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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140815

"robin's sobriety was intact". >> catherine: schneider says she's revealing this additional hopes it will encourage people facing the same problems to get help and still less afraid. >> pam: this latest bombshell that robin williams was dealing with the early stages of parkinsons disease. has restarted the conversation about just what the illness is, and how it can be treated. >> pam: kron 4's dan kerman was at stanford medical center today. to get some answers . >> reporter: she says the disease comes with a laundry list of symptoms. >> to make calls tremors or cause the body to become stiffer. >> depression, anxiety. thinking difficulties. >> reporter: doctor says the movement problems is something to do with the brain. there are treatments exercise, medication to replace it as surgery procedures like the brain stimulation. >> it is just the same as the cardiac pacemaker. regulating the abnormal rhythm. what it does is replaced eight significant region of the brain moving more smoothly and not cost of the brain and cause the patient to move better. >> reporter: the incident are rides over the age of 60 years old creek dr. say that many like actor michael j. fox has proven that there is no reason to retreat or give up. >> you can live a full life and a quality life. you could make a difference in the world. >> reporter: >> pam: hollywood is no stranger to parkinsons. several celebrities have been diagnosed with the disease. >> pam: as dan mentioned -- michael j fox. he was diangosed in the 19- nineties, but did not reveal the illness to anyone for several years. >> pam: fox tweeted his condolences to williams today. writing he had no idea. >> pam: keep it here for the latest on robin williams death. on our website, kron-4 dot com, we've posted his wife's full statement. revealing his parkinsons diagnosis. and tonight at 5:45. more reaction from hollywood. >> pam: developing tonight. >> pam: san jose police are still on the scene of an officer involved shooting. >> pam: it all started when a distraught woman called 9- 1-1. saying she was armed with an assault weapon. and making threats against family memebers. >> pam: kron4's rob fladeboe is live at the scene. with the latest. >> reporter: confirming that the woman has yet died from the gunshot loans. they have yet to release her name or the officers involved. it all happened right here at the house on the corner. we are about a half mile east of oak ridge mall. just after 1030 converged on the home after this-by 911 operators. including an explanation of why the woman was armed and with what, exactly? she had in lieu of the assault weapon. evidence in the street looks like a cordless drill. they said that the commission will and tax in fact be forthcoming alleys, one shot went off. >> what we know so far approximately 10:00 this morning officers responded to a call regarding a female in possession of and posy type of an assault weapon. and that she had killed family members. they made several attempts to try to contact the person in question. they were able to contact the female and then tried to negotiate for her to come outside and put down the walk in. at some point e-mail exited the residence. at that point shots were fired. >> reporter: never stated that he heard police acts for the woman to put the weapon down and then they heard one shot. she was still alive when she was taken away by ambulance. >> reporter: he doubt whether there was anyone else in the home at the time when the woman may deny 11 col. rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> pam: san leandro police have released these surveillance photographs. of four suspects involved in a shooting at the bayfair center on monday. >> pam: police say, the incident started as an argument. but ended in gunfire in the parking lot. >> pam: one man was shot in the leg. the suspects got away in a silver or gray s- u-v. >> pam: police say, the suspects are all between 18 and 25 years old. and they now hope the public can help identify them. >> pam: coming up at 5:15. how a 9-year- old bay area girl saved her family from a fire. >> pam: then at 5:30. the unrest intensifying in ferguson. >> pam: after an unarmed teen was shot and killed by police. and next. we will take you live to candlestick. >> pam: where the one of the last to start. >> jacqueline: cooler temperatures ahead and we will take a look at that in just...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. you've been working like a dog if yall year.e me, but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters >> pam: indian thereto or back in 1966, tonight beagles' icon will perform tonight. for the aging part. there are fans coming in tonight, like jeff. >> reporter: 3 it will serve his full circle from 1966. you see that the aerial video provided by our ariel partners the technicians are getting the state ready for paul mccartney. to come on board for thousands of people here at candlestick park to enjoy the last show that will be at candlestick park. let's look at video that we shot earlier today. people were already one up at 2:00 this afternoon. people have been piling endeavor sits separate billing up the parking lot. people are enjoying the parking lot. sports they are having a tailgate party >> i am a total of bicol maniac. i have seen them in oregon and to, washington including seattle washington. we are here today. >> pretty important to be here. >> the nostalgias of the last bit here at candlestick does not hurt at all. >> reporter: that it's incredible. to see all of the key bits many memories here at candlestick park and tonight it would definitely be one that will go down in the record book. on the right hand of the screen to see thousands of people already starting to trickle in. will have more and one hour. in san francisco at candlestick park kron 4 news. >> pam: still had a warning from the boys and girls club. before you donate money to anyone who come to your door. then details on a shocking crime that left a high price bay area at a foot on a pitch. latte or au lait? cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, all beds are on sale. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. >> pam: when a fire ripped through a hayward home. with family members stuck upstairs. >> pam: a nine-year-old girl knew just what to do. kron4's mike pelton shows us how the young child got her dad to safety. >> pam: and has video of the flames, you'll only see on kron-4. >> i only saw the smoke >> reporter: quan the second story she grabbed her father. >> laid down on the ground. >> reporter: galaxy and her father went through the second story window. jumping over the the second story window to safety. >> reporter: we go up to schools. >> they picked up one thing from what we are telling them that could save a life like it happened today. >> reporter: crews quickly knocked it down very >> and unattended cooking fire. >> reporter: >> really pick and a lot of smoke. >> reporter: that way they will no danger. when danger, they will know what to do. >> reporter: a day saving that, not too much to handle >> i did not see the fire. >> reporter: >> pam: new at five.a husband and wife were held at gunpoint during a home invasion robbery inside a gated community in fremont. >> pam: police say two suspects kicked in a side garage door of a home on the 600 block of monticello terrace at about 4 am tuesday morning. >> pam: the couple were forced to open their safe and disclose personal financial information. the suspects got away with cash, jewerly and credit cards. >> pam: the victims weren't hurt and none of the other people inside the home.including the couple's teenager.were threatened. >> pam: police say it's likely the suspects jumped the fence to get into the property. >> pam: they got away in dark, newer model ford fusion four door sedan. this is the third home invasion to happen in fremont in the past two weeks. >> pam: a warning from the the boys and girls club of san francisco---beware of imposters looking for fundraising money. >> pam: in a letter posted to their twitter yesterday, the organization says fake donations. >> pam: the group says several incidents have been reported including in the mission, and fisherman's wharf. >> pam: they are now asking to donate using the group's website---and never give money to people asking for it on the street. >> pam: a wildfire has burned about 60 acres of brush in the angeles national forest. this is in glendora---about 25 miles northeast of los angeles. >> pam: officials say the fire started about one this afternoon. aircraft and ground crews are battling the blaze. >> pam: we're told so far, no home or buildings are threatened. >> pam: no word on what caused the fire. >> jacqueline: there is a different story at the coast line. hanging on this afternoon at the towers, here. right off shore we are seeing some some breaks at the san mateo and couple up at the north coast line. temperatures are warmer this afternoon warmer than what we expected. we are 90 degrees at antioch right now, 85 in pleasanton and 86 in livermore. 81 in sunnyvale. at the coast like temperatures are already in the '60s. thanks to the low cloud coverage. keeping to adjust pretty mild overnight. faster clearing in land tomorrow. as we head into the weekend, more cloud coverage mission means more cooler temperatures. >> pam: how your children can avoid a so-called back to school play. >> pam: how your children can avoid a so-called back huh, fifteen minutes could save >> pam: how your children cyou fifteen percent or more on to schoolcar insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? they often say, "i wish i had done this sooner." don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ i'm j-n-e d i ve cd. ti'd-a-ep i'k-a-e ani ha copd, but i n't nt mbreaingprobms ty myolunerin that why ask my ctoraboub-r-o. once-dai breellia hes crea airow fm thlung foa fl 24ours. and br hel rede sytomflarups as anreque or steroids, antibiics,r hoitaltay. breo inot r asma. breoontase thatncreases risk of dea in pel it is t knn ifhis sk i cread inopd. breo won repce rcueinhars sympto andhoulnot use mo th onca da breo mayncree yo risof pneunia,, d so eyeroblems. sympto andhoulnot use mo th onca da te youdoct if u ha a het coitio or hh bld prsureefor kingreo. asyouroctoaboub-r-o for pd. fit prcripon fe at asyouroctoaboub-r-o for pd. female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> catherine: major developments in iraq. >> catherine: including the news that iraq's leader is now stepping down. and more of the trapped refugees are leaving safely. >> catherine: still - islamic militants remain in control in large parts of the country.and are still causing terror. >> catherine: more than 400- thousand people have now fled their homes in iraq. driven out by islamic militants who are boasting about the slaughter