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Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20190922

ukraine's foreign mip bester is denying any pressure took place during the july 25th phone call between donald trump and the president of ukraine emphasizing that ukraine prizes close relations and open lines of communication no matter who the american president is. that should not surprise you since ukraine relies on the u.s. for military aid. picking a fight with the american president, no matter who that is, would not be wise for them. also ukrainian president zelensky is going to meet on the sidelines with trump this week. we're going to talk more about that. first i want to take you back. i want to take you back a year ago last july when abc's andrea mitchell had a conversation with dan coates who was the director of national intelligence. >> i do want to say we have some breaking news. the white house has announced on twitter that vladimir putin is coming to the white house in the fall. >> say that again. >> you -- vladimir putin -- >> did i hear you? >> yeah. yeah. >> okay. >> yeah. >> that's going to be special. >> that weird moment with andrea mitchell may be a hint as to why dan coates didn't last as dni. his visible shock at just how chummy his boss donald trump clearly wanted to be with vladimir putin seemed to throw him off. fast forward to july of this year. dan coates resigned. that resignation shows up in the time line of the whistle blower case that's now shaking washington. the phone call between donald trump and the president of ukraine took place on july 25th of this year. dan coates a knownsnnounced his resignation three days later. a little over a week after coats announcement and after he officially stepped down, coats walked into a meeting to tell his deputy sue gordon that she, too, needed to get out of dodge which she did the next day. were they mere coincidences or did his behavior lead the whistle-blower to come forward and leave joseph mcguire to get into between that whistle-blower's complaint and congress? i have two guests this morning. thank you all for being here. malcolm, i have to go to you first and get you to react to mike pompeo this morning, donald trump's secretary of state who came -- who was on abc this morning defending donald trump. he's asked about the reporting on the call with the president of ukraine. take a listen. >> "the wall street journal" is reporting that president trump pressed the president of ukraine eight times to work with rudy giuliani to investigate joe biden's son. what do you know about those conversations? >> so you just gave me a report about a whistle-blower complaint, none of which i've seen. i think i saw a statement from the ukrainian foreign minister yesterday saying there was no pressure applied in the course of the conversation. i do think -- i do think if vice president biden behaved inappropriately, if he was protecting his son and intervened in a way that was corrupt, i do think we need to get to the bottom of that. >> i don't know what you hear when you hear that, malcolm nance. i heard a trump official say he's never heard the biggest sco story. then doing an interesting pivot trying to get the focus back on joe biden's sons. >> that is meta narrative judo. he took the story, pretended like it doesn't exist and then reframes it as a criminal conspiracy to attack joe biden. obviously mike pompeo is neck deep in this story. we understand that the state department may have facilitated this meeting if not coordinated this meeting. that needs to be investigated and he needs to be hauled in. let's take a look at this entire story from the intelligence community's perspective. you have the president of the united states literally going out and trying to extort the government of the ukraine to intervene and in an american election ala russia but using u.s. military sales while they are in combat with russia, donald trump's best friend, vladimir putin. by putting this pressure on to them. u.s. intelligence has an obligation to monitor the activities of virtually all foreign leaders and donald trump seems surprised that we're doing that. this sounds very familiar. that happened when michael flynn was caught talking to the russians and essentially committing acts which detroyed his oath of office and would later essentially convict him of lying to the fbi. this is fantastic that the president of the united states now has weaponized extorsion of u.s. military aid to foreign leaders in order to further his political goals. if there is anything ever in the history of the united states that is impeachable, this is it. >> you know, there is an interesting -- you talk about meta narrative, medi. you have two different stories that the trump backers are playing to try to merge them together and turn them into a joe biden scandal. on the one hand you have rudy giuliani who admitted within 30 seconds of denying it that he was trying to push the ukrainian government to investigate joe biden. now the narrative all over the right if you read all of their posts and tweets is somebody needs to look into joe biden. joe biden's got something wrong with his son, looking to the son. but what the foreign minister said, the part of the translation that i saw online in which he said, we work with parties on both sides of the united states. we weren't trying to do anything here that was illegal, that was off key. we work with everyone regardless of who they are. now you have the trump people trying to push back and erase the giuliani part of the story and try to shift the narrative onto the part of the story that has to do with joe biden. what do you think? >> there's so much to say about this story. as for the ukrainian denials, what are they going to do, come out and say, yes, donald trump did pressure our president eight times in a single phone call. it's absurd. you're right about the pivoting. steve mnuchin tried to pivot. when jake tapper said what about trump's kids, he didn't want to talk about that. you have to admire the brazenness of the hypocrisy when it comes to donald trump's attacks on opponents. for this president of all presidents to attack the child of a rival. i mean, should we talk about ivanka trump and her chinese trademarks? should we talk about don jr. and eric and the trump organization and the nonexistent chinese wall between them and the guy in the oval office. it's the irony of all ironies. they're shameless, brazen, take advantage of both sidesism. i think trump will carry on doing this. joy, one thing that's missing from your time line that you showed at the start, for me, july 25th is the day he made the call to the ukrainian president allegedly eight times pressured him to investigate biden's son. what happened to him on july 24th the day before. robert mueller testified saying this president has not been exonerated. this president could be indicted. what happens? nothing. no change. so if you're donald trump and you say, wait a minute, i can get away with 2016, why wouldn't you do it again in 2020? >> the thing is, malcolm, there's a bifurcation here in this story in that the giuliani part of the story is about whether or not he's trying to get an investigation going. there is no reporting that i see, whether it's "the wall street journal," whether it is the washington post or "the new york times" that says the call was about the investigations necessarily but then there is this tie to the money because the thing that they may or may not have known was happening was that the money that should have gone to the ukraine for their defense was actually on hold. we don't know whether the conversation was about -- about the money, about the aid that was being held up to the ukraine. they could have been seven rate conversations. even if they're part of the same scandal, the conversation didn't necessarily have to be donald trump repeating what rudy giuliani was doing. the foreign minister talked about this being serious conversations about serious issues. they didn't say what it was about. what do you think of that? if donald trump was talking to them about their aid and