move into the new relationship seamlessly in is just a crazy situation to say to your nearest market new approach sellers are going to even talk to you about your future relationship until you've actually walked out the door you know where the logic you know about one of things is driven to this simply don't know whether it's logical to you it's logic seems logical to them and again. they held although even here we are leaving date without a deal in place with our law still being to leave that's not the. you a thousand days of disunity among the tory party factional disputes fantasy promises and almost criminal failure to consider the. good of the country and the national enquirer phenomenal i think everyone can look and see what a little i think everyone gerson's for the good of the country miniscule a single biggest and we've taken in more than my lifetime and probably from a decade of anybody in parliament voting for it in the don't think it in the national interest and i mean that's just a for me unfair thing to say yes well if they had been working in the national interest we would have seen people ready to compromise ken clarke the father of the house that the public holds the house of commons in near contempt for the fusion they see not only is opinion polarized here lots of factions are pursuing their own preferred ways but the public are even more polarized than at the time of the referendum he's basically saying look what you've done to the people of this country what you've done you confuse them you've polarized them. if you want no result we had a referendum we three implement that decision i think what many of us have been doing is saying we had a manifesto we went to the country here for a referendum and said here is our break that plan we will not be in the customs union we will not be in the single market we will agree a trading nation we one of the new generations even that you are going to run you should talk to the well during this period you talk to you argue too much twelve city you wouldn't talk to us until we formally triggered article fifty eight it wasn't possible to greece and before we started that two year journey to q one but it was possible some years with them it was possible that some of you will you can it's not like conversation three years of factions inside the tory party arguing amongst themselves that's what the british public was treated to and as a result only six percent of voters see parliament in a good light now did you hang your head in shame and that sort of figure i mean it's a terrible for you as a six for this sense approval rating this is a really hardest decision anybody's have to take the most difficult negotiation no one wanted to be this drawn out you know i think that it is a parliament reflects how divided the country is on the situation. given if you have only been home for miles you the people's representatives can't compromise and you haven't been able to compromise for most three years what are you doing in politics anyway i politics is supposed to be about compromise is not it is this what compromise was especially bass taking to principle the numbering decisions that the people take in a referendum so knowing when to leave them behind in the national interest absolutely but i asked why i think most pretty years have accepted we have to have a twenty one month transition which effectively results in staying in the you for nearly an extra two years would take us to four and a half years after the referendum most of us accepted that we should pay some sort of divorce below even though. nothing in that situation i think most of us would accept that a trade deal would have in some restrictions on what changes we can make to our own regulations i think we've been all manner of compromises. made but what we couldn't compromise on was not taking back our independence and being free to control our own affairs the irony is that your group the g one of the most divisive in many people's views actually promised to look for consensus in britain and in twenty seventeen your former chair so elephant and as she was then described the group as supporting the government to deliver breck's it which works for everyone there are two broken promises in that statement on the first you were so intent on supporting the government that you tried to get rid of to reason you tried to force around and . since then you have fought tooth and nail to insist that only your breath was the real brecht's it so that was hardly in the interests of our whole country i don't think that's was it offered him and if you look through the history certainly since the general election of what happened in parliament you'll see that in the e.r.d. most members there loyally supported the government all the regs approach why try to get rid of the right is a lie but they won't let me finish you the whole timeline right up and until the check is policy announced last summer which fundamentally change the ration ship the palmist was proposing for us to have with the new compared to what he promised in the manifesto a momentary one election which is the mandate on which were meant to be governing now that cause the first wave of resignations break cities from the cabin in that situation yet again there was no challenge to to the prime minister everyone was clear we wanted to see a change in the policy not a change in the person it was only after but why did you always take it was only a you were the only people who knew what really meant the question in the referendum was should the u.k. remain a member of the european union all leave the european union that was the only question that the referendum but you since that have set yourselves up as arbiters of what the true backs it actually is full i think one has to take their own view on what it is but if you will but i think what we've been doing is trying to actually deliver the progress that we promised people in a manifesto we had a general election on and i don't think you can go to the country and say this is what briggs we want you to vote for here's the vision that we have vote for some of the liver that and then trying to give us something completely different that's not honorable politics that's not principle politics and that is effectively misleading the the the people so i mean it's regrettable with the prime minister chose to change the direction of the future ration ship last summer and that's what brought most of this problem around until then she had almost complete support from the g. and it was the people who wanted to remain here because in the big problems in the party why did you change your mind and vote for two reasons most of the well there are two reasons that i mean i always say if the facts change you have to change how you very base them so that i thought some of the issuance if she got last week which were legally binding. a clear commitment he wouldn't try and force us into something you're going to start well that was important to me here many of your colleagues still cling to the view that this is a deal worst possible deal but i think it should be clear it's not ideal on the what is your group is very divided given i think you're going to fashion it this is not a great deal people are very worried about whether actually we get in here we can leave it at least when you in the you can trigger article fifteen leave it's not clear you can do that from the backstop neither but there were some reassurances last week that the backstop would not enjoy the you have no intention of meeting during the winter and forced into something that we didn't want to have if that's what parliament decides in future that and the fact that was very clear by the start of the palmer would never agree to a pregnancy and there was a clear majority for an extension meant that the choice is now or not between a promise to still improving the prime minister's deal having a no near benghazi or second referendum it's pretty clear now that the choice is leaving with a promise to deal in a few weeks time or having a very long extension more resistance is crumbling now or are you just fighting like ferrets in a sack well it is reducing because you can see that you mean fifty others voted for the deal last we we didn't vote for it the first time it was very thought of it clearly is a change in nigel mills this whole process has done britain enormous damage doesn't it in the specially to the health service when the pound sank after the referendum result and it has finances were hit by a huge sums wiped off by the collapse of the. the additional cost so far from bracks according to the british medical association and extra one hundred fifty five million pounds never admitted or factored in your calculations was it why. country voted to leave him out of the e.u. the history of the pound you were exchanging is going up and down but why but we still have one hundred fifty five million euros or the current only national economic growth is still one of the strongest in europe i mean i don't think you can say that it's pretty decision has destroyed our economies just from that i didn't say that historically economists are saying i think i was sitting down maybe to the one organization that you painted as one of the great beneficiaries from brics and we haven't left yet and you have the trees that are less so you have one hundred fifty five million let me leave you to their costs well we spend you know we spent two hundred sixty billion plus a year on the n.h.s. i mean you can oh so so that's all i was so that's all fun and the national health service was to become one of the major benefits the royal college of physicians doesn't see it that way government's lack of clarity over how the u.k. is immigration service will work they say off the bricks it could leave the n.h.s. spending up to half a billion pounds per year on international recruitment again never factored into those some the uplands that was offered the british numbers the increased government have been clear on the time gratian policy will be skills based people from all around the world have the right skills and cost half a billion pounds of audio and international recruitment asking us crazy this is royal college of physicians we are i don't know just make it up in just my views on bridget i suspect i'm going for your job i mean there's just but these figures from say i do they want me to work i think coming to work in h.s. will be hugely attractive people from around the world behind me we already have a lot of employment in the n.h.s. from countries outside the first time i. m can i ask men and this is d w news let's take you live now to brussels where e.u. leaders are making a statement following a long night of negotiations over teresa mayes request for a brac said extension let's listen in for having the repeated requests to extend the article fifty period done through the. thirtieth of june and prove the so-called style book at the moment. during the discussion among you twenty seven thirty this approach these requests in the positive spirit there if you have a council decided to proof the book agreement as regards the extension. decisions and the visits to the scenarios in the first scenario that this was all agreement if passed by the house of commons next week they would be on council agree still an extension until the second of may. the second so. that this if there was no agreement is not approved by the house of commons next week. there are pm council agrees to an extension until the. twentieth of april but of. while expecting the u.k. to indicate a way forward it's. what this means in practice is that down to that date all options will remain open. and the cliff edge states will be delayed there you can a government will still have a choice of a deal how do you a long extension of revoking article fifty. twelve a prune is the key date in terms of the u.k. deciding whether to hold european parliament elections. if it tests no decided to do so by the option of a longer extension will automatically become impossible as you know in accordance with the treaties. and the extension must be decided unanimously by the e.u. twenty seven in agreement with their member states and. this is why i met the prime minister may several times tonight to make sure that they accept the extensions and i oath and i am pleased to say that we have reached an agreement on this. thank you thank you and now the president of the given commission shanklin legend gentleman since that day of the were from the position of the twenty seven members there isn't a commission has been united and unequivocal we have worked tirelessly to negotiate we've gotten we. we have done everything we could to help get it over the finishing line we were asked for clarifications in december we gave them we were asked for short answers and generally we gave them i was asked for further reassurances last month the ins will know to be we've got to the back step i gave them and so i have to well come that today the twenty seven leaders indorsed the legally binding clarification and assurances the prime minister made and reads in stuff this closes and completes the full package there is no more than we can leave. we are hopeful that the agreement will be adopted by the house of commons. the middle minister quickly leave new some put a put to live on through to you completely lack of a. suitable exit and no deal. new song. to produce the set. to put. on the do to look for to see the live music do drop some don't rush in. the news of a lot of these live hope will surely thieve. public mosher but actually do not almost get consumers to quote you the commissioner of the unit which you're in the sector will approach this. won't do you don't totally cupie doll dispute deeply but assume most or another. group drops. my long term. resume and i no longer. abuse is simply can do to a group if you were to nobody but exit the pool to zero in on going home and you could know this too often but actually four bodies just who do think it's really fun division over pinterest. that only linus once uses for you couldn't . produce a concealed from politician parliament who inform about. this temple. are in need of watching live as european commission president jiang and you counsel presidents donald tusk make their announcement at a press conference after a long night of negotiations there in brussels and joining us from brussels we have correspondent max hoffman max you've been there since these leaders went into that room and started negotiating based on one reason may was asking a brac that extension and we've heard now that it has been granted there's been sued dates mentioned there we heard may twenty second we heard april twelfth can you just walk us through what those two dates