of "infidels". >> catherine: about 15- thousand of the refugees have already crossed into syria. taking shelter in the scorching august heat. living in tents. >> catherine: but the stream of humanity shows no sign of slowing down. there won't have to be a u.s. rescue mission on a mountain in northern iraq. >> catherine: because of international air drops of food and water.the situation has eased. >> we helped by hon. people reach safety in we have managed to save very innocent lives. >> pam: >> catherine: the president says the u.s. will work with other governments to continue to provide humanitarian relief, even as u.s. warplanes continue a campaign of limited air strikes. >> catherine: meantime - photos show some of the 4- thousand yazidis who 'refuse' to leave the mountain top. >> catherine: many had already worked here as herders. some simply believe they're as safe anywhere else. >> catherine: another development thursday -- the prime minister has given up his post. nouri-al-maliki is stepping aside for the deputy parliament speaker to take over. opponents had been trying to push him out for a long time. >> catherine: the prime minister - a shiite -- had been criticized for contributing to the current crisis -- by excluding other groups from power. >> catherine: in other world news. a russian aid convoy of more than 200 trucks was stopped at ukraine's border today. >> catherine: ukraine has threatened to block the convoy - unless the red cross is allowed to see what's inside those trucks. >> catherine: the concern -- russia will use the shipment as a cover for military incursion. also today. the tensions were obvious in the ukrainian parliament. >> catherine: two lawmakers began fighting - during a debate on a law that affects relations between the two countries. >> catherine: the law eventually passed.which ukraine to issue sanctions against russia. >> catherine: israel and hamas are expected to continue indirect talks in cairo this weekend. aid groups were giving out bags of rice and wheat to gaza residents thursday. >> catherine: a cease-fire is now the longest since the conflict broke out last month. a five-day extension is due to run through monday. >> catherine: also today.a celebration despite the weeks of despair. in a public ceremony, a palestinian couple celebrated their wedding among a large crowd. guests danced. and cheered the newlyweds. >> jacqueline: a pretty nice day out there today. if you had cloud but nothing too drastic. we will talk more about the weather coming out (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: and other night of violence and ferguson misery. protesters a shooting of an 18 year old last week even the president profess concern over those images. president obama says there is no excuse for some of the st. louis county police tactics against protesters and the media. hiding behind merchandise,customers who walked down >> catherine: and night is falling in ferguson and everyone seems to be hoping that bringing in the highway patrol will ease the escalating tensions. wound >> catherine: a great deal reporter caught in the middle of police response to what they say it was an attack by the crowd. now there's no indication rocks, bricks and bottles bought at us. walmart plans to file >> catherine: the crowd met by a massive display of law enforcement firepower. military assault rifles and an army surplus armed criminal charges at this >> catherine: of officers in camouflage and handcuffed and detained reporters in a local mcdonald's. >>move move >> catherine: journalist from alger 0 found themselves the target of teargas. after trying to stay with your camera the crew finally fled to rid the officers moved in and tie up the camera down so it would allow record what they were doing. >> catherine: the officer declined to kill michael brown, ferguson police chief is insisting that that name is rob and twitter has suspended the account involved. pam? >> pam: this was the scene in san francisco just about an hour ago. 100 people showed up. for a visual and national moment of silence. >> pam: and similar vigil was held at the same time in oakland. kron4 political analyst michael yet he joins us to talk more. >> pam: how does that play into the whole part of civil rights? >> it is not america and is not what america is about. you cannot have this type of manner is not moscow this is america. >> pam: what does it mean to see this military style of equipment used on citizens in this country? the attorney general has expressed concern. >> this is not a third world dictatorship. we left this behind in the '60s quite frankly. >> pam: they are keeping an eye on development. protecting civil rights? >> the majority of the population is african- american and a tiny percentage almost like 6 percent are less than that. >> we and our boys and show that we care >> pam: thank you. and to reach him or twitter at >> jacqueline: '87 and concord, at 88 in livermore and 91 antioch carried were in sarah felt with low 80s. we hit 81 in sunnyvale. closer to the coast line we were cooler. you can see that the blues guys in the background but here comes the local out starting to push back into the city creek was the more cloud coverage tonight. helping to keep it cooler into tomorrow and the weekend. we will talk more about that coming up and just a bit. >> pam: living in a texas wal-mart for days. going extra wing to go unnoticed. >> reporter: you were never expect that someone was living in sight