how they could get it or not get it, that is the same scandal which would mean you can't get the money unless you do what i want. >> well, you know, i always use what i call nance's law. that is coincidence takes a lot of planning n. this circumstance the planning is phenomenal. there is no way that anyone could believe that that ukrainian defense allocation was suddenly held up, which by the way benefits only moscow and only places pressure on the ukraine. if that was actually a surprise around the capitol that that was being done, that the united states was considering not giving that lethal aid to the ukraine. so the ukrainians know that. so they're between a rock, vladimir putin and his forces which are literally killing the ukrainian soldiers every day and a new hard place. donald trump literally going to hold up lethal aid to the ukraine, which they took years for us to get to them, in order to help vladimir putin. if you're zelensky, donald trump is supposedly a deem maker. i'm going to try to finesse this. donald trump in this circumstance looks like he's working for moscow. >> the way you're shifting the narrative was tweeted about. the switch in strategy away from denying nothing happened, no, there was nothing wrong with it, donald trump called the situation perfect, may mean that trump finally read something, the transcript of the call. also, isn't this the same guy who two days ago denied the story because he knows his calls to foreign leaders are heavily populated. now he's saying they weren't. they're playing in between here. first they said, no, no, no, it 2k7b9 happen. giuliani is saying it happened. they're saying nothing happened. now they're shifting to say this person was a spy or shouldn't have been on the call in the first place. >> this is classic trump administration defense strategy on every scandal that's happened so far. there's always the denial and then there's the embrace. we know. we didn't talk about ukraine, but if we did, who cares. we didn't collude are russia. but if we did, who cares. it was only a matter of time before they start going after quote, unquote, deep state conspiracies. i said this when the story broke on thursday, that they are eventually going to say this whistle-blower is part of some conspiracy against the president. you saw trump say we don't know who he or she is but he said they're a partisan. how do you know they're a partisan if you don't know who they are. all of the contradictions come out. he has his republican enablers, people leish josh hawley. this is the deep state again and they will keep pushing this argument. they will on one front attack the whistle-blower and the whole story as a conspiracy. you have trump saying enemy of the people which we have become noum. and on the other hand they'll say biden's son needs to be investigated. i'm of the view that biden's son is a problem for biden. there's a long history. that doesn't make trump's attacks true, but it does make it a good point. the democrats always bring a knife to a gun fight. have we seen the democrats focus on jared and ivanka on any kind of similar level the way that trump has gone after his former vice president's son? >> thank you very much for that deep tease because that's our 11:00 a block that we're going to talk about, whether or not the democrats are ready to fight this fight, mette. interesting end note. as donald trump was able to replace a less compliant attorney general, jeff sessions who had his own issues with a more compliant bill barr, we note, dan coats who seemed to be less compliant figure now gone, his replacement is the one who won't let congress have that whistle-blower's complaint. interesting news there. thank you mette and malcolm. donald trump sends floops harm's way. that is next. plants capture co2. what if other kinds of plants captured it too? if these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. carbon capture is important technology - and experts agree. that's why we're working on ways to improve it. so plants... can be a little more... like plants. ♪ ♪ ♪ award winning interface. ♪ ♪ award winning design. ♪ ♪ award winning engine. ♪ ♪ the volvo xc90. our most awarded luxury suv. ♪ ♪ the way you triumph over adversity. and live your lives. that's why we redesigned humira. we wanted to make the experience better for you. now there's less pain immediately following injection. we've reduced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. and it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. humira citrate-free is here. a little change can make a big difference. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. here's to you. in response to the kingdom's request, the president has approved deployment of u.s. forces which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense. we will work to accelerate the military equipment to the kingdom of saudi arabia and the uae to enhance their ability to defend themselves. >> in response to the kingdom's request. words i'm sure you never thought you'd hear from an american secretary of defense talking about the deployment of american troops. with donald trump as commander in chief the united states has now essentially allowed saudi a airbus yeah to dictate our foreign policy to literally protect their oil. the trump administration's deployment of troops and military deployment comes after drone attacks last week on saudi oil facilities that the administration has blamed on iran. so why should american troops defend saudi oil? saudi arabia is not a member of nato. but the way donald trump talks about the kingdom, the way he talks about the kingdom, the same one whose crown prince is implicated in the murder of a u.s.-based journalist with a bone saw, well, that is telling. >> saudi arabia pays cash. they've helped us out from the standpoint of jobs and all of the other things. so now they're under attack and we will work something out with them. they know i'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to. >> joining me now is colonel lawrence wilkerson and treta parsy. thank you both for being here. i never hear donald trump talk that way about our nato allies who we do have a pact to defend. he doesn't talk that way about the taking of crimea, the occupation of crimea by russia but he definitely talks that way now about the kingdom, that we have to protect them because they've got oil and they pay cash. >> joy, this is a really tragic situation and not for the reasons that many people are focusing on so much as it is for the real crisis in that area is yemen being raged by mohamed bin salman and the uae, the ladder has become a little bit more circumspect and begin to pull away. that's what the region players are really worried about, that war. what trump is doing by sending u.s. troops to saudi a abe yeah, by taking the side of mohamed bin salman ostensibly because he's reinforcing the image in the region that this is the u.s.'s war, not awe saudi war. the saudis are proxies for the united states prosecuting one of the most brutal wars in the u.s. deaths from cholera and humanitarian disaster, salvation, saudi bombs and so forth. this is the worst situation in the red sea and in the middle east region and we're reinforcing it. >> to that very point, let me play you two sound bites from the saudi minister of state for foreign affairs. his name is adel al jabear. the first one he claims the kingdom of saudi arabia does not want war. listen. >> we don't want war. the u.s. doesn't want war but it's really up to the iranians. if they keep continuing along this path then they risk the possibility of military action. >> it's notable that he pairs together themselves and the u.s. as if our military is at his disposal, which apparently perhaps it is. now here's a second sound bite in which he says almost the reverse. take a listen. >> we hold iran responsible because the missiles and the drones that were fired at saudi arabia are not only were iranian built missiles. to launch an attack from your territory. if that is the case, puts us in a different category. >> what's the different category? >> this would be considered an act of