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Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20221102

next to republic continued to mount on a daily basis of the last 24 hours. at least 2 people have been killed. 2 elderly women, 2 people were injured. but as the day progresses, that number may still grow as ukrainian nationalists continue shilling residential areas of the nest people's republic ramon cars for if archie dun asked thanks for joining us to the program. here with archie international, one of our top stories moments ago the russian president vladimir putin was addressing that of the russia security council. explaining that russia did pull out of the black sea grain deal because ukrainian forces were using the humanitarian corridor to attack of russian ships. however, now the key f, as a potentially offered and guaranteed safety assurances, russia, it's back in the deal. read more about it ought to be thought. ah, ah, ah, ah, hello and welcome to cross back or all things considered i'm peter level, for most prior to february 24th ukraine was just another eastern european country since then. the conflict in ukraine has created deep divisions all across europe and beyond russia in europe today virtually have no common ground. this may be the case for a very long time, becomes, ah, cross stocking europe and russia divided. i'm joined by my guess, the bush of mileage in washington. he's a blogger and calmness in brick. we have lucas gauge. he is a u. s. m. c veteran, author and philosopher. and in london we crossed ad real, cassandra, he is the founder of aka consulting and a foreign affairs analyst, or a gentleman crossing roles in effect. that means you can jump in in time you want, and i always appreciate the boy. sure, let me go to you 1st. we have the jury. the german president son meyer, says at berlin and moscow are now opponents. he describes russia's military operation in ukraine as a water. and so i kind of got me thinking because in the early, 2, thousands when we, when the, the war in afghanistan started, there was a public opinion polls one some university. and they asked afghans, does 911 mean anything to you? the date, 911, and like 98 percent of the people who get and said, nope, doesn't mean much to me at all. the reason why i'm bringing this up is that stein myer. again, with his kind of neo colonial attitude, the world must accept the west's date and what it considers to be. watersheds we have to the whole world has to run on their calendar. because i mean, if you're looking at ukraine, i think a lot of people and ukraine, and particularly in russia, would say, i think we had to go back to the clinton administration with nato expansion here. why am i bringing this up? because that we have a parallel ways we have different narratives, and when one narrative does not accept it, there is another alternative narrative to understanding something. we have a deadlock and that's what we have now with the west in russia. thoughts, my friend go. absolutely. i mean, i'm on the records that the actual watershed was in 1999 when nato decided to expand and bomb us lava there by obliterating any pretence that it actually cared about international law. and that's literally the time where it last, russia, for all intents and purposes, i mean, this is, this is all documented it's, it's a wealth, well documented hypothesis. so what we're seeing today are the consequences of this, of these actions that there, this is not something that you know just happened yesterday. i know that a lot of people in the west including sy meyer have the memories of squirrels on amphetamine. but you know that the world didn't start yesterday and, you know, choices have consequences and i'm sorry, but if somebody who's from a country that got an aided by nazi germany in world war 2, for germans to say anything about, you know, opponents and this, and then the other, especially after their own experience with russia over the past 2 centuries, is just too rich. i mean, you can, can you even make one of this stuff? you know, used to be that the germans had to go to stalingrad to freeze to death. and now they can just sit at home, and that's not because of russia, it's because they're all stupid policies. they built their entire economy on access to russian energy, and then they cut it off despite themselves. we'll look how well that's going for them. well, and the boys they can stay with you. sergeant schultz. that's how i referred to him on this program when he was in moscow before the complex started and they were talking about ethnic cleansing in don bass, he laughed again. a german laughing at ethnic cleansing, it's something that it should, it's just an becoming of a german leader here. let me go to lucas in the same vein here. when i look at, you know, responsible state craft in some articles in the american conservative. and they love the, is this word unprovoked, unprovoked. but this goes back to when a boy she was talking about it. you know, you don't have to go too far to see that this was intentionally provoked. lucas? yes, i mean, these wars are engineering. if you ask me, that's my opinion on this whole thing. they know our plans gonna respond. they know what a pushes buttons and the western media start with. he invaded that's what they start . that's the most people think. oh my god, he invaded unprovoked. why did he do this is a madman. he's going to take all of ukraine. he's going to take all of europe. we've heard these narratives before. so most people have no idea that the truth is, this is going on for a long time. as he mentioned earlier, and you know, the shelling and dumb boss to ethnic cleansing in the region which is being denied by the german people there. and here we go and repeating the same lice again that is on provoke when the reality, the mis agreements the, the shelling in the people there that the cleansing, making it illegal to speak. russia. i mean, that's how can that not be ethnic cleansing, right? there's, well, these are all facts undisputed facts. so when the west is starting the narrative with, he invaded for no reason that he's a madman. they're lying to everyone in a fortune. europeans are going to suffer this winter because of these lies that their leaders are telling them the same wise has sent me to iraq and other regions in the middle east as well. with all my fellow marine said they will fight in afghanistan, whatever the case them the same wise against the saw. it's the same script, different actors that we're seeing here. but andrea, if we, if we can say with the unprovoked element here, well, if you assume that something is unprovoked, then you cannot negotiate. because you promote you, you did this intentionally, you woke up in the morning and suddenly you want to invade a country, hear it because of the narrative here. you can even begin to think about negotiations because your narrative is predicated on something that is absolutely false. go ahead in london and whoa, i agree, i mean the, the purpose, the whole purpose of this, linguistic, i love this linguistic a source attempts to to, to somehow condemn bratia and portray, i put in as a madman. serve the one purpose of not, you know, i'm coming to the table and having a full discussion with russia because if we assume all, if we paint a full all, all. busy own, or a hostile country, in our opinion as being, you know, a mad and irrational. there's no incentive to have any discussion, but what is lacking in this role? ukrainian, russian, this course is that the entire conflict in the ukraine is a small piece of a larger picture. it is not about the ukraine. we know that in 2014, ah, this conflict has been frozen after, as the annexation or all of crimea by russia. we know that this conflict was brewing for 8 years. but this a conflict is a part of a larger of larger pictures. i've said it is a, the picture is the us for germany is fading. the power of united states is fading. and we know that the new actors and the new a poet centers are managing as president of what we're putting right be sent during the discussion club. and, and ukraine is used as a tool to clench the, the uni polo moment. that is long gone. the same applies to taiwan. so these flashing points in asia, which relates to taiwan and, and, and, and in eastern europe. ukraine are the flushing points where united states is trying to somehow provoke the major powers like russia and china to engage them in the continuous lea. a fighting a proxy will with allies in europe or in asia, and a, somehow by some time for the u. s. policy makers to figure out how they can prolong the a, don't forget the arms makers. okay. that that's a key element. and all of this here, one griff to replaces another graft afghanistan to ukraine, here. and the boy should let me go back to you here. i mean, i'm very curious, you know, so is it worth losing russia to get ukraine and what ukraine are they getting? i mean, i find these, you know, these conferences about rebuilding ukraine, you know, 10 year plan and all that. they have no idea what they're talking about, what ukraine is going to be. you think the for regents that have joined russia, going to suddenly return? i don't go ahead in washington. well there's, there's always reconstruction conferences and you mentioned griff earlier. this is one another for road griffin. i mean, i remember, in bosnia they were doing reconstruction and a year you're talking about reconstruction a year before the war ended. how do you rebuild of things that can keep getting destroyed on a daily basis? that's insane. you can't plan for reconstruction until the war is over. and there's this, this particular war shows no sign of ending the least because western trenches. it could end to morrow. if washington, that's actually pulling the financial and political strings of kiev said ok enough, but it won't the kit. so what do we even talking about? no, we did. the reconstruction conferences are just another money laundering scheme. this one, benefiting the n g o is instead of the weapons makers. but it's, it's, it's not deal, as i said, the west las russia years ago. they're not aware of this, but that will happen. and what they're trying to do here is they're following the playbook of a long dead polish rooster phobe, who imprinted his hatred of russia on right on u. s. foreign policy. and the, one of the clearest indictments of letting immigrants anywhere near delivers of power in washington as big since he claimed that russia cannot be an empire if it doesn't have ukraine, and therefore it follows that the u. s. the global hedge much must control ukraine to prevent it from happening. and that's exactly what the, what the washington political establishment has been obsessed with. with that written device. i mean, i'm glad you brought that up because embedded in that is the assumption that russia wants to be an empire. these, i mean even the predicate it caves in on itself. because by projecting by, say, russia bob, to be an empire. no, it's they maintain american hegemony. that's what they're saying in that has nothing to do with russia. it's about maintaining american hegemony. go finish up before we go to the break. nobody obviously never calls didn't fusion ski smart. i just, i just said he was obsessed with hating russia, and that's exactly what this was motivated by. well, absolutely. let's let me go to gauge here gauge. i want to talk about last minute here, and then i want to talk about the 2nd half of the program and nothing about ukraine without ukraine. does that mean to you? well, i mean, it's a, it's a suicidal narrative. you asked me. i mean, i don't think the greenest went on their own at all. and if they're going to put it all in, i feel like the death tolls will go higher. that's why i think we should be pushing a piece right now to prevent that from happening and russia has been saying, hey, let's sit down and talk other than the regions that have been annexed. but the referendum we can sit down and talk and create peace right now, but washington won't let it happen. the ukrainians are already basically enslaved by dc. let's be honest here. they're not a free democracy as they're claiming them. well, i mean, but i think they, they don't mind this, this kind of kept tibby and i will explain in the 2nd half of the program gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're gonna go to a short break. and after lunch break, we'll continue our discussion on europe and russia divided. stay with our team. ah ah, [000:00:00;00] ah . move when i was showing wrong, i just don't hold any world to see about. the same becomes the advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart and we choose to look for common ground. ah, so welcome back to cross stock. were all things considered on peter lavelle trim and you were discussing europe and russia divided? i okay, go back to, i guess in london, it's very interesting that nothing of about ukraine without ukraine. they say that about poland. i think you remember that. okay. so it's kind of recycled phrase here . and it's a meaningless phrase here because there is no leverage that the ukrainians have whatsoever. the ukrainian military for all intensive purposes was destroyed during the summer. now it is a nato war against russia. so it's, it's very much a fig leaf here. and it's an excuse for washington and london, the most, russo phobic place on the planet not to sit down with the russians because as we say already said in the program unprovoked in all that, you know, you can't sit down and negotiate with someone that provokes a war which of course, in the book has already talked about the 20th century example here. so this is an intentional strategy. i can't see how it could possibly work to their advantage. oh, but let me remember it's the europeans that will suffer the most for it. while that is so magnanimous from your trans atlantic friends in washington, go ahead. in london when i mean this is a fact the anglo sphere, i would say all the u. k. american block, or i would say the u. k. american establishment is using ukraine and people as a counselor in order to achieve its geopolitical objectives and goals. ah, but i mean, for, i can't go beyond the, the, the, the political, a risk between the west and, and, and russia. we have to bear in mind that this has a tremendous i'm cultural consequences. i mean, i've spent last month in brussels and having a discussion with young policy makers. this has a huge impact how the social engineering of a future russo falls off, admitting ukrainian people who are still a believing in those lies that the russians are dependence and it will have an impact, you know, well beyond this conflict. if it, if the, if this ends. so i think that the social engineering, you know, it's, it's made by purpose because you, you will have on, on your board or whether it is in poland or other european countries. a huge influx of the ukrainian people who are living within the hour, animosity towards russia, so it will not end this year or next year. it will have, it will to have an impact on our next generations to come, so that it will never be a peace in ukraine or in between ukraine or russia. i'm, i'm not sure what we're supposed to. i q in order to heal this one. but at this moment, from what i've observed in europe, is that the, this has a tremendous psychological and cultural impact on people in europe and in the way a lot in boise. i mean obviously the ukranian people are the sacrificial lamb and all this. but i would say europe is also okay, because it's the, again, you know, as you've already said, you know, the europe is, prosperity came from cheap russian energy. well, they don't want it, it, that's of their choice. you know, it, you know, blame the russians. know it's your sanctions that are doing and it's not what russians though, has done. it's the sanctions, the boyish and so on. the europe itself is a net loser and all of this. but i think that address is absolutely right to create the, the, the problems that europe is going to experience in the, in the future is going to be blamed on russia. but it's actually policy makers in washington. well, so there's, there's couple of things where here, 1st of all, it's uniquely evil that the global empire is basically doing everything it can to poison the well for generations while claiming it wants peace. what address just described is literally poisoning the well making sure that, that this, this hatred of russia perseveres in ukrainians in europe for, for decades or centuries or even forever. secondly, had him on would claim the right to rule on the basis that it's when we provide some kind of prosperity order. neither of which is in evidence that the american empire is literally plunging europe into poverty and darkness. literally, for the sake of maintaining its primacy over the world, which is arguably yes, fading and trying to blame russia for it and the european politicians. if not, the populace actually agrees. i mean, you have the german foreign minister saying, i don't care what my german voters think, i promise to support ukraine and i will, i will live up to that promise. so that's number 2. number 3. the whole, nothing about you create with ukraine is it's a, it's a phrase calculated to provoke thoughts about the munich agreement of $938.00 because in the minds of the washington establishment, every day is me unique. every enemy of hits. they're kind of stuck in this in perpetuity like a weird groundhog day. but the issue is that, i'm sorry, if you're paying for all of ukraine's bills, not just the military ones, but civilian ones. if you're literally propping up the regime, then you're responsible for them, not the other way round, and trying to say, oh, well, so lensky disagrees, is, is a way to doc responsibility. this is the way this is the ultimate device to project accountability away from people who actually have it. and i would argue that among those people as victorian newland who's in charge of you. but the state department, and we all know what she thinks about the you. thanks that at 20, intercepted full conversation, which i can't repeat in a family friendly channel. so we all know what it is. ok, look at it, let me go to you and break here. one of the interesting things is that this fanfare of no negotiate. so let's give it find a decree. no negotiations with potent ok. i mean it, that's such a, it's a strategic error and maybe it's, he's just a said naga for washington because then from the russian side then, well, there's no one to call. there's no, there's no interlocutor. so they're going to continue what they're going to do. and the ground is getting hard, i can tell you it's cold now, the 1st real cold day in moscow, and it's only going to get colder. and the russian military knows how to fight in the winter. i. history has shown that ok, nato, well will find out, i suppose. okay. but you know, by saying no negotiations, well, then rushes war aims will discontinue. i mean, no one wants to talk about it. i mean it is, it's full hardy, but this is what they want to do because they want a virtue signal. but again, how does that help ukrainians? how does it help you repeat and during the winter, go ahead, lucas does that all they would already. this is, this is purposely engineered and you know, the argument is what we can't trust and he's just not, he's going to go back and whatever he says he's offering piece. it's nonsense. well, if that were the case, if your cleanings are smart about it, they would sit down in that p stocks and then he would break them. but they know he wouldn't break them. so that's why they can't have that the stocks and we have to keep pushing for this fight that they cannot possibly win. and all of europe is going to suffer for work. and here in america, i'm already suffering for our gas prices are ridiculous. we're running on a diesel. what do we have to do with this work for special interests, obviously, and there you go. so d, c is pulling the strings again, ukraine is already gone. you know, they're not free at all. if you ask me there, i guess, proxy war slave snake for the u. s. nato and the you. and, you know, i don't, this is going to end. well, it all, in fact, as the russians have mobilized here, comes the winter. now the gloves are off and after the terrorist attacks of the crimea branch after the assassination of their you do again. you know, how can the russians play, you know, nice anymore, they can't, and they have to do what's necessary to neutralize you crate. not destroy it and kill everyone but to neutralize it. make sure it doesn't become, this stays this proxy. what a fortune has my colleagues have mentioned. they have already implement. they've already basically condition to people to hate russians, even if this were to end tomorrow. unfortunately, and that's how these people engineered these conflicts for decades and forever, essentially. and you have this quite against the nation in london. you know, you hear this, me, him all the time. you know, you can't make it negotiations with the russians here all the time. okay. but you know, most people haven't heard about it in the west because immediate supply and, but the mince processing of who didn't for fill their commitments to the mince process. it was the west. ok. i'm actually in fact if ukraine had fulfilled to minsk agreements, they would have been in net winner and all of this because they didn't do it. they're a net loser. go ahead in london. i absolutely agree with your pizza, but we also have to, ah, bear in mind of the very big, very beginning of this year. russia wanted a security guarantees from united states and from the west lodge. but it, this wasn't provided to russia, which means the, you know, this conflict was unavailable. you know, unavoidable from, from, from the western perspective. everything was, you know, going into that direction to, to somehow a provoke russia onto, to react to, to, to, to, to de meddling on, on, on the, on his borders. so this goes back to what i said before the on or before the break that there with the russian government will neutralize you. it doesn't matter because you will have a contingent of people. graham, people with interest in poland or united kingdom, who grew up with a tricity towards russia. so it is engine, it, whether it will be, you know, government in exile in london. it, whether it will be a government in exile in poland. you will, has a ukrainian pro problem for the foreseeable future. so this, this doesn't look very well, because if you, if you talk to anyone in western europe, the people are afraid of the fact that their foreign policy and national interest has been hijacked by the u. green goals, so you, you can't have your, your legitimate national interest. these are the russia as a german, as a french person, or as a citizen of a budget. because everything has been hijacked by the, by the ukraine course. and it has been imposed by the washington, d, c. and, and, and, and geopolitical lose like a friedman all labs, as you see. so i, it is, this is very frightening. it is very frightening because man, no country has, has its own legitimate interest at the moment. all these interests are not taking into consideration. and even when we see people who are protesting on the streets of, of western europe, they are being labeled by the mainstream price as a 5th column of the russian propaganda. so this is outrageous and, and this will cook, recreate it, wrist, a few trips between society and, and the under governments. yeah. well, you know, it will, i, i very much agree with you this generational thing is coming in because it's, it's social programming here. but at the end of the day, we can discuss it be almost out of time here, rush is going to be just fine without euro, but europe is not going to be just fine without russia. and we'll get there. going to find that out the hard way because not just one hard winter may be far if hard winters ahead and who is going to be pay, who's going to make money off it, their patron and the u. s. and oil companies are a gentleman that's all the time we have want to thank my guess and watch it in break and in london. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, see you next time. remember, cross top with ah 30 with with both both the models you need to do your book. nothing new. please deal with a, with a, a, with us the personal number of years with with ah, your headlines right now and i'll see you international as russia resumes, participation in the black sea grain deal off the ukraine gives the necessary written gower in teams. it will no longer use the corridor or full military purposes. the canadian online video platform rumbled for walks. it's french uses offer it rejects to balanced by paris to send it to russian media out. also ahead of this out a protections even set un trucks on fire in


Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20221102

most prior to february 24th ukraine was just another eastern european country since then. the conflict in ukraine has created deep divisions all across europe and beyond russia in europe today virtually have no common ground. this may be the case for a very long time, becomes, ah, cross sucking europe and russia divided. i'm joined by my guess, the bush, a mileage in washington. he's a blogger and calmness in brick. we have lucas gauge. he is a u. s. mc veteran, author and philosopher, and in london we crossed ad real, cassandra, he is a founder of aka consulting and a foreign affairs analyst, or a gentleman crossing roles in effect. that means you can jump in in time you want. and i always appreciate the boy sure. let me go to you 1st. we have the jury, the german president son meyer, says at berlin and moscow are now opponents. he describe thrushes, a military operation in ukraine as a watershed know by kind of got me thinking, because in the early, 2, thousands when we, when the, the war in afghanistan started, there was a public opinion polls one some university. and they asked the afghans, does 911 mean anything to you? the date, 911, and like 98 percent of the people who get and said, nope, doesn't mean much to me at all. the reason why i'm bringing this up is that stein myer. again, with this kind of neo colonial attitude, the world must accept the west's dates and what it considers to be. watersheds we have to the whole world has to run on their calendar. because i mean, if you're looking at ukraine, i think a lot of people and ukraine, and particularly in russia, would say, i think we had to go back to the clinton administration with nato expansion here. why am i bringing this up? because that we have a parallel ways we have different narratives, and when one narrative does not accept it, there is another alternative narrative to understanding something. we have a deadlock and that's what we have now with the west in russia. thoughts, my friend go. absolutely. i mean, i'm on the records that the actual watershed was in 1999 when nato decided to expand and bomb yugoslavia, thereby obliterating any pretence that it actually cared about international law. and that's literally the time where it last, russia, for all intents and purposes, i mean, this is, this is all documented it's, it's a wealth, well documented hypothesis. so what we're seeing today are the consequences of this, of these actions that there, this is not something that you know just happened yesterday. i know that a lot of people in the west including sy meyer have the memories of squirrels of on amphetamines. but you know that the world didn't start yesterday and choices have consequences. it, i'm sorry, but as somebody who's from a country that got invaded by nazi germany in world war 2 procurements, to say anything about, you know, opponents and this and then the other, especially after their own experience with russia over the past 2 centuries is just too rich, i mean, you can, can you even make one of this stuff, you know, used to be that the germans had to go to stalingrad to freeze to death. and now they can just sit at home. and that's not because of russia, it's because they're all stupid policies. they built their entire economy on access to russian energy. and then they cut it off despite themselves. we'll look how well that's going for them. well, and the boys they can stay with you. sergeant showed sense. well, how i referred to him on this program when he was in moscow before the complex started and they were talking about ethnic cleansing in the da boss. he laughed again, a german laughing it ethnic cleansing. it's something that it should, it's just unbecoming of a german leader here. let me go to lucas in the same vein here. when i look at, you know, responsible state craft in some articles in the american conservative and they love the, is this word unprovoked unprovoked. but this goes back to when a boy she was talking about it. you know, you don't have to go too far to see that this was intentionally provoked. lucas? yes. i mean these wars are engineering. if you ask me, that's my opinion on this whole thing. they know our plans gonna respond. they know what a pushes buttons and the western media start with. he invaded, that's what they start. that's the most people think. oh my god, he invaded and propose. why did he do this is a madman. he's going to take all of ukraine. he's going to take all of europe. we've heard these narratives before. so most people have no idea that the truth is this is going on for a long time. as he mentioned earlier, and you know, the shelling in dunbar staff, the cleansing in the region, which is being denied by the german people there. and here we go and repeating the same lice again that is on provoke when the reality, the mis agreements, the, the shelling of the people there, the ethnic cleansing, that making it illegal to speak. russia. i mean, that's how can that not be ethnic cleansing, right? there's, well, these are all facts undisputed facts. so when the west is starting the narrative with, he invaded for no reason that he's a madman. they're lying to everyone in a fortune. europeans are going to suffer this winter because of these mice that their leaders are telling them the same wise has sent me to iraq and other regions in the middle east as well. with all my fellow marines, i think a fight in afghanistan, whatever the case of them, the same wise against the saw. it's the same script, different actors that we're seeing here. but andrea, if we, if we can say with the unprovoked element here, well, if you assume that something is unprovoked, then you cannot negotiate. because you promote you, you did this intentionally, you woke up in the morning and suddenly you want to invade a country, hear it because of the narrative here. you can even begin to think about negotiations because your narrative is predicated on something that is absolutely false. go ahead in london and whoa, i agree, i mean the, the purpose, the whole purpose of this, linguistic, i love this linguistic a source attempts to, to somehow condemn bratia and portray, i put in as a madman serve the one purpose of not, you know, i'm coming to the table and having a full discussion with russia. because if we assume all, if we paint a full all, all over a hostile country, in our opinion as being you know, a mad and irrational, there's no incentive to have any discussion. but what is lacking in this role, ukrainian, russian, this course is that the entire conflict in the ukraine is a small piece of a larger picture. it is not about the ukraine. we know that in 2014, this conflict has been frozen after the annexation, or of crimea by russia. we know that this conflict was brewing for 8 years, but this a conflict is a part of a larger of larger pictures. i've said it is a, the picture is the u. s. for germany is fading. the power of united states is fading. and we know that the new actors and the new a poet centers are managing as president of what we're putting right be sent during the discussion club. and ukraine. it's use as a tool to clench the the uni polo moment. that is long gone. the same applies to taiwan. so these flashing points in asia, which relates to taiwan and, and, and, and in eastern europe. ukraine are the flushing points where united states is trying to somehow provoke the major powers like russia and china to engage them in the continuous lee of fighting a proxy will with allies in europe or in asia. and somehow, by some time for the u. s. policy makers to figure out how they can prolong the a. don't forget the arms makers. okay. that that's a key element. and all of this here one griff to replaces another graft afghanistan to ukraine, here. and the boy should let me go back to you here. i mean, i'm very curious, you know, so is it worth losing russia to get ukraine and what ukraine are they getting? i mean, i find these, you know, these conferences about rebuilding ukraine, you know, 10 year plan and all that. they have no idea what they're talking about, what ukraine is going to be. do you think the for regents that have going russia going to suddenly return? i note go ahead in washington. so there's, there's always these reconstruction conferences and you mentioned griffith earlier . this is one another for regression. i mean, i remember in bosnia they were doing reconstruction and you're talking about reconstruction a year before the war ended. how do you rebuild things that can keep getting destroyed on a daily basis? that's insane. you can't plan for reconstruction until the war is over. and there's this, this particular war shows no sign of ending no leaks because western trenches, it could end to morrow. if washington, that's actually pulling the financial and political strings of kiev said ok enough, but it won't the kit. so what do we even talking about? no, we did. the reconstruction conferences are just another money laundering scheme. this one, benefiting the n g o is instead of the weapons makers. but it's, it's, it's not deal, as i said, the west las russia years ago. they're not aware of this, but that's what happened. and what they're trying to do here is they're following the playbook of a long dead polish rooster phobe, who imprinted his hatred of russia on right on u. s. foreign policy. and the, one of the clearest indictments of letting immigrants anywhere near delivers of power in washington as big since he claimed that russia cannot be an empire if it doesn't have ukraine, and therefore it follows that the u. s. the global hedge much must control ukraine to prevent it from happening. and that's exactly what the, what the washington political establishment has been obsessed with that written device. i mean, i'm glad you brought that up because embedded in that is the assumption that russia wants to be an empire. these, i mean even the predicate it caves in on itself. because by projecting by, say, russia bob, to be an empire. no, it's still maintain american hegemony. that's what they're saying in that has nothing to do with russia. it's about maintaining american hegemony. go finish up before we go to the break about obviously i never cause didn't fusion ski smart, i just said he was obsessed with hating russia, and that's exactly what this was motivated by. well, it absolutely. let me go to gauge here gauge. i want to talk about in the last minute here, and then i want to talk on the 2nd half the program. nothing about ukraine without ukraine miss. i mean to you? well, i mean, it's a, it's a suicidal narrative. yes. me. i mean, i don't think your green is, can went on their own at all. and if they're going to put it all in, i feel like the, the death tolls will go higher. that's why i think we should be pushing for peace right now. to prevent that from happening and russia has been saying, hey, let's sit down and talk other than the regions that have been annexed. but the referendum we can sit down and talk and create peace right now, but washington won't let it happen. the ukrainians are already basically sleeve by dc. let's be honest here. they're not a free democracy as they're claiming that well, i mean, but i think they, they don't mind this kind of kept heavy and i will explain in the 2nd half of the problem gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that scherbring will continue our discussion on europe in russia, divide and stay with our tea. ah ah, ah ah, ah ah 3 with cynthia god is throwing in the old hon national forza federal scheduling. this comes with the last concert. it idealists, we sprung from ours, but on the end of the will do it in b. c. do training a good kicked away in the pals, teacher skills on the edge. it's on the ownership goal was to look at, i'm done with this in a little bulk them in the crucial chest middle school. and also i was leaning wookey loading is not good. p t d still not of what you could a little bit, lou dvd well, they used to work with i'm sure we can you video kicks that will be a good way to go with this but no gross issue. he missed his piece. they need to the middle, set them up and you can just get the duties but also from his dunphy this material . but it just tossed up even though so great. you need to locate those little bit just to look me. it doesn't help with them. you have yet to me, she, those patrons, ah, yes, please. and you'll have to learn this maritza to handle most of the zoom shuttle specially chosen with lisa. there's up to engine, you took a little of doing piecemeal. mm. ah, welcome back to cross stack where all things are considered. i'm peter labelle, to remind you were discussing europe and russia divided. ah okay. go back to, i guess they're not in a girl a, it's very interesting that nothing about ukraine without ukraine based say that about poll one. i think you remember that. okay. so it's kind of recycled phrase here. and it's a meaningless phrase here because there is no leverage that the ukrainians have whatsoever the, the ukrainian military for all intensive purposes was destroyed during the summer. now it is a nato war against russia. so it's, it's very much a fig leaf here. and it's an excuse for washington and london, the most, russo f o big place on the planet not to sit down with the russians. because as we've already said in the program unprovoked, in all of that, you know, you can sit down and negotiate with someone that provokes a war, which of course, the bush has already talked about the 20th century example here. so this is an intentional strategy. i can see how it could possibly work to their advantage. oh, but let me remember it's the europeans who will suffer the most for it. while that is so magnanimous from europe, transatlantic friends in washington go ahead. in london, when i mean this is a fact the anglo sphere, i would say all the u. k. american block, or i would say the u. k. american establishment is using a ukrainian people as a counselor in order to achieve its geopolitical objectives and goals. ah, but i mean for, i can't go beyond the, the, the, the political, a risk between the west and, and, and russia. we have to bear in mind that this has a tremendous, i'm cultural consequences. i mean, i've spent last month in brussels and having a discussion with young policy makers. this has a huge impact how the social engineering of a future russo falls off, admitting ukrainian people who are still a believing in those lies that the russians are dependence. and it will have an impact, you know, well beyond this conflict if it, if the, if this ends. so i think of the social engineering, you know, it's, it's made by purpose because you, you will have on, on your board or whether it is in poland or other european countries. a huge influx of the ukrainian people who are living within the out. and the most of the, towards russia, so it will not end this year or next year. it will have, it will to have an impact on the next generations to come. so that it will never be a peace in ukraine or in between ukraine or russia. i'm, i'm not sure what we're supposed to a q in order to heal this one. but at this moment, from what i've observed in europe, is that the, this has a tremendous psychological and cultural impact on people in europe and in the way a lot in boise. i mean obviously the ukranian people are the sacrificial lamb and all this. but i would say europe is also okay, because it's the, again, you know, as you've already said, you know, in europe is prosperity came from cheap russian energy. well, they don't want it. and that's their choice. you know, it, you know, blame the russians. know it's your sanctions that are doing and it's not what russians though, has done. it's the sanctions. the boy said, so i that europe itself is a net loser and all of this. but i think that address is absolutely right. it create the, the, the problems that europe is going to experience in the, in the future is going to be blamed on russia. but it's actually policy makers in washington. well, so there's, there's couple of things where here, 1st of all, it's uniquely evil that the global empire is basically doing everything it can to poison the well for generations while claiming it wants peace. what address just described is literally poisoning the well making sure that, that this, this hatred of russia perseveres in ukrainians in europe for, for decades or centuries or even forever. secondly, it had him on would claim the right to rule on the basis that it's when we provide some kind of prosperity or order. neither of which isn't evidence that the, the american empire is literally plunging europe into poverty and darkness. literally, for the sake of maintaining its primacy over the world, which is arguably yes, fading and trying to blame russia for it and the european politicians. if not, the populace actually agrees. i mean, you have the german foreign minister saying, i don't care what my german voters think, i promise to support ukraine and i will, i will live up to that promise. so that's number 2. number 3. the whole, nothing about your crew with ukraine is it's a, it's a phrase calculated to provoke thoughts about the munich agreement of $938.00 because in the minds of the washington establishment, every day is me unique. every enemy of hits. they're kind of stuck in this in perpetuity like a weird groundhog day. but the issue is that, i'm sorry, if you're paying for all of ukraine's bills, not just the military ones, but civilian ones. if you're literally propping up the regime, then you're responsible for them, not the other way round, and trying to say, oh, well, so lensky disagrees, is, is a way to doc responsibility. this is the way this is the ultimate device to project accountability away from people who actually have it. and i would argue that among those people as victorian newland who's in charge of you. but the state department, and we all know what she thinks about the you. thanks that at 20, intercepted full conversation, which i can't repeat in a family friendly channel. so we all know what it is. ok, look at it, let me go to you and break here. one of the interesting things is that this fanfare of no negotiate. so let's give it find a decree. no negotiations with put in ok. i mean it, that's such a, it's a strategic error and maybe it's, he's just a said naga for washington because then from the russian side then, well, there's no one to call. there's no, there's no interlocutor. so they're going to continue what they're going to do. and the ground is getting hard, i can tell you it's cold now, the 1st real cold day in moscow. and it's only going to get colder. and the russian military knows how to fight in the winter. i. history has shown that ok, nato will well will find out, i suppose. okay. but you know, by saying no negotiations, well, then rushes war aims will discontinue. i mean, no one wants to talk about it. i mean it is, it's full hardy, but this is what they want to do because they want a virtual signal. but again, how does that help ukrainians? how does it help you repeat and during the winter, go ahead, lucas doesn't at all. and i would already, this is, this is purposely engineered and you know, the argument is what we can't trust. and he's just not, he's going to go back and whatever. he says he's offering piece. it's nonsense. well, if that were the case, if you're creating or smart about it, they would sit down on a p stocks and then he would break them. but they know he wouldn't break them. so that's why they can't have the p stocks. we have to keep pushing for this, you know, fight that they cannot possibly win. and all of europe is going to suffer for work . and here in america, i've already suffering. our gas prices are ridiculous, running on a diesel. what do we have to do with this work for special interest, obviously, and there you go. so, you know d. c is pulling the strings again, ukraine is already gone. you know, they're not free at all. if you ask me there again, proxy war slaves think for us, nato and the you and, you know, i don't, this is going to end well at all. in fact, as, as the russians have mobilized here, comes the winter. now the gloves are off, you know, after the terrorist attacks the criminal branch after the assassination of their to do again. you know, how can the russians play, you know, nice anymore, they can't, and they have to do what's necessary to neutralize you create, not destroy it. and kill everyone but to neutralize it, make sure it doesn't become this or stay this proxy when a fortune, as my colleagues have mentioned, they have already impulse, they've already basically conditioned the people to hate russians even if this were to end tomorrow unfortunately. and that's how these people engineered these conflicts for decades and forever, essentially. and you have this quite against the nation in london. you know, you know, you hear this, me, him all the time. you know, you can't make it negotiations with the russians here all the time. ok, but you know, most people haven't heard about it in the west because media supply and, but the mince processing of who didn't for fill their commitments to the mince process. it was the west. ok. i'm actually in fact if ukraine had fulfilled to minsk agreements, they would have been a net winner in all of this because they didn't do it there and net loser. go ahead in london. i absolutely agree with your pizza, but we also have to, ah, bear in mind of the very big, very beginning of this year. russia wanted a security guarantees from united states and from the west of large. but it, this wasn't provided to russia, which means that, you know, this conflict was unavailable. you know, unavoidable from, from, from the western perspective. everything was, you know, going into that direction to, to somehow a provoke russia on to, to react to, to, to, to, to, to meddling on, on, on, on his borders. so this goes back to what i said before the, on the before the break that the, with the russian government will neutralize ukraine. it doesn't matter because you will have a contingent of people, ukrainian people, whether it is in poland or united kingdom, who grew up with a tricity towards russia. so it is in it whether it will be, you know, government in exile in london. it whether it will be a government in exile in poland, you will have a ukrainian pro problem for the civil future. so this, this doesn't look very well because if you, if you talk to anyone in western europe, the people are afraid of the fact that their foreign policy and national interest has been hijacked by the you green goals. so you, you can't have your, your legitimate national interest, these of the russia as a german, as a french person, or as a citizen of belgium. because everything has been hijacked by the, by the ukraine course. and it has been imposed by the washington d. c. and, and, and, and geopolitical lose like a friedman all managing ski. so our, it is very frightening. it is very frightening because man, no country has, has its own legitimate interest at the moment. all these interests are not taking into consideration. and even when we see people who are protesting on the streets of western europe, they are being labeled by the mainstream price as a 5th column of the russian propaganda. so this is outrageous and, and this will cook, recreate, rich, a few trips between society and governance. yeah. well, you know, it will, i, i very much agree with you this generational thing is coming in because it's, it's social programming here. but at the end of the day, we can discuss it be almost out of time here. russia is going to be just fine without europe, but europe is not going to be just fine without russia. and we'll get there. going to find that out the hard way because not just one hard winter, maybe 5 hard winter's ahead and who, who is going to be pay, who's going to make money off it? their patron in the us and oil companies are a gentleman that's all the time we have want to thank my guess and watch it in break and in london. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r t c. you next time, remember, crossed up with ah, in lisa canter, russian state will never be as tight as on the northland scheme div, asking him not getting calls all set up for a group in assisted babel did. okay, so mine is coupon speed. anyone else with we will ban in the european union? the kremlin? yup, machines. the state aren't russia today and support ortiz sport. even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with college. so glad they should graphic get who, what is the best time to actually go about them. this is a little bit of it said to listen to sort of legal obligations of clarity with what i see school for carbonate port backwards, but something, something that might give me a port to me. it got daughter it the subdivision of their love, it really kind national krinski part of it, which it said to jeff. so i knew, i mean you're the one that even young can be grandma, listen, go and be a couple of somebody mp community that they've comma a, you know, it's all like it's supposed to be out like he's a little affected door only out of the july the media with us, that's a good, clear but, but how much the gospel cleaning a full facility at them during the summer? because at my cigna. exactly. that was the reason i would show credits on that with you. we're gonna let credit world was. it was the case that was a and then you billed us to well for you will go that they tracy's good. yes. to north of chicago. there were still a depressed african american style. i'm proud of it. when the lebanon gets enough of it a year, you enjoy ah 3 with a youth that i knew me september 2022. and now go down. the ukrainian military shells the city ceaselessly targeting .


Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20221102

ah ah, hello and welcome to cross back or all things considered on peter level for most prior to february 24th, ukraine was just another eastern european country since then. the conflict in ukraine has created deep divisions all across europe and beyond russia in europe today virtually have no common ground. this may be the case for a very long time, becomes, ah, cross sucking europe and russia divided. i'm joined by my guess, the bush, a mileage in washington. he's a blogger and calmness in brick. we have lucas gauge. he is a u. s. m. c veteran, author and philosopher. and in london we cross ad real, cassandra, he is the founder of aka consulting and a foreign affairs analyst, or a gentleman crossing roles in effect. that means you can jump in in time you want, and i always appreciate the voice you. let me go to you 1st. um, we have the jury, the german president, our son meyer says at berlin and moscow are now opponents. he describes russia's a military operation in ukraine as a watershed. now that kind of got me thinking, because i'm in the early 2, thousands when we, when the, the war in afghanistan started. there was a public opinion post when some university. and they asked the afghans, does 911 mean anything to you? the date, 911. and like 98 percent of the people have asked to get it that nope, doesn't mean much to me at all. the reason why i'm bringing this up is that stein meyer again, with this kind of neo colonial attitude, a, the world must accept the west's dates and what it can bitters to be. watersheds we have to, the whole world has to run on their calendar. because i mean, if you're looking at ukraine, i think a lot of people and ukraine, and particularly in russia, would say, i think we had to go back to the clinton administration with nato expansion here. why am i bringing this up? because that we have a parallel ways we have different narratives, and when one narrative does not accept it, there is another alternative narrative to understanding something. we have a deadlock and that's what we have now with the west in russia. thoughts, my friend go. absolutely. i mean, i'm on the records that the actual watershed was in 1999 when nato decided to expand and bomb yugoslavia, thereby obliterating any pretence that it actually cared about international law. and that's literally the time where it last, russia, for all intents and purposes, i mean, this is, this is all documented it's, it's a wealth, well documented hypothesis. so what we're seeing today are the consequences of this, of these actions that there, this is not something that you know just happened yesterday. i know that a lot of people in the west including sy meyer have the memories of squirrels on amphetamines. but, you know, the world didn't start yesterday and choices have consequences. and i'm sorry, but as somebody who's from a country that got invaded by nazi germany in world war 2, for germans to say anything about, you know, opponents and this, and then the other, especially after their own experience with russia over the past 2 centuries, is just too rich, i mean, you can, can you even make one of this stuff, you know, used to be that the germans had to go to stalingrad to freeze to death. and now they can just sit at home. and that's not because of russia, it's because they're all stupid policies. they built their entire economy on access to russian energy, and then they cut it off despite themselves. we'll look how well that's going for them. well and the boys they can stay with you, sir, showed sense. well, how i referred to him on this program when he was in moscow before the complex started, and they were talking about ethnic cleansing in the dunbar. he laughed again, a german laughing it, ethnic cleansing. it's something that it said it is an unbecoming of a german leader here. let me go to lucas in the same vein here. i look at, you know, responsible state craft in, in some articles in the american conservative. and they love to use this word, unprovoked, unprovoked. but this goes back to when a boy was talking about it. you know, you don't have to go too far to see that this was intentionally provoked. lucas? yes. i mean these wars are engineered. if you ask me, that's my opinion on this whole thing. they know upwards, gonna respond in order pushes buttons and the western media start with. he invaded, that's where they start that. and the most people thing, oh my god, he invaded unprovoked. why did he do? this is a madman. he's going to take all of you crate is going to take all of europe. we've heard these narratives before. so most people have no idea that the truth is this is going on for a long time. as he mentioned earlier, and you know, the shelling and dumb bust at the cleansing of the reach, which is being denied by the german people there. and here we go, is repeating the same lice again. that's unprovoked when the reality, the miss agreements, the, the shelling and the people there, the ethnic cleansing, the, making it illegal to speak. russia. i mean, that's out of that, not be ethnic cleansing, or there's, well is, are all facts, undisputed facts. so when the west is starting the narrative with the invaded for no reason of that he's a madman. they're lying to everyone. an unfortunate europeans are going to suffer this winter because of these lies that their leaders are telling them the same lies a sent me to iraq and other regions in the middle east as well. with all my fellow marines, i think a fight in afghanistan, or whatever the case them that same wise against the saw it is the same script, different actors, that's what we're seeing here. but andrea, if we, if we can say, would be an unprovoked element here. well, if you assume that something is unprovoked, then you cannot negotiate because you promote you, you did this intentionally, you woke up in the morning and suddenly you want to invade a country, hear it because of the narrative here. you can even begin to think about negotiations because your net it is predicated on something that is absolutely false. go ahead in london and whoa, i agree. i mean the, the purpose, the whole purpose of this, linguistic. i love this linguistic. um no, no, i was a tends to to, to somehow condemn bratia and portray, i put in as a madman, serve the one purpose of not, you know, i'm coming to the table and having me full discussion with russia. because if we assume all, if we paint a full all, all over a hostile country, in our opinion as being, you know, a mad and irrational, there's no incentive to have any discussion. but what is lacking in this ball ukrainian, russian, this course is the entire conflict and ukraine is a small piece of a larger picture. it is not about the ukraine. we know that in 2014, this conflict has been frozen after now the annexation, or all of crimea by russia. we know that this company was brewing for 8 years. but this a conflict is a part of a larger of a larger picture. as i've said, it is a. the picture is that the r u. s. for germany is fading of the of the power of united states is fading. and we know that the new actors and new a power centers are managing as president by the near putting right be sent during the by discussion club and, and ukraine. it's used as a tool to clinch the, the unit polo moment that is long gone. the same applies to taiwan. so at these flashing points in asia, which relates to taiwan and, and, and, and in eastern ukraine, or the flushing point, where the united states is trying to somehow provoke the major powers like russia and try enough to engage them in the continuous lea. a fighting a proxy war with its allies in europe or in asia. and somehow by some time for the us policy makers to figure out how they can prolong the address read. don't, don't forget the arms makers. ok, that's a key element. and all of this here, one gripped, replaces another graph, gattis and to ukraine, here. and the boy should let me go back to you here. i mean, i'm very curious, you know, so is it worth losing russia to get ukraine and what ukraine are they getting? i mean, i find these, you know, these conferences about rebuilding ukraine, you know, 10 year plan or know about. they have no idea what they're talking about, what ukraine is going to be. do you think the 4 regions that have joined russia are going to suddenly return? i don't go ahead and washington. well there's, there's always these reconstruction conferences and you mentioned griffith earlier . this is one another for ro, griffin. i mean, i remember, in bosnia they were doing reconstruction and you're talking about reconstruction a year before the war ended. how do you rebuild the things that can, that keep getting destroyed on a daily basis? that's insane. you can't plan for reconstruction until the war is over. and there's this, this particular war shows no sign of ending the least because western in trenches it could end tomorrow. if washington that's actually pulling the financial and political strings of kiev said ok enough, but it won't the kit. so what are we even talking about? no, we did the reconstruction conferences are just another money laundering scheme. this one benefiting the n g always instead of the weapons makers. but aids it's, it's not a deal. as i said, the west las russia years ago. they're not aware of this, but that's what happened. and what they're trying to do here is they're following the playbook of a long dead polish rooster phobe, who imprinted his hatred of russia on run on u. s. foreign policy. and the, one of the clearest indictments of letting immigrants anywhere near delivers of power in washington as big since he claimed that russia cannot be an empire if it doesn't have ukraine, and therefore it follows that the u. s. the global hedge much must control ukraine to prevent it from happening. and that's exactly what the, what the washington political establishment has been obsessed with. with that written device. i mean, i'm glad you brought it up because embedded in that is the assumption that russia wants to be an empire. these it, i mean even the predicate, it caves in on it. so because by projecting by, say, rush bombs to be an empire. no, it's leaving, maintain american hegemony? that's what they're saying in that has nothing to do with russia. it's about maintaining american hegemony. go finish up before we go to the break. nobody. obviously i never calls big near fusion ski smart. i just, i just said he was obsessed with hating russia, and that's exactly what this was moderated by. well, absolutely. let's let me go to gauge here gauge. i want to talk about last minute here, and then i want to talk about the 2nd half of the program. nothing about ukraine without ukraine. does that mean to you? well, i mean, it's a, it's a suicidal. they're good for you asked me. i don't think the greenest went on their own at all. and if they're going to put it all in, i feel like the, the death tolls will go higher. that's why i think we should be pushing a piece right now to prevent that from happening. and russia has been saying, hey, let's sit down and talk other than the regions that have been annexed, but the referendum we could sit down and talk and create peace right now, but washington won't let it happen. the ukrainians are already basically enslaved by dc. let's be honest here, they're not a free democracy as they're claiming that well, i mean, but i think they, they don't mind this, this kind of a kept heavy and i will explain in the 2nd half of the program gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that, scherbring will continue our discussion on europe and russia divided. stay with our tea. ah ah, moon went out so sing wrong, went on just a whole new world yet to see how the scene becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. a real live center. god is thrown in the old hon and the snow falls apart or sparkling. this comes with the last dance. have to deal with idealists. we sprung from hours from the until that will do it. in bt dufrane, you get kicked away in the poly teachers, kills on the edge it's on the brown asia. so was to live and i'm done with this in because a little bulk them in the crucial chest middle school was all sweetness. wookey bone is not good p t d still not what you could eat with the leukemia. well, they need to, we'll lit up. she is, we can you video to fix that will be good to go with this but no gross issue. he missed the need to the middle, set them off and you can, you bus 15 the to the duties but also from his don't see these materials but in the stone toss. but even in the so great, you need to locate those little bit just to look now. it doesn't help with them. you have yet to me. she those patrons ah, yes, please. and you'll have to learn this mad yet. so to handle most of his emotional specially to renew the lease is up to engine, you talk a little of doing piecemeal. mm ah, welcome back to cross stack where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle to remind you were discussing europe and russia divided with okay, it's go back to, i guess they're not in april a, it's very interesting that nothing about ukraine without ukraine based say that about poll one. i think you remember that. okay, so it's kind of recycled phrase here, and it's a meaningless phrase here because there is no leverage that the ukrainians have whatsoever. the, the ukrainian military for all intensive purposes was destroyed during the summer. now it is a nato war against russia. so it's, it's very much a fig leaf here, and it's an excuse for washington and london, the most, russo phobic place on the planet not to sit down with the russians because as we've already said in the program unprovoked and all of that, you know, you can sit down and negotiate with someone that provokes a war, which of course, the bush has already talked about the 20th century example here. so this is an intentional strategy. i can see how it could possibly work to their advantage. oh, but let me remember it's the europeans who will suffer the most for it. while that is so magnanimous from europe. transatlantic friends in washington go ahead. in london when i mean this is a fact the anglo sphere i would say all the u. k. american block, or i would say the u. k. american establishment is using ukraine and people as a counselor in order to achieve its geopolitical objectives and goals. ah, but i mean for, i can't go beyond the, the, the, the political, a risk between the west and, and, and russia. we have to bear in mind that this has a tremendous, i'm cultural consequences. i mean, i've spent last month in brussels and having a discussion with young policy makers. this has a huge impact how the social engineering of a future russo falls off, admitting ukrainian people who are still a believing in those lies that the russians are dependence. and it will have an impact, you know, well beyond this conflict if it, if the, if this ends. so i think of the social engineering, you know, it's, it's made by purpose because you, you will have on, on your board or whether it is in poland or other european countries. a huge influx of the ukrainian people who are living within the hour and the most city towards russia. so it will not end this year or next year. it will have, it will to have an impact on the next generations to come, so that it will never be a peace in ukraine or in between ukraine or russia. i'm, i'm not sure what we're supposed to a q in order to heal this one. but at this moment, from what i've observed in europe, is that the, this has a tremendous psychological and cultural impact on people in europe and in the way a lot in boise. i mean obviously the ukranian people are the sacrificial lamb and all this. but i would say europe is also okay, because it's the, again, you know, as you've already said, you know, the europe is prosperity came from cheap russian energy. well, they don't want it, it, that's their choice. you know, it, you know, blame the russians. know it's your sanctions that are doing and it's not what russians though, has done. it's the sanctions, the boyish and so on that europe itself is a net loser and all of this. but i think that address is absolutely right. it create the, the, the problems that europe is going to experience in the, in the future is going to be blamed on russia. but it's actually policy makers in washington. well, so there's, there's couple of things where here, 1st of all, it's uniquely evil that the global empire is basically doing everything it can to poison the well for generations while claiming it wants peace. what address just describe this literally poisoning the well making sure that, that this, this hatred of russia perseveres in ukrainians in europe for, for decades or centuries or even forever. secondly, had you, mon, would claim the right to rule on the basis that it's when we provide some kind of respect in order. neither of which is in evidence that the, the american empire is literally plunging europe into poverty and darkness. literally, for the sake of maintaining its primacy over the world, which is arguably yes, fading and trying to blame russia for it and the european politicians. if not, the populace actually agrees. i mean, you have the german foreign minister saying, i don't care what my german voters think. i promised to support ukraine and i will, i will live up to that promise. so that's number 2. number 3. the whole, nothing about you can with ukraine is it's a, it's a phrase calculated to provoke thoughts about the munich agreement of $938.00 because in the minds of the washington establishment every day is me unique. every enemy hits right there, kind of stuck in this in perpetuity like a weird groundhog day. but the issue is that, i'm sorry, if you're paying for all of ukraine's bills, not just the military ones, but civilian ones. if you're literally propping up the regime, then you're responsible for them, not the other way round, and trying to say, oh, well, so lensky disagrees, is, is way to doc responsibility. this is the way this is the ultimate device to project accountability away from people who actually have it. and i would argue that among those people is victorian newland who's in charge of but the state department and we all know what she thinks about the you thinks that at 20, intercepted full conversation, which i can't repeat in a family friendly channel that we all know what it is, ok, look at it, let me go to you and break here. what one of the interesting things is that this fanfare of no negotiate. so let's get it signed to decrease. no negotiations with potent ok. i mean it, that's such a strategic error. and maybe he's just a said naga for washington because then from the russian side then, well there's no one to call. there's no, there's no interlocutor, so they're going to continue. what they're going to do. and the ground is getting hard. i can tell you it's cold now, the 1st real cold day in moscow, and it's only going to get colder. and the russian military knows how to fight in the winter. i. history has shown that ok, nato well will find out, i suppose. ok. but you know, by saying no negotiations, well then rushes war aims will just continue. i mean, no one wants to talk about it. i mean, it is, it's full hardy, but this is what they want to do because they want a virtual signal. but again, how does that help ukrainians? how does it help your opinions during the winter? go ahead. lucas doesn't at all. and i would already, this is, this is purposely engineered and you know, the argument is what we can't trust and he's just not, he's going to go back. and whenever he says he's offering peace, it's nonsense. well, if that were the case, if your cleanings are smart about it, they would sit down and have peace talks and then he would break them. but they know he wouldn't break them. so that's why they can't have the peace talks. we have to keep pushing for this fight that they cannot possibly win, and all of europe is going to suffer for work. and here in america already suffering, our gas prices are ridiculous, running on a diesel. what do we have to do with this work for special interests, obviously, and there you go. so d, c, pulling the strings again, ukraine is already gone. you know, they're not free at all. if you ask me, there are a proxy war slave snake for the u. s. nato and the you and, you know, i don't, this is going to end. well, it all, in fact, just as the russians of the mobilize here comes the winter. now the gloves are off after the terrorist attacks of the crimea bridge after the assassination of they're doing, you know, how can the russians play, you know, nice anymore, they can't, and they have to do what's necessary to neutralize you crate. not destroy it and kill everyone but to neutralize it. make sure it doesn't become this state. this proxy. what a fortune has my colleagues have mentioned. they have already implement. they've already basically condition to people to hate russians, even if this were to end tomorrow. unfortunately, and that's how these people engineered these conflicts for decades and forever, essentially. and you have this quite against ation in london. you know, you know, you hear this, me, him all the time. you know, you can't make it a negotiations with the russians here. all the time. okay. but you know, most people haven't heard about it in the west because media supply and but the mince process. so you know, who didn't go fill their commitments to the mince process. it was the west. ok. i'm actually in fact if ukraine had fulfilled to minsk agreements, they would have been a net winner in all of this because they didn't do it. they're a net loser. go ahead in london. i absolutely agree with your pizza, but we also have to, ah, bear in mind of the very big, very beginning of this year. russia wanted a security guarantees from united states and from the west lodge. but it, this wasn't provided to russia, which means the, you know, this conflict was unavailable. you know, unavoidable from, from, from the western perspective. everything was a going into that direction to, to somehow a provoke russia onto, to react to, to, to, to, to de meddling on, on, on the, on his borders. so this goes back to what i said be before the, on the before the break that the, with the russian government will neutralize you. it doesn't matter because you will have a contingent of people, graham, people, whether it isn't poland, or united kingdom, who grew up with a tricity towards russia. so it is engine, it, whether it will be, you know, government in exile in london. it whether it will be a government in exile in poland, you will, has a ukrainian pro problem for the foreseeable future. so this, this doesn't look very well because if you, if you talk to anyone in western europe, the people are afraid of the fact that their foreign policy and national interest has been hijacked by the u. green goals. so you, you can't have your, your legitimate national interest. these are the russia as a german, as a french person, all as a citizen of a budget. because everything has been hijacked by the, by the ukraine course. and it has been imposed by the washington d. c. and, and, and, and geopolitical lose like a friedman all managing ski. so i, it is very frightening. it is very frightening because man, no country has, has its own legitimate inches at the moment. all these interests are not taking into consideration. and even when we see people who are protesting on the streets of, of western europe, they are being labeled by the mainstream price as a 5th column of, of the russian propaganda. so this is outrageous and, and this will cook, recreate, wrist, a few trips between society and the under governments. yeah. well, you know, it will, i, i very much agree with you this generational thing this coming in because it's, it's social programming here. but at the end of the day, we can discuss it be almost out of time here. russia is going to be just fine without europe, but europe is not going to be just fine without russia. and we'll get there. going to find that out the hard way because not just one hard winter, maybe fall. i have hard winters ahead and who is going to be pay who is going to make money off it. their patron in the us, an oil companies are a gentleman that's all the time we have want to thank my guest in washington, brick and in london. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, see you next time. remember, cross talk with ah, who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions. today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing. i figure which of literally the list of course sure. as we speak on the bill in your senior, mostly mine or will share them, we're banding all in ports of russian oil and gas news i suffering the piper happening. i know they said she with regard to joe, by imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. you. so there's your boomerang self. now when i was showing wrong, i just don't a shape out. the thing becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, ah, your, your, your, your ah ah, real sensor water. use that on september 2022 and now go down. the ukrainian military shells the city ceaselessly targeting the zappa erosion, nuclear power.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221101

mm. ah, and north atlantic alliance, reconnaissance aircraft wash ships cruising close to russia's borders, have become commonplace along with military hardware redeployment and large scale exercises. nato has also developed its offensive capability near the russian borders. ah ah, every year a russian backed resolution is submitted to the un against the glorification of not system the outcome is always the same, few as votes against it. and in recent years with ukrainian backing with typically the u obtains. ah, but with most countries voting in favor, the document is accepted. but it's only advisory lou meter causing a writer in history professor with the american university in washington summarizes the usa official position. united states says that we're not going to prevent freedom of speech. united states as that even neo nazis, have the right to speak and to assemble the german journalist and filmmaker mark, but all my sees the ukrainian and u. s. positions differently. that only i'm like on our knee. my knee does torn. he's of a phone, a name, or name car, you know, shown garnish via z, build and damage for all time, vasey zaps tune. and the mountain western world generally considers hitler's naziism to be thing a typical, if you are a fan democracies, the fear is, doctrinal, superior and inferior races, rather appeared out of thin air in europe due to an unlucky turn of events, a pre requisites for it. but never existed before but here's the pre world war, ma'am. the u. k. ad colonies in africa, india, china. the commonwealth of australia, asia, north and south america. from said captured half of africa and a half of indo china. belgium possessed congo. germany had colonies in africa, asia, south america, and oceania. italy established colonies in somalia, ethiopia, libya and eritrea. the were spanish colonies in south america and africa. portugal occupied colonies several times, its own size and population. the usa also kept up with the europeans. and so, by the early 20th century, most of the world was divided between a few colonial nations plot was going on in the colonies as well known and documented millions of ruined lives. from slavery. ruthless and remorseless exploitation of the phone of british diplomats professor of political ideas. and also william melanson has studied europe's colonial system. and the reason for its rise and fall only one main thing is important for knox. ism internationally speaking. that is, that nations or that state that allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the minor nations who are the slave for the europeans. this, for indians, africans, a hitler. there were jews, gypsies, and sobs, naziism is truly convenient. it's a cynical justification for wiping out some cold inferior races and shamelessly rubbing them at the same time with long before the 3rd rice appeared. naziism had been common in the west with there is only one sane and logical thing to be done with a rarely inferior race. that is to exterminated h. g. wells, english author. all these racial ideas and anti jewish ideas were circulating everywhere in europe. and this led or helped to so called justify the grabbing of other people's resources around the world, including what is today united states of america and has it, has anything altered only the colors. i do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the red indians of america. a stronger race high a great race has come in and taken left life. winston churchill the 2nd quote refers to the genocide of native americans that continued for around 300 years. about 90 percent of the continent indigenous peoples were wiped out. mm counter terrorist expo den former u. s. army analyst scott bennet investigates crimes against humanity. mm. the american indians were seen as a scourge as a social pariah that needed to be expunged, expelled and exterminated from much of on the eastern seaboard them. the elimination of so called inferior races and extermination camps typical of the west. hitler had hardly come up with anything new bloemfontein. 19 o. one british concentration camp. bout house. 19. 45. nazi extermination. campbell. ah, the wisdom well, did anyone living on exposing its colonies? bruiser empower, extremely profitable for the bridge. the french tried to, to copy in his books and articles. paul, craig roberts, professor of economics and well known journalist and former us assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy, analyzes the economic factors destabilizing the world. i don't think that region attribute or european colonialism to anything other than the money making the sun never set all the british empire. the college we're, we're everywhere here in this empowers far, far older than now. they're in the monsters. i like the british people. they colonial policy was unthinkable. cut off hitler, socialism is always attributed to the 3rd life without mentioning other countries contributed to the idea. this team, this versus more starts is on it because she's mosquito finished with her father. she had to work. but so few of the belinda boudoir that as that he burned along fun my rule trust, michel and polito. hypo hope of our freshest ish concord inch, banyon and i emphasise issues was important to guide var, fascist ash mannion luscious lugen ashes hunk. i had that infectious vishal cala boulevard to us. you won't be v sheet big deal. deutsch refreshes most villains on our end to u. z. our start off with us. just warden ousting was our financial product at hitler level the heater from not shown. i went into nostrand, uncomfy thought in his books, bent on let. so a history professor gives a thorough analysis of the reasons that brought germany to war need die chain, those 3 plant did i cherish to send us 3 border o fca bout mit paid for that i make our initial one a puerto lot of elements in britain and france and the united states were pro fascist sympathetic, that hip learned to miscellany american business was in bed with, with the nazis throughout most of the thirty's and into the early forty's. mm. the standard oil company, cent crude, oil to the germans on a monthly basis and collaborated with. i g far been the conglomerate that produced as i can be gas used against people sent in to the gas chambers with about half of their market vehicles. what produced by photo, which was owned by the american company, general motors before 944 supplied the german army with motor cars and crude rubber. with in july 1938 for his support of nazi germany, the american manufacturer, henry ford received the 3rd racks highest deposit award for a foreigner. the order of the germany gone. just as after 9 says idle dies, you fought each if you read each bit. draft the henry fought. i'd smiled. a is spirit showed on him. la 97 fuel fancy showed fault. yes. i know there via toys these, these guys that i can call camper d n as the i p would as a stock finance he at the office and it was on, on the, on him from the bank of america. doctor nominee leash for an amount bush did warm gold fox on. when george bush out west does he did i inc. is this money from you? you and it was on the i need the hot that's all pong out. do you was of it on you on? and i'm a tree keystrokes for the 20th century, so a confrontation between 2 opposing systems, capitalism and socialism. the example of the soviet union, the proclaimed equality of all nations, and all classes of society posed a threat to capitalism. united states and great britain or equally suspicious of the soviet union, which communism saying is a direct threat to the democratic chaplain systems on the west. and so they were as uneasy their what server you're known as they were with. so germany, $938.00 the austrian angels. the petition of czechoslovakia by germany, poland and hungary, the beginning of world war 2. having realize the danger in march 1939 and the soviet union proposed an anti fascist alliance to western countries. this has been trying to rally the west, make a stand with them against fascism. they opposed munich. they oppose allowing hitler in to check his vakio. but nobody would do that. so wasn't just in 1939. when the soviet proposed and elias britain and france against hitler in a bit actually throughout the late last half of the 900 thirty's, that the soviets were pushing for that. had that happened, we could have stopped hitler. we could have prevented the holocaust. we could have prevented world war 2 because hitler was weak and knew he was weak. and he was bluffing. and assuming that the west was not going to stand up to him at the west was hoping and many elements in the west. we're hoping that he was just going to go east and so in the thirty's. the soviets are the ones who are most strongly opposed to the nazis. ah, i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously is to great trust, rather than fear i would like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence . real, somebody with a robot must protect his own existence with what he's got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation. let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk the moscow negotiations between the u. s. s. r e. okay, and france had stalled because at the same time london hosted secret anglo german negotiations in exchange for the british empire, integrity, the british greenland, a german march to the east. despite the absence of a formal agreement, hitler was given to understand that he was free to actively. i shouldn't worry about the west with when we speak of new territory in europe today. we must principally think of russia, that colossal empire in the east is rife, the dissolution of hitler. my income for hitler makes clear in mind comes in 1925. that the real goal is to take over ukraine. had going to the east against the soviet union that was always hit. there's real call. and the europeans understood that in some ways a poland 2 was preparing to invade the ussr with handler, with the dismemberment of russia lies of the heart of the polish policy in the east. the main goal is to weaken and defeat russia. from a report by the polish army, general staff intelligence branch, but handler had other plans that didn't involve poland. i don't know as raphael does in and enjoy oh diet room does they go? graphics are now offering was damica wanted if, as i don't know, this is her. that's why the love it, there's just one. mm. journalist young angle god is curator at the museum of polish history. and also his idea, michelle just says photography on to what ops at stop via a sport on dish. loud their voice, a jet squeaking uminski representatives frontier and such just a glitch of unfavorable paul actually been thrown from out of phase, wasn't it photography up? so it's 5, you know, if it doesn't have to have our, the ski by mean she, he storage nailed bit of about of the vision with all that and you have to pay me fat not fall shavani. he thought he brought back effective snell. ah. but there were other facts to about which the west prefers to keep silent. the molotov ribbon dropped, pat was only signed after all leading european powers that made deals with hitler. 1933 germany, france, u. k. and italy signed the full power packed 1934. poland and germany signed a non aggression declaration. 1935. you okay. and germany sign unable agreement. 938. the okay. france and italy. agree to the petition of czechoslovakia between germany, poland, and hungary. 1939 black via under stony assigned non aggression pacts with germany. it's law claude us and i'm an golf from dodge front door to launch and wendy's of it on your knees, pushed him to moss la mcduffton heter some type point don via does. i'm for far less ish. t. v. isn't o a magnum folks keegan? well, i guess he wagner in england's state on the arkansas amino 5th is what? well known american author, dean henderson thinks of past events. poland and hungary invaded czechoslovakia before hitler invaded poland because poland and hungary work and already with the nazis and france in england basically threw czechoslovakia under the bus. and they don't really want us to remember that part you see, but they just abandon them and. and again, if hadn't been for stolen coming on the eastern front, they would abandon a lot more people in eastern europe as well. mm hm. on september the 19th 2019, the european parliament adopted a resolution stating that it was germany in the u. s. i saw that paved the way for world war 2. 0 and us mark is think it doesn't. oh, interesting go garad. awesome bicycle. mando house poor in the guns, stock dog lobbyist most the time. i listened extreme. and that's an alyssa shift with that. not everyone in the you'll agree is with the official line. what is new vanya starting that door? she to lead r e 0 vanya and i just giggle gum when use what i gets gig or social diesel, samuel schema. now jesus, your stop signal enough bud wash. he started not to go to school. there's fear to zeniah e. nip of you know be, just go do not to go to pool. who joe? the fossil her, these off here till noon. island doubt foot was a ha, the slight vacant starts or stay in. is us national as mine or the finance think all was his tools for the complex out wounds in united europe seems keen to erase from history of very unflattering fact, which is that officially war was declared on the soviet union by nazi germany. along with italy, rishi france, the governments of slovakia, hungary, romania, bulgaria, and finland from unofficially the war against the ussr involved. no wages. danish, i'm swiss as part of the viking and nordland as as divisions. the dutch netherland s. s 1000000000. as, as volunteers, the flanders legion, the spanish blue division, the albanian scandal, bye as ask, as well as notoriously vicious ss offices from lithuania, estonia and ukraine. with a full, nice to all of europe, led by nancy germany, took part in the slaughter of soviet nationalists. first and foremost, slavic people who then eat lunch order. what's a good idea? i ceased pulling, kicked off the dam on ebay to know the elf tie in contact with the 2nd front. so nodded in the west was formed a mere 11 months before victory day. ah, when it became clear that the red army could manage on its own in ah, throughout most of the war, the americans and the british were confronting 10 german divisions between us, by the soviets were confronting more than 200 german divisions by themselves. with honda. so the addition died from fund license and the dodge into mobile homes of cruise on the dash t and dash register. again, jeffrey disciple, i lose read me the one that i gave, ist dusty deutsch under vest front in the bed threatened the minnesota in creek in england on america. that certainly i am bandon shook life, threatened to dodge now with a creaking. rutland, dave, forbidden, and grandson, daughter vita our phone politician. disease is i'm for art. for more i listen, positioning is from the gun news just breaking ended march 1945 in britain and the u. s. enter into secret negotiations with germany to negotiate the surrender of german forces in northern italy. is of a dorion at the smithy, common natalie undock estate di to name and this will dal bob kelly. the vest mr. pallets dammit, no for ended as creek is here for preston kicking me with as of italian eiletha, if in middle of it or not too long id it over and that i sent him in a friend. in his letter to president roosevelt, it openly accuses the allies of negotiating a separate piece with jelly. already on his deathbed, roosevelt writes back saying, you have been misinformed, starting responds with reform and so humble and honest people. judging position is more aggressive he approaches the us with his plans for operation, unthinkable and alliance of anglo saxons and nazis, and the massive bombing of soviet cities. that refund no nisa, but stand no longer needs to emergency our churches. i turned in all style had died. i 9 priest run is watch list and i have ryan on the policy so on your grand gland. void the die by putting that to 1000 for the week. the sold on the dutch b dash 2 character is ian. the years and then come then i and they were last blame. you say that won't be any ah, i get up every morning and prays of star and is alive with wealth. only stalin can save the world. b. winston churchill, ah, once the world was saved with churchill, changed his mind. any attempt by the soviets to compete against the anglo saxons had to be crushed forever. the usaa has to be eliminated immediately. general george s. patton, commander of the u. s. 3rd army demands that the troops do not stop at the elder, but move on toward stalingrad with on june 29th 1945 stolen. who already knows about the operation orders marshal shook off to move troops to combat positions in the west. mm. it is now clear to the allies that a surprise attack is no longer possible. then charger beckoned griffin. he died in creek scuff hammond and started our more been easier thought. dean die trend of the night. the buffalo chapter genie chavo my story in north iceland. yeah, there too, but some of my friends conte starting in for october east and i see so i found a bus mafia dar on charges. are you had that been anything for me? a tom was in the info on these as garbage b like and dish. divest, mr. that's enough. we're no longer interested in a union with the russians, so we don't have to abide by the agreements with them. we need to make the alter records non existent, mary truman, her that the lies need the red army in the far east, where the one and a half 1000000 strong quinton army is waiting. the us and britain had a hard time retaking several islands from japan and would welcome some help with a japanese read it the most was the idea that the soviet, by coming to the pacific war truly understood this solid assures that the russians are coming in on schedule true and rights in his diary test dollar will be in the jap war by august. 15th finney japs when that occurs. ah, the invincible cleansing army was able to hold out for just 20 days. ah, the red armies outstanding, manchurian operation ended in complete victory. but even those of no mandatory reasons for it to russia, annika, saki were bombed, who the bomb was not actually dropped on japan. it was dropped on the soviet union as a warning of what's going to have the soviets, if they interfered with america as post war plan ah, [000:00:00;00] with rules we have place to guarantee security. if you create a tax, these vessels, we will be to blame. latimer, a potent accuses kiev of posing a threat to the blacks. the weak corridor as moscow and slums. he's trained for losing the un broker to deal to launch military attacks. also coming up on the program this hour, south africa as president lashes. i'd op the u. s embassy for causing tonic about a potential terrorist attack that never occurred with laurens. all of