of the wal- mart for four days. >> reporter: never noticing to hidden compounds where he was able to store necessities and sleep in a make shift to bed. e.t. items from inside the store. he had created a crack in the drink i'll to drink juice. >> reporter: sources say the 14 year-old was so concerned about being count cult he wore diapers eventually a trash trail led it to his encampment. >> i am wondering what his parents are saying and how come he did not return home or why weren't they were read about him. >> pam: child protective story said that they were usually called in to investigate cases like this but there were not called this time. no indication that wal-mart will charge criminal charges at this point. >> pam: next, how can your children avoid the back to school plague? >> pam: here is a look for the closing numbers for thur...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. 'til labor day you doto reward yourself.t get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters >> pam: is referred to internally among teachers and parents at the back to school plague. when the classroom at the beginning of the school year can be at home for germs. the centers for disease control says that on average elegies school students get 8 to 12 colds or cases of the blue each year. so teach your kids healthy habits as they head back to school. first know the hot zones. the germy its place as school is the best throw it to the bathroom as action the water fountain. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. >> pam: following tonight. we are learning more about the final days of robin williams and the people who laughed and worked closely with robin are reflecting on their time with him on set and off. >> pam:the insider's kevin frazier has more on him from hollywood. >> he made us laugh like no one else sprit >> he is gone so soon in life. it's just cut deep. let's >> reporter: mike and the shadows of the marquee tribute. pierce opened up to us about a touching is the graeme message he wrote in regards to the memory of you good man, it was a joy to work with you it would be a reminder constant throughout my days. >> reporter: so breaking par silence lisa jacobs who played his oldest daughter in the film. >> reporter: now 35 year old posted a think you know it to her mentor. revealing how rabin wrote a heartfelt letter to her how to lure high-school wish you had to be on location. he taught me to stand up for the things that mattered. >> reporter: many of robin's band is grappling with his suicide his wife susan sure it like. he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression and anxiety as well as early signs of parkinson's disease which he was not ready to share with the public. >> pam: and again -- you watch the insider right here on kron4. >> pam: weeknights at 7:00, followed by entertainment tonight at >> pam: more bay area news, >> pam: new at five. officials have detected new west nile virus activity in sonoma and marin counties this week. >> pam: mosquito samples and a dead bird tested positive in santa rosa------and in novato, one dead bird tested positive. >> pam: officials conducted operations this morning to get rid of some of the mosquito population. they say they'll now keep an eye on the areas for more virus activity. >> pam: so far, no human cases have been reported in those counties. >> jacqueline: still 85 degrees in concord and 78 and oakland. returning, the fog. however, you can see the blue skies this afternoon. we will have sunshine for the friday afternoon with clearing out faster in land because it will be warmer there. more cloud coverage built during and. here is a look at fault trecker. savoring the north bay and in to the east bay and south bay by six. if you move into the inner clock hour and the livermore valley you see things lingering over the north that. that will clear at about 10:00. temperatures are at the coast with very little changed tomorrow. the will be 68 in san francisco at 74 in san bruno. in the 70's for the most part with 68 enrichment. 78 and union city and 79 at fremont. inland valley warming up a couple of degrees. 92 and read would. 88 and walnut creek, 88 and livermore. and mix of 70's and some 80 degree temperatures. 88 in morgan hill and a mix of 70's and 80's in the north the bakery 78 and vallejo. 84 in that pot. temperatures will be the same everywhere else. killeen trend will continue earlier next week. overall the next several days the pattern will remain the same print more fog. and temperatures in the '70s and '80s. it >> reporter: a spike in unemployment. >> largely tied to manufacturing of autumn. retooling some of their machinery. not bad but not great but it is not bad. >> we are having a little problem with the retail and getting unemployment under 6%. we see that it is stuck under 6 percent accurate we do not want this to continue. >> reporter: 8% of the san francisco work force is an unemployment rate >> the 6% of jobs yester day but you will remember last year they cut more per day at 11,000 jobs so that are downsizing but what is happening to the stock? >> reporter: it really goes to show you how a stock can grow. >> hitting 92 in 2006 as a hundred thousand out in his $200,000 a share. he'd owned company like coca-cola and american energy plus more like the guy code. he has a great cash flow and i believe he is one of the greatest >> reporter: coming up! i will explain in the next edition of people behaving badly tonight at date. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> pam: is getting ready to bring down the house, kearney is ready to perform at candlestick park tonight! >> pam: the news as six is ipad. >> jacqueline: temperature was 60 degrees in san francisco to the eye. 86 in redwood city and low eighties for much of the north bay. with 81 degrees and sunny bill this afternoon as you can see below cloud coverage starting to move and over the bay. it will be more cloud coverage tonight keeping temperatures are mild overnight. sunny skies for most locations. it will be warmer and land but the cooling trend is on the way. ee local news...sports... weather emergencies...especially diverse communities... rural towns... the elderly. they save thousands every year on cable and satellite bills... pay-tv providers don't like that. they're pushing washington to change the rules and cripple free tv call congress. tell them to stand up for sixty million americans... ...and stand up to pay-tv providers. don't mess with free tv it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast nbcuniversal. helping to bridge the digital divide. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. tense moments in san jose after a standoff with police turned deadly >> pam: good evening, i am pam moore. >> pam: authorities say, and woman, armed with lovely to be in a supplement weapon, and threatened to kill or that's when police step in. kron4 plot rob fladeboe has the lotus the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: the unidentified woman was shot by police outside her home on blossom hill road about a half mile east of oak ridge mall. officers arrived here with the information-she was armed with and lucy and i have hostages. >> is not clear whether there was anyone else in the home but police say the writing officers tried to negotiate with the woman, described by a neighbor as despondent. >> reporter: at that plant, according to another neighbor, who did not want to go on camera, there was a brief exchange between the woman and police followed by a single shot. >> reporter: what happened or what appeared to be a cordless hand held and drill late in the street marked as evidence but police could not immediately say whether that is what the officers might have thought was done. >> >> reporter: one else was hurt. the woman died at the hospital in san jose chirac's fladeboe kron 4 news. >> pam: a bombshell in a martinez scored a run to that critic concord teacher, charged with more than 100 counts of lewd acts and molestation has been acquitted on some of the charges against a jury found 46 year old joseph martin not guilty on charges involving three former students. however, the jury was deadlocked on the counts involving nearly a dozen other students martin was rested last year, following a parent report that he had improperly touched her son. martin lawyer and wife spoke to the reporters after the verdict, they say justice was done >> 29 counts of not guilty. all against three of their accusers. there were a lot of turning point and i beat one of them when they found out, that he had no training has >> and to little girls and the separated have been very difficult creek i did not know if they could get over the number of counts. >> it did d k ought to retried on the 11 remaining accuser's we are prepared to go through another trial. to do whatever it takes to go to a second round of fighting creek will continue to fight until his name is clear. >> pam: martin remains in custody on to a million- dollar bail until september 8th. that is when a hearing is settled to determine whether the district attorney will retry the case on the 11 charges or the jury was deadlocked >> pam: there is word tonight that in addition to depression, actor robin williams was suffering from parkinson's disease at the time of his suicide. in a statement released today, williams was stills and schneider said " broad and sobriety was intact. and he was brave and he was struggling with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of parkinson's. which he was not yet ready to share publicly. doctors admit, there is no cure for parkinson's disease but they say there are a variety of chicken is back and allow the patient to have quality life. >> we have brain stimulation that does help to improve when they had parkinson's disease. >> pam: ironically, robin williams took part in a fund-raiser for parkinson's at stanford medical center back in 2006. >> pam: we have also learned calls to a crisis hot line nationwide strike after the news of robins williams' death. the national suicide prevention lifeline said it had the greatest number of calls in its history monday. officials say cost increase even more on tuesday. doubling the usual daily volume the national alliance on mental illness says tom williams' death also inspired many people to call mental health advocacy groups to help themselves or a loved one. >> pam: the sampras's coach film commission today released a statement on robin williams. is that " san francisco has lost one of its own, one of its treasures in one of its bright lights. robin was an integral part of the creative community here, and will be for ever missed. " >> he make the help make said this is all the film location i caught it is to rid it is very hard to imagine our city without him ". >> pam: to my immemorial continues to grow for robin williams at the san francisco home made famous in the movie misses that fire. one of his