war. >> i guess the question for americans is if the kingdom of saudi arabia considers it an act of war if they blame iran while as colonel wilkerson says they are decimating yemen, why should that involve american troops? american troops are not at the disposal of the saudi prince, are they? >> they certainly should not be and this is not a fight the united states should be fueling and i think unfortunately the saudis and the ue have been pushing trump together with the israeli prime minister in a direction that has now created this situation. if they had not pushed him to get out of the iran deal we would not be seeing the situation we're seeing right now. that was the pivotal step that trump took and then was followed by the economic warfare that he's been wagging against iran that has brought us this extremely dangerous situation but your point is absolutely correct. there is no vital u.s. interest at stake here and i think one of the most dangerous things that trump is doing, by putting american troops in saudi arabia, perhaps the saudis are hoping that in some of the warfare that is taking place between yemen and saudi arabia right now, some american troops get killed and as a result trump will have his cause in order to be able to get involved in the war with full american force, which is something that he says he doesn't want to do yet he tends to constantly agree to these steps that brings him closer and closer to that war. >> yeah. reportedly there is a lot of tension between donald trump and some of his more hawkish advisors, including his former intelligence sort of guru he just let go, that he pulled back from the idea of attacking iran. there is something that seems to be consistent. this is going to seem unrelated but i want to play the governor of california, gavin knew some. he's talking about the change in fuel standards which the government of the united states is now suing the state of california over. take a look at what the governor of california had to say about that. do i have a relevant question. >> it begs the question, mr. trump, what and who is this for? the companies, the automobile manufacturers don't want it. it's about the oil industry, period, full stop. >> it does seem, colonel wilkerson, donald trump claims he's not interested in war but he has a great fidelity to oil, to where they want to drill, to give them land, cut fuel standards that only helps the oil industry. now we find this president who claims he was against the iraq war, he does seem willing to potentially put united states troops at war over oil. >> absolutely. this president has been very explicit in one particular policy area, and that is that money makes all the difference in the world. not people's lives, not even people's ultimate security. it's money. when he says the saudis pay, that's exactly what he's expressing. and whether it's big fuel, big fossil fuel or whether it's big corporations like lockheed martin and others who sell arms to the saudis, that's his policy prescription, money, period. >> yeah. and the saudi -- again, you know, our own intelligence chiefs say the saudi prince was implicated in the murder of an american-based journalist with a bone saw and yet donald trump seems to have as much commitment and fielty towards him and the dictator of north korea and the one in russia. it's pretty remarkable whom he alliance himself with. i want to play you this morning his secretary of state, mike pompeo, who earlier today talked about what the u.s. is doing just right regarding iran. >> we are well on our way to forcing the iranian regime to ultimately make the decision to become a normal nation. that's all we've ever asked. friday we tightened sanctions on the regime which put the revolutionary regime in a difficult position. the iranian people applaud that. >> the iranian people applaud that. first of all, it would be nice to pronounce it properly, secretary of state. but is that your view in this case. >> not at all. >> the iranian people applaud that rather than the iran nuclear deal? >> they applauded the iran deal, you could see them when it was struck. they wanted to have a pathway to become friends with the united states again. they wanted to be part of the global world and all of those things they were hoping would come as a result of the nuclear deal. this idea that the iranians are celebrating that they are being starved by the sanctions is so preposterous, it is beyond insulting. i think it shows the tremendous disregard that pompeo and this administration has for the viewpoints of others. in fact, they're essentially putting themselves in the position of deciding what others think. reality is everything that the administration has done in terms of walking out of the nuclear deal has created this very tense situation. i remember i was on your show earlier on when he was making that decision saying that this is the beginning of drawing closer and closer towards a war with iran because that is what that dpreel vented. if you undo the deal, if you unresolve that conflict you're putting yourself back on a path towards war. >> yeah. i guess colonel wilkerson, how much risk are we? even with john bolton who is the chief war hawk of iran gone, how much risk are we literally going to war to protect saudi oil? going to war for oil again? >> i think we're going to be going to war if we do and i think it's a 50-50 right now to protect mohamed bin salman more so than oil. oil is not the chief factor anymore, that and the arms sales to saudi arabia. now let me go back to yemen. treat us right about not having -- we shouldn't have pulled out of the nuclear agreement with iran but we did. so that's where we are. i don't think the iranians are coming back to the table. the chief issue in the region for those players in the region, from kuwait to ankora and down to sudan is the war in yemen. we should be taking bin salman's arm and bending it behind his back until it almost breaks and telling him, forge a political solution to this war now or our relationship is over, period. >> i strongly suspect that will not happen under this president. >> nope. >> i thank you both for being here. thank you very much. >> thank you so much. coming up, a closer look at the brand spanking new des moines register poll. that's next. t. let's be honest, you need insurance. but it's not really something you want to buy. it's not sexy... oh delicious. or delicious... or fun. ♪ but since you need both car and home insurance, why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10%. which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like ah well i don't know what you'd wanna buy cause i'm just a guy on your tv. esurance. it's surprisingly painless. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion,♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea. try new pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultra-coating. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea.♪ get powerful relief with new pepto bismol liquicaps. big dreams start with small steps... ...but dedication can get you there. easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. chase. make more of what's yours®. enterprise car sales and you'll take any trade-in?rom that's right! great! here you go... well, it does need to be a vehicle. but - i need this out of my house. 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(avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. major news in the race for 2020 this morning. a new poll from the des moines register shows senator elizabeth warren essentially tied with former vice president joe biden in iowa. it's the first key shakeup in a fairly steady race that has been dominated by biden since he announced his presidential bid. the des moines register poll has been the most accurate. new poll elizabeth warren leads with 22%, just two points ahead of biden's 20% and it is within the margin of error but it's also 11 points ahead of bernie sanders. it's important to remember, this is an early poll. in 2015 the des moines register poll had hillary clinton polling at 37%, sanders at 30% and joe biden at 14% even though biden hadn't declared he'd even run for president. in 2007 barack obama ranked third after john edwards 23% and hillary clinton's 29% in the des moines register poll. so the early iowa poll may be a good indicator of where they stand now but clearly there's a lot that can happen over the year. you coming up at the top of the hour, we will have more on the 2020 race and the latest polling. coming up, the role of climate change in the border crisis. is the relaxing feeling of knowing you're getting the best price. these'll work. the utter delight of free wi-fi... . oh man this is the best part. isn't that you? 