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221101

awe. on november, the 3rd 1945, just a month after the war ended, the u. s. joint chiefs of staff receive report number 3 to 9 and select 20 targets to attack in the soviet union with nuclear bombs. the time was right, is the u. s. s. i was devastated by, well the it either states last about 400000 people at the brit sloss less than the americans did. and the soviets suffer 27000000 deaths. mm. mm. 27000000 is an incredible number in by john kennedy gave us american universities commencement address, and that is 63. he said that what the soviet suffered of world war 2 was the equivalent of the entire united states. east of chicago. have you been destroyed? mm. initially the plan to attack the u. s. l was code named trojan over time it evolved into pincher bush, mega crankshaft of moon, cold wheel, off tackle, and sherry. dia, december, the 19th, 1949 saw the adoption of the best known plan to wipe out the soviet mm. operation, dropshot. date of attack. january the 1st 1957. mm hm. the plan outlines the complete annihilation of the usa. so under the democratic guise of liberating the nations from communism that those very nations would be wiped out along with communism. in the 1st phase of authoration, dropshot in visits dropping 300 nuclear and 250000 tons of conventional bombs on the soviet union. in 100 soviet cities were pre selected as targets. the 2nd phase, the u. s. sr is attacked by 250 nato divisions, so via pony, so taken over by nato naval forces. the 3rd phase annihilating the u. s. i saw wiping it off the wells map to that end, all new weapon types that to be deployed. nuclear, chemical, radiological, and biological, as well as small arms. the final phase, breaking the ussr into full zones and posting nato troops on its territory. ah, more than 80000000 people. the majority of the huge countries population would have died in the intense bombing. and subsequent fighting we have a series of these kinds of war plants like kennedy that briefed on them in the early 19 sixty's. he was our of by, you know, instead of, we call ourselves the human race. but these clans continued for preemptive attacks against the soviet union, but this was in essence an updated version of the nazi general plan. aust, that envisaged eliminating millions of slavic people and as in world war 2, when much of europe stood united against the usaa for the us plans to muster all nato nations, under the aegis of operation dropshot. in 1949 though, the soviets acquired the own nuclear weapons. so any plan to annihilate the u. s. as i had to be postponed indefinitely, but the idea remains the same. the united states have to be seen as the only major player in the international arena, or anyone who sold otherwise had to be wiped from the us. soviet union itself is no mold. this is a victory for democracy and freedom. these events clearly serve on national interest. george bush was, i'm good. as of yet a new one. anguish v. i'm jan. arch leash took off his zip on and tablet block on my most of the one of the dean and these milan sounds, i'm a saucen men my. the young child has an annoying cl santos. he has to say that i completed to know jesus london. mm hm. united states became the indispensable country. i worth the exceptional people whose obligation was to lay down the path for all of the countries. and so it became a new i renewed justification for american aggression in the world. it was the justification for the 20 years of war and the 21st century and the middle east for the attack. so on 7 countries, us between an afghan is ton this neil colon yacht. that's also to in julian is neo colonial on zillow, because i'm tired talking with him. non awesome up the state, you're honest already. i get you hawkiss is neo colonial iraq creek. they asked us, that's why to iraq creek bound kind of before i own ski, you're asking the homeless amok wait for in put in person iraq supervisor again don. saddam was saying for fruits up cove and had to from best on dia, a ox, dana, national, getting, don't know if our coast header libyan gaddafi is skin notice guy. she give you what's, what our irish of willing to in go to museums. you. liam, is until the you want to dish w zealand via i know dish w 0 to you on this on the need all single moms and pest control. yeah. unless the reason us, hey jim, it is so dangerous is it denied the sovereignty of the country. ah but march 24th 1999. the day yugoslavia was annihilated and it was covered on live tv. i'm working with with lawyers to jenna next it. and general bush are dealing with us the events and still remember those terrible days. a quest source. it was a nazi man. i would be my and i would on medical demo, correct me small? no, she wouldn't. again. quinn milas m. yeah. we don't tackle motion sada williams from not even research, which is not in the proceed in apple basil granulation azia summer with regional b is, is one of really cool cut us off operation allied force has been called a genocide with slow but on milosevic tyrannical regime. the justification, but many saying the real reason was yugoslavian economic independence and refusal to join nato. loya gordon for 20 average spent years researching documents that he says corroborate native crimes committed in his homeland eco plan. you build us a bulk of cyber control used to with this, the body of it done. dana senior course led to get fish as a dodge a little skew you aqua view. and it'll see that a 3 will be, will last a little seeing me with the wall. so treaty organization gone, the world had become unipolar pretty unsafe just and so far from what other scave us mission i just on kind kind. now i shall for to rock. it is 1st one would off the loose o. so helpless creak of mankind. anyway, this was, that does a good to hear the new deal, you know, from this has a little that you really just that mm. in autumn, 2000, the district court in belgrade has a case against those who gave orders for yugoslavia to be bombed usa, but it's in the creature, hulu, below korea, donald branch to produce, drink, now, buffalo, new york tele mm hm. and the others who was sentenced to 20 years in prison with a french president, jacques iraq. the german chancellor. gerhard schroeder, the u. s. secretary of state, madeleine albright, the nato secretary general, javier selina, the supreme allied commander in europe. wesley clark and native ministers of foreign affairs and defense, who give it to the eloquence studying on it's a lead that even i thought, i believe it was up running the board meeting to style out those sources for koya. so cultural took us with the more viewed items companies with early kebraw, you know the couple studies silva, molly lee from virginia the most days will sit on mission of would anyone be awesome to this is good enough. was laid out of the package, not as the bully we built 40, so totally up to muddy. hello. very so. so last, finally cope was, lisa was here to wash and we're down. yes. somehow really could we still push to the keep any of this lu collateral content to not just upon i thought he was watching and sim only yet until yes. mm mm. you beat those on campus to movie then up at nathan williams. i'm danny. over to charlotte. you tube is a nice emily sunglass most. we have been unique nazis. i that that was made. was younger that touched me. nice. william already psychological sized of his mental speak. audi small pushed the lead. consanzo was full created. will not go back to the attack. we're done for the award or to troy cook. we was it when i that you select school, see little i for tina to puerto slide view vision, neil to shovel me. you've been trying to not talk with us, get ski, need cordelia sharla that issue. we won't rushing it probably my last oil 30 thought. can the bombing of yugoslavia be, consider the war crime? i'm so most emphatically, yes, it was not approved by the united nations period. it was a nato operation. it was a legal nato operation. they killed over 2000 innocent civilians and frankly, innocent soldiers who hadn't declared war any body. ah oh, a watch and it was a year a when you sit on with it was also of the carious war is intended to show russia the new russia that he couldn't go too far the so this case i was mean of an annual visibility or class one i scenario niga, others vienna, illegal staying on this, you know, i'm here in the grocery visio. oh, a national. he was lewinski scenarios, not as be any with talk other psychiatry or say the one. yeah. don't school good was yeah. you know what i mean was not he is ashley, cuz we are in the theater here. there's in the go. yeah, that's not that cool. mm hm. after the collapse of the wall. so treaty organization, nato expanded east, despite having promised not to but they did. nato said, ha, it's ours. we move east international law exist as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist. so, truthfully, there's no such thing as international law. since the soviet union is collapse, the usa has been surrounding new russia with a belt of hostile nations. i'm probably will swans and in order to come knock the stop at come tub. gas is own stand, then fall are not high on our price is ignorant in illustration, not sure. oh, the co revolutions is a strategy to overthrow these regimes install puppets. and that are there from that point forward are very susceptible to influence kurdistan, georgia and ukraine. these countries were targeted by the george h w bush, or george w bush, the senior vice president of ronald reagan and bribed with hundreds of millions of dollars. and these monies were given the countries in exchange for their acquiescence and their submission to american military and economic and political objectives. no ring of nato military bases is being formed around russia. the u. s. and nato have over 600 military base as well to wide. russia has just 18, but the west still claims that russia has aggressive intent by turning those russians. the soviets, and to this dangerous bo, you man, there wants to take over the world. that was a conscious strategy to create this image, it themselves. as out for world conquest, which was not the case, then for now with nato should have died, but they will give it meaning. it is about infected, created by nato nato's business machine. because you must remember, if nato were disbanded, shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in lodge obs companies would lose millions and millions. they'd only have one yacht instead of 2 yards each. there. oh dear, wouldn't that be terrible? ah, there's a simple method to put it right with the rest of the world with we'll say we were forced to seize the territories, bring order to maintain security, a del fiddler bring order security and democracy. the reasons used to justify molten was waged by nato and led by the u. s. b. not toys. i installment fund feelin data to the north. vietnam m. d controller. emily taylor shaw, the trust leisure politician controller beulah pushed him to the gear, one of them global to become undesirable countries and undesirable leaders become the face of the enemy when he gets on manure for reuben, then mon dynamite and, and follow i didn't find present here does i source lunde the veto, some find command, the oddly enough to source name stuffs, his unclear one, gig or slant of gaunt dare anew petition, anita soon. there kim, on this angles inde, on bus the pulley teak in. but i now via the order screen pod and novi chalk on the ivies of deena in new. want daffy dolman. think it off to bone all fresh. so i've no nissan muskets. does i was percentile fun my nonsense not to walk 6 full, but i don't. does in fella i not confident i'd soon davis again now vice v as i find us mark brazil my as one of the few journalist who has spoken the truth about events in ukraine who are, is documentary ukrainian. i can a coast star in the western world, a partially sci fi fi as a deep 0 to one, and no fin defacto and i by shot don't get, well, he stuck to momentum. he's it was a you know, with the vague fish in i know the stove, the or buying this vonny. my stuff with bill paul clar, mitchell, artist of the was, are mitchell, it's advisory, land in fulton, let's embellish mit, deny my new of leon. tom, an investigation against mark was launched after the film was released. what the journalist had reported was not in line with the west's official stance a gap and little so far off king miss, they are butcher in landscape dean's touch. done with me. have a chef. dish and stuff. how social is that is or missionary moved beside the point of time over here for i to order what i'll send on saw button shirt more eyes were done. i was a shaw. hope i got this today. i don't know if their payroll has off their gates list of his claim. it's done yet. doug estate is over on these are, these are things shawn, my name and see me stock fight that i watched boyer in m and off nish, mark. he used his film to tell ordinary people the truth as he saw it wasn't for the authorities. you can't bring truth to those who don't want it. or clearly whether or not bad there are. people are reviving. non susan, there's no concern whatsoever to their own state or anything that makes the ukrainians are willing to cause trouble with russia is welcomed, united states approved love is the trouble that the ukraine is apparently prepared to preserve russia. oh, american politicians don't seem to well, many issues here is that there is something on which they always agree. america is exceptional, direct our economy. and what does that mean? ah, here's how american journalist and pulitzer prize winner eric list below explains it. mm americans. brock, obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism, which i think it means living to a higher moral ideal based on democracy and freedom and human rights. and that's just simply untrue. so the exceptionalism in one regard, claims to be a license to do anything without fear of repercussions. it's also an indicator of the world that the exception was on the american uses. and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the, to the populations of different nations. ah, methods of warfare are becoming increasingly sophisticated. new tactics have arrived to replace the colonial conquests of the past. now genji, shay, pseudo, be sure to make a dime you better g gospel that show me the economics name me? yes, i was on that domain. yes, i was on. exactly why the most not i'm yes, because i know you're supposed change. your report are go via our sports, you more the flu, g, e n says junior sports changed. suave young ski go downstream, jungle years gone to enroll on. ah, the all old people in your is donny, so he please consult fee mine to my bank. son is the thank on talked us uh, they'll have to have his scholarship controller domino political controller ask about it. ah, for example, germany and france to a lesser extent exploiting the week. members of the european union, greece in croatia, anywhere where germany can make big business. that is a form of exploitation. and the greek economy be considered ruined by the european union. yes, it was ruined by the european union. it's already listed when you look now, at how many greeks have left the country. it's an embarrassment how many young people have left the country. it's an embarrassment ah, results is being depleted, but yet another attempt at dividing the world has become a major, right? i'm on the mountain agenda, so if you had to rush every, the pie that needs to be smartly divided sandy, adult ed or russia is still a huge tie. and it's at the forefront of western sorts. dec happy talis, most, most mac, the control. yet most this horse and clintonian and ask nick con on gun glove. our will not pay is over then we get one shot and so become more mindful how to limited guy from g bisson. so creek in we now have a situation where the united states, as a given to ukraine military guarantee against russian intervention in the event ukraine renews. it's invasion of a dumbass. so clearly, yes, we're headed in the direction of war if the ukrainians take this guarantee seriously as the pose for the british guarantee lighting. gordon by the surely awarded breaks out at any time as a scrap kind of these of 8 the cheek. d give foggy. hi, emma dolphin hours when fully teak on to median. begin on extreme of hope. i've gotten docs with ah, ah, ah, in no regular americans do not want to flee. regular americans are fed up with the war machine or as business and businesses. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fascism. ah, history repeats itself. just like at 941 when hitler and his european accomplices master their own me on the soviet border. the nato alliance, led by the united states, is gathering their rushes, border street teaches us that man learns nothing from history. hagar, me, ah, a fool. we have pledged to guarantee security. if you create a tax, these vessels we will be to blame. vladimir putin accuses kiev, posing a threat to that black sea weak corridor as moscow against long ukraine for using the un brokerage safe passageway to launch military attacks. also ad on the program started out because president lashes only to the u. s. embassy for causing a potential terrorist attack, but never occur with china warns of a potential arms race pushed forward by washington that says the u. s. reportedly plans to deploy 6 nuclear.