mean and where do we go from here based on what we just heard. they did grant an extension but not the extension. theresa may request she requested until the thirtieth of june that's not going to happen what they will do now is extend at least until april twelfth and it all depends what the house of commons does next week with say they do approve that withdrawal agreement that they already rejected twice and automatically the extension will go until the twenty second of may which point there will be an orderly exit that's one day before the start of the european elections that's why they chose that date all right now let's say and that seems more likely at the moment that they do not approve the withdrawal agreement next week that's when the twelfth of april comes into play why the twelfth of april because the european institutions consider that's the last day where you can decide to participate in the european elections at the end of may so what happens then is that the u.k. as. the president of the european council put it is expected to show a way forward all the options are still on the table that also no bribes at all a long extension still approving the deal or also a no deal drugs and or as it's months sometimes called a hard bragg's it so basically what we're doing here is kicking the can down the road in a sense but also maxing out all the different deadlines there are before the european elections max theresa may she came to brussels today she wanted an extension as you mentioned she was looking for a three month extension and in fact she gets either three weeks or a little bit longer into may do you think that the prime minister will be happy with this is this a win for theresa may. not in the head of to research it's certainly not a win because as you mentioned she didn't get what she wanted she just gets a little more time to try to sort things out if indeed she remains prime minister because there are of course many voices that say she might not remain prime minister beyond next week we're still waiting for her press conference here and i suggest we wait and see and will have a directly from the source. so we have some dates now and we've been waiting a couple of years since article fifty was triggered of course so does this now mean that we finally know when the united kingdom will leave the e.u. depending on whether the british parliament course votes and favor of the withdrawal agreement or could there be another twist in this bret's a tale. well they said themselves the head of the u. commission and the head of the european council that until april twelfth all options are on the table even a longer extension let's say for example that the u.k. decides until april eleventh that they want to participate in the european elections that would mean that automatically they could have a longer extension if they decide not to participate in the european elections then this longer extension is automatically off the table so anything is still possible it really just means that what we were waiting for next week so the twenty ninth of march the original bragg's a date gets kicked three weeks from now further down the road nothing is simple of course max and this process thank you very much our brussels bureau chief not often there live for us at the u. summit in brussels thank you for that insight. arbel another new is u.s. president donald trump has said that the golan heights should become a recognized part of israel after fifty two years it is time for the united states to fully recognize israel's sovereignty over the golan heights and that's what the president said in his tweet israel took control of the strategically located golan heights from syria in the six days war in one nine hundred sixty seven and the area has been occupied by israel ever since the annexation has not been recognized by the international community. but news is of course a major boost for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the elections in that country approach that yahoo had this to say about trump statement president roh. has just made history i called him i thanked him on behalf of the people of israel. he did again first to. recognize drusilla was israel's couple to move the u.s. embassy. then he. pulled out of the disastrously wrong. but now he did something of equal historic importance he recognizes rules so we do with the golan heights. that was the israeli prime minister speaking there now earlier today we spoke with our correspondent all over silence in washington d.c. and while this decision does fit in with trump's foreign policy towards israel we asked over about the timing of this announcement is what he said in this move by the united states by the u.s. president would help him enormously he can now say well look not only did i have did i make the u.s. accept jerusalem as our capital but now also the golan heights as israeli territory and they simply knew the israeli government that this is a good moment to push for the united states have proven under president donald trump to be very supportive for israel during the last two years and now just today we had the foreign minister visiting the western wall in jerusalem for the first time also the first time an american high ranking official visiting the western wall a very symbolic move here and one that is very much celebrated by its own ya'll he called the white house today he spoke with president donald trump he will visit him next week at the white house and that is probably when we will hear the official declaration of the united states accepting the golan heights as israeli territory. that was our d. w. washington correspondent oliver solid almost one hundred people have drowned after a ferry capsized on the tigris river close to the iraqi city of mosul most of the victims four women and children celebrating the kurdish new year and the arrival of spring the boat was crossing the tigris and heading towards an amusement park iraqi prime minister abdel hardy declared three days of national mourning. the lucky survivors coming on shore. his father had feared he would never see his children again. many didn't make it out of the water alive off of the boat fairing them across the tigris overturned. carried off by the current they drowned as horrified bystanders looked on. some risk their own life to help. mosul is no stranger to disaster iraq's second largest city was ravaged by the war against the so-called islamic state liberated from the terror group after months of bitter fighting in two thousand and seventeen its inhabitants desperately crave a return to normality the amusement parks restaurants and cafes on this stretch of


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181224 00:00:00

but just so we know over a country dead donkey. starts december twenty ninth on d.w. . the law. the body. this is news live from the search for survivors in indonesia off to a deadly tsunami strikes the coast it arrived in the dark of the night without warning bringing devastation to coastal areas the death toll has climbed to more than two hundred and is expected to rise as rescue was closed through the rubble hundreds of full body engine. also on the program it was supposed to be election day in congo but the vote was postponed again now there are fears violence could break out if the vote doesn't go ahead next week camps. and we bring you all the action from around germany as the final bundesliga match up two thousand and eighteen came to the close with a bidding to break their five games when the streak while wolfsburg hope to make it three wins on the bounce. to. play. i'm christine one welcome to the program. experts are warning that another tsunami could strike indonesia and the voice he's they have told people to stay away from sections of the coastline the warning comes off to a devastating tsunami hits on saturday night say two hundred twenty two died when the tsunami swept the coastline along the soon the strait hitting sumatra and java it is believed to have been triggered by an eruption off the island or an island volcano the volcano is still active sparking fears of the new tsunami homes and beach side hotels were destroyed along the coast which is popular with tourists dozens of people remain unaccounted for and more than eight hundred people are reported injured. carried to safety after the disaster clinics like this one in western java are treating an influx of tsunami victims. others have found refuge in temporary shelters after the waves demolished hundreds of homes and buildings. it was at the moment when i heard people shouting to run away and i saw the water had gone up to the mainland and the hotel had been flooded by water the waves dragged away around two hundred people and learn from. this is the aftermath at a beach resort where a band gave a concert as the waves smashed on to shore. one survivor described the moment of impact. fiat the one i saw the water come in. about knee high i tried to run but suddenly the current drag me and i was drifting away. combing through the rubble for victims could still take days or weeks there were no tsunami warnings the warning systems are built to activate when earthquakes occur but this time of all can a corruption is thought to have triggered the tsunami. these pictures were captured by indonesian conservation officials to show the volcano in question . erupting one day before the tsunami occurred. tsunami warnings on the islands of java and sumatra remain in effect because activity at the volcano persists. question. is a freelance journalist in the indonesian capital jakarta we spoke earlier and he gave me he's assistant for doing to get supplies to survive is in the region. if you are cut off from mission also some ask you have been there since this morning so all. you know about the. need. to be that and then. and then. space at least a safe soul and also a good nation will discuss the agency also indebted to assess. the damage but so far. in it's a guess and a half. minutes you need the problem is this. this is quite new or initial because usually if there isn't a. tsunami it's that it's a no wait before the tsunami but we stand this morning and all medicine northway and that is the warning when it's not just coming for more i'm joined by robert fice associate professor off natural hasn't sat thinking it's taken the united states welcome mystifies what do we know about the cause of this tsunami well it becomes clear now through a satellite imagery that a large chunk of the what can know that through up thing slow a sliding into the sea that last night creating a very large tsunami how common are tsunamis that are caused by the came to us and can we expect a second one. that is a very good question. really do not know many tsunami generated by volcanic eruptions or associated with a kind of a kind of corruption something most likely will kind of corruptions to not in the first order or by the primary process generate. tsunamis but thank all of his due. if the activity at that at this what can it continues to be we may face another large chunk of the flank to collapse and create another tsunami that's totally possible ok mystifies we know that a tsunami warning was not issued before the waves of arrival why did systems fail to detect the ways. to nami warning systems are usually associated with large earthquakes and earthquakes are the most common source of tsunamis but there was not a large earthquake there was they may have been assessment activities associated due to the what kind of corruption but this as material is too small to trigger a tsunami warning so it was a silent event and no tsunami warning system on the globe would have responded to this this is one of these events where you know you cannot really do much. aside from hoping that slow people as possible are using a live in their property which having said that can warning systems be improved. that's a very difficult question and i don't see necessarily a technical solution for this why this might be possible by looking at the seismic tremors that. are associated with what can a corruption but they are so uncertain death so difficult to predict when this flung collapse occurs that it might just create more warnings and in the case where no tsunami is actually generated duck from a public education perspective it might be not good because if a wave generated and it's been proceeded with many false warning and people might not go out of the way or move out of the way anyway so i think. a better way might be to caution the public and rely on public education purposes the. kind of the ructions or the what kind of activity has been known and at the same spot in eight hundred eighty three the original krakow a tower. a volcanic eruption and explode in an generated large tsunami in that area and maybe through public education purposes proces sort of that knowledge can be transferred to our generation and then hopefully people are more will conscientious about their choices of war day where they go especially when there is a kinder to really going on for the past six months and just know that a possible tsunami might occur all right robert bice associate professor of natural hazards at the genius heck we appreciate you coming on for us thank you thanks for having me. now to some of the other stories making news around the bulled turkey is reportedly massing troops near a town in northern syria held by a could live force that's backed by the us media say it reinforcements were being sent across the border the buildup comes despite uncrossed say it would delay and offensive off the u.s. president donald trump's surprise announcement to withdraw u.s. troops from syria a move to he welcomed. and u.s. president donald trump has named patrick shanahan as the acting u.s. secretary of defense shanahan is current deputy defense secretary he will take over from jim matches who resigned his position and keep on as the differences with president trump. and hundreds of you know this protesters have demonstrated in ten of you israel against the cost of living and. government corruption the protests which have been running weeks were inspired by nationwide demonstrations in france . rescue teams in russia's ural mountains have found the bodies of nine construction workers who were trapped inside a burning potash mine and fire erupted saturday at the my operation by pushing lies a company russia's mining industry is accident prone due to poor safety standards. people in the democratic republic of congo would you to vote in a presidential election today but that food was postponed on thursday and has now been rescheduled for next sunday it's the third time the election has been postponed opposition groups lashed out at will voice she's accusing president joseph kabila