co-stars and that iconic 1993 film, now breaking his silence about the loss of a good friend. >> i just love the man creek and left his work he may be less like no one else and that he is gone too soon. i mean he is 63 and item 61. it just could to b.p. was and so much pain. >> jacqueline: another like look outside from our camera with low cloud cover to cover it up the coast line and into the bay. right now, we are seeing the coast we are seeing the ball at the coast. ready to move back again this evening and through overnight hours. we are had at the 70 degree temperatures and 80 separate the falk is starting to take over. 84 in pleasanton and 81 in redwood city with 78 and san jose at hayward. at this hour temperatures are mild and for friday sunshine again, cool weather is ahead for the wicked it will take a look at the extended forecast coming out. >> pam: happening now. the end of an era. the final show ever at the candlestick is just a couple hours away. paul mccartney, is preparing to rock out in front of a packed house. >> pam: it didn't hamper the iconic stadium last the toast live concert was also at candlestick park way back in 1966. john kron4 just bush is live in front of caustic tonight. >> last the beatles concert was held here and is going to be worth it to see paul. >> the last bill concert so this will be a great memory to come back to. >> i saw paul last summer and i'm sure is going to be just as cool to see him here at candlestick park. >> maybe rainbow will show up, you never know? >> reporter: as you and i imagine they're all types of rumors. >> reporter: the date is just opening and people are starting to feel and into candlestick park and because the stars just two hours away >> pam: still ahead, san francisco teachers could be on the verge of picking the picket lines. the crucial vote, happening tonight. plus all eyes of purpose and misery tonight after more clashes between police and spokesperson: get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel. okay.. and the iconic beetle... and the powerful tiguan... okay you can't forget the cc... guys, this is going to take a while. avo: get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for $169 a month after a $1,000 bonus. you've been working like a dog if yall year.e me, but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, 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measure replaces an existing water bond approved by a previous legislature but it was considered too costly to win favor with voters. the baron find out who will be manning the streets tonight. is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. >> catherine: protestor has returned to the streets when it an armed black teenager was killed >> catherine: >> this city of ferguson they are firing and smoke grenades. >> catherine: >> rocks, bricks fired at us and they can't tell. >> catherine: military assault weapons officers were in camouflage at a local mcdonald's. >> they slammed me up against the soda machine. >> catherine: after starting after trying to stay with their camera the crew left. there were no longer report what they were doing. >> pam: what is happening in misery is sparking reaction across the country including here in the bay area. this was the scene and set francisco just about an hour and a half ago. nearly 100 people showed up at civic center plaza for a visual and national moment of silence in support of the teenager who was shot by police a similar visual was held at the same time it oakland frank plaza. >> pam: police are looking for a pair of suspect in a friday home invasion that took place inside of the gay community in fremont. kron4 marine kelly has the details on what was a very scary experience for the homeowners. >> reporter: fremont police as is likely to suspect climbed dispensed to gain access to the gated community here. at about 4:00 a.m. tuesday morning the two may kick in on the side door of the garage on the 600 block of monticello terrorist. then the force their way into the victim's master bedroom and held the husband and wife at gunpoint. >> luckily the big bombs were not hurt to bring the incident and not of the other people inside the home. including the couple teenagers were britain police say beckham did not call 911 for two hours at the the incidents because they were so frightened >> reporter: with their tranquillity shattered residents living inside the gated community say they do not bill as it is they used to. the suspects got away with cash, jewelry and credit cards and atm card. >> reporter: the beckham described the suspect as african american adult male in their 20s. but they say they were possibly we're faced take to disguise themselves. and while there is no evidence they drove into the gay community police to have a description of their get away the ohrid a dark color, nor a model for fusion four-door sedan. maureen kelly kron 4 news print >> pam: there have been to other home innovations in fremont and the last few weeks. police say the first took place early on sunday, august 3rd on pass sailed parkway drive. if a mother and daughter came home to fight the suspect jim malo morris waiting for them. morris allegedly tied them up with duct tape and sexually assaulted the mother. he was all later rested that day. the second happened just a few days later on wednesday the 61 creek road. police said a grandmother was at home with her infant granddaughter when the two men came to the back door. they say