Transcripts For RT News 20221101

52 bombers to australia with heavier catching the program from today across the globe. welcome to moscow on the news roundup on our team. my name is unit oneal. russian president vladimir has clarified that the country is not quitting the black sea grain deal, but only suspending its participation. now the move came about because of security concerns following a ukrainian drone attack on the russian navy tools, the new rules they pose a threat both to our ships, which must ensure the safety of the grain exports and to civilian vessels that are engaged in this, we have pledged to guarantee security if you create attacks, these vessels, we will be to blame. every one is now talking about what russia is doing without thinking about what has led to this, the creation of a threat to this humanitarian corridor. russia also focused on the issue during a un security council meeting, accusing ukraine of triggering the holes with a recent drone attack on russian naval assets in crimea. moscow further notice that the safety of shipping along the corridor cannot be guaranteed until commits not to use it for military purposes. are to kill us law and takes us through the main points of the heated discussion of the un tickets the meeting took place and we heard from un official describing the grain deal, the fact that it now suspended the impact that'll have on the global economy on the price of grand globally cetera. then from there we did hear from the russian representative ambassador and then the took to the floor in the security council chamber and just laid out the facts about why reactions of ukraine using the corridor for military purposes. the recent attack have forced russia hand, and the deal is now suspended. this was not russia using. this is a response to action from ukraine that were carried out with the support of the west. this is what he said. kim's attack on the black sea fleet puts an end to the humanitarian dimension of the stumble agreements. the black sea grain initiative should not be carried out without russia's presence. we are surprised that the un did not condemn, gives attack on the ships of the black sea fleet. now, there were some voices at the security council chamber who did speak in support of what russia said, referring to this attack as essentially an active terrorism. preventing moved from being distributed, violating agreement now we heard from the state and their usual ally to ignored what russia backs russia presented and simply proceeded to demonize russia as they usually do in meetings of this type, claiming that everything russia does is somehow a conspiracy theory every threat of evidence that russia has presented is somehow all fabrication not going into any. simply not acknowledging the fact that russia brings before the council, the typical actions and words of the usa and there allied before the council. however, there was a moment of optimism that we did see which was we heard un officials announcing they will be conducting an investigation of the attack on the blacks. the fleet. mister president, it would indeed be a grave abuse of the black sea grain initiative. if it were used in any way for military operational advantage, united nations has the sullen privilege of assisting the parties to implement this unique arrangement. and acting as a secretary it. the u. n. is ready to investigate along with member states, party to the initiative. any and all evidence, if requested quite a day at the un headquarters in manhattan, let's remember that very building that house the, the un security council also posted the world food program and all kinds of n g o. the hands of use that are responsible for dealing with the situation regarding world hunger. so today in that very building, we had the un security council of 15 member body that leads the united nation. we convened to discuss the aftermath of an attack on a humanitarian corridor. and candidate for enabling food to be ex bored in graham. and just returning to president putin's speech on monday, he also said that around 5 percent of the export only from ukraine, have gone to the pseudonym poorest nations. earlier i discussed the issue and more with human rights labor rights. laura dunn complex here in the studio. well, obviously i am saddened by it. it's, you know, people are going to be hurt by that. a lot of the world, particularly the middle east in africa, depend on grain from this region for their survival at the same time. and it does appear that they wore attacks against the russian fleet in the black sea by ukrainian forces. and apparently the u. k. was somehow involved as well, and obviously, you know, when that happens, it's no longer humanitarian court or right. it's now a military chord or so it's, it's very regrettable. but i would say that it's, that it is understandable. russia points, i fence for many months since the initial you and broker deal was done, a lot of the grain was going to europe are countries. in other words, that didn't necessarily really need it at the expense of african, in particular, in asian countries to russia, says that it will give grain to africa for free, and then at market prices afterwards. so they are saying we want to look after the people most the in need, but again, not message isn't getting through in the west. no, i mean look the disinformation, the censorship around this conflict in ukraine and around russian general the dis, information and censorship in the west. and particularly in the u. s, which i can speak to because i am from the united states is unprecedented. i have never seen this level of disinformation ever regarding any conflict in that saying a lot because we've been lied to a lot about many things about weapons of mass destruction in iraq about the gulf. it's all again in vietnam, etc, etc. but this is the worst i've ever seen it. they do not want to humanize russia or even the russian people. they want the dehumanizing them to justify continuing to send billions and billions of dollars of armament to ukraine and returning again to the russian presence beach yesterday. he also called the sabotage of the north stream pipeline system, a quote, terrorist attack that's off to russia's top gas producer was finally allowed to investigate the site of the explosions a full month after the damage was done. we still exist in the just problem has been allowed to examine the explosion site on the north stream pipeline system. there were 2 craters, 3 and 5 meters. deep pipe 40 meters long was ripped out of place, bent at a 90 degree angle, and hurled 40 meter to the side in the direction of the north train to pipeline, which was also damaged by the explosion and fragments of that pipe. this was clearly a terrorist attack. it is difficult for us to maintain control over this part of the system because it's within the territory of the special economic zone of denmark, sweden, in germany, a gee, the explosions on the north stream pipelines occurred on september 26 on were quickly declared as sabotaged by both the west and russia, an international probe was launched, but moscow was denied participation. russia claims that the u. k. was involved in the attack and accusation london was dismissed for a pentagon security analysts, michael maloof, offered his thoughts to our t. y sweden and denmark did not initially allow russia to inspect the site of the nor stream pipeline exposure. and the 1st impression that comes to mind is that they may have been involved, or some special forces may have been involved. you cannot rule that out and it just doesn't make any logical sense for russia to, to damage or, or destroy its own pipeline. so, and there may be other entities involved. and those, those countries may be trying to hide through the real culprit is from the west. i mean, you cannot buy deduction. it had to come from the west. and i suspect it was either great britain or the united states. they're never going to admit it. and we probably will never know for sure. i think it's reason why we, it would be good for russia to go down and, and check it. it's check or investigate its own on its own. and to see if they can find any evidence as to who might have been involved. in other headline story today, china is warning of a potential arms race pushed forward by washington. after it emerged up the u. s. as plumbing to deploy up to 6 nuclear capable, b 52 bombers in northern austria. the relevant u. s. behaviors have increased regional tensions seriously undermined regional peace and stability and may trigger and arms race in the region. the investigation bias really as a b. c, television network claims washington a seeking to how is the bombers of the tindle or a base south of darwin, the regional capital up in northern territory. it said the project will cost upwards of $100000000.00. all the work is due to be completed within 4 years. our team reached out to washington for comment on the plan deployments of the b $52.00 bombers that responded and said the rotational presence of us are a craft industry as a part of the 2 nations cooperation. at the statement we received also highlighted the pentagon. quote, investment on commitment to australia will the director of the center for a country hedge a monic studies thing tank, tim anderson safe people in australia are concerned. now the military conflict could break up between the u. s. and china. it's really a terrible development, which is scaring a lot of people who strike no matter what they're political persuasion because they know that china, which is non threatening to australia and which is the straightest largest trading partner, has been for some time. it's an impossible task to step into a conflict with a power that big and for no real reason. and unfortunately, it's being done simply because of the dependence of successive governments in australia, on the their role to play a supporting role to the us. it which the u. s. as in launched itself onto this aggression against china because of extreme jealousy. it seems so. unfortunately, the pendant politics is really creating a huge dilemma involved in a separate military development. japan say's its considering increasing the range of its new high speed miss file to beyond a 1000 kilometers. the significance of that is that would put coastal areas of china and north korea within range. wherever military sources within the country claim the improvements to the project, which is still under development, would facilitate better defences of japan's remote islands. of politics on china for a specialist, joseph gregory mahoney sees the us this long been brandishing its weapons in that asia pacific region. this has been something that we've seen sequence again and again, starting out really with the, with the obama administration, with the so called pitted. i think there's already an arms race. there's an arm there, there's a race to rearm japan, to upgrade weapons in south korea, to sell advanced weapons to taiwan again to sell nuclear submarines to australia and stationed the bombers. there. we know the us as a new bomber class entering service. we know the major powers are working on hypersonic missiles i, japan has made the decision to take more responsibility for its national fence. on the one hand, many of the region will find this provocative. on the other hand, it's a historic opening for japan to start to make itself less reliant on the u. s. was for security, and this is a necessary development given the lack of trust that many have in their alliances with us. you know, if you depend too much on the u. s, than you risk abandonment or simply declines leaving you vulnerable. right. something else to tell you about it. a south african president has slum the american embassy in the country for causing panic. with a warning about a potential terrorist attack that never happened, the u. s. reportedly did not consult the south african government or disclose any details at all or t corresponding problem. natalia can fill in the blanks is in all hands on deck for the south african law enforcement and intelligence services. they were sell, scouring for any information, and evidence of a potential tara tag announced by the u. s. embassy in pretoria. the u. s. government says that it had intel that terrorists were planning on taking large groups of people in the greater sent an area of johannesburg. this did not please officials in pretoria at all. presidential roman plaza said that it was unfortunate that the u. s. government issued such an alert and sold panic among the people. but is this diplomatic route caused by the failure of intelligence to inform the president and use proper channels. the relations between the 2 countries will be likely negatively affected by blood for long. the ease, long established trade relationship that goes way beyond issues of security. yes, indeed to people and go to buy the behavior of the u. s. in this instance. but it's something that the 2 countries are most likely gonna be at work in law center . the city, if africa's richest square mile, and as a prominent list of tenants involved retail end of the space, it regularly attracts business travelers and holiday makers to this weekend. the city hosted various events which attracted 1000 and a comedy show is thought to have been a possible target of the attacks. the eminent warnings were echoed by the french and german empathy, as well as the high commissions of britain, canada, in australia. but for the south african authorities, they think that by not sharing any of the information or evidence, the united states is showing just how much they do not trust the south african law enforcement authorities. to investigate countries in the developing world would always be sensitive to the attitude of the super our counterparts. so this doesn't bode well for that. thank especially him environment in which sub africans are doubting the capabilities of the south african state or to to protect them. but it was good, but the government responded to say they were following up on the matter the you have empathy, seth. it issued the alert that are wanting to its citizens and that it has done so before in 2016, a similar situation happened. the u. s. embassy issued a terror alert saying that is lambing terrorist groups were planning on taking malls in johannesburg and kicked out places americans frequent. but the south african authorities, i choose the united states of causing a panic. there is a sense of responsibility about issuing such an a lead, but also a sense of impunity in the way washington goes about in a sovereign state. they know that even if they information is wrong or lacking in the weight of evidence, there will be no consequence. indeed, the ease a sense in which the developed world how it relates with countries off the global south. it has got a, an underlying told off continued domination men power. however, i thames made more to was soft. i deployed and diplomatic ways of approaching south africa rather than the forceful approach stuck receiving historically. following the corral it in 2016, there was only a dispute between us ambassador and the spokes person for south africa, international relations department. and very little has changed since day. and as much as the south african intelligence community may be this made in the manner that the terror was issued, the united states is only expecting noise. and no consequence. got a letter for arthur enjoyed is that an overly familiar scene. once more in israel, for the 5th time in just 4 years, dozens of parties are competing in elections for the national parliament. recent poll suggests the right wing party of former prime minister benjamin netanyahu is a head, possibly restoring him to the premier ship, the liberal party of the current prime minister, your love, it is expected to come in 2nd. in the background to all that though a local, a human rights watch dog has raised concerns, are repulsed indians in contested territories, not being allowed to stand as candidates in the elections or even cast boats. whereas is really living in those areas come. the organization also alleges that israel has reduced palestinians to a state of apartheid while the un envoy for the palestinian territories recently slammed israel for, quote, settler colonialism. the as really government has previously said, such remarks had the goal of defaming and isolating israel by betraying it as a racist entity. will a palestinian authority prime minister also criticize the is really election restrictions claiming that even campaigning has led to more bloodshed, committed against his people doesn't have his and i e learn to say, but i am the campaigning for israel's elections has led to more killing more israeli settlements and blockades against our people. we know these elections will not bring about a partnership for peace. the world must force israel to allow our palestinian people to exercise their right to vote during these elections, including in the city of jerusalem. is there any state in if you like in the 1st place, it's an apartheid ecolog nearest estate. so the violence is part of this colonial project anyway, all the time since the establishment of it was, it was based on violence. and today, the violence is even more with the atrocities by these are army on the one hand and the settlers who are protected by this army who are also very reckoning international law. and by letting the human rights for the parisians, by all these attacks and atrocities against the better seniors, in all of their life aspects. these are really, thanks to them. they provide us every day with the new evidence of these violations . but if the international community are going to stop that, i think today it's, it's really very hard to say so or to even expect that because they are not going to take any action against it unless they take action. and i think will happen on the one hand, most of the european who do know that there's a lot of a ratings, international law and validity, even the european, those and the human rights close. but at the same time they is saying, or they think that their relationship as their interest with america is more important than the, the rights of the. but as soon as which quite clear that which is a kind of what you know, hypocrisy, i'm doubly stone. but the u. s. c's, russia is responsible for math protests that recently erupted in moldova, with thousands of demonstrators demanding the pro western president resign over failed economic policies. the same time, of course, washington has staunchly supported protests in other countries, challenging governments. it doesn't like ortiz, donal quarter takes up the story. dozens of protesters detained in moldova over the weekend, turns out they have some pro russian views, and washington's ringing. the alarm bells that it's all a kremlin ploy. russian influence operations attempt to exploit weaknesses in target countries in order to destabilize them from within. the united states continues to support mold of on efforts to combat corruption and counter russian influence. us didn't give us any proof that the protesters were somehow agents of moscow. here's what we do have proof of though washington supports agitators challenging governments. it doesn't like all over the world. take the protests and ran. the state department openly says it's working in support of their goals. we're working together to hold the iranian regime accountable for its vicious crackdown on brave young women who continue to come into the streets to demand their rights. back in 1979 though the us didn't think iran's absolute monarchy was all that vicious political prisoners were tortured in mass under the pro western shaw. but apparently that was no big deal. even now in haiti, the tone of u. s. officials is a lot different to dealing with protesters when the state there are opposing represents the interests of the red, white, and blue. the united states strongly condemned the acts of violence, looting, and destruction that have recently occurred in haiti. and those who instigated these events for their own ends. patients throughout the country and across the social spectrum need to create the conditions that will allow a democratically elected government to take office as soon as possible. a full 180 degree turn from 2004. when the u. s. was widely believed to have been on the other side of the barricades supporting violent regime change in that very same country. by the way, if we go back to moldova, we see the same jekyll and hyde style foreign policy, u. s. as these current protests are controlled by moscow, but when they warrants pro russia, it was a different story. we encourage government authorities to continue to show restraint. citizens of a democracy have the right to assemble and express their views in a peaceful manner. be encourage all mould of on citizens to work together and resolve their differences amicably. even joe biden came out in support of those protests back then. america will walk with you on this journey you've undertaken for a simple reason, a successful, moldova will benefit this region. it will benefit europe and it will benefit the united states of america. america's definitely proven it's ready to walk the journey of resistance with foreign agitators right up until the goals of the revolution start to diverge with u. s. foreign policy objectives. germany's top diplomat say's they e u is preparing to ramp up it's sanctions against around on this considering labeling the middle eastern countries islamic revolutionary guard corps terrorists . i made it clear last week that we will launch another package of sanctions that we will examine how we can also list the revolutionary gall. it's as a terrorist organization. the islamic revolutionary guard corps is integral part of runs armed forces, charged with defending the country against foreign interference. the u. s. s also needed a key member of the guard general council sullen molly 2 years ago, sparking demonstrations throughout the country, runs regional rivals, saudi arabia, bahrain, already from the guard corps, a terrorist organization, la drummond, foreign ministers, words rung country somewhat to the current state of the use relations with to run the blocks bilateral trade with iran, reached almost 3000000000 euro in august. germany dominates the trade with a run among the countries as well. locking up 1200000000 euro exports and 192000000 and in port so far this year. the political analysts, chris, for a hell ali leaves, western governments are primarily seeking regime change in to run the iron duty court has done nothing to europe, but the iron, you see, is the military force, the legitimate armed forces of iran. it has done nothing to europe, it has attacked europe. it hasn't done anything that would bring about any need to classify it today as a terrorist organization. this is simply a political move and move in line with the us. you need realism, which is ultimately the goal is for regime change in run, they don't want the islamic republic anymore. and i believe strongly that they are looking to balkanized iran and to destroy this very proud nation. germany is be asserting itself as a major power military power in central europe, and will now use its power to do the bidding of the united states in europe, which is to slowly taken the noose on tier run. so pulling it away from having a, a policy done aligned with the u. s. on this issue. but bringing a closer in line with the u. s. in israel and saudi arabia in tightening the sanction. and, you know, really cutting off iran from the diplomacy. and by labeling the i r b as a terror organization, they try to accomplish this i, i believe they will fail. but this is what their goal in political attentions are rising in kenya, opposition leaders have denied recently elected president william router for his embrace of genetically modified crops amid fears of mouth, hunger, lifting the bomb on g. m. crops that has stood in place for 10 years was one of the 1st news by the new administration. it opens the door for the cultivation and imports of the scientifically engineered seeds, including the country, staple corn, according to information provided by the un. it is happening as kenya is experiencing the worst dry conditions in 40 years, putting millions at risk of famine, well, with food insecurity, seeming to be president reno's main concern, his opponents. will they think of a larger schemes of play. they have accused the ruling government of profiting from the approval and becoming dependent on imports or of her back in 2011. the opposition has a very different opinion calling those opposed to g m. o foods to conservative. the americans cannot be so negligent as to allow the american people to consume gym of food if it is harmful. let us not be too conservative because science is moving on . conservatism is not going to help this country. alarming statements are calculated to instill fear. in this scheme, the worst, the pain, the bigger the gain for the shy locsin government manual, a tomba coordinator of the route to food initiative in kenya says that genetically modified crops while they're not the solution. because for one thing, they make the african country reliant on the west. i think that the fact that this has been done now, and that x is being given. that's fine. okay? now, now testing solution is really unfortunate because, you know, they are all available options to you on that. you know, this can fishing division, you know, get that bait, inquire to get back on their feet on to be able to give them also to be able to be supporting, knowing that they can be able to engage the meaningful so that they can be able to see themselves, there is no one single who is interested in being fed by the government. i think that i asked before talks about being ever received yourself in dignity. i don't think that we have a student problem in this country that we need to use jim us. i think that's more of a hypes. what do you talk about of the benefits of gym loss? basically, we know that is really i didn't see introducing gym on so many times in making sure that he likes to watch food. somebody in the sense that we can refund he was used to off. well, they're busy news day to remember to check in with r t dot com for all the latest developments and sending more besides, i'll be here again of the soft do hope you can show me that ah, ah me me.