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memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. this is the fungus. it's a consequence of drought in guatemala. >> there have been four years of a water crisis and because of that there's no jobs. >> climate change took center stage all over the world this week with millions of people in more than 150 countries protesting the climate crisis. instead of addressing the underlying causes like drought, crop failure and food shortages that drive people to leave where they live, the administration suspended foreign aide and plans to deploy i.c.e. and cbp officers. here is jacob soberoff. i'm glad you were able to come on again this morning. to read you a statistic that you all uncovered, more than 100,000 guatemalans migrated 281,000 hectares of land were lost and over over 2 million people lack adequate food in guatemala, el salvador and honduras. >> thank you as always for having us on. we've talked about the border crisis and the reason people are coming. in guatemala by far the largest sending country over the course of the last two years. it is directly tied to food insecurity and the trump administration had in hand a report from their own -- as you've outlined here, a report from their own customs and border protection that said climate change fueled starvation. i was at a village where five kids. climate change fueled starvation. instead of doubling down on foreign aid through u.s. aid, the trump strayed, president trump, decided to pull that foreign aid. i actually think the numbers might be bigger than the numbers you put on the screen. diego pons, a climb maine toll low gist said there's 150,000 small farmers that have half a hectare of land each. 3 million people would be affected in guatemala alone if you count all of their family members. that's why people are leaving. the climate science is clear and why it's happening is clear and the trump administration is ignoring it. >> what does steven miller have to do with this? he is one of the principle people ignoring this and saying we're going to do enforcement and keep people out. >> that's right. dhs official said people are basically scared to go up to steven miller and talk about this as a root cause of migration. cdp internally, law enforcement agency, has studied this and said one of the main root causes from guatemala is food insecurity. people don't want to go to steven miller and talk to him about climate change. another senior law enforcement official said why aren't they doing anything about this in the trump administration presupposes that they care about it being a root cause. obviously they don't. by the way, joy, we asked the white house about all of this. why did president trump in the face of his own evidence defund foreign aid to places where people are literally starving to death and coming to the united states and they didn't simply respond. >> in theory, if they don't believe or they claim they don't believe even though their own department of defense and military believes in it, maybe they don't want to fund anything to stop climate change. i don't know, it's hard to get information. i want to throw one little stat at you. climate change, according to vice news report, will create 1.5 billion, billion migrants by 2050. we have no idea where they're going to go. the international organization for migration projects between 25 million and 1.5 billion people will have to leave their home by 2050. lack of water, as you said lack of land you can farm on, starvation. you're talking about 3 million in guatemala. we're talking about billions of people on the move. >> it gives us chills. a billion and a half people in this world on the move because of climate change. what i want to say, it is happening right now. it is a desperate, desperate situation and i saw it with my own eyes. why isn't the trump administration doing anything about this? is it because they are doing anything with climate change? what they're doing instead is doing increased law enforcement response. they decided to send cbp down to guatemala. they wanted to beef up the militarization on the southwest border. build the wall, put people through punitive punishments, remain in mexico, no asylum on the border. we said this time and again, they are exacerbating the immigration policies they are putting in place. they are ignoring the reality of the climate science and the data that their own administration is putting in front of them. my personal belief is that it is to make an immigration crisis on the southern border that doesn't need to happen. if you want to stop migration to the united states to guatemala, go there and address the problem. during the obama administration they had $750 million to address what was going on in central america to address root causes. some can be law enforcement oriented but some is world development targeted. they don't interact with people from the outside. they want to stay in their villages if they have any opportunity to do so. by pulling that money that helps those folks, that's certainly not an option for them anymore. >> donald trump is going to snub a climate summit. >> yes. >> he is going to go to our religious freedom meeting at the u.n. he will be attending the u.n. meeting on religious freedom rather than climate change. the question of climate change, which i'm glad that you and chris hayes -- it was on chris hayes's show that i saw the reporting. if it is not possible to grow food. you're going to lock the few who can manage to escape in cages in the united states. so the rest of the world seems to understand that neither of those are a strategy that's workable for the world. do you get that there's anyone in the administration that understands that that won't work long term? >> oh, certainly. and i think the reason that i think we have obtained these documents from u.s. customs and border protection is there is a desire to get the word out. there is a solution to the migration in guatemala and you can do it today. if you care about this, go look up the world food program. they are feeding without dollars from the united states people in an emergency response. columbia university and the guatemala ministry of agriculture starting a new forecasting system to help people understand not how to have to leave their villages. do what you have to do. >> maybe not burn the amazon rain forest. jacob, thank you so much. i really look forward. by the way, in addition to this great reporting you're doing, i'll see you at the global citizen festival. >> it's always fun. >> no sleep for us. >> it's the best. >> it's the best. all of you at home can take part. it's being broadcast here live. more "am joy" after the break. lost rubber duckie? (burke) you mean this one? (ernie) rubber duckie! (cookie) what about a broken cookie jar? (burke) again, cookie? (cookie) yeah. me bad. (grover) yoooooow! oh! what about monsters having accidents? i am okay by the way! (burke) depends. did you cause the accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff? (burke) just comes with experience. 