they tied the grandmother up and robbed her home. those two suspects are still at large >> pam: police have released surveillance photos of four suspects in monday's they fear more shooting that injured one person. san leandro police describe these mills and two females as the between 18 and 25 years old. is it one of the men had begun and the black in a silver ore grade at you be. police believe an argument among the but them as suspects led to a shooting. >> pam: police said palmer did not know the beckham and there was no apparent motive he is charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon >> jacqueline: that at the bay shore live with our mount tam kerman. keeping things cooler at the coast line with similar conditions tomorrow. tomorrow morning and for our inland valley was the warmer conditions. we would take a look here on fault trecker spilling into the north bay. as we move into the 6:00 hour it is widespread. we will see the fog lingered into the o'clock hour. temperatures tomorrow, not much has changed at the coast line the low 60s degree temperatures there to it will hit 80 degrees at san mateo part 72 at alameda. and 68 in richmond, 78 in union city and hayward >> jacqueline: 92 n brent would and 86 and danville with 88 in walnut creek and south bay largely in the '80s tomorrow. 86 in los gatos and 84 in santa clara and in the north bay quite a few of the degree readings creek will still be in the '70s permit leadbelly. mill valley >> jacqueline: cooler forecast as the fault will become thick and more widespread. when during into monday and tuesday with a cooling trend. warming up the next several days with a pattern of morning fog. >> pam: the deadly ebola outbreak keep getting worse. the warning tonight from the state department for americans living in sierra leone. and the missus doubt fire house, not a makeshift memorial for actor robin and williams. stanley shows as people behaving badly at the popular home creek female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> catherine: some encouraging news about the u.s. aid workers recovering from ebola. the family of nancy reich both the she's getting stronger every day. she and dr. kent brett pulley became sick while doing missionary work in liberia. the two americans were given an experimental vaccine called the c mapz- mapp and brought back to the u.s.. they are both at an isolation unit at emory university hospital in atlanta. >> catherine: nancy sun says the vaccine has helped but he also praised the hospital staff. >> catherine: in west africa is now believe the experts might be underestimated the ebola crisis the world health organization says they may be many deaths than those which have been recorded. with more than a thousand deaths on the books and roughly 2000 people infected by the ebola outbreak is already the deadly as ever. >> pam: next is thirty our stock stores including at the mission on the death of robin williams. the diagnosis his wife just revealed today. >> pam: and a memorial for ron wiggins at the midst of doubt fire house, now turning into a danger for some people. >> pam: still has the story in his latest addition of people behaving badly. at candlestick park preparing to turn off the lights for good creek sure... hey canyou bet! this? that's our new interactive speaker wall. 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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter: snapped a photo. he hit the fan back to the passenger and off they go. >>keep moving. >> reporter: as there will be a lot of people on that show. it is more like people doing just the opposite. let me tell you if robin williams was here to see this, let's just say he will have jokes per day spirit >> reporter: those just too many nnamdi are outside of the homeward mrs. dowd fire was beyond. and the latest try for the late robin williams. >> reporter: is ok, but there are some people out there like this driver who stopped a bus zones the people to go pay their respect. >> reporter: this cab was abetted so the driver to take those he took a parking space and on market " is based thrift >> reporter: they will get a ticket on the slide. this lady walked in front of a semi and never even looked. >> reporter: it appeared to be a lot of people to think that it will be ok to park their vehicles when people are driving to go there respect. >> reporter: i am going to say no. in san francisco stanley roberts kron4 newsprint >> pam: and the star story of bali. accused of killing her mother and the disturbing details after the break. >> reporter: it is truly giving you a way to interact with your phone without taking your eyes off the road. i will tell you more about it tonight at 8. ...we need to break up. is it the biting? 