off trying to cling onto power with the opposition has called on supporters to remain calm but there are fears violence could erupt if the vote doesn't go ahead as planned. it looks like a normal sunday in the congo's capital city kinshasa. but it was supposed to be election day. on thursday the election commission announced a one week delay in the vote the commission said most of its voting machines were destroyed in a fire and many voting documents are still missing the one needed on the vote must take place on the thirtieth if it doesn't then we still need a change at the top the country doesn't belong to president kabila and his government in a moment i'm with you. president joseph kabila his term was supposed to end two years ago but he's continually pushed back new elections. the authorities have clamped down hard on widespread protests but he finally relented. the election is threatened on multiple fronts the military is fighting rebel groups in much of the country the congo is rich in raw materials including coal time and indispensable element in mobile phones and cobalt which car makers around the world need for electric car batteries but the revenues from those resources end up in the hands of the elite and not the people. that means armed groups who are attacking the population who are exploiting the population on top of all that the eastern part of the country is suffering a severe abler outbreak whether the vote takes place next sunday or not observers expect more unrest. now here in germany the christmas season is in full swing people come from all over the will to visit the famous christmas markets but if you happen to be in bavaria over the holiday season you might not just see markets but wants to take a look. well wolves and monsters are back in kish sea on a sure sign that winter is here. these beings are known as past and according to local lore their dances have the same purpose for centuries. dancing to ward off evil winter spirits. this festival isn't for the faint of heart and gruesome costumes are a must. even the youngest on hand know the rules that the next year my daughter will scan know she's a picked himself to per session of passion traditionally happens during the shortest and doctors days of the year. the monsters head from house to house to perform the dance and drive away winter woes. in the old days there was a saying next year's grain will grow as high as the paris jumps we want to wake nature up using our drums and dancing to the not. essential here in kish see on. it's only once the past and have come and gone that the season begins to change. don't forget you can always get news on the good just. google play all from the apple store that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking you can also use the app to send us photos and videos. the first half of the bundesliga season came to an end on sunday the bundesliga show will bring you all the goals and also baksh and and in-depth discussion right off to the break joining. us and former germany international and the dean unger as


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181223 23:00:00

i didn't get into systems. family church journal return to her own t.w. place. this is news live from the search for survivors in indonesia off to a deadly tsunami strikes the coast it arrived in the dark of the night without warning bringing devastation to coastal areas the death toll has climbed to more than two hundred and is expected to rise as rescue was combed through the rubble hundreds whole pot injured. also on the program it was supposed to be election day in congo but the vote was postponed again now they're also be as violence could break out if the vote doesn't go ahead next week. and we bring you all the action from around germany as the final going to see the match up two thousand and eighteen came to a close. bidding to break their five games when the streak while close but hope to make it three wins on the bounce. to any. player. i'm christine one welcome to the program. experts are warning that another tsunami could strike indonesia and the oise he's they have told people to stay away from sections of the coastline the warning comes off to a devastating tsunami hits on saturday night say two hundred twenty two died when the tsunami swept the coastline along the strait hitting sumatra and java it is believed to have been triggered by an eruption off the island or an island volcano the volcano is still active sparking fears of the new tsunami homes and beach side hotels were destroyed along the coast which is popular with tourists dozens of people remain unaccounted for and more than eight hundred people are reported injured. carried to safety after the disaster clinics like this one in western java are treating an influx of tsunami victims. others have found refuge in temporary shelters after the waves demolished hundreds of homes and buildings. it was at the moment when i heard people shouting to run away and i saw the water had gone up to the mainland and the hotel had been flooded by water the waves dragged away around two hundred people in the hope that. this is the aftermath at a beach resort where a band gave a concert as the waves smashed on to shore. in. one survivor described the moment of impact. i am the one i saw the water come in. about knee high i tried to run but suddenly the current dragged me and i was drifting away. combing through the rubble for victims could still take days or weeks there were no tsunami warnings the warning systems are built to activate when earthquakes occur but this time can a corruption is thought to have triggered the tsunami. these pictures were captured by indonesian conservation officials to show the volcano in question . erupting one day before the tsunami occurred. tsunami warnings on the islands of java and sumatra remain in effect because activity at the volcano persists. question. is a freelance journalist in the indonesian capital jakarta we spoke earlier and he gave me he's assessment all what the force he's doing to get supplies to survive is in the region. if you are cut off from mission also some ask you have been there since this morning so all. you know about the. tsunami. already then and then. and then. specialist to save seoul and also the nation will discuss the agency also in there to assess. the damage but so far. in a guess and a half. minutes you need that the problem is this. this is quite new or initial because musically if there isn't a. this not me it's that it's an open wait before the tsunami but we stand this morning and no medicine or way and that is no warning when it's not just coming for more i'm joined by robert feist's associate professor off natural hasn't sat in your take in the united states welcome mystifies what do we know about the cause of this tsunami well it becomes clear now through a satellite imagery that a large chunk of the wood can know that through up going slow was sliding into the sea last night creating a very large tsunami how common ots tsunamis that are caused by the k knows and can we it's takes a second one. that is a very good question. really do not know many tsunami generated by volcanic eruptions or associated with a kind of a kind of corruption something most likely will carry corruptions to not in the first order or by the primary process generate. tsunamis but flank all ups as do. if the activity at that at this what kind of continuous we may face another large chunk of the flank to collapse and create another tsunami that's totally possible ok mystifies we know that a tsunami warning was not issued before the waves of arrival why did systems fail to detect the ways. to nami wanting systems are usually associated with large earthquakes and earthquakes are the most common source of tsunamis but there was no large earthquake there was they may have been a seismic activity source here due to the what kind of corruption but this wasn't activity is too small to trigger a tsunami warning so it was a silent event and no tsunami warning system on the globe would have responded to this this is one of these events where you know you cannot really do much. aside from hoping that little people as possible are losing alive in their property which having said that can warning systems be improved. that's a very difficult question and i don't see necessarily a technical solution for this why this might be possible by looking at the seismic tremors that. are associated with what can a corruption but they are so uncertain they're so difficult to predict when this flung collapse occurs that it might just create more warnings and in the case for no tsunami is actually generate a duck from a public education perspective it might be not good because if a wave generated and it's been proceeded with many false warning and people might not go out of the way or move out of the way anyway so i think. a better way might be to caution the public and rely on public education purposes the. kind of corruptions or the what kind of activity has been known and at the same spot in eighteen eighty three the original krakow a tower. of all can erupt and explode and generated large tsunami in that area and maybe through public education purpose proces sort of that knowledge can be transferred to our generation and then hopefully people are more while conscientious about their choices of war day where they go especially when there is a kind or to really going on for the past six months and just know that a possible tsunami might occur all right robert bice associate professor of natural has it's at the genius heck we appreciate you coming on for us thank you thanks for having me. now to some of the other stories making news around the bulled turkey is reportedly massing troops near a town in northern syria held by a could force that's backed by the u.s. turkish media say reinforcements were being sent across the border the buildup comes despite uncrossed saying it would delay and offensive off the us president donald trump's surprise announcement to withdraw u.s. troops from syria a move to keep welcomed. and u.s. president donald trump has named patrick shanahan as the acting u.s. secretary of defense shanahan is current deputy defense secretary he will take over from jim matches who resigned his position the policy differences with president trump. and hundreds of you know this protesters have demonstrated in ten of the israel against the cost of living and alleged government corruption the protests which have been running. inspired by nationwide demonstrations in france. rescue teams in russia's ural mountains have found the bodies of nine construction workers who were trapped inside a burning potash mine if i erected saturday at the my operation by pushing lies a company rushes mining industry is accident prone to to put safety standards. people in the democratic republic of congo who would you vote in a presidential election today but that food was postponed on thursday and has now been rescheduled for next sunday it's the third time the election has been postponed opposition groups lashed out at will voice she's accusing president joseph kabila off trying to cling onto power with the opposition has called on supporters to remain calm but there are fears violence could erupt if the vote doesn't go ahead as planned. it looks like a normal sunday in the congo's capital city kinshasa. but it was supposed to be election day on thursday the election commission announced a one week delay in the vote the commission said most of its voting machines were destroyed in a fire and many voting documents are still missing the one needed on the vote must take place on the thirtieth if it doesn't then we still need a change at the top the country doesn't belong to president kabila and his government isn't one of them would be. president joseph kabila his term was supposed to end two years ago but he's continually pushed back new elections. the authorities have clamped down hard on widespread protests but he finally relented. the election is threatened on multiple fronts the military is fighting rebel groups in much of the country the congo is rich in raw materials including coal time and indispensable element in mobile phones and cobalt which car makers around the world need for electric car batteries but the revenues from those resources end up in the hands of the elite and not the people. that means armed groups who are attacking the population who are exploiting the population on top of all that the eastern part of the country is suffering a severe enable the outbreak whether the vote takes place next sunday or not observers expect more unrest. now here in germany the christmas season is in full swing people come from all over the will to visit the famous christmas markets but if you happen to be in bavaria over the holiday season you might not just see markets but wants to take a look. so well wolves and monsters are back in kish sea on a sure sign that winter is here. beings are known as past and according to local lore their dances have the same purpose for centuries. dancing to ward off evil winter spirits. this festival isn't for the faint of heart and gruesome costumes are a must. even the youngest on hand know the rules at the best you my daughter was scared no self to per session of passion traditionally happens during the shortest inductors days of the year. the monsters head from house to house to perform the dance and drive away winter was. stuck in the old days there was a saying next year's grain will grow as high as the paris jumps we want to wake nature up using our drums and dancing. that essential here in kish see on. it's only once the past and have come and gone that the season begins to change. don't forget you can always get the news on the good. google pay all from the apple store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking you can also use the app to send us photos and videos. the first half of the bundesliga season came to an end on sunday the bundesliga show will bring you all the goals lots of action and in-depth discussion right off to the break join. us and former germany international and the dean anger as they


Transcripts For DW The Day 20190321 23:02:00