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"the time" has a new narrative. this time it is biden mattis one with a problem that needs to be paid attention to. the president ran up the president of ukraine to tip the scale of the 2020 election and may tip the scale again to cover it all up. yeah, that guy. >> this week reporter ken vogel picked up that narrative which he put into paper back in may and it is now running with. the problem is this narrative is also a peter schweizer joint. we are not going to read any of that story because we do not want to advance it on the show. the republicans had been quick to see the biden narrative and swing it. making both sides look equally corrupt so anything negative about trump seems well not so bad because on the other side. on saturday morning, donald trump took to twitter to weaponize that it is a scandal in an effort to turn joe biden 2020 into hillary clinton 2016. biden punched back. when reporters asked biden on saturday, how many times he spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings, this was biden's response. >> here is what i know. i know trump deserves to be investigated. he's violating every basic norm of a president. you should be asking him the question. why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader if that's what happened. that appears to be happening. you should be looking at trump. i will beat him like a drum. he's using abusive power of every element to smear me. everybody looked at this and said there is nothing there. ask the right question. >> it is worth asking. are democrats at large prepared to fight the same battle again against donald trump for foreign election interference and media both sides in this. does the party know how to fight the game in this and win. joining me now, our maria kumar and jennifer rubin and jonathan capehart. >> it is like a rerun of whatever donald trump has done is levelled out at least in the media but zeroing in on something of his potential opponent. >> yeah, the new york times basically ukraine is a problem for biden. trump's trying to intimidate. ukraine is a problem for trump. it is elevating them both. it is bizarre that the press is allowing trump to run on an an tie corruption platform after two years of what he's been doing. the bigger problem is the fault size and both sides. we are seeing it over and over again. this is weird because you know, well, we published the story on by may 1st. we are in a surreal situation where we had news reporters, our own organization debunk the story presi story pressing biden to explain it. just read what you wrote in may, why are we doing it again? it is like the e-mails but it is worst. we are not going to go into the details and give trump the pressure of rehashing all this stuff. there is nothing there. the timeline does not add up. the facts don't add up. there is nothing there. he's able to float it around. >> jonathan, i feel like what republicans are quite good at and democrats are not so good at. this as trump scandal could be the thing that gets conservative democrats to say maybe national security may be a reason to impeach. that's the potential problem for him. the media has this compulsion that's almost inescapable. . we have to make it everyone so everyone thinks we are even. in the case of this as eric just said, it is again a product of mr. schweizer imagination. the same guy and sourcing and same strategy as 2016. it feels like a rerun. >> it does feel like a rerun. part of the problem here is the media and both sides take on an ugly connotation. when you have something that's been debunked and you still have reporters still trying to say on the one and and on the other hand it is rather gone. i do think vice president biden did the right thing by pushing back very hard and strenuously against the reporter asking him the question and actually saying to the reporter there look ask the right question. i think nothing focuses the minds of reporters and certainly that campaign and other campaign when a candidate goes on the offense and shows that he's not afraid and as i have noted a few times. vice president biden is never more focus then when he's training his attention and attacks on president trump. i think though as long as he keeps doing that and as long as other candidates either attacking the president directly or do so in a way that senator elizabeth warren did, that makes it possible for reporters who needs to write the real and true story to get it out there. the reason why we are talking about this is because vice president biden fought back. >> stay with "the washington post." yes, you know on this program we are not going to read that story. come on, this is like the ukraine, remember the uranium story, we are not going to pretend it is a real story and debate it on washington. at the same time the tactic worked before because most people don't listen to the story. that's all they end up knowing. there is a great piece by ashley parker that's in "the washington post" in your paper and it was published on friday. ukraine if you are listening, donald trump on friday seems to make a similar request of ukraine of the european nation. it does not matter what i discussed. i will say that somebody ought to look into joe biden. trump said friday in the oval office. hillary clinton responded to this. she tweeted the president asked the foreign power to help him win the election again. ukraine is in a vulnerable position. the congress was held up for quite a while. it was released last week so they're in a position that if the president and now as president you need to look into this corruption regarding biden. this actually in a way it is almost worse than 2016. >> it absolutely is. >> listen, in the 2016 scandal, the press and trump were looking for the smoking gun. the smoking gun was trump picking up the phone and calling putin. he calls the ukrainian president to drop the gun on this. >> what ken vogel says is false. it is not simply about equalism. it is false. when he does that and when for example "politico" had a whole bunch of headlines. they need to be taken on by the candidates and responsible people in the media. for vice president biden, he absolutely did the right thing and i was pleased because for the first time yesterday when you saw all those democrats in iowa, multiple delegates started taking this on. we saw kamala harris did and we saw pete buttigieg. they were saying if this is the truth and if this is accurate, this is essentially treason. this is a betrayal of our democracy. >> number one it is porimportano remember although this is an extortion element in this. you don't need the extortion because you have the crime. we have the smoking gun. trump is essentially confessing every time he talks to the press. i think we are going to learn the exact details, the wall street journal had very precise information about that call eight times that he allegedly asked for help to defeat biden. i think we need to be tough and those people who are helping to facilitate trump propaganda the campaign. >> this is donald trump who said on television, he said to george stephanopoulos on abc that you know somebody offered him dirty ticket, why not , i would look into it. you know he had the propensity to take it. you repe his personal lawyer rudy giuliani trying to pressure them finding dirt on the former president's son. well, let me track that story down and let's get into the hunter biden of it and as well as the donald trump of it. it is difficult to understand how to turn that switch off on our end. >> this is exactly right. the biggest challenge, ken vogel does not declare the source that peter schweizer is -- so it is not credible. what they had done so well is that they know that if they can have any type of story and an established newspaper as the new york times that it reaches any sense of legitimacy, fox news takes it and breitbart takes it. the new york times is saying it so it must be true. that's lack of due diligence. what they're trying to equate the idea that breitbart is a conservative. george will is a conservative and jennifer rubin is a conservative and they had ideology that promotes democracy. they have no other choice to ensure you create doubt on the american people. it is disappointing in the new york times quite frankly. when they try to equivocate something with biden and trump, they're trying to make sure they continue having access to the president and that's not the way to do it. that's not really giving and shelling out information that the american people demand the new