Transcripts For RT News 20221101

terrestrial. yeah. with from moscow to the world, this is r t. my name is gina neil on 30 minutes of news and views start. no russian president vladimir putin has clarified that the country is not quitting the black sea grain daily, but only suspending its participation in it. the move came about because of security concerns following a ukrainian drone attack on the russian navy blue rule. they pose a threat both to our ships, which must ensure the safety of the great exports and to civilian vessels that are engaged in this. we have pledged to guarantee security if you create attacks, these vessels, we will be to blame. every one is now talking about what russia is doing without thinking about what has led to this, the creation of a threat to this humanitarian corridor. russia also focused on the issue during a un security council meeting, accusing ukraine of triggering the halt with a recent grown attack on russian naval assets in crimea. moscow further noted that the safety of shipping along the corridor cannot be guaranteed until he had commits not, not to use it for military purposes. ortiz kill up. it takes us through the main points of the heated discussion. the. you have a lot tickets on the meeting, took place and we heard from you an official describing the grain deal, the fact that it now suspended the impact that'll have on the global economy on the price of grain globally cetera. then from there we did hear from the russian representative ambassador and then the took to the floor in the security council chamber, and just laid out the facts about why reactions of ukraine using the corridor for military purposes. the recent attack have forced russia hands, and the deal is now suspended. this was not russia using this is a response to action from ukraine that were carried out with the support of the when this is what he said. kim's attack on the black sea fleet puts an end to the humanitarian dimension of the stumble agreements. the black sea grain initiative should not be carried out without russia's presence. we are surprised that the un did not condemn, gives attack on the ships of the black sea fleet. now, there were some voices at the security council chamber who did speak in support of what russia said, referring to this attack as essentially an active terrorism. preventing moved from being distributed, violating agreement now we heard from the state and their usual ally to ignored what russia backs russia presented and simply proceeded to demonize russia as they usually do in meetings of this type, claiming that everything russia does is somehow a conspiracy theory every shred of evidence that russia has presented is somehow all fabrication not going into any d. simply not acknowledging the fact that russia brings before the council, the typical actions and words of the usa and their allies before the council. however, there was a moment of optimism that we did see which was we heard un officials announcing they will be conducting an investigation of the attack on the blacks. the fleet. mister president, it would indeed be a grave abuse of the black sea grain initiative. if it were used in any way for military operational advantage, united nations has the sullen privilege of assisting the parties to implement this unique arrangement. and acting as a secretary it. the u. n. is ready to investigate along with member states, party to the initiative. any and all evidence, if requested quite a day at the un headquarters in manhattan. let's remember this very building that house the, the un security council also hosts the world food program and all kinds of n g o. the hands of use that are responsible for dealing with the situation regarding world hunger. so today in that very building, we had the un security council of 15 member body that leads the united nation convened to discuss the aftermath of an attack on a humanitarian corridor. and candidate for enabling food to be ex bored in graham. when returning to his speech on monday, the russian president also call the sabotage, have been nord stream pipeline system, quote. terrorist attack that's after russia was finally allowed to examine the site of the explosions, a full month after the damage was done. the question is sitting the skunk of ceiling. miss gas problem has been allowed to examine the explosion site on the north stream pipeline system. there were 2 craters, 3 and 5 meter steep. a pipe 40 meters long was ripped out of place, bent at a 90 degree angle, and hurled 40 meters to the side in the direction of the north train to pipeline, which was also damaged by the explosion. and fragments of that pipe, but this was clearly a terrorist attack. it is difficult for us to maintain control over this part of the system. because it's within the territory of the special economic zone of denmark, sweden and germany, extra to achieve v. a reminder, the explosions on the north stream pipelines occurred on september 26th and were quickly declared as sabotaged by both the western russia. an international investigation was launched, of moscow was denied participation. russia claims that the u. k. was involved in the attack than accusation london has dismissed. former pentagon security analysts, michael maloof, offered his thoughts to r t on why sweden and denmark did not initially allow russia to inspect this site of the north stream pipeline explosions. the 1st impression that comes to mind is that they may have been involved or some special forces may have been involved. you cannot rule that out and it just doesn't make any logical sense for russia to, to damage or, or destroy its own pipeline. so, and there may be other entities involved and those, those countries may be trying to hide the food. the real culprit is from the west. i mean, you cannot buy deduction. it had to come from the west, and i suspect it was either great britain or the united states to they're never going to admit it. and we probably will never know for sure. i think it's reason why we, it would be good for russia to go down and, and check it, check and investigate its own on its own. and to, to see if they can find any evidence as to who might have been involved. china is warning of a potential arms race pushed forward by washington. after them merged up the u. s. s. plumbing to deploy up to 6 nuclear capable. b, 52 bombers in northern australia. the relevant us behaviors have increased regional tensions seriously undermined regional peace instability. and may trigger and arms race in the region. the investigation bias really as a b. c television that we're a claim, washington is seeking to how's the bombers of the $10.00 base of darwin, the regional capital of the northern territory. it said the project will cost upwards of $100000000.00. all the work is due to be completed within 4 years. well, we got comment on the deployment of the b, 52 bombers from the pentagon. it sees the rotational presence of us or craft industry as a part of the 2 nations cooperation. the statement also highlighted the pentagon, quotes investments and commitment to australia. while the director of the center for country hedge a monic studies the think tank, tim anderson sees people in australia are concerned about a military conflict cut breakout between the u. s. and china. it's really a terrible development, which is scaring a lot of people who strike no matter what they political persuasion because they know that china, which is non threatening to australia and which is the straightest largest trading partner, has been for some time. it's an impossible task to step into a conflict with a how that's big and for no real reason. and unfortunately it's being done simply because of the dependence of successive governments in australia, on the, their role to player, supporting role to the us in which the u. s, as in launched itself onto this aggression against china because of extreme jealousy. it seems so. unfortunately, the pendant politics is really creating a huge dilemma. meanwhile, in a separate military development japan phase, it's considering increasing the range of its new high speed missile to beyond a 1000 kilometers. that would put co still areas of china and north korea within range. however, military sources within the country claim the improvements to the project, which is still under development would facilitate better defenses of japan's remote islands or politics and china, for especially as joseph gregory mahoney says the u. s. has long been brandishing its weapons in the asia pacific region. this has been something that we've seen sequence again and again, starting out really with the, with the obama administration, with the so called pitted. i think there's already an arms race. there's an arm there, there's a race to rearm japan, to upgrade weapons in south korea, to sell advanced weapons to taiwan again to sell nuclear submarines to australia and stationed the bombers. there. we know the us as a new bomber class in service. we know the major powers are working on hypersonic missiles i, japan has made the decision to take more responsibility for its national fence. on the one hand, many of the region will find this provocative. on the other hand, it's a historic opening for japan to start to make itself less reliant on the u. s. was the for security, and this is a necessary development given the lack of trust that many have in their alliances with us. you know, if you depend too much on the u. s, than you risk abandonment or simply declines leaving you vulnerable care. let's move to another story. nice. south africa's president has slum the american embassy in the country for causing panic. with a warning about a potential terrorist attack, but never happened, the u. s. reportedly did not consult the south african government or disclose any details or t correspondent carumba letter plan can fill in the blanks. it was in all hands on deck for the south african law enforcement and intelligence services. they were st . scouring for any information and the evidence of a potential tara tag announced by the u. s. embassy in pretoria. the u. s. government says that it had intel that terrorists were planning on taking large groups of people in the greater sent an area of johannesburg. this did not please officials in pretoria at all. president obama pasa said that it was unfortunate that the u. s. government issued such an alert and sold panic among the people. but is this diplomatic route caused by the failure of intelligence to inform the president and use proper channels. the relations between the 2 countries will be likely negatively affected by blood for long. the ease, long established trade relationship that goes way beyond issues of security. yes, indeed, people be angered by the behavior of the u. s. in this instance. but it's something that the 2 countries are most likely gonna be at work tomorrow. center city, if africa's richest square mile and as a prominent list of tenants involved retail end of the space, it regularly attracts business travelers and holiday makers to this weekend. the city hosted various events which attracted 1000 and a comedy show is thought to have been a possible target of the attacks. the eminent warnings were echoed by the french and german embassies, as well as the high commissions of britain, canada, in australia. but for the south african authorities, they think that by not sharing any of the information or evidence, the united states is showing just how much they do not trust the south african law enforcement authorities. to investigate countries in the developing world would always be sensitive to the attitude of the super our counterparts. so this doesn't bode well for that. thank. especially in m, environmental. we'd sub africans a doubting the capabilities of the south african state to to protect them. but it was good that the government responded to say they were calling regarding the matter. do you have empathy, seth? it issued the alert that are wanting to its citizens and that it has done so before in 2016, a similar situation happened. the u. s. embassy issued a terror alert saying that islamic terrorist groups were planning on taking malls in johannesburg and kicked out places, americans frequent. but the south african authorities, i choose the united states of causing a panic. there is a sense of responsibility about issuing such an a lead, but also a sense of impunity in the way washington goes about in a sovereign state. they know that even if their information is wrong or lacking in the weight of evidence, there will be no consequences. indeed, there is a sense in which the developed world how it relates with countries of the global south. it has got a, an underlying toll of continued domination and power. however, attempts made more towards softer and deploy a diplomatic ways of approaching south africa rather than the forceful approach that you're seeing. historically. following the corral it in 2016, there was only a dispute between us and both of them and the spokesperson for south africa. international relations department and very little has changed that. and as much as the south african intelligence community may be this made in the manner that the terror alert was issued, the united think its only expecting noise and no consequence got well, it had enjoyed an overly familiar scene once more. and israel for the 5th time and just for years, dozens of parties are competing in elections for the national parliament. recent pool suggests the right wing party, a former prime minister benjamin netanyahu is ahead. at possibly restoring the bus to the premier ship, the liberal party of the current prime minister, your lot is expected to come in 2nd, in the background to all of that though, a local human rights watch dog has raised concerns over palestinians in contested territories. not being allowed to stand as candidates in the elections or even cast votes, whereas is really living in those areas. can. the organization also alleges that israel has reduce palestinians to the state of apartheid while the un and boy, for the palestinian territories, recently slammed israel for, quote, settler colonialism. these really government has previously said such remarks, the goal of defaming and isolating israel by betraying it as a racist entity. while the palestinian authority prime minister also criticize the really election restrictions teaming up, even campaigning has led to more bloodshed committed against his people. doesn't have, it's like really learned to say about the armor. the campaigning for israel's elections has led to more killing, more israeli settlements and blockades against our people. we know these elections will not bring about a partnership for peace. the world must force israel to allow our palestinian people to exercise their right to vote during these elections, including in the city of jerusalem. is there any state in that? if you like in the 1st place, it's an apartheid, a call on nearest estate. so the violence is part of this colonial project anyway, all the time since the establishment was that it was right. it was based on violence. and today, the violence is even more with the atrocities by these right army on the one hand, and the settlers who are protected by this army who are also very rating the international law. and by letting the human rights for the parisians, by all these attacks and atrocities against the better seamans, in all of their life aspects. these are in the, thanks to them. they provide us every day with the new evidence of these violations . but if the international community are going to stop that, i think today it's, it's really very hard to say so or to even expect that because they are not going to take any action against israel unless they take action. and i think will happen on the one hand, most of the european who do know that there are violating the international law and validity, even the european laws and the human rights close. but at the same time, they say, or they think that their relationship as their interest with america is more important than the, the rights of the unions which quite clear that which is a kind of but you know, hypocrisy. i'm doubly strengthened the u. s. sage, russia is responsible for mass protests that recently erupted in moldova, with thousands of demonstrators demanding the pro western president, resign over failed economic policies. of the same time. of course, washington has staunchly supported protests in other countries, challenging governments. it doesn't like our teeth normal quarter takes up the story. dozens of protesters detained in moldova over the weekend, turns out they have some pro russian views, and washington's ringing. the alarm bells that it's all a kremlin ploy. russian influence operations attempt to exploit weaknesses in target countries in order to destabilize them from within. the united states continues to support mold of on efforts to combat corruption and counter russian influence. us didn't give us any proof that the protesters were somehow agents of moscow. here's what we do have proof of though washington supports agitators challenging governments. it doesn't like all over the world. take the protests and a ran. the state department openly says it's working in support of their goals. we're working together to hold the iranian regime accountable for its vicious crackdown on brave young women who continued to come into the streets to demand their rights. back in 1979 though the us didn't think iran's absolute monarchy was all that vicious political prisoners were tortured and mass under the pro western shaw. but apparently that was no big deal. even now in haiti, the tone of u. s. officials is a lot different than dealing with protesters when the state there are opposing represents the interests of the red, white, and blue. the united states strongly condemned the acts of violence, looting, and destruction that have recently occurred in haiti. and those who instigated these events for their own ends. haitians throughout the country and across the social spectrum need to create the conditions that will allow a democratically elected government to take office as soon as possible. a full 180 degree turn from 2004. when the u. s. was widely believed to have been on the other side of the barricade, supporting violent regime change in that very same country. by the way, if we go back to mall, dover, we see the same jekyll and hyde style foreign policy. the us says, these current protests are controlled by moscow, but when they were in pro russia, it was a different story. we encourage government authorities to continue to show restraint . citizens of democracy have the right to assemble and express their views in a peaceful manner. the encourage all mould of on citizens to work together and resolve their differences amicably. even joe biden came out in support of those protests back then. america will walk with you on this journey you've undertaken for a simple reason, a successful. moldova will benefit this region. it will benefit europe and it will benefit the united states of america. america is definitely proven. it's ready to walk the journey of resistance with foreign agitators right up until the goals of the revolution start to diverge with u. s. foreign policy objectives. i guess i'm, we're sorry to bring you to be including this. germany's top diplomat saves that you is preparing to rump off its sanctions against around. now this considering labeling the middle eastern countries as lumnick revolution regard core a to risk with. i made it clear last week that we will launch another package of sanctions that we will examine how we can also list the revolutionary guards as a terrorist organization. well, the islamic revolution regard core is an integral part of a rounds armed forces charged with defending the country against foreign interference. the u. s. a suff and needed a key member of the guard general custom cilla money 2 years ago, sparking demonstration throughout the country at the time a runs regional rival of saudi arabia and bahrain have already rounded the guard corps, a terrorist organization. the german foreign minister words run contrary somewhat to the current states of the use relations with terror as the blocks by law rule. trade with iran reached almost 3000000000 euro in august. germany dominates in trade with iran among the countries as well. notching up 1200000000 euro and exports, and 192000000 in import. so far this year the political unless christopher halle believes western governments are primarily seeking regime change in terror. the iron duty court has done nothing to europe, but the iron, you see is the military force, the legitimate armed forces of iran. it has done nothing to europe, it has attacked europe. it hasn't done anything that would bring about any need to classify it today as a terrorist organization. this is simply a political move and move in line with the us. you need realism, which is ultimately the goal is for regime change in iran. they don't want to make their public anymore, and i believe strongly that they are looking to balkanized iran and to destroy this very proud nation. germany is resorting itself as a major power military power in central europe and will now use the power to do the bidding of the united states in europe, which is to slowly taken the noose on tier run. so pulling it away from having a, a policy done aligned with the u. s. on this issue. but bringing a closer in line with the us and israel and saudi arabia in tightening the sanctions. and, you know, really cutting off iran from the diplomacy and by labeling the i r g b as a terror organization, they try to accomplish this. i, i believe bill failed, but this is what their goal nigerian troops have reportedly neutralize a group of islamic state terrorists who tried to break into a prison camp to free senior members of the military group. the west african country has been combating extremis without much foreign assistance i should on, despite the us describing nigeria as a quote close partner or regional security matters. we do cooperate closely with countries around the world. certainly close partners like south africa, like nigeria, unshared security concerns. we deeply appreciate efforts that they make to protect their interests and in turn, our interests in the country as well. amid the ask living concerns about terrorism in nigeria, the u. s. state department has ordered it's non emergency personnel to leave the country africa focus current 1st. let's harden you said on monday that scores of islamic state fighters were killed by the jury and military forces. they tried to extricate their imprisoned leaders. the government troops reportedly been preparing for the militants and bush, and long term groups. commanders was captured during the lead. while the local terrorist group, known as this law make state west africa province, has reportedly been growing in power of wages. a devastating guerrilla war in northeastern nigeria. we heard from forester and commentators zillow ma, stuff who stays only peace talks can finally and the hostilities. you know, if you thought about these, well, the apple groups, now, these 4 groups are different. they don't see eye to eye, they are fighting within them. so if you've heard about only these, well, is what i've been down. but that is the tendency that they are due by the you know, that anybody being alive. but you cannot help for how long that one cannot take in about a breakdown or do you think they only like i get? and that is why we need to feed on cable and then buying an amicable that meant to this company is through never mentioned that everything got well. bursley even can go to the table, things when they put up some prominent us democrats of express our rage over the world, riches man alone, muskets self described, free speech, absolutist purchasing twitter. a former senior official under the obama administration said musk should be held responsible if he allows hate speech on the platform. this point i think it's going to be the responsibility of each and every one of us to do what we can to hold the law mask accountable. he will back off when there is pressure. and so folks who care about the truth, who care about protecting vulnerable communities, who ultimately are the ones who are going to be most hurt by his irresponsible behavior and allowing these voices that have to be elevated on this huge platform. we have to keep pushing back and in my hope is that that is going to make a difference in the long run will not may have been in response to musk announcing the creation of a content moderation console to revise twitter policies on bonds for expressing certain opinions while simultaneously disbanding the board of directors and cutting stuff among those fired by the new ceo was the executive who bond former us president donald trump, twitter, and i fact checks president biden statements exposing his gaps in the number of mr routes. but we heard from the host of the conservative dealing podcast, your ultimate, who sees love taking over twitter is good, not only for the u. s, but also the world. i think what the democrats are starting to realize is that by must taking over twitter even if they were to have a mass exodus. it still is a powerful platform where people are too curious to be dragged back to the platform to figure out what is or is not true. and by him doing the things that he did, you know, he, he fact check hillary clinton, the fact checked. joe biden, he fact checked the new york times all in one day and which made the talking heads on the radical left. maybe he meant he makes their heads explode because what he's, what he's really saying is if you're going to say something, make sure it's true. otherwise we're not going to make sure that people actually can hear it. if they do hear, we're going to make sure that they know because we do believe in free speech, that what you're saying is a lie, you know, even talks about how he wants to restore humanity and the 1st place of restoration to get to a place of restoration inside of society is to make sure you can have honest dialogue and by him doing this, the one thing that i see coming out of this is that we're going to get back to honest dialogue. we're going to have conversations rather feeling like we're oppressed. so i think it's gonna be good for the us. that would be good for people around the world. love is where we'll even use roundup for now, but more programs get going in that moment. see what's showing wherever you are today, right ahead. i forgot. ah . to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race, his on offense bearing dramatic development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with her. mm.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221101

a knee. my knee does tone is of a phone a name or do you okay. you know sean garnish via the building damage for all time vasey zaps tune and the mountain western world generally considers hitler's naziism to be something a typical of european democracies. the fear is, doctrinal, superior and inferior races, rather appeared out of thin air in europe due to an unlucky turn of events, a pre requisites for it had never existed before. but here's the pre world war map. the u. k. ad colonies in africa, india, china. the commonwealth of australia, asia, north and south america from said captured half of africa and a half of indo china. belgium was asked, congo. germany had colonies in africa, asia, south america, and oceania. italy established colonies and somalia, ethiopia libya, and eritrea. the were spanish colonies in south america and africa. portugal occupied colonies several times, its own size and population. the usa also kept up with the europeans. and so by the early 20th century, most of the world was divided between a few colonial nations. p. what was going on in the colonies as well known and documented millions of ruined lives from slavery. ruthless and remorseless exploitation from the phone of british diplomats professor of political ideas and also william melanson has studied europe's colonial system. and the reason for its arise, fall only one main thing is important for knox, ism internationally speaking, that is, that nations or that state that allowed to do anything, all the mazda races. and then you have the mind, the nations, who are the slave for the europeans. the slaves were indians, africans, a hitler. there were jews, gypsies, and sobs, naziism is truly convenient. it's a cynical justification for wiping out some cold inferior races. and shamelessly rubbing them at the same time with long before the 3rd rice appeared. naziism had been coming in the west with there is only one sane of logical thing to be done with a ready inferior race. that is to exterminated h g. wells, english author. all these racial ideas and anti jewish ideas were circulating everywhere in europe. and this led or helped to so called justify the grabbing of other people's resources around the world, including what is today united states of america and has it, has anything altered only the colors. i do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the red indians of america, a stronger race. a higher great race has come in and taken their place. winston churchill the 2nd quote refers to the genocide of native americans that continued for around 300 years. about 90 percent of the continent indigenous peoples were wiped out. mm. counter terrorist expert and follow you. i saw me analyst scott bennet, investigate crimes against humanity. mm. the american indians were seen as a scourge as a social pariah that needed to be expunged, expelled and exterminated from much of on the eastern seaboard m. the elimination of so called inferior races and extermination camps were typical of the west. hitler had hardly come up with anything new. blink from time. 19 o. one british concentration camp. bout house. 1945 nazi extermination camp. ah, the wisdom well did fairly well living off exposing its colonies harbours empower extremely profitable for the british. the french to, to copy ah, in his books and articles, paul craig roberts, professor of economics and well known journalist and former u. s. a. system, secretary of the treasury for economic policy analyzes the economic factors destabilizing the world. i know to take that wager attribute or european colonialism to anything other than the money making. the sun never set all the british empire. the college were, were everywhere, had the same powers, far, far older than the learned the nazis. i like the british people, they colonial policy was unthinkable. cut off hitler. socialism is always attributed to the 3rd life without mentioning help, other countries contributed to the idea. this team, the success morse starts is on it because ashes. most of the nita engine with the fox, she it's work, but so few the good boy that as that he burned along crohn my little trust, michel and polito. i hope of our freshest ish concord in spy meehan and i emphasise issues regime post to guide var, fascist as mannion officers who gone by fascist frank. i had that in a fascist the shaquilla move out to us. that will be the sheet figure deutsche of russia's most v l m i n t u z. our stock awful districts warden, austin, was our financial guy's father hut, hitler, although the heater from natur now went into nicer and uncovered in his books, bent on let. so history professor gives a thorough analysis of the reasons that brought germany to walk. mm. the die chain door stay planted. i cherish soups, industry border o fca bout mit paid for that i may con, issue on a corner. lot of elements in britain and france and the united states were pro fascist sympathetic to hitler and mussolini american business was in bed with the nazis throughout most of the thirty's and into the early forty's. mm. the standard oil company sent crude oil to the germans on a monthly basis and collaborated with. i g far been the conglomerate that produced as like lawn b gas used against people sent in to the gas chambers of me about half of their market vehicles, but produced by football which was owned by the american company general motors before 1944 supplied the german army with motor cars and crude rubber, with in july 1938 for his support of nazi germany. the american manufacturer, henry ford, received a cert racks highest possible award for a foreigner. the order of the german eagle close after 9 says idle dies, you've all fought each if you're a hitler. each bit draft the henri fought, i'd smiled. they in spirit showed on him la $19.00 fee on fancy showed. fought is i know the via toys these, these guys that i can call camper d n as the r p. what as a stark finance. he also said it was on, on the, on them from the bank of america dork nomine leash on the mountain bush. didn't warm golf, fox all when george bush of west president i it is this money from you. you and it was on the i need that on hutton, that's all pong o. d. u was of it on you on a tree. castro valley the 20th century. so a confrontation between 2 opposing systems, capitalism and socialism. the example of the soviet union live proclaimed equality of all nations. and all classes of society posed a threat to capitalism. united states and great britain or equally suspicious of the soviet union, was communism saying, you know, it's a direct threat to the democratic trapped las systems on the west. and so they were as uneasy their what server you're known as they were with germany. 1938. the austrian angel's the petition of czechoslovakia by germany, poland and hungary, the beginning of world war 2. having realize the danger in march 1939, the soviet union proposed an anti fascist alliance to western countries. this has been trying to rally the west, make a stand with them against fascism. they opposed munich. they oppose allowing hitler in to check with some of our. yeah. but nobody would do that. so wasn't just in 1939. when the soviet proposed and elias britain and france against hitler, it had been actually throughout the late last half of the 900 thirty's, that the soviets were pushing for that. had that happened, we could have stopped hitler, we could have prevented the holocaust. we could prevent the world war 2 because hitler was weak and he was weak and he was bluffing. and assuming that the west was not going to stand up to him at the west was hoping and many elements in the west. we're hoping that he was just going to go east and so in the thirty's. the soviets are the ones who are most strongly opposed to the nazis. ah ah, the only we, i'm so glad they shipped it. get what is the best time to do on the i get them this is on the vocal. believe it was of it had to listen to sort of like obligated with what i say school car wasn't report backwards, but thank same you nothing. the medicaid report card order, the status of a conditional transcript, but it, which it is said to jeff, i mean the minimum is gone, can be comma, listen, go and be a communist, somebody and the community that the comma a lovely knob is all like it's supposed to be set up, the keys affected door only out of the july, the media with us. that's clear but but then with the routing, the spoofing it right. nobody for you to call you to is looking at them during the summer because of my seat. not but it was with you. we're gonna let chris will. it was, it was the case was there, don't you beg us with that they should receive a notice to pick up and that were still a when of of 11. i think it was a l. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such order is a conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to trust or rather than fear a on various job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect his own existence with who the moscow negotiations between the u. s. i saw you carry on france had stalled because at the same time london hosted secret anglo german negotiations in exchange for the british empire, integrity, the british green let a german march to the east. despite the absence of a formal agreement, it was given to understand that he was free to actively. i shouldn't worry about the west with when we speak of new territory and europe today. we must principally think of russia, that colossal empire in the east is right. the dissolution of hitler, my income for hitler makes clear in mind comes in $925.00, that the real goal is to take over ukraine has going to the east against the soviet union that was always hit. there's real call and the europeans understood that in some ways. mm. poland. 2 was preparing to invade the ussr with handler, a dismemberment of russia lies of the fault of the polish policy in the east. the main goal is to weaken and defeat russia. from a report by the polish army, general staff intelligence branch. but angela had other plans that didn't involve poland. i don't know, as roth was in an annoyed diet room. the bed graphics are now offering on damita, wanting to present and odessa does what the law the there's for just one journalist young angle god is curator at the museum of polish history. and also his name is michelle. just say photography on to what ops at stuff ya. a sport on dish. loud their voice. a jet squeaking uminski representative terms. humans a chest a go to a month ago. paul, actually been from model phase, wasn't it photography ups? it's 5. you don't know if it doesn't have to have our the ski. i mean she, he storage now bit of about of the vision with all that and you have to pay me thought not how shavani he thought he bought back effective snell. ah. but there were other fact to about which the west prefers to keep silent. the molotov ribbon dropped, pat was only signed after all leading european powers that made deals with hitler. 933 germany, france, u. k. and italy signed the full power packed 1934. poland and germany signed a non aggression declaration. 1935 in to you. okay. and germany sign unable agreement. 1938. the okay. france and italy. agree to the petition of czechoslovakia between germany, poland, and hungary. 1939 black via under stony assigned non aggression facts with germany. as vox log us in an golf, from deutsch front door to want brandy's of it on your knees, pushed him to mos numb echo from heter some type point. don via does. i'm for far less ish tv isn't oh, the magnet folks gave me. well, i guess he wagner in england's state on the arkansas me enough health is what well known american author, dean henderson thinks of past events. poland and hungary invaded czechoslovakia before hitler invaded poland because poland and hungary work and already with the nazis and france in england, basically through czechoslovakia, under the bus. and they don't really want us to remember that part you see, but they just abandon them and. and again, if hadn't been for stolen coming on the eastern front, they would abandon a lot more people in eastern europe as well. mm hm. however, on september the 19th 2019, the european parliament adopted a resolution stating that it was germany in the u. s. i saw that paved the way for world war 2. volunteers will miss you on this mark. think it doesn't. intestinal can cannot awesome bicycle on doll house poor in the guns stock thought will be, is most the time i buy a scent, extreme, and that's in my list to shift with that. not everyone in the you'll agree is with the official line of new vanya starting, the dog she to lead r e 0 vanya and jet skis. go come when use and what i did skip go. sociology is more zamiah's schemer. now jesus, yes, thought so good enough, bud. wishkey storage not to go to school is fear to senior e. me up of you know, bridge to go do not to go to pool. who joe? the for the her, these off here till noon. island out for was a ha. the slight vacant starts or stay in. is us? no, as mine, are they finance? think all his tools for the complex out owns in united europe seems keen to erase from history of very unflattering fact. which is that officially law was declared on the soviet union by nancy, germany, along with italy, vichy, france, the governments of slovakia, hungary, romania, bulgaria, and finland from unofficially. the war against the ussr involved no legions, danish and swiss. as part of the viking on nordland as as divisions the dutch netherland s. s. belgium. as as volunteers, the flanders legion, the spanish blue division. the albanian scandal. bye as ask, as well as notoriously vicious ass offices from lithuania, estonia and ukraine. with a full list, all of europe led by nancy germany, took part in the slaughter of soviet nationalist, 1st and foremost slavic people. when hitler volta badge boston, once a ceased pulling kick off the dam on ebay to noy elf. tie in contact with the 2nd front. so loaded in the west was formed mid 11 months before victory day when it became clear that the red army could manage on its own. mm ah . throughout most of the war, the americans of the british were confronting 10 german divisions between us. while the soviets were confronting more than 200 german divisions by themselves. with honda. so the addition died 2 point license, the dodge and dog mobile homes of cruise. the distant debt, so additionally given traffic death, i lose read me. the one that i gave ist dusty died under vest front in the bed threatened in minnesota, then creek gang england on america. that certainly i am bandon july, 3rd and de dodge, now with a creaking. rutland, dave forbidden, and grandson daughter lou via our phone politician. good. the scope is i'm for art for more i listen, positioning is from the gone. mr. praken ended march 1945 britain and the u. s. enter into secret negotiations with germany to negotiate the surrender of german forces in northern italy. dissolve it on the smithy. common natalie i'm, i'm darkish that day to name and this will dow bob kelly and the vest mister trellis dammit. no for ended as cuz you're a priest, owen, can me with his of italian, i, leader in me, does of it or not along our lead. over i'm because i didn't friend in his letter to president roosevelt, an openly accuse as the allies of negotiating a separate piece with jelly. already on his deathbed, roosevelt writes back saying, you have been misinformed, starting responds with laura foreman, so humble and honest people. judging position is more aggressive from he approaches the us with his plans for operation unthinkable and alliance of anglo saxons, and nazi's and the massive bombing of soviet cities. that refund no nisa, but stand no longer needs to emergency our churches. i turned in all style her date and her 9 priest plan is largely shy, and andrew party salvage on your, your plant and among voided, are by putting that to 1000 feronda. these eat, the sudden the dodging via must dash to cut out there is ian did then come then i and they will actually blame you say that one nearly noon. i get up every morning and prays of star and is alive and wealth. only stolen can save the world. winston churchill, ah, once the world was saved with churchill changed his mind. any attempt by the soviets to compete against the anglo saxons had to be crushed forever. the usaa has to be eliminated immediately. general george s. patton, commander of the u. s. 3rd. army demands that the troops do not stop at the elm, but move on toward stalingrad with on june 29th. 1945 stone. and who already knows about the operation orders, marshall shook off to move troops to combat positions in the west. mm. it is now clear to the allies that a surprise attack is no longer possible then charger. the conclusion, he died in creek scuff hammond and started our mobility tut dean died annoyed to buffalo chapter genie r dondo my story in north iceland. yeah. but some of our vans conte starting in for october east and i see so i found an investment theodora on georgia . you had not been anything for me or damaging the info on these as w. b like and dish. divest mr. that's enough. we're no longer interested in a union with the russians, so we don't have to abide by the agreements with them. we need to make the ult records non existent, mary truman, her. that the is need the red army in the far east, where the one and a half 1000000 strong quinton army is waiting. the us and britain had a hard time retaking several islands from japan and would welcome some help with a japanese read at the most with the idea that the soviet might come into the pacific war. truly understood, this solid assures that the russians are coming in on schedule. true rights in his diary test dollar will be in the jap war by august, 15th finney japs when that occurs. ah, the invincible cleansing army was able to hold out for just 20 days. ah, the red armies outstanding manchurian operation ended in complete victory. but even those of new military reasons for it to russia, nocka, saki were bombed, who the bomb was not actually dropped on japan. it was dropped on the soviet union as a warning of what it's going to have to soviets. if they interfered with america as post war plants, ah, ah, if you think you can solve global problems by essentially using one particular method and way of thinking, you deluding yourself so by moving towards a multi colo order. where you actually embrace at diversity of thinking, where you embrace leadership from different regions of the world who are better able to understand and analyze the challenges that they are facing. you know, you actually give yourself a better chance of solving global problems. ah, ah ah, ah ah, the rule we have pledged to guarantee security. if you create a tax these vessels we will be to blame. american accuses kiev of posing a threat to the black sea grain car door as moscow. again, slum ukraine for using un broker to safe passage way to launch military attacks. opposition leaders did 910 years recently elected president for his embrace of genetically modified crops, the spice themselves enforcing the controversial plan in the past with china warns all.