all the new member states except of course for the u.k. and this is something that doesn't happen at every summit usually you have the sherpas the so-called sherpas preparing the text at this time the leader said no we have to do this buyers sellers that's why it took so long and that's why you had all these different scenarios floated around one thing's for certain the reason they asked for an extension until the thirtieth of june she did not get this this is now a very well rather complicated system a step system but to break it down into it will twelve all the options are still on the table so april twelfth is the new march twenty ninth because march twenty ninth was the original brags that all eyes that day getting pushed down the road max hoffman is standing by for us in brussels thank you very much and we'll try to get to that press conference with the prime minister may as soon as she takes the podium. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world former brazilian president michel has hammer has been arrested in connection with a large scale corruption investigation prosecutors say ten there was arrested on charges related to alleged graft in the construction of a nuclear power plant was president of brazil from twenty sixteen to two thousand and eighteen he has denied any wrongdoing. venezuelan forces have reportedly arrested the chief of staff of opposition leader. roberto marrero was taken into custody during a raid on his caracas own according to. the u.s. and other countries do recognize mr interim president and have warned of venezuela's government not to arrest him or is a. rescue workers in mozambique have widened the search for survivors of a powerful psych loan that ripped through southern africa one week ago caused devastating floods and turned mozambique's worst hit area of they run into an inland sea more than two hundred forty people are confirmed dead in the country and so. all thousand more still need to be rescued search efforts have been hampered by broken infrastructure and more rain is expected in the coming days. across the border and zimbabwe the situation is just as dire it was also badly hit by a psych loney die. during a flood victims in barbara money money district the elderly man died when a mudslide crushed his home. team i'm in pain my father in law had a painful death after the house collapsed because of the cycle and it's hard to accept that he died that way and what that all going to make sure that we are fortunate that our mother survived. she was rescued alive in the small schools. here fishel death toll from cycling to die in the zimbabwe stands at around one hundred but hundreds more injured money money all missing feared dead people worry they won't have a body to bury with reports of corpses floating downstream into neighboring mozambique flash floods and landslides swept through this region leaving piles of rubble behind. desperate moments and a desperate situation for the two money money community in the eastern part of zimbabwe where this community was the hardest hit when cycling a day swept through more sunday and zimbabwe you see some of them have lost their entire belongings and they have nothing that they asked to do on. and nothing to do but wait. for me would all of those. men and did their home or my family we've affected because we are there to be cloned we have nothing. even who are still not these days after his heart breaking my only consolation is that my family and i are alive. people. help is patchy roads and bridges that haven't been swept away are often still impassable helicopters are lifting out the critically injured when they come low cloud means they can only fly occasionally. patients who. he's. been crashed or storms or process for going over so many fractures. means that doctors here say they're now seeing rooms turn septic because it's taking so long to reach the injured for those bringing help it's a race against time new zealand's prime minister just send our dern has announced that the government hopes to have a ban on semiautomatic and military style weapons in place by next month the move follows friday's fatal shootings at two mosques in christ church which left fifty people dead. one of the many vigils taking place across new zealand this week. as the country continues to come to terms with its worst mass shooting it's also taking radical steps to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again. today i'm announcing that new zealand will bring in all military style sunni or medic weapons we will ban or parts with the ability to convert seeming automatic or any other type of firearm into a military style seamy automatic weapon the lone gunman who opened fire on worshippers at two mosques in christ church was armed with semiautomatic rifles he's believed to have modified them with high capacity magazines to make them fire faster from now on all of this along with assault rifles will be banned in new zealand owners of such weapons will have to turn them into the police but we always want to do everything we can to ensure those people. get to bring the far out to soarin surrender to what might be possible and possible quickly new zealanders in christchurch and across the country have largely welcomed the law change as a necessary step to keep their communities safe. i think it's a step on the right direction something must change spaced on the last experience i know some people could see this is a reaction. across reaction because of one person the consequence is what we've seen. this terrible and something must change i play nothing like this for him gonna hide the gun laws will stop it from happening again but the two mosques will reopen their doors on friday when must commemorations to mark a week on from the attack are due to take place. but we're still following the news in brussels and waiting for prime minister it's recent may to address the crowd there but we're going to move on to another story as we pay for that today is world down syndrome day millions of people are born with a genetic condition and many struggle to integrate fully into society but there are some exceptions and that takes us to a cafe in the iranian capital of tehran you can get a cup of coffee and a lesson in the benefits of giving people with down syndrome a chance to hold down a job. completely in his element serving couple chinos to the guests in this cafe waiting tables this is first ever job and the forty year old is loving every second of it. i like the cafe it's big and it's nice. that's why i'm so grateful to the owner. but every night when i go to bed i thank. the others who work here have little chance of finding work elsewhere iran's job market is currently in such a bad state that over a third of college educated young iranians are unemployed for people with special needs it's become nearly impossible to find work. for most of those people there's nothing to do once they finish school they just stay at home but we're convinced it's good for them to show people that they have other abilities not just good for them it's also good for their families they're often sad because they can't do anything but here they can show just what they're capable of. more than forty people living with down syndrome autism work here regularity everybody pitches in doing what they can bring coffee waiting tables or entertaining the guests with music. or we have to interrupt our report because the prime minister of u.k. theresa may now taking the podium there in brussels let's take a listen. i just met with stan interest following the council's discussion of the u.k.'s request for the approval of the strasberg supplementary documents for sure six tension three article fifteen process firstly i welcome accounts approval of the weekly binding assurances in relation to the amount of backstop which i guess it was placed on your income last week. they should give extra surance to parliament that in the unlikely event the backstop is ever used it will only be temporary the u.k. and the e.u. will begin work immediately to replace the backstop with alternative arrangements by the end of december two thousand and twenty. after a lengthy discussion the council today also agreed subject to a successful vote next week the order to provide time for the u.k. parliament to agree and ratify a brics it deal the date of our departure will now be extended to the twenty second of may. if parliament does not agree a deal next week the e.u. council would extend article fifty until the twelfth of april at this point we would always leave with no deal or put forward an alternative plan is this involves a further extension it would mean participation in the european parliamentary elections as i've said previously i believe strongly that it would be wrong to ask people in the u.k. to participate in these elections three years after voting to leave the e.u. . well the decision today underlines is the importance of the house of commons passing a break that deal next week so that we can bring an end to the uncertainty and leave in a smooth and orderly manner. tomorrow morning i will be returning to the u.k. and working hard to build support for getting the deal through. i know m.p.'s on all sides of the debate have passionate views and i respect those different positions last night i expressed my frustration and i know that m.p.'s are frustrated to have to forego jobs to do i hope we can all agree we are now at the moment of decision and i will make every effort to ensure that we are able to leave with a deal that move our country forward. laura. and thanks very much prime minister b.b.c. news doesn't this delay just disposing that i lend my you still find yourself and what is it that makes you think you have a chance of passing your vote next week in can you can fire you will definitely hold a start meaningful vote next week and i know you've expressed what appears to be some regret from how the remarks you made last night about m.p.'s you think actually you should apologize for the remarks you made about what parliament has done well first of all as i said in relation to members of parliament there are a passionately held views on all sides of this argument and yes as i said last night i expressed frustration by no m.p.'s a frustration or two but i'm very grateful to those m.p.'s you have supported the deal to come around to supporting the deal having not previously done so and all those and pieces that i've been meeting across the house and talking to about the issues that they are concerned about in relation to this deal but i think what this decision tonight does is show the clear choice that is available. and when peace getting the deal through next week in a meaningful vote means that we can have that extension to the twenty second of may yes our latest. through this on the referendum leave the european union and do it in an orderly manner. not getting through means that we will obviously is the council has said come back to the council before the bells of april with a plan for the way for the way forward. that if it involves that further extension would mean us candidates being stored in the european parliamentary elections i think the choice is clear for people james. probably will trust listed for options now before april the twelfth deal no deal extend. all revoke. we know that your first choice is deal but to help us understand your thinking could you not rank in order of preference those are the three choices is no deal your second choice. i am working to ensure that we can leave the european union with a deal you mentioned a fourth choice of revoking article fifty i do not believe that we should be revoking article fifty that is not something we should be doing so this reason we gave the choice as to whether to stay in the european union or leave the european union to the british people they voted in two thousand and sixteen they socially to leave the government at the time said we would all know and respect the decision at the last general election eighty percent of the votes were cast the numbers of parliament to start on a manifesto to all of that decision respect the referendum i think the time is now to deliver for the british people that i'm is now to make the decision. i think for risk i mean you can you can see what will happen if you will to yield and they wanted to pass but just say it doesn't if the deal does the message is a deal doesn't pass next week that you will bring forward the yes side it will change the dates of the twelfth of april. we use therefore also hold to promised a sequence of indicative very different plans in the house of commons will come about as will be revealed when i stand by the commitments that we've made both in state legislative commitment for nation the house of commons and obviously the commitments that the chance of lancaster has made in the in the house of commons the decision been taken by the european union council and obviously to which we have a great does mean that there is now that different ages the twelfth of april i believe this is important it gives us the opportunity m.p.'s next week to look at the choices that clearly face them we can leave with a deal in an orderly manner has extensions the twenty second of may or if we don't get that deal through if we don't get that through before as well as of april we have to come forward with another plan and it's a plan means a further extension it means standing in those european parliamentary elections that tom. thank you prime minister you so the house of commons on wednesday that if you want it was not passed and i quote the house will have to decide how to proceed can you confirm with the house to the size to proceed with a long delay or a sauce to practices or a customs union you will the night that i was very clear that we need to work with the house to decide how to proceed if we if we don't get the deal through this week but i think what's nice decision from the council has done is very clean very frame for people the choices that will be available to them i continue to believe that the best route for the united kingdom is to all of the referendum result to leave the european union to do it in an orderly manner that means with a deal the deal is that the option is there for members of parliament i believe it's important that we do see that going through and that we are able to leave in that orderly orderly way jason. thank you just in goes for the daily mail we have going to leave the province where we've got we're going to hold a new date here yesterday you said to be suggesting you wouldn't ever sanction a longer delay now you're talking about it again will you ever sanction along with delight it was that bad line for you is this it this is the law states where we're going to say about drugs or the still first question is yes we will be leaving the european union and i absolutely believe that it is the duty of parliament to deliver on that result of the referendum i also believe that it is better for the u.k. if we can do that with a negotiated deal to do that in an orderly smooth and orderly manner that's what tonight's decision from the council enables us to do but i think it is important that we recognize i hope all m.p.'s would agree with me that we are now at that moment of decision now take a couple of more is andy here from