york times. the american people expect them to be talking to them and giving this em tthem the analysis beca they need access. >> it is ironic. i want to know. he did reached out to the new york times not to ask for ken vogel to be on the show. we did not get a response so we are not able to get him but we did try. this irony, the far right, people like, they claim they are replacing the mainstream media. >> they rely on the mainstream media to carry their narrative. they have been successful and the times have been there too with the times. >> you go back to the clinton. it was riddled with errors and every other news organizations detailed the errors that were in the anticlinton book. the new york times never told us that the book was riddled with errors. the prosch thessure to be down and sort of conflict of this white house in particular. the bush white house -- it does not seem to happen with democratic president or am i just seeing it because -- >> you are not seeing it because it does not exist. the new york times is obsessed and may mark it as sells. with the ukraine story, a lot of people are saying this is like 2016 and the president did not learn anything. a lot of journalists don't want to learn anything. if they are entirely comfortable with this both sides faulty equivalen equivalency. they like it and that's what they'll go for in 2020. i think they have learned and they'll not acknowledge them and they're willing to do it all over again. >> i don't want to turn this into washington post verses new york times broadcast. i want to go to the politics of this. i want to move to the democrats. i don't think we have a graphic out. there is a new poll out from nbc news that talks about the lack of confidence that people are have in donald trump leadership. 36% of those polls, i am going to read it to you. 36% have less confidence in trump leading and the exact same share in joe biden in ability to lead. those narratives kick in because people only remember the headlines. he had a rough couple of weeks. there is another piece in the new york times. everybody should read it. that's just a win of itself. if young voters -- young voters, progressive voters and black voters are trying to tell their grandparents or parents that jey biden would be in the same position as hillary clinton given his long history. he had the same problem. is this story true evidence that he could be hillary clinton's probably the most easterily of all 19 running. >> yes. look, each candidate has a narrative about their campaign. for vice president biden, it has been the gasps or he misspeaks or telling stories that are not true. reporters start to report everything they view as a gasp. so what this ukraine story does is add one more thing to the scale of doubt that may be out there about the vice president. that's one. that's probably one explanation for that mirror minus 36% showing lack of confidence from voters. when it comes to younger african-america african-americans, that's another story. that story there that you just showed the clip of. not a lot of people have been talking about. the reason why vice president is doing so well as we all know because he's doing very well and has a lot of support among african-american voters. when you dive into the numbers, it is african-american voters above al certain age. certainly above 55 and 60 years old. then when you look at the numbers of african-americans who are younger than that say that 18 of 35. his support is below 50%. then you brought up the essence magazine survey a couple of weeks ago, one of the more telling thing of that hole is survey more several thousands, 1,068 black women is that black women 18 to 35 under 50% identifies themselves as democrats or thought the democratic party addressed their concerns. that's a huge problem of the democratic problem. it is also a huge problem for vice president biden. when you take all of this and perha perhaps vice president biden is of hillary clinton of 2020. we are still a long way off and whether he is hillary clinton, we'll depend on how he keeps reacting to what republicans or what president trump and what these conservatives are doing to try to undermine his candidacy. if joe biden keeps fighting back and folks in the press keeps reporting on what he's saying in terms of go look at what the president is doing, maybe he can stay up. i think you probably think of an inevitability of him being hillary clinton 2020. >> maybe. it is probably to his benefit jennifer rubin that he's taking a tough line, he's going beto o'rourke on them. don't ask me, go ask donald trump. the difference between skrjoe bn is that he's got a long history in public office to choose research from. if the game is played in 2020 the way it was played in 2016 then one may expect that the conduct of the clearance thomas hearings. the crime bill. you can name a dozen things that could be used by foreign government who have an interest in our election could roll out the same way. the challenge that biden had, other than senator sanders, the other candidates have less to grab and less to take so i wonder how is it that biden sees this candida as most likely to win. >> they think the safest candidate is a white male because they are convinced that a few states in the upper midwest who they don't understand and also contained women and people of color they are key and therefore you have to go get a white male. i think this is absolutely absolutely -- 2018 proved this and 2012 proved this. frankly the democratic party would do much better in my field either with a woman or a person of color or perhaps both. number one, they have to appeal to those women in the suburbs who they captured in 2018 went out and voted for many women of color. secondly, they have to go get their base fired up. that's not joe biden as far as i am saying. >> and to that very point, iowa which does not have a lot of black and latino votes. there are some. my sister was born from iowa. elizabeth warren is ahead of joe biden. it is within the margin of error but she's surging. it is important to know that while kamala harris sort of stayed at that same 6%, there does seem to be a lot of residency to the idea of nominating a woman or person of color despite all the white dudes in there. elizabeth warren is surging iowa. if you look at what mayor pete buttigieg is doing or kamala harris is doing, well, is biden going to stay in the race. what jennifer is saying is true. the fact that we want to continue to make sure we are catering and talking to suburban white women. they're the ones that came back for democrats because of healthcare and family separation. how do we expand the electoral base? there is going to be 12 million young people that are registered since the last election. two-thirds of young people are of color. four million of them are african-americans and 4 million of them are latino. you see them in georgia and north carolina and arizona. arizona flipped in the 2018 election. no one is talking about that. that's a big deal. you have 2.5 unregistered latino youths in texas alone. a woman and a person of color would obviously if you attract that imagination, democrats have to think about how do you grow that base? >> absolutely. all of the states are unrepresentative of the country. the third state pushed by african-american voters, the biden camp, elizabeth warren can hang onto that lead and win in iowa. ask clinton what happened in 2008 when barack obama won that state. suddenly those voters hey wait a minute that's who white voters prefer and that's who can win with them and a whole lot changes. thank you, eric and jonathan will be back later on in the show. thank you to all these great guests. ank you to all these gret guests >> woman: what's my safelite story? >> vo: my car is more than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. >> woman: hi! >> vo: with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, 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of our country and they are not now. our leverage in the election goes up as the votiining popula goes down. republican elites are not interested in democracy