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>> pam: , the a's continue to cling to their league but it isn't getting tense. gary has forced next (male announcer): it's now time for gary radnich from the jack in the box sports desk. >> gary: the new commissioner is an upturning. a lawyer. he is baseball's commissioner. >> there is no question that i will not be standing here if it were not for blood. i hope, but i will perform as the 10th commissioner and a way that will continue with his great legacy. just >> gary: throwing something out making it flashy. let pierrots get into the hall of fame instead of saying we have a new contract with the networks and all of my bosses will get rich prick do something and put rose in the hall of fame. and that comes from a man that looks for new leadership at every turn >> gary: kansas city, a man ! the seventh inning, with a good player. it will be made to run hitting four runs his were start as an a. seven to three royals with the angels and oakland american league west cut down to two games. giants >> gary:, next to an action tomorrow at philadelphia. dodgers, having fun in the dugout. he could be mvp right now. gonzales getting hot. freddie freeman. lookit free looking claimed looking claim. he is exciting! >> gary: the dodgers hanged on with by the dow have games up giants trailed by one and they have game each. major league baseball sunnyvale, undergoing seizing and surgery for torn ligament. >> gary: closing games in detroit, apologizes for making a gesture to tigers fans. they are getting on the show. it has been a rough road for a joke. joe. making a gesture twice toward the stands and that is it accurate >> gary: every night, we came off the show at some guy was going, you suck. decide thank you, is right it was a road show but one time you say listen. if some french fry it wants to yell at hill, but i can see to catch you on the right nice it may be too much creek >> pam: of course, we are human. >> gary: with a new imprint leadership that will come around. >> gary: serious business. the kevin ward from robert de young 20 year-old driver injured in the upstate new york crash appeared >> gary: it went down today , ward graduated only two years ago from high school. they held at his own mother. tony stored, this is what gets me breaking news on cost strength today he says he will not race in the nascar he did this sunday listen, no legal moat toward stored and no one is blaming him. alas, yes take a month off creek someone loses their life. >> gary: on sunday night when jason get into his face. this is a second year linebacker. missing at least six games per it calling and to take up the slack talking about what >> he is a completely different person per it he is mark shields and more mellow. basically, down to earth. >> gary: everyone is getting involved. basically, the deal is he says " go ahead jacki. >> jacqueline: >> gary: wahl id is part accurate it is hard to get that ice bucket up there. (cheers & applause) >> gary: interesting to see. the nfc west is waiting for hardball. a young college athlete that has dealt a test and more to do something to raise money. to get all of the big people involved in almost three and a half million dollars in creek >> pam: what woman done to make sure her children did not ignore her phone calls ooo. i knowhat u'rethking u'rehinking beneful. nnouer]a whyouldt he be beneful hawholomegrai,reabf spinach,carrs anpeas it hasarbodrat fornerg and prein r the seousmuscs. [guyaarrr! [announc]eveacces of vimin-ch v. uy] hap! you love iso mh. y youo! but 's gd foyou,o. nnouer] althl. flavful.enef. om pina. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> catherine: >> pam: package to get deals will go on sale soon. 2014, the 2015 schedule was released yesterday. >> pam: creek 18 an at-as down their phones so they cannot even use it at all when her clothes are ignored. she was livid the day she called and texture children and they ignored her. after working with the developer the act is called ignore, and no more >> enter a 4 digit code. when you watch brett iphone it will go blank. bradley needs to call me because i am the person that has become lost password. >> pam: this cost $1.99. but i can't understand a parent that i am paying for their phone. i do not nor appear >> jacqueline: afternoon sunshine! >> pam: state connected in between what kron4 does come through it will be welcome home! woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. "the insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> if i've been someone that inspired you, god bless you. >> i just love the man. >> remembering robin williams. >> run-by fruiting. >> from hollywood -- >> he made me laugh like no one else. >> to broadway. ♪ you never had a friend >> plus, robin's close yet his wife breaks his silence on robin's battle with a serious illness. >> and -- >> i'm zelda williams. >> how robin's daughter is fighting the instahaters as we go inside cyber bullying. >> some people tried to bully me. >> inside the tony stewart crash tragedy as the father of the fallen driver lashes out while his son is laid to rest. ♪ >> plus, how michael jackson is still making history. and -- ♪ i don't know about you pr -- another bff tore taylor swift. >> ew. >> who she just added to her list of besties. >> now the latest celebrity news delivered to you 24/7. it's "the insider" together with yahoo!. robin williams remembered. as his "mrs. doubtfire" co-star speaks out and tributes continue to pour in. hello, everyone, and welcome to a special edition of "the insider," coming to you from inside hollywood's famed laugh factory on sunset boulevard. i'm kevin frazier. >> and i'm thea andrews. you know, all the greats have done stand-up here. richard pryor, letterman, leno, and of course robin himself. the marquee outside has one last special request for robin. make god laugh. >> now the people who laughed and worked with robin closely are reflecting on their time with him on and off the set. >> if i've been someone that inspired you -- wait. get other inspiration. god bless you. >> i loved his work. he made me laugh like no one else.


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