Transcripts For RT News 20221101

denounced can use recently elected president prose, embracing of genetically modified crops despite endorsing the plan in the past with, well, it's the 1st day of november with winter fast approaching for many, so energy scoops up the spot for top story right now. it's great to happy with us. japan that now has decided to retain its 30 percent stake in a major russian oil and gas project, cold cycling, one. japan's economic and trade minister said the operation is extremely important for his countries. energy security. however, the move does fly in the face of an earlier commitment by g 7 states to do what to ban russian energy. here's our team to rachel marston with her thoughts and opinions on this. up until now, japan is pretty much just fall in line with the russ the west and to russian sanctions. and as part of the western lead g 7. ok was expected to participate in the russian oil price cap. that washington is ginning up in an attempt to limit russian oil revenues. now, because an oil buyers cartels and only really work if in the country sign on. well, this could be a problem. so washington figured out that the very least they could call the shots for all of its g 7 allies. now, earlier this year, the group even pledged to phase out russian oil imports. it's not like 7 countries are going to be able to control the global market for oil or for anything else, but it's maybe enough to get some decent virtue signaling going and maybe keep gra, ukrainian present virus zalinski off their backs for a few minutes. but now tokyo has ruined that whole spectacle of unity by announcing that it would stick with russia. sahalina one well and gas project, which american multinational exxon mobil pulled out of earlier this year. japan is government and oil executives are explaining that the country needs russian energy to survive. unlike europe or the u. s. japan depends on overseas for almost all of its energy needs. so it's not possible to cut off ties with russia because of the sanctions. in reality, we cannot survive unless we continue to import from russia even if the volumes are smaller. so this is the 1st time that a major us ally has decided that the interests of its own economy and citizens are more important than complying with washington's demands. in its effort to contain russia, it's no wonder since japan's inflation rate for electricity as at 21.5 percent. and that 19.4 percent or gas. so i guess japanese leaders are just going to pretend that something like short showers or turtlenecks can fix problems like this, unlike or pm leaders. so speaking of which the big question now is, what is the us going to do about it? punish japan or just let it slide. and this is a really interesting litmus tests for all western allies. we're really feeling the pressure to sell out their own interests, just to keep up appearances with respect to unity and ukraine. the european union in particular, must be watching this and thinking what you mean. we could have just said no and drawing a red line, sanctioning our own russian gas supply. because well, that's pretty much exactly what japan was just done. and so far, crickets in washington, ah, the russian defense ministry has just reported that the command and control center for ukraine's minute trade have been significantly disruptive as a result of strikes on monday of the attack. so talk to control hubs, communication and energy infrastructure. in addition, the management of ukraine's armed forces on that rail away logistics support have all been disrupted. this coming from the russian defense minister the russian president vladimir putin has clarified that the country is not quitting the black sea grain deal, but only suspending its participation at the move came about because of security concerns following our recent ukrainian drone attack on that of the russian navy so that it will rule the pose a threat both to our ships, which must ensure the safety of the grain exports and to civilian vessels that are engaged in this. we have pledged to guarantee security. if you create attacks, these vessels, we will be to blame. everyone is now talking about what russia is doing without thinking about what has led to this, the creation of a threat to this humanitarian chord or so russia suspended the great deal after a major drone attack on its black sea fleet with chaplain, involved in securing safe passage for the agricultural cargo. moscow blamed ukraine and added that the safety of shipping along the corridor could not be guaranteed until kiev commit stood not using it for military purposes. while another aspect of the, the russian liter statement late monday night was that only 5 percent of the grain exports from ukraine have gone to the most in the nations. my colleague, you name was discussing the issue with a human and labor rights lawyer done kovachick right here in the moscow studio. look the disinformation the censorship around this conflict in ukraine and around russian general the disinformation and censorship in the west. and particularly in the u. s, which i can speak to because i am from the united states, is unprecedented. i've never seen this level of disinformation ever regarding any conflict. and that's saying a lot because we've been lied to a lot about many things about weapons of mass destruction in iraq, about the gulf, the fall again, and be a dom. that for the drift. but this is the worst i've ever seen it. they do not want to humanize russia or even the russian people they want to de, humanize them to justify continuing to send billions and billions of dollars of argument to ukraine, global food, the crisis being able to solve that very much top of the agenda for many countries, russia had suspended its participation in the black sea green export. what's your thoughts on that? first of all. well, obviously, i'm saddened by it's, you know, people are going to be hurt by that. a lot of the world, particularly the middle east in africa, depend on grain from this region for their survival. at the same time it, it does appear that there were attacks against the russian fleet in the black sea by ukrainian forces. and apparently the u. k. was somehow involved as well, and obviously, you know, when that happens it's no longer a humanitarian court or right. it's now a military court or so it's very regrettable. but i would say that it's, that it is understandable. the russian president has cold sabotage or the nor stream pipeline system, a quote, terrorist attack that's off the country's top gas producer, was finally allowed to investigate the site of the explosions. however, a full months after the attack took place to live in the field. when you get the problem has been allowed to examine the explosion site on the north stream pipeline system. there were 2 craters, 3 and 5 meters. deep pipe 40 meters long was ripped out of place. been to the 90 degree angle and hurled 40 meter to the side in the direction of the north stream to pipeline, which was also damaged by the explosion and fragments of that pipe. this was clearly a terrorist attack. it is difficult for us to maintain control over this part of the system because it's within the territory of the special economic zone of denmark, sweden, in germany, explosions on the north stream pipelines occurred on september the 26th and was quickly declared and active, sabotaged by both the western russia and international probe was launched, but moscow was essentially blocked from it. russia claims the u. k. had involvement in the attack and accusation london has dismissed his union undone kovachick again on this, suggesting that one clear reason why russia was banned from the investigation. first, i don't think they wanted russia to see any proof of who damage the pipeline because i think that would implicate the united states in the u. k. but also, you know, because they wanted to destroy, they didn't, they didn't want russia to access to, to be able to fix it. they want the north stream to destroyed. and because they don't want countries like germany, they have have the option of using it in the future. i think we know that us and british intelligence are very much involved in helping the ukraine military serve. certainly with targeting. we know the ca, for example, is been in the ukraine even before the special operations training various forces there to kill russians. and by the way, that's in the, the i was quoting people who were actually trained by the ca, they were, you know, that's what they were trained in. you know, and as i understand the situation on the ground, i mean, you know, essentially the ukrainian military was more or less destroyed in the early weeks of the special operation. and you know what, what ukraine military's now fighting with is almost all from native, you know, so this really is now a conflict between russia, nato, even though, you know, obviously no one wants to say that explicitly, but i think that's what's happening so that you can join us for our program. so with a you ends at climate change conference due to start next week. some african nations, a sounding the alarm over lack of financial support from rich nations to help to tackle climate challenges. a bonds environment minister complained that developed countries had fail to deliver on their promises. over and over again. developed nations have committed and not delivered. they've committed to reduce emissions and they're not delivering sufficiently, they've committed to funding and that funding doesn't ever seem to materialize. we didn't create the problem and so you would expect a more sincere engagement from developed nations and you would expect them to respect their word in their engagements. meanwhile, the decision of the new british prime minister not to attend the meeting in egypt is being seen as something of a snub particularly off of the countries in foreign minister said it was a quote, just a gathering which doesn't have the quote, the same level of heads of state and of prime ministers attending or cairo says 90 heads of state and governments have confirmed their attendance will less learn more now. crossing life to discuss the matter with mo, dba mo, dba investigative journalists, and co founder of the insight factor. joining us here, life on all t international, a very well welcome to you. so thank you for coming on the program today. what do you think is the main reason why western countries at the end of the day pay so little attention to the problems all that really affect these developing countries that that seems to be mr. madiba, a sense of unbalance? no, thank you very much. show me on the program once again. look, i think there's a, there's this definition and balance in how the world views of under develop nation funding. and the general perception that they have towards and it was one african countries of the and then created this problem that we now we know, but i mean the t instigators, we have contributed to this to this class that is facing the war. now a, some are not seen at the forefront. they want to take a back seat. they want to like to be shown on the under developed nations the one semester. that's our problem with the crew to the problem. you know, and i think it goes back to when we saw the corporate 19 pandemic, you know how the exits are big seems where we're, we're, we're, we're, we're, we're keen issue. you know, i mean african countries a shot in to get things while the world reflection today. since i think this is an imbalance when it comes to, to, to, to, to door, to the way, develop nations view and the develop mission. when you talk about the issue of an imbalance, for example, i let, let 0 in on africa right now. the many call the bread basket of the world. it's got more potential than most continents that we know often. and frankly, it could be developed to an amazing degree to, to support much of the rest of the world. we know that russia and china are involved in the african continent. we know china is developing projects where they develop infrastructure, whether it's roads or housing schools. we know this is going on in parts of the continent. what do you think it's going to take full western professional partners to increase that focus on the african continent. whereas, for example, the likes of china and russia are already there in a sense. i think the way the waste is perceived as being a somehow to keep it and the developed, you know, because i think it developed africa, it's going to cause many problems with the risk and the waste on one day african contributed to the uplift meant to the quality of most of the powerful nation that simple everything we contributed to the economies of our countries like france, like with, you know, at the expense of our own african. so i think the west would lead to see epic and the developed a leg china and russia. mean, if you look at the growing presence of russia and china on the african continent, it's one or rather would it's one of help each other. art is one of funding projects that benefit up with bodies. you don't letting to waste only fund budget that they're going to benefit from that concussion it. and then we make african leaders say, 19 year 9 to 9 year uses for them to own those resources. for example, you know, so i think is going to cause major problems for the with, because the, the growing influence of russia and china is beginning to our weaken the african people to say we can work together as equals. so i really feel that the, that the whiskey would really want to see and the develop subs in order to keep it the way it is, know that they can benefit from that. that's actually happening to big diplomatic missions. he'll go into the african continent over the past few months. mr. madiba, you had are the russian a foreign minister. so gay laughed off. he was doing a big tour of africa, meeting a greeting. many people, the american secretary of state antony blank and had actually warned various african heads of states not to have your picture taken with so gay laughter off. it's not a good idea to do a photo opportunity there. it does seem because after love rav did his little tour of africa, then security blinking quickly after him, he also went for a tour of africa. is there potentially a draw to africa? that is making some of the biggest boys on a global block, perhaps bumped shoulders as they're trying to help africa and perhaps even take advantage of the continent. no, i think, i think the way of the way russia and china handles the diplomatic relationships with african countries as course are major panic for the rest. you know, i think the waste is never seen a partner, you know, and i mean, china and russia, i now beginning to see if can be this one to come. yes, i'm going to come in on, let's work together. you know, because i think a develop nation, a, developed africa is also going to play very right to the for, for, for russia. and for china, for example. you know, so i think i look, i think that the comments made by an american leaders for example. it's also how they don't view a leaders as being an independent or is want to think for african heated thought is one to do things for african people. and i'll give you a recent example just using what happened out the u. s. issues to our tech. i live in the edge area and in south africa, you know, but the soon as it's his neighbor on one occasion issue a lot of the next you as school shooting, for example, it just shows that they so keen and what happens in africa taking consideration to what happens the own back yard with a body of i'm running very for a long time here. so i'm going to squeeze out one last question. appreciate you. joining us here is so good to have you on this program. and i wanted to ask you, um, you know, that russia, for example, right now with a whole grain corridor issue of the ukrainian a black seaports that russia is going to be supplying millions of grain for free to various african countries. no price attached. what so ever, i wanted to ask you if, if there is this kind of rush to africa right now, and i'm sorry, we've only got about 25 seconds. if a give me please. but what does africa have to offer to the world? look, i think it has good resources, you know, i think we're the richest cleanser in the world that comes to me know sources you know. so i think that's why the waste is what is wanted to take a resource. it just, you know, and i mean if it does the where the exactly what that does the words that has been much less grateful. it would have made us sign some lighting deals that is going to benefit the day because i'm here and if you this winter, if can people without them having a key interest in that, then if it's more in depth, multi by monday about investigative journalist under co founder of the insight factor. joining us live here in austin international. great to see you. thanks for your time today. thank you very much. thank you. well, political tensions are on the rise and kenya, opposition leaders have been denouncing. recently elected president william rudo for his embrace of genetically modified crops amid fears of mass, hunger, lifting the band on g m. o crops, which had stood in place for 10 years, was one of the 1st moved by the new administration. it's opening the door for the cultivation and import of, well, scientifically engineered seeds, including the country's staple corn. now according to the un, it's happening is kenya is experiencing the worst drought in 40 years, putting millions of lives at risk. and while food insecurity seems to be president route home main concern, his opponents see a larger scheme at play. they've accused the ruling government of profiting from the approval, then becoming dependent on imports. but i should point out quickly here in the program, it was back in 2011. the opposition had a very different opinion calling those opposed to g m foods quote, to conservative. the americans cannot be so negligent as to allow the american people to consume gym or food if it is harmful. let us not be too conservative because science is moving on. conservatism is not going to help this country. alarm statements are calculated to instill fear. in this scheme, the worst, the pain, the bigger the gain for the shy locks in government. and we spoke about earlier, whether emmanuel coordinator or an organ organization is driving to end hunger in kenya, who says that genetically modified crops will not be welcomed by many of the citizens of the country. i don't think you'd have a student problem in this century that we need to use gm us. i think that, you know, there's gym or use of hives and what we talk about under benefits most basically we negatively impacts on gm last, that is really no, i didn't see introducing gym on so many options in making sure that you looks like you have something in the sense that we all are used to people will be clear that there is no market for your most in this country. and where lice pushing with your loss will definitely away without feature. so i don't, the lifting, the bottom means that you're not going to give us you know, really dynamic and the big blue thing on the side. so we kind of consume, will actually make the final decision. so glad you can join us for this program. a rather familiar scene once more in israel, the 5th time and just for years, dozens of parties are competing in elections for that of the national parliament. a recent poll suggests the right wing party of the former prime minister benjamin netanyahu is a head, possibly even restoring him to the premier ship. now the liberal party of the current prime minister, dia lafayette, is expected to come in 2nd. now in the background to hold out though a local human rights watch dog has raised concerns over palestinians in contested territories, not being allowed to stand as candidates in the elections or even cost votes. whereas israelis living in those areas can. it comes as the un envoy for the palestinian territories recently slammed israel for quote, settler colonialism. now these ready government for its part has previously said that such remarks had the goal of defaming and isolating israel by betraying it as a racist entity. but also a police of cold on settlers who have a gun licenses to bring their arms to the polls. that's according to local media reports. earlier, the israeli army deploy 200 extra troops to the west bank to guard against possible attacks and announced a military shutdown of a number of palestinian cities and towns on tuesday. a palestinian officials claim israel is depriving the palestinian people of exercising their rights. doesn't have is really learned to say about am. the campaigning for israel's elections has led to more killing, more israeli settlements and blockades against our people. we know these elections will not bring about a partnership for peace. the world must force israel to allow our palestinian people to exercise their right to vote during these elections, including in the city of jerusalem. is there any state in if you like in the 1st place, it's an apartheid ecolog nearest the state. so the violence is part of this colonial project anyway, all the time since the establishment of that was it was based on violence. and today the violence is even more with the atrocities by these are in the army on the one hand. and the settlers, who are protected by this army, who are also by erecting international law and by letting the human rights for the policy and by all these attacks and atrocities against the palestinians in all of their life aspects. these are in the, thanks to them. they provide us every day with the new evidence of these violations . but if the international community are going to stop that, i think today it's, it's really very hard to say so or to even expect that because they are not going to take any action against israel unless they take action. and nothing will happen on the one hand, most of the european who do know that there's a lot of a ratings, international law and viability, even the european laws and the human rights closed. but at the same time they is saying, or they think that their relationship of their interest with america is more important than the, the rights of the unions which quite clear that which is a kind of but you know, hypocrisy and doubly stones. and that's talk twitter. the newly minted owner of twitter, illinois must cause change the bio in his account to twitter complaint hotline operator scenes. perhaps he's not joking a masks efforts to reform the online platform. i've seen him take matters into his own hands. a twitter employees who haven't been sacked by mosque of had their moderation tools. restricted ilan has also created a new ty, ukraine, state affiliated media to sit alongside the existing russia. and china ones is also unblocked number of accountants previously suspended. like the republican candidate for our zone as governor, whose account was blocked one week before elections, but it's now been restored off the must cut, promised he would look into it. meanwhile, some prominent us democrats have expressed outrage of mosques poachers of twitter. a former senior official under obama says a 1000000000 as should be held personally responsible if he allows hate speech on the platform. this point i think it's going to be the responsibility of each and every one of us to do what we can to hold the law mosque accountable. he will back off when there is pressure. and so folks who care about the truth, who care about protecting vulnerable communities, who ultimately are the ones who are going to be most hurt by his irresponsible behavior in allowing these voices that have to be elevated on this huge platform. we have to keep pushing back and in my hope is that that is going to make a difference in the long run. it comes as mosque announced the creation of a content moderation council to revise twitter policies on bands for expressing certain opinions is also disbanding. the board of directors and cutting staff among those fired was the executive who ban donald trump. on top of all about the twitter, we'll also now actually stop fact checking president biden's statement, so they're going to be rather busy the host of a conservative daily. it's a pod cast. jo altman believes mosque taking up a twitter is not just good for america. it's actually good for the whole world. i think what the democrats are starting to realize is that by must taking over twitter even if they were to have a mass exodus. it still is a powerful platform where people are too curious to be dragged back to the platform to figure out what is or is not true. and by him doing the things that he did, you know, he, he fact checked hillary clinton, the fact checked. joe biden, he fact checked the new york times all in one day and which made the talking heads on the radical left. maybe he meant he makes their heads explode because what he's, what he's really saying is if you're going to say something, make sure it's true. otherwise we're not going to make sure that people actually can hear it. if they do hear, we're going to make sure that they know because we do believe in free speech, that what you're saying is a lie, you know, talks about how he wants to restore humanity and the 1st place of restoration to get to a place of restoration inside of society is to make sure you can have honest dialogue and by him doing this, the one thing that i see coming out of this is that we're going to get back to honest dialogue. we're going to have conversations rather feeling like we're oppressed. so i think it's going to get good for the us. it'll be good for people around the world are. let's wrap up with our here on our, to international with the story from pakistan. because pakistan apparently is where a peaceful revolution is coming to just a belief of the country's former prime minister in ron con. he, along with thousands of his supporters was embark on a week long march all the way to the capital demanding snack elections. oh, the peaceful revolution is coming in. pakistan and the whole nation is agreed to. we don't accept this imported government. we don't accept these slaves of americans here. this nation is united for one cause that is real freedom. it was a big day, a part of our prime to study mom on the 4th day process long bod store. does momma bought this? this is a desktop remote before amazon. com, their best tens of thousands of his support as in this city. our day before, there was an election on bi election on monopoly by the red seats. and enron received 20, yvonne houser boards and borne by seed. because his opposition, 11th parties, candidate, and that seat received only try to puzzle works. so it was a big night so yesterday and today is summer by the head board. i had dismissed our word by the election commission. harvey has already disqualified pharma. i'm to study milan con. so the course today said that when i'm kind is not disqualified. and he can run 5, the best next jungle alexis saw him run con, now is moving towards the capitalist mom. i bought a lecture in the country and he is wanting, he's up foreigners, that he's bringing that they'd be the see off humans towards his law. and he claims that before he reaches islam, our bod is open and will be defeated and they will not be in position to rule this country. i'm either lock on our do duty gazelle. i'll up august fun alex i tens of thousands. all demonstrate is, are joining in for that march old way to the capital with him around con, at that home. thanks for joining us for an international you'll use returns the top of the hour. ah, a with mm. welcome to wells apart. the political map of the world as it exists today is in large part the result of the anti colonial struggle.