when it gets in the way of what they actually cared about. power. it is important to know the heritage foundation is still the force for republican presidents picking far right judges for the federal bench including the supreme court. the far right critical philosophy remains at the heart. democrats first understand what they are dealing with on the other side of the isle. joining me now to explain is nan nancy maclean. thank you for being here. >> yes, thank you joy. it is a great pleasure to be with you. this right we are seeing today is a fruits of decades of intensive investment and there are many dimensions to this right and many different wings of it. the part that's key for us to focus on now is the part that has been lost sight of. that's the cope network. we'll not have donald trump in the white house had it not been for the mobilization of the koch network and decided in the late 1990s to turn the republican party into a delivery particles for its radical right agenda. they focus on republicans elected candidates and any republicans, all those moderate republicans got targets on their back. if they refuse to support the fossil fuel industry and agenda and other things the koch network deemed to be crucial. what we are seeing now is a party that still has the name of the republican party and still seems to be like a major party. it is inhabited and hollowed out in a frightening way. we have not seen anything like this before in our history and something that we really need to get a handle on. >> the koch brothers themselves did not support donald trump for reelection in 2016 themselves personally. you touch on something that i did want to ask you more about. the way that americans think about the right is it is very much focused on religion and abortion. particularly their determination to take over the courts. what you write about the extent to which even that faction of the right is mainly concerned about oil and about the wealthy and about keeping resources out of the hands of people who are not rich. can you talk about that? >> i think we need to be paying much more attention to the work of americans for prosperity and the koch's main ground game. it is true they did support donald trump in 2016. what they did was make the republicans feel so toxic to the republican base by the agenda they were carrying which is the radical right donor agenda and not something that was popular that he kind of feel the vacuum. back in 2016, it would be worth revisiting that fight because he was able to call them puppets and make them stick and they could not control him. they do have data and people done research to show he would not be in the white house for american prosperity tie to make sure they held the senate. american prosperity continues to be powerful and it is no accident that the trump or the koch shows tim phillips came out with ralph reid ahead of american prosperity. what they are doing is hurting those religious right voters that has the things that the koch really cared about. in order to stop any action on climate change, they have rendered our democracy dysfunctional. they have made it so compromise -- any republicans who tries to do what elected officials in a democracy must do which is making compromises and give some and take some. they made that her sayhersay. when john boehner left, he says the kamir rouge is in charge now. the most -- he said they're radical libertarians, i hate those people. that's when he was primary by the koch network. he came around and vent to their will as we saw mayor garland refusing of the hearing of the supreme court. this is a long game operation. the two koch brothers both you know had over $50 billion invested in millions in making sure our politics are not responsible to the people and not responsive to the american people they have done that with investigating in think tanks and universities and political fields and all these different things. we desperately need more attention on that now because american prosperities interwoven in sophisticated ways and people going back and forth and so forth. >> republicans don't believe in democracy. not let the democratic governor, which they were denying healthcare. the flat norms or if necessarily they -- when it comes to voters, the way the republican base vote voters, the believes they have been fed on the last 40 or 50 years, if you look at the polling, the question of do you support decrease federal spending on assistance to the needy. democrats only 6% say the report decrea decreasing a to the poor. when asked, do you support decrease federal spending on government assistance to the unemployed. only 10% of democrats say that would be okay to do. 44% say they would support decreasing that for those in need. do you support decreasing federal support on spending on healthcare? only 4% of democrats say they support decreasing spend in healthcare and 35% support federal decreasing in healthcare. what's interesting is they mirror donald trump support. his share of the electorate. >> yes. i would like to focus on the majority support across party for a whole range of thing or higher taxation that's progressive and fair to support our schools and teachers. that's why the koch network mobilized the way it has. that's why they're under the false flag of conservatism. they're radicals but they have manage to get the party to their purposes and to convince particularly the white evangelical voters that they are on their side and they have supreme court and candidate and other officials who will carry the political economic agenda of the main policy agenda while appeasing the religious right voters. they don't realize they are being used to move an agenda that'll be moved to prioritize security and change your constitution to lock in all the radical changes this koch network wants. >> the young people says, we have no planet b. they are stopping action on the climate that they are absolutely determined to do that. they have done it again and again. if we don't get ahead of this and realize donald trump is the symptom and not the cause of our problems. we are going to be in real trouble. >> nancy macclean. thank you for being here. >> we mentioned a few conservative democrats that we reached out. a few of them did contact us and wanted to make a clear clarification on where they stand. katherine rice and jason crowe do support an impeachment on donald trump. more "a.m. joy" after the break. p more "a.m. joy" after the break. -their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town. 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don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. here's to you. the wall street journalist reporting that president trump pressed the president of ukraine eight times to investigate joe biden's son. what do you know about those conversations? >> so you just gave me a report about bhwhistle blower? i think i saw statement yesterday said there was no pressure applied in the course of the conversation. i do think if vice president behave inappropriately, that was corrupt, i do think we need to get to the bottom of that. >> yes, the old switch-a-roo. pompeo pretended not knowing of the big story. >> joining me now jonathan capehart and jennifer rubin. that old switch-a-roo thing is what they are doing. this is still a donald trump scandal. i want to go back and play the chair of the house intelligence committee, adam schiff who's also on tv this morning. here is what he had to say about the allegation of trump trying to dig up dirt on joe biden. take a look. it is not necessary for us to fight evidence of a quick p proquo. y ukraine understands that the president if these allegations are correct, his number one demand is they dig up dirt on his opponent. that's all you need. >> in this case, russia if you are listening, it is candidate donald trump saying get me the e-mails, that'll help me win. going to a foreign leader and saying you know i got this money, if you would like to have it, let's talk about what you can do for me even if our lawyer, our chief lawyers onset today. does it matter whether he said explicitly no money