p.s.a. yes. and he would cut from. the press association prime minister there's a petition on the college website that is now gained more than two million signatures all skewed to ruth cause school fifty or you confident that it is still the will of the british people to leave the european union or even if any chance that opinion has shifted since two thousand and sixteen well if you don't actually what happened in the referendum we saw all the biggest democratic exercise in our history we saw many people who'd either never voted for four or not for many years turning out to vote in that referendum and there was a clear result that we should leave the european union and i think that it's important if we want to show that we can be trusted as politicians to respect a decision that we gave to the people we didn't say tell us what you think and we'll think about it we said here's the vote what is your decision and we will deliver on it and i believe it is our duty. as a government as a parliament to deliver on that stage and other final question i'll take is there somebody here from deutsche of ella yes sorry yes. german broadcaster prime minister you put some of the blame about the situation that the u.k. is in on the house of commons yesterday you put some of the blame on yourself as well and would you do things differently especially dealing with the e.u. given the fact that today again you did not get what you wanted because you want another extension until the thirtieth of june and that's what you got well throughout these negotiations of course they've been tough sides have had their interests they've been promoting their interests i believe and any negotiation involves a degree of compromise i believe we have got a good deal on the table that's why i continue to promote that to my tale and also if we look at what has happened tonight there was always a tension as the days between the various legal risks around the european parliamentary elections and i recognise that was that that was that but i believe what we now have in terms of the council's decision is a very clear framework within which these can operate they know what the choices are but it's now is the image decision we get through this week we can leave on the twenty second of may with that deal with that deal ratified if we don't get to five through the next week we will have to propose a different way forward to the european union and involves an extension then they would say that we should hold those european parliamentary elections it's right to be in a situation of holding european parliamentary elections three years on from people having very easy to leave thing here i think they would rightly question why it was that they were then being asked to elect people to an organization part of an organization that i had already voysey to leave thank you. that was u.k. prime minister to resign may addressing from the podium there the gathered reporters answering a few questions as well and joining us is correspondent bob or of easel she is in brussels for us now barbara this announcement to postpone from british prime minister threesome may this is kind of the dilemma right so she doesn't have enough support in the u.k. parliament for a withdrawal agreement what will happen then if she doesn't get that deal past interim if we end up at this deadline of able twelve. yeah i mean the funny thing is that the e.u. has just to tend to it tiny bit of road to kick the can down on because she said she is modest gain just two weeks she needs to push the deal through next week everybody knows that it is very very unlikely she talked about building support now to to get the necessary votes and there that question sort of asked the question sort of is in the room. what has she been doing all this time since mid january when the deal was for the first time beaten resound and so it is we're here to resume a repeating herself and she was from reports from what we heard what happened here in the room she didn't have any and says to give to the e.u. leaders either they asked for a plan b. what will you do when you can't get the deal through next week what will you and she just didn't have an answer and so we see the same spectacle repeating itself and it seems in a way if you look at the realities of the situation that the eleventh of april might be the new twenty ninth of march. now barbara what about the back stop on the border in ireland we did hear her mention that in the press conference did recently get any new concessions out of the you tonight in terms about. no absolutely nothing changed but the e.u. had made that clear before hand we're not going to give any further concessions we're not going to anything we're not going to add anything this is it what they did do was sort of formalize the concessions and the assurances they had given her and strauss book just two weeks ago and they are sort of going to be formally edited to the it was drawl agreement which makes them then legally binding so that is something she can take back to london that is also something that she might use to sort of take own to. the deal to that was draw agreement and convince the speaker that this is now something else because remember just a couple days ago john bercow the speaker came out and said you know you know stop this nonsense we can present the same law and the same deal in parliament again and again till the vote it's. less it is substantially changed you can't really come come back with it now she might try to just tach those assurances and then sort of bring it back to parliament so now look this is a somewhat changed deal and now please say yes to it but still chances are slight that this is going to happen. now donald earlier you had his prague press conference he mentioned that there could be four options where we go from here there could be a deal bracks at a no deal bracks that there could be yet another extension or article fifty could be revoked now we just heard prime minister theresa may say that she does not think that article fifty should be provoked she mentioned that in the press conference what are the chances are is it possible that her government could still end up revoking bracks and somewhere down the line. as long as treason may is prime minister that is very unlikely because she has really dark herself in we also heard her say you dig yourself in with regard to a long extension she said again as she has reiterated dozens of times that britain wants to leave the vote to years ago voted to leave the european union now they should have this breaks that they wanted and so it will long extension would be somehow cheating and so that is one of his stock phrases really so she's against a long extension she's against revoking article fifty what is left is only she gets the deal through or there is going to be a cliff on the on the eleventh of april so that is really what this. bolos down to now situation politically in london is fluid trees i'm a might not stay in office she might not last throughout the next week we don't know all this and so things could still move but the e.u. has done is given britain just a tiny bit of room to maneuver just two weeks to the eleventh of april to figure out can we do something differently of course there's even less time to maneuver in terms of bringing this deal back to the parliament and you can get an approval there hasn't been enough changes and of will that get approved. that is the question that john bercow the speaker is going to have to decide are there enough changes. quadriga international talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week pusey been busy morning up to the christ church attacks on quadriga when asked about possible links between the suspected perpetrator conduct stream breitling group some books the role of social media played in spreading his propaganda to join us shortly. which of it can be. sure link to news from africa and the world or link to exceptional stories and discussions from the news of these eat and while with safety deputed comes to much traffic on join us on facebook w africa. we make up of what we watch as a half of the under section five we are the seventy seven percent. want to shape the continent's future to. be part of enjoying african youngsters testings share their stories their dreams. they're challenging. the seventy seven percent. platform for her.


Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20181219 22:02:00

for more than two years the world has heard it means in one hundred days breaks it will be a reality and yet no one can tell you what that will mean what it will be tonight facing a future of uncertainty britain and the european union preparing for a bright said and that means disaster i'm burned off in berlin this is the day. to do so because of the gold coast the risks of a disorderly exit from the european union are clear. it would be an absolute catastrophe not only were clearly don't want and i'm regulated banks as well as the new deal is really not an option it's something that should be absolutely avoided a government is making a deal preparations we stepped up those nato preparations because of course businesses can adapt and change the law they need to sit and say what we need is time to focus the cultural the commission is trying to prevent a disorderly exit from the european union from happening if it. is what it takes two to tango with. also coming up tonight breaks it doesn't have to be britain's swan song in europe a boy band is serenading the british with a brick sit ballad is entitled britain come back. we begin the day with a hundred days until break says the biggest economic and political divorce in modern history britain's exit from the european union is scheduled to begin on march twenty ninth of next year that is the plan but for both the u.k. and the european union breaks it is looking much more like a crash off a cliff than just a parting of ways the u.k. parliament hasn't even voted on the brics a deal and yet in parliament today all makers debated the country's immigration policy post directs it and in brussels leaders have announced preparations for the worst a bright sit with no deal a nightmare scenario that in just one hundred days could be the reality britain and europe wake up to. the clock is ticking down to brag says it's still unclear exactly how the u.k. plans to leave the european union in march. prime minister theresa may reached a divorce deal with the e.u. in november but it's far from certain it will receive the parliamentary approval required so last happens of parliament to jack's may's withdrawal agreement. one scenario sending shivers through political and business circles is that the u.k. could crash out of the e.u. with a deal to stick an on his record and also the risks of a disorderly exit from the european union are clear. as it would be an absolute catastrophe any new deal is really not an option it's something that should be absolutely. one hundred days to price it we are very very concerned that's looking like it could still be an option that's on the table which would just be disastrous for the british economy but what could have messy breakup with the e.u. mean impact us. consequence number one transport chaos. no trade deal means the u.k. would fall back on the rules of the world trade organization custom checks the borders would return with the likelihood of huge traffic jams on moesha ways leading to ports w t o rules do not cover aviation the direct consequence british based airlines would need special permission to fly within the e.u. . and knock on effect of the transport chaos disruption to food supplies the u.k. imports about thirty percent of its food from the e.u. so supermarkets could see shortages on their shelves there is more another sector that could get into trouble banking london ranks is one of the world's top financial centers with ties to deal financial operations could because often clients in the e.u. and then there is health care the u.k. imports lifesaving medicines like insulin and cancer treatments the government has already admitted its stockpiling drugs in case of a no jail practice. the e.u. and the u.k. are now busy pushing contingency measures in place with the knowledge that a no deal drugs this would actually be a pretty big deal. i am joined tonight by the privies old from brussels barbara has been on the front line of the battles since day one she has chronicled every twist and turn in her bra diaries some of her more recent entries are entitled winds and anarky the dream has died or how about this one a monkey fights on mad house in westminster. barbara why monty python is it is great says that funny or is that bad. it is maybe funny only for the outside of service but it is rather mad and served like many off one sketches for instance recently after the no confidence vote against series m a from the side of her own tory party and a surge of parliamentarians voted against her because she was too soft on vets it afterwards you know the dead parrot sketch came to mind and the question is the prime minister politically dead or is she just resting or is she after all nailed to approach i mean that is the sort of thing we're dealing with in britain at the at the moment and if you're not british and you're not immediately concerned by what's happening now you take a step back and you think is this far cry from laughing. you don't know whether the cry of the left today the european union the european commission announced that it's starting to prepare for a new deal brags that we know that that's the same case for the u.k. government talk us through what leaders fear could happen in a hundred days from now. the e.u. preparations are practical measures and the e.u. emphasizes these are unilateral directives that are being made by brussels and they can be taken back at any times and they are as they are sort of set up to ease the worst for instance the trucks british trucks are still supposed to roll in europe and they get sort of like an extension of their permits because otherwise if the e.u. wouldn't do that there would no not be any bridge trucks anymore in european roads they would have to stop at the borders because they don't have any permits anymore it's stuff like that that is one of the big issues for instance because otherwise the british exports would completely start a stop on day one on march thirtieth another issue is for instance the financial markets passport being ns that has been repeated about three times today by the e.u. commission that means financial services kind operate in the e.u. anymore and there is one exception that the derivatives clearing that will just carry on for a while the citizens rights for instance the e.u. commission appeals to member states