Transcripts For RT News 20221101

the past, with china warns of a potential arms race pushed forward by washington as the u. s. reportedly plans to deploy 6 east north capable b, 52 bombers to australia with life from moscow to the world. this is our t. my name's unit natal. welcome to the news hour. we will get to those headline stories in just a moment. but something coming in to us. the russian defense ministry has just reported that the command and control centers for it. ukraine's military on keith's logistical capabilities have been significantly disrupted as a result of strikes on at monday, they go on to say the attack was carried out on the assets of control systems, communications and energy in ukraine. we were reporting extensively on that yesterday. in addition, the management of the armed forces on their railway logistical support, also at disrupted in that barrage of strikes. again, that coming from the russian defense ministry this tuesday about yesterday st on ukrainian mystical strategic targets. the russian president vladimir putin has clarified that the country is not quitting the black sea grain deal, but only suspending its participation. the move came about because of security concerns following a recent ukrainian drone attack on the russian navy to the rule. they pose the thread, both to our shifts, which must ensure the safety of the grain exports and to civilian vessels that are engaged in this, we have pledge to guarantee security. if you create a tax, these vessels we will be to blame. everyone is now talking about what russia is doing without thinking about what has led to this, the creation of a threat to this humanitarian court or shift them the ship. russia also focus on the issue during a un security council meeting, accusing ukraine of triggering the halt with saturday's drone and talk and russian naval assets in crimea. moscow further noted that the safety of shipping along the corridor cannot be guaranteed. so key of commits not to use it for military purposes. ortiz kill him up and takes us through the main points of the heated discussion of the nation. the meeting took place and we heard from un official describing the great deal, the fact that it now so then did the impact that'll have on the global economy, on the price of grain globally cetera. then from there we did hear from the russian representative ambassador and then the took to the floor in the security council chamber, and just laid out the facts about why reactions of ukraine using the corridor for military purposes. the recent attack have forced russia hands, and the deal is now suspended. this was not russia using this is a response to acton from ukraine. they were carried out with the support of the wes . this is what he said. kim's attack on the black sea fleet puts an end to the humanitarian dimension of the stem, but agreements, the black sea grain initiative should not be carried out without russia's presence . we are surprised that the un did not condemn kim's attack on the ships of the black sea fleet. now there were some voices if the security council chamber who did speak in support of what russia said, referring to this attack as essentially an active mirrors are preventing food from being distributed, violating agreement. now we heard from the state and their usual ally to ignored what russia backs russia presented and simply proceeded to demonize russia as they usually do in meetings of this type claiming that everything russia somehow a conspiracy theory. every shred of evidence that russia has presented is somehow all fabrication not going into any detail and that we not acknowledging the fact that russia brings before the council. that's the typical actions and words of the usa and their allies. before the council. however, there was a moment of optimism that we did see which was we heard un officials announcing they will be conducting an investigation of the attack on the blacks. the fleet. mister president, it would indeed be a grave abuse of the black sea grain initiative. if it were used in any way for military operational advantage, united nations has a solemn privilege of assisting the parties to implement this new unique arrangement and acting as a secretary it. the u. n. is ready to investigate along with member states party to the initiative. any and all evidence, if requested quite a day at the un headquarters in manhattan. let's remember this very building that house the, the un security council also hosts the world food program and all kinds of n g o that has the views that are responsible for dealing with the situation regarding world hunger. so today in that very building, we had the un security council of 15 member body that leads the united nation. we convene to discuss the aftermath of an attack on a humanitarian corridor and candidate for enabling food to be bored and gram. now another aspect of the russian leaders speech on monday, let me put in said that only 5 percent of the green exports from ukraine. i've gone to those nations most in need. earlier i discussed the issue is a pressing one with human labor rights. laura dunn colic who believes the with the store. it's the facts to continue the ukrainian complet. look the disinformation the censorship around this conflict in ukraine and around russia in general. the disinformation and censorship in the west, and particularly in the u. s. which i can speak to because i am from the united states, is unprecedented. i have never seen this level of disinformation ever regarding any conflict. and that saying a lot, because we've been lied to a lot about many things about weapons of mass destruction in iraq about the gulf. it's all again and vietnam, et cetera, et cetera. but this is the worst i've ever seen it. they do not want to humanize russia or even the russian people they want to de, humanize them to justify continuing to send billions and billions of dollars of argument to ukraine, global food, the crisis being able to solve that very much top of the agenda for many countries, russia had suspended its participation in the black sea green export. what's your thoughts on that? first of all. well, obviously, i'm saddened by it's, you know, people are going to be hurt by that. a lot of the world is particularly the middle east in africa depend on grain from this region for their survival at the same time . and it does appear that there were attacks against the russian fleet in the black sea by ukrainian forces. and apparently the u. k. was somehow involved as well, and obviously, you know, when that happens it's no longer humanitarian corridor. right. it's now a military coord or so it's, it's very regrettable. but i would say that it's that, it, it is understandable. well, the russian president has called the sabotage of the nord stream pipeline system, a quote, terrorist attack that's after the country's top gas producer was finally lied to investigate the site of the explosions a full month after that damage will still be pushed to use that in this completely new miscast problem has been allowed to examine the explosion site on the north stream pipeline systems. there were 2 craters, 3 and 5 meters. deep pipe 40 meters long was ripped out of place, bent at a 90 degree angle, and hurled 40 meters to the side in the direction of the nor trained to pipeline which was also damaged by the explosion and fragments of that pipe. bruce, this was clearly a terrorist attack. it is difficult for us to maintain control over this part of the system because it's within the territory of the special economic zone of denmark, sweden, in germany, extra to actually explosions on the north stream pipelines occurred on september 26th and were quickly declared as sabotaged by both the western russia on international probe was launched, but moscow was denied participation. russia claims up the u. k. had son involvement in the attack and accusation london us dismissed. i also spoke with don colic on this, who thinks there's one clear reason why russia wasn't involved earlier. first, i don't think they wanted russia the to see any proof of who damage the pipeline. because i think that would implicate the united states in the u. k. but also, you know, because they wanted to destroy, they didn't, they didn't want russia to access to, to be able to fix it. they want the north stream to destroyed. and because they don't want countries like germany, they have have the option of using it in the future. i think we know that us and british intelligence are very much involved in helping the ukraine military serve. certainly with targeting. we know the ca, for example, is been in the ukraine even before the special operations training various forces there to kill russians. and by the way, that's in the, the i was quoting people who actually trained by the ca, they were, you know, that's what they were trained in, you know, and as i understand the situation on the ground, i mean, you know, essentially the ukrainian military. busy was more or less destroyed in the early weeks of the special operation. and you know what, what ukraine military is now fighting with is almost all from nato. you know, so this really is now a conflict between russian nato. even though, you know, obviously no one wants to say that explicitly, but i think that's the turning attention on the program to africa where political tensions are on the rise in kenya, opposition leaders helping, denouncing recently elected president william, rooted for his embrace of genetically modified crops and fears of mouse hunger, lifting the band on g m crops, which had stood in place for 10 years was one of the 1st moves by the new administration. it opens the door for the cultivation and imports of the scientifically engineered seeds, including the country. staple corn, according to the un, it's happening of kenya is experiencing the worst strike conditions in 40 years. putting millions of risk of famine for wild food insecurity. things to be present in prieto's main concern. his opponents see a larger scheme at play. they've accused the ruling government of profiting from the approval, becoming and dependent on imports. but just to point it back in 2011, the opposition has a very different opinion calling those opposed to g m foods to conservative. the americans cannot be so negligent as to allow the american people to consume gym of food. if it is harmful. let us not be too conservative because science is moving on . conservatism is not going to help this country. alarm the statements are calculated to instill fear. in this scheme, the worst, the pain, the bigger the gain for the shy locks in government. and. busy manual, a tom bay coordinator of an organization striving to end hunger. and can you see that genetically modified crops will be welcomed by the citizens of the country? i don't think you have a problem in this century that we need to your jim was, i think that, you know, there's more of a hyped and you know what they talk about under benefits. last basically we negative partial g most. that is really no, i didn't see an introducing gym on so many times, making sure that i'm not only particular but food solving in the sense that we used to be clear that there is no market for most in this country. and where lice pushing, who was at the i don't think lifting the bottom means that, you know, last year was really, you know, i really and the reason i think the think and the side, so we kind of consume, i will actually make the final decision a familiar scene once more in israel for the 5th time and just for years, dozens of parties are competing and elections for the national parliament. recent poll suggests the right wing party, a former prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is a head possibly, then restoring him to the premiership. the liberal party of the current prime minister, your love, it is expected to come in 2nd, in the background to all about though a local human rights watch. dog has raised concerns over palestinians in contested territories at not being allowed to stand the candidates in the elections or even cast votes. whereas is really living in those areas. can. the organization also alleges down to israel has reduced, published on to a states of apartheid. it comes with the you and envoy for the palestinian territories recently slammed israel for quote, settler colonialism. these really government for its part has previously said such statements, the goal of defaming and isolating israel by betraying it as a racist entity. also the police have called upon settlers to carry guns to the port was coming from some local media reports or the israeli army deploy $200.00 additional troops to the west bank to guard against possible attacks on the 9th, a military shutdown of a number of palestinian cities and tons on election day tuesday doesn't have is i e learn to say about i am the campaigning for israel's elections has led to more killing more israeli settlements and blockades against our people. we know these elections will not bring about a partnership for peace, and the world must force israel to allow our palestinian people to exercise their right to vote during these elections, including in the city of jerusalem. what is there in the state in, if you like in the 1st place, it's an apartheid ecolog nearest estate. so the violence is part of this colonial project anyway, all the time since the establishment was that was right. it was based on violence. and today, the violence is even more with the atrocities by these are in the army on the one hand. and the settlers who are protected by this army who are also very rigging the international law and violating the human rights for the parisians. by all these attacks and atrocities against the palestinians in all of their life aspects. these are ily, thanks to them. they provide us every day with the new evidence of these violations . but if the international community are going to stop that, i think today it's, it's really very hard to say so or to even expect that because they are not going to take any action against israel unless they take action. and i think will happen on the one hand, most of the european who do know that there are very ratings, international law and validity, even the european laws and the human rights close. but at the same time, they say, or they think that the relationship of their interest with america is more important than the, the rights of the seniors which quite clear that which is a kind of what you know, hypocrisy and doubly strengthened. china is winning of a potential arms race pushed forward by washington. after the emerged out the u. s . is planning to deploy up to 6 nuclear capable. b, 52 bombers and northern australia. the relevant to us behaviors have increased regional tensions seriously undermined regional peace instability and may trigger and arms race in the region of investigation bias really. as a b c, television network discover the washington is seeking to how is the bombers of the $10.00 based south of darwin, the regional capital of the northern territory. a b c also said the project will cost upwards of $100000000.00 with all the work to to be completed within 4 years. are t reached out to washington for comment on the plan deployment of the b $52.00 bombers . the pentagon responded saying that the rotational presence of us are craft industry is a part of the 2 nations cooperation. the statement went on to highlight the united states court investment and commitment to australia as well as trillion academic and activists. tim anderson, se citizens in the country are concerned that a military conflict could break out between the u. s. and china. it's really a terrible development, which is scaring a lot of people who stride it, no matter what they political persuasion, because they know that china, which is non threatening to australia and which is the straightest largest trading partner, has been for some time. it's an impossible task to step into a conflict with a how that speak and for no real reason. and unfortunately, it's being done simply because of the dependence of successive governments in australia, on the, their role to player, supporting role to the us at which the u. s, as in launched itself onto this aggression against china because of extreme jealousy. it seems so unfortunately, ad dependent politics is really creating a huge dilemma. meanwhile, in a separate military development, japan said it's considering increasing the range of its new high speed may fall to beyond a 1000 kilometers. that's significant because it would put coastal areas of china and north korea within range or from military sources within the country. claim that the improvements to the projectile, which is still under development, are happening to facilitate better defenses of japan's remote islands. where politics and china a firs specialist, joseph gregory mahoney, save japan's ally the u. s. has long been brandishing its weapons in the asia pacific region. this has been something that we've seen sequenced again. and again, starting really with the, with the obama administration, with the, with the so called to, i think there's already an arms race. there's an arm, there's a race to rearm japan, to upgrade weapons in south korea, to sell advanced weapons to taiwan again to sell nuclear submarines to australia and station the bombers there. we know the u. s. as a new bomber class entering service. we know the major powers are working on hypersonic missiles i, japan has made the decision to take more responsibility for its national fence. on the one hand, many of the region will find this provocative. on the other hand, it's a historic opening for japan to start to make itself less reliant on the u. s. was for security, and this is a necessary did on a given the lack of trust that many have in their alliances with us. if you depend too much on the us, then you risk abandonment, or simply declines, leaving you vulnerable. not a story to bring you today. some prominent us democrats have expressed outrage over the world's richest man a long mask, a self described free speech. absolute is purchasing twitter. a former senior official under the obama administration said must, should be held responsible if he allows, quote, hate speech on the top 4 point. i think it's going to be the responsibility of each and every one of us to do what we can to whole de la musk accountable. he will back off when there is pressure. and so folks who care about the truth, who care about protecting vulnerable communities, who ultimately are the ones who are going to be most hurt by his irresponsible behavior and allowing these voices that have to be elevated on this huge platform. we have to keep pushing back and my hope is that that is going to make a difference in the long run. it comes as must cause once the creation of a content, moderation time. so to revise twitter policies on bombs for expressing certain opinions, while simultaneously desponding, the board of directors and cutting stuff among that was fired by the new ceo was the executive who bought a former us president donald trump. twitter no fuck checks, president biden's statements exposing his gas and a number of miss truths in the process. well, we heard from the host of the conservative daily podcast. you open his easy, almost 44000000000 dollar purchase of twitter is good. not only for the u. s, but also the world. i think what the democrats are starting to realize is that by must taking over twitter even if they were to have a mass exodus. it still is a powerful platform when people are too curious to be dragged back to the platform to figure out what is or is not true. and by him doing the things that he did, you know, he, he fact check hillary clinton, the fact checked. joe biden, he fact checked the new york times all in one day and which made the talking heads on the radical left. maybe he meant he makes their heads explode because what he's, what he's really saying is if you're going to say something, make sure it's true. otherwise we're not going to make sure that people actually can hear it. if they do hear, we're going to make sure that they know because we do believe in free speech, that what you're saying is a lie, you know, even talks about how he wants to restore humanity and the 1st place of restoration to get to a place of restoration inside of society is to make sure you can have honest dialogue and by him doing this, the one thing that i see coming out of this is that we're going to get back to honest dialogue. and we're going to have conversations rather feeling like we're oppressed, so i think it's gonna be good for the us. that would be good for people around the world. the us say russia is responsible for must protest the recently erupt in moldova, with thousands of demonstrators demanding the pro western president resigned over field economic policies of the same time. of course, washington has staunchly supported protests and other countries, challenging governments that doesn't like our teeth. donal quarter takes us through all the dozens of protesters detained in moldova over the weekend. turns out they have some pro russian views, and washington's ringing. the alarm bells that it's all a kremlin ploy. russian influence operations attempt to exploit weaknesses in target countries in order to destabilize them from within. the united states continues to support mold of on efforts to combat corruption and counter russian influence. us didn't give us any proof that the protesters were somehow agents of moscow. here's what we do have proof of though washington supports agitators challenging governments. it doesn't like all over the world. take the protests and ran. the state department openly says it's working in support of their goals. we're working together to hold the iranian regime accountable for its vicious crackdown on brave young women who continue to come into the streets to demand their rights. back in 1979 though the us didn't think iran's absolute monarchy was all that vicious political prisoners were tortured in mass under the pro western shaw. but apparently that was no big deal. even now in haiti, the tone of u. s. officials is a lot different to dealing with protesters when the state there are opposing represents the interests of the red, white, and blue. the united states strongly condemned the acts of violence, looting, and destruction that have recently occurred in haiti. and those who instigated these events for their own ends. patients throughout the country and across the social spectrum need to create the conditions that will allow a democratically elected government to take office as soon as possible. a full 180 degree turn from 2004. when the u. s. was widely believed to have been on the other side of the barricade, supporting violent regime change in that very same country. by the way, if we go back to mall, dover, we see the same jekyll and hyde style foreign policy. the us says, these current protests are controlled by moscow, but when they were in pro russia, it was a different story. we encourage government authorities to continue to show restraint . citizens of democracy have the right to assemble and express their views in a peaceful manner. we encourage all moldova, and citizens to work together and resolve their differences amicably. even joe biden came out in support of those protests back then. america will walk with you on this journey you've undertaken for a simple reason, a successful. moldova will benefit this region. it will benefit europe, and it will benefit the united states of america. america is definitely proven. it's ready to walk the journey of resistance with foreign agitators right up until the goals of the revolution start to diverge with u. s. foreign policy objectives. will turn attention back to africa because nigeria is national security advisor and said that terror attack alarms annoyed by the u. s. or quote, irresponsible on citizen should not be living in fear. the statement came after an emergency meeting with security chiefs on the president. it is false, it is irresponsible for anybody to give that signal nigerian should go back to their normal daily undertakings without being put in a situation of fear. just to tell you what this is about, the u. s. embassy nigeria had warned a potential terrorist attacks on the capital, a boucher, which by the way, did not happen. the west african country has been combating extremists with much foreign assistance despite washington at describing nigeria as a close partner regional security musters, amid the escalating concerns about terrorism. in nigeria, the us state department has ordered it's non emergency personnel to leave the country africa. the focus, current refers outlets, her a news set on monday that scores of islamic state fighters were killed by nigerian military forces as they tried to free their imprison leaders. the government troops sound reportedly being prepared for the militants on bush with one of the tara groups commanders captured during the mally for the local extremist, known as islam, except west africa province has been fighting with the night. you are in army in the northeastern part of the country. we heard from barrister and commentators, ultima stuff who sees however, the threat from the group is not as strong as washington cleans it. is they came out to say that is it, but you didn't have that thing to do to talking to our any but that because they don't have the same do this in the military has so much and he do them to be at a minimum, they cannot afford any taking a whole town, they only have the same throughout the life cycle. so they don't have that thing 40 years to say the cotton was saying the thing that was what i totally disagree because they don't have that then to say they got back when i did i mention or to make only called the flux. i did, it was in p d. and that's how the news a shipping up for now. do you join rory the other top for all of developments on this november the 1st to buy uh ah ah, ah ah ah, ah, a ah, a lisa hunter, russian state little narrative type is on the most lamb scheme with will ban in the european union. the kremlin community up machine, the state on russia today and ortiz spoke mckibben, our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with


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