or no help and no money. >> it does not. this is what chairman schiff is outlining. chairman schiff is someone who's really measured. he's never going to say something that's extreme or either he takes his time. he's methodical. some people would say and a lot of people are jumping up and down for democrats to be more force dpfull forceful. in exchange for looking for evidence against his opponent which we know happens with russia 2016. he was a candidate at the time. now he's the president and in other words he has the full wait power and authority of the presidency to convince and as a sort of weigh on the ukraine president to do this. it is astonishing. this is being done in plain sight. there were interviews today that you just played as one from the president essentially saying yeah, i called him and i asked for this. the question now is if you have a president behaving this way violating laws and democratic norms in plain sight, you have a democratic party seems to be reluctant to do anything about it. what would this party do if they were facing someone more sophisticated, someone who did not do things out in the open. this is incredibly obvious. >> it is a slam dunk. they ought to do something about this because it is being done in plain site. it is being ramped up. remember if you go back and look at how russia sort of unfold, we have no contact with them. it was innocuous and then it was like yeah, we did have contact with them. there is nothing wrong with that. now you are seeing the same thing happening ukraine in a short period of time. i think this administration knows that no one will do anything about it. >> jennifer rubin, what is confounding here is perhaps that democrats. i am going to do a wwre. it does seem like republicans know how to play this game and democrats don't. had a democratic president gone to a country under occupation from the same country that interfered in our election before and is vulnerable because their only protection is really the aid they get from nato allies and now one of th the -- probably used to be the most important vip member of nato say i got this $250,000, my lawyer will be there next week and you know he would like to talk to you about it. you have multiple times that the u.s. president is saying -- is this democratic president doing these things, it would have been elementary. and half of this was done. >> what do you make of the fact that even this have not seen to sway and not just the speaker but we are waiting to see whether it is conservative democrats who are -- are also in the way of an impeachment happening. >> a few things. we sort of know what happened. do you remember when president obama was picked up on a hot mic saying oh, have more flexibility after the election. that's nowhere in the same universe is what we are talking about now. if they think there was nothing wrong, they can stipulate to the facts in the senate trial to remove him as president. that's essentially what they are saying. i can do anything. there was nothing wrong. great, we'll stipulate to the fact and let susan collins tell us to vote to keep in power someone acknowledged going to a foreign government and pressing them to give dirt on their opponent. what's going on is we discussed it earlier in the program. he knows the president is going to bend over backwards to give them a fair shake that he had his own base within this little tightly sealed universe of the right wing bobble. so he can get away with it at a time. my thought is even if i can't remove him because republicans are so spineless and hollow and immoral and lacking in patriotism. at this point, i think bringing in article impeachment voting them and sending it over to the senate, it plays much better for the democrats. this is an easy one. you don't have to go to a 448 page report. you don't have to do a deep dive into his finances. this is like three facts vote, send it over to the nasenate an let those people vote against removing someone into a foreign power. it is shame for pompeo to do what he's doing. the secretary of state of the united states, i don't expect him to rat out his boss but to intentionally carry this propaganda and smear other candidates, it goes to show the fish rots from the head and people around trump are equally liable as he is. >> donald trump seems to have been picking people who are corruptible or corrupting them. you see when people leaves their limit of what they're able to do to debase themselves, they go where? you saw dan coats who would have been in the position to receive in whistle blower. he's gone. andrea mitchell announcing him that donald trump was going to invi invite putin. onto the point of pompeo, let me just play you what pompeo is doing. what he's actually doing now to help push this anti-biden narrative. >> i hope that we will. i hope if vice president biden engage in behavior that's inappropriate, i hope the american people come to learn that. >> i want to go back to the question. >> americans can't have our election interfered with. if that's what took place and that kind of activity, we need to know. >> jennifer rubin, i am going to say that's quick spot. that's what i would call that. >> yes. >> it is called no one will check me. that's what it is called. >> no don't check , don't check. the idea this man would say the yes from the reporter is doing a lot of work there. there is nothing to the story as of made. yet means they may uncover. americans can't have their elections interfered with. if that's what took place there. if there is that kind of activity by vp biden, we need to know. the scribnnerve of this adminisn as the mueller report shows say we can't have election interference and biden is the one doing it. >> right. >> what we call this in the old days in addition to the nerve is also the unmitigated ghoul to do something like this. >> yeah. >> you know what they're doing. they're hiding in plain site. they're doing things where if you have not seen the roy cohn movie, where is my roy cohn? you will learn that it was roy cohn that taught donald trump to take your weakness and turn it into a strength. and so they know they are in deep, deep trouble with this. the president's personal lawyer, he does not work for the administration. he's not a federal employee. he's a personal lawyer. the reality is, this is benefiting the democrats and ts that the more the democrats are pressing for the investigation of what was done in the ukraine, i invite it, because i am doing my job as poor defenseless lawyer who is defending his lawyer. >> what? >> we know he has gone on television and admitted that of course, i went there and asked them to investigate hunter biden and investigate joe biden and again there, he is saying that y'all keep reporting this story and i will keep saying what i am saying, and they are hiding in plain sight, and they are trying to throw dust in our eyes and get us off of the original story is which is what i think that is happening is that it is not going to work this time. it worked in '16, but it is not going to work now, because we are well aware and we are conscious, and meaning we in the press, but also the american people. this story unlike russia is actually easier to follow and understand. the president of the united states calls a foreign leader and asks him to investigate a political rival in the hopes that it would interfere with the upcoming election where he stands for re-election. pretty easy to understand. as long as the democrats keep hammering away at that both the candidates on the campaign trail, and those on capitol hill and those around the country, the harder it is for the president and the administration to try to flip this one over on vice president biden and the democrats. >> and midwin charles, and jennifer rubin and jonathan capehart, thank you. hart, than. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the in-laws have moved in with us. and our adult children are here. so we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. anybody seen my pants? #1 stain and odor fighter, #1 trusted. it's got to 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