to be generous introduce to clear up the rights of the u.k. citizens living in european countries and france and spain for instance and they have the right to do was that and so it is fourteen measures individual measures to keep planes flying in a very basic simple manner all this just for a year after the heart breaks that. we learned today barbara that british police are planning to draft in the army to help deal with civil unrest in the event that britain creches out of the i mean it's just going to be you know it's going to be chaotic and violent come march when you know. everything is possible i mean once people realize that what is in fact happening for exit so far has been a concept it has been in an ideology that had been fought over by two sides that remain isn't the rx it tears violently but was words but if the reality strikes when reality strikes on march twenty ninth of next year you never know what's going to happen you know that facts might be piled up on the m twenty all the way to london because the controls the new custom controls and over and on the way on the french side would be so slow probably and things like that food and fresh food and since the markets could run with out within two or three days once people realize that there might infect the civil unrest and so the british government has said yes we have to have some soldiers on standby to sort of deal was the worst and we want to point out there are many people in britain who do not want it to happen back in june physicians from the british medical association overwhelmingly passed a motion opposing breaks in calling for a people's vote on the final deal. today in an open letter to the public the british medical association's council chair dr chan powell sounded the alarm about what breaks it will mean for the national health service he writes with one hundred days until breaks in the corridors of power are still consumed with infighting yet it will be those left waiting in the corridors of our hospitals that bear the real brunt of this current political chaos with one hundred days to go we are plagued with uncertainty the only thing that is certain is that no type of brakes it will ever offer the same health benefits we currently have. i mean that is that's a dark picture of the future and that should be reason enough you would think to postpone brix it if not cancel it why does the public seem not impressed by that dark predictions. large part of the public are interested in the meantime bought rex it is it belief it is like a religious sect people who believe in it sort of come up was the most incredible explanations there was one hundred bricks a tear we just wrote a couple of days ago that he would vote for leave and he would sort of fight for leave and even if my family had to eat grass i mean really and jeremy hunt the foreign minister and he said that it wouldn't be all that bad britain had sort of overcome one and was stood world war two and it would be able to do that that's the good old boot spirit coming back up again so people are not dealing many of us are not dealing with reality but they are dealing with what they want to believe the health service you listen to the health minister met hancock telling blissfully in an interview that to he was the biggest buyer of fridges globally at the moment because britain is stockpiling medicines and if you sort of don't do that it's for crying certainly brant if you don't sort of turn around then you can't be helped i want to ask you about the prime minister theresa may we know that she wanted to remain in the e.u. she has become the brig's means briggs prime minister i mean even if she convinces the public that she means business we know that her heart is not in this because she was a remainder knowing this you could say that theresa may looks like a phoney why hasn't that been a bigger issue in the u k. that is a big issue father how vexed bricks within the tory party is and that particularly is the reason why one hundred seventeen of have voted against her a week ago a third of her own parliamentary group and they think she is too soft they think our strategy is too. much too to sort of careful and they want a heartbreaks that i mean that is what people like good boris johnson and jacob riis hmong are fighting for again they are just the form that. it's secretary it's a long list and they fling treason may is just simply not hard enough and so she is sort of in a double role and on one hand she she repeats endlessly i want to deliver this is what these british people voted for and fifty two percent of them and on the other hand she is that the people think she should be much harder and should shut this crash bang out that sort of rights and that's three is a maze dilemma we learned this week that david cameron the prime minister who triggered the brig's referendum and then quit of course the day after breakfast passed we learned that he has been hit by using prime minister to resign me on bret's it now what do you make about. oh it's always great to make the fox sort of the keeper of the hen house house don't you think friend really and i mean the particularly hypocrisy in this case was that came out on the same day that to reason made late into tony blair because he had publicly i asked for a second referendum and advise for a second referendum and she and she said you know form the prime ministers should keep out of current politics and then just a couple of hours later it emerged that she had the advice off david cameron i mean you know how critical can you get but that even sort of raised a laugh in just papers but i don't think i would want to be a chicken in that his health that's for sure are we we're almost out of time barbers a couple of predictions we'd like to get from you look into your crystal ball will parliament pass or reject the brics deal in january yes or no currently. ok will there be a hard break meaning that the u.k. leaves the e.u. with no deal. fifty percent chance it will happen and will there be a second referendum. now very simple that's the other fifty percent and my best hope for the year two thousand and nineteen all right barbara on the story for us tonight in brussels thank you very much if we don't see you if i don't see you again merry christmas happy new year let's hope for a better two thousand and nineteen if we dare thank you barbara. well the white house today made a stunning announcement the so-called islamic state has been defeated and u.s. troops will come home very soon in washington not everyone agrees with president trump that isis is just a bad memory of the past american backed syrian democratic forces the s.d.f. are still fighting the jihad is attempting to clear the town of hygiene of isis militants now hygiene lies in the valley of the euphrates river close to the border with iraq it's the last islamic state stronghold a stark comparison to the large swathes of syria and iraq which isis once controlled let's bring in our washington correspondent miles waiter she's following the story for us going to do you lie of the timing here it was unexpected this announcement do we know what prompted the decision and is everyone on board. it seems to have taken much of the washington establishment by surprise we've seen several of the top military brass in the past days and weeks before this announcement coming out and saying things like you know we're committed to our goals in syria one of the joint chiefs of staff putting out a statement saying that the mission is really far from complete especially in terms of stabilization that it would be naive to say that isis has been completely defeated which is what the president was claiming in his tweet and it's known that there are somewhere at the very minimum about two thousand possibly as high as thirty thousand so-called islamic state fighters still somewhere in syria even if they have made huge territorial losses and a lot of. top brass saying that this is been a huge reversal of america's policy up until now a very sudden about face even republican legislators coming out expressing confusion and dismay as to the timing of this so it seems that very much know not everyone is on board with this but. has tweeted that yes has now been defeated what has been the reaction to play. well as we've heard we've had some generals coming out saying no we still need to be on the ground and it would be again you have to assume that i ask is completely gone and that if the u.s. simply pulls out that they will stay gone and we also know that even if they're not very present on the ground anymore online i asked who has a very strong following we've also seen as i said some republican legislators coming out saying we can't tell whether or not this is the right call because it's then such a sudden announcement that the only thing that might explain something brant is that. type of error on the turkish president has had as that in conversation with donald trump several times over the past couple of weeks including in reportedly a phone call this morning and u.s. troops have been working very closely with kurdish troops in the north specifically on the task of eliminating i asked and with u.s. troops out of the way that might lead. to one clear to put his own men on the kurds yeah that's a very good point rym we're just getting reports that some troops saying he did not discuss with turkish president or one that the dates were pulling u.s. troops out and the u.s. now saying too that those pockets of remaining isis militants can be defeated by the other partner forces remaining in the region so we'll have to see what happens with my ex we are on the story for us tonight in washington long thank you. when german chancellor angela merkel's cabinet has approved legislation that should help skilled workers from outside the european union find jobs right here in germany and the country urgently needs people to fill more than a million job vacancies the proposed law would simplify the process for recognizing professional or vocational training degrees that have been earned abroad it would eliminate the requirement that employers check whether german nationals are also available to fill the vacancy of the legislation is being praised as a major milestone for germany is about the status quo and today is a truly historic day. we're putting thirty years of ideological debate on immigration law behind us. is that we are proposing a bill that addresses one of the urgent problems our country faces and shows that we are capable of solving those and. we need manpower from outside the european economic area to safeguard our prosperity and fill our job vacancies the existence . art of board here at the big table now by julian lehmann he is from the global public policy institute here in berlin joining us good to see you again we heard right there that we're talking about thirty years of ideological debate on immigration that has taken place here in germany just tell our viewers you know what has been that debate germany has been a top dissin nation country for international like wins for quite some time but it has failed to acknowledge politically that it is an immigration country of the sorts of canada and the like so in a sense what has been going on for a long time and you can show that was the turkish immigrants that arrived in the sixty's and the seventy's is that the political rhetoric and messaging was legging behind the reality on the ground and i think that what chance americal eludes to that was the adoption of this law this is somewhat changed you know i can remember there were times when unemployment in this country was you know nine ten percent you could look at that and you and i know that there are some people who would who would say ok we may have unemployment again in the future so what's wrong with the old laws the immigration laws for workers so it's true that there is quite some comprehensive laws already so let me allude to two things first of all they are quite scattered you find them in lots of different places and that has not really been addressed with this current law but what has been addressed is this issue of what do we do with this middle segment off the people that are not highly qualified so that if they would get a new blue card that sort of have qualified but don't have a university degree in here what's the regulations for them so that they can enter the territory and desist something that we have had a gap for years and it's now been addressed and. i think in case we would see a change in the labor market we may see a certain. reversal off that you know one part of this nother part of the law that has been discussed today concerns the people that have that asylum seekers but whose asylum applications have been rejected right and that is only fixed sort of in it's when it comes into force it will only be in two thousand and nineteen it will only be enforced two years so we may see a certain reversal for the other part as well and what about the the migrants who came into germany a couple years ago you never talk about more than a million migrants who came in from syria many of many of them want to stay here want to work here what's their status so when we talk about the syrians they will in most cases have refugee status or other protection status so that they can work has never really been contested that's already the e.u. standards so the law that that has been debated today by the cabinet would really affect that and this affects when we talk about asylum seekers it affects those whose asylum applications have been rejected and these people if they have found a work and have worked for eighteen months then they their stay will be tolerated so there is some some process there we heard in the u.k. today that there was talk about post brags that immigration policy and help the u.k. wants to attract high skilled workers what's the attractiveness of germany at the moment for highly skilled workers so as of last year i think germany is at the number three position off destination countries of international migrants i don't i'm not sure about the desegregation of the high skilled migrant segment. but but it germany is clearly. one of the most important as an asian countries and if you look at the rankings which countries do best in terms of. integration integrating immigrants into the labor market germany's position is actually not that bad also so there is for instance one important ranking that places germany in the top ten countries so the position. is quite high the german government's proposed changes to the wall do you think that they're like they're going to change or how widely is of the they will change the immigration debate here in this country so look i think the last weeks and the debates around the migration compact by the united nations have shown us how easy prey these kinds of legislations off for the populist party but one important lesson that we've seen in in that debate is that the government the government needs to be pat better to respond to that they have sort of half heartedly only at the end responded robustly and i think they need to have a better strategy to explain why is this in germany's national interest and i think it is you know it's not just about rebutting and saying you know and relativizing saying well this aspect doesn't really work out the way it's been procreate but it's really showing a narrative and explaining to the voters why this is in germany session it's also about feeling in a very good jobs jobs have to be filled in with the global public policy institute here in berlin as always julian thank you thanks frank. well the big is almost done but as always a conversation continues online and you know where to find us at t.v. on twitter we're going to leave you tonight where we began with bricks at and an appeal from the boy band union urging britons to return to the e.u. insisting that the love is not over every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see that everybody. can be. this. do feel love inside. culture. hair. superfood stylish style icon. lifestyles. rescuing sea horses increase. their lives a colony of tiny sea creatures that are threatened by. discarded fishing net. volunteers are retrieving the net. helping to preserve the seahorses marine have attempted. in sixty minutes on d w. in a timeless way discover the bios effect bauhaus world starts january thirteenth on . we make up over a week watch as of half of that hundred twenty five's we are the civil service and . the want to shape the continent's future should. be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. the seventy seven percent. platform for africa charge. hello welcome to another edition of euro max coming to you film so let's see what's making the headlines in today's so. let there be light of paper


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190321 18:00:00

it's a piece for success strategy that make a difference. baking bread on g.w. . this is you don't use line from berlin down to the wire the e.u. says this prepared to offer britain more time for braggs it but the extension fall short of what british prime minister to rescind may was asking brussels for and the e.u. is offer comes with strings attached the british parliament must approve the divorce agreement by next week so is the country hurtling towards a new deal exit. great to have you along everyone well we begin with a story that's dominating the political agenda here in europe and that is drags it british prime minister theresa may is in brussels on a mission to delay the u.k.'s departure from the european union she is scrambling to avoid a no deal of regs that you leaders are meeting in brussels for a summit where they have now said in a draft statement that they would be prepared to hand britain is short break the delay but only until may twenty second that's shorter than the three month delay that theresa may was asking for and that offer would come with strings attached britain's parliament would have to ratify the brig's of divorce agreement by next week while the trees. may spoke to reporters as soon as she arrived for the high stakes talks so let's take a listen to what she said to the head of the meeting. is inclusion is that holman to dishes on the results of the referendum on the internet or practice it for the bush people i sincerely hope that we can do that with a deal i'm still working on ensuring that the continent can agree on a deal so that we can leave in the woods in a way what matters is that we on the bench of the british people really think you're trying to defeat masses masses is that we recognise that brics it is the decision of the british people. while the joining us from brussels now as you know has brussels bird chief max hofmann very eventful evening where you are this really has been a political game of cat and mouse during the past two years and now tell us what happened. well as you mentioned before we know what's in the draft conclusions regarding bragg's those were available very very late we usually get some form of this draft the day before maybe two days before but the part on bragg's that was blank we do know now that there's a date in there as you said is the twenty second of may so delaying bragg's it until that day why that day well because on the twenty third of may the european election process starts takes from twenty third to twenty sixth of may and the europeans want to avoid that the u.k. does not participate in these elections whilst in in the european union that could have legal entanglement entanglements that might be quite difficult to resolve afterwards some of the member states would have been in favor to follow theresa may for an extension of till the thirtieth of june but like i said it would have been more complicated because the brits most likely would have not participated in the european elections but still would have been part of the european union all right now as you know you can prime minister theresa may when. in for the hard sell today with her deal and i'm wondering if this is some sort of compromise this draft agreement to give her until may twenty second because nobody is prepared in brussels to go down in history as having been responsible for britain leaving the e.u. with no deal. the sympathies for him extensions were were there for quite some time and you're right nobody really wants to be responsible for a no deal bragg's and in this situation right now where the heads of state government of the e.u. twenty seven so all the you member states except for the u.k. say you can have this extension but you need to approve the deal they can put the responsibility on the u.k. if the house of commons does not approve that deal and you know it's the third time they're trying and was still unsure if actually the speaker of the house of commons will allow such a vote but if this happens and they rejected then. the state government of the you could say listen it's not our fault we really tried we wanted to give you this extension but even then labor the game is not over then they're talking about a special and extraordinary summit next thursday here in brussels a one day before bragg's a day to talk about the implications of what the house of commons did but only if they vote the deal down a third time so you know you said we're going down to the wire in the beginning they re still have one that's an eternity are at it stills of inner nerves of steel i should say marks off and i thank you for now please stand by because we're still waiting to hear from the leaders there and we'll get back to you to get that take but for now let's take you straight to london to the beer get a mosque because of beer gate of course theresa may now it appears to be that the she has a bought some time somewhere prevent i mean i'm wondering if that is enough for her to end the deadlock and get the m.p.'s which she. trying to persuade to come on board and support her deal because it's a very short time that's left even if it's until may twenty second. well it's just eight days until breaks if nothing happens so that's still the default date actually the end of next week and talking about nerves of steel this is what everyone here in london and the whole u.k. i think needs to have who's following this debate now is reason may had a statement last night where she was directly talking to the public and she in a way tried to portray herself as the voice of the people of common sense and she effectively excused m.p.'s all of just rooting the bracks it and just not helping her to get it through and that has really angered a lot of m.p.'s and i've spoken to to some here they think that she really hasn't made many friends with this intervention and and there is pessimism as to whether she will get her through next week which is the precondition for the extension as marx explained until until may well i mean that that's exactly the point as you just illustrated she's antagonized m.p.'s last night and wondering is this deal basically dead. many people here think that it is dad and there are many voices and an interesting development the head of the trade union together with the biggest employer organization two ladies have come together and have issued a statement a letter to its reason may be to just abandon the deal and look for a plan b. they think that really she needs to consult move widely she needs to look for also a longer extension and come together for a different compromise so they think it needs to be much closer to something like a customs union or single market membership as soft or bricks if they're just worried the business organisations and the trade unions that this on saturday is just going to cost jobs it's going to cost livelihoods effectively and it's already affecting many businesses in the country so they really urging tourism a to change of course now on a related note note we understand that thousands and some reports are even saying a million people have signed an online petition to counsel greg so what can you tell us about that. well it's true there is over a million signatures urging the government urging parliament to revert article fifty soon and in effect stop bricks it and this doesn't mean that it's going to have a big effect by parliament needs to be consulted because it's more more than one hundred thousand signatures also there is a big march on the weekend a people's vote march so the pressure on to reason may to do something different either go for a softer break sit or to put it to the people again have a second referendum these calls are getting louder and louder aren't good masseur reporting from london and i want to ask you to stand by as well because we are hearing that the british prime minister's office which has announced their theresa may. they will be giving it first conference in brussels later today about the possible brags that extension and of course we will bring you live coverage when and if it happens and analysis of what mrs may says but now i want to tell you about some of the other stories making news around the world. this former brazilian president michel to america has been arrested in connection with a large scale corruption investigation prosecutors say to mare was arrested on charges related to alleged graft in the construction of a nuclear power plant that's america's president from twenty sixteen to twenty two he was he has denied rather any wrongdoing. at least five people have died and more than twenty have been injured in a series of blasts in the afghan capital kabul the explosions occurred near a shiite shrine as people gathered to mark the persian new year police say the bombs were detonated remotely. but israeli forces have reportedly arista the chief of staff of opposition leader. roberto matteo was taken into custody during a raid on his caucus home according to the u.s. and other countries recognize mr bryan dawe as interim president and have warned venezuela's government not to arrest him or his aides. iraq's second largest city mosul is mourning the death of more than seventy people killed after an overloaded ferry capsized it happened on the tigris river just a few feet from the shore the vessel was reportedly packed with families celebrating the new news new year holiday of the start or spring have been gathering to check if their loved ones are among those dead. well that's a get more on this developing story i'm now joined by florian noir hoff a journalist who lived in iraq for two years and knows mosul a very well floor in a horrifying accident that has unfolded there today do we know what caused it well there have been reports very early on that boat with bucky overcrowded. and now we have to have had a iraqi politician come out and say that boat which we've only been carrying at the most fifty people charge in fact around two hundred at the same time it's rainy season in iraq tigris moving at a very fast pace and the current is very strong so suggesting that the boat capsized because of those conditions tragically there were a lot of children and women on that boat because they were traveling to recreational park on an island in the tigris so many of the dead the majority of the dead are women and children because it's a holiday there of course it's a holiday there and the first day of spring people trying to enjoy some of the normalcy that has returned to mosul because as you know better than anybody else the people of mosul have suffered through so much. years of war the city being under occupation of the so-called islamic state just recently liberated and now they have to deal with this that's right i. was under ice occupation for what three months the battle to retake it from the jihadists took months and devastated a big pots with city. i actually bring to this area it's an amusement park area with. restaurants cafes leisure activities even a year off the battle was over there were already people coming to enjoy their lives after all this hardship when i visited it late for the last year the place was buzzing and it's very tragic that this should have happened in an area which for signifies the resurgence of the revival of with the will after all this years of hardship florian noire hof thank you so much for that update greatly appreciate it. and rescue workers in mozambique have widened the search for survivors of a powerful cycling that ripped through southern africa one week ago causing devastating floods and turning mozambique's worst hit area of barrow in an inland sea and into it and forty people are now confirmed dead in the country and several thousand more still need to be rescued search efforts have been hampered by broken infrastructure and more rain is expected in the coming days we are now joined by saul abettors he is assistant director for mozambique for the aid organization care he joins us from the city to put oh very good evening sara working you tell us about the ongoing rescue efforts. and there all over. the water those birds are. heard from all save. the estimated size of the flooding is no longer than twenty five kilometers bottoms bottom of those is a huge area our people are still stuck in trees a lot of groups and there's a lives that have helicopter capacity. receives into really considering. doing work and to try to say. how is your organization coping with first scale of this disaster. it's a good question where we will be in town to solve and related to those people that needed we started operation is. essential supplies to. the lives of. some tens. was of fear of flying equipment.


Transcripts For DW Business 20190405 16:45:00

where inflation is now running at a five year high. this is business asia. is in the belly some song reported its worst drop in profits in more than four years the plunge is due to falling memory chip prices and slowing smartphone sales profit tumbled more than sixty percent in the first quarter to five point five billion dollars on the positive for the south korean technology of warmer it was a bigger than expected demand for its new flagship device the galaxy s ten smartphone however that increase in sales was not enough to compensate for the steep decline in the semiconductor business on a more positive note today samsung rolls out its first five g. capable smartphone just in time for the launch of south korea's five g. network the first in the world. it's being compared to the moon landings s.k. telecom's c.e.o. park junko describes the advent of five g. mobile networking technology as a giant leap for mankind analysts say the new super fast highly reactive networking technology would change the way we live. says it has potential to transform a range of industries from autos to factory production to media to agriculture to health care yes eventually strands from a to a potential will become apparent to everyone in next five years or so one of the most talked about applications five g. will enable is autonomous driving the new network standard will be capable of handling and responding to vast quantities of data in real time south korea's early launch of five g. is also a symbolic step for the country to maintain its lead as a high tech nation for the newest generation of mobile internet to reach its full capacity experts expected to take several more years whether five g. is indeed a technological revolution or more often evolution is still to be seen. as five gina let's bring in our financial correspondent for saudis asia and we're hearing in poor. south korea with the world first that what about the rest of asia's five g. coming to other countries. well china and japan of course are the big obvious players in the race for five g. singapore is pressing on with its own developments in fact we just had our first altman to reality five g. phone call with australia end to end and this is of course on top of the numerous projects testing projects that are being run at the moment and over in thailand tell cause of bending to gether to run collaborative test bits and they are doing so by going against the grain using the much talked about while we take to support them. the us is pressing its allies to not use war way infrastructure in their five g. networks. asian governments handling this is it hurting world ways business in asia well in the case of south korea the head of s.k. telecom popped in horses they don't they don't seem to be worried about any security concerns that being said it is worth noting that the three telcos in south three of the telcos in south korea including s.k. telecom they are not using the while we gear only one small a plea is now here in singapore there doesn't seem to be a high level of along regarding five g. security concerns and they are looking into multiple vendors in order to do so in the meantime always business in asia seems to be status quo in fact the company is going to be a headline sponsor for the upcoming five g. asia conference here in singapore this september. briefing if you can other any viable solutions other than war with well in the case of singapore yes there are going to be other possibilities other than while we in fact singapore is already talking to multiple vendors to support their five g. networks and on top of that observers do say that other top tier markets such as japan will likely follow suit. and to hang in singapore thank you very much the u.s. and china are continuing their talks on trade in washington and u.s. president donald trump says quote epic trade deal with china could be just weeks away but he stopped short of mentioning. some a date when any such agreement would be signed the announcement was thin on details but it is thought that the question of when the united states will lift tariffs on china remains a major sticking point. months of wrangling hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tyrants and a u.s. pledge to radically change china does business now u.s. president donald trump is indicating that the trade conflict between the world's top two economies is nearing an end we've agreed to far more than we have left to agree to a. fact i would say i think i can say that some of the toughest things have been if we just we have some things that are actually easier ways you know that we're we're doing but it's a very very aware that i don't like using too often but it's a very very comprehensive deal on the chinese side some flattery others will caution and even less detail. because if you direct. great progress. there's still call from beneath. you because of course there's all the trade conflict began early last year when the u.s. valued to crack down on what it called unfair chinese trade practices these include station to invention in markets and the handling of foreign intellectual property china's ready committed to buying more u.s. goods and to opening its markets but questions remain over how such changes would be enforced there are still some major major issues like that but. we should be making more progress we would have thought that you start thinking there's a. characteristic confidence from the u.s. president donald trump and the more cautious optimism from those who've been doing most of the negotiations the world's biggest economies may be close to a deal but getting there may take longer than expected. more trouble for germany's top car makers. charged with colluding to prevent competition on emissions technology european regulators are accusing the car makers of working to. whether to limit the development and introduction of technology that would clean up emissions you have occasion to cover diesel and petrol cars sold in the european economic area the period between two thousand and six and two thousand and fourteen companies could face penalties of up to ten percent of their annual turnover. in pakistan inflation is at its highest for over five years imran khan's government was elected in twenty eighteen with a promise to eradicate poverty it's not even been a year but patients amongst average pakistani voters is now wearing thin. inflation is killing us reads this sign is currently running at nine point four percent in pakistan not since november twenty third teen has it been they say high with hefty increases in the costs of food and energy essential is now becoming luxuries for some. music for the public be able to survive this inflation or not we can't even purchase bread with what we have got alone knows what'll become of the poor it has to stop that there's no control anywhere. really. many pakistanis would hope that control would come from imran khan the party swept to victory last july on a promise to make poverty a thing of the past are wrestling with a ballooning deficit and seeking a thirteenth international bailout has left the government needing to make tough choices at the start of april fuel prices went up by six rupees to ninety eight per liter hitting low skilled workers who can end as little as six hundred rupees less than four euro's a day. found out the word in a bank account was saying big things about providing employment and getting rid of poverty these are raising polity is a raising the poor. so is nine point four percent the limit for inflation in pakistan we're facing trajectory now from. independent to what extent the government has been a just these energy prices so if they want to go to the full extent to what extent it is to what extent they need to plug the gap then increase it in a few months it will go into double digits. economists believe pakistan has no choice but to cut public spending and raise prices but for a public that was expecting to be getting richer patience is wearing thin. that's closer pakistan's economic problems. with the w.'s asia task and joins us from on now has a man can deliver it on his election promise to tackle the economic problems no certainly not i believe i was in pakistan last month and i spoke with a number of people the common people in experts most people believe especially the experts that the government. is directionless. his team has no clue how to deal how to remedy the economy is finance minister are pretty clueless so people are pretty disappointed with this government's performance so far. they remember the previous government prime minister nawaz sharif's the former prime minister. during his tenure or pakistan g.d.p. was close to six percent and now a un report predicts that good fall behind that of the mild leaves in the polls in twenty twenty so it's a very grim and very difficult situation for pakistan for the dismal picture that you're painting there what are you hearing from pakistan how are the prices affecting everyday life. it's very difficult for the common person to make good both ends meet you have to understand that the buggiest on is a poor country most people don't much a lot of the country's population live in the. even the middle classes are suffering no report mentioned about the hike so it's becoming increasingly difficult increasingly difficult for even the business people to run businesses inflation is a spiking and it could be very difficult for a prime minister funds government when the government is all also going to the i.m.f. to seek a financial loan in the coming months and years things will get more difficult for pakistan and more grim the picture is pretty disciplined and my feeling sometimes that has entered has thank you very much. thanks for having me thank you and turkey allies have begun moving their operations to istanbul's new mega the move it's being described as the biggest transport operation in aviation history schedules take forty five hours and is due to be completed by some. slick. carefully the. soon. to be. discovered. subscribe to the documentary. fake hair and real story. where i come from a lot of women like me have fake hair sometimes the hair style takes up to two and . that's a lot of time that needs to be filled so people at the salon talk about what's happening in their lives. i became a journalist to be a storyteller and i always want to find those real authentic stories from everyday people who have something to share. with all the time i spent at the salon i know a good quality here when i see ads and it's a good story when i hear it's my name is elizabeth shawn and i work at steve's. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self road and rail. located in the heart of europe connected to the whole world. experienced outstanding shopping and dining offers and trying our services. bialik best friends. managed by from. this is news coming to you live from the latest bomb on the long road to bricks it poses a flexible try. to leave the block the tourism a wanted soon enough by june the thirtieth also coming up the capital is on the trip from militia groups as the u.n.


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